Grand Traverse Herald, December 14, 1911

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Grand Traverse Herald, December 14, 1911


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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in^ Xravttr*



TBA\-EESE ary.



mm OVER Flebne INTO mike NEW ClPim



Tbelr Trail folloasd by Chalk Mark#
.fonaaeimra ara Waking


tearUle,^Tbraa mllea «n:
der tbe Oroae Moaatala mine, 8am
Mnier and a gang U Imprtaooed min«MAt •rrwATlOH TOM»Mlp an are playing bide and aeek
death. MHlarta making bU way from
entry to entry, learlng chalk marka.
Reacoera are vorklng fariounty to loeate tba vandaiing mloere. Fire U
Ttwir N«M*~VletM>
tU^ SMr# •
aUn nging In certain pane of tbe
Pwaury PnyMitton.
mine. Tbe total number of dead re­
covered ta U.
Vm WtdiwOTi

Tkv* «U ft«Ma •ttmdUMS M repTtfcifclrtlM cttlMU kt tbt mMttni
•Mk* Bmt« ^ T|««* iMt Btcbt ud
UM soft «M«Bliti9d U pn>t*d
-U U • rMl cM-teMlMi- «TCBl. iuat
M It M MM ptaMl. TMra
WHWW twr MMCkw BwOt M u*
thKt tM MV4 hM not Mn
M wm Mi^MUd by lb* noreb^
M ita ranlU
0M K awMTid.
TMbwUM via oMBod by the
'lUbing «t tM BtfntM M BMoMnn

arraNoement* seino made by



The Grand Tcaverae l.M>coln club
vIU bold lu eanuBi banqnet in Travaty Id PebniaiT. on come date
near the Ittb, Unctria'a birthday.
OvU« to adverae condltlou laat year
vaa held. Aodrev H
ittbe work
%td mu «*M diMned of be- Doogneitpof BUc Rapid*, preafdent of
have bMS maral propo- tbe elub, U in Trarerae City today for
by «awent beat- tbe parpoee of making preUmluan arita. Prealdeat ikmgherty baa
a tnw. and TWu)ts*are liable to
nimleaUon with United
a« tW IneMUtatIn of tvo ol
SUtes Senator William Aldea Smith,
who baa promlaed to tnmlab one or
apeakera of naUoaa] promInMoe.
HmH Vrvm.
It U the purpoae. of FtaeldeiR Dou^d'lta WtfMiBa «< tfc* "•«>■* «f
MUdOip'aatntaiy Holley read erty and other oncer* of the orgaDay.j^^iMNtartea of dWer laatlon.lo make tbe Oraod Trareree
Uacoln riub benquet tbU yeer e red
mRSiTiM ixmtarme omtm letter event In tbe bUtory of nortbem
• gave aa ezoel- Uicblgan. end with tbe eesurascaa al
euo o< TnToree ready taeelved tboro Ja a good proape« that tbe UneiA risb bengaet
UU year viU hq IP to (be ataadeid.
■ «ttlw obd !(. not battei;. tbea tbe banqaMa of predtbemac- vkma yearn.


r bad taated
lr'«l tba erand Trae.
|: iCMrtbvtad at lb*
I Croa Tohi aNhU. Nw Orioaaa


m city. DaTeoport.
weatar. Man. New
irna. Lawr in tbe
fMadrtch vUtad that
Mf «dM by tbeaa applpe
aajMdItiaa of tbe anUre

Tebo WHh BreceleL


Tbe Comtwnlon of Foraetera
Prised Chief Ranger Copipenlon Tebo
at brr borne Monday evening to helr
her nmember her hfrtbda} aanlversary and aleo to show their appredaWd to Oompaaloo Tebo for the dye
^ycara spent InUu Chief ranger's cbali
•RITON** MONARCH MAKfig'VAL. PrograaslT« '^ro wa# plaiy-ed In tb
e^y evening. Mrs. Gilbert taking
tb’e flrat prlxe. ana Mr*. Hinee the
conaoUtioD, A floe pot lack supiier
served, atd greatly enjoyed. The
lianlona presented Mra. Tebo
Debtere and Allowa Extra
with e bracelet as a token of their
Pay te SeldUra.
love and appreciation. Ooeets from
Delbi. India,
were Mrs. Oiaa. Moore
le Beat ' of
of Saginaw and Mrs. Amanda Kanfgul dynaaty. U to be the new capiiol nian Flower of Grand Rapids.
or India. Klag George U ideeaed with
hU receptloo and baa aaooanred that
the capital will, be moved bere (roiii
Calcutta. Great eotbuaiasm gre

DfliRmi sr niK g^ge

It eonaUU of |1.«M,000 for potiutar
education, tbe releaae of bnnd/M*
political prtaooer* and debtora. and
half montb'a extn pay to eveD aol3ler in India.
The coat of moving the raplUl tram
CalcutU will be more than SS.OOo.OOO
itu baa been tbe capital ilnce





- end Majority » th*


Pboenix. Dec. lS.~AIibongb definite
figures «IU be unavgUable today,
TRIAL WILL BEGIN WITH LETTER early-indications are that the demo­
crat* are virtorkm* la ArlMtia's first
state electioa yeeterday. The recall
Mandsd te Him In OttraH in IMF. In of judge* clanae was elisilaated from
Which Was Ehcleaed %n tor
coaMUntioo by an overwbetmlag
First Job Ha Convote. IMriy returns Indicate that the
demoerais elected a majority of the
legUUtore. also George Hunt, eoadl
IndUnapoUa. Dee. 13.—An envelopr date for goveni^.
ddreased. -CompHrasnt* of tbe -^.•'
handed to OrtJe McManlgai In DeUpIt
in 1907. U essened today to be the
beginning of the governtnenl trial of
the ''Inside clnHe" of the dynamiting Mr. and Mrw E. Wi' BMler EMartainptrary. The envelope U said to
od Many Tvsait^ Club Tnew
have contained |7S as payment (or the
day Nifi^
first job McManlgai confessed to.
The trad. It U said. w;it lead to eight
»lr, and Mr*. E.^. Bbiler enter­
different CltU*. In which live leedqn tained the - Merry TSientr- club at
are likely to be Indlctrd. It U assert­ their bone on West ElevenU'Mreet In
ed that tbU informatloD will be laid
very' happy manner Tueadsy even­
before the grand Jury here tomorrow. ing. the fuH membership of tbe dab
Every stenographer emptoyed In tbe
guestA The boose was
iron workers' offiree In recent years very prettily dmrated (or tbe occas­
has been subiioeiiacd.
ion gnd progressive pedro occviplee
the larger port of (be time. Mrs
Otanncey kllller received first prixe.
fruit plate, and MrA Wesley .Wlnii
oyer received the consolation, .ts
I Thet Ara Well te
ll Bamnel Conrad'took first hon­
or* (or the gentlemen, while Georg.Harvey secured tbe consolatioa. Light
This U tbe time to s
«J after whkt
s gifts the gnoeU were entertained by Inthe maiU that It
ital selections on vtolin aal
ani lo mall early as lo-sbop
piano by James Butler snd'.Neva Beenot mall so Mie as to risk delivery
after t'hristRMts day. itaroegb a desire
tbat^ the present arrive
Here are some rule*, tberetora. few
mailing Chrtatmaa package*:
. Alvray, Ceek and
Affix pottage stampa to tbe odAroo*
side of mail matter. Red Creas seels
ma.v be alIUe.1 to tbe hack of lettan.
poetenrds and jiarkoges only up to
One of the largest and prettiest
I. They are not allowed on the event* of tbe winter ^season tn Trav­
tare of mall at any other time than erse City was the eoebre party tend­
tbe boMdayA
. . ered by Mcedsmes G. G. Coveil. C D
Mall early and preferal^ at tbe Park Plsee iiarlor* Tnesday evening,
poet office or station lnsteafi~<t In a more than a hundred ladies were en­
street letter or paritage box.
The gueats were received
Write addres* pUinl.v giving nW. In tbe
lartorv. and after a aodal ^at
luWt and number, city and euteS
«A^--- W hostessra led Ibe way to tb* dlnPut .v'our OSD sildreKS In. the upper
roorn. where tbe gsme of tbe evencfl band rarner preceded by the
word* -raiurti to" or 'Ironi.The iwrlors and dining room were



Caae »f Herrick Plane Company va.
AI«a P. Huellmantel Still
On vial.

RooaeveH’a Friends Come CM Into
the Opco end Hbpe for Peycolegleal Mt^eni, to Ne-

Wsthlnsiori. Drr iSj^he Republlpany va Alexander r. Hoellmantel in NatJMval ranveoilon *111 nH-et In
haa claimed tbe attention of tbe rU' Chicago. June 18, to nominate a vnaall yealerday afternoon and dldata tor tbe Tiresideory. TbU
today vlth tbe ebaneea that It vlll decided at a short acsslon Of tbe eombe .Balahed tonlgbL l*bm are a mlttee today. Also tbe aelectlon of
nt many wHneaaee for tbe defense Harr}' S..New of IndlanA a* chairman
teaufy and vp to noon bet three bf tbe committee of ei-rangemenls in
had been examined.
eccordence with Prealdeni
Jttdgp ktE'T>o fan* Bled an o’rder on wuhis. At the c4ose o! the dm se*
tbe petitton for nllmotiy made by Ada Sion IV «ss said that the I’mldentUI
J. Germaine va. Charles H. Germaine .primary question might not l>a ’.rough'
allowing her ISO for a raUlner fee in before -the committee.
pending and an additional
ReoaaveIVs Friends In the Op«A
>!S in bar case against \V. U..C. Ger­
Only less Interesting tlisn (be ran
maine. Mra. Germaine Is aUo al­ troceray over the rarirol of the sublowed temporary altmon)- la dhe anm charge of the ronvenog 18 per week and 115 with which
Iton wa* the exploitation throughout
She is also altowj.
yeeterday of Colonel Theodore Roose­
ed tb* tme Of the bouae In wb^ sM
UvM with nU tbe necessary .............. velt as the (•ossible candidate Mr the
presidential nomlnatton. Tin- advoiary
until tbe ease U eettled.
A short evening sesslqn was held of ciloe«ri Roosevelt, bnl th:"|v veil
ed yesterday. «as openly mini iironlU
lat eraning when the Wood
was up tor facerlng but no deeislon cuoualy procUlmed today. The ad­
vocate* of Colonel Koosev elt'ej^rguwhs raacbed.
s in bU bebalt on the fact that
al. not time had tbe former president
announced that he would njt accept
ll li were tepdered to
March 38th. 1813. tn a amall town



of tbe friends of tbe Salvatieii Army have asked ns to vrite-an
artkde for pnbUMtkm. exptalnlng our
vork mora fn&y. Some people have
tba mlauhen Idea that what U being
RpgUter valuable letters and. |iar- aglow sub garland* of holly which
for relief work In TravraU (tbe fra U only ten cent* In addl- with tbe bright red berries peeping
arae City U sent to Detroit, also that
to the regutar iioatage.l ThU bere end there frotn amooc tbe deep
'MM iMd treia Ue Nortb- the oSkera ara raqttlred to send a
be done at the main office or any green (oUege produM-d a sariictilarly
for the aqppon of Gen­
of the stations kvated through the charming effect. Seventeen
eral Booth. TUU
entirely false.
Mm» «teelM t* a aatalt

city. Carriers serving residenUal dis­ of sit banded eurhre occupied the
AH that U contributed for relief work
ibdlMM in tba Mor Mt aebaoR.
tricts also register iiarceU ^ lasne’
(or a couple of bours after which
__ that they aoald not eae t Trtverae CKy ramalna here for the nrar Bteekbolm. Sweden, the birth
receipts (her^or.
dainty refreshmeats were served.
IMM M‘»e prapoalUM *e. local work; and. as to Oeaeral HootbY of UetlMa Augusta Petoraon became
sure lbs proper postage Is paid.
Tbe boatesses introduced an luilqac
It might be rlntereMing to
M OB tbe ky bad
Attach tbe sjampe lo npiier right plan ol asarding thr prites of the
learn that be baa sever bad a TEettar of record.
tor haveral r
The femlly eatne to Anierira > y.-er*
haod corner, address atde. The rate evening by .means of selecting i
__ th^V'ti SM oDonM )*ft at pree- bla anpport from tbe ^Ivatlon Army Inter. Ubering under many bardsbiiw
for merchandise, sent imaeeled.
bers tor the bighcsl and lostW ■
In tbe early part of bU vork.
dbl.ta vwmat fvulac a boat ttxm
gain e new lytctiage. and arqualsi
(or each ounce or fraction Sf^ an and then awarding tbe prises to the
IIMnm Oitty tn bw Ptdsu aM CbaiN bdere tba Balvatloa Army vaa organ­ thamselves^vKh
the Idloaynerarle* of
ounce. '
holders aearesi tbera numbers. MrA
(♦'ram Wednesday’s Record-Baglc.l
ised. a friend became so Interested In
. nelUlyg near Jamee^ Thoina* Wycr* wa* arrested tn
Pac^ wrap and tie 'he iwrcel ae- Robert Prl'-e received first prlxe.
aitmb epMod tbe tbe vork he was doing that be depoA lowE N. Ts^ When the family was
Charievolx last night and brought rarely, using strong rard and toa^ bend jaimed pUte. and Mra C. W.
tted e earn In tbe bank, the latereet of
actvrnted. her lot fell viiti a good U- bere by Sherifi Shuter today to atu- smooth s«per.
Faust received the consolailoii.
rasarba that were which vea to be u*ed for Mr. Booth's' m»y.
If you have to exiireas It! use wood- Christmas .book eutltle.1. "CbrUti
charge of bigamy, the war­
and to tbe point. eappoit, end at bU deeib tbe principal
tb ebranlcled
rant being awwra out by Sberlfl Shut- : boxes tor pecLtng. espectally lor Cay In The Moralng "
Mk-tW atan vaa naalfeat tkroMb- goee beck to tbe depoMtor'a aetata. marriage to J. Darrow.
er. W.vers was niarrlvsi here Decem­
■Mbl tba tanaladai <r tbe oToaiBg. He Any contributor vlsblng to ^now
three yeera In tbe TItuarHIe ber 3 to Miss Ethel Wood by Rev. should be well protected.
MIbtad oat tbe dlBcaltlaa that tbe ora ragnrdlttg tbe dUpoalUoi
UYtte tbe address in full, state,
oil field, they took up their abode in
%hMd nanben ba*e axparteiioed vitb tmda may obtain the deelred Informa­ IsabeUe. Co.. Mlrh.. where an ocra ol W. W. McKee. Both gave tbelr ad- conniy.' city, street and number—on
and everything seemtbn baalMii nan of tbe elty beery tion by cnlllng npon the oBIrar in woodland bad been raxed tor tbelr drees a*beChleago
all right with them but ii ibe U>x or package, with Ink
MoMhiy Meeting Will Be Held TeBMo tbi» an eallad apoa to aaaUt la Aerge. vbo win be pleeedd to shoNi reraptldb. end on tbU graund e lo«
TaD are frequently lorn oB and
mecrew Afterneon.
el baatnaw tof tbe better- bla boeka end voarhera tor all mou- house was tbe abiding'place-doiUiii afterward developed that Wyt-ra bs<l
gboiher *~ilc living In Dulnib. The
wm nf the dty. and be tboaght it lea received end expended.
many yean of toll
----piviav the charge* Ave. Mo'hrrs Club
prisoner wa* taken before Judge Nervaa nbaat Man (bat a tbaage took At preceat the vorkera are very Meelrk end IlnaUy this rity cUii
regutar rtirating lAicUager today There be wai> given pre wrlie the sord 'Cald ' In large plain
fMla. aM an ptfl ier tbe apbendlag ■ay collecting lor tbe-Cbrlalma* ef- them boaered residents.
letter on the package..
I pbe program Is in- charge of Mr»
Umlaary bearing and wa» bound
a(^ tovB, tutaai af .trylnc to tear •rt Anyone wishing lo coatribete . m. .33. 1301. tbe hnsAnd left the
ln»l»t ui«>o receipt
-Edger KHtb. Tbe subp.-ct i* "TL»
the rlrt-uU court, hi> lK>nd bcinc
tt Hewn. M had baaa tbe tmu>m vtu isb. prnvUkmi, gracerUe or fntlt bonsebold In monralng nn4 on the
Write jour own hd 'ress In full i-mie rbrlwtma. Spe it “
flsevl al
whi.'fa he ssi- iinshle
tniletdnala U tbe peat,
may eeu CiUaen'a pMme WTS or een lost, the wife and mother jollied him
eotiicwhcrc on ttii- package follow inx
add* tbdbtbt that tte Uat o( member* lo 114 West Seventh atracL
the prefix ■ T'mni "
tn the great unknown.
Song, -mtol(MMd be raviaed. aa at peeeeat tbeie
CepL.aDd Mrs. J. B. Honre.
Put card with jour own name anff deu.
Shie was a (Inn believer is a cIoti
Queen City Shrine.
va boan ttaanaa who an paying too
Its ImaxHtaUty be.rand the tomb. and. At the regular meecin^ "1 Queen
Song—Fourth GrsJc
iigbk vbOe otbera are not paying
convenient m ship in wooden
during ber earlier life «as of
l-s(«rr. The True ChtiMma# Spirll
Ciiv Shrine No. lA White' Stinnc of! ■•oxee ura strong wrapping |a|«r and
th* proper ahara. '
BvnngeUcnl Uitberna faith.
— Mr* Keith
Jerusalem. boM Tuesday sliernoon
e with strong cord
Hm- life wna « moat exemplary one
Song, -the Hafl'I ilUW—Sulh
tbe fyliuwlng ^eeis were lostalled.
iMtarlyl vaa praokt and eat- Inatractive Program Wea Carried Out
If the [acksge contains anything of Grade
tbe klndlicA frirn^htr
Anna Isoule and Alice Walt acting as perishable nature writ* tbe word
^ all who knew ber.
The Cliristma* Slory—Mrw
MM la brief aa taneve;
tailev*; HU
-Perishable" In targe, plain letter* on tags.
Two daogburs nnd two sons survive
Id be each I extent that Tbe Cmtral Mothers; dob brid lu I monra tbelr Mbs. Or* Mav lirvan*. Worlh.v high prieeteas—Susie tta- the box or poctage.
Grinoell BrDlbe> have very ktadi.'
and la order meeUag ~T1ieoday afternoon. .An ex­ *SM U Daughany and Ttaad C. Dar- PWni.
loaned * Vi«roU tor the aftenmon
Watebman of the shepbrrd.—Jens
Metferti Brotherhoed.
land a number of prodm-tlon* have
cellent program bad been prapared
larger ptnat wDI be nee- and was eajoyU by n large nwbei of lArarrilte. Pn, as also bet braiber.
'bran cboran bj the teaibef* 40 (nr
r. and e«e with a side track in Tbe "Talk on Madtmnn Pteturra" by John of Teguadees. Pa. and slater Noble Nirapbetes*—Arvilla Gardner. Brotherhood Mondaj evening the fol­ ntab the re*t of the musical program
Wonuy arrtbe—SUrUn Corbett
low tag officers were elected for the
le MMer handle boU bU raw Mr*. L. L. TyUr was very Interaat- ChrMlB* Boalhwick. of
The meeting will start promptly at
easutag v-«r:
umitttm well w tbe Betabed prod- lag as well as Inamictlv'e and maa' HeightA S'. J~ sad acveral grand child- Worth} truoaurer3 o'ckx-k ac-1 U U b^isd that there
Worthy cluiriaift—Alice Wait.
X Savage.
win be a targe number Of mother:
«H|, .He «M BM aM tbe city to pet thiag perhaiv not known by mnay.
all of whom, except 4be sister,
JobnvBWgy mesar: au be wanted wna
were preeeu daring ber last lUneas.
wesent as Mr la-derle tm* a
Secretsr)- and tn-amrer—G«-o w piirtnnl ualler to bring betore
tMitr nMManra in dUpoalng of bU The talk by Mra Bennett on -Work and tbe ebsequle* observed fraiu tbe
Wuriby guide-t'arrie Petarran.
club and there siU sot be another
pMHBt pUM. Aa tbe rity need* ea moag tbe tllrts- wna uuih nppre- home of tbe eider daughter. Ur*. F
Wertey 'herald—Margaret Wllbrlm
Chaplain—Lena XaThaiiut
AMBMortem vhlob ran be. adapted to ated. Tuo very appropriate eong* li. ErvanA 833 E. State street yester
nwrttag b»fo^
Conductor—Cnvid Panek.
AHMmA MPpoeec be tbooght that hU r Mrs. Howie} and a Cbrlstmaa day at lOieo a. m. the sermon being Firul s-tae BBan-Jennie Hoxie.
Beco^wtae mao—Bva Smith.
GRA.VU RAPIIS—Pnseerattag AtitoBE tinGin bBIMtng could- U re- story by klr*..C. P. Back «Uh moak: doUvared by Mrs. str-..»AR Eauli
Third wue maa—Matt;*
terse" SresE SEaocpied that Paul A
Mh 4h>0 the bin. Tbe prue tba‘ br ddr* Lee HoraB.>y completad tbe Fio»er of Oraad RapidA
First baad-maldaa-rilfalco Johuoo.
TewA'. accused odeBmpUa-.y ta tb# reRtbekab Lodge Ka 4115 of wbcm
hgi«t telMMMdlagaAd land w as
Second baadmMden-4jm Curtta.
Traaia* tor three yeera-a A. Jcb- ent Adams Cxjfeaa company's beddmmi 8Meh M'MM M abom tLOOo AOcr tbe Vodraffl a aodel boar she was e member, sad a large an
ur herA »fll be retried negL week.
MMilMa *e pAnna M mUy worth. U
^mll* McGonih.
TraMe* fbr eme yuar-LcM U- The iny dHagrutt at the trial last
> aervwd. Neetlag nd}o«rved to pay * iMt and tribrne' to depvi
*J# **’*^*5~ ^ “•
Ml is Iliac ^ U.






4ft tn’




C. A. holoIn ask* for omClAL
Of Charge* Mad* hy -Jim'’ M
Vhos* MeemereMp to tb* O
dar la Being Vlgerauely

lUUmexoo. Dec U-—A tocUenel
fight, whics pramisra lo be tbe hott wrer precipitated, la entidpaWd
tbe entulnc ecalobs ot the MMo
grange. N. P. Hull, meater. taeda tS*
eonserveUre clemeet. while tba Insurgents look upoa B. -L. Bekar of
Cbebojitaa aa tbelr iaeder. The war
ipremacy reerlved an Impress
today wboB B. A. HoUen. secreury
and treasurec o( tb* Pntroos' MeUmJ
Fire Igsurane* cempony. openly re­
sented tbe
against him and asked for an lavostlgatbie. Holden sprung a mUd oenaalion wbea be asked {be Mata g
antomt^a e
clnrge^ that hod been mode against
him v/Bdttor James W. Balmt e< tb*
Ml^igaii Patron. Holden dmtsm
that bU enemlCA- Hke tb* barfitor
who doe* bodliy harm to arcemgilab
the theft end gets away.* ara uriBIbg
lo ruin bis repeutloa In eedsr M necompuah tbelr purpoeae. From Oma
time he chargea that hM name bae
been assailed and bM repetatlan bU
by article* pebllibed U tbe Patrna.
Tbera la a bet ooutast on over She
ecouv* eemmltte*.
Jerry Lesrson. F. 6.
Baker exflreg ttiM yMT.
Powell of lonta 1* e
Palmer, and E. A. BoMea eC tmBttig
ls running against Baker. Ab tipger
pentaanta man. yet to he ■elarted. win
be placed ta tbe rao* asataat Laweem
Wbetber ^leeker HerSart F. Otkor
of the state boos* of upfeeMtatfvae
win be reflected a member
execaUre oommlUee of the |^kwe,\M
one of the big qtM*tk«A Be oSt
Messn. Lesrson and Palmer of tb*
committee bare reached the sad of
tbelr terms end there I* a gtoa ofi foot
to oust them. Tbe rceelt gromleea. lo
have a ocrtala effect ae Bpaeker
Baker's gomicol ftriar* aetl he la etagplng right lively to prevtAde-Sefeet
for the ^acc.
erwoven with tbta atrmtila la tbe
fight whi^ Jemea Uehpe, editor 4
tbe Michigan Patras, ta maktaff tor
bb membervblp ta the arSer. Oggeaents of Heimc and tbe geUclei hd
beeo advocating, ta'botb the state
and national grangr. ere mM lo be**
scheme on foot of aummartly getatag e eew rub nndcr wbicii Heimc
be voted'out of the order. At
present that b Impoealbto beraaae
only tbe aubordlnate grange be* Jtel*dlctbn ta thee* mattere and the Leeawee grange refused lo tern Heimc
dowA Nf(,* HelmA hlmaclf. says ta
hli psper that there b a fair greepeet
he will be tbrawerraut of tba order fiy
hit enemies.

Jury Rcterned Verdbt la Faeor of
Roehestar OMtilHog Cemgeoy
leoiioa of ta* rtrcutt court
wa> taken up veeierday aftarMoa sod
wUh the ease of tb*
Koibestcr DittilHox rampony va to*
Trsvi-M- riQ Hrewing cofflimBy. Tb*
jury reached a'^bloa at 11:U tbU
finding a verdwt foe tb* compbint ta the sum of
tb* fuH
amount which was claimed.
The evening seesioR wee gorlMlIr
occupied with iivorre nmUer* sad dewere granted ta tb* coses of
Susie V Williams vs. Nathae Wilttams and Ctamie* OstcSell va. doby
CetebeU. The qucetloe of aU—y ta
Ada J. Germeta va ChoJim
Germaine was abo taken up aad
ranged by the euoraeya
Tbi* sfierooen the j«;f was aetaOsd ta Ibe cosM of tb* Herrirt Ptaoh
ipany 'v*. J

Taft has aomtaatad Bsdgoa B. CotarotKekgmswad



lij oM b* 'tea* tk max

I itmie

edm*. aad the best pnKmritian we

Twice A WEEK.

tete «M'«tetP7 ^ Ml is te pn*
Mit loMtte. Ha vUt teT* u> ta«4
iHtar *Bd *1*0 eqatp




ptet. vUch Voold ba 'baUar IT located
om Of Um baai*a» district.
Proaldent Sttanb tboo«bt this propoattim worth taiklBC Into carefnllj as
the cMr 1* t* Bead of *a «Ddltorlam

Ite* over had ateg thU Ub« «as
nude by Hr. Ott. wad no -encoungeirat haa ever bewa gtraa him since
a mad* it pahUc.

•aratera -Ote Oeed Advte.
H. a Shade* pbleeud to changiaK
tb* name of the organiiatipi
ot'-’endeient atOBey 1 th* ttee-

beaataas orcaalsatleu. . The «tM*tk>D

t. and hi*

the Uooaa lodte *P-

an ink m
* ia Satiolt a tew dar* ago, a Grand
Ikftdi alaaiaBs of Ibo Unhwalty of
tttbe tetersltr Of Ulahtea aspaeU
aagte «roB Ha own atate |n aoaay
aad atadate. why doeanx h patroate Mtehigaa tadastHaar Tte Is aot
te trat Opa this oaeatton has bean
naked, aot oady.ea to pstdic tasUtatten te as to the aaaaUer cMaa in
BW PMa. The keytiote to local proe
amOtr baa beta '^atnatls* bom* tnMte' ■
. «be Itedat whte gs*a rtaai tojte
•bM ateark -whs ttao thet thst-tbe
PaltesMj - ai^ohl. dhe hfka>iinn>
dMterla to be piteod ttla year by
« Wteiadteftm, and Am la watarsitf-« «b^ * to^ ranaoB why a
f dfliftten sbohM
•ahe sMthar state tor this elaas of
-psIMhr'Vhen tbare 1* no state lai the
-QWBlk'SrMeh can axes! MtelgBa in
Iba •as* aft of teatte Ust year
:Cbt ttteaaa wcah printed by one
thd'baat-tWdlslilav bease* In tba

.tewiMea t^Jten^^s^ly

obtnlDM from lu efforts, and for that
Secratnry HoUcy gare a report <a


I Drag Store.

do not come within the regn-

T%a r^lng of this report opened
the flreworhs of the erning andrnev-

be a good plan for



brokers of the city to learn tbe lessen

arnl'apeeches of a homid nature were of the west, sod that Is that if they

President Strsnb opened cannot sell, then somebody else in the

the ympnigp tty telling tlwse present city can sriL and U aomeone In the
wtht he thought of those who hang efty esnoot sell the settler land then
their buBlneM abUfty in bebalf of the
Hr. Straub was followed by A. V.
fVledrteh. who recounted tbe iroublrs
that have faUen to the lot of ever}-

They do not real­

from advorllslnc.




yored tbe devcloprarat of the fruit in
dastry of the regton as the moat beacfleial thing for tbe permanent upbuild­
ing of the dty.
C. A- Hammond was called upon for
a few remarks and he gave a tit»too

lag obt the Ute class'woth rcontred of his connection with the Hoard ul
npoathahBbrsntty 'anniinl. The MIcb- Trade ever rineo ho had besn a resi
lasa printing henuas are able to oom- dene of the city. He thought v>st it
'pala wttb a^ othara In the United

waa tbe duty of every loyal clllzen to

-teataa and bead aot be ashamed to

conBec.t himself with the
John R. Santo, another
«her ex=

any etbar aaUblUhineoi anywhere.

of tbe Inard. aald that
that If tte sorwXhtebaa* Is only one of miw that inry did as much
1 a full tearj as
maatlonad. and
tmaUer be haa done on part of n that he hat

tegbt b*

toms fat the auta have trif this same proved to be an excellent InveetaMRiL
dtantaalaatkm. The beat way to build

If ft waa not for the eummer business

apis oantmantty la for Ita cUlaeBt to

that comes lo Traverse tTly through

glaw Mr loyal and nbaunila! aop-

the rccnrtrrs at Ictiai ti per cent of

pen to tu boao tnatmtioiuL
Uuc G>c bnrinosB urn would have to go
rated to thds prtodplo will go Ur to- oiit of busiaraa. ThU is suffirient arward local praoprrMy.
gtlmeot In faviM- of putting oiil the ad­
vertising ihai has been'done by the
.rt duiiiiR iho pava



"ghi that it was a pccnliar ihlag

astor reaeue woiK. 'll waa Inlerestloj that the mcrttuiniB of the city did not
iU Brlearille. Taan.

4 law days ago naarly SM men were

Uko more ititerowt b Ihc wmrt of thiBoard of Trade.

Per*soa*-us bt- *ou.i

ndlllkc to live in a city If he did not

itemhid U a burning mAt and reo- h*M any anxiety for lu futnre.
eaara are atlll bfingti^ out the UsdBaacn* wo^ Is humane and es-

After the ecmrJuatan of Mr. S.vndcrs'
remarks several talk*



Arrmipned Curtoteae Brekerw
E. W

uaiUngs stated that during

Tb* BrioariUa dUnster sag- the ftd aeaaon at teaat fifty proapect:

c-^ la

1 probate office.

here paper that, a Ilea Ui lump Us c*o length."
1 lie. k—"!>ai a probably why »< cevet

0>* city by the knocking of ibe curb-

stone brokers, who had apxi real ew auempi at this time to (oere the u
tate daaU almply hKause ttey' could rae. Thelf obyeet mar. ibe.e raid, to
not iura them to their own praftL He leave matleri ruBivtectly op«n to ptr

Tbe child will

bcrvufier be known legally a* Kuina


Vhwa Lardie.

STATE OK Mk'HiGAN'-The l*ro■•ate Court for die County of Grand


Traesrae City. NUk.
TtateU.. ............ ...................

tavertie a^T'.

The Lillie Wonder
Cylinder bora. 4'inctNB; Stroks

Good destgn.

bast HStMlnL

Hopper cooled. Weight. 300 te. Hate
easily, rune etesdUy;


reliable, durable and



pulley. fasoUn* tate. hstterr. esB ^


BwlUh. viirad raady U nw yw te
stator, wood saw *r pnmp eg,do sar
othar dhty wttbto the espsclty of lifi
h. p.; occuides 3x2H feel- Fite f^.
Manufactured by


llic Very B^st Bfe
Holiday Goods

That is what we carry. We have no trashy, fall (o.-jaeto*
stuff. Our Holiday Goods ai£ made to wear—all new.ihii feu
—and a finer, or better line, we are_sure you will' not ,4«d- aojlr-'
where. Don’t pass the line by when making your Holiday pur­
chases. Beiter look us over any way.
Toilet Sets, Manicure-Sets, Military Sets, Shaving- , ac4
Smokiiig Sets, Mirrors, Brushes, etc. The best creations of Amefican, German and French mikers in Silver, Parisian Ivory and
fine woods and metals.
Leather Goods. ' The pick of the world’s markete in Hand
Bags, Traveling sets, Pocket Books, etc.
Jewel Cates. Latest rrrodeU in .Ormolu gold and silvet
washed ware. Durable, neat, inexpensive little presents.
Pei/«ne in fancy Holiday packages from such mabra ai
Woodworth, Palmer, etc , 25c to $5.00.
- ^

Tccfh Estraricd Ateiotvicty WItteMrt F«1m

Hundred* of other items that you w»«ld Imme to«««
'to appreciate. No troubte to thow soodr.

'Ka-oisr'* method of petaleee «itnc

S. E^ W/ait fiL Sbni

briiered that tbe afirerttung dose taut Bit ot hit candidacy at th* paycboloSy th* ‘TU-olw" method l^cu ra
eummer bad done a great dte' of good gieal momtAL
move those achin
people In datrievoU and Potekey
Conunftte* Pan Of* Btaod Pal Prga- srfthout.liata). and wittaoei to* asw-d
'Icugs to produce
had boasted thu the advertming pKt
niratioa. «a|F Xs FoUetfs

■ nervous temperament CBd
odt by TMvene CMr kafl Jimfttted
writh wfak heart* will atrprvciate th*
fhMB «t Mm tram gK.oee to
'Whshlagtim. Dec. ir—^ Polletle
B K had acme them M mach good didn't .expect to tsske a showing bek test kav>e den* te a

groat Seal tar*-ths ektxmsl

cana FCM eee vii.e stKcw:


eammlttM." 'satf

■s^ All that we la^ is prepra tao- rdlond Bsnaah. Ln toilette's petiria/-.,;

nonva Vivian RiaMen has be*>
gany adi'pled by Mr. snd Mr*. Michael
Ijrdie of Uapleten.

Positively tiM
lar^t .and mt^
interesting^ stock
of Cut Fiowers


MAuvH rsnERWfHvn.

Ive land buyers had boea driven from.

lai'a-tbe UUM OMdd be grenUy le*

.-rpAto, V«
tot << =»loto-l»e«.t«.^^,

At a sesKloB oi^ssM court. Wld si
toe pri>l ate uSi<.«, 'Jn the c<ly of Trav
«rse ('ll), 111 aaid oouty, on tbe !2tb
day of Mceipbor. ^.D- 1911.
Kreseni. Hon. ^fted B. Walker.
Judge c( Krohste. •314311
In too matter of the estate of parts
I'cgg. deceased.
John l>esg
Regs having Ilied to said court
peiltlDD prsvieg that said
adjudleste and detemine who were
at the Umc of hto fieaih tba tofisj
bcir» of said dece**e< and entlded to
mherlt the real rstate*>o( which aaid
deceased died seised.
evcDlug. Ganics and a general
1( Is ordered that the 9to day of
• In May.
lime were enJoy«.d, after which light
January. A. P.. 1912.:st tea o'clock to
r in Augus
refreshment* were served.
Miss Ely
Isi Monday in Decemger.
tli« forenoon, at said probate office,
iiid <s bi-rcbv appointed (or bearwas prcfonted with * precy gl(i as a Grand Traverse t'ouniy—
said peilUon. '
1st Morilay in Maroh.
token of the
U further ordered that public no.
tiro thereof te given by publlcstioo
D September,
u J)e<^ii>er.
i4 a copy Of G>is order, (or three sucSTATE OK ML^.
The Pro- Leelanau County—
c>.’*>lvi< weeks previous to said day of
bale I'oiiri- (or th^ t
ol l.raiid ,
-nd Tut-s.Uy in Kebrunry.
l.-*:ltg. lu till- Grand Traverse HerTraverse.
alu, a newspaper printed and cireu:ud Tuesda> to May.
At a session of said •■ourt. held at
iHt Tuc.-it'ay In AugusL
luted In said nninty.
the proliale Office to U-c city i-t Trav.
.Ird Tuesday In October.
ersc t'lty, iii..said atuiity. im tUc l3ib
Iiiited at Charlevoix, Michigan. Hits
Judge of Prohaie.
day of lio<x-m)>er. A. I>. IMI
IsV day <)f Now-mi-cr
A. !>.. tail.
de«' ri, 51. 5t
............................... .............
Froscni. Hon.
K. Walker.
Judge of ITotate.
Clrruit Judee.
In toe matter of the C'tslc of Ralph

CNttM 6EtS CMVnmtl


W^lililb %T«' an teacn Ue dedth


fere with tbe great business of city

ads to pneeni Iona of hamsn life in
Skter prevaalad, tnrt tritb gorarBnsmt



U to '

Mr. Nolan, arrived home Monday' January. A. D.. 1
lening wiyt'tbe body of Ambrose j^e^fnr««o» .r

oondlth^s of a certiiiu mortgage
handing, which in reality l» the big­
gest business in the Grand Traverse .mad* hr Foster Klipalrlck and Mary
B. Kilpatrick his wife to
region at the present lime.
irndcTWood. dated April I. A. I>. IM".
The request of tbe Needham Iiusl- and reropded to the ofArc’of the Keg
istcr of Deedx (or the Couiitv
ness college for the privilege of using
Grand Traverse and State of Mit-hl
^aldc walls of tbe Chanunqua lent gall. (-U toe second day of April 4 J>.
In^lhc gnrwsc during basketball game., IMO. In.lJbcr
.Mortgages, on
whs granted, the railcgc prmnisiag to page -it: on which luorteiiei- lln-n- ia
cliilnUHl to Ik- due U l4iv dale of iblH
rclnrn them in as p>ed condiUon a.- It notice toe sum
rercIvpB them..'"
.Soveniy-niuc Itullars and .Miici,' Two
hlcssrsT^ius. Sanio. Rtra'iib and (,'onia. and .an Aiiorncy's lee ut 11(tci-n Dollars provided for
Mercer ■kerc appofiitcd a commllbbc mortgage, nn.l no suit or j rc .-t .'ingr
to ace to the cbllcction of due* Ih or­ at law liavicg been Insrituled to lit
der to keep the machinery in nintiitu: rover the oiouoys scrtired. i>.v suld
mortg-Age. or any part tbernoi.
order for the balnmc of |he winu-r
Now. Therefore. Hy virXuc of the
IMiwcr of aute cooiatncd in said luongage. and (he staiBte in sach ease
made and provided, uotlee la faereby
given that on Fridav ilie N'toth 'day
him. It was recognlxed that he
or February X. U. 1912. at ton o'. lovk
in the forenoon, I shall sell at Pub­
lic AuclioD. lo the hIchevHt bidder, iit
said, ^ut they were busy >
the North (roni door of toe Court
members of the natic^l ehmmltiee House to the City ef Traverse chy.
tbe 'place
and other prominent 4tepnbllcaas in MiHiigan.
whore the ^lrcl
Court for Grand:
the city as to their oentlment In re­
Traverse County
gard to “forcing the notutoaiian -on
aaid luorigase.,
mar be noecsthe celonc1.“
^wrv to |iay tbe an
1 said
There were many who emionted
l;iorlc:ige, with so
the open advoracy of ('oloacl Roose­ tcrost. wnd all IcgnJ osta. together
velt'* nomination with the opi>o*IMoq w-itJi an iiUorney'i tee of ntieen doilar», loiiveuant^ for
tnmlifg a eonimlltec of arrange^
prcn!i--e» being
mems dominated !>y - .v.lnilnlslraiioti tuonguee a* all Hie foll'.wmg rtv*rrlb-t
li was apiuirvot thmuglioiit itic ed ioed fcittialed In tbe citv of Trav< it), (lonaty of Craad Traverse
day lliul frli-::ds of Colonel Rooeevcit
Stale . of wnrli:..!..
v ;z
wffc rauravorittg to cvciy vuy po*‘ Half of U.l Tblriv oi
rible to fiosipooh aetlon by tbe ua-'
nf Hannah Lay 4 Co* Seventh
l-i-n to
.1' T'*. I'lv,
'OoiuU ei’U.n.iiii i- ti at would denntiejv
Michigan, aevordtug lu lb« re-orJed
eamwlt anybody to any man's candi­
pUkt thereof
Tbe Roosevelt
franUy stated thu their bone lay iu
the convention Itself.
Atiornos for Mortgagee.
THends of Colonel Roosevelt siso
Iness -addirss. Traverwo City
tiuirf to tel. s
declared (bat they were making nf Ipb.

•ate bewdbar, more rtgoroos meUsor omrae; this can i>ot be ca


tJons must not be allowed to Inter­

ise what reeull'a have been obtained


No Ruca (ot it a |»« c< i»r Fck

gave some aeite buklnesa advice Traverse City to the best place in tbe
*%lary**u!^^m* Uaviifc B'ed to aaid Grand Traverve—sa.
the benent of the member* and state to live and in the near future court hor ninth annual account as ad­
1. Elmer B, While, clerk of said
people will come to recognlxc that ministrator de bonld-nen of salcl eacounty of Grand Traverse and clerk
the Board of Trade In a
jof toe Circuit Court tor said oonniy.
do hereby certify that I have
and la plain language. He srent Into Inlereets of the city and section lu
It is ordered that the
. 8to day
.. ufijiared
.tiared the foregoing
frrcgnicg copy of ai>volmthe panlealaTu of the avUUon iMol which it to located.
D.. 1912, at ten o clock in iment of bolding the several terra* of
held here last month and explained
Tbe meeting was a profitable one.
that It wu not losterwd for tbe parI copy
tolng and allowing said acoounL
; Ace. and that It 1* a uuenuid correct
pdaa of amoslog the people, but for aa It gave those within opinion opit is further ordered that pub "
I transcript ihcrcirom,
siHl. of
the pnppM of bringing another indaa- portuniiy to exfireu it. and this ex­
IlcBllon whole of such orUiaal reooril. .
try 10 TraTene City. Tbe boeid could change of Idea* cannot help being of
three sue-!
|n tertimory whereof, I havf bore______
day of 1 iinui sot my nand. and affixed the soal
be blsnte U the people were dU- great help to all who were there./It' ceeslve weeks previous
bearing, in the Grand Traverse
■e Her-,f.f
Her-.r.f ,alil
,ald i-.oirt and count) Ihlg-JlSla.
sMts&ed with the resolta of the lU|rius also pkved that before an^hiog^ of
aid. a newspaper printed and clrc-u- e»v of N<.v. ;;.bcr. A
glVen. Mt. medririk even suggMted real benefit to the city can ^ arcorn- Ihied In said couDiy.
that th* name of the hoard might be plltbed that the business men must
EI.MBR R. wnm:.
Judge of Probate.
changed end some other ndopted so gel togeiber and pull togetbe'r In a
dec 14. 2U 24
a*—(burs to jan 4.
that they could start over again with common cause and small dtosatisfac-

fael Oiat Uey are not sunelettUy In­



other* and esplalned the moUvea of

the organhmtlom

' Chare was an aaUblUoo nf rntne dlx-



formed In regard to the workings of

■water* Mr prodaes with that of

people to this part of the stnte.


operate with (be board wha due to the

the Wt In the eoantry arid

to tie ,real Idea of the present and
vrii^ at
adopted will result In bringing

ever had. along the same Hue with tlu> result
that before adjourann-ni all were tm«1mt U needed In tbe organlattlon ia
that after all
la loynl to the city, bned with tbe idea
the board

that the faOare of the people to co­

aoorae of others fully capsbie of tuns

frieoda walked into her borne unan-

tor deflnitloB of tbe species. The de­
t allowiBK said acrani^
faad that waa railed bJ -»he board last velopment bureau to tbe direct oot died lA Arizonx Tbe fcnegsl aervlcGs
irtber irdered that (luKir
The capon covered the time come of the Hoard of Trade and ibeir were held from tbe St. Pfanrie church
tor be given by publics
tram Mandi t aatll Deeraber l. CkT greatest work ha* been devoted to at 5 o'clock noDday nwralng-'
oat la detail, every cent be­ teaching the people what they want.
weeks prertow* to said day of
Mr. end’Mr*. W. H. Wlikini. 33t
In tbe Grand Travers* Hering accounted for and carefully Uem- It Is tbe mission of the Board of
West Fourteenth street were plcaaxni did. a newspaper
muted and gircuv
All the work that had born Trade to lea«fh tbe people of Traverse'
jly surprised Monday evenlog by alKMit
done by the aocreiary during this pe­ City what their needs are. Tlic organ­
a of (bcir uclgtibors and friends, the
riod was glT«. A report of the Simn- isation has aeeompIUhed the greatest
occasion for (be surprise being Mrs.
eial contfUon of the board was ^ven good, bat It will ranunoe to be weak
Wilkins' birthday. Music and gau>c.>
and abowed that only about halt oi until it has a borne from -wblch to
were enloyed and at a late hour a |Wxthe membara' haTe paid tbo.-dMS of work, tt-hen II owns a huildlng this
lurk supper was served, tbe unlsilted
the ycaut. Several other*
who aut will be a toW with which it can operpiests then departing for tbeir homes
acrib^ to tbe pnbUcKy toad have ^
!» virtue ^of the atalute In such
Tor tbe go6d of the community. A wishing Mrs. WUklns
te made and provided, I. PrederK.
tuaed to par their aubserlptioDS, area home win gtve It a standing that It
hap^- Clrtbdays.
Mayne. Circuit Judge of the Thlrafter bavlag signed notea TbU con­ can in no other way obtain.
Dr. Hoag’* little
son. aped four
nih Jodlcial Circuit of kUchigasu
dition haa put the board in bad and
' sa of the people has ................................................................
.................... apptdnt tbe Umes
years, was
Ml 11 In debt, even tba nlary of tbe to be brought out and It musVbe done
home in Alden «>d» when be Ji^'T'ircuta'&^^it’hto
3 said ctccu‘t
aecrctnrj' being several months in ar- by the constant wor kof the board.
I tilled a pot of boiling enfr<y.^roizi the
BoTernl marabars paU their TlMse who see the light most teach
Tbe Utile fellow s tegs were
at th* neetlBg and it was derid­ those who do not It is as bad a habit
painfully burned and it will be some Antrim Count.v—
ed to place the ooUeetJoa of the bal­ to Ulk about the knohker as It to for
-itb .Monday to Pebruary.
time before they wilt hesi.
4tb tdouday to May.
ance In the hands ol the execntlve the knocker to talk about something
Miss Maude Ely wn th* guert pf
4tu-kIonday In AugusL
yi^ttea to bo attended to « once. that he doei not know anything about.
hMior at a binbdny surprise given at
lad Jlonday in October.
Vr Sander* suggested that It wuuhl her homo near «aiier's mill Tuesday Cbaricvoix County—.'
Warm Spaachaa Daltvared.

Mayor Wilhelm spoke akmg an optl-


♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦^♦♦fe*^^°" dig^ton_lngood
r box. ScM by Amwi-

•Oiarte Patrte killed a

what had been done with the pnbUcity

mtsUe Una end eald Uiat be believed


(tek Shoe Stt^
Conmr Case and Prara firaeta. Ttwtess Cfty. IMelk

lodsa. Be also stated that thar are thing in Treveree City aa a knocker, nonneed, tnfonnlng her tet they had | Judge of Probate.
about to orsaabe tba‘ Junior hloeaa. a* a knoete to qpe *rhr wlU fall
to spend4fae evening to boi
iwhich weald add aavanl
hundred knowledge.and with mnlietoos Intent ter birtnday anniversary. T>e e»«o-'minor*.
to be cared for. and eadeavora to pall down a constructive ing was spent in ptoylag pedro nd |
Moj, g pj-b„ bavlag fl.ed to aaid
that'-a buUdloc large anoogh to con­ work. The loeal critics of tbe Board music, after which a pothick supper - court her altuh anixml aiwnci a^
tain a girntnastuiB aad all naceasary of Trade wm« not conversant with the waa served. Mrs. ^charvtte was pre- -C»orfitoa of said esiaie, and her
..vlng for ibe Allc» acce
NBoat would be required.
worttlngs or reeults that have been seated with a lumber of*glft*. ‘

a dean slate.


lioii^ass A

-ate '

Mrs. Alfred fieharete. 201 Division {
At a session ot aaid court. licJ^ at
oat the country of being the llveat street, waa agreeablv sarprtood Moa-;te probate office in U»e rity of l:*r

beck and use their hammer Instead u: someone In the (teniy can do IL This

m'of the edttm ate it 'wad a arerk o( art that
«a«ld aot he erltkted. The pnbUea«te was laaoad hg a pHnting beaoa
Odd papa baary local and «ute taxan. Tak tkia yanr tta
bsa'aiilw tetedbwotede KkhIgBn
L •PlivbtMg-veckdaBa.-ni^ Mason
r-. MrMs-* dbteOsH hscanma tb* )ob
':-^.;wltth»tb*lo«aMhldd«. Incases
iV'dl'—rHal K la right that than
^ ‘baiHMjnllti,iii. hattharwte i»
te^ TiiiM Why eompatlUoB
. _mM be ashed ed eenoaras oottlda
* /lia imiia of oar own alain. The
.< Mb U Wbriinstn to not help to
;' PV tens to bS^ anpport tba Bnlvertel at IHnhlgii The only bOereal
<hl|'teiPa kk the taritthtion I* the
tetetev oaa make out of It. 'h
ate W that 4 littla was mrod on the


kiap. and give tt the

poiaM to pea abdn aaenrlxiE a salt- twrn'ln northarn Jllchlgna. He dm
ahla baildlAK for the we of tb* local not believe that there waa ench a

aad taatMoUea and


was rafenwd to the mmietel eomiBlt- raaaar^^er* well raeelved. It to hto iactaaa long out on Stoteeath street.
STATE OF MICHIC.'IN'-Tbe Proto* of lb* lUrd.
Arm belief that the Board of Tr^ The snake was light colored and tried
Mtr Court Cor the oeanty of Grand
Vr: 3. W. duatlett wia pnaeu nd to what has put Traverae City 'ante to fight.-

tbat'te i*'« tembar hr*te

a abort

The Mcaaeet Mae to Tl____
la the one who to always croSa. dl*
eilbeoUi^d mt grtnnlsAte, Of
. . .l .shan-ia hto aator La FotMta. It H
ewers- In nine com om cf tea tr to
significant that It i* not (or Taft. aot tbe poor fellow's tauH. bis liter
i^unt to the demand ior and digestion are Out o' erde. and bcfeeis miserable. Are yon getting Into
that rondltiosT
Tlteo start at one*
taking OB.
SOGAR♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦.♦♦ ♦♦♦•COATED PILLS for yoBT liver. They

•■will clean you oat. viultoe your Wood

laaaa aaoMh W uka eva a( aaaaral



■*m eeUBiUbe ia part
^eilcraln^ -

werth. Trhveree Oty, IHekigea.

!, .. •_ J
- T-





I Fife Lake Department

vttcb were moch epprecketed.
There were twelve tsblec for he
oKrt plt,»er«.
The winners of Crsi
prtae were Mrs.
BadHcki. who re­
wired e sold jewelrr oMe. and Dwrld
Manlsold. who recdred *
For coasoUUon Mri. Bnnrc
Uiddto received a nah- receiver and
6wr*e Raamett a Un revolver.
A deliclou lap sBpper waa aerred
; rtd ai a late hoar ibe mav frleods
departed, leavias Mr. and Mra. CMrlback a Dice carvio* an as a token of
edhwm from their many Wenda.
Mitehcn Bhowwr for C«rk Pertar and

-bf ikltt Siam WaU.

tat ir M fit iwwi. .

^ inMBfi, ootkM of cotouia-

ttf ml emte
ia tovB of ooBiv, nt aay oftv Henu of gen.

Conducted by MIm Mae Oewey.
We want to make this Department .of the
gmtest possible nine to all ctmeerned sad to
tUs end regnest that all items of persosal-aad
garni interest be Bent to Mia Oevey to be
ineotpci&ted in the Department. We especiaUr
ask that dinKfaek, fraternal societia and the
Qran^ fniniih items of interest in thdr respec­
tive orgajdtaUons. News of social erenta and cntainments, improTements being made or contemjrfated, and bnsiness changes, and transfers in
real estate in town and eonnhy are eqmciallj'
acceptable. Die above applies not only to the
village of Fife lAke.bnt to^e inrroandiiig connti7.— Editor Herald.



Ml)icb never eaa be
3Irk.jHhrrT tCheclrr died ar her
Mias Hulda Herrin return^ MM
home-^. dth. at Use «e of S2 years
YIday fren a visit in Oblo.>
^r. and Mrs. Edaerd dCDh «|Mt
She kBves a bnsband and II-children,
(ills and five bo.<-a. besides other SSnday a/ternooe at J. A. Snydefa '
her. so mourn ber loss. Two
iJec 11,
field and i





It borne. rMureed
Entity to arlUng lidoar ta s1eltll»E of 'rannths' visit with her two
he optkoa law and was-glvee jS'mcraand otbsr retatlvea. She was 111
is the Mwaty >alL Cbs^ aM.ihe
‘ weeks before she started
wet goods from hla beme Joel gewMa
and au real i«orly after she go)
street from (M county iett..ihome up nnill the lime ot bet death
The faaeral scrrlcef- v-t-re htid In tne ,
t; B rbnrcfa. Rev. Raker of Fife lAke j
. **
otri.;u<inn. Th.-rema.iis were laid to 1
APKAtN—For the ronfesard) |M>in the St-ringaeld cemeter) Ti.c’uny of
from the cast till of Haaifaroliy lute the deepest sympatoy uf
n ihU etty. iMD ^olpDb.
‘ •-_ei>tlre ecirmupll).
.pTvcWnl'r-i).- Irrot iis I gono;

, jlhe

Lam Saturday evenlna abom tblro*
of the frlendK cf Mr. and Mrs. Clark
(Porter save ibetn a very plwnat sttr.
Trlse In the way oi a kUchcn shower,
which was duly appreciated by both
owing to Ibe lari toai they
r«M CanorvL
Wedneaday la Traverae C*Uy. retorned 'riMAnifv map^i...T
- tnrta Ba«lM and wife
went to wltli hia bride Sitarday.
They win
Mr. and^'Mrs. {..eoturd Baker went the Ladies' .\ld and SenlreOulM «ii;
Wnnni CHy
Wodneaday oa btab reelde In the rooms, in the Urownson
'* rfT*
10 Kalamiitoo on Monday ox dcleKatw open their fliHsiruas lair In Mr*.
[Wo^^wter^Mn.. Mrownaon h^s been
denly III b
> the mate grange.
: t‘. Itrower'K injUdiDg. oue doiv wer
'arrival at
Mra. H- Brockway went to Boyne O»liore's gnxsery score.
City Monday to'tdsil ber parents
Sunday senivrK at me M. R. tnnrca
At Traverse City. hlU-higan. «t Ibe cicsc nf business.r>en-ml«r .’ll!, tflLito
O. C. Hutchins returned borne from jlh.-c. IT. mn ; Sam
■lath sebwii SI
■•ailed for by the romnilsi-lgni-r of th-- Ibuiklng Ib-iArtmeot:

the IxiweTl aanltariuiii Tuesday.
'a. m.
John Jinrkbolder of South Hoard, m.
KpmorUi league atf'^6
£ ‘
5ZflM>MWa>Xtm.JUtl»>Umi. Ml» *in.Un„„,
loans and discounts, vl*:
I wt^in I
1 business Tue»A Well
■eJl Sp
Life uiut iu Clows.'
la Fife lake Snaday.
tThe fiaaketball Qiris Burpriae Mra.
1- TIra,
1; Xiioi. 2S:lii.
lialt aty went to |
Paul Jackson, who reuirned to bis j
E- "• Chaufty.
Knnnic Crego. l..aili.PrjtaehiiiB
bnal- hcae In Summit after bis recent ili-^ <Vbe baskettnll girls met wlib Mlu
thr.nie, -MiMiuderstaMfne,( nera in iackson. was In town Monday 1**^ Waldron last Tharsday alternooc
Bonds. Mortgagi-« and Sw-uriOes, vlr:
n. A. W. Bskt r. pgsu-r.
caty waa In vlaiUog a number of tala
,U the home ur Mrs. A. H. Clark.

The Traverse City State Bank

Mrs. \V. T. Reid returti.oJ to Acme
Monday, taking Miss Bertha HagvY
wn.'i ner.

I, Thayer CBdHrHb
TikVaraa wcraing in fravaraa Ut>. Is bou« for
» the g«MU Ol George Smith a short visit with ber parenu.
Joe Madison of TtsverawTIty visit-----------------jaoa want to TraTerse City e^ friends and relaUres ncre rVlday.
dh baslitaaa wedneaday.
| «,iflcliia Dahmer returned from Trav>
L J- -redutwi of Sninmlt CUy. «• ^Mty Wedneaday. where abe had
«to IK (Owa on bdalneaa Monday,
/ t-een visiting.
I tranaactod hnatoegSKlBl
Nick Krelaer went to Intertochen
C, returnlBC by way of <»> Imalness last Mpn^-.
'^'IBJbare a few IMys-'
W’alter Barrett had a very serious
in dp TtaverM caty acuidem last Friday- night.
y. .at .irthnr . May- ««s caring for a new team bis father
1 <
I purchased., not thinking
but that
____ City wna the uorves were gentle. lA passed bek last Tuesday.
hind one of them, and In doing so was
TiKSLii and dauita- kicked In the face, which threw uitu
- - ,-SAicy.
went to to ihe floor or the bam. MU hroiher*
-/ Wbdaetday to attend were near and he was carried to the
of Arthur Sofunagai
-house, where he lay unconscious for
t or Jackaoa rUited bis over an boor. UtKin 'examlnaiion be
was found to bare received a very
deep/eni on his caln. besides g-arlous
Other braUes. HU'condltHm is greai)y Improved at (hla wrltlnic.
Beeond Lsctwrs Cegrus Number.
Last Thursday the second number I
of the High 8c^I lisciure course

M'lllle Uromeb- went hack to T-iiina
bad done their own sewing
The girls consented, so Mrs. Clark Saturday
McQwy of Traverae Oty was
presented each with a i>tece of Tnrfc- ^ IWl Ml
Uii loweiiDg to be hemmed and ibc
Mr. arrt Mra. Fred M'airen returned
Initials worked in the corner.
As it Is also pertiilksable for the (o Tiavcrse Ciiy trutarday.
Ur. and Mrs. Bon Sirnnao went to
girls to inneb early, a three-course
luncheon was served, the courses be­ Tmveme (Sty Friday, returning Suning bid In different parts of the mal.-t
Fmnk Barber tailed on relailvee
part of the house, eai-a course Itclng
Monday evening.
uncovered a| a lime .-io that U foruietl
The Dalxy claas held Iheirr business
the three courses.
'At a late hour Mrs. Clyk ln a few neciing Monda
well coosen words presented t:ie lu-wRtisoell Thtirne of U-etsville vislled
ly married Mra. E. R. Chaufu with
the wash clotos.
After llils,' Mn.. hl-< imretirs over Sunday.
(Ttoude preretitsd Mre,'’riiBrfVv i
Sirahar. retnnied home


with a beautiful hand painted chtoa
celery plate In U-ba i oi the Brier few days at (Uidlllae.
Mrs. m-d Mitchell
Bramble club girls.
lies Bryant, w.-ni to Otand Rapids
Mrs. Chaufty was veryr much surprlred
ed as well as iileuaed over the
gilts. Iand resiKmded to the presenu.
Dec. i:.

.M tbe r
rrwige .S'ti. 721. held nt the lutll Der.
b. the following offhers were eleciivorth)
^ Worn.)

master—U Hal-er.
ovei-M-er—M. A. Sluc-lj
leetu:vr—0«<i. tVdaver
steward—II. K. Itarls.
asvisiani -^icwaid—RoIIa

Wnrih}-4rhaplalh—KlU-n Baker.
W.irlhC IrejisurtT—W. R. IhiHer.
Worthy «<•« retarj —tJ.-oryia Cumtt-



Savings dejiartTn

=“•••“ ■%

tVemhijns paU on bone
Overdrafis ..............................
Ki;ienso», interest and
»-«H-.!inV carninsii ..
Banking hpuse



fenal bank currenhy..



Worthy gatekccp.-r--R. TIbbils..
Ceres—tv.ule |y»ls.^onHins—riate Weaver.
Flora -I'uiiH} .s.eel
Lady a»siatain Mewird—h^y I'rlof.
«>n;ani»«—Klla SIwl.
CiuH-ks and tMlver misf
invurume dm -tor- W, a’. Flncbiir
Mrs. Nsney Wheeler-Oead.
Mr*. .Sail... tVh*(U-r was born in
Nolle <uii;it>. Ohio. March rti. JS4V.
and depam-d this life
W edm'sdi.>.
IK-C. II. isii. at la.- ast- of <12 years. I'ndivid^
dayy. Fhe -leaveO a Oomnierclj

t'ottunen ial
'• 6.12



.<40 40


Fcrtlflci <*e<«cs ................
State Timnips tin deposit .


a cuj) of
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ferrie were Trav­ day. jiiillctins mi
.. I
“'•‘'cr omcfallne. The chuiv
Koi Ceo. Ill
erse City caiiers Saturday.
of De^iJjKKpcnd- was |il!,d wi;i; frumda to pav the,
Miss eibel aecormlck of Treverse
M^fsnam s.
t|„., regrets.
lin.-rusMii tin.k plac
City was talliiTg herr- Saturday on her
little friend. Wrvita Barton, leturuing home w Itb iicr t« visit a few dayo.
le near
Albert Anderson snd A Allen were
Mr. and
Mrs, H. J.
in Spring lake while
Trnvervc City risltoiv Saturday.
Toui................................................... :....
nephew. I It Green
Miss l.ulu. of l:lg Rapids.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy McCain and son.
m the 1
sister. Mrs.
Mm! '‘•n'Ptli^ to
to cross
iher and sister,
Morris, were Traverae City
callers visited hl> mother
pond Illy
Allle Doherty,
and Monday
searcu "f
of .pond
. Sunday
Itoviland. Aasiaiam. roabicruMhe
-d bank, do solemnles.
Me dr«ipjied
Hey man Ion ..eve Mtmdav fnr;‘‘"’
that ihf- above ataiiMiu-nt. isiriie
D>} knowledge aad
lAu Uennell lias bought an Iniorosl
v-thc water
He was accompanied by
Is at
• ---------------------------- la Ihe of the eeveriil mstturs liMV|in Iw livery business with
Waller Charlotic.
In i-iintatn;-U. a
Harris at Fife Lake and eaiiecu to Jar. Jonas'aa far as Grand Rapid'
wftfre he was met hy his son, wl>o ac “'ewnre luiblnit w lih a |M>uto honk,
more tnerc aoon.
mmpatiled nliu to ('bailotir .
w.o.h Ju' r.-arl,ed eul to Vilm wiilch
Rubcrrilted and a wore lo before
Uiw 1.JJI jlay of Dereuibtw. I»,1.
Mrs. a. K. Baldwin and son. carol,
Rev. A. W. Maker and Dr 1) )•:
h't'sped sti.r after a M-.en-strugX
• .rllARI.-es E, HAI
I^AUt Nou7j PubUri.
returned Monday
visiUng In
HIIIk went to South IhiaiiJiuuM Tiie>
• “ ■’•'’•'Ic'l 1" pilHiig hlinrelt onl.
M.v cunjinisehm
idws ,N.»v.uuber 21. 1UM.
tirand Hapld'.
Oc.tiei 1
sl<* Bat
*" **
«''•• h»T>s'
*" ' *'■ '•>
Mrs. Jim VoIIeit Is on tl
H. C. DA\TB,
'- ‘'''urch. Addr.sxThe M'. r. T. L'- will n •t^uy y^'‘"«-''“‘
l.-K w.-rc glw-ii by Mrs S El. \,-ili.-irdl
W. .. 'RMITH.
with Miss Maud HoDiiliig.
ULBIB U. itAt;]
The ITiilon Aid trill meet Wediire-’ ami IJ, E. lilllK.
A aoiiiiiig mi-n and iMiys of 11
•'ha* \VI" toiui mat lAiipir.
day wlU) Mrs. Ilurk.
0r. Shllliday was in town Tuesday. vein/and up w-a^ held u' the M. K. ; t'rili-tl hvai week ut Ibe boniv ol liisl
Rev. Sianion, pastor of the .M. B. jt-hurrh Tip-sriiiy eveulnc. Pk. n, (»r. ' coiiidn. Mi s. O F Volllti.n ,
|S. K- V.-lhaidi of South Hnardninn 1
n<'>d M'tdiu.l i.-iutV-i Sninrda,.
burch. is on the sick
This j[ fhc Urgcit and sirenBcat sUlement ever Inucd by
'Soli been vto r.vnd nr D K. Hills of FHe Lake gave' f't»m a visd with rel.iiiv t-^i Kieinooi )
interest a.vs good, more ai.<] i.rund Ksphu.
jtien and reflects with credit to the n.*Aagsmcnt n well as to
Ills RUodes. re- addresses,
I a hundred being present, and a
J'<' Wnt.-is. v.lm iwed n> iV- n real tty of th.s reg'en.
Mnmd to Orand Rapids
luhle evening is reported.
il-.i.- pi-r.- I.'u mo« livVtu; n.-ar
Ed .smock retiirtud bo
after visiting his uncle
lu'ihc south- l__ t the buslnei>s meeting-of the Kp ‘:-;;u.l KapUls, i> in low* .-ifiioiK . i;
le lu'the
worth league held Wednesih.v ev.-nlnc o'd i''« nds,
71 part of
if the
prayer meeting, the followinK of
II Smith nti.l
Dec 12.
i-d; Prc'idenl,
e clecled;
D. 1. •

. __________ ________ _________
lu utmost capsrity and every emo pronouiM the evening's poterininment
a rare treaL Tns reader
very line selections.
One espsclaily
good number was "Uncoln After the
BaRle of Oettyiburg." '
Mr. Maybss to CMaruin.
Saturday evening Dec, JC. Mr. Mavee or the CenuaJ Siato Kormal ot
r. Tleosoat. wm give a true enter
ilnmsst for the begum Of the ecfaooL
Fhur- yean -ago Mr. Haytoe tame
here vMi the Mfle mmrtei as one ot
the Metnre course nombers.
the arrtval of tbe oompsny he was
taken snddenly Ul. which caused a
great dtfferraee In u.c iirogram, Mr.
Maybee decided tnnt at the flrrt o|e
portuntty be would come back here
and give an entertainment free
etiante to tbe school to make np t
ey in
In the Srst trial.
■ BnthUOater. ptantot. will aasist'bim.
here ill
tea utndfdf a year in Barepe anL _ .
torunt papera say he has improved
to VMT 'ill wonderfully.
to thd only tody Mkecabous and Husbando Ware
la to<i* as
Friday evening. Mr. and -Mr*. Peter
JACKSO.V—As the result ol a.........................,
Onrback entertained the l.ady Ugecas .neennl^P M..< le,,i . l„ >
vice presldcnl. Edith. Hllls;
-bees and their nnsbands. There were
eighty gtlosU present Including a tne police to await the outcome o! 4ih vice presidcnu OrongT Fuller; U O K lode.
BVmber of young people. Tbe evenInluries infllcicd U|icn Jeneiia -Nor- ^rctary. SSolo
M;s tu-s-i. Holis.-fpple of
i te Hnomit Oty «M. 1% was B|>ent In idaylng progressive
has iie<-n vtsii.ita with t
The Norton wuruan is tu the
Bd music bv Mrs. O. U Fenand Mrs, Itiederni
Mra. B. R. Chaufty. who play- dty bospItaL Both are colored.


I a.5- i->n« i> h.w w


We pay 3 per cent. Interest.

tr.vtrse aty, Mich.


ID Nor>livraMl

lest B«Mk

^ “BUBBLE” SOUVENIR FREE (Starting Saturd,ay) with Every $ 1 Purchase or OveT

114^3! JssgSglls^^

e the best el

These sleds fnr SO tickeis

Christmas Gtifs
Aod wlthotfk « cent of co«t to you
4^ CoUwwNIMI*, 280 **«“•«>« TtetelK «tven with eVety SOc purehese

Our Holiday Sale Brings
Many Specials in Women’s Wear
There never was a Chrittmai season when you could boy Winter
Gtnnent, ol sueb high grade at such lowepiices. ‘ H . Way sale prices
prevail ihpughout
ihrouphout the tnlire
tniire departmcol.

Women’s Coats.


Co t rmi, ol to 50. tl I ;n. si 4. six so .oH t2i.ipinsisf» m
Csrof.1 C^MiSW. $10. $l2 50.tMtlB5n. siMit I2.50MS25

" hOUL CtjrhBia




fi.dio.tV.t.orCo.1., SIBSO.tft -iO.$26W.$?8 j0.wmnmE0

liw Ioc60,100.150, JOO •>! SOolKiet,. Come b

Other Colt Spectdi at $6 Wl-i $9.30

Wng Chairs

WAiniin'e flnkecne

newet Ktle. o[ nik. tlo-h and vel-

WOmtU 5 uresses vet die«e,iothi..Je.tredee«l price.


Dir»«. wot* lip to t25.od$2a«l.$ll.$M.tl6wd$1850

Cnm (or 50, 75 and 100 tiohetk, etc. Y«i liave a aMeMetedioo.

IW. Kordi $l0.-tl250 Mtd $13 .t $-)50.S6.50md $9.50

Sitfs (If Dishes ^
IW NOe-iOw ftam. Ticbli wl be good J D.W y<w.


TKls^ftled for 40 ticltets


Newest Fa.i an-!
worth to

V- tu'-i

I-' !ii ih*, wU

Etl. -«f< and gtS.


lot worth from Jr. f,0 lo tlh

U' SIAC. (2A0, tteo; ail mn.-r at
OMcduiR of 10 p«r cent

jb laT. ♦sTOftt^ -OjAT




d Traverse Region
. jfcKOtv Bkson i* «tlu> •trk.
—1. itnUck *n« 4«u«t«i
vm la Trararae c


*S&W».BeUliiiar «Uir»*d to
teM WirilMadaj. after
irr^r* fa* ^r* kert with bar
*'£!|iawaaa.t«B bMfo apeadlu a
Ttamubta-cMMraa at Tn*^^ndOtdbnaatoa.
um Dambr ruhar watt raaCUr Fiidaj
----- at IV o’etock, preaeblai ai n
asd ta tbe eTeaitig; avangalU• >«t.7 o’etoek. BrarTone U
Bardlck ndrad hla Umllr to
. vaok.'


Itoaai HUaiad rlaltad

_Jd«. ■. P


aarrad vara ooSae. eaka. plddea.
aaodwiebaa aad applaa.
Wadoaadar ama Ua aanoa) dUwar
aaa baid la iba Coograiattoiuii
etaurrb. Tab>aa vara placad la U>ui
the parkn aad dlalat non. About
ttain>--tao paople aat dowa to tbe firat
Earl Pn»bM aUaudad tba 6ttta HorUeuUural aoeiet; BMadax at Uidingin last waak.
Indore Stabblai arrlred laat week
to »l»lt bti paraau. He bM beaa work
,na lu Uetiolt To> tbe i>aat rear.
Mra. O. E. Dame, who baa be«m vl.
Itinc In iDdlana tbe paitt two •ei-lu.
paaled by her moiber. Mra. k'uller.
«bo will rcaiaib Kere fcr,Uie winter.
D. H- Bcoti retiiixcd Priday ereniiiR
om LudlDitoa. where be bai been
attending the State HordcuUural nocleiy MeUng Ho reptweented the
N’ortnport Krult Grower*- aasoelatlon
The l.adlee' Aid eodciy and K|r
wartb league of the M. E. church held
a baiaar in the town ball oa Friday
aftarnoon and evening, and all day
Ih* bazaiii

uoou, . uiuseuw
booth and alto a
a great i

a pratUlr decorated id
.ireamera. and from tbe
_ celling hunr « Urge
tabladotb and upklna a
'Baearatad with large curkera. wbldi
agptspHata tor
ere. iirw
I, blacnjt. aad kaUw. baked


Mr. Stafford of near Yuba. havtoR
reoMtly porebaaed of S. H- Hartn tbe
40 acrea adjoining that or Jobn. lteykna In the neat neighborhood. ha<
moved hla tamUy Into tbe bouee
Dr. Bance'e farm for the wlfinter. or i
til he can boUd. Tbit givei
addltioD In nelghbora and tcbolari.
k) have Jul
Mr. and Mra.
r* - Joa:
— BiUedo
i^home on the
got aattled
MerriU farm. i-hH aleo
re to the roll
whole tot more to o
School opened this mornlnf under
--------. of 4 sew teaeaer.
nand Schona of TraSSm baalcd tome logt, to
ler toacber, mw u
aaw mui Ian woMl
raalgned laat week.
Mra. Juba Oebora apaat
J. H. Lyon It taking too pine oti one
rd Oabora and tarn"
of hla iracta of Unil about a mlk
wit at TrarerM C
from borne- Carl Lyop and Walter
Baird are doing the cnUlag and »Uf

**Howard Irith. who rocenMy auffered
doing nicely.
.......... ........ .. hU new barn nearly
oompletod and bat been very fortu
nate In having tuch ane weather foi
Clgrrace Wood of Adrian baa been
bomeneekara* exewraton.
enjoyingI a bo
rlaiUng at the home of Mr. aad Mra.
fli Kentoct? halted Oea Undny.
a taw. dara Ian
to iwUm borne'-HHir feniout oount^ and Iniendt to re­
turn In the ipring.
Mallory apeal'a Yew • Mr. Undaay dreaeed a year old beg
t— week, 'torn week toat rtruck a balaaea of an
Jame* ’crea too potinda.
I -Morden Undaay
«n.*Ma Aaraa end brotb-ii^
tat oow of Upa
Upaaii Hobbt. Urn Wllla fine
......________ ____________.___...
Mr. BeekwHh bai I
0«jW ^ tba mlafor<
ood for a oon'ple of da.
- r ankle latt week,
CllftcB aad Olen Shaw are eleaalng
........ _
at toit wriUng.
up a Uttle bnneb of tlmbar for wood
d Maty itmHer ehllManom laat Wedneedgy
Ttatmaa tree
be the oHler of;
day on that
Uda neighihar ad neople ta» tide
—. joeeatlon at Uaiea. E
•mptag toe
Pntali nceeaa of laat yaar
ha dapll’cated.
AgaaOaaitaff haagoae to Bagtbe borne of Mra. Qeb. WhitooD at
Batte loM Friday evening tor toe new­
ly married con^, Mr. and Mra. Dee
Wbliaoa. Tbe occaatan- waa a vert
pleauat one abd the ■
ents ^ve avtaeoca of the eateem In

' are held
toe young eoupCe
bthis neighborhood. Ihey wl‘l coccup.v
i«rt of tbe home on tbe farm.
Dec. 11.

. wen preaeat iter. Suiaer- j
Dac«mh«r IS;
Jaaotag a^t*»H^i^^-| J7to—John,Jay. lim Chief J»«lce

fs-snsyTiSssssi'"' “•

“e. MU- VM
May 17. itrj

mt~rh9Sn Yet Miiwblj ,


The county conmiltiry.
oirii-e addn-u oi e»ii.< M>-ial<»>|
.-•of K.*:;


Addretr. W. H. HKNnKUSO.V.
County ’^-rt isi

Is Now in Fall Swing
and It’s t h biggfest and best sale of Holiday flerchandise eyer inaugurated by us or ^ny
one eise. Our assortment this year is larger than ever before, and by early negotiations
with the leading manufacturers, we se'eured the under prices and consequently are offer­
ing values now that are positively without a parallel. Talk as you will, but there is no­
thing that will take the place of a good piece of Furniture as a Christmas Gift; it can be
used every day in the year and consequently reminds one of the giver. Note a few of the
many beautiful offerings today. They are only examples of what you’IITind in our enor­
mous stock.



Hake* an |d<«1 rbrisiMns gift
for wife or motoer. We have
■It asaunipreil of tbe tomea*
orfoel and «ir;-«l<»r Sw^per—
I tWo.^ ilto beat haeata VHlma,
aad COB sell ywa MM for LIutMsun as iow,M «l.TL aad they
uiDge- np ta price fn>m.^Uai -to
Conte in aad look them

We have one of th<- largest anil^ln->t siM>rtinent* of,»o<krrs in llii'
of Mulugaa

la Trareree Clir
• .at Kerj

Tbe aarpriae party at Will Lake *
Sainrdgy evening waa a grand bikoaaa. Thera were 7J praaanL AM re ^
jport a hne time. Oamea and dancing
were the amnaementa of the erenlDg
Mra. Robert WUaon araa vlaltlng
Mra. Prank -a with her danghter laat weak.
Mra Ulllan Gray «ra* the gne^ of
trick* ct Klngtley attended Mra Minnie Huellrnamel lau Tue*
« Of-^ Udiei- Aid laat
^*Mr. aad Mra Waiter-Lake vUlfed
. w.>«- VelM’a family and B. Voice bU parenti last Tneeday.
alBO Wm. Riley aad tarnMra. Fred WUaon apent a few da) u
fiy aMpr at Winnie Piereee Sunday. with her parenta. Mr. aad Mr*. Author
Ife Ad Mr*. John Parhall and lit- Vanin, of PUtte, Ian week.
Ma#Bght«r 1^ dinner at A: Sayere'
Ifra. Flora Uk« baa two bagrderc.
They are working for Bari Cray m. JL.^Btdrara ha* 4Mved hto engine ttakloga
ANTaM Mf. VWca'i place, where he
Mn. Remington of Cedar Run wa*
•agadta W-ent wood tor Mr. Voloe.
vtalilug with Mra. Bd Lake laat Tbnr»Ml*. J. Parhall vlattad at • Mra. da). Sbe alao failed . ai Mr*. Earl
pAur* today, and elio called on Mr*. Oray-*.
Mr*. Mina WUIlama and Lorenoo
JL^ltayeb VlMMd at Mr*. PalBier were toe gaeeia of Mra. Laura
Baiee from Saturday eve'nlng unUl
- „*
Ira- Hare ha* reauned^ work agnii
W.iXeaiMg of Camoo hga me
1 bli lumbering job.
with bta taraUy. He
Waller Lake U drlvi
iving a new buggy
9$mm ap • Uaekmlth ahop her
•pgtt Woodward of Traveree <
There will be a vbahow eoctal and
S towp laat Tneeday evening
hto pund at tbe Wen Almira arbool' ■ the rdgblar meeting of
boase Saturda) cicnliui lo ralM
lodge. After tb^ meeting ey for toe Cbrinmat
a tree. Barb lady
~ he favored thoee praaeni I* to bring eupper for teo. alto *
aaveral of hi* poema.
thing for tbe pond.
. AOOB left for Teia* tax
Earl Gray'*> .mother,
Mra. ijkUar
where be eapaeu toapead toe I* here vloltliig
Mra. Bertha Rtebardeon and Teddy
d Mra. Sdward Kebi retnrned of Beulah are TlXiing with her Miter.
d Rgpid* Saiirday
Mra. L O'Hrlen. aad niece. Mr*. Sid­
>. Kehl ooaaaltcd a
ney Bate*.
. Henry Baiee atortad to plow lor
K«nt and c. w. Mar- corn on to* nth. There It no enow
f'Uy wait In town
I toe gram
Dec n.
MM. ^fi*aBd waa a Travet:


tIRAND RAPID6—Uartin 11 llowrd. profenor of maiheaiaiKA m ti e
Chicago unirertlty ana at -Norr^
Dame. I* dead bore at th^ ece of TI. He Icatce a wn. t'turl--.
('ulun>bo)i. Obioi

Slater^s Great Uiristmas Sale

The llghibeate at Fk>x laland doaeJ
ir lae winter laat rrlday.
rhf« Joynt and daughter. Hattie,
retnrned UM week from OUdwIo ooun
ty, where they.have been vl»jiLn»:
frlendt lor the pa»t three weekdT
Mtta ttiber Seellg, who bat been
ni with typhoid fever, la better at thja

Wfea.Md iaiUta.. Tbe taWe .»roai
Inga. Tbe
Vttb tba Might of good thing
and Mra.
.o tnralaS
of tbe
( coi*•t tbe eeenlag wma eome
Vbich waa axpeeted.
..'eatie gneau aured


im-8lT Wmiarn Vernon Harcoort
rwigaed tbe'leaderwbip'M the IJberai
larly In Engtand.
ikva'KIm elc-ik>na held In
Piu\ inre of Saokaichewan.


anppar at Mr. aad Mra.
- • -------------



«d aa an tor tba raglatry of inert- Edward Doagtaaa Whha ad
gagea. to prermt fraud.
- to bw'Chief-latUea of too
mr—Colley ClhherA.Mlod dnsMt- Coen of toe Calted BUtoa.
irt and actor, died. Uoa W Uoirton I
la len.
j 1542—vSrT.qni*en of Scot*, kiicceed1707—PeBBiylvaala r^Oad
her father. Jaim
Federal CoOitnutleiL
Ii jM^.^r»t
aeasloii of ilie CnnncO of
lll2-Hoff. John 8. Macdonald. Ct^ .^reat. whoec decUiona are racelved
nadlaa duteaman. bom. Uled Joae I.
.,*wjard of tolto. nmi^A aad
-Udine Ui to^. Roman Catholic
mo—National JtopnbUean party.
Baitlmoro^ nominated Henry Clay tor
lOCO—Duke of siilly. chief inlnUter
of Henry IV. of l-Vaom. Bora. Uled
1*70—J. H. Rainey, of Couth Cufty lu letl.
llrub the Oral negro uiembcr of Coif
I<H2—New Ecaland dlecovered by
Rresa. awora In.
. iKTC'i-Wailo Hampton a-aa deelarad
I7M—Dr SamucT Johntoa, the noteliKicd goicmirr Of slouili rarulilut. ad lexlcograiiher, died. Bora SeiiC 1*.
IKHV—Hubert Browning, KnR-ji.-ul*.
ll*b poeU dk-d. Born .\la.i T. IM2. | |vic-nr»i Bayingi bank of
IKU4—Sir John Tsomiouo. CaiULdiaD , i'nllcd Suiea otmaeil In UoMon.
[.remler. died while vitiiius Queen V. •
l>:;t>-Earl of Aberdeen.. British
tcrla at Wlndior.
prime mlnjiter. died. Born in 1781.
IMV—Preeldan Taft
lSt.2—Federal amy;of IMjrOO men

DOatirul over Niuffed leatbi-r TurkUh Ko<k«rv.
worth ll&.Ud, tor Cbrlitina* ttaJB. TIkh we've
MUe beauUfni quarter *aw^ oak Parlor Hlikars. worth I7.0U and |80U. toi' »i and W.OO,
•Baulifu! M*ht»gany UrV-ker* at propr.nloiiate
price MvlngiL Other »I)U-# fram »l.l'-. right
along up 10 I3S.UO, ulw lul* of R»i-kera lor ‘ke


Dining Tablei^

Th.we are aiwu.v*
ti; <-«erybu<l> Bl"t v«
ur a riiiialiiia- cif<
ItlSR we ran rell
O'ak’rhuir or tv.
wiib l.-j1lier. fur

Then, there arrr other style*'
la bolb 'tound und aquare tup.
. tor more. Don’t boy a table
trum Miy store without' first
seeing pur beautiful i'hrl*tuu*
line and get thv price*.

All good* pnrehaaed .
now will be stored I
fr*w of charge until
aa delivery time.

pacing and /crating
all good* ‘sfeoughi
from now aatll xiona.






tacend Fioer.


and Rockers

with bMuttIhil round poUabed
aeata eight to tkn people, regu­
lar vatae >l3.«ti. bat |A 7c
tor Chrtaimius only.... lM»d^

Bif Barsaln* In
Dining Chairs
Huw uell tbe folkr
would Ilk.- u tii.e new
(tf ' el(Blra.
(faiidren, t'lul: ' luR.-nic-r
«»-.e ---IK\Bluto tb.1l
vili ei-r.
-your'eye*. iruu" ,;



Ttiea they range in i>rtc»
U|i from that 10 iiie m>v»'
-tot made. • .rth I28n*'
but tor .('l.i;(tma» l:i T.%
tak«. tbe.Ti

About the Book Cases
We have nearlt everything made la
coaea ab mbat ever )du wont in itc- line
ytinll ftad It here at w big sailng lu price
Comblaaitos Bouk Ca*e* and Writing L>raks
begin a lib a case worth t - lo) fur only
i;o0 and they run u|> oa higb a* tJtl.M
Then ««'•« the famous
Globe WernirkrercikmarBook Caaee tram
*7.00 upward
Alto have a took at our
-writing dMka They are hig baigXb*.

A bi|tM »l ColMY^ SUt


Library Tables and Parlor Tables


tie* r-if •‘•jnrtaiaa.- ..n!)-

. ........................................ /-


lo Mt OLO Of Ulesv. be sure and lout over toe entire Un«.

J. W. SL

Vaar MlaMc Homefurnkher.

Cr«be Dw-e
Uekoi DdnCocGvUladt<w.

i; -



'% '■


Care of a Young Orchard


? ' Cmstmas Qlfts for Men

l< the umt «• MylBf

“The Men’s Fashion 5hop”

-iMm <b. «a r°> M


!-«>»> aid

I Wm uJ iU> b'lpia MANS STORE.«) »e EU to
Wn Ikai hat

A lair Ua aMlto utijn w add III • ttm-


Combination Novelties.
8«U, nii(1nc In pric* from SOc. to SS.OO
Ttie base are pare silk aaH have

ji«<r faarr sthpe'lo i
« at rsc'aad

a Sets or NecMte and ^

^nd tIA.
Thar euM la aiw>nad colon in naay neat natiaraa
.Ca«MiiaUM Traveting teta. ^ked In beautiful beats. «&00.
Hate aad HaadkerchW rrateHnf fteii. of a tine iiUck leaiher.
from *1X0 to »

n Me to fixe.

St* Ike OmUmos Window Ditploy


i Men’s Fashion Shop

r. .r„ .rz i'sr r:r.trLTjrj:

Mol tw to A-V. Fri.VW.-. Sh»

j ■>««■ saw ■« «l lb towActon tl Wt*al>. Sla|U



Rtolli.»to.i..«i<riN « •‘iaad bqm prin


h Boggles, Wagons,

ad d autoiUI sad BtciinT puliiiiiiif to
lUr BMtactoto.



rtaci<i<>«P>to>iapof arm,., f.n«l> d om

E;«^ia>>tliear of totoufoaotod uudtooawd
tolUto.cld.<ir««l i><»cotolr.cto.tod ar ap^„»
kaood wood Mod ailio •old.




Traverse aiy .


I/ '

Practical Christmas
kalvaa, forka, spoena.


BW^TERt at apeda) prlcea.

6 - teas-


MOBB, We; 1 deeprt or tableiVMaa. S«e: S tata knlvsa. 60c;
ahoro are good^. for » y^

. JEWELRY. Back eoBba. Bar
reiis. brooches, beads, bracelets
bat pins. etc.,





Warm Oata Bolta. Bed Bte-'


keto. Unep Toweta. KapktoA'


DolUea. Drawn Wor^

hwlitad aaw at IPe to Uc

Neckties. Suspendern,

Initial kaadkerehieto. 6c to iPc.

Lace CoDars. Jabots.

aad vartat other ktoM.
HCAOBCARFB, aaahrted colora, 6«e ahd up.


Wara ateckiagB

lor Off OM.

LCaciNM, for todta aad


Hand Reds. Children's
tera; DoUa. DoU


____ at
Tba aataai aMi«p«
iHponaBce of tiipiM tha MUtae'iMsaer of Pohad 9U*m twaiar Harry Vady
this Uaw are gall by the mw
rooas orchard ta a hoaUbreoaa-yBlcbardae^vhaae tarn vUlaiptre dnrtad
jtloa bat It baa been m ebaarratioa'ta im aad^ vho has already aa- dev to eat* or ibeoe istated *•«,
tbaa oaa liiital
that sprartaa u oftM aaglaetad ta the aoaaced that ha «H1 net be a caadldoUars.-;.
Paper Bead at Iha Aaaasl Httlias at Stale'orAhard
-<■ Tie Alta.’ Mr. Wlater^ i
Bevitcaltaral SacUty •jr't o. Ladd, al
I Ittperiaaoe. The yoaad
• -«««*>«trees sheaM___
Btayar at Oerelaad by tbe pWai*. Is oa a «aa'
]»» ataned flfbi. beaded at a oaifeMB
^,'^,„'0Be-haU feet wii«. ThercTa.a
Tberwla.a leva
ibettht Bid as lo« Bs «# CM aad Stm
nr Ohio d—p-n- as s
‘'Utseaiare’’; «n tbe ooa«tt
ir bada haaaUva prooaat oa Ibe aatl «sta« a» d*a rtm tor caHlvatkM adder the
«*raor to aacned
*• ^
Tbi« topic wonld aatarally
. M ^ htuaas aad UbatmUas piaat tad. ,t*a-. By Ualaala« aarty aad »l»las
^ of a Im toaebad by-fca*.“ A
with a'Toaat orcbaia already'
__ by
w- tba
.to« roou
-.-A. of
..r Ufttototlnto
lA. prwalac
toto«ihie each
a^ ysu.
aama i
— rsarwta. le same uie ™tw ,
_ . _
^ .
. .
_ -W.-..
aot ____
... ■"
—---------- tor coveraor he weald bare to iwstca 'ter traasMtes this tMo asrta
aad taka It ata« ap to tba baartac
plaath tay be tat td tba Ur*el) avoid tbe nirisiliy of e»
^ lu float of -Boa*- kaoals -PhhBI«."
as aukyer. store bts tens ta tbe
aca. b« so Btacb of tbe saeeess 1a ,oU. Tba Biowtb of tba cover crop ,«nuas o» large liaiba. ‘ We sbeald ]
‘a whlte.wla.ed Man Moestaa hM*
®Sta does not esptre tmil Jiaocreeiac ah ondi^ depaada oa peer- ukes nolstnse aad fenlUty frotn the aim to serore wefl balaaced t^. e
11 waat to *0 back
,^4, ^ check tbe growth I
to'Lod np lu tad ofi*^ Iawhnt high, b
ebea Imlt jet sprewdlns and open eaousb. Of tbe taeral demoerailr leaden
UlUe and brldBy apaah of the loca- ©f
Jest at the 1
of tbe son. aatatta
io’«n> frowin*. it bolds to admli llshi aad air to all parts of •ho are bHnc dlsressed for the pm
I beUevn that .the artMe ta vrAfi
aad pla^ of the ireos. The lofa. ,i;',e;tU«y by Its'gi^wU aad readily the trees.
^ Idei^ iiaajaptta tbe oWeet to
of beridlty aad eovlronmnt an
„ „p
the next yeara growth
------------------- —
P®*®* ®f
** Oovsraor Harwtoa. of
as stroiig Id ptat as in salasl me. ^
^ ,h» taode to tainObk>. who wiU be SC aext Feuveary tba Truveroe I'Uy HIM eHtauL m*
bance tbe neewaaKy of getting trees
tbe proper taitent of humns and '♦ BOUTIC* AND BOUTiCIAMt. • BepreseaUUve Usiderwood la la Us also took a course at the Olivet, oetfrom nHsbto soums. propasaied Iron,
w.ter bohna* ratweity of ,♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ «nietb year. Woodrow Wllsoe b 63 lege. afierwarde entering tbe Arodany
stock bavin* the beartng habit, yonat the soil. A cover crop also boMs tbe I Oshkosh. tMsronsin. has adopted and Cbamp Clark «IU celebrau hl» o» nne Aria to Cktaan. ftwa nbinfi
thrifty well rootod and true to name, airfare soil frotn blowtn* away aad ">• eommlsrtoa plan of *oveni«eni. ci>i tlrtbday nextUarefa.
b4> went (0 Pnrie. etc.
Tbe most critical period In Ibe life protects tbe ground, during winter j Bensior Wetmore of Rhode Island |
------------------- ---Very trely yoorn.
r a froU tree Is from the time It to fiotn 'severs freetlng.
. _
cd Colorado kh* WIHTCR* WAS NOT UNEOUJ. a Mnaan.
taken from tbe narsen’ bow umil U
are asdlnrted tba ta® annooncad tbelr iDientioDs i*. 1
tbUsbed to iu parr and Mk* Wta >wUre at the end or their present | Egitor Record Bagle:-ln the 0««r
her number of (be line Arts Journal •
The Lotus ciub, a ooa.pan‘dan t»- «Mre article oa -Tbe AniericaB
Meal organbattoa of Kew YorC :i>. frixe of Rome. " shirt has Just been
have them ready to set In the spring '
Detroit. Dec. U.-WheaL B6e. Om
I to have <3overao( Hartae M tibp. awarded to Mr. Elirm \* inter, former.9
as Its guest of honor next •n.'r.fb.
,>r «f Traverse CIt.v. Atnong other ClHc. Oats. 60<Ac.
Cbtafo. Dec. IL—WhsM.
Iblngt the article states that ~Bm
« A0» Ato- .A.I1 4. -r .aai Im. “™
»«»«* red clover grown to
I Winter's story Is abort and not so Com. tie. Oats. 4?*.
• ^
Toledo. Dec. lA—WhauL Nc.
,s„. to,.
Me. Oaa. MM®be In eneh from -IJKO ) 1AT« delniTrarerne CltjAto northern Hlrhlgaa.
-4 • Chicago
___ enteredi:^
AcaileBiy of
r or two hbd
Ben F. Csldwell. toraerly well
„ entlroly
also sowed whb the clover seed. The
Bufialo. Dec.. U.-CatU*-1Ueet2s.
snclj a sii
oats grow up taller than the 4-loTer. known as s member of cW^greas. has
>60 enn; dua. Binady, tT.Iffilfi.
Ittg the trosa.
0 )sps Of stttoy mekc
help to bold the snow during winter
6«BaX6. Ehnsg ill
believe It Is of great impoefasce for «>e yoon* clover plants. If any for tbe democratic iwmlnatioB fur gov gn llluairator
llluetrator ol
oi bii
h*®4arl(. prmtice ol|l|^^ •C.96««J6; No. 2. M. Hogn-Arithat trees be well anchored to the soli. of tM clover Is used for feeding it ernor of IlllnoU.
|palntlag a short w^lle and (bea cau-b
Ue. pe.s#w.««i ctelag at
to this cod would favor rather
tiiwt aep ent early, and
Tbe Maseachusetis sorigllsts Just the prize of Rome. Is intneeUng
deep plantinc. somawbat deeper than ^ atoTtows aftenrard dorla* the snccee^ to getting a the-November •nonck: U (sri. W,rarely iierullei’ " ‘--------- UU «B tha ground. The com electioB tbe three ta cent that entl- ^n*culUvatta during tbe growing osnaon;
j^^he co*s tlcs them to be. called a tarty opS lu
“L* ITIx de Rome.- torludes s
which 1 haUeve ta tbe only method or put tnte the bOo.
have a place oa lb6 oElclul ballot.
course of toetrurtioa M tbe Americas.
that should be prscUcmt to a very
PretidvntUI preference will be'Academy of Fine Arts to Rome. "A
As the troM grow the strip on tbe
yosng orchard, we eseourage tbs roou
tide for OBlUvatta ebeuld be wUenod imoftg the matters sabmltted to tbe P«f*e «f te.«» »• pnW to each one
to go down dospsr than they otbsrwinner to pulating. an-hRecand finally the com growing dropped voters of Tenncaeee at the siato pri-'c(
wlas would. 'Ws aU know that a taigo
out entlrdy. I have also uaed. peas maries to le conducted by tb-* -Inde- taie and ecni.rtnre. to three Installportion of the troaa (hat leave the
its. rye aad vetch for Mllius pendent- Democpsilr part} west April. nmnU dariug tbs tbr» years
nkraery never ttve to grow and be-,
to Roue. £a.-fa beneftetary
pnrpoaea. For a cover crop w be
ocme proftUble produoars of tmlL
on (he apaoee that have been In slUlned promlneoce to public life, fetolvee, on bis deiartm-e, bis travelThis U due 1 think taigeiy to caretasclean culUvulon during tbe early Joseph A Tsggan. (be new deJiocrst- »*« expenses' directly to Rome, and
in hnndltog and planting and aag.
Mmc U tree of bis n
• to his
part of the asason, I know of noihlog
a the Becend Kap-"
lect during the first two or throe
bett^ than a atofure of oau and sss dUtri^ began bis career as a
vetch. Tbe vetch is d grat NUrogeo school taeber.
There are two^thlngs that ovary
gatherer. Clovor\aW stable manure
A clrcumstancv unknown to the nvkeautltoll, l^ed.
man who has the care of a young or­
also, supply fanmns::3Bd- nitrogen. By erase voter of today U that Pennsylchard should keop always to mind and
alternating com aiod^^floT^ we gei vanla was sluont aa reliably demoatrivo to aeeompUsh.
the full fertUlstog valte of tbe clover crailc previous to laao aa It has been
First—To got a uniform even
roUisiiy tepublJcaD ever since that
growth each yoar and as large a
1 have also paea oecasKraally a ligbt
growu as ta eonslsteat with (he thordressing of hardwood asba nvtog aU
g of the n
that we produce ou tbe torm tor the
last No
young trees end sometlma hauling
'ooadUta of tbe treea. This to tbe end
them TS miles tor itisi purjoae. thi,
“J opimrtu^ta.The b„,„7
that wbeu they ahaU have attained
the I’oited fliates. meassred ____
however was done to winier When the
the bearing age (bar ■khS also have
by (be population of tbe cities adoptMam was not needed (or other work.
the Bise and bearing gKtaee that sill
raaklng appUcatlon. ten are eelerted]..
Mtdsm Fm nag TaMoa.
' I want to em|ibasize tbe Importance
enable (hem to prodae* paytog crops
Ui.H«l Statee Senator Ororge P. ior tafer'trotin*. Them, mast ttak*:'
Id working around (he trees,
Of frrit
ireleas man baa no business In a Wietmore of Rhode Istand. who is to ^ ,*,rk. at a aiMrifir ptore aad In a'^o 1 ereeh bidetI..........................
Beound—To so baadle the soU as to ^ ”
srnen bldeo.’.'.^.:....;....:iC
ing orchard. Barking of Ibe trees
------------------ ■ - ..A A^AAn.Aw Ato.l
craserve the
of fenluty BB4I
So. 1 cured calf................................ .I4e
nta>‘ result to great Injuries to them. heaflt. has been a member of (be sen- >□* four arc set ajurt for (be final
- 1^-. a
add to Its prodadag power against
........ lie
BTk en- I No. 2 cured calf .
IToteciion from girdling by mice
tbe time when the treea mnat draw anti ,rabbiu may be secure.1 by liankhaavUy upon It tor 40 produe«if.....................Ue
lug up around the trees in tbe lall or varem bereo.e of a deadtork In the under (he suiw-rvtsloD- of repreeento-'i^;^?
tta of friUL
A «
.tires of .he board Of dlrectora wlto'Wool ritarina................
by the use of tarred paper or ciher ‘®«‘-“®.ure.
How to aeeompliah tbaae two o>- materia] wrappetl aroaad (be truuke
IMaware Mzt year will elpct s whom tbe works most remain tall,Wd^...................................................(Ifie
lects for beat remiiusat toast wsponbe 4H the trees.
comj.lete set of state officers suiL*-tbe best one Is determined and the
is the problem bMore
roi* every pereon
bM« ........b^Manfiag
It seems unneccosary to s|>eak of legislature which will elect the sue- Mccessfa] cand.dste aei apart (w tbe
who haa the care ^a young orchard.
I have often been asked the quesUon. bow nneh will It cost per acre
car* tor an or^aed trom the time
It ta act out uatU It wia beatn to hear
fruit ‘ms ta a ooeetion that cannot


Cabs., Dolls



Cbalit. Boekars. Nursery Chatrs
PeckM Kalvaa. HannoBtaa anf
wflae aworiant at wortd-a
Beet IM Caadta.




r without kaowlng more ot
urtances. Muco deiwuds 00
tbr kind ot fruU troea. tbe chancier
a the BoU. wbetha the owner Uvee
farm or not and what system
'farming la pnctloea on the rematoing portion of the tarm.
Michigan ta a sute of great and
diversified respBftos. Some are iruU
BpeclalisUt^tonfinlng tbelr eSorts en­
tirely toahe produoUoD of fruit lta(
tbe great aalorltj of HIcbIgan farm­
ers who grow (nut. do. and I think al­
ways wm combine fruit growing with
othw brancbec of farming more or
less dlTorslfled. In my own case I
have narrowed u down to two linee of
workJtod seek to produce* tor sale
(romwke (arm. nothing but fruit and
dairy ^rodoeta
Ob a (am ot fairly good soU. where
live stock la kept, and Where hot over
one-third to one-hall of 'lhe-cuhlvated
ta devoted 10 fruit. I believe that
It the trees are eet the proper distance
apart .the land to a young orchard
and eapecuny to a young apple or^rd. maj be made to pay all tbe ex­
peases of caring tor the trees from tbe
time they are planted until they be­
gin >0 produce profitable crope ot
fruit . My custom has been to grow
fciuge and aolUng crops to be tod out
to dairy cows, returulng to the or­
chard M least an equivalent to stable
(or all tbe fertility removed
by tba crops taken ot. The culUvation necessary to produce a awd thrif­
ty growth of the trees, it should begin
«nriy while the aotature ta to the eoU
and U kept up conttoonaly at short
lutervata until the middle of July or
fliet of Angnst; then a cover crop
•honkl be aoem and no further culUvatloB glvan during the eeaaon. I
want to emphasise espectally the Importanee of trogo«t thorough culrtvatloa tor (he Bra two yaaru. A apace
of (our feet or aoro on one* aide of
of trees ehauU be kept un­
der aenUanoos clean cahlvatioa un­
til time to BOW tbe cover crop which
Mould never be omUted. We must
Ita Is UB cx-

«: »roiyX«r.':;;:in;“ri:vretaji^‘ sr ““........

For People Who Travel





hsir brush hud coenb. looth tmish and case, toap box,
naii bmib. tail paMr.vtc,

- ^ J 3Q

WaUt at ..............................91 nOU

SOc to $1.50
Compact, bandT.

________ 7Sc to $2.00________
In teatbo cure.

Frotn Our Ready-to-wear Dept

A Good Pure Linen Tailored

Keep* lh*m deu aad (nab.

CoAbet hnA tod (at brush in nrat case.

Christmas Suggestions
A pretty Look Cr^pe Ktmooa

$1.75 to $6 00
Lchtbcr case (or cfitr>u« coUaii

A Few

Gjps colUpii'ye.

25c to $1.00

A Good Silk Pfitticoat.
f ^ /VI
Stack or Colored, at..........................4^0n\AJ

FURS- -Sets at all prices Irom
$4.25 up to $250
Silk Waifit. either Black or
Colored, at..............................
Olhen ap to $IP.M


Some very Raa4MosUa Un
some baml cmbroMcrctf pieces

Pot up ia Uatber case. Takes up very litde team
ia your gait cate or bi(.

^ath Robes for LEdiei
or MlsBeB, at —
Others ap to »7 $0


$2.00 and $3.09

Extra Christmas Bargains In Table Pieces
PUiol>ooaua<odb>d> dill. 30.30.

Jot_______ ttc

P,d. bottklnl icii. I6.50..p«ij a........................ZS«
HouliacM twu loocb dodi. 36i’6. vod.l ot......... SSe
Ro. Doo<A loocl. doO. hood-xlHd. 36.36. u Tie


Dooui l.o.h Ctrl,,. 43.43. A ioe uioitneol
«(««..............-.............. ........................... .Sllo«
Hud «ol>.. dcr,d I..OI t
I. hoo>oi-d>«4 .iU>
oMixioiiX A boioold owilacd <4
Sp«4.l .<...............»dSLlS
H,«oiid>«l kJI H ,ii- t—oU • A a«- lot

lo pa I o.-. M____

....Me, tie. lie p«l SI







«MR temlHM '«ltb Cam's ftbtetUr Isa^.rrf4s7 aUusawt
lMk,bwlM« Knu bf «dw o( tte L7 ptajln* <MMN «sa ttfiag WrUi!n» >■■>! n«TV»«t pram WOT*- 4117 wu*^ Jniln brawfat « Urn
la aa
MUa. ra B Ux ot .popooni whlcb Um ckildru
i«|M i»attas pMiaiMa WOT*. MTk- MUrad VOTT. nucb.
la waatiu.tha tirmUm of a ear. Cantnl School.
Tbe MTaUli crad* aic pUftnlns to
BMOT adwoL
piaant a diaiutlaUMi of Dickons'
- Tko aifeth g»4o .«oU «ftaM <tol- CttrUtaiu Cunt la dtdr room on Dec.
;-tis IBS aiaatMM c«iu won* «r s.
4a>Mn kor-tka ankoal ontartniBisont. | Tbo «lxib and aeveant sradm or
rtfu koMlas aM.«io bnndiad and the Cmtnl nrttool tod the sane BpelltdiiatraU'tMnta wbUh was the ias. words Ust month: At the end
iOiiUMt.Banker ooU ii7 six hoUd-y the month iber had a npeUtna
- Sb.
jmaicb on those words, in wbliA -the
' : The hern and slHt are sUd to hare seventb arwde was Vletoriotis. Tbrf
> that ther can makes tbe aoeoBd rtctory -which the
seveotb crnde ban won from tbe sisth
Dasnond and Donald Cole
of tbe sixth grade are aUe ip ha tp
school SMin.
Prank O'Borhe entered s«d)ool Ust

BHary ta kaep tbatr beads oot of tba
wtodow. bat l aajoyad tba ride vary
The boat eiatted «a down' om
Of OW uanaU abnn tag mites and
back aMte. and as ter as tbe eye
coold see It was s Uvel streiebor tall
gtosB. and tbe graod qrite dry.
no hotel aecoiamedaUont
bete. BO ibe nlgbt was spent « a riu'j
bonap Where.pleaty of cou and bedwere feand and
the beet At this pUee wm found
baaann trees covejiag ebont eight
eWtt a>ras aad hanging fall or Urge
boaehes of greea fruit
Oar neu stbp was at a garden of
pertaps alx aeraa, tilled by a Hr. TalIah4n. This U ran as an efperlmenul
tiaUon. I teri sure many of the readera of this article will doubt tbe ver-'
aett}- of my statements of what I saw
growing here, but Uie folUwIng are
Few of the Things 1 Saw.
Corn with kernels ell on top:
can be etil three times from one pUntVineiest sweet potatoes.
Asparagus, eight months from

MpMs. wMra aha tom Bcoa vutuia
friesds Tor the part week.
Ma A'CapaUU left-fer Oklahoma.
oorotag.. whfre abe will
apeod the, wlater.
Wr.^a"^ Ma Ardrey returned to'
their home at New Rfehmond today,
from aa -esended bartawm trip to
tbia city. .
Ftwd P. Boughey went to Cadillae
thU Dtoning oa bnalaeM for the day.

da-a* vUtt kOTw with Triatlrcg nfl

Carl NaUasi aad L. O Mwrotl. aRaf
IBs of Alpena eoaaty. who bat
here a few days on bosiaess. retaraed
home tbu monrag.
S. K Ksyea e# Owsna past
throogb tbe city today_. oa bis way
Ktagriey to attend a m^og t>l lank
Chaa. W.
U apeadlng the day­
fUagiUy and Graver WUUn of Cadil­
s' Ktagalay 'on businesa
lac were' vUliofa here yeeterday. and
Moody went to Orand Rapide retaraed to tbelr respective
this mentiog on aeretaJ daya bnalaesa this morning

MUs Grace Shott and Hugh BourMa a. C. Waldraa loft tbia saorn- xaw of 014*1118x100 attended the-dance
ing lor Utile Rock. Ark.,
spend jgivCT by the I,«yal Order of Moose
the winter.
Mhndar erening.
Ha a. HaHuai warn to Mmiton
John A. Peterson of Pagahdat. Pa.
this morning on bastaeas lor the day. relumed hoiM last SvenlBg after at­
Mr. and Ma Peter Keople. returned tending tbe foneral of hU sister. Mrs
to their home at Ktogsiry this morn­ Matilda A. narrow of this city.
ing .from a few days visit to this dty
MA F. M. Hamlin and datighur.
OL biMneA
ittas Beta, who have been traveling
Mlw I- OavenpM of Old Mission exienairely tbrongb the south
passe*) Ihrnugb tbe city today on her west for Ibe post ' yrar and s half,
way to Mackinaw to spend the winter hare returned to their home In ihU
A. P. J^ln of Detroit who has city.
been In the city for tbe past aevenl
O. E. Rolfe of WUlJamaburg ratur
daya oa bqalnesa. went to Frankfort ed to hU home ttaU afleraaoa^trom
this morning.
'brief business trip to this city.
Ma P. K Engatrom and Ma M.
Arthur Bamty want to Petaekoy to­
P. NorrU were called to Grand Ra­ day OB businrss.
pids this morning on acrount of the ’ J. HMley is visKing friends ood
reUtives at »k Rapids Ibis week.
death of a relative. '
Mrs. RobcK Swaner went to WiP
Ma Mary Updike of KIngaley. titurned to her borne this monting. af llamshurg today' tu visit friends for
ter several days visit here with re- a few- dai'B.
Ma X W. Hobbs Msyflele
Ulh-ee ai)d friends.
Mr. and Ma Clarence ElUfrita of thia.wfiemaon to visit friends and rel
loke View, who have been the guests edvea
Ma C. M. Hewer ofM daughter.
of ^A James Briggs lor the past few
weeks, went to Gaylord this luern- Miss Luva. of Manton. retaraed home
todaj- after several days' visit bare m
iiWa Boltheuse ef Grand Rapide Ibe 9iesn of Mrs. Char.' McGregory.
W. 8. Nichela rafurmd to hla home
wus In tbe city today oa bunitieoa.
Grand Kopidn today from nh
Ma Eart Camien went te Manton
looilt'd ^usloells ir<)) to this city.
this mornlm; on buslnewi dor the Bay
A. T. Peek, cenduoier ofi the G. R.
F. J. Zantlck went to Buckley this
Ic I. from hero u> Walton, has rolurnafternoon on business.
I work, after s|tenillng aume
W. E. Smnh went to Cadillac today
lime ill Grand JtaiKds for medical
s i brief business trip
Ray Fuller of Fife Lake returned to
B. H. Bennett want to fiemmlt City
bis home this afternoon from nevernl
UHlav ou boslBees.
days' visit here on business.
Ma Sibyl Woelavtr, asho tma been
E. C Mifbourn Is spcfUlng a few Ilslilag Ma r. a smiard of tbUdays at Manton
liiv for the joBf several days, re
Miss 1^ E.
uirn-d 10 lier borne la UuRkWy topBSsed throng
return home
to Northiiort
Mr. and Mrs. Peoria Smith
Grand RapidK this nfti-rnecii


J4eg BrMder TcUs How Hs OMalna
Batisfqctory Reauita Fasd Is
in Winter..
The --T^hlgs-lnB railcn for brood
SOW'S has‘given as guod rosuKs as 1
could ask lor. aaya a writer la tba
Brvedera' Gaseite
Whllv It might
not prove to be tbe best under aU
conditions. It has given very sattafactory results undv.- my condlUoM.
Four of my sows w^ purebasivd
when aevea munibs uf age. thu
srelghlng I30 pounds apiece They
were kep-. am>ih<r month, then bred
Now ihey are 17 reotrths old. have
farrowed tbelr secotM Utters and will
weigh from 300 lo 400 ptmhds la
good, tlrifly hrteding rondUloa.
)' have been led tumewbai Beat
following eavL day t>er bead la
addition to whatever they pick np ta
13 acles of woods pasture, a portion
of which contains 'h good stand of
bluegraas and wbttc clover: Shelled
com, four puubds; shorts, one imund:
bran, six pounds: taakage. onefonrtb pound. During 4be winter
months, s^n the weather ta rdd
and the ground hare, the amuuai of
feed is turreased ax it Is also wbea
the inters become large eauugb to
take all of tbe idtik that tbe mw e»w
atipply- Just a^ew Bays before tbe
sows are due to Isrrow i add a hand­
ful of oil meal per sow lo their feed
each day, wbicly^liei^ any leedency low-aid constipation aad causes
tbe rigs to arriv^ la good abxpe.
Cracklings wvmld anawTr tbe same

Bice—a bountiful crop.
Peanatr.—great yield; tbe fodder
w cut three llmea.
Hay In abundance from
stem grata.
The Greek bor. Gof Tlotoponlos ha«
Bertnoda onions (no maj
inst eatered tbo flfth grade.
Tbe following were perfect In a
& Tefraipa.
teat of (ortr word* given PrhUr:
s. Cnrrott.
MUtoa PetartA OUdre
10. Peppera.
Mai7 Sntftb; MlrUm 011betcr~ Irene
ShlUoB, Oram Saxton and kfarUm
11. Stra
IX Irish potatoes (no bags).
Thirteen of tbe aeeoBd grade child14. Tomatoea—an inense yield.
r«a at Central school have bad peiv
15. Celerj-.
feet work U tbelr speldng daring tbe
10. Oranges.
past week,
IT. Grspe frail.
18. Guavas.
Udr was taken ashore In a smsil boat
The Niagara grape vine made
and cemalaed with an acqaalntt
taking another boat In the iMrtilas.
in length by one Inch In diameter.
TMP In tt. Tbe boat after striving |n vain, apparOU) TANK FOR FEED TROUGH
Figs on tree in seven months
eattr, to stralOitan ont the crooks In
Abandoned Kitchen *,Beller Put to
tbo river, renobed penand at about from time of pUnUng tbe sprout.
PrtOTlcal Uae by Ts
B:M at nlgbt. Bj this Ume the rig
I Jla. See. l. itil.
Cost la Merely Nomlnai.
I hsra hat that w^ to meet me had derided 1 growth in seven months.
Taro, a snbstliute for potato;
-maaptrlends laTraw was not coming, and this meant for
The wrlier lately raw tbe two feed­
—y to ttrtte fhsa about mr trip me to walk through Mnd and palmetto also a substitute for milK when boil­
ing devices berew-uh Illustrated oa
' ^ iha Srar^adea, ftfrtda. bat I find with mr grips, which of conr^ 1 dlL
.tbe farm of a Texad OBlon grower, and
33. 'Peach tree, about Are years
. *1HB«laa gate diadted. eo t wiu feel
I Bad tbU pan of Plorlda much the
northern growth^ one year.
■ i^raadarobtlMboBBtoranttrM .taaie as the northern part of
Camphor tree.
'OiMMIp iwtot tfib tottar, thanklag *stato The sofl U light cotored aand.'
26. Rubber tree.
theagh here much of the eountry has
2S. Pecan bearing seven months
a twtter grade of soil at 'from eight
----- TkaiaiBe Cttjr.«n Noreather
from planting.
haana. on n dar wbea wln- to foarteen laches beoesth the- light
Paw-paw grows witil~^a fine
i far oS. Tor the air was sand, and old settlers rislm this sod
E. L. HugMs is sway on butinete at •OME NEW IDEAS A6 TO COMPO*
Id Ban. Batudag eraatog. to he the very best for cUroos fnills,
Sugar catic, IS feet high, c; Kingsl.-?.
** onnea* and gmpe fruit
r n. a hnarj thunderr MoriB
tons to tbe arre; very prdQiable.
Mrs. John Mendrickton ef Keystone
and tar I
U stm some govenimeat land
Wheat. Kansas White.
arrlvtnl iti the city this morning on
____________ _
_ saowlag hard
*>f ‘‘‘“e »“«> *‘«h to homebavlnesifor
jpimi iMl
PiMt had botul 'aUad It. and lafonnalioo In regan) to
apcHi iDVesUgatliig found ibat . ..
Miss EILxabeth Ogden Is sponding a
tbs Beginning'of Olnnsr—Pino-,
t It eth* be had hr writing tbe Und ofwere two uid abandoned kltcben range
33. BUckberrUa.
appU 0ns ef the Best for
few days this week at Kliigsley vlsitBI rtarted f« Oraad *» at OalnoivltU,'Plorlda This Und
bdlers. tmugbi for tw«ity-flre eeaia
3X filial hemp for rope:
llig trienils.
the Oigsstlen.
uch from an old scrap iron ptle. nays
Bi«».BL«aBaaarwar U covered with pine mosdy. hut of
Millar left today on a business
writer In the IbmieMead. Many
ir c«r (ChUago). at which
Thej- are serving aalads with a dff- fannera have one of the oM bollera
There seems to be nothing that trip to Neu York city
I to wait ttoM horn for deosa growth of cypress. Host of W
-renc«. A salad Dowadara Is very M the farm aud la rase you do not
grows In a tropical or seml-iroplcal
Ma a. Hensheli left today for
la lioltod tnla. aad alter ■sramp Und Uas south of bare, j
rai-n at the ^rnglnnUg ri
climate but what thrives on this ririi Tamim' She
B Sleeper 1 wm settled antli bapa go mlUs, la thU vicinity. Dedlooer aud voted a dlgedtiva second
BSUd. ooni, sweat petataea. back- SoU. People who have lived here be­
wbaat. angar cane and vegettblas do side the Uke for several *years pro­
Of all frutli plneapi'le Isi
ll^yiitotiitotod la vtowtog
' grea'rst value to the drapei■pt^C B
- mim a»a owariaUr ao attar Itav- well: ,aUo oranges and gruM fruit, the world.
, J' I From Wednesday s Re.nTd-Kagl>-) , rotitalns the nftst dellraie a<-ldi Tbe
jb.rtaOMdOaa. Tbe UiB doee not hot tt is polag to take tbe northerner
Many other incidents ot^ note I
•UBi topaadeaeas It ateold. The cot- to abow thew people how to do
might mention, but 1 fear t£is Is get­ a few da>s- visit with friends in fon
s were » aany
sight; things. Tb| rid residents, or nsUve
Is. moreover, a very pretty dish to
ting too lengthy, BO will close by su­ Huron. Saginaw and Grand Rapids.
patoh hare atat than -and peopU nther. are called oraefcars: op
MA A. Hrabak ef Cleveland has lerre at the beginning of luncheon or fioro one they will fee found. In tbe
ing this trip was 360 miles by water
acrap pile at any biackamltta'a Tbe
V as arytoB la caltlvatlon. north they would be called, crackerand very Interenlng. Will be home arrived to spend the holidays with her
winrapplp In Lettuce Nesu--Cnt a manner of using ibem is ao cloariy
pUr. aaan Balds that
defined In tbe drawings that further
in May. 1912.
My Trip to the Evar^adet.Miaa A. E. McDonald is visfring rai- plDeai'ple Into snull pieces Add one elaborailua Is unnecessary. Ft.
Very truly yours.
Tbe BrergUdee Ua east and south
ailvei and friends at I.gkc Ann this cupful of walnut meats and one rup- riiows bow tbe old boiler waa used for
C. Edwin Thies.
from benaad. Ii requires a trip uo
Deaand, norida.
tul of orange pulp Shred one bead making .a food maager aad Flgriver from Densud. a distance o:
N. Avery went to Cedar Run this of lettu.'c very Bnyly and form Into ebows bow a weooad belter was in
for tnakttig a bototfuSkb.
ahoot firiy-olckd miles. A party a
morning on business for (he day.
nertE on Individual plates
BIton, Sha and of iha Ma«. U thirteen bealdea myself left Oanan.1
Mil one Vnpfal of mayonnaise and
Alfred Haahling vrant to Empire
stir U lightly with the pineapple, etc.:
Phn Mrers Is a Bna town. at 6 oriach Friday evening on a very
this morning to visit f^lctld^.
> :^^pOTmaaaat popaUtUa of ahoot eosatortabU gasollM' boat, going as
A. F. Owens left this morning for add raorv mayonnaise If the fruit te
(From Tuesday s Record-Eagle.)
>me fresh in tnllk will be Jast Ue
not eitifii-ler.tly moist, and heap lato
tar as LabeUe. iC ^es. and stayed
C. A. HoHon went to Frankfort this Manistee. Ludington and other ivlnis the little Irttiicp nests. Derorau with lime 10 select tbe amst. promislrg
twaUa^thOBaaad. Here the Thare ovar nlgbt as it wa aa hard task moralng on a few da.vs business trip
I several days' Uustnes.-- trip.
heifer Calf lo raise for tbe dairy,
chopped walnuts
________ rtrir atopUas into taa to guide tbe boat up tba aarrow ant
Daniel Bhaffer went to HaUhes
R. A. WllllapM Is spending the day
Ralade a La Veraaltles—Roll dlx ttlth good feeding, comfortable quarand proper care they sbould
Li^diNr hsfo II one and 00a- erookad river. B« tbe scene U very at Empl^WbnsIness for the S. B. & Croaslng this morning on business Int atitchekes, voparaie the "fonds" from
gj|llH..wAa. Haar Utga aad bsaatltol as tbe saarcbli^t cast lu A. Candy Co.
tbe leaves and cut Into small pieces. Bnelv through tbe winter and be
\. tbe da>.
____ ids m op and down blight gUam upon the banks of tbe
O. J. Wright it visiting relatives
Frank A. Whito went to Frenkfert Pul In a salad bowl with an equal ready 10 turn to partore anoitter
quaniltyof SKparagus points ibat have
V S toOt paasigs for De- river covered with no dawe a growth and friends at Cedar Run for a few today on business.
been rooked In salted water. Take ■
I Pa OM «t tnam. -uenand U wtt- of mostly pals troas. wttb palmetto daya.
Ma B. B. Williams returned today
handfu) of salted almonds, chop them
7, W «Saa Bp tha Vlrer. Largs and smaller ebsubt and grass. Satur­
Mrs9 Carrie^ Snow went to Owesse
her home at Cedar Riin from a nn<. pound Them w-lth the }uice of two
There Is littfc hoiw lor the farmer
I irhfe fraK -grovet eover day moralM tbe ropes were cast aS
ila morning, where she will ntakc her
business trip here.
lemons and half a pint of cream, salt who prefers to buy runty males, and
■ alther alda aad are now and we gilded between beantlful fol future residence.
W. MaUlee of Cedar Run returned j and pepi^-r and f
r tbe salad coDStderv tha> br.^ert of piirebre-l
Ma F. H. Stevenson went to Cedar borne today after several da:
tag up river anUI Uke Hlcpoebee was
mayonnaife may be added stock are robbing tbelr customers if
to ttie ul^ but It Is more delicate he anccecds it will i>e In spite of his
aaeor toigat om trip I sooebeB. ThU Uke U eboot eight Ron this nwrnfng to attend a
here oa business.

meibods, not because of them
BM ap'tha Cilooaahstehaa rivet. mlUs across. Ftom Its farther tide a weeka rutting aa tbe guest of her
ewar went JO Kalkaska this in flavor wnbout It.
With mid rbi.'Ven nothing Is liCie
Thjte from part Hypn to Draand canal has bees dug to Lake OkerdS- daagdtiy. Ma a. C. Wyakooi>p.
morning on buslnci-s for a few days
than r >alMd of carrots, cuGet Blankets for Horses.
R. W. Stielmey is Usitlng relativeB
la ABtr made to foar hows, hot up- bee. ThU Uke U U by 4S miles wide
Theodore Fetters of Harbpr gpnngs rumben- and hard boiled eggs, all cut
Doni (urgei tu purrh.,,^- I,cm#
oa m partlenUr trip toa rognUr boat and apparently la emapoted of all : Honor tbU week. -----ri-iiirncd home this morning irom n In rings and sent to table w-ith this klankei. belor- c.!d
Ma Balls Alexander is spending short business trip to this .ity.
haiiWh pa 19 «ar jppairr and aa- raawaier; faaviag no outlet tbia Uke
dressing: Two tahlespoeiifulr of olive Vse them when l,..rr.-r «re Im.-hed
Ote eab aohatftdWd. Tha boat aUo formed a natural baaia for the tnll- tha day. at laterlocben on baslnesi).
J. W. 2lmmermait went to Kings­ oil wUb one of lemoii julre. with salt„.Is.. Tuepric.
M. .La Valley went to Nooson City ley this mornlug on business for the pepT-er and a «;>c<-k of sugar to latte.
la^ m maa ms eaptala. aUo a IIOBB of acres of laud sumundlng It
h.wse blank,' inny ewce thepriee
Mnshroom Salad Remove the sklB
«aiB aaglaaar. The river hecomaa Xbaa wboa4b« ralay saaKn waa oa. today on several days bosiaess trip. day.
B JohAsen ef Honor, raturned home
mm aanov ahoot tea aUas from wbteb U JoM, July and Angaat' tbU
L. F. Titus is spending the day at and almost all the stalk from some
button m-is'-rooms. drop them Into
Colt's Feet.
Mjori and Tory crookad. All baain caimot hold all the water au moreing. after a short vUlt to Xlancckma on l.uslnesr.
boiling sirlieil water and cook for
....... -i-uiu'-Iy round
•aa#d ta ge ODaoth^ tor tha Brat emptied into It; It then ererflowed on
X A. Cargo, who has been here sev- i Uire^'ramVite*
itb ID 'h- tosrket almcM wbalX A. Sullivan went to Elsie today
U iUUa whUe darUght was stui to rite so-called Breii^des to tbe
eral days on business, rrturnml to b.!.«> them on a napkin and when
alght came eonU. M8t and went ^ a little aX
home at Harbor Kpriugx today
\ quite cold rprinkle them with pepiwr
, le-uig rite rase, aaenilon lo
Fred Wilson raturned to hia home
Of lVOMlbitohauagUa JestwbiU tbe north end. The eoG here U a
heodcrc Greeeaer left today on the •"'l
'•“‘•'r el upp«d parsi-v
' au.l in the shoeing laiar
a*. Lake Ann tbU tuotnlng from sever­
■■■yUB h ahOrt tan In tbe river the da^ brown muck.
feet deep In tbe
urib while.
a train-for Laming. wU*-ie lit- will •
■aaiUar of- the eagUe ran <« the center to a few Ir.Mca at tbe edge.
1 lime visiting friends ami
Henry Curtis ef FllnL who has bean
V negar.
aMt aad we
To Secure Good Resufto.
There are at ieut three aUlUmi acres
Shrimp Salad a La Bryugne—Fhril
Mlh 'aad dry. the bow «f the boat that will be drained by canaU now un­ nere visiting bU brother. A. B. Cuitls
roir.f >ou are willing to give Him
Ma X W. tkaAt left to­ a quart of bulled shrimps’ and lay them
Rtaned beme itaU moralng aroomMNP On teat aa oe dry uad. or mod der contratA; trw wffl be BniMad In­
day for BuOalo. .N. V., wMcrt- t.iey oa young Irtiw-e Irasws tn a salad and Ait,-nila-n 10 valuable nock, deg't
I be too anxious to acquire such. Re»«har. I walked ont oa to tha side of a year. Tbe water b now gasUd by tbe Utter who srin upend
II spend a few weeks as the guest bowl. Chill aoms maronnstse
huwever, thal
._l part of the boat aad_________ gnabing past om of tbe dredges wblM
tbelr son. Myron, who is ,vi>ne,-icd on It-d. pour over .tba tbrimps
I must have rational iresiment to gtva
part of tbe uUto and probably will
that I waaptaadUg with my bead up u BOW ti miles from the Uke.
Ignul rweplta.
not return bare till after tbe bdli- with the weather bureau at that place
Tongue Salad —Mix together and
MbNB a Bome Joatfe of tropteal
Mach of tbU land has already been daya.
Hanry gpariing left this morning
put It: a fine dredger a small ouaciItT
TtaNj—H ahrobbery. It was ahoot aa arid aad risen ta price from $S4 per
Feeding Tee Marti Cora.
Ma John Wen»r ef Grand Rapids for Marloa. Lake City dad other points each of celery, salt, red pepper and
BaaitMten tha boat waa dartiy le- acte to fM and la in two ywn. The
Hogs will muke from lb to 12
retaraed to ber borne this moralng, in tbe interest of tbe Iniernatloua; btock peirprr. white togar .and all
analysis of tbe sril has from a vtelt here with relatives and Harvester compaay
spice. Take some ihla sllaee of Ruv- pounds of meat live srrtgbt tor
ise of
B|N aaw alias op tJ
tbariwaad iwovea It to be worth fron gg to t9-*4 friends for tbe past week.
H. F. Boughey is spending the day slsn tongue, squeete a little lemon bnshol of corn eaten, bul
Juice over the pteces end itgmir (bis too many firmerw feeB
IMS bnBa. pattlag tha boat per tea as fOTtlUacr. There Is no aoarKlagsiey oft-bmaews.
OUs Scott, who hM been in the etty
hoh; whara an hoar OM a taOf OM la thU aoQ. as wooU be sap- for several wreaks NjostUg rertaia
x™. C. X.
X IIUC. Xi=l,. !
•'»" -max.
Bhovc np some white onions aad
to repalia, aad a good deal poaed. It saMs stroBM to thhU
returned to *U home In after spending
celen and pat them In the salad bowl
aa to what would be doM with that OM «4td aoQ om'b lam by the New York CUy tbU morning.
gueeu gf -friends, mnraed to her
NMr.teraMdUgooladehan MjntertlUter. Bo^tkait is what caa
MUa AnM BflnktoM ef OM Mto- me today.
■n. then poor Mveral
OM tedy isaailH a Ufa m*W. R. Carpentor retonsad to Ala spoonfuls of oil over tbs wboto wttb
tteoosh the etty tbU
'tato OkoNobw BWjteiU nogBlMMoaSarTMM^ m itoe at -AUesu today traa aavcral a daMi at vtoccar. Barra a6 oag*.






L Ve M
t vsi If

Wxu-f 1,
It i. writ for tb.'lxftv,,r lx
^ advice of men; who «r* q ' to ttf aatrlee. to otVar tort fh
avoid aaay of tbe etamNag I
lays th« Poultry JoufsaL
Too aHRy Mvleew start * m fm
ladder and (radually climb to tl#
top That ts too alow tor th^. i
blessed srirb saOeURt ccpMOibay ate
pretty sure to run <a a Irtta dtolL
«1tboai experlenee. ts It My Whart
lhat it») do not svemwer’
Rut G'.U Is not tbe osly cause M
tenure wttb the togtaaer.
Regtoaer. The
Tie otto
era algbt hrieSy be stated mf—
lac too much laPd: balld^^
tared. eteaUliW too toe '
labor: Ibe breed or I
Ml beiag salmbte 1
ianaded; house a«
tbe uUUary plan: toe .
leg of lb* WU of fare: i___________
matl deullsj harboring gN mttofc
profitable stork; carelessoeet 1s
lag for ailing birds; relytag to*
^b.OB hired help, and toarB«« to*
It Is a waste OT atoaey to IN to*
much land. From 6 to » acrw la ao*
ficaeot tor the torgest ktod a( pteat
A ceaem -mtitake la the «aa^ni

rtOTBKtoc tf the hm oi Mte.

should be one ayaiam of teedl^xNB
that reruUriy followed. The Un ct
fare ebould coatato tha cmMiM Iterleiy possible, but (be ayHoa ahauM
Bof be rbapgeid. Sew artlclea «( teo4
, tbould
he givea to tbe etelartM
of oibera (toill Ibe fowia Rave'bad a
chanw to beeome aeqimtet4 with
At) addiitooi or teangn*
sbould be gradually otode.
tf -.dlie
TbhlS are doing well oe «k*P tbte
arg .getting, no ebaage dbewM ha
made at alL
Prttoably the moat eoBMaa Nter'ja
“leanHng too fast” it u a ho&worthy fact that, aa a yule, fcy tbe
close of the tfrat ypar tbe begtoMT
fbriDS tbe oplnlcm fhai he kM»a tt
aU. Thirty years sptott la
try yard has Ungbt tbe. kxHm that
be baa much yet to Wot*. There la
al^ somethtag new tarrilag up. '
Tbe wise men rends, studies. ppn»
decs end-InrestlgAles. \bus daUr aH.Ing to his store of .kaorledgtt.

SUCCESS IN TURidr luisim
it Is teadviaaMe tte aas.^ to at­
tempt turiiey rearlagWlsiihbgr %**•
abuadxnce of apace, to tb«a Wi^

Gobbler and Hen.
more perhbps'Thak any other
aent rt'lbe pmfltiT yard, m
to bear conflaeaMaL fiaadry '
e-to seartbir
uv. as yet tha s______
not tart with saeeeaa.- Tbone Who*
favored with apace wID
«arirnaring profitable, provided that T

Small Quantity ef Olive Oil Robbed
on Fewi'i Hm«M»III Prove Quito ;1
If fowls are bealtby. tbe premteedi
k,-i.t cicin. aod-a dust baib or aabae.
priitided. lice rarely get tbe npper
hand. It being tbrougt tbe ■brood'
heus. transmltUng then to tbe eUleg-ens. limt uoat harm eagues. A 'bea
with many or lew nee 00 ber wba*
ditlng transmits them to the cbleaens tmmMUaiely ibey bA fegtoRiX
They sre to to found suuoaery o« the eaicken s bead, above tbb 'Bank
sod eyes, aud In a few days when iMy
get more ptenilfol. ate TO be foaad- {
behind aud on top of bead aod.thiaeL
t;uple and effective Ireetmeal '
sdupted Ly the guvermaeM etatlw ta
N'ew tkiutb Wales Is lo place a ——H
quxuillv uf olive oU tn a geticor. 'and
• da.* site/ bMcbing dip toe dngnr •
the </1l and tbofougniy rob tt lato
the fl-jff of tbe cUcJtea'a heed aad W ■
Ibroal This will kill IM Ilea J
d If repented tbe aoeM*
daye old toe cbickeu s
_ „ „
amlncd again snS 11 any af'tkis VOTmte ^
found Bt this ageatttttelMMBo y
be added to tbe oUye «tk It !« -'
1 to anoint. eU eblteeas -wttb tba * '
Immedtately after they ora
haicbed. such bclac a ante tift reaffn .

Letthte Het^ smd Record 60
^ ycttriCto WOrtt
lijii'iuii M ST ml11



«V«y Western MldiMlaii ,
f»cmf «»^OclrMt OhrM tfe» •Malfi «l

•f an itic omticai mii

Gadaadkr<>Mr G»




la Miowinc tactar •vma roealvod
reraatlr br the amtalinenar:
say school llbtm^.
lU' <d^"o4 the Mapttaon
"Wa are aow rtaaalac osr taatnata.
district held their moabkly inetatag oa
couatr to hare cma of the eerr bam FYlday. Dec. g. A good nutabur ^ te­
map we bare ea cor Uai. and I am thers afiftaothers and the entire dlaaakiac rou It you could bare year ta- crtei board were la attendaacA T%e
aOttne oai Maodar. ianoarr lt< at program was opeaad wUb
Cltr- We are able to aend er which Mrs. DsOraw read a
Idpaper on tbe home tralnlag
TOO Or. A. B Wiaahip. adlior ot tae
Kew Ettfiaad dooraal of Bdaeatloii: of children. Mra. VaBey foltawed with
> r^'.
^-..1 J-,It.
Or. IKInahlp probaUr doea more laatl- a well written paper on^c asbieci of
woA than any ether maa la the coDdren’a books and cbtldren's read-1W ta m> doosh. -hateror that
Statra. I feel that we are ea- ilng, alter which the commlralencr
h^re UlebisaB lo admit that .wo cannot ceptlonally fortunate la aecarin« him. gave BM
Wwadh ot Mlebtaan poopta bpre
talk on aorae of tbe
Sm kioblas traU aaa caa
tbe traet that yon can accept thU dale rural school problems of tbe day.
to dMiani porta of the Calted
acbool matien
if you do not. It will break jgeai
log that sur prodoeta are greatly au<Thtte i$ SO moch to 1>e
want every aebpol I domed the program. TWa dub haa
parlor in all tnai
to -make good
Hour for household use and bow u Michisan.if utaj- had oaod frail. Tbe rooent show at Oraad Rad as we arr bring-|doDe mudi in bringing about improved
bowoaer. deuMMtraiad beyond
ts:-eqiiaUy good lor bread ;W« te4s»«t and eraa i-a dUi- phU.
■ rt/; !«■ tK«i applaa
■ I a can
MB be
h. groa
* «*«« aaaoetalion. whool coadlttona at Mapleton It le
n IIn “*« "
*ni*appolnt tbe coadudor a little [thought that the new bolWIng. which
ance to tboeo-of tbe nerthwem A'later. Have you any ebdee? Please la one of the doc« ta he ceuniy. was
Chanea In bUeUean.
Chirac maa paid SIS fer a tangle let me hear from you.
. Each sack oeatains a “la■attar
a recent cooreraatloa with X.
"Yonm very iniiy.
of the tmbUc
, fmrnmt^ spteifymg ymr
gnamntee tag that makes C. Carton, aecretary
I* U Wright"
' '
WIchtaau. Mr.
Children are going are mile* to tbe
U5 reSp<msib1e for the qual­
oC flour .when order_ It the remalader it the
Dr. Wtnahlp haa appeared before Kingsley k^6i1s and furulstalag tbeir
eahIMt aa aa oMraettao fer hl.,u..cbera la Traverse City oa aeveral own •■oDveyinre They will anish the
ity ^ the contents and we Waabilngton and other weatern siatea
< ■9
and bad obaerved abe eoadltioiw gor.
arsi two years of tbe blgfa school
;it reaWy is the sinple
roEnlat opportaalitaa dor men who similar amount of hanleiinwra} akill fully isaplnag apeaher and no teacher course In Kingsley and ramalb ai
by authorizing the grocer would Inveal money Ja landa with a
by Iho iwer. the
• lio
lln the
county ahosM I'aD la bear hlm.
;witter .«ol seloction. for
every alghf In tbe year. Klngsto rultibaUng them, and he maid
toTefund yoor money if the view
ley s school pricilcally beoomM a
be did not Sad a locality la any oi
flenf sdtlom costs
es meBaeottl wharo he would iktrslblr for the Boribweatern suu„ ;i>«t Primary Inatractor In the .tale
tosnshlp blgb •‘cbeol for Paradise and
Jtedi more than ordinary
PMter lo taka hia edmaeea la work­
B|H<raach it in vualliy. ,
[Travenie CHy (br tbe day.
for part, of Mayfield and Pile L«ke
ing the foil after. lovsatJns a given
'Many i>eo|ile do not utWr^vad!
lotfo.blp:. '
.' iMMnd when you coi».
Many children wit] bare to gM tbetr
' Better try a sack and be
“•'« '■» =■
: 4der resnfts it is tm^h
^deolrable kasaUttaa of the nortkera Ity are very liiniied. Of rou).e a.. . ■
I’urchaied the. entire set of tte bikb aeboul eduraUon as. the etalMrea
certain of results.
coanilea of UUa<PeolaButa. but that tw pie ireea will grow In almoat any [Young People's Reading Circle books do wtto are driving Into Ktagsley, or
more economical,
ootuldered a man's opportuolUea In
gel M-at all.
VdntIBpitars .................... ^
tbe fruit beh of tUa tute as about does not moan annual yields of fnili'
oae" Id prefareace to say of pood quality. Almost every coun­
location v^lcb he mt In tbe weatern ty^ In our own state wUl I*oduce ap;
The LAdy Vaccabea.beld their an­
taetee Aa Good,
el^ion of offlcera at tbeir tuect,
■I ’'WIuT'^ decrease ot the annual fact does not lukure regular yields of •♦ddddddddddddddd nual
Ing last Thursday, the following being
r applet tn this
good fruH. however. In every locality
Lsmg Lake. Dec. ll.—Bev. Fred elected:
try teoB apwaeda of dd.WO.O
:Enreme degrraf «t cold as wtal as
rets 16 ywra ago
k than 20.- frequent ebanpn ot tenkpenture dnr- Carter of Traverse City preached at
Past comwder—MaiT Steven
000.000 barrate of recent yean, and Ing the winter moi
months are factors tbe Prleads churrh last Friday algfaf.
[Kid FaiuU ................... R2M
Commaader-Kora klman:
with the dlscovMy tbac apples of which go far In d^rml
_ the qoesQuite a number from this place at­
Uentenaat commander—Dell Uariraaca, ‘ altbengb of Inferior tlon ot yield. The Tlfe may be fros.
en out of the byds Thlie the tree re- tended the Pomona grange at Trav­
nonhwoEtern i
itnalns intact. In Ukat case the tree
,wll| continue to tlrflvtfJairly well folMr. and Mrs. Joseph Schwind of tbe
lowtag an uausiuMly /old wlm
county line visited at K E. Durrea'*
It will not
. .t produre^any
produce ^aoy apples,
such a locality psai-b trees will net last Friday.
> well at alL Orrbardi In section,
Egbert Page la butalng wood for
iblect to low temperature, bear In. aeveral of the farmers In Ibis ticlnlty.
Ptelct-Alu Urtl,.
D«« Bhita. ...... fi«B to ,ifl«
Mrs. Stelntan and dtlldrea have
■aat Maar the Lake.
-e<rsak>Dail> !,)• laiblk read, of moved to »Bwn for the winter to be
SUstoc Ootflti ....»■ ttad-Ha
rg^reiurns from lbs Ward ortbard bearer sctiuol.
o ««. „,l, „ >p.
Crawford county, hut only
.«l,-.-1diud .7: T»„.
CP,, r.,-bi. .. Hr., Der. Sfst, so they can practice.
Slrltkcr s IsJt Ved^wlay. AW.
s in £«ni
dozen Isates were prc,*eQt A floe
gather a |
snd [dinner was served at aor.a and all re­ ♦
ELK LAKk. ’ '
temperature there, winter afttw port a good rime.
Elk Lake. Dee. 11.—MIm Sans Mon­
|- "Let It en rcmeni-<r«C ;bat no orrhardiat t-ipuIJ recomomnd any por
ro returned tram Traverse Oty ToqsM3n 10 H.k hts hard-rarne<l saving* In ♦
« day morniug
Fdit aippm
land to arew huh *6 to hii miles from
Mr,. *«!,„ Cam|(ben and daughter.
l.^ke .Mlrnigan. to say noihlag o' ><‘9
Ogdensborg, Dec Il.-Tbe Ladles' AUce, spent.^Tbursday in Traveramiles, sed that aU succesiful orebardIsis have what is known as tiardwood Aid society meets this week Wednes- 'cuy,

lant" lllant ngar maples, beeches, day with Mrs. Belle UeOrjw ai',Map!o-| j,y corwIn Is eonftaed lo hU bed
ironwocds and lore« ehta-rtoa. with
Illy elma and basswoods, do ton. All ladles are reqoewted tphs*«w]B(tb an stuck of Inaammatory rhea-'
not grow In poor land, Fruit tree* are calico pieces.
not pine trees, but haard wood, dcMrs. John Helfricii returned last) WUliam Wood of South Milton spebl
ciduous inwa, and U Is
mral Wednesday from a «lslt win, her -rhu/aday night at the home of Lataer
expensDe and encertali
Mrs. Ales. Innto returtied
to make them grow and yield fruit daughter at Grand Rapid.
profitable in -ploe sand.'
Mrs. C A. Leighton and two rtll (home with him.
"That Is a lemon that every prut- dren and Mrs A l,«lchtoii left Mun
Mr. and Mr*. CoUn Munro drove tn
l«cUve land bnym must learn That
spend the holidays wiib rela­ Barker Creek iUnraday to attend the
kind of aoil seems to eoMatn raw
AST DKPASTMBKT la fun trf usaftil and praetlral
elenietits necesrary . to produce ptne tives at VaiidcrblU.
funeral ol tae Utters uncta. Jim
gJttK aaoh as loiuadry Bum. -<>1liow Tops. Table i I forest trees, but not bard wood fores'
Rev. LeRoy Wkrran of Old Miialan Cheney.
OuW* ...... ...........(ti (• lUO
Eanners. Work Bagi. eiamped Whfts Goods suck ■: trees nor apple trees
Pine sand
sick again
Ur*. August De Crsasat. Mr. and
as Waists. Under^ar. utc. wttk pauern and Hess | ' seldom has a Arm subsoil, and there ,
orfeittg; Slippers, allpper
I tore win not retata any elemeuia of I M1b« DofU Hinsdale reiorned to Mra. Henry Hanet and Mr. and Mrs. PutjaipiKn . . . .tMOtoSUt
full llM of Art Materials.
fertllH) which may be Hupptted to It her I Hnc at Traverse City Saturday j Lowell Soon attended
During the psm summer I have sM-ti lafier i two weeks' visit wiu friends
jn Traverse Oly last week.
hundradn of young apple trees owned lv._
^Tipta Bbr ySCls t»o» SOe te............................ 4tS0
OLOVB6—Carry the gift thongbt, and this stoK has
by men of means who were doing all) ■ ,
tbe clovea. M'e..are especially pleased with our
that mone> and care ctMild do to makei
Gllniure went to
GRAND KAI’IDS-While enjoying
showing. GW dependable gloves In black and
their trees thrive In ptnc sand They jTr^verse City Tfaursday to be uiuh-r , usit wlih a Irl.-nd lo this
qolats at SIAOi Unllned Mochas at S140 and S140.
allk lined at $tA0: StrMt Okivoa at S14Q and

|j""" “'«■
IIAO; flne Kid Gloves at«2J0;
Hinas'i- KJd <;
o|w annnaUy.. but the iretw have a! **”'
^“J! wnd three cliiMreu , Soldi* r» lliutie. *ln-il siiddenly Irooi
------- ---. ------Gloves .. _______
kly- and Muui*>.l apiwarance; wbllcjO^ Hoboken. \ J.. are here vlsliiOK 1i*-an disease
He was adinllle*l lo
Dn'i loraet to MiA t
r ^ ubta ot Prase
.. at tl-M. An excephare seen ether hundreds of young rcladves.
- -- ,
Uonany pleatang and practical gift for chUdren.
: apple
,ple trees
treea growing to
lo the chocolate
. Nbaa dor ciuJdMM driiiM aad tadler
»li is the Olovo Starajeolonta hardwood soil of tbe trait bell
‘that are making a bealtby aad ricAU FdU Slippm .., 40e EBj|^
Is yielding
CfO|. of p
. melena or
. Keeps Temperaiurs Evan.
TTe other great secret of succese
S&—“^e fam^ Bradley tine of knitted __
a. indfiwttslve and practlesl. Fine
■ ta tbe aortbweitera imnlon of the
Eubber BooU
lower pMinsnla ta the inf
K ta btacfc aad ertora, ESc dnd.'..............soc
lAke Mlehlgau TbI
Also Bae line ot Searfs ■ 1 Scarf UngtbY
body ol waicr wholly within l
Sto mad $L0«
e*l Rules, gradsallv sD,oru« neat oorIng the auinmar an-l as gradually
HAWDBAGB-A line that is up to tbe mlaoto in
. 60c aad «to
slvas Us miriare to the land duriac
the winter monOu-, as ibe wesurly
winds prevail In ihU suie. By ibu
moderately prioedaOb «.............. ................ *12.
meani, the temperature In the row of
oounua* nest to the lake Is gradual­
ly modlhed. but,-of reuTM. ihat In­
fluence diaappeara wtihta 16 or •"
miles from the shore of the Uke
"Dniim- theae nrcumstaccew* everye<
body who bas an ambiilos to es
Fllpqa. fram. jte. to..good latcta-of frail land shauM aabest patterae |
derwiand clearly that ibis Utle ran
HAKOKfiBOmp—0( «I1 ilaga glcea tor
not be properly applied lo tbe whole
CbrtattaBS Bothing qulta> <egnala baadkerchieli
of Bortbem JJUUgan. As (be big
la nmount glvetf
given: Our line
in this year Is partake has aa Important
With ertry d«Bu- «r todto fm- >
tan taptae la a
tlentariy altraeilve. also very larn. covering
boldlos up the UKperat
_ . aarneura and. v
A ttarxisl liM
* Ifdlow,
evetr Price Irwa U »........................................ •2J0
during ibc wlata
•bgM coMogME oMtabtoto a^ '
■odbaUy prioad tram
H Css a very valuable InRi
tISQ ta .
FeunUio Pens
.............. -.»W0
wtoek foc.mU 60.
prrreating the Mamam* from belat
defrayed by late Iroet* to ibe mtirlag
drae's hMdwMr: a Wg U»e of iha anbreakable
Peauard Albuics
lake ie
fltcB wiad, Adte Mt. .PBdfoa- .
dolls: fancy aprons. toltaL arflries.. ir gift isixes,
V w^ier i»
Kodak Aiouii.t
Chrisimss buses for puiUag your gifu. in. fhil*|.
la the early spring. ' THen-loi-e the I
teed fer oae ytar:
M ribbons for teacy >wk. HtSv ribbon
Fancy Chrna
Winds whleb blow over lu Mirfaee mPyrecrapby
laralb huU bash, the bnda lor ten
davb or two wwcAa attar uea. iBahaf
Tratt'inj Lets.
telaad bara Mecsomed Tbe re>uH i.
tbit whan ibeie blotuie:: are ftaa!Uomiuri usU
Am lotlowfBC utlcta trrtttea br
WcMcni. e( Hetrolt
ub esc*a«it Mulrata ot the rauott* vbr
wMUru llldOSkU ii tbt be« froK
WO»li« MAlOB te tbe CbU«4 StetM.
Mr .Wotttn ovM a trait tens on
Torch Laho and ta^atao totoraxMi to
trait termdMdite Baaai* countT- Ho
haa madtf a careful iDTetUcaiion of
tho nthioct a^ what ba aara baa
eraat wolghL Hie artlcta la the Do-

w Sho4AT«* JK Safefled With «« p™. PT-. . „
Orainaiy Flour?

cre-cn, u

b«m boomaa ter bejraoS Us nertu
M a 4r«lt crotrtes •—■Mon. Ante*
from tlM tack of an<ro^
and lutalaoaB ot tbe apptaa erawa ta
that aectloa. It coata eoonaoualr to
aUp them to tbe iaria citlaa of the
eaat. their principal markeu. JUl the
load BDK be ornured 4n orner to
rrow aarthlnt, aa U la larselr compoaed of drx. Totcaak aah. It eoata
nwoer to «dCd^
oonswet water^tmrln
vaterYoorn (a
a the
coontcr a* meU aa in IM ettr.
Uaratotere It hoa baao


,ssi^»ss. u,. m..

id«. S',1^ s:


-TOKTyn^ ca


|ketthfii,|ieriRki;M arid Record Co
‘__ .sta »jur iDh.Work.

........ ffj


lie PMctHal Gifts
IkM Bm shi^r


season means
worry: ibere
is apt to fo^et
x>g your memoty occasion­
's lew jogs. ,, K you will look waoiH stock you'
j3g% fev me store is falted with practical


U«I« ...... «. tu»




. -

“Where yon have altveyt traded”


For Almost Anything In Christ­
mas Gits. See ^s.


JACRBON—KoetcaU Armonowirt
tics at his boiiic In ihu city Iwdly
Inyurcd aa (be result ol an atLsci:
whkh he claims wa> made Turvds:
slag by, Alfonso Boye^naik and
Mek-lfer Boyen-o^ bretbm. The
tx.satttan «(lha aasnlted ntaM ta hdH-



r gifts itot_ swali your I

i[%. Bio^k sidi^



UMtlQK iw. a abort teO kntfa vtth »
a coetf tel tit aprtac to tt. oaa or ♦
/ BAUCrr.
iBOro aballow aai»c«». a noaU IbbMer of water, flarortn* extracu. eofirWd ye^.*»er think to »«ad the |>ot.
laci (such ai cMfectioe'm aae). aM ten wOb a dalatltr embro(4ert4
Bata, dataa Id aad ate trte rmu Chriatsaa
Maa; Uateo It wUl
aa -------- onafloa. ptnaap^ or al- iBcraaae (ha tbIm of (ha ctftswat a«r fruit 1b aaaaon. la the war
8<«» Chitaunaa nooer waa ant la
of fiarotlnfa, peppemlBt. ■Inliirirtan. a Boral war. Two aflrer dollar* ware
eanina. aaann of Jaiaalca gtacv. «»BBted la tba opaalnc*
-atboiBm asd corla»der aad canwar tether fra»e. teeh opeatas abowlni
popolar faroritaa \Vbare tba Goddaai of Ubertr. On tba oot
u,* fttejJacaa of the fratta an aaad. Uda wnpptei were tha word*. “A piethe watar wm aot be found aaeeaiirr. tnra of the moat popular girl In
j«t a naall oahotliy ABertea."
^ nolatm nrefully with
Dip the broken eodi of the 6r and
dacoratln* at
^ mlrtan la of auch Cbriataua Ubo. In Btftad parastne to
a* to drop M*Uy from pretem the pfte froa oeitni out and
^nlfa Into auch abape* learlng .poto-ao hard to naore-^
„ one may tetre on the whlu blot- ererythlng tondied by them.
abaorba undue
Make your dtleken dreaain* of
wblte bread. weH eninbled and
preaemd teked. In warm water, aeaaoo wUb
^ preaaed In or __
laid —
on top eall,
- ..............peper. n very IttUe grated onion
whllVatiH ’itest and titled celery, then break In aerChopped n«a or grated coeoanw may aral agga andtek In a double boUir.
b* mined with the angar and used as *UrHng etetahUy. for twaety-flre

ns. nu uns




wtaler goesu; tart^t plonaied. awte
afralm bfrd* who know that they wfU
or a plan oT npt aeeor^ tied to ^
brmnehn of a low-crowlni tree ftr
thefr epedal teellL Enn flockt of
ebleiatei will ooBe Into the town
and anke friend* with you. U you wQl
po at laaat half way to walcme them,
and bleo-Jaya. crl^-bandad wood.
petter* and a Mirprlalac eartety of
and bird* «l!l taka adranta«e of your Inrllatloo to rtay and aup. So on Cbrlata day, and
every other day of
-------------------------------the winter, give nlhotet to the birds
bttm* knaat to worahtp and the benata.
, , and te the Chnatmaa light!
. . . .
..............PirlilPH la teadao.
nar tap« Itelr Mory la laada bo.. yoadthaaaa.
^ wbaa the Ida A** Olerr Uy op
Ifla ItoOnr'a knea
Mon tha Prephet-prineo* tena.
bilaitet 4BU *» bAhd.
TM d«Bb baaM faU tba Btraela
Bid oote not onddfMmnd! .
, cenUo. pKlant deakay and tba



ttiT/tiwiJniAn^AHDY BOl!. ♦ •
or thirty mliotaa. Butt your chicken
:ybla finer OAkaa aen kinder to ♦ THE tSHWfiTMAfi CAHDT BOlc ♦
dreaaing U better
retenr. »tena earn
* * * ^ * T ^ *^* ^ ^ * t * * ^
Ote-The Portion of-niyealt..k—.k.
sure candlea. delleloo* aa they are.
KaU E. Wart. wrIUng for the Chara little girl once reerived a wonder
can not finite oome np U the borne loUe Trlbnne’B Good Cheer, gives the bag for Cbrttima*. ’A’toen tiked what
I dog pup gallr. ^ -g' made awaeU wbicb alwaya seen oipe- following very helpfnl Cbrtatnas *ag- «be would like, she replied emphatof gold^
tWIy appropriate for tbe Chrl


„ -

r.r o„


» rated rto»e the----------------e time good, and ,
H bfafa 'oa
alapta and al tbe
mom BUggestlon for CbrUtmaa givAM I heart tha ooek proelalBlng. the
tog. now to near al band? Tou have
' Uka an e*«M tetlaet
**‘“'*® ®“
already dona year porcbaatog. to aU
«rko brtofi toe .world good Udlnge.- **l^ fe^
Pn>babmiy. but If you eUU have some

f • •


.................................... •
am. ate «te wkara H. •

«w*w «p


^ ^
chaar. and yat icareelr know bow to
Kiteie lu I wentd like to ramlnd
you. atoUr boraakeepen. t^l you

cambiie about one and ona-fiuarfer
yarde In length and (hirty Inriie* wide.
Tbl. is folded lengtbwtoe and aewed
inu eight pockeu. varytng in *Ue aoare Mured to the bag*, one for each
day of the holiday week. Taga. marked for the different daya peep out
tram each poekat

____. .
“torM away to yonr Wlan.
rodgo-Ona-fonitt oake bitter rtw fioubttea. aome good thing* ^t


outdoors for each child will
novelty for Cbriatma*



Ured putter abd whan eoM «« to
/ Wnl
Not CraaBa-Onobalt cup wntor,
• can-ofWar, wok until
U thready
ka fr^fire
frWfiK aad
and beat onUI
> thf finagtlae ware to ba asked: than with tba fingera for* Into any
desired abapctoand sOck nuts to tba

^ tboaa
thoae Who
who do not have «e
menn* of procuring ibem. Do (bam
up preiUly. If you will, to while papM. tied with a UtUa Christmas rib- j^elr own trew. A^eboutd be probon. If yw «te. »d decoratod with ^ite for each ch^ ^gather ui> bis
a sprig of hotly. If yon musU and you
^^,^0 tbe ti^a Jmv,
bare a gift fit for a king. I can im- Birlped oiwn toe parta^^todw



________ ..kMon a.'k>lkwlar k«k ■"« “

nik, or . loot ol «ooO

lok. n.a.


ed wiibost water in a frying pan. Any would ba good enough for anybody.
lively a* poaalble. The article*
ato (Ms wartd'lte «'**nd >tte Of nut* may ba ate to ptoea of
* te>
tempted to give you
"partlcuUr“'>• •" or they may be
s'nm te ffeor with a dto- P“»nto. When tbe candy 1* partlr soma of Ek.,«,n'.
Bmaraon’s k«.
ideas b.
on 0.,l«.
enxied shopping we
J»t chosen for fun'and-grabbed
■It down and read

r«n« to fpt tototer.

«« b-fl. « wUb .

k«,™b .

tt ...d .. bb. „ ,b, wnd„. .


Mto-kmrt-te •tafut-tora
dlolasaea Ca^-Oae enpful of -Vew
ted candles tor toe berries Or
c cupful of auto>
nptalrafmaeto. Put them 0
s bunch of "mtotleioe' on a choiolaie
Ufa tor this t—v s .plaoa «t butler te sixe of an egg. proud assurance that a ray o(.^!)Ct-jty icing will be very effective. Use smaD.
idles for toe mintleioc bertem togoter. Tob wUl find n&d one k
1. k.. kMik u obd. bid u,k. _bb. db bb.

-bkkk.-. .u...... -“r r'ri-ir; srs.rbbT:.bU^"“-”.—

I he Invalid's Christmaa
“ Imperative leaves bIm ' Last week Home Cheer gave a num“ “d Icr of BUggestlon* for Christmas gifts
for our dear shut-ins. This week ex­
tract* are given from toe Woman'*
huUar. add tbe sugar, then boH nnlll
Paint-bcx, etc.
Home Cofitimnlon wbicb are designed
U will harden In coldtosler. Pour In« ifing* of neccs^i^y. te „ , supplement to tbe first article.
“ buttered psns to hsrten. and mark
»<"• « fflU- which one of my
tell of many delightful
off •• directed. CMpped oocoanut. al- friend* presod^. l* tet we might
prasenUng toe gift*,
monde. ptuaU or walnuts msy be
to sotfie person ihni which
Mded to tbe mixture, and mmke a Pwperly belonged tp hi* character U,,„^
^ bed-ridden sufferer
m«t toothsome eweelmeai.
hoiJ *“
assoctotrt with him
^ „ ,nog«her impracCoeoanut Cnbes—Boll logetoor.' “ «owr>t- *»« ««'• “«*“• of eompllrefurnish toe room, wholly
without sUrring. four rap* of granuor In part, or to repaper the wall*,
l.ted sugar and one cup of thin cream >*r'»«>u*. Ring, and other JeweU ^„„blng may be accomplished at
or milk. When a soft ball forms by
h'-oloff*** for gifu.
hanging .a^ few new pic
drappIngalltUeoftoesyrupInioraW T^e only gift 1* a i»rUdn of thjseif.
|i is not even
water, add two raps of grated cocos- Thou must bleed for me. Therefore to the expense of buying n

nut and 000k a tew 1
teg^ herd, b^s lamb; the farmer.------Itnir out Into a bowl, add
spoon of ranllbi and beat until thick. miner, a gem: tbe bailor, csral and

tew ffolldr etm ts te lovoteoffht
Rveryton Toffy—This most delirious
V»(k mam . .bbk ~k. . Uttk ol H cbbdk. — in. bkdb lb Er.n





Spread in a sbsllow dUh aad rat in •“*“*= “*• P*la«er.■ .
UlttoW It I* wortb‘‘w’htle“'u. tfff t
small sfiusres when odd
* >»»«*kerchlef of hec-own
devlee a novel plan to g« the gift*
Some of toe most quickly and
into bik hand*. You may have to go
iiy made randies are lhow^ which ra'“•* “
irout-le. but what .of that? By
quire no cooking. There U one toil*
bc-a bestowing s magic wm,d_______ _
about them which many people do«ot
®f thyself.
Give it. ten.
fhHstmtB toe Jolllebt one
uke into rapsWeratlon. They ere
be ever had. You need a oilek about
«ocb better In^very way. and areA«l
a yard low:, covered whh linf»ll or
so sicklsbly aweet If made at least
k‘'‘ Paiw »>«1 having at te end a
Chrlrtma* Sa.keU.
twenty-four bourn before using. Tbe
basket* to fill with h™s* hook. To each of bl. gifu there
should be lied a colored cord having
ortlwy recipe tor this kind of raody
^^**1rhl« *

mii< »nr ««rtk<i».b
«>.• finest
«....* ckSma.uu
*cv ••«>*» cuarmiag bt toe other end a loop. ■Some Ume IncalU for a loendaUon of the
quality of powdered sugar, generally
ffU. b.,b Sm,'
u-b. “» ■«“ “» Vfu .bokd « Pb. ib
known aa ranteettonef’. angar. It u

, , ...----------------Umm wftb ombR.. M
carried at all
.11 grocery
immf, stores,
norm,, and
.ml Is
b.1., bm,«B,i np
>b, l«o.
known to tbe trade a* XJtXX
XXXX confecr
confecof toe bed *0 that toere will

W -a-, -nm BbHPmrn. .m,. umm-. mm.,, -m m.

»< ‘“i”


.,1b .p m.b.1


^ ^
.b.. m, ..Pd
P«d I..b,
add u te rnloe. On toe top of each log toe little fellow, on receiving his
AtetoP*. and Home Cbrar's that it ran be rolled out. Add flavor.-basket Uy e eprig of bolly and tie 1 wand should, be told to wave it and
...... Jn, *|y,

touer and more Cbrist-Uke.
‘■tet wbflt the etotes. oountU* en^
•ttUo di* tsrtfig-fer these dependents.
tot • »« totettel as IndhldHl*
have a sdars u tbit batPy
art a awbsr of homes te tert of Traverae Oty


snccettlM of



yuh-e and grated rind from or*
etigcs or lemon*, or colored frirtt Jelce.
In Uct there t* ahMhiUly no end to
a Uwndry y mi
Which can be mada
Oa «uh day j^u will never betrraA slight rariauca ci ton recipe 1* hi«d with clctoot t:.-cakedwspotted
given U a bMiahnia magaalan aa. teV srttb Wning u you wfU remember w
put throe UbUspoontoU of sweet

Tte toMMitw tor tolg 'watR m te MteMM nrtk ta to: rtostni

litlla Uettar niaate.. It bdbb1*u el flckUtr atet bar. wt
(•• or ate bkHtera tied tetethar todar that exaoltfu. traafc mte Cte
-Kb B l^'Vl holly Hbboo, a ealan^ ^
dar jod for |>U aad a pietarc (a poetlard •:« do. b« the
Bu*t be ®*“* ®f
«■»“« * ^
a*lte to roar friaad’a ta«a). faatoa- *■•»" •“ ^ waddla* noralBC.
ad to li n the other *lda. Tba (aAeh^-bo toM roe that (bT^ af -te
»m etay ba deoa by elipa or by aaah fl«n akioa *aa* rlcbtf tetw Id M
Ini wai A allp of paper with a p^lariaf
The real i___te ml
(*brte(Baa iraetlai teald alao be ,
woman la tba ooe 1 Ite at thnp0i
.ate. Tba blolten Bay ba rad and
gran o' thty May sin tba ookr* o( •«nn of tea and happy Mwa. It la
ae»* ri«b « dpO^ l» whleb Cm “t haan thataaaa. Aad tbia la tba
donor or tba ractplaat I* latamtad. CbrUlBaa(tfl.—Bar. Cbaa. P. Afc«a ■
. Pioally. do oot loriet to welfb aO
^ u* Rock,fdlar cbvcb. Nbv ^
phehate* you mall. Sotblnc U Bon - .
annoyint^ bar* to pay for a part- **'*■
Iaia aent one br'*e e eante* friend.
And keep a card eatatoguo of your
Cbrtaima* pi*wnt* Then yoa wilt
avoid tbe two piiralla of torgettlbg Thankagtvlag bird, tbo goooO nd
*oue one or duplkatink a gift—both are area more
borrlMe to conlempUfa.
the Cbriatmaa tabU. Tbay an dath
Abefve all. wrap yoor poimiuta wub
a kindly thought—or do not give any riona tr property cooked, aad tka loflowtog radpea. while slran lor angk*
at ail.
lag cease oaly. will aply vHh a«stf
- —
PuMina. force u the-prapardtiaa ad dacSa. ^
. Ublespoonful* of better.
The gooee U ptearrod ky maar In
er. wbicb wa* on CbrUtmaa. ^bera add half a c upful of m-lnrtar. half a
Urkey. u a Chrtetmat btrd. aad
*a» a pretty card blaUng that aome- cupful of milk and one and t»rb-thlrt* •
*«>“- ***^ bAkdA M ^
thing wa* to follow, and when Sunday cupful* of flour, mixed and alfted doubiedl) fine eattos.
came the cdd Udy began to under- wiib half a teaapoonful of tea. and
lUked Oooae-Afler IMinfilW. M
stand. Tbe eumple U worth copy- oDe-tounh of a leaipoouful each of the feather* ahould ba ramovad. tl|p»
aaU. clove, rinnamon and nutmeg. Tbe the feet and tba down that
U an invalid I* not restrietad a* to fionr ebould be pastry flour, once alfi- may be removed by wrappM 'tth
diet It may be that^ome favorite dUb. ed before measuring, sod all measure- gooM to .several ibleknasaa* of cMfiy
regarded as a luxury, will be moat menu call foTr-levet measure. To tbe sacks that have been dlppad to baBIng
welcome. If be reads take from old mixture add ^If a pound of daiea. water, or wrap tba geesa to tfeo dry '
magatlnes some complete 'khori ato- atoned and cut to pleeea. turn Into a ,*arka. 4hen immerse In boQlBg wator
riei, bind them simply and separauly well-battered mold,' put on t buttered for a mlnuu, then wrap firy MCfea
in ordinary wfapping paper, and yon cover, and CU do«n. uing a string, around tbe wboU. |b » *•« mtnntaa
will have a gift that will be appre- PUca tba mold onSa trivet (tovened tbe-down ought to oomo off hr rthcUted becaose the ?books" can be so perforated Un ple-pUia or wire dlah- btoE to dn' draertoi tba Aon la Measily held. Decorate and.Ubal the clothi to a kritle coouintog bolttog moved by rubtfing tba body ttorofilhly
covers If you choose. Iftbesickpcraon water. al!o*rtog the*water to come with powdered raaUu
U so patient that be would be aatls- bait way up around ^be mold-, oarer
After tewU riranof down nai^
field to open only one envelope a day. cloaaly and steam two and onetoOf faatbera. either smur with oara mrtl
proride three hundred nod alxty-fire, bonra. adding as needed
or with dean euda. - U may rafiolra
putting In each one a aie.ry or pleura water. Never allow tbe wator to aeveral robbtoga to uten th* MM.
eomething like that. Never have a reach a lowv
Bntfl tba aaal oamas off c
doubt but that snaptboU ol frtoads or botllBg point, for if yon do you will
bkliur .looo. «n M kroopubki WBj- Boao-k U.. poUl><
u* rl« 0» uiki.
they arc sure to be. Sucbatriflaasa U more UaUe Iban not to ba soggy,
Mraral wator*. If to tebtApte
magnet aa* served to hold a hoy’* at- And aUll another suggeeUton. never .. m of a ntrt. bettor narbJltor
tenUon dey after day, A carefully fill tbe molds’more than twothirds „
MakeVdraaSM a* lollop
sandpapered etlck. with a book at one -toll- Why? For tbe reason that some
Maabad oalona. omend. wUI enable an Invalid to pull ui> space must be left to allow foe the
^ ^
lb, bklrloibb. o,
. ebUr mbr rklbt

or do any one of a doxen other thlngi
Puddings are vary attraettva whefi mte salt, oea-fourtb M mte PWte>
which otherwise be would have to ra- steamed to one-pound tMdng powder om toUaapwoful miMif buttm’. M»quest somebody to do for bim. Any boxes and may be aaally cut to alicaa h«if «ap awaac mOk. ana ptot bradd
boy could make each a gift. Cut-up (or serving, to eueb case but one and „ cracker entmbfi, ■»-«? tka ffsoso.
puttle* have a charm that to marvel- ane-baU bonra are rofiulrad for tba
Roast to a «
ipu. naow^r
ou*. and subscription* to magaslnag steamtog. U you nse baki^ powder
about twesty mlnwa
and' lllostrated papers are good gifts, boxos tost them to sm It they aro
Baste frefisendy wttk this ll«aM:'
teaenp hot water 1
If one prefer substltme obe cupful ,„i,p cayeune. traspoeafa)
gin lining the book may give . new
^ u;gc”.te.”oTbVttor. Boll te
hobby for an Inratid to ride. If te
^ jj,, ^ r gipieu aniH tender with a Uttlo ootoc
invi. Id bapiwns to be a native ef a „J2y be an aid to aomeone trying tbto -epn-r and mace Whw nadt to
foreign country, try to gat aometfalng
u. to toM that half a poand of
from toe toad of bl. birth: at lean. ^
and out to ptote ytoid
something dIreeUy assoctolad with
«•*.-« tk>
... *™.
cupful. When toe puddtoga are ^^rtekea; when brawn Add te w
that toed.
done, remove fram toe water, cot tbe
gSbtets were
to. te ^|ipstring, take off tbe covers and allow
Pack the Christmas Qlfl yfith Yaur the puddings
slip elowly fram the
Hasri in It.
molds onto
rvlng dish. Heat
all very welt Just to wrgp an a silver knife
the hot podding beordlaary package in paper and tto it fore aUerapUng to cut te podding
scdurely w£tb siring, but w]\k_Aj,m, u, serve with
C-httotma* gift It’s different, says an
cream Sauce-Work one-fourtb of a
exchange. Somehow the Cbrtoims* c„pfuj of jitter until creamy, using n
» to toe out- Wiooden spoon; then add graduany.
slde of toe package, aqd we must
stirring and brallng eonatanUy.

ub, lb.b .. bibcb IT, lb -fcib. bp- i.„ . „p,„|

-bv*»—. ttu .01.™ b^i ..i’ por'i.;.’. "b-k.^ u,: Hd r;"“b.z;,
A'Ain<>d>b«u.m.'H». Obb«. f«k bk. b. cklbd .hb. bbnj, »ld, ^ '“"l

n. kM k K.H bi . bwuni bbb. •' bb bbirkbd bl lb(b «bbb.
«™"» •"d ‘“"'d ” "T dw. bbd ™b

■ ■ I of te air," and tbe beasts
«r te fteU. M-WO Stop and totok of
Asm toMtoiy dt this time, sorely It
toad to makn « mors thouightfuJ
the Mtt Um* wo SM tern, and the
MM. aad te nan. On# of the protAim sad most utBtaal eights in te
tepU 1| a Kraat Hoek of te wUdest
to bMB. te wild dnet. ramlni tor
1^ aad protoctloa right into toe
kiart rt a bny elty, u they do eeeb
* ■ rlnTravme’CIty. li'U to toe
of the dty and Its
AUmme that ptonUtnl food U provided
fiir them an thrangh te hard, cruel
VtoUoMobte. Many tarmera teed
te w® game'tram their store of
|tety. whan te hsavy snow-s come,
•nl It eamiu aimpst eat of toe fioeeto that a partridge or fiu.iI which
|h aimoA Mtoally te from one’s
Mtor be shot In cold blood,
the wwtorn.inn of pur eountrr
te Statoi tbemoelva. take cognisance
«( te elk, dw and antelope, whlrit
to^ starve whan te heavy mow"Tsent a-.
ate pravlded bontlfrilb and
. into one of te almost
de Moutatn rarinea. where
» IB alraady muiy feat deep,
m «v* te Uvs*
t numfisr
imtor or
of wu«

the bran wtll eaonal Wte Iht t/aoo
are wprooted aarb mw *IM te« a
treanra bdrlad baetde it Aad (hi* at
epw. «a(Bnu a rapiial iih >. ,
rhlld. it I* a ah*lfc.- **iiai.r.i ■nallow. ao that It omm tooiaie ao ate
eaod aa to maha K hoa«r to OMm
With neb a hoc oo a table beilda bto
bed a bor eoaM bava a parfertiy daUlbtfal tlwa. w«ak after waah Oaa
day be ntlgbi Uy out a park, aaktag
bridle* of. <ardbo*rd i
hollow* to
a. I«ed* and wary <aicaraUeos
aa rmra. aad ao on. Another dar.
wHb toy aoldler. at bto oomand. tha
box UDuld be. coarened Into a battlefield. BtW another day a nilw
may he founded on the a c watt of
Thl* la what a Wg bparled girl did
tor a dear old lady who waa particalarly fond of Oowera. Afrar deriding
bow Bueh money *be could aSocd to
Bpproprtate for a gift abe went u a
llorUt nehrby. ttld blB the amount at
her dlspoeal. and arranged U bava
bim Bead one beautiful flower to tba


behind a chair or from a ckmei. oed
tbe’mtld vxutetoem * .ii u great fun
tor Urn.
Tie.-e-fif both ncicl and
attractive ji toe idee cl fi-mg * to*
wttb braa in which to pUnt gift*. To
sprtg* cf cedar, pine or hotly there

Obr p.rrel, u In uklbt or b.rlb<
thrm In the Omt pla«.
f^f «. b, pf.rtle.1, bo.errf. ffmt of
•If. un b. wmp tb, pmaw.. r.b.
dally the one. which have to go Ifir
mail or ciprd**. very securely Indeed,
rcgiricring them if (bey arc valuable
Tissue i-per flm, and (hen good.
strong wrapping paper, tied with stout
cord or heavy ela.tic*. is (he best
method ReMrve ribbon* and fancy
card* for the Ineide of the package.
and remember tost putUng a sasl
over the fsbienlng of s parcel prevenu It* being sent third cists. For
perishable objects use cardboard bose«.
With a l>ox. of courwe. U 1* alwaya
eaay to ubc holly tiKsue paper and
green-and red ribbon and a sprig of
belly or mi*ileioe; but a wrapped
pane! «l«a.v* look- more clumpsy
Wrap the ciH flr»i In white bri.ileboard, and (hen raver It with green
or red crei« paper Tie around It S
bow of ribbon In the contrasting
►hade, -tick through thl* a sprig ofhollv and a card of good w|-bea, (as(cn at the ends with ChrUHna* seiU
and there you are:
These seala, by the way, altbouga
they UJBJ
may be
ims purchased ven' cheaply,
61111 have a further touch of iodlyldoallU' when made at home. Do them
glaxed paper and coat tem. before cutting out. witn mucilage that
be allowed to dry and then wet
again when oeceMary Three suggesUons tor design* ere given here-the
bell and »:ar, the cbristmtt tree -1th
presenu and Santa CUu. with b..
Many more to he drawn, touched up with watercolor* and cut out
will suggest themselves to the retd„
The verv ribion with wbluh yoor
gifts are tied ran l- .(enn*ed vnlih a
drain more original Iban (be luevlu
ble holly of the sh..p* The procens
Is .he simple oae cf crdiasry sleucJ4,y
wito ,vur r-f.
card expressing year affection for toe
roelpieiit A g«ri lira. r»p*‘rUU:
wttb a book or some other gift of te

■V »» snstefl Bttto ganete vW gsM, is to BMt fadtIM ef a' CM g vRU



ublnpobblbU of milk mid ImU
. tempooniui of r.blllm If the tlquld.
, ^^fml .pprmmima mid tt
t>e ol a soft, emooih consistg^ey. To offer variety .try brown sagday In place of (be powdered
|-n, ,ure you will like It.phnnle Merritt I'nrmer, In.Woman's
Home I’ompanlim.
------------------------a Touch of Kindnoss In Iht Air.
The most ouisunding fact In the
whole wide life of the Christian world
„ ,1,1, Msaon Is the touch of kindness
i, m the air It I* at once
genUI and bracing It I* no soft senilmenuiiiy. It 1. <-ninpaaatonaie. but
It la large, rleareyed. Mfoe I* l» gen
lie a* the breere* of *uoier. while in
vlgoraiing a* one of our gloriou* win
ter day* under ekiet. of hen«ei.1> blue
Family life reepondi. to thHr Urge
klndllnea* What would riirt-M.ia- be
wlibout our family gaihennc- our let
ters from and to lo«ed one^. our men.
-agea io di-tani trund*. our prayera
for them and all ihe, r,.kindlcd emo
Hon* whi.h bIo* -i tiir ihoughi of
It I* a time of addru icndcrneB*. of
d^pened affection,
the old lo»r
--------• of
that li»e- again, fresh and fresheni
vocbsnged beneaih every changing
Ume of reconciliation.
skyWe bun old harsh memories We
forget old an.moiitle*. We remember
the friend of other day* as be was In
other day*, before the world hardened
.nd embittered him and he buckled on
hu srmor
Our imagination pUy* u* strange
trieU *t Chri»ima» time. We see
torough the mist of vanished year*,
not i:,e well<el-up buslnees man. a
mtle loo keen about (he eye* and a
mile ks. hard shorn tbe tmtatt. a
trifle over an*k>m. when U come* to a
hergaln but ihe liule. ttirariHe fix
ore sad legyuouj. fate o! the man
w-to lU.'ted Alt to Ivfe a q-imey-c? s
tsgttt.-:- srs;
Iniiead of te sacaessful woa»*n of
the world, a little affec'ed no*. 4
trifle blase, and. It muK Jte exmfeeaefi.

gibleta. a little mR tad a on# <1!
^cb mUk. boU.
One may stuff wttk oystoorOf^ to.
season with mH am
en tbe Ufiuld with fi
or maibed poutoa* fiH7 bo 1
ptow of tbe crambe for te Aiifi


Ah Attractive C'rlslirm iNk ‘'

* .uibi, u«.I ChriUkk VK be
emtti mk bullr
mad.-, lonchmm Mt Tw, jm** C
„ fifnrk.t f» InrU
«li ktim t»*. W
pjer dolllee. five Incbea in teaMw:
twelve plate doiltee. ton MMff ti
dmmeier; one eantorptoea. ilgliliin
inches lit dUmetor, and one tettgr
golly Make a row of machine sOtte
ing on each piece one and onotet
y,, ^dge. JnM WttMfi
tnis row of sUichlng embroMor a raw
brier stltcblnf with s twlstod white floss, then fringe to marine atiteb-mg ud trim. This set is easily aiitf
quickly made and la asoaedlngly fittractive on a polbAod table.
.. „ 1—

<'.et acmetblng new for (be grandparent* tola year. Inetend of knitted
-Uppers and pulse warmer* and otbaf
reminders of i® age.and rocatveUialf
eternal gratltode. Give grandmotb^
aomelhinx pretty for her bams. If te
keeps bouve; or a new book or prstty
neck arrangement Orpadfatber wtll
prob.bly enjoy a auhscrtpOon to *
maMrinc or to a trade Journal devM«> ««
*» •W<^ bt wna
formerly engaged,
The Chriotmas Tras.
A thoughifd! peraon wrtUng tor
Harpef. Bsxar teU* of uso* to whte
one may pot tbe oM (^rtstinas trw.
whh;,, you know, we alwny* I
ttrow sway fibe says: TM Ottotmas tree was such a Joy UK ynar tet
«e hau-d to uke It down; no *0 docided to ramert It Into a torte« •«
toe yeer around. FlrM va.Sfrtppod
the fragrant evirgresa fgaffte fite
toe bougha and pot teM to*0 a fiAlow wbirii has bran s dMigkt thmghout tbe year. Next we pUnted the
Mripped tree In from of te oorsery
windows, and tied Ul* «f appUe. bum ,
and bread to Ibe braacbet. whlAh
proved a least to the blrt*. The cMld.-es slko pUeed hesesto te t.-o# v#*prreuted. *0 togt glSOR eresy tU»e
* tolld looked o« of te wladow be
saw a Jirely party of Wrds Mjaylag

tei a fln*|flcttM fif firif- ttigR

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