Grand Traverse Herald, June 11, 1909

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 11, 1909


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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■ THAveR»e


OLB ’•rm.CRt •electeo




or time even to today. Vour pteaaaei
not so Buaeraus. but you enthem B>ore. aad looklas back.

r die hut

city, orand traverae


.for • yr-ara

"What a grand thing H is. my Jear

soBMlmee we of this marretoua a«e. friends, to so live, tliil aner we irf(bis age of wtrelesl. tbe electric goo*. Ihe/vortd will oe Ibe better for
faavlng lived In It!
llgbl. Ibe fleet Heamen
I. J. McLaiigbllB of Elk Rapids,
repUciPg Ibe piray trails, and I hope
age when the Inlenirban line* cme of the veo' Orm settlers ol Ibis re
stove Ibe country to the feel of gloo. Mo was wllh ua one year ago
Ibe city, are constrained lo envy you. and wb^waye look a de/j. Inteceit.
But while those dsys are written In not only In ibU assoclailon out in the
the great boot of the past. Ibow who GrandTraverseteglmi. was a charter
per of the association, and parti

helped maae 'the Inekipllon*. some
of theta at least, are slill wi.m us.
They snd ibelr desrendants are the
one* whom 1 am weliwminc today.
•To onr pkmeere. we owe a debt,

*r sleep* tbe long


•foe CRr-

sleep, ilijl

It is .ige saying. 'Hlep Into tbC
home (hat you have made (or us

thank you. "
Major Green o( rharierols imre —<

Oforro Crakor,
L«cUnau responae. thanking tne people pTTrtv
O. H. Wlllwr. cAatIo- erse CHj (or ihetr generous bowlial
?«li nnatr: in.rvuw. BMuto'ccoMr: Ity. End IndBlged Ib aomr retulnl.
a in which he spoke of some of
A. K. DoofAonr. ADtriB coomr. A. K.
Mnar. K»IkuhA itnoitr. nod ... W. the old aelllers who have goo
fore, but who msde their Influence
■Blth, Ortnd Tnrono coaotjr.

for gD9d so (ell ibsl they wlM no) won

that one time when he wa* out
ieeturlog and bad. MW tarmera

e remains o* Mr*. Hall wevo
tdougbt Co this city on Ib* aHcrneua

Ibeir alvc* listrntBg le him wUb 'heir train on the Pete Marquette, accom­
niouibs open uking in every word he panied uy Mrs Thurtell Tnh Moeral

tfaongbt wbai a pity to spoil such
One. at
Aentenia Organited Ls*t
good lecture juM at the people had heNight by J- A. Smittv, ta thq,
■ so eaihrsllcd. so Iheiw was
Youngeal in the State.
nig to 4<- but »« allow the Cy. so down
he went and (ill like a buxalng saw
mill In aU alonu.cb. aqd ’I have '
swallowing tUes ever since.' said

Ihe pcrpHuily of peace.

ally through bla Infliiente. this nssortPIlOB was urgaslted In his liom<- Uibrn.
Elk Rapids. St Tear* ago. He a40>
missed lien- loi
• bo have been In ll.e habll
log with UM for Ihe past qiisiier of
-AlKiilier pioneer. Whom I think

be lorgottca.

•rat handrail la aunwr. were all uk- tbe «. years Wbich he has a^t In
•a. Poor long taUra ware art on (be this county, and spoke with eninu.
•aat aid* or the haU. walla the
laam of the (utore.
hair waa glrea over to (ndlridoal Uw. B. Anderaoii, bisiorlan of ibe
b^ aad It waa hard to tell where iue
Iben gave the following
Biafflwt paidlaa were. Oonre. fnrnUbegrellenl gddress.
•d hr ^ aaaoetailOB aad prepared
Hn Jaae R Hawkins, wbo for last
hr 3oha W. Brown, wtloa waa (It (or
51 years ba* been a resident of lew s
the coda, waa aoteed by pr«iy ladle* a very «ne paper on “Rem
who.aav that aearyone was kept (run
Inlsceace*.' which was llatebed to
bolac twrmy. wane on the table* were
with lotereal.
. rrnaai aad aacar. The dlanen were
BOi lark, aaoh (aatfly



haakat (nO or cood italac*. and the
. Bally »therlac* were (all nt cnnd
ahoor. while ihoao who weat aa car*U
or the 4dd aMUen ateo had
aal^rahU time.
DUaarwBeaMeadht It oclock. the
ThMtra orcheeira furnUtv analc
while the dtaaer waa la ptocreaa. and
alao opawad iha anerwooa'a profraa
At 1 «'«lo(h Mayor W. I). C. OeraalBP
care the addraaa of wetcaaae. whidi
waa aa (oUowa:
Mayar^ Addiaa.
'Hr. Praldaut, Ladlaa and Oeatleiaen.
Pellow PloBowt;
~]i If a proud honor tor me as mayor
a( Trarwwe City to wetoome wUhiD
•nr hortrri ao dlatlntulshed a cath•riac. nor dow Uls aame pride aarrer
la the sUchtesl. slaee from the fact
that I can Ulh to yon as one pioneer
to aaoiber. VS-bUe I bare not (eii ibe
auaas of time aa aatne of you sKtlnji
hotora we. yet two acwre year* have
rotlod by alone t took up my abode
wltblB the eeaniHW of Travene Ciiy.
ta faci, I uare the adraaiac
at you e*ea. tor ny eyr*. whea flret
Ihay becaa to beboU kaowlncly.
toohed oal upea tbe water* of Oraad

• as opeiuid by a song seivice oonducl

W. O Stovall »puk<- a few. words and

y B. Y. P. I', piwaldent 11. W. he said that the (dsl tram on (he 1‘ere
Dunn, of Kiagsle.r. Tliruugh the ab­ Maiqin-tlo was really a fail iraia li'n
one taking it early in (he morn­
sence of Field SerrMiry Ralph Bar-:
ry, wbo was deialoed ai another ses- ing, really anJ truly bad to fast lu tbe
ilon. Ihe 1*0 !ves.HvoP~ overlapping, eiid of (heir destinattoa.
The (oHowing
ibere *a* n sMghi change in Ibep rogram. and Hie dei-uiloLal was led hy made: ‘



en from us so suddenly Hial we could
hardly liellcve


own cars when we

braid of tbe dehlb ot our filenil and
fellow townamao. J. W. Mil'lken, I
had known him per-Minally, forov'i 4fl

quite ramahle ol sddrvsslng

audience. Me s|»iWe on ’he needr
-hrlsllanlcy, on the necessity ,i


roung e.hrlMlan and the pastor o
ng closer together and that the roung
hilsilau hbwiM rente :o the paeior

tear*, and I cab aay Ihai I never knew
■H Saul did when !«• ivanve to the
wbo bnd a nuire progressive,
.lid said: "loyrd. *bat hIM Thou bare
spirit and knack ot not only making
me lo do*' As an lllustralion hr luld
Ids bat of keeping them, iliun di.|
I- young garm’nier wlio came to
Mr. Mflllken.
werk for the firal ilme and *ho stixnl
Traverse City and ihe (Siand T'.vvsiuiiud and aaaTisl agreal deal n| val
-rsr region can HI affunl to Ium siu-Ii
>U- time waning tor bis i-upl-iyei,
Tndlea and gmtlnaen, fiieads and nen. Only om year ago he w*s wllh
ivmi.' and lell him what lu do. The
us. and well du J n-member wlia’ u
y of evi ry dlw-iple I.. lu go lo head
-Blnee we mat one ydr ago In Ibal deep lulerest be look in that met ling
quarlert and stiy. -Tln-u b*Hl a task A* Soon aa Petsibic. a Special Elec­
beaatllol little city U miles down the
»hai a nleasani word he had (oi
ind here I asil. whai luou would* t
tion will Da Called to Confirm
bay. a vast aumber of our old frloids everyone. Is ll any wonder, my dear
the Project by Vol* of All
and resiNWted pioneers bare croamsl friend*, that such men as he wilt nev- bav-.- nil- 10 do." and that pastors oft*
Inns make a mistake in not taking
Iver of time, and I mighi aiy.
be forgotten?
tbat have been Idenlllled with
isaorlaikiii from Its Infancy, and like.lo make menuon of If Hue would I hi eii to heart talk, and should they
Honor, Mich. June 10.—F<w *ot
in Ibis oUener there wnold not U’
only perniil, bin Ihere Is uiliei- .l-u^
itoe tberv- III* been a rumor on ft
ao many ba.-kslldei* in the churches
netts of liupnr’niice lo come bi-tore>mihmugbout this s.-.-Hon ibat to mi
- Four Kind* of Hon. .
worked hard all the*- years for th* meetlng Before chistng, however. I
lie ulso said that Cod had bllliona of Honor the iM-rmanenl coiiaiy w*at
cpballding of ibe assoeiaiim
regard lo
uiiist bu
lana tor HI* disciples, and an Individ Bentle county, something
this beaolHul Grand Traverae region Traverse (*liy~guod today. beltsT todone In regard lo the erection <>t build­
of which we have reason lo fetd proud
and siill hctler In IPUi. Trav
s lo du is lo M-cu’V’ Ibe blue print ings suitable (or th” use ul all the
erse Clfv- cliisens knon bo* to entercounty
o' Hiear plans I’lai we may, know
githering like this and their
■'I-have befon- me s list o
a tneeiing of the ciligcns el
Itrotigb ins|iliallon the specific sphere
ire always 0|s’n lo any who a‘.<c
arnmTof the pioneers who have been
tor *blrh *;e aie lntend<-d. He also IlomeM ’Sd township held In this vil­
railed who have been- bere to ond So m lo come inside of her gules acd m
aid pa.'licular stress upon the fact lage yesterday a preliminary vote was
years. Among these are William Brak we are centrally locsteii to.- such galb;
Ihai Ibe man yon sec before you is taken end It wa* iitianlmuusly- carried
el or Silver lAke. George iiedden of ■-rings. 1 think Hist Truveise City ekbtind lloniestead township for |6,not one man bui (our persoiialKlet
Invitation Hi
Old MIsaiuB. <”harles Monroe et Mon- i-nds to you an uis-n
I for 111.- ere. Hon ut o town ball lu
siH.m •!»! coal :.c rd;;. g—. Vovi see
• again III IPln. V>l >hel
Ceolcr, Msrrlson Htrhard of Gar
ihe uuK-r gartueiits nnly. The ollter Honor to Is- u*e.1 as ruuH bouse., }a>l
add. William Wri^ of Uong Lake jge'aaal lo sitow any seinshtievs on
and sheriff's officis. As HOon as (be
man Is the man ihe wif.- know*, whev
Erank Korb of l.o-j* Uke. John Doyd
formality, ■-an l»- carried out a specisl
["■mes honir. lakn> off his' coat, puts
and'Wmiam Bai licit of Williams
•tioii mill to- railed for the populai
his rtni upon Ibe lalile, and kicks the
bUrg. Jack LUney and JontthatXur■- of tile luwiislilp. As Ibe lufiliennan cellilr. He Is also Ibe man
of FulloBs Bay. Georae llame
■|uen In each sectmn are Invaila
Traversp-CTTy Is comisled lo Is
the mother and llu’ swecibcan know.
Nonhport. the Rev. Mr. Kenney of In­
msi cel^U>-'l(s.-aje.i, and I am
bly in ( ot Ihi.. move. It will do
Maybe belter, laaylie worse.
land. J- J. McLaughlin of Elk Raidds. I voice tile scnlliueiils of biT rilicena,
donbt carry.
re U the Iniier man whom no
rhgrlea Csriiad. Peler Wllsou and
hen 1 !«)• vuu are welcome to c
Ond knows, and perhapa one
Mia. Ovrotl of Ihe pentnaula. Mr
-re again in IIOA.
dune Mimctfilng In public to b
Wlcdofl of Orawn, Mr*. Caroline Ml!
-Thanking you one and all.' .
piandeil frr but wbo comes bonie and
of Mlim* Hill. Mrs. HUly of WetReports ot
................ ..
him'u’ir In his rtuiny, walks the
furd.' Mra Oerlag of Bingham. Jos,- Ijtdd. aad Ihe lieasuier. (J K Ituwers.
flour tind denounns biniMtII as a byp
pblne Bant and Mrs. Illggvr ol Mon- Sere given, alli-r *m< h Tiie eleeilun of
crriic and a liar.
Cooler. Mrw William Anaslrorg n( olOcen was lu'bt and ihe place
arc the people of sour visage,
Oflali. Mrs. Km-s of Muaroe Center t.ieei lag decided upon
Tb.' reman
lie kind ivn. doe* poi |i|o lo nif-t *ud
Kmtna Emerson of East’ Hay. Mr*. 8
tfte aflcrinsin *a* devuied t
he man who prays.
hgve ui-jo PaasM Avsay In Grand Rapid* Mon­
E. Hopkins of inlertochen and'Mrs.
in me lor I am only a poor wfarra '
Pray or WlUUraabjrg.
day Night front Injuries Res guod things
I iidbl like that pray-r.’ ssia me
from Traverse City were
ctlecd Last Wednesday.
liev Hr, Flliea. ’I am nut a weiiu; I
Dr. U U- Ashlua. Ur. I. A. Thompson.



1 aw prrmd or ny blnh

hola lo (be wood* and enUrted


uatU laday. thanks to tbe (oundatloa
laid by yoa ptoaeer*. ._ks aanie bole
woodA or MwatlH vt
y yoa Bease. has no peer la }
MIcblAan. aad doubUeai the l
come whea It will hare ao peer la all


ganUed a grange . at ' jlentoou


Preaident Ounn Cave a Short Tbik
en ertta a Y. P. U. a SteppUig : ’
Stone'—Homing Sooaien




many whp have gn-n a post r iti
klag (hta regKm isbi^ « la bwlay
VtM tormad wAII* «adiirad the slraas and whose aame* aad laBaaacw wui

Swallowtd files"'Vaid I. Inrndu- PreshyterisD TolBlsIer. more 30
years aifv. Her
hUS baud

Tbe momlog aesaioo oCIheB. T. P.
. association wo* opuoed by doe*the


supfrintendfOt. Ibe Rev. B. MoDbrmoii. of Kalkaskb. Mr. Mcttermltt.
«ho baa been worklag 1a tbe amiUi.

been iranaterTed to ibe nertb.

a hair be will continue hit labor*. '
Tbe eong service wai eoadiKtad bjr
R Y- P It. president H. W. Onnn.
, The report of Ibe nomtnsHng commlllcc ana nrcepled aad tb* tuBowbig'
Offlecn. wnra eieHed.
President—H. W. Dunn, of Kiutoy.
vice preeldenl-Vernard NottdS oT
cretary-Mit* Matgntet



Nettlo awin’

non of Good Harbor.


The Rev I

W. Knight gave aa mi '

drew upon "Our Mid week Yonng PSo.
pies- Meeting*.’’ Mr. Knight told «t
a ue'ei'ing which he bad orgaaUH Ja
Risiport which had been
esa and wWeb



at one Hm* So

oonsldered tfds’aiirt meeting. H*
•tett>d that when’ a meeting bad S*• defunct the only tblng la te H
Ipparatua Secured Through tbe E(ferte of Prol. Hernbeck of the Lo­

ro norgnnite aud itmame tbe mtH-:
tag H* tMvi bow be went around 10

cal High Schoel_Ne Olhar

?(i dlSerenl people and got tb«S to

School in State Hat One.

proratse Ui eemmto lb* Oiat mteUSS-

Tltcy did *nA.:gs»/ASgt MHtSo
Through the elforts ol H. K. Ilortiaecood meeting tber* srero M noA tbo
bPCk, inslrurlor in toe iM-lenre depart third infetiug 01. tbna ahewibg SMr
bieni of the Traverse City H|g|, school
meeting had incroaiod ainco ^
Iraveree I'lt)- will have 3 wireless irl- organixlng. He also urged the notaa
graphy slation.
siiy of giving great impSrteno* to
For some time he bas been evolving
conMltuiloa and by Ibwo ot a
t1|e plan, and last year, two boys In young people*’ meeting. Tbe pragraH
ib>«cbonl. Ilaiold Jthraus and S. Mill
Dean cuosliiu-ti-d an apparatus whyrh
lor shun
ihodgh tfai periods wherein tbe w


Were rather inlcrrail-

If the young Pteplo'npd.l*

No «her educational inHiluiton o-i
the state, not excluding tbe iinlvcraiiy without so much ot iho pnetor-g bolp.
Rony m program «b^ld ho nvoM'
Css.this appliance. There are plenty
«r places where miniature apparstuaes ed. but at the aam* lime toe great a
(or laboratory *oik have been Inslsll deviation trom tbo devoiloaal nboHfl
guarded agalnaL Ha aMo gave AS
raius could be used for practical vuiline of 00* of the meetteta hold M
Eaetport ond which worn M inerate
MU there IS no place where this

Tbe syvinm will be in the Central
school building. Hie arrangement (or



B. -Y. P. U. lYMMenL II. W. Ona.
catching Ihi- Henstau waves will be then gave a abort talk on ~Tbe B. T.
plartsl on the cupula. Tilts will nii^il P V.. a Biepplug Stona.* A* as llhioflve wooden posU a'nd the plates
necessary to lerelve tbe vibniiont.

irntton he aaM. "Notblng la bora (ilU
grown,” 8U-P by step It reachM tin

This win coat very little, as toe man

maturity, showing that the yooag pootraining deiianmenl Will turn out ple*' meetings and Ibe ebureb bare to
grow qlep by step. He said tb* aaoote
The system will is- flolshed U|. for
lalKtralnry UM> this spring and imme

of tbe ebureb are tbe yooiig poo^
and tbe poung peoples' gocMIao. The

dialely after achoi.l closes will go 10 Young Peoples’ society
Gi.viid Haiilds where be will look ov
ysi.m the BvcnlngVres* has
arranged Tin- loral system will be
kyntonired «-iib Ibis one In the stele
of pcrfe.-tKin lie- v.irelfss u now in. it

to the sup­

ping atone to the churdb



yvung people luusi be pul late •ciirl'
ly or Iho ebureb will die. Tbo youg
people nre m-eded to take (be ptoo* of
the trustees and if ibey are allovod

l.ece<w;vry loi lacii slaitoo lo be set to drift on In a carelea way (bay bw
II arcordaiira- ullh lie

station With

.'..ih It wlsl.e/^io commnnlcaU’. The
ipparatiii- lai.-bes all the u-aveW ini
p-rfecllv. blit oiilr iiiiisj exactly whose

com.-# tbat the ebureb poeds Ifeate
their Is veto oac lo take the place gt
Humic nfau ate leaving tbe cbnrcfa.

«n*truo'-iiir liuie l*'-ii set in pvcordusring to the abeeoce of Ralph Bflr>
Lti jiisi SH III. ear IS ry of Aibkm. the morning'* progibH
.•apal.l- of receiv ing only sis-cial kinds was Ihabgrd and Ibe round Ubt* bad
vtbiallon* ulslincily. aud w Incapa- (■- !>r letl out.
of le.elvang some allogt-Uier. *0

Repori' or varicMU ao^tca In dffv

■ « hA us llmllalton*. and

torenl cities wer* given by lb* vMltb^
d. legatr., ol tbe assortollOB.


me for a bra monients. I will si>eak
(ery brlegy e( tiuly two or three ul

Prom Tuenday'. Bemrd

tkmal exercisea led by

of Petoskoy.



MfB)(CK|^fiMI|T- .


Steward—John Betts
A S—Herman Ebman

ioi a man. God mav-e me a men gave
te With each
most i>e set jn
"•owe of yoa, amay at yon. within John Larkins. E. P. Wllbdm..J. W.
KurenlB'Hall. widow of legs (o walk wllb. a bead t- ib.iik
r same vibrutluii vmue. ie.. the Vi
the sound or ny voice, cane here Hllllken. Frspk Hdm. Artbur Wall.
laie R.-V J B Hall, par ed aw»y at
snd a backbone; be a nun.
. r.vnrr. Mrs. Oustavis Brown. North tewing Reaitfenl Wa* a Acothtrbtalion* muM have ihe sattse value
when the wlMeraeaa was king, when
Rulieiworih ho'piia'. (.rand Rapids,
me *bu lann- to uiuimci o
laiiuQ Bill be i.i^ tor Grand
Z. K kkirl*Bkm Mrs. Ellen Oy
In-Law of A. P. Bum* and
Uecan* nigbl. folloslDg IDurl.-s >eRamdJ
Harry Aakrr.
whea the )oarwy to the noriblaad. or. Hr*. Klteo Adsit. Mrs. Ktoupa
leivrd by falling ovei\a chair tV.J
H: K
BOW made ao eaay. was a ibloE of Mrs. Beymour, John Travis,
m-vds) 'light She,»s^Tf year* old
lei.wr.ber Ibe last talk i bad wilh
hardships nd parll*. Voa braved the Blesran. Tbrwna* Itroekway. Him. I
Word received .. ediiesdsy ihai Mike
Willi her at 111- tWw'ot her death
itev. T Uew-ia Tatdiaoge which
daaceca. yen acniaad tbe hardship! ea SbeBer aad Hr*. Emily ttailcy
Kelley, ul Surtb Irviug. near llasilugs.
• SH h.-r .laugbiei. Mrs. Waller Thur"After Aalshing my rcisirt word has had ^led iiial iiiurulna »f pneumonia iH-v'uried at >ny' house lu Riuukiyu
aad you a»de
leli. Of Ihi- City and b't-r •on, W. L
isi come to iIm- riiy of tb.- death
after only a siwirl. Uloes> Mr Kejle.r H’ /a( tippiivile Tue al iht table sod I Hall of Grand Rapids
■loaa (or yonrselres. bm for tpe geamuiciiig the te-t.-ne lu»k upon h»
aaoiber old friend and pioneer ol ibu
etatloiw that have romr after
a brothel mla* of It P Hunts
Thr---,.-hlldrcii survive. Mrs. Thorregion. Mrs Eugenia Hsll. widow ul and llariy
nroagh 'yoar laduairy. the i
ISaC-r oi tbu city
His (a<e and knowing the aucHiui ut
eHlalleU Uleou IB UK lUI-MOr lell, Of this city, W »' Hsll of Grand
Mgncekin*. June lo —Yetfienlay.
ahoal ftM have ..eea made to yield Ibe late Rev. J. K Hall ui
«ldow suivives him lint no cbildreu'
md lei iures. I asked .liim hiA be Rapids, Lhd Howard Hall of Lelatid fe* imlcv oonb of tbi-. village. <n
ihotr heuBly. tbe orvAards to brief am mlBisieraor ihsi region who loiai- He was about t: years old sud bis 111
Biinford I'niv-ef-ity
train of logs ainl iron or-, a load
t rtty of ed la Ibis regtoo over SO yean
W.VS only of u few Jays dura- fosnaged to luaiulBin such a del.gbilul
Mrs Hall wa.' ope of the pMhecra ot lugs caught fire. The car was pull.-<i
'Time aiU not pcruih me tn make
-saioD In (lie laije af’it all
mention ol all of these, as | would
(Bid. It l> just because I always swal­ this region, having localej bere wlin into Uanc Iona alone and the fin
1-T husUud lb- Rev. J B Hi
like lo do. but If you wPt
lowed flies •
llngnished a.lh water troB one

eld days, with


night, and the loHowIng offleera weir

Chaplain—H. M..Howard.
Treasurer—Frank Taylor.
When the irimeadous lorcee of the
Secreisry—Nellie Howard.
BspHsl aa«>claHon a
orld are bulling Ibemselvcs at clirlsG. K.-Frank Bailey,
tpeaed In ihe Plrsi RapHsi cbnrrfa
Uaiilly, wi- sie playing with religion,
Ibis city last evening, inany unlabb1. A. A—Alice miltl
there Ibonid be a .Ulm call tiom
Raptists from dH(> rent larts of
Tbe meeiing «t Ih'Bionla ffrange
him lo imbue i,hc spirit of Jesus
Rate being Ir. attendance, me church
will be held every sermnd ql'd fourth
t'liilij siilhrlenl lo make the W)'rld
aas pretilly decotaiid yvllb maideuTursdsyh ol Ihe month A movcnutnl
lliai Ihe church of I'h.lsl Is lb«
balr fern, hnneysncklr vine and lilac*.
-foot to orgmi'lte a Pomoha
greai.o>i piTpHuIivul the world
grange lu Meiixle couniv.
Ihe'laller filling Hit ealfi.-e with
■he -ckwe «( the wenslop the,Rev
rragrant-i-. Tbe young peoples' sesvion

IB -« Uraitd T>bv•TM rrgloK vao (bat of R’odaoBdsr


Giunty organlxer J. A

Iccled end
and Inatalled:
W, M - W. J ^ Petinr
There aretwotblagslbat Mr Flke^
W. O-F B Waters
wlabed to Imprv'ts npoa Itie pctiple.
Lecturer—W. O Carpenter
The spied of Jckua I'hrlat tor

can iniihtully Ksy Bdiiiliil>ierf<d to Ibe
III# Rer Chartes Wolfe of Gaylord.
Numlaallng comnltte*.—The- Rev.
nis of more peoiilr !r Ib: . .-'ly i!u»<*'
B. V. P- H Prealdenl. H.
Dunn R. U- Eble 01 rharlcvolx. llte Rev. 8.
Pollowlnt Ibis address the onbraira this rogiou than any oilier miiD, wav
ihen iDl^duced Ibe Rev. Maurlie P.-h
all ut Kingsley* aad Mr*. E. L.
again favored with music, then the our dear old friend and plouecr. Ih,
field Wkea, pawor ol Ihe Woodward Hughe*
annual address of President
H. B. D. Asbion. In ihose <-arly day’s he
Dot lonTW BloAAUt iiiomortni for
me BnpHsi church of Deirtvli. who
emolltnent commiUee-A H Og­
Rales was glrea. Presldenl
riled all over tills regiftn, far and
(how vbo^ oaw agaiB to
unaldered one of Michigan's 'ere den or Gaylord aud Md* fYank Dur
apeke of bis iileasurr lo meeUng wllh
-. and iiiauy times on luirwehack lu
lA roMtaiMoarw and wwi nn
r'oiatuia. Ur. Fikes slated Ihai be
to lai«e a gathering, and told tome, give relief to llic offering He h-ll s'
lad Iravelh'd sinre K vi'clvick -in
BroiT train bnogb rlillon
thing of the work of the assoditlon tword Is-bind lilm tte.i wli: lire for
Biortilna lo b<- in aliendance at
'-..dUjr. and wany t*m* by otbw
wbirh has grown in em..ustasm a# the geacrallous lo iv>mi-.
essicm and that be bad had nmhing
«( eesroranoc, ao whMi uia tAbln years have rolled on. He gave S brief
then 1- aw
whalevrr lo cat enrnele, Ihere being
ta (be nirsopora boow wm mdy
■ume of Ibe growth and development through. BUd that Is,of a young man,
at tho airoha of It. (he place*. seYthe Grand Traverse ^ion during just in tbe prime of life, who wns luK- no dining car ailarlied. but Ite. ,
TA* KBOtJWowifol Old Rrtiyrf



fly flew doWrn his throat. Well, be


Prom Tuenday’t. Record.
The Ord anntverv.aiy ol tps Grand

Nature (urabui-d the raalerlals. but
Tr«Miti*r-0. B. tN>««n. Bk Rjp- you laid the (oundatloa on which the
struclure has been erected. Youra U
(he honor and yours Is me welcome,
>—K.O.ROW. 1

sure you eat them.' Then I asked
her son lo Grand Rapids. She bad n
why oe ale them and he eaplalacv!
> on Washington street,

Snd. Oui sidiere In lite at Jhe levi

■cmurr-c. o. IMd, PmmwiA.


be held VYiday. but all arraage<ald. and Jusi as hr began to think
abat a auld be bad over them aad uenls are not yet -cumpietefl.
AOOR6AAEO was aUul lo shout out ao0eiblng ol
' •■these lovely tbought*. c Dig bliw bol

■leaning of t "Faat Train'

boM W«4DMdA> la tb« CItr Ot»ra their meioory will linger wHb
Again I Welcome you to Traverse
booM. Ifeo toIlowlBE otrirora
««nChy. aad when I state Ibsl I welcome
PnvMral—W. S/AndnrMB.



tlA« A VEAE.

Tvea tmperUnt Thinga.

grave Is rapidly growing ahorter aad^
Ibe dsy *111 come when tJ.e

At IW BOoHnr^ ibn OU 8«UWi

michioan, fripay. jure


debi of gratitude. This debt thnnnt
be paid in coin, or oioney. but can
E»wy Tr«ln RiwgM Vltttw» U Uw be paid In resp.
and inolber* they
CHy WMIa Mwy C*m* In Rig*—
utd though ibe march
A«l Down to tho
•l« OInntr.


Ihe company's hydrants
The lofKjhcit.g grtna. did not t
much, but Abe enr aa* badly d

’Vet.' said he. -Swallow them, eat her Ih drath seirral years. Since Hut
(him. fty Ibrm. make saUd of them tlae-abc-hsd cMtlnucd Ui'utofih Ub: aged We could M
clirM npMt. part ot bar um* with cniuc or the Arc. '
or BM them any way yon can. but


Assoelatioa ORteor*.
At ih-Miioraing aeeatoe of tb* Orajtd
Tiav-ne Baptist itdoclbtton tb* tek
lowing offlrvre were elected:
Moderator-Pastor W. O. Btora'L
rierk-Pa*u.f a J. Hall. Of mngge
Mihic »ihool soperiBieiideBt—Paltor
Cbarle:: Wolfe, of Qaylord
Rvadihg of tbe conaiHotloB n^ byla*a. loltewed after wbleb Pbatpr ».
J HaU introduced toe toRoviag fl?o
new pastors:'
The Rev. W p. .'- vail, of Trayerso
City. Ibe Rer J. \v Kntgbt of BmI'
port, the Rrv. B. kUOeratbbd A Kalkaaka. The Rev. F. O. ESI* of CSarlevolx.
. .
The Rev Joshua Hobena. who wn*
(0 speah on "Tbe WenUb of the

Heritage.- Thnradby orutMCR.

,wlU apesk Thnrater «*e«lBg'iBglMd.


taitticss Prcsalptiiiii

r cneats (or the

The pkmeers o( the Oraad Trarerie
la Raaudy far atanmeh Diatraat tad
iMaaatJon to Ftrfoct.
A erleBtillr prearrlptloti fur dlipapfrolUul orrbarda are Indeed boa- ata put up la amall tablet form and
ored cuests. fhey came here *bra called UUMia Is maklac ibousaads
•as aev, and tbai ao maay Of Qutrfc awl laatia* cores (hnw •
bare lived to aae the (rail ot ibe aeeds
~ ere is no stomach disease .
they planted In tbe erllderaesa. It -a
rb of the aio—eh) that 4t la iml
lateed to csira. and 8. E. Walt •
Ihlac to be alad at. Years have
have eo mndi fa(sb la Ul-o-na
alaea the bi« *o^ were lavaded by
tor stomach dtaordera of all klads
stroBC men and •oaiea. but tbe
that they .will rrfuad your taaae]
ory o( the deeds they wroucbi Is «lth does not cure
Ml-o-aa, the (BuUleas prracriptloo,
M.yat, aad (or that vr are clad.
eoor stomteh, bclcblai ol (as.
Tsetse CUy (eels asorc «oai_____
-ss after ualinc. haartburn. bitordiaary interrst la tbe ploaeers. as.
Traversa Vlty. too, la a pHmeer. Some
sraH worth a
be ]?vi
of those'Preaeal today reioee^^»,ef it as
a..lumber wnn. a town lnai'>;ted by from any slot_________________________
rains Wgredlents that not only give
Lsi^l nnd a 1- s oifa.
KdlW but that art on the stomach so
liod It i.eas fivir
fnur „ hamlet b^eficUlly tbsf in a ebon
lbVs*TClsBe aad from a v
vlllace Into flabby, tired out wslla of llic stoma (fa
City.bad a part la tbU. they regalo their strength saa sctlvlly.
Mlo-ra for a week;
to tosktt It ao and to them be will change to bapplaeM: df .
.onps .B lajhu part of tbe m-dli.
hope, dull eyes to bright and you i
hat beeo staled before, they had fallb yourself wonder why you suffend
ractoB who heaed avay the (ei
aad brMihi forth the sBlllas (ar*f.

«t CoaifM* o( Uarrti Z. Ik1».


CktoUtin Uis week 3.ISD

Tile li.-; Ulcblno . ......... !-• '
Dlmltr* • vor} lartix jiciu
t i
ta (bit time Nortbfirn Ul<.«>k.n r.:u

eaoueb In the (uiure to aatne tbe vtl-

etty la a matter
of coBirralulallen.
i1^^-ne rity welromea tha ploBeers
Xclibor has U« f« bsMi a»f> material
nut only at ihla iw-etlns bat will ei•rldeBcm of Iniert troublOL
tend lust as hearty a weimftie should
s*porta renlVMl (ron> fniH fTowi>r»
Mot been
at *» b>
»blob ««uld -daBaco (■ml

•li orar Ztoribi ra Mlrblaan. tii'-re anladlraUoaa that, (or prartlrallr ail
klMJa of'rnilU (tus a^aaoB ol tHit


Flfurtv cuBtfiUcd by ilu’


raporls sbov a uaeA klcbrr tH-r eentace la ibe areracM itrea tur Nonh'
Platte. Mich.. June ill—Mrs. Abe
Ri>rb has been w-riouiOy III and is
cover!'; nWiniy.
Ur. At'dnis made a biislaeat trip
Ba«b rear ibr iiraod Tnversc rvsloa,
•» Jtlcbtaatt UasB (or elUu-r
(ral. aoutlK-ro or sute a^rraev*.

•speetaJly i.k
, adJaccBi to Trarerae City, U boeomlog
rapidly dereloped In Uw produdlun of



Island. Mi.'h,
isloh here and the

Mk4 In Noi
•n part of this stall

lui.; .i ■

Alttad by thoae >cho an e;-tBllU<
•MdlUoaa that he U<* ory 1


iBMBOdlaia TlduM «l Tiavbrsa (^:y
karin coairibaif huadrads ot tbauaaads
•d Mlara
vlthta t (ew yeatw
Cram truiu than have ever brea real
- dm ai4 that the prodaotloa wlU frad.jHitriaeroa.e.

/ .

Mia U ot. spoHal luwdrtaaca to
Traverse Clu JiU belof the oeUral

^>rk)us medicine.
Rich Han-a Olfta Aro Poor
Trial bollle
Ouaranieed by 8
( *K
e this: - I want to go on n . .
A Hugh.-,- Drug
Itiaa aad redanloa »i ttryiu ratM as saying that I regard Ek«irk UltA Is
ters as one of the greatest gifis that
U Blw be ot craai bcoam
Od the -whole, the Oraad (}oil has made to woman," writes Mrs.
O HhlaevauU. of.Vestal (Vnter. N. Y..
/ take lu plarcA "I raa never forget wbal ll has done
rathe most laumnaat point, lor. (rail lor luc." This Blorlotu medicine gives
raltara of any tocallty la the north- a pcuoan buoyant aplrils, rigor
Harvey Havan el Mlncclena, Paaaod
»aaL Its dHTulepmeBt has beeo rapM body and jubilant hi^lih. It qul<


- *•« vUl he eull more ea

anchuly. Headache. Usckacbe. Pain
Marmeloim. Mli-b,. Juoi
WMWfclal eiandpolnt Traverse CUy lug nad Dluy Spelts: soon builds up
tiie.weak. ailing and Sirki.y. Tri them niglii n' X o'clock Harvey ilavea died
■hratd M loae 'siiht of tbb fact.
Me. at 8. K. Walt « thins, l . A. Bugnis home In Ibis place. Mi. Haven
<K eourso. tbe
biH- Drug Co. Ilanu-i'i A U
was oviT St year* old and bad lived
Mancelou Si years. He leavea a



kincrsbia Chaplain of Uoltad BiMm
anatt f'-<s(ad Away Today—^
Haart Fallura.

wife, a son. Jiiseidi and a daughier.
Mrs. Hose M. Scoll; tbe last two Ihe
Lake View. Jfhb.
Mr. Haven' wns a leiernn ot the rtvwar. bclingliig to rom^n) f.

ton. June to.—l>r. Kdwsrd Kv.viiii haieaT Ibe time to egereisc
llale. rbsplalii of the
rmied r>-gularl> Dosa's Hugulets will jirevent
• Senate 41ed at bis borne ^»re uousUiotJaa. They laduie a uiMd.
of heart failure. His coadltloa easy, faeallhtui arltoo ut ibe Isiwels
ullhoul griping. Ask >onr drug,;isi
became serlon a (ew days ago. The
r lln-m. Z3c.
end i-atoe unr*pi-cu-dl>. ' Hr. Hale's
alster. Mhs Ruaaa Hale, bis physlran
OR^A^e—On aenniui ol lesilng ib.
and several irleods were ai bla bedftly. musi sell my home. SIV South
aid*. The end was peaceful.
V'olon street: all modern;
rOiuiis: good barn; on psied mueei
1^1^- $Z.aWi. Un.liue; llb<-ial dis
eounl tor cash I'all FMday or Set
Atk Hr AHati'a FoehEasa,
Btdaj J W, ruffe.


a^^^ogs. a,wo. sl.ady; yorki-rw. |7.i0



.—Wheataverage condlikm of wbea
(Miibeni coaniles Is 16. In Ihtr»| roiiniies 7t, In ih- oonbern coun­
ties kii and in the stale a*.
> May 1st. Ibe cradltton of wheat
n-pm'ed as follows: In Ibe siste
and sonihem counties, Tx; in the cei).
ll roucih-s
ilh-s 71 ami i
the uorlheiu
mties gh.

Deero’s Micliigan Special
It will pay you «vcll to cxasBlac this atoiv
earciBlly before boylag aay other. '
Special Featares,-Wo>i4:Lt .sted MM Stsvlsid.

f wheat that V




iiambertwr. iwV 'lb'

ri-age of isirn. plant
lb an aveinge tor t
lm*i live yea
years,-in tbesimlheyn i-os

>UI<lb-s »
iai<<d w ith an
nnd'is-ntial .
Isirlheru ciNini

» »4. and la the s

Ouii.-TiM isindKiun^l oalt. anRkim
paivl «uh un average, la in.- state
11^ ts'Uiral couuHes is
in lire
• -rii coniilfes M and In (he north,,,11....





„ U.

/ A Recorjd
of Tow Expenses
Tbd ynn evtr ihink that the time
may come when you would like to
U- able to aoow raw you have sped
your mooey? a cbeeati« ncctmnt with
this luink will etunlc ypu to pn-serie
an occiirnie record of your espi-Ddllur^. as Ibe ivturm d checks, together i
wlih the stubs ot yooa check pook.sib
will show Just hou morb money youtl
hank laiiicc cihckutg acraiinls both
have sprat and lor what pur
laigu aad smalL



Do«*t mlu Ibe tircat
CMblnfl Sale at StetRe
berg Broa.
ToBBorroBw. Salar<ay. U
Privilege Eay al Stela
berg Bras.


Many hundreds of satisfied Savinas De»
gositors at this bank will receive their
Semi-Annual Interest on July 1st. 1909.


PoCsioes—The ariesge of polaliH-.
Pisnied as couiiuK-d with an avemge
tor. Hie past file years, In the sputti• m i-ounlies .h ul. Ill Ihi r*-nlia! ■
l-e, Ht. In liie northern eimnile
Sko III the siiite »1. The ivmdilluii as
couii<an-d wlHi an average, in inrinilbeyii.eonnlles |s Sf. in Ibe e>-iilral
romiH— ks In the no.ilu-ni roualu-s
at and ^In the siala-Kh
Colts*nnd Calves-The numU-r ol
dls as euwpared with an average, Jn
le Slat-, souibeni and central couura Is 93 and lu the noHheru counties
yu. The tiutiibei of calies as rouipartsl
wllh an average. In the state and
■loriberii i-oiiiilli-s Is !ti, in (he suulb
• rii mnnili-s kz nud in the c-uiiu;
lounites 93.
8ngar lieciH—The acieagi- ot s..gai
•ela aa i-ompai-ed with an average
lot IIm- past live ycBia, In the southVI counties Is kk. In tbe central connes 93. Ill tu,- northern couuliva M
id in the s;jie yi.
1'rull-The fullowiiig
show the pr.wp.el at the present time
■ill a crap ol Hu- valtous kinds of
n -Ibe state and tbe dlSereut

We lavlle you le oiwa u e

MMt PraArata.
m. ra^’helVcri.' peTib.'"! [sitsHr
i', live weight............................the


Ullla.l. J \V fllfle.

Juil.- n II

in laOewan Walkar.
1‘ltmis .
SccH'lai) ol slate

Udnnnn ConnUes
on renonnbIS temu

Joba Kucera
inJ. W. PaZchiB'a lAw oBira.
K«« WUbdm Block.
Traverae Oitjr, Uieh.

June ll-ft'a-lf

Otdcsl aod Straagest Baak la Traverse Clly
aod Nortfecra Mlrhlgaa



A little talk about Farm Imple­
ment buying for farmers
We have beea handling Farm Imph-menli In a wholesale way for
over three years now. and when »•- liud (he number ot hands aa Im­
number ot proBU (bat It bai to pay because of tbe fad. ibai tbe mail
dealer baying Implemenis on time bas to pay the maoufaclurer from
' B to 10 per cent awiw (or the goods pravided be sells them ea tins.
We believe, that there Is a large class of farmers, that would only
be too gUd to buy thrir ImpleaH-nU oa ekaiWly the same terms ss
they sell their potwte^. (or spot cash, that Is the class ot trade w*
wish to secure.



We have Ibc (laest line ot farm Implemeaia there Is

for cash, we caa take adi aatage ot all ifae ^sb dlscouats aad make

Grand Traverse

This bank is a most dciirablr depositor)'
fur your Savings, as ii is strong and conservaiivc. pays three per <N*nt imerew.
comimuiided twice a year, and all your
business t« held in strict coiihdence.

pnsi Bve )

yoo prices that will aatonlab yoa.

ISMirovcd Farbis

a JeSe Beeie

Farmer’s Supply Co.

la any oae estaUisbrnetit la Nonbern Michigan, aad by selling ibsni


. HtKli Carbon HtooJ Bmo. Soft Couler Sl«i] Moakll«ird.-«>iit.
erlaj-cr will .-ut glaa^ Full Sleet
in -on.n pii>op, K»int Heavy Jointer Ciaiup aa^"%lock, Btral
Wlieel Htandanl. Larye Wheel, Long Uu.llra Well Braoed,
0l,il1i.l or Steel Undakle wllh .\djuaUble Shoe, J2. Iff or U
inch, wide or narrow. nlaiB qr enUer poisU.

pi^We sots loee U yoe a. »ol

plement has gut Ut go through before It .rwartes the (aymer sad Ibe
mtra. Addnm. AU<a g.Otmsisd. UBay.




isiiiBlles KE and
Igsn hlagb'e today decided l<
leadows-Tlie c«udliii<n of meadAI|>eiia ht'Sl
imsi year. The
as coiupuii-d wllli an aierage. in
ll druslir r>-m|u<loiiB Increasing
southern isinniles Is S3,In Ibe e. 0
e nody's imwer.
iral TOiinili-s »o. In the noiihera conn
lies •) and .III me ulale kC.

town recently looking alter l*rabali
nniindfiil of dampness, i
-uurt mailers.
r cold. W. J. AlhiBs worked as Night
Charlea Abbott, of nelrail. one o.
le owuera ol the eh-inlc light plaut. Wsli'bmaii. at Houticr Springs. T-iin
Buck eiposu
Is Imre. He has a Urge rrra ol
loaga.. At Issl
. -.a. He till
nd. and exiurct I I have the
Dr. KlitgV -New DIscoii-rj . "After
n hv the last of ll • monih.
for the
Sensoo an* Or. llrouks and fiBlIy, C. back to wort as well as ever " Set ere
K. Wilder and fswily. H. Starr and Cobia. atubbora
lungs, lietmiiiliagea.
wife, Ur. and Mrs. Plaher and Misa
JcwHe (^ni.


B^rirrrm.i' pir


MatiNt (or a lurce (errllory. Tha re.•rat - lBproremei| la ahlBPtnp tadl-


-Wheal- I
». 73c; MIS. SJSc.
(•errles. per lb.....................................

Power of Btale Body ineroaaad

«(bar aodtlon la the United Biaies.
fhe nnemMtt ot the Western Mich
MB b
d With tbe awcketilDS o
Md compaalei

♦UC’,; c

- nonbern
• srnte 5. The clam
By hi the mnnhem
coiiDllcs 1- t and iq Ibe slate, c-mral
and nnr1h(-i's rounlles 1. The tout
mlier of bushels of wheat marketed
ly farmers lit May at mz mflb Is 31.
hi and at 6s elevatois urn] to grain
tekierw. *7.KPT or a lUlBl of gs.iOiS
ivisni-ls Ot this aiiwuni JSjrpi bushels
Were nnirkcled in Ifae sonibern fonr
Hers or counties. 19.T;g in Hie cetiliul
rounlles and Z.nil.'l in tbe nnrlbern
uirmiur, ,.us. vumpu<iei>uHjt, tonoDiaff rounlles The esllmnled total num
ldialor»l. EPtabuHtoafiOa, DniBKisla. bet of bnsheU of wheal mirki-ted In
uuimbs. August.May, Is
'he amount of wheal yei re­
maining In posseaslon of growers 1.
estimated ul hushels. On.
aneelena R F. D- Carrier h
hundred and four mills, eb-valoi* gnu
Blr'ske of Hard Luck.
grala dealers rapon. do wheal markelMnnreluiia. June 10.—Will
In Msv.
Uiv >-ur, ler oil It F. U .Vo, 1. u
Hie—The (sindllloB of rye.-In toehoibe whll- on bis rum- s f<-s
miiherti and nonbern coiiiilies ts as
ngo. ItuvU was imsble l.i g<-t a
ccrxrul rouviies ts and I:
liutse .fiearbi. so he cvUilliiuiN

il a Rom] tl
^ni<> uf Hlioui 111 niili-s (III
Winnie Carter went
Pranbfon -Hard lock." for h- hail <Hll> hi
Cruii. BalWay omdaU (rum oiber
aMurilny for a (ew flafr visit,
iimse a les seeks.
parts it (be eouutry wbo rvceolty vl*
Acll Clyde bad Ibe nilsfurluar to
Ztad this'Mellon acre aynaaod
hue a lauable borae last *e«-k
LooklBB Ona-t DaaL
LoHe Anwa Is on Ibe aUlt list Ibis
•sunt «(’f:uil ,-aUure Iq ibis section.
' Ueusill
deUabt lU
to lilook her
Faroers and fniK Rrovvra b<-re are week.
best but pimples, skin
akin eruplluli
eruplluus. Miras
•mng lor 15 Vaara
ami bolls rob life
life of >«y
MpaeUU.> :aiorf.i because of the (act
by Indifesilon's panes—Irvins tanny Huckleii's- AralM
Arnica Salve i-urea ih-ni;
that the tvjlu ^l•B Oiand Traverae
donors nnd tZUU.M north of niediciin- toakes Ibe skin soft luid veli-i-ly
Mac a till* Is’-' than those (mb In vsln. 11. y. Ayscue, of Insleslde .S klurirfea Ibe fs<v. A'uras pliupb<s.
C.. at IsSt used Ur. King's New Life - e Byes. Cold Sores. Cracked Up's,
•ootherh wi n.. .. e >o acta* by
ipiied Kauds
Try II.
•etfM Wa.: ■ ‘ < r« ts leas rumpetl- PIIIh, and willra they nbnily eund
I'onstloailun. Itniious.
Plies z:,c al S K Wall A Sons.
OoB than I- nA:,l(ested iB the aoulki-lie. I.lver.
. Ilugb<-e Urag t'u., llBiiiiah A
an aeciloeK Walt • Bulls, r. i
> *1**"
> (iDlta are aupcrkir la cuailiy Co. Ilinnab • loy.
•ad narv to Znilu croem In


All we ask Is (or you to caaie to

our warehouse aad look over our goods.
Among other things w.- wish to call pour




Wagoas. which are perfectly salUtactory la every «Mpect. They have
wood wheels, wood tongue, and wood boxes, otb^rw^ they are made'
eatlrely ot steel and we will guaraaiee them to^iarn a load eS IbAMM)
iba. wltboai laRry lo ato pan of them.
Among other things we hbve are Spring Toota. Peg aad Dtac Har­
rows. OulUvalora. Mpwers. Keipert. Blatferw aad Hay Rakea.

We alao

have the best Manure Spreadcra. (hat are oa the market today.
Whea la Traverse ^Ity. call at ear

place ol bosiaeaa. Bay and

A Lot of People
To,This Store
The Leading Shoe
( Store
Traverse City and
Northern Michigan
They Look Correctly

Uahw Sts, aad if la need of aaytMag before, oorrvspood with ea. We
alao carry a large Uae ot n-palrw (w tbe atachtaea we haadla.

J6hn C Aforgan Co.

ttl-tSt«rtlMBsySL/.'- inverse atv.HIcS.


Ala. rauuv. JUNi it
- )M«lh or UmB tt wto* imi at
ISO Stax «hM mar hr ro^Tta

«ar «M *a iavmitiM of tb*

_ -W

*"mMCTOR»—A. Tner
nw« ClMck. Mr*. iMIa. 1

Mat «*aUliM
kat h* H«(*d
prarod famr
^ ArrrMiWM a** «ffM*4 • PMtfar. tWif«ca)
Mn. »*Mt a Smith wu nlcrlji
ttMd *Bd «*• r*llo«*4 by the m
n«itaB of th« foUpaiac mtmMu-.,
r—Bit*.- C. A. Hubbaid of Mmooo CVt; PMtor 8. J. Hall of
SMtor r. D. Hale of Ckarlomx.
nUrat A. Qa»r
iflord StorOB
-‘ “
4lafo i« * lO-mtato
lajk. loU of w
«mw Is (hr I
Uatlod SiatM. a*4 panicolarljr la thr
(VBiamaaou awi^a. wr. sracom aaair
boro from Baioo RapiX ■taorlattoa
■md mill *»**k a( lU. PloaiMt 4hla
rrcalnc-- Ur la;* that altbeot mmo-


taa maa or, Bomaa.
.TW Saadap admol aaaakia i
hartr of Patior Pharlo* Tfo

and MH WniAto Onn oMhto
Hr*. Jack Rlwimirmn A ootog
w^sMBdlni a^ fea sreehs wlU (riewU Grand Rawds a.vAU frleaX a w.

r. .Tbr 8
»o^ SiMc * arrvrr
^ a BhllM Of dot lr« M thr other
Sud. Ob thr aenrr vaa a to
toop on (hr lap of ahich wrr*
r*lh>* ton* rrormhllat (oeep irroto.
•mp ttoMr. ot Ur M^l^ aim:
>•*•*7 arBoBd. latwmiacird «rttb thr
hatl. *w «*h *«»«. vw aiarh r»

t Mtool* la (oa-aablpa a* vHli
Ur* rkariM Tbomaa Is rerr 111,
Mr and Mr*. Frank PMmaa w
lartrr rlitr* aad aaiaU manMU BerUs Seawall A at home bow catlers at Travers* City 8aturtap.
r<^ (hr atoclal (ralolai of Suiidap
MAS BerUa Imimaa A helping Mr*.
Tb* oaaaliatbMi Charley Ttoma* a few weeks.
S^p srhool traiulBlE arboiil
MAS Kalhoclae Johaaoa A Mendiag
Grand Rapid* -rr*cbrd a mrmbm
a Aw weeks with her «woaia Is Tav
of Ito. ... . rrpon
oa* read at
■»e nty.
Potroll (wpveatloo. naaae*
fotrmto la the Upper PnAuiU aad
MAS ctkra Kroapa of Traverse Cup
*«Mmn oa (hr
tbe traAAg of Ruad*. srhool teachers
workias Ar Mr*. Fraak Ouna the
Mr. nhra drdared

A^becomlBg^^^ecMed moremeut
»t of lb* ‘ummer aad wAier.
«ni ler (bear prrUy illrrrr aralr* a*,
Mr. and Mrs. Whitrop rtak tbeir
hrrtat to hb throat but wa« *nrr at
IMalor r. n. lUA of ' rharlerola
- pothat bo had vaabrd ibra all garr a UA <» “The Home lAparivuh (h* toA Tbr Ban roo:
---------- led of a bool vMfa aialrrial
Uul loBkod *ory murh llbo dried k
er» •oBMitaws eonte to the Suadap,
^ ollboai iralalBS W bard borarradiah Irarra.
school unprepared in the lexm
The rollrira ar« the dMo aerrowfuUp waabed
»a*hed down
wtlb ublch tbep are reusired lo .e*rh
Teacher. *bould aei ssUe at Aast
male toA He had m.
half aa hoar of e
up bl* mind (tot be would eat U
each da.v ia (he *iud>
aap tam aad rot ii he dW. with the a*- of Ue 8«bdSP sc
The foUowlBg^
atoaaoe of U« calloa ot toA Tbr tbiro
ees were ap^Mal
of Ulo aad 8U tho plaro toPastor 8. J. Hall. Ch
traded lor them aM tor which thr)>
Pastor F. a Bhle.AU oxtaioBM. Tbtnp«u aUio*
------- tisAod* aara aad wopm from od with peppri laurr ibai It would
AW <M1or at Kalamakoo." wild bo: aeom tbst aa tt_____
___ _
Raliaa wouU
batr hard
‘XIphi ferolsa couBlrioo hate roprearatatlrra fram our eollasr*. snootp
paduaiaa tram our eeUrpoa srr ooial diah. HowrTor a *rroad. IilAa
«f »to at hot laa waabod down Biaoip wnbUaHod owl tap mitbspa. Tbr fc
fourth count
Calllorato. ws* a tortI Of
of dri«r
drW berrAp
SrstOBiailr Beaerideacowboao brlToal maap tolap A our ewp m
P«or I. W. KuUhi of Basil
wrrr probablp •prut A Uo
I (BUasa* of Ur *utr aro mSri
Pastor A. & rioAcher of
.* of Nwwap. Tbr dttb IBJ
ctal Auc«moBl* u •tadOBU «(
toto dooToo (aad bp tbo wap. tp* Rrt. roll.
rh oebool* to «ri ibrai to lako up a Mr. FIhe* waa apala A roalltf at that
Mrs. A. Ogdea of CapArd
loft wurar. Thrp will graduptr 33 milr table A tbr ormi partakiap
B the eoUrtr at KaMmaaoo UM BMbat MWr err toant dlnarr) and
f. 08* of Urn bolas a Japaaoeo witb atm Ur uaie of tbr di
) ba* racBod hit ova war Utwdb JlPS A BM.mouU waa about
Rtato bUBdap School UAskmarp
^*•0.- pt. SAcum *4M ho WAdTbp. apoB Ibo Mb aoortol waa _
apBu* Burgos* of Detroit gave i
■Ad A *bow Ue b«p
plrl wlUoA
koii laA oo the work
. or
.. ----------------------buekn
Bf ^irr la wbirb waa
Rwaat how to earn as odiwatMm. or.
tplk «IU Ua parrAa wto Sai
BWd of Mlat3Ahiag t
it Slrlf luat oatrrAi tha Wsh -cmmi. BPda It wobM bo tossuMhinc A the for teachers Uat the
Bd tm ibom bow
>w u prepare
proAM fv eol-' Btomau ot a roal Amorkan rillirti. tbe mac* Buer*«aAUp c
T."'"''" “ .. ..............
Tb* aorrast loatlp laM ih* luilr B*h
'KxeiU|ilir>eaIi<Hr „t \
epoB a <mall board brouctat lo tor Ur
If Vos. Would Bo
N\>. .Vf.».
. ,
Tha Rav. «hr. jafeoa.
orraalon and prorrrdrd to chop Mm A (urreasAI farmer, borsemaa aad
Tba Rot. Uaurlto PoaSoM Pika*. at Ur Bsaw timr Mping aorarihlng
raAer. potf should use Harveir.
t'oiiiiaauiier Ka.4ia.-I
... ....
a.-l A.
Ka ......
n.. Bi. ot Drirolt. ad.
that aduadH homble to tbr Bor. Mg Ooadlllon Powder*. Ur oldest
K410 «'• ”«• »* -M-K.-eef.ti..f,
t.,*«reaf !fami. aud Ot*«l Hive
Plkr* like •>al it whilr K Ultrra*'
roHabie on tbe markeL
Olfieer. I.V niemlK-ps .if ......................................iW Orlaat wbkk b* iaaiaied up<m
whieb (bo Rrr. Ptkr* prooetoed to wlU great aureesa by all (be leading
do. "but Itt * not UA aboM it.' aaM stock rab^ ot (bl. couatrp. Aru
the Rre. Mr. Flkrv aad hr lmm.<dtstc- .................. ressiag dAeHloa and
h«mo. W1U BB OBO to said* blot On Ip changed thr aub)«et.
ebp Incrraslug (be apthe Uth dap ol FObniarp to aiood eo
groslag powers
(he doU 0

DMi »iM mt ^

* •* ‘^roSSofS?

« ^ cot aSmt M TIM DcHttt
' . N. a-AUrcM *n oonmii— **d


r?!l —


Big Annual Meeting Northern
0. T. M. M. Association
toven* C#,. TiieMi]r ato WetMMaj, Jdm
22 iDd 23, 1909.'isr.'srt.;?

tkiui aMrrtM*

W t

___________ rw Ottr, Mr*. Ihm■Hf of lUikMta W« Mnt. Wwi*ir
non **<i HIM BnaiM naiin «u rM|-

■ ^^wsssrs^.«i:
a*it«i »itd eleet*d: <


^^Ito^ywHdOBt—Mra. J. L. Olhto of
SoMCdlaa arrrrurp—Hm. L W.
HUM mMaloa arrrourp—Mr*, xutp Bbro Cawpor of Travaroa OS#jCrrJlor ot Patoahtp.
Tafk Ip Mtw w-.*.
MIm PloroBto Omt. «t
Mtd aberaUrp ot (be Womaa-a Ha
MMaurp aoaletp. maa IMiodn
to tSaaBdlrarr bp Mr*, xx HNiS
Miao Oast Sara aa Inirroatlas t<
OB the «<vt tht home mlaaloaa i
Mat to the watt, partlcalarlp IJ
atdr of tba Roctep mooBialu. vb<_.
pro^ from ibo eoalefB aUtea tore
USA «p SMOnmou laBd aad imi BP
uttia ahaeh. Um hah« at mspp
as 4M a( thoao hotBO* ia tm»
vittaM a «femb. Tbr Bomr MiacloB■
M trpliit roTT hard to aao praach Uw sotpa) w tho
a tbaaa boloted tot

IiieJV. ■>««. a MOS.
biCkl It. llita. A. Sl.-Roeepltow,
. ----- .
bora «f Tent* aa.1 Hivoa.
arrival ..f iraina.

..r prearniinKt^dlora.kyTpgvefwerilv
l.y M-h.e.1 ..r ^Ual^liuM i.y |•„l(

'Skato Hi to*e a uiroB hi* nlll*w

WgdMtoUy, Jung 23. 1109.'-xu'-iS.’s.n'';

. .. . Mil ibrough tb* OoMoB Oatoa for tbrp bare no mor»A A OMka
(00 Buddlst TomplM wkoto
^SB Pranrlaeo for Ibr Orioa't All
diip god* and uh> the lem- Miller.
abAu him wort CbAaor and Japaaror. tbep wersbli
i fcort ol baur «r place of
abdttaeemadioblm alllhii reptoaMi
aUtea of Uo human rainbow wore Piao*rn.rni. AecordAc lo the rrslna
Mr*. WUUam-Xptta Aft todsp lor
ttrro. aapAg sood-bpo to oaU other.' of thr Jaimawr Is that pou do BM R*
lat AddMi,..mhaM.ato wtH rAM
■ thr remple* lo worship but 18
He Mid. -rtrro I itood wUbont otm
lueriarDt and adreoturo. Tbr friendi.
a rwmhrart A asp food-bpr u me
lutr idoUir: and
sad all U* preup ChAaa* sirk aad
.......................... t bo told br.-.. tat ChAro* toblM A UM araia of
Eeory WoiMn Will ■* li
tudioBc* aro mbiibob occu^
thirir moUar* nmde ba feel a* thonth
I wanted to po borne U m atoUrr, rcnces iher*. aad aoUlag but
eaa rhangr
bat 1 >wtIlowod lb* niM and went
down atpitu. toimodMirlp all borne
H left me lor wbUr I bad boon the superb hrUhl ot Nippon
girl* will ealertaiD ibe Am.
Anwricao viaU*B OSIaaBtaB dtom Ur iBMatoit A
-k atoto frioDdt '
Iioi* A any wap that tbep
CtUcatB are w* dMBS BUmSib «wk room and steea me a
Tbr nbrlsttaa rrllsloa A aerded ..
U* Askw
■waken tbe hMrt otJapan. Our eduraand bad____ ______ _
FOR BALE-Oa arrouDl'6f'toavlag tbo
itonal farimiea abould br mlargrd aot
uUb Ur lo^ He
BO much along eduralloaal lloro as
bST* made
Vnlon™'**' **"'* ™ii mod.-rii: kotoa

toarm>< Bt tha wiaaiMk hot «m pre- thoushl. -Vou
M|klM through the suirk tothr foreign Mlw
room.; good barn;
reotod ftom MU ot teda Tbep pn each Mher aU po
Price I3.SM On II
aa tar aa WaabtiiftoB, «brro thrir Ur Wpier than pou. are wiu
...... can penetrate Ur hearl of IbOM UolAunf lor cash. Ca
t«Bd* Sara oot. Tbop (alkod Ur allu- wooderAI okproMloa of tov* from tbr Blor*. The Rev. Ur. KIkr* spoke at
urdap. J. W. nifto.
Angtb apoe thr goTmakoat of boU
■thn om aaSIt vai deetdad
Japan aad Chiu sad briAve*
ot tha* akcaild po oB to Cl
rouBirAs ('talaa will
iba ofhar SMWla A Madttla i__________
_ . .wovro. tor I
ting rod.
Aewer to the rati of ih
aaoBap A s Unadrp aad aoad to tho Md'Btuek to Uo mad aad wo
' ChiB* IraiierUI
otSto ow to earcr on the good work A tbo rbaBBol nnlU
II *Dd the I.
A^Chtoa. and tUa ihop aro atlu do- for the high tide to take iia Mfelp o^
aad 1 had tbo prltllrgo of ireAg :hr
WANTED—Twentp-tlve mea i
biwak Uroupb Ibe aeodloB aad
' planing milL mw mill or _mbor
rd Mlirboll Bro., I'o..
•o.. Jonnlag*.
. - OatA Whoa tbrp
tt’hile walking through (he dark
braa«to|? tho '«W.~Tboo7 nopu
iiwou at Corea while that oRp was
r t^e OBOO who aHU adboro tn tlSe MAsd bur*!
Oder a *elg* tbe Rer. Mr, Pike* sad: FOR BALE—Aboui K.
I dapeo A phleh « A Ad. '
BectAn 3. Bl
ealp heart romlog ihrengh (he darkBast Bap lownsblp.
eIpBte. Tho IBAU-: VofUoJaAud Airat upabthamASd
OM Ue aoag so dear to all Aiiwrlwater front.
Mum be told at
rot BrtSto cbo carrp aa armful ot tho sad iplaM oaough to ma UU CBUBtrp ran*. "Jesus U)»er of Mp 8oul.^ nv
acrlflco. Inqu
of J. r. 8hinkwriibAs, WHoJIat anakoa wKbout a. I.M0 poara. They ristud ito odaea- Ue aid of tbo (lup lutera tasuned
ban. Grand Rs]
lUpaal AsUbIou Of Ur alind aad tb.- end of a u'rk be nunsgjd to fl
Ntoa'OrBat adroealea tbr iBatolUai W* taw ChlpoaA JapaSea*. as well
hldAf pAre of lbe»e few coorrrls
of apWiABllr mUaioaar) work A tba
(o our rellgtan and at groat risk lo
•uBdap tUoota. not cmlp «aoo *
hlB own life be rnierrd with Uen and
aobU h m, but evorp Suadap all the
iHetobad area seat to tbo Orl- prearbod .tke goapol of Jeaua ChrAt.
T*op aroBBd BBd tboa tarn eni
o note the oBert ol tbo foreign TUs was one ortho ihiiigs hewasknkCBl wotSm* tar tba Koam MA
Ag for. A BM bow far the fioreliii
work ao aiiMh Bfodod to tho
MAsAnary serAtiM had been aU«
phle picture of tho
Itfo Bl W tetiftu wiu aa amraU ropon
•usb tbr gospel Into tbrse anestbo ehlldroa
k of Ur CUrato aloma.
tened rountrte* and In that far
toma. pot he arareotp ospectodAo llgbtei
and told at tbr work Uo taacA 4M
forgotten place br found It.
oouAped witb and to


2d»ii 1’


M.—.,f .................ue

I'i .

H. MuimtiK
Mill! ■
team. *

:l:0(» I*. .\J._Kxe„,,


.... ...

Attoweatwhore ihoAtwln. aAaloBarp wook A toUg earrM bb ami k
TPO emiroft* u (ha lar«l»'«bN
ary work tbA pear, tto pBK j
hatAg heea a tooaer pear wMh tl
A many Mra. 1
»d eem ot Ue wmra of tto BfrUd
AmorleaB glrU bp huUdlac UAr h
wap out A the haiA. BBlp Uauad ..

of aa Imptoeomeat over the rot tor
whbUrwr poo map sap ot It. ft A Uaro
u map. aad Uop do B« flddio swap
aap ttma dolBf (heir hair A Uo Mb
tot tirlo. They abo wear baads of
hoada feaiiad aboot Uoir bead* and
bracoAta «f Iras tomoUia** wm^Ag
w paaada. A Alrtca as a paaialtBCBt
u a- wiM, Ubp wtU lap her oa aa
ant ton «to 8*0 iman «r mar* uaUI
floaU i*U**M (he ttoUred 0B« or she
maaags. u cnwi U tho
. where
she A RlVMi
-Ms-ir Bde

non m tOOMt rbIM widow* a Adia today an aodor Uo sai el tea
jwara. aad It M u Um* little cbA
* trpA« A push (ha Rsapai of Jeaas
Chriat. iliw PUURI auted that ttore
was UrUe to mach bk«C7 apeBt oa
Uowtac PBPi to the UaRto SUM a.

orerp arAlatA butfon

■bd •
are aoB
--------- .jop use a aort ofofstick
I* emred wlU adrertloAg aad
4e net taeaitau to pltui tt wbeec etor
aSoUs. If pou want to
bap aapUAg la Yek
■ekabaha. aQ pou
ba*o u do A u look
one ot tboM
1 wlU AvarUBad there Just wbai you want.
•••'V ■tbo popular mode of (rsrel A Jap. I, was flrse AUedend AU Japan bp
Perry Ue BaptAi nUMlnaatx wbb
wont A JagOB WlU bto Aualid wife
^ who wee oBabM a tuvel to tbe
cooTopanre tbea i
lapaa.- Tbe Japaaeoo m > diseofered
A Iheoe tnalM IlUA <
to noe BBd Immedlaielp ^epted^li.
The cMrmto who diwwa Ue JhrlBahika to to well traued that lA caa
tret iw- tea mllr* wfUeot tbe toast
•■tocomfert. and A tbr rereat war
Ue AMt Taluable asset Japan
ad. far tbep caa aUM tap
if hardship aad bruUmy.
Ptv* Ceorua Diwur.
The Rev. Mr. htho* was asked A
rll of Ue flvr-courae dlaser of which

nmsIderlBg the BiateHals od^hirb
UA dAaer was e
FTkr* aapa (hat

« Mtod X n* Bitooto

dtoaer wUI toto a mu tar aa tod

Tto flapjllst flcsalofl.
norlng M-a.Ioo of Ibo Grand
• Bapilsi aaeoriuloa was la
rhsrgo of Fa.ior A. B. Illrk* of Har­
bor Springsr. an..........
and Itae ,_____
ptwlar ...
led bp Ppsior O. W. Siorall Ow­
ing A a wreck on the C. K. 4 I roto
Uls moratog. which caused a change
In the tlme tabh-. It became neresaarp
ui cuauBo
.ago to
(bo nomlDg program and
place Pres, j
GapArd Slocum U I
....... o (Ollege. ai ibe begli
Blqf of tbe exorcise* and limiting
ddroaa Id len luAuAs to enable
him to meet tbe irala tbai lakes bim
will speak
thUerealBg. lie spoke
needs of all coIlegM and il
-l ihU
Uom depend

rad up
u| m endowmenu to keep them goAg. l( A an
important factor and rater* ______
sarllp Ato their work and the help
tbep must give le tbe mliuAnary »oelelie*. He sMted that while It
JmpoMlble to know ibe siatuilo .. _
roUoge we could onb Judge tfaoni bv
ibelr strength. Tbe work beAg j!
bp Uelr yumni has extended to
foreign coumrie.. The represenlifrom Ibr college
‘ '



loreni ptrts Of tho wSd'^X
_ iVw
Ho suted that tbe rollego
college had
----- not
■Ued tor endowmenfr Ar U or N
year, aad he made an appeal to the
pastor* I. rally to the support ot ihe

, The nnanrlal aecreiirr of tbe RapM.t Minuter*' Aid slctoly. Rer. J. 8
Bopden Of Kalamaioe spobo oa (be
work Being done bp the RaptUt MlnUiera AM society
He Aid ot ibe
tome ac Fenion. MIebIgsa. where
bare II. aged mialstera
mialatera or mlBUb .
■ iKAg than. Tho w^^
•pmpaihy i
a IbU there are ..
or Ue Btato wto recelee



Rer. Bopdea A tellAg of Ihe w
toAg doao hp tto MAAtwa- AU .
cietp toid Uo wetotp to dotag work





• ttor------


The mM mortgage a
bp a aale of Uo i


Wlehlgaa. H two Wetatk A «.
JULT IT. toik

geiher whh etoven and 4Mgg<1
daitori (or uim paM oa aaU
sad AUrest Ueoooa. wUh fe
tbo wtode amomt t
seven per eeatper a _
, ing Ue ewsu aad «ipeaaos a

Apr. »-Frtd*pt A Jaip IB

At a aroslaa a< aaM om_________
the Prohate offlro A U* Clip af Tvarerse rit.v. la aaU cvmaty. «■ U* Btoh
dap of Map. A. 0, ltdg.
FveMoi; Raa. itod M. BP^Mk
Judge ot Itoobaie.
la Ibe manor ot the —ttof Bl MHW
9. Umsoa. deceased. Abto U £ES

ulo tbe latofwt of saM <at«a
UA real Mtale Jtorato
It A ooderto &al (Be ttok 4
Juae. X O, I9g». at Ma'tob
aooB, at Uid Prohat* t
Is hereby appointed to
peilitoB. aad Uat an •
terened la Mid eouta apgaao toMi
Mid roun. ai sou timoM ptod^
show c*oi» why a IIcowm M (toM-lM
Interest of laM attato A aaM l*Ato
tale should BOX br graoled;
It Is tunber ordeted. that
aotlce there '1 bo
tina of a cop of UA or
of bearing, la Ue Oraad Tvateoto i
aid. a bewspaper (H-latod aad cIn»
lated A Mid rouwp.

Jadga to Piaktok

Uap;i-3I: JoMd-tL



eit W. J. MlMMi Mito
Now MaaaoB Kk.

TMoana Od,




..ri.., «.IW.

J:-«> 1'- -'I—Tn. ..r \V,t- S-v™ ..... „„ . ,1.1...
Tiik of \\.ir. S-v.-n la.lirt,
. .kl...
< f«t.i1. .fi.—ito
I ™i..,i ,1"■"'■"‘'"'H' f-f •ny ..f
„.4.„ ,,
l>me. X«Mki;


pri*--. $3iMio.

lew thao- five cmfesl muu f.,r lAiul itri/ea.

-'"“n-aiwm/at Cilv Ibwra
Mecllol, ..f.offleciN. selefling U-Xl meeting Itlaee Ufld
MH-b ..Iker IM.-Miipex a* shall e»i«e The Mertilir

Priseg Offend.
v'Tefilesl uutiiVr
msrebinK m lin.- i.f jutraile.

ef m.-iiiUnt Irutu any uw Teat

♦I'l.W lVir.e fw pr.-aieKt inm.lver of uieiuls-r* from any oue Hive
marehinit in line of imraile
♦HMiO Prize best unifon
--..■>rwed •JeKr** team niareliinif in lino of
<10.00 Pfi.' *’

W r..r I-.I. milll.t,, ,1 rilW


t,.« Uki., prt

attflI mari-hiiig
riAri-hiiiir m line ..f panuie.

♦lO.Al Pri/.e ffir lM«.-t
niiiitarv- «lri ll*d ladiea degree team warclilng
ill line <if jvipa....
ii.iki I'rixe t„ 11... Tent «r Hive,

wemfiers of this Aimitoiati<«. ad:

mil mg tb.- pis-atew m„„b.-p .,f Ki«|„| memlN-rii from
May lal (« .Imii- l..ih.
•Ih. 1lOOli. ns shotvti hv Ct. K. K. Keeordn.
kVOii Prize given to lb..
lb.- Timt
Tmit op Hive oeenrinR the gn-atetit iiiiin.

1^1- <*f Kn.i..«-ni<nl «|>p|ie«ti»,„ .......^ ^ ainrii. irnw!

♦ Pria- pivei
of the t*rdi

for lK-«t i.iiblie aibln-M. on bewefiu and nieriii

Foote {Coddington

h.v^any m.-in Imp of the AsHtoialhm. uol a Greol
op Cr.-.nt Hive officer.

TUI P, .M,—Ban.l
.issa A. NlcbOlsA deceased.
Notice A berobp •Ivon i
imonUs from (to Hth dap of Map,
X D. 1»0S. have been allowed for:
creditors lo present tbeir rla
sgaiost said deceased lo *ald c
for examlnallOD and adjutlnient.
that all creditors of Mid deceased are
rvsulrrd A proMol tbeir claims to said
court, at tbe probsie office A
Citp of Traroiwo Clip la sold to,
on or before Ibe ITtb dav of 9*P
bor. A. II.. l»e». aad Uat Mid cAim*
will be beard hr sgM court on FVIday.:
Ue i;U dap of SepAmbor. A D, lh«».
at 18 o'rlorfc A tbo forenoon.
• Doted Map ISth. X D.. 1909.
map 14-Sl-SB;)oae
BO 4-H

------ ^--------

riftees (Ht. t,

torth. range toa (Id)
Janaarp g. itP3. rscavBsd A o
Register ol Dssda ot Qrwag T..

luill Kruumi;.

of Uoiuurigl work bv
. Traverm- lA.v
ve Xa 71.
<1. r..llo«..<|
r..|lo«..<| by
bv K
li.v Tniverae

Ba.v Hive
Hive So.

moodrrtBl work atnaBt tho •*
Tbroo Hopt

aad 'am*^*’
tap acbooU. which ar« ih* «Blp brtfbt - ffpal BBd dopmt^tC^ ^ f.Uly
•put* A Iba Ittr* of Urae oblMraa hurkd A flowers tuaodun
them bp
kBBap of whom hara aarar area a Sow- Uo poopA 00 (be decks.
•r ar a Mada A sreea siboa'
•X wo drew. Bear Japan." uid hg.
’"tor Ua mlaaie* we Magbr a cilBlSar
M. M. Mtm.
- k*a. ^ Mcted^rntmauu^
•AtWofOataatt —
. .
rtoe’is.too lee* ahene tbe
AteJ of (be sea. Ka dAtewlag rone
e a
a pAct
pAer of
dtomoad_ ari^atlug
h sad Iba oSoei like
uM air.- HTtea tbep roaefard tbe
B* are aiaklBi (o
a all piKa af tha VH«r Of Tohot
wwrid. parUentoMp t



. "1 Bixl Travi-fwp (’itv
l.l*. .\l.—KtP.-e| (aauii-K—



bv j.ibti A. Lnranicer

S:-W i». It.—lull
iil.'sl.ti lAII (tame
Came gt




exeestod kp BarlA aad fl
to Dena R. Tucker (MW •

Tiki I>. .M._Udies'
u.s. w.•■''w*

. X ~u

m' m
at (»|vera Hall,

iVKP.e- Team

ing hand*.
Drill (’Olittol
Coiittol at

OpelA Hall,

«T«id i.Ptgs.
t'fito. *5.7.00.

OL Phone'llO

Team ronte.1. Old RituaJintie.Wopk
first w,ge. *4iHifi- .......... ,*rige, flaTi.Oa

The S.WCCA' Pvc. SympatbeUe Tebc *1 ms




Has Um§t tt a Nattoatf Favorllc
Tbe STEHUN-a has literally sung Its wap Intu sixty Ibawsaad masloloving boijiw la aU part* of the coMirp. One has but to bam U to taU
dor tbe spell of iierenirsBciag nelodp.

n the .matter of tbe e
Kbrb. deceased.

........ .


been alAwed for erwdtbrtr clMml agalast
renulr0 presoDt Uelr dais ■ to said
court, at Ike probate offl.Ice, in
City of Traverse nep A u I county.
betme ibe
. -. October,
X D. IMS. and ibst said claims will
be board by >-ald court on Wednesday.
Ibe I3th dsaof October. A. U IM!
len o'clock in the forenooa. '
Dated June Ui, A. D. 1909.
Jadge to Frobat
June ll.IkU: Alp SA

But Tone is ant tbe oaly superior characlerlwic ot tbe .STERUNO—U A a UoroagUp good PAl
BtoU b.v cme of ito todem aad most jepmable Artodea A ibe world. It embodW Ibe bigbest das* of i
terAI aad
a lU omiM A Of the beet; Its touch a dollgbt to tbe pAper; :
>wd artltilc; n* wearing qualHU-stpiie
b (be STBKUNO daring wbAh wc batre aold mme than twelve iboasaad A Mkklsaa



Aak your frAad* and Peighbora what they think of Itolr RTRRLINCB. Or rail »nd bear tbit ipAhdU
at our waiwroimi*^ »^wUhst*»dAg It* hlgb d-gtee ol eieoHcato Ue
8TERJJ.SO A moderately
pr^ aad our bsy Faymeai FUo pnu It within tbe reach M tto avem«t family. CauAg pMtpsld to aap
- Ic .-Wa 4.i ^l«X:&Jims.lsttBttiHi^_a^^






Grand Traverse Region


Mones TO COR

«I.».» SSr;s‘l2£-- ’’ “



W. K. Dizea H galling a large bill
RWBl MMA 1A* H«I«M aRlM Mt of bemleek lambar aaaad out at 0 A.
Brlgbaai-a mill at Bocklay. obicb goen
to Mr. WI1.0U, »b0 la boildlag a large
»<>ed facloo for Jarooe B Rice at



. Day'* railroad and fialabi
ling the
I I* boat
of Glen Hat ea.
complete with cut and
making a
length of
double roadway ibe l
the hUl. the goap rpad being "
flayed and graveled, while the
Peter Stormer c«iiie«Ter
down road I* of aoft noil and o
Haaltou Tuiaday OB bia v
deacenl. The fill I* ;i
a III be fenfed on both *kle.. alM> up
Ur G W tYallck of. Maple
the mala hill.
aa* in foun one day la«t aeek
Johnnie Bennett who ha* b<*eti III
Williaui... Fa -.o' i:*»i Kraplre
for the pa*i week l. coavale*r. nl
aa-Mn totrn Th :--dar.
In»tead of tke aonnal graduating
A, 1_ lloimtuue. a-lfe. t»o chlldreo
and maid, and .lidtn Neahall arrhed eaiTflM-* at th«' aibool boui.e. Ul*.
on the Mlykouri Ssnda.t eteAing and BeMlr Farianj treated her eighth
grade gradunte* with a trip to Tr
totdl Ihe^all boat for North Manii
rn>y and bark Satarda.v
Itland Monday nerulug
r> I. J Smith died \-ery suddenluDrtav iiiorRlog. Sh- hat been In
• healili for iieteral year* lint aa*
luc no aoreeglhau uaual on retlr*
Mi.*n* Clara i
erg h
nichl. pa**InK away
quinlv dbrtng tba night
Her hu*
U. w
band found her deadniy hi. aide early relaiiv
ihday moralng
Sbe aa* the moth'
WlBc-berg U .pending a
of Un.^V. U dams of ibl. village
The funeral will be Tur^av aHeiy. t'oaturler returm-d
Elk Kapid*. npving been called Itaere
l> li Uay and wife left fur Ueiroii <in ai count of the death of her mother,
IHi.hln* »
Uumlay nio'nlua liu a ai-ek'. »tay In
uud Mr., kkl tleli.uiur.- of Map
,i«l m'niair
111. 1‘bam.
I.I aeie 111 town oa- da> la*t
ihui <liv. a:ieiul}uE tbi- gaiberltig* of
•11. and Ml» R-Clna I.RIUI
Cl and foiiimainlery and the Na
Travera* City PropIt Ehaultf Laora to
Hand t’bai .t,d<.n
ThII Bi''iiaid oT Travei-*.. niy ,
1 Harwood laimbernien • a»»opiaDetect'tlw 'Approich af K<d*>
ly here •
tioii lo b.' he'd In
K' lirldr*
allir.-d in >bli.' and
■ y S, Hu.av-!1,
Th* *ynip'..n..
iMTf atiruded b} ibVir
Ibiiale fouiity. leti
also non- nbile-.
Hrulbr-r'* of tln- an- *■• nniiil.lakallv tba' Ibt-v l*a««
Knami* nriMj a* Uni AHvr thv uo artHin.l for doubt .Sirk ktduayanluoiiill. <cuui>l.*Ting 1
8 tbi.k. rlouil., .iff..n«lr* urinr
i.'tvmonv a nl-ddlnK* brrokta*! ara*
or atti-ndM] b> a a.-n*aik>n nf M-.vIdInc
aeuded.vllb beat «

Mn. VM<I« Wortca bu retuncd
bODK from b*r «ork i
-a..---.............. ——Harbdrt of Maple (Yty al


i V. Jarwii vUttH la Trama
.riiy Saturday and Sundar
r. R Joboaoa of Uraa n vaa io' loVn
i Unni1a>'

TR* Io»*lr r*iB of V
w look fl
itooVrom amoag UK one!
‘•>®eed h.Te Tueaday.
atoo irom amoag u*^ cblldr. c acre, treated .o „-e orean. and
Muorter «itb >
of oor piooeer aelglibora. Mi
fake A«anir of
>f U
a-aa played
Bigger, a-fao died at her
■ fast
Grant. June 4. ' She ba> bee
H>r daughter BeDe aolterer for mopiba
iib a compllra--**"’”'' *”■
boaoHal Uoe of diaeaaea. b
cmW lor’kar.
Mr*. I
li all ao palleally. a
Loot el TraTMVe nty U ateo
could. Ura. Blaer
Ikera tor the pdaaaat.
huaUad. to mourn her lo«. tour,"’''"'"
------— and iliree K>n». Mra Jidioi Mr. and Mr« . Oeuipe llant-e and
Oolra Caaole bad
Samuel firaxebridge.l Mrs. Lillian Iluater a>T.- Trav>-i>e
to cat bli foot aalu badlr one dar Brigfatl.i
Mr* El_____Benotli I - Mlaa Pebble rit> lUltora Tn. eduv
teat waak.
o John . C
d Stephen I
Bigger: al*o
Tbe tolcRao ptc topper
Rigger. All aie h
•eatb«Mi-a la«t Pridar <
foDeral exrept Stephen,
' ly itwaded. Tba procM
far ve*t and could uo
to dotrar tba rapanaa o
BUger a aa a d'voled a .,e and a lot • number of
lor tba •
Ing tnoiher. She alll be greatly nilaa- aurprlred li
at the T
ed by her (amSy atiil all aho kuear’ty and melul j
tier: but Iheir lino U li-'i .-lenial g



Hammond-F ederspiel
Lanil &

Loani on Real E«ate ^riiy Real Ej.ate Mengages bought and sold. If you wish to BUY OR SELL
Real Estate or LEND OR BORROW on Mortgage,
call and see us.
OlUecs la Wl|

C. k. BinoDi. ?r«s*,
F. B. FederspM, Sect,

MgDOUGALL cabinet like this?
There’s no need of doing
without it any longer.

Investigate our McDougall
Club--mall payments

Come in and let us tell you’ how
you can owii a McDougall Cablnat
and ndver miss Its cost.

makes you a member and pnts
any McDougall Special Club in your kitchen.

:■ nwKPrite Kiicheni were dengned by tbe greatest archUects
Ae coODtry and cost McDougati over $2060, a cash prize of
^ :^d00att) beiog
for the best kitebeo. They were desigoed at
jrieat expense to show you how you can have a perfect, attrac*
», in^riag pU$e to work, at practically no cost
The prise desii^as have been reproduced in colors to show you
hom »lead a charm to the home workshop—the kitchen—the place
where the housewife spends the great part of her time.
They show you bow you can ^rrange. equip and decorate your
kitidien to that it will rival any other room in the house in altractivcocm and comfort—so that it will make kitchen work a pleasure.

They show you how you can take a McDougati Kitchen Cabinet
whkh is the first emeotial, and build up around it a model, modern
kitchen—and at a cost no greater than is ordinarily spent on the
•serage, commonplace kitchen,

PortfoUo of $1000 Kitchens^

Every woman who visits our MeDoiisaU Display this weSk wiU be
ISrsssnted with a portfolio of reproductions of ths famous $ 1 .OOO Prize
: Kitdieni designed by the leading architects in
competition for the Mcbouctall $1,000 cash prize..
We srill also present each housewife who
Etllt, a

on the pur-

..dnse price of any of the McDougall Special Club
Cabinets. You will not be urged to buy, but
come and m the McDougall Display.

. Don’t Fall to get these
Beautiful Pictures

Yours for the
asking this week
McDougall Kitchen Ctibioets are the higllott
of the kitchen cabinet ideal, and contain many features that can
not be had in other cabinets at any price Before you buy a cabinet
you should examine the complete line of McEbugall Cabinet
display at this store.
See for yourself the many advantages^they possess, and do
ost let anyone tdl you that any other camnet is as good as the
Insist upon seeing the name McDougall on the cabinet before
you buy. or ask the dtaler to remove the entire table top and see
for yourself that it is al) in one piece without running in grooes.
‘Then, and then only can you be sure you are getting a genuine
McU^gall Full Sliding Table top.*
Remember, the genuine McDougall Cabinets cost you no more
than the inferior : imitations. Whether you are ready to buy a
kitchen cabinet or not, you are urged t-o attend this great Special
Sale and to see our' complete display of McDoiigtll Kitchen

Easy McDougall Club Terms
We are now forming a McDougall
Kitchen Cabinet Club, which will
make it easy for every housewife to
own a McDougall Cabinet.

To make ih*is sale on the Club Flan more
interesting, we wiil offer a Special Cabinet with
extra conveniences at a much lower price than it
regularly sells |or.
By j-dning the Mt D.iugall Club, you can
select any cabinet you desire and secure it upon
a small piyment down—the balance to be paid
in easy weekly oaymems.

Every Member gck a
cabinet at once

and diazy april* nuiy on-nr and lb*
vUelni I* oflwi a*Ub*d dovn bv a
Alra. ryni alb Stratton
r.-*lltiR nf taURoor and latlau*
'.ifij a f.-n dajrii
la*l wiay* la.l
b-n llifx- aarnlua* and III tv 1*
H f Haa b-y of Aldrn
ie Friday «iT 01 dMip*>. ilrlaht'* dU*
.Any tn* of ih*** ___________
brother Tnit
. ihu I*
i« allh conauuiptioii
iho kldni't* al
H..|ay uR*n
If William Curry,
rrm.-. laul.
n. tb<- vpar-old daukblp
Vou ran oar n.i brtlrr rvmrd'
bi* bn-n quite
;ni|^y l^an
IlaaliV KWnry rnia.
irk. 1* bnier
itH* nrltliiR.
Frank Sour*
Mr*, nnd Mr*. lx>a- rily prrof;
blirnded PnmoBt Uranc*
MalM-1 Gnrono. tS4 K Plfi***!
Cram frnii.r Wodnradav
Ttiui* iTran-rw t'lly. Mirh.. Kaya:
day of la»l a-p.-k
Frank a
t on iu,li> vr (bai lha
B.-iiVonla to Vint bl* *Utrr.
bat arf*,- from d)aord*r«d
Tbr Glpagm' ov* an W rrram
am |>Inaa*d to rm-oanrad .
aoi-lal at itar Ornne hall last Tu... rrmody of aurli cn>at nn-rll a* tluan’*
day nlirtil. A lar|(p oroa-d aa* pn-*. Kldin-i I'lIU. The. ran b* pronirod
eni and a pood Uim* aaa reported
Ik.- Walt liiiw all About SIS ara- reatlied.
F»r sal* by all d*al*n>. IMre M
Mr*. Ceors:* Munto and Util* tan Pu■III.. Pt»ki*r Mllbunt Co,. -Snffal
aold « l»lt*d h*r parriili. in Elk Rapid*
•■* Vorfc. ki.l* aRraia for i|
Sainrday and Sunday
Ur*. J*an Munro anni to Elk RaF
Jt*a*rab*r lb* nam—Diiaa'ai1» Monday for a , f*» day*’ riall lak<- nil other.

SS '

June 8

J. w.







Ivan WJakorhll aprm Sunday
Mr and Mr*. PctiM-I arr1v*d
urday to *p<'nd ibr aunmirr at
Trav.-r** ,1.ak* r*»ort.
and Ur*. (ivorR* Baker, arfao
aprndliiK th* auminer at Cleb
. sp*ni Sunday at ibU plaHlilnz (rlroda. ■
John I
,-d Mr*,
Mr and Mrs
Charlea Wli
rprni Sunday at nurdlrkvlll*.
Tb* lii-m- ivkorl on Tra»*r»* Ijkr I*
B*arly ron»plrt*d.
Ml** Anna Goo. of f>*l(uk*y

KI"Jla‘v ■'


Nl***» P*irl Uwrr and ..
KildrrhouM- ratird on Mr*. B.
Mr Vlriirr Wlukortll and “on.
Trnvrm* riiy rallrr* on ToraJay.
Mr and Mr* K!ni*r Billnian vl»ii.
zrllh Mr» It Wl-iorhll on Sunday,

A. M laivrJO} i>««] lo Nav
ayyo Sunday on ih* rzrarslon. .
iv.llaainnad of Uraad RapclnR a abort vlali wlU bar
M, }
•nd. Harry JobnaiMi and
Howard .Manley ,w*iv Monro* (VnUr
rall*r> Saturday <>>*Rlttc.
<:*ory* South rMtsg A. U. Loy«}or
and faniiiy mrr Sunday.
C.kiry.- IV|.|.br and Mr*

SIIIm of

Uiyiirld bat* luoivd lo IVandall^
B*lnR unaid* lo find boBM.
tbry an- vajoylna life Is (mU.
Ur*. J

IIUDUrll la «bl* to b* Rbaql

Jun* !•.
Mr* Anibrua* Milk* fell dotra atolrs


Mr. Wall la all ihroukh olanllBR po'• ■* Ncwtiiarcb la wry III at
lato*». Mr. Wall U on* of our. for*- Ibr bom* of her dauRtilrr. Um. W. S.
fartn*r*. d**pll* bb
year* Saxton, nho I* rarliiR for b*r.
S?i':.ralfro«.h..r* ,t..-nd*d.h*rom-i
'«• *
.•nr..o..-iii .-x.-rrli*. held al th* boDir
of liklc. KlnRkl*v Tui-*day ptodIhr.
| Aw*r> *n)nyabl* tlm* wax had br
Aid tm-1 »ith Mr*. Anna
Bo*arf th.-nuinyfrlrnd*thatui*tatllu.ho4D*lV.dt.*»daynd tb-d a
Mr*. John Baldwto-Bator.
i*R-*d d*llcl«“ rok* '’»5 ♦'"•"iniL I' I'-Ti* Mr. BaMwla'i
't‘In two w**ka forty-flrkl binfaday. The oxonini trap
:I Tailor.
and <»k*.
' Mra. Adam 8*velnin*r atayrd trlto
farr moibi r. Mrx. !. J. Krnxnarrta iw
J poiaii
fyiSl Kran*' roDdiUoa r
Monday nicbi on arronni «1 b*r mothaatiii'.
Farui»r. ar* aellioR tb*lr wool now.
IxMtd aflT load I* btul*d to KlnR*l*y.
Th* fariii.-r* ar* pl*aa*d with lb* Rood
Mrs L. 8. Walinr. of Fife ULe.
her throat. Ihii I* IniprarlnR
■Mil pl*aaant *orlal and liirrary
r of Ih* e*a*on war h*1d
Ih* htaioof Mr.
r. anil Mr* I>*Io.
Ib-lo» KIbe*t"V Tu*aday *v*ninE, whm ih* *lRhtb
aradr rla>m of niirknian
romturni-omrnt exrrils*. and rerHved
their diploma*. Th* tlak. ronalated
of Edna rlriviand. Mark and Emily

r<-nl tn Nortbpott tbia alUTBOop on
1 visit with frirtU*.

Mild Laxaim
for Baby Fraa

Sj kSS j*'

ar* *xp*rlalh to l»- romidimrntrd on
ih*lr pxp*r* of rla*. hl.tory and rltaa
prophr»\. Th- rla** a* a nhol- r*n*rt*d niurli rrrdit ■on Ih-lr t*a<h»r.
dr. Chari** Wood. AfK'r th* proRram
tb* rlaa* k*rv*4 lr* rr.utin and a«»oried rak.’ .to alioii; Tf. oF tbrlr frlynd*
who had Baih*r..d tn wlln<;«^ Ui- prr
M-ntailun of tb* diploma*
ing I* th* prosram of th- *v*ninRMarrh, nar*mv lt*an: liiatruferrinl
n*v*land: luvo.atlon,

the parent o(
r it growa up
<■>« (uwre. >t>il
healthy and strong.
depend* upon the
parent*, for mo. children arc bom
llhy. but thouM
into th* world he_..
leakling* bH*
become future weakling*
hirth and the age of ten, xrhen the
parent* fre *till in greaieat eoniroL
£S?Sliom^,« Snd mVi’wtSto
ful: the Uitk child wnoae aionach Hc^

: R*rltallon. Hiiib Jarti- no cooatipaumiMr-. <• A. Woixl:
KMory. Kdnt n*v*1aud:. K-rlr

JutM- 7
»bi. Wairen and <liildt*n
MhpMoii ar- ii-Hm* » -l.l-r.
Mia* Ib-'kir Etii*r»on who ba* been
irkilit In Trai*r»* City
ba- returned home •
il.ha- iiv .-Tvam wiri»l held at J
E rbiirrh. b
Ka*: Oat field
lU^, Tun- 4.
?”ln« ailh her
lb ihi* hH-aWy athejOId Seiil. r* plinle on Jun*
h at Traverse fity.
June 9 __ __________________


W. Fa Cntier. nce-Pres.



The $1000 Prize
kitchen designs


totit* xrOI -


li.SilnE plli-*' pror.vke profanity, but
profitiliy wont «u'>- ttiem. Ihi
Oinimen! enrea iicliing. blredlns ■
IH-S ai«er }var* of >uKer- L
drug store.

il aaptw.
If uwwMnn
a allmeBt D
r tnedlewl adWee. wrtu
the doetar. and be *■)
*w*r roa faBy- Tbmdn


1*^ Fwa*v. JUNt 11, nm. '



TbeKew Parfecxioa Wick BIm
FhoM Oi\ Cook-Sm diBn
fnmall other oil »tom.—■//*«
metm yon cao luep £ihM and
«oHib whhiB ce*y laach wbilo
cookiac. ^
t/kr rmmiiMtit/hm the hUtd.
■ Tna in woodMful bumm M
kiiadnfof bQid<ac»woit(bo


mek BtaKflaiMWCook-Siove
bwirbootoqBaL In priaeipic of co
d boat ssmM that Ao work
CM bt doM quickly and witfaaut the kitcbMbainK boated to an u
Cao be lichiod batandy and tuiMd “higb.” ‘W' or
*'iMdjiio>’' Bt wilL Tlitee uiot. With or without Cabinw
Top. At fotJt dealer’a or write our neawt agency.

Girci a dw,
Bick& b
aad wy omai .
iaiBf. write eiu atartM agwcy.

Ring ber motter Mra. York and oyter ler reinmed to her hoam tat Reed City
Uat Tuesday.
- 8. W. Mer tpem last Tnesday Is
ne 7.
Traverse CUy.
~ ear L. Dame aad Mku Ella Fnllere nnited la marriage last Hoeday in White Pigeon, lad., the home
of the bride.
and Hra. Dams arrired last
fine lime was enjoyed by all preasome good pieces and Tuesdav and spent a few days u Ibis
aongs by Walter and pUce before leaving for Fox Island,
We only wish lor wbere HriDame baa a ponlilon in the
light booM-.
e lurfa limes la lue full
Kehl BiV bafe launched Ibelr new
boat, vbfi-b was rfarlsleaed "Jean
nette.-V-Tbe boat Is « feet long, six
lined here lo (ami
beam and Is driven with a «borae
Hr. and Mis Joe Burkerl and family
have moved to North Maaltou Island. power engine of special design. The
boat win be used In cennscUon with
Thursa Wrlafat Is siaylog wit
the Dorothy K to aecenriDodate. (he
Charley Hay at pn-setu.
Oran 'rase 1. working lor
A ball game played on Monday Iasi
Dodd on the roads.
by the Leaden and ibe Shrlsera. an
Hr. and Mrs. Jacob fUlsioi
D team of Omena. repulied m a
danghter May visited their aona Cllf- ot i: in S la favor of the Lrad• '.Arthur and Harley and other
tIvVi here last week
rs Ruier rmoe and Carrie Wag­
ner dro«e TO Traverse fit) Baturday.
Mrs. N'ita Newman ol Maple rily l Ibe Coagregalional eburch parkin.
ifler the regular
re..... - bualoesa
------- ^sion.
-- sited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Qm After
Harry Keleherman.
president of tbe
- rrein, here lart seek.
..osis. gave
ga< i
Misses Haagi
Maggie and lailbera Powell
followed by a piano solo by
Cartie Wagner started Jhls
for Ne-ah-ta-wanta. wbers they
then given In srblrh Uiss Elsie
Howell won rina prise. WlllUm NelreeelvlBg .the cousolaiioo prise.
. John Scbarflnaider gave several

Robert Payne.
bin hall next Saturday night. Jui
All we Invited lo come.
Ual Shorter of Traverse City Vlshed relatives here last week.
Bhner Crain and Mr. and Hra. BvWl CrslD drove to Traverse City
Wednesday on business

rive at Ke«h4a-waau. The
sr were better than thli
.. .
.. the bmels aad cottages, as they
are an spoken tor.
Mr. Mclatoah's IraU (arm on me
pealnanto Is htpklag (ins, tbe yonsg
ess are dolBg' wsH.
Hr and Mrs. Klold
Traverse Cliy.
pent Bn
Jute C_
her barn i
completed this fall, and it will be o
> biros on the peninsula.
_ and Mra, C. A. Hammond
Traverse City drove down lo Old MIswna n lovely slabi all l'

She Klmd Too tdaw* Alwsyw BootMauA wrhkfe kM kSMi^
tm «w
.ever 80
hum bon* the aicMtm mt

SS; “ '

Our new rand coi
Zoulek has been do
work lu a number bf places where.ll
Manrlce Rushinore has returned
home from ariiool at Kiugsisy where
be has been slaoe last tall, having
passed bis icnib grade.
Mr. vv Uaraball does DM see
be getitag aloug very fast. Tbe doc.
tor was down lu see him again Sai
urday and ihougbl he wcmld geralong
although It would be slow
Mike Checrlog has the beat pepspert ter fruit that be ever bad. the
orchard is well culiivaied and If noth­
ing happens be will reap a btg bar

Frank Scbeiierly says If noth
happens he will bare enough Irym
fruit to help him as long as b« <
and assorted cakye we>
want any
Sunday morning lo M
Tbe PrU-ea are occupying their si
mtr cottage at tbe Missloa (bat they
Rev. Furgasoe of Travi
The K L gave an lye rream coclal bave occupied Tor a number of years
alurday evening In the Wurrberg er
Jane 7.
■e cream parlors whirb was a su
pss rmaoclally.
G. M Dame accompnaied by h
Mcf Dr I rallck Is Improving slowiv.
daoghleni. Gladys. Vivian and Beula
Mrs. II S Doe of Umsaa visited
and the Hlases
Johoaioo and relatives here last week
Seellg. look the i
Ijwrcnc-e Mabn ot l>-iington. Kenon Saturday
turday tor ilnuson's. where a tacky. Halted here laat Tuesday.
pleasant few hours were spent In fish­
Ret Fblnips and Percy Duhl s
ing Tbey returned In the evening to l,eUnd Mundat
with a nice catch
Mr. Hber ot Omena viaHed
A B Bartlett and dtugfaler Amelia davs of laHi week with friends bet
drove to Mauson-s on Saturday ......R PlKber weal lo Lelaad as Juroi
Frank Totcla and wife and Andrew
Fisher.and family vlsitpd at J Zim­
merman's of Umg lAhe yesterda)
W. C. Ashley has returned to bis
inaregatioaal church and at tbe U. work.
church In the evenlua. At Omeas
June 8.
the afternoon. have
Ur. Hargone to CbdUlae to y-|i.
Hr Borauih-a cklMrea sra on tb
Hu baa been praanoted t<
" ................... e jrbopplng cough.
n the main Hoe.
_ ... >f Kaami spei - '
toward Houghton,
lleorge Clark of Kolon came sod got
I mother; sbe Bas been spending
wllli ber daughter. Hn:.
it evening In tbe George Newman
Urge and appreMiss Fern Fat-kard of Traverse Cilv
Hpeiil Sunday at Howard Hnugbtoa's.
The lecture'to be given next in the
Frank Kroupa ar
CDOgTegtlioaal cbuVrii will b» . on Sunday
ai Buwent |l
June 7.

Caatorta U e haraleaa anbatltvte fisr Caator OH. PBm. >
Borte. Ikropa end fsoMhbir Byrupa., It ia Pfoeaemg. IB


CoUp. It rotievea TeetMlas TrunblM, ourea OomaO^HM *
aad FUtuleney. It emimnistrti tbe Food, wglitad <he
moaaaeb aad Bow eU. (Ivlac bealthr aad BmUnal alMF.
. The ClUldreato Paaarea-Tbe Mother^ FrietML

Besn ths Sifostozs cf

The Kind
You HaT6 Always 6oi](iht
In Use For Over 30 Years

I Mrs. Prank Dunn have been
Tbe I^kk' Busy Been will
Hra. AlBU rabcer of Reed City li with Mrs. I.aurs Bales on Thursday eoterialDlng tfaeir brother Will and
vtslUag her alalar. Mra John Oroeaer. arte moon June 17. IM>. Bring IbltnThe
was not very favorMica.
AM 4MV WIU.B.I/ .Ul.tvW W
Ura. C. r. OMaw aceoi
bl* tor H^ Dunn's potato plaattag
Eer. C. P. Ociiae to bU a
Mrs. hora Uke was callliufM eons ^r^'r^maa Is very sl.k at this
ol her Mlgbbon laat Thursday.
Iha LuCntan Is staylag
wlib her.
Htaa Inga Bable ekwed a Tory racday for a visit.
Saundersi has a L____
sick horse.
eeebil urm of acbool twre laat Prii^de
Mr. and Mra.
Mrs. Will KratoebKratocbvIU

Mlts Cmma Kllliuan left this mnin- *
Prospects are good for bay «■ ac- _
^.jloets trio
B business
trip to town one di
day vllb a pink in tbe stkool grore. eouiit
ing tor Solon on a visit
of the nice rains.
d>wlng 10 the eery bony aeanon there
Ployd Hurt has recently sold his
arira Baumberger. editor <rf tbe
Ben ily-sTlI spenl Sundry with hU
Mrs. John Zimmerman ud
were only about to present, but erery- horse.
Irrin Delmar and Johnnie, dud klnima
Nortbpdh Leader, ban In the city to famil) in Fomuna.
Miss VIsdIa Sprlngsteln of FVenl
' one seetned to bare a good lime. jTbe
Tnesday morning fw
tn bis way to Kscauabi
Uulie a number from Fomoaa warn
Mrs. Arthur Shay and Pmnk Wilson Orand Rapids tor a abort
teaeber. preeeatad each ot the t« pap were
Ibe guesu ot J. Osborn and tam- Uri. Jake Keiler.
e Rev. and Mrs. \V A. Sbe'icy Sunda>- in Frankfort Ail rupoR a
lU ear^led with a very pretty a
Mrs Oeora.
J-ft for iiuwaid Clij. where be mill lovely time.
“'klrs. Floyd Hntr. who has been cell­ lyn made a builnes trip to town Batsiteiid the Kvanaeliml rluiriii conMr. and Mrs Jamns Ledwick WWt
ed to Caslnoels on account of her fithMlai lada Ubdler was borne from er's death, returned Wednesday, ar nrd;
venuon whltli will be in session there Sunday in Mnslck.
Lawrence Dunn and Jack Haginei
Trayene City Bonday.
topanled by her tnoiher.
u days Their eon I'aul ar<mn
Mr«. James Stiver Is oa tb# gM(
om Traverse nty are visiting i
A. B. ('ase of Honor was doing but- Hugh Dunn'a
The Y. P. A. or Ifae Brangellca
paitled them.
JiM''lbls Wi-ek.
In this vklnlly Thursday.
Harry Olllnger la borne from li
■eciailoa gate an talerestlng Miaaloa- leas
Mr and Mni. R W. Rargeni u1,tL ar
KemeniWr the boms uket pUy.“xn
Win Weamssler called os his sls- and aiiended tbe bee at Hugb Ot
piwgram Bonday evening at Ae ■r.
lbMrs Will Huff. Saturday evenMisiak-." atAfca.Qraaga ball Tlitow... and Mra.
XaewlHi church laataad ot ybe>««uUi
nurib. left Kidsy for MaylleM.
ds> -vruing
tended grange L Grant Center last
. preaching aerrlces.
Prank Rmllb ii doing npraylag tor
Mrs fU N>- »r jlrsnJ Kaptds and
!> A Shirt soU an Traa Ago Bft-jme of the famiers.
The LodJee- Aid aoclrty net at the
Jane 8
' PERSONALS.♦ daughter Hir-1 ^i:'ived >v>i,-rday to' tsio planter Monday.Urs Bcfaemsbore'i nnd Mra. Mary *
paraonwe Uei Ttauniday.
Joltni-un-s orchards are as siilte is a PPPbB.bbPbbPwwbBB* -pend 111- suuiin-r wUb.Urs Xy.-'j
M-Ivln Itornt rislud bti pnroata la
Lennle Ramaey 4s vlsltlag her owlhBAST BAY.
Bonday afternoen Ua Bebrn. the
r ball. It la a pleasure lo Ibe •roni Tueeday'i Record.
slsl-^ Mra O. K. Ilejgi'i.
M>'slck Sunday.
ng concern, lb* Kelley
Bnrca'yaar old daughter or Ur. and
Ihingle company. Is run­
Cherlet U. Feaae ralurned Raiiirday
Praak Lewis and wife were at MasMra. Pred Sebm was playing with k OB bDsineae Friday. ■
ning with toll force nlgbt.and day.
liflil Knogvllle, Term., wnere
MMWAtbMjhUdna and har elnt^g
OUdrs Chslfani vlsltml Carrie Coep- One day (our two mastrd vemels were
bas been nueadlng tba Jobnsoa Bible^
loading kt the same thne wIili lum
er ThnadAv.
(olkye tlw past year.
Calvin and Xonna Teroan of Benlah ber tor Chicago They were the Peer­
are tlsIUug Ibelr sister. Mrs. Helen less. Bllsa Day. Jones, ot llsvlne. Wis.
Joaephim Hector ot Angola,
aad tbe B V. Taylor of ITIcago. It
Ind. Is tbe^iuem of her nlwtar, Mrs.
^^WniSm Cooper and wife Were Olen- all goea well, Ibla year's rut will
Flank Carvpr.
garry callers Friday.
finlabed ahoot September
«..vv. e^_;Uiss Irene Monroe retnrned to SumHarvey Martin Is In Deli
lelulh. Minn,
Oiarles Hayes has bought a tO acre
sS^wMsI IraLrajtr'.' 't bSs^
Qua Domlne Is backk from
Ann Artarn of Mr. CamkhaeL
ull City lOday
He was there for
or thi.-e m-e.-kH.
neeeie McDonald of Pomona is visMlra Frania Ask weal lo Grand Rap
the pl2^ of a doctor. It is a doebtr’s aid. Made for
Wa Md a iorelr rain ganday. Juat lUng her parents, John and Jennie
Copley fhU mesh.
Wfeat we needed tor Ibe crept.
tbe treatment of all throat and hmg troufakh Ask
Mra. P.. J. Honrae and Mr^ D
George Miller Is under tbe doctor's
■. Urn. Temple Fnarfa at rnuh wee
r own doctor his opinion of iit. FoBow
Me advkc.
^lag with her elater. Hra. Walter
Monroe returned to Summit City this
WltUan Anyer had a bnre ralsing
lofee. last week.
alcohol in ihb cou^ medidne. 7TTi
Mra. Lola Rogers has purchase' Wednesday.
s Mary Tubbs of Otwgo. who
— -.*dles- Aid will meet --dance Saturday evening at Mr.
another new eow ot Urs. Orate W1
cfdlitcUy oa theUwr. ScU tor Bcarty slaty yeaev Alb
and Mrs. Albert Courtade's was well
bas been - vlaJUng at Qraymwot ,«HMiller Thursday.
rbnrsdsr. June 17.
Mrs. Anna Btrong
BUong U
la working.for
Fred WOaen went to Travetae CIt
attended and everybody bad a very
Mrs. Kennedy.
enjoyable time.
laat PrUay on buslnea.
Oritflth Is on tbe sick list.
Albert Cariiale wtao receblly loat bU
MIm Vadia BprIogsielD ot Pntnkpoor irn by fire Is gelliig rendy to
tort It eistUag In our vtdiiltr with ^ Mis. Frank Lafalt
Ufalt U in very
ulld a new barn. He Is hauling
•one ot her OM friends.
Mrs.' Ida Koagee went to CadUUc >r tbe toandatlon.
Mra. Ultra B. Bates and Mrt. Carl
J. Batn wen over to lulaod OB a '
Friday to meet her sister.
Arthur OomlDe while splitting wood
Marian Crawford Is working for jiugfat bIS;. double blued ax In Ibe
do Mr. and Mn. Chsrlee wneoa s .
siie clothes line. It rebounded and
wBay and Btuday. retorolog home Hay Bouthwick.
Hra- Crapo of Harbor SpHnga la vis- It a long gaab In hU bead. Luckily
waa a duU ax.
Tbe prospects are that Adalore
Hartlneau will bave a record breaklog
crop of Duchess a
s Albert CourUde
Job plowing his large oberry oribard
During the cherry aeaaon Mr. Counade
girea employment lo a large number
berry pteke
IS Dettloff b
ebaaed laat spring nenrly all
np aad planied. Mr. Dettloff
'hustling farmer from Ohio.
« city la ma
W> have a great ire« in aora tor ihe ladle* ot the c.iy and
s on bis prop
vlrtnlty, in that we have lecured the avrrlce* of Madam L B.
e had a lol *
Blebblns. a apeclal cort-liere. trained by lb- deelguvr of the ItodimrwleinMeaure's
tern Modeta. and abe'will tie here for a limited lime. beglliBlng
a. A. M. M. D.
Mondayrjnne l4lb. Sh- wlUbe pleased to meet yoa and e-.plain
h‘s good. teeimtUM fndmg. too. Talma o4r & few aMmenH
the merlla of the Redlern and fit you. It you desire a m<»»v' which,
lo read aad is iuO of o cettari kmd of Tmne seme" tehmh many d
Hr. and Mrs 8el>e IHme of Rvansm arrived this evening to spend a
while romlortably sulieii to your foriu. will give you lAe lone,
m ae«a m dlis age d hypocritkal eaplaiiatiun d drlctaioin foods.
couple of weeks with Ur. OameY
lithe lines Vfblcfa nr. tasblon-« latest edict.
motoer. Mrs. R F. Dame.
mdmm as
IMdt^ to «4.lto
Rev. J. Bardge
Ige relurard
returned last Thurs­
__________ fool.” Too I much
muen brown
drown urcao i'
<' a-iurems."
ai|ueaio. “Mtob
day to hU honte In Aldea. accompanied
No mailer whal sl>le of dress one wlsbe* to affect, there i> •
■dus a sour madi in a weak Momach.” ”loftrid tar awcritf I
by his daughters. Mrs Barrows Green
a Redtein Model designed eaperlally for >«ch fashion. In tari the
■' s. J. F. Malbews.
t'hainver Rusencrans left this
Redf.-ni. soggesla high- art.- la dress, and In no less a de­
h aparn wilb bmM rvrryllmn we have daimed fat
mraolng for Ijidlngtoo to spend a
couple of weeks w ith her husband
gree hi corsets, Begardles. of the many models, each la designed
Burkwortb of Omena was the
tor a certajn type of tonn. with the mo,t specldc Intention* we
Mrs Col Barnes last weHi.
Cmupbell drev-e to Leland tUv
may say. And because of these precl«e detallK il la most important
to have Ike model «.|Mied correclly. Thl* Madam BUtobins does ,
Mrs P. H, Griffin returned on Bat
nrday evening from Cadillac, where
la a meal sailstariory mauner Bile will be in tbe Salt and Corset
■be went to attend tbe funeral ot her
Division OB Ibe second toor. Tbvte »re many tmpovttet fact,* in
Floor the Beit Ceoki Use**
tatter, Hr. H Frurv.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Leslie have
know concerning this ‘most needed article ol apparel that every
■Dored iBlo the Scott collage
4h’s ime d ibe reasoDs we
lady should know, and these wut be tolly explained even-should
A fine program Is being arranged
alumni banquet to be given
yoa not wUh to make a purchase. ''^\r. cordially iijyited »o
___ _ in the Congregailonal church
bees ahw (coding k.
meet Madam Stebbin. at your Mism?-''^
land dtry’ve
Hra. A.' JoMVIv-B and danghter An
na of Chicago bate arrived to speed
mmdv beee whal - ------Ibe snnnoer with Mr*. Joacelya's
hooUet and read
die Djrtor mys.
daughter. Mrs. Charles Swatoah.
Oblldren's Da> exercise* have bean
posipooed by both cfaurcbes uaill Jane
to OB accouBI of tbe lemperaace useel
deagiin “agg timet.” weeds frie tMca tbe cost d bar sSamp and
Ing to be held on next Suoday.
H. E. Ashelby left last week toPOe»Oklahoma where be will spend a few
days before going to Alaska, where he
will remain during the au

For Coushs-Take This


You Ought to
Send Today
M ^ faMcCW.



Lily White


nsband who ls~ em
the F H ear fer
“miw. Charles Bwrr aad IKGe Aaugh-

This Store Will Qosc Friday Afternoons

nuDAv; 4^ It. IMA


ClotbiDg and Furnisliiiig Goods

pS: ^ fay


Through our New York representative we bought the stock of
Clothing and Gents Furnishings of

*n eip*t representing



CD (he &rra of akthonv 0«€tLtCK
who^'lttedt^ Ttmtei perfHtwinr to »ehe ttde
denoutratiKi-oa We peoyerty.

Who were only in business a short time and were forced to sell. These goods are all fresh and
clean and of hi^ grade workmanshlp--all of this season’s style. For certain reasons viiwmustcloM
out their stock in the next two weeks, and We honestly believe that these prices will do it. We would
advise buying at the earliest possible moment, as this stock, though targe, cannot possibly lasHe^
at the exceptionally low prices we ar^uotlng.
3bIb Sliarts Sa-turday IVIornirigr, June IS

Are yon saving (be Globe Green Tralding Stamps

6v#ry ITarmer

J. A. Mtanlagiie & Son



10 4ozen hoTS’ cottoo wwsteO knee paats.
Beat smpes, aU sizes,
per pair..............................................

r >i6rMr vltfa tbc paft■ensrrs.
The QIIchrM ItMT Welker wUe&
it te OM-l«red flea««4 tbe aeeMeal by
bunednc the lork lete, 1* KlIcMIy InInresticitlon i* .proreeei
•eeerUIn wbelber the eegiDeei
iredentood tbe elfliah or wbetber the


«reeked/one boat eunk. two narrowly
eaeeped atolrint and tbe Urea of more

ruhed la. aweepiag two Meanwra and
tbe lower *atea before It Tbe acadent la nnparalleled In ibe blnory of

Terr^ «f W«i»r RiMhtd ThrM«h




Craiceat' dtr «t the ( llefartrt jleel,
were kMUag op at tbe
}y aad wKboat warnlns e ipue broke
tbe boata were
Tbe Creoeeat C
‘Aninibola aa abe wai tifbpi out
or tbe lock. leaTiag a Ug bole la (be
Utier. The Creeceet Oiy reaehf
AawrtMti aide before aUdUag.
Aaalalbola wma not no tadl^du^ed
.. got to-............
a deck Joet li
to pr*^
eat her from going to tbe
the bolten.
Jb* Btenmer Petty O.
- Walker,
ODdUMt Vser i
CftdbiW )ner. we* Ued at a point
above the former tthi ateemer*. Hi-l
. »Mm M the hettoM «tth e bl< hole line broke and abe waa earrted bark'
' Ibi- (WIR rurreata after Uie
1 beea emaabed aad wbirird
*^t7clbn«iu Tweutc neer Atataieveml t
a aboai out of

wm a N0ON

waa at tollewa:
F»tt OoekUlI
Roaat Cblekea, Draaalng.
Cream PoUtoet
Preach Pea*

Brtoa'e ( eke.


Pren Jelly.

Brtdeb Saltd,
Been leAnn^a^
Alter Dbmer Hlnta.
Tbe table waa exqnUllely darorat*
la llllea o: Oie vallej aad amllax. and
three young Indy frlendt of Ibe brUe;
FWto Tm-wiair'a Itowrd.
Oaaol UieaioolalalKn.'i.Tbeve were 35 gne*i* preeent
e( tba eaaaon van that«
tbe out of town gwetu bi-ing the Rev.
Xeeblg. Aaofbter of Mr. an.l' M a. end Mre. Engiebert of L.e<atic]. Mr. aad
Jullnt Eoenlg, and teoobrr of 0^ <
Nre. W. M. ScbloMer of Good iUrlMr.
la tba dtp High eebod lor tbo Ian gedparenta of tbe bride. The faibrr oi
two yean, wbo waa oaUad lii mar- tbe toeom; tbe Rev. H. Breer of Siral
rtige at Ugb coos to tba JUv. Saanal lord. Can., who Wu to bare pcrforta>
Brwea. «( Stntlord. Canada, ptator «d the eereaoBr^belng detained on ac-|
to tba Oermaa Latbana (AntNk of tbi* eoont to iUneae Tbe only gueeu
«(ty. Tba coemeBy waa performed In tbe wedding dinner were tbe relBtIvee'
tbe Oei .uaa Lntbetan cbnrcb, the Rev. of tbe bridal couple and tbe rboir of
3. bobrwaa to Mnekegoa, y«ada to tbe ehnreh.
the groom, perfonatog Uic'rerememy.
Tbe Rev. aad Mr*. Bnier will leave
Tbe bride waa very bomitlful la ber at 5:30 for Mrattoid. Canada. anJ
Will apend a month vliiting ul the
t, and abe 1
grooirb old Home Mtd In the
es^iRa TsU wraathad with lUlei They will then letum and apend tb.>
to the
.... vki - Her ^ower ------bon«net —.'ganuBer la a eotinge at Good Harbor.
to White brtde'e roaae aad MUee of tbe la tan t*U tbey will lake np tbeir re«vaDey. She waa attoadad by bar ala- Ueaee fa tbe OemiaB Latberaa
tar, Mm. Wintan Koehler to Unalag. aoaage at 431 WcM Seveaib atreel.
Mltoi to hoBor. wbo waa a bride
Both-the bride eed groom bare
tllW year* ago. hire Koehler weeriag iaet to Mead* In thi* city who e
bar wedding drem to wbUe embeoU- Ubd them nothing bat be*t wi.0irn.
oradato over white eltk. Abe cerriadw
ohowto UOBvvet to pink loaee. earwet|na and UU< a to tbe valley. Tbe
gbaam «** attended by Mr- KoeUer.
Vaung People Whe Were Wedded la
Tba bride
tbe ebareb leanIthaca Will Apend Their Haneytag oa tbo art:' to bar (atber, wbo
mean at KnaN Mekaaa.
gave bw ar a). Tbe flower giria were
■Hbm n« ■ !> 'uto Bditb Koealg. toeev
Him Winifred ^*r. aim to E. 8.
to tbe bride
ring oeremoay waa tVRUama. «-n« an1l<^ In aumage .. edoatd. Tba brtdfl eo.iple atood aader.,,
Rev. Mr. Graham,
aa wa
ai<A to
L »ieiBoai»i wvangruM. -o>
w erargremie Ulle. to tba ja
•of rtainwen.
valley aad wklta lUae. tba ebareb bflin.
,or Tmv
Bg demtto'lr tboee etoom. TbereVr., rUy. where they will apend tbrii
were batweea 300 and 300 fwreta,honeymoon at KeaU Uokeaa wlib Mr
and Mm. WBUami.
tba weddlag mar^ aoeompaaled by
Mb* Puller t« a noted alngcr. hav­
Mine MoaaUa Beaaett oa tba vIoUb.
ing 0 rantmlio volee M rare depu
Atter tha eerrmBa; tbe weddlag par- aad^eOlbeo*. She ba* bad (barge of
Ijr drew to a pleta;r t-Uatr
a ^oru* cbolr to 500 reicea whlto
tbtor idtouraa were ta^
after V L *bc trained. The Rev. Hr. Graham
(bay drove to oe bamo of tba
aMmuiHniK la eeangeUitle work, aad
grbtoa a flve woome ttla<Mr waa aarved hh wtfe will aa*l«i Mm with
r. Tbe Mean voice.






SI2.50 Suits for $7.93

O AS Hor Men's Suits of pure
all woo! worsted in olive
greens, browns and blua. They are
short lots of regular /\ A F
$15.00 values placed on $.1 4!^
thi* naif at................. .........WO A. bto

Here voti wifi find spring and fall
'Cntcel p
weichis. good gentce
lined with serges, m thairs'and
Venetian cloth, worth
ijvery cent of $12 50,
safe price-.


LOT 16


Suits for young men only, extremb
as well as ipodified styla, with
lou of swagger to them, in new
summer models, all the newi swell
weava and colorings, suits you
would expect to pay $lCrOO and

Men’s red and
blue bandanas

Khaki Overalls
with bibs for
little boys,
sizes, special
price .

Childrens schoed
suits.plaln blues,
browns and
fancy stripe
suits complete,
sale price




A group of $15.00. $16.50 and $1800
values. The bandsomat coUec*tion of tnen's'hand tmlored suits,
the styla ihclude about everything' is popular this season. Tbe
' coats are lined with all woDl serga
and veoetiao cloth,
' 4 4 40
sale price.....................U*W

We libce oa sMe 75 doiee Nea*s BUck a^.T^b.
Also wort socks per ptir........................

II BIM lAys* Umsc WAlsts,»^ 4 to 14.iu4e M
<adfmilei,Mch ...................................




Choice of all our four ply Uaea surer braod
collars. Dothior feserred far
this sale...... ............. ........................


A lot of soits
coats and vats in men's
and young men’s sizes,*
plain blacks and fancy mixtura, pos­
itively cheaper than you
c buy

u can
SQk........... /............




coflt and vat or



to bcglM. Oec staep givee with every 10c parchmse, ud with these staapi ymi get heahlltal preat»as FBCTr ^

md eU othm tatetcMed are inviteU to atteWL


' '


per KBrneat ..................................................................................
Fine Egypli,.,igg.n
am«r., worth 50o,

LOT 16
50 Men’s Suits, mostly dark colors;
some af^e lined with Italian cloth
and some with Venetian. We con­
sider them worth every cent of
$6.50. Sale price................ ...........
LOT 18
$iO and SI2 Men’s and Young Men’s
Suits for $6.69: sacks and double
breasted styles; not shoddy goods,
but good Wortsteds and Cassimeres
and they are worth every cent of
$10. Sale price...............................



LOT 13

LOT 14


ImitatJflo Prefident
Soapeodere with
niokle pistol] trimmiag. Sale pricx*.

Knee Pantt. Kniclrrlnckrr and ^in
atylo. io Wonted*

la this lot yoa will
find Childreo'a Kaita.
ooly one or t*o of a
aH onml
kinU. ’ K..I
tMit 'tn

valof for




Nokby Sails In Men*B andynj^mea's sbes^js Ihe p^
bloe, floe stripe,
ney were
said lor flM and
sSpe. *They
$LSI. Buying as cheap as we Hi, enables u to
place then on saio at
LOT 16
35 Hob’s Spring Top Chats, olhre |tmi Cererts,
dart treoQ mixtures, also sow —"—
“ stripe, coats worth I74L $11 a......
place them on sale at 64.75, 6538mmd

Sr 9,48

Men’s Dress Pants at Bargain Prices

About M mvii'. vulU, made of cbevM*. teury worsted and mnnslvb mixtiwre. not all rizre la tbb tot. but
every iuit i* vortb If. Ibey will go
quick at-

AbowtSSSpatomew Dress Peats la Worsteds omdCassI*
OMTCs, lactadiog onitog styles aad corduroy, aU sizes.
Wepteeethem oa sale as follows:


$2.00 raloM, tale price ............$1J9 $4.00 valoea. tale price................. 61.66
6100Ttliiea. tale price ... ...fl.M $6.00 valaea. tale price

$636 values lor 61.68


A coll-tioB »r CUUren'* WaO Su!<*
made or perrale. 'glBri>am. .galeUa
(Iruh*. aliniBk cMIoni in white and
fanrv color*. *pecial price for Ibla


and 45c

LOT 66

SOaniUinthia lot tor bc^ age* S to IS:
plain and Knieker^
hxker paou, made of all wool 1 Mx
dotln; oboice of any anit in lot.-8 • / Vx




Work Shirts to fit any man,
black Satteen. Chambray.
Khaki, black and white
stripes and Cheviot shirt­
ing: also. light Percales sold
everywhere for
WW ^
50c: supply
your iQgQ
wants now for

uoT a

LOT 9 .

Men> and Boy.' Straw aad Pelt lUta.
an * Cotton Pania. wortk »1.00.

an colort. (bapea and atyire at apurial pricer for tbli aaM-

ikia Mic ..............................................

(tlldrea'a Romper*, aia . of itriaa
gmekam* aad Aambry. iRMi*] aala
prlre ....... ...................


Globe Depailmeitt Store

ldbO-142 Rrone Berw^e.

KUBECK & HOn, 121 Union Street
Must Be Sold In 30 P^s
Save TIds and Wail Until




When Our Entire Ster ol

Furnishing Cc)ods and Hats for

Hsn» Boys .ana Children will be placed on sale ai prices never bdore heard ol

J vy W

waill, klioillf <AL Wlll,llC70alO prlC®Sa ^

Read These ProiHless Quotatfons-~Read These Mate but Crushing Prices
4 gg
"m 2?; “5.™'-..""“."’.'“ 8 98
X.?s.fti2.,!5i.rrr; 2M
,r;w.98 .................. ..4.98
A Money-Saving Oi^rtunity That Should Appeal to You

•rtt tiM and UDd

a anan

Mwi-« Bilra Plar Bnlia. ail hand-ialloi»d and Ihn »i*rr flnnil laini rilOn* stylr Bn>d>. madr.lo soil foi^ |f am
IlSBlidtlK. Vnur r-boi\ (or......... ||.95


Or-rwiaia..^ worth IK. |Q^0g

I. row chelcn for...

*« tttcT

IlnjiF' Riilis. all wool good*, black
faiir> chcriola. worlti tf.flO
Is <11.. .r-"- -I—«..-

tthon. worth 94 wd |4.r.D.M QQ
Idan'B TrMana, worth IS.dO. iion;^^g

Mh- raorr SWria


Boy*- Me and T-r Knm Pams

Mrn'n Work ShirtN..........................
Boya-Jcrsi-y Swoal.T*....................... Tfc
Bo^<- niack Slork^rs................ ..lie
Katw .........................................
Hoys- Waists............................ .....................

“^Tro.^w^ViV.M'^'ii.'T6;j 19

Boya- 7r.c Union Suita


•1.00 aiid'|l.js'



II Vnlforin, shirt, paai*.

Mcn-a GauBtlMt ftioros.;..................jse
Mcn-a Mnl.4<kln aioT«..................... ite
Mm’s t-aniasRIorM........................ 5^
Me and 7:.r Xrrkn oar.......................t%e
3.V Xsrkws^r.................................... tte
s hm l!aadk<>rrhli'fs....
ii»n«.-rrai»is............... Zc

Mon-s biw
BIw Handkerrhlof*............‘. 2e
Mrn-a White Handk-rrhlrf*....... 2e'
Mm-s Black Soeka............................
M<*B-a FSmey Soeka.............................tla
Mm-a nmry Soeki:........................ de
Mcn'a Fancy Ual# Sock*........:....iio
Mm-a Fancy !laittt(>rehlera............le
Mm's •• 00 and l:.S0 Hmta. iww. .$1M
McB-a »1.5* Hata. boF................ •
Mm's and Boya'
Boys' SOc Straw Hats.. .3Se

Don’t MissThls GreatSale




In this limited space we can only give “hints” of offerings, but it will give you an idea of the values that await
your coming. The entire stock is being marled and re-arranged. Sale opens Saturday, June J2.*
Let nothing keep you away. The hour is set. The date you know.

TKiswill be-the Ores-test Sslo

M£n^;_ggfunded on All Goods Not Satisfactory to the Purchaser
Union S-t.




foirself from thw wrarid orranl—*H»
I have BO right to memtoolto*
Cun ant PaaA.—WaA tkoroughly read that latereatlag book. -The Story
Shd wrap .rour face np to slices o( Oowe quart of iWd curraDtr. addiv half of Avia.'- The heroine U aa artUt the trlc^one for contMvuUal chus
rr. shich to the most whUaatoc
mte^ bonaewortt aad baa never with yoor friends.
the qaaatMy of rad laapberrlaa aad
Oonaiant wktotog Moot your work belag wcll-dreeecd. whereas poor ma- vegetable known.
pour over a pint of botliog wat^; now been aUc to learn lo cook. The maa
tertali are bound w took dowdy be­
Bathe yowr face to mRk evny motnho U la love with ber puu thU aaide wfU not bring pnMMttow.
•Ike .rail doaely aad when cold
long. Then. too. gopd materials tog or to good sweet rrism It you cam
Any nmall debc even a car tore,
a maner of no importance. After
pren through a aUva. Klrrlag lo
long hoMlug out agalsat Urn. abe toweld be paid as pnmptir as posrt- srili give each r»d service, for they *« it.
cup aad a half of aogar. one tablecan always be uUlIaed by mi'
U tola system of wmrtmre Ms not

apooa of white rlaegar. aad the Jnlee rtnaliy eooaenu to Mary him. -But »’
preserve yaw frtwa trecfclew. then you
ic is boc arresimy to adept a
mot make brent,- abe »aya. proof ooe orange,
1 «UAUf. •prta* ow <*e »H« •
•ay tert that yni are s martod hatiw
aerve In alender fiaanet half rated teatingly. “Vo i n Hi rlvo tte^be broad cullne s:y^ of dnus ta order W be
■ feHk la tbaa^tj lv»r«f oltva* cat la aatall plee** vitta
by fate.
with Maved Ice. adding to each pop of life." he 'yerum*.
Whea you buy an smhrrtla be srnHalf wou out flnmy and tancy
It aooads llovely—but nken the cook
Lay <b« etbrr tiler of bread up- on a liny aprtg of fre* Mlat.'
Tko QM Of ths HMO.
0( aiMfiM taaalaa aa4 atom an orrr.
Coeoaaui Peach Cream.—Remove leaves, afi^ he to huagry and the food hair drvMliiR are out of place to an tfole enough lo get a goad-slsed
oa U aad pr4a the alltai Itnolj teDon't forget atotoer when pICBics
that wont pe.-mli drippings oa
wife prepares to not fU to eat. It offlc*
the milk from the interior of a large
sod good times are tn'hrM. SosY
plainly to be seen that be would ,Your rmptoyer'a aftatra should be shoulders and skirts.
Mai aiawn MaUa. ar ylaaa. or >aw a«tb«r. Trim a« the erotu aod out
It OM place where
the aaadwiek Uw aqnaret
tVhen you buy a pair of rebbera. let ber de all tbe hard work. -AM
kept slrlclJ> private.
OT aall.
vyy cold: meanwhile, praat gladly trade off the -bread ol life
Saadvkhet.—Cettoc«» vhee
get those that come wail op on your jm^a^zieat her to sum* fresh aJr owoty
good, equare meal. Nearly all
Wkkk Maaaa Oa M lor aB.
> a fruit aleve a quart of peaefeuadar aad crUp. taake* a deUclOM
feet and protect toem, rather than day behind that newly broken toR-'
The oauphtor'. Romn.
■e Bnde.ihat way—and I must say b
■m aaM Wro (tlU.
have been pgred aad ml
good subriltule for too exr of the the strap sudal. which, is only
Ta.aako aeaB irtaafla td TioMili. ruitBc Mr aaadvlebet. Wash tka aaiall allcet (retervp a few blu for gar
rmpslbUe with them.
Marea; drr rraM aM tkaa lay oa* or lag>: Md to theee a ,cup of
women who ran pick tarlr -m-nslve llbertr silk srart to ooe Bmdo
Lean to do the plalB tblog*. gtrla. farmers' daughters have
‘ PaM aa4 I>»aU.
of noweted ailk mualto. .fbm* senits
steps as tbe) go akmg
One that ta'arnutged
Aa* M«*Tatoi<l taotf ■oawga
tloeen>’\«far and pMce dlrecUy oa Too coa t keep bouae aailafactorlly oa
a o»eo of buttered bread, ipread «llk the lee. Ai eervlag time add to we a knowledge of bow to make three tbeir' notion, where their belongings
dainty, durable and waabnUo.
When you an- flxlag your skirts
e.'«d draaaiiif and' tbeo lay It <n ibe trull a ptaco of powdered dnnaaoo. kloda of salad drenlag. Thesr are eskept, and'wkere they can go and ler make one of aultablv lengto for They make lovely aBd inekpenslTdv
AataMoat at wa4or a)«9a(kj'
other ailca of brepdrainy
so that yoor aoalM will gtfu. Three such scarfs cost ooly''- '
Aa a reoa wM Inwraaca.
oM plot of ctlffly wtipped cream aad celleat: but the ksowh-dge of bow to apknd a quii-t hour reading, •rliinc.
about a .doBar.
. .
O. t get 'ireU
Bveet SaodaU-b.—Hake angel anlfldeM Iced milk to form
to whatever way the} - chouse
broil a eteak. ro boll potatoes, to make
CbalBs of coral aM_ all ibe bssds ’
lyue all girls have a platk-W here
Egt SQitaJtle food for your 1i
akaaM fea k« Math, am Ua* *or food hatter aad bake It oa tkhi Meoia. quarta. Serve from e high cryttal good bread and biarulu will stand you
rot the cake Into iiaaij plecee of any pitcher ta which baa been placed
lo belter stead Ihaa all your profl ‘Jiey go to sleep at tilRbts. ^ many rather than . wnpalatable toihgt. .j fasuioukUw toM are sintag oa
threads sti#h 'a^^^riSj^toraken.
(kiKwe bread and meal rather
dMliad abape. tkao aplll them and put pini of cracked Ice. duMlng the Ic
deary to fancy dlsbdi. Know bow ic of these rooms are very unil|}
Mar »a or •Ofraa% vaarta*.
When lb<-v have to be ^rtrang now
thuug..t of Besiness and order sweets.
layer of Mopped preoerred gla- thickly with grated nutmeg, and gap do these, loo; hot don't let them take
, .
deDiirTs rioaa. wnxtog ooe end to
-.A laral aauta iMm ito aaa) ol cer aad flga. Id equal potilona.
Diabing with large ripe blackherrlea. the place of ike others, tkioklog ' ever <-ntr-rs their owner'a totod. The
Hake yoor room, even If It i
all croquellsa aOd fancy cakes. room may be a seroad-story one
a ^al] room. #b-iutanf and sweei and iskr S ucrdle-llke point.
Betaeea tklo tllcea of white broM ' Chlng«-Ung.—gquNte out ^d
The rufne of a sUk uoderMlrt may
' ia« ckaaUir b M kar ataMMfkor
buttered plaee U-oder barturUua ■train the Juice of «U Urge ornagn. You may jnarry a man who has tbe they iblukrso long wa no one wlll'svlr It bave'your girt friends In »fl
be made lo rvialo lu origUiaJ rrlM
make no dUferenev about lit you enjo) IL
Mai ttai chU okaatttr. «Uoh a<
loaret well covered with auyoabalae Ptor every orange allow four Iuohm same, taste for fancy cooking that you
hups are pul on toe under
yoursetr have, but It Is more likely appearance.
II you Iiv4- In, a boarding house keep
droaalug. Tbe« are to be terved Wlt^ orangar. Bring to a boH with om
Bide of ^e bollom of toe skirt, and
(IMm aauaa aaav paaka, lorrtr w b» cane aad moat be eateb looo after ol water, almmer for live mil
be will prefer plain roa«
hers sbcMld give their as much as i«Mtble out of i
belai made, at the leavta tooo wither. without iilrring. then »et away until boUed and broiled to the made disbet daughters a room tor their own. abd ill naiured talk and newr discuss the tbe garmeot bung ruffle up. so that
II in tbe opposite dlrKtU
TM mtm attalaa«; tkaa batm. lara- Pmut aaadwlchea are dallelout. tee cold. Pour (hla oa the oraqga you have learbed In your cooking teack them to keep It neat and clean,
for the career of many a neat and
not only to say hut think wbat tram the way It hangs whea worn.
Ian aaU). .
IproM the tklo tUm of white broad Juice. aM flavor with three dropf ol dsaa—Uanckesier Union. *
*> tt. .MW PM. OiU
The best fresheners oC doth otros*
systematic housewife baa been formed It the kindest and most
with atyonnalte dretalng and cover tir----- of cloves tor eath orange and
gwrinenu are air and saaUgbL Norby toe Interest and pride she took to x»nl people.
Ika aaiu
I grouBd peaauii .that have an equal amount of eaieace of pep4^ Mkia IM •Mkaar <a a paaaatal been weU reacted.
Kid yimr brain of toe silly ideas er bang up a dusty dress to * perfuappemlot. Fill tall thU glaaaea
".Many gtrla will have aoticvd, I atr her room when a girl. 1 do not have
podded wsrdrobe mod expect to have
Pior Bogilth walnut laadwlcbet taka' thirds with pounded ice aad pour In sure, that aa our lives advance out la Blind the homes of the wesithy. lai some special faVorii a
It come out steel sad dainty. Hang
ambitions are apt W become aoorr
one cup of Ksgllata walnut meat> Mop­
mint. If you can obtain II. In each simple." writes Helen Bpeocer In lb. toe finest of Oriental nigs, and where clique against you Watch Ihe iHher It out of doors sod let toe breem'blow
very floe, added to enough
%a ktSkMk V (ba Atakaav apou ot ped
away dust aad miuiy odotw. Than
Ladles' Home JournsJ, 'Tbe grea: toe furoliure li pt the richest tinted workers and you will be »er;
Ufc cbeeae to make a paate; add tail gUM. TbU U a piquant aM
we bad as girls of tblneen oi upholstery, 1 have to mind toe Jiomes dlsroter ifaat apeclal iavors shows brush It ihoreugfaly aad hang It to
aad daah ol cayenae pei^r. aad driak.
AM prMa
M-aaa atU. akooalag tpreod on very loin white br^ that
fourteen settle gradually Into almplei of the fatmert. There are not many result from l^vlr being good workers tbe areat-beatpBlnf riolhes prsas.
A Itogerle waist protector to oas
ambUlona. We lean gradoaUy to hnos glrla who are so fortunate a.s lo live and from iM-lr emplo.vers recognizing
hM been hgb«y botterod.
X (be one w4 meriU U deservro when tbe waist to placed on a wnlstIB one b( toe many beautiful farmt
fUUlb aandwti^M -are quite the
There la no branch of a girl's edu­ that in amaUer duties'better fitted
hauger to toe clowt. Is a useful totog
-MM WkaMar WUaos to I
islderailun ondipraise.
If tol.H broad land, with ibt-lr modern
our kaodk lies tbe greaiest bspploe
thing to terve whb tomonade or tweet cation which has been
hare. It to made from two lengths
poaeb and are. made by cuUlBg largo
changed from that of snd the poeslbllliy for fullest and rich
of figured dlfiuiy or lawn. These are
est devetopmem. Almost every girl have a room at toeir dUposai. It
mlBlni Id half with Marp aclaaora aM
toremolbera. as the malti
•‘•MMIfaaKklM.lbaranaaoaata • romovlmt
rut. but folded over and lewod
Now b Ihe hour of trial for
the aeedi. Lay the trwlt mending. In former yean a girl waa when rt>e first begins lo realize ihi: •boold be pUinly but neatly furnisba pllow rase. TYte lower edge to
Sira rat:
* cloeely together between the thin bnt- twsghl w keep her ciolhea to repair, ih« will probably never
all be M. and to harmony with (he clrcum- th>- Ireckleddared girl! The summer
O' Ha
caal« pipa to Mm aa • tatad while bread and moliien with and
Is already lauMiing at the Jokes hemmed and finished by a rnffte. At
this waa almon a poH of her girlish ambitions beenuse ibey ar< unres and aurroufcdings of the faa-a
Son aar grar;
I *
he Is going to plaj ov-r her lime toe top. or fold, eat a alU to taaart
anapIclOB of braMy or iherry. bu\ rellgton. Not Ike break ol a stitch many of thorn beyond her* possibil' ly. If there Is more (ban one i
a Tot OM «a part aaa laatoa » «aa
e to pained at the pnmpect toe hook of toe hanger Hem tkto
« enough to reMk tko breod and
loosened' button was allowed Itles. wH) have the tocltoalton to glv, be family let two, occupy one
: a
Mara raa.
ake It Mfgy. Cot the Wad la taary OB the garments of the weU-biought- up.' at the children say. ThU Is «e Vn all-wool ingrain carpel ran be pur- of carrying a parasol all through Ibe opening, put a ruffle around K. «Bd
,. a,^ nr aavr My.
to be tbe beginning of real dtocoetaM. tonsed tor aUnii Cu cents a yard, and dug days' and she dreads all the days tbe protector will be tumpk-l*. Tbs
up j-oung woman of those days:
i .MnitaMk/yaakaarlaaiaf adtarar
lx first bung on toe hanger «M
will do good service for a nomber of of aunimer ezeept the cloudy days.
allceo of was this work turned over w a maW and it ought to be bgtUed wttk. l<at
r a ^iai .
tbc'walsi and hanger are aUp
Nobody but the freckled fared girl
years. If this is beyond the family
e try to fnUy realise »'
mother. Tbe dainty tlngere of
kaa tailed «ha kattr tk^ Mara whole wheat bload as thin as potsfhle. theherlady
M- 1 am sure almost any girl who faerselt knows whSI she has gone ped. into the «mlty bag and bung ap.
herself, regardless of her means to be the tomdn|ion of ao(M
abr fcraaay *nra.
These make pretty and JhSXpenalvs
Interested tn her rotmi
through with on ncrouai petson'e life, tbe sunthtos to tha
her clothing In order.
. ...... aara yoaraaV a perar poafa • very fine, aprand m the aands^ches wtlon.:k(«t
ler own/work and .little expense, brown spotii Ibau like the (ammu t-urtoimas praseaU.
NowaMyn. Uie glrto who know bow darkened lives of .some one a
■d aorva.
Whea nwmi are freaUy papsrsd
nafce a-very prvtly ,rag carpet. The smile, will not come off. Then- to
Cafe Prappe.—Hake eery bUek eof- > mend may be quickly counted. people, end vhe will luea underslanc
A-all ahMld be papered and sba3es cerUlD school girl who sleeps wD save tbe pieces,of papew leR bad Bss
[ i- - . .
* •k'MasnCavaat-'aaM.kkaMvka'* tea and sweeten It nbudantly wUk
hnng at (be windows. Theee Ibrae itbrough tbe scarcbOig aoi nights with rmv of toem for arttotlc and Inaxbrim with happlnest.granulated sugar. W-hen this to dls- eeooomy. must
penslve scrap bnakrts. Cnt n PMls* -'
«aa far dorar;
never bold k needle in their
atoved and tne coffee cooL Md the
• JMaaHatkla».BOt
bourd doandalkm. cover with the pa­
mixture ol lemon juice and
n the rurnisbing of a room. Theae
TheOIrl Who Lnugha.
hands from ooe end of the year
nabaatan whHqs of two eggs, urn
per. line wItiPibe same or oue wMeb
i-i*- - an Mr loac:
Of all the (harms, both lalelleetus'. neglected and a room win be robbed line generously applied, whleh
othdr. They buy their garme
• AM ao Baka.Ufa, Daaik. aM OmU • U a fteeMr. nnd grind onUl rather the
r* keeps her freckles pale li BOto- «votra-ls prettily, punch boles aM (to
and physical, which the great I'rtuitoi af its iriUtlr flnlsb, ttaougb It tuay
ml Tavarar
together with pretty ribbon. A basket
'have tbe (Incwi of lurnllure wUbin Ing more Another mt^yr lo
baa bestowed
y p ear arwad. aw*e< aaes
to esvb room dr la a ceaveal««t domt.
freckle cause goes aboqj toting
ly the gin of toaghtek U tbe most tc s wans.
ped cream on top of each gtosa. and when the first rip or hole app-^rs.
—Qhartea .^Clagalry.
We live to an age when pretty and auDshade morning, noun aad afterLet ue eay a word for tbe oid-faxb- be desired.
Tbe most'loraUe girls lo toe world durable furniture can be bought very nooe. from June to October.
toned way. aad see if a Uitle interest
Lemon Olnger Skerhet.—Shat
neglected lure those with a snany disposition A
peel from two lemona to thin water may not be aroused
The Pepulnr Olrt.
CM the
and other few people i!ke toe QOlei. iboughtful rour room: pretty Swiss curialnt may lug Ibe fearful freckle. First of all. go
Instead of embn:
Rke partoga. being cardful U take none
Never keeps n man nrnlUBg U nfeo
to your doctor aad sAt bim to give
girl: others like the girl who is per br bung at tbe wtodosrs. and '
el the Hgkter colored rtnd below the
^\m wn* Vtmi Ckaor devoted
pelually vivacious .and hobbling over sure any of tbe girls ran make a pret­ you somitblng to counteract that al- has aa engagemenL
•U celto. Put tbe parings lalo n bowl
la careful to be correctly draoM
fiMpMa M tha daaa BtWa. Tbit waok logetber wlih fooP ounces of rrysialwith merits. But everybody likes the ty quill lor her bed. If sbe will give tcBCtlve Iron In your blood
Iz one ounce of lemon Juice and for every ocrasloa. and aerar mmS kaa M MM tka kappy. llgbtAaart- Itoed ginger chopped to ftoo pieces.
woman may have, that of mending. girl with toe happy disposition. ClrU 1 little at her time and patience
ounce of atom wllb one pint of dressed.
, fC .oMMtaa glrb. wkoaa facet are
BegiB wit^ your strekiDat. In tho of this character are never vxirava It and It will prove a Joy forever ■
She to genU^ toward (klldren. ani­
water and keep tbc concoction on
• a«ta lor Ike meat eoaltnBad oaaaa of Add one quad Wllng water and let Orst pUce. don't neglect them until gaotly bolsteroBS or dismally quiet. be a moBumeni to her skUl and pafor ton mlnntee cloorty covered
tienc in needle work wnen sbe la oM.
■ dressing table Apply U lo your mals and edderly people. bM pottto
MMMm Haay «ko wOl iwad tUa
the boles are to Urge that even an Tbey have a plcaaanl smile tor
Bqueew tbe lulca from foor lemo
nose and forehead as often toward thoee inferior to her' la Mdgl
ara >m laartag aokeol
They never seem' troubled or
expert would weep at the thought ol
aid add u with a pint of tugar U U
alkata kaao already Joined the raaka
d. their voice U tow and mna
trytog '.0 bring them into condition.
water. Yl'kM cold strain through
' She writes to bm-b only on eery spa•I HA bmd wlkketa. wtUe to oooa
LDd their asUle. be luey pretty toon: a low rocker sboBld be one ol idt every nlghl before going lo bed.
flne atratoer tou tbe can and freaae. Don! try to mend wllhoqt something
the arliries of furniture, so you can
Wben yon are going out in ibe sun rial occatloas.
' Haa«ama the kappleil M of all. It
rblch to darn. Fancy molds are or DOi. Is always sweet.
Rlea Podding Ice Creai
She never uHu dress Whs* msa s'—
dk«g da hot know It-^ amther'i hnM mptol of rice nad'dK* Into boUTbe .only trouble that rbe suii- enjoy a rest, while you enjoj ao boor jb a coaling of culd cream over tbe
for thlt purpose end may^
your favorite needle work or tinicled portion of your face and dab tlstcning
koMan. Ika amhryo home^mkar*.
found anywhere at a notion counter: ay-tempered girl has to contend with
tog nailed wi'
l>opular girls are never spllefal, sMCkaar aMtkeia aad taMer epread between napUos and but there la nothing hetu-r ibaa
la her poputorliy. Bveototie wants to enjoy a ckapler from to- gretuest of be powder on top Of II a.» quickly aa
all bdbks. And do not forget to hang
This will form a sort of veil dpm Jealous and nerer stopM
SaaMtwa. It only yoa hare qome
:dry gently. Book baK a boxful of gelTbe girl We pirtore goes out of hsf
Mto fuaBnatk* that Uar. la no awaei-^
Saxony for wool stockings Toohg men arc auracied to hqr wito- a-few pictures on tbe wall Now that Birougb wbi<h the aao cannot penshalf cupful of cold water and
to do kind things.
effort on her part, for her Chery; or utaUauhlp than that, thm todoM i

Whip a pint of and course, mercertoed'coiton lor cpiSbe Is never ilaagy, nor Ma M
please you? And girls, the most Im
veils, whirii may be dropped
T shows itoelf M plainly in
I- pm, kaa.
urn. to .kel^^.^
icuam until you can Invert It. aiuln
poriaot thing that 1 wish to impress when >-ou feet the too bat saa upon pqrmlt men to ohaff her or wax tw
Wllhto. To
the dlaaolved gelatine tow It. then ndd row of thresda In parallel to the grain aettona and young men are lUi
miliar, yet she enjoys, a Joke and Ubaa
Iliads Is to keep it clean and -onr face.
thread of the stocking. Wben the lighted with ihe checrlness and
the COM flee, well sprinkled with haU
to order. Keep all looM articles and
If you tan. as wejl as freckle, hide merp- hearted cumpantoM!' amip—. yow kapoa uM a
cupful ol pulreHxed ougar. Beat bole is completely filled In without pathy of her aatare. that they
rloTbing to their places; air your
pulled out of abape. which !• the drawn to her M once. AbU »h
llMtJy. flavor with a ttaapoonl
-ry morning: keep It so that
vmaUto aad pour tow a mold. Pack In
when your girl friends call on you to
h her aa young.
iMlt.and lee for two koou and eerre thread, taking up alternate uireada.
spend tor aliernoon you will not be
dm yw< M la
«"mM iWHhoasiMe made by melting a gtoaa- making a basket-work effocL Tbe
qamdM e( your dangbiers. Juat
(He a wetl-onowB author, "throws aahABied to take them to your room.
be ran a little back
ot Jelly, or etoe ute fresh
iliidlig aa Ika tfcrsaheU of Ula. aa
from the edge of the bole. Knots may toe light ol day OB all toe paths of There jmu can.spend an hour or so
This is Just wbai the laugfaitut and talk over suto things as all girls
mTZm aaca. motkara-B does Mt
Fralt Juice maiy be varied be naed. but they must always be ent
when nlone.—Inter-Urean
■mm so vary loaf ago. AM If the with the Bucoeaton erf tniiu tbe
away, leaving the edges perfectly girl does. An unpleaanai situation
conquered when one has the
Amtokton euUd gat a M>mpaa mu the brtogs. Unfermented grape juice, the Booth bejore tbe work Is ftolsbed.
-A Girl's IM of a Wsll-Dfwsesd CIri.’
piyMfal haarta ol their guy haired bottled ktod. U very good also tor
A tf«f In 0 garment should, as a sense to see Its humor, and laugh
girl Is not alsass.
malkirs, Iknp woeW m.t he so ready this purpoOe. and
rule, be mendetf on a piece of mawho apeDds (ho fflou on ber
da retire them wMh an eld age pen- to fill aa emergency. Whip n pint of torial. dt tbe material la too thin, uothlng so dato ibai It does not pos­
oat stuck the edges of the rent W- sess a lighter aide, had toe ability riolbes, but toe one'woo knows bow
croam ctin. and thee blend
who keeps
discover and appreclaie
very atowly a plat of fruH Juice to geiher. uslBg a very Hoe needle and
i-to in good order and wears them
re lu make oue happy than an
Oas ef Ms awaetaat tributss that
cupful of granulated a
righl«ma wksu a loved aiochm TeU has been dlaaolved. FYeeie like
Fhr daralBg a rent to material, use totog else.
Nohadsy*. U is necessary for a
uotoep.- was from a friend of tho; cream and aerva with whipped cream raveling! from the piece Of the goods.
It Is to the girl wbo laughs that
rl :o see to it that her suit, or suits.
Amuhtor. lAo ipohe of tko wondei toirtoUed with chopped angelica and
Always baste a patch before begin- lan is drawn at ull times. Be .'I
. Ihe case may b«. are always weJIis friend, sweetoean or wife be finds
W ham memortoe ake •odd cm toadied ehorriea. Stew. curranU. Blag to darn 11 It Is a woi
her aal>; and linen r-ulUrs
ty ttum life Of Ika merry. Moodly airawberries raaptorrles. plui
tsheiter to reinforce with a pai^ un­
apodess. ber lingerie waUls always
of mind and cotb-iUatlon
k^U wkase doom ware always
and airato. In order to secure the fruit derneath before darning.
ta kjtoiai yuau'da tka girt aM boy alee desired. Flavor the bottled grape
A very good plan in making Qie seems lu bare a fund of memmeol fresB and dainty, ilmugb they an
of toe finest material, her IllUe Jabots
drtaada at Ika daagbtar. She aald.
Juice with a uMsapoeatol of lime gartneqta is to stitch an extra piece and humor which drlt es •way' alt care and :le* Jauntily tied.
and lightens the heaviest burdeoa
where tte greatest wear oceu
Though she may have but one bat
without a ss-n.-e of humoi
RaapberrT-MlBL—To one quart of srat of a boy's trousers or the -elbow
for business.'or school, and one for
iMiOBadc. Add onekalf cup of raspber- of's girl's dress: tuen. when s bresk would probaMy melt Into tears li con best, she mav keep Ibe-e brut-hej
•maty K ikna were own
rlM and the leavea Tram a aprig of occurs, turn down and hem to the al­ fronted with an emergeary that had Nothing will give a girl such an nnlid>
kamea. where ao gatkrriaf was
ready prepared patch.
Chin-for tsro boars and sei
OM stockings too far gone to mend much tha: was dtoagreeable. On the took as a bat Chat has bees coHeetlng
pMU wttkmrt tbe motber. aM every ta tall gJaaMu. each of which Is garmay be made to do further service other hand.a girl who laughs would. dug Her shoes un be kept wel
0rt *M bey who cadM waa our* of Btohed with a flooUng «Prtg of-mtoi
brushed, and ghowNall toiags mni^
as she got used to tb
k» Bktilllig lyutoathy add s
Iced cellee with lenxm Is quite as de- Id the following meaner: Confblne
BOt be allowed W-fiiB down .at
uM had recovered from her first
maMIkt aM of her pieaanre to
ideut as Iced tea ■with iemw. It Is tsro pairs, cutting the feet tor
heela If she to old enough to i
md Omm tomH wouM be fewer prepared to Just the tame way. only pair from the legs of one. and cutttog ic, probably almost enjoy toe «
veil, that must be kept fresh,
kurUMoa. fewer misukes. fewer The ooltoe mast be reduced
the fret of tbe other pair off at tbe Uon by reaeon of its bumorous
weoskod Uvea, and mare of all that HB nsunl ntrenrh to «der to make U unUea. It Is a wise economy U pur­ aiblllUes. The difference between for a shabby veil gives (he face a de­
Probably you intend too. If so. weare intereited.
goea to mako tor the bldhem aad heal hdend well with, the ac'M of the tomo«. chase aeveral pairs Of stochtogs of the the two types of women, of course. cidedly unbecoming look.
We have the very best Blue Vitriol ar»cnaie of lead.
matter of gloves and bandllM
to the Uroqwf our boys aad gtria of
Into your
Greea, etc. that we can buy. You wUl not he
toe'seuae of humor wouldl gladly
panch bowl a cupful Of graaBtoted
best quality ber purse will afford. gl»
diasappolnted in results if you purchase Spraying Mat­
saanr: add tbe Juice of six leaiOBS and Laaro to On the Ptoto Thtaga Olrta make Ughi of dlttJcuUim by poking
Whan Tko Cuuar Brepe to.
until, tbe eugar meltt. Put In
The majority of young girt* «“i>w fun at berwif. while tse other would tog preference to plain hemstitched
Tko Bummor Olrt wDi eajoy kavtog
nothing Mwoi bouaekeeping. Tou aU make heeself and everyoBe else mlar pealed lemons, sliced very i
-Ike crowd’ drop la, and will want
it. girls I douY care what are erable with ae..i«4y.
leave in the Ice uaiU you are
•b amro Ugkt uluehmeMa. Beu
•iw p aumkm of qaMIy pupaud rowdy to Bto IL Add. Utoa. a doten tbe clrcutBataaees of the man
you expect or hope to marry,
—dwitom. aomt poM tuoea datoblaprays of
will make klm a better wtte tor undertoa aad a wumber of realty wmr aad|toaoL of
a minute und houri^ a height toI jba wiu BM
I MY know bnw mnay «t you huvo
M.—Buttof tbntmM to tt two or Uum bMUss at gtogor nto.



If you want quick action and t>rompt
service at all times send your orders for
Sash. Doors. Moulding. Lumber, Shin>
Bles. Lath. Shop Work, Cottage Material,

Soutb Side Lumber Co.
J. O. CROTSEB. Beedver.

Both PhoMS iS

TraverM Oly, WeB.

Your Fruit Trees


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