Grand Traverse Herald, March 12, 1903

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Grand Traverse Herald, March 12, 1903


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



^iratid ^x^\»tmt E^ralJi.
rRAvcRSE :nrr, aaAMl) TBATXEtsxoouNTT. iocaiOAM.
8rmd Crav«m IHrald






Inrcrsc aiy SUtc Bant

Hrkihiiii MomiKi Tire Insurance! »““r
Pint* GlAM, 8tMm Boli*r nitd AccldenI ln*«

W( vcnov^eMlr to tfar UU
m<ko4'I9U9 *uh tb« final
line of Novehia nnd Tmcj
WobloM evernbovD in North. eni Ukbiinn. .-

Mooey to Loan on Improved Real Blate Only.

Otw* M» • Oall
uulkiokthaaow Wegiuinnlee everything — uxl oai
troth 4mm1 lit <»nM be Mcetled

if^m. Block. Phona 73


raOn— IruM I
IW * (wni

hr nn] •

repmllcB <


iMbr tTBBtk- S.«d.«BUrd fn.M. he

U'e have Ihem at pricev 11

-Johnson’s Drua Store.



In Fin hen

» •(Mior-h.uii
D >111 *bu>
> ui ttar
ito r,
|» t>ui }.UJ mn> nin
b> U'ush
■1 ibr Urar hklU lh.-> |>*bb
nn tondliiE ..vrr n Uii:r
wn* BobhlDc blilrrly Thr
n *ai In n b» aroirtolr. nn.l h.-r
s^hlddm. but thr mn» ..r
ww bra«U) Btmk


•%jssrs-TSL3tJ=ur“~' ^LaOfRtST
~ 9^CcaUUnr«4MTUwDe»etitt.




CbU Kind of Blutl)«r IDoluo Kougb Facto
and enappcd Hand*
t1 lor all erri

A fiCMtBl Buklw BnlaeH teM


>tah 1

Traver«« City. Mich.

On loto| tordOl TO».

xarch is.

nv« >11 «BU UBIIr > Bnv Ur>- IratU
tnji Wiviy ft.x-Ib.1 ikr n—i.v prar
iLib did n<rf <-nrr n otPFrr VMI tu
Im- ab.'vn na>
ibenv nSnJn. lMil,bv
tod b>* <..n ivnBun* fur bHnx «-l»a
brnrM hr iM-raiiilrd blnsBrlf lu to
dra—.-d hubrr ud thiihrr nod


SUflPLUt.^ t60.000


'■l l b^aiic .uw *IM| dB>l.*iair n.
I br«r IkBl B»Ml MiaBd .«>-r »irv
■ |i.>,.WV.Wl«r*- UBIlrn,..!!


-IVi ..111 i.r the
ir uanw "Vw
I." ibun tufoln*
I, "Ha.r yuu Suli
be woman twU.bI ...........
pllr.l wdlly itot Bhr bad
lUhi »ir.walLK itar..ugb <hr window
beuu.;tat ii.T hrad and tarV and Bilgbi
l.urn lot.......... . rWIrf.
Hr Bam bto ptatniy. hrt)vidrr hail
brtray.-.I brr rvra. lu^ori- hr bajl
known IT RoraMd brr Idrniliy Yrm
it wa» IrmlBT. ..l.lrr, fralirr. brIploBB
and a toaear no not runly that.
f.»r It i-xrn tirr.- Bbc wa* .a

ami Mb* blamiyt Haata, i„ lu,
irair Ibr (vdai
TtwwM- Im.t yam
■■miplr and tbr ,ui.|Bj«.-ni> .4 tb.
mamagr b.m-b lu totv roiM.-: an u
RagliBb nmirdy. At lt«>t itolr r
pt-rirarra bad Ibr plot ut a- |day
bundrrd rearm hrforr
Thr faihrr td the bridr lu I <« ibr BAIeh. a* faibrrm ■
Ihra tbr tanrem.i'i
rr« do wuummrB. preparo.1
• pwrmtal dlBpKwaure- and

■b ibt- BBabtamv of a o

I waB clusTd lightly at ih.- a
Tbio ttoy .liuh.Ht amay fur ibr nilBiail.m at a furta.u* iw.v -Tht
iBuirvd dom-n Mud ta- cartag
liU.mcJ Ihriiugta putHI uf WU.T \VtU
lb lb.- u.i.TB m..fv anug cnaugh. an
ranlBiii mlih thr ,ar tiMiubi that
hair li...ur mould fin.1 tb«i> .« a iral
ad lu-yiTid thr )un*dlril.Ti uf lb
d damb of t
After a bl


T-arriagi- -li.pp^
C.utnilt'Oi al tait. tbr inv. |.r.'|Muv-.
I vni.-rK.' Ai Ibry *ir|.|B.d trua iIh
,-bl.-lr Ibr young moaao-m dath.rpIBvI furnanl i>. aid . Ihra ui:i
b.-.t fu-.nd tbruiBrlta ai the ..
.. I.,, .
Itantay Hall. Tbr hrldr-k bitHber*
uibrrrd around lb.-n> and al
An- y.m III Mr lluBIrrT" Inanlrts,

--Ns (taO!'’‘hr thought, •howluaa
hBB .h.- Imwu berrtR»i ->h.-y biirnrd him un. and wh<-n
imcv miTv a ibr uftro air hr Mi 'b.tod md nwrlird K any lu. eno

I) tod liniuctai 1


• T.«».»v i»W.





I" —


N. n. HULL.


Tto aotor Wny.





A. a. CuTtt

F.^ eyyyurr

omcs mriMr

* l« u4 II

H.&l.Mireiifili Ci't.»iek.


A—1 ta»t» Qrnlff^

TrnverneOny wion

■vprwn IVm wTur*^ lea i> '




TrMrwCto. U



/'I ^OVhFU

Fresh.'Sait and Smoked Meats. Sausages,. Etc.
TVlApb.*. I


I llib'up I'Ikm..' 4^1

% Anderson Undertaking Co,


A fall bne of Funeral Supplie* , uiil the
beet «quip|jairol in Nunbm lUirh'gnn.
aia-aie uNio(i8T.
both phones no.—.
. PioapI •llenlMo given to >U onlet to Col Flowera and
Fionl lleognt.

« f(»1ph Jfndtrson, Wamgtr «

Do Vou mant a

«r* hm the I^cy HI the

L^BnBlrhB TutaulBr Silo
•n>e OCM perfecOr ecMroeted SOo e* the msrkei today, both of

Soloo^od Whl«o F>lno
Wn ooiImi tvoSiksbaOiofTsBunch sad win not warp oot ofib^H.
Ma%a«Kaaa>«H%rMa%lar«> Air TleKABaar
ExMtd the (Btire dirtsaa Rom bottom to top We have the cse,. l«eUnso sod Beotie
dasivc mW of thii Silo ia Gnad .Tn<
d to sen ym li» Silo U to>
Co—tig —d *rc
OdllHaodulk it over with

I ifi£ liilBMnt COh Imtd.


aRaioM Ibr
• H a hard."
1 Ibr old auui
Kln.i fhriv
niMhur >uu nur.
, , _
:b.T<-'« lur—aoil hr* a likely lad M
rv.T >a»
Hell *to rich acNBr day."
"Ira." Mid-Ibr girl, qnirlly
fceovi It. Hr'B a>adr uf tbr ilug (hal


Hides and Fur-AVanted

I'raverse City. Mich.|

You will find our slock complete in every detail.
We have )um what- you are out of. Leave youe oHer tluBcxt time you are gointf by.
BnaU. Block


•m nuw in the m-»rkft for all k-ndn o( l^id-s.:.ort Fi[f, rv:i.l>
pay ih<- hiidh-s* markot piitr- All 4tO'*‘isF‘hif|K‘*'‘’m**
;«-ill re)-( ive m> ln-»t .in<'i.ti..ii. Will h.-ldI itou
it<>u ls IJiiniil I heai
you And if prio B r.n; nut sati>(arinrv will
bare' l«th wa>w

H-ll Phnnr >nn.


k-h M VkWB.

W-. niunir”
-Wbrrv I* Bub HanlrrV
"Hr toB s.>nr'tHm.e- '
-Su rarl>. Wh> did tar ku?".
"Hr toll IrUrif l» nrlir. hr Mid.
Ttar uid wcminn utann-d ni ibr Kin
aDkta>a*l> : brr rye* >rrr dim. Iiul »to
fanrlrd Ibat {.nular tajuLrd a* if *br
tod lM.rn crylaj!
I "U> drar.r abr Mid aont> "Bub Ib
*mj -a man—and—><>u •..uidnl In
aii> K-na.. of duly aund toi»rm
The girl fluabrd
and luraed
IT luvriy fare lunard brr nurctbBv
’ Nu. Bunili-. duD't >iTry . n laal
iwulon of duly "
thuUZtal iMTtoto-llub U ^1
cloM, hr *
Wodlda'L n
.... -1 Irrrurk
m.LIf U tnakr* you bappy.Itvr a duerr aoiion of wbai

C. A. HASdMONO......
H. C.OAVia,


- llul I hiugsl." peraletrd tbr
Oman aadly. ihal bd’^nlRbi lift
I leaat up lu bla world
You work
• hard, you an- uely a girl
fr .KiRtat lu hare iM— Bo dlSmwl."
"HI* world I* nui above mlav." rk
rlalne-I Ir.uUr earaeeiU. "Ii ta far
tokiar. I do aul (wre i.. tlrp ri,
Never nentka tbta adain. aui
pleaiw.Biil wbra ibr wlnirr <if mow
ralB set la. and Uiutie bad U> ptaMl
back and forth a mile ibruagb (be
BtoriD lu thr llul* mlllinrn aim*,
wberw abr «m hirod at arveaiy-fivr
twBi* a day. the old woman morv i'
oer* broogbt up tbe name of b«r
to the rHy." abiuor dQ. "gnilbc a aalary that w
lakr u* rirh. one year of H." • Idiular pair and wary, anawrred
loR bul the old iromnii oontlnned
• j;..> If It hndnY be—for me_____
a living like a queeb. Seeaii
lend of
•t helping
'1 your hopwB *way
IVnr. dear, bow mg I do Ihrwv!"
"Ha*b"' aali
Ibe glr. elemly.
unkind y J grer You are nil
You arr all I
ire-^cr ibey

-You are vwrnly five " mM ibe old
oman. argily. -you arr ibe precile*i
1 alwaya

r a »l«ilihy d.^utrlurv f.T I'bliwg..
Tbry k-li the Irldr'. h.Hnv .unvtlr
mb tolnc and i.> a dbiani rallnwd Btalku:
Am IrlllnR anvihlai; rlmr.,!.. Thrr.- ih.-> hid and w*lii-d ontll train
•> (xald make me dii thal " tf
Ju*i a* thr wbMIr wiundri
<-ry mr'i ay girl. I ,alr want il
Ibr rvwd lbr> ra.wg.M]
I Wta.-n wa* Uml*r IVon'iaki
hiding plaer. and ran Inn. tb.jf papa aari ,--vrral td hl>
ih- *<ioirIblDg
-a_^io ehoto bl
Ibe WfTvl
TwI vebirlee were wnlHng fur
I opened and
■TU. anri. Iniiead uf taking tbe train
All. *he tva.-ctoMi'brd *ptr
-I now of bearing her Rrmuny le
I *lt apivared
Itol Mulme Cplon had luirv tori
■xi«n.H.p eplrtl.
r.-i.-i'.-ri thl- In
lovrr whii'Tiari away an.l grow
.-rthr,! irli. I.p
!.««. lrl.-o,l.
rlrh Could II be Ibl* war hr*
P dreprmi wrrvc.v. naiurally
-Only .a y
gr h.-l.l a>Ml iinlU Ibl- Tuund
■fiiy. pliyln
oul .it eight, nad Ib.m
•Muei WM luo a«Ml lo keep,
tald. bill
uid ■•*■•* enalty beard td It
-rippled her fe.-i
\Vb.-n thr father wm Mkrd why
to bal 0..1 pn-tenle.1 tbe runaway
d -tb.Tv waan'i anyim” n.leail ,J atopping ti toll way. be
of brr. at abr a*L*d to a-igb.Ml and mIcI:
.- pul whrfr *be I*."
"Oh. I th.pp.ght I wviuld give ih«a a
■vin tiT tbelr aubey "
-Hnmr bag ha> hiT anal
Wlilcb pruted ibai papa had apun
.Bg bluud In bl* vein*.
Tbere wm aniutaer (ww <g an ar
r her; about llfhwo y
lent lover who found bl* ptab* gt> ail
tooT. kri'Ug al the 1*>| atnule. Hr. barf ar
led and wtmlri tov« briped her. bl
rankiil wlib Ihr-yvuiag w.>aan 1n ihc
F Mill ai. Bfae nuiild gu wl
rail for her a' nlgbl. He wm
placim. an.1 nxHatug It
Ibe rich man
inal - by lapping
made ihe Mrl':
ten mbe aha lo d
••i|rre U yin
II am forget
•Thank you. - mM tbr malri. aallig Joy..«*1y
■n tbe kner lapped t
-Y.K1 arr very kind "
Very ktari? IKri thr wa’I* ukr np
WM opened
Hut tl
toho aarirr-erbolban*
i Urge pair of *io

a‘ Hla:diludr


IgTOred lo argue Itol be eoaM not
. both. whH-b iboeld tore town
- be told huaklly. coalng
rfecily c
cleat lo Ibe youuga etoler.
01 lain Ibe alntfiger light
~t. I *he WM t.hatlaa^
not you knomr atef
“Bob—Bob Hanter!*'
n l^ynuBg man ■ubmTlIed iu tioe
I prenami to take both
> atoke toadaT"
ly Ibe lime tbU acreemeni.-had
8b* tolf eitended her band Iben
« rearbed they had made an macb
rew bwrk.
•e that the «trrn parent* luablNl
••rvmt If ytm dimt want to.*
the mrbeae abd ttooiKiigoliig **
"Ob. II laet that—taut ay hand—"
He linew.«ben be took ti nlaat nedlllia wm art at lie Wand md
by fure*; tb* pretty, white hand that
tad bm WM now drawn and toU-


Id It between both hb owe.
I lumt over It. wbBe a hot
npoa II
fell ber Math coatag aad
•tiling at a lawt eurpri*lng ram. while
B<d. HuaUT tod been la tbe Hly -be rould BOI apak.
iweoly yean He va* no loagrr
"I've thought It I
i.nnwn a> Bob. bat M Robert Hanler. •err ilnre I found vou Jiere. tbiv
'flPTWoon I never knew what a- cold
Hr tod frirwdj
hearted Ullali...............................................
aiiair {.uiteni
II well <
»r1f: aenaau wt
bul noi one perac* la tbe whole world
who loved him.
ope Hee. bat aopey wa* ’ay Oo
Rva the inu* errand boy* knew
I—and It mmaaered ae. But i
btm for what be waa. bard. <uld ami tar. itora l'
uarbarluble. Tbey were paid tbelr
Btlpulated pHcea wever a cat »<— roar
Thl* woHd and Ibb life wu only a with
(men. had !
plaop to live long In, In order to grow wot beew *d cmel la II
pan. 1 felt
rich and neber.
but 1 wanted to go oat
4 *booi ay
eeldoa rwr—ed bla oM cdmlrT
: tbere were ao old Uee there
-Bat you didnt.* aald Umlae. aallbla. Only.
uc wtth aoaeihlag of her old bright
e fieHlng annoty of a tUr
youns face, tbr one lac* la tbe world
he tod truly lored
Mracbi. perbap*. era If yow haled

Painters, Citisens. Farmers, i i fact, .ill those vcho in­
tend to build, paint or calsomine: We are in a position
to supply you with the b«t quality uf Lime. Calcine
Raster, Planerinc Hair. Cemeni. Alabaatvne and .Muresco for habomining. Vamtshes. Fillers. White Lead,
strictly pure Boiled and'iilaw Linse^ OU. Turpentine,
Ready Mixed House,
Buggy and Wagon Paint;
small cans of Domestic Colors: all-sizes of Paint
Brushes, in fan-everything that you need for this pur­
pose. We guarantee to pleast you and promise not to
be bard on your pocketbook—Corner Front and Casa,
at P. K s.


ke. yoa algbl let ae *M tbal-that
OB aevrr wanted (or aaythlag. tf
OB donb. I want aaawer for the cowtooaea.-^
Arctdai bRMgbl back bl* oM b
vlrMfy at laaL Tbere wai a ralb
ruanlag throoeb tbai part uf
matey ibai be daafewd
~rn rob oat there a tew daya.*
I be prwdcet to do o&
a— 1 w
bow tbe oM pWee to—
td tbl*
wocaUr ae. t dan
Bat tbey dU; the _
betwMed bb —. and tbe oU welgbtaera who ran—btewd Mm at a boy
w—(*d to are the graM mna be bad
. naaber of oM M—da. a ttoy
were plcwaed to enB tbWM«lr«r.
(brtook to ibow Urn aro—d am
point oat tbe l■^fiTl■l■t^ i



g man teiptn-______ __________ ____ / ttpToed down
Wbee tbe reel <d the taally iBape.!
sol uf tbelr bed* and ran Into the
to'lwny they found that tbe Hrerv
had given ap wbea that dlMatrou*
nulee aUraed
tbe aelgbloehaiH'
ililleg <m the iBBtraai
eni- aad weve' tndored
w-CblOBo Trtbnne
Bim< Fra«|r in MatiiaraMka.
lapraeaed by bt* aarveHa* abdUty
u a aatbemaiktoa. if tindrau of
Columbia have encaged Newell Perr.
who I* bMnd. to coMh tbea. Wltboin
tbe aM of pro or peocll Mr. Perry
alrulaiea the nawt dlOrwIt problea*.
•rf higher aatbesaika with-light
nlag rapWtiy
Prtg Wllkla*oo,of tbr
CamorwH arhool for tbe MIM beard
boy and andertook to edueaie
rbeo 1» yMiW old be eyiiered
;be I'alrermlly of CalHoraH. where be

-of Imebelor of pbtl
Afterwaid be becaa'


there'* a better way— 1* BOW- aaed aa-a legt book.
kai b. If yoa doal bate aw after an. HI* (arwlllra of bcMtag arr-abn
which «u ytm chaowr*
r derelato ato be M aMe
Tbe cold and OeewieM raoa Mat­
. thnn^ tbe bom crow*
ed to rhaage w o*e e( radiast apHa
to wftbeM the aid of a cane
Hr. wbea be toal over u hear her
. rwa to gold* bla He to aa a
low reply.
thfiBHatlr ryeBM ato anae yon agi
-I tote aHtar* Med to ebame hbe roto abtoM lit allee la two daym
anm*d tb* Bay cf CbltforalB.
d Ttl. L

fratiatad R b party alwara.whaa
. H M abort a otep bw the loae
c H the ibail M h b ftoa c
^Sow MW^'**^MaiM M to*

.......................... '

... . toe

*WM vmTy
ltd hawed

.to totoJ"'! -

lu.iighi the prleim w** nn fire, itobo*
.ltd hurang >luS baan to gBI
■trough Ibr harm.
—Th.- pih- of Bii


I WM (irli.prd lo Ibr wal*t 'Md

"After a hTig liar Uir MhM atiafalllng
I ma> «urv and hungig.know h.iw koig I kuyed. la
II lo »l.i-p and karw
nil i.f.Kiud ay«eU la
pri.-Bi mhu bad been
■ priBOo - tbr lather rvui-niliTMl ibat I wm In -Jail.
wra oat tu nune
1.1 ar dug from the
d that I bad been
wltfc.nit told aad

Survive* Long Captivity.
1 lla.Ua.Te. Mil . a 'Bmall w-amlen '
tTi the third tlc.T ot -Hadler. ftry
* Ibraiion tauvlo.-w ctUlept- b..lri>
il.e a liai >•! the .Tvllnarv "U-aiher
g - ki.Tlc-, *l,M-i, a.-rerdlog to all
«nu. h*B to.l la- n-markatal.' •*
-.leiire Of.lm-ag tnouHred wllhln’a
TKd. wall Italrly two yeaia. and
Il.e- 1.. hi— dlBapiTtoai at any
who Itn. lb.- lid of lb. I«\ lo
>r liai WM laei Moa up liL* .n.aP .av3ky uiadr
.1 bruk.-B iTU-k Th.- rain, barf been
.lBBier.ll <p.. r mtita.a.<rtar. and mbile
-.-d Ibe ainaiuiv liunb. Ibe rp-'
V of f.iKl <T Ughi mac iTaritrall;
In the kanie ravlly wa*
fimad the dead li-l. id kbnlber
Thl* ■«,- aa. .irted Inn. tbr aea
V uf a pie.-.- .d blark elipi^whlrb
rapidly dMlBiecral.ll wh.-n egymaM
<o tbe air The live tot. aerurtlHg lo
be *iBlea.-ni .4 Alfred Paiha a
-liri>.-nier. mbo dlBUorred II. appor
•d to f.-el guile llrrly and hew attmad
RItnited by Ibe light. 'It '
ed agalBBt a rafter, tell to the
tawr and mae raptured. The artly
In wbl--h Ihe bal na* fuiiud I* Mid lu
li-,-B .'tanusi up and not reupae.1

„ ,i...

.-k^^i'k an arrouuMd^ y.mng lady
ila<^'‘a '^ry’^Mura rlrmtUBD^'
ter a dry a
a Bl Ibr I
’ Some very uefrrtlve glo.fe we(T
iren ber to «elt She railed Ibe ni' flukir aaaagfw.
'old .her
I ber baalPM lo obey
rd.-r» a
whalever ah* aM lidil

She oulil
viwy aorta In Bded uf bar
.ag.-B. i.dd him *bi- cuold bol. Hilit'hantrd ber and abr waa ■
aerebant wb«
- *iuir noilred ber nbeetiee.
e lUiur aaaager^ ekplanafor Hh- young lady. eaaaH'
Fd IbF glutr.. ioal ibra Iwek H tb*
aanufaeturer. thanked brr IB hebatt
jf bl* bm rahrd ber wage*, afid
MBored her Ibat mbe .hcmld wever
Id be weal Into Ibe ruum wllb Burr again be iDtc-rferrd with in IS* etm ,
peJIltam tfaran grare. it wm pato eclenlhni* dlictorgr of ber daty.

a Liwr wflh domed eyem
tapreiwrri lip*. Iben. M Ihe
Of evening Mole artinnd. be
imt Md aougbl
*^e **ene In the room was one of
matrun of i
how wbleh are left lo tbr laagtaa
for vlalUTW,'
'tot. berauie they caanol to deaertb
<ald eruMly.
Mlriained Itol hr -d Tbe young man Irft tbe dlBtrtoi
le beat day
b.- loinaleeprtTttelv.
RdMlIy ubforlunate with tbe*e
and tendered another five dollar bill
lae* WM that of ihe iwala who hal
*ie wa* qalckly adallled.
rnuaded bte *wt<nb«an to take Ibe
He walie.1 for b.T In a cold damp
ion rut amiM parraUI iwoml'kiii
- - the rvTrptkm room, and
td cun away wlih Ma
t Uai—ai laal Jfto duor
M arranail and he aei.ber ai ber
-tpened aofily. ih»* wa* a Ibnap
8h¥ wa* ready lu depai
cnitcSca ov(r Ibe fioor.
tf*. but lu tbelr diamay a you
hefore bla.
tufa upud/Wblcb *be
e tank >

1 Lonlae. brightly, "for IW
lined In be an old maM.~.


I iM.uilicrn inip.Uv mb., ha.) arraugI^I
I. pb\ mlih fair and luilk pa|ut Ib.

Mary Ii
Ibr .ta>:lai

Have ydu one? 'If you hav
Illlll ho J.loJM'tl J
to have you step in anti lot
>how v«*ii tho advaniatyos j
we olTcr. I'erhaps a |:ommor< iaj a< couni wmilil Lh-Ii
meet your requirements. We liaVe u|i#neti mure tlian
1U> of these, besides issuing’ many certifil;:uo> uf Jopusit.


FO U.» g ;vy,|igg>

Mart - >ald br "I mani lo a*V ivm
ttm .lu.-ihTik. and yoilrr nul tu irii
onr a ihma I mtoll ba>
H 1 aakr
liri-wul ■ *

um.iir uf the dreinirtmi t<

I'lerre.. h
arri.ed wl Nrw Tot
Id te'd* an IniereBilag eiory ed H*
.perh-arr* al Ibr liar of * re«|r
m uf Ml ivi.m-. be toing ai itoi Ha*
SiIwnLv »a.m be waa •
Ptared la yall f.T BiMhtag a man wRh
knili- Then be wm put la n dwaoB for figbltag wlih a prtaumr.

ttiiMly I »

muon hr rrach.vl
b.- |wcr k.-pi up Surely a to'f bo.ii
• ta.ii ibey- kr|d
krjM 1.0
an WM aluMil _io

A replied
to rat obub ai I
I linlll BUPIMT"
..n.-r did be find biaM-ll


•Hot of AM* fiarvlor of AL MarM.
Slbarfccv. .uppuaed to be tbe

There are fort
He iwportet
.m.wlib aa u


-to>rd Ibr blMlTlr par tree id Jacob
Wenae’. prrerni iraBerkd Ibe farm 00
vbich II BUnd* near CoM torlK.
Ind . fiT lb... purpuBe <if tovtng k cot
-uliural ball al tbe aalag S
•I|n»li|i«. |« amrant at It* wtmdertol
^ IS Uebe* H
bearing tree of lu k
1 m.i II. age and ft--'-'—
hat ha. made the -i
y legeodB. Indian McwIm and
.1* ouanreifd with Ha hU
i* uuairlbated jbe bmu lu
id. Over IPS yean act.
* iTuoghi. a slender *.


Jndge W W Slabaucb. at qaubb.
>b . may gotoio bUtory M Ibe origtaiur of .ar tif ib- •runcrsi ftaur-

boM .wbiMT Urtbday
•oae W.A. ago be a.____________
nabla lo a party of Mads aad Mid
e g'lemsed be wtmM bare to brtag
boot a naihmal urgaaltaihm ef tbtmr
ho have bea sbratetonged a* be
M One of Ibe trtead* care Ibe Me*
. a newBMper. The eemiiU ha* agpaF1 tbe !i«!ge- He Is.gelling .Bare ]«.
.TB Iton any mbrr man In nooclai
Tbey roae truB «wi. wwM.
.frth aad aooih. ud all are wrtua
V Ibe F»b »n In eoateotieoee tbe

___tf oabara ra
Kt aa onaatuikm be i* wlioag t.
ar* fi laparbed and lo be a aestav.

The rvyenkm tb* «l
(bur day <d Dr.
le lor apfotot
vent M aMtataat aval aatgaa. beaaM he WM BO Mg be ewaUaT gat
bn^b tbe batebwayt laaJIcd a tbe
be bad kaowo oann in tbe Mcwk*.
a Nonoa applied for adliilia to.
art! academy be ww haV a
below tbe rvdoirwd beighl.
lurae of Mrwlchlag In a gjaaMlaa
<dded a oaaner ef a facta
On tbe
algbl befure ba* was in take tbe sby•mi rvealaMlop NnetM wa* Ifi to•palr aatll IwW M* frtunda nor .
te-ted a way oal 4if tbe dlBcwHy.
Tbey fomodad him <a Ibe lop to tbe
head aatll great boapn appond. Tbe


toftd Trarcrsc Herald

Tba Camlitp PatiRrr Abow
A nneUas of (b* •tae«il*o ec
ir> If tkr KoRbora Hiekbaa Poultry
laalTburedar iDtbe oSee of Ikepreel
E. 1. AUioa. Ruotiae
■ era perialatac to (be abow to be held
brre ^Uarck It and IP were ooi
hu bemi deeUed to etrOte
anurlnc point fur ikla rear w
Uc..dls(<ouraeT bird frowert. the
f Mae .In................................

Tte MWUuUtoB of JiuUn
k A. Beolur ti s cood ooa. Tkan
htf • doM food BM plttod
Ml kla, d3l B«B Vko voald do
jtoBI kM*. b» tk«r* «u •rtd«U)'
■ rnr"------ - la tk« aea»*aUok Uwi tk«
■BBTdM com I* • r>od piMK to r»
taid '• Bdd la vkM h« ku demoa
■MM Ui BOOM sad rolUUUtT.
HortkM aad wMtara kUeMaaa BaBanOr aapponad Jadsa HdUray of
MaaWaa, a Jartet of raoocolMd
wertk. ka< Jadia UcAlrar'a aMark
vaa WN a< potaat aa ka ai
Maada baUatad.




.fiS-iSSiiS cnemrtoHmuth
try.or M attky aew» aad drain pipu of tbe citNa
npu the btuan toMaa b tbe ua>C.
rie petaeaa are bnatbad iato tbe iDBga ud tabu in
e looadstioo to •otac lo^. d^litating flloeat it laid.
bilb aad iercr. efaronie dyqiepaia. torpid aad ealargto liver, kidoey
vmUu. jatndiee aad bOieuBcu we fae^tly du to that invisible lue.
A in tbe ayatem b<
ud kidnc^MI to net. and an tmnrad into> the
tbe blood
tdooil correal
enrreat onUl
H bcoimea ao polinted aad afogS^
tbe poiaooa litoilly break tbronik
the akin, aad eartniaeba. boUa.atmoeuu. aken ud variooacnptiou to u
itukdeot character sppur. depleting tbe ayatem. ud tbreaienioj; life itself.
Tbe gwrma ud ptofoea that w oppren arid wukea tbe body and destroy
-..V’• thin aod waterr. mimt

pwuui employmrai and than are a<-;
iwaya o tew ulimilag paapb wta!
I prou bv Umu vLJvoi lauimr.
Very uwlv joon.

Preddverr. wliuvruamalvd Huokind. aj> ibe blrdi am In poorer o
'd*T for ateealt ud fcattary apu
lUib n (ban la tbe (all Tbe birds a
ei.un Parm«rii-r, s IS va«r old rnpl«- ..a*»d. but tbm' wiu aol bare
piv. piMd
rratc-h a certain point of eirelicnce.
J-d«v Lonn Ki.iwru' auori. H* *a* do* ot fio aod
ibr bIcbVel anrrea belai awarded tbe
get rid of Ualaria aad ita cfectn.
lo$k. 0( imprlKin<ati.iu> prius oBreed.
S. S. S. don thH aad quickly prodi_______
u entire
“v"* J
Tbe eluiw will be held In tbe
Atery paid u>*
I tbe blood. Racking every otgu ud aomnbnildicic tm State airer
to vigorooB. bealtby <action. S. S. S.
mad hit »<tr to lb. utr.
«i cr rhlckedt for premlome Iber
ing bat tonic propertiea.
be owiM to Ike partr exbibll
BpfOTca. ud tbe appetite
iwlaho. Be said hr vTw piuuriiug
ire.K Ibem al letoi eO dara.
_____ ______Mercnry. Pototh. Araenic
bu Wfolher on hi. wav to .rhoni uJ
It ia dtrietly ud nitirely a vegetable remedv.
er other mineral
_ _
will ll rented tor » «
Hat the Parmerier boy strweb his
m. and oar ^yajdant wrll gladly help yon bv
bfotlirr ttourgv on ili. tired eiUi ratWriU OB aboot yoar
du-ln( Ibr tb/m. or sold fur 7i cc
ol.lilt oraichee. when be looa tbe boy
th^ advice to regain poor healtk. Book OB blood aad efcudiaeaauaeiit
An Airance ler ot It «
-nSid him.
Be aiarlrd ui tun
iiwil for birds was Aped and
tv nrata Tbe aeoiiraJ admlanJoa
BmxI at 10 oenu. aad fur chUdrea tM uylam ^ue vaqalrva abut 400 bald to M larger oUiu ud (beef ntud piokrd ap tbv oilier rruluh u-i
00mr If rUTa- * craU- KIve
tbe same |«rpo*e but ■bnoebi i-*it*r
will be ebarped for each apeci tlv.iy large fotooDl of draaaed pao 1 . poard of al 1 elaaee*. fro n lb* bambl* ot It ud tbrvv U down beaidt ynoog Tbu eboold all be peodnoed to ,dav Uborvr to tb* mtliiuoeir* st tb* Perwerur. wbich vronld give btm a
tbe Mlgbbdrbood to Tkavena City.' breediag to fowls it no' an oorspa au-.|iur1 to gel to sriiool on. (
ll eppeart tlmt tlier* u eooVi-lerabU
Ua- bu oely to make acuoal Inveau-. lion caoBii*d to uy per’«-aUr elaaa^
pa.j !■> Ura. Bain, pmidral
tr»eblc eoiong lb. ph i 1r*o\ la that
gaiioo to Bad Ml tba demud (or Tbrar abowt ere. in a wav soeinv
H. rild Young
J^lirr I
tbe ettf ud ibieata w-rv
l»rt ol
Tbe children, are to (urnlsb peoltty U a ' prafllablv ud steady ooe evrnb ud gtvat peblir lotvrrsl i. m*de I
Avery wu very
Ml Ib^aeld (a opeo to all wbo taken in tbaa
Th«r> er* ota«av
ib> r ukt) txiupr TJt^ prliet will be
ler drop wiiboei
rtlllug to rater it
fp<m thru to dv* iboound birds *i
sb;.>l<'.I-Brai. aecund aad Uiird.
beo eu be kept at tbe coal to
manv of ih*ai
uuialier of new prliee have been
at.U) pot year ud with (boroacbhn-d
“ilnied long diateneea Hem- of
a. 1 hi Ibe llal alnoe
ler eu aeenn
<^tolU of tbe*e aU
>> aixi a r>od lui
IVl'h the aliniisi We eoi
I diaeo per bco to a ' du<-bt. be to tb* naiur. of a aarpriw lb* ■troela and Ibr large
11 n the allow begins.
wtalebmuo.frem two to three i“ “«>“ •‘>0
«> 'dra that tb* aaw logs, wood *tot»* a id
t i.a Herald ti In reeelpt of n letler
ra per ibra peoBt
These dgoret j PoalM bnalnvea it a unill aSelr. Tb.(em.tdtog (be matt.* from Mr. Ura.
Aaeociatira h-a a oei-ital
Haii-r, praaidanl of tbe Asrrtecn
a fei
•aeowMl ponUrv far-nt wbteb wh] bold. it. abow u abi-ald not li* tolrraird
PonlBT Jtmnal Pabllabiac Co. of
The farmer. »br ('-oliaeaiu, tb* Urgeii bmlding ol
A ou> <1oorarred list Tl-ur-ont
Hr Barer pobliab.-« (be Ml a gretoer pkAl
t farmer wu'
aU.v« ell aiban. It la a tooet oaoel “i* ^tod in ib« eif.wBeve ^l| impori- Kut Prom ...........
An-iioaii Hualirr Jonrnal, which
wood toto m
More iben SI.- haahng some frar
mg pablloaUno of lie kind, leel'posUM to mUs mour arltb ut ev.nle are b*ld
... lo*-l
.. BUdi
•mloeollr IdeotiSed with the poolwy. Wbee p«^, oared lor. It *» ® “ I**'* in ctlt*e to tbe nbibii. after belog abotod ud ab*|>ped ibe {
pwltry snow at Hadiaon hm.w,
loOi.strr aad tbe facet and flgnrea
gnrvaglv briBCiagvuurrbveoulbuuvoth
mw-d tbe mao's
sob af tbe farm work udaTrB:^**^* Omdro. New fork Cut. rach oolT arooi
to and we
ud be wbipped
tb*it l--g. DDiil tbrv i
u a lids uut. ll.wlll epmpare favu-1 Mr ia o( like megnitad. Tii. ball
aari-rtalog ud It
tell to lb*
Hull n:-! sells i
“ *• *“*•> ”*"• 'vr ou* BML ll* oommrnoed siritsue ih-u.'
of Uia ablv with olber prodecu udnetati”
an. of a year Tlie [ tbonmnd dullara perda,v. alt tl-nntud ever tba heed u eooo et they were
utlraal body lhal outrola (to
down, ud It la alio wid that hr Beal

o«r>.bted Inierealaof poaiyr la (bia
It resorted to a Jack tuife J.bbiss ll
try. tba Anerlou PonJtry Auoluu tbeir moeus before liie> got np
>d tb* amout of muoey
on. ud a dlreoiot ud uawnret
Tbe aatnorilH-* ■'opall Viulelums
of ibii kliul tbal oiun* to tb-ir ati-qiI mm be oaad (or feed, required Ic
tot'«NatloBtoKwwlenu]l Breeden
(lon. tmt ooouioiially this tvp* of Un-'
l^men an rulUlog tbU more ud


HflB Palar Wbiu of Margoalta.
stkar aoalaaa. la eaa of Mehlfma'a
«M praaiMal dUxaea. A n
hnad idaaa aad aaauaaBoaad taul
wrir a danocrai cd pruBoaiioad eoa
rtatiaai, but taoaaUr taaouawd that
paRJ’ aad pobllelr aaBoaaoad kla al
lactoea U> ika rapabtioaa partr.
HUibn; Mr. and Ura A. Ull
fnis Ua ablJitf. aad aa ba M alvara UipleiuD: Ufa M. Han»r and
a^erad tka Uckwt aalaaa of (ka as W. Arm. OKdranburp: Ufa. J. nenlaUra atata, fa^rdlaaa of pafty prtad ■bin. Tra..««- niy: Mri Joirph Oil
Ofdvnsliurs: Ura J. Pnlrt-r.
PM kla a
Uapletuo: Ura M. WIIKAxw. H
, Ura. W. Ooldon, Ufa. J. Ilrlllerkb. Ura H. Hollofrleb,
a aar-dldaaa (v racaat aad dm for aa- rubvr. Ura. Jouio Chrlatoplior. Hr
and Ura Tboauta Okertsa aad Ulaa
MMa MUoa «an> praaaatad t
BBBraaUoa. laaaBaok aa tka rapak
AiDllh. Jr. Piaok Hailib Uxxk Baltb.
Jtaaaa of tka appar paelaaaU r*
•» that l>atar Wkita b# plaead apoo UapMoe; Wlbua KUeboa. Otdcaa
tta (Mat tka dalotalaa cneatallr
TMdad (a tka daAra fiM tba i
Abeord Sraaklng Load..
Tka vhela Ucdcat la a anod oa<
Tba racnnl for blc tuada of luai boa
■M whioh aaa.hd aapportad br aranr
acolB boea bnikeo. o k>ad of plot- lt«i
rlBlnc to."00 frwt bovine InwB
kMar Ma eoald kara baaa auaad
honied br o claole <eon ol onr of the
Pcobdpu Uiinber Co'i canpa. obeni
A Paefcat Pull of AaM.
olpbl iBllaa aeot of Wouoautor Tbe
ftrtP. «ho will W fMaa
reman of tbr comp la Dune Tarlor.
kMd aa BM Of tka araMara «f (ka
welMtnoaii woodimoo. and It :
Ma wWak la aov tka T. C-. U A IL.
ee hia one rreot desire to break
aMI who aaaarad ataah ad tba rickt of ranird for bl« loada aatablla^ed
Mr kafwaaa tUa <*(7 aad Nortkpoft.
a Hurh tf (Mvlli Ivo reair •
te —auUf wttb a & Hamr. wbaa Wllb bli rrea of mra be Mdeil U.
lha Mdaot vaa trat aaploHad baa (eel of plM k«a cm a oMsta. and wKb
kaaa la (ka <«tr rtdtlac frMda and a alasle (aao banted It to (br laodlnf
dIatBBoa of over (wo mllM, wltboui
Mr. tartar la wear tka avaatair aad
■aaagv at tka rTHbiaflBaaiWw


U of tka I
Ha eantaa la kla poAa(a aa aa arUam of *»« tank a IK(la bilbilll ha««llad vttk pold aar
•ata la tkafr aaioal ataia. vkleh
war* tahaa troa tba aalata af tka
aaaoav- Om of tba amata
tMa akoM PU voath of kaa PM. tka
tor arhleb Hr. Tarlor la

ST **
<d (ha O. A A L laUratd. aai 0.
•MM Aqkaaaa. pasand vaaapar of
Ma «Mad Baptda AiMt KaOwv On.
Mr. twtar la aaklac kla boM la
Whah, aad b rarr Baeh
Mkaa* with that laMltr.

Womaii-a Chib.
Tbe iHMlnc of (be-Woman'e
PridAr afternexa was lb charnr <if Ike
aelenM and edueaUnn dlvlakm. aad
with (be racenl wonderful dl>
ooverles la tba .arteailhe world. Tbe
afienuoa vai la eknrpo of Ura
lama. A paper 00 'Ttrpedo
Boala and Torpedoes" wna wrUicm
Him. J. A. Uimtapue. but ^ vaa
able to be prcaeai.* and (be paper '
read br Ura. Bmonkwalta. Skp bo
■an br urine that naUI (be la
tbe United Buiu bad ao
euept a tew wooden Mcatu. Tbe
Blue of the prasoBt narr waa
la ItU. wbw a nnmber ct tieel
kaUtaablps were oonalnMled.
■poke of tbe vaHona fclndi. parlnr
speelaJ atleatlon to torpedo boata^

H nb;mBrlBe uwpedo boata. ate. aad
ikovlag tbe vcmderful Imptoru
that bare marked taeani run.
tatmaatlas paper on "Alrahipa
wd nrtag Maekleu" waa dvan br
Ura. M. A. Atllaa. She apofca U the
daalra uparleoeed br everr oae to
Mu above the nordld caru to the
unh. bad looUag it tte nlnhlp from
tta aptrtuul algnldcaace. u wall w
■dkAlap br Mia. M. Bhmt. -Oaa malaria] tida. abe »va a varr laterdfAMaOara.'
JMHHka tpMia toapA Oltaaaia.
MMm pm harlap a aaataat aad ara
AtoMM toto two aUaa. lad hr Hra.
•aoipa ttmmm m» Mia. W. Oaipaa.
Ad WtoaM aMa wOl bara to foalah
a Mf naapoaa. tWa eoaiaat b tor
aMftoP *aw MMbm. aad tba taalaf
alia w«l ha>a la taiabh tba aappar.
•te paapaa tor tba dar waa;
fmm. Mn. d.
“AbAMbat of tba AM.*



a apobe to the









ibItMt to pulUT



u old naldeatof Tn<
Oil! aad owing to bU latotaet in bis
will fnraUb. tbe
Jnd.-e Prut Baob. adllo* to hia peblluium, tbe Amenou Pooltry Joaro( (to but B00K17 Jndgu
.'Onniry, to )adge the eomlng eahtbiUsa; ud la aAdlUoooCstau a
ape. ial ]wlae a
tllver onp for
tbe lamat and t{ea( aahibit of tberM|l.bM Ic
Mernld. tba uaoapoamu
tosc OUT lata bava u .
(bm-nghhradl^Ytrv. TI
cmMir aad
talk of the ponlU tadutry ud the
axarpiloaal mbr^legee U oPen u a
metier auklDs'baelaem ate ptaotlcmllr
ankinwn to thou
lAet- iBad with it
vbowa tbe MUl vnlu to poaltry ud
(Kti sold la ou'year to be In ueeea
to tee bnadred ud' alaely mlUiu
dol).ira |fNO.OOO.eao)aad ibiadouaot
Inebid. Ibe peadeotlra fw family nu
w'bkb la lalied Id aU amaU «1iIm
lovu Of tbit amoapL HloblIt eredltod vltb aiCI.00Ci.000, alvery waya
I PomlUT



Aa eatorafale mnaiul program wa»
fIvM nmiUtiBg to a plaao duet br
Iba Mlaeu Ctovoll. vuul duet br the
Ulw IPuate OM toulae Amnrlb
aad a plaao *)o to Ura. C. K

l.edwtg Ikvaolb.
tout week at bit borne to Poouma
u lllneat to aubma. wbti
aflmed Urn atoec lam (all Tbe to
Duaed bu lived la Puaemt It run
aad wu HBlvuruIlr eupccied and
well kaerwa.
lacrwa II* tooTC
toaTVb a widow ud
lamllr to 111 rblldrea
Tb* (aam look pUor at K>*
Me Clir Pvtdar merntog
H>< aua.
Tear Umuih. poaimaaler ai liuaU.
wu to (to cilk Wednaadar and wbHv
ben (to Bruyth iodga. to wbb-b b*
wu a psaubir. au( a buiKlful (rl-

ba(e to toWMP to------ r to hto

Obc doae of Ayer’t Cherry
f'ectoral al beddaie preveset

-docior’g nediclse for a I
•(fectioiu of th« (hroat, broachiit tubea, and luact. SoM
for over flO yeara.


Niiiht Coudhs

cvery iDowment jtuitful _ _

_. ,.

. . . . . . .


Irruahiliiy takea llir pUxr of bappiiH-sd
bappiu^ and
an- atuialdluy; a^
i-lui-e of In-allhand
hi-alih and atrrugfh..Uis
ativugfh. At looguMy
' auSrring
" ■

he i-luiie

.... . ....
....... „
b Mci.v**»aiT
UecvKsaiy l-e-WU-*'
W-wa-«« tlioy
are W
a .-..-..M..
The iL-<U!<- of
ot Lvdia
Lvilla lil‘U>khatu-a
111‘lnkhatu‘a V««i-u)>l.-(
Veci-ul>l*( omitouBd
will henkh
lin and reaU^ hai-iHue»L
-..ianta or nar.
votica vrbi-ii tliis gn-a
for woitMB a
Bl«yn within n-a.-h.

n In .Amarica

(ooUsh If yvHI do nut weept bor kind iuv llulion.


tueol to denib bruiseIV l-eing etisi-hit
Tbu ia tbe most brutal oornmnrv


, Ku.'*KXr£t..r's^vErL.T;,"T.. K

symptoms, suffering and cure
recited In the foltowing letters:
table Compound. Mr truobU was female weekorei in iu worst formal
I wea^^ajvrv bad condilira I imuU not iwrfonn my bouw-bold dutie- —
. , 1 w„ estremelT nerroua. ud .*
bvarlng-dowo paios w*re timbU. My l-uslaod s^nl*toiodt5<M *f'_____
*t dtolan
to get ma wr'.Laod all tbemedleloi tbst th*d->cu-is prewribed failed todom.
uy goodi 1 rew-rted to u operatiuo sibb-h the phTLielsn said araa-----------tj
to restore me to beallb. but I aalfere-I inur* afu-r It iL.* ] .JM before - 1 had
■cnkirroagra or ue
tbe worno
womb tut
that noiuing
nolbiag could seem
' sL-p
-I n-Aleed ooe of your adveriisemeoU
___ ____ ....
aud wrot* you for advka. 1 iw
.rived your reply aod ourfully followed all inslrurti-na I Immediately
becao to ret s»r.>nr*r. an-l in two w**Vt wss a»«-ut tbv boom. 1 U.* right
botilea of t-ydla >*- I'iiikhatn'a Vecetnhio ('uaipound ud coatlatod
foUowlag your advice, ud to-day I am a vrvU woman. Vour remediva aad
help are a t-odaeod to suffering wonico. and I cuaot Bod words to es.-^
yon (■» whw^yra hare draWor me.*—Maa Lomn V. KavLoa, im K. J.

-p.”^ £

wbitqnagv have Iweo a^aUDUlered
when uewlled (or and when tbe
borsev bad dooe ibi-lr beat.

Al th* bum. of tb- brid* • uiuii.i-r
«u Kusrdmu eeeniir. and in Ih* pn-a*ue*ol auBiubcT ol frirude nf .i.-ih
partite, rapeclally emi-I -Tva of tbe
eevtaiu. Him Clara B. Uillrt un-l Hr.
Audrew A. Giddinge were ni-ltrd in
marriage tasi pveoing by R>v. D.
Daliiiy h-lmbm-i.i. w*<*
wnred to (lie oOsi[iui.t af<*r tl^ evtv

puomd 1 waa eocuplvtcly cured,
mr vrork.
"1 ibink yoar medld

t am now a well sr«nu ud abte todeall

Both of the eoeiraeiing parilea bava
beeo attradusa ut the aavluoi Tb-v
left tblr ototnlog (or iioHey. itoklund eoaely. where Ibey will re*i«*.
Tbe coBgrutalaliooe and U-el wUIin
of muy (rirads go with lh*iu.

Mil Mm u (rial aqd riak tbe oh
of tale tn M haadi ol amatenra, wbe breed birds Ibat will sell at BAOO to
aoeb ud eaprrt twewdei
aever bafma mv u laeabator.
Hru Bert Prtaal Is tmek frum a vi.
t« (tom Aao 00 to dioaou fm Mir
Tlie old' prejBdlM agaloat Inoofaa
it to Qrud Rapid* ud Haskegon
bast spaetacna. tblatoltsr prior being
.rafaeod too nsmbar of loitu
(h»M improrad maoblnea ud M utbe Ohloago abow tbls year At the
Bestoo rbow In Junary. ooe bird sold
Inmhaier ebioks inpwiy
(or BKiaao ud the akme breeder sold
raised arlU maka last aa bardy,' rigwfour oMnfor AMLOO.
Eggs from
eas and bMlIby (owls as vrlU tbose
birds, saeb m ou bs rebed by u.v u
hatobed udai bus. ud It U a eom
tolllgut breeder sell (w AAOO to At.iU
thing to MS Mm win M bMi
per rrulng of IS ^s ud mneb litgber
prises In tbs Aow room.
jnoee an often aaksd oaipmti.
Tbe high gtads lacntolfrt ara
elsu aad hudsome mashlaM Bnlsbad
formed an apt to bring oat the adage
In ihs same muaer m fnrnitnre ud
■a fool ud his money sou part,
eu baaparawd la M living
but tbs tool remains Ml tbeae pnos
■a of M- ponltrymu-a rasldtaee
ore tmid and liave beu for ysan u
• nra bIm many time ud labor
areoaaatog to oreate wooder to (ta
ig appHanoM for poolWy kaapsra
pmliry yard. Tbaa. there U
w'faldh have come (ato ganoral am ud
bolb bruokss of M bastoem
latsM wort aad Mka it more
''(aaey’' ud M '*t_arfcst,” be
pcaatabto. Tbe baalasM la eaitalBly
maikal penllryau oannol gat best naertby of M oaosldacatM e
wbo have a dasln to (bwimi Mir aalu utom ba toaadt M (boroogbtwadtowL
toooms by devoting Mtr spars'tims
2 ptadlol (bat M eoostog abow
MM work.
Ttavane -OUy will bring Mgetbei
TUa pwpom of M poaltry shew U

\ltlcn% Boys* $ €bil(lrcti*$
Clothing see

$K,(oi.aoo par .
Tlie totol vnlu of pooltry faedaete
UM United Blatu eaoaada Ml to'
oan vhaav uu or ootM. ItUaUo
ea er tbaa Ml to uy ether btaaeb
ti-a live rieeb lodaatry. Ihe vatu
to tl« eggs prodaead ueaeda Ml to
aU fold ud eilvee mlora. ti la
utu M total revuu to M peat
ud voaU more tbu jmy
allie expenaet to tii. war depanc wbo bsaada bis fowls with s
-~^Jba Boveeameat ataret tbow
MTM vatu to M pMltry u farms vlsw to boadtoMS plamM* bad sym­
fa ara0.000.000. vbitb added to the metrical (arm h wsU m (or sgg aad
Tbe nnmber
ealnv to agga aad draeM pmlltT ou
Maedsn ugaged to tUs bsaBOfaof M
d la a jut, amueU to |U0.<
OCu. waiU all M raws la M aoa
Is eeuled by M ttog
low ap a total valu of uly • aadMianksan oeosaully tm

Itu are salt•aan . to aeowa-mmunc. naoaaar.
• br Hra Oapttla. .MoOa*r. aad olben. In Parti, and to tbe tbUgs abb fat pultty lalalw aja M deneoaupUabad In our owa Had br
ud le grutar tbu M <lp|ilT. Thla
Prto.TlaU. Prto. ImagM al WpskM
tru u ragardt borne markela, ud
Ml bad a Cbktaco Invenlar Be cam
IaMkMp MOb.^ Am of ■ Mu iwodaoen who dura u tblp
hU PMBT to
■gga aad tovb In luge qi
quntlUu eu
Tmm hr Hra KDaa, (KHaM.
aad in tbe Obieaae
Obiugo mam
mamel u uttel
•Ahaia par OoptaaL*
aU Mir pawdaetlw al battea Mb
•■■toatba hr Hra Smt BaBM
raUng (gtoea. If My ara vUllaf to gar
M. *A OMaoM fttap.'
away (ram old metooda and am baal•aadtof tor Hia AadMi (UiMa
---------- 1 attoaUem wbw cme ranld Mi
edge to tbe AtUntle bceaa and
■to Hit to Mia Jaatoa (MaMbar.
meaaaBU from X.OOA mfiu
*Aa totmii fbif.. Otoai on. abe save a ooe
aad MMctlva oaUM to
riialaaa laMiaphr U. and de
arsDopnltry bma aur by. the macAlaerr aaad to the tel
BtoMa taadiu to Aai. a 0
Tbare baoom aad a goUM oppom
to AH win aaat aaot wKh
alty fm qnib a bw pacaua le astabbto MaOMr. ttea vlU ba two ao\ae oouM read the maauge exOM
a mailapi bafara tba eo
' at (be auttoa for
uly. 1 aaderataod Mr
vkM It wu Inioaded
la Tba paopla who vara tr
over two auatba wo
_ ibc
lb* and
8no meet
• Mr. aad Hia r. (faiM. Hr. wu •aeoeeafnllr
eBeouafnllr out aenua the
Hn. O. ilapMw. Hr. aad Mia r laatlr. bai auw
w ptont arc beug per
aa. Hr. aad Hra a BaOiaw. Hr.
d mraiwea arooad tbe
--------- -jna. and atotlooa are bMaa
toured She ooweladM with a brtoC
ahmob to tbe Ufa to Hammi. .
Owing to 111 buXb Ura Hamilton
ho wu to have glvu a talk cm the
Irui Lnkea. wu uatoll^to to

■acb year aad Ibe poaltry oo
farms, Mpaelally la tbv WMun aeon aad Uiehiuii bad nboni Iwratr,
stotoa. ^ by its analaukabte zaerlt iDoladlng lletrciL Onnd Repida. Betbloakeitori,
ud aotoal wonb erawdad aolotber Ue Oreek.- KalamMoo.
liv* itook Intaruts
Tba modare to- BaglBaw, Pilot. Owouo. PootUc Big
eabeior bu served to tooraasatba vol- Eaplda Beadiag. Wayne. Ponton. Al
Tnvi rar
to tbe poaltry bulnew and M
laurul tolt. Ttmnundato poultry City un. and aboold. Bold u good a
mu bava adopted tbv tnonb^ u a ••><»» “ toJ »o*b Id the aiwe. U tbe
more utltfaetcar baiebar tbu (be Vroi^r totereet la uken la the matter,
ud to Ibeiv Baa obiokua mar be. Aslda from tbe plauare ud lecnmbauhed both to ud oat to---------- obiatoad by breeding (uoy ixnl
(bereto enabling one to have tprlag! «7. (bere la lUc Bnaoi-lal proBi which
eblekut every mulb In (be yew. i
‘be amooni dr
Thor ara mad. in dISerui eiiu ud '
ffo* ib' breeding ol market
po»l»7 ud tbe

Mpsollim IS
fuoier*' ideal bird mast puubm
larg-aod Mai 11 braadar aod baVa
oartMa etilors of plumage ud mnai
ooBfora to ceqtaiu outlUre of ehap*.
fldei.ea m (belt maoblBM w wllllagly it to. of ooaree*dilhcolt to breed tb-m

The reaibt'iv-irfH of ewry <iar m in our botnea.

ir that trlU tbi-m to giurd
tm-ks Iwoonw wih-n n-'iiiie
le dfrnbiP-uxVnw-f the feaiaU- oi-jnini|

Tbs oooaMlira 1*
oMbtoss both ps^taad pltasan
ffiaaMc digrn tbu uy oMr of
wbtsh 1 know. .
Than an asarly su budsrd dlfer■t. vartPUta e( fowls, dUertag
ataape and ptomaga and taagtog
alas from It eoasu to U'paaw
wblah aublM svwyaody toaatsMa
bird wbMb talm Mir todlv
oUodwbM an noognto

M inlm of wbtob wiU bs appUad to
Jadgtog M Urds al M Travsraa City
Tbsre UM
so Mblgb.bredbBotor-tlewl
aad M Mdtoary ban yard ebleka
MSB U baiwara M Iboreagb
bssat ud M plag. or M prodi
aad taaadaama dairy eew and M

Cbe kind that «p«ar and gioe good
satisfaction you should kuy at



Renewed. Left Side
Badly Affected.

to Paralytic


Dr. Miloa* Nerritta Gara
Ma Naw Ufa.

' i-.i

Boj-s' long pant Miii-—WeshoWaline un­
equalled. a line consisting 6f all styles—
worsteds, cheviots, cassimeres, either

Men's Btrictl)- ail wool, black, blue and
will lay mors sffir. will tmtoi
(teaiM welgki af market poaltry.
budsamsr to loek al aao ooam
to valaa It U. Mrafera. i
. riad foaad al pulWy Mwa and
Muly kind Utot ItulUtodloew
Tbom. Mwa are beM aU
Uclkad Stalm Mm Hatoe le <Ui«sr. and sBob year adds to M aambm
Mm aad M toutasl to
Oi»tag M aaaau Jaal otoaed,
• Bpwarda of Ibree baadrad'abows
I to u many dlffmut ritiaa Is
M to M totooiiml ooaa fa artdsad aad tall dmllt ore^toM to
poaHry. ot wbtob taan am
dsToaed to aay ekbrn us
ea M todaawy. Tba Amvtou Paalwy doaiul ot OUmgo
wub taarisM to aU Mstiau s( M
tl bavM Mo to
a BiMMr to a asaMy aad ba*>
M a ubsastftou Hto to dB,Bte.

worsteds, aiogle
aod double
breasted styles—the kind we ^arantec

at $ia $12.50 and -- ....... $16.00
Men's all wool

plain or fanc>-. single or double breast­

Sizes 14

yca^ to 2i> jrars at S5.

S7jU. S!S.5M.$li< up to $ \ 6.00

cassimeres. cheviots, in

plain and fancy colored design, entiref
iy new coods, eitlw single or double
breasted siyles—ihe kind we guarantee

inis. double
Bo)s' 2-piecc suits, knee pai
seat and knee, strictly all
>ol. If they

e replace

at $;.5a$10and .- ...... $I2.^
.Mso a go^ line of men's w-el] made un­
ion cassimere suits—a good, strong ser-



iccable suit to wear at
prices of $5.00 and ■.



' se'eo

16 >-eare at $2, $2.50. $3 up to $6.00

Bck's' 6-piec
- from $3.<!

kniie pant suits—a'

I to be
values at the pri<

Men's Pantsfound or no better v
-$1. $1.50. $2. $2 50

Nww MIooK

-pto.. S6.00

Oor. R-t-on^ sncl UgaloM



. ________ j tonadfhsr

Mud Ttarcrsc Hcnld

bn boma >a Treratre Ciij
BssUa oral a farm* Slaps
Oto Mon knus-

H«* On«SM, Msnk (.-Tk* »us
U tks rtrw ksrs ikU atnlas rsMds
111. • Mss of MO <dM dses rss(ir«sj

SOME IS ssssrs Um blcbsst «
hwm bsrs. WUls ih«n U
«W rst. STsrr o*s ksskS e
ysstsO tm tM caOUdo d Us Mvsr
mU Us Isvsss.
1-AsMhcv liES
Of Us OUs rtvsr U mb/ pteos
trssa PttUbsrc saO CUn> lodv. Tbs
Us rtas StoTS Mill bs
bora. Kr.. Us osisr U oslf • UUls
•fsr loo tss( bslos Us UU UVb.
PslSDsb, Kf.. bUfcb >-~Tbls dl7
is snvsMos lor Us SouO. Tbs Uek
IM Is eaaUsf sp npUl/ M ZmssvIUs.
Is S3
OUO. MS 4 «IS4S(raii

Hsr Ss AflsstflsS blufOss.
Mbfis Ctit. Mlcb; MsroisdUD s shSStT 41
of of
t Ubs. foor Blio (roa Ute
s 4t»sii
M ii
II Ihruk
issnsr. sbs
odIs m
4U4BSI 41 aonlsr hsO
•ra bsu« R 4S 4 4 >4S of O04DSSI'
Tbs 4uthoi1i>ss
4r« to
iwtts __ _
srrssu cn s ssOsti*

•bbnto. priMl4blT 4SS4DU SftU tolMI

i£ aitoBJi lbs ^Bs

cif nitrSsr. slU
______ .______— s frs dSTs
it Is’ssU U4I ISO Isllsos poBolsd
• UM IbUi Usasslbllltr 4S tbs result
B< 4 bwrrel. brabs Us sm 440 oUsT«1ss f4>u*9 hlB. Uso dmosd blB
faUe Us shsstr 440 SSI are to It. to
Issdtoi ID Uvs tbs are ausb Us Os
stnallas of bis Ilfs 440 eosossi Us
•TiOsMS of Usto OttoS
A iDsrU IsdtaB «4tos Ur. 440 sssUc
boo Utocs Msrs tolls tssobsO tbs bbiBOSrtnst IbOIM 440 ssvsO bis l»s
Tbs psrtiss to Us Osnd sre bsowB.
440 ibM Is art.. ..
«fD bs la Us hsao. I
4 ISO 0474


.r Oasrt. span ptoasys^ts look

Biss Blaals Tafasasr sf Timvssss
Oto spsoi Ba^r anU InsaOs aaO
tslaUsss oast ef Slacstor.
Bi4 Osrrts Oavllsoa aaO salUtose
af OfBBO Baj^ BIS vtostaf iMatl*ss
U sto Bssr Kutsstoj.

sad Biss

&1 SliKri nl SLii

OapLAaim WeaSpbal
>s*lB4 m teartop
M at Us H 8 Uareb.


yyQan^wnt tsUaUlas Uls
shads badBtobiPridar
Urlr ersssr sappsr. ss
*A*'bf *Bbn!s*t!rat W Oaartuis
lauaB^aatutar smBtotalaasaa bosSasss top
Hn Jauss FUnssr istaiaad fraa
jw UaiUlas to btaos anU s
Ssftasa tost ssselac. vbsas sbs has Isa spaaOlaa Us vlatsa ia to- ------IMB Ttoluac nialivss .lsr Ua n*!
w l^u
sbareh. .
verb for Us
AL Btol to ^^tap tor a boase 1
B M Us eilr loOsj aon n b

lai for Rinnliiii nd BrtcMK Iht Blood.


____ _


laskSa OrWboli
bai to tmisi
J vCsss VSBI IS Trsvms
lbs fsBsiml af
Mt4 k. J- Baastafl ton Ussk*


tun, isarsa 1
4 a bor. to Mr. bad
Hr4 Boss Itovls.

ritosto**H^M UsI^MMM^
1*11 Ciir Iasi wssk.

fsTBlar from OearsO
Ibsr. Will Uls. Ual rabbO sob Praab
II Obi—.—--------------------------• cw to Tnvsrss Ollr rsstoaOar.


OsOaMfwl asstol Tims.


touts ptoss
btoboto to

tar. M •

Rss O w. Tstnt. Us Baatackf reTisaltol. «ill fastU s ssriss of bSsItofs bsm lUreb mb «biob nil be
of CTvsl tourest s«d vtll ooaltass
two wssk4 Bvsrrbodr to ktodlt tnvllsO Ui sltsad sod ss|is«tollr uria
ttaa wurksre will u wslsons w aid
la Us (ond work.
la spits of Us to■ bos so
me/ of lbs w. aUsr. wss wsll at
At aad 8U.10
rraltosO. wbieb will so 10 psrebaas
aa orna for tbs sclKto lb ptow of
lbs tosbbali sobool as was sialsd la
last wssb ’s wTlilai. Uoi oaa h< asM
to Us (tobbaU sebuol If duirsd.
tttos UrarMT will fire bmiUot ton
__________ sou wbso tlis _______
will bnas Usir bosss wall Sllsd sad
tbs ladiss will bid ll>sai off.
ilsrsh Rstiasr of ___________
_______ebsrcli lists baadar svsalan
tos passt of Hra H a

Oatkera Breelfot nni (Uoeotou
sealed} sre ^ prudset of tweatr-dra
rears' prscejral lel»r)U.>rr sspartooes
totbe pn-|.>|e»■ vf'----~ •* ■ fur Ibe
‘ -HRirsof Ursbln.emlp
toe. of hslr. and are
u lie euiA-iiiir li
er alb-rAttirs
1. sell a*
a. Inn
aU oUM-r
blood IRirld rs. I»>aerrv ss|e-u.Ji.e,
while euehliup ell b>eu>'r tlis runllve
piyperU-s of pr«-.-I.Kis DH.Ilcloal apetita
wIUmmI cootoiniup oredlei* rs|--oars
aod ofbte lujiirbRit p>wtlutis ul ekvilii.l
Is shW-b tialh nnxiiciuoa bare bstaw
lore been pfoseric .
OuUTrre IHl. ate ahrratlre, aiHlerp.
tlr, Uluk- aud dIresiKr, aud l»-}oDd
qar«iii>allic|.ui«ey swreiesuiDoU euoieiahuaadei-liiHHiilea] bluodaod ablo

On moiloo tos slab adjoar

■asultoe Uaacb cl...........
boal will eost abooi 81.b
repuie wbicl. is to
boras power.
Ur. aad Mrs Wilbar C
irnaibrd oa Pridar eve

........... .
and Internal Irratmeut fur ev.i I f
f..r une d-dlar,
iviuslpllux uf < ulU
K.BP, w'cWiiar Uh- eUn.t ul'
lui-ut. tu'Ih-sI llie akin, and
l:r.*.ilv<.Tlt llns. Uiroul amid



Mra b 8 Bam* to kotar nasi*, Jsdaaatar*"^torBMa!*
— litowaatouaraiaa.
aad Mra Heotss wets am«ap U
top lbs antratolall...
antratolaltobt el
A. <. tbwta af HUUkn-s
... Doeastoa hsiap Ua
Us asvntr'8ftk
aaalnsurr of bar MtU Hre. Bara
«n«Bf tvo trasas U Us
Hre K K. Ohampln «l'tolled Mre
■Mtoto Tbaasbrlpstf Mr. Darlas
•aal lbs Ird. wbito Mr.
Ittona fnall la Ms jstoslao
s tm A. MUUbn-s
B Oton has mw

Mre Jaaksn a*0 an Paal of Bs*. and to slarktop for J.
■It Olto ere BUtap a aben vtsll
barr ^toa af Us Basuab * Ur Msf. vlU bu trtoad. Mre tMdto OIbba
■••St Bswaae ef Ua 4U U. 8. top to aboai eon aotom ws nt non
sararir arelrad la town n a fsttoasb
SaiBaab EsBaa«rat UaSsonO
Ws are sanr to brer that Mr. Saa.
toll-k paepls bsva seU oat Tlier
toana^Mbat tortao ban lUiaO.
wmn biJHiKA.
s^bt.«dlr reused to Us s'
Wm. t.a HntnarHssA te Us
Hre. brablt SsalU sams ap baau to
HIU Bbsrl* ef Bslito Orask. wtao
has bsaa vtolitap fnaods bare rstora.
abto IliiMi «ni as B
ad boms toe hb
Mre J H Uosrard had tos mUterC ar. Wbaalaab astaiaaO laOar
taas to fall oe lbs toe aad ban bar
UMa toalaaraMp datsa Us M-*
limbI so toiair thsi sbs II BOI able
Stop n ik Ms srs sorrr that tos mast
B. B.
so. as sbs to alwars se willtop
Jato R. toala sUawtoO laU rm
aadrradr to nUsvs ..eUsr people'*
___ aad Mra Ass Palmar wan t
in Bm a baalaaas top ta OMawo.
i. a Orasana -M bo EablaUs |i|nsM HtaBsfas Batas FrtOar >
Mim Ata Pnlvtoltod at Hr. Uarli


load ef tops Ual bars

Tbs laiP'M toad sf ton Uat hav^t

M.B. of"hb foob Ibtor*
Ws wlab them SOI

stemst R V. aad B H
•0 Oopsmieh TUstsdsy.
Lsn aad Gay J<
inniap after a vtoli.
Mrs Una Balsa aad taashiar
- *'
BBd'Ctolinswsretbepsssuer MlesBirsh visited Hre A A. Bantiwt Heuday.
Bnistiaad Mre Aai PslmsrTbsrs
Kerns Huuidito aad Uarfls CUuale
Uto day
tar 41
Dallsy't mill
------------ ass Mre. Howard ywetstday.
Him Bshah Hllsra aad Him Erma'
■s.mnikutit tmfAWrreKNt
'amr wrra Ue pomis af Mist Batab
miU an Mlu B-IU S?



TbsnwiO ha 4»t.

aaaa. msrea sta
PaarM's ray Orewfe l>ems

SS ta 'iS2' tit'ii ‘Ja. rriar;

WM ra boto ttsksU; C 1. CUiis.elsrb ;
Aaslto Orsrboli asssmor; tratissa tor
iwa ysaks. US4 Bammima Raipb
UBS4 ^Hwrv ^BssimUlsr: fsr an

DsPnara U wsU kaowa ban. banw
Sima so ss*t s srsi Siam aoksi 1
yilhres low»M«.aa bsoadb*
y BorHare sNyswdisi Uat bs
Mist Abbss HsOaUar re


ton retdiSA aad uravsi
sa, wblU slsssd Us
Mim Rlysssa Tbrmii amrad at bat
-oau Is UU plaos Prlday. htdaf aaUsd ra aareaat of too ssrloaa lUaom at
bar iatom. 'Wm Tosmaa. wbo la slow
Obrst and will nniB to ktai pis
trm daya
• I OO RawBed. • 100.

£01 tm Sak tram iti faHamMg psresfmi

H0U.S harsu'l pot ilwu ic
and Ur.

UtiCb.ll. 1

Tbs Olso Arbor lombsr eamp htnkt
^ aud muisd w Olso Arbor last PH
Jobo Tobin ot toe Karro
sre last week soallap lup< >u

B III W-yaii.Mtei,

It..'eiciied aatmal Itiroaph his pa''*'*
•he coded hit rsisienee be ceiilnp hit
ir.towi with her pnokettoife. If ebs'
i.w ibe api»iiitmeBt sta will he
..e oBly womae fa»< «
ecsi.tu rooilTy-

Kn^lith K^.! Cajw.



Every loo.het r«
■rws artiuad reeiral Lekr aliH ba«
oarh timivr lu Ibf W'sid*. and ovih 1
>ns hoi cold weather aud hrwvv annw..!
to.libal verv .UHUI. will relrasc
'hii epnnii. Tbe ewamew are fbioded.
he bisb Rnisnd 11 bare, and onlsAsaj
■ilreole Lcirara all
llie lopa *ln ihci
e.Aids toal canool be basled on ‘
wb.«ls ii> lire wwsihsr. and thev are
. will tave to etay Uere nmil

NVhrtc (''Orhmt,
JUrre! PlvToouih Koebt,
.Ainr^can IKiuii





.-Xifi-ms (or Jlmn|ilirey‘H t>r»fn



Hone Cutter

Cy|>lu:ri. Im-ubdtors.



Ora Mti* Meesk art Hr wa flak nbasw UsnS atari
K.V. Wads
was toteu

it fsr laM Hui.da<
. "1 am diiiDs
J lhal Air

C. Coclingb & ^ Props.

• Ihiruihi' 1I0.1.1 kh.iri
sir rci'v I...
■ n Siotr.


ssy It 1


loy fneudr iu tills Vlrluil} Wbu
IT of ber rtealh
aiTKiMii KAV
- . BmuUr la vuiUsp bia mother
at S|wiB|r Lake.
KsnueeBTer moved to Norlhllie and c
krhl Bros
cr • until.
11.1 tone.
Imre, why
iJle l.eel
a'b. viiups VI.riloBof il
UiAiitar resBlk >d to lbs slebti
lham prvtoHr
Ulis ABDa I'ediiam t|a«l Balurta}
ad Santar with rnsnd> bura
' Ur. Billmaa of Osdar vat to town
Uiee CwTTts Owdbam ape« Busday
Aboat >0 DAW iKRika have reieully
bsm added u> tbe |«bUe echoid li
Ur Taylor ufWasbiapton lebeie Iu
the tolarest of.* fold nilntop .x.u.|ou>
IS the vest.
Tbe eaow Is sbost pooe. bsl shnsl
all inohss of loe Mill momiot In. ihe
Unob driB 'Od fcq Ihe physiclaus
mslo l> tbi'
Tbe LsH-taoaa Beotuiel will wmi'
mase lie wpiirartBra
J. Walters is away oo bsisoees
J Liiaey was^ Narth|mr( HaniUe
Ulet TTlllc Premo of Krewici suei.l
Buuday at ibe b0B» of Ure P K
kdareb kdaoasinea.

' Harris and'family are oeosprluR
to Ua belldiQf ovoed by W J
. kvsrj D
lise ByeMBt of Barope
T l>>llorooui.ui«sloi.'

It Ibe '

a.f: .txi

Sumatra (larnct.

>. Uniboese is i*oksd ap c.ll rtwdi
■ore hack 10 Uka Arbor.
ic saw mill wi.l otiweMowB tu

! “SriS'S*;,

EsblBres. are moviui roods loto to PUId-UBiebsl Vieoooul WoWley
Utlrttowstara wbloh will eooabailLP. Tbeie it aa auosaal amoaut ot
dslsd aad ready for oeoapaaer.
i pisd abort beiioa. aud aomeibi
too slab tim morw solid Ij
Ure Jaoe Wsltley I
-* readere

imriioA marks tbehiRbeeiaobievc iRwailialABiaoiiik
tUsLUIst’ Bsaefli aecleiy ot
oouuirr. Like iLe
i ^bUtoso
to Ibis oouui
U. B. abareb n** a diuner si
.mtmat Aunaal- tbe -"(h'deii
boms of Hr. aud Ure Ueorfa Bissis ‘■Ol.n>tmat
l.rr <1
Uaaual '
a doalda asml.
ra Pnday, Mareb StI.
Aboat itain:
el(bl were prsamt aad 4 eere SIII>0VK. ahoBi sue taaodied pitowt wniehi islls
bk lime eprM by alL,
ipbell SB.
Ure Uo
rettmeni -I n>
lAonetlaud II .
vbrre they stpssi
Dliie iinuber 11I rppvie wll'
iluy ami IHkriy
U H. I
.ai^ Bsadar WIU —
Til' reoor.l of Aktlralta'* Brel
family to
, al Perlia ueui ISI will SBI..ll.*'‘d
UissOarlttUH ~
tosB.'Tb'Wof Ke.kvtl.r Uairh by
ill SI b« hnma
tos Uou lia«b H Lo.l
Oeoewe Andereoa otOstsaasUeiHlad 1, \i _
rraardiuv ll. workiot.
r. aa
sad Mre J. < . BbllH. last wssa aad sbs aad Rita Daiu Ua aoeial to Ibis idaoe Salarday svy.
_____ _ .J Mr.
ealtod oa MsMsmas Brtmawar. Mo- biM'
'ef ILe iioierumeui teIe(T*pl. end (.I."
Oar. Psb. MU. a
Oamtoaad Birerd.
Ulm Dor.1 hs SebI siaterialnsd
siaterialnsd foar
tost tdioLC
|ihoLc in Hia
Hie laod ul
ui li.e aniiiAUica
Hre Ctol Uks
of her ltieu.1. Toesdsy afteru...
Mntar to ass bat
In the Worla'a Wnrk
Mareh 8r.t His oooasKm bekac bir
liosrawrtieles of sou
Mre Brlrasku HaaO af
tennb birthday.
nt to Oaaual Uks ~
tm kssnst


WtT'a'BipIsr. Ib^cretair.

to«'a la TravotsrCll..
H n Lraoh movod tui tomilT r.
Trs'eras Cite.
J 8 Ual.sii railed at I lai Karoo.
da> U.1 week.

o Ur.


Star Pouitty Yards

i' litoip to Oolorado l<ba k
t.cord SA a bnaireat and
Bai.|ss ripsrlence.bavinp at
I wild elk which treed her aad 00 .


1)4> aad daafbtor_____________
Bra brO tiM
» pfleusulMr.
BUMl I..riurti|i'. lll•flpurlRp iklu,. m
_____ 1 biles aad KaUrrs Partaat
aod l.linel hU'iewrs. eci.-niAs re.lf-*.
wnt to Tnrarss Oltf *ast Moadar.
ItoW Mors ktllsd 4 psrfssdr Wbiis
hi’hluiis audlmiAii.uu.wllh l*.» t.T
Sebael epns toll moratop with Ida sqalrrel Prldar. wbleh was qsUs aa
T Itifani-t to aire. wheii l4naodlif.
idlu. Us KM
took to to Trevsrts'Ollr
d ell utlH*r r'tuc.Ikt full.
Br Kslus Is Ttoltiap at Lslnd and
bm It mow
borto Uailrllsk aad Mr. Olsvstto wers
U. llBrcllM^s spsodlDS s fsw tar<
----------------ra WsOassdar.
owtof to tos svvsra sold Wsatosr aad U bli hoim- tp nsekrrvIlU.
Tbspratj «M la boMT afUslaaal
L 0 Millsr aad Bill UU wras tos in bralU sf Hr. fWtkard
7 '
aaaalsvM tosn stoataO l«4B4«to Baptis saJlsr an Oar last waai.
Pnkard U
Mra*J^? Bo^
.kjifop. ^

asOto Hi«b aaan assslao aad to Us
WUto saloon s^ *'*‘j^,**t
A. Bsanaarer list asespsad a posi.
M^aus «to attsaOsO fraa bsn dsr Usi wssk Blast PsrraaMnilas
■loo to stork to Krht Bros ' store
bu Uek qstos UOIr, bat to bskksr 1
Hn. Xau nit
The ladles ot tbs Pint Latbsran
barob aeresd e so|iper aad Ins ciewm
Uowt. 440
Us Os*
aad oakeal she lovo
tovD hall Matordai
Us rorast
BsrI Plowmn wubsad. H
seeolBB from A till b p. m
isps Bon 440 lira W. W. Ksllsr msa sad famltr ban ear k
the foltowinp BBHoel larwreB wns
H oallto M BaWto Orssk U tbs Urendered:
V. Wtoaisli praparlapto btlldoa
Htsaf Ub Hre seartsM spsslal
bis plaes asd skpsMs to pet mevrd ta
to time to pal to sprtapwropa
told ap tost wssk
Bdlo-Al Usk
Ik e
of pisai
IS aad Harbsld, tos foraarm ef s plU aooUsr sKsok
ash limdlBa sbol pma.Wlll tlm
lUt. 8 Williams sad wife of Lodi
1ST pissas rsiare It I
~ '
' yet^s ts^^s wiU tbe patsnuof
Bolc-taliatira. harp
Obaatss BIr. Btffa Bsolor Bsadts.
1 ««iiB aaa t*« sMp wsas aa)or
aO aMU Us snlr usnUa boars »
Houf-KreolBp Bella
WU (BtaisbaO br BsUb's swbistos
Unsl-Unfllnp to
I. DreBmland.
UsHseosT kiraudlas eaa bslld
Ttolln . dul—BraBlifBl
OB bis term aim Ssrsuaa Hr. BoaBbaU II a'stoU a ias or«sr naps
Us Ismbsr all rsadj
ww«r*s0«toU toas la sbaias af ilsipbtop wottld bs pesM. Tbars are tes tai part
sboat sW Uosnad frsi to baal ea'
•auBwaato. Orton
torir taaO Ulan m aaiaaaUwbs
' C R Harvsr and family Ml B
tar lor a rUti with relatives to
Dt A. UoPball did isBtaJ work la
bslapd Uoatar aad Taeatay.
pUa«sd ••
faasral tottor bdnbtar rntonlar.
Barr, loa of U S Ortppaa. 1
Uormaa Thomas arelved boms from
to Tiavassa <}|lr
Hta Mead Bsdpai
a aaM UHla n/0 panr la Ua nil
ban nd still to dBapsraeafr HI wi
tVloredo PHday. bsiof owUnd on actaatoasparina lOasi af Uass vbs
-mol of the sarloBt lllnrat of bU
tkars aatll aflsv Uk faasral sarvtoss
uber. b'llliam Thumas
aamtoO traal bans «sa«r bat vsll
Ulis Altt Barttor aad Ktlna lUrrsr
Mrs Barr Jsasas was to Tiararas
Tbe L. of A held a boslusss fatsal.
aspaMtoUattoa Utrusu t
laaps tad an aatar Us dsssor's esre. lapstlbshoma of Ura WaltarBra'
Oiir BBS tar Ust wash, missklap th
Hs bops fu C
tp^r taeorsir. meo DO Taaadar
bss Stour, Hra ftosa el Uspsmtob.
s aroasd Tseatar
EshI Bros. Have muled Ibe bslldlop
d A. J. Blrloklsad ..'bub Ihev 'ouw ooeouir to Ueesra
Pred ASoller and Kefat Keuanaver
tribets sad bops he msv pet n
a takery aud ooufeoiiooerr alorw.
m ti* torrlUeraffertopbe bat
sd f«r Uu> past rear or more
ritll wllb reiativse

tWHoritom mi Us iWpsolsa
«( rsnMsn bsiO OBS Of tbs most sa>araWs MSlbl sratosBi Iasi alabi Ust
tUj ton 1*0 ia soto4 Ub4 Tbs
gbisalan toU 4 sbsrt U0«s ssssKb
«rtrtBUs0sS4l4«. 4fMrwbt4b Us
44lt» baU tots «lvn o*ss for a fsod


alaOlT ba •stoptosO far Uto aloes,
for as radlr asaO aooUar oas.

<ral MBserr of ito liaaaab *
Msmillls Oo., Is bask tan CtoI «lsn< to- BttiRiOn kbs sssstm

_____te Hr
saO Hra Bapaas
HraoB. a bor. Marsh 4
Mrs Mibs Mtsss OtsO saOOnlr ton

wUl be slsemd aod all mambsm are
I 'SII. Rrsall
oordtollr lavii.d to be iieseat
Old Hlsiira. Uleh. . PeK «. IMIL
Tha a
U bs orened to ibe tooap pople
Olnb BRi mi
rrttar eiaotop aod all an U> iiao I'nddsDt OiU_____________
pod aad spend a phmsaai sees
r belar rarr stesmr toll
meeiuipewill bs dlaoou
were IS
I ssmsir sad this laeoos of which Us rapsln dtsras
srlll be
lovlisd losuead
1. laformal taU spon toe ptto—.'d
' Hoc lav now isle
'resoeal Is stprcH-d
Tbs sit_____
enslaisre. tl sswma tbai
Ibal tbs qsss- of pDCkSI
ftsotar. Mareh liili
iiOB IS DM to psreisaa pollnra. bMb
sal taps ot. toe Ua>.
|»IlnMl j>ar'>-s bavtop
Ten mec hate 1*ea4m}ik.esMl |n po'
•ndoreed the
IB U.. etrem fassi to tbs Ksniittui
A norioo was oart.rd lo opsn «i
Beach bold
•lose more iTOmpUy. the boar f
The ahlDsle mill 1r«bb to ma Mto
■reoiuK petsB Bled til 7:»p m, aad
lawirc at y JO p. m etarderd Ums.
Bebjecl for dlsesasHHi
dlscBasioi asst rnsel. ;
ns. "Oireci Toisfor Cnitod Smiet;

3u$t a mordf

sssPlease ^

a>f w/sb to remind pou that, tbe Going Out]
of Business Sale” u '
.111 the Hascm.-iii



I-Iikw in still in prot;ri*h*«.

to siivi-

voiir r>i>rini; iiiirrhaNt'A.



Its the Krr.iitesl chanre 1

a lew (vnin. bui dollam >-

Ik fin f'straor<liiiiiry snlf -no iiioni'y in il '

for ns Ml- assure you - the imitits ami piii'I <if llie cost an- your's
the room tie want ami mui.t have.

.MliN'S Sl'l l^^-Kxcnllcnt vaUivs Koin«
for the pHcc uf an ordinary pair of
ilOVS'JjlTlS-Larne varieiy of styles
and iiaitems. at such low prices that
you should supply
buys for a )-car
to come.
SHOUS - All kimU fur vv. rybod)-hish
urailes./ast year's styles. <»p for a
fraction of what ili.ry arc worth.
RCHHKKS-Hero is where ihe dec|H-si
viiK are made. H you need rubbers of
. ahy kintl. we can supply you_ ai a iritlini* bxiHmse. •

DKK'S (iOODS—Thab arc being dosed
out for just a few cents a yard.
UNPCKWHAK—Humfri.-ilshavc l«u«ht
for next winter. Wouldn't it pay you
to do so?
L.ACKS & KllllKOM)HRIi;.S-Th..u.
sandii of yards from Ic to -5c. f*er yard.
H(^SlER-Y-MuD.lrcds and hundreds of
pairs- almost given away.
S or ‘4 of their regular price.
i MI-lN'S SMIKTS-In white and fand.-s.
i from lad up io5<kr. Wash Shins of aij
] kinds. Bc ter lay in a supply for the
. Cuming sciKun.

tbe Boston Store

Zraotrst dtp I

! 1 . 'i

Tberr «a« at Rnt a aoeeltoe la the
LKal M— W*"!.«»»«■■
«( exBie *bo bed (aeund tola
TtedPVMU. ekrt <rf tt- Hw.1 ailndi
plae B««t b.«nU} w to abetber toe
rUMaco(«fcU«>tr. UTMaTMlBaf aoperrlMire oodM ba«e a ricbt to a|e
lor toto peipoae. bet toe
tb. A J. Anu>U A Oo. pMpl* «( Bt. ______ tuodi
____ laid
i^U, If«^, lb*
ortctaal "f«*or toe
eod b^by^gtoto
rtsb-aaMk” «r<
.»i»d- bto eptokw tbal tl
' *7be‘
*> any
0M« T7%rm-, LMluM ud
ptoo . . >a by
. b7 Um aiUtOB ood Tho4'«
wnmot T«7 ■•ek
tnelble ead
aiM* om* »d rwi lahr; 9100 WM o»ly » •-*» *®p to blrlly roiow
cbwi. la prertdlM BMU (be taohet. bol U helped lo mil dw Th.- r • '
omiBleeloo aad toe
mx-rnoieet balrberlre bare apokea
|gr Mur pfMwtka ta Ub b>«m7. t«rMM o( (be eOBoeiB.
e. or. eerml o«b«« to ttU oltT 111 tbr falcloot Irnat <d toe latereei

tail Tnrersc Hcrall

I l^kr lownehlp. rn b-llh paralyele 8
luddonly alrlrbrti
y riorolag while! he Wae 1a tbr act
riaklag a fire III the auira
K pbralcina ot ^1. city wa. auri.ned UBriedtaiely anre tbe oeriir
on-, and wA-a
nrrttcd be found
r Ihws * h.f' »l4* coriplcicly poralyicd. Ml wae two a
■rk>a>BM>, knd eb<|wr<]
ebilwrd no >lgn ri Inrevived
.tuea lo ihto riettrr aad the alape
aiv larcvi)
1 recoi^jB The e.b beubertea etale
I. plan to rarrlrd ibrtwab.


and Misses

fnaXAB the boot
brABd. A Billion
housekespors say
80 by using it in
proforoaoo to any
othor, but «o want
you to try it and
doolds for your­



It op w tool torir iTlcbd* kbp* oo(fatoc bbial tv Ho«e»»». *he loeol
Peas bed hU
U( wUre tlae to Ik« toboke «o«ld be able to rerebl e few
’entUoT’«H1 be specially
putw.plng. andfbae >.lnce
wt be soBpeoeMed euS ^^UlhMrioe tbetr Itoeofbwlipp!ed in.^bU dally vwwtwo bl« to deroto hU esuf e|roB^wlU. howevet.
>. and an> quaslttlee o( fry o(
beet etoru to bto toilt. Tto 8v Ltoble oaoeerp wv (he
afflliihiir' bravely. Mr.
e<.rt> of Seb alll l>» eenl bar* for I
to MOtoc bride liW tor the ftoto-e rub ocsiod bad eMoeeded to pelkloa of the itreame and Ukee
I'egg U €» yirifa U age and ti 1» very
port (d Hob oobtoeb-Uom Worde. Kac «el wlonere bj oboel el«W »tUrrchaTbue la tbe future tbe vle- dmiblf.ll tf be can recover.
CsKbS^vrA ia Mild bv
Urn dolUti
uf prorldlna tbonxich protection
wife te U jrily^umvlng
ftIMd op
iudaen Cncer Ce. Oiatributei
U to dMtfbod tbM the UrM eoe
Mb Med ahbO piVTMe toM boi
tenner lo Umg like lown.blp many [
pmne for Big Celal
.l^ala. »:• ewlndle «ae eo ‘T”'|" jr,^?S!tiTpto toe .
Mktof to ell e eetorr et tl.«M>
buAe hue alway e U«n
Trarane City Tcol Ho
v.rtn^ counuee aa
rmt. Thto dMbt li enBrieBt to tV (aoed that It doei aot eeaoi P»«“'lal^
n«i bmpliaUi) tolef the Modern Bnomb
make arrange
fonuoniB lu bare mmltag tael week
»loed«eatorUeUBe.»bdthen^ ^oaidMb-to. ^ *^i“;-4reth4frtor;e;
- —
perTtecn ot eeeb wnatr ehould out
r will
‘ooe ttaraltap Brio -bo fteqaaotly |

*-------------beattoU to pravlda (M (here tf the rlrite
fleri Catate Tranafara.
(hU otiy trae aleo a beery to^ '
etalm b
bddMMbl Wdt.
Koeorded by Kagtoier el lleede'Wll.
The ttopoMoeoe (d the aetkib ot the
red U. Warner. Mteian’ of tute.: held tn HMUit'rrg'a Oiand Opera--------________
j*J*Tte*to the
SoetoSide Luto
•utfee to obwheriMd *bee ti to eob- aorillri aBoeata It U . .
tori traralto* rioa he^morefr Co.. parcel. h>i S. block lu. H L. Utcblgan planicl ijt.SlS aerv. of auger
ridved thri thoeiebai cd dotUn an el
iB (hie lhae la tmoke and U wae ^ (-q-, let addliloo: |t&<>.
S73.iS; *
tooHht toto bothare Mtohl^
toreatb thoBitoat Panoae- loel hi.
Tuacola cuuily Uaik the lead lu
____________ ______
A. Sec. t
paar hr aportoM tro» other
W li «
eaivll aBOanle eareral
bulb li.nuaB,- and acreatie but Sagl ' A number ol noted B[Wrikan will be
.17, range lU- i*®®.
llriri bat hewn toll $100 -l.eo tta
irlw J
Siapln. tru.tcc, i
cuuiy waaa^l.«c,l,Mnd.
•TMh eaari. Barefal Uorie be tooagbl Jl.Oge * Ollddon panel, Sec.
bcM i5.unil».iplanii»d over. t.OOU
^ ^
be woald dnw Ua aiooey oal bol
r and rwbiud < over 43.UIM) tons msl ItcutBoat oommandcr. aad Perry
-papea a real baaedt to tola aa
,y. Pow. ca, uirmberol (be greet
gn. parcel. Sec. 11. town fS.rani
bbd the npaatod aad ooaauat rtoto kept aagleoltag It aad darily loot
Travcrecltounu: printed «.a,ro..di.g
UoM vhteh hare beaa eotof oe dertec toaltoadnoot A j-draoladOo oea
a Id IIM'I. andjraleed S7 U>av. e
rid II Ucapactrd
«ba pari year or t»o «tn be atoppedUcai
of Olll A. IriripklD oo 6»-.i^
n>iini> ptanti
1 fCDI> W'
1 a radine ol X ^
Thv aheoM be Mopped, aad toe eo riried
l«*er of Well atm. who waa « bia
■III berei
perrtoera ebooid eld to toe preeerre ■ppan-aod "Bob” Skldtaon. a toat
Alt of uiwud Trib.
tha or oar tab aad saaa by at o
Who bad fcnoCTly often aiUned n awal
.ige uf l>cei» w*ae ^1
IMiiiMlai the toatffBUeaat anoeat
_ Peter
bBriOribe ooald not get IV Tba two
lovuebiii. and all »f U-e
cuunly'a i,ut
bold! riuhih place
«Blrad. It to beltorad toot toto *U1 be
Ut npoo lb. BilriBK of glTtOf lip.
imujbrraliip. and alter i
u'l.wgv 1> lo muiwm-d ai.wurhiiv
deba BhewfiUy,
1 ut Hue claaa U willg:
eo raoea, arid the aoeaepaollog pebUc Mlclilgin *uuia
4i..- augar U«-ij c
me K. Br>wi
Ult tent eitb pUoe >n the etale
ptneedtoeli inooey wlto' t J. Ar 1
Sec. 1. keoi
.a'.iiol large. bul|u tacix-aelug ever}
it „
It eapccled
eapecled Uh« Travet.r
Travetir Hay
oel4 * Oo. •• aod loet wito gloat rag- (I-

For ic-n da>> wt- make thU liU-ral ili>ciiunt tm our emiro stock of ladies'
an»l Mii»st-s' 1 >n-ss Skin* uml Waikin-.; Skin> iu>n«-r«->«Tvrd. \Yv have
an imuMially laf«f variety anil can pii uM-you. The n-»:ular (irii-e* arc
con>-idi rcd >pi-cial values, and with this s|>ccial-di>>couni. it makes ihym

\Vc have jjone ihnnit»h the I Ires* tioiwis Slock a-.:aiii ^nd |>u1K-d out
moreshort ends, whicii arc now on >.ali-at .ll.Vl.F I’KICE



_____ ____

J W Cubba. cl al- it



d the Oraad TroTana "*^*-g*(-riobqat«k"l»daB arttri
Mb of Mra. kaennrd Graywn.
10 write drill •da.aaddrMall orar
. L.-.inar«r r Urajeun. wife i
day aad Tharaday. hlarch II aad 11. the ooBBlry naa oMibay A be plnoed
Sue. ft.
,i«ht. :
■amv date, i
l,.e.>uard tlra>>un. dhui Sunday a
prorilaw to be toe beat aieeUat ot toe
00 (ha reoaa. neoordlog M toe iodg- 111.-.a tii.
Tent Ho. 1S» looig
•n abuvi 4 u'clock al ib.-lr bun
aMcriatlaa a*ri bald. Tba pracnai aeal of toe xld 15 J. Arnold A Oo.
tout MI
cirecl. at Ibe age of 7i year
ta oae a< the Saaei erar airaikad tor And It wne loev that lA U wa. gala

a riaaciBg ri tba klad.
to B J Artrild A Oo Ot oooiaa (ha
l Br>ini to Cbarloa.^ Bry
9Mkara ara laeladad tooaa vhleb MB who tori oaa wad weotd aoi
,1 of See. 1. town «rrmng-i
Iriri v4kIi1
and fur Ibd pnel
aUM aaaortrilna. «ooM ha glad
('ruelrlrb. I
eerie took wIto aaetoar. bni (ha oto
T. Ooodrtch to Mre. P. W.
aaem. Mr. MUIar haa reoatoed
to lellow woald. ae boelnaea gnw
.*rcel. See. *. town «. range
U-Ing tUmirii unendurable. Her'
•piluo CommlUeo—T. T. Balee. \
iatar Irom Mfjer Baaiy A Alrord. dU toe tooaaoe of (Oa •gat-rtoh
.. ... Irilrchlld, M B J. W.
aMri ad toi dally dlrtrioa U — q,lok"aahaMa»«aotod tolto.OOOa “'i:
Marebal to A W- Howard,
auBerur MHUkm. Dr O. E. CbaM. Robert
Odbaf tataa Oapartmant o< i
■ a.
■‘“•'n Santo, Ur. W. E Muon
te. of whlob aanrly $14 000 waa par-el, Sert^MO IM7-*0-Sl. tow$ «.
iiu» buaband and the
ihe parent.
Minta. ad Waabiagtoa.
J -r rtannah.
olaw taoSl to A J. Arnold A Oo.. nnd ^ '*'>ebi> V Ftah to Edward McNam
Li ihe cituld nut be reeiored.
<.X>mmlm>e—J. Catiteh.
MX ttet ha am ha preaeat at the dabdlDMlolbona who aooapaad kUalr
ol 6. block to. H. L A Oo-a. UI
, ibeav
jCbarU-e 'Praebel. Juha i’mlur. Ed
■ irilig OM ad toe taatorea od the
Ad'.' $300,
Nrat-July would have been Mr. and
Matte wm ha Ue addraaa WadaaaI rad H. PibU to Slntta Burden. V
n ia a Mpto of d- adraKlaeri. Gray eon', aecond-wedding an-: iu„,,uui_o««i!c
day oraatag oe Dairytag to Auopa. ___ .a (bay anad (6 eaUb(baaac«
nlveiwaiT. ' Urw. , Grmyeou e nioiher . King and Warren Palmer,
vUto vui ha Olaatiaud «tto ataitop- follovara of dri Mif aeeerdlag lo(ha
father, a el«er an-*

tkaa pdeuna. by Hot. Wav IriatBaa. Kew York dlapatob
... . Je Irik*; 1...
living'at Ktngaley.
Atehri taa (eatora ed too WadeaaV.
good thiag .will be eat Ipoee to­
at tbe U-dilie when death came.He endurf! B. H Of N. W
te araate prograa wUl ba the adinerfGeorge V. B>S bae been
irid bar been with her daughter furt ladiborla Ml by Abe MoStnle;
tnley Memo­
draaa hy C A. SbaMl. aawiitaia adt- an to -one will be -toe loweet odde
ilUi« and wBa to Epb___.>(<latloa (O reoatre
ir* .oSerltifi
tar e( the Onaga Jodd Panaar. Ha et your Bcaey down and pliuge «: (U i V. LtadennBn. 8. H of N. H ol the pail two.woeki
held for tbe memortal to tbe local
Ion poet
funeral -K-nice*
«iB (put «poa -FamlBS aa a gnat la IlmlV Plunge! Plunge! Plnoga'!il S 1. li. See. *0, lown *7, r
; ----------------------------■‘-•ttlo
< to be
I. each
I- atternuim at I u'rlivck fruni
harisaaA*' aad hU addraaa will ba ed
____ of II. In retnr
“Tou caat tool oor 'elocken.' Bar*
tbe reeldenee on Park etreei. Kcv. U. iwreoo making aueh
D U to re
apaelal latarM lo yoaog aiaa and
wbal *B6py' IriTa dineovarnd In the
>ir ri (be;
foeblln uAclaicd.
T-mi- tm toe potat ed riea of toe gray dawn yeatordny: Lying
Jdra. Orajwon wa. very popular iad
teaa ad a ptaoUcaJ odaetUoa. A alfalla Inalde too trgpi. he eai
ThA I'iaa ha* U* enGir endoree-'
mhnl of Ibe iioeiriBee departmaal, and
■ ailII- ad toe older papUa ed the ble door open and a borae eoi
Uer bvr mairrigo- Her early duakb U i* ho|wd by Ibe aolicluitoo of tbeie
ted by a Jockey to ble .tore clotl
III be
unlranally nb*orl|Hioncuooleae npretr aooe tbe
Tba trained wai bablPd • •
nwiterri (be railing ri Ue money retm, Mom A progna hrtriUag with oa all aldea tor eplaa.
qalred for (be menorlal. ao that tb*
........ ................
■otallna may
pro< 1 viU tl
•aad ttla^ Boa. Frad A Waraar.
“Aa baton nBiarttad, our -oloeken
k of iu ereetioa.
•aantey or Btau aad
know toalr butoaaa. They an wUe
Now Ual Ue appw.|rt-iait<« fur the
to oTery Do»a. 'Heapy- ^ wai to a
L-rament bulkllng ha. been paaeed
wa rraebed ibis city last
sad newi
tain to go
and wife lo Jai. B. and eveotblng to
tna aad eanriit toe eUrV 'Dopy'
.ugh. ft to tulcreeliue tu. knuVi we k of tbe dealb of Ward H . tbe
and w«e, 8. W. U ri 8. E. UDaVe had bla
toa Qaarter, Ttokar'
son ol Mr aad Mn
Mr* baaiel
an.'. N. W. H of 8. E. H. See. 1, town ...I Ibe furUer atep- toward Ibe tnfwel °M>^'ol~Mr~aad
nt toe halt 'Nony- at tbe ulh
Deklns of SraUle. Wash Little
erv-ctlun ri-Ue building wl
V. range >; $1. '
to. 'Oehri a lillta. aad baarly ead tatter toaa toe ttoie baa
uid and wa*
a brlahv attnMsre rbl
............Ayree and wtfa to Cbai
Ibettifa ri Pehenary.
... 4iwt pretarp.plan. ________
aieel. Sri. i. town «, n
fere been mnda oe toe tnek.
I *iM>cificaUonila fur tbe IbV.ouO Mr*. Hektn* .wbo was formerlr Ml**
-Caa you beat tolfT
Dt-ced on the eieeiicnt Bertha Hadden, ha* a host ot frtende
building to
-And tbe boree? We pa
<rr uf Braie and Cnu here wlio will monra with ber tn lier
rinke tot blggaat ktlitog ud toa year
•Irveie Uat line btvn aecneed through deep sorrow. ^
tbe -t(.lHtO''Bpprx>prlati.iB made by '
>bia today.
a tte yM win be '<Get ta ce toe game at on
\4 of government and Ihe generosity of
clltoens. wtio have advanced the i
ad to a jtege. ' It wQI bp
flUno ihit.had to be paid for
(Me on toa Utaky-for hlB. Caa you **t'!^n«»e t Ort«B to Jullua E. Al- _________ Tbew
intioo for *u—
.plan* and ipccldca■elltapM ^R.
btot tote? It la ae eaiy an (di*11ag a. w lou 10 and U. block $. Bay Bide Uun* will, ibeu W- - -1011110Udiler*. and Uere '
(by tor a Silk boUla.'
that the work of rroctlng
TeoA huadndA toouanadt. yea. tana
Hoigee. K. W. U of N. B. U. Bon. '’will be let by conlrart ui lucnl bidder*,
od dollan would roll to
ugder the .uperytalon
gorerntt. raag* $; MAIM.
I neck ttpa a. toaat: baV alaa. there
___ -Natluoa] Bank to Ptodertek meni builder.
Thli to IM« la wwrih ortoytoh
Wbetber Ue bblldlog
to BO “gray dawa trhO.* Than wae Pnriblleh. panel ta Trarora* City;
•d <bto *nmmri $r not
ohonn. Than waa no-DopT Derr Mio.
?or lA&itU *Ad GUUiM.
Considering Ue Worn
or “Haripy" Sari or “Noey," or aay
tea yaarr'io"dto abnad baa toa totog Uke a laadrlpa etoeb.
o OaaU Near Kinpalty.
base done, eepeclplty Ihr TkiKUYH RmAtffipBNiU
ate or the aaaoriatlaa geM toat
ompllsbod by Mr IWrragh. Than waa aototog. to fac^ tow
Mika Mynrw died luddaaly PH
say that there will be i
rriilliat Htnar hw raerirad ti
banad op acriey oo toe p« ri ton day al her home In ZolanA abonl fire aeedlem udelay*,
hod Ue nancy w
In trm WaeemM tngaidte t
i^Ilc. And toe tooet aaloondtog part Bllua aaet of Ktagiley
be foRhcomlng M *<up a* possib
tta. aad te wrttte toari to aaad
: ft aU waa toa bard aad-bCBaap aa boum loBBd bri elUtag ta
Ha wrola a few day* ago lo Mr. Frai
Ote thvteh. aa Oiud Tnrane A imtee cd^a Uptuia.
Hamilton eUttng Ust Ibe
(>»' OTaTBOP MR^ioaK-TtoFV^WCWt
bar thimble on her Inge*.
the site would be here a -Wa told you ao." they would howl, w£m>M In death.
She bad been marrted u> : Ir. Myere ibiKigbt UI* week;
ta hlacklnea type. H'a Iwo to <*a ahot
While all the inuney ha*
but a abort Uma. She Hred o a tann anced
“Tbla.wBa our good thlft^^U oppaetie
■- hnam—I sad Ik*—. Pr—rat.
the ciDe_Ute by bar former
laou Bride noBey nnd an amokA Tteiar Bight, aad atea tba
a waa faU to toa d------ —~-

Oama Wardtn A

pattte any aO.
itwlty «d aatettoaaa noatra
■(riiiw On aagrafud word.
MB ad toaa
ri toad toa raaaoa ae aaay paepU
at aaauaad to •Bttte held od Oed
to to« toar ham toto haada fan ak
nato ri tot thtoto toat they an aa-fa appitod tea to
> an aot ttrlag
to to toto prtTOtgi ai wan aa

a* been tranafarrej. thto ha* been
faunband Bolomoe
a-ltm to tbe geoertaily- and ta
where a
stead many yeaiw ago, a
tat a few elllsen* hare shown
tpeni nate all ber life
matter. The riub*ci
to Ibe Grand Trararae n..—
Tba tanernl took place at Eelabd
Sunday. Ue body being tatacrad ta
rife Lake cemetary.
e geoeruMly. of t
Dastti HelL

__je appoUiad to hart apeclai
yet be-------------oh. but they *
a a M. CtareUad died March H■ at
• of the protooUoe ri gaan In
Ue pVopi'r
‘. and they a
« eouoUm ri Grand Trmrorae, 3rd at the home ot ber aon. E M. •ubtlra* be ready > “come
u aad Booale. aad that tbe Nortbrnp ri I®$ Garfield arcoae. at
ould pay ban ri tin mtary ri
I CleTaland'i bnsband bn* ban
or (Dcb warden It the (brae
Will Soofl for Ghureb.
for aoma Ume and A burled tn
I tniaraatad wonld pay the
-ood eametery. Mr*. Oari
- The Biljuunied buslneu meeting of

chureb wa* held
the atepmoUer.ri Bapritln
od the mall
iday evening,
eretand ri UePlfU ward-TI
for Ue
of final
lu artgu ta tha mtade ri Mr. Danu
at I0;$0 tram Ua iwatdaooa. MI Gar- <^nrt± w*{ taken
aad the Bneord'e etty
_____________ lere- to hare ..
ttee hB( apared ao «
ported, but the eommUtee oa plan*
tao te
were am ready te repurv and aaoUer
_________ np to tha
mratlag will be held at tbe call ri Ue
fiehoel Repo'tOraad Trararta. Leelanau
ratan l$M
ttaport ri Ue Bamaay l.Uool. Dto- ebairmaa ri KTeeon
flnancra reported
(n No. 4. Grant township. The lol..
loertng papU* waea pmfaet ta deport- --------- _ Ibe fcondlng systam. for­
propoeed by Prank Wetton. '
telito pardmaty mda Braap h« the pniuctoa of Sab aad teameat: MamA EArl. Jobs Ramaay. merly
Papll* barteg Ugbast atondtag* oa ax boad* to be seruf^ by s Baortgage
' atlem. Altaa Bsmnetv 6ebla Bam- :Ue ebnreb. The report ri Ue e
Tto dtoaoM ne ariate to ato
mad Uto plan will
Btoa that bni baco
RAe Caster and Orovar Castm imKtee was adopasd.
to to the torto aodtaaaa. aad ri <
Blaliw moiey for Ihe new
Be aara that out ri I— .
neither absent aor lardy:
riaao ri ton aarriaa toan WM aa ri
Ida he will pay (MO to_______
t maa to look an«r the tab aad
Mate A toa bmiriiaV wWto e
ae ri UA aaelloa. Be had a te
■Mriy SBad A aad Aier II aato
Ik wtU Mr. EAma. a

You all NeedYou all Have
to Have...

WhOa Hr. Tlwter hri ratonad
iiilirrttii ri tba p

A tomrtdsrail a toto dlrtlkm.
Mr. Dame ray* Ual be
> the plan ta Laelanau
tmaray. ana b* win be maktag a trip
aoen talo BenxA raoMy lo era the
p»Ti1n.>i there a* far as. possible.
Oraad Trarssa* eoanty. where Uc
tete ri toa cartatoa ■teWktiiaaeat
always randy *
ftorilad a toto Atria
^ tor Ut bast tatarasu ri U* eoanty. H
toterilMCAto. Aratyprrilyda A Uooght Uat tbera win not be the
K.VSte A tem pi. wa.watoriod. Tha Ansi treabA ta asewrtag Ue $IM ap- Ally in stow ri the
■k rite ItolU Mr. Itow a toto ri
vast I
■B^Bb te te wte to ariritte tod U*
eon-.,_________ .___^


___ ---



nrroe cosu Ara. not mar*. U
brtweee Leri aad oil to betwran: It
to the riAtaaUonsd palav Bol stoe
batoemn-ta. Etae loagbera wUu
lead. Dame Ready Patat to U* patat
U t ’teota*”DeT **2ra^nri^ ^ *
la three year*.
Toare trwly.
P. W. Darot A Oo.

Sels* -RomI Btoe'
0(.)O (hoe for neh will
^ttio you and otben arho
you n-eartne h.
To ter-Royal Bte“’’ AI evidence of t(
................ .................. - .
price for which a good etyliib high clta*
can be boughL
Mato Vr»*l».to>wa>»(A,ChAnw«h*Ate ■-A.Wra M


■| Hi; <>!-l) KKLl.Mil.K.




At the Lowest

^ood chance to get a supply
of winter reading cheap atthe

For this week we win sell

Citv Book Store

Victor Roiled Oils, reeuisr
lOc pkg.for................ *c
Hilt-Too FI$kn,retol$rt5c
Pkg.for- -'- - ,........... 9c

Free—I lb. pto. Flikod 8ro$kfi»l Food.

^mmm Groc'e'ry
Kei2.«Lg .ss'Sy


Cs. Still nt um.
Bp. Wl Mute lilt ftniim

’Township Caueua.
tarn cnndldst— fw tovnitop «ibr«v* ta tb*

Trsvorso City Market*.


We are offering a big lot of
nice, fresh, new stock at 25
percent discount duringthe
balance of January to closf
before Inventory.

Take a took
at our Bargain counter also.

Horses for Sale at

The Pioneer Livery
3. IBorflan^
Arrived th is Week, a fine carload
from South, part of State. All
used to farm work.


Some match teamt weigh 2200
to 2700, a few big draft horses

-------------i '’
gL'5aiy^.*''*^.ir s

New HacHne Shop.

teawat aad wlu am
Uai a eompa
.1 maa li prorUad.
lithe tore.o... .
iBWard raAtag Ue i
raqulrad. It to pn
Oraad Trarane o
e $10<.

Every man his
own Judge—

Groceries Big Bargains ■Books


lURii.a u taa.*i Itoorb^p B..

Rtlidbl^, and Popular
Diy Goods and Clothing Stoit.

£is:silKs£'?£.-^S $5.50


tag good rigan today.-

Both in Drrssand
Walking Styles

ea Court Btrrav Md U will be In.
ed 0( rapidly M’poasible. Tbe a
Inery constou ri two utbes, a |'
key aeaier. boiler
- ller working
aad Ibe oUar maehtaery
to ta
a in na ap«i>daie tehlne
*■ Hsnara
SMSV who
w>o will hare el_
el _ _
Ala* shop. Is In Elk
it, bat will retm S


<md*onlte' and art ap Ue mnehtaery.
. -.___
work Ul -bh dene ta Ue shop an
UI ernryUtac A art np and ta pnrfaet
mmdlUim. wUrii will m b* tor Urea
weeks or a (rtinU. probablyTO CTirss A COLO iw oini oat

A few single drivers, also a few
cheap farm horses.

: - I
Drtiriv Match IL—Vbsat I4C aoi
TtAc: eera. 44Ac; rats te

Ttee. Marri U.-Wbnat. Tie:
Math 11.—Wheat.
«n^e; te Mtoe; pork. $UJi;



CnMJnTcric BoikL

The CatUag Poattry Shaw.
Ptoai arc aU paafaatad te Iba peal>«M ild* al 3. W. HIM«r-«fsr-.
• waiatiiiaw aexi *e tta Pw* ByabewpotabMdeeMwaak latba
MM* tmllmdtnBk. U aU keort Boaebay balldtog. «««« One aad
•4 cal. UMtaUr. »d lk« twcUcn Bnis aunt, by tba Hntban MleblVMkll ibM bcU It tea temiUBf pac Poaltry mad Pat Btoek Aaeoter
e*w «paa tb* timet cbUI tta tan *nc
Brary caa latcmttd ta poalBy
talalap to larlBA to mke ea exhibit
plaoM to npptat it. A flM «w
•4 tbo Ptac Mmrqmotte Back UaDdmr sad rlali tba tew. PaU pnHeaton
Le«. med ton ect ttac vheb tide
of tta taUdlac.
aamd pacta cf tbiavaak’t Hatsld.
A lta« 1<« Bmlc «B* tacklac toward
Aaa ealalr«aa It balnp teatad
Bw bar at d:^) o'clock, with
rtlab wll
oactr Bat aaa abtad. Ttan
cceclAmbU tena aad ee tta Pro
araci arowfas. aod ebe fr«t amok*
c( tta knt flat ear 'jaapad M ibe


- $tijm


Working Onrtlma.

CcBBlec Co

Elcbt bour laws a-r

farlek work and t hr tar a
sia»-l raf of the faelory bvildlafi lo
A E. WUaoe. tta- cocrmeior aa<f
>. 8. Aycn ha* (he eiairari
emv-auax. arhlch trill be baiiB aa (be niBdllkiB of lha
aniiiad IB iho aprlnk »'U warrmal 1L
H. J BraUad Iba
a. la h>ra asil la mdy to
etarce of tCe work of tba tao
Ba U a praniaal Baa of 2A
^ana' axrarlaeea rad ooawa^lb^thr

fffi !i


bti G. lirlfbly of Wrxlord (me
of Gnat i.nnnbip laailr bl< anti
rmnil with Coanly Trraeiirer
SK-ward Ible aflrrooua.

rtt of atrikm an- tart
Twvt- ae aa lodUidual dl>
e syilra. Orrraork lo«e
-nous teneiuD •in !«• fell
111 par. <inlr>a a rw
rrtnr-lv U iBOmlUttl) .-iL
Tbrre-e I

ia obaraT^Sr mttel^lcal depirt

•anitarluai ChanpaDr. A Oortia of fiif Baplda. baa
arefaaaad m talanat la the Onntd

tbe liaken la Cta cact wail lofon la cbaipa of tor.M P. ttariayar dUagUM teai (em^ Trararar | .1
cdOM feolldlat wen e«t off ostbtb* ,»
■L It dlepr
r tpr (be ai
fUca of Ban CB Bm conan aodlor
t. J V Pal
baUdioc toppled onr. tbe roof
—a tw Wn.»r...guaranlrod by K
ataklac aatil it waa aapportod br tbc ebl. tiia r irami t bona aad wtu da-jM
fntatara wUbla mad tba flu caca ap roaabia nlira ilm lo tbr nmtan | .g, ^ty. mod H to Hobto. P P. bat- M.-ade. I>n
mat of Iba nainnma.
Maoy >m-1 gu
O A Brlgbao Irofc
dU and
IroB lha eo
oa wbtob tbxMwbanfaU
Tlatan ponut loiprormnta are a
lyoatatda ibacitp^^Mr Brighaai arUing
od. Tba doeter will to
oa ml UrawB. Frmek Hyde of Oar
wk. ibrousb lha
Arid totraabl^poold col go. tat n ta
acea ac poulbU and tba balldia* waa
itu .rf }..iir
i-f. If Uirre It u»
Bartoy vbo i
tbaa bate-rroa MJtv tartbar.
B who bu utnl
lairn-Mtalha boapttal.
to taka a pou gtsdaUa oocrar ta
tluatad 'Tba baildtac waa Dteapiad Obingo aad wlU prabably go ten both of whom WlU be in Deirotl
aarly ta ApHl
Jadg. J E OnaipbsM of UsIb—
-n Ibrtr mulia. such aa s.
BoceiT noooatmlad the Urand TreeI. bnliKiiSl.
rrta drUgm^lloo. mad B to^t-^^sod srii
s dy»i>-|o.ia. h«».l
aaaadl lOO and |l ddO
: arh.-K, derp-mdem ff.-r)lrg.. Mt-.-|.lr«A nod
____________ - ,______ lore--—In fart, any lr>iUblr r
. .
Tba ten to tba batidlaf. it la
•nb :hs acaarh or llrcrT This i»«ll,
Mwabt, wlll.BM aseaad lido tboBfb day wna jm larggly
glial dral of iataaaat waa mffnifaatrd
Will Patnior Biiat.
] ba» Wn s.d.1 fiw tnani >*-ar. .n
Id ihr awwilogt mod all vbo atn-bdrd
A Mtllioo 1. bsitgetrcul.irdln/hs ■" rttilUoJ e.«ntplf-. anl wr »l»h i..
tea ihla oily nport a rery dcr tiar.,
iy ss»ii.g«.atOf.w. Ulus slyo«bUr<''"rsp.n.d mill. >ai. and s--nd
. .
... .. |.
.. ......
ftk«. .tP r.tat
If yort
Batrrml plan t did aot tan- A-Irge(iior .tr
.d. ....r
n'lr ....Lk
II g'tro.nsola l.iwushlp
Mc taePF ihai wara axia-etad. aad Ibit
■ 2.’.
tatarfrrrd wUb tb.- rrgator (segran.
-an'. v,\' ba>r. nr.
1.1 Ihnt
tat It waa OBda op with ioproapla mils
falling It a.|. wmir'bl
The Oil] has pnsMd talh hoosrs rad -kn,nn
Is the ma’l.-r wl>h y.
Ihr nnrmerfot his onto .ni-in- »
Mr BlUar ctataa that ta Uku a tar>
-hs twtlliou Is hriDg rim- Tlir 2.S ram siir o. . lusi b<
taCa Oimogra did aot tare IhUr
•— --- ‘ rrorlTlog dii'-d U‘l» >•*1
aiaur opcelaf. bat doaa eol ap^ora raprax-nlatlru prraeai
*!ud it
• ■ -is,r«aim. AI Jm C. John.
I iigusiBn-s of II
of Uila klod. Tlw Iccc will all fall
Tba malar work. iMlndlng tba in
'Oiv<-n^ Wo«m11iutt. N’J,
- inti lu tbs
It oily.
.<1 urrebrati
epoa bla aa tba vaiaboaaa u e« rMI- ttUllocof Id new maabereand tl*
propmr. uaad aaa of tba proa^ttoad proprrty.
b /hr ao
dertag thr day. IIn
KOI el tba laaM- la tbu tb.' mad I
I bMd. vMob was
t>- bald rapaaacibU l
tirj torgaly ali'i dad. AI tbs ragulsr
Hag aeoM of thr loplea cerBearo
• -Tta Three BaM Paying Ctopa
I’aiem lealher sIi.kv tliat are
tlcrla pilr ct utrior pUiai la tba oa«l
'^ "
___ _ l*roiirr
aide at tba balldlac
.lldlac wnaBi
at leant
;<wly S2.50
WblU anoa of tbaec war
•ard by
ahall.' ol, Mr. Hlatar cMiidort It alwhirl, a
BMt Biltacalnai tbu ao ueay of Um- a
____ . ••Orange
p tandlod hy «
Ttw cu
crcabal rlfbl
Wc are M-lliitK f'c
aad tbaa wara throve
|ueiiic»l and uiosi
Satin calfahuct
fa* of
•luraUeSlumai ihi>
cavcpti'-nalli ‘well,
wara brokao.
>ua of tbna
pwaa (rred by Mrs. Clarn
made, BK-c Uvlcr
>0 feat with
UirovB lee or I
,ut!il cveiye-bci
Isiary. acd oca- waa plekad ap
.’rkdlngf nod tault
;lml here at ASlki
with tba iraa aanpUialr daaul^b•
Shun that fit nicel);
r Banbers of lbs cJffrrrnI Ui
r ]»icc ad. bat tba plate aattraly BBea}arad.
M Of -Tbs
“Wlra^-- *"*'^*^
hradlad by
■ ycu.
>tast tltueClip, n solo
1st of
lAivaa gtrao by tolllir Woo . a dart b*
toHlia Aaaa Basbal af Utava aad Pasl Jaekaoo and Elan
by Ur. rad Mr* TWIinu,
gowl value fur the nioney. Uur .-^bsoltnelr mIhI
Mr Wllllaa BaelialMg efOadarOlty liana br Mr*. Aay 6ragn>lH*'r
t«.ceonly $^1.60.
BBtlad la narriaga n Bandar Mapy RIaok. ud Mrs Oardorr
AI Ita regntor tnorilng. Harold
by Bar. A. Bablaar af Ormaa Bapldc
. only
KnsaUad spexs on "Tba Parasr rad
> Poraatara ball
A giril drml
thr Oanoleg Paetory.”
Belbytjtot paopto warary pepator. el lotsrasl was sbevni. aod Ilia nroaMr. Baotaltsr la a ggoaprscas-Msr-. pnl 1s rafy farorabls for asoariog a
Marfelottffnd all kVndi of haul
ehact of Usow Ouy rad to wall torga aaraagi- U-iw«ti Ibal plaat rad
kb., ka $1.25 and ffi l -50kravB Tba aaannoay waa parfag»..d
ling of PoaaaaUraBgi
Tbs aaxt
at d e’eloek aad waa fellaarad by a will ta ^
Ptie take dariog the
Otaad March, wfatah araa tod by Ar,y aad Tbaraday lo
ibBT Baanthal aod Hla Iraaa BtslaTbew vbo anaedad tta laaatiBg
ten bars wat* O A. Robarmn -and
■ta groan waa tod andar te asaepy Vila. Obartoa Irlab aad vtla. Mrs
J. Baraabn M Daarolt aad tba
da waaalkaadad by bar tebaraad
U mofben tcll .ui our ahoes for
ibar. Hr aad Mr*. Batel of
kiWtgo me'
•aarch Is Usalsas.
Tba bpldnaald vn 'MIm
flaptrrlaer to t. Orrstood of tba
Mlaeto toaaarai aad tba be« oaa
rUlb ward aad Oaorgs Para aada a
totals Bcsbal of ttonclt.
Afur «ba aaaaauay a vaddlag
tre |iroud or tbit tcliulalion
par wac aarrad ka H gdnia. Masto apptarad froa V. Poud's Oaap la
inlenfl to tcU only toch thi>e<
aad daaalBf warn aa>oyad atoo 1ff(rr
few the youni; mlk'a feel aa will
te aaomcay aad a taa Um aajoyad.'
;l«nl to keep up our re|iataiion.
Sana Balkta waa oaatar of eantta

A bU
dlaain baa taaa tiad
vUh thd aaawlr ebrk of Alloa PalH
■hcraa Mar^ Palctpbar. .Ptati *
Ocala an abaaitonaTt
lb Orwaaaral of

Ucooln aod


• '


Du waaal flablac ten tba «rlat
■dU dan boa taffwa aad awameta larn
B at ban *a apon aad Ui
rtm tba nctan froa tba brid«r.
a«l«haa brea (miaad for Prad
Min bp owed Bawwla to aaad bla
■nMata taka tba atll batbe lar
iMIan Ba WlU ba Ukaa than

AMU tea 41fcatahac-»aaafllad
■ ttcflOMM Marti aOa^ Bllaa
L UAU'iii «a tap L B^atca aa
Mftateda «r aaBccw araalip.
I nniiii ii ita ilBiiaar


for the

M na our Opaca ball
kite. It to tba daaltaaflbe
taMbanic oaa Bf tba toadiM
IP aaawB af tba caaata.

AU MdtoV nwtb af Bdaawaod
•pa. indaocbfd a mall part af Bo.
«w ihibn It tea te- drift lea.

1. 9. Baamb im«bt
bnl MU. aad bac bad tb
ta Me qwUif teat tim la
Una. Itaw be bac coU tbc catln
alU ODD baUiato. U
will alaaa ap a
bmtadfnmepCBncdcal. Tba patena Ban bante te >ba J
paa^bpUr. Ptahte


Work Shoes

Men’s Rubber Boots.

Special values at

'50c to fiiet 6 to S, tprii^ hefl..

Daath of MieMga" Ptoiwtp.
Hr* Bllntapth Wabar. wba died
tetartey at tta bam af bar
Vabar. la Hayflald town


Alfred V. Friedrich
Seller of Good Shoes
the Old Stand

Opp. Herald Office


adtaietta dn aad took ita.
tta hlad leg Hr. Omdbny. who
atblrtlo Baa. valgfalDg
cwopg- ■
o pall.
Me ta


nuthifi)! skim|>y in


surpriuetl m

Karuiinu jt>u ever saw

full swirc;). .ill ■ lengths

the'makt-uji or ijuality;



course, we jiavc Iwttrr ones- -be ulad to show you


those, too—splendid valuiys at SI J>u, .$2.Ul. $2.-’^in.
Sil.**" am’l up.

• .





The CorM-i


iieiiinn your >]irinj! ouilit.


M tires*, will not lit smiKiihly or look nice /iver a jNMirly
Iitiidj; or shajM-.i! corset.

S]>enil ti*mc cnoii;;ii in select-

■»/! your corset ti>tfel one ihui is best a(kt|>leii (u your

The syim

anil less stout.


can Ixi maile to look neater

il>e slim (lerson

mailc to look

Hhmi|> by tlie'-pro|H.T selection of the corset.
the ]>ot<iflar makes are here.

[ij si'lehtlid seller and a must satisfactory



Most of

The American Lady is a
one .io buy



i; Jl geed Hat of bolf doUir eorstts.


Apr./ Aacter #an.


$100 ptr ftar |

Hyar* fox
toi by tta SI
' Tba bacitaca af tta Baste A Lay
taanacUs O* tar te ym KOS abalfox. Ita olbM a kaa gtat oas
ersd all tanar raacads, aad weal —■*—( ptt w> fer lha nto of Ita two
M.COO bayaad tta raeerd af IKll.



Tta Aaoal ynr of te cenpny
Msnd Vito te toB tf Pabeaary. aad
> anil tan te tta soapton Agsm bar* }aai I
' Ttalstol nto* aaaosMM
•am nMtadu»«T
good* aad citetog.

te« to to* dry

ly raMfylag. vbito te cato* to U

PniiW Ban wbabaaa

Mn.dK>. a*
toai year.
V Bllrirf ntlrad Is tsa aUy as
Tbacbovtn toa *My
■aate. aad baa abaady
aaa. aad U

te te balldte M Iba T. O . to A


M weak as tta Use Is akes
Btak* to SPiU karr a Cam af stoat
• nnn wte. nd tto maptol
te pnMa* to tto ally md tta torlap
Mte tell will to psetodw npidly
Sairta* mtoranld*
Ind cf fte*. aaactoMag af naafccay,
napton iiiAtoinc H toaapamd i.

All (irotpcctitt auit bnicrt
tooDid ace our new apnng line
bH-we tnvetting. We have (he
•otibiect. The Boaion Suwe.

Half the voyage t» where you get good, Aotir.^
Carrie*, lou lo Crood BfCad wiihoui fxiluie. Whrli
I, thari>eT Aoui rxiinoi be made.
And the |*tce « jo
tractive aa thr Iwead. lt‘« a prettr |«o« cook that Can't lave
ait-1 <lelifiht the tomilv w th brea.! aia4e frioi our
•■BllST" FiJJl'R.


■ VOfM.

\ -



MI' Hir.AS

a w no Substitute in Drugs »


With n.

Onr preacriniiona


t. At ymr I

It is the best all
around plow on
no breaking
the beam on
stumps or roots
We carry a full
lineoffritm im­
plements. That
is one of oiir
strong lines. Now that spring is so near at hand there are
many articles you will need. Better get them now and have
them ready to use. It is good money in your pdeket to have
good farm tools always on hand.


pore aad cPia[ioBn4ed with Ita' tn-

OvSiTtifs DepartiDest

nmt care.

We hare a repBlarioe

to nato-aia in ihia duectios aad
uke ao chaace*


te}IM WU

~ .d I____ iwB.».to.. i g5j^f*s.ea«cft:



:i_l_ THE BEST”

The phreicua't

Goaramcc both qaal ty aad qnaa.


We have some­
thing that' can
not help but in­
terest you. (t is
cailed the AMER>
I C A N F I E L L>
FENCE: some
call it the Panel
Wire Fence. It is made in different widths, so you can have
your fence any height. Inputting it.up you just unroll the
fenemg as you go and nail it to your posts, and-the job is
done. This is all made-of smooth wire, easily handled, ab­
solutely no dangerto the stock. The meshes are smaller at
the bottom, so that small stock cannot get through. The top
wires are ‘‘kinked” to allow for expansion during the diferent seasons. The manufacturers are selling five times as
much as last season, and the sales are ■constantly increas­
ing. It sells a little higher than barbed wire, but'whenail
the advantages are considered, every purchaser who has
seen it so far hastaken the panel wire. Wa want you to see it.

ftUed with drticithai are abaoliuely

mrt ar tha vena.

Mtetotortbarawarlatekar I


Ever Use the Olivet Steel Beam Plow?


Ond Vaarb Bninaa*

i*a(«ba dm cl
af Ha-'

terta cf tba Bcardwaii yrawwday. rad
did aot rareaJ ray uaeaa
alsalng ora.
enrebad Ita lopglag roads lover
dowa. aad la lbs roaSs ttaanlras hs
■adam dlseoranas Aboel a alls
aalev tta forta. tawarar. ta fonod.
aoBta dlslaaea off ihs read, a usok
(bat bad ban Bade earli
earlr la ibe wia(bal
tar. and ta
ii for--------i

-boat tatf a alia
fentar ta
nan Aboai
a '
faaad Iba traek agala, Iml aeald aot
ralpaltoe. Ha
follow it te

ami bar baabaad. AataM Wabar.
lag ttac* to IIU. wbara tbay
olawad «p a Am faro. Iba vn tta
■altar cf tn ekUdm, all Unag bat
papdoerbeg cf 41 ablltea aad
•giaadaeter cf IL Tta Arc Beaal attar ha bad waadetad froa Ita I
rend ce lb* afinrBOce wbao tbr cMna
orwrtook hiB afiar ta bad toft tta
nap of W Pooad
p. aad Oaerga aad Aaloaa Tta aaaw to cull deep ap Ibe BcardAllans aeuiy. Ibe fear i
■ao to pUoes while at oUmp ptoeas
an ^f* Paler Halan of Tiarem tba gfoaad u bars. Hr. Para Iblaks
----------'BQtobs lakn wbac tta
ouy- Mr* AaaU Btaa af Altogaa
eeaay. Mr* Harmte Hdbeadfcp af
Kni aaapir. aaff Mr* Jslto Hesarfeb
A Valwabla Cateti.
atMaytelA Aagato* Wchw. ber baaBd Hyara rad Jao Oadhaey^
baad. dtod faar ynr ape.
AtlgbM*Jte rabbit
os a fei trail Tbeir
waa bald
-------- ad
thindn la
parsaad two fesos to thin
te to get at tba fesaa
MpyAaldapdar te duaottn of Ua-

Btera ban pada te taaatotoff

Bte Me indtoff pane af i


Children’s Shoes

mate MClan aad aeacduaa la addl>
n a taa baa af mteaa Amapa-

Wci Aim Bamta af nia M« bn
nacMff-dtaidai ttanfawaotal
nn M Iba antnrta. -TbrAteatloa'
tete to ka ba irwaaiiil la Mr. nnammt omaan noath ay Iba On^ Un^ tebaal abarac aad toadtac

Its the lincst


Bo^s* Shoes '

.the Best in Town,


Not much of a jirke. but > bu
at the skirt.


Men’s Shoes

; Shoes


A MU (era Mkacaa baa baaa alad I
m aaaww clart'c afltaa by Blau
IbMa va Aaaa Btaala of BtM

M/ar Peltimi


Clrcutation thie
this .va..




Ileadaebr aad a
aad Itovrl Irocbloa
eafr. eurr Only S6r
unis Store

cMnoy ftal tet Ibare U BoUiiog la
Uwitactboftbc balldlat 'Wbaa iba
baarjr aala e( lagf vac daailp Mcf-


a!va>a U work, olght aed day. rorlBK

We waat yoar pmeriptioa

S.E. Wait & Sons

CO.! I
t eiTV. MIOH.



Grand Traverse Region.


OblMCe an
M Mm ■
a»i>i«-a. Mn U Kawt.


%'Mb«ri tpmi Sa

B^lA geadaa ailsndad A* tMf*y to * J*
bnor of HW- B*stef* birtCar *<
BMkai Oraak datanUr osaalOC
| ■ ,
Mias Bhrf* HasUan aad Mm

fw^ tm
o' T.

=; et'2? tLSSr^TuT^

foaiM (irawa
rtd IMM tax •adaaatar aal ‘~--~

____ T™*wa toalw TMtj la* vmI
raAtacKAa advoTA*
___■ Omm if hM* for a (a« la^i






Art Hrava la a UMls Attar AAr

a Mf a^' Mm
dapiac. March
••--‘I». aaaa.

KMtm aZ^TJoKM.
Qmmam Iw lakM Ifei
tea aMtkw 7MI.
Hm Ow. tdm • mA'i bmM

panr at Barbas Oknk Balafdaj aan !


L«kr W«a |a*awl. Tba aab>
ram- tM Uiraa lMt.)a7iaf[ cro|ia «« 6
ad la U>U aaa*u« *a« otaaad b]

Ml. M« Km. Wa. Om

•r- (Xtj ------------- Ooaaaa Dosia* vaal M Tlaaatas
Ir. OasdasrABU Baplda ^ ban^‘*7 Tbarsaar n baalaoaa'
iHwAsan Anbwfsra Av Ara
anar in*ada baa* aad at
aad Vila of Tna.'
Laam Ball* liivit bona.

1. B



Ibar Hl«bl sal Itaal uc tagpa vbleb labarvMB aal Aalr BlM AM

CA ewaa*
Dally aaereiH- U bol a all

bbU A/riaam* vert
■111 Bt 6iwd Harbor.

N. r.


mitm 'Oa , -Buffi
m At Ueit

Ttan of ntftaAp nlUtad A a
alsbi. IiebAp idUa yUU al oBea a


B Blaekvtied of BAcUa te
vlth bit fbBlIy.


DaU fobUM baa -Abn Joba BooH'i WMk
OU. .
loos lb a. B. Bark*-* alMva Hr
AM iniila A B« *D Vaablai
^ vnk VIA Ua pamia. vbo '
JA* Bobvan Ubarec tvo tea rev
■aka it ibalr boM oai vaat.
beau balll to* Ao eoalof anm
. Beuar of Tmvaa dir
TbaablacU mil vlU bapA rwAc
. . 4 00 Oaa SsM'a farm.
aa ton a* aaalcatin epaaa

Mr. aad Mn FradHlaaU Aok dia-

Mr. Bauan. vbo U Uvtac vllfcJ)T.
*?-??? J!*!*"

. .... ...d tal
traatad btm.
rory day- At irtptb ve
_t'a Nav .tttPOVf. -ary '
Cuuanpilua, aad our
.. dsrlAi
_____If VA
Aiad He's
AUBd aad vail."
bi A koov. It's tba
lor Coupb*. OoMt aod

BatatU BAthav of BApbaa aUUad hu iHMW a fav day* ihu

baad, raoalaaa 1
Baaday Jobe darlUU of Baal Bay vortb lU.OOO o
mU a nU aa Frtd aad Oetora tkoa- •ball kaap Inuiv-* vldov'a
clean ond aopp
•apply bar vlA frwob
darAp A.


BranKlac AbA
OlA laM AAT-

•Mdkv M BbaUMd

IS .M.I. \VF .\SK rok \\v IVIEN’S
IS 1 m-:-i’ki-;si;N r fkicf oi .\\v
■ 7.BO ivieiM-s
F'ORX'IIOF H OF .\\V S7.-.i>


*-DKM OKWrOMK l_ A O K rU ”



-Ma at tba maployai vha Uaa
J. OiMdair* AApla sUI al

... Eaaaay aad Saab BeCma an
AvtM lops far OeAaa penAa am Ae
Oval Hod DUh }ab.

One side of my warehouse getting smashed out i must repair
and move the warehouse at once. We have a lot of heavy steel'
ranges and stoves in there that must be moved out, and as I
fjave no place to put them, I have p'ut prices on them that will
rtiove them into your homes. ONE>F’OUF9TIH OI®'F"
RANGES. That fetches them below first cost and they were
bought in car load quantities, but I must get them out at once.
We have the largest line ever shown in tWs part of the country,
and the best assortment. This one-fourth off will enable you
to get a celebrated QUICK MEAL STEEL RANGE, the very best
and most perfect steel range ever made, for less money than
the ordinary, common range. « You will see by the following
prices'that'I have not marked up my prices in order to take
this one-fourth off, but .give the one-fourth off because it is
necessary to get rid of them quick.






A l-OX

A Quick Meal. $5(>.00 Steel Range. wiilv'"fint:. Urne
high closei and reser\-oir complete,
Then we have a full line of. Moiire’s Steel Ranges, the
rt^ular standard steel range, at $37 75. $»0. S4.5. All
with high closets and nservoirs. Take >* off from
these prices and see what i ou can get a first class
steel range for now.

i -'


Um Baaday Tea Bmea vaa tba
paaH of Joaa Bbav.
- W*U* o pfnr Mam lm BaM Baa


Lm HAa. vbo baa ban
1. A abA A b* aal acaA-

Bora. A Mr. aad Mm Hawnad
. Aa dtb. a bar. vUA aUr

bvaTT'fav boao.



A Kataar tpni a lav dan at KaihaakaAHanpk.

Co ClweOm

JaMv B. BaM vnt A Ti
Otir thaUb
J. U. Blaadcaad vs* aallitW
Ah of tb* lasA A* A« vnk.

aS..? ..‘SSSS.Si'K SiTiiT

a BrlsAl aad Ohaa Parfcu of Tra-


Art BolaMra, who Uv haea vstkiM



Truat THoaa who hava'TnaO

Blchr aad dncbAt
A TnvatA Ottr Wadaaad tb* faaarai ef Mm BU-


OF ,\n\
l\/ieN'S 0VEF900AX

II Bavad HU Lap.
' P. A. Daofonb ot LoOraopa. Qk.
•Bffarad fv all bobA* vIA o trtpbi.
to] nnoAp aora oa bU lap: but vrfA
IboL BoeUrt'a ArAca Salve vbolly
cured h A flae. days. For Cloan,
Woaada. Pllaa. lu tbe baH
Ae vorld. Core pukraouad. Only
Ota Bold by F H. Haada. DropilBl.




tba Dick ot tine oar UUle
boy vw naod." vrlloa Mr*. W. WaikUailr Plauut City, OtaA Poae.

Ha U delM

. . boral..
WaavA la vetUac far Xta.


--- -

. .
a yoar,
I aiDouat botop raoelaad by Rea
.ul r. Bulpbu. pavuir at Aa.
d PraabyiarAB chnttib.

nWytbU Urn.
.A aod Jo* Mo.
:lod bon n Bbai

HU* IdaJahaM haten* A KAc*- tba aoelal at Olll’t PUr Ban
laj A voHl


aboai Ar

n>* aan Udln’ Atd aoeUir vUI



BV vbru Aey
>y Aaa
daaired rmlu


^ aar lA etbar HA vfU>otebl}


m;vs -\\v OF <>i R KFi.ri \k
• l\/ldM'S SLIIXS


U'm BaaaaU el Traascs*
a lovb Tbaradar.

________ _ ________


A HABD srnuooLe.

Tba sbaieh AU vblnb vaa A A
lactoc A lb* Hstbodlft Aareb asns
ISA s«i>, bA Ml >M baa* bsard.

Bab OhM't bMT id HA.

------IT’S JUST____



.HM lUaa
Fraak BmlA aiMolBaada* vlA Mr.
ABB AU v*ak.\,
aad Mm Bom Uon aad fatollr.

vUl hoH



Orocao at
af Traaarsa'
r. wto^U 111

Talk abeal A^ taslUka O. :


JWtar' —
.s.“£',':s;.‘T2 ss’.e fi

b b a

Tbe B
Book faally ot Sarssfr coeBIy.larhV Ioat vart. Paral* yettoiday m
Ri«cct>tlr Omer''-’>'"l a l«tm tram Burke urUw bla
|j. noiw miwaiad RppmntallTo Far
fi ucxbar
rU A CM a bill Aruupb Ue IrgteUiura J'* *” , ,.
aod baton
rtasnapbUu-aAllurkc. Tba Wl.
do'... as.l A*. lurk*
I va. |m*Ml aod tlpsrd by thr rn b«..- 10 lire vllb Hr*. Book.

K2.SCI5-” '

AHladl** aad-------------------------

■ •laLarboaaadObakVari
Ko aaed A kaap It ap
At.. Bar Aad* a kbon aall
Daaa'a Kldsay Pill* via can yos.
Traaam Oliy pnpla aodom tl<U
U a baataa of BerApart vat a
fttmk bailor bad A* taokr asabar
R. D. Qaapball. of I ID Park
MdM A* aaadalAiBMsd br ^
-I iod Ueao-a Kldao;
HUi Jaroo JobasM, vba bn has^
aa akoalloot rotsody fv
ObetU^ OtaiM^r^^aai laaijlr
voAeoad ca oaat
as ekallad kiauaya I
FAtaaa lam.
hat* BAd Aem at
al AutTi
AlatTaia '
al ynra TAy AUaae Ai
UiH JbIU Obrlat&JuaM vbo baa Aa bask aad air aery
. M.i taaOblM at Km Kassoa. mars I baae ban treated by pbysAAot.
_____, __ iiac. Tb*r all b
n 10 bMbooxMHonbport BalarAr. baas aard other klAry rrmdua. aad
rood Ums aad lall at a Ua bov.
■Ai'plBf ^ra a aberi iIbs n rooA
OTly raaori A IW. K^y Pill* a


|2 V A t* wr A


“I nCoad fv mvlb* froanni
laliaVA Oil eared at* A I

AS tb* blood in yaup body P>

]i uaci t« be conwaerrd i«' only •.i-.iupy
® ^ Do«to*Ulh**ldAlAafa».lly ifoublei ware IS be u*c*4 is ibe k.une/i,
vaojua naa uu ap ^ ,, oblldm. 1 bora aad 4 fuA bolnow modern vuooaprsv** ih*i itf ..
A U ahU A ha M Butklac A tb* tvo faslha* *0 bori all cansuousiul doeaaa* M>* tbew Ayinaad A lirA a AAl ot M ablldm A nmr in kisney iisuUe.
tb* Ive fanllla*. Hr aad Mrv
Ifyouaie ns» you can make ns muiaki
waT fool^
l<7 U *>
ty (i(»t docisrinp your kUne.n Tne (i.iis
iMltar, a aola b; Lillla Hood, a da»t
irrtMMO UBtn A Tiaaans OllT
ai.d lb* aiitaardui^ aHaci o< Ci. K.lmci 1
ba t>r. aad Mm TadaMa. a daat I9
np>Roo4. the rre.1 kisney tenl.:.. 11
llaan I
a «A
Ula* Idssla Fertoe of East I
•aa of A
rsallred. ll aiu.di the n.^rsi l.r lu
IB aad a
bo baa ban speadtac a vask 1
leful Cura ol Ihe mov caaes
do* pair of Ucbl bob alaifU ot Tboa
Marr a*«* o» «■■■*»• Otiy aad Hn
Pirran of Tkaaena Oilr.
ar.dl* Aid cn 111 menu
Oardaar of Trmren^ iXtr Tbo« Mho ■t alnar. Un UMaaa Deviao
U.u«j w W bou> BstarAr.
byalldr-pfuii infdiyCBOt Ad sne-dsllar ttS'
Ml. aad Mn Babartaeak Mr
aa. You ma> lu '
Irtab. Hi aad Hr*. Blaflar. Hn
balak alar
Osrdaar. Hr. FraakliB aad Harold
...................... BaaHiwa badge* sample Aiile by
free. aUc pampblM lellir.t y; j b;« 1.
ud la Htabicaa. aad vtih ur paa*.
bleb prtsaa for brlA tber Ua* a A 'a*m^^^a*AiMroUldM" out II you have kidney or UUdsrr i.
___________ _
’ba *b?w“w*^M*
tasa. Ttiar bav* )a*l takau Ava elab A Mlobicaa.
ta< anok* kAOk al iba sblacl*
Hra jQbo'Sbav AtenUr atAroen b S^aart^*
1. aad vill aa* 11 U ihcu Aiwa.
Ikoa'l makt' uy Dl.tikr, but
00k Aa VaA tv Traavn Otta A de
LJ L. Danias ha
ived a latAT on* aboppibc
mmbrr tbp name. Ssamp ilnoi,
■ ni bi* brsAar i
A Va Tbr MOW la dOiaf laH aad lootai
Hr aad Hn IraA VaU ot Kor- Kllmer'a BsnnipKcc
.'It. He aaji lb* greet U OTccu
road* ars saad ap
Ace an apudioc • fav den viA drea. RApbamtoB,
•■ fsan arc A blooo.
fbe bw
dr. KoU't panou, Mr. aad Mra
J. MMnrtui «a* fiaUMta U r*l ..jeadsof Anfaar bar* vlll A ptaai
uba BAv.
(latal^l* l^aal for A* Davor A haov that A baa s la* poalB
Haarr Bnaklsr vHA* bom Aal ba
A lb* C b. A>r rasA A VaUalo.
U dlHR*Ud vllb the VAlbar A Adi.
K. B. iWaad If IMSM b«a J U.
risAas DomIus vaa A Ava Bat'
aaa He mye tb* mad U ksse deep and vomo atn
UfBf-a tmmp
>r f*MAc bit slalfb nA’sod
Ho pnlor* aoov A mad A vaA, aod dook Blood B
The wlaur Was at aaboal olaasd
Udlr broksa aa lA ranli of a ■n lia via raisra som Um
Uh rrldar- A pUaalac proatan vaa Wlililoo __________lAr Isadad lAlfb.
Oaonre H. Alloa ha* 000* A Tab*
Clan br A* Waabrr aad papiU. A
Hr OohUc
A CwrUIn Cura lor Cbimialna
) vork at boiler A Dodd'a tblacli
feed BBMbar a# Aa paraal* sort
■r bii lit*, aad Ad B
himdt Of lA sobool waia |»saaM
trots aartOM If not
Mils JsUa Cbrlatuoan, As Uaabat,
;amt Hadallfla U baaltoc tbiulai
froiD Oiaodell't aliiecla lam M Bar
(laort^ K. Alloa, vbo U vorklsfl al aluu
A SoAc aom* balld.
Ih.dd’a sblnCM mIH ai TaA apni AC ApreoaiatocT
tba aprlDC
deuAr arlib hu taatir.
"oaVid'BnDacb aad hi* SOB la-lav,
him Eaa Tbaokar of Yaba. taaebsr
Mu* Blln VaAh lavorklac ter
Ms. BoAlai. an baa* w bar tarme K>* in D. Baaob of Baal Bar. vA
I .Hisilarri-r dialricl, U avay n
TMr Aailla* vlU oobo as son aa OS. nrloaalr tsjsrad last AtaiAr
«eA't aamUD.
Aor perohaas bona* aad oao f*l
A Jamptec traa tbs boccT *0 Avoid . Hn Fraok Boatsnf vnl n lli
mdr A aaUla.
aftaraon Halo HAAr A Tnaari
Boa. J Baaoacb nd Mn LotH
How laAufor aa afAiBon bsBI- Uiiy A do aom ahopidoB.
OaU aad oblldsn of Maid* OUr ipaat
A crtal loM voaU b* done lA rt
? MliobaU RahAld killed aicbt
Boa^ vllb raUUraa turn
aoru 10 AU n«loo U A* Uv aboold
.UIU A kvo boan' buClA
r. J. Bocen vlU aoaataaadaa A
tmee BakAc oanlA ftAensvi far a
U UoalB* VM A lb* idtr Baur- baaaa
bh aav beiaa A Uadar Baa. vbleb
Uoaaa* W* Haosntr boA ibc
l««UAAn vlll aar« pan sanb a Uw
bo foanllr porphaaad
arliala aad DoAlaa n tbs (M Atrlmnul A A<
Ml at Mlabicao.
I [iwatnin b|0t*t. oal* aad Macs,
bita Hi
Hakaf of .Vila tasa
loacbl tM t«7* sod flrU wa* (1>*
UM iM/lBC atap lo bs lalaad «



tbAealihr KHaeri Hdk* Aiparc BAad.

Mr*. Froeana Baabo at KaM Bar U
Tliltlac harpanoA Hr. aad Un. J.

racaoa W lAaraao-i


Ovef'Work Weakens
Yo>ir Kidneys.



Barth. marJ

— •-AAi BaAiBar
aad OlaiaMB FUrbaaka VM
.L ApATvaUar


p>»> Miy ^








No. 347 Steel Range, juu like cut. a 0OO fiQ
leader at $27.78. now...........................
Same Range, with larger oven, a leader
Both aH complete with high closets and reservoirs aod
will bum either wood or coal.
Then we have a full line of the Never Fail Steel
Ranges. They are ail large, heak*y ranges with lame
ovens, .very large reseri-oirs, just- tbe ranges tor
farmers or people with large familii
These must
also go at the same red
So if you will need a
range or stove within a year,
how can you save or
make 25c on a dollar any casj

Youc money back on cither.of these nok cs if they are
not perfecrift’ satisfacton- after, you use them 10 days.
Now do not put this oa. as they will go oat fast at
these prices, .
We will give the same jk-oportional cute on lo»6^ of our
□heavy fumitare: Bedroom 'Suitet. Book Cases.
Couches, etc. •

Absolutely the best bargains in Robes in the City


^rwo^lonl Mow
WoroHouoo, AIA Woo-t ^ror»« »«roo«




ckOT «r n&rlotis vwl
•uoeMd hiBMlf w Jiuuprwe sum at Hlekl-

m liy tb- raveUlru •
Uoa Iwr* rMW<t>x *ri»ri
U9*l K. Katvm at O
WJ Ha> Mar WUla a
«al*«nHr a> Au Artxir

•tau Noon.



A dial If au«n wa; fe* «b* «0. of
atnoiet la»d la OaMsacea eoaat;
aMiiaaied w mitt, 40.000 «0 toM of
vlilM |iloa Tba laaa u ovaod lx
W» Kiarouv Aa aetallaa. LiBlIad
eoulroII»a hj J H UaiKiiar.. { M»t
a It U laoaiod *«4t of tbI »Im. la Ibr PorcBi bu
Klbbti A Whiw.
of AlLariv K T.. hara lakM. au c«
Uoa e( tUa uiutei. Tb*r daie a latg.
tone at
It ibaj Hoelda to take u will pa>
T»;Ba.i»b tl»» atift ol Andm
Oaninta olfB.aoOtor a pablie hbre
bulMtu*. hoi broa oosapiod aail a
iiboriaodtor ■

nrroi KECE1TI8-—< Hi
to«H|BiaiUi ^Biliartw <• ■ «ob>«t kr
•tflMM Ihontht and klwBi- A h^itBial
okiM, IT

lawaltr ind dilimlUai an h»
’ «a« tall BMaUr trand bark to xn'otM argaain-

Tba fosiaa
Hcukor M"»la *a>
ilubUn aad '
I) irai >:S0 «b«
ipMBi III vorti aBd, i



Ntul daaUu oaoBtrod at iIm Sdlm.;^iD. alUrmad IU|ddi .daiiud .
laito* Iiart ot |W OMUIb. and (b-



The Kind You Have
Always Bought





aad oul; laxiajon

tad K«*a are MMh tbal

tbaw. ^ artd^bJb

bod wr»t»r».<'.Jkldocj



„ ,



B •!>>. al -ud

• -

Hb amlua waa put a

•1 TUt p B.. and II waa t:W balora
Ibu watt at tba xuk'«uUaa waa ootaItotad. PnlkiwlBg the aeBlaatlai id
JaaUee Hooker the aoBlaatloae tar
ngaau wan made.
‘ DBBag ibe agrlr pan of tba aaoakia
■eukar waa l^ad lor a wlaier ftw
Ibe )a««aablp aad Kaappea of Omad
•iplda lad 8aliar of Delreli for re-

Wa ghw)
lailooal IBBO u
Mtoblgaa-i .
ooBllBuod atretqctb tod probity
irai (tala ml
luppi^ enu


gOBaead Ua Ulagtaaoe
bm panp.
7V.MfaatluB waa palM to otdB
*1 mom hp Boa. OatTtl
AalTBaa of the rtgabUBaa

Mr. Vademarar

Now Turk. Harrb (.—Cablo. frnej

ballpee I bar* a right to aa
ttU tba people of thii atate etai bare
-........... —. Mleh., Marte «—InlaUk tm tba pruapiee aad purpotae lerloebee ^te i^ralBg oa sgoonei
- tM BOB of the rupabtteBB pBRp. Aad

Mteadb SHnalureof

aiiiam. deralapea haw h
adagraa that waa not a


«or MUatm
____ SiaUai ai Ue pnamt ttma I
Mmii II
I--------- ------------------------------. ^aU of tb* grtet pertlea hara db
' diBtad lar ihB la ataii aad oearntp
- a. aad aaaaip aad eltp

"^1 .


TWa map bw-^tre .aadawtadlp
. ,ata bipml dHuraaeai od oplmka .aa
^tet^daUJHcd tkte propoaad

3naea» ol May. A. D. r e03.

nf.-sisiE"'; ■:£:


Ih "i-V-u7-.''VrT' wrC'


ga>b to hi. MBip exlaudiug mtirvlp
i-dacwUr. rii. fleet of flahiag
tu. rntuiu Ccml tV. Ltd . of
luga bimred (or Ibe grouoda aoute UanUAiteek. baa auida a .pproprUwaat ol tba bataor.
of la the nidgfaboHin of Sl.UI^thief entered the reBdeaca
000 for ai
Tliontat Ooa.
Ooa. of
Onopa Suit tu tWNI. A new bultiUot
et HothHUl (
of old Eogllab arehitariun.
.ttaptda dunifg ilm'faaiily’a aWnoa. jartlflolal landK-apa to aiatch. ii u> ba
oaourwi b'l yu aud obaagad hi. euilre ctMttMl Ibcn tor tbe bm uf tbe udrerwardrolw,'
eren bl. -ummiimnu*.
uudercloibliif. |MMBB
d.|iono.eBl. *r
Mr r<
Po.t, who lie.
relaraed frou. bagl
hi. model iu tbal opoulrp.

hat fln- children. 4V grani'chiMmttoniv wrie frou.
and fc smt grand hildn-n atv lirtug oxwe {itilmia
plhCdO In ih* .tat* huncirv
Prof Andr«w (' VcLiughlin h».
away. Hioingnu patieuu.
b<-»u graniMl « ppBT'. lean- of atemoa
1 -g MQitd-uD to aitmd uiwmiioBi aud i-»
—.I. ----------------- --------- ---------------------- .. '

Pr f •*ai Ho


I*’*"’*’** **' •“* !«•»; »« u*o

Yiie nwatit>/if te* an
. a PoaMur
d^'ifrd 40 ^tablloh
lute at Ana Arbor for the troatir-at amsII
Tb* ntber P.»t*"r "
titale«arai1abl« for Miabigiin pen
pie are at New York and Obleant. Ai

■ vr-S ,

Lossli H

Thnsewho lave lost Hesh'

_______________'-Md iMpl. and bo
|BBI fBla^erM proetaiBid
Natibar CagUad
Bor Ba*
Ma. Btr Bapoleoe at te. Ugbl of bl.
powarar.1 amtea ' “ RalBel .eea te. BltMl >.
dealaaai laierma i B tebi^




rOT mvands.


tea meand



con* and oar. for tn poiMoaa. bii*«.no r.

of tb. Emulson is a rich and com*
jrs::rK»p*rwb>IS; fortable toed. »d a natural

ot tte

I taa baoB aad 4tUI nmala te. ! .
' baaaa al.tlKaitaa. teat, UNUC.
laiBt «h.r ■
k.BAaa IhU


golllioal 1
1 .oUlT ep

Scott’s &nobion for bone,
5esh, bkidd and nerve.

Hakrr. of tb. .tale
Of baalib. haa uaaad a olrooUr to Ib*
«' III* .ate oBlIiag


tli-Jid Ts. .V- tlm.l.l..o.--*«r
' imdaudu da*li-i*tB>>.
■ us*M.*u -by .r bonn


• lb (irood rraeww or MKiihixN nig rmihxTk
O C'.ian (•■• tb-ilnuiii .1 (.cobl fre>. d. -ai.lT.*iacy. tSta^«os—Ssv
S • • mue U osbl Om'l. b*l *I Ik* Psu
Imbtakvl* lOr rau-d. Tias.e*-SW> . taakl
I*U* K aad Mmuk aaddu-Ul. e.>iv-r>
M*rdar*s i-brk (...uMt,' lU>«ar*l Moai
a.4.ti wm* Ob.1 lo Wdd cudire b-r Mat’aa

Olo dOsWa. lor flilv*.«dv«nnvt.
t. o*sd dloy uf bdonor. it. Ik* larmjv. Tro-vCm

<ta n MUnf ood Sb»atb*s>-';bre. delv vvta
M.-r Artkw La rortalv. hiuta.l bad
•databw»i»« .4 w»i -a.i- a*i b ‘ gmnbd

• «t

•iamb m

■^altj'. *-7.l'«b’-aw'a> i^V-dW^^^ *


baiUd^' u.'i'tnTv* ' ''

No odor.




Mi lull PI at • aaata
• tMablgbaa.



irj ' * «

•r*l lb ta-*l-c Cb t..4. le .OI.HIU • •nMi. .4
• ouribo i>. U s-nbeAd in tin (.>•*4 Tte.


Abanlaiely no waste.

H(. 1^^

akl .-dC«s* .4 tb* I nil

Xei’cf dries out.

valescents. for consumptives., “ i;;’


i .-ay iHi ■«; !.-(■«» f.Hir u..mlO- tv«n
be fled, wilb the hear clove at bis ib^i-^7MlnomM''«i!li‘^'*‘___ ...
bml. for equartmerf * mil.
twat* caught btm at le>t. got bun —...........

wilhoat soiling tbe

Hit hair
and ha. mll lallea troa M. beml. aad a*.
t|*le naBwrOB. stwapapw article.
; ralallre to tb* olamifylag al the bog.

------------------------------------- —....................................................

MnaltM Mi BUB cat i
gordlag teb iweUBiU
Ibe Uatfed Slalee a|
that ..........................
vreng poUr. ”
will be tr«a to tba Ufbm
. I bMeec.

While 'hlailug a trail te> hbai»*'md ' .'Y"*>i“~^ii .ih. .nor tk»i

D Ktm Kirer. U.P .. Ohaole. BlcB.d- . l^.'f!^^^^s',.Ltl^■^1n■'m-*u chm^.! u'lb
_ >..11 . n.... fB-,... ItaWfvr '-1»l- -4 Uhtab. ita-n-Im, .Ol «..<So« vl

ihBoaead llUieBBll tee Ume.BBii


a Uek



wlnt to BKrease aS body'j^"'
t’bsocs, not only Fat Scott’s , oe<
called a'‘wiBler
all., BOW In a omloBl
, mcreascs
, , them

•r-caass tJSTsi


Uai Ind*!. tb
>-1 tUeve ta-si ol t*a
<. -b«i* l..r tb .-i.u-laiM
lb*i ih. Ortr.


; Sf’S^.Sl'iMien you can’t eat bread
i'‘;”.’i:-SX:::an<l butUr, take Scott’s
---------- •—^-----■
— I Emulsion. When you have
rr...": been Uvms on a milk diet and
ao f.rer. an waa bt
want somettunj a little more •iek.'i:;
U. dretM-d. reaS the paper,
aol aataal pewrr. ” Tt...
Prof lourishinjt,
takr Scott’s walked sboet uud cbalwd ratarimia
In Ite afimoou, hi* ferer
would cDoa on, aad te would take to
iBptp to two
Itlai mbalt^
br .
I bather—ter^Mogree
To set trt yOQ muk catibao. 'After ha’ Uy dowB be be
*t. Scott’s Emulsion is

I law ou<
tee a
Od flnl In
ireat fatt^, a Sreat
not of-tee OnBaa loopl. aari tho«
tea taiaml cd te. f^pean aa
l.on5«flY ^v«r.


foqoUr I’

Election NMIee.

»»»«««■ ‘«*re BO.qalioe.ia make .ouehen lor hi. peal
.cv h< oC-. Q.n.b.-t itiat'vl (b. dtiu-iioa
{•tcboli work, la tee wooda oear .
initial* ae*. it t. expeolydThM iMV..3
id-MIca. lb er.1 Wib.’*. lodii.nL ina.ia
etalBB that there are oaly
I oaa be nvvivesl by Aiwll 1.
Mrrtror. of te. Mmieau war to tee
Rot for a fw> mt O. C. Jod«But
Jod. n unit
"*• ■ ^ ‘bMan.—Bellatn ladapoadeal.
Me faailly woold hare brea bumed to U-r 1..* ?C-°rsiaa*s s4
The eounof OadUlae will be aaked d,m,K
in «...*,<„d
drath u
lx .b.1*
teeir bdm,
home iu
Waterford '^tn
at Ibe .prteg alecttaa to pan upno
aw.ketH-d by tee pwal
oliOB adopwo br tlie eenaoll fwi
Mteeehlng. of the cat und f«eod
antat.) tearttei excile4lv at tbe bed I Klr.-nir I* litabl Tr*rsaa.-(\ieaiy, Wvbuc*.
clothe, and
implag-oa. of ted be foand .te:
A man from lb. weot. by tee ni
>f Urrabaa, wa. breogbt to
bad to flgbt hU .way inmogh tei-.Tr*M*-<H).«tb-uiOday uf rrmuy. a.
iomcopalblo bo.pit4l D. of H I
U> reach 111* wrll, ood wa. bad ' V-|^.
* Ttn- J 1 l.ietb-k (\-, omiUairant. v>
<(*.*(■ aiIi-ltMCvr.awl l’li.rl.eadau.*rbT.
reek, ago Hew >. mSwlag tAom ty. ly burned. Tb* boua* wa. moed.

dtai thla an(
from the m

iiagalf M ar.______ ____ ________
:p*wa. if «* baileta te tea prteelpl
'aadtttptei oar rapobttc. tbaa we bi
•banail that aatteattp abeaU ba <
rfead palp Inb the aoBaht cd t


Au old Ilian a air>nr<-r. w-anngW
eelKwiu id ibi- liraad Ar t. fell
'I 'llr vr^t»irr—• (.-ily. m i.
* "
' '
frouiol aoabid m (iimrU
•bill. ruBi OolcIWBler/ when 1
aiopplng tba [wi winter 1
to bU iroiik •how llial he lied bem tu|
- wi-rtr g right »-4
oolidan' boiui- tu ludiauia. aad ihal dap. noil Dr T K fbiid.. quita tlie hlBi RuoliaiBii,
Juba JuhuwiD.
clip 1*11.
breogbi to Ooldwatnr. rt-otordar that ha had ll•■l
* hm wiib on o
Brelid lurus-d |
whoi« ii will bf kept fur a fan dap* ■■jrh ib-oiaiid b-futv in ih<
for Idauiifl'ialioo. Ho waa tiridi-uilr
aud aar(-r>-ir -Uot-r-u di. ..
-,..,.1., imrsor
abiet lU rmn of aga
pleiad tbewnraing force, to au.-h a - ; .I'd khoulde.
Hcctianu helped bi. IlX'
-liehaal ftoahai'i; a i-roapemaa faro.- r.MI that tin- work <if th. r-lab-l-li. I - oui|.uiinu 'laok to mu)>. m
if BM. Oarao-i Oil? fi ll iruoi ibr ■emit haa la-aD m|j|i)rd Hi »obi.-ili-:. Uyuciaui. Ihm wmi attar
tei-ofbli windnllf drmitk aud wn>
f(.;i.,wrd tb. nail fill
luilaolly killMt., '
up with It and d)..i
M..uiU.m»*i.-ii.vv.-'*- tall t«;»is u uimi.j "^nj •' ■■ sUil,.*
Owdoao Ohailea Wtlhn. a UkbI
- Ua.. •11.* w-v-VI lui. tjj *.-4.s < i pta.1 Idll.
)>s]tsm.a ffi-' deavv- m lUc im.riilv Are pereou*. reodrn-d blind
IBiuier. enwlrd dud.ra Ualo wbiiHi
klra Kiaak 8ehn.-pp of Blrordalc „ood oa , .necl rreoatag. ....... flriBth btnhil.r.
BITM*. bare l>eea
Pha waa .Icni
:.«B.KMgw .rKTu,.
*: •
.topped ou a raalp ua.l aad ba. ioal a |
mura a. ffilam wa. b-uealb
eight at ih* ('nlTrr.ily oT Hlehigan
m. KniharbiBda, and in
I. I^Alilt.
faei tu eouwiqBaaoi- hlmt polaoelug |
^ hurrhul out a iirojeetlog
witbtn ILv tn*l .raat
Tlie two eul
brocghl-nar^flrr or|ih»iird i-hl'dra;
narlug wd luaud Biodt- aBp.tatloa,bo« .iu,o« ,*1(^1 h.ra, cutting a
‘ioa, M-tlliag tu Orrmrl. B-‘.ldn lege bOipitaU—the trniri-n.ic aai ifac

'Bteiaalp eeaU mafa a floetrtae ba
tta oMael at tba irvala. But I bt'Ppaa tba r«iae of tbb l^lattoa will
^MaiBBlP tbtrwa bp the bbtorr of tbafa« pBon. Tba
TPUeh taa tetrad the ^Maa ed tba

ar,::-! tZri :::


lag to apm kiadUag aad waa foAd fost, tWC Scott S tmUBlOa

taWr M la tba batkB'a polBr Uibtr
Mdm «QUua MeSiilar or bU wortbp
PMaampr. It bM beta tbnmgboai a


......... ..

For Over
Thirty Years

Apertrri Rcinedy ForConshpa
Tiun. Sour SUHWlt.Duntoiv
tVunna .(tNinitfiaoni ievrmh
mss and Lossup Sleep


i-oataied I7\1l.
Tbe Turk! bar*
«t« la tba helgbbiB
■ilau. \
d Biaaaacnal ;7- C
Tbe Uamdunlaa i
^ ^ Kleghtlep/^St. Iguaeeclaim.| Wm. D Kiohola au old bat wall
bare Btiarkod tbe Turkl.b
nulata aud *a Uuaa^ **“* *** “* mowlotlore IB Piml clip a prewred reli-rau at ibe M.aicau war
a murdned la aa Al-'<*«
ago aud that ba ouogbt aadj barwg oerred la lUitth M V .ol
oxoatiaed ewa ol Ibe looeeu aad I. aaimn. wa. one bf tbe eld leldien
. caplUl., partlrtl^r wn be wa. aol BUnkm. ThU look. | wbc nlled apoa Rcwall Lmrt.i

the lri“etallr parpoeeDr
aMtaaee of Ibe iltiM^
Tba aaliaa bat latMd ae Irade
lag the troupe of the Thlnl
apoka la part a*
In BakislBt tu tbdr colon.

■ tf ear ptutiat, aad




) all Kurupo
lo Marodoota


................................ -

orJ w. iJiariml. h»vi^ (.-u « jr


tliaaabe haa b-”. abl. to teit alood
aa bal .m Tai. «. loitod apoa Ibete
b.r pb.iia-iauia..(0i>-- ui.l«i<».

, «r l>raht’a ,Utu IbhMA U«

,11 jtusl.


bia iloil-

410(1 Iwrrt-ia Of rail furtlbui*«a
0|MIIO( til.- M-aaau of aaTigalloo
W.wtaalDi OBI
uo dlaje ItaiMil.lIra
ol Ural port, two da>> laii-r tboa
iTCuUrall) >u get I'Bii.lSti
tba atktb balM 4rh«a ihm wai a fiu aiiol up iia (ba fluor u( Ihi- a
Mn. Uaouab Uatr bar beu appotul.
arai Bix-ap and U betana evldaoi Uai
T awB> tnun the- ruoiiulUat• 4
loalaiaali-r iil Waldoa, Ik-uain
Wa. ib<- n-publtraaa.iif UlFbtsaa. lii ouanlp.'lB plaoeof IbuaU M. Waite,
iudk-lal <-.«rmik>ii aaocuiyail. . nal
who I. dmi
to tbrow tbtdr atteaglb
«na allngiaun- i<i^ pHualpl.-.
Rer A R Bopd of Lapoor fall
Tba mall prored
It wemlually and 'palldaa at tba roijHlIran party.
W.' nirdull) Indu^ llir |>airluilr. aalm-paB a Irai a wlille ooBlnr froai
wMt U> Mookar.
Ob the laeaalb ballol than aaanad ruuragMHia and «Aa fiullry of iIk- bla niollwr'a faBcIBl IB Haloo. Mti
pn-aklmt. Tbnudura H>»aarell. ai«l
a gaalal oi»m|»n
la ba a alaapeda fur Huokar, | aad horeb) renea our plodgt- <•( au|i|<l>r’
«hta tba bailou watt eoimtod tba roi.uf ouBfidaor.- In loo lie had ibpI oa I’.n war wera goua
r eaprauloa.
d bU aUalBlairaiUiO.
hr woke up
aall ga.a htn 111 rolaa. "Rtir Jud­
I Kdwia Oook. i-r-itHiblr the oldoM
aea of WaabtoBBw waa oa hli liwi a.
li»n nu tba e
itun i>r ifai- mitre nliidd rnllow la Uiobtrau.itdeBdal
aaiB oa Ua eale waa aBaouaewd wlili pulillrao atale
nkri leal fall aa.l o>i
: III. Iioate al Tl|*uu. Hn joIumI Ibn






; •^(.-ktuAiiS naut-erbwon-

wil!b«»ri..ii.< lUi.
1.. u*. ..
»,• w. i« l.*.t
-.oal emo .aBdntat.-.. » nM
••.•VToiOi l_ t>~i. ll.•.>.- an lUr
iwanui.n I ..: >ait .>a>i tb- rmiih. ..
' .■ -1 .r. ml -.torm tar. >>•* iwn

Bears the

aaia^dt^t£r^Lu"iSjY r^-

S22ua*n.'“ -

O.OT1U.' i.i.

11 f\-


of Mar Wblia of
J food 0*/^ npofuaut.
boipUala.. IK-IB
ialaaa..d hi. wlf«
e of (ba rotoali at. Uomow anictetba aad
• a tarprln arm tc. u».
M apigutrb'dkn^aJi i *»">• * •**“' *" *“»«•
lit. amlauw
r pralBiuU palp
tba bnrt Tb* bowdi 1> U aB.iBc
It u m^.t. i tiv
If baij.
eaadtdala. but wboe
fibarlri 7.uaaM>ro>u not wllh a petnMzpMod ton. IB bla taror the mb
eob j, SSb.alliSid^'fMSiutki'’
£^b«a, BMad'br f
OBliar aocdrul Ti-Uai ofi tba pilm ..f
id}0R VM a«B dUpuaod at.
' diMtad food la tb*
B C. & IS K lieoB'dire el Bo ia
baildiua. a..' al
Oa the am ballot tor JoatJee ,
IWi b bet oa* vaf te tnat tba na'v.. i
41ilt. Tba encioa raa or>-r a M>r|>..'o
^ 'Memaaad that bthnogh
, tbaStonaib.
______ MU will go Mt W
’BLdtartot lialtoak bti ngbt ibirh.
BT»P1-la Cut. aad Narr, Ba- la.loaab.wbm
Uaaad tb «ala aotn tba aavaotb
aoM-riac ii foH» au .or-u
dtU; anpand for than dla
I 1U oe the flni. aad dwIaiUad
a to 111 OB tba aataafh. Judpid atBbhen
KlaOB «aa UOrd U 4ha race aad Judav Bad
^ NanoeoaMa
CMnadar fourth, while Jadie UcPn^tad _
Aim Blarlad la with bat 1«. oud . aenptaU dine*)
u., »i
...i,»ib..... bp all dnoMa at tie. «di a^ dl.

MoiW u io>

dr-.l **■! lOod . • i-ji-. A ldu»n»-v. th*' » leuni-rtema -4 tnsd ~ui* l* • ••-.-I
dndc--<1 l^dni-- latb'eall*r>4 tWMouTboia . uai>-d*u •0-1 ^••"an * bvw
idSlb It.
.1 li.•blIS>•^•ta
ll. •bl Hal •ta b*s'ra-.
mM, ra-. •tab -db..dbv •bl
I. Ua*U>. d.,>.d-l ~
!..•*•• blv-ui.-U* bln itai-a-ta. m-k l‘< <U’ b - iMk. >• ita i'taii.i>*- •• bis I* i. I
n*r.tll*« II
~ ' ' t i4

■ .-gpqu’fcas;

>v-cd-’r-*l. Ibll rndis. Oodi d*i -4 H>o-b but. ol ta vVkr>
Al • —earn >4 lb l-n. •-. -anti tef
•*•■. ml im ..■(•-k » lb* Tcdbe.m.l* «Mgnddair ib.bnna.i4 m*l '-•dOty. Wt4 *t vta Itaibib dteb.
«nrel e* lb- ~mmm Ob’, b-tiba. ood ibw cU* knr. •< b> » Ub -sir <4 TVsswo— mv. la tb. Btk -


,*IVI< irt^«>7~«a’s''i>bi •bdincaw.
itav'ta.wbs Ih. mid •rMHsi.i teeoM
lk-*.»L And
m*l olbili. .trvlur fls- n.Hv*' I. Ib |*e*d*
ml. r n 11 t»d«idmiat. ..4ita btal-tar .4 mot
•.vmill. bud Uk-beniw (taiMd >■< mdabca
<•* y tftili 111 r1i I i^tii'ithi li ~n Th lila-l1


urxw.dtb i-mvo.4 .bndld Dta-i*.Cin*d i 7<la-s..Wta*.0
Abd ii i. lunb.itai •di idwtoo.
.m-~id«,»Bd nomita b-d-mm.
u- la- bv.aib.aad
bv. •! b.aod lodyia- b.„.4 i b*. t i-no-ta* ••*> u.
*r ».r* mdtav w.
in'- rmml I. imid rnttw. -4 lb *
-4 mid imiOue. *Bd lb* bmni-<
bt muv • m-rs >4 tba <•«*•
pa UlbM lb sk* U




Ul data nuetDg ■< large he rkitirr
BBxaled or iilUd.
Rood B*B.i*g haa h*gea to 8hbw».
me eoanly
Be-iorefi. ood (laa.
hare bam placed giriBg.hBme na-I
•eMtOuiaib pMB. dutaaoe m alflvTvBi potato. Seme cj
taSwIenaef tUrihea
Ibe mideaea- oa <i*rl.ld'ae*. ate
aambotad. and it u .rpoow-d teat Mb
etewlU'aaaiaa railr das.

>« t4 matting with gaamal fdrsw
Baifb Or. -1 t. pamiog iliroagb ao
epdemie W ertpea aaeb ae It Barer
before anwneecod.
All te. pliymI Mu-bMIIsMI



.Bgplaadai. Tban waT^HMSH^w
—-------- -0 the (imeaBllea bateg ta
Altar tba ebalrmaa'a aaaach OaMral
d aad waa gi
attaa at be a


dial te tel Batata aad aol eempromte
W W Henauw
TWattB M Kebroafca
Kebraaka *
Mknrad wRh
a tea irai
Tba eoBmasa tbaa lee



!■« edbBB al «b*



1 .ac.e* .••
I. Ita maltav s4 cb. m-ata oT (Vw BwK.
lot*mt «irt*n lob* vimiow, «■ mW mmt>.

It sinks into the skin
Mustang for man or beast.
I b ahflorted by the muscles like rain fallinf upon the t lir^ <
It goes right dote-n to the most intense pain and st r: It.

It will cure anything that any good liniment is designed to cure.
Keep ft haody in case you or your dumb anlinals get luirt.

CURES RiBamMism. Laoteaga. Sprams. Bmbs. Bndscs ^ Ml bBta.

Stetai »M4m-.*at'tb-*t»ed!ita <mm.

5%;i^ ssr-rsjss ■5S;,S£ >.
s?£?sr*7J24^(y*^ciJ!a‘»*- ;•




b doet It aatac ta New bglaad.
rrotTBodr win aa ptoptoal bat
dkb reaakiad ed wha k locaUr
koowe ao a 'laror pk.' aad waa bwlti
Ikat to
WkwoTOT • tne *tlo I k rood tat tbo btaod. ta tbo
Bor poaeb pk will torpo awap to too
>. boMo b oJvar* orooBd
. aad m aooar tall poo wbr. That k. aa opoa tnal or -makl.oiwd'
la onbr to Mk* U>ta bos
loot ao 1 tap. appk pk koapa
>pbto pk aa
ktofac OB aad to tbo kac rwa
laid ai

kntte tMa. or M am mxl btlac

plaead a ettoborTp pk.
top a wbkh wot aoparuape

B«U»a« et eoadoeUat boilaoH tl-

t boalataa adoeattoo (

Brae tbo drwcaJ buuooolfo k apt 1
oreoi. durtoc the wtotar. wboa a
tovd. are soot oapoaolre. tbo pooo
hiuileo od balptiic oet a.dlaaer auu


Praise Pe-n-aa as a Cara for Golds and a Prereatito ot Catanb.

Golden Oaya.
Uroo wwBld bat kaow It;
Toa BBT itop a bold of }oro
If roa will bwi eew It
Plaakd BOW. Ibo am k bkot.
Vblkt lilo't oaa k tota lap but.
War. «baa. boro, foraflo It?

Tboao are ffoldae <kr<: iBpro*a
Itoob to* whik U'o br rto.
reonabko whkh are a oar eoBO
Oa tbolr war tbor owlfUr awraB canoed recouhloo. which an'cboBP
Ah. bow aooe laer flr roa!
I Bt brtoktoot. dlboar Bad oup Ato aato dar. aad it ohall pira
tad ruelka. Bar be oaaBOi
Bad dIdBl laata tad bet
m.UBUtooo.ortlBc bewBB. peaa
a Bokao It X>r ta lira.;
BoalB.—New Turk Sub.
•bkb the tmtfeor. brotbor or hanbaad occBoluoUr wboB owe cu offor
■cue. Tbo dnod tbtoCB. liBB
«BlBi tbr DooBt tor her camirL
bcaa are coldoo dara. mj bor*
If rakafurtoae. bo bo laid b
Gold tba row oaa Boaur*;
Wot. eold aad dirt an toe ebkf
Ubo. or tokM oww froo bor
'Tk but tolly tbu dram.*.
Boi.rl.blu Boop. PotatooB. eekrr.
What Btcbi bar llfa’a pkwaan.
uTBlpo.' panalpo aad eairou arc all The uie of poor ouap. aad toiperfocUr
Oayo tbu rIowb with loot aod trail
pooolblllUoB ^ puod wtotar aeopa. la drrtos Ibe haadd baorc eapooure to
Oeldea dayo of foldaa *oeth'are Ibe axcltlac eauae. of ebap
bultof 'too <a
VUl you Blu tbo tmoan?
o be pert
pod bead, lo Boot oaosB. To core.
e jwi hare


lac. oic.. a* lancbt la MbooH.
Bat H rboalO Le Uw 4o>7. M
Lkr p>«araro of »rrrj vuou
oogsalat horMU. piacticaUr. vttb tkr



B BOt rcqalre
pooo for a

WHh tto Mwm Polkb
Trmtfe to ton, 0 boon et ntea
Bw (kb vorU a XT to raro
At tbo tmar lor tbU iblBot
kooW a beard ed bowaly lai«r
WhXt a bir asebaaca tor tbtaa,
ttatb to lad O boart o( aloaT



(oat bow Boeh of saiorial tu
orwoi to tbr (act ed ooatldi
wlfo e«ul paniier la bit biatlsoto
aXalra. ' Uaar boo laorr at iblt Ido
*M«th ow aroalac laap tbli aU(bt o( eoaSdlac tbo affair, or batlooao to
. TOfelBblr Boupa an c
Ifat wiro .'It* eaouch tor bar to brief
Peru ct bladlliaao,
up tbo childree aad am tbo bouae. awrero. a Xrooch lam for tba pulp of
ir aad hoart'daUcbt
rrwkod *<«oUbla. otratoad
tbop tap. Oraated-r«o( oalr aaousb
Tbot tba *otW rnkj aot pinna
hlunad dtIcbUr wito tollk or*ci
Itaa. aabndid. rpoado bit tlsbt
'•B Of Trouble aoup k a
'KaaU ear aroalac tasp tbit alcbt.
« out BrudfftBfflr
It 1. lath banate tbr _______
deoa briu np tbo eUldron Xad ttooo
tbo boooo that I wneld bisp her
■an all koactai awaaUr oeCa;
poaltiro kaowMgp od iko leroBO of
Thk It hdM aad tbna an frt
OBO aad Tke proper Bbaafeaeoi
~^raak Waieou Hath
Thl. aill aot BOBoaoltalo bn
potaC to Iko eoosllac boato. oBcw or
ttarc to nrrr out ImoIom d
ta -orWar IlM bob bappr
tboro. Tbo wUo ao aure dooir
WhM bob pelted br tbo aacnv: do ibai. tbae ibai Uo boobud oball
ta HBBiii ttaa ba-t ttaftac
dktate la W kllobaa bat. U ibe be
a bo fiUon at twaot ma.
tree -vaaTor.~_rba would kaow
Aad earth aoMat poor boOar.
t>e aBonmi «d Bauirlal In head
for tba bappr war ba coaa.
U dark tba fpittt (lewalas.

Aad BO Otar, an la tbo alpfet.
Ha (baaki <M lor a atete,Aad alotpa. aad Urn^f Udt.
Aad tfibtp aartk la |rtfhttr.
ffbr ba aoar Mkaa It brlfbL
Aad ae. ta XT aad atprow.
Ho vans bit oartUr war.

Aad dOM BH Tfil tarn.
Aad f i^w earu It brlablar






Bto path

•TM ika Bmotta that wt an

Sr tba Oih» ttat «a ear Md

• WK taka Ifea aaM neU tlwt «•


wbleh' obo la to durlTo bar to
If abo baa booo tbo eoaddaei
od bar baobpad la all tbaae aa
aba alraadr kaow. bow to act. aad
tbo dlrldoadi aoenih. cao eoi
has pruparlr. aad poaafblr fear
bow to sab. CDod. ptedtablo.
ado totera tomiMta. Oa tbe
otbor bead, if abe ba aUocatbtr ic
aonai of baalaeoi and to tbuo obUpod
oatracl bar lataroou to otbot*. bor
IV la lawror'p feca, or. Xuraa
Hr aaak prladpa) ^ lob
a nae pel a£ESB lota whkh
Uad Mend hao todond ber
«lar; or. to fall laltb to a ftloed abe

ato bton baa lu bardaa at aerrow
Back aoal baa lu abadow itf doabt
Tk aoaahlaa we'n rtaralaff to bor
TTM Btoiblaa


aad wttbooL

Tboa tot to wear fa«a at pHattoi
Tba world .hao ba bappr to ataa.
AM add to too waaltb cd Ito'mat-

ar lo ben X.
««a taaiMtoa ad a weanab bB
adaMa aad ad bar bi'awladpa ad

dopa of Appto Ha.
et bpplto! Tog taka prod, ebarp
Xtfey wlaiar Mldoa aad pan

oad wniatoinaaad
a ea ad pood ^lir'wbta
•ear. aad pa to i

tod aarbo a BUk lanoa
ktHoalt aBM la a partaar wbe wS thaa tx to too oorar aad u
I aad UtB off tbe I
aat da Ida than ad tba
irttHp aMta tbM bk ri
rtm aad ptaeh op
too odfO wHb roar tboMb oad tUtoT
ptadM. a«L adur a dan
wip ad dlaiiilrl^ tba
an arotod to toalta a took prwur aad
' tbo top
at to M eat too moob aad tboa aot
r pnrnad b^ Oad aad pii- K to to 0*to that bakaa }bb
a to ba faXkM aad tree ti
tap aad bottoB. aad M X atap
ctn M brewBo too ricbt tbado. i
—■ nm dtotb at do partudl rea rea-ro pot a plo tbu
Pta. Aad wbto BB epea. tbo oeaa
TV toaa wbo aabi a a
doer to aaa bow It k paWi
a bla Wa wXk biB. baa ao! tboro k ioeb a alee atoU aD ibroacb
> to baap Ua pnaa auto*
(,'B -Boa rbokod aad It
arwB ta bp>-te taaaa bar to'
•»« Ull dltoot

a toantf pratoa k at

apple pio k aknl h^. Ab
apple pda COB bo
" that* k a ptaeo o
I rraatotr aad baa abato a toniaa
Ottk athkaro to U.
-Appk pto k alaara U airto


accordindtadireetioKtatbr bralc.
' the ecOd k fare to put away


tore tneod to tbr aecood atape of ciUrrh.wluch la niakins
many lirra
mioerahle. II Feruna mu taken every
time one hai a coW or cuph. chiwnic
exunh would be practically u ua.

Mrs. M.J. Brink


MISS Sara m^qahaN.

•;—> - “


k.Ip BObutf Onurc rrOMdUe nauauwdaa
Uosaint ui oJisr-jMlsent tff 'wbo( r>.
bow tUd I Ml
■1 oenn la rstiers a* lo wtwry abut uaat*

r to COBS to: A Sertotts Mistake Whl^li Tlioii-

1 will be 10
eaota. ebiltiraa aodor to year* fi oeok
Flea OMk tub will be obared for |
eoab apaolBoo exhibited la tbe obil f
arwi'a oloB to oorar eteeata of o'-or- j
iDf. but your prtaidoai ir poiac tal
pay tbk tor yoo. oo your oomoo of i
cbleMo* will bo free to you.
Toec pmidoot faopea ta bo wyll
aoopta to Bake oobc pleat for oor
Poultry AaooolMtoo tbk ouanwr.
aou. Houwbtio wo must both ny
ta be iBtlrnt. It la a Suabloy Harcb
roles M4py. oad alMa polos too bo
well la tbo happy a^iactiiDeaeoloao

Hayflold. Hleh.. Fob. Sd. IKH.
Dm Hra. Baloe 1 woaid like a
rr 'a tablespoonfal of toe beUeo Suobine pla ud a card. 1 would
aad jelly la tbo abape of a pyra- Uko to bo OM of year little Saaslilno
y praiy u wall ao a
0rk I teroa little brotbor; bo k
two yoao old; bk —— ■■ Richard.
Ha k awfally eeta ud I du’t kaow
wtet I'd do witbeal btaa
1 so to

Btxed la COM water, two eapa of boll,
las water, oeo aad oea-bi» cope od
aopa. bultar oUe <ff aa epf; oo
praiod plaeappk; bake with
: tbk makeo three plea. Beal
tbo wbitaa of two oppo to a aUff troth,
add two tabkapooBfuk of topa
iprrwd ow tbo plea when doer ud

^ MaKJnt.
The firm magr <d courrh k what ir
eanmooly knoii n aa * ceichitu; cold." It
laay be le tlie bead,Bite,
thrust nr laasa.
■ nnac. Ihrus
lu licptoBinc la sucaetimeo an
tocsote a chill and ccBouJcraNr fcrcr.
or it Biay he ao alight aa t<> a>< binder a
perwB frocB hit aatul buaioeaa. In perb*pt a msyiriiy cd cotet little cr
tcniioo k paid to tbe firm tugc
>otTb. oad brnec kJi that aesrh
ball of the people bore ebnak esurrh
to omc Iona.
To ncgleirt o cold b ta torile chrook
(BkrTb. Aataiooaaoy
tbe Aral tympuima of csi
Aould U ooce besto tbe



iwiT. torn ibukrntiottyiu.
b»vo takoa PrnrXA 1 <k.o<4

,p>. k». -.. ,o.: nnsr stage of catabru.

pop iiarttr A^ IX-ocai caa od pm
’ Old" rar^r mobn bettor ooi
toe leader Fnacb poao, wbb
CM! doabk tbo price. To Bake
IP, cook OBO caa
toe peao la oae qaan cd bolUac wa
' ' alloo cd oolua. Wbea
'. oiralB to r«ae*o too
Ibor.karlBc owlr the
free uae of aulphur bbubc bhlld
od the recetabk. To
Rub taewtoer aa equal bulk cd
cao put od Btllk aad ro- l.utphur and frvll follr <of' aar klad).
tocatber two lablcai
ud b.:ttar
caramel of tbk aaaao three Useo a
poppw aad a tabk- d«r with laMrucUoto to bold It uppn
ouca. aad oter iImb pour tbo toBcue uatll dkaolred. ewallow
acMp. bwatlag wtto a tac aa -tl boIU. Tbk alaple pracI caooto aad eraoBr.
baa defended faBlik*
Sene with erDutapa
road dkeaie wbea tere wa. ao
K (Dod eraoB cd lOBOto aoup aar
eacape from ezposura.
blade aflar too aatoo redpa ao too
I eoep. or water Bar bo aood It
Ik k apt oo baod. wHb ratr food
It u a oUS froto tbo wbitaa of
Hoke K ao fOlowa. Cook
a Aotob otsa. /ad a BBall
of tOBaioea, oae ptol cd bol cup of cniTui jelly, aad whip a
wai-r Me Bike of doka aad
cetber ocala. PIU aa Baar aa
rh»eo for fu aneutoa. Suwla. add
'ull od nwaB aa you bara cooau.
f bottar. allr to droMdas la toe, too eoalor cd

water, boll till eltor. tlua
Ito oae leaapooe od ealadr
toll one tabkopooB od aoca aad c
daab €t poppor
wbM oowMi back upea bar tor
tarap, carrot or paraalp
. wboraat a kaowtodco od baatan ai Bade pcaetkaltr
aauata woeld bara eaaoai
1 roipa. Uao oae aad
1 that aleta. Verr few woao
eupi Iff tbo .esoioWo pulp, owe ptot
ff Ibe waior k wbieb
few. alao, know hoar to draw
oar piBi cd atllk, a btodtoc od two
eliaefc. or keep a baab aomai pn|
od butter ud
•pvto od Sour, and popper, aad aaJi
■All Od tbli. we rlolB. tboold bo
AM Btoooa to laata.
pan od footala ot^watloa.troBB od ewktr aoap k Bade after

Tba ftnrtaat akin on tb»~ialr^
kr w lha piittii <ff a vlte I
Tbo bapptaot boon an bool;
atovi M life bar baabaad Itr «
Od all mo o bleb bitiootaco Uo ram
. »r bar aaadt It tcaaaratt Ail
Art fulloai od oBten aad mL
•tbeptae. nanaraaantteB
td Itaai. ad wbeai tba adUor bw theoeb rati la oer itorpoae denrtoc.
Lat each bear bio pan Uka a
dr toddoa tbo worU wXb bit elfb
lac.TH bailor to BtoUo If wa OM.


baiter, wbeD It k eallod "
toe.*- k added id tbaaa aoapt to pratoe itoeUblo oeltUas a the bo|.
OB uf tbe larwiB.

H^b «. IMS.
lac to oharpe tbr
Poalttr Bbow wblefa k to bo bold to :
Oil* Don Vedoaoday. Than-'
toy aad Friday. Manb IS. 1« aad SO.
ploaaed a tbo proopect
of not Herald Tonuf FUk’Poeltrr
Clab takiup part In the rxhibli. aod
pknoiop to piTo tboB a ooraar all by tboBoolreo.'
Tboy hare
offered a aamber of ralaable prim _
for yor ta oompok for. wbleh will bo .
wall worth winoiar
Tbo ptowa up people who take part'
Tbpoe wbo karo aerer trkd It wUI la too oabibil are expaeud to bm a
r ourprked to kan What a
kind of pan whito caa be eltbopooafBi cd boBor will 0*0 u
ar reatad or parotiaaed from (ho auu I
wbo baa B wonrlac coueb. a
eUiioo. wd yoa oao hare the xame i
prirlkpo If you ebooo. bat they bare
It k .
Wbea 1
0*eo yoo parwkotoo to laruito year |
aoibBa. aad ta
DWu coop* U yoo with, aad you eu \
itoTTt.- qaloar la
>d dlpbtberta. or t
pkaoa. You editor hopes a Buy of I
the pakta, UiTcai aad biwatblec or-,
Brpry foBlIr tboold keep
Ibo ohow, wbotbot you mato u ex ,
BBOiml cd pure bower,la tbe bibtl or Botjor you will laarn a pml
for eoldo. etc.
deal by attaodinc tbel will help you
lo year eblokou nIiailR libi oatoaor
Ba tbiaklap ahoal It. ud aa Buy
I pkrikiao aajo t at dlpEtbrSlB ofyoaao ou pUa lo briar aoae of
oprvadiDc br yoar ohiokooa to Tnrorae -Cuy oext

MB with eaaUk ooto aod
After wlpiac tbOB
drr. dual toon orer with Boeir
dered otarcb. Waobtog too baad*
water to wbleh a haodfol od braa
m Beal baa -boce added, k a
raandr. Anotoor k. after tboruoab waobloc aad dr/lac a alsbt. le
appir a few dropa of clrcertae dilated
tadt water, or wbM k Boch bet
illk. Sweet cnoB k aku p»d

Mrs. M. J.nnck,Kci.U
ruT*d."..aibyl A. Uodky.
*1. J.»r,.h. iOcb., wniM
NkoHors Mesiob^ NoW H atfaaA AA
boiif.K. ToRwitwr 1 rwuelit I
Mtf ortvm oJJ,
: *.vi»Bauihooaoiwiffm«tfwtiboB
rUKli d.Vrto|-tf
oliora or loanraos. Wbivb Boibiaa mom
r-nerwj hiwlth tbu I wu otttpl.uir br<iki.B rHierw Myb««noabiiwolwtf.BT^
nun* iTTluW antf Bn>nsh. Xothlodto
uitf ssBltaa
rF.Rl JCAot
KyuodoouiderTrepmxnptaadsBtto- '
(ortory nwaltt ln«n the uaeof PeruM
wriie 01 uoce ta Dr. HAftmaa. ffrl^ a
lull tutctDcnt iff your eaoe. and bew«
KIbM A-Hi Irr.kMoo •irsM.RuaUat
be glsdta fire you Ua ralaable ^*ka
tan.IDO., wi
_________ ______ __


Hue BT >orl WVI I tapsa u> coufC. wlurh
riwtfnai} rmwnis. until rer iknwt ws>
•urt aatf raw. Ordiaaiy naodM did boa

mojnTlnp, d<>od wail lo ta a good boy. Plrmor ooed ih-Hrrald twill loll yoa WhU 1
ohoa 1 axB
Bra nrd and batt..o as I would like | pot for OhrtoiBaa. I pot a pen wiper,
ri noor-TolT.

ta taloor to lb. Stmthlue Clob.

«o|a iwlr o' BUtrao ud oobm paady. I
bare two brolber* ud two aktoa.
hate lou of fu eoaatlas down bOL
Thera are 18 aebolar* at aobao) ladiy.
Yoon Mly.
liBo otoop 1 krolo ta ibe Herald.
Ape V
Johuk BUty.
RlohSeld Outer, Geaeoee Oo.. Uieh..
Borod from Htebipan la Uetabet aod
-Peb. IV. IWB.
ffaplra. Hichtpu. Pab. n. IKB.
Urod Id HAryorllle two ud a bait
•Daa Hn Batoa-1 Ibouphta I tare
woaid llkata
yoon. Now we have aored to Sedrn
oerer wrillu before I .woaid
W»l yoa plaaaa
Bile ud
iaudBoaeardoad bauta? I po fa .
j acbool erory day. 1 aat la tbe aisfa
{ prsde 1 andr .rithtoetio, pooprapfey, '
IpraroiTBr rudlup, atwIUap aad pu<
From root frlrad.
____ _ A.'
tall >u
A |wir of aiittoao. a /


dlnctloaa. twlac alicbtir dlf
fen at prvpunkas. Cook toe
oBiaide otalU of tom beado of
Candkd Pool
njk.7, aermplac them
Take tor peellac from Iobou ■
boll la oao ptot od water tlU ooft eeraapea. throw lata cold wuer. pli
Boah IhRMcb a oiraaer.
od Bilk k raqalrad ta 0*o
1 tedJ dnla tbo wa
quaailtr aaouch ' Bad aad
icaia wllb eold wafrn
dlreffad for atbor Mopa.
•ftaOB Bbutea
of oekrp laH aa oddltloea
ihk. aad. boil Diilll i
Soup-Boll torn larse ped Book IhoB tonocb a rtaar



Wilita Broedfa.

Fife ute. Uieh Feb fa. Itfa.
llesr Ur.
will try to WfHt
a few liaM. Kellted let rmi «air.
Wo are oawiifa wood fiw eaeielso Wo
bare aswed ff^hooi oipfat nwdo of wM
oinrao'. Paheoubia oOm. 8bo nhnnt .is gaonr of Bill. Vo
bare three IlleMrr While plgA How
■ilnpoloy. Uieh . Frh fa. IVU3.
I eill tril ion what I pirt for (torutDnr Ur*. Ikuo-I ibotpl.t I m . *I.| baa 1 pm a Sfo. a book, a Joadlike lu join the Saoohlne Clab Will kolfr, a |ak'of Blttoao aad Jtata Obd
yne ploaae oeed oae Board uO battoo* cud*. V* beya bare aet
ChOdrsa’rtf Mr. mk Mrs Fruk ft
I like lo po toaobeol.
Hy teaebtr’a'eaarlit two t
a wlBMr.
k UlM Hotsaa. Papa takoa the Ifoeot By toa
a qaart of Bilk.
iliBntobtayaald. My uaebat't |bt breUkr wut eu way ud papa Herald. I like to nad tbo letirra to ! pood by.
Ororot Fatlar.
meboa tbe oeahttoc pida etiOa oM
lUl^WeldBU tea la lb* Ifat other way to aad ber. My broth
of water) k ako aapi
■oaMtolac aad atlr tba Bilk lata
grada. 1 Ur# u a tana
1 will'at foud ber. 8bo waa aoBiag borne
pood to eka toe akta. Ibbob joke
mata 'Btod wiik (wo
olaoa Bj lattar. aopood bye.
iwltb aomebedy alae ..It aeama very
dUatad..wlik water k raay.n
Praa yoarSaaablae gtrl.
lakaaffo to take ay dlnoor ud hare to'
tally iak«a tor fboniaBtkB. I
OontUa Morobaa
’taarl fa aaly. for la Maryorille we
wtto chopped pBMer.
Aaiell. Mtea.. Feb. fa. IfaS.
Urod la aiphi of (be oebool faooae. I
Tbo aoapo od boaat Obd pw
Daa Mta. Balaa—I aoe to may let-'Uilak tbk lo a real ptoomat plaeo
Bade rorr Bweb after Ibe niM
.orr of Ufa Hoiakl Buboaa tba
Tbera ka lUcU sUuooruaodtaa aad wUtu ttaa baada.
aa aacolket btock bowa ooai
ibeogbt I weald write too. IaBalao|»Ufa «»o*fb oa farm.
They ay
plat Iff boaaa om aicbt. drato to
yuraaldaadlpo tooobooL 1 h.,,
•» toriblroot aad «l»oo la U.
Borwtoc aad add two qwoi
IwopotkiUlaa I hare a lot of »u-!
Orate halt a pood of cbeao
fay ffH-r! oardo aad woaid Uka ao
bandrad aebolara in aabool.
OM baaptas plal of broad erwBbt tabd tbaa to aembody wbo woaid
““U*« U. the pobita aehoel. aad
BOt MO tabkepooeful od batur.
faaa. Ptaaoo tall bm If yoa kaow
*Uera k a -blgb aohoel aod ' '
broad erwaba. eboaao aad
Tea Uttl* Sutblaot.
dtrpanu la aaoiaor acbool.
tapatbor and pat tboa la a pi
Laaza (Fbaokr.
idlto. Baa torn uu tuatbar
BM aawd tbo cards to tbo BuUshi. add OM plat of Bilk, aad pour ■Mm* adller, daa, and tba will too to
Orawa. HMi . Uareb I. IV
orbr tbe jDoaUaU of tot dkb Lot
Doa Un Bataa-t will wriu yoa a
aiaad •ftau Blasua. thaw b
taw llaaa
I bolooc ta the Buabloe
MaybaU. HWi . Fab fa. lA.
Dor fare. Batao I hare eojoyfa Olab. Tba DBBbor of ay card k «K.
raadtog fao lattan la tbo Batald. I 1 won to X>1> Ibe PoelBy AeooeototloB. llaraalcbt eblokou to otart,
For pott I bare » Bolpiu:
iap of mmoa tboold a
bant. They an Aoe oaeo. Well ay {
lamrkpotttBpjaad. ulwlU oloae. |
ba pa u It. aad Usbity braaba
Om at yoa BoaoblM beya.
a aad tour tlkwa cd a
Dealer IB tiigfa grade G&ANtTK aad MARBLE MO.VUMENT8
aad .rwBoead. ropoaitap tbk wtto
a aad took S*a atooU
MMr'fautaB mrafa MuMdaWoraMM
kaob auU aatti tba torpat k
Mowmo. Fabrwaty fa. 1K»
•apooBo at bouar.
Laiot aad eewoat detigat.
Kirat.cU« worktnonAbip guuuiecd.
KtapHoy, Mtab . Fob. tl. IBCS
Doa Mm. Baaab-I M
11 weald,
Cun far a Cawflh.
Doa Mn. Baioo-I iboopbi 1 woaM
Copo^ tad Cut Suae ta cpder.
•oar. oae taaapooa of lalt aad baS
rrtta. 1 woaid like to

a lima od popper, atlr lata tbe
Bay St.
Travoroo City. Mich. '
Cmiaia -Phono MO.
bluOtob. Will;
boUlac aoep. Jaat b^on atn
tota too lame add owe cop <ff <
ta bad. aad baH u boor btow
Cara Cbewtor Chop a amaU
IbmUaaaaday A larsar doaa
' I tor «To atootoa. «trBl
aad baiar toto a oaaiiopaa
fea hapa. For CfartaUBo 1 got a book
to ordo, proinpaly. Only the-roy beat malarial
fowr cwpa cd potataao i
aad a fatekar board aad a tot fa aa fall aad broke ba arm
ned. and tolly gtaruteed ia erery raapect.
I to boUtoff wctar. EfeBla aad p«
Toa frted.
IB tbo Baewpaa
Oocb with
Tbsi oe made lo vac aa w^ u tefi. They ora
Ago lA
LoWo Bitoy.
too pM of>Mllic waior. oaok tni or dkb tawwl for a bohkr m taUu
and pr«b a Baafay
SUraladto. Mtob.. Fob. lA IHI.
too potalooo Va ocfflawod. tboa add daya? THka tba biat. tboa. aad
faiidi to exteb tbe eye; bfa arc dtaable, coafiM*
boMan of M
half a yard t«aan tbtotlMa,aap«>dby.
Daa Mra Boioa I Uko ta write a


-DC... t fa... Ofa.fa....... .... ..
la .-I*, lam V years „lj ai.-' 1 >>el
p.|si do the eberaa. Well, ( <hi k

A. W. mCK&RD

gwfac fa


ad totolfff rato to tot boato
■atwf Aad tok k wbr tba adtod
btoil a IkBito wtodd
kl «a hPtoa BdH «

ttaadan * aad tbo wabor will brtai
TWy on oaey to hoop ciiu aad on
a a pdaoa ed appk pdo. Ha kaewr
wkM apple pie k Tboro an Uto
0 of bottar aad
■boa otbor Uado aoho
amt aad rwa CB ab«4 a muo. bwi
Pto koapa Inolac aa. aad to
aad br H mottafcoa iboB. Tbk
ad Ottr too droeltawa fkto br aab
Btooo pk k to tbo kad I
balldlBW la the 0
aad Ibai

aMe tMdaod a* ■


Aft tL

Taaaa iraly.
Mary Hartau

HapfaOltT. Mtob.. ilanb
Dta Mra ~
wafaaaa lafatr a aben tlaa ata

tow tfaot M yob 1 wUl ta ■ ;
eld next Manb aad so to tbo Boute

able, and aeat.

Tbr dieopM oa the sariu^ qoali^ eeuidercil

Once died aad yoo wiO bay no other aakG

H*«kw «i(tot. w Uktor PetertyL



6. T. Terris, Chairman and Itlgr.

]y. T. Bougbef, treasurer.

C €. Jennie, Secretarp.



1_ I IVI I T e: D




To tbs FM aod .Patrons of the business houses of IF. Ferris and the Traverse City Implement Go.
The undersigned, having purchased the business and stock in trade of the above named concerns, and leased for a
term of years the buiidings occupied by them and added to the large stock on hand, severai carloads ol seasonable
goods. We are better prepared than ever to- supply the wante of-bur customers in a satisfactory manner. We wili
carry both the lUceomilck and ebampion lines of Raroesting machinery. Cbe Smifb Klagon which has become such an
universal favoriterWill be sold exclusively by us. Dolson Buggies, our old stand by, will occupy a prominent position on
our floors. Staoer, CaPorte, Patterson, Diinlap and Kalamazoo Suriries, Pbaetons, Stanhopes, Cop Buggies, Concords, Ben^
ttonen’s Drioing Olagons, Runabouts, Park Olagons and Combination Spring Olagons wm be shown m Breat Uariety.
More than One Bundreg and Filty Jobs for you to choose from. Think of it; Hlmost a Crain Coad ol Uebicles. Better
than going to the factory to buy; as you have the product of Six Large Factories to select from. We will give special
attention to Rorse Com Planters, Riding Cultivators, Cora Raraesters, Basoline ^gines, Cora Buskers and Shredders.
(tncCormick and l^oseiflhal,) Ensilage Cutters and Silos, (Cansing Cubular,) ail for caring for the com crop in the
most economical and approved manner. Cbe Buller Blind Itlill has proven a winner. We sold Forty>Cwo of these
mills last season and have just received a monster Car Load of them for this season’strade. We are ^so giving special
attention to Tools for Sugar Beet Culture. We have the Famous Iron Hge and Planet Jr., lines of Rarden Cools, Em*
pire and Cbomas Brain Drills. We continue to hold the exclusive sale of the famous Smalley Line of Blood Sawing ma*
chinery. Bay Cedders, Ray Loaders, Eagan Potato Diggers, Disc Plows, Disc Barrows, Sand Rollers, Plows, Barrows, Small
Cools in endless variety. We also carry a complete line of harness, both Reaoy and Light, Fur Coats, Robes, Blankets,
BIhips, Fly Dels, and Dusiers in largs Quantities and great variety in their respective seasons. Our prices will be ^ low
as Is consistentwith good conservative business principles, and buying in such quantities makes it possible to secure
concessions from the manufacturers, not possible with smaller dealers, and we propose to give our customers the
benefit of this in better qualities in their goodathan they can get elsewhere for the same money. Hoping by fair treat­
ment, and the advantages and inducements we can offer to merit a continuance of your liberal patronage and at­
tract many new customers, we are.
Very respectfully.

Ferris litiplement


. 'i

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