Grand Traverse Herald, February 02, 1909

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Grand Traverse Herald, February 02, 1909


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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. nuvciitr aTY. «iiamo

A. w. WAIT




TuesoAv. fe«wu*wv z. iw».

have since resided.
Mr. Watt at the time of hto death
bad bees a member of the board of
public woiks for ail years, aad at one


wax a Maaou. a Vt'oodman and a
Mr. Watt began Jo tall rapidly to
health after the Grand Traverse
Body and Young Mian Was
Region fair, during which time he
Brwissd Torrlbiy.
worked faithfully lu help put tbe
except tearing blm on tbe turn. HOj
ground* tn shape, at that time nut be­
Kslkasku. Mich,. :.a.
ing condition to sund the expo-vure to
Keating ig years old. was faUIUy
the Inclement weather. Although he
hurt b) being wound around a shaft
went eteadUjr dow^he bad been tonAt this point Mr. Woodman asked
atlerfiaed to tato bed but one day when be
the audience to Imagine he was a
rooD. The man's clothes were entire­
was passed away.
ly etrlpped off and hit body covered
Funeral services will be held thU
OP THE MOI«. AAEON young married otan training n farmer
boy from chlldhori op to be a man
with bnUset. He Is eridenily suBco
afternoon ai S o'cloek at the home.
among men. Very conclDclytbe epoekturn concussion of the brato.
Bffv. Demat Cncblln oldctotlng.Hri OOM warn fm- tha DmiMR of
gave tbe oesentlato In the training Pionear Contra^ and Builder Had .... r^lus will be inicrvd In OriC. a Woiw Etc
Kcnting was working near the shaft
Mrs. Halm's HmKI»-Wm Om
of a boy, many poloii being woiked
and N. C. Morgan. Beerewood. Tbe body will IU- in state fruw
and hto clothes were caught. There
• MMt Money on the Eey
tefionte' of the Heton Brick
Mambsr Board Public
out la hit own personal experience.
Ury. of the Bociely.
were only 16 inches cloarancv and bU
11 until
;%M*o WevM Nttum to the rorm
wap AEvaeatPE by «*e EptMwr
resdlng habit, which must cventusUy
Buttons Ba,. M>cb. Jan > —The
-Tnuillf 1 oi. Kr.
sld him In being able to rxpres'v buthe floor iu an uncoosnoas corib
Li^toaau cMUiiy farmers* tovtltute
reemved by Ctontaa
thoughts in public as every man
held at Suiions Bay ycalerday in eioa.
Helm Holiday Irom bto motrir
iboald be able to db so. “Early ap­ day night at S u'l-lock at his rime.'
About a mooth -ago. Kcoung kmt.a at Eugene. Ore.. eUltog that ku tethLarwon'a hall. The sUte speakers
»\‘np ooaiblDed eppMop of the SuLe peal to bhs pride. Itou't cunlinuaily corner of Wmbluaton sireet ka*
Mmen' aad TeRctien’ loMilate «u tell him the good Iblngr he ahotrid do. Doardman avenue. a(i«T a few months
Dlreeiof ot the South Havim Experi­
ticulan were gives except I
I Uat crenlDc with Biuic by but show him bow foolleh be *«)uld Illness of tuberculo.«iR of the throaL
ment StaUoB W-ilklns. -and Hon. Jason
would Stan rime with the rraalaa to
ch'a ordwatn. they
be io do the wrong Iblngs. Tra*h He was &:s-<«-cars Ud and leaves a
Woodman, of Paw Faw. The local
h ae*«ni pleasiPs aeiecUona. '
personal cleanliness and If .vou wn-1 widow and several ebildren. Miss
spea'kerw were Mrs. J J. Mxakstead
The Ent epeaker oo the progrmai him away' to ecbuol ckilhe blm will AUce. araUiant librarian at the
Tbe word of the death of hU father
and Charles Von Glshn
teU heavily opoa Mr. Helm, wbo did
If you have 10 make some eacrifli-c. Carnegie library: Arthur hklwin. M
While the aueudance was larger
I stpUoo at He to boond to rtoe up to what le ex- Vanec JuncUon. Cel- connected with
know of hto father’s Illness, ex­
than that of Iasi year, the membership
GnuMI fMYPa. He epo)iP oa the tub- petecd of him If he is well dressed.'
cept that about three weeks ago ri
to one-third amaUer.
ieet «( 'Comtry Ufe.*’
"lUke the boy self reliant by put­
had aa attack ot gall stone*, bet when
In 1810 tbe round-up will he held at
Aitfeanfh Mr. Wllkea'p rtews op ting him on a business basis whoa he
test hoard from hto parents, Mr.
.Vorihport. and several one-day Instl- FRANK TURCOTT ORGWNED I
cwoaUy life eecaied to be a UtUe pee- to 16 years old. Pay for bb BcbooUBg
Helm was touch better. He was M
tntes will also be held next yea r
iBhtla he paid ia ppppHie that be and other expcaaes. but make him
i old. and besides tbe ''widpw.
White io aiieDdance at the meeting,
did not wPBt to be cUeaed ai a earn bfs cdotbea and bU spending
tesves two children. Chartos J., M
one of the metttbnm, Jacob Schaub. ot
-knodwr." bol elnce ceruin condltbe Qnsmr-Clty Brick Machtn* earnFrocemoni. went oat and nood a'few
Uooe were tme |n sany tocaUilee he
psny. and Ur*. W. E ThoaUdM.
ilnuten on the sidewalk la front of
Right Kind of Mother.
wlibed to brtns o«t avtboda wb^by .At this (point Mr. Woodman apoke
Btartri for Seriel at B O'clock ei tbe htU. Mr. Schaub slipped on the
this eUy.
the ao ealM OYlla micht be ellml- of how esse
Ice Boat and Younger Brother
Icy walk and fell, breaking hto left ann LEFT ELK RAPIDS LATE YESTER­
esscniUI It b to a boy that his
Hto mother. Mrs. Sophia HMte. alaatPd.
Walked. OMng Alarm When
and dislocated bto sbonlder. He was
mother Is the right kind. A boy is
> snrvives. living with her aoo. WnDAY AFTERNOON.
ProB a ptaadpirfat of an Ideal mao.
They Didn't Appear.
liable to inherit her qualltlea.
Itom Helm, tbe otUy earrlvlng broth­
t folly der.aloped along all ilDe«. Therefore tn choosing a wife ho emwho reduced
er. who resides ai Bensmiia. A sister.
the ppeaker did not daap tbe farmer pbulaed the fan that ehe ondit imt
Sebaub was then taken to bto brnne.
Provemont, MIeh.. Jan. »0-»Two of He to rosUng eaally today.
Mrs. John Strickler, rewldes si BsbBe laM: **0000117 life u annaiural. be a woman wbo coold be bo^aed.
tbe students at the 8L Mary's adiool
Man to natorally a nodal being and
The officer* elected were:
"The home of the farmer boy ihoold
Presldeiit—J. G. Welas.
oondlUona on the tarn have made it be eaefa that he will not be Mbaued
Hr. Helm
been lost on tbe lake yesterday morn­
Secretory—.S'. ('. Morgan, NorthpOrt
Atopoaalhle lor him to mingle with of It, Tbe father Khoald al*o Uke
City’s most highly respected ciUsana.
ing and for poiue rime much anxiety
A large number of Onteni farmers
«thir won u be abould. He wtrks pride In ble own pereonal appearance.
having spent almost hto entire Ute
BIk Rapid*. Mich.. Jan.
was felt In ibelr btdialfattended
North•n diy. nt night atnokaa ble pipe and
thto tecallty. He was bora la Maathat when hie eon brings hU friend
I3lu)>eih Orow. ir. years old and port.
Turcott. !K years old. a xery highly «s- rlloD. Ohio, and came with hto pamte
goea to bed, only to get op and re­ borne with him. he will not be
Xoah f>ro* . her'brotlivr. H years old,
leeut>d young farmer of Mlltc
peat thla -mme thing, the next day.
Inland wbea but 11 yean oM. raaMof his father. Qive the boy
thllilreii of Mr. and Mr> Hblllp Itorw.
ship, was drow-ned la GIL Uke somo log -Id Traverse City tor nearly !•
and w OB. Narrownam beeomea a part a college conrsc If yo:i can afford It.
ubn live about two mile* north of
lime after S;:to U*i nliriit. the body year*. For a *hon ftae ihe tirily
of the Indlrldnal who alwaya eUye at If be U tbe right kind of a boy he
started alioat S o'eloeK
being recovflrri ibto morning. Tbe had rrelded at Naabrllle. Mich., comtame, he boeoiiMP faoUflndlng and will be ready to come bade to yop and
neetdent to all the more *ad a* Mr
Obrndny." lMa'.»t:nn ^ctratlon. the make good. A >t>ung man will be p«at the TeUurlde Power cumiMiiy; Harri­
Intond from that iieifc
son Martin, driver fur Adams Kvprt-vs their desltoallen b. iug St. Alarv's PRICE MUST ANSWER TO AN- Turcott Irava-* a va Idna and foair small
apenkar, laeattoned the BTerage tiar- ly bemeBtted by grange work,
Hr. Hfilm was the Uventor df 'the
company, iu this city, and Hoy Wil­ M-faool. A younger Liother. Jonepfa, 10
iiUf miui aa a'llbelWl minded man.
training he will gel will show him
Helm brick nmehlnd. ari <.ae of the
cox, wbo ia a rrvriiiiinii In :l:c High yearn old. wliiited at the same lime
diw tajrif mingling with men.
how to use bU imelleetuel powers."
aiockholdere of the Halm Brick Mnliked and got to the schtiol a:
Braadan Out.
ta closing. Mr. Woodmin said;
rhlne company, and also the Qoesa
The pppMter adroeated the farmere “Now if the boy' hn* the right kind
Mr. Wall, wbo’niis lb- ycHiu):<--t of lie- usual hour.
Latest 1s Giving Liquor to a Miner— ot purchases and leaving about S:J0 til) Brtrk Machine t'ornpany. He
Wheu Jo-I'pll dill iioi find bto etoler
baionglng to dube and gronges and Of push in blm. he will be a credit to
large family of thildirn. U the Rrst
walking aero** Elk lake Now ablle
into premiaeeee
braaden oot. *Tkta at borne auylng himself anywhere and make a man cf I go, the remaining broiht-i' : i.d ria- aiiil liroriii-r. the parents were nuilfled
week agu. lewnu weie le-ing driven indnstrlal world thrxmgta thto tea Saloon.
keep* tormer* Ebci.*- he said.
•r* being Mrs. flelaimy W«-a'cr, of liy l<!"pbuoe auii linuiediale search
aetos* the lake with salciy. the warm veuilon. the niaeblhes now aollhimself antong -meo.
hrulbBflafly. Mr. WUken outlined nurthweather ha* *0 boneyrouil>ed tbe ire ■ug all over the L'nlted State*. The
Mi»a Helen Baker of Fife Lake gave Kochford. 111.: S. K. Walt, the pioneer
oda of improrlag country life.. Re VO excellent leadlnpi which were drug man of ibi» e!iy: '.tuJWy M. Walt u'cluck aluiosi lu'mihibed wlih cold.
to very djAtgerous. »u wl
William Price, mho Is on the fir- tlialli
fiiwt machine wu put oa Ihe market
apoka of bettering tbe eorioundingt
who to Buw ill till- rildli-i*' Home. ix>s The; had berotie- iuvt OU the i<e ami cult court eaieuilsr ou a charge of |ie didn't show
at rime. Mrs. Tnr- six petre ago and atoee that time
much Biipreclated by the audience.
hsd been wandering around foi about
of tita farmer, oare in the diet and
beranie alarmed and lelephoi
burglaristng the saloon of William H
Tbe Uat speaker of the evrniu^
ibi lr suceeM ha* been marked.
five riurs.
YasUUto of hornet, a* well at bama
Elk Rapid* and .other point* about
Wright, of Kingsley, knows what it to
as Professor Barnbam. of KaUnrsand ehlckan booaea. He epoke of the
Although a veiy busy man Hr. Helm
to jump from tbe frying pan Into tbe the lake but received ucr sews <
slate piosldeni of the instilutv
tact of arery merchant trying to put
of this riiv.
fire. In the bearing before JustU-e than that her bimband had started found time for cboitb work, being
up a good front, and aiked why the
of tbe active Memhsrs M the
What Schools Do.
Ara^ Mtoald not be ai careful about
cbnrA. He was klso a mualmores
Wright had glv.-n bliu the key to the
dr. Bnraham
t»r«nam spoxe
spoke on ine
the aunyect.-------aub}eci
— -■ —•
Thto luoiuing. seanhtng parties clsn. being a member of Campbell's
saloon, and Jbat he had entered ihe
assigned to Prof. Grawn. ''Whai iPc I buelofe Wen of the city. His earl,
ent o:i( and CbsHes Anderson, who band. Abont 14 yean ago Mr. Hsua
“Half the farmen don*l know what
saloon un Sunday. Januarf Z. with lives near Kewadin. noiiced s package
Schoole Do for Oor Boys and Girls." j
hardships, but t^s
bard work to. They plod along ereiy
___.J k.—. ,____.W- —..I —f
was dir-cier of the Biivcr baod. and
Cheater Putman tond bad given Put­ on the lee Near the package waa
He to an inteirating speaker and hi* hut tempeivd blm for the tval work
day. bM do they really expend tbe »
under hi* InstrucUefl tbe baud inachweU received by thol"«*Mission Window Broken sno Casing of Door man several drinks of whisky. Putman boir aud secunag a blank-i. be cover­
iatr Ibat the average profeatlonal remarks *1
d a high otaudard.
also testified to this effect.
fartnera and teachers present.
,iFebnuly 11, lB5f, his parcuis being
Foreri But Nothing was
ed hto head and looked Into this.
•aadoear he aaked.
A. an introduction Mr. Buruhaui “^-» 'V-sK. *om« of
I'pon an order from ProMCCUlng At­ Ing the body of the uDforinnaie man
Perhaps there was uot a tuau tP the
In oohcloaion the apeaker quoted
spoke Of the two periods of life most '“e Brst pioneers, locating ut Old.Mistorney Fred H Pratt Sheriff Frank L. lying or. the bottom.
who hned to get pear to M-;
«he man aa aay^ that an all nmnd
The M.
N. E. ticket office
Sbtiter made complaint against Price.
Securing a potato book. Mr. Auder- luio any more ibaa did Ur. Halm.
anff mwt derelop his heart, hie band inlcrriUng to him, yonUi and old
burgcharging him with giving and deliver­
It was bto 'great delight le go «ut Uto
hB& hia head, aid he eald the ideal age. 'They are both BHed with mys-l'*”**"
Ur* were dlsappoinlPd tn their hope ing liquor to a minor, and Price ap­
tcrlce, although the lauer." he sald.;®"‘*''*‘^
water being only five or kix feet deep tbe forests on hantli^ trips, aad whm
farmer matt do llkewtoe.
find iuancy as this article to never
peared before Justice Curtl* today for nnd tcuk It to Kew-adln. . where ll press of botlncbs toierfersd with
Tb^'oreheatra favored with another "to more comi)ll«-ated. Tooth to orig-l eWhen a lad. he aliendcd the publlr left in ihe olflcf'over nighL
Inal. Ton never know what It will do uchooto. and when about 18 years ot
an examination on that charge. He awaits the arrival of the coronet. The these trips, hto dtoappolPtscBt was
adectlan at thU time.
The culprit or
i-ntered was bound ovcc^^io the Circuit c
next. When an old man speak* b<- ex- age taught school, being engaged In
hod}- was found at 10 o'^k.
thiough a window on the north side
-A Mae Among Men.**
the sum of fk'iKi hail, which he
preaCes Ideaa obtained through years (kat profession for two yearn.
The day before Chrtelma* Mr. Holm
> one wltnc»<<rd the accident, but
“A Man Among Men.** was the anb of oipericlice."
iUien took up the canH-iitei'S trucie. of the buildiug. The window was
was unable to furnish, and will keep
iwt of aa addrete giren by Hon. Jap~.*iuiueq that in the dnrknre* aecompanlcd by bto wife snd Mr bud
Taking up the tuhjmn of what the;and In ISTO onicred into i<artucrahlp ed aud one of the pane* ws* broken. rvmpany with blnisi-lf at tbe tell
Mis. Tbompmtn. left for SB ex'eriri
aon Woodman, of Paw paw. At the school does for boy* and girls t!,c »Hk M. B. We*i. iiud.-r the firm name The casing of the loor Into tbe ticket the two charges, awaiimg trial In Cir- :b> bP ; m-d iblo thto rile ^sd was
trip through the west, locnting si Bnweaker wbo oine later Im tl
offlee was broken aud Utc door forced
ebte to g<fi o It.
apeaker said II had two sorvires to of Wtwt A Wait, tontra.lura
gv nr. Ore. where Mr. snd Mr*. Dell
1 It. Mr. Woodina
llder*. and fur
years the firm did
render 1 every boy and girl, a
raring Is madc
Squire* were en>>yl«g «>• winim
la «e aa a teacher and hit practical
Traverse I'ily grade while pine, ,
I public service.
The trip wa* ms..le for the benefit of
experience lends atrength to
"By a personal senrko, I Im at," riHI.-n hiving a big buildtiig boon., ns*
Mri.. Ileloi'k health, sbe having beo
thoughta He has spent Ms whole Itic imlg, “a pervonal consciousness of ‘ tfsident* loratins bert- nlio d'''lr<-(l
'6 o'clock ibir- morning when station
V.'ift of T.'smaa Bnudreau Pmm In rather poor health, snd her hus­
OB a farm aad can readily see why
hlmsolf and hto own nterlis. The homes of their own. Many of the agent Jenks went to the office. There
Away At it e Homs of H*r
band believed me irlp would reettperilfnnner abould be and can he a man school fonnnlatas and organtoe* tbe building* of the , ity Ibai were But
OawgHtcr. :*ra. Newberry.
her Io a large egteaL r
rtf the rbild
child and order grows
nrows Into,
Into ■' that time were ererfed by thl
thto fli
life «
Aboaf three weeks, ago Mr. Helm
-A man Hying to a eonatry heme Into his life. It also aroune* him to
After the dtssolulion of the partUrs.'.^sxbel r-jud:t-xu.
wife o
ahoald have the same broad geuenil action and gives him a litile falser n'-rsblp Mr. Wnil rontJoued m busiwas taken with an attack «( gall
Tbom* [loudreau. par.xed away Frida;
knowledge that n man In thaetty hni. gear, so to speak." Right here the neu. this being in
slopes, but hto frispte believed that
lie aontin
morning at Ui:jn a( tbe home of her
he ahonld have as moch edncatlea. spMker brought out tbe fact that so ced to hive marked Micee:s. remaln- Traveres City G>r| to Editor-In-Chief Worked On Machine Many Ysar* But
ib« attaefc would teure no ill isaaltei.
daughter. Mrs Emma Newberry.
Was Caught At Last—Family
the earn aBtoBal of gray mailer In luch depends npon the .life ot the ing In insi Hue nniil isiei. when be
t . hating teen subject to them.
of the Annual Published by
Has Bod Luck.
Ml brain aad tost of all he should teacher* and their cpthuBUsm.
Akiev Hall.
reHred from the bnsine::* of eoniractperitoaltlB. Sbe wss 63 years old snd
be ta manner and perrenal bearing
"■nie school also enamors l-hc tUlld.jlng, and rini-e that lime had superln
leaves three children, Mr* Newberry.
E genUamnn who to capable of ming- getntbero in love with the beet thing*,'fried the lotthinuiiun of bnildingi.
Miss Gertrude Atwell, daughter of
Wb.:<- working on a bolting ms Mist aUrgare' Boudreau sad Eum
UtK with men.J
to life."
I Hto long exfx'nence as a tootrartor the Rev. C D. Atwell, rector of Grace chine In the -’btngle mill at Honor Sat Boudreau. Two brother* also sarviTe.
On 'rhrashhMd.
Soeak.ns of the second point *,r “<• Guilder made hln^ particularly Vffl- chnrch. wbo is attending school at nrdaj nighL Jeose IlolUner. of this residing at her oM rime to Montreal.
e at the
had his left hand eonght tn the Canada.
of these the public service that a school reh» •uperintendent. and
Undsitsker M Hanar, Mr. L«a •
hgjtered by being elected edl'or-ln m»rblR>-. romplrtelr severing the
of the best batIdIncR in the city
and the toi
dcr* a 'joy, Mr. I
Mr*. Bondrmn had been a resMent
put up uuder bis -iipi n Uioa. At
.... We bare _______
chief of in'- Akley annual. Miss .It third finger and mangling the oihert
reached "A public sen lee <
these srr the First t nogregallonal well wt;i also have charge of all lh>- He was attended by a pbyslcton. and of Ibis city for about Zl yearn, aad
the' Umk of ntohla laris. Onr lands
cbnrch. the remodeling of the extrrTor lilpsirarions^ln the annaal Tleing a then rrinrned rim^ on the evening bad been a life long member of tbe
r. and la M yeara
Jaa. 30.—8. C Lae
Catholic church.
^ ' banco oor popqiatkm will be doubled. four or five thing* that most be apait of the Haniuih « I,ay 'McrcanlHe com graduate of' tbe local High school, train.
wbo baa been engaged la the under*Ibeoe peirie mtut Uve and oat and It of the life of the child. He most be pany's store, and at Uic time of hto rhe to a senior at Akh-y and will com­
Mr Hulti.sler. who to setting along
taking bnkineaa to thto city for the
plete her ronnp to a year.
la op to ^ termer to provide the
In yeai*. has worked many v-eors
ten four yean, has Md out hi* toterbis dally work, or lodoe- death be was ssperintendliig the
bolting mxcblnes. and thto to.the Aral
e«is to B. O. Bennett of Baglnaw. Mr.
iJlal service, to the rime circle or the strnctlon of the Pint Natkmai bank
acd^nt he ha* ever experienced.
Bennett taking
**Tha man wbo to capable of making social service, to tbe ■schnel life or bafldlag.
Ikaae tends ricker. la the eduee.ied
In lS>f Ur. Wait operated a |dan' Many 'Ssw the Whitley Fertiliger;
Mr. Bennett was fonaeHy oonuccted
ntkmal service, to the political
IU luck seem* to pursue the Hol­
10 Being ChossfL
with the undettukiag bmtoem iu Sag­
l thta_ We life. poliUcal aerrice, and last bat Ding mill, hot after a few years he
Sprwsder Monday.
lister famUy.
In September Mrs
can't afford to leave theee problei
inaw and to abupdanily cxpertenced
W. N. \S"niiely. of Springfield. Ohio, Molltoter fell off Ihe steps of her home
not least to bis duty to God. or bU gave up UiU buriness. and again en­
gaged in the work of '.milder and con­ to In the city to the taterests of :be on Klmwood av.-nne white carrying
to tha btoc^hcoda.** The apeaker qooiThere will be a Grand Tnvrrne H» tbit be will uadonMeAly be sacad a piofeaaor as saying that the tertractor.
Whiteir machine, a new machine used out a tub oC water, fracturing her Region fair on September 7. 8, 9 and creaful bete.
mars mast sari tlietr bright hoys to child If to be an all round Clttun.
With the departure of Mr. Lee. tri
On' iSeeemoer. SI. ISTi*. in Leslie. for spreading ferilUser over field*. Mr. ankle. Since that time sbe ris been 10. l!te».
coOage and iaav« the bloekheadt at Bfuides maklag the cbild Vespond to Ingham county. Mr. Walt was nnlied WhiteJy made a very snecessfnl dem- confined to her bed most of tbe time,
1: was ao derided ai a meeting oC business mea aad Maooas of Honor
boow^to work the farm. Ur. Woodman tbe*e dve services, he should hsve in marriage to Mr*. Alice M. Haael- emstratioa of tbe machine thU morn­ and to vtBI naable to walk. sitUng in tbe directors of the fair asuoriatlon lore a genuine hustler, tme who had
took oxoapuao to tkia and aatd be
un. whom he tMought at once to thto ing on '.he city market site, a number n chair cimost all day. Tbe accMent Friday arteraoon at the court bouae. the emeem and respect of aR. He win
Hwoght the Moefchead better be
city, and the young cpnple sained np of tbe ristneas men of this city waUk- which now to.v* Mr. HtUlintsr up. te the dlreetora roUng naanlmously apoa go to hU old heme la Birmingham and
to eriece or to town, -or tnywheio
the date.
>Okceplri“ln the home.where Uey lug the ma^toe work.
'mremel/ nnfortiinaie.
(CoaUnned on page three.)
engage to the real estate baaiaeaa.

^AwTAkoNG tar


"rt.'^'rS'.r.rsiYouNGEST of famiiy















rnrosc atj State Hart

L That ta i
bare the awtfl
■aa la to u."
a Yoar.
H04 Hi
H atkted that i
Mra. Johnaoa
3S yaara old. had been narried aichi
yeari. and hod aUo baea teacblns
•eheol eWbt ycora. -I am a leoad
taaOar." aba aaM.
will aay that
:lve^ %SJS9JW; vcatan.
for myaatt The Bwrpblne baa aeret
Uywlo^ il fcjJg;
A.J. Mayaard.
• -• - arlth my mcbool work. * tL£SH7.€0:
.A. J. Havtlaad. AkiL
ifi qi:«r*er grain
uis w-rt:
ubleie erery monHas before brrakPROVlEiONh.
“Wbao yoa hare aalaet^ the aaad fast, bat OB Saturdays and
------H .
Chicago. Jan. 9!.—Prariskms opeobecause I am doing imh
com taka care of It immediatelr. Keep
cd tWe higher to T^fcc lower.
U from the froat Haas It np and heap las. i anppow. li baa been the c
Of alotoM aeparatlog
. my fioFbaad___
Pork—Janucry. tlC-»T%:
klag II about a yoar Uay. 917A0; Joly. 91T.2:!b61T-3(.
•If. 1 be«aa laki
Mr. Ball nrimd the Mraara to leal ago. ify bosband bad setetie rbenaatheir aood cora ia the apriag before UaiB. and the lioetor gave U to him. I Urd-JanimiT. ffi.CS: Uay. $9.Sd;
mnefa nigbu I be 3idr, 9990. lUbs—January. 9Uv; JUT
|„j «» am> oo aa « 2BH«reid ,caa to take it to palet my nerN-e*
and the babi: grew. I can nay ibougb
(hat I am irrlng to break layyt^f of
'roo. you bare loat one leath of your Ibe hatdt. arWI ncllerp I can succeed
R«p<M at the •ocratery 8ho«ad That
„ I nm aw taking a» much now as I did
Kew York. Jan. 99.—Poultry- JUirc/
Tha Boelaty Had One cant in the
,est yoar comr aaM Mr. Hult At Ihia a while ago. I nerer took a Ibtng ibai dnll; western chicliena, ISlic; (owls.
did not beloRg to me anui ala meoths
fl( Itanft 1. icnTfaaaarT. » •"ereaaa Ower
turkeys. 196 ISc; dressed, dsll xioee vou of its great mcriL
point Mr. Hall warned the Imrmm CO. but they bare always been illTbe* m3d and immediate e9cct
Loot Yoar.
certera cbIcheBs. iSOSlc; (owfe. IS
aC aendlas ouUMe for aaad and ex- p ibingp."
To a Heeord reporter XIrs. JohnMm OllHi: tojkeys. l»OBc.
F>ld.y. Baeord.
T VorS-aTu^rarTS:
stands tee hig^betttuse im
' "
me eeaaioa of the Stale Farmer«arc not Alwaya farombte to the nut I t
ly thla. I __
ban-e never UkTO ORGANIZE. .
money that did a« '
ling wai called
Btdlslie. Jan. SO.—A meellag of fruit
long .0 me. altbougb I1 have bad
. .
aoeda medidae yoo
growers and others iniermted sritl be sbould have
the farm­ of opp.wtunities to do no. If this
ers In the aelectlon of their aaad %ara becomes known I believe 1 srttl put held in (he court house in BelUire ou
myself out of the way."
lijMi who attended it raealTad ms^ farmera’ work..
Pridsy. Peb. IS. for the purpose ol
for the coinli« year.
, When Mrs. Johnson was told that
______ from Iba Tartooi Bawkma.
Tba fliwt apaaker • I tba program
It was already known, that questions forming a fndt brokers' association
♦harawaraaaumberof rwyMWdpar wu «. F. Hill, of DUmondale.
were oa every for the development of the valley as
The report of the eommittaa oa about her trouble
para and addiaaaai aad tbaae Maas
u axoalleot talk upon tba tabnommatkins was made by the dtaU^ tongue, she was frantic, yet still bad frail producing region.
you have kidnei
hope that abe could k
•xpooBdad wiU BBdoabiedly be arrtad Wof “Building Up a Dairy Hard."
At the same time and place i' i» exoanl- known In her sebert
u trouble meatiea tete paper
I “The arat thing to be oonaldeiod ia
pwted that an anxlltary asaocUlion
WTittag to Dr. Eilnwr & Ce..
BKMI^ voted to ba adoptad.
It hM hoea
oat “two baada the kind of a dairy herd y^a bare. U
smtcm.H. V. DouT make any miawin be formed by the women to be
The toUowlng are the oflcers
To Be Happy
•xa hatter »<>*« oaa.“ That thla la me *
expect to make dairying a tooYou tiled the Hortlctthure society or Out­
(or the coming year for the coonty Too must have good bealcb.
la gnmna ia many laataacea. The pby-|
uM the apoakerv "Soma aer
iBsUtnte aodety:
.. „ in tdaee
Is cut doing Hf duty—slow bat sure
MMaa wbaa ba eaea that a crtsla U at
Picsident—F. M. Hammond. Trar- polsoninE is going on all tfae time beantllylng with trees and sbrahs of you do you'wiu be d
homes and roadways of Ibe see­
under sud> conditions. Dr. Herrick's the b
ea City.
Becrolary-ireaaurer—*. O. Imdd. SttgarK'oated PUIs make a perfectly tton.
'ihy liver, keep the aiomach and
vaiiey lies In t
Trararsa Ctty.
•Is right, aad act as a tonic for east ertiter of Antrim county alone
afUr baaa Htl aadoae. Ofleo Umea,
One or more vice pres!
the entire system.
tbrna mpwmtVrnt of oae or mo^
the ahores of what is known aj
each township as follows;
Ash for a free sample.
doctor!, BO mattar bow sktltfol a pracBold by S. A Walt A Sons asd E. B. Intermediate chain of lakes, ont
Acme-^. W. Hanna.
UUoanr la la ^arga of tba case, raMUIer.
the famons Inland rontes of the noribBlair—b. M. Hamlin.
patt te good tad the paUaat recalvea
resoit region and extending
Bast Bay—O. B. Alnsley.
tba baneftt. It's tba aa»a way with
BUswortb. near the Cbarlerolx counFife Imko—U Baker.
tbaaa lhatttntaa. Tba sute tends out
ilne sosth to aKIkaska eouniy.
Orant—B. B. CbamploB.
eipeits along certain llnaa asd iheM
Oar«eId-C. M. BaMl and Florence
There is a considerable qnanUty of
acted These Who frail grown In ibe valley now asd
axperb eonter with the fanBera. Each
caa rooHraa ideas, the farmer from
FOR EALE-On account of poor
many young orchards are growing or
<lreen Labe kabE Anders
heallb. rooming house, centrally
the expert aad the expert erften Umea
;mplated for the near future. But
Umg Uka^ A Soryea.
C-MllUag Co. ..
located. 13 furntabed roomc steam
(rom the Ormer and theae. Ideas are
The foUowlDg comtmttees
few of tee toEmers, however, are mak­
MaylaM-m A Qtbba.
brat batbs. elertri’; ligbu ss-1 gaa
Friday afternoon
spread about Ue region. teralUng in
aPradlaa—O. C. Bpaoldlng aad Byy pointed
ItOO. Mrs, M .U iijruh. Tiavenw
bodid of directors uC ibe Grand TravggMA«l lamcoreamot.
aiy. Mite.. 23$ Bust F.vrt 81.
which It is thought tee location, son
Ciiteens Pbone 2>0.
Jan. 5d*
VbsiUag todoy Is sot a bap banrd
sad climatic eondltlOBt warrant
Paaiaiala—K. J. onmare and A J.
bMtessa. It baa bam rrdiieed to an
•anet sdeoea. Ibe idws of M yaare
nnkm—A. T. Claric.
to comimttee
aga ate Jaat M obableta as the clothes
tVbUewater^H. 8. Sandeil. D. J. ireminm list—George
Of that pmiod and new ideas bare
X Ladd aad Edwin Bl___
nifioopd Uk old to great extent. As
Auditing commitiee—Tbos. H. Sher
Program committee—W.
man. J. B. Brown. W. H. Cmlor.
(hi- probate office b
UM termer ieeras. bla
and wife. & E. Cbampkm. Oteir^ L.
Finance committee—Samuel Gar­
erse City In said county, on tee ISUi
-ffr-^r~. bMter ec^tooU are prorldad
land. H. S. Hull. Tbos. T. Bates. XI. 6.
day of January K a 1#».
bla dJldrei bare
Comlmttee on corn eAtWl-eOavId
>ot Uie care of their herd and of
}>re>>eot. Itoa. Fred R. Wrtker, Sadge
'cMDse they dont bare a good herd,
late M haU a oantury ago.
In Ibe nisucr of tee eatate of Rosa
gome wend a great amount * care
•etere You Ort OotiWod Up
^ InaUtute baa bad a hand In all
tbse 6ay iMltmg
Hana. mloor.
With cramps, cholera morbus or
bu( If the herd u not the righted.
ai this of GOUfse and the laatitute H
B. O. Ladd reported oa the com­ ideurUy. get a bottle of Renne's PainJulia Cbappel having filed in nah!
I the time win be wasted.
Killing on. It always gives Inaunt
court ber petition, praying for license
eM of the fketera of a farmers' UIc
I -men first of all in getting a good mittee on one day Inatltutea and
....He to sell at private sale the tatereat ot
PoUtocs, per bushel ...
lief. U Is uneqaaled as a paln-kilthat has to be reekooed sUUl U aU
that two days’ tnultme
■aid estate Ic^ certala real estoto
Rheumatlsm. neuralgia, sprains
. mmUEi
No. 1 Mink, aa high aa .
d all such aches and jiains sre
No 1 r

at ----high as .
M» «D teMe iDStUutea. it would be
quickly routed when you apply Renne's
U is ordered. That the Illb-day Of
Piln-Kining Oil. Bo sure to got the
bWHr isr tbs trades.
February A. I>. IHOu. m ten o'clock la
brtM to. 11 matters not lio much what, great auccess. The
-nutee. Price 20c. 00c aad $1.00 per
Oia lon-iioon. at eald prohdlb office, bo
your Meal breed Is K you stick tt it od and ^oplcd.
and is hereliy appointed (or bearing
and give It the best (^cNsIhie care,
Ac araeton ot the Grand Trav1 Banaer. as uiao .....................nerCFted In said iwtair appear before
WW'eSsh. o« lb........... :....mfce
have better mootaa with the report of last year's finances. He reape Jbegloa Fair *e«oc!flfloB hnv- Jorwy. Foiop wii;i the Hok'elii and lMir:«d the yenr rloilnr with
Mesi Precueta.
teite 1
show cause why a
ir.-u'-i.r;-, a iH'l-.'ibau
a»e wisely in early s«-mng ibr dauv* others »-iih whcf goad Uiilry breeds,
ear 111
lnU.Ti'st of mid c-Hlale In mid real
I Hourii
«r Ihfe hig exposiUon ot next yeir. bnl obooac the one that snits yoo!'««
e::'nle blKisId not be grairled
The toul
It la further orQi-red. Tlut puMle
M PBMmafUl telr requlres.Umc to pre- beat. By all means don't try te mix
iioHr- tlv-renl l>c given liv imUlcatioO
fyiWwtOmqtsatable uae. t» ex­
Two kmds <jf coke were itie whole
onlc r. f«>r Ibtec
it EMUite ettaot reacb (be magnitode Ily. quantity and color of milk com"P expenses and enable thing at the cliy scale house Saiur■Sa. 1
^ «Mdd be rapreaentaUre of ibe blued, tor the-elMinces are you
So. 2 cured bides.
da.v. ll Is pretiy cold today to baul piaib^^rbr^-^V:
' Hob. It was wtM alae to make these
The foport was accepted sad adopt­
groen hides............................tota.
poiaioes. too, ao siiotbcr Hgbi day Is txtln of Pork, pei
_Ma ediVer tbaa last year as the
'The aeeond point noted In
Pork aansage.
NO. * grcxui hide............................ tV
Waatbur ta the irat part ot Beptember building up your own herd” said Hr.
Tio?T^bW'--"919rt calfskins, per^
Eggs and butter arc still scarce and Short
I ^aaany tawe antUod tbaa ta the Hull, 1s tor every man to know what
high. The Equity market Is selling
pork' ^r ta
EUr part.
Ut herd' U worth.eggs for 30 cents, ail the others for Sliced bsm
New that the tetra have .been Mt '"A man can't aSord art to koow
Sliced ham
' TATE OF MICUIGAN. tWb PBO■ad U 19 aagurad that the rogloa wni what his herd is doing (or him.
per lb. from.............. HOlla
* liate court tor tee cunnty of Oraad
have aaottw fair, evbryum should bust weigh the feed, st IntervaU. then
No. 1 Skunk, aa high aa...............9141
Old rubber boou aad aboan, p«
hagta to gat nady now. One «( tbe> take an average, weigh tbe mOk every
DolcalL Feb. 1—Wheat-Cb
In ilic mattc-r of tbe estate of Caleb
nort beneficial eSeeU of a fair is the ten days or at least once a month and
Bennett, deceased.
91.09: corn. 63Kc; rtu. S3Ue.
hartthy apirtt of emulation aad rtral- take an average and then test
.Voilcc Is hereby gtvua'that four
Chicago. Feb. 1.—Wheat—Close—
months troai the lltb day of January
rf teat ft craatad.. every exhibitor nat- milk at least three times a year. Know.,
91.09H: corn, CSHCHc; <»■«.
A. D. IV09. bave been allowud (or .
Butter, eceamery.^^ lb............ • ._.«9«
nally being deatious of raaklng as at the end of the year what your herd
and Other Advice.
creditors to present teuir Malms
■bed ff art better, showing than Us Is worth and get rid of those cows
luM mid -deceadod to said court
RMEbbnr. and ter' that rvasoa, tbe wbicb are not paying yon."
Now Isikbe time wben the docicr
examtoatloa and adjuatment. and
New York. Jan. 30.—Bggss-Fsno',
gels busy, and the patent medldne
that all credliore Ofaaid deoaaeed are
itelua l«t* the beaelL Tbit rivalry
Continuing. Mr. Hub aald. “After manufacturers reap the harveet. un­ ,fli:i” prices unchanged; receipts S.required
to pr««mY tbolr daJms to
c ' aaaat bettor eon. better vegetables in are Mtltfied wbal costs are tbe less great care is taken to dresa ;CC3. Cheese—Steady and unchanged
said court, at the probate office. IB
*7 aad better potatoes and high etand- besL safe the brtfere from tbeM
rocelp'.s. 8S3; weekly exports. 1.710
the city of Traverse aty In saM oarntf
ard «npa bring eradlt to the antite COSTS. Next In importance or In tact
It cleanses, souOies.
ly. on or before the 14tb day at May
boxes. Bgfta—Excited and higher; rettrlty. who says teat RheunUtlstu
bmls aad protects ______________
A. U. 1»». and that mid claims srtll
oie.sargerine^ ^
more depends npon tbe
d Kidney trouble weather Is here, ceipu. 3,456; state. Pennsylvania aud
the disesMd mem.
be heard by said court on Friday tho
Va an eertata that next year’s fair Sira of tbe herd. Be sure the sire Is
lawoe rouilLtiiB-frani OaUirh nd drives Hto day of May A. D. IM». at Icn
d also tells wbat to do te case
of nearby fancy, selected white. 38c
«a ha maeh larger ta every way purely bred. Going further be
BWav aCoht inxhc Head quickly. Uertores o'clock In (hi- forenoon.
fsir and choice. 3oe36c;
tee aensaoTTs-ie and SmelL FuU riu
Dated January nth A. D. 1»9».
ten tea caa Int pear. A bagtantag tbe Bire besides being well bred, had
flrsas. 30c; seconds. 34C34>4c.
ctsk at_i-oagius
Droafii-ns' or by^mail^ Liquid
ir. H................. ..............
hn te ba «ada Art laA year wac the the abmty te .de nomething. ^the
Chicago, Jan. 30.—Cheese—Firm
Qnmm Balts for u<s ii
Judge of Probate.
buliBlaE. U van simpty aa expert- dam la a good cow and tbe sire purely Dandelion, one ounce Compound Kar- dairies. 16c; twins. 14tH<«c; young Hundredweight, corn meal.......... 81.45 By Bioteess. S6 W<
Bfkreet. New York. Jan. 13-19-29-Feb 2-9
.Midditegs. per 100 lbs................'.
gon. three onnees Compound Syrup
brad, the heifer from ibU mating may SarsapariUa. Mix b;- sbaking In a boi- Americas. ISHDlOc. Butter—Steady
ed tea teat that wo caa have a fair not be what you expect to get The Ue and lake
' ' '
4es, 33D*8c: dairies. 21©20c.
aad B tee woateer gives s* a eta
Eggs—Strong; firsU, 3Sc.
laws of reversion and variation ewne and
a aaeeaartultelrtapatat o< altcadaaco In often
change «bi»gs matertalat vaB ae cahlMta.
Firm; prims ic higher; extra wettly.If your back acl
no dte« ha^ taca oat, «e agata ^In coBcluioa. Ur. Hull said.
Wn creamery. Sic; do nearby prints.
the kidneys are noi acting Jtat rfgl
ate teat asarjrbudj aboold at uace 4e- ^ get your sr^ bred beUeis eontta- This it said w be a splendid khln . C5c. Eggs—Firm; Ic higher: Fennsyltea te plaa tor tea INI telr. ' ' oe to keep account of ibeir coat aad regulator, and almost certain remedy vanla and other nearby firsts, free
for all toms of Rheumattem. which
aee U they are np to standard,
tbe kidneys toll to filler out. Any one cases, 34c at mark; do correnl re•UCH A LAW NEEDED.
sUy prepare this at'
ceipU iu returnable cases,
mtaas know what yoor dally herd
• Ban of Berrien c
mark: western firsu. free eases, S4e
>ts yon aad wbat It te brtagtag U small cost
DruggteU tn this town and ricteity. at mark: do eurreal reeeipta. tree
ty tea totearfMed a bUt ta the bouse return," be said.
teat would affect tbe navtgatton ot laeases. 33933e. Cbaese—Firm: fair
The popularity of Voigt’s Cresem Flour among housewirw ii ^ot due eo* I
1 Had lakes. Aa coadlUons exist now.
I, led by C. If. _ . .
. or. if our readers prefer, maad; New Tork full creams, choice
tirely to the popular price, nor to any one of iu good qualities. It’s due to tbe j
L tewo are no rettrictkas ta regard te
1 at length «p- ^^wlll compouad tbe mtxtarc tor I449<ri4%c: do totr to good. 13H9
fact that every tack of flour labeled Voigt's Creseot is all floor and mighty good
fmtt dotag paaaoager businet. on the on (bo subject ot bolldlng up a dairy
sraters not under government control herd. He cmphaalaed the Importance
aad It Is DM neoesaary to carry a
of ’heredity government and care of
It’s because it caa be depended upoo to produce the rigbt kind of bread*
Chtaago. Jaa. 30.—Cattk—Receipt*
ceased crew or life praserters.
stock In bettering the dairy betd.
estimated at 109; aiarket Mcudy
Thla bn would pravMe tor aa e
tNScoits and pastry at tbe right time.
He alsa gave sutteUca obtained Dom
Uatem aad lieeaatag of tbe eaglaeer tbe locnl asylum Hotetehi herd.
Willlamsourg. Mich., Feb. L—K. beeves. 9LS9D7; Texans. 944595
It makes a womao sure of ber judgmeot io buying aad sure of ber skill In
oM comamndee. the earryteg or life
Eugene Hill has sold ort hte grocery western. 934595.60; atoekers ant
FrelMf Raton.
bakiog. And it makes ber oeigbbors pretty sure of bearing about tbe good ;
baste, lifo praaervera. soluble Ugbts.
Tbe subject of excesdve freight bnalncM at Angel and aa the build­ foeders. 83.2095.40; cows and heifers.
qualities, for the good housewife knows there’s plenty for alL
tea., la ewsau where the beats ennled rates was gcnerallr discussed. The ing was sold too, he baa rented T. J. 8I.8SeS.G0; galveu. 95.5098. Hogs—
gateeagars aad te ease at stMm'vea- fsrmers were urged to look Into Uite Conklin's house here and win
Recelpu. estimated at 4400; market
10c to iSc higher; light, 954096.40;
>«SlR *tedd provide tor an taspecUon matter and presedt thU subject to in next week.
te tee bti^ A Fbrthensiw* thote te rallroed attSorities. The lack of prop­
Behoet dosed Thursday for a two
dteage e( tee bead sroeld be eomprtled er tocimies for shipping perishable days' vacation, te order teat tee leach. te tawo a tePWtadr or tee -rrtes of frail and vegetables was also dteml^tauend the teartwn' tastitea toad."
cuased. Until tee Michlgaa fanaer has tote at Traverse City. Quite a aninber
rrhs Fleur Evmybady Ukm.Tte bOUm teat tela Wn eboold pass better treiitet raiM and-can
from here alao aUended tee tormaru'



t “saairsrr


:iMl«ml. CM* a ihodt talk apaa
» aelactloo aM oara ol aaa« «er«.
-mere are nan|r AUS^IUaa la aateetiac aaad com.- aaid U»a /peaker.
-Svaiy GMar Iwnra battar ^lAt
jkla4 Of aaad cora la beat adai«a4 la
jfcia oarn UcMI. but arbaa It la
leeied In *he «*M. let It

___ -Ka,






aa.- p> a- uiAeMS-rT

"'n. Js:.':srsL,...«





KSb'Sf.b’" “....





Eli'i Cnn Bila

Growing Demand for Good

ME tert ante a law would be a aafe- with Wteeonsln and other cutes, tee institute.
Mted te tee teaoiiaii who eete
Tbe Rev. Je«e Boage. of AMmi. la
tutaen can art get what their proEaea la worth.
here again tUs week aastottag tee,
Rev. br ^elwta to tee lertTal. BmM;|

I nmkiM. ot Bear Lake, with


Fur Bala by J^imaaa Prat Ca.




lAv, rtMUAmr i. im.
•blight wW«* h»» tmir existed the pMt Eetttem aptte of the feeling of.em■Ixyetmlnweatm work. The a»eek- barramnent he experienced lirf being
uld ft Uiofooih eprerleg with bof- called npoa to try to fill Mr. Qrawa's
drxttx wlxtttre were Med H woeld xb- pUce. and the aympaihy he had for
eoiutelf un the xpofM of the bll^t. Is asdIeMe as well as tor himseU.
This effects the pUnts nBMElr ta Sep­
Althoagh a Travetas' City nuditember. Sprartn* three or foor Ui
always weleomes the fate of Mr.
about 14 dan «PVt- wlU be satBeicat. Orawn. those who attended the insU-Tm___f
“Wbeo ____
nm >.<11
kill wn»t>t
bHfbt Mil
you Mil
fcUl tllA
the tute yesterday weie not obliged to
rot, for K blight Is exterttlaaied there go away dlsappoUted. as Mr. KetehwUl he very UtUejwt Formaltp is not em ta a speaker who holds bis
vbidi has Its advantages rare by bis pleasing persoaalfty and
over corrosive suWImsie. whltt
by fait utmost sarnestaess. He wan
although the former “has the same thoronghly ellve to bta subject
left some good thing* for the leaebers
qualities of flestroyiag germs.”
Mr. Woodman said -be would not and famen* as well to cinr bMne
acMB the kniing of potato bugs, as with then.
the farmers of sontbern Michigan are
The sohject of Mr. Ketebuii-a Ulk
ironbiMl aith potato bugs on tate was. -Agrlfultnre
the. Rural
Shoots.” the reasons why ft sbould
The orchestra tP'orm with another bo ungbl and then bow to teai-h It.
Reasons for Teaching H.
Robert aBroey led a lively (itseasThe speaker gave tour good reasons
slon OB the prevention of these for teaching agriculture to the boys
■C .''S 'N/Cfi GRAuc- Quauty.
blittts. He exhibited a spraying sp- and girls in the rural wchools. and
aratw that he has tised very sucemts- elaborated on each point. -Flrsi. it
should be Uoghl becnose it ta a acifully.
Here Mr. Ketchem spoke of
Id (ve diaranloD Mr. Woodman
urged the use of aneDSte of lead In- the fsmiliarlty of the farniers of to­
siead of Paris green foy spraying po- day with scientlBc terms which only
UIOM; about S pounds to lOO gallons laughed at. Now they admit
of water. If Parts green 1* used, he a few year* ago the>brings about a condition that the.
reco^Bi^ded the use of Uwe water ing Is a science.
Umen of Nortbem Michigan do not
Following this Mr. Woodman led in
mixed wlth'Parii green, for two
The second reason for studying ii
have to meet, that oi seed becoming a discussion on this subject and sev­
is that there is a tendency to profe*on*, flrtt It sets (he green and
over-healed. Seed must be fresh If eral problems srere made clear.
rents rain from taking ll off and|S!0Dize every line of business and
(Coatlnned from Page 1.)
It Is expected to grow."
Eaaentlsis For Stieces in Spraying.
•■icuUure can be made i
dignity of sknied tabor,, of self help
The next on the program was F. Ar second. It nentranuzes the green and.
and the Meal .#f poh»e service.”
d the best seeff. He Wllkina. of South Hareo. who apoke prevepls burning the vines, as it does because It Is scientific knowledge.
what he o
The third reason given woe that
1^ dosing. Mr. Dniihan said. -Tl|f prefers small poutoes planted srfaole A "EsseotlBli for Success In Sprayyouth children have sn aptitude (or
supreme good habtt of the achool U to the larger ones, split bslt In two. al- ins." As the time was limited 'M^ '^nicbt'B program will be.:
getting and having a good leaaon and tbongh if these are used., he recom- Wilkl
7:00 Music by pupils of Traverse finding mu how to do things.
tins ooly briefly outlined what he
The fourth reason was that it. devel­
in liie in other words the haWt of sne- mende splitting them at the aeed end. considered the-essentials to be noted City schools.
ops a greeter liood between parents
MSS In all things.”
Recliatlon—Mrs. A. Gardner.
”Experi4ents have proved conclusive- In spraying..-.
snd children.
Mra. A. Gardiner of this city non- "TV'here are the strong eyea?" be aak7:30—OoMiry Ufe, F. A. Wilken.
“Spraying in the flni plane ta the
HMed the evenlng'a. pttigram with ed. "ExperlmenU bare proved cooOe Schools Give Enoughf
secret of suceeas in frnit growing.” be
TTie speaker then showed thsi only
isro my pleHlag readings.
SllS—"A Man Among Men.” Jason
olutlrely that the smallest yield of
I per cent of all rural school rhilWoodman.
potatoes come from planU coming
Going Into thta aiihlect of spraying
dren ever go to High school and (ewer
Piw Thnrsday't Beeord
from the butt rad of the potat^ while
Mr.\Wilkini Mpbastaed above all
college, and asked the ques­
••What EdueaUon Sboul
wuld t
The Snt acMlo* of the Stats Phm- the larger yield from the eyes near ..-..-l
-W------- 1-----,,
Of. C. ■ tion. are our school* of today giving
Jor Our Hoys and Girls." Prof.
•rn' and Teochera* InaUtvte and com the seed end. If tbs whole potato U
the most to the 90 per cent who reGrawn.
s%ov opened at M:4S Tbvrsdar at planted only the eyes on the seed end
on the farm? The Ui per cent of
m emsrt hooae. B. O. Udd, of Old wni develop, conseqaratly the stronge might have the
mm Prlday'a Roeord.
Mhitfeo. floUed the aeeUag to order r plsnu wlU be prodnoed.”
near yon. We
The next subject on the insUtute to study agriculture but how about
ood M. J. OOwre tooh the chair la
At this time Mr. Woodmsa spoke
the 90 per cent?
the obam «d the gMsldeot. t. U. of hit getting an average of >07 alwaya very liable to forget the thiiiga program after the Record went
that are round about ua and try (P press yesterdsy was discussed by F.
Mr. Ketchem said be did not mak*
bitsbeU to an acre from a Seld where
grasp for the far away treat)
A. Wilken. “Feeding and Caring for this remark wllh any Ides of critirizI, of- Paw Paw, whole poUlofs were planted, and
srays keep a tod away from the three the Farm Orchard.” This subject was ing the good schMis of MIchllignn. b
.*aa the IM on the progmm wiib aa faning off B SO bntteU ,to an ac
very carefully gone over by the speak- should
uHilre I
ooiirse of agricul
axMitait talk on the ”8electkta aad where potatoes were est^ a half Into. when spraying. <
•‘Be sure yothdinow what yon are
and many helpful Ideas brought out added to the course of study of ibo
core of ^eod Potatoes.''
He planted M buhpU fb the sen
going after.” he said. Thta ta the
Kt an introduction Mr. Wilken said nii'al schrals and make them even
As aa latrodnethw Mr. Woodman
he thought progressive farmers
j better, and give these boys and girls
Bpoke of the fact that people from
ne spesker recommended
tnsignt Into the real meaning
otter aectfona alwaye bring new tdeaa planting of potttoea by hand. U the and fungus growths snd he nhie to all quite convinced that spraying is
recognise them when yon
necessary to the snccess of (niil rais­ farm life*.If they could find «c.
ahoB farming, owtnr of contne to awBffh was not large as in hla exBnist to use to klU Insecu ta not nec­ ing. but all do not agree in regard to thing wonb while on the farm they
sooditicoi. and different pmctloea. hat- perirtee hetHr resohs were secured
be willing to suy there instead
the best Sian U the one who expeH- than from horse plsatera. Of eonm
“There are three methods of earing of seeking other lines of business.
s ssd be hoped his IdMS might tbU sdvice would set ap^y to the familiar with the standard prepargtiODS OB the market"
for the orchard," he said, "the neg­
Mr. Ketchem utged
tMoSt the tsimm-here.
mm who mlse potatoes In big gnsniWhen to Spray.
lected method, the sod mulch method
book Ihio
e of bis AUln- itles.
The next essential Is when to use and the cultivated method. The first rural schmis to aid (he teacher in
lag osed poutons from this nortbem
The speaker spoke espeelslly
presenting Oils subject. To meet tne
mglss shoot 16 yosra sgo aad how he sgalnst the using fOr seed, potatoes
out about this hy observing yoof
b this seed. At that having knobs on. or what yon might
mediately after blossoms drop.- Good neighbor's orchard.”
Ing: to leach agrieiiltare he said he
urns ho thought he alwaya had
They pro­
The sod method was then explained was not afraid to say that the nv"nige
aeteet hit seed for size and quality duce a absue of vlaea with a great fruit groa-era spray again in
hot earlag Ue past few years he has nest of gmalt potatoes. ”Potaioes with three weeks to cover the new foliage. very fully. The sol ta cut and placed than would know as much about tinThe next essential 1s thoroughly around trees, six Inches from the ground and farming as he does about
tthsgad hlsonlsd. Tn Southern Mich- single strong eyea should he selected.”
mixing the spraying compound. The trunk and should extend out as far as grammar pnd the average woman as
tgaa the fartMrs pisat poUtoes ahont
In closing Mr.
bordeanx mixture ta often not properly the drip of the leave*. Thta method much about agriculture as about civ
two vetts Uter, althOHgb the aeaaon farmers of
is especially good to aid in keeping il government.
Bdnacoa two sreeks earlier. This fact mlse hwre poUtom as It ta "Mitt-' mixed.
The last esaenUal ta a good spray­ the moisture In the orchard, but Is
ing apparatun. Brass pumps .are the always applicable, especially where
good aod ta not obtainable, hut on,
Pmnk Smith, of the Peninsula, led side hllla where cultivation Is more
in the discussion along this line and difficult, ii often proves a good tblngfine display of apples to show
Cultlvatlen Method.
Ihe tannen. These were the result The cultivating method was then ex­
of spraying. He emphasised the fact plained and 4u good qualities.brought
of properly piAning the tree tra.
out. Cultivation stimulates the growth
Thta dosed the morning session. of trees more than the mulch sod
The Attendance was pretty good for method. Clover snd oats are hot)
the first day.
good grains to eow when the son bas|
Aftamran geatien.
been cnlilvaied.
Too much clover
The afternoon scmIoo of the Sta^ tends to making a woody growth of
Farmers' and Teachers' Institute and the soil, but it should be used In coacorn show was cslled to order at 1:20 necUon with the oats. Oats help
elp to;
by M. 3. Gilmore one of the vice pres- catch the snow and It o
e way.
Idrau of the county wetaty. Three the next year, while
lie If
very pleasing selections were then I' comes up a second year and take*'
rendered by Masenlch's orrheatra. the strength and moisture of ihc soil.
which was greatly appreciated by all
The speaker then briefly spoke on
present. The afteruMn session was a how to fix up old orchards and make;
cqmtined session of farmers
them bear frail. He suggested the use,
leaebers. and ,was well atteodod.the of lime sulphur mlxtnre as being
court loom being nearly filled.
good In cleaning up old bark
A question box in charge of F. A.
> TOO know of any woman/who ever received any
In regard tn changing from the sod
4>eneiit mxn taking Lydia ^ Pinkham’s Vegetable C«n> Wilken was then eondneted. Moat of mulch method (o the cultlvsted meth­
the questions referred to scbMl ques- od and vice versa, the speaker ex­
tions. sd they were put over till the plained. if the culllvated method ta
If any wf^Yti who is siloing wiA any ailment petmliar Utter part of the session, whra Mr. used, first 'he sod mulch method can
Ketchem should Uke charge.
fb her 1
follow, bull If the aod mulch method
Another fine seleeilon by the orches­ Is used flrsL It wilt^be difficult to fol­
UTprised at the resalt
result, There
fliere is hardly
haiSly a community in
low with the cnltivated, because Ibe
ftis country where women cannot be found who have been tra followed.
former has s tendency lo bring the
testored to healdi by diis famous old remedy, made
‘The prise speaker of the afternwn roots to the surface and euUivaung!
eidu»vely frwn a simple
’ formula
• of' roots and• ‘lerbs.
was Jason Woodman on the subject of denroys them.
Catw of Peach T«
During Ae past 30 years we have publi^ed thousands - Fighting Potato Bags and BlighL”
Rrlefly Mr. Wilken spoke of the
“Some farmers consider ihsi segh,
of letters from these grateful women who have been cured
More cultivation
hy Lwfia E. PinUMm’s Vwgelable ComiwiMkd, and never blight and rot do not exist save
by weather condItlonK." is needed lor the peach tree than lor
in all that time have we published a testimonial n-idiout occaakmed
the apple. Be careful of foo much «1osaid the speaker, “but | do not wish
• Ae writer's ^lecial permission. Never have we knowingly dispute them, also I feel confident vei in the orchard, at it tends to keep
published a testimonial that was not truthful and genuine. that these are oocasloned by aporatic
' Here is one just received a few da)-s ago. If anyone doubts or fungus growth. If these spores ex­
:bes need more pruning than any
tiat this is a true and honest statwnent of a woman’s experi- ist tn the seed, or land, they wilt be
because the fmit is borne
coce wiA Ly^ia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound write found in the potato crop, klannre will otherthefruit
growth of the year before,
make scabby poutoea if the spore
and a^ her.
peach early for the curt
' does not exist In the land or seed.but it Sprar the
you injure the foliage you
m I tint taeffan taking Lydia E. Pink*
It Is there, it may aid In producing
Itttt'a VatsSabId C
ad 1 was a total wrwe-k. 1 bad iin
Injure the tree itself. Spray your
scabby potatoes.”
The speaker then explained bow trees even If your trees hare no blosII will benefit the tree for the
be treated the seed for scab. He said
MaUilnff did aw any caod.
after he had taken his aeed into the next year's crop.
. wpar ttene yean 1 tirad an diedIrtnM and tivaartit I wanld
A lively discussion followed, led by'
field for planting that he .placed n
amr gat walk wltan I read aa advertlsmoit of Lydia £. Ptak*
barrel opon a raised platform made A. P. Gray. Mr. Gray told of bis ex------- •• VngaUbla Componad. aad was advised to try it
by Upping a couple of cralea bottom perirnce in fruit growing and henrtl•Myk
side upjmd placing boards npon thorn, ly supported Ibe remarks made by the
MaaaaAgaad j
aad Bi)oy tb« best of bealtb.
and filled H with potatoes. Then be speaker;
J. C- Katehem.
*1 adrltt aD wenMa safTMv
poured a aelniion in the proportJoo of
frara saeh troaMra to glva
lodla & PlakbaM>e Tc«atabla
getobla Owaponad a trial. TTwywaa't
The lost speaker of the afierabon
2 gallons of water to
yaa.**-Mn. Berate U Hleki,
or formalin upon them, putting thta was J. C- Ketchem. of Hasting*, who
solution ra until It covered the pou­ was sMt In Ibe place of Prof. C. T.
Any «*onun who Is nek and suffering b foolish mrdy toes. Lef”tbe potatnes soak one hour. Grawn. of Mt. Pleasant, who was unBot to nve such a medicine as this a tri^. Why
it This will very maiertaUy help ttm
fighting ttf scab.”
not do her ass much good as it did Mrs. Hides.
In a IHr well chdsra woids Mr.
Mr. Woodman then discuss^


Half WE ^EAU

TBrXnDuits utd ChUdm*


The Kind Yea Have
Always Boo^



30^ THE Pound.

snn FAMEir and
nACBEss* nsmuiE



For Over
Thirty Years


--------------------------------------- -—
?--------------------------------------------Ketchem further suied that | A. L. Hopkius conducted a v(ry Inperson becomes tborodclily -tcresiitig qtiesiion box pi whlBh'44|^ lo a atmly and takes pride In it.
h<- is iHtuod lu •iplirt it. so
in I>e brought in a higher piano.
The order of She piturram wB(
niKcosswn foil.}wrd. at wbitt i
changed *and Mr. Hopkins gave hi*,
Mr. Crisp look* a vote of the farnn-rs tslk on the Kiiliject of "HandllBg the
and tcaoher> pr*'-en) as to'wh'-iher Corn Crop- at the llw.
Ihey favored the subject oi aBrir')lMr. Hopkins urged the farmer* pt
belng Introdiiced into the currlc
this M-ciion to plant more corn a* It
ulum of the schools. The vote Vss
l» profluble and can be snccctsfully
heartily in favor of it. Mr. Crtap saiil
raised In NortlK-rn Michigan. He set
he hoped ibal the iioie,would noou
. forth three m.-thofia
wheA il would is: possible
i com crop.nuy one of which Is nfilOks*-*
leach-this snhp-ct in Grand Travei>c
fill, but advised the fanner nol to
siiclt to any one method it be waan't
sure ll was best snited to bis 'confih
ProB Friday's Record.
. Mawnlch's orch.«tm entertained
T>>- melhods nra three, the
the farmers yesterday afternoon with ■?»*>«P
several pleasing selections, before ihn «’■“>
’h*In deregutar progran, was. taken up. Th-il**"
Hopkins explained the merits
n.uslc mat the cotmiy ittMliuit- socte-l« '-'•h »«*«»»<»^- Husking m the proply hsve provided during the sewbifsj
emi.haslsed and proper
should Ive apprcci.-iled hy every fani.- 'hocking -»
er. The society have gone to a good weeks after corn is cut is the ImM
dial of exjH-nse to seettre this altrac- time in hqsk il.” Feeding com uu ibo
lionand ll:l is.hop
i»,hopt*d tin- fjrni--rs won't ttoll: was urged espectao; lo sloek
(Cunttnued on Page 4.)

"The Home of Good ClothesforWomen”

During February

Making remarkably low prices to
close the balance oi





$12.50 $2*5.00 Coufs
$7.50 $1^00 Costs

Regular $20, $18, $12 and $7.50

Marked to sell One-half Oil


IKC'ceM iflnrtiwtTlswbCNPltk

«t u not try to eb«ek tbe foroM
that ar« (orKlog on for good.* ve cu*t
ft. «• 4m% want to do U aa t^r
• all eoBtrfbDtiiig lactort toward
the cnoral good.
^So Mono ropda, food roada.

al MidXiSiv: of life botk <a ttaa orna­
te and cUf."
•Good Boodi from the Coootrf
kUD'a BiBndMolnr waa dUntPced tn
aa. iaterpailtig and lgtf>uifi.-nt impar
bF D. K. UcMuIieo.

. MAWO Tiuve*« MtIUtXt TUEtOAY. rctHUABy 11*P*.

ho«\ lit the world the woHd cvei
ia debt to him to aach anroxteni. Had
that boy bemi taught whal be MhmU
have been Ungbt bi the borne, be
would never any the world owed blm
living He Would do what be conM
> discharge hU deM to Urn world.
-If 1 can inspire my boy lomake
imethio g of hlniseU and teach
the prlDrlplea oI making a bucccm Id
IXe. I will guarantee Mm agalust ly
tug and stealing and alt those iblnga
that go to undo manhood. Teach blm
trot onlr that ihoac things are wlc-ked.
but that )te cannot afford Ui do thesu
•If FOB have ever hoard «
I:oas(iog In the presence of hit lO)-ii
shrewd, running trick whereby hr b.-ul i-ecuti d another ninu'i :
(>' wiihmit ra.aing it bm-i' •ll••n
the boys Uiteulog with
ojien <F<-K And they will nnu'duU-r
it. too.
"The Qrst .rssenlial.. tny boy. is
do Just OK mu^ -work lor lb<- moue)'
as you r lU iKWHlIily do. Teach the boy
dollar and file cents worth
of work for <-v<-ry dollar be u tuild."

akw and whichJa bow «adw coasider- alorg two outer lines .naaMly. Bthle
ailon. He said:
slut", woiit and domestip setenoe.
"Our aotamU are everlattlsgly offl- Oar Cible study at lenat sIwoM make
cered. Outside of the city ot Trnv- as more congenial companions to live
City we have 205 differont on- with and more Inriiood to pranke tbe
tern for 57 schools. .In one township Golden Role. On the other hapd. flot knew, and thb .experience would beimeitJc scie
glves us 3 tetter knowl­
borne oat in all but one township edge of bow to give balanced raitona
lo our bnabands.' Does not the supper
that I know of. there is one
whose assessed valuatton U 24.000. you have jost eaten go to shaa- the
in another cornc; of that township ts proa .-ss we are making In this line?"
another nian, who Is alro assessed at
prer idem sfld.
$4.0«0. NoiOKrtnaa has rhiUrea who ■'tye as momtMTs of the Women's club
attend srbool, bat of course each pays wr>h to help In bct.ertng rooditlons pi
good (ellO'.-."«hlp
school IBS. The rale the first
}. Is 2IS per 21.000, while ilie otb- and if we accompy»b tbU let os work
in;.} inly his mill ux. Is thi* jus- together."
i.ri'7 is U Just thsi one man should
Addre^of Toastrnasttr.
pa:.- this dlfferono.' simply
Th" then introduced Mrs
lived Iti part of the townsblp* n. y. WU:.or. lo a. •
i.iax: a-.fstross
"lu the same (ownshi|i, r kn
o; 111" .
and her deUxhituI num
uit who lias the advtanutge of
nr r i 1.1 Killy rrluaiks a.Ided uiuHt to
giadc Achool taught by throe teaeburs, th'- life uf ihn piOAiain.
• principal a Nu.-mal gmdcaie. nine
She »a;d. luMni being called upon to
,nths In the year. He b; taxed,a: ;h<- .:*• !m llil* rapactly: "1 had always
le el 2C tKT 11.000. me 'm-ighbur l>'li ibttt 1 bail IwH-o treated w.-ll In
Just over ihu reiwxtus (bcadtaatage this Huh. until a -short tiiiu- ago I
1 should uay the dla.-idvan- <!i:ina>-d luy uiiml. k-hen ihc commit
lage—or a small ncbool, where the ti-*' :iyk<-)l me lo act as (oastinlKCi-sK.
licint III hiring a teacher Is
Ihii as in> nKKIo (or ib<- year Is.
flualUy of her work but Ibe price of -Mak" the best J>f It. and forgei (he
ber services. Every effort Is made
M»t of It.' I'Mill ••ndcavor lo do m>
cut down nitn-nsi-s. That man iiays bi-sl. hoping I shall Mtbii lorg.-t (lu- uur ll.nuo. Is that JUBi7 No, that P^■;l^4llll fact."
Juat. II IK not Aroorican.
Mrs rbarlolie Holliday ihen sang .■se iDj'isitces ore due to tbe dls- dclighifut solo. In bid" own charming
triei system. The second wn preseni- manner. She was acconipauled by
preoeni leglKlaturo provides Mra. 1. I! llilluTi.
for the township unit. Wliaj does thl»
SUta Pedcratien.
bill mean* I have talked with aeverThe IciauInilstresa'tlM^ called upon
at people, among them (eaclieni. and
MiBK Clura I'jiles. In' the absence of
they think-It mlxhl be a good thing
Mr». A. W IVck .who was called c
but (bat it would be too ex|K>nsive.
jf the city on aecoiiiii of sickness,
The transporiatton of pupils would
r. view the work of State Federation
inch. Tbe bill docs not mean of WomenV club. Miks ' llaiea
that. II dCM-n meafi the conceiilrBilon
of Kclioobi. This law would not disturb aaid. "I always have noticed that the
school if they are doing si-hat they
biggest stibJectK werf. glveu
ought to do. Ii will provide one board smallcKt speakers, and as women
for the whote/iownship. T,Jie *06 of- never shirk anything but do it with
flceiw are {did 21.SM and no) a one esse and grace I will do roy duty and
of them thinks be Is Justly recom­ try and tell you a little about the won­
pensed for the bother and lime which derful work of the State F<*deration."
he expends.
The township system
Sbe aald In part: Club women of

from ftaterday'a Record.
* II B.-AMrr» an PD|lrr«tot>a Bod
trae Wfaaard etwaed lo blow In tbe
OocmiWdnw rr#ardlW H»ak]M! .Ikr TraverM tnir. .Btaio riRbi d^reeticin tail nlfbt. a« ibt- coon
m was crowded when ibe evenlns
Oaak.Tii*arM CUr. Ulrb
Jor. of the sinle farmeri)' and
iiactK-iu' oMsorlatioa was <alled to
‘ i,id«->.
"TX'' ‘'nuuli}- CMM* «a« the MibJi-cl Uken UK by Profewmr Hurnhaia.
lb*- s|M-aluT dwHilinf u|M ilii- adran,
ff-oatliinMl frotB.pac'* thrw.l
lafe« the count ry ebUd ha« over hlS
raicid for flmli. It fd#( variny in t
^y brother. The tncni Imporimit btodiet of the alork.
A lUelF dlanuwloa followed, Uila
' declared the
speaker. Is the advaatSfo of haalita. rnm ■atarday'B Record.
aseeUaM talk.
The cooniry (diUd. conefi with tbe
N. P. HhK.
Prof. E. Burnham was to haveN. P. Hull followed with a very greater store of hMltb Into manhood, spoken ot 'The Country Oilld.' Intwatlof ulk on MarkeOa* Dairy and eouaa slower.
leacbers institute at Grange ball this
morning, but Instead, he spoke on
-n»a grealeaf factor In dairy mar- teacher of the country child la the The inhertiance." He will
kKlOf U to make our product food imrent. and be broneht out the dlwil- ither subject this evening.
asOHzh.’' Tliero U no dan»«r of iba vaotage of iho city child who Is out
Prof. Bunibam sold, we have Inher­
-ttarket balni overcrowed if the pro- so closely aeaociaied with his father ited three mnin Ideas, that of
■■ dwel ta beliered. We are not Incroa-e la his dally life as Is tho country pbyalcnl gronth, knowtedec of
Alld. He spoke of the tewons uufbi workings of (he mind and the effects
tac our output aa our
tha Ebild of tha eountry by naturo, de­ of heredity and environment. These
.turn dlBereni waya of nurkeilng claring that the huBtan family ean
the great lessons that iqacbers of
dairy prodncta wem onUlned by Mi orea learn leMons from the dumb the prosnit have ben^ted by.
Rnll. Tirat aellinc tba nUk to the beaatA by observing tbe laws they’ Of heredity and Mvironmeii., the
theeae factorled and creamerlM. *e> abMa by.
speaker aaid that they alone do not
Mtd. aeUlng milk tar dlreol eooaumri'
Professor Burnham cloned with a deteraainc a person's character,
Uon. and third maklnf np the product stlrrtBg aVpMl to lei the children be addition to (bcoc there Is in every
on the form to be sold In the market. "slowar In development, which In the
n an Iniplratim. Man U more than
• In regard to markeiltif ‘ ihp raw lon« run. brings out tbe best that u
animat. He need not submit to hi*
nOk for direct aoaaumption Mr. Hull In them.
eondliiooB. The stpaker said that
odd more paina and can aboull be
Manual Training.
Juat what Orla something was. he did
, gfvmi to the parity of milk, hecnuac
Profeasor Oarrinaer. manual train- not know (be called it insplratlou be­
it foea dIrooUy to the people. *'It Is liig inatruetor In the clly schools, cause be knew of no better name) but
romarkable bow «ulckly milk la coo- spoke briefly upon the work of each be was sure that It did exlat.
today may be likened lo the old
.tamlnaied.” The apenker aaid to hla grade as it took op the work, touching
UUIa Chan^ In Lawa.
-has another advantage, lu
men who sweep tbe cob webs ou
mlad the last method was the baM also upon the domealib science depart'- It is a tact (ha| the present school buying BUppIlet, the whole lownahip
tne kky. as they have risen above
«r conditicma were pnealWe aa the meal. He showed a few anmplee of laws in Michigan are much the
will buy and the dielionariea and .>th- things and done sway to a great ex
fannen coold^r^l the credit for (be work done by the manoal training M they sroro in 183S. Tbe details have
equlpmcni can be secured
tent witb superstition and Igno.-wnre
hia lai»r and* aueoaasfiil could pul Classen.
been changed but we have infieriied dueed COM.
Tbe Women's Hubs of the state are
•D the markdt a piodact that he may
B. Holley folloPed witb a humor from tboae Umea onr achool tysiai^
tranaporiatlon of
™||lke nelghtwrs. each Hub a famllv aWd
om selection, hy
Rmerooa The people who madn Ihoae tasra aeaf puplis. T&e lime may
be proud of.
” a b»
busy family at that. State Federa
C. J. 8mUh briefly ekpUlnefl tba Brooks, enUtled. "Watehln' tbe Spark- ly all came from New BngiWr the would 4>e advisable tor (be sevornl
may be also likened to an incor­
nwaanlea of the
In’." Mr. Holley put the andlenee In riche«t intellectual soli In America.
-nsblps to eottvey tbe pupils to porated village. Ttaeir business
d tbe farmers t« take better care,
» a happy frame of mind with the first Two of Uie men who ctwtribu^ In some central scbpol. It Is not advia- ganlzations better and uplift the
Tbe baarlDca are
d arords Of
of tbe
(be selection,
and to heart, drnwli^ (hem up were Father Pierce able now. At any rote, it can be setrj^„j
potent Influence (or good In
to rntlWI of an inch and I* the flno-t; was the awlanae that ne was oblixed and Isaac E. Croary. Tho one UUng tied later."
-h community. One asked wbai did
piece ar macblneiT Ute Mrmer poe- to reeiiond. giving a selection enililed that theaei laws were defective th
I then answered the Sute Federation held here
Prof. E.
Mssea except his watch.
•:The Walk."
In the matter of High schools. It qucKilons that the teavbcrx asked anJ year do for the local Hub and the city?
Mr. Bmlth -aald It does not maUar
The last address of the evening w«i nas once the " subject of a null that the afiernoon was spent in a uik on
itliing more. It was an Inspiraiioo.
ac much whal kind of a scpsratnr the given by V. P. Hull, who spoke upon ent to tbe Supreme court whether -ading and praciica: suggestions as
farmer asea bat tbe poorest kind M "Onr Doya and Olrls."
district could apply Its funds to the > how lo correct the faiilia and im­
better than the.old method.
maintaining of n IligO ecbool. Under prove the reading in » m booI. T1 < .'i
-Pur Roys and Qlria'
^It U very oeeeaaary that the sep­
-When 1 ffrat started out,” he aald. the conditions now. Ute constitusfoa was no formai'H|>eech. hut rrof.lbirn
arator ba kept aa hygienic as ponlble -the people uicd to think that I was Just being changed, it It poulbic that ham treated 8ul>M:s as they caiut
uir aa aald before milk l3 eery sniyoung fellow fimn the Agricul­ taterostlng changes may be made.
: eepUMe to germa. It must be froely tural college who had more iheonDwidc the Inherlianro'Of the ays>. led by Profs c
oiled and tlie bearings flushed o« al
atppose yon will tem and the experience ot theve oarHow many'boys
least once a moetb' with gasoline or
we have Inherited a material
teroaaae. -Tbe two graatast ^amtea and girla.have you raltedT 1 have ^ tcberiiance—on Inheritance of
Proa Ratarday'a Raeord.
,/frit (bought/-{bBi lext-booka. globes, ven­ Oenllsmen's eveiilng at the Wotn the“ separator are dust and dampBeai.- aaM ^ speaker. Great care I am a boy myaeK. l\n>en I can't U a tilation. ^t. and other Incidentals iiuiii's club Uax already become a fixed
Mmuld be uaed'in selecting a ptooe
component parts ow oi;r school event in the history of the club work
any longer.
> Inr.lU location owing to thU foot.
s)-atem. The vpnjrlrcr W re (old of'sat^
thl.-. city. Last evciiloK'K m<->-’.liig j
-Tou go to a boy that is a boy and eral lust.-tneet where the heal, venti­ proved to be one pf the most suecass■ Tlte Uii topic on the ptogram yestardayarteTBOODWftstbe County Road get cliloee to hlk). and yon will
II flAnd that lation or some other influence bad lul oiTSaloas of this nature, a splendid
he la full of bopefulnero. He U look­ caused difflcnUlce.
Ryatem, from the
■loi luck supper, lullowed by a n;os(
and then on the other band from the ing for UMDorrow to bring him nome
We have
Intellectual iuterekting anf-hclpful program < -.i
dty man's standpoint D. R. McMnll- thing better than be had today. He truths. We are not oblUtcd to
hilled to make It an eieiting long to
«« read a paper on tbe anbjaei troB does not ronaon this otfl; It U Just
imenis; they have be remembered by all pre»eut. AIoiii
the tarmeris standpoint and rvaiik
bt-en discredited. We are ;hc benefl :.u Hub women enlcnainMl their bus
tUmllton from the cllr muk stand-Tou wni aay that U all right, but claries not only of liiherlti-d truths hands or friends hiaklug over lou pr>-v
ow nbotu the girto* Welt.'
but ot discredited untruths. We have
Hon. Frank HamlUoo - Ulked on elieve there U a maa In 1
psychology which ireatk of (he
Yesterday being tin- nnnlvenuir} of
-Good Roads from (he CUy Man's of my age who baa thought OK
pliyhlcol, emotional. Im-tincis hiid-tbe the birth ot our mariyrt-d pn-siil-nt.
■uwdpolnt.’ beginning by nhowlng the girls than I have.
effects of the will as well as ot tbe Wm. UcKliile}'. the d.-ttnailoiik in ihc
-In giving boya and girls an educa­
tbe beoedia that bad come to the re­
Inlelleci. The speaker empbaaixeil Hub room were appropriate in It..' or
tion Bomelintes the parents have lorgion throudi the railroads. The apeakthe iinpjrunce of the physical, saying castnn. flaga and bunting being used
ar then took up the matter of traaa- gotten to teach them tbe principals, that there aeemB to be a reaction of about iho room. I*ou.hI f. rtir. wero
portation and rales. atsUng that oona- that go to make awocero In life It i the body on the mind when the
|.larcd on each of tbe * indc.w Iwlges
tleaand townsbtpa and cities are bc- r4>( only the one wim ahs then) tn had is-rforini-d something or had dia- and carnaikMiK. McKinley's lavo.ltc
Rlnning at their own doors lo Im­ his home who known the value ot a povered something by tm-aiis uf ih- lliiwiT wore the labk- dcnr.-ilion. fli>
prove fhe manna of trnntlt aa evl- 97 and girl, but every patrlo.ilc clti- mind.
That deed or that thought picime was draped In the slarv and
4enced by :T counties In the aute hav m knows their value.
lould not be forgotten.
stripes and huug In the Ironi of the
"If a teacher U not Intereaied
tag adopted the connty road , within
At Ibis politl Miss Charlotte Hen room.
: tbe boys and girls, she cannot make
tbe last ibree years and many more
Addrero of Toastmistress.
a successful teacher, tx we could poo- dershot sang a solo and responded to
win ante npoa R tbU spring. -Wo
The linn number on the proErani
deeply upon them we would n rocall, MU* NHa Wright accompan­
ata all Imblbtag this good roads Idea
was n pleaKlng-piano du<-l i cmlcred b'
roallae that there are many ^.morc ying her.
. and demanding a practical aelutiOB
Travis and .Ml>s .Mii:iu-things (o' be eonalderud tor their good.
of the queatlm bow to annihilate dMThe boys and girla In our htmes and ti(pl and skeptical inrn of mind ask Trimble, (olios Ing w hich h" pr.-si
tanee that tha eoat of t
sitting around onr firesides arc the ed how a boy conM be cured ot lyiag dent. .Mrs. J. C. Morgan. In her charm
may be lowest"
future emseni of our conntir. but by vciitllailon. It was answered that ing' manner welcomed the gentler.u-n
Mr. Hamilton i^n showed tbe dlflying could be cured by veau- as guests of .the Womcii ' Hub.
yon must remember alio'tbut froiu
aa follows;
For 14 years, she said, the pr.'sidins
thorn are.our tniare prisons and aims- latloa. or by some other a:r.^lde iiutuIt has been adopted by 27 cousUat
*■{ wouldn't browbeat (liy child. officers each year have weli-otiiert
bousM tn be Blled.
In the slate, many mon will adopt It
would US* all the Indirect Sgenclesjui prose and poetry and 8ong„an<l ii
"There are throe great faetort that
lb the coming spring and from tfl fe- a to mold the future boyn and glrU that I could that woold give him the only remains (or m<- to repeal to you.
pons It has given antlsraetkia.
I'elcomc you." If 1 r<-mcmbcr »or
of our country, th- church, the achool idea that he was a man ami that he.
Tbe deunties not working wader tbU and the home. The church ia dkdnj:
Illy-.- ,
rccily many of you w.t»‘ very sr.-pvi
taw are contribntlng to
rol when wc flrwt orgjnirr'd a Wo
its work well, but It'has the boy and
wbere the IpTla in tone, aa eearr tax girt one hour In the wdek. The school, The remainder ol the meeting was mun'k club In this city as -u whetbei
payer in tbe aUle U aasemed to make la doing good work lo a g«aeral way. pent in dikcuksing the course
'h'ould kurct-ed. others
Sewed on your old tops
tbeee reararda graated by tbe autc. but after tbe alxth year It has the rtiidy. nnmhor inheritance that haalw-ere u»:> amu»e(i, and Mill otherr
! tberelere we do not want la coatrib- boy and girl live bourn, five ‘da>s«in route to us. The main point lo he eon-jfeared lor the acgieci of the hoiue.
^ives you a rig as good
Nime build roads alt oear the ataie In tbe werit. Tbe home has ibem the lidered In a couroe of studr is that but today I rejoice to .-e*« you heartily
as new for less money
uletf wtlh jMBie retnrna upon our balance of the time."
It should be a unlL The points to be in (ator of what we are doing and
own roads.
^ The speaker here told a story of conaider.yd in a eourwe of siiidy U ready at any time
j-ociierale with
than a^hole new rig.
Httder thtf law a welf organised hew a great lecturer appeared
that (I should be a tmU. The points us. Our children no doubt can ou’
corps of men can ba employed to bol
be considered in determining wheth atrip Uk in mathematics slid th" ’-eng
Look your toes over,
country ball which Vaa lighted with
tb«M roam who wHI work aader <
or BOt a subject should be added
one tallow candle. Before the hoar of
bring them to us and
perteaced mad oapahle mm.
to (he conrsc Of study sro -Is It pcwc- htsioiy. l-.Si'u-rt<-.- and art
tbe (qieDing arrived, tbe hall w
By a coaperaiive plan, uniformll.'' crowded ulita families from' ell ov
Host.'- • Has it s general culiutwl vab ami rotivince them that really after
w«’U >how you how it
«f work and careful arstem will be
all ''mether does know a few things
oe. " •• Is It good mlad maierisir
adopted througboni tbe vaitana towa- Ibe country, each family brltiginf
••De»Wt-s our regular Hub work *
Tbe speaker spoke of tbe rHatlve
tallow. csLitdlc. which was lighted and
No road BMmey wni be wasted on lumlalMd anlflclent ll^t tor the bnlL value of aelentiBr and Hasstcal atudy
$'2 25 ^ts the guaran­
Moaty reads.
The loctnrcr spoke as he had nwer In the ualaJiig of the mlud. qtmtini;
,from Hngh Black." Dean Bally and
Cades- thU taw. naacbloery too ex- been Inspired to speak beloro.
teed rubbers sewed on
. peasive lor l^lvldnal lownahlps can
-We as teachers and pareais." said Mhern. After singing a few *ong». tuc
be parwbased and baadlcd to advaa- Mr. Rull, -sraat to furntah our buys
the old tops.
and giria with Inttilertual tallow canAfter dwrillng tw a moment or ao dlea, and leach' them how to light From Saturday'! Recovd.
Cheaper ones too if
I (Tonnty Coaamiaiioner
npoa iKc groat InvenUons of tbe U> them.
Crisp spoke ot the new sebool syatem
you want them.
taw ye«ga that have already playeo so
Itaportam a put la tka Uv
10 Ua MkMpn lacUiMaro thin aew 1
pktpK Mr. UuMKm CB


me sta'BIfri' h^n-wi'MtaitathBt we
•ever had heforo.Mrs. J. L. Bailey then tarored with
dellgkUul reading. wUtM. -When
the tWtttar KIgbf' Reading Ctab Bn
tertalned at Bliby Oenter.- and re­
sponded to an encore by giving "1
wonder." K U hardly neceecarr tc
mention whether her reading pleaned
tbv gcnilenaes. Only one look at tbelr
facce was aMngu to satisfy every one
(hat they felly enjoyed every word.
Mita Doris Howard then rendered a
violin Mdo which was groaily enjoyed.
She was accompanied by Mias Grace
Teh genera! subject of the evening
r* planned bj- tsc committee was
-Ch ic Iniprov.-ment" front the atandt«b!nl of the genlleuicn.
ac-ii!mnrn u.-ic ecked to pariiH|iau
I ihls part ct the program.

«mBe iwM MtaWlay^
company at S o'ektdi. oad all fantoars'
wirca and btlier wtnten who ore tnable to become Bsaahera of tha Wo­
man's. Hub are Invited to aiteiM- A
program has bero amnged (or the

8ir;lc Comb.
Boo t Waste FoJd On Mis
Det-ra.LT.- aud Jat-jary 57 Roda.IaM
2d to Sf. eggr dsjty. Judge ran^sll
said CockejH herding .my best pMi
Wkjp cert In -h-]..- and rolor he
hatidlid ihb reuon. l-Igga from this
r: -tti |.. I., n;4;,-r> SKW per le;
'<■ I-r .Vt; ts.r; ,. r 1W

The Sclwals.
Supl. I.'D. Gilbert wa.^ the flrsi lo
«peak ami he dfscussed very fully
• W'hat tbe Atiuman-s Cluh Can Do for
le Schiml.”
........................imnTm h, jSStoiTtS
He bnuighi out tbe fart that a gen­
le womanJs
woiH3|n.Js one of the groaiesi fae
s of g^Y> an
■"-S4?5ntinted a

Grand Traverse.
lu tbe matter of the estate of David
W. rousins. deeesHed.
Nbilee-U ber*-by given that 4 months
I- 26ih (day off January A.
preM*iil .
nrsr ssdot Uie.-wiatsh. »srh mss m^s
• nworsr
dcceas.-d (o said court for examinntioii
and sdjustnieni. and that all eredlinrs
of aald deceased are retjul
to said court, at tbr...Mh«<tBirtHoMlBT(S<r«r»i'ity,llkM^.
............... before Ihcji^V
Mib day ot Mav
May A D im. and that'-----said HuiniB
HulniB will bu he>
court on Saturday the .
day of I
May A D. 15»01<. at ten o'clock( iin

1. » .. .

.. ■?

Dated Jan A. D. 190S
Jan M-Feb 2-9-16-23
** bate court for the county ■•(
_ Traverse.
... the
t matter of the estate ot Joh)
lieids. deceased.
Notice is hereby given that four
months from the IKtfa day of January
D. l»os.
hare been a............................
allowed for cred.............
. -llone to present their claim* against
aald dec-ased i aald
1 for uxamInatlon and ad.
creditors of said
(o present (heir clalma to said t
Tu OavnaoM a A. A. R. R.
the probate offlo
Tice,, la the ril
erne City in said county,
on oi
fore the ,21st day of Slay A D. 1909,
and that said Halms wilt 6e heard 1
said court on krldai ihv 2Isi day of
May A D. 19P9.
o'clock In tl
Tratus far (Mar aty and P
fXO S-B. a^as^a.
Trwias rram Osdar City sod .
Dated January I8(h A. D. 1909.
atl:l«a.B.BBdS:«n«BFRED K, WALKER.
MalB Uas trains arrtt* 10 ro a B. aad I ro a. m
Judge of Probate.
_________ ______“
O P- A.
Jan. 1»-2S-Feb. ^9-l6


We Believe

ihoice UDOolorud Japan particolarljr fine flaTor and
rational atraDRih. If jn>q have tronUe gettinff^R
that ia to your likiug try a oample pound ot uia
tua tha
Wi! will take our chaucee on yonr ooniing hMfc.

Piice,60c I

J. J. BRE:aElflhi.4i


^rron»« fl>Rn^»^



Stove Sale


If vuu arc ihinkli
inking of huytiig a h
atodt over anti get o
call and iMk

c I. nil) rar YOU i

dlkpokc ef to make room
a lilH-ral dlfccount from «



OM PoslatUce BnUdlng


These Iwsgo hand
tasar .
BEST Bov. No flow m15c Marita
ct McUtaa lor <Wc price of Best cam


CJKiyr" ’'**




No Pain with


Betan Monday, Feb. 1st
W* cloKd onr Anaaal Invcalor]' Salardny.JannarySIsL Monday morn­
ing we started onr Annual Sale and
you know wbal that means. It
means mat NOW Is Ike time to buy
SnMs, Overcoats and Winter Gfiods.
The list below Is a list ol money sav­
ing OpportanlUcs. WILL YOU BUY?

snd liimaws of ibe nti iu mg
<kne>v a.'lir«i - -tank are the to

a*4 in-lane
' \
■ H.-e
ewe aKaeU lbn> P Is erlwo
•* niwl, nwk. mivwI sail rtk.aued SM
Vir4- a y.-e bhaid ewee analewM M

'?' r

M.:i iutm >^1.. knsIlMaltoaJb
Us >
. elUe. «rtno. wrae---fine uf my a
rea (kmn in Incbb and stre«cik and mtkjid
He Md Pi.
e i'.r. eub^lendrf tei>%a b all r*e. stmfA
pade. We fltHj mam- _


Dr. A. W. Chase’s
Nerve Pills
For Sale by dohngert Drag Co.

March ». the certrs? tor the oBe to
repreaem the gcbool at the sta'e rmteat will ic given. There will be compelegt udgev chosen (or ihl* conivat.

> after Ur. Brorkna.v.

Men’s Overcoats
Excelleiit Goods

Nobby Styles

$13.00 to $15.00 Ovorcoals


, 18.00 to 23.00 Overcoats to 28.00 Overcoats

Men’s Suits
The best things ol the season
$12.50 to $15.00 Suits


18.00 to 23.00 Suits to 28.00 Suits


(tiundved tile itlra of tisvlna a
HiiriirlM- binbda.t |<ari>' fui bin lalbi-r.
Samuel .\ud<TM>ti. wImi »b> TS years
•he Jtl. lUl
> taken oi;l> lU years
Mr Arnlersoti ibouxht thai noth­
t. .'. t IIin*, eoulil U- iuor«- jileaxau: or «|»|>rt>
pi lale Ibku lo Intile n f<-n of his UtbOld till!.- filerds lo aiwud several b-H-u pa«ed and non .-vi-O' luoncer i
hours wUb him. ao be nak.-d 11 other lUat llltle Krouii liua eiiinreil upon hi
UUItl W IlCl luok 1h«- |lli
Kentirmeii, who had knowu
his r.*K...
father 1 If.liF
Ion* is.Kl
tui^iuhre than 5U years.
| tiiis-. however, 1
The luvitailoii was aecepfed
and the eonipany was cgmposi
men all won- thw To years old. the
time beliie Bpeui III a very plourant
uiaiiiier. Another jiioueer was al»o Invlied :o this party and atlbougb not
■»er Tc .\ears old. he was a ver.v we!oim- KUi-st as w>im- of (he rompauv
(Continued from page four.l
:id kminti biin foi lulls half u ivu-.
till). This was S. 1C Wal: ahd nliile ( HI iiud in-eii (he means, through the
itio (ompagy .was aAi-embled luRt-iber.
: !iow«-d how the- women of Traverse
ill took a pU-lufr. the ph-iure
beluR the $roup froin which the rat ac- Motheis' cluhs and lUe Women's elub
arllcte W AS oiade.
tiro (o the school'. Throush ibeir inIs picture was taken, "iir^nr.glns about many relomi' rvdaAt the I
of Ihe.pails- wer««i
the (wtubiiied
Uue^;• tree, medical lns|ieclion In i:


iuouihi"and'* at'^ times‘"of' iVclr i »choolg baa been Inirodueed.
lioi lbs, (heir combined ages were olher city in ilie stale Is free medical
’R tears, an average of S9» years, lUSplM
hU month'.
11 schools
The 12 aie all di>ad now. H R Stew­
Qswer the .sumy was genera
ard being the last <o answer
moas Md o'.it of ibe 12. one Ihed lo^ iiiestiv scleiiee
sellami uiajiiiul
training7K years old; three lived
iwas Kieatb agitated by Uie women.
Ibree lived lo he 80.
tbouKlit that Mr.
S:, iwo lived U. U- 8S. one lived lo I..- !


Sit and one llvyd to be 1C,

and John A., Cook


How <0 Bring Industrlea.




which cawie to 81$ aad
_ the society
ho|K-d mure would join
light cW with Bnances-lL


iuilheianci of Uie good work.


the* iboughta , that

Speaking at the good road* «c.i><ion.



McMullen of


ritv and exploited on. auioug ' wbicb lowimbip. •.aid ID part:
•The county road system which will
ai-p.-, Inipruvement of dty sirevns.
earing (or -voor ..eulorcemeut of law

tM- *ubmitied to the peopleof.Grand

regarding belter treatment of diildrcii Tiaveiwe county next April calls I-mcacelul consideration. No oue should
the careful cooaidcrafion

' -U seems to

Drieliy Mr. Kent spoke of Ibe elasa
day—-eiisatloii graft and s|»irt. WhyT
The jHHiple detuaud It.

The wuun-u o'l

ii’.unik-s where
tem* has bocu
have geaerally


• oiiieo In (his city and especially the
!ub women in this mide.uking.' ’
.Mr. Sanders i.' very oploui;. tii aioiie.


eliy tan gel over llie crisis


no dlReieni


.Mosi of tli -

Tin- ino liers

This e'fs ^h^mld

have a slogan ns well a.s olher eittes
l.el it U-; -Were It." ami iel us saj
somethiug each day to help Traverse
Aiideiivn. wax the I
vuuiigexl ill the plilu i
Two Ilf this grvmp db-il in ivti.v, .Ipril
11 and .Vnveii
c» in 19e2. Sepleuib.-r 2 and Xuvt m
e lu IWI.1.
i> in
ISnh. Januai y 2" and 2<
AtiilerMva. the BrsI
p;vr«t.vd avl-ay .April II. ISnS.
Uvrn ill rhi-.lec couuiy. l*a.. .Maieli
Ik26: ami n*ed iu Truv
■iiy 22 j
K. P. l.add was tb- 'eeoi.d oi- cf
the company to go. ddlig X'ovemiN-r
2:;. lSt-8. He ua« le:i. in West ''la .li.held. X'. Y.. and earn- lo Traverse t'f..
In 1ST2.
Heuben Coudricb. the thud lo tMcalled, died Jahuarj V IS!*!'. He wjx
I'oru ill Krle county X Y,. in !yn.-fl!-«}
lived iu Traverse I'ltv .Is ye=i».
Uouiiiilc l>unn wax-the fou-th
tak<- Ibe long jourm - . dvi-i« S*'pi>-ntUr 1>*. I'M.". Hr V.a- l»:n In Uva.!;,-,
Ireland, in Is2e, iin! live.! it. Travers.'
l ily if yeari
J. W. Kobertson was the flflb.
S<T>lemtHT 2, IHJ'2.
Me wax bte-n III
.Miyvland in 1S2I aod livvd iu Tra’.crae t'ilv ;IT vears.
.lo.M-ph Knhel also died
away vst X'
as born In .Ausuia la tbib
J lived
I Traverse Hlty t« year.'
Johu A. Took died .AuguM S'. IIUKI.
e was born lo Tmitun,
j„ Janu­
ary 2.5. 1X2!. and entne lo Traverse
t'lty Ui ihoat.
IVrry llaiiiiah died -August JC. isavi.
1" *a« 1-orii In Eric toaiTl.. Pennsyl
•aula lu 1821 aud came ta Tsaveix'ily iu laM. having lived bi-rc
tity 1
tbe lime of his death.
Philip iSeror toHowed on January 2
ikOo. tic was bom in Moam-al. Caniu 1S2.'-. aad tame to Traverse
tty In IPS';.
>n. Kug
the year 1816
llv<*d in Traverse City


.Mi-li. not moner. are lU- de-. rniiiieieiiii-!:!* Ill iuduxtuii! iu-'>v>a."
Ill (xuiililviioi Mr. Saiid.-ii* -aid. "We

In siiiiiudiig up the gUeallon,


work up a palrioUsii: for tiiix locality
ihxi will 'lay by u* a-iU bring olbers



lb- Second Ward hall on' Sprues
be the history of this street. IVlday evening. Kebrtiary
iSHts. at T:S0. r'.l-3«i for purpose of
better roada. that la
ScIc tJag alx delegi
the couuty road sys­
avention I
adopted the fari------^ as way properly come bufotv ihe
l•vell unfavorable

siicb F.vnU iU. Willie the people of the


hi*' Uev-n iiii'Uppiicd
*•«►ul•elale. ■


Let os

time with ts-.
lent, reading'


'l*s J.-:mie R-:.'!| o!



l.citit-: ul I’e »!ate 8i4ins«-. gave an

' Sdmt Faith.

the iibscntv of E. -ij. I’rwtt hi' exc--1'-i:l udilrC" ou the Mib-.vl of
daughter. Mrs. K. K Whit.-, read bi* ••The Da'-gJi'T in the Home." H-'t adl-uper on ' .V Sane Fourlli of July." d.'-'s wa' i.rucltcal a-td 'v ;' p/ercDtT-lic r>|T '••! forili the right kind of
• Give '.be dailelil-; the best

'pirn Ih.vl slKiuUl U- demoiislraied b>
the cltUens of this city next Fourth of

,>are you


■ ••r iirr what’she i'

and was greatly appreciated by

-’l.:lH-riy U not made up of sound',
haid the speaker. -Tbe way the cl
Isrns exprers their love ot i-ounvi
and Ub. rty ha* become alme-i an av
- i-oumr.v.

who were


WARD No. 8.

to the adopiloa.


the 'UjR-n-t'or* bate power lo Veto
stieh :• cotutuendathm',

Thns It







W. W. THIKLiir.




ri-piiblliaD -au- U' of ihi- wAcr*
or fail to SCI ih<- money asked lor. If re.ldlngjB Ward .\o 5. will b.- beM hi
.- Httb WanI ball, c.nier Wiu*lli»
imt^^iHius of the conimlsa. IFriday evealag.
nnil Rowe alreela.
sUmei' r I- &tt'faeti-r> to the su|H-rT.20 o
F-.-bruar;. 5. ISrU-v. atI T...
..c'oi k ...
jvisor* tiiitt the
lax asked lor
W th- parposi of —l-vilng si< d-legaft*
jsp-ead. but this lax i^noi be ia ex­ to attend the rouniv eonreiitloD to be
cess of two mills oiuibe dollar ot as held February 6. l!w». and transact
such other buMn-** as may propir'y
sesM-d val’uation.
■oute b-fore tii- <uu.ii*.
"Biuther ( ttx.ks 10 me as If
K. .' llOItAX'.
this couaty road s»iew Is a good
propo'iilon foi tbe people of (be coun­
ty till' itioorpotated cltie' aud village*

llte. S ul v4u can hi-’p put 'ti her pay about 51 |H-r cent of (be lotnl ol
jitte iK-i .r- th-.- deci'ion p*--iod couh-s. ceuiiiy tax and the low-Q'hips about
'What will give her Hie y<iagui<-ui
to Is pet C'ut- .As indIvlOitaU
'These eariy

Tbe object ot Aiuc.-^ica

mid bo
b. ftcedoi


*a.J ?

u holesotueuia charai


of us would jun-p at the

chance cf i>laying a game where we
gut u (lotlur fur each 46 eecl: invest,


ed. If then II is a good thlu* lor an

s budt a

Individua:. why

not for the la-upli; of

Riiefly ih' <peaker went on to r’low the counto?"
Fotirtli in a ntanner that is .Am- tUaii?

i:a' fai-.o;» .a tbe hom-- ate iitiport-

Tit- 'iveaker urged that the contlug

It. the tinker Brat of al*. and Uer d-i-

*eliei.;-i.>n be uugh: to celebrate in
D more iittlng manner, as of


lowa-'d^-r daughter

In leacLlii';


-r liiv- great face about iife; iLcD the

wbut-i* in-t(!!ed Into tbe bo.vs and .father and biothers. *!.■•• t-he gitl ue
Mauiclona, Mich..
gill* I-OVV win be what must assert Itomc Intiaiste with the fai-ier and Manccioiia High scbool wUl be repre-;
'.elf iu the tuwirc.
rotberu If she has auy. This n"urfa- aeri-.ed in ;b.- 'U'e oratorical contest
The 'jh-aker aUo advised the niom-y
;oo will do her any- amount of good. this year. Th.' will be tbe.Bm time
ralsod next


V 'Hnmlttec.

eoiM .'- '.iii'ia.-tiiry to the •upcrviaonv

, liiur Martin dellRtiled 1

Tti"i only lrt*iible lu the pa»t

baidjat isni.


IMlea:.. xhnul h'auM-.
."If Ii. xi Apia a majoriiy of the
Kent ('Slid. " each iiKiliber of lb<
.Tenth ai-d I'nioc-stnetB. Prlday evewvoicF caM an- favurabU- to the adop \i.g. K.-bru;in- 5. IWk. at t:8« O'clock
Uoiimi's I'iub get iiilo till*' and oB>*i
tHm !•( Hie county road system the
u-l.-ctltig clghl del.-'-.
in V .-mine'tbiiiF to IiK-jtnblic t-lirougb
o attend the iomitv <couvegliaw -c ,
biwiil i.f fcU|M-ivl*ur* luuvl deterwanc!**’■'
to t«- bi'ld K.'bniiiry «. l!K!i, and tra
iimuy c-uiiimiiBi>iUors ibero will
:neiit> I’f 111 i- plau. aod tah-iit o(*'tb<
I sueb other bbstgess a* may pnpU'tiui nut more ihui ibree. It will
origliiiiiiT ih'-riHvf. If sH-- \
jihii/U'-ome the doij uf ihcboanlur
work lliie’igi' Ibe pt'-'v for
E K. imiHS.
|:.i:;-<'rvisora lu apiiuiia txitiimlaaiunel*
P. UU.?t'U.
I to i,oM offlev-, uutH- the
gr- il deal uf Cieillt'shouhl U- giv
: April wbi-ii Ih>-ir i-utxx-^rs
■ 'll to the laiil'-s on tlif- arr!inR--ut<-iU
WARD N«. 4.
eommit’ee. who ariwuRc-d sueh au iu-.
A rt-publlcan twunis of ibe voter*
".Act-oidliig 111 the coital) road
len-stii!S iiKigrani and also lo ifiwc
n-sidlRR ill Ward .X'o. 4. will be held la
whu wei-i- on the auplH-r jv.iiinmule. Ibe rumuiiswiouis-b .uiu.'t :iH-v-t before 4be Paunh Ward engine huuM-. Friday ,
5. ^$0$. at' TiM
th- tir> day of October an-J Aline a
l-.o pi-ividiiig ibe dcligblliil
o'clrK-k- (or tbe purpds of selecting
plan lor tbe sutecc'ding years, said
four d 'lt-giit-K to attend tbe coaoiy
plaits trrlnKSUbject toibe approval o< couventlon in b>- held FV-bruary 6.
the iKiard of suis.-m*or».1 i.' the rec. and trauaact suc-h other buslhesa
Prom Mondv's Record.
nay properly come belorc
■■uiuienditions of the cumm><v*ioneua
Th<- !a>t MS'ioi! ol the In'tit'iie wi
no um saii'lactory to the'upervIson
i.ubd lo Iin#r by tb-- eha:liu..n. .Ms
plan- h.-lug »ubi-ct to the aaproval of
John llo'ni.-'. ai : 15. T'.-- fir'i t

iini-t have alxulule fiiUh tliat we an- lie [iriiu .1-11 MS- li p]--B'i-t3 viol'll s
going lo win if we expect uv la-t nx ,lo r.-iid- : .1 by .Mbs lues .V..blo -.1 ti

10 us.


■'"Wing in VV.rd Xo l. will be heW
in Orange hall corn-r Caw* and Washlugton BUevu. Prlda.v evening. FWbmary i. 1»0». at 7:S« o'clock, for the
put pose of »e!eeliug six del^taa to
Btleiid the county
eoavenlloa to be.
held Pebruary «. !»0$. and tranaact'
.<i.i.Ml«iid 4sm K< ssanisnq Jento gsmi
wise Ue(or<- ihe caucus.
O C. moittatt.
^onuaittea. .

Good RMda

Here Ur. Kent suggested

number of i^ood lincMof thought to :
cnnslileivd by the womeu of Travi-rsc


WARD He. 1.
A rcpublickn i-aucus of (he voter*

good CondlUoa.



oibv r liills be has IJT-S to pay for tb<

ott-'D bad thoughts


iraiu to Sagloaw'.

The a.-cietary reported alter paying


\t e must educale our Uivs to this that


The attenduuce at the Institute has
-e.lups do not have gival taleut for kept Up Weil pud iDiervw was mauifi'st--U ibrvugUoul the seseiotia.
-iiling tor Ibe press but be was :


la this vlUag*

'The (CRKtal was held i

the house today at $ a. ni. and the re-

^ciiy luiva- voted (ur the ebaugc. Hut
fily." Jiie city bring al«>m a desire
••We have all Is . ii .'tud.villg this ;< I-ighvr inm-nl louc of Ihe in-wspaiioi jvvlivivvir iVe >y Mem liS'Kvn la opv.-ril (lie> but undertake It. l^e m-WM- jiiiifHi li'iig v*iiiiU3b locive lesults thenu-t..iuti uud 1
said Mr. Samlon-. -We eflti pap'T will only is-too gird when thal are nut mure eiilbuslaxtlc adniin-rs of

uurkings ihau iliose same (anu«n>
mlv ask hir Ilie ioo|M-i;tiioii of ibe ■lay arrive.' when this nil’

IJriii;: liidu.drii-s

fi.-ive their inirt here.

You will miss some­
thing good.
The earlier you con>e
the better for you.

'old aad hud reeidod
ral Progress.

he Wouien's dub of .Traverse

of news found in the newspaper of lo

>1- S. Sander.' was then called uian.
to speak upon Hi-- subject of -llow to

to Us and bel|> u- out.

Don’t Let this Chance

ip. Week*. The deceased was 79 yean
ince iSSe

Mr. Kent laiid that hll niemb<-rs of

They arc bound to rgine

v.isii to change lo the iiidiistnal liie-

' Z Z 6.50

ihetj sH. at Ibe home Of her daughter. Mra.

orgaulzaUuus In our high avbool and

Stiad^t Pants Suits




Could women U- given a


htoy may dm leave ds but vsmie liack

^ gQ


uiovv of this kind demands.

Boy’s Suits

6.00 to 7.50 Overcoats


vote uii tbi» quesllun 'without giving

business, merciiniile. etc., and do no-



iiat.- agriculaurc.


eiUzellK are e.imiged Itl Uxinl lilu s ol

$ to $4.00 Overcoats to overcoats


iia*."v rigid discipline regarding class

ai-y other lulhl-eiliig dty.

“""'^n’s OVERCOATS


iu'lweliuu. Dbservantv of ihe Sabbath

it through.

6.00 to V.OO values


aiding pure food cause. Insisting on




dll We‘Kbt to-Ibe (MTasUet."


iiBluial tidvaiiu.ges are bound vaVuM

•being the

arrylug llie oercssary avoirdupois
III' hmion-d uy being iiieluded- to

men out of boys and real women out

Youth’s Suits

$ to $4.00 values

A rljing vote of thanks was gireojflsy tor the putiiws
-nil toasts lueu of bt^ miuds.
^Ivosc who helped furnish music and md electing oWeera, Sacceag to U.
eastiug *dE^ the city i
Mr*. Oiplcc Oseiv. an did reaUeat
talent, the ladles reali^ (bey needed euieriafuuumt during the Insiitute. I
Oliflon A. Warner briefly told of the’of ibU village, doted Jan. 2T o(.4iaraty‘
big man to tuintilele the sehetiie. ^nd

ol gills. In Ihe true seirn- of

given. Samuel

iif. 10 the task and aenimplish it.'

9.00 te loro Suits

meiils has (-arried out Ibi- Idea of iiiak' s's-tioD Will conilune lo be a pdrl of' gymnasium, they to gge the hwll after*
j i«Kvn». A meeting was called yeaierliiR till' a big event, and wU-cIed lor the ivgular Inatilute.

and dumb gnlmals. more rigid factory

It U

paily was

_____________ _ts golBg to have a _____
eai nuistratned to the belk-f that the iDsiituie as has been done this year ii
three days session. The women's Aihlrttc club la co^wHoo with, ^
commiltee charged with 'the arraiigc-

0:il>vhr-e Ibiuugbl mil wjs that the i-eally scrl
i. Will i»U8 problem ol woim-u la to make re.vl

great laskT

Smm Snappy Bargains to $7.00 Suits

tbe (am KKend IV>^ aa>W. no ceM
b«. s» «*•!* « a.1 deelan «r Or. A. W.
Ckasc U»dn.a» Ca,. Batin. N. V.

for ivlebratlou U- . x-

pct:d<-il tn hospiid)'. parks and


grouuds. which will contiBuv to be a
the whole year, Inateud of but for

Keep the girl away from the leasing in the bisto.-y ..( the schooL'
about other U>y.' a* long as you can

Tbe fulloming i> the list that have

Let hrr have her own room and give already began their
her good








but you fan cbooee her booka." ving Doerr. Ortha
The Uat Speaker on





Knigbi. Cora Moteley. Prancls BUha.

able to choose The daughter * cvmpaa- Edith

was Cco. W. Keai. edkorof the Daily




McCmcken. Carol

Ill clostas Ihe speaker gave a-verr Grv. Hanning Johnson. Roth Fbote.
r*__ I
i-piraMug t.-lbute to girlhood.

Engle, on the subjt'ct of "tlroperatlon

Al this lime Mr*. Jbhu IJotme* was

-mas Broekway- died January 29. of the Press." lu hagtimlag kis re1S«$. He
was torn In Oswego. X V- mavks. he *aM: -Afigb- sRttac how
a. and ilvedln TrUimse CHy 45
nhd Usiealng to the imnilcmen who

demi of the)woman's dectiosi tor the

Bimotmlx choi«a to act as prwsi(orning
ling year.

It was s|»«

ibisg tha tggckwn


TLc iir'-llmu-iirj’coBlMt will be beM

to ic the acbod ^aoxe


86. and ibM

dntws or piaasum of hf«.
Is that the Wags Yow Fecf f
U it is. yua abowld know that th*
lamom took IsbUts.

Lane’s Famfly
(■rnOed also LnM*bTM)
will gire that p^tset taterM dean.
liMss and wbtilgeomsgeu whith pro.
dasmbmlthsgdthefeeh^of earn,
ton that makes fife eojoy^t*.

He. r*e..g*a


Harel kronght Ito tallowing eaaea:
Bdlik PetteacUL ege fire; Bikel PettMgUI. age ttrto; Rickard PenengUl.
nge seven mocikt. Ovialt. Mick.
Clarice Brngh. age-seven; Dale Bnigk.
age five; Ladle Bnigk. age two: Ber­
n«piMtMa 9t r»
nice Bragh, age nine bkwUis. Traverse
HmM VMHf r*lto •HMWM.
Je««up LaJone. a«e oU werka. no. Mick.. R. P. D. No. 2.
Ink Ropito. mck- R. r u no. i.
Nouea oenl by Olive Biiiidi.
I ««4U try Mv«r t* tMfry «r
Bother Uuriel LiBkletter. age oer
ft«t abMit MytMi«eateen axuitht: Vlale Barber, age
I will try t* to w topyy at t
three year*. Lake Aun. Mill.. R. P.
will wrUe a few lines. 1 am at
«M ato mtoa tvMybtoy tom
o. 1. Namcii i‘eat by Almo Liaklet- achool today. 1 went to the Cbrialxnaa
tree, and had a good time.
Floosiv Aletto Mukletler. a(v tbrep Cbrlatmaa I got a pair of stockings, a
J will try t* to l«vlat.tolyyean; George Barber, age five yean, pair of mlltcne. two palm o( hair rtbli»l ato kito to ovNitody ato
to a«ary IMag tWf«.
Inna. one la pink t nd the other is blue,
Ann. Mich.. R. P. U. No. 1. Nainea a pertume bag. post cards, caudy. peaH I avar fall in trying to to ;
ml by l.yle Itokletter.
(fciu. popcorn, uut*. and a lot o( other
ttoaa thlm, 1 «‘ll *^ry. try
Edith Pettengill gge five yean; stuff. Our Sunshine Ciub met at
agaln.(be) Peitengm. age three yean, aud
Mentor's Saturday. We had a fine
Ichar4 Petivnglll. age (our oiutitho. time. We aerved refrvakments
Oviall. Mieb Ladle Brugb. age
played gaiuc*. Aud we are going to
y«;arx. and Bernice Onigb. age nine meet again Saturday the twontyiblrd.
iDuntbo. Traveroe Uly .Mich.. R. P. U. There were sixteen at Lottie's. I wls'h
No. 2. Name# Mot by Haiel Drugh.
you could be auiong us and hnve
good time. loo. ' The babies nre lust
inahina Preaidaitt’a Visit,
r the VulU-d SUtea. Suu- ax rule as they cun be W hen I get
borne at night they will run up to Ikiwgmf. I cn and women, boya and
Ihlnklug Dl yvbrnary ISM as kissed. They ran say dog. puppy aud
it is snowing now. 1 hoiw there
ith ot luiorrat. Clltea aud vUMIU CtAfiA BATEI, Cdilar.
lages. cullcgoa aud M-hooh>. are look- will be enough snow to slide dowu
bill, wheu I get home. Wt ha
f »raa>dant-<lara Bataa.
aud gratitude and juy. Aud walk to setioo] this nioniiiut. and my
PIrat >
all tht» cxriicnicnt and outbUKiobtu. gbl very cold. Some of the flub
i' writing with me. 1 have a i
all Uiib iilauiiiiig aud rcuicmbering. la
send In to the Sunshine I'lub. Mar­
tocaUM.- a liny baly tauit- into tbu
Wmaroy tWalda.
garet ihxige jige thirteen, l.awn-iK-0.
• uild o«K- buudivda yeari. ago.
Mich. The Suiislilae Club will meet
Think or lU Suubcanui; A weo baby
at Sylvia Waelei's Saturday. As ti
like oiher children the world over,
wbo laughed and played, a ho frii-il. leller Is gclliug hmg. I will elnsr.
Prom your loving Suu-ltinc girl,
and alcpi. and who grow
llleuu Ih'll.
« an the Cradio Roll the years puKsed. (nun vbildhood Into Indeed. I would like lo Is- aiming
yooih.' aod then Into the manhood
Pto. 1, ifiOfi. toa.
your Sunshine Club mtH-Ungs '
which a whole uatkHi Is proud to
next best (bins Is hearlug about
wnrrtar Fyn.
m. Isn't It?
I'M (o hear (to aoioe U »akw.
a poor little boy. with rough



Aa the «lad goeo by:
Pav to watch. Che pretty flakco,
Buclng In the aky.

TUWPAY. mWUARY fc 1«».

My Biotber and mj oUeat brother
have gone wB south of fttnt. sad FlorPalmer b suylBg with me. , 1
have some more names for the SnaCluk: MerrUt Edwards, age
eight: Bertha Jeweil. age six; Thresa
JewoU. .age Eve. and CMarile Perrin.
.Alao pnt Chrystal Belle Perihe Cradle Roil.' She U three
years old.
Ever your SutMhlner. ■
Mattie Newcombe.
L shall Ukc pleasure in sending you
new enrd and button, aod hope yop
will have belter Uf<* with these.
Empire. Mich.. R. P. D. -No. U
Dear President—
ow write you a letter as
bitvcul wrltlcB ill a long time. O
school wax out last Friday, and 1 got
prim- (or spelling. I am In the fikh
grade. The title of the bcok I got for
prise was ' The Swiss PAmily ItoMn
Mi.~ 1 have lust my butlon. 1 have
gone lo school every day. I wHI have
I close now.
Prom your (rlcnd.
Prank Urouks.
I have read “The S« Iss Pamily Rub
mon." and like It very much. You
111 caiv luoro for your book because
u piisc. pill you not:
llcndon, Mich . Jan. I!'
Dear rre^ldcnl—
As 1 hnven't written (or some tliiiiIhought I souid^ write now. Will
you pk-SM- send ui.v lIttU' brother
Sun^liitie buUon and card, as I
til join the Stuishim- ciuli? lll->
nniue is Ik-aebel Phllllday lUimiebe is five 'years old lie wa.s U
kfli-r Dr Sliilllduy. of Lake Ann. and
U.-aehel llristcil. of Traverse Cll
flaps bought our (arm of him.
.S1.VS he was a good man. and 11 luahre
reel very saJ lo Iblnk In- L dead
V. .My Utile brother has b*s-ii sick,
bul is belter uus. Th<-se are my 1"-IM
have s pet coll, his nann- is Col
onel. and we Ivaijr'a |>ust earti pii-tUK
-Ukeu with the coll: my llUle biotber
was uu the roll's back, und 1 was hold­
ing Colonel. Ileachcl has a pair
pel balitas. Tlioir names sre Dlek and
Wc have tso cals, ihi-ir
aW- «41ow nnd Bluey. As iny letter
Is getting long I will close (or this
time. So good bye, wlih'lovc :o all.
Bessie Rbodi-<.
What a cUDiiIug picture it must b
should llk^ to sw you. Beat-bel aud

BOW sK tows sad write 7^ a
laei. 1 go to Boardman aveaoa
ackool.. 1 go to seboot every toy. and
am la the ftm grode. I wUI be sevea
years old September aecead. Hy
takes the Herald, sad abe
reads ih« letters to me. They sre
very iaterestlag. Sometimes there are
letters of chtldreo t know.
Christmas I got a doll, a high chair
for my dollle. a pair of stockings,
andkcrrhlefs. and m«»ms aade
new dress. This la the first ieller
have ever written. I have one
•r and one brother. Will you please
put their names on the Cradle Roll'
Jeanette was two years old July uineteenth. and Joseph was four years old
August iwemy-slxtb. 1 will close bop
g to see my name In prlut.
Your true Bumikiner.
Beatrice Wander.
You have written a fine dral-lelver.
and 1 slucerely hcHM: yew will write to
me agalu schuc day.'

rrery Baaday. tt Is aboat a qaartw
f a aaUe trom oar toaoe to ike ckarck.
We giris at school are UTlng to get ap
brmack Saashlwa (Tab this vacaUm.
Well I wlU dose or my lener wlU
reach the waste basket.

arWito atlffea tbeir toUcatt 1
that they are aaable to lyTke grebe and the toon faBxm«a a
Mioewbat routed. M toabL torr fcbMhy
webbed feet, lo^ oetof and
■bort .stubbed Uits. and both are great
divers U the ptods and aireams where
^rn CkraiieB.
they make their home*. Bat tto loon
You have written a most Snnahlx
a big .strong Bird, and does no^ as
Iter. Fern, and I saall be much teierrole. pUy much with hb< sntaUer
eeted to learn what success you girls
>uaU. So 1 emooot t<41 .von eycAly .
have la starting a branch Sunshine
>w-li came aboat. hut ooe frosty
Bsorniag U November, a grebe and n
(Tub this vacation
loon were tocod benumber and help- '
less with emtd withU a few foot 0(
Old Mission. Mich.. Jan. 24. 19M9
aatk other.
Dear President—
The hoys who found them wv-re very
itti a little girl eight years oM.
joined your Snorhlnc Club some time mnch surprtaed and pleased. The first
ihougbt tbey would tw-uer put t^«
age. and intend to do my best to tivc
p to th. nilcs and rt^ulstions or the birds Uto a rage and kt-ep them for
'lub. I go to school ncartv every Jay. pets.. But second hoy had.a mn<R
study- reading, a riling and spelling. bcy«er Idea “Let's take 'em to Bronx
lUie my teacher very much.
Her Park." Be said, “an' give 'em 4o tto
suit- IS Miss Wood, aud sbe Is a very fellow that keep# tto birds."
The two birds were qalu- warm and
rood tcai-berf There are fiCtceu vhll
llveb' by the Ume tbey rrac-b<<d the
dren going to the school.
l*ark from bcslng coddled comlorUbly
Kalkaaka. Mich.. Jau. ro. 19«9.
uuder the boys' jackets. So tto wLc
Maud Wh- ;
Dear President—
II does me ao imich good lo ham kev-per ol birds set them down at tto
have time I will wiiu- a few
•toe of a mUc pond, lor he knew those
lines I would like 16 joUi the Sun- tbal Ibe Suiisbiners care about
watcr-biids must bo thlrsiy.
abl» nub. plcaw! aeud uh- a card and Club, and will try lu do what
poud was partD' frosen over, and aa
button. 1 bad a gocxl time Cbristwas idedge card
the iwifbuya and tbe man stood watchgot a sewing box^ a i«lr ul sclsaors.
ime side combs, one hair ribbon, and
grt-be dan luio tto aaivyr and dive un­
Jiui. 23. I9V9.
pcK-l card album. Here arc 1
der the lce.../Hc did not retarn. aad
mice tor the Sunshine Club; NetUo Dear Ihv-sIdeuI
As I bavc tluie I will write- to you presenUy Utrougn tbe thin Ice it rouM
Sherwood, age eleven; LuU Itcducr.
have not writtcu lu the SuurhtiM- be. seen that be was In Irooblr. He
Ih-rnlvi- -Waters,
>. age Bv
up to the surface to bitiatto
pi-v>lA. U is griliug late 1
U close.
dcml Hiid the Suusbiuerw will ihiul: aucT bumped bis hv-od aaalaM the ire.
Your Suusbiucr.
“Well have to gel him out ol there
that t hate (c>n;uiu-a tbem Bui n»w
Edna Waters.
• hell vmmher.' 'xelaimed the bird
I am Indeed glad to have yvHi and thal varaiioii iw over I don't have vi-e>
lan. and was starliug for a boat book,
eh ttuK- to write Isn't this we.ich
your thn-c ri h-inis (or to^luers. and
tine? Just like- K,icing? First it when the great loon, wbo b«d rtood
wc will enjoy'beromiug aton
the shore all Ibis Ume apparenUy
IIS and ibeu ll ck-are up My sl.iipvjualnled.
and I gcu a pair of i-km* s for nircs- thenkmg of nothing at all. as te tbe
It tuc-m logelber. sml .ire cu,»lom of k>oas. suddenl.v pluuged Into
Lake .Ann. Mtr h . t(. P .(>. No. 1..
learning to skate, and as 010- of -Hir the water. He slipped under the Ice
Jau 19. I9V9.
Sunwhiners say». 'j^ui get a lot ol and made fo ntae atragglitig grebe.
Dear l*residrnl —
hard bumps." I ••iijoyc'd the killer Wb»m be reached the spot wbeea bis
will now try aud write a (--w llneo
(com our dear First Vic-i- l*revhk-iit little friend was gs.'plag for breith
you to tell yuu wlrai I got
muc-ll . II mii-t Is- so ulce of her lo the big kKtD dived deep and. eomlag
Ciirlsimss. I gvH a little basket,
Iblnk of UK and wnte u» suc-b ni<r long suddenly to the surtaev. deall tbe Ihia
cap. some dotbes. a post can) album,
Ic es powertul blow with bis strong
Irttc-o .lor .she must l»- very bu-.v
uud candy uud iiUlH. I bavc two brolhbeak.
lug uu a raiicb. I wundvi wbai is
aud (wu sisters. Tbeir uaucs are
lew iK-cohdB (be energcvilc (opn
with “Aunt Lizsii-." She Has
Lyle, Otto. Flossie aud Esther I will
bad made a bole Mg enough (or (bo
tien to ns (or a hmg time.
soini two'uatnes (or the Cradle Uoll. suppose she Is busy alto. Hu
gasping gn-be
' to poke bis boafl
Oue la m.v Ullle sister Esther Muriel know, Sunsblaerw. that ,Auul Uixlc i«;through. thc-u ne qulrkly returned to
She will be two years old in Auguet. my very own Auaiir, aod Cnrle ilack|Uie shore, where be sat down nnd
She Is awful cute wc think. And 1 Of whom she speaks In her leUera is walled for tbe grebe lo join him.
w 111 send Ibe name of one o( tbe nelgb- my rnele. and he csoh- to see u« last I R twi’i he easy (or a creature .wHh
bor^ little glrto. Her name Is Vlale summer. I guess I will close, aud *»l. a bill to look either shamefaced oe
-Barber. She is Ihr.-e years old. One
comptofeni; but lae three apectalors.
until another day to write
school is out. but We are studying ac
In reporting the liirldenL cerialnly ap­
I your loving Sunsblner.
home, (goodbye.
plied these two word* to tbe grebe
Margaret.-(‘- Wilson.
Kroui your little Iriend.
. sure all the Sunwhlners w ill be and the loon.
Interred to learn that siur Soi-shluc
1 w-lsb I might know- yon and wyir
I.ixxle .U your "truly'' Auut
brothers and slslerK. It is alee 1
LIxzle. as well. It makes us seem like
have you all lor my Suushinersw
ono big family, doonl It?

and audi a boiur
loiwreme. Mleb.dau. 12. 19
•earecly uuderaUod in Ibeee days M
arlcotlfle MDi(on. There wasn't any
1 urn s little gIrT twelve years >Rd.
tho«- days. OP R. P. l>.
' Pnn to MO thuu dropping down.
go to the loiwroan* ^hooL
mall distribution; he bad
AU to ao(i and light;
ek-utric lights, when be was a little the firth grade. ' I live twp lutles and
Ooveiing the cold earth, brown.
quaricr from school. Last year I
boy. and had never dreamed o( the
With a btanket white.
i-ni every day wlihout lubslug a day
marvels o( wlreleas telegraphy,
being Urdy. I want to do so tbb
bad to work .oh! so hard; gnd his
fua to DOte the chichadeea.
lesaona were studied because he want­ year. I went lo tto Sunshine Club
Is their garmnta wane.
ed to learn things, instead ot becanse yesterday*. We bad a nice lime. There
V Oayly filt anong the trcee,
sixteen or ns. We mol with lovtbe was made to go to school. But thU
Heeding not the aiorm.
little boy grew Into one o( the great­ Ue Mentor. Ttore Is a little snow on
Ahn to bear the "Ung-i llM"
est men the world h« ever known, the ground, but not enough tor sieighm the merry belle.
and bis name wah Abraham Lincoln.
Your loving (riettds.
WeiMpt are the taougha they hrlng,
All bb lire long.’ he wna good, and
OpalI BuickaB^
Aa their nuaic awella.
bonesl. and brave, and kind. Whennow nice It b to hear about the
think or Lincoln we think ot
, Pan to •at'up gianu tail. ■
HcrniUtoD. Ore.. Jau. IS. 1909.
the very beat a man can be. We know Lawrence Sunshine Club! I aci^ al­
IH-ar President—
bow great a President be was. and ways so itoased to gel letters from tbv
JKyaa, and earn, and aoee, and aU.
tow write n few lines to it
WB know how wise a leader during the members.
Puhkwad Ktohd-M.
JU-rmld Young Polka Sunshine Clu
teltlble Civil War. Wc know how sad
have the names of some girls and
Lawrence. MIcb.. Jan. 12, 1909.
Pun upon the k>v hiUBlde.
it made him when the brave soldiers,
boys wbo wish cards and buttons.
With the dted^and alcli^:
Luke Ann. Mich.. R. P. D. No. I
boib Aonh and south, were fl^bllng Dear President—'
Kingsley. MicA.. R. F. D. No. 1Now diat Christmas la past. I will They are: larlaud Means. Erma
Jan. 19. 1909.
, Pua to take a >olly rtde
and dying, and yet be was so grest a
Jan. 14. 1909.
nuirtb. Piets Barker, ('lareuce Darker,
Oh a ooaiter gay.
l»ear President—
ild dare to let them suffer write aud tell you what I got. I got a
Dear President- '
and Zella Davis. Please send
If not. something most be
I will try and write a few Hues to
that right might become triumphant.
1 thought 1 would write and tell you
Pua-to atote apoa the Ice,
you. l-\«r Christmas I got some utider- whol I gut for rbrislmas. I got > pair
wrong with its food. If the
Of course you 'boys and girls have three hair ribbons, sitd i got popcoru,
Pmen HBoolh and thick;
has 6<e acres ol laud here. We live cluibes. a rap. book, mouth organ,
mother’s mOk 4k«nt flborish
reswl In your histories, and siory -booka. nuts and (pndy. My Sunday arboot
of skates, a book, and a poai card al­
now .but will move on our;
: Either, thither, in'a trlc*candy and nuts. My auntir was with bum. Fur pels 1 have a dcig Kia
and have heard the lalca.or veterans teacher gave mo a post card, and 1 got
it. she needs Scotf's Emulshn.
Aa the birds aa galck.
ranch in Marcb. I saw niy cousin’s'
pf the war. but If you are like your
It^i^plieg the elementt of M
is Max I like to sksU- veryname among tbv letters lu the Herald.
years old. I will send In three
Sunshine President you never weary
: .^Sighu and aoutos aad.Berry.playo,
required for the baby. Ifbaby
well. aud slide down bill on my sled
or the Cradle Roll, my little
o( learning about the man wbo was so tle gold pin and cortKIcates called the W(- lived in Willtamsburg. MIeb . until
Jolly .every one;
is not nouridwd by tts artificial
school I am In theCross and Crown system. They ar
sister. KlossK- Aletba Unkletter. age fourih reader. My studies are aritbgreat and brave and kind.
t Ok. Ibtf gwrry winter toya
food, then it requires
years ago. when papa rauu- west three years; George Barber! age five
"Lln. Are ine tlaie lor tan.
metie. reading, wricing. spelling,
leiter is gettlns long, so 1 must years; Gh-n Barber, age six mouths,
Our Sunshine
00)0 page" for one of the Sunshine b- without i^tng.
geography and language. Tbe studies
close hoping to see ll In piiiit.
will cloai- so good-bye.
sucs or the Herald? WIU yon all kelp? •|ub 1* going to meet at Marine Kel
hard. 1 Ukc to go out aad pUy
Your little guusbtnrr.
Your mend.
Your president wonld like lo have you ley's uexi Baturtay. Wo bavoii't had
to the snow. I wUl close (or this lime.
Ksthryu Ueebe.
OB a ooM, dark BlghL nol )(«g afo.
Lyle Lllikle’.lcr
write her what you have learned about any snow ibis winter to speak Of. As
From your Sunibiaer.
II sei-ws ever so nice to hear Iroui
<Wme a IllUe Iriend all clad In snow;
You rorialiily had a Christmas.
Lincoln, aud why you think be b a my letter b getting long I will
•Jcsssle Star.
ir far-away Sunbeam, and we all
Swatl was be as be hurried along,
Id I am so luu-iesied in all lit.- ulce
great man. She would like to have so will say good-bye.
Does .Max like- to play lo ibi- snow
hope to learn more ol Ksibryn's new
Bhigliig to hliuseir. ihU runny llUIe easaya about him. too. such as you
with .vpu? You must bavc fun racing
bonut wbcu she moves out on the
Bcnitcv- l>ell.
have lu si-booL Every boy and girl
It seems very odd U) think that you ranch lu Uu- spring
.*•110: Ho! Ho! does cv«>ry one know?
wbo writes to her about Liiirulii will
Lake .Vnu. Mich . » P. D.
four times a day in its batik
1 aa UlUe Kebruary from the laud ot receive a poet card oT the Uucoln An- ba\f had uo snow, (or we have bad so
will have the detiredeCiecL U
A Tni# Story.
.Nessen City. Mich.. Jan 19. 19u9.
much in the nonheru part ol the slate
D--ar Prt-sldeiil —
sieems to have a«flcal eBeti
When ihn birds go soutn at th<- ap
Annie McNbUcil/I w-lll write i little letter to yo
upon babies and^iUihcn. A
proach of w inter they do moet of their
i ibobght I would write and tell you
Uwreniv. Mich.. Jan. 12. 191)9.
)ifty<entbottkwiJ prove the
travc-liug at night. One may some­
Mm Membarm
1 am well, and ho|H- you are th<- same.
week, aod yemr presideut was ludivcd Dear Prv-sideni—
times hc-ar their wild erte.- as they fiy
^ B«M Wntern. Kalkaska, MIcb.
truth of oorstidementt.
1 received the cards und bulluti-. and cup. a Isiok. IV me uuclerelolbes. ai
glad to hear from so many or her SunGood by be.
far. r*r above the tops of the in-cs and
Marjorie Uanies. Lawrence. Mlvh.
lucy were very pretty
I haw- i-oiiic candy and uul?
A ulce posUl caDH- trout 1 will be thlrtit-n yoara «dd the Iwi iiiy
the- lool' of the bouses in the- d>m
Ueatriev Wauder. Traverse City.
more uiiuies (or the Suusliiii' Club
Ucirtrude Owen, whom uvont of you third of Mveh. I an^the eousin of
lo Llukl.-U-r
Marlight Somciliucs. too. iti<-.v iiiile
' Mick.
. ■
Cradle Roll. Essk- Davis, uge loin
UleDD Slid Howai^ Di-ll.
I an
ttm t-»*« to cow wasMc. aaJ wt *« snJ
SiMi'liiinadventun rs of the- upp-r air nic-l ter
SWS-CMnuHmdsAlhaefaMWsrU.Margaret Dodge. Ijwreutv. Mich.
Blenn's house to'nlghi. I am In the Uionlbs. uud Harley Cook, w six iitec-ly you prinli-d «<n I- mtU- IcUoi
nblc storms and cold, nuuib'.ng winds
«»TT A BOW» a«a Pm«1 SU fto V-k
Name sent by Blenn Dell.
monllis. Harley's sisiei . IJeuiiii i'. sll»
abth grade. I hope you will »eiiJ
»o ph-ased tu gc-l
Boactol Bhimday Kbodcs. ik-udoa. iften read. Gertrude b at .Naublu- a pin. 1 will write more next time.
V. ith me at' M-hool. They are all my
•»y again, and don't you suppose the
MIcb. Name sent by Ueaude Rbudew
Your loving Bunsbine girl.
Alou Unklethir. Lyle Unklctier and boys aud girls were gbd to s
dove, and a cut. Tin- puppy 's nam.
Marjorie Barnes

Olio UnklMtcr. Lake Ann. Mick.. R. back?
Do you live near Dk-uli? 1 should is T«-dd): the cat's mime is Tafly . ili< U-sr
A ulee ietU-r has tome from
I bav-c ii-vcr writte n (•> Hie Suu«P. U No. 1.
ke to know all Ibe Lawrem-e Suu- dove's uuuie is Hubble Tie- I>up|>y
Nettle Storsrood. Lula Redncr and the "Sunshine woihera." and your
ill bear trom yim so-rii Good- shln- Club. I will try ami Jo su now.
. lo srii<M)l .-Vi-ry .lay My lea< ln r'>
Beraloe Waierm,
Kalkaska. Mich. president need nol tell you bow glad
she is to know that the Suusblm- mg<'
1C t- J I.. .Mill'I
W- liki- liiiu
NaiM sent by Bdna Waters.
From your Suusliiue girl.
Ilufdirkvillr. MAh.. Jan. IC. I9i>9
b wrUvtue lo old aud youug. ^rs
V inmh T sui in -Ik- .—i-oiirl grade
ifaigarDi Lang..Otb HeiHiall
Ago 10
Helle stnuig.
mi v'lii -'mi'- ilHiu— for Hie
Nellie Ijutg Nessen City. Mich. UukIcUey spoke very loving of the
should like to s«-e Hi- ............. I" '
dear First I'n-sident. wbo always
Snnsliii— c'luli. Margaret Lsug. age
. Nanv sent by Besilrice Cook.
,tIi\iiuw. I am at sclitsd uuw , Does the puppy ever try to follow yr
I’lisll. I
Clariop Drugh aud Dale Drugh. Trw< loved the Sutisfaliir children wllh sll
,- (riViid and I an- writing I
.IS' lour For tin
ane etty. MIcb . R. P. D. No. : her bean. Imulse aod Imrabie IJnk- will tell y-oiAwbat I gut for Chrislmus
ac bt.'v'*ej ■ I' I 1-1 wa .h alien }oo bar- .verything -o
lioll. Ik.r" l{l.-k--l.
-11 ll■••l|lhx.
Names scot by Haael Urugh.
W<-*lisv.-Jii-1 I—•i.'-rttli- whole wa.Ill-re ouHil. wbi-T we
Elk lUpida. Mich. U F 1» N« ' •
I....... .
Leland Huana, Brnta WUmarlh. Vera week we have letters (roiu Alma, L>kSlid Ss-1- I'csdi. ag.' Uin- ««
waul V.MI Mo
e -- 11/ .■.diiiln- Tl.i.ol nice whi'e wll
Jun 2«. I■“'9
will Is- si! lor this
good bye.
WUmarth. PleU
Baker. CUreno^ and Otto. Tbb b wbsi Mrs. Lluklei- carnation perfume, and I got cantly
k.w .-lolli- - bank-1--. -Mit- ol lb- Ul Will ;,ur. ly- miJI >ou. if you ne-d One
-ar I're^-ldenc—

Von- loc ing Snciili'iKT.
Dakor, SellB Davla. Heratslon. OreThi- is Wediiodsy ev.-tiluB I
Tbr.-.- St?*- 'if tia;«aiiired tub-, with good siroiig baudle*. and wriiifi-r
and iiuls. My grand|>a and grandma
guR. Names seat by Kathryn Beebe.
uiy 'eii'
aliiicbiii--u< Th. -- .If- gtiaHuil'-ed nol to nisi o. l.-ak aait are .-b-af- r
and fipcle I*ei-ev were at uiy liouse lor very- iiiuch ph-a-ed m
19. 19M.
I Wioi-;- I whsi ..tiidlen you
CUtid Dodge. Merriu Edwards.
Kliil betler Hisii Ik n-lofcif Wa«hiii6 niafliiI-<-.i—sovi-iul
dinner. We bad oyalrrs (or CTbrlstmaa ill the Herald W-: ink.- th.- Ileluld.
Bertha JcwcU^Thresa Jewell and Dear Mbs Bates—
^■■-lll■nl \i.- Marasn-v and UH-. i- >uv
I enjoy nadtug the Suiisliia.- !•
biniL to '•-•leit f.t.iu. b-ii. h and tub .loll.- - wrlugPTS. diB-rei.l Mfi<-»s
dinner I was eamplng this summer
will try and wrilc a (cw lines
CUartlc Pcrrtfc Davlsoo. Mich.. R. F.
grade, t‘w> ■
Ii I- tK-i-es-arj to K-. of »h.-^.- Ihipg-, to judg.
Ili ir value
and had a good time. We were ovi-i
No. i. Nawca sent by MatUc New- you to aond In wllh the ehtldren's Ictor Chrlstnia-s ,1 p>l -i liandke
Wa-l. iKvarcl- of all kiiid.s. rini . I.isse gls-o-. .-naiu-l ' lo'h-s pins.
My oldest cblldreu joim^ your by the Narrow. I sni going to my
Tiuv-r- < ll'. Mk U . R F. I> N - 2
chief, o pencil .a piciuiv <>! ui> Su
.loIlK-s lin-v soap Slid 1U«P fsiaciers -tr W- have exieml-d our
Sunshine Club when your dear Mothtg friend Ethels tomorrow. I am in the
day- school, two Christmas cards,
fi-e goCKl- offer to F-l. 2T 1 •id-rstind *■ will give yon !)r *pith Of
alive, and tbey bad tbeir eanls fourth reader. My teacher's uamc 1.“
H. V. r. tonaMM Club Cftob Roll.
ivalr ot Ic-ggings. a new dress and pc-a Ik-ar Pr>-sldc-nl—
goods for t-v-rv dollsrv. worth that yuu bu. of us durlag February lor
Margaret Jeanette Stewari. age and A letter she wrote esperUlly to
I will wriL- yi
and candy. My niolhfir and lath
ters and three brothers 1 am eleven
cash Bring your rorh. oat*, eggs and butter
Beven months. PUbL Midi. Name sent them. Our bouse burned down
•e dead, aud now I stay with my
Lake Ann. aearly two years ago. and years old. My little brother Is (our
by Mrs. J. M. Stewart.
laiiily enjoy readlug tbe Ictt-r In tbe
sister 1 have some new members
ChryaUl Belle Perrin, age three
Herald. I bad a flue Christmab and
w-ould like U> put their names .»u
TMfB. DBVbon. Mkn.. R. P. O. No. 4. and buttons. 1 have been waiting (or
hope all tbe Sunsblners bad (hr same.
Cradle RolL Ravells Uioii-. age I
Manila Bumgardener.
children to be able
Name sent by MaUb Newcombe.
a half years, and Jeasup Lalone. We sfcenl New- Vwar's D-sy at home.
1 am sure you enjoyed having your
Uorr RIcket. age seven months, and writ* thdr own letters. Perhaps you
six w-ec-ks. Please send the card My brother and family were here I
randma and grandpa and I'ncle
innot read the youngest one's,
Badle Ctooh, age three years, Xesseu
,e Well ! wil! have to close, ao live eigbl miles from Traverse City,
CKy. Mkh. Names sent by Beatrice could not write, ao be has printed hU Herey at yoor souse for Christmas with love and bes! wishes. about forty rods (rum IvOug Lake It
letter, it you Iblnk beat. p« bb name Do they live near y-ou?
Is a very pheasant place to live. Our
your Sunsblner.
Essie DavU. age lour moniks sad on the Cradle Roll. I srill have
school let out l^vt Otday. Jsnusr< 'be
Olive Smiih
DavlwoD. Mich.. R. F. D. No. 4..
close now. so good bye.
Hariey (Wok. age six months. S<
What B nice Christmas you had' I fifteenth I was In the PfXlb grade.
Jau. IT. 1909.
Yours truly.
(Sty. Mich. .SamM sent to
LU sure you must have had s happy Mv studies were reading, geography,
Dear Presldeat—
arithmetic, grammar, physiology jien
Btrou >
As I have not written to the Herald
Your president missed n oaU from
Joseph Wander, age lour yean and
manshtp and spelling. My tescber'i
Jeunettc Wandar. age two yearm. Trai Hsrel Bnigk. ibb we«k. sod was so for a long time. I thought I would
name was Mias Shell Schell. I liked
Nest Umt wrtte a few llnat to let you know that Traverse City. Mlril.. Jan. 2vi. 19*9
•rae Chy. Mich. Names sent by Beat sorry not to see tor.
her r«*l wen Thqre were sixty schol­
HaaM comM to TnverM 6iy. wo I have tost my eard aad bnitoo sad Dear PresMrat—
ars earolled I go '«> Sunday school
A* 1 tove never written 10 you
•»« » toK
Woto to'kave b kic* UtUa vlali,' woaM like aMttor. 1 am Stteea year*


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Washing Day


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