Grand Traverse Herald, April 16, 1903

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Grand Traverse Herald, April 16, 1903


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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«tm4 tttmfu lltraM







MAhi; BV


Tire Insurance! “~ “
Plat. Glau, StMm BoHpr mkI Accident Ineurence.

Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.
JoKMon Blocle. Phon* 73




Trav*r«« City. Mich.

TV uyiH wi'Atm t^,



SURPLUS. 960.000

ficsmi Sukiic BulMu tMM
99« onl •!!•«•« «aTlae9^u.g|h^^


"It is Uery Jlniioying’'
kiiu; for the family aii<l
I'o the OIK' who dos-s ihcciM.kiii
BomclimcB to the members, of the family, to linil that
an eniirc hakiiin liaE bee-n stKiiknl i;n AiNt. tKHW ex­
tracts or bakln(> |>owtier had U eii UM-d in its inamifacturv. “AvotM.SwoK Ar»rB«y»n»*" by
Uiinn Johnson's Pure Havorin>; I'xtract-. and Pure ■
Cream of Tartar Bakiii^: l’o*der at if-V |k.t t>utind.
y Compoundod.

PrMcripttona C»r*lully and Cor

'Jobnson’.s Drug Store.


(P«eV*'> V.lBC* ItMkI

Homestead Lands
of 160 Acres

A'seiiijijse" •


E.E.mgu.'..- —

i SJ^iSa'irTrtr.a::

pon Croperse £itr, IHidj.

tnaHin tm{


Atif »r)>ofltrM.

Jfi f« wmaaflifl, UKIS im
l« bolim, B>n fi flcfloMcn irceVn
nket nfrtrtnwn
vcrbrrniKR fonn.
tann. mb aiAie unBrinAI.-nenn M Vi U.19 ab'clui viiteT
ifi ink ncbrnVt
MTbcn. edBinBuiieen

wau^sssfw^^ ’

i B. coare & SO.

omea aoews: a w. m4 ii


1)0 you mat to leU yoor
hjm> Ifio, liu with ui. Out
bt IS too naU foe tha d«Wl
dial «c are bavi^ CaU aod
•ee M the oest tinac you are in

warvoiiou «•



TWO. 9. 9PSA999 9 909.


Oi^ 1m9 ■>*». MT9MK

alters tor all kio^ oi

ISmol«*d aind
Satik riwKi

loapect the liae and you will want to leave an order.

i Do Vou Ulaiit a


Fresh. Salt andSrnokod Meats. Sausages. Etc.



Hi(|es and Fur Wanted


BeU Phone !3a

Traverse City. Mic^

atiion Phone 4><1

^ JIndtrson Undertaking Co,
-AaalBtBU br-

A foil line of Kuoeral Supj.lie* and the
bcK eguipfKDenl fo Nocthem Michigiii.


Piompt ancotioo eiveo to all order for Cut Kloma and
Floral IVdgiit.

w Kalpb Xnikrsau, managtr a


Garden Seed
1$ short this year

W« bs*e tb^gcncy ta the

L^nslns Tubulsr Slls
the MOW periheUy coBMincted $tk> e^i^ earket today, bmlt d

Sslsoifcsa WlVl^s P»lns
mi onUt t«o sous
of Tsnaisck and vill not «sip ool of sbaiie.
Nm«w %Kw oonwBrxj^Bl^nt Air TI«K«
SetMd Ac sntirc dotaace Bwb bouam to Up. We ba*s the eadU*« Hk of tbs Silo in Grand TMvene, leelsnss sad Beuie

a slice
'X'an >uu get away
she tniiulr^ anxkiu.


. and. when she opened H.
«d Mr aniih. their BMrwat
wiib a uan mrefully Und
1 a e-oih tn bu hand. Uc
K- uueer package tu Sarah
M. brother Jim pvt
1 last night, and brvugl
uhtio flour .Vnd it-b

Kemll RMueven's FaaL .
vun s perwonal teller ibe loliowlac
> of lhe
familv la
nve preiu-ni wujnni .4 ibe Whlla
~- unill ibc rvcnt • renovalkm'*
I .-ran.|H-.l 0 sri.-r. for a latge
!wo of lbs mile
lao.wi .«• tiiai Mary made ne bring
boanllag vcboal.
panful ovvf ''J^Jou ihu nerwlng
e IhOH
1 winter
Jd lo
the pr.-wMeal
g a far-pmiK: on
envoy of g
le Sar,
. and Invli,
ibe cioth oe the pan. and
he was pot ia
The fine wblte duur with
and Kvhel. whep she
.hiDlng eye..
Wun'l Ton open bU
Itack fnm s.-bia.l tvaiurday, wceti
e...s ibough when I ...t a pan ul
» vkvp with Aikw. hot irnhwinwhile biscuit. OB (be table tor diD
> Krmit di.f n»i know wf thb
(boBgbi. laughing glcwfnilv
Th.ti her lac look bb b
"I Bin
tce. be
r.wgotu« us
•1'. ru.m with a pilrher
Iniin chureh.-s and
ssdily upeniag the dour
ran ua; W1IB..UI awa .eaing Ibe sliMBberihg
If He amhasradur.
dnsbsd forward ami
Ihr.w lhe 1


Tun rwflecled
1 can nannge a day uB i k nghL" 1
xulbi. l.u!TL.~uLmr . Vug.
said at last. 'I dost sup yvwe 1 uug
but r.l pul in extra ume the n-st
the ae.'k
"I Job I know but 1
' hanler after eatiDg B ull
- u< make up
fur luut Ut^.-'h^'^wnclnded.
las deeul.d.
>.• pml'
I the big luul
to furg.'i
forg." u. -'—
low pmddiBg .
hilariously hapfy. and eiiy<i>.-.i
the boiiOay like carn-ltev rbildreu
Mtcnigan PnaL
It was nearly eleven o.lia-k b.-lor.
Wt.W-jGur B1...U UJ funBui
they came in slgbi .d ihe *■« hou-..
. BIBB r.
where the Nelson's lived Sar.h gave
.X.'aj.%ly (d Ik-i
lie aikb of ■nilslacib.o
I. but I an tnmgr,'.
lb AdBUiA >iu.kJ id iu« Vw dwr- she.exciained.
I didn i ea' a nu#b oI UlrhlBan es
I'.ai Ms .4 M
ms.. ul ibv lan.' ihrv.\-rAK>uu^l lug 'll id iireakfast ihl. BiorniDg. aiel a
I'eBt o.x-ors 1 alnost every slate
IIUJBA'. aua. abudlBK bvi eyid.A Iruw tbr
v..)v.~nile.n>lo b.-btud .ml Ned and
the l'til.«l
> • have le Mtchlgaa
i-rrv is'euougb to shar|«.u one' ap
>u.* PUUl^ pu^ taDU.l.’^LeiM uagur
ADlPh Drr.A,, lb,, i.niirl.. PrwBll)
abc A-DUKbi AWbi vl a BUtoBn Egure
IB.- iri'n peai'. emparvd with
u-k of flour.■' he decfare.1
'li wuu i
AirhJiBK ukMiB U-ak)i' <bi' >ukc u( »k.«- rwvMtBke IIS..7 by the IlDie We leave ' Mli-htgan peals, are .d a low grade.
l.luAJtUB i.A.u, Kvr tic- ligbied uy.
peals I'vnisin irvm ;<•«> u>
BUil. CBlcblllK b.T -lIDbuUBel ufl Its eults for dinner.- Sarah ivfleci.Hl
ii units lu the pound, atsynl
as tn Ibe average Ohio soR
Just think of It. Tom. white baking
■ rm-K I
lerva.. Irub peat evietains
IKiwder blscuUsI Doesn't (i mas.■I b.'ai unlu per pound. The
month waterT*
:ui..-l} gVp,. >1
len they drove up lo Ihe door. best bogs are In high plncew. laiw.
anJ .V; siDlUul BlUU>S BBICbud
g.u t.a. much surface drain,
Nelson greeted rhetu with Ibe
«u.-uu.l Boni out beariy pkasur.- thal the in' and so leave a high pur cent of ash.
Tub al
Bt'l-1 lu mgvt bln
"We" have oue Very eguod bug
t^*B> »e
Iwi). f.v! at the sight
trum uurb. Tub
a neisfobor
)sbe direcl.d Ton bi - I~*. in high: lan.l. A '
merelally. depewd
.r lav.u^iic Lfruthrr;
Ur. NelhoB was ai


Vi:,.i up,-jmi oij
hen a gray bead was lifted
aUtmc'l. the asiunbbnenl was nwtiaal
and The departure of Ibe
>e yonagster
1hhb plifher.Nhvy.
A lew years ago ihe Ansrtcaa aary
uod luxih •« Ibe Ibl Ip relarfve
naval rtrvagib. Ix-lng superior only to
Japan anoai aatime which



enorandum banded today to
H Itarllng. the arilag Mrrw
lhe nave h» fapt Charles D.
Slgsb-e chief of lhe oAce of aaral ta­
la the
V. hast
I. oa lae Bunilwr of Iw
in. balMUic. sod nuiboriisd. while
Ihe^asb of a c^partsoa^^v^


. lb. rnlitv] Stars* siAads dmwmd
as a aaial alrvagth
•arliB-a Cycliag Narrwt.
■> peat units per pound, aod Dot
bo tutJ .jn-uej u> ■»
:lle silting room
"O., I'm su .glad
'icrltB a imrrvA cyclist Is dtawlhg
M UBK IbeD the far weet
<• than |I> pee cent of ash.
>11 came. " ahe exclaimed b.wnlly
crowds of adasliwTs
The Mrd
A surpnstag feature of the I
laBj IB Ibe Lo* euUDUT.
I seems the tongest Ume slm-e I
conducts biiaseir like an experknred
uui'o I’xi.rvaM'ii her 0»erive sen anybody. I expeci I'll la'k laninsula'Twga Is their depth, none
working wlib Us feet thy pads depth of IS feeC
accxuB(iaiu' bio) and kuep
leoL The
,11 alBusi to dealb jf a dininuilve naebtae wbe«e
n. The bumv fi.ibs tried
Bui tn a few- moincBis wh^ .-xcur^
sed lire raua along a ligbi rope.
I tltetuailo
"Now I'll leave Ansu.' ^
I Its beak II Bsanagi* ibe baadle,lh.g»
arc in» !> formid from
lJuorgle lo entertain yiw white 1 gu
Althoogb li carrlee aluag aa-'
cri dlaner." she aaid. "TbW can luosaew and sedges. Others ere nede
WbUs rate, the
ul> »otib-,l «uuBU>. But you out lu see where my Bower
al huuK-: gnd, fevilsg garden Is going to ba. Evoryibing Is
high la beat nalia.
rhw^hogs are p
Tutn did otn.0 ber. abe clu.«d bar
.Bing up M nice as caq be."
Toedn are I
So Sarah Went with the cfalJdrun
prat f
I see the flower beds where the
> Iwu
hundred mk> lu
lanls were Just breaking their
Ur.e-s4irfBCe moisture, which can be •ai-r.-d edifleo Is inrerlaMy kept eeTi.u. bad lucaied
■rough Ibe dark ground to the
i;;aiBi and baill Ibo liiile lug ba
:ighj. Sbe (looped orer onv U-d after Orli-S by nir-drylng. and alructuiaJ e«r«l> t ioned on Lhe evening (
BHdsiur-.'. which has u> be tvmored '
anoiber. trying lu disUuguiah the
at fratival. and the slnpie
This raduetten of i.
a irrlag fereni planu. Sarah was passiunsi
of Ihe dleiTict are coarme
nobture .is the great problen. Aboa;
of flowwn.. b'jt today she v
T« per cent <d the peal as lakea tram
bad talk'd: Iht'lr amall tuppi} of 'eg
ioBs of giving them divided
Is.' Is preneei an IMneaae toad
bogs Is nofsture. Both su. air aad
gave iMii luDg before iprlsg,
The gr.wier sbar.- of
cTBwilag before Ibe altar.
kiln svapuratioD arv used
rarce, and Ue »e*r.
;bu was In the kiicbeu. i|k
IT kaeels and prara. wiwMgg
" iLikei i
Ki ulfaM aarar: ao
I ovvr those wbllo biscuits t
Nn one ever hurA a und la
II com tn tbe aeuie.S" .ytvi. for Ibe pupalaibn la «■_____to eat
Nevertbeleai, Tun aad
ba.-d with Ihe belief thal Ion* arv
Samb bad k.-i'i up brave bearta- and
be moat part mod Chrtwiaa who
nolhtiire, dMcrlorailog wbea exi____
U.I on
iiD <v.urageuu»l>euurageuualy. coaSdenl
wade vows lo gu on pilgrimages
:er So peal brlqaetiea Bust he aa-l who hare died without ftnilUag
fcouBcr ur laivf their
born to call the 1 n la fram ibe fleld.
shipped th coM-rvel car*. If the coal th'lr pledasB. 80 lhe poor craalBTM
mould bring ih.-m pru*ik'rllv.
seemed tu S
uringeacy cununues we shall In a
Tbia vveuiog liarah drea a lung
nsuaJly slow
r in getting to 1
yipiog ahoBt astray. hewUdeewd
bteaib u( ri'liet abc-D at tail tb ■ fell .................... Jing ibc oxen, and washing few years have prat factories in every
iDiu .(op' Tun.
for dinner
She made up her mind town a^ city."
icitediy. ihat it they were half as hungry 1
' !>o rou knua." abe begas cacit
in 1B(
"there sa. a abule ha'.t-doiei
■ t was tbey would move duKHter.
lau ibU aliemoun'
1? 1
Pops Lee's Amieid Clack,
But at last ereev-thing was read
.incultural departmeaL Waabled: I'J
d they pruceedad to the til«ihe
i'erliapa the moai tolerrailag gtft
ingiun. is iDtervsled la the plBaa' af
I la-U*'
ere Ibe dinner isble was sol. San
I Hope Lm XIIL OS his poatlflclal
caplialUls to nahulhciure klgb«iMa
ery tine Ibo.v cutne- They aaatnd
pap< r from ctwnstalka The tarmera Jubilee was an aaeleat clock, la the
mefbfof lu eai. |u>i a* tb«y always
oked between nbysiorlcal desk
torn of n iitanlepbcia. dathM .Mom
uf Indiaaa aad lllleob
>. ant iboy didnX like
laugb aad a dAc to cry. Tbei
rv ib‘b* the Brat . . ...........
caiue I didn t have aoyiFtbtog
a on the laMeb plauer of tht
process. Uepvru lo the flepan- bj' th
Jbban,i<ake lor them. O.
crisp ilices of frieinpork. a groat pla
|hara dni. who presiraied It l» tl
Blnule of golden-brown ]unny«ake. a pal '
I expected
«f fhlllp II. of Spala
Ti carried
at Kankakra,
:rap4uur sboL fresh butler.a gnat pitcher of creaa
phcrc givea
Ivea (he hoora
^ra and U
U g min■e Ume. S
jere. and iben milk, and a puddlhg made from mr.
warvitu Id (be liallah and
led reccsily
the cfleet tlpat by
M.-1 lire to (be bouw. I te^uu It didst ncal aad iwBOteDcJ with nolaases.
Ibe learh of days and
s year’s crop of
take no l.mgTu got tSe butter that Sarah and Ton stole one look at each
ig 10 lhe senuiai. the
I uslBg the prueeat wlU be
nr. Thov ate up evernblng
ling there
ther. other, wbes Ton was suddenly sols
. of the aaa accardlag
«ls the manufacture of dally I
a* evoked tn Ihe boiuo. I tbon^i ed with a Bt of conghmg. and nearl.v
u> the s«ws of the wodlae. solar aad
loT Boict auuld gu away.
strangled over thtcglaas of water that
tanar eclipses, the real eeaebae and
10 loDgeX Unie tbey did (
siaiks u(
the dvp
r " Wi
.Nelson explained
• lorjT 'Tom laughed guodaaturedly. fore today,
a are
flaally got hD breath
Haven t >..u teamed nut tu be afraid when Ton
of the_____ _________
aod they were seai^ at ibe table.
.Mburo old telloaa yrl, alir' bn
Ibe II
and a third from the
-We ____
Just flalabed Iko last of unf husk
•a -Tbov Bont hurt vuu. It
mm the pith Is Aimed awt
thie Is wbai did really happea at
le flour yesterday, ami we at
bane that ma. bare to fend the laiy
grade of oil paper-almoat, it Baliyboaloa. oa the weatera ooasC of
of the poUloes Ibiw w.x.ks
,aniif. ibougb; bat aa long as Ifi
Thee* rocks.' wkkh the
10 we haven't a thing but |nrt
•ulv bihnuyeake I don't care
Atiaatic rollers kars (or aeatarJohahy-cake lo ofler you today
iiueh 11 they do eat It all up"
Icnrtsaaat la thlormed thal
era akrwly breakihg down, oga
It was Samb a turn to laugh bo«.i
laiL tn their degtha —~ of Iran
Do you suppose «e will ever want' . make any apologlee "
pynics aad alon. At last the wafer
Tom and Sarah managed to 1
eat another sMcv of Johnny-cake or
ur boffllny as her the. they knew Jnsl how h
daiioa look piac*. wbkk fodnoed a
oeant seem lo, was to gel bold of anything but ____
l.^a^^'o :ivo?
Bdtw eaeasb to tel the whoSs
tbnt year, and/ben the cunterwalJoB
ibced. a
■eon ini
n,e th
that I'll over
ea dre
Tor waake the raekn

a^B . 1
like a voicam, and great cIotMs
talk with the ir »U1I Oh IL bnak
dished up for breaktaxt. dinner
K>kr and vapor ivee Ugh ia Ihr
ear. remove ther ear from the
tin I'm sick of the Ugbt u
dri. Nelson remarked
e aball
s both Sarah and Tcm slaJk and then resove the
second _______
helping__of John- the pith. With a machine
1 a fact.- Ton ass<«ied emphat­ had refnaed
-I should think nfter Ihe do this work ptwfecuvl the . - .
-I suppose we onght lo be
kl'r ndlee that
■ok this morolBg
you would propose t.. mannfnrture paper aut of
thankful that we'vo got Johnny-cake; ^‘you took
iroly ought
1 I'm afraid it's a blessing that I be hnagry as bears. Yon
IS as a -mue repaMte." WMt
yo-j beiiPT
Bomeihlng ic
a t pniperlv apprveiale any nore.There am 4I.««» igenre mim
rtie oxen, kefl 10 ihettfsc-lves. bad appetites "
iu>. iborv »rv t3l*i4^ KfOreN
been baked tt w
Both Sarah and T
so on lo the xigxag rail fence that
U< ArgeotBiA That 1s u> lay.
rt.-d, the paaiare. and non stood being tkk. aad did i
turk swv thlny-«ne OWo's '
til thej- were
patiently walUag by the burn
So Justice to the dinner;
repohUc- and then hare
to and end.
Ton followed then to take oS Ue both glad whe '
a pTMfleted ax the 4
irt^wiih ao
heavv yoke and turn them talo the for they w
c WUI ba naeifoa
lh with every
. desire ki laugh
pasture, while Sarah went on Into
le use of every pert
BMuthfuI that they att . They did not
liie liny kitebea to g« supper.
the cvmetaikI and II
It was all oaihe ubie an hour later dare gtaace at each other, for the
haaked .. . back to.the
when Ton cane tn A frieh bakM. comedy of their loag
farmer or patting it oa tha a
uolden brown Johnny<ake. fre«h but- prairie behiad the ox___
tbe-huvers will grind It Into e
Paraalal OMafoHin is Wmeii.
' bit of whlu bread that turned oat
e Johaay-eake was almost too kinds of food.
1.1 Muaeia lhe peirlatvhaJ efddt- le
______ with
I tor their grarHy
aXUI very sina« Aa oM maa eoUad
. seecnd Johnayumke
AyiUka resldiad la NovaraeaML «•
niolassew and called -------'
font o'clodt th^^t
the Hack Sen has just hUdm Ms
______ HwUeMly clean.
:a the kitchen
A Bujaber at ■ embers of the U
.nn HMBhea to death, "far M/tac m
^ the sapper did not look Mirly oat kf hearlag from
of Israel have ioealod ta or near
mt drunk dortag the battdaya.* The
appeUxlhg to the two who aal 4owa Ton leaned back, aad langbed and loo Harhor, Mich. They bUoac
.................... ends of the Inble: tweUy
Magbed. his hearty -Haw. haw. haw' rellgioa »ect that hoBara fo the m__________ each week alnost Ideatkal
rrritlag out over Ihe prairie for haH a
secoad comlag of Chrlct ta the
with It. varied week after week snip asUe. Preweaily be turaed and caaght
b aad ire awaUag that prom• hulk'd com. bad son* a glimpse of Sarah's eoher face, s ' '
eveni whkh M cknnieled la Beetheir appMltee tor the tastaatly his owm heeama serkma.
-A whole year flUad op srlth aotbM ieaders of the baad here arw
lag but Johnny-cake ta................
,1 Bmjafon and BacAaaL They
IbbY IL sier be laU h
e hem troB PoeurlB. OUo. aad
IdM Hum’. Ihe receaUy era
d rather starve tk
• - gaatu. Bareh made ao r^ly.
make thle atoee the eeatiU meat- Lang lelaad homd af W. K. Tea
■hany-cahe.- she :
Johnny-take.after eae
bin. hw eatued to ao^ aa en
Mtnaee at ih<
faeo Ton
that great mnage has bran dem
brown tUeen.
>en wm be
• looked at hew palsaically. Pna- get akng the way s
oaily hh taea broke Into a alow amOo. ni lUi yoB what w«'
There are now In tha cK
ecu one of foe cowi and yoa take
n aad mora wfU be o
ring tram an ttfOama
ta a wwek or ao. T
be over by that time, aad I
antvate tram Um Aageto
hack luM aad eat con again tot
matt came hack aad keep k


a vm

.11*^ n IT'


1 am now 4 the market for all kinds of Hides and Fur, ready
to pay the highest market P«ce.'goods ship'p^ to me
OF EVERY KIND. FROM wilT receive my best attention. Will hold goods until 1 hear
I you and if prices are not satisfactoo' wtH P>>' enables


.1 ihe Knlaun's got a' lark uf
l a little a bile ago? We ll so
II go tunurrou
Ur Is It over tu
o iplace ToniT
ube ran uu excitndlv.
-Tu .Nelwnsf It . a
milew. Wu w..uld have i
.me for


MBr.-lt.,r BHKhtf •riB..G>..W.r
TVi •taiUrngklBI. -'Br.ow.



*7)it OMvy •! IM V«rU.•TVUMVS^ha.Tk* NMmI SbOh


rah s splrlu were cnitrely ra<«vI,. ihat line, aad she rattiwd oe
ily ali the rout of the way hone
world looked brighter to then
evening, and Ib.-y eves IkMighi
the johnny-cako fur supper last

Ohio, aad b callevi
ke Star of BeChleben.•• or -The Us. g Boll of Ule.Thb 1. we MSi meaaaM
lo be give*
"e t'hrtsi's
I S conJac
The flfth
ixhed tn -----l»eby John Wood.
■n Gngiand by
J Jl-irw
The Bt-abvfw of the Hons.- at Israel
a;~> claim-lhai Uod has aol yet M
Ills cUlldree Into the promised %ad.
and ibai ihce see iu be .«r k-eders
laio ibai frvdtfol evontry





her head at each u^.
OB'a face fell. ' Well."
)uhnay<ake .. .................. _ .
id the chapter
Well have U
up uur Diinds lo the Invvtlable
Id tbb case is spelled Jubnaxake.
Sarah was la a browo
so m
Mudy. t
yea Sved abaeni-niiudedi
idedlj ua I
plain u( Johnay-cake. Sudden'y b
lace lighted up. and
iber Mdlly.



Tnvcisc Qly State Bank tunwiM.

MO. 10.

« the Ben
iT ibe aanea
anea oS
att ua
u . her Sng'
Sngen. shak-

Some kinds cannot be had for loVe,or money, so don’t
delay, and buy your seeds at once. We' have a good
stock that we bought early; \\< would be pleased to
supply >-ou as long as our stock Usts. We have Beans,
.Beets. Mangel Wurtzel. Carrots. CuctrtnWrs, Lettuce.
Onions. Radishes. Squash. Turnips. Bagait. Sweet Com,
Sweet Peas, in fact almost any kind of seed thal you
want for your garden, and also held seeds such as Tim­
othy. Clover. Orchard Gras^ Either write or call at
Cor. Front and Cass at P. KV




^ - .— .J'SS'SS:

S-'E-S^’T.SS.^r’ 732 ^



boOsr worit te
aa expm draasbteteaa. aad baa a (Bll sat ol looU. sad
wUIAe able to took alter teteworkaa
teU work aa
Tbe loBBdry
wUl BoW be Brapand to toni out tee
wroucbi caaiteda. Bstebed macbteery. |
palterQi, aad to diHttteg work, whlcb:
aa up-bedalv a abop aa'
ibero te 1b tee Mty.
ildtec tocaud la Irual o(:
tee abop.will be a«alJ> lllti-d up mod
Bound A Soa aad Mr KaaabD

a)Mi <»•I aln b> • rbuni* U xIrU Tbr
■f WMM fros MU* ilwTtel Wood .
. Mcbtb arade. <d ibe C««ml.
«M<« '
•'■-----mm. BU«b«r
I. 0»»*V»»4*nort, IMMlu roirler,
Ui(BU mi Kutlu Rere»i<K'
1 MtecUon* fvr* *1f«i «lurlo»


Olfben *

b« U*icB«d (o' lJ>e uorle*
to( the eoMlen. UUtutteal Mtler* (o
Ws bKMM a kM R>r aM mui tarnXhtac teto hU We.
K* toM of (he B. H Uaj-balJ eofWy
thahOe aeo* ot teleeao* oneaaUed ai
Wt hw hi 81 John*. aaU U (he
■not telenet (her ukA Ib nailoBal
•fain. He deplorod llw lack uT laler
bM (hat there aeeBi^ >u be -todax
ft—I (he rooBC teen Ii *eem»l lUe
««th to the nalloaBl apirit. aad
mat haartllf la fetor Ot dotes •“
tuw to aronae (he cslhualaam.

a Pntoy tore
•rdre* li
uy and <1
____1 ______
Bjdacopa! ai
iddai_ I
Bt. PruBcU' cbunbi-a.
The arrdrva la tirmco eburrh Wf
.BicB Id teclr cbararKT. aad all i:
cwBgrrcatIUBa Is Ibe ciiy. epldo Iru
Itetbolie. UBlled In tbes. A
« OB tbe aetea taai word*
>1 wm gt^rn aa lollotn;
her and fbe'naliie* that tboBsti
at Word—-Falbcr. lurglvc the
SrSajlicbHB labor it eaanel liBbteo
lur they kaow not what they do," Bi
^*TbeMaada o( eoaco who bar* auf- W i. Laufiaao
Second Word-“Vcriiy I aaj lu
tbec, today abalt thou bo with me
Paradise." Rev. D Cochlte.
M el Dr. Pictoe'* Pavociu rrcacriptteau
It eataMUhia i^pdaritp, dnca
>D. Behold iby moteer." Rc
uteMhbr dnie*. ^ ielleeiteatitte
Fourth Word--My God.^ny Gt^.
why bast thou roraaXed
F. niom.
Fifth Word—"1 Iblral," Kev.
Word—"Ii U datebed.
llxlb Wor
Sevenlb Word-"FaUK-r Into thy
tads 1 comiBCBd my apIrU." Rev f.




Ste wa^ aM
•8M(Jtettiaad teu iheei avl bnathtef
(ha 11^ (hat ther «U.
The speaker took op.........................
pMterthew.- Mdtes hP to Loe'a
papteji a Bar iribule to that be walked, aa there was Bu other
"fer. Coeblte cloaed the e.eotes'a
trltb a abort talk.
vaa to raa for tb* aom
pnaldeal a^iaat Lteools.
ThU M HP to the character M Uaante. U* WiHMCe (bat araa broi "
tt bev aalHM bm aad hU euad
J^HlIUaa (hat te the oad prorad
■BBhaaL LtacMa'i raiapateB. aa
Ibe deiaU*.
Id to all (be lUI
_______________or Lee *a* »ery
atehwip ptetored. Mr. Oilbm
bat April P Bbottld ba atede <
-aat dan ol bUtorr.
aorersl war* that ibe Ualtod
I baa boee *opaced te r
Bp: wan sot f<» trerdom,
■parre (be I’dIob. The apoakar
Itrwd tka cirll war the craalest
t» te ktetorr where oae body ol
_ jtoed BBUed (bat Ike war niiat

Aaiwal Mssllnp of P
rMvter aaaual bmx-Uii< of Ibe
NortbMB Mlcblcaa Poultry

r tbe purpose ot elrcli&d uacefa
d to close up tbe bualBoaa cd tbe
dm BBSuaJ abow. tniuuielally. aa Is
orery olber way. tbe dm
CTHBd tBOces*. There U B balance te
ba ireaaur? oC fioau, aAar caery
ill ol tee aaaoclaltoB baa beea paid.
Tbe bldbeel expect
uat eateaUaxlSc promoten wae
dTMtly exceeded, aad very fei
paeted that tbe dnt abuw would
lasM 00 the rldbl tide ot tbe
ledcer. Tbe BWtebartbip auw
Mb the raaoMCda ware taxed to the 41. aad U still growiBs. i
BtteBSl. tbe call oatee to atop ike war,
at the woMM aad (be pupU and tba
by tbe tlwe ol tbe eecoDd show
aiiaw «wmaea«ce, mmj m
I asditteg ooauDlitce reported
wetB pal. «Bld that the war Matt
teal all tbe books bad bean cxamlBBd
n>a »M( U wbleb (be war waa aad won laUaCactory. Tbo report ot
• 1 wa* toMibed epoa. Thoae who tbe eoentery ted treasurer were ateo
Mcrwd wUb Lee were let (o a
• with all their am* aad eqiilpa rote ol
wUb aerar a tbo^t
tboashi that^W
that they
teaaks to Bbser Bros, tor prlsUag tee'
_______________ ...7 (edited IHbale
pHaa rtbbW mod ateo wxieaded
R. McCuy lur hie
Nhhar. Hr Mid that tbe world ad- atedeat work Id geUing pp the cate■ma a Bfhter aad apMr Uluairatad togtw asd bte aerrlcei aa aecretary.
aw ntearfe with a story. He said that Seteral poultry totmala wen glrco U>
w CBltad SUtea U a t^ior aad dost
last al^t lor a year;
A Ubv aboat K M fo arotud whb a
' as lu ahMldar. but whan lote- wbleb waa greaUy appradated.
rli to ba booked, tkaa Uaela Bam
Tbe toltowteg oBcart were elected



y4 7//>rV


You Inov tbe isetliciDe tb«
makes pure, riph blood—
Ayer's Sirsspdrlllk
folks, used it. Tbcy tniaed

oc;t»rs trus
• trusts li.
trust it youTNcir. There Is
bdaltta and strenpb in'ii.

M« to *ot b> «totor (oaebM

ifat M-bai8rtl|a «r tke vommi at
■ha. te MdSw amael tea beyi
wmttenmti te aewda lelaB (o war


auot (biwo toUtet. a ptaaot. kar
kg Mehtee. two drUl pressec,
OBt-fl* MV, a shaft trees tor straightJar her folki. aad aeateiad Ike oato« akatta. pipa entUag oatSu. and
an te (hter
teetr tern
bm wo.__________
work, aad nrf- a good UM M beltor axpaadv*
B IWM (kal aa OM kaowa bat ethsr tooto e< tkto oMm. whtok wlO
I -vhe wao Mlted «pm for tee

—Tn. OmU* lau teat te ber pax
■ • (be wart, white tee woawa werw


(dU cd a tev a( hte

Like Ute nnmtog brook, the
red blood that flow^ through
thc^ veins has to come from

The spnngs.of red blood are
found in the soft core of the
boms, called the manow and
8ay red blood also comes
•MdM Blted iba chair harlMl tea
from the spleen. Heahhy bone
maypow and healthy spleen
are full of faL
^ ^
'Scon's Emulsion makes new
Bfdter. bM^Jah^Mcrti
blood by feeding the bone
ma^ and the spleen with
te tee state «d lam the nchi« of all fats, the pure
whMbowaan] I (d ads. It bate* cod liver
(an bte ad* taM
nil II I I



< iiarrovi
latan, that will lead lo ibr

The suffering and pain
endured by many working
women is almost beyond



h*. 1

How distressing to sec .r woman struggling to a livlihood,
I'T?,or perfonn her household duties when her b.rck and head are aching!
She is so tired she ran hardly drag .ibout. and eveiy movement
££.‘i causes pain, the origin of which is quickly traced to some derangcment. ofI- the fcmale'organism.

building, aud teal G>e mayor alioald .tyle ol pnoting and binding aad tec ,
Uaia iMwar. in cftse ol droopbt or aalga* wa.r in wM.-n tec tBb;n': !•:
attendanme. iapncxl dfung-r from Utr. to .utprnfl
“ * 'vr• laUrealiug [ f

irregular, when backaches and
linful <
When the monthiv periods
■hardly>drag--about ” sensation
I loMrertiug i h^aches dri\e out all ambition,
ambitio wl^1“1-C1
^ Certain that some female derangement is fastening Itself upon
Tlte t'tir ■wue heidwav;
to Mrs. f>UilUlMn
nine of (be 'fw : not.....................
the dlse^ make
headway. write...
- symptoms
.11- I u.w UixiUie
aegil uul 'u .noraaseJ^o any dv
Brief aad' <'o.opi''l>ia*itl sicti.u., ol
P"'“'«c “‘i’The ■■tie ,«gr o. iLc voluaw wllL RttRCks >-OU. whCfl VOU are , av..v.
----------------------------T--------------------------------------------------------------- ■'*


L tod^^dhrtajtec m^ir^ '

plBg la and o-ti d
In St Francis- church iho
Ibe FrvMBCiinod wa* celebrated
o'clock, with tbe uactivenng and
oratluo ut tbe cmaa. TbU ewnliu:
7.JO Ibe Good Friday

Chaptevela May Come.
Cbark-vuli High acbuol's (rack team
aad baseball team hate uflereO to actbe propoaal lA tev local lUgb
ul lur a Held and track Dieei berv
spring. If tbe local athletic a«aocUilou will guarantee them 115 to
ward teeir expenses. This tee local
athlete* were glad to do. and tec oSer
accepted at once, on condlliOB
ib«t Mllafaciory arraagcmcnla ci
made tor a suitable dale tor (be i
The Charlevoix team auggested May
I for Ibe meet, but tec local a*«>cU
UoQ would much prrier May ». and
have requeued tee change ot
which win probably be made without
trouble. It It la decided to bare ter
meet with Charlvvolx. the Seaior Mlgh
School meet will come two weeks be­
fore, or ApHl tS. two works from Sat­
urday uf ibb week, aad the mo>
tween the High school aud tbe Alumni
will occur probably May IS or May

gtoc. aad lliai iLo puOpU wcnla be tollaviut rf a list la at pCvtcnl a licacy
Mnluo lu ih • wa* of {myoiaui for (In-1
ival uf (heir rqbbite Mcb yaair.
I* uiliuuticu Ibat tbera are aosBi
ROOi) hoo..-boli: lu Uie ciiy. For aecb i
' tn^ t
tecHild be at Wa.1 iwu

Happily Wadded.
A quet home wedding look plac«\al
tee reaUeoce ot Ur. Ckarkw O'Oell
leal Tbarsday eveaJnc. wbeo
daugbur Myrtle was united la n
riage te Mr. George K. Whiu'ut Ti
eras City. Tbe ceremony look placv
at « o'clock la tee tnml parlor, whicif
wa* prelUly decorated with palm*,
tern* and lUte*. Gtcea nnd white
wa* the ector actacme carried out in
all the deootHltona. To ihe sUmlni ot
'Lobeogrtn-i wedding march, played
by HU* Qleadora Tbompaon. tba
gowned la white
Fraacb oegandta. catered on tee arm
ot tbe groo*. proeeded by tbo oBelatIng clergyman, tbe Bar. C. VlacML

Mty te dteirhiiBtOtod tram wor
aad Its toH If a aerentoBo te Urn.
Jia maBagad te got te tbe Injun
dog and dragged It sereral rod* on a
btonkst. and wulud beside (be road
until a pasaorby aaxlited him '
ind bring It home
il wbeteer tbe deg
It to rely
will Ihre
HaoBo Fram Fax latoad.
wm Wyman at Battoat Bay. A. T.
" ■ at antelra and Ooo. Faya of
tbto «tty_________ ________
trip te Tax Island. They returned
tioBi tee Utoad te Nortbport In a
amah aaUboai. and made a Teeord... tee sail X
at one member ot tbe pxj
l It. the wind belBg rather high.
—w two w
there Hr. *•—
Pays mw
boga. He waa wttbln aboat alx
ot.lbam. They ware let go a
oVM a year ago and aceta bob
wane tor wtaterte oa tbs b
wUhOBt artUctol Oelwr. It to onppeaad that two periabed.
ed. aa
at only t
saoB. abd tl
oal Btrtea f
wolta vary w


tbawteho «Mca« (hair doty to



•UlOttn:,. coold *>e fiteoed
nance, prondiua teat- rubbiab abould
sot U> buroed uu a windy day, ibat
Interesting 010 Volume.
die teonld be left even (or
Tnualu baa ahown tec Keoord a '■
mnal witesDt a nUable persua guard- oony ot aa old vuluiae teal
in lei-1
In. II iKu DO dr. teaald ba kindled ostiBg In a nambcr of way*, ktir book I

(be Natural ITk-iIou ot Menkiud. .\l(eoi-tcd in a I'laia and Ba>> M.-tbod;
Willi au AOU.IOIH of Till ir -Nam**, Xataroa. Arpi.ut*noe*.Kovcla an.i L'lflcrant Can. te Uc'uau Lilv lu wuiuh aic
:;abyoinad Itoial ud Ilivine
Uiu Ki-uelulion or Uovar
Them, bv I Wall*. |J. O '
It tinira
i*aiil. Miiin.-.ii*>li!> aiiO
and 'Oiicw.
all tb<-title (bat ilie book
te, lu-nt to-lhe l.-st b^iccialiste l^t. l|aul.
Cliicw.. 11
eil< of rubbi.b
dispoacd ot lu wBiv
41 aad my O’■vanes (akra ooL
Jje onlv Uiiiu; wxuW t«- to have au oi«ri
I year. Tliim al tl t
s and A'ive Mni. l'iuUlAlIl'^ n-iucdk-s a irL
boOHbuld for eartagu, would
M U.-OOO from the city coeb year for 1
» Oa o
(bis 1‘urpovc. ihai migbl be avoided If! ‘ '
ilont_______ , —.
tbo lubbial, eoDld U- boravd under'
10J Year* Yeung,
Co, Ashland, W.»
proper coaditlooa
"UooU Dan" W bipnis. wbo war
Mr*. IMR IJBTia, T4 I
ns» Cs
Mn. FrBDces StAfTord. S43 £m( ll«(h S(rwrt.
Some ot tec expuat. i* avoided, by >«
<>>■» t»“
“ “tfC*ChhteCB.nL.aAyB:
___________ BP girat pleasunj t
Itaut altowiug
——-................. ................. • . - .
■( othen I(rl^'tottoS^’
r. WTiipiile .lated teat
. .
INibllc bmlth Soma ot lb,Tour wu___________________
ratevr Uaid ou him. bnl Itmt dsrrabbiah la tpltv of tin- ordi
bAAi’s VrertAbIc ConpowML
Ilie a[«iut; aud taqimer lie (crlt at
rtniiily iu a veiy W ooDditiotL lauf.'
(pft>d u-rriMv vriih a cuntinual kAckaebe aad bead,
eoiujt before Jadg-, Kobiuu. who baa
Hi- m;
lu-bc. I lind idrurisy inmf t^t*ni;e.beAxing-dDwa
te iteL’ ^lai, in a]die ot bit fccUcgt lu Sve -Jiiu
isu]ia,aud tbuar dizzv, ainkitig or tainlinespelM.«ss
Ih. Bialicr.

ucrvuus. pitvixh and deepoodcpL
leg and B<<vi bauk
“l uas adivued to Ur your tafdtciiw.And ww
MC';.-liiu-.i l..■IJ• good ,n ruin* o*av. , live* over Iboa* l.ii
vatly euryiritod at tbe benefit I darired tnm its
For ILVUUK.-. Sfwrlbl lover ba* been lb lbn> are ■. K'-eal )0» :o :u:
t am Dowentiielv cutrsl of Umm anmrnta, aad
sequentir feel and ^k like An entirely M(r per.
te. houav. Mid alter tea-d.-mai
a'^mil.’^no, t--- • ' ’

Profit by the ExpwHence of the Women Whose Letters Follow:


«... ». ,h.i.. ««. ix'..

diw^, gvr«\ »1- i.;-o.b'Br<.ur .111 i'«'
or tec uraro-su. .t-. v ta.*.
.. .......... ..............
ILiriu^t ,ue uiBu Oi. bis way ib,- ftrsi C)u..«ku uo,i i ,-d- iiaami ■•*

tar aa poaslblr
^ dupoa* ol te«;imatiar. and tee r«blab ba* dooa*^
ig la (bv
naltor,. and li to pncUeallv ecrtaln
(hai U will be bMagbt before Ibe oty
,regal (bis


[VOW motel _
I of Qrand Raplda wbai- I Rapids and Kocklord.
Kannc* <


ary. bol whmvwtteey ^ot mannfae- >• vUltibg friends in tee city


beomiDg woodMuUy. Snte (owns a*
Alma, DsiaAd. Ma. wlU toco be
ritlte while Sagtaaw and Bay Oity
at* taM iwooTadof from (betr tenalOAsd dawBinU tram losing (belt InmThtoa-toner plaoe* nra IntaroMad In
the aoM heel Isdutoy.
1 bad ao
IdM ot tbe manUBto ol Ibe vast ea- banitOB tee (arm cl bit employer.
tabUteraeata. This sew
Uaroe- Peter O'lUte. is Hi Mom* towniblp, wae eoateaeml te tee luforma'
at iMla few one yMi. Tbe Ind
Itamds would (bey employ
te eomnatuon? U tbe big Aib dto'*,
from tee tmie aebool tor boya al
Ml tee little enet so mete in fatare
rater and a latter trom (be
mnybe Otand Travene may bay* a
ef the teboal tettiSed te
abow ot aubanee in totu«, but JW
It good faetovtoe at that teatilaueo.

nles to gal ool of tba mad up bore
any bow. We too'lbOTe M baU oat



•atriogcat waabca. lotions, aalues, a---------------and cinrettes or any external or local imptia
}u*t as aeoselesa as would be kisdliaf a fin o
the pot to ^e it boil Tne.tbMBC
,the cavities Bsd pBMagto of the head BAd the
iriid. bntUu
WBBI to Uaro H la tea oMy aad oa broochUl tabea aooo fill uV^ •‘“t
teotr iwimlMi to daoay aad toaad dieTaking eold U the firat stop towaJd* Cattorh. far It
taasA aad II aasto moasy to bay* it ■ checks peraptnlKm. and tha paltooPBS odds and
MiMd OBI o( tha eltr. aad evM Umb. >'
; wapon a
whicCabonld pass oS thfw^^ths^g^
I thrown back npon the a
' '
ixtfcm aad incotoiro fi
ot She --------■ • ' mocb d whicb u ahaorttad tote the blood, aad thiemrt the droalatka
Tbcy do




Jad^ Bobi^ af ^


Boarttotonatod htmasll^^m^.
of the body. tVhen tha dlattea atonia the dry form, the toalh
a yarn ago. aad ptaoMM te* rahjoel C™nc* exceediagly foul, bltodtog headateto arc ittoaeot. tha era rad.
> Ih* olty oaaBotl. wtth aroqaoot. bearing aficctgd and a coastaat tii^toc to tha oon. Mo maedy that does
topattoU NtobafAlag** rabManaa-;
Atr asrtato ootulUtea* to Ih* ottythaMbJscl was raiMvad totes rammltoesca «ie rate tee fin cbtol. aad

>• •*



Sr ^
^ pwant. thmcqgb com to «


Write « aboatyogr «Me«■« C^thsM


^1 bepoa to
lUv tlmt dour,
like a
know it
women would

--------*--------- -

'*’1 sliall alwava l« ptoaaed to inflamoe gnflermf
Dcn to try your VegetAble Ctompoti^ U baa
e woudrrq for me, and I am very tltankrnL*




forthwith prodiNB the
algAAtarcs of AbBWB tern
will prOTO Shedr AbeotAtA


most ol tbe day to anlMd bI tela port
whaTte^ bare lor tbe local merobanla The gtMlaal amount ol goods
1* eonJlgnod W (be MBmelman Qntmr
Ca. tea HaBBBb ± Lay Maratatilo
and tbe Koitben Mtehlgab aay-

Tbere were (welt, bead .of borsv*
OB tee boat (or 0*Mt SlmpaoB,
and one lor R J. Mo^
dottlaga at Tn
Havlnf been a tra
past, 1 wUl gin my
wtot (hey are word
From Otand
Bbtcb MBll eltDled_____
’‘'giJ^Oate od Klngaley to in tee
Boald tea olty OB buxteoM
Tom UUet ef OUea Bna. baa gone
in York *< to uoeir BOW. 1 WUI' StM
____ ________ iUons of butlneatj i bat* te Toledo, where be will ctoe* ooi bto
tewnt have beea la a (ranelUoo
. _ .lUeooiate bBslnooa aSalr* aad reteni wilb
from iBaberlag
otbor oeao Jntt family M make Ibu elly tbeir pen
neat borne.
rate^^Tritrora^iaiy ma*(
Oibbeweni te Eingaley

Tba Rubbitb OwoettoA
With Iba arrival e< aptinc. tea qaa*tan M *a dtomtal ot rabbtoh
throogbeat tba olty baa bieernc a Ur-

they aiw "ap animat it."


ov,-t. ihv booaoiato be fli.i’iffcied utiiringy and iia
Fainis ate taken out. l.muT.-d from lix,. * ’csns ma
under eartwl*. old ciulbiBg 1> laicu . show. Iiu axe Ul
from Ui. noBWandBll.i. te ui-dit ;
potvdof. Bni lufxead of lakuiq It lU I
r.rtt Chicago Seal,
te tec IttJ. raid a»d burtiin* rt. tea*: -f,,,,
dlapoaiD* ul ell eliBbou ol oiilimloo Tburelay Ju*i laUi,. S o clue; a m
il is taken luio te. allw. wbvTv te. wilb S la*c« l-,ad -i (ra..;bi

to a

wdP ovar. It kept tea Jadga oa tba
. aatwy mIbbu of tba two dayt ta
■at tba fowl* aeored, aad tour daya
was sot tboufU too toag (or tea next
r. wtte (ba larnr numbar ol f
Ml WMtar «hd taU at som cd bh k to ag»ae(ad wlU ba axblbttad.
Betwaftar tooalUy Maetlan <X tba
—»*»«t~- will ba held.' Thoy will ba
ISw. «aWHwB7Msna(«hteIM attara (bat oae eoald lUUa to

A ebioti e
iloraiio S. Kxilr »a* dmitaa
aplri.ui.f work lu te o.ic
rcwdi, aci tueoc
aud leoAiablr t»jori
Blit*, wuo ap^iowci teem.



mw^. cvwrw'M a Mp«t taM «(

rom l»au-T»«. M
......... .

Rich Blood

Ctw tbe aaeateg year: PrwaltoBt, Dr.
1. L. Aabtoa; dee praaldoat. U. H.
Btodgeu; aecretary. d. H. Kalgbt:
bwaauiwr. M. M. HtteCarCard: ex^
a a Braax. C. H.
ty toU. Tha Spaatak war wax
I am hat bo aaU tbai tha VaBAerbarg.-E. & MeOqr. W. H.
K U Aahtais. D. M- BtodgoU. tea. Antotaon, niece ot tee bride, and
«( Sm dosh bin
Oaorgo R. Jawott. rVwd H. Lawia. W. Hr. Otto WbUe, nepbnr ot tha groom. beauUftU prooents ware re.
B. Haiato and J. H. KalgbU
The date* lor (be aacaad aanaai
» boBo In Tr
show WM* talked orer. and It wm deaH«M^
eUad to elalBi January n. M. n and
n. It may be aoossaary, bowMer. -ta
la tbaaa dataa oa account at
c)aah.'bat U poMibto tbo abow
wtu ba baU oa tease dataa- tba maV iTa N. S. tralnJVt Unteb'a enmatng.
lar M ohaactoc the dalaA U It baMBs dog toltowed|Hani7.
lag a bmw< kad gr
tan ta tba bands at tba
< tbe road, when 1 ..
k ta fitmt d< tbe tiata.
Two daya (or Uo show war* :
ho tog wax throws a toag dtoear fbag aanagb' for tela ya
». but waa Bot UUad ostrIghL Mr.
Ohralrr. ct________

IjTB hPT# to Bdbt te good ai

Fteuk BamtUee baa jaal rmrlved a i
bandaomc o>^ ot tftc report ot (nr!
Mirhigaa "
vauxed u> look Uiiu icc matt'-r of tee .
stel* highway*, wtiba viei/ to the i
imocovriMul ot tec vtele •iilcai ol
rMda. mad Iba itetaHiatueeul. >1 deem .
• d edvicablc. ol a teiir read oo>umx
It u bald that good loedi air
joai aa iotpoetaat to tee siaW aad aa
, Uoo a» «ood hoibort aal« nv. r chau
' ( haadred aud our ttalagi (ot |

-1 • .Crto
I I~

asa Iba eofia ImIm artoad bclM* I
. «• MS atek It wUb sauMS. or walk i
>dn mites to tewa aftar bn '
' at na « alakuig a :
----------ooira to tbe axtea.
ilM 1 te
a mall mIsIt get te I
i wlte V
, big burMa bliobci u> e taaa cert.
Beaiy Tambeat. .

fry on

they look
you ^

Cbe Styles
in wbicb
tbe best
is tbe one
we fry
to sell

trustworthy Suits
A determined effort on the Part of our
buying organization insures you in
every transaction, none but the most
desirable and dependable merchant
dise. Our prices range from

$7.50, $10, $12.50, $15, $16, $18 to $20





Lm lUdtr asd toilr d Prm«M lwT*BeT*4 bw* and •»««•■riac «Ma MIU«'i IMH*.
Mm Utertbal D—IM d B«
wb* bM
TiMUy JM riMt.




•*<£ iaVor Ibe I
Mi« Aaaa Kmm. wt» tftmt U»|
•iMr »t Tri?iWi OU7, NMwdj
miUi htmj






Lion Coffee
li Iba aiindard baranfo of trenr
•uu aod larritacr d Ua Ualea.
11*$ poia—tbal't vbjr.


____ M ■•IMsatOUTiPMcalM
» Mn. L Biatet Mtd cnadohl

9«D a aJion ttma frldaj.
Cbai Wataai of SatUu Ba; <*llad
ban Mb* laal of Cba vtaih.
^ Aa Katfct profiaa araa ilTaa at tba
KM JalU OhriaUaaaae of 01U*« M. K. abarab oai Badar laal. vblab
araa »ary aaloyabla.
WUI f>raBaa ao4 irtfa of Qiao Arbor
M tba (oeau of i Proaaa asd faullava a Uv iMua ae Wadaaadar
Wb. Brown and familr of iMrai
Ulir an TlalUaf Ws. Brown, Br.
«a. B«hafli»aa aad 8<M Uatbri*
atiMinad hooM lla «m of Ihc I^awra^uaa* of tfenl.port nil
Dr. FnUkcb waa ta town an twofi
HM fbaa Oardaa TifUadTra?* alOMl
baalaeaa Brldar
Minna Bartln and BtalU
Who an atlaodlaa aabaol at Prora■nl. apaal Baa&j wUl< tbalr parbdaU Jabnaaa aad Adoil Z«n of
Kartamn an Tlalldaf Manda bare.
«|Mi tb* VMb M


liach year limJ> every |>b ennau' il in lhouyht> of refiimishiiitj either their wardrobe or ihi' lioim
t he day ol thin relurmihini- i» here. .A mitlioii
wurkurb at loom and whi-el. ill: factory ajiJ shop, are ifeiK-nding on your obedience to your desires. Your nrdtiiicai;on uf iliosi- desiro add-10 the pri>-tHTUy of ihr
nation and adds its power lo i|ie whc-cls of progress,
t he amoiint of merchandise movcif f»y this store every year would elous indtri.-ii were ii not that people
have grown accustonuHl to it. l-'or let but a rising of the sun. let but a ere.ition of the world hap|ten t%ice. and 11 ceases to 1h' marvelous. .And yet, a walk through the
store showed ye scribe the many, m.anv good things, never even mentioned to the (mbiic. liach ve.-ir linds us l.puer able to mi
r than ihe preceding o
-this is as it should be, when jl ceases to lx- -0 it will not lx- Milliken's.

Cosflfltbt dabilM tbf Purst Can
Vour Sprina eown

Lite B.P IVaaaaf Tnran. n.,,|“SiSS:‘i:,d““<Sn at^S^nW

teTtei^ ha/i”'«

^geaf ter Butterick Tasbiens
H and Publications H
may Delinalor is here.

r" ** “- “»“ «


Have you bought your ma
lerul yet' There is no plac<like Milliken's for Dress lloodThe completeness and variety
of the stock, the lieatiiy of the
gooils enmbitie to make this the
right place to do your dress
goods sliop|»it|l- 'We are tolil
this by our many satisfied cuslomersl. The sheer, soft, clingy
are the most popular for the ctniiing
. they allow of such graceful folds in
draping, made over a colored ilrop skin, tlie
efTect is very pretty. We have a»^ost coinpleiu line of these |K)piilar fabrics.' Here are
a few things that tell of splendid values: »

Jaa Mater d Fioraaoat waa I
! liaikiBi for 1I.C Msai of iruiiblr 00 oaa
of Ibc faronr • jianr llaca laadlDC out'
<u rnnkfun. walked lobi a bonar and
dlaeoToiod an old ladr allllm
rorklof rbalr—boallr knUtlm-and
nlih tba (dcpb<«« reeclrer (led
Ihe barb of bar chair vban aha coold
beer all Ibal waa belag aald over
8be aaa greaur pro.oked wbaa
■Uann. Wanwb
eenaured, addloc bjr neana of dafeaae
Ibal abe paid f»r »bal abo fat and
waa boiuid to gut bcr au»a«7'a worth
-Praaklun ralrlol.

lie your prii-e what it iiriv, don'l forget that tills is
your store. A'ou will im i here more Suits .tod Wraps,
-than elsewhere; you will mhla.en.un distinctiveness
about them, as tH^y are t:\clusiv,- with u-.
lluyiug as we do from the forenio-i garment makers,
we are able to place before you noihing but the lie-: and
latest ideas.
; ^
Our makers have A-riainlv outdone them'selves this
season, for surely suits, wraps .md separate skirts weie
never so iM-aiitifiil a- tliey are now.
Till higher price.! oius an- as tinely fmishisl and
elalKiratcly trimmed .is your dressm.iVer would do it for
j-ou. while the lower priced ones are beautiful indeed.
Suits of Cheviot. Uroadebuh, Melton. Voile, Ktaminc.
etc., etc..

40 in. Mistrals in in black and blue at,... S.Vc
M in. luamines. black ami white, blue ami
white, red and white, green and white, tlhc

$5 to $60

54 in. Venetians, all colors........................... $l .('i'
W in. Snowflake, black aml-whiie ----:iSin.J)rcss Hoods in the largest variei>
we ever had, Snowflakes, Mistrals, Mo­
hairs, Zibeline Mohair. Cheviots. Serges _
-a lie.autifiil line....................................

coats in'Monle Carlo, Coffee Coats and lllmises of UniadclotlTVoilc and Silk.

$6.00 le $30.00
Children's Co.iis m H,,.s Coats of cloth and silk,

/ $2.90 to $10.00


nyaukaaaaayaoad baraaa to tall. Meg
nataiaCraetrateNyand 1 will pay yau
Mh Wabaat market erica ter Ibam............

Dainty and Pretty (Uasb Goods

eblc-ebarmlng $blrt Waists

that dint at Summtr flaps.



240 Olaabliigten Straat.

Wt ftar no


Shirt, WaistsThat we have
uilhavc always been a little particular about c_.r ,
secured a ven- satisfactory line is proven by the splendid wayy in
11 which they
w and
^ are selling. They are nice fitting and finely made, the styles
nobby, Some very pretty and distinctive Btyles among them.
Pretty Uwn or Mull Waists.................................................... ............................................ ..
\’ery desirable styles, all new. up to.................................. .............................^ ^
. $1.0(1 to $».5<»
Mercerized effecli............................................


4-4 Bleached finished, soh for the iicedle..................

MM*! 4H Viol Osal- «| 0|
-Wtt tt« 2 M




Mercerued effects la the Chambrays, (iingbams. etc :........................................... 25c
A splendid line of Madras, some arc mercerized, worth 4(te.................................. 85c
White WaiMmgs tn abundance in mercerized yarns from
.............. 86c to $1 .U»
Figured Mils in pretty paiicrns and colors...................................................... 15c to 50c


Mas's OMUuda

fS“u ISe
CkUttoWa utmmd hte AJ.
He sadstes ■ausar^ yfll*
pniBU Sws ...................

Itelw' Pwte* WslaU



. 39G

who has the care of a hou-ehold on her hands.

. H.. •».. UI 1

Ki r IK r-^! 38c


■iniws Bnat

Now is the lime when you want to
cloth in your screen. Come


are bargain- you shouUi not pass by with a hasty

I->J<c and 15c

7c. 10c. 16c
...................................................... 20c ind 2oc


Bed Spreads

Cable Cinens
Mercerized Cdtton Damask................................................................................................... '-5c
Linen Damask, brown or bleached...........................................-.....................................

Tilxss White (Juili. weighs 2i.' lbs, honey comb pattern,
unhemmed, wonh k5c....... ................. ...................................... /.


Those that are always |»articuiar about their Linens go ip Milliken's.
Linens bought here are the most satisfactory kind to buy. We always
carry a veo’ large line of alTihe better grades from ..............50c to $2.25 yd

IM White Quilt, the best quilt in the city for the |iric&.

weighs albs................................................................<L^IW
1$ size Quills

frinKodand hcmm<ai.,‘ ....$1.25,


the oeuei
better giaiics
grades ui
in ootn
both he
11 me
nemmeo and fringed,
from........................................... .. • • • .............. $2X)0 to $5.00

Kswans OfM AA.

sr,si'..'rr' 3C



Here are items that MUST interest csery woman

By far the best line in the city pf brown and bleached Damask at 5(‘c.
Son« splendid values among them............-............................................5oc
KM Qlorw to IsdlM —



»-4 Brown Sheeting........................................................ ..
72x80 hemmed and seamed Sheets, an extra good
quality muslin.................... .*............................................... 88c

ssfiswss 3»
asMlsiars .......................


4-4 LL Sheeting, good quality, worth 6c anywhere, jk yd



Wa teS tiMw all t« law pHaaa iiw i«i ethan laltaw. Daliis bualBM
M MS Siv* ym MSN Hr ysw mmmr iMs say


Never before have the creators of summer fabrics been '.tble to produce su#
beautiful formations a- this seasonWe have gathered from the eastern
and western markets some of the most exquisite designs, ioth in fabric and
1 he mercerize.l effects are very rich and prqtty. They have that
silken sheen that makes them -o nearly like silk. As usual you will find the
Milhken showing the most attractive injihe city.

owrM atf, muK

Defender Sheets


And Pillow Cases in sets; both sheets and slips are
hemstitched; this would make a

18x411 Hock Towelexccllent qual
ity. red border, each...................

most pleasing

.Another new lot at.............................$1.00
No wonder they sell forthey have „

Per set ______ -......................................$4.5(1

!Sx34 Linen Huck, soft and nice 15c

the biggest hundred cents wonh
of value you ever saw.

Df^r Starts hemstitched on sides and ends. 6Sc, 75c

2C>x40 Knotted fringe linen Da­
mask Towel.................................... ISc

Ooe.lot of high grade Skirts, origiginal price $ai0 to $4.50, odds


Hemstitched Linen by ya^ at per yard.................... SOc
Polkadol Linen, not bemsdtehed pei| yard.............



2Ux40 Half bleached damask,
hemstitched....................................... 85c

/(tad 3Uotrtistmtat on Page 5.

and ends of the season’s seiiing
they ill goat......................... .............$1.K




CnN Trafcrsc ficnUl
b to BM Me eerlj M ke Matotoriaf
*• Meltw e* W> whetUr tkeTww
oar «rtU w vlU eat eetotoeto Um
*M*tt ef Ja)r ihto ywr. Ab«e«r
wt*> ewete fcerteiM ■« an MU1«
m «be eahtoM. ee4 ll w-li wm ka ep
M Ika al9 M daaida (toMallalp. -Tkt
tnkattototbli nallae U uun
Ua iatoeUeae wl» liaaa tba ka«
afaMM M Mka Uh> aatohiattoa i

Mtohl aca paara

H* hai parehaaed aaetir
itlea to tbto aad olbar atataa. aad bto
iodsseai la each Batten ba* pond

Your Money*s Worth or Your Money Back

uaerrlac lto.*»*»T
a of Ihv baaUns
Th. M
of Sbr auparrlaifm i f a«r««d tbal
• are.lbmtobly
•ab aad (a»a af >e oouatp
ib» adraaced pualilm* they are
AlhMuly lakM U aaa
«n*r May I, aad a'cmtlDadaee
araord alih la* aad
the crovlb tbal huk to alaadl^ laak
Mtoaed lb* and at pro- loK to certala.
b aaaa* baa* aiMaUuaod
Hto« ibto to ibr beat ptoa that caa
Noe* han< o«*rod
iblBd ^it*r. bowaver. aad lb« and to la Bxu aaaetT. PaaB.,rab. ivoi, isn,
aveoTbcre adaiUlad
wbata bar pUlbaed daya ware (paai <
abill ab* eaa» to tolobitaa to )8AL |
« coBiDllicea an- al work
ilj. aad lb* ««uiIt‘* biulaai^ to 8b* «M MTTtod to U W. OaaiDlBCi
la NoT*Bb*r. IHU «ill> Ix-t baikasd
balu traanriad n rapbtto *• por ■

a<tha toa4iac baataan aad paafaa
atoMl Maa at (aa alto, aad ilMaa
aaa*a M ba a ilnac aaattoaaat la laa
ar af barlac a catotoatiaa.
wiu ba Um raaa Maat af ll>r Tiaaana
,Olv Otlaiaf Itort aaaa.iallca aa;
var, aad ifeafa to i^lnec aaatlaaa«l
tabaar atMaUax tba Jabllauaeai
Mt a tUac aa pcaaihla
an a tav la taa drtrlac park
MBlBlitlca wtc da BOI
ttm tec Hm ealaknttoB.
tba kBTMMia an atbaatoaUd la Ibati

If you are not sure that CSiWOta is the
best br^d flour^bake it and compare results
withAvhat )‘ou are now using. Money back
if you are not satisfied.

Cribt-toiTA >9

Ladies’ New Suits for Spring
We are now showing a great line of Tailor
made Suits in ail the popular colors and ma­
terials. The styles are beautiful and you can
hardly fail to be pleased with the swell effects.
They are perfect fitting gatments. See the
lines at



I talk* le*. Or Wood *
Norway Pine Siyap. Plcninol
Od* of tb* iio« cnioTabl. *rvato of Bke: peifaeUy baiBlan; poalti
onra ti
for oooglit.
Uif>eiaaa aajl
in ' _
_____________ ,__ __
^■adaeaday C. H. Bate* aaal
- IViliiani
■be Luanl of aaiM*'
bari- art r*aaia*d nntll
April .-nd
.nd to Hr Unndrt l:ii».
Tl*or* akklBc U*B l<
of her
baatmad. Jalj H. jiiBtity
at ii.itiy
K-itly lovtied
tOTlled tBf*u;
prialkai of IW> <
e,buijiilaliiy oIUi*I.O*l
of tb*
Uacue for lb* I
aid all wbu ba\r
I ItiL <-nK-lllti-ti .It t'hr.-i
rt 5J2?to
W. 0
o^eBtooe. lihareO
_ to bar
brother, W.
1 kia.piiality of Mr.
to Brio. Peaa.,
where »!•# BBatoed |ur,
BMl ot toe llB* till bu deadi. A|Wil | qq., ^
(■ (TOUbd*' aad
worker, yoa eaa daitta the Ulrodno
lory Oonrae to Itookkeeptos la ibrv*


$‘7.50, $8.50, $IO and $12.50
New Skirts. New Jackets. New Capes. New
Shirt Waists, etc. See the handsome things
in New Silks. New Dress' Goods. New Wash
goods. New Laces and Embroideries, in short.
New Goods in every Line. All at .prices that
are sure to please you.


Ibtto* *bo dlad to ib* banuaa: al*o
o BtHiriiou
baatnad'* Uf* wrr* tpaol la
afflirr —
art raqnlrad patleal and enrefol

^ paatohto. iaula« tb^
-• UMiaeaaaataadiba i
n**ei board v«ai to Sato
Price'*, callrey *t 1:*0 tbto aftaraooD
e purpoa* of bavlBt tboli

., You Use Ball eiua.
Laa|iaud__________ l».-ih.u<i..— H.1I Klur. .t. i.,i U.II Km_________ !.«• . w la.kM. uuly i. ,--!.!..
canter uUe aad >l>«oiBted
ua Plat*, th*
-tde'aad I TIMIS lb HUNEV. Why iiwad fr«
-mbled Ri
'"Knttoeti'oo*!*.• to Bit
II ll

TW brolbanand two iittm ret-of le, ema.

oak* and'

Sale ef
ef State
Stai* Tat
Tat Laaea.


lorea takea.

is IS

Tb* board €t auperrtoiin eoavaaed treat bub of work *
bard at work all i « tine. Work
to apaelal acaaloa Uooday afletaaoa
Mooroe U*nt*r. Tb* only on* of whom * pMtauieti of a dvliRbtfal iIoif.
;mrvudd~-nWia •leus.rsu
■bertty afiar t o'cloek, aad elaetad that raQBlrea boor* lo the cudidI
M abto
ibla lo
to ib* preteot m B. A.
KmerwB. tW Haruon b.,1 Ui..,-.rJto... ,w uOm,.* u.
mpreparailoo for actloD by
P. B. Walker chalraBB. Altar tba
Th* rei
NlcUiIm Uayvt bai* fime
. atodUoa aa adtoaraataet *a* takea to whole board, can be dlipoaad of by
spato eu lU* bay balvr, attor____ _ — .
tow full body la a aKuaeai. There t
■vrrtl dayt u aooonul cd a [
alily bNI* before the oomotolUa
appetat bl* eonitott
and Mn.' Prank OaB|
ipbell- of
- .
ot tbe deceased
Then an all a*« Beaban «« the tbto »M*loD. earfa (ue of which Bi
I were taken lo bi-r broth
lltaled aad paaaad apoD
board tbto year. They are Peter BierTb* faneral
foneral wni held at
Bbeher of liayteU UwaeUp, Lada* fore tba anoasl* eao ooBe before i
_ _ w oborob al Mi
after bring Ui
/. Tedmaa of Paradlae, aearge B. d>eTbartdsy. at 1' p n . Ki r. A l'
_________ _
Each of ibea* bill* ba* to be C(
of KlBKiIey ofBoUimg and
•lav of Paalaaala. W. W, Deae of the
Tbird ward, WllUaai Haraba of tb* ever liea by Ilea. Ob ua* bill alone
7» ilea*, each one of which
.Itoortb vard. Tranrae CHy. aad taba
to* down tb* valley on* by one. 'i
-erifled. ooBpuiea and paaaed
M. iaSord ef Ualoe tovaabtp
Heat _
to hardly poailble that
Th* old Baatom are Joha Hoaale
man eoald teveetltate
Acba Obarlee H. Uoam of Blair,
! ar. aad
Bdwla Black of Baet ms. U C. Koleb- tbeae nalton
_______ _____own h
comfortably >eltl.-d.
<H gf nte Uka. J. B. Bf|« of Oa^
PIrvt Natlanal Bank.
Leand.-r Haney aad bnde. alto Mt.
Stod. P. R Walkar^ Orfill. WUU*
Mr. Frank
Mnucy t BOtbei. have mo\e«l to Ttav- ^ „
Al* o
Wlshlaaa ot Qr^ LakdlHE. BUa- caabter
labter of tke Ftrat National Beak of
a N. Ptekard of Iwlaud Ml Mon- ere* Oitv. We ar* aorty lo loae (oeb m v-n
. ba* bean oBer
'^•ertb Daryea ot Uaw L afce. 8. U.
uelRbbon. anil-Hr. and HraiTrm'vr..
day to tows.
the poaltlon of CL..
Hanoy wore aaong oor uott rnpalar
Browa ft the Flnt ward.
NaikBal City Bank of Oraod Baplda
MIb MyrB B arlb nf OaMoa It ycBOR poopU- _____________
row of tba Baeoad ward, L iraa<
one of Ib* torewt and moat anbataa ■jandlni a few
- daytwltk cr'atlret
toad <to ibe nttb w»rd. TIarena Cli
Ual beak* In the kUle, with n eapHal aad frtoad* In tbU
th ptooa.
Tbe abtogU miU otoaed iiatarday
aad U. X. Hewkiiw «« Utewatar.
Hr.WeltoB *t*ted Tue«lay afler- for lb* teasoo.
The board knf tupeMaan we
Ibal while he had acoeptad the
Mr*. BMvar, who ba* bea terioasiy
Snatad with a**8Mlir»H rona lit
be bad not yn decided Juit
1. U tlewly r*e*v*tto«.
Ferry Will
when be win leave Trarc
dar afteraaM. A«1M>ey aaaoBbl
pnltloa of
la 9*etol aaa*lea. Their UdlrUi
Bach_____...Clg- Bank
sre to
4Mka wan to pMlMaa. but tb* cbal
Mr*. CUBS. Wsbb q»nt last Banday
taanktai poellloae 1 the itale, bad
had aet arrlratoltod they had to
waa bacaoM of hh eaeellenl -------------- to town.
N'lirthpon uno rad
car ferry
aMUMad wttbwrWwbea Than tloai and akUlty aa a banker that Mr.
Baary Banes ipoit Bapday at bU Itor from Uautollaue
MautoUaur. I> declared b)
~ '
tor the piao*. It
OB* to Ibto ptoee.
to ao ncalar order earrfad oet la Wellao
lYctMi-Ot Mclbuaoy to In- aillhoUl
a km( .
lu any panit____
Hra 0. S Beou, wb* kaabaealU. fiiuudaiinn
_ ..........,
ptotoai tb* datka. tb* meabar* trea
Bt Mr. Weltoa to
I lafeoTtof.
Ur U.-ihi*0}
M.-ihi'*0) authorlii-t
ibo Ilrrtba ward* to tb* cUy batoc aeaturad
ald u> rUiv allh
all luMlble emnh____
aBOaa. tb* ot^
While Trarenc CUy people deaertbal ilu-f. U no irulh *b*icit-r in tb*
.tnsi of tbe Pint Na•tor>. and that tbe buildUR of the
irtlcnlarly, wUI r«ret
ferry docka at Nurtbport Kill UIt will pay you le g«l eur rate*
Tb* etekoBB aad otorti bar* a
tbe departure
i-d ar -.yib) a* Ihir ouairmrl can b<- t-I•* w* can save you monay en
dean aaah, aUe by tod*, oo a i
be bat beaa to toatvaek.
be fled to ho_______ __________________
your Iralpht.
For further Inptottorm Tba ydaUaem to eleelr ear- tooled fbr *0 Important aod.reapoailBon. April Tib. to Mr. and Mra
"^Vlira*can. d
*hT^t hr* ll'.•rw:d*W
bto a poat. Cboreb and aoelal dretoa
fermatien apply to
palad. dPd the Mato part cd the
(lay Ur
Ui-ib..aii> waa i.-ry oin
will alae ratret to lose Mr. and "
f OBart ipoat pbailr tn'hU dciihil ut ihv rumor, add
to ee*ar*4^Hk Uaolaoa.
WeltoB. aa they bar* toag bem
i-d UUKUaRi- sofllrli-ui!} Biniuii U>
Tba de£ 1b tb* other feo
alar and asoaf tb* Boat aeUva.
a«e*B ba*e beaa placed tad lb* ear'
ia ooBseotlaf opoa the promoUoa
'rdU " ih"^ Ui'*’
•*■“*'*'“*• ^
all Id thaat. aad tba eowt Id Mr. WattoB. tba Oiaad - • •
Aorordins to Iku kiory is the Bail*,
Ivan TbeBastpsBi TaveiUy to Tyav(be ferry wai lo bare It* ifmlnui al
boaaa bow baHae to preaaat a mi
re* Oily.
hJ’!' a nadv* af ladh
Northern Mich.Trana Company.
Hanltiof. to at lo make a abonor rail
ktotodet* awiaaiaan to tba vtoUor.
Hr. and Mra B. J. -Oray epeat t ruad haul and lubRvr water route. An­
Beth Phenta M.
•V day* to Bnnook Bay fata week.
Tba pladef tb* Braalaf Reeerd far
other roaaun (Ivon «u tbe purehaie
T. M. Ewtod «f iMftot apanl V*d- of tb* UaiUtloo A Orud Rapid* Ito*
iatday to lowB.
betw.-cn ManUt.-b lo.TuMlo, and mill
I yaara, aad daea tbaa baa aatsed
anuiber wa* that aeieral »icep *raJi»
to^im »an3toy * ®**'™*^
*•* on the M' Iranch i-f Ibe n. R. A
I taewlM an adaeaUoa la A
At tb* •leetlen Mortar' tb* foUow- 1. pn-’.-cUvl Iiraie elirlacte* to Ibe
-Hr. Waiua ba* had Id yaan of
tba heard of aaperrtoor* J'aaeday afhauIloR of heavy iraina
akpertoaa* to tb* battias Iiimibm, to«odBocnwar*eteetodfor ibaeonMfHhiani aulburUi-a tbe Her
toimieR by t.*Tl T. PeaslatttB. toty
auto that the r«a*on> cl.eii
editor cf the Baeord. The plaa wa* Ua- Harbor, when for It yean ...
toaed to eartoelly by tb* boarl aad to Ui BDtod to TvavarM Ctty he
irti tbe brigloal plana r^tlve to tbe
a aaaaber of tbaa* bare aIrMdy as- freaead ateadny lo bla pneaat
T. C. U A M. aad the Uanlatlabe ntr
ferry have aot been departed from.
peantd Uair apBPoral of Ck* plaa aa
Thla aame atury wa* run down by
ptwaad. All ibewad aa totoraat'la aothara Hkfcldaa.
Ibe Herald three montbi ago. and at
tba Bettor, aad U tb* plaa laopoaad
Btsbu aad BO)
..................................... win aet b* be
with hi* boah a,
Biaad to
realaatat* boalaMa to
-a a nactoB
tb* wattan at Ib* aoaaty. bat b
For lh« Raeoa.
Ste far a abort
Hr. art Mra T. Bv ef T
^doaot. tbtak that the ^ ae 1*0- ■ntaf to TiBtotM City.
Tb* dlieeter* cf tb* Tnvetw City
“Prtoddaat Wyii*. who ha* had a ,01ly «U1 fatort tb* aafaB** ithto falTlng hrk aMaclatwi set Satarday
Boae* wui Beet tb* expeetaUeo
tatbwho have advoeatad It. 1
erratog to (be oBe* of Peter Wort«V af lb* adetaato proiaeUeo «d the to^ wwtBaUe 7^^ art a
ban io the Wortbort hloek, to make
B. B. Ohitot was to towa ftifaiy.
wndBb-otibaaoaatpAmjtmj eeetol WB*$v*a aliL. futber arroDgaBianta for tbe big nee
BoaUai ot the board
aa- tordto* FMNatiiBal Baak of Tr^rwB haU Taartar evertv. wbleh BtooUng In tbto oily inly I. t sod A
*n* CKy ha ba* mad* a aarkad aae- waa a neesB aoetotly art Baaaetolly.
Peter Wsnbdn. J- T BMaab art B.
caai. tb* baatoaa* of that baak havtac
S HoOoy were oppotoBd |h* oobd( tba toapeeur. of tall* waa raeatvad
I tbaa baaa doabtod daitog bto £
aad ndarrad to tto bombIU
MM ^ irte ware taned. The n- Bllta* OB ptOETBBA BSd 1 B. Pratt,
Dr. Hanto aad W. D. C
8Mad* aad baUdlada Tba eaBi
iamm Harth baa beaa aagaged i
m adrartiatog.
aoaa* Qnrt Bapidi au_____ ______ .... ■----------— »»_ rw____ il_
Beefy iadtoatiaa to for tba biggeM '
bat that BMUt laktoc a aaod bbb
away froB or# at lb* other olty baak*.
rope Beat ever bald to IhU eaoUoD ef
art they ww* aoi dtoaoaad to do tUa. lUeptoe*.
to* Mb. Promlaei an good tor the I
M tb* p^Uoa waa taalind to Mr.
H. IW wrtla Mwh Wedaea. besFraolog araaoo. not only bere bat,
Waitoa art b* has aeaiplil
evarywhere else.
Then- are Bore 1
-Mr. watUB to tt yaan af ag* art
WUto'oul has btokea fifBrt fe*
has a wttp aad two eUldroa. Ba I* ajjMldirte^Mi bU lot* soath of
eoutralniag tbaa aiaaypeeTi-'
dattoa Id Iban amm
lime to the nai It yrara Tfie
(wtoea tbta year win be largrr aad tb*
art la Bap oet worbtoi plaa*. Tb*

SHi.'S'i'U.’Z ."S"

2. S' f,


the OMUeliabk

Shoe l)ou$e

for sale

Fruit Trees are Coming

gr'^Cut Rates gsggsjssil
f. J. Stanr art S. B. Samart.

Colorado, California
and Oregon.

- E.


SrSptoJrJSS’MSiTd bL 2^


r9ffS:s.%K:£.s:ss; m^SESfZ^Sl.r.i'C

. B. W. Porto* qiawl a few rty* nf
IBM weak to Travtrw Oily.
m. Mma B. K. BaaebaB mt M. work ef owhlar aad allow klB-to gir*
hli Um* to th* fiROfal baatoM* of tba
■ larniBmaam-B. M. Browa. wtBto
At tba BoMlag at tb* hoard ed dliae.
MBm aad a«wto Blaek.
an at tba First NsUoaal Bank To**. Cite ead iefiBMbU J. ■. SiBa day was dor^dod to advart*
> K. Omtaad aad a e ~
aaifa naa la tS* baak oaa poHCtow^ art both atme** wo* vaU aueadad.
~ i AMOfttoBMat-MB t
acoordtof to ihd.ptoa eantod eat to
«^e for tba T. P .8 C B. 8aa1. TOdaaa aad wmi
r. Bw- oily baak*, too* plactac Lsaa F. Tttoa
to lb* pealtloB of easbtor. W. M. Kd^naadi aad
C DM. toa aaatotoal caaUer. Btowortb Bala
taltor, art Harry Perrla la ebarsa ef
n^Charlaveto ealtod at tbto pert
the aavlBV departBsoL It to i
t-OMBtop Baor-& a X
icr of craOBoaikB to tb* dbwei
Word waa rsoalvrt ban ton wwk of
I Tateaa aad Paba M.
tb* baak that lb* fare* to ao capahl*
tb* sRsIrv of tbe teak la

•f Boato. noitottoBA "rtfcj^a ata*


a aad Joba Boula
Jabd M.




Utia* that this oaa b*
very food rtraatate.
Tba tald hort.
A daUeat* enratlmi
la tbe tare* wlU lake
kaows a* lb* BatoeU (vaiMdn was
May 1. Mr. Walton win rotato kla
la tke baak -art will reaaal
lb* board Of direelora

At tb* awtkB of tb* k

Mr. Ttia. who aasoBn iho poa
cd eaaUer at tb* baak. It a yooaf
Mra L B. Paok to TfaHug tnead*
dtaca «f tb* beard Untolac fan tUt r ________ __________ to Tmtotb Olty.
lb* iwporti
He has been to lb* bnak bar* for tke
oflaan paUlabad at waal to pnn ato* yonra. art tb* TimverM Oty
<b* BwaU aad Bafto. at tba r^itor
Baak fv* yeara. art to a IhorMw; atoo that the Beiald pabllah
leient banker. Th* dirae.
SMPhtot fane «W captoi ot tba prora than ptonaad that b* to
adadtot* Id tb* board far tUmifbetka
to otsp at
to lb* eooaty dart to tb*
> tUad
* Apru i. >»M. n* rwen of with took eredtL Th« are tan that
Hn. HeBiaaad to vtofttoc bar
tb* nBnIn id tb* bank an to food
BBgbtM. Mn-c A stfaem^
haadt with Mr. Tllat at th*
Ur. art Mra ioka Wanaa. Jr., of



Mr. WMtoa'i a
|Im far tb* protcotlia ef dab aad
•M to tbto aaoUoB ot tb* alatt. aad
Bfa ■itowt toBt ihMB to a ttnacMmtm to totow
U* nw apdroftoaifatoid to order to Bake tb* plaa
> a* tor BI ttot aoBaty to aaa-

bnak-a aSaln bai bMn Ml ate
aad b* ba* prevna blBself a ve
pabto oBear. He to aa nvetoaliy pood
fada* of eoBBwelBl paptr. art to tba ^eMBWe tofaia berkaebaad who
Plan that b* baa bwa at tba,
hart of lb* Fmt Hatfanal f
I ttvod to Gar'. tb* baak bat aoror

Horses Sale
Hrriocd last w««Il two carloads sV borscstbirlp bcad-and can sbov yon any Und at
borscs. 1 banc larflc borscs. fann narcssamc In laal* banc oac me* mare irttb caN by
ber side 2 weeks aid* Tbaae a nice Hne al
drMnd barsesv same cbeay taim barses----Mtai2biittdred»alsaateisyaMes
far drMng ar farm wark.
Kindly give me a cal.
B* 3* margan;


FoeVwoar art

mw ii***

art BSfcaa

For - Ladtoh v«* ptood •• *al* lb*

Todd *nd Bancroft Sho«; for Oentiaman. th*

Parttod Sho*.

-Amer<an OW will b* our giSO *ho* thi* *o*Kuv


W* ala* aMI

th* NvniatBA. Pingr*A Rindg* and iday*e>» ntok* of aha**.
You tail* BO Chaneo* wh*n ytoi daal witi, ua.


mm, lUindow Shades
It's to four advantage to buf


I'rvimMer art utun

YM U Htll-yN U

our btuioera to ' lupply t
needs in that line'with C5roc<
of the higheu )|U»lilj

At the Lowest
Cash Prices.......

of us. If it’s the ••good” kind you want,
the color^desired is here, the curtain is
made to fit the window and hung. If In
this, city, without extra charge. Whether
for large or small windows, your kind it,
in our stock and at the right price. Oil
opaques hold their color under long ex­
posure to light and wear for years. It
pays to buy the ”0118.” However we can
give_you the cheaper curtains if you say

CtiV Book Store
Per Jl. S. diptrt.

i'eri. dev back,^lU Ib. for .. l.UO
Ffoui, Eureka, Sti'lbt. for____ 1.01)
Mou Rose, tnaile
telected uld
winter wheal by lb*
iaiest im|woved machinery,
every tack warranted, SO
Ib*. for................................./...


Yes Sir!
VK e can fit yon to a pair of Mep* Work
Shoes—Gil ^in,. bdlows tongue, double
^e and tap—"Hard Hitters"
Some better gradp—$UiO. $2.00, $160.

Bfoitcra. foitc)

impcrte.1. pet-

Pioneer Livery Stabie


W* have pul In aoworal

ir, addition to our ragular lino*.

The inau^rbiioito*

Sugar, beet gTanulaie<l. Sti Ib.
lor........................./..................... I.IK)


W* arc rteelviag our rww Spring
want your iMpactipn

Frank Triedricb $ €o.

Store Groceries




Ftliablt and Popular
Dtp Boods and Clothing Siort.

Seed Con, Elat Debt ripe^
ed, grown and ripened to
Ibto oonntry bat (rawwi. per

Ladies' Shoes
.A fetr ptyles at $1.35 and $I».


Enterprise «Cssh
faCRIatf MFIwilW.

"tat mu •rtf Bat

is our Motto.

If Com-

Parker Bros. Old Stand. 306 ^oot Street


Gmd Trarose Hcndd

cnmi. • • - $»*M#f

• ■

Dsan of. W. J. Panm.
WlIltaB J. ^rrov. aged 60 pean
TU Butar Mnioa Md •> tU Or
Hiibarf chvrcb SoaUj tnti-rrrr end n Boatbs, died Saadep to tbe
Hlcblgea aal lBB. vbe
tm. Tie pracrBB we* u lolMe:
aa tomato (B U pun. OeSobs. -OM HBDdred.cueM #u sHtotod vltb dptlrpep. and
tola vbkh mud bU duib.
de a Vidov, thru eoo* enrvlre.
S5lwfc» 'MBi Oen iBttk.
era ble ku. flemoel. AlUe and

• $nM


*nv Ur. TfcifTiJiwi; *- T.

s per cal tui^ ^TIm Dc»«ti>.
«■ fc-USwe, 11 OrflwS— ^ a

Bedtottaa ■ Haeel Qberlas.
Daekwae bp eere^tUc drti.
a WiBd^aa’^.-

id from 1
flecoad HctbodUl dkareb Tueedap
o'clock, aad Ibe toienneal v
la Oakorood o

C. U Kins A <b. to Flank tivper.
nv^ ot eeSi aat atk ot evik, at# ot
nv>«. set* of svik. ace. A
2d. tSP—Jacks. JennetU and Mule*—167
Tbe ImU sad cbrvpmt on urtb fi>r
Ibe BMoe) Ateo tome tvreberoo Sul
tot S». block »
Ikma. Write fur price* aad term* to
BR-S JACK FARM. Laarenr*.
Julia* ranipbell end wife lo Wm
N NevMvml, lol 0. US. If. blurk »
A L i'o * 2dJ ad.1: (*6f
Samuel It. Sarter lo Evi-rta S*>ler.
rt, of >B>k, HC. IT. liiao 2>i ranee




■Juusias. pi
Rua laod II
Jr 12: 81"
A Grut g»niillotv.

Reel EataU Trsiwfera.
Recorded bp Recleirr ot Deed,
eoB 10 April 14:
M- S-AlrovneoB aad vile to Sicpbca place, who aa*
float—Ulee Tore Oore
Peelemaeber, ea>; ut
ere. bt. life *av*) l > Ik KInr'.
niter) for CouxnnpiMO
0*0 U. rease 10; It.uOO
<v<liir«.i| luHullt.rable acor
JeUettea WUlaeker and vlfe
utloB-Slaaebe BelUerl*.
■ihma. hut pour N'ew I>l«vo
Chae. 8. Wlllacker, ;,ti of a*H, e
Sobs(., -Ood
-Oed Be With Tea —•
TUI -We K. towB (6, reuse II; IttO
|. lotm-<ilaie ruMef and m,
>Mlt. “
icr efleci.-d a mnililete ciir
Meet Asala."
B. P. Ferrii and «Uc (b J. i. Tv
ir rure* of Con.umpiImi
A plotiire erae takes oT tbe cblldres
IlruBcblil* and (irl)i are nu
vbo epoke ptoeee. bp Fraok P.
rroui. If* the peerle** rermal)' for
Preak Prledrlrh aad wUe u> Julia
SBtUi, 1 ibn«l and luns irtiuhlc.
aremck, parcel. Tretenc Clip; M.009
c and 81.0" Guannleed hr Jan <1
P C Gilbert and «lfe
elfe to Mogb

Jobanon and F. II Neail,. dmiKlMn.
Itoeth of Davie Pepp.
Hendrlckt, iwti of
. evVi. e«. 28.10
rUI Ivitlliei. 10c
r It; 160.
Devil Pest, tbe Loss Lake>u>eer. (T^r
m “
T. Mint
Miller to 0,car Slmpeon.
pened aeep et 4:4i Wedaeedap norti.
Waaneilp meeltog at laletloobea |
•ct, B sett. lec. 23, loan 25. rassc
>g al Ibe raaMeBce oP P. A. Dean. 10; 11.4!
Boti Saadep crentoE. AptH 10th. 4'
>bere be'bae beee leaderip cared tor
PraiK-U U. MurrellI U> Juba B. Naab. Lore fust et 6 IL m Prrdcblag el T
6. II U A Co'.
>r tbe ta«< Beoatb. A elreke ot par- et al.. lot T. 1.
[L ra., follovril bp Ibf ucrameal of
alpele. fren vbkfa Ibe palieat aerer ntothi Bddllkm: ____
Vurierlp coaf.r-1
11. U A Oil (D Bdward B. Uiriak. Ibe Lord's eopper
rered. vu Ibe direrl caul
lull 40 41.4Z. block I'l. II
A iVi.
>. iU vai <1 pean of ase
addlUoo: 1760.
.'toe Vaa Hpali^. ..| el.. o Chu.
MOD a.realde«s>f ibli couatp for
Wllhelni. « el.., Miia uf ii-tt i id nwk.
(be past (3 peare.
ot »f1d. e« 3J. (o*B It., n
Tbe strobe <if parBlpeli vhkh K.7ZS
teaed deatb bbc Uareb t, vblle
W O. Foute and Vlte lo C!
el el., loii 2-3.4-0 ea.
Hr. Peas «ai bolMlas tbe Are to the
aarl^ noratos. At drat ll looked ae fed. k>l« 6 aad k. block I. Goodrich',
edditloe; tcoo.
tbougb (bare vae a ebaacc for (be reHalter K Welbom. «(




r i c- f
anti r.\]

II furmn




MtH-k of 4<) and lii>
cap' and fii-ir on hand
ai all tiincn.
I'm- 4i'
prri't-ni. for siuni|>'
and (U) |K-r feiit. lor

ctrearb- Bot eooe It beesBe apparkal there *ae eo hope, and tbe
patleoi spe* veaker dap bp dap.
Noibtof but hi, remarkable vlulltp,

I mala hli snap oa life eo loag
Tbe eiroke ot panipele a’bleh r». the secood that

11; t:
Oiaald F Jordan.
I«i, lo Elk
Rapid* Punleail IVnivut Co.. parcH.
ookkeepere are alvape to demand,
:d Ze, rass* V; II end bihvr ralv
he Trar^ree Olt.T BaaioeM Ceillege
e eoBaldvrailuii
jhuan o|>pertonllT top'
Adella A. IrUh. il el
^sK Ont W 0>
Loren J foer la Ohiun
Puller. nwR of •• >h, mh
.town 2T.! w (10 00 vltb
------ '
16 It
lase 10; |»u.
AudUor Geacrel lo (i
TrAvarae Clip Markets.

r.N?xr"- “■ '■
Jame* Converse aad vlfe lo

J. T
Heanab. lot k. bb«k 1. H D A Co',
are! eddlUoa: *«:.

€uf Prices

! Shoes!

circulition this week 2,625

tkbfaetk.eec. 2*. h a 2C, nag.
1 Mr. Pess'e liBb.
Ml vlic tl
Tbe fuaeral sill be held froB the
reeldeaee of Hr. Dean. Ut fllsU
raag* 11; U'oo.
etreto, Tburadap afteraaoB al l;S0
AlmoD Adelep lo Prank Neleoa, per
ocloek. Rev. HSaip HcKtolep. pae- ecL Bdoa Park addtUoa: (12.
Buseec F. llaraerd
lo James J.
or of the PrlcBde diBreb, will have
Duna. eH of eH ot avI4. eer. 12.
SSd BOl ebarse of tbe eerrfcc.
(ova 2t. ranie 12; (2(0.28.
'Latk<r HtrHeprtoo to Herbert E.
«HmM to tire. Tie tnml Mrrke
Uavie Pegs vaa bora to Wapoe
•w held MoMUr stMTMoa fro«B lU oialp. Indtoaa. la UU, at eUrdp - rnard ae ......................................................
Wsidwei oo Bsrle* Mnet.
loaker pareataga. He Bred to Indl. 10 scree, ivli,
Baa natll tt pean ago. vbaa vUb bU
(BMllp be vni to leva He lived tvo raagb 10; (J.oor
Hlroa B. Hungo
to that stole, then veal to Mle- Barlak A Co, lot 16, vH
b«t Otobeukr. W-. at Aides iart msonrl.
A Co'*, aeeoort add; (1.000.
dar. died Uoadsy Bonlag Iron U<
Leal* A. Campbell to Jot. Bmelle
IllBrMa. It vie tbsaiia si Ant tbit retaralag later to ladleaa. Hers tbe
6. Ferrp Heoneb'i 3rd edditton', (.166.
.be Wiiirid reeorer, bat be betsa to
- ••f. L.
• A
- Co'
ii,'u 3rd adillttoo'; (386.
oalaa J. J
to Jao. Ba
W« voree Bsadar ereelai. asd tbe vbea tbep reBoved to Long lake
tovaahlp. vhere ibep have orar elnee
1. ver. .6, tQVD .27. range 11;
^ cm ahrartir after ■Idaltbt.
pd smith and vlfe
wife to Wm. IHenreeldod
Wofd vie •rdeetrsd bare ladar ot
lot U aad ell of lot U.
Hr. Pegg vae married to UH lo
tba death at Tabs el Mrs. Johs Mo
bkiek E. a L A Go's. ewoBdaddllloa;
DeaaM Tasedar eftecaooa. bbe vae Harp
bwir n reas old, ead bad base la daagbten blesaed tbli aoton. ot vboB **a! H. Loveland sadS wife
to W. J.
Mac haaKb tor am tiBe. Paaeral bone larvlva, bovever. AUee Ella Buya^payto^ oectloiu
Ilona S«, tovB
iirilew alii be held at tba reeldeaee
aftervarde Hn. Willie P. Boad. 26. rsoge 32:
at Tabs Prtdar SI la a B. Her bae~
.. 0-.rava aad- vUe
to Btowr
baad. «be sameae her. bae beee a vu veil kaova bare before bar deetb. -----------------1
Tbompeoa and vlfe. parede ot kiU
H she Uogbt to tbe West Side acboel
' 11. H. L. A Co* lOtb addltloa;
aap pean. Hor deatb eU pean
Wan df bar deatb. Oae danfhler.
I. Haaser aad a
rae a terrible blov to Hr. aad
WttUaB Lots reaMee la ibti
A aad vlfe. tiercel,
fees, vbo bad leaaad mae^ apoa
ige ti (I.2W,
B. W. botlar. oae of the barbere la toll oalp reBatotog child to tbolr deeltolag nmit.
lU OaBcraa-i baitar ab<9. ha* beea
Ur. Pagg'i bealtb had aot baea of
tmaWed with aa aSactloo et tba
Plopd Smith, toiilME. block 2. Pb.
tbe bast lor eose pean betore bo
DHeMdpr a lead Ubs BfetlBce hie
rp HsaabhVtBd addlikw; (IM. '
died. He vu aOMed vitta rbaoBaWm. II. Taplor aad vUe to Bbridga
vdba •Mid be aOeoled eo that be
aeaM eearertr epeak la aa aadlble tlea.'sod tvo paan ago bs aatsrad
aeddeal that bauuUaled tbe aaMBS. bat busir hU rotoe has (ailed
-------- Ie bfw to Bm«r Mi
potaUoa of hU left tog. .
W» aHeaatbee. sad ao* be eaiBit
Bvik of eel^aBd aeik ot ewtk.
Ha vu a BtoB of Blsritog aharaetor, (. tovB 2(. rmt 10; WOO.
apeak at an. He bae tried earkns
itreag ta bis paraoRal vltva aad ooa“
Hoeirto Ira D. Ltotoa. pufBBillii. bat Uu (ar baa Bot raHataat to tbe aubbar to vbtob he op- cel. sac. I. toW 2(. rang* 10; WOO.
aedead laiwr. Batter ii a pood barber
Freak KBbe*

asd vlfe to Jao. 0 '
bald tbsB. TbQu vbo kan blB best,
lagher. pmVbec. 10, town n, rw
boverer. icrred aad nspsoM bta
Us vlU not aoca be letgUtoD
______ ^v <M|U to Wbl H. TApI
Ttea Oeldaa eVeddln^
pun ot ble Uto, ead Ike baartlRoam C Brovatog to Cageae
PU. toTva peldsa vaddlav oeear la thie est earmpstop vW be sstaaded ta fcle



Fine Dress
genuine vici
iie*c»t ehspet
-ll>orou£hly deiwndaUe
I3.0U VDuld be a ver)'
price ihc*e Shoes.
Out special price

Market — Poial.M-e.



„C ei. „

PEld B» Cbpitol.
- •


dare ea vhkb Ure set baea rae
dartoc tbte laaitar. aa tber van

Tba stowss* HIba *p dbdfae*
van taw aaual asm be-atoroad ter

nar. PnbaMr tba aast iBflar'Vfll
baBses tbaa aaea(b to Baba e« lor
aadar tbs tobiwei ot Uq«...
Mi dedetoaer. Tbe lelloirtac oobtram the paatltoa Ibe body vu to
PBltlTe toWe (sr tbe two paan vUl
vku teaad be bad evMutip told
mm Vbere tba tatreaee «ae Bade:
dew* ta atoap aad '

JBBeeptBMMha.......... bM

•P «s>
am a biMb^ HaBtotaa. vbtob vae

Olork Shoes
0>er &U0 pairs sold tbe
past season.

*--- ■*-!

Only $2.00
kMi MwW Im U t«l ll I m iw ML

Dand made
Olork Shoes
Just the thing lo veai
while doing j-our sprirq

•r tiMir bam Htb tember.

i^aT^pm tau*
Moe bp JabB Ladvlg trhUe * «u
Tbe lew awe to tbe petedtoe la- hsslta« ble aova, bat eo badtp 61^1'
•M bs M the giaVBaas dtoeoodHpto (B tbe pMl TBr «Ub tbe
tor aadtoi Henh tl, IMI, bee bees
em Barked. Tbe tooaaee ie,
wkteb epaabs Ml tor tbe Totaae o(
Mtom d(Be to tbe cilr.
. Tbe toto laarter e( tbto pear
Tbaaa vu am tbs lassi slga «t AsMhat. bal *s fls* ot -Ibe (see
Mds vu Ueasbedu wUwu

Only $1.25


Onr SarlDCS Department

JoUu CaapbeU aad vUc to Jao. L.
Smith. loU • bbd t blodt I. Ferrp
HaaaWs let add; W.OOO.
Oce. & Aldileb. adadalitrvtor. to
Harloa fleptooar sad vUa lot 2T, vil­
lallMa* twu 8*Ae' caaqiHa. id. lage ot Blaekvood: (160.
Job. H. Brovaell to Obu. H. MenW tbe Oraad Traraiia reclaa sM 1b- taarmltoi tna his plaea. aboat Oe1. (.
iseaeeir popalar eaeoas oU sad estobB 1 tost, hu bs* atoatad ap bp.
tense II;
fBoc. ervrbadr ultad ta tbe baertl- lbs flAdtogat ble *ad bedp to b hatof
Imoo W. RMtsrd
. aad vlfe to Oe• •; t H- U 4
shoal Ibiwtiaansn atSBUe
Co'e.*Mmi ;*WTl'
4 the MMe (v a kac «

H.ftO* $I.7S*$2.00




wcH pUnaed attempt at bread making ii
vreebed on the *o^ of poor dour. Good bread it not hard to
Half tbe rorage »
vhere yen get good floor. Obr Ben
Fhas canies po« to Good Bread vithom More. Whiter, nroe^.
cr, *srpB flt^earuwt be made. Aad tbe price ii jiut u at>
tractive u tbe bread. It'i s pretty poB cook that csaH uve
mooep aad dd^i the faaiily vitb bread -made from oor

the beB vearmg •hoc*
for children that can be
boi^ht in Ibe dip. Here
are tbe biggest bargains
we ever odeied.

Sires 6 to B 60c
SisuBtoll 76c
Suet 13 loSEl.OO

Tnvans OHp. Hleb.
Mtos BHtoa paBd avarat M
Dur flir; Tob baatoau Is. vh.
d( baa MiBr. O. H. Mtoa. et BMito boBu barvs Aova. to gfva tbe oi
<M. Hlab..




D vlib tbe lud aad b
. .bodp vaati bob pa-.. _
lots of It, tbovgb. to tJw vorid.

« « no SuHlitute in Druas » «
WiiB IB.


Ob ptuciqRiau

boiii planning; atui ilvtiin;* roiriit fur thf spring fU-an up.





ihiinfs to luiy wlifii i!u- iimr .'omt-', ,m.l wv oanntu impn-" it on your mimU loo tirin
ly this i> Thf I’lac

l>i;y .Any I'hing in this line

in ihc littsi of shain' lo K>.>k



I hi- CariH.-i


incrcasinc d. ui.tmis made up on it.


We are

sellini; mure and morf from this depanment each season, showing conclusively that



Hoik) .oiion Ingram, )-ard. . Slh-

Whitt Citsmtl
Curtaia Pahs
CampMt Iht
Oak Pahs aad
Brass Hods aad
aad Tiatures
Brass gash Hads\
Otstibuh Bracktfs
Vtstibuh Hiats
Stair Hads
Stair Butiaas
Pah Sacktts
Hug Butiaas
Sbsdt Pulls
Draptrf Chaias
Draptrf laap hooks
Draptif Pirns
Curtaia Cords
Taaep Stair Clatas
Picture Books

metal Oil Cloth



AI.,„so«l,|,,U. 25.

If lauem,
Allaca,! Ex.Sa|i« ln«., 3

;t5 Kleganl pallrnis to choose
from no two alike, siren
ti-SallMl. Halt These are .
I u$l the sires for any room,
here are tbe prices;
'.U)3 Taiwstrp Un^lt, »>i
difl^erem designs, all very
(LRvltMl Bod, Brumelb
t>rl3 Ihkiy Bnuub ....

In Taiwttn. ih>i) BruescU,
Miaiuettc. .Avnmiietcr and
. VoKel*. »c lenaml) have
the most romjilcte thoving
■ nc ever hail—the ]ailetni
ate all ne« and fteih and
aic \ety beaaliful—nothing
Imer ehovn an)vhere, Iheae
tun m )>nce pet yanl, from
*lc to.........................................$L7S
.Many of these have border
lo nialrh.

1 A’elveW 1 Aaminister Ki^

78. 87

Clnolrums. manuias
Beautiful designs Iwtb in flora]
and block deugni $>{ttare
yaid, 46to................................. 70c
Oil Cloth for floor,

yi.28cto 4«c

Cbmt and JapaacB Mattings,
stripe, check, figure and
liiUAl. 12 to....................... $B0c
Stair Carpet, pet yiL 18c to

(.'rex Rugs from a email one
18x36 al fide to a floor mg
9x12 at............................ $K2R

by 63 in. Asminis-,
d Miajoetle Kugt
$1.98 and.....$8.89

All colon to best gratle of (rlt
couplete, each......................... lUc
Water colon in oftoqoe Shades
coaplete, each......................... Stic

Hand I’auiied Shades

guaranteed lut cxdois, each S&r


Crei Carpet (tlraastvine) Iroui
'■ the tnarHwt of Mtoneaota,
lireity and durable, pet yd...38c,


h.a>.Wr., 8513 Aamiaistkn.
Wiljons in tbe numl be^liful colorings and decign, ve
mete able lo eelecl. "nicy
will idease the most paiticuUr.......................SSS. SSO.Sml $38

Petotre •
Ro|w in catchy detigos, ebenitc
in IVRI) iKtllema, Tapestry
■n new colonngs and figure*


f2.0O to SI.OC

Of course It does. These pleasant days should call out
jLvery mother to give the little one an airing, it Is the best
^medicine you can possibly give the child. If you haven't
a Co'Cart'. then go where the Co-Carts are: that is our
Furniture Department, of course. There you will find the
greatest assortment of latest styles. These embody every.
' possible feature of excellence In construction anddurabUity. Then we fit them up in any way to suit you.givs
you any color of upholstery or parasol. Best of reed body,
rubber tire wheels, rubber caps to keep wheel free from
dustaj^d dirt, patent axles—Wheels can be removed hi a
moment’s time-patent brake, upholstered in Bedford
cord, sateen parasol with deep, fancy ruffle.

Made expressly for the “Young American” who delights in
playing horse and rolling in the sand. These are the
strongest made^ with stout bodies and iron wheels. It is
the joy of the boy’s heart to l^ve a "little red wagoh." We
have the new patent "coaster wagon,” strongly made en­
tirely of wood. Bestever produced .for the "youngmen";
made exactly like a "grown up” wagon.



atoBaa UBbbW Ha vaaht. tbaafb
a so taas vitbeat it.
bto baalib baa btaa fiadaallp IsUb
-J patot-tbe OBS that mn‘ d
dBtot the pact pear . Hebasbaaa
aad tbe aw oae toe. What la bstur.
aMdM at UtoM. Hleb., (B Iba m* VC palet tbe boou that dost bora
IPU Hill peso, bat Haaa the
To^ toeare the boaau that bar*;
da* tt hde «tto (aar pBia^ hH
matMBaUas aa* peBat MtoU Vi toaan tbe boaau that dwL Ton
bnvs tbe aabu aad taolu:' alt tba
Oh*, maa bs bae a toa*B aad boosM are onn.
We palst raadp patot; Devoe. We
tm Mi pto*. A sell the psiat to patoton: ve d*t

Zht Cadff in (he Parlor
the Waid in ihe Kitchen

Only $1.66

men’s Shoes

«dl7 Mar. ft U tbe Iftlelb asalrer- egad vlte to bar beeuvatoeat..
avr e( ibe Barrtaaa e( Hr. aid Ure.
Onrpe W. Bad sad Hr. sad Ure.
Pnaete Tbartdl. Betb cmplM are

Cittle men’s

Those who are not old enouRh for bicycles. We
have these in all sizes and are the very best made.
The best exercise a boy can have.

are !

filled vhb dr^tbat are abaolBtelp

pote.aadeoBpeaadedviUi tbe ot-.
Boat care.

“We Sell tHe Bee-t’

We bsve a repoutioD

to wemtois w tbi* ^ectiOB sad
take ae ebsaru,

Tbe pbyBdan’a

vUweareearefidlpcoBmdered. We
Ottotantee both qulitp sad qasntil,.

We waaf )OB preaair«ioo

Wait asms

. I

the iicople appr»'fi;ite ihi'. ihr carpel >tor<- of Northern Michl*;an.


J. A. MVlbom and elfe



-rseAvsneB ei-rv. aeioH*



TH« OWAiro TWAVIWE HIWALO. A^|. <6. 1908


• Oeok la alamiw vitt
■SIS. Hr sud Hr*, data

gfciyl—< rttttad tm ttw MiftafiMi

laM Macter iiMnlv. vlUi Mu Hv

Mm. iMuMd hamt tmMj r~

OmOmImIm own* UiIWUr

mmai bM* tm ilMir tom.
tU. Viter i* test tnm Pmw
Albm Oowtte* «M( K) PMC
m a tedMM Mp tetuterHr. ltote»H icM •

tell Uteic M MMtirr
Hr. ate Mrs Will teeci
4bwBd>-r HIU<«'«.

sirtite M

■srsua ibofM^ieste* Ulp W TrsrAie <;ilr ssd ssM Uil Hosdsr.
Hte KIU HwMs ir wctetU f«
Uwir L. tf«ma el UIm Arbor.
Hte Sephlo Dsitossd Hotmo Bobr
dtero Inns Bu>i» tel Sslarter ote


JuhD Vorrro, Ir. gsrehaote a borM
from Aribar Kllaanr lari vasA.
Hia Cfcaa. Oorlaad idl
M BeaUc Hsallea It^l Pr
Hr te>d Hrs Baaaaii oa
TeUde.Ohlo, tel vcuk I


Am Oerte tea bcaa lU
l9 0f ttebasn.
Hte Bote EUaarrr U ruitea ter
alau, Hr*. Usy TeaiAlBsaf Ogiwr-


Hr*. Hamm Dst^m Urmr ■>*:
' te* iMo AM roeerwod frets Ite ow^ Dr. aad Hr* Tlioaftee of KU Baatete of tte dcsih of Ite lute Asagb- Ma oallad cm Hr. aad Mrs A. M.
•■Ith laM Bsadar.
Vo« Been U te|tevtef kfo «*m
Hr. BoAgn of UUm oeoM Sufar la Lost Ufcs. P. C. OllktM uek
Ca le PisTora Clir rsterdv-


H 0. Lesii bat rostod Ite BaU

HmU/ vtU *w* Jaaa m tm iMa
for te soe

I ara* aaahU U
» aooeaal of rti

VIU OafcaUsd’* ilite falb* tero
te*aas«te*iMlteforafa» «anHU Hums HaOeab rlsIM Ttv
•a* Oltr PrUar ate SatsrterV. H Beabao tea ratarste (iM tte

■Irsr of Haftlete
Ute tdaai BssAvMtefHwMteau baste tel laa '
V. a Bawtel aaA* a bsalsaao tr
«• HapM 0117 Batsiter.

«tea»itel gtea.

Tte Itete- Aid al Ibi* f>te>* will

mmt wlib Mrs Basir Hrlfhab VodsaodAT ta Ite aftesoas
Tteaestetto ite Lsdlaa-i
4*Ua a aaeosaa tBaaeiallr ate
&. Ite tel Aid M teak dlBBar, teH4M A gate Bssbar asu after die-

Aar ll

ralaitec te tbia

Hr. Haro* tea Mfcaa P. W. Bstte
2^ Ideas a* trraraaar os Hr. Oain'd

JSf=J?Ug'^tete EmUs. bte «1U





SSfSsJrJrsjs**'” dtfTun."E*5Ss.5:iiirs
rnwMkmrn TUte

tea tesorsl of Mr. OenvHr* VU«te realrod tte nd saw*

.aarfe wi tarffi
Bar M Ura site Mis Ba7- .


isi-iS%-3S2r"“ -


Mrs BMwrdaa rate to OlN Arbar


__________Ml ste £7tte bHib
tell ^te -*teBKiA SaiMteM _________..
■ Iteraalfem aouasd iseAaaghMteuaste Ite hue* a kted nad

..Mjy.fa Otete b utete, far ite

iFor Joli Work of all Kinils Gall a! the Herald Office

WE ALWAYS LEAD*ir:,5r.iss.'








H?yitelbiiTst ^iMi s^'Ste***



Ttea* wlU te ttertoa te lb* H. B.

SgliS.’A.TJK.-*"- •“•


naag aataa I
Mr. asd Hr*. U Da Tear of teat Tbete tel bfo
Trsaars* Ollg- ____
Bar«tell*d far a fow daps Hr. aad folloslDcla
eo* Blaiod
Hr* Ootero lUaia*
MU Oisose. ear tosobtr, la {sopar.
nosls sill do aaaab toward
lietlDg lb* nBrriag of
o teaanads
« tssiUflog arlll
II be
I trodwlltala______ _ asrraied b> ■
I'orthat piano? You can't’ahiirti i
•I br Bjabr
Boise Vtloh U rlatUeg for a fo«
ii havf liKiVed over
of fhllsdrlpbta. a* fm
r. D A. UTeran
sn of
ol m Vtw* Nlnlb
otir t>oo«Jb and Icanii'd our prict-N aiul iituiter* vllb Mr. aod Mrs Oaa Ilealr.o
lundrviis ol endorsewa* lo an aatal eondUkvii.
sirrrt nta. “I had twhlng 1
of Tiarora* Oilr.
m«'ni> I'f iht inc-nts o( tlii-«v ijvmaiK.
for anor :.-*r*
Hr aad Mrs >: U Uealao laai rlKid.
eoBflnWMilitr ther arm gartloalarl'
wrr-k for a foar tear irera tbr gaooia fel
• ind sides. BO appeilie
r Joaopb Borard of KUveod.
bed I eosid ael real aa aoeoaat of Ite CTDSlag aeakc r day by day. Three
Uoorgs H. illaa. inllai
affiiciioa I BsFd a aanWr of ao-oall- libralHaea
at Tataa, a
od rare*, bal Daaa'* OlBliaoet la te*
Is fanllToulr Ihur wl.lcli gar* n* •etintrTear oaTespoadoei ha* Md lood ef li dtil betcet'teaii thla II esrad
^ to fail g^ frltedt
Por wUbg all dealrra
Phot W
hU SS°?sa7i a^OM Um to bU nla Pnler MlItera Oo. BaSaio.
. V.. *ol* agniu for tbs UsUod
Utea n*nr '
sod nkr no
tpaaiBaaaar *llb old frlaadi
Ho arlll sooa tear* lor Ifc* Hoe.
be vlU bo oogtooet oe a booL
Vllaee Eilehas ha* goaetoTrar' ablr 10 be osl agate.
The faullg of Vm Paloa te
rae OU7 to troth.
Boaar Oor* has a as* iso atalsd
Miko Urdl* tellod ea Mr. asd Mrs
Nrsl Ksnnedg and blk paitear. Hr.
Cterlap OfarUopbor Haater.
lly a peculUr coincidence, a Ul.
L*rr. are flllteg ap Ite Hitogla
Ana m»n» oli.e. l•^ore*»lonal a* well a* Local ArTlata.
M^raspeel for trail U rerf good ai nilll aad hoar^og boon al tiir ■leasau man became a Iwollme
JaactiOB and trill ___
teadg iraadfaiber In one uigbl. A son wa*
The rarlTal —attest halaj^lcol^ for baainras Tilrg bat* aeoattd Mrs «m to enrb of bU le» *otii al sIbu-aI
Jsmi' llollldag lo preside orer Ibeir hi- *ane minute* last week
STtnlng oe aoooaoi of lltf*.____ ___
bateg Hok.^Tteg will protiablr
. ablr begin
Mrs D. Hoaror of Sonnli Oln,
< 'r.;.uis. cmipK-ti with the jiopuI* troll agaui
rr dsoghcrr. Ura ckiUneu and eblV
.itlLTjl I l-Ttll'. lll-lLl- t !l< tl
"i> the
jilln of Wlnrbealer Ind .
A Banter of uoal arore oaocht on rri. from Oiio^o. Usti- been goealt
lu iln In tbe bmir i^need.
ri-asim.ii)l«' |>ru7:.
lb* boor aud Uo* Baotej 00 Uio labs St ii.'oira irina f (bia week.
..1 aurh an ununiisl cue of
Mrs Ptaok Bnitta liaa )olO"l ilia L I Mr* Mauri lliterr*I list _______
baeo alok
d llicr I
i. T. H lodge. Mo. Ul, al Trstora* :a>.rd for a sri-i'L (•‘I- 1b* »e*n* could DBt bi-lp ber. He tbougbl of
• llgbclg belief *1 ITteounL
*nd Irtod lit King* New Uf« Pill*
Alfrad llBOlrrs la baUdugaa
Tbrt* It tsik of s trsna esgsr ae
and *be gotjwllef at once a«
« V*-era« Serntek.
N. K. aXMC
10 tv licid Pridsg alflil
Hte te bl* boaae
antlly cured. Only :sr. at J
> Kill* 6na li apeadtef s llUle I
Johnann and P II Ueadi' drug
'at lionir ^itli her psrrula
i Ur aim Mrs. II. 'atefur sod k
If goo............. .........................
Hr. aod Mrs Ororgo lielforteh.
iJoo lInbU alsiledin Boal Psisi
MU Et* RosrUs and Mtaa Osn)to Pndag laal
la lb*
■uf bun
•d.! Uft. PsBDie 8eelg was hone fi
; ber acncwl to spend Baialer.
weol to Urand
nr»dar Hbe will slag for
trilb bei SOB Walter, aad
Ur. and Mrs P. P. Lardls aod HU lake iihaiaeQi Irun a pbgsleteo tban.
Basel Toauklna drors te Old M Utoo.
~ - raod ottel EasU.
I Palrer la te Ite Blok Hot, also
. -omtar Iren bora alteodod Ibo
Barter aorrloBa la Hi* Ugdosibarg
obarofa Baeter, wblob vtrt.very sloe.
U^Bj-oam la vUttsg ralaU .liaia..' abK-h la nei rookoa
tiro* al O
mr 11,r luiwl ileailli <«• rplden
____Itsner Osskaoia baa not trfl
We have made the House Furnishing Business a life study: never did anything
ahka a> uam ilriiuA anoiiR 1
tte barber gsl
Aturrlraa i^ople aa dysiH'pila a:
else. Have given it our whole attention, and are always on the lookout for the best
Thor* will te a baa oeelal at Bdd n.-Mn.ihi-nla Afirr all ibat baa b.larroTa VsdaMdiy eraolag, girea br salii en.l utiiIau u<uc . riiioi! li)gl,-i
things that can be got for the money. Here are a few bargains out of our large line of
-to Indioo' Altar 0001017. JM ate In- llrliig. ihuuuuiila go oo bolilug i!
............... . ■ llgt-aif
and esllDg
chairs. Over 65 different styles of dining chairs to select from.
nvalt unUI Ibulr bolpleit
of tte pooiilr sho war*
anall} giro way. ladlgu
ptttaal at iboeostBal ai Mrs Oold... ,
lidyapapal* are raninot lo ...
— ’-----7a
wan sol ttet
tnit to as 11
get'land, aaf atealurliy of lbos« alBIried
olbls to got all II
and'•rider - '
We ail! fuiniHi yuii anyihui^ )ou nccil in )X)ur house
til a docuir baa
; bu cooaolu-d. and shea ^cbijoBlc
tirii-et. In our mail onlci ilriixniueni lY you will cut

bate aioinaeh iniu(HliAA KPM.
•hataoeaer ibould
liricc, iMMii either ol otir viote*. at Tiavertc (
."'S ‘
proTlde tbanaelaea
never falla-Drake'*
___ ______ jlU go 1
Oil7 tbit traak-to werb.
like on. Sohd. wril
Lorla Varos. sbe was al
lib UBannalorg rte*
“•de. wooil MW
{full Iirearb b.r an ladefinlle line.
erabcNsed. (our
, j,*, Plain OIrceUoo. aeconpaBy teeb psck^ agu, au ibai IWIWUDS *ulIarlDg Iron
qiiwnei in bate.
Ian. form III dy*l>e|iila or nertoui
«Bi*ed gddok Ow
TberP b
TSJloal ruru lor dyapepels
P«e...... 60eei4
a lo raait-m medics, aud li
r dlgaaUoo li
Ow Na 17, tame
arafMr. PwwsU
Martsa BMfMO Mid
BtoHobr Zunaanai U»t wa
1 to aiay eured.
•» Na 0«. 00^ aQ
"I bare used one package ol Drake's
a tedag.
Dyapeptla Cure ai id Nerre Restorer.
telid oit««pl
U has tiopprd ny - ding I ' cured
•eat; good kMvy
no of iDiir auma '
baa ironbted me
•eat. for., tte each
yoara.' My bate
nan. and I bad not en)oyed a good
tt differcM Hyks
touod sleep tor a long Une prgaloaa
lu tekjy ibU ireaiBie&t I now sleep
of wood seat dtoiog
at. liberty, lo py^llte
chairs, ranging n^l
Aldaoetelg aal ThanAddle Uibte Then Joseph MMlteey. ^mano^M^r
along in price tram
TaeaiyAvs M eesi* and 11.00 for
fulUIted boxes at all druggliu. Drak*
this up to flTR
VedbtedAg tecraliig ite M.— A Rbodea Co, Ud.r prophet.
VaatpteilMdBeelsa. who have beea Drake'* BuUur Tablau for bluo
Our Na 7 bow
bate, wood seat
te^tr^dqnrtan bg tte lUaen of RetolaU, sail theun, enalpeU* and
chair it jan tike cn
.tear duueaslng arapUre diaeatea
Mr*. L S. Jaateea ba* bam eea- yield oalcklT and' pecwtabuiH* to Ite
ooly has terce ^kn.
•sad to hv bad darteg tte laat weak,
hwt la aUs to cit sp sont «t iwtsael.
<U« inbate inKead
of four,
h is a





Grand Traverse Region.

pteSS*lteitHi1i«te tte OirHM

large, fnllnsedi^,
aO hardwood; fiaUi
BOlden. aid mg

No. m

vUb ssstetfla
Mr. Bite


hag|s HasdsrteM


■■ XJX^.

' laeUhHfMiB

Our No. 3 is the Utsl value ever offered Ibr the moac)'. juM tike
cut; and as you see by the cut k it a strong, well made chair, fpll
siae, good high back, with three aulitl oak slats aeroia the back,
heavy double reed scat that will last a life lime, ll is the most com.
iuruUe chair )tni ever sat m. Our |mce (ahile they laslju about
the SMoe ufor acheap wood seat...........................................bOc each

Bhask te fteglte-wUh Mo. Bias
far a fas niuha.
Ite aaap aaalb of tea tesa haU
hired naea mm tte etbar dag Md an
pnparteg W varb aU tanntr.



I stt.-sa.-sa?Ufiqtec( t^UeinsM^'


Out No.lUi, ^
back, just likecH,fidl
siae chair, fam
in bate. b .aS aobd
white oak except seal:
golden. fatUi.
pric> OB this chair M

Tbe Sewing Kockm to ntaicb ibem. just like chau only has
N*avy oak rakers, for only.............................................................. 9(»c
Our large Atm Rucker to maleb them is eiva large, aad extra
high back, ariih heavy oak rakers and nratchen. N'ery easy attd
coaibnable. Any 6-8-man can rest hit head da the back. Our
. twice iaonly ......................................... ..................................... S8.3S

; OteirU BtekMtef dU rnrna iterk
^Ote^Bted^ M Hartbpert u* te far Vn. paridats tea InsjaM «(tte


H*. ted Hte Hmu. also

.Mr^ Ml^ te l^teg^r^ a*

srasTJE? srs.

A large and eowipleie line of
tesod CATstnoci

iwirafaw;—•* Vteat, vte an ihanTw^teri

a. X. OnaattedadsaMWlte
dtet «s*d Prldtr.

sa* te^ te_tteO^



! Al Ite alaattes Mtedaj a twt* saa
tebanaate nsriMte* tswsteU te
Otesn «* «*a^ d«7 oM tte ban
taudte sten tt te. tela bateg aaoM

Atelt Eatau hte h*^



Belov east
Co Clye out
Umti gate wlf S Danl *•»> «*ir



We win pontively keepupoor
well etlabliahed rqHitaiioa of
keepi^ the best and largea
• selluig the
ben Stoves and Ranges icr
, the mtmeg.
Our Cook
Stoves eommeoce at b good
Naff cook move (or..$«.M
right akng up.
Agood Sted Range, with
higfa dotet asd rctezvow,
from StB.7< up A large
line of the cdictaaied Quite
) Meal Sled R**gti. Gaadine
Siotwt and Bloe Flame oa


Alargelmeot beam
tifolBox ScM INtel^

•11.76 pmaei

No. •!• *~M


Absolutely the best bargains in Robes in the City

jfe£ “• j|i£S^'3i,-US-eSS
wS5S!3 jjartsrpJS-sTa


J- w.
Olbdcsale and Retail.

I^ractical House Furnisher.

•L rwi. Afrti 1,-Tta MoRM^
c«ldH 0»„ tw freu«R ralUvad
is (he hWorr «f (be voRd. I«
1 r

IMR7 bxirlHK eel br (be dec
bwded dovB ■! BOM Uxler br UbIM
ItUlai UMrW JwUe «BBbof», (be
«**■!■■ «( (be eeen boldlBC (be eon
Mm W be meMl. beceUM It 1. Is iV
eomtai id (rede Tbe oplBloe le ea|h
Iriemeeied bf (be letoaBce of bb lejBBHIgB rsirBliitnc tbe Nortbeni Be^
eoriilee C». tm eotlac tbe eioek of
eltber (be MorfberB I'eeUk or (hr
an■>b^‘>r(bera eosbule*. tbe merced
rBUraodi. bM (be oBelBK of (be nilrsBde fraai bJIowIbc Ibe Nonbem 8eCBrtUee Oe. to TMe Ibelr Mock or m
dlrMe^ to tbe SecurtUee Ooopaar.
tbe SeeaRUee Compeer b al
t® rteara (be NonherB Peelbe
OeeBi Hortbera euidu to tbelf preR
oae boMen.
Tbe deeMoo ie (be nuMt eweeptsc

Id umde BBd eoBiBcree.
roet. A|irll 10.—Tbe qdBleo
U frMrtaf Ibei (be edeeeee deetdoe
ta the CM of Ibe IteetbeeB BeeBriU«
Ue , wbUe a eMocrtac Uaw le tbe
nilaeBd eeBblBeuea. will be ■«»
•atMT UebetBl Jobe V. OrlM Hid
the BdtHee deelcioa •eBld^Talai
wtAtilUcamr BBBeB.t»ied'mtl


ad. Md (bare ta ae qaeeMaa bat that
Ibe flee irae of iBeeadlarr ortcta.
later a Baa ariib a gaa aaaa to Ibe


tlhn III Mn aaMln ad
to fUadonared babiei aad^-KU
ttrad BoUmn ta »erm heUu vKb
CMkan Soap aed fcatle aooliiUo|ri
Whh Oatton Olataeat, (be |[ieat ekla
cum, Bad purM of atbolUraw, to be to HTciBoeeH (nr Bltddoeee
of ( otbtira IteMlreDinili. Tbll tt


«n, acnata*.
vUb lou of
aduUa, aad I* eoie to •oeeeed wbea alt
otto reoHdlM aad pli


I dntee IbetaaUr

Witt Itcui, IMW, sciir
end Instant Relief and
Speedf Cure

t eaildne oa Ba**ar Headay to.

D M|I wa* w
riideei hat
Mt atao
directed A* eouag
•eweBry ol the oar; to order tbe an'■mad A glee tbe e«utl opM air
coBoart for A*eatenaAaw'nl of th*
little rgg roller*
Lor linnt. a peer Araer lad oS
Wblllr; ooQtit;. Ad . left hi. horn..


Armr of the Hapablie, eSera Are

beet etaeri arrtitea oa HeaMrial da;
br tbe paplb of tbe bi«li acbool. of
mabtcaO' Tm abjeoi i>t tbe eoetaal
If to procaole deeper tutereat io tbe
eeldiera- BeBoriel da;
Aa aaaeaal ooadlUoe Ba; be aeea !
la tbe eld sraTcl pit laob of tbe Rlr. ’
etude (leBetet;, la Maaoaiace. Tbta I
crarel pit. vhleb ia va; abera tl<t j
I of tbt rlret. eoelalaa Meeral I
■ wbleb 1
iBall Alb llrr. Tbe apreiaa of ibeM ,
Aab U nat kaowa. bet paaalae |
(boae vbo bare aren (bea aaetiei
boa tiir Aab (Ol there. Tbe pood Baa,
BO eolVrt or lalet and (bt Aab Imre :
lltere erer alooe lax fall
r oatAoa of Aoiencana lalo (be I
dlaa uortbaaet ooiulacra TbU |
at leeat 150 peopla will learr :
tlie Tbaab aeeiloo ol Uleblcao. ;
klread; Ibeie are m can apokeo for j
oamodaW (be cffecta of tbe act
lien abo will go froo the DCigbbor'
la froB

& 00.,
Stocks, Bonds, Groin & Provisions

tm A tprealatioB. nnd made a
Lo*( hit tortan* to a paal*.
Weal M Oh urn. railed arain. He-

the three*button
doubte«brebsted sacll.
A fATorlte with tbe
youoeer meo, but •
•ultsble style for ony

great gorenaeau
Bccainr ihr'ivM
•rwoi Of Talaablr gold aiam. XVe*l<l>
A him anew more Ta (hr a>v>.
of kAge aod great .mtr.ii-. Ketnraed book* and n-warded thu..
wbo bad bafrieadvd ina
Lee Hunt'.
wealA I* Mtlmated at fii.Oiti



a rielell;.
leex tlu.uju
mencaaa will aeitle lo weatern (ta­
iBlIeead montm asd eesueclioae "
le (bit ;nr
■aid (Mm "(be BdBioUirBlioB vlil
Oor. Bhaa liet ruorireda peibelle
be tenmf to laeireel ibe stierBer tea
CttdearB Ueiaient, for’ pre^rrltic,
eiier from S.-llbon. Pie., ooea-rulag
cbbI te areeaed mlaet eerrr rallTMd
Bar. Joba K. Beaege, wbo wae cnapMMoa
tAaa nUae la Ibe
lela of tbe Twelfth Hieblgea VolnalaK bair, fur eoflesloK, BbUealec aad leer laCaatr; dorlug tbe clril war.
"ba/^MtabeBllbe Ualled Bie.1 eoutUox red, r»ufIt aad eore taaadi, m
tbe latler we* wrlUeu b; b'llliem H.
OarpaebtiaaV' U>l< U laeuetlribe
MMe pealtlaa ai ibe Hartbera Heearl'
HoOlellaa. wbo n;a that be wore tbe
Mat aad U Ibe adBlaleiraUoa ti of women onl»aiuUaxV recoiaioeod gn; dnnag ibe rebellion, bnl lOel be
faeaad la pealiid acalaal all tbe irael OnlBira Soap, to (ha torn ‘ ‘ '
ibelew ediBloliiend lo ibe
M^^Bbal wUlbe Itepelltloal
ter. Hr. Barege, wlio la id
a or oSbaei
-da« look wbM tbe deeieioa BMeai
lodigaei elreBBMieuoct, tick end ol
of waebear
terl; VlpleH II U redoealed theuhe
eld ooinrndea ol tbe Tweltlii lafeoir;
Mdthai daaeaat iMob aeiape^a
. ___ ______________ That
,je tale
t thdeara Heap, OlatBeet aad Pilli wbo knew tbe old am; ebeplelo ooa*«Me«tit be BBaareai oMferaaoee'
-.......................................................eofihe trtbnU aometblog to liU relief.
Mdar battfata Baaaaleei
etuf otbe
Aa Eaeiern Bier lodge will probabi;
mmibtmir latetMlad ti
be orgaalaed al Pnnkfort ae aoon a*
Mb St^vin be iBBed
eddlttoa to tbe Haaoole hell
ed. Pnakfon Haeoale meiuwbllr tr;lng I ■tom Ibe prraldeoCi
barebip It large
FrnauU »el;e of Hauroe. aged luu.
aaa fhot In armnUare
Maaary ClaeUea Sill Paaaad Heaee.
I DO! ao old bat tbal be ta np (o (be:
Stale Hooee. Uaelag. Mleb. April al(h Ibe leae of Ibe park.
lalaei lo raiing iBproremeate. for oe
I>r. Rlir; bee returned to (Vaebliig
*-~*r a rate of « ;eara to It
Hoada; he pelled the kaob tbal regton aad will reb>lo (be iieri;
(be boaae d raprwMtaUrea Ul
tflered hla etntgbl rote.
Ua elill
todt; aftarMoe. at (be cIom of (be Ibe preeldcnl leaiea tbe park.
Urea la tbe oeoio lie ballt *0 ;enta'
Pretideoi RoaaereK la enlorlng blBtag dafaala. paaaed (be Oolbr-Poaelt
•€«HiddletOB I. *tMI llrlog. Tbefiaeae-1 oplnlou (bet b* 1* furoilUIl; denared,
•laM vrtmorr eUelta bill, aad Ibe ■elf to (be full ibaM den
It rednoK) a* well at i-onld
nelure la deep, end le cotnpeo;
■aiHU will Boa bare a ebaaoe ..
>g tial Lu will tl
lb Hr. Burrougba be le nad;lag ne- aad Aire, bte too, here been fonad on
araatle alU thie maeb dleeapa^ aad
of a brokea aeok. Ihoogb lam
ure la (be epol of all tbe miBir; Ibe betali el Ronnd lalaoA
. from Ar traeien dowowerd.
aetnre bei been lean Interfered tboQfbl tbeU boat wei wrea«d oe
reef dariag tbe gale Hoade;, wtat
■Me hit Aullectanl powon u
altb b; Ibe merob of clrlllailoe.
were retnmlag to ibeU borne oe before. Hit eoaOillon it a Mae fur I la Bariiie Kmuiei, tin- »ilu-r otgbi e
Blaoo fnm Uaakiaae lalaad. toth tmiBlIi; aad aotenlifte iDb-retl man wat ewokoned b; tli- booklog of
Hei^ C e. OeMcel SaereUry.
The oapHla mod bii Imle erafl wen
Uwlt ttanelL Barr; Pieroe and wild geew. Hr took hit gnu anti waul
•AafMOB b; a Mg Ma)ori(j.
Boelao. April I.—Veo Ogden Vogt well koown to Hllore aail.rm(wteie
oot and found* big g*ud>-r wnlklng
Fred Sheaoe of Potlarrllle BmU
TWblU proalAag for dtreel aomlu of BM0I1..WU . bet beta cboaen
■long til* Xr.-*| wbil. (hr elr we* dllTbe Onat Konliein Proteelire A*- dad oa Banda; wblob will ineau
Itai aaa alIgbU; aan
ed with olhi-rt firing lu norj-direr,
ere] eeereter; of tbe Ifalied Bociet; ■oeietloa of Obebo;gao. wblob Jtat
Moaed b; (be houe >
tiou. Thlt lirm miiT tonod hitbr to
doing a elok aad aaeic
fta of (be ratae. Aa peeaed, (be Mil d Cbrietlea Kadeeror lo enoeecd Joba
nan la tba nortben pan of tbe alele, fox eoba la a Aeld two mIIm aoalb of Ihot* not faniili:tr witli th* kutiunl
Beer, abo bea held ^bo oftce
prorUM for tbe aoBtaatta cf alt
ha* goo* oot of bnelooH. oad erttb Ibe,
The motlier ewaped, but tb* currentH- in Kaiita* BtiTy-tiiriup (hr
cadUtH boB toaaahlp to Kate cd- lor oea; roan. He la l( ;
wildgertr gmng north nr* ettincted
oonaaal of the iaraiBaoe di
tteae. b; dlraet pan; rate, b
graduBle of tieloll coIlHe
by tbe rlpctnc light. Irpt bocoliig In
•SMbdBMt aee^tad tbe taa a
ber of (be Kim ~
TbeBnmiaer Bible eollege. which DOtt of Uir town*
LL'bia Ib- y
WB* held tat ;earal lake Bide, Ohio,
apM; to RllacH abUl it baa bean BaWt. Wli.: for aeerl; two ;aan bai
Tbe plane of OtaMlae Boent dt Boo. will be reBored tbli «moo to Potm- within ihe radlu. v( tbr ligbu 1
adopted b; a aatott; rotA Tbe bUl bera eeerctar; to (be prealdent. and
rebllaeH of Orattd Bapid*. for tbe waloml* Polnk Uleb , on ib* ehor* heepme i«uloe*d end (Ir aimlpi
•lee ratalai Ua aapaioU pen; ballet Aaaaelal eeiaetarT id tbe collet: hat
rapeeed S180.000 -Bookla; boepiiat Of Lake bUchlgaa. not Bile aortb of sboul nod often Inrge uointx-r.
tdM. aKboofh a Rgareu eSon aai Allad nea; potlUoae of exaetitlre re- Mldlng at HaHMfOB bare boea ae- Haw Bnirnls aad eixt; terra ailica U.eaiare killed .b; i.wUaeu.
A la^ eDdiiorloia hnia DOwbrre rlh- ia iL<- world
Made b; (ba daMxrat
apoBclblllt;: raaki ae OM of tbe bvl oepted. Tba etraetoe will be of brlok froM Ohleago.
will be (Weet^ for tbe meettoga
oafpetwe la H tha blaabet haUol ■peakera tbe ooUege bee erer gradu­ wlM.Mfxa aotta IrtaAlagt. aurUe
lid geete br ehut b; mgbl In
wbleb will ooatlnne fram Ang. It lo
ated; le e meal; (etloa. gealal.aad
ildet of Inrge town, nnd rlllnget
aad li a gift to tba elt; b; BeM 1. Tbr 00Liege erlll be le clierg*
cd>ieeldeBt Bear; 0. RIog aad Pro
The HoreBeet for (bt blaabet telalUi a
Pretident Kootpteli bnt dlnoled
Otaartee R Baokle;.
eeaer Boewortb of Obeelto college.
W Um wae gtanad b; Beine«t(bUre lir. aad U deepl; railgloiie.
Ooloarl Biughnm to Arow open Uie
Veil* TowaHx. wbo lire* Bear HotOraaaM d Datndi. ahe oltred tbe
Sleek liM been enbecribed for n Mb tonA gtonudt of Ac Wblte Hone* M
riae. Me d^MI to More. In tbe laet blag faotor; at Uencoala. tba larger
Oearina Veiy Ilk
beaa nbet at. two of lan being taken b; tlie farmen wbo
are aaxtoni to lare Ibe buidred* of
lit that hare berrlofot
_______________ »a* eo( 10
Bappel fraa St Petenborg ttb morneach rear. The build
M the toca M tbe bOM altbeat •
oifiiewe eaaM;.
in* aUlae (bat4be eaarlaa'li ntertai
lamedlatal; aa
of a
I'e crop.
triM partUBlUe. Tbe etar, tbe Beppel
CnbealA; KUnejs Make Inpnre blood.
VUUam Fleloher. a Harlnetto bo;,
It C. ■. OaKveiMta.
fan. <• otMulaall; b; bar motdtt* taa.|aad UAMta, two •
All tk*
Ir. > :--r. body p>
ae boea-Bade laMee by exeeBlre
Ured flrl, ltl*4BMHi Bm|w,
«. ApHl A.-Tbt prerWoaal bedeldA Tbt caate of bpr Ulaan I
elgantte iBoring aad bar been taken ye-jr kidncyt once '”7]
y lU aftar Mtlag beaiU• to tbe taaMrtm laleraato tbe IbMae aajlnzn at Othkoeh.
ago.' Sba it ta abertoai eobdlUon.
At Ptol date Batnrdv aigbl three
death* from fBallpox bare ooenrred
ha* beaa aiMpWed, Tbe eoarwtta
Ac Mty. aad a giMI Ban; mmx
aia be heM ai DearM. Oolo. Jal; bit.
State Merae.
e reported A all nearby loMlItlee.
Aaaag tba (peafcart Be; be neaAt hlakanMlB JaekaenOoL Cboa
It MtB* qaear lo UiLuk of a tnau
tlBMd IloA ioatph rolb. PraaUaat
iMl MtoMT at tM Uaa M taMlUae Ve Da land 1* raffartag baa apobe rolad (or Aadrmr Jaekeoa wbea
0 latter ma for pn^deot betag ellU
Qaerfa & Blewt, D. D, PiaaUaat roe Unag la tMH aieud Battle ples;. bol than la hope d hU teeorOB earA and aUe to role A thlt yvar
WUthH r. Boemt. D. D, Bar. Joha Onek, betas wabUM MtambtHM.
OoL Da land waa <aaot tha of 19CB. BtuSen Vhippto. of Deaton.
•t rrae the ~*-------- ^
Tba tat
Babm Bhaa. a D. tor. W. W. Surd.
who awl "nadar tba oak*'
VayaeI OtaSTdid
oaoifr. did (bAHtoerar.
(bU, Howe
Ol O, Bar. BnUb Babw, 0. D, Blabep
>w Wto laM M to eiMdnr
-tbe tepObUeaa party.
Be waa
IlnaPda WaMart, D. 0.. Bar.’ Irm
^...tatooi lb* Ea*t 8tgtaaw Harald rpniddMt^tb!- UoU^
_ ____ __
henr. bentt.
a .................................
■5 ihcutb
lAbdtftb. BtT. dBBee Jl rrmadi. Bar. Boat Oa , net barlag
(at Bare ttaa M jean, and be wrata

Hta Johawm
Jotuuoa Hnsknr*.
Hnekar;. of Ht.
Mb Hnr.
Hor- theyhndbenii
ta.t trcibic. beonux ibe
B. B. bone. D. n. Bar. B. f. Trtaalt wtMlB and wet btUf ahlAJs'haUd adilorlal* tor tbe Jeokton OlilBao re- rU. u eaffext^
0 pufnpu>{ Uu,
- •
from n Alrd brank In, 1 ev«-»«ki
Phu& tk. Bar. Jaam M. Ofap.-IX D, Bar.
eratl;. At oae ttse be wa* etab
b. Inter
b* cr-.*itrtdih.i er.i, u,
Ae fell. brcA-1 __J’,
a. r. Baaeb. O. D.. Bar. r.,D. P
latge Mraw tat. vUUa (rUA Un
tirtlelaa. Ba ba* been {wealaaBi la tmke tbe Umb_.
thle lltnc, *bc wnt ttlll
"= he tmeed te ih- k.dreyn
D. D. Bar. C B Nawlto. O. D.. Bar. bN raaUbg work.
lepabUeaa palltlM erer aiaea h. halp
owing A tbe ln*t fiao- hi.: ns* nisdem tciense (cevu Itiii mtJy
' *11 conalhillsral dueneet have Iheic Icginflapd W. TiMkUt. D. D. Bar. a 0.
VUte golbt boto iMlr Twarda; ad organ!** tba pan;.
•raaSea. a a. Bar. a a Oraae. Bar.
anlag, Andrew JahMaa. of MarPeaar MlddlaMa of near Pale, lenU
W. t. MaraaMd. Baglaad. Bar R W. qwatba. wMiead that an are Ugbl wear ooaaty. aoie* weak* ago (eU ftta a
Papa. Bar. C R TmUll. Bar. U«b bdghWHe watowbaad Mad to Mart lead d ttnw to tba gioud ia aaofa a weal laA tbe potto!
- . Ktireer't
wind eeol tbe
Mbagalett n boT»-,
---------E. WaOur. a D. Bar. J. M. LawAm.; U bwiMM BgalB b; Maklat Ibe wire. Baanar a* to mbm* bnatara of tba
........(rent kidney letnedr U
bitched Dear b; - The
renlUed. It slnnd* the higher. 1st' lu
Mr.-a J. Poaelt. Walae. »r, J. a
wire be taoabed wae aa nataaw- naac. Saab aa aaeidant Blgbt te ax---------------- Btaml klekrd Ae Mb A
BatoaO. Sanlea. W. L. Hr. C. Ogaaa. hdad ewe and Johaaca wat kUlad by Ilaeaad b; lb* rnH to prare laBl. yet okeoe*. but tbe Alld wa* anhe.t,
beagfa tbfwwn oot opoa tbe iidrwalk.
bapaa. Bar. Jam AltBadar. Bar. -‘MautML
Tbe boTM broke Ioom ud ran
WOBIH pauaraoa. Blibep a W. A^
Ab BailU (toak it wna daoldad
Th* Aral
Matwy 10 laawM tba Mtiaaal dlglMiMtay MUage. taaeked,hr Ibe Battto.......... imufcie.
. ,
wnuag Dr, Kilmer
wUh A0.aB BeBbara. ia tMt
Ce.. etnghnatlon. N. Y.
d b; A*
■m HM hM baan oSatad on lUebl«aa
mnk* any mittak*. but rrTbe balldlafi will eoM SICA.,
•b* anin*, Swamp-Rnoi. Dr.
ad (rUl inaaBaiMH 100 al*BwampRooC and tbt Aaad lhara will baa taealtr a(
igbaBUn. K. T. 00 erery
Mgbl. It wUl ba tba aal; eoUaga d
the kind U tba wwld. aad U (or tba.
paiM i^d A lamaead npon tl
antatlla edaeattaa d berBibaaia


Its Year of Jubilee has tomt;?*'
Silly yriim -1;' Liiti.tnt



l - M ,i. .i..l




Xll Sorts of Horse Flesh



C*-C*ec mtMOACM O- P*OM*1.


Only one of tbe great
fdLmily—msny ether
swell styles In suits
snd OTOrcobts. in a
'dlwerslty of fslM^cs,
$10 to $25.
No excuse for not loobing your
best, when CLOTHCRAFT Clothes
ere here for you.
Wo don’t sell clothes elone. but
we*Te everything else In wearables
too—smart necHwear. collars, cuffs,
shirts, underwear, etc.

tbal i

Beugnt ana sold tor rnah or on reaeo'ioblo margin* on
Mow Torn Stock Aichango.Chh ago Stock itenange and
Hsnnah. Ls; e Co.. Traverse City. MIeft.

iiul < thrr an*. U.wt tiirduinial -iMiKTCMuUpot

If soaks down through the muscles.

r;;:'Z'r;E“rST;;sr" -..................



stalls c

Cures the hurts of anything that walks.

»- I

Part*. Aprti t.-k-A dHpatefa to the


Over*Wurk Weakens
Your Kidneys.




Burt 80 Badly Wav
Nearly CrAxy.

Mr*. VUllaB Vlrtala of OaUwalv

HAd no Sloep-Could
Hurdly Lie Down.

Mr Maa aaaad Bmdlar. reparregal daje age while
• a Naa T«k papar. aa
IW tbe aaiaal frea a
h (be pMk b7 tbe ael
poBtalM bad Bt la. aad 11 wae (aaree Ae wboU taaSMl«bi be ioet.

Dr. MUws* Nwrrlnw PermAAsntlr Curwd Ms.




*■“*" tKa^MUiaHEAD

ba* beaa tetratlMag tbe attghbar■
Bari; TwaiMy B«alag A*

dd ItoM dii* wUkfawtohS

X If you arc in la-ct), or ifoinn 10 m-cd




'tn«ntlis. it will ]iny voii to take inlvaniaue of till-.






Sa l<


\V<; boii;;l)i '.in- cmirc Sumplc line of Beds of

“TKm Indlartto BrwBB airbd Iron Bod
at •J.') per cent less r^an ri-h'ular wholesale


offer them to




ai pn- i-s i.tlu-r dealers would have to pay





.si-66 .. $6o.oo

Kcn><;mbcr no



so come early while the assortment is larffc.

6iir sprinn Stock of Bed Room Suits
Odd Dressers. Comodes. Chiffdni-jrs. etc. arc itOw on display and a finer
and more artisiic line you will :
. lind.
Hver dcsi-n n-M and catchy.



.—f I..—iMiiit ^ liMaag

of aaoAB^d BBb. It U 22trVSrS.ri."’JSS"-JfTSl.'t

aacuy aboai Berea Fowda. IbAektwOeBhaok-rrea ^ owaaty, la Marah of



^4“r»“2r,xs”S*.i“t'‘ <»«» hM

Tear Kta« end SWebert
■Bad ti* lai; be* Bta mm

5c.. SOc ud Bl a bMda




iM ?l.(tua*c«!!'w.

- AanaeT.
w toc tbe

iwtigicuriaad tl

tlMiiief tbe etar*. and A geaeral b;,
co.iB-ita mr-... w-ma,
la«*B**d Mtallea to tee bMatiljlag —-------------------------------------H prlraBart yblle greoada, " b;i[ _

: A lad aeatCMl aeoarred A Ibe fam­
ily or Frank La fh*.!!;lag near Boa A

HU two uaall AUdrea,
bey aad a girl,
door, logeiber.
Oeeagi K. OeaB. of Ooalt Orwr*.
handI 00 a bloc
_____ ____
at a nyaeaA Eook leatot whMb
had an ax A hU band. *t*«A the
am aad nearl; icrerad
Mta tlBM ace laJarM cm lag ba.
rata tbe kaa bbI aafcU oa a harbwd
At Lake Uadea. VUIlam Beanire fern
tbe lajnnd BtBbar
..-----------dtad a* tbe raMlI of or
haibaed tbe fowl a gnat daal aad
. Befall D«a
BwaUj, (wwaladlag that then wat we
(aataA^ AtoAt
baraad •aataAqd
bew of Bring tbe lag, ba WMt Iw
werbtetavaBBIl. TMbtrdBta*
(be perch aad erlA bl* t*U Brarnd r --f
^ whaa be deeided’to g.
tbe hawa, aad *1 laal aaeaaaH tba
woaad badbMladaad all Aageraf
ecaH mr ka_imd.<ia< .k*lp«l *«.. H. B Sgaim IhlTA daaeei
blood peiaaMag w«^ ptB. Tb
------- 1------------------- --.
■ I
tagr HatalC wUM atlU Ibe« rtoy.
ealte leedd thatibe
aaok a kit a(




Twatiiings needed in lameness.

VltaailB itdr of tbe riw^ |-----------------------------------------------------------------ba*B Awblaak b*ara aad________
rtaabM M bi* tbeaUara
BegeuAte bU abode ta miwUagcm bU imad*
aad beta, aad It U elalaed Ant ao.

tot tall, ta raiy pewarfai


Here is one ol our new and pie. sing 1S(13 dc.signs- is made of finest
selected ash, top jianel to bed »s ** •-awed oak. heavily carved. Dresser
has S4k46 double shat>ed top nicel;ly moulded, double serpemine front'
16x40 oval French plate Mirror____
edge. Comod- to match has
20x37 top (note size of dresser andd comode)
rich golden oak finish, highly polished. \ery best of cabinet work throughout.

SPBClal Price for 3 piece Suits $3$.eo
Veur BeuM Furutabtr

« Xhe Oos-ton SLore

TMromwD THAVEKW Mimu>. APRIL le. IM«

Abeolutely Pure


waOT vlUi eloTPr «wm(.
I vu4m« UM •i'MlM vilk «
ror atj bpwl wu hMVx wHb


•Wr •wnbtoc MOTM4 la «a vnwc.
rtm koo«.
T*M MB «f IkOM Aan'whoM cwW
•oi ttritB
«BlM fforahodD* (b« food to lU
Mi. Wlh lb* l*fli(hr


I la lb* VHiurB bm,
«• lb* BMUrc bWB. '•otfh ibP Mil-

I bOlloTo (ha
aad Bioro ooTero I wao In eoaquortai
Ibo aaoro oBoelnallr I wouli
orailcaio bio (aulta
But aflor mj
awakoalag I oa« a hnaus bola«. aa
■rtai ooul, a oooi wb«M iMtiar
It BioraUr. aad wbooo plaailc aatoro
had booa (Iroa iaio
baada to
audd had obape Tbo lUtlo ooaallbre
bUBMiB fraoio. tbroucb which (bo
iloB lotpo. wao Bltoo lo bl«i wUhout hlo kauvlodn or (OBoral. Aad

aad who baa bm at aoaoo tlBB r
ad at too dtopeslUoB of thtoci i
htobMattbapatohla foot mar
troadT TboB I laaaosod wbr aboald
oao ho bard or aatrapatoelk with
T I will let ar bor ooo to
to bio weakaooo I fool for btm.
aad froB toto raataco prouad I
pMat ogt to bla (hat arrar aad wroac
dotos caa aever brlap ml pleaaare.
aad that oalr bcaor aad obedieaeo
I auk« oao trvir happr
:UaIeu a aoihor plroa earoful
(houebt aad otudr to her chlU'o toaer life, bow U oho to know
toooshU of dliobedl«Dco BBd dtocord
BBd throb tbroneb Uo hiunT
1 II 40 iBCUDbeat upon me to
the coeditloa of tbo chlld'o
BO the eondltlaa of bli bodr.
Aad Ihlo -I hare rooolrod: that what(orm of pueUhBOBt l eaplor.
or boworor I dni with t.ln> whoa hr
em, that 11 ohBlI bo of ouch o nature,
be BdalBlftcred In oacb n bibbIbBt It mar he roBemherod br
to kladseao nsd loBdoniMo, with
lore BBd reaped, nod (hot he nu
iBpellod lo come lu me when I
tempted or wboo he bn* erred,

I SunsMne. j

keeper* dan attempt an ootoM
thM.' i. Miblas dlOcult about It The
boring Cleaning.
chief raato of (allun Ufa to bM bav­ Ohol Ubo! (beam bbm go.
ins ibe apider hol-nousb. M to makAad toe werid gtew tnto
1ns an oaelel loo 'Urgo tar toe’ pan.
I opldpr *gb( toebe* la dtoBOter With a hnoa that reaebo* frau obm
ntore abaa four egga ahould
>-Ur an omelet of thU lUe
Che w 10.1 haa bofrau to eleaa.
four esn, *iBc tnupoouful of uU
With blatter aal fan 'i wiU all bo
lablnpoonsful of cream, oi
plBco of itui .1..-milk tleatihcr
for be nev.-r aiopo todf way:
aluBo lu a etuuuth batter, add
Ik. .Ill Bud l-epl-er. and laally
'T lo ap aad down ibrougb eoaatry
aod town,
•ll bea.ea whlioa. Have (bo ffjlas
Tbeagh bu weit apfown like play
a very l^.i. 1‘ul lu a tobletpoonfu’

"chUdroB BBT hare (aalto am] their
dUpoaUloBi mar bo perpIniBs. but
there to a krr to toelr aaturo. and the
Botoor can end It If oho will. I hare
ezplBlBOd to mr child bow alwar> la
0 eertaln lam miut bo obered.
BBd hire polatod out tu bla wbat the
oSoct of dlaobedleaeo would he. bbi]
have aeea tbo llsbt
B« Iber loohed
kck Intu Bine, the lore, revemee.
Bd derolloB Ibi-y could out t-ipreoi."
The resBrd I fell for tbi* Womau
04 durtof ber (nlk (rown lolo real
CMk'* Cenwr.
admiration, mad I felt that When all
mother* toko up ibelr obUpaOooo
--One half rup-Krau-d
wlih the otoeorltr of porpore that oho -huculaie uii'baK nip tuHk. »iii- >'KK
fowpr acbiBP ).dk oni) >. pink ail ti«. lhcr In rlo«suKher hearto lousing for the horo •aa 1111 Ibbl;, Ibeii add tbit i-u.tard
BBd sIHi that baro crown awsr from u oiM- rup of adSNr and uB.-tbird cup
them.—Chriollse Boalo, la New Cru- buli -r. .lUrbalf <->ip eillk, oao mud
ball ru|i»!fluur. InU- which It alfti-d
oni^ha:f inni|p«<iiful aoda.
Hake In
The bklB.
•qanV ilii add lru.l *llh hollnl Kuil

nttlo rope koid tar tbo purpuoo. aad
ofin whoa oo^Baadod to do a thlat
bo woald aok. 'mi r»o lie me op
U I do BMT'

! load aot eoaoldond

*to«. My r*bdy BBawar. that
Utoly tbOBld U* biB up iwtoB* bB
asually brougfal
obBdtobM. But to my bwb '
toal WM tbe lowwd loi
BO*. Bueb B* Bay ditM BtofB*‘
<Mbor abd tbafbln to Araato mj ■Idfat bo (iBtoed to. -Hw-rtWygd bo1*0.
be fcarod to diaeboy.
Or I aoo BBMo aaol aa tba towaward
“ABd I WM to tralB BBd nat mr
eblld wUbout I, (b«« an aun wUU
too laBaKo dopibo of Intb aad loro
ttw bto*.
laboddod la ao Iwortal aoal? Thea
Abl I ttaak V Ood thbtl (aaraod to
Mbor tboucbU caaw to bo. I eould
Br chud'o bodr BOW. but wbat of
too Uato wbea I eaH6 adt? U I b»)4
hlB tonmfh bio boart and
anad. wkUo too mlad waa biaaUe aa'd
(bo boon tosdor. wbat naouno wi
A Huto bn of pailoaoo cftoa
baro wbaa hlo bodr po* torto aad
HabM too aaaaUao cbmo;
nac aad (he boart aad Blad tied '
A iNUo Ut of kroo anhn a
■1 tell rou. BT f^oad." abe aaU. ■■(
v«T barn bcM:
AM BOBO tblaklBC to (boeddara. bad
A UtMo bn « b>Mo atokof a
it aeoato to BO aow that er^ (hoaaht
Rator bar took aar.
pmrof. I nad all (hat
Abd a lUtio bli of ebartlx
oa (ho aaWeot aad etadlod.
HabM flad a woair warL I wiab (bat
to tba toad oouU bard bar toBoot
aawra ailrrad aad arouaed ao attoo'
waa. aad that tow Bl«bt bo biw«bt
to took
aMtbor'i btoBM privU*c«B la
aMtooiarr. orriad toUd who had r*. tot tBM aa I baralaaad to ebor her tou bar arau, aod
MBdr my ebUd'a
bte too bo( UtUe (BOO. dBahed wUh BBUn BBd BBBlyM IL I NbXlVod
what n m
rabelHowo paaahB. aad to a i
lew ntoo oobaal a DtUo auai m
(bat eBB**d tbos* BBgiT laabn at
..................................nboUlMi* BBd dlB««to (hdoo Unaa:
1 (OBBd (bat I
-Alto all- BMt kean to Ubo pad
•BBicb daepor tbaa it* ■urtooo of
to* oblld-a BBUru I aaw that e*MlB
■eto warao BAM (ho aaadr ohon totoga UMai BBd pttplBMd btB.BBd
(hat U* toapMBBMt wao of ao aiAbd Atidna trao dt odbopl.yhib toe tatobad tbo ob&d Ur Ptf- «Ubl* a BBiar* that b* Mol eoairol
* bb


wao g«Borally trylag
Hob ooBototog b«y«B4 Uo Btrobgto
ar BklU. bo WBO B«t Torr
to aaewar to Bir aaaaUob i
---------------- ■ ooBMUaf
•bat bad iBibialod ao aerol sa
DdBal a idaB of «Bellto« a nbo
toll. 1 roatcMd, h*UU grww obl
duty ay* todafatod (a.' TbM U
I to BaBBbt BBd ooodrol too eUld
toBt bn wlU BM b* triad btyoad bU
Umlt ef oadBraaea. U tlmo It wlU
I 1*1 n tor ^ to oobduar ll. i
aaotor for Urn to
I BW blB Wtto btl BBOU BBOMdaw to rwB ihai i had ao bobbm ttaboo an bat oiboaiiod
ttoaa whMoor of (he aobUlir aad bM BOOliHan with a ••
UtUa bato onr to* bard ptoe*. I ntore toon mt- hare, booa fa
•hM to* *Brprli»d tail b* bM
go* M wbtb 1 fltat ottrad -to
hMot tar a aaotoor'a* Ufka. aad. a
tootoar’e oaUtot woo pertoetlr dew- b*p blB. You *0* I BM to poatob
toaoi- I wao ao oao who wao I
• gar* way 10 U(
At owe Ifabo i owooed too eeltor
had l*ar«*d to Bta
and pot tor oblld tote too dark eel- toettl. BMafi.
Ito aad Ml bba toon hw aa hour or of traatBwl b*
MB. TbM ao bio paatfaa aad I
aoiloHae*. aod U* du id
had apobi liaaH I loob hl» ooi
tbo ntoBtobor * tb* dw bo nt
bawMd to a talat. oabdoad warBtoiWbtot Hba a oupor. aad 1 abaU
I bM^ and WM ao aaitoaa to
mtrm tara* (bo fai^ of bar (bat Ito-,
him. W Tb«B b* WM triad bw
•aduraa** 1 At*t uUwd to bla
•apod to bio ana. I oaaaai toll poa'

• Pe-ru-na Is All You Claim For It"




g__ _______
g frfeotf / h«>w (rWyw niMdr «*f itovw
mimot tmlly retort^afi ribm otm of a few healem. I am Mix xarnttatai
that Ptrmaa h mileU. atorU. ao^lcbeeffalty n
a rMtMrr4^Hrr^,tU, ••__n.
toII whomr,.fflktca m

Mr. C. V. tltvea.lruMex. N. D„Ylce
Mb aomveraary with a large o*B-.
PtMleat of “Tba l*»at-Uae
l-raiwn IB New York City. TbuteltaV
Iln.* to you. I OuV’wtUc*:
year* ago I caught B
-lerer WTiHeu to to* Herald 1.“ WTieBever to* cold wealbet aeU In I ,
---------le travellBg and wbtoh
1 have ibrt-e i*et.. a dog and .
T"*” I*V
.""t *"
aettled Into catarrh ’-I toe.
1 have 1*0 brotoen and catch B aevere cold which wa* hard to
ihM, BBd eo Bffecbid my P
throw off, and wkk-hwould leave atjeroa obliged to eaaecl my en|
effecuonmy couaUiuUuo tou muatof
O hoi O bol tbi- dirt tsu*l go.
,1. of Joae. 1 mp lu ll,.- fourth grade ' itewtater.
IdialroM 1 wee odvleed to (ry>*rwB4.
And Ibe w«ld grow lr.i»i
ly tforlxr'. came l. Miw Hurr.
’-boat winter t wa* advlaed lo try and allhoBSh 1 had nerer deed B pBMbI
• greeo;
l.-ai,. *. nd 111- a onr.1 ou.l |un
1 lAeuna, aad wllhla fl«-e day* toe void mcdlclae before. I wet lor a buttlo.
With a Inom that t<-arhe* froiu eaat
‘onU but Illy deaertbe aiy aurpM*
; wa* broken up aad to Hr* day* more 1
idTbat wnthla B taw day* I ■wa
Mvrtle Prtuiruae OvlrtiMI.
wnaBwrUmaa. I rteommended it to
I aevcraltd me frI.-nd.aBd all ajeak the ' gTvaUyrvlleved,,
I.Bad wlthto tore* wwb*
1 l^Bb^tprMi^^r't- T*** ii_Jiof»/«j
euttrcly P
toia.fwlilMatliBo*r,aad take on ocoaolM*
UtBwn. Uicb.. April «. II
wbcB I fed ma bowB-WiIMb
Airil 10. iifti
htra ^te. V v..clime twen.y-I «
Two of oar dnr KoB*Btoe girl* h*ve
If yobdonoidarte* twaaptabdfaHp(baaed over .to in* SaB*biue Uod
tae’uTj rmlta from toe aae e< TaewBO,
witotoatewd»y*.aBdl-oto*Bddenly. :of IWM. I bare aotd our-leli lalere.i
Mr. Julian \Yel..'.ilx.t~Kenee**trcel. iTTlie at oare to Hr. Rartmao, gtrlBg a.
Little (ilady Browo, ageil nine, wa* | IB my Hoot li- |a|e the fitat of tbe Buffalo, N. Y., I. ormpanding aeerv faU atotcmetit of year eaw a^be wtU
Id Rbool Bud liTisl oalr * yrar.anill will couiiuae Hie baatoeu j |*ryof The KanL-eilu.l, of New York; be pleaenl to gin yea hi* wbIbbU* ^
: la the leaillDEw-rondlaai of toe Banger- vKagntia.
.. dylDg of bran ditnw. I
Addreee Pr. HartBan, mnlMt at
Her home wa* 10 Traven>e Oily Tbi.
Errol Koefa.
he Hartman SaBlinrtBa,OolaahbtaW
week Vera Usryea of U>ng kbke wot
Keport for ibt- year IKCt. ■
He priei and .pu*|« tot
iDM raggr.1 heap*He .tM-lf aud t
'Tl* a narrow plan* with little grace ’
Where be (all. lo gel is.

Hen* on bond Job I .twi. B.
ilea* on band Jon. I. UkW. ti
lieu. luM dur ing IMl. 11.
UnUi of bcBa deruag year. 37

with tge, and wpll repayn ton irvubh
Reg Ruga
of BBklag: YWke oa* pound of t
toJj- oT m>
wblt* Boap. eanll* or Ivory, cut
iLn n>i-*i a’liBih-rful run. from '
very dn* obBTlngt. and pnt la
Tkr j i^r.- uul y„- ubi fa>hloDOd j
pall with ]uot oBougb water to
let cm to* Mor* and oiBBer ne cjin«et kto<], b,ii »bva lb.-*!
••ally till toa aaap It dloaolrod, toen :nrv aHlMlealli n>ml„ac-d lliev Iinnluee,
•Ur la tour ounce* of ««o*t almoad Boft, IVmlBii i-lf.-<i. Vur Ihe fouod*-'
l/.m of iht- riis |,<irl»p 1. u.,-,1. I’lM-n;
Mi. tour ouaca* cd powi
DM ouBO* of tinctur* of benzoin, nad 'tbi., whi-n cut In ibt- *U.* .Inlrud, uul- j
to* fulee Of n Inrg* Iobod. Baal the 4I11V >our <l.-*(gu with a *0)1 blue pen-i
alztur* well, and m It cuola uk« up cll. Tb.-ii will! a *ie%-l buiiuu hook.]
•pounfal*. dip ibea In flae (ialB«al. tir n Inrgt- rrUchcI ii.H-ille. pull n piece .
Bhap* toto Mk** with to* hOBdo. uf clolb B qiinrt<-r uf an Inrb wide aad I
Tbi* to as M«al ooap for all tonet pur an Inih In lingih ihrough Ihc lot»ely 1
woven burlap and draw 11 uui bgnln.]
oily toHoa* tor tb* tare abooU n* It you w«e (nktog an urdlnaryi
Mlicb In .v«lng. Afier ihc whole »nr-1
b* aveddad. m toty
growth of downy bain and auk* tb* fneo of 111.- ruE bn* M-n civered to]
>kto aUny. Ter chap* and nuBbura* Ihl* wa.v. irlai lb.- unrieu -end. wltli^
largi- fbt-nr*. and the rug U fial*bml.
to aothlpg bMier tbaa
Tb.-..- rug. mnv |h> mode Trum wnolea |
•pooatal of oatmeal tlamer
mr*. .su'w ullllrc clolb that I
,1 of water. Suoto and add ao
•dual duaaUly ol Inmaa }nlon. ThU • uulo .liberal, be alxted. the piece* ]

■e BMd Be a oaad Bad but- '

An Odd Neatli^ btoob
Th* nnsto Of Btoe hare bM febbd
IB all aoru of ptooM bat bev*r to a
more ilBgaUr ar BOt* OMfattobl*



Nbiortai wall iob (bo woria of tba


We liavo a word to tav today aboal
>r i-hildroo * ptetana.
Tbo ttanohiDc odltot took wliat wa* aot really
bm in toe 9cvt piece, tbaagb abr bml
pemiaMoe after auounnemg lb*t abe
wai goiBs te bare them TB<-yallt>olOBs to the Kvenlag ri,-jord. 'bat Mr.
Haaneo, the editor, waa very good
baTlot; a*
ibavr them, we are >ai.
(f butter, abicli Kbudld laaUiHlr bUa.
' *0 maoy tdcinr--* baw be-n amt in
I'ollow U quh-kir *llh the well-bcBIea
' that be Bay. Ibry liare euonsb to Laal
.* ii-ar. pretty near or ucite. and ao'I
WlOiawhlakof hi* braoiB ae clear* |.w><lbly take auT unre till ihew as<
the room.
,n a.»d up Ita plea..- don’t «ead fa
llh..ui hniakliic I pteveat bunilns
And tb* cload* go flytug away.
any mou- for a wbile.
li'. too laid
bout 10 mlnulea
Boog tb- ir.-., with baaU* aoJ
>*’*' >n»»bine -leMmeni.
-n Ibe (uMd'e
act It la a goo.1
v.e poold have - vrry Ul-r that l«IB ..!! Ibe blgb
He ctana* the old wood. oat.
‘O'"--- to aoy ol u.. l«t uV .mil iiav.e III Hu- ..v.n
I hrewn. the
le make* * daah. and (fa.- braoeh.-* , "> '*o •" wc ate bid. we rdp|«totTill. I> nut luecdod
>ou turn bait of
the uaieli’l lutl-r u ID liAclf before
And the dry leave* aeatry about
imluc (bel«boli- (ruta the |iaa
Now the Suoahlue e-hint lis. an
hoi dl.h- ‘tteno hot.
Heiak.t ibo *x
III* b.'Ipnr. Ba-ier proem Indeed x big box of
tVaihlogtdn Oiaelrl—Ix-t oae
csg. pul up In the dalutlett an* pretcupful <if niltk rniue lo a boll and
Lrt toeao go eat who bbM;
Iu-m (aMnon. -wl.h y.-a could all aee
v- r a Idacui'Iul ut bread crumb:. AdowD Ibe bill *1 bit own arlld will (beni’. x (Vi-ttv Ea,T- r card aod a
i»: II »iBnd a f.-» mlouiea. Uroak
He drive. Ill* Hying dB(t.
boqaii ol bom, grow., verbena* Wiib
.'SV. imp a Ik>wI; Mir (not beat) .Ueduhoatbe tala ou toe window-• ♦'''■‘•’S of ail-oiui and M*jOower»
*HI luuM. Ibea add ibc milk and
All from out "No i Hoy" of Umwo
l l. mix ^-tl. s.-aaun with salt and
A bint to vdo aod ne wl*® T"® *H know i. Krrnl Ko- h
[<-'r aad (umr Inio a led pan la Tbrougb tbe.oellar dUr be oome. biai
ll n la-^- liidc-iKeiefuI of bullor
(h- -II cidlu-il: fry aUjuiy, rut Into
"How .lack folkauel"
Dior Mr.. Hate*-I iboagtit (hai 1;

While ll U verr true that outdoor lug,
«U« MM.
l-uieriy tlfck.-i-ODv cup u( augar.
WbM mUmUt WBlM' a Sock of
tin paliailro ooeUnoat hola« ourcloe to aeccaoBrr (or
egc-i. btiicr Die alee <4 as csx.
b. and baaedti too eoaploHoe.
Bboritaaeo. aad tbn>u«h tbli aaj|i«
flour, vae cup of .weet
cquallr a fact that eoaoUbC oxPbr tbo ham b<v. »ICb •hMto.aai tara. ouch ao 1( (o. ouch ao H a>ar
1:0 labli-rrHi.ifiil of
boeoBo, ruBo (bo DIvloe purpuoo of pooure to wind and nun abd varrtos
a of larlar. flavor u
teBpenturto U euro to brlag bad o(e whUc <it one on-R fur froalinse
foeta aad apoll aar akta. Tblo lo eoI'ako -Vtve CKKi. i
toclallr tbo OBoa to our woolen aad
ipojt froB tbo
Padde ototoa.' wben dn. bot wtodo buU.-r. 1*0 cap. of atigar, ouc-half rui>
prorall a larsojpart of the rear. Tba u! Bilk, one luaap>«nCuI of cream ofj (oonddcbd inhrrbed whenber BOto .
of (b^ emtloe
Abi a aall* lU ap bfo baai«>»faM.
boot protoetloa la a tborousb eloaolas tartar, oar half (aa.poouful of *oda.!,, weut to tafl ber lu (be awateg
prtot of DiTtolir.
■fSM 4aara tba ban: ibra wo boib
a alum of nil. and lemoa lo to*ie
j she im ihltinn yroi. old
-poadortoi toeio toiaco-’'- «*>tla- of the okto with ooap aad warm water
ttotmea! Cookm-ThM cup* of, WbUaw* *r« flUed with *yinelcht at bedUfflo. Waab ibo
Bto too Botoor, ‘‘tbo tboufbt «bbo
Abi I aaH. “raa bar* iwra whtu
■ ,•0
1*0 «.in*
nip* m
of >
ono .cup
of I _
iik». ouu
u poHioie
poulble inroagD
toroatta loe
to bo: Wbat IT I compel mj child ace aa miie.aa
abMp thaa obor bo: ooppaao 1 Inaici puaUb- day. atfSr^er gu out to the wind Im-lwkno vau-r. imebalf enp of la^. ,
"Wkr, rm." bo ropttad. *Mi iUat
bMBt bbiii be dare aot dloober.what BedtolaiyWler waablag. If «uc i-x- ■>." cup ol liun.-r. uaebalf leatp
m baew!
' out In toe wind nil-day
all. jAdd .usar and ual'o
bare 1 salaod? Haro I Ibo real optoMmo arhiio tbaa blaok: wbr 'Hi ol-'
-u n.U In buili-r. Ilu-ii add
nr too flnert boby
n of obodtoaeo promptod far tba-troo Ibernl
wan ao."
ch lu prevent liomaalBre. the boart of tbo child, or a puwder
CLUVlb lu roll Ol
8a ODOb 'boaaol ea witb Ui
Uliiy.r SneliOnly
IWBbi (ho bUI.
I ijn Ibe (are. asd I have fuuiid cup of e.iEBr,^.n
(ho ebnd to a bearr idem of fumlDbi Aowa br (bo aaotoi* | u
vii|i <iC h
belter T( prepared
taro whoa ho refuaod to ubor, with a

man wblio (baa btaab.* aera
Man tor (has aonvw. non Mlai


Tfaaakt agaia too bcuaUfal wild
flowrro. toll Use frem oax SaabMBo
Addle HeMAltoB ef Poototato. Boaa
Ulter of Bate* aod Boutoh. Mabel |
Id t-tarr OBBaio ef Honoou.

KnnliekTtll.-, Mich.. Afrill. IB03. '
Itent Mr* Hile.-A*l bare m-ver
WtlUvn lo Km- H- r«ld I Hhought I
woold wnie_*iu1 jmn (be VuiMhlne
ciaU Hlenee teud me a cord nud bnlinn. Uoud live.
From yoar lovirg friend.




Nellie WMeh

n (ntmet in wcalera K*w T«rk.
AdUt Halley, ol Ibe town at UrlbDB. keep, a good auiy •beep aa bio
(toe day br Bollo*d a Ua*l
of bU Mmap
Wtow b*
weal txln
w (be blank *1
I ,Ue ^irn'er.-ItoMh^r'btoorial Bb-

wnh- nnd *
iOt'|e.d a while *g&

-Her I re.: -n,,,
Rr, RMtoy mw ttmt dia '
I wM macli
to whll* h* took.
pl«B*edwttl. my raid and ballon ‘ >d o«wr btock *boU e
thiak ibey ar. very Bice
>«v little:


i,': »•

rtoter Nellie, .he to eight
',lato to loi
W. hive lotoof tongaltoHasMay-,.^


f - .^s


Oat tobo>l aill U-rn next

• w II w< vnMi with a MwltoCB liner Cf vobM
I bod a good time.
Well, it i»
Be lc*t DO Ub* to ln»*k(b|

to read toe SM*hlae
be (oaad *eva*al mara
letl.-re i totok they
Very Bice.
thevplo iLe depth, ot who** waal
Well. I gaeeB I will harr ) bring my ;
iMter 10 b cW.
' aceu aad bring (erto toelr yoaag.
(trom yoar Sanahloer.
Ten Detu wer* faaad ia alL OVKtliel Risebarl
talalag an aotagBU ol oU aod yBO«
BDeat Hra Mole. -I Imre not wrlltaa
10 the (lan.blne OInb tor a loot lime, j
I to t Hiougbl I woald write todav W.


re-pilTi-l Itrlng ton *01011.
to very bnaltag aad at lb* zaa*
•MtoM aad whiiae* (he okla. Tbare
lo BO baaaUlta Ilk* oltoplfaMu. an
For Hie Invalid'* Tray.
aU to* ooBM aad batau la to
a will BM oBboeal to* tfaeu <
equi-cior at all. but 4k ibarply
curtwsaiod «Uto*
b perforated
iTAU*-Af.di. auxBi-Ar..ix Mivnett*-xc-i 1
rtoi. which ni» u.. . a
. inBbler.
(watht'e--) hr *nl Mio. Aeto.r w»k>r,
ranovtog the »(eiu ebd of to* li
Far ttwOMa
ll I* nllppcd-over the cone and t
Tb* aazt time yea arw pMaatog <
(ew'Uao. wben Ibo rtod
irtboeewho mto* ibem. little | Feed bought to 1*01. «lt IT
and to* Juice and pulp
•tap)* laaMwcB tar two or tore* M. yet we (oanol grlevV (or. Egg *old.
your girt titabdo. tot on* oearo* be llvcrud Into tbe glau. Hut I aeni:
tjBlrily aod wltboat treat
rbiekea* (old, pr- ■».
(hi* Ingenluu* IIIUb aSnlr la tbe Inter,
haeoB aad «dg» *erv*d to llallaa ttola
■ • <l 40.
of Ihu
now In toe »|>cntos
ptooto at bread about two toebo*
Knol Koch
• prcpnrtos t
o (ocble 10 oe Uf
o«uar* ar* Hgbtty toMt*d.-lbaa cM to
toad where t^ 1. ao more,
^Ur April « hrj3
pleoto dUgoaally aad anaagad.
lirl.ioryvafo-l"'"”^*®"®^' I
“b» *0 think ,
Bai.w-I tooagbt 1 wocid
dbrv. lb* l<
to* Bgnar* ftn betog kept oa a bM
uiipy (IBM
iiBe* ol.lldrM
Ciiiiarra »a«t
man bav.
anve .:
Juice U quickly ,■ ol u* happy
„ ^
able.’ Tbe
platter. SboU. very toto oHom of
be token tmm a *pooB. or I In bwveu. happier than w« can pe*M-1
1 are broltod to to* eurltog potot. mixed -with a IIIH* water aad eweei-' bly totok. Let a* all tty to -------------in Ibe Herald for
aad told upon to* dividad B«aar*A a
that** *1“ ha»>'
OB* daio. H .---------- ... „i____
tod «u troB whleh tb* wUto bM
to BBlmn. bat COB -u
1. nad china *lor
ll aoi
of your BnDibioe
b*ea eat to l*av* ably a aarrow riB,
aU|9*d oa toa top. A bit <tf ereoa to
pat at *aeb Md of U* platter, aod
d (b* «gp 1* pourM a to,
bMtod dowa to about U*
•totooey of thtok BayoaaaU*
aad boata BMt be raady aad
kepi bM to to* ovea whll* to*
saleUy poaebed aad Baned. toe]
to. cf eouTM. belBf prepared ti


.J I

». aad ba eaagbl tto

flaeoe nad to k




.______ ----------with toair f*-

,arw barlag a week', vacriiob. My
Bother ba* been *ewiiig tar toe
joborofa Bad lUdte May bOBc aad
{take ear* of ay brother Harold. We
bavieg aioe wiMber and aaxl
yonag Ipdto* from towa t
lib I oa going a fltolag
If I
oat to wber* tb* tired, and tteMghl
• te Ttararac Oi*y,I will «*Be
of tbam pt*a**d bar gtoatl^. «4
■ee you.
tam'^roW'to aaler walked all area»d
• egg* KaMer for aiy •tolerom
barae* aad tatoUy *•■ t baak-tobM


WeU. toU to oU iQTtoto

». *0 good byo.
Fiob yoar Saaibia* bey.
JallM NaMmaeL



••It Bl imma. 1 d*a* tf. •^ild*
•itway* ru dM a bar*e ttd rtdi mr


•*Lmt tkm BOLD OUST
.twin* do your woHlr."

Tb* Hat band Bo#.
etoaa. da* toad aad dry
a b«U* oa tb* nto**:
at Mght toeb** igaar*
«t daaBM. dll It wHh dry eaad. a*w
toa apoatog cartfally togMbar. aad
lb* hag wtto oMIoa or Itoaa
etoto. Thto will pr*v«at to* aaMI
(ram aUUag ost. aad aite *^to ram]
beat to* hag gutokly by ptootag H|
la to* OT*B er oa tow of to* ttovb ‘
After oae* oatog tbto. yea wUI a
BMto attoauit to wana to* f*M «
of a Blok pormia wiu a t '
briek. Tba iMd bold* to*
taos Ub*. aad to* (bg COB be
laehad ap to lb* bank wliboat bahtai
to* lavalld.—Haaltb CaHorc.

Wbaa BUk. or ladead aaytolag «bBOMhlag. patoUag votoa aad U
bayobd eradoUty to ato tot Btoar •Trap, neorybwi oa a clay
bow ton aagar sod r*b*Ufam wmld er *baBBled *oi«iag ynaoM. do and
41* oat of bto laMtato UtUa boart.
w alaaMI to ratw*
b* giMad artiht ta tba
taod. 1^ tanwad dU

l» GR.ANITK n»d



Mbiwktorto toiwd
LaImi Uhl Bcwes itatigBa

Fiixt-<lM woAaiaiitoip (MDKtaad.

CofBBg uul CiK Stem te orilo.
• ai bay bt.


■Oauat far ebtlw*. dobao. pau am) Boaa neon aad deme-and y*d bm* •comiui
dnvtoidwt haihae b—mtk** ararrtbmf alMn and hikbt taiHiii tb* bouMwiT*'* a
DUSTS wd waab^ eaaam U b« 'Blw Msodny-* ‘t <B*bM B pOtoU* to hay* n
WbtawA rukb^ Uma to taatm ea (h* wnnbaoani.

i. Wkb COLD
> wbiu GlattM


TravecM city. Mich.

AB regoMr tiaea ia Mock. SpKul w^om ■
erder, proopfly. Only thc-vny beat man
Bted, and follr gaarantecd in every naftcL
Thu are made to «e a. wbH aa anfl. TSey «i
no.«atWofdMBpbBt«fial.aBdpv«« a *
Saito to catch tW eye; bttandanbli. canal
able, aad neat. The cbeapeu on the Baifcct, Qbditr cm*



:finK ThTcrsc HwaW


APRIL 16. I«08

• d «bU MM*, lib «»____r« U
»U af tu taaou M Aghtan to
ooaatry ua daad aad luStod to aaaa^ dsalb glarloaalp ttawi toe becu to
El Toro lo i!,e pUadIu of tbaawaib
af 111* etowda. tbve wee* nlaanlili
diowiMd ic lb* Haa^uaWet. Ktobloltb. Bgliun Hill lUtr anewa were
lenaaiag U.* UaUalireirat (wbu tU
Ura* la wbleb tUy were —■- 4^
•U of Ibrr Beblers
lleblen an
and foot of i
re dnwaed.

4 br him JblU A. «MMI

Spr/'ffg Suits

w tM« Hm wurtM*. bal vlUMt
1W brU* Uok.d « U* •.
tim t0
M u *tU mm Hid
tm m tUM .r^Md w kiu>* tb* ttnmamj m moMd U«Mb Um frsoa
■MUjr rVMded Ur.

for tti* «p*Mkd Mil Ofwai Mar 1
bad etoM Up* 1, vllb tb* «Mp»u
al Mapl* rt**r, vhM* lb*r Bar U
caaabl oalr freM Mar i W Aa^. I. b
A IubU/ MBdlidlV d A tAlUfi u aaUwfal u> OMb M *blp Ueok
■Mb* AOd fMd llHk AtldTM, >AM1. Ml fix patpoan d mU.
iteall HU. HarUlU nondH'*
•d InM a MTtac Mia m U palWd
mi d k*amd. »t«b.. Wedaaaday otto. U lU stir ball «u bsTflartasd
lU oSas balafl la a raea adI lU poUaa aauaa: TU aaab
IbMfbt tU bsaUaaa had calUd tbalr dnvar «a* Uolai opaa aad aU aaaleau.
tUlraasa to lU
Mall— al Affasla. Bsalda* lU abllAm vUM lU faibst droppad bj lU rooa wa* adaaaad throa«b a wtadoa
MmU. U blekad lart* beadJa* of a faw taal fraa lU aala aaaaaaa M
Ibtbil sad boBsabeld Ulaafiafs fi«tt
Allboacb U baoaaa l*«aUr qaall
**:uMtaf lula
TU Wall
ad to rou awaj Uok la lldb. MaJ
Hsppad aad lU paasaatan laki
Bdaaad Yosbi oaat bU dni aeu Maa
aeaa lb* varu for tba laap
Harlaf beao a raaidaal af Fort
' Aitbai BaailUoa. M*d l>. bai
wl.ue appolBtad u lira arar
Mbalac fraoi Banas * Bailor
Uaa. Uial ellr baa alwar> baat la Madlaso Bqaam (Urdca, Naw
Yort. MbH Apiil 1
W U Uania uulaad tala l^al laaldaae*, lU aoa
fr^rtaUa d lU Btatfiaae tonB,D*ar latlou ptoaldlut tUI a aaa Ball
Mlsb., •bat* bonu an gaioa aoa loaaa a roaldaaaa br aamaa
a* Mm dm
10 ibe anar
Ttala Mask
ba ha* *>«r tappaoad to U In
baa UHbad. ai
Harau wbaa ao alaollaa wa*
It M*« Yark 1* laia*«*l*d U Ibe U14.
at Puklai'
H« Dill, two Dllea aaai of Haalak
ag uaagtal aad
that Lai
BU ololbu
bodr. wbiab w
ralnt al hU bsanUat plaaa
lU Ur OD III* croBbd
ball aalaiad balow ib* baan aad
I baton UlBf toaad
•Band Ibroapb tU bad/. BUraea*'
**rb dsabUml Ysaaf Blarbukar'i Wbao foaod U wu Uitl aim Ba
u almito aad aboal ao jaan old.
baMA b al Balati, WIs. Ha posmmci
Edward Orldto lalU to* AaaAald
a Baa •«*•>« tdloa, aad wa* broepbl
BaoUsal a Uo *Mrr lo tb* *A*M Ibal
#Mna raar
rseeli* laMnie
.prtag ba foaiul a baa la tb* boi
Mm* baa Mtai Aar Paarr, aisiiaal
it a Ur to bu barn, blddr baa
Uf beao Uiaia star alOM.lU Ur was
TU Ualfandtr af UtaUcaa alatid*
Iwl auDDar.
AU mh t*i7
Vtifa lU Ualrarallr of VUglala, *t«lluU bai faatUr* and bom* wbai,
*d ta Mm list of adaaailonal lulltafoBud, bol wa* alia* aud bagaa orar
Meaief Mm Oalud Bialaa la lU
a«ato br Ukisg a walk aroaad lU
b «bo will all In
barnrard. aad u aoou a* *U goi **
Ua Bbr-aldbta aea«naa.
wtaUb Uglaa It* IM MMslat
aasl Do- klok* oat of bat IraDa ibowad bat ap
br UriBf ao anYal* ataad* abaad viih
a^iMaaimaad i
Oanaral Nw
M 0. (d H. baa 1*0 a

. -----------

that Titm. a
m K Most ri.i..\si-;n
who art-




iloilu .





<>l i viMiuny lo"
1 In ^ n-ulc a«i d non

..r. amon*; tho^c



iiu.ili from ' ituiio-ioti.'.an..-ihci know that

St-’i'a* lo
111 oiii haii.l
.). n-a.i)-lo-woar
doihi » viill liiin.- ihiiii f.rui r r<'!iini» ilV.i;
1 !i.-\ kiiov, at oiui-whitlur i ^.nin.-m ii'.vaiul i\h<-ilir (III- |•.llll-rll ol thr .'li'iK i

will I'lt-aM- :ht-ni, Ifforr

lhi > lull-iiut-Nii <1 .1 il«> 1 >iir S
t^ rmliraii

a kiijii-r i..fn l'

mon-umilviuiion' of



mil |.|i..i>r iln-.j.-ofa

The Mil. % lor llbO ain-i .il ;o ih,._ioiin*> m.-n luriivii-

with iM.iili-.l >houl.l<-r>. '.lu-i
IM-araiur. ,in.l nil om ih« tormwlirri-

-i\.- ..m- a m.iiilv a|Mi-iii-!{l..<h an.l

Man. >.lufliiiTA:

II f<-i-n-.i-n:<-.! on our

Man iirmiiuis an-


1 hi M- iiutuila. luriTN iicoil no mommciulai ion from u>
S<-i- ihi- in-w Nivlo' .Hill |MUrrii» ai S7 ''i*



______ _ . --ir OH
inapid farlad
toda aar *U wtoH. TU toraar't
•toaMaaaa baa haaa baar^HBaca.
UvwTU. I«H waak, a aMaai*
haUtd Ml. ObalBald m» baadad
»» tUd toa a*nr aan* aat.
ItoMd Bma tana, nrlac tbal bs
vaaldBaap boMM lUl BtoUltamaa
mo dim to II jaan.
■todl LwdnU. a T r*a* tod bv a(
Rpim taa. to And aad Joto Omjm,
md «pwM.aaaU ntodadito ita
Sr* • Id ^
toa .
ffepaMnn'i to«ator tow kta lad'i
Atoto. Qmjm klUad kta tap, a* ba
di«M «bOa ta:MB* toaottof al aato
MPtaf to* -

Whil.- II,maaii- tot lU
, dt«j wa* bi'iiur •aag br tbr rtioir la a
I'aiholu- ebarrh at Momoowa. Fa., a
lootu auired. eetrtwd lU
rboir rallrtT
Hi* rirli u-aor lou-ooela S- liMtil tar aUee ib.- r**> aod
■aaoT wrr- ruuaoerd be |),e ewewt
Lalrt be Wa* graulHl tU
iwieileic* of uagiag a eolu aud al hi*
r<-adiiiaa of ' CWleaiw '-ibi ra.! aadi
eooe w*i DOTaJ to tear* .M tbi ro*
olatiob *t Ihe eer' iis < tU Itaap
lucked ail;> t
hi* hal aoil walkrd (rotn
Ibr cliarch.
■I way tot Uic
eitobliatuurai ol ao Aogura
fura guai
goal )■
I iu« boae- IB Kauea* 110
Tbi airu
idaoliord witb Ihr b. w reuiat* litr
I 111 Ti la* aod I'hi.-a*;,.
Thry have ».
cared a ebartor Irou. Ih.. *DI*' ol Yei
Tlir idaul ■ ii; t«wiiii
latoluiiac nuiDi and U.r Mu* ol tb,'
aoiiuaU will l. luadr loio rois-* liic
joompaoy wiH .-.ubliih ih.
:btaocb of lie baeiBvee lu ri-ioa abrnl.lagocw Bill will br ouod.'iMud aod
'deoicwlrd lo b.- i«l,l for De-llcloal
Ot.,»a will be uauatac.- .
■ latis) aud ua.-aroai aad cb-ee* will
br racki-d aad i'lace.1 00 tbe markei
Knivrot FTauri* .Im,'|A. of Aeciria
,a*.i.i..l by II aretidakra la Ibr Hof
|s-r(uriu..l Ibe aucieai Holv
— eredsy ormuony of wa*biu« Ihe
<1 ol Ik aged arro
rUil a|v*
UC»d from W lo M'. acrtegalihg
II Naatolk. \ a . toe 4i)Aihma r|>i
ale lo llir oa<T ha* beoe (ollOM.-d
Ik of
_____ ____ lb* 1.,___
, boal daetroyer Vhtpplr
IB Quaraotlac fox ton ra
Mr* Bookei T' Vatou
Vatoiogtoa wa* ibr
I a uermag of the
Mootou'iaataa arid
------------------- Mau
Mia. dalia
aid Homo aod Mia Mbit AlAaa
omen jwaaaak
Al Pori HoMt. Kao., Mta HaaiT I.
Fagr. a daufator of *k>Oo»rtu* )■ Hi Jobo at Ksaa*. died Thaisdap of
iBAaDmailoo of tb* ■•OMaob. aaaaad


The stoanu'l AllegBiirT whlob Vrired WodDoaday (loa Woai Ibdian
abd itanal Amanaaa pen* btoagkt
BrH Halera Pawble ao Hareb kz Tb*
etUage of T>e)o wa* doUmyad aad
from ao 10 lOU csiaeui wai* killed

H*« York aoouir I
Oaa amuB Uk* »oai «rr «ue
flaaiad U lU laU la U* atalaitr oi
IfaMaalU MaiUr br Oapk dohi>
. na. af lU Uatkad BtaWa dab soamlaMaa. TU frr Man inupartad tbara
to a toatoal dab su troa tu hatobarr
alBaaUBu Mans, aad aaoMat
tffanaat to u (altoM. Ftoa tu
Utobair tbtolr-Bra alUUa Inal ftj
ankeUdlto>>Mad IbtoraHaaeos
iMkaa Bapartoa. MiMtoaa aad Baloa
9M*m raaaa«a.a
•I. (na a B.
■nn nad w«nh «ii

of th,

Hliufr'^'d‘De*Dr0rM*n- b^.;]


I iwaaip daja BU eenUf li
ad u aa artal of |ba a
H U U alMdr townatad to aa I
U tUH U UUaaad
W bar* a dUtlaal nfanaa* u to* ap-

*• a du-

Uto Uartoll'l*'Uiiik, Mho Mltb hot
baataaodMU L'l'<>oiia*<iBuoBgk raadiogFrof BarTadao sbeekiel bnurUamdiedal WatanoM* avlaa. Ul..
Ttie TlotlDt, who wee* u•r kO year* of age. Head oa k '
ad bad two otiUdrao. KaeeaUy
«*ally tb*y
tb* adr.

DM of iba klag 'a banu
LoaUlan patobaM axpoaluaa
iMla TUsHl Mlllta dlrau
BU at Mm Uaioo Itafa* slab dartog
kU aaarMui MlU ta panioi|Diad to
hralllUnal paWsna of Mu Ai
oaa iwt Narst baton tan Mian basa
u tola SMUittr a ntaaaaaiaUra of toa
ropu apart to ston w to* BMtob
U«bd lU
Vito pUWto hw i
o bopt la




rodueewtag lo wield tbe arfU '
< orrt tbe other fo* Mrrral day*
i.Dibaod loai eoatrol oysr/Mw
abd both ware breagbl han.
nothl^. A local
_________ uu^ally
•ixwtBg Bra Unto to
ttaar abe baoaTne worae. At to* aayOD tbe oBH deyolopad ato lb* auat
riolaai aabta Tb* Moaas latalato
lb* had bees melaad. tanod late
**ue. aad bora agalo. ^ aaok tale
I oonatOH aat* asd dtdbot tally.
Al WmI ObMb.1. Fw, lb* wins to
be Vrstani CbIob Talagiwta Uo.M*n
«dly Diked ap bp a oal aod aaaaad
Mir* tioobl*'- is reery oOa* tawaaa Fittabarg aod Fbialdtlpba Al

atnatato Brooklpa. Mloaaal Tala*;
ao, agaA 11, dnppsA at to* «nek to
bit adrarntr’a pUkaL TU tatgseaa
al tU bsaptlal tald Uu Moaad.Moald
ta fatal
Jmfk Oonag. agad it,
MU arnatadaad laokad ap aka«*A

aoD* apaair fall tioa a aaoae-am.
baliigaaigbl bp tb* vlreo Ito body
aaaaad a"ere«--*Bd alkadapMaiwb^^Mbia It^ y

YU utond pattar to a PallMi aat

. to tb*

I IBM to to I

. MM nmtad a«dr CNmm And al
tktohw btotto pMtodd joaaf l«ad-

.Ifoto Ml* a bmd to iraBH IBM
toltoatol Oontobl* HasN aapdand
«AtoTMnBtoto?w, ■aM>*Mat^
8*btoMf«iMb HatorfaMbRdM

i« dl*i»yetad tb* caaM of*to?^aabla.
ellDbad lb* pto* bod raUaaed tta asl' after H had baea Ibar* eecr aa
Tbe tot atUl ItvM, tbuagh
latiMr'a lamad Uuiwgh bei.
I nary dataJtKMat le lofarDad
____ toe collier Jotaa left OaelM
Tuaday for tb. lalaod of Yap la Mm
osp ee but May- lo Haa
Th* TiMI to Tap H Dad*
tor to* parpaae to taklag there a tawyat troD Oaarlga. wbo la laokiag oei
tor Mm latoitota to tb* Atoencaa Midow ol WiUlBD O'Eeafa, wba -*«—t
klog at Yap. Ti» widow mu a
__ mr Port M^aroa. UicA.. giil. aod
O'Eaefe we* a wdlor wbo wu sbi|,emoked
oa toe lelaod of Yap
O-Eaafe tad **y<
daaky WISH aod
.......... .............................. -Aid klBgdOD. BM

to* pMMi af tot panaagan. MB
Mkea lU Mata dapanad.
MM aitaebad to aaatUr Haw aad praooodad UMard HtM York aadn alow

--^-touadnt BtalM to Mw MSlwmkm nkoel baaid. VUltaa Otarga
Brae* aad atont M*U kam laadaobmM adnlat tan gauu noerdu
lanriag Mm tUHMaaai to MaUtag

lira lo aeoara uy twri *r bU oata**.
Ftaao* la prtaarug to atop tu aad



IM* LaMtaMt, a FatiU *0

•iM fmm. Mmr tonna tan naA*
• MMt to ba* baM MMMt to Ann
■MdMAntatoMMdbd ibatoaipatoIMMl Ban **«• *M fBMlai aad«

^ ^ Aaitac »B* Mtotot abd
dMii*a tor IM dMkai Mr ta kbiitad
Itonltiblr. tota* taaantatoawd
AM anr 1.100.000 *q«w* f*a> d Iton
M wd to *a BMP bMM to a
•kMtto a«d toa luaAtow rfad
iMMt to kta Matobbarhaad*
• Urn Mm 1.«00 paaada to Onad
IMtlMlIto *antoU.M-UM
«toMWa «a nM. na* ata ka aanhAtoUtohlMPtod*

Vfaat bp a Mala a nuaga ai
sagad to}a«p.
UM Aagata tanu
taaah hr Ugbbalag ata raooratad
Fin naekta ago ta fall IMaaV <***
n«a tan roof ud mu aol hi
aat M*tk ta MBtabtad onr a
aatb'a Old pap aad la talUac br


agait. toan mIU ta ntp UM*
dobkpal Ita iataad. Tb* aotaa






futk,w*d lu ll»; postby rlrrk* wbo ceeh tooa»y ordgn,
but ah*t Ibr aeiare of Ibr tdroUAiwUou abei; to- aod l-y ebOD *r,-ti.lire*



equalled for til because made by tnlsis in ihc line of lailor work —We show a. wider range of valuo this year than usual
—$S.j0 to


meet ihe demands of all--lt's ihc predic­

tion of both retailers and wholesair rs that this year will eclipse
all previous years in ihe number of l op Coau worn—Of course
we believe u. and have bought according!)

A m» thBAMd ton ato*:-

A OMA BaftAi Mtal itot to^. Aatog tan* Vrttog algU. MM banlAad
. totoMBMdMMtod AangU ' '
tod bag* aXtob* Atac*

top Coats*

Tta Am unp to all MgUah itatat.
gtabU W toa aohtap ka ta foaadad la
toa ItaidlUa aottoMUt tg tot Bat.
Or. Ban, baa raaebad BarMrIdg* la)aad, to* quiwMu taaM to Al

loUMlU Ibolad* onr 1.000 aaa.'
m aad abUdtn
TU au anaU
mm aad Uam tad ta kta

to toa laiiiij h Am vUl e*M
btoOt* aai toalt ton. bal II tota
aAtotlMlB ■liatorlBBi ptotogton

wUob harden Ib* Fresvb oolasy of
tOtoiato- ___________________

Mf there's any par-

licular color or style wanted that ue haven t on hand in your
sLre. wc can get it for you on short notice - It A always a wise
BiUp*-Aalto, kta teraarto
taatoanrolgU tgUar to PfcllaAtlpbla.
bn glna ap bU eantr to to* prln
iM aad U aoM a btgb print* to
to* naU to to* BatoUtaa Amp. B*
Ml Mm trap aalfam. nd Mda bp
Mda Mlto bla Wilton bUpraMpaad
I tb* wags. Mb. Aalto nidi
baadlalto iHawtada aad lamtd toa

precaution, however, lo buv -wben

assonnients are complete-

you then gci what you want without delay- We never ask a man
lo buy. we ask him to look at the goods, which is another way of
' aaying the same thing- -i >nce jnsidc of one of our Top Coats and
>x>u don't want to get out

Bamihon Octhing

lou of tbr cirrk. Tbr Huatao ileeIrUa a ax<w> t*-«hkh 1 dog bon lo lil. muter • klreOlT
taaiun bu.iure* nteu -ailed ardb*
poeiei order d.-i»muetit lo g-H *a or­
der nebed. Viji ibr cleft In enrtaoM
Ud ooly reiTsiNy brwo epputsaed. U*
. lb* relb-r euukl here to br Uratlbefior |.*yu>riit couU oe Dede.
Vli). 1 bare bed buedrrde of ordm
caebed b,-fe." be refdird. wlto a ebow
IDpeUeB,.w. A-len t tbm eorae OB*
base wbo koowe tarT'
Td lb* ooly oa* aa dwp Jaat oaw.
■be Oibrre ere OM to laacUOB;- aaU
lb* rlcrk
-Will y«
u takrd.
-Yee; lhal Will be oeerMahtt.Tb* DOS wbistM fer bk tentor and.
toklBg blD la Us' artob -beeetod' hla
U b> (be wtodew. The clerk read tta
togM asd addra* *• tb* niar aad
paid tta ardH.

air WUItaD Tvur. erbo bu bau
aimed prtactpal af tbr Vatycnll}' to
Hed for Ihlnptok
aaatooiy. koowa w
toe tm rtiair to tbe enpin. U to
endowed ta Great BrHata. H
ato U> tta' world, briiic wnth UdAMS
PtaetkaBy aU tu BrUto.

THE-Oa*WDTW*Vta»« HtHAUI,APBIL (6, 190.

CnM Tnrcfsc BcfaM. ____

o« tk* dtr *ui «t
fha 0M toatcr Ua* tUt rw

•M and Ok>rl PUil

pau&aTKliabKB-MTATBur MKaUAK,

3y3i?TUi?t“, i-Tnk'sr-i

Volna la TrliUBph oa BKk" u<t
■ik«a. "Ckrial Ha. iMnTka baur aaatclMa alU occiu
ika .Mnbr kuadaf aebaul koar.
rccrwB win be a. follow.:
Aoraa--Blat All

U Uw y—r cae<eal.u.

■ ■
IvoZ'Cwun lur laU, bcU .> tb> Viu*.!. OMa. l. tk>


aertpcara nadlag br aapartaicailMl.
tka AM »T« gWM <m alsUv oa»•IBM ia tka kW«7 at Uta cllj. Tka
- I wW ka ■ppraprtolH)'





iSr-uS£r‘......... ........

Recllatlok b)

rSWSfi< Cburu.
ear Uve. *


at Fraael*' Eaalar MuHc.
Tke biter aervloo. at 8( h'raocU'
ekorcb wa. moro elataaale ibl. Sear
Ikaa e»er beforo Tb* aliar wa.
decorait-d with potted
foil; corkiu. Carl Nalaoa aad Cbai. plasl. and biler lUle. asd'wltb a
Aaktaa: uuaboae. JasiM MaKtnek Sm dUplAT of locaiide9M-ol lamp. Is
deabla baaa. Ckarlaa Vadar.
addition In tke etealng Tbe lulluwlud
Tka ■lacara wUl be Hr.. Jaaol b the protras:
rwtaofc. Uu Ora Breretl aad Hfo
I a. B.-Cblldreo'. ma**.
Owila bri. aopraBoa;
HI*. Keith
Cbcwii.--Ckrl.i. Ik. Lord 1. Rl^n
Ofar. Un. A. L Backaai aad Hfo
odar" Oradnale. "Haeo Die*. SoWIUIafoA alfoa: Oaorc* Boafoiala asi W0.^Hm H. Uiuk; alio. HU. H.
CharU* A Skaicher. labor., aad Hi
Haslar aad Dr, J, A. »ard«
Berawo—Hev. 1. Ueuar
■CfoHI Baakal ainaben will be a

^ThT'Kol Hero. B«l U Bkwa.......

Cboni. - "Alleluia’ Alleluia'
be Holy AnibeB SUe.”

^ WmjB,«.|4A»A.t.,..- I.U.p-


... . S-^.3





and one carload of-

•Today He'. Rlaea."
Ck^a.*-“vwVAqSr IW.

/Tk Dmb 'U8dA»ii»*^'. H, W.


bUmann'. Seopad Haai in C. 0


....... H,

"CkrtoUe." Hlawa K
HuallDaalel and A Uonnuib
* oiorla
-aUtlik," Htaaea 3. Huellmni
lueltonniol nsd A, Dion.
"IDI TollU." HUaa* A. Huellinnatat
**ai^i5C^"Haee tten"


. £Hrt;'r'^T£s7,'?4^^

i-Kov. 3. bur.

'•nere U a Oraaa UOr.:.............
07Atk '>t MUBUIAK-TIIK i‘Kt>IUTl
o I'e.nlicin.l'uimtj u« OrM.1 Tr.Tre.
At • uaki. xJ I*-. rrUei., 4Wrt lur —1_

• Bl lecaranlBa bf 8o*.raoo, Hla.
, A Aolr at St rotoa., under ika dlouu*M.k<>ldM lU PT'A.I' uBw. u. the cilj
MdOM td Praf. W, H, Stalaa., viu
figrt tke Huele lor iha vaoial ba­
ler evatoa ol Oraea bdMoeat ekoreh. Wunbnrg; Mprano, HU. 3 Honnotk.
Tka MWrti vOI ba Hb Tom. Hia.
Ur.<ui. UUul TT.twi>aiy,ui MU«
White, Balph Cborva—"Keglna Coall," Ko. S (U
arie). HUm K- Bnrrr. 3. HtwanRb,
rr, KaidkU . Dion, R Jnque.. A. WurTberf, /
vUl auaa
7;Sa p. a.—Veaparu
HncnfSaat—RoaHnl for tka aarrlM will be
-Baglnn Ooair-Watker.
"0 SaluUBa.’' No. d (Herder). 8
(Br kW),A, H. Hi
moo, Hla. 3 Horsotk: alto. UUt .
Taatwn b(o'—SAabllloUe.
"Landale Doalnum-—Plel.














1>a adrfoea lavie at- ika 1
^b^yflca ^ka ntOriai
TV MIoHlac araolal swla «U1 ka,

SiKt"CIuW U Maw-. ....PnU
Aktt^-Hart. ^ 'Mr Bgl^

wUck foelndec tke foea ol t vaiuaUa
' *aa that vna crefoatad la tbe

Buth. a quarter ot a t«lle dbtant, akd
thH ban alio, with Ita coataota. «M
kanad. tka toa. aatalM kelni aboA
**£, Peck', houaa. f«Hkre,
hay and piBla
fofurad In the I

rta<A tor Ik. Ouaiity of Onud Trurwiw,

iff.S SSittSTO


Ur«f«. Judd, ul Prv

...... "lii..


Gasoline Engines-Fairbanks & Moore’s make.
full line of.....

We also carry a

Harnesses S, Robes


fit for the season. We are still selling the Cel­
ebrated Milwaukee

IsS. -


Hnnarat Na«A Klap Slward'e oU■atumar. tfii^lfoavagt^ day ot July.
eat Bubjact, ta dead at bar boi
Onenaar. Por ltd yakn kh*
eanad bar kaaltk. .irawtk aad are*
bar ayartibi. Ske wai A waalthr
Hrad-on a ekarmta
Uta ibHlki the UfotHaa of the lata
Hra Neta aanr atleaed


The Farmers' Favorite and the New Champion.

“^.t. Jok. A


_ Oo. f V a total d ll.WO. Hr.
Bank bbd 1 total tafkraaoe of fWO
ban. bar aad palA tmplaMti

We Handle—

Tw Kinds


Utu-.ML U ado WUl. or aud A
|| WIllWM pay. >bM tbe I.1<1 I
FIra Near HnpN CHy.
Hnpla cur. Hick., April 11
antimu Sra occurrad about three mUaa Aatniiiid u hM «a>u.
plaoa iBiL
wbicb raaDlted U tbe d
and bora of Oeorce Pekk.
Frt4*j. Ik.
wttk ibnlr OonlantJ. and Ike UeetnioIkm at Iha barn of Oaane Barth,
qaanar «f a aiUe dUinai. the flr« ru
klkC (kronch tka wood, to tke Utt
'pin ol tbe blaie U •
______ .1 etkrtad la tke bou.e ol Hr.
Pa^ ipread to the barn, and bolk. ■auxr Il..aau.e>e tka pertini. Iutwt«l-dui
with pnatteallr all of their, ooaieau. .Ad tM.U: of Uu-yaadwey id MdyeuuouuiO
(kwmd. by caiuiul . iM-d. ut du*
were a total kiai. The lou ue tbe Ikokturuiii
to tir iuHUMaI U Uw urud Tratt rvgM.ld, .
iifuml ud^^ruUtnl tu
boaaa wtU be ll.SM, a»d on the be
Idee, partlallr luurad. U addition


■ Ld I-

Buggies Of all Kinds
Olds Wagons
Spring TpotliHarrows,
Smooth Harrows,
Cultivators, . ■
Disk Harrows.^

of the best makes. One carload of

P- tHak.

"IHr ef WoBdar, DBr of Olad


I have just received several Carloads of goods,
consisting of----—mi


Ne«a Puchhaoi,

fb vaalal b*t« lerataaa ol tka
ai»iMiliaiil cbBfah win be kaM ai
i*:M fiwur auraiBA Hr C. A. ~ '
----------' - wjr flaa Bi
I, wllk . .
_____ ^11 ka acaoHpaatad bjr ika or
CM. Bt wfaieh.Hn. WaKua will pro

hai keea erraacad br

I u»,



gtr. tkek mala aUacUoa u
«lMa 4^ ChUdraa'. Uv


ytid WvrlArc

1 r.,,
RerttaUuii b>

Ui tka
A fow ol tka ekuTBkw
kata aoi •





torta Her mlntr aarw loraM to ntan tka oaafoUaaat had had Hik.


Harvesting Machinery
Steel Jnnior Binders
Mowing Machines
Corn Binders hTy Rates

consisting of the No. lO

and vartous numbers of


1 sell the Kalamazoo Rounid Silo. If you expect to
build a Silo, let me know, and I would be glad to fig­
ure with you. as I sell Silos of several kinds of lum­
ber and a great many sizes, and we also erect them
at your barn. I find that there are not many farm­
ers who understand th^ Sifo. and thought it best to'
furnish it complete.
In connection with the Silo, you should have a

Cream Separa-tor
We sell the Empire, which is well known and will
sell on its merits.

.sar.-st" s-k
1. laJ'.It; uxtuii

aiw bwdre: Mmlisnm.

Piomel. fob. A

tmUA. e.w>r< aw Ooun ua roertwat- ikM

tu istma U laU ynv
I urn ram. IC.W1I

My business has grown to such an extent that it has become
necessary for me to secure more space. I have placed a com­
plete line of the above mentioned goods on the large carriage
room of my sale and feed stable, at 321 State St, where you
will always find a good line of horses for sale.
When you come in to trade, anyone trading $5.00 or more
can have his horges taken care of free of charge at,tfee feed stable.

. twwadHriSSii^S^

AiMa (n. a towB^a iwmi;





GtanJ Ttarcrsc HcrUl

«( Urn. It WM om WOIM M bo •VM* ohop. M b* ho* JM
•teyMto y tbo PwtMw.*
lay oomBaUinmk-[aBO.BOO Tb* aaaaottol prlnelplo y tbe
bad owortod.
caUed o« «< Wwo bj tbo Uiam o«
1 Mkea Fn torty year l
l*«cm to tM pemplng-y ati
After rerlewtas tb* oux-k market,
Wboo bo sol IbOi*. bo fuoAd tbloB* hi* poroBla. IVibaiia tba burslar*
Mu Moody tired la miea«o.a>d war.
bleb la la a ter) aaUkfanor) '
oU s<ao hr tbo eor* Mwlos
kaew that be wa* out ot Iowa.
lotU e. lebni. toot before Ibe Mm
aa. Help Ck-w* La bU Saaiicl
. wiu H*U
hnikoB op bl* eboln, bio otood.
ived y toktog her lo FarU '^reai^a^y^ M
ew. *a)W IbL* relatlie to the '
fh* W«M HU* <htw.iu» te** WI wbo lo bi* ooil and onrrtblas
• la Ibe rots kliobca are >
trial *11001108:
n»6 TM«dv
mat Utwaletiy
I ibot bo could sol MU od. laelod•Altar .all. ibe kefouie to tt
llg. n«r i. ia ib* Olir OPM B
o BUBbor of tb*
e will be the crop «»'itrua(A Hf MP^. Ux |it«y»iirtaatwiur
Ibooo, wlib
UllllOU (1.
1 bet buslABd bec
Biarkf-l wilt be tuueb luur* d.-pe
ta* IM 4nw> («4 tlw (Utacbvv
naalbo bod lOBBOd lolo
I Im Bre daji. or _____
«f >M IM TklMU* laURE. •CTt*ta- Ibo rcvoinoi dour, ibc opoBlas
doabi a* to tan bnug d.-ad
Iwted br lko*e wbo were prowent. Al­
aruuired U r •kill u
I'uriuoaidly, ibu* f
Uw bMxb <r «oU*n l» «*l«a
Tbroagh tbe (Wionet at
b hod boro Irfl foelBB l», oBd bM ter rvuuae bualae** aad decrcw work
irl> .r
baked aboai l.iO'ooni“ lu<L. hBBdr.d*o> truu.U
. ui
Wluer »
«ui b6 f« lu
blutkod iboAotfr *o lb
le flrot bad Mvood degreow, tbo
ak< • a dav. U-.uiee pose* and lytee -uiwrieg* eerriw
J coudllluu. I
Um MW rtiarafc.
bo opoood
A bM of
eublerl for dlacuaakw wo* ukoe up—
!ibe <liM<u>vi.-d * )>r,.-,>*i br wblub BnrehtU aud Hr*. Ida UeU.-uev ba>
TteaCab will Mki pu« t> Uw OBd popon ibol hod beoB left for bis ~Tbo Buller Ccaiewt ~ Juba P Miller
Oilr 0pm beua m« ib* ime* of odlotprovo bi* oaod wHhoi. bod oloo
Wog pr«*eBl, (be iubjtti wa* osUu aUuU. Pul biviur)
ut from tbe lu
wmoa wtU bo b»l M oooM. whtob: boea otaM-kod taui tbo door wlik Uo
plblbOd br the IwlBrer The plaa U
That • xwairtcH.r u uoi oooBned «o'
fluuded yurln* bsi.«Ul odBU 10 Ibo toppy. ibo dfo
brokoa *uad. rbalr* oad boi tror airvadr practiced b> the aiote* of alwa.d >lel(]<-a aa abuadaoee uf cot liamaa P>mc*i* *bawB by a eow oa
bb4 * oboMo 00 oil Ibo too prtm
•ot -Ire I
llaaooia aad luw*.
TBo fartuerw aad the laburlug U. Joel C«.k larm. oear HorrUtows. ,
Tbo plop pnooaM will bo ‘ Hm buBCh Tboa be had SMO
The plaa U a* leliuw*. Ju«i preW
The cum i* IS year* old, but ao »»-hi i'
•v> ibruugboul liu- rulicd HiaU'e
■luoA i^lMMboa UiiBlof.'- oaa
uib«r *Mo (If iko niMO oad ool Bro to
** tu tb* tliae ut *<yelBg. Truf Htrbu ever !• .'U able to Indeor
liru*pi'ruu>. II oeu-viHani.. lulluwa
vlUlwtiTMbpo oopohUloot of lohli bed The oumblaalkiB of burolas
drtok waier Iruui a l-acket. iroagh
■ will *ead UDI Bullcvo lu Ihuae wbu
oU(M«oro. li te oo;ortrlMl Iriob
paper* kud eieoUkir bad Bad* a d
brouk, alxhuiMib unny
hate pretluuilp eulered their i
*M00 U 0 foolooo 0O4 IblM oou:
tUblful tmudoe wboa Mr. Reoale •
bees made lo harv bet do *0 Kuh
I llAl. ralllBg uo them to *1
Tbe rallruaJ* are >1111 i.-nm-ritHl wit
Zbouoootfrlooo M boflooo. wiib
That wealrrn oiMlimaiiea
... 1,» .h.. . ..HU.... ,.H, r™...
.I-LIt uoco a aaaiple of ibvtr butter traBe. aDfl gro.* eanilogi cuiiHau.- i
Iboir oaiioo oo4 ibooo wbo «oto ibm,
ftom a Oialeru for brr UdlvidBal bat aurely ean,to-r.o* ibe
It kwked pretlp dublou* for.Ewlos.
Klu*JI> ihcre !• ihe trad
vanliy. The cow y-1
by U. fyi ihatUe.':,iD
lur Ib* aaiuko wa* boU1b«.^ tbkb
* pUIllBg L
*.y.g.Mp.tbe.po8iy U*,oopia;:r“*
«l" I'tcycle hah.,
ibai II would alBotl dol) a kalte Ho
y..r a^ ekre.^ Bewa "
looobp. ffooKloo, til i C Domw. «a* coushiBS Ilk* a oleoa lus. oad TbH builiT
moioHoo. PI; Oouko 4 SalU. mwoT' at Ibe aoBM ilR>* lolllas wbai be wn placed IB cu
bo. |1; J. lUlboaor. oboh. |UI; J. •olBf to do lo tb* whole etale id Bad Ibeu *ni
II lU keep
.0 bardl) ad>ue (ur
Kona. ooho. liM; Prmok »t«poa,
The Iiur«t»*j romance that
•“h deiortojeul Ihal rbin* h
MtcblgoB oad a part of Trarera* Clip
oo. y toe we.l
I. reported
rcportcl from
froL ‘
Amcr.eau l .c-.,
il I*
* baked Chief Roaal* wbo bo wo*,
Bb.l. after didwlliig ibiUS Ihe euBU-arf, HUB
-------- *------------" hat tJie ObLsam.L
; Dee Hoiuea. wheuv Valtooa FU.- It
bad ua bolBi lotonaed that lb* cbltd
vXMeDaea. alll lie oeSI
prub* Ib*( purrbAio
clira]-. •ubtooli
I aocaaed y trying lo.-x
maker, aod a leiier alll l.r >
See ttyo machine
•rki uo llie dnlluo. aua «
. aad they
ton luxi from B. Seigel, . n.e..
■here, b* *ald Ibat Mr. Reaol* wa* >«rh maker, lelllng biui how h
ii.-iil ulufactor> pruBii "
eJAB. o1 Dee Moloea Pika, il le aid. , ty y ib.i, drr.e
er> aao h* bad oeal for, and bt
■r •cured, wllb •ugg.-.iluu> f
latlted Mr Reoale la
ruviug Ue utialli)
Tbe chief wa* aaitou* lo accept
Tbe Agricullural cullege ha* geaer
eorood lyof; Jobs L'rtoa,
Alfred Hwlag wae gaUeted to by gel. tbe dangbter y Beig. I
It ii
dunalod flSU toward iiyrarlng
Ml. 1140; ii B. Conor, coob, tl; this IntltailLio. sad *o expraaed him- uusir
M**a*blle, a* Ewlag wa* g«i- ibe
i-iuf Mlcb Obtot y Fully Krame Seurday claimed by 8eU> 1 lltal Ftkr bae d
AMnw AMar. coob, II. C K. Book,
rM wwkiug *evelml kind* of erled ab.>|«0lir loBaeuM oeer hie
mb. tl; luoab BiU
4 ABlMlo,
la abuor ibado la iba faca. Hr.
mow ■!>. M pooado; Mr*. U HeAr Reoale adtlaed Urn
»e b) cumpeu-st meo diterasl gniuM. II le laul but ble daughter. Tbv girl deetoie* *Le lock
Fike and will iwmato toyU ui tb.
Buur. Bberu the *i
II lili acliooa
as.l Hbe tia* gi.eo him dlamuii.i.
Hr. Reoale. with
imlo. t otocfc aoUon; Mr* Cbodwleb, dens* b) a abada
oUlm* to Imer oome here and ulber \sluaUe piex uu. w hiuh he
broom, wa* poking out Iba tblng*
F.'Umkry hul ibat hie I■*reulle le said to ti*\e pairoxl.
(b«t prwtenled ibe opealag ut
DelrolL Ue gave ble name ae
A |w\aain liwug at Noeit.ui. Huu
duur. and Saallj tSwIag dealded
La what you abould look Into if going to
Kwtog. boi wbeUer Ual l* purrecl | KA'.v. dird wl.ilr allco.liug a uurkv.
OOfc. coob. M; Boaool Uoruod, oub. ' wiwld be w*n lo brlp. He di
u Bot beaa losllitely h-xrued. bullHie rrlali.ri elaried buuieward wiili
Id (be duur wu eoon t^wned.
e )e*r Ibe (Uie huldlag Ue
U Uougbl to b* eart.-<-L Muy be jtbe body. b«l wer.- drives ual ot
Tbee Hr Reanle leased oB a
bIgbMt ateragr *cure In Ue dair)
ig la Ib* oily he bae beeo will lUg I Iharla iH-cause Ihe lohehitaute It-lie.
• iwo and weal In where Ibe BreI, and aJtu la Ue creamery clan*,
—aOR TO-----making
ed tbu paaeage ot a •Uwng* corjiar
receltc baadsome *uld medal* 1*
HMUoBi4Boo.oaob.irW. H. Uwk-! ealer tka* Tber fell Into oacb uUy-i
endiag revolver*, buylog burte*. coo- Ihrougb Ue pUee would lead lo uiubl^ 400U1 wwk. tlO; Tbo*. BnunbI like b»s kwt bruibart, and Ba sued by Ooteraw Ulla*.
Uaellog foi ugat b**u and aev.-tal furtuue.
lirlDforta-d bt gebdarmh*.
01 Cwlng I*) on (ba Boor with
TbI* aloBe should bo luadeul
etow toingt. sort y which were
Ue ihUnvee made a •eeobd aurmpi,
Roaal* OB lop.
oUlo. 000b. n oouo; Q. B BchlAPM
ble ulad only. Use jouog uiau |«
but wi-rr ouu>ioui..d by ibe .-aura
from Detroit remorkto.
-------- ■ - ‘ •
oii O.U.Boll.bai
ul by far the greater beueBi
blm »1 »u. il le eald. Iy aimrd wiUi pilchlori*
1. tl. ■1 guee* you gut here la*l about to
unie from Ibe •uggealkid* fur
Uc y*o had wlAh be claimed wa*
time, dida'i you. CapUlnl ' Mr. Uoarutemeui by the aeorvr
eoooael wlUi to* Fere Marvaeio
nl* remarked tboi It woi futi about
Tbe dairy nod creamery buller
railTcod aamjmuy ift-t.-Il him i.lxu
In UtM for Bwlog, *l*e b* a
e kept Ih ebUrvI) *ep*rmlo clasie*
ear** of land ai gl per *cie
He mrtd
becu lucrodBCed lu toe ' j
hato sun* op to omoha
ad not ytowM u oompele with eacb
Md pey legletourc y WjnmL-aateU* whieb
WIU Uo help y rrmS Pierce.
other. Dairy bulty abould bo p^od
doable lu value and Uu-u orgsuiA* a InipuM-* a Bae at Bid on auy patMui
•olid to Br* pound ian. and cr««mery
board of Dwdr
tmriug lu po*M<a*ina or •.anog a
I recatly wbU* laioklcatM. la l«eai)-puunil luto.
oruauieiil Hi.- lody ot plumUo Br* « A* put uut without r*mng
On bl* way ur )yl he wabwd tu go
ay one wtablng to enter Ueir bulageof uyne bit.le
bnak and get a awoed and_________
aboitld aood their name* at
\ namutj ; Urough
>* tb* btjnUr. or oooHy
to IW Juba HIctaeli. Agricultural volvar eat y.bia mtobtl *o b* ' Maadhlakayi Ualw. <«e vl theta*
ftwm /ulutaad la ihle
M b« wo* piwlly thoroufhly ‘amobod College.
Mlcb. or Juba P Jllltor.
hi.lory ai;d eceuer.v. hul
m It WM km oeooMry lo ba ata.rd. oouatif. !.•> h,-,-o caile.1 t«ok lu Alll
op" byoro Uo frooh otr wo* Mmlltod Trarerue City. Mich
wbleb Ue mau re*|«>ndea il weald'■>» U Ub.m the obicflAiac.r of tb,tmontiu** ouBclaot to got
U bi^ that a luacleui oumber
bepryeoUoB for Hr Rauaie ae well ,»*«• ““'•'.‘“Fwun*
h„ ooou
ibM a ipBoahil at a lima
lake an lbleie*( to tbe cuBtosl. to
II* Mid tby one oogl.l,
^•'•1, Sooth Afrcic*
Bill] ater* that Bwlng
0 that Ua dairy farmer U Istaryway* to b» umad. He I* a pfvily '
MimL-Iu liu.nig. „g-l i;i
x.*ioo* abd Ua
U. n.->po&»hinUrt
rv.pooe.hlHUe. of tr.
M msy. Ib* proUBlottou y oUero
d In Improving bl* produo* 10111lively tolkcr, and bl* *BbyaoU a* well d.litioa. tium foe*, e.u hi,-d Iroiu
The JulAoa .Alloa partie* bare ha,-k of them the
to U*>eoaimry
clOBtl) to at l«ait iubmlt aamplM and
ot tb*
!>* Cbloagc
Cbloago 4 Ah^, Ul*tourl E'acIBe, Deutt-r
lenme are c*ry varied II le ih. Jioiu- ut I'bili). Kein. h i,.ar kri
Word ho* beeo roatltM oskla from
whereto be fall* la making
■ande aod Kio G
Weetm I'.yiway*. Ue Soai
beliaalieeu luthe Pouliac ward.riHIt’, end luiuhl uul bBwlng-o PAranU that b* U Mn*. oad alandnrd article.
Inasmuch a* M
OegoB Bbort LuM
illoudbuuiide e.r. fuiuiabcd
bn* been to tb* PooUac Aiylitm twk*. Miller, by eaniesi eSon u tbe -last atylum Iwlae.
>ay and ft'avlgailOD
>vlgailOD Company,
U* WllE-tU- lakeo before Jn.lgr ,-t b.v l.hv |Hdic, (uice ac.l after e ouupl.M* will b* pueod wbm ho ooboot do Stole Dairymen'* aasoclaUoa, Induced
If yon «•*! le know auir* *tiMl Ike fudeoB.AUoa Kir
Frobate Jobs IrOiBAger ao,l protabl) boar* e.aicti the Jug. located her
ftinbar harm.
tocitide tbe dairy butler
Oui,'. where euiuc
*** f‘Uind aeuaciu.g afouud the
Ua ho* a wU* at peOooni to Uorbor wyi a* Ue creamery butter and
dlyAtmoo for bU mfe aeeplBg will O')-J» cluJ oi,l.« iu I,.-, uigblgowo aod
Bptias*. ItloooM.
oter a aedal uo Ua dairy buller.
hare to be madtu Wban aaaroiied at' '■ki |da.<ed ui a buggy aud ul.-s hack
would (bow apprwetotlob y Mr. M
•be toll toer*-war,- tooMWbare lir the h‘her bed wiiboal I...lug recovered
ly's afforu, a* well a* an to<*rw*l
y a baabal y p*i>er* lu ooo*eiuo»Bo.i ot brc aoiiooa
ImpocUnl brnneb of lyti*hla i«ekaU ODvertag toe varloaitnb-|
ilMDaur Waldorf A.iot Ime bought
Tb* OaM y Rieb 4 Uollberg oo
tmtry is U* Ornnd Trwrerae region.
llavir oaille, Ue hl*Mno o
Pnmt ttrwei. and Ib* bartwr *4p y
iaeU be etoimed ba w

Just as last year, Batter
made on llie Empire wins the
hLsrliesl score. For ease of
__opcraIion. iishtness of run­
ning. case of handling, simpllcili of construction tlic
' Empire bas no cgual. For
catalogue cic.. write






: Box 415-

Traverse City. Mich.

For.-Job Wort of all Kinds fall atjhc Hcrald^mce









A. D. BBolart on Ualoa *tr*ei. war*
boU “loiMiby toll SMI am* Ua*.
robbar* sUUaf about 111 to
aoaar and four hMU« y wblakay
Crea Ib* foray plao* a*d Iwo ra>m.
•o far M kaowB. tna tb* barby
Tb* aanaw sCaniattof wm
1 eaa*. Atiaapu war*
Ad*, yldwtlr. to anty yhy
y* plaeaa.
Mr. Rich waa aalMd otf abwl I
o'cloek tkto Bt^mtof by hi* Mnltor.
1 Ibat tb* robbary had
to baud tb* Br* tu* aarttosiWary bad pMad ap a
raar laoak Um bad bmm4 tba.dcmr
Isto tb* aaln im. Tb* had triad
to pry tb* day back to that tb* took
ould ay bold. r*aiag to tUa. tbay
■I tbroosh a panal t* tb* doy '
kts kUta, y UU an ara eoab
IbaactaB. aad lb* Inleb wa* pi
bimk and lb* Boy ep*MB. Tbora
rery toBkotloy that tb* robbary,was
•auBlUad by aoa* <a* tbotinisUy
taaUlar *tth tb* place
______ /
back y lb* hew wac ukab
awt, and wni toud Ul* ayotos <a
U* Boor All y U* BSHy Md bay
tokca oy y tt. and alt bat n Bnarty
Uban awv. Thl* tb* robbar*
bad droppad oa ib* Boy and toft. Tb*
to Ue UU WM nboot lit. Poar
bMUa* y whisky war* takas atoo.
ad on* byil* y aberry wIm had
**4 Ukaa to tb* boek rhib, wky*
. waa toft.
Tba robbm kni Hit tb* Ughu
umtos. but bad draw* tb* ewtato*
I lb* tnai y tb* bewnma. Thar* to
ryy UUI* afo* Mft n* to Ib* Mtlty
y tb* «*M

aalbeyuao an IpafciM tor lb*
■mm M oaU Ibst Altfad Mwias. vbe
wM Uiuud BoiwBor.'l* del Maa
TMp Sdnaiafr Mod ‘Him at than

. tapoi tt M Miuir a* pm
tm MlUor tMa chat,
ditf at Kano* ■oaal* wa* gUoptos
oartr rootordar
» y tb*. twot *




otSMod hr a Mas M (bo lotyboao
AM saaatad Uha tb* Bn alar« snsHa Bsoiiaod w Ue laotramni. aad
•asi*M B pnouas laniaUDa to eall
si M totf nri—- y Ur. aad Hro.
bNtd ft Obaadtar. a* tbof aortalair
wya bartos a* lymoilif Um
Umm. H* aoaoptod tu larttaika. aad
riHTli' to hlooM to dfWB* Bur ibo
aoMoM Wbfl* too* oBsasBd ho had
mmttr IMoptoia call, aaklag Ua to
da Ib* banp-M m*. w ibM •**«

aldared. totnrwl wa* sbowavre
y Ado* Kolrtu. tome ot wboee turSnnttoy
cloalnf y bo*
OtiMrtl N*w*.
nlun- Ii elill prawirved tuere. LehoMW. Bum* could not buH* *** U*
CharUc Halmka of On
Vlilagc. geod eay* lhai K.tog Henry VUl ooo
tancy y yiowtos tobacco storaa. N J . hM a beu whtob toy* two ... demned her lo die of tlarvttioa to II,«
wiu die* and oUy snmy of cb
The ban hM been watobad OMIU dungeon, aud that Ur teoMupe
to b* wide open, while dry goods eoryally f« toe Ual noeto aad ha*
_ to far oatTiMl ool tbal bw tol‘v>
storwa. aUU^ abapt. «c., wer
sMT^d tromtoM record .too* tbe jy^Ved' her hody. beheviug h«
paoud lookia*.
be dead, but she i«oovered Th> r
two day* ab* hM told tote* t«g«, but
rrcnntly- natored aod exbibiion to* following dayi hM Uid emly ed to U .1- p«Mlc. it ta reported Ual
Rare Hargiacto Bleek* Head.
ThU ban U nol a freak, bat u Hr. A*lot lAid iSMXAi for the place,
Tb* track ykb* Para Harqueiu. (be r**yi y towedtog esparlmaau
and Inleaito lo ipvDd> in Imbaiwaaa to* H. t4 N. B. loandbouse enmad oo for tor** year* by Hatmk,-.
iroTing It.
Id tb* abeday U* Mkblgna Burob
Ua* tor llghi. beat and power, lu
Otarr. bM vbao exuoded to tb* U* had to* idea II would be posMble
ktar'i adgA a«uar* acroM Ua right
pradser a breed at Imb* tbai would unlimited
btlmlted cBnutUle*.
cButuie*. *1 a e0*l y 6 to
16 omiU i«r U
iblo feel, and
way y to* T. C-, U 4 M.. and a lay every day ta toe yay.
OB bii owu
freight ear tondod wllb Ua* bM been tooagbl It pa*ybl* to prodao* bent mad* by tor
nu ow an to* uack and leokad wUb
teqaired to fill a took wtU a gMluo
A b**»p cbAin bad podkiek to to*

ruik. “R’kM dewa ir saanf* la to*
duealkm that eierybody aakad M aooa aoalag to tb* doMred resali onUI (domU* bald OBI t-y aOblongo inveai
or. wbo, after l> yenr* ut esperuueui
M to* Bay* la to* eoa* wmw 1
Hntoh 1. wban hajplncwd ibis beo to
claitpt to hate, erfeoled hit. prooc**
Tb* tnok WM laid Priday
note. Pur n abort dlftaneo from to* a aoop by|b*ra*lf for ubaarruiou. and to be reed;'
McAodraw*. e
raw and y tba track aom* BlUng ainn* toy Um* tb* bM laM (8 egga
________ ...lueer, i
U* BAD wbo
I WIU -oabd WM dose, but tor i
Tbe Rmito Uf* Saving aooiee, to
lime to h**e •ulvvd tb* pluwbtoB of
kar* y toa B* f*M y U« axl
whtob Kieg Kdword noantly laaeualAlng gu chvdply OBl of
crib y tie* WM bulU up nnd Ue
1 a hiindtoMi oap for totoraMloay
BW* bM iBoeeeded to fermiog
klU laid DA top y tbe crib y Uao.
iBpaatllatt. .hM dlMAtolmd tovlu
ay Will, a Mpitol tlock of gl,Tbe toBB who iaU U* (loek
wU UcMlp took
BMUng y
r«a*oa ty lira y toe Oaltod Btoto* and Obsb■Maodiag to* track at tby point, dn, ^uropaaB Boantriae and the ooJa
farthw toAB to tuu that tb* aaBand rapretaatalivt* to com
- 1 WM py U ta aeootdanen with
pet* ter a Borla* ot tore*, awimmlng
fet to* cup Tbe*e are to b*.
"■--1 IboM wbo war* in charge at bald to Umdoo July 10 and 11
iteteb HsAlar. tto InmoM miluonbar* to* lUlaoU tronMw dlroct to to* alt* earpaalar y Roatoo, to dead, aged
Boeton from 6i
Pat* Marqimtu. The men ' '
-bed that that wm to* Utcallon. Jaba, M. B.. WIU 11,000. and w.
Jama* Mabo*. IckaI agMi for toe wetktog y toe benoh ovary
Pacw HargiMte. auied (by to* Per*
fonon* y la.uoo.uoo.
Hnrwua. by n« bulU toalr track aavM algnnd a eoaune*. altooagb b*
)ob* for baildtog* eoanttog
np to to* tbnaiBBda He alwwy* tmld
aaab Im ercrytotog. from a poaad y
uy to* MilB to a baatoeoa block worth IBM.Pacw MarBuyi* bM eunaded |u
oea Most y bU gropahy wm loeaied
to to* bann y to* elly. aad tocladad
Oaulag Oo.
at to* aldaat aad moMvalaabI*
ti*m>W».^l^^dAi Itl) **d Prevamost
Hr. Kabo* alto nyed tby tbe Per* Riaea* y r*M a*ia*a to BaMon. HI*
(I* would pu^l
put la a CM f*riT
DM allo.w*d to rybato idla.
nu. bnl wbea Old enongh wm pnl to work


ray. **wyATT'y^toirr‘c.\*4**£.





■•** to tu* TictUly. at IraM* lad
tb* wtodowc y ». C. Uwtr sna*
ry ator* aad Uo CUy Mb Btora.
TVa wladow to tba lauy wa* m ta*ubM y all. and lb* thtora coaM
bar* Mtorad ua knek com rtry
*MUy. and wbU* Uu* oady y*y
"He%*W Uy*iErT*"c'!*C 4
esold bar* wykad toto tb* pMt raoa, M. bad buBg BP a UuS uy they wan
wb*ro bnadrad* y doUarw' worU y —1 Ur nm a ear fwry, and bad BM
I* good.- and th»l BOW u* P«cw
kl* chtoA. book*, fancy soods
iu**ie wiu put tb a ferry. lUrtlng
tot* pout
baas psMnd op nnd Borrlnd of
R R Hetodony. prealdanl y tba T.
I'Ua* Hat U^ Uaat Ue bnr- C, U 4 M, WM taurrtowed U to*
by chop y A. D. 8«aMr* on Sooih mnttor M Baurday by ake HcraU
to* T. C. L. 4 H. ar*
dnka ctroy wa* calarod \nd two
worrying al yi In to* m*uw. Ba
Bo Inr M known Ibll BM
iutod thy bo had tuppatad toy toa
WM nil iknt Uc bold lobbar* aaeorad.
y to* enaaaiag right totm had
Tb* day WM pried httok co thnt lb*
lock did n« bold, auruco batog twaca to* T. C. L. 4 H.. yihoogh no
art wan ***r aiga*d In tb* coba
gUnad to Ibal wny
layt. howorar, IMl no dlH
Bd» Riah 4 HUlbarg Md Mr. ... b* «ip«rtano*d to ttcarlng
Botar* bar* bena “umobad- bakwn ecoantog. aad that tb* T. C... L. .
- - i<* II M aeon m U«y 4^
toy yaar* ago Rich 4 HUIbarT* M .......
BM aura thy atop* wiu bo t
loon WM ontarod. tb* robber* getog to to* myur y eoea. nnd any* toy
window In tby CMS and, tooy tony bm bn nnui nboai to* tta*
aaenrlM nbo.1 gI4B nnd n aaob* and toy to* now nmd to rondy to aako
drink au arpoM. U Mtthy com wm
to* aal* lappnd
Hr. B«Blan. wtto whoa M. Ma­
to wm than to pannaraUp, aMo M
• burglar* aeaa yam agn^ )*« ho


rrSS^i'S^.eTSS.'fiSrme.*. Ito.



To buy no other,

it’s a good one.

See our unparalelled line of

*^£^T.e *te..em C*« *i U <•*. .

liar feparu nr* la from to* anautB
tony Maryton4
AS Udicykm ot the rapidli) wiU
wkick Ue country waal of tbe HItaU
alppl I. being ,r«elalmed aad aetgvd
to to be ieen to (be prulecl ut tbe cal
UeiBda y DnkeU and MoBtona to
iranafer UeIr baaln*** and ibelr hart*
bodily to SoaU raerlcn Tbe gi*dt
rdBge* y U* Bortowatt am belaa out

“ oSS 'bm-

Our store is overflowing with the
best in all lines represented.

Tbe oaUl*»«n ar* looking fur
I to Chiu. Baaxll aad lb* Atcan
tin*, and If Ury connM t«d Inrg* unbtoban araM at graaa toad ta tooae
IT* doalde to mnk* tottoUeutj lanaa, tbay toiaod to try Al■''4*nl Jdalato" to* tMaow to>'
diad Mil vaak M bM


Terris Implement Co. m
U7. 129, and 131 state street


6ul Tmcru HcraM.


Wmililiu lai Lr r C. ll<Oara.1
f>atlT tnU (buuv tterdBci tem
InoA-fUM b>i4> U» BBorttls ir
ICkKldteVoliMlL f<l«BUMb*l
»iiiia witk uswu*l rxfvdnUA. ri
1st mum U U»
loJ u
ftl •rhral.
WHfc • intk alfk ar nilri-lsr
ifllUlt Um Ant nlftil amuic M
atU* *>»
Md valkod
10 Ibe amdMU *»
*• fuad tBia Ihf bMfl «I Ike fk<wtm •■>*• «« IbMifkt o( eseUxe Af»
M a )iM ■ rmr Bcn. IMfferat
fm-ia a Ua;
il^kVr.Ccdo.aad ato had M km akaur it>iu. Her
IB Ike uell ruou., aud jack
natvharatdemilieh/vaeilie. JackI
Vba aav tl aB ao dMiMtl^. Thar
wa Ulklac c< UaUuweeu awpenUOaM and teafU« «rar ua UUef Oat
M Ula ana al«bt «rU Itikasa aAfU
pav up aad fhcaif walk abnwd dartillMpiA
Bba bad UuflMd anba• Maetactr. wuh bta bead riwllac as
JacTa atooldea aad hla atrouc
Maa^htf. bat Bawl
ba ataBMmd and bid her (aea U
baada far la tb> Aatoea abe aaoad
la BM lha hMa(7 U tha kwclrr awatha
-tba «BtiTd aad jaidi'a aalkeo da|iarSan Ut Ibe dIaaUB gaidBUda. Ua attmm aad Umb the rtiaaea iurwa|iap«
bHilaf udliag at U»: kw. wiib aB
baada. ad tba an.llcuu.wa.aed aaaog
the faaaeuftf laa bla eama-Jehu laabcaa-ha* (albar'a daalb. her n
mm. aad (baa* waatr aealba o! i
•aaaad frou ca* relalhtt (u aae
ba aa aurtaliMrt pam.
•be niaad a aurUad face at a
b* Mp bat Oeoala aUda-t iBlak valaa
tpaaihl taah walltlaa.
•’Wmj. l^nr. child, rea ant. a .
WMbaacbapakapatrof cbndia) bawa
«Ub jsm Daak. aad let aa bepa U
raa WUI dwt aaaia color bcdora i
' ■ii»1ng Uaia, 1 hat* baas beaallaf
. mr gnuj CDoala. aad jau luaat i
la it that I ^ not bresfbl ta eesfaPis. Ba»«*n fMS tba beU. Msam
ad tb* gaaata an arrtrtag. bensd/ta
iim jssr pretUaai. bnk nmcubet
tb*R I* ta be sa eatBaaklag sad aa
toiktag sMeuivartls*. ibatabitlb
' ghaau, aad 1 dan ihaai ta .prer*
■Mien ad aura lanblr atuS dll
MHrad hj danauda ef baaiifar tppaUUi’tM*r OatMlB AV^t gaj tedar«« tb* gboallj sooftaj triad tbdir
ftltani ta tBaar wan. tewlug saskpaclad lutaraat la tutarca and beba?>
ll« la a audt sadlgeldad aad sagbaab
Hka taaUaa. Oftaa a dUrilad teogh

n MBS Bar* M* ^ Wa
Pbbm Pa* ta • h*M.
d aarataOM ad tb* (ad gaaMM ta
Ita nmu
WBU wblrb
wans Oekaal
vaswei WiHlapjachwwiiangiaBB*si.ita
ta wan kaowo aelcBlM ad Tatate
a hP Utaat lottwloe. Ita tragic
r, will aeecBipIlsh. If ita tareptaaiw.
tbat P cPlsaai to II. M
will awtalulp jdartP
nrld. Mf* tta Tuledo 1
Camel Iteckert **n
arlu beat buuan lu n>l
m tbes) IB wane
I seed to refilgnUus parfaPM and
alirafr Uii.rr •<> l■r•*lO'T rprlrte
[hka Crude Wl P Ika- volt
_jd K P rUluied ttal a €-uu of ararag* ape esu kw iNSt.^ .to uutT d>
pear.'Tko- pPiw to kb.' deikn bat*
een esau>ii..d aud ajadi.i.d \ij
Sdecut aalborlkkM *• CefUb U
ad Adiulnl UrIrUP of IIh- lutT.
The B.’« lutiukkuci wlU aku gru
pawn aud do awap Blib on i#
tbecrlM er loiMi.otkoi iu ocleaUde
U to utklur uiueicuikw at U*

kug pawn to ikw apets1/ |.pu( Ibr eteBU <ai. be aanl
Ureugb tlw buHdtug a* (»wk, wblP atlacbi-d lu Ibr iiMdrr ko a dpuutuu which
WBIM klw .-InlfU llr to lIgbUBg tb*
ding * italed to oin-M run, It will
iwap wlkh power bu.nri sod (i
n. Aa applM to xwaeU li wl
tok Ugbl aud b»i (ta abkp

PuuutjliBuU (iwd bsa



Abram •. Mmut. eXjinaym af New
Tcrit city, waa on «n* oeewrioa tta bora
OtP Uwnuee and 1 war* cfaaaa bw m an adrcstun of' a atartUag chaia»
tore bP akkrrlata and centlnaed la b* ter. aaye tta New-York AbKricsu. RP
(hiuu afler bP luanlage. allboogb I raau|k.iBlo«i P deuger wLUe taaalug
eoafm 1 waa gmUf dlwipiuluud (bat aUuii at <m* le ■•nuieu Uai at tta
Oran Uuitea marriod bln kuatead e( tbnabkng wind aurj.l rodiU a Mk waa
BP. Iluit UP marriage dU a«l brnk Edward k'-oper. > x.n of I'Her >'ouper
aa our luUnnip wa> dne •■unrelp to
ll ni.. In Ibr- nark) funira (bal 111
OtP. abo Sau Igm.raol of mf attach
Reslll. Ibeu jux crnduale.1 from Comeut to Iba wotuau be cuarrW, and I
could BOI (am away bP lailiuUuu* ta Isu.lip irdb-g.. JoBri..-Je«l lo llely aa
In a frwiueut vtalor to Ida boux-. Day tuu*- to lbiuv:.r(l l'oo|r-r. Uauy pkeaaaui lo-.olbr one
by day 1 graw imubd agaluri tdui.
IMP hadose Bmkueau -a inadou fur tUM.iub eouib-To Lor.-le-. aud Ibe tw
gau>bUi)g- BOt tbal U UaltL-d (he teguPr taSiUlSg bouee*. for be did not. k «.-boouer rmapLub lialPu
but b* puyad kl baud llewoukdOalb
wainru of frlendu nearly rrery tfgbl.
and (In pUj
*!«*>* lery Ugb.
TbP Ida wile did uok know Iba wa*
■Bare tint ba ppytil for uuiuey. bat
•UHioaed tta aiuouuU were trilUng.
OtP gmdoBlIy eolkecpd all aurp of Im^
pleaM-nt* for gainbUilk
One PakDrtay afiemnou to Jup* aa I
«a* about la Pare iiiy oAlce for a bulf lara.el |wl.- apd n

talulay OlP dniind lu aud told in*
tbal be Lad baugbl a ruuJeda ubie.
Would I go wllb blio eud m kb* ball
UP |-i--dni>ou «■• fulDIk-d
apink UelnaPUd. 1 yu-kb-d.
Oa reaching bU buuae we weal to I To.. .P;> luuc Ibr .bJp nae aUueb
rbet ta called tb* amoklng room, dl- i b} u imk- wbbb droie II for out of lU
Ita Umreeled oerteire* of our coate aud raaU.
Ugbled dgan eod *ai do« n at (be ran- . U-t> uud b fi |i ■( tta rud of the aionu
\ b-ak bad <>ic> .pniug
letu UbP. There U aometblug facet- -a »T.-<(
Bating lu watching to mip UU apln : wl.i.l. .-..uW Bol'ta kci-t .town by tba
latoaacllgitru* pnilli
rapidly aroond (or aBbllr. (bes bagla puu.|. N..ih)i« could ta- dour but *tU eoguelU wllb tba dlAereut pockeU, l.uiid lo i.-«. L Pixl In ilw auiall ln«ta
AaatrteB* Pesdevrt P
mikog (award on*, alrlklhg a point and and klr U.-U'lti. Mr .•o..,,r .ml tb.
nearly balug knoriied lutir auotbar. ,cai.iriu. wllb i«o xiikM. Mntlcd oS In
ampkaw cau iw u»d to putdie pokaed to a monu-ui on (be edgt of a uue of Ibex ubllc Ita- ml of Iba ctrw
and irlvatc llluniluaibm ulibout aup Italfd. nerar aetlUog loio lu elude* Ull lo-d. lie Otoe T.u- M-imJ daya (bey
danger of ejpk-lou, e.«, If to gaa P
ro....l or dfriu-il. tta luiit laaklBf
aabjened to (be tnl ol uu riactrk
In.ll) .(I Pat III.- laidBib xild It
. Tu ukdela IbU mull tba
Ue WOB all tta money 1 tad tbou me: .
■ta rj-Under P iiarkrt wliU aakwatn* «r Uu-n I bagas lo gi.o Ida. du« blUa i
trick dkeka. tb* UlUr of k*i |«»
- About 4 o'ctock 1 added Ibea* ameunta
pceorilf and dlbri wlib ■•-Hwc.
and fimnd that I wai bankojid
areokw* P (beu iHUUl-rt luko Uu
ll waa PPID lo me tbal OtP bad ,
or tank uiulrf a la.-aouiu e
groan frlgbteurt at ui> Urge beta.!

GRiMSiljlW$ PtMl

ibbPb-i- lr.Pnd trip
aaiory on
dpliuguitod dlrla*
wblrb niuk
. llw guKk Bit of tta
In tta days of Ua eery ta Jta aoattarra grullrtuau lu lurniug a .vrii.r «bea U
Hales a young tagw wa* on* areulM. a IlcUl Idare. 'lb.- inUke dtwler
ttirr a bald day-* boring, Nijoytag to Baa rSugbl rhait uii mmuc kuinrtuiesta
of pnntoug wiUi
"1“ au old of bP o»u uiHl hl> ril.-ul'v aud It
pploljtal ta
ta bad found aud pohabad.
•toW.d Ibi:! be and lb.- arrb
riUrt. bad a |ma
■ bop muri barliu al 00,-e lo New
d luo.,.-)eU gtend*
Wllblu a dtrP U aduurlag darkks
•..old help tbem
war lorring up Cbu-I aud iwitliig .bid [
, gcuii.-uwii angleu Ibjuugb Ibeu. m bik- m Ibe air Am ,
broBc (irlmabBw, to- oieiaeer. brariag|

Aftar caatlng a alur epoo medical
KGdlBg lo ooikM bat
tta anUnwineot .d medical dlrtkmarIm. Sir Willuiiu I'ulllBm aduiluPtratar
and doctor. isuM-dPleiy Indvdaced
Pat Bight le (be uudest* of iba
Scbaul of

bouUug praUtui
tbesi 10 toi to |.i
rauDl lu to dlMxt
patbob.Ey • fill, 11

Sto-kbrim .Ulem tta Prgeat artuHtauM- lu tta w.irid. which hu* acrammodaikw for VJiW cbUdieo.
fbe rididmi ure required lo tatbe ■
tbrir lewcbrrr lUnk toy are sat
Uaght lulUM of <-h-.aliBeaa at hoam
Soap and low. P are furalatad fra* by
to clly.
wbokwome dlaan P
furultod to to. iref .-hhlrau *1 aeua
lu aU to puldk- xU.dr II Ibey need

I* Baiui Ural a duy.~.
. j fPlran Jaoexai

grliul-n' |-bi1il--i>
apii’-- mairl.'itek.ipaK.v. urtUT*

ml lug firennu. lu I

-bi- l-lvbo|- u<
I l.l. baud.

i rtnlgbt-


whip anm.Uiiw a

aald Taww-y.
wlumi.- UHl Vlrteta*.
-. idv'iij fair." admitted
II a Ull ta. tta laidtel
glir lo ai-idhaun fur

eld Biddy: .

.ml pputnt
V of IP- ov
a aud WB* tlwaya af

.aldud gill that y*a

Lo-Jdon k'brouiiP

.......... ‘

an> lor lue,- mdlrt tb*

: be Uiriy.It 1a p*-»ta|« ii.-tdlr*'. t.. any t
I Pfl uu »uBd*>-New lark T1ium

quit* Were rslM~

all be iiue . Ts.uiy 1.
■ lo bit oref' jTC|‘r'-~-ui» i'
'r bit clB*a to *b<l ten inr.
■R-r. linmabaw w
bmdiug art rtmsllou.. lui).rt ta ; a itri -n ou
wa* fairly well l-oru. I
crlirt Ita Mr* of luarrylu
tor to tjrtm.baw ou coudii
proi«-ny ta x-tlled ou blu
ctal nblMtod.‘rmw.-ltll>- *Uk« while oU i
a to Bt AugSillue .be tad lurt a youbg oBci-r of tta r^Urt Kiel*, ar- ! (Fr.-b.-l. li.-ll . .
my at Fori Uarloti. wlib whom mix- tad b>.-cim
falleu to lore awl wTio had atari! Ix-r i
tabd But when tar failx-r loht I
ttal a loarriase wKb »iruo*haw »
tta ouly way to *aie tta ppbii.llou i
tber. ntam *b<- b>vril driolrilly
. the ii.s- ..I
Tta- war cwiix- ou. nrt w bib- IT., l.-i . h-1 .-I .1.:
beciii.e poon-r tlriiu.taw- grevr.n- bcr. w.r.- t-.-rtatog toteimlnl lu a bta-lad.- ruui.ei [ csikd a
ttat tad madeaeirral ■m-.t-aaful irlpi ,r.-*i-brd t
from Itouttamptou to fbarb-*u.b ll, he wa*
wu at thP Uiue that Ulaa 1‘in. l.Ft .vu ! counu.i I
MOItal to Burry him. Ibe war tad s-|. i alaU-. r.,ui
■ ralnl her fraiu her borita-ru P.ier, abil | --fi..-, ai>
(be bad ta-urd uotblog fr.uu torn atari- • ly. or u x
Ibr Orlug ou KumU-r. But oMTiiornliig-1
ahout'auurlae.-w-ta-b lu.-om- au.pen.-.

'* only a mutfhlr
rl bo»ei-r rs1i. and nmidy.
lo. ib tot UWD

elalciumt art
nl..ln. I fall.f

UarweUl.w. Ita grrat lurkal (o
oUve oU. Imimrtcd ta Dect-mta-r
we* af cnilon eert all Nesriy all o
tt wu fram Ibr Vnlud BlalM

One Month Free!


"* ,

«<■»*■ t* Sal* Amaadi
I W-ull,.
a wirtow.
• “b*

-I filiu ou ivtat <
u- uud w l,.-n
-r a
mas- | lea'li't ll rt
1.0 i-ay
lu aoih* I butiMO.I'a a

B* bad a a’lf* and a cblU. aud If to j
auad of tta bauk Urtug broken m* I i
tad broken ita Uuk It uould lura
.all- and ou.-^rtou !
-You x.-,'
i.- M.l. "ypodon't eren
been lerrlbP Tta Area of bell wan U-aralnil.ri-jW.of II.,- I.
I ib.x- luata twen-' i^ol ai ni.y
banting witUn me. TbP mao\ad da- ,od\lu-lr caiMalu- Wbil
iVouiie.err -aie bow I am dre»rt;
prired ma of Ita woman upon whom I ttm bent III mycr aud
I no lui.g.r loie u-e. M'b>c Sou '
Threugb Ibr IIU-nilllfDf tb«n
had aat my bean, and now be bad UkAlmlgbl> ua. l.-ii.u
uiu Ixm tad I not e.ea l•.*^'d me lor a wn-l. aud—*
Parklua of b'vw Vurk *u u|>cdltka was
ib-iL ua.dri'
“Madanw. lam xriTT-but.Itat P m<
east bj tba NVv V<wk «
10.000 of Itam
eia.-d au a* -.-mg a
d i-r-i-er |xT- ' aiiaf.inmie, not my faull’ uid tb*
ndt tbruugb luy poc^eta and tba B|«r
la Kota a.'uiu aud Scwruund
lurupPe luitl (be pluulall.m, 1
tta aPa of a half dolUr. I
Tb* exiatllUou bat iMiinil t£.)U0 apaeDutb UaiU from iP- inurMc frrigbled made a forvril uunrb dunuc ttaI uT v^a -AIMU aJwcJn i4 pteetb drew II from lU plac* and lu dob .
acbotiii-T wire i-k-ki-O u|>
e udy hx>t..d at bbu and .UM>rt
Ttay weal lulo camp ueer l-y. au
dnpprt It, and n rsllod natar* losnga. to wbi. b Ur-’-UesllI ni~l
A third U tb* apaeiiiiau* are a '
.tog ilU- day a young .-.pialu of
b.d (aleu ila- anu nf tba wrusg
■ araaa to gel Ik

Pry -ul- lo tlx- ITo.-bel
-lou.b.u eior* Unuauis
.ariPge tbiabrt
“Xecor mind/aald OtP- "TVbkt
>< ri-ocu-d Itwm bouae to call U|wm 111*. ITo.-beU Uc

waa lAlgar l-euulugtoo. >1“- miiu who
after. JorUuaf“
“Fifty cOBtarl belPrc.'
tad ntaed her bart
Futliall y
“VaiT waU; ItP mf*. Uafc* j
.r‘b*-M Kw-lbi-c BoMbrt
IIP coming cuux.l B.eouiiu.illoO. Mr.
l-rixtal wua 111 great dittnwa about
^bet an tta anmbar giring tta blgbtta iitatler
Oarry'a R-auluilou nw
rotnniA Tta UU apua or

EriMayw IPwMt tad >
■ er.-lr .tu Ib-U lb- Uoul.igue
Pd.^ aad tbeee. tbaa dit..
V.rC rtty I
gpgutid Ul* (raati aud rowed (bat riir
waa level ■> a mirror at.] tbr
my Miabw.
tbP on 1 brt
. llPualdIt
tboulil IK-V tw wMI ttal yMing aArwr.
eiOeyrd ibruuglioui an lO.wl 1‘arl.
aataaMlag run of lurk dll I bad
WiMdaga Is bar Up-pM abasid bar*
K-i-iitlj *u cutvetwoiioii w
Oue nigbl an wa. plekrd off
I.T day. -J^e famoua ataUng niPor|n|| .
I back fUO of my lease* 1 played
by a hualjUUacker ulx> nut m-ier dU
l-arP la |,d by uoUlliy lUd Ita j0"‘
an. tta lacl MsUiutlBg wUb me. Dlnirliiiahaw
altfa-fa.l.tonabb-.- fbl.seo l-o
IbP aubject >u tU Uacat aer wu a^acad, but we paid no ata meau. of ge
(Lasdou) mft: ■Ybe mau Miida ta *g> PnUon (0% A( 11 o'clock I bad to
■cut for tluuil
paad energy and Iba w c
gained aU'llbad kal taaldea a rasridarabP aum from UtP lie Agsred Ida
your rrmlomripj P a trembllug rolce an>MriW had eao* la tb* giri Jack Cawar. TbP auzusl dlBciwnc ubowalb
“But your city ta* been griwtly I
-Y.-S ma*u."
arag dead. gaa. bw hi* ghast aUgbt MU tn tta «<ry bluad. Tb. uaoh^ Bouncad Itat they were fO.uOO. or Bear- rirsd. Vou sTU adiuJi ibbir “And AVOOO ta-al.le*r
ie (sebbr'a guue will
r iwrrrafata at ebrour
ty »IM« Dora (ban b* could poaribly
mm ta hw tbal sight tl« ebsaka
-Vet. maaaa." Tta darky * eye* wrr
“Only to glilug binb lu •lilm-ua wta
ay. I bad brakas tta baukMM wariet with azdiaoest OaaPa
are n-xMlrceful and eueru.-Uc. aud to u Idg *■ MU.-rca
. tbak be n«4* e prapiriliBi
Tba iwreage I had nireird now Ibkt
“Very wrU. Tonight t'al.lalu P«i
tta aliUlty to nl«.:iy.ailiu<'l lui-u of tta
ly Prger qountlty of oxygen In e
ii wu attaliwi) gpddsnly tornad blllar.
tad aeas tba girl aa abe wai
ulugtim will Paie the i.lautalb.n Iaam. »ump Ir.iiu biu-r iibu-is"
On nttae tasft. dgalo tba (aPa
“But liaceu'l Ibi- nnlural ndiautagm ride to tsiu|> . I w 111 Join aud ride with and KuatP
I ttat I had Mcrt wL.. .
kladiataa. Bartaps barMd tb* Im- tian-a (act wblrb one may aaonelata
aud «b.-x I I.
Of Ki-»- York unii-i, lo do witb the rtty*a
li.-riuany uii.l
waa *U OlP had and ppert
mt. P» t* bar ataesld cnBH tb* gmU- wUb Id* eemparaUie fremhuu ‘ ta«M
my tat BbocOlm ihrough tbe bead."
mlx-blef-mai.. t ,£f Ibe wnriu, nol 10 ^
a poriUon I wax In when 1
tag P bar wtab. Bh* traablad. gad ebProma; monuus. weigbl to walgbL
-tt liy dou't yo- 'ao <P( yo'aelf.
■bit." kuwcrid UcrIli-wUi, chialu]
icT tbaa
half dolPr n rcniPPn tame
pat tasM WM a «*d agbOusttaa at
tba cuDvermilcai, •■miiure wouU uuki
that at tta woman, wbea* amalPr ro- arer m*. H* wu my'Triend and kad
“1 WPh lo marry Ulu ITucbel If a i-ow-er to w
>r lojsrad me. i had Pred tta grmu (TOW ou'Ucuadway If we ditto'
the Blrt* la tWB wee* ttpldg tb*tr talatcry n*«l P (ortber aboyru by tb*
able. Uirr<-b.v
wbe wu bP wife, aad hP efalU totMfiTe.”
tata U tb* darbabad noa with tb* (ariUty wllb wkleh '
faP Agbl h wooU prrttmi (hP mar
might ta UUI-- rb-udw bxlVbo If they !
daroMd U me. NererttaPm I
MUta olrnr whan a dtatnctad reoag
flkgr.’had ndaad him aad rulsad bP
Mb aattfbt ata Cooris Allda. "MPi
-But wba' fo* d yo* go 'long wUh kim a.slu*drrtl.v blows
le i-ngtoi-cr. dlgglug ibe iv.
aad child.
tatadlrita." h* gHpad. **l t&uat tar*
wtau b* gll ahotr
came to ibli tbal
-OQA- I Mid. -wtan 1 bad loot bB
ta of Ibe UunbalU.
mm hasa^r. gslckl ti'a de ~
-To luore itiat 1 did uo( abuoi him friend Sf tlv-iiun) 1
.......................... ... , ,
1 a half driP^ ;4lmploo mounuin lo euubct bi.
aayloiB. Ward* kaPnd. an _
ItaP as b* baasM awsn ad
myarif I thall glre you a atgul w-ben the r.-kl of tta world - txiudou Kiwetadtawaat ta whpparad man oa maktag lyatapiaiP expurimeiiU with With which I ratrieTed ei-erytbliigAod Und wllb Italy aiv expcrkeu-lug grrat aome on* P ueario ta a wlineu to my
Plpi •V* HIM taakU. Btadalav
Pvor. Vou uual *tao( from a dP
dMSb er mar* paileuu ■•lat*^ Psag*. O* and And It and *m What boiling water lu (be mouulals .
«lta lb* Mtom Mata, aad I eaal
um*. bnl yao are s good abol and can
you caa de with IL Uy eplitp* P that water rame* from ita lop cf tU meubMab* hM apaa bta
Oh. vaal kttthmM
hit your mark esMly..
wy anwwauo wHh tt* thwa-a tats tack P Iftaln, aud P bcalcd altunal lo- (be Udb
Uumha lowered hs eye* lo Iba
found .-rli-i-led
P th* louige, got down oa
hatw Tkotiu and pUna to Inriroa
grouud and (buugbl while ilrlmataw
lug point by Ita frirtb/ii aud i>re
Psib ix-ar Ita
They report etor a mosib'* UPl that the aom. feaad tta tdaca aud brought
walclnd blm eagerly
ITewuily tbr
nml. talng oi)(
p abawn and that pa- tt P tta PbP. I notPad a .urtoua szla
aegra looked xip and aal^:
P mlixL^a* I
*B bP fsea and lursed my

I dPptay mein mMal ayHtlsmttP tta coin. It bad ratbar far ou tbe KalPu *klr Ita taat
Arc tbouHO- doUaiswvallhy and bit work wai
tta Pak at gsrsian allrer than the
came aa lulenee ttal It waa IminatUda
-Very well: lurk near tta pPntoUoo
tataata *aa tbla» Jaha •saber* bad
to lire lo4L Tbe meuulaln wa* piped
Tbafi an haU doUar,” aald OtP
aanry by tta aliAla* i
nod soon 1^0W> gsUou of atcsmliw man come out II you aocceed. come
-ira a ehadi to aomalidiif-"
hot wati-r war towing uul of tta uo«a bate lomonuw. I will keep niy word'
It wu a cback (or w umtaelp tbat
^ hta wdtejMAWp tM a* aba
Al 11 e'cbit-k IVuDlugton. who tad
I had carried to a werii. I had to cud of Ibr lunnrt every mtouir of tta
Tta searW tarw aecuu *f Dr. Ui
•dhad gasttp. *«ata pea kww-Fattp.
day end nlglii.,
Tbe hntucuae '
tuUy aacuivd Ulaa l‘roi-tal'* isuacut
Meed my totim* aad woo OUs- (orm Vlesta p aUalnad fnaa h*l
to Uewk wllb Grtxilataw. rode out of
taaa oa a yaluaPu Pt af metal. Wa wni tarusaed.nud made 10 drii
whkP bgr* baas tateried wttb a a
(rigeratlug pUnia and cAlalr blow- tbe idauuUon gate feeling icry bappy.
tan of gacm mnwe* frmn rariaa* a
iPed kxplag at each other whUe tb*
Be tad out gone (er before ta otertuok
Mth wu biaaklng orer ns BP tolet tarot ouau AHbougb atkU Impar
a bocsemao w hom beeviwgiilied a* bla
pne wu hP owa, and ta waa eatltpd
aad diaruli to ublaln. tta artam
OBdar tmt to lw» yean aad ha*
WouW haiceraMcda man to a mtow
-XJood ereolng, captain.’ aald ibaUt
d to tar* a apaeUe curailr* «*b
tor. -ktldtog to campr
BB. glrlag apeady Impevreau-ot and way* glru Pa grrat MtPPctios. la-Vrs." aald tbe captain abortly.
praTMUng dmth U Injerted on tta *1*1
Tbe bot wsIcr-aPo driica pueumatlt
• wm. your permPalan FU ride wttk
cr aaesnd day af tta dkarair. Tta osp- I frit a pPaaaie. 1 prafemd that OtP
drtlP and bortoi machine*, ao il
BP wife
Pty baa boon laMdkMH to all patPwt* Aosld peaaeaa tta mosey
bri(« todlg (ta tunnet a* well. '
-A* you Ilka."
at tta lamlag hcoidul. yet (be mattaU■
■ (behlmi

tunnel w
arlmibaw made pamtog remaika at
tag taan ttasi Uap elaaad.
blggeai intbi
IntcrvaP till an army courl.-r, with a
Id. per eaait. tta aeerag* *k otbar ha*- tiP Rg eCarta to ratrPtc my Paaaa.
milea long. w*lk a
dloistcb to bP ball, uii-t Itam. when
gtuP af tta taws bring mow tbaa U
n*r* wu a grau P tta romo. aad
€00.000 a
ta talaad bP tat. Tcuuluglou wu ax
OtP. wUbosI McebUg. gatberliig tta
looPbed to ace tba overaeer idicb fsr
tta bdp. boa hP own and mPa, look
.hiii>i- till ivi.rii i
ward to bla aaddp and faU to tb*
Ibam thMt; tbes. atrtUng a match, fa*
aikSliUki u. 5>l
and then consider
UeoMuwd to tbougbi
Amwks. abnut a year age BghPd tbam. Wbes they
•tag aSpVOeataa dUdi. aad aa*
It wu fertunat* for I’csslagtos ttai
ttat ta bad dPewntad la b*Mm*Pin*%ia astat
tbP old pUbrt, P no bigger t
adktataBaa kaaw IM, fttip. -U la aa.
electric, iineuiiiaUe
del •team and1 el<
tad ttaPd ad ptaPta OpM p*ar *tm «b* bori of tta odlaarr
and hydraulic k
.••dM U» tau pap *1* glad la *N BsgwhM WM eras me
w-u nerer eipPInad. ibougb U wu be
tfa tta Pst gam* tbat wui ar« ta alblPtod avoc* ttat tber
Ilered (tat a buabwtacker bad Intoad
ppyad la tkP basu aad (ta UM
e •bOn bar taataerdal aataaaad* tba
tmall asrtb l» cPmtar on
ad to kill tbe oBeer and had mad* c
gpi apaaad bar tjm adsla aad gaaad.
lag to Dr. Emery H- Jahnaon. (awfea- mPtako
POi bald daarfii&p. lata tba bwa ad tar Oapn's elalnptor of traaaportailoa to tbe UUTOMly
ta atnSrt Itam U tta gnte. and whip
lag aad
t*M. 'Hat dMdr ata paatad.
of l•riUl■yllSllp.
ttay wars burnlag we
gta aaawtr ta MogU tar v ta bla WPwa:
sna-Aftb at long to got arauDd tta
a huak. or thirty gplf* toe good mwi>*r.
a*M “Hat dMdr ta «Mad asattaaDpI trPd bud to Indaca OtP to uta tta worP today aa H dio lu 1*00
of tta kuak ahme
*nd pas tbiak I waa. peer chUdI U
wa* ta BP caned irta* that Md* Mr art WlPd bi twurieav tubl nuaeM of mamej ttat wu do* blm, but faUad. asarP* of (ta century ll took aU bal
Btorion renwtad to Ita aoutb aud took
taWtataat. wtaalwauttoltaUc*)- water to ate mlamm. Tta rraaWig Turn afprwatd I msaagrt to esabp *my-«»* day* to ine ymr to get
him to make a’aPtIPr amount in a «rauad Ut world Tbat wa* wbea hack wttb him Mbs Carey IPoebet
dtta- Aad tbaa wtan 1 eaai* badi I* * '
P dirided koto '
BtalAar pwu wars gusa. Aad 1 bar*
a dnrtog ma day. tmrnm «mL bnt at (bat tima I rial mta tmreUad In MlllPata. poM rtaitt. Gumbo beesme tbe caplato-a hedy tare
■Ul. bei If ta taU bp master bow
fctatad to rm
dan*, fina l» kg Bta.
met bP dMtb Panaiagtoa
baa* toud psB. Ua PaataMaa eta
P ISO and they cut UgA IM aacnl
tta'pp^that t M aa Idpi that paa
tta onelant tpie labP to two. far tbea
A Wi£
It (oak duly 100 (tay» to emiwwo tb*
Brawn, nf tta PM
WbM Sacratoty dtaw-* d*«gtari* glIdP of Uolbri Earlb. In HMD Ita
IM dPtrtet uf Teaamea, waa rsm
It wu during lb* Pis BpaoPb
Bnea csatl abrunk tka . warid atlU
Br emwrna and wu wagkv a
Amstcan war. A wcsllky mceebasl
kmatler and aa eniMprPIng man WM
■UMlgn- DaaM bad mw* traw
ri»c« of J. Mervaut
Bble to gMP Ita wirid la IW days who tad loft tap buatoriw to eCcr hP
a* far aa KaegTOa. a fart tbal '■
gaa so tta atbar spa of Wall atreat blui-c tbea Jnlet Verne taa beei
■errlcea to bp cesntry. waa paring sp
iHkbllB aad hP caastllaacu Pok up la Um i
aad (ta new Block Exrhkssuaad dowp as picket doty ewe duk
done. Tor by the devebg.mest o.
triuf -taea lb* wsrid."
araicblag tb* Uue *f f«*t a* ita mw
“ti Ur. Usegan a boO « a baorr to apart of alaapi \rmsU and MBrond bight 8sddei>Ji be driactod aoanda *r
kad not trsTriad aa fas,
*M«ta attawrond t* otap tba w art
galrad au af Ita dangbiers
tnto*. Ota cau box tta compsat and
faecauis. and qalckly
■Bwm auck natlv* wtb
• - auhP
“Ok. ta P tta ham of Ita mremgarp.' get ham* P Mxly dsys-NaiPnal brtnglag hP gnu tola poalUos
IhuM wa* aal pataaert of UuaM
WPt that aa* pair ad (rat;
Mrcly NpUod tta aacretary af tta
masdad to a aaoeeBM rotca:
MBiHli m anwaut ar tbatr agtn hb ewB bats, and aa* day U S ftiaii j.-Uaw Tart Timas
-amaota M**ch mU:
“GITS tta cosatMsIgBr
taMBlaa, asrartsrsid.
*Tm. tb* aam* af (PaM W*
napacsos chsUeaert psarad to ta
WKbasi ukM
f bP rrea a« ttaas
iw^P knew* tram kUM »•
Blehard UauaMd ta* a grrat is
M j^aargH t bawled eat a **»
Sk aalPtrt dry gaadt dark fannsly
Mrd to Hl-.laborg from a Buanrtal riPrt to l-e aagrr wbe* ta rs.-ruily aoMtoyrt by tta mMchsst began tb*
potol af epw, but anPtkBlly be area audr a rsu al tba bom* of a pupJ .XarYBOh* sol Aa tbeh ryaa mol a
■dboSt fBM.wo bwuty In .tta rllyt grime tad
amlP itayrt araobd tta
laagh that'taUtfwrt ernkd tta esm
tta dMkP memtt aud ta saswHsd
aUsa.—New Yert Mall and BxiaaM
"Why asasY yoar boy' at
afur a iwrtom
a Pw wkPpcr, “Caabr
*nc« to tta gaieke (Tty. ManMMd aad ha itautrrt eg tbe P .<* a
TbM tta ■■rtiiii, totoedf 1
Piled a MUtorPm to
Itoo* to bP right rtaoUw. Pt bltopaiB
« Mid. “ta'B po<


n-atara wlto'to Afty 'mile..



n fBtlMCV wUl X al Park PPaa



-Pioneer Livery StableB. .J. MOROAN

Will arrive today from Southern Michiigan-a carload of Horses. Have'some of
all kinds. Among the lot I have six fine
driving horses. 2 extra good pacers that
can go fast. Come in and see them. : : : :


BP apta Barer wn tha whb* taea
•a ba BaavaaH^ftudlp: •Yea. I ksaw

Our Clothing Department

OtaHbt it wsatd drifbM bw
ttaakadprartarahasldcr. Oh.dapsa
CMk ta* win anr apM tar agMn
ta aa h* Mb* ttat* waa a nettar,
ad oi* IMK aad Itadarh mm apatad

7s doing tbt Cion share of the
Clothing trade in this dtp . . .

htalBbtanr ^



B<le« wc nam* a Uw ol lb< baraain* tbal arc leuad b«r<i
.ttliwh . U iMir.Ufd >uit>. sdf rctainini; frontw, w'ill ki-i-|> ihi-ir
iluea thai urdinar) More* would
1 bargain. Oiir

' tabap A«a-*Bl**d tar tratabUta

la ta|^fc^oa^>l»BWp. (ta


Mvn'ii all wool tine Cak->iinerc suiib. princiialh' light colon, suitable
lor wpring and summer wear, wortti $7.5^1 and $&00. Our
upci ial . Men's all wool (rock
formerly sold at $10.00. our ^3.00'
le best values ever offered, 00
A few men's good cverj

ni *T*r ppy to Doii^.-


Trom $10.00 to $2l00

\Ve give you Sujts and Top Coats tlfai ; not rivaled by merchant tailors, every
well as ourselvtto. If they don't wear
one guaranu-eil by the manufacturers,
well or fade, you get a new- one or your ........
back. The tailor won't vay-tbat.
Come in and sec for yourself what elei-gam things wc are showing, and how
perfectly our suits tu.


Our Shoe Bargains

OUR SHOES, even if offered at very low price*, arc go<^ shoe*, and-you
can rely on them.

Our millinery and Cloak Dopts.

Arc in "Full Bloom" w ith spring'* lovlineus. N'ever showed such beautiful MIF
liner>- before. The Coats and Suit* are perfection in sivle. ffl and quality.
1 he spring.atyle* arc beautiful almost beyond description. l.«t us save you a
few dollars'on your spring outfit.

B* U aa* Ota ta tb* Paat *g.
.mm thM* In wstebrt

■'Whp' dap<t pea tan wUb tb*

Prato wUrttawmirecsaUyatoaad

MdM tb* trsBldiag ra- ta will bar* ktwkca *u reearta af mm
«P* ta tta Vattad guiM **Mt*. taw
•Yas dU. .b> Wan 1 watctad tag taaa a mamtar at ttat aMM
PPM fast sad Cb*p aanr Merei- - TyBbmkUrab4.Un.iIe*ndaM*9t^ lb* bBM* tbap gif* ta*. alr.- ItaPktatl
sad tba'Ptura'M'^iMllM
atal lb* pas faUow. -Itagt* m
taf* boM

itaadrt kb yaan m*a*

. __ ^rt--------- .

with (Am sad Prhlag wa
Pr, ou af tba actor* veaiturrt to re
mark. “Um* we bar* *1 PoM cm

r. A*' me ua* hP (•
•acistaiT Canaipaa P sa* af tta
I to pabik hf* wta
: tta pempadosr otyP of krsabtog
“Vby. 1 did sot taPb my
nftaea m Hghteon yesra
rtscattoa un I wst as.'
If aUaabktadbadtta
“Be that aoT" sakrt
d tta maAtar P agahasato*
M. Wtao TMModHM

Cbe Boston Store
iu Man MMMEMt Micftn 90M c/uefoi rmariaM.

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