Grand Traverse Herald, September 17, 1903

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Grand Traverse Herald, September 17, 1903


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


(Strand ©ratorrsir Errald.

erMi Crav«rf« mraid jysj RECEIVED


The Ui«n <)wipn u fmt Wool,
eiit {or on utd winter, IflQ,





yoir the finbR

wot. a iietfect At and lowffl


Tmcrsc Qty SUtc Bank


Stock cewtAHica.

Plato Gtasa, Stoam Bollsr arid Accldont Insurance.

Money to Loan on Improvai Real Estate Only.
Johnson Block, Phono 73

Travorao City. Mich.


Banking in ail Branches
imcrrsl JUlMMd SB Depstiu

A 6csni teiklic SuMcuImm

V*5ANK .

Ceal aUMred M Tlw D9M1U.

r I'res .^. V. Friedrich, Sho«: Cashier C, .A:
Hammond: Wm. l.uudoo. of Caidwell..& Loudun:
Ceo. W. Lardie, Produce: J. M. Huelli
limantel. Merchan.
Tailor: Cha». Wilhelm,. of Wilhelm. Banak it Co.:
Stephen Laulncr. Farmer: F. C. l>esmond. Charcoal
id Ctcn'l Merchandise: Beni. Thirlby, Of I'ravcrse
ity Iroa Works: 1-0. Crotser. of Case it Crotser.


jm.-msas'cigiar ■

ind pleaiy on a
lurryaere tan

bo owo» two boadrrd ai
«m are waalias awwo.
1* U a t«« O Utlk
mtk- buuK-;
' baa a luriu I'lta within, a. qui.-i

ktni jual a>
Udy little n
Nt weed. ar»ihe eon SeW.
ibuik* 111
The honMB
> K>»d kevplae l.y
•oeir Boe and Klua«y n«i,
eowi wliblB the
e b
B(«d»w. realinK
omb Ibe beeebeti
rn all ibeir ceall
a fceotle Bllklns
Whee Bee
heart! a
tMm om-s.

a=!i: ^



The Ferty Acre Farea.
01 lUokias. «i^. or o.icth^jonw.«i(A>thMTBt*.

CAPITAU S200.000


Tire Insurance!

Thn National Lean Com^




llred seek full iway
e ehecitk:rvla. Bailer
wtaat I
.vta- I-


i & CURITS & 60.

'Johnson’s Drug Store.
eommcrclal Printing

USiby Hb) iwii ob lb,- npp,-r >i.-p
lukl biwr AuBi lUrrlrt'i llpc click
Ibr lul W.ird Ih-bhj Hay InsUtcd
»•»» b,T^ lU.r, and Bhr bad her oso
nil- thecir) ihai. alien Ihey rUrk.-O
ke ibai. ibey kicked IfacmaelveB. like
Miv. Ellery UJ,unr> frobi iluur
-'I «Ub auuietiody'il {•■ad Aunt Har
i-l ' >lKb(-d Uebby May. "U‘b bo nice
,er lu Anal Hlumy'a baUV
tk iib) May «ald "AuBi
It Hlumy'
1 Diedlutln
She wa
. any It :-v
There- oi
aeatle ll lle wife
■indvnakea i
errud id peacmaklne eatliwly i
Ulliy. and sbe iwlber dreaded re|K>r
InK lis failure (o tie nlDUier David
said. -I lold yvHt w." O, iierer!


mi Kinds

Herald Job Office

ti.&L.lliniitili 61'i.ttNl.

si mm

Do wDU want to lell rour
hnn? If u. Us aHth m. Our
Us b U» amaJI far t)>e demabd
thM we are havi^
CaD and
tee IS Ibc next ihne yon are io
the dty.







TravnrM citn. I



iboM 4

Tw ibt


Fresh. Salt and moked Meats. Sausages. Etc.

VafM Ohb«j *mk tUa, DSnCtlt


Canning Season

wool- WANTED

Fruit CsDt. I^t sad Qusrt; Jelly Tumhlen.
PsrsAoe. Sealing Wax. A coniplctc line
of Spice, for pidclii^ . .

am now in the market for wool. 1 will
ly your wool to your advantage and will
> the best for you that anyone can,
tone or write to me. Will also buy hides-.
Warehouse 782 E. Front Street .


R. SoHomborsAr

FaU work wiS aooe begis and yon wO want CORN
I'l II #r. --------- -- Uw wtrt fttOy. I have
Umb an aibl ay price ia right Look them otcr
befaiw yoa boy


AS ligalv aiM is eoek. Spcdsl wafawasde
to<adAI»qxlr. Oaly tteTwr UH asund
tmA. SBd faUrnwM—d fa Fvwy vwpia.
llanidllee IWmaadFtoMtM weS « seO. They are
notmdsoffteHiMtMiil, sad gwe> a dadir
•■iA la otch the eye; bst an Aanbts, eoatfait.
aWc, «^.BML 71m (Smfsm • tlw auike. ^islity ooMMfand
0«M» assil sad jfoawfflhayao ««« wsks.


oasiaMsatak W Uictor Petorlyl.

TravBrse city, Micb.
Bell Phono 130
Cltixeng’ Phone 481


We have a good supply of Tablets, Pencils. Pens.
Inks, Erasers, Letter Paper. Envelopes, Memorandum'
Books, Mucilage in bottles and also in bar or bar ce­
ment. Tablets sell from one tolOceacb. PenciUfrom
one to five cents each, according to quality. Everything
in this ad is useful to children that go to school and'
to little ones that don't go. Thai Bar Cement is a
sticker. It will cement paper, glass, crockery, or any
lance. Tryabarofit. Crayons for drawing.
six colors for one cent, and 88 assorted colors for five
cents. It is amumg and instructive for children to
draw pictures of animals, landscape drawing, maps. etc.
It is a foundation for the future to become expert in
some line of business. «udi as an engineer or architect,
so a small sum spent for these things is not thrown
away and should be encouraied. We. invite all chil­
dren to come to P. K.'s to make their selectioos out of
what we have.



to well alaklag
_ tbe ai
Laxell al
. _
rupbemea aad cononM
tbe .1
faUtoned metbeU of aaa}tog tbe TMirh with wax, iL.________
ai.Ie of glam ixnii tor being Uttle
known aad w ..................................

on the
B little
llul Debby May srloied orer It. and
ly tnililoM plant u( her
btiUK Aunt Harriet ud
They lived rtiibl
their aoparaied
' Ibe cnwi boute. at Tar apan
aa If Ibe AtUutUc ocean inilead of Ihe
wMe front ball Bowed between (beiu.
Til,' front door waa never unlorked.
ud oaly Debby May aal on ib<> fitmt
m at Aunt HarHei'a aide
rm'thla alatc ot thlaca had laated.
wo yeara ibai Ib bby May
hid been pteved asd pioil
uled by lu
honever. lor abe bad been i
It lUr
rt^^mtle|Strl only two ya
airpa. Saddeal) abe col up ud abook
out ber abort aUrta brUfcly, p
bftwd that perfevily apleodld
abe bad eau^t whlBt of a HUM
B(0 tns Orer There, Trom ibi
apleodld ament Ovar
asere.. there
were Bore thaa tlkely .to be vlilble
alcna of them ronad on fbe froal door
Plnmy'a aide., Debby
and ber mSaib bw
fab to water to Main
There were
"MTile" lo be—O. trice r*kea. or
Ot elsAunt
Harriet aeiqr made at 1 pwfeclly
. . hlaca aa thoae
abouldat wonder; yon nerer can
lurmured Debby Hav wlttfuUy.
-Aayww- ....................
ibeee'a U-»c,
"le, u' I'B colaaped acouad
- and up
wide aUBv ai-lepa. It waa alwaya
baH bidden by
aayw are
lated a I

the click
. Rllrry
Bloom-, ftoot door
It wai cheery ud alee In .
.‘itimyi u
■■ The child
happier t;
been for
-race dcllchltul
chancm to alas ud laueb.
HarrkH. Debby
bummed; tbe tans Over There And
riuB] aans with her; Ihlnk o'
SonMImei. too. abe lauded a
ai If tor tbr mlaule ahr had furRuiieii ibe load on her hean.
la Ibe cut half boa ktnrly
Htrriei would bate acomed to
,1 ,o netseii.
heraolf. ibu(\the etaptld alienee bun tber 'tike a duU
palB at
She atdsaed Ibe
rblld'! ta
quiei play: abe^mlaaed ber aioeklata
mead ud her aualni. uncUldl
ipeclally. aP
vu, .„ue> >,ie Huaaeu the a^L
uu-n face aenwa the ubie BnfSc
■Id herself li waa a great relief
^ able lo keep iblaga ildy wltboui
illd’a duller abont, ud
I hvr b>
ber attemoon napa la
peace; Debby May waa a pnid chUd.
a. cblldi
I, but It w«_ .. real lo
hare toOH-body
lake care <d her
V laat auy doubt but
are of.” Harriet Page
-It'a likely abCs gelling
4 up a • •

a tight :
n abe



IBvIlrd II
a boKIe bemrtog t
-Bntak> Medkctoe
ipaay.” Mrs Luetl ptoced a qouthy cf roapVrriee. aad at ber daub
Tbe WJosI late that ala atrung to Jitl.r. 1XT4 Ibe package wu uus.
red to her dangbter. Mrs .Tbcs
Ber^and a boy oi li ever kept alive
Holmea ud ■ a rvretn reuKin cf
a. lb, dally menu .f the
e Windtbe LAiell rrlallvea
the (U wu.
, K,
bel.we ,be r

r ■;r

’blrt UB the mluK

Prenortptlons Carpfully and CortMlantloualy Coi

vxrelkvi'wairr. SInee tba 1'HHd
~ box don* Iliile pkratag. riai
every pan cf CaMwetl o
................ — -iaetnat she
cBly u
’Then wiibcKii a_________
took the hi,ie tcadiac band, and wem
wttb tbe child ’Thev w«oi arOud the
turner ahmg >b«- breadth of tbr gtwai
while bouee. let the western door An
Aui Plum. B.C, tbea there
-Harriet! Harriet!- .hv cried-ot
-V,-!- Piuay, I «e cumc
I had l<
Tbv Duvl'a eeot a liilte Child to ar
you know." explalBed Debby
ttomght '
the miuialer
t dtdaT know I
the—l«,rd - reveruUy.
Ibe Ixwd.- Aut F

DeciT Kill tba Toado.
. . -May of the pcsta ibai deatroy
eiiber tree, sbrab. vine tw Ball there
to tome parasite taseri or larger brB
of ulaa! Ule that preya upon tbe
pear tivqueaily oblntenitag It. One
- - aalmaJ la Ibe I____
K*btle tbe farmer abwpa
tieepe Itbe toad la
tlag bit town ud Igarden sad
cornCeld tor taseru ud tbe* rolail wcwma. uta. |
buga are deUctacles ti

help dlgrat
wnier: Ud. tbuugb It mad,
illivl th,- yi.unaer. peniler aialer u> -|. Ibey kept aJl.e and did
her aide
Hu, Plumy wu a Page,
a a. .cry aurb.
too. Sbe bad ber pride, ud a.
The Wiaduvw get a bar ______ .
uwfullr In
hher loaely half

Ill between Spaia ud tbe ataira.
It while biHli
till u HBgllah
n Harrifl a
....... ............ ............... ...........-1 strain.
dlamaalvd ud i
f to<*e« bl* hnd lieeauM' of pain.
ibocomad niUes »ui on Ibe Atiulto.
Anri plead! mlth bla beautiful eyiw.
mat be
.. Hxrrlrt
Three «l tbr new were killed by
aurted Ibe recauicTr
ad iwo Mbera waa...
!.»en the dteekrete. Baxter.
Harrlei had never iianed it.
overboard, boi tbe other aerm look
II uoly a iBOBewt ywu ttay
"I ba.eni been W lo rel.” abe
the wbalelua, ud ari out tor Brit
u Chat ud (onip with frieoda i
little click
I three

**TI is Uerv Unnoyina’*
To the one who does Ae cooking for the family, and
sometimes to the members of the find that
an entire hakine has been spoiled ntCAUse poor extracts'or baking powder had been used in its mat
nanufacturc. oAvold •uoH AntS4»y*rto«~
■" i-y
using Johnson's Pure Flavoring Txtracts and l*ui
Cream of Tartar Baking Powder at !15c per pound.

ho rm
«.m- 0.« There to any Thaak.ywa........... 1 aaia If 1 ever rflt*
eoove howr acaln: a
aba'e i dau lo
But woaT
Itr fla« of iraib la *e
m U you'll M »
belp I
Debby May.« ao -Bi* nf
b bun« fan
> lb I be winall the eveolBK At :
I. ah> plucked up e
ace to kmwk ilahUy -al ____________
door H.r antwer Aunt Harriet opeo,
way. Udaet
asdaet ber abti
al Debby Ua'• tevi
mle plain pnni dr»w.
e> and ceai'y
toMcl uodereknbe*
Ma> pirkwl it up. and wji
BloB-ly amay witb It. her aaall. leu
body •asilinc mitb Ita wdsht
did not Bed uy other aaawer
- Voull let Be have to be your lite KirL" the aald .iBp'). at the w«b.
- Aui HarHei’a tul ibioucb
lih me And Auai Pldm) took '
. ablny black mltoe ud all t
Harriet Pape waa Ibe oldoE of ibe
>u aUteis. ud tbe prater ateraer
There had been ilmea la Ibe
ven yeara war. at tbe aelebbor*

aUrnng lao d
U.lllag lenatb. of tarred beBp
rop>- toio pulp and twallowlag '
They bad a keg id pnmflUi wai j
tbougb 11 made them Very III at Brsl
they eveaiuaUy rq^trrd to live on
Ibe bull.-d hemp.
tar. boiled to a
tolly. addiuB <o the noaHabBenl of
the rope
1be> landed In cmipin
lively (Deal beaUb.
A diet of boot. It uae of the cum
moaesi <U laal h.«.u«v fooda; ud
,bough II i> hard for a well fed
i„ Imagia,- that anyone cuuld
tbe leatber. a pair «f
long sea buou win keep a Baa allr*
fur a lonalgbl. U be baa a lliile water
cnpt Maboly. al the fouadered ataam
Uwallor Ud hu aecoad pSefa
atm) a record last yeu by UrUg
1. days cm bout toaihar ud a plat
of aaier per day each Of course. B>
lectb cna tear cowblde boou: Ibay
hare 10 be cal up ud shiadded arKh
s knue. aad Ibe ahre.1. ebawad and
analbiwed. Huillag. even wbm pm-


Whlcb be dlto bto stamnlgbt U aitraitabtog He
wiibooi parodA wbUr .
■ mole. In lit but for toaects tsars
the eonb u
—rm aa good.
Itoe.1 at Ibe ta
apare Ibr load.
to TMa Trwaf
-Tbe average peraon. aua or wo.
BAB. wear! .mt the left sho* auooer
than Ibe richi.-aalduoideobUm-tbroiher day
-Many people wemder ai
rut Ud
r hu tnugbl
wllarity of me
t harder oe tbr
loot, b
g oui the right fool
Tlr loCT
lakea a hmger
^^wltb the right foot-than with the
«bo gee toot to u open
niry7sMh.ns oar wealeni grmlrisn.
alwaya irared to a cirele U they have
guide them. Tbai to



tbu Ibe other, ud <
tbe left aboc sreari

bdag M, bard to digest, stay il
acb lor D H,

nrkable a il____
atwld coBtolna.Crewa. ot .Vewar
a Sunday Bwrpli
-Il waa lachMed
• weeks after Debby May'.
tree feet wide ud Bve feel kmg. rw
I«rtnre. It s
wai Harriet Pacea -i
prcMilng a ntunday ludxcape of
o (Jiurch
tare beauty. In the fueegruund applum and rhmr '
an luma. Sunday ud 6aa<
Ptoais IS full bM
1 going lu tbo cburca aad
> to a aloping bill, from wblc^a
UdK in Ibe family pew. They L
caeeaito neema u> flow the cryttal la
-er made mUlakea la
■ tl
ib«^r reck«A> lialbiD being of wonderful llkucaa
thread like brook meuflen from
1 polai. enrlrcllng
' ' '
way. tlaco tbe trouble
to. ud flully dti
Texlay It waa HarrtM’a "lurn,* but
golden tun. turntig
tbr made do
sire, atrtkra tbe boor cm ailver
ting on
bar »
------------------------ud’ abawl w
the cncdied old ball a««l forth
aartril to tbe f
Ml quite atUI la
by a eraeplag lortotoe. wbkb takes
lag chair,
tbe«toce ef a hand. A bM of eiqul
aplrtilesa ytoai
ilie ptoaagn warbiea at tbe clou of

appitod to a ih^ tormA^f itopirtT
will ramove the boarda fra tbe Non.
toi tbe
frill, trera.
tSTB. and
wild osU aad
Ula.Ies II
take tbe potat ol bto
cf bto
building, hr.- the
-. gtoae
_____ cut
wtodowB ud Bit tbea wlib
wilt take Ibe
bring a
_ .
family, ud topple him tolo a
■ grave.

midway Ikrongb
bcoiigb tbe fsHirlttos
that b* bad kint bto watch. tba

wax a
cf _____
grat ___^.joHy.
_________ tbe Ughu ti> be turned ecu.
Then be oburvod. -Someone bere’^hw
a watch Ibcc does not bUeng to blB.
If by tbe Use I have eouted.a buaeach boor, ud aa ibo aoag cnaaa a drrd K to not ptoeod oa Ibe floor to
mouse aalUee turib fra a acdgbbor- the Biddle B tbe rooB. tbe pHKw wUl
Ber abort leCi
lag groilo.
- aeomperiag orer tbe be mat tor.- He eoulad a bondrad.
piwUj big pc
lo alt la all by you
ud tbe ligbu were tor«hd a igala
dt, but of course Annt Ptnmy slew' -Waab^oB
ThlrtyHbree handerge walebee toy to
________ HarrfM’t - middia of tbe noo.
Why hadn i Anat Harriet
hr All at
A aure-t KpHM
SBB ID worry
n tbe center of a M al Vave^
pet aqnlreeli
poalDg abe waa al
I. Sutolk. Kagtond. aaya a Luoda
It made bar tellowa ran n
lions, ud abe crmJd
paper, U a large flat i
not eajoy the
taymni as usul. Tbe pacwle in tbe barmod But people hartog pear
the grave of a mare wbleb dtad t
itoeed ber clear, high tfl- are klektog agalaai them
It | __ lUt taseribed u tollowa;
Here ..
le eree torgen to auad np tbnt tbe acirirveto go nft* tbe yooag
ponrt. guw tbea lo tbe core and dfr
At lenauB lime the routed from bar
Ibe aeedt._At tbe laat onosell
. _______________
ud tried I
tiag a BU occopytog Prof. A B folkraliig;
Aui Plumy
nfd wul to
d'a booae this aoBmer asked pm- Ih* aowi of men bafalletb beaxu. even
the lexi wa
Aunt Harriet ab
loB to kill all
the scalrrMs ime tUag bMallecb ibaa; u the ane
wnyi bad
H Harrtet! Sup. ------ lag u the premtoM. Th# potlltaa dlelk. ao dlath tba oth*.' This to
Supposing tbe
probably fba only Inctoara ef a text
waa perfurily dreadfully tick!
- tbe acriptaraa apportag os a
dear! there tbe mlBttrr wax golai
a pton to protect Ibe paan froa tbe
give It ont nos. * waa loc
He says that be baa triad
top of hl> ilaMrs^ti ax b"’
It to to btod tbe trnha
did wbC9 be gave
tbr lex
nib raiM fly pop*.
-Aad a mtle child aball l»
u u ertL to pity tba ynow
abort dtitonea
m to BM bora Witt a cOrar
above tbe other,
brought ber rlgbi i
at Hot. poslilve. prevent!
tpoa to bto mootb. bat I boartOr Fobriel again
If be d aald,
. . mat to tbe little ulmato. It to nald scribe to Prwldat Oarfleldb 4
a mtle
child xhi
___ ______
Harriet r
Over that they may go erver tbe tisL bat that -tbe ricbesl borltagi n j
— e«- I
wouldn't have ataned1 ber they win nerer pass neto tbe aaecmd —, can be bora to to pnratly.'
tra the aeu of tba Blitlc_____
bond If tbey once tooefa tbe sticky
~^"u«HirTtel bauT bea Ted' ywt:
be nphle thu tbe world roratsu
Ibe’a waltln- to bc. an' I’m a ttnie
lu ititmiia. lu
________ __
Danng Frsi
aaa of nfltolra. It to tram the Conner
Tbe general
of tba poor that all tbeee aprlagI gentle, teholariy way. b
expose a iruo
Fra Anflraw Careegle’a “The Rmehaiorur cm I
Amertom ud I in^ ud the egrteaP
1 bat iMued a poa.
A Thrift Fother-e lirpHInii
tbe tnbtoec By advert’ '
Itier’a text. Anal Harriet w^la jba
father and aa were ftaaglnt at
SrtUy bad tbe aecxmdiy abd the ibtrdtbe and af tbe Cbala Pier at Pome
Wtla boy laaUad tala
Debby May a . aermcB.—poor. cf marrotoae quality,
ity. dealers
dutors are raOBaybe sick aobi Harriac! Sbe
A byatnal*. atno toai tbu 13 a tte aiaadlig w rao.
waa waiting to be 'led ” over to Anst
It -pemeUarlu-and
Plnar'i bAlf. ud -a little child Mull
ge ptoat.* Tbs in
lead- her
_ airaggle. to goat
J that the fraiM to
ynoagatar luded safely Tto I
-U'ame; I'm A little child.
Ibaaka wore tempeend with M
•d' Anal Harr^over* Bn
bto grant a
by Hay aoraesUy. -Tbe Bible laye lo,
to bar■ boy's r
a a new plut iBpctrtad tra
u' Ibe Btatotar eaya to. u’ I bmL
rraad Bl
ton And to soU. not by ibc
I Boat_■
eboreb:I tcut
L bnt by the Seed, or at tbe rate
bMp It If i doat wul to. I'B all tba
rattUto eblW there to le do



Debby Hay haaled. Sbe pnUed away
le baas pua bladea and the (nil.
ilralsbt Illy aieat Tbu abe utlored
e low ery^ dellchyte It waa
I. It la! n to! Ifa a pie!" abe
Bed OBI icfUy. ~Aa‘ it'a crinkled
d iba edsna. u’ It'a anifced D.
M In the a
■oi to be B
Debby Kay bad neaer bad a pie of
ber own before, not a crlok' '
the edena one. with bor i
- e bad owned ball of
pir, but tbli
tail pie wi
on a tea
plat* ud H waa a
me! Sbe
ita Saky. delicate brown enmt.
u)e notle Utile loauilre ex.
lu Atb the tip o< ber umeue
where Uie Julea had babbled ont
rouad ibe edse—yea. It waa a nu—no,
a ftraw-r-or wna H a btaekbany oaef
Anyway the uate on the Upay-Up of
you loacu waa per4eeUMpiea;iId!
, Tbe lone euBBer afunm wool
by. Aunt Harriet look ber nap and
kaliled ber -Touade" m Debby Uay-a
atorkmc jiad did aH tbe cnxtOBary
aUervum tbtaca: bci abe waa oddly
aaeaiy and lonely, li Boat be. the


__________kmg tiBe te tbe eod «f
tbe Blatoter'i aermoa
Dabby Hay-’e
lee of ’idul tbnt
baa been grown ever si-----ladow.
a lo the enat-half
te barsott. Tbra tba Blntoiar ww - — -1 to eolUvatc tbe
! ber far-away Ktaiaea.
abalHag np the BIbto ud tba peopto
Iba* • mtle. and
ad pm ibM>a
-Pulee Odd ftoB
Bu na Debbyr May wm
Debby wax borrytag
r la aoaad. WBi!
’mi! Am
A fe
01 away to Aa, Harriet.
. ..Blleted at bar feet: It bad
Perhaps abe bad be.._____ _
luckrd aadw tbe door 8b* i k
.« enre. bm enditely Davor Oatly ktowa I,
to Ue boose and rend h.
Harriet Page
beard a tlBld IKUe
O’ to bto baads by wblcA be
"Dur Aut Harriet.* tbe crooked
lee at ber e..M«, aad
ho Hmkod
wuummt orwo
letters epeiJed. “I oaal bels W: bwt.
see the eblM (here. beUlag oat bm
dnptb wMb a carmlaty net..
wb«B tbU you see. I abaD be-Orw
bedora known. WbUc boMlu tbe ptow
There. Tea mid Bertr ta. bat I had to
-OoBe. AODt Harriet.' Dabby Hay to ana of bto tatber-s Mda be foH a
(o. beeaaae Hmaa a Pie I aercr bad said bravoty. -Geae! R-a pa Pa
OM beta*, aa- I bad a crtaklad one
■ yew Over Tbora fc*
with ay uae
aame cm. u’
aa’ I bad te
to go
po u'
ear. Tbaak yon.' I bad to. buacL child.- yoTSw. that the BIMe MP^ nM at cmc uot wttt each toru tbnt
AUI HarrW. Too oa tad gtagar- u’ tbe afatotw latd. abnll lead' yam, bn pM oa far bto totbar. Tbe cM*
M- BX: boL To. aald roe badat baa tod raw b« Icifcry ridicatod tbe boy. mad toU
■l“’a*nl ^~b^ m'
Axal CoS bi» an m u wKb bto tooiiu . B«bolp It AUI Harriot, u' 1 «MT r» oU Ibe BUle Mtld tbora k. IFut
tbfak tbe Bible warn warn yoa to.
wbu Ifk a riK —-------- • *•--



.. -.-“rs

(A ra tbs mie



bm^ba fl

H boll may ba Brad tfereogb
a pau aCgtora .maktag tbe befle tbe
site ef tba bau. vHboot
^nsa: V tbe flam to an
(broad K orfli moke i
and (be tbraag vfU BM
U tbs Arctle

ragtai. wba



Mb a ufto^
4 (bat hn banr«


aaikB ibaa iba ttaltad toaita. Whas
Boaik IPrlBary-Otara ttnxn*, fir*
lb* obani.r cd lb* coapaay fa aaBBlIad
lb* OofaBblaa ceraraBaai -«lll bar* crada, klBdarcarfaa. U.
Grand lual oa Ptiday. lAK
OB tu baadt a fat cd Barklaary arbieb
Wmm^ art Br*tWK.
(iraad. and u( Aral bosU
T%« bi«lulBC «( Ov«
Bbi yaar. kltt
•( lb* Wnua't rUb, sBfC lb*
Oraaii icdal al *«d-cd am amni:
piMad eaaal vkleb It «Mol aae.
Mar's Tarsltaa. Ii al««n kaoks
yaan apo. I.Mt ,
la Iba tae* cd ibraa farti (ba Oofaa.
nrtl >o «llb BiK-b pMuirs b
kaa cotantaMBi aaka ibr Ualud
(Mb awabm Tb««v n» ■ tood *i
IsaitSTs ni<ur aiid »n sidrtlaat pru^ IMaiat io p*; MtrtAPW tor a rrasMr and Ur*. Wilbur Paiua and two
■m n> citM.
ibr lm«<nbl|>
liar Ibai li pare fa Wya> aad D»
uu rm irard to tbrlr bean* la Al'
et Hn. H b. (Untef
nsaapa. aad lu iBpoaa realiirticB*
a Bcxafac. al
adar a rlali with Mr
Tbs an4 lUU «
*. Parkar II
H iboiiKli; cd «baa tba Wya* roa,-JlWll'. (-----------...
an rear alcnad.
B Htoor wbatf aiw «
l.uHa CVoael cd Okie U
it lui r«»r «auud b«
Vfa p:*iB that Iba pollilelaBa of Oo- las bar auai. Hra K Waiara ol I

tb^ iS5iirrni””irr MBoVipoks

•ircM. aad uber rrlailraa
Kaipb Koaroa lefi tbU BHiralac (ur
UarlD* City, wbarr ba ia baal>iBDt auperiaiaencBt cd tba Marine Cliy Siicar

tf lbs iadirldul bneau lu b* d» ai* Ibr rliaikB. Tbay aaoB fa baHrrt rn>«i Ibr rivb, la ibr w <d Ifar* Ibai Iba ABarieaa paupl* arr ao
IrttMahIpa fansod. u4 nr* and enl
lalaailr la hior id a cbbbI ai Paalorad RMla dtseurrfrd. and aaM ibb
fallr rrpaki wb Bcaaber far bet
aay pr(c« liv
vnrfc U Iba Clib dartat lb* rnt. Shr
aracd Ibai ibr nr«lk«i Mbadard ol kaJldlBc U. Tba Iralb fa, ib*
•art dosr Is Ibr past br WX oall
la paopi* ar* aca la faaor cd a eaaal
aafalalard. but Ibai It br nlaad siiu
PanaBB. bul ar* It favur of oar cb
Mcbav dnrtaa Ibr iubIbi aruon. Bbr
a Nirartciia roafa.
tadarrad lu Ibr r»d »uri ol (ba piu
Tba mocraas alMad
paB coBBhfar. sad aald lhal all
a naBdlla id ika ptc
In allaad racalarly ibU yaar, aalaaa lukBtaa raaal, plalaly i
laarsBfad by alekaraa or al
Hmloe. araa peraaadad fa acffOB Iba idly. In urdar Ibai Ihry
irl>i Iba PaaaBt roaia oa ibt plaa cd
CM Iba craairai braabla tniB a
> ar aiady aailtbMt
AaauBC bar
aruBOBy.' ThU plaa dlrklad lb* eaaal
laal aaccaaiuwa lor iba yWa vurb
vaa. aad rai

^ Harlan RaymoBd Icdi tbU niunilni
t Ane Arimr, where 1h- will ISkr the

■s-rs-sr.., ». m., »r
Kllawonb Id IK Baal b

lartnory^arTaacBaeaU eou
witk Culusbla Iba praaldeai abuald ba
addiBc I
. ..... .
clQb boBr Bl(bt
thai a p
a MlUy laaiaad cd a bopr

CokiBbtt ha> reedarad rUlcalow
ba plaa of aecBoay pui forward by
b* adrocaicw cd Ik* PiaaBB eaaal.

*^n*Tw. I'Bck cata^^ln brr brtfhl

ikrir own eaute. aad hare aireactb
read Ibr cauae of Nlearacua. There
__ aieapUoo a
•m llbS*.
apoka o( Iba fl
will lia la iiperatlciB to 10 ytart a craat
1 bcrMdBta Ibai bare
Iba MBiry, (d tbr dtaib of h>pr
and Iba eo^lac of Plua X.. aad one- irul. bill II will not bii ai Paaaa
rtrtad rtjj aii ............. . <d iba wIbbIdi
or Iba edilWV>r tbr Kallabar
SaparlBMadaai I. a Oilcan csra

— ________

airan park
rad bM aUMde
a aaariy
won tba
eliy ehaaploMblp witb a total at U.
ba aanood irard CoaOac aaxi arlth If,
tbr ibird ward aeti arilb II, iba faoitb
ward aaxl wItb ( aad (be WU ward
an beiac repraeenfad. All ibe erenU
vara eoaiealad bat iba pole vault, tor
wUrtM po)e had beea prortded

b vaa baM lb Boaioii
la^aiatad Ubl i
balld V Iba adoeathBal aaaliBnii
ibd UceblBC (on» la all aeboola. fr
Iba kirtarcartna to iba
KM TaaBlt or ibaar
.... craai Baetiaca
UBily Iba plaBJ aad
punsad la dIBaraol afalda '
' ildaa brlnclBC localb


. .

Oaa. baouaa id tbaaa varfad iaiarasu.
u eariOfa aeaata. The 10.4* Bade BP (d aaami dapartBaali.
waa wea ta^MIrtl baaU
•MM far aaeb parUnlar branab of Iba
Iba aaeoad ward.
«fcatloaa] vorb. «bleb
vorfe. aaatfaaa. -rIoeuUan
Anbar Wah ibowad
I. larkabBi aebooU bit herla
lha buaeb. wlaalac baadUy. -ii waa a aurprlaa
fabaj an. pfepslaal iralBiac. wannal iralelac faw fcaew wbtl a kX of apaad
aU away (nr Ib* (Ib* of eaad. *-Btbc*
■Vtoalr wue Ur aboi-pirt wllh Iba alllOBBl Boat aaa*. but tallad la lb* baBBar
1. vtUi all II .
a ap <d a ael
body of ibru*. ihroucb taek of fona.
-----------ifa of «
1 la alae
The iBlth la lha dW yard daah waa
JD* Id tba Aaaat id lb* day. tba rae*
bainc foocbl oat fa U* lap* ball
oTHIrt acboolf fna UllWr aad Antaur Walt, tba
• - • Tbay lar wlaalac by a aanow Banrta.
.fadu Iba Bald far la Ua rear.
lay oai placa
ocOOB at tbt aasa UBd
•Vaba-' Wlaal* aarpHaad iba eruwd
rbaa ba look ooeoad la ib* roBBlac
Mcb yuBp. far ba wfagb* III poudt.
bitbajBnr ^MwaiM
' b la Iba bau Mil* raee


•laab WB* aaoraatfuL a* It waa ibo raaAlai broad Jbbp la tba ralay roM ibr
drat ward laaa beat iba laas Iro* tba
ward ao •far (bat
fat It •tookad
• - at
Uoueb (bay bad atanad
tad c
Udat ed tba cirola ~
-wthlai la Iba way
IBlI----------WH Iba oOy eattarad baai UaoaoMd.
ami> Bat ladar a aww Baal ba •»
Pidlowtac fa a an
W yard daU—Pint, Poaatacfaa.
aar an lUata. aa nH as iboaa «( ika •aecBd ward; aaeoad sad third, Kab
mm. riMinllaai at vbKbip ba kaovi fact ud Wall, beu tiM
OrtarOradk. Uotbfanrda. aenltwad Brt « today b ba vbo b '
aad ^ piidarty far .|
At tba M Boauai Iba i
ealtora vaa gfaw by Pr
StiHot at Haraard aataandiy.
TMya ban ebaacad alaea W ya




af ibaprMMl Aad (ba kaerladia
Iba cMt>'aataabla oaly aa II tat
laata iba taaaaai.
Iba anal pbaaa cd tba adueatkiaal
-««k It Ibct cina aadw lha fapk of


sr--i«a•atab." la mBaailaA «Bb tba pab-.
at aatat waiaat. la Ufa tba aeboola

, STA'S'U-l^Sr JK5

IP taiMi a aaM-aawattiac eiifa
4i|tMa irMa. bai ba Mat bi
SSSuy adawlad aa tbai tba
to wbttb ba taarka trill ba adn--------Trttot iMrti la acy pan <d lb*
caMbr ar «tiy tboau ba iba u *
CMal ■Hiitiiai ttara. At aa mat


■S“..“5s.«asiff ^Ib^bSi^aMtry aatrtB t

4M yard daU-HreU Walt,
ward: aaeoad. lUlfar. trei ward; Uird.
bardte. foartb ward.
HaaBer Urow-ftrat Peaafagioa.
laeoad ward; aaOMd.. Wlaal*. tni

taiMk. aaeoad awd; ..
•m ward: UIrd. Oolby,
HefaU. t tael.
rSu mie Sap-,PV«. MUfar. Aral
ward; aeeoad. Wfaala. am ward:
(bird. Dead, (bird ward.

ward; Uird. wSTtral WArC*"
Raaalac'Braad Ja«p—Ptrw. )
(aifad, aeeoad ward:
• Ufa
ilrd.. Oolby.
Saoead ward.
1. If (oa

a^ Boaeot. tfaab. Ooer aad Saatfa

Iba. B. «. Pratt


fa*o by U

e ■^Tba
“ OnM
. britAy

*• “


Wainla Iba c
Mrs. Waller Lyoa weal fa Maofaa
lU Burnlni (ur a rUli wlita b
m. vr. and Mrs. Buloa Tayb>
lU n Bruin wral fa Uraod Baplda
Ufa a
IB rvturaad lu ber bumr
bira. 1. Hell
la lUchnwad. tnd.. Ufa morwii
rltlilBS her aon Bbu la o*rr Eu year*
ISO Bade Ibe irlp akioa
j Tbackar waai fa Kr.i1
lUif on bualatw*.
. .an and Claude Au:ea of Clyde,
Dakuiii rouiiiy. buBe iblt
ilrr Bfier a »l*ll In the city wllh

aadaSta!* ***
aC As pfaaaaat taataraa id Ua
tournni «at a ^ by mat Morcaa

Tba CbbI IMatiaa.
nw OrioBblaa atMie. alia- rafaeitba Paaaau oaaal tiaaly. r
•MBdtd tlBi a an prMoaiUnn ba aab■Ktal to tba UnUad BUfat. aay
Utar Oraad. TbU «aa M tba .
that tba Ualiad Buiaa pay «MMe^
.fa.aaah aad M«« a ytar raai. aad

tfart by Cokdbbla. la additka to Ufa.
(to PaaaBB Oaaal Oo. fa la pay Oeta
bfa tlopaepM far Iba prlrikca <d aM).
(bt TlaHad

the htlr to AM
properly Boorltbed. I^uffen

for food, AttfTOA.
fdlto oui. turoi prc(nuurely
fTAV Ayer’s Hiir Vifor to A

Hair Vigor
htlr food. If feeds, oourtobes.
Tbe bair nopt ftlliot. crows
>001 tad heavy, tod all<d«sdruff disappeers.

M (wmuiy. and Travi-r*
pir vho'ild lend Urlr Innu-i
I whtl Ihr levlcnan |

Atalan Rig ffiind.'
Ijui Kriday ('rrnr Wcuu] found
**WuliatB Borkea oT'Barker Creak l> wacon and bnrnra* tiuli'u frc'ni I
Canrr Tliunday
Mcmre. a
and Ur*,
aamin wa* colored with mud
ira vitlilas ibnuch r had
daiicbiar of Coldwaiar
drlion at |
CbarbMoore and family id Pin*
Hr. and Mr*. Uwlar id Wattenin.
Uhlu. are rfalilas Mr. and Mr*. J. A
Paata cd Wabaier
Ide^ iWiaal aad Un RuUnd Uuacli
loB Itjyiaal
• *-------

Tbr May year* the aaaaat (air
Letaaao Meaty baa beaa bald U Maple

Cwl fay Baw.
iobn ffahulu. wbo i* asployad at
Ua Oral Wood DUb lacturr. got bfa
risbl band (n too.ehma conibcl wHb a
iw taia Tburaday aftareuua and bad
tarribly Bancled.
Tam Ancara bad to ba aapaiatad
chwaiouaband. Tbe Uusb aad <Be
Ancer. dUIrt war* rtadly maaclad.

Oiy. aad tiir aa aacy yean Ue Urltiy
farmen of lhal eouaty rtre
lo >buw Ua reel of the' worM the prodMr, Hcbulu^hoa______
c-f Uelr thill aad (hdattry wlu ^b^ib^ ifaBaloat and
■nt «Mlk .( IMl U. MrallMit wu
bowarer, the loealkB
ebaaced. aad AaiUBi Bay will be Ue
- •eaiiB of Iba Bt. ChariM o
(d Ua dfapiay of ibe prodoeu teofa while
uf lb* Moaiy bad Ue eaona of Ua bodbfLtram
____________ _
U Ibai
aBdiitoa. AUboacb
sf Ua auia Tba Mr will ba beSd on
. mn ac» It wi '
diitoa. alUoucb id a
f»U and JOU of Sepiamba'
tba 1*1 cX Oefabar.


^tob Seb«H-R. U Wya. wMpaL

siSy. toSu



nde. 'u;"HMlM]eway:A(U ctbdfa
»; iarrila Tbaobald. toi^lpuTr^

lor aaTaral weak*, aad now Ue
brtebt for ib* Iteat aabitm
1 Uoafanaa Manly. Thfa doaa
am succem aay dlacnwdii to ibe aBorta
r Uapla CUy; hat baiter
irarel aad lb* (an (bai
ibli ha*



''.from ihe sjilecn. Healthy bone
ifay ui) a bny . marrow and heidthy ^Icen ^




a MIC. bid be I* led toirr tbr mnlicina. H*''
wiU Ue mH tbat In almox ayary a
p^wt and permanrat curt



temnmt allad li



Ba Loaa«a» PaaaBa Caaal Oo. a*kb Ubd cr

r. jahAMk. itou traS.



Ufa ymM (bit «lty
fa tba
lac fair, ll will br farcady attmdad
froB bar*. ** wall a* from
Moiiy. aad BattMt Bay

Ufad ^ 41: auudubu. aaoM
bfaceai CMWd* (tel Tllfacc arar oepMtMOd. Tba Baucm. my people
•mMUe. aM wbal (bay mAm'
iaaM(wba4M*WB«. Timtoir:

Ua U.I . tl,e*ichi-nl of all (alssthe pure

. J Ih ,r „-,L

Ir^Wu^^r^toB uT^JfaTiuS
wrakru women, beafa ieA.rum.tton and

wl’-< I -• lUfc- ..orir* In hrigbi.

ll wilt bknxl ii thio and jnlc, Scott's

wbaar* nervoefa, l.*m J«. 'iIwsmtTi^^* of'lhr Caifai
alerpWia. wora-ent and nin-dowm *Ka-' I j.k. a.-adrmy, will Ii- lha principal

is a plcOSailt aod rfch
llliHld fi»od.
Onlv fceds

..........VuTcIH ’^:d Vm'blikkl-making AUir^^ but


mu 1 WTUrUraitMl Ml takl ■•***( t*d*
*hr k*. U.r* tUkI imlnwl IM >1m, *m
x*iollr>r.|m**i,4*.>** lIu 'iliU** M*d
kwllawimiT' **ar**4* fcn <«• «.*k wvw



Thr Mur,.- gIVCS

'i ',5".r.;'.r
... . b™'

Iiaia awanbil a a-.n-rmri lu Jnm-ph
llaulbiri. a l-VKiUR b-bl-r at Ktraca.

roBKj wairh--------------------------------- tba irrca of
dUcovertnc perpnoal moilon
Whelan bt* rxNiatfwrlad two *uwl
iraclui. aarb tt lacbr*
toacth and
Menecled at Ua end* to form
lea* track
Ua I
iDch la dfaBHer. and wricbinc Urm

taop. Tbe laarr i«l
uch fa make tba ball
I Ue rail a itlBa more Aaiibla. Ua ball
Mr. Whaton doctara*. will keep oo
line faeorta Mom*.
Sited la fall atI Battle Cirak
_ _
a* a foci
Urr from Callforala. Poltoe
pin* 4n
badded to Ua Saab cd
aide. A
donor wa* called and

Is Not a SKIn Disease.

•>iai fa.'i i.l I'lii. lud.ll* .l.'Uirry n iba
a ',U>iiin n-.»liia Inl" Ink-Hupan.u-. Ha alU^i u*ui
ib.- Ilii>
*r, Mliph..iiu: > far..........







»"k*i-..Tt d ».«!

_____ ; thfa____ ,
thaw, and baatU fa afialu raatoraA.

Microbe Killer
IVrftrtly barmly^hnbton
B^etoffaM anilfaetaix

Irr^tmhVr SSuiab^"
Ibr trial aalU
Write Bt fiw fi




CMato, •
,. - Ipal ptnarl
Ulciilcau arr almut to dlmptwsr.
I* 'mcKWirrd tba td.-a .d maklnc ' 'cralu
alnib.d' Iroai **t and' ah* ifar*

I JOHNSON. 4el* Agank

To Cure a CoM in One Day

;:iJS.^*5rgsiQ^"d£S::d ^4*^*^
A6£«r m
5-10 Mi f&e






‘ E‘: O CK




Tall Season Dow Open

We have been unpacking new goods for the past six
weeks and now the best and newest of everything is
ready fervour inspection. On our recent trip to New
York in addition to regular lines we picked up some very
desirable fots of Merchandise at under value, and this
week placed them on sale at prices that cannot be dupl icated later in the season.


Cbis i$ onry a Partial Ci$f


We are showing some exceptictnally atiraciive values in l*adies' ready-to-wear
gaiments for Fall. Designed in i he very
latest styles, and made from iIk- most
S I I A| Instead of $1-50 for a 86 inch trustworthy maierials in such siyfish
villZ2j- H. 1).
Co., guaranteed weaves as the Zibitines, Fancy 'I trceda.
Black Taffeta, has a high luwter and Nub Boucles, etc. You should inspeei
the splendid values wc are offering in
$1 Myi ‘is a low price f<M- this <)ualic)-.
Tailor Made Suits at
f^aliG inch black 1'aReu Silk
Ima good weight and haa a nice
luster. \ve consider it A bargain.

po.00, $n.9c,,

Taffeta Ribbon pure Silk, good weight
and will wash nicely

No. 5^7 and 9 widths at- - • • ................. 5c
No. 12 1C and 42 widths at - i...........10c
No. 80^ and 60 widths at. ............... 15c
.\ll goM colors intSuding black white
and creams.

Auifaa* Bay fa a farcer gdaea baa tils
lb* miarcl** of Ua farmara aad
obar, tatmaalad 1a Urn enurpriaa
Tba T C. L. 4 M. railway aBordt aa
•t IbUUUea tor (rmaapanatloa.
Ue U. 4 N. B. laproTad eoaaac
I Baba poMlbl* wbal wa. lapoa.
tibia a (rw year* aco- Tbacvlorr. *
•Meat Bay ba azpaetad Trav
araa CHy U alway* latarmiM U aaytblac wbleb tba paopla of Leafaaau


_____ tSX

TburMfay <« Iba rhiirrh M-b...i fa ul\,r pale bchoul Etris and
■ ■
invalid, and i... £ nw

■ l”
manutaviur* .d canrldm-*
. email ruuDt.-ff,-ii(
llhj; .Hiiai wa*
lid t!> tba cbainU-n
-maid 111 Hn- bi*
a- Hrllalr,-.
■ bar.- by
bar Wllh wa* i.-M-ucl tufa d
WbKa al
w.wk on (rlr.-lria Ifabi
Watt Branch, '/k W. vauebu racapad daal b jlla
j Ha rvndvM
a *bu< k I.
_ . ,
,r* anil druppad
-I Imdiy biiniiit bin bad



.uriwfaiRi: Uai
rtprA.-n •'
I'faddb- Mu.l
ur >.wr..
>*r b>
,________ Miuahl I.I beak him .if KBcAlns clear
J»i "U S T.inulsion jnskCA DCW
Hd lo I J"""
the bone
r .. I....I (hi- a*pbi*iia. a num»w Slid the H]>lc(m wi!h

a (eaidWaBdaUekocto

IMM-. and tUarv U pimril.-ally
Tba IVnlntufa Bo. A l.iim
■ ,U »l<lpp1IIR
.ar1.m.l. id Iba
aawduki (coin

»d*. M:. aia wuaoe. UW crada. H:

__ sTinrjfv*”

UahtcB pwla e* reUeec
( lir Uaay a m*B tn*ke | *

(lay ('iiy baia mad.- ii
"'"■■■ I" «•
(iliic.l1 Ul,d brr Clolha.
Ilia nmrkH cardau.-r*
dauzilii. r Clara b.-acd brr moan, and:
initll iruck. and IM* m-**.
niniiinr d.itn *uir* (uund bar lu i
ralMil Itiair larp.-a: i-ruii
••IkM*.^. rama cjiilckly mouyaf UoummUofwaBro toitaMm.
aiMil rur'iiBiber. li
fdala emr* oi womaatr •luraB*. Da am
biini.'d Ml •cvrr.-li ihai .hr^favT-J oo*y : acorpl aa naknowa and uafuorad nubriKlii bour*.
1 •tituiaioit* plan.
IH Pierv*'* tliMnl IVIM* inatonf
Ni-arly Tr iuw acri-. ..f h»ra county
al* ffamacb. brar aad liowrfa
rb bad l•e>•o daedad fa Ibr
ar iMisc tviuranl a*
gurni t»r Ava year* «*. t.dd •
He auriliin in Imnalna
Al Cadillac Kuban
Tiiakday Ihi
■rk an.! al t
I Ua aarnoi ra>ii
IllRKln. CV mill
H.. a
old an < laai a* a *ld..» and aon
n.iinail ha* anacti-d
The malu (raiuri- of Iba hid,-I ai .IddlliK lha ktla Id fay plitii!.
BaM Jordan U a cal. |H-rfarlly f.u
.Hsllar anicla* wtiblu lb.- cliy II
a.o.-jii lhal 11 ba* bul iwo lac*
* upon
whirl! II wa
i-t a( a
ar ba* rv
aialfabba. and in
Chari.-* Italmr.l A Con., iba fbda
III a <i-i.idalphla luinlnwmrn wbOM- mill, aiv
kwmlad ai l■al)OaBlllU!. lUrtM cuunii.

* Ibr B.MV re
markalilo (rum ihe (art that tharv wa*
no uuiil on Ibr buroe, wblrb tidunied
wlUoiii oiRcxi nr liaraee* Tfaunday
Tba wacon and barnea* wrrv found
1 Ibr (hnrr of Mud Uka. about a half
.. Kl R. Houver of Ki.................................
from Iba realdanea o( Ur. Cartar.
.rfluiiiuil Ibai will plai
yuliim: hli wife hare laal nfabl (or a aneWbo
four rod. from (ba road. Hr
talila |HO|i-ny wlifain( Iba cliy
ItU with Mr. and Mrs. H. Moalacue
not (blDk (bat Iba wacon
and rceri dwallinc* •«. Ilia ao
PekT Rapps, cb* o( Ib* ptueaer
• ban ba Bade hi* »ea>Th ■ •|>rall,a pUn
.Jeau of OalaBK. U TlalUaf bfa
aarilrr In lha day. Ha ihink. that ll
»\,iir or Air wii-k. w>i ■ »iiii~lb
lime Irtaadi. K. Uoataine and K
driv.'D Ibore aume lime yeaierday talklni; ••c-WlainaB ' aanva**ad ClanWilhalB
rmrui. Thera U Du cli
' (iclDlty lukiec ordar* for madii
Hat J U. Naubar id C«ledoeU ar .. ..ilij of Ibo laan 'who
d<r run* and aarb c'u.fani.-r wa*
boor and rfa.
ragulrad ui make a daputli id II, the
Slir*pi^ie7 BMiUy'
baianra lu m- imld on lha dallinry irt
I cd the RrancaUcal ehureb.
Raady for Oamas.
«bl<b *a. Ui Iw In In day*
word ha* aluca Ui-n beard
Tbr Travcifat- CHy ruotbtll in
jsnilnR Inio form (a*i. Ue playan from tiim and miuu- ..I U,. ilntiu. vu
Me T karrttf'* B*«*d■urnlnR OUI ti> prarUcr bellar Iban BOW c-HUE to Iba lu.-al lunm aud jin*
Mto* U Verae and t
tuli* h> tbay nc'd
larlHdoro W'Uhln a week Uey will
At .Vh-wu-rry a larca lynx, a rara
r rradr m^iui up thr enrat aHleie
inlinai avan In Uai aacihiu, wa*
r lociiualj. and within ibal II
illliM In Uo yard of Ua l'pi*T I'auluupe mil bo pfayrd. on Ibo
lUU lurana mylorn a taw day. ac.
round*, pnibably wKb (fadillae.
HuK.uii-r Jnbn Miiniby i.iiiuini: tba
apid*. Hanrchina. and other town*
rr lu fair, and Manfatea will alto b.' raws* tpacial ou lha a Uack
ikm on pnibnbly early In lha •eaaoQ. naw rallrimn'liad kucb a ion of hard
art' Malt la (ba elir wlthMia* Bdna
urk. c.ilo>li,aliua 111 lha Liviikli
lapp aad oUar lelatlrea.
anit (ba beai In niirlhern tnd con- i .IIIIIUB r«il, ilial l.> br,Mk ilui. U Blakatle* aad Judaea CaBeroo
mi Ulehlcan Biarr Brown ba* bon ic .iiaipiKNl blai..'lf wIiL a iiibM
aei lo Abarmaa Ufa maralnc
aircird a* bualiirt* manaerr. In pfaor h-- rtiapr .d a l.lckanliiuy wbo:
lairent cd the U O. K. K. Boei
pnk,il uji 111 Hay <Tiy. Ki
Jidiii Klaekrn, who wa* unahir
• pa*i
br baM ia Haafaioa. '
work* aveoihlng
A. W. Elekard 1a Baktac a bnalaaaa
III Uurpby'a way
Tony K
rip III OipoBfah today.
bad (ueb a run of
a. and c
Ura. Pnri OIbka of I
Ur. Brown rocardlns cainaa
TlaUlBC Mr daachler. Hn. Bdward
• ri.hir,-.! .-bti>
Civrn euntldrcaiica to
Hardy Id
d Raat I
Bcblb ainel.
M fa
aaifafy I
ouia Reyaoiai.
ll racer manaerr
Reyaoiat ___
baa retuniod
The cni ll
. aner apaadtai i
a ber. WIIIIbb ReyaoMt.
.-of cr
AppcMlatad al At. Jaaapb.
. .
. . II can
Dr. P. P. LawUb aad wUe bare rer Am of Cooper, Well* A Co. of
ai lllllc exprnte aad du
araed fram a two weedm' riall ia HI J.ndiih *avc Urlr Ana mw knit'
tliila cara.
TbI. .nmmar
Awtoa. Utah.
line worke rumpletad aad In operaPfarati. w bii own* a (arm nw Cfarne)k
fllan Powen eatareed Ufa
. II win he rrmrmbrrrd that Ofal ■ i* eEprrlmrBlHl wHh tba
run a trip la Ua anuih pa
tanory bunird early In Pabraarr.
un uf lubocn. wlU alcnal
year, hnlalllnc a liw* of lItt.OIM.
r (ba cmwih baa barn n-markablr
Qttirca H. eroaa and wif* rMunied
i fC.gou Inturaaco
Tba new
id lha ytord .baaiy.
kit aneraoeii tna their woddlai
bulUlos. plana (ur which bad bate
Whila playlnt ncar-a aballow cr*
mpared tone before tba Air. waa
6 yimnild UntosacoD urcbln (umbl
i*bnl to cumplaOun. and tba saw
Concatvfag tbr Idea cd drylnc I
'^“0^1* now In operatloB.
riolhm by a bcmArr hi* plcymai.
The Hi. Joaepb BvcDlnc HeraldW aftar •Urilnc Iba bfaie..................
iBlna In a rerxel fatua a IvMolumn IB ll. The
he llmrlytil
writeup of (ba DOW raetary.___ ___ . Bicnhif uavml hi* Ilf.
Haary W.
tansun (bat was landrred fa Nr.
myal&luut ladlrldoal who I
Well, and lha Mb*r ofAeer* M the
cd Uaplo City wa* MBpauy
i IrMuaetlac (ba wood* near C.
It 1* arMMt that 8i
— - -uw cB oaalaeat.
and larromiBc lha famllla*
-|ili appraelaie* Mr. Wall*. TiarWimcB^a of Oraad Rapida. lor
SabamM and farmer* ba* fa
■ Cliy aiifa rtaiiua lha imponaaeo
.aay yemd a raaldent cd Traearaa
Uan Ntchc.iM.o id i
hf (aclory lo
.... caiHured. He
diy la lu aarikd day*. I* apeadi
(JulBcy mfna l.<a.iton. and I* aTldanily
a Ue bead.


Like the ninning
ling brook,
flo«-s t
Ii Mfahi£a*‘u“Tl?!I?‘, <
tiuB r«ri^"
; the i-cina has to come
vai katr htwn Hudrtiu, tearb 1
The ^rinj:^ of red blood are
fad ■urrhhnlcw: :i> per cini. ■
>e* aad latucw*:
per cn
.found in tbe soft the
•T* and larwten' wUr*. 3k |
called the marrow and‘
Bltrellannw*. '

(drtac Ibr p

'kidSli'u..:ii-<>i ii


**w“ W. PWrchllf has cune fa (ll.m

k'a"SSi»2i***A *!*• 2r

““ ««-••

pulidl in Jai'l
nc lb.- prax-ni


'add win p
ibar U* «i______________
j Al Chlcaco. becaecw be- w
Aacek. UatsUa. «(________
Bli .itl
by drlsklBs a e
ltd rBbalBiBE aiM In aa und.i

. mu.aa) plaa. aad Pur^W ,mny^

I ><«!> .X r>-llr<-ni<-m
Ur ha* ..ulj ,i.a>b.n
ally a |>.ilpi , Hr, I'ao.iinr Hart'
IM1 I1*dr l,,rm.-rr> .it Kalai
bar *B*in a*.UBr<l tbr ar Kr paifar.
air .It a rburrh, rnlrrlna lolo n'la

Poor Hair

RlB»»i*y U la Ibe city leday oa

dty oeboida al Ua doat of tba Aral
waek Id aebool. It wlU bo aoled

drirwate* reprr
-.-lUlBe lh<- V*oqi
4'ni|ilr'> wKirl)
IxiU.-raii efauiebe* in Itir
•li.lrlrt ba* l-rm Ih-I.I
■I’a.iilla. •
The Cailllla.' .llritlri
rin.i.w III., icmiur) our b of ihi- I
klar.iuri r
nllas). o\.i-pllB|!
Ijin. fa Ih.- ..nils Oi..-_pmpu«saiiiuii't


Tbt Latianau Pair.
bP atak ibM. apd taU a( aaay fat


PcftalaptarvAalrd WaMIng.
Mr Tti.inia. R ItBlrd and MUi
>h IVnolBR un w.-rv uulird In marasr Hr...... tuber b. ai Ur bi.nir of (he
rule'* parrni*. (U: Klftb tirrel.
itir iir.-fanoe id unly Ur lumed
rrl.iivr. •■( Ur ciHHrariins pan
Tbr I'.rrmuoy »ai prrfurBnd b;
fathiT <d tbr bride. Rrt. JcHlahh Peoulus on' at k-Sii- u'clurk.
> ami
^ y ulmee reiuraad fa bar buaie cakri krrr
rrr MTved
>rrved ariab Ue ferrmony.
la Hoync Cliy tbla BfaralDc.
iiir va» iireiilly drecxalod for
a*kui with rut fliiwcn. In plak
and Wbtir. Thr bridal^ coiiplr i
d Bldoaw returned home tbU o
lac aPrr balnt Ua bumU uI Ur
Mrr. Bib Oariaod.
lar lu the c-liy, and l|i an active work
Jaanie Utlleil, wbo baa bean si
III III. Kru'tid* church. v*p*TlalIy
hisasBls duriai the auuux-r.
ibi- HunJ*) Mho..l and ChrUltan K
I Alba ihia tsornUic tuclely. Thr eriiojn I* a B*i
Ur aad Un Will Mania o( Uulnay. ber of Ibr >*lr*i U. E. church, a crad.
Ifab.. are vlsUlas Ur>. Manla'a aim uale of tbe Hlfh teboul tbli (rar. and
lar. Hra. WUHsb Moody.
Ii unw tbr proprIHor of Iba Per* "
Mr. sad Mr*. W. W. Crane
quwtr eatlns boo.e. A boat of (rl
dsiifb ar. Miss Bdllb. <•( Kldceyinc. of Uiih will unlir In nmiraiaUlkmi
Jblu. are tba cvtsla of Urn. C and In-ii wlihe*.
Tbscl -ir and daucbler.
). M. Tlc>aaa weal fa DubrelU.
'Bd.. Boralni fur a Tltli wUli ral

_ bar pcpar aba UM at tar at pea-

Mata Haret.
Aerar.tlBi fa Ptaofah leader, la tbe
upper pMlDtula It ii tiruiablT that
Ur D<-*I ,11. mnnlbt will wllan, Ur
ST.wtr.i immlcratkia id Pinna la the
hhifarj I.I Ufa n>onlr>
id late yean
many Uuuiand* cd Kino* ban mil
pnied. a
cuotidenlibpcwiitm <d
•'b.-m bec* triilrd In aorifarm Hirfai.
can bai tbr uppreifakui al beSuw bmimr
unbrarabfa i
lmml«n>hfa l..r wHur ilsr i
pniniiu- ic
Kami* Irruii ibl> nKmir* win
pa**asr .( nfauy a (rU.a.1 cw
rw lb.. BWMi 'pan Ihr Kinn
s>*xl t-liiu«*

HrUuibhB and Ur Ha r Id Maple
Cll> Hn.uad ifaruush «ui 1 today ue
.hair way bean* Irum ihi< air tannbui
al Blf lUpIda.
P. W. lAlbrop. drpul;

all Iba aclvi
Bia v<H*d fur Iba PaaaBa pn>poa|.
at. uo eoad'llloa, benrarer,




Trarersc HoaU

Remarkable Values io Muslin Underwear
in only the best makes.

OOI9SKT ooy/mmm
Well made and nicely trimmed. ver>'
sjxctal at ISc. 45c. 3Sc and 4Sc each.

Very special at 45c. 89c, 5(lc aod 87c each.

and upward.

An c.Ttra heavy I'eazie down, just the
thing for Childrens' drcKses, ixymes in
dark j^unds with neat figures a
A lucky purcha*e of Flannelettes enables
us to offer a 88 inch cloth ia a sice range
of patterns and colors at the low price of
A 86 inch strictly all wool Sacking in
^vy Blue,. Brown. Black. Red and (frey.
fxtya-«ood value at

i 66 inch hiyavv Melton Suiting, e
in dark grey, Navy blue and black,'
lake (ora separate Skin or Suit, e
' ordinary value at



tbe Store that never Disappoints

I BHir. Ml*, wirilf {
I Un. B. CtaM ttf 1»T«n* <
hbIttM raiUlTM ud rrtwd*
JWTT ftlmar “
U “**"“*
tUlllBC i
---------------------------~ -leTlilx.

^ T«fc« B«all


“• l»' «*»u W >it ^ M«

iiiweaee waittai i
Oaveaal Na*m
ipanr. a frai.raal banaBaUn
Th. narr drpaTtinani h*< i.*>j J a*l
rllb naarir'SilMi BaBbanflo irdar dtelanea ' Tha giar Spandei
. ba* ratnaored It* btnlae**' Banaar" iba Bail mil aaibtv. and dlot Odd r*l- raatlDi Ibal abanrt*/ that
------- ....
^lair of Pblla <
111 ol
Mllvankaa «xda<r'. r
' rata pDi It oat of budace*
: t 7 ara aosafad lo doiy that vlll aw Ibar Ian vlibout ihalr ban. lor vbleb narra.
^-^arvd. aad ba I*
lu p*rk« I_
___ ___...... ....a
Iba dlatrlrt.
r M rear*,
durlac nbicb
m... u.iuin
eeiu vr*. i parBlI ibaa to do *o
li I* reanlrad tba) rainrvad afar tba old (*atb- «ib|';.-u
vlib lb
Wlair^'nrua* tbelinrd}
tba: bard} aao-jouinaar™-*^^
Rapurt* fruB lb* BMthvrat ebuV
Kobrn iweama

the Vila and -b.i rba *,», ra*p,rt .ball
^ -------------- retired
»-•»> 0*— ^a. bam donTbr
Vidov of anoinar
Khar mo
mo *ba
*ba Barrtad
aarrlad .•Trail ii.svd Iba aaituBal air of aar *«oaJ iim aad ^iwdlr nwhad np-; Pnvldaar Rocival, ^ Tl. d^ta^
ba sdlKira
B-bUa tvBnimmm drt*ib( I'mam H u said ba* bcim
" ud sbov. CVapa-Vara isBil and
bar (trlbood'* avmibcnn.
kveeibcen. Handrlck
Handrlrk ..ibar ruuain vbab
piarni to iba
ibaB be (all dead areanBat^ i bam tba *aBa a* be wat Wnre Ibai ’toiiruad* haBpered
vtvim ay
by tanoi
^IUtt aad 'VesBaa. at KiBaiav*
ITaeanca of oBklal. rapreaniailTa* of
bean lallure Indneed byrnll^ I voadarfnl nda
lia Brato m »S! I
I. Six '—*•--------laefam cd
Tba.vork <d' dradato*
df. '
a cbannal for .iirh cimntrte*
inneh for-biBi
at Ht^aen. N. D
Iba nav
oar larrr
fvrrr slip* at tka mitarn
ua. «»r
Hamiiiob. Wlalrode.-dO jaar. idd. a
Presidesi Harper ba. *emr«d laa.
Pai. Uarauaiir >dork.
• of Iba Par*
-O* mormiani prtee. rharevd tor
-im-J lamer of Wbliahall p* mu< XUld.' Bb.
LudlBcluo rvvaal. tba faooal
3 aai>«fri(arator tara ha*r miuad tba
------------------------ ■ rp^br •
I* -B»aa
-B»da land " The stob*
dab* an
lbe)druppia« oB to practlcaUr DoUtog <d
- vhan Pra>idenl McKUil
\tol*r lay drlag. viclnlt} ul anakni Uabyks by Iba Irnli
fuaa varv pikd ibera froan tba
Iba liAa abnrr
—--------- in.pleaM-d l.ivaae• . «nd
id mad.
n • Ibe

Iba raupb rDkar>ii} nr Cbicaio
nu Bakra Iruli t
ti aa inrly day
Tba sinB I* %
I'lba >iiiine ni..i ouiab Ik.- ,uece«.tul imim- of an ailtapi u. dollar* .. “abai*M‘tof*lcS“a rJ^i
■> fn<b a* vhee pul In. ' ' ------ djhour. I
-•» a»r.-iMi-, Iinie. I. i)tac daayrrutt*]} 111 la Pnril- (U in Ju
plied 08 flat ear* and ink*
pton- ibi^i
vhrn appJiraiiua
- I ba dona
d•-|llrlllr-a i,in K Albany Oiij busptial Cronin'* va* Brat i
vbarr II can ba uilllied I.v eiui
nalrareUr axplur
UaiarUI vbtrb
vat vaaiad In ibipioneer da}* uf ibl* aonalrr vould
' iM>*i make iba ovoer rlab If I', rrtlorad aad *old al tha price.
vuuM cum maud at
lha preami

umrMv P«u>noB ud Br.
■ Ml Bondar to
,----------UajCM vm oBlud la Bar*1*11 viu maadt in Grand Rapid*.
tkrUar. rt«r oa W«lB«a4v br a*«, Brraii.
Ml** Harr Oanba ipeni a fav dar*
-------------------------------------------- ^iadaartW a ir««diBK dtaaar vm of ibb veek with frlentta In BattOBi
uil»r iMChB.
aarrad u iba bom <d Ua srmmd'i
Wr. -loora*
Maora't n»ur.
ta»Ur. a_
who hara baaa Mbar. Ur*. OMria OasBoa. Both
Tba BUVM Bra Boa*. Wlaltivd
- (ibkaao
luinf la
-Lb* nat te« rtunjlbe owiiraellBi ham« an- inpular Uapnoe and Mma John ■peal Bandar
elll BOT* beak to t
their h<
I ihli
P«a|»« uT fUi Plata aad ba>a [vJib tTMBd* In Lelaad.
«b. *Olb Of
a* lb
! ■I MOT tnaad* vbu Jula la «lahla(l
The band pave an open air eoacert
> Wadr
M M.,ibaai a luat aad bapp> veddad life.
naur bald aerrlvn .. ....
j Iba baad aland on Batardpr arm
tb-. O B OBta of TraTara* Clir
- rban-b bar* to tba abeaata cd fUr.
wai la tuwd Uuodar. balac tailed oa
*nd Mr*. Onrlw OnauB reUlM Ulllaa Norcoi of Bapira
inmad borne froa Trnrane Olr Wedleaded •
• •
- •
needarHIM .^laBB
le aSnS^l^^timt
Mr, and Bra. Hran <d Tratersa Ctty
ai tba boBe of ber alec*f, Ura Dbbb. >V^ B tovn
bear bera
... ^u^rtmtMuu oMBiea Burke ha*
■a.i .u*
Tbnradar m booor of
...... ... laavr*
U«*bt Iba llotubton boma abd lot
e to Boorn bUllnand* The rrenlnt
Ifcto plan-.
------a Vidov and tai Btir nnd Bnnrt'pani Ib pinna* flineb ... .. BGorKuneral *enI ke* vere bald I able tuna va* bad br a preaant. Tba
Mr. Hulloa of Glee Arbor boua.. friend*
NS duDdn)
luiwociua al
Ur. Piice * bouae aad kM Id tbU *11- l.M
tba' PulBl.lsuaaii arra the Mt»ee* Edna Braaea.
Kav. Hnao oBrIailBK
Cap.. B. E. Cba** I*
It) III at I Mr* W.
Mia* Hargam Hiltoa,
*bo i* be hiitw of Br*. Ool. Bars**>.
Bcboui r^aad Tuewlar i
Mr* BirlD and fanllr of ladi
liana ar- curp*
.(•acblBf arhool al Baal Kaaaoa. tpaolked BuBda> and an- iKipplDi
'Saadap at bar hcHaa oa the bill.
How# TM#7
^Kaaple^Maln rlaliad frlaad* Id Bn
W.t«« tlB. Burdrad Ikdl*»
Tba Mlam Hatia aad Pranrl* Woal- .-.M- ht>atlBK plam >* in <
Br TrBBDal elll mora lato ibe gob •ay. aner *pafidlBr1balr tacalkia at and via U. a (real Improrea...
Ibeir boB* -la ibU
bate -le-, loe
baar'a Unrdlac
..—• plare. iM.e
f r. (-U£l.'BV a 111. P.--I. .
iIba VIS
old meiiiuc
aieibod oc
of iwniiaa
heap boarder* f..
irt«.r Hpnatt. vbira Ibar, lencbara
lb* Qian Arbor
UiBbfT aoapaar <1...
aalr duila* a* laacban In 'Hatibass. kuparmiandani. Ur Ikm rSSSi) bio.a>iA i.’Iu iJTIi—..n—'
Br aad Br*. Vaa Koairaad dnira
I bam; rraBBar. Hla*
art u-ev. »ad a».» iHij «hk. ■-•»••} .oi .*,•
^ple «i, aad maraad iaal Sei


I Ullli riar
a N.uvi*. Wbobwi.' t
Ul» BlraMn Thumn*. ntruBpi
I'' Topic
rjaranoa TruBbull iad Bla* TrbnTopic, for
fur the Y. P « r B Sunday w.uiitu.
llSapi. *0
bBl! <r U«o*au. MIeb. vbo bar* twee briber ^btwber, Hoy Tboaia*.
"Wby and Hov Wa Hbuuld
tblllng ralatlra* In tbli trkiBllT.
ibwr Wiiar
ktaira” wlluSi and
Ned »alh.>- Wllllaa J. •
*”Vr' to
~ tbair ““w" »»' Baturday.
Mr* uiHvge
Mr. Bla Ounbrlli. of Ttarar** Ml Tburaday for...................................
ranii** inns s U
- '
I B*i).ykwUyrui**t*u>«kHU
Oty Bad* a ebon (Wi oe ror«t Hill rmee Kaaia*
Tra»er*e ciiy Monday.
Mrs. lloiagr Jubawa It itoUln
Tba tollovtiuc oBmr. vara ekcled
Bar. Wadr
I Ibe annnnl Boettnt vt iba Indies Hire* SI Old MlBloD
«*ek and ba Bar DM be eat
Hid *oclaiy of ibr Luibaran ebarab:
Jutlu* Praua <d l>.|nnd speni
tfal* cbarca. bui ea are la t
Prealdani. Ura. J Jaebaon; *M praal
■ > to lUSD
ha Bar.
dani. Mr*
H Palaraoe: gatratary.
Thr Inillet' Aid Society mat on
Mr Cl irh of LocBM Grorr cullaga jf^ J. Waftio: irmaitfar. Ura. A.
Tbur«toy anamuon ni lha huinr of
tba Baabara of tba M. K.
Mrs. O H L. Sealif. After Gw ragndheich aad■ Sasdar
aebuol <

I baauiiHU* loa Paiarvaa. vho baa bean
We hate ciututuei
Inasi awallag a botiataaiu supfal BBTaair wda vbtah «
wading bar rarallon vltb bar pnrJ »ar**d and a highly enjoyit ilp|>rti>eil
al». Ml rtldny for Cblmgo
icraooo va* «panl by all prr*
tonu of all desctipWill Kropp of Good Harbor *pml
tioni. if you
you want t
inaday in lovn
_ . ■ORtBPt«»fBPABfMWtT
«ell, t«
:ist your torm >
Tba Ult»r* Mary and
j. FYaneb
norr of Uulllkenr Mte
with .
----------------Chicago, vbu
lUMii of Mr. aad Ura I
.• .ue (uast of CongrasamaD Saltb
of Grani^ Rapid*, say* be ba* pt«Dg^at^m Pridar araatap In
Prii“l£’ Bailey k-fi tbit vaek far l*ad the toiler th*l one of the new
0*Bi.-r<uiia.-'k. M.TiM... MU-Lirti.
bU boae to Uvranee. Kama*
ara torUad^a^^
vanbipa »ball be nasad foe that clly.
Ur. aad Mrs. C. P. Dean of Ala*ka
Bra. 8. iBcemoll <f TraTaraa i
vrra lha guesu cd Ur. aad Mrs E. J.
Gray a fev day* last vtek
Ttoea"**^ "toil*#* and frlaad* In
Tba Ladies- Aid soclaly vlll (|yr a
Harsast Hob* dlnnar to Ibe Coagraiitonal chorcb parlor* on Tburaday
jMhUr for Iba pa*. <e,
All air- nnrdtolly Invltnl lo
tjaraday for bar bosa to OInalaBd. aitmd.
Miss Cells Steele toft Monday fur
l»i»r Thnrhar of Trarana 0& apeol Snlloat Bay. vbara she will bactn bar
Itoaadar lD.tova.
duiie. *. teacher to Iba aehoul
Bra W. B OnBpban. aemBpanled
ar*. Purler and
Uackesiry of
^bar daufhlar l.«Kira. look a trip lo
k apmi Sunday la tovn.
Cliy Htturday.
.......r vliy
... UI.M-* Rmm Bnbla and Laura I
him Kala Norotuy ba* reiurnbd lo Unin*e(b uf Suiioa* Bay >paui a tev'<
Wise to Ullli Pier, afier apeDd- day* of toll voak In lovn. ibe (itrat*
to( Iba aoBBar al Cedar Uvlaa
: Miu Mary Uartba
Otanra nnd faBlIy ht*e
Bla. nomacr Oux. vj#, ba. bam!
Bored tn Trnrarar CHy.
rlalllng ralatiTe* to Uivn, toft Salur-1
Mto* Hay Itolbuon ralarnad bnaa day lor bar hoar to Harbor Spring*.
Mr. and Mr*. 1). Sc«i toft Monday,


K You Suffer






Improvtd Jams


Notice to Farmers and FeeJers!
eemmtndng ivitb Salurday. Stpl.
I2lb. m »in bt in a pMiHen Is
lurnMi BItl mbud eiutcn Feeds
In any quanllHcs. Ter lurtber inlermalien. call er innuirt al tbr
eniceel « • • v s s «


^ ABaliar left iThnnday tar
*“ *“> |
Blnahaa vban ba vni begin tali ion* Bay.
a* lAeher in tha school.
J. a Uuaoaa aad fnally ttioV* toi
tovn Soadiy.
••■ti Ball* Lackey left Monday for]


The Michigan Sterch Companyi

Boston Store

The Largest and best Lighted Store in. Northern Michigan.

Cbe Caraest Stock

Silks and Ueloets for Tall Domestic Department
H«oda Taffetas all Silk in Navy. Ked. Brown,
:. Pink..
Tan. I’alc Blue.
Pink.. Black and White 0^0
at............. .......................
3tl inch Black Taffeta, wear guaranteed
•-*4 ituih Black Taffeta, a «>ft heavy Silk

... 79e

Crowned with «ucce».-^nergy and emerpribcd rem-arded. A year a«o we opened our Furniture depart•mem in a very modett way. TbSnUto our many patrons we are occupyinjf twice the salesroom and instvad of
one warphouse we now require two, lo hold our large stock of Furniture and Stoves. To celebrate our phenomenaj success we inaugurate this Annivcrsar>-Sale. It is to be a forceful demonstration of the real cause of our
great growth—That of underselling.

Sample Sale of iron Beds.


Beautiful Metalic Velvets for waists
navy and black grounds, at
Full line «f silk N'elveis in alinost everycolor, the BEST Vclvi t to be had for- -

Dress Goods for Tail
PebUe Cheviot, an extra heavy cloth in OOrs
wine. naty. brown, cardinal and black, at ^ vC


Cadies'neck (Dear
Positively the finest line of Udies Fancy Collars


Belts and Purses


A"^esjra heatT Skirting Cloth. »4 inches
-\H wool
Alt wool
.All wool
.All wool

plain Cheviots
hair line Seiye

5G inch heavy M o

Hijh Gradt Ombre Zibelinc.................

bought at the Furtuture Exhibition at a big discount, and to close them put at once
to make room for our regular stock we offer them at wholesale prices.


........................ 2.60
Others up i




The finest asrorted stock of Black Dress Goods,
bright, new. clean stock and at lower prices than
you can find elsewhere;

32 pitttms, no two alike » fl.SO to f20.00



24 in, black- .....ilevard
XeivciinL. „... look and
wear a- ..dlas a l.yons X'elvet, speoially adaipu-d for jackets or w hole dresses, at

•, W.luvf jmt pUredonour aoon. as In>n Bedt. a Manufacriirer'. s.n,pM

We are «howia( fcr this

Mercerized Fall Waistings admitted to be the lar-

FaD OTCf 40 pnitenu in

B oar Annivdnsry Sale tnc« fa
a e foot ntenaioa taUe.
coam we ba«a odwn dwaiWT
Utnoi aa Uiga. ,

• 7.SO

Siamlanl Prints at

Cotton Challies for Comforters^ worth 5c at, Olm
|ier yard..


Supr«m» Valums For IMaxI: WaoIc.

8oM oak Tablf like cat, 4S
iaehu^ extaad* 0 faet 4 iodw*.
fletad Bfi, only

♦ Cbe Cowest Prices


Oinen, is mood, canc aad
eather scats 6od

Hanfbooie Amiacr■uySouvana.

».7s ti moo

Umbrellas a Job


•olid oak caiw aeat
RoAer, TO be

lOdoz. Laflies ill Inch Sdk 1 affeu U.iiltllaa fancy


abaolnlely 6ae. dar-

.Ynd natural banuic?-

rod worth $l.uO for

Like Cm.

>c of eiRM or


Men's Umbrella in endless variety, all prices from
5(ic up. TTi^famed Stqrm King included.

Braced ana. caae raai, 8
^IBnonnaktofspor- ! straicbm n trant.
Ananans^ sale {aioc. set d

Cable Cinens

Cotton in the raw is the bigbett it has «er been
since the war. yet our Co«on Blankets are as low
priced as any previous year, in fact some of our
numbers are even lower, we have anticipate our
wants before the advance

‘te'^te'il.uteouc'tS'”'^ 1.00
100 pmm lSri,|TOrtmi color, ud boidon. O />«
heaviest twill Blanket wiflAf................... 4w*V/V/

Our Basement Floor is crowded to its utmost with Heaters. Rang^. Cook Stoves.
Enameled ware. Tinware. Extension Tabies. Sideboards. Diners and Iron Beds.

Gpv-^imnt Blopko. pure »ool. rjjoctcd



Shoe Department
n &mn


Ak va luui
inch um«w.itcu
blc^hed oAtio
Satin Dam.
^mask, warranted all pure lrnen. per yard..
Air T%iit Hasten

Roaad Oak Ifeaieis
mi-OO pet *eek luiv* aay Stove
to th* store.
Uariai ibis sale «e
•ake this esrafidiaaty effar of oar
Btody ua Bad Ksnge aith laige
•rra. rcaevair sad
doaat aad
dk«>ln (rate far oedy maVrSO

, S7.&0 b $25.00
. Bax Bamcn


^ Cl)c Boston Store

Extra Sitocial

siin b woo

iS^ri!^“d';iffe".'?T'.'.”‘““' 1-60

Huck Towel a0x4a colored boi^
Ual^cholTurkMi Towel 18x40............

$100XW reward for any shoddy shoe found in our
Shoe Department. Wit U a $1.25 shoe it mim
have a sirfjd inner and outer sole aad toUA count­
ers, else It can find no rocMn on oor abchesi You
must hare stayjM qualities in a shoe M fall use.
\\ e guarantecJodrsr
Men s seamless Kangaroo Calf all solid sboe, hand


AB^.^CaMHI.«>lid Shoo. Uoioo

J £6

M^.11 »lid Bo. CJl. ilrepol, 'riH» 1.26


the grand


Tnrcnc HcnM.

oU Urn* baa paaaad avar aab a< tb* toCB rtom tb* laaacb1 vbo tried Bcaito of PoaU^m rtottlid Ibeir alaeaaw tb* a*v dan aad aav vai
Oai; la a r*v baana Hagara
Mlu J. b
TBCM. T. kATBa, atta
laiavtll 19 tba paai that earn
> taking her raeaUoe tb
It la lb* aaml-cvataaalal at Tr
appeared M ki belirred b* va* dragged
HarrtaoB Caraaaagb.
9*n 1
Cli;‘t pt*»itdbnf. aad aerota ibc
*»VB hj oa* of tb* m*v •InwgUec '
of J. W
OB M0Bd»). SrtKHBbcr H
tUS arad’. m grMttag!
Staia^^'^'tonarh Mare V T
•ooMil •«•««• nwir fnia Tnvfrw Cttjr
Traak icekatelB. eboa* natae v
vlll*. vent to Laaalag ibl* veck
girea la tb* am repom aa P. x. Tti
take lb* nnttortaker'a
PrcrrMCto far Ab** Ppcto«y.
vat a Bomra Harbor nans mb of Xt :>rcB** to do embalming.
«C Bt
la a bdr va;
VortO' on ibr rM« nr It. Bui U> I
He bnd imaa cMlorrd to a meat mar­ dialer* bow furnlabtog auve at Bk
laad aa ••ucaatr* abo* taetor; aa
who cap look bark ortt Ibe bMs(7 eT
ket at «aat Jordan for the p
Rapid*, paaaad tarmigb lb* tit; «a hla
TTBkvnc Oir aad Ui« Grmad Tr«T*n»
raan. Tbe bod; va* bronght
ht to tbto va; to Grand ttoplda to rlalt bla at*
Ibe la«t M or W r
:i b* held ter. vbo h ten lov vltb cancer. ,
boar* o< dtrcKlon ct lb* board cti; loda;. Tb* b
brtac* k Sood ol i__________. _
G**trud* Amitag* 1* taking Htoa
or trad* b*id a 9P**tol BMtolat Mob trom tb* reaideoM
ror Util b ibr Iwt Mil ■Ui
Plihcr'. place a_____________
da;, to coaaUcr a pro)*ei
pBl «C Trmrerur CM;, lor aUBy
drovaed W. -Slater * ruratiure ator* «
lodaerV Kllvaakc* abo*
or PMIB lb* dbMbotiBC potot
veil fcnon I

lool «rf (ooBirr
Willard Campbell veni 1
..................... vaa tormcTl;
baa bad tbla proton
* BtBC* Bull b*
ibb tnuratog 4or a tbori vUI
mooihr aad lui mad* BIk Rtpbl* vbUe I
oomm a tblu ol P
wr bUlorr. Tb* BOO* u.niiganau. vbk
J w Hllilker, K a Gam
-o bar*
nar* lad
•Wtn <K«Bl *OciBF.
W iK-an and Cbaril* More*
to Ib* roaelaatoa that ib* rotrnvto*
_____ —.
J Ibruo^
ibruo^rui sruvtoc tovn>
Pill Lake Ibl* morning to at>*ad tbe
aatoianlUl —aad lb* parti**
parti** 1^.^
laur- ball *pi'ni. eapcclnll; amoa
. ____________
•nag BldBs iu iiBMi ol Biaei. lakBs aaltd r« laMa mad able to opcral*
•Aldicr*' teunton.
lb» pike* ol ih* •k>B- plnddlkg bo****
Mrv Thom and .00 Earl of uhtetfanur} vtib toccata anJ pmfll.
Ion* rciuracd bumv ihl* murntrg. al­
ball planr be n
Prank M. Qardac*. aoa-ta-Ua
'foadk. Tb* nral Irw deUrcrj b '
ter a tbit Vltb Hcnn w Smlib and
pltnn tu
In I>t
tfkklac to bat* lb* dkilr null ai
vlf* The; ver* arcimpanled b;
la ins b* idiAad (.
lanMB*'duon Tb* ailr aud boitl
anj Ur>. Prank Smith of Plaint
aah A U; McrcaaUl* Oo. baa
boa; gtwtom «•;• Ibrill all tb*
vbo have been elalttog Mr. Smith'*
b; "tVnn>^
Intaraau-d la tb* proton, aad
•••B IB tb* qulFien ol ooumr;
aad W. C. ChlBBlck When Ib* riche* bruibcr. H W. Smith
FHadrtob ba .
Ml** Maggie Pugb aad MU* Eta
or III* Kloedlke bwna>e knove Carace
HIlvtBkf* to larcatmte lb* I
lb the )vuac*r gtmml
H« rataracd vttb a rer; tororabl* la- tinned for tb^orth, tpendlac a ;ear WlUUm* of Kalamaiou reiuraPd bone
lb* D*w eootm. te '
the oM-UBie pnatMa. Not oal; va* be rarerabl;
Ibl* mornlag. *n«r a rtolt to the cli;
•corica appaikJ but1 mu*, ihb U all a taken vitb tb* proton, b
be vent to Eati Jurdu and opened vltb HUt Nellie Btogham.
Editor W. E. Campbell and tomll;
a poolroom and reeuuraat. bU *
agrrod that If tb* faelor;
aad pnipar to ba
of Nonhpon paaaed Uuougb tb* ell;
U;. eonilallag of n vlf* aad a
tabUfbad la tbla elt; b*
tdcbaar c( (ba ■nba aad
^^Mratog oa tbeto war .0 Grand
batvota to.ow aad 11^ of bU ova eblMies. Mnlag Urn at that
ti M a airaag*, a*w «orM. a* tb
read* aad lake aa>ae(lT* lataraat la AecordiBg to adrtcei recentl; received
BMBBor* and sew van fall Uk*
Ctreon h; hi* rrleada her* h* Hur '
lb* btaiaeta. Mr. Oardaer belag a bem
lain bMwara ib* paai aad tb*
well to bl* bulnca* to
George Amlotie left tbto morning
to eoa*. And BO be loraa to atop a
lor Grand Rapid*, where be wlQ aaalrt
Bfclie aad l«tl orar to blnatt. aad to
Georg* HcKar. vbo U la charge of
t ptaa 0)
•V hr can panoad* to Hataa.
ir larar and Sne etblbll of Sbtnub
r aad bellerca h
Mor; or tb* da; vb«a tb* vorM
c Amkitlc'* candle* at "Mlcblb* a raluable ladatr; for thl
r>Bag aad tb* ehamed lit* in the tor It voald be bU parpoa* to tab____ .
in * be«I lalr Hadlc; vent to fumoll Cli
oau or tb* Donb full ol a faaclaatlob r«v loeal eapllaliau ao at to ladaeo _..uto« to anlab iM- tolrrinr c
Tbe E £. Cba** farm, located about
Ibal viJI bold bin to li vblle taetoor;
irvequartcfi <g a mile fmm NonbSpeer * boua*
" a. r W. Wllaun veal to Klngile; pori ha* been told to C. A. Uattle of
tad (be board baa lakea up lb* mimi.ratog
Tb* rrglttrr of 6««d* 81. IviUto. The deal vaa rioted realerMutoaaiiB nrcr. vaa aa
Ibc Urgeit farm*
ar for dalalte
vlll go ua tbe evcDlag irala aad vill
Mr. tiardaer
that tb* ovaera be Joined b; bU vUe at Klegtl*;. and
<: tba ractorj were datlroat
ol Utter tb*; vi'l nail (be toir at Grand Hnp^
addlUaaal capital, bmaaa*
d tb* member* of tb* oompaa; rac
E L. 8|iragu* and vlf* v«
Rtal EtUte Traaafarm
; porchaMd tb*___________
lataraM of____
bto______ 3r*nd ItotdiU ibU mornlag to attend
Ke.xinlixl h; Kectoler of Heed*
ler aad Ilmliad bit vorktog capital la tb* fnir
bbb;. aad Kacklaar oa the oortb. dto ^10*
ktUg ao Ha bat bad adracal mrnw
m Jenato-gmltb baa taken a poel- •tm to Sept IS
toot IM BiitB. It *aa BOI aatil liu 7^
U KIni
to Regtatcr of Deed* P. W. Wlltbai a poalodto* vaa aatabllabad at '
■ Bon,
toa't oSc*. to ptoee oT Mia* Mml*
Trarara* CIt;. Tbare vaa an ladlao
:c. range 1
Uardaar tbmtfacv aac. . .
mil betvoaB Crotoe aad Haeklaae. Imi vbat va* vaatad. and bit lar**William
......................Levi* to dtrepU J- MrP C. Gilbert vcel to (ladlllar
aad all tb* buII bdoaglag to Trarerac
Mullen, parcel, aec. U. aad *««- T.
ihm* led to a propoaltloa to tb*
orator OB baatoeat.
CUr'Vaa tak«a paai It to Old Mlaaioa.
ivn 2K, nagf IJ; IM.
d of trad*. Tbli la tabauaeb la
Ralph Thacker reinraed to Olivet
to b* btougbi bark, a Ivu dan' ioaiMTIIIam U Kn>VD and vUe
a cK; faniltb a tite, aad ad- ?olk«* tkti moralBg lo mum*
wrt Ibeo. b; iraO. But U via ool aa
bard Kubl
. 2<i an' *H of lot 1»,
~ ' It hiBdrto buUd a
■eab ot a laak aa It might bar* b**e.
bh>ck 4. H.
Co *. 3 d add; IkR.&u.
alMlag; tbla aaian
■'lr»i .Vailooal
Bank to Augual
I tb* board or vboartr
baTor* It opfoml la tb* rprlag idraaett K to panamiu of Id par
Trarcrae Clij; IWfl
Blltvonh H
It to Grud Rap«B* tb* toaU faroaghi tbroogh. K «b* d tb* total amoeal auBBalir. tb* U
liaM bar* a pletnr* or tboa* cart;
to be aot Bor* Uua e paroM
>1 aad
Bull carrto** It vapid b« iaiamlag.
lam. la addlUoa W tb*a* eoaal
lad., thU Ddvb tram ibe uppar ptotaaala vould
Ann Murgan
a* tb* dt; veoM b* rogatota to ritli la lb* dt; vltb
Luuto Bobrer.
aan a aaorr ot wild ladtoat vlib at tetra; tb* •xpvnw of tb* ramon
el* .d n\ rrf nvl*, o. -. ss. tovn 2?,
of toall;.
ama; doga aad a tram «r alada OB tb*lr
'.I. ir.oon.
P. M. Pata* aad vir* vtnl to Oraad
va; to Onma ror tb* BalL
aad vUe 0 Rudolph'peRapid* aad other potnu oa a rlalt.
b dae urn vltb tbtlr
dr bwrdaBi <d laaU
. Jf tel*, a ^ I. tovn 26.
Mlu Aaaa Martball aad Hr*. Rich. MOO.
and Bcrgmaa returned to Hllvaukee
Sank C 8ej4iMnii*u> Arthur I. 8e;
bore a aaltaU* alu eoald loda;, Bfier a rtolt vlih Hr*. U. W.
village of Blackvood
_______aad to gat tba atfimiT

71m Tram* (»; mall vaa dlatrib Informalkm aa to tba ebaraotor ct lb*
Hita Kdaa Wllllaau. eiraograpber
Alezaader P.'Hoella
I totlldiBg. ao at to b* able to
■he oSr* oP tb* Hlcblgaa Btareb
KHie Cl al. aH of aeVi.aer
mm aa oati b* oosid. Oa ooe ramtan*V. »<T M. tovn
riali at Half . btoBd oeeattoB a vomaa. caa Aar QaM.360.
tb* ngolred baUdlag
HI** UiUboIm. trimmer
bite 10 Henn K. Go'.*,
aaoU ba ai taoBt dOzSM taat to dttoto- Bell* Ptoe*. arrived I
the cli; t
and IK.....................................................
block I. H. L. A Co *.
tlou. SB* atacT to batgbt. It mi **■
2nd add; «2.0WI.
ilmaud that tba total atooaat aaeaaOrtar Cbasce aad (aall; bare
WT to toad tba toet
Jam** J. Dunn to 8. P. SaKloa. al*
rired Ui the clt; from Nortbport.
«md to brlM baofe tb* bialL Cb* aaart; or «al(* tIMM.
of neli aad acl* of nvl*. tee. 1.
taeh ft to ebarg* aad atrappad It aa-. marae. voaU b* dadoei.. .
IVO 27, rang* II; *S,700.
Prank ReatMB of Letoad nrri^
Mito; to bar back, li vat a pmu Aa baUdtag. vbleh vooJd b
IVrrj Htaiuh to Herman W. Smlib
la tb* clt; UiU Bdfalag.
gi^jtoiad^ Mil ^ tlM o< CP
' Jar on.
I* 22 and 22. block 4 PeriT Hat!
-be Ultae* Winifred end Knla Wnb
Wan Bbd maana var* dlaeoi
nab'* -rod add; I2S0.
let: toda; for a veek't rli
vaa at a aialvan tram* aad _____ tad Mr. OardDtr tUtad that tb*
Alexander P. Hnellmtniel 10 Bruvn
Oraad Rapid*.
•vSU; ihroagb. aad It aba vaa ttrad MfB voald Maat fndma ata* at *
A Bmitb. *H of aeli, *ec H. tovn 27.
vhaa ab* got bar*, tb* did aei bm par eaal aad tb* laaiilailti to com
range 12: M.suo.
•It )*n ibU afumoon tor Ban <
flock, aom* at vhlefc ooaM b*
Wto . vhare lha; vlll apend ib*
William Baker and.vUe to William
: partla* If doatrad.
Lamka. parcel to Oak Park: ISM.
. ■ tbla prapeoltlBa bdlag
Kath; Katoer lo Adolpb Kalaer. per' tacare tb* eoat of tte boOdlbg dbd
rotlr* tb* bead* vbaa tba; Mtar*.
Andre. P Pra; and wife to Adolph
Charlr* Aabtoo
Grand Rap
A* prM^ atock belag tb* trM Uoa
Katoer. »»«, of nv<4, tee. «, tovn
If ftaiavda; to attaad tbeI fair.
<«agt' k: fISO.
M!*t Innra Atbtoa bat 1
to CblTb* Mttar at aaearlag a* “JJ
wilium Alexonc •r et ak lo John P.
cagn lor a Ttali.
Acal iteekbaUir* aa peaMU* mi
J. H. TboBiat vaa
IXtonaaad aad baileead to ba a pood _____
reltb. ladl. Prldar to........................ Jl III- range k; MSo.
Herman W. flmitb to ^Arthur HadHrt. Prandi W.
le;. lot* 22-23. block 4. P. H'a teeood
tad tf it profad a taeoM tbaa a targ*
add: I2M.
f Star, ibc— imoaai at )oM cai^ voold be tot her allra. hoverer. 1
Pirai Natkmal Bank u Cbarlt*
Sada; atoralag. aad
1 burled raa------------- a TiaiMB* OB;.
lU parcel la Trarerae CU;:
urda;. Deeeaaad vat rer; pRuatoeat
TbM tadattr; It tba klad Ibal tbla to tb* Prtoada cbarrli. and her death
Ion Purtaeb to Jaarile Pnnacb.
vlll b* mooraed br maa; local people
- aaadi Abd B It caa be aae
n 2H reel of lot 4. block 2. K. L. A
be a etarler for otben of
Co'*, tot add: II.
A. U
George E. Onbtm to Darld E. Oux.
___ HaaU
Tbe tas tbal Hr. Oaimrn H 1
IM to larwi *0 larga aa a»o_|l “
W L Loraager vest
mae; perMeall; 1* eddaaca that
I vertb; at toTarabl* aettoa. bacaa
belag a praetlcaJ abo* mad aad ,
• tomioa Bloe. bat returned for bar
nmdp iBcaud veU be maid aot adrotird ireian.

. w. duu

rS 5": T,

r* KS,-.r„r,r.“',r’„s

5C.-'sr%.s;.rjr k si-srs.-s;u“7X"srjiKss:





btaek P. H. t. 4 pot. Tib add;


N. Bowen and vU* to Oeoege W.
HcKto. paraal. N PU* Udic; PSO.
Warden Lumbar Oo.. to Cbnrtoa H.
Hager, parcel, ate. S. town 2S. rang*

»; »nsA«

Clltord P. Tn>lor aad vU* to Oeo.
H. Crou lol* l» and II. block 4. P.
Hk. ird add; tl.tov.
.Oeorge H. CToa* and wife to
ford P- T*;»or aad vB*. hxa Id
btod: 4. P H-a. 3rd add: $l.4«
Mar; Bate* to Lliato E. Buvra v4i
' kx dJ. bhick
Goodrich'* add:

aimililcwrdllisk,P«5Brg. IfceeetUJ.

wife K.
3 and 4

School Book

Juba A Eno* to Harr; Bao*. p
a and 36. tova a. ram
Ellia ABD Morgan to Rulerick
Morgan, pan at vH of a. >4. «■
lung 27 range 11: fl
J I' Jubnam and wife lo i
Hudaxin. >«!; of nv^. **<- a.
27.-range 12; IWIi.
Sarah liodgMiB and Jame* Hodg*uti
lu Busan Johniua. vS of avk, r
tova 27 range 12: ll.l"«.
Ujrlle P. Guodrteb lo Lucille I
parcel. k«c 6 luvn 27. range Ki; tin<>
Samuel H. Sajler to Gregor; E
Wlllbrandt. n« I; of ae<,. »er. 3.
to«r «hne Pvkta darks saa-«v
27. range »; «w.
Alonio P. HopkiD* aad vir
Ham K. Leggett aod .ifc. p
ngRm>NAU lal-AOUtm .aaissl i4 tb.

A burse o*
of Htrifokc. k
'IJ Wald b rae ' dropped dea
hmg alnce afier thin;
v.eiv of roailnuou* aerrlce
tea moment* before bU denib ibe c
bor*.-, mhlcb had receotl; been mot'
to new qnarteni In tbe »toblc. bru:
bl* halier and vent back tout the a
berib vhirb'be bad occupied liv sr

Dec* It Pa; ta Bu; Cbaap
A (-h.ep remedy tor cough* aad
cold* l> all right, bdi you rant m
Ihlng that will rellere aad cure
re »c .ere Bbd dangcioni reaulis
thruai and lung tioubte*. What
ill JOU doT Oo to a warmer and
IV reguUt CllMte? Ve», If po*
klble. II not poulble for you. then to
either caw take Ibe onlF remedy tbal
ba* been Iniroduced In all clrllUed
cuuntrh. vltb *»ecva* in terere
Bd lung iroiiblea. "Botcbee'i
- not only
Oernun Byrtip
and >'lmulti«a tbe tluue* to dretro)
the germ dtoea**. but alto;* InOam
k aa*y rxpertoralioB.
gives a (
tb* pallet
patient Tr}' one Uuile. Hicotu­
—--1 many >
be mil drnggtal*
liable remedy a
:sc and 76c.

r* r..trtk

Keep us Busy Now-a-Days
Hut we arc provitlt d M-iih;i larger >utck than usual this
season and can im-t-i your wants'vi-ry promptly. As
regards the necessary2vuppljfs.tov can only add that
.in inspection of the quantities wohow will prove be­
yond a doubt our .ibiliiy to serve all wv«s properly.
Bring in your oM iKXjks for cash or exchange.

City Book Store
noban. Bcccbtr « Co. Prep*.


For Job Work -of all Kinds Call al lie Herald Oflicc


to buy your Winlet I n.lervcar.
prtcea tlial vil! intereit you.

Wc have i, uaUgnaVtal

m riNt; M..ANNKI.S, *I1 pria, &am |*c tmr

* ‘

Ketnember we **11 Katmrr PaUcriK al
each. Salulauion guaianlecii. ^

10c aiul ISc each-



I*... *0.1 dUs-ot


How is tbe time

1 sell Dynami
reasonable p r
Hsiimates and >
ienced men furnts>
at any lime. l.arge
stock of 40 and (‘•O
per cent <iynamite.
caps and fuse on hand
at ail times. Use 4n
l>erccm. for stumps
and GO jkt cent, for

S41 Fiviit 81., Travwae Ctt;,'

W. H. IROWNRLL, mrap.


dtjdt ^njaa^^



d«vs.l1 ...............
2i,««nt i.ra>Am*c
I.wail gi
SikO- <a-Hlehlgaa. .tnmjr



t wimag to tt* abnaa*
a Mr. ca«^ iaeal*«d




vltb iba dlraeur* Wadaaada; mimmair rtpafl|jtop rao-



Hra. L;aat. vbo bat b««n tta;leg
vll* her daagbter. Mn. 8. Benda, hat
beoi caltod to SL Igaaee on a
of lha death cf her alaur.
_ L. O. Tatmaa toft (felt mornlag. Cor
jrttmooib. Obk). Tto lUcUnav. after
vlalt to to* dt; vltb hU .
An Tatmaa.
Hrv. A. H. Pdrie raanaS to bet
— •---------- " iblt mornlag *f
t*r bring t
of B. J. Hon

Jlt Hick. Bept. It.—Nca*
ilat eg Ue part; vbo war*
n Pla* Lake Batarda; eraova bar* b**B raeoTirad. tboagk tb*
mr^ ba*^ kapt ap tMHaatlp b;
A* Ulvaartog crew eear alec

retareed ton a
mgad;. Tb* am are-ktUI ata
Oraad Rapid* aad
faltovtag la tb* llal er nrltoM.- Damn. WhUr ava;
“ V
■ If”..^1 P tapir.
ptvdaefKa of i-BeaHar- to Po
UMta. ay^
tb* pla; a


ttoaagh Trame C


Ckarterot*. Hh±.. itopc It.-Ptre
am. all at Mam Jargga. van dtvmad
(a Pta* lab* fcniiaj aimi aa tb*
Tbe PUgrtm pUa* regatorl; aa Pto*
■Ht Jartou aad ChaH*.

Tor tbe Globe
and the
to offtr Gxtraordinar^ Bargains.

Mr*. A- 9. «mltb veal (0 Bu,_.

this magnificent Showing



ti <B tb* Mail boat v*(«
. lato tb* vnian c( tb* tohe
--------------• all lb* eeaaar- tb* drovatag mea. bet eight 0
L todktog to Trarataa OB;
Mbattog potoL TW avfkipaitoa bad aarvtoas cd tbtlr
.1* nt; abaruy^toj tb*
k tlto*. bad Oraad Timama
tb* aaptba laaaeb abomd 1
-toa aad Staato vara all to
jtoUl toat
It vat eoacA b; tb*
g to aa* lb* anaabia* thro^
~- -1m. CMBla Lee eg tb* ctaam
vaa tbaa *0 claea opoa tb* beat
looeoU a coUWoe vat tmiaaal
Tb* laaeh vat etrack arnU
«M»*. tmabtog la IU aW* A te-.
■Btog tb* arm at tb* nebt
te gte b; MU tiaga rvataa.
Qrm toafaHaa retgaod amaag lb*,


Wf leoni

The best on the riiarket.

Terfs Implement Co. Ctd.
127 to l»l state SI.


Cramr** City. mtob.


Of new fall merchandise offered for your
inspection under The general title of : : ;

Fall Opening

Reliable Footwear

Represents Mercbandjsc.of every' kind, losuil
every taste, to fit all pursed. It k the result of
careful planning and preparation in ev^ sect­
ion of the store, enabling us to guarantee ex-ery
purchase a substantia] saving

Dew Fall Styles

^ •ehe
BeboMmg of MUwauk**
tuka* is
««^Whlttog. Ba^pi " It of tbe
Mrr iif iTT cTcomptr* bare
goo* to Oraad BapM* to at^
bam toirto.MtohlgaD.
B. P. Panto aad B. p. Boagb»
^ moratog lor Vaaaoawtotoi^
*«^r* lUatmr totoreat* tbara.
Hr. aad Hn. W. P. 0«to«r on m
i^Mng J. J. EmafbBTB of Pnltoa.
Mn Crotaar-a tatbar. Hn Dnanl^

l*^“tb*"al*I^ tba
wotag BMa.vBt haaid. Rna-baAr*
tb* rjliMM oemnad tb* aagtoa* eg
lb* n*b. had bM rerenad and u*
"T P. C.
a aiib tba Abb Arbor bad
or lb* boat vat 1
------------ •
.0b._Por aa boor' ei_____ __
t tb* PUntm taatebad t
or U* laka. naeatog ao2^ ---at vov B**a aad coaM b* tb*
.r baa takto as
amr; <to* b; «m iba aao
■OR to Jala bar
« OBMad 10 ba tlatoa Ink
TV. PUgrlm
who hare bam
[ th* acMmi anil u* am that
r » tba NiMbaan
mdd b* .an bad b**a ftaUt ap. 11 Tbij iTu cetnra toSltoU^B^idS:
Tbata to a ftobaad u I_____
aaadad to toad aad
ae. BoathattaMdil- WteUa
Tb* IB*
MV of Obatkmdi *at eat




Our buyer who has been cast has ■'been very
fortunaie in securing some immense cash
purchases from factories, overstocked Jobbers
iod the surplus stocks from New" N’ork and
i ; : : ; ;


"dam* ‘

• mm tUa* btiotv lb* aarrtoa


nothing Unusual

Mr. aad MraTr^o'^McJiUntu

lErflnMart aad Btaioato.
•MM to oCtot. BmM oDot; aatm.
: Vba Q. S. A L nUtoad bagaa to
gato M thtaagh Ibc ptodrtaa Th*
■iilto. wto' to^*to oSna^Btolf
~ 'te—fc_»r war at tiwii aad
Mto. Tb* vaabl; «tol to 1*7*
MB dall; oaa. taqalriic fear


***^ ** ^


Tor Jfstonisbing Prices

1. a PaaUa an*


a Ounl* were





OamabMl oag Pnak


The remainder of the two great wholesale pur­
chases is still at your disposal ::::::

*mr I

The Globe,

Plngree “Gloria" a $3.50
"American Girl'-’ a $2.M
"Royal Blue" a^$3.50
‘‘Gleaner" a '$3:00
"Golden Rod" a $2.(X)

We give



mayers School Shoes made for wear

■" ■~-‘»vra

A. W. WriM of at. »—Th pcMAaoi

value received.

Watd, our Jtd in mut wttks Paptr.

■a Ctarlmu coot;,
t at oaa awiMlU aad CWterOx

Made^-by makers of good Shoes.



;^|Fiinii[mmcH&GoiiPANy|'**ag J




. tmjm


S »cr Col


A Barh WU RUt far Ufa.
Tb« —■— Win h« fMMM W (kalpMMwUai u4 (mt tar tk* Mnn.
owrt «( «w>»wHeci. wSa vOI hautii (k« doM «( th« iMOmeay tUi al-.
riib a fxnllr aruead expeoUas
is Oe(0b*r. sX H li ibow0i(|urMOB s BOUos wu wtatt kj tka; bln (O die. aX a soa. ridlas tor Ufe.
taaarvcmiM at tta «Ola«a(aiutw7 ter tka Maaaa. BaS. O. O- It Bile,, to pet Dr. Bias's New Dlsthfwsfk wttteat aar (vpoat- Oorall. to taka tka csMbM tba )aiT. eorerr (or CoasunpUem. Coashs and
Oalds. W- H Brown, at LenTlIle. tod.. I. A. IBBX ware 1
!br iodpe CblttaadCB.
Kearr HoXlck (himbX over CM
irrd deaib'sapcmleatroiii afihms:
la Bddttkai to tka wttnaaaaa t
.. Ibis waadariol BMdtriae pave laApplaa la Daatar.
1 a »aiT faw ptaeaa scab or t _ . InX reaMdar. J. Baloa aX WllUaa siasi relief aad looo cured him. Hr
write*; "I now sleep soondlr rrrnr lar nadcr hto alure.
kaa aspaarad oa applet la (bit rktaf
ltr>st SM aaeaab to eaata hab U a(M tka sbootlas. para laatlmaer as Blpbi ' Ukc maareknis rurv* of Cob- ; Oo. Hcmard made •
.S'onbpori fiainrdat.
ibt waatktr tboBltf clear tip (or a vaafc to (ba sfpearaaea at (hlaps after tka
agios. aX FrX Dewar.-owa of tba
IDeol fiahlBp parir. alao UetlSed as
( (roubles. (iasrxieX"wndes
• viskt do to
eBd II.OU. Trial butilra lur ai
Depinr Oa»e War
U. iobsaoB * aad P H. ^red*
Boutoaa n (bit tanloe a
I tbe 'first wiiaeai I
land la the leati.
. He (Old of (ba eeXltiea to
(bat tkar eaa ataad
bm oceaplX br SpaBord. aX laatlrala bafora ibara It aar
Urkwuod. O
Tr*vAr«A City MmrkWtB.
ins vrrr the crop. Of
te, thar fiX ttot It BbowX clasrlr tba aarta
Uraad Rapids. Mlcb
ibar. aad of tba tpean tbtl hX baaa saX la
ThiarkportiamaaaupenWXnxbare I................
R. A I. axxl esruTL
It awar troa tba boat oeco.y ot eaoh ereah. THa
~i*a H
Herald la nx
^ ~ wo^d' uad t. iBprore
. TolXo Cbicaso aX

- br HeUeu xd hU partr. HkbTaeadar. October f.
of tba parir bX daalX (hai tba
Par Thirtr Vaart.
ed October U See n. R A
spMTS ware eaX la abortop og tbe
puraalap boa(. but Depeir Brwwttar
a(atX (bat (be boat was ta
ntUwar Inacbita atfcad (or hr
»i«» to Uciroli aX TolXo. fti.uo
rraadt OaEaar of Lake Oir. J- H.
aarir (be apear Bariu.
Cbicaso. TI.M to Orxd Rapid* ob
Orr at Watioe, Ohio, asd W. J. CoraMrt Kebaall, u> wboaa boae
I* B A 1. BXUl esrarthm Ociobcr
trail or Cadillac
Tba oompaar U urraben or Ibt parir waot after the
■a .$& (■» XI RlchtooBd October is
Urda iba ate or It^raau aad a atrip
abiuttas. leaUftad (bat tba sea bad
,.']lsB> 4i K A 1. spcal aboul II.
or (be boBlarard arooad (be lake lor
or a srtt la wbteb_______ __ _
d of TbU tber dealed. clalalas (here
flou lu Urirult aad
balac Ibai ll mutt pare wlibla tkt
twee ao apbL Hn. Bebaall
tradu asd for a rixM OB cocb tide, ■Uled II . A I. axual
.. carorsloo
•arorsloo Urlubor i.
ate-electric or olber sol tsterfalraso. •4.<’« to Urxd Rapid* ua G.
pcnar. ate Im polat. tell eta
- lober 12
I or be would itae Ui t
tkkau for a Qaarier. ras cart from
Lon BeeBaa teaUlM I tbe^fiadm
ft:n'a B. U) II p. B-. asd put op a
o( McLeaa't tpear la tbe_____ ______
If >t,0M for the palek asd aat(be ttacndu bad takea plaea. aad (bat
r coBplaUaa at (be
■e taXle
Ue or
ot It waa sot brekea wbaa
> (ooDd K. aa w
taatldX to reatBlad . I* ua TueXay. Uc«
ar or oae a laa wltoaaaaa (or tba
TickrU puod for 1« day*
Bformatlua of xy (i R (
BpaSord look (be ataad to'bU o
>Knit or addims C. L. Lockwood. Lru rieaae. (elUns tbe aaiae atorr U
•ml Pa** Apoe(. Graad Rapid*. Mlcb I
or as elactrie lltbt eoBpasr that It be (old before tbe Joitlee court, tl
illlBs a ItsbUsf plant sl NortbWhat to LHa!
Botb are rosas Baa « Nonb
> (he lax aaBlrsIs aobXr know*.
aad tba Two jiAsa.’’ at lhar he »M dowB or solas dowa wbee I
<re do know thal It 1s uhder atrirt
are knows
alaea atartlat lalo tbit reaa oa TueXay. Ociul*.-r fi. «i
Almae that law;, eren eUrttl}- Iiciruli t&ou. TolXo liou, Cbicaso
alrcadr bare ibe
“^rsBB^'ta (be eaaa wbw bei
pale rmulti. IrTcpoIax llrlap mean fc.oo. Grmad Rapida li.oo (RailoB*
ila anerdooB at I o'ctoek,

ueraapemeai o( (be urpxos. rcsultlap Reed Clly aad ooutb »2(Hi>. The
TbrMliMt for latUlllBS tba plasi
In CoBsilindon, Headhcbe or Urer M<cuBd ctrurslun will be lu Rlchmamd.
hat alraadp baea M. asd the aatUas
trouble. Ur. Klos'* New Ute Pill* lad.. OB "TueXay. October 12lb. ifirr
or aosa m tba potto baa coasiaBeed.
It la eipoetad to hara the pUat.ia opqolebir readJuRi ibl*
It'* peaUe L'.iNi. Tirkeu sood Io rctuni for UI
Letter te J. B. Berp.
ret tborourt- Oalr fV at Jas G day*. See G. H. A 1. x.-al* for lull
aratlao br tka ailddl« or October. The
Jobnaca-, xd
P. H M>-ad>
plaai la loastad U eoasaetloa arltb tba
Trarerae CKr, Hleh.
IlcuUrwor addrea* C. L L»ckwo.xl.
Nortkpon Plaatss Co, (hia whleb the
I- A Urxd Rapid*. Mlcb
Dear Sir: There la a little bit of a Storm
aaBpaap trill aaesra Chair poowr (
iUte duwB eaat—a Rhode lalaad aua
rnaalst tkair dmaaoa. Northpon v
waa Baed tlOO tbe otbor dar (or arilpet is atreat HsbU at aooa aa It la I
lac puutoee-bl* boabel waa like bU
acatr: abort a
It tao-t (air
Thar WaM Bar. W. I. Lairfman,
An ad>oaraed maatlat of tba qnar- abort-cBiloa palatilf eooreraiea ot Iba Flrat Haibodlti
u a abort-talloe palat la
itreh waa held Ual Mobdar ai
irea la rour aaetlaa.
hirb a reaolmloo waa pasaad expet aesl to tbe '
piwnlDs tba sratlAealkB of the ebanb will r«o _te( tbe Uw fixed?
Dear Ibe XBtntausUae of the pretest
Deroe Raadr Palai doa'l
paiiur. Bar. w. L. lairfman, dartas
>d <hm-( last abort. ICe (all
the poal three raart. aad aaraeatlr ra
boib wart.
paaaUai bla appolataael for
Yoan TYslr,


Circulsliofl this week 2,625.
The HarmM U ladebiX to
Haarllla Iw a Ur«e liaakei oT
etoot HartMi peon.

Mr. cad I
Mlaakw bar
with relsun

Itear Ootr d OM
vtarsad froa a rltlt
a Bis Hapidi

I hat deatad
■oUai (or a eboase of raase to
McMalsht cate, orblah wUI be triad al
Kalkadia ai tba NoTOBbar ler
Ra; lerrdaee. brakaua oa Co
tor Paek'a tnia. raaalrX a bod a,—

where be will be ireolX la a boapltal.

Tba ottota of tba OsTl^ Btoeh Ba­
son Oo. bare baas etaoad (or (kt aaoaon. asd all bnalsaat «T tba oob
will, dortas tba triaiar. ba trson
at (iH> Jtcbtoa. Bleb, oBee.

Barer M. HoUpwonh.


Oolersdo with bU (aall> a faw waaba
ooa X tbt lattraeton la
aso. u B
(be Bari
lata Acrii
I, Colo






tsafc J. Hopklaa. a bCr
r. aad MMa Bella ObL
laatar al Wadard. wart waltad
tasr aeptaaiber 10 at
B. W. DBk'OB A CO.
b> Kct. Hurt Kaoaodr i
adcqriad the reoolotkm br a m
alas rota.
Tba asain
t for Ike riv wUI be
br sazt BitBdar- Tbc
aBasese or tba cbsreb are la (air coem Wbdewotb atraat. a
dliloa. aad the rear win probablr eloae
Bart of bta atoek waa ttBorad ta tl
all af------------------ --- ..........
plac* tiwB Boras Balia abd the n
( irt of ika MeaaotBas
Tuatdir, Ori^r fith.
RkbBood. tad, M.W. Tsaadar, Oct.
Tkt O sragamkal LXIaa' AM wUl
irk hat baas basu oa tba (raatworb or tba lower at tka saw TrarerM
Qtr State Bsak baUdUs^d tba wort
uim*. X..
i^Kiawuuw. xrm u rwa*
Thor hart a banar atoek
aiata, aad oea Apent. UraX Rapids. Mlcb.
Obs arar beTorr Call aad aaa tkaB.
■at to be eaca aarThar WUl hare a SBrkat of bakad
.. . ja la to ba flldX la
•M Matordar.____________
(be Baaal Baaaar ksows.
Tha atrlaar pUdlos will ba tba a
' Qrtifanr aaariss st Mowoe Oaa- ta that ot the CUoaso pottoBea bi

........... IK

MP W Bsiairtr Ml SMter- Qasr- iBSdOBe. TbectldlbClaostbalai..
urtr nBfBssti m Batardar « >iW af Platt trtatwi toor Isebat la tlia.


la the rapon of tba andlUoa o( tba
Tnvana otr BMia kart, psburtad la
(kM weeks HatsU. a iBSdaoBa la-


*nr a tatal el ItoUmi. m Ikappua X aboai mim. fkii MSlki
wpBBt harliM ■■MIBili tm wall aa
rta MiwMtb «< tka hi^
Mra. Ldr^Tsk

MmsB, PM e( tba

rta SM ar Tl raara. Ska
Bba waa a raab
#wt rt Blair toirartlp far 4d .------Tiiahk^rwaabtwaBhttoUkla attrMoa-

•a*, mm
mmM (ha can w tha psatamU
.•a frtsUa rtsrrt ti thk eMr, wU_
am amwm aad rtrtaallr awwptpil
WiMirihaaao- The ptortaas of tka
tka_MB Bear bat hag

tad wbaa (bt dowe It eeaplttad tba
smtarlBs e( feu ssd the tpartla of
(rt plaw Plata will suba tha doae a


i “t,,sssS‘ .'S'S;

hp ask or the fwwu at haaar.

L m. Dkitsc


•Ma la BBpar


rtjBd^ la patblas tba boUdlas to:
Tha hMbiaar^M (d Uka An are
tlBil a acbsBa by whkB thg hcpa
MM u ba M raleiphiwia oMkartlaa
wtib tMi eltr . HaUkB of tha talk

tmm aammalu bBW haea h< ' '
a. ao thar
Ihriraart lar a 'pbaaa
iBPPUfcak tkt Batter huo rtrirawa
Bnlk A ooBwaar aia ba _______

&a)at to tka cntlsaal wat waai^f
Um wart oa tba aar Uarr «art^


wB'ha BWdr *w baa. Wert U bam
rtM M N an tba ttaa. lait BoUdw aaa

" • - -

"7'aaoea wat teat to tba poUea aa'-Tot a^torr- _L bat wbaa___
a laaraad that tt wat
----------------------- ,se aaadad. aad a talk
pboM BataN
depot. Aa wiBBiMtwa aaowaa taai
tba rirtt aUa wm paiairtad. Mr. »wa
batafi aaabla to eta bit ars or InTbW Bonlat the sttaXlas ptaralelu baa fireat 'bopaa Ihal-lirr^fin
will (sUr racorwr tNB tka abart. Tfclx
. to Iba first strrta tkrt ka hai am asfand wuia tha phrsMaa M
iM tkU Boniat. ba baa at


Laie Rato Raturatoa to tow Raat

6a Bept rtib tba Lake Share xd
MleblMB Boutben Br. wfU m tbe
Olto FM^ exesratoB to darelxd

Are the ver>' best working Shoes in the

They arc

strictly hand-njade.

just as a custom Shoe maker would make
• a pair to your order

•aX TMftr Otow.
TIrtMB wm tartX ta te
-ipTtaeta aat klto IhM P
temartoh. Ask tietat

perlMilan. Um X UM
R P. Mo

Q. R. A I. naaaal en

tor (an

Of only the veiy best materials, carefully
selected with reirard to their tough-wear­
ing and water resisting qualities. You
know no machine made Shoes .can be so
good as genuine handmade footwear.
Yet. in spite of their superiority, we sell
the shoes at as low prices as machine
madtgoods :: J

/{*gii/MrCllt:p.SO, f/.7S, S2.00
BHb CtH-^.00, $


wTho Standard^
. for purity, strength and color, is
Hannah t Lay Co's “BEST" flour,
manufactured from Michigan wheat
and every pound guaranteed :: ::

J A R- A-bat it i*
__________________ » fikiah (m 'ermj wooden er bcuI
tkhw yoo have arotmd the booe. It is ntee hi 19 cokat
Aod -naiBir or dear. The Uner is the Bodd teish fm




Tsilor-IVIacIo Sui'te
For Cadies »ai Ittisses
The more we talk about this de­
partment. the more enthusiastic
we become. Well we may, for the
styles are so charming and the
effects so varied, that it is a
pleasure for custorhers to see
them, even if they do not intend
buying--for they are sure to come
here when they do buy. Then
too. the wide range of prices mikes
it easy for you to nuke yoar selection.






• IO


RaufaaWDBM BetteS


CHKt C«t, tlckt Httlic
SeiBiUcbt OttlSK





English Suitings
Novelty Suitings

Epaaleu. Blfisses
All fladtkeir

• 30
• 3S



■scfi tad the ^sro



new Saeket* and Olraps are here In


• ao
• •o
• 7S

Splendid collection. The heavy
vesting cloths have the pre­
ference. Beautiful designs too. All
new, they are decidedly the nobbiest
things for Fait and Wirtter wear—

$3.00 to $5.00

Warm Furs for Cold Days
U what every lady needs.
Would you like to wear nice Furs
ihis Fall and Winter f The days now may be warm, but cold
ones will surely come. Have you seen our el^nt linc'of

are j
>. select from. You may not need them now, but come in.
V anyway, and see the beautiful goods. It will give you an'
idea of the newest styles, and then we like to <how these
handsome Fum. We begin with the lower priced—Tbe
» CiMiey: splendid values for the money; are from $156 to
$4.00. The Oppossum. with the beautiful banded tails, mII
srom $7J)0 to $12.^. The Coon in both sable and Isabella at

• 11.00
The Fox is the most popular fur. and these sell from $1000 to $25X10.
The SquiiTcl makes a beautiful-scarf and thex are $15j00. You want
to see the Lynx scarf at both $10.00 and $16.00. and the Beaver at $18.

A.H the different kinds that are used in the City Schools, and almost all kinds
that are i^use in the District Sdiools. If you want those we don’t carry, we'll
get them^r you oo the shortest po«ibIe noti«.

of all kinds: a splendid assortment of writing ublets for school use' in
both 5c and 10c pencil paper and tbe Mmern^d paper. Ail kinds of
legal and foolscap paper, blanks and envel<^)es. pens. inks, rulers, pencilv penholders, cffiyon. erasers.
We furnish school districts with their xhool books and tuppUes, school seat*,
teachers' desks, recitation seats, black boards, globes, maps, and other adiool
apparatus. Glad to famish estimates in anything pertaMt« to tbe school
room. Coirespontleoce tmlkited from school dtfitriiJt office!*.

tatolc, 0«k mitotaX, MtoltooHIWto OrtoMts.
•«tote€»«tonx. SBIxto.
toirtwto. taellMtototo mitoolc. rtltofi WKItoto,
OKtorry. Ototort Mltoota, Ortoxxrt.

ika to Dk


ImIi iJK&iy

Zhtp JIre Constructed

rt X (0 llB# ot tpaeial
tea anotbar coHibi

4 trip to Tolede. addX ta om
—-----1 trip trtto Toiedo

BrMariaa ta All Ml

Tor Wert


•all at Cantrwl Lake.
Oa abore Bala tta Para Marqoatta
xn ran a aparial treto. toartop Trarw Cltr at T;M A B.. aX arrirm
Narrww Eaeape Pram DaaliL
temiar at Mr.
Mrs. Baltbaotu PH
>11 TW
Travtrsa Citp wa. KalkatkB.
A hot Bfibi (or tbe baaa ban cbi
imt i;M o-etaek. bam rn
br a boras bampm to |L &
araoe. tba plaBbar.
Tba baraa wm Ml tied aosr
larS fatereta abop. aad (or as______
bkowB raaaoa’ took (rirtt and broke
tba sump, nantap awnr. Tba Hull
Trarana CKr will a
ekild was eat la tka roafi la (nat ot rated trip
tba rwaawsr hona. aad tka chOd-i
Betkar nw tba pariloBs —
4a art Ratora—•
tka Bttla CM aad made at
a wHh this low r
rwacaa tha ebdd. but aba alao raealrwd
bad talarics bj batap rta em.
UM raealrad a bad cart to
Om Fare tor tha RaaX Trip.
t or lu baad, which (araUX
Proto TbMo to pottts ta Ohio oa
cbB to ckaa. Thli wonl Is to Mtowm na«; C. M. A D. Rr.
____ .1 to tare bees raaiad br b DatraH Bootkera R. R. (ckanpa at
calk to rte beraa-i eboa. Tbs ebSdh Qarttn); Lake Stare Rr. Boridsp
Ml ar« waa lafarX aX anwnl taaU Tatar Hr- Ohio Caatral Uaaa. Oom
ware fcaockX eotA rtril^ waa cnlM sX laBotX
tba mut Bda aa bwA as paaribto, bat
ttaa K wsi lapeaalWa ta tall
II ba told froto
-— tbe tafwlM -------to to potats an
■ baaaX
abore. airatoXIdMtor

X . mfSamitIm ar a am at ttla to- bar rtibi akoaldar hadlr rtrt^


Rapids al ■:«». B, n
wltboet riaMs.' Fhre
aX twtars M-TK; Baft
eu Bind M dart.
t anata. or br wtftm W. B.
fi. T. P. A. miladola, Mlrt.. or B.





tba tooth or ask aprnU tor p
IBS Ji - -Waat MtehIfiOT Bttta Fair, BapL 14
to Ifi.
d>oa (arc fiat t« cMta (ladadat Xiltska to tba (air). TIrtaU oa tale
W. 14 (o IT. Good to tetara^imiHeBban. of UePbanea PoaL No.
II. C. A. B.. aad Baar at tbair Iriaada.
with BOBban of tba Woaaa'a BaUaT
Oorpa. Ian oa Moedaj on tba lltlf Oanver aX Catorada Pelnta. OcL 1
0. B. « 1. tralB. aaarU IM pBosp. tm
BBa Lake, te aitaad Ua eridlaia aad
ta Cbleus. XdX ta fifiOAO
Ubin' reaaka al that plaeo.
TIebaU-ca tatoOelober
Tha local post look aloes tkair .
ixd 4. poX to
B to aX betadal baad. A larta aaabar of (ha rab lap October M.
laax weal oa oorilB tialaa. aad bob#
waat raatacdar- Naarlr » aoMlan
raX Ladpe I. 0. O. F, Bafilnpw,
Mt ihb Borntas. aad alatoat a* anar
Oct ID to Ct.
Gf (be Ballaf Oorpa Udlaa.
Oae (are for tbe rwxd trip. Ttekats
oa sale CM. }• aX Be, rtX to retara
ader H. W. Smlib aad wtft to Oct »4th*1741
Ofwar asd vUa. M. N. BartatL Hoarwa R Merte aad wHa. ~
- - |,SA
- wUa im
Ithrt aad
aad wife. Tlacmi Wiaaica. O B. Bsdkretraaa______
aar. i. C Darasdett sea aad daart_________ ____________ i IM BUM. OoX
tar. i.
• ________
Cartla Firwlar. Baur
ivbm jmeMe OaB"
Doha. Philip DeliB.-rDMlt
bm^ I
sruppta. H.
H. U.
U. M
D. B. '

•triakan WWi Paralrfila.
J. P. Bare, who Urea oa tka PoklS'
(Bit aaterwd a Broha of paraljali at
the rirtt aua last Hoadar aboat ?:M
- - >ck wbUa la tka 0. R. A.I. r
Ben N SB edd aad ptoap
narof the Ptateela. aad hM____ .
...xdt la -tka ettr aad oa tba Ppalaeala will be sriared to lean of bta tiv



WmIT te Son«




Grand Traverse Region.

motalBA ,


N#w««. aothliM
' B*b*ai* *M
oaa do
"r*. Cmub aad Hn.


"lKi*pS**rd M»aat Baaday with
^ notbrr ahd to

Tburlo* BbeMrid of 8vM. eamp to
Btdtber donor* nw i
weal to Nrahtatraato TbnrMtoy to aer old trtoada troa ta- him relief. At leotth
trie BBter*
It pot bU. — —-----tk. BOO ...b oVT, VeAWo'Si^^S^ar H^ to .hort order and no* he to*tl«e*: l]
with n» ai »enrica. Saturday eraala*. -1-m oo the road to compteta rerov^r.'Sd "linL **• Warraa. ir,
ery.Bv«t on aartb lor a-'
lO Bail UtrflaM Friday aroaUK. f» ^d^HimMO retaraad F«*day afleri Him Ida Bhoak faa* ba«m anaaA
Kidney irooblaa aad alt form*
mSM ta ilB« to rcMl) iU« ette K» toniiat M ordayStoameta aod Bowel Comptolntt. Onl.' .
Hoyt-e brother aad family are the year
We wl.h ^ '
Unataoteed by Ja*. <?. Jnbn*oo [
tour iliaii Moadar alclit or Tandar
• tmaTT.
F. II Head., Dni««iiU.
’^A^i>rt%md ,*B^^“b^ *1reo * Hr'wMat aadVogblw l*i
Mnntiac. a> lUa pac* >■ l»1aird aarlr diaaMOar.
br^lbrboUB~ men to help aloac at Foreat Lod«e the other do atWtto
uy m» Obto b^
Ur*. Joaapb Kollo* < aear-Haeay.
Iba fair Thr lerrliary to lar*r aboot oa old meadi.
Mr and Ur* -------- ...
rrinda lB thla a(^ Sotted Uay and thr prodor* raised
- •
-artoa Bet . __________ - _
^ alorlToWBed to a* Food a. eaajllr. Oltor * at .BIralry.
day* aco

her baby plajin* on the lie
■ad Hi
weal to th- pa«nre arar by to milk
and to the aftemooci.
R<-t Fruncher ipoke Saturday r
«*>**. A. kh.- Beared ibe bouse nHr. aad Ufa. Maoata and
i tl
the former. Irom Ohio.
^torr*a I*^al the epirit . ibe
_. rnirr-l
a of
inabi the prsulin*
nRrd oB Mr aod lira Wlaaa FtIdM
aooiber ine on "Tbe Charaeler of Ood."
onilDR b
.uah aad family are eajoy.rill ruo »o bish that aooil
Haslenin* to
Mr>. Ooorao Harroo haa boen ««i '
iDday evenlna
of her l«by boy
- a her itoier of ladlana. ^ ,h, a**oetoitoo «1U hr able
. Hatibaw. <
iTTified to *ee ai

_____ ...-a.

______________ _» .M- kPi.l h>tn
Cumlu* of J.*hn*t.rti bot U bat.or at tbU artUr*
five <ne far ahr*d of thl. and help
._... _. wlih u. n«-:
Hra. Hllltard miirood to bar hoc
Traveme Cliy
r*ul«*i ___ half colled on ib.of fanntoR
.uu »<! family of the aamr plan
.... feet of the baby Thr |
-v.-ntiix *n.l Sabbath.
ihlB lw<
al Taaorr Sonday. afior apeodlw
Hi* Jmato Brook, leave.
rBlIle* were botsto* foriously and the
fa« daya alifa
brr daasbtrr. Hrm
Kaa»»i aad
bMd rway-tn* from aide to side, lo the
baby , evident dcUsbt. AlBOM tolol
In* the moltaer loitered toward her
« Back for an OW 0
ntaraad to thaaT boior today.
child, but
In dolD* »o .be almost
aatix-ried hoBr aoue.
•imehed ancuher ratlleumke colled up
aad Mra. Ed Cook rUltrd
Wn. AraatroaTa Fiiday
«. trbn ba* been llv1 resUeU; ptereln*
Bidwol bccaa la Dtairkc So. i Aocrrey boute. has mot
tni rattler*, and the reptile*. *ur
>u the Te»lno. of *be
irtib Wrattcy lUeaaoMiaf aa l
ie mill- white eollsce on lta.1
priM-'l ab<l half droaned. b<-at a ba.iy
rowib ‘*£oSay“
E. L CfulB and wUe tin
.limp to a*OBy. No <
apply a plaster to the
and alchbon of
klai a aofTrta* al
itoaaltoi. have a new pastor »l
Ha. world wide tame for xnarv < lou.
e Uicbann the had oaeii i<
B Uoirr'a baby la aalu atek
cure.. It .urpaito. any oiber wive
and .ironaer one. Follow ib<
rbolara laraataB.
lotbm Otolmeal or Itolm for Cut*..
ample of ibl. Trarerar aty rltlte
Hra. iVtiaacUl ta alao oa iba atek
Hto* Jaora hefan bar *eb«
Com.. Hunt.. Bolte. Bore..
Hr Jama* Uusbray. of M>I i
amnia* wlita aeTaairee puiHI*
Tetter. Balt Rheum, ^ror
1* year* aco two l.mllle. .ter .ireet. bo*» of the roll way
sore. Chapped lUnd.. Skin Eru^
the Oral Dt*b Co., say*: "For Be
on Oniver Hill. Ohio moved i
lion. tofalUble for Pile* Core Ruar
ye*n I was troubled wUh my
brolber aad
plaer aod stoer that time aboai
aoieed Only SSc at Ja. G Johmuw-t
the axearikio taai
fiuBiiy «aiM op '
Hn Hoaome aad aoe -Traak apeai other tsmllle* have followed an
lb pain In Ibe back, whtcb when aad F H Head*. Draotou.
« HlebliaB «ar
irdak fmo aoail
lied to ihl* and aorrouodln* nel,
Sniday to Bultoea Ber­
n-rendered me ml^wbl
bood*. last Saturday 'br*<'.
lin. Fred Bordeaux rrluraad
forty otliar* who came u. thl. reptoo
Ulaad' Tuaaday.
> pulBfiil that
Wayne esn .................. .. „
Par), free* I
D. N. Pteiw (d Okleado H at i^
by eatlna
chapel Key. Iianliy eoDtloiie at my work
untied In a reualoe atI me
xruwlDX plant,
lor bla ouilaf.
been UM*I
prayer aad .rurini: Uoan'. *^‘4lW
Ulaaaa AUhM aad JalM Qaonder took Airye of
(iu.iln s*yed the live* of all ire.
Brooha monad to tbalr boao la Chb prahr ..-rytoe to the ic.n-noon
I bare not b
____ lory result*.
caco Wedaaaday laat
! troubled *tner ui X Doan'. KIdi
Will Taesart Ja rtaUlac bli node.
anemwB wa* .peal In vlnlilox and jpllto."
TocB QiOrfc. tbla vaak.
Vbir ..Ij.
.1. w^a.«.ar..
i^le t.V
by all
dealer*. *■
Praak Wraaakey aad Oaorf* Otl of ayeellD* Old time friend, whom they,
im Co.. BuSalo.
rnrarae aty »ara la towo Tuaaday. knee In the
■he UoUed'l
i„ • "
J. FerrooB. vU* aad aoa Jay of .loyahle lime wa* reported.
too are rUlllai at Cbas. Rlbble-a.
„.*. K SpaeklB vlaiud bar alato
Hra. 0*0. Olemaat. od Maple City ib ud faBlIr
C.;^ VlatSdWeada fcrfo for a fa*



I Od* Apatoat HUt.
L aleaa aad
daatUote. M
etef «ai the ecmdIUoe of!i
tor by name of J J ^Harrm*.


ll' B.

Kimball Pianos


And- Organs are endorsed by the
leading Musicians of the world, and
are sold direct from the factory at
factory prices and easy - terms.:
Every instrument fully guaranteed.
See us—we can save you money.




Uf S


W. W. Kimball Co.
129 Front St.


N. E. STRONG. Mngr.
n small liiMnimtmis. Shi-ci Muwic. t ii.


■ beclBolnx of
Hra. Wat. Nelaoa aad
Hr*. W1 ■ out to our aeUhhorhood
■lo, .-Miveiuiwi- k. fleermary
UalloB vere Trareraa Oty call*
„ - _
DaOou ol Datralt rliticd Wadaeeday.
' ai riaak Wlltaa^a laal We«oaaday
Hr*. Hoy Faaaa rettvaed borne
araaias aod Tharaday
Trareraa Oly
PHday. I
...________ Hn. Bnaloftoa
; MtbaMD-Uir or Dataooe: Ohk>.
drea Oaa aad Dewey.
ttad bio Uai WrslBtaday.
y Unix .lore.
roomy aad Bmoa Lambart dnara retaracd to tbalr bomr la loaU
f« kbelr future home

: to Baiaa Baaday.
.Vyearsild child of Henry
MIba KlBi and temily of Ua«al
Hilda Carimm etoltad ber
Bay City wa* dfafix
1 Peak of' M’e.1
▼ttliad rriattrai aad frieeda bar* '
happy me.
vlrioo. t
be ooe of ibe
Prache* are solnx
bMi crop. Ibto fall
wr have "bad In
retnnlac lb*
year- They are aHItnx ai «n
per boiael at tbe orchard, now
The Irteod. aad 8elxhb..r. of Mr.
Mr*. »i«. Manta vaai to ibr *<otb
of the aulr for a TWt lam Frl
and Hr' John Biriley m.-i at ihrir
Ur*. Arthor Baraari aad iwodaocb- boifii- on. day toil week to make them
U l..-k|«>ri. X. Y.. tfu
Mr. aad Ml*. H. O. Baadolpb ol
Rhea and Bdaa.^tod oa Hr a fateaell rtolt. Mr. BariJeV. ptv
•> N.'lllr Kckharili. i
p> bate lived here a good many
JcmaarUlr are rWilo*
Hr*. BaaHr* P. F. Lanito Saaday.
n tnun llutfalo. .
«Mpb‘a brolber. Joba Bowdea.
r*. John Badib and Hn. Ooldae year*. They will be xre«tly mU»«l
her .-«on. Will
-^^ar Uotb .U eatanalata
.... far the auto fair al Oraad Rap­
«». ailBChed liy
- bmibar fro
- • - id* today.
She UM'J ber BM*. an uml
Mr. abdl
Tb« Haptocoe baa* ball laam played
ooK^hai pln^Ith »uc^g<
of Hr. and Ur. John
haa* ball Baaday with ih* ladlaa baa*
Ixaar to nick at tbla wrillni
ball tnm of Omsoa aad Ibe HapleUlu id* JobBKm ba. eommeoced
. ..
Ml** liMUa
« boy* wea tk* same
1k« i let Ibe lllllc onto *uBer from
1 OKy Baiarday i
«• tall tenn at aebool to the Coaia
The aad b*wi haa iwaehad thl. ptoee
niema or other lorturlnx akin dlaUlu Jobawm board, wlwith bar paniau.
(lb* drowadag at Hr. Prank Bkaftae, dtotrict.
Uuan'. OlBINaiUe Ulaad of Oraad
'ho wa* diwwwtd ta Pta* lake aata^ Mr. W H. DlwmHr*.
ay Bight: alao tear othan war*
IrowMd ta tba «m* c>«w. rrank ^^^tnrtog the tooha of bCT
niBp Miller baa aoW "
CkftlB* haa llrad to ihli plae* an hto
mil* aaai of tUi plaee t<
‘top.Ta f«t of her”looae.
re aad be ba* made
- Rer. Tboma. BulIIran, paator of the
AU*^ coBBty.
HIM Ooflto Kendall and Pru:
la abort atoy.
Hr. aad Mr*. Criaa aad daufbter
Center Slreei Conxregalional church
«D.' were united to tbe holy boad*
w mi raa tha oM Blto
aar«9 Palrar
Akfria. lad., are natUaa Hi*. Orla*'* farm thla i
Taeoma. Waab.. ba* been mlsatox
rediock by Elder Bamca. Sept. <tb.
..jce AuKu.i l». Six werito ago an
r. J. W -....................................
.-be wltbe* of tbeir friead.
Hr. and
Aaatoii of i
puilp. atirarted the clergy­
__________ ___________ Baaday *T*elag.
lUr. Hr*. A.
t. J.
man'* aiieniton.
He l>eCBme k> al>Mr- aad Hra. Praak Oilm ealtod oa
•orbed that be could not sleep nlghi*.
Hrr and Hra. P. p. Urdto Baaday
t worked upon the pnxxle day and
f North
" d WUh bit mlnII on his mind
.4^ Vtoft Bataiday aad Saadw
aty rutted ber alater,
afch Hr. Blctard c alMar. Mr*. A. M
Mr of OM I
laii week.
r. and Hra. Rnaat DtOraw from
kU atoier Hat
C.laion Ftobor i
w«i lor a drire
>r forty years Dr. Fowler'. lire
Ur llnaaell of
I of Wild Strawberry hah been
MV. the g««l cf hto aoo Herbert
immer complaint, dyseniery.
«. K. On** beasM a
Uiy I
, bloody Buz. pain to the
Hr*. W- H. Bemnan at Oaboni
aod It ha. never yet Jailed
>e gae*l of her atoter. Hr*. Fran*
do rremhtog claimed for ll.
Ptoher. today. Mf*. Lucy Jackmm of
- UBtoioo. alao a atoter. rMwwed
a taase. i
lb Hra. Beemaa oftcr hartox *pea(
toche. to length, waa kti
lined to tbe
Too maeh nto haa made all kh
aereral day* with Mc\ Piaher aad
rear of tb* Hone Prialtog Plant Bat.
r etpp* lau. aad aoM oat. aad pea* family.
a hoBM troto Bk
The snake ew ’the
r* eUU la the BalA
Btotia aa* day Hal weak.
Prank Oook ha* raatod the Patrtok
(tordaar hw bot^t the boaa* IClld** (arm lhr«a mUea weat «f W«i’ tbi* repUt.
aad apcni the Bight «rttt Ur*. Cbae■mny awMd by Hr*. BWufd.
LBd haa morad tl
k up Its abode to
ii the
dler'e daagbtar. Hra. FtosaeU and fam- leart of
i.toea portloi of tbe
lly. They txtaat Babteg tm Tucker
It to a
rmtuiMd home today.
LAhe h^ r«
*^e was the prop^ of
:us or caralval company.
Tremaln ^and aereral eblMr*
« rnw hto Marly compMad
Trararae Cl^ Baiarday eraatog.
Hr. aad Hra. D. W. Walker of Kaa- Trarene Kty rtottad the home ■at aty, Ho, wte bar* baaa rlaktag F. BberidA laat week.
■ - a tew daya. aUrtad for ibalt
FortyeoA rotea ware caat at
by boat fnm Trarora* City laat apeetal temaUp meettoi held here
vHBar I
OB the 3rd. 1 TUrtytolne for the brldx*
Onto Ubdaito’ ***(
Tboau* HaaoB. who
ertdeat that the elector,
Ikan't pat it off A
a brtdir a
■irrawt of Olen Lake, and
*Mi to QiaM Bap- *‘Htoa ■rnhw Coaiat of UahHlag to
to araato tba fair.
rtatUag ber paraata. Hra.' aad Mr*, meanire to bare the bridge ranpleted
■n. C H. Onto <
‘oaua. Cor a abort ume.
Tb* pmpodttoD ha* already been aub••r daagbiar. Mr*. A.
W. R Clane bagaa
laaebtag the
the" elector* of Rmptre
with the
ratoe aod carried
with Ibr
by a large majority.
Bt.ft«.ibai Olaa Artwr b .jiblp will
ralae ihe two towBffalp* .JolBlIy win
I now aarrey
hare tTNani aiifltoleai to■ IbaUd Ibe
gtbwcat at t
h reeded atnieUre.

Li: i fd:



^■ars^ both hen- ami at Hlk Raj.ids and have never had .i call for repairs.



■ ou s I'fc nim*.


'BMaou. paator of tb* H.
bMB traarterrad to O
re fo«r caaa* of c
_ . _________ . Jaataa-A
K» ' 3r A* parmw who atol* lb
RM 'iMtor appta* at B. OarpaBur>d
r«£r^t bad aOad for them
MMM bara pn aoma baitar oMa.
A. & HotoMa at Pnmkfeet It

toeead bar*.
Hn. HauH Wyley toll * ~
fiRHI'Baptda taat Ihaiadaj
B. OVpeatar to balMlai


Wm. Wine ba* a
Dare Uraaa had --------------------tea* a ralaabto b«r** Batnrday.
Hr*. H. A. '
•a* OB ^aiti
Wai. WttbUigtM took a toad of po
■toe* to OnwB SaURtay.
Q^iMar to m
Hr*. Loa Mtaa bab baeh hartog
BMKher aad atoter tram
-»paay ‘
— wab.
Ur. ab^
Charley rbaaami wi
ailrea at _ _
icearwe CRy orar Rib
Pred Prasor of Hannah rlilted tit
Mra. A. RaU aoUrtatead ber moth' Caiber tram ladMha laM weak.
Chaa. Beratbymw-aauftathad
her BKMI
Mbm aad itotan tram PlataHra Biakfator to UI at preant. bo
Veil by Vnag them a trip oa tba
Oarrte Pi

Whkit ftH have been

off ao kmg.

Wi Hr 3 fv Mrt Mmt




t'okiictl glse lsin|H in green or rctl, wdl.


li;;c '.1,7^ 11',-d.j^ij.- chimnev'.


A fisc. Urge »ss«nmnr«l decmieff Uupa

k Uxuiitul guick Meal

A prem •Wcorale.l bm|t, nandt 1 ft. 4>in.


. hgi., fm onl}...............................................




Awl the) range atoog to jaice from that to


A beautifully .kcoraied lamp. j« like


cut. aiantto I ft. 6 in. high,

for........................ :...$4tltol

latge oil

bowl. Urge .Wncahade, for oak..............


A fail

other «eef


asaonmenl of






line of aU stylet, price*
and aiiet of lamp chim-

high shelf and re*W-


coir, just

celebrated malleable



We handle the

to....................... :....V2S.7B


The}’ range in price

that you can pick lighi

atorg. $27.76. $89 76

OBl of a dt^ ol water

and so xi|>.

and pul on a lamp with

1 have fitted up a dct



We«- Flow 'Bieei



of nickel



Andent I-ampa, The)
give more ^bt th^n

aU kinds of second


blase aad il


where we «rill handle
hand good.;


not break.




yonhave anoldxtove





and are more darable.


twrangeofanykindwewilUaketi in exdiange tor a new
We now have on hand several aecond hand xiove* and

Wehavethem.just like

tiling houie. We have an extra
_____ r for I
... : that we look in exchange for a
large, beaotifol Cook. Stove
«ed range, hi* a 6m claa*. B4iole atove. made by S.
Jewett A Co
The top U 4 ft. l-m- long. 2C rochet wide.
wiU take 98 in. wood. A large ettcated eopim res^r. ex­

Kitchen Biackn Umpa, joT like cm. <
pine with reflnftor, lor....................

tra laige square oven, 19 indto* wide, 21 inches deep, 1^


tset a Mra:ily
hasc,'iarge nickel'panels on oven door*, in fact

rrow Arrat^A large line of CooTSiote-; 84
mylet and sixes to aeject from, trom


Mm, Fakt mA Spmi
. h ll Mm

SiovJhjuat like
A Cook Siov,



8 iw^wood. 17


—I Bidvb Ml her* BaWday
H beto* U KUboara. Mr. Brow*
kOM balMlai a coM a

to, »Dve i>crfeci

[.argelinc <vf gtasiUmpA Q|j from............

idcane ivvu cvetv

Dph Tkal Siflm



will i>ir ton



8 STaS;' ‘

ifi«arantee them

Limps ^ all stria MX Dcsltiu

I When ]t»i I)U)' a n^c ii

... ...



sfaction in every way.

.loor. sinelly goannteed






aril TOP a

A fiw large Hove, )»t tike

nf gtrrd rit-'*




cot.nkdyORiaiDente.1. WiU
lake 18 ia. wood, encaaed.
enamded rcaervw

Bed ouilu tram____ -.............................................................................................
t>p\> tbe irice large rxe* 61M with carded cattea. arhh aU-

with top of «ov^ Hrictly
goaremeedto every way.
for only........................................$«-«

^^pii.“”r5i^^^' to a pare doVa. te
LEON F. TlTUSi CaAiar.

„rthii.g to Itoim

«jto 01 An Ti*ht Hmi-


” • U dii^t AyWof RpmldOak*, from...................................$7.$0‘

Hr*. Fred UtffB* of BHaw reivmad bora* torn tharadayT'anar t
imr wMk-* rtfli with r«*aUeat to Hr. aad Hr*. Bam HmaMc
«Bii* aa attnetloa.
^ IM. aad Hn. Bari Bradford of
Mr*. A. Urimar _
^ an* CMy Ttoltad al Hra. Chai.
eoeipaBy ihu w*#k; atoe Hi*. Plefe.



Special J{cbe
and Blanket Sale
Tortht mst Slxtp Daps

m. We have anythin jap ufant m roves; I can tave yoo
alMcrmoBeyoothem. M kmdtof Store Boanfo, Zme.
aad oa Ooih aqotret for ttbder the roves, rov e pipe, elbowE
daropes. everything yoa need to *« ap yom rove. *

Of aBki^erf^tos.

>toe 100


A tto^iBjy Ato^Iw.^100_______________
» irer shape* for..$6J0


A decorated 100 piece an. «Mk '
Three difliErest pari enit to k beani
op. ODD mpa. gsBeers.i. platct
platct and emythiag yoa «a« m
track to close om r ball price.

Titoday ***eiBC wm aatopad ^
Hit* dtwarA Aa* Oartta BM lha totoa
Mr btoBA iba moat -poratty »tftebaa“

Special Bargains

^n!*S« OoaaaalB*


Boban Oarlaad «


,^SZA'£^:St- -


A nice e-pieee toilet act. nice IMt poredato aioe^embomed far $L76
8mc of the mar beauifal decorated toilet m» yoo ever aaw

Om Itoe of TapesOil Cloth aad
to order.

Reliable Home Furnisher

We can Save You a Lot of Money



Trarcrsc Berall



V«B Dercuok. wMn Ibr Uu«r Uved w
••Isbban 111 Alln«Ea «»obW. ChartM
imd. BC«d U. today
n>M im Jaekata pi
apf> lard wa» aaalab.
tv klllloa hi. brotbor
Und U Hell hnoia bora, aad fe
tuw <!»• »a* aacacad la (laibcr ia• B( Uran. Tbora «m* anab
rnanatby oipraHad vboa ha
tle ad of Baaalaafblar. a* It vas ballarad
aaay that ba atnck tba
ad by ........................................................
> that caaaad hti brolbar'a death
paraly la

. . (O ba OM of tba biwai coal'
Uoet la «hldi orpaalaad labor hai
hM aoaacid. oae «lib tba CaibuUc
rhorrh. baa baaa Boaadad by PV. M i
Ward of Balott. «bo baa daelarad that
aatlbw be boa any prlaat of ibe Ao
Caihulie ^ereb’’^ gite abaoloibote vbo bara ibkaa tba oMb
. -nia latb (Jf IbU u
uabio ahail bare iirtorlly orer r
oUUBitoB. rvllahiaa or mbaralw.
,*Pt. A r. Aehlaaar. adadaU;r
fd Iba areb-dloeaae. aald that PT. V
«M oiiopathor AWIfiad la mai
BBCb a oUtoBaol. aad ibai be w>
blBu^r aay the aaoM iblag.
-Pr. ■rtilaiMir'i aaiae U Ineludad lb
tba Hat (uroardad lo tba pupa for a
OMeaoaor lo Iba ia--a AmbMdiop P. X

Per Amtrtea-a War Vatarana.
tapeit of OMUBlailoaar of Paestoos
Warn Plaeaa tba total aatnbar of pae
Bbnan ao« oe Uw rolls at M«>U. of
wbtrfe Tfi.SK
sraira« ara
ora aoiaian
aeldiars aao
aad MT.IU
art arMovs aad dapeadaau. Mr. Wan
Iba POBBOU niu will aaaiB cnw me
IJOWAOO Uaa. tbs bUrb «atar surt
baalnc baa* yaacbod a yrar ago. Piet
tbs roll <a
BOCVBBI oe uw war*t<
« uw
lie on ademal of iba «ar of' ItU.
I.TS4 OB aoeoml of tba
.we tadlaa
.B..WS wan,
and IS.I74 t» aecoiBt
at of Ibe
ibe Haikiaa
la fraai Iwlk of tba roll It as folaeil war, laralids TOI.IM;
JM; Ipaaltb war, laealldr
ra SM. and tba rarUar aa
UWMUBaal. lo>allds i.170. widows
SMS Tba R>n tbows a oM teas of
SMI paaaloeen durlm the ytar. Oat
at a total C. ww.,ww. awwi>»~a« ww
basd donas the year 1W.1M wera ad
wiiiad aad llt.TM nlacMd.
Tba aearafo aaaaal raloe.of aoeb
paasloB if BOW IIU. Tba aabatl ealaa
of Iba Bpaalib war paasloa roll baa
Ware BUkae ‘l
Mwwa uw.w, ......
_ -.
lo pantao of aay maa ooeeMed lb
fWDt cd as tatawaw orlaw. piMbltlas tba slHns cd pmtkm U ibnaa
woM who MitT soUltn afiof tba
soUlan baeoew old paattestn. aad a
dlSaroM Mbod of amdalbs appU
.eaau tor paaalaB. otaaptas tba pna
aat tpatoB aa aaesrtala. iipisslTa.
BbsaitstBdUwy aad saBoraUra of aa
OBomoBs aiBOBat <d poUtlMl methia
Hr. Wora aaaasu baatto of akparty
B^tr dell tofTlet ralaa, wUek sboald
fOjWw plaea to plaaa ca fasd dap.
. Mas dfiMliiailiwa sad raealTlas toa-

yaew baUd■ats atramed la
fraae «r walls aaywbara. Steal
has b««' seed -to so
baCoae. aad tba rati
_______________ aad to I
■enor aad
_____ ^e they Mkad hl» to
Kamila as she pmeator cd all ortbo. . _ ....
1 asilaiated
dos CbmiiBH. all toeabsrt of tbs or> to alsbl millions, has
ibodox Orwek'ebareb U his dossib,
kais. Tbs saltoa yafesad: Bastoaf taken a )ub la his fatber'e iron toaad
aad Praaeo saMorted bln la bis re ry la Aasoala. Coaa.. as a looimaker'i
He U wartlBS too boors
fatal: ibe Crtmaab
war foltowad:
Russia was waaatad. Tbe irewty ol
Parts rraiorad dlspotad lerHiory u sharpen tools for Iba Bseblatols. —
TartffT. toll Iba aaUaa rould am ad sna M a wrak. Yoaas Pam-1 waets
fonadry business trots
BiBiMer II. Be. sary soon, tbe prlsclpallUes aloas Ika Hrer rMaslie beoetienueai. Base toe uia .ran*
<d Ibe e
tk cd Serna and BulsaHa aad
or Cbtcapo
_ s
I CtrsMa. which is tbe seewe
,BSe <d sFlMMe.
srlence. rlie w<
(be Haeedoolaa struftle of today. life for Ibe raase
Ir wtow
laadm la ■— ----------------- fiiund d<«d la faU rbalr
tbe l . .
rk la tbt
ara HlaY*. Aboal » yw> a(i>U ■’aa usnpber rame ui work
IMIsana IDX. aod Ills dratb would hare b««a
>lan w^ pat down as suicide bad not a meed
nf bis earned Julius Haase
forwarO- wlifa ibe auiea
donor bad told him to
BieatlBs with deadly
■UIH Holcaru aa a
' ba told Habsea. ‘
( Auslria-iloa
aad *Tba BIcB Mae ad Baropa* b
bean aear ataoe.
Tbaa Barna aebtarad reeosalUoa


V.'asbiBSua. ia^. lO.-Tbi

idna. ■opt. !•—Tba Torlclsh aoe
bossy has iMoed aitolbar alalemeat.
dadarlBi ibai tba rapons of maaaacras amaoBto from tbe Belfarlbo aUa.
aad an
af .paearlas Curapaab latarTae
II TtotanlM dlsbauaf lb tba sen­
es of iba Bairai tbaaUob.
UflhdBl abd
rapons from the
s. aad eaairwi tba

mlc« tor a
I.. Cbtrllc Fodpe. aped
At Mnac
capo mod nil Bare as tbelr oplolaa
u torpins dosens of
ibal bis ttsbl (uuld aeear ba reatorad.
Monday olsbl Itowoey we«t lo bad orders oa wondnsmeii at dlfferrai fac.
a l-llod Bua. and tbe oaxi morvlas ortOB by wbleb be seenred
export peoawoke with ayes that eeuld see. Ha
.0 learn tbe
seresmed that be eoold sea. aod bU
— — forpe orders
iiy nished lo his bedroom aad
elBlmlbS slekaess as
Id bis sialamaai (o ba true. DciwaFbdse claims be
s-as etamlasd by aeearmi phraMI ol hU Siftat.
Is that life
> been rsalorm] to i a optic Berea
BTsn poveMy. Bllaha K
some aaiural maani
......... - of (brer larpe SBBSrBl 01
t beary i
Kane. l-a.. aad tbe rlclBli..
Mopped selllnp Ubaeeo In oor form.
“I am llred
tired of oeolap
moi smoke ibr
- —________ ____ jias to Ibe aamailt carpeu oB tbelr Anon, aod (be ckilfaes
r nka-B Peak.
lldren-s bBoks.- aayt bo.
ibMr cbll
Suamsklp adrlces of (he daptraePome tllBe asu_____________ on by barrteane of Baa Hlcoal. a
bool leaeber of PloreBea. Vis.,___
- ., bad
nra OB tba aayt coast of Yitealaa. _. oBODaator with a wUdeat. raaqulsbI) BM a balldlBf was left staadlas las tM aalMal and dlsplaytoB btobi
sad noi a ifelas eraainra was ‘ '
Uarery. As aoootuit of ibe Isrideal
Sab Mlfosl sras *tbs
was read by Jobs C. Bnwor. a wealtby
farmer Of Madteoa. lad. He paid boon
(act that Oertas 1(01 laaPad
> Mias Vpai throasb Ibe mallA hU
111 warn tarorably reealreP and tbe
a bas^
.. New York ai
iber Par they wera Btorrtod.
cctesd rrpurtf fro
At Vbssllap. V. Va-. the sUaf at
Praia, eaplial
waatMtoy MIS MTed six Urea oai
Ids Istaads. lal
Thm-^ ■«iot _I-^M. Cnime.
to tba • •
aaasad .. crop
lallsra. TM popala- atalBS eU frleodi t
the eosBti
tlOB Of Bboul
out 11,000 It Mated 10 be
ii Iba rata of bibaiaaa a
Ulaads ara eoatrallad -by Cram* wae awakened
UdBB him nciotuly . . ............... .
sad foBBd bU mends almost PcBd.
They bad blows'out six sbs JeUtbe dleeoTery boon delayed 10 bIbbicb
all sroBld Mra been dead.
HuBdrads of Iowa peM»e are aald

awpw bylkaabdi ............
of bis OUMsaa tahjaeu isto a
^ib Balorta. doapita tba atwllUar
anas cd CM pewu to proeMuia aaeh
a aaaaiet. tiiitlak cmciiS akpr«t

ptopeap] tor eaarciTa: diplauil
M A bardda to tbs
tWM Suias la ItoS. aiaoe wsioi tloa na tba part «d Ibe powers ai Ma.
Soia. iMt. lii-Tba Dm--..............
Mm It hM dhroak tram ftU lo IIJI
MiM ba«a MBamad
BtotMMSfdUsaWawaattb.abdtalB tba eewaM at •aloalM
to aaad warMIps to
Ibair PI
■artpaptbay ara la tsar ef-dyaa-

f-sssv- iaSi-M’?-




-------- af TmUH


mi -Iks


IS of tba eaoa ar r

__________ _ tbs Neon of tM laeasaps
uai sail sf BMnC aM ysfasitlas (hpt
wpiAlpi bs aam tor tba ptotaettoa of
the -- --------------is easMUsrad probable ikai
• sKU aand warablpa u Mrat.
•M bar SMBpla la IlhaiySo M tol-

.SSw«Ma<M to
Ibo CBM dsM la tba W ym' aflta-

aR^^TtoSS^^tTSs; s-a


batas towad to leata

ra,___ SoS

. ________
tar APnsBopts.

bdp# Mm aapatop
It M bDsaad thai tba

, aasi-s

wUM Iba Kards are PaatiaM to Nay
(bs MS par. as tba Otasaataat 4U
Mtora (be Rtoo-Tpil^ war.
ma kBowa as the coacwi at ■arapi.
-- ----------- la. •arato aad BaMHto hr~
a aew
aad II
a nadr to prt_--------



toltodr dOMi K Iba tisMij Od^



t srii

pa*to. too aal-

tollowiM Pto
b from Rear APaira]
al Oodaa this
drat. Bepi. II.—TM soraraot
al <d IMmasrws has basa ap■dbtod aailas soracaor mmstPI of
Bstno. aad has asprsssat a Paalra w



Mrat Is paM.

sUll preraUs aasaat tba
■a aad iba asodae to tba

Bears the


liwtM Aee aaa. A- D law


Use :-ss;
For Over
Thirty Years ssiiissr- .TJSSrafSoJisas



to find LOM or SWH

tor toe rarek. or cea i< iiiimsdia M thk



dtotrtoo o» Merlet
ten they tta su
eoBtb AtrlcB aad
oObB be one «B ibe .
of the yellow metal ii

bis way








A Palibfwl Bervsiwi
Carlyle tuU once of a Isw
U« Ip Peotlsnd ollecttop tbe
greet saute uf which be bad
eo a faniUy secret known only
eld oervsDI. wLu refiiaed to rrx-iwl
nilulsler was eeut lo tell her
abe- must S|>eak on pccD of Mr soul,
-rerll of luy oauir sUo aald. -And
would ye put the Imaor Of an auld
Prwaxists- lixr.ti.
Seoltlsb ftinlly lo louiiMIlion wlA Ibo
Mid of a poor nvatnra like mer



° '?

Borneo and the PI
John Shnier of II
raad Ihe Bible (I
to Rerelailoos Corly-thrae times and
Is now enpaseP' upon bU tuny-luanh
readtns Hr is 73 years old.
Upemsw farn^
pinmt tn anyone wt
Tbe tree* are JtmilM

H. & L E IMEiW

•bcftocepcr-Wbot tab ( a
AMcmt Utodod I-rafCBOor-l w.
Mmoare. wbalde I waatl IMariue:
1 eaa'I fvr tbe life of me remet
wbat It U Well. wcU. U doaaT
tor. cure me tbe mbiwM Atop

At a same of ball at Dexter bMween
Ihe Oaxter Ttsan and the beslneas
men. Plleber Ouy Hloks to deUrertai
Ibej^l broke bU ripbl ana abora Ae

e Z eold blT^



f 8L
For fiMo by Jss.
Tbeary'Vex________ ______
Unta. Is sufieHnp'tnim a
■Mcdicol acb-iKT bu raacbeP IM
reeetred to a
I foil tbe other
tab- boasted tbe optimistic yeoap
-Ae (bird time her limb baa been
doctor. -Ibsl for s patient lo die we
fraatarad durinp...........................
ber tbon life.
Uke ent bis beart and kill It with
The larpral dloeoao In tbe worli
:bel o^ Bishop Warren of ibe Me
adnb.It eneads
On kit way borne bo caapbt a toU
r and Ae asd for (be next three wcAa made erety one Bdimble lieteatog to kta aymp-



ia fe

In Room- a suon's toxeoUtme of bta
•mile sbow.-d (bat be was totnil oB
wu.-k of Miuix- aalura. Wben be look
ent lu all (luit
fre- Inspxwk
Many purai .hrrli-. hove fn>m time (e
ex ■nKituo. Hunt. at bis end tbelr h-l.ute. Thus Uw gtrli-iii|o-rao,v urnliu wlio was s well die sswvid II to lU
earij hl.u«T of cbsracter. of ixMirra. but a puivee Uev
kbcwu fljture
enlodcws. tu iplu-re uf twefutosms dU
Wyauilup vslley.
Dcrtnc tbe civil i ir be enlisted sml nut end la-re. It wa^ PgursUve of
-srecd OS clisiililn In one of tbe cepl- property. M lieu a man or woman pat
off Ills or Uer Slnlle tl was a token of
BMOts of tofsnlir raised In (be vail*?One day. to tbe nildst of a fietee bsi- ranuactalKiu «r oome rlpbt or prtrUepc
Tbe widow of I-hlllp I. dnkr of Uartia. the major rode op la front of tbe
pandy. fur Imteiice. reoaoDeed ber
tsetment and lo his suuiecurDi
|!rayt. H.O Jcaa A. Ursagw. Jodm wf
mtber llpnl at Ibe bead of ll»
ipuin. wbsl
wbn are yok
yok. dxlnp
tra, tbe i-nm-e. of Irelsix] la tsklap
crar be asked.
tbe oath of fealiy lo Klnp John, laid
-Itoiapr' eeboed tbe old lull
Bskle llu-lr xUtllea. tbelr skowns aod
btlakly. -1 am lirlas to rbeei
tlielr <wi-« ‘Tn Hie x-eretoony of exbaarts of U>r lirwve and look on
aays a writer., "tM
(M beets ef tbe rowsrds.Uslnq. cut or i, r osray from tbe col
I it>r girdle that eras abont Idta
I SM S wMs-s Trieb.
I'tbo uewiy taade taosbaad to Bnine
Haviiip tried rvriT kind of
k from bit wire tbe mattan pbdio
k. I del malaed lo pet a man.' suid
sheep's wool to whlrb sM waa
lllkiDSlrr. -It very nsRirmlup to Ha- tUy of bar sakrttapB'
ncenn Uoer
-t-liambeni' J
Ibe best place lo find bim Everytblns Is 00 cirwo iboet a oblp's kUidien..
' '
TOO kknow. WeU. 1 found
Mtcben a
be all npbt. but luvwraUy uiy nelpbbon <-ompl*tocd that bo wsa Ibiuwtop
aO tbe reroee out of tbe wiiDtlnw. (Nd
OesMra ISoad M m
babli: He tboupkt tbe window
porlbolc ea a Alp.
break Idm of tbe trit
btoi po."-Sew York


West and Northwest

dtasr TTHMe MdkM T« I

st tscxioiiti, Alirtuern MiebipBB.
Miaaesxsa. l-iwa. Nebraska. Ac
llokotss. W;
oAer ouiati wexb ere m eflrcl
vis tbe

ciMO uplos I laoim tn.

Roilw.x <a the first and (bird
Toeadaxt iA each roraith. with
liberal Ijbms and with elxfi
prixilcrcs CO rxjule. EscrIicM
tbro^ irsin service to all pobas
lucl-idrv Ira r trains s' ttay
a day i-i Iteercr. Mil Like, ssa
Frsnctaco, Los Anpclc aad I\nland; lour r> r day l<> St. I^ulM-|«a*ap(d'b:{uorpcrdavi,

__ ___ 5^___

SJK 5,

tasra.SebraAa andi'


r uSkwooD. -

oqrir sesaiiakst aasse SS sMkw


Pere Marquette


to be marrlad to Mrs. Aaaa .ftogaar. old. of Porttaad. Orw. walkK Into iM
' bta fatbsr Tbaradoy to took
aped n. fnam atar Dochwltb. lad. It
dad was
was a raaaway anieb aad RMOsy dtdwauh
hMsely aaptalaad to (M Rae. J. apM maa. Yoanp
etotoa by a waaderti.
wbea be was eeroB yaars
(bara. tMt ibr ralatleas «t (M Uaablag womaa by bU aUe wara aa (Mir
illlll^lni d Tafbay-s do
White tratolBi at NewBrfc. N. J.
way paai bane
Me toe
to stop tM maiA Ha
Tla^W bs^ Oraato •»
M wwofe .Joba RalUma. IM Upbit tM <
m aaa
aai saw
Ibd pww«e
____ pacUtai. .was attoekad wUb klcI. Ml walM Had
oaea or M
ad tte Db«b* topbl
woaM MOP I
a a oMpbo. vIMi bdTe deBUBBad erar
stooe. Hla oemdlUoB Is newsMered as
las SB arary tomk. mmk mmb ai
t tor tM M
eetttaBL as tM dacteri Mre bmm wBM etotblap aad sal Prs to Om In
to BlotP btm Bay nllsf.
aad wtot ww batpaa? -Tba kail
aadad to Rmlism wSm. aaP ibara
Whoa JehB V. Hart of lUli
baatda IM om «ea aad (M asMa
m aew Mlaim ibsatn aT PNI» ••Day aad Mra. Wapatt JoMad MmPs BOB. tad. Tbrnadoy.

be de
aad IM miptatar to i
hBd taWROB thd BBBM Of I • ptri be
orpB maPa (bam aaa.
lBtaBPMt»msrTT. bMMtb mpbl
WeH WMaaua cd Hoi
•ntBBmewBpBeaato. TM baV PIM
aMabfBUd bis 1«M MrAPky taM «• HeMmi m Mid «p mA M ra-



lunnerly of DeiruU. is pro
.. He esublisfameni of a direct
. line tnim
tnirn tl
the I'olted Stoles
■ iihinixlD
Alrlra. with the vl

Days of l-ouipHl.
Rbodeela to erery way.
CtMloBer-l-omiiallT 1 Poa-i
Afira a Peree fipbt with aa immease
Tbe pTMt army of ehlldras to the while bawk. RoM. Darlymple of On ■n aotbor of tbai namo. WMl PM bo
pabllc acboole
will no kmper lor Oruve miaapad to capture Ae rare die of'
--------- -..........................
• will
Mrr to drtolFlmpera water. II a praHe has a«tallere<k^baad aad
cd arm as well as bis prise.
at Pr L
Wllb tbe approral of the board of *
^ J^K Flood of Hart bad boTOied
Us ssrmcaMdaaoanrtas tba praetMs (BtloB. Paouurlsad milk, on male
busheU of pinms. wbleb were
of ywaap ptopla paiadlas tM atreau
ay a boule at orelry ecbooCls i
con-rncted fur 7i eecits per bushel for
at Blpbt wbleb ba aald was prodaeilea
are fnUt. He Atoks (hst M
of laora aetl tbaa all tbs otbsr tarushels wUI yM be barresied
Tbars ara wear Mre hie owa ditektap reoMl, aad will
1 salee hare alnadr amounu
IM ebUdrea la bit p
parlab aebool. aad hare aa a
I1.W0. at tbe
d bis crop
ITS' abacBce from bis tl per btmbel. He
year to adraace
adat 7t easts
“r. ^ «wMu
iatttorw -Haaaea. Coi
for the
tbe bare fruU. deliTaref
laJ. a bo
wbn Ueoo
It C. Peary's tnaud
ry aty, I
«a toforawP by a al Han ■uilon.
aerraat oa bin fuamm arctic
•L LoBlo taw Prm tbai a oloter ba«
U.MO.OOO. eooI^'of'Hm MSto!*
'h*Sa'' bapBMtbBd btm Btoriy e at tbe
lied to «,TP0
htatMcraai mt«s ptupnsad dash tor (M aorth pels
expeaees for that seasoB were
a adreBiaron llto.eerrtap as II
toi to Uazl- tl.lM. toBslap a Msar ptoPt of ll.dM
of aartbaaafcs stomki felt ta RoU- mHlaB-s army to Me
Ml. PtoaaaBi U praparlap to ootPo
. UirMaad, LoasMoal. aad Port
toeraelf Ibis week to eatacialnliip Ac
ltoo.Ool.Ka damapa wai Poaa.:
who urlll auaM tU
I abocM eaMad Poars and wlawMtw be^ormerty Ilfbd. asid be wbs
New Tort.

a with

pad btabtatamu traaL*** ■

Hr> Ft tolMsus tOcisr. tMsiOr
(he Caibullc churches of SunUi
asiikn- and Cudahy, was irted In
distriri conn for assault and bai
' He was fonad ptillry of slappinx
or^Blst wlth a prayer '
asoossrd (be cools, which omounled
I>r. II t'harles lirsiu-. i denUsi
irsry City Is a poultry fancier and
iski« pets of bis fowls. Sunday
nday tbe
lor loadtod aad stroked
a Pae
chicken -prw
ry lo kllllap
fowl the doeioi
Jins the! ..
mtased a dlamoad from
rum bis seaifpin.
While carrlnp tl
roasted bird ihe
ilsslap dlanxmd .... ______
Utaklni too nrakes an bout,
lib the sBord of a plpaniic swordIh Ihroupb ber hnll. the Sabins
Ibaooer Actor. Capi. Prank Norwell.
enme lain port at Boston. Tbe fish
---------- ' --,.H«K
tbe -ressrl
-oK Ibe
Ibe -Oeorpec e
week apu, aad bad ber crew nol kept
lanity ai tbe pumps Capl.
t. Norwell
• • have tone ' D the bat-


taua. Wla. tba Rae. I
astorofOar Lady of Us
tPJM to'TPMP traops at AdiMpapti :
i. Iba Ba^ apaakl
It Is «U (hat tPM lasamM bars
basa paiiripailii « EUk Vlllwa*. tt. ally, baa made (bf ______________
Adrlaasplt. aad ofMal
fma the pal^t ihM av boy or slri
s bssw memaataniy aspaei a
IM paroc^tal sebeol -kaaplas o
Baaeaamtsd at Adriaaopia.
at HamMlab aaralry. to

• aMenllons ibe b

Ml Ms alias Martin Naahoo. wbn It U allSB^
lo adrertlsemcnls oBerlas
.M with
tlma Kawallaa to tell bow -to BM fat for W.”
to US Inquli-ore to -pet li pt the bnlcb•r-s.- Tbe
_____________ -s undor arrest at
tlluwn. wbera U Is said be bad
Ilaaaso. Tbs a
as ePPoa, OB a ebarpe i
irsd aad Iba w
main to datrand.
plaatarad. lam
BilUsb exports from ibe south Afrl
can Mild rapluns. who baveslsllrd re-


______ tbs larps aambsr

Jealtiiis of a babe left by Its pan-nis
h s Isiully with irtiom abr '
Is Hei
Herry, s y
,trf. I’s..


pfead to tbdtr rappMUra am

I ‘:rsr5iy??as!

FwInfcttU RBd Chilirea.

The Kind You Have
Always Bought

Dr. MU * Hotart Cure
Cured Eatirely.





Could Not Etat. Sleep
or Walk.





TIkta Use of Arm.
Heort Trouble.'


a»ral of Ibe mnanor of Balral. Other
roretsB represaalailraa will probably
> miiDe
t bare wrsad (bat tbe
lor ba raplaead by mmt one
Ideal pnitaetloo to Amar

(M tba

> was tbe
« would ba

p. Prlai^, a to Ptocleeo
ys. woo aas orao
ss for a Bumbar of,
• airltc redoos
lie tan did not wisb
rrars says Ibai while
lu anke bUasalf rtdtculous to ur
sctoailBc world by s alias that ai
oae spedmen of the ruppom-."
ettlact amaiBMb family u »tlll,rtw
al larpe <a Ibe Amvrlcao side
a tan
yatlr«l> fnwh
I’Blak. «U.ut
fnm tbe
___ _____ pinda K«lu«
lad. Ki yisrs old. Ac a
pIcfcA aad
*llkbMaYbamlsrt>i.Miln' R.mcdM
eaoned turi) Quarts uf blsckburrim
IwisMaMbsbssstswTmtijsWCto Tws
........................dsy III pstrl
wbm (he
berries gn-a wild She- has Pfly four
saw s<
t ABdrew Caraesle
- purrhase rf tl
asaldOoBecUiwfawBC. 1 wts la ss mack
- toourkbur
psto 1 was sMcat wild. I cssldsMUkc
I. lo order to
o Ibe faaerts of
to sad Nemse aid tbs man 1 tbenfki
sbatt a ibe men 1 wasted u trr tbcB. 1
WfOUIothc Dr. Hues Medicsi iV
ala and Hmf«oraa. and li heto oul
_ rskeoed Wedonday n: -rolBS lo Pod elec which I (cdlowed Is Ibe kliei. I css
<«• f<.r^_^p«for«
In i wie aad
soy tsdsy Ibsl 1 sa elsd I did s> I sb s weU
her T-iD<«tbs-<ild bal<y
ra Ibe
Tbe child
siesim-r llurnnic
- _______says she dreamed
TiMwday Boralaa she bad c
f tVete. which I
nisbt that sumcUul) tried
tbe fusraalea u
o'kUaap Ibr l«l>> sail she rerslli
steamer wac abrvnri
Isle Royale (BtlBs rl<
inUile lo Ibe pune
Her was bura
tlaa. a
doreiloBla remaloa aad ibe aollaa’. Mimday re’pai
Ibe Empress Auaiisia VlrMrs I
aasjbow. of
n^ooe ■oranaieal of It has ai U
■ drinoB Ibruuah HasdeWtllareliurs, OW.,
... ,_
sroiiaad both Ibe Cfartillan aad On
•s wendcffsUr tksi I sbosld bsie wrlllcc
I elsM III the hospital a buite pra bclon ts ttok yv. but I wssud to be
lers. The paaeensrrs aad crew made
a In rerolatloB.
iDucb of the ereai abd Imaedlalely
Ibis crtils
sp^r of puylaa^o
lOtirkrd uB her hat. Thia sevt-r.- our and hif nalcsi)
A onmber of Jews bare settled la
raatasa of ibe k
d for a mnmroi The car
yaars a«o alratobad fraai Jsrwsalea. desplie tbe Turkish rei-d and a araal rruwd saih
Bodapaai lo tba Parilaa calf aad had fasal 10 srasi tbe reaueei of ZtoalsU rissr sUipptoienioe. Tbs pone has secreily rrrd ant*
Sanaa tbminilaf tba euasis of ladla
abd Bpala Not lo Rnaala aor lo aay
Wells. II I
atber Is b« likely lo surran^ ailbearrlasiea pnireedi-d amid
raslr Hart.
eipel all Je
OBI a sirocfle whai ■................
ITS iruDi Ibr paoplcTears, a S:bl fuorral. sad
rarkey la Korapa. If
larisdsli- r< leterj worr Ibe
rounty, Weal Vlrstula.
a (aully of
arwd of rbeiiamiuai Y>' fasiloK.
art ir lire of Mr.
Id Mrs William
. Hinail Rose-, astd Cs.srf Murrl.
Ihsrc 1s on doubi that Rassla
rUfa ertier
0. N. J.. sloft (be ipralsc. of (be r iBi son to Dbd
dsavor lo dtelde the spoils Of war
r UreoBs I
token the
brewkfasi- fad. Fi^ SH years her
Austria atone. Rasataa troops
s child li
New York
bero laasslaf alOBf the Rounaa'
the Urasorya. Benjamla Msmek. sod brr limbs swullm
After Uklns
laa froauar raady lo strlka by rashlDf
sit feet lire laebas lo haUbt aad her Prat Beal at ouun fur four monUis.
ircKtoa lolo Bosbia.
Tba luiua Is
IS alee seas, all o*ar tba elk foot she 1. as supple as a flrl of 3
patilac dowD tba .rabaUtoa la bit
BSBBi aarafa taabloo.
"Itorlr A~ Finney, an es-slste. ott-r
I tbe prave
lul then
- a
eaa ba BO doabi of Ibe reHlaale Uaab. a ITyearudd
Nea pi years old. wbu llvii] in s mimnialo
t hum- motor car. equipped with
I sbosld Hi
York sin. to her anilely to make a
rsoshnera. saddlers, carprnteni and
lae appenraacw ai her waddlas. rob­ Hariln lo Franklin nnini)
1 is raafronied by iba iwn bed Mrs txin Bebmuek. her mmbar's tattled liy ISBuraiii pm|i
ilvInR In
Turk will ba dHetin o»l
be t'lrinity as lu-lns s
of lliirupe at Iasi Uui wkat If Rustls
es nlabls asu Ihe old
seise Cuoalaollouplel A few years
I three iinkiiK.n n
J sertin-. aBd
apo aucll a slap would hare prorukad
la (be cells
repairs to ibc
leaiaaliy a smeral Baropeaa war aad dylBS or
•slroytil the
' the artillery,
a wise nao will pot aitaaipt to pru|A
IS. In Tacw
Joaapb UHafab, s NewrYork acbool
l^eniiiry hrabclirs of the
tsy tu esaei now. Ocaai
laustaad at by
■ on thi- spot, or
ailfbl be aalUdad now wtib fall sorM life
lad be ibo
ille the forcii
aralsalty la Efppt tad tba Nila rallay.
ly them w
i for bln.
Tbe car Is n
tor all tbe powera would Blfbtlly opbody amoBS some busbaa.
MBuiy. I.UI simply
pMe bar furtbar assraBdUamaet. But
At ChlcBSD at the A
eluirbnd le tbe btod tad
' kith all sons ol trails and apwbsi share would Oarmany. wbai
IKIle rntrad buTlet bole in IM fore- tome mice made tbelr home on top of
Stripped uf. Its mulpmeot
par woBid Praaoe Aetaaed la Turehabdeller _
lobby Then car­
welfhi «.6d0 pounds.
aai's spollaiioaf
lo work wlili Ibe resull
CbarU-s Decker of Pine Rush,
rodenu ful bunsry. The
Tbai was Uadlad. ibroasb toaay
K Oowasy,
serlrrai roodliloo as t
years, tbe Mioadraili ftn wbleb auy
). lad., has suddaam aat Baiope sBasM.
• ayeslsbl
His bllsd- ho slectrtc airs. Then
a skunk. While itiduaeorli
L Tb.
od by paralysU of tba
lu proirci her chickens Ibe sknnk at• issued today ordorlas U
ncked ber fiercely. bllloE ber oa (be

mtiS u»

that era maay
^led to wear
eyesisbt 1/ aol at

bMter Ran^ aboai Or«Bd RagiPs are
a aumbor ef large cmbIMtt
- ‘
and owaers
tar Mrkerw They fear Acre will be
a prcai scBirlty of help
sts*M •
BrarycamtaM a -a<M arr-r^ Ms
R. U. (llbson. t
d tl. U dead He
MOBllBg a



mtaMmcMaboMauM RillmMbow to
-- ■ mHyl-*-—
-------- ...a*——


(bon at a
for Aat I
moatM kara araraMd


OemY amka say mtataka. M ra

ILfifid SZZ



tm T#»I TII.-I

MO*T iku r
Wa *rrr mato lo
Mm mt-

•Ju? Wkr. r«a. (O to aBra
Wa akall taMlar Mdiua
1/ (ha baaiCa rati af MB
htl 4v h>M

mm-! mart to to Om *l»to *W

fur iba tortaat "Ut.! *«l rt«ia
Aad Ik* Mtokaacahaid toX rtUdwII vmli y<M flto Id «a«k Mrtito.
TwUl to *11 food la KhM

Stor iaaaaalafly;
PMaada* btutoBa batv^af.
Tbalraamtoa abarM(:
Tbadr bappiBtoa auUaa.
tor fWiani lakta*
Tba Oaa atoaa.

Tbit aoma oav iboockl >rtr tobir
Who U Iota.
Ab4 frsDkir loM iham ao.
SaoMh (Till ratnalD of Uiur |>Ib.
With all Ifca aU r<»
Hum om to art ato ottora clad.
I»a duWB
Iba »mif»e?’a (?d
Aa Id Uw ibnmi )w paai dIobb
WMk i»J<W airltoa or aWw.
ir »ln«a you aa« la toad •» Iraa.
Jiial alop aad (HI iham ao

> Anc HaMf tarvard
rtlatas aall aartaea. Aar dirt ahmil
Iba Ball, aar aiala af tab or trolt. tba
too will diaptoa nd at tooa, dlaaulr
aad daooBitoaleB ihr aaaor»a«
rh> a* aotblac etaa
k lliilu oil robbad
abar iba Moa traaii
tba totbblAB paacaaa. auurtabaa tba
aaU aad akla. aradkaiai ibe lait Ua......... «ad rt ton Aaaaal to aaad wbtb
^pplptot tba oil
Anar ^ ol
-1 ara larad to mTi vslar. alpad
aad laa aall podtoblaa raatlauad with
liar bit of ebaaoto laatbar. '
nrdar *>f doa abato oa tba cbaamU
to aa aid to iraat aaoaaaa. BnublOB
rbthar nwcbaa* lha aalla. aad aluiuM
to aroldxd




ti t Cure end
htfurtatire of CeterHiki

to iBkprorad. laMUaaoi oan od
atarr laanbar od bar body, aad lu
toaailoti to >be oaly true wap to In-

UMto Thiaga.
waa (loly a lliila iblag (ur Nall
To biiiihitw Iba ktlebm 'dre.
to apnwi Ibe chub, |o draw iba lea
puuaB Bin doaa BM tktok drat of bar
Aa ber aiMtaer migbl daalra—
louka: ihaa bar maeul aedalraataau;
mile ibltB; t>ul her aroiber i.nlled
wba- dooa aha kiwtw. aad bow well
Add bmUbed all ber rare,
dora aba kaow II—Ttvoi a foraiBB toa
ad a dav ibai aaa aad
Buaaa. lo duktoB a loaf of toeod. tna
CloM bngbl add gtod.
patotlac to toalB
rlBB? dha abOuM
Wlib a coat of pralte add pray er.
r lhal aba nual Kaow bow
are (It beraalf balor« abi
arik noiy a litUa Iblag to do
t III l•lher■—to uaeful batora
Pur a ■lurdy tod like Ned
M- cirftaataBlal: to naolrad
To Brm>bi Ibe buree. In nllk Ibe row.
elaadi gala ta baalib aad
Aad bring iba wiaal ft..iu Iba rted;
Itui bl> laibi-r »a> clad ■<> Bik>l at

flam JHIr-l'ibBi Mtt •> dalbtoaa
adaiar to mada la ibli var: »>'
Colladry Wriaklaa.
tart rtto or* a Irtto aadar ripa #li
boWKM vhlrb sava a |•F<■ullarl> 'to Ihr rm^ml WAT. tad h
put ibaa to a aotoadar. t*u toaa
iiruUdt- Iba t«i<^
too rellah vbea I atr than for Iba
Haw. aad poar Intltof «aiar '
Aral ilBta at a Na« Vtok.botri I fouad
M to bBM> tba ikto. vhtrt i»
ora Plaea Iba pinwa to
A Folthful WHa
rpl^llBB laoaibwlaa to balraa
wtola Uaad
katHa, pour
to .»a»l
ibn luolltoB lo a m»i> browa.—Oot*d
r 'aad boU uaill

The » .rk aaa atr wall
"1 am •haoklul" aald b.-. ^
"Aa I eao ha
P..r Iba Bin m aurh'B «oa ••
Holy Moal! ihlnct

wwoW Mica wwaka to rtfra away, i
aatraartfW todaydbtoalMf bara
rakra rtarwar. f toaaf aaswaayraa»
aaa to draaf IBA agy nara. Imt
toff wtara f aaffcrad w«a ny aM
(TMtola I taak^rwaa oaf ta alM
d(.'w waa lamptafafy ooreri aaf aiaea
fkar rfM. fffAM daraaraMaa.

•waa aad « tgrawa art aay blaf of
. '



Mrs. tVm. Dawry, SarasM lake.N.
V.. Is ancoad eoulB to Admiral Dewey.
levcolleUer sheaart:


but lhe> brlEbiea

aay rrnrfy (kaf i bavr rrar am____
iwapba. cwMa. aac. f cbearttaH rac>
annraf A at a ewrtata care A uaad
accafWfato<fbwrttaaa”-Alto. Haa
NH Kosa Oarhtog. a {sipatar
aociriT womsBO(Cn.wa l<toa(, tad,
(jur a-farre / raok a tagg drhw
ta rt# taatary. aad Befar too rklortr
Gtod I unga< • bad sow wbAb aenfed
aa aay fttoga. aad w BA-a f caaM ato
■arm to abaka art. I brt baato a
graal deaf a/ /tarwm tar c«Wt aad
catonbaddfaearbfa baAIr to (ly.
I mm
tk»t HU tor A arwagita
nardi rrlAf. A oafr took to-a b«>
(toa aad I caaataar Ibto mmmtr •«*

tba plum* aru aodt aad tba )ulea aiiraeiad
Tbaa »aar oR tba UguU.

Or aliadoK li wlib eait'i
1 old MB wbo ruaa a -buna
d to t»M aa fullowa; Oa a c
llul lltila thiBca. yvt Ihey luold a II
rry" Bare aa a ^a blat iba uibar
day wblrh I bara fouad taraluabla
Por >i» or aad deamu:
Bui lllllt ibluga. yal lUe'a bM prlte.
rar to to rail out tba pla cruit
bto wife drore lo
aad allow ll to iiaad—to tba ooutoal
btoartad bsiBoto od a tow pli
poaatbto alawaptaara. of eouraa—for bnuar logeibar ArrlviHl at ibelr
It «rUi kM bto baan a«lD«.
Wrt ptoi od Jylpa allow ooa pouad ad
Bra aitouiea or ao before rultlBB It lloa luD. be Blighted (run the
Aad Biabe bar (eal roar lora la n«l.
boat craaalatod aa<ar: put ---------rtoUf and abut Ibe door with a baag.
lo lay to ibe pla plate ll doaa ai<
tall bar to.
■billow paaa aad baai la
■hrtoktoc lhao aad your pla baa ila H>' .!■)<•<] aona mtauiaa talklpg *»b
lha Jotoa to boHlBB
Kaap tba
Wlla Ihroogb the carrlaBa wladow
full alkiwaiMW of rmal.—Hood llouaaU oa Iba mad Toa aaa a load.
Aet>ieoilH-r illh. ItaiH
door opae aad do Boi ta(
lial.irv hi Udr bar farewell aad mkeaplBf
. Acnu.1 trb-D.1 to <nira. Ur>. II !
bunt. HklB tba latoa wb!
Wbaa I watt li'o or Ibraa dlBeram lured Ibe booea. ll Via tola al BiBhl
A vtlllni baad lo balp him aiaad
.Plaber. ul flleu liaieii, aeail> u» ll
bull* aad tba noawat tba iwaetp
... - ba arrived hone, bui be fouad
Will brlBB roa bart a blaaaiBB.
bar« pataad rwwwra tba plan
ullnwIoK iBlen-cliBB xtury ol a wli
to la Iba ■fbi ‘ivlii wnnc aad rlchl;
laetiuBary atora “arMud lha wraar' hU alia walllog for bln. He oullccid.
intiihi-r eal wbleb >oii will all Ilk.kufwato. lara lha hot aagar la alowlp.
Thai’a vaclai bare beb>«.
aid buy rtooulaia. atrawberry. laiauu I...•.•».•r. ibal bar tail bald waa
read aod will ibaak Ura. Ptobrr l.u
■iimaB toaaailaw
A. am aa lha
III baodagea
Oo laquIrlBg
ir eiwxajtul erraau. pul earb oat' to
•bbald pralaa ba aald, dni »all
x.o.llna «>. niir auk
■UBir baa dtoaoitsd rinori Iba Mtp
a arparale dUb oa Iba alova Jual
fran tba dra add poor «ulrtlr ""
wa> luld a few lUyn aao to
Batora M Ml Ibaa ao. ;
wbnelbr) wUlkeep warn, add a lltlle be Ml bar be bad abut her bead lo
Etown whlrt bara bM roUa
buiuaa an to a nuiher
aad. ibougb aba
wBiar lu BBlt.-aad wbuD awlied aad
wour add ptoead oo a dtofe etaU
baviM (our kliU‘B> Pua» had nutobt
.Iiffer.-d larcibla Hla. cbe had allowed
paa MtototoB bM jrblar aa tort rreany. an ready wlib dark, ptok,
aod braucbi ll la l.w her tan
• To ba eoataall
lu>app<ar oa ber (am.
I. Oorar <to a dap or two with yriloa aad wblla fruallas' I auppoaa
l.-ioix alUiwInc then, lu purbar buabaad

Tbat to tba baal.
iaumr M our -Buod nuikc" wou
l«par dippad to wblia od aa dad
lak.- ol Ihe dalal, afae divided ibe
a Not to ba todolMl
bnrrtdad at Ihe Idea, bul luat iba iiiio luur plecca.
praaaod ■Bwolbir o*ir tba aarfaca od
Aad «M^r nai.
Ibe dailvery of a B
tar II aavoa kda of tlaia and troubla.
luu- ihrir chare ol the feaM. Hum coold
Iba )allr bad aiatoai tba dUaa to
• Bui bartod door «rbal dair ealB
K> iewv
Pur I'ollaHa lea—Barra vaallla toa ■l>aerh.'-Oblrago
all air. Ibao with a raoDd ol
•hr know Ibe curt number*

to do.
(«a> to frappp Blaaaaa. aad pour
jopar dippad to while od aa
mutt hau- morw iBtelltgenre
• Aad bdrtod baa* lo poor aouloauall, Civeu credll fur"
aad praaaed dawa orar ibAUw od tba
■yrup. airawbarry. raapberry or plaayVeoeb wonaa baia gone quite wUd
Wax Dto Ibai ludMd a wlw hilly;
• Tbto awry • 1 baevua poa do
oier re.1 hagi.
aaad toataod ad tba lap oorertof at
Kivf) Mher wunaa. wtlktag
p<ui have a dab lo keep
popor, but It dtaai ba laraad e« caraa BtoBlU,
Laara Ibtoa l
I’talle. UIcb.. Aug. M. IkOS
alghi aad ao loa w put It oa, wrap U dHvlnc over
Ibare carrtaa oc
tUM to ba.
a lullp to tbal II wUI «U aoUdIp od tba
ttaar Uri. Uairt-I thougbl I would
. vary wei wlib rlao (b«M- rivid paieliea of ralur.
• pa vbdt pea aaa- Tniai Ood tor • rtm. Pal awdp to a dry. Ml ptoM.
rile to yvMi as 1 have out wrUlea for
My ba kept la the
Tbia la aaoiher revival of a vary
hiOB tine. ! hwi iu> buum to
xl laablua. wbaa womes -apeal lha
alto are BaHoWaa. BeaM. akta bbd
ira. aa.l my cuosln illeon Ouln gave
PlBoappla Jan-Orate Ibe plaaata day" wiih each utber aa^
baira Ibe plana lad ranova tba
IV bl> laillon
I weni lo Ibe
kaltllBi ur Ibelr aewlag. Tbey
■unaa. Allow tor aart pouad Uoa pla. allowlaf tme pnmd of aiigar lo a
. eiiigilr.'. I ili.iiigV Hu- dniix
haH aa b«ur. n«lly carry the turner Ibcoe daya.
f.inu,'. I think I will
Nearly all Iba faabluDahle cmibIi
ll will Iw fouad dalldoua.
auiar aad tna laaeaplal of waiar. Boil
.ux- Fbuw wuueo aod girla knllllag
lha aiwar aad water logeibar for tea
1 ib>' fyuai purrh>« or ibe Uwti Ibeae
■ bin allera of browu brt«d.
ailBuln. akin, pul lha pluna to aad
Bi IlKblly with Iba baal ul buller.
boll all iweibar gaally uatll uadar.
11.11 Ihe mile red allk bag carries
aad ibei toy urur lhan Ibe peUU of
Thao raawre Iron ibe atora ■
(reab gntluitlnn hknaanc. dnr a Ul .•>.-r>ihlBB from Ihc tagnwork In ihe
pwai elltaa. Aa adlUrlal-ta a ra- •toad uatll Iba tolkiwtoB dap.
BiiiH. lka railroad ilchu . oao'i
ooai taaiM M tba On»d Baplda Bar- qp Mala, addtos two btoartad plan tie rail .iver. toy two allrei lugelber.
n.l htuJkvrrhief. puree, eyeglaseai
hW to a oaaa la pMpt aad la worth rw karwato tor aaek plat ol Julea pbaa irlai uB tba craat.
ud cuBas<-neDl book.
There la ao Una o( day wbea tone.
paatlM bare
Tba editor aayc
drw poi back oo
K.>iuHbiiiB uC Ibto klad bad lo
jDMy. rpe btortberriee laala belier
-A PbitodalpUa piawabir bat mada
lau oui earwtullp wub a alUar tort
ibaa wlieo aenad wlib augar aod ■buui. bvcaiue Iba nulilluda of Ihlagi
a wait bH by bit toaian aallllad.
■pill weedea apocn aad ptoco gaatIX iniwleru wumau cairlea will
ibick cream fur breaUaal.
‘Aeraa rt Dtonoadt." Tba lecture baa
la bM Blaaaaa or mm noatbod
The lealber traeellUB wrlalba*
laibto nary for iia icarttoi: b nu plat lira. Wbaa aart Jar to hall tall.
to BiedI -n aiiad plaeea Sdrra oa tot- waa Inu-nlod'lo aerve ibla aee
apawi yaara aad waadarad tar aad
10 tba bria wUh Iba bolitor ptoa
luce wl:b napoBBalae. aad toy a i«d baa town popator. bui it aerer
•yrap. aomr air Ucbt. aad hi d«ay
laar.. a* doca the cHmtMi I
laaiiurtlim oa the latiura loaf bcalde
baa eoM to a dart. Arp. eool etaaat.
Ptoktod Plana—Taka aaraa pouada
To Remc.s VapaUbla or FruH BUiot
f pluna. poar w«ar ibtn a ptoi of
Ptoia list Handa
Tba ‘'Haadp* Waracn.
*TBa noral to ^a. Appraelaia Uw
>■ araur. maar etoaaly aad naan
The Joke’to a lenop or to a ripe
ibtoci Bthiwai you. Anwa cd dtanoada
II wtoBun would leara more pranlII uadar. Tbaa add a ptot of good
lunaiu will remove ibe aialo on ma s
era all atowi poa U ym win but took
eal ihlbsa ataag wlib ibelr coa.
nMor- fmr
tor tbM^ Tnir bart yard U tall of •ad a
BrtnnpItobBaaau. there would beads cauaad b> greeo applaa or
11 Jba train is very daap li
be luor * of (be type kitowa aa Iba OBlunt
lllaptee a
-Tbnw a -Oraadpa Umaar' cf Wto'baady
wonaa.’’ KverroBa koowa Biay r«ulre two or Ihre* appllcatloas
(oula Ha Urea by aa totoad lake ia
Ibe -bendy naa.' wbo caa lura bto biu II Iba iuloe Is tburougbly applied
siala has bet« a«l by waab
a h« nWa. wbara tot baa Urad tor
h. alnoal aaytblaf that bappaai
tony paara. Par Uw part laa mn
ne bto way. bai Iba ’'taady" wv tog Ibe hands ia auap tuds. It will al
>• idckle dtoh rwnura tba plla
kto Mb iMuiaa baa baan
MB to a aoaroe antata.
Law- lecinall,' remove li. II ibe slain has
Dried PlBM-PiBM nay ta .
soaiv ll will have to wear
tiptn tbb aad bto carda* paiah' a«d with tba tunaa ia. le rMato Uia tall to wrmag tar The Pllfrtn. auggaela
WaablBg .ibe baeda iburongbly
lha dab be bai caudhi. Oraadn
Plata dawr. or tba plu nap ba iw- Ibai narc. wonaa lake a ouurae la
aad cvsipletely ta toa damp core'aw Hraa. Parbapa yaa pUP fctot. Bat
rad aad Iba oaTUtoe tUad wHb earpaairy le wone ataaual iralalag
III waiertally attUt ibe WM
DM to whai ba lapa-. -Hara t
ar. Put iban og ptolM to tka au. aohn.>u to lhai ibey can pul up a
pnicesa nd every toilet UUa
utua mtoa i an rtebar tba Pla
aprUkllag with augar aad turmtof eba’i to a eknal aad drive a aall with
be; supplied with toe
kfaaaa. top III baa baaibt nai
(arurlBf Iba dartoluD oTuMui by
yfiaa. Tba datah nay be nada to
•a tkn a^to bIIUmu aaa bop tor eool ovra.
tbair failure. Thli wrUer hopra tbal
lha atalB eauaad by aay
bln tra yaan cd pMtoat hwfl
Plan Boil (toka-Mw (ba (rail, raother hull ihaa applet, at waa a
Ba ta Iba happtaai nab pot will
ova tba tklaa aad pUa aad praaa U
la ibmugta baadtUig tba fruit, waab
to a dur-i traral. Ha toaa aeraa ol pulp tbraagh a eoarwa atara toaka
•onaiuBUy. winUg to tell bar aUU at
blnbday prraant. Oar aebool baglav
clear watar. dry ligblly,
Pen*. -^OaiataMt.
r Iran a eapfal of nito. a batt- U oea a aa hour, aad adda:
tbe tail day to Ibe moalb. I am going
iminedtalaly. while (ba baadi are
Oaod eboar. WbotoMw a«^
-Tba heady woaiaB wbo ma port
Bupful of
boiiar, a laaopeoghl iB
(ba (ounh reader IbU (all I rode
damp, bold (bom over tba taasaa
Aaptklac non ralaaUe lb»a ibtaaT haktog powder aad dour aaSetaU
truak. eovar a rtair wUk.nwioaBe,
hurwaback the oibar day (or Ibe Oral
to an tod-faabloaed
anlphur match'
Miwgi pwu bto —'"(Tp- t« tba
Mko a aiBi paata. Baka Ik tkra* thla rarutoh a buraaa. tcrew hooka la Ike
llmr Wall; I can't Uilnk to anytUag
>w at bto Bto aad dim «M worry toyera. bnwaoa wktok' aprtad
wall, aad dart atacUaga (or rady. Baprat tba proeaaa. If aacaaany, afc
(o wrhe. to I will close fur ibl*
aa tnatkm U apMi. Otwitoi Bkta- plan mam Barra wain or eoM
am lova. taa)g wide Bbld aad to tar It lt only.Iba pboapbomat tanaa;
Ouod bya
»ar pat* to a wniatid nlid aad will ba toaad eary appniilag
mpeUUBa before ber. Tba wo- tba buraiu naicb llaaU. that ranovaa
WiDBla Wortbtagtao
Lb« atalaa
draw* <to> Iba paaa tbal paaaa
Traak Plan Ptaa-Btaw tba plaaM

aad put it to bcdl tvaaip
a atoaa bottto. Add tba


"“ymm bara a (Aas frMto ta mt.
-Bdlaotaafr advise Aa aaa to p«y
frCcoda. bai bara parrtaaad arratto
boAlea to ffra ta rtara wAbeto Mp
aaeaas to boy. aad bora oolAad
a Abeto tMtmmliom rbaf A baa brmM
abaataopa^enfw w bceerarlr to
dtodMd.” -Hlat ftaac Oerttag.
TotH-glsrlacoldls to toTItrrhrnalo
caiarrh. AaaooBaaaoyuoe dlscwera
Ihe Dr>t CTBiplMBato rak-blBg cold ba
stK«ld at ones begin the Ura to Fenuto
areording u.dlreetiooa oa Ihs bxUK
and the void la sore topaesawsy wttbout l.-aTloB any bad anaru.
Voleas IblslsdoOa IbaaoMta olmota
ira loaodln (ba emvod atoge to eatrrh wbleb umrttog aa nsay llvaa
aux-rsUls. ItPermnawas tafcm every
litn.-.uMbw a auM oe mwigb abrouM
r.iarrh woold ba pracucaily aa ao>
khowBdlaeaaa. '
l()uaduBoldarlTe|iromp(aBdswttofactory eaaolU (ram Urn war to Haraaa.
wriia al ooraa. De. Hanmaa. glvtag a
full slalrutsat to your raae aad bs wiU
Is- |.u-ax<l lo give y«a bit rataabta
advice graUa. .
Address l», HarUaaa, tarrsidsal to






Iba wtda wuU ever for bto dtoH
OtaadH Atmear hat Band than U
bto bart paid
Ab. Iba dtonoodt wa Mnr aaa.
<k«u to the grata awAa bp tba rtobkg
rbannada agUUar Harrwbwa.
Orpnato cf Iba Inal. BMBtto
bboat al But wa ara tarttoc tor «altora. Tba paddaaa of tmtd toa bl

walk aad awenm ton bafdra ttfctod
Iran Iba dra.
Aay ktod of |
be uaad. tat tba nora tart tba
trau (ta nora aa^ will ha raw
Atiw renovtoi tba pha. pom Ua palp
a pla Plata waieb bat bM Uaad
wi a ordnary pla paM Dndga tba
palp wlib Bov. aad eorwr wKb a top
. to wbleb aareral gaabn bara
bM ml wHb a aharp kalfe. Baka
Utl dcM. cprtokto tba tap wMh paw-

lals lor Cbrialnai.
dhMgb tba wonaa wba baa a
ll V -MitrlBc caa aaaka twioe
anlMi to noaay by taaralag
aUver aid geld aagiavlsg. but the
heady 4pnaa wbo will let it be


tartaa Frtot Bwttara.

M 4f marae. tat IhM d*« >o
riab: ibera to wane Id prnr tbi
laant get ptoaty u aai aad Brlafc. AU
M naeh tba aana fmd. all drma
ana* gUba. The gnuanmit of gU
gra tba tanc. .tor m
glwaya frar Ho lha.
can to ba rtrt tt to a« to bto gatraw u dtaire weallb. H to aat ta bto
ggtara to care to koap ti wbea It
ecaara lo ktoa
Itoyaad a aatoeiwip
r hla dally aaeda.
Id to Bald or
bn that ba baa anaay oaac
to plmaara- Hoary ta worth
what it will buy. WUk Wd. wbaa wa
bara naf


vartrtlbt to trail


>« iiwr ihr-x- hKiulr.vr'


hix arniV 1lr>i

FraekK- sighed!
ihc <vlv-r
•I'll Ilk- K. *.J 11. a tonu’ l«- saidi .-I'm
‘ 'Cmti
The c-w .in-.'.. Ian llgb’ea q|i.
-IM on- lak.- hu. I-.IOI.X wiln


l.. see yoa' -' H

To leach a dog to -apoak- bold aucae
dalniy haSutx him when be !• baagry.
hr will B<M knuw wbai ta
-tipuak!- lo Mm. aad
w'hlcb bo It ptouy aure


<! beyond bis rtwrh.
toki. -ni sLc loxsi
bring biui bark s:,
Hu -1 didnt kee the sbreps. to l'te;w«ird "a
aM In a (ew days '
I lu gn Uialn Thr* I gtms maybi-1 rfatniy
f-raokk- Innpml off Ibe cbali
1 suy all Dlcbi. I dldn'l (bta llne.[
"Ob. ran 1 gor ha rrlad. kstUag
-Wlllta. U la llBM ynw
np i>‘radlngb Inlu bu niolbar's (aeu. 'cause I was afraid you'd be bomoalcki
-Pirasa say >v.. mamma Pirate do|Uamaa bt-.liaml.
Are you sur»- It woukl 1»- conviqina<tao‘.


II tur your wKs-; sb>- asked.
"Wrtaclly. ruaJam. Mhi-will IW-daUgb-ad Mbi I:. ven food ot children.
Uurs sir all urown up and nsmod
Wr a’rv all ahuie."




-w«i. 11 V

like Ibam I'd ge- qp tarty. i
,1 lu Ibe rag mao. who rvapoaded I

y ,lltiie slsira IbwMhy. was walk

h a tall e wa«e of <hr hand
•U,e. x,. s': to ironl-KI.
I inir,idMl I. bring Mm t

lualgtai H be really wauled tu c
u a Buektie oa‘"
ovar Dlgbi." sbe said
"Hr wxHild br He has eajoyed ibi day gTx<atly. aod ss>
botoasick. I am afraid '
A lliilr girl wbimc alieoihai waa
bate we Uy wllr niuld hanlly h( him
-No. I
wouldn-l. ma<nimiy«i
gu; and. as for me tbr pleaBun' ul called lu ibe (aci ihal aba bad lurgiMPtankle
bis cumpany was worib much awire tru lo aay grace before buglanlag to
Tbr egg ana smiled.
iMbtak we :l>aa tbe aalratrip Ikm't (eel aay ra! mral. rtat bur uyx«- atoek^. aad aaM:
caa manage about <bai
••Kaewae me. Aa«m "
eailneks A»ul ll "
~l am guiaE .tu li
Ptaakle [uiluBed Urn tu tbe door
benes.". be added. "INwbB{« you
-Can you amad oa your biadr
-Ood-by!-' br raUad
would lUe to apeak wftb your husbaad
-Uuil fvrgto tu (rod Ibe tbkkaaa aaked a vtallor to tittle Dudleir ~No.~
about It whlk- I am gone ”
l,Tbry II Is- hwewume aibual bm. I ea- be replied: -Tt ta (oo bigb ata'
' So Ura. Clai I. waai lo (be lairphooe.
Nesi time you briag oa aoraa
Papa'did n il ohitxN. Hr knew tb<
I'll go borne with yoa agala
Be glad you have a-ptaaaakl borae.
IB man very s.ri|. U would he all
aad do your share lo make ll ao
Chririlaa Eegisicr.
right, only. u( curse, ifar.hoy srouU
ba bommtek. br said.
-WaH. ni pet him rrady as tma ai
poaalble,- laid mamma
"Let him gii lull ns ba Is. madam
aald (he egg man
Thiwr chubet aiv
right (ur ifar w.irk be will hare ex
Id for Ibr ueu two ur three daya.
lu »"««"««» wnppud up a nightgown
1 nmwber glagham waist.
There are aosneataoatalinf'baigaiBf in finert nakea
Praakte kiaaed her goad-by and ran
ut lu tbe wagoa.


"Caa I driver'be asked, aa hr
la. wlibwit wnlUng tot
-Well. 1 gtteaa I'd batter till wa g»i

■ The eu
out to town.” tol (be cu man. inking
lad Prankla Clart. raahlag Into -tbir ■ha Ilaea ~Tljlp you atayhouse "He'a ntocl here!' Tbaa ha
Papa WM oJVtbe lookout, tar mam
lahed out again
mn had aald liai he woold like tu
la n few ntnalea ba cane back, ca- ante them drive round by Ibe oBcc
cortlag an tod man who carried
-Ouudby. papa!" ahriekad Fvaaklr
baahei oa IB arm
0 pay lha -eacocu*
wblh- ibcr were atill half a block
-Oood Boralng. madam.’' aald (be
« tay otbar'anployea aad lei
li wbo require Ibair aarrioae ta naa. bowlag poliiely. and aatUag
Urn baakM oa tba table. Tba aiaal
boy r egld HH as ibr wagon ttoppad
aumbar. I auppeoe*"
-Yee I'm golag bume with Ihe egg
TranklP climbed <m a chair aad
man out to the fmtn.'' cried Prankta.
watched while tbe aa* were katag
Apple tala Ortar.
his eyes ahtalng with bnppy cartlo
hatkel tnio a paa
ratbar oaripa* origla ta glvaa lor
mem -I'm gotag to drive nt aora as
Mptoaaloa -to aH>a pie order.' which Ura. Ttark had hrmnhl- Wbaa we get out o' town
nt be goM.a
tiBlabad. Iba maa pirtad op
ccredUad authority taya (bat tba
long Itmr, too.'
■all an and baadad K to lha
pbraac datca back ta tba Una to ibt
"I'm gtont u> pick gfrt oirt o' aaau
taurtuat. to a eanata Aaaly Bapbil- mUa hoy and feed (be rtl&eaa aad to UUJe
-Tbarc aony.- be aaM. 1 bnwghi
Mcrioe. It aaena that arcir Batpiggtaa 'Notber mga's gM a wbolr
unlay tba waa accoaton^ to bake thai for
-Oh. «a«sk you!- cried Fraakle. ta loi of sbertta. morc-g
or thraa decaa apple plea, which
gtong lo aee tort too-“
to tail tba (inity thraogb tba deUrtk "laa'l X iXar! I «l*b you'd
"Well, I g^M we'd better go. Hgybriag all tbla ktad. woa^ you. ptaaMt*
a< week. Tbcaa the rtaoad
Tba egg maa taagbed. -I'm abald
(uUy OB bar paatry abalrca. tabttod
get ibero. Ooodby. papa. Drat be
tar mob day to tba weak, ao that I'd toaa your atMbcr'a carton If I did.'
Taawlay-a ptto night *M be eoatapad br laid.
Praakla luraed tba ca raaad ^
jwlib Tbarwdayta. aor tboaa
-Toa ptafc ■«
ably targe om tataadad (or waabtog

at IW*


raTahUcbairnt to almltar ptocca
u ibU etty
Maaagen to aevcral to

than sellmg.


Read thta paiTial to to

I tba adopikta to cart bo-

(alr. Ihey alao
nrllaetica tbraa were eiaay odd
» alwayi ptaan. aa
^ all to wbleb pfovad daUcloM
aye dwalta oa itan wttk a pb
nUafaethn. Tboaa wgo Atataw
to auerc to tbaaa. tbal other bouaw
dm. bright
aalta. gtaatotog
poUabad. at tbair baod-l^ ahartd wirea may Uy (ban.
Tba ric* rad bean to iha watap
aaa 10 U that tba tood Ikar W oanataa ookad ta tu owa ]ulm a
am (d tba aaUn
ruby rad batter tbat ta axeaedtacly
Oatnaal ta aaa
Rhubarb nakat a rich taotn'
ban of ibM looda taed tor aallthat ta rxeautai to aw ta layer <_____
»b»»baa. panpktaa. oraagra. (uaaat.
gtM gi
ohatay. aabta n hnak. thraagb A«S- aprtoMv white aad
eiaar) of galaUaa aad antat of Una rtarrtaa. crahapptaa. qulaeaa. plW
Aaythtog Ibat totradt
with tae bauHb of tka wholo hudy tolart. re with the ahWag appaara
to the aalta at mea.

Mail* are raaliy a ktod of a
art rtto
tarMihna. to
naraly ta aUaroB ktod of eat)
Aad aflar bto ow« ttuta waata arw •nail hau mmm» abaw-at.t^ a
nttaBad. afiar ba baa taartn binaaK
a aaw nik. aflar ba bn BMa bta wOa
Pran the adpc to tba mail
. a Bold baagla. altar k* kw «dlM aU
r growU patbaa taraard aatU tba
bta rBtaaa (ogaUwr aad
r aa ta Baty
ibM with dranatta
Tba dataty aaU ta taU o«
elHvc akta bad. wbh* ataa gfraa
Tba nwwih ta aaarty twtaa
ikad ywt
wr caa
aa rmpU ta aannar aa ta ta la wtotor
lo ba a i

all and happy. Oood bye.
FTum your Baaablaar.
Rlla Hay Vgaderboto

kaowB Uin the oaa be dapaadad
gel (b^paltar whliiiwaibiiil nay
to to a aiaady laeoM aad heart
h har d

dared Hor. aad aarra aoU.

aatat Uto aad pbUoamhp <f Ua BB^
ntaa« Macng oibor ttotaga, ba i
-Aad n aU ibo pte^ are oa
one total
Rtobra gad pane* >

Binmer. Aug J5. 1*0S
Ptotamlaaal Ewiertt.
Dear Hra. Batas-I do Ilka to road
Wlib the advaat and lueeeti to tka
BuasUaa lenera. 1 think 1 have aol
protrasloaa] aaeort- buraaiu to New
biukeo ibe pledge. 1 hope I an a tree
unshlaag I taka tbe Qlrl's Coatpanur 1 have a vary nice Una- I am


aad paan an aM nada tato bat-

latte. Yaltow. rad aad



taereasc tka variaty, aad aU Uadt to
beartaa. paaebaa. Me., nay ba added
to -Iba eodaeUoa. Tbaa tbarc are
Mgar applt batter, aMpr aapla batter.
tanoB art apple, plan tatoa aad ay
pta. MBia aad apple, grtam Bad ap
P> aad aptaad apple batlcr-aarm
klada ta all

aweept^ daya.
replied Ue

"“ .

> horaealek. yoa mart be a brave

rt cot.'mM Pragkm.
^ wUbrrmU tauan art aaata
as b«
taUtae: (bay pa fartbar. an galta ai oBi abrtaklag (baok bat tba avaraBt
atebad them.
'Toa Hra «■ a fans, dog-t ydar ha
Heat ta Igaoraat to tba proea
good, aad aaa tba pulp of ika (rah.
Abmtt ataa o'clock that eveatag
tbcTa tau o' rttek■ ibey'hava ahcaak. it ta weD
wbirt ta tart to Itoiy
Mn was to mraad to wkaota Mopaas
r bow to raowra than to tbair
plBg al Mr. OarTa OM: aod rary
«] alia. Tty layttg iba artleta to there. Isg't Ibty?'
Wile ralee waa baort.
RarOIrta to Tbliik Of
-Well. I Hve only a souD ptart.'
ba reaUMrt cp the bwatag hoard aad
I aaebt to -taka atoet* to OB it tpraad a ptaea to rtaooa oletk «tM tbe nga. taktag op bta babkat aod (amlUar atOH rraolag op to
- a weak ta aaarty a aiiitiitay If
ad x—fWy H ra bta am. 'Tbrae'c
rUeh kot bM wraag oat to eeU
ara to ba kart MtOt. Tba acU
pUe to fUt-sra- aad two cklvea and
rater. Praaa wtak abet
oa tba. Ban nkalMaa wUb
aai U ibaaa an aM r
ctoi and ata Unta pto. craBta
baaia ctaU ta pcrtactly draH la paftabtaB aad ta
M ha I drtT kata rtaop. to Hr.
BUM <n to Hg Hm kto ta I
Is p .i-slblc to wart



■•is f20
You can have
______ .aaStaaBnatoyiart^
a ^ cartt pa)iD^.
metiu uwil tbe prtae it paid. Vader sack cuaditiM
yoa-certgat>7 caamK aCaed to nin tbia aak.. Call and
ta& tbe nutei ever with oa

.So fooD toBanmalan, bat y«a ean M to nacbmea
at oar
rare ta calL .too big ba^ato m
SOOO Starti to Popotar aad Oank a>c«t Mrak at
10c. ISc. SOc aad SSc.
Catalogaca to to iMkiaB.



239 £4ST



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