Grand Traverse Herald, September 24, 1903

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Grand Traverse Herald, September 24, 1903


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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--'S" ■


6r«MI Cr«9trM IHrakl jysj RECEIVED
Tb* hacM riwyii-in fine woed«•>» for ftU ud winut. lt«a. .


work, » perfect fit





Traverse Qty State Barilt

put. Clu., S.Mm Boiler uiO AccldenI Inouronoe.

Moic]' to Loan on Imjiroveil Real Estatetinly.
Jchnnon Slock. Phono 78

Trnveme City. M ich.

T>» ufoWj Owefot T«a«f,


Banking in all Branches


latcmt iniMMd »■ D«p««iu


A fieunl Buklar



Tire Insurance!


3 Hr Cal tu«w«4 M Itw bcposiu.




fti^ruitiWftftiwwwtrBanrtrcaaiWsaae*: c
for thv

MdnBnlMMd if
Wia»jii5iBS^Sff ••

President—H. S. Hull. Presitient Oval Wood Dish Co.;
‘ Dav
H. C. Dat
A. \'. Friedrich. Shoes: Cashier -C
laiimioixj. Wm.
>r i
Loudon. of Caldwell «: l.i■oudon*
(ieo. W. Lardie,!. Produce; j. M.
Hucllmantel. Merc
Tailor: Chas. Wilhelm,
. of Wilhelm. Ban^ A Co.:
Stephen l.auiner.
Farmer F. C. !>esmoftd. ChareoHl
•r. F'armer;
and Gen'l Merchandise: Benj. Thirlby. 6f Ir.uorMCity Iron Works; ). O. Crotser, of Case & Crotser,

Muod City. Ion, givi^
beoefiu and li
life, aoeidrni, to


(liiabilii)'. <
age and brokn limbi.
acMl votneti admitted
lenaa. Tbeufeu aiul bcu in.
luruce of the <Uy. GUt e^lged ,
rootnet to the righi pcmoni.


State Manager
Mkbigae. .

“It is Uery Annoyinfl”To who does ihecookiny for the family, a,n<l
sometimes to the members of the family, to find that
an entire haking has been s|K>ilcd Hht'AUst: ]>oor ex­
tracts or baking powder had been used in its manu­
*<iA;w»ia«aaoK Annoymno**' byUsing Johnson's Pure Flavoring Txtracis and Pure
Cream of Tartar baking Powder at 85c j»cr pound. •
ProaorlptiortB Carwfully and Cor

'Johnson's Drug Store.

omew nooiu: a. m.


gommercial Prinling
nn Kinte

Uo you vraDi to sell your
fum> If'so.
to, tiai
>i triiJi lu. Oitf
imall for the demand
that we are baviog.
Cat! ami
»«e tu tbe next time you are in
the dty.


Herald Job Office


I that expr^ve talefjectlua

1. .los ly a
o of bli t

.. c.,....

bee laiber'i arm,

’d be wnaied.


»be aald

It hM tola tbma

sitb an


-----------to trapleal

's;.Ti*,™„s;l'-‘'rs!Jt^"-‘.s't """'f ■««.

t»Bo chamoleuB ba* bu home to Madta«wr and-.p*md* bis emim Ume «
ire.- Why bo never deaevadt lo tha
g~.ind to take some exrml*e ud visit .
U. bcirtborv It would b, (nSeaK to
cap,*»n. perhaps on* nwm. i, be
nau*.-. uBilbe oibec animals he cannoc
obuiL food
,bc giousd and has no
dUh-ulty In iduatotog a maU at aay
tmw as ibe trvw. all that he newd do

■ • kVee t*rx»»
red-beadisl irsioling baby va. la tb.
A >«;s«tac '.txo or ueleni mitke
bUufiil :aad of dream*.
Abd use hiKive tb« dour
' I A re “*^‘**“
PitK-Ixla. that WlltUB Heory B:ak«
(kun)awB Ttading Co. vbo w«
1> oaner of lb- .lutv
I tbe Y'jkua tbre,' vjrar*. ago l
Hope u>er>vblDg..rroBi >raci‘ 'o t*wd.
FioiB •llk< to nuban- Uri«ht
f. my vtaugbivr, .Iba

- , «bO IXT
I lbe plac' today •
7°; I friend .sItb a fvnipte trf todlan guKhv
the obilJtvo alune.
. tvde*
swarsB around- blm
e (tom (he
I a v.ry rich and of placer gold
------------------—-y-sere va^ svssc the « Dderful torulty
Sii>oradent. pismuli. uv> s-anulty of
of ek..,
•Ob: u.tvr mind w*. imUiJy.iGil buoh>-Biadc Tlnwar
Abigail. cboitHuUy
-Of .-ourse ll
than -anywhere
kXs" cutub.. auh
wrlDB>i>. taka
Vbougb «. an a^ur.*^'-*^be kmeeuaio sub you »n-i »“•
.1 ih«m>e!yes with
w... every
those changes that win
bulb gone, but seU be kale enough, pruildv.l
be In perfect harmoay
‘ and aaukiDs.,Uaa*a-«.
UouX vor
b Us sur-ooe m: about U*.'
•ute abuui It being
Th>-> tonbij that the tales the:
thry bat
fianparamcly Uyle I* known ahoal
replied her father. .VTbe 'Indian*
h.ard lai'ej to ,s,ua!
(he ..Uilj
The ibeve Utereuilng crvaiurca. hnt morh
— —
wm-vdajg. and ibej hiMcu hung o»«- lbe eaier like
1 muwetv randla-a buukfa to
Mwe »1U moa be known at some
are aotiiOK
vktUs* each seek
111 *moke. they wtrv iwl
rn plainer, buuaeba>ld gisal,.
ul4 NakemU.
sbo ha* at^i Ng as ipe onllaafv .pacl«, and Ueir European aaiuraluis have been ckMC*
Tiil aeeii. aea-al. tah. elarver mv.I
fy aiudytmg them tor some lime
on gu.
the aetlbir*.
like piod. from a retPhot
HiireevbllM ahd kBiliaaai boa>.t-.
atulded me a
•r tso ago vben
Oe ihUr way up tbe stream
Caiiued Eiudt ahishlarklac I'.me and vent aeruu
clearing, and t i
along »bK-n ihey
afraid li .a’l
I* trouble tu lb
lie cry
from iba i
Straw bau asd cwrpi't .lipjh-r.
lU bird
sUd a man who U am
Tb.-> land.-d aad found an unhappy pk^wd at the Oirmrd Point gnlo OrIVitua'a. bta.ona, coBab. brtala) veil..
sent on Abigail.
aaib's doto- It ap
Cranherrta-.. rrorki an.l clipprra.
• ••:bcr arighNin have
ir.'.l ihai *>mc day. before b haJ (<• ' hlsiM-ii in a
I onv «l hlv ho«. to fordi
-ding a
rn>t>rvlia<. easdlr. ncvihea aoJ hau.
Ik'SB arviind lbe eleyaurs them
>u cu t .lay asay today when
itled «e are ibou*aB,l. of tbem who feed ua
Capa, buola and aahoet and Ueau.
V to Snikb puiiLag up tbe buiur
Tbiaaid. cutmeca, ptni anil t.ineb uo
ibv grain, of wheal that fail to tbe
You knov I'm fnghHiilly .li
I* day'.« vork
eaeily we baraa'i barn '
and becam.
ar ea»b o
beat. In tart, fv some
tbv wretch.-d man bad In
I. face
poader, maichvt. flian
baveoT bees h«.Ain
I eanrUlk a
lo'iDd him tor
iiik. UUIUD avU a&al more
—^ k.*. Cora.
enougti to
red Us nuun-d f. .
>W. a bcWM-l nf nwk 4« m
-Ira- (ouod ID beapi asd ataekr and
. .. a comfort
he war
d.wpeiwte condJiioD
Wllblii Iba; uuuulT} .lure.
Just the
uu ran handle your gu
He u
. Tv^'uers that be
picking up lbe kernels the
—Atiuta Cain.tiaualon
e anyiblDg happen.. Bre
-B im hu say down lo lltwsuu
an.l shai do you suppose they did
find a parun-r ui help blai <
The Travallng Baby.
r It. ai tb' air t. very eieai
tile sben I tell you. but H'. the guMel
I aau-had «1(h the (mutt cuHaja
.• gravel
He had abo
sparrww flew over (o tba•U. Tbli l> one good thing i
l.> the maaeuier. of a ila; UlUe lei
Uu nearly ihrv.- pounds'. weight
io"ltletuetil."be added, "the buuic very pun- rymr.,- g,.W
in Us g
lu* at Vba Dl anir we*tem tallraaaa] siaI'...:
ooi tar apart and sc are a piv- ludo he lbe Alaska *
iiub« tbe other day
bopped around aad ohsrtUmd
lie sal nut Lbe avawl. ptviia. Liu- lection to one anutfaM. If trouble mimon man to *bo» him where
sbirung angtoe eama alMg
K1 lh»wd.i lay
Hut before ba could
able baby that me admire su mueb.
had paaaad Iba com was
IV. Uaddy." UngbeO
waa coOipleu<Mi»ly In
sr«uJ toll, mewa mw! ibe apanww.
lbe aire.1 of tbe faih- Viup loobiDg lur iruuble. I bate ao
le li^ Don t leii me a spanow hSMt
tnm-h to do loday. You sill be borne
tunable cl
-PhUadalpUa Kacord.
beluiv I'm baU ready for you, and
V asd shlu- Kissba;
alr.~ lbe said, looking at bin
niapenora are
sly. "shat do you tunpoM ve
P Into ao dafi,
ipe >ulce. raipbei
ylng to have for .upper u>nl4btT
tuffee. failed lu make
1. misamble ll
lie you one gue*.. Von canY?
the topi or bU Utile.....................
Ibr sb
■‘faw Vork
I ll tell- Mu*b"' dte cited
tnx., and the Sle.. either out of aeltry peal of taught^ -'You 3u»i
libna.u or pity, nnered that part of
that so -have bad tbai traal
wiihout havlDg to las
ev.-oiug for the pa*t W(ea
It Ihey fall Inio tbe
tnouihi. and
imagine se are back
iven into II. they Ini
------ be wore abuaa. bui
having all kinds uf good tblnga'
the proper motlooL.
pra.'rarra.-al to go In bU alocklnx feiS
»dby. daogbur* don't let tbt
anil Iilja prefa-rrare sai lav
:beau were bald ap betUIdrec go uuialde and plai." VwoB'
til' sai lbe
I..-. .MBUBi I rouble.
Bd t'llea Wbea the
libed the father, hi. bean flilef with
e>or H. . n»
» an- lb- monkey,
hU Utile
U* tunnel and the
red bead vata e
fwi hodlng*, a. he left hi. log cab
tlDually bobbing
glmffv and llama, wl
r tomneier at lb*
asd kiajUHl toward
tbe uaSnlabi
a rSK. TVe aua
uf bli neighbor, a quaner of
nuier ealariad It to
, . -___ enaifKy
o ebaracubac BUover. In niinpany vtib
the detoy caused by
leruilc of the vniereen ai J be alH> a .luu party of Eastemen. their
Po.ic.,i.d ibelr remarkable acuity of vlve. and children, had rume Into tbe ib-o both I (b- laitiT species man
—-- as (he
wBUTssy* when they are
-aililne et'eryiblng vtiblo
tach. and vllderm-., of Micblgaa wven moalhi
•-Itrem.iu-.. jusi a* buman
va- r-dLi.iv alanllng lo slineu-___ befiire thia. la tbe hope of faundlng
-aretauunia mada- by ibl. ItMlnktriout
k«wp tbemselvee
In what va. the funi
furthest polaler tbniogb sheer fright,
After iKielhi of
tunny, though able, awlmms
Fuwpmef Was*.
Ha- vai roDMasily tas (bo alrrl fur baritabip and |olt. i le last bouse
He .ubmeiweB Us body
Tbuqgb (here are a namhm af dlfBmitr,-, a
and the unl'ed let tu- flni.b '
« day. and tm
slib the exccpiiuD td faMd and
f.-r.mi kind, of wood. Uwwy. traawj^
of falbrr.
be planted tn ...
' n and.I
and.a aUter- was pus-erlawt
iBio (ba air
If such close, bard Mm that
to unall pa'ebe. which Ibese brave Dien Tb.- lattaraiicks way
I'hls Usd Ion SMk<
bU ml Cbteroaa doprodatlona.
be berovst drs has dtUeolty to
ioaw '
had been able to chwr
cbum. lbe waier
-gelling bold of R. uare to «sUy om
Aay teteifmance oa their
elr pan
-.Sow. eblldrvn." said the elder
but wljb
■or:. MI (nr as now knenfo. (hu Is
immeafutely fulluved by lucb a dem- ter. after watching lbe fbibtT sell
pmcikally fireproof. TUa it a small
imiiraiks laf lung power that the jf tight, -if you see an Indian coming bo I. a swUi
beaten by
•craggy (vae. a native uf tomib ---------•
vholy fanilty K«Md glad to leave
today ; vagd yoa bMb lo bide as f
m called Um sbupala. whb UUek.
“ -3 hi. deaputlc nilar
as your feet vlll takr you
If I
t~igb. sirtogy bark, tail uf a umlol
wim* with b
prtndpal uhlwl of laveiUgaiiua (hem ■rml.’- she vent oo. vltb :
fir.' realsung sap. Tbte cmIom sbrwb
tbe laarb baakei. sbteb
s about lbe small brother. ‘
bead bold
tackled with ao evident detaralua- rap on the flreplace three, time...!
lea tike a •
•■on of aaalytlag in mlDuie ccwleeu. then yon are lo get out of tlgfcf
rbuat ha* a
1 yto to ke.,p
waa not banger Ibai pruoplad bln
as possible.
Dua l go out
abr.w.t ol the
> ihUdlllgmil talk: be limply wanted
ag aqutrvel
once, lor we moat stay doee to­
line thing ij
> keep buiy.
of lbe land dMiy™
gether all day.' And with a lev sort
dive. So mal
The family, for lumc n-aton bcH toatructbms. she was soon about ber Hying animal* <
knuvn. to tkemielvea. Aad left tbe wort irytag to forget tbe dug*>rs cd
a -twlmmtog
young mler to nunage bti ovs aCairi bocUle ladSna
her psrel
terrestrial animal may I
it wUI r
sbkh. bovevw, be voold have done
above water. But _____________
etias In Watv.
Indtaat^tkiu^^Um wI?tet^ main
bearer, ire bear and otter dive laawaters to ifttoni
on for lbe talber to return. Ab................. madt - plaatlng
naik power* to
Plaatlng t.
both feet on It
' pliable
- ''
ketUe*. hung them
contenla. <
id pat on the water
me corn
the basket a
“uf'betf tor the mnak. Tbe appearance of thai
BeafoWe Tmes.
e.tly above
arocle on tbe table usually called
• effoA to promixe tbe twantit). drtvea u Lobanon. wUkt the tUtTt
Wver ai
lbe gay-colored label
forth some Uughlng remark
tog of lU highways by ptontlag of
....................... drtvea a( FL Wayne. .
tiseted the yoting.irr'a
cr'i atleniitm.
He Kasiero4iod girl,
ie tree, has not rvnfrad tbe re■ oonuin tofge proporanceeeded In dlakidgtac
dgtng It from lu brave eBort
alUon and ailanitoa that it -dr

*" f
m dloalde
which to
nog qurter. aod etanmenoed
to pick demess. Js
d lo
1h.-ro is Bead of mating a
>d upoa aBmam to (U
avay at tbe «.ier vlilr bla duty
my little menced to bubble, three sharp bio
Ur scBilmeni that will lead to a
M walar rwtolas thto gas
atmck'Upon ifae heanb. and al general obsemtkm of tbe dutlea of
in-y, progArbor
asc Distant ihv frightened IMIt
a a pracUcnl farms dropped Inio the hulr under the
Boor, which wa> re-en<-d for it
tier Mvoatmest tar tobabttoau a
......... — -f tha^MUMr waai?vatcblng
If tuck peril, and the lm»e plank
>»*- Any
iieily put into place.
can of beef san ihrovm
slderable alemeai a tba preaarvstloa »aiara win defiect'’^i^ n^to oTa
dvr tbe
Tbe sen Bumeni a tall fot
the Ikcau. pisbapa a* a punlib
rot for It
is tme that
iburnaaa. That being vbuae quick eye saw only a yi_ of a roadway
•powd of. be neat i ok uui a lin CIH quteily dropping handtula of ysL sosBvwbai dolay-iba
•iay-tba aetlUng
dipper sitb outbiag In t. vhicb. after low meal Into tbe bbittag water, ap­ try roads to tbe* prtag. but wbea lbe
u a«m to keep lbe peared at lbe deor. A nod was ax- toWBs kam baner matbodt of coa
skanged beim,--n the girl gad the slmettog road* this ob>etiOB wUI U
• to get the firm ibonsand deilata •
A sell shaded mad makes
bis daatmctlve mile ehleftate wbiac eniranev was ttP obviated
> U did afterward* to gw a haa
pan again. an< l^ls (Una be pulled
rd by aneik-e and nnniter.
urk iir*ibe boat-lly ladm t».e.
Indians i
b^ tt h. had n«
out by degreea
and greatly anhaneea tb* de*
cake of unusual
>' paln'ed
n the wan wpo is tmveltog for
ra. A Iowa vbcM* streets are
Tba teadeocy
unbroken f<
excepuoaal extent lined wiih
tbe simdy
trees well leaded and eared tar toveatad I* to aeew
you gai (be tostar it
Is nuMberi cuim- spoon. Which uat grasped to AblgaQ-a'
lbe BGdst sBawh.1i. that'b^^*‘ta
irj effort Into _____________It pans as qUvertng fingers At length NakOBto.
who bad hliberto held bitoaetf trfesdvd by tUe very toaClo^. thaaim Uefcatt and o(^ anly toward tbe vUtaa. advanced a stM
Btlfnl fratwe of c
wMsaiy tnifolgmraa. which
Ni-al came aandviebea. boiled eggs and saM Is a beary, gnlinnl Una.
ry land owner to aay
nag M spead a good . dsaJ to
ttuAhw. ias, etc., att. none of vhkb
mmunwaaltb conld be
uaoy bm-aad might poNpema to a
tndeced to act
nitto tmta
back la lbe has- have speech trlib.Um.o pmsMt (ha ae..............................
UtUe ^Ibb
akmg hli whole frontage, that town
to that fir.1 tknciiff dop
Finally tbe ItuJe fatkyw cmw
In fifteen yaars would be a Uace gf
---------Is the ne-eesary foaadavorfls she knrwT^ '
blsselr ud took n gaacral su
exeeptioau latarast. aad wooM dad
UuB tar an (ha raat
My tatber,- replied the young girl, sBcb tree enJtare Lbe vsy bau
be sltuatloa. He then looked
king tha brave straight In tba face, veuamt tt roald poas^blT aaka.
not far off. He vUl be bare to a
himself bersfft of Us nainrai
. sseai.
What do you want with clatte* saaloualy take np ibis subject
brigu rimer’ L.
bmc hay
to faad aayxhlag
ft panas. a»d then sock a bimr
to (1
tou r«u hay- Whboat Of dlttraas at
-No Ull tittle white fooe-.rfWainad
properly eared and cut to smbm *
. amid tha
M man. leertog al ha. -abe TmU.
haaketr Craa tha
both hay and gcato. Not
be big coward
White man coward.
White mas go.~ and be added wlAsdWan. H. A. t
kfU him. laton get all w
bowerar. for ba was aooa as bntr as ly.
ltdnt until I
(arm stock.
Timiichy bay as b to
evar. tcUerfag a tlsad teokiig ^Uov ssaa'd scalp.- and going toward
■ffo. but he does now. in
i:ip or-fis myatartous eoat«wu.^t gbl wftb his cradl eyes npoe ber faea. ■an boagU a ataaa id tow. . - Oalto
»e baby's etaan dre.*
be toU OM ucDd cm Us tomahawk ItoJnM lbs b
T. DtaneL ■*I vanoos othar nemsary astfolm asd ivvtehcd the otbar toward bar
cwrtog a dead algnad by as Iba hates
With a vCd cry. bam off tbe daa: oacapt two. Manha Aan
lataaUle apparaL Md te tan tlaa
Here to
'w clover hay ter any
than It takea .o taU tt. the wmry old peratlew of the moment, AUgaU 80ptilop tup collapatd.
ovar mlsod the spoew ffOad with boUgot a quit-uaim dec
«*4t vui ba 4o naat? I ihimgbL
lag muib. and as tbe l^tan atmou A few ywars
y«a>s ago
sign Ur. iOeotea'aaW
had bet- la bis grwM. aha
Baby DOW lay Bat oa bH back, k
^ propeny. wUM^^kj^;«MM
J1 talo Us fan. As ba U
a« IMS tkraach .a watOH oven
bowl of rage and pain, abe grshbad tb^ Wbea Ur ManOB triad w.«u thowa tbs wsabs. be quite torga. uaI Iraai dipper from its aUI u (be
-Frciir aocn be roUM over. Iwiasead
toes (hare to a aomto BghLMitoBm
.iBseli uB all fours and. shea ha
de of tbe hearth. t!W t with tbe
a wtodov. babtod tt. Tkas ja raws'!
and ready, atood_
fiang I- at tbe tad man'e
auk viadowa ofoy aa aoa sMa. a net I
a was prafiy wail tnisM irlth Xim seek au bead aa ba M throuffh the
over the window wfD abaaMaly'^M '
ertaad taU astsM qf tha tewa. M door. Tba othm.......................................... ibatoatterngU Tba Itttor asMtbad tha fftoi oto. althaaBb (ha «aM^
as aU Um more valaabla for (Eft
I tba now '
Ua pagn bat aaBiat bd tba the net may ha an .k '
Al lUs
.latay daad. He vest » bM.tba
rn^Jissia. fohaaia. JaUe asd Sikla.
sad toward bw ba ra- afgft ^ar ^ Iba
The NaltonJ Haaaam at Wrafidaffeeivad the aenUtog mnab Ml to Us
m raeauiy neqalrnd (ws to (he Hnr, asd to a few sicMto toa laK
isfoyand Udriba
> Frio sheep from tha 1"
of Iba ata Wt tba *mr ef tba
ryea turfy taOMe had oLtatMd a
He S-.004 for a ——r‘ aa.U i

i. whtab <■
fixed. anrraylDg with a stgid star
iwwsr to aa acB. _ .. .
'-------rUlaad pabalBB wtih wUe
add^way^flaea^Us kMjto^Tte
lopM to rcCraah ^msK.
tbe has dMpa Cbtgawad. Lator m
one was known u> hava died ffrom tba bli mtod (bu
Uve tor baby W«
iwaaltt tt Ut bmwa
•Ml MMBla ba vwi dbaeUyfo flw



Tiro*. *. *POAei» A *0*.


WwMdw^aaak aut;DiT8oit

Fresh. Salt and moked Meats. Sausages. Etc.



Tw ibt

pbou 4

Canning Season
Fruk C«nA Knl and guart; Jelly Tumblers.
Parafine. Sealing Wax.
A complete line
of Spices for pickling.........................................

J. J.





1 am DOW in the market for wool.
I will
s. buy your wool to your advantage and will
\ do the best for you that anyone can.
If write to me Will also buy hides
•use 782 E. Front Street ...


Traverse City. Mich.


Citizens'Phone 48 1

Fall work wiO sooa bagia aad you will want CORN
Bwaitiwi Man too* to do llw work Mdiy. 1 have
thM an aaj my ]nM » ri^U Lack tbem over
batoc yo« bay




OttAfiMIS AH >4»ii*» N*« » ««*. ^

W. <wdat. pumpdy. Only ibe rwy beat.matetial
Mad. and folly gwaataad ia erery mpecL
That tor made tc am a« wan aa aelL They an
aotmadcafeAcapaiatenal. aad givm a SaAy
fiaiab to aatdb tb* cyw; bw am danUa. eanfontbfo. and Mai. Tin c*wa|i«it oe the maibai. goality mnaifWrpil
Owes Mad a»d yea win bay BO other maka.


matawtirMi. W Oktor P»l«rtyl.


We ha\-e a good supply of TabletA Pencils. Pens.
Inks. Erasers, Letter Paper. Envelopes. Memorandum
Books. Mucilage io bottles and also in bar or bar cemeal. Tablets sell from one to lOceach. Peocilsfrom
one to five cents each, etcording to quality. Flveiyihing,
in this ad is useful to children that go to Kbool and
also to little ones that don't go. That Bar Cement ‘is a
stkker. It will cement paper, frfass. crocker>-, or. an>bard subMancc. Tryabarofii. Crayons for drawing,
six colors for one cent, and 28 assorted colors for hve
Thnls. It it amusing and instructive for children to
draw pictures of animals, landscape drawing, maps. etc.
It it a foundation for the future to become expen in
Bome line of business, such as an engineer or architect,
«o a small sum spent for these things is not thrown
away and should be encouraged. We invite all chil­
dren to come'to P. K.'t to make their sclectioOt out of
what we have.

aM COS Sts

__ ^










“ .“5'slS 'ESr

.lire family apparently spent lieett *af«v and. ali .he uAtuSprinm




TIM Cwfltry <
ISr oul bvjruwl Ibv ri-> '»t IlStlK
Asa.v truoi dle'uil run..
Tbe I'lickv: chtnu id .asuniT nseb
IkiDratb the cxiBBtrf »><«<'
llle dr\-aaud> buxn rKbe-t xn usd
Afiofil ■ wrleume M-at
IW sr««rT illtee. ut ih.. imjunJ
Who here trf cvenniEt moM ' •

uii. MK3i.

sirs tbr\.s:jMc"k‘*^“kcr all’s;


Ji.J'iJI.SSf"'- “5—“"I



b* hb dMtto Mtofoir










iUVviiC UcuU.

55T* • ui*^'


Ml <•»«> arr U l»Ih>wti
Crtoiinal Cmm.
Tb« t*«4il» *a «im-»t IMbumi. »k.
tlM or IKl>a« law Ururw H Crow
raaaeniur: Itwti « Uarlrlur Mrad

la a.'Bmibr *Kb tbr vari<wto ol tb«
If Ibo-e raaearaid
wrelt'h* baalBaae wlah to ■
al tbe . wulBa l-ia Md eleMloa o#
KawMeti wait >»r bi
tlaMU {.‘Oa.uw
ibey >«aaM
du aayinaf beurr eatraleied lu
euMBUit IbeIr
ibelr .bi «' ta'botndl bM laiu toll

) l‘a>9lr ra. Uaofir ItaWlll. a>
aawli viih lairat ta mmalt rapr 0<k>.
H. CnjH. |>niu-c<ili>r: 1‘artD C llllban
V Mawdani.
V*. riirkk Jiurdaa. «
lUw u( llqiicir law
H Cm

ABI ai llnr
-It ii lb- Iirraldlai'e pala daly
aatai II It rrery AmrereBaat
iball^ .-a-a. He bar au
to b
•II ur< u a ahto> lu be r-MM-1 acali
■-'•aM ill bla •I’anani a<
..r lor aa> .orli la ju-.
anke ......... ■••■e ii
bu>nai :tr Hauaeteii t o <iulBa 6><
dal/ Ubder tbe r<iD>iUuil^ aad


- lart.iry i»vpie w^l »“ P«r:lrl:«ir in ibe pruAt arUla* (roB ibe
the Iowa. wUeb lbe> could
II liored laad.
i flBUrtbaalU' preeeal'

Timber* atoi/k beep the dd
bd ftAnding through
the )-eAr». It pay* to use the
right btuif.
-Men o( oak" are meh in
n^[ged health, men whoae
bodie* are made d the bound*
eat material*.
. _
Childhood i* the time to lay
the ioundalion for atlurdycon»titution that will lut for )-carb,
Scoit’* Emulrion is the right
•tuff. ^
Scott's Emulsion stimulate*
die growing powers of dtUdren,
hdps them build a firm
foundation for a sturdy coosti-

Ibe lawe ibey will. t«l U be rraaa»d.
thaa the/ (laald |a>aalbl> do
Tlw Tpwiittl# ol Kif*dJM_ra. I
MW way lu proaiu r Ur auail
a Ua^M »l al. <
aatioB aleetioa aut yaau.'
•»Bnfc«altr ter <
* lla<rta tor MaataaL
-Ua II. • laeue Ibe piwaldeat will be
Druv* .leeied I > a aui)urriy lo Ur(e that
Tba Oral Wood Otab
UMBlatna aad »W '
sere pi' "*ral pa"»‘» •I" dhappaai
l; mu * UarU la tbe «>. ibl.'
•tiu tor a
Tbe I) trull Rrealai Kewi aaye:
J.JUdjd ' I. Aaaa H. Uad
'All ai le Bea wbo aobacHba to tbe
lame, t'am c.
>Bi; 1‘raii. * Da- irrlaeiple: ca wbleb Bipolar «•>»«•
•eat li lovadad «ui renxBtie tbe
Vti tor drfaadaai.
Roo rr * nowHa. onawuata.
4a»ra H. MoBiTCi TO. Cra
« Ire p oprtely al tbe porltkia Ibr
L. tdll to QoM till#, fara r tlllban nrealdeei bea iaabBed la Ihlr taaiur. 40»-4.BPMrttHrwM.
Itow V«n
aOe. W #1.001 *H draagUto.
• ri. Albert II
Haaa^ iV •
ait A Darli tor ray blad would be poaalbk- where aurb
■KHucloun asd obrtMu dlacrlBlaalliB
ir rued ai lirmkeaiaB
ar tbi- tiiiiub drBBbd* la Ibb
j 1.. reach Ibb city erery olber
Ullban (or HiaiblalaaDt; ladulaed b> the pmeroBeat. Ii Bwal
aal ycclcrday wat hit day law
gin iraBeai of all Ibe people,
mil A navli fur dareadael.
Hb wife did Bol KBOB
U (be Baiter « U>e eeiau cd Bdaa •aplial aid labor, ut ihe ualowui aad
a* hr had aoi
V. Hlllar. aa lalaai: tMlitca u aall 11^ aoe-’ akBlei aUbe. or ii
BBt Ibe tlBC rlare be
real aataie. I'au^ta A Crdiier tor
' r.iu the dly about luwo. aad
- ’.rt a piiverBBeal."
l».Mbly uad« Ibe luBucDcc of
tthea rlrvrk
•I,. MU to qoM lltla. S. U. Rem
body war fouad by It J Hewell.
Tbe Street Ralhrwyy'
• min ad BIB wbu lire* al 001 bbit
• r.iy euuarll U aow rubfrutileU Blfbili >lrae(. ae far bb* aalklDi dnwa
Haritol U Turhv rr Kdwato ^
ao< ber tiruel railway pro
Ihe Ira k wlib bU brulbeMe lkw. "
Hee ni would bare sluiblad «*er
Tbe Irai.'ibtM gispied laai ywwr
tor di________
bud) I' fab brolher-tBtow had bm
nil eaibry ibe panlee eobteBpI
Hlaate Itoat rr. Irao IHiaa, dlroree
lugtit bb ana
Aa li wat. ibry bad
•apkitilaii the apterprtae
Tbe preaPgra C
Ullben lor eon
lltbi a Bileb to aee what waa
•11 rraB'blw woe trlBad uBde
mu a Itaru fur detesdaai.
be track ar It b rery^dert to tab
J. B. OrolUrb Oo. re. Oeorge MIIU iiiwei ra Iway a«l. vbleta penBlu
...................... -^ell A
tlkm b) Ciller M rollwayr opetwllmg
i Mike Uloej i
wIlblD' ilie t4ly. Tbe pfMuole
partba aod be a
auUUM by ibaie parti
pru.'-n aow bedore ae deal
MUe ttogm el al..
r body to ABderaoe*
• t Irearblao froBed node
dpraU A CnM fur «
■ral law. II la argaad Oat asdar
OBban tor drtoadaal.
bai law ir tba osly plaa lo ori
Mae Uyd rr. Bdwlb Dye.
____ ______________
nueell * Cruar fur eoBy
sepaar to operate a llac u ibla
_____ beiwueB Ibr rallr. The rlgbl
A narla for dereadaai
aad upuB the ftoalseulA. Ii b lug ua- .-ul ug at ibr kau
lira and abue of Ibb toM
ibai If a llae U to be rum t
The leu Ir# t*a*
■bat lu cooaett wKb tbu lloe la Ihe
• hip IBd the left mnn *b» cut Of
II lusei be luiAar a eeparau
al iLe .huuldor. aad tbe bad wat ti­
ered fruB Ibe truak. with tbe eioM
o tbe astar- Uoa of e rery bbUI piece of tkto
There wore eererol larga «Brbet to the
but the face waa reeagnliablt.
lt.i t
waieb bad aiopped al
ubicb atoo toadt lo abow whal
tlar be wa* airaeb by Ue train. There
are Ihrm- Ibterlea adraaoed ar to bow
Ae a Hae oa tba be uar rirwek. bat la two ' '

__ 'iiK

ssr.i' .


eiB. PariB c
OMbta tor
mu A UarU for dattbtoat
Tbartell ra aylubur »

far AMaddaBU.
icHn LwBber Oi^ rr. UaaM
* Darh fw
Pam r. nuban tor detoaaa
I A. KUdee ei. Pisito «a*ua.

I Habar^
!. OUbari to
' Md V H.



^Maer tar do


Oenaral Mewt.
Tbe icMh ailaebedl
Tbe aatmal baa
coIMed la Ibr Old
Tbrp iblUbm nt ibcTb
■not of tork bruwa
lOhlo) • '■>
Howltog Chaw IbbUIm.
ruboi bevr .to ihrtr
tail. He b aboQi
IU.I ai
•pblra of the cbeae. rxlead a gjal
Bunderfot plecr of ia-ai
Oar woaM nupnd biB —
buiitui raibrr Ibaa kkbtac. bul'br
earr a '' '
r way v .
b b a feet bryeBl
-a« r.tu- n'TrveraU
(Mniaa.4 Joel dfWbhe c nagb topmre
ar-h> >4 Ibr (urewu
; hi
•f.toai roTtn
waa* II wniliaB* of Am mu- a ellvrr dollar
In.'lau rhtrflBLB. ebutr dai«b:rr»,
mb- . The relw b vaiiBblrl
to «ube be aero
brraakc of Ibr *».................................
oprra houa- to CtorteniU. Se4
ati> adorpod to fiuBi tad hi'
b a Sbetbad ibat ■u lue luuf aad brw b-irdag hrfek>
bw imb BTC raid
.vigbr n aad iDee Uiungh Ur .Xrllght aal
Iirtb li aplecr. ar all ibu lai
bla of a window* il u- UMife .# Hr. J. A
nr rurciBMW*
Tbry are i
ji hb pur Hirrr upp».u- They kite-huBbarderi
CaMrerd lu Ih- robr with'
thr »bow. with lllre Ih.' p-riMtrt4Bt wbo IPI.Kckiila ibuBS'. Thr mb- b i
* kladMKwer iwv«rh-d Ih- bnlhllng ilii cbv:. were ' mllliari cliub wlih

/f Scares Peofafe

• U BUI be
xwrtderrd a
Jie ataadpBdai of tbe eaplialbt. ihay
irgae ibai Ibe plds to orgaBlse uader
be atreat lalhray aca b aiM toailbla.
.lader tbe praiiat timaMlae laiea Bay
ic euUertod by Ibe elly
leareal law tba la*<« would gu lu tbe
lUie. Ml Ibe city wruuld aot be barred
ruBi ibr abeolDle ewiral of
ilieeli. aad tbe tiamebbe Bay pmirlde
ur optratloa hy MaeMeMy. ao
here would be #0 dangar la later
cart of a MiBpMy aprtaglag aieato
sotlre power apcB tbe oily. It
Hired by ibe pmMtoia ibai the eblM
luferiwca lo Ibe city woald be Ibe
ctf tantliB
They argo
ber Ibai MtBH Ibe argaaltaii
dtoHed uader Ibe gutoral la* tbagr
<aaao( partouly eouidar the ptoteet
!i Ii inw abo. ikat aider a peupiaiibnBfb the Miy aad oa
> II would baadbBp tM
’ Ibe bMda. Thb b
Ibai b iBpor&Bi to Ibe

... .
flK-htlB ...
be rlua turuce aod brlag
BB and lnpn«*lv- At Ibr party
■ ml the parlur* thi- ueddtoi niarcb
run. U.b*a«rlu ear plMud b> Ml*r
.11- Kobrrt*
Hi. Cuchlto war by Ihr prrtiy llltlr rlsi h.
k.r. th) rorfallB. who luukrd II
tlr. li> h-r Him) dtru of wblli
Tl«' briila- aad pmUB fullnwrd
Ulra HaioBood ua. .•iquto
iBd ton
•liBB trrvke.
n to Ihl. n
uhK* ua* made lro» a bll
Uf her niuib-r'r weddtog drrei.
iMOUIIfull) faehkB-d b) brr l>
BoilK'r t bBBdi.



wlL eed do m ay wwk MUau •*> *uje
eUtwm. eud itt
MU mjit «*k iU*> I
eaeki to ■nil eua.«
nr. Pictvi'* CocBBoa SeaB Htdkal
Adrber. to paiptr coven, b aaal /rrr oa
recatot cf ai oao<eM aUane to cover

•• Will do. Iiui ue.
«hi>- i.iBgrwiuUiloBt aod Mrl wlthrr u.rc Mluy ukteBded U>r HeBdeh
•tulm ui'ldlng niairh war iiltyrd by
rotell r
Hlir liuUirl*
cidr to Ih- m
lt> irrebnioBU were .mud by Ihe
arllOB wuuld be lakea I
I It pro
UU>«* Jeaa HarnawM.
HamBoV- C
Wabb. cuMlIi.
will be uuili- fur a
. ratra. dob newt
bowl ana
and ui«
ulied al
lit runri. aud If tbli b aid alluu-:
.. Ibe yriluw and wblir Idre
ir raiv will gu til Ibt- tupmne r»ur
rarrlrd iiiii to Ibrar. at I:
i.i writ III ermr. MuanwbK-. Ai>ii
iM hu. bl. Ilbert). buvlUK .................. .
le m-quulml It.UOu bull
Hr. .iXiVfll rontlilrn Ibe vrrdirl *
leeai to whtrfa Ibr brMr aad graoB very uafuai une. But tbongb bl> -H
are held
wet roavlriud <d tbe leatl <4 lh<'.
Mr. and Hn Bdwardr leU oi
rrlDiev Ibat were l-fl u|wB lu U»
aorili l•aoa•l Pere Marquellr Irala for
Dr>l degree murder U-iug ellmi
a un itiy-. weddlag (hp wbteb will
■I by Ih- cuuri. Mr. Cott-ll t*)t
larliid- Marktoae aad a lake trip to
even a Hgbi t-nienm- will uc« !•
ibaada. where Ibry, wUI •ail.fui'Uir) lit ib>- delemluui
ipead a .hurl Ubmi. after whkh U
Hertbl. r.-iKV.i'u
•III I-- ui humr In tbrir Meadt
Uieli n-.UIrur- on ihe Webeirr rliMI
>i rarrltwl
~ - l••vtog wbber of mauy fi
r Ur. and Mra. Kdwardt all Ibr
Ure. Bdwardr bat beta fur
dirleil H'll
It wu. evtdeuily nut ar
>>«r* 10
Ibr Pirn
oeptable I Ibr dWeuw fur Mr. Cuvrl
a. a mutt rBrleni CBployr la
herat'l rvprewuiullte Ihni
rhur.'b uurh tbr tuu been Bote fahbDd arllvr. aad b gn*ily beluvrd
d ibn dpaSurd aul ualy w.
by brr Ir.llow
worker* to al
■ve Ihe U yiar. wbleb U H
vartuu. rhurrb torletie*. Mi
iBi prauliy l»r muD.luusb'-i
dt It fcpoWB and highly rt^
■ulil nol imv Ik nito'ilre.
> buitoea* Bin aad a Cbrlellaa
I rack.
linrr are few wbo eel out to walk
at li dackad down to the depot, and
Tbe winter nrbedule uf Ue <1 K 4
■king btpplaeta ihaa
aaoibcr ihai be war walktog apon a
. will gu iniu eReri next Sunday, dri>
twiiTday w-fe nadr
rlapuag terrace lhai n»t aioas tbe Ibe lap who
ember «. and a very Bbe liala err
of Ihe iraek aad alipped aad fell
l.v will .U- uBurdwl Trarerw Oiu
-r Ike wheelr ar the train wat
durliiK Ibl- winter luunibt Trilii. wi:i
paw Bf blla
ABMbtw theory b ibal
fur Ibe MHilb 41 «.:» a. u . 11:1k
be ■ Bdrrwuk lo eatrh on Uilr Irala
aad nipped uader Ibe wbeeb. It b a
rrday nighi war one ■
tm-ni Ibe uuuih ui nii p. B.. 7:4k p m
toll veeilbale Irala- Wblch oae b corimal tuantun* ibal have aerret
lo:M p III Tbe «:*u a. lU. train
iwu will probably aeror be kaowa.
Ltod logvihur
loguiher lu okiaer. Uada ut
I and Ibe ]>i 3u train aurU will IOflarr Utaey auBBoadM Bbertt trlipdrhlp Ihr Hyil ■ut of Trararae
Irala* iH-iweea Ihb elly ami
ataudlrr. Uoroaer ObiM asd Will Cll) aad Mubtee
year* ibli Urand Jtopldt.
Atb-.iB. aad ibea the raoutoa ware tplrlt cf frleadtbto ba* e lUled be
the Nurlhpon Itoc a very Sue
pM..<d up pM« by pleoe ipd labaa-U »e.u Iba lodgta in Ueea (wo eltl
tervlee will be girea. Train* will leave
to III* pan Trararae City bat bad a
UtPoy eral uoianuo. l<> eaieriula Ue HMb- fur Nurttapun ai IIiMas . I:U p. tii
and 7:4k p. b. aad will arrive trpai
eesr.-hed the groamd where ibe body lee l•>lbba*
Aad Pytblaaa tniai
WM Inohd Ihd pteked up a podiel- iberi' htvr many iIbm eaVved Ua Nurlbiuin al lii::f' a n.. 3 Ci> )l
bool.. |i to BKitny, a buaeh of keyr. a eomlitl huapitom) of Uanbiee. WtUla
pipr aad a wateh guard. Wrtghl-e bal Ue pan Ihrm )«an IaII* Kuukh T«ahot not boob io*ad at yec.
pto ba* eaienaiaed Ue Mubiea boy* U iK-log rutbeil UII tbu ear-ferry dock
ai Nurihpum. riH- piling b Mllig
AI 1:30 p B.. Piiday KberiS IX 0. to dillag tiylu. Thb year Ue M '
•riven a. rapidly a. |H>Mlble. and U.e
rti irlp cd Ibr l>lg bwi will be maiie
aad they did li to ruyal iiylr. n b
biimday uf Ub week. If Ur dork i.
WtldiaaaXaMoftla. B-.TlehiHC aad doubtful U Ibere bat ever beiea i
>ad>. uUenrbe. Moadty of aeil
Har.y Ufowa. aad an toqueai rBOfUara
urk. Airaady Uan- are half a dom-r
lueted by Oonator O. B. Obaan.
Mtoblgap ibkB that
Tbaradv A
tr* uf treigbl welling to be lakei,
Alier llBlOStog
TS* Tyarerte triiy
Dd of Ue o
rtvw* Oa* trip |>er day wtll be Bidr
OMcB Ulaay. Bd.
anairtbuied Ue draaiaile
I Bm. bul Ibb will be Increkted a.
aad daaiaa Boyd.
I did 11 well. Ti*rjon
a* Ur buitork. will araimnl “
Ibe lollowlag Terdlel
aitu tuppli
lled a great Ol«*d
eqBe to bb der
All aiadlug nu>l laying i4 Ir
dag itiaM by I
ren to Ur .hcirlvti nidalrark, I.
bled now. eiivpi whal rtouaini
i'mw UatdBMU tr^ at a pMai taU hudled aad Sgurud roatplruoiuly to
war beiweea Cbai atraei eraaatag aad the taerett uf the occatloa. The Kal
■Id to UU Cliy. I»r wblek Uere bu
eqh a drby la the rtcblpl of >be
kaika band furaUked bom axeallaat
Butir ua tbe ttreei aad at the hsa- »tof>l At t»« at U arrlvee Ub work
lUhed. Tbe pole*
polei n
aad wire*
qael. aod Ua Kalkaika delegalkia jyltt be Salthed.
p lor Ue Into db
- -'! a greai ehuwtag.
Attar •twa PM«ar»
■ drUyto
. -a Maabtee -baaeh" arquillod
1. whirl
It b iba MMi of Ue hoard of trade Unawelvet apleodidly aad ihal aod of
'dtreriori. aa ckpreeted al tbelr BCot■cirri US every I itB. Blk . .
irranieBeal wa* taaly executed.
Ibe dbpeicl
lat M Tharaday. tbai Ue nuner M
!. u Bt pree.
rtMtog taad* lor Ue aaeutag of U*

oT*' ^h'*

greai btMdi to tba otiy.
It to tbe PtMuaia. b
•laMoa. aad tba oopaell

Tba oualag id a fnaeUae that b
C. K.
D. MoMmu of Ue
Weel Bay for a rlly

wediag ear*. *M *bSa we warn ibe
Ibt aad mllaa Ua iBpBrtMM. tba l»
areru M Ub city Ib lb# fwtiirw aboe^


I. U Baud ibM tba II

UroaM Uaaa

rhe t'Mlre 4auer. afier aa hour
« a halt M
of dboBiMtai, raagtog aU
Ua wi) troat iha satoi
atad lu orttUtoB of tbs tonal aewa
gaally ton wttk Ue
aaa ua
PTM^ BM* alto aad toara If thair
o«*r of the ppoparu at eoal to Ua
elly b • UU good. If It la, they


IbM Owar by Teata.
WtllUB Wrlgbt, wbP inaa m____
Kichtb BUMt. rat
toaupiir bUbd
ahonly afibr
m o«kmi
b) the «Mabr Par*
Uareui-ite pdaeabstr irala i
,wat toieklag dowa to tba u-,Tbe irmla abo raa orar ib* bady
agab at U pal)pd an toe tba
ita’body waa Sn^*m^StSr ^
budt tat lowdd bd(w*M tba ~
•iraei Bad mat rngblb eUwM
"^ughl aia aboai U ywra td apt.''
ead beiet a wUt aad tbiwa (Alldraa.
111 BBpbyad (B tba Pwra Mar

Mnrsa. Aw kMnd|iA, nom
•win*> d^rsHfoA, If Ad

Ysnr 4»«tor knovi ih*
remstfr. wmi hr m ysm.



propuaei ihoa.laetatr Md aee U they
wtll be aaUsAad wHh a «Moe nab
irtbuilM ttodi Ua elly aa M
tOMai to BPT* here.' If that
aaibtaetory. thay ve to ae* If a ptoa
CM be derliad UM will aaean Ild.SM
tar the araetba of Ua baildUg Iww.
It lhal <M be MttotoMortl
they ar* to *10 If U* I ..........
aabati ib* toddUad bMdlag pra
■too to Ihe pa«*M. It Ua atly (U
wtll Ik) Ibat. thtr wui *** tf the paopia will fsu Ua bead*
If Ub b
Am*. Ue aboe toeuiry wUl probqbly
ba Iwwed bar*.
Whaa U* Ihdaatylal ooBBlitoa gat
to iha bBdtag M*#n*litoq. the aatim will M aub^RM to the hoard at
tfidc at a whole.
The aiaeUpg wsi ealtod to hair aad
r the rapert id Ua todqgutal
aa aa Ua aaauar ed Ms Tbay
I oa aetoasL On Btat* atraai
ba^Sta DMm and ma. OM^to Ue
*Hy BtHM. gieoad wpaUM |W

loDi: un Bay attwei, laaalag bMk to
Oartaad (oa Ua aha ■•* niwnpiad by
Ue farBar riMIuu <d Uoa Parry
Maaaabi. |M par tioat toot, oa Oartba M
at' wood yard
««r-ri ,
fcoaad) liu• par
: OB Pnat attool wan of ftok
ptr niBi IBM i aaar tbe Perw Hap^
fmugaTM*m5l i^ Cl wwBM
brtdpa. »« pv fr«al tout.
Uiber alto* wet* toobad *1. laciwd
togaBaeaU*aR.A[. nghl id way.
w«i ed Ue IrMiht Atpot. aad am* oa
Ua taka abota aaar ib* Oral Wcod
thU ttetawy. MK Uaaa waaw aat fa
MtobM WBildtoad by Ur. Oaidaar.
•CMB war* too far aal, wbaraqa ha
biBRIwi UW tba «B*a id tba ptw

MMd Mdltoi MoMd ba toUa toesorr

' ^SSlC ^ iSa


repreaMUUvc*. Ue iBpwtal
yrtaee uf Ihe order, Md Mvetal oUNr
dbilngubhed oBean of iba erder
pranai. li It doabttol U aoeh eao '
amy kat ever bet* toUarwd to
•laie. Tba baaqaet wat all that
looked for. which b aaylhg a I
deal wbea Maabtee b «nOM
PotlBliier C A. Palmer. ooBBoaly
cslled ' Putt.'' ikU beiw
of Bay taar ehaiwetottatb, bal
auM be b
llowi. beaded Ue
I* ortfiaallly of U* ar .
raatSDeai* a Ue baaquel wat both
■Irtklag aad
TraverM Cflf Pythtoaa aad Uoa*
troB oUer towa* war* gtrea's-ual*
of ihai rare hoaptuiliy of tiaiaraal

bblrlet 4V. C. T. U. C

Thr roaijrirte program
ibtog ditli
eoatoBine olthe W. C. T. U , whbh
b lo be held Is Ibe Coagregal IodbI
ehureh uf ibU rlly Hepieaber ZMO
aad OMobrr 1. ABoag Ue kiral tpaak
m os U- POWtoB nre Hr*. Halllr
III .welrome Ua daleKranl"

brball uf Ue k
Lurlla Theobald, wbo
Ue welcome ul Ue Good Tcaapton.
Mr* M A h Uoberu. wbo will tpeak
tar Ihr WoBUto'a rtob: C. H Baiae.
wbo will repawecBl Ihe
League. Levi T. PeDatogioa. who win
exlrnd Ihc welronw of the PiwUbltlOb
) order aader whoee auaple** U* Alllaiiee asd dupertoteadawt I. K UU
ma wu gtvea. aad the erasi wtll
«. Leucka ptwel
II aim ftroi^ Uo^ofmaMwho will eoadaci
deal of
BB open
on Ue auhjact
. — vt al AcquittoL
I. U Ooeell mwnad to the
1 Tharaday. after deteadtog
ItofBty li
Oae od the pctoclpal teatarri of t
tngl Id the toiler o
at makiun.
-Ytourday aad
Atked by a I
C. Paxoa. tote eosI by |hr NmUoBBl W
at to fuM whal U
C. T. V.



The best on the market.

Terris linplement Co* Ctd*
127 to 131 State St.

Craoerse City* mieb.

To Cure a CoM in One Day £7::%. 1









whole lywlaM. ItoUM PWMLlUf* Vh><^ ^
^ll^ranb and
----------------- ,ilo*ch*d
oa tW body, the anoaU md Uroat
t. aad the hair and rye hroMfBUowt! bat thaa* ly-mpUBn*
i1 In tbli wiifibMpiM Bail liim liin Ibal.......... In Hili Uurr
BUgaeof the diaeaw vbtd itdtta^ thabcBciaad mc«* wiul puts of th^
ton^-. Itiithas thMOiidiciaM BMod mMilMcntaia hi huk-outMM. tbi deep Mtinc ibdHMaa awd ikMadiBC wlccn aad b
thewhotoSyMem UcMtaatadaBd bMiipwI mJwaha* talief
tSi pBTBal dueaM tigliuM tia watto «wd craihas owt tbe life


.........FOR LADIES....
Are the sort that will please the most dis­
criminating and particular people.' its
the high-grade garments we have aiv^ys
offered at a reasonable prjee. that have
made our ready-to-weardepartment one
of the main features of our growing busi­
ness and the present season is no except­
ion to the rule as wo now have on display
a magnificent coMcction of those fault­
less suits and you will declare the styles
the-most beautiful you ever beheld, as
'you wifi find the fabrics stylish, the tailor-,
ing correct, and the prices right. As
usual we are showing exceptional values
in Suits.

We now hhve on exhibition
the new models in LAdin'
Wrapi for Fsll snd Winter
wear. The *tyi« are simp!>' ifonrcoua. the t^orinK
perfection and the materiaU
u»ed in. construction the
most fashionable and trust­
worthy qii»iiiie8. Wr arc
showing e^celleai values at

Miisas Gloiks.
We have a line that will
------ : - j,oU
k '*- in siie
kurprist)-ou Jiwih
and the variety
variet] of styles
shown. You'll (tnd
find alt
all the
popular (ads here in* wr.
lllltl tlie
are HIAMCCB),_______,____
Misses wear. If you have
experienced dif^Uv in
getting a perfect fittii
garment uf this character
You should ioHsect - our assonmern. W’e have splen­
did values at


and upward.

Cbildrens eioajts.
We hate made ample provision for the little folks and >'ou vril)
find ao abundeoce of everything provided in the way of dressy
little coats, made of such striidi materials as/.ibclines, Keneys,
Meltons, etc., and they are haadsomely trimmed and made up
with the same care as to fit and st)de that characterixes iJl our
ready-to-wrear garments. Our line of Childrens Cloaks radge in

price from



i&.N,$7.5a,$iaoD, iiuo
SliOO Ndipnrii.

The matt to
ipg thiag* b
to the BCfJMt.________ _______
-of aU hamaa di*B*ae* U O
faaii idto tbq Ml aad aid







$3.00 iipivard.



toll Tiarcrsc BcnM
mal arml«M o( aiiaktac
>BM la I « arhaai
«f IMl c«U
-......... - ft e* tfca »an of

’St^o^taS^ritaTJarST* U

ho* aUiBc la ItBdf* aaa ortaaiaad
aulal lha agnatkB la Oanada aad
tffUa an «aaallasa pertalaaf to tka
Alaakaa kouadaep. It u daalraWa that
lUa ba dooa. It H aet WBoaUahJa
r cd (ha

.00. PT«. Ua laou «U1 M

rvaiO Iroa OM
>«ar it> aaouar la Ua Had •kawTht diaaoM <n«aru lU kataal tato
a Waek. tDoartHac Baa of apona
•hit*, whaa
OBOitr kanab an
lauhaa op bj lha tkraahiat auel' II V haadllBs. attach IhaaiMlrat
tha anad kanwta. Attar latai
•thaai U iMra. iha haraai* aad O
Moraa cd MBi tenalaau at tha at
The sBui plaal enm lai
lha «haM ataa thmacboal (ha l..
loa. aad. vhes the crop u ripwilai.
II tanta tha kataal la tha head of (he
Bhaai lau. the vall kaoaw iBai hat
aaU Tha apnBd cd tha dIaaaM aar
bail ba pnrraatad hj hadlaf. U poailUc. aaad.vbaat (raa traa aaat U
poa eshatx ebtala cMaa aaad of roar
obcM tartetr, ut tha foiloBtaa
Tha Pm itap te to tdaaa of! a
oa the ban aecr ibbc taa (aet a
or Uisar U oontaalaat. a«aO|
ana eatr thocoopUp to raaui
aporaa <d aaiu poaalhle.
Hart bup <d pout draotai a ^ad
hMlM of ftanaUa. Ha ba]
(hU hmt la aloek. tharal
U at iBcr tuat ba Bhj 1
ilBf lor roar bm (b Sapu
HU tha fonaalU vlth e
laraa'iBci^ U tha proponi

PBB cd lha caacurtp euaroa
f Oraai aad &aaa t*ko_ B S
ManMat baralata_


-Wordf cd votaBa bp Praak
B H. Banvva.
“To What I . ..
tba Toaebar Ao Pbrteaal
B^iial Work vUh ihb crauf- bp
Hra. Uprtla KoBaadp aad Hra. JaUa

too rata to 1______________ ....
Tba Tula at tto Maripau goU atlu
at HlektiiioetaB baa beea cirvck al
the tOMoot leral. aal K Ic aald to ba
of cuck a aature ac to aaka the aioek
hoMera vaaKky. Detrollen an
• la the propratp
Mlrhlgaa (arawre
vary blue over tba claadp rtai torga
or clover laed. -poiaiou
. .. .1 are roltlb< at u alamtas
It U frarad that raivtoK ol (hi
do crop U BOV rouea
A rvfi cooiaraiM I t-OU.vM (u
MUr vonh •2.00(1 vaa atoatooed by
la tug Haakrau lu tha atram aur^b
1 HaobBlaea aad ikv (iBbor Is auv
BCerad aloat the ahuri (ur|aLlM.
Aa aliarcatlra toivera tvo faaUlra
.1 Teoaraek mar oaa poor little
chlekeu rraulwd la tbair hecoalag
I eaaataa ud paying (vo tIO


neld nu hare deattoyed auhp|
acrua cd Sbiataca ludlau oora
Balph Hetada. aged 17. U dead at
Blufiao. ladlaaa. ha the foeuH id ae 1
ordeal, lartdul to laltlatkio liiu a I

agaibit uiaa an
vlih the atalr.
Warren Boraei
ha* picked aiim


A* vlmosl inhlUkie revvdy hr dljMoai <d Uw Thravt uad
LivO. kasvni ud •ned th« werid onr ier vWpit v cutaQV

i'elTtary. ba*
burial huua* uf lb* irUcr um About a iBonib ago** eianad ua a u< The mil vu tied tor
"What ai
Hacorded bp BadalB td Ue*da. WUt Keiu. kluai.
White t’alt va'v trip uu*i viib hU faBily. They nnie Kew Vurk tiiy laat veah
Tbrra Hoal DaalraUa OBaU
COB to Bapi U.
au y.arv old uj ibe greet mar cbtal a* tai a> I'tduradu gpriogv vhar* he iraviuv U left tW.PeO to U
B'illlam Troutwlaa. at al. |o mak (add Taaohar?- bp kira. k
-toft bit tamily and veo! on to Port <D.<ui*>i in .tat* rtr I'uii
but really a danger,
iribe before be betoBr trlradl)'
Mathald. eS «d Mb. aac. It. Um tt,
He ibc
be va* laktog a ^iwTa
ou. bragler. lieurge Kinaard. eUa*
to the obite.
It u believed bit lid; toad
> by d E Hopklaa aad
curarieal *uia
uoaey to am bUu abu-b they are to pay
Uv.Huuard vaa amated to
4J.*Bloa to PnaCU Thi
Praak dbarid
B'blle herrytug Heary Crmoier of ua. •U.irn by carlo huaicra
ck to Cukirado. He. to Uiui** Bakioik "vbu ha* bera___ Neu Y.vk ibr ..iber day
Wblle a reIty Ibe aid td a diver Tboma. Bum.
U faai td ka n. Uak Halfbu: ItW
PreaooK vaa blKec by a 10 (out bkiv
p.i'ied rlilien td P Igavood at lltnr.
a A.benuaB td Bvvvall. K B ba. r.
uraaer aad aoclal boar
HU bud ud body
Traok t'uiBtaa aad Vila to Harsaa
li allagdd.^
ci.verod nearly glk.tiAV In g>dd (run j»«r4 hU vaiiu i(. get a mta. •tbea ;vbu hu gtvea tolthlul aarvkv to
ra sad be may die
/. Balth. let ttc. Oak HatihU: ti
irle.l VO get a rbeck caabed. bul ai ih.av lor many jeara. lor her utural
the hull ut a vrecked v***.-l (>v »hicl
GawvM L VaaLkm
aad HoBar
l:a»—Pialta aerrtce. lad by Hra.
ua. unabavea aad preaeaied aa ; 11. ’ Ali.r b.r dealb »«.0(» ot the
paid 21 thllllag* and be evp<>ci:
Kaapp to Jobs P hUtMB.
•ad even aiore irauure
(P«s 2d. raapa 111 *«M.
vk ua* tba’ td a brig kvl a mlb
.. algbi.
At loidaigbi. ublle
JokB P. Uataaa aad •■!« to UmP- U a Taacbarb Duly I
brio* Centreiille 'll year* ag’
ar»rluchad. lha oarglarv eecared a
•U Knwpa parwl. town td. i
aid to have beea (Be tb
gar haul Iku ever
ftocttailra by Ua I
tatlBf by UUH Be
Tto Cravlord coun buuM ra
- aria Bubana aad wife to Hamaa
or." tiiradlSK eruh* ta Bouib
iWeUailoa bp Hrarp
I ahn-e-Uka (hat la a receat t
BbIU. M tM
Oak HalahU
A that the rvimtuan.ler
1. It ’
poor a
aberlBc vlfe'a dUlj«s
Haporu of aebotdi.
MHi bad (tv tbelr oan.i.- (tie
mere t
Hariaaa W. Boilib aad vUa to WU
gold, the profit* of ibi' np
U^P Calklaa. M m. Oak Halchu;
dtoghl Ibe bull (or 1'
Oanaral Nawa
Too (oai
Hamaa W- Bauth aad wUs to I
Bldr aad LanJed ove
<•’ Kulcl colu I. bpuuh.
ratnporbt. (tlah
Burvna*. Itoam^aBalla/’lWpl.
y.r:y acre* ••( gruuad ba..
. MM.
I -Elcht Iboaaaad (oftUraa fron tha
uinvA to the HblUppwe eEhii..; a:
m>( «E|>h>dr.
The ixpWlK' aai
WlltolB Alaira aad vita to
aiurbad dUtrtaa td Haoadeala aad
le B< .LuuU eviuulUoe. (-..uc . ..
. Thaehar. pan of aSk td
here tor pn>d 00 a frelakl vasiui aud va<
tenioo ' Hrarp Turklih dtafta bara
baakd a quaner td
a mil. Lave beon granted to iirtiniln.-in
BVlu. aac. av. tuva U. n
i.i oan»irvici rUlag-..
tUiir (he aUar abali akuta the- <rail
PacTT Haaaab to Hera
arrived tbare. aod Ue dtetrir. tc
" tall
acBC Tbi' eaBuD eaa auddraly oti-nurori b.- |H-.|.ied by cltlten. ut '
lou BHM. bk«k I. Parry Haahab'a
reldB cd torror. Tha
h 'a Ird
Ivlaiida. ud vUI be an cvarl repn.loc
___ bare
M; MW.
ud ibv porkafiv td dpaamUe plum
I the aleep rrabaakniral. r»lll
beea left la a aiarvlat
lira ta the
Pam Haauah to HanaaB^B’. Smlik.
PhlllppiBcu. <1 I. aapraied that l
la« the mponl u pou eaa au aap luU U-at. Uoek t PacTP Haaaab'
ihuuaaudc ul
h'atn: rlllaaei
ouaailtp daalrad But ba aura to keep
railve* vill be broiigb' i» thi* e.
Tvu Chouaaed lucUlvra_________
M. Mip.
in to take pan la tbU ekhibiiMib
the bodlo iM bM...................
■alia Uahilp aad M-'
reattaa la lha rUlaha cd UrakoL ta
» cutuioi;
Ovaa P. dtoeklaa to BeoJaBla
iDpuri he vai uvertxune ulih i
aocolp aarkad. It It au
daacarou Carm. parcel, aac k. lova U. ret
itSH- ibp I
aaalani BoonaUa. aad t.Mfl oiban ara
With fl 600 eubject to bU
poltoB but k b uabaalthp la taka »: IIW
vaaraai o
la the BouBallaa rOlafa of Tokaale
Henry Hacomb. it meKliant of
afthar ta Iba aaaa or aoath Do ao
H L.llr_____
Pour ibouatad voaaa aad chBdroa
I'lly. la., vbo bat bt>eu luiuin
BU Iba toiBaUa aad tratar uaUi
ara rvpunad aurrlaf taI the
to Budai
kK a aad vU ch •« >. w
an r«dp to uta ihdB.
Haaaah’a Iid add; Il.tou
akwa Iba border.
Tbora^lp vat tha hoor. ts *l
WaaUaglra. Sapi. U-O
B'llaarik CrUpua aad vUa u> Bd
poo an to mat lha «badd. vlth
raa hare raaebad tka ate
vaa erpelled Iruai Budapeat
via C. aad NolUa Kaat. ku 7 aod via
tenaalla atinara. auka It aood aad
eat urflof thia tor
01 to aap t
baa. buvetrr. arrited frosi
add%ltM*^ t*. H J- A Oo'a hk
•M Thaa apraad m the lapB id the
> auaethlaa tbkt r
It a atop I
Afiaio aa advocaie to tak ua brbalt
aaad «haat vhic* pou hava prwkBtTa
HwBaa W. tank aad vUe to Pro­ (ha atroelUra la Torbey.
• UioellH- that ibc ur.l.-r tor hU ra
Ip vail ataaad vlth a Mhlaa BUI hop KpaWha. ktu II aad U. block < ta II
• a L.
lakia be caacfled. aa be had la
troa II
Parry Haaaab'i Srd add; tl.tW.
at the beriled a tonuoa of MW.iMKi. (rum aa
Tie ta Baliburc. dtoellpr be(i la
Ptirry Haaaah to Wl
~ IlUaaHeadrIeka. dapartBaai ara retkaat about Iba
^hfifaiiaa It mar aad vo^rtaklt
kMe IPI4. bkiel, 1. PwTT HaaBabb protobllltp ta Ue Ualtad Butoa vlll
alluvcsl to aclile la Budapeal. ud
Ul avarp kanal la vet «p aU
ad add; MH>.
' » eapreaalM to tha (oaUaa vttb proiBlaea to coodurt hlmaeif properly
.Add Bora vbaat aad aprUUo o
cb the aUecad airoeUlea la Turhep la (utura.
J to Allao U Uhad
ap lha vbaat alrtadp maipd and put
Tieved bp tba paopivot tba Oaltid
I, Oakvood: M il
Beecber Huaion. 1 pramlaant u>
dom a aa* lot
Bahn puitloi tha
diataa. but ibep tap that raporta IrOB veaitby lanaer llrtac
uvatad urhaat lata baps to cam to Curila. • ,
Turkey abov (hat tba daada dallp par Idaho, ora
aiabbed 10 dealh by lb
vaa aiabbed
atd ta eouatrp raa
Huilob vitb three (arm bud
ta tata baoaaaa id lha daaaar id
rth B 1
aa to ahoek etrUIengaged la ataektag bay. During'j
htalat had lha taithar daaaar that . rontphU.. .
•peniloB. ba (aiioned kla piicb j
all td tala of. aaiioa. aad I
aa rural ad iba fcntalla raar hladar aac t. tovB tt.
la II; fl^
o 10 tha Vailed Swiaa'
la ibe bay and valked uo fev-L 1
Put tha traatad vbaai
Cbarlaa L. "
troB the clack to tee U It va* going f
to W. LadVta
lau claaa hta> or lain (bo ihak hara
t hk»k K. H 1. A Oob
•Ute Nave.
Baddentp a big gun of j
booa vat Vlth Ula leratalla bUiuiv
Ih add; M.<
Si. Jraapb vbee tha
e fork over tovi ' ‘'
Ba carvfal aol to aUr up a dual la (ba
io dapa apo to pick------------^—
l-tdalf Ki...............
lodge It. but ivt
IBIB vhUa tha traatad vhaai U aiUi creral pareola. M.IW.
CTOft of It
I lor 1»62 bora
fork pluuged
aapeaad. Tha dual vUI ba Ukaip to hr
p had BO k...
Uea ____
(bat tto
... tnib. paatlof clear Ibrougb thi- bead .
Auael B Davie aad vUe to Ludvla tbair
raada ap taipalT cd tba aami r
Lraupa. kM tt. block K. H. L A Co'i crop vuuM brtaa iiw* murac AlBoat
vhk* va ara Ubtlafr
lb odd; II.
ati-ry day for Iv daya airavticrTlaa
i- ba* been trouble ai a baby
II r
at to drtll lha vbaati. It
l-aul Weill
alar had vUe to Joha W have beeo teeo 00 (to local Darkeu
lu Toum.log, Fruce
vail I
Jle daurea. WUl ludglag at 16V babifd bad been lliufd
II. bloak I. BtyuMa; MH>
harv a
(or 2 o'clock, but (be Jadgee did nut
Oaorca Orap. Jr. aad vUa to OI
0. L.aniiai. aeW of avti «f the.
come uoill 4. That va* bad vnuugb
lovB U, raafa II; M.hM.
But vbu tbe judge* arrieed ud aald
«B caaeaa, leva tnaa araut aporra
Wlluam Bridhtp to Bbvaal Ualbota per «un
>e bablea were all too ugly lodeaerve
taddd aa tba fRioad la tba aua
ProB all rvporu the potato crop to
Id vUv. iBroel la av (( of V
ptiae Ibe Intull vga too great. Tbe
drUl aad ararpthlaa aira vlth t.____
Baallar oountp thla prar vtll to------- taoltera made a vlolunt aiiack oa tbe
•va V. rvaco II: M.IM. .
tha vhaat cicraai
la ooataet abar
Uaallp a oaBplale (allure. Thi
judge* ud Ibe police narchet] motb
Jtiaaph E Bniihvalia to Joha
traatrarat ataUd ba (raa (icib aaat
vat vmtber duriaa tto peat era. lodge* aad bable* to the alAUoa
L. Mta td aaB of aac. 1. tova n.
ta>rad dr va*ad vtih lha torraaUa
(av veeke hat c
laca *: MM.
Lady Hoary BomerMU the bgU*h
Vor these damp tiul cool treamgi ic an air lighi healer. W*
..wrpetuc* ud vuinu'* rigbu adro
Dareaa O. Batbb to Lora T. Ttuu
ate thowing Si difiraem |.UIero» ^ sixes ol
U pra oaaaoc bar toraiaitB at poor
oai6. la con*l*(ent Bbe keepa oalp
taBhlatb >va raap trr oarraalTa tub
IpraiBw ratoaed
inta la h
bouaee* ud
Hraata B pva darv vbra m ilparar eauie* Tall voc
BraJaala f. Hortra to b_____
bar that M U a dradlp pelaoa. aad tba iBlih. avE td avli. hoc. II. tova M.
Ctaataat eara ratal ba tahae I9 allov
:■ charg..
taie l«: |7i.
ao aalaal acoan allhar to lha drat
e ivouBt order of Bev. Pr. LochEiBBaM taHh to Thoau J. d
Rev. H. W. Jameaon. pastor
Uatf or to Iba vbaat that bai bara
peilw td Our Led/ td Urardra colored Hapilit church at Medisou.
vti Of avl4. aoa. 11. tova M. 1
lira a poaad of (arralea a. lM?Au
church. Uartaauc. that tbare al

•la atanlng
u todualrtal school
raMBaia to dan poaada td vaiar <dftp
for ebUdra
“ of hli race. Th'e boya vlll
■Bikirai. Pirarata tba draw la thrra
AbttBranto Our OpranlrsM Nrara* Wrarakc
daorJag aBonc the okUdrae't
lugtat rarpeulrp iud the rudb
or tar nurau cd hot vaiar ta a
h. hai already atartad to U. . .
> of other Umdes ana tae gi
vaodd* aaaaal. Uo aot allev tba
lUa aetd-tbal oea pouei eoupla
ouoklag. houaokeeptog a
dw Wrad^ aad vlfc to Aatat ta came la ecralaet viih m
drev It. ralrhatoD. lot ft Uof* t. auradtup tha tchool here elreadp
Uira add raoBBh «bM vatar to bilat Bayatto aAd; »L
tha araaaai wttBftpvUcaa. Pn
pUaooe vlth tha ordraTud ti
Laara A. Biolard to Clarase
t bprac
m vUh
vuh lha tea
taraMBi raldirav. a
vUI do tha aaeta
Jorf^. parraL aae. t. (ova «. 1
ry. M J ra oW. T
craai raiv ahooU ba aaordaad to
Bar. Chartaa I. Clapp, ae ledepbedarty U

oak or ehO'aUbo C. Baak to Im V. THoa and aei clracpBU at BatUa Croak. Hk*..
haa bum a abueh et bto ova oxpaaM
wd dedJealad H ca Beedap. tha 12th
________at vui radara
rrau Bchnrdtr aad vUe to Aaaa J
_______t cd aawi la tha vhaat_____
bar mother fuuna her uiucta
I eol Bpprora at tatap tto eoapi
IrauUed Tto girl talonaed her ta
lira (or aanytei oa ivUciovi vor
coeutc tbouch he U la aoBa i
epeou. he haa paUarvd abo« bto .
Tbe drl vea aufaject to bobftvd'c old UTota. at____ ,_______ laraa coepraollae aed It aotodtoplp
vhlah ai oea ttaw durtac the w of popular aa a raoeotor.
rertdaura vu Ooaeral Waablafl
Al Upera aerip Toaedta Bwtap
• boaSouanort. vlll to reprodooad a irartBc Uiuder (air. 81. UnU. u Nav ta
forty year*
vtdoo. booaBa ao trlchl
At Duluth Ue
ti be kllM
rvahed oot cd hra reoi_ __
tandM (^ IMU7,
Hot death took tao* htonat iBBhdl- wUhto tbe diy llrnlu va* shot Hoa.
ta Nov Jorsm baa altadp appro
Any Bear the ithU n^rmel school
Tba «aattkB baton
priBiod MW.ta aad la BOV arraadraa
was a fiae blaek bear. velgUag about
for a Uboral raetoaio. Itor ladtaS
MO pouda.
Laat aeaira fittece or,
ore bean vere killed aetr Duluth. |
' lha trratp. aad odaeaUoaal cthlhlta vUl to at to-rberetotlvtytwmeUiiBgdaugtoUiclta ofbugimi.
Bat *e ue
III Tight Heater for vooil is I
tarattah la iM vap aa lha oU Paid
Tbe Hatoe pouto crop vlll be abon
•Dii* M)Wi
nov better prepued tbu ever to dU yora Fall vuto. Note om
larwa la la (to atala'a bltarp.
beevuee of blight.
e stove,
and UuiJi tccocding to the moat tciealil
special lo* prices oo tniontWr goodt
Tto toraoM BM of oailTdan vbo
Samuel W. HaBB^vtaoJteei^
idets. Tbe
is built of heavy polUl^ tieel. Tbe t^
vtwra n pram ibo. a
is ctst vith Uige teed 0)«aing covered v-ih lid aad maunted
Oaaaa. B It Wto paB
irenleed for e vtfe receeUy ud la
Uhrarp hurd.
vhh eiclel ratted svit« top; the botiora is of oac piece,
to oeofae of a (ev day* reoelred
SO Meefi Heavy PaU Stuu in
eo lata VtiM
Bvaaaf dtatira cr lha claiBt •
Sofce New Fancy Striped llumade of heary cast non; the stove resu on a hamitome base
Hlat Araw «(lUa
Urapraia. vhUt aacven frara 2.70» kiae voau of the
Scotch wnraod twiUa, auge
etaabo. Uraol Pvtaara. nnip Bchsplor
ud bts nickel foot itib; the Iroat is of cast iron, has luge
aeleito wtatii« in tto very rated
doctorlBC tor poep. vaa Uekad bp tt
Bmp caa vlU adatl tat h voald
Itad. wrath V.tO. for
feed dock, with uickel psnel The eickc) rcicv .^fi is sir
oe (be bead eed vlll h
ba to tha adraatoBi «f Oaaadt to bara
a Arbor tor ae oprae
tight ud gives )v>u perfect cooirol Al for. It slso^ heavy
Dra aaaaaa ra tba araaa laMa U lha
L poeu ere
cast lioiag. ' Wc have this Hove iu three sixes. Sl'.ta, 24 in.
dlaabaa pai'Nadla
b vobM ha of
rar la 'lto neapvda
tto B______________ ...__________ ______ _
dbov. only.................................................................................... i ciO
fcmrrae viu Jta tto peticBa of tto
M Mimra' SoovAahe Skirls lull
M aU ta ponira to Alaaka bo
Otaaad arraua aad ae vtoterprtac ecn pier. Tto poata
AH kinds of Heuen fragH kinds ot luel.
I BHUak larrltorr aad tha Pw
awaap ttuched ffonnee, worth
wrath Wc. far
oeraa. bat ao raa aaaapi a Oaaarehuaclate Ja of
Acnaa tto frrat B
Tto ravaada Bade bp tha ae(
pan anra raat ftanb cd July a«_____
tba taiWabm, vhloh ti tStal the (Be td tap pWcla aad dyaaBtta
craekora aeoBa la to baarrap bta ta
Staw Flake Soilm^ wrath Sdc.
ettua aad TUrapat ad tto ..........
to ot turn trto-nne,
a (ba aiB. bovvm. <d



Id Traverse at> and Vicinily

Ev<>rything points to a large fall
trade. Large crops and good pricaa,
every manufacturing concern run­
ning to full capacity, every man who
wants fu work is busy. Wages are
the highest ever paid.
We have taken al^ this into consid­
eration and have purchased liberal­
ly. Our stocks are larger and better
than ever. We've bought in larger
quantitiesjand se6ur^--t<^est pos­
sible prices on everything. We have
been your money savers on mer­
chandise of merit for the past ten
years but this season we have fairly
out done all former records and are
Inapositiontogive better prices and
better goods than any time previ­
ous. Make our store your head­

Nfltica to FariDBrs anil FeBdersi
eemracncing with Saturday. Stpt.

I2tb. UK am b* In a pe»m«n te
lurnl*b tU«t Ittiatd flIuUn Feeds
in any eusntlHcs. Ter lurlbtr ln>
lermalien. call er Inquire al tbt
etflct eluu uuuuu

The Michigan Starch Company.

Jus'k Thra TKilrig:





at tbt 8hbt Start.

.-wo 0.











to jta^abi;^

aiM. vorth K far

dirtowwt of lha Chaadlaa North- tto rtiaatraa
' mat (o (htb a ptak atatharat la
Tba Blaar dotafla to II
Mlu Baautoe Heat
Qtrato aad Orta Brltala tonraMa
ru radeead u tbran ap tor peattkB
of lha httcriar. WaU papon of a a Ktool taaihra by tto Bovary ^
to Iba Oaaadiaa nrairaUra U
--------*1 padaiaa. aad aattaa fraalirttiitoiat cd tto Aaertaa Utarary
• d( tha trratp at on la MBW to them aailp dwa are
-• Maaleal
aandatlea of
to^to^MlW daata^to tto ^ vtah alrato bra a paalth^ aa
1 ta a Boatb. Bto had to PW
rata 1^ tha Baor of vbtoh tato
V hra pattlL'Nov ato bto rvtat
liuia vtara la (to vapa td tto vvrM
vaa hraufht torvaid bp aa ItiaraiBil
Ua aarrapiv. vbe Balatad that Oaaada
aboald (aba adraaiaca ad aap ao

^Mrsus't Cloralc tond Sui^ S"torra
in Trto'wtorBU Olty

■ hWorle tor ta SSSta*to^hra* **
Caotoe Haapt. a .Wawiaan proera.
vac oapaebrag a boach id boaai
-- -rvap Vto toad w tto paHon a^
tonr abora-- Oa tUa tav ^ to
• bead. Haapt kaoekad It of v_

» to tto Atota t



■ tor tad
aitL. vtH to above. Tton vlll eto
■■hatlnr ta vlU praraU U Ot
tatod tba dradilra to admra to tba
aWB pot torvaid bp tha Oaaadiaa
rararwarat. dr eoarat. tton vUl to
Bd^iilta dvrai thaaa vbo hta
bta urartaid ra toa plaaa to m
hraotoraa larMUtr Ttav hat h

Fur. B

4 yard paiu

TS Haetric Sta Fur Boat ttraf

putera, far

Serge AS




wide m all

toadcA worth TSc, far

We td t Bioe Btoe traie al SSq Ettmmo, Voilet aad
----------- ----aadSfi.Oa

WetstoyoaSAprataK YOwr Mon«y i

wetraad twee^ etc.. veH lined,
woold be cheap u IIS.QD, far

Fancy Veh

AB Wool «pra«ad aad tawak


Tto wcB known Rothchild tc

lailettd lamito tuM in Seouh


Wsdking Sklrti

» al popobr toadet, wrath ISe,'

Cck Mca’t extra hne oouaaae

Yoa tboald tee tbote tt $ | Q. S 1 2 and'
li is t plttatra to sbov (MOL ^

Tto aathartora do aet b

Kew ZOtaae Scotch 8«itii«s


60c on the dollar

l^ict' jtekett mtde of tU vool Kcney
<Bd>ltBu. u.......................... .-....$5.00 /

■* n the Orato
Me tor Bight, had aat to
Bn Mtand ito
wtoa ttirastatad to tto
to It yaars bU aad

BfUttpB .Hataim af Dubr tot
■ra aotay. ra Atad u tto n
taOag aalto ra bto toswib
dataf 4 fob ra thragirag to fe
■ar. into, keele. I*reanaa aad the suBpia
bald tto aato
ofUrvard hto tut begat


Mimei SwcotVA ia afl the kt-

The Styles are Correct—Tthe
Latest from New York
/and Paris.

Than la ahe
a tmbUc araUBtat ra tha vlth viaa bto______ __
vbue vapatotag hasoittaa to vaa eerai
Tbra tha cmorvBrat took tto cataaial data.
tgni^by^a m^abta ta (agi
aa Id Iba toalB. aad mar 1
Tto thM Bara to to to domed «
t^.to Uwjra^ tto pomaa ob- taattB. ---------------un
a praaauci baa bara bre
tad w Itvra tha BrtUah «o*ralaraal 1—ura teeb u


would be'rhetp « $1. for


The Itigem iboviag evu BAdc iaB gny of oei
kite.' Sjoev. ud lime vill aot pesmit us to ilhu'me t'l the aev

ntdTT^^S% STteX n
a aa a had



tad wkh Fitah Haitca tafli.

wrath Slack fat
• 1.48
.SS Sable Fra Boaa, extra ka«
wotdd to chtop at SiaoCt, for

Utde of Breoddrah. Lota XIV.

budtraBetat; ora|ta»..$|7




1«.1 to tke a
ktoiac c( Ike V


Mto Ud
kit klw

ike» to WUttoto ifkioa m

keM a wBodto IwDdlBc.

has mired over H.0W dertac ta year.
Some to ibr items an as follows;
: Hlatstarlal sappon—Pastor's salary.


ikoo inwto km bMa M iktoM bid


mood Fbia-cial Mowlaa.
Tto tata*^ abowtad Bar iS. P

• la town tkto week, the fi
and lire. A. Powera.
-— •
-Heath to -

01? ti« • 4DM iltoM. aad tke


asLdCjktt^lHW-B—and IM

HaaUass to Traea. caHad there by ta serlons I
tpeai Tueedar ta town.
ber danphter. JM. HapWofi.
| mlulst.
Clar<«ee Scott took a M» u> Bast
to btou to the ertodwtod to the dre.leiu^e* to that
Hiss Vaadike to Qraad ftapMs. wboltl.nv
iordaa tbto week.
m beea vtalttad bare for tbe past
kn tbc]' were inttir hot to Utoet. »»d j
An Inlorwial reccwtiow wae (leea
il Lbera will weed to be bet oae eor<
rtk. relumed to bee bcaae Prlday.
--------ttar pcM •«
totkto. aad M tbat.-taelsbt caa be Prldai reeatii* at ike Coasresatlowa)
d u iboach tker too vtobi
Hn. Aaaa DHlBian to Harletta <ni
^ertpita. ml:
rtad froat Um Mrtko\witk
churrh partari (or the teockera to '
up Tbnredai to vUll Haade Hodpe
stonarr society. (IM: Woa&aa's
pebllc arhooto Tbe eeeai was a eer;
Mrs Vaaderrori Is ruukin. ta oae el«B UlasiDBary society. llJi' Total
bttv lowartf itesi
at one aad all who atunded
There are, boweter. w
]bM I»n:j
an enjoyable eecolns
A short
cbaacet to Bore or teie
SI urocreiD was dren. after Ttietolkj-. talereeu
WW; .
.le deb^'by
. .
d to ebanft
Asa HIU has moved from bli (ami ‘ recleiy. »M0; -tacldentaU.
-IdeataU. IMOO;
■ (k* to- aad toll, ltd Ike BU
woiitoc koM ktoo
ad letDoude were aervedCobbs-JaanloB
. iday - '- —......................................
rad. Tk* booM to 1. r. Perkelt
e T
Wlas TboopsoB aad Hr. aad
(k< . ekMM Um lr« kkd «nto• to siidbu 1
laapie iarideatals. »M. Tou
_ ...................Cleveland. OhM. a
llrand total for ta year. $
vae ablaxe at oee UBe..katibe •»
IBtok<>d II
Tpaattn tor the 1toc la the
■ 8 B-. Wllso^ sod (I
Tbe .ToKtb to ta church
rlt> aad oo the Pealatula.
bcr.<bl(i has been marked.
IkC. ikA tkki VM aoi kMiTlIr tot exttaoiak.d.
-TO < rRtt A <-01.0 iW OXR HAV
dYarilaOlr the aaiae atreeU are ootHudta Hoyt to Remns sp.
ebars-M liKe .been firnt durlut
.eeadHtan ef
era-1 b> the old aad the aew ordi- day 1a tows.
' yt-aes. VMually a chnrcb'
Miss Miser to Old Ml
received aad a ckareb SIS'
to lk< rev to the l*eiertj l
Ttor cokdlUce to the eueeu about aaiiree. bat the oM prerlded Ikat ike
width to track tkoald aot eueed Ire Sunday la town, the pm I to Capi;
uiisseJ durta. the present pasioreir
'•MO »V MR. MTKR.|ike eoB'h. vltk (be duiei Wttac be wxtoe kooM aad the .be added tewi and the aew ordtaaaca, as pro- Johnson and family
irarahaa Make Fine Bhewtim. ' { of Re,. Luufman. There nre now W2
. W. 1. Laufman. pa*<ur to tal luetolM-re.
talIn tbe three years there
■ o**r tta J btoidt. Moke eo dede Ihto 0 the dlBeoItT to the wort to the Bra
Meibodlii ehureb. Rev Hupb
reader to Uraad Rapids, wilt
.-l-oe( tatpotolUe 10 eee. iko
iL Cass street Is all torn up.
The oM franchise limited (be speed Mve an •-nienstameai la ihelnwn hall KenaoJy to ta Second cburcb. aad
oe Tu-'-dej eveoln.. September fyth. Pn-vldiod Elder H D Careei left Mto>fWrke ksd Ortotfkkde telUkg le a ooa..............................................rare ago Ibt'.................................................
Hiss 1‘owen Is a .radBaie (rum the
mbeiship was'fZti, bat durtng tbe! nKHw-Nat ui*n>sM wwsvM M ihtake Skglee No. t. wbleb^ras-. bowercr. tbe eouaeU woald bare Chlca.o bUslcal rolletce sod a reader
to rare ability sod her M-tectloBs will
na r aiaad. aad luiiht back tbc
welS. «.«» POk-A
'*'* pknse all. Several selectkuu
e Iraki tbe
sad Bp OB the mat atm paTetaenL
Vader the old franchise the rails .Iveo by the iirchwlrn and ni
not re'urnt-d in ifats place, tl wll< oo>
CDI. which will add much (o U
cd ibtn l-eiofv Ibr pnweni nasiur,
ta.-> eniartalsmeot. Prtc- to Ifoketa l-e on account to the (vndlUoas htyre
have unanlmeualy
Cias street to Stale, and the propoaed ordinance they are to be IS and :i; eenu
MUs Powere nve Holb
MlsiioB Sep- asked for tbc return to ibvir pastors,
• fact that of ta gl.Ots' aad over:**'"»
«l>vrs tall
aualMit^ to the blaa. Ptot to the
oo. Um than « pomid. to
and the prestdiag elder ha# also beea
lember I2ib. which v
eed during ta past year, uoly aboat
HtAVieil LOM
b« a. ta-ker puo. did
the eon taod. then
ruder the old Iraochise the loadtac weU aiteaded. and nil
blgbl] cuDOH-nded sad his r<
S' was raised by -the sinful metb | ntailuTg ttama aret. ,r x..b.rev
—_|.|.S hnsrds
unloadlB* to (relcht was lorblddoa irrtalBrd
An eatertatament
t will
-------------ban. The ire ran all tkraaik tkaai.
MU Btatas hoards.
th churebt-s bavi- oiade si’l’-adld
be diven la Traverse City on Monday
•MMUCnrS IAHt SAm,aad lor boire amr the mI. blast iimwl ta taytas lha (oondatkm for the der Iko proposed otdtaaBce the bSh- eveulng. Sepiembcr Mth.
ebureh sa> already r«tag as Ube^l-' TreweretVy^meBmt «*,
Tta ally a. any other, ______
. -s <l“»* to trel*bt would be allowed
The quarterly coaference
ud If Ihey Vwuted'5^
»yrar^xbue^ «..kra-drra
____ :-----:had been paiokuoae to the
. When these were struck,
provided that traJU Nonbpun cbarite met la II
lo mautbe side by I beer
,jand the atieaai fro» ike hydrants
I either lureb woultl be
(all Bpeed. tbc wafon went tboiild not Bceessarlly be Interfarwd church Tuesday afiernoou.
Ur Ud no ubjertiun '
tsidc InHimi .
It was ta
he reiurn of the pastor (or annut U'lleve In ninnl
aael to blnfe the leaker pOat up letu tbe air about three feet, and
policy .. Hlstiol- y'ltx.erald Last y-aar
L-ndcr ta old ordinance It was pro•'jcb methods.
to luaki
[wtth water.
<M that tbe company should proJamas J. Baker, wbo was drivins. was vlded
eddlng to Miss
were al
de new lUiadcra and planktad on
in ud Mas Sebru
ray t p ta the world.
Craetoe ksw the Piee.
iiipw crossed by tbeir ears aader
rcce kej.t lodcOicr.
>naln clrcumatasees.
Under tbe bohie to the bride. Rev. Bryan
H-iw the wafoa ever got down cenalD
-r w.-II rtiwovd
d fruU drllveml
•Mb RatiMa Were Out. aad •till*^
^ ^
nil be muy ebangas
provUkn Is atln..
bulb ta eoB-.ractlnd parties This }«.
amt n-turu
tbroukh the .treto which was blpekeo
-- -................ olher clreumataBcaa
' kw Were Dahi>ed WHk Clevna
de|LnB»at was cWm bgr phesa.
are well known here and ihelr many
r*e fii> Canatng
iHiId have been made tasi year, a
with rUkd Bom both Brodh.*«f. and ^J-iue ara
mends join in vriihtad tarn n (on.
SkwtoPi to Wilere-Mr. Peterjpot
and happy wedded life. Mr. sod Mrs. ibeM- changes Inay nereaslure lbs
li.UV to Delrvdi
Peliwtii'a. wltboBt
- rom iTaversc City to uliber
council. Tbe ceaernl bellto Sebroeder left Thursday morning un
ChlUdD. gl UO to
«yl Hm BIMBB InaurM
tbe prvMeot pastors
aseeaaloBi wUl bk mad# that a wedding trip u> Petoskey . Mackinac
a myaiery.
- abnul
/alrekdy-eeea the Udhl baataaod to
The UlckldU
will Insure ibe noceptnace to tbe tma- and iTilcagu.
..Ceoae of »taht ta
First Tima Both Bna>Ma Used.
Tuple fur Ibe prayer merlin, to be
|aee the blase, 'state toreot was Sltad
beW Wedm-wlny, evening ta Ibr Con Cyrus D Puss win preside. Tbe proThta Is the Brat time that both
wHh paopta for aeuiy a bkiek. tba
sblch will Isst uaUI a wert
church parlors: ~ A Rail}
At liallle Creek tbe taaiily of Hugh
tbe Peiertyl ptaat aad tbe cUra eactaas bare baaa used
Prayer Meellagcordially In- from Monday. U full of good IhlBM- Ne> was potsoued by cuned aalaion
Rev. W. D Laulmu to this city
• tee, u ujuss u
vlled to ai-ead.
and Mrs. Ney Is atlli In a
Tbs earrttke aad wa*ou t
Ibe bol’dla*i oa_ totber Mde was
Ire. Tbeir eBeteDey sad tbe need I the coiiactl w
respoasos to ib
P--ier Johnson to Traverse
dn-ss of wdeome Tuesday ercatad.
Vtaur Peurg-l un BttW ili
!ask,-d by the promoters to the Trav- spent Wednesday In town.
crowded when tbe Are wai not loo
tbam leeMrcd
ud Rev J. A. Brrody to Battle Creek
lerse City b ~
PenlInsula Railroad Co_
Mrs. Hmlib IT suBertag from
ed all Big
ta rttaa, Ike barn to Henry Bl
hot. and cm Oaes aad Dntaa bUmi
formerly to tbU city, will preach ta
and that ta road will be biUll ta time
: typhoid fever.
i whom *
Ihe wife will reilsslonary sermon >Ylday afttoaona
la taaasBd lo the eiiMt to nbeal ntdeem tbe ertroda eoltaeied natS it
CuBimtags made her tail ir(p
ThU was ta bouest blase tinee ta I for ta raaort sea
lee to ta to (be leaaoo on Tueeday.
flMOandakwry loas Un^ber aad
mated that AM* people saw
isfcet (aeUMT Bra two years am*
Hiss Mildred Uockeraj to Traverae
wtber atoek oulaUa to Hr. Pmertyrs iba Bn.
• rs. August t'loaer still has tbf
City spent Kiiday in (own
Topic for tbe Epwurib League Sun­ largbsi sale to any medlctae In tbc
(aelory was auSered aa tba iwaalt to
tboaa wbo coma wertad
sUfbt delay by totax back laro ro“»bii“wii!*be
hea­ day. September «tb. -rhe Wort to civilised world.
Vour mothers ud
a tae last eraalak. whieb was one to hard to Bare as mach property as pos- th. .ten wbmi ta Mto. wa. ttir.toi!-:..“,'^,i|^-‘t^ Home HlsiioOLl.eader.
HaaUe crudmotbers neu>r tbonght to nsing
else fur Indlgesllaa or Bll
the bottosi ilut the city ta aoM for slbla. Tha Batabad ita «< » PUw la. As ibH U tmly bis'seeaad day u'^
Doctors were scarce, aad
Mrs. Richard Tbutnas to iioicna
a Mmber to yearn. Bui (or tba tact
It possible, or course, they «
■d of Appendicitis
spent Tuoday iu to'
«(iae boose, thta ta not
> safeduard the laicresu to tl
ID or Heart Fallun,
Mr*. II. E (illl
that tbe are department (airly de­
t£kea oat. tofatbar wBb >
at. He will do better otaij city. ut eleept for the matter to tl
They used August Flower
cJosci Hilltop CvHlage
lved tbe boHdinks wttb water. Brod- stock, ta otaee (wmitate. books, ole.
w,fk for her bom<- in
WB-a'»rerr tan eonld nu poHlblr All ta botaee aad as meek to ta
regulaie tR action of the
be liver, siimn
Mis# Powers, s very tah-oled
s cuniln
-ilaued. aad directed _
lew Ceo0re»atlenal C
tarn bees saeed. nod Ike tana-lo Ur.
Sou ncgU-cled decorating ihis Spring can
orgulc. aetkm
of (Irand Kapids. was In (own Moaday.
PTOMtor aa peaalbU was ntsa. In detail (or
ireful esi
„. Ibe Beeline «( ta___ _
lal hi all Ibey
the systes
' Paiartrl wtmU have been tartar by , Bored from ta ban to Hr. Brad- llonsl ehurch last Flidny. tbe plans
Ut beaiiiifully clothed in the finest ....
St to the
bad wltl.
k wbea le
leellag dull
tbOOiands to dtolara. As tt li. bU
tor a baaosome atone ehureb baUBUd.
beadacbe* ud olber ache* Vou ooU
drawB by Aiiuiuet W. D. BattatMd presem parlora. with ta buUdtad
Mas wlU be taut W.0M. wttb taaurTbe bra throw auay brands aeraai of Detroit, were adopted, and Tnitber beated. Hcbled. fitted with a eomptata . uesdsv
I you
raid (
a visli «
sysirm to plumbing, and with eai
_ ............s the
! is a
Mtae to tKAM
>e rlrer. aided by ta alroaf wtad. siepi trill be uhea at obee looktad to­ If l< la decided to imve the new el
ward the ereetlon to thta ebnreh bnlldI CU gct/thli
Irma Busche left Tuesday (or
Tbe Bra broke oat at TiH todtoek. sad that part to ta city aecom
-led. Wbeo this is done,
reliable remedy si ■
DC In LiHilsrUle. Ky.
and wlthU a vary (aw mtaataa tbs Boardmaa tram ta Uaw waa ta imal- m to^ha
i to
ur-ber aciloa. wbIcB vrUl ba In ta
to ihe stau. Tbe milmaled east to
»«Udink was a rakin« ifaronoa.
It oeat daa«Br- B« totos wero km .he tot ireh. when completed will be
re to the raUtag to (be moo
MS Wantad.
taohod as ibookb there was no ahBkea ■mb-c with wktar, and ibto di
Dirty cents per b
left Wednes­
so rore tbe lumbar eaulde tha haUd- was arertad. The Pare Harvmtu
Iruli delivered a
This hall at prices more than reasonable.
day lur tbeir borne In 8i. Lonis.
c .ory . a
ta«. aor the wnrdhoBta In tbe rear, .-agtaes were husttad out. bowwrer.
Cedar Uxige bwel at ibe Point
THAT IS. provided you come here ....
se CJi.v Cuning
close .SrplemU-r fStb.
ta which was stortol nbool
ind tbe cars tat ware e« (be sideMlks Uhble liuslaff ipeBi Tueeday
MBi e( bant iMCb rounea. wbUh rsrts aboki ta dapot aad asar ta
Traverse Cliy.
tad to tke .-l k*d the kdTiitod

bj I




p„v«T.oH OP A H«c« 2:zTj:rjr

booh aito Udder war-a weat ripirrtTedV




iicssi ,«s£ s-is:

.....__ ...


... “;sH-£sSwL4-aiH?.£
' u'f ■

"" “


Clre Rooms

man Pat>er

am>i taio mcBCy nfaoui ss tasi as any-

J.illus llr.ulhaa-en M>eni Sunday
Promi'i. reliable senlce. . Reasue
m> na
Ule charges
Fnra. bobklel. Best
AOoUer, RiKu* HsUB(ullliles tor oblalatag V. S ud forauv.-r sod lb* Mis
Bordeaux SM
elgn patents. Andrew Smith. Ageet.
Hoii>cb<- drove
umeak Sunday.
Ad-lress. IIH Jefferson avenue. Trav. Ulllow i».l: s
. Traverse C
MDr l.wla S
ena .js-al
a (r* clays to
I relaiivra
a R. « I. TO RICHMONO SS.00.
in row
Aaaaal«. H. R 1 esnrsloe to Rich
moad. lad., is oa Tiiesda,-. Oriobor
rrs-'t'i-e City nre (be gieaic
Itih. TIekeU good fur 10 dsvs. Oei
oeo.-e> itame ud family.
full iDtonutloB to ao.v
R. t-L
IIiwui.I Kaasom. bs# relumed
sgeal or address C. L Lockwood .ye««thi p see aTier rpesdlns a few days eral Pass. Ageet. Urtnd Rapids. WIcb

datraab * bay Oo'v Mill were
clml u a plack to eklety.

tlta Brary tan to Mr. B

Toe Fr'abta le the CrweM.

hr Ibstr tasI aad idBtd
Tbe crowd tat was suadlax nest
•- Rtaa. Wta to ta tamhar, ■

■ ta


)l T;U o-ekicA.


____ .

OrtaU to the Bieaa.

iown. a

to ta crowd to ca

''%m «bM raeaed ta Bra maato be
Before the deparl-



The mau to

,»*u«Ud «» kpaeutors.
B-tM the Bra had
Imc. tbe endiae

anal hare basa

betora tha|

Hhiiiiiii r r m I -


dtadObd-Bro tar ha8 aa bowr batare
•ta alarm was stran. He laofcad about

Harry Miaraa Task a Tt
Harry Hoaraa wok a tall dnrtadta
revast to ta In that was

m ptaat Ur the Bra. bsl could aot to plBBMaA bat which toRwuMty did
mm B Mill be west tato ta sharias him ao aartaas lajBty. Be wai ea
Ptata tak to ta Mdtae roam, where ladder oe tbe fraiat to ta bklldta
one to taMf AOkklta. wbsk ta
h» iHtad Ibe blaae well sta^ Ha
I siniek ta balldtai aad eaaa
aaa t* tbe oSer. cnlUd ap coatral by
•bona, •are ta kicaxtoa to the fro. poartai down apM ta talk
tan ram bask aad poiled ta taeury beidUd ta tadder. They dropped ta
wMHta. batad (oread eat by ta npld- ladder, aad Harry came orobtad
rraiad. and wttb Um tte bid a
fta ftiMi Mr eto to dome.

The lalUr m awpy aad ta

Whck he (Ime made ibl^ Braly by twtadUd

k tbs into sad ta maU pan
oae's laro

Hairy tad -Ua i

Mr* llreslngion. Miss Osa ud HaaV Dewey, wbo bare beee vlsIUng
oy Pease ud wife, relumed to (belt
>me at Traverae City Moaday.
Hlaa Mlnale Smith, wbo Us t
here U
'ttom»».«OS(e$aj>M. wttbolUMaaHr .all probaUlliy.
for Brail
call (or a haadIw heaitad. Ugl^^^Mdtad. eaipata.
Tbc, piaaa
plana nbmhisd
id Hra.
L eBaylea o
Oothta bBlldlax. wttb ererr eoa- lad., led
an u a boasc to pablta aaMMd
wewahip. Tbc mala aadttartam
Ilts Lewis left Ttrasday fur bar
^111 scat «w. with a galtarr tat cu Bomr at caDeaga

hm** -........... be opened wbea aeedad u eeat H or
Bmll Ledrale Ml Tbarsday few Ana
Arbor where be Mil attmid ta aalrooms are agSed. tl
versliy ihU wtater.
___ _ fitted with............ _ CU be tbtbwD Wdctar.
Mr. ud Mrs. Oorb ud Him Marcarpetad. sboat l»4M. seats for asM ,
gam Hubs, who have been
Mpe orcu.
with |].0M\raara
Riverside las for some (lo
The plaas Tar
-Thttrsdsy fug Ft. Wayne.
eK Is a great Rsaday scBmed man.
Mrs. WUI Oo(ta Is att Au Arbor
by Frank----------------taMMmittee ThU part to ta bBlIdtag wUI probably
raiears natir
not be erected (or eoara yean, boware at But Jordu
vtalttad tbeir aieAfckitaM V. K. Moore
e cooaninee um ptaas to ta Ooa- lar. Mrs. I M.
-- Mobla
Wltl I'ber to Omeaa U ta town thta
—^thmal ebnreh hhve asked hir
to Mr. BattacfteM tat ta baOdtaf. earernl eaUiaaies oa ta ptau edopta
at the rearot boataeas laneitag aad as
Joseph Haasun sod wtte. aeeoatla sioBc. aoestdtad to ta ptaas
seated. woaM coal tlB^BOB. A. W. ■ooo as possible srill have ready aatlWet; and C M. Prall to ibla ett; had mates to ta eoM to uitotag beatlBK
plombiBd. Ilghttad ud eaipMtad.
ta^t ‘tal the satire
Whea tase estfmates are pacoted.
)d cmltad here ta Brat to ta week
teeladMc the Boday school aaotber meeUng to ta cbBroh will ba
Mr* M- Ryu aad daadkler Hlldtto
called lo ecmMdsr ta «aamotal aide to
to. -------------Traversa saaday bare
with ber hoabuiL
MCme •IB^ll.
Dr Bcblepba wi
a'traverse Qu
A me'UB 10 adoM ta ptaas for ta ward ta Mwettac to ta aew beua to
caller oa Tumday.
Mae chaieh. hi sahralRad by ArcM- worsU^ Il M thoucht tat thta l

AS aeenrau ssUmau to ta taw ta

r.-mt »ttu A lAnr low mtouted


am. BBiiatRaU. ww paarod wltaat a tad w« be coavcMt M- aboat
iMealtag vMea. Tbe eoaimlnae cm
iae,L«eiBB*u reeonuf. retaru,
his We ai BrailL lad. last Tm
Mrs Ualpbtae Hiller speat i
fiv Aitoroey Darts has back oom daro b^-Irtveta (Jity thta sreH
sldcrta tha legal phase to ta qaesbvt u the geamal law la ta ne
r whfoh ta moat to ta taierorUbss are operated, tt ta tMiyht talr borne at Ft. Wbyae. lad,
9 austroct ta
Ibis part to ta prabtam woi
Lon Oodmu to Travatse City was
ta town thta weak.
Mrs. Itaca Brown aad family w
the gaeda to Bart Broraa aad wtia

gmi-t to waiar from ta hydraaU
lorn at m.BW at Unit.

•we poartad « ta B» from both


nn. owner to ta ptaat. doea aot

te was awidoat Bern tba Man i

as yci reaiaro any Bewreo. thovh be
waa at the Bro wRhta lea mtaa

wmm M BiBBtes to Ibe ttoe

taiurniad la to Iba atarm. aad aUad

^ta waa ftrea. aadUe No. 1 had all tbe time dartad ta proem
Hra bta strmms to wn(«r cm ta aro lb:

blare. naeleaUy


Twmoy attaowa taiar aadtae Ho. 1 tsT^Bd to ta proparty from the i
tad two addittaaal strsama ro aad :tal-

Alban Paieetyl a bratar to ta

wma Bta had been Wd (ram ta by- owner to ta ptaat. saya tbai ta teat
taBMA tIO tare was abent ABW (sat wilt a»l ba lem thaa U.PM. aM

.tad ptaau and be

flta PMmtyl bandiBd. the lumber pDra taatde wan
eta ta Ibodbam baUdtad

run Tmtobly dial.
■a to thta ftror to wt

KapUa. Tbam
win he dome by r
* Bern, ta wall h

______________ gearutre to ta
elUaaas to this eoMBBKy as lo ta
Ita a total to chan
e to ta road they------------pact.
- ta abant SlLM*. Of tbH taaamm
.A* this prapoMtkia tavtovee the axP. Carver A Bro bad ahepi HdM la
paoditBc* u tUs city ud Tfotalty to
tair BMcy. too. K. Saato tod
aearty a teK Mim* BuOars. it be-

ware detadtac


tbe damva to ta laa^ aaa

jkP am. ta uuphoke Mat*


maeitag to «
be called (or.i
Baal aetloa t
amiter co




______ wlfcto OiUs Ptar
eatlers aa Wef
Tha were Lutaad eatlers
Uo Hoatar hu ___________________
Provemoet with his family for ta


ta dapartsmt. and daatttw tod ta I—c. taaa 1U to

toald la tbM
knows tut ti
that aothtad eoatri
ta Mwapertty and «

Whea thta read M nnmidKut.
D ba home wltbta ta ttaae 11

r nth:
tag with Jipaaeaa
Frasota H. Urnlta.
Albert Jobs ta vtaittag rMi
Qraad Rapid*
Mr* Maitawa. srtte to ta
leadcatt tota
to ta sctaml. arrived
Hn. “—
to Karl
Tbantay ere
Tbe evi
---------- - —I spent ta Ma._




Estimates and exper­
any time.


ol 40




caps and fuse.on band
at all times.
per cent,

Summer trade ‘

that we want to dispose of..........................................

€itV Book Store
Bcbsrt, Betebsr t Co. Preps.

We we aduiiig Urgdr to our Hoaten' W, sad aew
bkve ItadicA Clenta, ICitaet. Boys aad lataata Hose
in aD conoo, Heece hoed ud woolen u pncR (mo Se
per pair aaN npwsnl We h>ve Mae e^wriaily good
------- re--------------------------------- ..
---------------_ Buraben in La-iict Hone u...............| Oc per pi
Yob wiH find it ecoooay to boy oar Boys- aacT Girii
lOe, l&c and 2Sc ttockiagi.

ienced men fumi^ed

left from the Spring and



reasonable prices.


(If remnam paiterns and some odd stock

Use 4U

for stumps

DM-l FWOtl

and 60 per cent, for

la tact everytbiag Wap U

W. E. fi!l

Ml FreM at. TravwM dty.

W. H. aROWNCLL. Prap.

Reliable Footwear
new Fall Styles
Madi. by makers of good Shoes.

value received.

We give


Claw Wangr aad Ota Lanaa to
P. Rmbw to Lelud ucat Baa- SaiicM Bay aad Hemoa Warue to
Triptoi. Iowa, are vtaltiBg rtoi
ud rnemda la town.
Dr HePkan to .Kesthpen ta ta

iKdPB. and K. «. Baattata bad •MBS.

mm ta Bra MS .to*. lo b. too joatsldr ta btoMtad




terlomly aad aaiharadMatly xt
d hook nod tadder ta (all.
- _________ __________ Bra was tamed ta.


ta ta- pUat was

( «alM OBI. ta blase had a

n Choice Col

Mro Haado Bodgab ooBr (riaa
wUI ho girarod to hear that she M r
ttag M aaeh bettw that ta aw.
thtaU kU caa do wftheat a npMar
aarro no Mtaa PatUgm (to wheas
loo maeb gntaa eowt be givem) rotoroto to hsr hama ta Tiaveroa CUy
OkaIm aad Mrs. KeQfemdg to IButatu srfD raroata to leak attar Bln.


PIngree "Gloria" a S3.60
“American Girl’* a $2.60
“Royal Blue" & $3.50
'*Gleaner“ a' ^00
“Golden Rod” a $2.00


IRayers School Shoes made for wear




alM task «lcW knatUH <• «
TM Am A^ MeoBA iwMt>
UkM hr kortlai whs
MMdtMriBMMU. Tba&ntti...
MAk« wMjahm hr a tmnr «( slskl
pwipta. vHE k>d AIM osUUM At Iha

1^ CBAtAlAlH AOAA AM *ta
MlAd. WtAHtM bU Acno. klOAUd

A •afa WUd RMa fAr Ufa.’
Vitb A fABlly AIOASd ABACt-.
A to db. AAd A toe ridiBg ter ItfA,
bUaa. to gAt Dr. KtAg'i Knr DMrarj for OoBAOBpibB. OoMbt AM
CtMA. W. U. aroATii. M UorrUlA. lod..
PtattAC tAlr. Tb« •
woMATtoI BAdieter gArr Is
prtM wAA takM hr
> tbAA OBA APPil- ctABi Ifllit AAd aocn eurod blB. H<
■tklWL nt •kowtAf
‘ ■
sad* hr MtA. --------------- ------------------At tbA AABA Uba
trrltM: *1 AOtr aloep Aossdlr emy
OoMmomKi .T«T Ufhir d( bw (rA
Algbt.'’ Ukr BAmloBA corra of Coo
Asd tfe# «r~dt OaI «b« MM kAM
. ThA lAM AdkMA AUto thAI IbS MAI

hAd A1 tk«
9 KT Cot allMrct« Tim Dcpnlb.

■ AAd
thil ettr. won Aaiiad
« boM d tb* iraoM

•TAMSgbt AftAT for AlIBBar nM
TbOAA vbs kBow LoBg IMs

LoAg trooblAA.
.... Me AAd »1.M. THaI botiM
iAA. O. JobAAOB'A ABd F. H

drw ttorsA.


Ml bAASUfo] spotl iB tblA bAA_____
gnh rogtea. BooAd lAltAd. or PHBk
pTASASM <d OAtr tbs lAlOad. AA il il OflM (AllAd. bAA bSAA
■ ud rAUtlTAA Of tbA BAod AA A cABptag Apol Uba sot Of
AAd -BlAd. LOOg lAlAad. AlAO. lA A iB«
ISOA Ml At OSM t«r Audi
w old kcwt at U» crooB
BoU brldt AAd Sfooa
unro tB ibA dir. AAd A
til ATta tfe«B MOTT kkp
Tbore H U Ur lAkA OAotbar IaIi
ibA dsAihtAr «d Adoipb kBova AA Brath tAlAod. ap boat
If IbA PtAlAABlA. prUlA Uw bdAd of IbA lAkA. vUcb lA M bAATllr
lA bAM pKAAlAAal lA Mai Af- »oodAd tbAt tt b VAry dlHOBlt to AfA ATAT AlACA bA OABA U> tbA <
■A roAn A«o Ha hAi bMA a1<
I rtOB bU VATd rspAAtAdly. I
TAAT vAt baaorsd with ibA n.

Moadiv. ttrr. C,

Timv«r«*Ctty MmrkBts.
This ropert lA mmOA UP on WMnso*
BAP of sAOh HMh. ThA Horsld to not
• tor ohAngpA In prlOAA.

-- ^?.S.“S!,*SX »

CIrctilition thit week 2,625.
iobA B. CABpbAU bAA MBA tO EAAMA aty. Ho-. W UhA AA Adn
ODorAA lA TAlArMA^ aMaooa.



barr tnaB tataaer aad b oba of Kaa-A AAUBAbb fooBg tedlAA. WAI prstAlUlM IB WUIA BSU MBUBAd WUb
boA AOd AAilD rtMoe, aod earrlad
whtiP PAiuaiat aod gffBolAiot. Tbt

r. u. javau of Hap» Oi«ta frail
IBIB for A hoMM «l mum grAPAA.
Arbb* AIA AAMU Ib^-brft boor

tor *01 ABirtod oo
HM UwbA AACtor
WAdAMday MM to> aHr. HATTAf tMT
M HbMamb. IbA
iBfBil «■ OibM Raima. Tbo brtdo <


sarTAd I
Hr. aad
ausy TAlAAbM I

taar will raatdP la Mubif.

Moat ImpAftAnt CrtoilnsI Casa.
The OBM ihai will cbbaa Um graatsi dagraa of laiarast la jM lABta '
OaorgaDtWltL a<


Il will ba ro-

lA aeaaoe.
Tbb BoreMg (bo (AototT bod aboat
W bBbAit at pAAcbai OB Wd. aad b
oaaalag ai iba rata d too bubAit par
Lettar to Jaeab tlrmley.
Trarerae Oly. Hicb.
n.wr Htr; Tbe aaBcyabce eoasad
tbat are
.. Uia tba
of the shortage. MbM by tbs
> aa to bow Hr
every eon. aad atut Mod Tor taora
-n tbe Btldit of the work.
Beeldee. a abort Baaaure bab tA
dooMleas. also a obBter U oUter

also yea SM out while Uie wvk


bar amUmt bdag AabA
bBbBM AM fatbM. wba
Mo hM thrsA iblAtA bM

Look out far Mat_________ _
tiadea all tba roat Darpa Ready
. .... ith M.__ PBint la full Bwaawra aM darmbb.
lo OOBBII raps. Ha «ob am fcaow
tbgietbATA Wtu be aay eMaga orbab
r. W.^DKVM^' CO.
aver IB Uw oharve. aM ae far M ha
M woaraad tba Mai will be tamed

■Ub bar tba trial of tbe e
Ttra bar.

y»m* WflDd baa :

PlBlBlag wliaan H awflUag _ _
•M gtra tMthBfaty oa iba Bora smIoas ehsrca. DeWitt adgbt ba altowM
to pHM g^^to MMt Md batury,
Mart baTbSt^Sda*^**”*^ ^ **
Kbar aogross Uw HaraM _
. -that tbM la a atraag prob



Oanvar and GalatM PoMta. OoL
idaBtiaaUBL tl


, AddM-to $SAA0
CB BHOotobar
b toaM laolodSTdt

pHa**»v^UMa tt wS
to jBdga Mayas la ti
Prabota Oatirt MiWara.


Blankets ltd Bedding


fi.oo to DMroll aad Toledo, St.OO to
R. * I. AABoal nrarAloB October A
Chicago. 14.00 lo Qraad Rapidi oa «.
M.On lo RlefaBoM Oclobar IS Atk
aay G. K A I agral about It.
H. A I. ASBUAl exrunloa ic
trdi. Tolrdo, Chicago aad Graad RapkU. TtMaday. Octobar S To Rich- October 11. Saa 0 R A 1. AgABI
R- A I will glre Us unoat
...... ....... os Tneaday. October
Ueiroll SLAV. Toledo IS.M. Cbiragu
Uraad Rapids StOO (siaitons
Reed Cliy aad south tlOO). Tbe
second earunlob will b« to Rtrfauoad.
Ind.. J3S Tuesday. Ociober Ulb- Fare
Si.On Tlckeis guod lo return (or 10
days Sec U. R. * I usenis for full
rs or addrees C L. Lockwood.
Graad Rapids. MIcb.

This il )bm Uw Use to Ihiak ol fenie( Uw mpply o<
beddiogi aad tbert is bo betta place to bay it th»e at IfU.*
I.IKEN'S. U you
take a look at ow «o* (oob *m
wtMld thiak that all we earned was beddiac. all boi«kt mo be.
face the advasce in Cottoas, so in cott«i
we ara is a
podticiB that maay ewtebaats arish
were la, cotUn bla*.
ets at prices that are below tbe laaikel valae.
Out prices oa Wooteo blinkeb aie' in propartMB to oar pnea
onibecottotfooes. Our sto* iithe laoH cstaplM of aay ia
Kortbera UidugaD. Below ate some prices that we kvuw aie
briow ntarkA

1(M Tali or gray. fanc>- borders. lull size
aod good sreight. worth
IM full sz« and weight, colors my and
(an with pretty assortment of colored
borders. You are saving 15c
per pair
pair on.ihesc at.......................
1*4 Grey, tan and white, i white have no
borders i. This is a splendid seller, the
borders on tbe colored ones are verypretty and the quality you would expect
to pay a half dollar more ^ J 00
than we ask

Extraordinary jiurchase of plaids, red and
black, gre y and white, blue atjd while,
tan and white, red and white, this is an
extra 6ne aod firm blanket, good long
staple wool used in weaving, should be

Special purchase of white wool Uanketa,
in dainty colored borders, also in light
plaids that are ven- handsome, these
are soft and fine, the -.-tes are IM and
measure good and fulill, marked special


7 lb. Army blanket in white, with colored
11-4 size,
Guinea ben dannel blankets. ..
border, this is an extra heavy blanket,
gray and white mottled, a beauti
eautiful se-made for service and usage, A AA
iMtioo of borders, specialh
you can own them now for pr.
priced .............. ...........................
Some splendid things in the finer grades
of white wool, long toh lambs wool
Plymoth Rock family blanket, heavy, dark
that are very soft' and warm, handsome
my,mottled, just the thing where larn


United States


wrijlit 1. «-ant- 2.00

ed. priced for advance sale

We have another consignment of those
rich and striking fancy blanket, cen­
ters as well as Imrders arc composed of
pretty color combinations. We are for­
tunate enough to get another

Ordtrti tbt
Rob*s and Ortib

Be Se Trymati

Hbg on. and Uw palsUog Bust
while you and for
Bvaa thisI la Bot
ML m the went

BMM. tbA I_____ _I was b^thta liM lora. aM UM tbm*m
fsar At BaiUs CrsM BM will be bd« that Uba ibal Uw oamplalalAr_____ to du again
la a■ year or two; aad pa^
BWI paar
algbt aoi Aasirs to appaar tn tba aoori hap, your
la BM really good (or.
gl*A taatiBOBy. aad that DaWlu. tbat (iBA
. a OaraoB. wUa of VO- AM
■Igbl ba ADowad to> plead guilty
of lylag b that lUra Ua
oa of m LAbB ATaaaa. AMd AAMOIl AAd battaiT.
H'l htMdst to eateb -aa.
y at Iba age of H yaAra af
g Uar tbs

IVfcAU good tor IP dAFA. Sop C. R.
* i. Agnii for MU lAformAlloB or AddrsA* C 1. Lsekwood. OabI. Paaa.
AgTOL Urabd SAptdA. Hkb
C K. A I. AAAAAl e»BIAk» to
Toledo. Cbkago oed Graod :
roAAdsr. OetebAT C. To f
Bond UctobAT IS. 80* a. R. A I. A

Cbt Judge of the

tlCBA Of frtMdA

M af Iba PiMbia Jato aboHa AtloBdad Iba basOu turaarlr pact of tbb bc^ aM


RNbiBaad. lad. fS.OO. Tuodday. Oct.
Uth. Ala good for 10 days. 6ae ABF
I I. Agral for lAforaaUoa or addma. c. U Lockwood. Orel ~
Ajmi. Uraad Rapida, Hkli

MM HottlA FAlfAr.
plAAAlsg oo doubllBc Uie
L. Pelasr. A«A U TAAfA. Alreodr
PAdtr of til plAAt BAXI FAor. Tbb i
.FTAB o'clock Ibll Bantbr parcbAAs
two Bora
tog At tbA boBA at htr brnbor. Hop- secAAAtlAte
Atr SbArtff PbUlp PAlAAr of MS Baa*: muog
•DAT. ABdbrr illkAr. AOd AAOtbAr
Pnral AtrAAt. at eoAMSipdoB.
Tbb trill I
‘ nAeAAAAd bAdjAAA U DolTOlt
Uba neAtTtBr’'toMt»Mt
>t»Mt for t
Tbet -----------------he aaod o
. bat hor ■
pnidaeu bAsldat con. aad la tbat «
dATAlOpAd lAtO A
AOI a lOAA to IbA b
--------------Tbt ftr*c aeMOB of tbA
----------- from tbsrr tail SstArdAF.
What b LHat
^bA *A1 00 b« -..................................
Caamlag eaBpAay'i raa.___
> Iba Mat ABBlyAlt nobody knowB.
AAolhAr bnUrr
T lA lh« Blrailcy AAlgh<AK» ha* lost bagaa. allboagb for
WA do kaow that ll it oadar Atrtct
jBiA lUDA aaiAll loAdi bara baea ooa bw. Abuse tbat Uw era trUgbUy.
TbA (IIBArAl '
lag la, aad tbay wma
raaslu. Irregular Urlag bmabb
MA Of PUltp ..
Fraot aa tbay arrlTod. Dvrtag tbt paal two pain igeBeai
of the organa. reauIUag
AiroAL ■AtanUr aRi
.1 two days IbA factory baa beaa nBatag fall
oBBtltwUon. Headache or Liter
o-ckicb. Rat. O. C
OoeUlA ofidAtOd force oa ««ra.
trouble. Dr. King's Ke* Life fUb
Oraat saallArr paloa are tskm la quickly raadiiuu tbb. It's geaUe
lU fadorr to keep orarTtUag oIbb yet Uareogh. Only Sic at Jaa. O.
Bd Avarytklag b tbMoaghly wBbad SohBfSPb and F. H Neadi Drag
Dd dAABod troquABUy.
TbA factoiy ru BBtfl It o'doek Mat
boBA WAddlag took pMoA at t
Prtday. aad now natll aAar A o'clock
------Bwo of Hr. AM 'Hra. Oderga
Pock of KassoA. SuBdar
kalf A BUUua GABa of goodg At tbo
Il uau It b-cBBBlag 10.000 eaaa



-jrge shipment, good size and well filled,
nice assortment of pretty patterns, ex­
tra good weight, three specials #1
for advance sale. 1,60. lis and
One hundiI red styli from $1.75 to $SM.
You will!1 find It scarcely
pays (o make


stPtk «f



S$7&™K'3S‘.(lb''“i,j;" 810

PILLOWS from $1.50 to $6.00 pr. Good
standard weight and quality.


finest we ever had or ever was shown here-45c to 75c. sq.
yd.--some very handsome and novel designs just received.

Sold for the benefit of the
We have bought the entire.
Stock and have placed it on
sale at way below wholesale
prices. .Shoe up the whole
family while you get Shoes at
your own prices.

............... 98o

If You’re Wanting Some of These
We’ll “Show You’’ Best Things to Buy

DoHag tba PAM law days prebaul
M ea.7 Hbp iM M I*

Jlifnd ZljTrkdrich
OppotfH BtnU Offkt.
-Sr mSJi was a a.
•m trmr pom ta tua .
tba tMACal awtrlOA tiw haU
■MrHaj Boralag at 1A:W ^mb tba
Ha Lba) HM I
_ -..................................................tor
_ Thai Hi was u
HM rMay. A 110 bia
HB^tba wau* pacM^tblstraaM _


aM te am parHBAl propofty.

Ubs at t
n*ata wtu ba
to giap at tatarBAiHua p


attar af tba aotata et Him Ooak.

iHtiA QtUHy. diAMil


^'^lUoa was UM

tntm wm IM QraM

TktacH 1.

-1|M SM tkHf MM haet I
Mr. BUT lba fOM___ _______

•*The StanferJ*

door to gM ha* of it 10 the
''tSaMWA A< Mr. TiMiHl bOBB
|ar abbU wior. tMa f
So MBUty af tba ttMt



■A- L amrsd H tbs M|y HM FHlBr.
AM MBA «atu aftar A «bla*
AM tba fuM of tba aaBBBMt H *
MM H a taw days. TbefcaiMUB


W. _lMwa. O. P. A. QraM


aad Httan wan koatd' ta^U*W
UaB P. CMm aM L. X. Ofbba wsaa

Low RbH ■aBwalaa B «w CM
Oa SapL Uth lba Lake Cbera aM
HMM fotbara >y. vm m th#
Tbat^oaSr'pwim”^ bSAB HdBMA “*®*‘*'*®
for jartlealan aa to Uba of MOlal
i^by tbe

for puri^, strength and color, is
Hannah k Lay X;o'8 "BEST" fi^ur.
manufactured from Michigan wheat
and every pound guaranteed :: ::

Oa absvs data P

Hoody, -Van am tba Me at rata of KJA Her tbA raoM U
to TMAdt aM Itotorti $IM
la wamaMtoB wiu tbb tow nto
-^Sm^^m’^PobaM. “My ClaalH



•so U«a eaagM la tba bw aMg
Mp M Hm badwr Uw alhww «w
M abbR. Tba beaa aa waO m IM

Uaf Itoaa. R
b *■ R. WbiHHt
C.Ubs »to
_ aad lba PwMylrakHRR.
TbraoM ttobata will ha aoU fm


Mb Hanharg has be*


isri: iS"

( StBtoM. MbSboHIHb I

asj£.'~ >""" ™ C t^SS'JSS.'ST;
•J?? •«**• •WC gaotag g Hr* lacTetode sat Htar A *

New FaU Orlcnlal Rugs
The largest assortment of beautiful
rugs you will find-is now on sale in
our carpet department. You will be
lurprised bow small tbe price is for
-eally high class oriental rugs. We
have neve,-- shown such hudsoo
tn hardly tell them fro
genuine imported rugs. Man^of
the designs are exact reproductions
the most elaborately wot^o rugs.
of tl
Such a host of sizes; fit any place you
Arant.from a doorway to a large size —
room and the prices?—why from 45c
to $36. Pleased to show them to you.

ihc Latest Works of Ficttoi.
Will alw^-s be found on our book
shelves.4fVou want to keep up with
the new^t writings of your favorite
authom. Then there are so many
bright writers who are making names
for themselves; you want to know
them. Here are some of the latest:
“Gordon' Keith.” Thomas Kelson
Page; “Golden Fleece.” David Gra­
ham Phniips; ”Ur. Bryson.”
Spearman;‘'The Sherrods,” Geo. B.
McCutcheon; "The Bishop.” Cyrus
Townsend Brady; "Out for Coin."
Hugh McHugh; “The Pit.” Frank
Norris; “Ike Glid^enof Maine.”

Wc Hare a Boys SbK A genuine calf skin, with an oak sole
that sriU vrear like the tree itseli and
sundaWmodi rough sreather. Going
(oschdU is bard oa any ^oe, but this
particular one will wear as long and
look as wrell as any too can buy.
These sell for $3 and $160 and you
can’t beat it. We have other styles
tbat sell for $1.25 and $1.60; of course
the>- are not ^ good, but they are
the best for the aumey ybu can find.
We have just as laigc a line of giris'
and mitaes' shoes.

New FaU Salts for Boys
We are in tbe bostness of fitting out
boys with clotbiag,. We have aequiredour steadily tocreaung trade h
coes^t strivingto improve tbe 4
ity of the garments sold here.
are as stylish as clothing can be i
and we insist the manutacturen give
us the wearing quality. We are showing the finest amortment of boys' and
youths’ dmhing ever brought to
Tiav^ City and tbe prices are *
from $1.60 to $16 the suit. We warn
th<« goods to be seen. The buying
wiU surely follow.
' "

Ike BrtebUT Haw
is morepopular than ever. Sales are
Incasing cottstanUy. lust listen to ,
riiis: Tbe Bradbury Piano was re- ^
cently chosen by the Chicago Board
of ^ucatioa as the laano to be used -

lial the dedwm m re^hed .Iter
TOfy careful expen examination of
the most renowned makes, adds one
more to the many valuable eodorscmesti received during tbe half tentuiVof its existence. We are sole

Mirrts CkalR
are just the kind of present to make
Vpur friend. Nothing^ more accept­
able, for thm- are positively Ae
easiest chair that it ma^ Never had
a finer stock to select from aod never
dM the faaories torn on: such beanbfn! chairs. Tbe Veknrs are tbe very
latest, t^ pacteros are the newest.
We gt^rnntee the cushions to be
filled with genuine hair and to be
softer than any other made. Our
nbeesoow are from $a00 to $15i».
WVwant you to see them.

Hy. Ha-




Grand Traverse Region.
of Hamer *re vMtlDC MmiI* k»P
. UMk
Mb Urmw H Bp«adlSB •
Slirar Uaaa. bar* bom
«kn ■( KM CtU
atUbd ibo Mr.
-itimn UbcbJ* Fnr ud ChiMlu
Un. <MkUa aad Ufa. ■laibin.
rbo bk'< bet* uWltac r4a!lTta bar*,
_____ ________r tim k ire iat* ndarant lo Ibair hoM* al
Ur. ksd Un. KHbIbt of Okdillkr tn- UtA . Uti Tbarater.
■Utki «')ip Ur. kBd Un Wn Im
Ur a iin aad Hr. aad Un. Staata
^ la Ibe Mr al Onad Kapida Ual
■r Id reaac p-'pb- id ibli
dad Ibe party a) Joha HurBklarday erpalBB Aa amPiWBk UnU> m»r«n1 Hitiirdt) loyabir nan *a* rrpidlad
MTMlM »rod the
Twrii - aav Maaiban mm adUU> Allf* UrB> bar anoo ib.I^kUdi ■lliad !'• Ibe U C eburrhfla
oo iml «ik«.
•wr liun..,.
Ur. rkd Un. Oao. Hnllb »i*e a
ionlkB party btiiuday eyeaiaa in tamm id
Ur. aad Ura. B. P. Krvba id Ollrn.
PVBPk 1^1* c4 TnrOTM Cilr >U Ur aat Un Kraba will Mte for
M Modi b«r* Siwdar.
Ihkir bnr aaat TbartdayRBlpb UMUcar bk* k
UUi Jo Herr cd Tnrerae Ctly apeat
Ura UalUr of I»ds .
Baaday ai b
bM- kWrr. Un. Jubk WkrrMtr Ib*i
Ur. aod »
are rUIilaa h
ibU rkinliy.

k bOt»« lB»( KDBdk}.
A cnnrd of poas pMpIc from Bb*t
Uad BBd UuDd Hdrlkir l«A tk Ibe
<a ID PnnamuBi Uui SAdw
a a CbkpaikB
•BI TiaUiBi
(iBi rrtndk
■ au
UU •«*.
V. VMocbl) bkk rewtrkd


Un. A«BM KBlpbi Amr war
Ttmrane Wip SkiBrflar ca bWtahBk
Robrn PKw kpmi laai w«f ‘
. Ur. BBd Un. ABgu CBfipbBlI
BBT. U(l IhlBdkr
isr »Wlor

Un AmSfynamtA bu beea catoylBi a rary pleaiiat galbarlas <d
bar cbl’dM aad BTaadeUldree am
llriBd. Un. Willlaa Bbipp A Dearer,
Ooto.. raiaraed lo ber bone eereral
dan aao
Bar hrelbar. Abe frea

aMBDlw aad Un Ully id Ctareiabd.
wllb brr daatbier. will reuala aa
Miar <eeh. Ure- U. W Rlebardeoa
of doaih Praakfart bu aleo i
Mioie U:i>e bora «Uh ber BMbar
Tbey had aoi beca li«i
for It } nn. aad ibey all bad a a
line aol arew yoaac anfA.
Tbe < MiilBBad wei wiuibar delayed
fanB w< rk aad Bucb el Iba fall
eowlM It yai to be diMM.
Then It a treat deal of peiau
Ml^lu ibU eacuea. Tbe yield will


aad eora will be

Hrk. Bcaadt'a Btdbw ruar
JW b<M.........................................
WHiar 1

Oeotte Dawaar l« la Ibarene C
ue baeioew.
Un. WB. KeUaAoaaa aad aoa I
laad rtiiiad raMIraa U Oabora E_.
urday aad aabday.
Kr. and Un Uelrik Paul rMara
Ur. UoCar. a«o hae bau rlalUu
KMk WBdafkdBj. anpr ip«adlaf v
tile daaibter. Un R Bdrtaad. nraatn wlib nlBilvaa tp WkrlMd.
laraad lo hU baaae la Trarcne CHy
JkB. Klamk U
UMHm vbi
mme o UaBdar iBBtn
Alban PiBBM K
__________________KBUra t. irvklBB
lead yeetaedar U> rWI bto brotbar
Praak, wba la rary UL
M Mn. Uarbel
WUbob marwd boan Team
Ulia Bdtlb UUler of TraretM Ciiy
(peBt a weak rtaluat wtik ber fraadpareau. Ur. aad Un Joha Daaa.
w H. W
. .
prwrloBi ID bar daparlan for Cblrtu awrr-BBar •»«>. P. W. SaUlraa
r Trar«rM Cl>) ain tako bU pU<*Trarm
Hr BBd Ur«. Jobs Paul of*'o*''



waat thndar wiih ftuadi bare,
a W. Cartv of ■aalUb* BPaat Baa
«V B> btt

^n y.'J. Lowae aad ebUdraa, who
hare haaa rMUai relaUrM ben all

trots tbu weal. U riaUUt U* mIetM.
Un. Mta Blt^. The boye all lay
« bon wt BP ih* p
the weel U aaeb a aloe place, yet ibey
■ It la n
all ■nB»d eo ttad to tel I
U. « U______________
Elderto KaraM. nalor id
MaUd aad omdaod i
cburrb of Utaat pceached
_M Id tba tine alac* h_._______
dM yeatardv abaai aooi. A poai
Mortaa vIU be bold umrrow and
bu baea oa IbU charfe (or
Ibe feaeral'Wlll upe place oa Wcdtore aad bu labored rery bard,
aaaday ai I ocjoel at dbe u E.
im Ibe Wexford ebweh. wUeb
abareb Tbe lalemcBi will ube place
I bom
I Brarwraaa ckMktety.
Un btftek Mdi IbU nanilad tor
y cu be Pfwod
•r boaw a< Souib Boardnaa. aftee
a great Bamy Baa.
Bbcn rkU wllb her daatbier. Ura.
It every polaL The
.. H Uiamw. Id KtBdkley.
d to have bin reTae Natcauner boya aad ibe Cn*b
in> aautber year.
Ule bi>y» an buy wUb ibelr tbruab.
Un Al KaUaey'a teiber aad
laa aarblBee wbea Ibe vealber trill
r.'Ur aad Un BtiiobL *
Ulrhtcao.' have ................................
' a< Ur Haatay-a. luM bare re.ed to Ibelr bom
U( ~
acTCuiB HAy.

• • •«!*. .

!• lud to Sumna HaT^oei
A l«lDg pal ti
abape aad
bu all lit da
opyi i<> Ibe pablle. Barai
aad BO ou Bead reBala to lu

prempi AcUM N Pleaaint
Traeerw CNy ——

MJkta WWO QWN» OfMgr

J1 Olorid mitbout music
Would be a dreary place indeed. Music is an inspiration-a tonic, and should be in every home,
‘vou expect to buy a piano eometime-why not
now? If you buy a high-grade

A great Sock of wild csiary
BMi dutb oo tbv.aieel deck a
Peavey Harr Proderirk B Wella
Bigkl duhag a etorB oB tbe Apoo.
taluda In Lake Ssperlor. Tbe,
btrda III oa Ibe aula and cope*, but'
were blown oB ud fell lu Ibe dock. I
tbV abock kllllag them u faa< u they I
fell. Uapt. Bione u)i tbai about &0c'
or d<a< of Ibe birda died lo ihU way.

Kimball Piano


part ta a*torcly^lBoe*
cab eejoy b allek of laSy la iIm
Rad tnrki are cav
rbrre lurde ate alaftac aad II
u tylat by aU Uau a day.
''cure IH- ktdaeya
Mr ZlauaerauB
Uait Uke arbr.
Duaii'i KIdaey PlUa are for ktdoeya
Raturday oe tbe
>1. where uly.
No tlBe wuied irriag
a Nonb. inxiblu
un urvr Dosuy.
Travrrae Cliy people '
Tbe Pebllc hcbceil
Uoaroe Hone of TU W. Tib
addiNl y« aaw rcdumu'io tbelr already
Bi. u.x: "Uua'k Kldaey :
large BtiBber of booka
The V B boa aad ahadow aocla] B) life. TbU aceaia a doul
Prlda} eeeetag wu a atweeu la every mem In Bake, bnt 1 am wmiag ibe
All eajoyed Ibe nuay gaaec pul,11c cbuuld Judge fium farli I wu
Ufxe euppen ibal were prepared aadrr a pbyelelu'a treaiawot lor four
weekL gate up hope
went boae foellax well paid *
llmei. aod a bra I i»b
.. .
etealai'e oullag
that I M
lee Hilda Hort aad Uarriu Hu Kldne) PlIU wu eu wuk that
a Ibe ftoor.
ail advited Be 10 lue Ibe r
atired Ibe weddlat of F
Ub. Knaa ChrlnlaBeue
1 w*hM ol Ibe place are exi<
I'llni'iiir'a medlrli
la Ibe aplliooa
Ud Un. Mork.
nr me or atx daya after I it
Vlai. Jowpblae Haleereea c
In- ireaimem tbe kldaey
.......... ...
Arbor 1. ruillu al ibe bone <
r<-i~ pure blood ud before 1 uaed
Or. Payee.
fie box Ibey were clur aod regular
The KBBa made a trip to il
t>>nowed up Ibe ireaiBeal. aad ------tbi. eeeh witb a eprto cd fnili
r ihere U a reeurreau. I cu
iloaaly aay (hai Doao'c Kldne)
Plll? cured ibe Uat attack ud u<
By Ufe."
Por ule by all dealrn. Price
Uiae Ida Bbaak ud Cora Wbui
Puaier Ullburn Oo , BuEalo, N
rere ai boBe fnaa TiBvaru Oiy
V.. eoln ageau for Ibe Cnlled Blalu
Keoieuiber Ibe iiaBe—DouV
Ulae Ploraace Blakaaley la ai boi
tron Trarene Oily a^ta.
kir. DarU of Trarerw Clly wu a
The Baeeol of a Jukaou eaglne
turn a. Ur. Wbeat'a Saaday.
ouu la a yoiug raocooB who b
Un luridaoa-a fraadipoibor, Un
ttoa-Blaj; of Kawkawlla. bu ben rla BlBibh- u a Boskey ud kaowc
alarau a> well u tbe bcd.
mat mm..
Ur. aad Un. Uotioa wool lo Cru
all tiuDday to epead tbe day
beir daatbier.
»ei». vuru syefe-uie- i
Un Ptareaer Wltbtaaa of Uoe
; larlgoraiu tbe whole ■
roe enter aad Ura. Bdlib Tntia

Ur. Neleoe aad fanlly of SberBao
Ibe tweaia of Hr. Wheat Balur

Bach, la
u old aoldlar by amua cd J.J. Hi
VereaUlea. O. For run be
mtb KUaey dUaaM
aeliber doMoca aor BolielBU gava
blai relief. At leagth be tried BMctrlr BHien
It pul hlB os hU (eat
ta abort order ud mb be tuilAu:
-l-Bi oa Ibe road
sad to ecupMa
oe> a______
urtb for Un
Aror u
troobMa ud alt foma I
Bioauh ud BenreJ Coapli

II iurpaaau any «
toiloo. uietment or balm
OorOL Karat. Bolle. Son
Ulun. TMIer. Bolt Rbi
I. Chapped Huda. Skla
tknit: Ufalllble fw PIIgl ~
uieed Italy tie al Ju OI Jobnaon';
and r K Mudi. Druggliti

You will not pay the highest price, but you will
get the best tone, quality and durability
that money, brains and experience can produce.
Factory prices and most liberal terms.

lad inrldeal esBe lo Ugbi In ix nnecihMi with (he dnlb of UlM Helm
RuT). who wu ktllod Tueaday at
Hyraruee by filling fram a wlariow
While walklnx m ber sleep
Harry'e father aeni a taleiratn lo
Thoaaa Parrel who wu engued lo
Ibe girl. He I. oor uf tbe telegraph
raiun aUiloned at Roppletc*. on
U-hlgh Valley road, ud by eome
Strug' fnie Parrel bappeaed lu be
Ibe operator wbo took the meuage
Pencil 1a hand he wrote tbe wordi
wbirb conveyed ibe newi lo bit ineei
»—i'a duih When be militod tbelr

W. W. Kimball Co.
I 29 Front St.

Wheo )«u buy a range it

R xnj5r,
The pueh crop la Oaklud >
III year la ool large eaougb I
Ide tbe reaJdesu with tbelr uaual
auply for eaulag.

e ol uiure'c resedlu;

vbUb baa baM lrra
Aa «aa( MB dva blU ba eebiur%Aaa Babt w IMW Tm





utanr of
or IbU

I takas aaddaBly ill
At thU wiHtat tbe


PUbar U bow beytat poia.


(ka rrliliani

be baa


wr i 1 h

A i>reitv ilerOTBie>l Um|i, Hands 1 A. 4 in.


btgh.»n( .Mily,..._^................................................

Urta^M hw panbaaad
O UahM boue ~tbU waA.
dr. aDAUn Wtll Mgler wiu to to
dar But ta the aear fatara. where
y win
U Wyaeeop-a raap



for:........................................»40 M'
A full anonaiem of
oibw uecl










thai you cu pick right

along, $r.T6. *49 76

out of a dish ol water
ud pul <« a lainpwiih



a btg blaae aad it


not break.



where we wdl handle

We han^ tbe

celebrated malicahle

They range in [wire ,



andaiaes of lamp dtiB-




line of all wylei, |wices


high shelf gild icact-

kind* of tetxtatl

hud goods;



you have u old stove






Hudem Lamps. l he>
give OKR bght thu



aad are more durable.

«w mage of uy kind we Wilt take it in excbai^e for a new
We now have on hud severe aecud hud stoves anti

We havelbem.just Ake

lor................................ SI 60

ranges that we offer cheap.
A SNAP for a (anser gr boiardiDg
board! . house. We have u t
large, beautiful Cook Sune that we ti
took in exdtange for a
Arat class, 6-hotc stove, i M(]f by S.
Jewett & Co
Tbe top it 4 A.
- 1-in.
■kag, SC iinches wide,
wiU uke IS ia wood. A large eoeated co^r reservixr, ex­
tra Urge square oven, 19 inches wide, 91 mclies deep. IS^
i^bsM„„tototo|h..b^.ltolo r 16 in 1

Urn, Ma HI IBS

ka N«x

Dos-t putt off •
.ugie Ay iosew.

Opn Tkat sm«i Atcmt

A Cook Stoic, just like cut.




ud giuiteware



with the




--------- of OtawB were
thafr paraBU. Mr ud Mtl

^ i;.“5toSSr sr ^

mm-toto. to
tbe M K. ebaihb of Orul wu bald
•t Wexford Aatt* Taeadar afur
Taa bartaa aad oae ibraa «aalB ^ aepL Uih. Praudlat Bder H.
r. are aacbned la the bay te MMwha Sa“'^'
to b, UB*
taa»uu are


y n- ibetr faiaiuu,. preaariw » fa Mb.

bhakc haada _______
bu forau_____
foTBu boBw bSm be
Anar tba
•oer itouaav aad wUa a
*a lo Ttalt a few daya.

Whidiyrmbkve bcca
rutting off bo kag.

Hi ml pt m\ Mimt

A fine larp uove, Jatt like


takeUin. wood, encased,
enaaded reaetvoir fiioh
with lop of Hove, strid)}'
gwrauedin ev«y wny.
.............................. S1I.T6

txiaU WiltcB. Who


ss. to^

nrsTiriir:.m. r^^.. 5sSS=3«#

and Blanket Sale
Tortbt MKt SistfDafs


Special Bargains


lebn C. Beadle
euw air,





WwL. Batfn aad two mma Mn t
■btwdar Bbd Saadar ib Tra*- Htadir i
H«fc>u to mu miw ul ntom



*iatej^MSty^nn waaA
■ ^kBi iBiiiii
aepa B
eM. wtM
wMr aad ralay wMber «e
. -JadBB Ladd, a Mser raaldeat id

mm *0 Menbpen. wbne they aa.


A flnr. Urce (sMirtmentBr deCBnted Lioipa

1 haveActed up a de-

J*"b*i beta la 111
t'bder Ibe beading "ladlnn Toa-i
bu lb for aeama Ubo. Tbe D
mwpuw wuauy, aad lae lakllaga.- b aember of tbe Potlx
aloBte irtbc coalrtbutea tbe follow
tatorwreat wu Bade la ibe teplre
g lo tbe Atbeu Tlmu: C
Beany half a MU frwB
f la over. Uood Buy ref
d ca D. BaaBI niaverled. Tbey will l .
uyuore Eiwwalor. Old cbM ba any.
Ua VHU tiwUiutaab rialMi
Ob. A. ay people they wUi be eocvarted Ab alah Be aab eoh lab-kehe
to yena (TUi la all 1 eu uy
Ve hare baea ceulac a cmi pMau
David bit two grudaoB tbe
of TBla laialy aod it bu
to U(. Pleaaul. Uleb.
gone a yur. oldut
br, ttad ID
bees there before. Tbe gon
be want ev«7 ladlu cbUdrei
Bury Boaeia. Joaepb
tbrplau of the Bov. Hr. Uaaemt.
Barry by a
Praok OBBbrlll* cf Trararu OMy,
wUl look alter Iboa

sT rr r

li'to -1.0 Y'cd,dome chiinney........

and lo op.

Tbe Irleada id Un. J. Powc
Eaplre awre grlered to bear c
du-b which oeeurrad at Suplre lui



please you everr <layl.


Ur aad Ura. 4 r

Uaetar Ma Ba«er eaaghl a tae
tray atalmi yaatarday atar hu bwa.


A brautifiil QuA Meal

-Ji. ■a.'S-lT ST s ^


l.srgeHicofgUHlaBpa,up boB..............
Akdoied glass Uuipi in green or ml,

too A life lime,



Lamps or all Styles

will jtay lou to buy a
Quick ileal, (ii will lui

George Wright of Troy abut a lup
poanl burglar in tbe aboulder ud
(ben touad it wu bit brotber
voond U aot Mrioua

Ur. BBd Ura. twaa cd Aarane
•be BiieBdiat phyaldu. .
Oen aattlBB hak «
^neltad tbUr daatbier. Ura. JOka
Prank SBltb. who bu bau bartag
.. > folly to auDcr frtia tbe bomble
Bartead aad (aMly. tbb week.
tbe fever, la iBprortatplague of tbe nlgbl. Iiphlng pilet.
Pktyd Bbetord U Me wone ai DoRi'a UlalBieat enru. quickly ud
lb aauM vimam.
bat we thiak will aooo rally
At uy drag aiore. to
Ufa. A. C. PVk baa
to Trm>
auar CR) lo lira.
ary Bucm bu Bared <« of J. *^r aad Un Cowala aad dawbler.
Ptwk Wada Baitlb aad ehUdraa ru
------- ftaldca'a pUae. where be baa Hr H beelar ud daatbter of Haaick.
Uad Uk panatk. Hr. aad Un. A. U
were here Muaday to aulat Hr. Pu.
•■Mb. tan BBBdajr.
aniy lighted
Cher ai aerrlcu aad vtalUag Meada..
Mb Baaaau bai Mad A. Hya. Tbe moeHi^ iBpnriai tane rapid
(cr Ba>( paar.
L alao tbe bare, hla
ibar eoBpwr ba*c
bouu and three eora criba.
anmni «« llubar


The time of ^ear to be thii
linking about stoves and ranges. I have- a full and complete line of Stoves and Ranges
24 diffi-rem stylos.
nd prices of Steel Ranges, ranging from Sir..?;") up io the celcbrat'ledyuick Meal i.he very
best Sieel Range made), tHave sold hundreds oL them and have never had a complaint
complaint- Have sold them for H
years, both here and at Kik Rapids aod have never had a call for repairs, We guarantee them
give perfect
satisfaction in ever)- way.

Ulu UelU Btaiibk bu toae to Da
XML ubere abe wtll apead Ibe.o'-----Macbtat. beflBBlat her acbool
KMeia at Hr. Bobblu' at Key--------- lakla care of Un Albert Hi*.
blBi. who U III.


Kvcrj’th'Dil in small Instruments. Slu-i-i Music, «-tc.

bu vtu be? JniuTa





A deoanMd
an. ODIkcipa.taaccrs,.platSB and cveryti^yoownatB
Sham. SBuhighgr^.decordad EnglHh w»e in opu
Hock to ekiae OB al bsli price.

A nice 0-piece loibt aec bice ligta fBrcdain nio^ emboMd far ff:
Some of the moB beaetifal decanted tote sett you ever mw


We can Save You a Lot of Money

m* Twmvanrmm O'^Xr aAlla 0»m^M0B

Reliable Home Fumis!

Hkh^EB «


Mr. ChaBberlato'
Bberlato'i..lcner lo Premier
pretBMy (bo bd« wtdal:
Id Klacttoy. Ba ea I to OraJ BaUoar. dated ~
trae cooaty froB t at«ra Now her 4, tel* tor
wiaaB dto

Jaw^k CfMMrs K«w
Kagate mw Crtmr*'

■ vat bora la U44



. Pronounced My Ceae I



ihU Doratoc a^ .................... ...
rtoaae vbkh ivept the eatlera c
. Said 1 Would Dio Of
yeaurday tbowt ihlrty dead. •
obi> aalor* a
•I tMfOU.
Boart Disease.
la« A* u
The Klad T«a Haw Alwaji Boaclkt, aad wBkh km Baaa
d (0.
r York.
r 80 ywn. Baa teroc the alcaBtaw «T
17 —The; Dr. MUes‘ Heart Cure
. aad haa heeo BBde BmS«r hia |Mi>
Brought Good Health.
Klataley. W
) (tiB* cd
40ld Hdat torly
d bar crew, laclndtoc (be npuln.
Ualy (WO d Ibe crew n
lanota that triSd wtth
vUh and
Awt«wdAwerr the htolth
CBped. Tb* Stblat aebonBer* Sadie
«ktoa to Klaptor. I
4 aad CtHduB gAfiiiUoiiti
I UUIaa d Pra*p*cL btalac. i
ItoB H. H
□ wrecked at ibe uune piar*.
b: a BtoUr. Ur*. Delia Hat
ihat tb*
who bat twee with hB- braUwr
bat tbr 1 loWidOto
T*u> rai* d later**!, t per e*at
eoairael ral*. * par otaL
Norfolk. %Siaiti*
d llBltatioat. 4 yean.
w— ---------------- -—...
wDl b* raaea
MB* Use aco that
a aelther Optam. Morphine nor other Kaiwlte
. bU BBBliarlaa la
«e. Ito ace la Ita coswatecu It draireya Woi
(bto cKy to tb* Bear Tatar*. Bit piBBt
ay* FeretfahnaaB. It1 eorea

and Wind
: Bilora.
, Tlw auu Benr (MloeM *j Ik*
1. bat lb* verb MIty or Manataas^
Wvri ebitdreai. mHa Vamam.
MiebloB sdMliuo to tk* Uatoa, Oolorad troop*. 14*7Prukton. 8*p) 17.—Ai t oVl&rk
aod natnleBcr. It aMtonllatea the Foe
Stadeau al Aaa Ar
mrmr. *4»; _
Ihli aneraooe tbe Jury la ibe rate
BH U library.
An*, vwor lAM *4Mr* ■!)«. laM tlraelart. 147:
OoBWaallaipl*. S*pC 17.—Theport* Oame Warden Afford broa^l to
The ChUdi«a*a PaMora The Mother*a Pitead.
it.4S8 •qvwv mIIm; lettl, MJtl
rMPty (eoiitcei bat baea lafoTBad that 4404 Balur- rerdkl oT Baaalaocbter.. after beto<
odork. ladai- ChU ’Baowaace*Ur bi lUc l>r. kl.ln' lirvi
■fwn bOw.
laat are pwpartac to atm tb* aoatbCmte*
froAttor oC Baltmrta tote TarII. buill.. Ktiti. Micb. I
BOI Sad Ue deteedaai pilliy d vbelmnwBe.-—C.
............... k. Should ikl* la- am deem
-I rm ■ dneci-t end bt .f-•uld tod Trcoielateraal i
p^Of M Kkooi. ti«an.
•d iibMi. TorBadcB Koataadllk.____________
murder. Ilmlllni ibt-m lo miitil
Ut. uait* llrtr Cot*, lot I knee i
pro** iMlabi*. It woald •eeoad deem
Bssn ths SlgBatnra of
murder and maailausb- vtoiabu done lwiot.*adi«ub leoeLl ’
iraiiiral bectoatac
lad Ian*. 7447.
-a'bea tb* rerdlci vat (Iren ib*
...4 eraalMl * ii*y of eeni**.**. tn
Pgblle laadt. racaat I
October 17 0 ruble Spadord t.
I bill (d exc
rawailirr finlbuMaraumi*. Hlrb.
toB lur a Bi irtol. Threat*
M- will be
fi'KemrJin. Sra.)
Sca.t fur free took
_btor bat
BmIV VkiMthB. |I.M4.4kaj>ll.
taat (IMU. M4411
. ball wa* fixed al 4Z..I
> (a4 lIcAft l>iLr.on.
wboletal* that (be ChrttUaa popaICe. L'lkb«rt,l*

- • WWAkTAll.
II. H47t.
MpaKord will be *1.1.- lo f.iral
____ Tb* r*rocloatoc areumeai* uf b
■alaU Mte
bate a>
but b**e by any
Pram-rour ImrmoBlh and Hon G
m* <iwt>. iiJ» pw«i.
•*nell acre mattrrly..
uaaMartu ptMU. UM1.___
I. tkl'.TM '
Oaard ft.
1 lull foreard •t till- »irtn
* tekool
Sew InOutlry fer Seyn* City,
In Use For Over 30 Years.
'* to IMS.
SoOa. Bui*ariA Scpi. il.-Teater“““*“*
hoyu Gtly, Mk-h, Brpi. IS-Tbli
Mn Kdlih Ylayaard bu ___
day-t iwporu d tb* buttaere d tba
pta Natlcmal Oaard. ..
austllas lowa rnirri Into a arv
polnl-il pnMinl>irr«< at Shrlmycan
eertoboto tar temea. ttt.Mn;
Wu .. a rU> of X.1 inki lubablianii.
n( pnicperlty wiib ibr advmi ••t :
d (aad...........
AAftoBltml Uu«aM*i laeuftM.
Tb<- Ktalr Pr.-.bvii-rtoa *>ao.t will
Itoyar UUy Cbarcnal Iron l\>. Wi
Tbaa* rrporii Btalr that ib« U
H: cMtttl. |»mM4: nak la tk*
•w lb* arw furaarr will In-Bin llii* (all mm in tbr Mrrt rharrb at Saiilt i(«*
•ifll boratae.
>. 411.441
t>Mo4 aut«A atik.
ua tbr lab* (roai.
(roai Tbr *llr
*lir wa*
alcrn Marti-, befilantoc October 13. lb"2 '
Tbe Otottarre d the labaWl*
n bic »le*-p itimrd <* an
ruuiu. 441AM.
Uir new cuBimny by thr CbrBlo*l
ox- A tin- rrauliril
Coal. loat. I44I44I: ralae. II.74X.plaai Thr rapsrli}. aitoltnuei. will
In- labn and Pearl wb
Btaak bo^ BkaalkotB^ j
U- to i.iai d chcrrual Iron dall). Tbr laiii'D Kpiin
Buleaiiasi and Gmk*.
MaraariB. lU; ralaa. isattbatt,
Itoou aad akoaa. o
nrsi ol 1
Utwmkal plant will toerram.- l» rtaar'
Aptda tree*. t4U4W.
end tbe other T* f
eoBl inort* lo it; in order to (uraUI.
uhni Id■ Kwtofla

Ckerry Iraw. 447411.
(aUEbi Marin in tbr art rd hullil
I peraoat. and tbe Itar lurpacr with auScIrni rbarrual
ii'ndtDrv u( almcwi fi
Peaob tr**a. 14IMM.
a aamber to eat The loraaer aad viber bulldinK*
Pear treta. 170.4U
to turn the waler from Ibr bcavy
place I'Xcuedt aanblai vhlrb bu ye> |>* to r*adto*a* (or srUrliy to a ;
PluB ir«a*. I414II.
lalu off Mpcito
-h I* kiw.-r
TbI* iruB eunpaby will mabr B
Apidtt <buh*l*|. I1.1S4.4M; raak
tbaa the other'* 4
rapid toerea** of pi>i>ulaib
DItpBicbet (roB
lhal tlBCe lb* eBlIlBC ODI d tb* Toibin- him a cbiAini!. but ihl
tab rtaerrM Ibe aUBOtloa to lb* »Uta* iutlinrd la tal. ariloa
»or»e. Tb* Asitrlao
A reta four (oef thick of «•
Ml hta been «rrm-k b
Iron on low (IWKI4H.M7: W
at Bay City.
aaad thal ibe port* dUbBBd tb* r»
A promlDt-ni

womae church l.._
earre* or oialBtalB dladplla* ai
al Jarkton >a. complatonl of tor!
IbHB Btor* lb* r**err«a were
- -- .i.’S._____ tx-r
i*red plllacloc aad Border* btr*
4 TTBT*r*r CUy. a* *eaior aelMiiE IKiuur In lit-r hii>baa>('. dnis'
• ^ly._ Tb* coDtBl* or* potf-........ -. O., a*|K. II—Tk* lUtot
feet (rom a
Miny people bistlnc
s*sstlnc fivay
■ ..aiJ4rip rotr* to pianu to
to darlBC ibe c
paMK«a *tat* easpaUa «a* op*Md
Ida. a Hit Rock
aad dying
of• Cttarrb, Con•
.srii, K.wtiirm Micliifan.
I with tbe oa
gai^iaTaiMM; 1
k«** aaUidar viu ootoMl Hrm T. rsatluttos eommluaea. vhkb be*
Miniwi ■ <*. Iiiwx. Ncbrayk*. Ibe
BBCb of (be procraa. bat It mid eot
sumption, Cancer,
icer, Scrofula,
. dMJIUU. Hamek. cndldat* (or aowBui. awi eeartoL
.•JraT.-. one of
ol the Tcleran*'
I’Aui. ll. Wyi-oiiiic. Muni
dampea tbe ardor d tbe teterab*.
____ __________ -J*k I. kw a eapi- ‘tutor* Hunt and Fonkor at ika
d Mb-fatniB < u-alry, fall.-d I
Kidney and Liver Com­
tbrcim, Wjjliai
a(to cln*« i
a«(^ r.Mo.w la rlarlMl u*ak*r*.
3.-1 In
Gran'd lUpId.
noataad^or vallorBtd elab* pa.
.1 wa.
of every name and nature,
rmdtt___ ____________________________
................,’W; eapita].
to (be I
PraalMwt at Antlttam.
(be paitr t«ad«n aad oOMaii vltb
n'liimonh hiitpiisi.
who' might live a good old
Ciparvttoa ai* I
AbUMbbl Sept- 17.—With
I I'MpalrrdI <of.
W^ucaraloa. («. all paru of
(■■oar,.- is !.«
age in tlealifa and happiness.
N*v York. SopL 17.—CtsarvUto. apaeebe*. lupIrtoK miulr aad
and I
l« at CoIlo Cl
bu and llquon. «i^ aaBbtlak oa prala*. tbe Bcaiorr u( Newf Jersey'*
................... *
■in'* ___
larooay. atau't prlwm.
Proaidesl Roose,_j* aad I
and dacay
or Hew Jerary.
«,4l4: raak. leaih, t
■TTi* oeir daettlsa b*iv**e (be r*
poliea ooart aaiaei .
Mr*. Mary f. Jahu<
•ad (*nn
Mblieaa panr aad the *o«ali«d d<u
>1d daUEbior. P.-arl I
^ptadatl. IIM4TJM.
I to vbldi edear- eiUaebablp were preaeal lo flutoply aad b. r, u>
abaft Ibat ibe are >l-*.l Imr
fn« r*iir.-J by saro I
................... “ ilo tbit ^ It ^
. ...1 will isad. Tba
I raaebad. ba aald by ■Uir bad raised u brr d
to liLxaroId eon oil
___ ____a. toartatatii
Ibr woBian v
urnetl III.- .•xp!..»lve K.Uerm*k*9ilokpM>ptow.
Dwnap. by F.
fluid on to hi
op. raunot llvo The
It pdodDrt. H.m.4U.
Ik* ti
kid that » oat a( orary IM
by maktne every drep ol blood to thmr
14 to 17 yaara «< aea. who
iho babli »1 holptoE .
blaaia, *TI; caaltaL |tO,Tk* ropauieaa
|o. Bepl. 17.—Report* thU boy had I rt-lt
vein* hotUby. AiM who
' ibo iiox- iliirlnc ,
t. anfc; abaaai prodaec party eeaMaplatta It (ro« tb* vaaiwTer* blB ler erlBa* raseI todkato that tbe am ■(- hit iDoibi-r I
-inertceni can aay i___
' ' _ >l«flb^
lac* irooad ef *rt|Mn*Dea Tk* 4«Bly lut blshf* froit to
a the corn the ll*} !|e '
with aoma treubi* diw , impui*
aervl pa«j laabi «ai.,Bpae
a It (roB .tbowod Saesr* that wat* suiaad a
ly SM.OOO.l-lsod?
kadlas. aad aov prodae** U
t MV TWtwv. mat will tm c*at od (be failed Siaia* npply;
MkUcBa,tl v*r eaal; xnaoaa. » per
n<: tcauertBf. II par eeaU
40 be poUM
Arta Latte Boptrkir. HAW •«<»»
iIIm: area Lake MlUlpaa. ttAM
tmmj taa «Mt«v*
■oar* Bitot: ar«a Lake RiroB. tuao
laar* Bitot; araa Lab* Bn*. l.dM
vwefc Hrtiin IBBiv Bitot; arw Lab* Si. Clair. SM
inaiv Bitot: ar«* Lake Oatarlo.
4AM taaart Blit*
V. K.
i, «Asi; yarn
f^leelt lataed to i r 4.1M II
Kaau or Mlehlaaa. 1
Woataa-i nSrac*

war be wat tradaaud troB U
aoA Hadtoal eottot* to Phil
S lar*r. la iril.'beB
1171. troB Btaaatt
HadCbteaco. H* wat Bar
Hiat Sarah Ana Bow*

, "


What is CASTdRiA







.... ... .... —-----


The Kind You HaYO Always Boujht








Despair West aad Northwest




mobUbb. APd woBld diacard —
Ptnuoa aad adopt tbaorlaa oatrlad
ur axpkid«d. Tba
fvd* lb*
____ .-er d
aStMtoe' onpwttad aoetaty—ib^
d H. dally, bu returned from
o( tba BAtortty. —
. . . |lr*B
lb* a**___
a ten weeks' tHp to Bneiaod.
BBt party woaM orartBfa lb* aalMlaf raibcr tbaa to tb* ecf «i«ar*(toAtar (out eapeBsa* beliu^fM.
—ei..— ..... ^T»jc^ to_oar d*'
ttur to tb* ury ware...........
he worked hi* way «
whleb Bake* a p
aeh aa aspMBa.te Umb that
r AllanapoA tb* will or B BAk^y.j^ aabIII Baal tba BOtoy to gat tbta.■n i.cine
MatMh. aaBoa] MltBl* tbt dl
-II It BOT* tbaa
u dlKBrbtag
to. lb*
At South Havre tbe Doakley cab"aalfud.
tbraal to blaM tb* eoadlttoat d oar
BOW worMb cMItoatkia aad ptaapa at Urnden. B«vt- 14—1W BUbIi
a of tor tbm days Im> week
Bto dir* eeatapoa: it to ta appoattloa -................. t lb* ^ftahgi
tl.* tBrtoOaa railftoa that baa ham erapb Oo. h*an cm the Usbtst asthortha rbM
la <w MrUlaa^ la Ry that tbe realSMthB oT other eaaic to mllUou. aad the employe*
BBBbrra d tb* catSk vtD b* '
Boved Bboet llreller than ever Ibry
did when ll wu a matirr d buciaeta.
. which bar* oar rplctoat iwrarMaay of them were dnafi before
aaea aWeb dn at iwaldtaea la -togot oat. Some of tbr a
aad blaziBC torebea. h
tbe beet oaL bu( Ibry «
1~A| ------------------------------- tba_____
at Omias atraat to tot a.l tur<x.A
iKtory pan d bit ipaaeb to aiato af­
fair* feaobtof Bpea aaUaaal «••*«at dBT (-- _
raaloo wu repeaiaA bat
the (bird
ve*M maa mt^auBwa. wi
day. by keeptoE do£aI and window* For Sal* by J«*. G. Jobuen and-gup
baae aBMptad by lbs ktas:
(buL tbr bee* t
kept oiiiT and
b«« A Rexbuep.
pablie atloraae*
Thto eoBaiyy tooe lb* Tart* <d • iSmimi tu. BooC TuSto. d
HU*. ..njsM
Helen Stewn «.
a \«n.«re. wooo
laetal aad tadoalrlal
(i4al ooHap*;.'
ooHapa*.' Ha
t her balr. ibrul (br hot Iran
.. - . o( dtafar. Wb*.
Ood oaly kaawa. Bat U By bW^ WooMfl as Wdl as McO
wai a ertaOBAi Act. bsaAaaa It to aol
trae At tar At tb* liAatdal aad laArvMadeMbcrableliy claim* lo
L HklM«i;......... .................... dBttftal iBWreatt d tbb eeaairy an
a anlqae filft to bit abllliy to
tbay B*TB bar* b*u la
Kidiiey ’^ble.
eatlmalr wftblB an ouare tbr wi-iabi
i*r Bhap* tbaa today. Thw* to
■. mrmm.
vata*. |»l.d article* auhlccied
iNMi. baud* MM.4**: W aMhtu lojotot^ Uto
B. Bocer*. d CbarlcKlr. a yoa»W
■a. luai: *ala* d baaar. flMr
Ban Z4 yean d agr. who bad hi* I
lUac aad thal oaa ibiM la to al
hAek bao* brakaa by a (alllac limber
OBAMtAO* d tb* panh ta
while tl a bam raialsE to m7. bu
:pH*Ma. aMm: ntak. ^tfc: tk*
- iMrly baSrli
«ea. mm-, •net. fU(T: dwte p*ta«W~aad~peHey iatrc4aM & tka








aetf .aboai to



“Th* whole rooBlTT hat lit «y«* ap- Ohio, fcaovlac that ibto ta (ha
--.Blah bauto Itar 1*M. mod 1
wMb dtaalnr Ptwakar la Babtai

<ld say o(

......... ...

•.Mii naa. wnr
»: nafc. aatblas.
«n.4M: taak. tvaT
I). KkAltAtd;
_ ^____




w*et/ar fioBwH Mcavb* d
4>wStat. i4*AC*m4BL.a





W itshinotfii} and



jnaiJ)' conducted $C.OO a bettb Tonrait Party it what yoa
look imu if goii« to Caiifomia, Or«r» or Wadiii«lcm on the
0 rale Horn Chkaga The lenii-weeUy Judaon-Altoc Esetu*fatfil an Ike icqaitaDeiiK of thit Epeoal *en-ice. undy,
roogh caiB. deam wholeaoBft beds, good Cut lime. Rocky
Hcwmin aceDcry.atelcctand iDteagcatcotopaoy.i
ation m route. The Jod*ob<AUaB Coeppany '*IW torward
I* by frrighl in a way which redocct t
lAbly sod MYCE tbe psBmgcn fron
The Jodaon-Akoe parties have ba^ of them
.The guatuitoe cd tbe Chicago & AiUB, lfi*r j
ctiii Pacific. Deavto aad .
Wctieni Rsilriyt. the SoMhaB Pacific
Cea^toBy, the OregoD Short Uoe asd
Odgm Railway -Bitd

li brothers or eltirn psB I

arles* PorilaDil e
3akB City, v*-"har* created
e- '
qaltr a lake. '
aad BOW -tbey baTc atoefced ll with
b* bamadM Otoct ’•( ■ah. If poaeberi caa' be kept away,
*o*a ■«akuA h to s*M to a (vw year* tb* old marl bed* will
b* Boed fiabtoc greaad*.

ar* wm toad to tba CABpaln e( 1M4.- Wb. Yea B*y heva

mjtUMi; taak. thir-

b* iaubadlrnmaSu^Dee^
ladImmadlilaM D


Mf aad aoBSOtao*
Um ai Wathb
that Okie


tavnlld chair
' urr.aami
Hr. Wat*

valae d md. *T*r. II to wataa tbaa cftaMaL
-1 aay. By M*aM. ttat tba uUy
-. __________ _____ la courctloe I
tbt Si* ar U. vtoe lb* cblU
d^toat^po-^OBaa.totk, WMdaMh
■wows SB ac* wb*e R abeuid b* *U* to with the dutk a( Juper Slaoa*. the
. to thiwath B*BOl Oa paBtfa. Rl* y*l«8BcBd «IO 7Arssr-old ptoAsar d Balile Creek. I
mjn; total ibMr otra ML bi Mrmra pow«r aad
- ru kUM-by a Mktolcu Oniral
wilt to ck ■«* tkea* pMtotoa
a lew days sffo. anou wu I
at wbai w* ar* to--------- -* 11 cUMrea. and sol I


dwd la
every dty oltoiportxnc* ea Ihhclob*.
and to almoat evety hanlel to the
... —
«a people
poopl* vbe
who kmwaf
Ibe btoaNnca tbal lellew th^lUal

r town recced*

party b* ri|ir*aBt* to obBrlea hr-


Is an amheptlc ramady wUch ■toe*
Ihevasanfolih* thaa**. dmicjittw
lurktac c«rm* ol da****, pufSm 4m
blood and CURES CeMsapbea. CanCslATTb. Dy^epda. fbo—»h
and Liver

-Toabli'^rta. Betem*Aad*llEiv_____________ _
Tumom _4Bd SveUtoc*. PtotiliA
Brtjbl'. DIaeaaa. Pltot-ln Irattu wy


aS: Talat «( U poaHiy. RMr

^iu*SrOl^ hAM akaolBiAiy.
AOtkIat AboAt I
4JU>U; ta«a* d lhal atapa aHtraae*. ataadlai akBto

Microbe KUIer

.1II (i SO II • V i 1 <

tofi^o'rtoJmraf'nSS’ofNel tSl
beu worUag Au J '
4I.M Bpvard* lor .itvrr
1 eM gtsaa■ pollAh.
Walla amlib
tarser Uvtac abeai
iBWMIMDr. KBaMt (oar a
N..TrM aate aad rariOBi .
vbik- ptowtofi to h
Friday a itoc. He taroed an
BBdal b
*1^' lb*”nk*^ <ff L^r
the date 144t. asd


). Battor ww* thr


*****""!S»J. •O.IUJW:
a* omb. nmjm^ **«•-

HMMM; Mu Ttek. 14.\tm.i
k *a^^«U4Td: fuk. dU.

\lood for Man or Bssst. Cures
baits and p^ns aiQrwhere ia tbe
body or on tbs sarfsoe.


Penetrates as oo other linimeiii t:an peoetrste.
Sinks rittat Into the fevered Mn and takes ool
pidn. Good for everything that waDcs.


Keep It In your hosM.
Keep it in your shop.
Keep tt in your «noB.
K^ It at your car barnfc

exican Mu«itanS Lriniment






W* Mfl ■» U» H(bt If tlw I
Ab4 ni«

•* t


Ate terrMr |« wip aa oebe of dn
ttM« Borb to McO*. Md
Aa wo drift to the ilghi of (be a
<k* UknTa ova «v
Of ttnlM onr tTw sparard vUa we
Ai te 4DU aad fcMp a4oUaf ob lb*
thaw that (ate aM wHi.
■■■■tell, wti« f* ceaad
I (Mate ihi( OM ap (ha wtoiae (hai
Tob waa( off lo hiht:
I «mU lUad II ikrauch (h« terUBM,
hai aa team a« li ram* al|
AH (ha barl<t aievaia al bal(b< rirti
bataea mt ejr* wuiiM flii,
Ho I weal to aeltlaa paiehvorl
M aaae ajr lalad a Ul.
Whoa 1 eoaa lo eboooo a pall
pkkte oiu -laa Mlor T.Mm teaaoaa ti wa« ao h.oa-r'
U auate (or Tool m aaa:
Ate II waa a lUUa coabirt. ta thoaa
dapa Ki terh ate eoM.
To haaa 0700 lhai Boeh el hi* which
■7 hate* eoBld fTOte ate hold.

Mnbo.t id prepartai iteai thrp
CTMilp: anrlp »»r> buuwwte hie
her fan rlio furaoH. if ani K aa't
(hep will kat.p iDdelal'.M) lu be tralk
eocd BD. ■Bade read) lur at<' ak

radleh nwt U'alMi taod fur ihK par
,Td pn pte* tor lanMUtr bbo
Buaibon ara bw pet (ato vtaaaai
obm raiber ihaa aafiod Wate aaiall
oaae aad eoald bfpoariu orer
botnu bet briae. ualaf a haadtal at
uH 10 a aaltaa a( water. Whn eoH
wipe rarvfullp. or dralo luili drp. ate
ptaee U nat. thee corer with hM

boree^lab not.
aslUte at m» ■bora the plaeM Ilka
A (atortle Mbod of peillaf up
(ha droaaaa Ibal thap wen
Aad. thair (aaaa look (ateUar, h«
aoaalllp of tUead hotaendUb
thoae hara a hrichiar ctow
root, two or ibrarjed pappan. aad aa
That Char hara oooia tram that <
a* dMlrwd. Place the
aooaUT whan iha haaeaair tewdooe crock, with pappan sad bomraditb oa^.
sorer wiib cold cMar Tlaecar. I
weddbi i.a tte lop lo luaro (te pickisa keep';ai bebeath tte aarface of tte
Aa ^ aai aaraaal/ kahUBc la b« riawr. Tbaaa will baap crUp apd
fraab.iuai all are and.
Aotl Maria oonaa a^laMaa. ate bar
Splead PIcklaa •■alaal (lap
dma ol ebarrr rad
leoBbara ate poor o«ar thsai
la bo britetar ibaa (ba aooablaa (bat t atruaa brtaa wbU baa baaa baaiad
bar bopafal m1(1« abad.
le tte ti)Ula« pout Wbaa Ua brlaa
bar-nia aold beat It awlB aad
Mow I aaa mma llxla ctauarNteaelaa
' tn.r Ue fgoaabata. «*baa tt
■> ate dewa (ha qa^iO
cooled tte saeeaB llaa throw It
nia waa oaa of Locr a^SfoanA iba
r ard araab (ba pMclas la cold
Htahlate plaid wa> Bartla-a kill;
<r Urp Uaa aad pate la a Jar.
Ate iboaa tier dou aad apam ware Make a «pnp of om aaari of Ttaawr
■r mil# Aaale'a trocha—
aad al(ht ettpa c
bh. tha blaoaad ibobiMa ate faalla»: la oilxed wbola apleaa to aalt (te
aawad lotaibar with (haaa Moekat
laata. oatai a Ubiaapeea to each iwoaaari }ar. Haat rlaacar ate apteas to
Han an oOar ihlaaa Va iraaam ' belilaa pBat ate
that CM apeak of dara ma by;
pltelaa. Pot two or ihrae uaall rad
Otter iblapi that aei ua ihlaklag.
■ako aa lasih. and mako «a ory; papteN la iba lop cd aate Mr. tf tte
■prop aeew Ula. pour It oB a third
Mm e( all tha dear mltean arer tw ate ihiakaB bp haatla«.
_ I or arrr built.
Mips CacMtbar Pltelaa — natter
Ttere*! aotUac baaia iba eiorr (d
■or ripe ooeBMbara. paal Uam
tete old palebworfc ««Ut.
—aWM Jowwal w( tkaa la plaea* te Itiw aa poa
Now waah U«M aad tbte
Uatt; tbaa take
apottfh tt eorar Ibatt. aad let'ihatt
• Ufa I. a teitea Iwoaad apoa
eew u> « boll: ban ta a» - ' • tm hr Ood. What yea «aka tt.
I poaada etaeattli
• ihu II wOi ho to roe. Taka ft ap
• tearMj. tear U oa (oTfoil;. lap It
« gaart Ttaewr. o

akiau ten n pella tte hate ,u
.uaee what the paepie oaB
Alupo te Bo( up la tte
atorolak he louad hlmaelf with bete
twiatad to CM aide, and tte maeOa
ren sore aad patetal.
But he waa a nay biuy atth.
Hla wife triad to penoadc bln
caQ :
btdsn Utte.
"ThN te aero aad call at tte dec­
lare pmea CO puar wa> dowa lewo.
'-VV'Wl. perbaw > ahall.*
H' r»r«ot ■>. IhoBcb. He ws> ta
berry- Boetaeei waa praaelaf. H
UouvM te would r> to the oace ate
lelcpboae to the doctor lo eoaa Iborw
aad eee hl«. He had too Baap callen.
Hut bli oMea ted aa ea*t eapnure.
Hb dn.k wai la (rial of a large wlsdoB. Tte aua ahaae to tbrougb Ue
B-ladov. aad etrock hla adBarelp
(te bark of the meek, wbm Ue rbeu
uttilr naacle waa loeated. Ha did aot
BoUee ibe aaa- He elaMp felt foriabU'. and ga«a oo altaalkoi
T<> bu eurpriae. abwgtowarda.aauB
be foaod that be could lure bb hnd:
that bb auecBlar rteumaiua ww
orarlp goae. The eenbeaa bad cued
H. The dlracl rapt of tte sun. falllns
OB bb bark, ted furabbed tte nan
ireatacat te aaadad More tbaa all
ibe durton in the world, more tbnn
all Ihv dniga that
puu4di-l. (he baaa of direct eun rape
had a-eoBplbhed tor Ua He did
aot know It, howerer. He waa a busy
He did oat reallae that ia throw
tng BP ab window abade be ted artualiv cm far a belter donor tban Ibe
rli) airi.rded.
would here happcaod
Ban L«d te bean able to epare (he
Bi u> coawalt a doctor!
Ui«n tte wtadowe! imi tte chadas
go lip high Adalt to your b<
gmicri <4 dorUn. the nio
he afraid of Ue auo'a ray.
Tneir WM a ttedleal eraxv
• the haaedt of blue light. People
Inaktofi (bat light ablniag Uroutb
g:aae would cure Uea of aaey
ac» CbroBlc
wbceird ta fraat of Um glaea wtailoB ». A great aany were cured., Ot
U«y----- '
---------(hMBl diaeaw en. (Mtugh blue
gla» lie laiarpoiod teiweeo the ew
PtaiB glaia would
hav.’ l-vo batter than blue ginaa
llUi* woclil have been belter .Ihtia
J ut Plata. tfMdaaUDnad nnUghi.
The beat aedletac ta Ue world. ThU,
. eak air. woadd rain
aa:>y aa laeaUd fmn a llriat death.

sfc Pour og Bbout half te 11.^
sad tt what rsBilBi ta tte Jar add
tram tlBO U llBa tte Jake (im boUThe Nehtart Benritt* •• Them AIL
sMir frwtt partaga. Altar Ue Irst
Is water, which (eada aad wathai
Ue Jake (rata say trull b
the body, pnaerrtag Ue alaaildlp
issiee. eariUagn. undoas. aad an. dowa can ba used, and you can always
' keep OB -band a slock te Ttaagar.


W.W4. ..____

S Broakiya phyekdan. Q .
has mtewed bli yoeU Uka Ue eagla Chalk—Ruaeh chalk. loeU >b«is
apelM with the atalh grade soBe
It Tte Utlk mad ihlak I shall spelt with Use
by orinktag froa Um u (Bar .aartt etetk-peaell. aay eftalk-li aa agate
rtaht akM
saiee enrp day. Ha caa do faata fiw cleaastag la aa eadleae rartsty te
( ban wriiiea.
ilutUUiy- BOW/hat te csniM aot at ways. I ten always rubbed It taiio
«. qelta a kui letter
-ad tea plak toes sma toMed ‘
cbke I hope to see
grease spots oa dreasea. wall papi
>b tn pr^nt.
Wairr Is as Beck Beaded Iw Ue tt- aayUlBg; bat lalwft’ ITian rsbbad
icraal hath aa It le lor Ue e^ferMl. law food spou. ny Balaaeae. wUb arand wltboui H Ue toacr aaa cannot ewlleat agect. It dlstategratai
A. Maaaell
Ic clcenly.
dirt, so (hat It rae be ecretebed or
ft libout roaagh wniar tha Itteues bruabed out.
The Ue died TOi on the brarih-ato.a. j
set i». dr), Ibe blood Ulek sad slug­
Tte Rttnr«
The stars shuoe up In the Uy. '
gish. and ilM- waste
retted) U wen worU applying. I oftees ^ Bo-hrr and child wen dreaBtac '■*
speadcip>-Urii. bui rculaed aad circulated dUianee the clothea haaper a week
R-heo .
sere •»' Orondma Strong
tbusl. drflllng tha
•|(5ran<iiua was n sprightly oM tadr. and '
or two by Its means. Not aaly spots.ibutbmkr cm ibe sUeat stedosri
Tbis Is the Uatory te anriy all dU- hut (he band rabtwd aoiled pBftt may | "Oh mower. .N- uulcL and "ette, .alihcmgb eo aged, she did her i>wa‘
sasrs. and 11 Is called ‘auio-lntoxlea- eotteilmes be mtored. or, at thejTb.- little pk went tt market
|»xirk: and almuei'tbe kat thing Mata
(luD in Bcdlrel dirtloaarii
ISMi. improved I rub on the rfanik
Aad trow he s oomM anln home, .ima Maeoa said .hen bee daugfaierv
IMihnut enough wulcr the body and hang the garmni away ovet!>nd lie dot btm. deu little piggy. jlPtt her Was "Xo.. girts. 1 hope you
surres. water belag (rota M tt 10 per Bight, oe for dan., to be bnisbed ekait j Here In my nice srnrm bed ”
; .-oaT h.- a-rarr tt jour grandmai Tmt'
neent letter tt Dr. Hartman,
when used ngnlo.
m„.h.-r .ibunghi she was:
iCoogressmaa BoUla Myt;
-Uy Dear Dorter—ti givre me )dMf"
HkH-p on. ilii.u- dnritng ' she nU.'
are tteeruty to tte encellrnl csmtlre
DrtnL two gttaafHls iBBadlate
Home te the old fasblueMl attibods
u: I naaT. fur ptggy be wiggles
rIsiiiB and two beton going tt bed. t<( cuoklag aad preparing fuHl are aut
tnd wiggles, and sront be dooe;
tbne 111 the Bornlag-aad three la Iba lo be dvaplsed, even In then days
with deUcliuis syrup from grand­
te much adrannd kitchen cheBUirr
ma's sism. map!.- gnnr. IV-aate said.'
D'l drink .wlibln btif an hour I
Ham. that good or bad rtelsb.
"(to Irl -ns help )V>1| do up ihc wiirL
ni<.«l (loic nor tiro boors ndar. cook rltcts, accordlag tu her mantpn- Tbco the mother wemi te ib.' ctadle
r water drinker colUsniec a clear lition befun serving te
Anil'user the baby benk
nusplrioun with erery glaaefuL warde alleed pig. can be
And ihcrr was a Iliile whtu- klirca.
natkn te Uetn wUl effect a tOTBiaete
rt»uBuUaa. coaetlpatloa. a
I ) eoaklng over night ta bnitarI 11 tell you. diwn.. If you eeall) wan'
IMmng In calm cnmral.
milk. Almost nay dairy win supply "(Vh). pet. If. orly poor kitty.
■hat rarity te the cUy Llichea I
up the kiicheD »n.l dining rerau ever} esuta agent, te Aagosla. (is., wiliret
L)tng upon sour arai.
greaf asrlfcrer<ri_
rteueei Is nude, but la He ab
BioreUig Yovi can inVe lures doing h '•
It 11 --uld in her Utile hOAkei.
e Leoab louatala It found. sweet milk does very well. The rllcee
"Well, id m..
„ tata Bumlng MttrriafA)
Hbc coBM to )VB—tt gel warm.sbo .M he washed before being placed Uul she yawned, with wplte ltd then." uld lAurn.
Three Reelpea far
la the milk hath, aad be washed again
nlter*ard and dried before euoktag
orever and a dsV .Lad
This t'reaimeol Jakes away the sbk^ "l thought—twa* a little idggj,.
IB a hurry 10 run aud fle.v' '
im isar. one cupful'o) sugar, chopped as ne'l as the wsUy taste te Ibe ham
Laura went vig.uv.uslj to «.«i. .
A»d II gave mr n great snrpwtse.
satarrt tt oalanh of tbe stboarh. Thtt
gn>- ti peppers enirugh to Bake oae and gl«. • It almost a new flnvi,?'
And I ibu'jgh' -iha’ be nest to mai vlgonnuly. perhaps, for she
ts generally knows as dyerrywis-Tcmaa
euplul. three oaloai chopped flue, two
hroun so hlita tha. (he dun nww
cwrea (tere ewes like
lah'eepooefuls te Blxed ground iploet
WauW You Lika Ortef
grrei etoiid. aad >ct graadma sacwlug IfyendeHotdcrlTepivicDptateeaUa-c iivos, allepice and claiaBoa. I
K.r Ike modeet sum te tUs
aad made the yello- ret seek refug. tocttryneolttfmmtte neete rttsna,
And he me stl btt luecs
all logeiber until a: rteh nnnea
may henuBe Ub owner te n complete
uadrt (be siuve. Mr wa«'t troubU-d write UosMettJJr. »t«rvsw, gtTtag a
And he hnduT so much na ten;
ruU etakateat ot ytar ceea, ate te wm
(uriued and the OnTore are no. 1
cosliiiat. of leather, a* earatully tail- Dui be said ho had much as thirty.
tpeplcMwdto give yea htt Yuttabk ad>
hluudvJ that no one Is cspeteally '
ortx! as (hr most modlah cloth 1
ABd I dMn i want him to eweep d^^t '"'tn
and w. contrived as to be (alriy Ught In U-d caus.- hi> toes trere all dirt) She .uighi.-d irfbsir pkees. too She let AAdresu Dr. Hartman, DeielBlBt te .
'he big rocking rtialr etay wbecr It
In .eight and perfectly ventlUted.
reel nad chop two
. , . Tbi leather gown U dealteed (or autis
wn«, and nwcelv .u.>pt arw.ind
>mato<« and sU aulosu; foBoVe Ue BoUltng tt Is made with a gored and
never looked (.chlDd Uc Umw i
Sept. Ik J»0J.
-r is fniiu two rod peppers aad chop ailed sktrl and a slylUb sbIrtwaUl
• sir.!, he dropped I
ru-asaul le are the letters of lint eullectod tb^: not n
peppers dnr. then
and kroked at his pa
sns swopi. tKwdt,w«r arir grs
- a the)
Then.- Is much nllebtng un both skin
Oistoes and onlnoi. Season all with and waist, and Uc laiivr U anUbod three we have v.rfay, and all our little foots 10<d
were burned
luacHpful te graanlsled eugar. four wilt a high otekr and n cmvnt ot tte vtslior. am w.-tomie—Beside, all Uc Urnndmn Smgic did bm any :
'-•in.T a deal ot MhSwtag.ttey tof
way fmm Wasliingioa slate: Hurteasc
hletiuiaruls of intt and
sal niuad. it and wairbed ft Belt; and.
leathir The sleevt-s am wide a
spoiiBs nrh te powdered clotrca aad wrlri and iher.- are undrmUvves te BRC Nolta (rum arerer borne. Ttey prvtiy pink and white chlan. ate hum­ s ben ihvTc was nothing left but n ««f
aic aii mor.' taiorvstinc than anything
ciniianiun and n leaspoonfnl te ground mauve satin ilgbll) abtrroJ ai
1^ 00 deck,
r»malnad_ sluing
med herfarorit,- hymn "t <*harge
y tits moretat. K«-p I Hav.-'"
ginu’-r Hour over all two Quaru te wrist agalD.t wind and diul
:11 ibrir alurles
invgar and boll ta a poreelaln Itaed
piece ui ke In my meaU
The neat moreiag It was HessI
.etile (or two aad a htU houn Bol
sad then gave ibcm sm. They tblft
Ta Chn Tamatee* Whale.
luni Ptrai of ail she dusted I
le aod eeal while bob Thi^ teafreiD hand to hand like a tet
ran lomnluus whole eelect perchairs aad aei them ia a row ont
Ikikrd. Wash.. Ang. »S. iwi
spouBfuli te alUMca Bay te need It
eonl. pet the Ups of
tiBfaea ca
rul: Of a .Uc (bat ma) bo pul
Ikwr Mrs. Hates—1 hare aeca soBc the entry. Tben ahe tnk a aewBM* ft^l^.Md »
In ihv- fruit Mr wttbout breaking.
wid corered the stand ol‘ pSS
and rwBove tte laadi (roan Svald aod remove Ibe ekln. place tn
Michigan isro yonrs ago. nearly.' 1
large, ripe toBatoee. Chop
- Jars earefally; when (alt oover
live In Ballard. Waib.. now. I Uke
riy the tunaioaa. three grew
h bolUng water, pul oa nibber. All
to art dusty." she remarked.
peppers; two large otHoab and three
orordowlag with boHlng water,
She put a newepaper over the little
Home tear*—to make a laiay aky;
tart apples. l*ut pll together ta pnvw un tup, place le a vesael te boll
ikbl.- on which lay grandma's
Home (towns tor clouds: ^ Ma<7 aigb.
togetber slowly leg water, cover tod sot wide uaUI
re*k.-i sol "HalBIs' Kest- SI
A eol. or (WO aet guHe kept gndac.
for one boar. Add two iwoups
Have the water reach the I*
gar. ono te sugar. i
■If the jar. aad if poeslblo give tbe
havigiug there Thea abc began tt
of salt, clnnanioti and ttueurd. c»e
r sh . Sira turn wh* taken from
•w«iu ta).lBB ebtiri. qek-k etrekea.
laarpooB mae<
wil.-r Thr UH^ttes w
Not a spui urns left bbiubCIm-O. AU Ur
while tapper. SlBBcr tc«elhrr half
uiej hr ellrtKl or used In any way
enrecTs. beblad the kengc. under U«
hour and bottle
desirw.1stove Ust of nil she lined up grand
Id tare t wo metry ey*.
mas, (ootetnol
■<’ pieesaaiaet te sUer.
Ckaninp Laos Curtalas.
-Wh.-ee" sbe escialmed In urt manv if yw pibtte.
Ptt|.-..Hmal cleaner eays (bat Iba
prisc siOoplag ate ptektog up a Itay
Chutney—Pare, guarier aad


Ta Ubb Oraeo Orapaa.
CnBoed Oraaa Orapaa No. l-Btoa
■e grapes, wash, drain and
lae. bvk; boll Ub: Uea drop Wlt i buHtag water. Let etand Mn
aoMBben tarn Ua baOlag ptaa- alpiilci. then drain ol tte water, pullar la tte boUlag tyrup: cook a (aw tlBK the pulp to Ue pmerrtitt kettle
aitoutaa (da aot M (baa got ao(t)i ksil (be itemselires Uqll
(be. pot ta a Mr hte eonr ap tight Ue pulp eoUl Ue needs aepatale.
ihd keep ta a eoal ptaoe. Ada Hg or Uc-i ireae through b mtander. - Add
ilgbi dape raacn Ua iprap aad boll Uw skiBA aeaenre. nad add one cup­
k (ew ataotaa: Ua. let oaol; place ful of sugar to each two oupMls o!
poor plohln ta gtatt Mu. poor onr grr.ier. Cook (an alontea. and ssal
holing hot.
te irrap aad close atr4lghl
iBcihod of cleansing
targe sour applae. and:
(;m-n Ornps daa-Btaa (te grapes
Bweei Oeeuabar PIcklaa — fan
soil simaer la n iu*aaiilii| kauie
•ends from two large gree. tain.'at home I. :o mpke sddt te
ripe, tta eocuabara. aeeai
c wbl e casUie toap and
paraioly the applee.
wli) une-balfoopfol of coM water naoad aad eat ta ICMUad
l—rns. If the rurinlns are vory
tli udi. Rah (hroQgh a ettader. Ue. peppers. t*u nedluB aired OBlaatand
Ueca tatt two or ac
ao<- coplul ol atoned raUM. Put oar dln.v, scrub ihrm gwiily with a soft
Make a iprap of om «aari el Ttea- Ur .ugh a Blera. Hsaaurf and
it • waeu. MOdeat
errrp plat of Jnlea allow UrewfourUs duan i.| rttfgar. <ne gill te giale.: •crchhiLDg brush. Lace curialni should
rubUd between Uu haads.
. ^a» note to ary wllh aentlM H
P3Ud of graaatttte ngar.' BoU
This sirstrhes the mesh and tt vary
*-^»tehei^tearMiwtelaB Tte tte apleae ta a aagfta bag ud Ur pulp aad aa^ suadUy (w JUieea
tUBo Jar, eUr UorougUp and Uke!) to lenr boles In 11. When gulta
<uh la tte Ttaagnr aad OMir. Baft Blnstes. Btlrriag eawlaatly tt proaHhte
ecarehtag. Bs.1 bedOag hot ta eat aalde uatu sen day. Than ppi aa clean, rinse In clear wai«4- lo whlcb a
Ue gyrw uUl galia UWt. the. aate
te tema ate thaa ite ceruttbai tt tt (or a (Mr
pln< Mrs: or U Bay te put taUi felly the Ue and slowly brtag tt a boll: Uitle bordi ba. beoa added, aauaaie
7mm «* tbte. ate I«w PWA ta
eealed like add poe poute te rtaagar.-oaa taUa- belweea Ue baada bat do not wring
OU CMMbar Ptoklaa-Tktt nry Mliytpooatul each te aatl aad ginger, ote and dry In a abaal.
daUaloae aetBPCMd li pnpMd aa tollevel teaipooaful (aysMa pi
Ballard rer> w<-ll. There arr iwealyCrece Orape Jelly—Bibb ate
Wwi: Pan ate allaa (oar *Maa m- tt grapea. aad pick osar cmfnltr,I boll elowly lew Urea hours.
A Usoful Artkk.
four Bills In Ballntd.
amiben aa M tor aanttg ta table, •moTlai aU la^aet (rulL AddoM Do not s(tr eoaaiaailT. Cbutsep
e ■loves aad heavy anlelM. . Unllard Is locaied. ta a telkw.
eurfal al au»r tt each irti
Ssacle Is iornled oa a bill. TWe tt
I ted aaralac, . aibalt te
should be t^dsr. but ate a taa pulp.
bear aa an. ate M (tea elate grapes, aad aldtsser ta a 1
a navy yard at Breaertta IS mllet
Tomato ChMaey—Tabs Ue easdi form, with e
lydour bnwa. Bttea a
T>i tetm M tbl» hi wpted. teUi
Hie amU perfertty eedt. Strata, (rom line peck of groee loaaloea. chop rads of Ibe plank te whkb" Ue pial- w«« of Breiii.'. Tbi- dry dtxw Is all
mim teated mi te a aara. te( . tfurioaa oUmb; aerar wtU tttoa tor
bundrvd fun I iras ovre there
-aiure. aad allow UroMovUi te a iae aod drdln two boars. Chop two ' > tt made, to give Mreagth.
very wMe asure
ffHaarn. « pa. ten h« a am a* (WO dtps, thate al tte brtaa itep povnd te eugar to aaab plat te Jalaa. large oauas nad Um needed green
lAitIrtblp Wlsreanta ta
the under surfaee. euch eaattn .being Ur dry dock and saw the dork doodad
aaa ted a raamm to tear W Wf ougUy. aad arraaga ta a Mr altari Boi! (ha.^^ rapidly tor ten BtaftM, peppers; pul aU Ua ft
oteribtewithHaIrtbaiJiiibipn. aate lapai ot eMdttben aad oMbm. add thee ^,-aUr uatll dttaotrad. ate •UBed In a praserrtag katUa wlU mo obtainable at hardware ctorer
aad the bli ship Boated 1 was alio
leg of t
«(Mi a fwt te twtelM.
oa hoard the l>aule>hlp Oregon. There
Pour duart te tteegar. oaa gUI te grrtad platfonn ^
___ ________
tear eaUte te thtetp. do hm He*
the Bkvp yard (be New
ttto Jelly dtoeeuA aad altar tw«
boree rsdlsb. aad half a giu te Btat
r .aUn oft had four hours
down uiwii It and wheeled ewv
I. Beeatafta tldalE thte the elMr MaH m bmd
aiBBsr (or two boan. The. add
wlinoiii any UfJng whatever
two torpedo tinais.
M Iw tbaa htef a dollar hr tte
Oreen oJbpe OatthUP - 8t
cuptnle of sugar, Uree
^<•1 had «ap te aao that It h fta- Mch laysr. Tte teagar Ult ptakla grapes JastA
BUI .Is ia>w
jBsc/bWtnnlBg to tura. «
afuls te aalt aad oae te
«Md«a aad tte WMar aoal «id
eoald aad Hrata.
clnaamun. aad niBaar u hoar kagar.
- Ml te and tut Daeai
HlaaiMl amm aUm
(,iwo aad oaakaU potads
•" as onaca te oortaador saad
l>Wited Cam.
mmm hatter la bar bohaural oot
There was aa earUgaake ta
te hrvwa mmr. oaa plat te rtaagar.;
have certsBder tenttey.
Select Arid eora whUe uartpe aad 1 Vatelngton. It opened doors and
OMh teaali. p
abuui the aiae te tte Unab. RcBove nocked Ulngt <4>stelvaa.
Mustard Wrihin-Tt
Bewia <ttohlitt OttsM
aad aUeplea. ___
hu.k and ellk-ate ptaee ibe aare
A cook's halto te Bae tampered
AU hands of ofreeat orer to 8a»
>. osw plat te naU white an .1 raibw (kick, aad aani
a Sttne evoek. put la a tew tmall guaUBie Fhlis. lAd they w
t tte' B
as the
Tie the apliae to a UlUa pMn
CM of baacUltoua ate ted tt Utt ne falls were :«l (en high.
carver. This 1s (a ba at
mme hay teavM. Pnt ta a aaucepaa
1 guess 1 will teve lo rkee. 600J
Ue kltcbea.tor outUag baU a
aough dder^teegar > cover tte
aad uncoopad Beat.
ta aeparata distes tor M tewn. Un
F>uB year Bitnehtaer,
eel te aebaetot Bgfa. to te pkead ore. hriag » Ue hedr'ate pour orer
——r te eeem. wtthow <
C-sni rrfttero - Beoto dowa tte
w corn. Wtea Ue vinegar U eold
seaM sate waU wfth -tniQi. uktag
Bearte DaeU.
sr eaucepaaa to ptasaat the
sitar te aaeh row WtU a aharg kUto.
e ovvr tte nock a pises te w«
Age P.
MMteT MHt tenr dad om aiaai ate
Uen .lib tte back te tte blade pm
Laos batekd epeaaA that aaa may
tea aadt ao ado aaar (te teaad « goad ttartard w«» OMiste
TgliA Mite.. SepL It.
all tte pulp; to thtt war Ua tadi- stir food drtUaoi tteaitag tte (aea.
^ AM M ate had aoMte thaaa.
r rtaagar tt ttika a OBooU paatA gamtWe haltt are raJacttd. Meania
Dear Bdlior—Aa I saw «y Brat ki
two Uhlananteals te aalt; bftag
hte dtep piaiB haaa. platad wan. ar>
A bolder ao arraagad Uat It may
ter was ta total l wtU try
The Oeed te Olive OIL
> tte baUtag pteat aad add Ua aad (0 a plat te Ula palp add aail be (astaaad at Ue tide te Ua dm
•■^•wu^^iteWtetelaa. aha
tiuve tel tt eaU w te way abaad te received my card ate baiua. aad
;aUas ate let Usni aeaU tor Bn aad p<-i9ar ta gtra a rvy Ugh aaa- fg)B a kag place te tape. U Ur me
thanks tor iteaL 1 eaa wash,
■oaing Urn waU teataa aot ate
Pate thM ta gtaas Mn aad eettchat aiftad Beer to
Sm mr ftnia laateaa wd dte
ta) that a dmmaker ttee as h* YBla. Beau ate (retta for aatri- mop. Babe yeast, teke-bread ate lake
01 - It ta eicteleat (or tte bowteA
am ate ai^ ate wnalaaA thaa. «l ap WtU rtaesar ate
drop latiar. tte BBooBt
goot (or eerteuloa. ekln. ate glrea
te «M tear water, la (te ^ «
*ta*M CiKimbete Ptab laifa, full
.iiktatt. te ua aaanS^ io
Urte tlBcaaday tt an aaaemlc ehlM
-- leuow OMibBittat are Arm.
I ipoeafatt to a kattls te aMktad 'bleb to eat Ue Iwate wbaa rtntag. to *be ban te Bedlrtaee OUre oU
aa tea fin pear teilr: (har ahoaM
(be haitar for (Tpiag grtBOM ttkaa.
Today ww owr paatew-A Rer. Hr
hot (11 aad aoek tibs
ha ptaaaad la aenat aate -iiniaii
ne ate. ttooop out all __
salt and peppw tor sttaiBtag. Ua bail s are exeeHeak ttey aaturett Hart'A tarewell
U((to (u ta a (rptat p
*«■»■!■ vhea fwa CM. an paa tea; M«k aad tte stel pttp ni lew (te taraing wbaa
tear bos (or dredgtag. ate eartodb Ureuch. (te pores te tte akta ate
eehoul/and tosnebtog My
browaad aa owe g|
ume and balld. * Ue *tlre aywUB.
teth whteanr poa ptwaai la tte wap
oUer Utaga aaadad aboot Ue
SMb BMBBbar tt tt Wfth
eeboal leacberVnaae to Mtta »aneb
terva very hoL
aadl aawte ate aOnr ate aiHi ate
to eaaaiag.
Uy (te eaeambate la _
Daaa. ate o* tohoel tei
Cure ta Tuttaio Cape To bk* p
Muakd tt baiM ap m
tAteb aanr paartai (a bewail pwr
brtaa tor two dart, cteactac
tt MlH Bvn Tteeker.
A Mag wir* pie tork far taktog pks
M fa hb brtac ahia la daadatte apte' Ue l.riaa at Ua dte te (te Bite
(ram iba area.
My UtUc brotter'* aatte tt Ralph
Rtedy - What ace de.
ad iteM paa thlBk ewteb a(to .MB (WBity.tiHir . bauB. Om -epB^tete
^warf I will ctatt bp eaptag ga.
I laalMd butur. Ttatt laiga Aa asbaaua ar waod* hate
'—balKr. «M abate tte ww
■be Hove imar.-Hoaeahetd.
)' Yow lovtag Sanshtoe gtri.
Tapa-Tbeee wte em tete
off tte atom Md
h tt water wiu I
Hte* Baa Reach
aad aroop out the ettttaa. lU wiu
a ate tar ta otou Ue prepi
HevktaA Hkb.. BapL •. um.
A ataad ekes to- ta U* buy tocUteg daps (be booee
Rtedy-Wtek SB. -te akterk deH'dtolMdeMrtaadtaaM waedt 1
s nU water Bw ate(ter . Iwestytou getaee ta
I dttb and hake (ur krepev at eaan agpewe amy aak* readaaii n tte parkr. fle-a mma Ikas Mrs. Betae—it bah beaa a lea
hear.. (Maag, th, wMB-arary (Uaa teu an tt
attec I WTota to poa taPL bat ao
Ttaegar. ate te aaru Uat ft after her to go rtdta' ta ^ Mto^ time
tere time I wiU write
tt patfsrtly pare, taatete te aome pow
I wete sMteH poMd te Au «
I tere (te eaid ate battaa pet U^
I Blp WtU aan ate pwae^* **
eetd diluted, wbkh wUl eat up
• e;i baataa eggs ate <a<
her ptekie. as weU as ib« eret te b« Cokred urate £00* *« eaM M be- to aent me. ate wear Uc bniua
(te daate. ate rtoip»Blul te aak. Juke nte Bis
(loBarb. (ki ia quarter, am Of- ott* ahsteuiety •kitodtttl*- afus
1 cajop readtag tte p
Fill bniitrad
(hai t,
pItt. bob (bsB la water till guile wCi the) have beaa acaked tor '
•rnmlmwall RU tte oaeaBb«t ate • pnn te bet waiar ate hate ta
and etertea and kokai
Uea po* Ue Jatee. aad what you kae beem added 1
— «a tte «Bda Mate a ayrte te Boderala orea uaUl BiBtoltee«tj
trees ta tte SnnahtM *
emeeae (m tte frtet tbreagh •
tewde « uwteatad aw I. two mn, WtU ttttato ar oraaB ttaea.
ooarae cku. Tat UU Jake kte
tePa te staw-ate ate a nnla Bu­
•agaartteeora wide BMUtted ettae jar. to a galka
te hag hotdtag Metetf amam al
jBim Brtilag a peaad te sugar ate .
brahaa. atite alaaiBtB. ^ krtt laagill te yeasL Cover Uc Jar wtU teeU
----- -■(dalttgtoaatertirtakctos.a
so as wadmH tte atr-^ amiaC '
ptaurdap about noea: (tea ay
‘tetetatabau tt ihtt lynp ate
reeu. and ttl g
ta a war*
telU (taWi WhkA «U
to tte data ate 1 weat ak«g
tor aboat Uree watea; at tte ete te
ibtet m ha*. Mat tatt batitta
bate aftb pap*.
««B hwarte At* uanb* bmi Utt UBS yoa a« bare a aata
«M« ate baha tar tea ho* aw4 I

JImnr !h enhr't tMft

•a b Lata Baker. BtebI
me te our papOs. Uke'
dalle well
I aw< tn (be aevesAh aad teghu WM Cltirril if the StOSttdl—.
^ a. school
«ady ramStat
. pBtetHIt C*»ed.
hSMors. anihmetk. wrftttg. taaguage.


k J

ruoiol yellow-fomrihlDg
«4Sir)i a rea' gold doUari-


IW o. ■
, V
PC. coy I, S targe k
Drevk, I p„, „ ,1^. f^,.faar more trosgh wblcfe b eoaiMBtIp (te wfth
tag lor »t,m,- lliilr girl wbav In ewe*
. , water
— On one sMe Is eanud. -to
leg Ckan. Pbould S.d Il--VouU'.‘ittmorv
of Oort,
iw,. " a lady wteM car--VouU'e Mewory te
jrkgehoreedkd plared ft there-ItoUy.
Iheadrets te boreei gasKh tteir
They Had Never Seea Ice Before,
Doily's TivaBttt I Utah '
'(toe <d tar (unalret sights I evu
beaaitfal Bate don't nmr
« wre a SonU Sea Islander wlu hls
Bril pftce te ke.- roBarkod the
-Stevk.- Bve yware otC hte been
trading icbooaer -H was toM be Bust not aik (dP aapw»-j ta
lying at anchor atone te Ue Narlgattr ret when vttlltag. Boca after bt b
islands oarc. when eoae naUvtt
aboard It 1 I aa awfully bot day. bouse where be had tegariaUr toate
soBt-iblng good on hand, be hnag
I bad Just beea gelltag _
around wiu a wttUnl kite ate B^
up from bekw. Tbe aaiiv. looked at hrote OWL “AuBi JanA^Tm awftett
- curiouaiy and so I teaded cow
lhlre:y - “Are you— "T* rm *
■P Tbe Bomat It ttuebed btt thirsty I eould ret a do*tesL'



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