Grand Traverse Herald, January 11, 1910

Dublin Core


Grand Traverse Herald, January 11, 1910


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




TiuvcmE crrv, oranr traverse


Northpert Ataoctautfi Mat Wedna*
day in All-day Bcction-O. M. Oama
Wat Eiaetod Praaident.





•r town haU. boldlni; an all da> *
•ralne. Offlorr* for the yi-ar were
i-ctel aa lullowa;
rreaident—C. M. name.
Vice preaMc-cit—C. A. Setoon.
Seemar}—TYie Rev. A. Ilentoll.
Trearurei—Rolmrt lluddA lioard of dirt>i«oni waa aUo ele.-i
ed C. A. Itoomberper. Antoine Hart
lelt-and Mr. Smitb being memlirra
of lliM board.
Monthly ihi-ellnipi will be bi-ld at Lett to About S3.SOO With SIjnO In­
Mr. Oiinter W*t ■ W.ll Known Ron
>lor«Mtto . Condycter
and Rw
wblrti time apmiki-n. will b" aetwd surance—Contract fer New Flume
^Vgnd power House Let La«
who will give tnli-reatini: and Inamic.
•Mm H>r Widow LoavM T«ro
IBlka upon tbo- dovelopiai-nl eLitUt ChUdroru
tbe agricultural ^tonuta.
Orand R*pM«. Mich, Jan. ifr—HeIh-llalre. Mich.. Jan. lO.-Tli.- IIrMtwo E. Dunbar of TravarM CItr,
ing pTanl of tIk- vUIog- ..f Ik-llalr-'
Pen Harquetio' eonductor, wat Inwar dlt-ctivr red l» la- <>n On- at about
l;3(» till* mnrning and l.iim-d io (he
:reun.l. Th. I<— 1* nt-i..t
ll.'ioo Inninime.
• aupiwd from hit ea8up< rinU-ndi-nt rhariea J. tbiui-.
booM, faiitd to tM a aevlhbeund
had gone Into tfi.' r«-ar room to ell
frMght train, and jMmpod dlrtelly In
np. and on hr* n-tum to the oftli-e
. front of H.
AT Immd n blare iii the rclllne iiear il>"
Ha wtf ground to Riocoo, on* Itg
Iiinin part. He atlemt(ied to ful n m-i
boing out off and Uto other badly manand WBf. helped |luany by tin- dr>v.T
glad. Ono arm waa-greund off and hli
a locating H-am who euine along.
- thought the Arc- waa alaiih nul,
I MR TrovoiW
I on going into lh<- rear room fbiind
OlOMOd ot the wllroad Y. M. .C. A.
(l al the liliize had itin along unit'r
' boro Mot nlgM.'
oof ami tlial the plain was I*- .
>«iid Imip.

Tbe i^wa tbat Horw» mntiar hail
The vIllHite plmil was nlimi i-'cirbt
booB killed In Qraod Rapid* waa nv.-ar» old, aied after the fir*t }.-i«i hn.l
oMrod osrty tUi aRoniooD and cauiigiven all-nlghl «enit-«-. The plain ma
ed.Mdbandnaa a* )tr.«nobar wa*
:nl^ Jn*t a aille fn>m Main titn-.-i
Said He Waged No War,on Cannon
«ne Of tbo mot* popular of the looel
and was run bj- water |■lWc'r, The i-incor Aldrich. But Hla Fi'pht Waa
. railroad nea. Ho waa IT ycara old
trt for a new powi-i- house ainl
Agalnat Aidriehiam an#l-Canand to addltion.U> W* wife, letroa two
line.'to to' of «->mnri", was V-l la*i
nonlam Mawani Spaka.
yooBB eblldron.
rnmBu-r but wa* rot eoaiplc-led l.y
no ddsib la doubly aad aa Hn.
iaokron. MIoli.TTan. R.—fC* hun­ the rontrenof* Icefon- -a imer *e! in.
Itonbar to rary lU. oo III tbat It I*
dred demoriato tbi* alleniooii aireiid- This cuniicn in- rvnupiited liefon- Ib'jfoarod tbo abock of the aceldem
ed the luncheon of Ibe'Jarkaun county aptiiig.
amid hill her. ao abobaa not been InJaekauD aocleiy. Lawton T. Ueman-, Just What will lie done alcout Uglds
Ito'—id ot bar loaa. Mr. Dunbar <ra a
Maton, Senator Uurr and Kt-Maj-or
brother of W. D. Uloodiood ot tbU
Dunne ot Chicago, were the chief
•nne« the village llihlInK mains
Ho waa preparing to oome to thle
tiore Mid. "I mage no -wmr.agalORt •Hfi the plant of iG" Hvilraulle IJglil
dty OB a oortbliooiid eitra whM tfie
f'annou or Aldrlrh, Ixa agalmt Can- A I*ower coiiiiuiny, mhi<-h Mipplb*
DOBtaiB add Aldrlcblan. JtMwuwIt Charleiolx from llellaln-, or the ae*
I witbOBL tbrir dMiaruna hnuglil iu plate la the new
|iowcr house may p-iliai*. In plai-H
dorelnailon but 11 neemi that Taft a
ni«r some mill aird mn l>.v »<-aiii
rendered at tbe Aral aummooi."
III »prlng.
He eicorlaied tbe urlE .ileaai






recCBtly adoiAed.
H«Ban-| topic. -Mlchijeui.’' m
rbeerrd. Ito de|>lored the low |m>IIi1cal moral* of Mk-hlinn and derlanal
that in the beat eli-nnuita. Ihn natlunrvpublb-an and demorraUe imr-


RIoehtoM. hailroadt are Unable
To Hove Fuel—OoaWra Have

Thinka That Root el Evil Would Be
Bared and a Speedy Correction
Made Peaelble.

Wii-hliiKinii. Jan. in.-Taft Hvl.t-.
Eahauatod Supply.
told Si-Iialar Klkiii* that he la\ors IiiCUoMD. Jaa. 1—Tbo coal tamiue TwopoaKloa for an li>v<-*liKariciu »rt
bfoane aorioo* today on MKHint ol le corn ol living.
tbo Btrllw. atonu and a freigbt blackTaft think* an liive*likatiuii wdl
ala. tbo rillroBda are uoabM to bring ?l at :he r<v>l of lb", evil und iiiak'oaaL
.fpi-edr cpm-etlon ixualhle.
’ DealcFi
hnre oahauatod llielr
auppty and rirb abd pour are a)iff«>riiih
The polMe are abeltorinc iBBBy.
• noaaaada haro bean tbiown out
It at a reaoli ol tbo tac. tortoa doalnsCOYERNOR WARNER SAYS »



Chkaio. tea. S—Th/>t.-an.-r AriMan with M paaaaniera. bl<-« brr
boOar » nlMa nortb joday and fUab
cd a wlrakaa that age'a lot bound.
The pBritan. Mil and DablU
alao loe bouBd. Tug* a ■ trying «'


. era* abot dead by tmx> yeggioeD thia
Mnnitos Hr dbuorared 'ton naca prer*ri~g to blew tbe. pontolSce aale and

$1A« A YEAK.


Laat Tract of Forest in the Vicinity
of Notthpert Is Being Cleared Away
" to Make Room fer an Orchard.


U.lnncu pen.iusula. which SO vc-ar-j
»go wa* a for<-« of beautiful hard­
wood trees, wtthiii a few year* -sill
• forest <rf Inilt treea. Tlie last
( of} llml"cr In ihe vMnlty of
ihinmi la being cm and drawn to
in^ and In the epring Uic land
llV cl'Crint wit and pr> par>-d lor
planilag of an orchard. >' M.
Unighi-v purelia-i-d the tract of ilujwhli-h mmpd«-s III acres, the
land f<*rmerly Imvliig l»-eti owned toDavid Agnna.
Rumored That He V
Mailer NulsMi. Will GUI. Will N.-l
■e Ballinger
in and Omar Uarlletl hav-e be<-n wHouse Took Cei
e.ired to elear tins toud and i.repait- of Spaaker Cannen<a Handa.
for fruit relnlug.



Woshlngp.n. Jau h —OIRbrd Plnrii, III.- disBiirsed <4il"{. foreidFr. said
luday -| hav.i inMIilng lo say—yel."
I- K.-ni.v <-iiipki}vs wre ahum Ing
ne?n-t at hi* dlsnitsrel last night.
Tart alw fli'.-d a**b-uuit FbrreMer
1‘rlrc and Ijiw Agent Shsw. PInrhot'*'
jlU.-s. IhiK-hot has r**c«'l»vd
ihoaaandK ,,f lidi-gram* of sympaiA}'.
It IS niniored Ibai I'lni-hot will etiHAVE DIED ALREADY.
r th" hivcstlgailon of llalllnger's
Internir -b-iwrimoiii ndinlnis-iraUun
lliiitnlovliig i-vidiiu-c iiaektng up his
Iter In t*i-iiainr Dolllver whirl) wds
le Inuiiediau- <au*v of his dismlwial..
-r^us.- he said Tofi was nilMak-n
his rnuihisioB* Togardliis the GlaWARDEN
» cluirgi'S.
Mct'.-ilm ut llie ngririiltnral deparli-m tak*-* tin* ftiwii serv ie" gt'hdlng
c That the Famers I
|< arrival of acUng t'hh-f Foiv-ster
until 'Serna Art
IVitter of CalifurnlA
nta Can Be Mad
The InMirEvnia pre,lirt an ^ulllroali
Berne Laat Year.
vlrior> as a n*sult of Ibelr* paasliig
KeiMi’wntative hJorris' resolution
;From Monda,^'* lli-eetdi
b.wiiig the house to ei>pi>lnt the 1
I eommimircitinn to The Kven- Huger Invetutgatlon conitulliee
lug K'H-urd. J. K. Ullk* of Runimil -H ad CAhhe"rt>amonarlfB
rjty. ittate* that Ihe-re- is miieh di* blllei'ly disapiulnli-d.
anumg the riuall ul pn-*<-iii. say­
ing that till mile fellows along tin
Vniilstio nver. *«ulh and east ul
SiuiiniU rny. wer-,- dvingjiy the buuilii, ns till- dc—1« Knew li«» i*>v--rf.l
IrtiKcd supply. In M'-'xforel lonuly.
i-speeinlly In Kr. -iivvood town,-.liip.
Mr. Milk* SB>* tm- e-uuclltlems a;-.itiy bad and many Inrcl-* nh- sl.-irvlnc.
Still-- ivmily G:in." Warden Sn.l"i
A.i* ki,-n ihl' iiie.niliig conts-rn'rig
lu.etirr apel uhllei li<- illd net Iss




Away Friday

Frotp the Cf-

feel* of an Operation—Waa Bit­
ter of Chris. Ro*a of thi. City.

Mary Ann CWton. wife of David T,
Couim. died ai their home la Grawn
Imiii the ef
feciKjOt on o|K*rallon. She bad l"V-n
Nek Kinvt- siumui-r. and kept grvwlue
Sfeadlly 'wer*.- nnlll kfmida>. when
OiK.raiu.ii wa.sdi-rid*4
, 49 yi-an- aid and -Ikw-Uos her hu*
l-and. h-ai.-s l*Mir ehlldten a falU-T.
Hi* lerirk Kusk. and wvrral brelher*
KUlers. Clirls R«>k of thi* cHy
Infliig a hmtli.T. The fnneral s.-rvh-c''
41 1 .IO isiiiiitay at the Blair
-h. th. H'u Ur. UiJUr otfleUt-




Intcrvtata Commerce .OarpM
It • Featuro—Tewneend l>
diKtd Reiireid BRL ,

fliod i^a« wbcii hi* apadal ■••■
stg.- rvcwuneuSl^^jnt^f^aie eommi-n-e law amendmrSto jaud enppleuieiiiary hcialaiton to Ibe Sberman
anti-trust law wa* latroduced in ono>
foremret rccninineadatiaasar*:
fWrhMdlDg tbe rallroade aceMtI^
rotiipotlnc Use*.
Forbidding tbe laatmitee of eapiUI
Mock wltbupt tbe poymeM of pw
security, pbpeieal F(a»eriT.
VoluBlaiy 1

Coat So Much Mere le 'Feed the A
my tM There 1* a Deficiency of
a Mlillen and a Half

fremi-d and Tail r
Monday. Townaend cander*
H-d with Tafl.over tbe bill ttSAy ud
declared tbe tneoanre to be eg>
^eahihglon, }), f., Jan. T.—Th.. i
cr«*a»ed coal of! living rewulle larp-ly cellenL
from 111. maiiipulallon of imlcrw whli-h
is mad*- iKiesIble by lb*' vaal rjold stor­
age Un»im«s of ibe country, aenwdliig lo R<g>res"iiiallv<> J. Hainptoo
Moore «f phlladrlpliia
Mr. Moor
iDli-nduer-d In the Iiiuim- a iT«oIillluii
vailing for an liivesligatioa of the
cold strwnge metnoda. It Uie Inquiry
is uiuli'ttokeii. Ohlrego^ as the great•■SI ennter of eold eliwage

/' —


-• worid. will be tookod

.Mooii-'s N.**olulloa provides; .
"The mvn-tary of the d'-'perlmvDi
nr agTinoIlure U hi-mby a.itbnrlaed
and diretaed to report to the a* aouii -la to- omlel n.ljusi semi-r*-|ir**si-ntAtiv<-« wbelht-r. in his Jutig RESOLUTION
i - ry iirge-ut 1m-lice-s* h.- bad in Imn,'.
m*-nt. the puMli- lu-alUi U'alTi-rt**!
(ic- woiiW viKi! ijiiet dlhirin, make an
h> Hid storage- In waridinuM* of mrata tii>,ce< iluli ail-! pee whsl renihl )hsh. p*>ullTy. gnin". butii-r. «ieRs, oyxlie.... .
T.-rs. or other f«Ht products; wheihi-r Plrtehel i* Preparing a BUtemeiM Re­
• Igisl Vjr.~ sjc.t Mr Simth. "T-'i'
garding Hie OlamUMi lA HfMMi .
ri.rm.-r- m i.hai in-lgli'Mei Iii.kI show-sl
dim# to storagi- lends to render them
He Will Attempt to Juetify 111"} w.-re- ngllt l.\ f--.-elillg Ihe- McCormick Charged WUh Killing Mir unfit (iH- fncMf, and whether It hi adHit Aetlene.
and Harrington Held on Charge
lin:.- Mlfiw's. .\1 one- plne-e, a rov.-y
viaabli- to limit till- Him. »urh |Wo>f
leciicle- -he-lr he-ndqtiarlers In n team
duns I'lay remain it> K'nrace.~
An. 10.—Sonotor NetWashington.
Hied i:- owi.e-r fe-cl I Item all winte-r. I
atm. rbalmian of tbe public lattda oW»
W-II lii'k'lti.s ma-.|e-r, Imi hi He• nagrirulluri'.
y|..ilHiill. Mieh. Jtm k—
niittr*-. thi* afternoon reported to (be
li'i-nliliilie. ilii-'.tarine-rs should f-ed a-.
I.rnnrk. Harr,- Harrington, and far>> ««rese Makea Teu*t Poaalble.
eFiieic hla tvreelDUOB for the BaBlogt-ivUnly kiiiiws that the- quail fei-dc nmiiig-. Ibe all.-gi-d vi-ggs who klU*-d j 'The- food treat." said Mr. Moon-, cr-rinchoi limnlry.
OSBORN DIONT SEE IT IN HtS large-!} icu Iiim-i1* and weed w«jds liaggaai-rmin Mlm-r and IwHI; wound-S-nerally. is abb- to k.-ep
Tbe aeoatc ttMUtlnOMl^ adopted
tie rt«olDtltw wbleb.BOw ffoe* bark
- la.-nie-i's W-J Uiid fiic-iiJ.

It-nly by r.eisoii Of Its aliillly to »lo
t the house for eniiKir obgntee.
ill Is- -leiiig ih.'iii--i-1ve-s e this afiernnnn
Washington, jan. TC.-Plnehot ie u
gi»id ttir.iiUiy fen*illig the- hints."
.«ly wh.
ome preparing a MataMM nvaidControversy I* Over-Chargea Made
I ItlllHeis, the e«i..UHi.ii' iKKi.m- rions. Kinm-u is Testing eesiiy lo 1->■ U>'-m “f* "to
llrie*-« prov*-satisfacUiry. I do li
gg his dl.mlaaal aod Ibe eonteamletBy Oabcrn That Monofmery Should
leael that t!c". giivc-nior eali.-d ecu •Iietroli Hint tiuty nsxner.
.-4 t>ro**n-uthro ot tbe BeDlBfer taveaCither Give Up Judgahip or Race
laiiii.--S and sis.rt-m.-i. lej fr,-l ^ Mct ormiek ws.s chnrgwl with kill* wlri. -o Ito imderviood
for Qubamatorlal Nommgl^.
Icirds to sHV" ifiem ln»m e xii-nn: ing Mim-r, and llsrruigton with a araliisl the wan-house men My charge tlgatloi)..
niurdeious'assault on Euiineti. Both i< n.K. sgaiiiM theoi n.ii it i* liy
He will JuaUly faU arUen la caUing
piiblle atK-oUon to the CmiDia^iam
Laiudug, Mielc.. Jan. to.-Judge
lands raoe on the baati tbat 5aman.r
Montgnmriy i.mIb> i-smsl ...................
p suiting evainp-rati-d s*ale of lu*"d all the official aTenuee of rem
regarding Ohasc-, 0*»n>ni - cUnrgv- tn.i
.-dy making a public a^eal ite only
be should n-slgn ihe circuit Judge-ship
1.1 ;U" senate Kikiii- of West
abauduu hi* cimlldae-v [„r lli.- ge*>
and Crawp-nl ot South liakola.
i-iirodtieei! Hjailu'ions providing f<ir
Montgomer}' liublishc . ih.. i<
U" miwiii lillAeir iil.d fh-t-eirii
r r»f living. Senator Klkhihigh >
iiv-nil»-r III whirl! fy-tnini di>e»n 1 CITV CA.« ejOSPASV
„ ..-.I,..,,,.
mention tlu’ impn<ptl.-ty of Montgeiiu- Wa* 7't Years Old and Had a Long
j .. ., .a.,,,..,b,. „v..C.-r t.v a
eiy's candldai-y and penlni-iiliy askIllness—Pope Is Omressed by
cn.l’Tsv of five w-bator*. whll.why O*i<orn Widdniily new rnise-|. a
Satolit'a Death.
-------;lur frew'orrt «1U uion th-s* c rvtarj
(-uiisliiutlunal <>l>Je i lievn.
Also Makcnq »n Esucbit at the Orand i.f .-oinm.-ivo and lal*>r f*,r flgur»-s !>at..:!!
Ueem. .
Raped* Fuemdur* Snow—Turn
; sN'w hiK tic-- inrT.-as*-s ill wli*cc-*a!c fill Inaift That NtHher Ht Ner £ae>n, III ih-- live cjrrtinul lil-l-eip-. anil
Out Many Chacra.
- siirl retail prev-s dnrltig th- las. irada Ba Candldptoa—Tbeught
.'e>rtii- I
di le-sale 'o thel I ii'.t
----leva- arid the miusev fur Milh ciwnPtacc Will Smmu*.
e-el Stai.-s, tied II. me Vatican l%iTl- Ti.iicvsi- *'i.- t ;.4.i Einiipau.' E,.
Pninung H- wa, :t y.-ar* oM and liad
Managua. Jan 7.—Preeldent Ma/*
tail c-'i li-.!..a;i Oepartment Feela Effect
Pioneer Resident
of Near Summit
4 Jeuig i!!.—.
cZ aiinountvvl today 'bat be I* wUL
,|{.ni«cc —.•k*-rs,'is -lialrs. d:**ns,j
departm.-nt antKWitiN-dCil> Died Lett Evening—Waa
The- I* !H M dl.-'ci-'"d by the- d-ut! .... . -u
4. Ik- g.-a; ' m.-ag*. |
•g ", r-slga a* eoon aa arrangomenu
Veteran of Civil War*
Twiiv- viuie- Sdiell: vlsil.-d Auu-i n i
,r a gen. ra^ elerthw are complete.
-,. uljnglh. ,uipe-.
- *>; iss, Uu. ku* r. b-”ton.'o-°'
This win ^ bi acoBpleted propoeal
s-nt y«
Siunmil I'll}. Mii-h. Jaii * - l•..l>^•l
"'" '•Ith. armv Coring
V <e n-rtl Dial. reoreeenUag Itotrashe IS elting .; 1.
aeisTi c
>1 -ir- eilil. .leurt a In.I touliily bfcaii-s *,r to" enhae.
K. .h-n lllaz arritem k to Ibouffbt
m«- a mile- aid a hail ironi ‘h.-Til- eonip-ui.v i« ulso nisklDg 4 dl ,
will bring peace.
*t ,e-v.-nliq| O' :...h- ati.-i uii llliie-.
_ anny * plight was st/ forth n
Gt-.-ad Ua|.
Mudriz will iDvtot tbat aeltber be
of hut two we-e k». He- WO* a ve-li-rah
BiipEtl to eoitgr-^ to prtn id- more
thi* *'On-j
or kalrada be candMUea.
A the- <*lvll war aud a piune-cr. re*l: Been All Cravtiled luv S-.s found gr-at I ir wlh It,,. I f'‘’-‘!>‘to feed aad-'lolb*-and malmaln
*l.h-v hlK widow-, 'll*- L-av.-* a
* Been Be^n on
P"’”’®'' **» arrbmj«nlunilture irudr and ili- !-unaii) baa ^
"F 'be eomniisliiiil! ni> 4 »*-r> large 1. r!*». .how-1"''’ ’V " *'**
i-ar • Th-1'•"•wing Ini-r.------ I.-IK a gi'-Bi luvreas" It
fai-l*>r> .‘la-Jiulli up a *•->• lari-- l.a-i^
Rnge-ii" Forum ai-el Ills* '.Mmih
lire|n,-r w«v iiiiil-.l in niirrl.igi- .«.it n-a-ard risld le-ar Ik<- R< iuii.- S*-:..*,! n-,-. sbi.wlug a great iiM*r.-as- this!
ac-ivltV has resulted In
I'lrulng oat ]
The fs-tnry I
onlf.i illerotwa I'j .•ustiis Giorg. W house has Iss-t. aJI eoiu|‘l"led Work
-lay i,nd;« inblug re. ruit* to Uu- propoted Xa
riirtls Ho:h yoang proph- are r<-*|. lhas tuvB !e«un uo tliv Ransom roa 1 apprEiiirngl.i} 1'..*** »
and tin* will b<- con.p>i.-d in a »hoit
Will be largvT) in.r*- -d dor,ng| tianal Aett-Trust p-*gw. wbkeb eidenis of thle city,
P* cts to compel reduHloiiB In the
Rome. Jan. g.—Two Mnbquakaa
ilm.'. The &st i.a} road is o*>w Ohelib*- c->uilng
Grellii^'^sl^'ii that if condi­ pniv* of staples, when *cb(.y rise above occurred at Caatma aad CtoUlnB today.
Mis* .’oaepbioc. Swewi> b fl for lu- qeanrr gravelU-.l Th.- plan of fcai'l dew a«d tbe tnfllanapoli*. Ind. louay. when- she-wilt tog ili-s gtavel on slelgb* aad dom|s tion* are fpvo.-wblv the lomiog *ea*oii. certain levc-to. through rim employ- Heavy damage
are tomSed. ,<t to dWBikl
•bit w.’b h-'T eliscr, Mra. F. C. Ihck- Ing It rei the show baa pnn’ed very The |dam will largely Improved and
con or each auplee.
Igvriwaed In rapariiy.
neveral Uvea Kwe leac
■t'ff**e1tve and ekOBOouaeWL






Sooauaa of Strlka,S«orma and Freight



n an lnt«rvlew at Toledo Ht Oeelared That HI* Drey Hair wa» Due
to Michigan
cMgan Pe
Tnh-*., n.. Jan. T.-' I oin lu>i mat
ig a ranvua* tur a teal In flie l‘»>i
cd stale* MUiale. Indi-cd. I nra liukliic
BO rllarl wbatevi-r to have ffiy
ftreocnled helore the Mn-blgu b-Ki>taturr neit ynar.wlKU a aui^anr
^nalor Burrow* U nuine«l.~ ^
Fred U. \Vani<-r. gov.-rnor ef MUigan. made thi* dwUreiion oa a Mi.
Igan IVntnil traUi. Tin- giiv- tymr. «l
a* on hi* way to T*hllad"l|fciin.
-ai.Hl la a |M-|vale aumibnded I
deit jallpii of tVolveilne iMlHiilan
tire-, w'areer. though only 'fi year*
rnge. I* qMlie gray. •''It'* in-cinaluh-.'
r Mid. rr-mming hi* bat and nnll
ing. "Wolveime lulltli-* did It. Thr«*lerra* in the «am-utlve riair In
igan wHl.iuaVe >-ou elihrt, gn
bald. We've a Blrenuiiu* lot- of poUU
eimn* up there.
, ‘■Bualacaa la Detroit and! UiitHigii
mt the omte f« good and g.^ung b>-i
ter all tbe time."








Aua. TunoAV. aamuaitv ti. t
'l..ii>tid) emWMdpMMcr DM*, or
A»4 Ul*f. }o*
iHukl* to, odto*! toe p^k
row i*rOf4tor Iwr^W. mna


»M>HK toe U*U of Itfr. “d '» •o'"
«iy the liurto a. srU liprtitcf Ud 0-



Rcaelution Was Pasate


ttenn* O^Vto-, ____

4 OMfTMf of tun* I. )lt«.



lame to he called toe

Tkla to a atoBHcMt inutoaeUeu.

tareati of toe dallr HeraM and dailr
Tltoaa la toe reeult od earcAil delfber-aUoB and naeb <x*iMei«UoD oa to«
part d both

nevspaper pdbUaben.

Tbo pabllcaUoo 'af Wro anenteon papen to a ctV of too «l»* «f Po« Hu­
ron of toe qwllty d the daUr Herald
fend toe dallr Ttmea baa reaulted !e
Cflto «»BI>at!t!ea and toU ciiy
eoaotj did not offer




eooaib tor tvo flrk-clao after
Port Hnioa bM a

hM coofreoted
■■oller and

Minabs wett- the fonndaliou*



Thto airlrtly fanry market to no:
. line wHh toe poller adopted hr auny ao dlfAcQll of aluaniDcut after all aa
otter «Mes or that site and tarter the art of paeklnp to the fmat.-r pa-t

Fabera. Who Bold the .Traeta. Didn't
Happen to Own Them and Paaey
County Reaidant^s Out.

all orrr the auto and eoantrT- Where d the meaua. True, ipaid fruU to
It Js uld a “BuckiT" ia Uim ev<-.
there wrrt rennerlr three dallr >
oaaarj. hut Grand Traverae haa that mUialo. aaya the Cadillac News. Oi
papen la Flint, then U now only
tliosi- born reciDlly Is Jabu-s Sa
abundanee Fine mit well PBCSed
«M; to Pontine vbare there were win coamanil such a premium
dera. of I’nscy nmnty. Bidiaiia. He
tonnerlp two. iher^ la o«lr oni
«no fral{ careleKitly packed that tbA lioUBht ol Ana and Myrtle Kb!"'
Jn^hnn vbera therh were toor. there CTOwer win reeelvu hl«b wasea for Uiew-taer, Tevaa. aeciioiis |. 1 n. and
b «oe toernlDt and oee ereninc pa- Ibe lime expended.
«, Wexford Uiwwshlp, this rwuiity f<ir
par; to Ann Aihor. etero toore
dollar and uibcr c<H<sld<|rut
It to to to boped Oial 11
three daily
there la oov only
ment will renuU In much more fapcy
ttoe; to Bvtnaw. a tdty iff twtoe toe
ataff Kol.ta out of Grand Tmverte
'tineotR>nHui«n.toereia one oiornt
ever to-lore.
have an adnmr tot Ahd-OM afunion paper: In Sanlt
In cite and color aa well aa flu
Bte. Marla where there were three
and this should be rcoo^nUeJ haii|>'n.'i lliul tb<' Fabers never
dalb papoie there U bow bot.oo
a fool Of l;ina In Wexford I
In marhelU'K
. imtodala wt^re there ware iwi
ship and have delitoTwlely bunevn'd
_^p*ra ^ere li now but ooe. The
Sander*. That
felU«e of Moy other tdliea.

tioii is In too Ix-nt farming <t
Bince thousands ol fruit ireea at
The InonaalBt etpeaae of ton puh- ■■rouEbt to tliU n-xlnn annually, Ike luunlty in ‘the whole county, and
UtiOSto of dally newapapen and toe nnwa that {.n t-fTort will soon be proaeiit U owned by no li«* than
pabUe denaad tor iatroiaed inforou- ptade to have conerena eaact a
tfaw nod new (aotiirea. are oos
iral: Don't buy- a pleeo ol lan.1
jelative to the InKpection of all nortoo olMaeU that are hriacti« atmil aery aleck brooght Into this country until you see It. County Clerk Klynti
ee»hh..tve.. Adrertben alao have from abroad abould be lnloi<«i
STilleu the Indialtk man advising
Prof. 1, R Talu aupi-ilnlendctil of him to counacl un aitoriK-y and the
'lanaera' tn'slitulea lo tHdhlpan. lm« rlierifl of bis touuly.
I than one daily nowapaper li Just returned from iioaton. wBcri- the
mailer of dangerous inaccia being Im

•orate reluma tor the MpUol Invuated
toe energy expended.


>ne of the Lsrgeat Movable Dams in
the Country Haa Been Rut Out of
etlwAvii.-, Wash:.
.tail. 7.- Wb Judgi- It. X. lloaii. v»f Ibe Kool-ri.
vouiity .lislMci vwiurt -vl < o. ur itTMen.
.1. Ortlelyd tbe W'awliinxtou Mai*
1‘owvr (xinipaiiy, ■■ t-"ir'"-"<si eb'l»
I 1.1 cemove il). U-arlia|.
liimdgale on tho iimlii ehkliliel of ll;
Sl-okain* river ol Prow Fall*,


Feb. I. Ifll'l. be d.-er« lliut ,..i:
the larAisi nuival.le damn In An
vi I h.Kild Is- p«' Old ol conimbsuiii
u this di-eislon the

wttl rs


raiii-lii-r* ou ih- low land* In tiiiil ills
scored the flr.-I l«.lm lo a Ions
dtiiw'h out Icgai bMlI- uid open d
- way for almlUr aiiiun aknig oil:

lall.-il at iLii exiwndfuin- •>!


biiiidrt-d .boiiyand dollars M a i*i1nl
where lu'lw—-ii .ir.-rs)


flg;;l ”
l..'t a* if y.ui bad one fac
uiieii v.m h.ive neunilgiu.
y ueei! i

A. J. Hantoad. AML CmUm.

CAPITAL. «200.000
SURPLUS, S76.000

A GcBcnl BbbMbc KbsIbcss OMc
iFCi CeBiBlliWei»iT!B(l>CHB-t

will U- tuk-’ii 111 Ilmghaill whi-re the
foiieral will l.e' lielil al Ju o'.lock f**
le.wrow In ito- Hlngliaiu ehiirvh.'The


UiOvs east of Sisi

vlalM them duriug tlw aumnier.Tho
Bentcncs and Also a Warning—
conaenini of tgilnioii on toe part of
-Mbo^. tonnder of toe Tltoea, will
EcAler Bays He'A Satxtied.
tooae wbo bad tnapeexed Ibe foreign
an edllorlal mmeettn
nuraertoa was ttaat the nuracry aioifc'
d-Tom Moudsy's ll.-coiu'
. fhed W. dtarnan. who tea bean
re badly Infected.
A fine ol tM and evv-is of {!:■ <
Annua' Mealing of Ntw Era Ataoeis
ngar oC toe Tlntee focy aenw y
“A great many of the htsocla tbal conflneraenl In the county Jail uiii
(inn Held Saturday Night.
win retire, hie plane
yet havlnc
re today doing untifld damage
such flue l*t liald. the lime nol to e
The New Mu
l:.lmil iield.Ihe
1. U A. Well, toe puto
mu trees In the United States w
cevA til <lays. was the aeutenee gtvv
nnnual me. ling foi .lection of o.
broagbt to this ooumry on lroportr<l
i. Bckler. the man who was co
Saturday cv.-mti.:, Januai.
slock from forolgn nnnieriea." said Tict.d by a Jury Friday of kt-epliiK
the lollowiiig ollir«-rs l*-ing elec'i-.!
Mr. Sbennaii. Mr.
hae been i«eProf. Taft. “In t'uropc these Inamts dieorderty
nnd who apiwarvd
Frt;*.<i™t—Jd. i*. i.yon.
'ognbed aa a Amt ebae nowas
do Dot ^ as much damage aa they
f;elore Jud,.;e A. F. Nerlioger of llie
Vie.- I'l.-idelit —A. Smith
do here bocanse there they are 'ketn lte<-nrder's rtmrl this morning for wnTlirt e diiWiur.'—Frank Huir I--,'.
down by paroaltes. When the Insews
• The, limit of rename.- allow..!
I. Fl.i.-k. .'.larb- Knscll.
broagtat acron the ocean they
iH is |:.n and 6* days In tbe !)•’
WUHam a Cleland. one of the beliel.-c.tte to ,lt-irirl asj—inblj--:
come almost ftee from lUtwe parasites
Houre of Corr.Ttkui lor u |trs:
imaof toe Cberry HUI
rWoetUy antailUed to an Interview and aa a result (bey uiulUiily veiy- offense.
.Mle-nai.-11. A. C.Mt*.
daring toe pregraac of which
Before banding out to«' ik-ni.-n.v
( hla feellDge while damage than they can do In Europe.
Judge >\-rllng< r said:
“Wbil ia needed. ' added Prof. Tafl.
1 In toe barntoff mine, :
•It has lur-n a question In
s a law puulDg requlruoieniB
Off tron an <
Rilnd whether to give you n Jxil *eu-







tbllF Horald tor lo ream. Mr. U A.

oablda world and facing ali^ cer

«nee or flee you.


1 knew Vd ffb OM." he aBa|rereL
''How Aid you know Itr
“O*. I knew U. 1 knew my

Ing thu poesilihr at the rrewnt
but It Is vvry likely lltat this malU r

Mrlng yoomelf the dunpe.'

be taken up in eongivss li

tkyeant the almple lanaunim

near future.”

come into jour i*lnee. |i shtuild hav.arousev! vour.>ilSi'h-i"ns that roiue
thing war ^Iiig; y.-i yon asked no

It wns'slter : o'cl.r k

ic miirnl^. -YvHi liiuy ue^ luob-

nM who had dng <«al tor / lirliiR
fbr toaae “M ream
a aplesdid nermoo lor every <jiie of ua


know (HVIcr than to allot, t^illdreu I..
ment. There la no natloiuil Uw

•DMAad 1 knew toere wae

r*a tee* a miner for 90 yearn

As far as I van

■eert'IJU have no excuse. A man
yotlr Off and exp«Tlemv

rti'v you shou;il ii.vl

driven i..

Little Child Dead,
sualt* ot leal kind. Thai jou an- a
lu S. Ih'wcy. the tiuonihs' <>ld nnldi.-r is inken into tsmslderntlor

dBUgbbrt of Mr. and Mr*

taead, the eoadiUow whit* te was Grawn. died at the' Iiumiiieanioiiiu. The liiii-rrni
CMa*etbd to meet, toe alwoai certain­
held tomorrow morning at 10
ty of nwtol deato aheaAand ibe
te« to ^
a tooraely
declaralloe that from too church at MonrAe
t alvtae vnuracif the

;■ d«|-t It make yeu feel ratoer


day. Tle rv- i.s no .-veils.- for voii. Md>
u will C<
II gh>j«

Ihi- htiiivl win Ih- In toe Montle
Center. ceni,-ti'r>.

aball and cowardly when, you.!
The Meaneat Man In Town
the trUttng tob«r which aomeilmm
U tbe one who al»a>w ».«r* a fiowr.
yoo tevo permitted to aap yoor oourIs rross. disagreeable and abort aDii
age and weaken your reaolutlon*
tdiarp In bU answer*. In iilni cas>'
jf ten It* not the tsior fellow'
It to ahraya wboleaome and good,
. bs hl< liver and dievs'lon !hi
whte dlacooragaaient and
fallunmakcaihtm f.-el ao-mi-erabl.-. be .-ari
oome to yoa. to look about yot
help bi-ltig dIAgreualile. Are you I
■ae toe eoatage and dHermlnatloo dis danger of g.-ttlng lulo that SojidUtau
start at nn.v taking Hr. Her­
Iduyad by oflbers wtoae fate la
rick's Sugar-Coated 1*111$ Mor your Lvharder toaa yuom. Yon aeo them
er—the sate, sure and reliable
dPikiBg aloag day Iff- Aay wtth
table liver rvgnlator.
aieixful fate and a good heart tor
Ask for free aunple.
Sold by 8. E. Walt * Sons. C A.
their tnsk. and' yoo aft yonraelf.
Higbee IJrug tVx. West End Dtaig
••WbatlEtoe laatur wlto ne« Haven't

With a wamiiig that ii wnuM
U-ler w ito him if be ever came
t-j-fort- Mgi agsiD flir a stmlinr of
t|’i"hoRor handed down th'
•nee. BrWrr begau to etluslvH.
ihank tlw'c-'urt for bis kindness b
biro but be na* eni shori w.ifh to-- ad
n».nli.,m thvi be v.aa iiui lo o!Ti-nd
•T am



Et-klcr. "I have |u«n siUsfled a:
way through.'
Mr*. 8.

\V. Porter, ol

show the beneficial ef­
fects of

Scott’s Emulsion
in a very short time. Il
not only builds her up,
but enriches the mother's
milk and properly nour­
ishes the child.
Nearly all mothers who
nurse theirchildrcn should
take this splendid foodtonic, not'only to keep
up their own strength but
to properly nourish their

tbe sta'uu- ia *mk c=sv- made and
Ualid Jaiiilary Mb, A I>. 191A '
WUlgfvl -J. ilauHovaky. ,

Jan. iM»-::' F*Bai-; Bis,,;- -wc
STATE OF MlcyiCA-N, the Probaie
« oun foe the County of Grand
■ At a BcMlon ol anui court. boU at
the l.robate office, la toe (JR) of
'Tisvi-rue Ciiy. in aald couBtr. ou thili;h day of January A. D.. I5H0
Pn-seni: llou. Ft«d R. Waike:.
Judgv- of l*n>bale..
Id tlie natter of (be ««tatr of
KYan-U Hopper, deceased.
•l-vvlis Martah ilopper havlnc Bled
in fxid court her peiittou praying (hat
a M-naln inalrument In writing port
porting 10 be ihe Uw will and lertalutm of Uld deceased, now on file la
vslU Court lx- admfcti-d lo probate and
that tbe admlnlslralloD of aald estoW
be granted to l.vdls MxrUh Hopper
or to tome oiber suhabU- person.
It is ordered that the Srd day of
Febcuary. A. D ISHO. at (en o'clock
lo the InrvDOOU. Bt„sald probate offltr.
U- and Is bercbv appointod for bear-


Of Teas nnd Coffdga aad OBonod Uoodd nndcarry

graden op to tbe rety beit,

we nUo do


General Grocery easiness
aod would bo glad tn bare ynu come and nee when
you want aoytbiiu; io «nr lioe.


The Best lor tbe Mosey.
248 East Front Street

J. J.


Alfalfa Meal


1 .

Warm Shoes

.I v..iir - I.

li.-ji' VI-lit .tili'il.i In-.ll liming llie wiiil-r

i.ii,. >vl;.-u I il -ll' .-.o I yi L" ■ ' - •'!' ufi.v kiiul.
Ur.illa sh.iiiM


r-d ..n--i- a vlnv'.

|..| .1 l. *I.

ul ri""

1"" ‘

'•nu'li'-T ."I'l lay limn---lt:*

,1 ., ...........
I-' liMi'- .........i

I'ol -1.-

You wilj iioT(- -

K--II this sl-l.

a .lay.

Try .x iu.g

Jf ebiekeli' Hr.- led wH.

t-T i'i-j."

- i,,|l,.ii.i

f..r l.-.r'-, mi.i -..Mr

.MfalfH m-al

I, g.esi h-JiIlb ulel Iir- ien-- invilig of vjfP'*.

,i r.-L'iilnt'-r.


$1 '0 $2



"ii.-.- Hint


1--I oii 1ini:«1.
.ftf-Miow ami

itogw <4- any wM-li it iv. fwl
Try it at C'..ri,T Fr-i.l sod ' «•»-

Corner Front and Cass,


gtoyr A BWKE. «» Kwl Sl. Sc Tark


While We Make a Specialty

ruB asLg n au. baroaim


ru la toe elty today on lioalnei*.







IHTWvn for Ibe big i.nurs In tin- I
Court Cave Him a Ueeture Boforu the

on April :•*. T<!>5. 'O kMwarvl L. Hooling, wbl. h *aiil aulgnment wa* duly
|rccbrd.-d m Ih.- register of.d.s-ds of­
fice of uald eonn/y ou 8<-pt.mU-r
' Hia.*! in Liber iij/tf mortgage* on page
!U; upon which monnap.* at the date

— ■

STA11-; lie illCHIOXX'. Coui^T of
Grind Trav.r*-, SS- Protein t'udri
i.vt---s:Tni" vkraaiv.
biTv'bv given. Ural 1 la'ftid,
on 111.- Fill.etth 'liav of Mar.-h
.11 a .'U.'k III'to.' to.-vnoun. '-o make.
.‘Piflii-aiion to said Proteto owrt lor
_3 ihxugiiu; tny tiiaie from
WlUirvI J. Honsl.vvaky to WUUrd J.

Ol loit uoltiwthere I* claimed to I».... .uw*
due und iniiuld Ibe kuni ul fourteen
dollar* and elghly ceul* b.-*l.les an notice he given by publlcalton ot a
.-tjiy of thU order, tor ihre.>wucoea..f hfleeen dollnrs and
sive WM-ks im-vtoii* lo said dxy of
e-tn ktipalaied to t«- paid
faexring. In the firend Traverwe HeruH
. Ui.v proe.w^dlngs ar.- tak.- world Inr rheumtUrtiii.
e-i ihh
n<-wi.|ia|><- priDlcd and ciriulaled la
.rtgag.- an
to fortx
h. . i:'i..^.'Taiiilui. mile.
iM-uralgia.' b
ra or in ««
ihioat and iileaiisv.
.iMrthwa. -•
kkh h walker
P-l.-e tTw-. :.
nli.l *l.«« per 1»;th- Judge of IVobatr.
.......... ............... amount du.-: ik>w, il
:. Wnit & Sons,
S..Iii by'.'
lure, by virtue ol the puw.-r of Hale
■o, W.-St Klld
ruglee l>rii
in raid moiTgag.- etniiain.wl and
Ilio rta'Dte 111 sneb ease made i
Irand Traverae..
|.rovld<-d. notice t» hereby given t
li the matu-r of toe estala
oil Saturday. March 19. ItlB at
oetoek in the I.n.-n.MD therm will be Elijab (’. Morse, deceased.
\otiep -ls hereby glvxn tlurt tmir
wild ai I'ublie vemliie to (he blghcit
from riie 15th day of DeeeiBbidder at liie front d.wir of the r..un
BcMdes Ho
Hutoand Two
Bnmll HoUM- In Traverse Cll.v.
C.W < redllo« Id p^i-si-nt their claliBa
ciilldrwn sr« Lefl-Waa 0"'y 20
llbat being the .place of holding
Cireu.. I'.Mirt for said Grand Traverse against said dec-ared <c said court
Yeara Old. - I
for examination aufl adJusitDenL and
fnuiity. .MIrbIgaiil Ihe pr.-niisiw
erilswl In wald morirage. vtt: —forty tbal all eredilorv of aald doeeaaed or«
nine tods Miimre «ul of the north nvp:lred (o pn-sent Ibelr rtalBB lo
east corner of the s.Hith we-u quarter said «-«wm. at Ibe probate offtee. In
of w.-tlob iblrly-lour
lowowhlp the City of Tfaycrae Cttv. In aald
ihirty north of range ten w.wl. Grand county, on or ts-fore Ibe 19th day of
April, A- H . 1910. and that said elaiai*
Traverse-Countv. Mb-nigan.
be.-.liBiid ebe !<-j\
two email daiigh
will be beard by aald court on Tues­
Haled DecroiWr
day the I9lh day of April. A. U. 191V,
t.-i-*. H.-r (.ar.-iii-. Mr.'
at ton o eloek In ilie forenoon. .
nJmiw illv-rt. r--*l.le ai Hlnghsni. aa.l
Holed Dec 13to. A- H- 19W.
a wUter. Mis. kuaiew.
Tvsldes 'al
........... H WAI-KKR,
AUv. for Assignee.
(•.iiesa, niioil-er W»ler. Mr*. Jcitiii Ito.' l»UMne*'.addre-H*: St J<ihn-<. Mleh.
- - •
Tuirt ixx. :i-Mch ir.
Ill icher. liviKi^i I'lilu. The ri-niain*

u Alou.- dt.-ricl.

SiK.kui.e bid

tLla meeting reporta on tbe con-

' Michigan, on fti'plemlver IS.
hsiiii in I-.-er 2C of Mongiies on
Sli: whi,„ aald mongagv,. was

"In n-card l» ibe beualotlaJ pulilowr.


iim- pow.r .n.TliliJJ euerRy I
-kiped to o|HTUte alrtw-l

rope, were glwn by iiarllee wbo bhJ

*t-owiwg. 0»Uirn lia*n t .■•von made x

I ihink ll will he,a warm on<\ Uo'h
Itunuw* oitd Tiiwhia-nd will {MU

llitee. The .lam ch». s an op uinp

dltfon et aome of Uionursorlca In Kn-

Tlin Fort HoroB dally Tlmea
ho« pnhltobed tor JT yaata and toe


imf.-el Inwidib.Tb.- works wvre in

nany other Itnea of bualneae and offtiwhaum opporttmlUea breommen-

'ttoarelAD t

A. J. Mayaard. Aaat Caate

for a

.<umla-ubniiu.vl. flnil ilini George w. PbHp* f<-axt at Oil «
iBd Arthur Kemilrod cAine to their Tbe nit« were K-m from
■'al-.-re ih.-y are a .xinmion d- lu-acy.
The flr-t ni<>eiiiiR of Grand Tra\- dcaib in A railroad .xillUloo laused
till- snow phiw- tolllding with toe
t-rac grawn- rfr tne m-w jeur broogSi
r end of a loQtlhg train near 8a1 lirat- alhuidaiice of groUpt-rs.
on the pere MarqucH'* railroad * iii.juiifrc again*! the mo*kra'
and for the Brat tune In many ynars
ae an article «r lood. luil'as a matter
H.-cetilber It'. ISM'S-”
Ibe entire staff of ptfloera newly eleclt-uv imiekrat. loth la'dK-t and
'ueb was iIm- ic-mlcl of
1 Wert- |ir>ss;nl for ln»ULUaliun.
lhabliy. :
Tbe UHs ting wus of |«ni<ailar Ir ner'» Jnrv e»>ini««»i'd of Malcolm Wln- 11
Anlbony PolHiral. \V P. Kfane) .
terest a* the 'reports d. the delegnles


ftonr other clUes fancy marke t to the only oae that 1
eren tori:er than Fort never wii crowded.

UIB danto.

S. Fiord CIUK*. TIM PriMtei

Tw'rtvT prime muakrat* and :4 fliH'

, . (From frlday'* Recnrd i
‘Wv. the Jury- frum to* (-vide

forth many rMponaea aa Umr are
r stoi" ifnvenlUui were giv.a, F. B. Rnberts. Pat lk(«.-» and Edwin
many expert fruit packcfa In tbl; re- Court teered the Men Bitterly for
nnd Sroli Woiward gave a reella- Martin, lu tbe l■lql|•■*l held veMettlay
tlon and .the prixe wtiinloc paper Net Cenfnamo Their Guilt—Their
Ceunael Aeked for Mercy and Will
■The ^Auction,” which he bod III ditennlne the cauM- of death of
abould he an arllcto of real merit
MMJ SV^i;*
I-J *r ..n*.j 1
Frebably Appeal the Case.
written lur Ibe state grange uic*'tmg Lleorgc \V. phi-lpf and .Arthur Kcunl- Smedtes. 11*1 vihT rot ur s rti'l'.i.r it.ll ■■ 1 j
The bank will have tlu- tlip! to lluro'.L Tbe lt.qu.«t was c.vlbxl tor S
ut bad no' given at that time.
paper wlnnlDg the price, add It will
o’cloik In the foremiuii aiid rtintinSow oYfk. Jan. lh.-Jud«- Martlr>
Till fnllowmg rtsolulfoii wa>
dUlrlbulad amouK the cuaunnera
unlil ( o'elovk when Hi.- Jury n:odny wuiteuri'd Tnonia* K‘'«ioi.. I’aiof the Inalllutloh.
L wV w dtskO. Spep d
tlredx The verdict -wai- brougtit in I.OSW and jv-b will slstrt "* l«vw»< to li.-ti ■
ThU la eirterprUe of the rtobt na- rlt-k Hi-nni»>--u,v. Jotm Boyle and l-il'Ueoolted. .By
eMdortiiagh ll rsow* u; o.llrrur m;
al«iul^;3P.(he fonsiT Wllliann-buix
ire, U haa been aald that the weal
grange Ibni our reprt-wfiilatlre In
tn teach aa many leaona In market
gr««s be urged to u*>: his Influence
ite the rprlnss on the doci:
top mu. but the one ol paeklrti; la
STATi: OK MU'HlO.k.X. Couuiv of
and power in behalf of lUtrteU post
Grand Trswwae, s-.. Probite foa.t
one of ant Importance. Grand Tiwv- aiwlva tvbor^ the pnemmenl
1 1c.- Mid County.
' •
lyyiple undoulriedly know bow to d(fraud<-d out ol dutlcH. to oBe year and right that we. the people, should
. .''Viikv I* hertliv giv.-ii, I'uai 1 inrenii.
I -Blackwells Island |•sIltt<■nlta^pack Ihelr frolt lotha b«*l advantane.
have B packngo aervlco that Is within
un III. Fili'-eiltk t!s.' of .\lKrch
Ollvt-.- Spltrer coiivlci-d with tbnot alone la the matter of apiasari
t.'.-lock IH lb.- lo-efitKiD. :o make
oor reach”
.i|.pll<M^lun IO y.ild I'nituiie C.nirl tor
auoe. but ao llial It will ahlp without alcove. Slid docliired 1>y ibo prtwrns
l-rt-vwus to the meeilng dinii.-r w
i*|iiracy livad
Injury, aa well. Vnfonunau-l), hower- lion aa the cou»iyracy
servod and toe grantcer* eujuyed
J. Hons
•ed Fell. 1.
er, the majority do not take the necta.ctvrdlng to the prt.vlswha of tbe
social time talking ovej the apai
The court scored the prisoners lor
jiiatule In such eai-i.' made and pro(«aary pains. m> that the man who
Ibe day.
ot confessing Thrlr guilt. Their «>uii.
repoeka the fruit peta tbe.greoter part
Mr. Woudward'd poem wo* well i
Hal.-d January iih, A .H. 1919.
ael apealed for vlenn-bey vainly, ned
or the benefit.
EnliPJ Hatl'lovsky,
ccived. he lielog forced to re>q>ond
III probaldy aptutl iIm- decision.
In Denxie county, there to a farm
Jan ll-rs”$-Feb. 1.
r..-Il, speaker of, I
Colin P. 1
■all, giving a s.'mrtw nuiuln-r. J
that to making the owner rich. H-Woodward has woo quite u repu*al;on
hu been offered, ao it ia aUted. IIOO..
for himself locally by bis wrltlni;*,
Mortgage Sale.
OOO In eaab for hto boldliuoi but haa
liwiew viiib u reimrter of the } Default having l*-e» made in the
und "Tlie Auctlou" which he t
reluaed alpce they are nt-ttinc bUn
Ing lU-eoril. ^8ld In regard to lln- gu -eoudilUvii' ot 111*', uiurtgage given by
origmitlty for the state grange i
1C per e«;nt even on that valuation
iigA -I tbUik that Ijw-ph CooiNf and Anna I'vwper, hl»
liig. 1* one of-hfs beat. The iKx-m wIK
iw-lfe, IO Tn.- Mi. higan Mor'eag.' ComTbJa man's bualneaa lit alrictly a fanpublished In HilJ lu tomorrow'* there b mi ■hiuM of kl.-uteannl Gov- . psny Umlt.-d. dat.-d .SeplembiT ».
trade and be baa no trouble In dhteriior Paiibk II. Kelh-y winiiliig «U'. ' 19911 and rt-eordod in Ibe otflee of tbe
polne of hla producU. The alrld’y
He U the ••ulv one wiio has made uuy .-.-gUt.'T of d-vwlr for Grand Traverae

Hons. The eooffriiiatloe to alnplr




Beglnatoc toat Moednr. tbe dnito
Herato and rtn Hnroa TUdm «ere
eoanltdated. toe ptoh iHdnc to Ime
• onnfi^ Md ereittor odlUoo of toe

A. Ttaey Lay. rrbtllwA,


Saturday Aftemaen.

mu packlDR. ‘nn« offer afaould Ulii*

IML M”St*p5ltC^^S


Traverae Grange at tte'-Meeting

No. ai cfctaBd —j», -“tbortr’. no om
to flriv

Finl Kailcnal tonk bavlot oBer<-d a
priae of ti tor the beat article ua


Bquata Wera Alsa Enjoyte at a Faut
Served at on A Hahnerta.

auBuM Oviaad. Cariflar.

(rockle Which
dciuuj. .hd « CM *ee ihe ete»r «»

At toe ooinlnt larcutn’ IokU'ii'.-;.
_iere wUl be a unique a>n^id. iiir

IraTcise Qly Stole BaM




«MAND TlUVtfttK HtMU. TOfOAV. iAWUAWV t1. H1«.
AMUtaiU Orsuilftt-eiABbfttli QcOftt

Mr*. Jonepb Zlanemaa tna
very aide vlth an abftCfta In ber Adc, ^Ida aner apeadlns one w
U 1 vftiv folns to ram

prceeot B« parenia.
vovM take WkblfBB tor IL Brars but A aome better at tbe
Scbool bectaa today atirr a
AIik rr«M. t lortB«r mldwt of 4ont^ rtpo oot here uftUI yon i'U'l tune. .
Jdui Harts baa sooe to Travene
EIA «ad UwiA 8»c
Owtral lAte. MdrlB foanir. Vm- tbftzn and taj them on a nwk to dry
ol TraTftrac
aty to vorft la Ojs-s neat aarket
kM vtkm to bto «m
rlali «
Mn. £. E. Ooryea A HiU laK>n>T••Fbr ft poor taftii to *et ft tuii
hoM 9m» titm UfAium. w«*hl««.
tn, ft )«twr 1ft vUA br ftonpftTM . tatta. I vobU tay.-atap Id klldtlcan. log aJocrly; abe A able to ride pat
trn TOO tbft fttnift vbo bftft oftlftt b«b


r ul day* tmugbi. I*
tuta! oumbftr da}i aUftSd'

Field Fence

uUrn^iK.-. 'tx.
tbft s«<b ftdftartlMl ftrMUrncMDirr aa Uftd A cbeop and yoa can retwr
A Rapid, lu(He Thotwoii Iftli for
. any kind
a crap oa It. and ir
Jobo C. Sllhi A eaeBaed to tbe
: tbft FftiTu- pirlt. 1.. totol 3S.
das to attend About
•a la aot a bftftUer be wIR nut bonae nitb.rbeumalAminatl
» ft aaeeraa nnywherft.lf he rant
*lTftAlaftM A ft Bl6» Mftfttrjr
tbft Gleftiwrrs had laitftUaiioa of ofTbo»c that *-.u-nded the .Vev Ycara
lira ift. bftt 1 «aoM not ftdrlM Mreac (a yicUcan.
fleen ctast Friday alM:
folWei pecty St Glen Arlor, report a sood K- It. !i
CU- - H Itanb. Trtrbvr.
~Ot coarne (be veet la adrenlted. with aa oyater supper. Tber* vaa a
to tOMtMreta'ftra ubIm b« bft4 •
*Mr.aiulMr«.Ftaiii ririrk are riait
tmim. lor h «wU aboM but tbe blctftftl pan of K A dona by SDOd lunMot and Uiey ivport a Jolly
otcra nrbo cannot drllTer the sood tbar,
«!«• »«r ftera^to Hmt tb* Aa« aad
«M WMMm MHM^. Thto !• boir
tbft twft rt0bm -ataek op.-

TOO bftra to Mr fl< per ftcn> for tbr
•tsap itftd ftfti tbft roftdi «K ftwroiiT
BiftddT for ftboftt mix BDfttbft IB tbft
ra*r. CroMftro* ftlov. Tbep pU«t
pouiofto la AprU aad doftotdic tb«a
tin Mot tbft lft« ftC
.«ni aot rev borajiftd Uiailgan ran,
boat two p«t o( tbft BOftBtiT «*> o*«TIbbwbMbap. It ralsft uoaocb here
tor ■■ftftml taraur
-rao ««ftt iMftt HkblM 00 tndt.
Tbft fraH bar* bftft act ibe ttarar tbst
bu MM^ItBO Irtlt. »»d ftranrwio VUl


m-w the famous - RoyBr F.-nv...

The ••Ko.vftl" ranks

;is on.- of lit.. wTr..nE«f kud imM duraMv rlu»»,


O’ boUdavV.frmu CbJruEO.
Tbft.sranec™ bad an all day ibhc-i.
feter Burtaad told bU Ufttvy bur>Ido at tbe ball 'eatatdar. vUb a banand bouAdl i( IlkCit toam.
ft^t at ftooe. Tbe nevly eJ*«ed.o»Mra Jobaj Burflriid,
c«ra. «ere iaatallftd.
luiih »»-^p.-railoo RVduvtdtv. ».•
glad tu «B> A duine tmo-l}. '
tone Ukc.
Haniouo UVavor waa la>..<l
lira. G E. Hod*et aoJ chndn-ii r
Kbo ha. Am .
Uaa Hasan «nd dausbter MAa Hand
tiirncd to Kite Lake tixlay, alter vl
ibr putt yc*r, ilvr cbildn-ii
IT. frwo BeHner. vAtted at Ur
Iilu2 friooda la ihA city.
with h(>r i‘Kv«.|H Uui:,- I.t ton. ’
aad bira. ajmes Bay e lau week.
llvft* lu Montftn*. Tb.- Kw. Whit.
MAa Ama Maraoney A
MapU- I'lty prvftibod the lunrru!
•rboM In DUttkt No. 2. The farmr-r
Mlaa IJiura ISurflend ba< returned t
teacber, Mias WbUaon, A alcic
ei achopl at SbiUaiid. alter a i«
•rftHftt fever, eobar mlcaed.eek't viraiion.
S*muri WftiM Aft A»t Jluiidht



in the nquare

Tff- iipnirht .»r Ki#y wiroK arv


nromivt lit.- th.rizoniHl wirtv in « itmiincr


l.ifity of .1.1.. sli|t.


iiu: ifii- I'miMtmim hoUlnie |K>«vr of tlf
l-tiy f. limn:, . ..lii.- m nii.l 1-t as

Eli'i Ci>» Balt'
—SI—cS^ -V
bml. amd ocu<
tUr d.wa~-l
IfttM TmultiKc (r.'ia OftUrrb tad drivew
• tray al'oM It ihr llet.1 .jui. Vly. ItFtt.fttt
tbe R.eiMv
Ti-tf tud Kiura l ull rier
Ai na. a* l>rvi..irt'U or I7 I'til. IJ.,ud
Ontm Batiu t.v u.»iu »;..Bat-rt T5 ci.,
Uy Unxbftn, OC V trrvu bin-d. New lurk.



tbn pota*-

Tb.- wliolv fat.ric nt ihu* made



Itafuiv you

you flic •••Boyal.”

Old Poslofllee BvIMlDa

Ml-..# M«rV^' r. turn...! t.. Tl

A Final Reduction
Wraps and Suits

^AAomtarl’a RlBHe*a
' / ^

TIk' rlHtrtoit or Sui:Jny

!., *.........................................1. ...I t

n-i oilier kunl.

In the price of Ladies’

!■ order to sell every Ladles* Wialer Wrap
aadSallwe nave decided to make a abort

Udies' Black Wraps




Itade of bladt braadcdoih ood Kermr. and aatia Halasa In blask. fray.
«r«ftin. ctaon aad rwe. All tons, racue


>ti< ilui.loii
I'll..., K. U(h.

ftttftWftd Up*. »*» tt-so.

Plata tailftrftd co»tt. wy senteel
aad rednad. ronaerly |lt4d.

Half Private 6.25
Black Broadcloth
Half Price Sale 8.25


anil lieVor Just."

-bait lurk" oil luike day Aiiuct be'
iridr ill kmntiiiif tluit
li in npia-aramt- >nd
your l.r.-ml amt |>awlry ni


_ui i|iialilv.
you iiii.rvirw yitur priv<-rr' r«-t:anliiiK ibw. »»d
•'MroiiK (ruiiruiitee- hr iu*k*v wiib

‘Thft Kind Evarybody Like*.*'

Voigt MilUng Compasy

Ovar Um MtjMIk Unmiry

•ey COata bate been tbe flneet un the
rrart.vl fur the money.


So Ih.. 0I.I o\.-Ms.. of

for-oitn. itii.l iti itV.j.lii.

CIli. Phonv 7SC. Re*. 735 Wa-sbinpoa

All full Uiied

mill iHVUlku:!)- Blade of luKtruuu rlolb

Half Price Sale 12.50


There are*n few other* that were
ir.Aft, $30.W>. tJ^rw mud SST.UI. Hut

Trom tbt Spring=d«l2U>artb Companfs



Snappy Novelty Coats
Ladio*. there bai nut Uh-o a oearan for yran vhen fine novelty riotli*
end iiluln gray. blue. c-au»by, vine,
and ociier abadlnsa vere m> poiuitar
and deelraUe.
Thene cdotbs are all hlidi clan and


ateatly imported. TUey are made op
very clasay and ftEectlve. The former
price* weh- from IlS.lO to MO.

Half Price Sale 6.25
to 15.00

All the i^ve CoBtrare new—oot an old one in the lot. Think of
bgylog Co kts just like your friends are wearing and you save

Hal'f ehta .IN/lonoy
Ve Are t for Cuts Out ire of Iasi year’s make. AU Dice
flaecMCsudiU Tcry deslnile styles tint we ireseUlDC for

LESS tban Hall Price.
Ar enmple. one lot at • are (Odds that dU s:U
toSIOAO, yi2A0 aad $15.00.
.OieWora.adley Coc'i that, formerly sold at *15.00 to*25.00,


Tio-r.- iiuy -U • jiisi aa troiKj” lirHiuK hut y.ui will find
tliht tii’-y iir>-

CueersCvreA VUhosI tbe Katie
Oiir 1*1 blark Droaddoih and Ko-

Uft OftftU. half ttaed. Jet buttona.

; Ha# fri^la 3.75
Black Broaddeth

mao, .-v.-ry why-r.-, .0 C-,
of rtuur ll.ul KUJ.ptHV
. (. r.v ii...oHtt,ry .lUHlIiy tit iu riKiit maiiiu-r.



ptaift and otben trtmiaed..

Black Keisay

l.iltdi. ;.

James W.Gauntlett. M.D.


lE.iir tr
if ..'....,1
k'iwh] .....iilitf
rcuIU «ar<‘

\.;irl» ,ul! 4rri..-. Ts nr.- c-at u'ro.-.-rv. «iid nil Rood e«K,iK s, II rr,.o.M. Hour, to .IS ronity ,-*til.Io.|or every w.t


'Si;,:!::;;::, '-si,
iiKS.'arr*- •


lob ot lt:and wlllbealn

. ..,.,,.1


■ \< ry vvoKiali tiiould dvmautl ttii* and


Now ms.act.

HM^CaatavrUInol laJt lonu at nieae prices.

Sensational Suit SOile.

. Ledles who investigate tell us our •=uits are the firtpst and best tail­
ored and best fitting Suits in the city and 1 HEY ARE
RIGHT, TOO. Now these new Suits are going
MAt-F- P>mOE
These Suits have been selling at $10.50. SIS.50, S:!2 50. $26.00
aad on sp to S45 00 each, and Tuesday morning and dkml they, are
Thu affords the ladies of this region the best opportunity to se
cure first class garments at the lowest prices ever made on such goods
le Levies* Salts webnve s few ihsi were tMOflht lest year
aad wUl be sold from $2.00 op.

sJtunUr «as ceminly . very remarkable day, in point ol tnide tKblevemenu, even de.plte the ctmdllioni

Hblidav Shopping,

In tact .onto department, .bowed ™ceipt. Sly e,md to the averse Clm«»o wed. »lw.


thia fmtt demenatrated in o.r Coat, Fur. Bmt. Dr... and Clothing Section.,


To be .nre, w. remiU, .cc«m. fw tbl. o.

markable «llmg from the tact ol the .atnthrdinan- prt«, that we have mad. on lhe« aeadmahl. tinea and .hit. thd. .w.
Seventv Odd Beady Made Coat, tiuit. Dreta and Pnr garmenu .old on that day, the remarkable number la icarealy naUcaUa
from our immenae .lock.

Another particular feature ol thedav'i aelling. w-aa the face that the gtaat mainrity of gannenta'

w-er. of the Higher Grad.., .nob „ Due Jap Mink. Fox mtd WoU Fn,,. to, EmfU.n OmiU, tod Hn.dt, SnIU tod
Drea... of ra.hion.ble demgn and a. a re.nlt, not only .1 the one parlied.r day.

but the rtnmrkabl. .noca. nf th.

entire tvedt. .-..ther condition., we are highly dated, a. we not. the g.n.rou. teapontm to onr efforU in making,
a sale record never before equaled in Traverse City.

Our Obfect Now
Is to rival last weeks sales during the present week*, and we urge that yon aatch carefully this space each day for Bar­
gain News.

It will be to your interest.

Today we call your onenUoRlo extraordinary valnes in Wool Blnnkels, Comlorls, Balh
and Coneb Robes, Etc, as lollows

$6.00 Olool Blankets, $3 08
Tlfw..- :ir.- .j till I ant ft tl till v. i. .1 • ;i •-.1
:i1 lilt- l-.-i.-iihii' *t.iiu ■;,iitk-

! I ■ t'l


■■•«! - • 1

, .,,,.i .rlw................................................................................... ........................ $2.48

$6 Puritan Blankets, $4.28

.•<..1.1 i-Miilnflv


I t. MV.I-.

• -I-'i-.
. W...I .

eoucb and Slumber Robes



M-,.-, 'I.''

:i w|-i--n-l-il !■ -.•u .

■— i; .

. .........




.til ;. !'..,i.t-..

i.tiy lit. Iti.

M --.I

Tl- l,.w-

- • I-I f-iT ■

- I.:

■ . .,-iw 1 .

........................ r


I, I-



.1 ;, V,

I ir- -I


»T '.i'> T.ip.-xlrv I '••u--h I "uvi


itt ................................................................. $4.98

Til-..- I.ld.'.- •-«II.. in ri.-li i*ri <,I»I eh-xiBn*. lt->rt|.T«-d »nd
......... ,

Rufl Specials
vl.'dt \flt.-t l|.-,ilV Kturi-tidt ,\Mt,iii.t. r Riiw „r

4.00 Blankets, 2.58
ill ll-.l tiiul I', T . -I


.................. ............

xi.t.u.v Htrl- .



i«' ''•"> K"‘" '


#7.50 ttieoi Blankets, #5.08
w. ].-.-t r.ihi'..iTi„i U


-J'-- ri-.|.iii

$7.00uiooi Blankets,4.88

........................................................................................................... $l-$8

7'. '

1- - .t- '

1 (ll< w.-ll lilJtiVMl i.rillnl r
Ullil- . ;-M.i
ii|.,t vtl, •. I-;.I ,i


Maninh & Lay Merc. Co.


Hundreda of enthuaiaaUc buyer, from near and far completed a eathering that gave the ,paciotu Door room the nppMrMe* of

................................................................ ...



: f

' l.. -.T-«



!i*--1-;'! -t -i-M-.'

n-H- rti-d.-.!

Kill Ik tto di»-

,.t,r i-’r-.iti >'n;: wlt-.« w iij.t..w fur v..ur iuxjM-clitm.

the Spring-Iyoizwartb Company
t. WUbelm’s Old SUnd. Comer ol Front and Union Streets. Traverse City. MleUnaB.

«uUmO TRAVtllW HCflALO. TUCtOAV, JANUAftr tv itm -

•ienM»yBecam#fart oU Be­
trothal Feast
% SLARtS&A lUCKie.
fOwiifAt. JW. *>r *B»rte»ii mn aimMtlM]
•nu nppiBt pcereO frbn bcf wlsdav u )«BBa WiltoD lamed loto tbe
t«lk that M to tbe a^mni. Beblod

rile aald aofily. *«te eaa MB Areead
mr oeebaid. and aoueUmea ru taka
ber for a walk, aamc aa you dU.”
- -Birda of a featber.' “ doeted aeldly
from Heaan'a compren^ ilpa aa ate
diaappeaied lu tte kb
kitetei and rtaerd
tbe door teblod ber.
Ebortly afi
Widow Ue
tbe boaae by I be aide door and po
arobod to ite alicd'wtere Qoemi of
Ebefaa llred la actuary <q>leodor.
-Good Dlsbt. Sonu.~ called Fhnoy
aweefly. “We're coltic to take tfueeo
0’ Sbebt bomer-

oeiinE M Fo«£sm.

palf^^ ••at- te aaU.

•Rancae teteel at Calarade teriofw
Amoewerata bare bean made by
tbe i'Bited sutea torenatrot to eoeparalt wllb tte Cotondo 'vColleca





DfBleca ta delac a foraal raMar*';i
wtuter. Tte conna ;

Stsry «r a Man Mnia MtwM Himself Braveand Trve.

wUl te venal, corarta* a period of.'
widta. from Jam. ll to Uarcb M.j,
IblO. aad ta plaDMd t« maut tte aaada |
furtM raacen of dletrict U. iDclud-'i
cupyrlcht. tM. by Aatartma Pram
aaqml foretea la Ca*oendo,»Wy-’
- "Good olcbl.-' aald Biwao. qallc aa
Ida walked a larf* fnr coot.
■rcern Nebraa.>eoiw»-1
line, ^tb Dakota, weettn
amiably. “Wlah you Joy of ter.”
TasiDr Lac bate* tbat fooac at Ut*
Wten Queen of Steba'a oolay cumor fca aad weteen Kanaai. amber creta-jOt
leuta. owoero-j|
aa I do and loarbo wotm. but bad died away SuaenOtilibed ber work
^ Tte
anew bad been failibp ateadlly
Who .tab teS„
«haH partend ate Ilka* li joat to cm aad tbeu weut to tbe weat wlog of ite of ambeeuada and
, .any
' " for ibreedaya. and tbe loup. low bouae
aracBd Urn. ^'tddna to coontes arlt
bouaa. wbere ate llted with a bed.
tan: I abaa't aaerldce prti
rtddab aoDt
te pleaee no maa—not arm Jona; mi­
-Auet U-Uaay. Jonaa baa'abipped oa
tea. J'll aiwaya ataed by wui rva tte Blue Hereo wllb Caplale niok,"
OBld-all A caoaa ia fti for li to raait ate aald In a matter of fact iMe aa
and aarra wllb appla aancar Swa ate tucked tbe old lady under tbe
corm and tnroed down tbe Ump.
A preat Si. Bernard t
lepe. and l
an^di^med peat la «blob Jdou
“YouTe a fool, guaan Tiprias-"
perfomiance wllb
WOtoD bad rapaaiadly aaked ter lo ahrllled Mlaa Uellau ancrily. “ta be will be plrpn at Manltoa part, wltbln
IMke Btnoaal foeeat. where pracbaaeuiii bk wifa. and aba -bad ai ra- golae to taka Ibtt sodae aloes lonr
a ttranpe bona^to be placed
I demonairailub will te pltpo and<,
-No; Kaony lAela solas to lake Vare
alone in all IbU tan eapanae of anowy
actoal woit dune aWap
ttowiWa s
of If
landacape. bollt of lopa. yet with white
Tte Colonrio Bebool of Forlilllan aopporttop tte cersoda and
Mim Ucllaaa's dark eyca slared
Wtea Joua trilloo faced bla boeac- fiercely at Ucr oelce. -Go alooc. do: 1
rattle Bipn bearkaeper acnoa the aai>i«r labla that ain't B« no pattenre with you at allT
atellaaieat waa wrltieD oo tala And ate cowered bentutb ber rorcrlida
alto bulk of lopa. wi
. will te coudu'-ud at
UwMd face'aiid le bk abUloc eyet. wllb imie sTuntk of djapleaaure.
aatall aiablw
tbe park, wbWb will teliip tte coat, * ff "'* **
“J*?a fM a awpflaa for yoa. niaa Tl|v
■topped bla labor to p
Four daja aficrwatd Jonat tailed
ySW.” be aald myateflotialy aa ba atir- ■way 00 ibe Blue llerou. and be car- of llvlop arllbln rte tiieana of all and I tte dOE-a bead. “.Vo walk for ua i
cad Ua tea-m aoipflaa tbat'll lift you
inrea lu faU nemory. nnaiiclal cnudlllini njipbt oiberwiaa .day. old man," he aald. "We nrn
rled awuy two picini
daaa oot of your aboaa. toa'ankT'
pfump oihI
One wat of Fnnoy I
preteot tbHr .akin, up'tte atudlaw

TeU me. too.'- purred tbe Widow
Cray sooae at licr
amUlBS- with tte see
aide, warins farewell from tte dock.
Tte other picture waa of Snaan Tlie
___ _____
1 asd reeuipad ber aeat
plbs. lall and alender and iwic.
.wtth a flourtab of lliAe colored ikina.
ter face froaco loto
•«gaa« Uppln*. If you alo i cot oo
year mw dlnliy draaa; I didn't aop'plaocad^ BpalB al tte dlacanled paper
^tiuual feevte will te entitl'd lo<aeud
paaa you dwnad to tor anpper or I'd

ibouph lonptop for the aouod of a
c aHc-tlun of the men
date won toy btapk allk." remarked

•ay A0nes~«! aneoAN.


,b,,.™ S™


Auy Lae. with plcaaam aareaam.
•oama'a noee'waa eleiited aeomfolIp, “1 wear it eery ofcco."
^ dar»aay." retorted Uta. Ua.
Jobta broke Id IqpaUeeUy. Tod
■bi-l beard my Mwa.-What tewar twltterad lira. Ua

a Ions year. -Tba Widow I^e
flntinied ibr
r>aav aa a betreitwl iXrlrfTr^r'i'^uXLfiJ^r’ri '“rralaasociety notice. Uddlf. We
rorL,o't pet away from tocleiy. yon aee.
sift, and Qneeo of Bbeba wte ceoertboupb
lire In enowj aolltnde:
ally tesaided aa tbe tatisibia uond (bat
This course will he anpplemcnted
.^B,„hwtte Msrlon Drew lisa left
imlted two lotlns. aeparaMd beana.
conrae of atndy on tte natl..BSl'
three weeki' ....
Aa tte moblha wore on aud tw newa
lovliatlona will te Ucame from Jouat there waa a atraloed
jop i,pr minliipr to Goreraor

^rTt"l^ the rard." aonooDced Ur.

Is equlpiwd with a forcat library, and
Iwke will be aeler-led tmm Ibe
■erred after ter predatory dipccnla
library and cin-nlated aumue tte
upon (be i.'raaa prown lawa.
pen. accompanied by dlpeeta
It waa a lous year. Aunt Ucliaaa rlmilalloD of tbe bcH'ka will be
died in tbe nmuM-r and left/Boaan
ilkwlly amhped and pruprrsa.ot
ricber by acreral tbontand dollara. bnt tte work checked by pcrtodh-aliy • repoorer by one friend Ica^ Suau plan- I'lcirlns the work.
- wbeo lonaa came back ate would
iway and Ictre Ite borne te blm
mltlus bride—and Qtees of
> Weapon It Detely at
One cold winter nlsbt t'anny Ite Faurlatn
Nirv> Milat.
_ . _
TeeU "f Itie new fourteen Inch tutvy
Uer eyet were red, and abe
wor^ a buck dreaa and a black
pun made .<u two day* recently
on ter bat.
dian Head, on.lbc I'uTmiiac river near
-1 enn't Iwar lo aee the critter WanblUKloii, ebon tbat the L'oMad
Btalea now leads the woMd la naval
e tabbed bltterl
fUB conalnKtl'iti and dt-ainictive puwralbda me to of Joaaa and bl
Tbia wondreful new weapon taurta
asked Snaan In
Jecllle and a petetrstlup lamer at a dlttaiKW of nine
ctranpe e
roepot you didn't know;
-I foes
That d.wa not o
I they (old me Brat. It wn

. Tbe two woioen atared at blm.
■Wbafa tbe mttterr caqiad Boaaa

Tm rHi« away." espimtaad }oua

^ of the



. . . ast of Bradl. He fell oreeboard
and waa drowodfd. and Captain Itlak
te amt word to tbe laiyprapb sta­
tion. and of conrae they told me.
Xotitl keep Qoecn o' Sbebt, won’t
Hurnn wared Oeirriy at 'tbe lonp
f-k iind yellow bill wrlppllop out of
te wMoii'a black abawl.
-ni lnko .-are of ber." aaU Snaai

-in be pood to ter.“ ivpeated Suam,
wllb a atranpu imlie at ate

tm ta Ohlaai wa woa't ba back Cor a

»aar.Xte aOenee tbat followed was brokaa
Wly by tte cUufc of Bnaan'a tcav<»o
acUnat ber taaenp and tte aqueak of
Ika roekar at tbe Widow Ue awayed
Bo and fro.
. Tonll be draadfnl waak*. XonTo
•aear beau to tea la your llfa." (al' farad Baaia at teat.
*VMdler «ld Paoay Ue aharply.
rVa wont ba olek. lie's aallad a aUS
«k tte bay eeer alncu ba waa a boy.
Atat you. captalar
Jvaa btnabed at tte newly coofemd
tttta and inrned a beamlnc rye on tte
Widow. “There ain't but one tbluc
worrtaa me." te eonSded beuutlnsly.
•*Wbat'a tbatr ate asked shyly.
, •IQnaab o* Steba-ate's
to stay
Captain Rink.
uaat accomnMMUte
alilfted nneaally at
______ U Bnaan'a
la a pleam
Um eyet denoted tbat
It ate uDdetatood
tbe.captalu'a ebJectioD.
U waa a irUrf to tom
nm to tb4 Widow
XiW'a aympacbetlc face
ice and
an itee^er
anUe of pertact undecaUnt! .
ttere ponae baa beeaI like a-llkJa-a-ll
floandetad Jonaa pattfetirall)'.
tetirull)'. /
“Like a dear Wend... J knowAimtit
U to part wllb ooe'a drarcat aM nerer
. in. VCh^ Robert
■at cyaa oo 'em acalo.
paaaad awar’- Fanny
Faany Lf« cteke)
t> and pfaaed tte
. fHafud napkin to ber eyew
Mr. WUtoB looked
d ancomfMabtr.
u Queen o' Bteba wilt te all ripht
- he aald. witba tnrSotan a clouded face.
e of the critter,"
( decidedly aa abe
• tbe table.
boond to follow oomeone aroood town.
1 wn^'t te^ppate by no e-oacr'
*■ ' a ^tapic
-Staple Inioiiicot for Snaai
a lire
licr teiK
tenc waa I'lller. 1
d tbcca
the care uf Queen
l»IP>r %ateumed
It tiBT
tiBi U
m brrnrb be


Oe ^ow Ite atw to

One day a remk later Satan waa eal.
top ber dinner
of tte pmt pooae tbat crowDai! tbe
featl. Her fi
who baa orercome an enemy, bnt
(rtompb waa marred by lack of appetlte and a flottcrlDp i>ala at her heart.
Tbe kitchen door t^aed ueUlly. an
aisUlar feci tramped acreaa Ibe Boor.
“Btttan llpplas. I re wanted-to at
lull .rear:" an.! to Bnaan'a
yon for a bull
u a pair of arms encircled
ter and abe waa klaaed by no otter
than Jonaa Wilton bimaelf. “I waan'i
drownded. it was John Wilton,
ber Joy Suaan Marty kloed Jonaa
In return, bnt a andden recollecUou
amailMl ter. and abe puabed blm nn-ay
ber feet. "Wbat aboot
Fanny Ite and Qneen o' Sbebar Kte'a
took pood cara of ite'pobae for yon.
■akl quietly.
pot a allk shawl for Fanny Ur.
Jowia. -thani i«iy bar for ber
iroBble. Aa for (be pooae-tbate i' '
nolblnp bappenod to ber yeiY'
voice almoat qiilrercA ttitb auaproi
“Tbere abe It: Bometblnp baa bappeied lo ter. i wax ao-to wroupbi
up wben 1 beard yon waa drownded
1 Joat took vile «i her and killed tei
bnt now aouebow I rau't eol ber.
waa awfnl mean to kill a pet pooee!
Bunn stood aloof. |»U- and ilcCnni.
"Pet notblnpr’ couifoned J-uaV. with
hit arm* all
dreadful tired of beinp inpeed aroobd
by Hut pooae. It made a elsbt o
Bbd it kept ut apart, so I Jeit

. Qoecn f
Doii't I
It banctyr'
“Rot why-why didol gm «ay you
waa wliiiiip to pet rtd of Bar lasteau
orBnann cancht a plealn of umterranamt In Ur. Wllloo'a alfeettaute pate,
and there da woW npou her the reallaa(btt man bi a aniwrlae bclup niid
motire* inuat not te too cinaely
itlnncd be tte woiunn yrbo U pi
lleped 10 I ire blm. ao ber aanteuce «
ed (a a a
k,Tli,s .TDpatb,
Ibclr lira met.


Jaiuet P. While.' And.aftertbeflrcnn-

Tbe mao yawned and cast tte paper
from him.
A loud koockinp eeboe^ ibronpfa tbe
boose. He beallaied a moment, then.

pin with white face peeplnp out from
tte acarlet bood of ber cloak.
"Hay 1 come tor’ tbe asked. ~We
have loal cor way. aed It la ic very
“Certaiqly." tbe mno responded;
*Yoinc lo A once. Von anld 'we.'" He
peered qneaMonlnpIy Into the dtrfcoeaa.
-My borae." tbe pin explained.
-Have yon any place to-pat poor Billy
until we are wanned and raaiedr
“If you rim atep to.'' tbe man aald.
-1 win attend to tte borae prcaeblly."
Tbe pin seated teraelf before the Bn



Ste imad a book from tte nadiap
table aad. epaalnf IL teld It oot m
blm 1b tte tompllcbl. tpob tte fly­
leaf waa IwcTited. -To John Bydtr.
From BH Hotter." Tte man'a face
hatdenad. tbeb te aaldi ‘You rasat
bare beard ite whole miserable nory.
It tea fates well adrenlaed ibroocboot
tte country

He made ab Impatleut peature of dlaaeot.
"It will be better, for you." tte plrl
arped. 'to talk It over. Raarlnp ao
BRx-b alooe Las made yon morbid."
-.\a you will.- aid tbe man and
barled bla face In Ua bauda. '
-| remember Ite day"—brr rolce wu
tender with sympalby—"tbat tbr were callinp. 'Rxlrar ak«p tbe
■(reels snd I stopped lo buy a paper
wllb its plarlap beodllnes. -John K'-der
Abwxiodedr 1 bad beard about tala
extravapaot aolerTsinmenla, bis peoerous plfls to charity. Now 1 read of
widows and orphans leR destitute, of
bomes dvatroyed becanse of bis dis
boneaiy. Tbeu. while tbe work! was
atlll talkinp of bla prtnl crime, another
extra was called-'Jobo liider Deadr
Aa 1 read tte aad story trua Oiled
eya. for te waa relurnlop borne.
twelBp old and broken nflrr ouh week
te plve blmalf up to tUe autberltlet.
when they found blm. But be oeier
aeacbed Ibe prison walla
Heart dli
ease, tbe papers aald. tbonpb u seem
ail to me tbat. reailxlop tbe eoormtly
of bis crime uod aorrowlnp for It. he
\ad dli-d. Then 1 read <ft the aon left
to bear Ibe sbock and dispraer
bad blamed blm. too-tbc iiapera-wltb
ibarp. atloplnp words, blatlnp ibaL-as
sneUted clearly wi;b blafalber In bust
oen affairs, be must have known tlial
tbe money which |irorldrd blm with
;nry was not booratly earned
IS plad wticn be showed blm_________ and looped lo po lo this aeecod John Ryder to tell blm bow splen­
did be waa. fte be pave up evcrylblnp
-tha lodependeol fortane wbkb bU
isotber had left bar aon. bit antivobllea. not even withholding tte branborae which bad been bis pel and
pride. Then, iiennll^ and quite atone.

She Hade a Qidefc Journey and
Saved the Froper^.
■r FRANK M. Bwerr.
ICwrtCht. t».>> Anwriemu IVesJ
*■1 ay ibry come here and ^vo
asray nor pamer cried Bnaetir. st'ampInp bra pretty foot. 'H.i-ji. 1 ay it bold­
ly. Do we not bare to ararcb tte
wood all day now for
bey when both nsed t\> come ■» oor
very door^ And ibey have anple and
arlne and troll aud spear till there te
ue feeth any more. Do not tell me
they have ivinw t.> dvUIxe. to open «p
Ibe imnniry and to brlnp prw |<er-l-ty.
Hah:, Have not we liecn h-M'l'y here
all Ilf ourselves oo Our llille slope
orerionklnp-tbe river, and docs not onr
srandmotter asy ste was bapp.v here
wbim t mile pin. and did not ber
meibra nod ber grandmolhra ll«c here.
IOC. and 1>e happy In their tlun-y W bat
acre Is tberel Have wc nri bad |.ros
per-l-ty? And wbat do we care for
more .-IviUac. in-re '>pca up? It Is not
. cood for us.
Ib-er acorafnlly and
■ sweeping b.-r arm toward a l•slldlap

Ryder can te."
Tbe man's eyes teemed to bar*
raqplit Are from bera. “1 could do all
tbat and more." be cried. "U yon were
araltlap for me at (be etidr' 'Xt»e plri'e
face was jw white. "Porplve me."
aald (he m«j huskily—“forplve uie U
bare been quite carried
we may make him fairly comfortable,"
ebuaeitt and Iowa will bav^to keep
away." There waa a loop alienee '
Tbe pin removed ber cloak and a«toBUIde the -Dine mile llmir or ba
tied bock iBlo (be leather cbalr with a fore Ibe plrl spoke.
"You bare also beard my uame." ate
amaabed by tbe fuuneeii inch mobster. ■Ipb of comfort na iba cbeerinp
Tbe nine mile erilHem-y teal w
"1 am Antoinette Drew,
. warmth broopbt tbe rose color floodlnp
fovrt at a pun eli-vailoii of only
promised wife of tte goveraor.”
‘ back to rbeeka and lips.
•pree*. Tbe lonpeat ranpe tbat ran
•Yonr’ cried tbe mau Incrsduloualy
8be told blm tbat sbe was alsylnp
be oblnlned wllb anch a pan wnohl be
as be looked at the pirilah face
wUh Aunt Martha and Code Ben
frame of corlliie balr
*'i5 ^
Ue remember"He waa my TMlier's friend." ate exbut in ordM to ,h.K.i at tbe maximum ^ ^
^ farmhouse which sbe
plained, "aod^eld me upon bis l
^p traJ'Mi.T.e
llK- U.npvr be tnut a child.
It was motber. I tb
who made him reiillte Ibat be wai
.. ....... .
^ ,M„ ,h..
„„icd tbe windows and
me for bla «Ife. W e bate been taupbl,
my alatera I. tbni lo iichtoTe promtnence and uealtb leaves notblnp
•- te deatred. nut) «e have don- credit to
back blindly ibroupb
our teacblup. uut here lu the great
for obvl.«. ma..QS. on tbe •v'bjeteIbe boosewblle TCorli) I have been tbiuklng
J^l "Voocsb-t,CO." te lokl tte pin. who
ibiaps over, wonderli .
ateod ready lo her scarlet
true- 1. too. have n battle belore me.
by the exiwrta from tbe amaxlnp per-j
t* impossible (onlpbt.
and I am polag to play the game fair.:
fivraann- of the two leeta.
Wltbln the mne mUe llmlt.near Ad- ,
*^0 will pnard I am KolbR back lo brave my falber'a
noger and my inolher-a dliptowaure—to.
mini Mna..ii, the dealpner of the
well, wlille Ibe borae and IwUltry
ba> aerated an averape vel.wlty ..f-to the farmbonae - tell the soveroor nil aod ask panJou
for the preat wrong doue bloi. I am
2.000 feel per aecaad. One wlloeas>et
^onr people of your safety.
clad." abe added softly, "that my de­
Ibe le«ts says the tnlllal vel«-lly was j
uol reinrn until morolup .vou
cision liaa tweu made before I knocked
esllmatid at S.900 feet per neennd and
alarmed. You must keep
at your door, else I might qoatlon my
that (bla did n-( diminish much at a'.,,rm..aiid. above all (binpa. do oot
ow-u motive today "
dUlance of flee iiillfs. The Impact h|gut." Ue inrned to look
The man Icnncd forwar.'.
"If be
eallmaied at tCL'm (■• fl&.Oiin tons per „ g,r as the still aai i
bolds you K. yonr promlae. ” te asked
square fimt.
^ ________ j aorry that you mutt do
tensely, "wbat ibeuV
'" *** ed. "aorry
- Tte girl sigbed
"I sbsll at least
Tte pin
hate beet Imnest '
at bliu. “You must not think «f me."
-And If be releaaca you?"
tbe aald. "Is It safe for yon to po?"
W'ltb a rusli and n slide a preat
■Quite safe." be answered a
weight of aaow came tboodcrinp down
from tbe roof.
'Joho Ryder." cried
Oeoroe Washington Mamerlal Being,
Ite plrt nosteadily. "our fnrtooph ta
7 Helpte by Bays and Girto.
nlpht." abe aald. "We will be anxlons.
ir abovel sod a
A l.i« and pin nnxtUary to tte ' ly walUnp for yon. Uddle and 1.
Ceorp.-Vaalibirou Memorial .saorla-1 “I have been
For daya h
Hon lias levii Maned
If every tdalt «od windows." Ibe plri repbedoffice.
sdmlrerof tlie fllVI preaMenl will Show am afraid
been as sbe stood opoo tbe platform
luilf Ibe jitqyHrtl aupport tbat Iheehll- ad In "
of tbe inil" Ibat was rarrylop ber
Un-ii lire Pennine to offer, Ibe leaders
When Ike moralnp dawned he ^
Jnsi .-is tbr car torned tbe
cf tbe icojeii deciifre. (be Hfweujuo inraed from a fniiilaaa acatcb
curve sbe drew brnelf erect and made
reqliitnl tirrear in Wral.lnplou this'fieri till 8 o'clock and.'wilclnp
n stiff lllilc military uluic.
ranter for the "peneral dlffuelon of tbe bouse was dark, asked tte plrl
liad been n smile uixm ber Ups aod
km-wledce" will Ik-»|«-e.tll> n«i<ure<l.
lean lo ber eyes. Tbr picture came
Tbe man bnrrtod about the ti
One wh'.le «liip In (he preat buildback VO blm tbu momlnp aa tbe po«inp that all Aitierl-aus atv asked to lookltic In rain for a glimmer of
ITesently te came ■nuter bnoded oei a bnstneaallfce lookere^-l and ow n tn mciimry of Wasblnp- from the oniaUe
inp envelope nod ibco a small aqaare
tou as a lieadqaariers himI irudliorlum back to bar. "I am afraid It Is true.''
He burned out Imo tte apar"You woaderful girl, do yon one.
f.W the |«rrlolli-. »c-k-u'IBc. iiirdlv-nl and be uid
kliog world to be alone.
art orpMilialloiia -f ib" l•all.•ll will be take all yonr misfortunes ao bappUyr'
"It has eoiue. Uddle." he said to tbe
The pin langhod merrily. "Vou can­
iNillt «.U-ly tliToiicIi tliv efforts of Ibe
dog; -It ba« come at last." For a
Aiywk-nii jiMtiip.i.-r*. who are telnp not tell flba ■occcsafull.v. but 1 at
incut be feared to break (He seal, tbeo
orcmilicd to ■prenil ibe klea ihroopta very are tbat Atmt Martha wilt nc
Moni tun at Ite full sIpoUlcaDce of
worry. It IsnT ber niunre Sbei wl
iLclr ».-li.H.lnnitu* olid |.!a.vproumU
ber meatape came lo him. "The pwvknow I bare 'fetched up' somewbere.
ernor has granted i • pardon."
Early In Ite afternooD tbc.v at. oo
Fartons That Is Never le Ba Bpeat.
Tte. hulk of eh* e-tsle ..f ibe 1st* on either aide ff the flreplBCe. tte dotf
Tte mao wenf nioDiop np (te tbin
■Mgpy leoptb airetcted at the plrl'
W'llllsiii M. Ani|l. lawyer. 1- left to
ing roadway, tte great dog leaping
Oliic-tuium I’.v b^ will. proKiiiKl the feet, while tte man read alood. Pre>
ently. feeling tbe coocentrnrteo of ber and barking Joyooaly m bit aide
othor day
lie apralfle« that the
eyes npoQ him. te looked np from When they h.vd pone some dlatance
of’ fhe
fl ewla:
be remembered
tte book
a while ste IImw. Tte f<
“John Ryfler." aid (te plri toddene rtlaiurr.<d. .^nd flu.lUoD of prei
ly. "why did you come berer

El\®^raV«Zre""TlK.‘T!rr^rbe «
Tll/n .K„



I band concerM to tbe pour

For Job Work Como to the Herald and Record Co.

Ten mlnuiea'iater tte keeper of tte
Inatbouav at (be brad ot Ite falk •■*
bra nicalnp dowb tte ato|W.- Snolte
iirier walked when ate esraid rwa. As
ste aiqwuocbed the mab rwa to bla ^
Tbtr. were few vlallora *l tbIa ;
, m'sieu." abe called merrily aa ,
ate stcpiwd on tbe plalform and slip
ped past U» ta.tlo rlvdralde. where
Ibe boats wvewAcfii.-’^itoz.^l tote oat
of Ibr—er-abells b> po O^Bte.Mlof
Yra Know j*n naU I eowld two ttea
Bay tllnr when ao< oapaped."
"Ceruloly. Utoa fluaette.- the Mflfl
answered reopoitfbHy. Ua bod orden
10 irrai tbere flret-aquim witb every
■•unsUerailon jviaalllte tbat did bm la
lerfere wllb iHialora or proflt lo any
way. -Which one rilU you cryr
Tte girl's eya swept over the booia.
iBsisntly flxUip upoo tte osc ate frit
to be Iba siioiicevt and moot ooowiw
-This.- ote repUed oa aba
Into It. "Now aao If I Dot go dowa tte
falls at nice as any of yoar botel pro-

"Jobo Ryder." asked tte plrt apalo.
why did you comc'berer
Tbe maq raiaed bla face. “It
Ibe coward lusUocl. I suppose.''
Mldbliterly. -The aphtwasiwatraup
for me. ao I deserted.
Uy motber
loved (bla mile place, and I could not
let It po, ao it w»t bera we came to
hide away from them all. lAddle
nd I."
•Too li deserter." cried tbe plrt. aod
ter eyei were sl«>mltiB-*ib« bravest
so (bat I have ever known: Bball I
ll yoa why you came here to be alone
If 4 time? It waa.tbat yon mipbi
patter your forca lopelber and
polnp back Into tte very mUtl of ibe
Bpbt. ibow them, not wbat a John
Ryder baa been, but wbat I jobu

Qaeb^' TWaaa «iiwtiTt*d^W
mde-i Mat wat flMr • mm
ot ptoa. with stow wHa.'a«B It ww a
tanAtopa. This laajr aol te a aa«.
bat wa WIU tiy. Toa l«r»y » »•
traps aad flail your fatter, Baillb
aad teO him tneooe quM*. Ha mK
■tart with tte suaaet. foe It wlU be a
lOQE. ter«)oaruey. and tewjfl baeafo
po ea loot. When ttay po It
wttb fast borso. Bnt tteM li Ike
week's elan. Hwrry. Bantter
Bof tte plrl only dori teiattf
■baktop ter bead.
-Not fatter," sbe aU. "Oo Sfoald
never pet le Qnebac. H* tooaU n*
at flret. ■Dcauiiig ta do r<
be found t
,me te would atop to' flab
and forget rtecytbbig. No. no. Dot
OOB peic. .Nov. there ta a way wo
must hot riA. 1 WUI c« myselt.“Voq. Boarter inciedutoMly. "tm
cannot. cbM. It ia three days' )oa>
nej-. and you have neter been a Btf
trom borne."
-Only two days by w*»^»otbit
and 1 shall po tbat way. U'Vw ba,«
atnipht courae. qiri 1 cMBOt pet tori.
I wlU-take my 90 sUlltorii ual soiri

aac saoT ovxs avo An

-Tbgt ia Ibclr clvillxr. to daurc
and be amuse, and Ibe)- bare |>ni op
o-a clobboUM.- OD Ite bank, al Ibe
<>f our owu beantlfnl falls,
wbere they bare r-anvas ibella-to
about the falls, and (bat (>e amate too.
And (bat la nut all-'uon. They"—‘
"C'blld. rbllj.'-reiuuininicd ber moth­
er. "do not go on ao. They mcao
well iind wnul to l>e. friendly. And.
nnyway. nolbliig wv can do will
cbaDge"•That ia not alU” Tepraied Rosctle.
■TbU morning aoine of item come oo
our own land wl'.h (blogs to mrasnre
aroonil uur own 'vbln. and 1 did tear
one tif Item «y the slope ^'onld aoou
te theirs ami (bet It sinuld te a beauil-fnl spot for a buoga-Iow. Tbiuk.
mot ber; Tte land lias tavn ours sloee
tbe lime of lu.v i-real-graiiilfnlher. w itii
uobody bill ourM-h'v here, aud all tbe

tnlnnia laiar, with obeaMata eraet
and balr flylbp. ste abot over aad
down tte falia. the man auadtog m
tte platform watching ber.
After pmwinp brtuw tte npUa Ite
Bwu expected ber lo ton back by tba
little able atrram prepared for (hat
parpoae, up which tte boat creUd te
draara. Bat. twiriie paddled calmlyaa
wltboat looking bock and soon dtoapprared round a bend lu Ite rivor.
Tte mao alood tbere (or aomo time
watching, (bra returned bla teat, wllb
a chuckle. The plrt bad Hkriy gone oa
to aume qoM pool (or an boarta flablug. or iwhapa ate waa patbertop
lilies or leaves or Jaat keeping oot of
slpbt tbrougb some traalnp mood. She
a baram acfirum (blop anyway.
Rot when abe bad Dot retnrued at
_o«o Dor at ulpbi te crew asxbma
aud at last went to tte owner aad
spoke with blm la a tow voice, tbeo
■oopfat (be cabin with talwrtiif atepsYet aomebov. tbaupb BeaaUe'a motbtr
exprraaed anxiety In a vMabla voire,
te )»<J a fecRnp 'Ibtt tte words 4M
uol rracb touch (anbar than ite Upa.
airi tte feellnp kwaanad hlo owa conrera. Very likely Ibe dri waa accatonted to anch eweipadea.
- Illtic waa said about ll tbe oest
and It waa not uniU tbr end of
third tbat tte dlsapprareuce bocamr generally koown. Then It aaened Cblefly lo affect two men who had
jnst raiur la from a ftahlop trip. They
•bad plaiiued fo leave (be week foltowIng. but after a buiTled caoaulUtloB
wltbln half no
to Qu'-bev.

(biv c-omc bcic uud walk acrom tbe
oiitl luiile *>me Ogures. aud all
thev have to Jo Is to «Khl (be figure* Olid tbe land will be thellw forefer aud through all lime: Tbat ta the small aide atrram —. ^
wbat i bear the man say. 11,-ih: Wbat Ibe keeper to draw ter bat np. tYben
Uml of rlvl lx.' do you call It, Ibl* pbc atviiped upon Iba platform ter face
|wle. tint triumiibant.
open np^ ll I' not we who have live,
ou may tell tbe owner bit bat
here, ilfd iI'kI net make two lands foe
bave been very nrefoi to me." tte
oue in.-m. "
ir*ii. SusetteT" atixlonsly. “They ■aid. -and tbat 1 bare not term R.
I) b-ar V..J and Artre ua away when Ard you may add ibat I own ibe lead
y own (be laid. W« are notblnp arvnnd (be caUn now and all tte atopa
beyond. All I have lo do ts Vo live A
l>ut s-iuaiteis. they say."
We b:i>e lived tere. and vbey bare ,IL Aud. ob. yea. if Ite hotel want t*
fla^b^»l Siticite. ".^Ild wbat ate nae A«y •»«* of tte water from oar
the figure* but marks tbat any scbool- spring It must pay ni somelblnp f«P
So fbr It bare paid
1 uivkc; I look at Item and
ling end irtod lo lake everylhiac.
Tbo flrat paper tbe mao ttey
1 will let Ite use of tbe teat can­
••all sur-vey-or make be Iny dowa, and
wind b'->w ll l.vwarU me. Then te cel all that."
And tbeu afac started up Ite alepe to
make niii-lli<r. .Mid when they go I
leci ber motber. wbo was bairyiap
pb-k it 111'- 1 have ll uuS'.AQtl It Is
iiotbing but s-imc flgnte* sddbomr l*-l- don from tbe rabln.
Heanwhiie ibe two mem. who follow­
Uer moib'-r was usually calm and ed (te girt on fast bonc% were palk^
tabmlKsIvc t” fsir. bnt now a quick lug toward Ihe land oOce at Quebec.
They iratelod faaU but Soaette bad
fls«lii-d I-' h'-r «'}r*.
.. we .ould CC( the paper b» Qoe- got loo much a atari of them. YTbea
Is-m; flr»i. Sun-ne." *be almost brcaibed, they raacbed Qnelicc they threw Itemselves from their Jaded boraes and
,ylw-ma>l.-' the land would
Went Into ibe oIBce to reptoier lb* Isnd
>. i bod an on- le who pot w
they found (bat aa entry bad been
1 ibvl way e.ira.
Anotter 1
i trv |o gel II. boi my niK-le rraeh mad* only a -few bown h.-for*. There
land I'lsi'c lint, and (be land bare ■ n the l.ot*a tliry were steww Ite
u hi- >>er eluec. and now tw man name of Ihe eiri wte bad ontwlttad
Hike 1' cirapt itey i«y blm turaaiid be l» wililag. If-lf we •K'uld
get our land like tlist"
drew n paper from her tea- fur Ibclr paias,
iIh iw> women bent over It
And l6c Ui.l icmfer of Ibeae mea
eagerly. almo»r reverently, (or to both was taten-rtl by the retoWapi of
alike unintelligible.
Itoxetle sud her mother. They c««M
the man say when te not return u. Ite >l»es wbea ite drer
'id .-..11 b
pai-er t.v lb- land |>Uce. aod wild Turkey, eonld lie shot at
Ibeir d--r* mid r.tew the Sto were
Snteticl"t till next week Thev were Itasd ph-ntirm In Ihe strcami. Itot pe«)de
Ite cabin, and I rauld not bcl|> wbo bs.l I'lcaiy uf asotey tabled
•ar. Tte.v wii' liib 'bl* week and tbHr iU"|.-riy aiul kept bidding moSw
hum. and ihe nexi week wbeu they and mure f.- I; every yrar. Al tost a
irt heme thev will Bn lo QoebCC. huuiiur ■ :ul. ihat liad futrebaaed maap
arre< iviug nil about ll made (beto
rand s.eal "or laadr
•If ibey -an." the abblBlaalve face anrli a lino offer tor It fbei It was aeeri'lrd.
growing vet firmer with its new
triih the raoairy Suxette sod her
pose "Rut we tty lo do like my ancle
motber went away and porrbaaed a
did fleet, only." with a note of ai.
ten«ioii bl ber voice, -tbrae people new temr. And mw tte paare cosra
■gslo (otbrlrdocr.
know thlngf. and Itey bare been

Tte map ttamd visibly, and bla face

Vowthtlmtfe Orava.
■ tte I' The Tsrtara a
Btoiy wSwhftt
Aubora tom- |tta Otototton a
post, to bwtod to U<

Let the Herald and Record Co.
jjo your Job Work.


Vown 60

Profits Doomed


Jttt Profits f)ave Been Swept
Jiwap. Prices tinm
doubtedtp Beach thiir
Lowest Limit. Jt new
Vatue 6img
wilt be Set.

terrific Price Stashing,
Spirited Setting is the
Order for this 6reat





' ’ W« will closed our store all dayThureday to
arrange stock and mark down each and every
article and yard of goods in ev«>ry dept, for the
greatest Price Slaughtering Sale Traverse City has
ever known.' Sale commencing Friday Morning.
January 14. 1910.



We will close our store all day Thursday to
arrange stock and mark down each and every
article and yard, of goods in every dept, for the
greatest Price Slaugiitering Sale Traverse City
has ever known. Sale commencing Friday Morn­
ing, January 14. 1910. ,

We Wustand Will Convert Our Winter Stock into Casb-^ Cost forgotten
be remembered.
WE ARE NOT LOOKLSG FOR PROFITS at this late hour; our^^*^**'
one object Is tpCoaverl
; alcrtliawileetatoCash before Inventory and the arrivalI of now
new sowing
mp> rhandts*'.
price rcductioiis througheut
. section of the store. This means you will have the opportunity of saving such
To do Ibis we have made

' •
ap you
never •had••before.
II means..............................................
that early and prudent buyers can1 buy ntiw for
present ard■ future
needs and......................................
save from 20 to 40 pereen
usual cost. II means for you the grandest bargain event of the season, it means increased business tor us and increased saving and satisfaction
for our customers.

Look For



Given Away


Wiih every 10c pur­
chase. we give you one
Glob: Creep Trjding
Stamp. And with these
Stamps you get beautiful
uiemlumi free, such as
LSmps, Chairs, Tables.
Stoves, S-anis. Sewing
Machines. Kogs, Uitbes.
etc Get a Stamp Book
at the office and com­
mence today.

Fur the benefit of our
patroor tbe preseoc as
well ai tbe former price
wUl be marked on lar^
Sreeo tage. on ie*ery arti
cle. To mis« seeioK them
if Hke trampling dollars
noder your feet.




and as evidence win Illustrate a few of the hundreds of extraordinary values we have for you during this Great Slaughter Sale. Don't wait for further
InvitatiofTbut make a personal investigation at once. Don’t wait till stocks are depleated, but come while the assortments are at their best, no matter
if you live (50) fifty miles away, for on a smalWfYvestmeiit you can save moie than your expenses of coming.

S^e Commences Friday, Jan. 14
Stands For.______
It is a_________________________
great clean up that effects each and every article in the drygoods,
^ This Great Slaugblep Sale Is All that the Ni_____________
... clothing, shoes,
InmltBre, doaks,aul(s and millinery d^artmeats, and results is bargains
:air that cannot be appreciated unless you visit our store and see t^e merchan­
dise Itself. We will have extra sales people so our force will be in prime condition to serve you.

Itaverse City, MIchlgaB

149-142 East Front Street

QRAHO tMLvkmi MUuLb.
j Nn ToriL Jam. ft—PouRiT—Orate
r, ed. Srte
{Mis. ilOlte.
‘l^rkerft nei4e.

iuvi rrocK.
(Br tJBhte PtteB.)
BBfalo. Job. 10—Cb«1#. *1M:
«««,; ,m... |4-50M«.n. Vtela. W
■iMdrI19111AO. 8b««p. 18.000.
Tht tiiT aw** OJ"**®"*
flm: Umte
*«>rap. W«Cnm m »o poU»o» 1*1®* woofbi
HoBi. 1S.COO; ahra: r«*««
U. ud ter. *te® d >■
»14 U> III • UM.
OHM*#, JOB. 8.-P0Utote-8ttedr.
. Tte tr*l»
»• ■!*> «“'"*• '*•*
Cboira to fBBcr.'IsOlOe.
malpu tevinc t*Ute «ff « WL Bocknir to *ood, 4l«4Se.
, *btel iK «ni «MUd M » ««U a Ora«i»IHe.Ml<*.. J»n. 8-C.H. QibSOB ft Co. noota tho bnylD* price of
pwtora at 30C. ___
(tir UaM«d Prate)
DetiML J
(%]«B«o. JaB. 8.—Pea beaBS. -tiand
picked, cboira n.ltOMS.
PriDS. ll.loftMS01.11%; eorti. •»%r; oaU. 47%c.
Mediniw. sonlBallr abimr aaioe
To»«k>, J*iL lO.-Clote UTirat— pee Maaa.
flJT; MiB. I7%e: oaU. 4»%«.
Red kidoey. per bushel. poor


«Mi iMMiim _ _ .

ChlC«o. JSB. I- Bquara boics.
VrUaland. Zeeland and HBdtonrilbi.
fresh, good to (dwice. TSOter.
Pbbct. SOCiSc.
Old. cODmoo idwH. U*ht parked or
inor t^. 4Ot0C«e.
UoWen brart. lOOlSHe. '
Craon top. iSHOlte

OUcSCO. Jaa.


Chteago. Jan. 8.—Tltnothy—March
8C-«..4.C'!.. "■
■:iOT. r. uarci
I>lroli. Jaii
Clover —Spnt.
March. !$:<«. .

Stops Lameness

Coindensed Statement
$1 Gl* 7Sl«fi
4 857:«



isir* *”"“•••


Svf.l lStiM 77


January !, 1909. »i.Toe,4b4^/ ^

Jan. 1, 1910, $1,820,980.67
C*]b 1b depo-lia tor thre^ year*,

The kinda you'll turn nml piv.• occoDd look, tliul have Ihi- rcttig•oised rhanf” and -cut." the
.. auippy bpiwarancc that "tlioroui^hriHl" rt.vle Skirts liavc,
t’olorR. Navy, (Ircy. liman.
Green and Hlack.

buj-a any (S Drtws Nkirl:
bu.vR aod
buys any $7..50 Drean Skirl.
bii.vK any $8.50 l)r<-K.s Skirt.

ir.Tb bu.VRiany *10.00 l>ni« S^kiri.
$8.96 bui-Kiany *12.00 ]>rc9oi Skirl.
$11.0p bii.v* aiiy *14 or *1.5 Skin.'

Sliic, Heatherbloom and
Grandmother’s Taffeta
$1.00 fpr
$1J0 for
$LT6 for
. $100 for

all *1.2.5
all kr>0
all *2Ai
all *:/uii


11. Mia.

to 2*e'l>el DFsprea B«ra fto pmmtm ot Mri.
[la. CBiBvbeB Nww Td«t%.
Mr. and Mrs. O. JototeB «di* .
» 4««
Wednasday. .
J. aeretBod yMUiik
araand Oraao.
I Mr. and Mrs. OteliwR^ ate lamftr
'ate Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Halbitey dd
MalafB crapte per pouBd.
OM Rnbbws. per lb..........
- - • *^ I Traverse CUy. ware evsats oC Mr. nte
Mrs. Mrtatosh New Tear-a.
Mary MdDioab aouoded the meetuiberrieii. per qaart .
leg of kmc dutaaee eperaws at Caft
Iliac Friday.
Miss Veil and Mr. ZMtl-of Trsv HidtoiT 'buis.^p!^oi
Flour. Feed. Ikiaeai
after speadlnc the l>uliiia>> at bum.' erse City, were gueida ot Ur. ate Mra.
Spriac wheat flour, per —........... —
Miss Hcelc Thol- of Grand Rap­ Clark Friday .-veBlnc,
Lily White lYonr. per bbl ... *440 ids. was the (men of Mrs. Mrln-.ith
Mias Accra \sn Hora weat to.TimrIdeal .K)ur. per bbl..................... 18.40
and family New Yvir'>. rvtu-iiii-i: trie City Tuesday to apeod a (ov
H. and L. Best
.t Flour.per
.. —
Best Flue Fted............. - days vlalttac bra ctaodmoiher. Mt*.
Brma. per ivu poaods................. 8L4
Buckwtieai bran, per 100 poOBds. $0.0
MlduiBCt. per 100 pounds..........11.4a
Coarse corn meiL per 100 lbs.. 11.45
8»1L per 100 pounds......... ..........81.00
Maat Produeta. iBraach)
Wool from .




The Kind Yon Hm

$S.T6 fur *.5.i'io valu.-s.
$4.60 f.u- *.5.7.5
$6.60 fur *ii..5ti vuliics,
$8.76 fur *S.Oi» vhIuck,
$7.t6'fur *H».4ki valiii-K.
I9.V6 fur

Bears the



OticaieD. Jtn. ».-l*rov|s!iuis-CI«.e,
I'urk—January. 15175.
May t5IJ5HeSI.»5.
July 35IM05t.»7%.
Uard—Jannary. 815.CO.
MB)-. |lf07H
Calvra. per lb
JiOy. 81*K(3H.
No. 5 1
Juh, in.55%.

For 0¥er
Thirty Years





. 10c


Ladles’ Suits
and Dresses


1..UI): ('.Hits. |.l.-nj.-.l SkirU, DineiiiijilK. S.-np.ii. <’li--vio1>i. Itmn.l•-loths.

January Clearance of
Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear

sui,-t......... mn

I...U..' Suits f..r........... .13.76
Suit. n,r.. 315.00
Kail. r..r. .. 317.60


<l«z-Ii of rhiff.iii

!lmBd«-l.iili. Si-rg.-. I'mnii-lla nnd
Silk Ct.w-ii. vriirth

1<> *:L’>

To CloM at Om-Foortb Off.


■\ll Inl.- iirriviiU. .-ih.-iii l).-i-, 1. hlii.-k nml .i.Iutn; K-T'--.'.


l.ndii-s SuiIk fur........... $23.60
.JilNl nil


Ladies’Coats® Furs

........... **™



Below we furnish a brief list of cold .weather wearables, rapidly
diminishing under Clearance Pricings, The final marching orders
have bsen given to every variety of winter styles for women.

WAISTS].ith. niiuji.i.iiK ami \..v.-lli.-« • Tlu- v-r> l..ntr
|>laiii kinds.

U|. |„ #2,1111.


A Style that’s Always Good


1-iwii WaisK. v;ilui-7.

Y-ur r|>..i.-.- Silk »iid N.-l IVaiMs.

».00 for any $7.50 or $8.50 Coat

$6 for any $10.00 Coat.

$7 for any $12 Coat.

Black. Plain. Col­
ors and changeable

Tor Twfciite tnj

...... '.i -lu


swrenev, louoaer
I and llirush.



itrimti steak :
Cbtva*n. Jan. 8—Buurr—Stead)'
le St
Crraifnerl.*. NOS4c.
ctaote^r lb.
Dairies. SSlfSOc.
____steass, 1
f^RBS—Steady- receipt! l.CRl cases. Ikirk aanaafs.
Oases Included. !l%esb%c.
...c ni>.
.>• a....—
Flrstf. 55c.
wondtffuUy penetratiu — goes
Prime Brta. 5tc.
right to the sjiot—relieves theNe« York. Jan. 8.—natter—PIrtn.
soreness — limbers up the joints
Recelins. C.81S.
and makes the mwlclcs clastic
CrwarueT uncials. Sir
BBd pliam.
llairas; z>.
Hera'S the Proof.
Thirds to Br»U, tftOSIe.
Ur G. T. Roteto <* Kcssca. C...
Creamen' held, saeood to apeclal.
R> II No. i.lh»«].erHn
wtd y Mil LUlmnil a hone fof >w«.
ney alrivOccted a tboroiifbevre. tat*
Slat., dairy. coBimon' to doeit, SCO
ao raiuowla >ro>iaooa malt. Ikli
spaflo waiaala.paaa luiiKstQ. U
my eOimalloa the tmt leocdy l«na.- .
Proew. flrat to sperlal. MOMe.
BBI a.4 tuneets b
Western laoiory. 850*Cc.
Western laltalloa erealBMT, Kfl’
Kbrs—Finn; n.c.4nls 6.4<i8.
Staio.r. aiisylvnnla and nearby bi nnery. white. fui<T. 45e50c.
Iki, white. 40«ilCc. '
Nr. H. N.Gilteik UereiKs. Ksm .
1)0 henm-ry. brown and nlird. fan­
K P.n. No ). ariilai --V«u> iJol.
Travrase City MllUa* Co.
cy. 44«t45f.
■Ml it lilt bmt that 1 han tw mtd.
I bad a man mih ta abicnt atv W Mck
yathi-n-d. hrovn. fair lo prime,
■Ml o»
Udtb at Moan's IJNimm
wlWh rand htt. I kttp It ararad all
tbtliiBt lur |>Ui and tnell seriU^
Wesier.i ixtra. flrat*. 40c.
..i Iw cOBylliiDS =d«ml Ite IJgck."
Firsts. 38<?8»c.
tlistmdK, SS(f57c.
H.-fri*.-rators. 55%C?*c.
' Much of the chronic Umectess
initunes U due to ncglccL
See that \~our bone is BOt aL
loircd to go'lime. Keep Sktan's

$476.91 I 29



$8.75 for and $15 Coat.

Y»iir rli-i.-.- Tiiff.-ta anil .Mi>iri- Silk Ws:«tv
r.-utU;,r *7 .....1 *7 T-u


$12,50 for anw $18 or $20 Coat.
$15 and $18 for CoaU $25 and $30.


i'¥Tr..f' i ^ small Assortment of
rl RS Coney, River Mink, Mari. UllvJ J mot, Jap Mink and East­
ern Mink Muffs and Neck Pieces, at less than cost
to make.
Rdsdn Pooj
Coat for S29 S45 Coftt for $32 $52
S40 RtissicB

KsssUo Pony


. $3.00
............. $2.00

i-J.'-i • I.

1» ••........................... $1.76


I»■ /..................... $139

*2i«' \i 4i li ............................. $139
.Ml iijvt.-dal.- lohif Skirl ni-Hl- i-..
fr.-iil ami l.a< k U-'iliif
Corset Sale limited to this week






. ■
. .

art tia Tnsts.



.............. ...................o.._ C..
.. S,.
PrMdeol Would Hass CangrtM C»
tart th* Sow 1^ the Cemmlaatal
' Wortt^or federal lewerporatienRotfleaJ Ctiae««« in Twe Impertant

coBdenasa by tbe Bcneral scctiir<-bt|
I reconiiijcod Ibai Uw sbould be' “"'®K
«f tbe people, and under the 8homuB|an.rnded so that It provides that (mm ; elosca pur|>ote to ix Mrtlo Had--#nd to
antUrtul la* aay ottreeBicBt l>ci*c< a „nd after the dale of lu paisaitr. oo t rstabllah * nioa«i«il> and violate ili«
earrteri opcratl.os In rcsimot of !i,.;r,„roaj
object to the act.«l_
. ..
tersute or iBteroatlOlial trade or eotu- rfiMl.dlrvctly or Indirectly acquire ary j Eceeemy-Het Ooly Efle« ef
merce would be ooUwlul. I see no Inieteats
mieieats oflany
of^ny kind In capUal aiw»j
make this din Inctb.o as
> »>•>•
rtaroo why atreemebU U'lseeB car- „
I runor purchase'or Ime
Irwie any mllrrud
rallrrud of ‘•n.i.hsn.«-Bii.h»ll.- as
a possible.
*P"IOlBk lb" any
HU Imw
tiny Other
other conxttB'ten
eon'nrailon Which
whld: eumpr-ic.
eumpi-ica . "I'*'•■=«
v^lve tnal i
cUsalflcstlana of freijhl ard the rat-. ,i,h
with „
II ,„,wtlfai:
respecting bu.<tnus
buftnus to
to «M.h
«M.h dcstnttnvc
d"*«nicnvc to the prwi-criiv r.f this
fare. «od charee. for traBiiKsrtalion the
,bf lnlerst.-.te
m.crst.-.te comme.-.c
eomme.-.-c act ajc.ii.-s. ’
'!■< 1 the loss c; tint ' ur.-st

i |

Lowi UrseA
Waehln*too. Jm. T.—Pr^cBi Taft
ooBt to concresa tbe teUowina apecial
mcaaace oq the propoaed amendmenu
. to the loietBUte comnieree and aatltnist Uwa:
t nd Ml
D Bf BcpieaeniaUeOa:'
I bet Jo Nbalt IS 1
oanModaildas as
tbe Intersute
Ute cotetneree, I#* •P'*.**'-

■Ighl wblrh they nut especlallv for the protection of
a«ree to MUtllfh should not be .uiBorlty. iloclcholde™ In sc
lilted, provided co]ii.s of such ,beui the Ik-vi tnark.t for th.

- . . 1 to Bll the
prorUlQBa of the IntersUtc comBicree
a« and aubject to tbe rlalil of nny
parties to such agreeateBt to ecBrel ‘t
ai to all or any of Ihe apn-ed niies.
lares charges or rliusIHcatloBS by
thlHy dan- BOIIee Ib writing to -the
ojher parties and le the eomousm.

coupled wUh a i>e-5vlso ital It aha,. —.
operate to jirevent any eorporailon
that at the dale of the pi sap.-bf no,-li
„r, ,hau ou-j po, p.jg ,hnn t:ie-ha!l
,,| ,he entire iMued and ..uieiaiidlns
u.,1,41 ,,0^1,
ativ other lailroad
ucqulrlnp all or the te­
nder Iof surh atoek to pro



r.'l; shin icil lyaMl’ of l^^!r fnxidt t«»
aad tefWte
io the tooiia t«f|tlcted Ra iaif :-a i
M ucdutj low rrlppa to drlro
the CBlemmca' or l« the dticntr tl Uke effect preciitly t
' comiDtaloa oal ot buiiBMi ibHr ruiitieiKon. «r It
lu etdatb and dotreea. but In ny the ezmina it*, and
tbor att iB|t byeulUiUo nnlnrls
oplBlOB «U mHaUoB aBeciloa l*» pov May CowIbuc lu lB>-e«U|[all<
kpow (4 u> maoa why.a ablpiW wllA-lbeIr ■•■Ircu ind (liitau of aoeeraineBl Aoald be uoder tbe direct
I kp
coBtrol «( tbs dspsniBCBI of JustU
afanuM BM hare (he rtchl to oloel l.rescm« BifB sorb mstrsrti
Asfssmcflt on fUtsa.
or nmre__fstabllsbrd tfanHith or by olbrt tr.vlhodi of o slialUr ehsrTbs
saWset of asrcemeois brlwefaj, routea subject,
subject. bowrrer.
IB the «er- a«rr are the Is»»ms oI ifaeirrcn_________ earrton arUh respect tomes has bmn eiar of (ht» rlRfat to surb reasonable »o«rces and the ettmt of their output
uIDBrCI <«*BdlsCBasedlncoa*mi
roollBj.reicalaltmjs as the Interstate ewntneres , eotninrod »llb Iho lolaJ oolput Si a
WMIOWU---------------------^on may
arraHEMneats -------------------------aad arrcemcBts
were coeimlstlon
may pmcili*.
^) mnos of (OBiihHire crtlom and fi

eo-nnu.j it
•ffectW iB all ii..not;-.MurIBP lines by the ^niMomcrl of Ijrpo
cai'llal nnd.T onej manap.'i.M-n!. 1 hIo
thcr.- 1-.. ri-i a
he ecoscuiy of
iU3BaK"m.-ul W tbc cBlarpvti.. i-.t H
l.larn ccaws, iind where this tari«'as
and ton-Wnuiion rontlnuis berond this

Pli«e of hnutllDi: ini! iirokirc « fa-t< j ta of comroUv’Ty llerOK* ter ifl
Ibobtmlw.di j.rc»-s:uv ibil t
frO^I ronx'riilotii melted In
cubm. •aOerioj: laj rraiood urtun , •lato bosia.ii
auorr* aownt IL. iatoo-at
r<K j
no MiUn <bn>r obtfcrkA* la
the lasjit ut tfa* eulli< (rv.
ibHr ordrr. Tfar roiereBtrei Is bow
FeScfSl Charter Justlfki
Iryl/ia lo diwoUr r.-mr rt tbrw tomCm.-nai* id ibv ItLCsirtal cor 1 ‘r-- Nnatlobs aod li fa not the lairatlca
MoocalUd “(nirti ' ibr i-riorl'is; lu.i- of tlir ent.yDti.r.t to desist In ifar
least d. tree ia It. t CtoK to cod .thte
Inotb.V eontbUiailons wb*. h arc today m.iaop-------------- -----------------------------------------------------Lui It la not aod slioub
Eovetomcat .
piHe> of the ar>verrntcn
|tr,nUBK a tcd- ral charter to such
reasonable eonrrnirutlcr
whitb U msas-air to I
eo«,UD„«,n t.. r.,aVi and s.11 la iatei
(cr. i.n Tomim-.-cr (be i rr
devel.-i rteni of nwnuti
ducts ol u:. lul n,anu(anure under sac
and c<a:inccie. It uas --all s.-c,.r;- a mmidlaur
pn sent buyitwi
wJUi Uie yin..T.-nst law
It U poaatbk . we ahr.o'd
whlb r an ..p.mtu
off. ”■
ts It -.xiI-.b to a federal rompan> .eenti.rc il

—..... .......- -

In.u>itio by ibe *!ai.-r l;
,;n,j 45;^,.,
r<-asotuLl» tasoren
,od ■•onco! by the states with respc.-i
(g purely loi-ol butlmsf. .Many "•—'-leoaflnt
bulnesa have cl
jd a b-'IU-f that in sn
^ev ullBc max be dimwit
lists and -Tad tro-

I- who *«bt
y -ef eoefa fi-dentl
r.-guiali.H 01

a pig eonsuar. blosiHt P«e
nts IS srell awoww to Iks

with Ihe reqne-t (bat toe “gib

Half er dolUr ler belp bsCv •* fXC. «*■
dal yetbee pig *b hart U dime rtam."
:be desired sn**o» •■as peompllr
A few days later tbe wAt> man mK
Ibe old iwcro and Inqnhfrt:
-Did yoo gel snoibee pbt. onrter
—Ihwd Ab dU. 1«IU an- BK am a
fine sbonl. an' Ab sboly ao. aMKb
nbweged le yen fee brtpia- dm Mass
"WelL lake better cate of fhia eoe."
Xian Toro sugrrsird. "Uy Ibe added kilt, -what did tbe Mber fdt
dir of—cbuiernP
Ibe old ...tin pulled his forelock aod
sailed depreeUlIngty.
"Now. Mars Tow. wbsf for yo' art
wanter ai dsir Be mU. "tteb •
matter re far-, dat ybibee pl«>aM«
'ease Ab Ml bln. on de ha Id
ax. he twin- fat an' de weddee JetoC
light, ar- me Iwln- bcKigry I»». freeh
aroir-Sew-J ork Tlmea.

p<«ri<l s.xuiloe in tie u-i
out mentitT that kind .
Th.- imbli.. ui 1 ,tsp.-elally tbe tm. Id
coogn-.s .hall Im-ir' ilm:
i-ubllr. UL-Blii
vide tiB.I authnrli" cenai;
Id-n.thny surl
dirtioctlon is i-rr.-MA Ompv Cap
ciblt ur .(.u be introduced Into i;.*'
Tbe Rev Oareoew Godfrey on.lvtlP»tnt_i,..
Ing one night drimulsed that he
tot, are held homU to know tbe lep-al dnte o
Atni-Tntvi .law no stub dlsilnrtli-o
of any oiiu-r oT^.oi-ailon und.-r i.-^sr
wxmld ire lo -Irtlepaih- a phaolnam
”«• •rpllrobte W any proposed
proposed sU(, exrouted^ur a term of but i.-iu iha
4t has Ihco proiored. howev.e.
. of blaarif to a lady Itrlog In ooetber
of antHrust Uw suggest.
Wt.houi. tikii
s».a Blnter
efater of
of fnrC
fspt_ bar
. tkal the .woid -reasvnablT-’- sh.ej'd be
iweniy-Oye .vesrs. from aequlrine th
im tes-n es. r- part of-the city, tells' U. Addlhgta
ccrlaJn roeeBs ,of actually as.
made a i-«n of ifav naiuie art! it-.-o
aloacry on-ce.-yhlp uf tb<- d«-mlr'<
ipheid by tUe I jirnee la gncceso Magaxiue. k'er abta
1 think ihni ibs.
that Itsbvuld beb4t to the Riuri n> see
such i-ru.i
\n:v, I „o oilottles he-eodearored to IbOhgM
U» nbould provide Ihnt n enirler —
what Is r.*.r ;r-.aM*‘ of trede. tt.ui »i
IV t.Ther (vrm j iu appear to bee. jU the eod of that
1# tbs oiinusl report of tbe iBler ^ ,Hlten 'rwHH by nil iBteBdlnp
what Is a i-tasoBobU-s..: of of Intrrstj
acgulsltlun. through stuck owneralilp
ta!e (otnmerre. like .he sale time be fell aaleep..s
shipper, nbould rtiwte Is wi^Ultg il<e
comi 1 iiliuo: wtiat is a rtatotiablv moor otherwise of couipi-ilog lib" «r In­
of goi.d«
w vate boundaiW acd
About foot boors later tSMa^^ib
year IftOS atlrntloo Ja railed to the rale or charae .taiUeab
jjopci), I ..tiK-rc to think that ibiB la
terest Uu-n-in lu au'.i-irusl or nuy uthInto (evrtmim.-ree. way the same whom be bad beeif.Txertlng bis wItP
fact that between July 1. l»OS and the
ahtomeJt «Ser
to pet Into tV ' hands ol the couyi a
awoke witb an linpriaslwi that the
^ of thtt^-egr alxtMB autts had
„Hna to shift surb .. a,
itti.ussible to i-xcr.-isv ca ury
a^ slUlox to eon- lud beard a csrtous socod. ghe ten
bent begn lu>»y aaide ^cft-ef tbe p„ty and Ibatjf 4bu party nuking I
e lomt con.ult-n. iwcnile.
-us. pervoos anl onessy and Ibeoght I
rede that iti- supr.-me
the It. I
i„ wt^a-tiLK xiolaiuts of tbe ami
iuo are in- -if .be went dowustolrs and rook h
------------- rnce of effher refusal or oinii.|«‘o» subject .10 the ItitersUi.
■ as nil. tniBi Uw v..- uUKht. ol n-urse. n.-t u tain suih t.-deral Inruri.
ground of drink of soda might baew a
d been per- slon lotjtiote the proiier rate or In eon- ter any pun>«« with or i
ii(u:l;i-c frrsi-l that law
tmlawtul cllntd tl. opiswe It on
ermrm of -qu.eUnge
WOtost. IB WBence of n aiestalen.ent of the m- j “>'
<>: *'« bu*lne.» B<
- and coribiraiions s<-eKinc
fln;llr.f methods ol enrryin* on busii.-*- »i u-u
fed to It wnn the carrier abnil be liable to a penally ,»*'d net iitjue nnr capital a
Coming back, sbe wss nnlouudsd.fe
I niclhod of lu-iklnB prudl b
- ibUrh- .u-Iore iis pue.saa- wet.- r.-carued nr
________e rcBBOBablc aniouut. aay
Pf»-’'teus or sUuulum-ouh payii.i-ui j Ing an absolute control end Wont-jw-l;
power uf tbe slalef. li Is a eufflcl-ur ere the form of Mr. Godfrey •taodlng
.-Id.-nn- ol l.usinos saxacity and r'Jiprayed tor, being granted In tlx and to accnrr-lo rfae I'nlted Slair.t. and l>. 10 sueb rorpurallon of not lesa .than in n pnrUculnr line oP mrnanswer to this orgunieni to say that 00 tbe sialmise. lie remained eUoddenouned la
mfnaed In dx.
' .
: pe rt-coverc-d In a clxU anion brousbl ,'he par mluc of surb bonds or o h.-r
DO other mrihid ran l-e suggrwted ing tbrre for lliiee or four eecnoda,
,-agaics* prosce'a- ,1,), a'-i-iiui Ih.-..- w. ................ ..
e arery arrter aCecUd by by the ai.proprlate
r dlitulcl attorney, obltgnildna or. If layued - * - .........
whicli offerw fcdeinl pre'-etltm on She while nbe dared at him In benUed
tloijx In the feoi-io! Imladl.-tlnn and alii., bui l-x-aus.-nf the dans, rvtu:
one hand and tnleral suiw-rv-.sios loaiemfei. Then as she ApptooclMd
Voder tbe cxinii
where lhai Jurisdivilon Is tan J In suit's towervi which they t.-nd.d,
lonnble market lalu" of res|«-ci tu a businiss v,i-,..b is n.-io^- coccentrati .n of todir.tnal iww.
UtnUonal right to appeal to a federal aion can an only with reaped to an 'psyinem a r
on the oihrr c-f ihoM great rirganlu- the stnlrcaae be dUappeared.
mrt to prelect It froot tbe enforce- alleged sKceasIro rate or nndnly dis- aueb bonde ..r obllRnliuns as as.-- r- sarliy n.i,ii;:.-nsurale with .bvb.mud- the baud. ul the f.w. leading lo op
.. 1 Ikm* that ate In fact fi-d»ral lwxnuM«
he Interstate eotnnirrcr ones of It-.'eouo'ry no ..;«ieTro,M-. u- sloi. and IniuMiee.
nent of an otdW which It may thow . criminatory practice by a carrier on lalned by
I they are ns wide as the e
. . . ' an. si.llrs.r
o be prim* jnew conaataiery or un- a oomidalnt made by aome Indhldasl cotamlislon. aud that no proiwny. lion is nUe tu supply the t...!.d »u-j
ciillrcly >,unlimited In their luslThioi.Mi hU c-ur corrldci...........................
Iht-r thing than nion.-y ehihery lor nd.vjuntc ro.lrair.t nr run- gr,x.. riu.wtU.n, b.twex.r. we niu.i in. ness by stale, Uno*. K'or la the reii- fluced cfflcehokltog te an esnct nWSrtCO
be ttu->bkll bo lak<
to payrocBI to such <ar-
fi,t that the sui-i.tfsslcii.ol the ro:i ic- trallullcn ot federal power under this ggj (tw indeiN-odroi voter a Md stameottn la Boy;dUiHct irt the Vnltcl thorlxod to art on lis ot
live as rler eorpomilDn of tbe par or oil
likely to he «<=e.idvr. Oaly the
woft, , me, «nich ts amnatofl-ollcutot Ihe sucar trust d.-cl-lop. iiuon, the ren'rvHing of priers and the
fttatoa. not Oll^doss delay result In well as upon tbe compi
nuulred price of soeh strwk. Ivmd
.. n« r.vtit-ip.
avad i, diKioMt! by a *o»y teoad to the
however, there have ct'ine i-li-ns to ib-- nion»|i<uy .,r Bitcii-pt to roono|«-1U.- l-j' largeat
tha tmferc«m(nt ot ibe order, but great dividutl. and also, that tbc conimiuon.obUgaiiuo cxrei .
cu.^ law. lw«kUM- tBc uf* ©y ,i,g lai, George Monro UtaoL
,alow but terlsln course ct Ci-- lBt<’ eDmin.-fo- and burlneJ-s ur-- thcir.folvc*
aneurtalnty to caused by contrurieiy ot abill be fuUy empowered beyond arty property, eenlees or oifa.
C-noadUn educaicr and
ihlng an ^ |«slth>n. eases luvelvtog a rncstrucli...-.
finlv unlar lul, b> t r.mtran t« the
- qgostlon -to pass U|«d the rlssslflca. nseertalord by ihr rrnnmlmdnn,
.f the Anll-rrost sCalul- and'll- tv-p'-- pulill,- c-oj. and ihM they must V ro- and contn.l tl,s1 mu: t{ r.-rtalnly 1- ,.|erpynmu.
It would Mrt bt prupai to nttstapl lionn of oommodliles for ima>osos of that such nw sfanll also .-omuli:
• M-mloB. il
!mi««Hl to ucroropll-h «ie purpose of
jg„rd (be cod of Sir Jobs Uacdaa“f“tecd t'Cd piinishid onill rn<S:-d.
to d^ee Boy eorpomtloB of the right
■ every
thp.lniroriKtnttion not be arccj.i- ,,3-, me be eitd 1^1001001 Grant then
Nalienal Corpsratioo Law.
v-d by an onltaarj M.'inrks roftc-m ,p, bead of «ueeu-a eoUegr. me« ,at
gate to any iransporutlon.
.roiiiuring ni a (wilnd n.,t eXc.s-.Iing public
u.r<-.icc..miiK-nd lit. ennrt- Tbe third ol^tolllijm Ihai tli.-wor.t ..f- diuoer si tbe toon»-;of tbe peemlerto
twelve months fitnn date In »nrh man- action
torsrLS8t.Iaecn.-raltow fcndcTw will oftVnvsTtt fedcrol Inror- proiberliidsw. |•re(mBor tVUUamaaa.
Public Pays Increased Ralet.
ir nic (ormBiloD .of corj-ora- pora'i.-n. Is .-asily auewcH^.
-The dc
-How 1 wish." tbe iiremlrr mM te
as to eiuntuli (he roDiminsina yto. net bd
Under the existing law- ihc- commls'of
PEag.- In irwii.- and rumuert-e cfc-s of Injunnlon lec-cBily ad.n.ied In ,b, iwfoclpal. -ibsl you wetod. be a
Il aod to tevor of olher
noek or bonds in order in retire sarh tlrni, and with (omgn ns- jiruf.-mtions under the sntl-trusi law smdi friend of oiliir"
i.I- rinj: ih.-n. unlawful and twi
-ir. ting ih. m from undue in- are mi il ..curI. aud sweeping that the
-j,, «u.,r Kir John.- (be priBClpal
indlclnVnt sn.l rvUrultiL
c b> the slatcj und ivgelallBi.' corporatim-s aff.-ci.-d l-y ih.-ui have but rcpH'sl. "I have always aopported you
All ResIrainU Forbidden.
so ns to pr-'X-nl II:.'rc- Hir^-courses before tlicin,
wbeii you were rigbl.'
.-ral of I*
ULd r national ausplct-s .tf
Klrsl. ibty im..i ..-v-.l..- thrmr.-lw-«
IDS has d.vltord l<
approval by the iDlerEiatc ctaineree itfolslnr.i
live and directing It to be reduced
......................... _..rfwlU admit, and that
i;.'» wiiich have crisiii uod'-r mto caiapcti-nt jans In the different
uni ' iilirc.-iMaal-l
loilsaton of the ninuuni of
cacrler aSoctnd may by proeoadtogv rorirol. Such a law sbouM
»i,„ » .nos.-ju.-i.i I.n. lu them,
h-u»lte*prtly arderfstoBIte necured.
,l. "Re-iralnt ufTrodc.- on thi
the courts stay the operation of ouch «nd btmds
Pbr Urts purpoM I recosnmecd tbe
that l1ieM;ii'..(.-ai.|ii:.-Mi...ll r
or u.i; issue of slmk of su.ii_
^ .-a|.,ial and effective organt- '^My!^r tnan.' said be. -1 tart
for months and road company. sul.Jt-ci to ibU act
order ot reducU'
eMabitobment of n eonrt of tbe United
u. i.Bi! dm- not ici.nd t.i I--.
un> t.i an aiu.wint cq.ial only cuon and to the r.-njmry uf cum-cn-' nae for ibst speclto of frtsodshlm"
J, court iis .lic-r-tlnn 10 detenu
.^ll iiJlil ill on th.- stock and imicd .-nergv- siid rntenudve. or. b-t.'
Rtoto-'ampooed of rtve Judgeo deelgnntod ter mwh pnrpoaa - from among
K. , IS n rua.-siii,>li|i. n-str:.ini ui tn
I fon ro|«"Vy
of law and under roioc
Spoiled the Trkk.
I. wbenever a proposed ■» order t.
a fair va
cxprcsfi.vii H.-slnilni of Trrrt
tbe drcolt Jodgaa of Ibn United States
A New lork uOlcUl who bad geos
Increase In rales Is filed, at once t(
ap|.r.unT\ h
tobskaowD aa-i.lhe **Uallod Suuw
» In violaiion uf t!
ibrangb n |K.iltlral campaign. apsoBtog
ler upon an lavettlgntloD of the re
CDOrt ef commerce.*- wbkeb court ehall
law lli.-r.- Were reitala ctneai
SUM: "The Irieky moo
annabletioca of tbc Increase and '
3l all 111.- fans
.It-uial 10 the carrylD-; oi:i 01
betoethM wHhogei»ijTe origlBgUurts- amc* uf .■..oii'nipl I
usually muds up by bring too tricky,
make an order posti»otog the effective
dlcUim over tbe :<bao»lBg olnom ot
' evitol.1. < ■ iminal
like llrown
dale of such iDcrratc until after such commerce roramivslon should Ih- cn -n
» to p.-.r;(aj .restraint 0
-llruwn. who Ursa In Fifth arsnot.
invesUgi.tlon sball be eompleted.
the |>ower sder a bearing, to diierniip-li..:.-*. Or Iblid. tin-,. Iiu;:
Engitoh bnticr of dnakTo this much objection has 'been upon Hie uniform cmsiruetlon of tlii.^k aad ooUec- made on tbe part of carriers. They appIliuicH-s used by ih.-trainiu.-n to Un­
and acr..).t In .feod faiili H;
Ing bU a toe. Ho <ido night ho dra
Srt' r I Kupnc.-i.
couple of bolikw of four or fits woe
biBMt ot as
si «vinii'iils.iry llecnrc lav
r Cbaicnn VqBcoi and left tnon la
Ibe tlluiDC room.
it of the proper- produrc sccld.-nis and tojurl.-s to r
several ..v. ,; il would sf-em that . veu
> "i
mtoahm othor tha ter the payment ot itifu and to cloth the interutate com- wey tralonten.
-Uitenuostriy'lhat night Itiowhto
mrh iBCldmtal .'.it-,.niii's In r.-->aiiil mw’" uili
kind uf ri.riKjruH'.!
rife reiiiniM laio from ibo epon.
merce comrotsaiOD with Ibe original: 1 l,e iiueMlun has rtrii
In the ni<era- uf Ilii.Trial.- trad.- wer.- ilv- in-, Ih-'t' in. ! .nd It .I.L-.ild i.-.toli be saw llw rare wloo and had K^tn
rale making iiower. n policy whirh wus tion of (he Inu-rsiaie
minii-rce EmJolii. aet aside.
hlMiiiD-onh. siut.iu- and must i..- r-m- iwtaJH.r- n.
down to (be a loe cellar aleog with tho
IDOch ibe time of tbc |iass- ptoyers' IJsbiIity art ai
' w-hether suit
demn.'d. In ord.T to'oveld roch a r.. - port- ol th- i
of tba laleraute
twelve doteo .uner boiues of cnateao
Bgeof Ibe Hepburn act In 1905-e. and can U brought aFt-lnsi the cni|i1
suit. 1 h.i«.' iboBght and "aid -ha; H lutcim-v. cf
VqDeni Hist llrown Oad laid in.
which waa then And has always bc.-n contpanv in any place other (ban
might be v-II tc fitu.rd the fiuipt.- so rca.iUr int-r
-llnrrn ts wondertog to IhM day
dtotlneily rejected.
lue oUicc- l*roccss
ns to Indiid- si..b c.i\vnat;:i. rr-.-m It- iX'sl uuu.-i il
tIoD • ef the act «t Peh. 1>. 1»M.
wbico two Mttleo ara Ibo drrtfgad
sbould bi- suflien-nily serted. Ii u)on
close ■ xst!ir:illOn *-<1 ircic a.qu
haown as the "Blktos aM* arc auihoreneo. Do ha. aopped drinkteg Cha­
tbf vistion ueeni of Hi.- couij.uny
ol the lai.-r d.-.iFlons of ih.n, "Hu 1 <v>r;-cr;
*Md to be toalntaJaad ln« elreult court
teau Vquem. In fact. I aodcrauod hto
resllinticn to (be abliHwrs by carriers whom service Is aulborlied to be mad"
ch-srlv le
r.aKMiB :i;«o
af tba Dnlted BUtsa.
whole >ao.-k et II ts roroalo at a mof extsmlve' rates Asrged io Cases Id ordinary scllons arialng under state
iii>i. H.iis .uuidtUR Hil-tVS.-tlHUK III.- n;i<l our-ll
VMrtb-.-AU rtbeb maadamw prm where the order of tb.- cotombslon re­
Bouble pncv-’-Etcbingo.
r the r.atit.n^l au«i ircHf
eeeCIna m udef tbe provtotoas df
In.-ldcRiM r.-viralbts
ducing sBcb ralet tre nBIrtned. It may
fttMrman Anti-Tryst AcL
•11 l-iim wpli «iburilin:i--noetkm W or aaetka ts of the lale^
not to I .- within the
be doubted bow effeeiltr tbit remedy
Truth ahrt Fietloa.
Incn-ased capital ol a buslne-v cladi-d by <h-- geoeri
aiate rsaineree law are aMborlsed
realiv U. Experience has shown thst
Umba eiDh one hlgbt «sfo a
of reducing ili. <o«i
be Btalatatnad In a drenlt court of the Disny. porbips most, shippers do not
number of Uirrary moo as dltata
n of great trv«t.. mid
United fttataa.
pcodiK-Uon and rffecling ecunorav
guests. wb"D some ooe fsro ■ttonoea
ta order (0 provide a
' iiiaEagcnH-ni bas to-oiu.- as esc.-r- fflrecs and -let m- r- h
excessive rales which they lusy have
to Ibe bromUtom:
bar of ladgas to oaahle tbia eeun
I In Dioderti progrrsa as the ebange
been retnilrcd to iiay. for the slmi'lc
-Afier, slL genilcosmi. troth" to
be otaMtuttd It wlU be a
-in the hsart h«I to (he maebiue.
renaon Itasl they tare added Ihe rates
stranger ihsn fieUetC
autberlas tea «
Sen. then-ten-, we come to cunstroc tbv IncMenMI SI :.i Uii^lirit:c«---u«ii^d Io tbe cost of the goods and ihns
-rerbapa It la." taM WUta tackthe object of cungre.
ip,iui uf tradv b.ld at ccu.tuun .S:i.'-L'.i_i i.-at the nB-»in..l gov, rntu-nt
rnhsDced Ihe prlre thereof t.
with, a aly gtotao at as ladlaaa
*V.ij |-rv..d.- ter •!........... ."Ion of n-v
so-cKlIcd "Sberman t H-Tni»t a
lUW tc, Ik- rct-n.
evsteoH-ra and that the publle
novoilsL -but d« to laaciteL Oaa
1.' r.:.l - -.I '-railnns to t.-rry on a IcglH
ISMi. whereby In «'
Tbe o|iiDlODs uf ('
supreme n-ur< rtdrtrtx .
effect paid the biU.
boari ct Its gotog law tta laatt
tvery contract a
elude from Hu- c
Revtow by dim lupteoN Onart.
Im'ptalble te itipervlat Tariffs.
In oig ■D00tha.*‘-J<tw r«t
rust or conspiracy in re­ conlracis sneitini
The f^lar tesalons of such court
i-f iiasilng on Tribnoa. ______
diff.-r.Tit ►.S'l-s ol the Vriun with r.v
straint of.Intenitatr or foreign trade nr but a.stimll
and iii
ahould be held d the capItoL but It
should be •Bpowffwd to bold sesslona
An Advanso.
ta 4t>M<«t pans ot the United Stales.
aerk (to bead of Ortni-1 wWs to
tl Hit- Maiuic t-vik c.-.w fur
If toaad-daslraUa. aod Ui ordemHd anBnallyiwIlb the Interaiaie commerce sinlni by icjunnloB and whereby to have bee
ask you. sir. it you can KMIy tw
ting Io almost
the vecLod secHun ci.^ mimoiioly cr tw-n deca
and the su.-r. oh- .-.-.irt io
Judgmeata ahould be made enaTWi.
year way lo giring B* an adtaan ot
conJeet only to reVle* by the cupryme
wages* Head of rirta-OrisUly. Ur.
.VI,Plication to the vanconn of the United States, with (the DtlsnloB supervising ihe making of blEfttwS or conai.lracy wiib other per- ilrucd It
of l.ufjni-Fv r-r.ittoallba
pnyvtsloB that tbc opention of Ihel de­ tariffs U advance of thejr becoming aoBs to ninoonoplixe any i<art cf iotrv- ous phns
totbecaihlan. • ■
c Ij denounced and in n
cree appealed from shall net be na^ed. effective! OB every Iransportailmi line
Bcrrrolgo on. a
^Blsoa the siqutaa oourt shall so ^
iDd OMuct it wbcD you pay
1, It. folIowlDE
must la- renJ-rrd tut r- and hk;
that woiild be necessary If their active
The eemmoroe eoun s>
s sr.- Iislng mann- blnj os Btinnli .^Ijoodou nw.
rnhcurrttioe were rwqiilced In the mak­ fer that the c^ij
•anttiE !•> a -cries nt
empesrared In Its dtoeiwtlon ..
r before. IndicrUnn a
cinitl. ‘fura
attain or suspend the operation of «n ing of overy tariff, hate watisfi.-d i.-.- mi rv DUUBVS-Vtol me enicrm-c. tut waa
If U..C of aul-in.'.bllcv;
thif power. If granted, vhnulrt be the aggrvgsi
Sure Sign.
order of (he Inieiwtate cemnerce coinar- boas import-d.
Nelilo-no you think Paul enraa ter
!;sl. l-.:! i..rp.-S". ■
•rred in a very United and re* with tnien. t- 1 KTitraln Ir
mission under review pdnding the' ft.
Ibe in.i-f.""o-cm In Xlamie* Eutum-OM yoa ever boar a
I I- duty and i-iiri-iF.-tl.e cv
nal besring and detersnlnatkm ob the atrleted fortn. I. therefore, recommend eign commerce or to mooopolix.
•ars, and the great*.- voung mat. refer to a rad balrod glri
.S mere tncid-niil
tat the Interstate commerce commis­ wbolc or la juirl
o dtr.-ct an tnx..»t|*at1on by -!
' praoeedlag. but no audi rertMctthg
!i they rail be reps'r- as nsvii.g suborn iraaMn asHte to
der ahould bo made exc^ mwaieilce sion he empowered whenet cr any pro- rcstrsint of irnd" and ennits-IHun It
lored nvr;-Ekcfisni«.
and aner heirtpg. nnleas. cassa ibere pnecd Incte^ ot raise it filed, at not althto the»lnhlbitlrm cf the ai-t.



acil-trusi slaiuti was
and proseeuiioaa we;
under It. in the cas
SUUe \s. Ktiisht. khui
scupe uf 111.- |.bmdlSK>.
r l oiufaln;
COUgbl to be ett.lotol.l was h. lil tli; •o
be ind'td.-d wItt.lB the pruliillfini
the act. b<-caiis.- the aterni. nis did
BO beyond tt.- ni.-re a«inl«iiiun
BianuiacinrjusiitaBlB f\T lh.-r.-fii tut
of sugar end Old not im led.- that
lai of a
direct and InteKd.d i-Mrainit ujiiin
trad-- (.nd ct niiiu rca-'in the sab'
ib' jii.d


rtippA with pMsai*. Mr. Utoaf

It Is jwstMe for ll.c owtierw of a
Irreparable damage would otheiwtoc ence eitbrr-An complaint or of its own
enaua to tbc pmitlener.
A Judge of motion to enter upon an Invcatlgs- butlncss of mannlartuHnc aod stilleg
that court might be empowered to al- tloo Into (he reasunablene's of such h«nful nrttri.-s et merchandise so to
tow a alar of the commisiloo-s order Change and that It be further em­ conduct ihetr l.u»lH"fs so ss not lo vlotor a perloteot ato mere than aixty powered In Its dlrrrctlon to postpone ,Istc the lolllbUions ol the entl trun
days, bat ^idtng itpptteaitoB to tbe the effective date ot such propowd Inreurt for its order, or tojuaclMi. than cnaw for a prilod not execeding sixty the benefit of Ibe cconomicii of
OBly wberr bU order shall iwotala a deya beyond tbe date when such rate •tgeraroi and ol produiiKto du* lo the
■peette Andtog based, apoo evidence w-onld Uk(- cO.wt. It within this llm<> coEcenlratlrn under one control of
aabmliiad to the Judge making the or­ It shall driermlne that sveh Increase Jsrge caj.ltkl and many planls. It they
der and idestlAed by reference there. Is unreasonable It may then by its u.i- no u'hsr Indiicenicnt then tbe con10. that such Irreparable damage order stiller furiild the Intreaoe at n1I einm Ktw price of tbeir product at
would raMH to tbe petliloaer. specify, or fix the maitmum iHyond which it gorM qusltly to attract ciiMom
log the aature ef the damage.
shall not be made. If. on the o'hs. th- ir h!:s-toe»s Is a pr-fitiblc tme, ih-v
»;.Vnt.'no law. Hill ‘1 Hicy atlcmfd-Iv
Uoder fha eitotthg law the (nterstai .fommeroe commission lisdf lalUau-s
a urc of Ihilr prci-LDdcrctlng c-.-.j-l;: 1

V. orlg.n and piir;i'-;
itrlsl c->mpan1-s 1
Mcli there i* any r*aFcic»l > ground
or suM'ici'in t!-DI tl..-; Iia.c N-<-n urIzvd lora peril"*.- aod ar-- cvcd-jct
b<- Opurerd. ."cunfl.
in If
i-ms wfar:»f prusT-.rtty icivn if li
ffrris tbc romtet-s.oW Igrrxl f- doaly
d.-rt. l-ut > ! :„!i;.oLs pf :ol.t«.v.-I. t
age esnicrs.
r.tii liadcfn,
-t-nd i-.

. r.-om-\Va>liitigtoD
" her fads ta lb"
prof- rtc-d.- r-iUDT

“Thai tpeech of
down the - -ir-ldors u!
•That iinvewliji I
P.BS-of So.-.;:'itr, •

An Anaieue InaviryV. tncbi
When little tbfoo-yoar-oid Ada 1
a-i'nmp- ,gid tbe siory.of
wl/o bring to
> Sa.BD-! ,.4, ICO a ,,iUsr of aH ata aakto uih LT.d < inotfirr autiuntly. "It all atU madi

tam-Uy site woaf away ysatoeday
Marry-lt ttal wrtag
iiiakes you took an gwia! lArry-No.
fibo catDo bark mat ulght.—Btebaaca.


Just as you read this line, so do others read Record Ads

MANo nwyti


tVto IwtihiM


fMt aboMt aiytiilafl.


Hint aad a pc.alblllty of her roortis uallan redhead parrot; Dick, the plak
to know him-

ler I* looj eooasb. I ortU close lor Jacks aant. •■bo loortd tkrt W

Aa I hate not wniien lor


bloa- “»o:

•! fiod him


1-ady Waabingtoo.


alnsle writtni:.

Mcalcaa yeUon-head parrot and

fcwwaten by thU Ume ^

Eunice Pearl Stagg.
|i u nice to have a new

• mending delight to Jaci.

Boe If you

can “gnosa" know blni."



ending It ban'
.Uttia Fairy Heavy Burden.

r*l: Jerr.v, the M.eblgan Hurt: Crag.-'iplrao.- a t.o-tesrd album,

Brer bUsv. alwaya act-king, the l*f

«*«>• »“•“•

DoMnt itmake you think of




Bonla: handli. rrhief We took dlniw r over al

log it the burden, worry, bad sllppcj


Buckley. Midi, R- K. U. X«. I

Ango-.a goat:
William my Aun< Eihrl,. o,. fbrlsimu Day.
Fannie, the elk:
Xlg»r. the sUhU i- sU miles irom our plsca. 1

cur pledge “not U worrv and fret frea her tor -be wj.< seeking the
about anylhing-? And what a nir- King. Ibcn abc said one lovely even-

It I ow toH 1" trying to Eo


itcar Prrsjdent—

Fna. tbe ferret

bate u ,'ng «,d two rtlr

------------------------------SUNgHINE BETTERS

'■ Ted. and the cat.' names are p, to acbool
I am in the second collar .whlKUe. Bnt Jack
Tabby and Tiger. M> dog will draw grade, l would like to Join the Sun- great regret.
Ills father

My dog'sl ,« a lUtle gtri seven years old, 1

• |toa is U that vou are . ,ht„s

work bavc you <o do?"
I. A..U


n.,.. w„


King '

Kcaty Unrden sighed again-before

"Eo U was. my thild.

Mbeu we

teacher. MUs
this limeFiou. yonr

"Oh, I have to' carry et-cse liiinklng

of our

I carry two u a time, and I am yoiir/iniide and


the King you rougbl

-----------» wot
I spill It. snd hence eon nfber be far front yon.
■ aa the Cradle Roll
Bell here ii
to carry more: then I have mes- bencefnrita. you xhall l>e rollrd Fare

jaa. I. nn, m.

UuUc. I will closefor



For Cbrisln.a*

1 got a handkerchief, like ,o J..U..

flaroncc Anderson,

•••> !*«•»“•' book,

e game of “Peter fod- John Ralhbon

Is there a hill near


slide at recess?

*'h(*re you

"Why. that U all eheer.ol work,"
arid Merry Words. -I do nearly toe


Unguage. aiilh- of fun fkatlng aud Hlldlng down hill, au"''* *ord* seemrt aoundlng In bTs
luetie. epelUng. rAading.- wriUnV and | «fll elo»e iio». '
ear* as.he •ent upwlalrs to bed. The*

Tie week would seam-ly «t-cm tom- lh ar livsideiil—
unless your



Trip to New Ybrlf." a little fttii- cart* snd u. the.

drawing. We bad manual iraliilng
just Iw-fore fbristma* b^nro we

.Northpon, MIeb.


asme kind of work, acd I love it- the

Of tkatp that «0 oref Ue hUL

A* ll b a Jong lime since I v

Age 9.

and wind are merry, but best of all are
bare come to heron iJostalK. l\t , teen yeals old. I
go to achool. I
tocMtge* to nmrtnl*. I am nos: on room tor only the names ic^y: lo-fa tmi'say every day. bul every day ihit

lidllh 1. JoHoMB.'


health. Ju^ drop your worry, dear
Heavy Durten. and do your appnlutrt

T4a«rM«MPMMatlhowltllcone's taak* wPh a joyous heart; you win

ind 11 e.,y «.d plnaannu- and away

Jlko tdp or dba UU they Bod.
wBn iMf got to the top of the

------------------------------BOMSHIHE HUMANE SOCIETY.

Roll of Honor.
Edith U Joi.nsou

aped Merry Word, with her mca^


-Mlldrtql Ferty.


ol cheer to the aIck girl.
Hrevy Du.dcn lookiU alter

Perhaps aomn of



oic rein came a
| have a few name. W<al that brohght Jaeh right up to

and sixth grades



aunuk-r clinic* than this and til- wit.

-Good morning. Slslo'r Heavy
dca. wbefe are you going?"

AM atqr.UNy an and qver they go
AM over (be top «(tbe bUI.


"Ob. I am carrying a drink lo Ihe
hly; she Ik ouch a Ihrlal) flower, and

Tbo MOd HUk aheep nu qntok and
AM IBc botow
hPdUira I* StUL
e opgUirs
-• Y

I am

JM.MW'Mb 0**r aM ohS come*
. att

Viol.t Baldwin Gb-o Bald' »M
e Taylor. <ly;
>-.r. old'^7
new memb.”
. . 1 have missed only a ball- nl. e to have m many new menib.-rK
no'l In
Pleaae aend
•e «-hool
school started
the Sunshine
Sunshine Club:
started. We
We are
are not
not In
m me
having .try good road* hero., t have tbe cart, and button, to me^ Ch-nV.
u iintiu for ihf> f'rwdie UolL It Is A1 name *hnn^-po oo ihe Cradle Roll.
‘be ‘ i^ie koil


afraid I will spill aome and

-Inns Holton
What a apk-nUld. letter yoi.i have

~Tbe lUy Is such a lovely blossom icf.
“I hive-

writieo. Anna:

!" rite winter .quarters where an

mneh more bomely duties thvn yoors; oven

u-niperaiurr of




M «be-wra (hat I fall aato^
i most dig around Ibe flower* roou kept ibe alligator-s squirrels, rat*^
—Joaepbtoc Dodge Oasham. and suend to the soil, but 1 love It, guinea
enywar." and Willing Feel patted he.-; mourning dove*, parroi..
LtUc itonvcl affeetionaiely.
-I don’t oec bow

TbtTO's • ribbori of bliw and gold.

Java Sparrow*, canary bird*, (he Mk h-

joo ean be an Igan lltxrd and t^e scri-c-eh and h'orn-

Smions *Uay. Uleb.. Box

dkyo M bright u new.
Wlto laever a sUlo or fold.
It I* alwsj-s dim and grey

tl would (Uily n;ake yonr band unTbe oifaer aniraal-; net-J very little like iiiy ie:.-lnT
very oiui b
-steady. If you know your work there If any proti-ctlor:- The cage where
• nan-.e U Mk» Dube. I wish you w..u!d
b no need to b<- afraid.


Ooee more Heavy Uorten lifted her

lag why she alone could find no jq.^ In In earnes.

ll to tottared with gold;

c*n tell me.- go a* she llru-d the
dew to (be uower'a lip*
tbe said,

Bods Banto. Omena. Mich.
. Marie Baito. Nonhpm. Uich
MMlea PMrt Sugg. Empire. Mich
.<Mrtn*l Priest. Buckley, Mltk, R.
r. u No. 1.
Btoabotk 'Bchauh, Suilon* Bay.
MicB.. Bog n.
JsUa Andtrsus. Omena. Utob, R.

with Keeper Smith wh. ti he tuukes
the rouodi. lo feed tal* pets, for they

of worry toot I cow carry" day alter ter* with kto wh.-eibatToW of
T do not know what worry to HiAll the -bltd>
He Heavy'Buiden. 1 toil uoi. uellber heads .i-rauh.-d



ly on toe Uiry. and


All Ihai

lo acr.TUi and

Ulj's redtoni face Betokened tbo truth la.t wlnlcr to dance to lb.- music of


-ot her joy in llle and her trust In ttlea vJoHn.


, Heavy Burden sighed


BaJdwln. KlngsleyJ
Naito ocnl by Vera Barrel/
AMOB SUrrow. Bendon. ^cta.




I .lioold like to *..- the fonny

"the nleeM bird ol air Is Hn- .Meal-

Nasne the moonbeams's message." After toe
mcsrxge wa* delivered .he said. "Ah,
tooughlful Heinsease. can yoa tell


^ack at every atop:

anvi had a govri time playing with my
braili.T* and


bolwc^ tbe l ire so .-loquc-jlly


sould Ilk.-

iliaihav.- n.-xr wrili.-ii




Illlle V

Tbe pansy answered Ri surprise. It. ''
I think
"Surely I know taini. but yo-a need
When (h.- *no» i. on the ground th.- l luive -.«p

r laiigusgv- iHXto.




d.esnilns *


I »:eb you «ould •»!« again and
i.-ll us all about lb.- rhrtoimalenaltmieal yon bad

Uodar the hnew


«mter toe Eskimo* live la snow
rtaprej iigp beehives, and apuroaohcd by a -now tunnel.
lighted by *indows WUb lee In-

- a Mdelong guuic- at (h- lad l.i

of glass, and are wanned by a

«a* all wrap|icd lamp fsd with sear oil.

Tbe celling

en Hlilrb were drawings of cn- Ksklm-- .b-.p on itraw'heda. eovi-ntd
s. cimiimimi* and jioiii.-s. skeUri- a-Kb tigh- branches and Jhen •itb
- |il.-*<-d the
liicii d-.»a

i d.-;;.|--l


if rni»k<--siseks and b<-lto. wbeehi
ic-nders. Th«-y w.-re



rirawinps. lAil tln-y »bw»-.-d that th-

ih-- ai'.-adoa

;«-iag a.-lls; 9ad
g--«J adviiiagr.


hls feye.

- But Jack's aunt did no: fcU»h

T9-) have no dlfScnlly about
T!.. y use. that 1a If lot^ tdl
;h. train their provtoiOBa for sexu—

to gr.ji'.hunkt of wahws beef, fiwa
haid a- a board. When a ptec* to

mk u

want-d for dinner ll to chopped oB

d. voiioa to the railroad. Wby e boy

.iih an axe and pevped Into a pot.

shnnid like -o look at one of i?o*e ol.' and to-re you are.
engines that filled her bom- with
summ-r cone* on toe soov but*
smoke, and covered her land with-.«• £,„»• soft, and aometlmaa tW roof

Eaiplv . Ml. S

ders. was more than rto- cvsuld un.
1 ten yeara old.'and

Ptom jour Sunabiaer.

o one aaa killed." ruuim-.r.-

.ik.- M>m<- iHjyr of tw.-lic wtoiiii I
d m-niion,"—h.-re
UamiUDck—- IK

: 1’^sul.-ut—


III an engine, and many linn-* a gota i^lek-cuaU-d wlto soot. aM tortts
hi- a.iiit would pick lip bit* of pa- qu„i.
and comforlahlc. Th­

:o practice for our Cbr
of bl*.ij|nm*niWe are poii
thv-lr V lirtotma* tree loo.

(aiher was an cngln-

the fast
1. luu-.-d th.- bouw.

Ml.- III. ado* or tbe nigh;


v. ,,.

b<- mnlr line of the A. and E. -J«- i.ihad died when h- was a lliile


My older o

Bui poor lUtle Heavy Burden could him about, returning with b

ss far 1-3*-.

lived with hlx sunt out on a dred dultors a few days later to b-->‘hl
nd JuM u l.-w tod* from toe • j.. * plg-pen for the M 'bs? si--.-)


ll to as bon.-

star* shine overb*-ad.
Ihi- lillle dal*lP» wbll-.

t.ig. r—.^liie and ask the Iroaaurer of to*

Tht-n- onr<- wax a boy named r.*ad. who drew a toe^ for fire line-

nin through the farm, faedt's

now! «a.-tlC2

e« oh* fUB Bfen lolry atortea. bat him. as be to near to itiem whet. Ib.-y .fYed tor wolv-r*. Wmi.-ini. tbr Mexiafe* «mk*~tW luaMB I* dim lhere|»e*d him.ran batxart; BlUy, tor oW swan:. Tu;

maDdod Pbil. wbo could hold lu no,
. let m<- •«■. SupiVMse I tell
rue siory of bow a pig saved

you a Jark.

- Lbai my el**, bad u> learn

not seek him; he to ever near in those p^eock will wait for Mr. 8ml;h to mxrn.-d sn.l ha. three Hit!.- Soyrbi<-.iea. sn- uiii
start on .hi* rvMir.ds and w 1 icfliow Mb.-r s

sfeagMw gB-lhtn a Bumhloc Preetd- King, bnt maybe some day-i will find Nose*, folonel. Jennie. iJlhan

Vnclr J|m'slopped.—a mo*t provok.
of toese ,„g
bo bad. You could have heard
"Th. 11 make
nniipoued eugli
tool Roes a « ho1c paper of pins drop.Ute pliisa


"h '■*
“"tl lost ll »o th.-y Mild

1 who-nert bim"

(fee cnaolBg elves aM we* folk who
- If I only might." she thought. "I as bb h«* gone with ibelr rbrUteolag:
dU aaeh moreeleas tolng*. einre would search the •bole •-orld tor this Bob. .Vanry and Patsy are ihe bear*:

kilb-d.' replied Doilf.

l.u.-* a,-. I

Mr. Bwlth ha. imt the h.-art to re- ]ik.- to join the Sun.lnne Hub PI-aM
fUM.- him- "t'sn'i you sing a Ilnl<- Iqr *.-nd me a tard and bui-ou. I am so

Do yoa Ukc fairy atories. Suuhio nol underataod bow to kno*
tol* hou«.
ore? WMa laar PraridclK wus a lu- great deliverer and »t> pIlIRtl.J »'ent
Mr. £mhh has ninivd mtlp Btri
^ (o tolQk there- was. on wl;h ber liboes. for they uiuM be peij and many ot them k
Here are their n
•Bghtag irauiar to read (baa aboui: DaHbed ere the tun lOse.

but w-llb Ibe one desire to sbieM his
a railroad ,
1 get a* far do«-n Uic tra<A
a.,,ry—If you won't let auybod; .6'^'* as possible, away be r

D«-r. I".

Name Unt by Ftoyd me of ibl* King wbo take* all care ub?" ask* the k.-< i*T. and the bird lug to >diool now
and like it
fiom tbe Illy
Do you. alsa know will throw back It. head and give vent niueh
.My text:
» my flrft t
to toe unmu.ieni sound peculiar to Onlw. fh.- wu.
PIcmlA^ ai ? 4lx Jhim. and wherv rhall I svx- hlmr

teito Almira
■OTlta. Old Mtorioo. MIeb.
aaat by Eira BtUa Plemljig.

jbink of iHckering sbadow*.
luoogbi* for the rain and jne wIM

hind of story she would

•Omen*. Mid.. It F H. No. 1. Box (I

a l.-«

• “"toll torrent rushed wildly throufll.
-Wltb *
was alniost time for bis father'a imln.
n jj,

aiKi Phil hH.teM.-d to ask

g when I go to bed.

Maei- lUnii
lnd.-.-d. 1 am gla.1 to print your iii"

*** *‘***P®‘‘
The track sra* .utill

earth bemvath bad washed away. aM

I not tosU- ibought of f«

nx-e at my lionie.

Your* iallhfuily.

Mich. iKIng: 1 ulll avk toe Purple Pansy tan Inisefrf When Mr. Smitii g<«. Ifcar Prr»id.;mif she know*, too. when I give her to feed him h.- .^111 put bis h.-ad doMi
| *ll| no» wrl-.-

•aat by MHdrM Perry, /
Loaa Bador. ate nlnt^nmoatos.
Pita l^ke. Utah.

According to Mr. Bm.ih, bon.-vi-r.


tea. her'» name to

W.- all Ilk.- Ii.-r very

W.- are going to have a rUns -

darlweas; but on ho ran till be
in amaiemenu

there, bul for seven or el^l feet (he

tXjri. «

He t.-em* la eii>>y it im- while vat with tot- black fail:


"Cei. If i might only know tbb




stor , of cptiriH..*

fd for safety.
-gulekly lifting Sir Pig <»l of bli
along berido toe Rule

Hfcr whleh' ffrew broader and broador at every atep. Hit laalern cast
weird sbadowB as be ran. and be cobM
almost feel b'antfs riutebing him out

».-i: and hop.- yoa and the Sun.b.iierK ^ u,oiin-


fly M..* J.

"l nerer sought him. " said the Illy. lBg,-|s tr> >bake bto eage a Unto, and

A» I hav,- tm» 1 »H1 try
to the -Spnihic- flub again

Ill Have Tuy lIHle eooslo'e name pul on
lard and buiuis
I read ili.- k-ii.-r'
I he fradle Roll. Her name 1* Ea-tnin Iti.- Herald, and al,o enjoy ih.»i'uii.-s. 1 Imi*- in
ihl,R.t:.-r In Al.nirs Fleming
III Jniv.
Will you please vendI

Smith he.- tomui-h.

"1 never bad to: when I needed him be will bounre up and down like a
| always found him near." and the rubber ball.
Mr. Sinlita taught him

l*-ar lTe*|-J.-t;t -

va--3l«in at .»ur rehool, «nd I wen;
uv.-r lo uiy uioihor's lor Cbristnis*


I htive never wriu.-i. to the Sunshine Club before. Pies-..- ».-nd me a

Mr. v..y funny

I* this King? Where may I Bod hlmr- do to mart •Tulkle.” ihe lalxwn, dantC. ■

Na^w seu'l by


BTs' old. and in ili<-

"Then.'' said Hejvy Burden. "Who nround-

BaMsrte. N. O. Baldwin. Prank Baldwig, Vtotat Baldwin, an ('tore Tty-


morrow, for I kno*r the great King If be pays atimilpn to ou<- bird j.-al am is.-lvcares for me." and she smiled sweet- l» at om-.- aroused In Ihe oili.-rs i-ulh grad.-.

Uopd NMor.

tar. Kingtisy. N*eh.


( sh.- undcr.iands. and
ow.- not very loud.


RekeU. J.


do I *plo, yet am I clad in * glorious Smith apprewehes their cage* they «b.- set? *i
garment. 1 give no thought for toe will put toclr heads down Invitingly, aii&wor*. -"

pgaak BatkbM oM John Ralhbon.

Bm|W Ravau.

lli.-y ei-awl Into ihei'

"Dear, bes-utlfnl lily, can you tell me nil know him and aecm him I'l.- niln
how I oslgbl get lid of this burden ole he set* oni from Ihe’winier .|-i.i

r. D. No. r. aoK o.

Name* *£0:

Wh.-ii witi-.e' .-<■>*

In the task ihe bed to do. "1 will ask nciu’and »l.-<-i> i*b.vfulls th.-oui'i it .
the Illy ." she toougbu "Mayb? she
It to extremely |nrer.-,ilhg to W> lb ar l•r.rid.•^.t-

IM.^ ocT«r tan bold
4 ii
ik h
IbM*; tO
to read
road while you may
Th# toarim
n God wMs iced*}.
_______ ____________

spot where the poor pig Bad damber-

nnlekly replied Poll
Un.pplag quickly on bl* kneo*. bo
"Hunipb! Grutlenuai le-lore todlos:• laid hts ear to the tract Vet.
s to.- 'homo man- tould feel a faint vlbraUon; tbe train
Phil. how', tbto'
wim. you anow. a repro„ing
gpK^ , boind bO
jn a riight one, from Cnitniand. •

Old MUsuni. Mich.

A* for th.- L-earw no anxk-ly ik--d joy being a SutiEhiuer.

buckels and went her way. wonder- be felt for ili<ni.

a railroad


higher, and bad almest reached Ihe

ralliuad story ?" asked
\ 'iKo“


nd i..e -t-butum and tuid


Suii.-hlne girl, .and yqur name has
ll •riiten In my big booit.

Yjur lltile 8aB.hin<-r.

then see bow sweet life and work All that the olht-r aiihuaU require to
Rosa Hurd..
«an be." and Willing Fi-el went back protect them Irom tbe, eoUl U a U.i
I liave sent yo-j the button and ea;J
JO her work »1to n skip and a song.
or *o or a lililu Mra»^
8* you wljh.-d. tind hope yon will eii-

O took at tbe ribbon.' prey.
A* ItY nmning and running naayl

Pll* Lake. Mk*.

Why not fo»-s are kept has iK-en boartej u|.

drop your grtatest burden, worry, and :■ haa thai of tbe Mexican boua.--l.

Tfc* OHM «t the ribbon to IMy.

kWf ‘f wnytblng abonld bape Jaek-a Umld- pen to tbo pig o

through the pen. climbing higher aad


hni happy to have you for my Hi-


“I- nbd. quickly drawing
clotoes. he niihed downaulrs. Mop- ’

members 1

- The twins always knew when - i:nploaar send me a
Sun.hlne flub. ,
story-telllBB mood do Jim was It
m In (he first

tart and button
Plaxxa- soju.vt after UA
. srade.
My toaeherto same to Ctore
Omena. Mieli,
they Milled tti.-mM>lv.-i.. Phil I
Dee. lu, l9Ut>. Harih. She Is good t< nu- and I like
.hainnuKi and Uorl» on'a stool a
I* ir I'i3-.ldelKUi-r. It».
thiru-aeri-n '..erfe-., feet To (hem itnok- Jim wai
I bxve m-vvr wrillen to the Sun- frhola^
scfaool. Good-bye. I
inexhaustible mine of atorhw
line itliib before, so I will write toj.,.
•Well, whit will you have this time
Sunshine girl,
—an Infllan-story, a ^a Ule, or a
■ B.
Eliubolb Sebaub.

chccrful.- *.-.ic;
"I ed OwU
should be worriod-to Otatb Ivat lu dig-' They ate Indn-d a "haiipy famny."
$mg I tbould cut tame (ender rooi.- apecdlng the days In ronlenied draw- sister^ and sevrete.R (ou.ii-'. I p>
"What help would It be to worry ? sines* or noU'y ib«ierinti.
Yo mHcjI and am^ Ihe third grad.- J

1 aM ages oM.
M «pd toe Mno


A wholreom. fear of hU

bim that It was afaBOsI toor o’etoc*.

How tbo Pig Savod tbe Train.
"Now lor a story. Uade Jim."

Dc-c. 59. 1909.

‘ng mxnnvr.

Yes, It Is nice lo have so many boy.


I have enjoyed every-

blowing a gale, and the

„d KH. ivu-Mu-a u lb. s.»bi.o ~. ib.ib,i..a«« .«------------------

tbe yuar
ba* lo
observed if ibP|y areto
thing more
that lime
you allwould
enjoyYear alto.;
Are Iboa-^ new
be brought
ibrough it In salely. hearing about. ,o I will cljjae my let- tbtough.
your school?
K«T>er J. W. 8mKh lia* bis "lUppy ter. 1^ remain.

wateh how the tre bom red M-I in serve.- asld WUltog Feet.

Vere Barreic
Jllldn-d Ferry,
win have a happy New

I boix- yo

bed. That «re» the pig. and no tolatake. He lottort out of the window.
but rouW see notbtog. The wind wa.

wlto lo^ to toe Pl»K *" ‘be klieben only tong enongh
wiia tote
^ ^
ote door, a glance at toe cteck Mow


W l‘> UU* latitude
apt to be
loo we haw a rather anisll s.Uool yard
oewre for iheik The greatusi care m. ,1 cannot lliliik ol any-

den. as she tooked upon toe palls of of anllusU aud bird., in perfect eonglutcBing dew.
diuon and well housed-lor toe *lu-

' ’Tka dgod UUto. Bood Uulc ato^:

uau-d on a wry beaultful ground, but

not have enough." sighed Heavy Bur- fkmily."'3s be refers lo Us coUeetluii

The names

Asm Revett. J

I am nine ^

Bit aoarnut^ aM tme comoi of ooHeltudc lest rite aplH the dew. w learn how the animal, and bird* mean wc bate bad.«» far as 1 can
f.-.a, , rn; *ni have lo
*be-dld nol notice toe approach of
cared for In the winter rime.
remember. Our school bop.e 1. quite nsJ I «<>l Rl'“ “ “>“b‘m W.-H, 1 will w 11 to«
TVIr-MlarahM wMu and gray.
dear Wnitng F«-i onill aeconod by
Many of toe unliuaU are natives of large for a country *ebool. it b .it- «1>^. •‘•blng you a haiw New Year, sunan e v

eone to sleep, foe the pig wa* atill up-

sunshW- flub.

tho«b J


have «
ma. enieeultiment at our .ehno! e~


Kiugsle). Mieb-’
penaoat In hU mind.
He li.leoed;
Jail. 4. 1910. surely be heart the pig sgoraUng. No;

• •••

la *< bool at pre«rl. and I study «erj
Our teacher’, nmne I.
Mto* Je'b ‘be H„„„e 8oe^.
She U a very pleasant teach-

.T ikw




«»ere a. a little uutwe girl. They
have three children, all toys. I am

aunshliu rs



ttaca wearily raised her buekcU hi have vlslu-d John Ball Park In Grand Christmas Eve. We always ban

dew. and
jier worry wUb
wUh .them
.theig. Full lUpIda.
Rapida. If ao they- will be
b<- Iniere.
Imere. t.-d enteriammonl
enteriatamonl every fbri.imas,
Christmas, or


Ibrough his h.-ad a* be dropped
off to sle» to dij^ of toe pig wkick

IK-rhaps he was'only dreaming, and
** I am m school today and biven't UMug bl* head on tbe plllow-hark!
. .
^rite Wb« wa* that? High above the nolaa


her wtitc ebecks will brighten aa she Fertln and Florexire B. I’atoer. l ol- name is "KlUy G." She Is veo' genfeels the kla* of the »ouiherti breexe. umbUvIlle, H. F. I). No. 1; .^gB.» aeJ Me
I ^nd most of the time during
.urnmers at our neighbor* pUce.

kind of Chrlstma* presenU

*.hoor Didyou

Tkalr oatari are grer «ad trhite:
my way with one'from Zephyr to'a Slovens. Xonh Bingham. Pa.; Muioie I can. 1 have two brother* and six
Tbep dhUP* titolr leader nose to tail. BtUe aick maid, aud I can a«c bow Mrau. Rapid flty, Mich.; Mrs. A. I- airier*. I have no pet. but a cat. Her

And one *llp* oror end one como* and bears hi* message of returning '“<« Booa»..('enn-m flty, Mkh

.One of.your SiiushUterw.
IJoyd Under

made Christmas pn^nla. TbI* will
|i )* so nly-e to have one of oar new be had nCH^ed
U- HI tor this time, no good bye.
Buosbtoera wrife to a*. No*
-Suddenly he awoke wTSi a start.
Ever your Snnshlner. '
feej well acquainted,
It srenHid to blm lhal be bad Just

Sowers are ever greleful for their iwnUon H* 'b'^ Sunshine'page the to the Herald. I will now lake
dew. and the lueaaages stmt tv the kwlng me**age» aud greeilngs to::-Pleasure of writing again. I am

m Ifegr Bwet b* homo by sIgbL

They are l-'rank and wa:,-hlna the brook that he had for

Phase send
flo^ten the pig entirely. .B« Ua annt
lorgn him when he sreat 1
I go
I an. rlo". some embroidery: a pnxxh-. and Fife l,ak,- « h«.l. 1 am In the third
third He met wltb a warm reoepUon. very
My grjd... i have no pet, bnt have lots «arm. Jack tbougbl. In fact... Me


Once -worry to your lieari, am) you are frtv

AM tfea hawa ^stakn H stUL
eh* «HB* a* a gaeer BUte rieepy

WMIo the bakoUtBl sun Is away.
ibao dallad Night;
l»h«n It U
Is light.
i. «h«i

n- e night wblib he never tOIBOt.
In tbe spring, and the brotrtta

It has ui(?wed very hard-nil day. We f,adh- Roll.Sh.- U nineteen moblha_,-^^Onc <U> (t bad reined nnuaaelly
are having fhnstma* vacation now. old, I haw
:wo Irlends who would
Jack bad spent *o nratB time.

loving Sunslilnt-r

0 entry from the wind to the Free and no longer Heavy Burvlen. lor '
moreals. aad

■»». Hrary Burden sigbt-d.


bad been so filled b> tbe Keavy rtlfts
and melting snows on the hllla thUIbev bad overflowed In many plaeoe.

tree top* and often from flowers to 'be King Lj* itii the roids that bound
Tha BHupr E*MAi«c^ as the Ire bora* red and Ion.


glneer on Hie oardy rnwntog Irtto
from .New York, which passed the
farmbonxe ebon: four o'clods- In thetnortiing. Only oc.aslonelly had Je^
seen or hsurt It. but ooe night he aaw

The liflh- brwok on the other ride ik
Fill Utk<-. Mith.
the ;re<-k from the farm house had
Jan I. I9tu
been a sourc,- of Interest and aasMy
•'* ‘
and Anna. My brother*' name* are t will write a little twait glad tu-Join tbe SuBkhliH- flub to Jaek. who brt witched II cerefnlly
• Humane 6oi-it-iy. please | have a lltlh- slater named Lena ea<h day to «oe that Its-rta^wwaim
and’ Pa-Jl. There nre tweuty-eevtrouble.
rertiflcaie of inentbershlp, .............................
Kader. Idease ....___
pm ber_______
name__on Ibi
en pupils in srbool today. I like mj - -- -...........................

ttew to sixteen flower*, all sweet and find o-ir joy* me ro-antless, Kii-p love
ng Jam beautiful, but the burkeu hold a drop |n your heart and make unseltlttiiie.s

die answered,


to bear the Owl go by. with Itt pe-

:b-it there U the worry, too. fh.v I*
"Why." .-<|.lle«l Huh Heavy Hur«“•
• era- lUn the work." aud
little den, looking around her. "1 luiui have scade. J^alody arilbmetic. language,
rney algb»J .-yam.
^ ■
lotf Itr
.|M-lllt;y, fnd geography. Those e
c elto.
It so hapened that n.- she wmi beard , -How I
said to ber;

Ue kne*

erer> tnln, from tbe Groat M«B»I »

j,n. j. 191«. the t bu-ago l^led; and wee he ^
iwakenJ in the night Jaat to time

Ing "l *-111 not wek longer, bul will
.Vortbport. Mich.'
•i"'" ' ‘‘'Kh "P
''■'U. this U all shine flub
I got a doU lor CbrUtwall bis coming, ee do the nowereDet 1«. 19OT. > can think of lor this time, so iood- mas.
I have one brolb.-r founern
motto ' lh ar Pfryldem—
oid I w‘H elose Bos.ond next
----------y (hat alt fair- -Watch and wall' -... —
it supposed by n
les have a i-teaaan;. easy llfe~ glgbod And Ini wbeu rbc said tbh. a Blill.
H Is a Irag lime since 1 i
•Vge M.
Iloy Clifford Fewluas.
little fairy Heavy burden, "but ataa aaia* roire frem within her*kald. “I 1 ibonshi 1 woold write agai
1 am .are you bad a fine time on
Chrl-tel IMest
It la n« M. I have >o much to do.
am lime with you.
Wber.- Ik your lots of fun to go to achooL
1 lot of presents
Whoi t
= raurb work Ibic I am well worii out; buiden of woirj-r
, ,
with our sleds i

thooo thlnst, I will Tfy. try


tbe pig bad >at been led. On th^

Sonsbint daja Sir Pig wna am to Bake a pIg


to Mry Mhs tMn«.

- (hlttly allp awv.

lorpoiteB bio. and a Ihlid fto« Jack,

Good-bye Irom

Ceo- a mairh roje. a bottle «f pertume. a

a of blnuelf.' and no tslaiaka:
“The raili^ was a aoww of nn-


kne tbla Ume.

Por tlrUUuaa ptcoeals 1 got

pn'end In the fairy lalea. and that and I am cser acekiog.'' uM Heavy era!
Grant, the doableyellowbead
couple of boaka twlkd -Rlaen fiom plH on Sew Yeara day!
they are like riddles and ban- two Burden. "Yet I. too. must aurely parrot; Moto. the Florida lot aqulr- the Ranks.'- and -Tbe ('twiln's CBa- year of Snnablnc li_wUl meap!

m-fem i omI wlU try 1« M torlfifr hols-

'• »«L
AM OM rito* Mler baUnd.


cockatoo and John the white cotia- Itmo I think it la il-oM time I waa

“Where la Ibis Kir<.

Pblry Story that jour President loond Ue fairy did Urr dnlhw pa.lenUy and
la a box among
her Sonablne clip- tbougblfally and wltbont bcr know- “•*

Th* Bhod mile aheep n» gnlok

o borr Uirer o>c«l« ta qntcA
Klasator. Midi
»•" «irf t*® alster*. Pleaae orod a
___ s
Dee. 59. 1909. a cart and boUM. Well, no my l«1- olcn. one fttiiu naek. aaotfeer Crtan


bIon»ma. ber iboochti were of tbe Ham. the red maeow; Laora. tbe Aoo- Dear PreaMeol-

a very #«<«t play* aomar .fc.- cried.

the pretty Imicy 111

I will tiy to booohow •• I


So cwy CTMiins m .Jm- corttol bcr »!«, tbe babbom; Joe. Hike. Mary,
backctJ of dew. or aieotijea »c the Toctale llollaod. the nonkeya; Wll-

ry day I can

teacher'* name

Ntos ROiv- Donald- era. Jack had oo i\ougbis
v*r> much. I have tbor,- about toe farm ■•hi;

*<». and I like


|q tuddenly. Tbto tofinefanlor

drrsiand. Th. n. too, with m* b-ad so ib-boyi and girl*

I sc to «! hool

lull of dilvln* wb^to and comceich

No one I* tart by

,n.. soft anow, and.there to no fuml-

that will spoil: it to a slgB toat
aunt eummer to come lu earsest. Then

f—d tb- IxmUy *e:s up a lent of akias.
SuniBlne letters U x*k<-d him tbevo reaJiug
H-rsId. and I thought I «onld join -the pig. ilsny a day p«.r plggl-wroulJ ab-re they dm-11 till the anow romea

foot, on.-y again.-Selected.

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