Grand Traverse Herald, June 04, 1903

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 04, 1903


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




SUITS FIT Tire Tnsuratice!

I C0W**M,ltSpnw I.

ipnng Fevn
'a Bilaho >

Plat* Class, Steam Bolter arxl Accidont Insurance.




Money to Loan on Inprovot Real Btalc Only.
naon Block. Phpn* 73


Traverse City. Mich.

TrjTCtse City Stale Bank
fCHT flAKaiAtl. ■*>M.
^.T.HAHKAII.e Mkkr.


Tk< U«*4 AmhMt Ttto




thep are Wistaken
Whu think Links lie kt

l.usin, -i Wv.




M„iv ilian hall ihr

<lc|««iis in the liinki of the lountn l<hui^ lu wlicn ihnn busmen

.liy" m



S KT Ceal aU»we4 m Tlac De»«iu.



p1easc.l lonumbei you imont; »ui ciiNl.-mcr^

Oui methods meet the ol all ilosai-s.



ho ullirf m-

juU Juai VIsd » JrsK-.
. kiaa o •hakr.
Ih. I.-i.l like
Tllex : iiiflB.n III > r bark
V r ),DI.

We sh.Hil.l lie



II S. IIGl.l.,


k V.KRJKDRlrli


I sell 1
anil cxj»crienced men(1 furnishe
at any time. Lar(;e
Mock of 40 and 60
cent (lynanVilc.
caps and fuse
use on hant
at all timt^. Use
i»e 40


A’setiXJas- “


omos wmi* I. M. ud II


II IVBier and Omaha. The
i.l Ibe Seplfmber aun

“It is Uery Jlnnoying

.yea. ud Ibe aullr) a
:hr,«i«h ih-- upon all
(uala .•( dui.1 aad >0.1

'ho dofu thiTookinj
.1 the memlx Ts of thi
poor ex­
;in entire baking has Ivrn ^|>oilel^ hki au
tr.icts or loaking powder had bi-eii used i its ntaitu(aclure.
••Avoia •uoK Ar«nox».rso«“ l.y
u»ing Johnson s Pun- Havorinu I xtracis and I’ure
Cream of Tartar liakiiis: Powiler ai 11.V (l»er iHJund.

u kepi poktiig hla
aliiOoa at leapli
baaln) tiimaelf Irytni I

Prescriptions Carefully and Conscientiously Coi

'Johnson’s Drug Store.


nna ili.' aule kepi r.-treaMoK bln
i( iTuii. a rapacl.
d a llxel) mile la-1) ’■ajfil
aralag li-r ne.-n
.unialii eiliulilBC
-any ef Ihr
I'll >p.'ndliig Iheir la.aliiin
■ lul.-n-at
• l.-r. and aere
.ii nun) aad
it.elr pleannl
J al a
oiighi lake oa
lUretl f<V i.dd Ibal


Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausages, Etc.


n >iabi “of Ibe plaifunn
a« e«»j. lor Ibe iruuad a

1)0 you want to »ell your
bim? If to, Uil »kh us. . Our
liki it too tmsU iot ibe lieutsoil
tlist we ire hsvi^
Call aa<1
tee «t the nnl line you are in


TMO*. a. •MAowt A aes,


Psm cauu« a-k


Brezina's Store
is headquarters.

Ti irpbemi-1

ing al Ibe keull
>'<'i,‘0 ore
a a ahalloa



Traverse City, Mich.



JIadtrson Undertaking Co.
-AaaistMl by-

aia^ia union ar.


both phones no.


Pienpl atlcetioe givea lo all oniet far Cat Howen aad
Floral DetiKni.

■« Stlph Jlndtrsm, tlitnaqr w
le lU erorr. -TRUDK


Trank Crude

Tanners and
the Tanners Store
Fruit Growers

haw made a very careful selection of just such articles
re s
with you bn )-our Mpplies.
c hgure



WOV^n* tt, anM. pwnpt^. <My >hr«wy bat ■

That MC Made M Me H ««■ as mB. T>«7 ai«
awaad^^cAaapMaMiiLmdrvm • «wii7
toaawcBkdithcaip; bwaiciterabk, eoiafanalAaMaeaL TW cMapM oa the
Owa wad md roe «a tar I k) otW oaic.


Uicter Petcrtyl.

Time to use Paris Green is at hand. Don't throw away
your time and money. b>- buying poor stuff. Buy the
liett and gel beet results. We have the best that there
is. so you will not make a mistake if you will buy your
Paris Green ofui. We will iicll strictly pure PARIS
GREEN and nothing else, and best of all you will not
be overcharged. We also have Blue \ itrol, Lime.
Sprayerh. Potato aad Coro Planters, and lot of garden
and field Sj^s on hand yet. ' We know >-ou are under
no obligation to buy of’us. ao we make it an object and
sell|you*goods that are right, and we hope to share at
leaM pari of yourpatronage. Would be glad to see
you at corner Frooi and Cam Streets, or answer '>-our^
Siocerriy yours.

e braoilful i

Yo the iroaks as raa a man wUk
. «vklr Tbr gear Is arroaged fi«
the mgter. the power of which la
ktr«m Ibr froat rnlirrt wbirh icrtr
Ibr purpoar of wbrals. and tbr speed
of Ihr machine while ai work Is bctrral times as (asi as rouM lie amimpllkbed by the baad rolling lawa
mower, besides wbirh H ruts mot*
Ibaa twice as wide a pwtb Ibrougb
Ibe graas
li sares tbr beautlfal tort
dHirociioe nadrr ihc fan of
orses Ibai were lormeriy used
F Urge machlaes. f<w the rolleri
brIp toward the making of a
1 Uwa rmiber Ibaa a biadrwocr
It Ik a drciJ'rd kuceeas, and ihrre are
to be eoough of Ibem la operalloa
49 tbr UwBk at all tlmrs ercaly
a probUm that baa It tbr pasi
eo small oee to the saperialHi
drei of Ibr croands - Wasblofioa


'akiag b>w band wr burned to tbr
ratrriag my ear I placad
roe dolBf IB locb aa
iha child OlI a MML and siaadlac beWBPoinrurtabIr pUfW IbU hoi da;*' I
■ I bold up bar Imikrt jma
paaarogrn wbrrr I had toond

BboolBC a aoaaiit)

a bloaiawi

1 a nutaber
»ber .if
.If I
Ika. .wrb aacBk

Ul ram err dullan.
Tb« paasregrra. 1
Ibc Uillr klalloa.
dlrmUaa lu help paas Ibc weary hour.
llklrard aitrallrrl) (c
1 wlib kindly cnrioally



That'a the way we want e\efy farmer to feel, that this
» hi« store. Erety purchaw made will oriy strengiheff'
ihb feeling as we fotead to make every one so
factory that you wiU want to come a»n. Jo«i
yon arc all interested in builders hardware: wh
you are plaiming oo boiWiog a new house <
—or repairing, the old ones—you will find

rlp“hr .:

Milow ai.b light tfaal arvrr
.ra or laa.I. ao.l brkuii .4 Btirr lhan unhl) luwoly
*Diu arc rigbl. cnyWIlItlr girl." 1
mid '-gu.ic rlgh. ii|r g.wul d
do help <balAirarroly
Par w,' an- rack .bid'e btiildlag
BIT rarb a iroiplr .4 Ood
oar ol our words and darcli will .
Ornan go Loud It Drives Raople Away.
u a siiiar la ihr trmpir wr arc dally
The londrsii muktcal Instroment la
building, and rwrh good deed will
the world Is stowed away amoag (be
*lp adurti laai CUT of Ood.'
cobwebby old coolmU c4 ajtoreTbr rblld uadarki.iod aad %a>
WBIrron Aaibony str
plrasnl. sBlIIng up al mr from
It wwk iBsented ud
rr pink suaboanr
by Peter W VaaBroni
guldrn biuskumi
Iberr last week, and was
by biB the -OrgBnnm Fbr
obi ala
. J b^ I


a b
llkr ehaiTT Wv* SMB.
'RnlB vt-rd gea U (Dad lo rbi-w
• ia«tM
W» rblMrre aO«« (
■d «ill y.w obow all ihUT'
I. M>! I'm « stag Ul aHI II St
ibruagb ibc can aad
fum aad ■oven to tb« pi
Maby uf Ibrm like to lake b
Ur BcmcBlu truB a pralru
-Hoo dM rua baooro 10
(Ua «o*»r w*r of
I baked. «hl1r I

II Bijmca
I got leu <
c cblekaat I eaUnd. •
a IfcUik , •

c«a ibm eonora
1 COB aara two
I baTc «hbi I

'Yaa. au, «hal 1 pnwlaad
loeaua is
M Cb
a » loaatafa
... ...................................prow*
Wta of ihN Uitto
bctplBg lo beUd » fou ibU la (bo
Bf«M MU M Chteaap! Aaa »
M b« laralag Ibo goidoe bfaaaa
aflM year by tbo cfase. dry ibonNsL
(an M a omM Mtr; «tai a ebuga
tnm roMa vaoda la limliNi ftim

QuaiM t
noBg Ih- luc
In the a bol.

i< all tbr dwp. far-rawcblng
of lb., rblld's klmpla vordf
.poa mr Ktaadlag npoa
prainr knull. looking arruks tbr «
I) plaia i.iward ibr
>rd lu sr,' ibr New
a JCnisalam as

Citizens' Phone 46 1

A Ml liae of Fuaetal Supfdie* bmt the
ia Nortkm kfk^igae

aad marbletwy bare enaUad bha to
rot briirr food aad wrar benrr
eloibck ibaa rraf N-forr
hlrxiags uf Tbr saoir klcd are ra}0>cd b) aoitH'B. Nif Is Ihr laawasa
-4 happiD.-ss cvaAaed to aar Mask.
Tbr m.4u) march .4 rlrillxaiioe boi
ri.'rsUsl, broader OilaJrd aad
ITHwasra oaer tbr
• .4 Ih, world are (cared oo
.1 far.- pii.c! slih smallpua
»rv eoa as 1. »Sr cotamoa a
w, ^ V.i:,'. t.,..r “•1^^
ora hai
..( cUwB'tb.'sk
iD.wt nnalhiiatcd palo Tbeap
magaaio.-s and arwspaprrs igm.rwncc aod barrow-'
css .hr hadgi- •'( dUgrocs'.
ialsbni.-«l> arv mlisaJoBadaad
a -pii . -r faumaaii) a’,.1 ebarIL’' prrla.i.r 'b. Ihouchl An I 'b. arililiick
..( Ih- -I.lilted world

! £]'•''.".

tiivwaliJi yelk.w beard,
lioa and la-adlag to the
me a pruli) pK'liire In Ibt
Ihe br.ian plalo
lV-,» api)
huMeenif. llliie,l u> and fro m.-r iblr
r»wlle«* )ello« .-a aad I rould ralch

Bell Phone ISO

For all kinds of good things to eat. We m»ke
n specially of 6oe Teas and Coffees. BreakfxM
Foods and Cereals in great varieiy. Our prices
•rill Icmpt you.

X| Tvdii a.-e
A j a |tb^.|X,lcl
II bli.iu'.mu. twrb a

1 am now in the market fur wool.
buy yenir wool to your advantage ami will
do ihL- best for you that anyoiu- can.
i’honc or write to me. Will also l.uv hiiles.
Warehouse 792 K. ^•'ront Street

lap Ibr cniliag wtlors Mr
PBUM4 lu Boutea tferir |u
dren draak ol tbo cirat
itruau: rhllUrx'B bciU eiipt l>. ciieh riabiag trom .hr mart!,' ai
•|•r^illI,|; Ki«. or dipped Ueir Through Ibr lopiociM )rt« J
kandi la the cxsiliui
lUK oreuiJeu.
Dolaireiog Ihrlr am
BilUiiti uparrua. iUn,4 plavfulh
•Blrplac nirrHIy. an.)
through the n-lrv»hinf
i) a wooiaa TroB tbo dlag'
brought brr cblldroD ao ih.
Ik iblrMy
iblrMj lad
iBd ya____
uams lu ibe oi) «a< tadeed
' I 'Bid. wSbcbliig I nr pr»-l
li u a mile Olkti mi
liiuauia aa.l
sermrd i-- vaal.h
ilred and Ibinij i
Iraahrd by tbere
leri. iBj vraln.
.lag a »Wr
iKiublJeat Itil luuaiiu DualBg buru I) Pla
On B> nghi
:ta. «ik a r
-m baak to bai
auk will
kxvp. many a aumk
a fit. r of gold
viu nulag liiu bad |.la<v>
iltuB un
Bbld hoMibg aa mpiy ba>kci aad
aviag a piak •iiBtioBa.'i afi.r a dr.
.rung iraJa
Thro lbl>. loo laaUbod. and ajtalb
rooard lo .r.' a groai wliiu- rll).
uiyitir. woadorful" droroettlag Ir-^a
boavcB. aglow aitb llghl and glur.iW,
mllb baaulUul traipiv*.
Ik Ihr Srw Jvrukak-B lhal rbali
kTvii >bua« and lariuru>>. aad
Ibr whole rarth.' I whlrpcrod
rl^>ad<^I aiib pour.
Lard aurkiBK tualllea of man.,
Hu wlados luuked duac
cruyatag ul lau bury sireeo full) dolBg )uui pan io make (la cliy
Wear) I
'V alaiyi dmwlng beautiful. Nay I. brru oa tbc caalora ttrrrl. do mlar at falihfull) —
ere alaaya burr)lag to isd fro, Tbr Advaaec.
•hiidn« aer,. eienahete. and la all
that pan uf ihe eii> ibere waa eo pub­
lic^ pl»- Bhiw
<br march of progrok Wa>b
b for a gre
togion tk rigbi up la tbr frnoi rank.
0 aad ami
wHb tbottldrn k«oared and
Wboa tbr auiomulillr had
paakod froa ibr iiagr of oiprrlmrol
.do iboufhl ko much .
aad breomr aa raublUbed fact Wash
\1 of a public fomiala
teglua took It ap la rarn«u. *n<l t^'
ir gnat
ail aad voii^ day tbrrr is ao cliy of lit alio In Ibr
al ai Ir.
did not teen eonatry that pokankon *o many of
lid be able 10 tboao aarrrik of the iwrnilrih m
u a poor BBD lury ai Iba capKaJ.
mlzict. bol be
Wbra a good (blag coBirt ah«g
Waablagtoa la auiek to taka advastaga of !i. aad from plraiarr cakirlaa
Iiienda Vn be aould baUd M Ibr auto clasi lo amcbaalcal a^
lu- uae Ibai would aenc (or pUabCTk
A aad beiM There' abouM
be pleat) ,4
.luullag b>u
.in'aiBleu la ihe
■r upper pan
part for BOa.
mad Ibc rasdtol war
Uwa ibat •>
r kbuuld br aa ample
iilderabla o a problrm. aad many
r*<-k aad dogu.
laalty ragagrd la ibr
:bt fonb bis
11- kj
aavlaga lad
From. April to Ortobrr ibay
ialke.1 rouBiBio lu bik
bla frloL(riendi .
krpi bokc 'With aowm. icytbea
ibey hreamc
kleklea. abd tbrro was eo time
uird vartoui
.wrlkd lo a goodl
II at grakk.
r IRile aim awi
u for (br au
Ibr ptalnr wikbrd to nia
hrr Dill.' toward Ibr cliy louer dollara a
rotriBg I
I brr--nu. ladiuid) 8
all oror tbr plarr
lad ko much muaay la bar II
Tbr rnglbr Ibai drisrk tbr
■ .1 rrooird a grcaiar ai
has tbr grbrral appearaaca
r iimn a
amatl aiphall roller, rxrrpi Ik
maay' chiidroa
of Ibe meui work la copper aad-------But arould yuu But ralber keep Ibo
ring Ibr maoblar Ibr apiu«raacr of
BtuDey tuf younelXT ' I lauulred wbeo
small tr# englar
On ibr front
J brr
her kiory.
aiory. ' Cbteigo
kt Ik ro«B (or two men aad bralde
wb> kbould
r ragtaaer are Irrers ibat coalrol
iBIarvalnj a II and U> (ouaulasr
r eaglar aad aoable bln lo opar• M> UPC r says tbai wban ibr N
) It la aey dlraeUoa as quirkly as
Jmiaalrm romrkdoan IroBbrwvn
man caa lun a baad mower. The
be whole ranb Than
rudder ds a small roller that trails
. pcalrtr will aoi srem
along baUad the rrvoIHag blades
Hlk fuuDlalB am be
abd by the tarn of ihr wrist tbr llltir
di Ibr
I Ibr grral Jr
srtmdrr raerniea all manarr of mana. and is)
rs rierpi m rllmb trees aad It
Iw loaards Ibc

Kinaetl, liUmnft men. rlctk., an,I • icaihi-rs have' hiin-

ilreils .if millions u< •lollir' sililv m l.auk. ,|i»»m,; iii.Kleiahr inleitsi,
in leu-fve far 1 ••turn

NO- 2S.

0 Ibr crowded pari
.< oTniooki'd by the wacia'k
' -r al tl r cieaalbg
.) •'rro'a w d b ptaia.
iboe ihc told tar a aor
aaui:.' L-i.l___

Tbr pr.'ilotu auBUDor
•a> r.niih.-d bad Mill
bo wi'i m.r dbj IB)
warm Haj w a.
« ibini) a
walklag aluag a t
d- riralBk. ’aa.l 'b
Ihrj aeddral) ca
plac* waa crwwdrd wiih itml Sonoi
lueaialB t
up agaieat ibr
Bail wiih BOB aad rhUilr..<i
l^aad I luriag cfu. laiuh an
•bopa aad lacuw..-. aa il who bad
cold walrr Kiorrwbrrr
other plan la all iba. wn uf Ihr
lo bDOBOb Iboir ibint Trem-I.T :


year Uter ibe
-sme work was lU
The (nan
feet wide and foot
loag. Ibre
Tbr bellow*
a half tei ( high
«g aad two fret wide,
terea Inches
M Plpei tbr kiegeel be
aad they
prruBore wi'


I twfore tb^ laurb |
lome: Wboii bwy a dime's
aiOTIb c4 raalB weed Sowm asd gum. care was prodoeed
kir Van Brnat set ep bis organ la
and tbuk brip Ibis UiUr prairie gtri
1 raai. bol Its loors
brip u> balld a ‘

mug Ibat tt bad to be
Urger pure. Hr garc
rbr puaragrrs laughed ul my plaa. .
oooeerl U WaBbUgion
frkpoBdrd i.i II quite remSUy The
a with Ibr rludrr In bU aye bought
.1 bunc-bra. ihr llTcly Hula lady bM aad lb* aadfamu M io mcM"'
k glad 10 a(be tremdowk rotOM «( aoaad.
•t 10 Iboar
nm Hr. Van Brnat. dndlng ^
iMublr bahtuikm (or kU Mg mnslc-


■) Ibr m.vt Bged la tbr
I .4 Ib.'ir buCECk to vteU
Tbr relrlTatlim U

iss'l’li 'r m all IWH,. rf Ihr kUtr arc
drc.rair.' Siih badges wbicb rntlilc
isii all ib< pUcm .4 amasrii. ridr idi •
rt can
Tbr I
nrrs ot IWT,
l arrirMa ta
ruh a
. vas B
Folks' '
■king. 1
T that a r
Ibc pi
aboal. foi
Animal EdweMUn.
r dog has to 1«wro bow to makr
iwn diflIbniTr cry. DanrU ba*
it Ibat tbr hark of the dog U not
liiral cry. but has been loaned
Domratic dugs
allowrd to raUMT lalo a wild stale
have fiirgDUra how lo bark, and bare
avile learned to do io wbro oner
tmirr a^^tad.wjib ibetr domMtIc
Qcn. ~Va|Bii< domesUc pigaoas
uamalm abd laugbera. as tbetr
names indicate, bavr Ikvnad la Mtrr
a \er> dlSerral coo trM tke Mbek
breeds, and from Ibe eriflsa) rock
Columbia lltla. Crefroee
familiar with fowls koowi vlU what.
penorrlpg ladustry.ibe yoangraoM
' ms bIk Irkkoa. bow crude 'an*
ret rBurik. and lhal ll Is oaly
after Ibr praclkw which makae pe^
fen Ibai the nw^kerrl ai tregtb crowi
Elactric Current in the Human My.
Tbr paih ira»«nu-d by a bcary carreel of rirririctiy la poaalag Ihivagb
Ihr Imdy Ik a mailer of groaf tiw
The nxisl daaivron is

llsuicc II Is a good rule U
ndllag IKv roadneton lo asr >al
r head
Aa important role to obm- In mcuUg a person la contact
puMlIdr III cut <ie (be (wrroeL U to
pukb Ibr Slctlm ot with oee Rich
Bsen should the cuu-at pass fresa one
foot to the otbor ibrongb Ibe reamer,
rsislaaea <4 tbr path U fauUaad aa tbr rurraol does aof
arar tbr b«wn kerioas Injury U

A Bleycle Duel.
durl cm bk-yclrs wBi rccwblly
gbt u lUrta. The two mmtiwtaalf
-e placed gfty yardt apwri and
urdcred to rhanK. They rode al
anotker at
■ totujy^kmt
lag qalckly roiud. ibry rrWherlli
lurard to tbr charge, sad tbU llam
umribrr with a UntdC akork.
wrro thrown, while the eegsada.
were tuHowlBg hebisd. Aleo uo
bicrciri f.-ll In their turn and both
r iBjuryri
NHibrf at the earn
ints tooebed tbr othm with Ui
rd. but ta tailing one iwn bU
POD iBio hlmerlf hud hU oppooinjorcd bis leg
Where HanhMb theen ere Hada.
In Lyna. kUaa., M.0W.0d# pMra M
isboM were ude Uat year: la Brocktoe. if .aon.aM pairs, sad in HovwkRL
i:.oon.tiM pairs
Tbear Ibrne MUm.
tbctefarc inncd otK coonA akona to
supply one pair lor iwo-tkMa of (be
popuUiluB al (be conaliT..
Wbsm (br nallTesefFangnairdrtak'
pM Uio a^cn^btri°Ui a |aSM%Ml«
4 a pnmpkU or ■sard, and (Raa
up tbr hot liquid throngb a
Noroorer, the l
Itmg rwM
Iber dlgereot (rom—- _____ from CbUa. bateg
OBI c4 (be dried and rawated
M a palm llkc pUat wUek
grows U lUraguay and
Rroril The aailTre aay tbll (bis tea
excellent remedy lor torer and


which bare been made by Oenaa
phystclobk arrm to abow tkol tbm .
Ik good ^gronad for Uls etateroeoL ,
CenaU n Ik Ibai ten U sridely need
(brougboat Paraguay U cwkce of Itlaod that, so (ar as has bMW
_____ Ted Uw rtreu produced by K
err highly bmedcUl.

.. called MISS HUebell by bar nelgbtor*. aad N CT years eld
It U kUled Ibat onl of IW.OM pm
plr u Afriro ocily l.nM.dW base etcr
hsvrd r4 the rhrUlUa rritglim. la.
the ftudaa regkm oltme ibere are Mm.
aWAUMi who ar* wiibonl iwUglma fanrwctkm.
Tn airrp al any momeM la aadoaW- vdly a kign ol phyakal MOlaiH, A
pbyairtaB woold been UtUc aaolety

pUyed patrtMIe aim
were h^
___ ________ ling fro.........................
and rojoyrd U Ibe vtOagr of Car,
Iba pnlrtr Tha Inlrml eoailBaad ......................................roy - The peopU M
wbUi (ba baakc* was amptr. aad
Utagia aad the
piaead la bar baada dlaxa raoagh
Ur Bom wba bod pnauead
«. 40( imgaged to be martfad. 1W
4 was making (he.pawartal «*>v Of* (oroed to fast tbrro daMI tbee faw
« bom. tbMf food to aoB 8^ M
"Ob. ibaak yo^!' aba cried In I
(key ATO not pewMaad to (nsarb (hMr
.ladaaaa. TU aaad tbr Srr dolb
to my oaeN at oaea. aad leU I
- raceot writer polau ewt Ibat (bd
1^ oo
bat yoa do ao( Beam Uka a ktiangar *
etui the hMdoM wtod Uatr
la (be
cUy,- I laU. la
aad (hat
"Ua Naw Jam
-Taa!" ibr c
MtaOL Yoa Ur________________
aad 1 la (be waoura. bM a
graoL boaaUfal ehy.'
____ moUag backward as my trnla
hmgvr »W£i ‘




I ekiM koUlag aa



Cmd Tnrcisc Bcrakt.
TW tt4M r^Bind l>r Pr«4 Itok■t«* w Ml Wl»M«
Um ca«utaUw 14 Ui
MPir «
Ikli cMf. kai aU toM cmiuiMd hr


od a dtodh A

I gr.'ssrs

Aareb teU

- tinaiiaheU IM '

____ DSTOTwi


J <l« vbeleM*
- liflj
_______rr ibu da^l

lira to°Sd
Mt. aod Biaoulaliae at the
fira up <4 Ibc toll took a

war vltb bat oaa Alorleai tliU '
"WlNBlwMaaaabafotlJM Onad.
Ararat tha BapablU " Oa aoaa i
dam* like IliU. M Mid. tka iMdaaat
U M apaab la {artlaalar of Uu ppiaol <
-E«olre4. Ttol la m»t Fred Bob^ pMagaraa. aad Kam IW paarteiie'
iMriMa ad tba vrlrau aalAlaaa What,
eaatd VaMiaMa aad Ua adamt'’
bfcva aaoiMpllM vlUteal lb* laral:

totted uae. Tbcrc U oo n«.
KB why peoptc ahould eat
hafu tbe caaie rapccuncy ct
Mr to'day, norpt lor t'
DMlart cod aboB <4 the o
m which all ibc olli
Purce'e Coldee 1

tMaUd ia the ■•tier he« •<> AIBnlt}
»lm the •ctloa of the b
4ITMMI r»ierdi» irurwib.
TW tineun *«re <»IM u«Mb


gaac d ifgatina end DalnrioB), w«cb pnecot the
proMr noonchaieiit o( the

trade 'vlli

___________________ '•j,

uamtr. « M ■Mb Uemrf ** poMl
Ha. le Maburw tbaae *tw (aarai
the PWBMI ct MlA anB."
tka haalarcdall
TW MBIUM Ihea iiMarW ibMf
__________________ ^a of Iha aailad
MMr l>4 MfcalatliB. U> guarmatee ibe
■ leaUi oi tba imaaei tuaa
AaMleaa Iddaf alllMt of
Iba Bonb at
a tbe
iUr aeolb.
teaili. la pread
|irea4 «d bla
and baeon tka Bag eud baUi
eMiAl MaStecMaaUMoe «bM ibc
■MMBT la ar^aiiM U OU caaaot
\ba 4tm, Ue board M ti
ao oltaa itode that U»
-tbe ■eaiT bT leaetal
aalloa la wUa to
re^ia Uu
the algaan i4 '
kto^^aTaaf-a ,



***■■• ttrk a' H r*c



> iMU. 1 OB <to^
Tbe Medtm Ad-


__________________ t. BoliMta aaa pruaamt wMb Ua verb.
Aal U rakd aad baaerffal aud troa
Tba taaraalaa, vUb ifca alcaan Am U Iba fcpabllc af Iba Oaltad
aad Iba aaK>aal lur vbirb aaeh be
COM rMpUbla, an u lolleva:
A OdBOlMea ba nlA "Bo imdar
Nile aaa pea hare iMa Iba oaa pea
-Wbaraaa, ll la propuaad to
■adala Ibaalrll war He proadai
atapomUoa lor tka MaalM
__________ willy
___ your aaaa liat»____
vUh a —|4i«i atitob
Iim tkaa Aal they waa aa banaa el Iba Bpao
lab war. HeaM uaad roaab lortba
davMlaa af AAra fikatallMa. witb
aad to Ikai <ad aad lor the pur
at pawlollaa to Aalr
M cCaeUac aaek orgaalaatloe. I
Aana. aad m loaf m Iba txiaaatoa o(
koMV agned br aad betaeea
IW AlnM ^ adJHa;^ (UAfaUp
pwUaa banto:
fTfut-rred Bobena banbr pn^
at oar faIrtoUa Baa ibMa
poan aad acraaa to aeran ttb.OM i4
aaUUa caab eapttal to ha laraatad la ao f«c at rebel at ^Ma or toraaloa
fiM bioead. Bat tot Aa tel bead
od Aa bMonhlato « ol tka nrolalloo
M 00 of Iba laradar aManid u oblll
- - tw (ran Aa r
«darA koai Salabar
tar. ■aaklae iMdar^
/ naicloito eii
bMUr amtlaam. wdur aaglaaar. aad
fdhan. aad rtoM eomauacr aad
MlUdkfr lor tkaa# raitooi poMUou
Kluabw cd Ike addrw
I uualc aad tba
blthla am* jaaz tram tba
« Mil all ol Ika MPltol atoek
■at the ■rporalloo at par,lor aad. la
•OMtdaraUna el which, aad wbea
baaouei ol ...
crfxmd la brokM for iha bulMlaM.
aad wkaa Ula acr^Mt la lallr par- AlubiDi aaaoclauob waa held rrlday
alcbl to Park Place holal. Than waa


»«.doa^£ra« to amtmi IIU.-

r''bM**toaahtM toa-



aappofatlaa at


M wbo wan praaaat bad
a tibia, aad Iboae wbo wa .
e aad aboald bare baaa d>{


________________________ _ 0 ba kapi
aad yiliirBad br aald Babaru, ai
a^M^ee oar part*to par laid

" 0:M> Iba fuaili wan acatod


toto -mm OlBd I An.- Ha baadlad
Ua aaldaot rary touraaitofly, aad
oloatd to alailBf a aenbar c4 taeu
lb luMod to Iha Aliuaal. to which ha
■ Uan an bow IM fradwiaa
Ala aebooL
LB Qllbart
hy tba








Si.*SV.-i 52A*r‘


fly part «___________
_ — bakMdt. darAf tka
bad btMo Uo pneraa, Buw
MCOM- caobonra (Sktohad
^rar aad
Ua boAL

au HMa Hay


arapMadthodarQIMd: MMirar,
4 WabM
At A o’alaak Iba i—inn ai.___
. _______
— Ate ________
• raUuM tort the peat raaawi aad poobaU aarty Ula tall to Ua
MOdad to tka nanwarT. wbaca tba panoM d laiddial what Art af 2
baad ■aUarAg aball A bald aaai
yaar. A tou of Uaaka waa cHm to
a< ltdtr amrtaa !■ fto mam M


ST3!iJ2? i5?~£a?SSii





taartan at Otaaga hall, whan tba mmia WM lormad. haadad br tba Ben'
bk^' Nan opm Owpear U aa
mtH at hoaoo, haadad bp Uaataaaat
Kloaaaa. with tba raunai od tka a
ad ihar woMBoaooW %r mam thM

m MHoyNca to tba tmmmta. wh.
A* ibnrliii <4 tba attacaeoa
’**So'lka at monk waa at tatto .

aaa araaee w
id Aa geeadi
—iwblj' *M eaUod to ordar
HAadar «. M. IMA. with tbo

▼hy te h that Ayert Hbtr
Viior doc* M may rtmrt-


puttae* liftlatoh. Thehtlr

Hair Vigor


Si: sr™,:; i


ArecMl buw tnm Bd ITabat nf

L.&k.,NerU Hanltoa. telU of Ua...............................


------------- -------------- iLtA kaaptog a boMl

maiera rang* of lA Alaeket. r
WrddA. M

h* •uppu**.!


'•-AlTt S.a.le......................................................



.AtvI il.e irti a«K inakre at.........................................




world for «Kooo wHo

koa.! WagiKit li.aii ................
(icnilcii.rii'. liming Wa^une
Two •raie.l a|King Wagimi..

635.00 to $66.00
»« 50-00 to 86 00
65.00 to 160-00
.46.00to 76.00

Kiilibcr tire vcUiclcji
{irict'N to cornime with quality,
Wc can furniah lokrrr pi
[iricrd good' than the above, but
cannot reconmicm
ii-nd thei
:m. Our prices guarantee ^he
\Vc can save j’oii money on a

Kes|>ect fully j'ount.

Ferris Implement Co. Ltd.
127. 129 UI13I statist.

TA left feat waa Ml opM aboat
half way aetata aad waa a nn bad

totoy. Be WM lakM U tA bMpItol
ta am aa tA woaad




We have the only genuine. Are
you famllar with beautiful cloth?
If not you should be as It Is the
only perfectly satisfactory silk and
Wool Fabric made. It is very ap­
propriate for wedding and recept­
ion Gowns. Remember it is not
the genuine unless it has the name

W. m. T. Htad
perforated in the salvege. You
will always find thei stylish and
high grade materials at this store,
and at very reasonable prices . . .

The blood want A partM hrfM dSsafW
apwtth AalUy Beak
aad the Ato tegaiu its aataral «etor.
.. —
thiAgh IA cifcaUtiQB that tha acrid, eocredtoc
Baida aia orttod to IA awa or alecr gad
mlWad aad iaBwad.
laTigaraUtAati«a«at_____ *_____
otAr haitfal aaalcriala
an m
uNriN, n,
M Mt. *Wh iNh UMd I, CUT.,, N tbe«t'
Aattbyaad aataral



1,.|I litt,!,;} lhal WlU |draac ihe itinat rtarti^.


rtoat dlapaattlA aad
ttowatcBpmd. lo»a crMB-rtatoad aod
mea or laalt-fiadiar are
«• It to whea Ue body to


atoi .___ ,____
______ gaaraataed catocir ucwctoUa. ft boilA ap tA bl^ ^

'■•■“’“"aaftT. sr:25rst2sssr‘s


ToOmreaCoMinOiieDay srk‘%* 1
Gray Hair


«>' "“ .......................................


der ib.

MMtba of tUUgcat aad totthfal sm td^i
ema&» that Ue place
' It. aofiT aad afcaatok M to
Bnry chroeie aore, ao
kft «d tSa body hCMPM laa of aoBc previoiu

Peat Crwabed to May Priii
LaMar AUtotM Bel wttk a htwrtbto accMaai frtday. secUag hit tolt
*--• -tobght to a hay praat He waa
at OBI Bear Hr. Angatnt dam
wbaa the acwidcat look piaee. aad waa
womAi to tA city to Art Ue.tajury

Nun- Mimi-

A leather i|uiner M|. an.l Iraitief u|>>Kibtcreil. .

aadar Ue
ol which
Iraai It to It e'etoek h
Mr. HarrtacB waa atoo a m
Tnram Bay Teat, No. IM. K.
H, aA Ue Hudera «-okdmea


\A/m oao ••ll you
V 111*.I ticki I'op Hug^i


burning bullilliig
Ad In In- dragg*.)
All »*r* taken ...
h.H>plial :
William O'K*.II f.iund I.
>ll|.|M-d »ui aud

bad le tray hair.
, an Uataaad to tbe read-

.iml lime i>uriha>iT-. laiuioi
..I OIII {.n.i---





\\. I.iii .liiT.-i.-m ura.IcN of work from difTcrciit factorn-' .111.1 I..-1I1H
> liuyi-rs wr an- alwa>"» able lo

„'!S; S35„’5S:2.-5L:::."i

iJLS.fTffi.-S.'S 5Ki5S

towe^TSSr^bl^ ^tioaTTue


ilicmK'-l*. lie l»n\s ill. ihi-aiK-Ni i>txxl-. lie can hiul and
an.I m.iL." ' .ill ili.\ lie . 411 ort ihc tlt-alcr he at-lls
ih.-m i,.
He l,.,s
i.m.iiioii 111 Ik- iiiiurcil if tb«
|iM{ili. i> liiintl.iiiimi-il*n

rtU U. BbtoMt. Jbba ~
__________ Loatoa -Cbephart, BUal
club „t N.-* Vi.rk u> *.plor* 1
•aaaga. DalUa L OipwaU. May i
HAlnl*) lb* bigbr.1 iN-uk .i.
mat. Habal R. Bdrwl WUlton H.
akan rani
imamd m I*
btoaM. WUAto H. Lardle. mu J La
tada, J. AHrad
Loato 0 laat wwak. Il ta Ua Ulid Ham It hea
BHgn, Datto M OUtolt. Otorge D btea pkUled. Thai AatA bM qalto b
DMta. Sophia H
Ohaaa. Mary B Barba
Melglnn porij uu I
ago Ua MMIaa Ungbl a AaiM. weald Aeianir
A alaar to worAlp to aad daotdad to
■BkaMBten to Ual

Aaatag at lA
Hotel OoltuabU
" -iiSe o’clock. DeaU waa oaoaed by
an dtaaaaa, to which dinand had
walirtM Uair dlplwaaa
At to^ ban auh)aet to tama Ubm. He waa
«n tA oiM. kaadrM wbo d '
M nan of age tot! OeUbdr.
> do to wan aaahto to fUa a
Mr. HaiTtooa waa lakaa III al Kal
toa to Ua halt
taka toal Twaaday, aad waa bnugki
TA ^^^fyajtoaw wai
to UU e(iy yeatarftoy. Ha wnt di­
rectly 10 IA hotel expeeUag to (eel
Aa paB mam at tka dock, when
alter a Ittila reaL Ha toaret a
Ikap ouwwod tawan apv tba wataa itafc. aad aAra aA al IA aUaa
illd. a latbar aad
M baaar ad tba dwiod aaral baroM. baatiac to tA data fwloca, iwd aad
B. ikMHallr aaoMoao la bavr d tba
kdUan ■artiwad daad m oa»
MMod OB Iba O. A. R. M atIko oato-

I., lb,, nilpim. »,f,- h
....I ... tiaa 1-r.i.rtM.. .


•ssr.“KSs! - " ir.'jr

JlrSnSrSaTarM^ hS




.,X" • ■ -

hiiBdnda Unaged lA auga u ooa
gmaUto^^l '^to^^^M tbe rtaae of Mdw atorto
TA obalaa from AlE
itokwi pertod aa boa a bA hawagbi
eiRM at IPPA
■p M Ue«. ihM alia WM al lA mar«y of Ua alawAU and bar wkfaty wai
H. noroaea ivalah. Lydia B. 1
Mary ParhM. <tol W. Naahlu. .... toBakantl aad atand to Aalter.
laUt J. Martlk*. Albert O. Kyaetta. MayMblA L B. B. Oapa A ftow.
faaalTad a latkw froatA aoAMar'i
a t
-------Walfred Baaaoa. Alfnd K.
Nera M. Wright, Lloyd A. BBsalB. m4 aaklog U
--------------- Halea Stoat. Hebar O Sunt.
UA Aadenob Pord, Harry 1. Itoa
Uaadw oommawlod
’ tie V. Siepaa, HdUa H. Blmp



I 111- m.imifa. iiin-r li.i-- ,i i i'|>u(atioii to susiaim he aclU
hi* i:ot><l> on iltcir mi-rn- ton n«i ju-,i wliai you
,\ st-aliK-r don i . .iri: ,i raj. aboul the qutliiy


When O. A. rtaAr we
> Olaa niaraed to Ar bom* m Nona Dakota
JAu NiKlieger
elotrly liupruvtng
liA (dieAMiM A Aa. aad from wblA at Urti wrttlnr
ba Apto to gel aeveial alMlage of

Robert Bator bn aeored
ou tba fariu
formerly ooMpled by JAe Hr.
lAr beMMBc pleeiy. Mi. Day le real i
Black Ad Uavtil Hoaeb t
ly daaenlag of nkby Uaoke to hu ' aoA patohaaMl a cjIo
Mr illaok
•oSrto to latndBM Ueta btrdc ben : aleo panhaaMl an enallnge oniier
Md Plnlg hM movA faU Arber' AIoao KopA. wbo left l.*r* K or
aAp Md bootohold geode to MtoUtoe. It non ago to «A weei. reioniA
UU witaud AUdna will fellow bim: ton toe Mate ..t WMhlagiou one Ay
Ua fewdaya Hr fUnlg wlU work I tot weA
He earprlmd bi. in-ad.
at hU Itade there.
. and nlallTM In tote nrtghlKrhood

BMbw atwaaal
atoUM U a gale of wUd aad UUdiag


.tl ih. ' - liiuci.-s
riu> M.-blpcr'!> com■viv.' ,.II.I tl 11 ..,.r (..iiroii.. ill,' Ix-Iictit of il
>r ^jii.uiiV ol


Sf 5‘'JCTurA“.2r*“


,11.1 .illowiiij lii- x.iin • M-ali.i-r

>.-i an- 1 i>nn-,Moiiv from ill* mami(aciiin-rs lhal Muallcr





I |i.ii iiii; loi' ill.-Ill Mill) I10I.--V


sr s?5s.2!*.t'asi'2.a

d«l OMpaar ■- Owtac w ibo fact
g^Biwartal dar dim tUa piar oa TAtatlPwtoi nBaan wan

\\ r lull t ln-s.- ' .-IliVl.- M
.ii lii.iil loll. ilirri.'i from the
iM'ii in-it-.i.l ..f Ipivlii^ from mhiu-

oompIriiA liad'-l»‘ n
to a ■toudjiill
rc>rellp( the n
Will. Ue N*e i«l..' iiic a numAi of lam- a--, k
Ibr applcuac leiitlRod
Ilia lAtaa io..k Aid 1 '.".uc
that the poplc Of Ibc
the lewiag eortelr I'r'X.uii
ir-..| IP laa arbuoli
•oclety wl.lA Al. .ifuiic.
u- pn«iam upraed vlib a drtlabi
i AlpofTruteeKbl.l...
palBAI aad ptoetared , r.-a. I..
Uarrb’ aad -Hiawatha ' played bj
Maty, wife of itou
■petod U* altar, far- .nc ao
Biewan * aieBeac' orrbeeira
0.^1 I
f T. Htout iDioked the dlrlae blMC telarab aad paatlaoai „ ...
WAl It uaad
tbi. ibaektog the Oiicr or every food iloii, died alArbeBaaaat HuuroelFod All
Ocular Uet weak Taaaday ol peeamo I torch aud balfry
Hal u li
apd perfect gift tor all tbto the oi
Bla TAtuoaralwu Aid at 3 p. |Dell* u AdliiA to the place
p maaoi to tba rlly.
a Tuead^ rroa Ua hAi
K’lih Bheaibed Swurdc." by
tbadlnelioe of Uadartakar A
>ia. wac auDC by tbe Hlib art
• lw.k.-C S.-a -1
irui, aad waa a eery Bae auaiL-.
- n.. teat .If .e
rbr aalulblory by Mica Ullaa Purd
I OnpB an Mlag wall aud i
of ai-rlplur*
» >cry caloyablr
A dor nrallop
I peel to frail le good. '
l>) RmJI Ucderle lulluwcd
i ia oeedad to plowing
Tbia aaa followed by Iba addreaa
Hay M { II W Bill.-. I,a. ail.
of Prof H C t^dard of tba law dc
tee a vote of ^nnk BmtU aod will
l>aUtoaalet BhU
parmeai of Ibd llalvoraliy of HIrbI
rom It
g public to ! In a few Aya
"Tbe Haa of DaaUby"
IA llrlfhaa. ba*
cuhtoci. and bla bddreea wai
y U Hemll andfamUy
Hr and Mn AaAr AUlanb of!
earaeai ihouibl and balptol
Kaaeoe wen calltog ta frlaodibanl
>0 frle_ .. -.
Blilec gave ''
Itaim and family .
party lael ‘
ITburaoay cvaniD
b) iBhB'ert. WM auag by Ibe IlUb
ebuol cborui, led by Uuc BallaDiyi
' ■ eorty
with Hlaa Cbarlolie llala at i
trip to A_____

»lr M.tfgaii
aipnaeed biBMalt M
U whai bU f
Mica Ullle L BIMaall Uao fare i
ralodlriury ip a plaaalof masaet
Mayor Jobs K lUbto, pmldabl
pUorloei.c-.-.d MltaAlleOarl, wbo
an- an u|.|»h-(udII> <4 arrli.
ic atbool board, waa uaable to
T>.* ntroke of Itli plaoa
Ill* AiK-ei prlvBli- n.ll.ivlliuie I
,.-aaeai at Ibe eoumebeeaieel ea
LecmaRi Bnoktoo hM Improrad bit are »orry to Ia* Hlaa Uarl a* poalmii•orl.l
lt> lii.ldiua Ucm to
elan uo
acrouni of ap laiikiriasi
I ah* haa glron good Mllefac
ar I..' A. aruuln-d ml.- i.i II..-n. a
■eellBl of Ibc city couacll, at which
At :at»
he bad to prealda. ao lA preacatallob
of dlploaiaa wac aade by lIcrAn
_. .
Hobtasue. cAlmaa of tbe commit- of orolebai to walk areobd Wwu
eboole of
Unary Wyea baa'iold Ua boaae and u..*i.e>i...
e pointed l>
. »'rau>'le
Tb* ai
Raihu leiareA lAI U
. .
Ttavarae I'llr
eierclaea reproaebt for each pupil.
ctoudlaga upoii-cr ol eeekeal
elaaa im ibelt
Mra Krtokacn and
r ReaA'e
aad empbaala 1 tbe im AnU HaaltM laal we
HlaeAgUM Purtou ep>
to iralatof lA. they
..., had Bnaktoa'a motAr.
| idAbAywiU
alac the ralue of wbi
Mr. Varrle Md liMlc aan of Tn«-, Oily.
e Ad I


tounal to Ua aeheol a*d Ua AtnU.

Maawrtol 0« Pragma.
tka ■OBtar tl Iba aatka. —
•Mad banM wu Aniigtr okoarrod

and took two Ard dgh.ia, ;
offl^eT gn«to aod
,Ara Dr. Walker had aleo oBered
-------------------------- .
laud. Tb. AmaKiee located the eAt
Death Moll.
Mareball’""* plaoe foe a Aorch
_. .
. Rlla I
.1 . L fat* to.-limAre Tl.r«-iraalne wee*


_________________ of Ua elaaa le Mw
tA parttof at Ua waya, wlU
paiA abaad. oa leadlog to auo
and Ibe olhar to tallon.
waa lAl each A patleat aad a
tallhtol to Ue world, to ____ _
aAve alL to Ood. He Uea preeeoh
Aj^aadU^ihaJ^altaady bacaa IA dlploatA to AhaU of Ua board,
apokc of Ue aew oUlfaUou lAi Ue
boifU ii^hAMy. rtSa'to mkimtm elaaa wUl aow Are to last, aad urged
ward, ibtofi ammad diA aad Md Uai t%aj prove Ualr wonUoeei
. _____ —________raaUiy________
Altar another aclertloo by Ibe or
Chariaa Back toto od Ua ■Oawl OM ebaatra.
"Lora and Paatlon." IA
■ebool UayaHa toMaparadlUt olaaa temg «
soBf eery well
aMoal dan wlU Ua Altar aUa d
IlMtoBc, wltfa Hlaa He
Iba wuan Uta. to aUleh. ho Mid.
U«w war M oeoaatoau eatoi Awto( wrtuaa by
oMk Bfbt wiu Uo werU. Ho aery U^toaUc
aaunaiatofly aad rtaldtr ocatiailA
Ua two aUA wUA MB ao «Mbt d'
Ua atocaaaaa d aad Ua tb?l» Kar.'c. Y.'BtoBl.'afuT’wUrt
rnd. B. U


B good fklnr to
all roBBgsten.

CellA Meme By F.n
Boot lafi MAday for
Hloblgab Aoia lu the wood! wAic'
be will nmalo eav.-ral weeka —klcU
MaM Paad Ne CKtUeafv.
a, O , Uaaetic. May U
Ur Uai Ad Anl.v rauibad Uraudj
adecti eboaU S*made to laach cai^ea I.AUa a lluuea.
Traiarce oooaly wAn lire brotr oat i
to ~ Hew w Faed ibUdm.* }
u tA boiler reoai at bti taeuey al
Mhiiub. and At lur pu etorll.ol Sre
Ighllbg apIkralBe o9 Lie own ll.r
IA Hooey Bee.' uh. bu
work, eoold Are Pa re ad
faeey arUolea. bad Ice ca
to Ibe groBBd. u lA elllaga dre au■ leryihlor H
glua beoauie dinblad Afore ll
wiib taade A hao.l ai
A the Bra. TA Bre artglbalc
laoiAr.ebinglu ■
a Al
.... .. .MOioe.
le oaA t. feel the
Irr dm. :
‘-I f'*
* »Mo.UW



3*fpar r. H.t"”

Wf> nn give our pitrons better value for
thuir monpy in any kind of vehicle than
Ihr-y c.dn got I'Isewh.

L '5152"

.*» ‘5*’

■ao bad ____
Ulawonb Hale aaaoiuoad P. C. Oil
ben aa toaalBaatw lor Ua atraalof.
Mr. OUbaK adbaowladfad the hoaor
aw approartau worda, aad Um
--------- oa Praalfwt Halo to tall at Aa


wimnr’ t'“ Im *licr"*A”el.ildito
Ouriug (l-c caoetiop periA good cm.uebt le glTMi to lopBg fwopr le
___ ^^utor tA I aria. Be • 111 A at ibe
Uo-rt Whiling Wedurtoo oocn
al Klk fUpide Tn~d>y ooou at
Blnralde i acel Tboc who «uh
ployuHiai Aluiwo KIk Heiuei
UiMaoiaAig eau eee bioi at alibi
lA plaori samail

«thyji^cun^.h|^ <4

OM Am u> bla tke M» i4 f2>W>.
■•4 UmL the sauMt <4 tbe ca(>IUI

BabaiU. thaa
•W (U bMt

Jb^ »i» anu a ^ aad to
eld.r yoa- g p e^ Irca TbcaoM to ti
a dey.
Hco aad wamrn lecelt. Iraa to f: It a da.i a d fueaiee U a
He WMld lUe lo gel toboei

e. Wilbelm





SnU TlaTerse HciaM




“* ^


n___ — i^rSr^r


Kealuckp Bavara Raaaavall.
WattalnruB. May n.—UoSlucky la
uc lu
t fall ioto Itaa tu auppori
llDO. -The COD
_ _ JttHB of ObMO «M U teVB eilukiapr <
Ml rsfCB
W Varke*
a Kaatoc.
Twodor1 Jalj wll
Tbt AIubAI hOte*o»»lll bejwu
•I tte Botol teetl cm WodooedM.
Jbm ntb.
0 a KobI M*al Tbaioter U Tror.


--------- ah«lM ut Omt Bwtar
•UMtenBudMMbM KaUm te BmI
M« •tmakm. Mn 4- MnM>. «

BlAw4 Miealwi •( Oted Bwte>
«U Mmm hM llteilMMM «. a HoiM rWM Mted*
W Oted Bwter «te tfM •( ItevMk.

OUatM WUteo oad Mte Au* Hit* ploeo, trmeulMd Is
iMl nidkr 10 Tntetm
Ttelf moor filiotejted^n


— I>reildriil
Ony, May
luday Md
____________alU depart
ilU tiwrlal arrli.e] lo


I AMok. la tM ll
vaa beta, aiod
At teall tea. Marta wbU* ptola
a(abM'aM>Md walgbk la lia prat- >u obeal tte Mm of a aiokaL
iokaL Tte oeU laad oabar OteaMUM la Ite goaaralaw aMa »T0 MraU, which la u pnied rwrj blgblj hr Mr. Potter,
park ta lantlMi U Ha grewtb.
■terl; iwlaa aa maah a* tte Kolnooor
Uoiaraor Bliaa boi uaaad tte «c
weigbod bafoec It wa* r. dared lo lu - lowiap Bag dar toaolaaMtkte from
fallj propagala M
Ibe eivoailve oSoa To tte People of ad that ibu It becaam tte daidb al
At Parli Matgaatiu tW.e.oal. ab.. Ii.. Huu of Mlobl«M
Aeltog Mder Ibe fraal la wlalar U taeb Itet tbe
awoka Taeaday Irum a Iweuiy ywirk' Ite kBlbomy of ooeearrMl raaolBtloB rooU are kilteL
aaaar. Udaod' Tbe oaea la te fenad Ko l.i of the pabllc aeu of libu, I
Marrlad wbM ate waa lA lima dita by Iba Mwapapera .. oo. el toe herri-y r..|teai ilml Saada*. Jana It. Toroad. Bmaa WoedraB. al B|mrM.
raMTkabla knowu to medical iiAO, Md .Moeday, Jaat i4, i»ua, te had to Imra tte panalaraa efhar ymra. Tbe woaao fell latoacaU- obtereed at Oag day*, that us iboaa enu befota tlm eokld raBarry. aa aba
laidte IfMOeoo Maytl, IW; afiar day> there will bi a feaaral diipUy it eol yat tk
gietag hlrtli lu a ohIIJ.
Aa Ite te
lit Md itnpoi la boaorof
Tte dUeoewr U claimad by tbM
gtaatag of brr loag aleep ate isBen j‘
rereaty ul the birUi of U-- who bora leated tte alateal walot
> lOkk-eOted ihal oa Sunda,. loiuid
id oa Ibe goTerumeat Uadi a
itiUe. Ham Itel It Ua igao)B
palpnt' af ite
lb.- li.(Bor habii
There la graar
wealth >lAllb. iweaubrd latriollc
Ib.- pasr. b
u>ou>. aud ou kloaday all of tte
age of £: year, aud a
I bat ool T
tchool* i.f till .late tl.all ba.eeier- baea eaiiraly •0>|.et>ded
oiiei .'I a letriwi. order. Ibere teiati
Tte auiahairef usaiM


Mte U Tn?m
MteK—* PoLdM
Urn taj*.
9mak *-------U W OnM itafUi
wUk friMdt




Mjoratdowd bel|d«I allorDOOO
M *p*M ij dll wlio MWadad.
IB Of l-lfe la Tarriblt.

Wiu Bhmm at TMtefte Oiir te*Bi
tea «tet te Lalted ted atetellr.


SmiSRi Atte

Bl«« mmi

Butel Chudlw at

M OmU. «M 1>

Mlatat Hulte mtaaOatt ud AddlP

ais:sisjsr,i^^'^.-^si.rsu? ixjsjrs’i
Mlaa Htntd AnIm ol«-d > mm--


To bis daath wai ib<- loag-leoked for
baeiMW the
^U,, aad laug-|irayril for relief
Tbrta u
! aaid to te Mother COM of oaaiBoaUob
day olgl.l dro|H»d lo forty Md ttere a that .iriBily
.eg.-Uhlea aud. ll u Iear.-d. injured
tatall (relL

iboMb m
mill «rt- II
Itel IB ibr DciafaWhuu
klllrd. Ihoufli
•ugh thp
tbp rl»m
e ItM. Id IKv.
obably «
u ln)ur,M
Tb.ldBoiiar«il»o u
I I. .llBralL oo


l alag a Btty yard i
' ‘^‘>“»'-‘’l»d«l,

M Vl^ oiTutU
^ Mr. ate
Mgib Mm--

At BalUraaMautetalday waiob
'oltowtog wbleb bla teUW
aarete witb emy aUbotale emteoay |
*® •“«“
»'• ««tdUiae gra*
Uarlug tte toag |«nde to Blearalda I P»daolly weraa aaili Beatly ba-wio
oaaaeta*y. oaa of ite erteiMa Haall-'
>« *»o^r '‘A'diy a Jolol la bit
toa A Brewa. waaterlokaa with |wi '
«*• >*•* ••• “« • •<»»* .
alyau Md waa lakea u~— oo . i bad lo be kBooked OBI to parall bla

ol ».4 ou


M a't*itel
l"foe' loogau.l
I »® beary ihp luui.le h
■ oat Md feu are .lalok.r ai.,1 Mirer'
uuiuuval.l- ob -i


lapoB la jf

H1“nv:: ■ s


»r-ii.MSr —



\V<- II-Mil.l 'ilo.' Km.; rnouuh in knovi
lU'.t uhat |K-o(ili- w ini ,iml wr h.iM- ii .H
pri.c". thdl jri- ricln
\\ <• lu.ik.- a s|h-h.-iIly i>( kfi-pinii ih.'M- -.ih-o.iI kiiuls .>( Slio.
that toil lani bti> an> wlu-n- i-lsc - Such ar\ira a iilf ami < .f-y work »hi>i:a for men:
Kanv Sh.H-i for 1 a.lic, lari;c ankle uhoir>
for La.tica: ami .mhion Sole Shoes for
In.ih laili.-s ami men. IVop in anil wc us
if you ilon i illUMi.l l«' Iniy .




br koowa,
(IrowBed aa eye wll
l« loal
... Topeta ibe <
h“ dwb ^Ul
greailBg favorably,
aim ftiad al U.
J W. Tbooaa. a
Ctly. Kae .
wbo got la tren KMaaa
____ _
-The iliuatloa IB K ..
eaBDol be paliBod Irm
.•■ He raporta: "KlfleoB Ibou
people abaolBlply deelllale aod
Miwd tor U rtaurebe.. balli Md
Ik-ia-acB bod

R a r a Values
« For Quick Cbinkors! «

ChW»t Co.

Steinberg’s Store


bTdMror abMiolaIr «
osua, CM bo MM 1yi
Iba iwaeb of aU.’


208 Trent Street
Dent rfw

* I Steinberg's Store

lae ttoeka
TblevM ovar
MbMlwlty •
ig of dorao Ibe placn auu .e«- e.
aortad bouaat U prooaadl
-Doaau of ptopla ai
boaaoupa, Md pieMBi i


Bacbant & Boscoe

iThe Prices Tell The Story!!

Fora few daye we quote these extraordinary Low
prices on eeasonable Goods.



Come and see us. We've got what
feu want.


Ulked 10 W*^‘^h“1uld'hM^Mly
cue bob! ka U boar*. Oro^oa arc


Do It now

'remaikabU iwlnc> i

^ >.••-1 i>euu*ei.'i lei.r- ta>i ib>- MpJ —in i^
«. PUUlg. telierod
UK Ultcbelt. wuoee t
aboal tte oldeat uaeallog t
aad eeerytbli.K Amariea. bat eorared aaarlj aui.oio
.- tu r.-ll,-..- ihitelllog Ibe paodaol of ooe
M KngUali ooadle amklbg
tilruaa oolli.lon Md bia Blod, be aer.». the coaiilry
• .....................
poniOB U rompvlib ■ (rli:lii
Ha u a aalira of Oblo. bei al
ty.waea hUok for fo.. trara He | a ui.u Piaplo,.-d Uv ihe Lao.iug
OBd tbP do> «o* lurnpd Iok way< reglalon aa ooutag fros the
It people Bed from Ihp >i.>rD
laoovtirml a lUvor -niu.- au8 will ' u„in..|,, oompauy or. AVdoeedat
KBgiith elly wbar.- ite aaadle factory
ibpy w
Utucaled. Mr. PlaUig. who woe
1 all d^Uooi.
II A I’otlar. a farmer tueidieg u.-M . oo Unii.1
boueei t>efp lore iBIo fru Detroit iha etbor day. aoya be U oom
nibPre o.-rr lined from
HTMth trip aroaad^be; wuinoy, plowed ana
tousdoIluBi and reirled laliu-l >»i world
farm a few dayi ago
l.1<«-kt: rwilt .klled Ilk.- l.-avet to lb.
! *-,l'i!i. Iur.a-r,.r.i...xl .a.iM.dpniu.e-e
A lyadloau haaboeu forsed at Am- Buiaa halt ooot. luioiod in iwa. Ua oouuiered
kir Md BBBj pereoBi wore picked ui
hr Ibe alorm osd c»m.d oeer cr.-i-* eterdam which wlU Mor tbe gnat ox-1 ooa elde U the bead ol Hip gmldeai of I a 0a«- of
paoiaMd tlia allaedlag tba oalilagiUteny Md IS elan, reireteotnig Uip
BBd bouet for low rildODrei
of wliU II Ite UtgaM dUmoed koowu I origiisl la eUtea It la aeldoiu a half IB.IIPBI ha.1 ucorly recovered ih« goi
-tbe htoelaiot. Tte klwoUlor waa j peony It aaoo. at the coin i> obI of tuM wae allowi-ii to go, afl.-r b.- had
Thu oue wa> ouloed iIip labmine-l o Ih-- tumigmUou proceaa
) Jagerafooieia ainea, | c
Kao>a« nty. Jobo {.—Al t
lit morelag tbe HUeourl rl.
lert. oqual lo (he blghee
.rhod duHog
iHug tbit caiailropi
ouBdltkiot here
Bble. allbougb Ibpre li
Bgbi 6r<«
Tbp paolc
Md ihoiUMdi bate b


• ■ Hrifire
I'odiliar wai
■ he iioruacb Md ii !•
It Ulullr lUJUIed

Ihr.atauel with a «a

. i»it.Jke.Tte

ehpu ii li

I HoblBiOB, tte teteCM olrona
rill telld a obareli U l ioelunagau. Hra .'bamburmiu ha. rteui lue
mid Mr. Ourmr plow.1 a
tasMy of tala daaglitar Katie
d„„og « u,ne boretally voted ' ‘**‘ •f'‘“ f**" iattew.-ei He. ha. .fteirt fo,
u.uun.. I ■•OBd hae been
le of «0 aarmatlee to IQ* nag




Bmfci ted WIU Botem. t*o
ter* •>
wte u« M *

Mtbte* U« do.
klite et tte gw-

Maartaa J. OaMteaga. of MMUUg. 1 tte paup dHaa
rtewaa airaaaad tor amMhlag lltt laagtoaa
ranb af bU wlfa'i faiattare. waa dia : Jaeob Tuit*. who Uaad mmt Obfc.
eborgad beoMU Ibaie U m Uw la i wood. I. dead Per y.on ba boa boM
Mtobteaa wUok forbtda o amo trem I aatarUg taoa m UotuabU OiateM.
daalroylag hU wU.'a prepartT.
1 Yaaia> ago
MO te
b. bad
ted aa
W alM
MM el
«t tboatte%-

au more taered duty ol e.lbur .barch
J. H. MllUku of Ttoeont dU/ oreldr >11911 ticrp Ihn-ucb ableb fi«a wbiob ah. di.-i
■oteb ts aeeeral^yaara
rlTwl la Iowa Homdar bb ite ipeelol
or ich.Ml lhau lUe P-aotitag of palriol
l>rp>ldpBl and bl> pari>
<’ r'
H ■'
Haoktey. wha baa sate wmay
aerv packed allh rbeerlBK
A T BIim liu.eloor.
PardlMBd de Uae-e. a rreucl.m
ifu to Miukegoo. Imi bow gleoa
glTUB tte
Ai Ibe UheroMle Ibe
Hooktat aad famllj will oooapr rr-.«-l>
sathlr t>
of BOble binl. ao.l lu*h .mltm.-. a
Man uautka a Kiur.b .d.wji.i ha.
.l.ll.erpd kB addreii
la tte WlUoa ooltage
ley eeJ
lad wall a |diolut|iapl.
beoo wottiDg aiDoiig k'luaa Ib lab- j.—
Tte board of •wfl'ew bold o mMiiDg
Uiaa bliaateH- l*ohliuM > K.-uiurly poiuiu.- ejdeaioriu,; tu iBIureat Item
la the lowB hall oe Meadap eroauic
telto. Uml he well,
H. W. Oaablagbaa of Traeme Olij
d. leed oai atortOD- i>
' au-i I. |»i.oi->i- (hem li
Mllad ao MMdt U thU ploae rrldap.
Umo loiKhI aud w.m ll.e la.U ol
lalotaating itfoaiaia wai gti
>, grau lo Itel (itere
___ towB b^ OB Mae Knh Md
ter LoulMilK- home
I Al t^>-jnae with oiiu-r relioi
wa« wall
iemm *' Chaaibeila.u o( A
local tiore wladoa i. m poo
Bar. Bleb Md Kae Brpaa
I woodrriul bora-'womaii t
eery aaillfol lu a rouod ap --i.r i
I la boaor of iba
taldiat. aod a
rtOB br Ui« oldt Mldia»





Park ioldiiiti tio-Cart
thcthing ioiakr on
yiu-Cari. i
Carriage just like cut. i
[hey fold ami iakr^,.r,..|„!;t, ;,,„i l„tk, t
ber tircb, patent wheel
up but Imlc room
Ip.iruM.I .maim i m.-.-I
tener and brake, denim up­
OIK- movc\S'iih rubia-i
holstering. adjustable para
I works fool an<l U.iik
^1. for only—




Only 0.75

j .\ii hoiisoholil shi.iilil lxwilhoui um- of i lu-s<-ti.iii
liy sumnifr -.tiii.-s, Ncui
I lan t;ct a iiu-al in halfiluj tiiiir ir-taki's on .i i.»U.
j siovi- .-ml witlioui m. li
! ini', and not oiil) ihai ii
I will pay for itself m lln] fuel It saves. (>iir tiri.r
I for a
Iiumor (•asolhu
stoies, f..r a short i


mme" nHaaDa

I We Quote Below a Few iS Bargains While Tbey Last;

i Cadies' Fine Cailor made Suits
# at Jibout 40 cents on tbe Dollar.

(18.00 for (7.S0: (20.00 for (8.rS: (2S for $10M: S3S tor (



^ One lot worth $4.50 to $ 10^00. at $2.98
One lot worth *7.50 to $ 16.00. at *4.98
Anothor lot. 50 cento on the dollar '


t ilen’s Pants--0ne Lot at Just Half Price.
I Men’s Ovefcoats-A Big Lot at 50c on tbs Dollar.!
4 trcal lots 11 2SC, wortl SOc to (1.00; 65c. wortll (l J5 to (2A0: 08c. worU '
(2.0010 (2J0. (las. wortli (2J0 le (3.00.___________

■ ^”“'E5^!s2

Only $3.50


of Tmrmm Otr
WMtat mr

ILIMMUWM7>U•* <Ui «ttl


B. M OUl Mk Mm-

aUlwu-e n >u>u toa

RUiiflcralors and
let Eream Treezers
We have ju«t added a complete line of
the celebrated Ranney Refrigerators
and Ice Boxes and to encourage early
bupng we quote theae apecial pnee*.
Stdid Ash Ranney Refrigerator, fitted
with heavy brass trimmings and ball-


\Vi- carry a romplcic assonment of thi-

Olbltc meuMeiaFreenr*


Bier BMrKMiriM in Shoes



as Ot:s.'

Drees Ooode
Three Great Lots—35 to 50c values at 19c.
40 to 75c values at 25c. 60c to $ 1.00 values at 39c.

The standard of e.vcellence cvtrv whcrc
IT I’AVS I S lo handle the White Moun­
tain because it is the Itcst acting, best
looking and most durable freezer man
ITl-.AYSYOl tousclhr While Mown
tain because at less labor and less r\
pensc it produces the best results and
it will positively outclass any other
freezer made.

Price IttelMf* Ik Bow* TemMiliios

^^s ss-t-cT-i:


Don't let your wife toil over a wash tub
and board this hot weather but bin her
one of these Improved .American washers
when you can get it for -


Grandest stock ever shown In this city. Values 60c to $ 10. (
Prices now 3Sc to $6.60 per pair.

;The W. D. Ferguson Adjustniont Co.|
Oom* In THo Momlns

Vou Oon.


i-rciNBicRO’3 a

Stainbarg’s Store


Grasd Trarcrse Henill
nUM. T. KATSa. MMr.

b I'am a OUban'
(I Bl. ad».
K rnaUBuaD<
oilban. llueaU A Craaa

Tnrme Cnr'»
Ja4«»U7 «m
jKabm klebard ea Oaarga Bleb•ooa be IB OBBraikni. Tbe ne«
aV. dtToree; Uieell R Oa«a f.t ewa
•IBC Cactorr X <k» lami mapleu ol
lU kiad la Ike »Ul« aa« pae arbtek ' AKro' Morw ea Klebard Horaa. dl«UI tanUk a aood maikal for (ka oroa: Uirall R Oaae for aoBplaUi
pradaeu c< Ike (amt aed orrkardi la
‘"noal» HarrlM Gaylord re Alban
Uti twtk« TU* laduirr U a
layk^, dhroraa; Lorall II Oaftr (or
acal ana (ur Ikti pan ol (ka ateta.
Ra^el n«k«r *• AKrad k TUkar
*IU Ika mourm la Ike rIrtaUy ol
Traearaa Cli» It U lara ai no dtaiaal dtrorre: I^B Hobaru (or aoBplalD
da> la Pfura lu aa«atlir l» tba
«n. WkUa DlllUlu Ika prudiH
Ika umi and crekardit. Uiarctay beea«mt Ika lamaf. It will anplo; dnrtaf Ika waaon a larse (ort* otikelp
la Ika cur. ikm beeoailDi a baeati to


Ulaoda. aad eoaiap hoB
badilaapi Ulod with tiis

Dale Bnxaaa re Man Hroaiaa.
aa; Prall ft Darle lot eonplalD

lib> (anilly a wld-i«r<l nnnhi-r.
MrKalabi. (be tUiar. Johu
I'barlrt. three broibon and Jo
vile aod babe
Jiibs. Ihr oldivl. cami-d Il'iH

quial Utla
Mynie Tkomaa re. Praak '
dlvoree, Covall ft Croat for a


pan% aow prartleally aaaurod. The
ftMpMba <d Iba T. C.. L. ft M.
food Barka aa epoch la (be bBlsrr ol
(*k rlUafta. aad R roBalaa (or

tal noon la (be aorthwoal me b<
Baftf. Nortbport poataaaae adairabir
■alarm] adraatacaa tor a popular
aort. aad Mnsdy woialda eapual t
» lor tba tvlaro

Bat iho •
«U(* will accroo lo (be whole oeoaty
aad to fmvBM CRy wUi bo tally at
«mM, U not rwatar. tbaa Uia «RalBpBfBt of Ibe reaorta. Tbe car (arry
•ni opan ap iBowam aarkau t
•erthweal >n«lo(or« laotelad
(kla tan>«( tbe clata. Thb la a vary
iaponaat tblap tor tble aecUon.
•at oily opooa tba Borkou of
prorUae ataaat b
baal boa tba oppar pmlaaala
aad Btoarml i«Trareree City will raodra a dIraM
bmaftt by raatoa id «olek tnaapor
tailoa MdUaf ImroMad tba paople
Id Laatmaau maty to tot la ud
at Iba olty. TbU wOl alao daralop
Iba maty aad oltlBaUdy roauH la
bUldiac ny erary -oaoiBaBty la tbe

. .

Sueplelns wai aruooad acali
HrKDKbt. owlnk lo '
roeordlH of
•konly aflc
noncaae Id bor (a
la death of Murphy.
(be Bkoncace bad
U elala...................
..-j ISOO, at *I*WB by
Murphy, III tdOO before II was died fur
It a

deal ul aarili

id ootaaa up Juae U.
Tbe haU-wltied eocaln to tbe fata
lly. Mary Mullla, waa aleo arroeied
lakee to KalUaka aod ronfla.-d
days, bet the wae n.-l««e.-d and
roed boow tael altbt. Il-ib the
aad Hn. HcKalcbt acre uk>-o oa a
irnia reiorolaa from TrnvcnM.- City,
whan tbe Auer bad been to Akc
legal etepa to prevent tbe dlaUiier
to Uie budlea It puaelble.
Tbe wbolt family, la (art. vA
y oppoaad aa laveeilptim Use
cader aciplelun beenuae to tbe
trouble with Joha'e Bnt vli
pnaoDl eagerona to obulo
nee Bnaey.
■herlfl Urelxbloa aod ProaerullOR
AUoroey BBlth are active lo the ma.-.
Of yet bare aernred an I
(be aean-b to.Hn MrKoAbl
cBerta A tbe Murphy borne it le a
Aged Gtey louod (be pnekage t
knloc bought by UaUsaBeld. I

(imtuBU roBovod
Bapty eajreuli
aim (ouad. aad It A (be oplac
ban that alBlAr oaee ware used i
x«BplAbA| tbe dalb to Murpby.
Whether Ibr wile aod cbM w«i
Bctmlly poAmod will be determAt
when tbo atoaaebt eoat to An
r tor anal/DA are returned.
Tbere A ao doubt la Uie i
tb^ oBloern now, however, aa
Lake todfs of Maeeabaaa.
•yaptOBa of all dnlhi were tbe i
ShertS Crel^tm ftaUly wat oatoldeath by etrlebalae A Uke
ae oibor That to the babe wae
ooeorred wblA ttw mot ber
waed abd ibt cooiau ol tbe atoa
sb Aaalyaod. It wi
away. John wna to hnre Brored lato

____ s js


thaae daatha oeearrM It ciotly ea- '
tba eaaa. and all aorta to
Man amata toay
Ibt caw
« ncBtor JoM oaaila at tba ebeaort tor tbla eoaoty wlD bafto

Sr iSiTu_____ ."S

'Ced babe, before Ibe arim.-j r..uij
touched by Hn HcKalyht bui ae
e «a* Ibe actual bnil ol tli<- Mur
f houaobuld ebr vimid, acninJAK
thi- pAB allrllrutfd lo ber, anualll
I (be iDeuraacv mon.-y by thr ndead
It a1la«e<l 'hat the tuuahl u. j
•■etion III tba Imurmore ntuDey :
BodAiely alter Murphy e doalh, I
Iba dltovsed rhlld wmt lirou*hc li
•IluailoB l>) Ibo Maorabaae i
paymaB. ol (bo laiuraBro v



to (bla elly hare boa
------------------------- 1 tor Mrn. Mary Mo

J You can tell fairly t
► well what


^ is by what people \
> say who have used <
\ it, but you can tell \
y better by using it ]
^ yourself

Hn P. ft. Tnrla aM ftaafthtor gy.wok vlalilat
on kfi laftay tor a rtatt to a taw
It to Oraad Raplde aad

reported. Hn HcKaAbl seat ber buawae lakn skk
died btoon ha •
Bbt mlAclad. R A alAged. tt.m A■arnam 'froB tbe Mawbeei aad (ha
aaaat from tbe WoodBoa. *4.•M A all. Bat ibA story A only gmaelghborbood talk, aad then A

Hrv HeKolghL

wM A

*. a Pa_________________________ _iy to Ofttmiro. took pnmaiea to IMtaBnUb
fi the b
' a
- .A ~

-—---------- to the crodlten Be ha aelbla to
ny for tbe pnbUe ae to who tbe end-'
------UoreanoortbaoBoaaltoMr. fttolaPuroaaaa
bot« e IwWbtartafa. Iboncb ho mye
Ibat Gie tatter It nfBeleatly Ima

“------------------------- -............... .—after a Tltol.lo tbla oily.
Blaoobe UaakaQ retatpod wUb taoB. i
are t—


lill will (O to OM Miaaim
for a oroatb'. mttac
. T. Woodboiar lad f—
Id. Fl»Dto«, KtDh WD... .dIiIuih

. .hMF


CtKtaoTA la aoUl 1>V
adaen Opwear Co. Dietributen.

o Alow, wbat* they wUl spend pen

edacalim leal y>
' vbleb tfd.lbS w

'S~srir.,‘s.r. s.-L.-'SJr.-r'E.Ti

Ibe luimary tohool Bmey
‘“V ,o«i
BOtll Io-.i, ,on i, ootoplaeed bo will
Tbt. BO, Xnow tbe Kue!
o it e:dre':;^.mVV«“K. ,1^::
'■Mril dM.iue« to fire nay ftgnn whBBvKt.
Hr FergnMB wa

I Caiotoo Sanday m Ibe I

ad to Ibe gnoad tbu Boraing
a largu part of lA ecnteoie. Tbe
eaaae of (be Bxe A not known but
Bried npeuin and warn duooveo.-d
waa elrcmly bunting tbroegli tba roof,
■'--■nng eoald ba eared (rou Uw npe 8torea, Ablee and eewlag mn.
eblse wen mred. but tbe Innilly'i
alolblag nnd beddlag nearly all baroMn. Addle Hoxale and cbGdnn
vialtlng beteleAr. Mra Lewla,
.... ---------MS worth of olotbing
lo lew ____ no boor Iberc
___ only a amenlderlag
mbie wind kept tbe other bulldi

^ . ed In Gw BOOi booorobU Bi
' elble IB llie ntnliec. nod A ft
to pay Kt> oeoA oa Ibe dolA
B A Onkltne ol Allegaa
Hr. md Hn W H Cslot.
Ura. Mary Doker Aft tbia Bit ilug
!ur Aliyn to apaod the ranunct.

Uw wava sod :
oouDoil aod I
city elerk lor action
at Ibe
Ibe ueeueg of |
Va^a tPM^ly^’aMDtrd'la
non at
the cotmcil
taaiee i.v ih
lioiial beam ii lee. than AM yrar.
Prof. Will Naedham left tbla
Ul apitr to Ih. feet Gial M.i»' more It
lag tor a ftahiog trip lo tbe
locladed in the water
iiicly.l. l -o
if Ibe mnriyr pree
W R Umlor wael to Lrlaod tbu 'udgel. ..............
Borniac to utend olrosit eouri
only M«"'' luorv ilian Inet
waya and.
are adoiued Tbe
Those Oombinatim Pnll Vagoa at
'‘l<aVid U I'haadlr-r autl mil.
I ibandler »rui tO;toBlloh- taia«t Ia*i year wa. MS.- tbeelar.-to K.-rn.' iBpli-awi On,
na\. to a-’., icc If.
y>*r. aooording to Lid . an the Ihing. See Gwai
IK. tllHI
ibelr nanlelikBoe nnd ebowed Ginlr lym- KtngeAy tbu morolng to eroare wit-, h*« »' and tbie
Jacui-k atby la n nbeUBUal way. m that by uoeaee to aileod ihe Arm to oourt ben preaeot esiimalc •fH.lPiOO
k o ■■ran and air<- i
M.HIoiiie. lot, 7-1. block k. I'i y Han Dlgbl time Ibey an eetUed unite <x
“'Mt^UeBMa, 8r , to Monlnal CAn tim^ollhetoty w
>b e Hrv-oad add . fl.liM
oiAUy laJ Brigfai'i vnaant boa
ada. who toe lieen Mopping in tin-1 Inzallm alinoei
llanuab.. Iwy ft Co to
l.r fh
*-TIw Datroll Dally JoaiolA I
Mrn Harvey Roegeacirer will ol
way borne from a vi.ii In llaei year
city o
« t bi.rck 1«, H 1
er ubool able weak with a pimlo ■
re* giteu do aoi Inclade
dtoo. lAlifurata. Ti-tnroed I Tbe Bgnrea
San 1
8--oiul ■
tbe grove aesl Friday.
(aa of Bra
milA ibll las Z.-Zi:,'
I the atra«-l tai
!h 'A*'wtlaoB to al (
.aad to I
tba toye whs
Mre. Wb. Pnlgbl. who Ia* be.-n
______Sehroodcr nnd bta (amir mmv | being (onr mil
.. ..........
.... ,.ir,
yeftr, notUw
»ol Uw ALWI
A Aat
ild .like U

lereat and elnking
inking tui
taad, whieb A e
o > iltoMnd add . poor benUb all Uw riviiif and yry up (ram NorUiporl
ni OB. Bill GiA year, (be
alek raeaatly. A loaie totter ai ihu bia Ausab. Tbe D.M I. luaki
Joeiah I'
-to be n diSereac'of leae Gab . Of of OM
R K Hni
Mre Hlaa Packard of Tneerue City
K |(k-t oani iniheinAto takaUm baban TlMII
apant la.1 waak at E S PaoLnid'a
I iwasc GiU year and Aat Tbe toBl
and TiBllGtg old (tlaada Ui Giii rlelBl»p. dH »I ertv. eec 7-. Iowa !7.
Olllii tw. nWRX-d
nil-' If. il.Otxr
aiUdaeily al
Vm Ungbl t
lably be atoal PCi.SU lU
lillee R Hodcee el al Ur Cbarlee U
, UMrolk
Sauer aod vile, net, of eel. and ee-t,
to bci, ol eer J -lovn
raoge ».
•toep^ Baking Powder la Wade.
eliure nl a lot of -'rbeap"
,d •He to Jaoei A lWklBK^|»<
Jane. Kucirr
aulborlih- nl
at. aer IS. Iowa
KuEirr. ie>v to
irarier to ibe kiv priced bren.l. .
CUrir Coaiee lo William H. Taylor, bakin
n ubicb nauy i
ata to net. arc SO SS. raage fai-ftii
.g.-rlDc (bruugbi.u
1. »3(«i
1-rlee of Ihe piv
Haonab Iw) ft Cu. Mkry P
urn. h.t IS. block J. K 1. ft f« i pi.. v.i-r.- ink
Tb<and aanlyii-d
u(n.-ial r.-i..ri
l».ri to ihf iDalyal. «bu»vHl
tb,i-tlj .if aluoi .iili-hurir ai-i.l
,-rired nwk
Tti.- |..».lcr.
Kander B. BaOderaoa to Roar Wih tail
lota IS aad U. block ». H L. ft C
8UGi add ; ISofl
<caie-l a
Cyrel H Taylor and vile iv Oan
Holmra. V [ran S of nw tract
- aKiin.t mliliiE fw
r 3i>. towa :s. range »; tlou
■ lli-d '.-beaii" bakiDK
Anthony J tfiilitom and alf>arc all found, .nhen
noiil I. tSmiih. lout H and IS. hi
• III An.- iwrrcniae.e
iili.irii- nr-iJ lo utiivt.
■o ft lot. fit ;i. ivrr) 1
s.ih liiliiri.m.



'**E''j^''^'gIiDBi to’al t.i Uouil. I
Ir-r fo., parerb.
I.atliii; |>.md.-r.. .
•I lAy I.uBiA-r Ct to South d
UimU-r Co . lot T. lAi iA) . t«fs
to Vi-nc-l
llaooab ft Lay < It
fto add* IlSu
llaaiAb ft Lay Co to Prnak I
>ta e7. block It, H L ft Co'a
dd.; tsn.
Prank U. Pratt and vUr to Henry
t. Ooii, kiu fO-fl, block k Pern
lannaha Secoed add . tl.bUK
Haanah ft Lay Co- to John V OH.
As 4S. IS. 17. m. block 17. H I. ft
‘o-a Biiih add.; II.UOO
WlllAB U Brown and at
llrotT H. Gobi, eael A of lota
k. V H ». H. L ft Co a Second

AT $2.50 A
...PAIR... D

rad iin-tbe fioeatflaia abooi

>8 OU tor Uit-Ii thoe* gel their

itives you alt the ityA, exan.

■nuney'f woilh

- Tbe teW

fort aad wear lhal you have

never know whal ihey oiirscil

been lAjing roare-motwy k«.

tiU they get thru lect inaiile

It'i a bally shoe f« woaeb,

ofa |Aii of our Hami Turn

wont liy those who take priile


ia baring iwrfecl filling feot-





Sold by :



-111 take tbeta.*-

welt and Turns

242 Front 8tr«M

III KMi-yMi u
Hm tl Han



Cake your gboice
01 any paHern in our
Olall Paper Stocktmt

It It OUT liuiinees to supply )
needs in that Ime with ClriKei
of Ibe bighest c|uilii)

Gash I'rices...

Take it with (hi- saiisfaction of knowinR il is oew

Tonwloes, per 3 lb. can...............
Baked beanv per 1 lb. eao..

of laic design.
the rigru pner


are paying

It's safe to say lhat no deaoer Block

of papers can be found in ihc state and that
will bf found more Beasonabic


no where




Victor Standi, regular lOe sue, ,0$
Fmamel Starch, regalar 10c ..

get ready to paper, be sure it come* from the

Bell Starch. reguAr lOc ijie..
Bel) Starch. reguAr 6c die..

Corn, Kvergreen rweet, pet qL, JB

od gat a aaa a( TUMi-'—noMod
!• diaay
Cbo-------WianaA CH*.
ally - - - - _ -------------ad the Oee- aod BaaMaa Zb
itlon day eaercAee. oalyy Hn Hug
1 Eari belBg with him 1 r. Prallck
aad Praawnttop AUonay Brown
Cink. Gw pleoeot Bto to tba BOB- to Maple Uty wae called. b>
Kalbatba. tba work npm the bodtoa
t could not give tbeai Buck
C. OGbart forjto^
yarn* Mifty ol Oawny wht
tope, to the pattest Aat Bight m
pkynletoa. There it Uttle fteobt to Ibe
Oleg eo Bucb blood,
to hA kwll
and toa leiiltag bum a lU
tble aoenlBg sad IhAki
b to tba aothorttlas (bai atryabpAoa. tasaoda Sa Mag aU toa
e be BBT pull Ibroagb
wID ba tooBd to tbe tua
t. Grnal Braoki TUIted •>.0(0.
both the Btober ad tbe OUd.
W hr ptoieiw. UMBftto i ‘ ---------e lAke. Mkb.. June I.—Wtol
LBlIy HundBT.
Uaa * Ooeb SamUae EaHr Bad Mn F Brery called m U:
toafct a H It bHM be tbe worm in
aiftBwaay fa. Tto
And to PAtte. He A Jnat reeovei
edy ia Gw Uaiory to lUa raUm
tg IRiB a paralytA stroke ruewive
Ally aloldtod liftpir by oMtoal
oSln M Ma aaawftaft aadWa el
Ul btoBg k4 yuan oM. (b«re a iRtI
imSa Wrtifet ra. .

Take it also knowing you


IC. Baking powdef, regalar 3Sc

1 lb. good Plug.............................

.r cS c£:*-r».?S2i


19 Ito. Best grenuUled sugar. 1.00
Gallon Applet, per can.................




The New Stand

1 lb. good Booking...................

___ ...



We just show Uwa aad Udiaaay:


E t> GoS to Ham wonsaa. vH
to fvA to neA. am
SS. tova ».




of the miBV women wlio |«t

eity Book Store
Ijibaii-Btrcbir Co.

1 lb. Good Kiae Cut...........



ArwuBrlOBau OI*^


George A. CctAr .executor,
ri K AbbotL wA to eeA.
’'r toMsU lb* tarBere CkUaiPiwd
P. 8<BB>B7'efi»At'7ma.
Dwn n, nage »: *■
i to Byra B.
reel. Tneeme
liy; ISM,
PlyBonUi haasaiaa BOBod Pr
Oial Wood OAb C
to Pred BaA.
sOankal. bat CbaAm Aada by <»•
r, parcel, see. «. ti a f7.
hsTAg a oltlaao aamad
, Raallnga. eH

eell Ju.1 store tbe
hat wae apoarvatly gBIotag WBIII yeavbew an artery ratted oS and
riy bled to ^tk twlor^htop

fc. HAVE

ftscea >1 Ht. Pieaaani.

r Mount rieauDi HrlvinK Club.
I orannluilun i. a mi-mlH-r a:
S'urthero MlcbAen Trutling a.
Hun. bn. filed the dale to IA
lor June 17. is nod IS. A pun.
.SiHJ li oBcnd
The event, fur
ibrce dayi aurpats aay almlAr
ever oBered la Ibe rentrnl pan
Ml Pleaeanl baa uni
,- fineel half mile Irack. In the
Hat•nab ft Lay Cu lo Cbarlet
The mecllug al lhal time 1>
to lot. IS. 17. 1
helm to aU nA
milAI one to th.- .criee to be
fO. tl. block
gtien by Ibe Noribern UlchlgSD Trot
a.wcAllon, which compriaca Ml
add.: WT'
Royd I
lani. Reed Clly
H. Can Be
- nty Chcboiaa
i: Bf.oc
Jordan llln Rapid.
Id wile to Pbllo- Bellalri- and Petoike
N'atbtua H bun
line Porion. a 4
l«l IS. Oak
laklag eitrm patna u. ».-i ine I
geuiog It reoky
Kelghii; II.MO.
r the aeriea In a becomlDC Eiyle
while Hn. McKnlghl look mre to (be
Ralph Case ei a
MaJrolm KeBer.
Women and JeweA
babe A (bo Atler'e boBe. Wbea Mn.
•a :s. rat
Morphy returned, nborily before
Jevela, candy. Boverk .man—u____
Auguatua G 11
le and «
tba order of a vomaa'a profereacea.
ibo child deed, aad tour
aaon R. Ilaanal
and wile. n*A Jewell form a magnat to mlgb^ pow
> oflerworde the hernelt
a (7. range 10.
to D»A. arc »t.
the areraga vomaa. Eraa that
takea alek aad died la a few moa
eat to all JewaA. bealtb. A ofUD
A rmrcMoai. Marpky-t claim
d In the Btreauoua eSorU
Ployd L liBlIb end
, or aava Uia mmey lo purcl
that abe in aolblBg aftca- tbo dlaror- Hanaalord. Ale «. 10.
If a woman will riak
blork 3. Secvied Perov
ary to Ibe ^blld'i datb.
1. lo got n coveted gem, itoc
Allred CoBpmu and wife to Pmj•tor A pot sure to ibat.
fanify henell agnlnet tba
ericka Clauae. poroel. tA acroe. sec
Jobs Hnrphrr doalb
» ta (be M. lovD :7. mage If. MO.
and bruorhl^
Bfodhagea an<
Henry E. IIAckmorv. orA of .nA
•rompUy nirnal egnByrup
eer. SS. love R. range M. ll.S
....................... He early Mages and boa!
Jerome O Haeley aad. v
tba aBer.ed lunge and brood
Ployd U Bmllb. tot. 17 IS. bl
aad drive ibe dread dAente
Perry Haimab • Third add ; M
eyetem It A not a curwall.
Herman W SBltb utd vile tt
a cdrialB cure tor cough*. <
ertrk and MAale Nagle, tot J.
all brooeblkl troobAa. Ton can get
.ku ~u.>.i^r*Bady'at J. O
Jobaebe tbm wedded jBBea Hc- I. H. Uf* Co •« Pint
Graaa, Woodbury
laglr lo Her
PTederlek and Miaai
KaAbt. Ilrtag with
ock S. H L
One aay aboct three

nm am^ dberea aoHa. aad

PtItowtM M tba oatoplau rnla^ar:
fen ttoftr ChaaSar^

fiwB tbe IfalMiaki t
Tba Peopto ra. OObart
that the wai waatad. ■be wne or
OBWsa a
■aud tost enuaf U WalUft. hawper. btoon abc ooaM Bake the
no Peopto ra. ________ lar Qrttoib.
Mice to eon to man boM akBt.
Oioa tor the pace
TkU bean oct the (aeu that tba
Kalkaaka ofteari bars boa hfttotof
The PamOe ra. Oeorwo DeWHI. aa- prtoty eloM wntsb to tba porttoa aa»otoi wRb toiasi to cobbR rap^: earned to the earn, and wen nble to
Oaerae H. Croae tor ibo paepic.
toy their baada
baa baa aay
Ol. caae; Pnlt 4
PUe Labe. Mkb. yaaa t.~Tbe bod
V. H. Pbatar tor
John Morphy aad bar
Prod Watot ra.
and. wbe died April R aaftar oltotadPotato ft Cbstoar tor Oo- aapttooaa
today, aad Ibe itotoarM
a ftoM n. Joha______________
to Aaa Arbor far tba aaalynia
________at; OoraU dl Oma tor ptolatheir eatau. Tbe bodMe we
M. Pmr« C. OUbort tor daftodul.
Mary Keaaa ra. Hoar ~
- i; OwreU ft Criaaa *b C. Ollbatt -

I by SuwnH ft filaffeat’ orebeeun no
jder tbe aaaplere of tbe olsb vna (a" Tocnbly o<

________ alaotod dele
I, hul Oer
ita Paderatim
a(laa lo tba 8ial
Ai tba emelaa______
Tied more than a year a*.. Tbi. ,
CTO„. wb
Mr MWod marrlaae. ibe Brtt end Iwub bli oo»^,'. and
>n a dieoroa Bve yean an. The '•BeBOOl for Boandal"

•letobaetY Man Clataft
■■dated tUl ParthB Neltoa. V. Ik

Bm. Elftnd aaa wife naonwd this

; Judy for Yourself I g

eorne of the Sulldian now uodw way,
aod Bltlac It ap tbaateaUi-e wna very
I lavonbly rooelrod. aad will denbtleaa
’ hr acted apm lator.

____vbo was Ibe real belr. Tbla.
Awyrn aay. la tbe tlaowaed chill
la iplic to tbe evtdeae*
to paierolij whkb Oao baa Girodieaed
> briap. Tbe caae (• aow peadtot

- tba llaia of their dalb.
Murphy, bid wife aod ble two-yaanoM
n, Morphy-e
aotbar la . .
ao lletof at
Mn McKBlftbt I
lac to Bora
lime, but were j
a home of ikalr
Tba day bt....
Ibey were i arore. Mr. and Mn. Mur­
phy ware oul of the bouea lor a Uiae.
and vbeu Ibey
they returned they fooBd
tbrir IRUe me waa dew
dead. Mr.
Murphy west to Fife Lake to____
a caeket tor tbo llltle ose. at (here
wat BO luipIrloB but that death had
rvaulted rrain a aalural moae While
be wae la PUe Lake lor the casket,
bit wife aleo died. It li lUtad (bai
iLa wae tnhject to epUspGe flu.
that the diad to a fit. ao that no m
autpleloM were arouaod at that l
tbara warn whUpei
abaot tba eoBBUBlly.
*Ua wHa bad ebUd both belai daad.
Maryfty emtlauad to Ilea with bla
_iber aad bu alatar. Mrn. HeKaltbL
Hay t. tea dayi after tbe doth of tala
wUe aad danftbtor. Mr. Morphy hlaeoU died aoddenly, and bla deaUi waa
■■ d to baart dlaeasa, aad be wat
____ wllboat a pmt aortam.
Wbm Him. HdCUlbt brooebt (or
record aad probata a aiorti
»<«e m the property of tbe
Morphy, aad the probate r-■-tt tbo Bdrtfta«a. whtoh 1
raa tor |M0 had baa eloBsUy
leed to MM. loapldoaa feDaeaBB oeUra. Wba '
I that Hr.
(aror of Ua wUa, aad Ibat to case of
tbe daatb n( Ua wits aftd eblld the
Inaomaea wald rerert to tba halra.



louklna darkar tor I
Kslpbl at adftjtlmal circ___ __
Has the daatb of Jobs :
darolopad The bodice cd i

wU bdknr. thu la ten will aU tUe
Ttllafoa aad oUaiBlau tba crortai of Ueed la tbe Otoa borne a( (be tlaa
trdu el a partabable ttoraetor. wbkh
to fwanardoft with tbe maa. ft
roeUtod IhU Mn. HcKUcht hat bem
boa borwtedore baaa rtaky. orbu
twice aarrtol aad that both her kaaftalayi la raaebtat tba aarkaU. ThM baadi dM anddaty. .aad boU Utt
«UI be tiBidllt at eooa at the
a bar tovor;
tom leu la opatmlka; aad loftaad.
will ba ramadlad to pat toaaoi
aaaaamn boito te ram.
Tbe adrat td tble Itoe tote :
iwpIMiib aaatast 1
tatchi boa
eoa. ao tor fta fcaai



A Terrible
br«.,b. b.^obn. and .be IiSa-liSTL
________________ ,____ —i the Dtnan.
r I-Mr»
loot alli«ed ware Katuiciry I
wbieb wna pmUy enjoyed aaJ apJobB Murphy.wlio
pev-toawd try tba neahen aad thair
IduDly and Brilrrloutly
hrolber. brine lapllrated, aod
dMd eud<
patrrniiy ol a eblld. boro B>e mooih. |»»«»
Kalkaeka roonty. I
U.|na dbowoed b,
uoder on eurpkluD

Ihorlllea are «ery n-llretil a
ItM-iil-Ui-d b.
t» K.-Kltlei ,.f
rate, but rome of ihe (at
eeco^ wile asd babo and
leaked oul. Tbr ehenB 4
Ji.hii WriKlil a
- at lircrivtlve broadcUrlet

Tha^Laat «plka
Tba caaptedJsB <d%b* Travar*
aiy. LaolaMD ft MaaltUqua railroad
. Mike aMXbar laporiaa^rporti In Itar
bBuvy of Trararaa Clly. the ccslar
et Boribera ' Mtcblpan. Tbr witael
baaiiAaatlDOB. am Woe ol ifalt rlty
bat tbraMoot tb^uir. look upon
Trareraa CKpi aa YuS city ol the up­
per half of IbelDWar paalDeula. Nataro baa dcaa Boeb (or Trararaa atr
Har fataia tifkaeurod U oaly bar elilteat wUlft^eiDbar and act upoe the
• wordj
Yorker. ~My d^
air. aatora would prow fraaa od
■rnaftway U we would lot bor. ' Nai
■nl Mrasiageo are all rifthi. boi hui
(la m Ibt pan of tbr ditieoe of aay
oUf li aaeoaaary If li li lo bare 'iba
laicaal.Boaeura of enorau


M iBportaoi BBlIai
1 tba ijueoGm of r
« year. The aata.

uBielalt aod <
iml WIkla »L Alban WIkla. dl
Lorall H Gaea tor aoaplalo

tka altr.
bapylaa WtO. •aw.mae Vialta
Tbara U ao lallroad Id Mlcblaaa
wklck tta.araea a more IwauiKal
ritwT Ikaa Ika T. C., L. ft U. tkroaak
Laelaaaa eoualy. Beiwaao baP
•uitoai Har (ha road niai tbroack a
riak UmlD( ivuiilrx. wblcfa It
tapMIr. iBpnncd. earr lUtle lUnkar
laadt lialaf aeierod. Barond Sunoai
Ba> lo Nonbpon Iba (rack sklita (be
abure ol Uaaad Traterw bay, reraattKdba Boat baaelUal aeeea ako
Hlrbl<aai>Jka bay od me elde asd
(be pretiy Vood alopea m (be
Saraly, tble Bitet aonc day proee the
■oal popalar Ilea Id the eiax
aasBar eialtora.


aaar bora. Hmday. April R. aad lhal i
I labBd atotto to tokea
A to Often. Mrn OUlo( Juba Mofpby a weak (tim (ha tol':
MB laikhar eftelA Bklowlac lUIiirdar. May » Os Wcdaoi
I ihma^ ladtoa nad
day. April n, (wo attar iba ftrat
rtana petaw to tottnat.
deMbt. Mra. MeKalcbl waat lo Joropb
It toot Ibo elab wttb
toa. D. c . aad with
bald, a tarvar Urla« aaar. aad
hiB (o bay a alchal'a worth cd
atrrrbalM lo kill Bloa Id a rellarway. Ury at ArllaafOB. They mat hOBO
iSaid did io.iatllac It a( Labar'e ainto
tn^ tntb^n
dna aiora at nia Laka. A-law werkt
trd. wbas tba

Crxtnt air, mkb.


Can, White Coa>. fweel, early.
P«<1^................................................. ■^
Poa. Eaily Teler^ode l>warC
perqt...................................................Pe4*.Na» Exeetawr.per q« -Peas, Alaaka, very eariy per qL .1$
Pea*. Rice-* Earlietl of AS, per
qL...................................................... J
Om tell, per quart...................... ,1



Dinner Uiare
We bore jot iseetred a oew cnt« of Eo^kii Boa Piurr
nmoer Ware of ataaal beaWy, k»Tiag a detieate grem adwcl
(AeoaikB. loaktag it a liic-laeg decoatioa.
IVaa goods a» tW
oeaiatapaoaebtoialduaof aajrtbiogoo the Bk^ Yoa eoa
boy (baoi a aeu or agwratf pieca si ECOnomy PrlCaB
We oAo ha« new Bob««Ao CA« WoMf cod Wme 8«U.


SaAd and Betry Bowh. Cake FAtoa. Cttery aad

Spoa Tnya. Vaasa, etc.

Cbe economy Store
TwfgiM Chy.


P" - '


A( «*• lut BaMlw ct lb* Tr»*«rM — jd AMb aad wai blWwbd UN lor
OBr T«t, No «1. 1C. /) T. M, four hbip. Thib mr Mr. Haul wlU rs— , . ...
oifctoa to u «bl«s fIJM aad snn hire hU OWB
«Mlx of


______ JT» ol OodllUr
« Hill/JiJ*Sut.“JSk‘
*7. It l< MpoPiMl Iboi
tm ibM eiir Tbr local

*i )


• -


■ on bolM prist
« froB IblJ cll/
._j MarrlM* of Asss M«r Hom
rtcb sbd Jsllsi A. rrsakr CM m»»
SI »L nabcl* ehurcb os Tuvsdsr ti
• o-dork, Ker. Vr. Bsser uAcIslIsc
UlM Bortbs Sprml sUosdod ibo
bride, sad Aslos Hunrleb. broiber <d


. W A CbMwsll. the tdir bbclbbsr.
nesdrss HAM bOW. Tbs tetose as)-

wsiar werki. ins IIJM thia paar.



This is tha

do >iiu

Saffst Mail

BdtbtoUr i» Bat

Trwuorwo Olty’w

“ c 0.0

be unlied b, Kee.

T t



CireulUloii thli week 2,675.
trtmtt ib ttti dtir •< Hf. bat
Hn. PortM rsabe Obls^ «t'l bs
pliaM4 •• hM
srrifBl M'
■“itm Tbfhy bT b IIUW ibH
•kb vin lb IbMra at AUbi AnbM

wurkt la Ulaad. bas r
here aad It «< ll
to Rati
- .... _________I aiil t«i
siren- Mr. Hlarkwciui has I.Hir awa
Imidae blauelC ai work, aad bar iwden ahead to kiwp a larcer lorea siaplorsd
lie is prrpsml to do akkel.
par platlBC, bealdes (br rrmliirlas id
brass aad re-laeasertas
irr lor slilrb Ibrfe
Traorse Clij, aad

R O. Maubdi hsi b
>1 supcrlsletulcsr,
UormiMOdrsce Bc-bimli
of Berssii«. f*B. soil will lestr (bla
»esiD( lur s run ai HpBIob lUrUo
dipf wbicb be will prucMd lu Hi.
'sul or MlasostiolU lu iske up
lew dbllM.
UsrtSb lbs put Biuslb Vr R4

■ w<wk. If II




St CsMIwsll A Lsubsii Ihep.
Just s few atBuIes sflsr li u'eb«k
tbs aUiat tbMsl isUb a KserUI Prtas* blcfcl thenucklMIblrd ruuiidrd
the slsrv ib Are
lb» II. scirser of
^ ahkbflb IsbbChl la • Mffb
Frost sbd Vbloa slrsMs. was psIM.
na««Mte Mmmw T. a, L * M. Tbe are was la Caldwell aad ls>udua's
sbop OB Nurtb tJeloa sirsei. aod Ibe
alsra bad bsaa isrsed la br NIgti
b Uf Ob’s *
aiebBsa Busffaloa
Wbsa Ibe Ire depsrtBMSI arrlred
Tib ONtnl Labor saloi wUI bars
iber toBSd Ibst (be Are had a aloe
rt is (he eaclas rooa,
roots, bi
bst ose taok
-s cbemlaal did tbs «
■ staled to (he Re
ai Uat be ihougbi lb I the in
m4 aU Mb larHbi.
As bspscts anoklBC.
vMaUw li ■trsa to aab-aatoa as
wbo had laid bU Bins or e tar dowB
lbs bollsr r
oaalr Otofe a a Uia^* aad la
m IMmi «sra bi tbs «Hr Prl evrr SBslI.


_____ ws
■ra. Who will spsad

This is the greatest Cloak and Suit store in Northern Michigan
and when we announce that every garment in the store will be
cut deep in price—that means tremendous suit selling. Never
In the history of this store or Traverse City have we had such a
fine line of Suits as this season and never has this department
done such a tremendous business and now the time has come
to clean out the stock. 140 last year’s styles, all new, stylish
cloths and makes. 'V'ou’ve been waiting for price cutting. ; :




Qtaegi «rt«bt ef Usvleville has
.sea esrvsd will, a usilor by U>s
b^U offioer Ibal be i-------* - . ...
p sway troa |iab
ilonaUy or kr.r

Only Oiit nundrtd Suits Ult and tvervont al them m perfect 6ems al Beauty.

W..II1.I nui.

Vcu'll get lirsi pick II yau arc an band the
sizes 11 ta IS years and }2 la 44.

The, II
yoi.i III

All $10 Suits now
$ 7.50
All $12 ind 12.50 Suits now
All 13.50 and $15 Suits now
II 25
All 16.50 to $18 Suits now
- . 13 75
All 16.50 to 22.50 Suits now
All 25.00 Suits now
18 50
All 26.00 to 28.50 Saits now
All 30.00 to 35.00 Suits now.
All 37.50 to 50.00 Suits now


scbool. whleb la protabi, ibe Urciwi
IB lbs sUIr
The w-bce.l hs* ronof
alsod bli work wllh IbU dvaervod pro



Uu]. WCNM«'. nice siplra, well Bade, ver)
k(«r(s] price.

Bwt Bboro

Suit Selling
w 6wenl! *

, K
• sbbII latl.UK rr.wl Rrlllc
otMiar. has hi. JahasM Iwoacbt lo s mpn
tu. i»i
la Ibr larlor)
of ios plar lemls-r Iren, the
tbU will heroaflrr i
woB Uaatl«rOo lo Turrh Isbr
rrs of Ibr I
has I
IS J A Orelllak i'« cl this rity
■■■ns fur wurk
. ,ui( w dars fi
bisniing evidence

paopls will be mscb I


Older Store

Th- Vsok.w an.arr
raise of tIM.
Tbs saclbseas al lbs water works
Serb rarelrr Hi*, a rales of |liw rbTwp*(wrb.
Tbr iwivor aorwer i.
Iiriren uf iiw departtoabi issiaa tml Mini
, o s. II I
- rrorirs $Mb. s raise ad I4S
Thai's lb-... . ...... lb
r racwlar police earb fsreivs It. -1 wsni a S'»»' >'
n rbrap
Wblcli uci.n

Canfilnc Fseterp Cataplstsd.
■ Baiurdar Iasi sitwsi was lum-i
la tbr esdbr a( (hr Trarrrse '
BBlna Co s plaai lo l«d( Ibr
All wmi sBtoMklr. bad
I bnMbrr
iartxwT u sow read, f.p
was prellllr drrursied with r.lh'Y prudurts to res as wwo as I
aad earsaihibs
Mr. aad Mrs.
u (oralsbed b, (be laraers
FTaakr left oo the 4 to irala i« a
(rip wbleb laelsdM Grand Kapldt Iteiralt aad
d^frsli. «




. .^DAT, JtTKE 4, IMS.'


Barteoa Rdcar Uearut of il.v r. gu
ir anay. hat (Ireu to the Nstiousl
laerani, la Wasblnaton. a nali)or ool
Isatloa of tau Therr are taU from
Blaaa. from sl.lpa. fTom (srtcirlra.
tnm aaras, water lais. inoaBism rau.
lew troe rats


p City MdrKelB.

Thla report


Cadlta’eaals and Jackets
I..\1)IES' I'ongc- Hnx Coat.
was$’_>B.W)for.......................... .,$215(1

$3.75 (0 $7.00

LADIES' Hlai-k Fcau de Soic
Box coat. t(4s $25.00, for.... IS.dO
LADIES' Silk Pontrec Rain
Coat, S2.5.(k), for.
................ 1S.50
L.\Dil_S' Broadcloth Bloirtit:
Jackc(, skirt cfFt ci. $2l».50 for 15.00

LADIES' Bloiisf Jackets. 5.00,
for ................................................... a.50

WlU now Iw sold at

Happr wsddinc.

Dress akin, all wool, full lined.
$2.i»S. t ily IN

Silk Skirt*

LADIES' Covert Box Coat,
$7.50 for......................................... 5.00

nil eblldren's eo«u

I hi- n.; w n !i lhi\ yi-ar's


Black cloth Walking:
king Skirt.
Skit I
fiKht of this IIIne li-fi, V

L.MllES- l>on«f.- Box Coat.
W.1S $17 .5(1 for.............................. l’J.5«

.\ li-tv Suit- 11. .1 • Iiiiiui’d III 1 ii-..l,ii„dills .
III Ml ti 11 nil hi 111

Bu)i Wotnoi'a Slippencut ftnn Sl.OO. ILU aad Brokraliaav AU

■g alRr this annauncement. Rll

Ont-Tourtb Oft!

Black Taffeta, was 18.110. far. . I.ViO
Black 1'alTeta, was 15.00. for

. 11.5(1

BL.AcK MARIK Silk Skirt,
wa5 20.00, for............................... 12.00


■arrt^ ait ■ a'aM

f; Until Sia It i Traitr kiimtif. i

X B. IWiM hHbMfbd obt Jaabs

I hWbbMbMa bin.


'*£S3 sayr..'u”=!.

- aadiobd
Awtfbi at Pirt PUbs
BiSvIm Mcb. 4ib BbSRbb SUMS
li lib. B. «. BrUce,
Owed Pfacram In LaPtnar AcbasU» tm nMwl/dd tmtt til
Tbf pahool la tba Lastasr dlsirid
wsat W thO'V. ehMbd wlU ap aalsr■b'*M0i hpi
b MBh
latoMM arUb aehaol boass FrMap
wtobte Tba pracrWB. eabatsUbi to


Wchtr bla-lai Mbbasr. Aflwwards
.mwrPrtadrtc* has tabsa aa apdar a tMtoai SBppsr was asrsed. tbs pnr
tmm Mr. Cbaadlar <d Oadar Raplda. saaii to Whieb arw to be aaad la tbs bb_ot»aa tor Ito acb^

•aft ihU aabM. Us has oCbsrs la ham to dbarca to tha aabotl tor tba
•tot (wa pbbn, WM borto ratara tor
aaathar psar.. Tha partp aaaUaaod
nitt tha *was aaa- hoars.' aad whaa
H hiA BP all kA with a tab
wato is aCaaaUoaal toauara
ikwa are aU
pMa Iw the aaasal aHMsaa «r lbs
Plea Caaab Team,
i^DL whieh wtU Uhs plass Jbs » a t. 8sU Ukto to wa
la Use CM/ Opera Hsasa. Tbe eS
whaats a( tha aaWtoabUa ft
1- fi* ibiii iriimiiMiiti 1i ir
hat fca tod pat aktaAasMiat la Us
htort (totoahasts aaitos


Bupt W<MBca-a Shoea, reg­
ular tloe to $8 00 liocA
New and tiplish.

Btm WoairB's Sboct. food
cut from ll.tB aad

TrsTSrss .CMj rMlors



Hvic ttndM aad radas-

■MRpa Klw.whb hbshaawaasitbPbA to toa liliRiiM dilto ib*
ftoas cf D. a Bbr w fUsb BawM (to



a & HaUsp. astowtoiT to tto Btor.
sato CItoHat. tot laaalwat Ito tototol
taUtofl'tto too totolla to Ito mp la
m. Oatatato. lb lm\j. to sMsaA
. Iba tossdbl MlabHbaBadtarto Hats will ktots OUeafls Taaabkp btoblac. 4alr t at tOiKi
s'alask. toU« Iws alcbH Md a dap
(to the HtN amrise to Dtarw Jalp
( a to. HsaU wtU ha tsrrto aa
It at aa aritotii aasi to li
S aad Ito (srs lot Ihs iwaad brtp
(laaithu potoiwUl to|M.»4. TM
alatoto wlUaMt|i«to«Uaastotorn to toto a atoapsr. aa ifeai tto saUm MM to kto Utp waaU to eabaiaaMalip holaw Kb. aad It woald to (to
M^toa lUsMtot.

>'l Tiavcisei n*

Bm ChUiea'k BhcRS. sol­
id UariMT. wcU Bade, tis«

Cadies* Summer Underwear '

in.40; lard. Is.kfS: ribs.
Voui i.ldtevs .111 a i-ivUl .aid will
l-uUlon •« tural niarkvi 4cv



l»'klcl illiivifaliny not

Unlit les.

Pere Marquette


1 hu l>csi assortment you'll find, and you pick from six diRerent grades. lOc,
l2sc, Lm', '25c, iklc. 50c- 1 he finest line of fancy hose, all manner of styles and col- y.
ors, 2.'k and 50c, and the newest lace stripes at both 25c and 50c,
The silkiest of &
Silk lluseatSL50.

cooking. No man can be happy with
his stomach in



\ fmo line of summer weight Union Suits in all styles and they sell tor 60c the
] here are two other grades, much better goods, at $L0n and $1.25. A large
stork «i Ladies Vests.
The long sleeves and short sleeves sell at 25c each. The
sle. v. l,-ssat Ilk.. I2«c. 15c, 2Uc. 25c. Indies' Umbrella Drasren, lace trimmed, at
2rK .111.1 .'•(k
Ladies' Ankle 1-cngth Drawers. 25c.

f Cadies* Summer l^osiery

Co^fa/ato Iwfto**

Is dependent largely upon successful

ttoatoto jrhtobto

BuysCkadm's Shon-aU
jol^, Sftobc heals, liiaa 8
hbM n«tc IwMsd- miUs
aa aTTiptasaa OHp has tha r

this bank l.i a icvidi-ni

«aota t<w tatrUoalart
Up iNipi Bopi' Sbosi, uviaC<i> i to ). to* then oa
oor Barfiia Tahk

Thill's whai you want, and w : alwayi help you gel it. Why go uncomfortable
u lii-ii .1 liiili- motley .invested in oti store gives you io much comfort?

CmfS you e very d.lvanlanc oncicd In ^




<'«b .1...,


Summer Comfort


“-'^'•.jraSLasiL"'’■ .'sfL.’sas:,


FLOUR and your stomach will
never “insurge.”


}a(> alike Ito be« vamiih you cvet law—but U i>
DHve llun ibaL It n a bniah (ur every wuoden or metal
ebinf you hbvc aiDObd tbc houK. ll i( made iu 12 rnlort
BBil ■rtutural" or ckar. The Uuct u the BMxlef kniah lot
all iaicM womlwort

Don*t Veu Ulanf Summer Furniture
1 he light.airy kind. The Rattan or Reed Chairs and Rockers are alwa)-s
cool and rumfunable. We ha\ c something new. It is called "Old Hickory' and is
made from branches of hickor)- irec«i from Indiana, with no paint, polish or finish—
Ills! the n.-miral wood. There arc all kind' of shapes of chairs, rockers, settees and
tables, just the thing (or the porch or lawn. Rain and the weather don't cReo it.
C.01 a splendid rocker for $1.75 and from that up. We have all kinds of Porch
Ch.iirs anti Lawn Seals and a splendid line of Hammocks that sell for $lil0, $12».
$2 i»i and S'.’.jii.

JR Comfortakle 6ome
Can be made more enjoyable if it
lic^ painted. You didn't do it Ian year
- Paints •have stood the test of
but now the house does need it. Heath & M'
ivars. We carry all the best colors and you c III buy any quantity you want. The
'n needs painting. That requires the best of outside paint—the only kind we
carty . The best way to save a root is to paint U—with the kind of Roofing Paiftl
we cany . It is a pure paint that we can fully recommend. In all this work you need
Shipman's best W'hite Lead and Wright & Hill's Pure Boiled Linseed Oil. Give
a chance to "talk paint" and we will show you that paint talks.



Grand Traverse Region.
MUM bltarr«M4 *li««ranul
-WM W TmvWM Ol»r M* <Uj iM<
A amakw fwliMv aumasd » M

■la* 0*4m wei 0» fWMJ. (WttMMB I* OB U«* #i<* i*»t
Mn Umg
Ifn. t. IMBtUi jMnrAv
Dr. O. W. rnllck OBd UBBd* UIb-


Honour wMI W 0« M-

ud lamb. l»g. ele. A^■■^b«lm wa*
•erred uder Ibu kftmdtag kmaebe*
of th* l^t Butla Atklaau'* grae*
00 lb* *0Bih lid* at Tfaran* toa
Tb* •!**( biilarr ate tb* elaaa t*aphr*y war* ibly teaSand.
^ Mr.^Semn^B^Hyr Atklaiu ten
Mr. ud Un. Fred AUlaeu w*|U
Juie 1
Mn A. O. Falibuk* dm* to
Travaree Ollr Banrdar.Dell Fairtaate ate wtf* a< SIk
tt*pldi rtaliodM Oori Baaktag'* laal


Mr. »Bd Mro Owl Hb*Ub«b dn*<
I KwtBBks BolordBr..^
OlBnosB- FoIrtiBrt* wool m.T*b*r*. 01*7 %oiv
UllBMB BBd Y«B P*v dfw* M SolHn Jalia Allu, ooMBWalod bf tBtkB CklonUjr
Mn. H.U PrltdiiMBea bf Owftotd
A food aiBB7 BiMBdad tba
IMBbtp. M>al HMrd.r BBd i«ld.J W**t»ro Wardrs'i lb* Wik
panou, Mf. oad
A U KBlrbook* dron toot to bU
vork tt TtB**n* OID Baadar
■U* o»l Uf» Obo. HBllBBtoek oad
M*. BOd Mn. PBMtBOB BBd d^bui
UllffBBd PfW BBd OrovBr UBBuaaod

Mn WUU* B*«wb bbIM ob » P.
HlUi IBM Su4b;.

pbBt lwl K KalkBBtB (b* K>Ul
Hina Uook aad Ooer|
UalUc* d*BT* to KBlkiikl
On PBlrl^ikB *b**M t

.TlMlorB M Ub bon*


BBMlBg tl Bp BlBBlj
Mb* Boel (or con

a B. Obm



Am* Ballh 1* M bOStt jsL

.IL.* mT^ *^Vb2.

ktn Jaeob HiUnas diad of Uoed
poUoulBi lb* HUl Ut. BUIbbo hBi
Ibe ijap*U>7 o( lb* Balfbbeabood.
Oaia UBdal*r rUtlad in Ttb*b
Our Ib*I v*ak.
a i. Bort thippad B *01 ol ablailoB

^Mr.^ravi^wpaou M plaoi »>
“Old Ulair''eoald b« •aaaaith*
BBldM o( Btarlr OTBiyoU aaldM

BBd B T*f7 flood Umb mat rapwtBd.
Tb* iblBfll* BlU 1* roBBlafl thU


JobB BiadahB* Bad WIU 0. OUib
OUb4b*U| ha« taoMd Ui Ml to Tibtbtbb 019 OBoataUM

U Onaa boi arid bU drlrlBf t
Hart Oltaaoa ha* nand 11 *om o
AAdla IkitBt I* wntlai at Wn. tlal- iBDdorOMi. Baim to pkat to o«.
_________ «**lto Th
V. F. KMai Bad (aiaBr ba«*
Pildar •TBBlafl.
bwaa to attr tb* mm.
ItaiboB BUM bBBtaalBd lb* aoBBl* B*bu*l olaaoB a*n vrek
Ban to Mi. aad Mn. lnd«lok.MBr
n BffUI.
tba woaUa ■III I* aav MMd (w



Ptamrattaa* tor OhtldMB'i Dar •«•tot*** an bBlarwM ban.

Ur W*Uh M* hi* bOBW Baltb*!
tet naiad
It to Ltbb BlaaobBld.
^PMltM bat
t* '
AboUb Jean naiad lOaen* of loa<
M b* plBBiad I* mgar boau.

SBc.'sir””* ■"

al B.




Mtsjsrf-rr.i: »2S£.“.SS."BilS«J:
^asic.cvurr^ s^jrsra;L“assi‘^!

n largt H*« «l edd Drtuw*


.. .

mTBi- ~—=?t:—... M.

I Ek Ovi. William Ofliirte. of tb*
' [YakOB Terrliorr. will be aurrlad Is
Behool oloaad ban FHdar.
Imr WaldM. Ite t*aob*t, w* JZa I Parir .liOftlr lo Ui*e Ulan Rieterd

laM Btmm U BMlaad
m ■ ■
feMW trltb a bad M

M bw


MB, a girl of 10 who**
Ual r«or at Oapa Boom

Mm. iM Orarboll <d Ktagrier tU- plod hr MU* Rlebardm ud two otbHad Mm Bebarito Tbanteren WM twamped. aad Oglerie. wbo
Ite LadIn' Aid . wttaimid th* aooldest from lb* ebore.
Hiwr Man h tflUroTtafl la bnlia Aw*^
•oaMr Btot with Un.
I plaafled Uto tb* waler ud retoaed
Tten war a (all al
! MU* Rlotawdaoa.
mmm aod dak*

Maa UaToMw i*

F**lMi. Maad'* (aaOIr M* arrlTod (raa
lb* Mth aad otpoal to M a*«U.


tsciatiSrss.i'-Ts' -iir.t;
SupM Foetor ud Jo* Boldarofl
«ZVm«a to ipaad 8ud*r.

SuSiir^ruwd** it*' __________
Bar. J. W. Hwrti aad «lf* at •MMdo Tr Mn. A«U*Otbbi iaa


VUU* Olhh* of TmToim Oitr >i
teM tomtmd eadaiUa,

^rffi-r«“a*jS3K SIJKS.3SJ"“

ra.M?«.’SfJ:5SS5.Sr’ .STASSss'rj.iir"
V. Bala'* UaM Ohnail* U T

tbB BbU lllipblll Oa VUlBBM
tam *0 «lt«* ap a* 1*1 *« ihM pM*.

llr. ate Mn. Or. Baika rlrilef
aUw ban ttewdar ate Satear.


still,-, irrve nr l.lui—makcltws. durable
cs>n,|il,-l,’. Iiir

LeeUrUU wom got tirod of barlot dlrtr atneu la boat of
bomer A aeon of them ergul
bud wblob mat U tb* tem* of Mn.
O*ort* Jaa**b. beogfat aboeaU ud
broom*, ate mad* tewal bleak* of
«tnot look *Uke a baUroom Boor
Th*r Dooincled with uamiMWi k
earrr tb* dirt awar. ud tb* doad wai
Uaa U tb* rarloa* teaaahold*
aet allewod to panuipat*.



*■■*!■ trltb tkS^oth.

- at la fOMrito
Mn. L. B. tobl* ntaM



^tSS t^TMU nt*M«trBwS&«k'


Mto Aaato nuitaa wUkad la Oad-


fSJSiiM2SZd oSSiis:"'**


In B«4room Suits
I ilcfy i.. mUe uy Where Bear
m> prlct-.. W.- bare a epecUi *uli
- 1 1,«,k all ih.- larlory bad uf them
ki prln-. iliat kourk. lb*m all out.
The) arc a M-ry hcwalUul dealga.
Nil Tl-ibai *r is.iiahi In • 111, ,if
er bUBdiwd 1. 1 rtrj beaiiiltur
1. ud burlBt ihal quu'lir in
I got a pries- to aart'or can *l
iS one of lh*»c
You can trx b)

r VI ‘

Jo* BoflU, a Toledo bar rUluafl la
Lanin, atuated a wire to tb* troUer
eabUud aard ll to ktU top ■■ Ibar
awam br la ite laka Wbll* be
wading b* ru ap iMool ite '
ate wo* lariutir kUlod.

hudiunirl) wiib WtH bcri-l
l-iaip mirror I draaera In diva»»r. I
t< dn
dtwaerr ■a.-ll front, a bM*utlfal
.1 piece
tl high, Croa
ihlu II cb,-ap
P all)
an> place fur
injMprirr o-al' .ml
* wjflliir ot
if>.>ii.iu Hull,*
rangiim in i>pri.s. tn.n, a J plis-.di rangiiij!
Hr. eolld i-ak
llArt and *1
d rabgUiK riKhi
up along lo •
.mlful uiian.-r untred oak •ulu-*
i>". Iriiwi ami moo uhat oi
ild a.k ),m inim. »t0 Oo, MSM
V furl
II )UU ba>r any idea ul
ting aI tbnlroum •uUc dun’i miM hlhr««


To ute Ite baby oai la A good. aoM.
waU sute UtrCan. eieel gaan. aB
enameled, tioel wheel* with rabter
lire*, for onV ............................................ .«>
A good, itroag. well mad* Bakg Oar
nag*, wlib all iteel gear, riari
wb«el* with rubber lire*, paieal foM
brake, gear and wbeel* nicely eaam
eled. paraaol. all rumplete. Ju*l like
ml fur...............................................................«BJS
Any price yna warn from Itel ap to gMjBS


It Pays
pore blood.
. .
mak** pan blood.
a Ite wbol* K -

T. hava a geed Mattroa* U r
U) (lock uf Hpriagi ud Uai
way* oomplid,anyobi- lo havr

t Bleed Blnwi
me* ud lartgo-

A good Ekcwirtor Maltreu fur *
Coilon Tup Malireeaea. 12 un.
trip. 12 U. ud
Coilon Top aad Rollumr tl >i

dar with tb* Uttar “ W” ptolalr
Uaedoa eaeh wlag. Toioot opM
itet thU U u Mwi tbat Oaol*
win ban a war with ■om.bodr bafen
Ite rmr U oat

Ml tsimlorubir
r Krilcd Cutum
I felled logcrhcr'
» fur II to baacb
ur lump I hare them made allb my

While you eu We hare all Uad* ri
Hammock*. I>ureh aad Uwa Chalra
Ruckera aad Hetleea that will help
you to enjoy life.
I cu aell jvt a
fur Tic. Ilte or llJi
They range righi aloni up U prioe*
tnm ibat lo
A Forefc Rocker ai uj price you wUh to

Cranks, Satchels. Suit gases.
Ccicsconcs, aieocs. IIMWtns.


aad reekriolf, tor .................................. ggtn


Bled Raage. ibai w* ttaR.wtih kto
eloeel ud reeerrutr. br.....................ttUS

I Cura* tUmmork C^alr—tb* i

Bammoefcs and Pocket Bo^
at Cost« Co close out al once.

I More
for rerh • I....... money
11* the
celebraied gt'ICK MEAL la
from • ibree burner lo a gaat__ ..
1 Rumrr Oaeoiiav awteo. wlik *aI i-ram baraeri.
>. fur
Ii im|r t

boih Ibe facu.ry and myaelt m glre
perfret >alufacrion
They will Uar
fur yeara. and my price b only • Sr.n
II a prraoa cuaol gM ihal wonb oal of
ihem they cuaM apprecUic coaifon.

Going Out ftw Retail Trade

'li/Sei, you &re reedy lo

Bat brrt I* ear utra tptcial

r*r eu tall wbal momi
,1 U gelBfl to teppea

Mr triad* M wUk bln Md to hi*

A i>rauUlul Irua Bed. Jiui lU
It. good. *lrvn( asd well *
'. i&rhv. hicl,.* lui ul *eru
iKAUllfut (IrMiD. broe* I


bolafl tboM* « nUUi* Mwd^ •m menm *< morilj mulml aamonMaoM aad wka




**peclBo fw bowel eomplaiat* of e**rr



> Kl.s'tni' Biu..r> and
tb* latta'i pMBia at Aabl*r.. Mleb
Mleti '
Uapl* Cur oaa aoo be ■I of lOu 1 1'
W* bop* tb* nbaafl* will flmUr bi'o . i*l>phoa* llaa*- -Oliueat *i 18*11. 111..
*Bt Uia Uaacr'* toUth.
or oaa’i bar* a railroad o
Mlaa Packard ot Trarara* Olij ' * ’<
Noil i.iki- rill ih-ui.r". whrii )uii Imy a Kimball, a. rath inMrumoni is
riaitod frUad* tiara Tbaradar aad '
*rtdar erBalOfl

*f but
■ ■ ocek

J ef
lull> «uarami-f.l ami batki-d by llu- taruosl Piano manul.ulur»-r in ihe
WM Bterllsiil as
■ u JoHi
lb* apaak*r. Hr
I anon |iriii-s aiii! liln-ral irriiis. Call ami <-vamiii<' inir trouJ*.
M.-a.l. I>ru»*lau
r aobooli
11* aad an pn.
00 lb* ;*rr ibia| iBfl for Oliirdna'a Di
Dar anlob vll
'small iiisirum.-nis Shiri Musi,
I'.ilkint: Mathim-s .in,i Kctorils.
Uattia WlUl
N. aitbr'
oba»r.ed Baadar.
of 111* U o
Uia OMaeiiOf Mauiat*. »l»li*d
. d*flT*» of M O al U
■r *oa OhatUa aad lanllr aim tea >
of BoMoa I'alranltr medical aobool.
lb*r* ar* M (i«ilBai*a
Ulm Wil­
1 la P'oxroial—Trjvtraa Citr Wemtn
liam* bo* mad* a fla* r*oord a* a ita ,
N« tao«p«ion.
UU* lucfl* Uvlflaear «
Uev BBOli w* aw* lo tb* *ra>pa.
' tbellc *ld* of wamaakted! WbeaotbHit* ilaadr oioMHl
I *r« *off*r lb*r ebeeifallr l*od a ti*lprork *Ub Un. U*r*n
lu band. Tb*r tell job lb( ■*aa*
* Iwi boB* Baiwdar
wbioh brOBflbi nU*f U lb**B tbat r<>«
Tb* Ud>**’ Ui
mar proli br tbetr ctiwtoaaa. H*ad
lb* Mitmosr (1t*b 11*** braTnriwti oitb kin H.
«*daj aficroooB
U*r*r* aad *oo *1
B D Oampbnll. of UK Park
Kolliir tail w**k
-1 Bod Doan * Rtdaar
«so*lleal iwmeoer toe
.'Dod or orer.*koaod kldai,.
boT* aaed then al luierTait for *or*r
Ttej rellar* lb* palu la
LlflbtalDfl (Waak Waltat Hn<»
ook aad an- r*rr aimicUi. olafl
brtdfl* aod Uvreae* Rofl*t* W*domr* b*«4i Itoaied br p>>riislau*,
u*od otbar nui*>l at. aod oalj
dar. Uar nilt Tli«r bad iak*a tt-.
I to Uoaa'i Kids** Pill* fora
fifl* from tb* nla aad»r a in* aad
On Iron HmU. Odd Dn nsi-r*. Chiflonicra. Coia. Cliildn-n's l{c,K. S|.iand Maurewn. 1 not only meci combotb qalte kodlr Miooked aad l-araed.
IIB*. tbea dlaooulLoe* Ibrir an
pi iiiiun. bui srll under irumpt-iition. Oi:i an> cui from any mail ord. r Iuuim- and «*nd or bring ii to u» and
I Iber htro broBflbt aboel the d*.
Lavrtoe* tra* *o a* lo br aruasd
Ulosler partleokr* I
\Vi- haw .i large and Limi|iU-u; line- of iron beds, and arc making
bel Iber thoaflbl Walter wa* daad for
will duplicalu il and ^ ,• you frvighi chargt s
a while,
bol Ut ii noo*erte<. *1i:sl>ccially low priw* un ih<-m for t few days, will save )i>u a loi of muiurflbnd unable anyonu to have a neat
IboBflh bU *r»t an badlr afleoied oalllofl oa mn |«r»oaallr, oot oal of
Idle oaTloaltr, bal If *bn nallj aaHtn
.-Iran, preuy iron bud.
‘from b*r klu»r« aad wube* lo kaow
F. Olerelaad eold two raw* to oa*
moaa* lo amplor to ubiala nllaf '
at tb* aow oelUon ai Kailta la*i
For aale br all dealer*
Prio* *0
wwek. Wo did BOI lean hi* name
oenu. Fottai-Ullbara Oo.. Utffalo.
O. OBaal*'* oblllroa ar* baTiac Ui* M. Y . *oU afloat* lor Uo Ualtad
Blalea Hememner lb* aam*—Doas'i
Un. S.
r**- wbo tea tMB -aad mke
ilA lot BMMlmo, 1* aU* to ba OBI
bra wi- hare Ibe U-ai wuod lawn ate
Tbo iieooa' ot Portoflal I* ooo of I
^ueh Heata In 2. i ud t ft teagtha
H,>mr large Imwn Belage lu clou oat.
bnTodl womaa wbu arer .hand
Ibroa*, 1* rarr atbUilc aod lia* woo
Un. PrMI aad Ura U Raaa.ll an
Iwo medal* lor aartnfl Ufa
I oa Uwclak " '
fliraa to her by Ibe kaUer f« her (alUlm Bbote Padooek ii woi
Ura ObampiM.
Her tliU: 'uad^ laal iKiua* of a boatmaa from diowuflfli,*
-- * otbw frltod* .— .... Ug at Oa*-l'ea*, aad th* otiiar
'Ulwd •ter aad
bellowed oa bar eorae r«an belon br
.ul g.uxl hardwuod.
Ura J. JabBMio. who ba* beaa til Ibe bumaoe eooiair lor plBBfl[laf
Dinely palalt
*«• * n 4 U U
for *0B* Ume, U eoaralawwnt.
beUbi ud 4 fi. 2 la k > n wide ai
lb* Tagoi aad adTlufl bor owa oblld.
Ibe UMlum
The atalemeal that IdBoaa Amalie
I l-r..> I
buld two of the hnav
olnotsfl tor bar
U U.. wliiob ha* *o often flooe U*
fuur or Bee rblMr.-n
Ura Lookwoed hatietarovd from rauadr of tb* paper*, It aafosadad,
x-ail) <ar
•h* •oatb part of tho *tal*.
iiibcr. ».
aik you
bal *bt ba* a kaowledfl* of medlelo.
The roar pWM-agrr am boh) four Uiv
Ur. Frisk Ii eauriaiotat fruad*
people. Tbia I Bill m-II fur ................ fMO
1. aad It
from Kalara
Then- are aome ut ibeac *0100 ua the
•Idea a Anl-nlo ai
Prom Ihal righi alone uii u a. Ba* ai
mark« that are am wurth lakUg home.
Umulr-i paepl* and H. K*l>0,1 wlah
I got aumr uf tb.-ac but a* auue at I a
loci'i planned at E. Champioa'al
wbal they were I tbipped them rt|
bite Ura
Uhampioa'i: Uol
______ lod* Ibelt dread far '
back. Theme aix- miod. atnag. w
brotbn. Pul OiUor. aud (amllr of lerrlb
made out ul govu). bard maple.

B^l MBwtwrtafhw*.
MM«^ IMar/. baakka^ at Ollj Batardar.
Ura Bla*'* daaflbiai. Hra Bala-

Hto“* “®



"j^'ltaVBaoB U 00 the Blot lUi.
IIIboBbUI* VhtMBBi *•***•) oU>.

HU load* of loll/ •eheti ablldno
aad oldar aoa* patod tanoch ban
Mailte*Emlaelb ate Ruda Bala* Lime Ijak* lor a day'* pUala
Decoration Day a larg* aamber
0ib*r*d to fay Iteli n*p*eu
L E. Bahle gar* th* kud ud ; again
to Ul* departed eoldter* ud caooarleg* Ibe •arrlrlcg member* of Memy
The program wt good Be*
t'aar NIabola* rt RaiolanaeaUr nHr Babl* U daUaSed ta ararj n- A*l
Hinly 0*e the addrea* The Oahu B*iT*d a oBi>tB« fltft- A pMaar U
•peel with bl* boat
AI|>h*bel by Bammr UaUlaad. gtudHra Joysl at Omasa wa* ui towa eu of Hamoel Halahmd. wa* wnriby Hlbarta nol bla a loifl* hoBaJ aal, U•asday.
ude ef oblob 1* a aUtatai* ahn*
iSKied Trawbatl auandul *l ibe'i
jHnrilvers Miehltu aaylnm. ruimd; Dorrrd oBI of irotj. Tb* prli
Tbee. TboasMm did baiiaea* la 1 ^Uree her* ud al Forttl Bill 8u- oork«d at tail lllUc floBi la bU leiaTrsrerm Ollr mter
ur* l.omn for no** Una a r*ar
A Elaaufordud wtf* of I'r*,er*e
Ollr vuued bl* taruu oeer Huday
Ur ud Ura 11 A Jobtelt ud.
Him kUrr Bterea* leu Taeeday (or
hiUK ta- »i.r».- Ilian i.. l.n-1
be* borne la OwoaMk MIeb
rieniuee lu Trareraa Oily Thare 1
Til* aobool* oloeed Fndey wiio e : log
'iln'M.'iiiv ..r Mr. il
day erulag
plealo ai Urn* Lake Hatarday
N.-».c.u liocalui
Kerbarl Cork ud wife of Maple
rniUr^^* I'wil'
niiy alluded w-rrlee lo tbi* piano 1 aieoi ud bal-y ridicd Tm**r*e Oily ,

Hudar ereoleg
J. O. DUM WM taM 8Ml4kr



MiH b«MU Otrdsef bB( t<
WaOlhBr Ilk iU^^i .MBtar vtth bar*

lo TiB**m 0l«^

«, IMt. ’ ~
Arivan t* Piapiratlao.
UviBs Bi BB oat of lb* oar »!*«.<
r.moied Iron elvIlUallok. a laatlr l*>
ufiaa drlvro lo deaparalloB la ca*e of
■rndcot. r«*ul(la( trxiB Bun*. Cuu.:
Wouadi. fu
la a xipolr ot
lidrklen> Aratra tteir*
ir> tb* bnl
m. »*r(h. :ic. ai Ja> O Jobatoa aad
K H. Meadr Urus Hlorn




aikoicsate and Rcian.

Practical House Furnisher.

a ueate TKuewaMMwrltlu, SMIoK.

THE aR\yn traverse tter.vt.t), . ..i koDat. rryE *.

fimd Tnrosc Herald

MUmr Imrncjt^Tm —nm.


•npanr. Prlaaa Baarp aad Ooaal
yaa fiaatav vlll taV taat la IV na( lUAiaatlav
nr faapatlal TaVi alab baa aUMp
•al apart tlO.OOP (or lha traak-a axpeata. vbtab vUI V tai««lp Muel oa
dlaaaral tta aad of IV paobt na-

■etcali aamrvd lut •I’Mikt- Hw «
aaa v tnea-a(
Till I UUm Pl*M Ware a tarr* •>
' mmf. Maw BaU aM AiUa Jatoaea
van Ibr fraantn tUa r«. Irrla
bara Jaat aoaiptatad aa adjaab
HoMar to
et iba actoool aad
mal of iV aalata of Bar. doaapa AlMan »awaa »H»an UaeW. Tfcf
btavr, laaur of IV Boana aaikolio
laOoVtoc fni«raa vaa glraa:
of ehatobof Oarlsdx of Vimorp. *V
Mnto-'-Xtomaa Walit.- J. W. Wll□mic i**s>ca ^ -dtodtra xnnaisioaad lhai Fr Alaaa. Ttaa PtoUa. Marrto Ktollar.
MWa-TlM BrUca." Maaara WU.
^ ^ [ blapar, vbo vaa oaltod a slaar. ai.d
ana. UfUar. Maaw'. Alliaftaa
iSSui. aad «i«»<MallVairaaiaof Uoaat TrrtofomUev-Ra*.
~Ra*. W. A. Mian.
vondarlidlx neeaaUul u proinptiy cm./ 'aeo lo lap*. Uti pdMbX).
iif ib<*
-Aatorp al Ike Batidi
tom* back. XtdMT. bladder, uruacij Itcu. .ameanl PBO mn la fold era* la nta
tfatoto- mi«t MU' Mha Alllaa
rSau to. NaV To ~Tv“l :
•alltraa. Mr. Oood. Ur
uia. Hn
Bead to mi im- aaatader va* Icaaatad la ml ••lai*
Df. Klbnar'aSi
ViifxauhankM-; Adrlou
raaabad Oooalaiiilaople'
VlaUeTart.y «Vv
' HaM Hall.

rrubontl*l‘voik.inpr“u. ("!“ *
I. KMtor. Un
riVbalptoaaiocpeertopui. I April U al Malaapvrd la ik* elUyei


aad lu
l.«al T. Paaalecum.

& CO.,
U taUa St.. MtCAM.
Stocks, Bonds, Grain & Provisions
•ouClil and aeM (or eaoh or on rMoonablo marcina on
Mow York Bioob Csetoan«o. CMea«otiook Kiotoanaoand
CieleaCO Beord of Trav.
Hannah, Lap 4 Co., Travarae City. Mloh.



unmade by wtile^^raader*
vbaVnaalaltaadytrtad.el'. may bi
' Mai Ira* bp mail, alao a bo
• ”-------- and bo*

oa Iba Kipbrala*
Vllj daatropV. will, lie aalire
ilatioo. DBsbrnac l.ObO. laolad- |^| J]|| 6|||| Oi^Sl
j Iroopa (onatap *V parrleoa of Mala*
lo Vdliioa orar aOu boom
oalftiVriuf TUIbpa

, rhaai'd
. _____ -jJ fnili
» here br vlll (oiiml
nruad or mrea oa lirr Irfi arm In la ruloB) In
I seal, airobni an.:
rlfbl alVv <iD her hnr-r. and h.-r fa.
milap uB her rlpbl hand
Th- oi-- I aiarru. urauo. Vnli.-d buira Kmi
il vlll bp uavHIpd SaluriU)
Crnni iu.p..< u.r. .•apeclmllj dclalled 1;,
ABB ArlKV. muakrau Ohdr
1^ Aaa. Hick.. Mar t
1‘rraldeoi Uimti-irlt U. lureatlpale ll,r
■IM ll.e blp das of ih-.UIrhlKBi rslarani aliuati.m la
Dalto IMvall. a«a« IX. noMl
__ _________
«Ua at tka
HaW Qwla*
ju.i r..mpt«M *e eaVoailxe
' u a m'uli. laklnc avay
tUaa ekloWarv. Me raaaoB to
ibruucb Ibr toWBf asd rounirr aad rauilap ihr Mcairai ___
kam tor tka ael
Bka to a raaiavai
irk-it u( Auatrla aad Hunpar,
Thr ki«« liv bodi I .rr> ■odlealluc Ibel Ibe pi
ar Ikto atoea. aad kaa taaaa aaploxad ape baovB In year*
ib>at tka kaCH tar anaa tUaa II to ni dasapa lo ib.- Vm aud
■oraA 4kai «iapcadMfy orar a '—lluourleo oinnarrb> r
a«alr vaa tka aaaaa of tka nab
l'oli.*i Hiaira and Canada vlll
C. J Moarua o
Houlh liaecB
'luur- an.l r»en lacreaae
prohabix ibr b>ild> i.t 4 unkjiie Ulrb lied <mr larpe Mllape In nurtb
Icaa raourd. 81b • July 4. im. br cary. vbirh conialnad a., sale laVbl
baa dallrarad silk in nor |
■bat aaM kar Ufa.
Capt. Joba r. Plnlf> i>l
Gr. VUUav J. SbUIMax vaa calM
Peier Han a lepulablr farser s
a^ AM aramhias paaalUa for Iba lafaain. fomarl; i rnldn
DvIapeMlle K> . IT|K>n
‘ taaata fill bm aka aaa baxoed laail. BOV bold! Iba iBpunaoi pool
•oeair of iha dtoirtoi. •limy ihal •oairhe* 1.. a.
gal ahei akaa ha amtad. aad
ndlap alone
d Join to Iba Phil
A ta bar bom bapaad la a fa«
ilii- hiKbvay he aav »b il teesed i»
iH- a rliok lylnc In ibe i ad On «ii
I ibe (edrraJ fuTai
Ir.M-r he uv Ibti il r ObJerl ni
> allovl
_____ >a* of blarktaake*
raryiBc 1
Manta Mndat Up Papara.
tlB of
A Dtlllncba
toarb from ivo to f.iu feel
Mtla. Max K.-Dia Naitaa aaaaru vat Of
• hrf* ■ rnrk lalo (be i
at Iba rawMM at M. Ptoera, Ro '
vblla be vaa aarrlnK in ihr rltll var
nbMar at tka taiartar. ikai a
Cabiala txillacbaai nov hope> ibai
aaadtoa baa baaa craalad for (b* aail Uark aaa von'l vaJt aooibar
■ Main papar at ti. paiaralnirc Tbr xaara before parlap iba rlals>
r* Rdvard Warren of
Mar aamaaaa; -u Plaara to arr ■ovad after anrb kmc rtala)
l.*.irTllle S’
.. bare alaned oui foi
1aiiTf-|“|- MVfailiia Iba Bioia iff
Al Adnia, Iba 8uir W C T
le ij :i f ) Bllei 10 Lua Aapelet.
are boldlac a (our dan' aaaakm
Tbalr i Id! roBtUu of a aivui
ala. aatoiataltaa that It iba popaiaea
Tvlaa vara to>ra to Mr aad Ur* pair III tH.rai . a lMjpc> aad a licbi
aaaJnMil HabM tka Java, ihalr ai- Parford of the Boo The plrl vrlfb*
WMob MB ba itainatad tna (f. taraa pouadt
a^mr aaa ■mmnnivinl * M naara
of Ibe pne
Vurk'B Cbl

.. .

B larni-• l.l**e
II, klllinc

tjrecti ill iris ...i.

At Iba Pm Uaiqaaua fnlabl dtpol
blOtaaa Bapldf toobosao of lorpa.
4an inatrud to Prad Braadap* atpladad aaddnix
Aboal lO.OOO aaall
la aaa




a nlatoun of iba

«Em »ap


Mttoiaa at

aUMthw u

anMar attmaoam. Tba plaa to «av

J«. imat II biUfB
■ OB Iba bax akora
I vllh dtbn ' "
•d aa U
■r. talk t
Mn BBtU M aappiir Mr.

Tbe poreresi
e kee|ier of a
laVrer aad ibe lav prorldea iVt i
I'blneae liluirer emn brlop bli vlfe

loD. Ohio, vsue: Keeler,
•all af ■pamaaeoat eosbaiiloB
b Burdrhap bl* vlfe rale
A Bad Jaabat llrarjBu loaotil
ni*r> 1 ■
nn M a ma. vbe. aiiii i*o oei
iK-liair I
e a bile la a
wtaMbBd a-Jw" aaob, rauad ap
Ito aald ba quarreled with kU
• e they relli.............................
■ OB bl* Bled vben be vent
a of tkU braialilx
iwMd Iba lan (A Bad Jataafi pra.
I ■IPuat IDOreBMBl ha* Imae Vr
Rlcbmoad. Va.. for ibe
Ibe body
• - of Pairtek Henry
fraa In
il MAP Vea bMB '
oni buinb
rplartv pravi
awplOtV pvaa."VlbOl tVdlpCharloile euiioiy 10
lo ei. Joha’i
■Up af IV vUtaBa of RV Jaafeat aad
ebyard In ^hBoait
:lon lit a Bartile
14a aMa af Mlaktvb. far tba tlllapa
paiMfiit to Itak IV faUav vV btrad praoi Vircinia’ arator and raroIaHonlal Tbe Idea to to Vra HMry * body
•V batw Mil Vraarad tm Ikai matt)
pmlbla. baeaatb St
V had vlibbald t>m IV Vlaal.
. about at tba *vi
• aaya be alood vblle
TV istalilvi did ibat. oad artaatad
(aaou* apaacb vl
bito Paaldaa. aad a Jaatioa taad Um
coinuBBiaa in Iba vord*. "Olra
Hbatip or tire
death "
a OltU, af OHlbata, M. T.
The pelonieloctou
pelenioloctou of
r IV
tai 10
a VltaAMlob..« aYtaltto
ddaacbtor. Mra. Jeba Wrlgbl. Ifae potiei care* Of Bbotla eeaaty.
Vre art vlib aneoee* la ibalr reitaaaaftV mta voadaxtal amta aearcbe*. The dr*t report fros ibe
IV varld. If for aelhlBf alia tkw axploratloD party abov* iVi Ik*
Btal V la « IM paan eld,at liralp w oare* are a rich^Vld^*a
rich r.........................................
aliMaa vd aa bawp m a Vp of It :lme Ibe party k

.1:; r i





amVpaa. ICnrruMry «tii» Im I*oo,-t

a^onoAOl vi-B-WbM-*.. uri.uj- n*Ru*d lo • i*un«ar^'*iIiM‘ u,'''-|%','i ',il,
t£K ia‘’r*iS5aV‘v'-'w:iVL‘::j
hl»-u. VnlM bu *ir. bdA II, l„e

■MSMIana*. VM Ie,*a0ad In tba lUSU*' ul
tbaknaHV *< luedicC tk. numty vt Uru*

BsTiS ir-'-£55W.?l:.-TrS



«t tmta aaa JnM Blacfe at Mar
SS^%rto^ ^^SMtaTMan
■MB# Mnrtaf iba laad of aiaaipa ba
M aa apntada oam vaub. aad
pukiaab ha m4a a aaarat far ti
anMaMaadlt. aiaat tbu iM two
mam « NM kaata. tvv a( tata aad

Laaaad. •ahaaidaafdPaable. OoL,
Wta dMIrorlat tafdana al Oraad
Baptda. olalm ta Vaa aaaaa aail.lad
fax iva xma.
V IV brtda of WalKv
I, MV PabHta kaa }aal
aapa *“baTSoa^likoal Mappb
OaaM a to BM fBaraalaad W heap o
TV paoat. vama aaoaat
pMk a vart af Bacitah.
V. P. Paatin of ItaUotl baa }aal
•oiarM (ran a Mp ta Masks Ha
TV Htablsv Q. A. & will VU
bodr aamal avatopMi ai Uaaka

BBu af Ctoiakaa. Mntoa. Ur
nnaa la a Pvnn BMaav naa.
a atoa aiMlalad a dM lar a Ma

_________ _ Map Tevar maa

af fctv 5Sikr‘aad"Mr*aiL._.
balM to ataa taat. Tba laBaslai la
aMMaa to aa Iba «la: -fraaiad bp
paMMto Munaa aad tartic Maadi.

IpraaMiad aa awdifMaa tarapvdm a alall vor taioraa vV
BOl batotaaa w tall tV mib
abaal bta alatai as IV aatlVa fiaMWhvtvaaalad laavaifp IV
amvaa aadar vktah V

"TVwl BMMp vaa ta«aap na
akaaaVs af a v*. TV b« va>
aM nniv^bar't labT
wWta nma« •• a mna la iba V. a. aavhatvd aarapaAta vwtad bar
vadMaar larrtoa.' TV ataiv to a tm uaifa. Ha w ato
ammaa Mra at a vonaa attUap oa aV aV aaavtod iVm a baallaa
Taaa ti vaa a Me baai aad 1
VV aboal iV ata V tv hat.
-tad ae cfBvl Ibn*. Vl I tiak
eta’la vtata Nil ibtoVlV
Mtaa oCaBdavUimwapbad
I am aamtlaaa. 1V bat
•vHd kad aotbtaji taV
. llv at data, for 1 did aol
kaak IV h«. Vto* Va vaaft var
aasL” Ur Mar. >• of IV avataa
Ibat aaob Mdoraathto,

Mmu’u.ii * I



K«new«d. L«ft Sld«
Badly Aifecfd*
UabU to Paralytic
Sr. »4U«b* f
Hm Kmw UfM.

(fUSMM. krasn >14, mis and AlnMt-si. I
tall bee. Ikm. ml IkB^ .s, ekMnuj

Arnirit A i> lu
l»tal A*

ia.?k*». Msid Vpbur
otaiic hi
nine: mnUuun* ■m.Rlla* k. IW I'ari.u O <■«.*• I-. i*--1.
euVsTMT, nato ibne tad Vua *•-*»
UadaMRer Un.u* utij Ik*.. *<-*.• i4I lb.
J*a» 11 tl>


to. Kl.ds


The Farmers' F&vorite and the New Champion.

Gasoline Engines--

Fairbanks & Moore’s make. We also carry a
full line of....

Harnesses ght Robes

fit for the season. We are still selling the cel­
ebrated Milwaukee

Harvesting Machinery
Steel Junior Binders
Mowing Machines
Corn Binders bTy Rakes
------ 1....................... ..............
consisting of the No. lO

and various numbers of


____ They (oaatol of
S'lIrbV boM
H. P. Pane
tarlv cf Abtora. lad.,
of tba
ba rfm
dm var. r__________
vblla oa
-HI to. OMlyabu^ramily
la loeallap a Ur** bouldw. bataiad
vbUh ba aonpbt pbaltar dnrtap tba
aou* aiioca nme nuiueoermie
u Ua-'iiu'iiir a... mtsBiuMm
Allhooph tba rock vaIpbV BorMaa*
yiiaffiMand ll-ui iinilli U'Uarv and i,-.
UfbMIat awaak u aak traa at Be
iveM il* bid Mibt loBi. Mr. Patlada. Tbraa berrpptaVfa. Jama Datoa porebaaad k (root tbe Culp a*e aV bod It aUppad to hU veaiars
riv. Pnar (fataa aV Ohtov BaaaA
ua. vbm V Mtradi to oaa to^a*
aadarlVtraa. Darlaa vaalaatvllp fcUUd. aad IV aaVr two dlad ll^dMth"
laur dm tv lajarp.
Trtally church of New Torti. ao
irdlap lo It* VV year book, ba*
Bav Ml. Olaaiav Obartoa Btolifc, a
tetatr. baa kllUd aa aa«la tvi VM .roparty vblcb yield* v taoosa of
IIAM,«M a xaar. Tba Iboona of tka
■BklBi •« vltb a iBBk Fw map Oellactola Datcb ebnrcb U tIoo.OM
paan a fVr ad Hrdi vra nada a aaM
la a taU aW IV taka abm TV
MlAAt tail r*ar.
aad Hrd taaBaBaad I taat
latanallp: V baa vaar
am. valka vllboal a
a voed IV Taar roaad.
OUla to a aaUra of IMalaad. VI la
watiaMV Wibla ooaallevd bm tor a irlV of

Buggies Of all Kinds
Olds Wagons
Spring TootliHarrows,
Smooth Harrows,
Disk Harrows.-ti

We Handle—

Alreud) I
A n.inmli

irCyiFSr~M‘*s!r ius»'’^h *5
M maUm maOeat Iba. knhaa tap

I have just received several Carloads of goods,
consisting of ——m

and one carload of-

^aUaeart aald bp as peed drupckU

na],aaM. vltk' tka i


5t makes. One carload of


MWf—“Pall Rlrar WaNi.' Htaan
VMM. PUMa aad KtoUar.
Tfea kaart af adanUea eeaal
Prai Tiee. AtoaMar: Max Carpeaier.
MMMor. aad Arlhv


, W

I sell the Kalamazoo Round Silo. If you expect to
build a Silo, let me know, and I would be glad tofigure with you, as I sell Silos of s-sveral kinds of lum­
ber and a great many sizes, and we also erect them
at your barn. I find that there are not many farm­
ers who understartd the Silo, .ind thought it best to
furnish it corf'plete.
In connection with the Silo, you should have a

Croam Separa-tor
We sell the Empire, which is well known and will
sell on its merits.

M tt^Mbd^ wS***



My business has grown to such an ^teht that it has become
necessary for me to secure more space. I have placed a com­
plete line of the above mentioned goods on the large carriage
room of my sale and feed stable, at 321 SUte St., where you
will always find a good line of horses for sale.
When you come in to trade, anyone trading $6.00 or more
can have his horses taken care of free of charge at tbe feed sUble.

■ r-i


MM. H. •- &MTM. MM

• M • iM* H a UckaMUMiloa. aM tM allaatranal gooi U 0«
<r bj Mat oa« «nai Mm
afeaaai lar a dar vreu aa (oUai
■u Mar (IMS «• aM «M «M
-Klto Maddam: BseDom latma tor
-WliT Maa arlt aa« pa>a. aofiM
M beta then oi rloUdar. Wo hart
aAik «t«. What to It all tor'
potl goto oa It at ap hto Italaaaol
to ealr that Motaia to talalio. that
ve aaa Mat
than cMUl lai aUa Bo place
tai Pmror ptOek am oauU tatadt

It VtU mU rarr rsadUr. rM aot a

*f a4aMi

tha boUtag Mflh or velar. BtUg al
ac aot. lha addlUaa vIH acaroaIr ooca lha other ato k«( ctlrrtag aad
valllac ara aroidad.

l^unsMneri THE TimiMPHS OF pe-ruma increase.
-I baaghi Uia aloib.






ta rula tha aali
tuto. Bad auBM war
Ufotbar for paod tf oalr ear aeato
was aalahtog Br brwakCaci ooe
t la leueh with the craai OoM
Bpbli <it eUldllhc liw aad
U> Weve apamrad vtih a eoia ruad■y elbow
It wac Uarttaa. who
.( OM lollowt.
toaee ve eaa be ham U lh«
•lipped oa her cboec al the oiitor
-Ketlwried Mloa: Plaaaa lo eicuaa door, aad uuiat co ctolly through the
I BUr« at eUauBttaaeao, had. to
Itoa hUi at wiaa. ae* HM at ra«MMl Uriad ahall had -rvoad ear laeoB Wiilr atoaaau. Ha toll dowa
JoaThatora achool time aod we
-r I had takra the paraet to cew
I hto lateraal laildea wac bon lag her mother bad >eoi. 1 care Marll
■I. but we tad ibey alai Tha
» uiaagec whirb ware left lo a
A>ru>r cart that ao pan of h|> aaai
ftar aa (ka latra. tohMa ha *aa voat The tea mar hare lu limibtoa.
wac hart lull lha breatxai of
It kaMa'Wa brtdht aide ixa.
fli-*—•-■ fraai Cw aal aaar IM tlar
That hMlat vaata Ur uuto bh

la aaarch at Mat la halM hto aiaiir The lark Mar hare Mtoalrtaaa.
But aha hUaa avar bar dMlil:

«# dreaaad Me dar a leM o( aaldM l<Mla piatoe lha aoa tor ahtalaf
had the larh tor aarar ptalaa—
mu UUTliitR
Maa hat >ora Irm bird aad plaaai.
Wbtoh ear wm darUai aaoBr
Hula gin Wbme laadearr toward
albea tb«r ''beep Ibc hriabi aide
atleelloo wac marked bnwgbl
had Mmo baaUo It UadarU aa
laacber a Sola that gate proof of the
Tha Otehard Mak vllh bloaaoau
the ehlld'c affacilua aaa
Oladir pau lit bright aide uoi:
Uak that had iba
arldaeilr lakerltad from the acaieraal
TU lUaea hare ao irooble
MaallMi cntaad
dv <d lha houce The ecruce wac
X tbar erar (rtera about,
Of bar Md gtaadana; It «aa wbi
I follawc:
lad the vorM to prcMa la traaaara
• Itoar HUa W : The aoB«i>l<e*r
lip la raMaaibraaaaa <d >aaaora
Or rhinr traaa «baa they are i
aae« to Brellaa amice at cchoul yew
la tba aaaa at HUa *bo arar irtoi
lerday wac as umaroldable
Is "kaap Ibe hrlcbt aide mil.'
hr ladUpoallloa coperla
AM throta Iba Mddaa raUal *a
B Klav
If me. hr m
laauiniluuc aod ladliacilble
fatmtia- >tlvaa badlr Oeae-Warhaa.
lat all farMari’ beyuad bar eaparHr
lleecr the rceoUaui
viraa are dr»l^ HafirV Iben asclBiltaied
MMsa diM,
torai BO BKira *orfc thaa U ea dl>|ucliloe aad ladlgedloa ueceaci
Wndraw ptorlMea bad baaa Made
aUeace of ETellea fivB
ital la riforow baaHb. Bat ibou
ter hlM.
Kladly i«rduu ua o>.-rfuud
aaada aad laaa of Ihotiaaade ut Mom
■alb laahi. lha «blia aad aaMaa. dto
vorfcad lata tbalr grarea These BiNber'c lank to Judgmeai aad ei
fur a^lch
e wj danghler'i
lha voMM «ho balld the drat.
The aaal vat teMhai. aad tba bread
[ Mdato three iiDae a dar tor a

Nerroua DepresBlon.

.ssr; -sss iisrsssjs


a. becauw I Barer hare looad

ofWdtoata Cnte >T«i7 Urmth^a^laH totembl Ota.
•P*>ru-aK tba Only XatafsAl Bygtamio ObterA
tBirli ttaa Banj «r Wl
BABMdy Tat Dar

IMy JaahM
'Tailor, tailor, tell bo Irao.
Bbocwdldym gtiBy>atoaloC hlaav’

II eat vtih toiy abaan te bright, i
{(OB wwak tome
ked wiili aaadle ato tbrato I covt-d ' Una
cetclly trytto. Bb.
,--------%w pSJJtey"^ e-_. .
Hanbaai, aMrabaBI. tall m» lr«e.
laeclUl. and to be perUraUrJy curwVbara did yaa gel the cloth le blaa;’ : tul to foritoy Ihe aerroui cycteai by

M form or annhar. Ato y«s pnM

'Tha olalb wac made, titilc ma.ier
The weavar wore 111.01

tegaUVM lor

With loeB aad clietile liu trade pliec

a uraage Ic fur you." I
the other )ou may aarrj
Which oae will

M>~> kol-lcs: HttoTBEU


-tica wailed a kmg while before
aarwerinx At aay Uue ihe i
I eptoaar eard^ the wo il to Kae.
hate iboughi II very rude for a
apua It la llitcada. aud uroogbl
lo aacwer pruaipily «» I
It ki aa.
loud eaoush to be eaaljy be
Wiiara sy cooadtafl louse whim
kic limr .be welled eveo biager
cbaerily maamre required
'Bldaaar. cpiaaar, leJI sa iroa
J obe uraage uter cad Ihei
Where got yaa lh« vool aaea ibtagc lu ;
Alter c mile mure
ua .be whl.iiered, ' TbI.
-loui lo Coow to tbe
I bad aiade bar co loag
. cald. "Uul why dua'i
Iciuka the aaiall oraagel

la derld
you gl>e
lie la a Tbe ayar dyad 11
Aad teuaghi 11
Kow tailor aad awtobam and wre

. not Aoaa waliiat for lae at
ibe cald
Abba aad I
By oiwuge logrtber

Ato tpluaar aad latiuai. my iliaakc tv
Bat Iba batl of my lliauht I tllll will


vaa reared;
torea id d>aa .lead aad aUlk tha eo*a. rewiBBcIble for I abould hare
Aaaa aould am like lo lok< Tor you. my good uid woolly haokad
had ibM Ibara aa»a a plaaaaai tmm- do lha vaabtai aad lreala« tor
cUI power cupertur lu bar. hod
I pieoec If I had ualy d
mttt aar
aorto her froa tha Bacileal
ably ool a teath at tba vote kaov
Make tki hatter aad
h Ibe urwagi
-Luara Riebardc
llial U.etr dtoeaia Ic catarrh. Todu>
WkM the laM oMw laWa «a« avdr. rhator, do aiarkallaa. pel
cklo. uanua. to tell bow Baay plrow
trulu. auiurala lha kltahei
How Ic II you knuwT"
rooMB who aoMMbaea their agtla."
U>r vho had baoa ahaaol !».
at Mil hr ilarltehl
rltxa udd ua tba urasga
IB. aa hear er Bora batora the aara Obbu to acbool oa tha third dar.
Ibic la a
hrUglag the tultovlai hrtet but
AMjm ha* pMtUIr Iba TbUa’aad otioasar Baa are oat at bad, aad aM
Ilk al iba cleoieod
preheaalTt aoU “eaeuaa':
MtdatiOt. hoera after tba ai
‘TMCbar: BaM haa baaa plarlag
Made «acp aad *aat at WDir a atoaa aUMf aws aa la bad aad tiaap '
Wbere It pulled away fruB tbe a
hooker. Plaaaa llek."
tamer, vorUsi baid blMsell, i
a mtia wheal, with ipiAac golog
J. U Barhc
brartM bet a to* eoMMaUU troa
IruB lha cualra. If you cut
rcecd free
' ■at *h« Mate tba «bUw i
*ork aad aaaSpaoec belweeo Ibme riiukec. y
tel xrectrr Bauitoda
-fi niuixl), IVrua-ato
lag lhal bM'a to does, oakc ao
Tsaah tha Klrta to Haa
■ad Ikal ibare are Juci aa mi
i.ei. I ll•.«|.r bees. ftoBia
Osarted tba arobaid vMh <bair tteoa. tad ao dooM foMc lhal vhito
«v w„ uii! :ibeoi ac Ibere will be cecUoac
*lMi ct baMa.
hto aifo eaa gal thioagh vlth her alacato aa woa
ararloratid, I
tb» uraage wbou you opeo It. add
don aol Mlllai
OiaadMra-r trbHa tateto aad babrto
U VMld ba a aaadlaao eapeadi
ba bcuaaly aaaa to daralac ato you (*S tell, at UarlUa did. how au
HIM UWT M. Klixr.
of Maaaa to hire a aarraat u ouadUtg. The rouag Bother who
"(ilecec ' your oiwBge baa
Wm irtM iov, hath te aM «iaM htop bar. Whaa at tba agt to lonr baeh fureto to Icara lhaaa ana aflar
Pwrhapc >uu iklak erery urauge has
badbard veafc aad cblld-haartag. tha Barriaga thoaU Uka tha laaaue la the same auBbor, Juct ac ovary apple
id koUr, aad ta the etbai bay*
Tbeii all^amoMallythoDO
lakaa oa lha appoaraaea to
barMU sertaaalp. ato Icarh
hoc bai are aaJIa wbicb hold lie
Hon uaatdo. Hlob . Hay
AM aa More daar thaa aw te Iba
liandad tba ive-bhtaad aaea: hat M
to aUir. ha noaaladao thto aha -dUal danghleai tha iaponaaeo to kaowbut you will lad It U aoi lo
Itoor Hra. Hatea-I llioagbi 1 voald
td vat I vtth tha btaaUNl
vkloh of
a Mivag CDaatllaUaa,’- aad that lag kow u kaep tksir clotblag la ra- aoil Wall. I do aot kaow. b
aatvar year klad aadtoraloesu loiter
Wm tmm tba ttti uaa^ arar«aA
^rit dlMtayto by thaa ihailaAdto
fearMb vaaU bars taraf hatter had aba
tlr TnuB tha Uaw a child eaa hoU hapa. away bach la tbe kUtury of the t naeimd from yaa a loag Uma ago
te the gift a goad shin or )oak»* m
Ated tmm
baaa tha vUe to a earpaat.
iiaodla la bar lltito baad aba should oraage. whaa n U a do
" I ataal cioaar at for ool vaawaf ^ tbar bare ncgi, baaaara, dgerea of aolUitte tha BHdM fohte tbaagbt ba*
•vy <*^___________
r. Ws rapaai. that tha alararr ba ihowa how u auto. bagUotag baiu wbaa ll la ualy a bu
1 Ibaak yoe for tte «ard 1 <!•«•
inai maa, evordt. aod olhileh va allada to aot tha IW
bar doll alothru ato gradually may happee whicb borU
oppaaa OalaBhac haAa'I teat.
A thtes ha vraaBbI at MhBa aad
Tory daeldedly; 10 eaa bay a
tmara' viraa Haar tarman
aUg roMoarlkle Icir the rusic
Aaarira. Wtllta; vaaM yaa bam
waUm hatrl
■a Maallarata tor lha bmltk ot U
uwB garaienu Taaeh her lhal
llled iharr’
-iaha Whlla iteadvU. te Woaaa’t
■ ud aim BO aaaalmoaa daeltio
vtTM BC tbar ora ter tbalr <
aa iBMrtaai to naad her oluthoe
Tea ladaed! liwoaUba'aat}ag'
hMlih; hil tha tael it aailaalahla.
laphy dewu tmr-half.”
I lean her arhuui ur
tbatoat, lhal, aa
aoa; that all an spually
It bav n.i auire
Itere torska vhal tea devB vtaag.
ato that ike aartlar aha haglai the wbea U wac a h
Dare lu do vhal jam dram right.
• Thtt dar> bM vharala «• Urt
aailly will
i.vudt and aaltl.o li lu a way that
iM.g the qaaat.CBi amt oat Ip A
i •aridied aad drllghla-l p» alt Tbaoa
A Karaiag Maahlaa Pta Ctete*aebaal agamlaat vas lha ftolavtag
'file varo Bue »(walmeBa to
Te man vaaaa vho data bar ova
IctK: iliev were lilha aud aire
xaapV to ar tbsmtia.
hare arar aato to a placaaUoo fai
• Ilooa bote esarauamtle ta I
.11 i.r Iifeaad fuo
Make fMdaa ear luMiaiiiai.
aato OB tM arm at my sawUg b
IIH- ».aih la.r. Jimaie Jahaat. wac too. su eaa.. and aastbar a mllf la I
to alBpIy a tome of thlek
datir vmthar Mopptag to a
, C111-.-I-. hcviiiir ea.-lag vblob
ml;. baw far weald Iba Ant bmia
woDlaa atolh aboui
•ry lUBDli vburlar iba oMai
ba ai.rtd la a B-alab laea mt Ivu
ato thrwe Uehea wl<
loiapar- To aroM thto troulloa
ycaali being Ibat ha l ad lo BMeratehlllatV
rlhhoB atrtag at aaeh aorwer aad at
to tplru. tir tha plas gtraa below
TbfM- Die Mil n.ut. lorat la ooe
a raid aad a aaartai to etoorad
aide, aad wan- oteeriet to M asclladThe poOM that boada aar eat
Oaaloa baBtal. vhtoh vlll ba aaaagh
It, thoogyqalaily. .ryagad la aoatadar to aaa tnar Tha ^r Ctealrh
Ivo »rai*. ft etoata la aearlat.
a*a bMM. ao taU to h at I '
■oM. aarr Was. hrova, aad a pofl aaa plac laatato to hoalV
Altec Ibelt bn.I dlieaiclea eaa al
pl^ea. aad aa aaar to aaMre'a
aosaa grar. Bav op hag >hhpa. aara aOBa ItBa. With tl
.iBSaiirargopaad. loeklug at
oa whieh u pat thaa. tb<
rathapa Iba raama ct It to that apoa ■aka a aane* bam. aa taeh i
half hakw voth Ivo bMUvhelat. uac ha Ukaa oat ac ooe paoa.
Uiccl -aary bm I ur roBatblagr'
PiMPe IruuHeJ wl




JbwmS m



u,. I.... to i

r to


thoae teat «aabi aa uaaaai rlalur—
a 'tWAM Baata'-or at U to
BWrallr aattod. a BalUMora <
aol eaa. atlbar. bat 1*0. lhaaft
the latkar hltd. tha laraal alafor, to
to orteMaa. It vaa hto elaar «htet■M aaiaa that hrat ealiad atlMIlaa t«
hte MMMf Bad a aaarca lor lha I
at ihaai vaa aoob laabd. hto
■an pteMiM at otBa«a iMa
• arHh ka hteak aad «hlM Mrlptegi
a b hlfh haUito. hto
hMitet aoM htoai la tha lap at
(aS traa. B to toaar roan ataea *a
ham maa aa edola ia Traroraa C»r
t«mtr ai toast aad mar ha
tto lha Wrd lorar oath a ratara ct aa
■id fliMt to a gaat pwaara. I
It to a «adtofiJ ptoaaara ta aar aaa
la ha w ia laaM with tha alid vtrW
■ato vtUblM tkiBCr aa aarU
toadr aad to lad eat aU abaat tha
Hawtar vhem ctaaUr U la U It
■M eaa talar aad ter a UUta km all
tlM cam aad bailm at tha aaa vt
Bra ter
. b to a Mtoiil vww ta uka Iba
ahBdraa tala aad lhair avift eaakirabaatom at b aad dabihl ta H «UI cap
Brtaa aaa ta am TWa to a seoi oB
■B ta tba aatr tboa«bt at *teM aad
to aMB U la am at tha thtoiM te

■ar ateaoi te the bato to d
tha BBtoa to foaarai toarahaa aad tha

aa MBh tide to tha atam


buitoBhetoa. Whaa tatohad. ollp tha
hag over a bnoB, dm* ap u« i
aad Ue aaeaivtr. Pirn ovam
•oora vaU vtih aa oidlaarr hnoak
t a< tha loaae dirt, thaa go hoM
aad totth vtU the ^atod ktoamoaoaloaanr thaktag H a^taat

Ttthoul olopaUg II

uervou. aianUi In
Btkia. to talltag a

Bagic ksfeh to doUi thtaga Uii ac ahouM lahe a plui at a aieci aa.
People with
Ihoy ahoiN ba dtua hac maay dllar- lour mealc a day
Bsrraw require troquMily i
aal lltUa Wwa to doing bar work
lhal htop’har lo do It quickly ato >r qtuatlly to walm Ite Ihuaa
-ea aad bralac are smag I
the dlgcaikto by Bgktag the
aprUKIaa bar
aolablc. ato leeBi to hare a diraci
BtUa vhlla M viu ablaa aUtoat
bM aa tall to hot valor ac aha
aa tf M hto baaa moppad, aad to tar eaa haar M ato tprtaktoi vlth thto
r aad r1--------— vwk. It lbs
Wpacto lha olothec
Wbaa cuBBer saphyre ar« ituUj
ily- aha daelarto, ato haaldaa
Idllag akiag lha back yard, ato th<
vhm I gal haip vHh tha vaak'c
aar gtrl haa all bar praitlaa
govac tetoa ap ato ratoy to
>1 U vlpteg devi lha'valte.
hagUi lo Ihlak to lha haa
wUl haag harvaea ipo treat, at
an ready for toovlag ataaaal M
aaa araat aay ireaa, aad
auly attar oaUg bat vsiar. a te
atto. A light gaatttp-JB^aeh
la a Sat. upoo lha porch
lOBsa vho hac tou at voct to do
"' vaabad, tbartoera hattair. Msha
Bail Ao aaah Mt aa npWty to
apwal. aad abaa atotod bars them
vashto rsgatertr- Tbw atU vail at
eat to of aotlaa U gay oolon. aad
ato an aada ratlUr pratti
. U tha vuai euBforuUa
Uaaa Par ABmaala
tha addttkia to a brim autehteg )oM
Wte tha sokv haa haca ubpa oat atylea. That ta about lha ouly dl
hatov lha ham, te eoarm taikar-fto
of av tehrto by ate opaagtag vlib
I. Tbar an aemMlmai mi
U yoar. taey g
vm oAaa ratoon It.
tha ahapa to a hrooaa. hartu a
to as aaeaUcai raac.
aa aaeh ilda. Otot taam to ktoi «p«a
U. A haBBock U> be pcafecl
tha btiac ato sttaBi at taaaMi
tar ab Mehaa. haauato vlth aano*
Id hare rary wide back roaU
t ImmaUaUly. K ptB
. ato a hvttoa ato hatu
vkkh allow tba eccupaat to I
pteeto at tha tap M haw it to«Mkar
ad dfwaa u ti at partoci aaaa
la* itatea aaa ha nmut,
baaa eotata an a grmt Maiavra'
Tba ralaacac oa tkto year-i
It vlth amBstoa dilalto with
■ooka an rary wide ato ai
r a hsaom. ai iba aWAtabte4ad
MorpiJra pan of tbOB.
Tbay an
■thoMtoa dU te tba-iaia,.nMi

te «

Wa an all vail aad bopa
UBC. 1 as golag lo Tar•
- Oily Prtday
to rlclt with my
I go 10
Ma. Mai
■riwy day
Hy taaobar'e eame
te Him Bahia. I Ilka bet rory maob.
I gaas I ^11 ciom a> ny lauar U
Mag aBaagh.
HruB yoor bBaablaa girl.

'U>-nc|ulT yoe laar. " 1 rrpllrd.
"Halt. Hirvionary.' he aacweraA
"vatrebvyc bar* btru lalliag It
-nr. aad ibit It uhat vc Ihiak aGoal
Yoo tea ue are Bell aad ciraag.
We ma elM Ibe rcbbii, ato part­
ridge, aad olbergaiar; aad
vbea vlaier cuBca. wa eaa d
laarlran aad tekei bat JtBBic te
IabA- ba bac a bcl lag
Ha oaaaol
at Uy> ilmi i«y lik.^ Tb. hula iiaa- rat IB lha vooda; ba eaaaal go akatlag ao Me laa. Bat JIWBla Ic food
| Iv o< Japaa
Ua tea aato
lead dayc » iB: do tu ib« Koanb of to whlMUag
laaktag bawi ato airevc ato paddtes
aad ochar Ihiagc. aa.1 a Kn- kaUa
Bel to all the loyt la Ji
UbI tbe llulr dark eyed people Uka would ba jaai tha tblag lar him- Aad
bell U a lloy Mora vllb a te. la tl. 1 CO wa Bra boyi ttova teUad Iba mot
griddli , ipoou*. aod capa, aad ready- let orar, aad aa ba ic a eMppl* *•
will ba rery glto If yoa *■>■ fire
luada liellar all ratoy 10 fry
Hea and

wooeo oarry
Noble boyar How tlm pmple
te. aud ll Iba little Jap
b« oau hit* CM let a thrilled at Mte apaecb' It elacindad .
Btoaaa aaa UeM’fHaaa.
aad cut griddle mkac tea, ato Iliad eel puly my ayea wIM
IdUlc Him BalAcb aud Lato-a-haad ; lo bu bcan'i eoatcal
BTC. bat Bj been ViM Joy
Hast )aaivayiBg ap ato dava Me
So JlBBle vai giVea. Ma foer bitoOa ted-a-h to iba aaaablaa telad,
TM wild Aawan btoomed far the I la bit book. Oa Me IfS^taa Trull.
Hr. KgcitoB Taaag girac a giatoik
Btidi gtaassd bar froB Bsay a ma.
; daamlptMB of kte Ufa asocig tba One
Bat 8aUM aOd. "Mo isa loraaBu' I Itote to Me tar KwibwecL To ta
URIa HlB Baltab ato Uad a-ted I dM Me Udiaa boyc 10 aiog. ha tited
Waat laanaytaa


■taair iauaa to mldteca' fast aa tba
itoua aaeu aa tea V
Whir Thop Wan lasaead.
laat to the ar«r to Iba npahito bb
la corar tha amvat to UMr dtod eamTba arvdgory to taaaUag ta
radaa *Uk tab Bevata aad tat abora paHle aeba^ to apmaUama laaaa.
ibaM thaaian to tbalr csaairTa Ioa
a to hto vbellj a aad dar- All lha
• haa baaa addto.
mt to tha Uiaga that coma
te hto or hw Mgartovaa.
thsaa Ihlagi to the ramarkaHa •
■rr alorta to asms paraau *k
It verfca ate hatur b
mmpalM w vriu aetm.aaht
hart thMr ahOdna aiwto ter ab alaa u ha aaed, pau lhal teto lha
> tnm BobooL A laaebcr vl
ato BMsr ato than viu
Iba Maate aad am iba vartet haga. bai a larpa ato varrlto aeltoattoa
TM oMm CM foal tha umi to pairta WcaUl. Bracy CDok kaowa hov
ottoM a*l tUak ho« haaautto I
« aoma to them appMr.
ta dto tor aae'a eoaalrr- Tba earth
A daU her vho hto oioadUr daum attoaltty at tba mattto rhaeateta aUcAMl vaa pkwad vttb abet aad shaU bahito hto dam. aW vha va
baa Kited ttc aaan vtih woaa
daagar o( mtotoag pwmattaa i
tosur SMU Uuto ato SBS aaa ha alaad variag iram. Uetaad to lha baa ato to tha isra. htoMhl tha taUevtoi
Mh to haBau avast dava toll aad hMa to la«Bit7 (nm hto mathm
aad VU aattom aato va
'WaaM It ha aar pato ta l
Im a pte vtth paou. Boat aaa
loMtrbrBawrT I baton Wm w ho
ah aad arnwr. Harw tha mOb or
vbh tba rmt to -the ate
m to tha mam )■« at tha bolllM
pad it paa tWah a wmw valid ptv patet. np am a toototto ar two to PB tbs Pte te a Hnis law aaai
b aad aaaar. kte. te' ato Kto M
•■M te kia«r W ma baa* If patol


Homcstol LmA


«. $. Mmtmmm mm twt fmmtm:

calalomc Me, wiiie

Box 416.

ate WhM Ml nambit vm mtaabaotkMMa waM to mteeMoaaAaA mam alwtai bat


Just as Iasi year, Biittv
nude on the Empire viis the
h^hesl score. For case of
oprratlon, Uflilness of mncase of handily;. siBpUcily of constnedM the
FmpiK has m cqiaL

w vaa had. Me paapte

B to *a Jagaaaaa
AaUa mb
Hto Ma
an aAaraaUaA"Ma taamto
MkHttla gitIhateaMaU



A mat VIM uoabla

need ap bafora the crowd ato mid:
■■Boya.iteHuloBa. 1 as golag te
4 mid. whaa IM )aur*ry giro Meta els kairac M sba Ms boys
vhovlU sing Ma Boat. Ato laokr
oto Moh a goad tlma ha- mite am to ibaa arq goad iva htadto ksUrea. ae« to Mas te a cpteartid
Boeke bare maopUt or* tham hu
loar-hUdadouto bo* las golag *e
tha Bklortiy of pecple aUag tha ham
gim Mu beat «M to Me hey vhu will
u a aoto. ahady plaet wl
stag Ma heat to all"'
py B Mt aaeaamry
itet tadato vaa Ma aiaiteaaaat
ba Haste hOBBtirki.
m Uule Jan
aaaeag Ma Itolaa te Maarty crory
thay an taUto oC an aot prailaal
ato an rary axpaatora ato hard
B gtrl te rcry favd tet ato Ma trial bagun ladtaaa la
■to. They Into Uha Kah aat ato I
to hoc dalle. M
BM at a» dtearaUrw U appaaraaea
ptoaarrtog. ato aa ta aU at amt
ateotoM hymuiato teuga an a
lated. aad Ma MM to -drUlmte
an aaaA Tha teuobat sauted be
or olBpiy l<
Bba hM a rao tama telly to tl
ut Ma Utate octe ato Ma SeoHA
■ap to
U ^ hBM a trim hj^hn thaa teMAm bar wa. cAa haa Oboat to ho gate ThMVMCMebhymmut-kacA
toAgm.""OBBa.thau rquaitoarlha root, teu ta tha ate cm
BhaMd ha araa.'
all, M baama hMgmte." aad

Tha Omartr af Au Veett.'
teal Pcadh* OacmAl

Travarce City. Mich.


^^.-iDAT. IFTTR 4. !««. ^

clipae AnytHine Ooirte.
n .ir.l «,11 1..- I,.I i:a\.- u> conu-

('ur I

Jom- on a solid I'usitu v.

> '■ r \ •!' I '.ij 111 ;«• n: 'h* - w in^; a nicf int rrasr i *v i r i •ri* ^
sill ill ...Is



LIS rfcords


As ,i rt-suU o1 this h<.a'\

1; h.i- t— II Our oiMoiii tor >. ,us |,.

haVI' a f^vnc c ,i' 'i-.inmt; ];• •
vsil' ii. iii'l «hu! Ilians
waiting; lot
''s 1 t ) k 1'. aiul as s.iun as wt* cis'so inr. Uir su^k «<• « il] nui\ ,• bas.-mi u; il.'

■' ok k>ss ].rars aliiiosi in t»o. to rvdiii c
rsi ^1 ( V < I \ liiii^ III si^jht


k .in.i lasilnaiv ni.o


itii. h;

s, il u_. 1:,

|■, .i,

no bfutts h«r«. no biflb prtctd man to conduct tiM Mk- no eommi&sions. (U« art not afraid to come out vitb
pHets. Our goods art not old accumulations of yrars and ytara. but cotrytbinfl Ota dtsirabit nature, no strange and
sudden calamitlcs*>no pulling tbe wool ooer your eyes but business straidbt from tbe shoulder.

Silk Department

3une Bargalnstrom Our


45c >

I ,vn hrj.aitii.tiu .n ilia s»Je lur tiic ricil tri. '».>

; «sKsie.l

Is, Wth l(V lot


{ Ul*.» Cii/imerrs ill.! S«i|;e» »..illi IV

\ lot .11 IM.O lir»» tlut
m i.'s It. I H.Sc. iftii »»lr

! ^|. in I,-., i .ti!

i.« ,07

mere Xll.'

Mohi.i ..slhTWlo. .37

0 Ml t:..'a,.ll,..n...«l, U.tu.



.. .024

\ ki.r li.Ds.. ' tin. tics that xctrS.'xioJ
jt.-« tol 111 Ijans. :u;J ].ic«-rv Ts iisl s.


n ^tnjjrkiiii iii<! sin|< S^rttukef sing.
in. ...mM- i..r
.. .034
n,! 1-1 ■ .m. .Vv emsham >

.... .064

1 s’t.'hs stiiiiiii.;. 'M \iluc
llUuk iii.l gii> jitiniv tvM



I iglil jKisiloi, liil


l>irs peiciJel.....


Si in fine/.eph)T gumkua. worth ISc tor..


Blue Polks Dot tnd tilk Mulls, worth COe.
June isle i>rtcc........................................... ..
i-inc while Dicrcetuctl wsistiogs •oetb fiUc.
lo CSc. for...........................................................
I.ace Curtsiiu • l(M psin worth up tu $i.
for 39c sod................................................................ 6S3C in White l.swni worth 15c to go at....
KsDct Mttpe while dress tsbrics worth

16c, .08

35 in. fsDcy SiUolines worth UK lot................ 06
Kmc Cielont llist«pht regulsri) si ISe for. .08
i.otuasle cotton. IV snd ib'>ud lengths
worthlOcfcr ............................................... .... .06
Best quslit) iKHiod piinu |iet poaod..............

oeHing, i ysrdi lor.........................

Pillow lops, 46k!Hl in


|dcniii] tullow tofn, .07

Sheeti-UliSO Wess-hed snd hetomesl. ench [s7
Hosiery. Lsdiet' blsck hose pci psu...........


I.sdies’ bisck bose. K-smlcsy srxl sUinVss,
worth ISc lor
................................. .Od
Corset* - Big lo; of 5«ir, lo ilose si...................| 9
Shin Wsiu* - tug kx of Isdjci' snd misses'
white sn.1 colore.1 thin wsi*u ructiiBS ia
vsluc up lo Si.CU. wc hsvcdiiidcrl them
into three kiti snd jiure ihetn .4»c, Sfc, .26
Wrsppen—j u*t think, s good strong pet<ak wTsppet well msde. nesily (rimiDcd, .48

• MOK DK^*r.
Bssemeni Kkwr.
Inal's Kid shoes si...............................................


Child's fine nstid lamed Kid shoe*, s bvgh« «............................................................................... 38
Childs’ haisd (oraed fine butlon shoes, siscs
S to 104.
vslue. Idr................................
Misses' fine ssmple shoes, vsluet op to
1 76. whits ihcy last. choKX...........................>es'Ksi>giirooCsU,61.76sboesst.... .*98
l.sdies' fine >ici kid shoes, worth 6^00spcdsl bsrgsin st..
Misses- fine Oilordt. special...
Ladies' 1-sasp lot ilip|iert at..
Youth's caB strong shoes at....
Men's Satin Calf rtioes at..............
Men's heavy working shoes____
Men's fine Doegola shoes at....
Men s fine vki $S.60 Shoes at..
Utmcs' calf button Shoes at....

• 1.25
• • .75
- .89
-. .98
.. .78
.. .59

PcBttk* do Oloodors on tbe
BaMiBtnt floor
Brash bautiiig, black only ai................
Paper napkins, jier doien
N>^ deeoraird (am at.
I tress stays ]«r set, ooly..
Invisible hah pint per bos......................
10c fine India mbber eoabs..............
Ink. per bonk
C'lwh^ Iroos.........................
Pearl bottons j-er .toren . ..
Kmc Pearls „
Card oi ‘.I iloren

.Moonung ptn*. ]*r lius.. ..
Kakw Hooks snd eyes, per caid
Good machine oil per bonk
Safety pins |« dusen .
Tsicra powiter per bos ..
1 gross Agxle button* <r«
Han pin* per bunch . .
14'hitr ficu^ii^ braid per bunch
Goto eved neeilks, Sharpe'v per j.sji
26c belts, tbe latest.........................................................15
.k lot of Saim nbbooe. No. 6. 7. V aD go si .04
.4 lor o( Ts-heis nbboos in sD coivs So 12
sod 1«. all go SI..........................
.4 lot of tample tooth brushes up
eho« St

.................................................................... I O
Btseoicnl Pkioi.

gy w^ysVSr55 aMrees tB
AMnsB s< Weleeme
Be aU ta part: -We wwh
» have heea wattlap^te


Child's Vestee Suit*. SSAltf watoe st.. .
Boys' 2-piccr lulls. $1.60 value at. ..
.^'a».p*ece all wool $3.60 value ai
Child I fine voiee sruis, $S.6V value at . 1.4<
Men’s good corduroy pants, $i.OV value at | . |5
Men's good cotton pants u -----!66
Men's has $1U cotten |>uu at ..
kten’s fine worsted aad amuatn
valaes ap to $9.60. yoor choice at........... | .75

_____ _____ beforw the hlph
raaehei. aad In aU ptnkabU
IV they wMw roaalac lastsr than tbe
strwaitk <g lbs wbeeb wnaM eta«4
aba^^ tura wlU all
u2*el4~Me esn^. naeea laMy
paaal over tb* brUpe. tbea elsbi
tbe trea tfnKtnre e< tbe
Bllbeaih eC (be track mi

Men's Uack cheviot toiti. worth $6A), oar
Men's wonted aad caMinaR
opto STJO, to close thenaotat............... 3.48
Men's all wool niedy tail«ed $ia00 saitt.
os I*MC while they hM at...........................4.98

Cbe Boston Store

Men's fiMbhekd^osMed saiv. «U.OO
vatan, os ptioe.................................................. 6.98

fine for hats in tbe klcM Asps Md co4«n whidb win be paid... .SI f6cM acMbr

Tfa DiMXD Ts^yiBS*

Interesting Informatipn About Efforts of Pioneers and
Substantial Growth of System now Established.
TAAVEiite ciTva Fiet
CB/—4be etty of today tb«e bat a |
NtUo hamlH U aa aabrakea wilder |
. naea. from which aiurdy ploaem ;
wen dUtceuUy etriyltm to cane out MM for their bmllles and waahb ,
ertU which to make the lulure yaart«

t kckdol


jro* <, uw.

ut tar tom what to now the tiae of
N'oRb DlrUkin atreeC Juet o« Fsmi.
that place betas more eaelly reached
by the children dartas Ue deep enow
than the loc ecbool bouee on Kael
Pnini etreet. In Ue alntp^f 1K4
li tbc leecbp wae Pnrwell'rampbell.
A F«w WerUa From Mr*. H«len
Ihe old boardtos booee belni asato
HitehcKh. Flfut Taaeher,
ucrupl-d by Ue ecbool. U due. not
scbool ground
appear rbo era. the teacber In ihe
Ur annual mertlag to ISii.
IBIP uf UU Tbe ioUowlBC wIoIvt
euBimlMee ouaal.tlng of J. Q RameiMubp aa. a 1^ Esu. ibe build
Steward. O H- Palgv
I W llold.ntwU. lu
M.-Dcracel (hat Just Bfty year, bare
art.Twp.l kn.ia. a. Hi.- Krunt 8ir.>i d
aeecl iloo- the upeulny >d Hie Brel app>dui.-d 1...V.
«*• burned Joan m«.-i ,.t
chuoi In Trmterse I'll)
1 am clad
and Olbp Pbool build l*‘
In the .imp of 1M« :■? .


pumniK the puhlk -pa*'
(rotmdi. and as li wae ihoosU beet
tild or> this cite. Ue coUre
I throwa opeu to petrate tale
were lakee unite rapidly,
a the block betas eooo cold.
raueeUy Ue entire block, ax-

<> I.«1> wHDes»ed Ibe uolpowtIF and
fspan.luii "I I In- principle, eu earty
ind qulrkl) adopted by Ibe <


It ta a lou Um aco. but there are ^
■My ta the cUy today who look bach I
WUh pleaenre upon Ihuee Umae. wbce
a few famuies focwd a eamaanUy

i *f Thday P«Rlh b U«S-«.

1 at an adjourned meei I "’*• “'bw'l »aa taught b> Tbrron U-oi
from a wum uld trunk in a dusty
.me. ha. Ju.i been brought to light
a haltered, ink .utord IraibP ooe-red ilnivUe,. cantolnlng Ibe ecbool
ru . ul tbe Triveme City Pbool tor
Eighth .irr-eu wuih .id,- tor the i-l-r ft 'a-'
and rvCuninietiJed that Ur. K llau-b V-.

i, U-.t

.1.- (ad,-d |>ace> tbe li>i of Photon

z:: z'Z

where all were ealted by a cemiBoa;
perfe aad bound by a Irieadeblp
which baa endured, for Umm wbo
hare eurrlred, for half a Matury. \
The diy today etaode ai a moou ,
■eat to tba pn«iaMlse splrK aad Id- I

aelTaiMdteld thafoaodaUoaforwhat
to today the Queea City or the North.
' Aad a* their ehUdreo c>«w to phy
aU etalere the ploaoen did not lorftL their totelleetnal developmeot.
One of their Bret tbomihu wee the
■ealal trmlate« of the boye aad ylrl*
who were owe day to becoiM theirw



ir-rwar.l laughi I


SkMck at tki Earij Uf. .f Kia. Bain a HUckcaefc Wha
Taarlit Flnl Schaal la IM3.

Met. Helen K Hileheeck
r«.- >'il! • flnl phool tva<h<-r.
• lauebi In l8iS4 -rn>oi ao
ear!) daiu<m-.iiypr

Tbt-e i

-r of Randulpb .ireet and ■
Klinwuud I
Mricl paid at toe rate ol siw per


re. the land ta-lng Ihen unplalied.

j,, aaxiuo. nho died be , i-arh--

lu Ik): aiintber >i'Ims,| tiulldlng «a.^|,ir.- the .-iplralivn of hi- u-iin






Irwnk K Duan. Henry Porry.
I'err, t'bancey BryanL John
i-nnas. Arnold Hertnan
Erne Grant Erne.! Hantlagn.
r- i;ri) wnile McHrlde." Cecwge
J.n,e. tinriuk
,.V Ui.ii.- Stmib Jullne Hannah,
rick (iu.
.'.Mn Ungworthj.
Lyman. Joeepb
re) AHtv.1 M-rni; Arthur UorMyron
Murrtll. John
>«• SbllMkn. Prank LaegworUy.
V ilreUrk IxtuU Soror. Alfred
V'r-dJk- Hill Jacob Unk. WUUe
»o Eetm Sk-cu
K.bu decor.
Joa..t-L MeOoy Toot pithnrml

I a .pedal Dee-Hug held Juae fo urtoavld In I'fl J'lbn .Sik-'P taught ri- .'I'.rai.-d
-k.l three new primary building, in l«*r Prof I. RoU-rt.
rl-d.-J S-t-.-n.u.o
k Guudrirh
D.'iii. ul Ibv fi.iindt-r. and
vre- prokliled for-l Oe on the ea»t »,ip.-tiuiebJviii
and ,-ondui-l.«l the nkulvlu)
ra Seni>. ilary
de lot, one on the »v.l .iJv Ud, and M-b.,ul. «ith notable .uerea. unu; hi. ili. r-mu. Lanpwunbv. Ten-wa Sherman.
i.i.l.ied cmiDunll)
boardWbtfO iprlVK eemr aluaa the ebor.
le un the atuU H-b- ent.-r .d Tenth pe.ignatl.-D tii I'k" to ,-nief the prwr g.n an ', eb.
OvmeoL Sarah I'bindlrr, Mary
cmr Bn. >rhtHd bulldino. matil
Ctly or wealth, profreei
’ luc buuaa the Fttwnee uf ber board
Qraad Trererwe bay to the year i
-he d,wk Tbroiigb Chandler.
1,1 fnloL atreel.
' iic-of la«
...,ing »e.»-i
. III. er-.mih and weaJlh uf uur
,'b>-iiiK clHlreyM l>i itic patruoe o( the
»«, I. found at It. h«d
Tbackrr iMn J T Beadlel. Haute
la the mldi of their ilruHle. fori'-t
Itorly in IKliS 11
found that'
In Ikkv 1-rol SC Uurkh.-ad «a-I actxa.i ..r aeeunu'd li> Hannah lAy a
t ra.du.i nod d.~-P Hannah Rcoanoa MaawvlBS Anna
for lueurl.™
lore ecbool room yai needed, and a gag,--l. retiring in l»k« wi.en l"it-f t
i\. an-ordlni u. the roclrart It waa
oae ef the Bnt dullee of the early |•"*" •
Ureen. ('brtitli- Unk. Margarel Qiay.
«p,dal meellBg wa. railed April Ik T (Irani «»• .rgaget b..l.'.ing thiMn S (- Ueapreat. Maty Maalre.
ptoaeeri wae to prortde a ecbool. And, " *
A.lj.iummeni. were had from time to j>i.i-lon -I uiii,: hltoday.:
Margaret Magnlre
wBler'e ed«e were belD| felt
whtoh hare pawn from the Brel
• aflurd. much ut»,-naiiuii Ibuee Who
altraded Ihe
and the air. warm In the eprlaa ei
«a*~«i U the Htlto lof auble, teetUy lb.- luiom.-r .rf IM4 wbo are
•htor. wae eweri wlib epic), rrelm
the toaneer la wbldi
1' ■e.ldeul. ,|I Traker.e Pll.v^wwie
oilur II* tbc Ireelil) cm »i.kI
I wee Btode
And i
lluldj wilrlb.
wae ■inly ooe public road In the eh
„'.!-aurth 'Mr- Ju'epb Sbenuaai.
nflon. end (bet ime leadiny i.> '
k. tMr- II J Morgaal.
I ri-ep"clt>il pillanir>
erbieiline aid
V only poelofllca. for '
SL. are
Hold-Uorth to the'
Itrlaf nad bare n t«der epoi to ihclt .................
• ‘
MlaekiB and
Agtd'u'.iural Cktlk-ge.
U| TI.C f.
h««t. for th. OM wioolhouiw
‘‘ Trereiee
Ttek were the alreet boye nad
Wm tlratd
po.U>«cr Tbc oain.-. id the pupil, ebc. allcodcd tble
they ware tret UUfbt
ir-5 In tbe world. tbo«e echolnre in
llltle eetuemceit et the heed of tbc hot ecbu.I
u»>rrc. John Tbumee
.'utm.-rk at Ik i*r ha-,- reall.e-l (belt
wrlla. Aad the poellleae cd tboec bay Wae bepantoe u> be railed Grand en.i KilubeU t'utier. Almond and
ir old eehuttlbouie. They 'woto a
prophedv*. but undontnedly b> the
eUU bwe «1re rtreas erldenoe that
Anyiifie. riarleea
-.Olellon to the BUoDlma'am. She
Tra»eree City
their earty menUl tralnlni wai in
_ad tRWhl toher eeboolr. hut noecr
belod the work uf eume looi tortuKro an I l.iKlu. Hrnltb. Mlinbelh Wbib
gre.ilim will attain Hie irnod re.ulti
WM eioeUenl hMde.
non* brt^l oyed.
bunorui. wbo Ibougbl tbe title a oej .
Although 1 csnnol
While Uere hac beea ao eBort to
i. alen ^sagetera. They were
food Joke, la tbe winter of IIM S Mr 111 n
■ brn-ln uur preiehi K-buol ly.
aetohrato the BfUeth analreraary of
rhlldri-n of Ibe weode. (ho boy
Lay went to «'Whln|ton and eucreed , mer the echuul wae Increaeed by (be
offer, l-pller ndkaniage. Ibnn
the eehooto d TrararM Oily. It li
UvlgoratJag Blr
■etUnc a poeiofflce eeUbll.bcd ]adui I..0 of Jamee. William. John and
formerly u. )ouih. .irlklng under nd«tUac that there eheuM be eome rebe nurthlnnd
They moat ho»e
ard Uarland. Mellua. Mmma and
the “Heed.* When he piopoead
rlrruni.tamow f,w an edjcaltun
fereaee to their part hletory trua
1 mtK-bevltmi. but wben they
aamr of Grand Traceree city ibe clerk
I belle.e the da) to dawning
whtoh hae drrekwed
publ.brd It nimr lolteforwd
lUhpelMl Ibni It be called eimply
Ibo -many
tam'id toeaul tratolht. The Breatof
wub Ibe IrtondD rtoaUone exiitlag
Trererea City, to wbtcb Mr Lay ec-Ira' will Iw abaii.luDeil and
Hmtd hae therefore eadearored to
bet won Iracber and popiU.
ceded The Bill poetmaeier wae r»r
aewpile a htotory of the echooti from
U C. Ooodale. a wall educated phy«l
There wae on. point to dUorwnce
the Bret ida« la the IHUe to( betid
ctan ortolaally from Vermoet. wbu
which no arbitraUna ooaM aatUe
a .y.t.-ni mil i-.tot no-vilue
lay natll tha preaeat day. latoreee
had decided at tble ttme to pre up
The rteor ran iwin Md doep botwooB
Itoa whtoh wUl be ed Inlaiwet, nol
hto practice aad had drifted weat
wooded banhi Jiiat back to tho mhoolHantotee.encwpi theee
Helen It Hiu-h
ewly to ihoee who foraMd the roeier
tbe iDdtoa mil
Tbe boye. to Ooum. m«el
He bad beea eacaced tble year by
■ the tchoota of Ue rlitoBe. bet to
Beetle go U ewlmmlng In tho hot
Hanaab. Lay * Co. to uke ebarte of and Hr Walt's oa board tbe sebooep
the iwameaWy at torn. baDhuee
ooone. Whoa Uo Bchoolmakam woei
their torn botrdtot houee’ It sraa a Hedelloe. the elory of which to elren
eeerrboBi tahae h peraoanl laiareei
out on Uo trant ptaUnna o( emr
part of the ooauaei batweeo tba doe- etoewbert.
to the eAeol eyeUa.
o'eloch aad nag tho big hand hall
and the Brm that hto elder daachAfter Ue ckwe of hp Brit term of
ChfWul aiMpItotkiu hare beea
.u a diffeieoce of iv.ler.atl..o In ISOS "■ take a poalUon .iack to a btuy aawmlll
tor. Helen, then In the Bneenlh year eehool Id tbe fall. MUe Heleo
made <d the reeord at noeoiMltoh
adTimbimy to a m tb.- Niirmal »ch.--! ei Vpellantl from ] wblrrlng buelly Uroagh
of ber an. dhoaM leach ceho^. Hp to Chkapo. wbeK the epeat tbe win
------ --- of ibcae who aoacht to bond
bo a diHtor
IP to iludy. RMuratiu Ue toUowlat
ap a eyateto for the beaat <d f
Utter (Innlit pre.alleo ,n,eodency to the Stele
Normal,‘hum by a ebrtli ibrtek ae
week and board, nd tha arm prom- •prlny. ebe wme asPn employed to
Itoinl—- a* «*»odf<w IkBtoto
rd ef the Cerly MetheOe
taken to ere.1 n large School at Ml Hlaaaaat. a pa.llk* ! It. way Ibroucb Ue heart to A Ungh
toed that If the people tailed to pay leech. In tbe k>c wboolbooae.
hand-me building on Ue mtuU ,.[,irh be .1111 btodo I'.tring hli twel ■ plue log. Il wa. all a myrtery. oolred
■eanoee u the pehoalthe full aarauat they wmU make m ■ ad) aace of Bfly eeau pp week y»
high ichool ground.
Tbe work
Tra>er.c I'l't ibe ecboole et-junly when tbe momUg case, and U*. hoaoe naur. cgmoletlag to throe
tormp wane
I-Won in the lall to Ubi, and the
excellency,] UUIe eottlomcnl among tho aaad panlet. the Schotomn-am. a omaU
Ae yet there bed beea ao.lenl o^ I la t»K Uere arrtred to Trareiee
building wae ready lor occupancy at
big ruler. “WUlte* aaetU '
The • tnahe.hlfu" for e ecbool b<
aatoattoa of a eehool dtotrioL Thera City amoai ibooe drawn u Ue wilder
beginning to Ue fill term in IMSS
p.»liioo among
BU yoari (hat he aueaded
by dMiK tor edreatore. a youac >r Ue Bnt two ywore ut tbe e
tom im to tbe ppmeni tlmo the
„boool. of lb, .0
After btwaklaeL Ue SchoolmA'Am'e
a. hot the tehoolm'am
Thomai A Hltcbeoek. wboee DC# of tbe TrmTene City ecbool
a adliton an arUgrm. to our Kbcwl accommode
n-.ignailoo Pnocipal C. H. toUemald to bor. “Cet your hnl Md hardly belletn IL At aay rate if the
oted In Ue account gleea to tbe
4 1. fruah D tbo memory to our
come out. I want to ibow yon eome- conM hare loreeeea that ha WooM
early leacben of Ue ecbool
citlieok Tbe Coolrml acbol building
h.-!dlng Ue pjaltlon i
• Ung~ So Ue two wandorod oot haro D laiar year* hncmi mayor to
IPii It waa found “nMenury
conmdvrk-d a .Utely edifice a hen ttr.1 ,
Trareroe Oty, Bhe wealdat haro
again. Dio Ue mod and op
n ecbool bou.e for laid dletrtct
eroci.-d ba. been enlargml by Ue ad ,;rtni,oU Volv'-r,ii, l„wn a
dared M U happoa. Bto io wm o
There etood before
No. 1." and Ibe lUin to IfOO wae rote
be. >lnce then , ,.o,iy , mce box ibaped. graybtoe
# applied on laid building ~ I
) the High
buBor to him , oulldug. A blgn Bight to atepn ns|;»o more wo. voted, and I
ton to tbe pat ,ended acrom tu entire end, leddtlg
ISM Durv TbI. building wae
ny .cboole
: to a broad platform btotwe Uo door,
one-.lory ntruclurv on tbe noulbwN
I-ark are
n a tUUe lug ; Tbe wlDd bad btowa Ue iMd away
r to Suie nuO 1*0^ Plat
ecbool b,,<j
I member, and ug one tide and piled
... on Ue .lie now .wcuplksl by
bulldiBg ..
toUe oUer The
BBt-i portion uf Park Place hotel
leacber. uum ,trv-ich of Hump land <
Ibe aanual meeting In ISii
ly pay roll of .lu a tangle of Ull
of (sou wa* appropriated u
t,. ,-i cen iiuckleberry buaben. Hero and Uere
,r ,
r -1,... iiBdertoot eentled imtebee to
I ibervlo Thl. etlanement
:----------- of pink and white bloom, ta


School Houses

the building

ami folding d,»n

Ue annual meeting In lids
qeeelkm wu agitated to Mcuring fur
il puc-puee. wbal wa. then h^wn
e public park belag entire block
Ue »ltage plat, and tbe block
bounded by State. Park a£d

i>e. Th£

.■oublfp*. err k

Early Teachers



Utng more btauUtnl la
eeeve There, .pread out D Ue clear ea
of Ibe'iigbi Dy Ibe great bine bay. oat
,1 DVD 'thing to iDierrcee clear D Ue (ar
> lb'll, borixoB IDe. the wl
Pern ' un Ue crent to Dcomiag warea. Thoj
ruiagr I wooded bUla, Ue forenu letolen. yot.]
la tbv tummer to
pm,-Cl mldenle jt Tnterma Here and there aroae a plume to amcAe
Ayna dur- where ~me hardy ptoBeef wae barwl« ber borne Dg bli fallow, a. be mad. ble bcMd
■ early ecbool bDuim are rery
ae deaU 1. In the wUderteaa. There wae no
Imperfect in Ue record to leacben
memory, can
reallxe ' .m>und but Ue Meady wblf of Ue mlU,
Alba* already been itated Min Helen
beauUlul DBueoce ber. mom land Joet Ueo Uc wild Dogb to a
Ooadale wae Ibe firm teacber In Trav
Ibow primitive toay. i jaon a. be Bew oeerbead from Ue
City, lenchlag D Uc .ummen to
Tbe teacher. • bo a le MOB after ber] r which chlidiaa I
Hlu Helen Gammon, an e.perlen
with U
I lencber. wbo waa Tlafllng ber <D
The Scbuolma'am looked, and then
'urU. h
an<l there Ue eltcbery to Ue bay ee
terrd her eoul. uerer to lea.e tt
Nobody but Ue 'old Umen'
knoe U* power «f It alL Ue lor* to
It all. and bow It poeewee tbe noel
at to (be Cartheei parte
tjrMd Tretvrm- regU>x
Mtt.iun end dated l>ei'
too. of !st> and IMo
in Maj HUP.
lU-i Peter Uuugheri) 1


ctoa wrtUna hy MrwHMea BluhCMk.
Ufa. lLB.aBatoAinBso Uirti Robewta. Pmf.CT.Orawa.bto* tar many
mn to tho hMB of MhotoA •- ■Wax anf Prof. L a OOhtol. tho prep
Mt napermuaBeto. aU to whom hare
ha« toaator MntiM wUh Ua
m (%i M laaeher. Mn 1
Asm whoM tottaro It 0rea.
Mi to the uaehen to tba earty Umto
aM Hto. Baun taa^.a eUm la
U04. to whtoh wrtw ae^l^
miMto— la tho'aiy today: nn<
yean tolar Lertt Robani bo
--------- ^ aoar to tha
paaag hatoatm


to the toty wtU

(hat eoald ho Boa# wae to pw^aritr
M »k-e»-.~~-. «~a alk^A.»~A lag

and Haanab. Lay B Cu expnw.
wIlHbgeeaa to bare tbe put racoted
I Ue yoong gtol to&IMr guided
peed either for a neboul bulldDg
r. epoam. (Ue tnUer to Hn. E. kor imio Bock to Bin# ihroogh Uo
or nold aad Ue proceed. appU.
L. Dpragael and aaod hy him fur a path, to learpUg U Ut rough tog
for eehool bnIMtng pnrpoecn
Bodor Ue ptneo on Uo
BUhto while gtotlM oat k«e and tin.
kl propoattloa wae gladly accept.
fk>r many yeari ah# baa
> Ue wtaier to lUl and lUf. It
Mood In a wild toealtiy. tome dtotaaoe
pewtly home la Uo hllto.
tipm (he main part to U# aolUetoeat. BOOT Uo doar old hay. which la lorod
la whai to now the caelera part to Ue by Uooe wbo haeo dwoH la Ue
Uc Januan (IfOi meetti
mtose The osart toeatloa to lot » ot" 111 were, fur docadee to ye.
-dened expedlat at Ute Umc
to htock II, OB tho eouU eidoto Proal no other can e<»r tore it. Bhe hna
Ae Ue public park for bnlldtng
L a abort dtouhoe eael toVoard- eewn Ue lIltM mill eotUomoat gtow
ecbool hooee (berwon ‘ aad Ue board
aTeaae. Under the aatwiwtohm to a ^ty, the coBter to a web to atool
> laeinictad to lake prnllm
r. Lay. wbo maaltoeied moeh por- ratfe which eoaaoct It wiu the AUaaa for obtaloDg Ue part (or
I laumt U the eatorprtee. Ue tic. the Padic and Ue Oulf ghe hae
» waa repairwd. and fwattoad
IttUe head to boye aad stole
hoot to aeorly throe tbeoo.
ond chUdrea. wlU Their more Uao

«tth A pimiwri asaal to that wM
(be iadsa hae wauhad tho
gMMM to hto (armor papfto.
A ftotaro to 0»oa to the Bnt
Mbool MOBIbs. a mu# to* otmur# Tho uachor^ dank


n tancher and girta
(hair aktru ctanety about
«.apoa the aeaD fur

M-hca Ue oak grown etately and
Jl oae Rjolcae D lu bnanty.
oaldom IkDka to the iDy aeon
LetaeaUeupamoj meal BOW aad eay ae we glory le om
public echoole.which mnb Bret ■
llcblgan aebooU, Ood Uoee Tratrefne
Oity'i Bret leaebir—all honor aad regatherad epect lor all the year, to her Itte to
(hem aad coeae-may Uey he many aad happy
lalaty. ae —to Hn HeicB Ooodale Ullcheock.

«V peer# to tatoeaal ead harmJaa* ialeat. wax neeBOahnuely
domlBf w throagh OM to the oh


. book, wen nocA ae Ue poyUe b
». & C Oeodile. tho inbto to ^gum U hare. Raadtv. ope

cd. and at a epedal meeUng
. lUf. the eUB to IIJOO
led lor anuUei bnUding.
placed on Ihe lot already

copied, hat (actag on Park etree*
Juel. at Ue rear to the oM bonding,
wae coaneeted wlU UD by a
Tbe two buUdlagi really
formed M U and were boU plaD. o<
baUdDg«. paDted white
IStS It waa (ooad naoeeaaJT
e more room, and Ue “Brm
hoaee oa Bute etreet. oppoolu
kah Urery eiablo. wae oaMged niter to Hem Perry Haaaah.
to a year aad a.
pnaea. aad caaUaaad U be ooad



monUi' l

ry were an “Ue hart." and now
* tehoolma'nm to '<1 le tho grap
haired weman to -U ber haart waraa
wlUD her oe Ue 0000 bar papBe
now ond then, pcoeperooo boaDae
good cttlxeae. food wtru and
motben. nnd Uoogh Uey do aot
IL Ue old kne to the dhOtood
to forty yaato ago oprtagi U «roa*
life, nad an aarscat “God blou yon*

0 to tbe groauot ilinaaa dtthd
t* Ue mat toty yean hae beea tho wBUM
Dg the nieody progreeo made
Ue TtoToroa Cttf ochooia. H li Mam
UDg to any cfUnM, tod or mw. (o
roM to. Md aore oMeelally dBd
nt oae tMe had (he humor to be­
ing at tbeh head, ft to plmoMt. too. .
Jak there cm be no ptoag hack
iD rapoct- The AiaBatlnne art.
too deeply Did to aay IbIDm to he
bD. aad aa OM by OM Tho dU
pkmoecB to Trarareo City go to (hito
reel, tho yemSktr oaao ao thor oomo
toward to take m tba doUao tosna* will too to h that year to
year oar aehooD win Bppiwaeh Marar

Mackinac UDg toee,
almoet the Brm clean.
> vuii Ue Grand
are Uoae who read UB
Trarerev regiuD On Wing rlnUed by
e anloMed betee Ueie
delegnitoo uf the Indian. Uey told
nehoolnMkthem Ibe) bed come by direction to picture to
wtndown were eo high the ehlidrea
(aU«r. Ue toold DM kak oot omXan Uey
PreeMeat. to
op oa 0 eeaL Why? No aortal eooM
ten. to BMhDg erer wMt by u took
proceed mU thetr
at. tbme being not arm t not om
wbtrb they Bnt tuned to bmm ea aay oUa. te Ue eoatar alood o groai
to Uc Dty. afterward rMty ^ atore that DM D three
loot wood. The Mg boyo had U
Uo Bie palog chin aoralafa
tho loat to tho Jaaiur
•pending t

,y,. ro we will But lay U BP
Jt hiu at UU lau dcy.


T» U* w«4lt at 1m
Ctt7, tovavor, *• »n m»M»* lo w
Uai tte neer*t «tev (k&l Una
anofTwd. iw. 11. UU. W a

WBO by OMM troB Hack
tCM ta atUbllob 0. l.dBa
. u wbM t* M* OM MtookB.
rM. Ua wttM tthoa M U« wul
Ml—f MJ rilritm ta (u u ro- 0. U* Fwfiuula. ud U> tbU bUoIo.
Mu4toHr Tiattfiw. M tt« >o»a« .1 » «o.lor OUM ibc f*« lu.nio(
«M Ifexn. OM U .U ttWM« «t ibM (m U. .on to. yoon tarnod
ibo iMtuliUna at Ibt* unh' ooaBtry
hi Moroaibor. lUd. U* (.Uor
of t. Kud bl* itM
lly wttved at Utd Mlooloa

Fifty Yean

kwu« *1U iboar-ballo. Tka bay* eaCBoa Of UM.
)ay*4 II *ary Boeh oad ll «** vary
VloB Maudo Oorbta. E H Oorboll.
Uvaly for U* Ktidpal.
EUbooib. DWsy Bclloda
did M>t iBd. Mttbar did I loava. RoBbd. Wlnolo Oousta*. BolelB Holtb* sradtac 1. Ua oebools tUl
Loyola E Kosdoll. Uoy E
luor. Tbo PB.1U ot my
pofiBodi. B*a»rany. bad mu . abort H<ntt». Uvl T H»iuili>.toa.
Ua* tboy 00.14 ipoM tm ocbcxU uid
CBoo of UM.
Wllh B Holsomb. notaboo Bcrull.
IwUb B, BllBr. Lulb B. Buabn.
Ormoa B. Eropdoo, Swob Roby Doao.
UeiUu fopUa.
up Joulo M. SslU. Btwu Soyier,
Ui. ^
oouno of otoM
Oar BoUoda vora SlBBa Ooldfmrb. Pobalo YblOBaieta.
eru4* ud oar |oo«b*n birf Mt tbo Eu L. Belbtrre. CBra B. Poole. E.
ocboola. which
Wtattrod Dooproa. Boy E Polloa.
Bier. batlboU toMbir* and
JobbB C. QurUa. Qraea E . Buboe.
PWU* vorkod hM ..d I ooBOt
klBb OUebell, JoBM B. Loodom, Wll
UlBk U«t popUa ocdulrad « i
IBb E ClubO. Alley E Ttoibga, Jlttboro«vk kDoviodct at U* oti
Uoy did Parana Md proiorrad Uotr ttw J. Buneo., JobMO A. HABfUOb.
Cbwiea P Buck. J Olio Kyoelbo
porocBonty ud orlplMUly bottor
ercBl Ounne—Kate VBcb
IhM Uoy would bid Uoy aitaodod
PbckbTd. Albert 1 HarIBbd.
toC U*
David A YakHbfleln
ClMi *1 int.
Hettle Boy ^Biller. Babel

Tbo Bra won oU load oBBn
Urm B tboB hod boo. boAi
roooaB durBt U« pMt OOMO.
b toBrabla ntoon.
•M wbU WH Uo ffM Ammimm
B WM U. Bob ot todUlUoa loo Uidr
Hon ta.Ua w
MNtM B Uttr ottUor Ilia Utt
orod troB Ua .1
would bo
pBood uo r-M M. at Ua M
.bt dBtrael
dBtroel Ua .
BOMO um Blfbt
. .Md B UO HMIB. B 0 por-*~
paraioM port.
that H Uoy Bot M odaortto. .
ObB. OBOk U«t diadoMo WWW troB
U Boot b* by ooBO BoUod OB at
at Uotr owa 4o4e(to ordBory. *i Uttr mo—UaB
MM Ma IMM M u B-Uoy wold
M( owor Ua OOBBO. oUeota
wtoM tore boo.
Mo MU yoowey.
ton bM. uo boBltaUac. 00 dortw
OU Mlaotota Uo taw who tod
tto aWUbg 000000 Uey dorUod U<
u towtor taUtal U
00. If wtag Ibo acbaaoer Hodoltae.
of WklObOM
MptalAt. 0Mt tto ooatfwt. ktr. • E WaR.
itoB ohly Wwtaoa you. et wa.
tmld bb»o U bo taU « hw tto wta- OBpUyod. bl tM por BoaU
Md Uop board
Bryoo abd

1. tbo oeok roooiT—WMO u pay tbo bm.
tor. to uoy Mrodttitt
tai bta tohloa lb
, pw ta a oW0y if
t- L lito « »«*uw. .at •*» OTMWBoworo' Ubitar.
ibbd eoeorely
d lor Uo wtator.
oobTorUd tau a
Itohto. WolTbe ottor-ho

I ftT-l



B« tto faal|klutaea wd dtataf
todM n» Uakta oaod tag b toh

Brile Sooteld. BaIwI E E'er
• Ick, Babel Juatora Boyd. UeVeree
Horde* Abigail Bodalleoe BBckoo
CbarW* U Novak. ChArlea J Ellon
Eva E Young. AIbod E Bullcr
y^Ble Edlib Oree&aiaad. Alice Ban
Wall. Koee VonVolkenburg. Woyor
L Waien. Bertha b (Bmpbetl. l^dla
Koenig. Alfred I. Ayree. Kutb B
orne. Charle* E holibery. JoBe*
BllUken. Blanche Kalberloe' Born. Uruce Baroh HoiUbga
Cloo* ef 1««.
Ida B Lorklit
B Boleo. Reo
' RbyBood. :

’ *' Sod’ l

elbadart Notblag obould drag Uea
a«wedowa or taaiper with Uool It la tbc
wuBiea. ounoo. rlodtoU. doogrealaal loclor In Ibe dele, aoctal
aiMutactar*i*. baakaru. ao
laduatrtal life of our eouatry.
woaen. wchltoMa, taw-otodoau.
peupk reolUa tbU. oi loBe ow bb* caoTaaoroa. Boalckaa. Wool Potat cadol. pobUe oSoen. oolk
"EdanlloB U the
poou, awwapta Maa.
of tba Aonrlcaa
DID the 'orlou*
cloenlhBkta, taToalon. goToraMoat
■ It be the purpoeo of all
.wblcb ibe groduoleo bovej^
bUlory cf Ibe beat half
fuaile la all depenaeaie of buBoa *» ! .*
.ur ocboola tor bottor Um that ol
they have eagaged '
paat a* ibe deaiaadi upoa It will
Soortaklbg AloBat aoaoedaUoB
beoa kopi up olaeo Uo roar 101.
whet U woo trot ortoataad. Ttotool
oEoon of Uo OMockUta won: «»H. rtotor. prooldoat: Mlie Ctorlo.UadWy. rtao proWdMt: note
CoapboU. ooeroUry. Tto Srut haaWBO hoU oa tto OToatag of May
0. Riol U yoara og<L ta Uo old odnol
boUdtag w Ue Coauol growado. wHk
oocBI ooaaloB ta tto High otooelaaotRBUoa wae aAcpood.

elite B Btagbon.
Louie E Blrdeoll------------WolUB. HerveywH Anderoub. Roj

Bwun t) Rofcrt.
.DoObBP Kolobd. Henry 1. tomkeL siia Bugbee. Herbert
Hebdrich. Wloltred Boy Cur Iritag Burruy. Edward
Ho. Huldb B Brona. Sanner A Ql
bort. Byrob H HoldaworU. Hwry I

Ua hood of tbo liw. throopb a. u»broboa wlldorMoi oaoapl hw Ue, 1.
dBm TUB., of CbM Pukawh. M
PB (fib*. Bit oonh of U.^ ^ '
aha of the btt*B pootoSco.
la NoToBbar. lUl. Iro youi
urtvod u uid HBoto.. U U* ochoe.or bUdollM. wlU U* Bloatlo.
wUutUt B U* rlcBlcy. Thiwo of
WBW Butbora. .oBOd VWiforoU: Uo oUar* wora WUtBB Bryeo
u4 Mwwd CBoBbeta. who «•
Uift cook.

ur 10 graduate the
the Higb oebool ID
II coaokied of Bve aieabenBn Balllda Barlok BcBoaiu. Bra.
IU>ve k'atrhaakeBaiee. WtlltaB 11
I'ooier. Luale B. Part* oad Proallaa
E WhllBbB
Ihirlag the U yoora of

tonne E Pratt. Vtrftl Ptoree. Edith
- .Ada toUik. RoobBoed ^rd^‘wairred~'BemM
ArUur HllUker. Oeorge Well*. Neva B Wright. Lloyd A
LTbocker. Helen Stout. Heber 0 BtoUL
'^lAlta Anderuoa Ford. Horry L Roe
'ooe- Ladle V. Btepob. Nellie B. 81apELMWOOD AVtMUE SUILDIHE
{u>D. Lelob B. Bbklda. Jane 0
Hwtt R. DuWtfUle, Bihelya
Shield*. Loaloc Bbepbord. BUel
Ub. Robert W
Dana. Bdkb J Savage, tame L. CrowoE Boy Oo
■ori: HaroM 8 Kgaotaod, Mbbol A eaey. Babel E EldreO. WUltaB.H A
t diy. who •
Joattaa- kln»0B. Wtllka U. Lardle. BaU J L
Look i
.OB forth.
Haleb P. Boon. OroM B derle. J Atfrod
Melgea. Delta B Olllett. Oaorge I
The public erbuoU uf Tnvoroe Ctty.
le B Backott. FMbCoa •'ru.bte M. DoAkk. Bobo
ovc played on lutpunaat port la Uo I
L. OnlUek, E*UUbB HwTta. Btawortb
BurksAb. Claude
ow OrafwoMa of tto HIto
boa UTi to 101.
iBtaUbduol bad
C. Hble. Lwy Hewkibi. Jaaotte E
BoiU progrooe of tbe coBBonBy, abd
•ndod ocbooL I wear kmow uwtoro
otaceroly bopW ibai Ue bish
thbb did o«olobdord Uey have rooebed will be
bW, tbo PWO.U
LOtbed la the coBlad yoara.
CBtotaly tto Tnvuroe QMy ^
eowaiud bbd Uo popU obovi
C. T. Onwb
•ebool ho* BO eoaae to bd beb
al wonWfctak lo­
I oluBBL HoBorabta Boa aad
ta hk bUAlt. M-woa
a. eUU ta Ue yoanger wall
oohbl Bbtlor of Ub( pwtleutar pwE
Itfe, Boay of UoB
hara ab
ponau ud Uo Uwhor. Tbta
acbkTod Bon Uaa Ue ordlaary
Tory bwd wcrt tor Uo tewboro
on ot BKctob Now flt ttoM
bat Uo ToaWuworaTwy oWtotMUry.
BAor wtaolM Uta«o bwpwod
f Tmvem aiy bare v
ctod WlU t
to. UM would men
hjpodiy <f
I Wbl
. Ow atabt 1 Hdd blwayu Baafootod a
Aad Cwounto Manial Trolo>e aprtag
tenal la the Woltan «t her pnbllr elcrtod
a boy who would aol otody to i
l>B k tktof by Pnf. L E
board ot
Obd Borbl,uf
otaj wlU Be. afur

ot' two
lam ptab of tortag A
habguel. whb blOBbl oratliB. proBbd leaou. bo* boo
out Oto year a racwpttoa
bbd bKftor year tto bbb
lock Ue holon <f a boll.

School Census
to. 1869 to 1902



Pr«£ C T. CrswE. 9tp$ri»U»iu1 frsw UM to im
■wtows tks »wiliRtoiit sf Of Hh-

roBoeato ta.eduoaikia bl that UBe betag Boa.
a wbkb It'parry Habaab. protldMt: Dr. C. i
I folKwetaad. dlraeior; E P WUhola.
Ibwod bW tatoA HB BoUor ul
Uo ptaBO wbotw to wai hlddoa aador i
I kaaM hto oat aad wtth bar ooBlook bla took u Uo a
baiUtak. ohaotod when tto
aad ho loataad bk loaoaa Uoa
OobtiBl oow ouado: Una ow
aad Uoro. Oao 0 ay uaeboro bod proooat bat tau
Ito oonw cf Park aad
M taeorrtBlkkbor aboai Uyoan
It otoU to ay parpaoa
W totblB-M to

• tatereaitag lo kbow tto n
bar et ebUdrea of wbeol ago I
bar* bbd Ik* prtrlkc* cf Ito
b tioM tto early doye till i
nto tact Uat w rocord wae topt of
Ue Tory oarty day* of U* cHy.
Dp lo Imp ae rueerd «t tto atacf
WM WO* kwL Ptm that tota as-''
I Ito praosst tiMs Htaai taUowi:

Maintain a

oebool. abd loan bta Ioobb.

tto aaa hara a* yet MorrM UM
Wbao A poneo baa noebad U
ago it SRy TMO bk ebandor
Swd. aol oo wtu m tattHatleh. T1
ocboola of Uk city ban aa etetOm
htoory oror wbkb k> look wtU prlA^
ywt Ito ochoak of Uo proowt aad toun oaa to aatautaaf at aa high

WgbM Muitaid otoy wEh ta

« to tto ooaaUT boyoM Bat
• to anry CM bow a UMv
. OBb gara bar Eta tar aa-

-I- • '.




etiwl TuTcrst HcraW.
A «m4M» «*>p


Mwir M mramUnt, m
DartM •

M«» Ip> IhP •



------------ ---yw (o Ai4 uvsm «ha putteM <

•' •

ii (
yean ta IMt. but mOoed
fur Um
la >MK.
UHaB HoMtworU war appolaM

Alppiwaw WtUlplm May 0*n««M.
Tt« BAOu el Iht imhM* •! IA»



n pwUMs U> tk« wallara of
lb* dltlrtM. 4B4 UbC««4 COUUBli]
> M'AAO* lu UUfMU.
R. OeoArieb rat dirMar tioi IK:
to IMi.
r. D. a AohUB «u oioetoil AlmiO IHt. ood oervoA tra ltra»




MmM ■». u4 ObUr
opiarmlu tookoA
suSmA (hU tb«'l
CmA U hliB
1 (Aot tt elUHlcb vrrr toUI. t dlt^
" ^Mt
bt oHi
ollowMAU o(~4l
votid K
tod At WMtedOhltl
ooll Um onn draat
dra^ lo
to arc tbt ioil}

THm En'tM'tM of E. Moffrriari sold by tl-io cocii-t.

Thursday Morning, June 4th, 1903,

Jwiw f« two wwkt, wbtu Ibt unat
tm Ut toll or Uw iMsntBi wlU bt
ban. ItotDwUK K P. Wllbola U
«Itm 0T0I7 ilbwt} Id Mil b Booiu-


Brldcr had


ss JLsr^.^'2‘'sn
.--^ ,

KStfsrBs's^r K.s'Si.;':

^ dlttM »•............................

imi <
Bad ban ao Mtltl for it. 0
B tbe .........................................
-dMOf AldHOBB WUbolB. Ibt
..wflac Ibt txpm d iBptorlaf
wa^tnad to tba aoauulHat at ...
jwpalrtai tbt timu aad oUtr
an aad Ibt do tM«MDr wllb pewai 'ptawt wlUK Ut UatlU d Ut appeoOt to taeb
prUiloa Ml
4 dMitel (Bade tor
of Ut tald
Ibt eurrtat_____ ,___
Tbt ropod d Ut eoBBlittt db IIPtitM rtflOBBtadod Uat Ut takue
ita * Bi^jM apI. Tbo rapon wu adopii. _
ploBbd-t boad d B. D.
•Ma. aad of Ibt ooaapIahMt tUt aant
I. wtu nord BaHb aad Joha
•a aoaoaat d Ibt «a^ ttet antaaM
•dM at tanutt: WUI HaarOaa that iiaanto.
qaanta. Ba a
oallad Ktaatr<m
"nak OooMah aad B. W. W
tUoioibttaak Uai what
Oat. abd d. A. Uoaladae. a
a. dohaaoa aad ABrad m




: .I'li-iii-liin.; prior': i

We commence this Rreat sale, placing* before the pul-lli M a»

iM, and ibat Ml «•!} tbit KMo (M
tiM do b«l tan ■ tabob of Koot}
Total ................................................. »44.1K
ID Iko wt} of OOBBtttlOWA tad tore
-Tbal tbart bt ralaed. ItTttd aad
Kit orw iBlo Ibt eltr tnotoO fv oollacted aeeoadlaf to law a tat oa
Kt yMhue d MW pupt fw Ibt all tbe ml tad otnoaaJ ttlalt oa
water worfca
proporo lubiecl to taaatloa la lald
8t»»t OuM lor OMOIfw PooMly.
do. at followi:
'-Bimt ddtrteu Noa }. I, I aad 4.
Ut d 4 Blllt OB tbe doUar, aad la
ml dlttrM No S. t Blllt oa tbt
fund, lor tbt DOCrpOM of defrarlBC Ibt
ceotral oipeatt d atroet work, to aewHh tbt proTitloat of tbt
wUblB tbt liotlu d Ibt tpHot. Perry Manritb.
oa; tbal tbm bt ratted. It
WhuK' iBIerett IB ibt Brrl Bcboulr u
^^Sfa^tTlbi ttetaep bt ieoktd late
njliected teeordlas lo law
Ibt cll> war backed by aotniMrl aid
IbBaadltKU- Ut eaiOabitd ttet
.____ n ml tbd ptrwBtl etuit <
tod wbu war Muderalur ft >tan.



________________ _ FbaakHanityu
alabt pouea waa rootlrtd bad i

bMiddoaUta wotfctant UMadtd ;*TraifdtBc to ooetloa 1 d Ut t
to toot atHr tbt aakOd alaac Ut lawi d Ut board d trade Ut nay
it to appotot two auBbert of t
^ToajayWnJtg^alHltlw. ^ Booadl M dtraetora d Uo board
liado. aad It wat atkad Uat Uoy
haod f« Ut ftn tafkat at olpbt, wn


Grur(« P. Qrlraold war au
durlna Ike term fruai 1K> lo H
U W Hubbtll war eteoied director
I 1171. ud ttrrrd one terai.
0. B. Qarttr war artcuor uae

-im to ms

t^uiek sales and small profits "

Dry Doods
, toldn*emlM - mod a.
meal ut (iautret—4c value

Dr Kntoland b«M Ut oBct of
rector oootlaoourly after 1174 lo
ioo of Ut city IB im and
ro Itnu OB ikt board
edoealloa. utU IIM.
J. B. Harltond waa elected arret
la 1(7S, retleeled -In 1474. aad a*
in mi. Ur. Harllaod died Deo
bOT. 144L

i '.,

^hi^ will evlipM- ..

.10 4.98
.10 .79

e. h.ivo been foriunaic m procuring a Urge

1 li,- any li •'

lU ihe city.

Extraordinary Values

Greatest ^lotbitid
» Bargains =



500 men's high grade suits. I l.ii oiirit li .V L'o ..11.1 Kolm. \\ .iininiM t u
it, all Wool W.irsu-ds. Clu-tiols. Cu'simev.-s J la,rim,-'. Sctch


sod.A.k. Blue tlanm-1 uml BU k l. !..v W..r';.-J suiu ivgul.ii pn., -




-UlUBU u
all illk—<
[ TtStie Rlbboa*. width*
No. «►—worth up •lit lale. par yd...
T Laee Curtttat. 4 yardi t
i pair

ChUdrea t Paacy

Paretol* - HI

up lo |1.». ter.....................................



Dress Goods
eavy MtKon Bklrtlai. wonb Me.

A tieeied irutltt


$2*g7 $3t^7 $4t^7




Blue Berae
Hull*. Uellae


Siimmel Sim

Cloth llata(.




M.OO SUITiraciaa. >u..ue>>

Hrlpc. •
•t ell SbeiHsL


I »rade
k Branil


Suli*. ladited

Coat and

Paai*. I
SI.44. ai <bta aak ..........................


£“37": .18

_________________A ttkad UK& M. Ike ereedloa d U
HoBm bo aivotuad K tpoolalpoUn
alao referred
wkUMt ygj
Tkt'board - ........... utt the coaaeU order Uo
bool 1.4W foK d tow
tlact tor Ut taiM.
Blub otreol bdore
.. .
doaa Dpoa nottoa d AUiwai
kolai Ut board were aaUoHMd to


__ rssn__ _______ jsjssvi

aa ...... at at tbaatoaUMcd K«t.

d U« board d tndo bon Ut aoaaca AMtima L. K. Ofbba aad A. ~


-- .131

lerai—white Uty tail .

" to)


BMntrltnifiii ilii «odki aantt
toMdvMato.tad QMoaowwamt

e a.«n
. <.94
. MM

Tkli rear. wkUt Ut
Uowa a taaDto BBBkar
< year, tt la^kdlotoA Uaa aa BttTOd 0
war nato la eoBplHat Uo oeafor oM red. aad eboata ataoiaer. In
US4 ba wairo olaeted for Ureo
aad Mooea'MKaoor. kat rtetonod An
rat 14. ISU







MaitoSto alto aUod ttel

c«0 Hwto Kaiat .miW.
Tbt abbbtl bodcol tor Ut do WM
pturl Ittl Tbondar at Ut eoBaeU
Oa BOtloa d AMctBaa
anibetB Ut rerdar order d boaibad boded Ut tnt Utas.
Tbt npoR d Uo wara.Md BtaM

: d Ut eoawe node a

Ooortc B. BtooM war aloetod
too to isa tv Utm yoan, aad
to aloetod to 14U tor anoUar tarn
yean. Upoa Mr. Haaaab'i
B. Jaly tt. UU. Mr. Stodo
awl Tt-eleelod

> Uo poalltoB to UM.
AlTta A. BbIU war eleatad B
tor May it. 1444. o«*lac mU Ut
B. L. BtrapM asoed a truiee
■nl n««Iar bmUbc to BtH—kd.
tom d two yoan.
ftortd C Otodato WM tkoctod dttae. BpracM abe kaB otoee oa Ut
tor May it. UK aad BtpU
UU. war tiiMod notorator. ai
dotted to UM ridPtid to
aad USt. to 1H4 ko wat atoelod Bb
rector, and ndtWH to UM, UM.
1441. aad to ms tor Urea yeaM kwl
lettooed troB Uo dtotrtet to UO.
TVBUt Oettor waa oltetod at
or BeptoBbor It, 1444. aad dlreeur
t Btp4Mtktr. U44.
JtBM K. Ontoa WM atadad i
to U BtoUBkto. UK bM notodod
B UU aad IMS.
^OtoB, « m WM and



ladle*'. tBall
aiiM. resatar
pnew (iA«. fto ihb Mte.................

Ut dty aad wna
Ue work d Ut board dto>
tac U. ptocreM d ame d U

brtek' kdMtott
It alto aa no
Ure oBoto tor aernt year*, attc
wiU Dr. ttateland aad Mr. 8pra««e.
dvriaf Ue ptotod abort naBed.
J. B OteUlU war etaeWd In
to Utt ter a f«n t«B d Utm yean.
C. K. BwGk. WM appotatod Jaty 44.
Utt. to tu Ut vocaacy oaMed by Ut
d Hr. Haaaak. aad Aefid M. ms. WM Cbotoa b;
Baaeol Q. Bloa wm Btoaotor to IMS beard aiiiiinr to B> Ut n
•d lUt.
mm* by Abe reatoaattaa d Mr. VUB. A. OaikiB WM Mooator to

3. K Moore WM appolklod i
Boatonto Awito wm toodnai
to. Ittt. tmatoo to Bn Ut n
hr UO iMljiblkw d B. P.
Oocar P. Betod wM tawtto
WUbotB. and WM otoctad to UN
raeapor ter two yean. I
iiton P. Otaal wm moimpt 1a UM.
td war rtttodod to UM tor Urea
pan. and a«alB ta IBSS tar Uno
Bn Mat. bat namod ta IMS.
T. A. HltobcMk war okcrM to Bn
da racaaey ta UU. and atrred
Uo aaaaal tarettac ta 1471.
ta lUt Perry itoaaak wm a)
harttB bera stowed away to
taodoralot. Md wm i»otoelM
te ptoee anoac Uo etty etedt
bcata and acata to Uo pedttM
alo aad dotolM totorMaika d
Uieidk all Ut aeoeoadtoB yoai
rork ot Ibt bMtd ter Uat ptotod

ay wat okneired Iti Ut
r capdial by boU Ut Bill­
er aad tbt etUraar. 1a Ut


BUVOM' All U»M Croak, lesntor
te oaaltty.

UU .tate. per dot...............................
14 e*.—« Apate Bauau

TowrteU Cwrttot iroar. >««

Two Bona HoarMaa Ptaa

-St-iS* .
Uaa-t Uate Web Btetvt Modtr*.


Wonderful Bargains
Coal* aad Vto
Btdt ot


(uod WUtt





K-*i T.unri.

Loo« Oil«LI





OV«RAU Ibiht aad Mrapa,
*lie* 4 to 14

llMi-a ato BoTi





I tb


Hta’t baer
- t m
FTeerk Italbrlr
I l|
m UadtowMr..|U

Great millinery Event •

M c Tkhte.


Soabte ttwM skd
biMfc 4Mk Klcu
-wtoU Me.
—waou It Md


ighi the entire sun k of trimmed and street hats from
Wc have bt>ui
icerns in Chicago ai our own price.
Therefore this
the largest concerns


-Ladies'artistically tnmmerl hats


Specials in notions
BMt iapaaaed Hmp Hookt. aad



Staples and Cinens .99

^na*naror alw appoUtod Pre
ViBlor at a tBlUwaa. do oarro b
day aod kaV alBkL


pelt* Net,* saoc aad Ok-

$Uiand $1150. for this greai s.-,!,- wh.leihei l;,'i -

^ naM waa rdtnM to Ut


W<- will (ullow our old motto.

11-.d l '.iri;ain' onl\.

Our sales arc alwaj' vdl i

Forcible Bargains


Or. C. J. Kawlaod war elected dl■eu>r at tbt annual UMlInc In* ll't.
tod rt-alteled Ik 1(77. and asaia lo
In mi. wkta Ut lytUo war
ehaaetd. Ur KnoelaBd war iltcttd
tnitltt. aad by tbt board cboatn i
rector aad. asato elected In IKt f
urtn of Ihrte yoan, and asaio
BbotoB to Ut laate poaltton

B. P. WUbelm wat appointed lo
icaacr DaotBbtr 41. mi. aad war

antMtond. to ut oa Ut In «a<tM

portion of the slock at 4t)c on the dollar,


Ladies' and Misses' .best Percale su^ B

for USc.


^ a tot

ktra * BelU




»Mt ........|3I

At Great Saving.

Our entire stock to close out at Cost.
Breiiy Lawns and Dimities, shon lengths, w unh Ut.
Broken lots of l-awns and Dimities, lie value
Dotted Swisses. Batistes and Lawns, 15c value

wotu tS-M.

Bosiery and

price ^25c.

lUa$b Goods


.10 “r-5““;b>“.061
- — - .18
.131 "'JK.S.'SS-r.r',"”: .05
1* duM LtdlM' Hnctotatd iaa»

26c and 3^ Satm Stripy Windsor Pap^ons. S^k

por>.d Orsindra iSrUci"BdlUln

Kiowa Piques. Bulwer Lawns and Dimities, worth I2>ic.

MteM* aM



Tilike. all beaut.
onh upto$S.(li 1.43

SWrts, SWrt Waists. Ejc.

4jC 7j^98c





48e : $2.39
LAdtea’ An Wool
kbd Cbertot
WMktoS BkMt
—worth ELM.




for from 8c to....... ...........................................

Sbirt Olalsts




^dlM' Wkttt aad Ootorad
I Vatett. utoaiMd wttk t«-


Children's Leghorns, already trimmed-





Udtet’ Bid

^ ^ .10

AO «

.bb “


ArBhur RoMon'tliMl, Prop.

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