Grand Traverse Herald, June 18, 1903

Dublin Core


Grand Traverse Herald, June 18, 1903


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


(Siratid ®rato^t«e EjeralJi.

ruvsiwiit iTv,


Duo-, .t.. , .ingiug - bo ■


SUITS FIT Tire Insurance!



Traverse aiy Stale Baolt

Johnson Block. Phone 73

SURM,U8. 860.000


thep are mistaken
Whii tliink lianki aic lor bmimM lum <hiI).

ALL KDIM or Ui)t ru>WRH8



AWiiXrjtar •

I.e ..ilin


picaic) to nuDber you amon^ uui cuK.snen.

omca aoats: «, w.

. y..ur qunlbl
J,. WtU’ ul 1; Hid.


‘It is Ucry Jlnneyina’'
t who docs thy cooWinn for ihi- family, .uid
L-mbers of the family, to find [hat
s been
n spoiled
spoile becaUsi: poor
tracts or bakiut; powder had U-cii
been vused in

'Johnson’s Drug Store.

THOS..*. mMra « .OH,

M1%. wnon


Brezina*$ Store
Is Beadquailcrs.

J. J.


Fresh. Salt andSmoked Meats. Sausages. Etc.

THi Bf«T OF evERYTHina

1 am now in the market for wool. 1 will
buy your wool to your advantage and will
te the best for you that anyone can.
Phone or write lo me. Will also buy hides.
Warehouse TU’i E. Front Street ....

R. SohombwrKW

For all kinds of good things to ett. \N‘e make
a specialty of fine Teaa and Coffees, Breakfast
Fo^s and Cereals in great s’ariety. Our prices
will tempt you.


Travorse City. Mich.
Ben Phone ISO
Citlxene* Phone 48 I

the Tamers* Store
The fanners are beginning to find out that this is tbe
store fpr them. I have tbe goods. I have the prices.
Haying time wfll toon be here and you will want soma,
tools, took my stock Over before buying. Forks from
Sfic up. Sc)ihes from fific up. Also snathes, scythe
stones, rakes, gnun cradles, in fact everything you need
in the line.of small farm tools.

$tt mr Um of Btm Dtor Bfitgts


the C..UI

Cemmerctal Printtng
]m Kinds

Berakl Job Office

.■■■wl (d


I heir eilr.'OH'l, ancl
reavin ut IhU femui
It J aurvlval iiT Ihe

>1 nil) U|. Ibf In.'^thf” i«l*^^Thc s'mld'’."biur*
.' II.Kl ui>. bll.l
III, retained ihetr prlniltivu bit
The Lmo. sere In China before tbe
.'bliieae caoH-. Tbe iDvadera drove
I >,>ull Ju «fl
ihem anuih. sbere tbe remnant vl

B'lia'rinletideni b'etrand coaM SOI
ell l>- BMue Srm tn Ihr ba)k< thSl
ibon ugh and timely apraytU )• al'
.1 an alMduie proiecllon (tub tbe
It noibing hnppesi (bees
I Iw a (air. bui n.u a ven large
CK.p Id p«sob.s at the aialluo.
Tb.'ie Iv alao lu be a Urge cn« ul
gooactuvTHs. and a good rrop of eut
> ipraytng to l.ulh oaaca baring
good rivet tbu. (ar Pasrs sill
yield Ibe amaUest crop of trsll on
Ibe ground.
itr. rarread 1.
cnibatlaallc In Use m veirbea aa a riovtr crop. Bo
Me St* a gn.nib on a poeiloa of
. gniiiod. Ibal Ibe crop b»d ID be'
in.'d and placed In Ibc tWTOSB.
.Haul and red oluver wsrp alio
isl. but ihey did sot rowpare a'ldl
A.rgel that you are not a lUeleu Irse
slib Ibe Sral named, i
imnk or other hanaleai objeci near
(ml tiller
ih.'ir cage They aelect a sunny.apot,
ilsayi US tbe dead teavea.
Ibe green graaa, aod bere, M
Ckmieia abed a ptwihm of...........
thWr Ulli,
ruddling and piublog. but
, uuaUy la an liregn Ptuf UesU Bslft teU. II. and aa ibe,
Ibal ..Inc* rrcsiloB
icsda ouisaN. Vnleaa have been dolu
;ibe prubabtr re 111 I. a rtos of nebu
leavM os aome
Ibalr cage, luui mailer eurroundlng tbe e«ih
Ilarly cukired lurlace
cwatenledly aod puwibly encndlng to NefAnne a
RvBecilua of aimUgkl from
for a_________
. We saicb Ibem nestle dote to tbo ibvM cailoK isUi
ramoU la ITuI
ground and done tbelr ayat; ami Ssifr. riplaaalhm ol Ibe aodtocal
SUB.' movemeni on ibe part ol the llgbl
TbU Ugbl. sblch U Juat her
ben may aiirari our attention Iv b gtobing lu surpci ibv acrlout sues,
lion of aalruonmrri. li a latot gtos.
V amaxed to Sod ibe Utile birda men to tbr se.i after ausiwt aad In
II la a tvl thsi tbf «*.1 before tubrine. had U lake,
loae Bigbi ol ibem even fw b tbr form ig a cwie tseety Ste dar*w>
IIM, Ibe eye al Sral rvfuaot lo side ai Ihe bate, aad udua eitaadtog
gulib Ibem from Ibe dried nearly tu ibr icnlib. While to Hune
>. Tbedr llltle baeka w* doU, rouulrlei v place. Ii it mwo unly to
g or nuiUBb. to the seal to Up
biosn la culv. broken by W
er Msioo aad to ihe I'SM to Ibe
regular Bae sblle llnea. very Boeb
r. II Is vUlble Ihruugboul Ibe
like Ibe mold line* on fallen '
Inun Ibv Lose Oba.rvMo(7 to
lie tbo lighter aldei of lb
lers I'allfiirsla Even Bore my.
imd of bolsg at all con.
,I*D. b ratoily
eanclly like Ibe llgblcr
iBlghi aby *1
tome old leavea. iht Inluttw ablntog rlirle to ibe w___....___
being more parfen (rum Ibe Ibcl of VII, uppoaliv tbe aun. hbd BOBMlaea
totoi-d to me lodlatsl cstoca hr brusd
band, of acsrcel, pereeptlbbe Ugbl
W'hUe making bli guoaa. PiWenaur
feaibera to b
•sift doubii sbeiber tbe pbwnmmi
heautltal rscuread belaeu of Ibe
It—spvesr like amall. frayed


c^Bcaai-0(r Taut.

II' «i..udl.>.'
br lIMnl ims]
, ItnUIr H. Ilf «l
ibf do nr >b.' Ihuu
the river, on sbkt
I ibf niusl!
t reilgn bisaelt to
Ilf lu bu) nod Ihr) b.'.'
nuuld I.
shlle bla' boat la Mor
. »u bndl> [or Tsibi-r'i
iiream fioB Bsngknk
wuiJy pilled up1 lire.
Un>U' >b.' could g.'I
p.«iple Ilf'
live there exoepi tbe
.So shlle piviple
..ugb «lih shni Ibc) hnd m ibfti
inn on ibf dnri pSDir>'i htcbfil miialonwlcs of me Ajnertmn Pmabyi-rlbo cbui
One of Uc elrnnge btoga bbout t^
She (ftrhrd ■ (il.^'f ul curbed beef who baa U-en at ihc hea.l“of
. ..Od eyea noi a trace ul the UrSt
work fur many j-ean it nos
.nn.'d oS l«n
n bun. niul put '
la vtatole
vly“hlat«y U
ica and brlnga Iniereitlng
,.n lo boll Tberr nm n big let.
tag drvsally lo ibai U
tad the UUte
____ ubecurtly. ^*la
ibla nualDl people
__________ .81 at the lUghieat botoe u eepeculU II
el Ihe rlvtllndnen
II IB?., mil* roll* «hf bnd often
eacb black bead of an eye la side
d Boothsesi
mad'', and a good hsmlioo bottte caa opea. and ali acurrylog pair of lags
Il molber
■Mlu^iia^^ amaV
ootUag-pr«Wbni ■»»» ilH- OMI Ihlogr I
eviy ai Ua A'biUttoa atm. and (mm
leoir isrl, marrlagea. shlcb occur V rtMiadod. shlrrto
d grnndfnlb.T
tbelr CFSaer. lo Cbe
tbelr cxXIsfa
*■ Ceeiral AWWtat r'f.ui Ik.
« ihf •Uhf.l
l'p..Q marriage the maa rsUndulib.
.1 lb.- oilghi I.
auddalv tosiod 11__ ________
.s e.ery claim to hb Utbtr'a :
i n li.i-l> lltm
groaid. It If ali a bea.tlliil bU of
Ilf cannot Inhertl a itngle
D nil nU.ul II nnynn).
magic, suck aevv t
ire.' or rice Held
He gon to
in lb.' curtnin
Baally saa UaBamllUvt
sUe'i bouie and. iboticb me faiuti^
nld n.u bun fah. e>fi
by Uam to (be Aateca or Nabaaa.s*
bos sondwtaBy came dosa from the sbrtbaadaeul
na^ a^‘ sUe. abe U moogniMd aa
to tbe b•eauttful valley (d Aaahuv. or
Ibf actual osner
She boldt lb* iheoe mile
r Mill
from daager by
■otaa of tbe cMlea of tbU
B Ibf gresl I
dm bos Iba motbv partridge Keepa
M Ue bartod besealk aeeam
idlng voice 11 to ibelr dlipoabl.
blddea durtag hv ibise seekt' vtgU
In the dr, leaion tbe men 0
nlaiad i■Btoa; Otbva have remaim'd
Ur Unios vsiD'i
bv saai Tbe —“ ‘-‘a deep forssti tad have ualy
mike long iradiDK irlpa into tbe aarled and itotbaA

foundlng ecunir,
If, oa bit return -rtbably

1 Laut buibaod lain lo account tot
rnlbn bsd mllT Ibrfv n.-re -loi
hi. iiocb and turn over tbe proper :<me« of coiv.------------ — ---------prpiiy lough IHlowi cuiiisg com it
looktog attonai like the aealeu of
ynnr. ' Bbe did ku|M.' ihere sould I
oa liallaa trntoi U
ipi tu lose her
Bhe almpt, orden Bifaei HU bead U deeoisied by
nny <id Ihf* rosie here lodnj
CoBadoav to at
nlm lo leave, and ptjuc oplnkm •Ut- inlerlactog sblle Uav and Ibe
Whsi n-s* ihni r Yet.
.Mo. her In the acl |be man bai not helmet V beaelttal reesrved taaiben.
I mil of lb oomSHd csrryl
IB uermaay loe e.aM uve. m .ai
irvsl.-d ber fairly
ibe bai tbe sblch. added to bli blaek thro
10 nearly «W per «p(U of popniatina.
make bun a eery coaaplcsoaa U
.. Laui bu.Uaod 2ealuifa aa t»- We Sbd that bli uula sife, shUe,
•bould lb.' do rus nbd
ccnalo degree. abarUg many of
..I sbea mil command u given;
dinrs* No, ihe could »oi
I beanilfs. baa them to lack r~^
^.r.- s-ni MDokf rumlbg itver, prlnclplr in hit manhood torr proportlna of matoe (o banat
«d lose* that they 4o »M auke
him to resuln
_ ... .blaiow PerhMli hr'd go
* I’suod Btsiae to aa CM u
ent hisger. or r
by; so. br «m nimiag rlgbt up lo
dried grata abd seada.
Hr leave,
tbelr pnib
tlou •k>«l; tar nslVf.1. hb miff
No bird can ty baeksarda asd rtoe
Tbf yoaag btrdi arc tUII tanbv
I If bit ••T.. lorct
V msisvis Ha elrvaUoa at (br lama
provided sHh nwaai of aeeapi '
Km. but tbb
lUllIc IVIIf unichrd blm bfr
Ibelr many enemlea. fcs altoos
Ul the** dlvocem are
Ibg psif USdff Ibc
low alaldh
moment ibey are balebod. the Bl
;. court! leave It entirely
sing feathera ibool est. aad ska to Ibe Iw seat - Wytog. Idbho.
pie to regulate tbelr osn
y a day old they cab eutier a faU Oolersdo aad Utah
Still, layi Mr.
The dcaU rale od tbe Jest M bal

lem frequesl. pro yard into the air Ib (act. I bare
n ABcrlcB Tbsre knosn ooe of these bard ekieka to
punlonaiely. lb
rblldrsn. but ibay
Sb.1 brought tWdlpimr and dragged b BO bs a. lo
> the mother, sbe
11, rvnitlb
It Iniber'a big apltnl rock
HltberiD it bai been aoppoaad UM
I.' lo iuppon-dbem
ig chair.
Hr draak eag-wly. then
mecirle llgbl Is more toyartooa W tbe
Imaglae ^ rcoaon cblckee i
atimed hb blankeU under a bench
—Nes Tort Tribnac.
ryesigbt Uaa any «h*f arttictol
II dosn. the heavy >ilek braid.
’Igbi but Buaatoa orstuu sbo have
es a irader
i-rHal loiiinri and U
Bhe TKUlced Ikal hi- psnifd i
WB eloael, atadytog Ue aubjort nos
1 nnlteraal.
OKvohafii Agriculiur
atoiaia that im the orntrary. It to
osB hoato
er, famll.. hating n
M totarloai tbnn tbe Ugbl ellbv cd
____ ... aomaa doea
.. V candloa or nny
ity. Mo, a abort dlaUbce from
sork regularly to tbe Belda. ibc
mala lue of tbo Prineo raimnd
Ito* «"unl dtoeaaea id tborym
... toad hai absady beea porchaaad
Ibe alu.e. abe peeped
s to pnwonlas
nuanbv od
•treme and durable and dnatol
lib hat 1 aa oB. be I
met tbe eyes bUak ar sttk sbes
beaainal In lu dealga and cotBat shy did
ibyactod lo anlSrtol llgki. aad Uat
tbe rrtoeo railroad
Ose cd
nee lo him? 1
irTauvotto uoia bad baas mad*
saa there
sai toaad that lb* eyes bRah bbont
lUnaaa CHy man. WUltom C Ctomdl
sonMan hurt b
..'v»s ilmea a mtost* sb» Rin"
sbo bni had maU eaportoM to
to ccaadlaiber.
railtog to tbe (Mark reglea od Wo. (oeandl* Ugbi. aboat Urro tWm
Sral. Ibra hiad
*1posed to gaa. twice whes axIS'er. eomplele. ber lobeL' Bat te
u^aaa aad osU eaca when
torgeat cechafd to ibe world
ImtJv* o«»al..n. Ibe pnla b sresth
ad to otoctrlc Ilgbt
1 her hair asd eves today la to tbe Oaufc paesditoi
Speak kmdee;_
^ Mr. Can^ ywtwdM. -M ^

..u, uo.

... ^---


"TiS .

iSf, ■

l*s from .TRUOK IVs RICk4

Trank Crude

Hull.' H.-llr Mni.'''l .nil Tb.' nj




nilninli} 1- in
l.leoce maV^ Iberv
.I-Ii In Ibe bmri >< Aali a race of
laii.tNHi mull amoog sbuoi the wos
1 aiv re.l iiDly eflual. bul .uperlor,
I llu' men
rrom lb.' cmdle lo Ihe grave Ibw
n.. Ibc Ihsi ..f II Tbe girl seda l6f
an of b.-r cbnKv. and tben proceed!
. rul.- bim a> aever an ABerIcaa
an i'D'lutv.1 lb bli bappleil dayi
ciiurilng. Bill' iissi Ibe bouae, aba
•l.u lb.' pone and ibe dliurcei ber
ii,baiid a( pleaiure
Tbere la do
ir.'iu fur her. and ihe eiOu)* wba|.
.er e.lurail»Dal ftcmibs are oBered

viib An
i.ln'1 nu

renwarwroow'' by
vvAw.wld SuoH Annwarwroow"


u. peachea
To auefc a tUlt lo
.laik.D Is rscon.
> propl
d..d ... the, may ms. the efert
Tbe Ls.s noOier sake. regu
.^^y aide
msgi before (be
•prayed i
n,lu>r sblch ilanda i>o
Bbo keept a llgbi.t
Her bouarlop ai nlgbl lO
' lea.ea i€erle.l, l»*lhe iplnit iBa>
a., pa.i • pra,.vl nearl, il utul uulte
unite bo |mr
er chll.l
M-.' Ihe Drrbar.1
liny lighted bo
ng Iwlfbl an.l
r bank, to plcaac I
1. an unapesyed
She bangi rbarmi
ov shat a large
aver sHI lOon
■beS Ibf
,' lakeo by nes
11 a llger loolb
viiuiiy nhicb
uillr body till It Urlsgi Ibe
Tbe dlaosa.WaiblDglun Slav

Olaappearlits SirSa
Vuubg bird! have to be taaghi a
“*li)“b.. tua>bf
eat Biasy ibibgi. but l ' ere ar.'
The, bad
line teali sbteb the, kuus sliboiii
helped b.r ui carve Ibe
ihe Uiiei tor tbe busgry
latfr open iif rage tn the Nes
a Ibe irsln. and lUllle
lUvlugleal I'ark !• a ’r.iic, of
0 much that ber llltle
IlfiirnU patiridge’. about one
IWlIv .
1 sub mune, lo help pay
ltd and itu'lr Mule baDlaa
•'e iniuraaee.
.'1> mother
n at oee SDH
Uulbrr bunKnl er ugbi sbea ab* -__________ __
-- aloslraboal.
'i,4r<l llio »i..rr
..ecking among the bladea ol graaa
I'be MDall aeaieitf keep cloae ts
gether. asd U sc watch them lor aev
eral Dilnutsi. se slU Iff Mime of Ibe
ibingi sblch BUM bare
lb. II ko.'so III all sumoD Wbo bold them ai tbelr festbera
L'nllke the hea.
. rliil. KoliiK in Amerlra ai tbe

Preeoriptlons Carefully and C



lM.d. uiidt-r I
l.aial)i.HlI smi
bnbU r»r rlnuklOK II..'
UDill il di»n|n..»r.'.l In il
-«n" Hrt in..lbrr «».. ..n :
idlbc Inildr tbihi'r ns.l wnv.-.lbi

Flavoring Txiraeis and I’lire
|K-r pound.
Sis TartarPure
Baking Powder


jfoa nnt to «cll )«ui
Ikl w too smU far tbe dnuad
that «« m bivi^ CaU a»l
SM la tbt neat tm« you are in


> J.iha. fyi./.il.rU.'

.1 KT»vr)^r.l liy tb.. .



nd >uii






We dioul.1 l«



ibem out of

ilitl.' gal
Tbc) had laid uui
nil bvri' place bfier tbey aevo
L( go off I S41 tfUlBg 01 er
ibe mm sod I beard 'em
.Jbl kuos I all tbffe TbIDki
guliig lo lr>
lie gal If I b
>«.e n,lgl>l> High •
e..», didb'i If
ctl.d llauie Urllf. -I kDf
ben >ou b
II Iblnk U<

» rvrr> I..ri
> Omr bi.nn i

H S. HU1.1.,

1 sell Dyoamue at
reasonable prices.
Ettimateii and cxi>er'
icnced men furnished
at any time.;e
■lock of 40 and 60
per cent • dynamite,
capi and fuse on hand
at all nmea. Use 40
percent, for stumps
andbO per cent, for

Mvin^'d to be (sUlsg
aod afi.-i a sbllr ibey alubk
difi|ii-.-af«l bfjoiid the aia
rsnip saicbrd

Kannera. lalsuing men. clerki. aod ■ hoot learhcn ha>r Imn-



v:" i«o




Miur iliaii hxli tlu:

Out tuect the of all iJanei.

gJJjffiT'aSrttSK. 632

Urmlb .

deinsiis in llie tianki of the cunlry belong; to i.llicn lliaii

in tetervr tie a ■Vuny lUy" m awaitmi; 0|>tiortunily



1 Ibrn n .(.K-i II
MWr bul nliK li
. sunslol.- ..J

.1re.1t r>f miUiont of .lollan tafely m bank, araving nMolerale iniefe^l,

s Mr CM


Traverse City. Mich.


4 8M«ft| BtakU, MUM M

1 hull,
|.ul.J«r nr,


himaetf. per
a palm l.«r

k iiMui.
I 1. Mr.uts.vl
n-ii-ad to losd U. abd'
V LsiB are aoiI an
IVb cover
Ilf MS ISO horlj, re- pe.>[de. a&J Ihmigh Ib,c. koos uaughi
. bsliod SI lb* edge
an ancl.-ni srulDdKsil..a ibai
palm lisf b.sU.1 age sin prinloce go.«l .-fop. at fl
1 Old lluddbiii monaa Wv inien.l 10 pUni i" irwi to tse
t>nl, Junathaui and B«a Uavb
of lolkduiv i.mbaW:
sill Jw planlod
Moat «C Ue
orchard! In aouibern MiiMviri have
But. sub
ber tre-dom and bee irevf piaaied tH‘ i>< lb,' arr.v'—Kan.
•irangf pall.of luperail
on dnrkeai
■a tbe
- -fe
ol the Lam
all the gbiMi .lorlv.
Spmymg of FevH,
.ertca sen- impUcul. be
iih llateu. Uicb.- Ib.-tv are
And a,IS I a
Idea could be got of Ibe

Plate Glass. 8t«am Boiler and Accident Insurance.

Money to Loao od Improved Real Estate Only.


aeei loiehard are ims eevered slU sIM
atter l..irai,iteea
-We have-l.w Ihe nintrarl tor clear
Wd - cooilaued Mr Cam

nm sad bruugbi bor
4g.ib; ibc dM D»1 UB
>«i>'bos ibc fen ibii


toy wTS!

A'tHtmbine, Bug killer and lH>uto [Grower. Kno-Bug
destroys potato bugs and increases the quality and
quantity of poUtoes. It is cheap and effective. It is
not an experimoit, it has been used last year with per­
fect satisfaciion. It is put up in 1 lb. 3 lb.. 8 Ib. and
90 lb. packages, so you can tr>- a small amount at first,
: and if you find H satisfactoo-. then you can buy it in
lar^r quantities. Sifters only cost you S5e each. You
can use the same sifter for -Land Raster and Parb
Green. We have just received a car of fine ground
.land Plaster, so sre can furnish >'0u intb fresh land plas­
ter and Paris Green. Don't forget the place, it's on cor­
ner Front and Casu Sta. at—

» ...














We vlU piBW
slU frsll ------„„„
tram are all
tog-shteh sUI be to abeat sU
^^Taos-se sill have -b. »
toart to the swU.'
Un yea expect M eaet.
rsa fvsm year torontmest bWere



la Ut 4
AMTTto wan made.

MsUy ndofsod apoesa ad ssod,^


of lb* dv
fi BU BafM*. B( c*** tha


tta«. H* i«n the tOBlfcWB oousUh
CDBtM bcr« W bMl. drofvtBi aa
c*or Jaaa 11. ItU. U Om baj. aad
' ( (be Bait day. Ha (old e(
If Ibedr Aral lac beuaa.
I» (aat a«aara: that (bar
_______ ______u aad Ud u> do aU ibalr
labar br bead. T«as(r xaan aco. ba
aaU. tba boiiaa la abteb the Bwadac
waa baM‘ni oceapM br Hort A

M rift
It to a_______
Baaar tbaa addraaaad tba larselp the Bodeni blalory uT Sarrto >
^laaa. Ha 90ka of tba caeoaoa cd tba
Ulktth Ohm wa* rewanlrd '
IrmoB. wbleb «aa doa to tba bard
la poat of Tvktah loranior of Aar |
aork ol tba pattldpoaU. aad '
Tto. Dp a aartaa of adroit auboilaitoBi ,
ovar lato tba praaael alu od Norlb- iba uattrlBS
n-bemooa be won rococnltk
Jalr. «bleh ic
hrirtlltor)- prtnea to Ikl", and a
tba dlBeoltiaa t
eiurad aoaa afta^ thair —■ - 1 a rarr fe« trorda. attar vbld
Torr Ibtara ...........................
raaaatad tba tollovibc vttb d
•rat btaea.
----------n plaea w sat oaa «ai
riaon raatoloed to Belcrada until
aiarka Vatraaa. rrasd* Baenaaak bat ibat wai too (ar. Aa
abdleatod to lU* raider tba
I la tba partr bad tal. Ulu Btbal Satar. Ulai latalla
I a eoatlluikto ooDoocted I
two rad ablrti (bat
ba sara U»
for Barrr. Wlaa Clara Bacor. Mlaa
tba itHpaa:
tbar bonovad awhUa
aaoa. aad waa aueoeodad la turn b|
___ X- troB
- m tbalr Bolbar. aad alao bar
Milan and Mtobnal. Tba totctoH BOUO. ■iniBb. tbo' (ba :
ladlfD bas aad loaad aosw patat. aad
tar'a ••Oanoal Ideaa” ware dUIlkod br
ba rettad:~ tba «iaaa Bovar.

---- ---- ^

,t Sorthporl
. tba pufpoaa
:lallon In.tbr
e reclua. HavtoK tour
handa prvaant at ib«
eattos. It waa^ihoucbi

«Ub. brir U tba BonUs tbar
«xad a kaarlr kw «lcb a food tbarsa
at povdor. aad at aoariaa tba toaa
-*aa leiiAad oK. aad tba Ibraa saaa
roarad ooi tbalr Am roonb ot Jair
aalota at Nottbport. vblefa vaa tba
•rat aalata to tba Craad Trarana ra*%r tba dar tbar «aat orer to tba
amali totaad abd had a ptcato dtobw.
Hr. Batth flrUf aa addraaa. Tba
tpaakar wttartalalasty tidd cd tbalr
Mthad or IlTtBS vbUa tbaca. Tor
tba Arti wlalar (bar AM fc>or barrala
of perk aad aU ha^ of Aoar boM
Cbleata (a Hat tbato evor tba vbitar;
(bar blao funad d tardaa. trbtob vaa
a rarr aooaaMfal rdptaro. Tba eU■Bta aad parftr of tba vatar. rrbU

to tboto.
or rataarln

Tba ball aa* rarr praUlljr
rated vtlh (be ctoH wtort. t
aad loreir cot Bovara.
ka cHirtia aad aarcb (ba Oodt Ubartr waa HUa WllbaUaa
Bbana. wbo aat os a tknaa aad waa
idad br iBlrtoa. OotoaUa. Hlaa
lowia^ tbaa aatarad aad wwat
ibioBSb tba srobd aunb. taadlaf U
I ilttla sMi dioaaad to wblta wttb tba
ABortcaa eotora,
toBHalto dri

ibifr tripa
tdjraraaa OltT to
W. HUUkaa told of
Bo^ o( lUa raptob roar aataatatofiiir. bPd aaU ttat «• Ma AtM iHp
oaor tbo road to Mortbpert boa Trar-


aurtad took tbw'^ooaa br otora.
PTaok dUalltaa brtotr tbaokad tV
poopla bv (batr baaptUJHr aad atatod
0*1 n araa n roara apo todar tbal
ba eaaa to Northpoit to taka a boat
to so aoal. It waa Hw }on H raan
aso (ho dar tba laat aplka Cor tba mw
iBlIraad waa drtraa UU ba waa to
Honbpan tar tba Ant tbaa Hto rw

“•s^^Ta-Vi ■ ■
Ba rad a tww
Onbd Trarana HoamU ariatod to
IMB, la dM «d whtob waa £ aeoeoal
tf^abbtba aad (ba MfOasoa to

2%a bMlTwXMSi

od Mm. Ba oiM it (ba
HBaMt-bad hoM oa rapU orar atoea
Aat* waa aa waadir that tbo oautp
*ArTa»Sr3aoa*Hoa(bpqa( aoodto—Aatid tba lorsa Wowd tor batUr
ihM waa to ba aapartad. Tbaa* waa
piaatr to oak aad oU wara aada waltba hoato appraclatod (ba boa
■Mala aarrad tbaai aad (bolr ladlaa
la Iba Odd Mkiwr hall. Thto waa a
■raat daal Bora tbaa tbajr


te tba aataatatoM
a aad (bar* waa a
«£« tba HoMteart bMaoB *aa.
-Wa-ra ett td tba waeda- waa haai
a arary aUa. aad aU
Meettport i
I* BX'
■at* ptoaaod aa a


Vt*r» .


eokir. attboacb »
blaaa. abd ti
rafT Soed Ooa

I«.f c.-nt, 1
ili>- vartuui

tba pattol*. who drora bin out to U«.
aad otoda Alaaandar,


Siala. Buuib.
.. 4S


^ Ibe b
swmancet.-d eapsTl. Bate bandied
i««l> bills IB a da,«
Tbi- av.race to
>ul 12.W- The. are no« al work
ream I- (uod. dom
Ceo- Kurtk. op in packafea ul l.w*' note*, recard I
Tbls will lake I
. ibinj 111 ton> days, and than!
ruling women will larkle Ibe Cold
I, eenlAcaies. I'nlled Stole*
a. ■>«twui«i Ixnk oule* recetred
redemption, tba traettonaJ coto


s s

aarsanl Nawx
Hllatovltrb. tba Serrlan
at Uini

a to Sept.
Orarta. prtoca. Bui ha wa* a weak
<• |,ur|iuu- u> till' iirnob
Werner has caused toe airewt of her
Uns. and waa drivro onl to turn.In
i-i all tbi- bandii to Ihto part uf
•"••P-m..lber. Mr* b'Tederlck Werner.
UU br a rarolL lad br Ibc Ubren elan
slate, niterln* a tmdlus ul 150
assaoU and tallery. MU* Werner
I. loBi'thef aod etve the da
Hlloab waa racallad. to die, attar
iiu KiDC Aleunder. was banded U)
■i She has been receiving Ibe nliIKas of a young man of Neoco.
beall bla roan ot war aad Inlrlsue.
B> ~irt. bill Just a band I
len he called last Satorday night
apuaied. prwdk
ptMornllr to bla bod in iWO
nbleh will plev iBialler
p says ber step-motber totormfd
■nder *
Ulcbaal relsnad onca more,
pportunltr of bacomtos belter ac- sborti). and depleted i
r that she must go to bed before
lib Iba beat bands and tor
a IIU ba waa aBaiatoalad br
o'clock. Some time after mldolgbt.
. ,.e. W„, VX-*n»r e*IleA
proAt br aacb othen tai
tba Kan Oaorsa tonloe to tba cardan
■ tbousbl that from U
stair* tbal tbe must
by Ibe wvaltbypBi
iiry hooaa. The ouaiplra- bandi can be found to thii p^ ol
-I wtl) go 10 bed wl
espresed that Mrs, Theodore
tbaa roUowadTwi^ Al b>^ wte Cor^
y." Mias Lena capUed. ■
It sbuuld purrbane a wuuden
rtad ABarttaa Adsa. A trie at stria, ton had totandad to proclaim Patar,
p parlor toIVuildeni's baadwime piece
Kan Oaorsa. but tbalr
ra OosBO. Btoaeba
■nllure has
^ jnst
JOsl been Batobed by dlcailng^t e retreat of tbe young man
Poonato. toratohad
the road back
moment there were heavy
,t Foueb.
to Bolsrada. and tbep wore armied
D tbe ttalrn-Mra. Werner
Tbe bedstead ba* tooitall*
Wedneadtj, Ji
axaeotad, aad Mlton, emnd
buanl with* two oval weigbt • •r »o—aad (be lover* were
a high
l the bulldlos
■fTonted by her mighty Agnre. Beaaphew ot Hlloah. placed on tba labaect ba* bean boiued durin* ibe panels wliblD a larger oval, aad the
e either could do anything to prewinter.
H *' Buucbey, the owner, wboLv It sumiuDiIrd by AIlgTee work
throba. Tbara to no arldaoea
•arvlab mtmt/ Paud.
.1 It. Miss le-aa wa* laid acroa*
siiread ot the plague In Hong
than aa bow a dotet brine away ibe Boat had not yet been
> bWomatrasadr taportodtoinu
has reaehed an alanntog siagt , the (lardy knee of her •lep-OKtlber
placed to cummUslun Tba blase was
. - _
- -(be Dally and
■' eoeared
Qeo H HIsCtos of
waaTa HaraU bwB Bolsrada waa to aelaatlat llrtos to Locenw.
Briilsb of
and Raiilds. W P Dariliis and
Iba roaethm od bauwda aroaaad thins of the mordar
1 Hung Kong
------------_ Kraecrf uf Kalamasoo and they nt
oils. George Wlldhack.
aa than, aa bow. tba rallrlas
br tbo amWttooa wcBaa wbo baa
c« sarr tba alarm abd iituceeded to alKiard the Hrlilsb bntileahlp Oceno
r Bianual Iratolog lUgb
roallr rated BorTla tor too paara to
exllnsvtoh tba Bn
Help^arrlird In bale been a(tark<-d by the disease
d to alt beaUe a colkir* Mary A Jubnsun. who died at
It waa tba lataat ohaptor at a BitoBdaloaa hlitorr of Kins HUan to
ady under coolrol and the boat was Bruwnstowa. led . a few days aco. bad
(dao food wbkdi- basaa aoarlr IM wall koewB. la lt*» ba waa foioed to
•yund tunhar dancer. The bulldln* not been upob the public aguare of
ptan aso to Iba rirabp et two atroai abd^ta to fartw of bla aon Alexanu illsblly damaced and tba boat Browaaiowa tor JU yaon. Uihougb
lor. tbaa a tod of ». wbf lonied out
^Ul she realded nlthln bait a aq
was Ibadly aoorehed T
re same during all Ibai Um
oloaa to Ua Is
Both at thaoa Baa wara at tba biaa- 0 ba a
ul nui been to the depot si
With (ba awatile* of Alanaedat, ap- araltobla and
'brlMe did
hteal ortsto. aapi tba totor 4
vjl war
Bbe was Is good
loarod a aow power to Berrton poll good
Hattbor had oras a taaaltp aaaa
It preferred rellremenL
(tea to tba paraoe ot Drasa Maacbl
Oaa’ biBBa a aatloaal
iTciidenl Rooaejelfs weelcm trip
loriwased bis weight by close to tu
Tba otbw batiapad that hare to doatk daasbttr ot a Balsrada eatUa dealer
David Twaddle, oaa of
M Atezaadar'a motbar. ot Uaalanau conaty. died nl bla borne
aotabilibad tba dpaaatp wblA
bad hoped
to Rmpire Tnanday. Jana ». fiom the tor“”i*h*e chief magutn
baa rtiMd Barrla aatn sow. Tba da Qaaaa Matalla. Nearip
and hard
aaolor. bar acaadateiu rwto- atecu ot a paralytic airoka auBorad that bis frequent k) .
aeaadaai ot tba bauapad baa
bunebnek trips aad extended trami
itb bim lad bar huband to dl- a weak before. Baildea bis wile, ba ibniugh the mounialns mould bai
pndataad ktos bp tba aaa
Irevaa aU nelnc ehlldim. J J Twad
ar in UOO aha todueod AIu- die. formerly of tbls clly. BOW of
0 taka power Into
'waddle ol normal
Qnnd Rapids;
Qaonta Twi__
only managea to keep
Empire. Mrs. Fred Halleti. aad
Uadll Haatapbi. a loM aad hotaaM
Sgure by exercising
Uam. Ida aad Jaaila.
be stepped oo the scales
waa Tnifeteb pMba ot Barrla.
- rn be
to WasbtogtoB cm his return
_ —roopa MUMd aad alow Urn. To
much dlignsled and dlsappolnled
*bl5h” *
Had aba boos eoouat to permit
MUIp tbalr crima to tba aaMab-i opn
Now be U to for a more than usually
tesaador. to whom aha had berwa ___county, nnd baa beld^^np
ibv prataadad that ba had booa oob
of tmit, being treasurer of tba eoanty alreauoo* period ul welgbl-reduclng
Mtrtas with tiB OhitetteM a^iaat Bo ehlM. to aoM as hta batr prlaoe for many yonra
He has roaldad'to
Florence Nlghtlngnle. whose elgbtyooucty (or the peat n
Bern. Abou iboaa wbo aacapad Utbo of tetoaocni. brotber-ia-tow
Ird blnlday occurred Inst month,
to Iba mnaimbi waa a awtattM,
opendlng ber old age to Hampshire,
Mad Oaorsa. Iba ooa at Polar, bat.agtond. Bhe' reoelred her education
• baowb to hlatarp aa Kara, or
to Oennahy and the Empress Fried
Boyae. Mich.. Jose lO.-Tbe I
• • subsequently became one of tbr
• Ubarlerolx oo
- ardent supporter* of ber Ideas
bfotbor «a hU bolr. and
Kata Oaorsa rakMd the ftaadard <K
regardlns woisan's wortt to
roTDlt. dfwro oat tba Torka. bad woa BATe a poUUeot oiewac for a re
tor Barrla rlrtaal
bdapoadOMa. ttaBoty eoaipliwcp bp tboaa whom aba
n iK*aan Bllo valley
Tboatb whellp UUtarMa. ba waa a had ctraa abandaat perwinal cnoaa
haUsuirms oo reourd.
omn -rt koaa add. Mriet }aMtea. nod hble bar.
wllh Tbe ground waa oovered to a depth
1 ao a now wot ot mordaran
. of Bualc and alblaUc aporu ga- uf iblrteeh tochea. Alfalfa was beaten
bisb totosittp. The Brat (bias «a dU
other enips entirely
alao four raniaattog baseball
added to Ua bhwdp record bas
sheep on the
_ 1. Hon. Perry K. Powetw cd Codlilac and ibe great tody romaiaader. were killed. It to thought that
Our sc inch Guaranteed Black TaffeU.
P. E. Boroa, of the 1. O T. H.. will man lives were lost, though
expreasedJor the safely of ihi
addreaaei to tbe park. T%e els
a blows aad tba tattoPa ton
This is a silk that will positively wear and
laana will glee an rxhibitloa
Rwoto dosrtrad bla of fnrfsi
Friends of lllUon .
one that is rich and lustrous in appear­
___ di«rea'work to Ihp ceralng
a tor Oaod Bail Itoiii*.
net. to UU ba woa difrom from
Man*bee hall
ance; has guarantee stamped on hclvenptored by
report thnl be was
___ ___
nnd to dead
A bargain at
Crop Report.
an enthusiastic sciectlAe torestlgalor
June ll.-Tbe and was employed some year* ago
at this place. U^cre to no loeal
HIcbtgan crop rwport s<>r« be (ollow- an Inspector by the gypsy moth cc
mlssloo. when efforts were
torn# ot hte amsterm and boaotoa
take them on. has
known as HUaoh Akron. Kan to
boea rModTod wtU toaUnt (aror to '"^bTriaESouT reanits of tbe freexe made to eneratoate Ibe pest to M
early laat moelb are plainly i
mnda Ub wardoa of (ha to
ipeoarlUe. Net only woald t
Dr E P. Hoyt, oae of the b
aloee aeartp erary kind of fmlt
IB. ood Whoa tba Tathc
OurSG inch Guaranteed Black Taffeta,
lor toe -Blsswt UlUe Towa
, knowe deallsu te New York, wbo
dAoucod la nddUlon. tbe eeaaoe
toxfc be wn* tba ncRaot awa to Bol- MMitcaa-' like to Boot tbe Xtetr
a silk that we have built up a large busi­
I. To wto THbteh toror he bobat tbfp woald be
ness on.
Because it is one ohxhe
Unpod (he hidtos ptoM of bla oU pleoaod to plop a aoBbar of tbodr
tab rule and basaa a sanarml
best silks ever shown at the price.
oportant simoa boro, at th
r. and te oran anU to bare hltwd
guarantee woven in selvedge.
A bar­
C tenar abowi:
attaaata who alow him. Tbla

Just as last year, BiHcr
made oa the Empire wins the
highest score. For ease of
operation, lightness of nuiease of handling, sim­
plicity- of -dgnsMoh the
trnpire has no qnal.
$. 8. 8Mwmm wp* fgf

: c;,?,

■tea MOAN/

Utt» 87.

For catatoenc cICs, write

Traverse City. Mich.



Why! Because we carry one of the most extensive as well as
the best assorted stock of Silks to be found in Northern Michi­
gan. and as we buy them direct from the manufacturers it placet
us in a position to offer you superior qualities at extremely low
prices. This being distinctly a



Especially in Whites and Blacks you should not fail to Inspect
ouriineasitwill mean a saving to vou. Will quote prices on a
few of ouc popular qualities.

Our 27 inch cream and pure while China
is a silk that is well adapted

for a waist

It washes nicely and wears
A bai^in at


oa the -orad ttmaoa Baslaar wm
M slraa.
to M Mk odUtoa.
tba worda ad sfootlMI bp Bor. D.
a. Rich cd (ba OiairiBH^il chaacb
aad Bb. P. J. Brjraa <dtba MatbodU

MtMd^a gata

I aad trianto at tba I

tSb-.^ i-.m." wbtoh waa pawOOp



and whose Uaaorr la

tba oBotaor aaciin did
to toSr ntox*

‘ won piMaad wtto (lha erwaamw •


wfelia ood hod Um Am
*vy (aoMab tbiwwa
. AboWart. Tbli woa a rerr prMtP

^ wlatslorp address bp Htea a
•aoor was rory weU stnn Bn

ass.'SiSrs.'^isr!: s
si£-.“„a: I.“:srsis
d (ba «lMn


words Me briaCy toM ad Sboto wot*



OMP bw a ausbi tocUaSr bad to

« Ml to to* aatoBl reaoL It waoH
be p atobt toot aaear wooM ba toi*ab
MB by»«—
•« to tn* (Ms la bat (ha bafMtoS

i iSSjT'-’si.s re'r.s

To be BOTBs y«a btc iroviBC
aM. Bm vby lei ernybetfr
BBe k, Ib yoBf fray bair?
ICecp yov tulr dirt tadridi

Ifoir Vigor
Mly iiK Ayer^

yo«r fray hair vDl pood bm
Btl dw deep, rtcb color oT
yoofi. Sold for 60 yeara.

irilia. Hteb.
-Jane U. 1*«.
m ettp 'RaeoiA.’ Tnean



-Per C. H. nab. Her.'
Tba ptea has alto Bot wnb faro
BBoax tba total tovart of tba oaltoni
soaa. mod It to pooatbte that oaa
reollp bat ball Bay ba aoM beta dm






has a very

luster, perfectly

washing- and


.A bargain at

Our 20 inch pure while and cream Pean

Bnaclescteatkand gnMiU, UNboMaStrime o*d tbe Acab firm; bot wben
tbU lite Bnid to poUgtrfor rBilomiil inA IcAM te BMntiee. health anxtoiains riemcato, then there to g rnpsd AocHm of the witol poeetn, leanltias
li 1
------------ 1tottoad
of tbe blood t^nicklr
Ahowa ittrif la an aktr, oora, mt. tamar or-------- ---------- ----------growth apoa tta body, aad tbewMte aad aim^ pains become


Black Peau dc Soie is ven'
a beautiful

make no better selection
Carlo coat.


You can

for your Monte

dc Soie is
jus ly

a popular ^seller with

so as it

& 8. 8. te )mI oacte ■ tumte m old pao|de acal to
---- -------------weakdistrtkBaadtnoaemfhaWiB b. Uthgate rtiy h^
tory taiat, or the laoaiM q< AOMt 2ma» gaabmMd ia oarir Ute. & S. 8,
Write aAM^ahoM year taagJBh sag ftepteteMAdotea aad hda
woa. Thtevfn(MtyaaaattSag.aad«aEaiai(iaa«srbaakoaMaa


us and

b a regular $1«) quality.

Very nice for a waist.

A bargain at

A bargain at

Our 24 inch

Our 86 inch Guaranteed Black TaHeia b
a silk that is vco’ *oft and pliable and one
(hat b absolutely faultless. Has guvantee woven in selvedge. A bargain at


Habutab m cr^m

white are very imtty.

We have them fai

just the designs you

want aod the pat-

terns are exclusive with us.

A bargain at


m nVT tram fiMTAKTs Mteate. ^

r~~To Cnro a CoM in One Day
White Hair

and a


Our S6

-Weeld Bka to boor wbet poor optolea wooM be oa Ihto Batter sad to tbe
BeobtlBr we arUI (oik H up with tbe

inch cream

soft finish

gain at

Do wX alwnTafaodecUNSTBpMkTAAdAttaMHoawktdnl
tbar Moenre. Their aUBoato are nfsrdad as wnrir

“Ojntismaa We bare had oar a
tawttea eolted to aa article to poor
' ittrr ToeolTad
a. aod woald aap tbai we think
r Idaa of bartog our uom
ir pork to a good oa.
IP that we expert to
tarwnl of .
«t the atau tbto aammtr. tM tf UUisi
eoold ba arroagod, wbp woaM It oot
be a good plan u> plop eoaor of tbaoc
week day gasiMt at Tmtenc Clip.
proTldtog we coaM procore tba ball

Our 27


« Eoerylbiiifl Striefly as Represenlcd


New Stun Cof. FrentaMrUnliii j|




GraH Ttarctsc HenM

Tnrim CItT UnuUj

ft. e .a. K. Kiaotiaa.
Tbara waa a larar auaadaaea
World waa laicreMad la tbe •
■wabari of telU HooU ToMla.
- ilba aad HM Blet H-----------K. K. la Pnblaa tell datardar
t OBpUinH br tbe brlgaodi In
i^r tte buteM aa—-aad held prMoaan aaill tbe
soaer (or Ibeir m-leaae wa.
baaatr aatead
Tba suawba
ed by tbe charitable pmiple
ware Saalr praprwf aadaoeoaip
of tte Called Sutra
br daliokau ootM.
Hm* Tallka l. o
Tba eld alaeur# oBoan
illr landed in i
VaTi^ Staiaa with ber babel wbl
- >ra while (be
-------- K^teb
of Ara
Roral Vuier—E. R. McCor. a mUili.
tiiud Eailr—A. W Rickard
br Eafll.b lascuacr
VeSrabI* BbM-W H roelar
A bw-B aulcaod
Hahrdl-R W AbmIb.
Ihe SHd allb H
li«rrnar>->l. H Ulabealee
Tn«aurer-J. T. Haaaah
Hainp-o C. lacilA
iCh briaaDi
bablb—J W Hauae
>e ilclBUy. eicepti E hi-r fello
Horal inacaa-C A Pataar. Has
met. eielii-d the ai
). Curtli.

• 1•• Blabsalae.
r teCIUb-epeaklaf
Tba Btotier el iba aaaaa) btowpot
W’alrr. relurbni Haiur
aad praparaUoaa will
Wayae I
bade al oaee tor oae of tbe btueel te) ere
_ from Ollvel. eber* bi- bai
idlac cll.-ae Ihe pan )rar
rreati ni-t bianiiid apoe aortbera
wad (be imiaer berr Tbr
Hlcblaan Tbe Hoi TlBC will be held
reel Ilf Ibe Trarene Clt> iludeeie
e an boob aa Ibe aav i
Olltet bare Bot m reached bomibvuie
ooiaplelad. wbieb wl!
Un Jobo Craoi uf Hueroe Crairr.
Ibe laiipr part of AucuiL Tbe
brelloe elll doabtleM take place who bai boea vuilloa lu lU- .r.i t..r
rrar. U la ibr ell) Iu0a> on
rerlj la reptember. A| that lima II

ftw aar>

r’sss. —.

»’^wil«7 ■■ «»•>
cUrtM FDrtw CPMI

'TP-jr.iS.-K,,,.. o™„

1(7 ti Tto-


r*r turn ra
KlH Mlastr »n«B of Tr»»or.o
CHr opwt Hoador b««. »l» n«*« ^
Hr. M« Hn. OM JolwMm .
L MowImmb loft eaBAarW Tot
I, wtirre abc will B|>PBd tb* »aa... E*ou*»r (pont-findo' vlib
b«a4* IB BaiioM n*r
MlH Rbu
of Bfiii>«. H*>


J. U WaMBidw MO Jw. Mr*

__ Hn. Boavortb aad daack
r (pradlac a fair dar« ■■ tma.
laaU of fUn Hlab aad faallr.
ropraia aiarrlM-i wara baM Id
eburehaa oa flsbdar. Jaaa llib . v
^ eblekaa |da aad l» CfaM aicik]
saa clrae at
HlddMoa m U<bl
Trldar araalBC
‘aanbao rataraad lo h)i wort
lUpIdt laai Mobdar
arc al wort plaalMlap tbr

Hta XM BlMte* Ud kM iitu*
■Iw Om. Ml Mwi«7 BorviM ter
• ^Aon *M( vkk frlMii ia Trararar

JMi'vtor>realdeal-Hn. .■dlib
Ball. St. Charles.
Tnaaarw—Hn.CaHa Barber, Qaaf



Harla V. Baadall.

aMoriiimaa emiBi
Tte Boaa H VaUraaa cboaa te (ol*1Sunite MbteteH K. Jim. Baa^ lowUd oHsm;
K Ttote. HaiteBBa.
■ten VIoa.CMaBaadar-H. A. La
*0^'VSS' seMpsatod br bla





________ ..r IHadatosa. wban Ibar
-vtU apaad (te
___ ____________ N Cf Tisearaa CItr
Maste is tte. ptee. Bsb
^Hs Hmia Jobs H nt' At th:
Hr. Uwan ^STsaa. sb old raa
date «d ited pbtod. psaaad awmr Jsi
Hb of esaear. at tte mb of M pear
Be laaate to Msara Uitete. a wfdai
MB aos sad t«o bratten. bHs

aaojba jtoSla tt (tetr <

Oaa af tte Traeaeae CHr baada
r. aad Hn. Jobs Kate Mi Tban•te a rMl «Mk HHMi H Alba,
r baada falibi I ausic te tte


taSa Md wHa af TlB<
Okr BiiMl tte Old ■aolar'f i
te at (tel tttm VadteaterHra Ote WlasM la at Itethparl
teat te (te aiaaaa.
Hr. aad Hra.« L. Hpnoa af Tiaedtaa Ckr ware la alttedaaca at (te
TM teter-a Matte
. Hn. a. W. dnian Ml
fflnHnd, irban tea wi

III ’lJ' %. to. SSe ate

.\onh of «w Weat Elcblll
Elcbtb alraat. died
Ible liir.-aooa al
at ♦:«».
*:U>. afu.
aflar aa
Mrm North WM tAk»a
____ I which
t tide followad. tad bat
wa worae alaee tel llewbe Boailac velarr. of ibi- Ih-iriiU
all] hrf oeaia
Hrreaim wa* SI r«an. d auatbi
d havi- m*n)
Id f> te). old. Bbe had realded
' (bU
<re foe Mie peat IS raan. aad for IS
Tbr parlor* *
yMie of ihai ilBa aaa eapiorad at
wir furnUlied. ■
■ be Nonbrra Htchlca. atrium DuH
dellsbitui over I
lac all brr llUna aba baa bad a
Ilf frtaad.. ate hare Uadlr rai_._
*n tnprored aad
brred bar with Bewan aad plrao bar
anectma* wlih all rallroadi a earb
all tte aid la thair power. She wai
IbeIr poru Bend U *UBp
xratad pstopblet
A A. BHANTT. O P T.. Mar .
DetroHll. Mli-h
er Uiber aad toolbar. Hr
.. WHIUB L. BUpar of Atwood, are
llrlog A brother. Oaorge, Ilraa
mllaa touib of tba eltf, aaother
.. Bacretary .
brother. Cbarlaa. lira, la Tampa. flA.
rom tbe eablnel lo .
and a Haler. Hn. Con Bowhall. Urea
probably before be aall*
la PataarlUa. Ohio.
Uoedoa lo act aa (me of tbe Da
The faaaral Bterlea will te hMd SUlaa reptaaeauUTe* la the )
ladsr aflanoos from te rirtt H bish commUakn to determine ibc
ebureb. Rar. W. L. LAufmaa
Alaakaa boundary
Mr. Rool. li I*
ofliclala. aad tba faaaral will te
•aid. praralled upon tb* aecteury
ebarpa of L D Curtli.
rMlSB aad uke a few mooih*’ r
Tbe remataa will Ub la atau at
abroad after bU dalle* oa the n
rwaldaaee. SM Weat Bcbtb ttreat. to­
rn afuraooa bom t u 4 o-eioek.


Funeral af Judfa Dorand.
Beown-WeH Waddmp.
Hr. Albert WoU and HHa Hilda of tba___ __
Btoaa were seliad ia toarrlasa Hoa~
d lUi afuraooo
It from all orer tbe
I. O. Dw- dtrauralacatto-cloeh atBt. maeti
eberte by Bar Tr. Baasr. wlU high
_____________ ruaaral. wbieb wa*
mail, sad they ware aaalcaad a apao
te aaoploa* of lb# snad lodge,
Ul Mto_la_te MACturr aad tba r. A A. H. Tba aarrlee wa* held lo
Bl. Paol'a Bpiacapa] ebnreh. aad te
Tba altar a
Ith cut Sou a aad potlod ptoaia. A
ttli wars praalL Tbe
Tborw wlU be coaal
I MM NallM Bte. aad
**aapb_ . I. teoak. Haditr.
I waa Lyman Brewa,
Sar«aoa-Dr C J. QBM.HwteaoB.
Watkhu. iM&td.
ed aautbar
ire white tUk nail aad
IroB Co., ...___ ___
^jMniite Hajor—H. B Baser. 0»
diaaaad la te ooavMand piM timber leatiered
Both the bride aad ibcwagh tecompaar'aliardwoodhuldJadgi Adrooato-Oafl A Wdi
IBM bortb of Nawbarry. ll U eetl
naiad Ibal than are at lean SO »Oo.
AAbSSSomM 1, auaa. Hi
utelr MO feel of hemlock on ibc tract
rae^toa will ba c1>aa tbit
R. Walteo. HateBoa.
A bleaatag silks u< rouag aad old;
rowieft Batcaci of Wild Strawfry; BSlura'e apacIBc for dye^try.
Paaat -af Carpaa CbrMl
Maple «II7 •
arrtoaa aad aummer oompUlai
(Ich.. Jeaa U-«. C.
Hapla OIK HM
Tba teB df Oorpoa OriaU waa ap
____________ ban Saisrdar toora
rapnualr obsarrad B«adar at Al
A. VaBTsaael af lUUuiks U te
IM al ( o'CMfc ai the asa of
paan. ptmieaior of s eb««t that wa* mada
of bfmn IraAa. He baa llrad ban
H padn. aad waa a ebartar to N« Srt
a.U ten aad
WM a*^
ref tel. O. 0. r. lodnaii
pester by trade and made tbe cbeel
place. Tba, fueral aarrlea will
' "allABd. Hr. VaaTaaaal alao ba*
beU IbU anarsooa at t o-aloek oa
te dlraelkn of ibe Odd rallowa.
-men Wtakoehll. seed < yean, died
to. Ur
i laat ocMlat aboui t:M of la
htaweU la lo y n of age asd eator*
I droaaad la wbila aoi
I WSJ aerer pelck a
ok a driak ol Uquor.
tte aotaatoo wttb pMtad --------aerer weal to ecbool but aU Baste
eat Bowaia. Two saw atatsa* of
la Ut ItfA bet Berartbeleae baa bbslU ware aUe added tote-* ~*
aged to pick up a pret;r.....................




Hn. Cteaa Wthua took a irH

Sas^’-----Mr. Md Mn- Jobs Kate arrlrad

aaar addrnaaAHba Hritdrwi Ud toU tbaa that tbair paawu
had bmebt teB ap troB iHaaer,
___ __________ wai tte te

a —I— -fc- to Itoadaa tel iiehMaaa'l te eared; a Blati'
a day Hw«r tea 7M eat
I OMttoaat htMaa laataal ra­
id perMnaal cure At bay druc

AOsrtota Cur* tor CMMaisi

■w Mates tear ehttdit
..Ah eear teaa BBtU )o _
Ha tea atead te lewd to aceapi
ten aad m ba*a tea aO naat Is

..:M. bi te ardMad Ibe eatpf

in a name.


^Mj^a^^alTtoUtoM^ 5d

M^rteSr*teS^ te HM
aad Hn. K. Horsas of te
•^mr aerfrod ia towa Tandar ana-


TW tetosf baSRSat *9 ba
m TmiSst reallag. Jsm (Mb









jr’ •^'■■"'"•‘'■■'■*1.98







,, J,_2J

Ib.egnla Kid St-.--r

“”h.-n'' alk'
in-ire ual)
ll.., . Karo I'«ni.



■ MW

3 "ir,-31^99

^rtovtors* OI«y, MioH.

ASkTMkJM g«OBBM*rHAto, ^rop.

that we were going to have the greateel sale of clothing at the Racket Store that ever
struck the town. Well it Is here, or rather we opened the sale of It last Saturday. The
stock is a large one. The values are the greatest ever offered In this city. We paid
40c on the dollar for the stock and we sell it tb you In proportion, The entire stock Is
less than a year old so do not conflict it with old trash picked up here and there and
ottered as bankrupt goods by some other stores. Nothing but clean, reliable clothing,
and it'8 well made. Below we give you a tew descriptions and prices. Visit the Rack­
et and you will got bargains such aa you have never been offered before.


Wo have divided the stock of Men's Suits into six lots, as follows:

Consists of fancy c
lines, chan, ncwl>

all woo! twills and hair
iijade clothing, wc 0,4^0

|pncc it (or 1

Here wc give you all wool twills, all wool (ant^
cassimercs; .Mr. Lurakowsky sold them at lO.OO,
bill we own them cheap and price ihem ^ 00

WM te MllllSg «--------by II nula gMt. who
te aMsr. Tha i
.... y Ssa asd aosalL..
(hdi haa arsr baas gtraa
da teuch.


k sad tejw vbW M

uo-r 3
This is a loi of .ill wool clays. nov<|b> ca:
and grey wool staples'of high grade Ark- j
manship, fine leMuro: we price theni^ -. -


Well, ii depends opmi what ihe name
h. When wc say........................................

'‘Bard Pm’
You imiBeduuely think of g:ood solid
work Shoes—Shoes that can stand the
"lUeket." There’s a good deal in the
name, “Hard Pan." -Hard Pan Shoes
need no description; they need no
introduction; they are too sretl known.
We tell the origiMl Hard Pan Shoes.
Remember the place................................

Bacbant & l{oseoe
209 Treat stmt.
Otd *MT a ShsIWw <M*isg O-

Is a big bunch of about 160 sutu of pure wool—
not a thread of cotton in them. They arc all sum­
mer weight cassioieres and worsieds, all sizes, good
assortment of colors, were Lurakowsky'i ft QQ
16.00 sellers; we price them.................. ..

Are suits of a still finer texture, better made,
neat and subdued patterns, pin chedcs and invis­
ible stripes,-bard and soft finish, very Q QA
dressy suits; we price them 7.1W and......... 0»«70

These are the best suits in tbe purchase, made by
>f tbf
tbe best Rochester concerns, and consist of
.one of
fine-silkt mixed
wprateds. fine all wool (Jays and
fancy worsteds, camel's hair, oxfords, ser« lined,
fashionable suits. We predftt that these Q QQ
will be the first to go.........................................


Youth’s Clothing Knee Pant Suits To
Purchasers. A 6Nd Animiit






Mvl. >



Piagtw « Srolih'* SI.-..- 1..r CM:


Wurabwre Block


Tte oaiMM«a wau to Ite tote|



Hanrr TTemaia muraed to I'rdai
d dauablrr l.,r,-i.a *„probable Ibal all of (boaa IB tbr
Hr Ihli Bornliic
-k. .If l'.-i...k-> .lart.-'
Hobrn lirwar went i« Tein Mouu
laai loam will be raappolotad.
S.iuib Ih-ip-l WaihiDi:
The work irf Ite Tnreraa Cllr lala ibU Boralai ua a l•u■ln•-•• trip
U K Houabrr wrai KauH
dlvaa lait fall, wbaa tte lapertal
Hir loo
Wbi-ii ihi) arn
tHiacr wae calarUlead bare, waa
Marie ibU monilBf oa a bu.lan. inp elll al imrr pr.-rmpl a
to be the flaeit rear (Iraa br
rlatiii. a. lhr> c<
temple la Hleblcaa. aad al (be
lac Beaalon It U lalaodpd lo aa
>a 'dranaUc i
TiarU repom


Uea* A:1 WuuI Bull, le Cauluvr
ra aad Woroied., regular prlc-

lie grron* e*rto«a*

r alaclod oHoen w








. (te Biata Basddw aa •
» tew 0*


•> liana Tredomann Ludlay i
dr J K Cbeary. Kalamaiiai: |
• anb-n. Ml.* Aaaa Hrrrlc. Saslaa*
Hra.k Oiwrit- OranOran.l
lard. Dr E B Uloor Tni
•eolrr C r Suhr. Oraad
Hapidi. r>-pn-.rsuilri' lo .uprrai<
:udl.-<- l» Biri'l lo Harrh In Mliunu
■< W II Kmdrirk Saxma*. ri«ou
Cummllier. Juder
nml lUpId.. Vrili Vuunc Hay CU)
r. kl E Wbllae). Grand Rapid.
Hortoa aad Chlldreo. leraUr
’ H. Andrew*. Grand lupld.. (' II
aad iaot. of Preaeoii. ArU.. furmerl)
UaolBier KbotBMaai pro
liioUld, Traverve Cli)
of Hooroe Cealrr
dldaiea fniai (bat cllr al
Tbr Bril meellec will lu- b<
aad Hariuo IU>u
Hr II a eoBiantallre a
d from ou-niB l.u.llDcioii IB Juar. I»ni. Tin- »
HulBlre ba< cone to 1 mrerM Cllr
r ipx-lai irala erery Ha - tbe Khorilii. aflrriMuii. and I
(' I'artrr b
uaiu bale had a bol (U
limn ini-mber* elll
ill llmr It l> deelcaad I Clre Uas- eileodei
Ibr r<•-nlnc irain
ar. iHraaKmnu. HarsarH ami
te* ibi- I'laarel lime lb l Cllr
b I hr pruetwroii. r
Warar. Ki-b arrl».-d
Sarah a
Cbleaco reeirrte) to
telle Hookta temple baa a (arc*
l•mb«Tlblp la ttei ritr Tbe Haali • pead Ibr aummef wlib ibrir aunii
oraluc ..-.-ins |«iiui
r- t«i)a In tufa proBlar lo cire Tra« Hn. Baton Bnadfimi and Un K I.
ti-ry.1. Bill Ibe) apeak in Ihe blgbci
•r Clir people oae of tbe beil Aibloe.
H. E. Oin Itf Honlipon .prni ii-rm. Ill I
nr. me) errf knew aarwkere Aad
riipTon III
e U Biar '
I (br mr
ber e
wUI 1
Hlaa teun Aablua wral (<■ Haali
tact Itei ther


i-Hn. Oaalel Padea.Trar-


Great Values in


..I Wa*b tWIra^rviii

B a i > c.
SiniH- i>rK*adle*. Breiua lAera.
UBltlra. Laea* aad
l-baiiira ivgblar price up to Jlc



Tte Lsdiea of lb« Oraad AfBf of
tte KapobUe elaeUd Ibe tellowla* id.

Almost Given Away

Chlldr.-.|-. Vlci Kid sirai.


a aaanoa late)>slarda7artOT^SteB* Kauto tate?tejiad oa frlaada
b Ihe elaeUoa of oHoen. Tte:
SI Hortkpert laai Baiardar
lor Ibe eoBUlu rrdr are aa
Haaos. who bsa baM
«MUBc bar itotar. Hn. S. Mtaaoa.
i-Hn VI
m Hteibpon. mmad bosM tbla K. r ..........
JuaM Viet Prealdaai—Hn Baell.
-Hn. E. E Cole. Haakw



Ticitemt SI Cost

^ For Job Work of all Kindir Gall at tha Herald Office

d« M tte teronUa laa as tsiardar.
Tte rt-iT— Cs/Tto TalBsr of
Otete tesSBbt a psrtr of pUsaare

Haatb HssH
Oatet*! HM

*" Wash Goods


Vlea DapartBaal Ct
>m A. Aldrich of Hi

of the E. Hoffman stock which we recently bought at A3o on
the dollar. Unmatchable bargains in every department..............



wS*Ms nd»rd%M^
H Htotbpen oa Wadaaadar teat
Tteoton BUteHr. tea Mter
aWar. Hla Harr. « Late rorast
VTlrad ten rtUmr-w^mlAK tor

ThI* aiaurlatloo ba* pa It* mamba-r
•bip roll rualdaet* from all oror tbe
lUir orer 3.MVI In eumber. and about
ill mi-mbi-r. are Trarene CItr paopir Afu-r Ibe builaatt meettas Uit
ilcM 1 rerr dellghttnl open »oeU;;
•ei.kio wa* eetored la Ihe hoiel par
Ibr eDIerUlBIDroi l-rlnc fur I
rd Ip) Mr. Ida U nailer i.f Ibi.
rli) Mr. Ilp-**lr (irorci- Webb and W I
and Ira F
Hurpb) o(,
Tbla *orl*l fraiurr was!
rny-i.-d b) I II pcracBi
Tbi- ofllm > elected anl‘«»l pre. ,
. Kradrlrk. Kadnam . prr. .
I(e K L Ni-nutem Onnd ,
Hapuii. lice prc.ldral Mr.
Ki-tl.r <; -and Hapbli. trcri-iar). Mr. '


h' CkaMHr na a TrararM fair
eallar tW Im part cf Uw
Hr* Ban Hwn la alalU
_______ aan dbbla aad Aoaa Black.
at Hortb Maaltna ttta *aa
ca of Tnrana Cflr arc apaodiac a
ma BieBM of Tran
few dar> wUb retallvM aad frlaada
MiM hara «aa Par tku
vho haa beaa
Hra. HalalUa ~
Ulai ^la WUbor of Charten
Hr. aad Hn.
>eat Wedaeadar wBb frlnidi la (I
ar»ad lo bv bo»
OS Taaadaraf Bkatlasd «aa a
a BBBbar of frleato la>i tetardar
craUac. tram » lo >1. at a Uwo
Tte lawa waa tlteUd wUb
m aad_______________ Jatiaaeae laateraa, aad taasoeki.
• t B. t.._.
I pleslc at Norlhpart aaar chain, ale, wacc dUirtbalad
aboel for the eumton of the nirau
« aad wife of toelb BMrtf- Tte ercalac waa apdoi at earde aad
i (b« LselaaaB for a abort ooktaole*. Duair brio* furalabad b>
Urer'a otehaotra. after wbieb refr««b
H. UM apcal a few
vSb ted MMr. Hra. A. H(M of'
sna CK7. tfeH Mdh.
af MItelBaA 0. A. R.
i. a IHtM isd WSC arrlred
HaateteB., Jue iV-At ite teal
Ttetradar wraslaf fraa Asa Am.
ba Hleblcaa 0 A. B. tba
dsdoste tor MtokclBa. arterc bla .jaHiB of tb
Hsaa of eini l■Bl■nn will b

IMe>AF8 Rronn Our Oig

•Ukee Mutual Uf*_____________
lion wa* held laat week Wedarate)
l m.- Hold WblllOA ai which llir
war* Hmed

Consists of young men » cloth­
ing. although it’s the rheapest
lot. it’s clean and desirable
a honor—a

Consisu of wool cassimercs
and fancy worsteds, sightly
suits, wonh double
what we price them ^*^®
l-OT 3
These are young , men’s all
aimeres and worsted
wool cassii
nd dressy,
suits,. well made' and
price j'

5 10,00.


Arc children’s two-piece suits
in bright patterns, durable
fabrics, Lurakowskys CQ
price 1.50. ours............. ..

To invest in the winter por­
tions of the stock, we make
prices very extraordinar)'-


All the children's overcoats,
men's and boy's Ul- O QQ
siet^&Keefers go at

Consists of chidren’s two piece
suits, of all wool fancy cassimeres, well made, the correct
things for this summer’s wear,
Lurakowsky s price 1 AQ
3.00, ours..................... J.»*XO

Men's fine beaver and wool
Melton over-0 ^0

Men's extra line all wool bca
ver overcoats, also A QQ

Is made up of children's Spiecc suits of all wool worst- ^
and cassimer
jrcs. neat pat-1
terns, Lurakowsky's 1 vCI
■ pnee
>nce A* • V
price 3.60. tale

Men's and youth's extra fine
' ail wool chinchilla overcoats.
blues. iMowni and tdacks, and
all wool keneys aad >7 AQ
vicunas. 16X» values «
Best kerseys and vicunas, ho

Hfi-Ti aitarblHlHlimisIMSIiteliMSniMB Ski SBHr,


M pmal


Xho Boston Store

TmoBMipgaTnrtmaip. TiniBgBXT. inra n, wii.

Cml Trarcrsc Hcrall

(M ftUMUoe <f tb* dmni eewt.


W«il WrMt
n* Wkll RTMt ri«« «r Ito t
MW •iHwUm U
u> b* ■
iMiMta) tbu tM n«r nlarulM

_ .jead bb war froa
a and Bade hb eaareh br
buraba BBtetat. whbb
tta racti*]'. U*
caacbt bp a act
err** wblb *<atlBC lamoia^ " ta bm te hb bead ee bei aa poaat
bb. teea dropped Ihea oe tee door
■illlvrtcbt *9rlb tboafb recalailr •
uu u*« iMC r
Orer M Betteee Ihoe barard were
Tfci> borafai rtem. urs tk« li
(ouad aboel tta booee. eome of tbra
OtMa. tt diM la ihr lad ttal'ni
belat te ererr roc.
are alleced to tare beea laJfM.
b M IlMit u> tbc MUnl rawarM
h rlale^d (bal (be lajarire are pei
aide Trwek Franehln Oranted.
Ibe «wuaUT or. te (be wtlerbl rmiu
«d (M Isduur. M«rp. Ud IsvMtlreBwexif ow MOpte:- to'tb* belief (tat
... iMrtle'a ... ...
the teeacee atede br (be Fere
tta biwUaa iB tta «ortd uf Ubor U feaee.^ K^b elal-ad bj .lta ptmtid
tette rallroed coapaar la ere
aapteped bf (be
MM* bMler Itaa U »ta B
t. ( end « were adopted aad
itar: ib^ta w
BB4 lo itae pratalriUt; (tat. la aplte
tta coBpaar were plrm Cve biIbuiiw
or Oaodf Bad droBSfct*. «• ■ball tav*
t%U to in a Ilea cagtae ataad on ibr aldttrack. Tta fOTBer (rmacliler of Mar
taav7 crop* of Bbeai eura. ud «(tar
II waa repealed.
Tbe ooBBltlee
Oe (ta Mtar taad. sc are told itai *aa iRjored ta mat extra baxardc
eltr atterwer
tbb hiiMfdlMM b dlaoMBtad ta pan
r Ibe ebaacea lo
ebaaped br tee railroad
«r tta (ear *Tarr '■■aan
wtat awr be caUed (be larser talw
(ta abam ta (ta ■Dawdal eom



ne Wall nraM ibaorr a
be (tat Ibe caapalCB vlll be a Mf
(b bt(*ea elaaeee: (tat tta
unde dlacaaaad *111 ta tta ei
mtbedi of
aad ttal (bU will ta naaeUliac
baalaeai baeane Ue BapaMbaae «DI
eaptart the poller «< Ue pfartdtat,
aad tta Oeaioerau «iU laeUt apa i
rerbloe of tta tanr
It b dISealt to BDdormad *kr'
♦e-l-tf for tta eooUaaaaeo of tta
ftaapontr poller aad ter (ta
tatabboa of tram aboold ta eallad
a etraccb bnvaos cbaoea. It b al­
to dUkall to uadarelaad *hr tta
<^cnat baflaoaa telarem of tbo eoMtrr. if (tar fear a roopaatac cd (bo
tarif daortlea. tboald piar la(o tbo
' baadt ed tbo radbal tari* redormt*.
It b oadoabtadtr (n>« tbal (be peotlbUltr (d a rarenal of (ta pelkdae
(bat baro glrea (to eonatrr rii r«an
o( pwapwitr vm ta a 4b(artla« otomel (a baaiadai. bal ao more ta IIM that ther baro baae . .
tba aeUla« <d two or tbrae
(baa n vae U IMO.
ia reraveod la tta pan Boeia.
U (ta
Id im tta pna- It vta B0( a boata that waa tat oa
paet cd BopabUeas rlotorr (are
batUr use to boolaaw. Tta rleterr
ntieaetb atraala. ftaak Clackor
^ itat eem'Hma tim eba^ ata
mat m tirtinr te ibM tbo ro__ oat aad oaaikt om rtaV ffU®*
eteeUta of HeKlalor vae reaarded
*ho «ai Ijrtes aaar tea heap of
a certatalr. aad (here waa ao bnl- had who triad to aaetpo *beo

Praaldaat RooecreU baa ooBtlaiied
Ma u«art a boaaa vlun Hr.
tta HcICllOar polldae «taeb
aapportod (wenUlr br tta bw
iBiarem ta im. If Iber an Ba^
■eaad Uf boM aad aurtad te aa­
ar reoBC feODV, who waa wKb^
i ported br tta earn iatarem la
t. wbaa tea tot oaa eaeapad fro*
tbar* «UI ba ae aoeb oorUlair cd (to
WOMB. MB late tta bnab aad
aiaatios of tta HwiaWteaB eaad
a Hr. Cteter a hot ehaaa. whkb
I fraltbaa.
ir. OBtor ttae dU a UtUa
■ work aad toaad eoe of tta_____
8MB be waaud at a partr Is Fanwood. Tta row BM dataad that
bad or tta eitePorUn of Hr. Brm be bad bean at tta partr ■tee* 1
. bet tta BBB «d tta hoaae tald
an la eoatrol. will taror radteH
i bam ttan eelr atoot terew
cbaacae la tta tarlt. Tbb b ai wHI
kaowa ao* ao a wlU ta ntaa tta
lUt U b»
.ft (a Farmwood raeaattr, aad tt b


> maet eoaoeraad abeat (ta e
warn eptae* the aide of bb boaw

itMaa. apot.tta

_ msirs__ . _

ofaet. ttar protead that thar
whlb ta ta away- BH vtta aaw
ita poUer of tea (tarmad adalab- eeadad ta PwHIai oat th» bta. New
tta to cf H« alfht. not wbww tt
Iratloa. (her
Bight aaaOr ban WK aental bdUd-

Orwutt Caarl
looba ai thtah tta paUaw eotan
had affMUd tbSr bnte. OMotthaa
Tto-Tvdkl la tea daaaaa aali of Mi roa away »m hma aad Mad
Hra. Harr Bnaaa n. Bnrr Brod- teat Mad of a Ufa ter a ttaa.

;sisss» “


*^Alde^a OUletl (mpht up the
Balter of tbe waite water rubalap oa
Bar etrwet te which tee clibcae In
teat rlolBlty are nUlai a great big
kick aad ta would Uko W hare uoaetelag done iBBOdlately. The elder
Ban waa latorBOd by tee city ebrk
teat (be itreet coauabaloaer bad
lotted a leak la tta pipe gotag under
tee railroad eraealag aad that the
aad tec railroad

daiaa Harae todar aad waa br hta
wCtoarwed aatB aoBe ttsa dwrtac tta

B blmry Md baa ID^ paatad wpea
le tread of araatf ta tbal eewatry.

ww BW M Bea^ad’S^W. H.
thgw.hilcnar te tta data
■r. Ptaate atated ten tta

M bom ef Hr. aad Hn. Bart
aou (te Norte Bavood gna„
aatBad by a bBgHr or bwralan
Si?wMaS*tta BoSl aftea iS waa
teat HoBday batwaaa a ta 1» d^tob.
—b Hr. -ta Hta. Owaaatt wore
itabcBa. who Bade-eery free
........................ Ob H. inniHM. wSa
f tta u-roi^ 0A
teaey. fttraMa
........... ........ gb a wte«ow. ta
tee bvfter took bb tta. koteg
—|h tea bewaa. ap mtn ta
ta btepdag biBBlf to ter raltta ata WM not tta M_________ 7^ Main tta rtaga ta other iaw
Mi taa aamad aaanHr abb to (*«ita taroHt aad k baked te a dBa
mkad ta wraryteteg teat tea. bvwaated ta teek. Batow, ta wa
ONI Mn. On> wMU b« «7ll Mar
tbiwagh aan drawee*, ta Beta
pood atitto te a daak white eowUlM

EffSiisnJsiLnsa sit.’Siirsi.’s.ars

Thm OoBblaattea Fruit Vagoat at
ttaotera rf Knrrb- Isplemaal Oo..
Ud..antotbtte- BntoB.

ejenaier atul dropped
carbolic told
brttle.”aBd*'lhe mlilakr
tight of Ibni eye

Ibaat HueaB.
KABi-ai. utauau.
Kuuiv I-. U*ri*.

sS^ad“..s, “SdiS^.

I aad elgbly-Dve
•u clUea are iravoun. aad after a
e rail ride tbe

boon 1
Sleameiu leave dally frota Deirt
ai t p. B.. and Buffalo at 1:30 p. i
ariivlog at (heir deatlnaltoD. ihr fi
loalog murulag at 7:30

lys-.’sas iSiiSs: s u.'Siis haTeT^leg 1« tea


le eaya teat
good breed-


r ttaa teb. Hr.
te talk, bat waa_________
BakB cd hb belbf ta tta la>e of tta aceuaed. ta ithat aka
ba elaarwd whea tea
oBOa to (TBL
Tber* an ao new devolopBoau
be laae at Kalkaaka today.

tlMtt - H.CM

Total, bit year.


Qalrabarb lo Jao. 8

UlUr H. Horton. *e(4 of ewU. ««
town ft ruage II: l»00
Ohaa K. Copeland aad wife (o
IlM Horton,^ilj^c^n*^, eec If. ti

It b furthM loeoraO. ihM *uhm !■

to bo*?P^^^'*U^Sirorta%»____
ClS!*toU . . _
It add: ftOOO.
Carrie H. Culler ..o Heary 6. Hull, tor an oiiri'taTO wota,or U ooor <T Ihooor
lo( lU. oek Ketghu.
e; IIM.
I’lctor Peieriyl asd
e w H.
Hull, lot 500. Oak HelghU;
. ; lUl
Audliof Oeacral
ti ■ MargarM E.
Qriate, pair*!, ae« S,
II; 174.13
Margaret E. OriSte
. R Co, parcel, eec.
inge 11: 41U44.
Claade D. Uadiay lo_______________
Id wife, peroel. lot 1. block I. Perry
loM eouly^boU ’a? te^Protai'ima
Ahhah'i fad add: fTt.
Hannah Olbbe. et al. to Oea
Hodge*, aw^k of ee14. eec. 4, wwa
lage t; IIAOO.
Auditor G«aeral to B. J. Hon
parcel, lot 1, eec 31. town ft ni
10: M.74
AadUsr Oeural te B. J. Mon
uceb la eec. E. d. 4. 17. town
lage I: tU40.
Aeduer Oeaeml te B. J. Hon


ChM CbrfcfUlw. et tta Oraad
pMuaoe. aad Pmuhco laOUhorL<d
_. C.
aanad teroogh tta dty yemrday
KSw ap tta aaO aerrlee butvaea
iWallea ta Nortepoit.
It b nptetad OB wc
teat they will raccBBi
oa to m. Thb win
bewett te tta read ta te tt* patrewa.
Aa tta Ban nmee tae beea ow tee
rta aetuag t«t ckoeed mu baa
earriad aad m om <
oa tea trala. vhkk
tee patzoM ta tea nOroad aam.
white (—dttliM of aSalru tear *

M te Mam.
Bote rwen
by to ngabr
~ ~:14 <3 . K. 4
win te girt
hMk tb.
tta ec
aa -oppoft amity to look
enr ta regard to (ta Ban ...........
-WtimB ta enw ntorwed la Um
> Bata teetr rMOlar rwa.
Between NerUpert ta ■

* iemee* B fUwby aad wife to
■yd U SBttb. Mj 1«.f041-tl. block
Perry Haaaab-* In! tad; «I‘
fra R E. While ,to Beai
rker. panel: eec. 4, town «.
lU. Oak Baigbu..............
_____ L. Preach (o Faaale G.
Hoary LaOake. *eU of aeU. aec
11: HftO,
' wife u Frank


M teat wban tta baqter hfft


ktetok of I

Why nut giv.- Ibv ga) and,. n.i > nail retwpt’ba by ahal-.

Wr »rll tb.-m rovrrv-d wlib heavy Wlr*

ling, plnln. ni-^uly Vx, fancy, pl.u*

verb. Including

blngv-o, Uf lOc leM each wHboUt blagu*.





K a pUat


te aaa

We bate many Btear.^Bod* that will lalereal

: pric** Everything at urilfanu law prlaaa.

Cbe economy $tofe

*41 Frent tt. Te*

It is oiu baaiacB to eupply )-out
Deeds IS that line with Gnxenes
oT the higheal quality

At the Lowest
Gash Prices...

19 Iba Bett grtoulaled ngar. I.M
Calloo Applet, per '
Tooutoo, per S lb.
Baked beam, per 1 lb. aa.. ^i9
IC. Baking powder, regolar Bk

You desire a real nice gift Tor a friend we
suggest that inspection be mkde of a new



View Siante, r^nlgr 10c xue, .0$
Eoatecl Starch, n^ulay lOe „
BeO Starch. rtguUf 10c lin..
Bdl Starch, rtpdM Be aUe..

Wc are shota ing.

1 tb. good BDokiog............
1 Ib good Plug......................
1 Ib. Good Fine Cut..

Such beautiful colors,

bright yet in perfect harmony, are made

by no other makers of Chin^ except the

And another fine thiOg tihout it,.^


that ail pieces are so very reasonable in

Coro. F,veqre«ii »*eel, per qL, H*
Com. White Cor>-, aweel, eariy,
p« q«-.......... ........................
Pcai. Eaily Telepbooe Dwart
p« q'....................................“
Pea*. Nau Exedmr. pef qt.. J
Peat, Alaika, very carty per qu .15
Pea*. Rice'* Eailiot of AU. per

price, something well worth considering.

qt-............................ ....................... -




to. SMI m iWN.
Op.Cttyltokii MPkiNtiAS

0ity Book Store
Bobart-Bttchtr Cc.
CMPtn* atr, nueb.

Eomtiiercial Prlntlna

BeraW 3ob. OlHcc

_________________ f or ttKAL tt

SaaoM C. Axfanl lo BeoHala
Fraaklb Baylor. a% ef awH, tee. I. (■ Ihi Millie If the oolaw
leva ft range 10: 4400.
Bebeol DUL No. X. Paradbe town
tkip. te Beaiaala PraaUl^ Saylor,
pareal. KimJey: fto
State d Hkk. to Beajeab FraakUa SayloT. ewH cf *wl*. aee. ft aeli
at aeli. etc. ft teva ft raage 10:

tt Oeo


It and wife te Chai
WllbelB. et al. lou bku
________ _________ i-e fad add; »1>00.
Wb. Atwood aad wife te Freak i
Pratt, lou ftZ1444E. bloek t. Perry
Haahah-* tad add: 4700.
wnUbB P. Ctotaer ta
Waller Falger. tU let U. I
H- U 4 Oo-a. Pte add: *740.
PutchiB 4 Cruuer to Watt
er. bH lot t. block N. H. L*
L. 4
tUi add: tl.O
(rca Chi________ _ ta U Dneka. bH iff sen.
ft range 11: gl.4

aad ircar- . .
Hr aaa of Dr.
Synp. It win I
__ _
jtega!^ taM
tea ataeted kBHi md braateU tabaa

mrnmr. X. 2.

IJ»,l.2S,li6,i.7S,2.«). 2.S0


Golden Rod

itt »t
rtprtMwki. Dm
iMtt, mm tft$,

Dual buy (ta CHEAPEST
SHOES yoa cu tad. Briag
0* ttal *mal] boy aad fLSS

20»$rk». anmm4

taDir aad a lalf and gW
a C & E made aad cave wiD
(Mffe.iiieiStw6i . . .
alar pric* SANDA_ , ..............
three tusp, PATENT aad EID.

Mt tkm. Pkatf
mi tifk Hr tbt







IdoB aoaa la ear tey
Oabbt 4 10
. Mr. BeMeke. gg

ftOP* THIH: BKNftN-l-r 0IF op* KOl'Pons

n.ik.. II na ran) mati.-r

OaioB *m,per|
Auditor Oeaerul lo a J. IT
pareel^te aoc. 11-14. town
lowB M.
14. ruage

Steinberg’s ADJUSTMENT



nil (bit soatou's cbelcut nooc’.Hu (wee
been Cut end Sl»b<d eaaln—
From 75c to.. -teSo
From 65c to .. teao
From 60c to ■ 320
From 39cto.. 230
From 39c to.. 23o
From 29c to..
From 25c to..
From 15c to ..
From 12icto.
From 5c to . .
S«< IlKm on lb* mlddl* UM*~Dry
Bond* Mellon.

Fly^ime ‘mw

yh a im-yn u

,iW ana Htata bard teaSb iv
». tan ed tea ta H Pratt * Da•eta te tea pbOatlC aad fba. W. B.
Mar te tee dtatat U b ateBik


Oab Wa llOaad 0-1 Plow*
plm* all to (BtBer*. CUI at Fred
P. Bpagbay'iaadtryniM. Ifeoli»r-i
feetly •albfaoloty Boaey refunded

sau nad Llldet," by *»—■— aad tb*
u Tteurr *ad Art <nu tie laaM

aan te btorta aflaaad to ban ba«
naHied whlb at work H tta «mk to Bota ta tea pom waa amaelad.
taun. WM tataa « la wtealt cbm •ta ef Hr. Oaaaatfa abaloo daan
ta tebaeao wan te teta date, ta
Hta tea telaf teak.
TMaafty Borteag. te aaaiakite tta

2&i^tSn8r£%V'.2; sslfSSis-S

rbor Spring*
,.vk. bui ru
o eepreo* ir

Manning uf I'laytijn
:vlebTuicJ (Ho llOih b
11 hnic anil beany.

ra wp 10 or U
tta tank waa oaeUy pot
h4te oa t
nib with tvelre ate -Jawob. «m«y. Semra
am' 4dai Tta heavy week trolae tea
after ef a wcBaa-i
at 4
• why JewMa fecB a aagaat of
Birn5lp*ta BoeaM^
partbabr tnb Jaamo.
t cf an
b tea
Bake a- Mxa tta I
teaB. It a wooMj
htelte U gat a ee* I gm. ten M
bar PortlftbamaK

351. *H?ta^ tatatafm

Tta Hiller dl Oook OaaoUae Kagiaac an wbal yoa waat Tea <*a
MB at Ftad P. Boagtay'a They
taiaaBadtegira BtUfaollon or
BMoey nfuadad.
H ti

J.T. Han^
•elM tad •*»•* vn b«un » 111* U

u II

Total taereabo ..
I ttJM
Thb ealb ter a tax rate ot UU ta
orery MM. Tta oebool tax b tec
Bta at laet year; tee dty tax b taae:
tta laureal aad elnklag tax the caao.
aad to teoeaee b cm tta etreet dietrlet tax. Tta rate tor tta dty laat
la ncud to Oa—orttab. Hr. <9ariwax ft11
aea nyi Utet ht
apiaba tt will ta
wtU ta aoaa that teen b i
bu atew BoUta baS^ W mat
a B tta Taloattea of nal i
ataalHr liu te teat at Mimilir,
34,ni ta a doercaae of g
_ tea (tatry H te awb Ttae af


beiween the

opIlBf 10 Igollc Ihr alrvihol
g<-nrralui ■>( bit autolnobllr Sunday
Ur Theodore MIchaelll. of Harluelte
gui lou cliiM- 10 Ibe gatellae lank Hr
loel the lire* of bit aulo. hul Ihe Sr,
driartmrni lavrd I

BOlthar la Hra. HeKaTgtt. ai aba' b *‘^F Saxion lo Fiord U Siallh. wlk
I, block If. TruTorae City: tt,laenag baiter alaee bar eUtaatet
-« PTOMrater. and haa eeaiM
Perry Hannah
) Floyd il Smllh.
>u Sf 'SS-3447. 1
Hr. OObart aayi that (ta nal tr
ab'( eecDod add
’ bar orafeialoa b teb: Bta fi
Floyd L. i
lo Siepbes F. Sa:
tea baba what tta eoaelderM wai
th* c(«y M Tver*— th* Iflk bay of
xk S, Perry Hai
aootblag potloe. Bbe allowed
tad: If.fW.
Bother ta teteer to lake Badk
ad wife to Vb>. teat Bta banelf aaed. aad la each c
teay took too Bneb ot tee Bedlclec
eta deate rdealted.
Haaaab Uy * Co., to Oeo. E. OeHr.sOaban tayi tern
Qraw. lou IP-yo. block I. H. L. « Co'*
Kteght leehe like a wo
lib add: t3oo.
--- ta OM who wou] BM be wll-

- Oarldaaarfkaa m aa MaldMaa pra>r te tea tenaa who bar haaa
tag each aa wnat m teat 4a.. .adU ordar to aaeaadtea '
aad hb tollowan aad aapporti

-laaga baa ban daMbla.
Hr. OarteM b a aMln et Oraaaa.


.wperVaece <f ea* year, and *a *v.
Real kmto Tranefere
•m»>*adlBtuIh> per M». a<A lo Ull brie*
qaeatioa for tbe pmeel
llrrurdrd by Ragbirr .•( Deed* WllteaiL
m lo June 17, 1*03.
lucri. ta Aum.
Jame* C, McCoy lo A H, KUnaan Moaoar alght
■ough, loll 74, block i;. Barelde: |»0.
George Lowrle asd wife lo R
fmlor. lou IK, block S, H,
Olbert Oafendi Mre. McKnlgtiL
P. C. Ollbert. who haa baao lelalaed U-. Bfth .............
Broil k. Curdy-aad wife to Samuel
M datead Hn. Mary MeKalgbt. who
li asd Bw^i of
b bald ta Salkaaka oa (he charge '
. range IC EICW
aurdertag her brother aad bb wife 0*1*.
aad babe, returaed laat arepli
lol IP, block
I 1. k Co e. arte add^

FVte ward|.....


OailoD tndp. Botetay for yoar
I Bagglae ta Sprite WagOBA
it tf


Ibate are Htenw te tta ateteOB
W Fialt * OaoH telta tafiataaL


abo at TuI■e people tan
aoclugu aad HeacaL
Inio Ihr •irawta aad. fallleg oe
knm prayed for Berv'T

Tkli mulled
...ed la
I «P
laklBd (he naaoier CUr of
('barlerolx at Cblcat' aad aome «0
rt-piirtlsc lt> ibelr roplorere fur dul;
A ei-rtal tralB foaebtlBf ot l»u
cal*>t*es uui- u» oar aad ibr eeplue
-oiipbl III HeUMkrr truo (be
Pall* a North Eaitem railbr Ctadurtor Rugglee asd
t>lac-.i on Ibe O. R * 1 eldeirack In
the cur
The men earrrln* tbeir eatlr* beloeglbsi, which ueuallr ooaebied of
"lurker" or an old taabloaed

toarTtta pSSl^ m
Kaaw Mafdarid KIbb
— ---IHb Chrbatt,--------------------Chrbatt, of tta ft. (
awaNad « nau ------r~ Tta cam
of taxatloa tor tee dtr an now la
an abaiaed te tta defaadaaL Tta
Otty Cbrk C H. Been' haadA Tta
aan wou to tta tarr at 4;M '
iBiBBMit b at bitowi lar tea wataa
aU ef tea iBawhithiM at tea
Itat onetlwi. b bee attraM a
** **""**
•mamu. Pormui,
Fbat ward;....... ttjtun I KiClT
Tha larr waa ewt tre and oa
■wokd wak ...
41MM 1414U
. TUi mtalag tta aMBapalt a^___

in Wash Goodsl


rain lb walllag aad were lakeo
>r tee eoic to
Whea It came
It to Boyne Falla, the ktcalli)
B uf tee ordlbe tekeo oa tta adopttoo
elr future worklag piece
____ Aldaman QUIett laid that
r party cunelaled princjpallr of
teere bad beea aome quealloa of Mr
furwgner*. Dearly
Lardle barla* a rlghi lo role
iluualll) belax repreaenied In Ibe
tide track and teal It required
Ika U( nurcb
ABKiac the aunber
ebiB. had acd beea doaa. Tta toa- tetrde rote; tbet Hr. Laid‘r *'*‘’'*d
n- i»o dT.mrn. eoaea whoar
aaar b ebaned with aacUl >ce: (1) thr teind Mae lesallr aac
Ddt eure Scree
la Dot oDTartac (ta aet aere< : It) la like to bare tta dtr atio3 ■r'r oplB.
rr apparenll)
t (lo^nd tta mefclaai. .
City Atleraer H. C tbrli
•• SIpw *at aet at that partlealat
tfflpurtlng Cbicafu Dea to
he did not aee ear reaeon
rk: (I) la hot «lrlat hi* »i
■era Michigan wouda —Peloiker
Lardle could hot role ta tbe queetloe
hb dwwer.
' » vw aot Btemted la tbe
rhe dafaaae holde that Hr.
atdetnek belnp
*at ffalRr of eoatrlbetorr ae(t_
(B Dot -tooUmi Bore carafuUr tor daa- (ta raUroad mepaar
ume oplaloa.
(cr: that ta dU BOt aoo tbo eara die- WUbalB wai of teer ai
uud br pnidoaeoi that the daacer tarlof It waa a raUroad
*ai apparoat: (bat he aeaoaiod tta aad Dol Mr. Urdle’e ti
ta ollertaklat the work aaelsaed
1 Ukc Rrte. V
w^a n^ad that ther had glres
aad that
that U
aniTri -tal •rn etalea" aad
lha Traretoa CUr Oaa eoapaar per- tern Sialca." operai ed dally b
tbo* that tta e>
Btbaloo to lar a caa mala on Maple D.-irt.n and HuOak
Crldeace b e '
ttreei IrWB tbe aller betweee Fifth UKKli-m invH lo be enlorod a
ead Blitb atreela to rroat itreei. tee
ulluar Three (mb waiei
ar< cooerdrd lo br tb<
tee'"atn«*4t^leaa? l?*feet*froB*tta
TMrd Fli* le
let Uae. Their report rrai adopted
For*wood b OB
ri.-euicd t-xamplra of marinearchliec
Tbe ooBBlltee oa eeeera reported
» orer aaoteer k
in •exliienre fur a algbt paiern
that tber bad ordered a »««er laid
______ thtak allh BtaebbrMuir Tbb llae If (aiaed for the
.. IhlaaL It b aot kacnrh detaltalr
iba aawer be eoatrolled aad
I. bet two boro
who aet thU laM hbao.
d hr tta city. Tbeir report waa
tl* L__---------------- - Id It b teoo^,

Wabom lie daap*^
•crt; (bat Ut. Panbb. tbe aiur
wrlibl. rra* abo preml aad ebotfd
bare *anad blB. Tta taew

Doni Miss the Great Show



U, for p “ ■

I eat Unacb tta wtodo*
Ttal* b praetballT ao elae
tta Ueetltjr of tta barHar.

The New Stand


242 Front
It street

_ >'

Bar. Tr. JuapA---------- --- --------------k rtaadi Calbotte Marab. UA Taaaly oa the t oeloU Pet* Marwe UBiB tor Detnilt. oa bU way
■afuia.-where be *U1 apead tbe
•OBBcr. He *111 leave Nt
tbe Staer Umtoe for Pra*------------------a lour of Prance.
Hand. It b BM
Tbit Rosa, but
■ krrlra^
r twt c< A«c«lt. in
Jag el the iBrtata arfawil >n Srp

T. C„ I. A H. Ttm* Ca<A
Tbe Be* tlB* <Bnl M U>« T. C
A U wUl BB ti
j iwria 1*0
. . / A trglD wlU
<nhpon Bi • su a. B.
IB (be wutb Bt I »
igb. Then *111
............................fouBd IHpB dally




Tbo neae botu oa tbe treat
,a maner. dolag a*ay i
aeceeally ot beadtag tbe i*u

Bi. FIM *t Mvie City.
• B& btulBBM Fonhn id Maple
*ai *lpad out laai nlcbl by a
wtlcA peobably oritloated br■ (be bdeloeea hoDaea ut tneriMte
o(>B aad lie. 8 R. Burke Both
■eie eloi*. *ere buraod to (he
_____ Id *llh their eooiaau.
blaekaBllb abot> o( Joe. NeBeakaJ va*
al«o deetiTjjed and the fBBi of Dr
milek'e dm* atore bodJy aeorehed,
the latter *aa aared by the heroir
___ ru Id the dUMBi. ‘Tte loaa uo
Cicvetle A BlooB'a aiork of genera'
_____________ ___ ____ ,->,W and cm
Or. Bnrke'a teeeral atock Ilh.tKio bulb
partly laaored. Ur. Ulseikal luoac
hHNi. Bojaaunace


ben^g*o^tb” rwM^b*a

a UKIe apt____ _____
kind* of voed. notably i
he nsed Tbe BMal noeM r
cannot get ont of ihape. aa i

:wa*IIy id IRB
laer It di*e____
■e I* bolted Billd to the boat ot
- nisser
Meet oS tbe beavy
Igb* torwed ont by the Trtr
y Wagoa Wcrio to the future
e bolll with tbe Beta! ranser t
Tbe pateat oa Ibb tareclkB - —
reared by Mr

'n»^ ff»p^*«rU rab troB


Btw«li« Cvtdsneo.
PatM. of AMy
la n>« procreealag tor tbe besi
Preab teatlBoay Is great <
1 at July eelebratkiB that Trat
la. deelal
________ ___________
has e ______ wbtob' b aaj:iag*' Ne* Dtocoreiy for CoSfuiaptog a good deal Tbe Boaey for the ,Joa. Cougbe aad Oelde to be ns
cctobratloa b being paid la sow. •s*
equaled. A feeem e*pre**lu& trots T
*111 be ne dearth of the guol j McFarland.
^BlorvUle. Va . icrvc. that go tu Biakc up a ceU-bra as aa
tloe that *111
II pull Ibr
ibr people to
In trust
fruni j {troacbliu
M three year*
all northers Ulchicsa.
tored all the
the time without b
celebrancn 1» fliej.
fliej Tbea
Then 1 begas uk.og Ur. King .
'v„. lUreovin
______ One of the old rutium.. I\<.n
nod * few bolllet
too Buch neglected of bir yev*. will I kliolly cured me ~ Bquallk Fflecilrr
be revived b> tbe Queen City id the. m c.rtng all Lung and Tbr.ial Iron
N.iftb, and n big public nie.ilng. with I t,)M. C.u.*unipii»n.
Pneumonia inJ
lotlr tpeechee. bu»Ic. flag*, en [crlp O-varameed by Jni. G Jolmrur
ilatB and pairkiltiB In abundant*' lud F H Mead*. Uruggbla Trul
Uke place us the Ceslral aebooi I botUef,
lUr. regular »lte, iOc aad
gronsd* TbU win be Bade a leadlsg |l *»
feature ut the eeleUrauoa.
'__________ ^
The opening n


Fourth. There «
Is puree*, and t
.NurtbhBBpluo. Ma*> accordlny
nortbem Mlcblgas
run to Ibe laruliy ll*! )u*i p.k.i.-'l. ai'
. boreee <bao1 ever
half of the; Utisei B.a*lr But* of lludeot: aau
Kalamaioo. Mich
>e bigbe*i ranking
ISl Huilent* (rimi
Mp^ and n parade m
ut the rnlteJ
■ be forgollen will re-.
•• ii.i.idk

|s"adt^? i »"■»'

mablag Keraeyi ft
ter weather by an
bane ball leuB *•
Tra»er»e City
Saturday to
tbe Wlibcla
iibcla H ■ilern and foiu


r uf the Uustlera
r they would like to c
... ..
Borc with t
tfbai l. •
they c

tbe Haaonle rratereliy
looked for*ard to by the H
•ortbara Mtrihlgaa *nb aatl.
of Bi*Bt tdeaaare. Lait year
«aa held In Charletoix. Thia year
bees dedded to bold the oallag
City, and Invitation* have
lad to the lodgee In all (be
>e Orend Treverae region
...........— -Jdge, No. ns. K. A A. M
baa takea bald o< tbe mattar
peat deal of eaatBy. aad It U aaanred
that oe that date there will oe me
largaai galbeiing of aeabera of the
UaaoBlc frauralty that baa ever been
i-es la (bU aeetloa
Oraad gecretary Lao B Wtnaor of
eed Ony will be the prloclMal p>e<i
Dd be *111 dellrer an addreia

.etter to Mr. F. HamlKon.
Travene Cli>. Mlub
ir Sir
Wbeb you ..-•a
dreaeed uiu.yuu Ilk.' to *a> "T
' uf my chrtbr*. Tliai n
> of blBieir a* b.' aa*

Pepe Mapouette


l-u,-2V2L«“5 iS;
May Mn addad ataoe
>'<Md Oiagr baaaM tba naiKMl as-

Plasa ara AAdar way tor ta
lha aAm dlM« tba O. R. A L
bM tba dwM (• Iba Wi
aM BRMda. Tba «art U batw
MMdd. b« tha daUlU haea '
SeMaTaa yak

■a ttaa «_


OvAbi toaa. bm cald tbair bU-

Not to City UmRa.
• renrbed Mr. Moi
RsftoUr of Doede r W Wilson
Itow Mr. JsBrtot I
loelvsd a letter froB Paul Scbnalder
jtWr rM>leTtaed tb
f Drasdea. OerBany. aaktog about ___________
>Be tola in North Unity, now In Lao'
TsErles elalB*
•aa MHtoty, purebaaad by Bchnal
Ibe potatoae.
_erW lutb«r-Uto*. Charles
by leape aad
la lUT. He uvldeBlIy upgoaod that bs Bigbi be the o*eer of bouads. aad wben they were sblppod
the dlSarenee between tbe parebaae
priee and tbe po^Ue eeUlM P>^
tbe paOnfii] aeoewlty of lalorB
- .*ted,*a»d by'^lbe'ilM Ue
lag blM that Nonb Ually to bow sold _
to aaaiur Bsetleas. dm ta city tou, poutoe* reached Ohloafo. even that
aad tbdt (ba prapsty tor which he good rate of proSt *ai -baat to
bolds tbe dead vas aold tor usee la death - Bo that thar* to a Batter of
hundred dollars pt IsmM. w
the dia and dtotoat patk
Ibe two cars oonutoed over IjeO
btwbeto of tha tnbws.
Snuli Ston.





sle stoeete.
_ ,.
Dsnlea not


TrwvArM City MAitoAtA.



«tort«- eoari



Ml Mwii auto Iba mat uontoB
7llr. OMA
bai bapi hMi • MB-


Monbpcwul card win
booklet iUustTBting

and cdhar tnor**
mTS Mk*^ kiSiSIIBS to dasIgB.
■ad *o*Mm ta_i
• toto*
. fWth of Oraad ■agfds A hand
m» soda toanuto will atoe b* pat

Drtss. Goods Under Price.

urn, ihktMi

dtipful BoustboU nttds at . Mt Soami
72xltO Bleached sheets, tom and hemmed, each......... ...........32c

dt Sptdal
OUbration Pricts

and alio "well heeler' on





SalionaJ Holi<isy.

Worth $1.60, eelebra-

We h.n al..., , had the repuialion ol handifag
the best bed spread in the city for $1.00. This
time we have even outdone ourselves—it is ex­
tra large in siie. weighs 3 pounds. 2j« ounces,
.\sk your dealer the
weight of his dollar spread......................................... $IX»
T^cy red table damask, fast colors, at 60.
6-1 inch half bleached table damask, strictly pore
linen. ver>' soft, yet heav>-. equal to anything
sold at 60c...........................................................................
Napkins by the yard; these are 16x16, best value
on the market, soft with no dressing, per do*.
Half bleached napkins. 19x19. extra heavy................ $1.26
l-inen and jute toweling, dice pattern, colored bor­
der, just to get you interested in oar crashes. •


Oaur Wifi’s
By getting her an
Imperial Carpet
Sweeper. She will
appreciate It.

Prtet $3.00

Vou Olant Some
Of Cbese •

Because they are the needful articles and at prices that are always wit^n
reach of the smallest pocketbook.
Cut froBi $Z00, celobmlion pnee.......... $IJO

Wpmttt’s Silpptn
Strap Style,


dainty, celebration


price ...

Wpmtm't Sb9*»
Cut from Sl.iS and
$1.50. celebration
pnee................................ $1.00

Your ”BEST” Flour has
given satisfaction, and i
have not had a complaint
on quality or price. TRY


Weie $1.00. celebraIf SO




$1.76 values, celebra­
tion pnee ................... to 00

mtM’s Orfpnis
Sea Myles, cetobratieo

worth $115, celebrsttOD priee......................

PsUBt Ceatbor Sb***

. A- I. AO
■ ataMkfar amiT
or meUl
* tb* honto. Ii k SMd* in IS coton
Tbe totter it tb* MtoW £nab tor

. • WKItoM.
MMMike W^m% WHIW.
, OtoMU****.

Cbm'S Boy's eiotbitig
You can buy cheaper boy's clothing than our kind, but don't! It won't pay.
Nowhere can you waste money M easily as on poor clothes for your boys.
We ha^•e good clothes, made for the b<^ that run and scramble, tumble
and climb, real boys, your kind and our kind, and the prices are the low­
est that good goods can be sold for. We really have the fioest line of
children's clothing in the city, all the latest makes. We make this one
of oj^ greatest specialties.

Iionitkeepers' ttlants
The articles that go to make the home comfortable, pleasant and happy.

Wpmtt't SbPtt

Kid appen. *eil nod*

tolL ^ to
____ nHaibdr.


:tii in, 1.1. Brown cotton that is cheap at 5c. special offer to YOU.................................. 4>ic
Bleached cotton that is tine, in texture with Utile dressing would not be dear at

njea't Dm* Sb*t*

«f tb* bolMtaC. and *UI

new things for tlkat

Shirt ivaists

Wpmta’t 0*hrd»


kkHw kklMlkS, Uk But froci

You will want many

This is A week of good things at Millikcn'sralways some­
thing good (here, but this stor>- is of something that >-ou
may not know about and will be interesied in - ought lo
be any way. for they are worthy of more than a I'.issing
thought. .'\ Milliken s(K'cial means something -means
that you get the most dependable merchandise at les*
than the market value.

One lot white waists, bought at a s|>ei-ial pfice. offered to you at ^ special
price. They are new, stylish garm. '-'.s, cut and fit perfect....................................$IXkl
inch colored lawns -the quality will
a suiprise to you................................................^

I a. a Oaia a< Mea m a ------


for 3ulf ttb!

*e. regular
:16 inch Cashmere in black, green, old
value 25c. now per yard .............................................
42 inch Black Brocades, all wool. 45c values for.
per yard ............................... ........................................
inch Eiamines, snowtiakes designs in three colon. June special, per yard
I nlinisheil Worsieti in Castor and lirey. regular value $1.50. priced for now$i.H0>-d.
splendid \ enetian in olti rose, a line $1.00 value, you may have it for. i>er y«i- .60c
db inch 1 affeia Silk in colors, in green, castor, navy, black and cream, per yard, $1.00
.■«■> inch brown, gray and black skirting, per yard......................................................7.............5(lc

(ioo price


Brim Tull of Snappy
^..Summer Bargains

needs best.

Wpmtu's Sbeti

ai« Muad Iba




aad n Is ibo
Jl tb*y
(boos who -aM
to ealtod
mill, who
ilomoi_________slarB. Tb* nisbt walcb'
heard tbaa call ^ but <>U M
ware, bat as saoa M be
rtSEyid «nt at doeyw bs ss* tb* tky


c'a n supply your

OtvMyooeearyadTtiiU** odered by
(bit bank to a raidetii of Tnvene

A Ob'* bUL Aa atorai vas tarasd ta
tnna bo* »,

BO doobt tbsl U

Deltbatirti Best

This is the
Men Order

SI our More until July d<>l


irgjjjKw'jaa.s and the Mb*r was * toUH
HMd verb aaead nU adjMBi
.u k. >piu



SpcciwJ prices will prevail

TWn* to* H*to*** Buntod.
*1* dliBorwad *t l:W totadA
B«las In tb* (hr** to* boa*** b*-

la Traeene CBy oa Taaaday a.—

cure,!' 'sold l-y
*ob and F H My*d.

that all may tw well slioJ
Ctoascni-e E

dnStUbAMU Mr. Itotob. —WMA

mam PM «B Iba tM, aad tba M

Je». U

Tor Ibt
rs. Oto. '
S»t *

t Id o-etoek oa Taaaday Ibe

■enl was called
o Bast-------f
-- ' a tea ta the reclttonce of A
Wltbop, taaUtorly knovn as -Dad"
mthop. Tbe are. «blto DM
-------and afur both toi
J had been used (

howa was aoMtad. Tbe valk. paiUItaw Md Soon «*r* Sltod ta *Ub
mwAbM. -vbhto tanAs tb* tre hbid u
:pM eni eotoptoUIr' TU 4»m»s to
tb« bans* vas tmt atosA Mt imii
las IM. Tb* Umm to o^bad by i
Nortbgert votaaa.
Tb* tn caaght Craa s Moe* pM
_ad bM • good tun wban tb* 4*iaa AABMa. arbara ba bM
gnrtto«Bt arrlvad.
Tb* MUra toany «*r* Mtoap
«b*a tb* Sn Mutod. and mia» cl
taM tw tba tarrlea bMt ■oday. bat lb*
^Udran bad a nan** oaeap*
•w dtoalaad at Kaaaaa CKy ea •»
mm at tba araai Saed. wbUB
MBad a lagyiarfiiB at rallaray tfaSe Tb* fbtolly or* to r*d*c*d «lreaa
gtM»ta Mr. 'Wttkop baa b*«
ttok a BTMt d*ol. and tb*y hnv* ha
a r*Al d*nl to eanl*nd vltb taaoMsi

That Throbbing Headache
Would qulekly leite you If you u.od
ag'i New Life Pill* Th"U*aDd.
ave proved their malcli
Sick and Nertook Head
■hey make p-irc l.jiioO an.I

■ cure, and no end of a good
r tbe lime Ibe dawn I* inlul.
I rocket gcee up In ibe
rbe In the evening

.. J. 8.. in
B out troB Trsv
Tiled a ba«
erne City I > play a Buaday game
re the saav feeling
_______ .lood IT to I favor Trmv
e Cliy sod we do sot know wbsl palai on n buuee I* worth ta
mueb ne uid fael
lead and ull li I
n to help U
dr Sniffcs .
Brat put UD
In '
wonder It *
IKiU'S out
We wonder
hear unite so aueb talk aoout In Uree yean It decldedli
Uad and oil eWke oB
ball ftoui them any Dore. They
bare all gone way '
gathPerfoTBera aad :_____
De.oe Ready Pain
-tng iBln Ibr Silverr Bra.- baadert&g
good la three year* ne li wa. the dey
uuarter*. Tbe advssce wagon
today Tbe ahow opesi for uie tbe painter left It.
toB at Acae oa Bain^day evcelng.
. all. A good many paluler*
e aggvnga
DC. euse mu It In Ihelr
a of peffi.rwM-t* and will eettslnly
Id uui Ihr beet ehoy they bale grind It li
It'* Ibe
Iwayi tapruTlsg
d out. si'
all tulllsg fur rain
The lariueT*
d It We grind It b
fallur* now aod
- WaAdlna.
II eogar beele. ratber
wedding at wbk-b l‘"b
were uallad Ulai Lucy 8alter and Ur.
Leoa KlBBoeaa look place Wedneaday
ereatng. Jaae to. at the Imoir of the
bHda'a paraau. Mr. and Ura. J E
M. C. OaeU AM baroBe a atolk' Balter, id Wabater alreel, Her. LanfMlar la the Trame Cliy Btaie
hBiA. BBl baa baaa eboaea a aaaher
ore light blue unedown.
SepleBber (era. wUI have to
white illk and ehlSua
a pouio deal la which rbarlee
They a
attended by Mr Martna
J. Morsaa arc
MIse Bdlib Salter, a aleeBrlae ctolBs (bat
___bride, wbo wore a linen
bought of Mr. Morsaa alM tbe
over pink and carried pink
- puuioee at FUe Lale, bed
Tba groom wore black,
____ and J.flOO bnaheU. at t( coaU
and Mrs. Klnnocan iwcel
pee buibel
Mr. klorgan clalme that Ludtogtoh. Onitd Kaplds and Mui
many uasful and baauiltui preat
Mr. JeBrle*
paly pat
kegen. Sunday, .June 21.

Circulation .this week 2,675.


Wagea Worfce. I
totter CTou tbe y
lagtaa stating

SweUcM Myiei, cetobrntion price.......... ttJ

Bar*’aad €lrh’
$hom lad Slippen
n«cinl cetobrMicB prtoet.

Wt*nbeip potf to

Cb« Furniture
For the parlor, sitting room, bed room and kitchen—We have tbe great­
est stock to select from, and we know our prices are those that sav^ )-ou
money. W'ant a bed room suit, or just an extra dresser, or perhaps a
commode; gpt a fine combination commode and dresser, where you only
have a small bed room. You-may want some kitchen chairs, or a kitchen
table, or one of those fine kitchen cabinets, a moulding board, or a.rolling
pin—some of that celebrated Graniteware 4hat never rusts—some milk
pans, or strainers or pails—some extra tinware. There is not an article
used in the kitchen but you find in our mammoth store.

Vou lUanI Carpets
Mattings, linoleums, oil doth. It may be just a room or perhaps two.
Bed room needs a carpet; better put tbe sitting room carpet up stairs and
then buy a new carpet tor the sitting room; can sell you a good carpet
for 27c. a better one for 85c. a still bett^rone at 5<lc and the best all wool
that is made, at 65c and tOc. Just for summer some matting would be so
cool and jJeasaiu. Priced at 12c. 16c. 20c, 26c and 85c

lUbat Rbout Curtains
Got some speda! bargains in lace curtaim. Thom that sdl for 60c tbe
pair, are not large but they are handsooie,. and may be just what you
want. These other grades at 75c; $1.00 atod'$1.26 are sure bargains. Be­
sides these we have the nesrest in all the handsomest patteiiis.



Grand Traverse Region.
la bM auM *(rt lk«ra a4M
aalamUr to (b« prapMi'i *M
A raMMloa br Ultl* HiirtMM. a
kr iBib Htlla aad aaiiaw M
Wama Iha paaior. vara aaaM
Bou4 Ihlaat aa)oraa br iba erv

_______ I
Umiafua-a b
aad aaaitad to raa a
IP ovi or Iba bacn


;uai Pray voai te K
y to tba baU laBd.
uTtaa drlrea to diapoiatlea to oaee gt
yad- tba raaldrveo of
acrldfat, rreoUlaa troai Boraa, Ctiti.
: tba vaa
It cwiabi wouodi, olt - Lay la a aepply oT
Bba bald frtJ» the More pipe Oaly pan or
Burklea r Araka Balre li'a the boot
•ad aolir
It eeeni ttai
tie. at Jai. 0. Jubaaoa aad
_ II

lonaaawir vnb <«lr bj;™****
aad tba Waa c< bar barrlai
Wra Lua aata bar aoe OuuB .

____ at tr
honed flan
tbbt tbey
tbr arooBd Baaday
Palrhaako aad Wllllr *rnj
IF rnon TratFroF City Bun


The elegant new case designs
and fine finish of the Kimball
_______ _____ Pianos we have in stock, then
look at the way they are built-see the strength
and durability of the action, note the clear,
rich tonesc and ask yourself it there couici be a
better Piano made than

A (Tuvd of tnaaa watt to IbV eu Mpartalir tar Mr cr<«a aa4 raka
liHilara Bwrilof ai Nonkpun laai
Ur Ha« >4 Houlb Masilou hj
Wa<aaa«ay. Tba alaaaiar
la yaebi
raehl lo vbleb
vbUh ba tahre
tahr# |«>
llordBif «bf
« for (b* nk BapUa aa<1 OM Wli •Mirn. A *r«-k aa» yrelrrday be Trarr
TrarmF ni( Buadar
look a pleoiurr port, ul t* lo North
j,„ I lUoiinoDil pa»»Frt aaay oo
Tba cmnall
tUaluni. aad ywtarday br brouakt Thur.
I lO.-nlui ibF 1
•lurdy plocei
wa craaM to
nunhcni rntioa
Blabl. Jpaa I
vlldcrOFM, which
Went ef All CaperteMea
d hae lliFd on
uytblap be worwe Ihaa to lee
Tba WaaeoU !• hiadlaa
located In the that c< er, mlaule will be your laal*
lay ichi...
HU unill bla daalh
la Ur Has Bueb aru the eipprlcBi-e ot Un. B
t Cook
baauilMUy irlDard < h fUiviri Bonda dmb Ihr loan hat
reoB. Decatur Ala. 'Kur three
__________ Jdi la <N
Un. Java ChaadUr
mod evenraroi
luu] hoOi-M. Jual aad uprttht............
wrtlea. •1 cadurvd Inauf.
>cara. " tbe
ri«4 KWa aad h
puiirlr (ba laal mmkf
aad ihF arlahborboud a kind aclah
pain fiun IndlpeaUoo. tiomacb
Ika Hotal
«ra rtalilaf
Ur>. MUaa OtUaora baa baaa
W. r>b<> alwayt bad a kind
wel trouble Death aectned laalek. ba( It battar ai (ba pi
aad errry uae. aad <
when doclon aad all rvac
aeaRaad u
O-Hara )i ai
biiFd aad retpMdcd by crery. diet tailed. At Icnptfa I waa Induced
KoBlca OapUird vlU vork lor
tar aad BFor, aa thown In ibe ■ » ir> KlFCirtc Blllcn and ihr reaull
ar TbaapUaa (hU aoMBor
x r ihai ralhered lo ebov
wai Birarulout
I lui>ro«ed at Mice
(ioiu a apBbar cd paepia atiaedad
■Cl OB Ibc day of the fuaet
and now am complrtcly rFCoicred"
ka BoaAap aAeol eeaaaatioa bald ■ueb varaer today.
[ oer ot IbF larfFtl 1a )
Kor l.ivrr
Kldac], Btomacb aad
at Arehta Tba bail eoaraaiMi vU)
JimFi llaaiinoDd warn bore la
Hn JobeaoB U oa the tick ll»
IkiWFl ttoublca Kbelric BIII>-rt la Ihc
be bald at Old HlaakB.
Heerr C VaaBlyck died ruddeol, folk Knalaad la liyt cuslap ui
only medicine
Unly Me
li'a puar '
Tba ehUdraa vlU baaa a pleakja at bli hose la Uaplr City Baiurde,
a boy It yean old
aalevd by Jaa (I JohnioB and t H :
aCKWTAM («■»».
re vaaba lo taka tba ptaea oT otbar Boraiat. Joae Utb, of heart lellufr. iMcr ou» lap lu UbJo aad Iruoi
a.U. I>ruapl'
aurclaaa (bat bara aaaaUr baaa
after catlac htaakfaat and dulac hli BuitMl 14, Ibla aelphborbuod IB
I Iba ebaivk.
aaoal chorea The (uarraJ elll be brld lit lap hFre uaill hit declh. He I
At Dowaplac rrwnk Dailey, aped TS
Tba appU crop at tba praaaat
today at the Uoaareaalloaal church a ellF aad B\r chlldrca to a>oiu
lada aabool booaa br ikt papUa of tba
uki aa IboBfb It vlll ba ooa a
J HamDoud of TrarFCW iliid ID the county poor bouae
coadurted by ibc
the Odd t'elhier
... aad
la bol ibree feet
aehaaL BaaUaa
tba pmcraa, l«a
>r«aal lor raara. Alao tba ebartta
JaaiFt H lUaBoed of Kalkoa bal no left
BaUord VaoBlyck
VaaBlyck 1aaa called by
Liley waa known the country
IVM* aad laainaida will ba aarrad
i« kaUac taa. loBa aap tba drr itelepbciBc troD aoulhcra Mlcbisao «>
■haa <■ HaiBUond of I
yu yeara tnivrllnp fruia place
v^bor U aabtaa tba avert
IB a amall wapoa drawn by
n K Hammoad of
.f (Vairal
aad tasliy
Small ItiHfuiiicnu, Musical Mcichan.lisc, Shed Musii, Tallin,; Mai hmcs a.-i,i Recotilt
Ilia widow U a dwarf alao
ava or Iba Uapoataal (aaturaa. All ^Pted Warvar ftwad a aloe eoU of to aiurad tba fuai
icral of Hn
UAMa ara raqaaalad lo brtai a boa
aonatop BAT
aad aa a rarr
ilau ti a
T M. pave
Maair Chliarwn are SMkiy.
paiad. Aoa't alaa U.
irJay crcalap
tlr ball Baiui
aortal I
ix..plc Wedaeaday
Iba aoBBCi
la apcadlBR part
Ip lime a< NortbiHvi.
rua fruqi t
■r wllb rclailrea
•-rmoitoo, pmmv.
of her raeailoo beer
imt l»
durtap tba
aad incada
r aoatair vtllsaai
HIM Uaud
UaakaiFOd will t|N-Bd about
. Ura. Il A Col
alaier. Un I
■>. Ill 111.- weal, allcadlap a eua
TtFCF will 1
II orpaoiaed wumc tu yean apo
/ Tbaaa vlU ba ae praaeblai oa the
loaal ebureb ■
Hafiibal'a lirutbcr and wllr
ProT. Darla aad Hn. Darla at Abb ta ihF tk>a^
Bu^r follow
tabtaiba o( iba flat aad »U. aa tba
Buada, aad
■meed Haiorday
•Mar aad (aaiilr vtll be oa a abort
Ur Ulaiy bai
pwalbta to the aoaih pan of
of I Wo weeka
t'hlldne'i Day waa obarrtc
Ann Artur
*|ba. SalUraa raursad laai
Tbe eburrb wai bepi
K H Daria b I Fiiicred IbF eiaploy
tm rMUBf la Eakcaano.
decuraied wllb putted plaala.
.Mr. aad Hn. raaeb apaat Baaday ronlly ai Aaa Arbor at tbu plaee ruaea aad feraa. -Hie cblldreU
durlai tba ------------«tt ibalr daacblar. Mia KUm
deleaale from
• of CblcBB) la oae. did tbair partt wclb A coi
On Iron Beils, Odd Dri-sscra. Chiffoniers. Cols. Children's Beds. Siirings and Maiircsses. I not only meet com­
■wl rraaUatbar U aaralai ■
of Dearly tl waa taken
Modern Wuodi
Dor•poadlaa bu i
Jwad *«*■»
ol America Ur (- l>. aiaalF) la
petition, hiii sell under competiiion. r.ct any cut from any mail order house anil send or brinj; il to iis and we
Ohanay Lbaaaara bad a aUur troai
Hup up Ibr pint.
UM deva laal
**^pb Poreoi
MaaMaa rlalUai bara Baaday.
will duplicate it and save you frci|{hi charyjes. We have a larjft- and cumplccc line of irou Ix-ds, and are making
Ure radbam
day vttk bla V
aiored I:
rspecially low prices on ihem for a few ita>-s. that will save u»ii a lol of money and enable ^nyone to have a ncai
the WlU iarrelt bouae.
I'blldren't Dai eiercltet
Htap aad a<iO Hcrabal w
U« Hanarat Ktitoa rtallodfn
clean, pretty iron Ik-<1.
•• •
tended and a irry lalerrallap pro
> aaiorday aad Boadu.
..atral Uba vara oMlod
pram vaa plveu
n. Jobaaoa dnm lo OM i
yuu caa Mfeirti out on It or reeUne
Itof' vllh 4be
by tbe d*lb at tbair pad back yaatarday.
faert Abaara '
Twrlre Umel
III any p.»lii.oi—«««d mild fraaM.
- vbo dlod Tkora(map aere
pUr Kriday erealnp
Oaoa Aadf-------------b.-nvy oaara. .ml and bark, vltboot
Carpenter arrlred bore
Ur UumU came oiariy ' polar «p "
.raa'a Day
leeilai Ibe danper
trvB LmMarllle, where
poichaaed a Hrm ol Ito aerea
ik by applyiiip a
in Opealap to ace
la bow vortiBf la Ibe tblaplc mill
IS>rrh Beats lit 3. S nnd s Tt. leaitbs.
i t Hyaberp. our railroad afeai
•3m to CaolrM Uka
Same Inrp.- I.awc Bwinps to closv out.
Pmitcib taa> a ace -eili
vira VIII ka pm >» >• a abort Um
Wbnt 1. nicer ihnn .me of Iboae nvupa
Hr Boavonb of Trararaa
City *TlliJ U*o*B*orbard veal u. Wai 110 Irunt ol brr etorr
set np un your purcli or InvnT Tou vlll
-amp at Blcrly e l.anc n.,
a Wedaeoday Borelnp
enjoy Uem and your rblldrea would
and arc la the keepinp of
Bari WIdrU and family ipeni Bun
more than enjoy ibea 1 put la n atoek of
HnT «B»L Olpv at «abirai Uba bat« ooa day Hat vaA
u. aielmcl ■
ihem ihU apriep bat nm too crowded fof
pradlap lo Iom belnp com
^^Mla'HmBa. a rramoni lawyer,
mom 10 bare them ael up. eo vlll rinos
plelcd. The dirt iraies ara ausiUat
vat la town Wedaaaday.
uiil wbu 1 bare left ni Aral cMt.
n B Reyaolda. oar repreeeBiatleF ibrouph luwn e*cry 'lltllc oacc la a
lurtlMHThey are mndr of aood
i bed., commcnrtnp
ftd at Barkar Oraalr lar a tav aalJa,
to Ue lealelature. rwlurved from Laa
,IIf" or oflcaer.
BmalJ !«■>• and
aln-ly pnlnird. an k- fl
mv Sped 1 Ur*.»cr, t ft
.• rcquootrd la wall unlll
m tbadr my b««
-------Bf oa Tbiiraday
htp. buye arc
Tin UrTwimuaa ot Walioa aad
brlpbt and 4 II f is > a
biph. hi
baM- 3 n : in. vide. IT Incbci
lopo before irylnp to pci
rred Umlcy od Copemlab It vurk' ilir irein Mor
wbdPa tbM natwd I
:r. aad Hra. Ma Aadararia ——
deep I
drawIha bollom
Tbey do not rua Ibroupb
lap la Ibe ablaple mill
> iha Kaliy Hooaa tba Bnl
bold tvo ol
ramlnn, t top
iVaak Baker, rwpreacntiap tbe Wai
or Are children ThU i vlll toU
Bar. Kan, at Ohia, praaabad la t
----------aa with Hn: loi]
In mahopi
The four pnaarnper vll’
'— -----belBK unable lu kvcp bla feel polop
CBM Hat Bvaday. adH vlll ba hi
IvFopIr This 1 will
fVAO f.>ri
fail cm.iiph uhcii they Mreck ihc
aaday oa jroteoiloaial
Nfm prlcF
There arc mme of ibcae svlnps 6
Hn. A w n Carpcaier la oa I1
! Bocral ffleade ut lUi Katuhal atIpv vltb Maa»Mla, la aoata ball
**^e*hay crop la Ibta part
nnd I'blBunlM- mnkM n nice
re I shipped t
Uunday. All vlih Ur and Ur. RiK
HHUoa. nouairy vlll tv anall If tala itoea a
A ehlBonter vlU
These are (ood. Mroap.
- '
lunp and happy life
...........-baa Ba^
tdr out of pood, hard maple
flr.' Inrpv dmvF(s vlU bold n M of
‘^ark'utBaaoa baa planted 111 acr
poUtoaa OB too HeOomlek plai
«1H» Ba Hlabda la Umh.
\V.' bnyc n Solid Oak. veil made, veil
Hn. Uoraett It auflariaa maa i
Ae Many a Travoree Clly Header
Uu Uba poaM
fiiilstu-d L'blRunlrr. vllb Bra Itrse
.lank of appeadlelUa.
. Kaowa Tee Well.
giBM.daaada* «k>»b at Uta plaea
Cmwert. lor.....................................................H-Bi
Wbru'lbe bldaeya are alck.
toaale Cook U vorbloi tor H
i: .lifTcrent Myles aad deslps* raaglBS
n^Om4» Bar. Barr aad B V.
ripbi akinp lo price from Ibnt up
Rot. Daardsrt of Ike Brolkron
WOakM divra mrar la Ortatt Hat
InIrMuent « too lafrequeal acilon
raaebad bore Baaday aturaoea.
Any urtaarj tnmbie irlla at kidney
Tba Itoro Har«P0iie lallraad depot
OM-a BabbaiB

“?,ri,jsr" r.r;.

Th© Kimball

Then there’s the written guarantee from the
Kimball Co.-a guarantee that is backed by
millions of dollars and years of experience in
piano building. These splendid instruments
are endorsed by the leading musicians of the
world, and your neighbors and friends who
own Kimballs are loud in praise of their mer­
its. See us about these goods—we can save
you money. Factory prices. Cash or easy






Si-fT iiriirntr


.... —-____ •


■. ism.


•K‘ W H

'•IT'ffi'tfKS-. c,„ «.«

J1 larat line at odd DrtMtro




^n’'»StbM — v.a ruitad

6a4tor(a and Babe

Ikma't Kfdncy l•llll cure all fcldacy

^PmtM abanbv to ataarrlM ObllWk Day aaat Baaday.

fnitl Joaa lllb.
aai^U^ M

Iha $mmu of


da vaab dHtrartof pMotaa. Tbo
ork bad Urn rmr HHtiHiVT.


ana Qty to atiead ibe oamp ateetiai
ef Ibe ItorUltoa Nalkm AioelalloB.
VlU preaeb al Beliaer tbit Saturday
traBtoa and anaday oTeniaa Baaday
alteraooa be win praaeb ta tbe frore
M Oimm

t^k-BMTW ii hartoB hU b

Wra. WHbH baa baM i


boMo balH ►“----------^ -


Hn :

M Olty

___ ra VlU ba a daaeo at

of Oblo. ibTwl-

Meeloak irlehed vltb bla
Wbaaloek of Loaf
iwunlap borne fay
.............lattlM bit

> to ba vtto aa.

retaraed ..
all wllb fTtoads
Oarp Lake lad

to Ure. We
Nato to bar

Mr. AnSba vai bMM Cimb Tn*
father. Hr. AabHy,

aaklbiuoa tkat vaa eery toterei

s'.Tiasr’t.J’ LK?’-”"...
r approeiatum «( . .
preotauw HIm Oaomiey
....................................... aad

M*^p^ ardor of too danr BlairM anbacd •

*Bto» ^iliba vUi bo aano gUi tor

S Tianna CBr waat


eat Md m aauad a aordtol
aordb toefia
UM to ihPto M aatoa aaito-


r.H5“ss.nss® __ s-sa.: !TT«5j"

mm*. toHda aad «M. aad
. f^BMi ba.
ni-ad. aWa

ftT Kb

bar bin..

T'nJS-afSS5^ .

Ciaadali D do
a quite
UHle AadrewTki .
flefc VlU ..beary pold be pan week
Hra- Pnattoe rdsiv d from Dnad
Baitde aad Baftoav a lev dayt
vbere abe haa bon TUlitop MoaiU





H Larrabec. of Ul '
-Rur yeare I
sireci. say.
annoyed by a weakaeu af Ihe^ ^
I did
bui me art!
Irrcpular and aanoytog
areally duiurblap
re.1 nlphu
Ikiat’. Kidney HU. uanUbed
iroul'le. end U 1 can aay nnytblnp
help roaTlBoe otben. I am .lad
an. fur I kbov 1 would like to
wb'lct doe. eo much pood aa Itoan'
Kidney Ptlli did me "
IW aale by all dealer*. Prtce 6
init. Roitor-Hllbura Oo. Boflalo. h
V , aole apMlP for tbe Unliud Biaie.

At Dvoaao tbe Jama*
Roe. memorUl Ubiel was
Tueaday la tba preeeaee
Hoae vaa a yoaai
5hJ kvt bit Ule la Ibe HI,
Br« of April I, IPOO A pro.
IP ualtormed budlea and I
diwB Burched lo tbe arbuo
abrre the ^fDaoumeoi iiaadi

A iHVuiirul Iron Bed. Ju.l like rut. h
iv. piwd. •Irani nnd well mnde. <
0 inchr. high, n lot of .01011 work.


In Btdroom Suit*

. atto WaUM U M the alok UaiUU
B J. Hajn aad Beat dreee to KaF

No ITO I* aa aaoepikmally food bed.
«err beouiltui dealpn M you win
eec by the cut, iMben would ask
you totf (or III—my prtcr la oaty .to-Tt

Tbe family of R. E Btro
mltaloa morebaai ot Oral
vaa Ukoa Ttotoatly til ai
taitof tmpore cbeote


a at Mr aad Hn
rlU ba ipto^ la
' ibau BUH

havn M Hf taito tva mllaa aooU Bf
- It add AftowlM B
•rpMUr work.

tolTntf —dnam eootol aad daaoe aaai Rridap
tom W
Ef-Tbody H tovlud u> av

tii^ paSaM^SSm^

N Ml. vM bat ban alek Che
(ve memtha. U able u sal
tova a utue VlU tbe an 4
_ia M Hf aad
Hra. Taay Wabbtr,
Prtday. Joae Mk. a bM.
V. A. OaU baa add Ua farm aiH
■mrad to Orava.
toTbt SSSh IM Baw^~i^Hxiv
Ir aiuMi
HaMbttt. a Btoeki—

iaarttos. HayBtU aad Kto«H« i
SivUl rearaawlad. Tba pra«
vaa Bae aad an asktoad a M^ ■
las to emmm ato iafraab»
vara aarrad to tbe abatab. par
aner tbe altaraaaaa aarrtoe b

CelescMHS. Blooes. llMWeii$«

Hammoclts and PocEet Booto
al Kml vCo close outBl encc.

P>MPa« Miadfl 4

Bedroom BuUea to aelect

Te Hava a good Miiireae u raM 0( ntobtoHy Murk uf Bprlnpa nnd Hnitraonce U nl
wn>s csimpicie nnd my prtoea will nanble
nnyuDc tu have a pood sprlap nnd mat.
A' puod Rscalaktr Haiiroas fur |1.n nM tt
Ck.tian Tup Mallreaaea. tTW. fito.
. I!$u, M.TI. M.M aad.............................. «>JS
Ou.iun Top and Bottoma. tJ to. *1.00
IITI. and........................................................... to.7»
TbF cheapcM and muai mmlortablF
maiireaa made la my Relied Cutoa
It !.■ (eltad luceUer and pot la layei. M> 11 U impoaalble lor II to bnach
ot lump. I bare Uem mnde vlU my


GoingHuta!^ Retail Trade
Cimito. Batchcls. SuH gaso.

e. full fixe In etorr way.
t ft. bipb. (you voold
ink It el np nn; place (or IfO 00.)

^ It Pnv»

..............................Aaa Afkor i^


Vu take tbe baby out In. A pood. noUd.
veil mAde OoCnn. Meta taara. »B
eanmelod. iWel vbocta with nbber
iirei, lor Miy ..............................................BA
A puod. ftruap. veil made Baby Onr
nape, VlU all aioel pear, steel
vberla vllb rubber tiree. palcat tout
r aad vbcvte ataely *
•ol. all rampleie. Joel



to kit booaa.


ItftM. irr.ov nnd lUOO (Uit oUora
would a.k you m.OO. flO.M. lU.OO and
uu.... f.>ri
II you bare any Idea of pot
imp a bedr<H<m aulie don I aUaa aeetop

*^b!ira^aove roarhed Ooorpe Helm
red Ibe life ot 8ber
ef too aortoaa Ulocoe ef bU eoa Rred.
blred man oa tbe
aa Uo batUoaklp bn. a lev daya Htary Plan lar
____I betvoen Aaa Arbor
Upbinlai airuck a
r boute at 6 o'clock la
lore a bole ib Ue rvot
ed Ue bed be bad |u.t

C, a ITv >■ bulldtos aa addlttoa

beautiful dealpn.
Ic Aah.
pram carted, vlU

Our So Tl tbqi we bouptal lu n lal ut
Ihrec hundred li n very benuiltui
bed. nnd buylu >bnl qannllly In one
>1) Ir 1 pot n price to noyunF enn nftord one ot Ibeor
Von enn see by
Ibc cui tbey nrc n ten benuiltui de
sips nn» wtdtb. to- vbtu. areoa er
blue. ocimplriF kVlb <-»Mrr. only to


But b«r< Is eur <«lr« sptclal

crer be b.
wtib eoaettpattoB
bow aatorally ai • qSTckly i
Uee Ibc e
Bloud Bltlere revalatee
aad bovelt

Wto Uebmoad cf Tratem City
curee croup, tore throat poljwi
vaa bare laal veek aad made br (roublee—Hoaarob orer pala
•aaaemMU lo hare Ua uiMraph
Dr Tbomae' Bclccirfe OU
palea drava U> Iha aMlaa.


Be toetory nad mynelt to plrc
aallafactloa. They vlU loat
Mt. aad my prSee in only___ S7J
irwea raanoi get Uto worU ool c

a. T» U a torae. PMaalre bed. baauil

nammocat, r
Kocken aM ...
you 10 oatay Utou.——fc to. Tie. ILW
Tbey raaM rfi
boa that to.

Our apace U too UmHad u nee bat a hv
enu bat ve bate erar » dtBaraal deatena la Iraa bada. lustoa to prtot traM
thaw up lo «XT W. We bare any prto
beiveea Uaec 1 bare qaoud. aa yoa eaa
tel yoa a bed tar aay prteo yo« wloh lo

Your wife cook her Ucc Uuwc over a hot
tlove vben yuti can pet a aqmitoe store
tor sweb a little o.oney
We hnndte tbe
ceirbnied QUICK HEAL In all ctyto
from a ibree burarr to a (ntOUae raace3-Buraer Oaiollae Bwtm. vltb dacloeed ends. I>rmaa btmerv tor emlp BAJA
We also bare a full Uae to Oil Btoeoa tnaa
Ibe mmmen niile Ttc Camptop Btore ap
10 three or toor dlBenot ,ety)ee ta the
Quick Heal Blue Rtame (^1 BWtoa.

Bor HttS el Ceek fisese aoP
A pood Cook more for.......................... -BAA

H targe HM •! Sled Hmms
A 9004 B«el^aia«a. v«k

aitb h^ «to«' ato 'i^
They tai.


Aimom arerr <me kmm tkat tba Qatafe
Heal Bual Raate ta tbe bant etool f —
Mde: fuanaaead to erwy way.

Practical House Furnisher,



■tk I



nvT?T>AT, JUXF II, 1108."

a «d n an

the Buroprea bodlad AitatrMa traopa Bay relar
U tbe tatarreu od pMCi. in
n RMalna pkM to inayMned In

tliac tadicaia aa
— -abb, ooadl.
el iba kiaaeri: U It toaiaa
yoof l:ner.ti;-to
•vtdtrco o( kldae; ir.utle. lee

11 li aow acoaptad bara tbai Wi
MaKaUbl to tba aatdanr of ai la
Iba Ibiaa Uaffbja. bal bar noU..
ill:! rawatu a mmtn. aalaaa aba
bu a aasla tor alaosbiar. Tba oar'
caaaiT Mira doe* aoc aaaa atniaf
aaoa«b. aad ibt «rat ta vbleb l( a»Hand ibat aba bopad to baitat bt
’ tba daaib at tba Marpbra aaeaed ao


I'ed an nllownnr* ttun the Rut
•l*raUe. a^ln.
Bervln, Jw
June 111 —l*rlnce
l>rucUlBed kina Thla afternoon anmld
Kfenl •Tcllc
rmed that
Major Anyl
Bora Inn
nuy bonded tbi- coniplracy.
lAjBdun. June 11—Tbe
icmt' Hoae eorreapoBdenl quotea
he H-r>lnn couiul there ni anylnt
hat oearl) llw puaona. locludlai
umber ul depullea. Were
.urlna Ibc tviolt in Uelsrnde
Relgiade. Serrln. June 11.—The
nerula ol the kln| and qatwn elU
held on Mundny
Wloa Bade to llJualnnte Belsxade
nil elaborate arele umlpbl

aee<r1aela| Bwd^ tba bdoa/t aai Uad-

ProaceWtM Alursey SnUb
Ital he bu > eoailiMe klc>«d oosta
>toa fM Hn McKnlcbt. la «Ueh
tbc a’iailu tiui tte
Ibr ihr
»teOM ifef fslMS tbal rwHwt
AiUirMi bvd «f tl
piM*. vbo U mateMl la lb* M«a
U <h* acnaad. ualaa vUb adnaJ c
abaA ibai ao coafaaaM ta* tw


uBced by

ma* Ta Pl^ Oat.
ni\ boula or oamnoa (Um artik ytm
alar aa< W u ataad waiuj-loui bows a

------- ----------- Dfeft la tba koavtodp ae
aAaa iiiritoil Ibat Or. Kllmar't S^xp.
Rod. Iba fiaai kUaa> tan>a<^ lulhib every
tmb to cartof rbaumaUam. paia Is iba
back. bldaayOw. btoddaraoTan

at to 111* Bh eaaiM.

Stocks, Bonds, Grain & Provisions
■•ew Ywrb treok Raotoang*. CtitcaigoSwok KiotoangaaiM
OMeaga B*ar« at TrsM.

NRitntei. Lay * Co., TraverM City. Mich.

b. er bad aflaeu loUevinc uaa el bgoer,
Moa or baar. aad eyarcaaKa that usplaataBI
airaadlral baU( compeUad i. ..
*trto( tba day. aod to (ei up maoy i
n(''v|>i ibe Seratnn crown,
durtac tba MthL Tba miid and Iba <
triuiir adaoi el Swaatoi^ieM u occ '
berun June U —A dtoynlcn
laabra^ llataadiibablfbaai lor tu -on- Uikal Anaelaer troa Suda Pe.


b. JbM ll.-Hra
_________M adM to haea osa
Dob'i aakr abjr ailaiake,
faaaad to tba avdaa al bar on Mtobar tbe &a&a.
bretbar. Mb Msphy. at 0«tnda Kllaar’a baramplh
Harpbj. bid youc aad ......................
rtajad tm ol tbair I

. . J*l from Bel
ibe Serrlaa rapJ
□tpseai aod anil


Ul 1
Tbe ii-icgramj
iBU from Belgrade d
atlllude ol Ihr SerUan
pie buiu.. ul them aay tbai only
Bllliary element detlrat Pnnee K
but r«~ grvrgehlic b to be king, othere u>
Bervinnr >*nt Prince MIrko of Ha
rule over ibem, wklle

eri* nna mipnn...
cieUllon. J yVed HoUtoter
nka. ludlau*

Proae^ »«att C. taltb baa
ffrad Iron ooauiinpilua. bui illad lo
acoar. llBba (Plcblat ouovulilval).
ertaa ‘«Ub «Wib aba «bi aa^iad.
Iral wile ol
Ml*. Mary MaMlMbt aa*t % na
Matodbjr bad TmMp araataca aad lkn*at
at Alpena. ho^iUI
PariU CBralycto
death. Ilmiie
IwIrhlaR at In rnev* of poltonlnc
Mr.. MrKsl«bi'e
iteoc. died two d*]t laier ni Ibr easii.
kwM €l bar fbOt bad overtome 'laoe, apHirpBll)' Ilf roorultloiit, like
•rm bar duaac wOl.
____ uoUl aa non of (ke other vleilB*. Uie Uc
•nihbold bar Cntpht bad caiwd tor ibr rblld
JtlUa Cbalkar, Mra
ilooe. died to Orajlliif
Un). >»:
tbdl aba had ‘artlal paralyali, foaal&c at tba
i^Oartrada Marpby. tomb and eoBToUlona. alter uhlac
u with Uie. McKalphl.
Ml*. MeKbUbfi a
Sara Mnrpby. Mr* McKolcbt • lU
«bda ibiUbllr Haadar
“pn>|x>ae b‘lm bot*wUMMt°'^to
ter. died la Urayllnc. rvbniao. I«»3
wUb Oaae prveluly almUar lo abere.
U«a Mra. MeKbMbt Ibad baaa «l
k lu Ibe rrpruaeaiailrea of Ibe peo
aat alaap lor aM dayi
Bba bad.
IVe abnll Iben rcalqa.
Breiwt UrKntgbl. Mre. MeKnlsbl t pU'
■oal aaUraly abaUlaod Iron loi
"We do but fear no) ehlerual Inlet
•oooud buiband. at Oni>llni. Nurew
H« fU«B«lb w«a wars tait. bar Biad ber. ItW.
fereuee. n> Ibere nna Uune In tbe cnx'
.. na lotarad by tba kaowlad«a of bar
Mra. Ourr>, died In Hadloa*. lo of Rulsarto. Piare prrrblla Ibrounb
• .................ol bar dum.
uni Ibe niuniry and will ninllpue
bu b
la valklai
Bba bad apaal bar alcbu
Whnieier tea happened now beloaca
Dorotby Jenren, lo Qray llnB Uuod
bar call, bar daya la Irytac
We abuuld not Judfe Ibe
Mia raat or alaap. Al laai bar will Friday, 1»M. OoBToliIre twllchla*
nd nur dwelt on Ibe pnal, but 'kxik
biefea dewa aad a* aaat lor Pmaaeu aad foaBlnc al tbe Booth Thlld la
the iuiure."
Mra McKDlybi ni the Him
Ur Bultb
Bt did boi quaalbia bar
While II la bellered ibnt Ibc prueU.
at all.
mniloti of Prince Knrnaortvrlicb n*
-i bad tba nryobalsa aad aomt qalciupIPloua clrtiiB
.......................... pnrlU
bbu alsad Matbw M capaaMa,* aba
wlib the conaent of Auairla ai
aaU U Pwaaeatlf BailU Moai
d not bate clear aniline.
Three ABbreae children. Ura. Mo
Iiaerted ibni Kind Hllna
Kalpbl'a eUldrae by ber drat boa.
. _
d teotba
'U I (art ' and; dUd abortly after btnb
aon by Mue. Crtotlea.
bar oaa er - ..
I dldal
____be leqUUnnilted and wbo wUl
JaM ABbroae. Hr*. McKnlcbi*
___bar. Tbaa Oartroda
Iba abbu________________
vHh Mp t did dansKar. at Moaroa TUae Ul aud- rlahi lo Ibe Serrins ihrone
dia& l“d«_________
M laUBd lo
lo bart bj
Bj an bretbar 1 dOBly oa a train.
Tbe Ute Kins HUnn'e eeoood eon.
tboacbl Iba oapaaM woaM aaoU
r n Mine. Crlatlea. wboB be lepUl.
bML It aaaBad lo fclU Ub. tbeacb. Baplaa*.
milled and wbo, It te* been report.
I dUat dtoe U* baby avtUap I
ht Pastnaw. U
_____________________ — bto wtdI muiher
Hme Crtotlea' talber
*^MIa¥' ktad*"bM to aby «t
lortaerly arcbRect to the tulUn.
The deulle of (be doalb
w held
by ber brother. King
Kalgbl'e aaread tauaband
abend were pamr-


i.iuplo.\eh ihei a
wn* tbe lBrge*i





I fa.


While protecllag nirleiid Iimco pick to wee*
pockeu 00 Ibe coraer uf Van I'nr. n
and Bute alreeu, fbicagu. f W Vin
cent had hi* ihroai cui in *lBhi
hundred* of people
Uto* liwennl.' Hartv> a I
a. belle. Iia* been luarn.el
l.'k J XiH-n. > cmi I.IM
llurliig lUe iMl 1*0 >.Af* ihe girl
ha* had uearl> a .uliiT- Vtiei..
wa* Inieuav >iirprl*.' when
JoM-ph JtibnXun ihni be
had wedded HI** hartet u> Snow
Tbe bride to IB year* old
Her bu*
band to a cab driver Ker niotber to


We Handle



aa prevluuaty dc

wblM iu BBtbar waa pau. ud i
■Mad bP a UtUa td tba itiyebalaa la
a Bbwa, wttb aoaaa watar. aad para a
waaMM ad b 10 tba baby. I dUal

iMa ■*'Wba* OaatrwB* mm* hoBa



aaat m pira ■# watblM to «*Mi
Bat BoBUblai that row taka yoorMr I mU Ibat I wpoM. aad I raally
dMa-t tblak that tt vaaU ban bar tt

.. June 11-Polk.

tase u( the boy, wbo
hr* of ape and wbo to
being airtklngly baadaoBe.

ewiwd he ■ BcrtowyTtotod tor Ib.rd 6m>
dlUM Wetoe bt* «llr nod

In h.e ."an

elA menrewe*. ew*
u. to* OBor uT
CRlWIir «r r*.<l* or ^ ru<ml; cd Orwed
KnttoB, to Utoe » «< tourtgoCto on PM* kto.
*'*U ' le lb* ltd <toy to April. A. tl. iwo, ni I»

..... "

Preaaetiiarr SBlih troo the uai
. . who acwaalaad the a
:b* aubBllted for analyito by I
-’Plryebalse U Bbby
oBaU apd Hia. Morphy. •
“Dr, B. U Reed.-




Baiprad* telqprapka ttel a re*,
Tbe king abd qoe



aa aad a brother od the
twMd ba hr tba baai H ba war* to
* » tae. I really didat mu W hart
tbawb. Ua eoMa aad aaai M
' bar St alpbu. aad re data Qrebada.
irada, Sanrla. Juaa n.-KMg
aad tbar talk to aa. Tbty ua m
Ml tkay terfira m. Tba Uwd ha* Alaaabdar ed Sorrta aad Oapre Drape
M*M»aa ■». Uo.
MaaUlao wm aaaaaaMlnd d
'JM auB treUac bad oai
M19M M waaka adtar Oartla_________
. ba CBM U M bbd aaM ba wwtad
——-f w pMat UM. Ha waa




I* Ra way b
tea OBM re M, aad Qntip too, alat,
i teaa buB la Jal. ate Ibay ter* loM oaal MarboTlia. <
Rtag-e Uoard Both. wRk tbair wIt«b
were abot dowa In eold blood.
la nn. U paranB* kml tbeir---------lb* brother of Quom Drepn
■M WBaui wre ll■a■■ w


DwIr^Mvlf.I II__


John Winkler. lUn Shook, S. E
Raban and Clark naer ware fcUM
by Itautng near StreUng. O.
Bte ware fiBBlng a '
lag n henry UBber oc
when llghtatng ntruek tbe bena nad
It to tplintare. kllUng the tour
It to etaled on rellnble nolbartu
that (Joben WUhalnlnn bna baon anilertng for toM Um wUb gMaral te
la BodlcBl.......................
______ttou ttet tbe
laberco>oua batotc. Tile <
r majeaty bare 1
tp to
„ _____
m or
_____ _______ . yaor-a reaUeaea. they
aay. Bight teact a cotaplel* ear*.



M rtolilBg tbe 8t Looto

Mother’s Ear

, Adtointoirntou to ib. mint* to ln.i..- i.mJ

to. ... to,
- A< n *tel« to to* PtuIbw VVrsrt Ito mn:


■ret hrebaaA. at Alpareu la IKT. Baf-

I U to* tonttor to to* IWMI* to Tnlbol llndlry.
' torn to iWvTty to Trwrtoto Cuy.iB toidiYAto


m iMlIr B MM ihte ttet paabre party, a* preatar.
M yren. ate bMHM tto tkrao whore Tte rtty ol Brtgrad*. aft«r lb* aa■■are a* ba* MkwwMgaa. ttet* aabrtaailM o< tb* BObbrebt. qateUy
BP ateH otten wte AM M4ar Bate
gate. WhlM iBBeoa* m>«i* ware
gatbarad B (h* tu«eu dlatuaalag
Ik* aaw*. tb* p*a*r»l pabUe. wbo had
bare Jreted by tba whip ol AJagaaPar-* latatatMt ate blgb-teBdtd way
M oarrytag tUaga hla oaa way. did


. 4Bd b; tine* to nn e*dnT crwnt«d u. lb. us

■TJK’Si’STi.-SSr--. th* BlUtary aatborHy, wttb Ngtakfr'

*jSi' *m1^. *M»r"M£^i‘*

**kAB a n^i T

AWr* tor Hurtrne*>.

mtm. nv

reSte «• tte pan bM UBg. Hb

Harnesses utM Robes
Harvesting Maehlnery
Steel Junior Binders
Mowing Maehlnes
Corn Binders h?y Rakes

and various numbers of

rsr;'sr-si-"s »

waa yibaiad ta ibe'atraau aterUy af
drerear. aad loM Ub u po bad pat tarward*. wbMb autad that itetoBaP
aa* ad tbaai. d bad two or Ibreo aapKtoa ted been aboL
saMa lUad wttb atrychaha aad «m
Thta ■onlag'a trouble waa preetpland by ’Atoaaador RlgbaadaOcet. oabT--“
1 dast kaow wbatbar ba dar tba taloeaee at QoeM D
Pabllc oplaoB. aapooially tn atrey oM
Mae. hat btM aaatblag for Boaib*
part, ate tbe blag;* aot M atUiag tba
hr *olo* at the reoMl aleoUan.
MM. M. «y bbd by ba
wend Biblatartel aMoeat, wak t
baas tbaaa mm mmmp abd i aaj
aaM tbat tba aerwebaUa waa worl
w report My* both were thot by
ibatt at tbe BUIUry. wb
ban aay ol Ibare.
other baa R tbai the king. Ming the
T Mead Ma. Ha waa alwaya
- waa tawmabte, Artt thot The
^ bNtbar U M. I Mrad Oartl
aad tbM tjgaed a rwrolrer oe

Gasoline Engines-

Fairbanks & Moore’s make. We also carry a
full line of....

consisting of the No. 10

I war* aaaaaalaaiad aad Prlsee


fit for the season. We are still selling the cel­
ebrated Milwaukee

Mwad 11-Wiimm l>ul •townhd nu

lABdob. Jana l.-Yonr (



The Farmers’ Favorite and the New Champion.

olathia brtee ool thma at t o^kiek
lapjcii ibAi U ww tbe aUTebataa
Ml UDad bar.
raaOy dtia^ Baaa
la ban bar. MbvM I torad Oartla.

Buggies Of all Kinds
Olds Wagons
Spring ToothHarrows,
Smooth Harrows,
Bisk Barrows.w

and one carload of-


a republic
toervUn prenlvr. M Avi
.> qouied In a dtopaic
BelRrade yeeterday aa >ayUg
here yeeterday ____
where I waa on profea
hi buaUeaa i waa ai nurc
lu Ibe mlaUlry The oibrr
mUilaieni loforoied Be tbai tbe dot'd
wan nininilued al Ibelr requeal
I nr
cepiid Ibe iiremlerablp Tbe calilnei
ela ludh) and WUI wnelder nbhl
pa tball neii ba uken
At preaenl we are not In cotninuBl
hiB wiib Knrnaevrqerl^. even If
arm) naa pruclalBed blB blue
I cinettua aa kind la probable, bunir, aa there la no other tourae open'
will remntn for Ibe Skupcbllna lu

I have just received several Carloads of goods,
consisting of

3t makes, One carload of




___rw-'ir ^ff-^s.-r-i.r^-'to*^'
to PiuBnis ^ 1b

mn^^ to Uto^^inn* to

me out atooped
I wbUe.balred.
■ad that the
judge, the aitaraeyB. (be wllaeeeee
aad the Jnion bad all 4M.

l«elj.the Kalamazoo Round Silo. If you expect to
build a Silo, let me know, and I would be glad to fig­
ure with you. as I sell Silos of several kinds of lum­
ber and a great many sizes, and we also erect them
at your barn. I find that there are not many farm­
ers who understand the Silo, and thought it best to
furnish it complete.
In connection with the Silo, you should have a

Oroam Separa-tor
>We salt the Empire, which is welt known and will
sell on its merits.


KIDNEY sss5’’sw'52ifrs“tos: Backache

My business has grown to such an extent that it has become
necessary for me to secure more space. I have placed a com­
plete line of the above mentioned goods on the large carriage
room of my sale and feed stable* at 321 State St... where you
will always find a good line of horses for sale.
When you come in to trade, anyone trading $5.00 or more
can have his horses taken care of free sf charge st the feed stable.

praaaad tb* foellag that the llM waa
atiaag gaard baa b*M poatad


irra. BwRaerInad. Bala
J Earn Oeorga, who M
tret Intorraeth
Jaai tbe Tarba. Tba new k^ _
„jqt U; be hai taaldte tn OaBWta
hw MM UM peat, treat wbMb biaee
he Mdaetad a propogaada to iaeor
M lb clalB lor tbe ibraac.
Ktbg AMxaader waa bat* Am
14. mt: kBMBt kMf Haieb II. II
Ob July «. 1*00. ba waa aarrM la
Draga Matcbliio, wbe al that tlM
-........ 40 aad bad a ton 1( yaan







o ON tel ter the grater:
grated ead placed oa a pranp little
kito aboal mj brotberh pet taulrreL ptole or bowl, aad mrrad wUb a
Bat to tk* toUet of Ibo tooet «
ton la lb* Seer eorertag^
tog pen ef the alorp bo looked ap
el to* Si tt. aetber.- aaU
eraweetlp lato ap epee aad oaU. ragerlp. 'I kaow bow.~
ba^ wbaa mj papa doe* mD ae
Hbt* >tM Mm tk« MU’b«Drt>4«il(,
Ura. Ctorew erapttod aU tbe l____ caa go-to poa” 1 told kla that h
rich niokp doogb toajr'be
n. Ibea lb*' barma woe laU oa Ita totber wee oalp te foB. tbet pape'e realed from tilcklag to Ibe b<
trk. Trap fetched hi* toto <
toM their mile hope, lb
board, bplaklog e piece of aablet
aad la belt a* boor be bad'to*
wo* agatoet ike tow ead tberelore
lilD *lreirb II o«er Ibe baklag
r<] to Ibere will be ao wrlaklm.
Ike brakm leg aeatlp. ‘Upped the
«a>ler bock lato ptaoe. aad the pleeM
i It well wHb Sour aad roll oat
Lm( «v* ta** M MMI tnad kmru furoltiire wee aa cleadp aad goc
Try tbit meibod. aad
ilBt rookie* wilt aoi irr ihr pe'Wbere did poa learo to do to
Ttelted late, ead )set at 1 ealee ball at Borb
. ptera of workT* aeked Hr*. Cara*.
ibe pi«to cheBber tbe I
.( tbe packed lb* iblage back lato
with egoaleed •cream*, t
Wonxe Making Manep By Orewlng
. both the poraatt beodlag orer



i: ■ •

The World’s Famous Catarrh Remedy—Pe-ra-iia.

«bo». Uek hlB to top aPtoe, aad ga*e

PiteM ««• tta «wn. mw
■Wbp. BollMr. po* togel Ito ta
ehlld-t bed. while be. eooad
be Baaaa] tratolag rooa." taM Tbop otleep. with wldiropea, uateeloe
Tkf> «Ball bMdi mtcnd ««
pAiodlp -Ito lesratag Mi of iblagi
booraelp •creealag "I eli
eoidd kM«
1 alBt e pigl Doa't bin in
n* dblair wmj lh«l • aftU aail
ton. after herlag water dj
D* tea,” aald hto aotber; ”poa
be a graal belp ta toe. to eep
It toe*, be eoeamd to r«x>
aiMhlog of wbet ii will seal '
bit iBulber’i roloe. aad cluicbed her
loaraelt whaa poa era growa ap aad
h a dealb like grip, wbleb
e boB* ef poor owa. I c
roillp be uacloapod—algbunare
ouDllarto deUnoB iremeDt cauoed
uBirvibt, ladlgeeiloB. aad a:
W«-*U rat rtae*. M Ik* *«Ui
-d iBoglcatton:
Il migbl rotll;
hom rail.
TIaga-llag-Uag wcat the doo
bare prored total
Phto «Ub tte tM l« tb* petfMi
lillc Hra. Cerew wm telklag
I leorwed, Ibm aad there. Ihal
UUor wa* oa old frload wb
It eaougb lu earn aad ouok tuod
B«n to tlM
pauk I mi.
3toe to ipeed tbe dep. It wet
ebUd—be tBiwt be penaltled to
■MMir r«ui uo—ptoetag r«!
elBce ebo bed rlelted the Oaiww boao OadlRarbod. 1 oloo Itonier that
tiMM ckeefcad lUtcbM—ah. raiwker aad there wat
proewaae* uf lodlgetltoa aad u*li
about, bet Brat of ell eaau ibo cbll- UoB COB001 be earned ua *i til while
r«« ptBtlr sBiM'sl roar dhrltac*! drao. for Mr*. Tboratoa bed
ilad It caDIrolled bp tear, oorer.
il of poaag people beiMU
grief - Mr* UeVeaa
•■Itod aad otthad u joa oratM
Tbe gooet bed to taau Medge t Adam*, la Uatoo Signal
bm hrav.
tagerbreed ead bare e MU of
4iTcN arc laUlai doir» trora gtorr delldout enaaed welauu tbal Hellp
A tey HaiwB
bed jiui Bede. 8b* wet ea
Tbe girl
in who It at II
Tea loto* itat tbe Unto boacltac
could tall of tosi
popular, aad ibai It otplog i
I beea canplat out to bar owa
Mil. ho* crolred a baisiaock
VeeU BBeler tbe itaal aad leara
Wbllo Uwp wore oallag aap- earuda Ibal I* a man el ol
ttorp wo* loW of bow Toap
nd bat etcKed tbe e
! Of gnaler Urta a
Beaded tbe baroau.
in—aad moa -tbti tbe kavwt
load oBd neeat. t
- Mr bopt «UI be traaeadouilr ladecided earl)
-Tea eaddtod bar e
lereeled la bcarlag about pou Cara* Ibol tbe needed a new
a Irak—oatu aast dar.
oald Ura Tboratoa.
at ebr «>uldB-i afford
eauu tbop era werUag ttoog tba fuod ua«. and at tW nould bare
' Oar Utm an bat'patebaecfc. Bvae
iB* llaoe an poa ora.”
bean adaa;
■What do tbop aa*r- aakod PUl
t a hammock, lor
■eoM work «ltb plala biu aad
bertelf. Tbit obe did.
eerae «Ub taa:
-Thep caa do aU rarta of wark
Bbe toragbl a ffuaailiy of tail cloth.
We «oep teolsbl fer the pai
ith Molt.” mid Mra
It It laio ibe (woper leagtb. and
Thap begaa wbea Ihv wrae **CT Ibm. wtib a huge doralng aocdle aad
Ttitoeiiaa we rat ear euat m
little fellow*. Hp talker to
Ibe hmeleat of red para em
tar. oae of lb* baadtoel aea
bar iBlilaU la tbe ceater of
need. Wbea 1 got Barrtod
each iaittol full) a fool loag.
biB (emup. Mr. Tboratoa bed aerer Bbe mode a deep
glBlat to hto Ufa
Wbee little thtogt were oedad. a a*
■he bed cut tbe tome leagtb at lb*
[ tar* vttbOBt uek* ood aipbu «ttb baadi* oa e banaa drawar, a pag I
width- Thea oome br
WaK to tbe paaUT.
oUalaed aad fotiraed
bad to bin It doaa or wall tui toibi
each ead of tba rod bp her bratbar,
«Uli at. bfp UtUa Joel *■
a nag
rean old wbm hto graad
father gar* hla a ton of toot
1 hlB bo* to oaa tbaa.
ilorkey rad Uaea. with lalwa. wa*
drat tbtog ha aada I om r*t-a Uula
raoad beard with a loap «f
I Net a paaaiM dar boi aa« leMblat
kaep H bp Uto atok to aat hM rod aad white wash gnodt eovardd
eaoeapaat ea. Wbaa UtUa Heorp wet
•re pear* old Jool eel fclto to work.
Bbe ttanad to moke a canopy for
Aloe ead Jeha toroad to UoK too. It.' but Ibe bototoock looked loo
' Mr praeuw bobr »«b aroa W Haa
Now mp toor bopt ara ai eadid imi* miag. aad oh* decided to Imre tbe
ibad Ibea. ah ■*! ba*e pea aoiu ter
pard tbair coaopy lor aoB* time wbea obe *u
bout tkoa
bettor fltled to wltbitood Ibe tefflpta
:Wbaa rear beadle brake, roar ibnad
Thep bar* a eorpeater’i boaeb
iloa of tb* bamiBock'* --edBfpaeea
voold kaet.
M pototorh weto______
Il ooold be *a«llp BaBaged. aad
iTbe dap vbm pea tnt begw to Mm. _______________ Wbeoertr I aoad eapoUered la tbe tame way a* tbe
,-llr Uaearad raoldra of lew a*>t
tbtag doB* aboot t^ bona*, a taah
Boek HMlf would te a very efr* aad Chartolag SaUh to
0«r Urat-afe bat paletaererfc Sweet- oartato rad pot ap, e Uble leg
pat op or dowB or Utile eoip apoc.
bean eelaa;
at beaMOtaadtog
Tbaae peacae era piala aad tbeae
Uto*. the bon 4o U. I get ao batter
era laai
Mo (tagto taek nap I leera tor
ewlp foartoOh. Tba bopt ka
. Hr dellp eteat to-nr owa u
■irtot aceoiat of all the wort tkv te
eip of tagar aad eel odd* aboot aa
Tkmt. Swaabeon mlaa, Md tbe aM
aboot tb* hdom or pord, aad
tear, gift tawtker two cup* of Soar,
QolK bp;
toOBth thep wbBto to* *a aaooi
faw leeal teaeBocei boUag powder
■ra lead tbe baaSi that pteaad
pop ibtto oaeUp trbai I Ao g
ra a toonh of a cap of batter oi '
ptrlaacad wathmaa aad thep olwapi odd woduallp ttteal threefourth of
bar* a rapplp c( foekat tooaap.wUeb cop of Milk, BlKlag with * katfe to
awl toore darofallp Uaa tc tbop form rather a *^ doogb.’Toe* oa a
aet oar* IL
Loti aprtag tb
weU Boorad Miri. pot aad ro
■tolaad Ik* aellar, tor which
Beat a third «f oa laeb la tUek-

ao.l the) live la Ilille borne* lb*
reBDOBI of -tq.ialler t
rlgui) •
But ralBlp groat la
cardeDt Ibal •umiuDil
bum.-v. *0I| In May eiery woman
of Iretb rainlp
U l> puu) >
bit >i<rmc medicine k'e* woiu
en .ml thopplng wmild know where
■Dd liuy fietb raialp. but U Ib
r> eat) thing u> parrhote See

On dew .
I roongh in t-i
1Ui»). no lad U be.
ruyal (amlly

Kins Sirawhcm !• ■ Jull
Hr brart t Sowing b
Wh,-i.-.rr h.- ma> k.

E Sirawla-rr) It pr»
.Vb,i br l> aiding n.
1'o |«) uur hi.brei d

■ bOBkci *b<i i
caLlnilog will
rr. Men) of ll


iiFighburbuud iretpcciabli- c*l> wUb
l-»i ...nrre ••tebaote mile rourto
<-. In ihiB wa>. and Ihr wumen wbn
»>- catnip lu tril
make rouugh
lull.-) tur t new carpel ur prrbap*
Huadiy it ibe >ra>burv -Nm Viirk

- girl whu help* la Ibr kllrbeu
-mrilm.-t troublod to Bod b.-r
btndB gruwing
ruufb aad grtiay
Aumr girl* tvold ihU diacully by
Irt.log Dulbrr i» du all ibr latkt
■re out eat} oed plraiani
r way It lo keep oa tbe k|i
irairr and Irmcio Juirr la *
prulionlao». and
If you wTtb.
■dd eaougb pertumr lo give tbe
• an agrambto odur If yu.

OK Siraatn-rr) gun brrv a
T.. Morrr I.-I.- an.l fair
I'ragrauiH- and >|a-r.-h ■

B moji-tiy
i.-n’. lifw
can relliwr

Ve .rn- much pleated
dnil Ibr tulluting olcr
on. ■>! our g(H» in ifau chllclr--n«
di-imniucni ul th<- IViruli Sunday
NewtTrtbuo.- Wr would Iikr to liavc

III Do Yeu teed,

M* made a nice Suw<-r b•^l
• l.ring The tw.-rl
have ■ nlo- garden iblt tprtng
I helped ma piu li In.
I with you
i |ilrot<- i-rnd m.- * card and but1 will clutr for tbto llmr. bupinc
c ihit lu prim I rrinnln.

ila caa be greatly le*
Moeil by I ■aadwicb or a glou
oe fecit a little dune
or rvea' wbea you feel Idle aad dll
apply lo Ibe houtobold
dullet. Sit down ■ mumeol and take
eat. Md you will fe*

To Ibutr who (ufler with vlulcnl
boodaebre. etpeclally to durtag
iremrly hot dipt In tb* eammer.
lief may be fonad la the followlag
pmcnplloa. toy*
ibe New
Take a omoU qutaili)
per. put It la a piece
Ikra fold over to the gralo* will aot
toll out. and wet tb* whole
Mogglr arm Btblog and ■
with camphor.
Place It ac
llogwllb brr brolhert, and they would
bmd and Ua down on
polo will bar* coated
» of time aad i e patleat
SuBoaUt Cake.
aileep. Wbea lb.
o tbe HerokU
... of Ibe tloen. U ooi ralleved. talOa* cop of butler creamed
d w
with two ■rat* It again
(ior day Jur ramr borne
iclKeil sub bto Cbeeki Ukr tworuti-m.
eop ef Bilk aad throe aad eae-haU
and bit ryei ao big and bright
of Bout; aext add tbe tUOp
Maggie Itared *i bln lo omoiea
bmtm wbiie* of tear egg* aa>
bui the woadctad tilll more when the
1 and water. boy mid bit <-url> bead down o
raekt in <oap. ami
Vinegar will removE
couch and groaned wlib pnin
Now take oae-balf tb* botiw aad U* Uae.
How trtgbleued mil* Maggie
The beat way lo i
bui tbi- did Dirt woal Joe lu Up
re pul Ibal bo* become diacolored and tolil; ilroked hto poor, tcblng
of ctaTot ra mattoeg: atoo odd oae from sting, pnt lato U a leojpoooful bead When tbeir moiber cam*
eagfol <f earraau. ratota* aad ettrao, of oalaraiut aad Bll two-third* fall of from grandmo t. where tb* bod been
tolBML Pat la a loaf poa, butlaiwd or wMer
Lei boll two bourn.
Watb tpeodlng the dey, Joe wot p
with woxad paper, ihm put ta and rlBoe well before ualag
oea OBS
«ad me
Ibe oo
doctor tent lor
lb* tetter la BHuraat* toper*.
boi of powdered borni tboold
Il wotHeoraed tl
that Jo* bod Ibe
. U* II ra pNrt ow It aau or
■ be kept oa tbe otak obelf..
let f*yer\Mr»
Mrt -Ormy teld ngbl away
t added ta tk* water la wkl
that Mogglb.
MnggV mil
mutt go to graodma't
diah towel* ore wotbad wUI b<
aad Ibi UtUc girl cried and behoved
lucb ta keep them cleaa. ood «i i
very aaugtallly thee the learned tbe
ime'tlm* keep ooe'i baadi toft aad matt leave her dear tick Joe)
MO aab bra or toog*
moiber wo* Brm.
Moggte f talcbel
oookad. ibar ahaoM at o*e* be pot
To cl*OB moa t ckKblag mix t
wot packed nad * eoeTOWfu). tearful
laio eoU waur. Tte cboagt tootaateyM mile girt wa* Beat away. Bbe
Imemr Ite teto. which paoto oB portt aleobol and oo« port ommoa
ypry bomeolck at Sni. bnl graadrigotoaoly with a tgoBg* or wool
flbDgi aap Irawbto Tte hhu i* tr«*

Id** to


Ura piaa*

Chat be mi^i
aad bat* a Man la Ht*. aad hto
aatehwetb. Plata m food, kept Uto edeoa aad radrtnrtdbla
aad laogbl ktaa good Baaaaca.
I at mp Brn toml la that bra
’em. 4mr. aa ' ton
I mode kuftotoh bp tbe wtraiW
whkA wera taM to Iba-WOBrtg both
poraaie. wttboot a iaw<i«m. i
, that thtp were dotog a
Wbm lb* Imd rater itoA aa tte
miia boph Mb I heard her eap: Ho*
■an be goad ar Ood wwl ton
.* U* BBtober oae. Coder thto
Bwtol tbnat ttebaphamiaaoM
He wUted a Httto tollk.

OIra Mr vbaravar paa •


toealp CkrtoltoB hema. Worn chDdraa ora tored at feWlp m wo* tb*
UUto bv wba wa* ihd aolp «bHd al

M Cterrteg ti to *

tta taadr bop. oaewt tbe haadp

4 toatpoaafa] of ammoola ta

bonor. and afiev a few day* the weal
ov.-r 10 ■ Brlghbor* -Well. Pbaale.”
nold ibE- U'dy. -wbi-rc'i *}»ar wax
dolirOh.” Obr OBBWf-red. inratag
rr tuitr. -| doot ban- nnlblag to
do with wax tebir* aey more We've
ihti ixket up all my tlmo."

" ...WHY...

good bye
\Vc buy these vehicles in carload Iocs direct from
manufacnircrs for cash instead

of buying


from some

scalfMT and payinj; for them with notes received


ihirir sale and allowing ihe same scalper to make ten
dollars apien: off these buggies.
This scalper's com­
save and give our patrons ihe benefit
in a sii|«,-riiir quality of goods.

of .it

{'bildrm’t Ito)
> from ixvi Suudt) i
Ibr evening.
Ml. 1 ffutot nt aiy Ion
vDuugb I win elotr !<rt Ibi

I'he manufacturer has a reputation to sustain; he sells
his goods on their merits- you gel just what

;\ scal|<cr don't rarr a rap about

the i|ualiiy i

the goods: he buys the cheaoesi g<M>ds he can find and
and makes all the money he can off the dealer he sells
them to.
He has no repiitaiion to U- injured if the
piiplic is ffimilammed

\V'e buv different grades of »
ies, and being heavy• bujers
going iirawto-rr-ing i

rtjcure concessions from the n
Icalers ami time purchasers cannot


of our prices.

OMtomy WrtakUa

hitb. ora a clou tte ooior of
quite merry
taTtomu Tbto mUtora
After a fen dayi her mother
la elmalag all kiada of wooMa
ber ber pet kltieat. Puff lad Be
Many e teppy boar wot ipoBt by tbe
mile girt playing la graadmt i iii
Hag room witb Midge, the ooly tur
virlag doll of a large famllT
ta 11. ood they will aot fade,
and Bmuly would uoa Ura ef tbr
watblag otter, goodt iku bdi
aad while Haggle would be
< or Bootebold ammrtola tattcod
lag hrr cbormlog Hidg* for Ibe
mp. Boiled aoektlm
afternacm ttey would
to look 'Uke

*-l«-u IUk>i-n oIn'UI EBDr yi-or.
nio>.-«l h.-ri- fortn Nru'nygo connip.
Hoping tl. r.-c ibl. In prtal ODd 1
c.-u. tii> card nnd ■■iill»o. I remain.
Y«ur Suntblaer.
Jay Ptoiily

We can give our patrons better value for
their money in any kind of vehicle than
they can get elsewhere

Well. a. I


rratmllp tte (Ubar raid u
Itoa'i poa woBi a bwT I wUl trad*
poa tbto oaa for a teh.* lie agtobar
I beau.
Have poo eror irted oaltog ■
. New that the ant adti of vaeaUea
The hop moWt hto ■olber'i eg* wtta ta* aaoMT ti
la oC tbe dare b*«la te diw a UtUa
■xtooalp. to am wbaltoto ttto
■ to ewpptP JOM lb* Uttl* added
with lb* cbWraa. aad iba wo
•oUp ueaBL toil tee did aol
•owtoUlagwbleb totoektag. Ofcocra*.
rWbat ebaU I do am, taetberr to
I* wm A* I oaoU oM gap to Uto. pea do aot bwtur er mil tte ccro.
dae Id the trextag weetkaa el
~Tear taibee ta
aet i|Mklt| the
■oUlag matage* lor Sre tolaalm
dap. Thto to partkalartp trae la
•der* Ikes tor Bor* digeetible mad
tewB. Tbe tafbMr^i bep* caa Sad
Pope weal rni ”Or |-B trade Ub tor dalkiai* Ihaa tte oaeal toeibod eg
paratr to do la beep tbeoi boep. aad
B cbeir work to gtom tbdto ta tba a pig—te eoli like a UiUe pig Tea frplac. At lb* ead of Bt* Ml
coaid pat hito la a poa wMh poor ptgi lift the touage* gmtip. befag
t home - iM tew.
OI to break Iboto: drwla. brook
IdaHM H to wed for tbew Wa
The bop wad atow aboot oatto.
ihg oklae la teeeral plaeee wlik
Wall ban enambtog to aap abeat
bad OM BaUhad wteo ** toft lb* fort la oedar ta keep lb* oomage la
tbara aad tbeir wortt Boae dap
Papa mu. >B poa eat m chap*, toll la Boer aad ptoee la the
Bat Ibere to aotblag bop* Uka beitar
poa wm taw lato a Unto pig” frylag poa er to bake
IbM )ou the klad ef woe* thop Uka.
U* BOtober Bra -Toa ara oteeet tat
Wd a IHUe tadtoteoi atadplaf «t the
Mkabarb to Bade b
aaaner wtU tad awl vbai that to.
tot aaoagh to klU poo rarb^iUeA I to the ep* bp preeerrlag tb* mauea
A BUI* eierp ta ea* «d tbe eanoai
ake lb* other mUe Mga” U*
eC the raw etalko. Cboou tte
beaoMd biw-^r totag* eat what
ter oU.
raddtot ctalk* ra cook wtiboet peal«w wwWd Ub* to aap, aad nap be a
The fubw warn oat. toggbtog Bg lag Uo au iwoefm aatu ii
Hat to eara* aetbar wbo raoda thto
to ikidm M nrU oalw itel gi
■gp Bad oeotal |oM aew. H to ai
rer the tarn eg tte tartwae eh__ .
wad tor tba aeoatep bap aa tor tbe
kWw that te had,
twwa b*w.
giB* iliagtoMal to bto dltotad. hcti
Tbem to aotblag Bera raetwl

____ tony mtmhenMi
CoMgnwi Nffvw toTMea ftefr <*•
of /t Soorea of Wter

Mo/Wrffflf sraMto Mr*
pr^etlL Ttetorategof AMtoif
In tbe bnmhhr wnlkn et BH refy
rvon H nt m tnmitr medkime.
If yoatetooVEtetT* prompt ood toito■Sumertet,
write! PramSortbimroUBLX,WTlte*:
“I am otoored and aottoM that Pr­ fociory reMillg frooi tb* one of Pemao.
vrrtM at oace to Dr. Hartmoo. glvtog a
“Uj private oecretory ha*
ana to a great catarrh core, aad 1
tall tutemeat of yoar ooit, aad te vrtU
Wdag pOToma foe catarrh. H* bod that 1 caa rrcrtmacad It ta tbuw
M ted a c*** at I erar txw, and olaoe b* tuffor from that diMWdat."
tie plioetd ta givnywa hto Tatoakiea^
vtac grotto.
teetakmom*boiU*b****mi UkeodUMemotptomlarmctallovmi
Addrra. J>r. Ilottmaa. I<r«cidtwt iff
temk taoa. I Aoot tblak oay
United Statea mre comiBm'fr-f llto

Tbl. utir It ralU-d
VioJi at armdm*'*.
Moggie Uray wot the (Nil)
to lamlly All tbe olber
-I- tiruDg rollicking bopt wbu
liralrl,irir liiUc titter, dearly ood
treated her at a pel and * playibtag mil.- wild due
ittulog peiforatod etamptag potMoggie riUoyed ibit raretolng and Irrdo) wr I
uf quitUpg dealgo* and litu of
wot orvrr bapplec than ohm off
•rierml buadrod patiernt for piecing,
It drilling lo
ber lug broihrn. Tom «o* (be
gri-al and wldeeprcad It Ibr Inter
In ibli Indutlry uf our grand
bird n-artiT wo I can
follom-t-d tbruuKb ib<dbrrt
Mon M Ibe alleatloa bow
lakr Ibr luiii ) liradt- In Srgrt--rul>-r
rr. It belDg directed toward
The wrbral at unit nrc up nk-c m>w
quilling raiber ibon tbe piecing
.- I•■llrr« In Ihr lIrrnUI

ood cat with a fafaewit or r-”eoUer.
Pat half tbe piee** la
The work ha* taagbi tba* wt dolp paa. aprUBff wUk Boflaaed batter ead
am their boate clerertp
the rwmi
Maw wub » leafb aad thaa w
metag piaem. Bake la a qakk orm
toeaep; aad It hat taoWt tbM mU- Bftam tolsoMa. Wbm don*, ipllt tbe
Orar aad orar aad threoib
I. epraaf with aoftewed batter
ttnokb aad thraoWi.
ta**r b^HfoIlp with berrle* be■aefctratd aad Mb a* tta pWebiwom tb* lagan mad cm top of each
welfc graw,
ns at Hat tbe paUeai haM «
-WMgbtler boideae at tore aad e

lea yeoie a member of coagiMt
Htoorttrl and for tlx year* rirrk
docaemestof Peroae:
-C Kaltaoal llotue of KiprittotaUeea.
“I dmlra ta tip that I bae* OecB toktag wrttei:
Parana tor eom* time lor oatorrh aad

bar* toand It on exocUeat BHvUelor,

edlEW for catarrhal tr

W* o*n Mil you
A gotol H-iory Gear Top UugR,


A tetter ote tor..............................................


A leather .|agrter top oml leather apbotoleraH..


A Ingher giOEle.................................................................


A loj. bug):) lhal win pleora Ite moM eoacliag.


.Aisl the BCT) tea mokes *1........................................


MIcH oltesgk woric «er
Roml Wocte. from
At rblldrra ongbl to br


S38.00 to $68.00

GaUtoBra'sEbirBgWggarto bom 60.00 to


StaTey.............................................................. 56.00 to 160.00
Two eealed kpriag Wegoat................. 46.00 tO


Mny lUrtmon

Joy the remec thai only romee
Olea Hatea. Mlcb May 10 1*01.
good kllteeu
Dear Editor—Since 1 have read
Bo the dnyi potted merrily, and
loay lertrri In the Hrrald from rhe
■a Boi long b*tor* Maggie recuraed
lile Boathtoeri I ibougbi I v
■ brr -dror Joey.” «l
write and tell you I would like taj
rad from bit fever ead
Jeia tbe Soaokme dab. to ptoaoe — *
okorp gala la tl|* laagi or
COB te drivm away hp apMptol rate
Ate brer ore* tom* of oar owa 1
aM moeurd to tb* grugonli
tie letten. wilfimi every eoa
two porta roeolto* and oa* pan
kOT* tme brother named Charlie,
Pkin. N. D. Map n. 1SB>
lard. Rub It Ugolber and *grmi oa
aad te and I do the ebore* We bare
Dear Ml*. tel*e-l wUl try oj
ee of Itam at you wootd on
rtwoe wboM name to Togay. and
ordlaarr foMo. Thto to atoo oaeood- wrHr osolB to pwo. 1 *m ti tte Her-

Rubber tire vehicles at prices to compare with


We can furnish lower priced goods than tbe above, but
cannot recommend them.
quality in every case
good vehicle.

Our prices .guAraotee
-guAraotee tbe
save you money

Respectfully >-ours.

Ferris implement Co. Ltd.


tail TnfCtse Hcndt

Itol »o rto»
. to III* oporm i
BBr*to) to ii

V !

MBftotf. OX tto Mltro umoi wMoito 'oMU* to • WUo orof.lW,
Vkto tto MTtofor’s bU! tor Mrrirr.
M (ton 'i«e MMU UBOBBtod lu
NUt Tto BOUto eototo • r»tl>«

^ atssjaussrinsa,
•■MX «WM kx rofantM ^

THITtSDAT, JTTXE 18.1»0». ^

lerlieb vaa thU aftbrvooit

Ml ttol Ua»toaUoK 1*0 KticIflBi too* vfeleh xev ortor
Jb toBsM.' to bbU.
tto tutors
toad of Oto «B< tto - - - • •
BOB. K*r«r os* of ■bo.

Botltod of hto eleclton aa
«Tla. Ua Innadlalelx tele

hIM cuppoaed to todacc rw
a tanpie th tbe eoalh (f ti
Hon J H Moarur hat ■
run Inline aad .ermi to b
' At PhlladelphU WUIMn L J Ha:
Uhl n.. Kara oter the adjou
.1 the ledatalnre. He aaya ttot tto ner to New Turk bu praa an •
hiMtion to (he three new nynerlo
Itoeai ul tbr prlmi
in and ani
>1 kuk (ur aaj urn whteb hare
1 run ihruuhb tbr (uwo every extra aeaaluB to he ■_____Id___
the COB
duadaya but earepted. barbera alderailub to prlnary reform lepaU
, sax loB-B aad Ua aane
b* rtonaed lo UiB( Kun
taluuu run u all buura mod ua
a.t., thiva ebunbee bar* been
>ui aa^ (he ohr ihai N


Tto . . bn to|
BBOttor. Tktoo
cro to *

Tba HaKnlaM Caaa.
rtd K> rvTBol
Uao un.
Ntcb.. June lt.-Uu Me
I bu eoBleiied MKoBBOd; oaUrtto upoo lh« topic
loporiMl (tot ito BBkioo toad «« CnoBt wobVlBS iBlu (to toBUIIfiil BtorT ol
a belter i
tkr lUr of Cbrtol tu&to Of ererr-dbr
at ani i.
(UIBpOBrd 0
ru BMOpled BBd Bd«>o(«d. Bll;^ Ito
Bll «bo htord tt. In tbU tUc to Btod
•be wbB nn
(tot (be Fniber (• crer omoBl. but no further c
tordtr. (
11 u* Itol
ibki iMuiaUti
tod (tot
ed Ood BO
hat abe bad out*•eouvDO ii’*d
1 ru due to tbe fact Itol
e ousbt t
ttol »
rt* oonnodi ar
abe eUlBied
with murdrtvui laieol
nx bll
Thr bicba
■l (kto IBBtlM Tbr ■ Bton of Ito
iniib txineter. hu Uri
t^tKud (I Ibr lure of '
Inr Bot d<*



I hu heea placed at tftXH.aoC
If (rave dancer frum l.imt
iblf fuaiai.-r
Tbe crew of n
Ik camp bu been Aabtink Are
■' hi'lf hark of Bhumenrlaw


K here rub. lui an
abd order, which


J* U»eI!"?o lto*^lX »c»t
M •inied in tbe Hecurd
II* BMOod to Ibr rllj Irrt BtltlBC
«U« lor CDHMtoB truBi (to wortout
___ eiijreaaloBi of brotherhood are
-halve 1> pendlna ac^al
I..I ihonver* IWwW
■Otortlto. «bBf» OBBlOd
inn ttot isrreter ludax (ban nt ao) llna before
6:1 Ibr OOUBOll B)ld>*
l|a-i|fe XdX 10 ito luBd to toX
tinea ail taco aiood
(Stoatox for hla worfc. oo4 it *bb ’ (to coBBittm fooBd
cb other
la later time lo
Iber to BUtb^ied
........................... the dapoallmx ^■rfi>e amouBl
Mood for aothUl. but tha
TUB board of bullrtiB* ipapertt
! bBO lbl to ■
BrtrDr tbe apeaker touched uix>n (be llnr tel lor (In- e>
orted that thr oemeni bnUdlaf betni;
, eorbctBd. Ui
other hMd. It
ule of tireece and lull dSflBs tbeae Hn. Mar> HcKaKbi o>
ullt br Bartoi Anderaoti «a» bbII<
caVBbcbT «ba
xea. an.l Baallr told blv thia bond- of the nurder of her 1
tetoa. ton^tbai tlie> deeaied It ad
>S» aa biaken b. aueb neo ai Mar. Murpb, 1.01 .1 1. under.
lamar vlih rnurni vurk to baadlr in (.tuber. Wealr)
Ilrothtrbuod It not lauaded fur a
•Tto ropptf »a. aneiried aad
lakaa In tbr fk>ba." laid Her.
-Be a dtUM of the world
lluollban Keni
il *bB tbBB BUCfBBKHl ttot (to bUU
bo end (reater thnn the in naaiol
lor arantlBX The.
aUpht to pBi U Bumc ona'» tobda for
loa to erect the addllioti
BollBCttaB. tto oihBT Bide eUlBla<
here li e line c.n-1 unl
bU bulldiBC and
ttol It voBld to better to tore the
II be n United Suiet «□,!
BtoroBper do tto work of ooIIbcObi BM-fided Itol ba
e fatherhood ot ' build lha addlllo*
aa to could (ell Ibea Jubi wtot be did
for tbB aoMX, b»d a ool lector eould
MM. AU od tto bldemeb bfraad ttot
vork oe tto tlareb fBdorr. BOd
tto acbTtoCer aaBt pet bla pbx lor
.reiared u. du
Gounell Bccepled ibelr report
tto voftt- toiM vbBtad tto BcareBOoe-lblrd of
■to to dBBbbd kiB maotr ftret. bad
ttoa 11 H «bB Bot paid to bBBBbB It
•e eaa a balaore .>f |ltm<t In
lUbtbSI tto propeKX.
Aaother ttit vaa oe tto eUtia of ai
rraolutiua *B> iBlroducrd and
adopted that aailmaiea be prviiared
Ibe board nl public irt.rkt lor tbe
tow* BBd a talf «d rabMah bad ottor
■iraeUoa of a IX Iorb aewer eaal
irrc berMlf i
„ Valoe alraol la-the alle)-, froBi
. the lb
ed Bill
Teath ainwt to Tblrteeatb Tbe board
that BBU aaoaM *m aet Mb< eollaeud lor Mac tto vork. Part of
her her (ullut; ihnu r
' that wu I
Ito iliailiB *azed tram aMoac tbr North Ualon Mivei. ni>rib on XYoni
ere wai
Kulkint- ball at t
" I ao III faellaf «a« Is
««( to llnr. eeal on »a> lo Ran
l|.h to Vine atreel
ind Bebekaba. and Bll the eierclaci
"itoafraak la tto Air ApaMk
d Ibe day were very Imprwulre
LardlB'B aldBtxaek U up la the air
Tbe furei of the departed IhOiu
■■ala. Tto Para HarpaBita I
»r. ..t h.,ih order, bad boeB pra«l
h u( airawbeo
Oo. rtoBTtod U
Ibe aUita of the
bx tto
ibUw of
tiOM t,
“.I.: a. Lee Horaibx and T
111.' Udd Pellowi.
_____ Millar and Mra Ch.
■1 Imm (be Hebekabt. deooraled ot all the departed Odf
univld and oBCollecied a
. ^bo are Interred In OakvtxM
Tto aMUar vaa rafarred
to Ito otdiaaBea ,^Bluaa aad tto
ne bonrd id public ■
«flx aturaax to aaa U all vaa rKhi
ured B reaoluUon that II
there bare been but It deatbi
la tto toaasaa. Aldarmaa Lardle
•tpla* Itol all ha eoald do tod bees Bent valk had been ordered In inn*
jere bare b
.toto. aad ttot to *■■ *aUla< lor iba of krt a. block Id: aad alao paria of
; Ibe Rebek
tftoh. aad BO* that R tod baan
tMBad to mu Ufca then to aci
1**^ he'*’'tclnR
eerrlee jeaurday
It iMMiMMlX. aa fruit had o
l(btb 'atreel. In (he lerrliorr near
remlnr opealBA Ode
■totoad eoBlai In. aad be eould
:( Brawn, irabd mna
le Oral Itoh fartors
The reaolultun
wu broucht .
aa aduptad.
trwh ato vaaiad the oousell to
llodet Ihejiead of Ben bu.lucaa AI
■m M toaadiaUlr. A aaaUBf vaa ar- deman Olllelt aUiec! Ibai all but ind eu«t«-ttlre
lleppner had a populaili
ibuul I.SOtl.
thraa had dapocUed iholr nooej lor a
Tba mayor to Letonstuo aaya i
aanaai valk <m (be east aide of
arte part of Itol lo*0 la awept
•to it «M
tto ordlBi
Bprnre almt. betveea Proni and pbulzed. but. I.j other elementa ....
—III aad tto etix attonux could luadolpb atTMiA bhd that be vaaled
up (be atrcncib of true ly n cloubunt and that Lei
—h om tto etoa— that tto rall- Iba eDan*l
Heppner la alluated In a i
raad coBpaar aada bx ttot Use.
nl addrwa vu prancl
ibruuab which Wtllow creek BoOaarpa •afitar Mhtoa a *milar.‘
ReBBle vaa Inalnicted lo
t Karban of Old hUinl
cretl Boud to water ruabed
_j BaecaaarT purrbaae ot SOU
Oaorpa Oagaar. tto tab tore a
bit text tba panupi fr
Ihruush Ibe creek Immediately
-boUar* nan. vat todura tto eoun... feet of aev hoae needed by the #re
a—a with a sraal Ml -totor.” Ha depBnsMit
ABOttor aBort vna mnde to ■« (be of Canans Iron
■Bid to vaa tto OBlx oaa paxlat tto
«>•« oouaell, the dry bed ol I___________
ia.Md that aararal oitor pac»lc dm natter toft**
a—to «ah oa tto atraMa. aad but a biBt to adjooni put
orUI ld«B. of wblcb thIa vat one of
■cuterlns the d« In i
-------- -------------- ^ tto
Iba earileal recorded ekanplca, vu
Thiee hundred
inealad that be then carried out In BB hddreu Itol
tha r WlBl
d been recurared at
wu turceful. loucUnc BBd tmpreaalri
lllbl and II II Mill
If Co.. The ijtcBker, In bb hbl;
Tto boad of (he Anertcas Druf

‘ r'LsrEi'

- White Mkfl-' K-am
lb -X-lrai Nio.- ^


.. <h.

l•.lrllll: bl« re
i«rk Prvaidaol



.TV. EE,:

bleb wu
a aeverwl

ilh Patar Ttnaaller and Pb"'
aar aa auratlaa, vaa refem
vlth I aecUoaal
nap raa betura tha couhclt.

aiulbc aeiiOol abil oegotla..... inndm I-' the pur.. a.'ca to grtHio.l near thr

I... eipert,
.11 ftv.m k

■e l^.aeiv have Ul.ik.-u ..If dlphim
,-lail..u. with Bv^rvi. ^,1 that a
ia> B.adv him
and to



auM that
atom veto to Ocaad mapUa. at Joa
mt attor plaeaa aad aUppad U
atiaatorriaa aad ettor tietta aad ead4M ttoto araaad. h* Uto th«

and. a toif


Ottor Utoaaaa Not Paid.

______ id to


,s-„£rv.?« e

.m$ •Ulan pilhartac at tha todca
;Sm$ aad na^lac la a bodp to tto

dpMa to tto order to vbWi they, beUito

at by Mlu B
tto aarrle* I
Haihall that h tola. Bhd ...
ihava tvo airvau M eanniawi, aai kDaau Qraoe Hattmi aad Vida Row

--------------aw rwBdered (ba duet, "Eock to

------->-•*— from Mra. Jaaa

Ut nwl Ui-M tote;



belat laid a
Serev par.
tto da—ti.
Ha—an Pen

nanban tied


I bu receltf

kM*to*a*Je^arere4’atoit’wUhto Ue

a^Rdinga which wore not can
away wore mored tram ttolr
tWIBdnttoai or toppled over
Haadredi to borwu. caul*, nbeep
aad hog* that bad gase tnio Ue creek
bottom (or water pertahed
Iradc. Berrta. Xbbc 18.
Aa aoon u poaalbia saw. wu aaoi
Bl UilX eonMudet u cdl
by (ounar to tto nrarby town*
OrecBB Railway * NarlgaOon Co
ainnto a teJIef train with pbyalctona
and auppIMe from Tba Dallea abortly
after dodb. At l:» ycetarday after
aoon aaoUer relief train alarted tor
Ue Bcane from Ula <
f fund u
to forttoad alartX
tu?i° “-.r~T^iina dywUca. ud

bear from GeacnJ
r.-gular army
. bu been Oder
low Ibe knee
o an.l one ball


it get at bln
ranced la ytw
,ty through


btoX uu kaa b—MM oaa valy
tTSm to Btocia a taataf (*
itoakm. vUck. to the praaMi to-

Ladgm Dlnad TogetMr.
After the Pythton Mei^nal


hoBM apto uaktotm

e RfcMsge tot.

lleisemer wu ii
rhnige to LI. b
and ftnee bla d

ellrma to
wife took

ould Mil tvo
him lor fl8«
n uartwed at UOO. Bu

g repaired II la tbe toteo
T* tbr openttg by Juae S.'
A^ber ayeeilng to the tlockbulj*
. will be held Uumt Ue mlddle,A>l
at week, aad tot who dealre to be
me member, to the club are naked
to preaeal their appIMatloni by

Nan Bunday tha TraMrae
Bltcrm Raak aad ammher* to m


rii. wu burned lo Ue ground Tocaday mareink Tbe l.iu la ll.eOO. vllb
no in.ufwnce The hotel wubuOl-

Too proud to go lu tbr poor hoaac
•4 too poor to live alar. Dr. U D.
aaa to Itoulag. obc« wclldodo. vu
In. are
bHged 10 aeek todgtog to ih* toll
_____ __________ Ue Iw
auppreeaed ao thU the
While tort. Ray Vuuagi wu AUtog
romea will escape crlmtoU proarcnloa* on Ua lake atvr Us CUIdvalet
lon to Ue public court*
CapulB BeU Bulkw-k of Daadwood
nt ordered u a preaeot tor Arehl*
a large anah*. At Ue r-MlIe
tooaarau (bird
aoo to Praa
to hoard Ua veaael. Mr*.
Uuaevali. a haedaoma pUr ef
roang* ahnl bar eyas and alrwli a(
It. lortahaiety kUim |t It pR>«ed U
rattier with asyen ralUaa.
be hlgbeti •kill In torgm sad f
tog They nr* to Itae regnluloB
boy putern w»U dnp ahaak. large
rowel. The apur. are sUrar moiulad
aad ebaeed wnb an art
daa at* uader arreat.
The boy lor whan they ;
rtototloB to the Sab lava
imb uB Ibr ptolat
■urn Hwbor a aertoo* nrik*
Denver New* any* pUu are
. loot for an eauWlihiacat for atwted U* operaiiuuI iCB Ua- Big
r Jv
dock* bar*
Tbe a------------------.ptlvea which will be located
.lie OB the boaadBry betwees Oowld arrtvad thei
f and New Mokleo. Th* bow Mtt and ttill He*
brr cal
pltal wUI car* tor those who are
down tee boutiH
com pan
to th* Bi Josaph ilrcr
occupied by km^hort'
Ur T. 0. BaBcroft
Be* WBO bad hnlU tbs bouae* thetaKaaana CIl;
telsea aad ksew ao other b
aelud* the svkJag •
M cumyaB.
Ibe I'niud Bute* I
o right u I
.1 wttb a hoard to dlrtotvbo lived I
rd of tbe gorefoor* to all

?„'KT to.r'.Er. r

.......... •■sEis:

■“ - -’.rs"E..“r=.i

1 Oblrnaky. C
amds tor the railway
Wnirakr and Baronau_____
-a an to isarm dova the
Ur*rba*Bilfui youhg Atvlrtoa worn
The toborwn clalta that Ue.
to furetwoiv^ •a. toisBd lo awl. U* BagUah chan urth*
^ railway coapany wu
from Dover lo Chlat* la Us hear
-tdirwry. u the grootd wu bem
11 hedged cUUfV
icd tor ao toher pnrpow
vplUbrd by Ua lut Cap! Webb,
The Wftae* of tbs Michigan re­
three are 80(ad aUMet and havr
al* Batatoary
nt KatoBSSOO. aaa trUBlng daUx to the Danube
Is—laOuu now pcadlhg may re
tull la a 884.wm.000 purchase by tbs
I'nlUid BUirw Staal CorpotaUm • aad taataeal Otadto*
Ue oBilrf: vaai Iron aMss* In Itahla
mM to bs Us torgaai aad rtchut
pbeb completed, will
alalag tract U Us world.
property to the vaH
wuitata H. JatenoBu a Aa* lookm
lion doUara is «•<
young man. who aald h*,-«u a tiavciiuarrted by a null.
ing —--------- -- (or a New YortT bou*.
. man even da;
cm aeaUBi 4 to 1
bam diftrlbuilng alfr
toad (or I
la* ftadaat ^y df*va ^
■he ii«mi« who tre<.____
daxed sotadtima, owtag

ho^a Iben

y-Ttolim I
-I wbitm I
broUerp and
, weiT xpeat I
Ue lodge room*
WUUa. Mich.. June 10hu always heaa a eloae U* mad Colfax towwahip* to
dahlp betweea Ue Trarara*
- wgaBlsed L
I Uaataiaa Pythlau aa^hew trio No. J at the
a echoolbonaa
___________ __
PCMIaatenalB U* by dl. W r Derar
Th* toilowUg
Prealdeei O A h
ari^mesi prefaUt
e preBldeai. E F. Oreyi *«


Michigan troopa i
iimrr lofiead of t. Hu
tovrted wUbto a
I he deciflua to
rw and
il«-lal meeting
tbe flale
. LlirbArl
, on tba
y fl.tort aa II

'1.1;: T"i

tolirto -

“‘tj—M^KMertU*. the BCV tortpi xBlaUter. to th* eoue* to u InarTte*. aald tto Barrtoa apato to
MdoB. Paxta aad VtaBU bad knn

Pul U BOW ahiwly recovering
Thc-4toiUe Creek Adreaibl Ke
view aafehtald BOW blBla tbU Ib*
aealcn 0ov>n.-4oulbt«ii cyclooe. aad
tober diahaierw an- oBly "Uod't roiew
to warning ' lo prepare people *.r
Ue eBd to Ue world
At MaBUtee the Aral nrnwl* lor
the vtolnlkm ul Ibe Itotwvr Ihv hsv-e
been mnde. HcverBl Mlatukwiiers
were nrrcwlvd lor keeping ooro- aflor
II p m. More than XU aalooakeapMw
hive bus for keaptog
open on Hemortnl day. The to* la
being eaforewM lu Ue Itolar. IHsurdorly bonsa* have town raided and
a big aliempt It bring made l» bMtee
^'"l‘ flhe'caiviuVtremptied "
rev aaolber keitleful frum th.
AI Vauu ChariM Wordra. aged
11 appeared lo be oil. to.. As
Ue well ahowrtl that
at II wu 8. and Cred Biuaer, 14. were (wBilrktioe to Ua
4 uanUy ed to ticaim aome lobarro from a
any AKMl a
iltod mas The oourt made a eerrrw
crude iielnilpum
ixsapi* to Uem. acBdm Wordaa to
he aula rtoom acboul at Laham
Oaneral Nava.
.Uf ptnurv of Leuurdo dn ur Arc ywars. aad BluBar for thro*
Tbe Itol Bupper.' wblcb tur
40V yeara bu aduraX Ue wall to Ue
HacMil hdylcwa from lha rwsmwc
rtorct.vry In Ue monulery to Baaia aada to
Ur furaatiy eommlaatuB
Ueir, Urule. at HlUa.
lUte lhal ihr aat-bearm trwBt Ual
ported 10 have at leagU auec---------- srrr plaaled lul (all arr mam oa
Km ranee lo Ua rwfectory hu yrarwly. aomr to Urm harm hiiliUora. All atlaapu lalnrd a growU to lour ur Ara tochaa.
rewuxaiiun b
They have brrn cuUIrsied oat oa*
way. About M per ent. to (he North

I am Med

?;,-r rE-uEE

mma lo whtek they nr*
that Ueac powert had ao
toterream to i
I. O. W. HnaertaL
order wu mi
Tha ladepaadaat order to Poratom
aad (to Oto—iS— to Peraatoa koU
bw lakaa (hla
at tha Baeoad K. C. ehodb.
*Tha tragic araaU at Baigrad*
? Srt^preeedX the aer-


dto"r t

lb<- cem-


x.... "'2

««rto'deeto*to^UarnIM*u whito

oier and hii oepbrw

ri-r* s

w.-fv |».rt.vrmed.
. yean, ngo t'harl.w l\>lle( to AlL- auld a hurt* that hehadowbed
.1 years and had sot aeea It
Bunday munilng he wiml lo
arn and found .Ue ItoUfol old
it aundtog at ib* door. The
teemvMl very weary (luai prob. luag younvay. bni west altalghl
former stall. Bo far Mr. IfrilM
Walth to Waahli
o tf-ceire a rlall
ol beard anythlng.n«ardthg tbe, c le-«pold
Belgium. hOrwew prraenl owner.
hi Bl imrle. Edwin Oollwliaer.
abHe idaylug Whb a toy revolver, er
yl.Mled a cartridge by ciawdlng H IB
allb a kuile
The alwll cut thrvmgb
aad <aar

1 of (to Andlag a
Vtod had patnlX It to olU. Oaly
J K Cole, a fimhead to Banhulomaw aad part to head to Hlggtoa lake, we allra. They
at place, to w alliei
table cluU are Buw dlattogtilah are In tbe heart of tbs pto* bBnvBt
On tto
h.wloc InwcrtptloD
Hca havarheen worhm with a pile
Twemy-Arc ol the amartasl aomty
(Ih Micb. Car..'
pntiBg pltoa emr Ur moah to
omen ol Uartfurd'a, lad. -4Wr hare
eur" and -NetUe'
. /er *•. Bay City Acctdeatlythey
been Indtoted by Ue graad Jary lor rtrock Iwt. erth# to oak tog*. coTBfwd
by mod There are » eUcha to Hmbew. had II wa* u aouad u «h<« It
»A*y any I
*«ak » yivra ago
The pO* Artver
la so*
In Y'iA^
Ing U* crusade.

,.n the other



*1tor. Eaaaedy baaed kU a«n
LUto.«:ll. Heprtoaeadlkev

felTato Bttto

Artibult. agX au. aad
C a«ed K t..ih ..f UusiarritHl fur II..- ft-coBd
.wo Batur.lny
Ab itooeb

fier Ibe marriage (he Aral
turned up and made iti
tat Ur. and Mr. Arnboll
I to havr Uelr marrlw an
Mr. King really died n few
. lai.-r, and the happy

Oha 18 -Tto
noon today
ttol body vu


i-lata lb.' little da.ikbtrr to Hr
>d Hr. Kd BchroeOer to UaBUlev
II iniu a sell and wu drv.wned.
Urand lUpId. I. csrly lu Ue Arid
l.h tb< cnon.'P -mrk.-r acrljeol. A

mlols(. and by luduiry andluck accumulated a vui turtuna
Ibcmr If Mid lo be Biofv- tha.■.w.piKi a yaar
HOB tMaaelr. of Newark. I.
I way to Iriitag hla trlaada kaow
bU wU* had deaertM him
draped Ua froal door of hla bouae
nth oar to her tataek petiknala. aad
art to a whlU- akin.
At Utwtiaad New V.wk. Mre. Lot
le Oatebeu’a leakriilr would aU
oil vken ato made her Ua. Afur
ralim aa Iwur^abe exhM—^Uc

u Brat maiTKtol i.i Arne l’r«.k wbru the hua>l...ii a yuUBk
an.t wbe bad

UTlved at lose
Iter 80 leel bl(b
aald that
riuhed down into tm
HappnX la sRualed


I ea MabMVOtB
9 ritot

A'llllan I

Craned Through Worry.
aich.. Xnar
Atnaai the entire rwldeBce portion
(he town wu dwtiayed. but none
l...n at Metirk.
’ the busiheu part, wblcb le an Ue
Ueb ground, eecaped.
locked up In I
Huge bontonra welfhm a toe
keep bim Horn
vMxudar aad QB**a Dra». *tm earrled down by Ue currunt.
Man wu well
.puaed ul bll
naay people wen kuied by
danbed agalnai the rocky bluB
torty In tbe afterttuon -t UuBder
ru fupiw»e<l lu be »ui
,ble money
Ilona occurred, caverln*
glOB Of ceuBCry. and later a baan rotn Coranna to elnlmj
■tu bacore the body. Prtae* Petor rata atorm'tet to, maav »< (to email
ently Met ^^..oou Md
Kmb OaorlBrlieb vu uBBBln
I If believed tbe kiaf ba
alartcd km to •artrU.
I time, fridgaa we
leeim of reUto prarallad aftar
vetwrn to Ito jolat body *» - •edlaa Plied
Mna to bodlea wen.--------Belpade. Barela. Jobc 18.—The cRy
k tto benda to B'lllow creek, and
uvday*^ vu packed with teMMra to
^^iM. for tbe meeim of tto
I orer oae

_i aadLoola LaPraaMr. Tboac
Ua la olbar eeneltrlhi. blit
___ nenory vu alto atadlOB
atetx bone
ntod. verajl,* Bam
hbM. OBW Bo—Mia. D. C.
A. LaatpetB. ■. A. Pirkton*. Chaa
a. llelBtXTB BBd Nattoa Jaeobx.

ch-M h
itowlen rapllat•Lily l•.uKhl large iracu

kliiK U(1 ^

'uuntay .when i
-itlly |vr<vclalroed

■ ."arrsyrsf:^

IDC rcmarki
■M arftra la tuac to partletpato la ceding tba-atoBortal aoorcu
tto aamcca iB ihe-BtoUto total
net -.
at tto
bx aa
[I vara —.
— depot
rt to Trarerac CRx ____
M aad
at tha etoaa to tto nnkib (to order

aad vblia--------—
atM to tha order,
la par* of aai*.
thaa b—rad,
brotbara btoac Ctarita



e«aal Banher of nanbetato Ue
-- ato lodaa total cd dair tp pax
Tto a«x dltoh

ii.-aku nn.l i.tbv-r pnlota
he plnlni Hb«ep ara an
lur About Xb.UOU pouBda
.. Itoto-n
Wu(bt IB lha

I tha doora to the re-

ELTrE'erS," SLT.


■;r'S,,S'KE ESI


*Ttto nSto? ^
Ito hrvttota to

tod ttot MlbnaWr. Mr. Oatow ey m



Oaty (VO bouau remain aland
ibal II vu. aad U
Ovine u the la
roper hcIHtlea and vnm w.
lha dead are baln< wrapped In
n Ue vork BBd burled Is connoa cratea
dcr to Odd
the lada
Hemrvd Daparted trettora.
todnj. and
Tba Pxthlaaa of Trarerac CHx Bua- apokc cjf tbe people vbo (watocae lhal
ihU cliy px vtihln lu mUet to Happdax benorad tha neniorx of itolr
ad vtot they hre dolnc U Uc ner. bat vu unable lo tet any- fartber m account ol vuhouii Wasona
fratemal ordar toavhip vUI aeconpWih to the rear arc bath« utlUaad to carry the relief
UM fr
party aad prorlntona to tba aincken
Help la alao ronlnf from Tbe
wTriew aad #«al trfhtoaa

EMIMa. WnllB Walla, and oitor cltMa
tha ctotto to itoaa brotban
Id all vbo arc nanbera^ tto Br­
Ooreraor Cbamberlalc bu ordered
aar* soDe to the ptot Bexoad.
io be true to the prtoelplea
all poulbla auUiacce (Iren i
itatee eonpaax No. 4t. Ih con­
r mnde R vb'nl It It- Tbe tU
axpCBBa to Ibe tutc
st Caputs Bolph NcUaOB. tame __ vere not fortotlen. bat n «lo
Happner U (ba cuusly aeat o
■p ea the aieonloa UbIb. iveaty- trtbole wu paM to them and
row oiMiatr. and b


eMf* at II
a aaUtM to



illle daughter to XTod Hou to



un..u. furklcal ..i»-mlh
1 ItMB. IVtvwdeo wa> BtlendiiiK a cirl
• Who had towt th.- dorr
xbi hnitol auputni.-d th.


Mr. Mar. I. Uarrl...n
tbe Inic llamw
prefUchi uf Ih.' I'mi.vl H
nan ibortty ..b a tup a
World dbe Bill Brat k'- <u
fYnnclwco and tb.-oc. i
e htBbvw.1 (.rlevw rvrl
1 boraew to ibli cun:
nown. Wtoti- rewUrid a



ry vrrlAee a predic
n-|lbllmn>- mother yeara
canevl tb.-rv wa> g..ld
an.l pr.iphrfi.vl (hnl at

lor^b.- aiitef ^



Th.-..- hav
feturnf bate rvtnc


.0 .If pivvr
.mill|..i .

rs"i..’X:r."' rs,


S.“SS^ SL'SKtoi-to-.;

cooked tbtor torn mral t.X^«to oM
pairoBv of (be
wbre Ibr tiwD wa
bo bad !
9eH Ibe
emv«i hu
been ci
•by Augwi Wiihllmai
vn bU fnm.
wed INI

•esmal labtocu
vork wscc disc

. got* alghlly
Bo far hi*
waaMhy CkMage palroa* to the b—'
U^OB ktta Uroach hem a TteilB
fupply ol cariwbmlf ' bu Boi baca lTu*“wai*r caa^to tbe PHUppto
sxhauated. but If tbs ' camp* coaltoBs
« to hto eoandSB to Ue ‘TTbvub to hem kave —*■ ap
to tocreaM u rapidly u IB Ue past
d aahtoctad Ub to tl to a Uair bom* to e treatoar ta oa s
ibre. Blgbi*. to icu II vaa a week Us
ftraagrr will b*f* to
w Uatr aev ataM^ Tka euitn a wagon
Alrwady ib* »i w
_ J to Ue aitoHliwMiiA are vatUag
.V- to see vbat wUl hap—i
likely be will reasal ihlt bbb*. lor
h* vean a Haaama hat. a gray bbb
luu aad paUM Mather Moe* bar-BlIk wovM aaltofy.

iS iS*— SmTu.,

agr to abaa » sM hi* Mbp
It vued BBd utoMd to th*


mtr of 1000. and to the eaMhvM
pamlyni. of bantoeu thsrw ^ to
B to U* touUera ponlyal

ET 5.“



SMU*. WMk.. Ju* It-roiirtMS
lw«» «e«u-r»x ■UUisblpt «ltb u
gnt «UI mi froa SMitle U> ^0De.
K Mdam Ud olher port! na Ur
Bewd pmtuuU < r Aluka durto*
______ o Uey «B
tbc:beJM ifaat Ue ....................
■eat will be een Utte. tboa«li
m fcr*e •• to iirerkmi year*
Wblk 0 few or Une enteU

olerad at Ht. P
There are mm leoie «• a im]i
ero«d at ML PMaaaBt. at a BltUke
erae Bade la the .aeMlac at Ue
Baillos Utta. BOM M rMdttof
peuhle iDWaded to tam reprea*
latlee bortaa tor Ue tMea, but ao
protpeeiaa «aa reoetred tnua the Ml
Hleaaaal roeiiK aaaodaUoa. aad Ur
Idea of CDlat ibere waa *1»ea op to
•ome «ay tbe tacrourr, Wimaa H
carpeater. taarned of Ue trouble aad
•eq| oeoive
Oeoive Reed here yeei
• - to<*\ owaere to

B»he bat ooe Toyoice InltX'peDlniUto

b> tor the l»r*e Mlorlly ol the» *il
Bake from ibne tn llte e<>>ur> dor
tu Ur
and' It to wrll o’llblB
rbr ««li« of eoarervotl.m to e*ilm«u
Uat there *11! i
open aartmto* U
“'Re"wl£ ateaof bectn.
about Hay J
itli October
am eerotal adreoiurjiw
d hoB
tiM 8««Utr for Nome

Dooibe of April and May. boplM
to dad a way Uroocb ibe beery drlflt
of dsailBA lee tato Ibe barbor earlier
Ibaa bad beea puMlblc la prerknu
aeMpoi. Hoar of tb«B roaUed NoBt
'MTUer Uaa bUy ». aad two of c
Ue Jeuale aad tbe NoBe Oty.

S2ST ,:^ur‘lBlJ?MjJdaad*£S?


r;^ ,

xitprnueea aad



The diber local borm Uai are Ir.
relnlag qoartert. tbetrdrirera rtalm
ir- Doi la abape for racial yet. and
h. v elU act uke-aay of tbem away
uut will eater Uea la ibetr dm race
Will Net Aoeept CharKy.
WaahlBcUB. done i:—NuBeraui
jera hart naeb«t Ur Ruaataa
rnmeal troB AawrKas aourp
.11 Ibe faBlllea of aalerwrt la tbe re.eel KlahrlaeB taddeot. All eocb oferr bate beea daoUa'-dtorUe reaaoe
Uai Ruaata M aoUrely capable of exleodioi relief aad aader tbe d----aaeoa eauaot bceept ouUlde b .
The RuMlaa poaltloa la Ue Bauer
la aut^ at foUowa'.

eewala Blfbt be enubed to fdee
U« sesertwa oSera t
betvaaa Ue aeonnulaa of Ice th
eoBC to her ^ ----------■adaJr a - theot auamera bad
itariaa BoUre which may here
Uac ho ead to aarty
prxuapled Ueae oOeea. la rlew of
ae reeaeU mie
micd before Hay 1' • tact that bli BtMU'. Ui* -“twrLT aa
paly one or lero bHoee Jim 1.
... baa tbe Beau at haad to rellete
Tbe operaion of
eaderlni wberercr It appean la bit
protMTtlM al NoB<■iBplre. ouulde aid la imaeceatary
Ibd all oSera of aucb But be de‘'not w41I It be puaalble fur Ruaata
. _._jr UUr placer deldi
bare beea attrartlag a iardiBC U SibifST
■ froB
Tbe dlaror- toreiie n
The Rnaatan forerapoaltloB u Uai
a oTue KMaflh r
mac held by Ue Amerleab goreralU, Ue BabriPf eei
meai. aaBely, that It
lemrely eaplolied
' 1 tan.
tael eeaaM
ipimereaoe la Ue tnu
mi^eMttaMta be^Uii
iber power aad n
•iBlla ______ .
Uwte raported t
Sbould aey lorelgn
. Tbeae dta
tiepa to reainci iBBign
t tan tall aad all Tialer •tab dewt OB Ue fravt
i Uey
rt proesMetFM Um. bnmcbl by ti
leal. Abe adaalta the rigbl---------aad by Ue BoaUly aalU troi
,ullos to aay vbo Bball cose Uroogb
Ue TskoL. Tbeee ncriea. 4t-......
gatea aad wbe fhaQ aoU Sbould
oonntiy. aa a I
add. u a eeeoad Ktaa- aartcUsc IB]
Rnaala U ngard eocb a nep
Idee of Ue iBporUBoe of Ue Jewa.
aaly u a d« lalre Baaenre oa Ue
Alaabaa trade to Ue dtiea of Poget pan
tba I or taktag It aad not
BooBd le oootaycd by Ue nataBeBi la UeofUfbt
of Trteetloa oa Ua ~
Uai tbe aapone from Ue eoaet pone
la the dMtfld tor Ue alae nooUe
oMttM ortU HtRb. 1*0. aaoaatad
towSw to
Aa Ue «
itag. kleb,.___
______It traac
prior Lantlag.____
~ were eat kept
_ thia portod, aoeoraU dgoree for (lou donsc May wera fair for Ue
Wbeei crop. It wu loo dry la aaay
orbeat to anke
SSbff^i’tte^aSyta ppwtu
eery rapMly. SU-eerestka of tba «z- a good gnnrU. It tPOOM hare baaa
poru to Ue dMdetBOTdataaPasn woree. boverer, « Uere '
Bnud aad tbe oUer aaraoU troa
It ta. Uore era aoa
In wheat The e

DMrtag Ike atoe aBBtha
t»miat. tbe fnaetpal

■mat to

IMW tbe Base period Ue I -ml^Ueafad^Sn^ar
-I. to «l»dda4tL


toto* "

■ “

“ '

It li______________
tv <C talattaatlml paittetaa. h deat
aeM to vbam luMf or to Mae
toBbaoaa prapntlat vtU tba«Mmm U UM.' ff tbne wm maiA tt
R to tba wU. tba UgUtog af «or
maata md hmm <nU ^ doM b;

TBilt. Ua vhm crop will bo good,
a’hlle eo Ue etbgr baad a period c(
boL dry weather would be toToca'
for Ue Oy aad might reeall ta eerh
' mage.
nr arwage aaadtltao at wheat
r ttaie aad aoatbara cosaUea ta
Ua caatm eoaauaa «l. aad to i
--rUara oeoaUea >L Oae yaar ago
Ua BOBditlog at wheat wu reported
— iwa; SowthBB eooatlea. M:
aad aortbera eooallaa. It. aad
■tato. tt.
Tba pn_____
tooUara eaaattaa that
Th> daBya byJHamv^^


OMpa brui Be ■etobnnut
kydraoipWe breach .of U«
Oaltad ttatoi taelaom tarety to the
dapartam to Ua tattolor baa toi»: WBifiif bght prodMad tbv
atly detodad to saasa the dew to waito ta tba BoaidBaa itnr. aad Mr.
V* to MgBtrlnlty «aa ftTo.
Patatato la apwud to paitotB an ~ poty baa baaa totoTotoad to pot to
‘tta Tvidlvi (< Ua Boaotgoa sr X. nd tbto vtUoot tba
Hea. J. W. Mnnkv
wtu ebew:
“Mr. Jaa. W.
nUkaa. Tlareraa Oy.
“Ooar air-1 aa to mtopt to a iw


«aa mar. aad weoM aay thal 1 bare
- tnetfd Mr. Otv


f. -JtoMpnrar. baaid to thIa aad Made a

rtag to tbe toot that tbe tower
a to Ue atroato to aearly '
water, u to pnibable ton ..
gaoge will he tocatod Ion betow the
daa ta the cdcy. aad'
uTmavMkw ta

gaiWBtal. woold do. ta a Batter
"*TVp'rm oae to acHnalaB toay
to aartog the Mtod, far Dr. Inadea. _
Omaa actoatm.^ fivrad by «sBtolBtota that rayi nCidtod boa b
MMa the tabto to ate imm or tato
dlaariy. Be «ya that two bltod Boatoaa dam bato-Toomrod <bMr ai^

fares isijjs'srss
M toiai ulailli Hill ladniB lid IHii
■ to M eatroeted troa pWlbbltodl. a
bpvadaet tooed la AaMto aad hareIhitora royrdad as noHM totor U
^ baaa waad tar the imaWIta to
■mrnmm. Uma. Carte ahlbtoboeM aaaaged to eeeaia OBBtito to an


lU Uat a foeoto he atao kept'eif
etage to the water ta the bay op,_ne Park niML
“U ihta ta aaoMaiy. Mr. Onaa
win eiwct boU gaagaa aaduttoita
Ue B^ to ^aeed oa a pniprr too
^*'^«oS!tfto*HortiB.Patae Atana beoadeh
Lata Prtday afterweoa toe toeal
re dyariBaat tocatod the caaaa to
he alarto to yanerday aad pnopay
epalred toe damga. No dlMealtp
rae fcnad at bos n. coraor to Oak
ad PVto ■tzaoto. Aa otoetrtc Bght
wtr« bad (altaB aeneo too ataiB wtta
aad bofwed totavb tbe
______ _ tba wire brohe dear oft.
bM the tasatatoB btod toe aada tome
Ugatoer ae tbat tbe wtad cwlvtM
tre waold etoae Ue rtrST
wae tot eaoae to Che alar&
■a toe break wot teaad tbe
wire wu Btoted. aad looked u U R
had heo btod ta a taraaoa hoL a
taoak to Ota ktad ta hard to kioata
aad oaaaaa the dvamatot toe Boat

«aada M ooatatoad. TWelaaeae
ba bad to Aaactaa.

mil Pator Per ftogaa.
.tonuan Btotoaa left iaat Mead_
■eratog wM a autog to toar berow weto. TUt ta toe eeeoad or third
----------------------a lahato the tacto Bttatopt to an dtw to haaaaa ta Pete.
M ta toe pan Baoto. Lan week.
wane Mr. Oou wu away troa
^ «ba
aad taS
«n to^MdOvfaad'ibV to^^ tm
the tm woak ta Jaiy. Sm Ml toat- aaM rabblab had baaat pOad
Pleatoirt Mr. Hlggtat win go to >aad aaatan toe htoUtag aad taod. Viu


woalAha meatluy ta eritoe Tof
-barwarta Hn. Dally

win he ewterad to toe >:dd
OOM to thrS:M tniL data to
WfttoaC. aad OtUar to to the, taiad tot heoae.




mT nnm


Greatest: Tima of your Ofa


Good time for old and young. You will remember it as long as you live. Just such a celebration
as you had 50 years ago. Come and bring your children, if you haven’t any children bring your
neighbor and his children. Music from morning to night.

The best track in the State, and a splendid string of fast horses. $3,000 in Purs»e
This will be by far the best trotting event ever known in Northern Michigan.



Great Parade at 11 o’eloek a. m.
This will be one of those parades for which Traverse Ci|/ is already famous. Day and night

A magnificient display. Stay to see the evening fireworks if you possibly can.

Ofvthe central School Grounds. Music, Addresses, Patriotic Songs, Flags and Enthusiasm. This
is a feature too little thought of in late years. Traverse City will revive it this year, it will be
made an important part of the celebration.

Old Tim© S’tree’t
for prizes. Anybody can enter on the spot and stand a chance to win a prize.

Special Trains and reduced rates on all Railroads and Beats
Come to Traverse City July 4th.



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