Grand Traverse Herald, August 30, 1900

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Grand Traverse Herald, August 30, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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'Grand Traverse Herald

'LMW to me.\ abe aaU.
! Uoeted berk at bis' Tbay sally mem- "teor oad twtmty bUekbMo." mm* or
told satbat toraeaae yean
Um. iiasdlng am their beado. wUh
be baa be
I that I acter loved bis.
MtlUoBaira'a Wiia
that I mu
a him for bb moaey.~ witbon indeaentaablaem>aalloa. It oa)l
-A akk sae'a dellrii
Kdcar curred to bar that obeT tbe admirad
Uy dyfay
antt. laidliBbtiy.
and petted eecleiy beantg, waa oataollr torwat great on detolla (a dtM. that
- ______ . _____ ,________ weallb, bnl '
'^apoke envying tbal plals-bodly-dreneed. ton
to Pnacia DainayBe thaaapantlen had tebriy what* he bSkilrt
ailata littlr girl.
ebna aerUer thaa nnial. Ue waa ii. id i Voo know it wet

Mrm.. TreUwnay yeatb^_g^^ e'gb akin aad laaataoea below it.
tbe prise of Ufa. aada (ortaUefat
"Yon? Wboateyon?*aabadAbaaHr
ba had boes la tbe tall. ai)ro
auror of
I'tbat I did
int upoe her, aod ehajoa’^Tar way
lltor. In bla exlreme aarpriae fettao.
: aot love bis. that 1 w
>d bis wealth . ome. bba hod a loag way lo'drivr; -ag bk maaneiar oad tcratialzliwbBr
ba -whiapered.
plealy of time to follow ont her yranent "With a powet of eool ture la bk am,
"I Bouoay. Marion—'^
tram of ttaouguL andtobeoanahappy edool to for» brows sleua freeU. ’‘Yah
tiDv Of tb
Sba awept fala feeble 1
on nbe pleated.
a.rprked aa^be won. he eonldst help
Md Me tte
aew IlM of
wi[e,.«B0ana siua^^v the window,
Sbe told baroelf that
Dottag tbe abiordity of the amaU
111 fret from the bed. Marian,come to
vpieable llula wretch, a mere uciety young toea framed la tba agiy atyia of
«prhwSt7lM«>r«MleM bow
tbe bedolde and Fmarla Daoiayae.wiib the tbougbi of oar
bDllarily. asd It won no woedar Horace
es wla, wbldwrill be made ap
AdOXTlE'Z' *1X3 XjO.A27.
ua gslDre. 1
tried to gobeo bia 'ml
tired of her. If only Uoroca bod bean
iB Ibe latest Styls. asd at
oao yon tadceeded ~
poor ao that ba and aba eould have’
’Marian." ba
BKb Lew PricM aa will aarpriaa
ad and eirugglad
aimgglad locatbar' IIonly'
one times her own sseext
sscexlar: trsnnfom
ba looked looca
aeidat 'Leogth.
a beao.
one child hod lived bavued baby’
la raay carves
ee of
ol n Vea
tlfol yirl. DOI Bora tbas
Dr Btobt
leugbad aynienUy
Hat that tba coold not bear to
ve Ham
« of a HJaervo.
bavabdeo hiadaucbier loiiaad'ef
werr you tout'.’ i admit
id 'of bit
... II
____ I
: of aras aow. If only all the lott
She gare rmeeicol Ilule Is^k
witr l-ala. with boar; dark ays. aed wbat 1 <
yon and bim in V(rear* conld ba lived Avar again ^w
black hair aliybtly ilUfaaarIrd tbroogh
-I am a young woman Ip eaocuh of
flAPlTAL S100.000
lODe^walchlny. aha Kiood sciHcaa.ii'And now." aba towered', over him
Now it ■
xoB_athiag to live by.
Voo wet* no
c a figure of fata, "yoa aball nado nuddraly
haBdacK-Drtiad. ca.- ay artba
at 915 FrodC Street.
t Up Ntraigbv wiU
SURPLUS to,000
baxy when I came in. 1 didn’t Uka to
latyou did ” Sue ieil taeruall lifted betit’cg be 1. It wo* not too la........... dwtarb yon with laqairteu.’'
IS daaib waa r~ipoios tram
oo a lorreat of wrath
' llnmpb'~ajanlaieJ the city ^dUar.
.n," ha Sid. -I aoidyioK"

thix Digbt
intbatdwacrjenbleiaue dealing ffols
euhed bar hmoda toward bis.
-1 meao that you aboil go uyauim thing of Ul e old l^ing relaliooi >
Plato OIoM. Stow Boiler and Accident Ineorance.
-!« placed bar.paleot «»■ sbdSo which
limy mooey.- ho,
KcoBck and eoatroe that eaven yaara
dba would call for her
theyoaag woman took immodiatoexto or--’- ogo^yoB Itfd tohim.•ow at tba club
Kor. nlnr. it ix aot alwaye
________________ . YOL
that nttekaroa k one of need’a dkOsetOWMT B?MI Md OOM eu.
bj goi
nor deye, whrn eon
dha apprtmebed him and tba alltar
bid prevanud hlu
"I’m aur-. ----------------- UtUe ipIrUnddagger ires Med in bar fiogert. bba
aba oald. cuirealtocly ' 1 lota
ly. "lU* cool the pleoaonlcnt tUng IB
benair wOBderfl wbat would boppea
Ue world 'to feel tne need tm Aolag—
------------a dyto* mae." beaaid.
It dir Kdgar. at be caught tba
Traperoe City, Mich.
mnebja** 'to oak for work.- Her token
JoUuBon Block, riiont- TH
Atunara at lAw,
aod tharc waa aumalhiey curiooK Is bit
■bisiei in bar ay«a. bagaa to tan
faltered oi.,.
uewt ——v m
voiraahllih aUippad bar Iras making porita
She gave the ne_____ .
Ue and of Ua eeDlanea. The Use fire
She Barely -Srtad. • Her
"Aay shock might be fatal to him.
ar eoacbman. end than oat ten,
of bar ayax •eemed abont to be qassehi
upr^jii. hrr ayan Wight, her c
ed la tear*
Wax ebe going to oryf
WarM OmMT BMk Bidf., DSTBOIl
till. -You Batar lotadtDi-,’' ha
dtae remembered the doclort word
What wnc u be dose
D. -Saa. you do not cry.”
and repated ibam
-Joy never klllt
h. they
far tram thr elab
"1 do not cry becania I caBBOl.'
larian. really— la not yoar place now-live 1
by bw badridc-”life wob
iobM have brgni
not know wbat might be Ue praper
^ "Tbe (arw baa beao kept op
- you bean '
She bod nu
Uiac to do ip ench an emergesey.
enoogfa," he reaumad. painfully igoorwill go'"
•at it conld
"Wall." mid hr. n little ugroeloMd you nr
d to tbeir u
■ g her intamiptioa
"U la tf-"
aed Haettaal EbMIbim ol 14
without one. We linv.- them for t.-mpi-ratore, for dairy use, fur
lOBgb that Utboald aeaar I nay y
ar, aye mealing ryr.
ell poll .
woy. oddly caougb.
rtar lotad me."
Rill go.” tbe repeated, euparb _ -- oeemrad
ler after a momrat
■epy onto the daxk before her. flaeleg
UiuDt* purpueoH, niid for lliiTmoUK-terB.
"How long bate you ibooghl ao?"
at latent.
Thera warv
of tfaam that prex- for rvfnga hack to tbe fifU Word bood­
"1 bate ksowD It for acaee yeam.”
Briutt I’rearripliooB and Family
to ua. Wo lill ihom
.JiagUnca Viiailad at length before anUy the carrlnga
blocked and ling Schama.
obliged logorlowly.
r beat her litHa bod Hceonded In torgetUsg mil
rinht. with drujit tliat arc ri*;lit, at pricoa that are riphl.
'•Tbrce soDth. before."
••/ea." he murmared. "I will
0 bar impo’ nboDi Ue young wcouu behind him,
"Aod yalyoD married mt "
.-------... ----------—^1***^.
when her high clear voles broke in op"Yea. bacanae 1 bad plighted my
"it’t tba club ihnl’i c
on bk coaociauaneev tnylug: "Dear
troth, and 1 barer draw boeic • • • tbalilyou
me I've forgouen bow u moke the
TBAVKBbK CITV. HICB. and becaoaa-”
And oa aha watched him leara her white, be o<lded klodly.
mark for ironapaeing.’’
raom, aha replaced the dogger In bar Irighlencd. ma’nm they ve
•lion i bolbari-woi Ueeort reply.
Brcaaae I lore you.
I die loriag hair Some women might bnai
' in band by 1 aw lima
’ we* jaitrippiog acooncUmos'up
1, Mariooi ba run' ol that
I lota nfraid
ebork, and woe alruld some of bk
>. thoogb you Uni to ma .hriera our
Mm Tre-Jawne,
>cy gw
knew that ibair aoula hod
broken bonec.
». and
"Sir. ' wux the ImJ^ut ra^udaTt
•Liwfloyon. Krancia-’
toad tbi
like.” taid
that bara had ........
ebaerfally. a tone crlip u celery and cold ne wall’ pcilieai
•Yea-when you lAld you Icied me.
Dti nt b’
cioaing the door aba "Nolbieg
■am-only froten eberbeL
il*l Ue city editor
Seed ua your addr«« and
. yon lima tbougbi that all toibe
.lied bim I
one gauiiaiuan killed
hninrec. ------1 on •cratcb.Bg, and paid ao sUaa
«a will abow yoe bow
wraith yi'U mama.-) nc: mr. I kept tin- Ycu." ho nntwared
aacp-l wall, uirt I n.n ’'
"Uood-bya." the
we luniUb tbe work aud
"Why did yon kocp!t^ ’ WhT .did
Wr tbe'l Dot Mf roch nlhar ngaia "
wataomplrle. ihii tarvible male repew
teecb T<M> free; you work In tlie loceL
)U not mccuaa uir before.’ Hr bowed nnd dituppabrod.
i- r i- ni ..1
• 1 woa too prouJ, Manao. Hot death
Thro aba teek down in a ebnir. T1
tty where you lire. Send a your
imblni a man
.eUoa won a
•ddreM aod we will extOalo tbe
Nf-w Phono No. HU.
"lib. I'rancia.’ aha cried ooL eo loud
‘Hrt namnyaa”'.
we Euanutee
that both Duriue tnroed at tbe eoand. voice ngmie at loa'
dear prolll of«far every day'a wortL
and thee ahe tank to faor knace by the
ve you near bim ”
■ inLlivuairc fcl; beck ex.'
kbe taid. rraing.
S ml rurpricod to
ataeolutdir aure. Write at ooee.
banalad. a fi
laiut groan in hi» throat, a yon ka<
know wfaora Sir lidgar it?”
a ber dreamlika 1
liter amilc
Jeetlrlt Mr. linmayna a
•thing aac
I bavr l>
i> roae 01 I. Did you waat^lm "
I BBRBBaBliBKBa ■>>>>].»»
loaodbrrarlf on
I'vaucb i:
bock'.’pctolontly. Ink.
Slia w
dimly CO
tba wot aanoyad by h'
•rrey don’t.'
I. tba oald
here were tbe proof-illpa dplyeor'iV'Kd'gar
haring paaerd 00
Sba Vent 1 ptUirt. and ai
•'arowB voice w
led. evrn Ua mark lot Waaopanlag
id't brolbar. and
the I
ml etralned, and
.all o. K'. .Ifiibod net been tor
wfaila baurd phyxlriaii.
ledtlda. Jcei at
... pencil mark* on thane tllpt. he
tbcugh they >io<i uo
moved. When
>ren tbaaa aigbt have imagined the whole affair
lay taw bar. tlii-y
u thinking only Ue sauunding bnllu.-lBsUos of
owardt tba bod
■ray Sba arept l,i
an BBvnaacloutecbouf
iC nervanU' BO over worked city oditorb brats.
dbacloeirl her ryot
"My hu>ban>l ' ' cried, aod kaerl opinion
Uiuld *ue. nfh-r all. have bees s tomsk
fall llial ie.l hrlri
. -f.-ania.lng Inter'
’atta>l band
•I mutt liag nt
your I’lxw - liul DO' Hr bod asm hMTd
lew with the dying
dying mail maani fur
-I. me -*lf*o«l> •
.-thiag ofal'lnlF Witbn whulenenlol UashiinM.UAVANDUNION UTH
hrr Tliair man
rrliu] lifi'. thnngh combanging bmix on hi. or ber hat He eoaelsdnd.
(orubte. noil fall
a Uiraml
K.a, that the waot bsafpsWb ALSO HTUHL HUUbbHULD UUUlib ANII ALL KINDS ul lii’i girliih drt'aiiu
Bioa. ......i'.1. woman who had gsse
’Ilk Ilf’
reaaon waa nuw ulirmi.a
li- had tire 4.
hie hnnil wm damp wit
awsf u a |wl bneuuea he wm SM asfil’
nl her guilty .if an In
Hbe bod 1 riialinl
pari the iIikI.m ti.enily polite to her
And test wan
laar> ikinkey'i Home Juiiroal
euuld call It by
iy tio
ho nib.’r
nllii'f"wnn\ I’d
deal to 1.1% .nmuii.traacrv
Wit where he fall tbe nail •quorelyss tbe
I y...i in.
eoktlma. Hyingt fpvl
Iwi ehr
thr wa> ep
U.|««. '
nil’ ceairv
•Uln«ta ai-f a (i.MUitiil leWr
Iky eflar .lay west by. bnlibedld
waa”. .
Ul >’ >M>” acaiii. and m tba city editor
Imlh I'lmMi-.- I
I kattl'iig I’yl.r. I.ntl’tii.r, i..,lthlr
Ibaii llitamy tloiug h',p kuaw• thu
thr 'irirk
The .Inau.r, lu'luRii.g r»*,tl
> UriMpt arpstoe
arretha.i at thr rt.wr. Inukiag la at the .rallvy aen. It ShSoyed blffi to 6^4
)fi iniiinatnl a drtira fnr ap Irv darkiHirrl riu.m. tl.p knea'lug while 11101X011 poeriBg sBiioiuly isto Ue toM
aonrleay. raapact.
Wbat ar!(><
with .’letpad band, eml
of rvrry yunng wsmea who warsstoff
and lirr bUnndint ttk'miM hid d|t llguie. n
wbat Inlli’tlbia pariuwa ha mu't i
•led ry
appeared^ at oner. ^
In that in<’niantahr lova<l
•imnn tbrbwi.
M*^ad*chhwMl'^lt^^*Uk ^Irt^wuS
morr than rrar—tor hla airenflb
Id lay eeuidf tba eovnrlvl ibai bora noma gasernl rroeaUahM ts
^‘rTb'aTaa b^s buty day. and It wax'
How bad Ibe Drat auaplcliui I
»t/.ta >.ut riuwly hungrily,
roeant and eoul tbrr.’ btbind the
planted In bla mind
Nha could dia
oc If bar own .taring arnrad
Im.- tbe only wkbwi Ibal people lowarti
er no asawer to that ouration. l>___
>uid nai whupar oaiacwbcrr near
her brain oaaUr wnuld. Ikenlc*. wbat
Im to Uk a
only iftcy ware nwnre liow murb baadagrd haou at loxt ami knelt mo
watihe naaet atiawcrihf ir Thaosiv
________ ___ dr-i-lor, walrblng bail
lint wonio aave1 eeee
bees tne
the rassii
foribcr a wbkpar eorcird ihab
ImporUDlfoet waa that lie bad tbooght ordinary tom' And while aba tm
.|nlle forgelling bii ncathlng eondame lonml ber ba conld aot esplais.
her gnlliy, and that Uian’ waa no latcd ail rplgraio on tbit inbjaci
nation ifninomaot before, thought
>ro to himoelt. Iky nfur day gi* eiek
meaoa now ofelcaring baroalf before
ifL coelampt of cartnln rareof-roader oad
lypc writer glri
upanrd her ejet aud looked aruuad
He waa dying, dead, and death la paUaolly for tba whkperaro. n
dK.I. a* the devil enpreeeed IL "to
,________ earning thr Trelaweaya’doMW up ”
Word reaebed tbs offiM
Tliere wot a parlk-olorly iaeligiblc meetlc bnpplnane. -whleh bod reached
She wocld corner nrar Mr*. Tralawyiey-t taug
.cat Ibe wet dowa wJU paeimeela.
aeacr touch it She wonld walk out of retreat—a thraa-vornrred.- low-backad
Someitiing raoir before till, ahrawd,' Kv^body nad aobodyj^ iM^f.
tbat goTgeour abode with nntliiBg
MW ayae which Warred thr R'.clura
• be light, aed
barwidew’a monrniog. back into
tn introaiva before falo) Ha inrnad oxide fjr.a Ue fearfnlly^7-woaderfnlly - made
poverty from which ba bad rained I
■Bomenl nud than woe reaalled by a beadtlnro that got loefcad sp In Ue
Mot TTen to oatr baraclf Iron: alarviBg
form* and came off Ue preen- The
bod reiwWd a poor cuuem •Wirt, low ct?' ’’Horaea' .11. Horoea
eould aba haao tooebad a pcBny of ira
oditar-lB chief gave noUee that ’nheta
Tbe doctor anrang forward end thi
bnndred tbonaand a year,
lojnred mao'* aye* 00a vacant chair" If UkHale
to ;ongtd
Jonged for a child.
of affalra wosa’t opeedily ruisifled.
—____ —
were fixml on the
lokrd (iod
Iod that
tba bod a.
Tban, wlU • heart beaUag wlU n^etalmmering
axdrngri .
woeld have e
illert. Jy of the ttcoiug.
^rnmlun ol mioglM awr. unbelief. glod hope and fear. Ue elly adllo^.
tfcaiug. and i
ay. that tbould WHir
for the Bone;
aerted ts tbe paper UU "od.-'’
and her boy nntband wbntc wfaitporliked the U
glt’tShe bad
h„ navrr
•’fllnra.” *»ld the faintart whkpar in
”Petuasalx-lf tbe yosiv lady la
bori dolurbed Mrr. Trclawney
- —ImI.I
net. who to her hod
hi alwayt been cs>1J..
Uoak bat oad eUk oblrt-wakt who nad
’ you aojoying y.
a. B-cnAMK.Mae.
prond. dittoal. raacnllui
InSirfllealy bear It proof forUe elty editor lathe ofitosef
Thr doctor
tbe boy uarband.
gorV aye* whan Manoo. tba orphan of
”• ontwered the little
spoor conatry oolieiicr. married tba
girl. eoU.atinttieally. "ll'e ail
mllliooaira. who wot old caougb to be 00 pretty and to amotieg to watch:
bar father aba committed a errma. She I've never teen anything no preUy In
wot wall aware of bit auiludr. and the
Mext swmisg. Uerity editor took^
Tbe New’Praof Rei
twohodaearccly lokro ibr trouble to
over hie ehoalder and eew her alulag
"Dali? Ub. dear, so”’ eriad the I
keep up on apnaaraaer of friendtklp
Tbe city editor war orrai
aichipgswsy behind him n* oon tormM -rrJwf
Ie girl. oDcning widr ayes of ana
for dear life, bet
Idli’t k^DP Allboagb token by eurprke. nad tomlent. - t>a, tbara't Lady Lsay lor
■y muJ?go'u>"bi*.a.

WiU UelmllV for copy fram beh
whnt embanroaaed, be leet no time to
sg at lu.-daar. 1 ezpect aha wni
&>tha tbougbUr IB racer ......round
' of Ibona deye when.
10 nia faU
on ogam"
ie bar brmir ud 1.,1 langtl fnn tba
jn. everything
«4 "ball■verything woe
\ MteH.
Tbe,«iy-hurTiad ciT again, pro
r watching.
office Uaa oUb.
Ubcaakrc- ed at once, and tbe eostraet wse aosa
Bd elated, and bk IllUa wife ■
How long tba tiapt tba conld mlling after him from tbe eorni
penm wnx ick. osotber. wsa
eoi attend- elMed; but not nstO be had nnwad
c gaatoed. bet the wnt coa- Irv. Trclawney looked aborply frt
fether. asd a binull Bpea her foraokuef theMlto
lag the fan
teioet of being awakened by the pbytlafurawsu- •be bed. BBODhaeioaely. lad him to
ODC to the othCT. "1 wonder bow
.. .
"*caop 'that would tarn the oth­
Mlowlag toelktose
long ibst elate ol ihlnci
-■•Hr* nomayor. Mr* Damayar-.'hr
er da.ilae green with envy, aed tabjeel cstrctaknllM
------- -------------•be Bcd.tstad cynically.
tair*. in hi. ehorr. ctfrt toot*.
' mo few well B'xulog ybUBg moke you eick" -Ik you eecuaa if
Sbr knew a reruln AUOaDt obont
"Wall,"the oald.dsrwi, lookiaafcp

to editor­ yoe ehaacc to see e mouae?- "Do yes
tbe nffairt of tba Aelkb coapIa-Lody
t bit wrinkled yellow fiea.
ial Moring. . Tbe young womoi
think ii Decaexary to eesrert nil Ue
Lucy bod confided vorioue datr ""Drink ihii.' aod begavr bar a glau>
rtwd the proof, aed varied Ue o
reporter* into 0 trais of xpackl admlrItae conr»a of her apology for
cihbcaady. bba drank 11
lioe by faroadesing her Sun
pr««£ca Uierv' nt all Tbe bay
i'gh:' thaibnd.tcrad
iMta. Ilamayna.’’ ba said. I want
yon to prepare yonmr.T for a tbock.
8be knew be wueexasedlvUsUmlt
kc^ ealm
Joy never kilii.'
et bk Inqnkiurtol datlai deelgaed to
In the eoBt-oc
It will annn U' uprini; and you will 0
baivain if j’oa bntbaad It hatlar. Hr will raeoVar
elly editor himself won ai
determine ber fitnean tor the plaea hM
Thrrr. iher. :
Yen tbnil eoo
____ ,__________JtUe
pertinani Utile"Ilory"
•be fior* henelf humbly, eoavtoe^ pf
don’t bay one of my farma
nf wbtcb tesla ebe
Irta prrtrtiily
to expeoe tbe boodling methoda of tl
Ue eertoiaty of fntoru reiirknli
irioBtai.. Talapboeatot
And tba :.ld ’naa wot gear
He pony Ie the F.IU Word.
STiaetoa on Loor Laku rowd. jn«t back of theuaylnm; aH'di-ar.
"All tblnge pome 'rened to Um wh*
SbecloMud bcT.bondt Otar her fora_____
. . eeruls OMolsted daya wolk’ -oad her When, a jmt after,
ed, with a nice tirrbard, jjool fmau> bouae, nio’ >i|AinR briiok rt
aad ard t.-; tarr'rrmin to thk bew them?.........................
Cor theee expoaltlonn. asd thk woe eae word. Ua edltor-lB-chtof iMrivad as
ii iMtRtk
iMUftk of til,’
farm tbia in
Yi-aWi.. than, wonln IivaSo. WiU hi* coat off and ftie
■Isea ohe .d them.
any one wbo wantp a boo.’near UH’city. Price $I,2UU.
OoBld tba axpiu’o to him bit mittoke?
hair eusding 00 esd. a laporeupina
After the tct*B yfOf*' manul fortnre
’jellU. be woe beeiag right dowa lo ik
HO arrea on cnunly lin.’. am- mile wenf ofrhy iimitn; ftt> bnildinca; which be. onkDowB.tti bar. ' '
wkhing hr bod. Ilka Uriama. a bae
dred band* u> bring to Ue varied ds- er. nad Uk tlmeabedU Ue estwhk
a CKW peach ori'baid nf'lifty Ix’arinR treen; about tifty ap(4e trotw; dared, eould they be aoythini
liee of thr boar, when tba davll come lag. " Dp yen etor CM later at Bight
Umber; aviceptoi’,’ for trail or potato.’a; pond auil; price S'lOO. other again'. WepTd it not b
eat enriouaJy white 1
hit hosdfal of proof slips, and than bMlaeen eirtetJr reqaimr* “Oa
Hcebonically tbe* pnlleA from her _____ that dead asd holf-lorgoltea laid _ B os bicdeik.
SO acira two mtiea from town, one.foartb mile Irum Kmtoeb- hair
w this tllver dogger which the poet fioobed vlridiy before ber.
Thk eemed
to be the Inet xtrsw that
rille brewery: heavy aoil
aoil; all deanid; arnaU bonne; cood apring of alwayt were In her coiScrO. 8be gazed
bock. Oee woe won
broke Ue esmel'e
cold water; priee $400.
•Inly timdiag apeu
the kttcbea flrv?" "Shall yea Ulsk It
I__ ’. -T- _______ ,’
while ohe o<
.so test they followed.
Therity -------------- - ^
SO acres fonr milea west of tbe villaRf of Lake Ann, 90 nerse
Wonld It. ___ be alaiplat'-«sd BOW ihu wse tbe serr•----------graaswL

■ '-Uowrt
up Ue
a wfu Uot wnieb
cleared; email frune booae; amall frsope b^; a scad farm; plvwty of Bight think
whitber be bnd snarly
___ bd been -bOqnnrTel. no <Unieca-«
timber cm tbe place; price $600.
pnU: they bnd elnpiy drifted ewsy Unnd^’.'I
-1 am sorry to be oWlgrtU
-AUof Uew qneetloM. he gau
iraa cseb olber. la tbbee lo yesn of write IL bat that
antktaeUry ratoito. sddimr. u
40 acrea tiro miles north of Lake Ann, 30 aerse dsared: email
married life.. nnul sow they wen "wanl in U«bdw am 1 U do wUh thk. kjMcd ber fIpa sad provasM her fras
frame booee; log bkm; amall orrhard eoml sized tieea; ebsep; $600.
'on have heard the good aowt. eoBBaimtlvely
Nrither proor"
propeuadlug mere. "II UeprsPd kst
Marion. What a relief for yo*r"
d haOc told bow or whe
•■Oive It to mt; 11#U1 read It."_____
MMMrthaC. A w-te. M.a.auH.AB.B.aaBBawl LI
She fixed her dork eyet on him.
TteteaaaClay. Waeratb»>iipii m MMlayarlBb
OB unexpected saewcr'frem bebisd
"OokA in, Bdgor." ohe told qnlMly.
She lookod at the ancomfortal
He obeyed asd tsf dews omilisr. wrser ogoia. asd with bew eye*. 11
The cito editor jnmpel se if e bo«b
icmemnaUfann. Price. $300.
Astberxsmised hktteau semsed io mle IlUla fece wse the hnppUnt is t
a to Us wMU
..i expMed in the rear of him. sad
-- IU—’ hsto iSMa to
aaddcalrtvsedsroosd. What hk
SO ecpeejonr miles weet of Wexford in Qrant; email frame her thst she resd hk loal sad de- oom-tbe oaly eeaUMed esc in eigi
And whes the bn hoehsod csm sa
hoaet; log bem;.;40 aerse gsered. freelrmn at
stwsya wUhs gl^ sad s Mile
' good Umbm. 60 M feat «d
that dtowHak. what s isfilaal leak a



O. R Carver

Merchant Tailor Real




iVO SiOTT/ ss;>...

fnTeneCit7S(diool ol lasic!




Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.


THOa. a. apRAoui

Business Cards.

...'Ll______ _





Fnneral Director


Ai t5











yUftBCS.'iaft'r.'ar- ■

Pical Bdm Cmdncm.







'•■VI,’™.., „









IfOu__Monty to Loan










Finn in* Full Liiili. ill llili. ill pilux Smi inr \m.




Carpet Cleaning Works




W jis^;L*sr,£i3=r’"

p. miNU unnun CO..


jJM —„

^arms for Sale


lit. Ptaaaut, OveM.*Ba^
’ Mnr.Ba7Oltp.Datrolt.Eow.
Arbor. Yolodo u«
patetaEMt and Seats. OloiM
; IK.AE,

T. F. Muter.






sn’.iS.iSti Kfii

Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Line

---- --

Beat Uaeiy in ((ortbeni WcUgan.
#Ml aid aate a^ to OOMOMIM.




twaiyiiaiim. apotibt eg. looo.
AUb. who la eWtlM
b«aa. «haaapBBM at/irwl that U
WM Mia. Baih who'^ faaaa atraek.
bat <oaad that H WM y yaaaa ladp.
____________of the aradllor
waal wbatarar lidaa thaat paid la (ha aad asUtM bir to the bad.
>Bta tba Tielakp had
.aadhIchaatktodeliBoaaT. Tk
of eoBBMoa''bp tba
laa (hat the datdar elaaa It the p<
•Map.CkrMT. TtofMtto- who owe Boatr. aad (hat (ha cradli
la (hi rich to whoa Boaep it
•■Mi «( Am WiM
wayadea. Oa tbit prooBd (her ■
eeaeoa. They feaed Itainm
Wmhtth«U(tMt«( the S^. wUeb deaeor to foBoat hatred aad^lUarac
W||M4Xpm>M B«t tfai* •
r acalox 1^ rich. aBl iaapawtayUtUeMaodfarta y
aeettoUe great toe.
»ttk tb* ON
teanar claw acalotlelaaa and emIra. Haeb bad a narrow coeape
■r. JabiSM Aid set cMsb- That
ploTeafalott aoploTer. To ttlr op
• **«• talk aboai for • fmr. ta
each Jaalootlaa aod hatradl opaat (ha
eoBebeltytao aerardy iejarad
wmltwv *iU • wn«< Mr. .Jkhrau’ road ta aaarehj. and aaareb; leadt (0 ydaoghWr. Bbewae la tbe apper
tba dcatroctloo of corenioieDt
I. maklag op oae el Ue beda.whoD
Bat It It not (roe that the p
islt paaoed direetiy Unagb
tba debtor el OB. aad the rleb the erWlI. Sbe waa Urowa down by Ue
itor clbB. At a Batter of fact (ha eboek. bat eaya yt atae dletloetly
CtMt DtjorlV ol paopla
Uwballolfirapaulogootoiy wio
both elyei. harlag nooer .eoBlar to
. Of UMm airfat
waa looad oecaaaarp to n
Micnda. aad Wo third pap ttootlo toother. 11 It, therafere.
ler part of y (oot Aanday. The
dlffiebU to draw aop bard aod fatt IlM
t(M. Miw Orar. OMOouenber waa ypoUM at Ue bIc
to aafarate the debtora from \he eredl•timr, Mj* that thii
of Ue areb^d ia new looking bet
tort. Bel If there la a creditor ciM la
ter. It u hoped yi It will pot be areol people
that the
esary te sake farther aapatetioo.'
WMi haadad la *wa tha baat la
cted otUe B
•MTiMMet that aha hat baao eallad ItH oot eoBpcaad
aaoate aaawlaa Tbaaaaeaw of the haadle larre aone of
loeanylag oo gyaat en•wlMtiwilalarKaly daa to tha •>- areeoci
bey. (or tbe moetpart. are
•MlaAttMhan- iaaUtaW. <rbkO> «aa
hMd hart Uia Boath. aad vhieb waa
atydad hr aaarlr all of thaaa who
of oaplopB
taah laa an.UaUoa. at wall i
Uererp walkof botli
anajr oUwr waabara of the aaaatypaopla. had ol depcalton io baokt.
Daaih ol Anaar T.'Hatra
capaelaUr deooMtore in aaTlon
A(tbarT.Bateh.haIf brolhar of Jadi
the mao aad woi
■althadUnad &tf>lda.dlad aaddao
doe ood who
wbOB Boarp le
are eo^tlrd. II aopi
WWdr»aM erdara aaltefcJothi^ world le. to the beet aad steat aUble
whaa ha aaddaair threw aphlahaada
Booep that eaa be darieed. A flurto•Bdtantothaloor. He waa faiy to
•L Mary>i botpllal. bat loapiMofall attag Bo»rp.>»rp«oj io ealae frwo
adtarta to aare Ua be died wliblo Iw Use to UBe. le to tbes a ooodeBoaOD of poTtrip aad loea.
^."HawTirMthay of Bar.
A werklBklBaB. no sailor wbal bit
.bar sap be. who ataria lo work oe
Hoodap Bomtog. te a ereditor at night­
ipaalorofth—-----------fall for tbesmooot of hit dapb wsroa.
•MUtrtaadaof tbateBllp etlll i
aad at Ue end of iba weak be U a
Mb Wo who will______________
oaad BoetalOTllMf
ereditor (or ela dap'e pay. Whether a
krjJ^Tto lb« UUUtwIoekod
U thl.talook. '
OSB worka bp ttae.dap. bp tbe weak,
_____ M at Ohorllo bot it too
bp the Booth, or bp the year, ha U al
a go lo Oraad Bapidt at tbe
llaa. Mr. Uotch'i Bother.who wayi a eredller. (or be matt glee bli

!r thto

WBPVaadlaga abort use at
i|oa W beaa talagrapbad for.
Bad nra at
• rVeat FUaUka Prldap daitropod
tha AawiicaB boW. tbrae
MMB.WO. B.AI. dopel. ablaek^Ihabep aad a dwalliag boh**Umw Martad la tba hotel, pcobablp
traB tba ahimaar daa. aadwae rery
4IOaBlt«oebt^wltb tbe fire
taaltattbe rlllace y to work with.
Klaekad to ally aatboagb '
MdMalBiaiii part oftka dtp woald
bo wtBid oat. bot afoeUTe work with
Ibe^aaHaileafteeofthe rUlage aad
br a ha*at brigade
aheA to fiaaMa.aftotbap bad done
laayate ibeaBoaatof
pMtadwbto laaoiraradbp lataraaca
TtoloB OB tha ABtdcaa houl k
•hMUSUBfi. Tba loaoa Iht black.
ylthM•^wbtowaa owaadbpJoba
toapto. M abeai fiMi. Be Bred
pBtadbb laola. TbedweUlat boaie
fibatwB barMiwaa owaedbp WUBmbSoC.
bgBdwvd B
B.B. B^nk
ttWfibay. b

aeles finl.
Bat above all It la the larloga haok
depoaltor who la (be chief of erediloia.
and who la laying by bU nwoey to -a
l•laydap'‘Bfaoflld. wbeo be eoms
draw it oov'bare Jett at good aoo
paid at be dopoeited. Tuttacaecredliore
wts are earing day byldaytbair harda wans and aalariea. Hryaalem
aad ic to I woold be dittaler. niio, and

lady. Tbealbtr wan adslrahly plaaoed by Ms Peck had y eytlea
twMlypreMt aad Ue teealag waa
devoted U ebaradee aad gaaaa. ~
el aywbaiytee ercaB.

Tba AM Sodaty of y OaagragaUoaal ehareh will hava a picaic al Ms J.
E. Oreuiek-e Thosday
Bbbb wUl iBte at t o'clock
Ms JohMoe-e. yta atreat. aod Mbe
Andaraee’a. SevaoU atraet.. All Ue ladiB of y eboreb are eordlally invito
to attend.

Bi-Mayor Frmek Haaiiy y reuraed (ros Ue seeUng lo y latersu
of good ray held
Baglnaw. Tbe meeting wae a aneecB
lo every partleolar. tbe atleidaoce be­
ing large. al> Ulega eoneldered. aod a
great deal of a ptacUeal aatora waa
preaento yt will yr fralt la better
roade all over Ue aUtr.

VndK TMUraad MarkB-KisWIM ObMa^an apaMlag a tor
iVb fit tBrb PlMh
aMiipflM* laCarpUkt ysurday.

ed ble Uorongb eympaUy wlU Ue
Boveseot. and voiced Ue hope


itoeblly orgaaiy here,
fiempto of y lloMitoae (<
•om y Hrarer Ulaode were aabmlltad to Uerxperutboreby Mr. HemllWd to tee wbelbor it weald make good
BioBdamUiag maWrial. Tbe'general
iBprsalee waa that It U y aeft. bet
ipto were kept by y oiperU (or
tbeae plaaea erere la the elly. to leave
wlU y local delegation, while y
rmmltywM ayloM to prooUera same thtnagh oa tbe train, aad ride for a
were )riy by MePberaoc peat
It wai aapatto Uat UmU
•v^aeoaty iBlbeaUle. Tm i
WbIppkwoal/goaaagaBt ol bo*r meat'bae baaa MArto aad a great Imof MePbenoB Poat; bat It wae
' seat lo Ue read# all »ve

ma WMlfi EMb fiat Will r>. OPMp.

Mia. B. B. Hallead daagbtar retara-

SalfiO-Qatfilaa aad Balpb BUalaiHiM Braaay. III., aad Praak H.
•pmafia aad iaslly of WhaM, Ilk,
aappad at tbe Park Plaee yaetordap oe
tbarwayte the rson al Osaaa.
Mr*. B. Klafeall aad Hta Biltb M.
dahaUbaearetanipd (raathpaortb.
an paM to Uotr beau la Toledo.
Iba. AthtoBi aad Mecae B. Aeba
•(BaAltaod Falk. Hlaa.. atoppad at
Iba tWk nanystcrday ia Uutr way

OwrlB Dlptey. Koaroa Morde, M. Ii.
MorgM. John lUhloMar. H. A. Uafwortby. Tliotoai Fileh. Heary Headerm. U. N Sa^kell, M. If Wlltoa,
Praak Winery. Wnikm Core. €. Pow.
to, T. D. CombA I. K. Olylaad,
toorge KlUbu. B. P. Mewboy. /. C.
Palrbaoke. Ueory Dobni. WUIlam An
gaaUae. J. L- Harray. fir., Uaerge
Oobm. b. E. (Iraaoong 1 aad Philip
Dohn.ail sembart of M<
M. W. Uarrlogy, 0 - d
Prank B. Obauay. D. Helmagbllo aad
A fi. Prltiof M^y Pont. Maple Cllyi
N. Urray of Qeorge klarUo Poet,
BaatporttU. M. F«m of PowtoPoat.
rife Lake; Willy Dalicll of Norrk-

PytbUai to OatroU.

Ughralag'e Tonible Work
Hke Louie MeeS''waa etracb to
llghulagTbaraday Boralag aboat 7
o'cleU al Ue borne of bbr paraaH. Mr.
aad Hia.JabaK. By of »6 S
ntreel, and yt y wae not IneMtly
1(lUeA\aemealfluat a miracle. AiJtk
aha y bad part of y left foot ampoUto, aad y aapaUUon of sorb of
It ouytbe neeearary.
HImHy y Mopped to Ue back
ttMtotaad ‘-E. of P. Oe. Ho. K. Trardoor dorlag Ue heavy rala to arrange
a board by which y rala water (ram
y roof wae raa Into abarral, aad bad
Jail etepped yk late Ue boaae when
Ue boltetrack Ue mala chimney of Ue
Aaeag tboee who wnt fros this
' ptoB wan Mayor PrUdrtob, Will Arto
UrawlDg briy oa Uree eldee of the
WDtocd ChyboH.WalMr OiaUlek. A
boaee- Iteaeato to ye down Ue Wk
t. MeMaoB, PbU Kberaur. J. W.
roof aod Uaalde el Ue bdtldlog.aad
■».y. M. efipoddlag, E. B. MeOoy.
atraek Mka Hy ae y aUod to aa
re. HaaBaao. B C. Oospy^toear
iBeUBijoat laelde Uedoor.
IhMM. Jad OaBatoB. John -^bert.
Tbetboek vraa terrible, aad |
J.M.aadaC lagrl(.A.W. Bar-

whore y slKtrle field left y faedy.
^ngTeatoal damage waidoae. Thk
terribly tera. Ue iitUe toe
being eoaplelely ehak
ehalurad. and tbe
(toh.toerated from Ui
y laetop
toeetoly j^, gml
1 ialmoet -all y
Ay ton from y bottom of tb* ty
Tbe llgbtalag toe a bole ayi Uree
taebca loag and two toebb wlda la y
,y aotoadporwr Aoor Wbeve It pawed eat ol Ue My.
Tba^efyahea wm UraCT.Md
y reel Ofli yi, barfiod by y



lleytrAde MoatagM.
Pbe dlalng room wm olfiberaWly
white aod grata. The
lUI aad bay window belag toaked
vrilh (eraa, aad the wlndewt fBt
WlU long apraye of featbery bloBom•dekmnik. A baaaUfal cealorpleed


»IO-'-Bob aad OL-Aalboref -Uddle.-

ir§ea mad

mStolaiey m
wrtia for m book oho baa

oity who Haifa mada oarefol kivooilffaaoo, and who
vnHfy mil of Mrs. Kokkondo Btotmmomto mod
New Cuy Library Book*.
S«« -Hiea Calry'a Advenurce. U
*«T—"Cleared lor -Actloo." W
-"Navy Klne" W.

II. Altoo.
•The MoUble Mnoy” Boberl

*t»—"nie Strong Arm " Boberl Hnrr
tlJl-c-"Tekln" Ilobert Hnrr
fttf—"FlonUnc Light oir tbe Good
Wla finade - E. H Ballnntyoe
SUJ—•Toe I/og of n Sen Waif Frank
tl]4_"nvrrton Talea" Alice Brown
M«- -Prloee Cbarla.' Hangl.U-r"
M. Braes.
IMA-'-Tbc Ue tVllloagbby dalm"
F. U. KaraeU.
Wbeo KnigiiVbood vras in
Flower' Edwie Qaakodeo
s«v-"ArdaU” Corda
"Black Bock' lUleh Connor.
snn-"Tbe Oaavort Jowde"
:««1—"Via Cnda' >' H Crawlord
SUS— Aetlve Serriac"
SHJ - 'A Little Kniglil of l.tbar ' S

vriU y net of y boacA.
MlsCaUeriae Oeuee y rotary
from avkU tc fiaatoo Harbor ySL

MsaOoeaUaaad ekiUmwarwia
ymty ystordayfrasUMr Msplal
Em. nad Mra Howard MoBaj«iB^-

lliveinA-HriwllB -to*- <’•—

oae prreeat vrera Ue Mtoea Oertrode Heeugae.
Hoorer of
EaaaaaCIty. Hr.. Mka Mergno. -MiB
Grace' Horgaa, Hla Baraam. Mka
Annette BaraaB. MkaCtoraBatea aad
Mka l-ooBd.

Llghtotog FVeaka
Llghtleg made matten more later
eeUogyn pleacaat Theraday i
lagabont e o'clock, at tbe bo.
Praak Smith on SIxU etreel. doing
aeme damage to Ue bonding bat foitanatdy Injanex no one awlooely. Mr.
and Mrt SmIU were away from Ue
elty aad Ue rst of Ue family w
alcme la Ue baildlag at y lime
boltetraek. Tbe IlgbULeg atraek Ue
eblmoex.' Sta>. then pased down,
kaocktng Ue yea In Ue grate
y fieor, toarieg a piece off Ue maaWl

Alvery pretty parly wMglvea Mooday
•vealag by Him noraaoe BcoeaUM. la diolng room w
Hwa feaoeue fiatIU. wbowaAMtUag
hoaorofMImOcrtrada Meatagae aad
oader oae of Ue rleetrie' ligbu. wae
Mr. Hoover. The party sal at. Ua
abcekedl^y bolL balmMoot
> uy braeh la Iraat'of loaely Irjarad. KeaerU SmIU
Mloep aad wm
kaoeked clear
y We-qoe-1
Ue bed by Ue atroke, bot wm not InUIrty were premml.

It'f edd ^


Mka Loey Gaadow wrat to lay. ^
Mis Kate ReWer who y bemi
>ey yutovday.
for tome Use. wm able to go to her
Hra. WilllaB HlUra waat to Oarfi'
borne io settooa Hey ystorday.
yeatorday (or avkltwIU ralatlvs Mr. .
Mita Etta 0 Nt«l hM rataraed
Hiller aeoompaated ber .M y w .
e eialt u-Cbdlllec.
rrel. baegi
. ^
MIb Fieggan wbo W been vk
G Howard wnat to Grajva yaUav ' ■
Mra. Geo. Amiotte. rataraed lo Hoe.
W. N. Kelley weal to Cq^ar oa
ble wife mba k vkUtog
"Vegoo yeatorday
Miaa Mary Ueoter. who y
1. Myru.PeekbBB Bogere
yralerday for Jhingo. after vkiUag Vititiogln Speoeor. baa reuraed.
brrvkter. Met. tV. Carey Holl
Ida Piebard paaeed Uroagh Uc
-oiti tor t. H. flaellmaotol, serebaat
l.ucile and Harry BaaudeU of MeaV eity yeeterday oo her way to Lelaad taUor. U# arrived le Ue elly,yealra •
■tee. are vmlUog Mri. J. V. .Uclotceb. attor vkiUog In Emi Jordan
day. '
TbeMlBeaGoBie and Lou Kradhag.
Ms Leoe Obrr.-xt of Uadillme. It Ue
Hob. Frae-k Hamily left yeatorday.
gocit of Ue family o? II W. Coeoleg- en of WMblogtoo etreoL Irft yrairrday oo e braleem trip to New Verb.
for Detroit.
Dr. Fraok nameey of Baptd City .waa
. Mra. J. B. Toeker of u.argo.
■a tbe city yntorday.
I. Jeoet M llalraorGraod Btpklt.
C. K Bamaey ol y Cealral LUa
arrired lent rvraing (or a vltit ^th Mra. Hloore-e ypltol for trealmeoL
Him Frane Gage went & Gracf Torch, WM is tlie city yealeeday.
Uefaiuily of her brother. Tbqa T.
BMlda ttata morolaf.
W. J Irwin waa ie Ue city (ram BU
Mr aad Ms Frank Trade hmee rc Eapida yeeterday
loraed from a vail to Big Baplda.
Davidfileberof Soitora Hay. WM al
Miaa Kate Bogle ol Ann Arbor, la Ul y Columbia yeatorday
C U Hall.
J. G- Haley of Haukue. vtm la y
Hra. McCormiek of limedtie. arrived gaeat of M .at Marian BobMle.
Tracy GilUaaad Sam Adame ai
yralcrde}- to lake a pmilioe'Moparator
le Uc Wctlcrn 1 uUm tolegspb oflire. peey to arrive In Ue city Uk morn
igoo y Charlevoix, loryIn Cora GiHoway of Grand Itopids.
irr vaeatioa.
hat relnrned borne attor a vitlt with
visiting her father. Hoa. I*errry HaaHr. and Mra. I’, ydelmae an
r. A- Sxe'.cbcr.
Clare.. V V.mrbraa of Grand tri-laininr Mr. and Hni Iteekrr
George Imyd weot lo Ohlcago Soaday
Uapida. I> viaitiag Ue M.ate* Crraay (nmliy. Mra Sbaplra and Mrv i
on y Charlevoix. Ue will apend Uc
mood, all of Cbicagc.
of-SooU Helen atraet
wietor In llliook.
ace EldraJ left yralerday lo
Abet T. I'ageor Grand Bapidt U at
George R Harker of y Dally Eegla
the I'ark I'lier
k speodlog a few daya at I'etoakay.
r in y aanoal traioiog acboo
1. HodgMof Fife Lake, waa at Ur
I'raf. C. B. Dockvay k oatortolalag
Uere. Sbe k a Wacher of came
W.iiiiog yeatorday.
fak braUer. A. A. Dockesy of Ucaad
F g;ii ol Glll> 1‘ier. waa in Ue ieoce. but expeek to climb maeb high Rapid.
brie Ueprafeaioo.
y yralerday
Hknca Gaaaie aad
,H. Devorak of Cbtrago. k vlciUei
II.V. Divk :
> Lelaod ooboaiof WMbingUB ■
W. Sledee aod olberfrieoda lo y city
(rieada la DeMlt.
■ill S- Aoderaon left yeeterday for
FrMlI l-ralt aod Tom Shane drove
GapL K R Cbaae went to y G- A.
VernoD, Ohio, in rrapoaee to a tel.
toSof-ona iUy yraterday.
K. encampment al Cbleage yeatorday.
egss aoDOOOclSg the dralb of hla
Ben Ijrllioger of Maple City, waa I
Hra C K tVilaoc
ancle, rbomaa S. the age
Uc riiy ystoiAiy.
returned b
itev George Metcalf of llaacrotL
laitiog bit ancle. Georgfv Hiller' of Samnel Aadereoe Tbe fancral will
Kluiwooil aeenue.
Cbarlee Koenig and l-erry
Mka Alma UvlaU. wbu gsdaay apeat yeeterday fiUtagooyp Imke.
I'rank Gauom of lotorlocbea. k 111
at Ue hoBie of nk tvarenla io ibic eity. (ram Ur High acboot here iMiaprlag.
Mr. and Hrv Gey Sebovllle ata oali.ibart retornisl yealerday from bM rrltira«d totbebomeof her braU- torleleiag Him Aeaa Seyille of
plltndiiii: Uic .Stilora' and Soliliert' or. H. C Griatl. afy apeodlag the tlrand Rapid..
enmmeeat l-eykey.
reunion ai Hig Uapida.
TraeyGdlaaad Cberl.a llele weal
John F. Git reuraed yeatorday from
Hr. apd !■Mi>. K J Folghum are onto iDtorloelien yratordey to eee Willk
boainew trip to UeBMt.
•a. l: A Ballard. Hra.
Leon F. Titui bM gone to Fetoakcy
II. Robiiituc mill daagbtrr May. allot
to apend Ue day.


of maiden hnir
m !>>•
aad at «a«b pinu w^ wblu wax
eaadto la pal* gnwa a^ while erapa
Tbe aoBvaaln a
plaue ware a "yard of blae prink,"
eempraail of daintily moBoy phetographaof y bride-to-be la rarlona
poaca. Ukaa lor Ua oeraaloa by i
yelab mambas

l-.-UTWub. nilh

in Vinter.

be city aeboa
B her home I


Tu%.r:stii vrkTK^i“T.‘bT


tAfcinc ScotVd Emtibifio be- 4
c*«c IVt «at« Bcalbcr. \
Keep laktof It tmtf room


I' K Hvi .illom will laave today for a
C. H. iteera.aad aoo Juliua bare gone
Urci-wrekV vitii ie D.'lroit aod oUer to DryIt and Toledo.
Jtii- 'yoting April 'K «k.-.llr.
poInU in ^.-uUrrn end raauro Michi
Hr and Mra. Ara Hale are catortalo«4ls-'"nieLegloonrl» "U. s V'»'k
ing Ibelr daughter. Hra K A.-Wright
rttr. -Hno ioUr IrobMwk Ustnea
of Cbleage.
SMT -Soldiere of Forlenc' B II
I Harriegtoo of Eaai Jordan,
joined hk broUer.-N. W. Ilarrlngtoe
»l“ A. tijonn Hoyle.
of fioloo. 00 Ue train here iMt eveniug
Ilmrj i’tedrihn" C I.'
'c-naut.agofC. K.Deaamore. and they weot u«eUer to Ue G .
lama. A- H Norloo aod U II
5IKI •• " Tbe Ilucbeae. ,
are le y city
William Uabbeler of Lake Aao.
(or each plyprea, aad tbe dye will
tlM-"Mr. lioulryla Fy.nart War'
In Ue city yratordey. '
follow la (be hall.
"Mr. Itolrf lo U» llrari-.of
Jaiou llahnrnWrg o' Soiwoe Hay.
J. S llodgra of Fife Ukn. .wMat Ue
lik (toatrymee."
.aa at U- I'-dutnbia ycaUfday.
WblUeg yralerday.
Mr. aod Hrv. V li. Campbell rctnraed
Kingdom to iv.iOi.y
tVa u-r:i Trumbul' ul old Mkaloo.
Hra. Wm. Wiotora and (.daeghter
'riday from Klageley where Ibey
waa at the Park I'tace ystorday.
Mary Of Rockford. m..won> lo Ue city
'toPlyda earprke party on Mi
'Mr- tv. <' 'Se.ainoIi,eland. wm la yratordey elelling Ue family ol S K
Mri. H. McCarty, on y oceany of
• if yralerday.
Walt, wbo la an node of Ms Wlotos
yirimb wedding aaolveraary. iittr
II l-ork waa ill y eity yeatorday They, wrat to Nr-ab-to-waato where
ion g«MU were praeent. nnd n beanlifrom Njrtiip.i'l on bualoraa.
they will apend a few weeka
(oI dioorr eetof chinnwat leftne
I I' T.radWay.- formerly civk
Fred lledblomaod wife and Carl Kobe
mesreto of Ue oecney The eveplog
Nraii te waota tintol. ia in tbe of F.vaotton. III., an- vlaitleg Mra.
win long bereymbered wlU fdnaenra
Adeoae.aaletor of Hr fiedbloa
by nil praerel.
: A Avrr aad wile ul Ulas Arbor.
K. Hoegdey retoroeil ImI evbolog
, in thr c.t»
from a vtail to tba factory of the Gale
A very pretty party waa given yeattm—Hilda Niratford' llarradeo
for wliom
Friday aftaroooo by •Hke Wllbvlmlaa
Nrel. ta-wenU wm at Ue I'arb i'raeo. be tiagroerel egnel in Uia etato
■baoc. Foerleee of bar frtaade were
fWil - Tbe Heetor CbU " If ll Jarkreeu-iday
MluHary Mootgomery la eerionaly
preaeet, aod a time wea ipeat ia play ea
lllaf typbuld freer at ber home oe
lag gamaa aad bavlag^n jolly good
-iMoad ThotwhU" J K fee.
Kiinwood avreea.
•Ito wliUih dalply refraaboMik
Ms A. J. Helm <o( SovmiU etrerl, k
Mrved Tbaaa preaeet ware y M
IHH -Toltoveaadtoiiuia'' iohoa.
Im Forge-I K.k Itip'da. wve^
ilrruiolbg Ms ll«iir)r Ce'me of Gtto
KlUla Wel.b. Kvn Wdeto. Mabel HeOB.
rato yeatorday
wa. III., and Mra ElaU fktra trf ilMtMkbael. Baby nhitoo. Ima Pnnnlaia.
ttoi -Aa Heagarka Nabob ' fnkol
tV.U, Heiauiii.f I.-land WM
Kdoa liolwae. (^.11 Kirby. Martoe aad
-••dowed by y triod.' Kellogg.
r.iy yraterday
HcBla lUydn, t;iirn lleile. Era Ekb
-••Barylog y Halrbal." Kel
Mra II Teller bM grm* to jilb b<r
•rd, Ion Hnrry, and Lottie and WIIijbaUnd III ir-inwKvI. wbo k ratimalWued
lug aaT>tqating lor I
A very plcnenot little parly------Dian « ... lo Dig^upper pi fibfinn._____

Don’t Stop

Uweir oil fluid

Mra. Ikpl A>i Jot
0"Tbe Itpark of
of HkaLaellaKIrto Tbeae.
WM her t
1— --Wolf Sno." Kellogr
Ikloly rel-----------------------------------------------J Ueyeoldt. oopol Ur mjcmbes
which a anap yi of Ue entl-e party
2 ..-|•,Moopm ol Ue tka."
of Mcl'bcrauo I’rat. <V A U.. will
WM token Tbie wm lollowed by a Kiogaley.
Ihia morn-ng (i>r a brief vkltal bia old
ddlghlfel raaeert. which WMgrMtIy
SI71--A Eavelalloaary Love Stor]
borne le' Kalamiiod before attoodlog
**Th» followiog wave prea
>r eneampmeet in Cbieago..
toaa Imnlle. Hellle L die. EdPB
Mra. f L. i-ibto-a membef of t^
aa Holms.
ittpty baard'cifMhral-j-xamlpen. wm
ill^n. Pearl ‘
Eleoore Bcbol
■le Beydeo.
tCf—'TonrofTbem.' LC Mooltoo.
prepared by U* obeb
S4TT—"A fioKUeroLFondop." Meade.
Lotlle^aoe~ Mato
vlItoaBd Boy Uaboafewd and diUa wboeoapoByelnb waa m (eltowe Kirby, ion Harry.
MT»—"A nr. ol tbeold School." Iia

A torn BBaberef tbd loatl PyUiaaa
toft HoaAay ea the eariy bo
teata ts tbe Pare Marnotto. to tba
WatPytbyaaaspBtatat Uetrtrit.
TM sir-iin a tbe Ooilono Baak
wera to tba Boat part lo fall aollorB.
vHb tbe eieeptlon of Ue baadg
Thay^ ««re white daek bate.
ThatoWwaedrapad aloagtbe

IMb d. W. aiHa. a. W. Lardia. Dr. A
B. BaUlday. Dr. W. B.
EM. E. P. EUoa Chpl d. V. MeUtoh

Friday flaw Ue braaklagop of Ua
Fratornal Mvatic Ciiclt camp at Baat
Hay. where Ue membera ol tbewder
have aecB eaeba dellgblfnl lime (or
amber of daya paat.
Tboradayevealag aboot to (ram Ue
eity drove oot to help apead y laet
evrologof Ue eaeampoient aa plea
ly aa pcafible. A dellgblfal eon
marabmeiJow raait waa ladnlged le.
.Boeemeeu of varioae kiade farnlehed by Uc eampera Tbe program
of CBlerul’eiBeBi warn opened w
band aoleetioe by C. J. Bbaer aad
Tbomaa- Geoy. Another aoUble
fealorc wai Ue vioUe playing of Mr.
A large onmber of Ue vkltoreyyed
toeepper. vlhieb waa alao greatly
joyed, llie eoGra eveniag waeaa

praveouot might
pregrem rapidly, and yt Ue very
yt eyttem of road bonding might be
adopted. Hr oangraulaud fiagioaw
:yblliiy of Ue plaa Uat
city had adopted
otga’-lratloD wae efe Base of Ue Mkblgao (ly Baade aod Improvement AeeoeUtloo. Tbe reaolutioaa preeoolrd
by tbe committee, of which Hr. IlamilOld Soldwn la Chleago
iber. ood adopted by Ue
Tbe Beslm of MePbcraoe Poet aad acdoeklkm pledged Ue efforli of Ue
A large onmber were preeeol at -y
ether veUraav Of y (i. A K. loft fiat i aBoektlon to the wsarlogof nelloael
dance at Ue We-qae-yg dob k
and aUU Uwe Uat will Impru-e Ue Friday evcelog. Ue. aeeood of
raadeoiy elate aod yeotlreeooa- terlB of dob daaw. Tbe moeic
Moatey. Tb
forotabed by Prof. Horalk orcbeotra,
trqacite aod w
*^arlln Dodge aod Ookmel Uarrkoo.
waa very fine. Aboat 7U ooapiri
wbe bad charge ol Ue road balldiog
preaeat. TBe oeeaaioD w
eoaebereie Ue verypleaaaot oar.
belong to MePhartea Peat ol Uk city.
Tbeee partis will he mUnned each
Tbeae wan oader Ue eesmand
Friday evealag.
For UU Friday
Pitch, ioDtor Vtoa 0,
tCobaaf. from Ue fiagi;
evening ply have been made (or
y Poet, W. M. fimlU, UeeoB
. bot Hr. Bamllua bm Urir
maoder. aad P. D. Marvin. Ue nealor promke yi yy will cose here later
Bommaadcr. being aaable to aP and bold a almllar Banting nadn- Ue
00 y beaea. which le a typical ply

AfMirltoaCWaMbaA lad. pMatd
fiWigfi tbe dip yeetofdv «i Udr
wggfifi iWWMg Pfitai. Tbt party tMt b« WMid apt be able to ataad tbe
PHEMfilfif l(N.iabaB.araBp. Mfa. trip
OWblOMfiM. Mia MatUaOniap, Mil
fiooial Ereate.
& B. Wtdga of OoUabiu. lad..
gMMittmfb tbe MiyyatarfiarM
y aldwt metobtoarafiy wuplm by the ■'Biddy Olair Prlday
Mi waf M MMd Ibfi agaaer M ObfiT' pM la y llolM biatoe.
WMl froB Uk rlly wy

a< yaiMUd froa tba raort at old
rMiiiri'-'-"-------------- ------------ tu.

A deligbtfol pleale wu dojeyed by a
aamber ol (amUlea oa Thmaday at;
■■Ueplevllle." tbe pratty borne ol Cfaaa.
Tbomse oa Ue bay abort le Leelaoan
eoeaty, 'Aioee preaesl were B. Crala
y (aally. Mr. y Ms Chu. Oole.
CharlBPelL wifeud dnagbur. Mre.
Briltoa aad family gad Chaa.
Tboaue y lamlly. Dlaeer-araeaervdd
la Ua maple grave, aad a feaat of good
Uinge It proved to be. bcgtaaiag wiU
all blade el eabeuatlaU y cadlag
WlU ice cream. Tbe day wae aoeb a
tnloaeyi yfarmeca' plenk"

A nIU aad a ball o
sd wee boUt Jail a<
aod Hra. Oeorge Payo
daaghtor Nina. Mmes Kloa HoUUwork wae done aader U
Hartla Dodge, director of Ue pablic worU aod BuU Taora and O
Thorn have br>en camping oo the
irtBofUe agrioQllaral
loaula ttae paat week.
balldar la y employ of Uc gov or
meou' Tbe vrork wae done la t!
very beat sanoer pcetibie.
A lelicr wae rreelved by y eba
Ban of Ue eooreaiiOB from Col. A. T.
BHm. Bepobllcao caodidate to gov
io Ueetata. In which beerpraes-


Miition EzBSP

The ChriaUaB Eadaavor aeeioty of
y Friaede Uaieb aajeyad a vary
pleaaaatbay ride aad oorarytHoaday aylag.Abaat toot ihoBdi
tbe (arm of Alva Welbera. waat
Sty. wbare a fiaetUae waaladalgad to.

Edward Oeff aad

mm. WnUaB WlBtar aad Mis Mary
matoanat tbe Ps* Plane oalbetr


St7»--'Kate Oaroegle." laa McLar


Tlii-llii..-»i Ikuii aniUi.iowi rnoala


milil anil lU tii-ulc flat-.iT.

.ifi;Hi.ii'.| l>y file Unitcil SUD'a

Jacob Furtfich
I'Vank Hrobch
John I-liglilatuI
Swift Add CompAtif


Wcjcarrji-a fine line of caoned meatH and fish and a
larjrc variety o.f table delicacicK and rclishcfi. fancy craeken and caken. Ki*erytlrinft<>cce»:at-y for a quick and de­
licious lunch.: -

O*. -T. BI?33ZII>r.A.’S,
Bred. Block.

JMO—"lM>aah(oraTbrqBe.' Marefc-

-Im null- liy Uic

I.>ll->wii4; Ttaii-^- (.'ll)'ikalcra:

848 FroBt BuoM.

EJrosch's Meat Market'

Stfl-"yo«Bg,MkUey.- Mrarimae.


Choicest Meats, Poultry and Santa.
•iW-"Boyaol 'M.- Jams Oiky«*o—•■Tal^raph Toma Vcowr^'

and Smok«d Meats, Sausages Etc.


Clara Fartara. T. K.
sts!—Battle q( y fitraeg.- OUbert
»fit--“Cbildrcao(y Hkt.' nilll

MImHootogacaad Hr. Hoover. wlU
Thetamr abaft did coaelderable dam­
MiB Virglok Fkb. were seertod to
age to y metal eave traeghe oa y
MK--'A Teaacy Jadfc," Opie
--------------- — they
boaae of Hr. Votraba. who Uvea
M ywar. after which y pi
door to Ue SmiU raaldeaee.
MSS-"ThoTvro (kp»y.- Eraaeli.'
ty enjoyed a a
*as6-'Tbe_^OpBB Woaattoa " E- EobDorlag y etorm Prlday eveatog
^dg.bmfire aaerueBanbarailewa
HgfataiBg ilniek an oak tree la y
weid dkpoead of. a wato salon feael yard of Chaa Vaaderllp of Keet Front
M»T-"Ika Hkbaol." B. fieiekewWBB Indalged la. The party tbea re­ etreet. Tbe bolt tore Ue trank into
paired to y hall of y clab boas, allTera aod plees of y fe
taps—"WIU P'ira aad fiwavd." B
foaod twenty feel away
where a «ry pleaeaM .Aasm wm b>- a fence poet a abort dkyee (ram y
fiykawiea. .
24K-"Ooy Fbea of y Watera."
AhaJOt daace. y party fatoraad ^r!a^'^ds Vaaderllp were ta y
SlAl '

• • where klmbeoAt Ue Use. wbea Ue
bolt pony Uraegb gtvlag
tvlag Umoe
*500—"Lcttk BaBCB." Samadi
eboU. Poreeveralmlnat
- aeiyraf
S**l-"4eaaka-a nrat Prayar."



fiSM—Warkaof «s 81

kal DiacoTcry eoiea eoogbi when aS
T tnediiHas ULbecaam it b aecc
. »a coogh omdidDe. Tbe congh k
bot a tnaptovn. •Dkcovwy' aak
new and
pore blood, bcala y keetatuIkraea. and giver Ue body y aeedol
etran^ to throw c0 dkoee. It corra
y ooogb bv coring y rarar of y
Goq^ There la ao akobol. adyr
ogl^ coe^^ nor Clbcr oarratk in

«cijwa|artime«<tBed.-wn>»*l». J. M Pan.

Dr. Fima'a Hadkat Adekm. b
coma, fnx t£ tecoju of u cbl ..


riSYiES TO ANNOUNCE that he is back in his
VV store, at-J17 Front street, which has been re­
paired since the fire, an'd will be pleased to mwt bis' friends, old aad new. '

Watches and Jewelry on Haa<L
Some rare barcains. r^liioE from the fire. Lai^e
tine of Sewing Marines and Machine Supplies. Call
and look over the stotJe.'

gRARD TRAinMaaHBBat.i»,' APWiBr ip. isoe
J BKlth. Woodwud utd FbIm fa»re
airtfcd bm tra> Mi>. vblcib dijr various rventa ol
'-"- th<7>ft #re d«n MO by bod. Ibe
* aMd^MitolSlMhd
•!»«»«• e> tho qMK''<
Mtfaw tto •».«D bodi tar
«M ywiw «< «M4i>ut the eliy
«Mir ««k« qrwi—, eolM eat a Tety
U^t Tote Vritay. a* It era* a («othat the
vaaU OBRy. Had tbne bet
«aaM abeal It. the rote wool
bM« a heavy cm. Ae it «ae then
aw bat m TOtni «aet.» tavcvtair the
bead IMM aad H oppoetxd It.
Hxae who were watehiac the eleo-.
tioa wen eertaia at the anwo
von. for aad acataet the iwopcaliion.
■ Olty Ohrt Blckenlmade hie eetlaath) ae W tar the bonde apd U
amiaoL Vtwv the ballot wee coa
ad. it wae foaod that then wen
for aad W a«aieet the taopoeitlon.
Ihe aMortdtIa" ot the boade aad

«0dkl«iM7 dn~«nB>> i* I>*I>>^
*0 »«>“*>» “ »t«B«l»
bfids. Orant Harrisem of Oharievoix
swmd. T bkids. divided. Perry.Curtis.
01 niOK
' .

* "

Jordan; third, « birds, .lividryer and Doannad of Traverse
teed, AoM and Chalcmpka of
________otx. Sweet tfEcwt Jordan au.l

Uuy have raachaff tha ara e< ata ysan.
ataw trf tea eUU Ufhor- Ameai
aat ^ nan as tha ori
Mte. B. &. SmsMua <rf Chk
Uarfl an aovnal of the Borten atatas who hae beea tWUm
that Itad iBcdacaUoaal mattara.lflna Hm* Brown «R lOXS B. p„Bl al
ly baUevs IhstHleblRaa woalddo more
terherebildrralf sheloe aet the ORe Browa to vWt her old tome laYal.,-.
UmUataoiloas lhaa ^ yean.
r. P. Burn of ChleaRD retarned herw
Uadarfartea toaebarr. who bettacithaa
rba with
aayoae ebe have epportaaity to
Irleada Ie Elk Baplda. Be b
the effect aad note the vrark.
that there b ao plaee in MbhlRaa more
ueaaliDoaa |a the e^taa that it woald favmableforhay lever paUeaW than
way for the ekildrca Timvena City and will remain bate oaif they did eel
til October i.
ace el alx al la
Boy HaBoalord haa retarned bom
Bflmtor kladerRartea.RTads b act ChieaRo.
WUltam tteajaaia came down fte
ibloakey aad may reaide ia the eii/in
e work part Is real work,
the fstare.
rtquires application and alteatioe
KariEbfddkUidvaaeeof Lipcoln
which b no llRbtslralB
tarler-s -lUwa Moblto" eompaay.
braie eclU to any aolhlnf ot bodily
rrived ia the elty last evoninR.
Mrs. May Emory left yesterday for
tatlRue. If the chtld-s
aaythloR like whst It shoeld be fab CMcaRo tOTbll the wholesale millihery

■t-PaaM wm rate to DMrefI to­
day aftm a waakb vWt with Mr. aai
MiB. Q. D. Kaaaay.


tndM «ben the Rraad parade of the
city aad vieialty.
Oraacl Amy of the Repablie took
place. • nie otreeU were lined with It birds, divlderl. Oortls of Travel
City and Board of Bast JotA
people who
• ,___
• akc__ Charlevoix;

yiv of Traverse
cR tattle-eoamd aad beat
Ten Blr.1 Kw.-epstakiw.
Kw.-epstakiu Hiss sn.l
the eivll war aanbed before them.
•Pira. Benanl of East
Prioads ehareh tomorrow eeealMBaaatn
were encpoiided at aaiiy
di.j.ii.i. (iDiti. lull Atl.. < polpte. their laaeriptlooi leadinR
Travi-rse tlirv. D.vrwoOil and Benarl
added iBspialioa and ei
of Kast JcitilBO and Hi|di of Pon-s.
The Katcnta of Pyuuas.
the line erf old soldlcvs narobed nnder Uslwe; eeeood.T WniK .Uvi.l,Ml. S«h
• a and BoosiuRer of East Jonisn,
*s -Th<
htnatlfal arcbee erected in their bon
> of (Charlevoix: chtni.
s ol Pythias bad fall poasM
the MssmU.- Temple today sad at vsricas poinU and
physical slreorth s>>’l
3 i-Tidaie>.-s of Ihe
Sra. John Warnar raturned ynteteehaaeed aad bb fatare gooi healtb
reral maeUaRs held, the ehirl
extended to tl.r
day fra-j KiR Baplda where she has
en Bini Sweepstakes—First.
leqaed. Thee
Thiwe wen
bcenaoendiaR ataw daya with her
ls.HaniBcui of (Charlevoix: S-CI
la lino and while many cif them wete
l aa important meetlaR. U has
l.lrds.' Chalna)ika of Oliarlevoix.
daoRhter. who is slteadiUR the Ferria
thevoft ae eooa ae the noaey ie boat wiUi aRe,' there ww also cnany Benanl of Kast Jonlau; tUinl. s l.inU. seboolllte. If we eoeld have a year of
1 aereatday for PyUriaat'aad the
fadustrial tebool.
pteed la Itair haade. They have at
e kioderRurtea work tb
mat Is .more, pronoaneed than at
mdt who Bunched as erect as - Idid, Alley and Desmond of Trav
The Mbsea Miaele and Aaaa Irwin
Ity. Like of Olmrl.
>ld be dlffcceak hat Ibb wo
faaeat oaly mouey ewoaah (or the in'the days of slsty-tlireo.
chaticWt'’“ ff»**>erioR ol a eaUoaal:
ol MaskoRoa. are the RaeaU of Mr. aad
u of East JorrLon.
layiat at the hum atala aloa* Prool
ras their RTcwtest parade siace
hupreme Chancellor llsoi,.
Bird Swe.'|»lnk<-s—First. IS
Mrs. J. U. Siranb.
atraet. Thie will be laiehed in '
when Ibe dislaadiBR army
Sample of Allecheay. Pa., presided
filled, Jihes-li mil! Kowver of
Master Boy Straoh has wlarDod
veer ami tatara.
Kiclinlas; IhoBRhteaietslly 00 ibb sobjeel t
aartlicd down Pehnsylvaala avenue
il and
oin Muskeroa where he has hreo vis
of East J.iiviaii
.•enn.l, Uliinls.
liinls. dt- tbo eblld wbo beRlos school at six v
Diilui and ILirrisoii.
n ot lb", (Maliinid
ilinR frieodr
be as far alooR in bb stadUa at '
from every stale in Abe Climrlevoii Ilii
supreme dc
domain with
but ft w
liuh of K.iivM LssIri':
lakbosRhba had bCRun
Union went lo the aiareli yriih their hinl. II Idol
ptioas is floorlsbioR. The Rrowth
lUvidnl. tie.
fIchtiaK ie reported at Haehad
CBRO after avbiiof several weeks in
■e KaiRhts.of I'ythiaa ie the past
______ _____ e of Cloirlrvnll me' fivr; and what is more Important
of foriaer yanrsaad throoRh- Knel Jnnbiu.
has been marvrlons
The Bone are latld to have be
oat llm leBRtii of tliu |arfa>Ie f.OOO Unnvl
will hr aairaoRtr and more thoroBRb
This Rrowth la its early btatory. t
Ten liinl Su-i-|eii.k.-»—KiAt. 1
IMUed with Rival loee, ImvinR Riuie fusU of the Urand Army wete nnm-ssladenl In all ol bb work. A week
ever, was ooi Rvntrally of a characlei
Md aauaBBUlai la the haade ot Ibe ontfd. The imimle whieh started at Idnl. diviiU-d. Cnnis and llom-1 id atodeat b a poor stadeak ao maiUr elty yesterday oa her way home from that would Rive to il or aay other «o
Travers.City, nnd l‘l»li.niikn id
elety alabmty. iC latc-ycarv theme
of Kandolph street tt|mrt<-vnix; srcxnid, H IdnK dividi-il, what hit Rradc may be.
who-have been admitted to oar rani
Lnedoa. Adr. K-Aepeeiai dtqwteh
Perrv of Trav.-rw l^ity. KirUintni-k deaire and aim b lo make atrooR boya
I HicM^hveno
Lave pome to ushecaaseof our pH.
taon Pntecia dated Abr. r. aye that hoars in tsmsioR any Riven i«lnt.
of I-jist Jnnlan ;tliinl, t t.lnlm dm id- and Rirla-atrooR in health, la mlod. la
Ite he SRhliRR with UeoMal Botha'e The liar of march was slion. only e.1. Bnisel. and Di-sninndof Tniv.-re, hfark
twenty city siiiuirea.
Tin- para.I.- City.
this baaid aolely ie behalf of
> Boer llnee Vere lirokett. tbr auivad swiftly without lirosk or .fix"Hemberi lo a few domains aa.
Ten Ulnl ttwoe|Ktake!—First, lu
£,F. Campbell
s -Maoblee
what 1 believe ' to be U>e blfbeet wel­
talliBR UA.
The BritUh otder. Tbc femations wete almost blnls. dlviiU-il. h’ii-lioLis uf Fkisl Jivyesierdar afternoop.
fare ol the children
Itraalthat par-,
reported to be oaoald' invariably well kept. A lallalioa of dan; si-i-iiud. !i Idnl-. divi.loil. Clial
isi Carrie Avoryb vblUaR frirndt kerperv. barlenilera aad Rambicm
tsmka of Cborlewiix.
oou wbo have thb Importantjarallaa
poll'eo led the parade. follo«-«d by lirnseh of Tiuv.-rx- t'itv: tliinl.
; to decide for their mile oam will coa- in Manistee.
others have set at defiance your lat.
Lord Robota nporu oador date of
Lawton went to Dr. J. D Mne- relative tothe iultiailoa fees aad tl
a baad of seventv pieces. Then came blnl. .livl.le.L , Lsike of < ntl.-vidx
natter very earefsily Had
Abr. K rroot Beltaatt ae tollowe: Chiof HardtalWood and I.U staff, and Mnm-I .if Tiav.-rw- Cil;
aoD'seamp yosterday for a tew days' laws re'.alivo to Sunday cxcorsloa1 not ao many duties premleR npou me
usIdr the lodco name, but calliac it a
Fonat Lodfa T»]>by Oqp Team
-"Oar BBOveaaeale are alow oa acoonat' aaetbnr Rival band and Comma
-'-------- e club. loadly elamorioR for
at this Ume I ahould Riadly have Riven
■of the esuail aad natare of the
to have
ih^ief 8haw and his staff.
tbbaal-Jcela muob foller dbeuisloa.
Today we laade a aatiifi
from a vbit to LskeAae.
at eatorUinmeaU oa tbr
OarrlBRes concaialnR notables
t what 1 have aald may threw
wdvaaee aad ant with decided an
Mrs. N. U ‘Berry ot Uraod Rapids, b theory Uipt other and oloer iastitu
and then twelve heralds in col.
alleaa'ta lltUe liRbt oa tbc aubject.
tionvofa Sliciiar nature permit it 1
The work tall mtlroly oa Oenoal
rf ol Bmle have unboondeJ faith In ibu loyalty ol
each blowtoR a Ions tnuapi^t
and that we may rejclv* the beany eo- tboRseel of Mrs. J Djveadorf
Ballet-e troope and rocolted la the
a very TarRo perceaURo ol the mi
laeod in atellow tonia the ap­
operallon of parents la oar endeavor
«B|dBre of BoRmdale, a very ctrcsMC proach of the iBRcaat of patriotism.
. E. C. CompUB a.
ipanied htr benhip to Ibe laws ol tae order,
to da Ibe beat we are able to do torUie
this body shnold enact- leetalallon _.
Todtiaa two lailee aactfaweel Of Dal- Fifty memben of Oolamblan ]«si
husband lo Detroit yesurday.
tbb session la uDmtaukable lanRuace
Barrbea ...
OhloBRo, wcarinR handsome anifnn
(bat will compel tae Rrand ehanuc!Very rcupeelta'Iy.
repotu of dark Rteen. formed a hollow sr|iu
lors to enforce the plain provtaioas of
and Detroit lor a abort vaeation.
C. n. R..KX.
that be oeeoplod Myletroom wlthont ia^ cen ter of which weie borne tit
tae lawsyon Bhve made.
John R Santo wont to Oeirall yraSnpl. Qly Sel^la.
C"On Dee il, ls»s, the reports,
eappoeiUaB. Ae the ooaatiy when be battle , IUrs tarried ^ h'eu' York
made to tbe supreme lodRe from
end OoDfal Plwet are operadiiR U RiRlmenU dariBR Ibe war. A lomt
’ Mrs. J. M. Raueaberry of K^blh different Rrand domains. taowcH
AtMe baah aad ealdt it U not deeir- line of
street, ta eatertalBiaR- friends Irem membership of Cu.r-.-s. The retnrtAhle at rmeBl toiaaocivd fortlier
Dec. 31. I-I-I' show a toUl memben
the various women's
tirsnd Kapidp.
of tti,CT;. a net insnuse for the year
•orth aad they are retaniaR to Pre­ aniialed wMh the Oiaad Army
Hrr. J. C WesUall. Him. L. A..
l*Wofil.5.-i. From.}he,CRuresoflbe
f the
.ins as deep
lowed, aad thea oamo the main
ever, and there b up' to thb Urns do and Hr. aad Mfs. U.N. Woodof Jowa.
33, Ik-w.
liKw. it appears
appeara irai
sane with Am elep and fln<who have .beea vtaiUaR their sister. joRJaaesJ,
elnirtbat prombea to unravel it. Jobe
■uibers'• of
■ ^ar.ioo,
TUAv^aaR tvrr
Mrs. E..Van>llyke, left yeaterday lor have todays ueuibersblp
- VasbiMtoa. Abr. «-AU the
Hnxioa, a brether of the loal man.
with IS Rrand domains' yet to hur
Cleveland and Hoffalo.
MiedURan oocnpied the arventb di- Oartb...
from, a net rbIb for iLe two years of
ata of Baroiie aad Ja|»B have been
returned lo tbU city aad says that all
Sawyer .
Hra.M. C. Scott pad her aom'Boy
«Mrd tran IkroaRh their United vieion ta the imadr. Tlu- forraall
cEorta to dbeorer hb
Seolk bavr retarned to tbelr home ii^
liollowe: All oncers of lie- Perry...
Slaien maeantativeeat theoaptlal
bave beea ahaoletoly BaavallloR.
Fonlanvtllc.lowa,after a visit with tbe -Eraords aud'^ali WriRh-. Rave the
aad it wae aaaoaaoed after the rvRnIt is autod that the last that
totMmvaberot vniioidiaato lodRrs no
family of W U. Seoll of Fifth s
seen of the miooinR maa, he was a
The recelpia of
Oscar Simpson weol to Detroit
pod aaJ> (lie Detroit Harlne land, Alley...........................................................
I miles from bta father's bone, and
lance on hand tae credits:
Dc.troit post haviiiRtlie ^Rht of tin
the wroBR road. He had riddea terdaj on busiaesr.
). The disbsraementa were
First dlvisioci-lonU tand am!
Charlevoix Tk^hy Cop Team Shook with a farmw pan qf tae way to bta
ITri. A. (V. Hartak acoompaiBie
for the future of Ohiaa U hlRfaty eal line.
icre bad been "xpended
cvmnty IsttalUim. Fairtsu.ks
tot rell
Uaolory to the iweridnit aa<l hU
father's from East Jordan roIbr oat ol husband to the Pythian oaeamp
■Vieen II ie eridoat. however, from post. O. H. Poe pom. l^tnit
bta way. bet he would not have solar
the repliee of the' powere to the qnee- John Btdur poM. MichiRi
afterwards, tome workinR
Q aad her sister.
eo^y i<
tIoBi patliy tlieUaieedlteteonrretemples in Al
boom that was beiaR erected
Rain ot3lc
members in ir...
aeBtaUTee that the vurloaiROTVrn
al membCTsaw him RoioR aloaR a road that s
Ucumanc to Dotroii yeaterdsy.
abipatt-<»-,si last
Mte are beaitatiDR ae lohpUaof CUntouboonties. IstasiiiRdram c»r|«. Hurrell....
lead him to a doaerted farm, aad they
Mrs. A. R. McMaaos went to Delroll, baiaoee U tab ^ treasurer's
fatare aotioa. uatil repliee have been
AUey ..........
watched to see him retnra. bat they yeaterday.
(aeelved to tbedr mienRei amt to
taw no more of him.
In tbe sixth bienslal assembly ol tbe
■rday for!
Pafcla with a raqaMt for
Third diyidoa—Marine band. HociTae theory that be may have become
> for the m'is.
rae, Icsiawee. Woslitenaw. LiviuRlost and been waaderloR about tae
supreme ohaaeellor pnulded. In her
iiosUD Store.
stoa, UakUml. HaonmK St. (^Uir.
woods ta hardly creditable, as the nadaddress She said tlmt Maiee was tbe
Mart WUnIe went to Drtroit ymUrEapecr, Ura^ee. Tuscola. Huroo ynt
er brush is very thick, aad h# carried
Ae OhaPee hae roeeived aothlaR
an nmhrtlla. anoycreoal, aoatohel and day OB businasa.
Ohio ta second.
ttam the aeiwetaiy of war aiaee the
two pasktRea. none of which have
Fourth • divisiOS-Thnd.' 'Ttivers
Miss Kollie vainial ot Kalamazoo.
Mrs lieorRe W. Adams of iiaverblll.
Uta it is Ukrly that aooe of the
been touad.
taiad. 8L Jose-ph. Bniirii. HillaUie
vislUBR Mrs. J. W. llaanen.
Hass., supreme keeper of record* and
seals, reported that nine siatea have
Tbe eaUre smioo for milea has Vrvte tVcdric-Js7‘*Rcc«H.
Rrand assembllea. aeven of them under
UnuaRh. The d{Bati« flonhd Oak drum corps. oompi<Si<il of
been dillReally aearebed, bat wltboot
B. Horn
tbe In^lctioB^tbe supreme
UthaenidM be » twiaty-foorDewsRiac bo.A driUed by
uearthiBR aaylhlaR that would help terday ti
‘ oMa ««>, aatil IVUa oaa
be naohed tbo Hound Oak ooniwny of that eily; Luke...........
ooqdacl taeSfaiawasi eCoanty Tmh- sR^ofz: an^an ' iVcrMe'U mem'
Uthe aolnlloB of the qnesUon i
s tospiration losiiule.
tR caartar or tebypaph. aad the re- (thta drum ootp eras cate of the fra. Chaloopka
berahipnf .'.ooo. The pnaeot member
what haa been tae fate ol the yonar
1. (1. Ueojamlo wyat to Oenlrui Late ship was Riven as
pUeo looeivod by the vartoae Rovern- turea of the MlchiRan divtaion.) Cbss, AuU.
mmm «e quMtlm that moM be aae- Bervieo and Tsa Baren onunliei.
Jnsl what comae of search will next
Mrs. John Warner haa rstaraed from
wad hatore the povenwill aRtee to
Fifth dinstoa-BaRlnaw. OraHot,
ItiR Rapids where tae went to visit her
Tae Bkra.1i
Itury Cook Book ta
Breziaa says that be ta 'determined to danRbter.
0 aadsU
H— Screral
find bta brotber if it ia in tbe power al
Btieu. Ineiadimt the ratirc Dpii
Letter from Snpk Born
Uld snbacribers wbo pay in full
msD todoik
ttb nearUc tbe drat week In Sep- Hoiuntai'" Record
t tfa.iead 'oftheMi(hlRBBdeimrt
Mrs. A. A. HUIer la vtaiUBR ralailvta
■mber, wben the eebools will open
The mystery eoBevAlaR tbe dtaIt oame na ImBKwse SoR whieh
aRBlaac esnal. At thb Ume. doubt- apperaaec ol Charles Brenzina eoa- at soath lloardmae
carried for the Srst Ume at but
H V. WarlBR went to Cadillac oa
«a Maae ntlsded with the etate
Icca afaere will be many liule ehUdreo Uiraca to Rrow deeper, and the aaspi
hasieesa yesterday.
at Fhiladi-1,
to bCRia eebeol for ibe firet time
cion of foal play tNme more and mm
L. lies went to’Kalkaskaoa baslveryRladU receive these probable There ta ven fravo doubt

losu fiom southwhestera'AnehiRmn
peoetoei lllUe people and to trala them Be«m> io whether the youaR maa vrill
and fninished a Riaitd elinmx Ic
Albert Petertyl has Roue to ^(eispo
to the beat ot their ability.
be found alive.
UiefaiRan vrlntans manhlBR in ool.
But it bqaiieaalaral that
I was aeea jinaday morctaR witala
Tberon MorRsa and Jack Perry are
arnas. Pally ASOO men wiRv in line,
ots sbeald be aadecidyd aa to what Is ali^tof hia lather's farm, aad brtween anjoyiaR a eampioRtrip to Loor Lake.
oae frf the ftneet reiaceentations MichbeHtodofortbeirebliaren. wbo have It aad tae farm ol Joeeph Vo.'ruba.
Mr. and Mrv. S. E. Wait are cnlerwdto takestepetoeatabliehataaBaelt iRBBercrhad.
tot yet bcRaa their cchool life,
Tbe ivro plaeu are witala tiRbt of lainlsR Mrs. K. D. Weaver and danRuof tti
have been tome foradvleeoo ibball each ether, and tbeyrreaed to clear bc- tor Miss Sada. of Rockford, III,
Htah EUa F.tton of BiR Rapids, ta
.ptep aana of warto-ply bekyree^
Importaat matter. HavinR i
tbem. eo there acema to have the Rneatof Mus Myrtle Sanaball.
WMRhal aad <»ie*DO for '
deflaltoviewanpontheqnestloo as we been ao reason for Mr. Breziaato a'Jay
l6r. aadHn. Charles SecRmlUer rtpan. Hfaatrhile word oo
taco il heiB la thb city, l s
from tbe way. eapecially aa bi had tnraod to their home In CbiesRo ynterB«U proRfvn U amklaR with tb.__________
kaowo for the beoeSt of 'DMnalaaR tae road a crest many dar afterdar after a visit with Mrs.
We inviu-.-T/r) 'render of tliia
cable which
U to
a^ erne Ulereat^ io tbe sobjeet.
pniier to aii.-iul tli.- Fifty-First
«>en polate aad It tehcaieYed that meal Riven bv the Traverse City ^Tareata wlio eoaie lo me have two
The road braaehea acar tae point at
Annual Fair, at
Rod and Gun Cicb Taewdav.
^liaa Btai
I viiiUaR k
withia a week thie
Trophy,^ iwvloasly
rranlalUlcn Ha<
ataaioartari wUI
be opea. Throe
prand Rapida,
children admiued-to the pablic barely poailbie that tbe ynaR
Hia. Annie Fry of-Kalamazoo, ta tae
^naRaa from Ooaaral Obeffee wire
•ehop)*? Beeond. at what sire b '
wroDR road. liioaRh
nest of Mrs. Asa lIlRRiaa.
deUvnod today, aad while they aas) ^OBhy Cup." {nwented by O. JL beat for them to eater npontbba
tbe pmeat tarn ta aoRilDR that
Dr. aad Mrs. Martin are entertainlaR
aedlraee Utfat oa ibeaelUtaiy dtaa- Hiffa of CbioaRtk. were In eompi\t‘e Lnve proDii..e of n creel b1ii>w
Tbe first-quesUoa ta easily aad
troo. both RoloR to the Travenaof Lit 1? Sto<-k •ibis V--ar; (irainf,
isrbor. formerly of Hantoc.
tica. thoy
briefly answered by the aebooi lews of tioo.
A scarehioR party of abont M aiCB
John Ebaer wbo baa beco vtaitief "f-RCUbtee. Fruit. Farm JiopltKlebIcaB, - Ail penoat ni
city, retaraed tto hta
pnts in abobdniK-^
aay leheol dbtriet aad Bve yean of has' beea HoariaR tbe eoantry aad elativcs in this....
beiPR Prof. aceahall haveaneqaai rlRbt to attend
taorooRb hant for Brtzlaa
wilt be worUi your while to;
Oetroitia tl
aay aehool therela.- Thb fixes the or bta remaiar. Up to last siRhl tae
reb of ta out erf -U on I
*fR of Hw
Thkm. to Xaalla. enme to aake ii LodRe Cup event and Fred
'are op all !li
. J Cnnis of ■Rt eetraaee at five years, aad ehlld- search was fruitleea. no trace of him
Mr.-------------Benaid „
of SO
- out of «6 oa lUB who have rtaehed thb ace are ellR- haviaf beea found.
-----------ehar tiat tee ie no ialentica to en - and
' Mlaa Jeaale Cbareb of Smmmlt City
Cbarieroix Trophy can.
aer late a ptohaRcd eamialRn in
lltadiSculltc hltapoaaay plausl-. tacallinROB friends.
ibUtothe publkaehooU otMiebiRat;
-OUaa. aaeh as waald iavolve the a
aad It becomes the daty ofthe scbool
-of bnvy artilUey or nlafoewaca
aalhortUes to provide room abd U- Breziaa is not kaowa to have bad tatbeRoeslof Mrs P. C. McBal^


*'i?^bta rei

Michigan State Fair

S-J-'i--"- ”'--""- '■


ta the aiape of new aad horaee. j
the naw time it caaaot be nid that
hae ebowB aay bIrb
ataaBdaeaay >est
cf a
^ aay have aeeared apee
fhiW thrcaRh the btilliaal cqiaa.
tte of the little AoMwicaa forte
la Or Flowery UaRdoea..
Pakia. Abr. >1. via Taka. Am. tr­
ie are la poiaMaica cR the
rial •
closely Roarded. The

as -

atroetkia tor them, bnt ehildren under
vena oae of the fralarvs of the dav.
At the close srf the dav Ju.l^ five ytanof afe have no leRai claim
Mayne aBdoanoed that the £a«t Ju- theaetaool.
However, many eaam of tab load i
melwlta. vii. a child b almost five
yean did. laeha bet a few weeks of it.
laaeaaeeltbb klad foMhe Roodof
it. to be held at bn Jowlan. the child aad for the eoarenieaee .
lid be aBBtumred soon. Afi.-r this the teseher I would reeommead that
...-, onotest the cap wilt he sabj.v-t
taeehUd be mat to aebooi alall darinR
lbs eairaal year that be be atoned
«to sport were anrh plrsMl that the thaopealBR oH UieUII tarm. thoQRh
laekt^a little of the rvqalfad ace.
Tbb would be better for the ,-UId aed
tb." Forest
aaaim ter the teacher, lor the simple
flnt coBlesI and the t
rate that all may beRia their work
Ur bewa won twin- bv Travt-rse toecther. Aaditta aaycBs
l^ilr Ihe
Ulerest n-ater- Uad. the pareats are tally decided to
ed U these two ru|> Molests, tbi rest aead the child aa scon as pe
of the loumamoot was by no means
tae child be
devoid of liitetvak From nUe o'rloek teat tae fim day.
' -V morniDR nniil lale U ibe afw-rMow as tae aeeoad qaeatieB. ta
s, the RBiu were etnekiOR U snlrcentesu U Whleii rxoeUrol bmt for tae child to btRta aehool at so
MUR wns done bv all the marks- youraaaev: 1By refarrtaR to tae ra-The finest lAoMiw of Ibe dav ports of the UbH
dotm Iw Prof. Ki^las of Kan
--Jmt. who broke « ofthe Ian SO «ro<BdaeaUealfiedtaat mm Uim
gmahalfattae ttatas to not admit


e foroee la Cblaa U BaklnR
U.00D aen Ihnagrti the wialer.
aeaa AnnioaB woeaded. laelBdiaR
tfaa aarlara wcaaded dariaf the
nl«o cR the ktntloae have alti^
bao by hat beat Pakia. Fifty Aa-



a Almo ErlcKsoBOtUraad Rapids.
moaey with him. ao that robbery
tendiBR tbe I. 0 U. T. Urand
eoald hardly have boea reipiasible for LodRf. in this cHy.
saiaaec. The idea of bta RtlBolph Ussfrtt and Betwv fitoat
sve retorurd from tbc Soo
la view of hta tamlUaitar with tbe
r tiefl mod Mkv Carrie
croehdand the fact taat^ was tern
la aiRbt of hta father's home. He ta
John Sister hcv Rree to E:k Rapids'
Ol ksowa to have aay onemlta that
Bister's store tharo for
meld wish lo cel faim.oet of tae way.
week or tea dava.
nd the looRer be ta mtaalaR tae toepHr. aad Mrs. A. «.
ly aad their Racst.'HIta Cora HeCoraod Mrs J. K. MarUeekare ea- mlek ot OadiUse. retaraed yeaterday
Iriw a montata^U^at the Oetouary
tartaUlBR Mrs. A. Hartlaeh aad three
taUdree. of ChkuRO.
Tbc Htaaca Wood have ratarned from
huaiarsi trip to Chkaco aad (neveSun nei' nrH:
load, where tan purchoeod their larfe
atoeh of talload winter rnimnery.
•nawaariacrvlikcerwair J I'uui S Ce.
0»legAua»piii til tscrilj o< ToJ»U«. fminr
*nu "talc aapnoud. soC iSa: ooia arw viUm
>w «,w<-i»Nxgi-Ki>Kxui»<Lkaa><<cr«v^
aoC r«CTi csac vf (-aiacTlKSat coaoca WcuflvU
»< Die ■•cat tULL-iC-ATcsaa IVIW.
rsawx J c-axxKV
n. lad.
Cfaaflea Edwards, termwiy of

t^bert Oacn..]! of r—fcU tS,,.

FridayOF Tand Saturday
his week

“ oootiiinal acae of arrivab
of NEW GOODS IhrouRliout all tbe dmrbneata d oar
Btore, nqd ax it will be D«i-«attry^to have raom to di^i^ than
iiusl reduce
oo wo will OQ tho above
throarfbuDt our entire otoiv
- -J Iho bbolons cut
wo are making on all inorch
loe pertaibiag to •ammer goods
we are placiik; on sale name
0 faaritauw in Komla which are
o.'fiaonable thr yoar around.

BeIdw We Gire Oilr a Few Dnniins ot tin
fiaiy Special ladicemeats.....
I^ri>^■ lo oloe.- ilit-di oiii.

;<I0 yjr* Silk j. I,.,,..,!,, tm, 3
-Go to

will .-lose ab.....................................................16o to TBe

Six hrttak [‘nliornxin Silk IWne and M.teelin .le Soie,
lu climi'at...............................................


-di |>iocou ot |)ro«x fLrrdsiif dilTi-rotit di-m-riptioiia in plain
and Ui.tollim, lo*.>1 value .'iOo, for tlm-odaya, peryd..S6e
l*lai.U. t-iilno from ''.Ho to $1,:g. to cloae at p.-r yd..88c to 98c
Ihiii'i buy a blm-k droue niitil you aeo our Block.

;.'W“-A_s:s G-OOIDS
Madrro. W asli ( I-kuIx. value 25c and :iOc. to rrloao per yd.
•\U rfoyh- (;iukiiain. valu.- l.V 20i-, to clwper yd..
Hont Toil.' ilu Notil OiuKliaui, per yd.................................

Oiirt-niito r.-niainini; lino ot Sliifl WaixU, 'incladiiiK
, waiBtiiU() to


Ih'ltor tjraclita. indudim; up u> f2. k'o at..............................................

-Moil's dark Oulitu-lTamit-l .Shirts, wdl sewed and’foil
Watli.................................................... .. .................................;..........................
-Mon’s blai'k an.l wliii.- stripi-d WoritiuK Shirts...............................IBo
-Men's IJalbridbn I nUvnvvar, R|«cial value................... ...*lc
-Mou'x ft-d ilau^kiB HanJki-rdiiofx.,.',.....................................................4e
-Men'" while t'ailLrio Hamlkorclii.-ts, 3 for....................................... 108
All Moiiar. liyet-lwes- Sbirla at 2.~t per


•lust ix-tAW,- tho oponinj; of w-liool is when you s-an aj^recuite
a i.'Ood tljinp: in (bis dopartmoiit.

tVe have a better aw>rt-

xtiif-kYhan over, spa.-e i>.-rmtlting ns to only qnote a few
■ 'fDur loaders:
-\1I our diilJren s Wash SuitK. vfilu.. $lA-i,an(]ilJjO,yonr


All OUT ('4)ildreD'x Wash SuiU, valoe <«.•' and "•>, your
Biiiimier weight Wntc- Suits, your jiick .......................................... ....79e
Two-pieoo W0..1 suit. aiTmiii.-r wr-ight, value $'i,for;idays.fl.l8
|{on.-r grade p-diiivd in like pruportiou to $1.4*i nad............$1.86
'bo}e'tlinv-pieoe..Suits. si/-e tnim H to !«, i-alne ELV).
>oat......................................................................................................... $8.68
■B.-M.-r gradi-B redmuwl in like propurtiun ta S17» and....$3.48
V<wt-fl Suit.' in Bizei -T to H. range in prim-Cram $1 to.. ..$4.00

Having aome xuits b-ft from a prcviiinsoalo,«« will make
the line eomplel-- by adding auatb'-r lot «f miito, val­
ues at $‘‘-.50. for tiiive ilays ............................ .. ..............................$9.88
’Another line, value at $7.50, for tbraedays.................................. $4D8
(Md line of Contx and Vests, valarw from 86 to $10, for
'three daysal......................................................................................... .'..$4.68
iSoz-BlicktiJay tVorxtodSgitfl, always aoM for $12, for
three days-..............

......................................................................1... .$880

.W<- also have a line of Fall and M'iiitop Snita in atripea

and eherkx. \-ery dexirahh- Htyhw, and will bring 110,
$i:i.50 and $15; during this sale will close at 87/10,
$lUani!.'..^................................................................................................. $1800

. ...JACSEfTS...'
A fewtsore ImdiofC Suita and .lacketa It 60]pK- cent diaooRnb

■W.^1,1, T=> A -F»Ti! I-?.
!3e Mid 1-K- .iualithif()r.,p>-r double roll........................... 7c aadSO

fixfortls ill bitek and tan, haiul turned. valme$lijO, three

dV *'............


.Men's Outing'Shoiw, lecher bottomt; to tima..,.......................... 80e
BoiVOoUngKhoes.niWr bottoms, to claw.:............................ 46e
.Men's $:< and it Tan Shoes, to (HoM> 82>i0 arf.


Ladios' Viei Kid, baud tnnwd, in vesUng m fdain value $'■!. for three days.................................................... $1.76

~MTT.T.T~NnnTt~?A disraunt of 60 to 76 per cCat. oe Tknimed tfoty,

The Boston store,

m^m Wagons and Bi^ies Far Sale


At Pioneer livery Stabler
B. J. MOBOAH. Propr.
One .t-inch tire one horse wa^. d«ible box, sprii* teat,
only been nm three months, as good as new; price $35.'
' One two horse vagon. bOx. spring seat, whiffletrecs aad
nccky-okc, 3-inch tire, light B-agon, as good as new; price $35.
One 4'inch tire wagon, no box. a good heaTvjwagon, $25.
Three cheap wagons, jJi-incK lire,^ serviceabie
wagons, no boxes go with them, $15 to S20 eaa
Two good phaeton buggies, Sss and $35^
Three open buggies cheap.
Ooe 2-seat platform wagon aad one 3-waS rljrtnrm



«auuro TKATM—jiMuiB. Auanw,TO, 1906.




«rv. BA>na«i.«(

**uno o. oBiLjniun.

w. ■rw**n.

I piaaie of the
Rnt Meed* with Bachptcaaar
adep eMeel win oea
■plaee yeetertey afteiaeoeat
f et Bewwe Berber. It erfll b<
deaer of Hr. ead Mia Bertan Hoetacee. the omBoay oaitiac la bbtrien their deachter. Qenrode E..
B Me dlaaer ead the
B. Boom, of SoBB* C«t.
emrde A haw bell
will 'odd to ibe latereal, ead
The day wee a lyptool cm fOr e
eBTfaetlBeleeeartMaW. OoBBr rAddiac day. with blae Miea Boidea
IwUI beeee Mali ooert whleh wD
he CToetlr eajofed hr the
cdamlac In Ibe midet of
in creea lawae ead under iu meat
All the boaw> wae fair and sweet
with Bowera the wall* festooned
with cleatatia ia wreaths of 1
MBdarBeoaottead wUewiatb and white, the hallways ftay with
OhlctBO peeterdep.
Kolden rod. the nantel pleoes b
Hr. ead Hre deetep lAloae ea
of feiBS
and farlicfat nastartii
while the RRBi hay window In the
I manic room, srhero the ceremouT
a wee la talerloebM took |


Haaly o. Dodn WMt«to Haabtae
Ur. aadHra J. W.'TnM are eater,
telnlwr UM Allle Bacle. prinelpel of
the school et AUwea.’
Hitt Laeile O-Btel wool to Ealkaela yeeterday.
UraJ. dteloberc baeretaraed troa
a rbU with releUra la
ths upper

^ •■•“owjufoo c MorrA-R.


A Haraiag Waddlnx.
* wiy
•«»»««’«"*“» »»*
yto« T—dayatUw fco—cJMr.iad

BaoJaslD Boachey waet to fagdi
H. O fbapbell cObm la troa the
Oetenary elub boaae on Carp Uke laet
Him Ethel Pepa srUI arrieo'
CherieeoU today, after a Ihiw weehe'
trip to Cbtaaco and other polnta
Mr. and Hn. Tea Yoeac of Maple
ily. ware et the WhUlac yeetardey.
A. B. DoQCherty wae ia the city yeataeday from Bk Bipids.
Ur.-aad Urn. B. C MePariead
Centra] Lake, who came here to etiesd
the waddlnr of UM Uuntaroa end Ur.
r.nrelhavueale of Dr.endUis.
Hertln. They eUended .••gao

Mn.o>rD- **«“y o' »"*
M>W. «te eastneiu* pvtUt bal>f
»«»-i|r>lf1lli Kdlth Bmllhud Ur.
CUM ArUiv BtTfaa. The eereawar
wpwfcf—dbyBer- C- T. Bloat et
OfMatkanh. nebrUAwbotoaeb*.«rifia.KwMj. U OM of A1
MUee. oM
Vadto-laatnichtOoorteW. BaSreWraod from tho U.
•ta«aii Ibe aMtoroMBbv of tbe droK
A B. OMaapaent at Obloaco lant
taafCMuABbodM ofibetd
The Mi WH bUMdod bp two
ilfhlMr. aad Hr*. BaaeaBaB. Ur. a^d
ImpvcMo. UM Dortie Eewwd of
M^UdliM rnaea WUMraf Mia Bolaea -Mr. aad Hra GriwIoM:
IMpcM. TbenmBlawWeb the
aadUr.aadUra l^Uoe of OtieBCo.
reepeadiareeauUBeat Park Plaoa
aBV«MperCc»M. ww hm»t
W. B. Bolcnaand O.D. Bokaapapeed
doMbted wttb white eleaetie.
Mdeet aewwo. After Ibe Berrien »
uoBCh.the'elty yealerday oa their way
iiHlIl----------'"'-T*------ ------------------------ ' fraa Oaatelo thelrboeulnChioecD.
Ura B Bieae relaraad jmtariAj
'mi the brtdel pertr departed for
troa Beuth Uaaltou where ahe has
WlMlifteTOiae oortben town
Th^eMoftewerawhw»«Htv C. beea attaadiar her daeyblar. who hea
CM tftiMee. Bother of the bride.
■r.aadUre. a T. Uehea of Bepld
Ura H. J Shward aad danyhler
01^, Hr. iM Hr*. Towse of BK S»f
31a lare^on the Oharierois this
Ue.«adieBl(Bdbe Peten of DetioU.
torelac for a riait at Otea Arbor.
UM Blla Bbepaid la taklof hw *a»i
tieaaeepefalar of the MiehlraatoU■eg day BOraiac e Brnerp dorel•pM ea the deek of the Horthera
. Death Roll.
gaOa. which eU
The iafM daarfatar el Hr. ead Hn.
HfOMBdey eod.leet nl«bt«
Watbere el WeMter eiroei. died
Bite clear a^
whoeplac oeach.
bathe eeMTMWwtl
tether wee la AlWea, ea^waeaoUfed
by talwreph.of the death of bU child.


Adolph B. Hansloesky. wlio'
injunxi intmaally iu the J. £. C
■^OBterfteB Weade. Bo aoBV, lick factory'-Satordey. died at
nxmrinR aeJdip reseiroLJiis
wmh. .WriteOweCrMrABeoep,
KHb- TMlber I tried hard.betllii
aeaa I ob cbij. Oood bje to IM

children. He (led worked for
itOreilick ooopony M
adlUwwaleM OB the eloihloc
‘CMweaMUeaUfr their f
a, M *U mtA Bede la the ridaitp
At Uh- meplinp of Greed TrarcrsiBlkd B dledoee the igBilm afeaj
Lodffr. Na mo, Tuiwday hilrtit it was
rided 10 Ima for five yi«n a hall to
Meapthooriee beee beea ereaeated
h- crnecially-arTanirMl for the lod«e
Mtewtethe bob wee ei
;hp Dt-w'tnildiasinbc orected
we BBitobe
, Haaj thiak thettheea- siMCi by jaeob Oalmen on hU tewprty on Frnpl. stiwl. whi-re the finIhaaottB h eboee. nie iebardip
nenmd lost winter.
pibehli boweeer. ee the elotblac
Mr, OsIntan U n^itut aRanpetw Cead- to throw ewe;.
innw to tir^ the erection of the
The oalr pleadbU apleaetioe
Blldint at an Mriy date
Tttcture will Ist apd-w
add pmlly to the in
ai* of tl
M did aet fad. ead ww
lids of Kraal aoect.
•MMeafeleSaadep. with
laa,balh edIhMi belac U
ThrwtlBiBaaBder tbeee tm
feTihBne’e era* etoco. ead tried to
- hvpaM. Thh AlherttHobeatkl
^MtoeaU %km- Oae of thoB deeMadtMttha ether had hed troehla
lahlebBily. weeeet of work, dewa
m He leek ead wealed to B*t oet of
ttewerid. Hr. Qlobaaekl taellr told
ttm eeae eenr of aOlk. eboetet

. .
Barber*' Plonle.
Ovine to tile ferr that llie slii^
tost be ks|« npen no LalKW Day till
o'clock, the Wbers of the
wlU bs onable.'lo iBriiciinte in Ihi.
^bnr Day excunloo to,Ke-ah
^1*. Tlijy Hare aocorditurly _
rantn-dw -larbm’ he held at
Po|>ler 'I’bhtI ia the afunroon.
H to have no end of a pood Itme.^
add ^ the iolnest ^ ths lb
ths ioorDpriaan Isu-ber*'^vs ch
Iraitod Uis boss l«rbcm tn a mat
ami- of MU. 90 lake ^placc at
clock. This will be tlie wanne*!
amc-lhat ever happened. ' Notice las
bd-n oSIrially snrrcd that it will be
A eoer eajopable lewa twrij wee ftr f» blood—for pore in laips quant i
nTr-'ij............f‘T Uke Herilead lira. All ebould *ee yhr paae.
«MrheBtea»Ble«trae*. Thelewa
wee proUQr emaril. e lern ewalaf
9W Orawd la ObteacoChlcapo. Aup. . IP—CennscrTalive
t teBieoBi ceehlooe. race
rutitnau* by railrsad.offleiaU late to
• anib|id lor eoalert. A
nipht jilaced the number of deport
h HBBBI, ww eae Of the
iap vislton rfrbe cncnmiimntl at «(
and BO per <vnt of .(he aiyiraU Utii
iixlirmtA that the railrowU raleriap
AMifhtlBltarV wwbeld at MM Cliicapo In-additlon to the repular
timSic, carried outward-botuid in t
itNiriHKul of 1SS.OOO people, as
canvas* of the offirvs of the aoditor.
various radla lome twebty in
. wwo eerred dolatlr.
oomlnp into Chliapo. shows
ri wore: daea Gecaoe. Belle
ariM. Barr BUebr.-^Be Pbr. that between sn.OOD end SIB.OOO prov««p Iwnapht to^fr city Ihnaph
. 007 DelBoc. TUUe Bpaew,
here of the C
c OreeaMen. LUKe BeBpeh.
. Ufealebee. nore ead Thcrew Anny of the Re|inblir.
BeateBoed )br Ul).
lien, Ahp. *B—The trial of Brceri,
MarryefCJT BeetProat etreot KiapUaahcH of Italy,
erefhUoleTtath birth- (ook idea-Mlayaadreealiedln th.
wnerr. A *ery 1
coDvielioo of-tbe prisoner- Brescl
M)eyedbrblB eadhleyoi
was cool tliraupbont the trial aad ilc
libcralcly minted the story of the
crime aod the iav|«imlloos . hr liad
niBib- to 'kill tile klnp. Hr dsclonxl
Uial he hail no accomplices and that
A delaw Itrherai- wei aerred bp tbr iwrtaratlooe wen mmle entirely
by himself. He indnlpcd in t
incticr with a' pisto) fa some
Iwfore tb.; .IscL
Pa avpB y<«ri Bred will be krpi
h-BkleM Hea- tn solitary o
. and will that

IB it Mt BOW naefaod the diploe Mage and b ehliioly la tiie
rol of
Adee wye 1( would not be |c«p«r to for TBVene City:


Mtllfnl*. ftorti. tiy. BorM< Owt

tbr air witli their csqoisile petfi
The windows were darkened and
the boose Utby elatric Uphte, which
broupfat out mat eSeetiveiy
branriful faces of Timvcrae Cii
and teimt, and Ibe heaotiful
powas which everywhere incvailoL
At the boor sol the note* of the
stiack on die pteno by Miss VirpinU
Kiske, a poest from Toledo,
Eiphi younp ladle*, intimate friends
of the briih', descen.W the stain and
ratervsl the room in the followiap
oolrr: Hiss Cleta Bate* Mia AnMronm. Mia Alberta Daniels,
of Jackson. Mia Winifred Bertholemsw of Charievoiz. UIm Oiaee HaMia Barouni. Mia Poond. Mia
They carried ] wi.le
ribbais of pink ami white, and s<-parulnp into two linea formevt 1
I which pssMxi the Irldol Jorty
preceded by the oflirtatiiip cl«^I
Kev. Hr. HothmoS. pnwhleni of Oarlliape Colheo. 111., aod an uncle of
proom-.and Rev. 0. T. Sionr.
r of Grace Episcopal chnrcli.
Tlieo followci the bridesmaW
nsman. Mia Helen Hoover, hf
of UmMm. Kehnuka. and the
and proom. who look tlieir places In
birantifnl bower
Tlie cetemouy was i»>rformed by
Bev. Mr. Kntinoff. assiurd by Bev.
Ur. Stonl. and was brief, bol'.most

School Suits

Clear Path pn-bbL new. ....
Cber Pork per lb..........................
diLBul. ead alba Bemben 01
Sborl Oat Pork ............................
Short Cut Port per lb...............
Bbioet decUae for tho bbc r
Floor. H. L. A Co. Bern ..
to talk about the eonteoU of the dipBye Flour. H, U * Co. Brat.
leaatic aotr. It te lewimd. boererrr. iIM. R. U a Co. Best...........
Feed. B: E. ACo. Best.............

in the opbsloa of the gcvslilent and
cabinet, sbould be the iwliey of
allied jiowrca aad In jarticubr what
policy is to Is- now thi
Pekin are Bfe pad milimiy operatloBs for tb.- iwesent at



b endarse.! by the Vnthxl Stales, aad
which is basi-d on the statement that
fossb is now opposed to the ilisiliennent of China, looks trecopnitian of Li Konp Chaop as the
scntalivii of th.- Chlneoe poroin. M l.»st in the prelimlnaiT
pottetions. Hi- is to see tn it 1
the imp.-riel family diell pc-t had
Pekin, from which the troo;>MiI the
allied powers sliall he withdrawn and
then carry 00 .liplometic nepotbtinns with a fori-ipn povernment look
to a perman.-nc |ieace. i
enkioo> to liai.promi* action ukt« for the ]wn>osr
of htsulinp off Uvrmany's inlentinn
sruil a brpv army to Cliiaa and
•late war. as the beptauinp of
n in ch-stroy ihi- ilynastr and i
It- the t.-cTitory almmc the vietor-

''------ nciy Butter pm lb...........
____ seper lb....................................
Outs per bo told)........................
Corn per bo loldl...........................
Potatoes per bn .............................
Salt i»r bhl .................... ................
Bran {mr 100. ..
Backwbrai Floor per bU .. .


Ladies' Percale Wrappers in all sizes—
have been selling at Sixx> and
?i-35. at
Choice of r Best Wrappers. $1.19.

Big lot of Men'-s Pants in very
terns and odors: have been "
selling at $i;75. Ss. $2.50. S3,
We gi\-e you the choice of our best Stiaw
Hats, worth up to S1.35. for ^Qq
Nice st>'lish Caps for men. Wg lot to se-

Wheat p-r liu told)..
Wheat l»T »« I new I
Obi* Ko. I i»-r bu ...
Pomcors per liu_____
Bye per

Choice of a lot of Ladies' Hats 1 Qm
until sold, fer....,...........
This is a snap worth all the way up to $1.

Tbe Omc«* Smith eidar mill poor
HoarM Ctetre b now ready lor orier*
‘ maoateetara of dder.
Ik it

1 Shirt Waist until '9p%f%
eenoufbiglotat.. ■ Wv-


15.000 DOLlsASS’ WOSTH.
or Uenr* Boy*'and Children'* nevr
Pall aad WLoter Uoiblnr Bet*. Caps.
— •
. Sot. Clovrs.
Uilteor, Overled r - • •
eoate-ctr . jail ui
Bvarytbioc new an
Ueo*m aiTthincte
with yoo anyway
will bu glad to *M you and petae
. W« apeak German. Volbb.
a. Tbenevalore.
U4 Front SU
TiaverM City.


Men’s Summer Suits, made: of good wearing cassiincrc—worth $4.


Children's extra 'quality black ribbed
hose, sues 5 to 10, worth 15c. JQq
All that's left of our stock of Lawns, L)imitiev. etc. \Vorth loc to tSc,
Ladies' W'hite Duck Skirts, made in lat­
est st)'les, worth eighty-five



Will sic.gcra inal bri dor ksbd •*
rci-hl obeb dentechcr *itu *<-hoetuo.obslc kaufeo Oder ol<Uil.dat
itltranf. '-tehonooe."
Dir Droteobr None Kteider Band


"Immn Koch Fun 'a Dollar-’



Pere Marquette

i Hadiiuarlcrs for School" Books and Supplies.

'nth Aoonel Cosveeiloo of Nelionel
Letter Cerrier*' Aeeoeielton.
l p. m. M brae* band*
1* at 1.
enlbg. «tc, rw,
by all I’rreMerTlck*W
qoclteageemon Sep'.. 33od and trd imi
ine !ad only at ateUan* btrieg Sandiy
trabii all good toroinrn until SeptRate one war_fa^

Cbe 0ity Book Store


An eieellenkoppurtoolty tovblt M;lwaakec and tbr Northwrat will be affordud by ihb rxearMon. a* lick
will be good 10 rrloni until Sept- 3Si
Train will leare TrarrrMCity '
' arrire et Lodlogun
-with l-cr*or erriring et UilweokM et 30 nrit
moniiBg. llele from Trerevor Cliy'will
best.00. Rerlb*on »t«em»r extra P..
tarolngsleemer* leer* Hllweukbe
S p m- every day.
3'. S



n*s BOtui-tliim; •{•■rial Io offi-r you
wIk ii



oehriot itrviiu.

Coin*- and

wliAl it in-briiu: in yottraermHl-lianil
btxAa—WI- will bn; or teke in vxfUkiiiNi atr tltel. ena be tiaod bere.
W»- Jiavi- the LTegtept \arirriy id UbIfto in tiiia part of Mieliiuao.



OBor^ eU Summer Hoods
’’'mm'* sis Solt* go et I'J
Mm's SIO Suite go et SC.
Slen'iS* Peotegoelff.'^u
Meo'* S3 Ponte go et SI Tt.
Beyt' Solu.el ;se. S1. tl-so
Boy*' Peete. !!>«, ssc. i
Hcd'* Ucdsrvreer. tie.
Used to.acll ei toe. Slri eod
Meo'* fine Tie SblrU eli-<!.
All Bet* end Cep* el coat.
It will pay yon to callS. BENDA A CO .
ISt Front 81.. TraverM Clly.




Box Olf
School Shoos
Laiits’, niisstt', Bof’s am4 Yaittff’t.
Boilt TPry'atruoi;, madr- on styliah iMte—will stand wet weath­
er—Always look well.
laadies'al'.......................$1.7.3 aod $2.00
Misses’ St...................... $lTiOsnd $L75
Loy'd St.......................$1,40, II.T.-.sikI $2.00
Yontb-'sal.................$l.p0.$1.40 and flTiO

.ntne cj. eercunl e

We can save you'money on yoor school shoes.

We Imps

cheaper linen if yoo wanil them.

or MK^ICIAN.>. Pt-4*i.-i'.«n t.vw*r^>BiiiT.^M
si lb. I'r-J*!- -dl- in tk.- cit< .< Tv»i.v.
til- ash ilsT -rAseu-i. in ih- <..r
tteiBWMl mi*- f,ui>.lr»xl. J-n---«il. 3*111. .
P.-I 0 shock anil be kill.xl. h.- prabUsI n. Ji*lv <r Pr.J*t. • Iii il-- itisii.r
• rtb. .WISE'-A ■•..s-c. W, flsremi.-..]*•• -r
Etvblis aroan.l th.- waist an>l lioth TrsT.vwOi<.
-lat. *mlr.unt> sf-y-i^.il
fell 'from Hie dynamo. ; Wh.-ii I'
*ilmist-tr»l.» "t w*l —us.
recov.-nxi eouseionsn.-ss in- stil............
1*1.. ...on
.*1. lAsI h- i.n...
the uneonsrioos f.mi of his lirothi-r
r—1 ti>nxKt.vbi- llB*l*>xv«nte- -s.-h *.1
woAmon in hit arme
wetv ladly Imrocl. Imi will rei

Boot. Adee aad Smith
asked to satsail an oatito* cd the re
to the EaBten prtqsMls and from
them a diplomatic
.later in .the day fomalated by Adee
and sent
r United Statea H.

3!c Yd.


- Mnaper Wont Frw.
J. »l. Beaabew. manager of J. '
laterbbonae (urnbblnr (tore at Elk
"’Atiotlii-r instaiic- .«x-orr<-.l yestiTaplds, ha* ipae to Grand Rapid*' tor a
■by ill whleh Sli.Tlff SiaijMon ivIuwhI
o-c-ive H hnanh-r K-ut him by
juslir.' of the
from out of I
the date
am^l bkcnmj
lion to To'Vi-sl.-riUy sfl.-rnnnn Mnrslul
ladoaqd moat .. .
W.-lls of Kite Lake mnie to the <
M A S. E.a»d A-.A.
jy jail wlllidh-n Sluiip.T. a'jiti!
wbo lull IN-.-0 hounil over bv Jnsliev ■■■
r. A. Mi'll'
Kimball of Fife luk.-: The eoramit
I liiil mil miisfy Sli.-rifT Simiami
. ». SUter.thehouaefnrobhcr. rr
hi- o-ffiK-il to rec.-ivi- the irisDii
eoivud a large oar load oT dbiogebairt
is-lui.x! tiui .Mnnpe-r was ac
d of a riiefl rnnimitled in Knlkas
ka county luid was MTi-sted bt.-r hy
Harslial WelU iu Wcriool e.
ms lekrn U-fixv Jnsiio- Kinilull
and tsmiid nv.T to the circuit
Sli.-riff Sim)sion rould not n-c-t<
uxl Is-rauis- ofllo-^s of thiscoun
ty have no jurtwlirlion ot.t |kt
charpixl with crimi-s eommiltnl
ride this COUD1T iu a cas.- of this
VIA me
kiixL In Ihts can.- tin- alii-pixl erimi
was, in Kulknskn enunty
:lu- am-st maih- in W.-xfnnl ronn
IV by an ofllcrr of Grand Tisvetw- LABOE HAY ANH LEtTEB CAR-

V neit in order.
neror were poml wishes
boarif^c and sinbere than those
which fnllowedotir dear Traverse City
rirl and her chasm hnsUuid into
heir new life.
.A latpc and clepaut marque
been erected on the lawn and
ere tablet sinvad for the wclH'li the slieriff call.-dihe
dlnp Innobeon. a larpe center table lion of Olflei-r W.-lls to lit.- silunlinh
-'was nnihinp l.i do hut n-Iensv
nailer were
jirison.-r. os tin- oflfeet eonl.l
I fifty hnhl him oml the siu-ritT lia.l no
which thorirv to k.-t'|i him in
pnests laeaeol. The
prepami nnder the direction of a Wlnu ManKcr .Ii-ux.v.-r.-<l liiol In- «a>
Rapiils caterer, was as fol­ no lonm q |»»son.». and,wBs fnslows :
di-inn. ho was uv.-rjnyaxl nud in I
Kish pates'with auee taitare.
he sliook Imjids wi
Balled NnU.
Ptmolas. .•v.'ryl«ly, in sipht and .-inuvw.1 bis
Chichim ated.
(^wsr Wafers.
Imppiii.-ss iu -i-nrinns »tln'-r
He wn-s allnw.xl 10 pn. on-l
. Ihe eomiany Unpered loup, u
will d<^hl|i-ss lUoHt liy his >-si>-rvbi-n the w<-sl was aU aplow with
plorions stmsit. promisinp i bripht
tomorrow. iIh- yonnp hnshaud and
.'.n.i.iM. M ....................
M..... .
wife look their ilopMnre.
"And far acroalhebills tliev wral. on the Giev of Jduekhine. was l.-fl on
Uackinne Isluinl Sommy uiplii iiii-l in
In that new world which is the old.
ail virort m'niale the l«»i by jninj.A bevy of Inuphinp nmnleos aeeon
inp. h<- f.-l! inio the water lui-i wn
panied tliem .10 the train wliieh wi
Ftvil Eads, of Adriiui. npe.1 Ml lunl
to take them north to Uapkinaw.and
Ibencs' they are to po hy boat to llieir a row with his l.r«ih.-r bikI pninp up
stain hnnp himself will, n sliv<-i '(»
western home.
the btnnisi.T of tin- stnirwnr.
The weddinp prosents wrte nomer- was black in thi- face whi-n bis moth­
00s and aapnificent. and te*tifle<i to er fooinl liim and cut him ilown. and
it was will, eoiisblerahle diflicnlly
the love and rateem of Mead*, both
Ilut Ti-spitnlion was restore.1
present and nhaent.
Wliih- workmen wiTi-'ilippinp
Amonp those present from abroad bniblinp mini liv ■lid' itwlsble.
weiv Mr. and Mrs O. W. Hoover, of mile nortli of Gnl.-s>Kirp. th.-y en
Kansas Cily.father and tnOllier of llu- uinn a mass of soim- snlxiance of
ilv eonriM.-nev oml <-«iimati-<l
proom. Ur. nnS Ur* Shirley and
r mil Tin- mat
re'ipli raw or
danphter. of Kanas Cilv. Ur. aod is a ionti
' ml ]uule.
C. fO. Bi-it. a ft
Pmrmt. i-^s-nene.
.—oai.-Tiiii: tiyn
iw.i ui.ii.s.nms
uiiiiisintUB .swi
. Krvxl Hoover, the bridepioom. encount.-riuc
- ■h
Willi the aid of
wIk) Ims mkeo away age of Traverse
rin.- Inbull.l
City's best loved daajriiura
itK Tin- bars an' p man of sterlinp character.
lliai vv-imiv. havp'beend.Irivi-n from
ou tile north b.v itie
fomn fire.
;Uuivet*ity_________ ________ ______
Walter Kn-hU. onHernririan. emIt ricellent pros]N>cta of succew
aad tnapiTity io Che life befon- him. plore.1 liv the Uusk.-pnn - El.x-trie
Liphi Company. «;hilea.UBSitDp some
brnshes 110 'a ilvnama
j AnAppaaltotaaPewsra.
eltx-trte ..shock; which n.-orlv
couiuxl his il.-uth.
Eipht Ihouand
volts were lONiinR tliroupti the lirnn.
ofroo protrachd losions of the ab- mo an.1 if it lunl not Is-en for the
today, ooe sitllnp- from ten timely aid of William >'rany. the euo'clo^ until lldW.and the other from pineer. Kn-bh* w.uld lu«.- f alien
S until S:» the Cuited 8mtes povero- oistn tl.r d?-numJ Ktatcteariaxi in an Insteut wherms
inp. aod allhoaph In- kn.-vk- In- mlpbt

submitte.1 yrstenlay by the Rot
povernment. throoph Chetpe
d'Affair* U. d.- Washinptou
opositicn, » sappestia. I
tortirnUr ab)e<n of di
Sian when Ibe abinel met this 1
inp. but dorlnp the *ik boar srssfem
all phases of ihuXlhine question, .llplomatic aod militnry,
fuUy hy the preridenl and bis adviseta those preseat beinp . Soerelary
Root. Actinp Secretary of Stale Atlee.
Sorrelazy trf the Tnaary Gape. SeeretaiT of the toterior Hittheock,
Postmaster General Smith aad Secre-


Th-ftil-si n i-.»d.-r..J.Ib*i
tb. JI-1
.< e,.|S.isbv Is-, .-'|.•-k is tbJobs Blaier baa rose to Elk BapIM ■ter
sft.TU.siri.l-- •—-iim—I r-T th- h-unai;.r-.«-1
to help Id J. W- Slater'* Merc .teere lor
llto-sml Ibsr in.-b-:r.s! Us
..*1^.a week or top daya
.*m!sl!.ilb.T|*»~Ai- inl.e-l.«i|lr'.»*I

TrM Trkdrkb,

«'«« FronW SW.


IF YOUIt you wbh to aell year barioMa
It will be to yoar latenri to write to


CSurk'i BuisHi SSbhu^,


«-« ____ ,

:i Henne St. Oraad Bapid*. Hteh.
-HleUpaB State Fair.'
aiuetioa of I

SEN. 4,5, t, 7, mi.

a of tb* Ulekifoa
State Fklr. to be bold *t Oraad Rapid*
•*«Mmb*r M to t« Tbb t*lr bagia*
tbo**eoadkalf eaWTof Slate F»in.

OnaA AttneUoBs, Big Bne««, Big Kldway, Bplaadfd
SzblbfU. lATg* CMb Pmaiamg in AU

yM bcU. Tbe Slate Fair oboald
tenot every ebet of peoplr. ai li
hrid for tb* parpoM of dbpUyter___
prodaebofaklllad labor la all dvpan- -teetlif*. W* bop* that 0* Btepy
be Baxeut readtt* a* pcioltate will

gntad staml each erening. One fare for roond triton all rail­
roads: For bu; preoioffi list sad other tnlomiatiap, address

ffeslen Dlstriet i^ieiltinl
taU ahoat the MMer for p

aaddi* bUllgiMi prubw.
Immar beiu BENDA. -toafM et

MRBlRtM, Mloh.


Edw. BaeUey. Pns.


O. W. Swi^ Sge’;.

asuro oBAYltoBBEiup. Auanwr to, laoo.
lay Witt
la ktoglut wait.
Beeaiud. thu te tenha e< te ee
aad tte Jaalota plaaaed a earprtoe lor
Tba party mol at Ibatr bow
ala aad Mlata Mlaor waat taTtatata
!.tta Maey fara. aad all eoKyad
waMlBBlatointrida ea tbe
ableyU Bill ba ebat
CttrtaaHB waa absat fear bean

--------to Mr.-----------------d Uri.--A. J. Blybu.
Tbanday. Aoy. 2ld.aaoe.

■efiald SupL. Mr.^.



- ---------------- .to rteUiayHn. Annette
BanyParkrahu yeute Oadarte
a E Voder aad Ctoartu E Voder
kare ratewad Cram a trip


Bmolred. thu we tedra to the peo-'
Mtoa Mtad Bedya el Baart atotlad ^ ol Moaioe Coatee and te (orMpa. Bodya latt watt. .
- Wm. Nelaon, rrhebu bora olAte'
Hay eommsalty oae thoak*
the put iwoweefc*. haWetebeap.
aa aad Pay Hedya teaa ntaraTbe ladka ef the QayTayr.
Bertie F.
yoaayaet waot k
kareb will ytrsa laws toeU at tbe
*d Men. P. Tf. Wlaeh. died last Thu
UMifda*^ aye of tkree yeata aad a


AlbtnFMartyl buy.

gsga ^,-.*rsrru

Tfce OcPoUr Md PotOTwa bo«
WOl ^ M is* CTWB mUI
. «h*akwhh»*BiM.etk.torib«bM- rot bli floKcn ellppad Ib tb* JvlaL. .
«■! at Bot. HooiL Bforybedr Mr- Ibatoetor;. They kr« baoltor noUJr wa bats rieUlay laUllra la Old Hlr
Norttport t
Ur. OumU bM typb^ fOTM at fall
d lor lU Uao^LS.
The Oaeksaa liniByht U as enar0B« iB TrmMtw.
HtoaUaxe Voice to rtolUay trie
at aany fiea Elk Bapidt laal BaaFni atoce hod obetorm aorbo* qalto
io Sflttou Bay.
OBTSTBly lut •roak,
t Mn-M.
KllB iVi:uD it raeadloya wi
Arttar DaVol. who bat bMB i
Mr. osd Hr* btoaSer ood Bey BelUtiland.
tar Wa Uarthall tta put vaar.
lea hart fooe lo Owoorloyeae to CUeayoaad Pred Hiaer • Mn. Jay Poauye to rtoltlsy bar 1
Ula Itele Bm»« bM p» be
Ukao bb plaea.
band at Brarer Ulaad.
Mn. E GrobtWB of HUwaaku to
M •ehrmb to TtolUw bora boa
lUoy Witt friend* In ttto place.
Editor W. C Neltoomod wlleolLeta Wtea raUrMd btm bto. trly
_ u McDoaald aad aieeu.ttaHtosei land •penlSalaroay rtoitlay fneadt la
eal with tbeir ibraehlDK —oehlM
•HtlMtMMdvBwttaaad Ireae Moatayar. oKirmsd tbtoptoee.
Utat Mery B-oha to rMUof Ib
O. V. Bdaoa weal oa tbe <_______
Bapida, ore rtoiUay frieoito bare.
osd .Mra Prank Smfford of 0111-*
. Mo^ ID Ohhace- «b«« he vUI rtoll Trarerae aiy.
ru lu Norttport on Satarday.
IttotLeara Lladley'lBteeda tefolo
eborya of tte Oonpaay’e boardioy - kirt. W. Abbott aad son of Tyan
. -here Hecam. Mteb;. tooomtw torUltarUb
rrieBAaed aitesd the T. P. A. eUU ' Bate at ttir place.
aty. Mn. 0(0 Willemaaof Pllnioad
Hro-Yoarrcll of Chlcayo huretaraed ilr*. Prank Dirit and danybtra of
eoDrestloB. pllat. pou ttrooyb. Northport ThanHr. Potter OBd dao^ter of BIr Bepday oa tbeir way to UIU-* Pier, where
Ida. HIdi.. oreaaUd a alBgiac ha­
tbey were entorlahied by freak Staf­
bere laat olybi.
ford aad wife.
Friday ttey reiaraed
Mr. and Hra. Ws. DoBBor mat
ttto place and were tne yauu of Hr
leb , yaeterdM to ettei
. Ileary Suovi>tbe ibreehlB* «*<*loa to tbefaa—alof H». DoBBeA Biotbrr.
Bar. aod Mra. Melealf of eoettera
li^on^^aVe rtolUoy relai
Ific Bennancer of Snttou Bay to
Wb. BaoboTB to de
opradiny hi* vocatlea with bto Better
iaa.BMa>.wbehaa beeBMaylBffat work tor Cbu
Mra. Cbu.PrlU rtolted at Hiller Ulll aod *iatcr> lo tti* plae
teOanraeUke Baort.reMrBad Miau Laara Llsdley. Martha Bard wife
old; lieBc HortOB. Lydia Haekar. Ba>
3f tbcl
J. t>—ary Irft Monday for the
•oeiral «Kpaet te aUeed the dooea
eraoe Baeket, Bar. B. Bath aad Pred
lu Dame, in tbl* place.
kmpaient at Cbieiyo.
fiooi Barber tbit eaeolac.
Brrold. Jr. aCteaded tta eoaaty Bbd
Mr.- I.. Bneoaurer left Uanday
Eer. Cbu Blaby. who bu beeo pu■r.brf MfO-rtobtr of Cbkia«ti a
i»il iu Lctond osd Trarerte City.
.wof St. Haal'a ^toeopa' etanreb for
^en^JI-^ly of their aoela. B.
twenty yeaia, la mortay oo Olco
Tbe tlumcr Crcacent Rare aoezearlobe Mr. BIzby bu apeoi tte yreater
OR to Charleroi* Snnday.
- of
• tte am
itta here r
Ur* W. Il.ii:>botloi.*edetaildrrn
the put urenlceo yean.
rired Satarday ereniny from Bu
OaU norbaaba la paUiBT a see te
land for a ritil Witt relatlru i
». J-, Hewitt to troll ayala after
«• part et bto boBie tb la week.
fr.cnd* in-NoriuporL
Jab*' HorsB aad ta-Uy were rto:
Dr. Elliottof Lodi. Ohio, riaii
MiuC.'Oa Streleopent a few d*yi
IW M a BetMara-a laat weHt.
atiru oo Poml Bill lut week.
lut week in SaitoD>.B*y.
WOUaa Dartoee aad wile ace i
John Waller* of Snltoot Bay wu a
Hr. Doiwy and Ber. Oaa. Bizby df
. V. B. (torpaater rataraed fraa
JaWv eaw the arrival of SB belr.
ChSeayo rtoltad at Hr. Belm-i Sater- Nortbporl vi
Ibe •abater boya ore tbraabiat
cbeipd daoybier Brma
' Mn. H. Bowtteai
Mra. Wbi. Bbater arrired Booday
M— Oopetoad aettaborbood this tree
^Bt Sunday •Witt friend* in Cbarlc
rtolt bo aoni aod UiHr laBilllea.


----- -

B. T. Pray sad Maad Bceoaibe
trat to Ttarmt aiy the rfth.
A. a. ratrbaaba i
toeiMaCu with
r. Abetia-e

aa( »
Mia. dohB Oes tat baas aaCarisy
-with a bard aeU.
Mr. a^ Mn. Laolsr HallaU-a baby
toatryalekaad not espaetad tellae.
Mra. L. E. BlehatdaMb aetoe asd
aaphiwdaealbara MleUcaaareb-e
Mr. Haaba^ telly espM
■t> Team
belora Isay.
OydeOarrlaaad itolerOn--------kelearaaoeBt-' tbHraoatberD boaa.
WeidWarMaBd tellyotUkaAbb
•lUadat Peter OoflWdb deadey after-

bylbebaUbataota-leMly barv

a aBheol hoeaeto bHay repaired


I. M wHl ae the centert ot tbe
OarbBBtllaydlieetor.g A.
---------------- ----tatberlyht
______C tbe work
____________ y. wUb Mta Hariaa Prau


• MaeCUp.

Aaar JehMdthe teiebat iatoe4y
. teBONtoa laet Saaday.
They were
iMteaadat Tteattar ear Aareh tarateaada tapyaoewd witaaaaadtba

wutfacr aad loti of nle.
Mia Baalea Bareard <• TtoiUoy Is beard ii
tra< ley BOluatn
tarerae atyi ah^peeta to^yo tt laHilwaaeer. aod '
D. M. Peerr-aae
r. Aillsinoa wu olecUd aapertaat tte hotel.
-------eat of oar Saaday abaol lo place
Hia. Hawmaa. S. & Burke. M
of Mr, Hotrer. who raalyaad.
Bka a Poloy left Hoaday aaralay Bue Stanley and Mra. T. F. Yonoy a
laartoUalhuteld boae. after which on tte Blek Itot.
E E Blarylt of tbe Alleyan (keam^ Co. to bore for a few daya.
' Jobn Kennedy to bnlldlay a porch on
the frant of bto baaae.
Bore to Mr. aad Mra. B
Mn. T. T. Yoony «ad Mn. « F.
DaUBOrewere Trarene City rtoitora

ea(. S
Hr. and Mra (torr of Eaiplrc aod
Barrailey to pretty trell fioUbed la Oarr-t fatter, nottar aod ttoter ol
ttw^par^^^Spatp bare done tbeir tonrialled at 0. M. D. CleiaeoU
day and Satarday.
B. Newiled bu ralaned home alter
Mn. OUmnl-k Hater-la-law, Hr*.
a two
abaeaee la Orlaa, where Slack, aad a eootla and faaily rtolted
at Mr. ae—ant-* Satarday aad Sunday.
^wu Selay treeted lorayrowlb
Prank Poaoekrtolted hit atoter. Mn.
Wa Pbelm. Banday.
Bora to Mr. aad Mr*. Bea Pbolpa.
Aay. tstt. a ylrl.
Mr.aBd'Uit.iaoa Wllsoa hare
ylrl mboal (wo weeka olA
Tbca. Uadla and S. RielpB ore ea...........................
wall Boder the
.of EulEaaaoo.
B. PatteaylU 1a raiaodallny bto booM
id etberwtoe btasUfylay fait pram'
Ida Polloek to atayiny aritt her
■ter, Met. Wm. Pbelpa. fob a tew
Ur. asd'Mra H. A. Hub of Maple
ty TtoitM Hra.JSaeh-t pacaoM. Mr.
id Mra. Petteayill Baoday.
As eSort to belay made lo hare a
■bile road bdntdowato the Uke.


Mr. aad Mn^. L. Priak aad danyhlen UlUeaadUls sprat Saaday with
Mr. aad Mn. Will Oee df Blk Lake.

ItaewOl baaiaelal ate. B. nb>a
—attoaiadayalybttor tbebw^tof
HUtoD te apead tbe wee
at tta MTT^cdr. Oene eee. e
triaeda aad yet falaekfaerrlca.
TbeL< a- Aid
Witt I
CSoc W-Sa^J^lSfoT^S A. Potia

artey______________ _______
-beea^rtoi^^rtooda hm^tte put

Mm PMar tataned Baa
Mr.«yata. Mr. Baryta- Me­
te tewad Ma piekwad tbrea 1
M^PMyUay 11 ,_____
>. kUeh
M>Ieh he
Witt hte« hook

kW«u-. nwa-

airt ffSL?u.'iss;Uis

Mr. Btite aad Mr. Ooney ef the

A toeapB eaUlay



W. L F
all of wbi pro—toa to be a yood cror.
Oaeisaee field to apeetotlyflar. It
to aeuod to aaaa In ttia rlclnlty.
Mra. P. J. Bt
barbtoler Ula
ba little daayl
tbeir oaay trie
hood tbto waeh.
B. P. Boroa bad tbe i
be OTertaraad with a load (rf oela Mbn__ ilay. .'Be
_jea to tbe
______InaraalMe. bat
prored to be
----------- ----------beM able toyo
ayala In a abort Uma.

^^-Blttaef Yaaa hai beeaatottlBy
totoade at thia pleat.
Mata Moae tai yeea to Yaaa


Mytetoy aad daaaye.
Ma eae wa Aart. H


^ rjUtTOl waat te Oiawa SatarLUtla MaiyeiMdMlaytoaayaltt.

Mra. d. W. Baitt to kaMa
MaDaeato kM-«dd be



• te

kule* I
Irieod* In



Aninlodinol tte Catholicimol roeoload
ttrcatlny prayni
mental maale wu re
fmbmenu cenallny -. —----------ake and lemon oberfael wertatrred.
Tbere wo* * torye aitendodu aad It
wu a •nKCOo in erory lutare. Aboal
S:: wat
Ur. and Mr*. Dean*use dowb frem
Satloo* Uiy Friday crenlay
PoUowIcR tti*. Mto* Aon* Bobrer
tte-i<x-lal yiren by tte lac
Rare a.rery yood recitaiinn.
After *'DylnR “When tbe roll to
eolled ap yonder." tte' •eulun of* tuh'
ceuful aad .profitable coarcntliu wu
Hh« l■.•l.\lATK*r. I'retideut
A. A. Semiont of Sattoa* Bay attendlli'uii K>;s!<i.i-<. Sec'y pro Urn
ed the mutleal In ttto place Friday
•cine end parlielpaled in It.
Mr. iind Hn. Dun Campbell and T.
P. Brady of MtntoU-e. and Mr. and Mr^ Norttport rlil re Saaday
a hope for the racorery
Cbu. Day ol New York, tpent Sno.I.y' Uru-I.
.. «. H. E. Oil! i
of Min Lottie Hub. of Ttarerae City,
at ttejiomesf B. Bri*-u>l.
wbo w atrock by llybuiny lut day* in Tnrene Cit]
Wm. Sebauaan
________-n aod H. Unyl______
attended the ooetol__________
and matlHarry Qei lat and wife atari (or ton* lUy attended__________
nt tbe
the town ball
hall Falday
“ '
thlieball U , mornlay. where tbey eat at
■illen u teoebnr io tte and outoted In tbe proyram.
.Mr*. Stere Bridynof Chicoyo rial
wl there. Ur. and Mro.Cleneol are both yradoal— of tte Norsal In ttaii place lut wukat Ypailaatl aad are welt ttonybt of
Cbor. Coz of Unrbor Spriny* wu the
..nut cf Byron Wouley and faaulya
few d»y* lut.week.
Hr*. L'cee Bceneu ud dinybler
Irene left today for tbeir borne in Uilwankce. after a rtolt of aercnl week*
■nored. and at lut rc
with tte family of H EUill.
u well uee
County Sncoiy School Conrmaob.
Keporl of tte Grand Tnrenn Connly
Sunday sttool Oonreotion, held at
Monroe Center. Any.
Aiiy. 2Jnd and tJrd.




eteeaaoheiplaufor fire year* r-- -eeealdaot tore orerin bed ab
After nslay trro beulu of Eieetrie
ten ohe tow
able to do lu
n work " Tble oapreme ramr
femole dtoeeace
qnltkly ear.
rtr.w.1 .»«iTt I.< «I^ Ttewrw
cbr. bu
I*. Ill*


Tb. |ir.^niB* to l«. M-U *ri
Mra. Mianle Lawresre hu yeae .to
aereload after ber lion of foil aad win

i* —

The-wUirM <inartte-<>,>.e tte MtWwM

Xt Stipafi Via StVl'i.
'wenty-Dlae oEur* and men wn
- -m te Pr*l to uy that for Setnti
and 8U^lnto.‘nntttelAi?HS suite
it the but in tte world. Same for
Barci, Skin ErepUau aad Vile*, ft
ecat* a box. Care yaoraateed.
by S E Wail aad Ju G. Jol

A Complete Variely
Summer Lap Bobes and Dusters. .
Ab entire new line of Ibcsc Roods at very

lowest prices.

in all styles, colors and designs. A




Rood one for 76c.


ISO Front Street

Traverse City, Mich.



SS'.h“.‘"^.;s urn.- i

her aod we Dead oae here very
r tbey dMlda^w aoM^tbey will

d by C. S.


We have some odd pieces of most all kinds of Furniture that we must close out to make
room for our large fall stock that is beginn^g to arrive.

then yarCa burty
_________ _
. tyatttaod allnre*ent. and county pmideal. C. II. Ettu,
ta reytotered at tta hotel for responded with a lew well ebuen
tte put reek are u loUowc Pred' ------>
repnrto wereulled
Iter, Milwankr
Baydaii. I
II. G.; Eddie Ol
Dr. A. B. BUIott. Lodi
lu; Albert
aow, St. Jobu;
Albert; Aedru. Kismet
,____ -_e oeeretary-* report*__
Ilainln. Ike Well,
Anutroay. U.
U W. Baolamln.
that tbere tii Sunday srbooto In
Edw. Bteaeb.
b. II. A. iiaaaoa, L. Bora- county. Witt a memberehlo of t.f0- OruBOnyb
________ ... .and eon Ken____ sr. M. _.
C. S. Itaroe, Snnda/' acbool mto
ay. Bird Kidder. Prank Doon. Trareru *ry. yare
a fall report of bto
tbe conaly,
csnaly, after which tte followlay
------------- aopointed:
Committee ea Nomination—Urn. U.
S. UtUbRer. A. B. Jaekaon. Henry
Bewett, W. Oepew and wife. Mrv Uc- Sotteit. HUiLUlie Uorlonaad C. E
Oaeer, Mra. Tnekar. Mra Lula Bear.
Committee on Beulutlou—Ber. J.
W. Hiller. Fred Daell. Hrr. Charlu
Monroe. Urn. E Daria and Biley.Crali
o. aonman, maniaiiee. w a at
Allayoe; Nat. Cornell. Maatoe.
Mr. Itnell led tbe pratoe. •erriu on
A. H. Jocktoa tbe derotlonal ezerctoo
Hr. Day. tbe Slate t
dent. RiTi
r Mra. Deanto- broth- Snbjeel. ■

S6me Odd Chairs and Rockers
at atvav liclow.manufacturers' cost. A good arm rocker for
$1.3*. sold fur
A Rood sewioR rocker for 07c, sold for S1.73. A
fine hand poiished twk arm chair #J.S5. Some fine hand!.S5. sold for $j.3S.
some oak and mahogany hand polished rockers
for S;'75. now §4.65.
------- sold
Other bargains just as bij
\\c need the room and.they lUSt
airs of all styles
style and all pric
rices. Just
rcceivcdf a extra large car
^ . _______—
packed full: over r>5
(>5 dozen
of the lilatest styles and designs will be on our
floors next wcfek. In the mean time
le we must dispose of the odds and ends,
We have a few full wits
«i chairs)
-..... .orfor
A few'full sets high bacl-^
A few full sets of solid oak. canc seat, high
few odd chairs at less than first cost


itoB*SS”Jd a?;

Some Odd Dresser Bargains
• that will enable you to own a fine hand
har polished,
,.............high grade odd dresser for
less nwncy than you would have to pay elsewhere for a common cheap one.. Our No.
i oak. hand polished, double
fiublc shai>cd top, shaped I' rennh
bevel miiror, sold -for
out price Si 2.65. Our No. 642 tlrcsser, large polished . oak. 4 drawers,
Tench mirror, sold for $18.50. close out priceSu.fis.
havent styles polished oak. mahogany, and white eng/nel dressers that we will give you the
proiKirtign prices on. If you want cheapdressers we have them. Good, solid oak di
S9.75. Mo.,i;o. and so on.

Ml*. C P-Horton led
Tin and Ber. Ball of Km
ne primary work wu then token ap.

Bamaal Mara aad I
Beveral yoany people made.apla^
_ Callft_________
aat coll oaMiaOorBl'HarUn lut Pri-. Meaday morsfay- for
wOl make that plaeeth
their borne Their
wUh ttem mni' claim* and promtou. onVun. J. W.
Milllkeo of-Trareru atyi
n-lty la tbeir or
Sereral of <«r peopU aUeadad tta
IdUrutlnyulkaod illulik'
faaaral lut Saaday of Mn. E U
to tueb me 111 '
Elayoley. oae of oor fittt uUlen. w
died at Bly Bapida. at the hoae of I
Bamsoo. Shermaa Baya aad DollU
■ MCO.J.
Tabbarar left here Hoaday to camp at w. Hlllikcn wu
ru uksd to farther
ber llliuber kiadei
____ ....
-lndery»rtea work it
______ It city.
Tbe roaeral aarTii_ Dock Labe. They will be jjlnad there trale
all prurat
wae bald at tt^ booae oo Beaday. ^^tte^tolly of Joba Winebcomb of Saaday teboot. and
Mn. Etnyalay bu beeo a yroat aeffarC.
afeea paralyato.
Sbalaaca ahoabaad aad aU etalUm aad a but of _____ ^lay omoay tbe ladiou io ladioa itation entitled “Tbe Widow-* Hite."
rouer tte bud of bwlnet* tto aut-territory dorlay the peat year, yare i
..-rof tue townobip eleeUoa* rrere dtotalereatlay dcoeripUooof bsrwo-k
eawed aad it wa* rated that eoeb town­
tte ehareh Tteday crealBC.
ship utcciaiioa bold it* eluiioe <
J. B LeloM aad telly of Gni
Triplett. Oaci. Uelyer aad A. E
fieer* at the tint eoerenttoo held____
Bapida, Bar. Boroea Moaa ol Plqoa. (
I an la Cbleaye.
Jannory 1*1 of each yur. aad report at
who baca been eomplay aeu Jol
onu to tbe eodaty •eerctoiy.
'. ^t to Detroit Mooday Koeh-a alOM. hare yoac beua.
Beport of nmalnaUay comi
J. D. KlebeUaad wife of Eoakalcee.
PrcalacBi—C U. Ette*.
Oae ef tte meat ealayable parUu ni.. ore TtolUay tbeir daoyfalM. Hr*. J.
Vice Pru-Mx*. ^^McWetty.
wMbUdatU. MeOartty'c Wedaaaday P. Gibb*.
Seetetory-Bebe .
ereatay. It betay ttair tttt weddlac
MiuBttel Oibbiof -rneaneCityto
aael WUhelm.
aaBivertary. Hearty oae baadred p^
rtoltloy xalaUrr* bare.
^tept l-rtmary Wr
'oik-Hr*. J.W.Hl
pla were preaeat.
Hr*. Maad Qodyu.
Mra. Jm Famat to oalle aiek.
•dBloaebe Kelly rek
Mra. Jea. Bird, wbe bu'beea a raf- ..ns Baeasate. wte
a ttty hare '
Bapt Normal Wcak-Oee. W. Mertoltloy.
M. Platehar ol LoolariUe. Ky.. wiho
teortof eommiiueco rasolt.-------ataylayattbe Pork Plac* la Tiaretoe
*k«?ea Meeday.
Whereu the proper obasrraau of
Ity. Bpaat Tbanday bare fttblay.
Mia. Bayer of Oraad Baelda to alaltthe Sabbatt u a day of rut bu ben
Bony Wlddicooibal Oraad BM>kto to toned ool oaiy la Uodb word. b«t by
lay trtsada la Etayalay. Bar. Mr. Bar.
aeieaiiae czpert* and hnmaa ezperi^ * ■»»'->« tor a
Him Cttel Glbbi aad Bert Jomu esu. to be nrcemary to moa-* biybeat
colled oo campon at Dock Imke Fri­ moral, latelleelnal and phya^'*el!
Mr. Gay of Blttload. Hitt., ano Hr ^itel^7*Mt we are aaolterahly
Mtoa El
ra oallad oa trtote
_awr*Bu of Btekecy Cersna, Hkk. opposed to tell yames. pieoteo. czearb-a lut
ainuandall otter forma of Sabbei
oallad kon Friday mad Satarday.
yare ^Ula
Tatormal talk at tta
deeeeteUon- Aad
Petra y^ol nater rWud oa
Mat 01ibarah. tail lay of bare------- ------------Wbereao. onr eoaaty ptuidezr. C. E|
« tbe ladlau la Okieaatirlay la hi* effort*
WUi Jaakaea'ku yew to work at L
uau of te Saaday
:. Olbka A Srm-a uw milb
Prof, d H. Aadanea waat to Fife
Uka- leaday.. . Hlawlfa will Jan bln
Oepemtoh it
Boeolred. tel rre beraby te
Brother B«tu war tbosks (or b



W.Parttea ha r

\Ulu He:


ubooU. And Mim Kittle Bore.
Geo. Weidner rceeired a letter Iw.
tkmrayto te ladlau, yare urej werkatoUny tethtotra Aoyutrru
la te hospital at Marquette, tteb with
wrakamoaytte ladlau of iheeoatt- typhoid ferer
rreet Sheihowedureralpietaruoad
John Wood bod abenrbodly bm
uaplu of their work, osd rery moeh 00 a barb wire teou yutetday.
Urn W. York from Mobile. W. I
TtolllnR her brother. Geo. Strara.
Deleyalu to te <U-.e cooreatb
Uwe Alida Woodworth relnraed u
wereC-H. 8*tu and J. W. MillikeaJ.W. UUllkea. cboinaao of tte Bally her home at Port Wayae today after a
ummlttee. iwied that aitheoyb te month'* rtolt with ber atoter. Mr*. E
SBalarTmayemratahadaotbera IT: '
tte date of holdlny It^H be 8
Mr* Priedrieb aad Mtoa Loar* Fried­
1*. aod tte plau tte eld Fair Gron
rich from Traretee CUy, Mtoi Hattie
QaarraUne adjoaraed.
llodye* and M u Lea* Sefaled ef Grand

Emozst Boa.xzv.
Bapida. bare been tbe Routo of Hr*. K
County Seeretae
Woodworth and daoyfaira Etole dortay
tbe put week.
Boaaay School ConrenuonMcr. Elir.tbett Klaytley. wifeof E
Eeport of te tenth qaarterly oon- U..K<ny*lcy. died at tbe borne other
entloacf tte Eut Boy aad Blair Sun. daitfhur. Mr* II. C Crarrford. to Biy
lay school oatoelation.........................
Bapid*. Pridaf. Any tttt. at tte aye
■oner school beau Any. ................
ofw yur*.
Tbettody r^i brouybt
home Saturday and taken to tbe bom
where the funeral wi« held Saaday
2 o'clock p. m. The tSfric—-----------de^ by Ber. Hnyb Kennedy ol Tr*r- dneted .by Era. O. E. Hall, ._____
" e Bapttot ebureb, oietoted
Ber. E
Itecliff yare a tew wnwt. oi
The remtiu rrere In­
lawelume In a rery eorditl
terred in the Errryreeo eemelery. Hco.
Hr. JackMO ruponded. a**K'lRRkleyeasetfrnin lllieo'Ato Micbl,
ran with her trotband aboot 2i yuri
sycand bu been * reeidealol Paroaiu
Next rru a roeltalioD by Hitt B*d- lowchipcrdr dnee. She rru a lorlby
llff ratiUed “A Birer lo Cro**."
wire end mottrrend a kind nciybfaor.
Tbe topie. “Parent*. Ut. What un:
I ;o tte b«be*l uteem by
te Sunday »ebool do for them? Jnd.
Wbat tbey c»n do for (be Sunday
acbool." wu dtoeusoed Id an inteitt.'.laR and raofilable manner by Mr T*y
lor. Mr. Jaekaon. Ur E*te*. and oibrn. Wbereu, io the .'.i»peni
mieuteaof the lut conrontion Broridence. lt h** olrurd
Hurrathen read and rerba! repon
report* ly F*i
c from onr nudU Bro.
yiren f
- and- Eut
tte Block
beeo a wortty brother
written report* yiren
Iren from
• a tear OJd Fellow.
tte IIIllrmley. litoek and Couriode therefore
.Beoolred. that lo tie dutt df onr es­
tte reporia aed teemed brother lodye Nc. tu* 1 u. O. FaarelOR uoiion hare
. toffernd
—(Terod an Irreparable low. bi*
“Take tte name famUrakiodand ____________ _________
and tte'eommuuiiy a hiyLly retpected
I -OA-ilOk.
Besoired. tlial tbe member* of*‘tti.
After parlakinpof a bonatlfol din
■er proTldcd by tte lodiraot the I'oue'r Iwlsr oiukl di-rply and ainerrely
Itotiiet. »eon*ecraGoo Mrrlce wucoc- pattilze Willi tbe family ofcftir ’
broibed lo ibe-r *erere aflllr
amielion and
Ineted by Mb* Graoe Will*ey.
After tIoRioR Hr. Eiu * yare a rraort ud berearnaral..
Bnolred. that tte charter be draped
■f te eonnly conrentlon held *l Mon­
lora period of tblrty day* in mn
roe Jenire oa the ::nd and >Jrd.
!y yener
yeneral conwat tte place of bold. braneeof his fidelity to tbe order,
' the next e< irention wat pat in ibc, that a copy <4 tteu reaolatiou be prearnled to h'lt family and a copy •rnl lo
Id* of tbeezeeutii
tire committei:.
Ui.rxlk for pab
A well readered
was ilieo the<iiua»TR*t
Rirea by Stella
*11* Bake
Baker. FollowloR fhto- lii-aGon. .
-d Rare an oddreuoa ' The
U. T- Mi-ini:,
Mr. KeoDcdy
f. N- Setim.l.l-,
-Time of Chrtol." The-topic wu dto-:
euioed by Mr. Pronty.
E J. S»
!. Cemnilttee.
A primary cla«* ezerctoe wa* tbrn

. :f ycaf.rdi>-£.d^ lo '

Bedroom Suites.
Just received a full car load of all ihedatest styles and
designs. Some of tJie most handsome carvings and
U-auti/ul effects yoo ever dreamed of. These beauties
commence at Sio.75. $23.75 *nd so on. We have some
of jast year s suites to ck« out at less tlian cost. One
long glass. S27.75 suite for t9.75.
When you lie down on one of our beluliful artistic
Iron Beds you have something pleasing to look at.!something that rests and soothes your tired mind and cannot heipbut influence peaceful sleep and pleasant dreams.
They surt at $2.75. Ss-s.*;- Sj-75. Ss^J-ahd so on.

just where we can make you happy. We have an cxceptionallv strong’
line, commencing at a fine folid ook. 3 drawers, 2 doofs. top drawer linM, large
bevelglass. forMj-Ss; .Nexj $14.50. $i5-75. Si77S.^i9.5o: fine large canopy top S24.75 and on up to S74.75.

Ask people that have bought of us (you can find them all around you) where
.is the best place to buy furniture and they trill all tell you at

J. W. Slater’s Exclusive House Fumisliing Store




ip the city
For Uto parpoae all the aaiont of Che
city are reqoeeted to mut at Oootral
ban chtoWpr- Ai
Itobor Uekw Ball, on Coloa etraet.
■ o-cloek eharp,MaetohyreplOBtyof ylraa. deyrou iron caafomd nad the
worfc of the order.........................—
r to the Blate ter
time for the parade to


State Bank.

Da*u B.

(tathb MB Aleaio had bMS tadlr
ittt hr lichtBlat bit tbc nnIM
aoi bt MrioBi. Um» H«pt>7
D thecemmltlitfaBtoiMua of tlw raeadbooe »t with theai
aUtalloocf the Hieblyan
Mft. RoMb7 WM TBD o««r 8Btaf«»7 the Ualfarm Baak. KolchU of Fythlae.
.MBiBtbrkrBBkWBjBt tbaomcr of
The other mambere of teeeommlttaa
noalBad FimakUB MrMt». Sbe
are Ool. B. E. Brackett oi Laaelay and
I dowB bf tte bo*M
Oaptaln EUndye of Adrian. Tbe
r MMBl e*« bv bBdj. Tbevb mlUoe will meet in Detroit immed
mbit bralMd. Ill*bailed ttetibe to
ly after the eoorealoy of the yroat
wtoMriOMlf toj-tod. •




QslBtBbto to kfmlii is

peacbce from Oowrie Hill. Dr. Kaeetb« Bpwertb LMfM of Um 8t
laad't frail farm, ehow what m»y bo
K. tbwtth will Kin tltolr ena:
,rputed from the doctor In thto tine
Bk E«pU* WHBO»Tow e*«lo*. Tb«
later on. Theae peui
bcAt wUl leBTiUto dock Bt 7 o’clock
Early Trinmpli and Eeriy Toledu
BhBTfL FBMfortherooad trip;« «oUrarietiee. bstb of which were tntreiDborof'BppUcBUeuhBto beeo dneod In tbli eocUon by Dr. Knoeland
mBdoBt thooOee of BoportoHeodcnt and .are ralnable additleoe to Oran^
Him lor plBCM where peplto mej
tareru trail-_____________
worklaesebBBcetorboerd. Anj perA very pretty arenlay weddlny took
wbobBreoBcb pta«Mlorb<7» or
place Iwi rrenlBC at tbe borne of Hr.
rlrto ore rmoMtod to 1mt< UmIt iibsct
and Mra. B. A. Cook of Second etroet.
Bt the oBee la theOeatnl Mbool baudtbe coBlraeline pertiee briny their
danyhterMtoe Daley aad Mr. tVtlUam
iMoreBO) Mctol Bt iSilrer'LeTe
s of Elk Bapld*. Tbe ceremony
IBM rrlday area iBf WB* BOt rery tarre.. ;»rfomod by Err. Woodbonie '
ly BttBBdad. owlor to the Borert et
tbe napttot ehnreb. After the m
However aboet twoBty-flro were
riayea dclleioae weddlnympper r
eat BBd B pleBaoBt OTealiie wee epeot. eerred and the bridal party departec
Tbeproeead* BBKnuted to fc ooead It for their lotnre home at Elk Beplde.
eMoldered to be ,olMBeiicc«e
Franrie H. Colby of Jtc Weet Tenth
■traet. hee the pramp; altondanee of
Dr. Hinew to thank that be to in tbe
lead of the lirlay. He took three uatrait were the eabjeet ol meeh eea>- ■pooBfnUol what he aappoaed to be
BMt' Monday.
Bub one tbowed blackberry cordial, bnt foand
ooe of the fiae oetrtehoe from the reeUyatloB that it ww landaDon laTiBToneCItyoalrleh farm, the «e II- atrad. Dr. Hiaor waa inmmoaed la
iBBtratadootbe plai belae rlddea by hothute.and the potoon pnmpod ont
Omr Frtedrleh._____________
to lime to prereatwbat rronld other

Circulation thU week 2.300

rraak CBeaLarbam wBi brooebt be­
fore jBdee Eoberte Friday, charred
with the theft olBoaeol the clothlaf
Of A. B. Spear M FttBdtoe tewoahlp.
waereqBlredlornbbOBdof SMO. is
delaalted which be wee romaoded to
)ea to await trial.____________

Oeorre Baekloe. who wu arreet* in
the yuBt VallMB which beoarbt the lu Cleaeai for la^y by Sheriff
etocp Biade to tUMlU’e leiaad. m
Uee Brawab coart yealerdty aad- In
Otopiirtyeetarday. .
detaall ol ball, went to Jail to a^t
Mim Addle Brae to recy aiehatbar the Baptnbtf t«Bi of the elreflt
haua OB FiBBkUa atraat wlU eoB- eoart. It to Baderalood that he will
eotera|deBofr»«ty*‘“>at time.
ThaUaUad Blatae axamlaatioi
of tha Frateraal
MUaiarfc and carrier wUibebeldia Myallc Circle who hare beea eejoyler
aaoBUnrat Best Bey. broke camp
WnUam Caraim
and Ml> Joele Friday and ratarBad to the city. A
HaM. were amcriad Hoaday at the dalichttalrreak baabbaa speaU i
etthatoaeaual Ute aaeampmea
--------------- attar. W. B. WrUhV
toedoatatheaDUrtar -afrorto of
■iward Braae to SlUae the poaiUoB
and Urt. B. 1- Raapp aad Hr. aad Mre*.
ofMUbBiTlarfar Ctoear Tbooua, dorHeotra B. Hoyt._____________
Up the latMrh abaeaca at Datratt.
The aanoal □. K. A I. aaea
The liUto ehlld of Ira F. Oordoe
reecht ' thru
whebBibaaaaoeerioariyIll. to meeh
fren ladlaaa i
hattM. BBd to BOW thoafht to be oat of
day eirht. ^ ai
trala arrlr^ Wi
MMt OaaptoB el HaatCBi to Id eharre
BMha Botri Wbltiar deriar the ab^
BMto la Datreitel hto brotbar. “
OB to Polukay. Muklnaw and e
Barb«>tMoMara.Toey Eraafl, Balph
' BMa pad Hoard. Albert BBd Urn
KyHha areaajeylst aoaatpiBi

The eoetetary of tbe bly Hantotee
sir statu that they hare seeared a
ae fart roaad trip ob all rallroadt to
Mantotu dariny the wukefthe fair,
1. H. P. BarharV of the «• B. * I-. aad then to do doubt bnt that they
w«b a par« OB hto pefrau car, are aa wUlharayrutorewds to altondaou.

came bat* Friday tq^ t
■k Master's dwTW at the aw
toy of Trareiu City Chapter, t

laayU for. to take pleu eest Hondej
afternoon oa the Tweltlh sired
yroonds. between tbe Independents
of the city, ai
aad tbe Ctyar
Hakera, who arc of the opinion that
capture the eealp ol the ehamtheyi
piOBs. or at lout make their hair atond
on end a little.
will he to the bos lor
tbs ladopendenu. It sriU ho remem
tbe Ciyar Mahers at* one
time this eeauD
Penntoyton to seren tonleys. when
oninyton eras pitebtoy fortbePrio
a. Tbe Ciyar Maker* will endure
dapllute this trick Monday, aad
yo oa
the Held
seenn. if pouible. aeme rerenye tor
the sray they pounded him oa that nahappy di
The Iyame will be called at
odoek. and will donbUeu be wit­
hy a larye crowd. Admit
to ^ yronnda will be tS-ueto.

md DOW a
Jy. ThAcm

Frank SladerVd Fnaaral Dlrulor
»r. aad Hta daha OroaMie. of Kia.
mtoh.a» atayiaCAt tha heatoofUM L L. Oartor sreat to Detroit Saterday
Id whUa Mr-OroeMar to takla* with the lamelpi of tha lata i
tor craauUon. Thto' to tbeaybt
It iB tha dty far Uaod
ha Ue Arst body erar tahaa to the
cremaloty from -the Oraed Tran
FcaBkBtMrtchaBdfamUy barate- r^loB.
Two ysan ayo Mr. Carter
taokthanmaiuof his brother to Uw.
Dr.CB Blehmeedei Laottoy. to De­
troit farenmatloe.
Tha MHu Bdaaaad Bthel
Aaaghtus of Bor. aad firs. Banlay
laaaa. hava buahoaend with aeholaraUu *a the Oakwood Samiaary. at
Oaywa lBka,_M. Y._________

Tbe temctoc of the court bense
’ rapidly nader
n of John Ry

HI*— with II. tbe scc'ial to hare beea

be ooddU aad Ue
iwelre men are
toretoioeded. Abonl i«
aA cmployBd aad Ue

umemw bf the IaWtaeeiety pf tha CoaynyatloBM el
hat heu putpeaU for erne wuk.

AsuyplsBUBt pkmk wu ujoyed
M ra. Clara wmiami. autotaatef Un­
^ Ika OoBipaaiews of Foraai
M Bay Friday.
Tbe erawd wae dertaker U D. Oortto. wu called u
tathuam«U.ewtoytelharBto of tha Kalkuka yuwrday by WtoyraUi u
take chaiye ol U« faacral of Mra. K.
mantow. hBttHwsrhe irut '
A. Freaeb. eae el Ue ptoaeeia of that
Mra. Freaeb wu a promtout
B. W. Sweet, fa^ eoM~tiae alyfat
el Ue Baetera Star fralemlty
•parBSoratthaPan Harqsatte depot, and Hr. Freach it a wall keen Hahu toft tHt pcelUoB to aeeopt work
Mr. aad Mri. Cnrtto.
who are old
With tha U. B. A I. Bis plan to tabaa
9a of Ue deeeaeed. will atleed Ue
byj. J. Walla, formerly eparator
tatoraaat at UeFrtoadi ehnreh of 'Ula
' Taaaday ereatoy. Sept-p, iMQ. at
U the hayyaye ur of itar
■ o'clock. Tbtoa
tnim waat aaariy e sure of Ane of elyhty haaautal rtow* from Mrztoe
astihtom from tbe world faaNBe
Syria. Japan. Oau aad Alaaka. Mra.
Haiy A. J. Ballard of BlehMBd. lad.
wni yira ehert talks «a each pleura.
T^uewUlbeaotat priu for Uto w


Bhelhreaere herbal RLEIDBR
teer Man oder EKABB KAUFT, I!
TheSewClothlny Store.
City. Mich-


■RVatAt Crepons

“AUes Wit Seeht. ist Eat
Sort Uat."

. 15c

”BVacK CrevoRs

"BVacd ? aftcij 'lR.o\v,a.\,TS
StarvUs, &8c^*ws=
in stri|>es. dots and sm.TlI ligurc-s; haw .iliv.t
been Si .’.s. very special .‘Osc.

■RVacKTCtohavT, ASc.
This is,a higrange of p.-utrms in this linr;
piucesfn the lot have liipcn Ooc. 05c and t*.
very sjiecial 4-Sc.

IbVack. TdaUavT, S%c.
This is the regular .sor: line; there is seven <iiffereiu patterns to pick from in this liur. I’ricc
very special. .tSc.
, ,

'S.eud "iV-vs TV4 C-aTeVo-Wq,


tHid when you are down town ronir in and sec the gon»U. Thi'y af all
new goods o[ this spring's purchase -not old and shelf worn, as you will
see at a glanrr. \\'e gnaranti.sT e\ iTytliihg wo sell, and your money hack
il you w.\iit it is the gu.-iraiUee

sieyulc Aniueye. Roeeke.
Wollen s:
. Kappeo.
ilaeb-.flc . zu den b'.llkystcn prelseii
kanfen so kommt . am.
Her llratsehe l.adcD.
.151 Front St.. Trarerec City.



FiM Ip CtpiUt,
SwplB .
of tha world!

Our Savings Department
eelm ilrse-lu ol r,.UO suS uprsnll a
1«»»loler»*l t*»TTvo all Crp».U. >Tpo
IlDtiaJ IoMkJ


the Best machini
In the Wortd

Siliti DtpKil Brb u rnl <U iirplif wt

Her Rnida behaodeld each, to
ehrllcher weise weo Ihr klelde.
The Ne.

- 1900 -


'I he White Sewing Machine has been on the m*kei so
long it proved its worth. It ulks lor itself. Wo .are
tbe.sole agents for this region for both the While and the,
yueen Machim». T^' arc made with Iwth drop orsu>
tionary head. Tly: Qi^eln with sutionary head sells for
.S21.00; the drop head $22.00. The White with statvuar>'
head $.;2.oo: «lrop heatl -S.ts.oo. 'Now we are showing the

■Waa--b’s dDinag S-fc03?e-


Sold an5'Where for less than

The Fall Styles are Beauties.
Black Vioi Kif

Patent Oalt,'
Patent Viei Kid,





Are the nearest perfection of any changing plate camera in
the market. Each M. F. C. Magazine \’ive lias a capacity
for carrying 12 glass-plates. These are registered on
outside of the camera-as the exposures are made. Any
posed plates can be. uUen out and developed without disturb­
ing the rest. The lenses used are universal focus of the mwt
improved tj'pc. having great depth of focus and definition^
Vive lenses excel everj’where. Call and examine the merits
of these line cameras at


At the Old Suod.
MvUoBMto work wlU

\VcpHce dn thclMrEaintAblfiodayjo/,.icc,» Mack laa.y draa
COOils consistins of Crepona all yhc ditforom dcsiciis:, Mohairs in
stripes, satin stripes, hair line stnpes. brocades. j»olka dots and small figures.
\\/have .nrranged them in six lots as follows.


Bcoedletleo—Rer. W. K Wrtyht.
TheSMloDsol tbe Uraod Lodye.
«. T. wen eocllnued yuterday with
a laiycr attendaau eron than Tneaday.
TbemcctleyB were full of iotcrosl.
Yesterday aftarnooa wu .the elraioy

tak.'U 8ff nt il»'
mint lltip-r« loiUy ian-rati-!.
TSu ull not lor ilB reynlation on
loy wa» lirouclit Kri.lay nuiUt Uy bnt lor Its to
Id u reprueotalire
liie falliit In luivv liU iiijuiy iln —'il onited rrice.
Christian bod lol all seeu and den
l.y i>r. Hojiiii.______________
y that to the
iosllons we
Jesos.Chrlst I
Baae SnU Today
illstui •
Tbe yarae of bate ball today beri
Reulred, That we uU apen the pmtbe eld rirato, the fndepeodeou
InrtodblM. promisee to be of pri-nltor
untcen. u he bu the nndonbted
nadoabted antblolerut. aed will be a not content beorily to tbsl end. aed that we do not
yondadonbL Both teams will play to recoynitc bis moral riyhl to shift
win. aad each will put ap yood Mil. the responsibility (or its conllaunce
The lorieelblea here streactheaed npoD the attorney yeneral, the aecreury of war, orofReere of the army,
their team with players from Benda's
bowerer biyh In ummand, w they arc
Twlriere. and will ye oe the 6dd de­ subject«
ettohii antborily and reepeultermined to wipe out the twordefeatt bletobin
him for their aeuadministered to them by the city ebamand del^tu of the
Grand Lodye were trulefl Vo an
A larye crowd shenld wltneaa tbU cnralon to Se-ah u-wanta tost c
yame. as theae two teams hare nerer Iny by the loul lodye. Aboot
played when tbe enteat was net exelt eojoyod the trip aed all had a yood
toy and cleae from becrieolDy to cod Ume. After ruchiny Se-ah-u-wanU
The yame will be called at t;Sn o'clock. a iffre'wu kindled upon the beach and
all partieiuted to a ^a^mallow
Admtoatonto tbe yroonds,
liiand stand. 10 oeats.
Grand atand S!e^jrily**^r^ reluraed wilhool
any serious auldents althouyh the
free to tadiea.
drowniny of one of the yood
wu preranted only by his
Monday's Bail Oame.
» ol mind.
A red hot yame of ball hu beea ar-

IBM taka iawatara la the ally Batwrtar WMa iBrilad by Ohiel of FeUea
H. Tempkina aed Eaehel
BMtoutoare the city. They aeeopt Q. Eahl ware married ThnimUy at tha
cr. Wiley
Prubytahaa ehnreh by
K. Hrlyht. They left at'i to for ChiW.i. UUIahaidl
eayo, whan Mr. Tompktoe will
tend tha O. A- B. eBeampawat.
ra bw aya M IT BBd tha yraom

B.F. Sorthrep. locseriy eityaarlMar. He arrirad tram OUe oa hto
mBpaarthtoHar^aeUa. wbatahahM


• Fru Metnoduts.

At the camp atullay aad eoafereace
of tha Frye Methodist charch. which
hu Jut closed at Uke View. Ear K
M. Buu'J ww appointed to thecbaiye
that Inelodm Traretae City and Kinysley. Tbcolher appoinlmuu for Ue
Sony-AqiwtoACadillu district an u follows
Pnyer-Ber. Wind.
nperiatendenl. li. D. <lsdln
Welcome from the cU
CtodilUc. J. A. Badanttr Cherry Gretc,
Ben W. T Woodboue.
Boone aad Ooifas, tV. Haywood; HanWelcome from the load lodyc-W. __ and Csrpenter, G. W, Bedell; Mer­
W. Ooblc.
rill. Lake City. Section in Lshr aed
Welcome from the W. C T. IJ—Mra. rHcBtle. D. Beory: GreenwocU. Use.
dele and Sbeywood. J. N
Boepoaie-O. W. Blatoe.O, C.T.
Lodi. S H Williams; Maaeelooa ac<i
paper-Mia. a t Daria
Cbu- Miller; .Cee
BecilaOon—R. d. HaarL
i Adrancr.
Paper-Mrv M. B. Whllaey.
PreaentatiOB of dlplomae—B r. G. D.
Prevested a Tneedy.
Haryer U. C.

Tbei Ttohhtoy Be»4«fc*

j^iMtBB OBiiar aad Sehlnr npadl

AwBlffbtel no paaade hM b
addMIothe atraat roller, amkiai
w^ltxpnmmx peahde.
to atow ready ter baaiaeaearala.

Kibk Dress Goods

theaxenntoa. wUI yire
rat aadsrlU atoe play wbUaal
tbe raoort. A fine Ume to a eertatoty
larye crowd will doabilcm -yo.

tSoHrea A frlyhlfnl conyb had I
kept her asrakecreryniyht. She
Uled 'manr remedies aad doclors
studlly yrew toorae notil nnred to .
Dr. Riny ■ Sew inscorefT. Uoe boiGc
wholly enrad her, aad she wrius thiS
marrnioss medleine a'jw core
At the muUnyymlerday.r
bony of a sererc attack of Pnrui
Sneh cures are pcsitire
pcsi'‘~ proof of lit
chest ao4
power to cure all thrut.
andt:. Guar.
United Statu, loclndiny prtoon ahuKs.
lOc at S. i:
shnUD's drug
nbheth deaecrallon. reoallly i
Walt's and Ju. G
rater*, the eoelal eril and
nlMD. The eantub wu denonneed
Herald Centarj- Cook Book
ie .rery ttroey tonyuayc. u follosfs:
A limited number forule at tt- unu
Vill be mailU. putaye paid, on rceciri
Wberau. The unteea to oor armj
bnt another name foraulooa with I prtoe. Addreu
Thk Ukksi.i'■
eapbonlou ume. and Is n
Trarerse City. Mich.
route the hullh. morals
onr wldier sons than the
rriu hare been a fatol eloep.
deadly climate of the tropla, tbe aisoeiaGua of camp Ufe. aad Ibcynu of
Would qnlekle luare yon, if yon urd
I’ri.lnv aftoruooi.
I’. t.T 1*.
• onr enemies, and that the iatradoetion
.If. Klny's Scw'LUc IMU. Thousam;'
n, a iail .lr<;tar.-il to U- mn" v.-!ir»
of sufferers hare piored their malcL
of nyt-, M-a« mjor.ri ii> tli.' -Inr.- fueless merit for Sick and Nerrou Hoaoat DiliTlocli.'li- i.hi- ol hir liiuici, of the inhabllants theruf. and the aehcr. They make pare hiood ac.
yrutest hindrance to all altempU 1
bnlld ap year hullh. Oaly^tcrnU
becami' ranylil in tin- luarliiiioiT of i totrodoeeacbristtonclrllUsUon, tber
Money Uck If not cured. Sold by ^
nuirdilnc nmHiiiii-, inflictinj: a
E. Wait and Ju. G JoboMo. drnyyisu.
fcMlrU, That we denounce lb
Thr firrt Illicit


U Qebal of lUySeld. hare
ea tha Oeiebar term of the UMted
BMtM eoert at Qraad Bapioi-

lodyuandotof fUthfel and eOeleat
werii alony the llau of asefntoem
Uieyhare ehoaa.
la the ereatoy a poblie moeUay
held In the Pnebyterton ehnnh, w
sru latyely atlaaded. Sereml i
Sled from Uie Good Templan'
ol iUdy. and wen yiren their
diplomu. Tbe
lollowley ezullent
royram sees yiren;

Tamils Jiotaty ,
Sewing hlachim


And this with all the new modern attachments, makes it the
linest Mwing machine on the Inarkei. Here's an inducement to'buy now. Of courts tke best way is to pay the cash
then thc.machine is yours. If you hasn't the amount then
wc Bill sel| on the "liitle-at-a-time" plan. Time dies fast
and on our most liberal terms the payments are «>on made
andyou otvn a'SiJendid machine. If you can not come in
and see them, telephone us or drop us a tine and wc will
have our special traveling salesman call on you and explain
all the details. We have sold more sewing machines than
in any previous year b>' reason of the superiority over others
and the ^ that we stand hack of all our statements.



the Bannah & 1^39
mercantile Conipany


tejwhtoh 11







« 10 PetaK. BiMifc flMian
kia dorartiac
««T>«iac tbr db
FCkia. Aac. It»-ria Taka. Aay.
fttMtftwt, U -ItifwnrloMWB that
.lamt Yanwa alalatm and
f0«kl «n« twbeaded i
■ia«a faMaaia of thoir ton
I the Obi
■itaalioa cioee ^Irtda; asd
oOoiab aj there U no cnsae foi
Ij. Ther mabilBlB that eondl> at IVkla and elarwhetr In the
A* for
the dlplonatlr phaa f the Ohinene
a&dn Tt«7 lllib* 1b c
U U iudioaled by th* a
that tinte U not likely to !■'
aaythlnff In tiat n«atd until
|ioww» hare teo-ired a note of UvUailrd Htatn loticinit an amaitr
Ml for TNoiRiilicio for Boae aatbar-




ABC. i^Wfaile the
eaodilion in Glitaia neem to indleale
that1 Bamin at b*wt U dMemiaed to
war npco China in whieh tbe
Enropran nation, may
drawn, the United Blate. will not
^rticiimte. nnd in the ereet ti wax
will withdraw Ueoeinl CbalTer and
the Mop* nnder hia eomsianddorthwilh.
U the power* decide that it ■hall
he war. d>e Uailrd Binir. Roarem■mt arill rater n fnlmil of the mnel
trlROCDB* ctmrncler. whirh of itwlf
will cmaae thorn- who are iblrataR for

aBialaahay ihed }an north
af the city. They wire aeeaird pnd
lalM after a atninrie in which aerirMo ronithly handled.. Inreatlaalloo tbowed that . the nore« ol
ud A Herriam . Kiaoldlnc *
Ventlaad Pnd Onft bad been aleo
Iwokaa Ulo and a qsantlty of emaU
ehusm and elxan obtained.
Horace Lewta. a eohired porter e«ptoyed hj Webber Brother* and tiie
Coaaty Barinn bank. wa»
onnstal red-banded in ifu ntieapl to
pUferenali from n dialler of the bank
4;0)thl« mombi*. Lewi, flxed n
window of the bank eo that it eobld
be railed from the ootirid.'. Thi»
mmnimr he nitemd throoffb the winwent to the oath drawer and
helped hlmielf.
Offln-rLock. who
aneptelona of thiiwe. wa. near
wllttn Bhotfron. Lewi. wa. lakaii to
The aiBOaat of hi* pilh-nnc
will nol taroead fT»Berw. Hiath.. Aap. At-Tfaa- pn.!nSoe was broken ioto Uft niirlii by
iwyinit open the front door. The mfe'
opened by the oamblnaiion. Tbabanrlan nonred dlSn In luoua-y, pt in
nin|w nnd a ralnable wateh.
Lake IMema. VIcb., Aott. fS-TlnwUdBoe mfe wa. blown
dynamite Ian niirhl. A annall amonnt
in cImiiKe and fdOO in <ilnin|i. anal
nenpid oo a handcar.
Grand Rapiab* Anp. kh-nH- Inrsir who rained eiRhl hnnare Tbnr*»y iiiirhl nndnnen.da-d in enuline
tiH- bed effort* of Um-police all day
yoeterday. |Bt innmneb man- *orci-*.alfffatnl hiaoada- but niicbt and i.
■till at btfffe. The po)in- know of at
Imut fonr bonww lie enten-d rturinR

in eT«y

Uiroojrti a

e for idenUfiralioB. Pin- ImdFR waafaed adiore at Topkak.
throe mile* north ol SoJ
of die Home rirer. and eight
ahum- hi Imni of the Koaethree It milr* b'lowBloff
City, and two U-low Topkak.


■■•lay of Wiruuano. ebanntag
and prof-mud andwriuni bMina tb*
i-m cf a hwieal tb.rayfaad cto


rh on inniteal ludiflen-nco to (be
mi-lan*. »in,o t*Bieb>ot«-«i- to birn-U
of nagar. JM kam-U of omooK. Tln-w- p.Ti..l»ift(
nn- n few of tb- ih-m. which hare IMV- -f.tb
b- m.-rrr; Hu- bird uiay be
l.-.-n coBiiarli-d for V ciuiirman
he Iraii-ifly n.ii yi. dry
Cuaainglam of tb-Pyihiaa oimiuHwll.-^^^theT are fallni
ti-c to .ajqdy tb-Jiig ai.-M in l^omii
into tam tree*, wie-n- It hang .a*-Pingti-e
j dinu’-ror by oaUiinkiug
iraih-d. f->-i abmi- tie- Fon byk-orh extriasic
raihuad irackK
Fifty |w>e.eiiRiw.
11 cry .ml aft. r th.-ir kind,
abwnl, iniMtIr im-mber. of iIhoitiig an laeiTv-tnil lam-.
Kll*- clob, of New Brishtou. who bad kuivi-. and fork*, will k--.-p tb- lahh-, Ah■ TiKi»uli«i pr-»ohlBg. the
going- Two handri-d mi-n and womanitidine a imtlicrinR at tinpaita-.! mgir I t?i the day -f phocare.
wtll l. employed in cutting nii-at.
bat lb-..Mo alinsUBri N.domk lib
Many were injorod Vin~«mi e.-itti t’r..'animat,
Ibury. aged HI. of .Biarer Fall>.- wT^-iiig. gaibnng dbli<->. wtuJiiiig oppirtmiiiy <v«t
ili.b-., VIC
In th- two i>-tit* I'.Stu that av- i.l nr.w
•leap, i-.illtdti.gfali-.. aiid
die. Joann- L.-.-. aged »). Urncomfortuhly -*l.-d
Thi- ta­ lhat y. i ufKt a
j.-ti-.l tun .kivi-n
Knll., wa. laki-ii from the mr aiii.
il! I.-cmi-n-d Kith win.........
likeael-iA Tit
.|.<4 lUaih-aprnrrally
au<-I--d eloib
Tin- ti-nt. an- lloon-d
jiai. Til.- otliera Will reeov.-r
maturity inraiaiwe
with n-dnr aawdn.t.
•1.11^ Ju-Ii
Slam Hew* Items
Tb-re i* gn-at aiixi'-iy among tb
While- aMi.liag in aMutne a linoi*-.
wiieni of -di.-.-i. in cariou. inrt« ol triik ly diff.-r-wl ftmmig dill.ient Liml.
I. V. Glailden. of N.wtli lb- .tat.-, over n ii-w dl»-a«' tbit »•
of anini-iK
• ^
liad lii. fi»l frigliiralli' rrus)ie>l Ooe
iUlug wholi-floeliK Tb-mo«»tartThtv-r*e.«e and ten 1- Ifi • natnral
tli.- roller, alilrh the kiHJW- ting rv|ion cmro.-. from nbar IbMi-r. period of man', life.- Tli. - i-'plianl will
twited roll.-d 0|«»i tli- fuu ainl it wa. Hawm eoaniy, wliere a man tunn.l lire Ji.i >--ar.. tb- h-ir-- bu: hull a.i-u-.
-i>>:|Ti-i fi-wl- ao-I t-h-o?ti-n miiiBli-. I.-Me iIm- home- eould Uliii.* lu. lo.t uioranl. «n«‘b-Tid:
m, tlmt Mr l!ladd.i. cotild Uiiii.-r T-i«rts i-oiu.- from Eaton
lamnziKi ami inber eouiitii-.. Thkii'iwn I-. .urvU-'tb-iie.iiigry
-rnlUy nl
Ejnmrlii Uogae
of III
live ihr.«uli. ■e-arty In - oniuti-..
Lailingtou i. now an .
oongli in tb: .-arly-cilg--., yuN-n mil. an-l w-rking a-in may It*i. Then- nrr in-urly »txty coll
hr loiu-or fl-v-h, iiiotv'--1-n- eoui
f|C yvari
J<ir J--h:: Lall.rk l--pl a
the gniind, fifnvii tuirinC l"-i3> aiiddi-aih- Wli-llieror nol ihqnii-u ant alir- f:.r-1 :i y.aOs during i.ll
It durtuK till* y.orwhi.-li (wu-.l -.h.-iimtinu-.l t.i lay ftn- for •dh:.i will bnild. four
Uh-Igsi bat tb- mulo^hv -'tmly-qilew
day* • yu-vo 1.-e, iifl, lu-u -r Hin.and root ll.i. tali.
y.-am:»aui| -It.-u.- n f.-w niouHi--.
••Ten- eh-etTicol atomj |zuM-d
A 8mi
Fall.. Pa.. Antr. S4.—A
rlow-d car ou ri>e Rlver*-ii-» line
jQm|*-d tb<’ track <m a .■•-p Rtadi at


bkod aa^?b^^^d1k^h^dt^
the «v*t«n._______
gs^uallv ba autriy riria thebvSh«y»»fiL*i^J{!$*
■~-cy am •
a constant
exMutant drub
dmb vqxn
mra'* capacilr (or work ur tdeasarir i* s-jra hwi c
8. S. S. IB*fc*» a rapid aad pv-naaaetu care, of
doea. because qp other c*a R
■re too
and wwlrry
................................. d^Txmiraajfhat h*;W4m.i*mg^*ths*SS. Ib ara

.e-l .->m.:L lrO 1" e-r i: s Trul. T;-» ti^:t »s. If.l. gmil.iue a * . tewmrs u r«ii*a>«Ma*
tr-'U'.4i, SUB tun.-e.1 tb.- i> ivs em.-I u.. U.iol. <» fl-.ilrTwsn-ll-r u- !v.lrO be «Ma wssnled biiib* *w1 weft I raw
mwi*rt«vt«wb< tL. 1.-V w»ich»»*sb4.cT. wiC u< ■ km* mo.
; II Mrauursai. laTraRho**. Ry*

S. S. S. Ulh* only putrly cv|;etul.|r rdooJ ryirvbvT kpo.
is made of tdOU aiul lictti* «* wotulcTful fitnfviag pioiicrl
_________—ntoa can ir-m. S.■ S.■ &'
quakU-'anJ cBcv-luallv
ricaratbehioadflf *11 asorbid. utoeatlhe hnmon. ami tb- oM. Irmildesomt- *ocelie*U.
At Ihe •ame time the eenrcol health U inv igcrauvl «ml b-ailrar. IVbrn a linlv vraich
or hint fail* lo bed mailUr. yoa avav b-sure v our UovJ isTad- !«. S. S. will souc
pot it in order *ad keep it s^i.
Our Medical Drpamseul isin riiaiRC of ewpencnoei! phrsiciins. who hav-e maiie
blood diaeasc* a li(e«aJr. If ypa wdl write them al.iut y-i*ur ea«-. they will glally
farniah alt infottaalira or advice wanted, srithout any charsc whatetrr.


thongli I .iti.-l
Tlie le.a-1 w*.

■..|uat- qiid —Iiu. anti
. r haiell.i-ourai-li ai-W.
I.s.k in, but I f.|( as
I - haee tlsem hsndj.i
-w-anl til- front of to.-


SWIFT spccme eOi ati^a. m.

r: J

dj.'lk/.i v»aca»i. •f*orw*?Tr*.eT^MBU,'t!e SM
»««r:ber*ar. wtllta baM anbevoan Dsaai
•vj'*’*'*' Cur. eawweaelii, ai ................

my lag
v.nM'...( Hwfaau.n— neur.-.t tti"f--'i.
-upisHi-1 mn-d bar- felt a liltl- .o-i-1
IKT I'd got that .111" "ff aii'l iuui thtg. 1 kuowl w.nlanKai.l chuv-u.1
b. jn-tly^joomH,
no up llniolb
getting ’.-in off .-u
ind lb. hoa<l ua-i <4aitiil downttiutb-r aid.-wbi'-gnn. 1. g-t tbliandle of! by Ih- b-a-l on Ihateldt-. ou.l
Ib-o 1 W-. lit al Uie Is.t lianrtl... Ihin lb- Uldllli'. In lunilug tb- la>t
-ni -f -lb- lian.lli. 1 dnipl»il my
Hioeiltome astboagfa it mode
aoi-i Ilian an ioin t.-l.*!t*pbY''l"
dropping ia*i.l.- id an iitupry iron -il
tank. 1 JB.I lay d-iwu oii.I wait.ik 1
iti't dani ran. ' 1 ■ spii' a' milliim
ipl-WHOM ram- i-.niihg .l--.«n ifa-n* and Iroui nil ai-ainl. au-lT Jint
mil. Iriiig .«! th- fl.. r. 1-sit tUrrdiilu't anyl.-lyiimi.. You ko-'w-, tu-laei was Hui dr. jqiiiiu Hiat set' udriv. r
hadn't made iiuim nj'-og'.i Mv-ak- up a

Door aliout to- o'clock F>idBy
id.-v.-ry aval
tbilatl- r i. unnatural, a.- ib.- wt»kling,
norinc tlx- .bower Frank
i- w.miil I.-y
< driv>- lb in aU'ay fnau (heof
—Cnunil Johnh. a well.ln.iln faniHT. went to
fo-»l, VI that Hi--y pti-li ctf .tanaiion.
eon at Amoy. China, tabled the «mte
f.-ed bi. hog., au.l wa. *tniel duwn
Among Inoiti generally the p- rii.l of
r already
d<-partiBral lo^y tiul a mob batm-d
adult Ilf- rari". gr.atly. .Many. Iflm
the Japantne temple at Hint place P>the May fli.-»- .Iiuki- hi tb.i *bii only for
ligiiniing. He reenr.-n-il in n f-nlvo
jili-d for mom., and Hu
laaded to irolect
a few h-iun; ilu- h-\-. M-4t. the -ggs
at. and found llui .two of II
largi- numl.-r-who di
Jaimnoae offleUU and a
ik-io-il-il and tin- m-alur.. ili- Ikhad l.-en killed by Hi- rai
lUicalnm for room, until tl.-y ennuThe marine* 4Lladed t
IBR Older.
Many Imit-Tih-. aud
tte preaerratioa of the lerriCarlal la
«dy-am-Ipi.-U-l up th.-wn-wdrivto
hr jorof (hehorarhotd. fqrwtto
man beiooR to aomr other nation, i
ui-ulu an- mi| with fe-iling iwind'. tutil i!i- n-rrh .f l!w...T.oi-agani
tdcricyof China, bat willreiin-and
nil forMoli- niii living in l.ui«i
It !>' hapi-ses. can b ccrarMW.
the United. Bute* Im. no wandiipt
uxl I'd )u-t g->t tliiit.ijaiulleoff wbi-ii
lenre the Held to the waninR nationa
Wiwthi-r Indirator. A mnni
■ if-b-al Hiiuugh which the cxpccor Hu-coll-'g-. of wlioiii Ihi-n- fa many •by.
: nnthet must ]waa, busrerer, i*
With ariew to araotlaininR tbe
b- fon-lold liy walrliiw it* fl”«' of
hvei )-ear nb
.dl of .Unger ami wiflerinc that
1' •|i-Mi't v.-ii think yiiu'e- crmriiin o
poniUem of dm Bnropean nalirai and
boor, b-fnp- it
it. nji
gr--w. -af- to .-.tin
l-;vv-rv woman duaiU know lh*l
ahslOi.V 1 •ra:.-.l 1 .
!.-i r-.m-ir-'wM- lear
>.r.-a liiii.. my Hi-ii.l. earri-ing ,?w-a;
J^aa. the prealdent hn. directed the
V:r)>I..-nimh sT<i.hi| l-y the oae of
.tn-l-'iib, will •
,-.-l !;■ -.............
bill biiMll...- Itwa. th.......-ad .041 • the-dm;.r.
miali tlis( nin«l wa-t-lin.i
American ainUtRr* at the rarioni
Mi-iioman.' Mr.- J. W. Wo-ally.
-illingiiirv- -i- ! i‘ii< "un-'l wiih-.ui' |viii tiul 1^ of priwicra
at....... ..
111 t-nisn
enpitnU ‘to aaond the Rorenuneau
ngi.l sc. wa. ran ov.-r by a -tn-. l eai
hare bera landed. The marine, lave
Iv.'- it.iiii that Ibr-'
wUcb they ue oedllednato their
n.tamlykin-d. Sli-wn-walk
Oeneral Mrwa.
I i.IMlic.ufblb.-auiiiial kiug-lum
gm>e to Tienlaiu.
amt free l-a-'
eoaim In Chinn. Thcnttitade of the
m>M till- far truck, nnd b-iiii
Br-idf-M Ks.1 iivgro-- til New I
nie qaeerion of the withdrawal of
►niH l.ini ti.t..lif-ag.iiii'
pnweei will deleiminc the policy of
did ant In-ar lb- motor car coin
Atlanta. Ga.
mg i-> b- ~nhp-et«.
se Uaited Stab-a force* from P<-Lin
H.HUr.d 1 lU.-pf-.l tb. Inin-:
, an. Ilk.' th- biglit and fragtaut
0--I a |ii'liliiii to Hon. l*--n-y
I Tieataia w Taka hai br-a wrioa.gral 'K.I ii.yl.hB-1 -i;n-e-:
flow-i-m Ilf |ilant-; rinev -«bii tb-ir
whi-eU a di.tiuie.- of
f.i-fnull. nriloJi eousal. unkjiig him
n'M. to. d- that—aii'l
ly eoaalibted by llie ptetideui and liU
Ham- Kdilii-. whoiu- liinu-- i. ii
ke lb-m-o-Hory i4e|^lb ir faii.-li-u i« .I. wl-ti--vl*
adriann and a gnat deal of ]*>•«.
Jark«)U. wb-iv lie lia.a wtf- on-'
Till* ^■•llt^on itlh-g-. The 1> tlie animal huh. i-i U-,
ha* been, faroofrtn to bear on ihe
OhaaR and ap to ihi- tracnl
thm- eliildn-n, l>ol who Im. biui i-ui
Ill-' hlgner. vn-r- hralally at.-jr-vloeo
take thi. »lep.
time. HlnUter Wo bn* re«^>ed no
ploy.-d a. chief finemnn for tb-Uai
toek.ll hv th-- :iioU. in.tigali-d iiv |..- ill nw-ii kill.k and tb- term i< life al ilafter matare dRlib-tatioii it tio. bn-a
l-r He-'tlv. hatHlI.-e. ti
word rraiaulTc
to the Xtaeritaa
lie Oii-k-h-ctric work-. dh-<l iiietuiil
di.peal I. a-ljii-l.-l a.i-nr
lie--, in m-nl riot..
dclcmlnod that tb- ai-golialloa. for
i:i*H.-th"<-..Hrie-'. Imi
wmtwn erai him by the «Wle departwhile h-lng Jiaveil ui a Inri.-r'i
le.-^ from r-:i|.-Norn-ti-!l of a >p..-ial dim.nlH.-. .d tluu. parfe.
•ettleairat of tbe
a gn-at sati.focH.i
on Wedarad*r. It i« fell that
rimlr He »w» « year. old.
-..-I Walhu
lV,-i.inaim ou.l
it'.lonu wlileh rag-d on -\au.
iag oat of die dbrarboBoe* in Chinn
■-|Tho 6clebi
U Hmw OhnnR wlU aecept the Am
A Negaoni-e family loil ib ln-I eai
ig ilu- liH. of at l.-a»t Hiirty
takr idaee in the Caiiaeae eapi
■dUe aft.t th-due iicm
cefom and Gemma aiwwcn nnd cneb
1 a i.-eoltar manm-r il»- oHnr day
-iglil live, and tb- wi-cking' nf I'mie- ba. Urn pr..lue,il, in
lal and natll Uieae ncRotiatiiHi* an
ethen ae may hare imwbed him a*
Pa*, wa. aaleep cm Ih-- b-arth .luring
iically all Ilu- mieii'ir ■Jiii.piiig ui ,*niayW'vay.b’
ipletcd it will he neocsraiT for tlie
MRntirinR any preerat pcocpect of
ihoiKb-rutotni wbn n Imlt of ligiitN
Non..United Blatci force* to remain in Pi-'
fall Ulo of y.miig an-l'He'' WHITING HOTEL.
>i«Mintion« alooR the linen he fvoniag came down Hie cliiinmy ami
di.mct niv dying l<y tli-' wiioli-KilWhile it U ircoRDiced that the
NalcTnl -. h.-ti-.
n-] >f 1-iug im-l dnadfully .li-poaed. ThU 1* rapoeted to prolooR
kilhil h.-r.
Crae;urw-ho iia. nn.l. Ilakiii 1- ke.p ^ agi.i-il.l-. Tb v«»do.-t.irH »ar hr i-a
withdrawal of oar f^e* from Pekii
the naeatniatle* of the diplm
Wooden Md-W.ilk. don‘
Tlii-o- will b aluiol k-Vlin Aim-ri- w-iiidaw' b-x g.ty w ith fr.»h Id.*—
might be bailed with raliafactioa li
kiei.i. mid ib-m ighl.T,- -ay tbSaall Bie. Miirii- aiiyjnoti-. lu-eity
in. Ill Eoro|>dy-f-i-iu. Ai..vv-iyb-g.i-ta!lre,,;ai.Ihb eonatiy. Jl b raid that the moral
Umdoa. AnR. (7-Tbere i* po*i- effect oe Ohhm aid tm the CliineM- fatb-ni liav'ing di-rid--d tli
lb- K.i-onn lliaf.
wran. liuctv-ad
8 P. M
Di.iur jiTTw-nt e.uicorn i.Vith
tiraly DO ftmadatko er tbo diapntch woald bo M aa it woold be inter- cb-ajrr to-boild good walk, tliou
fact raihi-r Hian vv
iar alhuit lui-.--]ndni*i mi a sitii-i ehr.
bom Cbefoo of Aor. U ayinp that peeled by them a* a n-tnwt. Plan* .def.-nildataiiim lo t-k|>-ri Gillig of Igmdon.
Thoma. 5di-ar>i -ol
it wa* ramorad tm Rood aathority
Ni-nry forty yi-iir< ag-Tom M--RubHng made to farai.h
nali-kirrii I. twii-ii tihio-mi'l S.-v.-nili.
alieail HI for in till. yi
n-n. ol Sonduakr. III., l.-ll t-.-nli.I
. Id tiu’iiaiilitii-. of lif.v
Th.- air;in lb- raakekilli
in ihe I'-iiion armv
H-dhln o-lur
Pekin. Aor. If—Erealtig. ria
H ileil-ilt.v'aibe'
to hi. Vi-il- nnd Ihm- eliitnii-n .-utoo. n. Shanghai, kf.—Ih-tadran-nu
ond in the d-iway an rgl.m-.-r-d at
Tokioehow that the report le re>ecied of the aUM army an- orraprinR
llu-v- linve .iiiiN- iui>unu-.l him n- il--ii<
tiMbU- within. p'-»,il hUAt
at ihoBB capital*.
li!vud .*■ til" dsouM-r of tb I-Uil ti-mBalunlay MeKav-n ram.- tt. town ati
city and holding |•o«itlaD(

A diqsloti from T<dtlo my* lha ^ the tmlnae gate*. The city i. fall
l«r.i| mauai-l -aid. w<-lromiil lock to hUol.l plarv
»h.« lived niidh. atul imti-rill-' "l*a-s nil, '
Oramal YamiRaehi repot* that th. of imperUI troo^ Pcilalio mi»ion .mi-t- wa.frazen to d<mth Friday
.. aim d'di'r *<
lb. iKtu-hobL

Btv ai,tn«il.|..l 1.V family
tlui-i.sirvvaiafP-rnniD in In. i<--' hou
CUaenr hare not abandcaed the hope
liulilir Ili. o-aiHi for lha. tb-H-niiig
Ihei-Cif- llBVO to bl .l-^**ill
icUered yeaterdar and ncrapii-d
Tb-diogroHihh' snan lurnnl hU Hrad
of retakinR Pekin and that that K.OW l>y the alliea.
hi. family nor hi.wii
-a aii.l al.clii.laut (oi>l idarit. Ih. a rit aril Mi;.pib-Uu f'nrti.
Cbineae lorae. «^<nKiiui- ic witli bViik
mra with tftera rod* an- admn
f.iii.vl.wti'.'l aiel i.w*-- f.-wh.iuniti
thi. List forty y.-*r»
Then wvrv MO eanaaltii-*
•,.«t.p>.iar pmXiliiit.
Ham. agiil l.V whennpdilenly
toward Pekin from Bhaa TnnR.
■ ■lUldiA lli.'ir i-a-y fnek.
flltoui r-.Vy-1-ar. of ag<
daring die defenae. Tb-Brilinii oewhirl! wn. pih-d liiRii at one i-nd nf
li.iad. liar.
WawhiaRtoa. Adr. K.—Cable
liav.- tvn'itiil an Themal'i. .................... ..
oapy lb- rnUnmd ■tadiem. Tlie road
flr abiul — kmg aii-l ..otulini.-. C;
MH-. env.ll in. tb floor gn'
this «J..vh I.
MStiaae to keo|> the U tudir damags-d. TV city
' th-feiiialve. i
ilig f.r
and Imlhwenl Hinmgli to th
•onenmrat hra- in the dark a*
or .IX million imnniU of -bi f •
trolhid by the military loiavt
T lif- b 1-1
liumiM-Bt. wb-ri- Ib-y wi-n- bnriiiL
pumont Like many i-rb
what i* occoTTiaR in CSitim. N
he lioof." lo full tb- «>ldi.-r..
laRiagaad boRiiDR..wliirli lint bvu
ti-rllle. anil iii-tli. l!
w. ....
lb- cm hml .t.fvi.-l f.i I........
rrawled oal iieiwi
It appeal. going
:b- I'xar in Cliiua. Thi. i. the lar-g.Uuiti a feir diy.on'
In- iTabl.d r.-inark- w.-r- cut -brFV
ic-. Imi Kmtik. wa. no large that ll»>
to cable otteial* and I
wilerol.ib- kind iulb- hi.lory «l tb- pillai* r.-.jBir>- a-t; r fiol-plaul.'a an .■n-fBelic-l.-r.*—SI . are campiag in
fur him. mienri-ac
morv/XHTfullr rlioi.'hieacii meal tmdi-. i>|UtoB. arv- mi
gur' '.“lie Hioudii I'i* catting r.-niartIII lij retcoer. i«m- time Inlet. 1
ing grotia'l. Tii«- f I ill. 'lur-.t-.llr H..rcumi-dAt le t. and fnaWiidi- l-.l
1.1 liav.- lu ll tak.-n oi«in i-V.-n-avui
froren. to death
He h-avi-. .
abml .-1-kiiig nuiv.-i
il.l.- .hip in 111.- carrying mule ti
voi.i-»h-r.plSil; ^
The War »A^.
flriiipruig. andth- i-ggs ii
.mail eliildren.
orith the eteepUra of the Jaianeer
lb- -Ihcito it will ink. :•.<») falliria. Abr. M-tbw.-t lia.dp-c-n
Ing and .1. i.ruMl
Vaoglian. of Ann ' Artmr. i
gratk-ruanly, f mad pioui. an-l if }...i
arc ttflaR ao better la the nwelpt of pcerrated from JoCoing Bolin,
ralqc* in fill tb- iinl.>r. Tb- raitl
It. an. laid freiii day
. tin- ^ dentil Friday morning
an- not i le-ugli of a gi-iill- mho to *11 »
anm The Oblneee mlaiater told the oael Baden-Pownll headed him off
frmu 1^1 Franciwm vl
(all laT- I- avu-mrU
|ih Toltle, who llvi-* two mil
UH- Pi pa- I dixll d"
r. pirllng. "
■mt* deimitmrat today that be Imd and raiRared
of Hawaii and 4n|cin.
,1 play ib.-ir
ill." waR<m..'and ihe
- Tb. l-mil. iiifbTiilmaiiTTi'.l l'ii-vpl..ii.
Bot heard a weed from LI HnaR C%BnR
Uchiniiig a few iLiy. ago pUv.->l
1 are reported to lie jo ennKideraadfipilrair-, l-ut tbv-w.H.ra. bu-Ie.l
caUH-d liy hydni|d>oMa. th-- nmll
m bom any aMtaber of the Clilaeer
i|n.i-r fri-ak wiili a |■■rtinh of Hi- wii
aamberaand fotmiagpast Inin >41^1 the pio- ng-T- b»pl He*
fOTOfitMt for aome day^ and that
f.-iiee unmiu! n |n>dar>- on Hi.- binu
reniuiks vi-l
Hi- Incidreit, otnl
and in
n the t
gone mad. A iuinie b-Iongitig.l
III.- .li-agw- ;.f!\ mail Ivf’.il truly
<t( Thohiiu. liuiiii ill Kiiigibory i-ouii Iiy Hh worki-nv Tlii .lo.'ti-.-.«la<
. lat We mid to ’■•e «Iini
' th- Il
iiriblarv iT.fis
tie alMi died iff b
ty. m-nr Siooi Fall.. S. 1). Tlu- win
-- amino their
crw'nrk<r*y.-ar uft.i
. ,
wa.'.rtuck'^liy lightning, ajid f-r i
• ar.
■don, Aor. t5—Lord Koln-Tts iia*
D. l-'lanigan. of ni-troii Thar«- .li.umcT 0(1 abwt two nub Jlie . l.i.neing tbejiinli ,
left Pb-Ioria aad flii-d hb iKwdqnar
1 viiy sw
iriiril to Alaaka. afiiTt liar- Uouglil l.iigth of <Uy»
1C N.w- Y
ter* at Wondi-rfoateia. the aeoocic In hi. miKhernndfaai;
11 Tb.smuU binging birds are rapid KOldly oal of n
Jiii-ee. Obm two jneh.e tu leurHi
luul 110111 in ltow-«w lor
sliT*. foiiK-tiiu.-s prmiuuing fire or IlIUctffliJtbT IS
1 thme Iranieh alarmed at the
He pil-o-. l.-ing eni'a* .lick and - vei
n and a half yearK He r
lii-rtlings twine a yuar. Lirt their,
B thete Aag. ft be darted a dog ••xjn-.. and did ortier a* could 1>- done fir on exirit vvori
ll.i.* ar.- iqaally BBUHToii*. and de•slld^re m-ip-siical.
srau-d' with a iiwanir nti
Tha 1|oai Baceo^ tod fi
isuui ait-niiuu of the mala
thing*, nntil h.- with tliree oib-r.,
Jtpaaaae marlaea aad atllora i
bane of tb- ider.-. wer
pUysoeb havoc with the
Geneiai Bnilcr report,
that Ihe taii-d a cbiin. The fonr nnti
oUa do aol care to my whether
togi-tlier and Inobil .h-ctdiill, yoang Hiat h»r<llyin
Sp yoari
Btt-r. bid a trap for lib raralry no ip
on their rlaim. Mr. Flan.
fana Joined in any protect aRainat the
^r rrar up
w t"
V,e*i.. _i/5K'1I<1C KKivisi -,-a:w S.-J Hu»m
urra w laMM pras«n*p «>tara
R a. oiraiaR witli w-vetal Ran* Igan brooglit ( in gold duct la (a-akhdi.
tbo dw-.;lliug of ui>- of I..
The f
Fmin Ik-lrv-cxm in -Hangup com.Uu-apii-i
lalrlr.abort rtaRe. • Bogllrii gun* Ih-miit with him.
,a f»miU.i- lu Chicago md half a
Ih-. witli li
pralito bet old
lore tale llial np-n. tw-w luiaiomiral (owb an
ailrarad tb- Boer*, bil witHi ib- Or- rwrtuiT.. will aw ihe imio.-y inkailyaaiBl-. Ti_i*«n't HrailatalL #'haf-t
A,young mi
tin- claim in liuilding n liol
’ Tb- bint*:Ofl-VTa"-n.Lv-.
parpom of anaaflnR a fotar
•ur - Ltsi ..*• ■
...vsauas et -asss lUai ka: be*
rrj.-el.-d Itr a vnang *rom--i
idaoed far the *c
plow Ir.iiVra • ii'ir actim flight maktw
Bsc ' H-sifl'
"*■> -W' ••• Dlr»»
*••* IWtl*IW4 I
“‘•‘•‘•vlra PiV- Fing^
OhUm. or fan* it reeecdred any each
c b- wauluiw-b-Rg-il.. H.
piH-HMVsir cuseil- ll-s s.»ji....c.»rrrl.
or tb- lAbrpnnl irgi
il llli)sm^ll- tb : the (ciualc* ahobld
Hi- Atgicallnral C-olh-g.-. Pn-«1
tarilat^B bom nay odm Rorem
IKPURTAjrr TO LXem -t» OTTWaa. *»wr p>»r .1 spf»rSrw.l
1 hospital and th- <b
dcntSiiT.l--ryhonk.nltvody riiow tluil
•traiglil.-n hi. l.-c<fot him.
and in llpar long llnw they loaru ■
Sat-«iy wa* so ralkd
iung im-D aad .Sti jonag *
tb-v told him it eould tmly l»
b-hti..! Uwiu no more ingeay tham iut,ai„i„i iiyrhe Sax.ii. wb-P.A'
apidieil for n>oB>«'Bad bmwking the h-c and T<-H-lliug
r Imnliag. shornr 1
lired crcD- -u*tu,. ft-.m tb->. a al. 1
a- Lirerpoob Ion ba i
tend collegi- ui-xt yi-ar.
r. The Oamlnr le at
ud 'tltll Hle
‘.r-kaif-whieh they br - la Ibir
«*CDaa«i«. aama-ra
ladicali-s to eltimatv aRitidann-ol
nimafhbi- Wm -departmeat offlrilaa
agalB.t tb- operation. The yoang
rakaaoma aoaa.
MO dnrtng the fiwt week of the tail
hdirva that the laadbCFtwera BhaaRBuui.iB*i.t.-d m liavtug it ncrfcrnuil.
tlie np.-Talinn turned odi all right and
Iml aad CMoo lm« bera cat br
-a»B nMfTfYS OWBR '
twenty kilh-d.
-vsoi-srlj ere **< va» *■• •
,-wriil Ixiek to M. girl and won
Boor* aa tib iaat oonaraiili
woaadi-d or mlraiog.*'
H- man who llkea
bam Tira Ttia t* datedAaR. B
Lord Roberu aiao wtrea that Oi-n
laorr yoar. Tlie |ro)*v>*-d cal ol
A«EO neH.
1, "ran V-..U iUorr
ral Pob-Uagew occapied BelCaai
iMMl liorglar. tcliiiigof hi*raperi.mcvi ; perpetual
.0 a .loeir- word
mill. i. «k<.n«.riii fret and all
Aag. 14 with- the liml.-r will b- eat from it* a'pper
ml-t* all gave it
Totted f-i^tbe {iriot>..Th.. pariort. tJu-r.*
. eiplabu:
Utmenl French with
■■ala UniU thi. wioi-t. Abrai eran. 1 think, from Maine
maa^awt Oalltonia. whieh railed
r»« Jayl in fn-sM of tbe dining room. ;
ii,ry uH woBd-riil »l.y tliey
foar brigade* of caralry i* moriag
II acre, of lami liave bi-n rh-arvil orat. tHug toBgbre, as Bratg. than the
bora Bn PiaaclaoD Jaly 1‘. via Hen
Sretacky birsra aud no Itw* intrlliRrat.
nd tbr.. w-ce bavyroTOinp letWhai. !
,ij,,ucht of the wdrd -ARUloaldo'
iialiet and thi- land, nn- for .
afatla. Jaly B, tor Uanila. le n
Bigh atippm ter the imra pan are napnsbtil thi-ss- cortaiBP one xldo -and ^ thi acuwir.
The craipony own. ov«* a mi!
rest in rari-fully. soap not 10 nar tb* ------------------------tiTixff Maine or of Canada. Wonera
Tea Bbttabrw Body Feamd.
feet o> laar in Loouiona and T-bortra ospnaally tbcae from Indiana.
Berila. Aag. 94.-A Pii^ia diqi
arliere the mill* will l*> n-mov.-d.
Iowa aad Ohio, are com fed eod ajft.
o the Lokal Aaaieger.ray* the body
Ibcy.oflea iack (bat "qaa]!* '
A rommitto- of ciriaen* lia.
cif Barra Vra Eelteler. Ib-.Geramo
* Ithe.....................................................
■c KeetacAy bone* denro fnaa
qaeMed Mayor KelUber. of the :
mlnbtcr killed by the Chiaew, ha*
tbaragbkevd P^B in tb-ir blood.
re»ign. It i* ehargi-d that b- ac[lRAno«OR>KflOAlRX.-S*rt*rara*ra*(ri*« Wr rat
bva fonad la Ihe Chlame cemitery
Tbe brat haiitcn, perb
;ri/nra tr*K
leii^ *r vnay-fiaat^pwra** ira ju tra a
cepti-d 1330 tmm «mi- riirm. |>-ople
nrar the place whccehe wa* manbwi-d.
fafnattra cwidle t
Fhrle. AaR. M.-1AIM mya
far-thc fwivilegr of atlawihg gwtilaam auat^u *111 b* r ***
the Oraraee ealbr. wbere
U waa foand oa examirmtira that
drat Imabert I* laopariaR a m
Tb- .iH-nff tiMcubaRtratdealcd good bi rod. nod
dnuti wa* raaaed by a ballet t
Mkhw Rraeral amaeaty fra Oaptala
ntqinied tb-m wfaccenpra the >
wfacm real fox hantiiiR 1* psma
F*r Tabwt. and ChiUrea.
la the hrad. The body will be reinOmyfaa aad Colonel Pieqaart. alw;1 .truck tb* otb-r erauer «d quick that it
ra 4emande<l tb-ir mouey ter*
ChriUioB eemeterr.
modi- my bair raise right up. I kti.-v
(or Atb otbra permma aratewoed >y
i. aaid lb- coin had been diviiied
The hi*he*i »pot lababned by ta. tbere w-a* raly ODD tbtag tbr bnUd
th* biRh ooan Afterward. Ibe
-w. wW aged W.
aoBR the city aallinrili--* Tliev
man belags M (be UadOld*! riMoiar af *aeh*ii^ aadthat-iacoffla.
V*. Laabot wiU nth* bora ih* orer by a MM car at
flaally rM $I» back. There
Haale. Thibet, wbrae aea* Bgaki *aadwaakiuk Btowa*

BaDy’s voice
Mother’s FrieiMl

IjCofl^ltstion ijnS uaninalion Free anr! Strict^ Ceafideohal.


UtKl S|)C-ci.Tlisls, formerly of New York,
i Grand Kadids. Mich., will be at the









irji' :^*;irr2israr/aii-»T-,bE

M»gS,T° tSSfiiS..T.-SJ£




Tb KM Yn Bm Abin Brnfit




BoooM 65-to eSf Potter BlackGRAND EAF1D6


UaabU tofel'atblato bbretaaar,
hbtwo caalaa biaada.aUbB whher

^xO'^OR PETE/?7'y^

w^ • WM •• eei d e »a.

aw W eaa-i D wa eel d a IW;


> tbap alwapa

No inferior or impure ingredients are,
itted in Royal for the purpose of ch«pening ijts cost: only the most highly refined
•od healthful.
Royal Baking Powder imparts that
peculiar sweetness,, flavor and delicacy
noticed in the finest <^e,'biscuit, rolls,
etc.; which expm pastry cooks declare is
unobtainable by the use of any other
leavening agent.

• eartt aa-ae mb la la* Bi
Ur ta taw laaa d tw <rw.
laHvaal ua rrattaa apt

ud iwir

________________________ Tbelr larder U
cBptp, tbalr BoUad elotblac watlarad
all over tba boat, aad pal Ibap BWl
waah. Tbap admit that It woald ta
teUar w Wl the delbaa aaak
a]rb^ tat mj that tbap do aot U_____
ratbartbaaeattaSabMibdap. UlUa U Un to Wwktot aad aaOlar

If wa baaw the laaraac

aad two doft.
idooiaeler, a y.
d tbem nUe boa
aidawa. . _ma tbep arrired at the epot whan
taadtaU abeat a utT~ aeeldcBl had happeud., "it warn a>
dearie iadlalad ta tba etodeet ol tta
DawcoUare?-' "Hatb: two don u if tbep hod uid la werda.
'Where bp<
"Thk U tbe pUu." Tta iralebBaa
1^1^ enaa. pare
roeptoUp. dear, aad wai wma excaratad troB bia
It U ealta tewut boefb of tta llUe

- -^rs-


tbalr wap to Barr Broaaarb taau la
Martp Uula nta aoaad Mb enrp ttapallap.
Ttare.brBartlaf.hariilaf aad otbualyM of aacItamaBh tbap
l*U0 wblapar aacrataall tba dap.

Carriages, Catters, Sleighs, Etc.

I. Obar^^^ta. ^Wartp. deep la



Honulioeiiig ud Gtnenl Rtpaiiiog Dm.

Hneb Wort*
AadM draodtallp afrald-Of
BwtBlv. who# pea are caentaK aame
■ I wUb 1 had a kite. Ilka iota
eabtafe taas ataaee thU wftb blaek
Clark'a- aald Harrp.
aad watW BBBUrd aatd. ataff pear
Mr. ChlTTp ebou tta apot witbeat
"Wbp don't poo Baba oae thU after
maloM tell of It. tie them ap with a
goaf" aoffutad hla aialar Baa.
paloadtBaar, wUab la
•trlac. aad tadt la a jar aad pear orar
Sack a rup^blU ^aea. aad
UMprcTTarbial waab-dap betneaKar tad brown aacar- made la
"Too maeb work; I caaT aflord to."
ad be atratched blBUlf apea the
laiable aad
1 eaa leareelp
alfht for
frtu aad fell ulu)
rabaaa apoaalt aaa^a^
After tu tbep all fathered orooad
BarelBcaaad aeer enrpear Baloaa;
Sapa I M
daoaa't Ita lomp. "Mow to oor orilboMII.tbaa tie ap with paper, orar wbleb pal
ImuOB." maid Hue. aa *ebe broofbt out
ol eotwa aad Ibae a elotb.
bookm aad mlato: "here la a loaf exam­
la narUai papmuu. Harrp, to u
"Ob. ao. aha doaaa’t kaow a thlu
^>atbap. fc
to work out."
boat It. jollp! 1 doa-t bdlwra ata-ll
I a BBt a ai
^•■Pm aotfola^to dolU" be auwuj
Bpieed ToBatoac.
.aee la three Bc
Be qaUt. dear; qalTata rad aad paUaw pumbapta
priaclplr. and If poo fci tbaeor
Wbp caa't people laare to bare erer> •
awca.prick twoertbru Usuwllb
l onawar. I aball jut oopj poor flflhia(r^p to a bard dapl work tba
Tbou are weifhtp uereto. and we
• znri
rwrrw tbem ir.lA the dau~
nd carry
araatac betocT How aaap It la W tan - fork. apriakU wUb aalh Ut auad
Boat whUper tbea."
-I don't Uilak It will • rifbt." uid
Ua elettaa catbared wrelbar. aortad.
aad pal ID aeah U eae daalrre. Met oalp
tee little Hoe. "It ee< a like ebuttoe tba dowap dewafera autlc
law* to a half-f^ jar:
that, tat tba braakteat eaa ta parUallp
^ plat of Ttea^^
■Ob. pobaw: we'll cipher aloud, and
prepared alao. Taarc U ao naaoa laUa
Wbl^tb^ttooceu ndcu aotiu 1
II atop you if I notice aap mte
world whp "waab-dap dlaaar" ahoald
wltb dread;
and be Inaed back Uiilp la
aot be tba bwt of tba weak. There are
Aad we. walklaf aadarautb. lit
Oae toapeemtel of
ao maap dalieloat diabaa that <aa ta
cifbt are flfIpAlz. aad
la a rarp faw mlaalaa aad hakHpetertoare uaacblaf la tbe treeUru______...-alae," murmured Hue;
toea orerbood.
—Sfirrfol. . "Ut down tbe nice aod ctnp tbe flro"
_________ whlU the elotbu are balaf
abd jut then aome oae koocked.
bollad. Aad eartaialp If eaa "Baaocat"i caa’t atop
a mlaoie," uU
-wtu all the eaoallaat waablaf-maBwMtPotatoea
Aeraal K. l»oa.
bedrnfftal. brtakip, "I jut
tatau aadfaldi wUeb ate W ta bad
Stum the potalou aatll done, tbaa
Tbru aka lettace ve la oar box tc. to up that if Uarrp will
nd alodp Lptia tbit tom,
allowl^ ttatesUp waah to draf aloaf acrape tta ahla from them carefallyi dap. waiUaf to poar readlof. Bow
:r 1 will five bIm a plan la
aatU atwr tta aooa boar. Bpplaaelaf eat tbem leaflbwbe la allcu a qaarter fota It ta to fat tbeu dur little tottrt*
mp More."
aad ewtriPlBf. the work eaa ta com- of aa lack thick, and apreod orer aaeh
Mv-M.k^O. Batm. Editor.
"Oh. bo^ apleadid;' cried Hae after
pleled aad a perp appaUclaf dlaBu Upar of allcaa, u tbap are pat late tba aad bear from oar Hsaabtec tepa and
dlab to aarplaf. a unu aude of cqaal firla bare aad there: Jt li aloaf time,
r; "ofeooru poo'll doit.
prepared bp oae
■a e'cl.
e-elota. Tkao a
paru of bailor aad aafar maUadto-drwi. a
dlDoer wlU cose Ue
or It eeama u. alace we hare hutd
fatbar. Beltta dbb la a warm oru
le replied. - 'HtUO
ad W Ilf
the erealnf eaa be
from oar teiUifal Samoil Clip Hua- udabic to earo iboae
fan alaato before aarriaf Thb
work aad reeruUoa.
BattOB TbamaairM la
ablee Clab. Bat tbep bare not beea
it meMc me ilr<->t jut to
Aaolber reaaoo whp maap tdl W ac- eaa of tba wapr awoct peutom i
"Wall, did poo bare afoedUBC at eomplUh wtat tbap dealre ta eaa dap, urrta la tba Boatb, aad It poabaTc Idle bp aap muoa We are aorrp
tbiax ol It." and be luaed tack aun
I OMkoMd ew Borator Wri7.

tea?- wid .Mra- Joam W Mra. U beeaau tbap appear attolp laupetriad tbaa poc tan ao tdu of learn that Slim Palrer bu hoen
fanber la bla chair.
-llcoald- bU of eUeklBf w aap oaa thtar aatU It
. *8SE 0*5 SiSel
tro. Tell me all abnt It.
ni*ad ptok iB U>« aMUra »krU Baltbad. They are tieqaaatlj a)op•' TnrfllScSq
-rea. 1 bad a real rood
Tomato Preaerpeabe well DOW.
work. IdOBOtBaaaoaaa
Mia. Browa, "tat. do irrimitp latatrapUoaa. tat
Theatta ineaaaat Plalaa
Buld aad peel earefallp aaan. paar__________ rp OBU-tcBpiaf from one -tapad toiBitoa. am tee ripe; prick
OB bead wlU) a food report I Uilak
I men. while he wualmiut poor aad
tblaf W aaotbar wltboat rfapme or ru- tbaai wlUi a aaedlaie prereot baraUaf
aad pet tbalr welfbt la aafar oper
that U la all owlBf to '
Eotwihod Witt tkicool Blftt rmln.
torMnadf teooldB'lbaUoe mj drear *^tUwooderial wtat a put aaoaot - a; Ut tboB lU orer aifbh thw ahinete. aod we welcome mut heartilp
"Too Hl'acb work: '
I were mj Itebt broaddetb. aad poa
Wa hope
lorkuB tefottaaoatef
•oB all tbe jatolaa pnaareiaffi'.
kaow It du pretty aaac aad bauoaaap
Ic aad boll aeUi It b a Ulek aprop. from tbem ofua. Wile tbU
onr b; aboalder. Well, Ibad aaeb a
-. * tae B.
Named the Baby.
°Ubc. aad wltboM bar^ v wor^. clarlfplaf It wltb tba wfaiu of aa eff:
letter to the pruldeel from
Ubt;-! triad to raaeb tboda baltooa allcklvatil anUlltla flabhad, tbra add tba loBBtoB aad boll aaUI tbap
^*UwekUdM^ Uc MIL
Medora. Aurora
ctoto urU
C.J ....M a.Mu
wICbabatlOBhaok. mad w<«a ajwlf ■ UplBf bold" of the nest tblaf to ta __________ .______
_ ____ __ two of Ploreau Kiafolep, who te elx
jut eooldn'U
d. |Wc will write to poo coon.
«• tht dowa frow ekv ood otraww
done, aad kaaptaf at it eaUI It b "aoa fiBfcr-root. or oaa leoioo Vo a poand of
and Marcia aad Mildred
"Whp. roa
• Utlaf! •"
urutbe^omorculd. Hew dam fr^h allead tbia aad cooked with tbe
A« for ear lltUe Heubioe aUter. (ta'lltUe
' »etae
0 that
we BBd to fralh will Impron II.—.'rloSol
Detatu ihc qaetUon ol ileUo.Roao
ala Dike, we do aot koow wbetber
wlUi It anbe
apeak la eebool maap. maop.
-isM. Camilla, ai
I'bpllli I
Mra. UbIIU-i
boflador aorrp orer bef-letler.
A htaoola Btorp.
am aot frap-beaded pet, i
,«1M Am*
pww of the alirkVFay
____________ BO Did jtoo errrf"
arefUdtobur from her. balBoaorrp
"Wall, let BO tall poo ibe llBa I bad
SmM tbM wnn Mat la llfa'a batUa.
aha bu bWB hart. Cao’t aomrBSpS' They tboafht of HarccUa. NitelU aod
Oaa tblaf at a Uma,
iM jut
Tkal bad leal Ibalr-talUi aad MM.
la ~
J«M Ml
____ tap. -t
Tor iafarBatloB m
Aad taatdoee well,
Haubiaera write ta bee'.' We ttall^
waa at tba Bbblu borne, aad 1 waa
__________________ adlBf of oae tf I
V Cootidi-r.-d Cn-elia. JeaaeUa aad
Ua rerp food thlof.
diwaiae loaolotbeprcaldeDi-arae^fled to bear aaoo that abe la wall \ I'aulii
aelfbborr. Mr. Uacola replied u fi
Aa 1 hare beard tell.
Bfala. Now we will read ourlettcrr.
Al>ia, Adel
There are tome woaao, tboafb, who
"Yoerc ol tbe lOtb Inal, rewlrmlKlhel aod Kual
Bad let aa tba eoB reie ari(hter,
HommU Clip. Anf. Ic. ivdfi.
poB kaow. It beotu dowa the baelb ~i appear to tan a kaack of ~wetala<r am well aeqnalatad wltb Mr. X.. bl.
maaadar-tbe canal beard .
raactoradiBBbarBaM.aedleoalda'i defUp aad apaadllp whaa Urap ooea kaow bbelreamBlaaeu
Mil. Bato -Wa Hanbum* hare
Tba am falav Mitlar of raptara
' ' aod fanad
e op ibMr
tbMr aiada aa to wtal kad
ret one. I' worked
fenad aad make
Uoo liked Theodora, anolbtv Leaora:
he bu a wile and baby; lofetber. tbry
Ittao for a loaf tlmr- but we
- haatbabaartofaUHle bin!
be doaa at a certala tlsa. tat wbo
waited Ull Ifot daapecala. aad ttaa 1
Some erfoed for Kdllh and aome fo
OBCbt to ta worth ^.000. Becobdiy, worklDf. Maud la better BOW.
lot appear to decide la a jedlelou
jaat.wplkadoet late tba ball aad aloed
be bu aa oMcr, la wbleb there are a
dM aaelbar aad tiua aaoUiar
Of tba claralar till a wenao aaa
orMednliar. Adeline.'Ulp ond tora;
tabU worth eoe aad a hall dolUra. aad
aloBC- 8ta looked rood-aatarta. aad 1 aeqeeatlp "tbap walk aroead_____ thru chain, worth, up, one dollar, aad made :
immd. toidi.iBrrt'TWwonta Bieia
Aad Ibea. after all. they dKided a
Trk>. l:» v m. k*.p*<l«r
)ait toU bar wtat a flz 1 waa la. aad
Ipu" Baap Uouaadap. Othara do
of all
alafiBf booka for tbe Haodep achoot.
Aa Uer roaiod lha bawbera dvt appear to dUerlmlnata between
aba lanrbad aad booked me ap aa alee
Tbeu we are foiaf to help lae poui
ijor datUa and mlaor detalla.
—Ckiaapo Inter Oaeaa.
It'j-lzplamed Mverptblnf.
VmT mra aalp the Vatber’a aparrowt.
alip don aeam a pUp."—fdaewd.
aid flz apltacboreta.
the* kBM Bla MDdar tsan.
A boy't fithlof ro.1 wu futeaed to
Vw thar tell BOt tewth wltbOBt Bin.
ru alee for Fraakle Kiofalep ai
tbe root of a trreoo the river tank-aad
bU little aUten to tare a Haoilili
ilofin the tan plapiBf with
■tap a^eed:
The prall known aaoellenaeor bltokbla dor. idliof
lliof tbetimea
tbe time awap. tie.'
elab ia tbeli’ new homo.
*ad I Ibewhl U wt CKiaU bat ram
benpeoidUl uare^p 'o'^She <
been fltbiagjj^l dap and
,T^*B0^Vbetaa^re^^ iZaUata ttapaaed
Tte MC Lord raldaa oar dva.
qaeatlp aOlel biBaaltp darM tta
tbep sored arra
Inquired the -man pauOOIWI nociw.
Powdered rice, cpriakled epoe Ilat
Wa, loo. weald rraM aaeh aaw me
ed; let U
have them write
tod yplled to frub wonada. will Stop
_____ la lot____________________
(broe qnartoie
I prepare It tor tbaoeelpu iaemOc
"Vce."autwerod the boy.
latter to ear dab Aad It waa erer
of a mtnalr. or a Blaate. poor ..
aaaUltololutfroBODapur to
"Klee dof you have tbei;e; wtat ta
plM lor Hr. lUto to fire lu the lUf to
aad coper team with eold walor. to aazl
pi________ _______
nl Balaf plaaaaatar
to tta I
Hot drp llaaaela api^ledto ttafi
' 'taddalaBpet la aboat UiaaUa tbaa JaBBlea flBcar or the ai________ aad Dcok are aa cffullpe remedp fe
aead to Umot Uor dab
eeeaaaat. Attar tea or flftaaa "bot dropa." ehUSea taka It wUliacIp, “Jampdaf tooUucba."
"Fith.' Tbai't a qoeer eame fora
tbaaklaf bim to It 1 Iblok tbey will
to lilt ibam oat of tba eold a aloar polat la Ua tepor W Botbeta.
Of. Waat do you ull him that toS"
Tta white of aa an. wltb a little >n It more than u II they boof bt
r. oae bj oae, aad reBOPe the Two rwlpw are fipoa. eaa eoalatalaf
-. ■Caoee he won't bile."
aafar aad water, b foodtoa child
iWItala. wbUa allipica kwa _ . _
I fpau ItaU will bbTa to be a abort
aklB bp atartlar it with a kaUe aad Il'M. UwoUnr witboel.
Then the man. proceeded on hli jpapwltb 4B Irritable UaBaeb.
•aawaadaaadlallkadkwBaBp. wuu
Uttar tbia Uba It U w erarm 1 can't
DoaH let poar ebUdree frow crow thUk.
aUaaareraBoped, pal the pabtata la.
Kolloaf afo l wu vraitiof.a f
aatenwoeU daMotfrew thaapaaarWa
larpe urtbea dUb; talar earefal
who hw a prnmltiut ton. fire peara of
Maaata lalkk ttaraboald ta^M
before loaf. 1> Maad doe'l fd
afe One dap lie uue in from pUp
teaautalB kac aad dieeardad wbaa
Ifafiebtaaebu beea u ter ewal afala. and ibeo 1 will UU p<
with the lurt tuuminf down bit
Itai^la aaaaad.
atlBBto, bottle, aad U b readp to ou lowed that It eaaaot be remoacd b
He wu qutNlioaed tt 10 the
the moBtb. cwallow a raw off Immedl
The apleu need aboald ta palperUed.
BlackberTp OetdUI So. t.-To two atelp and It wlll-earrp it dowa.
that he aod bit playmate. Tommy, bad
•arte ofthejek.
oftbe joke of
.. tbe "etandlaf*________ .
Pleauat PUiaa. Ark.,<
Mut amp bd' kept aweol to mae.
beea tatlBf a tlfhu in wbleb Tommy,
laitewl^ BBCwc
bUebberrp, take oae poaad loaf aafar. dape If It b aorered wltb a mutla
baiof the larfcr aad alurdier, bad had
-half oaaec natoeca. oee-banb wbleb bu baea wraaf eat la Tlacfar.
ir Hn. Baiul-Oar dab fro
bad decidedly the beet of it.
far plekUaC.BO rarlatp of pear la
oclopca and oaa-han oaau eaefa Tbbihoeld ta reaewed "Ilaeenu. to me that yon and Tom%«Hltetta8aekal.wllbtta iaa. flea
aad I uad tob twelre aamu moi
naaOKm and all^iea. PalpuUetba
■iBteilBataaadawaMtaaM. Catoit
It fcaifa wltb wbleb
Mot MO hw left tbe elab aad we bate jy quarrel a good deal." my friend
> aad bell the mUtaie fifteen
tld.whea the bad wiped away tbe
eaailp. Tba tralT
itp Blaato- Wbw eold add e
oore tbaa fortp Breaent ereip
turn. "I hope my liigc boy tao’t
tenoadotlwouruof amBoaUabi
wtj. aod with flae anfar
ofbtaadp. Aap qaaatltp Bap
and a
a boula with eaa part of l
:1am ^tehe>*flllod with ri
“Kc'm." epmr the rrtponu immedi­
We tare maap bot dapa dow; for
ately. "Il't Toniiiuy Hr alwayt waau
bm weekm it bu aot
to play the famu that I doo'lwaatu
6aSh ibaMVald&eatT hard ataaa
Hatardap it aprlnklad
nhaUMewtplaalaarwalar aatflttap
pan aad bcoafltt alowlp to tbe tall. eooafb to help Bach. Tbe BlfbU are
MBMatoaMab. ftaamr atahl
Salt oe the «aten •
Plan tbe pcaebu la a wire b_____ WbeaUiUU raaesberod, Uere Uno
pMBta at Mt altew av eaart M *&»
eao) aad pleaaaat
Little OandU Hill, tba frmnddaofbowU. But. or tab wUl
Wm prenat^'^ ad piBBfc lato boUlBf water, tbaa la­
toferof "aplnttariat •'
’ taoalor Nooey, ta a little flrl of
Tta elabia *crp proad of.-ur flof.
Tvturefaet WaaMeCay.Ju- U.U
ta odd water-to aafca tbeakto eoae
any quaint atytafi Uoa dap a friaad
Where utebep U made, the apleu aad all thank Hr. Bato eerp maeb tor
tail thrown u a coal lira wbaa broll- 00 eaaUpWMfh tta puehm afto
jM^wmpueutblaal-ffUBtta tbep tan baaa pared aad plUed. and . rrer ap tbe atreof tula eoalaf Icom bUfnadprteeet Tbe ehUdraa made :of tbe faaiilp ume to tbo faonu, and
. woilr waltiaf for tbe yoonf ladlu to
allow three, foartta of a poaad of aafar
deCCaek eae-foarth
'~taJtaaatarfla'Plllcaraaecaaaae ol toa poand of frail.
aakeb her if abe loved bim
ora, mad decorated tta^bool
tba throat.
- ' > ^U; oat Ibea la imaU atom eMd-ltaraaoBatbrupeanolc"Ko. 'abeuldfravelp. "1 don't love
■alt te aMattoa lahalad edau eold la _____ taep alowlp to filtoa mlaalu la UuaUeuwbu flret made.
aaed Si fltfm. ahoat DzH laebea In alia.
opbodp eeat mp reUiionr."
tba hood.
a cap of water, ttaa etrala. Maeb tba
Do aot Ut toBBtoa to uteb^ tall
aeorale tbe rralla. and tbo dob
"Bulpoa love Itod. doa't poor He
Baltle wy-u tbotaU Iblw W MIt and -hut alowlp.. etlrrlaf aad tat a faw BlBBM belete aMlaiaf oat
BBahlBf eeaaiaaUp; cook for\p4n Uetkiu aadaea^ Utu Ut tta jato
pu, beta. He'em/bu
aato '^iac Uu Blaato, add tbe warm eofor. eklm. aetUa Uraofi IbaUla watop aartoo aadeoarulrt. We ralaed thopole Hettell Ml
MU laaa ar aaaoaa eroek
m proeut tboir ooectataf oa (be aiac wall. bMl fire Blaato leofer. top aad bell dowj fim to eae-balf ardap. Aof. mb. abd Old iilory proudv Xvaer
aai iaaar wHh bet riaaear.
U tba
tbuaddiba JatoofoBO laBWloae- talk, ttaa add tta reBBlalaf palp or
on hlfh ereep pli
•tak iaM a ftetaew the Mp of iba
lid be;
■alt tota oet a are la tba cblmaap.
Ihidto port aad boU aatll anBrioaUp laltboach tberali ao.tboolac
Tbeo tbep coold trnlp poartar tea.
tallaadrla^ wUI toBOfa otai:
It will tan teta IcaqauUp
elaaAnd urn ihclr platu at every mul.
be wheU tu Blaato loafer- tbu aurrad after tta palp U added, to prr- diaaad bu ebacfa of tta flac
tM at (lapB a llule aatarrlpa law Ms diaaetood tuapp.
aaltaadaoda are aaeaUwt to bu
rut baralof down to tta hottos of ta ta tta pmidut aad llm
aeatataawtataad aaaUoM Waah.diala.
dolli were r ‘
bool froaada
Heap frown puplc
•tl^, aad fade law a^eae Jar.
tcy'ddo. T
lialtUwwBoaeaot. whtehbwtellu
g^aeob-tta tbiB ta^of tk^
Ontp laa pnaada of MU allow eae
toe to an the daf flutU aad rrdtad
Oreu Drape Jellp.
a the earpat will prapebl atala.
td ktaa. and love, aad opuk aad tol.
pencraB. aad enrp
PUhtta rrapaMn the <
•d aal oe abou bad tau and rl
weebUkB. Paltbeslatei
ito ta tta eblldraa wu eaUtUd - Ope
vrOold be nicer, a freat deal.
wUb nr ‘
laf ~ Tta pooar paupla oaaf bereraJ
Ul la whiWtaah.BabB It atkk.
aadfOMoeer ttapM
Halalbroare ee eul fire wblch U low Bleetce. etlrrlaf
Orata of the rtaaear. rewUI rcPlpe 1
* YoarllltUtriaad.
A litUe riel wbo wu trpiaf to tall a
that eaeb frape b aaabed. Tara tbe Toar Pnaada aad Malfatarv la Trarfrieod bow abaeal mladad bu fraadpa a. w ccnciBOtaa. aaau Trovum ext
BUtare lata a jellp' haf Bad lei It
Frank L. Elafnlep
eraa Clip Wiu Show Tea Howdrata orer BlfhV Mut Beroln BoaeTcBTsuatp. Anf 17. inoo.
BabMof tta back wu'l eare taekBaatap BieaiMuTritu « K * V-Z.
ace tbe jaba aad to eaeb pUt at'
A llaianl map raUara. tat
Whoa TraraUBf■
iM au to w Mvuakw. A- P. ms. « i vwwz
Dear PraaMut aad PrtouU of tta
■ It. be tbae
tbae foTfcta that •
oae ftooed of aafv. Briaf tbe ]
y w- w UMr i; w iinnmaii m m. Co wa
LtMOOPa Ftfare
toaboilaadaklB. Add tbe aafar .. . caa't care. Baebacba cornu fras tta ■aublae ra^:-t tboofbt t mreatd
Wbu MpMIbc a
— - fe wwBor uevtfewtrtcfe ife. few. W.TW aw.
tolde. Mb tb* bidaepa
Dnaab EidIcreat Mm wtat ta waoted to roaemto.prolaei the tkla boll to abeat fiftoa u twutp mlatealaa caas eat of Waadafaei
.adafaeUn abaold be worn
" “-P
aaj^ ret toAe.
Tbap can tUk have Bp mamma write and 'tell jren
Orv IfU Ttu> lur* Tr.iww City IU a. ■ ,
raalllp. bU from dwl aa e«ll u the epu from daaboBl me. I fell o0 a wheel oae wuk



Re-Paintmg and Upholstering.

toUdU tiu

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(nil Itplli t tadbu B]



- "rSi" ••

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■ ''‘SSlT?



: ; -‘Itr.


te !:


■■ iliz



___ .

PERE Marquette

S'®' ...'a,’.

S ^ilii ^

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Round Corner Cards
of all sizes and colors at
the Herald Job Office.












BiuM tbdlp ■ulsf tadtoa aad

ItbacOBB aolld qalcklptata It troB
tba fire aad tare late tba |'
^aad UiT ab^ of tba the boh Urad tea* lata eaU talar la BeUetad. ____________________
Thto U B
u -raw aaaaoB all bedh
BWttaiikta.. It wU aU^Mdnu
>ua tlfht auiv- added
ttajtooa aad b proreeaUpe of
pare and qaartar them, aad aprlaUa
Wtu> a liuu aafar. Saakapa£inef
Jha dirt bBobU fret be low
BOM ta Bade wUhufaw
felatlaa la eaa pletof eold water to
oaa half boar, add oae aad eae half
plBUoI bat water, aad atir aaUI tta
slid uap aad telrip bot wal
U dbaolnd; tbu ewaatu to
■iBaimii iloebaaalfbUp-taUetad.
Unrteblp aarrp poar own aoap with lute with tofar. aad add a faw dnpa
ofalBoad taror. attar whieh add iSa
POO- '
practM Hat awap la a lefriMato or
fbalaad raaBontha UwMb tear
otbu ewl pine to hardu Tkla da-


aaalbu 11


H^nUTneatuatp pnBttbattU
Mr. r. A. -Bldrad of ilS ElBweec
Are., lapa; -1 tare alwapa bMd tb
optatoa that lha lam Boatraow a panm
Btolbatauar tbap areo0. tat I wa
coapelUd to up reBadm for the kid
aepa. Prom tbeatroaf codoneBut
1 reed towhlaf Doaa’a Etdaep tnib


Mb tta beaae to town aad taefcTi
I bad la pram mp baada acreaa tba
to tba laall aBooat of aid It af-


h ahoertaal wwpL-



CMaep PtUa and

Tot aaU bp aU daalau
Price M
outa par box.
Vuto-HUborw Oo..
BaSolo. H. T.. aeU afuU to tta
Daltad Statu ArmaBto tba .
Doto'a, ato teha to aaito.


aco Uat 8aadap aad have aot walked a:
LlitU Fbpllta WM vtaitiaf bufenada tta eUwr dap, aad fave herwif np
aiapsteu Dr. Oaracr com out loan
nu aod uid altbmb sp liaib wu aot to uriou coMlderaliou. Aflu ata
bad to aavaral Blaatea bau loohlaf
broku It mraa i^Ip u tad.
joiata aad snadn were u badly
rwwunucr Ai.wwewW u. pnmn. cut
•trmiaad and twtaled u to make
aaaripubaduif libadtau broke
UlUe Willle'c-Boibuuked bis tta
It bu bau very palafol. aad. Ueoffa
ame of tbe two lUcrarp aeeleuu of
BuMtar aim. A. iTiaM, Otioe-meu
mamaiB upn I tavabeu qnlle
.ta uhool (wtalcb were tta Alpha and
larfi). Re rapUed. "I'mut tofnt.
Ue U bad I teal to Urod.
From poar bot 1 ibink it I* eoBclblnf aboot alfal­
fa aod oatBul." ..__________
UvlBf UUU friood aad Haaabioa firi.
Oaaaia Dika.
A tuebu aabed a jovuile
wbto of ttaB had evu aaaa a maraeL
A taarp arebln at oau utd ta bad
aeealouafUrem "HbortT-taqaM
the aorpriaU tdactar. "La tbecta
Umbetoda^Uato at Heldu. I
low 'pat o0 tUl toBufOw. BP i
Uta deaa today;
Bur Braaau Ufl htaBOaataU boul
a i^mallptoeat;
■u^^tba UU c^to ^ySu ^ fou- Sf oae
Doot 5l bla Se BMv poo. X

’^SzSSsfJSse- •»:

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