Grand Traverse Herald, April 23, 1903

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Grand Traverse Herald, April 23, 1903


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



•mmI CravtfM mraltfl

SUITS FIT Tire Insurance! “
Pl*t* GlaM, StMm Bollarand Accldont Inaurence.





Tmcrsc City Stale Bank



Money to Loan on Unpiovcil Real Bute Only.

' kb.- kkid.
>our *.ao •» MI

Wmh I Wm • •mIV“"“
Wk.K 1
Wj.ktmli l«j,
UUruutfk Ik. U'liM tk.<kt,.f.
tvik«<kckU,k.oIilr..B.tkki ...W

>1 up

>k< kld.-*kd tr

Johiwon Block. Phone 73

nuhiM. uc


Tfeveree Cfty. Ml



SUI^PLUS. •60,000

l o ihi- one who dors the ct^okmi* for the family. ;uul
soimtimrs to lh<- nu-ml.e.r» of I be family, to Itml fhat
an entire hakinjj has U-rn s[,oilcsl »m .m sy |H»'r rstracis ur bakiti,; puvydi-r had



pfancription. Cararully and Conactenilously Compounded.

9 Hr CMUUewN M TUe DcNBiu.




V ibF
ilrk>'i > uol. I
(s-au. ruuDJ II
D\.- dullari CE re.

iiscd in its iii.mii-

Cream of Tartar Baking I’owdor at i>.K

^^^^'Jobnson’s Drua Store.

L.« u
A^lk—■ Ur.«iM..busbltl„ >a. k kfktk
A Mi'k I
tt'k... 1





^infen he)«hlt auf Sc|>0|Ura.

lYHjHn cliitta


, Tliafll l~- h

ll.pisl b
:r (k.v
HlXElo. c



r all C
il> u' Vlurj
f.irihWn. tUkUt.
ibln. .iraisBi
iraisBi Iliar
lYlndlt, •
lalk." »hV

■rwaiaiBy. iM.8.SNIKnilltmbC0.
PhjwteUfi * Burceen.



TraverM cuy. Hteh

Ml. PCToa

Wtn» om

Oatrd«n 8«»acIs
Hlowdr Sa*cI«
Everything you w*m !or your t'egeiable or
Flower Garden. H you have noi tried it before
make a garden this year. We will sell you the
seed. Nature will do the rest.



«u dayk. bMild» bvr kajevk
ul . i.irava»ni oa uur part"—
a>,-F toks- ps’k kiudcr—“ft
Klla'. out o wtboofiir could

wool- WAN-nSD
4^m now the market for wool. 1 will
O^ your wool>1 to your advantage and will
yvou that anyone c
dQi the best for yx>u
Plwne or write to me. Will also buv hides.
E. Trent Street

Traverse City. Mich.
: “ Bell Phone 130
Citizens' Phone 48 I

^ Anderson Undtrtaking-Co,
A full line of Kunenl Su^dKa and ibe
heat eqainfiaiCnl in Nurtbm Michigan.
Prao^K atlestioo giTcn to Ml orchr (or Cut Fluwm and
FlofM Detigtti.

« Halph JIndtism, manager w
Crop ol

Garden Seed
U short this year

UlM md BmM teifua.
FinidMi workmwuMp suataatMd.
Cofu>V and Cut Siooc to ewdet.
ClUaoua 1

BMd, uad fuDjr Euanaiecd in evcfy nqwOL
PtiAAieC TbMMcB-detoaMMwD ttNdl. Tbey «
OWHMI^ MtiuduMdw^iBttenal, uM firm a Bukr
•aid(0cauhtbe«r«: bmwedunUe. comfan.
aUu. .ad MM. n* dMNMl oa lb. mufcM, tiaMUy ccaBderML.
Oae* mad «d roB wiB boy no otbw mMe.

Mr«*L a Uictor Pciertyl.

Koa^ t.




i*llk* a I

. pjla-

.- rau


Some kinds cannot be had for love or money, so don't
delay, and buy your seeds at once. We have a good
stodc that-we bought -early. We would be jdeased - to
supply you as long as our stock last^ We have Beans.
Beets. Mangel Wurtzel. Carrots. Cucumbers, Lettuce,
Onions. Radishes, Squash. Turnips, Bagss, Sweet Corn.'
Sweet Teas, in fact almost any kind of seed that you
wan) for your gardsn. and also field seeds such as Tim­
othy. Clover. Orc^|d Grass. Either write or call at
Cor. Front and
F. K's.

an. OCX.


r.c elxMh Vtii,-, HlKctou nlddj mork
II kiukI |ia> t'r Ibi- ta.i Ifo y«an
TiiF-utat > itK' cspiu<-> >o lr>m. e tVt


Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausages. Etc.


ii« be> Uv
mile Mr.
0 (UtM)
>»'•■ li



HX.,1 TV,..,..


Wot'd C«nu>na HO Aetme V<

.-.••um.-ni ntoialB. mure
linen.-. ,a Ihf oW uurU- :i Ain.-nra. ti le iVtiitat
I ?: til South ita.-rira

MU.l too UUM'id.Il
ditcoterj. .be

. . - .ul-DiariDv tok-auc.
'ho 8lraua coax, and Saaiurtu.
.1 Ni.yrtu- 10 Ibe Aegrac era

e earrpM <bv tray up
'll the .rva-lijiit wbra
-t au.l l.xib,.a tbe 4>nln
kk, apparvail} m, la
koiK ^ai leu word.

I Ihorv nr. .K.Mt i. a othor. .ui.
KBlurmc i.tnuJ,
u A-ix ilu-rt nt, :i nriivc volranl.u a., lee. tbae 1: U Ibeee.atV
tatt-j .ut ibi- p,'Bln.ala of Kam
V act no rpkanuM ta

b.-v „.u iw '»
«iJ. "but I do

I i-'U B
BaiF. <
II s.da'
> uali
IMlk £11, I
llui 1,.

pon Crapers* £i»Y, Illich.

> you want lo tdl ,)our ,
If to, list wilb us. Our ;
: tisl u too until (oi ibe tlem
kc arc h«viii|.
a llic ncit llue you are'ii
! Ibe city.



. ,k< ,»Fr ttuuriat


weal on ibetr wa> lo
m.iramc b-tweeur.
Ib gun. .1.1 dogk ■■ur.ued
g Itabtetb tiiek.rr raugbi
aooB. t..,k oS U. hide,
n lo oM Vermont, and i»I. *.l« tb.t, flr.t Sunday


d |«-l>lel
I'le J<

]«.ir> kl

.1(1 c« Kinuntitfl, (betb im {tatiit u


you W M
hai,-. V|u.


let Free HeMs
fer MiHiuSi

Injured k.uaaa
For thfe.. k
• her tvkiiB -The tprmik
wotvsl iw l«- an Id«iiuau- one. Mi.
ina teSlnoi Ivlt her .tore the acci
l.-Di ..ydtrvM She dJd all tte w..rk


Mslvins'k VaeaVen.

lu.l K» <1

gy ft

o lur i.’k <Mrk-'~But ki'Di
wk,d I t >
• a plea
leading U-'K M'l
la Malt

~ >br
u I tu slkJ >.'i .
tufU m su
hlU Bkl... Ibtau |L> UtvUul .
iratkCkSI Hut I'vv .Vil k iMSruBU r„,
- -rv I II Iri-mr iM't k t.sau '■
ft ixabm n i sou i rv.i n

“11 is Oery flnnoyinfl" —
••Avolel AwoK Arknoyanow” l \
iisinu johnson's 1‘iirr l-'lavorinii Turai ls ami I’tirr

A 60Mn) Buuir BulMW BMC

II . u uati • luiuu II.
U« K » tu ui.k «r nm «i i

UiDf l.idlk 1‘riuai. • .>ui|ail;.<

TW liiliij aicdmn T»»».

t kent lo the drinking tai
With babHual leadern,U.M-; .klB. kbe I

; XTL ]

Vine,. I
. I‘rinilli
I h.u-- >oi ' b-> a r.-al E-»J
Ir piuk .|kU b'lraed >u Mu'

it up(i u.uhia' (,ia>Jl.>c
ina luriivj ih>- Oiimw
" i'lV dlr-.Kdluo III £.■ to b
tic buoMWhen Mr. Batv. enter,
waj .lailoc the aen inomlui;
Ar.1 lu•tkou
rauu kaw aao Malvina Hu
RIU. .IlllDC d tril) ,H>p.«lle the door,
Sbi- m,4,-d • ibuugb .he k.-rv kail
.t cbildlab uiIrlptikHi upon
lace, la bi-r Hiht band *b>r llrkrl tiKhll) rla.p>-d
j| ti pnMruil,-<l <n>m beta
lua glot'rd «uc,-r.
(taaced at It (roni Ome tu Hue l<
>e had nol.lo.1 It In ber (•
>b« held her putM-. . Thai re
<iulr«sj cuB.iaat aiienilon alie>. li bail
been man. ).*r» .lace MaHlak '
carried fi at one time in her p
When Mm Bnie>. ruddy aud karat
4M'rapina(. tucuruu.Iy tbrev open
ikHir of lb. waiilag rt'xtu. Malt Ina
looked lukard. her and bowed i-ager>
vly RUnclng
in Maltina'. «.
reciluB. Ur..
Baitw raiurai-a the
Ins .ilffly. and cru*K-il w.-r lo
. .ickei once

room with Mal­
tlna. beyond the rn le t.fhi-r tl.lua.
She aa. Utkins ' lb a aelgbbor.
Ina could bear her truiu ilut lu
She koBC
kondere.1 if ,.bo were talk
e.. Shv
Ing about^ber.
Uiv T e lew people
g (or It rca rvkihiMif Maltina aal III

why. wunu- you
iYiiMlI,- rt-pllnl baatlly

eye. of II
iwNjrblag Mik ul uDv recelred Du
Mr.. Baiee began
ul oB h,-r vacation—iir wco .(r*
tvinbaaioo iilll.ipure t
II up. kl tnlghi. ir need be—n co»c
brn 'B li k aTivr Ibtnek's let De
la l
ta pepper} 'n poart
t '• you
b" Mr»
la.1 uf l.w
lumiL* 11 around on her Band. »Bo Direct!
partd the cnipit V(th a ra»rln« aound
wai ilrMlul llriwumr wallli
■ Tin droltul ikiit}. Ulf liatea U'e
She had bopt-d (ur
Hut 1 i pouc Vlney
• r.
But her old cmpluyer ,
. a a vacailyn"
and Ul
Bate* look.jJ
up uulcklj
•l>. Maltina i
•Tbafk wbai -Sam .a>»." >be aald
il hear bar.
•but 1 tbought you htsl ■<«• aenac
• ' Batea,- ahe .
There'. h,i. o’ folk, dun
ind. ate touching ber
rat loiu Look at me nUen 'vr
el UP Akt one u' them
one befur,' ‘rt-pt ■IIbar run to Punlaad
I., Vu«i be all tucker
Thankagltln'. 'n
when 8||»'. baby
I bom. D It
Ttaen Ur. Bai.w iirae,l
Her (act
Di siui^h nr a vacailun.
lion. I. c'b I
"Wben I want yiujr
Uui • I aald brlore. I wash my
Hlggln. I II a.k fr
odk o' Vine) after Ibla." ud tulUUC
." khe aald.
• aeil.ili to b^ wurdk..^iir> IlaW*
MalHna .hrank bark mi
nt liter lo ilu .Ink ai^d lumod
a blok
Her brealb raur
icei Bui.ll>
She drt.pped ber purae 'kcai
-MeblH•1 dlBereni ah
ing that wbe did .o ' Aa laiiaai later
■u sit re.i.el.” kald Mr« Prtndk-.
the mikted It
8hr .topped to find It
•'.So. I .han't
Ak .be Wkk reeling blindly ntoog lb<
r »,n- t il
dock 6
door, kbe beard a tbarji cr> I.«iklng
. .he khanI—|»l ra e khe kt
tnmnil toToluntarlly .hr mk ihki lh<
II mile S >tn> la '

had rmunx again.i x k.,
king her to (al' over x r-bkir uld be couldn't sH *
Ibe <lo
A. the did .,1 the cbair .ud

.ihiasdeal} glided th>ag the .Upper} floor
and the woman (ell in a mltipled
heap, tcatierlng her bundle. wlldl>
Again casie ibv tbarp
u thow Ualvlaa i'
'lalghi ’’a
d,«'t kn
IK- rukv baeilly. and put
cr por»e
Id her ticket la brr pock 1
prang to
aai nv bo»
he Uk
•iruggllng to gel up
abnir. I'd ta- leinpted tu vaK'D

u monih. But t aiu mme bin
jn.? I<o irv to wet un
ri^hl lor hala’ kp ainbbon -bout Vln
«r train, a
ee. -a he'll End ha doat Ilka It aw
bellcr'a I du
tea recvgnlxed ibc loi
'Well. I reall> maal go." .aid Hra be 171a’. nln'i I? 1 doa'i ne
PrlBdle. I'B aiuch obllg.vl (ur thin help, lamatwayt youn -Oo long'
laak<-k ni relim tl.abea yon gH exclaimed, pcttukly
But «verv
ae. I'm dretlul HWry you're lu upmove ber lace wi
. bat I hope youll bet a good
Haltlan'i quick
gtnnee inw It
be pul
Owd ttmel I dem-t expert to bet nround her. In t|Ule
e o( pr
good time.- BareU Mr. Batea. - H and endratured
.eured to lift ber. But I be
han't ca)uy a ilBgie Blaatr
burden wnIt n faeary one nnd the e(
meatla'. I know
I kb'U aoi
(ert (ulUe
Utrungh 'em lu think bow onch
rant do nothin'
Vlney U.~
yoaraeif n mite." xl
-Ob. yoBlI eiOoy 'em when ron gtl
Ibrce.' Urn Brlndle replied, naothlagly
-ni kinder keep wntcb o' —
Bniea -n Ibe boya. Oaod byaa helplag b - talo nnotter



-ObT- groaned Mrt Baiet.
toaned hack and ckmed her
cant walk a aiep
I ve tpr
mei Haitian HIrIiix
Malrlaa ankle tore- Bte bnd no
___ tall and aacalar. Her era* were ntreagtb (or eOBtroTeny or
tnce grew whiK
Mnlrten inw
ended and euakea. She loekad whKc
the bnd fainted The obber jme
and ni Buurtebed. One........................
«i bnd nmbed on leaving the
wanted to take her borne and gin* b
rumen aNne In the waMlag-c
window 0/ ite lIckM oAce
cloeed. Ttece wan no oDe to w
CDOld call for help. The i___
airundy roUed Into the ctaUoo
wax rallb
. _
____ age. khe________ __
trdi- Malvina eIntcBed
ikttable fund ol Moibm OeoM
and fairy take fer the UtUa oaea.
tel Ute teM tte Ueket ax
ntaned for ite
Bren eUld I* the rUla«e wne ber hubm hagaM
t the aim
cr paraded ter parmty.
aad leaned
druae (o day wae paid... .
bat n wai ctaaa aH BntetBy IrsMd. atelaet (be wall
-Good morala'. MM' PHadN. «ted ova atfwagib neoma
Ate with a

s: SirJr.:

Tb..,, lakn alioKt-ibvr. there aiu
<i Ibe great onalet.-. kt.,.,.i«si kith k .harp
.. -aa maay ua
.d ibeumaitc (e,..r
Sbt- »uj.
-r the aerttmV'
Muiisel, Al llm» .he ka> d«; aaaaJly an­
tVbea «h.- had her aca.u.
I. Itui-weak to knot. <w enre -ui^. m iM-lr dl.iribni
oeail> all od^ibaa
ted oearlt
wa. that kaii'bp.1 over ber irranxeaieal. and
kn up ihrec well
.ad >ta.<
IXU.E ago Malvina bad
branebee peuup Ibe work <4 tbe bourn lo
I- oiughier. Mlta. batllpd (ur the

• lAUillpetma
vdau-^llaearc ua e.ui.iitutlim to amen
' Weak and iremhllEg. ye
■louxhi lo public nulbre. bat aa lact
lent id Ibit kurt wbHi teresily oc
Siin.lav moral
-tired ID (kiMwaier max' aid hr
Mr liau. .imnc by ber
Tb,' irnoj wtalcb (ur trteral
liiA ka. in Ibe com alM. dufily pul- ia.1,.
ilni^thtas. in ibHr placv. With half ni..aih.. ita. hc-n dnten by Hmer
-UiKd eye* Ura Hntn. vraicbod ter n Wlitk. OD Ibe Arllagl.m b-.k wa. koB
lew uptmeau
Tbee ibe lurDed to .IkDdlaa uahllched a lea daya ytacr
in (loBI of Ibe bulrl It waa a U-inWr}
'Ut. and the irata wa. nearly an kour
late But tbe hurte. didn't know ihli.
d n> Hh- lime lur the fudular nrrtv<d Ibe train appruacbed'Uey grwu
■ ilte lluu they kaea II wax Irala
tolcc replied.
K- I. beyond bonuui vomprebeexltm.
klr> Hal,-*' gaxF wandered around
I kuok It they did. and when nl the
Ibe room lYMewtly abe ipuke again,
uni lime the dfiter UUed Ui appear
"Thai ’’you, Vlney?" nte naked, In
tbvt klarted to Ibe depot ullh.ailiilm
k-eaiH-r laset than tbe umt
Fti>l lb.-} ueoi to tbe drtnklag foun
I peak
Maltina liira.-d toward Ibe bed Her
I».-V radiani
-Tew. Ii a me." ebr
•• -S O Ml.' Bate., I'm ao
glad '
Malvina did nut
e. the
ber wurdk Mra. Bate,
me the lay with doaed
iliiBklag When the opened
Ib.-ni oiii-v more kbe maw iliai Mal­
vina Mut-d at the Toot ul ber bed. Hru
Bate, .nilled (eeblj
“VlDey.- abe
vaJd. -tv- D0.1 forgot—h aeema to
MUS ago-but didn't—didn't yoa lane
iiii.r taralioD on my arcountr
-It Hit' Hate.," cried Maltian. tte
:lred look on her fnre giving Way lo
jae ltd >.iy -dont any nor tbiak Botk­
in' -bAt (bat S guen. you-ve bad the
aardeel of II ~
-Mebbe 1 bev.’ waa Ibe I
ibuughtfnl .reply
“Bav. 8aml
• t\V) . Und}*"

lurried abound
iXuand aand pruUbere they backed Ite
te "btia Into Rk
lomod p'nre aa ca
carefnliy a. tf
nver had held the rciu. Whea
.0 to tte depot aiTleed.
river atouae.
Miaed blBiM-'f from hi.
ne.i behind the Mute, an- h
cry of -Train caai. a.
aboard." and weai to gel Ui team,
wbea u> hi. dl.may b. found tbem
Vbk*. ol a runaway floated
belofv hU mtpd. but a aeareb reveal '
ed Ibe faithful animal, at itelr «U

HOfwra for tte


lo 1|1 rerurdr thtyonngv.t I'nkm aoMWr in tbe retell
re,-: Il u Kiln c'n do all I al
hn Utile iohany- t'lem imw Utraili,-r a wt-ek or two You kBo* I'm Od J.dip K Clemt-Dt. of iff qtiartar
t ma.ier hitad al pickin' up wPea I maelrrAt-aeral'a dvqmrteavnt aad nU
thmod at l-Xwi 8am Hoaxon. Texaa.
iheo axked aujdenlt : "Vlnt-y. did yoa la Ibe Individual Ihui l.bmwiel
.-ter .et- Ibe While moitnlalaar
Clem kaa born la Newark. U. Aug
"No. " an.w,-re<l Maltlaa. tndalgralt She htoki-d ipprv-beti.ltcly at Ur. te'ran'.ua'y'^alrt.^aBS
She thought ber pallenl waa dramiui-r buy la the army
He e«Jeu-rion. again
But Mra. Batea' lUled In Ibe Twenty foartb Ohio vol
M-B.e* were Mill keen
ulerri. bat tndlag an uncle In tbe
to her tuabutd. —
tent be went to tbe Twealy'1i'» dreKul pietly wheru your aU
-------- — ■hlgan a. a drninner hoy
ter llvew. 8am, n I kauw abed lake He parttcIpBled with hi. reglmeat In
Vln. t in f r a month, "n re« ber up. tte Utllee u( SbUob. Peiryiime
Fell . plraaant at ite mounialna Ww
mgA Chiefcamnuga. tMabmie.
c'u .pay ber expel
aw and otbera Chm wax cap
lo Ibe rebel, and otmAnte la a
Ocorgka prieoa After belag agehaagad te returned lo the army ate aenOB tbt- kint ct Oaa. Thomaa.
me <d the MvU war Ulem
dear. - be mM. gently.
Pplnl, bm ea nr
I diatlantlve .tnture
I otimmlnatoa. Cm. Orate
nppomied him a llctoeanni and te
aerrlce. Dnriag
thing d( Ua Nd
Spanl.b Americna ear Clexh «M
ntalloaed at Porto Hm
Bacead TaeUt.
Teeth te nil Uad. have been w«rUped. aad are. la (net. rcMratad aa •
reUen In tone rellgfottt etefaea. BaMhaa toteb 1. preuerved ta aa Indtan
temple tte (nngalrw worablp the
loMb te Ibc n»mke>: wbBe the elepbanr. nnd abark y i-uotb aerve n almllsr purptme nmuog the Unlnlmr nnd
Tcmgn Ulnaderi rrwpertlvely. Tbn
Slnmeee were furmerty the pmieai
oei te the tooth ud a acred amakey.
which Ibey valued vary highly, bat N ,
a war with ite Porugneae they .hmi'
. ..r ibc the holv grinder nte had lo pay Sl.,.r tbe needle abpold be plneed. It tu get II bark aoUa. It M now
i-r occurred lu bim that It abould -tan enmll goU'box Inchmed la
loraied near tte point, and
ther boxce In one te Ite maay
might bate (ailed altogetber had
been (or a remarfcaMe dream.
DC Bight be dreamt that be wan
.lag a eeuing uaebtne (ur a rav­
xwdlng to a recesi <-«ilma|e. tte
age klH In a airaage oouatry An In
: wrought by n doiea apecira te
hi. arttial VraUag rxperieace. be wax
I. raukee Ihl. country an enratter >erpl«xrd about the
r te more than S3h«teS.a!M a .
eye. He Iboucbl tbe king
Tbcte are the rblaeh hog tte
ti hour, la ublch 10 compte
grarahoppet. the Hmlan «y the »
ae. ^anu If nt^flol.bed it
into bag tbe Ban Jtm* vale, tte grab
be the punlabmeaL
rrll. the apple worm tbe rabbaga
Howe wor id and worked, and p
■m. tte bull ueertl.' lb* boll worm
led and p.
p. Tben I
e bouw tofcdbcr.

-her wa. a .udden choking a
II in MaH-ma'k Ihroai
Bte _____
But ib« light thM Bboae
ber face irankflgured It Al '
.1 !■ whit Ur> Baiei mid

.ecutlon be noticed Ibnl (be u
Tbe raranihm tadaRry ban rtara (n
rarried apeara that were pfer
ctmalderaMe importaaer dsrtag (be
the bead. Ibataatly case
------ IP xrara. *aya Town ate OimkolDilcia «< tbe diartilty. and «|
Al fteOpM te yoav canaUia.
tbe tneeauw wa. tecglog (or lira*
a are BoU aach yrar ate Bartaw
prodace aa ngaal amMut raown by
It wg. then f ocfock la tte me
lalvee. wbleb are aoi mW. Ite .
tte. Howe Hmpcd-oai of had.’kaiT
IQ fox workabop. and hy • ocloefc a
« i.ara.dM tte apaetelc with an eye al (be pofM had
been xpdelr juried. After tbal the
real waa eaay.—New Tort NeVt.

, ."srjss'.s

Mk-Ugan CbriallaaAdvocaU. The tale
te of VermimiHUe. S tbit eUla The
BTlur tell. Bt tte New HaaapaMre
od home eerkceu who cleared
IkterBCwe and foanded lb* '
and retetee thle eptnode.
-<Se Saadty raoralag. ae tte l._
kt were atartlag lor chartb. they
haard a cry of Metnra amew the
Ob gedag to the p—

tem “T


THE.ORAMO'lRAVERSe HE«tAU>. AMlIl. .23 1903

I'lniil Trarersc Hcrall

Hold DP poor beoda. fh«l your
bead ii besdtac a bit ino low. )uat
choc* yoortof uader Ibe cbla
aaa It tbe aobleat work ot
aosebody bee aald; and II
an booeet man la hofiert toll.
Met lltlea. joo are rn
■peel due yotiraelf from
youraetf Do aot be mibased <d Ibe
fart tbal jou ar<- aa himeel toller.
-BdMwllua U loo norb aeal.vt.-l
Ibe oae of educalloc a labor
To laakr btaa a U-Uer Ubortke a better maa. and a bet

Tfc» |1|4» propoMd by U>« Beoun]
. f .r the
of pruteeUu for lb*
<<h ud «uw of U>o rouly m »#I-rared -by Ibe bcierd id superricun
r B Tfcnraday BOd
eppropririad for lhal purtuee. There vbi
vaulBoae (eoUBiMl on'the part
(he board tor bMier proiaolus for ibe
r-eh had lasie. ud the ohly doeetloo
,j wu time vu a> U the beet way

llpb Sebuol iraloLsc. >'ur
le ox can totev. but Ibe ox
be an Amriron cltlu-n
to Buirv- tn life tbaa elmiily the
dUly annd oMult.^aad be who c-en

laid OB the Uhtc till tbc Ortober aee^
k>«. bat iBltT, OB anlloB <it Bupet.leor Dean of the Tbird avd ut (be
hr • vote <d JO to 8. elBox oil of
iboM vutlad a<Blae( II expUlalbg that
.b«r did It Btd beeauae (bey eere aot
ia (Bvur ut Kane prulHCiloB. but b»
taoae (bey vaated to aiaaelt their
T-.OB>tltaeQli Bad aee «ba( Ihey (a
tored la (he maucr.
Wbea the matter came op oe epeeial ordtf of bualaeaa at 16 o'clorh
pervlaor ClevvIaBd of (be FlfOi ward
cf Ibe city, moted that H be laid ua
tbe table ladedaltely. Aa aaend

. .. ihr tody, aad K>______
h op ia eound boUih aod amftta.
•t a*4 hn • (1M l^^lm a.m OtnieV
tor ihr toe eloc rwiv ' vren ton. Mnwon
■U^to. or
Wato^BrWmR Co. UJ
taM I»A>< CM
I tori oar aMac
I k«T( iKOrvO towh Md toMlac void (no lx
nmr enoMm MrdMkDtonMrT.M-r.ranu

'iba October leMloa. aad Mr. Ciere
laad accepted the aaMUKUaeai, tbe mo­
tto to Uble belas thea paaeed by a
. roueftOtol
Uler la the hmIod L«v1 T. PeaalBCtOB. city editor of the Reoord.
-taade a brief Matemeal to tbe board,
aad <m moiloa of Ur. Dean the vole

Md Ml kcpvr III ayllui llt> I. wvtii Hnac
■M. A IkoaiexdlkMk. to rMilcnuacva ■


oCer^ u 'jad oc
*• *CoUro
Hadkal DietorcrVlct clwdow of IhU
madldoe. There ue cum brUod rvrry
dalm oude for tbe - Diemvery '
The Comama Stok Medical Advtoer.
loaS larpc pam to paper CDvera, U eeal
/rwr oe nceTpl <d twealveme ooe<eot

roe. Oevelaitd. BaSord aad Bevotlaf **D0' on tbe motioo to
■npenrinr Deaa Utoa pfwwDled tbe

uderl apUnM the Injutllcr
rapllal nlpbt bmmmr tbe arealeai
(if late r were ooBdllloaa .rbaaped
baa more or leat of bu
BMure Id bto mahr up. evi
- may noti thUk
>ouph he blmaelC
Cepital and Labor Hive (Cewimeti
-Capital aad Ubur have Interef
Tbe cunirureny
apon tor
Ihr other.
be eodod wbea raeh fully mill
bit :
■Of pertol
tl to wort
If and^c

of Oraad Traverve eowaiy.
ReHilvod. That title maaey be paid
(o a deputy dnly appodated. oa talUfaetory proed Uial be bat ipea
Itthe et bla time la tbe pntaetto of
«eh aad fame In Oraad' Traverae
Beairirad. Tbal IbU
aball be eSee(lT« cmly 1a cue IIW ly
' ratod for a almlUr porpoae la LaeUBOB eoaaljr aad IIW la Beatia eooalr
aad fnrUier
ReMlved, That tbe eoaaty'a ibaiw
of tbe fete fur deer Ureaaec be ap­
plied OB tbU amoiat. it It eaa U 4oae

' I.

lurlnp planU I
a cauntTT t
a of labor.
and by tbe deab
lal caanoi afford to aai
and tabor eanaoi afford
- ‘"le -iiniuii ooBdltloat' of which 1
apuken are foand in the unfair,
lupren. If you prefer the term, divto
Iona of the reoulu. Tbe laborlai man
too often, to only a maeblue to be caal
aalde whoa wont ou

doM not appeal to him
aelf paupertoed by (hat
be wanu to auch a div
I ataall enable
bile be to active,
meariiie at leaal
nd have eaouph '
keep him when
aaton tow hl>
e to old wltoonl i
mp^yer. U «pUal
afford to
IncMoaed wapee
•The wide dlSereoce ........... a eapl
tl and labor la beat
leo «r

the vaat dll
.life On I
■ with tu o lly furntoblnci, i
beaollfulI erwoada
Tbere to eve
plaaae aad' atlm
'.imulate to ma
I (ff life. Then


Ctoetaad Mated
enoaeoiuly qaeted la tbe Dally Bk(le
cdUnerealac- Parlof wbai wae eoatahead la tbe Bade ae fait itatemei
be aald. waa trfaal be had apobea hlmeelt. bet a «ood deal of It wat eompoaad of tUa«a that ha bt
Mr. WIebtmaa tbowabt
lowmablp wai oppoaed (a (be plaa.
iboacb be Umnalf tevored It. aad da
Mred lima to etmeaK Ua
Ha Mated that H to only a abort (to
on tbr BAIac eeaum arlll ba opc
aarway. aad aU vtu bare (he rifbt


mW Mated tbu (he lav wai
la daaper M vioiaito all (be time,
aad tbU protaetto vaa aaeded la
Ur. Uoaale Mato (bat
he farBred tbe plaa. favt bad vaato
- to prf tbe aaatlmnt of tbe paopta
Brat Hr. Baacbam axpcwaead a almltor view.

tbe bamM <»ltape.^wlth^i»

Ito. Tedaeaa eUto that tin nparI. b« (be vboM,
eooaty. aad tt tbit to (erdbe beat ialareeta of tbe eeimty. tl abooM be.
. ftoeed. ereatreomeoftbetodlvMiia]:
toraablpe oppoee K.
Mr. Hoaroe tboatbi It voald be bet­
ter ta pM tbe eeatlmeet tt tbe peeptol
before uUap (be vote.
Mr. Haicbtoa Mato (bat tbe peopto at bto levaaMp. be to ive. are
towtoldlai dllieae aad vaat tbe Uvi


«>ea the meUer came to rpt*. Bapetwtoara Mcoale. Btorto. HetEUae.
Bud], Valker, Tedmaa. Brova. Dar
mr. ttoaa aad Haraba voted yee. aadta^bma Hemroe. Wlpblmaa. DB^
ywa. BtomtacbM-, DeOraw, CtoTataad.
fcBto aad Beceham veto ao.
*n«r It bed been aaaoAto that
the tolto wu earried. Mr. Wlpbi
Mh aald tbu aobody aboeM be-----Mr- liinbiii eiato tbal be h_____
tomhiy te tbe vtobea of tbe tolartiy.
Uf. MM tod an be vaatoT^
tbu tbto voald faiatob pratotto^ tad ba m meM tbaa vtUtop

• £.'?si2i!isyrr..i s

; aeaaaal at (be bieatto af bto (ow«4to»

fbe board aeoepud ea kavtu

There to aolblnp**to*’itl^^
to ttimu
ambliloir to rUe above
- at every loro of________
The few Lbta^.UiU
ed are i
-______________________ e to et,-.
Labor domaadt more of tbe
<rti aad plaatorm at IUa and
e a.............
more time
.. to
.. oaj^ toem
Tiow ahall labor pain wbU
maadal I kaow lUt there to room
all the toeortea hnafftaable.. All
> -lou- have had tbalr laalnffi
i Mill labor bai aot fonad wbU li
_ aaeUap. There to a eort of eiu
plckm to tbe mtad of labor Itaalf tba>
of the -itmi- voald piowe I
r dtooMer-rilbor than prov<
I know. too. that la my
aaewer to tbe quutlea I may taeer
tbe dtopleoeure of labor, that Ic
oertUn pereoaa
who are tohon
------ It a,maa luu aot the eoarapo
kmper a man; batooalya-m
Labor wUl fr e liaelt from vbatevei
___ jpprtor 1'
_ _________________
■n»pb Hi, ova
adnibeemaat. Bver>'
of tbe eoadldoei of labor
aberat la ibto way. aad in

fbi- beet, the tuibitwl pan uf ell
' Kmphiymeal ol Meurr hour.
uiy be -coeeed- for whet 1 eay here,
ui I hate au eympaib) for Ibe aiao
wbu to cn'IaC'bard (Imre, "and wbuuwlfr and children are In ram. who u
ependlap hie rarnlapi for drink The
laUirey can nut afford (u drink: be
hai (uo much a( etakv; bto repute
i|un ai a workman, hie home, bli fel.
kiw Uboreri.
-Employ leleuremomroto In maklny

to a maa to devou hit vboto time to
tbe Mier.
eaflqtot faada to;


■at oev. la ntm of t____ __________
aOeof Id eopfiai aad tbe erpaaltottob

eto rwctoaii w«b ha twtodea '
to (to beMaewe toiareau cf the_____
try, bu aaaaltialM tbe vUe ditto.
eMto betwwca eapUai aad labor. Tbe



to Ikto. bet ibeea

health, -men




Tto taUew Wto

Note the result of Vk- Pinkham’s advice—al«
though she ad\-ised Mrs. Hayes, of Boston, to
her medicine—which she knew would help her —
her letter contained a mass of additional liutruc- '
tions as to treatment, all of which helped to bring
about the happy result.

-i $5000

Cadies’ $uit$*€oats
Separate Skirts, Etc.

'T'his is a ljusy Department
‘ showing the sweMest Crea­
tions of the day and prices not
high either.


auceti at tbe erlebratloo alto.
'"1. Womaa'e Ctoaraetor aad !aSo........ Weakeaed i
Mulllpliacy of.
inlu?” wae
oraa ll
ly ^ub^ of
paper which Mre. I
Ttoe paper wae w
writlr^ bMfre* V
Q Brown qf Pan

chines ere always n
b the vehicle to stai
ee to likely (n fnghl ,
carulul. la eucki c(u.-s, if th.- driver
ef ibc-mechlDc to rvmpelled to turn
e gtoit^rol (If



teaeotaUve of (be Traverae Olty Driv­
ing Park aeeoctotluB. to be iweaenl at
tbe emoliailoc of the h'oruiem
MlBblgah Reetog tbismlt Tht, clr5“
orgaaleod, le include

For instance we have taken ^bout
26 suits ranging in value from
$ 10.00 to $16.00 and put them
in one bunch-choice at

■ Hatrtd. «d Howard Otty,

oriieTpS^juVhrrhr t*nr




borwalfl broocbial tabeaaocm fill apu^witb moeo.


Taking COM U tht first Map towardi CatuiR. to It
Cbccfci poapintioik aad tfaa (Mwoamtt adda and
wapon wfaicrahfmJd poM o« tkroagT^ akin,
thrown bock opoa the
•a or Inner akin.
... and ancMme* flow ef mneon.
■txA of which it. oimartmd into the blood, nod throogh tie d
carta of the
,. Whoa
^ __________
the dtotoss a
tbe dry
beeWa cxecedingir
(mil, bliodiwg bcedarhra ora
r- fiee^.
tto cyra rad.
brarisgafcetedaadaeeastaaf riagiagUtheem. Ko remedy that does
..................... .................h. a 8. 8. caweto f^~^
from tbe
■ msttcr, aad when rich, part
Mod to ggoU
the.body tto
* *^™Ytby'^'Se akU
t^J ecMT^^^ the^OigieoilSm pq^'

E 8. 8.

kalrbii weiw to aalform.
The Aoor wae perfect, aad till e
tatr l»ur daactog wae ea)ciyed to Aar


bUel arw-JIkely to be eubjocled

others at $ 12.00, $ 16.00, $ 17.50. $20.00. $.22.60. $26.00and
Large variety of Children’s Coats made of such material as
SHks. Brilliantines. Kerseys. Flannels. Etc.

----------- —^ cigaitttca or any eztcnal or local enlkotioa. M

vhese Template whteb took plaro to Ibe Ma-


(3,ildhood i. the time to ley j-VJ"';
the foundation for a tturdy con ' '

^ to aet toy ptopoae timipW to
Amply raU acalaM eapitai; ibere
iM koaa toe maA of «bU aoM ef Mrt
■hMldr. There are too maay maa totnr
aiw itoly too vUltap to lUl bitiofl.
every other maa who auty
aaeoto of a fewr tbooaato
tore aettoed. bovevw
nlM are tW^ttooe to

Fibroid Tumors Cured.


i”' Ts. '.rr LT“.' 'r.__

Soott's Emulsioo sdmuUtn
ff»e groRing power* d dtiW ren,
help* them buUd « firm
fcMilidation for » *tupdy coasti-

Impure Blood
: tSTWAW-sssr .ir:,,".'."!;;' rir,-,,,-;.-


r!xas-“rui,‘TirB Stuff.Scot.', Emulaionolheifghl K '

bau aiarted odvaaee to the paM tow
paara. Bat vvea atUI there are uMM eeadltieae Irhb vbkb labor wID
ma toaai tree beraair U



Timbera doak keep the old Intrrre
homeste«J .taading throughly?™ aad yM am vrokta
the ye«. U pAj-s^toluiethe'"'*'
uselhe 'v”urp.^u.r
ight stuff.

i.*2Sir,sts:.t,rs£ ■J!!!” ?
bodiusTs rasderf U

siomicb, ihea dyspepsia,
biliousness, loss of Appetite.
Your doctor knows lAe
remedy, used for 60 yesrs.
* l^-«Br.lue teu. iv« ('.vxc v.*. I
encl. U. l.v.-l
v-c. .oJ Bt
W-JC.*.. tlM . I .« ta4l.r*«r At.r-,


very (c

The tollowl


'"tSe *

A distressimj case of Fibroid Tumor,
which baffled'the skill of Boston doctors.
Mrs, Hayes, ol
M.'iss., in
the following letter tells how she was
cured, after cvciythlng else failetl, hy
Lydia R Finkham's V^etable Compound^

it lone
I. it
tb^^paUty of ttemc
-------- eympaUff U oeodi. Aelkai oa
tbo part of ibe^rooeU firwmea or tbely
Meade u CtoTelaad a day «r (wo
wo. wbea they boarded a veoiel.- 60 ---------------racton. We eboald make ...
everyday Ufa ae aeiy ae poaelble
which will glva at toorr Umr (or our
.. . -_d (brev a
(O tbe wuar. The aeeoaai ia today'e Meade' eatertalaiaeat.
Thr paper atoo told of (he rnlrrPtoe Preee of aa Aaobor itae Maamer
tkai abould be aeoordrd
DMroU wKb of] ettpe 'Ailed wKb
try. AeUooe like iheOe are the, young people aad old people at well
attaatloa aad other lime deUlla
.—oil of botbeadedaoea. aad vlll wd
err all tooMtrd upon and la eomr
■ looe to labor. Tbe atrfklap mlaen
nre elaborated apoa
woe tbe eympalby of the vbole ana
The Ideal bocteee
try beroue of (be woodorfol wtlf-eoa
Ihle led ap to (hr abeurdlty Id
(TO) of tbeir leadw. aad tbe comparato the boMaae would take tbalr
Uvely mue dlMorbaace oa tbe pan
r to all tbe Ibeauve.
tbeairro. the
(be laiane
I. toll*, pvtooet. fanoriet and
tocoa. all beyoed reaaoa Vo thr
ed ihroocb bit ba( about -ftolae
ibat they did It
nphie of vealib.''
-Tbere to a prowlap feMlap that tbe
rat ntteaed lo vllh mi '
maa wbo worke le a eoetol aobody
> by thr club at tbr
nu foellai le Aodlop top maay^
-- -e UBow tohor^mea tte-

--------r aeede to roattoe that tbere
Atoroto to ttotoo Med.
to oa dtopract la a colloaeW .b^;
Bto. W. T. WoDdboaea cf (to PM
MOM ebmeb iddreeeed tbe Bata
■aa of (be diy ta itolr baU cm (to
of Uaioa aad Bute Mreato

Impure blood tlwtys sh
sofnevbere. If (be slin. then
boils, pimples, rashes, ll
nerves, then neurAlcii, n
ousnss, depressloo. If

paperv. macazlnra. e(c. There la nu
1 why (be labunnp men tbouhl
I I. t.. the.■.•an] nithiral Inter
e a leBlIeman
tlirman He to te-iny
belny put
danrlny end «o
ll 1. II
art of Arry
ibruucb e eort
Aery leal now.
tcoorve ell had
hr coroee
nre fonh from
from U
MSr livre. ' and
)' ae poeelli'.',
full (•iriii-.lrl.
mndled .the v-lt-rrepecl
I'i-.m putich va. w-ned in ihc Hed
lO, ae be will, tbr ere t alniKsIc
, I-.-pIc .1,.II be at aa end Cr..|oi ti> tyutetd Wureb'urs and
Very Lei-pc
We^n ott At uldslsht a Ape ban
The lawcvi naalinc ev. r inro.-d mi ,
Per Good Reade.
qi"1 wu". eerv.-d la the dIulPs roan
Weman-e Cl«fe.
Cx Sci.aiur Horan.. S (tore i. form (be local irou wetk. wae ran ■
Un caniUK at tin- Tnvcr.c t.'iiy iron i
Iday wae Roclprocltt
nan't Club, which ai.iwaye mean. '
il-ll.' Iiupruvi-tut-ui. that Mlcbicau Work., rhi- caeliBp we. n larae pile I
n will be elv 1
i-d .had.'. Tbc fuldriver i.emmer an-l wlnu oumplrted I
in l-uevi .If
Mr. Euri.- ha. JcuIcH"""'
.e pick of the )rer'e paiM.-n. .
d.-tlcl'.u. baiiqui-i. In cbarsi- of
it will be,
b club In (tie State Kodt-ra.|,T»I jeer, to iinsln* !.-cto;eilon ■
abipp-4 to Lodiairtoo
road. In Wh-btenn add ha.
Mra. Uoyea* P'lnl Letter AiipeoUoi; (o Mra. PlakltaiD for Ucl»f
brer ocraetone
WbiU- not laxae eowparrd tu rw.i...... uiuir than <si,.rn.'llr In bto cam
lat.r placet Oi'rd I
-Dsas Mka I'ivkiiah:—I liAkf i«vD nndrr Itcwiidi d.N'ton’treatH. .r. ™.l, r,. ......
■lub membere wa
brousbl up at the.;
for II. work, lilt ooo.ldcrrd
lit forr a long timo without any n-lu-i. nicy idl tnr I li
lu.wd end HQ'irr ^
]ap|wal lu Hk.- p...p\- of every rum
• meotlbs Tbere i
grvvt BBdrrtoktoe with tbc (wriUiiee| tumor.
. IcaniKd
without gry-ul ^wiu.MBl^t^^w‘tt-tw-»ac«eade
___ .-steiu
S peoplr In■ vui
Au.rtol<'e(c. jmuntly la the iiau- l.i .end peUilaD'
up tny ppine. 1 haw Ixaring-dowt
»t. My a:
;io Ih.-lr rvi.t.-.wqlativ.-. In ihc l.-alrla here and (or the elate of work lhal to
- •
doBicn iseb-oll it, and 1 have ’had* flowuy
Tbr raeilrp
.■ Ic- ( It-arn «a. e.-ried In (he - lur.-(i. um-thi-lr ItiHu.-nc-fur the pae Aeacinlly tiapdlMl
pctilc to not guuvl. I raiuint; walk »r
.11 Is- <4i nir tot f> r ant- Icurth ot ti
the eauJ wai ivifc.
a while meliv«- co»e, with a «c.- of in., lu.* Wforv tbr
rnlrrrelly Rilra.lon i
“The wymrdonu of Kihroiii Tuiu.vr given in v.'iir Uiijr- limk noa very Aae |4ror ol work
nitlrr wne epoken ol
•rOM tn Ibe ceBivr. ll wa* PTv Mre. Minor, prreldrnt of Ihr clot. ,,
I by ihu Jark.oo CaAtl)
op,- „f n,,-,,- bill. i. lu piu.I.K- a
(upl. Ollbrrt of the city erbuolt to|_
ouch iDiereeKMl In Ihr proje<s. which i
t K UeMaoaeI reUMc.l lo.lav ttoui:
■ he banqiK-t teb)-. emlpciii l\im .i„ nuihoric- xibmliilPk i.. (hr p«>plv
bee been rarrird on wlih fvwit eucers. i
a buslucee trip,

It Si Johoi for eom<> yrara. and ll to I •
Smith bruarhoJ the eub)rcl;.ir
I'hBrle, Romihel
- 1 ^ Ih.- towumj
•hoafhi that If the mrmben of thri.. |t>- annual
kj Milne ol
lit {ih<<- cunslliulkui ill a.
A'uman'e Club, and tbr teach
8u.iv toluroed Indey fi .Ui a betliii'iis
Ial.- wld for omI oa
hr rliy acbnole Intereei tbrn
"<{-lu riilsge.
.n tbe mil
Arthur Ewrl w'eni lo Moek>«op
II be coneldrrod at more Icncth Plate
on board ihii local
>u. ancl wuuhl uu I'ObU'dly llluv-l uinrtilBg (or w vUil.

the Woman-, kiiteli
lish’v and ibrir ladle, fur a (rl|i .ilh Ihu apiuvnal uf ll • ol the
V D. Ltooe, O P. nJ
SoinftS»e i|w.i wrote to jt« dennab
“^^itohai ...uld Include tbe 8uo and all «letc
mil w»ni to te-ilcr A I', retlraod. is in Ih.'
ing ny
and naked four mtvifv. Vcm mvltod. atui I lolhiwad
'h« win
Mr. May S.lvt has i .................. .......
^™f.iK.ibiv .4 ini.Tvei up O.vndan Bay.. n.a.I. *ml ii u Ju-i ni.-n » II
all your din-vlinus can-fully. and to-day 1 am a wvll woiyxu,
rhooee fruni.
l^tu I brins siveu In tbe even 'TIic plea would U- lu httvi' ihle port S l-toilr that ar.- In.irum.-nml In ajw'vmnl Wevks" v issl lo Loi Augvlct. ,
“ The u«e of LydU E. l>iBkbnn>‘e ^-c<ctaUe Cviupuumd enOrelT
atudy riaui held la the af- ;jiiec IS. »>lday, pad veiuni li. Ur briiiglug »l>oul publli imprut.-mcuU.
gelled the tumoF aud alTcogibi-ucd my wboto ayetom. I ooa watt
Kr J. y NcoJIiem ofSi Joba-e!
lerouOD of the same day fur tbe benr
jelly the UlkiwiPi; \V.dt.c,dey. touch Mr. (torlc dcM-rvce to •ure.v-d In bto oborcb of Jeckeoii, i. In the cily-via ,
SI of tboae wbo with lu attend.
“Lvdia E. mohltain'a YcgeUMc <;ompaiuid u worth fire dolIna iluHng tbc day <* (be return at rlf.uls
ilmg (e-allvvt.
Tbe ractilar prasrom of tbe
inn A drop.
1 adv-iM! all wumca who aro afllirted with Yuinora or
wo opened by a eknrh ..r <h
J. H (xvnke'uf Pil.' Lake (e lu Ibe
all ih« pulaie ul Ini.-n-.l mlHerd dar
female trouble of aiiv kind to give it a (niUiful tripL*—(Signed) Maa
ulir IIKbiT
.( Mre Lurlbda It Rloor.
A Oletppearlng Spring.
wrllleit b)
lUtga, 8i2 Dutlloy .SL, (Ihabuiy)
Mend, Mr.
K. C nxtM. aod
IIPK e full de> at the So.. Th.."h.-rc will M dlexipuarlng cprinu. eliv 00 bnvlnese
- - - .e Clai
liaiou. flbr
not pundioMaacditeattBitNiT-artaka
•luj im ih.‘ we»i el.!.', appear ucxi:
WA. with rvldcul levur
Win Wrigl'i MIee Rnan Vnyhi
Arrt niijK-amc- na~ lu the biu.- Mrs. A. K «nmtt ef Ktogeley aie in i tbe plnee of the health nmd hnp|>>MM which LydU kLn«khMn'a
Vagoentato OoniMNiiid breogfat to Mra. Unyco.
by Ihu.e preeral. but bo ilrdnltr ar11- .4 fharlce Hnnvl.iv «kv"» wore Ibe rilv today. .
ob wee ickea.
TIiitc to n..
Soedk teeUfflony should he atw-pted l-y all -women w ooatrtDcbif
Uril,. W Lvooeot loietldeUeo 1,;
rone (bet women were admitted
•-r- I.KWitol lhi-r<-. and an Impro
Among the out of lurnt gueett who
-eTfdenoe that Lydia K. Pinkhau’a VegeUble tiowipand ■ttada
C Ualverelty ut Ulrhljno.. She a
wUhontmpeer as a remedy for ali (ho dtotrrssiug ills-of vimieiis ill
.-h>i>.-d thu party were Mr. aad Mr*
P. Mona of Sbermao xe le (lie oily
g effortee to I
oTarian troublee; turnon; inflammaiinua; utontion, fwiiiwg gad dlaetaio In club . Ill Ilubb* uf KalkMka. Mr aad
“‘ivI'k’T <l«ru.1'. Herr B. plaoemenlg of the womb; Iwckaclic; irrcbilar, sunweMed or tmlctfid
Ane work of the KalA H W.x>len of IkOtolrr, Dr
and ll. Oorc'U ef (.'Opea.iaU arc TterUbrary Aneortatlun
■neutroation. Sun-ly the Tolume and (diaracterof tbe teetimooianetThis sprint 11..' spring wgein made ere Citv vtoiiort
ami Sim O W. l-'rallrk and Ur aail
».d Won
ube wbli^ thr fouBd
ters we an daily priming in tbe dc« kjapen can Mare ■> room for doobL
A. J Dujlc of Belleu* is In. (far
.( E Briling.-r <rf Maple Cll), Ut appe-arenr.' lanhcr up ih«- wirvrl
■d flbo
Mrs. Hsyca at her shove addrou will gladly answer any lettm
II was Im-Wicl In V.-nr.-l Sl.vlur'e lato clly today
•tele ai
"Uolbrr of Wumea'e
«r and "Mre Jerry Sullivan ul .......
which skk women may write for fuller Infonuatton shout her Bhiraa
eprlnglni! up, wlihoul rnwrolng
•'lube.- a______ (ba loader la all lhal Cedar •
lU-r gratitude to Mra. IViklum and LydU K. Fiakham'a Ttewtsdifo
aii-l takliiR |s.<s,.s,inn of ihc lixeiw.i-ild broaden aad .help In
t: tbe Operetion
CompoBitd is so ^nuine and hnrifclt that she tbiuks no troalib is too
This pton- Is lilgh.T than Mr
If (hr women of the etair.
for ber to Uko-iu ntura for her iicalth and banvUicsa.
CM.-agi.. April" Ig -dkr, Adolph |j4
A eolo by Mre A. L. Bac^i. with
Intmduciliin .>f the aiiKm.ubllc
Us BP(si'eri
Tru^ is it said lliat U ia LydU K. Plnkham'a VegetoMe Oean*
I.' from lilOu Igyllie gr
i-iompaalmeni by her eo2. Arthur
a..s pi.-k o
d.«-s » slwa,.
pound thatiscuriogsomany women, and no other medidne; don\ for­
ei mueb ootoyed
- plaaler
nipiii' Tbu
_______ which was pul on 1'
get Ibis when some droggist wanu to sell you something else.
"Huaaally’e Wolfe tad (he llama,
Kl..n to lhal ib.- 'miIj .4 the und.-r dlelocalton of the 1
fb-ivvlded for Them," wae (be. topic of tutoi'bJIe has rum.- U. etay In Trev.ire.The famoua
PORfftIT if w
wirvwn., which ipm-er«-l.i be Vu-iiti.-s.. s|Hclell-i p'
paper road, by tore. Levi Soolc
raiury. to qoiii- a ddlsiaauc twlow '•raiu.n ageceseful.
Tbcrc arc now ihr.s- .4 thikicb wae written by Dr. Lunrita
surfaev, and lb.medhipec h.-r.v .iwactl by Dr. A. H.
.T mak.-s e v.-ry handy ptocThe paper wae very aalertalnliic Holliday-. W. C Hull and W. Arm*.
1.1 vent back lo the year SSl (u
Ibi-rv- will be (Hhurw |.urctiaa«J
luv bow laAueaoe In the different
iH-lutc IL<- >umiBrr to ..vcr
Proqeedt of Lecture Courwe.
luotrtea that wae bnntgbt lo bear
u aulnmobik- hat a icnili-nct" (1.
] the peroirte not to atondoo tbalr
L- IliKh School Is-cturu and .Music
tung. How dlffereotomMbode
.r of tbu sraeim Jusi cl'ieed hni
>vlead to prereat the abaadot
been the atoiI eucce «ful lo the
tin- falslory i4 Ihu cuii ISC ' The till
nd lo eome eouatHee bow j___ _
illdrM were cared (or and afterward
iloaa In Ttu- eggrvRW
h Ihc prcacnl d
Ivea to (heir parente again after
pensive Ihan .-ver U-foru, wnd.the
re able to eare tor them. The
C.-Ipis werr aluj larger, leaving a
d op to Ibe preeeat
time with
Bet proAt
lemoblltole In the clly tbal
a otbei. placet pne
nera cxrrelee (bvir best end
ee cbll
get Ibi-Ir borwee.accuiiumed ..
lehlnr It to *ug|a>ilrd thal borers
ilrivun alooRsIdu ur led up to tbu
■oaelle Benaelt foHovrd.
ichlii.-s fr«ju«nlly until ib.-y l.wru
■bliiK to afraid of
»»d PrtTll- that ihuru to
► the topic of
paper care should b
horee, left to the Slgceta
hJiQbcd Then- le tn ord
)vell aad fully ooverod tbe pclflng ibU. anyhow
Tbe.«iwn.-re-<4 *
moMIce will ex- Itold ' t
e paper etetad tfaet
erctoe all ihe core
their power tn Runt
could be told down
that hurece are nr
trtghlened. but AdvenlaUlg .
every ladtrldual but tbal
equal carp
t of bnree oworule wae a* near perfect at
wtH tt
guod reanlu. mu pcMtiag. (•
h'oeleee' to to enlertoto Should horae owner* niA take
Meade, no mailer wbai their Anon
swry palae to get their bnrtiw
Race Detae Ateurea.
' poeUloa ae long at they
tbe maebtocs. Ibe owuere c4 i




Ceotraet tor Pavioo.
Tbc linanl of pohltr wnrke FVMey
Wc odto (bq teatwei mod of kba eto{^('’and Moo7To*r *hc CMCvn^l,^
>lai|p>i> for the .Sixth eiroci pavtos end
meaeaot Recwptiea.
■ he work
puitlBK la-tbr paviu
Wl.i beam oe >ouo e. tbe taatertol to
eveaiat la (Md PeUooe
•recelvrd. While ao time »• epMtSnl{baU
all ooeorvad
(ba aeeqad aaaeal Sea
In ibr voDirmrie tor (hr deUvery otllni«epuao
to the Moebereol.
Hifb ,cbooi Tbie plcaeaal verial
;havi- thr brick --- ••-•■—■!--------------d delivered
I cv,«i w ------------------- ---- •— - -!ai ..ocv, and the .
The cun I ran for ito- brick «a> leiJroiBcia
jto the Saclaaa i‘avlo(; I'.rick ('<■. ei;o*>-nt.
V'S crou prr eqoarv yard. Tbci T(<r
ri<r ball
wae reeiilv droorvlrd with
brirke of tbto i-ompeny will be uced,;ih-. Hiyh
aebool oolorv aad ptak aad
usd noi ibt- navtuc btockt. which ar>;whiic
■lie roretolioae were dieaibated,
K liykmiw « S-.n ..f (iTand H»pldV|_jlbc pr
jvtik a maad
wl.H-h were f
An (i ,
lail^ I uf (wrdboardI to form bcarta
leal lovrmn wee coypved
I of tbr' (ollowlBc;
ivlaa aad l.:m> cubic >anl<
l-mnn-M.lo—Uie. Merton (iibto iti.n.-, wi that ih.- I
l-ieno vdo- Loo McUuiae (he .looc eomuni. u. II
v.<al Mile- Kalpta Heelcix
r lb, brick SS ff.
M eolo—.klfnd Wilhclio
.d ihc member. ,.| thr nev:
w.ih Ih.- cicvpilon uf'Mv Simp
----------------------rn- |in-»-nt at (hr l■oer-l meet attend IbroUKh ucAacev.
, •«..( II.,- beoi.- of the thlna' !■»''•
**“l* *’*
am a. much a> pcoelblc of tbe i
r~d •
i>t Ih.- prceeol taiard and Ihdr

beiBg a strictmgeUble^^dpuifi^^M not donage (be
:h udfigratto. bat tlw oppetto aad gcassal hooltk i^Mytolwoee
- ‘laiceSeeto. Ijt’rite (to oboat yw cast aid get tha bto Mdtol
. Sookoa blood gad ikia diitoM itiit ow ^.pUtotow.

To Core a CoM in One Day sx.'SU

new $btr( lUaisIs
Just opened and you will find gothing missing in this splendid

SOC to $5.00

Wtlbilm Bh(k

Cor. Trent and


Gniid Tnrcrsc Bcrald.
«i»l<W molac ooM M .Oup«r-

asK si-r*pS-»

lb. w>d Hn JartT Sallino aprat
Virtday ovwlat >B Tnvont (HIT.
Mn. Dalnli did AcvPiod u Tn>
«w Oil7 Hoedar.
IL A. Oalror WM U lb*
SMB DaLcati wrtrod io MVB (Mar-

Jdn. HoHa aad dwbwn rUilrd
IMV MU M Ibli pUM TiimdOT.
Hn Unoe of Ooed Barber war
t««a OB baatof.. Hooday.

jiOO}daeno(UMa'«lihaai iba aaatn-|ti
Oa.. aad Ma« Hr^iMic F$dfl Oftflfl Harmful
OaBaral Haw*.
A apaeUl dlafutab fnm Beat Koac
dam* 0«a®-ett, Otbar* durva Them
Mf tbe araaaal al Oealea. wblab wm , At Cop
• ^
ty aa asploalM Hu weak dea-raar old Kiuc ObrlatHa warcu
'.al atio dam. Evencuaiiy, Oti
whaa MOC Bua w!^ btlHd. w*il*»»
*«•»»«*«*» aowo
m. i*T»«l la n'i.uu'.
Anotbar PtoBobrOoB*.
bioWB ap by ofltetab wbOM iba elaa- dy aa elMtrfe <ar «ivoalt» tb* Hotel
iLvrv' ...r kLi'-u to man.' i-ti'l.
pUbaH U GtaUr waa bora i
• ielba
Ml.rr tpiriiiial or m> niai,}.i-.ui•!. Idvraan aoaaly, B 10 rebel, hi order to Bide IhUr delel-1
»-.y>*r. old, mar.
w Pblllpplort deruu Bi>lln* ibeorirt in regtrJ lo Ukit. 1S». aad dlod at-bl
walklBC direatly 1b ftoui of tbe eer the war. witb Bpaia wblcb U to be pi,>|a r kiad« uT ,lh-i Inr S' it,;,
............. I»0l
tl'],rex«< tVbvB lb.' hviio.-r* o:
dtioohd to then to;reeled to Ben frao.itoot. tobeetoBa laanod
'.-mrairvl aou vpnvlis.-.U'j lo.®;eerfiBl wBUr work* onployee to
no ootloe *ud, [fou.,! by ItoDjlr. Tilum.
'.•S.'iar.aa». >h.' imw..
• >k<>l low] r*l«,u. ut> su.l i.-.v
Oloealaad «be otbar day by tbrowto«“*‘*** “’M'<H»«er tbrl. i,tM,dooe nrd.'.tel ot gruilie iwelrr
•ban he foa^__
danur.akiMi Uiiaitir have t!i bsu Uj-■>
tbey OBioelojJ^'*®^
H«wt litoh •«■>» cia.ul. cf u tat
ilofduon wbeatl
c,vi,|«- ^Th.rv u oi..
TrSaSu' birdo^re^iriiartlT^*rur'^i«rt‘***’*>^ ?*«' •‘■oaldrr. oraated
'riiVp. ion wru.bolitul {«n
whirl, will |r (ixteet. feel
iladad to lelei
After bla
Mihe kloc balh-d a cab eod „.ck b^,d. .
i,« rtyl.t ufiu-r ,,i ItiiT »iib,;- ,:i .
Item ,to the oMreet ooofrri.oovtj.
,,u, ».o,p...„t,. tor, ,^w
opairaled ennl be booghl tbt K
Of Bae tl. lu Uw lawatblp of K
e. 00
„V Uw
... be
O. woa'I
-e. . periaila
th_. cblW.fO to , l.or- Code. 0„ trarlarjioiee lle._.
Uat bw or
an and
he ■<
,be •'! toldirr a.
deayy aad amargy be
toU aam factory to ba eel ap aofiar bl.
ad 111
fnnil of c j Kre» win* as.i.v tliai tyFiiHi li *a> Wh> u
Tbe rtohlam wlirproUlily be
wtaodt au offloet with iwoxl 11^ tbe IlKi'rli.-' ursaa* m rui'b h.wKb. '*:..i,
part of Ibe foreU to diMppaar
lu pb» ata weU ealUratad at weU I toacbi >Bl la tba eooMe kod will de- thr city, aad when Obri.lian au(i m.
iK'.roi:. nutdilluu ilisi fa ,-au *•>
ftaoed field., a lartte.
)ael bow far tlia.aatbort^ of little frirodt altenpied 10*0 ewayjuunasd le lUUit rlCrit'.i
.u5 uiod^U bs
the Iirret war blaek wllfa (V-opIr. wbojeeterel otnu.I 'lolltr.
Orwhell at KU«itar.
TUU«d Viu> Hn. non Cook flusr«v
I’OMBWIW L«>|> rMunwd rroB kl>
Hidt in tkr apprr peaUMlt H*t «<>»k.
Hl< mlfr arnOkaaM


iii.iiii- SI,,

................. -Tli"”


;:v ft;



Hin BaUl* Oobta haarttaAd


a^ wUbMa^‘‘unaTm
HfA C Ota at Harbar bprlan aalt■d ab trtaadf la IbU plaa* Idoaday.
Hn 3. Wrtiley b ill at Ibb wrtP
A Onaay war to towa laal weak.


, CboM tawy b iipattad bM tbb

A._IL IrtpUaarrtrtd Inu Otbaca

tm BaWMBi b aa8*rta« ban a
^ Ite a

wba baa btaa Ul.
« b lU at rtb tm»*

Alta Pt-^I— aad Vila Wi Man-


bnta atMtoc. Tba ataatof
Iiad wUb aahair



^ Co=day it
CA Blen> Suits


B. MMla H 111 at ftU wrUbd-


sfr ■

dt^Jdbl UoS^attf‘a*toa ^
Bottw to puoatf'Brerr boy (
Ctrl te Mppend to atv-od ibr opaai .
Sy oiaroUu of tba -OMatreo.
.cvKIed »BU-ldr Widiu'.dae >il*bl.
etercT BOd bit nrVleet loBate. oi tbe Jobs Horn, bomeifeaU- aatorday orroiaf. April *&»a< aalM ..n'tfd.-.. . ■ hy hit neldbbort aad fioad. Hill PHIa. OoBa i ihiok Uiey Thi. eiai wa. attout.brd to find oo I Mo-r tmvu!* ban a loOu, deln.trd at
writlos deik a pelitlos il«oed by ;hrr lio;i.i' aod all fuieial arrtig.
al lltoM* or otben la balldli
H Boom (7 <l>a arllteaMI
bar laltif. 'hiaradar
U«*r 1.-..
- t»op1. of Hie tllle*® of Zeaa, — ...........
‘ -• .wallowi,d ilctrb.
JW laoalTaJ that bar faHiar diad Frt Oraodr'i brelib bafao
kr flake el,A •..* .tiwl t.wA «Mnr.«k.a ' moe.
year aco, tbo yaet four
- •
Mt lit
r Boiled 00 a jwiadow >, ana laud lUaiktdrOTa ibeB Itnui Uirli . *•" Htry T. t»|«f .tf J.rtey City
-^BUiy Hmi vaal aoalb oa U>* arau
merbad wltb paiteooe);^,^,
»*>■• rUUge a. tbrti' e*!--®’*
* Ino-l' d !;ropii..or
tac tain Friday.
aad ratlgaailoo; bl. only coui^ra wat, '"r
Hlrbl*aa. Rbe ba. rrrelred a
„OB,ehold He rtlnd I ^ *»
they were upbeldija
Habol TboapaOB it raoo»ana« fres tor tbe oeafon ;bl.onlycouoerawae,^^^l^^,,,_^
aod wall lain* of |,u
>uitall..n fram 1. W HablwU, of
Mt l.aad 1aad Bot. il.U »ob*o. nta-:
“““ wx'K-cHlmto*
family aaa ktadrad. I'bl. .lemnii | Mi
Pptla«BeM. Ho. which lead, ber I
__________ bim all
U li-rr that tbe 1. ibr ii U owner of
lu IW: be married Hit• Oarollbi.'
balp aami'. asd ba wa* cangbl'
viuv v-iit }.. jr*v«lusb:.- m.-auju.
Ktwmaa. by wbom be bed
bead ban e^arad *>*• •»»«
dree. A L lirnady of iUatlle, ffeeb..
I). J. Urtady ot KawoB aad Hn Jehat XotiU of Cedar Baa. Mtoh.. lie
1 i.i-.-,.uut ..u.' 1..V ...
e. Ttlaele.., liiillcM.
May latitad
bad two eoa. by a fomer wIfA *iaa. homr at be eoald not lure ellmbed for« .1, whtr. II.. y beve Wu ctmplu* ; t-'f'ie rritsr
A. Oraady. who died al Ban llanur up U^ tmooU tide of Ibo bo.lJ.u* Io '
ObrlttaA- Nm.-iy
th*. he. ho.tonh, wbo trrv. d ll^mgLKAaToAHTUBJ'.
dieo, CbL, iB ItM. aad Frank £
eeoond ilorr
Cinard. o7
wcic brought Ihc cHil war, took ail«*nl««r
Otaedy of Watfa.
®cUlrr.*raMed abeui llUd jiriucto
p,l,]i^ |fur.U>® Urliitb oolouy to ibe oorib '«<>•> wh. Inuau ot a home.lead rl*lil
> taaacal vaaba
kd audcr lb. aupicit ,>» 1N> art®* «f in>eenin>fui land lu
■tod woama In Clataltud. Toli Ri
tboU plooaor triand. aad tbe
OUfcad HUbar wtU wort lor Hr.
r Barr. Nearly l.oO w.-.l, Shi' will Mkn iu-|>«
terMina ware tolcrted la th' <
t'S-® >;ettl.r. um® ore. >r oo.-kM-d h.Ml.l*. Hr HuWwll wm for.
at ForlUaelda. Ulca.
follow llie
uiaiJr of Treverec City
le. to boldtog * aul.|«. aaral |
p..wd .b.ou*l.
future i.omet tbit "i law ol llou. I*. O. Liarli.
How'e Thief
- eartlo. on lUy »». Th. L*”
........ '
>• tK® •■Htfca- Al tt.ha,h, lud u ,alhe.,c
Artbar Laird U toiaf to wart loi
I. that of _____________
aircwlag llowen!,
lorof Uefall.a!‘'°"
«hc fact ferlil® olll... faoeial ol tyoarold IJorolt.y
U.e WJ..........................................

• ■ • beat wark.
Ihe *r«at wheal l«ll of Kouetaih wee tl..-,borUl of il.v luibharoe. of U>« Ualled Bute. eaty.
g toilir protloilty of t'lcreUuil. ,u..ub»re I'niiadii Tl» m-eolonuM nro rtrl'. doll wiih l.rr'l«dr lliecbild
Hr. aad Hr*. 8ll«bt lu
Toledo and Haadoaky to the ec.11>' ol all puked vrlunllnrali.i. aud .klll.-d wa. uiaeli tllached 10 Ibe doll, ar.l
aataribaH Frbaty farn.
Farry-a Tiotocy tbeCeltfarnU w.uurt: eriiuu. tt«u, Ibe lifiii.l. miatauda,.]o>i'l. lor> h.-r d. tih. wben II Wwm,
that eacb a oeleliiailun would 'VnikilVira. laoOB.bire eud iiieUbui- evldeoi (bti al>e would not gel well.
a boateoatb* Jaek.
Wtuiixa, ^»»>» a^Wiarit, Wtat.
ba partloalarly approiiriale 'or tb< u> ;t.-l utoadt. »Bd a bm r cU.t Betrr .hr Tr>|UMt. >1 that U» doll L-pltoert
raiuo iBtn Oauada.
In the enfflu with ber. . The lllllr
Tba party at Hr aad Hn. PUiley
BanMOM’i Hal ITadaatday araalap
•\t klom.lowii, N. J.,kUyor Beeil't 'girl’e illlui,- wi>b wat eamrd out.
-- - 4aa*A Uamaa ' '
|>rueUDiullou ordcrla* die kllhu* i,f ] 1q iSingiianilofi, \ V , llii> wck.
.... ,hr... ..........
to AatllD eemalery. ant piled ibe all do*, foood at large au1 aamuf ! li..„re R llrown of Kiehnioiul. Vil!
Tba TraaarM Oily Barliiaat Oollet* brokaa plroet le a lieap In the ocater tied la Ut ciiyimt retulied 11. the wa. laamed to Hit. K.uUe Howard,
liaa bad tartiai ttodaeu la Budb- of tbe grateyard The eometrry li to ]a*oliualaiii.lbllatiua of do*, iher* 10 wbom he wat eagtffed « resrt «go.
irapby tbU wlaiar who hart daubed
■y only one It went toto.eBw riKUy and H 1. Cl- bit from whom h® wum partlrd by
tba Ukt book la three Borthr, aoil a auilQdad rtilay
HimIbdi BeUford of Faimiurui
iraa noatlu nor* la dinatloa will road mad It aaldcpu .UlUal No r'j-W llioaled Uul 1,000 dug® ■•ate Wu ;*,l,.ii..r mailed by hi. .weeUeart to a dropped dead *1 Flint *i tb® In-iaa ol
killed aluoe lit iiroiualgtllou. Tb.' «uor whote atleution. the had deto tba raafialt baa baea obtained.
r|d*ll.®r.aalcb Smith, si.® w*t
order WM A)« retell ol an »li*>'k of clloed, l-ui pleoe-i *< lal.take In aa
Uaroalao tba-taaieat old
about ft ya*rt ot ag®.
>r Apaabe ladtaat. wbo Ut oo*t the
Dtenmeal ao nnoli maoay aad to the talmal Ml al-uul I6O wan jwit. ^ The KetaUu nilul.ler'lor wet ht.
llTM. tl Io be allowed to atuod
STElraa Baaanaa fantibad tbe
oongrati le New York la IhkinoUlug bul wbolenie .Uugblcr.tihoomod 10 the Kotinu trioT-pn
aa ll-yaar-old boy. trt* ttraak la iba
-----.. — Uetltnanou au<l tbe laay.' mi.m a iKwkel baodkerohlef. He hat.
“iT^ taitb If latblob
baad by the ball,
A moteortt iiit aadaMraf
for Ue *T.|__
tbabtala.aadI It to aerillMl e
igTet*; ol a Welldltlaa.
1 and'deoorth^d with UuttUB fltgt end oil
boaUearil Uirty feat
> No.ea.ber gaH be-pui„otl« devleet
tba AlHallele


Ole Place on Sale

Italy ai
tbootlag alar" (all aod
to Ibt aaitb oa a farm iotolag iba ooa'
behalf of tba pre)eol nyi K >• Uu
by UUt tUll't father. Utar
uteolOD to balld a I.Hhway over
A dag bp aad redalraa four mae
wbtoh Ibe railatl aotaaooMIe mo
ire it Tbt alone'igrcAieti ulroBi mart hi beelapead.
ienaot It S7 toohet and lit length 40
Tba aea aarpaol loat eror aiare Uat
taebet It it ot a light gny aolor.
hM twee foabd agala tbli
luiutaafad WBigbt luaet
Lma oaar BamBala Oraak HriliUt OounOpraadA
tambia where b* war tan April lb.
dadgeBlBMr U Uytof to tolra Iba atdiiJa. m., by offlearfbf Uueablti
■ytUcy. aad adBlalrtar aa euatcda
Uul poiDi wbo elalm to be '
Bobo iewathlp, Antrim eoaaty, wMsh prohIhUoalalA They turn that tbe
paoaliariaatarm. lyeatrthey uw wa* <0 feet long aod
aightyaanagoa maatorthHlluH bad a iMd like a bane. Wbaa tata
daBgbtaraad atartad forUSia^ laa.akt wat umag oat of Bambeld
C a yoeng aca behind A abort time
Into Barelay toaad at the rau
aftarwardt tliU too left tbt lioan Me of 47>. kaou per hoar.
day to go oat lato tlu woodt and Tba big tootiie aUlae of Alia*,
•tort that day bo Haaa «< him oaa ba wbtoh ba* nood oa U>a foarU dsor of
feabd aor wai any tldtoft
the old Tlatet baUdtog ta Oitcago,
mtaadfram Uu mao or bit daaghua
Ulrdef aaaatary,
wbo lad for OaoadA TbaJadgaBato
and whlob wmi tOaeed ta thaitnctara
U a pwbl* to dttarataa iba bain.
by WltbarF. eioray, bat tueo tWHa.
Laal week Jadge BaTareaf threw aad Ua peUet wait aotilHd u Mke
awiri.00e.bartalf at oalaaa u bU
farm' ia Otyda tewartlp. Aliagaa
aeaaty, than batog abaolataly ao mle
tar tham. Aboal bait of Iba qaantUy
ba boagbi tba
Mbar baU at 40 or m eaau pM.bna^
la tba fiatollyet FabarlUa ara'Mld HairUcm. taUar at the {aa*®at mayor,
to ba dm er bU aarlaoda of oaiooi wlU the parelmte of tbe TIcbm build
wbtob win bora to ha thiowa away, tog aad
plaoM atoag iba Pan Har- Xdltor et
etoray tmrlDg I
qaalia railway cat be aaos oaloai
•tattand amoag the peacb araharda IWtor Blhato aayt ll bat beaa cumay ba gottaa bom eifiad that ta tkalaleai (oaad to tba
Hum tj a (artiliur. Tbe aggragata ball of ta HpoBuh etalaer Maris
Uiaa to Uat part of Ibe aW« arlU ba OhrlttlBA. *aak by Admiral Daway to
■May ibfirimBd dolHii. yn ton tall : HsaUt bay. ahall ba broaghl to SfOto
than vai a martel for oalaaa at pro•HMantaa
Tba Hrgan hardwood Beortog mlU New Tort bat 1
I tba werld bagao op
Tbata ate only abeat H iw
rook. It ft a HlBblgaa
alBi to maai tbt oebdt of
tog toealed at dTalto. to i
paobi.e. to auBW® ta ibtnl of Ue
Dewa to AUrad Hlloa
rby. Ibe uamator, Ue weary
la, Ue UM)e abild, Ua itraat
iBleadad tba otbar day II vaj
ar-aod mtoaemmar daya to New
■ora than a eomnoo wageo lead,
to tba ordtoaiy panoaIt woald Tort an raiy bet. 1
•M bar* marltad a maoad ■laaoa. ta aaadi Uat Ua Waa
tad yat that load of lamher MaHd ap laagaa bagaa la*t aama
to Iba baai;irlea at |UD. It waa a tna
gnda ot bUok watoai. arbleb Mr. haadiad and eighty dolUra wat lalatd
HltoM bad oawed a frw mtatbi ago and eight foaatalai pHoad to aaof^
oa Ibt Oormu farm to BaUul town- dUIrtoU TM trttor U aol aWtotly
aUp. and U Sadi raady tala at $46 per ipaaktag. lea water, bok kept al a
UioauBd fret. -OaMwatar Uoartar.
palatabla tomperatare by toe eortriag
Ua plpM tbnagb which Ua
aboal tr tanbUi'
llih as
a of Ua BBBMl ^
> naab. Ba will aaom
____________ eae mU* of fwoe aod mead far tab (or aUaktog rireiBaad
rttar^blt M of rtaap from aboal amall ttreamt Ua DaiM Btatoa
nimimimiBB U prttaifif !• aBka
Ibaim UH year ihaa
Two Mta new lying to

HguL Friday tnotog, ilawtof down

from m mllM aa boat. U wu dteBloaad that b ttaai* dHeertry of aa
pt W •**« ta into bad ban

be made at' Tartea* potaH
Uiaagboal Ua Daltod SlaM
of trea pland baiwaM tatalta Tba
- real hatohMtoa la Halaa. New
tight bad alMaeaatokaa away. Bear
pUtrw, TataMt, nigtoH. Tm,
by waa a pile a( T latla aatM ta
-—k. Tba trap wu waU pdaaaad to
a. TtM. low*. SoaU OakoH.
Mliah a wraek It war iMbI Mtoaoari and Oolaradc olMaraaow
to Ut ataotog vbaa Ue pat
,ae«T*ly aagagad la ta Mta dtoah------- - There wan
J. O. Cnitaar of Ktacalay waa la Mwaagan aaoant. bat
batteo. Pantoator atleattao wUl ba
aai many
mnar of uam
low* bataidat
paid Uli year UUt ataukUge
Oar aabaol 1
gto Mrtami wiU Uaek bante Whlrt
lato Mir pcaaa
khara hare baea may haadiad






Stmt Bats
Tbete, tike tbe tnniraol hats tre all veri Ijw in noaji an.1
flmoJbroad.lhepfellietl*nd muft becoming heada>eai
ever exccaled. AliiioM every- ctpreu bring* u« in a new
tufpl) of the laletl m-slioni. . Tl<rie are eiciy kin.l 01
tlrwirt-every thaiwami ttylc. Site la tS OS.

C/tese Zailor-Wadt
Atcall ihal "llame Kathioa” ilecrce®. Uii* thing in |cir.
licolar in our tuilt it ihe perfeel n;—•Inn the h»ng i« a
•|utUiy ih.M the tuil man hive >n >•!•'.•: in 1« rghi. tHirs
trer.g:>. ;n r.e.. put., .ilat.
Never ..iM ».> U'mi ..imv m
Ih'- -c'-.n -I'l pil.i- ici
ileal lii- i>i.hl pilil!. Ihe
in, >1 .lyie, real .a'nv an<1
laliif. «i >n ei er giveo for ibe
money. Hcte'f a ti'll that
can't be -.lupltcaie.l anywlierc
lor the money. It*, a fine
liroadciolh, bkmte jack^,
with rape collar which u
beautifully trimowJ wiih two
eoloie,!. i-’k e^.l. pouch, w'ufc cuffs kibe.)
akin with wide flare daint­
ily 4rimme.l with cilk cord.
l'ouwTXildei]iect to .{lay at
teaal fllS.UO fer ibU tuii aarl
that ii the price moil tnerchaoU wouUI ack y ou for it.
Come* in Tan. Cette*. Blue.

1 si-ll Dyn.iinhi- ;n
rt-asonal>li' p r i c i •..
Kstimait’ii an.l v\|.(-rirtncitl men fnniisl'i'i!
at iiny tirn*'.
slou'k «>t 4ii^ancl tl"
per ceiu riynaniite.
. raps anil (iisi-on haixi
at all limci-. U'u
per CL-nt.j for stumps
anil tin iicr r»-itt. (jar


We aSow b meat coaplele aaurtBeai of Soiti bom tS.OO

ta tas.oo.





$b!rt Olaists
Ol.liTl ll A n f|
I nil i
In-nt' tiiirrl)

Boston Store

Sbirt OPaists
il'« sami'li- Waists Mortli
111-1.1 j-'-Mki (or C.Sh-, I Am

ami-........ | gb
12.V itpr Men‘» reiru!.- on.1
■Ma'cm Shittt wilh 1 clUi' Mil
1 mis, wiuih Bp to $I.Uii

Dry Doortm.
le 111 liiai.kandbluebrilhiiiiiiif.
^.'.k luster, worth ItSf
Pure linen l’t«h, 8u
inrieswule ............


I.allies' rmbreUas. Cennan
SiKer llandlcv Silk f%Q^
t:.n«in^ *.«th$2,, ifOCl.i.lio’ setiiileti luiifv Ili>»e
tavt ...lois


lotloii Cin-tat il.ilh

o —




aorth $10.00 in all
*<>»1 wiinleil* amt CMtimdrel,
well ttilore.1
•O CkQ lor it.en'»,‘‘t. lown
^,yO tuiti, fuUy won). $5


t.ioun. 1 heviui, wvxth $$
^ QO lor y.>ung iiien't 8tJaJFO ]iicfe tntltwuh ioiiji
', ma.Ic nf all wool favvii.ierc, worth SC.0U.

.lie*, worth Hk
■ l/t'

u illi long }uu.Ls iiis.'.tf <,| bU.k

Iui.IirvIiU.-k amt blue QO^
w'lkii.';skiri»,worth$2 “OC-

/ »*T0 worslcl I'amt.w.wih

wiihvTlvet nbIsm. in l.n.wn,
l.Url, le.l and
blue wirthToc

Mtao 1
i.rei) hats fully
worth $2.<lt<

W.KvicI a.rih $r.iiil

/ AH

I J9c;

hail.! Mrwel, tearale*>, wortb


y $1.98
lor 'itodiet'
tiimmed Hatf
luUy w oj t b

98c ^

nth $1.7.-.
I -aU


' Calfthoet.
fur l-mk. BJar ah.l Ke.)
OC .^tortAtln^.

iUe've Been




vvht rcby v

an entire tiiKir tn his warphonsc
which enSbIc* us to use ihtpan of«
floor a^in as aalo ro'im
r buyu,
liat. spent oviT a wrek in Chicago pickint; up
irge stock
stocK of
o uoods at umler prices. Now mind y-uu,
those art' not ohf ,ind undijsirahlo gootis, but c^can trood*.
lartfelv this season's prudiKtions. The mgyarity of it is
vomi»osfd of 'Mill Knds" and short len^^hs; are just as
fresh and desirable as if bought in full pwo-s at a hither
, Wc are so busy, as thjs paper goe* to press, thecking
uH and arrariiting the b'oods, that we will not be able to
quote you prices. .\ll wc ask is for you to come in. You
wilt (inil tempting bargains on everj' hand—bargains that
arr- bargains: they have the quality—they will satisfy you.

SoU Optms DtMt TritUf IBotwlmg,


Cbe Stock

Consists of staple goods, summer dress fabrics, wool dress
goodiv. notions, underwear, men's goods of all descriptions
such as Shins. Neckwear, OvcralU, t’ants,Suits. Hats and
Caps. Then there are a lot of Sample Shoes for inen.
women and children that will be sold way below ,aciuai

Our Plan.

We will run this floor as a cut rate depanment. but
will give if more attention and will always l»c on the alcn
to pick up the good things as they come along tad 4>fler
tham to you at prices that, will make >-ou wonder how
can do it. I'his depanment will sat-c you more money
than ever before.

Dress Skirts ♦
Mubmr it to great demand Ua S]nDg and SomiBet wear,
tome Of them are almoa as bnUiani at oik. We ibow a
beabtitol ikirt in Hobaii, with panel froBl, 6«-e row* of raf­
fle! tat arc tipped with taiio^.ta. f perfect epriag and
Sktrtf ot every deecription bml. every eiyle f«e (a $tSM.

i t;ik:iur f!'•' ■ titiri'
iMiiin>;iO m.ikc yii:
.. ilu olini,

JUipays lower pritti Irr ehiwheit f<t siOie
quality of goods

Basement is
Jllioe Bgain

iiii'ihvIwilWtw^tod',' ilicy
fooil iitirr* Thfvwj.'ru

Cbe Boston Store

Main FlotiJ

39c Walking

B*rt, Vm §tt it for ^0.00..........

«« «

•Ill,;..i ,' , :.. s,
lot t:i> Ilium.' . ' r> rs
>.-<*nc» s>ioii.


' This toctitln of the ktore
never had t 'imartei’ lot*
of bearhchlr^ MilUnci}' than
now. Tbe very lieight »i
(^ion it reachril poiect
cO]HCi of Ftendi, la.mlon
New S’ork 'tlylci—jufl
like Ihciii e*ce|>l in imcct-wli
fin wear the hit of lier choice

Bamt/fal UMa*Mm CMd* on^ Cmm farMim ong flMgrwe.

aaolta at aa «lia»laal wtabtog M'
aUm by doaaf hW. M Satgadto.
WIU uit MBhtot Ua am of aoap to
*Now rood dlgaattoa walti oo appe dHpirti* wHh. tatatfirto mnaat
I totaadad to Hks away any auto

vv'-ii 11: '
,i; ~ln,i.'.


Cbe Boston Store.


,eocda«cc-.Uh the aaggattkma^i
Jodgr aad prwet It to the text me
a..rk id Jobe H. Btamahlcld
eeabUihtPc Ibe xrmdee aad toVrtt of
Ibe rliy meklBa ple|e aad (Uacratae.
W«rt< of CItx Cevncli.
aever nie;>V. i-ic.. wa* apprvred by ibe
■ !»«»• wri «P- (uoarli. rad the plait. diafTame
pfWtelUt cre«4 cf apeetMun Uoadw
rad«'.‘li-.f'». tar., toere adapted.
('VMlw. the cRr eoaortl ruuDM Irto
Tbo fo: ..aiot buada of city oAidaltb* biUM etraO^ Tbl* to the
•«» app^'oTrd:
r«c«Iar akeeUnc ter the pmeai i
Cbarle. H. UWfc city Orb; aiir*
dl. IMI MoUier BMtiBC erlll tie
Jallua T. Haoeab and Bemael
snn Keotej ereniw
a«Bln «< the dtr.

^ “"‘■“‘irrx.'rts

ha Ibe ellp le camjdeied at Kodb
pen. ne oBcen at tbe bota «er«
.....................................ttalemeal that iberr
to no h
Bd I) W
BtoB, Tice prudent of Ibe T. C, U A
M., irae ter; emphatic In bto cint(~
e tbni Ibe report circulated to
.Sect Ibnl Ibe Noohpon MaiUemn wne streo op 1. taler ta
- pnrilreinr. and that '
r eatir.l; iin
Tbe H U *
Car rerry So. 1 l
le BUM bandeuenely
y fltted Ixmi id III
lata anyvberr. lie coel le atw
rea ball tnlllkm doUara. It vlil
larceel elxed treicbl evre

ut the clerical
rbich va. ihea
condiicu-d. pT rmiree, la tbe wooden
buliillap. oe (be aonh eHe cf the
ri’er. br veal l^o the oBka aad wae
rmpiu-rd at ihrl caehIrr'B deek fur a
yrir and a half. !
Than far ndur^rd
thr xrurrr> deinnno'Ui^nl.rrrj hr wee lor a


,il«r1sg Ueir Mteloh. ud dtopc«ed at Px*"' '
a tone hwauir cd hnelneu. of a dl.
eralhed dianeler, and did eoaoe other
•. C. Jubavin nni!
ibla^ Hie Ubrarr aUe natter------_____ a T llnii
■IP ahd the oM at
and nilje fnim elr-|iinx
C H I'reii p
lion. l. -Breoeei! ti> mrr>
•orke: nifeiy, Jull
l.loo paneenirre.- Six taieie and lac.
a: W Well, mei
r a-urt«: 'urpt;, Jnmre Q Jobaeon. lUe ram are pan of the rwKT. ..qulplilMa ab6 State atreei,
Jeuce klerilB. member Uianl ol
. (toaa. were adopted, as i
e npper deck of (he vei.el to the
ubilr worke: eareiy, Oecar Blmptoe
tv. C T- U, fooetata were arrcpled.
flnely Sited ol any elmller boat
John ^rrr. ronelahle; tonRy. WU ^
(he brick aad etoat for the Can had
>e Inkee. The omln ealoon to Slu
•Mate atreet pedac »*re ordered
ta lenrh. finlebed In (br flncai

TTManln.-eoneiabie; aurr '
rhaaed. the plate aad dlacrmai ol
rlir at axel br Joha H. Bkoal
.. .je t»rpete aad
Cbnrioe E Taylor,
•e at^td, the Pto^
.......................... floe faniUure from
'ullut .T. Hannah.
to end. make thU pan of the boat
C. W. Athlon, cooelnble; atirely, i
ar P. Onrtrr'
tae,npper deck are the elate ronrnt.
Tbe fullovlac tnloon kedt vere
rllB the rooffle alM of the elrvard
ferred te'tbr eoBBiliiee on lleeaeea
end poner, aad private mom. The
Alfred Lnluoteee; eumlre, ADi
llrecton' room I. haadtomely flolebed
niid Edvard Lauinrr.
, The Ubrarr alte aiaUrr cane
tad faratohed a-lth banquet tabic aad
Oeorpe Rote): .
ilee. Odir 1
acalD hr Ibe latrodactloa uf the :
Julnit There
Onrry and AHred C
xnrlac reaolsUoa:
Patrick burden; tarelle*
n-hereae. At a recolar aeaalua
, Ibe eoonaoB eotiadl. held Oct|>ber
. _ ..
for gel___
Mikuln; ftreilre. Perdlnnncl
IMt. the lolUnriec reaohitloa t
facimire arc fall) , pro.
anil Alfred Lnfonteec
1 for.
. fiinirr heln* of ifae
Droe ; eereilee. >*rank Broach
.rry beat. Includlaf
idiaf Sne
Psth Diiumi
In the forward pan
to pK----------------------- ... ,------------ — Huellmaairl
brarr balldlai to be erected la aeeordupbolfteivd
Koiotay m Co.. eureUre. Charlee U
aaee vlth the propoeed doaatloD axade
rhalre. wriiln* dc ekn euppllod vllh
Up Aodrev Caraefta tad beretcdore Parker and Prank Broeeb.
■VI97 eoerenleoce, aM a One uprtxbl
Ul>e« (I. Kllle
mire. Aaliio W
----------- d br thia coaaeil; aad
>laao Cor (he uic c
Bartak and Franl
-eaa. The meaban of ibto
ib a
dt are ef the optakn that tbe at
P. HmJCfary and NIcholu
raaotoUac aathorixlac the board o
brarr tnuteea to procure plaa» ...
Peter Boelruai: eurell
<aU Ubiarr to tmaalhortoed by tbe
ehaitar, aa the charter eiprcMly pro OamU and Juba N Itopkl
Sleiler h Pierre; eurell
riba that the board of pabltc vorki
Sleder aad Kdaard Klldea.
I ehall prosare aoeb plaai aad aperlhea'eel. and la the rcCngrralor are all
Venefi Sleder; eorellee, Jobs I‘
!lldW aad bare aeaeial aupervlalBD
OIU of dellcaclee. elrawberriiw and
aw Ibe eeaetnurtloa et lald Ubrarr Haiaeo and H. Wtohnewekr.
amaloee and eprlag rhlckca bdiI -eofi
•Pred Wuriborj; eurellee. A. J
:«atuta(: Iberefcre be ''
helled erahe and other (blag, fli (nr
Petenrl aad Nlebolae Kuclluaatel.
Beadred. That tbe________ ...
Aatoa Tiiptnki; euretlee. Joba T
Mtiato aad hetabr to aolbortoed
The barriceac deck l. aa latcrveilag
Boneball aad B UcNamara.
lan of the veeeel. aod many vlellore
e, M. Dallej; eurwiet. Hearr Toa
.-njoyed ffolag ai high ai they could.
rller aad William Jackaoo.
'ptioili arlih the eraetloa o'
Os the Bialn deck are (be iracki for
Philip Bbermer; luretiee. Ileer)
aecoomodatloa of the care, of
'SdWhC bpoo toi*
imaeller and Hoaard Wblllec.
«rer PrmaU; eurellea. Cbarle. »f which tt of the largeel (rclgtale ran be
“ISdSvad Carther. That a* M»e ai
aken aboard at one time.
arker aad A. B. Huellaiaaiel. .
Still lover, bovrrrr. to one of (he,
Joba lloollbaa; eorellee. l->ed P
ooeber aad H. Brodbacea.
Prod Ileeblel; eurellee, A. W. Bar
______ Prank Votruba.
the fliir to anpport aaid Ubrarr br a
There vae loti ut other but
ku Bf Bot Itaa tbaa fl.OW a rear bae
There are tvu mala englove. triple,
of t» Ibc city falbem.
br tbe eouaeC; that ibc
axpaatloe, vlth eix bolleri. altovlag
Ur. Hall of Ferovood u>:
----------- of tha eltr of Oi_raad Trarenc
17S pooDdi of etenm. Tbe cylindera
baa aatooUd'mad adoptad
d a alte apoa drowatai of tome of bit crape ibraach of the mala engine are 2Stk laches In
the allexrd neglrct oh the part of ^e
. - to met aald bolldlu..
llac: that
for the high-preeaure cylln-.
city to providr proper dralnasr.
"mtlBOf hare ____
7 iBCbee for
eremblnx to ready vae adrleed to preeent bli Mil.
I and e: tael St for I
On mniloa of Atdrmin I
• ■ macer;
. _____ withh_a..34 -.......................
tael etroke.
board of pabllr vorke vrre li
' _________
fortbar, That
The mata ebafu are 11 tacbe* ta
Ibe alley b
at UhraiT Inixtaaa
Rixtaea ahall tort
orer to
linieta, aad each of the two ihafte:
r elreeie la the Klttb vt
_ beard rf
«t nol
an iseb
Tbe vhe
ilceUy baultax away




Aldermaa Moon d< '
______________ __________ratoUre u. ...
y place where (be e
Oaraaple Btatvr buUdlai. aa ordarad
■a the Boimell oe Oetcdier <lb. IWL
Jaaet Hdpklne offered the dly tt<
Aldvmaa aulatt prouUr m
> aid ta tbe Itaprovemeal of Railroad
that tha rMolattah ba aSs^.
venue.' Hto offer vae recelTcd nod
the motooB wae aapported and pal
-led. Tbe oommlltee oa atraeli and
vtlboBl daba^ Tba rcU «aa aa fok
vatka hayc oot yet derided vhat they
Wva; Taaa. AUarmah Ou. OlUatt,
111 recommend la tbe ipauer.
Tba gift of a fuuBtala from the k*l|.
ird and Ceatral W. CT. U.
o^led aad a baarly vole of (haokr
Iendtrod the ladlea tor their
cdplkto reqalrad a tvcrUlide eete. sod
t to tbe dly.
that It thilad to paw. JUdv.. . ilhleoMct of Joho 1.. _____
mm inihaliB *aa OB hto faet taaaleebleld for hto work done tor tbe cKj
yptifeM appeal from tbe
vme referred to the commUlee «e
clalmt aad aoeoasu and (be city at
lorney for repon next "
BlomahMd thaag^e
omeare moat heartily tor (hair heart}
ahaat «w tbe Uttia paaeace at arme
lUoh and aU ta hie vork.
hataaea AMwmaa Moca and OUieu.
o look the
r np racommebded that tbe
ta the alia eait ot Val^yi
BS»'t0B lata. ttaUwea. I deal
Mlara U betw haBbanad. aad I
report araa adopted, hot
doca ow
ietot btoiera ta tbli tatottac aad
pwa^that the tevtr will ever


SSSSa^ ^

tra£r?.rs.rto‘-“mtr a.*

«be baa tabled more la tbto matter
thaa AldantoB Ubob, I'd Ilka to aae
him.* tOaebI)
-I gamt ttb a boraa:
aplaea Hoa aboot Iba LardI
mekr (Ooeb aaala!)
Boa. W. a taur atatad that, the
tataatioB of tba taacdutiM aae ttoiplr
U pm Ue aark abare ltMoi«a. asd
that there aae aotUai H tha raaeda-

karwa tbtaf.

Sfr «2Sa^ *0rtB«B- Th*h

Tha bitord of balldlnc loapecton rw
Mayer Ctomr i
mad (atorably oo tba plaat for the
dadaiea that the raaotatioa amt toat.
late Bank buildtac. and the Uaaaoa
Ibaa WTMtlaf aa appeal from hie .rlldtat ahd they warm paid for their
dpeMoB. aad atU daetde tl
rMaot temcea. The ragtaar acooitste
at tba eoaaell meetlit M
arwiBt. Hr. VUbalm Mat
Mr. Cbrrar to gira bit «ae_____ _ ... taga and
rn7.». wae rafartad


fba Call
aaftealaa t
Ml:lor tba boUlhg of the partac by orar^^ dty reeorda ai tbe doer of
«a«ly waa ordarad par^aaad by the
b«art at pabUe aorfca. Ibe aatlmatae


Tbe elly clerk war taetnicted to
rertlie for the hlcbeat rate of tal..
eat tram banke for the city fusdi oe
lepoali. aod tor tbe tawrn
maMe to dty, tSCUO. icmporarT loant to the dty.
ftcaei baa Uabrn to Cam
•Ifftaat Perry on Lekea.
___ cart; part a____________
The bl< car tarry of the M«a4«
bolden. fTAU.4«: .part ae- l^uptte A Nonhera lallrand. <
B tha ettr. IU4TJ4. Total.

aeceailty ot dockleg Ibc venecl. T
bae never beea apehded at yet.
but abe will be able to make____ __
to l< Billea an boar. load«l.
Tha alx bollBB of the veneel are ine
enee a______
_ ____
feel _
ra. aod each
having throe fnmacee,
ig IS
1 furaacra ta all. Tbcae
era were built
____ by ibo C ...
be Amerlran
Amerlean Shipballdlag (
The machinery at the Teasel
tliidee eteam Uralag gear lor the eo(lai-i. where (bto le ueuaJly doae J>y a
bar; tbe fiaect etenm itecrlng genr;
uenm reverae. which vorke iHih '' '
amlioo. allowing Albcr dope or o
be ueed oo tbe eraok ptae: tbe C
.ourn A Boot' code ot algaato. from
mptala to eoglarer aad from engineer
to eaptala
A fall complenMol cf pompe to
-Jaded ta tbe vetato'a rqulpmeat Hi

jf 'ui?T. c7

«afa«,n. ,

'loeeu aad wfib room*, which woT
*11 the time.InixlO; ballaat put
7xinsx7; al|A tbree -tacb a(>
dphona; throe >wo-tacb Uatveraal
lenora PbrAbe beoeflt of tba onl
rlated It may\;ta expUtaed that tbe
menikma of (be pompe ara girco .
laebee. and rapraaeot In order tbe di­
ameter of the etenm cyUnder, tbe
•trohe of (he ptotoo and tbe diameter
4 the water end
Tbe boat bae a eomplete electric
Ighl ptaBL There arc three dynamea,
two of M kUowatu each and ooe of
• H kllowatu. The latter U for day
MTV Ice below, tbe other tt
log the eniraot ...____B'S'S
llghle. ta Addition to tbe
which raqnlraa aboot K a
The Bra holea ara provided vlth the
beet veotltation obUtaabla. T
aiatori cna be eootralled trot
The qaanera for tbe Brem
paaiera. oUera, etc., are below, and are
bath aod
er mtaTtetooena.
be big veBeet bae a ree eolllalos
tbeada. ta make her ■


___ r

wt et ten. vh« eerea arc repaired.
~meU. HaBaloreky. CaaWUbeim voted agalaai

(he MOW ep ta ahov that therm to a
r-~-— avlhft tha prajeed. aad

in from Cleveland, where abe wae
t Amerkaa SblpbalUtag
“ »e“ !ti that
pon BaUnday.
y ta Oeirait. left Moeday
n-v — to and taitted


lu> 1-era.lun to pralM-vunhy.
-Ii-ri rlitma vtinqlil iianlclia.le ic
•t.'iTvanei-. In ad>miuB it. ibto.
(n-i-.- and (hruiis In a maaacr in
Iijii toniim* a ian of dcooraili'ne of
iM I'ilr rharaeier. whieb will a»l.i
III sutifilng the city.
.VrI-or Ito) nhmd.l rverlvt- ibe n-eogor evi-rj no<-. and lit ofajecto
•houid I... givvu ibei randdi-rail
oH-r> rlctoi-n lo ci
rlliiio till .ha:.- In emln-SltohlnK 1
ii> wtiiTi' he maki-» hto homo
•t 1-iTdlel tavliaih.n I- .-lu-nded

1 I.. Smith an-l wifo to hklaard
.era. lots 3h.3y Tom Hannah ^
Beci.uil addition; ILbuo
John L Hartley and wife to Iktfaativ
eudall. u4 of net. of svi.. s.t- rt.
-vi< 3b. range 13; SIHi.
Il.'lhau} Kendal! (u Wllltam Coal.-'.


Ladies’ New Suits for Sprins
We are now showing a great line of.Tailor
made Suits in all the popular colors and ma­
terials. The styles are beautiful and you can
- hardly fail to be pleased with the swell effects.
They are perfect fitting garments. See the
lines at

tur> nail ecfarret Wnaxcr. and la 1
hi- we* ftr the trtpir oBce of
.ocrOary. trra-urrr and (racral
aX'P. nblch p.»l(ton hr .till bolt
-*lr. Uuaits-ii- euitr. that hr ri
a :7. raagi- S. SIvi>.
II. (lav vtib the llaaneh A 1a>
rich u> William 1.
cptiillr IV fiv Ih yoare mon-.
8.v-..ud a
addUlon. ISUC.
I'Vi'B half erntur)
II. I.
o lo Mlnal.' K Win: ,
ek C. tl . U A Cl. V *1 addition. S3<H>.
Charlee A. Clark to Maru Hay
■bof Day Ptapraro.
Clark, parcel. e«. i, toau 31. nuipe S.
f ibl. jw.^ik ha. Iw
ilB A Cruiser to Floyd Smith,
rs. block 3. Perry ilaucah’i
aihlitlun: |l,oi>u.
* I). GIbhe to Fio}d U Smith.
I.-M S1-SS S3. block
Smith A
SiH-iMii] Peruw.kod addition,

$, $8.SO, 910 arid 9ia.SO
New Skirts, New Jackets. New Capes, New
Shirt Waists, etc. See-the handsome things
in New Silks. New Dress Goods, New Wash
goods. New Laces and Embroideries, in short.
New Goods in every Line. All at prices that
are sure to please you.


Heliiblt and Popular
Dty Goods and Clothing Slort.


l.lDdsa.i (» John.II. In.
id ne k., voe. 9. lo»u rT
ranu. 9. I3iei.
Minute C While to wnilelr. 11
luie 3-t. blivk II. 11. 1.
A Cl. s S.-venlh addliloo; S9;.'.
Mery S:, l»ueks I.. Cbarint Mem'.i
l«ri-el eee 3. 3T. ranee 13: S.i-'
Cluirlos M.-rvttt I-. Charlee Withe'ii.

13, sitok
■ *
" "
" ™“'’
Wi;i.em Norihrup i Wlll»i-j O C..II
s>T of »vS
■ 'S. •ranx.- lo; Slo.
.'hupp an.l alfe to
l.cTi T. Stever I. ee>« of n.-v,
town s:.. rang. lit: Sl.tWO
The eonsmiilua ta etawie of the
Ernest .A Etnk ' o Benha C !.«•>
ivr have arranged llir following pro­
gram for the Arbor Day Exen-ieeu h'ri- .«*, of ne*.. see
9: -likk. ■
dtr aflmoon of thU week.
Jewel* Smalla i.. CliristUn Llchi>.j
; Boyi Raod will Ivnre '
tiS lot 9, Mock 1.- II U A Co •. Ninth i
Wont end Union elree
addition: STUO
Ceart llooec groonda
H. B
^^^edtag of the Arbor Day poclama-

New Spring >»i$umnief Footwear

A Ki;fitlMmaii'> Itnu of hiK-h *:raac ^h^>cti. for party and

m h.T ouABly ofBoera
AU tmeiao
newt bootee are irqoew
eioeerramiliSOtiiSdOp. ta.

hi.« There


$5 andNo l*cttcr shoes made.


' ladies lint- of Kid and Hatem I.eathcr Shoes, hand turn and well


sole. $2.5H: verynew: Iot> of style for little money.

Don't pay others $3 for machine sew-

-. Mao I'.thk

etl soles: »;et.]iand turned

welt soles: we (jive value received.


A r.emreman's $3.'»0 line, box calf, velour kid ami patent


Hals. Hluchcrs and Oxfords.



Our neu sprint* styles are now on sale.

I. farmers. bo>-s. .and >-ouihs. Wpt
shoes; neycr rip kind; ne*' in price.


I'h''''IJ'■‘•'iaWc hard pan line. \Vc have them, made for service.


Kiv. r Shoi-.. the best sold.

$.'1.50. $4.UI.

T»> t'l'KE
fl'K* A cotu IX U

7fae aetua laj ing .
T f 1. A h rallriuul wae he
turd*} raoro ig al llBicb'e <
The etiiiBecll
half a ml'. . of track vae lajd.
te work to fully under
va> with a
ill crew, It to I'xpecied
ihei the irat .. will
be laid at ib
of a mile a day.
The Bret epikf va*
ii'O yeetenlay
BuirataK Iry C. K Hut
lurray aad Hr. He
nonaell. the Cir
actor. Hr. Utirray
ling the drat
ov. Tbe spike •
la the tie. b
Ur. Hoiray kni

Charlee Jai-ktOB. employita ta Hoyne
Oily Lumber Co'e camp, me etruck
by a log that (eU from a train, ..-venly liijariag bto epine
j) V. Ohffe late Joel reerltcd a
Ibqxeaad EdIeoB reeorda, Wblcli it ibe
latgeet qaaollty ever received ben at
ime Ume.
Oeruere ot pbooograpbe
ean new teenre any record of the Edtoon catalogoe. ben la ib* city
Glean Tobey, a yoong elerk at
Daff 'e grooery at Owoato, walked into
elevator ebaft with a bothel ei
He dropped (wo Horiee to
haaemeni-and me lemhly rot
aboatthe bond and body
bope to mve hu life

a braed and expanalre
face today, and ererybody
eharce It with blm. for everybody to
Cream Balm nwrii.d mr ^.-l( sn.1 *.
glad (hat tin- yoad ti going
lilt and they are In a huny
get up to Northpon lo tee 1^'.
CampN'He iirtatiag plaat. the I
hotel aod the -place vbeiy the c
killed at Uadillac. while vralxiag oa
ferry is going to atari from on
Uie nlboad tneka' He was eiroek
trips to Hantotifloe.
paaeaager train while eomlng Intelegraph oBee will be ketab■wn from bit borne, foar mllei
ed at Haleha Croe*
the mea on the work
aoelb. He leueee a diaglitor ta OhIeuniiaat eommnalcatluB vltb tbto elly.
Tbe work <»^be puihod with all poaWe Need tM Ree
elble apiwil
«e need (be room, and will tell a
Pattenoo otgaa, walnai ease, high
ui * Gray
Recurilod by RegUter of Deceit 1
.Iriobell Bioa., SB Proot


pAidel. tec. S. (own SC. range It:
.^-Jamee H. Uradahaw and
/ohe \V. Sbane. lot 3». bkirk
Sliih addlllua; SSW>.
e Campbell abd vUv lu
N. Ni-a.ti-ad. lot ». •wt, of 10, block S.
A Co.'a
'* SecoaU
ScToaU a
addltluB; S8M.
iv‘» of >
.acb la diameter, and double etrengtb' »; J7uo,
John Uwvell and
.wrward. to reetot Ibe ice.
The boat bae beea leased by tbe PalmiT. parwl. tec. IS. town 2a, range
I'abask InlereaU tor tbe meieet, aa^
David E WyacDop and wife to
III tvn tram Prankfort to Haotiowoc
however, aa tbe aUp •can be
Nortbpert tbe veatel will
> bMveen that place and
Catherine A. Campbell to Leon P.
Seraalb addithn;
W, Kaufman.
at the ovMn
bride, are tbe
era Aooard tbe venal,
tbelr wedding tour, aod
Ul tbelr own way. They
facewpr**tbe*Bneer of all tbe flee n

pent to the temiaoi of the IL._____
N. at Haatailqar. arnred ta thto port
rueaday monitaff at S:U. and frotoi
that Ume on crawde of praple'~wetw
twey tnapealiv the boav and U
iwanaed with raaldeoit of (he dty
oJtato^ Tbaaa- eager to go Ihroogh the laeel boat of
t« Oo. tor the tree ate ot.teami
lie claet oa the takre. Tbe oBcera
Oe aatbelaao were accepted aad i
aad men aboard (he boat abowed the
oMtoBt td thaaki mre adopIM.
vlelim evta wofteay. and E tbe tot.
did BOt act all they waated to. It:
• almply b«mS; ^ did not ^
Ir waaii taowa.
d tha board of a
ThIrkrOnt Poll V.
erdlaaaee ai tiamad ________
Tneeday. Uerbm
that (he etty clerk..............................
a^U ba tBark^M
uleicd 31 toll ycere to (he wmptay cf
tha hoerd. tboagh baTlay ao rote,
the Haaaab A Lay MertaaUIe Co,
that aa laeorda be kept ta tha
eeldom (bat any one to that long In
: ■ Wward BeeUer. tblid w
e eervlce of any company,
peatticia to paaa the ordlnaaee al oaca.
■eat seldom that oae rtoet fitan the
T bat the matter *aa pot orer a week
Id hat been engaged aa ynL
« the aapswUea ot Aldermaa HamBipMr craw aambere U men. ta- bottom to tbe very top ta the employ
as hnportnnt as tbit ooa
*12,*^*’ tagtoeera. Blue dreiBea.
~ Tha propoed basebtae for Lardtob
By ebrer force of merit and atrict atwa at Me <dtr by
taWBlIr praaeatad ...................
aky by raaoleikiB pled^

The mBn-eloas «m*
formity of
flour if tbeBccret of its
success. The qujJity
never v*ries. It is
good every dsy in the
year and never disappoinu the bread

Planiuig of piemaer trees by Boa.
Pen-T Banoah, S
K. Watt T. A.
Hlioheock. H. A. Imngerortiy. K. U
L. K. Baitais. ________ .. ^
“ ' worker. yoB tan.flnitb
the eteel hladra ihould be brokeh, Ibc Brinkman. R K. Hlllef;''
lory Ooarae 1a Bookkr
water ballail coold be to arrayed
to Up the boat forward, ratoing t
wheel out of the water, and a O'
blade coald be bolted oo without t

Ufa cbfaU,
- _____ ________________ .__ ,_,ur1
aUtgad to hart been racalved on
datmenre walk.
It van dacldbd that Urv. Eldredb
ttooe waa waebed out by tbe racfat
(be weat aide, aboald be
Ur. Urwoa tboold bate t3
tor damage to lam. eooklda and other
UlhV. bat that Uri. Fuller eboold oot

err; .l.-panmrct (
lk!>l. vl».c uiwn-l
Itom.-, h- «e. ^■■•lrc^r.l ,
ih-.Hennofa A jjm; Mcrranlllr (
Haijaab In-liuc Srov




Thr helai Arm, bd imtau .w eeew .mwUiu:

Ilie Delielt Jearnal le aoW tellleg |
lew.r R...AS et ee. r.-nev . eeek... I

Taking bulbtkilled (women la (Ihiago.
Frad Backet fell dead while
mder (be eold shower la a Tarttob
Alb room. Oharleo St. Clair died to
tba bAtbroom at bto beeie. The oorobar royt (hat death lo each rose me
Aaa to baait dieroee.


IiIob; tl.iOO.
Haiy E. Loucke to Am
Ufa. fa, .faU. fa

Children’s -Wc.

Hk, 90c. $1.00.

GOVEHNOR PjngfBB U Shoe, no jietter shoe mailB.
nVrnnnQ Our new $2.00 lini shnuld be inspected. We show many new ^yles
UArUnUO and kinds. We also have a line from $l.0O and op to $1.75. ^


The New Stand

242 Front Street

A Woman’s Taste
ill the seleeiioD of Wall I'aper is very



to s3M<fy


best, or Done at all.

t>ur stock of PAl’ERS was


particularly true

of the ;jentlcwomcn of this vicinity.




disihininalint* buyers.

We are careful to select only ih^daintiest
and most ti^shionable dcsij*ns and the soft•est and ntn-u pleasinj; colors.




Our #aii Paper was bought to



paper until you

Wc ean please >-ou


see our



€itv Book Store
tnotne Citf, tOkb~


Ittoouflmimera to ropply jtm
Deed* ID thu Ime vab Croccria
of the higbcH qaalRy •

At the Lowest
Cash Pricssn...
Sugar. be»t jraanlaimi 40 IL


............. J.00

Pott, dear bul. 10 Ri. far .. L«
Floor, Eurakh.50Ibk.-to.... 1.00

Vinter wbeat bythe
Utett imptoved • nrarfringy.
every xack vtaruted, 50
n». to........................................... LB»
Bockvheat Flow, made by oU
fvoceM frcmi adect^ Miebigaa boefcobeat. » Ha. to UO

Lake Trool...............................
FamSy White ridi ...................
Setol White Fi*............................


hem aum. sM eood nil. a«U derk
kuie. hm Iml aeo U giv* toeeltor.

Honxod Hcni^.........................
fumy in^wted. per
Sealed Herrmfl, per boo;...:.

Fruit Trees are Coming

HATALUOX FraakMUW at taaSta

i» u m~im «

FVxir, Mom Rom. nufe
(elected old
I <i>n t buy your

debart-Bttcbtr Co.


iloeat Hr. Uoalague hat
lb tram the lowest peaiGeormana BranaaB to John
(k» ta (be grecety depanmeet of tbe
Haanab A Lay MeraaUle Co. to tbe
a GaUagber to Prank Katwwk.
poaflloo of teBretary. (reaanrer and
racral mana^. whieb he now boldt.
Tbirty-onc ji-PnBra
Perry Haanab to Frank Kabeek.
Herbert Hoa i«s il-4S, bkx-k 3, Perry Hannab'e

Sl.'J.'i, SI.50. Sl.T.'i.

want the latest and
Belweea tbe rave
ly erven wlaiat aa
of a mAUgBaei diee. ■e known at "
" Utah BbMp mea eetlmate that
their lomet thU etwlng will roaeb l.000,100 head, er ho per cent of their

». rangi 10; »LmST
cough a
Charles Edmleoa
etooD and wUe lo James
Norway . _. .
. Hartln. kH <1:
<l: w*k
w^ <of e. H„ 1. A
coitghe and rolde. dova l
□ e Qeveath addition; tIAbO.
verge of cuae
Qpi’ld E. -Wyncoop aod
and w
Ralph Kyon. 101.7. btort
tboa'e addliloo; 3400.

Haria Cram et al to Cbartea ParU,
^ ta tee. k. fowl. «. range 1


l..adles' Kid. all solid, good style. lots of near. $l.r)i», $1.75. $"J.0i). Misses

-^’Sirr.rff^'ar... . -

Seed Com. Fliu Dcat lipeaed, grove aad ripened m
tha cooetiT taa Malta. Dcr

Trarara# ClW fb


Hemac, raperiev
mixed, per keg-................................



ttat Tmcrsc Bcnil


PM LwMr Baryt •( Uw V«a

Cawaot Factory at Wsllia.
'Wallto, Mlcfa. ApHl M-WaUlB In
to b*Ta a eetacBl lactorr. Nel* 'Br«.
p. on * Co'*.
eouatr 'Cbareoal KlBg."
r do. of CUMlv) •'.Thb b the:
lustier bane of the____________ who owu a Urge auDber ol laarl bed*
Ml luied to a Hmlf reporur here, bu nold tfaea to Bocklry •
«T moi II vw the ««rll«l Dosglue It Mnalrtee. wbo will bulM
hul erer tabes'
barse i
fnrlory for Ibe tnnnnfartnre of cehnsber froa lb
toeki sisee Ihej
Borrrrr fur rallww iracka
had t«eo Is the> U
lasher bstlBhaa h««.
ICher will tmrrj os thlf Irtp hare been made to (he mnr) bedr
SM.oee teei of barf«pod tsaber.
a tpur od Ue Mnnlriee A Northeuirm,
near Ke»en City.
CIrcvtt CMrt.

The bvae P. W. n««4ief hm^


I Oarepany Eteetton.


BHpeto Cerliue Oiad.

Mb. I held a ueellec Bti . Crtovin ftor1*Mjs.wlf<' uf C. E. Carl*
eirnlng la Ca>* alreet eecine hounc soa at »»*uu.l died at :. IS> TnrwU)
and i'leriisl the fullowinc ■jfBc'rt nlcbl at Ibr bum« nf her noa fo-lS'
Poreaina. Arthur Dwpre«: a«»1»i*bi
turemnn. W. II Ktin<-r< x.-relary ami
lUsM— w
lrr.i.ur..r. Artmf I>.-.ptV., «lr.i pipe
man, (h.-rcr \v/lsa: aoer-nil plta'inan '
third idpi man Kraskj The ('inert
..( A II Han-uB F
ZeaihA. tuurlli pip> m
t’oifilrl: IlndldaT afiLniunn II • .iVliL-k. tul.ler I
I. firu-r



A Laap for Uf*.
Frank Wsien ipralaed boib anklet
nierdar while trying lu get out
t tbe war of a tram ear oe (be lumrr IrsiDwar tl the Ora! Dl*h Co'«
Ihoforr Judfc Ml......................... ............. ...
rwree >J9»t Vhsi snhn vtn be takes !■ hot factory tbU Bumtog. It wu a case
' ■clng run orer by the rat or B*k-.
•• •'jkaowB. Wt II H VBSIdered Hkely lhat tog a lump ol
of about ll feet, and be
[a^oeuw tl
look the Imp.
When be landed be flrack on
bleb wreacbed both of hie aakie*.
Dd will canae fain to be told ap for
Bunber ut daya. Otberwite only
|ar affreied bim. aad (here are an
Catadi. «Mi:h
1 ln)iiiie«
n Hardware Mualnaaa
par VMS aatlai Avli U M
New BtoAk Cnne.


for tbb cousif.

» »cr Cot iDm4 « Tlae Dc9mI^ iitr l« the Bou


J..... Ii™.,
........... Ebner.


w» a big aeniatluB in !.<•>
.. whPB W, H. Bniwn ..t ih





s nfe Dr. Klo*:'
.«<Tj for (Vianumptluii
Aiibna. but >1,
nj' ImmeAtolC
afUT rSecied a cocnpleio cun-

Tba new bUnk enae recanllr psi
im)nto^''7»roncbllli ”*a?''iSrl|>
I tbe
oltaa wna t
tifsed br Jndte Jobe Leianfei
inT'^lroulil^* 'iTUc Paid Up CsplUL
(o bold too ot the
tbe TOO dlEercnl
d____ __ iiuc
. .. _and"*! w Ouaraaieed
,«t.^ SurpiBS.
i\ F.
- II Me»d«.
I thnt nrt eatd to (be oSoa
. Iftc
!• the loiestlos______ _______
sa ol tbe TOO forst iBra bean j
greatly Iscreaae the aiock sad nabe
naadbal lOBe of tbeoi not rerr.freIbc ature use o( the beat hard'
iiaeailr. Tba enaa it < n*oi tbe beet;
roK^ Is this pan ot ibe auiv
Mr. Tnidf l« hCU khsen Is Ihia
nnd n rerr
belBS a sraduaie or the local 1
bu an opporlaatl'
acbool claa> of 1»1. aad ibe
loer to OUeago
'- dr, - Mof btoaki e
«i-ek aficr aradoallun be u-co
to $10.00 with cbi
work lo J. A Moalague'i hardware will br doabltd np to Ibe drawrrt
$1.1 on u
■tore, where he haa reaalBcd tor l£
Xaara. ipilillBt ohlp a ahon Mioe a(o
lie haa'a faoit at (licoda In the cUr
and aumiunilln* leTrliorr who will El«btbitteatfellMoadnretantoKand; ' u M Aoitta ol Wlotieei.r Ind. ] "VllbBa'iewr'.-n
iHib hlis aurcaas la bU new eenlure. -brokaber left tbealder. 0be wni re.-1 knew wbat lo do to the hour of neod.J ndwtotKew-ewM
The rulore plant of W. 1. llobU
bare nul been hillr decided spun, and
t. to tbe *lotoicyof|^,;,^;
it li ool baowB Juil what he will do
He Iboudbt of
^ IWK PryAwii . tTm.tH.m.lLe,
afier Mr. Trude l. tallr ae"l*-d m hi. Dr. Andtitoa'a retldenoe wben ihejuia in«l Dr.'*'Kloc't
a j Komn.Vle. Pr.w,trute. Kiwak WHlja
w loeatlo^ _ ^
ttobbed bar toe oo tba walk wberanian.l the col relief at once and »----------.

W. J. H.

Below is a partial list of the bargains we have been giving you
for the last few weeks. .A careful look pver them may show
you something you have overlooked'.
Everyone isA BARGAIN pure and simple and is woffh your ef­
fort to investigate

rlreet. The deal
laet erralns. (be B

OnrSadiifs DepartmeDi

yw I.-.,...

Tba BOOldaal oeeamd Inal aTaalnp
boat 10 o'olook.' Mn. Jobnaoe waa
atone at the llBa. Bbe ana ao(>IBBBed
(be fall nod at toon aa tl'ia ra«aid.
her fael went to the borne of IM.
e from Hunmond. Aadereon where the wna enr»d for nod
tolar token ba«e. Obe it aaOerlnc

9ha fedpa Who took pttoaa M the tundi at
aaa |H Ibaa SI r Prochaika, Jr., will taac
Mm hr mtuat at Iba efflo* of Dr.
|r the oBce
e end^
end cf the
—. butlneu.
Ll AAtas hmi ttUmr an ordar
Tb* ptaac will ba remodeM on an
ntaatlre acate and pal In Bnt claa.
■bapa. aome new macbli»rralM>&eln(
fhs iiiiiigir aad frsIrM aiaaaar added to the aqnipmeol.
rOiaeia tdaAad at Ihit port Saurdar
Mr. ScbutDacher will make preparaxk of raaodallag
kar wv tds* aad paMdar
Mm AMM ObailatoU Mabad bae ...........................................e Mcndar for a
■hon time He wUl raiorri oa or ^
•«Rb- Bha lafialart# tore Mar l.i lo etar. H U expected
»■■«!■? df fisicht Idr lha Joaal Mar- that the lactorr will bs readr to ilan
wltbla a Booth. Prealdeai Uarlt of
a week and
ika tor the
Id* aw IMt Mrwwt ad
Ma « a* (0 kwla ika dfodliao of U*
aM «.«■> dtMa* mntmn wUth
wm-------—■■ la ika Baiald atesral ; Ibe watpr wwta TUeadar erealai
bolweee f and * o'clock. He nadertook
to atari an axtra pasp. aadji la aupOhow MaUaiMaa, «M kaa
poaad ibai tba aUwB ataitad tba paap
taddMV and erUh n )er1t. nnd thnt U
thrww Ub BpoB (ba puap Hir lafl
wBf eaachl and brakea aad the
aakie throws oui of >oiot. Ha waa
tarrfblr bruited alao.
At the nccMtai ooDorred. k wnt alrankiBi ihnl ha aaeapad at ba did.
AMkbe koU AtHlhti^hr ^papU* Haar csBBol aea blow ba erea eacaped
KSkHpBMkaMbMl. TkBdvlUka with bit lUa Tba nakaUnea waa
• ^WMBihd «|fat. MIowad kfs
aad he waa tabce

aa the psiiliii if M

« U Mia hM Msntd k* Ma
baa* to Matwaw tna DatrsU. knetof
Mtodikia tost rasts* asaiss to asd-

oatldarnblr tednr nad Hie noetd.-nt
{■aliital eoe. aad
wiU ocadiM bar (e (be hoaw for

•tapped an a Rika.

Webb Heek set with n <
iwei. aoeldepi Taaadnr
will eooBoe bwt to (be booie far eoae
Upta. 8b* tlepped-apoa a mke, two
llnet Of wbleb penetnled her rigbt
foot Dear iba laitap lo the bone
The rake had beeo anrtlettlr thrown
Into me worthed br (ba lltUe (Irl
and Hn. BeS^, atoppad oS (bt i
wUeh wnt nbpBl a toet nbere (ba
roand. Bba U|n banry weann
weldkt at((led on (be two
t (^1 Use aba bad a pair
of (bin Bled alltoiert on bar feet, bat
She raeeaed'
ed in palltof (be lakt
and did aelea^l ad<
ly, bal (be (eel eoBoeBoed iwrlltot
and a (ByctoBb wu nellllad.
Tcrtsoalely tba fake wu not raaty,
asdlt Utboggbl today tbU (ben li

walk fa* eevasl daya

It* Up To Them.'
Mow tbU Otaad Tcarane eoaaly
Caaatt oBew. wber* hit laJ^Ma tesBadeaa apptapclatloa e( $*oo (er
. drwaead. aftar which hk-wsl^cato toe proBcUoa of tab aad bub* to
sesBiy. ll U ap to Uelasao aad
■•fwd to hU baaa to Oarfteld towa- Ibia
Basalt M carry Mt ibelr part of the
Bhlp. lart beyond tba ainaa.
Tba tolnriM wU aol prere laui, bat
(bar wUI coaftaa bla to bit bad tor swcsf tbUaaetlea will hare ilie
i**l teb aad taaa laelaMloo to lu
•wtaeal wwtkr and peaalbty two blgtwy.
baaasB 11 wilt iurt a cua
•a. asd art rary palalal., Tba


aad batterta« (bat ba r««lred
to ton OtMt OsUaas df Kadi- taratoaa
betare bw waa toaaaaH wnt tarrlbto.
a and will
•tos. - Bs. BsUto vUt lasee lee D»■ a wat .ary tertaaate to •teaplac
«M « at sbdsi Ike toto tot!. «kss
fBabOla^Sb______ __________
Tba besfAt of mpscTiian to toete
m I---------------- - -T—— VUI ka
(ws sosatlM ba*a set awt to aprtog
hdkd. Md will tosa taatot* kM «lptouaBM aa yst. Wbas (bay de bml
m Md bla dvaw Or BeUia ia A rary panitor anatdaai aeearrad
Iba taw BUI at Botoa tola tost **i3MUia!
kMWs M Mp to tUt atop, s* U niw Iaak
ll rtaoltad ia tba baraUsf of —bt atraatly sctwili
ktototoat.D. « BalUs
■a bU MW. wbicfc tkraaieaed all (be _________
______ MW likely (bu the ap.
Bptoraa of tbe Bill, but Iboaib
Tba bataa i KatbsnJal fui»7 ol ter* wrre •««*»] narrow *weab*a.- ^opriulase wUl bt fsaaed. eoeoUlly
atsM Oraad TMretu eosniy bu BkMas waa daauorsd hr to* Kondar 0 os* WU l^arad.
Ib* Bsd ssd aboBldusd Iba Mfmrnm WKk Iks half «C Mtobkon Tb* asrruc* had bars nia bark to M
ns( put ot tb* tasseto. bsntoa.
Ikp dsadSdla df lha bosa* ware rw
uwyar «u baay raBortof aooto
LatUr to Mr. H. S. Mull.
imnt. kst the bosas U s WUI leaa. bead
------- ^ - the h...............................—
tW tow dtsnsd Into a detwetlra •aa. lb* r*ed. aad •aMoaM that' aaaa
Trarene City, Mieb.
llMr sir; Ychi are a luker: no are
A daMT •SB. ns< ** wardwa wblla tba toe had ktM taearwir "dof we You know what yuo make: you
know all about II We know oar paint
fBr wal to afela la ewrer all tbP Most
> earria* (eward'U
MnsBa to Ibrw* oBsllaa M «MS. b«l
Iba l**ar
Ito tad ibwl oaw I. iifcair la Msabto
bow II Urea, aad bow'
IM rarei
....Iiloo. being ftrorable
atappwd BO saddealr . ..
_____a hM tltdId•f'lba'B
at (be earrtofs aad or uafarorabl*
ll 1$ fair Ibst we take the risk of li
Tba Mi
saw weal
Mraek (be mw. Tbe
... ..

".Tirstrs„ „u.

A. W. Wslt estaraad ■Msrdar allbt
IM Ofwd BatodA wtora ka_ wto


toan. It It awssM ikst work wOl

. wrsr^*si'=J.tJS

Ito. Bark art Laatber Biisiwtto
C A. tekar. lortoertr St (ha to
at (to Tya*«t*a CHj’ Lwtokar Os., la
to tbs an/ ato n gam at Park Plata,
tor. Mrkto
Ito Lafeawnod tstokar Co , .the ptoat
to wUeh to laasiad at Ukawopd. U
mm .aanh at PstoJkar. Tka ec
psar toa toaabt a lartt «aaatUr
lto«waod toadt to ito aanksra p
to tto tiAla. and Mr. Barkto ataUt
Ibto ikar bnra aaoa<b tlBber Madt to
tow) Urtorwpor aatwral pton past to
ha* Bnda bto botoa to CUto«o. bat
toa WOW tototwd paraanaUr ai 1
woad. nUotoh bto baatoaaa wU
dtora bto to to awnr a ^iwUua a
Mr Bartor atataa ibai ito «w
to bto raawnar hat a capsdir to Ik.
mm f—1 a rear, bat ihal Ibl. .-*■
aa* Ikar artli ew aair aboM
Atoad aa lo (to IMBbar Baikal. Mr.
aprkar Biaiad IbM I
S paal toaar taan. and IhnI prleta
Bto Mtoar (knn (ha tosat tontutoa «a

plaasa, aad Irncatoati w*r* (brown
all aboal (ba Bill, samiwly aUatad a
aaBber ofaBptoyaa. Portaaaialr aose
of (btB wwr* Blared.
A aaa ws* down b*tow UMa< mw•am, fraa lb* mw. wbaa a pBe* of
lb* ibbiUred dioBtor «sb* tbiouh
...................... wll B U* aarih. Tba
•pad to *M U ha war*
lolB iRBi tb* Bin and
or tan rodi before ba
ba waa Ml haH killed.
Gf tbJa kind traowatly
to Baaaraas BtalltBs aad ii
a rrry fortasaU (bat M a«« wm
artd Tb# afknr tt tba mw wu
beet tMt (ba bUI had u
down lor raaatr*.
•bwak by Tram. ,
Joeepb Jneqeaa wu atrack by
- R. A I. trals yaattrday as Ua
Btobtb airwH creuBg. Bba wu
tkrowB aboei U leM. bat lortaaatotr
uespad aarteiu la)sry and wu able
to warik boBt Har back nad btpa
wars ^atta badly bralnad and bar Hsbt
elbow aUfhilr laJaBd. bet aba said
si tb* UBt tbe dU SM tbBk aba wai
b^n. bat M lb* (Bto COM by *ba bw
o tool lb* acaru of iba hard

' Bonn BM la tbe ooerar of a
II aboM osr trul and pal u
to k>u; bat *M ta 1.000 will tell Ibelr
' idi bow trw w* ar*. end our pnlal
Tbntfe wbat bu unde u tb*
Brgea patot eooeen B (be world It
beet adrerttoraMl.
Yoari truly,
F. W. Deroe d Co

eirsek nad turtod to ran. bat
bardto a aUf totar* tb* tnB
■r. ^ *aU ab* aav lhat ab*
at bar* (law to tars 'back, m
____ ibr kati p(«|nMnb*«o*ld.
Tbe IraB gar* aapto wsnta. bat
lb* waratag oald sot be headed, alt
iBg ptoee ta M aberl a itoe Wbas


Cadies* Black mercerixtd



\\ hili; S;.:.- i.
lu-r.', ii.'ii.liii- L

.'I’olka D..I I’anem. tliis has]„-lx-st Miller (tv 2 nn
1 *UU

Curtain mulls
A 6i-lt;n.iiil one, preliy open
work paiiern, 'M in.


coml. i,.,iUT,n.
iiiLii. wortli S.H-, f..r...

20x40 Buck Cowel

Special Low Prices



Olbite Bedspread

ftss-; i-

..... '10

earpcl Remnants

ii'lori.'d i'OriliT. i,rir<-ij^'|i
ially at.........................• - . -

On N-m. Reliable Shoes

20x40 Cinen Buck

-~^8ar^Ains lhat You Cannot Alton! to



9-4 Broum Sbeettna
31 till- price of c.iiton lodaj

Fine Dress Shoes

Iiamlfome, ilylidi ilrns thuci.'
all Hie newctl *ha|>ci. S|wcul'


non . ,

j Men’s

* 13

$6 in. Bleached



Cotton, ifoo.l qiialiiy

Granite Canm. extra goiki. ^gg

36 in. CC Broum eoMon


.-iin ofli-r

aifain al lli>- |irl.

Heavy Cotton Ingrain


[Jlcacliwi^'iioii liiiL'k CraLh


Straw ,'Mauing. H}ic up

Sptclalt in erasbu

............. ....... $6


Kill up|<rt, twcl^iiemt: iUg|iea.

^11.60 '

Only $1.66

Special Bargains

Worth J2.2fi to $2.60,

' )« woaien't tliud* al
Satin Cnlf Shoes

$1 and $1.25

r ti|.

Childrens Shoes

all ■oliii Icitlicr,


Sir« tl to 11.................7€c I High Cot Shoes
SixcfWloS..............S 1.00 I

k., Eo.
r>l(l) pxip. kjI.' ihr
S|>f»:ial l*iic

Little Men’s Shoes







The l*»l B'otk »l>oc« iiiailc




Alfred V. Friedrich
Ssliar of Good Shows



■at. but we oogbl not ta rlik
or abuse of It.
(toa'l draw tbe line. W* are dasllng
wf'b eiraagere We are etraagen In
u they pra etraagen to u*.
want 10 be tntaled by tbem. We
tbe way to m
•Miad. We trail tl ■ to paint with
fair degree of oobbi
psiBi kaowl.
edge aad ear*. We aspect
(ruled to furalab pstot u• good I
psBt fSa be. nad - ' ' II loeg I
palal eaa.

.-.M* r Bob* bu r*MlT*d n let
bs (MB Fiwd I. HelB. one ef toe
kiM jaWeto OB beard lb* Uattod
Bb*u Miletolp Iowa. ebsBlsIw as
aesesst of to* bsmiaf af s Wwira
toai)«iaea board (IBI ship, reasittag to^ Atatb ef thru mm. Mr.
B tatarriewad hr a Honld iw HelB ws* ou ef to* mara (orwsUe
aba told bar aBty aad bant oat wtao**onpnd anlnlaiBd.

Id to tbBk wbat lb* eosM■ Blshl bar* baao. U wu so
ac Bauer. A aslfbbar neat to
am OB Valtoy atrssi with h*r.
_____ a btork r>«B tba *ms* ef tb*
aoBdtsL bet *b* wu SM seeded, u
Mrs. Jaasua «ery ptaehltr Bade light
of lb* sligbt iajinto*.
•he asU ihu *a uw the. (rsB
MUag. bat tbowbl (bat ib* bad
l•Blr ft Ub* to crau befor* It wu




iitatuiffr} IncMl-'

"T*"* IT s~'

•larch Co', ilaad/par Warh.
Hear) hcbiiaacber, llie new mansaar.u) the nanulaeiorlas de;
of Ibe Mtrfalsaa Hiarch Co..

72x^ Sheets

FVmr a
ct^ iharpa floor (tonnol Ic made. And (he price it just i
tTMtiv* u the breaiL
li’t a pretty pour mob that can't ut*
an.) .iletighl the (amOy with bread maile ffora ou



Sewing Machine
I A PO^lIiyi FfiEt GIFT!
Some om‘-ivi!l -<•! this Slk'a.fNl New
While t'il.ratur l'’aniily ^wing
ysthine. ii'ith the patent
matic Lift. ^REK, if they u-iH
follow our inmrueiiofH.


Fill out the coupon at once; and either

TrsvwM City MsiKsts.

« « Do SulBtHule in Drugs » «

mail it or bring it in person to the Dry Goods
Depanmem of the Hannah & Lay Mercan­
tile Co.

Whb IB. Our preaeripiMBa are
ADed wHh drep that a

The pcnon^gucssing the number of cou­
pons sent in will receive Ihi^ handsome Sew-

hare a reptnation
to mainuin in Uib d'ucctioe and
take no cbaaca. The phyaiciaB'*
wabcsarecar^ullrcnaaidered. Wc


Will Ik’ given" in our DryGoodt.
Depariinent, beginning Tuesday.
•April ’is. remaining tbe imtire
wisik. by one'of the’moM exp -n
Miwitjg marhine o|>craiorx showing
the wonderful things that can Iw .
done on the White Sewing Ma­
I he bcamifiii i\ork that can lit; executed with but very little practice.
,A cordial im iiaiion i- exu-mled «> every lady in this region to see tliis wonder­
ful exhibition. 10 become acciuainted with the working* of the best family Sew­
ing .Machine th.n i' ma<l>I'he operator will gladly Explain the different pans,
giving free instruction along all lines of work. The New Automatic i-ift'by
means of which the simple raising of the cover brings the head ol the machine
up in jiosiiion ready for use. and other important features.

ine M«:hine. .bwlutd)- FrCe of co«.

THE OHM»D TRAVEirat HtllAU. APHlL .23 l»03
Hbita H. A. Bntea at LatUa vaa
MUlu Ua tvo lltUa giHt w hu
H. O. Vtaaaleek raealead
Mia V B. Boabaa to rotorud
kaae. to oBali tipped oear baibvatda
riar a drllcbifal trip Ooato. *b«a aevf cf to death of bla (albor
aU thru Haded u to boot, vltb
weak who died lu Homau. Ill
M apu< to viator,
lOelBai (etoa to rraetara tba yovagTbonaa Hay of Portlaad. lad.,
lad. ar.
vc.baraauv atailuu a«»Bi aovar obild'a tkalL
ito viH rtvotmr,
e Prttoy to wolk
Hr. Slalat tolny taken ebarge rlTort at Kayatooa
vtih faiabrotor L.
' Haya dorlog tba
Al Utud~BtodT
iiaielW 'llalB-a
Ctk «aai to Tratf
and to
rook, u enploya of tba BUgb Parol
■X tisr iM(h flwM
'......................... dare, r ready


Oo., vblle oo bit vay to vork
______ b> ibe pap*r that Mr Hoc
All I Ura Uodraao^d of ttilihl alleedad
atraok aad killed by a DIrUlou
Wr U»<1 ■ad alao tor a uutei ItlUe da
report a good tiare
Ipra'ct mtetni Wadaaiday rrulog.
aiulmiuHl (rum trlrnda lha
I cor. Ha waa 4U yaan old aad
i Oti>' Icr Darga bae balll
br on Hainrda) aM Ji
•V tarn
;linir I'v boo*" oo hie ...
»j to »j Ibai dl»t««t»
li lUtor Keyei^ne Mid
Dlwlyr aelUed
J tU.iir >• lo b«x >0 aucib.ii
tbe [aad iruxy tor eineg work
Bobbed the Oraee
buuriU) >o >011
____ dUBirt Huday.
1 Mlea llrriba Uiuperi o( llraod Hap
TalL-d I.) I
aiarillnc larlileet la aarralcd
Hra Lula Atuelle udobUdrao ua'id. i. ti.iuag leUtienrud Itlendaa
> UUti.r Lit Pbllatlelpbla., ae
u fiil !
-I aaa to an awlul ooixIUIon.
Tl.«> I .
^ Joiiu lllaurll au.l Hie.
Tbej arc <lolog vsll. b
vbu baa beraltoi.k a |>lea>ciii drlee Ho
lungua ruatrd.
icxrfc aad ibc liiicafT <■-...............
,u Obir, reiDioad tol Bay lo tf..l Ur Honue
lually 1:
,Um «a» OB «b* aali
Tr}br bae beeu iiallc eick Icr Uniclag a.«ker day by day
I iiliy.lrlane bad gltro me up Tbea
rriuroad (t^iH>rto>l feo vaake.
Ur. aad Hr. K
• a> adiUed lo uaa Klactric Bitten
OaHioer! by the aerli-ue llletee ' ^
.rotor John, o bo liae ao (ar i
nrarad tUI ba will be able u> eo>




Piano or Organ that capital and experipnee
can produce—an instrument that will give you
perfect satisfaction from year to year. Such|an
instrument is......................................................


ifela vUM tltad bU appotaiiBaBb

lar ta Tr»»am Ciir.
Tbsnai •amdar'a lk»», ••••oo
i -ii «alM badir a «bUa a«o. la (i«

la /be
C 1

■ ‘urTuKr »tartlUl aboBI aa».


•kc> (or a l«
aaill) uorad la-Adam Hilt
.... laat UtiBdar.
ftanrl. l^rloo !• t.o tba aUk lU
Uralberc aad tanllx bavr a
I oo WIlUa Hludiel’a larn

• airlaf aU Uw k«i laH Tburadar.
Hra. Mouvara of WUIlaiaalmri bi
baM ^lUBf ralaUtea ia tbU blaea

[|_Jir r 1---------O. i. Ualker «aot u Iba bi»i>Ua
a, AM Arbor »or uabUtaat Hat Moa


(or a l«tt ~ ttl la the a
A Sawder. «bo la la >
***€! Baall. vfco Ua bMa «»l>o ■)<*
sadlral .raauneai, I. a
lor t»— OBa. t» a lima baUar

a Anu Bebulla ol Nurlhi
a rrleode bare UundaT
1 Baboau ol Trteeraa Clij
aae bar# Iba drat of tba ww.
, laidaaa ol Travoroe ni>
d III bar bone Monday.
_..a Jualc (Viuri id Protanob
cwklag (or Un Clauaa (bla wea

I U BUTlV to 1
UlU auBBter.


voante. Mr. od

- Hra. ISrtar Baniaa aad aoe Claude
u Port .Oaalda. tolled <w Mra, PraU


>aaH «»-»■—— Baal w TtmTene Cli)'
■pSTr^rMSSla. boM a«ato iator-

Obtaf of Polloa Han ol Poti Her. a
loal a boy ba vaaMtlag to to K'loroi
jul.D w'bool oo Kalurday
Tba boy joaii.d
' Iron Ibe Unto Bear l>uffleld.bal "
Mri did ncii oara to tollov aalt


raaal of to wind and aaad
Haoiiiigtoii and daual»<t
______ attondL-a eliuroh here luel
ad Hra Hllgbl >
te moecd oo Ibe Pi
id to weleume lb
Hra f vui* o( Kaai K
n ol Hie week I
riniad part
Ur Oloey-a
Hr. Uaable a lolka Uae i
to to Bloklar bonee lo an
Ihay taara totr oev boaed Bi
Mr. MoOonaha'* (Olka apeol Kaatei
r. Hkleut'a

raturolBf (bat a


Mra. Wtabla.
, Kabart. -......... .............
. a A vaA raiurbad %
%od AUlaaoB. *Ha aad da«^r
noraBolk «ato.i«aB to our alroau

Hfu. Jobs HeUoaald waa barb
ta FrMar. 8ba bad hta alok (or
M tta Wo had bopad tor bor to
- ST^Vba luaara) ww Ua tarfiM «#
• " “ *-■


mi'K* tTiB



...n.L. L«



....................................................................... ....................................................


, ,




So on. right along up lo a iicauidul .lieTser, wiih J4»30 French




Plilc Minor, f..r............................................................... .. ..................



$2.00 Saoed Bere

A Fine. Luge Areoniueol of Ifiahu toteleci tram.
A i-feliy iiuililion Mahogam .lieasci,

with 4 .Irawer* 2 lohg
A plud while. 100-pie« ret beaatiftd. very ^me-

ud 2 *hon; ihe lop .Irawcii swelled khai*. aU |«ellily

I) emboHcd. a« there heavy .Idle ddbei. but nice hgta

caneJ. with 18a«U Minor, fca only..............................................


i)UST F.All. to aee till* ass-rtmcie gf Bclrooia auites »ti.l

A decorated lOU-piece rel. light poreekia .are. lata B»p«.

lirrasen even if you do ruM wut i.> bny.

Bice assortment oF colon, for...,.............................................

H Special lor a Short Cime

Abeautifo. «spL-,L

shapes, just leceoe-l .biect Iran EagUad.


Oul beksw 6r»l coat.

A large line of wool l-eds lomrucncing at....................................•

8 *5

A gcs«! solid oak bed al.................................................... $2JO. SiM.



Uad; 65-pieee sel for....,...........................................................


-I >M-l ..I

aevnal didetent odd pieces in ibe very be* Eagbah ware ia beaatifill design that bare acanaatad by havuig them invonwd i. eeigi-

......................... •

nal crue Ima.


There ve viD clore oat at 75c oa tbe doOar.


is a diaace lo get lo.-ne good diahes at tbe price of cheap oeet.

nice enough tor uy room.
W.ANT in springs ud matireascv


We have pat

100 paece sets f(^........................................................................................
W, fc.v. . k« o< l'U.» Cp.

There tie heas7 full auc besU. osei C fl high. heas7 oCings.





Some b^iTal Sown Uue Set', jau received duves from Eh-

IW.I an.1 dresaer. coiupleie ibi...........
l loe


ihera on sale, tor. |wr act,.............................................................

Our Stock of Stooes and Ranges


donY leabse (he dj^eretne ot comlon in matlrcsses until
y ou Ity one of ouf Fehcd Collon. only........ ..............................

oa and Cawliae Stores is

>> 78

complete in every detail

toi (he W.ST.


J1 Carge and eomplele

aad aadetoveadoor.^


IwtilioB ihe same as we have kepi them (or the lax ten
Uaa Ruby Rartek. a

We commence

ocr evtensioii

Tables with a

Ron lo Ur. ud Un. CbartolM'
>0. HM TbHiwdar. a daagbtar.
Jobn Waateeu. who vwbad b>
buna agalD
ktok rttto H bone laa a
tta fTM Roiub Haalloa
kr. UHbHUHit CtaeHuU. Ohk>. a
mmUar ot to -Rtw rtabar awb.'
arrlrad Hat waab. Ba aaaw aariy oa
acauat ot poor bagith. aad tbHka hr
fagto tolar aBaady. Ha H tba
gf Mr. aad Hn Bargeaa.
- ' d of bad aoMa H gwlla aab
Hn d- K. FHb«A. attor a l<
to boto of ber aU
Jeha AXwaay of Ole* UHa.
a Dally aad il^hia
I bar* yaaiardfey cad

N. Oma dad wtfa droto to Tib*-

There IS nolhtog like a Steel Cook Stove,

Our lincb of this price shoe cannot be excelled, the ntthe ^st—equal to the highent
tinK qualitidi are
lese lines we take special pain
..iu-aelectinc these
.something extr and we have it. .\It sizes and
New styles and

7 atjmuta 0-iHadb Tbia*


ipatbHa WHb
a bUd H to
dad. aaay aoi

They range tight aloog lO price up to loine ol ihe
tiful Uhles you ever saw.
■ tables.


I’arker Bros. Qld Stand.

Stoves. «......................................... ..............................................................



and range righi along up.

A 6^ luge hae ^

leaves up.

F sages




They aie ihc cheaped tables



Below gesl
Co Elose Ouf


1 tor KpIh «aiy



OalyaKw Ml
Absolutely the best bargains in Robes in the City



deaet aad nmtre* S&7S

They raage right afaag
iapneeatom tot

and up.



jo* hke eat. for...
Suae Raage vitb high

iovcniiool, Kilchco Cabinets. Kangiag

Tight along ia price. .....................................*3.75.


ibdfaad serervoir.

n Carge Cine
Uf thore I



with a good SucT

in tbe kwg run for ihey are uticlK guaranlecLl hw 1« veaia,

'iOb Front ^tn-ei


large erei^te a cosamoafomlly. aad they togejigbl

Tb<7 have (te leaves r-gfai in iheic. all «'ru have



and ree ou- V«toi

10 do is to pull out the table ud raise ihe
ibey commeiKe in piice at

Bacb^n1& Bpsm,


They save tow

poce ia wood every yeu. - We cota Hcea«rSu«i;Coak

luoutoed rimv with nice luacketi naamng aciLia legs, will

oa okMi
I, who baa bcca la
Hat ymr. aad a gnat
>r Hal two or Ibna
•d away Hat That fay,
agad II yraira and t Hoatba Ba laH
a <baa«t ol
__ ________ _______ _ _____vote.
uod anay Mlufid to Mrtkdty bast aad loiglraaaaa o( ala. aad wad
ootamd U bH HU bowra by pcajara
rata to e
ae pHo nd•Mdtou «
0 Uaa. Uy.
■put a
d UrHg


* «»

Our next a a large, heavy oak table 42x42 wyuaie (op. heavi

«Blio rnj vai dMva (ron Ttsv- bnnb t

abareb. wbtcb wma e

Same iiovc, vitfa fauge est-

Table that will seat b i*o[>le.............................................................$
Our next will real 10 people lor...............................................................

seat lea pec^Je. Solid Oak. out pnee................... ./................




............♦ '‘.W

nicely caoe.i loi .

liae of euenaioo Tables, ud out prices are away below com-

- - aitoOibAdRat■taotbwfai-oMaMMtb.
drora to BIB




nil Kinds ol Odd Dressers
.Solid oak I neater, legiiUi MM. I2v2tl tauroi, three .Iraveli

10 cloae out al.................................................

kaia. Uktariu.
. Ulaa Ukrtu Qlbha apul Ralurday
ud buaday al boaaa
Ska vaa a»
■lad by a (itaad tnm T


spring line in

assortment lo select from.

and up (0 some odd Bedroaoi SuKr Beds ywcnlh $7 or $8)

^^Sto*OaRtr*8lotnal. to
toablitoar at to wawai
to a tvo Mahb yauUsa.
T. B. BaUa ok»aeu Ua »



IS a lieautiful suiie and am one would ask you fT' for it. Our price is... ..............................................................................
I We have only a>ne of these siiitesl.
lly buying from ns NOW. von have the advantage of this immense

lS»2l''bcvd inimv.

to'U. to b. abut to


front l)rcs.ser and commode.2six4ii, French I’late.paucm mirror, (just notice the size of this mirror).

2 :hoH, 2 lo|> diaweia, ahapcLl frow'. all nicely larsTd

lanu waat to TnWM CIV Friday.
1. A. OoUAMra waa H torn Hn
raak datlyaHag pBrtana (or to Cbl
oa«D Copy Oo. AU neUTHg pkd<
an wall uUaBad vHhTbara H a nuiar t
lOB to ba aatattalM

1 boui

and range right along up to a Fine large, heavy, beautifully carvi-il. quarter sawed oak. suit, with

We base a few inw besH (hai we a il!

. —- JibU- H lUyBald
tovaablp Tuaaday aad Wadaaaday. .
Hr ud Hn. Fnak Bayraa aad Mra.

•TMOtklV. M«r.

the dollar,
_.. _......................
and 1 biyii|
light them.
and after that a faclur\
K'lor\ ihai was oversunkeil ylTereil ... _ carknd at 7.V on i..................
L'iaic the Itargains that this enabte.s me to gi
give them.
have just arrivol and I know ni) eusioiners will a|
eonmu-me with:
d-pievi*Suile. regular sire, av---------■ ‘

or blue and a pteny Jiesaei. >Uh 4 .liaweis 2 loag and

‘1g.“SS <w— «-

Oift dWTo to Trauaraa <

' should
lould ha\e.

have an eiionnnus lute, n.-.irly double the a'sonnu-iu

A goo.1 UTong iron bed, 4 fl d ira vwhh.m wbite.gieen


tba work u "

F**- K

HedrrHiniK'iiitcs.nnd from SJ.OlbTo

We will N.ive Mill Irum STiim to $l-’ii



IBB H-renb m*wmrn*,



I» u> Oi»Miiece
Traewewe Cl...................
Il Trwn.rcr l>lly |B00t for
tor rayrto
oad bMbday lael
I iwtaeau
li • (Hiv |iuu|ilr
-ilead --------- ' •
iiD. Jr., who baa too al
maa .
Il'c IiHwl cudonwtlon tar loewl r.wd.
oHby of sole .......................
lu lur
wume line, rw
... lb UaoUuu
... ________ Bla’.ud b*r tnni'a obooi'e a.
umed buBia tbla week.
Urttkdaya alao coaia IhU uoatb
; ii will aiaml in> bimi rigid iDtaaliPolar Poutaa aad laally
mini Chlcaao> tWadaaada) aiaalni!
Ibe auBiBier.
Baraul of oar peopla altoaded tba ! Ur. K. 1) Uendereou. of WB Weal
ul Nunb Hauliou
Suitotobool MBTootlou at OravB;i^^H'«at
a|>eat a (v« dart hare
hai Ihla week
Mra. J Uryaol b>
tba raaldmoa ol J. Brad), harlDf ^‘laa ItolBlne ealled OB Urt bai- '*’*" *»•»! reeovering.oo.-grudchilil.
noted ibore us Tburadar.
UarUn Itroua took a load ul calUo
Tba Suday lobcol bald tery p aaa ,,«■
ooder hla hair. Deeu.Nurtb Manlluu oB Prldar.
rtolM*. b»rlBf » i>!
and oiBUneDii
Prof. Haro aad *Ua ol Cbleago
> (nv floware wart e
..ved tnim Ohleaao Friday avealua
ton. uHoa v
reuato bare tor tba suaivar aoaaui
ifal Iwgendary egge.
Kuala Nelaob o( OIIU I'lor «aa to
ID au« ^oihor^jw
Hade ar
m a ibon ilaa FHday.
Ulllo Ulaa ABU HolIOB ot OUle
Pier alMtoi a Ir* daya to lowo. Ibe
aoat o( OaorcU Paolua.
Joe aad AKbBr Hoalar al liovaloat tuadayod hare.
rlilid ilep* Ibe route oigb
Tun Outek ud tally nored
«d to iraauaecl tbe arup
Bryul ram laat Friday. dliai'prarrd until Bn
I>iia (bockar aad
■old hU boraa.
ally ilie . a|i"«annor of to ctiu vae
Sallua Ay tl«Uad I
For a . oaighlot'e child,
Uaruy Rioa aiada a eying trip M UlBiat
war alter niea
Tiavataa Oily ud baak oa tba tnia alttioiad iiltbaiai'
•Ir., uti traalniriil
________ a rrllrf. Whro
BaUrday an totou
W. H. Wbaal !• olMiriug up a pieoe 1 loui.d Ibiu'l OinliurDi ao aarore*
gniiAchild, 1 eioaard Ifr
u Oba( Villlaai'a farm far lioiacM.
•teerl. a,pll« It ud fur to BriQnuli
A gantlaraan ud bti wifa (roiu.*^
^ u B'UV blKlite >hi. ali-ld acuodly ud
Piokaie Poun vaa held tbla week Oislord
OislaKI vara at ..
Ur. .... Batnr- bafi-rr

tr«eu d'olnrk nwii isorvtng hrr
tey eutapUtlag boylog bla plaoa
mail vr vaa al lb., drag alore for a
boa It rued tatr baby lu a few Hya
Doaii'i omimrat it one gwajiarMioa
which aoia aplotha rciaraauHItoaa
Oaurga flartek b
Hr. BBuk U halptbc Ur. Woe vllb tale lor II."
hH apriag verb.
Ptioe to
For tale by all c'. •Irra
KoalriHtlbai T Uo . Raffa'D.
«a all viab to aebd Iwarn eoagral- euta
. Daim
aHtlobt to Ml. ud Hra Wa. Clyde B. Y . lele agrula
Hra. CbrI Bruwar
VU WOM lately Barrlad.
Ur. Olyda BHtwa aamruiher l
tta laKtaiaUiy wl---------- ...
Mra Jake WuU la auBarlag

brukea wrlit. eaaaed by a loll.
irrtag Wull aad fualiy. Laa WoU kaov bH mZT te W a kind haaiiad, I
Friday aad to Tia»«u Otiy
ud Ura Janea Cnndall rlattad tUlr laTa.bHtod?^
aiy to parcBU bara Buaday Hat
Aotoag (bciaa H mat of arbuiua
Oara Huday verc Ura. Arab. Oibba,
Ulaa Habal Olhha aad kUia Mary kTa
or of TrayarM City. Tba youg ladlaa
muiud to (ba city Uoaday evulai
Ul Ura QIbba will apud a taw daya
wHb mead* bara.
Ura. Aau DHana U vUKHi
oaddr bU biwto Oaorso M
Kally Hoaaa.
It U rwponad that Wn. PaUm baa
ioU bli (am at Oadar Oaap.
Ur. ud Hn. Barr Jaaaa vaai to
. Tiiidaj^aarBlag
^ 0^



t::- r:“t

l>uuiie (eriu lot Ibis uimnirr.
U. UcKik li OOlUk- <M|
ArlKirlur Mr Cook
' !,.nl.and guarauuvj lu gitc aaiA I.. UiaLdy died at ble boua >u ;;lelariu.ii
lelarlU.ii by Ja. <i J.ibci.m ud P II
K.i.uii laM
Wedoeaday alleruoiui. M.'a li.. Hrugglil
Ul Uraody eaiue to tlii. eoenir at u !
aniliLiay ud dlo mooU tolUi«ote|.
II, <.,0.. of Kuaon Tb.- (euetal uai
d wt to tcild
teildesea Ptlclay efleri>
•ide- H.- lm»B
iVi„‘btL,.’tV-*“MBiiwlhy ul Ihidr isant

*“ iEji.vTs.s.vX.rrr'ir:

^&BBin Haato b
CaAar iaurdar Bl
Oao. NmHB a

aiiaad tbalr

Ui« Ucliiiyrv.
Keaalok colled at log relailece ID Ti
. Fred Baeold of( Kea
Ur. Bugu’f Ti a a a ’
ad to to bone jraiordai,
end look buiue a oew a
ZxIhIti luueed l

jodbyUt HUgai
Uoiiie'i honee uo Nlooday b
. OrOM of Urawo ealled al Ur
Ura Aguev ba. auLr lo
y'a ue day laat wirk
DuuiWlllea lew
tooUutng ac.101 lo ba tUordei
uil.lakr wai


nSiia^' to lf»i''^tor3M t*‘'»«b


a ai/ to

These instruments are conceded by the world’s
leading musicians to be the best on the market,
if you are interested in saving dollars, you will
see our goods before buying a Piano or Organ
Factory prices and easy terms, with a written
guarantee fora term of years. What more can
you ask?.......................................

Hi'biu. axa AtKKi K
ilrb <d (Iraad KadMi e.

- opioto CUetsH-

WOOD SC.AT CHAIRS 4Cc. SOc. 64c. aad ngbl along up
A heavy, double teed seal dsaii. each....................................................
S<^ Oak high back, caae scat chain
aad right aloeg up




«6 dUtaeoi siyles lo aHect tan.

Our Stock ot Bouse Furnishing
b Bwife coraplcle (hu ever.

ANYTHING you need ■ your hoto

cu be toorsd al SL.ATER'S, ax brioie, al to very toveat prices toe

steel Raagea. that
VC Marti With h«h

>mvpfote, tor................................................................................................
There if ao sSoH Raage maik gmte as good re l^ Qibck McM

They are a pecfoct raage, emsU are be beta.

We hm sold them

tor to Hat sevea yean aad have aeret had to get repaas tot oac of

A pod taage vih 1s* yoo a hfotisae, so it pays to gel ew


rehaWe goods.

J. w.
Wholesale and Reiail.

Practical House Furnisher.





Tks usbstoes is
• .tkM wUolt «M



! Hototo >Bd u o( to


Base Bad Two to six
EiTery Day.

s sad Bill hs • fTsal baosAt sad
i^.to sBTprneti «hoM7 bo 111

Suffered Terrlblj—
Dectora Failed.

The World’s Greaiesi
Skin Soap.
Jli Miiihrd If EniT UiN

Dr. MUeS^Nerrine Cured


•A to aortoni Mlsbisaa b; aar ons7
•stoa^ to haiidinestt moBaawBt
toto oaswi'oET. lis shorad to iabOrtoaco of to plaeloc of a tskebla
■Bomsal trbscs lU aoUto <kad ol
to gfty aad eoeal? isill hsrosfter
atota and wk»4 ibat to ooostr aid
tetos iBSslotileg BsttioilMa toto
&Mto of joassaad oMsItko
iaikb «^n to a sIokIu .os. aad

------ .------------- . - olsar MU of sale
latss is aboat Odtiv. altboagb as
- is
‘ •aboai totaaossfroe
Woak. aerroos tofO. poa. ck.ldroa to- [Harhir
owe a ucAtaKOI taiU so «Jo 1*. kUa' ott; it ham aSo.-da Wbrs acglKicd laao : Ogto

trs-.i’r £; to ftrts I»a tti Mtt fttod
su. u.,

»aaa<7. lor a totm
so. to EUs Kile?
«as]dbs<l>.a«aaa(ol to.K koioti oihiR |B«Mra aad Dr Swaaioa mere a]>
dtrv Al but baiKBi .ociucd to a«lp 1.0 poteiad at a pail of
comaiiU.-s (o
of to ambs-

il Dtbr to bto.

SiM Mnmr CMlialm Ihs

to bodr of 8tot totsa to to eto '
toot Baulo Osck. oaai u i.tsad
BafMs eis OMratsc Moss (oiac to
BsssioD St htMtesd. Tho esll as >s- toasiac wbon bo bas s«ptoT«rai at
br Uxm AMlla Hicflatoi- hi to Acncallaial oolWfta
fOf, PaUa u
Mz. Oook of BaUlsOnsb. vbo aan
alaad oB s4 SUas SUlat dana« ala iltoa aad
HiasL;dia Hartio eo' Jkre Mas.-I lot dsatb. r«ta
b; Hits Otutbio ikbiu co "iltocirito aad Uagstitr. ' Mtol »alMt TbaRaU toiatssa to Cbui
EUtobeib doetougw «e "HazTtoa«j«husosaiB( atmausadiac >li« «o
Limitatooa" Hisa Oplulia'Sait
I to Uia ' aad motor.
» oa -la.
Lao8oloa«»B wsano Idgooier.Ud
w of Ditor
lag so sp.»d some time aiu.
Mia. Uiggtoaoo opse«t to mtetlag | hia faaUt
«1U aa address to vl.ieb to atowk-! How. Joba Oaakt oas to from Lcus
ad Piftidaat EoQoeeell fst bia tto«a|lmka Kala.e. as tb.-gaaai of Bee Heu
' fOtoide.
lie UoKials.'.
_si*ror:. E. Saeretsry.
B.idoo. April 14-Tbe Her. Clat- Jf**
saea E. Ebsrmaa. held seom^tr; of
to I'sued dooiate of Cbriatiaa eadaaior. is dto Id Baaff. Nortboe.1
Ut. Bbsrmas vat 00 a
ooorsstioo toar aooompaaisd br b i

. .




& CO.,
L Salle St. CtlCAM.

Stocks, Bonds, Grain & ProvisiMs
Horn York
• w.m Stock Bawrrwwwn
Caehango .-...—
entoa«o Bcdra of Tra
Mtoinah, L«y * Co.. Traenwe City. HUcto.
Cfocase reiereAc ae ea raa.uai.

“*«*7 KcKtolee a.-o* to Loot
“kiBOOU 10
Qsattotjy m^ia,

lOlt cocbIit bare beeu liv
ad utpoitsd from Uoraanii bet •
iisnBaai is to be mads b.«r

mto tot to cblldtoo to to aebuoU
to aotogio biO|>. at Sopsrihioudoat
Vlio hat bees og. r
ig lllo akio, tor vletD.iug
•e EUt will keep
OilbBtlbot anaotod f r aa < >91 c
• •
• Ci.Jebsaoo;
Joluiaoo j to aitlpvl rruua, k<dl-s
(at tbit bOfiete to »»of» totoi to to ■bS|a. lla MiSeiiog. Wtre u/TiLic. aad ha sappilat lor a ]sar. Jaa Cl.
^^udrua; ,Tpi«.die„rdeTeio|elaod ttaii dit- ^
d mi . lak Vut.-D .
H<-onk hate
bare also
also![ aiaj toi
.lltog hair.
UasHt'd totao.* approtirla
H> tun-Iilag •
le 10 ai; growro. aod tbatH
•BiKbb.f of Police B.-nnk
; aaae oompluated vitb ooageauoe ol
Itoa Ibai to board oilfbt toakcio|
V aoorpe* Ji.e uBe.- -wbich mat
-V part.e ol guli from Btanbbollcge.
^ | p* l„g. ,voted lataL Mr. Kbremao
batp p>) tor Ibo B Obniiirul aoDld bo
r a t-w datt ago. aaoceud l>r. A NoetbatapSoc. Mata, will ea| lore to
rough aiid AunriijiHla (or bab.v rato-A. | ^a, *0
of age aud ttaa bon m
O Brian. late coe:l deaiut ol... gtaod oaByoa uf to Cotorado rie.r
tbe funii e:
B.tbletem^_^ _
^Oermaa? «i
9. One habbtok aUpt«d cto hi. Aa4 an IwaeAi ol tats etpeileoee is to par-.
baoubial from tbeoooDirr to coo. ueu aammir. Tlie tnpisho ae|Rcml.
apuiuiiilalloo ol 0M> for tbu.{>azpot
O. W. D. TejmV
Tbe remarks
' ftaook^^lui^tirSs^olf'^
' a........^r 1..0 free vr olkothe
•t Sigbl of Briuceaa le pertloat ooc.
Oiil.e tmo paiuea
Tbe eil.r vtll be eapeeted to keep to .^ la to ion., ol aatoSloe
Maaacer lamom of the ckal Wood birib .
Metdam-a Hen
itoUbaad Banrttaor liras. «bo
Out. baae ball team bas completed to Vilheli
Mauida Voaag'isUl. hmg UtoagM
ptet.'BI ssasoo. a0d.1i U | lag to Bagibaw
..IMt and Mra Martin Kaaari; oi lu be dead, luitres to a large astala al
toil tooka »ar7 baantlj for to ap
bla--.3f\'aiMi Nbuoa. UaAaȣTa w do aa to oity Ore teams oao b.
aomeo, «ip^
>... ^ tualaJ' Aloekbolm. Mmed<«. bat' haaa fba^oompoaed of the foUotriog ball play- . tlu age of S3 Testa mat celebrat-1 k Sortb Wrb.t.m. ti«..
was Inuodaoed
So-1 to*I>L kS^Sllib^
to tok I Torn Martme of ll.e*a!^l»maD Breato'w'e'i*.' htlb'to*^uw^ ert: WiU BaifCy. Toa.e Eerjtaaoo. Iao appropriaU ouuu.-r Toewfay ji.
to: gttolr peirhe lAyaicunt Th. 'irtng amaeg L><«k tadiaraat a mmKay Blacibcro, Will
"111 LfCTenooii,
DcTendoif, Vk-,[dom.
«u- loom. ;if et.r, hat .o h ar.markarl. boy It aoabk to apeak'or -wwo acliea
brr of tbe Iribr
A gold riag firms
KbniDberger. Kseolaiidai
. .
__________ —................ .
.............lal-or aciera lylUMc mltea 11 ram.
b.t h/ her father aad motor, who
Car to obtartaaesol ArW Da? oa .
sllaj Dear Caat alrael. alalea tot bia; etaoUkdi propenir. dented troa. LYuiWia. itsev
'olby. Chariot Uibaoo. Artor Win.!
tarv bors
cm to tau- ‘a. hat.
Uti clear da.t* t^.p-rnkt imglith and aer* killed to . a raid by to t.'Ymto:''
..................... - vUh
........... „ Uigredk;________
ale. George Nord and Will Eroapa.
; to saefa an age
Both : iti-U.i.n. a;. It-oc'h nueuilf*^ior bit age. Boom
■rmra ago. baa omabliabed her tdeaiimoat r»fr..l.iiis of Oouertaloura. ... ■ TbetomwtD girea social dasc«: wcadsrfaUy iinaerTad. pb..;.- .>a. dor. i.oi Udlwr bio. at much at raw
otof t^i.tPd aoapetercocupoooded
hm atakto. bit power ol arucola
d. Edwatd Chmitoll.
la W liecooi)>aied?l
a lib it for prvaerf- :aeM Tbanday eraamg. mod tb.-Btem- weU at meaialle
The ftrat geoetal naaioo of EniKhu uo*>
at lie bat bad a fwoBuoaat
bcauliltlliglbetkili, ' bate ol (he kaam wUl appear la totr
roaoe' baaiseas ma9.'sa4 '
tsort^Um k^loetmmoulat at tbt grate.
, and will bo a»ecBted tbU alletaooo.
1 scalp, bai.
No otor for- MWtalu, which are erpoeiad tear- of Pytbise of to epper laai'ataU ■>' bey <umtoa hr diSeteot
teat doctm. Miaa
HvfcMWet. a Toaagmt
tuap, boa-mr rite April *3.
I born ia lialaad. : ThU will bs a ipleodid gill M to
wiUbe luld al ^ongbioo on Afgt; and allboagb they •;
laaiarcaliV drly
milb It
lib taU paimoia wbea . city, at eery oftea tbe Deed bat baaa
— '». aad 41 u lAme^ t« O.-reaMet kfoa: iroubl. tl,. r hate aa ret beaa
ke of the lei.le W'edneaday
.riam« of Lite toilet, halb
age. Wbea hs was PKwoaacod
Wbtn a peraoo meets: *«,»“ i*' '■“'I"Wbaraas. to odaaiy -hat aeee Ot
Viait Prom Famoua (aenartl.
make II aa aaasal'^er.'^
Tbe bull. Uapic M rriuet{r 11.
It combines io tine
e oermmonr Hr aad Mn. t'ampteU
Mr. old ka.raibec wilb an aceidaot sod basu U
it aeoeeaeoat- aiHiuur..r>. 'n.uA
toSMMaooart boateaad to prorkto
i.e Llic be<t tklo
1111KMU. Afirii 17 -ti.-oeral Ka place of Pytliiaauca waa in I be cgifei ll'tah hat adopted aBiartngly diaatir
It for Ohicago 00 tok ht»e<i>ooa. '
diid r
Ebtaiilg vUsb BIS aa otnamaat 10 to atolher
utoireji. .it Ihe Kr•ll^b army _ mho ooBDDy. aad cp tea abort iime ago lagulatioo mitb regard to toaaoco aad
•leiifalbrr moeed to tbs
: the toUoB a Urge saaihyr of toir
tUf m4 ooaat*. taidlBareal from
tbalanoe will bs o» eaU
Jgpfgletidaetx..l Ibeta.-lundeattd tom
tUXll^saad ablohvas
r mail iIk- morhl't

whIU bar
WLcootiu He
.kiu iKcp,. M>Id lu vt.
•»« a»«u*?s- l%«^r..Wad itord tom uc to
aboai |» '0B»b«ra
-mokf ha
ciedi/ed morU.
- a oUlited oreatmg
•ttU iiajJtog 00 III-Keweena/.-mnUt rB>[Wiaonm.;ol Icr a£y one under IS uaia. ^Thrgc oomlA'il most (attsabd
mat disl
■ i.' ihT.iugh th.-,aBU.
• yeara of age who
_______lie eama a• addadditlooal palu
Vbareat. we reooraKe to fael |
Bear Bay. bow called .Tbs gift will be islly a
V “
la *'br:i,.-rt of Odeiral Lat- • II plan! her |iOttceaion a cigaimOi'.
• wbUe
to qQ!aa
.„ g?bo7.
ing at bte trade, by the eoasoll aad peopfe g
;S»earlGsd.of pern >eed ibis spring. <uiy eibsr kind ol letoco. or aay «d dodgers wet« yawm-d ibrough to
iheaebarmra Ur
Tbe peas are CD be grurm anJet eon': cpiam
umin aaockKing : "Wute and Sd are
lag tote, le tSMl be wi
tried la
tato Stostas who kMw this plaes alisabetb O Oa(g>balI. by whom be
toast and it to espectsd mat sheui d-V
.V kind aci of Tboodore Andataea of •>«M. "
Tbe bnMl eaopto was
I Timas In Circaa
IntMaaaaiesobsd fotmst. bad earra leoe aad aos daagbtrr.
an ivsie wilt be. realised.
Kasuaj. Ba. learle ball a oealaryl comprllsd (n ride as tec as'Franktpn.
"WfessswA to state bas teoogolted Tbs daaahmr died lu inlasey.
OMasgo. April K.-Jatry, to Mg. 1 I'elUALc.. . Al»il
Howard City was inatsinicBVd ago lus bmagot him a legacy of aboat > ^*tooa of aereaty miles, ohatod
on of Judge ... .
I8M be was drafiad ieloibs ssirloaof saMot toblaok llgera I blagliof'eniai. i.i by>.
ba> lae'D twmlaalml
led as a aeeday aflrnioou. caaaed b.v a dug th.uJu Atur me eieii war. Aaderacm, ^ kageeber ime prlscsien
Al thaS poiat
Ualtaa Bmien ulaer.sdbisee
-w "
'loUaoau, ,r •'>ur'b ern Htaiurtu.m t'l
Brahen' maaageneal to 'JolUaat■‘■awlt^ IW UU oar Jadsmeat
UADipuian in the VlMed S' tes Nav I with tbe rabies. Beseial people were a oekwMl nun. was a-tob> r m Eaei i
■y autll to dor
lefi to train, weal to poUas
tot U sonnot be btitar obseieed
red toa
Academy ai AnnapuU*
^ I chamJ and had to mvk sheiier. but oa Use days ruasway slare Game
aad had ibe bnadaoCa
hr to ytsaitag al aalles trees
oi .
;n order.-1 u> f.-p.n lo Ihe snperUj
neeri. Tsara amd daring mat time waielooi : Bgbi with Tim, Jerry waa bam with binaiiun. cam.- to WaAbIngtoe. wad to i-en b-iii lor a ua
•NBAds by sotas ol tbeas idoueeri.
. luckily no oee way buku Aliertwo aadet hu ubtereaiioo aad be tolMed cal offwim a eblsel
Who hare U-« L-.n ' clary^ ed to and held dltfetaol ottoea o'| a bad aaMra and foend bis greataat • tnaaerviuk-miib Knoa. prupoeed ibai | “xto'bm-Jvoe id.
boiirs'ebaee tbe d<w was biully aboi the tagDire util Ibe atove became a; 'kaail Pallereoe. a ImwtafiUMaUMted by ClUag
------ be Bheris Coderbill
A mbolMak
man. Tbe alaee gas "OMrlvy " j <** <«aoiy. tod.. has appsaled toto
kiUlngot dogs u eaj-cted now aa It Uruaa.
Vbu Im disd be Uft bia'''OR’Ikle of BOckparr'asking Uwm to
1911100 at tra
haaapolaUdttMaiae g meaibmaf fa»ily_aow reahks. Mr. Uofmybsidi For to or Eiteoa mtoto it looked; log .he flndl declaloo of .he app^STln Wcllride
rrum U tbeaghi aerural degt wetr bitice.
, widow aboat tAUxu m teal salats m I brmcate boys who oaased him nmah
to hato aad oitisaas

°*Frank a. Loogmutr. rura'. wail car I Bastoo. By bu will, to property at 1 ambarrmssmaai
boy's time to IbU wwrid toe aupremr curt.
we of the
y««>c J leading out of ibis: ber d,am waa lo go 10 Autosea. bto *'c*co
buet .gill
tlmsjd hit Mato tbs (in-, ^as aboat an. Tim todsmd'nu hUhaakI "tfr ikiggt ma. pum.ulatly aax-; k y Gsllgghef of tola.-—
hod friend baloee to war. Fiiarch. and. while be wae eojuytag
cooclude an arrangemest bj m..,nu-r. of the Trirerac ^y
1 jerry-a aeok. u» in c«
aad bo
aarfermed for ti
a had
yeara Be was a maa ol
hia eara._ When. ». uem
; py biB.,c„ulil remaJD lu tuiu guo
ea aUlmsaud ■
. I* Ibe proferiy of W. <' juhnaui^/’jbe dereew. wbo liesa at JuoHos.K . J .' ■« to
U eapdoMd and
Ira teadlog. bad a •—i“bU ! Hke a ball dog. Jetty wngglad aod:mlib«unhe ilaager of having eonicini.t
BicupsM la tusk Ing a tbon deg watches lot the mall'mmgaieiery to to recuivs tbs ulale
caaaed a great ■
hi. » ' ' •‘‘tod aad apil and mllad, bol Tim i Pn-cHKlInw. ln.iliuk.0. He argued
lusiacus irlp to Kingsley loday.
day ud promptly rut am to CKrMi
A genuia. cowboy brWfast will be'•»'
; was tbeiu to stay lot lu had a loag
*>' “''i''
f**! *»■• ik'*
.c E. Wall left thU morning for a
11. take, to mall la bu wbam and .
aooa^U'e ^
*o«.-d m U
(•■a days’ viali at Alba. MIcb.
o me boaaa. The John brief emp at Hago, O0I-; 00 May A , *»«»« _*W to beea loa^ WM
^®«kataal«Uabeard aracaakadlcoadortlog^lhe buriaeae Vtbe rail
►>ed Frau l,. making.a biuiaesa trip
urn Arbor. AprU IS.
I to dgbl aad eMMod a bmiUm of Uda-1 rxuda and
0 SuDinii Cfiy lodav
Smokmen and eowboe, from all orer
1= Amlrnid. Pb;. to

____ ........





..w: sr."'

wnwo w- “is





_._____ ___ _nr:£;s..^r7i. s;s'»S's;, -......................


■ “ '6“



' I aoUcM aad


BtoMaa at a safe te

Is etoutki with to paaaaga of
to pay rati. Dr. U J. Tedmaa of ParsdUa was twdatsd paid for S2 aiUaa of
SkBasga Ma oUaeud to toU as to
masd tot be dewa sot Usral tot
fir ta aad b» TYamaim CRy. aad tbs
toWtoBi was eat Sows tros IS to "

______ to laal fou — --maiSsa touar wai takas,
tot be vaatad Us rota roeardtbal
SS aawrad talk of kartog Uto re­
fill as TeOag aa os tba.aap rail
sad to meiioa to adjosta. bat
1^ ibasgbt batter al H abd be
fcpsgH tito roUag.

*a«a ssesaad aad pat oa to pay isU
M toagbt toey bad baaa prsaaaL

—7— -Oead Wheat Crop.


The batwed bem baltad
pany peadlag ibc appeal.

Oae cd tbe tgrorable tactore ta tbe | aaterwaaled Beroely aad
faaUag of eoaSdasca oa abot tparks el Bra. ■ Tbs baby
tbe part uf to batlaesa ^orid U the phaat saiBglso ap madar bli neo
cuatiaaaace of to preasil proapority, •temblto like a iMf.wbUa to kaapar
aayi tbe Bvcalag Preaa. lor aa tadaS- stood by patting and sookblag to
alte period la lbs rspuit oa to eoa- IroabM motor aoUl ’to row was
HeaawbiU to aalmU maa
tllUos nt the wlatw mbsat crop. Ac- arei.
nmUag to ibe agrtealmimJ dopartmaai wars tadeatolag la separam to
the crop Ibrougbout to couatry aran MnggUag dears. This was BnaDy
agee a coadlUua uf P7.3 IWte It to de« by abawartng to two infartatad
bigbaat Agure eiar reported by tbe baMm^lbrnmr^^^
dspanmeai at thhi date, asd
larga-erop. The ana town to
alater wbaat this saasoa axeaeda tot
of last by two milUah acm. With
Bgtra ter a basis, to depart■aai compataa a atop of
bushels, oomparad wltb aa aeUml bar­
est last year at lll,nd.W< batols.
These ihJlMHMioai of a crop yet
b be harreclsd eaaaot. uf course, be
Aid to be ta aay aMct eeasa otaei.
bat la a geDatal way U preaagai a
beary yMd. AKbough acreral moaUu
laiorrme befaco tba Wrest, it li sal
batlered tot aohdlUuas will Wtwl-

Be^tte Paaase Dame Law.

------ X.—.'-.-----------------------------

Euury Houdv l.-n today fur a bindncss trip that mill Include Muloh.
JammEIUoi. aged 13. waa fennd
I'adlilao ud Grud UAptda.
wHb a ballet monud m hi, bead al his
George Fayco a-«t lo Kalkaska oa borne af Taicaraok
K- u uom at Ibe
Ibe earl.v momlcg irals os a business
Lake Snperior geten.1 Uos^iut. Tbe
8 A Keyes and aife of “Tbe Clom ballet to tera leeaud In i l.. tore of
ers’ of Omcoa are in ibo rile today.
me bram and .light noi.-s for tecor0 B. Kcbl of Sortbpofi « a Trav ary are aatormiued. U 11 ~ t kUOWB
er.e Cfl.v vl'sllor lodaj
%v A Wyman and' mife of Buttons
Bav look dinner ai Park Placv lod«.v
A ramacaable caee of pelioeing aad,
Arthur DeVal
eaba>i|acnt diaifa is reported in tbs
'laratUa that
g pleasure aad family of Pad Jsrdo living oc< In
tbe guvemi
01 intold lo Ibe rit, lodav cv
bring further
sera business
tbe coaitry. norihwimt of Lvi>vr
boon represenied
B. t'. Bielmet of Suiiuus
Jardo and bit son went to tie moods
polgather room. Mi>, Jardo did not
ill go to amaah Inj lUaa Uaia Funaota west wMaau-l
liks the lasle of those collrrb.1. and
he all
Jardo mid u bet ‘'Oook mem lor
y of the
.Mrs. Odb. Dagprolamed from Me
s puelUve 'Nu.' Tbe lam ss litierpivled by. the circuit coan must be ea.
forced. MDch dlssppuloiod al the fall^
are ol bU mtosioa. Mr
Origgs re,
(urtied lo -New York.
“Various eturu bate bees made by
.\em York laancleru 10 Induce Alter09 Oeni
Oeneral Kaos to decide a policy
ss toTui'
Most urgent,
imuet frantic



pam. Tbe brmkfaatwUI b.-epraad
“ “
ai.«dUa were mkeo oat
o« comboy faataioa with to"abuok;“
all to tsMol IhenaraD-emsaha
am^I^afwir^ did ool like »o go 10 mto-xd and aaoa

nsxdlM lam bm,
abeemsmto mtoroaafJtdto
mrfi coal Willirh Uberat draptwd
coal W.mrb 01^ d^^ • grto .aoaor«u».v from dalo. so.
chunk on bu f.wt
loot Tbe lamp
- ...ain, ,
broke ■
. . —to susl bubody UlM hudcolb.
to no.HIM mlgee tou romrwto^^,.
nil V lathicker. The marking, are P~l—,g„ml a toAn. ooomi.
one yeL
ifmrae arm iBierfarwl wim.
mlBetalUi-| uaadlsa la ‘------------ ni'i fsralalisg

Uenry Brtodmg. U yaari aid.
Soor.Imke. TcA.
a gas waU
Bride last sigbi,
sigbl. acoompaai^ by her
| *^ »«a«U7
mkaa tick. Ssreral daciori v«ic aam- to oihar day aa^
P>f~>ll7as, ateoe. 'Mlm Julia k.wi.a.w
...lie Crvek, Mich.. .April 1
maned, bat tbe toy died. Tbe fatbit. ptayulalsd when takea oai. Ooeioru
leas of me
Whipple, wbo ie orar 108
Ellon O. White, tbe prophetea
It is IbaagbL cifcot reoorer.
worked user him far two boars aad
Adreottota. todecreed! years old. walbod m tbe diy tola
Fmriag tbal V. iroo haad of tbe
mat to Kbetew aad HerdJd ottca. rocantly destroyed by Are. ahaU aot bo
emr woaU nneit oni after him if fc. •‘“"' •«« be ml ap and bann to
Clarwor) Bulsa, who 1
rebuilt la BalUe Creek and that tbe
did DM do so. Boloasou Katturt. a “U •»* '»
!«•« ‘a time
' 'ling bushieas and bcadaaarters
Fuia wbo to been la ih- V'oiteJ *0 eampe being bartad allr,.
ivaoBlnaUun must be reoiovad
Blame aboai a year, to gone back 10
Tbe Eanms City Joetnalmya:"Ttaa
to someplace oo Ue AtlacUc coast.
ally ebaage. it to a tact tbal tot tee
The uScet and bCadguanera have'
Fmlaad lo eerre bu n 'leired term in woauo memben hare hit apenla narreported coadlUea oa tag of daake In to uaatom part of bcca luealad here Juai W yearn. Sbe
to Buaalaa army . He bas Heed is al plan u raise mooey for tbe aopport
April 1 bat baaa a leltoble, ladlopUoci to ttatk Tbe law M amended glrae say» ihe worst (blog that could be 1
fMamei alaee be eanie to ibis ooestry of a rdtal eburen w aectberti Mtaoeaof to batYoM.Aad ealaas t^e vaator
•atagama waidsa aatbariiy. ap- doae would be to rebaUhUg of ibe
andcxpaetale flare tore wbea his' n
They derou to ihu parpeoa all
riiy. The imrd has SSfW,”’
NWOM pow add July lyaslraotdl.
u paymaat el HQ. to lei ladlrtda- |^h_„
mis U> a vlsUx
- ■ I! I
term at tarrioe u Ih- army of ibe the eggs their bens lay oa Sasto-"
kiUy iBsaasoniMa to preaast rw aU owalog tanda or mtobareot oluU-'^,. ford^
eoar is arm.
Mus Carrie Uedbacg bold, to taalin may be ralM aptm as a lak la- Wke maiatain gaam raaervat ta^ toUlBce bas been 4
BeeiioB mea disourered (he dead, 1100 of boasaksapar ai to Latoraa
ttoto, to top aarmlb imna of tbyirj't"- sain lasu-ad
body of Dan Sbloe. a woodamaa. ly -; ir wedub mi
Wbatber to barroaUng of so toige
•e to toir trleada aouldt of to
lag aa the tracU Dear the Qiaod Bap
aad. aimeagh to to
env bare wltb ordtory barratts
Ids dk lodiam depot at KallttiAa «ed from her binb, oa.
abroad wiu Jastlfy as aRampt to toU
Bi-aday meroiag
II 1, wppoeod that of beiag to moat
and:arBig OU Fire,
to priiisi lass) of prieaa to a
BhiM cried (o board a train to ibe
utkkB tor tbe ezgeris- Tbe site of
at, Taaas^pM U.—1
Bight While tatoxtcaled Tbe tail ton
tbe wrtag wbeai crop
me I ilm. While upholds Dr. Kellogg and '
was cat og aad atrssal deep gashes biblloal
be catootoUaaa. aad aa to tkal Baaumonl oU Aeldt Ic
Bhue had tu. Hi was t
uaawBa thfonMUom Tha|2^
1 b.M
. Ip,^. for ..,^1 d.,a
•kaai yield.
iMd. boweear,
jh, Hogg fimayns lyndllit u by s T»roe. ncsirm l ©I (
■aoetal baal-;we land vwe iv^ away, only »
a^fmriy wSo Ad?ro ;
l; Tcusre l«l.i-.g V5U ,
Usis In mu city.
ir.iiukebTUkmgDi K.!r*. s
M. the n«s. l.«nx,, .rj
busheU of grain mllkmaka NadH "
AaalMBi m B
gtmi nuny mma
„ |al eaa^iici
WeymoMh. April 17.—While prepar-' ii.j' r'-.E m pi^^^b.’s
aUo. to larm ytoM maans <
tlderable. Wheat U a cash predaeC!
10 many saoilgH U me sspecMlj
predaci ruUad ae Nto.. A latga mag'
:OUO*«B^ will
completely di
ower prleae may be Jusl as preBt-!
derlole-.-icvo: theoiosf chsir©saiT.g r-sses. | mUto will ea
aad other rii
for to tarmw aa a moddrws'
Smsior-Roei Is pkitrsnl lo late sod so.l I ciso' wiUi laaaai
to^^inm mew
bar et hoot from tome to two to be
killed bTaay oae pamoa la a maaon.
praraati to mle af vaalaeB aad limlit to aambar of qaall to ISO, sod to
aambar ef partridge to Ml tot may bs
» la to pnymmtan at cne p«to
at any ewa time. HaBMas tram oap
lads to smm may tab. eaa dew home
with ttmm.

Oftoared to


to oaly ligbl thme waa tar to an.
aoal Jlnaat of to Ttatemaw eUb
H.w York. sM to mm was dacwtalad with coBa. akall and erdwban,. Tblrteee lablea wim M eoimsn
an oaeb. AIM to ditoeg haU



to sam assw-tm
■astiS h, cwwsmu
hewssumdieadA ,«s

nmnUtoTi^s™ amiXpsm Yssh.





■atau'aaBri&ardl Mat Oo koU
ttsatoaafaaaatrBM* ■auaefsaa

* • rtLsas“ia

H tar tarmara, a Urge vhaM;

_ ,______________s fttoBs of aU
■ kaaw Urn. ad toir aaaabar «m

bctiar «ra^ aM
■ Aaror than many m call
I ad faoGT-braadA

tosUa pNi top baaaltfal aad
pnadmai BmMm hi* wlft alx anas
■rira blaw Baarp Demy aad



to eiw. a ImBAsame and Bmily:

price k ndl to ba cam,
pared wbhUmiagMiity.

li^li^KIDNEY aod


K£r?.';r:-“' ■'?

00 board to yaeht. e
down ----------• •
k>st oeerboard. The yacht coroiyanda boMilHat'
:«iii be rvAned at oeee wUh same' what bearler spars.
Glasgum. April V
vstatsd that Us Sba


IvUI apply 10 hare to date for to
races for Uc Amerkah cap pot bam.
News of the acetdml to to Bbtorock
111 mas telegTaphsd to Klag Bdward.


i Knrr

^ toaa
At Ml
mM aieOB guard al to tmliaa earhe-


One Month Free!

^ - j m,a-ii > bw. .sme sssw ^mrarnml WMMiros




rieal eharah from bnmklng
dsera and eanylag away to image cf
tbs Dime. Swamp-Row. Dr. Klimei's
famoaa mial
&WB9-ROOI. and Ue address. Bugtumioo.

KllmcrY Bvamp-SaoL aad to ad;BarrerdUiafarmlahahototcahdJ-i^^^^.^^ ,
dreoa. HUghamwu, K T. im
dam ter a peamaa M a foreign oaon , ** ^ ** ***


aad WB



The Only Liniment That Has Held The Farmers’ Faith For Two Generations


e cooked atop ADd broWBeto A


Hdrtog AecAred tbp
tocided tow you wieled li BAde.
___ wry d<r tui >■ to
U fob pH A gdU pAtierB to pot R by. foltow
CMt etotoa but sm cuifbowd » ■ 4>'- tbe dlrdcUcAB, AAd tl- ti to tto figure
4o IbM. lb*«
Tb»r» »M 4»T» ‘ cAreilully. Tto lAae bAller* will AAe
wa fa Any Auaber ^ wktoti. Tbe
And «bMrr«y your bud
eCect deptod* upoo ijie perfatka «d
lu II «Ub Bood dwer AUd
fit AAd Ibe WAT Ibe pak to fiAlebed.
____ _
Wurry to W« tard*f ib
AAd it to bA«a lo bmre ihra waIau
A ueulbk vrilcr bw Ihto
« AAilrely AblUtAeiory ihAA
gu Ihto «ub)Mt:
doMAlbAt Are^ AA I
Me «uM vbr-^ ut
AUAlUy. ThA oew -WAtotA
___e Bor BB oterwerted an
htf body m <e(ced Ibe put mHw yokto. but BABy of l^ea a
taekk »s eoek aU
do f>c«n> All her ««* hooa ctaAB
the l4'k. Tbe f
I Sbr dlicurerud by erluAl experl
. lafcnl lo yoke deAlh. Aud Ifa.
i«i ihAi tvu b»ur>' eaersvitr
palluBi Alkaed «> hong
eulAr' l«U» P* ito> »A» All thA



few mlBUlet with ibe dulck ovdo.
ibry dABBAd. They are beked
) to AboBl four toAtollBMOtt.
Ibe finibetogtceehfroBitbe oreA aa
.<-«t> AAd ooker.- am Aurred. tbe
bAklBg g>dBg OB vUle tbe (nil coBrue
to Ib prugresA. A aeeoBd pAA
)u,l todore I hr firdt comee owl. IheB
le third AUd fourth, AAd with tbto
ABAgrUeut they gro brought to pip
« but.
Tbae to A dltaeocu to the whole
jouDai u( blAcullA-niHed.

Did yoato

■ atid I which Abe aru a Beaber.
larowad Ibe gtarr tod by ibelr Maebec.!
miBSAtbar Al
oaueet of lUyi
lUyfloven oe the

ir lllileebUd w tb wide, k

"W& MiDTiiiEii
evi weruMwi Utter C—ecrelM Pe-rMe.)

tMAa. TtoeA«
away aad ton what beloaged to aaitb
of dear Vera Ptorl to aleep atooe
But tbe teal Verm to aol ibweL 5oBe
day Abe will bmi abaIa all wbo lored

ruukod In tbto WB>'. Tbrrc to Bot, to­ It FlABDlBg 10 give At A AH
l.i-r AO ken. mod lAa aad lather AAd
ld Ibea. tbe todjceAllble
—-------------------------- Aurpruv
■uoti^i will IMC. tbric OAiluia gltl
i.lMe rarteiy with'Bf plaultoiga tree IbAt ahAll
aud while aldea Thetr'
twrard lire aklea
lH-(Lg tmall aud •. poran-d la ib© pau Aad oar Uome la lit brayobAa abaU
'"»» »«Ag at hot
A much bot ortop ouUlde- With!
le. Irmrwlofwblol, wrtoldToa

MAT. wUboui euBerlui benelf.
HoAt of the Aew (ibrlo. will wmrb good butter they Beit la your mouth •'l‘iu anre.' Bid h'ltiuale.- 'tUaklad
Add adirtdiy tfTlM AAfertBd to ber
i CArHnl with
BAiito lyrup and you hate a;
Iblsg lo do.
Beat oramBa. ooot Ihlnh cvl b-at lo
rABlIy. Mbd Ibe bMa A em«f •«* beAUltfuIly If uoe
i De yos irally tbtak aarb good uewt'
the toab.
. vould bAve eeaMd rUMto tbea. Ultorolatoiula. pntAlUile bruAkfael fit (or a Ueg
aaa ba troer'
Pn 1 aball out >n-tia dark tha-lowa
iBgAf of IcAd to B k^loB of WAter ‘Uai-wbo ba> aevor'managea bgr b»i

lad let the WAtot A4k to It bAU BB

"Tbryareall plaaiuig t
Ibe .llireresre It oi^.-a la Ibelr dlgeeaba cvk>r|.
■ llilllty at well a* ibelr luolhauBie
Kur JtaUA willcarty u>e
tBDd luag to WBla. and lye
bark U. the i}lolhr.«jtf©d -ptuK
Jiv... ebA wleely tiled ber burdeu
Y.B'Ilkcow whereto
dbtre oDo-fuurtb o( fi pousd c
relation' — Wba' to, Itoi
Ibe beck IbAi »b* lo bdbr H A «»
Sprod tar ovatbead. "
paiw. ii> (u atea.
WAter, add p lableMiooslul of borax
Ule to Ibe tseel IbiBS to I
— Do run kiMW Vby they plant IbaB* Thoaeb e ery (ouil U. ;
d boU udUI Ibe AMP >• filAAOIred.
Tr, Tfitip.
-Id vbee beeuTAIely AdApted tolbe
MR*. M.C-C.*ATBS.MIt«r.
It leeBu a amage tbtag.
labed be m»a,
n Htrvlleni ad betc (AmngiBatvbaaevrrtbe 1 blae are toU»g Yoa'll toUow a.- ta
Blybl AAAB thAt tbto VpaAA'A blag R OB tbe goodA. ' II you have colr..r iiert,.u. beAdarbe.- wiu aa of A]*icg
*A»lA- Metfier.
are likely Id fade, wwh oar ,ap.ii-n.--------- GtoADtUA drAOdd lAAuBAiAbly.
I'hvAlral culiur-, -to the ftv iiin» ^iiia’
•act a bruv-b lor Whrrv Algh> are n
A (Anar a< lA hto euy cbAir,
a Uae. chMgtof tbe
■ imi-l. a. I u( aalklog I-ackaard. Ju>t
wtwry el..-* tetl
a awing—
SMMn Ibe tre ADd ibA lAapUcbl * but Alibougb 'll look longer IhAA la
Muld be luto-wara, am
UAI. the rttel Aeior to lU mcrompltob-..iiii tltm- 1( »i>u lu«e aB) doubt Back aad foMb ar w
C under )-„ ^uii.g tu live
1 I’
: liai<- >ot to meet the per
aent gre* lo eajoy I' »o ““rb Ibit ■A they kwk dtogy > Rina through
Mil (Ade u«* roddy ADd (uU A«d (aIt.
walera, hATlag the aerond alight
•he pAfled from II Alaoet vlth rd
u lio illda’l aekuoaledge
|a.t (or,i ,1
We kuow they plat t
e amaJI bort
.loe. Prepare alirob b) atlrrlag
ce dbe grew AtTMiger by tbe
NuIkmI) Uu a> yet
iwiiigit.g. doa’t JOB-,
baU A cupful at lumpjiAtorrh
>■, fur AireDgih to gAloei
. v.lUi:*bet. ^leaii do u
CoRMd Ibe Ubcb oI a pMure booh.
waiw, pour bulllag WAter
pmroaa aboulii briagwurh Bat A dear little bey leekbd
recutor exerrta. kept etrlelly wUblB
d©Alh or---* lilt «Ke. ae pride al bto hoae Add
I to Ibe proper cubaI '
dial llBlutloA*. 11 to OAly tbe
©. riaia relief. I>h«alclaai gay that H ABdbemld -nigTowaii ad |.lui TT»‘b<to •• H
»»that beutilnl!
- hnn.
AlAw»d vbo ere vlUlag a akbe
probably beeauie tbe retlel aetloo
DikAd Ud UVAhA Md BAd to Plata!
bute Alowiy. Hud ebe Aung bereell Abd UBIU cool ataijch
body brlnga a . rellek artluu
ulanl applraud ueoMieAUd cber-1
aad bAAg II la It^ i
tbe Aotk lA A lory of ACblAve
■ he bralu, aud tbaa drllpi away
rtsa ud plama
beiart o( wil.l Bo
able ADd Ateeped the '
ibki .ubAlded dbAt Bight fell. ut tbe pulttrtoed bta
u liaiu that wbea ladured by uere.
tta ni at«ayi bare idaiy M
«-»itodtij, iweMly. AtlAAliy.
aler AAd Add a UU^ ]powdered ba^
„ chalAA
1 ***‘
itorlicalatlv larg. and beaulital
TM ADd toeAiy ADd «eAk ADd tbiAl,
be work gulag (uraard Uon'l y I know how
.. Borro*. AbA antt runABIy
B >1 pot tor lb; world ud all of It. |
ite W.jOuwer. .eut hr oar San
libA bore ber i/toto vUbeut gobMaIdI.
bAelknowArtrn.-LCABadia(ainilie.lBCABada. 1
rae the
PAM fW her AkfABM will
lb© (ce.Ilhg
•.bine glrlA. Umypir anil H.-taiettinet:dbe ABAy AAOtber bOMAbeld aaIdI,
aM«iilelBfCo..ol fuluinhUA,Oblo,»heiiA.rAi
.. .. AlekBUAi. bMldM kueplAg
that elefyUllog ta
util to U-lng
rtoAliAl. AD AAlteb bUu AbOTA,
■I Be ta idaut uy tree that HM.
»tood UMPerf cJ<«re€f tip. ay-4<fd*fJoR^Mr. MV
piece of baewag tl
boBAAbold AAAoalartAblA to Ibe mi
pu»b>Ml (uraard? >
A tbe paUaai atAtotry ot tore.
*n4 firerf AHfbd «*«•
by tbe ipeeuiile of ber eb
gill to A-alk barliwafd. huvet.-r, there
---------------lively c.meio,|J^^«^^/j:;„^^^^„Byrt™,^ ltrio4ll
iBA ADd preueeupted fACe."
rutoea a fevtlug of e>erylblag being
waUlA are Iroaed. do >001 haag
n.-ter»M. and tbto la (olluwi-d


•Ij ,
y- :
]i. ■




'ThAAd'A lAUA lo rAtoe.


Mt-reft to

pdrA* At ibOTA AboAldeoBA A r*t*y dby.
T«mU bd Mlihu bAAdy. fa bA*m*
to AAy,
- r hAre AuaplhiA- pAl by. Wet
MAAt did.
.U' Ibdre-A tuAerAl Ml^ aa* gnteAtBAA a buy.
abWMh to AAAap A BAA. pAlty Alfh.
3Mda thae-i Bdnrd Add OWi AAd

dp V 1 WAA yoA ni lAll yoB •

rd bd AArtA’ at voad •$ dTAT I opaU:
•Mn tre 4oet da Aty (ood:
I’d bd AATto' of ee«, aa' aaUb' et Ud.
^ ru up eaod epAdldA <aw Ia a

•a booka la a clowt. Soei a few coat lli-f. Tbe pell.f to alwaji nnein. mad
’-totel'A tbe UM of worryiAg.
'ft^Aiigefu Auch AA are^oaed fur aalia, Kvnorally' >pe<-d>'. Teu inloi
or biurylBg.
ead of tbe iaoj
loagMi.t have ever lound no€'e»»ary ..
*Ad eeurrylag.
e. aad baag I
Brerybody lurtylBg. •
An entry, or a long, Dim.w
And brAAklBg up tbeir rueiT
Biakes the Iml plarp (or xurb ■
Per the CMMrea.
Wbea every oee to lAuebUig tie.
•'Dade Vuu nhould Vglk very aluwly.
PfAytog AAd LMBuehlBg ui.
iettlag tbi- ball ul
tael that la^y
To eeltle dowp AAd ebd Ibe f«
Ural, and then tbe heel—Jiial lb©
or two low ebalr
Ptor pulet Vkye ere beel.
MW Ublee trlU be toafid. Vet cblldtea. way, tu (act, tbat'unc la tbieiry abuuld
forward, but abkb In prarllce
Tbd fAlA tbAt irteklM down Ib Bbot
iDiUb^ It A
rarely done.'
leogib of tlae on ehaia


TbA gAA\)d idpbyn gAlber Ap.
Tbdrdto rua to tbe tdapdelto pAtb:
Tberd'e rtito to tbA rolee id vntb:
Abd tbdy AiUA ATA bldAt
o Aurly leAI* to dOMlAAU

Ibelr feH do act reoci the floor, and
labtoe arc eo Bpeb enjoyed by
Ibem tbai oa» prorlfied, Ibe laetber
wonder bow they were ever alI to be laeUag. Another help,
particularly If tbe Buipery to -tbe alt. OOB or BADBia'fi RUB Al Well,
ta to aobaUbaa BAOMAAry. to tbe toy.
bAAkeC Tbto BBT iM A large rouad
baaket. wUb a ilout bfiadre Rreteblng
from oaa alda over lo tbe other, tad
Into U go tbe ktoae ptoytklnga ot'tbe
rbltdica vbM not le geritee. It-will
pBBd aaiy to keep order la the
room If tblaeoBBOorooepUele touted
ud ihoagb It May be bniigbi out
Id dhrad lata a duaa tUaea a day.
icadily raeoltfA Ito para agala, and
to lined tats a eloaet 411 the aekt de
tor tl by tbe
e ^U
mi jyoung

I'd bd mb* bPAilB' rd M«eA AA' tdA.
rur iUAAr to blsb.
AbAut ftaby. . •Aler to Mad AAoAib tor Md.
,'d bA^btod A- <iAi«M About ay eld'tA. U lie hAby to lo grow Bp A haARhy.
4«d kak (Ml dkAip ko* tkd MAwy tturdy IIUlA BAB do aol. AAyi
AAkkHie Holba. eaddto bla AAy
UtoB you cat balp. It’i bard a
-lova Ua to dAAIb.- bat aaroly. tbe
A aotber cab raairlei bdr own
nv AMI aC tkA bAM ed tba dkddAd AAd
aM«gh lapBlaea If aba kaowa ibai It
' ■ kBRAy.’
^ to Ai food, Algh AbOAl. to tofortkegeodotber bAby. tbe ooa
lAAdA tbai Ibe fact of A ilsa bAby.
To irmt Dry TaliA UiwA.
vbo hAA bay Aort of food At All batog
Ui AA40 IbA nrppt yAu tcaM
bAAllby while bto little waAllby
I «MA «d AAA BAbd tbd OU MM 4a;
VlAber AA* AAVir MA- bnUarla Aoae Arebia boae to ptny
elicAU to dae vbotly to the Cart
ikAl the ilna bAby la toft U> work
AM Ua owa AAlralka aad to Bettor
Id. vUto the vAAltby bAby
roAto bdtur *dt rid tok •»* BRd
kUlAd «itb UadbAAA. tbA AAyi ibai
kltlAb WbAB R to BABM AbOBl I
WbAt do OMy kMV akovt *0
lovtat bAlv BABAUy dlw MCMr
or. MoAt Botbere vosld i
tbe iBpatalhatbAl knUAAtoAd MlhlM with tbA Ina.^ Too will tad a Asootb.
bAd Aaytbtai to cobbob.
Bat tbto gtoeiy larlaco aot ikdMlAd Ava by
a*AM aHtodd AAd wttoied
tbai foiiad la taeg eprlRklAd Uaou.
MOCter boldly doMAm tbAi wbAi
StoTlA A eenoT to a iw.
Tbto MAtbod lA-flaifior All eokirod
good tor MM to good tor tba olb
nty BAV tkt paUam MoUer «d
nbrnidarlM It to blAt of dour
tbAi m
Oa maabIbai iriAAto to AAd frei
ua Ubm bAdore U-to gulla dry, but
•ntr did IbAt bAT tora ww btAt AAd
•Albla U tiB o
lir la AOM AOft, WATB BATI
Htr MMpia Cfv AAd bar ebAAke
UOB. tbA hAA AA Old BAltMAA Ud dolltoA ta i^bov atlki are dried,
be IroAed by ^ dry ptooaai
• TtoV M« tbe «Mf«r a( Up Aid dhto: Which AbA OOTATA «Ub A ««Ut ARd (bay say
......... .....
I '
ber* bAby May (rtdie Abd wo Bad
Aai IbM *W> g AAfMU be dAA



tkt pPAAgA^ (niiAM brotb-

-*9^ lABl Ad «MlA' «BOd AAd He
A# Uii AAd Atwr. AU tbA VbUAl.
yoA uonr tAlk at aAIa' ma

r. .y.........


TtoAi to A dDod dAy to *bkb you
BAtoktog be« liuto U tMtee to
MAbd BAA bAppy FaM ibAt IbA
dgy to wmeud to «btob m hATd
AM ABAWAded to tbto -T. DdWKt

AAd hBTA B IplABfilfareAd
AU by blBAAlf. Ud AAyi tbAI >
or totur A bAby biiaI TbUSA tbAl
R the bettAT tor both aotbM AAd hto
MBlI aalAHy. TbA ebUd eboAM be
lAAfbt to be sAir«B«etoAt Bad ibe de
•lANA tbai Abe to.. BAM dtotMAAAd al
A baby d«ilrlM to be CArrled tbaa ebe
i be AACkA bto IbuabA. The tMt

AM to BBddto Ua mtto *•
ctoAA AAd to raU aboat i
bto AlIgblAAl whkB. bat
a 04 A bli

TbABA to tbA dwu of MruABOBA
llt^ toe tbA bOBoewUe ABd tbd BKb
or. Tbd AlAtor to over BAd gaAA Tbe
Mb MM BP bigbdr.dAy by dpy AAd
bAAldAi U tbe aerAtog etod ItogitB ai
*I|M. acndtoA All dAfti AmerA with
bragtog with boU rtUM doAl
•Ad^M AAd dtoordAT. tto dkh

tired they oaa hardly ba Borad
*UI Atoap Al Aifbl AAd VBhA
dtotoled AAd aoclAi wbBA Bothar

to ABPb to dA AAd tbAl 4M^. (a Oa
.-petog dgye wIII.aoa aU# Mniy «Hh

aigbi by bulag maUam. aaruAB
todlAble. Tbto TATT VtAA IRUa
ay Atoe AAM ibAi a tkm to BAA tblAg
Butber BBAt toan It to tbe toaportTbAAA AM bkA 4^ toe: AAAA of wBlar la a babrBdtot.
Abw tbd bAlptll VOAMA WbB glMA BUAI hdTA A driAh eeAfT AO uftAB, BAR
AM tgr «ByA-A «M» to «twA df Ibe If he bAA AM be etiten toet like a
growBwp troB IblTAt U bA to MBlAB Al Aigbt VbAA All tbwa tblAM
ABdMto^ 1«ftto
ba*A beaa otAArTAd IbAB tbAM to A
A tbe »l4 «Mtd gfUA di
dmer CAAAA bAAABAA Mam to Al $ooA
I tor tor
•1^ AAd Al WMcoBA to bA^. AAd
does BOt llATA U tbA

«r AA tbero U Aayaa i
0M**tW to lAtob Ad tbe todvtubto
.40 tt rOAbAMAg WbAA WMAial bOAA
■ AM MMMa AAd dlnlAMI AdrvdA
kM, 4R« Wa A bd* rdTAAge
tbtoto AMtb —
'MMitPAABtotor.ibAB tobi


m. NArthonj I
FCw bortbeni boue kaepen Iso*
aaVthl0 aboBt bet WocbIU They
ihlak Ibay do. bat tbag are boBAAlly
BtoiAha. (Aad I vlAh to Add 10 tbto
ulk AUtaBUI IhAl I kaop
roof I AMrB. bavlRg ipeal oneof By We iB the peuth. ud the
oUwr half la the mort^. Wbat tbey
bare la plaoi of tbe gattoM arllclA
re WATB or laiMvarB blacBtU. tbu
bich few iblagi are iw appHlilu
Tbe bot btocBR'to a koutbem prod-H. it to

of toll, wtlh eooagb floor u awke a
lb totter ttol will roe from Ibe
aidlded fpooe. ud yoer wUb to
grute,l Uio a perforated toilet apou
Mbmllbe lagttdleuiA tagtibn. ud
toke OA a bet griddle, broAbcd with
treib batter or gooo beet ean flerrr
wllb 0 wbiB Ajru|i flavored wilb ptoe
» BOAl deliclPai o( dargbaato
havu ibvir learM In a oapfnl al need
polAloea, oae egg. •me and A (oorth
mpfele of gruBUted eogat, on. ta
bltapoonral of eoar oroam. thick, fioUb alllBg klieoAp wltfa (reMi ballrrIbes add Alll uoUiei cupfal of
the bnliermilk, a lutel imtpo^al of
BoUteued ta watar ud icoised
in tbe Bilk, half AtaAapooafal of aaIi.
■A wllb ABlmm, BAOe ud olnuWrj Is aataklsg boLlard.
potoMAA give ItgbBieAa, prevul ilium
mklDg (Bt ud knap them-molyt ud
Would yon luaka cooklaa Bi for Iba
lOM parUealu of ©pleareA.'- Tbu
sake mta of the foltavlag fornila
To four eapfato of gruoAlMd at
r. kail a oapfal of BOftaaad batter,
twoud OAA-foartb oaptoU of Ibtek,
erAaiB.'lwe ogge. AWo laval imipoenfoU of Aoto and a Buineal
mlt. Add A OBpfsl of rteml poatOM ud
bml Mill with A toucr epeu. Ptaror
with lAtocn.oc orange ud Add A oapfal of chopped AAl-auAto. If dealred.
^1 cofi ud kaka ia a qmtak ovaa.
poiAMaa are ricod by pa Bing
IhroogbA rtaar ir rAgeUbto preia
tbeegh bait to oae wbu fraably cook
ad and etlll warm, kbay nmy to a^•d

“Ad.-r n*ine v-»ut vr..ndeitol Perooa
• at- - -- -0
H—" •*■**“
U I'r.
vrt-e ni-uiili-1 have had gleet rrlUf.
(ullAlalemri 1 of y.Mt................ .........
baplroied V glTeyoabtoTAltBbtoad*


"tST-r.. ...


Sundny. on btoiter <tay. I will bejlloidog
tbto in print 1 WlU
ute«D yea«.
reanolil the iftb of April. :olnr
rll good bj.
> tralr.
One of jenr
ge It
Uoto Koch ;
Aara Pearl Mar
Hnyfleld. kiteh., Apnin. IMA
Duu Ura Balee-l will wriB a few
Along All ngbi
there WAT., :onl;


Teeterday oar beya ud gtoli reBCBlwr tbst
.Bake AOtwblae or clmdA la Ito boam.

™ ... <.U», ,l.U,o. ,b,«
HsjfleldBlIletplaelon Beba.beeu,
.WAlklM to ctutabm ovtw btoboch
Pleam imd Be Ibe plo
I cheery "Good BORilBg " Tbm Itom
ll will aoea be my elaae Ubiu.
are erTondt M do ArtlllnBly. fl
You friend.
gatbrr lo AuriBtoA mamaB m'gtaBfi,
Lloyd Minhall.
me. Ob VM will And BUy urujr* to
Oruil, Hleb April :
Bake AADAbtae If yoa only try.
r—At i have Bot wriiieu
M Iba BsatblBt OlobTora Img Iib©
will writ* BOW. It hat lH«n lord
wevHer for Ibe little SoBAbluara We j plMw” fee tbe flret UBe Is iMool,
(oasd .oew alee kUjflovrerA tbe olbar ;ud to ttow. kbal old tlBe (avorita:
iliy and 1 thlok tlwie an going ta ho
Twinkle. Iwtaklr, imic etu.
leu of ttoa. Will ya ptoaao eud bo I . How I wudu wont ym uel
yoar Poaltry
1. Hu
t-UUrraHHr Ai
epook it baian tto
•oboel be WBf to okclled U
fallitr Who maAk.bava ibo .ad act tao ud card ud wa. eery mueh bey'a loMerAfrotolbe (at og wn
the lellowiBg fuay 1
ptoaard My aiiter u-fl I bare aigbl
broken ta him.
> to UbI Uttta tick girl. Kalto wude:
Tbit vrsA oA-WedsAAilBy Borslag.
cblokeaa My heolber hic two born Bsodtoy. bat tave ul btard frem
TvrlBkla. twlnkta Btlto MU,
Yoa mn fuoy bow ber ecboolBOl ud two eelw
Bow yen wondw wUl I ami
torjok.lwUl to glad wbes lebeel
felt wbeu tbey gubered at echool ud
-UwtotoB Jennal
baglBj BfAls. ■ 1 AB iwelvA yaart old.
Your taving Unto Suibine grl.
were told tbe lOTTUwlal ttory ud
H^c Hellr Oraln.
Aobool ww al ooee dlamliae.1 for the ■ Travanr City. U A . April l». 1»<*.
raaotader of the week. Uo Prtday
Deu Mra BaIu-W thagbt I 1
ABBT friaad. galbered at Ito cbarch write a lew Ilnee 4e job i weald
Ibry tboBld look lor tbo Uat like to Join the BnaAblev dob. Will
00 Hu- face Ibay bad knowu
yon plCAce aead me> card ud b«
long ud well 4lg llitlc^to dreaaad I bare a brotber ud uo tlHer
In wblle were |l>a pall bearerm. Tbey brotber't nasa to Willto ; be wi
were all Suohlse gtrli ud they were yeu old Ibe tlH of bebruary I live
1«U ud Iran Use. Katie HeOllI. :u a farm ecalb of-town 1 will dot,
Lmn Updjkc, Blto Hot ud ttaruade Bv letter for tbto ilBc.
Adnaa Rev. Jouibu HoAgmos omYoorAtraiy.
doeted Ito (uaral arvlea, ud a quayHerbert Sirolim.
let of twoet tlsgert fontobed tbe
Bodge. A|Wll «. IMi.
BBAla A lew daye before Vera't
Deu Wr. Bai.-e-l ibeagbl me 1
dmib ito bad Itaned loplay ud .isg
apiaeamilad'-Ovartbe Tlda.” We bare uver wrlttea ta tbe flrnld I
that tbli abOAld ban been j four

In the RruMaat Rum.
Bat alowiy and eoeaArvAlIrnly. .
book forward 10 the datUa of cl
ay ebABdally, iopefAlly, piaeklly

merof tho tymtom. /» fhr* RwckJ / »sgTI*to«MMr HttoWM. RV RM*
wMImt ••
petite had
baa laCTWtaed.
Increased. II fcit
felt btioyaat.
bueyaol. Mgbt Mtd
aad haappy mmi
4cheerpala. Peniaa Ua reUable family medkioe.
AdlalltilUln.ol K-Uwa,Oe wrluei | I( yon do not derive prompt and m
(ectorr reeulle Irum Ibe aae of Itou

M frd every Biglil ud

Ilka hu iaal word, ta b« trimda
monilBf ud 1 liave ue of my own.
TberaweremaybAuUfnlflowerAatilto name 1. Itaii^
We got
■be tABuiAL
Bar ecbool^tw gmva - lamb Jaat today ud It

nwi of mllaliliee.' eu ba.

I bayi^wo

aparlag MAtodIclloBA imped upaa
Ul "bad 4
aoutban delleaey by hyitanir
Wlthoot A MOllAl of
wrtura wore not CBlled fonb by tbe tbo Bocutiy detolla
Doo'l ml ftmtl ut of
■a AAA OVAtai
They ara oMUlnty aMIbe. Wbarete
kWB tbe gltenue Ue? to It la Ue
bAktag or tbe BAklag? ProhmUy ta
BHtber ao Bach M la gawiral Btaagw
■Ml iMi ma eoapAM fte two.
Nurtben MacMU ata Baade thick
td -largu: they am ptuad eloa
. eUl AbrnMel*
•A-or At toAAl
OftA* they Appaar ivatbed B k appfcU to kau
ibeB *ATB «hUa Iba
- tAalt
- •
r br«Aklaai food to balag dlapoiad •
Bore arc vaatad Iba pikte to mIpIutobed troi ........................
hBA beaa
tbe elove, cr eorirad wlU a elaU to

. Tbey AM enBAtlMB cut
epTAAd vKb baltar,; u atrocity
ihAI wukld BAbe a AoufbAn a
bar baadf to holy bumr.
the bnoaewUA vbo pcwpaMA (bSB la•MHWAtola.
'Aald all (ba atmi^m M toabto. agtotw ikal tbam are bok MmitU.
be Ablrt WAlAt baldi Re o*R. Tbey
bkrw waU* the Md btorb BABay
iM .fiABAd At All (be dry geedi fitorm. ar Iba BtotMAi vba bai toanml bar
lAd AOMe of'(buB AM eery mahb All IMB lUi Boat mpabla tm
iUa to grtAA.
Bar H OU wuu a AAd aae tU.dtg«uee to tbi
amt (MB hnad uay ta table.
Tbe douib to BAde BP AA left AA J(
wfl] re«ai» froB two to Ihrae yardi. OU be hudtod. A Apa pmUa :
Atordlag ta tbe atyte aad *Ulk cd Ubm eg At A dBA aad Mitod abmt
tbe goodt *tr(pAd Batertoto arc vary ball u toto tbtak lAABAd M u tor
ABd a bait A itoy MRUr Mtta toto bto•halA mr be *a»d to b


Rduteei in Dlagulae.
Da yoa oorel Ibe art of Maktag
griddle oakea that will literally Belt
la tb. Boutb. and kbai wlU waae ao
Tba orcAD a enptul of rioed poBtoee
(beat fieebly ceoeed 1 with a egg ptevloBily beata light; tbim oopfato of
botlorBlIk. AWaetaiiad vlib a leral
BolatABad ta

M toll you l.4ay luorelKimlv aiid Babv Bo*-oe>
about our dear Buuehlae girl. Vera 'pit, m,.l oalnt.e club mo...... i*.
Puarl Uarjea. who <lKd aO .addenly ridge eiae ud puAAj wtllowA.
a Abort lime ago, and aboni Ibe Aveel of cedar' and bemluct. pretty iisiug
wA.v lu wbirb .ta- wa. laid away lu taaucUi ud lll■|■A><ra
re.t. W« told juo Aonn-o( bet .tory , c,v how jour jweilih nl «l in leer big
bt-lore.—iMW. v.el! ud bappr
vrul lo AobMil tbe day before with Dn uowadayt. ud lo bee miud wool way
wore Ibooghl of the great ebaage
001 IPM Un-gK-eo
Uribe frteb
|« .VVI
...-ve wood. —
re I air Ud IS a AUDebliw that '
BOBtag to bar ibu uy o( y
>g|aiae iBileed
Wbat deu :
while yon read tbto
la tb©the went W ohateb at tbe N ml | yon al I are. Bower, or tw flower,
k'rleoito ehiiToh wbH<
bing aereloot. Is the mornlBg ]
lOtberdldDOtbaAUn to ®U her, j !<owe lovely KaHetard. (torn Solan
tbtoking ah« Bight b. tired, ud when I Sonbmou. M.ry. klaggto and Aule
al laal atae wuul ta .leak w but tbeic Ifat.-, Bad. a Sueblay Ai»l la ou
waiBOkDAwilr VArawmedrad We! .loleteorner. lUat will aol «wb grow
do not Ilk. to ibtak of tbe terrible I dim Wd ahall uevet fotgvl the lotiAA heuiA tliAt to t>
Ahoek to tbe loving BOihrr wl
only child bad eo Awlflly toll bet wUb beted tbe Euler Itaa
AO WAtslog ta Aofteu the dreAdlAlneAA
o( It All. but we CAB all aud our lorOedar Kao, Mlcb . A|wll 13. IMl
ip-aympalbyw her and the Invleg
Dau tore lUlee-I reoeived tto bat-

tohoTA biRAltfAlly. ud dm'i
vekAOkyAOTAtotr-- wllbotiM
tog of AtoMAto bmvtBAm
OoBA kA BrmkfAAt *11* a Amltlag
AABdo kbaaktml biAit
Adall of JotalAg bmvtily imjbt
ABra” MAPIU to PalAA (ABllIm*

UMbevc c

Ibe PAH of tbeir chUdreo.' 1
r lamag over Ike eym aad ilai|r
tog whMA ibe-llibt fAlIt fill oe tki
At daybMAk itaBld nuer bi
peCBltted, nr rmdtag by a falltog
traabllAi Ugbt It a n»at to ton abaU
ta dtbrw tbe bed u> .be placed owt of
rcBga of the HalAg tm Aod
BbAde pot up ta ru
froB Ibe boltaB will pemit vmiltoOBd ym beep ocl the glnrc, parttaataily If nt thn H9 of ibe wtattaw


WMfOM mrTw




fcrin Twcrsc

NoniM«'n kM *a natla Uakvwa |l^lllly.
, MU tpnpai


_..cM fa iwr4
M to
u> tae
tte r~h
._, tbai tba oar Urrj «oaU aoi

■*^2*Sa*oi«r iCS* **< **sir‘Fw

Maa oat vHk a luaa iitlcla la vkb-b
Kdkto Otopma ef toaUaad ia rtaII aiklalaad tbal Iba Nonbinrt aar
tKTf irmM to a tbiac oT tha poi. itkif la tbe etlr


Mlaa Ubbr (kiij of KalbaAa, who
■ Ttelilat Miea Lala Trlpw rararaed
a bar boiae Ibia aftaraada.
Dr. aad Hn B J Tripp of Calbataa reunUd .to tbaU
laat analafl afiai a tiaii la tha olir. the faaou
tt- T. C„ U * II. .»d
M M l ^ Ulat Lala Tripp
OaatnB. Uatqr of Bbthoiba lala
«laa nr ibai <IM Iba MhIi aas ■ba o»tj lodaj.
K. O. Harrill of Kktaaba la U Iba
>M1 If hoi air aria aaeabai B B. Ma
etir ladar ea.banaaaa.
K H Olll aad laa dao(lilan ef
A t. BlM (hair oM bMTU: >i i
OMUal t«bc are rlaltlat friaada la
Uwr ban lo pHai i«oa(fa
Iba ellr.
« tbian" I Oar Toafklbi aad O. Tiaab la of
aemlM belari ba lau aaar tun far
ltd Hlaaloo ka»a a boalaaoi trip la
ftOB hioM for hi Bisbt. able biTlai
aaa d bti -ipilli’' lOMb iaio fiaa' Iba oltr tedar
aTuMCUM as4 bat alia rcadtad




irtraaU aaa Uba iKiMauloi o( tbe
aWMf Pmirlraaia •••■•« ib*s ha
•M 41a KahM vm
aa. lor Jia U «oii<
car fan of ht> 0*8

Har<arp meo abo keo» Tbe*.
« but dork, for be e dore^ Booeereli well It la that ib»
leal of Ibe I’altad fllalMi rher

We folka up
ban tbak Iti ml am aad aambir

•or 4ta aad Iba Bifla la aieal mir eat
Intabe^Vl^nr^d'lera* In^ibr
ton aal Inn «0»al a mile llekr ........- Houee. wblrb be aapioli the
rallnad lo ban fae wiih
Anwrlrab prrtple are to aacora fvr
“Itt a DoaB trtcb Jaat afl.r «r bavr IBJ. he will bfn>Br pmblesl of Harnl la Afartal oa boa tbu blf bail ird uolirrell).
wvmU knh eoalac amuad Iba poloi
la taaeiara oar bubble and let lb« VvMiliWau'* k-i-erd
Mlaa Xalte Wood of taakU Uiir k
bad'lto miarlaJ all oo (ba'lp^d. lallias bar aietar, Mlaa Htaala Wood
bal aow
oouroa *a abatl aboodoa f til Ualea ainab
tbe bn4act oalaia «e na *ei iCeboe
Hartr weal to PaMakef todaj
la bare bk terry boal «op bera oa«e
la a vblla Jut Ibab vbal U aoa. called Iban bf Ui<- i)lBe« of bli
waai to Tranrae Ctlfl All aur aatte.
^tos ibaas." rvu bacw. ladtao baa
■fra L J. Haabrld will Inra tohau. aad '’poaklaa'' win ban u be ■onov BornlBC for Baa Praaetaeo,
aaai okar arooad br >be war of VaaMaa la raaeb Tranrae Ctir. and of OalUarato
E H. Hibbard kfl Wdar oaoe for o
oaarw. Iba MaalataelUai oin piek
to* daja' alall at Aeu■Ir aad Hta. Wb. Miobela ton nlotBod
from Edcoia. «liom itor hara
.oMd aad —
O. R. * I
aarriod a.^ Iba
> froB) Ibe
toUowlMb—lalar ankta
I br bee aon Wtl



Itoaa HiblMii Mian a


Tab br Httoa Titoi.
CkbalMUBapla. Terbar.
Ik w tto aabloel. *'WbM Iba Hk
Maa Han Doaa la Tarbar ''.Bar.
fSTlf • aan^toainaW ^
iTBa li a wall ado____; a gradiata cd North-


tar# dan la Tarbor- Ha
Amartoab Car toora aar

ridad far itooi vto TtotoM the aaola«r of Uaaoaa aowla. aa rt‘-fT Toabkto. of jaaen, hai oaoeiwd lo# a oWnorecmn lam of »«y good
UtlBoUr billod In big boaf etoen.
from tto nrr midtl of a toad ef olgb- peerUieba el Iba otdtooaea ato tbo oblldm like to pkr with kluaoa.
1:4 acre* boingtog .0 aeil aod wnld ton bon lakn op
aibaai of tto ooaaeil atate ^ It
„oad .a ibalr obmpaor.
Tb. toll ton Jampad
rkbiuid aod m aane to loag age bad aap ooe kaowo ttol It
I be rtrdlr awforrwd Fm-reara Reoeailr ato wa. fnsd pU.naf wltb loaiglaglo I'rieb Aroold, of Bridgi haloMod lo tto gOTrnameoL
L HoBiaa aad Bto O. a
•ng tbe aammei rantba lU iwojila ; foar of the nptUaa Bto baodlrd
lowaabip aad egnui to corn-'
-------------- IbUnantot fod Uaatot
aftar apaadlat tedaj to >ha otir tela Ibe greawd. witboat ao maob ae of Bparta tore toeolroabkd
, An Tao r.ieo *tn-. ro« torn!
abeaktog tnr nltable beaaea ataud hour hot* >0 raat oambeia.
vMb itoir (aaafnn.
tbepoiblMk la lonta Ibe Dime oi Ibe myor > Waat.i».. ).«r n.* Ait-a. r.MOn. a
U. Kaiaa,orOetor «n to:ibaeltr lag nir a few leoi a**r from tbe etallr In ibe troll eeoecai bare tOey ^
ladlffetearr of | eltol la Bible ... JnAan. IHoklrn. la 1 SSSTm. HVe'r-.:5r.-..''rSr
atrlekao cow Tto toaa la abonl Bsio
IB 01
Ol in-„ I a.I-h-n
w 11
Irwr or dtepleaaare Elually. 11 toiog i Euaaaba. Soorwiar aadI 10
•biMa-ra lia\ e Im gitau ly hlwdeled la leairMl ibat all migbl aoi eod ao Imfi
Hr« Oar toaetUa ratarwed roilarr wort by Ibe loduairtuBa llllle pUy. tbn-e of tbo laatna-.........
Ibe bard wood feawei luakea
tor from o elall lo Ontod Bo^lda
A( B.-ioakey rtiday Hoy Lendall
ten aa lb>r galberro 00 the top Tbr mUa (111 lotiotod ib< foartl. a
Will Boaaliall. Bdwla TbiHbr aad tbe atalemeol llial the aopply of Bueoi
hr pilea ol Iran lo March o' hoo
HoataCBo lafl thit aftorboaa foe llahar >a
Hroe • tik-Kwy. where to waa eaiptoyWbea boaaewirta bare alltiupr.-d I u draggiug t
Aaa Arbor V._____ Iholr andlco ' Uloblgaa will toll for U jaara
au Iran ib. y Imii awarmed areaud I >ba«red so ao
aflor vaatolap iba tout —, m IB ' Taoameah baa paiotoeef a fioe ali<took door* of (be boeaea and | b,««oir of ih
Iba oltr Vllb Ibitr relotirm.
I apeo wbiab 10 enrl lie Oarwegla meoHlai EUa Utoao baa ana l< ■lea* 1
»j which .. .._ .
go tea a twu vaokt' riaii
' Ao eleoklr Ub« belw><aii Uaulate.-1 >e loalouor it la i»Uted Utal tbe b o| Oll.en approaobed I
aod Ledlaaloo U |w»)rcled to noourct j
b{iu laagt mod Jerk
__________ ____ ____ , |<ro|naed
o«i or b>* potato iMicI;.
; araniieg cl tolUe
tto btovoto of Uoaeiolaea dra wj ,ioaU. to UaUenoeaBd lirnod Kapide i Tbe : j«ar old daogfater
owed to -acape a
wu k>' (J
Ig to todoee tbe farmera of ttoi| It la eeiimated ttaal at trial wu ou> | >b. laolreaoit at the AarloaliBml ool «eat lum tb
aoaalr to mlaa barUj. aod offer to|pnoh ttm will ba eet out lo Kn. I i-ga i. allied .Mb tbe laculir or of ber i-ela
_ ..iiaetbemblgbeil matbetfrtciee|ooaBlrU>laa|a>ua
, auabe cbarnMoa. eccoidibg .0 li,. .to
.1.tolbegrato and toke all Ibap will No* that Ellul bataeoriaed An j ry meBilr told c.r t.rr rt|erirurea
ii , eostberu
Tbe toll aod elinaie are tald | dleW Oaroegie'a offer of tlt.oai fur a I >a aald ibr a taeriuaunu t..i ll..- Uioa lenr flelda ol oil ai. 1
to to well adapted to tto oalbBre of | pabllo libearr wbiob 11 1.. l»a> Hiai------------------------------------------------------------------------------------tbii fffWtb.
; aaae. tl.e bnrdol edoi-alion la ei|wT I
After to.lng beea toildlof foa more :
d'«ee'«r i-neorioa a .Mr
Ibaatwo reora. tto oew ilai^aatle, ,Wb««
I'‘ too to,
tbr lualtea wea Aral ,e..|«M-rt
i-r llie oh
Ibe acgaiueiil winch a
lof the Cletelaod_________
IroB plaoio!
u, TI.oae.tay, jnton a
paar w
lb.- ooW lltawn I
Ibe An
, Uulied BUiea a»d , ai-.

to.' I

, ,apiriled uiiiM-ua «

tog 11,000,ono M daily aapaoilr will! »' ‘hair laud for tto ton l«...o» ci b
ba 110 toaa. foor eule toio( made e. >agaal‘«'l >»', ci.y a tonrfa.lor..
ary twaatr loar boon It la eiptoled i toabiuf
> ba la anollDOeea operalioo fiolo ffiaaru a oooBcll bei r«*r»l 10 utd
ow uu.
I uaooc problblilui toe Irepiug of I*
Uollllab Uroulo. a Oeiman latmet wltola ilie •
llTiBf naarOoraoaa rweinilr perform effeoi Uay
targiaal oparatloai wbiab
ana woald bo proad of Hronlo
a amllgoaoi growto aa large«te a
toll n toe aide of hia face. . Hr
__ _
aeoaaitad a pliyiiclau who mfoiTiaa
Tn.u. m*.
. .u .-i-n...
lu nmoral woold eoai b.m too. fkot
J““' ''
tlolaa peoa man. aud decidad to do >irMe.t.<e>..H.r >'»r.
tto Job bimieit. He coi ojeo ito,
growib wllb a ram. nmo. ed tl.aiiu-1 . - .
Mrior, aad ato^ of tha hangiug ^Tb.;
akU wllb a tmii et aelia
VPBBd u bamllag parfaotly
Prof. Pall. fopartolaDdaiil of pabllo
laalraeltoo. ba* appoiotod a oomiglt'
aln ef eam to trlag atmol BDlfonuIty la tbe ooareu of aliiy lb HIU.1
gaa btgb aetoola Tto oommiulM
baa aotamd baartlly epn iti work. I|
J oompoaad of Praaldaat L H. Juooe
of tto Blalo Murmal eoUage. Prof. A.
Whltoar el tbe Uolrarrilr of HlthIgBB, Oapla B S Pergaaoe ef Boali
•to. Harta. W. J. HoKoaa of Albloo.
aad Oarard T Hmltb of Ladtogm.
PribOlpal* A. J Vollaad of Otaod
Bi|Ma aad Watolai Oook of Bagibaw.
K. 0
to tto oary ladUota
a A HS rta (loruiim
Ion of eOBOtry, ffagtoaw It ooo of tbe
{•triotiD elllat to Iba UdImkI t njjMjn
k Bat ibm dltlaa waal of tha
AUagbealM fanubad more reoralla
to proporttoa to popotolloa dartog

Pere Marquet

(Mism t mnEASTEiii s. 1

Benior Hoffatioo ble rotora to Lne
lag tbli attealag. Tbor ortU to gne
a oeopli of wteka aod thor will apaad
a taw dare lo Obtoago, tto gaeau of
Ur. aad Mra O O. Batoa, bafore
ifetlr toHra.
to Haaloiac ible
afuaaeeii eai baalona
Hn. J. a BHltoge
Lake Aao Ip
to tto oltr Mdar n toMuoio
toblllldbr of. Uke Abo omde a
am trip to tbo ellr todar.
. W. PooBlaftoo ef Uutlooboa
WM to the oltr todarPairr «rea. weal 10 Omd Uaiddi
todar wbare Itaer WlU Opao tbe atate
oHoaeciflto Malaal Life tuaiam
Oa. of Ultooli totoomw to the Wlddioomb balldtog
■aotr Hoodr rotorwod toualght
roto 0 boBiBom kip that laalodad
Onto Ropda ud Haam
A. H. Doabatow of Boatbport aoma aae of famaatad vtoa al oammualea.
to. tto O.U
ellr jniMMuroatodar
Ltgbtatog atroak iba cattle riiod of
Allao abtobar bad Bion H. BIgtar\a- Lngetreat. of Oraad Rapid*, aa«







Horses Sale

Pioneer Livery Stabie
Hrritttd last we«k, two carloads of horses
thirty head and can show you any kind of
horses. 1 have large horses, farm mares
some in foal, haoe one nice marc with colt by
her side 2 weeks old. 1 haoe a nice line ot
driving horses, some cheap farm Iforses
weight from 10 to 12 hundred, also a tew ponies
for driving or farm work.
Kindly give me a call.
B. 3. Morgan.

$IJ.7S to

7ff iJ^ idXi*imkVini^

akt Cm $16.00

Likt Cut, SIO

UJarm (Ueatber Stoves
-ind tIl()n.-\ l.y tn
of lil. >1

Blue Flam.

l_itoe Cut


Zycteni lion Taiblos


• 3.7S


To buy no other.

,ok BO a drttktog towatoto at t..
tBm baM to too ellr a abort Uaa

Our s,tore is overfiowing with the
best in all' lines represented.


Ulashtng machines.
Clothes Bars,
Ironing Boards.

k.ii«* ou« W3.7W
L.ii<*:ou« mm.Tm
Htmemker pmlf ear */« kiai-Call esHp while atsniimtat h Ifrgr

Special Prices on double Coated Enamel Olare
Hmethyst Ware

^ .....Jdn^ aVael giwbda.

01. carry a

Sample Beds
Wholesale Prices

It’s a good one.

See our unparalelled line of


All km<1a ul Kocken

I'wi i l> e:ool an.I

Sa*Mifa addnaa (Ju
. vw ffitw mt ■tuauaaaad


Traverse City. Mich.
See tite machine At Barney AnderSCm's store
Cass Street.

aad 00 Carts
S3.75 to S32.

S4S.O0. ■

aiM^to taMManuTaM

* vtU to iho tm to maat
_ ^ haal*.



Book Casts

It bTikiil M to tto werj laaaea
Wi * waa aa appnl to aoltelt krw
IV bad that waa wi vbat bo via

tbao aar
To HlaB

For ealalo^c de, write


a al kork ttot Oa Amari... Wi «bn dt aomaa to Cbrta-

,_____ bat to

e e #.fJ*/-»o» »o» f«f Fremiem:
Qht tpe:>»t firemiem: Seer* 97.

Che »ca*on I* at hand whtn rcnmaling and rclurnlahine I* Ih. occupaMoa al many.
Chart It that talialacMan In d.allna htr« that maktt cuttamcr* al all. Tundturt
al high charaettr wllh a unitarmly law pric. art the magntls that draw.

Tnle* MFln •> Tr»n«M


Jusi as Iasi year, Bultcr
made (in Ibe Empire kins Ihc
hicbesi seore. l ur asc of
nperalion. ligblncss of run.nio^. ease of bandline, simplieity nf eonsirueiion Ibc
^ fmpire bas no e(iual.

Grtnilc w«re Pic i

JImethyst Olare
Spittt sUe

PHtofol of Otoda Pktw

Terris Implement Co.
127. 129, and 131 State Street.

flsk those who have dealt with us where yen shenld hiiy your Fimritiire. Stoves, ac,


torwerOewenl's aetloe to the Ateerl.
caa penala
teller fedteB perralls te the
etoeh Barbel, due to the (bM that
HkBS are UhalrWtar
(be rerr eerere l^sldeiloa has lakea pteM dartei the Iasi
without aar disasiroas
Thb Is aaple test of

I tk« MTtU Of Uw <sotska Hbbtt
( :m Is his vMUf assBds) nHrv
; »»f«s tk« anioB of AttorMr Oeh

('lasthsT vUh u opllBUUe vl
ihs (SMnl lafustrtsi sUulka:
Wall MMi has raeorand fra
Crin shook of lb* dMlsIoo agalo
Northan BecanUas ODai|«D> sad U
fijallr iDoHaad to take a belter btlsieed Tlew of the raasceueaer
U BOW raeacaUed that vhlle tu deelaloB li llkelr to be mirm ' '
the ftoreae Coon of' the Ualtad
States, aad while It will force
rial leaders to ahaadoo the ei
(.latad aartes of Berters. sobs other
t-ure lawtol aethed will be foi
piwvaeUat sololdal competlilna beiToew the talUeads. The dm object
(f this NorthesB SeeuriUes plaa
• > fire the ootaBBOtlr of laicreet
Ilea soae parBaaoit fora. It beluc
rsowBiiad that ehliBers wealed
Mkhle aad reaaoBable rates. whUe

iwaae. It would la Ubs place the
trhble raltroad trsleB of the Valted
Stataa te eeauol of
I] fact a etiKle naeter nted at(bl
'oBtral the whole. Boeh a poeelbllltr
it slaoertat. U power of ihli
;ill tela the heads of Bse not
! mated, what would be the eoase. utHMsf had how would the o
Lf eoiare la the Called States riew
-the trawth et a power wHUe the
■I’SMed States MralUac aad capable
of de^rtac the Hatlaaal Ooeera
■Ihe Morthera Seeerttlee Ooape
-jMtalhed br Ihe ooorte, wouli
talBlr hare rwaaltad drei te wbolaaale
Bsrsn of rsUread aad other mrporalioMi thca a epeeutatlre boi
iMred; aad this would here ]uet as
;«rulp hare beea eueosadod bj rfaleet
poUtkal dletsrhaaoea aad stock
hel tWMUoaa. the wBiemieBC.
whkk ao owe eoald prodlet. 1
oaa he BO doubt, sow that i
seeoad thoucht has the swaf. that
this decWea baa aarod the aoaatrp
fiBB Bsrtoas taaaelal aad po
wcMiB. For a Uaw Wall i
WobM hare oajored a U«h ds«r«e of
proaperltr. a aett of speew
;aUtw debauch. Ue poaaHr tor whkh
wowM. (all
aot voa in

WolHBaCc* R. Ban.................. ..........
boll. 634: John T. Ward. 162: Jeter
sou n.
- L
124: Jehu D. Hoot.
IT; WHItea U Beneasl. IT; Ta
r. KiBd. 32 Henry UIhrirbt. 36;
teL IA22.



tetH> uITteltete 0»y la tekl


U Crisp. I,
Freak V H

e Istaetar. sad

camied to Ulr retunu. There U
'•ueellaa but that Ibeee objeoti <
Is eeoared bj less obJecUoaable ■

rsn tOP

laais aaddiSIe another •easua 'r
assuwlar e can
food li
Uotis I
peeu eu^t tebur acllaitaa. Oa all
sidm tbefuiare Is retarded boptdulir:
but there U a veir deelded femac of
Gautloaeaeat prevaleal everywhere,
wbkb la Ukoir to act as a delerrri.1
irlber orardotep The crap sltoU saUafaMory We arc prac
ileally sure of a Ut winter wheat
crop, preaeni eillBatcw betel tor
t SSO.OM.OOU busbels, of III.UOO
B exccaa of last year. Some do
tertoraiiaei Bay be uxpeelod Uut tte
record shows that Ibe April rallaiates
M wiBler wheal are BM ter sbud of
Baal reeulu.
Tbe merfcel has esbibUed consider
prices ery eatlUed lo e fair rc
eovery. la may eveal we are likely
ivc stellar tradted Oerkel for
al weAi to floaw

I have just received several Carloads of goods,
consisting of----

rtltulloB praeldted e 6
lodllon for tbe rauBtl
faeksua. Wsshtensw i

telB emu B4A irmsl* ..r rUD-r A.«->

lew tednstry was itsrted tn Hat'
s Tbereday which will be known
ee the Hnskcdon Usmeal Stowe
.tnay aad tl will eodade >a the n
'aetarc at oemeat etoiit co b<- nsc
Mlldlag purposes Tbr tteue is i
fraiu a Btlxlaiw of Poitteod cvbkdI
and Aas dnvel or ooavte sand so.I iln>
Is prwsaed tidblly in (be Bsohiae. (h.
prooees beted to npid thsi expert,
aoed workers luro out freus SOO to
UO blookt tn s dey.





and one carload of^^«raraM^^

. ..... ...

I tried Ely • Orrus, Hsin. *ik| i . •I.
-eUTSS. IS so rufAU uT .u'srrb Tk. l.'ml.).-

Prises el CatMlIe Beaear.
taat the etete hee Ibne far ool leoied
FulluwteK Is a cumpJate llei of (be 242D.OOO te lubentenee laxee
m prises oBered el the supper aad
eaeoled li
eotertelBBieni lu be plvca by the
West Bide Calbolles T«ee^ eveates. It vrai la llitdatlaa tor's long
I. one Uii clears, (. uae sack flour;
u for eboel two yra
t. uae iaBli’ shin:
A to telly Bscle: T. oi
Ate ITSV T .■IstyrSte St ^ 'pr^e'
y work t
-UT te TisvwTutMy, iw ike tc:
work. U, W. II I
tbas brush. It. on.
oae sleere Bat Iroe; >«. oac pair
.. is' buse. II. oae Caary slock col
ter; table cIoU: IT, one cult
aad outer box. II. btecksmlihtep. (I.
byW.aNe1ion;l».ciDe box tollel pow Csrvi J. L.-WU. pniylas snKWt »<ker thxan
der; PO. alckle pteled bread tray; 21. ukAiksMy,r.e RMUH.M f.ete » teal wul
sslhariteU. saiaeweral sad Ureaa.U
bollle pertuiae: tl. 21 Traverse tue.W
•• U Iks weak, or say lun .4 th.- p«a! teis.'
I Clean; R, one poekel knife;
>ae bollle liquid veaeor; IS, one
MtelkrsUtsle la •och ease aisaa aad
way harp; 26. oae bottle perfuBv; 27. one carrlaB knife; tl, oec
hoy's ahln waist; 22, 21 subscrlpUoa
to telly tecle: 30, deaul work, |£.
by Q. A. Janrls: 31. oae sailor tanl;
U. Btekle plated slew paa; 33. oae ^r»U w uwsar s> siteite
pair Indies' hose: 34. ond geots pock- •bra u. te telOte Is tte Prutatr IRBia., OuorT
te i te
- boek: 36. eloihes brusb; 36. candle
..«k: 37. bottle hunted flold; S3,
barbar trade. POe. by M. H. Oriath;
seteaon; «0. bait dosea aap^
. , tailor trade, 2l.», by
Heutaaaa: 4t. oae sguan akkle tray;
43. one bed sproed; 44 deoul work,
tt. by W. H. koekhan; 4k. one botUe
Jr dents' hoae; 47, oae
. 23. by W A Bopar
42. oae qaill: W, shot






OTAfk OP MltltllOAK-nik PBudATk

64. boUe perhiBe:
ton to tWIy Bsdle;
; 67. one box candy: M.
«; 62, aboe Hors trade.
It A Rouaee: 30. one eofi

sss' :'u*‘teu°:;s;L



We Handle

' —

The Farmers’ Favorite and the New Champion.

Gasoline Engines-

Lun.te'w.Juds' (Protew. te Ite uallte te
Utu.altlctervteik H IhaA. tsk- .4 Tntrstv
fl^. la >aM naiBly. Unu-ant.
— T l't»»i'aj.
I'laiAaay aduUte.lrslcc
»<hutel.lrsto» te akl



■ counl
and Ikal tte*

ml ts> iS
.iskl decuAV Skd aU otkac twT
n’teut.jote'AliiMliC^^JtePtey^^ All.,
aat> uil.'iwtel te SA.J rauk- sir Tausll»l


Fairbanks & Moore’s make. ,We also carry a
full line of.....

^PVtetel Jute. A Wsku-f. J-4S. te I'-u

fit for the season, We
ebrated Milwaukee

Harnesses Light Rohes

city <tf Travtew L-ity, la tswl I'uukiy, stel


hr aaarlr oae^ gf the. taUrcad
Woeha au^ as BaHlaon • OUo.
" S. Jeeaepr Ceatral Chet
* Ohio. Uho Shore, Boothera fhettio. Hon^ PaelSe. OitM Nertben.
Barttutoa. LoalsTtUa * Nashrllle
aad efhaes. hare rtnaallr leal thetr
eanpeutiro toUbb dualUj, aad eoasetiasatlT a oeatMerable porth
their tatrtaak nlae la the <«ea

.: Tt. oUve tny: T3. leau'
M. ^are bolder: 11. _
Plaai: K. bmd ptete; U, stiver aair
kte nag: 34. dry goods trade 21. A.
J. Wllbela; U. box stetlaaery; 26.
glon box; ST. boys ahln: SI. deatel
work. II. by W. J. HlBtes; ». coablag towel; M. tedtee-parae: 21. pletare tmae: 12. tea ball; 23, wall
paper for parlor, by B McHaniu: 34
aTpUlow; 26. barber trade. lOe. by
A. Bomb. Park Plaee btrbar; K.
etwu &«Be: 37. daalal work. 21. by
W. TUrlby: 32. bollle parfuBe:
--- '-aeo pbotognphs. 21. by E
too, pu tray: lOi. boi
oaady: 133.; iclaiuu
teisui .,*us._____
idetvn boMar:.103.
Pinu: 104, plecon fraae; 106. bottle

trakd nca aouiT n, ika iar>uu. ial.AA.ite
IB ailJ .tesM. -tl ta« IBtetency te .ud
^altesaJ nmilalol la teal luoaiy. ihrte



; m. box candy; no. Bteoke UCST^I
The Kotl^ Seearttlee Ocnpaar
. etiek: ill. hone
le flhSitalMd at NM.0M.W0. oal7
pietan tmae: 114.
ISMlSBdMO of wkli* has beea laraaC
pair ladlea- hose: ....
The eoBMSr repraseati aa tta aaMs dSBUl
, 26. by T. W. Thlrlby:
Hwthara' PaelBe atock boacht at aa 117, % ____
111. dally: ill.
a*en«e ^ of Ut. aad Great North- toaeh tkiww
l«. Ota at IM. Oadar the reoaat 4e<
thk MBpaajr awt doUrer «p ,tbo
No«h«a PMdde aad great Northa*. iteBs Bade la addUte to those ^ai^
tiecfei to the owaart of the Nocthm. dd iwaaily hi tte ieeoird;
Ur. L. r. Blpher. 21. _ _____ _
21: Bbaar Iteoa. 21: Aarei MeOfl.
21: J. Kehoe. 21: E D. Aihloa. |1;
The Oral Wod Iteb Oe. Ill; BanaB
«B asearitiw Ouaipaar wtihowi belac d Bari. 23; A. H. HoUday. 21: John
mmH, 21: J. a Mbuob. 22; Prank
la TMaUoa id the Bbamaa
Traat Uw. H the oaoo le appnl
. w. bJuTiiVa^'j^
lha Caltad Stataa Baprrae Qpbi
^^j^ GataiR

Baal Beoliloa wUl aot ba obtalaad «aiS tW.caid «r the Tear; ia the i
IIM B will be a cloud oreehaacia
-------------- - SI: E A. EUdSB. 21;
Jlanta tS: 2. E Cortls. 21: A. J. «
■tdee. 21; JnUas '
Bate.. Se^^Oa.
-Qb. 22: pHsr r
anaBs. mdse. I
Carr. lOc:
la the beet peaelhle wa;. oapeoMtf m Mrs. J. Putleeb. ad^ 76c;
H. L.
Ihe SapreBs Ootwt caa aean^-asedl 0s»ur, Bdaa.. 22; Webster Meek.
•nBrwUac the deeMea The snek- Bdte Wc: Hone Bakery. Bdae.'-Jti;^
balden of the Northeta SeeiBWsa
Oenpaar la awhiaglap thetr stock
22: P.
BdtB aap snei haidsk^ as <L Meade, adee. fl: Hrt. J. .
|y)uicTaAOh BAhX-Mssh
the Monhon PaeUc aad (beat North- gcoy. adee. 21: A. P. pMertyl.
<n oiodu which ihv wiD rooalTo la >1: J. Panaeh. adee. 22: W.-J. Calknun will hana BBtkM.TalaeqaKc.
i* te what the Nerthan SoeoriUn
Nnk -aww tolls tat. wHh the adraata«i ad a wtdor mco aachet Md hottsr eauatarai «uUtp te tholr sa^
Uoa. Tba Necthon BoaurtUu Otn-

iSuarsasiss^rsriSLt* as

SlTTgLyl'P- tkc.T-Ute-UHy.w,;


bterill te sti pteauaa
(ur Ik. pur
Isacteluylst Ite dteM. kud .S|a*n te ad ur nrisiral lu SMate s> a ai lans te tete
Uiu^ir.t^tejite aateu.. wj^iu* l^ite court, ttea to te- k.4.teu is ik- f'rvhut. uffl.--.
IA lb- niy te TruTtew I'll;, sad W...S
eatep. if SBJ Ikrr. te-, wk; Ikr lasi-r v4
JteMUuectte.uUlKdkcrualteL AkJ ii u
turWwu^rte. Iksi^^i^ |.«iUtey xiT. 1.,.^

idr-ian, thte k. W hSw Is ite Pr>^tee, 1s tte city te TtsTtete lily,



Ataa-teoB te

En. M. Jordan, nproae: Carrol Stw
te^ palailag and >Dlew: Hn. A J.
,«d eratrainad eoapM
WaBioa csBtenlen; Pntt d Davia.
aa. Md Ita wont tetase
•aluroar. ttiy^e^jh Bap or July.
■teg of eeaupl of that .
two veal tmk itaoc of
r te porpttmr. which
. 21: iA. L.
- Joyce. ...
21: P.

--------A__u u, ^ .

te prw.
e of the:


wandldatse an glesB ia d
odw: BetehHtBa. date



and vaj^ous numbers of

^LW iidUl^saiinilkslk-i»UUM8. dolj i.ri

lascS ^urte ss Ite* Jodav te Prteuk- -a-i'
daM aniiiary sBd laiail T.r Ik. te-adl te sU
------ lur Ik. i>ori»te te fVikr






I ’b. teanas Iterite.


---------_____ _

TL'ii.'ffi SSft:

tt tncasary te taka aeUo« te the aatIBB.. It daaa tot thsrteorw loUow Ual
kd iilMwtet to hook aay of the ether
«MBl laOwac ooBpaalae ihit hare of votea can al tbe aanoal ateeUoa
li • ten aacactn war purehaaad tor Orand Trarune OoaMy (or tbe
state oaoen. oeuaiy oEoen and

Harvesting Maehinery
Steel Junior Binders
Mowing Maehines
Corn Binders Btr Rakes

Lhurl for teld cxHioly.



f-rvtel.- I'ou^l.r .a, 1


Ib. yiar uBclh.ntesH sta- kudrrd sad Ike


are still selling the cel-

consisting of the No. 10

tenlad IS Ite lamiia, aua ua Rk- U IkU

' SS^:

rsaa.___^----. ew:----------------Hn. E a -----teBeh^ ^oe
« doll ta BUt^
' *tndow;
er d B
IS.-21; Wade
e, hiCBBae eedt


QtATUlO lUl-HK>AN-ttet>nJtetci.>Ai
o 'W tte lyokl. .4 D.akd Trartete
At a -teuw te Ite ITtetelr ('..un l..r





-UIWI. 11 n u.d.xM. hsi FralaitteKk

O, Ulkir Bad.le Tsei
Then la aaothar vWw <d the
U( which has alw see .
the withdrawal of a retr Urpe
of aeearlUea (na aeUre tndias aad
pCetan framk: 72.„sold
. riaaed

Buggies of all Kinds
Oids Wagons
Spring TootliHarrows,
Smooth Barrows,
Btek Harrows.%

of the best makes, One carload of





rkte la U.


... — ynsrs.'-iTSsr
;TET«2 s-rsiris: I

mixijKSSs'S’fT “

.jn te wkWb ^^s^te mia terkr wte

“it W (wtkar araacu: t

msad Ite •aw te Two ka^TuC Ikiny-tej

Paul Ctaurt tfr

m • teSd. altr

1 sell the Kalamazoo Round Silo. If you expect to
build a Silo, let me know, and i would be glad to fig­
ure with you. as I sell Silos of several kinds of lum­
ber and a great many sizes, and we also erect them
aty jurbarn. I find that there are not mariy farm­
ers who understand the Silo, and thought It best to
furnish it complete.
In connection with the Silo, you should have a

Cream Separa'tor
,We sell the Empire, which is well known and will
sell on its merits.
My business has grown to such an extent that it has become
necessarV for me to secure more space. I have placed a com­
plete tine of the above mentioned goods on the large .carriage
room of my sale and feed stable, at 321 State SL, where you
will always find a good line of horses for sale.
When you come in to trade* anyone trading S5.00 or more
can have his horses taken care of free flf charge at the feed stable.


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