Grand Traverse Herald, August 16, 1900

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Grand Traverse Herald, August 16, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




Q.wa •( Aurrte.«


Merchant Tailor Real

whkh m»it mp
la (ha Utsi htflM. and at



•Om U1. L A. Mttt IppMU LAI. ML.


at 315 Front Street.




AUarM^t *t

TMoa. a. apaAoui

alace that loey. brlybt
when ibe dretor cent me iheie ta re
cover from iheeeirlel fever, aod Wil
fell ao in love with me.Will. tbv«Ule)y youeyathle'
laoybed a*, in my yirlNh I
deemioy that I •houtd find
fail of joal aaeh idea!, of chlvalHe
yrace and (raok honealy.
Aad not ani I tbe ebaaee wai i
and yone did I realize that axi
yoeay mea were aa nallke Will Wei
Ocid «» the wax dnmmy laalalL. ,
iwledow U nnlike tbe Apollo tlelvldefe.
Hat I came forward, with botbhaadt
held oat la welcome
'«b. I'oele John: Oh. Aaat Mabala'
"I didi.'t yM eVer, e*e

t» In.— —.1 .bf
U.y —J b.
iU>r—blUW-,... lk>l kbd





tb-UMkO w-

Ufoneif to Lorn on Improved Real Estate Only.


JobuMi Bkpck, Phuie 1b

-.iin> i»- u.

*0* i«vple r^ie* Ub.—

Tnvuw City, Kiel].

Cumtt Bah

Bosmess Caz^;



"r."Si5r*-A-atun^ ^neral Director
aad Pnetic^ Snbataer of 1


A FalM Alara .


Once become accuBtomed to thrir iiae aod you arc loot
4UI Oalae BtMt. TraTma Btr. >lcL witboat one. Wo bare tbom (or temperaton-, (or dairy nae, (or aU-r*
ilixiDK putpoaea, and for tlicrmomctera
Brine rrcocriptiona and Fatnily Bi-riiiea to na. We fill. Ibcm
rigbt, wiUi dm^'a that arc right, at pricce that arc right.


STSS .WI-.-S.nS5ri.SS!.'


$3 (DinURE
Send in roor%d4ra« and
we -wlU allow ;ua boTr


! we (urtilih tbe work
tench rou Tne> roo imk in Uie locaW
Hy wliire yob 11»a ‘ Send n* your
BddrrM and w« will expUla the basl-

H.'iSiSSS'''” *

A'ss-ASi.’sssr. ■
AMRU. O. O. ^ Di

clear peufll of *3 Tar. erery day*e work.
• • •

m PBOHT sraurr.


tuavebsr citv. uicb.


l^0- I. . .-AelulJ.



New Phone No. 2ti.


t'Sb cold


o lip:




■its-__Mouay to Loan

Carpet Cleaning^^rks X
(U —■—«Im a—M fnamr.

Ooth I'honos I


Wc irry a fine line of canned meats and
an fish and a
large variety
:ty of table delicicics and rclishc.'L fancy crackers and cakes, Everything necessary for a quick and dclicioiis lundi.





Breach Block.

a. h.caApiR.rt«».


848 Front StreaL


«Wf5'u’£?U^”5Sr^ <
mnuD nvBSTiEn co.. Q.




Farms for Sale

ML PlaaaaaL Oweaae, M
naw.Baj OHy. DatrelLHav.
all. Aaa Azber, Talade and
pelBta Beat and Beath. CIom



T. F. Hnttf,


w. H. Bunn.
aaonpa«.a(L SaMa.

WBd in
r. yoar oill
bill asutasl.
a* u^«l "'
in sorry to annA mtdemoiaelle.'
ured Llaetlr; “bat ze poor work



Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Line
MfarthaC. A W m. <
au n.aa.a.oaaai
—r—cirr- W—tWi

Bat Urery In Northern Michigan.

It will aaqn be aprinc
abd------------------yon will n a good batwun if you
------------'t buy
bay ODC of
o( my fonna.
V> ocrcd on Long Lake rood,
ood, just
jtul back
bru of-thcafljlnm; all dear
-!.i. .-------1—1
------ brook mnning
1 IcDgtb ol Uic farm; tfais is a very <l>«iral>lc i^arc f-ir KBtdening
y one who wante a bom.- m-ar the city. Priiv $1,200.
:I0 acre* on coonty lino, ooc mile west of city limita; t»
iKC peach orcbmnl o( fifty bearing Ireca; ahont fifty <
nc Untber; a nice platv for frail or poutow; good aoil;
SO acre* two mile* from town. ODC.foorth mile from -Eratoebvillc brewery; b>«vy soil; all cleared: omall bonae; good spring of
c«U water; priiv MOO.
80 ncTM foot mile* west-of tlie villi«c of Lake Ann. 80 ncrea
deaicd:.BmhU frame boiwe; omoll frame bora; a good (arm; ptyoly of
timber on tbe place; price $506.
40 acree two milea north of Lake Ann. SO acres cleared; small
fimme boooe; log born; small orchard good sned trees; cheap, $300.
40 acres one mile.from Lake Asm SOacna cleared; good heavy
h^i orchard; ftame boose aod barn; A No.

Read and Bala atahia ia OnaeaUaw.
80aota^oor miles wed of Wexford in Grant; small frame

honne; log bora; 40 aerra cleared, free from otampa; aatall orcbord;
Telephone 7© good wd*w;40oewagood Umbar. 60Ml«t of Bm.

that day op to tht. John refoam toM'm»a. «.en
inaoun. ■"a doaeoaot tarM
aboai ibem where U
wheat and oau •Uad.ay. I
w-* ' eleoecd
eleoacd tthe fleldi
___ to t
rronad oad lafi ae kernel otyrala aad

. ...ti.’';''

'heat were ready to be
cut. but evervbecui,
everyIliac forbl. reyu.artura.
a h.i I'v.-r heard p( yrastiwa ' HulTum llruwn bad
one of
of iha
prairie scho-irer"
Wn one
I an 1 he yol soared
lie Jumped
>Vdcpnsl haate to-Luiailyi
i contract with a deairr tc
boy b.U grtla io the Ii -id
The dealet
screwed bun down a tr.ll'.liol floally
the paper* we.-e signed. "YMa're afraid
of the yvasshopporr. < reckoo." said the
“They •
comlagto lowA 'aaid the
lijming ur goiog. they woaT
yet any wheat ore
. replied
Tcm't unclu.
"W____ _
la bear of
'em laai." laid H.Uiayslcy
flrisllei.' war tbe aoswur ' uoi
Wuy, that's only If 'x
of yon. -Kivi
- K I’vea miles." eor
ed Hrowp.
week irjiay to bay froia'you
u ol
old maa .
Wuoa aaid they UadaH beard from

*h"2 .

irklDR womaa.” la her beoeaded
•ilk, M auy one coaid do.
TbUwBb. to u*etbe exprovoD,
tikl ot niyday
Ceedilon ,c*ibc
1 arribed by pot. until i knew
lat Id make of it
'He—iC" cried 1 to my faith)
maid, "wbal doea all tbib meat
her eyea-were
Id w
“U what tme. Ileb
"'nat yon are ru
That yoar
fortanc ii all eonc'.''
-a illb." bald 1.
I* tbe Sivl
that I hare heard.ol ..
"1 won't leabcyoo. ma'am." flattered
He—Ir. "ooi. it too pot my brayee
lint tfaeeook :«yoUiy at tbe
BUkalb'a end. Aod Tbomai any* be caa'l
reeuutioe by blaymy ti
ere tbe family U bankrapl.
place wfaei
••Ob'" aaid I. wyiny to lanyb io aplte
erluthatiaa "Toore are plenty
.............. eook*
ooaiinet have Then
nprril b'laproapecu
him -VerT^u was a liiyb
BOB, who eoDdeaeroded
a to drive my
Mt-black carriaye borses after the moat
diyalfied alyle.
isittra^' pleade;
ceaee." nid I.^


braer face I el

however, for
lopal epea
lU later, the

a. my lawyer, lookioy a* grave


"1 Am verr ylad to And y
Miw Headley." eeaaid in hit
ema aevenu
And Qi
1 cried oat.
Ih, Mr. tmrkloiOB. is It tree - r"I bey yoar pardon. Miaa Ueodlcy."
with an' air of polite perplexity.'
"Why did yon come here iblsmomt
lof'" i aaktd, feeliny iM feet aac
___________ yoa." beiai d
adviae yoa to sell oat your railway
and porebaae at c nee. while tbe
oiarkel ia ruaionabiy iow."
"Tbeo I havea't lost ail my propertyr" aald I. with a vmaii yaap of relief.
" ibal I am aware.-aaid
Mr. Parkioaon. lookioy serpnsed.
Thea 1 told bim tbe whole
atory. ^
explained how )'"- --------------' —
ylaalay to feel.
"I don't eBderatABn it at au," i
•Hat what ahall 1 dor " I naked.
‘Taa* no ootlce of il whaioeer," <
the hard-beaded old lasryer.
tbiw are beat left (odle a oati
I could have *any asd diiacad for
jry llyht-neartedwaia when be was
gne: bat Jastaa I waaabonl to riay
__ Baeeie. in walked my eoaaie.
Wylie WiUoaybby. a tat. over.draaaed
swtrpe. at wbwe hoaae I had pcomiaad
'lA with bar tall
and dibytlA be"We are ao

yreateal prairte fi _________
was io tbe yimr tana, aad it
only act by as pflleerof Ua
lUa yovempeat Thkofitoar
Waablayios. aad dnrl« the
. ar bis name was mom fraqucniir in Ue papers Uaa any other.
Ue wea aad la on* of the chiefs of Ue
istoace deparLmnat. and la lb*


lay flom i


, barrlcaae. aad whan a atop
waa a
on Uc wild prairie come Ua
milea .. U
. of naysthlaolDmrdellbaralcly louci
Ihisi a match to Ue
ler to maka a
I other offiM
what ha
waa abool to do they made a deaearau
efforitoaiup bim bat tba daaTwBa
doneaad tbe red flamai wem mallay
BCroas the prairie llbe a frlykteoad B«tulope. That fire awrpt from wbec* It
bad beaa auned dear acmes Ksaaaa
Into what is now OklabomA
Sir«*ms and nmda oftsrod no obatmdra
to II whaieror While golny eoMh II
ed toward
cosL and Itfl a
uiB aemm fitee, Reno. Ktay-------------- -per aad other eoBBtir- wa—.
saadi of aelUeta w e baraedoat, balog not only lbr1 hoaaoa aad Ualr
/red but also lb*li___________________
a aodaa If ihs maa wbosH that fii* had howa
knowu Ki iheartUrmal, tha Wdope oa
Ihr Plalas woald sot have b*M eadgyh
>«*to^tb'lr vonyaaBe^^Aa tt WM^




Who died la ifit. aod ww
etMt^lyaifled ooortleraad poUULord Boylae. who leal hM right A
itbo aalUeof WateHao. aad waa co
ABdct-la-eblerof tboBi
- tbeCrtmdaa wi
e overedat
overedat with cape sicwvm. wlika
bcoa worn more or lorn ataee >»«

toawood* they were drifLioy by ii
which look^ wbiM at i
* flmliag seed* oTUa e
h dark!
.. dm** t


mtlyao tb*
leflual^ u
e air. a
atwm of frail
. eUotm____
a UerroBod a*
ly added Sibylla.
mlybtapwlrl c
'flakra To Ua
“And 1 dara any H wcm*t make>My
-------------^^tvmtflaldofesre wMaehara
- - ranee u yw." eaid MItmAa
aaadaoe-iwapikiieheo ftaor. aotaae
let what do yoa mena?- 1 aekad.
apparatas baa a haavy aieal rod vestig* of gTceo appeanog
ibaaltbatvtfi which yoa war* ao -------iSrUahape. wdth a ieat formed boor before had toaaod aod
a* to pcnmlaa ba" eaid Mm, Wll- at (he bottom of th* L'. books balay
hby. TahemenUy faaatar hwaaU.
gtwsUed at tbe top to flto«mlh*Ara■hookieeeaad atia^tobeUtb*
hi^wlUi, MiiaaiaL
“Bat really, yoa know, we we not

In Kan

moved,"replied Brown. brieUy.
cri^, ' sain Lbc denier Ibonybifaiiy, a*
took off
bta aloucb bat. "what
man to Aunt Makala. and pat he lid
wo^d you advise me
ind «1B beiv There was a
ft meoandaomr boys, get I
menl's siieace.Ta whivh it seemed
that grain tomorrow, work nlgl..
irld could bear,my heart I____ and day-moooliyhi nlysu now. you
en 1 apeke eol what wad In my
know—and get berm't a* quick as luck
win let you." was the chrerful riI him to come back." aaid I.
sponsr Jaiio aod his untie goCou tbeir
Ira"' exelainird my aunt,
pouiesand rode bomr slowly. "Ii.dc '
i." Uid 1, vehemently, ""b
heeuiyou down some on Mie price. I'
fooliih. Aao^ M Shalt' 1 lo­
cleTou5" asked John.
'VeA"mid I
ro: I love hlBsim belter n,
L If It was ml and ihiaahed
that he is williny toaaerlfiee hiahoiae
riyiit awa, . as I iblnk it ongbt to he. it
- bm birtbnybt for.i^aake."'
When the oUean aUHayi woald hs^
woold esw me more....................................
papera telllny of the damoys
tlerlk . .
yayed at once , be woald ym*a and oarae hisI reckoa yoar yiamlilsstjanyr haw sllyhia tbiny will weight off me
maw'il be mighty glad, loo " Aa they aeir loudly. Jla left Haya tor aoms
imetimea aaravel the labyrinthine
■Ithrr pwt la tbe loltowiay yuar and ao
laayleol eireumaianors: If mv necle
we kauw bis aams waa Boear
and aunthad still believed me an lieirClod with tbe ylyaatle ptsM*.
eai: they never woald have bmayht me IB. "I'm going Io to aell my wheat and
l-i;'.,.—K.iitAi. «'b|, duurvwil.
aau." heeipiained.
'-iislay to Hii:tack (bSweelbrtai Farm
'JIuL 'sald 1. "bow did yoa hear of ingsley- said Docle Tom.
A N*w R
"Well, torn yoar poaie* toward Itoriedy and aer llelmer.
He made you ao
to year
e.^ alt l^oSarau
IblBK bat beam offer la*t week. I'ui tbe
ponies. Tbomp. and don't »tr>p Jo talk
oa nv both enr alace I bad aaid "Vei"
Sauerly a<
al *Vifudei,'le UaT?l"toIIS^ C
to Will. ' Did Anal Nabby Nixon told whys with m, ''
cl that Ue federal yoveraMBt M ioher. And Nabby bad it ia a letter whip and back tracked to the r
w.ey Ue area of It* foraei ft............a
from brr eoutlo io Eeaom. who aaid log to iKirindA Ue knew bie-nelybbcir
well enongb to know be waa iaearneeL.
you had to take to Urr-makihy "
SovrrameatB m
"Lare-makiay " 1 eebavd. "Kntit
able example aayyaat* Ue uvar^wldoe.
at only aeti<ioe poiat. j**t for my lauybed aod played w .Ih the dog. ai
Il wae a ebeelfal family
;y tbar gather
lay field already opeo* UetadaBWaad
■a amnsemeat."
speeialluu to Ue aetawae of fa tiitij. It
"Audi Nabbv didn't nndnataad It io
that way." aald Aoei Mahaia. ' She may be all wrong, mother." aald L'ecle
yrammaw, "but If Ue -hoppers'
anpyoa^. of eonrae. it was a bneiaeta Tom to yrami
er alnkr
sinks lb
Ibis scclioe Ibry'll liek an a needs for Us proper care sod aaearrla.
Inleaded to aopport yooraelf Folk* ever
sBly libs a* ceilapemllb
cat lapa milk.
acprptof m«itrBlBad (erUMapw
fell awful . torry tor yoa down tbia
for eolblay "
parposA Thea* rolaabU pa^
Haya caaaot be lefL aa Uay have
t>3 II wa* tba* that tbe rumor of my" ^The I ext Boralay at daybreak there
iiruplln-of mra andbjyaoa
] tooefua. U charge of almuat any
bankreolry oriylaaled.
Trnly tailb
who may ba out of a Jib. Tbaaartbe proverb. "The mother of miaebief Ur brown «laee and a Ymullny of maanda yiyaaUe/Umbiog maCBlIs tor piekad me* wbo an
is no blyyer ibaa the luldce't wieyr'
■as amaay Uem. K.IUayslry enoayb atant toreatry to maka It Ualr
Two or three-deaf eld IsdiM. aleuer
takra faM aeDer's advice aod b« lift work. . Ucrmaay. Praam aad oUar
wtwo. a misplaead expretaibh of pity.
Lsropema coBBtrtaa ho** had (teM
And that tbe tiny paale beyaa.
achoois of forestry tor yaan. aad
Bat I was ylad and thankful that It
I la tbe Bsld. aad it was Uea yrmdaatm are foead la eharyn of t
is and fed into Ue Ihreaher lADdi la erery panofUeOM
f ilaagfalag. half b.-oaybl
nw who alood on a platform wlU
er7lnr.^'':l'i^fl a'mialake.
-p kaivea aed cat the "baadr." It Of^
a qalek w^y of worhlag. aad wlU
......................Ue t« the Job waa AnKMb^ a eiUesa
eaid I. radiantly, "bol. mi*
•tr*w.pile left
. Uia loatiUUoa haa
lake that I have loal tny fortaoe. I am !*
wbat bad bap- bees able
.bliab a formt oahoM.
a* rieb aa ever-aay, riche-, ia that I
have Nrao tbe yold of a good
of uo.floo.
1 acres..was yrowiag bewallfallv.
r New Havi
lofot laad
Aed I told bimall.
<1* Suedhy tbr lelk* at U< Urowe where for practical formt iBatrwUea.
H think be was* little vexed at Brat
trm waoti to ebareb, lt«vlag Joba.
' '
i'WiU: Ue had
'bo was aarsicyafoot which bad baca
rklay fo
art by • Idy from tbr wondpilefalliay ilaaal foreatry, and apsciai laetarmoa
bad before.
0 .■
Ferris was expmted ever to forvatlawaad lambahay Th* rayalar
re my Uelaa aUll " he
-bile *sray Ue lime, aad at v o'clock
ar* a period of two yeara
e made bis appraraecr
Tbe boys
yeaFe eoam* todadm Ua
fooled aronpd aalil diaoer time aad
d prodacuoaof traeaaad (ar•A year Helen forever. "
1 yoa GBB imayia* tbe aatoaleb- Ure svent .ia aad tried aome eggs and -------------jUbllUmwiiaf formt ptaabuilt
tttloBs. aod Itow to malm ^MogA
freaiaod ebarria of ail the people la
Ue boaau about aa boar. AaUayweat
tb* city-tbe Wylie Willoaybhya most
they said, lookmy toward Ue M
year ia duveud to uikalml
ofaU-wben il tnaraired that I was
cs of Uree-tODl emerald blade*
- reasaim.-rhc ;
Ue clam room aad U tte M4.
flaehlay la the eaBliyh’. “Ain't that a
stand ot corn for yo*:*
There wa* a
brisk wUd from Ue soaU bat it was —fixiAunpr.
Coats Named tor Men
bol day PciTie staapad u Ue door
Cardies wvs. eioee-l
ad woe oat before Jobs
A aoand
. wcMleo Jsc
Snyar Mot ttu Wht
ant from bi* liB* like a ery. John
waa named aftartbe
labed oat aod rarvie nouud. flm
Re wae bom fa irrr. and i
ry tradaff
bl«h aberr Ue eoU
eloy a Kriliab ycneraL
A top coat WAS named for lha Earl Bf BoaU. and Uea to




.h nfe a* yoa pleaae "
eaay*. mia, bi* order* are not to
ui with tbr dear old peepio
corns away without the moeey
troak* ai
1 took my red plaafa pane oat of tbe
foUoiv by the eveainy t
table drawer, aod yate it to Hcaiue.
-'•r*y him." laid I, "apd let bin yc. went wita my uncle and
Hut tell him not to salt for farther or- old earriayi'. a* 1 u»ed to yo when f

Hut It aeemod aa it I had'acarcely b,.
come iatereated in tbe book onoc^pre
build up a gold- —r------------ ----e Madame I. *Mle, my dreaamiL
lADil my frieodA
u ushered la.
I Inoked a '
^ow beautifal
with a pazcled a.r.
boait—hidden la maple tree*, a
"I diduT aend for you. tbia mor
et<in»lyanrroondea aiib aulamo
1 looked tlaild!^ aruaod as I ...
biy (jsenliied iLu
It I cal), to aak for iDLi the silltny roam where the deer'*
aotlers were buey above tbe Uanny
/.: leelle neeoiiat' I brlog
dee of log*, aii-l tbe old p^rtura* aiill
•'Pot it down.' I •Bid. w: U a pas*li
at me from the walls.
anBBllos of woBder: -BBf 1 a ill SCI
"Ob^ Aaui Mabala." aald I iinpul
check totuoiTow.Siveiy.-l am .t ylad to be kere "'
llBtUme. Lltellc balled
-tllour home bereaficr, my dear,"
intently ibno c*er.
"Hut pardon:' bhe urgNl.
"1 haTe e^idXnolMahaia. teaderly kUalny me.
"Kat-^1 hesitated, feelioy the hot
»6r deuBDdb to meet
'/-• bccobbi in
nearly one huadred
buDdre.t dollar*
ifaado- W^^BOBpt to my brow—“where is
aoikcOe plcaacb—ca*c»-"Hehas your away. mydear."aifd
•bood Wfore ae wjtb expec*
Aunt Mahtla. p-rU-adloy not to Ihok
Yooh cbMb at me. AS she piled thesbawlson tbe
sots 1^' llc^tljtuyht. perhapA il WMld


In laeb elondi (hat tbe boya war* alm«l b.laded and w<w* rompelled to
iMve. In tbeyardMi the yrwbcaaera

■'ll :> reryaMaye." aaid I
need be be la caeb abarry .'
1 don't
luoally ny oficner IfaanotcMa.)
Bbulha. Tell him Wcallaymio llcaaie iUpped
" '
only yield myseif hild'^AuBl Mahals'*
preacatly *he
le retbraed.

sareaaioy armsaad eay. with acbokiay







laf»bUp ‘’’*“*'*'“ “***"■“"
I threw down tbe eolnme over which
yawBine—bill. Beai....................
Ids'tMod for il
Ill- I exe:oiti.
Tho 5 my man la her*, ma'am"
.. .
...le. "and be aaya bla maatcr
WMid te mseb obtUM it yoa woold

of tbe corn at lae *d^
s. .12 ■alabe
yroand. Tbe corn liaeif badallhoea
eaten la the etabbiee tbe laaeela rwm

tnem drayyed->at wootea
beaded ch.idrea They had
far— and endured
Aa.l a pMli:
bad come apoa them la a alyht. lb
Urarllilifa playueof le
fruit* of their lab:
And they bad oom back
Iowa and V rioan peenilew.
a Ilife vr«r ayaia.
nd to aucb a*
there wa« aolbii
ao lembie aa

od kervia, allhoayb they
.. -.ailoy* will be, there wa.
BO fear in ibt world
tbe aur, aileotly aeol aa the dowT____
yraiahnpMr.. Tbe biy fellowa, the rtrS5 ^ P»*“'««oe. terrible aa death
lay yraiabopper*, trowc-bo
trowc-boiled ao.I
loBt-wiayed. lay ;n Ue road
apaad away, waea ih' uam,
Tbe biy green bodied ear* •layvd
hay fle'di and aubblei. t^ell
m the UMk of ta* Brat dattroTiay
I«-ly_, ' yon are to come to the
le farm
b the little
frllo*a. a
.. - red ieyyed ________.„.>«<‘ona
It waa a alybl oevar low
allboayb Ifaere were plenty of yra*.! foryotun
We've yet tbe bora— at the door.
I they eaa eead yoar u-aaln after hopoeta ia the eoaolry there *ai oo( When I'aeleTma and tbe tolkaynt
Ilutev-; home that otyblbahad Wee proporad
,_j."ai^ed raeleJobn.
ery day the ri
tbe mporla be bad bt___
a by the
"We only beard it tbia momiDy." .... J._ ... ---.anyalhtredaod yrew.'j tor bu loea
and from M:
alony tbe way from tbeae who bad loal '
aald Aaal Uabala. "and yoar aaele. be
tbeir entire crop Ue waa a maa of
uyt be,^'We'vd'yot enoayb for
Celda swept ------ ...
------be looked OB ha wid*
nd llelea. too."
a of cioddi o. i_______
nsecu : tract of bare
next momlay
mocnlay It
..od yoar annt" chimed in Hai
led the sno Tbe one Ibiog i shook bii
II ber aald was: “I'm
John. "shesayA aa>a tbe. 'tleleo w
stveaAvtonof the cone-1'»«><>«'tl
aomeof I • boya I waa
be a deal ot company /or us bol
try was
r wind
if a wlpd came op Mucky
> yet rid of i > wheal and
And.' says ihr. 'we caa'l let oora
ter-s daaybtcr want, while wr'
cue portion of the v:
eoouyhaad lospare"' ^
crop* and anot^r
I tried to explain, but simehow i
--------- r--|
How a nraai Fira Was Sianaa.
of tbe o
rxplABallont woold not oamr I rould

n.iSLV l.<.*Ma>.-i|-.


lr>.«lu.i. r.1,11, i..

Facal Balm Cured (ben.
1u—t. f—n rvrrd:" <
Cmr. <>>w.

aadthekaUI bon
----------------aallj. It eosM
a— IBM
a klayl.
Ukhoepfrv- Thm* ot the aeo
■! tbe Srown fmra .ad Joho'. as-

•^r* bUdtiac (O the tide of thaboBM
that — oeolartM
aevaral laebaa 4oap.
fhoy .
|.-w thee. dowe. bat ^ he<S
Tl.,1 •lllbl—>
Tfc. ..».T»rckllir .U

Tmeru Citj SdMl of lulcl ONLY
Plata Olaaa, Btaam Boiler and Aoetdant iDanranoe


Aad uy coaiin ahdil-d act awk
nrl’y odt of ay pre—oce. all ulkac
aionoe in aa iei._____________
-They han beoril ih,
thoagbl •


rsuT umiAa.

Ctoaox M Bsppara.
WlUeaffhby. eoierlac
heeWkrediAdeay onncltM the pl«M rinabeat IVkle __
Mr Willoachby hi.aeai, rela- ■toap— OB* ineifcMtiveeeoalaafnuB Seoilaail. aod all Mr

O. P. Carver

M.HUELLMANTEL o.miiuT*'***'


tba ample oeeapima yraatly iaJmtar
raab. lu lolm bxiay parhopa ae ^ma
Uaa oa< isreatioU of the toui nalOB od
Tb*a*rtae*>aootU* <Uama amthOB UMo(

Th* tXarm of CUm ad,tlMii

(MU iap.^ amlat

ffiAjg^ll^ iniEat.«L Agggw la. uoa
a, a nallaMa
iieB.wbabaa d
Orasd ffksiaasa

*U^w tata latoa
haaaaanry Imsdi tobaUdaalUr
■ BBder «ha i

wtowarkt ta Ue bdt anaUid
kjsabal baahsi ascblas. sad aata

kto bj tk.
iftMaliM«ilclW« laimiaAkr-i mbMl. M W BMUBMd Um balBM Ik* <r«
TWpHri Will faa
IfcB preBMly ot Uk Uag wlaalif It Is
• ■ImUsobML ThhsVwwMCTMlidbjIkkloeklBBdalBlUaf

Nsarfr a ahipwrackA. W. JabnwsBdO. P.OarMrcsfaa
MfT BMT aMpvrBdi M Cbrp Laka
sad II ItMU Ikst lk«T
7 Ml/liiffktaaBd Baa «baa
r* pteMd «B by Bart Bllla.
Oterfs «. Raff. Canla Colby aad
QBatfa BMlbaad ea iha yaebt Dolly.
Tbay bad araaasd tka laka ,iroB i
clBbboMa.BBd«araaim oa tka oppaaUetUsvhrti Iba «Had becu
rlaa. Tbay aUaMtXad to ratare lo Iba
aiBbheaaa. bal tka wlod
I lhay bad te la
It tbaai' halar
nay wars pkcbad ap by tka OoUy. aad
Ukas haek lo Iba elab boaaa. wbara
tbair lamUka ware waMov ee tka
akanfartb«B. '
, for tka laka waa vary

droiaaad alCkdillaa la Bi« Olaa Ikkr:
Ror. C. J. Roeba. paalorol BL doboa
CMtbeUa abareh al kMirilla asd dasa
a( Iba Marlas* raUay.drowaad in Ba*.
Bay; Trasas Crln>ao. a well
toon taraar saw BIIIbss. drowaad
r troorhiJ.
aaiy alerkofMoat.
■aaaaey eoasty, drowsad wblla b*iblac; ls)ala BaaaebaBp. drowsad la
OrsaaBay at boakaba; Boy Bomsda.
SB srpbSB boy froB Iba Uaakell Boss
*l RatUa Creak, drowsid Is Bi. Maryb
Uba; da* Mkapard ot Blrfa. Oaaaola
sosaty. drowsad is Matllbt Ukr; Had
raaaalaof Okasi.laea»p alOrookrd
Lake, drowsad wblla is awia

wltk a
MarcM. •ba»by ba bearht
a bsraa. bayxr a^ banaa, sad aa i
earlty for tka paymaat for lha oal
bayara a akaltal Bortyacaapaal
>pariy. asd iBSddlUoa to that.a
rtfayaoaa plaeaef lasdotarblah
waatkroraar. Ilk Mid IbalBayaa
utorar loBa^aad tradLl tka
raa U> ffiaak Horaa for a oow
a a ataar. Ud dkpoaad of Iba
raaaala bla bMtbar. Balbaaaeld
tka bacyy to WiUlsB Uebbal.
la aaployad Is i. W. Blaiaw- »asl
kOl la tbb rtty- Bk trsdlay did sol
alep barm, bevarar. na alaar ba aold
to Mr BlBoaaad Ua
o*ar i« Mr. Barriacloa for a board UlL
imry wmlkaota


SUrar Braa.-Uraat k
Bbow asd Tralaad Ai
wkata ba eoald the t>
bblalaet uleou ai

tkallBaotasadraaealB tka war!
tka party Is Ua aoosty aad atsta.
A aoBBlUaa waa appoUtad lo at

na atsry ed UM boraab Misarla


kofUaparty wUl ha paUad la a rood roead
aosaty. threap tba erraali
bare for aoBa tlBa, asd aatsrrd is arr
that baa alrvdy baaa startad
Bl raeaa. aeary owe of which ha w
Has Dr. Eallay ot Orsad Eapl^
of Ua rmakof Uaaslaal asd elstaiatf^
plnaiara of UM rorloa. paaaod away ba wata bora saaed Bd Mack, alolea
tina Ua aoaa yrart bafora.
BaUrdayalkatkosMoaB SU
sttksadyaaeadaraof ar. Taa faav ptarlaad bla aad a kar asd «j
asit tallowed la Ue eireell cor
Ue Piraby
wUeb waa wea .by Dr. Kallry. wbi
chareh Haaday at l:M ebiaek
boraa. iBUr It M laid that b(
W. K Wrlrkt oOelstlBr. artlMi
or. C T. Btaat of Uraea ebanh.
baeaau Uoreacbly eoaelaead tkat Ua
■aa waa Bol Bd MaU. aad aold Ua
Mra.HsirtaU3pasear. wkoaa ■
> Oaraalsa Bros, awais.
aae was BHUaia, was bora l»VarBat Uatalt bad
lest. la lail. Ska lirsd thaw till Ua
are sf M yaara. wkaa aka wrlad Jobs aatlafaetioo of tba Aaarleaa TroiUai
> Uat Ur horse wsa Bd
Bpaaaar, at Uat Uae la baalacaa al

nay raalded at Haeklsaw salli laii.
wkaa Mr. Bpaaaar aaBilo Ua pcaaasi
asIUbly deralopad la tba baadrow alia ot Traaccia Oily, sad aarairad la
roaUsa of a boraa. cattle, lasd. barsaaa
•d berry usder
yaarbawaatto rartda at BikBapUa.
Mr. Horraa, hewarer. waasottatla. wbMe Ua faally lirad aatU liai.wbao
dad with Iba baalaaaa traoMctloai of
raaorad ba Ub city, where they
Mr. HayM. ao far aa bla aaearillN ware
aear alaaa llrad'.
aoaearaad, asd bersa to look abeot for
. Bpaaaar. wbo died a lluls laaa
Mr. Bayat Be waa diaeerrrad with
two yaara aroai Ua era ot aa
the Bilaer Brea.-abow aad aetice
to Kdmare. wbaro ika azbIblUoa waa parlor Ua p
baisr rlnw Batnrday, tkat Bayv
City He had Ua eriirlaal teaarsB.
* f BaasUisa a wan
tor bla arrMtaod 8i
laBd.rsaalDK aaat Wwatd Beat Bay

P4U.10. aad as ai
aaaoelsUos of »M tor Ue ebasra o
aa to PredJ Alaoet, Ua horaa war
barred from all aaacelatloa timeks.
of Ue U» 10. TtaB t
too aaeb. la raw of what Ua boraa
coal, aad alaea tba anil Ua
raaar kaa sot baas pat ea Ua track
Uae are. bowarar. J. T. Has
ask. pra daolef Ua DHrlsf Park AsaocBUoaotUla city, took Ua
la head, asd o» a racMI riilt

Iff Biapads will briar blot bare to rl*a troa a Itae oaar BsardoBS aeesa
tbedaUUa of bliaalrassd tradra of nusiacaoaU froa Ua biy to i
Ika preoarty spoe wbieb Hr. Margao
kald a BonrarcwltkUusatn
ebUdraa. all ot wboa anrr
U la lalareaUnr to sola a
ber ascMt Hauls. Ua yesaceat dasf b
tar. Barab H.. Ua eidat daifbtsr. la
is tka early pan of dose Uayea boartat UawltaofE.[.. Bpra«sael Ua Earle
akoraaofToB Bbaoe. rlrlar a sola Prwr. Jaaa Bpaseer U la bMB
lorrutartkabaUsca daaostkaaal- CUesro- He acTired la tba ally naraBlaa «. Bpaaaar raaUa at Bi.
Iroaea. aad HUtoa Bpaaaar M la bsal
sea lo Colorado. MiaOllroN. Bpaa.
Friday Ua sola waa daa
Hr. Sbaae baraa to look for kla mas. earaod Joho Bpaaear llrad wlU their
BoUar UU the Ubm ol bar daatk.
of wkoa ha had sot
Hra Spaoeer wsa a aaaber of Ua
BafoaodUat Hayea had daparted
lorotbarparuasdUat Ua boraa had Praabytaiiao eksreb fa eaasy years
rose. too. Bat ba ip>i tiasa of Ua betas bar daaU.

ehsrra atstast Us borne were radeead
IM ThU aoeay was preaptly
paid, aad Ue oMcial relsauteaeat war
raealtad yalarday.
nia plaeea Uaraalsa Broa. ia a pood
poaitloo aato racier Is Ue fours,
nay bate no aad ot eoBfldeaer la Ue
spaed of tba boras, asd at ba has do ol• cae aotar iaaayclaa
oseept a rreeo race.
Itlapobable Uattba race bstwas
FradAlaoat asd Dof-ood. Howard
WhiUarb teat pseer. will sow ba
ad off. It wMprareBladbeforr. owlar
i dlaqaallBeatloa of Ue former.

•• ItaAS Hsa. Pneses

wella to

read wai ba Is npaail.m darlM Ua

It bald that ha waa playlsr wlU
tba balV when ta WM way hb bead baonlba groead aa Ue work pro.
H eanrktkstwew the ball asd the gr^ea ta order to cxplsla the deaUe
paltay. asd ba was artarnly basdlcd Of ^leal real bnllSi:^ to Ue MlT
laraaben Uar. by the.
Tta Stole asd local itad laproaahasd asd arrawara trty ae.
brataad. Uoa^ forUaatcly so I
e. Ue patrosa af haabaadry.
weratwokes. Bb lip was eat
era elnba asd isautaua, rtolwmy
aad bi. bead alas brnlwd.' He was
“‘^^ '*»o««aof Dr. Oarsar. wbo

To Vote


A abort bat
>BOt U
etlly aoliriied by 'Ue'^iMIsw^w^
•ssell waa bald Masday etcsiar,
har«.yaqBoroapreacBt. asd It__
llop'iaw that yon
feared Uat ooa eoald aot Ic
lBga.\od ^“urobjrau'Vf uTS
grew may be folly attained. I rraal
to aafaali to Ue people Ue propeaiiloe
HO hood Ue city fa a pey for
Ue exunuiow to Ue water work.
. .
-...^higmo ItamMger aaooel
eyalaaL ,Tb. folloslar rewIeUoa
onhaagraoied one fare for toasd
wa. paard'byanBaaiaetorDic
rip for Ue lower sestaanla of Hlcbinn for Good Road. Sate OootmUoo
•nekra m ale Ang
asd si.
M^J^ad^eeeeaily^alrca tar the
Hob. Frank Uaailba U n«n«al.<
in ibegood roao. ai.eaest asd ex
— werki of aald borrow
pecatobe preseot at Ua abote gam.
■aaof twrnty Srr Uoaaad doliaTv
BatolTsd. rprUer. Uat for each pur. rriog ith proooard at Uit aeaUng
poaa Ua qneetlSb ol borrowloe aid Uforanlataasaa plas for
•aa of twraty Sra Uoeasd doiiara b aeiioB asd to briog Ua
sa lego-tatare. It will be 'ao
Head Uat Hon A T. Hliw asd Hob.
00 Fridv Ue -.itth day o
C Msybary, botb casdidataa tor
l»iu. froa ooe o'clock p. m. u
gorarsor. are oaaed la Ur call for the
m.taod Uat the clerk hr.
Ubecircb Uereol I
lee day. before ata ^Uon io
A Fratly Opart.
kl treat aod a pUauol rea hand______________
mloderotold eulootal day. waagitM
aceotnaid eleeiloa. Ue aaouol
■cylo be raised aa aforesaid, and: inUe City opera Ifoaw Mosdae asd
epnrpaaafor wliicb it It w be ei. Tnetdayerra.agwbeotbr pretty opera
lodrd.aed ataoeanw aald aotlce
- I'oehataa' wa.prraeoted by some ol
pobllahed la ooe or more' of 1
rrareraeCIly'. beat local talaot noder
n said city
Ue direct oa ol
Tbi.i.ooe of tba lhi_. _ ______
the beoniior lirace chi trchgalld.'
the aeaben of the eouoell ot lait year
The opera wa* efc.rr lingiy .nog I
pledged UrBaelrn, aod while it ba. Ue deail admii
irried onl. ■
boeo Uongbt by acme mat it ba. Iskrp leas eiB ban
neot ai
irood while fi>r Ue prawot canBcil w U nMal In
oachUedefiBiiep.-opatliloo. Ue fact
eaalDi ihal Ua water works pleat
la. been ia Ue poaaeuioo of ibr pity
mt lltUeoteraaosU.
Thera waa some objection to bolding
breleetioBonly natlt 7 o'clock in Uir
wenliig. It being elalmad tbal U
aorking aeo of Ur city woold dad

kkd lora Uatl

basd I woald hsea
ThI. I rr{nwd lo c
aeOlriscatrial. Be­
fore 1 bad takas .
car bottle Ua
.weliiog be­
gan to dtaap:
I r<a-


a lUst Mmii. Ariiogwa.

cityynhtoMay to kla aa aaarhaaaM
Iwab PaUk wba. k.j. raataw^J
tape to
•d kta -r-|iha'
Ua MarrealltafS^
•■jV. kaa ratarsad froa Utesaatiaa.

Mr ud Hn. ThOMM


i>XASMs» P»xn*iir-lwm.riekf»
two,, .wraaiU falling of il». w.«,l.,
ln(tainiuAli.uiofUro,arit..aB.ll.. i la.-r,
UJI, M,...ftlitiib
hs.1 ..wih b.'aring down
HlanUbbia aiswp. of Telsdo. OktaM
.mbl not .Irmighwn np or wnik a-r>w> *;
HraR W
hi- room and -urb idiui.ting pain. w.Kild Bird, ol Baat KighU .trwat
o tbPHigfa me that 1 U.mgfat I ckiU
..t.t,n.i:t MyqsAhcTg.,tme,Untie
fl..,di.|.: I'lnkhaa'sVcgr.uUet-iaI«HindaiidU,lda.-t«tT> iL I look .U ,

Kaioo atraat
rae Uae They ware aecaapas
Mra. K J Ha .owad aod dawbtor
tad by Mtaa Ualloaray ol (iraod Rapid.
a a Urae wa^rtali
A party from Masialee, cosalaliBg of
ot Jeka Holaraasd
Edward Baeklay, William ftaaglai. J
« Old Htaaioo They
Hoyden asd J E. Merrill, took dla
•day MwaLalaHoiato
tad Ue laaebari ImU
r at Ua l-arh l-lack yraUrdsy.
iaorge llrowa. ooe of tba plooeei. of
etKalaaaioe. aad
bllewatsr towoablp, died TbnrUsy bra Irleod Ma. MeMcd.
are rWllBa «
moUmr Min'
M- Harta
h.,i. UraaC
eraoinget heart trosbia at bta borne Hiallrani'.
tJrani'. amuse.
ta Willlaasbanf. He wa- 70 yaa
T Kraim baa reUrsad froa
k*-eiaii wiUbaraoa. Thm.
age. He learra a family of aoni
-------- MoaU Hasitoa talaad. Mr
ooedangblar. _________

aeien were fioely
The cbaraeien
aod Ue whole wa. a demonatratloB of
U^e exeeltaoce ol
of Tnxeeraa City ability
sorement. while Ue

and prefect >i

The nil.rc of the chief Indias chu^ ralllag oo frtasda yaalaroay.
psUlcaiioBaUatot li
- U Cbrtrr waa ta Aldas os bariera waa tuggeai:,.- of Ue aaragrry of
ad eertiCestaa to praetlee tba ^Tillsg
A Good Game.
retoluliouary dnyi in the colonla wbilr
sold be kept osm notil • o'clock tbe emtun'ra of tbs dusky Indian
artoe Ibe boram of Miehlgaa. The
Elk Rapid. WOB Ua rasa, but It took
-. Mnnaos aod aoo Fred bare rarbe charier orotidra mat Ur boor be m.ldeu. gli.ieard wlU bead, aof were
traU U, Ur Hal woald aot ba a losg
taatastarstodolt. Ue last raaa ware
7 o'clock- howeTcr, adC ibc einbelli.VsJ with the ornaineulalion
onc.BaoBioflu appiksals who look
broarbt la wiU two aea oat aad it
charactrai.tle of riuse wild day. I
eaoIaUoa waa aot changed.
Uraweek.oaly Ursa
connlrj'. early htalory.
WMaeaselUacaaeatssl aa star took
Him Edna H Frost of
Aldermen Moore. Sledrr nnd ilnraiToo much caoi '
Easy BUS
place be Ua local dtanood. nacaac
OD were nppointed .pcctal ciertion .pieodid work ot iUe principal, ne
waa played naradayee tba TwalfU
imper.inaiion of'.......................... Ue big
D.pectora tar tbla electloo
lor yemw were naable lo aewra Ua
Tbe eemaoi wnlk ordinaoee was read Indian ehirf, by C. F. Hon'
“ a Kro___________________ ________ iriaidal qoeaUra. .kaa .
ilrlking po'trnynl of n greal
oaraa Uara are plenty of
r. Uareling i
o Ue eouseil. aod on motion wi
Ud the conception^ of It gir
Blraa for Ua defeat. battUa real raaerred to Ue ordinance eoami
id bl. roiee well
we acaai to ba Uat Elk Rasida played
________ ___ ___ city from Uraod Rapid.yoeierday.
WiU InslraetloBa to report at the____ adapled In the p.rl
Uuarfaall. apraially al UacrlUcd
ca.1. howerrr. wu Him UoberU.wboae
Frank ttoodrlcb ta home froa a teal- enndidatea did sot nwworil par rant
ragnlar meeliog Alderman Kenyon
sfog portrayal of Foeabaotaa wa.
It referred to tbe ebnirtaan of
oltbesauiloraeorraeUy, Tba
laiing and caplirallog Her roiee,
The pralcaalopala from Elk Btplda
-M la ktais kasn of Mastatae. rainrn- rrqnlrr. a aiatelag of 7» pu esHt.
itsittee. with I nitrnclian. to
twcrinnd full, ibrilled Ue aadltacUr«lf» Ue way to tberroasde
~' repeated nnd eaUntia.tle ap. ad to bar boae yalarday. aeeoBpuisd
Ksrasae hta aoihar Iwliad ai_ __
call tbe eommiltaa together and h.,o a
baas. Ua rsaat of Hrt. Talllday.
Uat Uey woald flte Ue local ta
tted tbe rffeet her
lasd U patekaae Ua ontffi froa Hr.
fMta. Baby Moloaoo. who will to ta a room lor atabalta»l^rwfi!la
aaeliog but Uil. action wa. not taken planw draon.trateil
Ikr ta Uo raaast daatk of Iba I
work carried with Ik Him Vadcr aa
abnteat. ney esded Ue raae trrt
a.Ibaaala ol wbieh fot bla Isto
u.aBayconaiy boy aged ir ahraAi
The way. aod mean, committee re lAngbing Star, gara a rery sweet ImUUarUawaddisr was a aarytiBlst trtBblr. _________________
Uaabfal lo pall oal wlU a tletory. It
Mrs. W L. Habaa of .\orUBcldi,^ta hra with an old ahelgna ba loate ta
ported Ue porebawof a eompleteral - - ■ oofibe part aod her alagiag.
TUtaru City. U; Eat Jardaa.
«M. Hr. asd Mrs. UsUa rMaroed
wee a preuy eooteal asd cteryoee <a
na Vlrrisu Bpy
^KoU l^la ap
taguatofMraA.E FiBuy.
^ Ua room TAe-rapoTraataistetw
Obariarols. SI. Asd It waa Mt aatll
ArssdM stiar Ika nsraBBsy aad wa
Ue rroaade ret kb aoaey'i worU.
.red W^U the graeefurcoDfideoee'
Mrs Wm ate daagbtsr.. .hot ud urarai were Imbsddte 1a
Tknnday and Friday aaealafs "Tba Ue last akot WM Brad Uat the
ffi*M a ««y hearty atranda katarday
opera, T
Adella, relarsed taat nlgbl from a «ta- Mra Djooan . faer asd srak tallaitaw
klRbt. A wiroB load of yoasr people Vlrrlola Bpy" waa girea sader U
Good Road. Convenuon.
only .ligbltajnry.
beaebnUartte psM asd blowlsr bona
The good road, mo.ooieot i> br ag
Louta 1‘ralt. wile asd danghter bays'
Boftka sldslrbt
rtUrsed to Fiodlsy.'Dhlo. afters ttalt ►Wbll-U* cMmsr Topluhse wu
kept before Ue.people la tncL n mks
Birlwaa aBftaas or twasty odsalM.
two Elk Bapide
BMrisg tWn. oa Us Crooked lakr os
»nch praetical demon paragrurnitolbr otbera to uy Uat WiU Mr. asd Mrs lies Koch.
w City, wbo partldMr.F UW|iito.arriedoffUeboDora
itratloaaUal Uereami l.tnre
Mra A. K. F.asay aod bar gaesk ^"*^'^
talate rosto
Ui! coocepllon of Captain Rollr wu
Daau RoU.
Mr. W U Finbaa of NorUBeid. will. Tbaraday .afuraeos.! psaatesa tow
of grant bcaeSi to Ue aiate. Setcra
The trasd ataad oa Ua croaada
I awaUt old daarbhit by a p-.tebad ball. Than a grassdgo to fetoakay today for a few days' “ oi^rsed boat wiu Urea pstaaaa
te. n Ue naloa bare giren elate a-r
Ur of Hr. aad Mra. AUltar Qaasdlrd ably aaraatd. n» piece la a aUrria* •Usd aad Uara waa qnita a tar«a
that ol Hum LcibcrU in Ue dnet ga.e
away All
btaldaa. alUoarh Ua UUdm
•MardayaHnlarat le-eloU. aftsra aoaUoro drama wiUUaaeaoa laid la
a dcligbifnl tiai.b toUe pan. Hr. W
GaorgaFcrrM. formerly ot UsMoo baste wu made to raaeh tbsm and
asd- ererybody laid Ue ioaleg was
St of Uoronghtarea. aaoog laem A. Ilarkcr gare a realtaUc Bniab to
bast kept aaay aaray. na toarsa
pary ahat Ulsaa. na fsoeral ear- Vlrrlala dnri^ Ue elrll war aad
Bet DeOe eoald ool get Ik abd Kew Jersey, wb icb appropriated giUMi. Captain John Mmitb and n tooeb ot
Ima. puud Uroagh Ue Ue city rstons wu sooa too raes. u they wars
rarioot aeUrlraa realistic pictare ot
rtaaawUI te bald
aaa and tka ttalUar
whaa the abort eosMdy. or nUra 000 for
foi Uat porpoar. The minli wa.
imedj .bowed Hint be ta do .irangsr yuurday os kta way froa Fraskfork ssariy eahaastod. htriag toss la that
ptaaaad wlU Ua
■■ Cedar atraat. Uli aflarsooa at two -tanu which appeal alroar'y to erary' Ue stage rata work wu vary
highway ux wa. aboltabed
Fred Horllar ate F. A. /ahosa. soodltloa tor a losg Uae They bad
tragedy, of arrara waa oesr. all Urea Ualtl
eaptloa Uay reeeitsd bar.
a-aioak. aeadaatad by Bat. Barb KtaI,ron Titos rare a aptasdid proprielrra of two dapartsteal ateru, bees aallisg ate bslte -- r - mil
asd tbe is
tax brongbi down
lo n caU clerrr.
aaa had croanad Ua ptau
baai. wbic -- ompluhcd more ihaa realism to thr Medieioe Man nnd hta
na prfadpbl role. Pblllp Bradley,
•ady. Hr. Oaaa worto la tba
ioapirad ap* UUrtat la
•ere Bosble to sostrol lbs brat whaa
He wu
Thaaeora stood atUla polsk Uroa twice what waa aecomplUbrd
accomplUhrci by the stags work wu superb
i. H. Blalar at Elk RapMa Wbea was portrayed by Hr Elaael. who
. alight Mirall alroeh tUaa. ttolr
ing out'
a two. UII Ua aaraaU.-wbaa No
1 will I
UaUUdsnalakaa lU batraahaaUIy rate a deter UterpretatioB to Ue
a road tax. Other tuiea barr emu 1st Ijaataitu I-anlher. whou alogiog aod
laaa are Iton ate Los Aterawa ate
odBeysoldi raae boar. asdU
>e WMsbIy topporwd by R. E.
aaaaaaad. arrlttar bat a taw boms
♦d SewJerMy aod.oow the dexart. ^edy work brongbi .forth great apMr, ate Hra B
torsay laaa. all of CUetaratl
apeadeata wan la Ue lead. Bat is aent ol Agricoiiure of Ue United
I taleatod eaotioBal aetor ol
batetUahsby'a daatk.
WatsrtowD. Wis.
t rfera many tps^lV Bne fenUaIr halt ot the alaU tto Elk Bapidi MlataUrongta the oSeeofPoblic In
J.aHatfaab family aetad Mes. (bdlllac. ta Up dieealt part of Oaorfs
-te ta doing n go^ dtml lo further
asda a ran, wbieb tied Ue aeora.
~ ■
Bddla AnaUa dlapUyed
•ay UU Uair boaaa reeaaUy
papoone wu raptiraling and in Ue rom a weeks' bssioras trip usorU
Wkea Tbirlbyacorad ta tba Brat half
cake walk and drill, sbe di.played a
akBMdediaaa Skrirlay. Hr. Bkrirro Hictalgas towBs.
lay aad t
ottba taokedaa tboaghiba
wbieb wu eery fetching,
WublBglbo. _____
rtara at o*ea u HasM^
.Mtas Ella Mtolaberg will go to Pelra' old melodiri. dance by Ue inboas USB woald win. Bat Mhaldoa
key Uta aorslag fa a sWlWOl Fstlariy M halldlar a twi
Ba^'abilc Road Inqnirtaa. 1>:draws hsaeoa tells, aad Oanos get
•Ulraaallaa laaseh fa Merab So
F C. Gilbert aod tsally.sra fsrartefOManl BaaU
girl. Ouyed in wbiu wuooeof Ue ngal LOOT Uke. v
JHMlsgar. Daaoad; Sawyer Bssard. llfaoe a ;#aldar>. srrer. ffaleb aad
adBMreU. BaUrday Fraah Frisdriek
thin Mood, wok loHcs ABd
rota Uba s prafeaaloa
Uraaael btrsek onk tet Ust was aot
tteeotPnblic Road le.|0lrlea i. in tall, ol tHsprodnotion. Tba eboru by
aa power Well
Hr aad Mra WR. WUlta^aeo sf
ftalcneu. Voy Have then in
sBoagb. asd wbaa HcAlpIse. wlU two -_jpt ot a call for a Mtaie Ucod Road. tbe Iadiau>vta wu cqully well ra
Ja. EtaaaeS was at boas ta Ua-rola of
a ter tka eisfl. na h
reired asdao wa. lb« ijnartst ac
Grate Rsplde. were •rriesU at EdgyitoB tseatbcf Ok well as In coU.
CdoDSl Willard aad hattaf
hia. pat Ua hall fas ten Ooegnat to ba held ta tbe Muonic
ion V Mtaa koberu. Via Vader.
Ball Audliorlnm. Sagluw. Michigan
wood yatorday.
ooa tats
scon-s EBVUIJiJON cures
bite Tbere wu a
MtasHlaels MarU ate Mtas Ftori
ShaUe* and 0am laortd. wlsslsg
'Sartielteled ta by
them lasHoimerBLstawtatcr.
--------------- PaoUoraBda troop TaeksberTy west to FstoUey Uta
'ha fame.
liaaC Haybnry,
a eery elsrer
11 Is cream* loaklagaBd MlaM>r rouw brarra and_anoUer dance to masiog fa a wuk's say.
Elt Canoe sHehad hta asnal tiM Wfaitlng. Mt Clair'. Hen y. Hamili
Third -e*aak ItaiaMit. Hawysr.
lodtao toy. Tbi oprra^aed
TrareruCiiy. h
Wllllaa Pbelpy of Ckiago. bu ar-1
MSB tar Us Elk Bapidt hoyr kssplag Bridgepori; Hon oo. U. .V Vouma
Fraak MeAwoyaaaaad Uaehanetra
lib ao eotomke march by tbe entire
W, 8 Liolon. S,
af OSetr li Blgarry like a real IriUaas
Iba bla well seattsred. PasBlag
tupany which wu finely excented riyedia U* city to. rtsll bis broUer. J
Blgriuand A. Rot
teberiaoe of Sagini
:d nrili^y.greiiy m rffral
Bd waa wall reerirad.
pitobed a fair gaas tar Us lodsp
Tbeobjeetaol tLboraa. ee tka tam of Jobs Myeia, aaaTiararaaCityBaapaUa Onp.
as BUaa aaat of UU city.
na Brat abooUsr U bs rl«ae by Ua
Xha WaaklsrlCB Sraslsr Btsr kac
Ba west to aee Hyata. who wasted
- thateUewiar la lu rsartemapos totfsda koraaa Wiu blpt. Mr.Hym Trarana City Bad A Uss dab rrma
sad Trararaa dl
4a*aa tm Armsdal-ea-tke-Bay. Md- did set bare time U ra U Ue pssuta
leaaa off rielaloaa. aaklor
wbara Ua boraa was. bat told Ur'
wbkb ssUUa Us local elnblo
Mr. TbBMa B. LUtoa asd Hto Ha
iMSlon utpasd
bal M. tMrreU of TraaatM City. Mieb. tskaaloobatUeaslBiI Ttary Wast. reUls Ua baadaoaa Obariarela trophy
•BOBsrriad at 1:10 BaUrday aftar- pal a> bridle os Ua barer aad aald Uat op WOB froa Cha lerols a tew weeks
■aawattba rartory ot 8L AsabP. B. they wooia Uke il. Thla they did. CO, fa Ua praaasl.
Owlar U Ue sary hasty wM which
•hank. Assapollt. by ika Bar. Joaapk wilhMlrirtnrfoIlraloa tor Ur as|.
Rtallad so hirb seerv ware asda.
?. ManaaiM Mr. Uates la (roa Weak. Bal Is aaab. It wsa Ua borar oa wbieb
bat la Ue trophy aboM tba raUUra
Ilflaw. bat has a eotttra al Arasdel, Hr. Bbase held Ua
skill otUt
whaobsapaada Ua aaBBara. Mice
i by the raryaloMajora
OanoUapeatapertka ot laatsa

o K‘S'a.e"

irra^h*:! i •*“


A>ta.aa<aa.kara>wB> Ha;



AaSda Irea ibe ehsraetraa of Uawga
laltoraas and Pblt)p Bradley.
kM diaeolt asd aeiartatalsg, asd tba
tmo whlsfa enppHed Ue esmady of tba
arat Uat of Mockery .•Mebeald.
whtahJsUe haadaof Oaorga
Joyca waa eaiy aasaiiig asd Oaiar.

. ObrioMpka. Hiabala.

dsats. altawlsg bat foar Um ta
assy differeat Isslngs- Ctarey Hnll
aaplred U^gaaa.
Followtag taUc score by taal
Bk R^lda .... OIOOOOOOI

ass Mrs. Wm. A' Nlekersoe. eld
pienesra. coaing to Ua Grand Tray
' rurtgioo is l»0i. im a- and rl,
raspeadisg Ue waek^ytaitisg tbeir
xn, D. C .Nickerson, of West Eighth
George Calkley. wbo wu formerly ta
le barber ba.inew ia Uta city, ac•ed from tbe npptr peblsrala Tharaday eyaaiag..
Mra. Jobs X.ritsr retornto yaterdsy
from Wlaod. lahere Ua hw bssa yta.lUagHr. Xailsr'. paresla.

On n Baoooo Charga.'
ftaloaata wWehappaar^e^^
John Eaeara. tba Maple City
Tba taanla ehataclera wan ta good
kaapar. was breagki before Julies
Third-Bssalagar. EMhiA, Carlla.
asda. Hta. Blascke Haakall mads a
Gaga of Xmetaaaa eoaaty Moaday
karatag Nora HcLIggta Ad whoa
accoSD xmn.
ahaaasg“OldVitgiBla-ta bar awast
ttotaso Ua aodtaese gaee bar
of Uta klad Ust ■» broaght agaiM
bla, tba former eaaa. ta which be ta
Hn Grace HeAe^ tatsrpralad Us
BOW ssda besd. balBg sow paodtag 1s
kafaeler el Maads Bradley ta a -eery Bowaa. Bigb. Happsa, naassid. Parry. tteclrealt unri.
IsaiBBt style aad displayed eery
neyA F. Baatiag
baialsg ability la a diSenIt park
Aa Sag praaealatlde was aads *sry
Fopsrly by H^h Lattta Balfoar.
charge. The raqaau w
MUi Ua Post gaes a aery teallsUe
Jaattas Gage, ate Eacan wu rctaaaad
wiMtka of Mra. Watteraas.
te hta on raeagalzasae. ta tbs •
The play was pramedsd by a h
ta arhM aboat two basdred
fflrta apfwarad la a lieisg ABarleas

Maplsaiy to auateto the precsdlag
Martlsek. k
*a*ara. wu praacHt today
aetortalBlsg cake wsU of little Haltta
Twaaty-Bra birds.
tbeagbbahtellutatodo.te wu
asdUta-Pstsrsoo. aeapbyHr.; Ctetok U; rmdyuiBkaaay part ta tba raaa
tori. Oaorga Joyna abd C W. Joyea.
of hta foraar cltaM
A; HarrslI: H; BeaMb, *t OssOa Friday sight a baadaoaa braa
might daaate.
BOM aad .Wife sod Hte
bto eras dooatad by J. W. Mtatra. •
It ta arldaat that Ua taps
adaa-Baaard. tot •
Hkasi ■amoaa at Ormad Eaidda. Mra.
City are datei
Barry H. Park want laihlag la
a. W, DawUy at OUeago. and A.'*.
••• Totoltt.
atoftoksd Deaald Bsrgar ot Assa.
b^tahs. ^aar Orasd BasUs. dirsd
iB^feetot wntar. nUwek botloa
■i., SIS ffasau at tba Ooltaga Boas
^^lalaeatpdbiaaack. It ta Uoa^t
to balBc tea awi HUM Us
tsaa each bte ««s extra
VoHa-F. W. Hall aad (sally sf DaRolls asd'Hm Ror. Us Laa^kHra. atawaid of DaylM. Mte stag bell bay. wbo worksA
Easy LawM sad Mr. Ball ol isekMO.
Igu. to to baM it Big Rapte. Aagut
HlaMeUsaof CHkago. la rtaluar
Tbarawlll teparadra ate aa■ta ate Ua geaal pMoraas.
"Tba BsUta of aauyaterg.- wni ba ea
•ores. asteMsUy.
- -a«ada Batoa af tba baat ^oklor Iba wear ate

Hra Ira Brssaoe asd dasghtor of
ioexCity. Iowa, are Ue gnuta of
try S. J. Wright, of If. H "
M iaa Era Fbelpt of Myraaore ta yMHtag friradi is Ua city.

rlnet assy . ass smu,.
b noder tbe name of -qwek
' Tbe qaekea «,t hi?k (o

Bi anar cf ill-be^h
more blood asd fantra
rJBaofrigotooa tenltb.

Bsso Faber of Bert, has eaursad
boas after s ytalt wIU hta brother.
Cbarlto Ftaher. of Bohemis siraev
Mra Riley Mwsen aad dsagbtor.
aepbtas. laA yatarday oa a rialt to
FItat aad DeiJOik
Hra Frank Mrada siera.
tertaiatag Jaaa Walton ste faaiiy
of BtefieU. 8. 0.
Charla Watorbn^ baa retarsed to
tabomalB New Vork sflae s yMt
WlU J a. Hefiosgh ate laally.
Hra Frank Hardy ratsrssd yator
daytobeeboae in latorioebeo afisea
rtall iriU NY. Halaea Hregg.
U B Mksek of Espirt was, is Us
Idly yatordsy
Mr asl Mrs D Roeis of Empire,
-srs gsesto at Ue Whiusgyeatoedsy.
Fraak McCormick was ta tbe rtiy
ysstortey from BmplrcHla Ass^itaU has goas to Old
Miraira tsr a few wsaks' ysratleo.
Hra Cbsria flkaleba ssffstse sklldmarriysdtoUs efty let sstsito to

Brosch’s M€at Market

Choicest Meats, Poultnr and Came.
Fmh. Sen ind SmoM Mub, Sungn He.


^^ISHES TO A1SNOUNCE that be n bade io hk
• V store, at ffi7 From street, wbieb has been repaired siace the fir^ Aod will be pleased to meet hk
friends, old and new.

A Fine Stock ol
Watchw and iewelry on Hand.
Some rare bargains.' resulting from tbe fire. Large
line of Sewing Machines and Machine Supplier Call
aod look over tbe stock.

tMlMlBB nUMT ■
' twWrlluthihM *•
. OMtato. Md wUck W
Mtud br Kn. DMlaW. wte rt>l—d
UMth. laabtr «m bm. Md I
bM*BKU«fallrMU br Hr.
wUte ah* WM (OM oa • Iri# to i
WbM UoMM wmi to tta ioT- U
no Mdod M «alf
boitlaia mU koop tbo ioBbv. bat
• •bonoanrMtMvUMtthoplalo-

Aa Oki Sottirr.
HlUlam Ckildce. wboao olghUoU
. birtbdsr. Saodap. Jalp Mlb. wao tbo
• a nrr Imppp reabtaa, '
, eaeof tbcpiuaacraoUloneftboOraad
. Tianroe ragleo, aad la ooe of tbe
, kaowa faramrcoa the pcalaaola.
Idea waa barb In BL lAwreace e
K. Y..IO law aad wbea a poaag
Bot tbo «ioo •
a of as came to Old Hlatlea. fa
' oto»i«lll pooriao.ooforM
.p with Hproo camadler abd doba
vsoolhio to 00 dlroei aad dtomiff tbo
of ibe ooUoa tbot'. o c«Bd Heaaibp. Altboagb tbe eoaa
at that lime almcot aa oabtol
.Old Hiaaiao belag aa
ptean grewman Ibaa we cao aau rUlage of too lababluala, aad aettlan
He dig from oar mlaaa meaa tbaa wa la Borthera Hleblgaa balag
. tbep were well p
aaemr. He apia. wean. tore,
eral eotlook.aad 1>
abapa aad make mare tbaa wa oa aae
Plaid, tonat. fanaee aad laetarr all
peodaee marc tbaa apoogb to aoppiy Ofdcaabiirr. la aiemorpef thi

oou^lorlbooSMolPretauJDdfrWoboMOtooMoirertbllr biotmod bow lo tboctft ot tbo BofMblloM aap peaalbla doamaUe dnaaod. Tbia
of tbM eooolr. thbo Ibli rooofoIUea of It a eeodlUoe. aot a ibaorp. wbleb eta
Uraator. Johabo tboroo«bl/ooai- bo met la bat.oae of two wap*. Bepoloat aUoraor.boooooiaaol milk pro­ doea tbe eatpal or laerene tbe pot.
bate Jarloprodoaee. aad rrlll m
ebaain. Tbe former la eoatraeliea.
folactaklacaod-obllclacoHeial. IbrTbolaitwia oipaoeloo.
la iaipos
BiB»llr»oba?oadalrod Loraagor
aiUato alaad atill. We eaeal go for•aayfoaim. aad wo ara glad to loi
ward or backward. Tbe chaBaela of
that Uraad Travorao Bapoblteaaa likr- tbe worldb commerce an oeaer aug-:

aaol. Tbe auaggla of tbe tweotiethj
aaotaiT will be for amrinla. Koiloem |

iradaroftbc _____ __________________

Baadap aa
It waa of aearall.Bad
e died at s o'clwk pealerdap.
Tbe bodp will ba aast to Oraad Bap.
Ida lodap. wader tbe anal Uadartak-


ha diad.

•'.‘.t.T ■» pmihUat of Ue 8



dar eoealar.iaaiatad bp a I
ofbletHaadawhe called I
waa ear tbal wUl aet warn

H Pctcbla will Isn thla mera-

tkttardap t
fall {tJo bonn lam b1? wife atwmpSd^
Hn. A. W. Hall
^.jaroatab^m. mi fooad life rxtiaet.
; Tba qoaatioa of what to do U
ilgbvtollp at a tea partp
Will Not Take Kragn.
' aagram bobom la par/Uag tbe polk
I <i Kateaol Chieag
Haabiagtoa. Aag. li—ft U ■
MSaaltSie Harte Tbep are bnoa
Jaa O PoboaoD weal to Oraad Bapbe atatr departmeat that ao I
lag a BBtaaaer aad at Inat ooe neei
Ida pealerdap oa huaiacm and to at­
>ImUoa erer
baa oome from Cooecl tend the etau oie.tleg ordna
<V I.iu-st tun, ami liana, meal*
incrd to them.
aod hail waa tbe ■eaae of bold op it tnerd
Hollit for aaoeuary In tbe American
Tacadap Bight whieb will i KMeobp Ibm
ilate tor Hrtaldeot Kroger, aad
remembered op tbe bar. ibm married cb
tbe loatrwetioea aenl to the ------ ----- Saacateb ..
Ihc L’niteJ Starr.
of Tekoaaba. all opoo the
il toeoBdee bla aaergiaa to eoa. Pen-Mvqecttepcatcl
Ill at aa erent which ii
Turn CoalOB arrind lo' the lip last
dctlaa waa aot the rtao’.l of aap
if saV by the
Toit woBid b-hard Isdopli_____atloe ct foreiablag aa arploffl for' 'Urht from Aae Ai
• “■II, liatvtM.- Citydoaleru:
aapwberc ......... .
tbe border erkoecn aa Ike drpartiseol
Hn. I'ri
Krote aad iUtle ■ DCbler
the late U
waa act aware that licina bad fialied.of Uraod iUp>c
»d>. are the copal nrMra.
arm bai'dlao
prcaldeot Kroger.
Chat lea V fail
- ilobeiala ■
lilaaiaird afto In thla eoooeelioa
hibai the rirbt of aa aaptoia ori,.,,J,
itBctotrp doaa aot exiat aa
7'tVtbe'’’’r;|'’i5?“^e:i HarodJoboeo^ o, Miiwackn.wko Owar Kemnt
■ariaat bate ooaartbrd
we-k withTbtroo
w'lhTi.eroal”^'’**’ elected mailer ol
. «*p,rf
xapird bT
br Ifh? i?o£*r
W-diog a we.-k
wecB ll.aad and K |wo>l.. .N M . .
Surtft sail CompAny
Mor,.o.bng;;oeV^Vb tOTitUfriracU
Aag. It—li
r.-M m» and
d out,; oildiag
gian AOd binber! errrpooe euieriog ieio the ipirilflCtbe' ivebrtch polterr and tm. li. r.
It ii
captoted onegna from II
oretaioe, Uiatof toelabillip' and goodi oe ot the rnnaiet rt threi ft aw.-llerv. i
of Hoert coollBoe Ihc'r aaipiog
" »““‘l«herr. Haap fine mw.icn teioei
A brat ware
the diflereet rtllwap Ilai
I dap at wpreraadered aod tbe rreM drrrl.
Toe trial of the i: eoatpl rater
reluralog bp
ipotLe- the fact Ibf amoog the b»rben there Idegrrct
paru^f F.riraidj
• with the plot k
U a good deal o* fin. ttlent bnh a*
' ' t.'
' bi> degr*.-* ef hral bare beta I
kin a^aamber c
Dr K-J. Frelica of Noribport
'xrmxot Kaax,
rocalltUasd daaerre
u tbe clip peetcrtlapdiaeei
tl nd'dil
tlUoa lo ib<
r r.atjee reh.'i;ion
F- W. WoBer. A L Tbnrtion
Kiagulep :a
ley ol Cbicago.
In the eitp.
Sosdap Seboe: Conreoaon.
tpreCTca peCra.
hereto work la tbe Priocem 'ta'w in head.
_ Hiaote^o^Aeme aa^W^wai
I) P. Uo»ie. C. L llurua
tmaad Haralixt ^ The tr^ie >
Ua Hrown of Leland Jackk Lilfiep of ibop. Mr. Werlep la a fine
Ide ef war wax br.-mgbi
aad a flnlahed dancer aad ad,
Tboma* l-altoe of l-iiu
ildefablp ta tbe exeelleoeebf
boig. when a p-*-uoan dciieerrd her x*
ibf Wf
iram OLhen eoalnbotet
aighl. C41 their wap from l
enrelopr fiua
aod it wax late when the eomi
I'raper. Iter. Boou
tlbo at FraukforL
a inter xbe had x.-oi her « ’Frlti‘"!j
were aeriM
Song aerrlec led bp K K. Pax.
Hn. Wo). B.uckmac wea
April. Writira anrex the
Addreci of Welcome. Hn. A.
oBOprned and andellTCri-d raixuiei- w.-rj
kep pcaicrdap.
the word* "li.lae. March SI-' Tiii.
l for the CbaiSeld
Betpoam.'j.U. Lpoa.
'wax tbe first oewetbe famllp hart rc- ife'^i’’^l'^'*“ iaxlaatly. Kew ,
. of Onelnnati. U
Hew caa we lalemt tbe
aaobareri .V Wood Po
A teiegrem reee:
I eeived that Frank wax dead
.0 tbe eitp, a
.Bird bp bw wife
od la Snadep lebool work. Him Jecai
and U
Killi Bamedrii
drowneii at Itnlfalo baa p
•rnrj f f.500 ouo ca llaa earreacr for a re'ge
•be cup peafroa;
••Be filled with the Splrtt erer> dap
la bel
of exr*. the greater pori..ia of wr.ich
la the week."
rof Chicago, r
It. Hrx.
reeoeer- wax porebxxed m the I ailed
' fromaa
itae and tbe
Tender* hxee Peea luelteil fer bui'-d
'I beaeech poo therefore brethere br
lag the grrel iroa bridge ccer the
■ mereira of <ljd tbal pe preaepl
I bodieeahrlog aacrifiee.'"
d ot'riareadOD. I Ac
■BilOB of twomiiex 1. to be
•Examloc pour owaaelrm whether be borne of Hr. and Hre. F <■ Haepe beof tbefallb.
I'rore poanelrer

..... .................


Jacob Furtsch
I Vank Hntsch
j"hn Highland

wbotber Tark, Japaaota. Eagilab or
Yaakaa. will bap wbare ba aaa bop tba
Baaala ttm baoa oa tbe wateb ta
ebaapaat. Tbe aatloa that eaa anderIfatarra Uo bad aaopt- eail tbe net of tbe world will control
m that oaa of Ua whooU waa atoleo
OMbor^ a bad gaag oa
oa t^
-WaatHde, aadba wool to tbaai
iaproi^ tboai with tto I
briar It
lotocloriag. aod tbaa create a caa.
>1 deetaad for labor. Thla. howTaiadar aoniBg oaoof tbo at
anr. la oelp halt of tbe problem.
orbaaia waa toaed la Mr. Baai
baca. It aaataad...............................
Tbe aalloe or the iadlfMaal that latbarl^t gaag.
peaaea predaetloe. wltboot ealarglog
a at Ogdea. V V. Mr. (Mdea
la BOt baas aroaad
aetUed oc tbe farm which be hae oeenUooda slackrala. aad it b probable
that I
pled erer alaec, aad wbicfa wa^t that
adap la i
Umc prImIUre forcat. tbe oalp elcaraafital paid cot botk tor material
loga being lilUe "eogar baabca’' wbieb
laker. HcEialep,
HcEialap. aot eoalei
bad becB amde bp tbe Indiana Oa
opaalhg tba taelorp. epaaed tbe markeUll Blgbu tbe iooDd ef tbe ladlaa
lada. MIo. whan abaaterlal labalBg la te abaxrb tba oatpat et loom. drama aad eongi at Old Miaaloa
plBdle. pick aad plow.
aatf la alnat baildlag. It laaaU
eecid be plalnip beard.
TberanltiaalBaat bapead ballat.
araar loagar tbaa good aaphalt, aad to
UoIdeoieloBt aa orchard after
Tbtaxperuof tba Uolta< Biatea '
be bad been OB tbe farm a few
the brleha ea^nadUf be remoaed for tboflaeal pear t»00 ameaoled to
‘ Petefi l» bp Jami
M li. Meperxof M-lwaukee', hax xe- ““ *“»
. «<• tad appareatlp j plete wbal ix known-xx
amor>bl.S»<- 1
the repair of the atraot.
■pled Xfouitlna XX coxt maker In Ue Picked ool a xoft epot before be xuried I aTrnar li.wi.l follow Um
'-Hanpwboprotmate be ChrbUaos
Hr. Wataea baa a llal of twaatr or iadlrlded amalkratl elamea of laiRor xbopofF li. Ilcumaar
howeeer. for he wao not lajorcd lo tbe mnllierr Mae. where dum e the bati
orchard, which It oar of tbe
Icmetbe bl* fell. \
t™, g„nm enifxgrd
I Mro piMn whiare thla malarial bat doatrlm.' aad tbe iaereaae btor tbe floeat ta tbe famed peBinaoU fniitreitmiptarol IMu. Ibe
xhlr char*
Aratiloiaxke wlih elxtoeb ratllm. prve- '
> baMlana.laMmeef the plaeea arar
gloB. Nearlp
Nnr the entire' eigbtp aerea
Almnn a fUot
found m iiLIn u few tret of the kitchen Scan
_____ __
aloog the
lore praperfol aad Yaore earefal la
alno IMt. aad be will loatatigata the ad anrbetoro kaowa aader aap adipriae the farm
Dread Rapid.. Mi.-b . Aug.
door of Jobe A. Bodera of Maple l-olot elghlpgurx. which w
rerp dap life." Mr*. 1-age.
ilaWratloe, waa aa followa:
mattar tboroagblr, io alow of tbe
uiguinarp haltle belweeo a c>,
fxrrn.Soolb Colomo. wax killed Satur- of the C.rtifedrrale talierlea
6ni to frcli•■Too mack oppmilioo."
Flabirtaa-.......... *9
.Moilc. No. :.
I'erlue, t
BrlUera wbo were wii
Hn.' Brail apeaki of the mere
The Ib iooolbt ild babe ol Mr aod
fanllio at Old Mtaloa In iss;. oelp
aodgoodocM of <i«l. alee of bum
three are bow left bcaiom Mr. lioldeo. iralBleg of ebiidree for Ub won
■Mretb'tloodxj moretnr*Tta "mMhre
orebardt in that ririnitp and
Tbep are Mr rhandter. w R. sioae "Lift np Cbrlaf* example." -If I fc
lePwhree ehildteo li-r x fewmlnu'ei
Haacfactariag --
the frait gn,wer» T..nlght
• OB will drewall moa aato me.
aton><aibr houir. One opened tbe
HoH to ka^ ap tbIa rword aad pro- aad H. K. Ilrlokmaa.
Inrmnatr waa plaatad Taradar
lire.,, -II — «0Dld latem
ra.eofra gaxolio* xloee ia a meIbefamllp re oaloa Mr. Uoldeb
vhaathaaawa'eaam of the aomlaa. ride for a Bormal growth H tbe porpoae
loterealea oat cceidedt) lair
“ire. Tbe]
UaatMAUermaallBatlagt aa tba Be of tba Bopeblleaa partp. Ithateeceate the holMes
be pleaiorr of gxtheriog areoDd
ider children got oul tat th.
be little j To hriliwo a Fmi-li Mril.-r. iHee*
lOod 1',
lit ectire fami'p, consikting of hit
Wc ea'
Ipparfaelada raaiproeUp trealp witb
jaof-w.-T llixn 4.<»i> niiichi
perar the -rn
e eaaocil
foureblUrea. Mr* John Knakbattle
trlapda mala ad dowa tewa aatll the! Uanaap, aadaaothar with llalp in
'‘’T».“rr' l.eolpin
do aot
Hre. Joba Mint. Mre. (ieorge
■Mt tfaia came la from-riaakfort, order w Jnermae tbe oaloa of Amerithe
It ball
PM tbe aomlaae araa ^raa a rOBalag
peaed the,
,td.iuiariia Tli- niiuil-r
lo tboae laada. a poliep lUeelaodMIm Katberrpe Uoldao. ami
' laaapUeaattbe depot. Tbo Oaaeaat'
iVoabolg, I aad the JioorUom* r*
II* *.-i/..',| tviih 4bi. exrhiigti
hU eight greW-efalldrea
b^waaaabaadaad wW Uw trala
-Suodap ehrUtlaollp. We abouid at ►nrted to c
th" of
daaghtera all lire aear him.
'pa«ad la Hr. HaaUagi akd tbe dele
Ptefaatta. palxonlag from
tblak more of aillog Ibe fioodap eebor coantt-r took nlarr in wl.irh the roufi *
latmallgbladaailda baml of maale
khan aariag a eoul. We ateairckle
AinmiB th- imat. r-renl HtljirlU
•ad —------Tbe bead led a pro.
, SitoaUim It Crtucal.
Orlando I) D.-iiixon. mar Miilbarg.
opoo door poliep" la tbo Orlnt oo that
i-nlrii—-lani'Tiii'-—<, aFrmrli ^•l•ont•
IbriHiint of death, tbeir lieea twii
oatalao dowa toara aod a abort noeeert,
Sbangbal. Aog. it.—Vmii./
ua Knifli'h dai-h-wi and tbn dhogbwwrlaoabgtbatmadio frcmt of tbe wbOB tba Chiaeoe troobleo are
Robert urmham. Qwoer of the orieh
porUlrom I’ekln
Mr. Lpoii. Hr. hkUA -Wbp BOI
n datnl Augatie bare
Maaoa black, wben tea oHoe of Mr. withoart the pcecnllp of tahlog a
n isiiing—V. ndgn.^* A rule.
whar.l where the mrlc-c occurred wax
arrired. deaerihlog i
* -------- rtcparleai'nf Show ____
Baaliagi U loeated. He waaibowarad oflaad or kaeglog a alagle aoldier in CbicccecapiU’. II appear* tbe Cbl
badip cut about
It the
tbe ihnd.and otbei
i..ilii:ci-h-,l off.ndm -are
1 Bilr ' rtf A
-wltk eoagmlalailaei all tbe war froai
loMiiiiii .1 a hmud *-jm
u are agaiu drtpereul.v ailtckiag achm’ that we aie Uilereated in ihi-iu^ wiM- brnaed Verr C.rr.ff, aa/tbef
fbadepei aad oa tbe walk aear bla China, oar prodaeta aball tare orerp —legalioDii wbich bare terp lew dr Take tbe Hondap aennol b> them ~
reiH-rof peae’ir* was aiw
_____ ; for th"
. (tl, -|-..w,-a>idwhuib,'
Bl^ oajopad bp tboae Of the fenden left. ITlaer 'I'oan marl bit bigb
begun* wrr- iite<l f,
Adjnrned fnr dinner aad aoclal
known l.iUiriidi Ih- i.Dm
moat farored aatiaaa lateraa^ lo '
laixe* ..f shot found t-dgiog plae.
ofiieiaUhare ka’d to birr left IVkin bonr. Of which tv. partook.
lo a- tiioi-b a. lOflkiO
Tnbaia to Hra. Omnk
io the bodies of the •.
aod the newa ol the capture of Yang
Tta impertaaeoof tbia diplon
A.-r.:K-i.-is n:.ti..x.
]•;' fraiH-a. Tim j*ilii-.- aiilli.wiln* emm-at
tliccn IWitlg qu.t- bid,
Hra BMart UaiaU who diad la tbia
aph mgp ta lOBomcexloatreaUird Tbaa caoted a bear}- exodut of rr^i
Hutic. Ko.
aurt ooro-- .if the
flUp nesatlp. fnrmirip raalded la
deata. Tbe cxrcoti -n of Cbeng Yen
l-raper. A .kVeUaler
other ■ defroder* . were hfirt Tbe
Oraad B^da. wbera aba ^ B^tlp
Uoan, CMotoootr' hpeeial ambUkhrlor'
woapded were carried to a nelctfhor'--■wad bp all who kaaw bar. ea^^ofCbioa.........................................................
.. Vlr-.orra-'e jahHalf tbe III* ih*t men ix he.- fTAli^n'ict-*
tng farm hnuiu- where- ibi-'
•• '
d mde ipread l.-rrorand
ip those otberowa aaUoaalllp.r eome
Paper and reading. Robert Dewii.
deoded. The
riie Ll^rilt .wa." *uina,oue
tar of a eeatarp abe III
to br d fact
LLu. toreiHlaod Riltera xlrengtbena ard u.acfrom the 'oilp but before bo arrire
la that eitp.
.............-.j-ot Cbl l.l, wat
iiM !i. the
>he xtomach: make* lodigexfinn :mSUte'buBdar tcbool r.UtMliek. C li with tiU dt-pulkilhe, Cgbl wax b.r;
battle at Vang Tana.
po^ble11 It
> atlmaUto \iadc
I. hxT.. pri Uren maiie.

laehadapeaMa mother te all i
tepabileaa p
•'Threealma of the .-<aadkpacUool:
*rrx^ll,j^,^i*xn> m/.4
IWliM. flat aaeoaBt of bar ao
Th-Ce*nectre» tbxt Uir»xl»n labpi
ba world orer. It adromlaa a ahlp tba cmtar^liM of tbe irermuaT^ Krieg toula to CbriM. build xouU up in
r,.r.e...nd*i*>. frn.
Infxalom. . drxenle-p
Btadp bUl. oe that raaaaU map float bat Aab armp brigade will eomaeeee Chriii, Bead aouka out for Cbriai."
Aomt siiiaad eoatlaar eight darm.
i-BX«BVeW..T®tni».o. fiJk,}>'■ FbwIer'* Kilreet h
■iH tar klmlMmm wan aat limited w tta Amarioae flag. traaaFoK Ameri
J " Strawberry aeeer {aUxlochrqun
oigbtolcardx lo boaor
thnaadtarowa aatkmaiup. aa maap eaa gaoda. eatrr Amerleaa malla.
aad eomr ret^oli of t>
KieelioB of omeetu. The foUowlag
American line will trener rt^TOMmen
iw marhoto for Amorlsan

SSrtStaif rmidad la thla
Ammdeae baakiag InatllaUeei aadaa Imneaae amount
iHvbeata pear aad a half, dariag
Vice Preaideat-^. W. llreee
HOttod arhiek lima aha hA baea aa am oatablHhed la both tta Beat
8eereUrp~Hrr. W. Selkirk.
Iralid. Bat aba baa abowa aaeh a Waal ladln la order tbal uetai
Chefoo. Aog. 10. aad Sbaogbi
Tfcaicrer-L P. Fox.
lankli dtaaaainea that aba baa graMBtteaffoetod wiUwateu It—A large nomber of joaica
Repin of achoila
-towtH ithmaeUto all who Iraow
• - mornlB;
oralag, brlagiog auppli
eg tp pam throa^b Lon tbb
ol traieure
•- 1
----- , IS
doa. paplag a tollto Britlafi t.Daaelaia
il n
Mrker cVeek.
TtaBapabllon p^p adroeatea tba
JiaeaeraT found,
HoUoD made
mad that eaeb Sundap school
Oni*a E. Owrgaa a^
decided to make
Uplagofa Padfle <mbla with laadiag
elect one member for program com
.oaAmariaaa tarrilorp, Hawaii aaottar forward morem___ ___
Tta Chlaeae are flaclag la tbe directI
aad tta Pbllllplnaa
-• VeklB aad are appareotip la a deoltataa oaMe la fall more
uerllcad eoadlUoo.
------------------------------------ teach the
mtalUlv Uapaai ontp dap. aad ita opemtl
arooaie were foond
the Viceropk
Sandapaebool leatOBi? Hra. A. tloff.
lodgjngibere aod b
W ITT Bmi A LX I I'BgaaiPD

taradmpUtad««9 mack the ChlBcae making prepareUm
-Not bp might Bor bj power, but
tta hdamd arin bamwparadat
•pirit. aaith the Lord of h«
Ooaa maU aad ^ag
‘ -^plete Ibt
.- K8iisn.>dlli<-mw-lv
iHltaiimHliaolCtariatA- Tt^
■e H etrirlly L'-’nuin.- iul>-in evrtry ivap.*-!, with evpfytiiiniffx
-Mp bim in apiril aad ia ira
r than
Itlm la the
. fig'btlog
ataf^.^an.Bow aa
Shun til apeareace-nf ciil "
s llie rpsnlt'f A LTi'bl
It nisi
riinh of iriidi- that kf+ps onr ineri-it»'d fnrc-> huutlinu.all tb* tim.-.. Tin-1
rea mae kUlad, twe died from beaL
parl,eipatod in by S.
onl.'ml to bo taniod into cub ax noon as poasibln and prii-oi* were mado that woold sell tbem'
sr woaaded. of which a namber hare
Sapler.'^in' Bool.
C B. Kitre. Jao
Maee died, aa'3 eix otberu are probablr
- ^
'[Oirk. You ran tell by tljeno ho»-«liea|i K'-<li- an b.-ii|g s<ild.
m'odHM Waad
Boiioo. I) Kiri
lirkpxlrickaad Mr* F.
awrtallr ban Oae-faalf the woaadx
,f a^lelfri reeeirad la tbe fiirttiag were asrrr
Oootl i|uitlity iiVblnache<l cotton....................................
a foaoaelgrefwar. laeladlagtbatof Ueateaaai Ung..
tta NinUi iafantrp. Heap oftbe AmKins cjualiiy black sateen, mill cn.U.pcr >-anl—^
1 goat*' hcmstlLcfata baadlmrefatef
erkaaaiek were sent to Tiea Tele
^le-Ko. m. .
ttablataHinha t« '
—llnea fialxb.
Fiufi iiuality ScolcL rephyr KiBifhama, is*r ynid...
Doaplle tbe extreerdiaarp dlffireltim . Proper.
Mm dab tana anetta. maklag Ita
t la.:i**-fiDebaadkmhWr. to seat
tta Amortcaa aigsal oorpa mee are
-Rible Beadiag—Coadaeled bp Mra
Biul epreada, full sixr-. each........................... i..........................
keeplBgtta wire right op witb the ^tbBmirb. ^
•--Liriag Water'
lpalrSb>rkEB*ldreBablalda .
OutiDK flanncL {pt y»rd.,....................................................
ooaatrp torn
1 yard broth binding.
Parta.Aag. I<
nmer. U
1 rubber drssologeomb.
U foralga rnarkam.
l lnnd qntlity Shaker flannel, worth V. sale print-...
■nor of lade China, reblm
I Udin' slsgreta* low neck osak
Tko mlmlim of the partp ef preapar- aawa that tbe alllmare Si kr“
-lu ^treabiag Power."
?:xo llrnt i|nality -latiaDeee matting, cutton
I rord taaey taxfr ribbon, extra
about It.S mllca. from Pel
itp wlU not ba oror eaUl ttara.
patch from Take dated Augaet *,
I spool R. B fxxl Turkey red eml
I getiix' turkey red haadkanfrlof.
' MMudbim^'ieM^p'Slw mw* markau lo'ceaquar. It ia ebargad Ohefoo. Aagnit c. itataa that at a
eale.......................................................................................... j7...
bteidery eouau.
extra Tuslily ' tta.TC' taaeben ttal thla la net a aebk mkalea. that II
> mllltarp couacll ot ibe c
I pap^.peoellt. Boperior lead.
yen's tan and black ae«nij>-es and staioltwa iin^...........
1 yd hoeo (onboe laoe. aH urUita
twaedelormleed tocontlj
raak eommereiaUam. Bat It li
-worth npiel^syd.
teat ^lag. aa a BtUw eloaa to tba
1 card patent homp ho^ mi ey«.
I tbaa that, tl break ladoatrial. _________j OB to Pekla.
At keabiDeteonaelltodap alolegrem ID V tr:>«. Paalm C
I Bpoel iCrt rcfrt baxUam^lob.
i''jyr o-n.t discount on cntii _____________________
Ml ItbprorUtagarorkferfoctoriaa.
lu AhaedaDcr."
I hex jet beaded moar#f^ piar.
llo}-'e colored sbirfs. ad styles aod size*. woHli
Wp roam, aad abewt 00 el ttatoaebart labHlorkb
idor fiucqsalllywhlUpoBribAt1 paekag*. leonialuiag fire Bmxll
iimipmwt. A moot doligbttal tlaw geeda. It makaa Ibe pap
for thisnie.............................................................................I....................
»oa» t
anaoaleyta. tta ploaoiirm of tta eroo.
I laJta- foo«y plqoe tie, worth ts
• Freea
1 pard Valeacieoan laeo—good Of tbst elegant lot of ladies* ahirf wairta. «KI (are leftUbltagrih
Th».-w go
.w. at,.
1 Oar. I0:t
learp too
toe program
waa I
oftbeatate drpartmeot______ __
I yd! faaey drooo breld. xrettb tae.
I yd. ValencIcBocs iurnkm.good
ademaad lor tbegreiaol
publie Coager't metaage recelred loda
Men’s light anmmer roaU.........................................
1 Teosine bORi. metal tata rmmh.
baa protrected all aoru of apeeulaUoi
extra bravy.
maatpfkta pastare. and tbe Inn
Mcn'n and boy's sty liab caps.................................... ..
I box Itlaear aad laa i—Huit'iru
1 beauty pin.
eail of Ue mine. It b cMiapal
shoe polish.
Men's dreas, all wool pants.....................
^J^ath. •‘Avttlmr-M. J. C. Oil. aatICMl proaperttp foaadad..Qe
turaaige tor xercret boara after it
■ t«D meaU extra qaallty wab
dom; BDl a prombed preaperitp created la
itoy'a Buila. ot an lumest wool fabric...................
' bbpoaeeaaioB aad• then
then gare oat a work io aot Id Txin io the Lord."
brae oapoxriMB
^taPCT^aiekle^plBted BXfeV pine.
HpaaMb "Htaik lU Hattar arith Ita bp ealtlag a doUar la two aad calUag brief note admit-.tog tbal be had a
I mwlism t /ed tooth brata.
Addreox-n Reid Eirkiulrlck. Text.
Men's Ini-ycle pants, op to RS.-'iO- this sale .,
V.afO%C B. Ban.
■age from Ooagtr tbiough the CblsMh half a whole.
I efgdomer.pol'iBbed.urHbtaadlB
■tt Wit ata Lao Hollar,
legattea bat It waa not la repip te Mxtt. IS 10.
Choice of a lot nf bicycle sails .
aightof Bata-Prof. OewgUL
A redieal dopartare from Ub poliep
preaideet'e metaage of aererel dapa
»od be wtUi yoo till we meek ogaie.
A lot of ladies' fiyie ctrsts, ailk ta|tal. urorib I5c, this sale
badroretedbptha• ago. aad had aopartleoiar baarlag oa
arowad parpoae to
I boxc
rebiaet b^^raaaeHta.’
ippan eximaakm Tta IrieaM
et tbalr pdllep. It pat apoe tta ctalaie wapehaagetbemUHarp aitoatloa aad
I cbildraB'x waist and boon sappawax.
Ladies' alt wool serge skirts. SRiib rallies for...
PonoaajA woald malt la AmarMa tar- didataabmltanp chaege of plaei tor
tra good quality.
ttarellolef U
tta miniatefa- Tba mat- Ptww WeCreCBr-* Wreer.1
Mep's onting slioes, leaUief aotes..............................
I bacmalag Bold aad
I dc7. boa* enllar taUoaa
grip, lor Cfatidreo. mbxeo aad ladta.
rt la aap warebaage the
jperietendeat C CorbeU el tbe
iloa boeomtag
allaaL BagHab
I large ball bust daralag eoU
Men's white canvas onting abooi............ .. .....................
I oabetatable rabber eomh. axtra
Hreterti Hoion Tolwrepb Co. U in tta
for Uaol aad Ckirb^'h^ city lookler after tbe boaiaaox ol tta
Men's grain doable soled solid ahyea................... .............................
mnto weald do Otar teaglac.
an coafldaat that the relief eolamo
local office
back comb, rcgalar M
.. I a
weald tad ita eecapm
R. C. Riattaw of IThudMator. led..
I dcx. spool* embreideTy sllki
— oamaotUa
ImslluMd baad mime.
rbaa from U«a- M epeadlag name tlaxe here, ocoblag reUdita himi r*c< Ud hand tamed slides, regaiar ralae
I goad sir ed wblBk brooBB-i
itbf (fxKn ta* fcTor.
ti OO
................................................. ............................................. ................$1.78
' JatPaagCbowm ibe eaplUI itaad
Tbe big [ffirs of tbe conaigBed lot of meo's and boy’s clotbnig
waalAo gwtia tta martrate ef tta —------------ --------„^aalm aaeealast Bigbi from a wrebb rempTtaM«rwia.aadartta ahtaia_.
I gnod qoality balr breh. •
baadkerrblef. worlV»c.
are ooasideiabiT redaeed. We predict that a three day's
arartd. aad to i^ga orar Ita dMrtbo- •deat that tta rellel eolamo woold iag at Trererre Bede camp. Bunt Bay.
raMh Pekio hofme tbe adof
' ' tta.waah
dex good xlxed sta/tain
nut wilt clear ,A(*d np
Uoaeftta world'a maM aad b
Mr*. Jxme* Keboe'aad ehUdnm are
ata that tba Cbiaa
mea'B IXc beaetildta bx
Harp Berk^^YpMbS!ramiol.d bp ■BCBi^ la tbb wap week at bam
Von caa afford to bay a ascood aammer aait at «ocli a trifle foi
lUag at cwniue. .
tbe demaad ot tbW gorCeaaH OeaombaiaM MctUi C. Orep. •rarp boaaal laherar. mariiela tor the
yoarself or cbtld^. better come before atock is eshauste.1.
Ita Efia BackxeslI ba* rMraad to
«er borne la Kalamaxo. after a oMit
predaeu of ear tarma. aad beeemUg
•naaireMU aa to taw tbe mia- with Hra A. U Raebaav
aacbalactorlB ita world that wUl
Mr. M C WbUebae goM W Haaeempal paaea aad Jaatlea ameag tta


».!s "ui'isr ■

. --.r'lt











„d „„ i. U,-






- ym






Tlie IFo-uji?t33L X)a,3T


The Great ManufactureTs and Importers Sale



i Startling
In the Manufacturers jHid
Importers Sale.

uRGuiis nm ic




z.i'iss-sr.jiS's ^


. 23c
. 2le






. 79c

. eec


Sargaiis UoparalalM at 8c



Title IBoston Store.


». ». T..M»cb.)
d«v«r aawr.
*WP^. h»r^-ow
MpUoaiorwcrb.Mrtpeofite d«U'
» pMfto'
.|Hlaac«f>dtl**»eeeh Wlaatar-1

.. _aa koowa (tot W. U Cb



OfOadBapUa. Hlab..
road Bapidt * ladi
irolB Hr. i boaad oortb eetlMed wilb
trala Ho l aeataa aoatb at
apolBttoUaaUe oat ot Pbnoa ■

Lac. It-A dlaaaieh le a
aawe ecaaey. liea Hoac Coar. Hoe
day'e dau, stye threw are PMaere
ports that tto Bec>* fora will o|
fire It aa adduloaal wareUp b seat
CbaUa. Itbtopertad (toittoUaltad
titaus owailor.loaterey
Maatsray will
start for
IM tbb Bormiac. kllliac •<*«> oo
(batoalaa law days to rcibw
lajariac liof ttoualaaraweaad pai- ersatr Doo Jaaa dc Aal^tria The
Chiareerey li
Ito forts' will eanalaly Are
she auempu '

..........jid b»e lo«er«d tbe fwadwd
wttbttoaolM eapport of tbe--.afaltilIxtUos ks UtoeomUT—
•os tiqun Owtiw apMCli J
: tof» la blood. enMMd oat br fold.Uwnf«dl.ld«il Od uTanttellol
(Brtr. Pcas .ipMeb.l
Caea ramlred t, Ootoy 1, wbika ito elaa
Iron Umad Ti*»of»J atood aoltd for
Abeal tb.
bahll M
aaaUao and ito toor from Laalanina ..raad Baplde,
Pith, WllUare H. carlaorr of Ho.
(to cold alaadard (wa adop«od to>
tor Dayleo.«e two lattar ODantlaa did aol
i((arlr fulad.
Mr. BrTto aaU te a spareb dallaarad ____uraibair rolai darlac >ba tbraa
taanoialakae. Oa Uie aaeood ballot
( UacolB. Hatoaaka. Jaly 1. latr
of Ha
CMa cot foor aad Ooeay oai
••Tto fl*hv tblTTaar wUl be (o
third ballot oao from Ooeey — — Urmod Baidda
sr. Praakoat (to aasUiaeBt ol (tot aonc we tore oitor froa Oaaa wore dlrlded totwaea
rapeatad. -Mr Ooaatty tb of tolaaaa aad Utmad Ttarorte. cl»i»f
laatien tbe oee eola aatoed for Ito
Tbae.- If we loae. oar ehUdreo aad
re eerkaaly iBlerod ant
oar cblldraat abUdrao will oot aeeeaad
^*0 fo JoirlBC b the offlelal report ol
of (tot aoaf. asd calabn Ito proeMdlDSa of tbe coaeeoUoB:
ireatbiaeofekall. Uraad Bapidb
Hie BepohlKma rapraaeoUllte —
Poarlb of JalywlllpaM
>rtbe P
Deasa. U. A., paseearw- Cat oo
eaalloB for tbe coeoUee ot Be
toad; Itosjsmaed. left ehoolder hart.
(way. for »b« »pWt of oapire
(Iraad Traeerae asd Ltolaaaa. a

aaspeettM^ torelccers bare


PAUiia. ■<
onar »of«Ti»*w


H . coloredI waiter
oa Mo.
of > ..
i Compoead frsetare
badly cab Ur
Ford, C. M . «
abosi lacs aad .
Powers. Dsrkd
--------------------------Ha ! Scalp woead throat csb mtretoBtoo llaha. boU eyre Injured.
Oread Bsplds
Slicbtly tajarcd:
Head ni
P—- Trererea
rereraa City.

b»3«OB «. •ntWABO

a»r<al ara‘ wpira^n'. »«wa"0 *if *J
B K«rb»4 •:•. lorio ilr held b
B y H»art.ey. wO:. m-tea fr •» U>r


o itfbaadllDcr f hbenea.IerloBbr.lac >0 lb* elcloliy •-> ‘id»r

^JHylor.^U|WT«y, colored ^lier.^Bofo

*HcTeUrti^M the Chioree mUiiary
aaiborlUre at Cbaloa b most |st>.
BOaaead. Poralcam Uerc Ihiak they
pateaire preparaUoet for aelioe o
aoreeaorL They dislike tbe praseoa
of adasec troops in the eleiaity of tto
torelcn eetUemest. fear tbe tli(blCB
ladiaeretloB will lead to blooo<hrd
ssd' woald weloome tl
itarey. Iaraslica<
•■>»« that the CbISM
CbUn. •••:
laccar esas. old casboau sr« h
orerhaoled asd alnre tore bees
asd are reaoy u lay Is West Btrer. A
■ fr«B Wo Chow reports lb
-of cdhsiderable sombers o
................................ .
West Btror
probably boosd to I'ekic.
A Olsoatch from Sbaochai uys th
British troops from ludia hare arr.v
Ihora. but toe rieeroy objeca to ibi
lasdiac. It is hollered uic rierrey L
ireed to isue thii-Amsc by t
h aad Boalao
-usais. AOisii
Seymour is waltioK li.siraeuoBS Irx
tto British coreromroi before takiuc
farttor aelloo U«:ial eusUrmsuou i>l
ISO ebjecileo bss h
taralco oftice here. bnt, oeioc to 1
Salisbury apT
DoiBC io
:.>adoa aollliosii
Iisbury. to
jiTod froa

btrtaboBl the face aad ehreb
Oaodaetor LeUsmad KoglaeorUror rcld were lerribly aaarled.

too oUb bb lasber laleraeU
awbaUai Proabtert. TMaday. bad
lo Ito Tolls
Mr. B H BaaUace wae aoaed ..o Ur
Bber e «lap««i relaraed froa SUi le Tsraday creBlor "i‘" '•bsrle.
AM baUat. eaodMalp lor ropreaeaia«wi troa tbe leralalire dbtrtri oea- Bayia the i.efro who ba> dr»rl..toet
eer). afse lily lortiadiecmove. land,
■oBacIb* caaaUre of Kcoxie, Uraad eaul.-. nr. 1 hr prieonrr-m lodrrd I.
TiaoMato Laelaaaa. Hbaoalaa. J»(l petadiiif hieairalceanit In Jaeiln
Uea roaade oat a i rbrt <f aaoeaal
Wbrn be eaaebeloi/jortirr Broot,
arced wiih ..I chain
Mr. MaoUtoB b a eaadidala to b. proed
at Ba bae lirrd la Trarene City
Mm aarty boybood. aad b rlchl la


Good quality Outing Fiannel ii
checks and strip«, at only. •

6c vd


Ladies’ l»ercale Wrappeis in all ......
have been selling at $ixx3 and

We give you the choice elf our best Straw .
Hats, worth up to S1.25. for ^Qq ^

Choice of,our liest Wnippfci^ f
Nice stylish Caps for men, big lot to se­
lect from—worth 35c and 50c.

Choice^a Unof Ladies'Hats
This is a Snap worth all the way up to $i.
Do -nol buy :
you have s

Children's entra .qoality black ribbed
hose. sir« 5.40 10. worth 15c.

Shirt Waist’until 'yK/*
enourbiglotat.. •


n>e si
rired si Pekin, cr,
falUoc. Adrk-.

>ceL certainly
□ouch 'Sin bss
ai toe front,
,1 llioce, ci-c
r awaraorc that the'.’; m Ire


Big lot of Men's Pants in very
terns and cnon; have been
selling at ti.75, $2. $8.50. $3.

ift of our stock of Lawns. DimWorth iix to 18c,

Lxtra qiiaUl>j^ Rag Carpet fur a ^00

r Suits, made of good w _



Ladie< White Duck Skirts,-made in lat-

I styles,


eighly-fivo d|.00

IKAVl-HSE C1T> , .\I1CI1.

slrrr:rij $3.oo, $3.50, $4.00

here asrake while on doty Ueali...f-t —d that l..................
Uliiu* bach
tralo Ko 1 to pare aad reported to Li.c unwlllinc la
Jacob M. lafrig aad wife to a
.II. Ur r.piitl.
leo'., pin loi* .it. 17. Is. blk K
The foreic" ofTie
■'•Vs 7ih add-flibu
at Uowanl Clir, was directed V' men
Wm. L llrosrn and wife to Wm. P.
Ma 1 at Ssad Lake, while No '
i;iue li>r.-i*o lertstioos si l•'kliI
rnisrr. pa>^l* In Trareree City—(tCOo
toda -io meet 'order at Wo
-re stfe A«c U Toe Jspsnese m o
lieo. C. Pierre aad wile lo Uay Dell
liter to Ureal Brluio said today tbsl Paireblid. lou Tl. 77. tl, blk 1. link
P^m'l'aadeMe^foc. while------- ...
bleb rets of spaed. Both eaclaes the whole Japsaese force Ismsrcbloir Park tod—fllCM
.waaaaablr to farabb. ao be was
elrbtean were demolish
- - OD Pekia with the alller. Uedido't
Dexter A Noble toad Abraham
aaadrd to jtll.wbsibhe will probabthiok the Chloeae woald mskeasuod
oee. aeb of arb. Sec It, T tx N. R ;i
aablbi aalHtad odlM bb
elors reachlsc the esp.ial.
Toe admiralty has renired the folaaal aaaallaat. Pqr aOM U
I> Crotarr a
lewlitc Irom Bear Admiral Brace ai
debris A relief trels aad w^
l 11, blk 17. 1
Takn. ■■Bscelred tbe followinc irem
- Death ol A. K Falrbaaks.
erew were seat from Uraad Bspids
Us aard ea (to dv aaaadl. wboi
-- - . dated Uo Si Wo. Anc 1«
B. E. Pairbaaks died at bb b
all of tbe killed and Injnrod *
toabaaaprecnadraaad aeUralatbs
disUDllrom '
breacht here.
I.1I-I-- -• (to city. Bb poMbaad
___________ There U lii
(. blk 4. Uaon A i lUnyi
The wreekace *r»» {>««<> >» * ‘■“P The enemy ded to the tartar eapipr.
Mdoata atoradto Is bayeod aaapleka
abont M feel bleb and '
>d and tbe chaTCedby two wioadrout ol ll.-acn> lot I'.i. b’k II'..
I.. Uannab. I.
redneed to klsdllnc
afeito^*- Babatabla.aadarlBbl
'--ceiB. Many ot the former were add-li:t.
cnctsec to eerep Iron.
safolfaod follow.
■<]. Tbe etaadards ceneral. Mali
Allot tbe dead met

Neleon S. 1‘erry.
HOtoalasIbaotMr. Baadapi
___ SoBC- was captured. Tro:ipi are
h: foe prereniea too ■
tree! in See t. T »7 N. U W-fiUO.
BBobcsbaasled by the heal: bcallb
* •iMac raaecalUaa of bb aiarllac
a OB* ollhe Boet
______ .aloe Ue dancer lx
KiBora JOOM lo (lea H. Smith, par
and spirluare escelieni'
"AaoUier diipaub Irom Uenrral Uss- orlin Sect, r:: N. B It W—Sisua
u well hi
eoxb-^. B Case. J. W. Wlleoe.
Ua dated Anc. II. says the adrsocF
Jno W. PalcbiB tod wife lo Wilbei
ol eoaatry
eoaa-, la
— Borlbeni
c----------A. Joy. J. W- Hcrry^BBdT. B.
may be drieyed by the raia.
J. M.ilanl. parcel in See 7. T n N. H li
caa. Be was bora is Osyspa
kl Bheac'e
. - _________
-- ..
- Uraad Tra»o™« Pettltt.
Is I Ml aad
the fssiosl uain operated by tbe ro
Urmnd Tra«rae-W. W, dallh. A. 11 and It b eelimsted ehe was runninc
'rrenaoD. wbo bat been erilirked
• the coeemWilber J Millard and wife to Jao
•trary PtcptoBy a PaUaro.
he prres and Amei
' '
ant^ pi«a dUaad wbleb to occc Blows, ssfastltute lor P. P. Lardle. A. CD mllee an boor when the eoliisioe
W I■.ufhio..lot1l.blk R.II. L.ACk-|
,h aC-iloese official. 7ih add-tIJuo
.liad as s isna oatil bb death la the UTbantoaiJ A. Lorasc». oobstltnle enrTBr P. V. Ureee; Tboe. T. Uatea. aaUllI rreicostloo bai
■adaby Mr. Be
early We Mr PalrbsBks did =Bch to
**^^toi»tnieUon canc l» »l
KoCli'b eorm
Maa. ItocaU atawlard, wWeh
Bad tbe wreck asd s
up serauot of U A. 11. Keonioo at
aid iB ther—
............. —*■—
I **
Uaalle. Uco. P. (larrboa. A. I.
-adlnc tbe inf.irmaliou
___ ,
biracalheu. .1 N E. B B. Co. will
la a^atfoa oraralaaa toattercd ttaa
■ nyt "The Inliieacy
,-.r sfl.i
■II ti.-kel'OO Priday. Auc- tub. Uoo
waald Una prodasad Ito fellowlac
LeelaBaa.-J. K. Cbmpbell. John Litoflieials wiUi Sbrax bu
Copelaod. la tbe whole of Bsikuke
•lav Au< '.'7lb. and Tnredsy Ane. frlh.
■Ih of Uraad —r—
Bleafol rtaalla. le-wtl:
aey^amM Dally.
bT_BocU.h«en.; _
.eliirn llmii Sept. lllh. tiwo. Tr
0|ipemtor Wells of >1:11 Creek
It woald toea laeeaaaad tto pareaaa-are Tiarenm City. K ill s. m. and
-'“--ed one ol tbe Msl opemcn on
-cm aad alao was belieref to be
^fowwettto foU delUr.-IHadlTbeeoaaltloeoaperi
mwotge from Ucuerel Chsffoc be
ooeot the most reliable of Ihecmoloyes
Ihtlmeasacr will probably tell
tbe a^rosioc paity. who honored titloo reiwled. aabloc the temporary of the compaoy. Ue bad erldenUy
e our way i
ItwoBld tora ba« as eartals to
.a lor h'.e etarUac qaalltia aad ooeslept when the exproee train Dtsved whet ruislsnce Ihr relief c.-ilu>uc me;
at Yuoc Chow. Therr is noduubl ihst
foU as a stoaa b to tall
lieot adeoeacy ol the pnaelpte le
Ci ijxixiiuan.
After he bad recelred tbe ordrts
. UlK'IIU.I.
..he walled the alllw are at Yooc Cbow, ciUin
lo stop St Sand
vfeaa it b tbrowB iato (to alr.-<KawNo. tie
Be feared
• door for the In...
____A “ SadWatee, ’bUtoUaf
___ jcr afier a time, and was about to lliecity or boldioc il. for it is really ■
eandidatrs. each delecafo to c
report tbe matter when be reeei^ aobnrb of Itkln. Miiilary expert* di
whto aao ware few and for taetwon bb own ballot, mteoallaaerrai baalsi
word from farther np tbe line that No. not aollelpato that Ue allio* h*»i
la tto Otaad .Trareree recloo.
Sbad already passed bim.
kkoo Ukrn Pekin, for wilb lu walls for de repntatlon as dors Dr. Utluisn, formerell would be ImpOMibU foraamall
BelebrMa wile., a eoa, Aadrew J.
)d Pierson Innn atumpl to bold tbe
talleraA. P.
y uUkc theclly wilb a dash If Icof New York, now of dread Ifopldr-.....................................ace, aadadaocb.
n, bnt hit mereace col there a freelle hM made regular rlalU to Uk
aad tbe of- ___ 'of a mioou too Isle. Na S had
alllre bate eatared Pekin tbey bare
la WeetalaBtoe.
city for years, while oibarr maklag
bald at Willlamshefotoral will
already cone tbrooeb. The operator doneao by an arraneeineni wilb and pretcesions have come onee. twice or a
The committee oa raBdatkm
ibe Cblnese. Il la
alas. ander.Uia
little longer,
aee^iog to lire only oatU
inree bare aeceplod iitllc
aa^osBof the Odd Fellow* of Blk ported as follows:
oot, then learc for oUer lore!
Kaplde. Membere of tto order Irom
exprew train dkaapearinc In tbe foellle* Ur. Ollmaa lias oerUln ^acre
■mblad wa most bnrtlly eadotar
Kalkaska will alao be preaaaVaad all
• •— momenls later be heard the some acreement a-itb tbe commandert
for tbe sorrender ol tbe . niinlsten. that be riaiu, llioae he baa rkitod for
_____jf the eonisloo asd a
tbroneb coope^nUno between tbe allies years and Uoae be intcnik |rT riall.
fied the main
lYraliog a* br dors chronic ditcaars
and Ibe Imperial cerernDiroL
la ebarce of Hadartaker
Three frel(
ley darlac bis admlaistratloa at pna>
This cororomenl baa raceired no lor- wboily. be flnds not roaugh lo auy cum
aof^b dty.
Icsavot train No. 2 ea'
dent of tbe United Stain.
from deaU or Ibar orertorre from U Hone Chanc .'r Inrslliy to engage bii whole lime. For
tbisLe hrerwiablltbrvi'reFioiu cflirea.
I This eoBraatioo most heartily
Espartaaoee la tto Wreck
e ean broke Ue ibe i
girlog tthe sffi
affi etod
cted tneSLi-h
in reii-h comm
apprOTisasd eadotaes tbe acUoo of
_____ __
boellle d^oDslretlo
w.—iHewark. Ohio.
fail'forte oVuie ooUleiiioeforUeooaeb- erase
-to coaeoll wiU tbiaan meal
laalort. HcUillan and BnrroBs.
It k recarded a* prealblr that w
- them

____renowned specialist, wbo Isi
all tmpertaat riareUoni whk' cate wen emaeaea, eix
alllre .eloaa lo Pekin the Imper
who wwa la the wreck near PleraOB.
the greatest dla^oaticlsns this
'inew. U.
^ tte took InlacL The
of tto OnliIted Siatea
capital, bai beeno aaroUalioa* wiu tryei
.ing oar assortmeot of pretty and nseknowlw
apprOTi aad eadoiae tbe
Ua commander* as lo plans for deliter.' DO n.
^bot^fortiiBately there
Baatlaea, III.. U>s« Btta Ball of Loal
ioc the mioislere.
ml reanlu amoac tb(m]
rille. lad., aad HU> Alaa B Trie#
Tbe posslb .lilies of news from Chaftee
, fnl articles ib our
AI two o'clock thk afICTsooo fire
' eei—a Ito .Mr. aad Mbs Black
eeer mSisy one bresch of Ue profreId Ue next few dayicorer auch a
brokeoBilntbe wreekace 111
re aa tbeir way ui elslt their ai '
Sion. Uai>(pre we hare ooafldeDer le
from one of the enclnce. -nie >
Bellaiitbwblle Mlat Ball aad >
aoeepted asd adopt
latloo. IT Ue Chlnree rreUi there Dr Ount^abHliy aoO koowledre
l(aoald baee dtreytdthseppor- Tries are oow boardiaf with Hra.
acd know him to br mpoBSibtc nbr
. of neereiity be a ilracc>« '
PelOf Oaalkelt. Ttoy tell a tbrilllac
•aUlp to werh.-(lbw epeoeh )
by yoare ol coootaal eloay
Oa reellee Ua ooBeeattos took reilndni
- - .......
Pekin, i
atory of Ito wrses. aadot tto Ineidoala GSM to 1:10 p m.. at wbleb Urns the way. Aralnaellnalsoabonlfr
'Uce prorea bimsalf worthy of tto
II be 10 I
Uaoaldbaeo laeraBaed ItoaoBber
leof Ue n
ooeaaeito wli
eooddeaeeof Ue people aad Ual be
t deeisioo
toneeatioB was acale callai to order and tto bacenpe
can be depraded opon.
by Cbalrmas WUaoa.
UaoMdboee ImiaH ttoeoli
loraUde sboald aol despair. bateaBTto preaeatatlon or aames of oai
Tto mrateryorerUa meotace from
ret uainen the U. B. A I. Ilwi_ ..
salt this emiaent pbreielaa wbea hr
didatreUcebeiaclB order, a roll i
libeled asd eossisted
a sleeplnc ear Ooecer. recelred yasurday. U aim a
lin rklta tfak dly, where tbey will
eonaties was ordered. Baas
" Cl for opaenlatloe beeai
from OaclBnatl lo Maehlsaw City,
r. Ua eoUbkm oeailcbtart.;
eympaUtear and one-------—*
• elsTlIle to M%eklaaw ____ dopartmaot will oot r
V M. y. ______ __________ UiroWD from ihalr. respoeded. prmntlac tbe aamre t.
ioc.A5«m U toalU i
pablie. Thi* woald indleateUatU re­
W. L. Ctoe asd Dr. I. P. Corey- Uraad ________ _
_tr 81. Lonis 1
a»la.aBdthoBChha]fof tto aaate
Treratae praaoated the aarea of K. W. BSwOiV els Blebmoed. els
fer^ to other rjnreliont tbao Uoae
irwerebiekm. h oae la .tl
It aeaU k
relating to Conger and tbe imperial
llesUac* as4 Lcalasae that ofC. L Bw Lonfs lo HaeklBaw Cite s
I wae cerioaaly hart,
It coptalai -------------aandiMaaUfor tto forawtoitoe—
CO. dialic *sr Un»d Bepldi I
of Ito party raeelraJ
ilhdlato Biaata Oaedaa apoeab.l
aaw City, day coaebreand eei
.... w
And reUrn rlaU. R A I. Acoonat
eaadad to ballot as fellows:
baru W4«
tl waaU hare laiarad Ito wacaofmhaaDnain A. B Natloaal Ba^^^^^ted that there w
act aetloed em by I'
campmeaL TiekeUaoU Apgnsi nU
Yamea regarding lb---------Ball
UreUre4ntlI Aug. IlslU
mlnkUr. Itkaaid posilirely at
aalde Iroaa that she w
L P. Corey...........
arar dsparlmest tnal Ue Ooacer Babjeelto extaasloD neUl 8.-ptember
C. E Ui-nnsv. Agent.
Mr. BUd< was jiat folac to Ihb
B W. BaeUact .
of tto tor lor a drtaic-wbaa ttoaccl- C. L. Dayloo........
dealoeesrrad. ‘Bs wae (brows half
Tneorea Ony mottat.
In forao7 mreMcre. tod Ua't cxeepi
. ............................
laadlBC OB h
be appreaeb of Ue eriak Uceitnatolew k a Ikt of ttoaortac atoaollurmeoaBtop
k net more criUeal Uu It -bai
r craeerlea.
itromUe begiaainc.
Ik Is Tree.
Wtoa tto aartf ratod Ma tto ear. W. L.Ctoe................................................
toaaad itoahUIty
ay leaed ItoM who had already cot I.P.ikrey. ............................................
a aaOaet Uatr as_»-wdlfre. J. W. UilUkcD arB. W. Bastiacs.....................................
c. L. Dsyloo ............
■dBxarwweo e flyer, tahlac aea- rired In Ue city last nigbt from New Clear Pork par bbU MW..........
•~n from oely tto larc« station York. Some aaxisiy was Tell lest OIrer Pork par M.......................
.to aacltoa. leads.. -----ttoy sboald tore beak Is Ue
II Ka«i
afdapaditoi ladac tl
abort Oat Park.............................
oa ttoG. B A J. yeslardsy as
^twMsdataT ^to'S^fb^treak!' W. L. Oaaa................................................
Btort Oot Pork preV.................
balltirnslreresdUatttoy w<
wbleb wae la tto bacraca car. wss I. P. Corey................................................
Floor. U L.AOaB«o(..............
on Ue wrreked train.
teb ^ aka^to^aot leeovered Ibaor
Bre Plonr. B. U A Oa. Hat..
ismMdareace doM to tto
Boal Estals TraASfsn
Ifodtl, B. L.A0aB(ot...............
» at flM.OOO Tbeca
Peto. H. U AOaBofV............
Tto following an the nml
m aad.east •U.wn
tianafar* recorded from Aonst » lo
Oa BotloB of Ur. Baatlacof Lee
wicchadbythe cbllbtoa- Tto car was
kaoekad eaUrely oft iu traen. Tto laaaa ooaaty. eapportad by Hr. PetUtt Wrered ao tto total ftareacato "
Aacret 14 iDdnsIra as rnrelsbad by O Lard park............ -.....................
It aoaM bora Iwitoid tto salartaa itoToadwasIsaoere flsldoy tto side of Haesle. tsa aorelaaitoa of Hr. Hast■Clare seUl eoree to aboet fltO.OOO.
C Heftatt. piopristar of Uraad Trer Batter pork Daily...............
of tto track, while the freet eed was Isfs was made BBasimoaa. by a rislac
"----------- J-.............. ....................
111 piM la all reVirlbki wto pap
HIS Arm Brokeastto OoBBty abstreet cftlee.
Is tto wrecked hanacc ooacb of tto
a ato woald haoa h
• Sellarte aieaua far Ito .tore.
terld Taylor aad wile to Ttoedorc
Ttostoir appelaisd Ur. BnaUac asd
toath-beaad UBta One of tto leleHesrtoe Wnebt. tto UUle sea e<
Crapb wlra was hdbked aador tto
Bn. W. K. WrtebU

----------- a Baorre.8w H of Sw K Bee 16. T ' Ooreporba.old................. ..
nisfal i-rliiiatj—
roof of tto day eoaeh. atoWlac how
t>otawos.par bm.........................
aatioa asi larits Urn to appear baton seaslm at Ito Pprebylerias Bsaday
tl wooU tooa lalatad
Brestre C. Stllas and wife to Wm. BaltprebU..................... ..............
tto cesresUos wiib blo ■■■mliU casB. Breast i: blk 4. Hanaab Lay A
............ -.x:-.ato UaMy of the rer wae badly
toad eUtoa aad
TiatewUlrereTrersre Citya(7:4S
eelradwlthoalh^ani.. Ur.
AmsUa a 'Oefltr u's. M. Post lot It
1 t:t> p. re.
nerewasBota doctor ee tto trsls, madeaiBUllBC apaaeh of a...,____
Mb : Oordrieb'i add—tJ
11 »w
aor was Ihcts aay la tto Hub lowa of wbleb wasbnrtUy
was bnrUlyraeolesd.
... .
Hr. Day strlUac In saeh a *
UlaA. (ktora atal
WbreL alA parto.........
Pbnoa. anr which Uis aaekdaat oe- tob.Ur. Otas tad Or. Garay latossdad
tof hk tstlan.
16 Wb f Oo
to rells aad all apeto wall. btartOy aa
Wbret. parbo. (BBsrl..
mresea wto k raaonlac at Ha ab- Pest.
aacaaa ato bacMas..^
date. Ha l.prebt.........
dprelac tto aoreiaatioaasd ptadclat
; OUa.BBd FUab liaao
-hrir sapaortteur. BasUacaasd l‘
ftoodere B. Baarre lo Aoak H. Oora. per ba.....................
l^lMtotto'ftoldeat of tto wreeh
Base^Bw b otBsr
Bac It TMN
aaUdtora taaaaad tto abOlty free ito death of a UUU baby who wn *Ttoa*B‘*^U of Bnsla. Jeha ..
ea tto Kata. Tbs aotber who liree la itoto«aroCOraad Trararaa Oasak P.
Patur.por ».........
aaaMlehoy ofods aad
Mr.aadUre.TkoreaeOrr of Sparta.
Peieskey. was lahlsc Ito child, who
- ■ Masaa. wen etosaa aa tto
___ ik^ao. Trtoa will Irere tbaroere
IL, aerieed la tto Mty laetswemlto <er
waealeh. hack m bar old bores wtoa
CMyat«:M a. re. Lrers Orood Bop, ski with taelr daschtar. Uts. Peask
ItowredKwesrred. Bcittor tto ba^
Tto Tneaen aip Bi
Stare 0. Beyaad «i Wm. U BnlL
‘ ' Oaas. TMr m-deas.
aor bar resthor wen hart, bat as Ito
ate apaaebtatraeallac aaal
Hb there. Hs toa panMtarelTy7.B.BU W- reotbar startad lo tbp 'berea ot a aaichM.BaUato wUa to TV
tar w-dh bar child, ifo died Id her arw



^ For L&dies'. the “Composite"......
J For Ladies', the “Qloria ’..............
For Gentlemen, the “GoTemor"



It's the Piaetee t Smllh Shoe, a Shoe With ■ Seemf.
Eki) Pan Wanastel Ion Get Them af




New 8ho« store

____ _




842 Frost Street


Fans aid Trait laidi. all hindi, aH pricis. Seal iiii lin.






Is loaded witli good thingB for the
Summer tradc-are conAtaotiy increaS'

aB*lSe%«air5n£*T r‘tru5T*aid

S K’i.




BOOK ««D stationery


arc continually .adding the Newest
Books, tbe Latat'Styl^ in station*



ery and the prettiest articles in the
Sonrenir lin^Tor I raverse City to be
found anywhei4,
Be sure and call on ns when in
town. We will try and make it ideasant for you.









ijfta ^









“ ■ 2

a n

Ohkar> by war of tba Itora.Marsante,
laarlacbere Aatardar Aap.
OBkMool. TbaloolUrMu^ «:W p. m. TVt fart for tbe ro
tb BM WMI tkrawh tb« piMa cUm. to »-.u. Uekau reed U> raUTa
Ao(. 11. A caaraa aboi
It»Ul«Ml atoat tlO le npalr U*
diawQ aad tiM B«fi Mfi ba'll par the iberawinbaatlaaauoo la tbr party
toarlDf bara. aa rataraaa frea
(toe art plaaolaclojaio ibr peal
IB Ibalr trip.
4bU «f M<a Amato M.
YacBl Babteca
OtmmlBapUa. r>iciM<
U K BoMbrr * 0% Vra plaead la
eTata- Bar aoa. Fraak B . mad Aaacfetar Hia Aaala Traaala, rraat (a aaai^ ea Oarp Vke ibe dne
Oimad Bapkto Haadar U> aUasd tbc itaaa rnkt Babeeaa. aad arc raadr
far ibe adeeaaDdalloB of iV patllc.
The toat will aurj tt paaMnicara. aad
Iha lajr el Joha r.OU A Os.Saurdar
mirbtbroarblla Ua latraal laaibM'
azpeaac tor all dtr or a part of Uir d:
rafteltbaaaBtealreailbe aaat aberc
In earrr paaaaarera to anr part of Ca
el Baat Bar- Tba raft eo^laad too.- Lake.
at of lata, of wbM iVooo to
Tbr boat caa be abtolaad at map Ume
piaa. tba r»t baler bArdwood aad br learlBf aottor wiib
K Kotvbr.r
A Co. a dap or l«o pre.KWi to the lime
that It to waated. A dap oa the
tolbtopacbt aakea a rrrp fleliphtfe'.

droiUUoM this week 2.300

toaaad iarIttUeaa tor tV aarriacaof
tbMr dasfbtar. HV Uatrada. to Prad
R. Uoorar ef Kaaaaa TV waadii
will taka plaaa at tba mldaaoa el tba
at l:M o'clock.

Batoar AvUarea tba Para KatqaaUa
wlUi tboir faoillV. V«o ratorood
Iroaa two week*' earaptof trip


Aim trot at Bar Ullr *
teah tba aaaoad baat to

tv rlrir la ba rerp pood.

Trait ■hlpneoM fr..m thtr aectii
arrherloalar to aaiome propwiim
mipoltod-. a'lhoach thev:
aOBba< aearoelp topun. J I’ lierg,
who to btodllac a rood deal of Ihe
frallof Me peelBMla. chipped to Che
bopptn Uatordap about ihirlp barreli.
nf applM aad a larpe qaaatlip ol
paacbet TVp po bp the ew
CbartaroU. TV ateamer alu Itada at
Me Uld Hlaatoa dock where sbipmeeu
beclantor lo to made to larpe
qaaatUiee The qaalltp nt prarhee to
Very fiaa thto pear tad Mr lalrrrarpromlec to br totter that

Frnll Orowet*' Aaaofiauoo

W. A. Baker, wV Bade aaeb a aaeoM
bold a eflboi
«ba L. O B. A- I
Oimad Raptdapaaiardap to arraace aaMmW -aalUf rrtdar araalaf.
athar opera Ibara. Ua baa proratoad
teraUratothtoeUp. aV pat ea. to
lha Oraad TimraiM Load Oo. baa tbamprlat. "Tba PiraVof Paai-aoee."
■aU far K. C.,BUtoa tba neldaaaa pr
Ha toncriatlp plaaaad wlu tv
BMP owmad bp Ua oe Uaha atraat.
la tv opera bara.
Oartto Harrmp bM praiatail tba Baa

There wrra nboet thirtp of Mr me
romtorait frail prawm to Mto repi

mphaticaiip to rnparri
L-i Me pmtoble
eaaawofaaek aa
laturawera read 1

laara oat for tl
of UV IralB B^iaa. daaebtor of Bar.
dp. le tba Jaha Ball Park. alUraad *Mi Hn. A. W. Baahea. to Wlllto
Vraa. TVaraal wlllaecar Wedaraaaef A. B. Oartla dap aremlair. Aafatt ». at ■ o'<
MvMaAaa Va beam a tnebar to tV
ebooto far a aaaiber of peara. and
f. bpea el tba

fba work el rradlac aad tarraelar
tbatreaadt at tba aeart.beaaa aad
eeatr )aU waa barn raatardaj
to batef pmabad rapMIp.
AlafraaaaibarofUdd Pallowa aad

Uoa. aad Mra. 0 C Loach at tVIr
aammer Vma at Walloe. Vra beea
eatartotolap Hr. aad Hrt. U. U. Frtter of HtUle Creak. Mich. Hra.i>t
rerto tV dtapbirr. (UtUir, oT Hr.
aad Mr« U W. Uabtoll. formtorip of
Trararae Clip, aow ol itprla<beld.
Uiatouri Ur aad Mra. Fra/tr bad
wiM Mrm Vbp Hath wV hta sore
prandpareeu Man nficn fdto to Mr'
lot of Me little enra dbe ba* foar<
rraat rraadfaMnd. two rraadfat
ibrae praal rrtadmoMrra and
CraVmoMer*. rlrraa to all. If. ai to
oltoa aald. ' {nraadraoMerm apoll t^
h maet l
oeepoalllaa and will aaed
eta! orrraipbt

lOredoobt bnt
raatpA lot• aa amor '
--------------.Jltp will I
lo Mr dtr aad a e>ei
----------------------wIM Me fere UOTqar
aad I) U A I. rallrrad.
Thr reeiillof Mr trip crer Itbr. precmard roate for the road w». rerp aattotanorp lo the oBeera. freeldeel
htaarn*. Vice I'reeldeat Whedr.. Atlorarp CorrII and Treaeardr Mairap.
AUof ihrpeallemeaareaattofird that
Mr road will to ao rzorllaot io<
mrnl. and iherara teadp to puab
nrojgcl. provided Mat -a ripfat of wap
Into tbecllp and Me roaerctianc with
Me two rnadi mentioned are proridad.
When the rarlp reached SorMpOrl
Mrp found the pecpic analon* and ecMnslaalle They------------ ’
aectlau wiM Trarerae Clip a:
wap of Cedar. The of
thooKh the rc*trt *pa*op
led Me hi........................
that Uiep could
iatien* for
" compelled


„.. Slrarn
■ FetosVpdiraet
from Nunfaport. i er hto trip Hr
left loMraelSom w .1 Mr. Horrap to
rpora proceed at once to
,nr*er, aad a force of men
impUp uenl fr>r. wbnwill bepio
rnllrelp wlM Me dtp lo
or ool Me read ihall to
projoelora bare promtoed
that Mep will proceed at once If Me
dphi of wap and eonoeellon* are pen
rided. and Mat Mep will bare maieilal on the rmond n* eouo ■« it can to
irol here if Me riehl of wap and coo
aeetloa* ore not furniUiod Mep will
afanndon the projKl.

ADtoe 1)Teu &ooA*
0Tve-\va\^ "PWee
PTtTwUi t Tngadp.
......... .................... .............
two lirra. A frlfhtfnl eoapb Irad Incir
kept her nwakc ererp alpb’ Shd liad
tried manrremedlr* and daelor* bet
euadilp vrew wo»e noUI arced fa try
br. Klne« New l■«eTer7.
liMOTerp. O
Ooe bottle
'bollp cured her.
•r. and
aad ehe w....
.-iou> mod
Lsne of
a *erert__________________
doeb core* arc preliire l»root o
power to core all Mroat, ebrat
lane troe^rr
troa^rr Only fuio ■aad V. li
aoteed. TWal hottlra 1
Wait's aad Jar li .Inh
Herald neutarp Conk Book.
A llmiud nnaWr forrale at;t eci
Win be mailed, pnetairc paid, on reev
of price Andrrws

To aetl every remnant, aad 4lg>ra

w«* m vt hare fur other ipnidot. X’on
your chanev lo a.t a akiii .w drraa
tmc-hair privv. Think what U»l nea

"OeVo A Ca,TTie,\.
VttTVtV eelrelenrpeu

•**»»“ * Aaer-dlae «(
All colcnv muI deakfa. Mataraaaw. IWrail toil.ti.




Sa'ium'3 ?Vxm\aAm
\oiiall kiicnr
icnr what Ibene |{o
are: w.- Wt.uld lik.- ■to nliuar
to ymi.
leni to
M<-hat'o the Br-w fall iMtlemi bow
wil- aii,l thi- priis-' u> per yd '.<.l>-t<i$l

W., ali,,w a fair .|iialit>- irf ta|ii*<L
rycarpefant...................................................... 60c
Anti Ibe very b-et mad.', nl |»*r.yd .80c

WoJs 'Bmtuel.a

Tfett TbKhhisc Baaiaeve
Would qalekly leare poo. if yon oied
>r Kln(!-*New l.ife Pills. 'Ikohsands
f *airerers liare prnred the r ni»tcl;
■SB merit for Sick an-i Ner»,io« Hf»<|.
They m*Vr pare
ap your h
Orly .-r, cenu.
Money back if an
K WaltandJa* <

PiMip CaaIIaI.
SataIb -

■B.CTwiMtts ADoA 1lTe»

tolclooe oat -____
for fall guode. which are i
Thiak n»itl
ikx-ipjnds . for.,
i V cutod.-rur..

SxVra MDvWoTk XeVorts

It has Iteeo a h.nnl malter tc fiial
a d.'sirnbl- line..f |iaii> msand r«>l,.rini;s
i>> licsly
u-n,-,n tti
Ixsly l>,
nl lut.',
Ini.-, itijt
but 1we were
bouinl t4> do
■ itt Bud
BUd w.-Bt to Ufa
fur that tiarpusf, anT n i>lance
• K-k will
n.i. tell
.«.i, y,iii whflhtsWill-tun Wf
wi* havtunvt- s
suefei-dral or Bid. I’rio- pci yd .. ..81.36

You will have to aee Ibtw
>■ ir>xK


SpoweVV 5Tt\Ta Suptr
of their coodara-.


carpet to a bonaehold word; they are a* well
llakinr I’o-der. aad Me name to n «nnr
r back If yoo want il
arneto for Im .

We fully warrant every ya^ I


that we stand
ad alone la. The Bneet line of pattern* nV bl(noe'l bay Uli you hare iran our *Mek. Yoe will

be ..^rry If .vou do. Vrice
I'rice Me‘i.]uw“a

ADVavilwa SVvades
them for you and rire you Ihe yely Vet klv^oTa'’jrh

' ofM* world.

OurSarinRS Department

&T&SS "iaATit aai

£.act CnrtaVns



Wit) DUMU Bnn u ram I f«i Id cHt

tolar oaablr to be preaeni. hat who
wtohrd to to lorlndrd lo the nrpasito'
Prank Friedrich left bto psefat at
It wae tolaaded in .dwi a a,arlerolx peeterriap and came Vwn
oo Me train tontoOadillavon ao oil
inspecllucr trip.
deferrod natU aezt 'iatardap aflame
wheaanoMer meellnp will br held
taiUble raaototlona, a cnoatilntinD and
Hra. Braaa. «*bo baa baaa rtoltlac bp-law* and the committee will repo-t:
vaae-Tbaa. Braaa. ea Beatb Haal- at aext daiunlap'* meeilar.
tom lalaad. brian tba Uacau' aome
McKlalay Club Pieuto.
paelBMaa ef paaefaai aed applM
The firat dearonatratioe of the pretlIron hto bH trait lana there A
aetlal canpalpa to tblreonaip oiJI
Faator baa abeat tertp aeraa darotad
tniU. aad tba ellafata on tba lalaad Ukr plaer oo the :ut of thto laoaih at Ar<- the ncarfst |>crfection of any chani^iiit; plate cami'frT in
liach M. P. C. Maua/iiic \ ivr has .i oipai ity
> tapadaUr adapted to the rmtolor tbaplnlcof the I'rBlnaala HcKlalep tin; m.trkct.
Clab, which will br held at llooer*
for carry inR 'T'laO-’s.
Thnsr- .ir«r ri-i:isr«Tfil on'riuHarbor. I'reparalloBi are brine
.Ativ . f-.\
I aaw batal at NarUport Polat for able (Into and Ibe rlub will plaa outside of th»i camera as tlu- cx|>osiiies are iiiadn.
haatedabktbMlDwaalaaa It o|
to do aorar (ood work iliw fall Hraldra |>ose<i plates can Im- taken out .'ind <le\d(>r>c<l tvtihoui distnrlv
baaket picole and a paneral iraod
tbtoaanoa aad MaaMfW Wlaai
tnu the rest. The lenses tiseci are .universal focus of tin- musi
feaad It niriiiiry to preride aien
time two emlnaat epeaker. bare Uei
edatkaafortbabotal. The
far Ibe uemaion, lion A. II Improved lyixr, h.-tvinir great depth.of focus and dclinilion.

EtTs^ Sr




HtoaBaailtartla. HIm Acaaa Raltoraad Oaarra BAUap el Ootawbaa.
llarrach of Ni. Lonw, Vpoblican can \’ive lens(*s excel everywhere,
O, atbe bara baaa apaadlac aaM
peetaihiaa at tba drat of tba acaaet
dWaleforeonfrraa la tlito dtolrirl. will
of ihesk line cameras at
at tba Ootlara Baaa. bara Boaate Ala plaaa are batap prepared to doable tba delirar aa ad^rrar. aad lioa. Hraet
Pallowa win elan .peak. Theae
tolh dtotlaentohed men and erarpl
Boa. Brmak UaBdIuo to r<*laB •
ip pollfood deal of attoallea to bto alemaai Ik* will to
abont raadp tor Creaneal toad ha* bcea rapapetl f
,at tba eormarot Praak- Mr dap aad brsIdM plentp
Waabtartoa atnoH. nbae
Oanw tba paat few dare B- U earapleua thto will V oaa of «m flaeat
OMtMAaataat aln aaahato to Aldaa.
Wtabtorten atraat. Air.
natawwaSradaatta la tba rllUra aad Hr. HaralltoB airpaal to taka peaaaS rtolaUr Uet lieaB earebte
aheatlVfintef li
epeeial rale ef » cenu far the r

Dealers In Everything! Dealers In Everything!

i }M& OF---------


(^all and •examine the nterits





Have you seen the wonderful display of
chairs in our ware rooms? You’d think
the Grand Rapids Exposition had been
emptied here-

.tM» vor i'.\x

la Me crcalap beta Me eprakera

irilt’H.'VSK ViU 1!

id Hra. Gao. JamapmwB.

mecUap la Blalatorp'a Oraad Op.
era Hoaae to order to giro thoar who
oaaaot atload the pUale a chanee to

Be WM wall kaew

to*. BatoPTMa taaUr.
Vbabadref Barrr W. Haat waa
bnvht to thto allr raMardar Irea
bbda wmata. aad laat araalar It
AMn ta Oraad-BaplM, wban tba fanaad barlal will taba plaea.

plaaaaaUp apeat aremad a ravp Bn
tv baaeh Itolcmtor toi maito. bp rb
aV daldmar. aeonrapaiiled >T «
Baa alaclac.

Braak Frtodrtok a^ taallr bare
^ ■MaaarlhloaanaroU.PalmkaraBd
Mbar BMtbarm twnrt polato -oa tba
MaallaBa dravitaca tV plaaaaot
ya*t Baua S. naprae. Jr. Tbalr
UauaaatopadV Ow aeldton oa toa
Mmtoawlll Iwtaboat two
toUad ea Jalp Ub. aad |hr« fbair bill
otfaraamtvtdap. wblM w^doomtaOaaaa Pridar. Aar- it, laarlv U
para faroraMp wltb that ^jopad bp
da*atA-MA a. aad ratarnlac <
tVarafM* cBleaa aapwhm to IV
Uallad Btolaa '
TV llmaatoma formattoa of tV'-Bemrarlilaadetoeftaeb*S ebaraetor Uiat
Brad HaMlDch bad hto Tala i
It to tVorbttbat It weald nka
pMaa froa tba treat of iha Me
Ua Oatoalara Bataldar atoht.i The,
ar Barrap Baaaom. claarM for the
aMbaroftba whael wHto.aii.
Baarara peaUrdap. fa briaf back aome
of tv ewar. mad it wUI to tried oa
alraal to tV dtp aa aa espcHt tohatowaadabr
leoL It It to all Mat to anpectod,
mrar qaaaUVe may to bremeht latarOeaatp aarb Nawtoa bat )aai eomplaladaltot of Ua blrtbt to Oraad
Trarana enatp dariar ■*»«. which V
toreqalradtprapMt to Me aaeratorp
ofatata. TVra to oaa towaahip to Me
itp whlnhjma aol reported, aad
Raaballtsr tbair aaall^ baeatlar.
BOV le the fawaablpa rapertad.
aWeb are baU Ua Brat aad third
Wadaaadapr of Ua aeaUk TV Brat Mara Vra bara *»« Wrtba dmrtop leto.
OtMeto. Ill wore to Ahto dtp. Thto
toaalBcraauof ubrer UM. Ma anmm imanried-la Mat pear

LookiBl Orer Me Root* •
Bob. J. d. uiearto ef Itodiaptoa. aad
Boa. A. O. Wheeler of. Haatotee, Hoc.
U. U. Oorell aad C. K Uorrap of Mi*
dtp. praaidcBL rlee prraldenL alUH»ep aad treaanrer of Me Trarcrar Ciu
% Imalasau railroad, went Tneedip
lo NorMport. where Ibep met eli'zto*
oLMattowa. to talkorer Mr propraiUoBofballdiacMeroad immedlaicip.
They drore orer part of Me prapoacd
conte, and pat a peaerai Idea of the
eonalrp that woald to pieaed orer
JailwVt their docieion tola rr
to Me Immediate boUdler of Me
will Bot be known for eome little i

sa'.-srjs-s'-.i' IS"-,

icama. aad soon between o*k
. MedriTcwap
• 111 to
mra .to pmsibl
Me matcrtnl n*ed.
It to tv totontlo
Mto an
object Ifiion. aad It to Mated bp Hr.
that Me wap M
.. ................................JUI*
laid. It wUl last. WiM
lor a bandred ptmra.
The roadbed bar bera properip fiadod, thaa oorcred wiM a Mick laper af
clap, wbleb baabceotberunyblp rolled
stone from Me nose ermaoei
rill to Btod tor Mo top of Me roadbed
Thto Btacbineto aow etaadilp at work,
ernabtop abont It lone of etone ao
boar, or abont ten oorde a dap. The
' d stone to aeparaled into Mn«
aiiea The!
Thelaifnt to laidoeMrelap
Arat, and........................
aariokled and
mllad. Then iV aexi kii; to pal on
and treated in Me ena
n» pi
to ns Me up
rbole r
d nntilaU to





rtchen Chairs

nnuN-ooiR spKcui,

,\l EXS






'$2.;.-. .SHOES

.. . tt i-.


fining Chairs


awi tau, tarn

■tolew. fine ehtwa-^nt



No one has ever .shown the diHcrem-styles and qualities we
now show. A Rood 5‘spindle back chair at Sa.9S for these! of
six: a splendid solid oak chair for $5.50 the set You can spend
any amount you want-$7.5o. 610.50. Sisoo. S15.50, SiSflo. up
a to'.S',0.00.

Hall Chairs
Thr linest Une ever unpacked, of oval shaped hall chairs and
scats. '!‘bc designers have turned-out the mott sinking effects
in hand carved hacks. Prices $2.50. *6.752 $7.75. $ioj», $114x1.

Desk Chairs

light, Htylinli Hod tluraide. oo*..

Gixxl. lirm. siilrit.'intiaily ma<le chairs, f^apalilc of statiding the
iianlitsi wear. Tlitst w are sellii»«: at $jt-ooand S3.7storlhe
set of six.
, .
• /


black auil too, liandcltptoto tore____
. ,___
---------- 1 to Me near tutarr. Me work on
Went Front ttreet mmtoinp to mnke
ItoneofMeflneatdriTrwnpi la thto
part of Me slate
Hr. Ftocb. wV ba* charpe ,

r. M. Wblto, formarlp aaclaaer af
Me Oral Wood DtobOo.. aad daae Me
araao^ Uurtr-elfht rwa. toft
dtp owmaeahlp of tV plant, aactocw
tardM aia hto wif. far »aahi«iea. at tv water mmrto vmplac ttatioa.
whara V artll jam bto aoa irUh a rtow
V wrak rraa hart emracb at Brat BoliaatetooeaBda* I
.—V had a bdper all IV time lo Thto larer will mnke aw
aV will to Are laebee
^ tad act ae aaetotaat emytoaer. Bow
Mr. Piarh deelara* Mat whrn Mto to
.haa baaa rameeed aad Hr
Btoai Taaadar aroatoc at Park Plaaa
of Me llaeet
haul, by B. a Adaaa. a 4rarall« Wblto dedarai Mat Ma werk to too
Mlaaaa wV atepa at thathoatalrr
Proat atrM to aow la rood caaabaa to tV atr- Mr. Adaaa daplj- pfapadtoitaVbto plaaa.
ditlaa. It woald Vn bera totter bad
it mol baaa far tba taettVtMr. Fiaeb
ito* pot aappllad wiM anaeUp Ma

d *rttoT



No one ever carried such handsome chairs—Quarter sawed
oak. and the-odd shkped backs—$1.75. S5.JS, $6.50 and up.

Oflaoc Chairs
threat big, comfoitable. revolvable. tip-back-able chairs. Work
done twice as quick in one of these. Ail manner of woods and
styles of make—$5.75. $7-75. $9-JS. Sia*5 and up.

High Chairs
For the little ones, fainted red or painted black, without any
paint, or with three or tour coats of paint, for'the wee little
tots or the big tots-sdl for-7Sc, Si-JS. *i-'5a'Sp.Ss. S3.AO.

Morris Chairs

These are the easy chairs. They re upholstered ^Velour, or
the finest of leather. ITkes from *9.50 up to Sis/ya


The Hannali & lay Hercanti Co.
Dealers In Everything!

Dealers In Everything!

BabboU 1U* waak.
HtaJaaab Watt
troBsUMdIac tto Hm
at Pateakap Iwt waab e*
Actodaaakarolte MUlaa
ladto* cd tbb ptaea **r*a
raaiw* aUndad & Uraato pbab
appibana tar tb* wbael*.
_k tetpert aa Thaiadar. Tbap re ______Tantop alfbt. Dear to
ata bortnar* drim witooal bcaceb- Uaud
partaplaanat Ua*.

Hill Adaw.teaa<pof tkb plaoa
itoTwal fi«a tbb piae* attaadad tto
toe* wwa la Oraad TTaveraatwealpfaaanl el Hra Taraalt M Boatb HU- era* la towa lb* peat iraab.
Harrp HUdtooab ef Oraad Bato^ b f«* paar* Bfo. Farm baUdlaf* ai*
ladlaa (wap anti^ *lkl to b*M la
tto ladtoa On** at
• rooT weald

Vtrf Bm wthw.
0(B«t Uakvd b ea tto ■Uk IbL

r^WUek^ hb lluto ra BwU*


£r-,i ."ss;,-s;srKr

to toU totTLit StoardvJ. ■ W^wtod lantwvtohw Iwi

Ua^ HUpbaa CbaftoiU h« coa* U
». B i. Ibaa wa> vbltlac toi

r trUato ton aaa watft. raUralai
11**! tolarBaj.
baUdii« a ton tar U

eaatot itonla (tonmaas



tblUar tor tbwr. He*.
tor tae <_____
Unarbt pota<
A bad at Odd rakbaa
kdankladatA. K. Fakrb

Wbliepeoplaat «r*kk aa Udba* *rUl
ttoUat. e«erl** a aerdial rrotoeaaa
Oae DaaabqalMUk. Dr.OaaatleU
wa* ealkad ea Headap


Be*. Bd Win el Hapla BUk.Hlsb.
b rkaiUad akik Iriaad* kata.
toaaaadofaHute Bn.
Hn. C. Haam olTraaacaa Oitr. «a
riad U«b b worklar tor W.
tkerantol Hr ao^ Hra. Jao. lUakar.
-bardaj aad^arBaarr Nawaoali b tolUlar aa addlLaat WedBaadaj e*aalBC tto
■aollr wat akeekted to laara that
b»bOroanarkad paaaad tkroMl* Ua
>akbp of d*aU>
Hr. Orcaaor wa* bon
a la* top latt w*ak. nunkar tow ko iCIrtorl. DarBaiad, Ocmaep. Ja**
at. lax a* died Aw a. IMO. Bead
M para. I Boolh. It dan
paaraarotoeBlfraaied lo tkb plaee
IroB Oaaada aad n*ad ken arar akeeeHa aadarad tto bardahipa of a pboeer.
nhadlaaiood a
a ton’OOato and ao aataoBod
ret lb* efaarek. Paaaraltar*Ttatoailortto laal
beld at tto ckarak ee Hatarlataaaa. tto Unbonal
ooa. Bar. B. Batb Be*, aad
aaWa bonalMt
a wlib Ml*, r
B.Oartbaf badkaftaB.dM k

aod a larfe aaabar of frb
haaa Mr anipath;.

toniMt rrttop-

toarralpooDCpaoptoatat witb Hba
Jam. Wponop ekaiardaj otaalaf •lalp bar raaeabar laai ib* aaxi A
ra* bar lUb biribdap.
Tto lafaatcblldef Mr. aad Hr*. ’
(arifokd dbd kaat Tbaeadap araali
>ftar aa lliaaa of abMl a week8. 0. Paaaleaaeber aa. paecbaaad


otb.r repair*

lb* Crtpeen boaae.
Fatar Bolloaad Hra. Jalkaa rarraot
atariMl la»t week tor Oaaada. eallad
Lbrnbplto aarkea* illaaa ot their
Pater Cbrlbaek aad faalip
week at Baaab Lake
• K. B. Bask aad wile of H
rbiUDf at Wa. TrlptoU-*
Hr* B. r. topkor aod ehlldrea an
abiUacat Beaar. Hick.
Tto lowD balk b draMbd *p to
coat of patoU



Hla Papa* ot BIT
tof a tew dap* bora at Ito raaort.
Hr. aod Hn Brooke on **rp ebk.
HllUa Oarep. w*^ two paara, aea of
ArtoarBgteentataed Id LaH Mw
Hr..aad Hn Traek Dtvap. died at dbp DicBtBapU atp Saadap. Aar. It. aad me
Tbe Ubloo Saadap whoed fa** on
brntobt to Arifall Hoadap. where tba
• ereoB aoetol Salordap o**olBf
taaenlWrlera took place at toe Klk
-hieh waa wall attaadad. Itaoo wa*
Lakerbarcb. Bn. Hr. Banotleiattof.
ItatoanhtorrtaavlU to told i Tba eanae of bi. death waa toe aaaakea.
’ Barr.
ttoaftarMlaaM af **^ tor a
at tbb wrigof.
aad BbodaSUUt ar* taklaf
. aa aa
can of Ur aod Nn '
Clara Hto*;.:
Hn W.
paraau to Dairolb
Hn K. J. Brlaknaa ata bar 'two are rUlttof
teat rbilta la Tbararae^jOr^aal
Din of TnvwaeCiipb
dap. loet weak.
Hr, Perblsa ata daafbwr of (or*a
lepnpkkoa. battowaatod Dr. Braln rkalUof toe foracr’a brotoer. 8.


r^^^lp an rbittof
Mb* KalUa Sloe* b aet raeorarinf
fooe te Cbleafo for traataaot.
Oae of Hr. Brtokaaa'a boraei waa
llta tea* Eoalak, ata ha* toaa
ewarooma bp the beat oe bb wap bona
aHUlKtrbBd* aad rataUra* ia thb
froaTniwrae Oty lait Prldap oaar
. Unibh aad b lUII Baabto'-

• ttowaaa a»j. yaakactojr.

atrip to Tto>taaa te try tbalr paehU.


al attaadad tto daita* atOoed
ata Sarto Oal^ kaat Satardap
Hba Aaab 0*latt ef Tnvane atp b
. AUnpertadafOodU—
Tbltlaf frlaada at Old HbalM.
I niat hara r
Saranl of oar peeaf people


UIU* Balta BUbp bad toa ab.r.aodUnO BOhaaefl
iKWaa te laSbta aeraa wpapfai atp.taaebaaaapetaiBf a few dapa lo
OM fl( kb (aet bp aiBBotw «a tto

a(bd*ptto Dr. PnlktoorHaptoa^'

ArtoBT BoBdaa ntonad SrHap writlaf.
fn. BaCako. K. Y.. whar* to baa hafa
Hto Beatriae Bowtea of-Ckkafo
apaadlaf aaratakaetoto.
vbittof at UptM eetUfa
Mto Vkoka Jeba ntanad Tawdap
Hr. ata Hn Dotaep ata *M Votoep
froaaaatoeoded rWp with rekaUrto Ha. Afoew. Mb* Baalrin BowtM
tad frbada to Tn*at*atttpMr. ata Hr*. UoIm aad *m Bobart
jmd Salto of Mllwaaki
ata HbaOartrade ef Obla«.
Kortoport *blior Headaf.
Friday at Hr. Beka't.
pwtlaf a food ttaa.
Tto Hiaa Han ata Batoar Baltacq
ef Ufhtooaae Pofat. rataraed Friday
trea Cbarl**>U. atoan toap bar* baaa
baaa apaadlap a waek with talaima.
Hto-Laep Bawhtoa *leltad a
• wUhia tta laa
Hn Farrb Beak ef Orata P«piA.
«*e atp laal vraak. .
ata ap tto fa
rblliaf trtaada at tob pkaea.
C 6. Carbof Tn*eia* Otp wat
at bbbx iqalun.enlpbp atapptof
Otari** Uaa
to tta aUl at i
A. Jeba apd btfe bar* baaa «al
Hn Chat. Oariaod a aatr
.... .
lakalaf Dr. ata Bi* . B. K. Flood
tppbeldaatorb. «ab —'
Hla Alin L ._ _________
froa a rbUat Bnrar lalata.
OwlBf to to* rato tot aeetal l*M
Banatoalt alD ha* ktat d_...
Hr*. A, Bcwdaaa retaned Frtdap
taftof ta>*M
ontef Iw*'Bafaaa
aiw mu Baffalo. N. V.. wbar* ab*
1^ Ibalr Sbr, b boa*
baa baaa rbUkof ter aertrak aatto applied M to* paaterb aalarp.
Mr. Da ef Oadar. wa. la to.
*■4Ftaak Oarlata rtdaa a aew wbatl.
Joba StaSord baa ratanad from 'a
Jn. KQaarTp, Jr. b ton* trea
law waab* tup at Baa*er Iriaad.
A. Vlllbn el LeabrUl*. Kp.. airirad
Friday for a *Ul with bb ao'“----------'
•ph Btotto* ha* Sabhad tto
ratttoaebeelben* hat*.
Hn Banap Clark arrlrad_______
dapereaiwaad Jriaad bar baakaad.
who bn-baea bar* lor amral wtaka. _ avtate ata
They WUI (told* la Sortbaon dariof ware toaUUad:
^aaaateraadeaeapr tpeat at tto
C. T.—D. B. HeHaklaa.
Hlboa OoUafe.
& J.T.—B tafrabaa.
Hr aad Hn WaUf* bare aorad tbalr
F. &-D. O. KaUp.
boaaebold pood* froa Tnran* City
T.-8.J Kail*.
Owl Halka to* nutaad item.
P C T—W 4- BawWat
rWt to Toad da lac; bb aolhw waa aad will tpMd to*-------------to toto
M —Floyd Orabb
II U.-Hab*lb HMtofW
Tb* Staaaar totaeaBt fa** a me.
V. T.-B. S. Metaea.
Hn. rarttoa’a *aa b gala abb with
- tOnfab






rW ss-'t SiSrs

state latadowB Opalal rtrwtolta

^te* trlpbta t^taai aaaap


B. P. Dixef Oraad Bapito m
FrUapa^ Batardap to tob plan

A.B.-C. Bapaaa

Fritop ainlM.

Hr. ata Hn Bai

De Year Feat Aeb*


A Complete Varietir

Tbne iracbof uobrokeo timber are
lOlcemmoD. u there bcouiderabl*
rule lead eompoaed of opesln^. bald
Doaotaia koobt ele There !•.iderable eeder aed

Summer Lap Bobos and Dusters.
Ao entire new line of these goods at very


lowest prices.

Maap mills are ia operalioa aad
ereetioa ot maap more eaaleaototed.
ftood timbrred-deeded. laads raofe
loprln froafu iM lofiuuapn aerr.
I csasuler tbb a first elau aoaalrp lor
noetbalb veraed. and .lelereatod te
imbjr. lor the east b bouad to be re

in all styles, colors and des^s- A
good one for 76c.



Traverse City. Mich.


tba CouBiPcir^tblp

Dining Room Chairs, the com­
mon bow back chairs. <■ g.SO

Large -arm Rockers, high cmIjossed back, nice shaped seat, a
nice comfortable rocker ^ 33

^a'cMBt boaa* toat waek.

!ita” ^
Floyd Fox died laat Toeadap
aftarallBferiaf ilia***. She luvn
haabaadata two ebUdrea to aMr
J. a. Bbull rouned to bb boa* 1.
DclnltUat Wadnaadap ■altArapaodlBr
a BMto't vacatiMathbaaataer boae

Hn A. J. DeVrto* vbitad Tnw
aip Satardap.
Be*. F. J. Brpaa left iTbaadAp
Bead atp wbna be expeeu to take
-------- ------------------------eofbbe
nloariwlU befMeU
Dr. VaaSkekto e
re to
Ate^of aboat ti Barker Craaa
peopoc drove over Frtdap avantof aad
taeaiapleaeaat Uaa with Ber. ata
Mr*. Bryan
Before they
prenaiad Mr. Brpaa with i
Tta U O. T. U. added a aaw aeabnu toeir hive bp lalUaUaf Hr*. 8.
Scclcp. Alt** to* meeUy^nln^

1 have some fine ur>ho1stered
rockers that are a little shop worn
that I will, close out at less than
first cost. There are two or thn-rthat sold at S6.oo will go now at
S.vS.v One that sold for jiuxw
wfill go at S7.S5. and a few others
at the same reduction.

Bt-droom Suits. Iron and Wood
Ifeds. Springs. Cots, Mattresses.
Pillows, guilts, and all kinds of
house furnishing goods. 1 have a
large stock .'ind will give yoki some
prices now that you cannot dupli­

Odd Dressers. 1 have ai large
line in all linishes. commencing at
a solid oak for 59-75- anil_>G
on up. Some high grade quarter
saw^ oak and white enamel dress­
ers that 1 will give you some big
bargains in.

In Sideboards i Uavc altogeth­
er too many high grade sideboards
for this time of y'ear, and if you are
thinking of buying one within fn e
>-ears it would pay you to buy now.
1 w'UI sell you a first-class fine side­
board for about the same price that
>;bu would have to pay for a com­
mon one, and you have a large line
to select from. '

in Rockers'i hj[^ .■joo differ­
ent styles.
A nice large high
embossed back, brace arm ladies’
Sewing Rocker, for
^ 36

.=\ good solid cane seat chair,
niMly beaded. 0 for3*06


SS o„it

IbHS rocl<» >-^


to of rcBpaet to tooir Irteai aad
___ .jbor. A ap*^ ear broBfbl dowa
toa Odd Fallowa of Tnveraa atp. A
tor^preeaatiM teltowta tta raaukaa

A full line of Breakfast and
Kitchen Tables. Kitchen Cabinets.
Cupboards, etc.
Ha Bana-Aiateqael lo tta pte.
IwUlaoloalewUan retoUve lo OrefM- Thb alau b BO caeopUoa. u It

DiBiog Tabl*ii 1 bare a veryjarge
iioe. Sini^ I cot tba Warriiarg More
it ba* ci'-en me room to place aeren dif.
fere«t ptrlev <» my floor that I did not
b*v? room for befoK. That girea yon
31 different atykw of extenaioo Uldea
ranciac in price from SX'-I ap, to aelect
from. Oot of these there are aboat
teo Stytea I vast to doae oaL Some of
three are nice uoarler *aw«d, poliabed
oak Ublea. worth «34. wiU go forlIS.7^.

DeBb^ptraBSMtoWetorBiowtof wacblac: ifpMdepM an paptof tUMSU fnaaaaata Haatoto
aaUlitopoa. Tabcaaenaaheretoltaaloraata bapeacjaeiaafoed terSib.Tt atasn
fna aeean qalu diBealt to
wttoa* ef to* Btat*. « tta raG-


That b a* r
akbpw tta eaaat. aa to* eU



Oeorgt Browa dtod Thandap
raaecal aerricaa wna beW at to* hoan
' '
. Be*. Brpaa oOetoUaf

Hn Lo* A. (toapMI b *MUaf te
paraau at Ufbtboaa* P—•
W. D Baraard of Mil



W. Valno taa taken tta pkaea of C
alM. ae uwper to the DtVrto*
Jr. aad Hra. Vakraa are at pi
atopplDf at to* Vtoua.
DB Boll* ata H.CFairtolldGabad
t BIk Lake Wedaaadap ata npa

fonb war* pnaaal aad tto rraalaf
waa apaal la alaflaf ata pkaplaf
faaa iea oaaa ata eaka war*


15*) Front Street

Hr. YeartaU ata taaUp el Ohieafo
toe bnplUlltpol Mr. ata



badapleauat vbU with
I upoB his raoeb. and L
V CeafdVauJ Jaeie* HeBoifer with
Ibelr tamillea apoa tbcir farms
' I bare jait vbited tb* Wallace frail
They were wrll koowo lirand Tn*
farm wbieb b oolp foar ailn from rtae nsblenf. For toe ladia' will
Salem ‘Tbb orchard comp-i.** ntoflp leot* Mrs iViafdun oa Uemca
a anllor-priocipaUp praon aod pnra.
Sie bu dec everfreea blackberry
atp. laal week-'
trin are bealtop aod well cared for >aib from whi-fa sbr sapplied their
abir lut seasoD from the first of
Jobe SwBla ata wife will leave for a
lufast oBtil Chrbtma* witb Imb
virit to Caaada aezt week.
loab Uorrb ww la Tnveraa City
Udna CaapbeU nlaraed boae from
Bopaa City Wtdaeedap.
She, with
bar llule'ebter bate beea vbittof
toe farailore bqpiaM. bet I am foiof lo oSer yoa
Tbb b'lbe first week la Aaru<> Krocralip a dall
toUvn tlore.
Hn Wolford aad daatbter el
.jODwerefoeatoat Dr. Wallrr-a 1
The Fife Lake ball team wm fai
..-OB Kalkuka aod Hnlek lut we
They play WllItoaMborf her* Tbars
Id mytowrAi ratoalUwMlapnelbtolorawU) ebow aamplu ef Bp
tkcat will make ita very lively week for oa I have twea so erowdiri lor i
Bobart Waiter ntaned fna Travr. that
five* i e room lo ebow my fall liae I mast dl^na
a lot ef
ir^ toe Warrbnrt store and baaemeot for a abort time.
tall lloe. tat 1 have neai___
na* atp Wedot^y. Be b recelttop
- blffval banralps yoa aver b^ of
foods before 1 bav* lo va*atr
a*atr U. and la order u- dispoaeof to*B qaick 1 ofer yo*
Jaan A. Gale aad faailp bate me
> BIf Baald* to- remalB toare wbU*
toe Bin ot Salto A Copp b oadet
Barry Oodd b aoviai bb bow
id lath aaeblaerp into tor balldinp
Bafadora loraarlp aaed for bb uw
»d tarooa batala Bill.


Aaaafttoplaaaaataedal araaUof
tto aaaaar waa tto party fl«M laat

Some tbrmbtof bu been •
yield of wheat I* aboat :s
ore b aacb toat b far laa.
_ of frain, aa
oo etackiof
ataock aolil toraebed.
reaaiat la toe
oaiGt farabbee aU help.
Haale Baallloa hae baaa vbittof
9t IbefralR from
toeeboek and In
of from <c to M per bubel
Oraadau SbeUler b at Aatria.
Fralt b pnllCc. Atoo vcfetoblr*. bm
Salto A Cow abat dowo toeir alU
oto are far asre uatcleM aed wake:
.» Wdapa toat wnk. Tbop will pat
•sao oar Hlefaifao prodact
lo a larfcr boiler.
. rablof b a decided saccrsi. llideoi_
Hn B. H. Feator of Aldea baa baea
BOB lo *eo forty acre* or more io an
vbItiBf berabler. Mr* B. Loan.
orchard. Aa easiere mao woold ,up■•8n too*e larpe planji" Bp wap-of
> ekpIaaallM. ererp one eaat of toe Hit
abalppl river b o

tae of Bairin ata daafhtar.
r. wan ealbn at tkb plaoa
r. Baaetfartatra
tav* aorad tote
r. Motap el CbicBfo b tto faeat el
BntoerlMof Hllbr HIIL
Yoaaf aad wife at UapI* atp
paaaad toreafb towa today.
Mto Jaaaie Brook! of Oriait cleat
VHP laraawfnl tera of tebeol to
Friudbiriet Friday^
Bar. C H. Btoby ata dawbtar
kletfo an axpeeted Tharadap. They
. illCe toe fonu ef Hr. ata Hn
Tta Hina* Bdea ata Man Bala *bIted friead* at Ula Arbor Taecdap.
C F. Walker paaeedtoroarh towa M
bb wap froa Fota4a-tae. where-be
bat beta vbittof bb aetoor.
Hleer Kalderboea* eaa
m of toe Blent wU be

Hn DeBB.

HMwaaaaad bp teiepboaa ata atiMdad to tto bep-a Uiarba.

■MT H • Urn

Tohaboatahataata tool for
bp to* chalu ef dbeau b to*
fora of alaiai tisorf* D WII_____
of Haaebuta. MIeb . sap*: "Hp wife
ival OB* ef
bu hama te baipkeu let Gve paara that
ataeealdaot ton evarla bad aloaa
pnro, loeaaid^eoek apoD ibe aiselp Afww aatof iwebouluof Ki
y*a.''abe rep'.ita. -It b
be. 0B> Cbiaaaaa b a fee cook "
able to da bn owa wk - nto teKo- ac. ebcald cireeaeuocn raqelr* promt raaodp for taaale dbnau
ebclc. five me tac jetty black Cbloa qaiekip caru Barveaaaaaa. eluplia
map be all rifbl. bat toeir boa* eemdltiooi will Bot warraal to* iboofbt.
*r tor damafed 6>b froa toe aarket*
aad Ibe OITa: froa the ba'rber akopa
Gad a mdp m!c with them
Aato timber' there arc portiOMcf
toe ttotr that oae oot be bratea

The oae aarloa* drawback to tkb
eeaalrp !• nto ata
three aoBlb*
I aa
ataarta b tto nar, tor from tb* <nl
of October to to the Grat of Jelp b
rale. VM totp up. -Yoa will fet
and to it." Be that u it laap. toe
aet b oei utlalaetorp.
Thb whole eoaotrp ana* to bare
Tb* Ladle.' Aid aeckatp baa deaatad baaa ef o voleaaic ertfia aad ihrejil !•
9 foradrertblar parpoM* te tto la- aperfaetub aadot thcGaratoI Gar
aata la
Id drlrier*
Haro lap rob* I* of
roTcant Aaao tb* peat waab.
Hr*. U Old* li qalla Ul at tto boa* tat Utile promiiM. u to- dm pearintn It u readily at water woald a
I Hr. aad Hr*. Ohai HeLeaa.
Oarnad eoaBiaioarr b applptof
Wa bar* ;_______■ raia riae* Jal;
tto road taa la tba wap of plaeiaf
p aod aa evae,
lO. aiia
bp DO acaes solid with aeceoalbleUm
fraral <a Ike road froa to* bill aorto
I eanplioa of I
b*7. Tbc ras'-ero hall ut ibe aUU bu
ef towa. wbleb b a aato aaadrd ia- tea dapa. .which bate bno of a
Tbc Forest Beaerv*. w
aatoorlied bp eoaernt. takra a *lrlp
At to* elnuot toe dry ______ wheel averaplof Ibirtp mile* lo width
..... Bad ilU tbea lollowiBf IheMaBilol the Cue
all. Same road* br toe leacto of the s'.mr.
Bardp of BoaeaUad U
evcB toat wap.
The tv. .-*a*'.'0 vsllrp b Wltboai
B St Joha. aad faailp ot lOel
Saow b nIdoB sees, aolna to the Uabar aod aveiafes over toirlT aUn
arrifed Satardap oooe aad will a
bllle or Boaouiot. aod aercarperl. 'iawldlbaod tbrr* Is a narrow atrip
their boutohold food* late toe b
dam fon below lu- orir froa 1
aloof tb* eoul to a ailar eoBdilioo.
OB toe lera laulp pBrehainl of B
aeilof potol
U a fmt rash for foveraDrfieidr. Keodoa Boat oe all rifkb a.,
jds aod toe bral bu boem
Stock nUiop italeadiof todaa.
toera bare dariaf tb* paat two pear*
te. aiibo
llboucb tome fool aolretketo
>d 006 of proGt. u aricra are tally up
clfbl taallica fna that aecUea aored
ilk toe eul aod care is liffat. All -............
anda ouo wito dll'ifeoae loaad
here aad boofhl or reoted laod i
oot be dbap.
_>eB to oroTide with feed fur caei
re here to aup.
ep. bet aacb ef the raoeb etoek r
Detaea laads are fan
fail falllac Into
E. F. Heed, Mr aew blaekaaito.
at eaarkei witaoal e»er ba*lof
the baadiof catlera -eapiulieu and
arrived with feail/ aod fiwda fi
baod tad. Hearlp all raochn a
Hiebifaab am far from toe l«ad.
"BaoM b bMod
■t*. there arp tracts of Goe U
eta few am* forbcadqaarleia.oaecaa
loal too Go* lo be believed,
HaniB Baldwla of AII*o» at- let their elock nay* over toe selfbber.
have invaled for mile* le
_____ Tbaraday evealBf froa tlraiid iBf laod* free of eoaL
iber.-u thick toatMlp all occ..
Bapida aod b toe faeat of her *M. 0
Orato erofa are called Ilfbl. bat
al etrnk of suolifhl could reacb toe
K Baldwla.
arc told this U an eznpllonal pear, Rroond This limber lb particular U
Several of Mr people tUataed the ata jadrlBf froa tor Heb aoil and yellow Gr raasiDf from :uo to lou fi
arlen at lalaod Tbaraday. wbleb beaBrifa! larat Ihroafboat lb* Villa ia hlfbl an I from J lo T ft le diameter
**U*», we will fTBDt tbit plea, rilb ae cMcasiooal irae )o ft la diaac
ifb toe word "exnplioo" !• cou’ cr without stnicbiaf toe liae or toe

rblllac r*Iati*(*
Pota Bowaaa from to* i atora part
ot to* auto biblUof bb aiar. Hr*.
Hn UaiU* Bar*** ed BeUalre.
Arebb Caapbell. Hr wUI
.oraed h
boae Hatortlap after *bkU
bb aetoer. Hr*. Bowata
oMtla aad frbad* at tbb pkaea.
baaa ban tat aoa* tkae. boa*.
Bble^Heat baa ato <
Mb* Pleaab Wood, wbo baa baao
rbUlw ^t^ bera.jitaroad lo bar
>. Omoeo________
lalatk*** at to pkbO*.
Hr. aad Ur*. Lowell Bear* ^t to
Bakeaala Salordap te apead a ta% dapa
Wakehof Tn**!** I
with relatirw
Boclal Batardap ereator
Hra. Uarp Hearo of Oriarto. Cbaad*.
Hand* BUtaa
boa* taawai
rlaited a law dap* of laat weak a( too
beaeof Kail Haoro.
Hn BeUert ata eblUrOB el f
Mam ttaakfal wa an Bor tto nla
HbaLeb Qan* apaatatow dapaot
aaberf *blt«- -- ........... •'aaBtaatarwaatbar.
tob weak la Trarerap atp.
Ttoloar toobed tor eharek ballpet
Hba am BeraU abttad' tar*
. Fir UlbboA*
aad toakkp. who
la ib appmaae* at tLo ehartb Wadto* taanTataBar____ baaa apeadtof
■petalBf tto paat —
TMtaitwOktoiatanaB to ihalr aaadap toaatop. aod Prtoap It ma 'pat Booth* bare, rqpan te tbakr to
. rqto*
la ib pkaoe bp Hraira. tiUrllw aad ____
hM*i WatoaaBay,
Haaro The bril b a alea OB* aod w*




laBma. Hr. Otopabo; B. Ookrta.
ctoaaii. A. L. Japa. Oaergt
a>J. ft. Zlnaanaaa. TnTacaa
U. U HoaiaM.
ton. H. 0. Kaaa.
Haabtn: ahaaar Oatb. Uraad BapHa; a. W. VaatkB. Htiwaakar; >

Hra 0. A. BaaiatarB aad Hra t
■talk vbktad Hra J. Baalu Wadaa
Ifa;. Bkata aad *U* aad Jato
ttalarel Haabtaa *totto raUUn
^Batoay. Ttajhad a-aarr *<

............................... tbaatB'. uold bal"

m laat Satardap

r »bl^-altalwark Ikraaor
»bkaf aad tovlatatoad iWatU A. Bneri
Ulai loatklepbeatoeel Hi
Hto Klaa liapdar raiaraed
Baekdi (totaedap.
Hla Supbraaoa
wUI *bU tetoad* to Ktofa*/ tot*

aaSaJj^totol!^*BeraU«Ito'« ^


A HleUfaa aaa at boae

BawaU bueknad lu toat nha
• erUMhtetb* aauv* toafaan.
after yoaaf Bawaklau wlllta u
to ulk taflbto_____________


J. W. Slater's Excliisivs House Rimishing Store

XX8 yioixt StooCFt



Aa«AMH0rttK. .

fill, w »-* te*Mah
•Mrtn wto Ml Fakla Awg!S*t v
iMtaTIwlUftA^Mt. Tki
pMthM th* *0—nr tmmm mr
rUai Vk» IfiX— arttk tori • te«
4*ntatU PImBmt, who I
trea Ikoaaatt wltt aowtmoph flMtoi two WUortai oo Um e(tr wall ooar
thakntkM. WbMito OMTl^
Uar kai taM miHiK Ua lifaBM*
f>WB Oowml OhaBaa abla alMnaea
4aM Bo SI Wa. A4waal >0. aaft tka
ralM ealau arrirad Uan tka dar
ra wot-bo'r«laV

tteMidfar^Cfrao Mika Fork Plaaa
FHipy laaalkf ky toadterd ud Mn.
Baana waa tka faaa. aad
otbirtaMlahlaa. Than^aaa.
wkM waaa aCwad *br Ufa. Jaaaa
lamao. wara aary kaaiatiMi oam.

e koial Dn Term a

-nm prtoa: ladlaa, Mia. H. a Allay.

. »r OW--im KBIMW Ihreln.
era aaoofl the aaffenrt. alUoaflb ae
eaa wae iajarrd. Oar Aatericaa lady
tronUeOaelaa roof to awiadow of
Ue betel.

■toiABaaUa Bar
ahaiar dkk. anaa
aadtok. aaAaarof Oadillac aaoDaurio. Cakada,
priaa. daa pemmi kea ot caady.
t card at ii
BwUaalka caaala 'trea tka etty,
■aayaf tka tawwar faaata of Ua
The nala peieu anred are earr la the
la tka pany.
ealacUoe el a place to be lid a Bra. tabpaaok waa aoraad darlo* tka oraalas
lar Bate of the rlaka of eennoekatlpe
by learea. yraea or broth, aad ■ waroiBfl ioeanpen oat to Iran eanp. eno
PrUay otaalBff wHk a «
day. witboat aalliag oat the firr.

Bln Babtl BaWa
ThayebarlarwlUaTIrarfortba aaUra day. FlUlafl waa Ua or<
wllklatarat. TaarObaw la aeioaly Ualoraaeoo. aad loU of Bab
a wMtad towa bat tkara are a
lakaa, UoBfh It la probable Ui
oallylac lartltaatiapt far lu pretaatloa tatflcaatoaeffoiaway. ae aaaal.
Parry wae fliraa a Boa tropby eap for
taaaalt wUI baat Taac Okow.
aateblafl Ua firat flab.
Tbapartyataaplealedlaaer la Ua
flion at Bortaei'a laadltf. aad apeat
tba atlerkoeo eralalBfl aboat the lake.
1 If May aapaet
They rMaraad laet analaflheld Ike apltal. U la wltkla alrUrtaf
Bra. IL B. Braekaa Priday aflerdiataBoaol Pahiaaad oaeala

The Kaaia
rbaal harreat b prael
eally ceded,
I reUriM abowatoh
yield of a trifle- Oiore Uao Ti-.oaa.oun
Tbie ii
I the Urpral wbead
crop erer prodoaed la aay year by as
Aotarioao auu

alea of Ua alllat tka alan of
wiU ba toalMa aad with pteai
. Tkara ta aa air

aborcaald dn aoUlar «nd Uedled.
after eafferiac Utcaee aroey for o
llrrhmbaarl waeia'Hrireitoa
ny tbr bap-* hlueaeaad blood peboalar

ilhody ot fi

le. Fix. Br> M Hark,
ml Jew.-Vrr, died frooi
Ueefecte i
-bbelaplnp- atiap
illc altUai
Ue parrhUrMtUc
ecu bite
It Uaaphi
litUeofll-the Up h
* - ‘fc
eraad wHU .ml
falBled. liicM were coHe.1

aoiayed. A fariflbt flieiaii
oaaM Ua teoUrai oftbe afuraaot.
Friday Ua Froiuylrania
afl^whlU Ua partytadjoaraed to U*
leariop .ClBclanatf at « plawB. wbara drileloaa
robbod before tlir trala rra.-hetl Oolnmboa. ami Ktprrei Bi
la bit ear whoa ibr train
ww ^rea tba paraU ot Ike Paiki reached Ue caplUl city. .Laac-* re
Plaee fiaoday. by Usdierd aad
TOlrer wee foood by
Holdta, Prof. Botat'e oiebealra
Urea chamberxematlrd, aod tne aafe
watriaedonucaaUotaaad thr door
Blaa.BobarW aad Br. B. K. White each
idlcatad that U bad been blown opro.
aaafl a aalaetioa, aad Prof. Hoiat flat
'lollaaolo. M ba Alice narla of 8afl- New York Thuma* Klola wa* BUadinr
laaw. reeltad “la Paria at Ue Opera,
m tke porch ot a hotel wbrs
aad L. F. TlUa pan la a eery pleaetop rfliphulop boraed oBbit maiuehe
■.Qay Otanaet'a Trlbote lo ae eloacly ae a raior coald bare eat
Tha oceaaloB waaa tSj eo Ues madeaatralpbt xllt Uraapb bb

Barlfet. Aar It—Tka Oatbolle
OarMBla. mf» It laaraa Ikat allontbarlMootaftka Sfty a
I Pa (Bl
Owe of the laeol .pleaaaat''lltUe eaihkeatewi wardvM. aad Ikal
li«a that ban
oararta ta Cared tka aaau lata.
eajoydd at Bd naloell'i far
Barlla. Ai«. U.-Tba (^laea^lega
irtdv. Barly lo >be day. la iiriu
- tloa la Bwlla aaaarlad today UM the
of Ue rate. Ue . wacaat aad bocpira
■■liraaa dewanr bad daelared bar
aUrUdoat leaded wlU bi> bmUrra
taotiao to laara Pakla aad of koldlar
aadaiatareaad UeJr tanllira.h
aeart U aaetbar elty baferalhaamad
paaiad by U«r mnla. Bia. Uaddea of
larora reaebod the aaplul. U 1
ilpallar. lad., aad bar eephew
Boaeo. tka Chiaua ulaMor bora,
Obki Tbardronto UabaaebwiH
laaralayof bar lalaatlao. tal^rapbad
. poet the day. At aeon a delleto both Ua awa dewi
ioaa dlaaar eeia aerrtd. aod the aflerlapaatoa aad aear Ue beach.
wiU Mta.'Uearra B1a« efUiadtyaad
Bra. Boaraeaad daafblor tleda of
iUanwi faraiCB Odea aUU ha- Moovalier, lad.
UaeaBthaalUaa kaota*! hwraa UaadToward anolaf Uo mrty adjoi
vaaaa oa Pakla, tka rakay aaaaaa belay
WUe lawe where lea man and eaba
aad dalleioaB frail fron Mr. DalAell-a
aajoyad. After aapp.

ipperand lower llpi aad down
:hla ta Ur neck at clean a>. a el
ralle niphl do It. Thrro wae alac

(arUeealrtyofCharlra M Unblneon
aed W. II l'.or--:offio. the oeaea
-iaore far Alaaki. who. with aereral
eUwa. left Baoiiari City. Alaaka. <»
Jaoel. Michaelr.and hare mI
aiaea been hrard from.
AlCbleapo compirte amafrementa
are been made for Ue aeaual parade
oftbe Oraad Artsy of the Kapnilc.
which will onaroB Tatoday mnraiep,
Aapaxtts Thiawill probably be Ue
iaal pratt renew of Ue reterane. Fifty
UoBiaad retarana will march, too la
paeatapUeraTiewlapaUad Uey will
bepraaled by Fmideet McKinley and

dbetey el Braworin
■Mthwat at Boolpallar. aaafbl flri
opplodad UB aflaraocp- Al.
■BAyaaakdrraak Joaaa. oatployM la
. Bbalaoury. after auhlac aA
•antalaUaoiplteeaUacaBh UA^
Martad W raa awl at daanr- Rra
kaadrariAaanaot aliro ^yearlaa U
IhakaBdlarblawapwbaa Uoy wora
MO yatda away, aad kMh wara UrewD
to Ua rrauM wlU craot tarn, Tka
Back oa Bayea' lac waa tora by Ua
annanlni Joaaa' back waa ia}i

Br. aad Bra. Pawr Laraaa
■atfronUalrhoaaa abertUneBatBTday eeaaUfl aad oa UeIr reurp Uey
won rraally eorprind to Bod Uat Ue
booea wai Bllad wiU Iriaadi aad
aelthboea ukiac fall ooatral of Uio«»

. .uken ______ _____
Uey were remored by ibe town nur
abal. TbIe action baa cenaed wUc
tpread laalpnalloo UrOapboul Ue
coontry. aad Ureati arr made to hare
Ue eoanty eeat remored to linrpin.
Iltaalaoramorad Uat a baad of raidera. Uo atnmp. «

rUtard the____.___
the town___ n aad naele. after eokklry people.
ko emn aad cake
Fiflem peraaee were intUaUy killed
aad elirpa a
oUera. aereral of whom
will dir. were
rere aerioaily injured Snaday

day afUnmoa by a eary fleetly pi
Tboaa prreaat wen t
Blnea .
l>aeae. AIu Ueln. I
. . .... aadii
HiBBla WcMll. Ollle Peaae. liolda liboeand bat uroe eocaord nelejared.
ilBfla. BWe LM. OUta noa. JeaKailway Mall Clerk K. B. Delwi
■Iflfla. llUle Baxel aad Harry tell oal of Ue nail car oa train No.
ot Ur Bichipaa Caolral railroad, a
Tba Plata clkaa wat aaarly all broket
lDd..aod reeaprd <
taUaballBlanof Baotpalloraad Ike
r. Heary Peffer. Unb Dioe. WilUe
la fact, wtaee the hi
Boeoe wae plalaly Celt here. The daw- "
> Mchnoad. Harry
Ukie rrinrne^^U
re aad rieayrie Feranwaitoaeh aep
I alia down Ur road
bpeaaat baat wae oweofUefaareaeMheaflaraaoB. Ue prlie.ajlady at fall xpeed when fie
ape. wae woe by BorteBeara.^
•n aad cake were awnduratraabBute Now* lutnx
5Al Heaton Harbor. Reoiy R Share
apt^amUn^ralrr ttere^oied*FriaaUa^blenU
of Bba Floi
fkit of Ike board of adaMlioo at
Wallow aad wbaa
t rauraad lobar
ilpaoA. who kaa botaruBalac ataoe
bona oa Spraea
after uklap
MyBB.araefa»d'WakdaHar te Ue
U tOM friaada. abe feaad
anode Hdoy atteraoea ta adanaotad
narry parly la tall rwnaaloa. Aboat
•apdlUao. Ba hod Ueed a wild barUlrtyefber.f
. b aad Kb<
•iaa aad trait. sBa waa oaly eaputod
•naralaoc ahaaa.
Attn lablac two wawia tren Ua ------------------- epeorBed with nati aad
praUltydeeaealad wlU Jayaane law-

Uadayol blxdeaU on Aapatt
Br. Sbarerh UUer dl^- maoy
■ora to two of hlibroUcm.
For eenetlnepn
precedlep hiedeaU be


■re K a ptest rUCmDce In bopa
fiKiB. ooBtoor aod tme «t Ur
. . h-d. ejeek ndr<L abort W-sprd
Dcrfc.bun^ olbrr h^cd bipb dnm

ould. wUeb baeaeetlod <n tb* leoflr
and derefopod a troaUboooia roaciiI It
koctoyoaawakoolylna Tbv may
ooU u oat 00 Lad at tbii (errililv
k> pi^rUMBS uf •viflda-

Yoa nay not irro
trt'.llrv r.jtaa^ ttanmpboi
th>< O<ao(reann> <d tin
WI11 rarrd f.rr •prdre h rlmbhy
and eoolentKl Innkiw. th.- ion aaoil
irat laelitud lo loin ay roih-f
Hie b»« f.wtBnat.- r
faro. IniimfMe.

itb nauampliao rirr ap )■
ra. and crety rrbwor aD.l r.,
1 tb.* tnriblo ironcaiiti.aK,
. . >a oroold yu Utm in a
borry. hoi in the noralay yap f.r l ua-

ehlaflloa Tarser, ayeaac farroer
a aaat of Pahia
Bo a Wa la 11 ailaa aortk ollWl Tka.
Bd a tralB 4t that place bsood
fioa wklak peiat CkaSaa lalaprapkad
Tkaradayatckt Miaa Laaaa Bpraal of torMcFali. WIU him wen- bte wife
Aapaat A rapaaUat tka
SoolkUaloa alraei. ca*a a very plraa- aod baby. They bad oarer riddeo oe
ealrad Inm Ooagt.
aat party to a oowpaay of fri.
before aod a* they, appmaebed
Tka Biarek lawaM Pahla hmt haa»
TbowraaliW waa dalicktfally p
IcFall Ue wbieUr blew to<l Toroer
Maa rapid Ikaa tka war dapartaaawt
ad ble wife left Ueir aeate aad preaatMpaMd. Preoi Tiaa Tkla M Bo 81
eadlofl to the plattom. nade a leap
ud M». a A. Craaay aed
for Ur flroand. Ur wife elatchlafl Ue
aad Bra. a C Baa apaal Friday eo
ladfodaya. Tka rallal oalaBB eap- Carp Lake, aad had a bbi dalicbtfal baby la brr amt. At Ue trala bad
aotelacked lu eprad Taraerwat killlarad Pwl TMa( Soaday BOralac
Tkay ekartarod the alaam yacht ad aad fait wife fo badly lajarad Ual
•a el Yaoc Taaap. Boa
.aadapaatthadayflahiap aad aha died. The baby bae a brokea leg..
rUlac abaot tka lake. They wadaa Tba oaly ryptaatUoa adraaerd tor the:
rery fiaa eatek el AM. Mn. BaM eoBdeet of Ua eoapir U that Uey w
raaolarn lowaa or ealaUBC tka larptat Bah of the day.
waa Bo8l Wa aad
frarinp UiKit woald ant
A happy paHy apeat Friday ae
tka raadi are BOt rood aad way hare OarpLaba aboard Ua ataaoMir Tinr. janpad from ||.
lladtrHern), byriao. employrd
madaoMdatey. Fear daya will ba aad Ua flood Una Uay bad aad Ua
Aatalie mail dopartairat »t a Chleapo
aapU tiaa to aorer tka dklaaea. dektbay eaafltat wara aonaU!
Jewelry boaae, ebarprd wl
AdJalaattiMatal OarMa ballaraa tka talk aboat. Fba par^ o>nk(
oalaata la aaw at Tear Okow wkara It Uatanllln of Mr. aad Hre. H. C. lap aereral tbooaaad dollara' worth of
wUI aaat tka atroacaal raBaUaea U Daria. Br. aad Bra Lorip Baberw, Jawalry.coafcaeod Ual hr bad
ted Ue crioir lo order to
d to Afht
aad Bia. A. B. Parry mod B>
Tkaarit a a fro* OkaBaaaboald Bit UaovaU. Bataaol Ohleace, aed wed a aaaetrywonaB.

■nda paUle teda.'. It kaara eat Ua
eaUlaa paUMM Iklt Baralay i
dxpraaaaatkaraadlaaaa ’el tka Ua!
Suiaa ta aaraUata wiu U Haaf Okaac
aad anaa la a iiimiIju of tka baaiUa

J k. si Li:,

‘’lliecorieae,'' ealdamaoyaelwday,
“Ur- nriooe araeaUaBf a naa expert.
dewtlit. Theta la a loufl. iwrlloiinBy
eiepnot ni-oul acooy.

-Tba moflh U aUIl tbwr. bai (be terreoftiminiayikatiaa hare I1-«l Wore
in dejlizlii. eoy.iupat iK-fl anceUe
day. Hal finally yno •Kvidr l.> yo, Md
wllh firmiim l.itii of iWepair oarrh op
r lll•'•U‘'al nioo'e d<ra |.i Ji-am year
111 CO+- nl tnntliarbo i-v.iy <«o
a Iniw a Vviib will bop and jump
V>d wnort all day oatll y.a c-l l.> llw
dmu-d'e and] tbi'o calm d.iKo no •|ai--t
ai.d paiuIrM Ibat yinirali'l tell wbich
war ariiii^ ll i> tbo *aia>- way
li a eouyb or otbiT ailtmint. -\« you
ip bi tbn door yiaximely bopr dial
tbf d.inor Knot at h.ann. You jail the


r mriy of btuod p ■snaaa



and an <-laiieat<d. p>ai:i..l
;i« naitby ••Broo.
hop. nr i'ia" to a omnmoi. .ayiuR in
Ue rnofitry ot whlrb lliro b<«: U a na.
(ire. an l tb" owluc Mato to riwlii- U.'
eilaalioi. Tfi.-y have l.wz 1^ ai.dal-



td. cuDveiiirui fiw nmwrUius onv: oalafil.'whi.-h mar rein.. In Hi. ir
dilix.-olly root upthr jainuUini: <u..r..d of feud and pulp 11 .l-m n.
without- nnppinj.- U. . T.J-y it. amt rtm
on apparmfly (aafi-r tJiaii <w<r. emntihK a> they po. in wwo-h .if eotnrUinc
mc»o-~»ne far.aito arom <* Jaicy l-it
nf (trao* or l- rry root, uprn wbefi thcr
lam.'ly f-r .^nlwtot.-nm
NatiirallyUcTaai am-.iA.i .< impT
jt«^..-x.Tn~-lberlakeraiicins Ihr-oisb
lbewao>laen.vtBaUypTeT<«uilii'ir lakjhC an tuaeJi aaperflamia tkoh. .and ihu
hair on th.-ir oarrow taeka ia an r.m«h
an.l r.«w«.a. that .d Hi.- w. ll toM li.xt

thofaiiiiiirt pari ot il
all b liow UI I you will ipe trU-nyna
•InrtnrianiCal Irnmi-ami f.vl
. -a bod U«. ehrotoa not ..f ,or
of y»nr dioreet bopro.

=— - — -s-


E i>ftESlDENT.


-Uii in IIIV «d a'd|.icy white ei.ljr. }n».‘
hiqa »|a<ll>ri wiHi bia. k. an.l vrln » a
What a .^tnuRi' ebay K that enn
while enabri me. amiitily ix>Tit.<.i with
naiiical.-d by tbo Ihikr of N.-u'ra.-^tlu I
hair. lia» pale .-ye^ boonU oroniHl with
111- W.rf th
Frnidint! He nye Hat a Irmdwtirlby pjnk. and Tver liflit vy.-la.hos prolmdinformaul
10 i-nili-d Malr*i arroruU inc hnD.-a»b> lie U a«orI}- a liTiiic object ONian ]•-iiiiaRit.iaL kim (Jut
r, dyms inanAunrii
Tlie liltlo pip. an- neahral. ly pt. ity
port, had
wbich whonyoonfL but irot in (Ik-l.m-t llko
'tr.-ry Uo plnn.^ litllv. .'hubliy fa d lahy'
DorkxJim-, and IraiR U-I.w.' tin y havi.
ktrir.'d at tbo ac«. wh. n th>-y ar.- ealio.1
plouk. and tlK- rhip wa» »entl1e«i ''
Tbea>ayn-.’m< iiimviiblr-. y.-til may “•hot.*-- th.y bar. heroine ons-aiiily
be tni-. and the jioMliilily of it riv.-m and cnmiaonlookinE Tbo duct. •«. laro
am-quiti. n nhoek. Ic u 5«»aK0 proat faith in tbo otdlity of the bop to
and lure.' alaro Ihi' Freriiicui .li-appcar- anro tve any amemot of n.cloct and elill
■ri from hauiw npht. witbool. 1 I.- Htoloprvui.leiau>iu.a. and i.irkfl
Ilere, Icdtiug atnee. Th.. 1m ef uo for Hie uiiit.-r ara>.iii. At i-.tlaiii r
perx h^fliettlu-r.
■ n.!oi..
oU*T ai»ix-i—fee it wa» ibv Or>l <if th..
Hkr only liftVliii-i Witch Ua/riSalre.
>. it la
gr>al ta.»i<ic<T rhlpa to p.—km- raSMiQ
llcnm plica aod |
(hi. fi. I
w.cTiat on . u'lti'imijL How (hoMi at
to oner iiKWe and will admit..f tb.-ti
bomn .-ItuiR lu h-.p.-. woiu of Unm f.e
t^tb a recordT^ HU heat
y.wr>~tie ihu w-iioo of tbo crow ia'iuR
in He- cootMi ol a walk .m«.. a omal Hogs aed ID draU- Iroai saas
• - a warn- out <d the Waj-tolaod,,nyi ts—Urkitollof.*,
RTn l.iyaad slrl.wuro
ly aciuin«!—and bow nuiir a
—' *■*
t.q. Id (Ik. feu., which rurT.aii..lc1
• lentoa by the Intol.-raU..
UI (lOiUKo.nd •U«u.;lra-snll.-li..cs in 1 h.
raapmm! At la-t It wa< Ri-ni-rillT i->io- pen. UinoiiiB e.c. t.. two Id^w ti.H.I
t. scald beadi him. il
rhel.d that lb.- .hip had (vilii.l.ri w|ib ih» iiiclware. The md.. f.Minii tr.«Rh
— —skin
ef any sc.,
XCT( laaiantly ..
au and fonmleivd. And now waa as diy ax -if no iiqaid hml
cniniw till. t.erild.oKity. wbirh. it lx danipmed If, mi.I Ihi-.rui a li.-.I -i
tb priinri ij when»«i In-nulry a* i.. wh-n1 tb-.
i.nrT* had last liad water i ir.-ii thi-m
tV^ral Kraper. in U.r cooro
fllcit.ul noriiTKmae from U .ahyl'ittl. an ipu rriew last Wedaeaday; laid
--fJi.Uo iiriudita '■ Afi.TOii iieiiuiDiry the Tcprt that In laHBden to tui
• re that. oiH- .i.ry box h.-eij n- and osplanaliuo (bat ih> inR-w.
Ilk* wal.w the loy rnno iil.d'le r.i to
npn tide nibj-ei—tb
tho hous-. a-iinoilKlaiie.-..iT. Pan buekrapture ond . rotllm); (d a pawntpa poillio i
eL after bnuRinf svlu. Ii U- .•bibln i.
wmt to (b<. «nrinc in a ]iltl.-lH.ll..w ].j
(be wood. to Utfrithe p.11. and termt. I
vaiix for the Ihlraiy cn-afureo. li i.
)■ k-pt Hcm ut (fal tKarilMa (o oay that liny drank tt wrti
SyaJ^^^icuVeT-^he Celebt-.-iled S'peciaMsts.
avhliiy Tins ]> u was in .-ui iq*w fi. H
MS15.—Lcmkoi K.-wx.
1 yOo eat and ailoaa yen to
now of Cr.TncI Radids. Mich..
wlHi not a •.iuplr bit ..t aliade ii. ai. It
Boo.tfo<»l yon wan-. It i«d'ItrMlAwl br as AMwrrlnm.
had la-Imsed lo au limubk. r.t.ddisJila stomxrh iroubira.
Aiuouii Ibe Miwii-e fold al. ml tbe ex- tm-uL the hutew and barn of wiii
pcriince <if puljeu telcprapli iq>-raton< bc-n mortal lo xoidi-utlnx Xrart ..
bylluiattarhuenf llie .-I.etriral lanon and Uiv owner -.f il.e b.u:s had u
i>. niiv wbii-k r<'l.-ilea to au ri-<p>eial the
jert svlero it wa*. lb..dbtio.e. Wild suawberry
•pt haady. h_
from his .iwvllni-.-, trhi.-li traa phwti tkrr-aown reir- ’
■ry locaarnrso
a enWlaii n np towx Whllo Bi ti'
folly enppli.-d will, w.-ll watiT. n-ntler- of Ue boweIN
. Won l*bilad, lplda <1
luR it ineoiiv.iiient to atti-nd Hi
triet bu r.*ieiceil a call from
tb" wants of Iheaiiii.ial.
llardnrk lilood lti\leT> plrrs
tml. whirl, ho pt.nuiAly wi.d.i .Ki hi. rmld .-qrily haro Jeui imned.
car head, an arlire Lraln. aslrbny.
clato a. Iu< re.-nir.ri it Al tbo ehae of a« the f. tire, afomid it rraa nmde id riyoroas b.Tdy—makra hina Cl for ll.i
tbe moiaatfi. Iw found
lonnl.le raiU ]ilae.-il r.ic/sc faslu-ui un
id ic
to I'hil. Ah<»p and loam. parpix- Hiat ii intBl.t 1-. rhani;.>l from
Maskrpon ixliarinc Xn epjdcnu- of
iiirai <.f Ilo
pla.r. to piare. but .ori.Jeiiilytli.'C.jiii- bortlarlea, aad the peNI cil.--e«s rf
fnriedU..'■«lWf»”^anf.l as
-w.losl toon me cariyiaqfi
pf uiurh tii.rartaiic-. Lai. r. a niialL
I olU tbrin at nipl.u
U. f.aiid. n
what partiml:
'Ilin fisort inaH-aiit, lieiiu>pim dr<*.
e>cip llioeeiiini onu inlerii.ti<d in. Ho a.bal aad bwn. aad.l.xily ..i:uru.el fr.iin
they iro iro
frit that then- wa» a niimtko mmeI n.-irrow loth whi. I> op n.'l i.l«ni the
o. but wna Mili.lj»l Uat it mun l>- oa.L and a eliildlU voirr saiil tuuiilly.
. «bor . ad of tin. win. -Ho ynn want jmine bl.wwait
I's. hot i»lr«d ol the alf^»l
W.-K nrar n.-Ilc-rtup tiimv h,. .heid- aa’-ani'-'a little Idaek hand li'.ldinc
wait nod r-meoll bia n-liof Ufurc
nl a tanrh of dilirjteepinl: ffirtc-r*.
Kondiiw Ue wajiuii oo a wiJ.i e«»w ritll jai-ftnie- nrorepm.TfnI ihatmr.o't
xuse lilood poltoniDX Few plln.
rhoxi nr nekli.i: Uo O-urral t« nyx-ot.
Ih'. aere]ilane.-.d lhi« .d*. nnji arieaacd.klD disraat* ti-e Ibr e
On Hu. arrival ..f bi»,-f l.owaain
I. th.vw-.nul h.T Tt'H.TTe, ami the illtle aal andircrulnr laeWlUs Wiicfi lii
furiiicd that the <q>-ral'ir who liad amt
:irl v. Innt.-iTui tbe •( lhat itlrr. . F r Th.-nipxrn.
Bom-rally ahl.n-rlatid his
In. nml Vank.v, ber
Charles W. Krrper e| iictrail. a Mi­
to dash wat.x to do luip i-to ry i-l»’iiin. ”
ller lathe rtalilKiier*. waa billed lea
woald nwd; •
I wnpin > ISiilarl.-I
(lar. of (be nlrt re-.-inn. Ibe
klrmtoh at Sxralya. Jaiy 5'.
V all T. ne.d in, niei Hoi hi«».


I::| woman’s Nafnre
^Hi'Momcp’s friend

<k>«ua tk.

CmsiltiliM ana Eiamlaatiii Fiai aaa Stricit) Caaliilnlial.

irly of New York,
. will be at the •

“‘ry o







•• -TbiT

aa-sr. H. w. r. all..K.d H. ronn.
Ihr.iUfcii lit.fwaiuiis nml liiiil»-rrs| trari.
<frt.-iiYon will never find nyolher pi,iV animals w.Te srsm iur
rompi aad m piee sol aa li.-tV.i
ikuuo yi-aiaacubwooilenck. tired and
Wbm ib«. amo dr. w n.
.UIC Kxrly Blien.
'-. C. Thump..
weary with hid Imp y-mney. f.dl .xhoB klllmB. pariii-i w.-ro mii.le uj.‘ h.
hann.-d ihiwa frmn laidair ripbt Ut ■
-'driro the rwaiup and rnplof" Iho
Hu- miilill.- ..f I,omimi N.wrly nil bird*
M-tnerx endnrve il. children like
half wild crtainrsw. a. it wm. .1, .irjal H.
iiiicrnto at niplit. k> it waa dark. a-.,
eld folkx axe il
We refer to Hae Ml
icm lu pens U-tiai^kilJiiis It ate Cnapl. Cure It will qoiekly rarr
half aitmiiid. lu- fnoiMl hima.-1r lyinj; in
“ -.roat and ’lanp Iroablea. F. r
Alla-iiMrl>‘a(n-.<. A wo>a1rork'afirvi inipoIo" id alwayx U bid.. lilniw-If. id rl.M
J'ft eo lonpal
oniK-r roim-ihine. to ei. loeli ilnwn. in
ItoaU rraned a harreat BaUnUy
luthe mi.latsrf
aatnre wild bo wnal.L rb.ane eom.'
DOiNew York's liuniaBlIy. Al Uasi
l«eliet) or ooine low rh^li. Holly hn
peraoes died la that city and rtcisiporti.-ularly lonw. and Iberr be w.mid
noalle d..wiiand do.-til.-boon. away,
^rrocbildres fronfalllnp Iron Or*
, onfi!ne.«l. and the stoti ha- i
■scape*, eg which they bad crowded lo
hat iHTe. P..W Idrd. in rural Piccadilly,
itnrvslor Inot.Tl after, srhiefa pni^ir
fel ,s»me rrllef feem Ur Urtarinp
ho raoid .find ntne of Uew, and aojupat an end (a each pnmtU
finally tHwtlcd np loa larappoet. and.
•k TrtI
It wIllagrprlMyoa UCXprrtoDCC U*
ataiitird.aod oUpefird.........................
a! aad Beicntlfle Tiwtaaet of AU t>
leecfil ebtaiged by osltip the dalgiy
and watoofaend I
Bard Wra*.
-■ ‘aonme UtUe pills knosrg at He
■aaklnd PnaalMa U Oblala.
on tbe next d^. —
Accardias i.varrcrnt l.-pal deeiiiioa
irpotlid in The TimUrmnn. hard wool
PHcr tbeUruu of Ubwia had Ue Is --any tree Uat ha. a leaf a. dioUn&oapicsiaat]yre-ilered- Dr.-IlMma*'
typical fare of a Boeriaii prwaanL A mtislK-l from a ni .dlu " A man conEiectre Hi'. Hrrfcetiy eafr. Never
xriU larja- uoatrito.
.At agy drop atorr
. Mcwnal lipx. wide
bPUa. nularr-LlrW. Buadrr.en>r«cir rrwAls a.
■oik l>o»- wm ammp
lOci proiniDeat frwtorra. HU biwd ^ilroad t.j.a tisl Uie a> not hard wood
wcaUte ID Fupland has been exiranr ,
mpoBTAMC To I.AS1M.-Da orriian. afwr nantt .rpMaa*x.aM ilaninal
.Im.wt fooad ami xbowed by na
asrewIdU at Ibe ran Ual rambatir.-nme of
F)i<Kitiiiu that waa one ct (be Imdiof porlid atown AVninun will now bare a
di.-U9ct aad lan-fol etaadard lo caapr
•iufi. ill hU rtiatacter^
rr life and aaa t
! OB OTTKAM, mmow » iinfiUr aaC _,PPI FM—
van IIcarvnprrda
*aevW geeaaotafaBcMaa
leir hard wood fnmiure daicri|«aa»
■•rand la oo* iniawi




rrinieax Urie fterm- ef Napiea to
-e fiiun.ler of a ■ciW-fi-i} • for il.e prol.-ril.«i
ihm nt anlmala In lluil . itj. Tlie or
SiiiibliM.n Ik.
1.) aiil.h elio.-krd
in f.ctiMT year*.


dei.wi.-.l Un riro-rfully’^pct-'or
h II like <n>r I rlieus. (In <ii.<
casliui nil ..fTi.^ . a.^l.ompB a

It ^Ifke^ VaaU oi «m'

i.rn. four
Iw mU-uted. anl they . ..f jtlr n
• tt ,'ll.r«.dd la
'.-tblns nte iwiUx.
iTvriitly fi
Tb.- St bump.-d Inle
dhal. .ml back
Uabwkch. aUDdlap ap llba a teaUrr. Janu-.- Itmleol •«}
la Ibe
ept .me fal fanuw.
I f..r arlU'lea of ifu-y nil It
waraiweadaBd Ue mw departed. MaleappreapapoaUraadel wbleb
acBls yrihsl lU- «(
Inriap Uatr yoaac koueaa wlu Ua to oali while Ue bait of ll to aorn.
„ in tto- mai.'* ear.
Ttonwaraparbapi M •eari- of eoro.
The .x-irina of Rn>aU lia> palaed the
rltee laldno. sir,* omtli-red H
The whole Ulap >• a ena batweea a
h.' .wtanlxImt J-m Mowed If *
lUBBy-eabaaada dtob of ntmeal.
TbafiaaktoUeprodFetotJ. C Tnra- ■••u-.a“.*f,-anKlxiKrw’ *T1wr'*a^alBi^
AwhaUMof “Boo*- people hoapht
^fa^^«^I>*adyaad wae cat from
waianlly*.>mj4.yed In mnkliie .-m
South ttorollna swiM
llillankeaef eleaalap aeap wbleha
■olii.ry f.w eourt die«a.-» aad «-.-ele»peddler warraatad to taka oat all klada
alH-al sarii
AtOadillae Ue rrxidaacee
ater Beaaoa aad Coaaty 1
of dnt. praaaa aad aUBa tran elotbSw
A New Yorit patwr to antlmrily fat
H- d.-man.l for the
wen aalitcred by a XIOIT of Henalnr Matt w hl.-li rreallt
paylap twaaty-Pra eula pw caka Cor;
mrplaia. dariap the abaeoee
-Tbe flrPt Old of Ibe Morapwe.
e of tba the .layaji-lwn hr waa a draertot f*a
Intof H deealopad that the
>loc a dnie xiaro re.vath I . hare KrauJI raUway
oldaala^ Ue narbet nlae
tm^ptloo filled XIr. natyb....sU This lia- wlH be
raa aet Icaa than BtW. Mn da
noway aad two rxiol»e.a Itarid fleh-e-w« riclH. x.i IwjwtrirH tiirooeb Hie
loa kat a taa-dotlar bill aad as oywl
draeelat mriadr.' C.d
ti-rrtts»ry irf lb.- Roltaa of di.iHirr 'iar
^•pla.aadBm.Baaaea a dla^
mater br DaBe Bp Ibr
tbr torotrcied Baby Malea. aad rralaaliy la Boma and ladla.



One MiaoW Coopb Carol

«B»*IOBOBB *T*a aad craailawd

toUcOBlyhamlan remedy that pirea |


On Ue Slot day oMheprgaent moaU
Ua 1 ailed Slatea law irqairiar every
car ataployed In Inleritola iraBle u> be
lipped wlU anlomatkeoapUra wmi
arffecL Thia aesandrd Ue haril of
U« old faahtoned caapllnppln aad link





UfSaaMe of noway ta hieback. Be
lanadMaly drora boob to Uadopet
kadtataraodUapatw lethaladywbo
had Wad li. -Why. bow u Ua wwld
dU I aona to Jaaa It?- errnlaliiad Ua
lady, aa aba elaWBad barpamUybUy
U bar bead. “1 ban alwayt I
UMbaibwaa bad Ua rapataU
balac tUana. bat pow I baew tk
-Ikle wwtkaooly^Mka'axUadi
Ualady ppaa Ua lalns ta b




la tadia. Uc laad ef faalM. Uoaaaadi die bceaaae Uey caaaol oblaie
lead le Amerl^ Ua land of plaaly,
nacyaaffrraad dtobacanat tbeyeanBOt dlpnt the food they caL
Dyapapaia Caro dIptM w




Ml Mf b1>4
MCh > llBM
tklac I mw pmwl—d wklU rkittoUO. M toM
' d^aba^lt lumk^to ^ CrirM aot kaow what a ■
Be tell yoe that
douBotco frOBi
aaotber. aa from . .
____ __
ool or Ulaaroo. bat raaa here aad
brre aad crarywbare, whareapr tba
ao ret a arfe
«h*a UaehiirBlBC waadBiabt
NotBpeh llaealraBpK abet :
~ps« ■■aad bltBpapa.aad .BBa-aadtaaby.
ilacaroead all orer tba werle ucrl
rtot.ete., ahoald asaar ba fltu to.
Aad daar IliUe bcoiber
oanblac to dc Traspa doa't do
ilula abUd. aa tba laada era JM t
in be Mar ea, tbal way. Tbry rea ererywbare try.
la aanl'— M*M irkan I vWlad «tm
lac to cat aloac wUbomt doiac aoya naldtec-beard akoai tve k; tkraa
Bat that K what ibey call "
riu uar hpala ampad flu Ja baaad Oaa arulaf daar baby araa
jaer. aeyway.
■yway. aad weeaawe
«daL Aa 3d phyrieka taU aa Ibk.
Aad leacad to ba laehei' leu

Be. A rreat ires
aol ebaacr Use apBe.
11 (oaad It Iba butbawal tec^tor BatshakBaUbytoaBBa
toalblac ahlldrea. ~
Aad Ibk ta Use erayer t
•iaira aaatb after a load ol eotloa. waa
rtaaara aaka aa el tba aoUalay-a birthpUee. ao fhp waa a KrlUab
__________papa, aa' aaBaa. aa' baby
Iw---------- --------------------ujict. bwaaae abe waa bora aader
Aa- kaep-cB all u(e UII >r llcbi:
(a B*a. Ua relUkr-pla <
sr llrliKh nac; aad li did aol aabe
Bet yoe aeada-l alad -beat -aue brei. Ia(t haad aad o( Ua
ay diOarroee tbat abe waa bora at
■la at tkat ead praraetiar
beeane bar taiber aad Botbar
■Chaae baby'aw Unad toalcbl.’'
lilac cff.wkUa UiaalHp falalac tba
e dheUaod
dheUaod paolca.
paalca. iaad to the w
„arf a iHde a' the oVaar ead pmaatAadatoaay
llitl,f»ri ‘be m
edUtolllBC l«..........................
er Bather waa lea
made aa foUewt: Taka two ta------,—
o( tba board
lotoller Usae hiK
Aaewt »tbr I
(ak of paleariaed Tarkay rtabarb aad
at abaccf- and three tlaca aa
Jb^tJklac with It and aaead a *aal
aau I error aaw her lather, eo I
VB daya aad baay daya. ao
Mat at aaaaraaea fro. a rolllac Iato a plBl e
toy whether tbe old canlleBao '
that voala aot su; ia plaea. aa Uk (allefWwi
we^-a raadlac will bare UbeaUry blame tor may of I>*Ky-a wayi,
part ol tba
(DOW all abaal her motbar. tad
alowly for aa
Bet It will be cooler hf tad by'
■pooetal of te
aatraelol papperBiat Wi
Voa will like U read tba aury ot the
or as iicly poay. oh. ao. the
ato. Pel it lal
Dracoa Ply aad of Ue caaalBC l>aiir
Ucbtly. poaa.
Ue, a
ennalDC. and knew a Croat deal, bat
_____allad baalde iU aTerpUlac to I
abe-woald hare her ewa way. aom(.
rcuraad la tke eaeboard aai apoa it.
limu. In apilc of erarylbiBC. Tb<
oea of tba Boat barBleaa
thee It leaa rolleJ aaroit the taota to the
boya who fieal drore bar did ool owr
eapkoard aad tba tblap pat la plae > __________ adlaa. aad upaclallj ealuble
her. Ibey oaly took caie of beroulK
attar wbleh It waa reteraed la the U wbae at a dKtoaec from a rood pbyal- aott wlerblew Use yello- dual fn
the little boya wbo owaed her cot bic
uc alder tour la tbat heac aloac
dirtj dKbea piled oe U aa< eiaa —Selacfai.
___ all
enoach U drire her. wfciob waa lor
PaBj wlllowa. bad
• • dc

toltod oattotbekitobaa ..
>boui a year or sore. Rat ip that
waabad tbajr were
<rm relaraad
relaraed la thK toTictona, Qaaaa of
Uieir ferry e
Ime they crew rcry load of llaiaj,
red with a
bie aod corored
elotl kept (or
Tbe aoiad baalaei
.od ahr look them rrery wberr.tbrouch
rflj—hlawlac»»rre border.
aoUl tiae to aat tka labia
tmory I
be pine wooda after tmilihc arbaliu.
^ow. too^ailed 1/ ly frt
(or thVa^l aeaL Wbaa Ibaaaal waa
ed with yollo'
VretorU ao well la
aed dosre to tbe meadows, (or flower,
baab U baa
creator ottre or aorareica do aot
inc moaa. eattiac by tbe Uli-<«ter lor
wlaya I

bar aeeeaBtal alao la
ahe waa %o little that tbe uilmao eoald
leuer oee o
I Uvf (.1m HU- R.t»al nakim: Ihsm-tWsnpcria
I to aae wbat---aicaa of
. leekoddow.------------------•at apoa II. and all tokea to tba dialac BktreB of
k>. The boys hod a^Me
re la tbe brook liarl
.ohHdCHT-' C.litd.J>. Uir Ci'y.
apriec there ware
table at baa trip.
^J“ltbO.Cb t
aublejor bi •r laoae 'eoreerof ibryard.
A apetkled troet darted ap toward U
r, flu N)
Jteeplec la. ol ea
'Ut out t s poalure oa Ue
brid^ I followed blio with my ey
lha royal bead et tbe aa
:few all about Ue boaw
•mail, tad aiahaecy. Ual
I arala, (res table to capboard.
ifcrybodr upped U look at her.
atert ellaclot U a iwly that dipped
«r pillBf la It ererylbiac to b* ea
,d parealret alu tbe rawady.
0 the waur. Dolay aearer I aaw
toe eertato plaoa. ibna Btklac (
8ha k a kiad bat alao aa axaeuac
loifyatali. Shr hid to
Alda'lllke uiiiyat
.t be waa a alraorer u me. iboocb I
srie take tbe alaae o(
aktreuaad abe payi wall, aad aerer
.Trap* from
fiom the Ubie lor her. aosi
1 ibODCfat 1 waa acqaaiBied witb al
la too aaay boaiea Mra laaoBneh Talk to ooaaider a reaaoaable eacoar,
the b0T» w.-uld forert. and fbra
Uiar. etrearlta aad a<.................
re force waatod
qelW properly dtauda r«<ri aerelee
Auu: M.lly would try U fr«l IUi«f
‘1)0 yon beloac bere''- I aakedblta.
byaaeloB atapa that a UtUa tboaebt
U>tf Ue dido't hsTemocbluiBelooc herel- heaoawcred rathe
aad plaoaiec Blcblaaally lare to ba ,“sha’ba?^d5rik?of Sfd Bul. whleh
cooa at ihlf. brcauoo iltKy would
tbaMTer aala. baloviseeua demaoda aeerblDlly. -'Where else eoeld 1 beleai hercamintr. and would run al her with
Msa-M. ■- 0. Bavda, ■ditoT.
tbat at iBBobaoa a aide table aball when I waa bora it. tbli rerr brook
Wide nper. ehowiac all her
Btoad ready, prorided with cold fowl aod harHivad here all my.Ulev
wail nollL-ltunt Milly
aad a cold } Mai. so satter wbat dalnloan to her aad
and U«
Ura kirk up her
bet alatl too oltaa we aae boeaekeapera Uar hot food the dialac toble may
little poll
-sCffliac alopE
s her face. Now,
Aadlaaato tbd parpow trilb tba tli
Btooee tbrufloaia
Oaa WciMa-i Baabaad
nlelac a
aeoaomy la arary Ilaa. workand my aei
ill by berwif >aU<
Uie poUywoc and *’od**
lac aae aarlac arary daj
. which, dowa tooth.
tka'ator'u^ ndlasee oa a ■Ulio
I the house b’ Itoell.
tbat you
-Well, tlr," I aaid, ■
Iialty wot alwavt oulne aronnd Ual
i aeaU prodlfal *«b wa»«a:aad le-lbe loroi of a^apell at tK^aae. from aware of tbelr ladlrldaal loer
ire had that todbll, I hope .
kltch.'O, yottot br.y.pnd cirK
toll meeomethiacaboul yootoell
tke plaCM where they oachl
uu>« louut food thiBCf werr mode in
Ha Iwm (real the atar la loat. aad aol
-Did you crer oee a drocon fly •• wa*
bk aaiwer. wbleb I lhou*ft rerj
Oaa^K aiaaior (ron tba
Tkinc- titciltyo —
atraace. oa I woi not makioc any in.
ramily.bat laal
ju»t floUhiDC a blc
____albar to the atar aad aaa. hi
ie ihoocbilau or earcirat
skim: •heJiad two
Oel% opaleaer K bald la treat (or tfaoar
"Why. certoioly." I replied.
la oee bowa the wWe-----------tboorbl aha
od due la her baadt
Wbo trait aareaalj while thrj work
-Then you know all mb;
eoeld aot aSord a bread-boa.
.-1-boa- ao Use Bsaay aarriera of
plate and ehiaa
Lie wooden bowl oo
TtaflaUto atkwart tba aealp(ark
ubirelotb Wiodaor cattle
tsraad waa wrapped la aeold ubire
Tbr Mwl wotnrar.
-BUo «'*frlrr *-Uotr.
ae theocli iliu: (olki
aadUlddo Use lower abaltol tbeeapwith the a
aaaaaa e( eoal-Uaek balrtad the aice'iiiirli of
Hat onoe. all
tsoar.'. where it dried OBlao badly that
wu ykltlDC ■toyiue hs aonlyUF
fllled Ue kitrhra. aad
n SSfiS£2tSflSSt
bwapf the fiaeea'a baaaei“ a TFry I
It la all rarj wall to aaj -doa't war
TT ber.itbememb«a'
j.- bat oruatlaiaa It aaa«i lia.toaalblt eared woold aooa ureeqealad la ral<
Indicated aoiae cu.
Id atraace-------------atraace eblaa eel 'bebebeld
• ibyhoa the Uspuf his
DMto. Oae c»a»» aM (or tba •'DooH
riooi bln
____ each plau adetraed
.y-|| baall riyht 1^ aad
Worrj'a'' M to reat more.
le cookir*. end
aad abe
laadaeape palaliaca.
but siliesselled thaee
to parebaaa oae.aaked a hardware
knew wbat It mranl. and mo.le ap her
potolUauallp iato tooaa elotbai i
stored at bim la| aeuaKhB. haresnaie. Otd Aunt MlUy
la k>darkanad r«6a.
Aootbar food
■BaUeaU lore tba beoha. ibat I
.. .
irthplace waa Fonlrobiirc. Waa It poBible ibtl the cerreou. .
was^orlfiiic away with brr bock to
faUaKM) dirartiba aitad bj ebaafa
coo fliei...lhe ' 1It.bc flubu of lie
tbeqaeea had rtealled U mind i
war.l Up kilcbro door, when sAddeoly
»a^:^^^..«.bo.ld A
os TeaayeoB ealli them, were c
Btodeblldraa’a booka. do aejihlecto
lea of ehloa aerer need, aod lor
a blx block no»e srcol eichl unde —
ucly crutaru, eruplar aboal ia
arm and sei^s^aprui mouUI
aatUlae Iato a ret. It-K(atollo paper Il'madeaeoBreaKBt rectptorla yean pul away aod forcoiun by
...-c-u—n .V-. 1.... II (roa dryioc. oaa baH beraelf. wbleb bail beta maeaCinsferuread Anol Hilly care a w
do alinj* the aaotc iblaca at
■ Well, doo’l you beliere lar'.-” he aoddruprd the paa and llewapUe
ared ibara. aad waa deeotalad with
llaa Leara to --liwiac ell " bocitot ly foraeatUac-board.
Mid; while I W». foopideriur wh»iu >.-.epn 10U> the lull wlUoul lookioc to
^_jt^ leraaa of Use Uwa aad
uy aexl.-brrtuu if yon don't, ^mr
A larva Uo lard«aa. wbleb aay cronee wont the boU betoored le Hut
BaUaaUaBkUltebBxbiaof ptJilaao- aad da waeapaetod tbiBca. Tobeat- ear will toll '
bore about tie waekx from aowf and Hsify. linT.uc UniBied her tirsl month
traotlte>heele*«r woaaa Baat'Avayen will we n* all eomlac out la out fn., Sbd fiodlnc It no ffooC. was pre
M^M'kBd art: ha aheaU Klaalj rtoble. dbr ataat aol look today aa abr
need at dlnaar-^lrrtr.1
oeediuc to CtiKh all tbe cuk'ci. io U*
■rrewrbw laoioda^Btt be
bowl, when Aoot Milly appured ,
Mjr •attoetoc Upa a dlTlaaf apaaeh.
mode my way U Use brootaide (
Ue oceac wlU a broom, and la^i
•aU m lha toaa tut tba Klac akoald , atoBj, aacta' aote baalaatla
Sweat Cnoombar Ptcklaa
tbe poroiac. ou •uoprac >1
or b' r couklrs, MTiac,’ - Vou tit'
- a-woaae wbe “werrlea- aara aad Boaor—Take aiebt un of
Pick them wbae amall. the alze of pirk a Ileal of water enu 1 I
ick imj>. get out o' here," Sod
-Oanklllad acal’I
cal off rmlaa. oae plat Lima
par little flocer.
lair.y swept poor Issisy out of Ue


kitchen nncl off the steps into tbe yard.
1 toua kel
tor. papaer mad talk oM eapfol el milk. eaiefully aod pat I
Vou uisy hr sure that wbentT.w Aunt
Bk brew k hlfb aa aaj brow l
Boll eora aad beau aoarly aa boor la
^^Dcebonllapled aly (neod <
' ' r bnked 'eookins ocnto-sbe shot
riWh'uuVy’aaald. pack
rub. bol he. ^ai ,qn<U ebsneed :
k; wbea tbk'baau. iau botilu aad poar e*er them bol
aordly ree«ai
r Ue foltosr.
•■O. nww
•plead, awMlriaecar
lay recipe:
“’"wtieb ae eloeely." be eaid. -X
AiBoll boy . who bod
To tbfrflw^ diaclaalda
BkaateJ^k tba aharpaat of aharp
Oae callOB of rlaocar.
Uan'l be aWe U ulk much mors.f.r IruecKt's shop lot ooe penny dyea.
Oiue Cora Patttoa.—Twolea
aan of
TroB tba Uwa.
Oae pennd
I OB colbff Uroacb a crul cbaaci lorcot bis mrsfore oo tbr road bot
oonao Boar*.
fbir frith blooB of crlBira elorer.
WMh Maapaatod flak haiwata:
Two U*-’UK aernluc-”
not W.sbiuc u> reloro empty.banded.
of Baaurdaaad,
Bk—1^1.1 P>1 Kb ayaa are klaraja
Aad with ewatt briar beadlac
1 woe aU alUatioB. aad be crept i
u two tabUapooafak fl>
Ba4ra tarewa.
title hicber. where tbe ana eboee ho
BUIaTSka TBT brat BraaOlaa pabblaa.
Two to
'i ?o js M
■Than are aooca of Urda at dawa.
al ot tanaerk powder
Tbraab aad w^. '
p kolfeallea
Bak la tba dry-ceada Uae; at Mdak
Core ol bloek peppu.
The drarffist- mKapprebudtoc
reOTB. Bul
he dre
baalda lha eeardac
IhKIawltb I
plat ot BUk.
lowly, oae by onr. with
MBPtBiCP rraw
lou of utoen Cholera, o
-While the UbU rabbit poBoa
maayjerkiandwrlcflB u free them
Ba talk iba priMt vdal. tM eet,-,,.r utoato.
Uke^lay uB Uia rnuu.
le hpadfulofrat
from ue larral ekio: at lui hK wiop. "^en. Ibep.' WAS tbe prnmel
dkh aad bake twenty BlanUa
all wet aad folded up like fans. ap. joinder, -girt me n cesU wori
A^UatnM with tbp BWhatkflatStowed liraee Cara.—Oat
t (
(roB Use
peoredi Ueo. wiU one floal iur bi
. Lf TrswAw oT~
■Tall Be Dot ot bleb ritole.
kBtkaaAr BIsBantoa
eobaad atow laboUlac wato
atar flfiau
lone body'-larsnii. Heeluac U U
Wealth er poww.

rcM. Ump aad siuile wora oat wiU bl
WspleJayaolflaldaodTaB. «
itt tbe rery but
rllb cold toUk aod atow
hardetracfflr. uDVil Ue sun dried B.
bat K Beolit by
le by euamtoc tba applex
addlaca Urea laapof batter
Small Koy-1 ki
forstowlac. pat wincsee Ust be could spread Urt
Tli«a are Bora tbu'faBa or glerr.
_____ jrnall ptoua aad tolled la floor
Uem^’iau Ue atuacr aad let'Uem oat. How Uey staoae and cUtUred:
aaaaoa with call aod pepper Utoato
atum aetiliedi tbea BUb Ibem aad l^bey were floor Uoo Ue dalaUeel loee
TbAtlbrOI Bate tba ■■ii ii at bj
Cora Oyaton.-Tbka ali eara ot boll but BBlII flee aad aBOoU. Swutoa e*er mode by baaiaB
Clesoff the b>x>k wfaro yun're aare
crul eyes were like
ad cora. tbrw acta ead oae aad oM
yon'ee cot him_______________
Bar da wa alt la arlatry trrt td^«T
mul^dawp or lylBC dowa K lot half ubtoapooafala of flur. But the
wp body
ol licht. aad bK slea
b coldro
A^bWdlat^dAd MbwacK^' imkaiily rrallac. Voa But
yelk*eery lhlek.^Mt tbeeern off Uit my wire potoU-Boaber wiU whkb U WM barred el esery joint
Boib aad but Ue apple tomee.-Sr.
■bapapat of ralaxlof. lautac Cd> ^
Ok^^lL last aaw keeb. Iba lataat
Borlar all UaaieB. Doaefl wait aain Bto iTw^-ibeyoll
yu arer
•tiff toMb. atl
whip tbe wbl____________________
roabaeoBaUiad, balautebaaiwB^* UtcB to with tlM eora aad ytdu.
BaadelkU^ la baad «• daM
Blackberry Tea
le loekad down aad uw bK
-Tom. do you kao
hare aaBUiere. aod. Usaa Jullef^r. adBaertapooBlalatatlaa laapaa
g to Uesratof below. Then,
________ jote eaoM of dtoirh.eslt K
Akac^flowary flaUaet arfarad- toll rut—los^' ftvmr
•yu. 'Tom repli, d. Ip p whKprr.
^t^baW aod fry a llcbi browe s
aid ektoaiurnia] pub. hei
well u bare at bond tame aiapU ram,ku Uedeod peoVee, raUer ao laproreBe
•dy. ThKeaBbefuedlalUBadeof
le dtwMcr. Whaa U* irMblr ckaratax irw daar. UK ww kUwtd orwr Uw
dubw wd wtad atMB U* «,


Carriages, Gatters, Sleighs, Ei


TkK k tba pmyar aaBaa ttaebt her
■aaycarselA lataaBarUa
To wy. aa aba kaaeK at bar haaa.
ealy a wida taad o( aod. Ula I---------Uuta. aad bdd la plaae by bread Uau Wbatwll«btUurelat todarkaea.
Aad aura la tba aky wr caa tec





STuT^kbakd rSTaalMllar aUlp

Honnlioeiiig and Gentnl Repairing Dona.



Absolutely Pure


......... rc7:."5Jta

Be-Paintiiig and Upholstering.


oMr f^'ular**««" ba”thr



StAte St., BCAr tJaiOB.

Makes light, llakv, delicious hot
biseufts, rolls, inuffius and crusts.
Makes hot bread lihicsomc. These
are qualities peculiar to it alone.








firudrlipldB i lodlui Bj.





'.' dll




, lit:


««.* scislb e,em Usr err-et at








«:u f






PERE Marquette

.... ■



.. .7s'is“;..rK


Cera Stow.—Pvereea eara. rcBo
_u ears (real iba cola, pat Iba eoba to
water aad boll Iwuiy Btoatot. alloc


pint aad atrato It. A lluleoraace p-el
balled wlU It clr*p K >
flaeor. A daee for aa adall wonlfl be t
wtoe-rtoMfali (or e eblld. (rea ue u
UrM tuspoufaU -Srtooe.i.

Jut wTaboaldi aad aaU k w

Ureea Cora OriddtoOobu—Tweem
weltbuUB. OM plat ot Bilk, aae plat
of fluT. two toblupaufaK Belted
bettor a litUe Mil aad all nan of taelli aod feilioce.
^^eon, Bake urn criddlo -LoTec peaettoe of (richlutoc-------ebildrea to order WBOkeUeB qelet.
k lUM bud la aa (aty ewa traa
towase ctOMmaltod touari]Cora Paddtoc—Take eoateai
saad duU.
rukSaa7'u«dBtha spirit (or tba
BkU 1halfpotalyaa tba dlcntira .Me add OM qaart
whkb yu bane atimd
dplfc Uem------------------------- ■■
IT c>rl abaald ut fleah iwe •
UeBaewaUu cl<
»br. atM adL ad'BaUta JuUy dae
a day. OarcoK. witb tbe
ut Beal, wbleb K but
Bfc kyk|twa^ aad trea. a
Tbua who Moeb yuac cblldru
lac. tokea wU oat aocar. ate rxeallut ^r tola a poddtoc dmh aod BUe
ahuld opMk to Uaa praporiy. am
All Iraah bbbmt tuAad tbeach a hashla dry coada Baa (or
atablu aad riu (ralta arc baacflrial.
BaKlMuBartbau hatdaaaadUw Hot Bilk, witka ptoebof tail to Ik
A Oalaty BioaktoM DIM
alpped yaft
•l before raUilac. kk Bore dlUtoo^
Ubb oeU Bilk. aad
»-m> to JTnr l -rt .sen
Bald a wiM lltUa swBia not loaf
petlto Um of I

Bo wtsaaa eab Ibsc po^ a
rw anacrawa to Ihiab that ayea look
eoaplaaioB who ladalcea larki
awulBorwbo eallteaUaao ^o
B^Ua aeaui laU bad ear appaUtotetea cu^
Tba au

».■ .-■iS’J::

Aod oak ler you dlrtoa tobcrttoaaa
Ot BifaliaBc autulauk aad toe•BlSSTtfl laor.alldnbkaodall du
VbaMtabl oatood thapara aadktkag^ayri^uuacb uau far
" A^ MU aaiwt9 ar'whaaCara; aad

_________________ __________
are cxullaet Itoer teaka



■ *•« fcj‘tM«PP'Jtbe aan
Hlrad by Ue eystoa ead a
____ bat wuUer





Ual I Uuld uy."
"1 eappy^yu will be llyiaf off



*^'ea. la oe bur or twe ay wiaff*
•rin be itroBC eenarb to carry se any- Traearne City Citizens Sboula WelCB
UTeil Tbts Enfleaca.
wbere. Pirat I iball r> alter ssme
Proof ol merit W to eriduee. (KoBcaqaltou aad I into Coati
"SUII hnacry.'' I sold
timuy orauancers.bat tbr
'1 am always baiic>y~ be oaiwered'
itol Trareme City people
-Bow abonl Uc pellywocr- Ue baby
treat aad Uctoaiia
.^taUtoy kiad of preot Birro herr,
leat olaTrareme City elll
-Oh. I iMce Uem wiU By old akli
forlanocUat wll eoBe after me.
No mere med. aad cold dorkflees (or 'mV. Hurm Mome.of r>3 W rU hr.
mrl ' All esBahifle. ffreea Btidows aad uyt~ -Doan s KideeyP.Us used my
life. Thi.seemsadosbtfnl slatemrnt
eparbUec water, aed a ca? > '
to make, bul I nm willtoc tbe public
•nartoe till eeealac. wbirli _
daaetoc wiU bj eoapaatou. cbosliic •buld jndee from the foeu I wu
alloorudf IllUe Byloc ereatBfes, aad
sklamlnc orer tbc brooko. aad basklac
aod Wbea I eommueed llgu's
in Ueana. By Mxt week .Uooueds
y i-illo. woe so weak Uat I bad
of By irtoUoas will be ut tioae of
Ueeariiutto appear ore Uuc with
led amas Uc fleer. A lamber
deeded wtoc* aad frul-iuud bodice moe adsKed me to ose Ue rtm dy.
Uu Ua roldca brewa OMt. aad i
Uebuatlfel red oau. wbau be
For See or ><x days after I comBcaced
CtowUke rnbiet.
-Afur Uue COBB Ue toreut bcb Ue trealBenl tbe kidney
brr of oar (aaUy. Be K Ue twiftont were part blood, ud befon
km Uey wore clear aad
(oUewed ap Ur trutBuL
white aad black, la Jaly ear daiaty there K e ineerreDcs. I ul-------------tsiy uy Dzae's K'-dacy PilK eared
Isatstaekaad ueed By life.'
pbadlui port
alow. boaltaUac way, otopplar to real
Futor-HUbara C
ererr Btaeto or two Souse bare

. It wiU Mil. aad pur It
IU but- except what aad bow to eol aod to toll
Ua IrmU. Aod 1 coaalder Ut Uae
m ecB*. eUrriBC Ue BtoPan all V
eror tUom c< |o
baraKbm bruxt. wlU deoky brewa
DMiexoael tUBaUed yaorllUla
toa^aw’e'mS'ul^JStofd J
<ow. Tbey coat be exoreied In bane
all Ibsf ratoachlef ibair a'dan. u|. tocraufslaadatoederaraUey oU

Uailed Stowa

His Bom
aseboM. I
Mto. a liulc (eRow w
isToriacdeaiiod. bolan
read tar Ue cuaiy
ru was UF'off *»»««?
Toor on Uttle Chau hoUl Ue laa falls tow. aad Uu
The bey wMBCOod
KB^aod Bake altowmoau ler
oealltoleupu Ue boreoM of lit-.
batoor; be ttowtoffaderaataruUai Ue at
iMOl^uUa ULBoll e deau ean of iwu* aaa. nt
Mleakul forpBBl.'
^ -MwaytuUa
Uaff Uaaab.eauu It wUh aalt aod
Muoto Uaapot wfU toau 1------Uu aeeor UtdUy wlU MbAa
raU it to toud-uoBM; Uu try plau to aaa Mr atrocal baom oatfitte





''•‘•orr- I exclalBtod. -1

easeedeora K aaedueeoa K reqaind.
wbea craea eora K aaed abut alcbi
unore nqulred) aad eaefc toa Bto
atoai odd ue eapfol of mUk. caaaM
Tbe adeuMu ol dalkato. ureus
Ilk eoit aad upper. LetUeoaetoi
oil sad it K ready tor Uc table ehildru OBJ be aecloried aalf’ •>■•
ao IIbIU to lu keaplac. Tbkkwcll
oaead eora aay be asod wiU U« »cert||ri^er eeeu wlUut daa|

- •


■uma UD nRiiinm ti

riPBd of Boat Cuum aak^'uM
tall Hfloa Cataa-a raadeia UbI toe.BM
BawbBtto brlac apJobakad Jalla.'
ba kept all aicbk er la fact bll day. by
pauier It la a pltataar. wuMMax the
pllriwr to may (olda of - aewapaper
aaotoclt iBapUlow or eiBbkB.
Hut to a box
Aadyatt Ukabk wkja. t tblah bk
auB to aeara ehalrwheraU aaa
(Uto'partaat: ta bk rMbar Aarld
alealy -tacked to," Uwre arc alauiat





laBtod, wa Bt ta aolaaa UaU

Tor tta Waak-a Cbaar
-•^^aoA Boratoc wlUs a ulk to





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Round Corner Cards
of ali sizes amanCpforsat
the Herald Job Office.

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P W. WCNAIW. ITTM . Itos^kSM. MteP


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8afld^£n«n)«tniaiieV AV. I.



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Mist I. MM. ssu 4 «*r ihwwA w aarsw ss
sM ccwWAinAsu sslvTMr.. snsli tnmw .ews




Uer 8t«k A S. WOO, St 10 e’BnU

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