Grand Traverse Herald, January 12, 1911

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Grand Traverse Herald, January 12, 1911


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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«ncl TravorsA


^^RAvIrSE CITY; <mK^raAVEB8g WI NTY. MlflllOAy. tlU BSlMV. .lANTARV 1L» Itm



Atar RabArt C. walur Will Taka
Up NIa •aitttarial Owtlaa.



■uiltfmg. In ■Ihnlay Oiilriet
atrex'ad'lr Pire Mandap—Will
•a Rebuilt In Spring.







8UU aaaator Robert B. Waller i«fi
mornlog at r to during:
Tuaadar for Lanalac. where ba will
high »*>» Mlu Blolae {>«> and Aaa
I BeuUh. Jan
ll-Tba Birmley:
jadHulbouM. better known an Ibe iit-iSOARD
eCT Oriraadei >ere uaJied lu tnamage at MEAKtH HANOSD OUT ARROINTr
iUOQI MAVNI MOMSU PLAN Uka hta oath of oMee an4 oomjilate
BoiM of iha flaUiU of bU offle* ai ihc
• 8l Kraucfk i-burcb, Kei Kr Baner ofMANTA TODAY.
'tie red kchoolbotue." wan buroetl to!
caplut and tha'a return lo TmUree
Arlallu MUa Helen Uion and Jo.
..--------Ibe ground Moo<la>. eniallina a loaa:
Cliy to flaUb up hla work la oonoor- I
•ei'h Uaf\^eodad the t«airn<-Uog
--------of IIW. wUUh wai. fuliv Ibaured Tbci
tion Jrlib the olflca of oouoi^ clarli.
Ha aapacu to have ererrUtina ar^
the yonog mem <-bolr of the church.
nnd wn> not (ttmi'leied ao-l the An
maged eo at to ba back bare Wadon
cnugbt from the defecthe bue.
.Mand.Ulajetie organlx.
tba Best da), before tba preeTba Ore waa lint .lliiovered by '
After the wedding cenmoa) no rlab ^‘■ACtO ON RELIOIOUA AOtllTIIA
wedding breakfa*! «n* aerced'
on adlounw at wblcb' tine ba will
at the bonia uf Ibe brUe • parents, j
niea at bobie In the near tlrlalt) the
hate bia aaaual report ready ao ae b>
Aacntary Aandan .Resigns Ta Oiva
^>' <>• Magi i Nartham Atyiwm fiminmai Tt-tTB
turn all tba affaots of the afBi« enr Ward Linai Will Ba AbaMahed and
Mis Cntln Ta MansganW"!
Amiraaiw Mepf Kaaplnt CHmlnala CauM Oa
lo bU iueceasor, Qatar B. White.
of tbe boukn aod movable property
of Ua New Aafnaanter
•«“ nlatlvaa were tevtted. 1
Non Parllaan Electiena HaW far
RlimiMtpS In CawiHiaa
evening n reception wll] be.
from tbe builcllDK before tbe roof fell
All tha Imparuni Clt)r
.tendered ibe yoeng i-ouple at lb.-’
pui.iU sbo at'l An lm|«rtant meeting uf the dirv<- bride's home.
1 Unslite: Mk-h. tea. If.—TBt Bmm
m mat Tuaadar
Thp boars pfM
I Ibe M-bn>i. and the teacberi«>ra bf the lioarU of trade wa»%iel<i In | A |•leaaam boom ba« beeb
■mlas M » o'dotdt and bacaa Iba
s Jllaa Cooilon of South Frankfart.lLbe Utile Tavern Tuewls) etening aft Dished at Cl ICari »>oai atraai. Bpeaker Bakar Md ■—BBBeH MbF
FLAN OF CHARTER COMMIAarark of the Jwaarr aaaalon. Thara
Fur the |•^c»eDl tlw school am be|er a « o'clork supiwr One of tbe chief \hare the )ouag cou|ds will reside.
ware aUtaan ntaniberi praaaot aad JOHN HAMM RtCEIVn PROM
inrlnda the (oUewteg:
Raaolvad. that we aa commie- lii-lR In one of the biilMlngs in i|i« vl- hkatiers to l>e uken up for irmsldara-'
--------------;---------1 TO B YCARA.
tho CMOaittaa with taatnietipaa to re­
Baldwin, ou iba agrteub
aWnara alactad for tha purpoM of dolly, wbirb will ix- Ailed up tor the -Mon was the reslgnailnu of M. 8. Ban- ArCkf»|||y
PkllkPffk AmeraoD aud-Oppagberk. gpgortlaa
port trst upon the hood of Cduair
amaiMIng tha ohartar of Travarsa
del. a. sevreury of the boaid The OtOOlUN
CAtfk apMr K. »*bite. ao that Ua Ad>aumad Aaaaian af the Circuit Court
Morrisoa. Colloga of Mteaa:
CKy In ardar te bacama mars thordirector, sera ven reluctant hi gi
boas coaid ba approved by the board
Baldwin, draioage: te-hteu. ateedon:
Canvonad Thia Pennean to CamaugMy canverwsnt with tha praalog favorable codsMerailoo to tba re.baSara Mr. Waliar lafi for Lonalng
Sab aad Aabartaa: Abm
plate Daokat.
ant forma of municipal gevam.
Unatlon because of tbe valuable »er-iBUPERVlAORk AOdOURNEO UNTIL
a>ws: Qaadlaf aad Mg^
mant and tha farm batt calculated
vlt-e and iiersoDal interest of .Mr. San :
1lM adAounad aaesloo of ttW^nolt
ford. borticuHora: Cbaadter. tadusWbUa the bo«4 waa walUni tor
1 to Bake ihalr report court convened Tueadny,
aur purpoaa to taka aur praaans
ever. a. Mr. Saodoni 1. ai Ibe be^d of
work-on Ua DacoBbar calendar wn>
Jad» r. W. 4
ohartar and revlaa ar amand tha
the Traverse ('fly RefrlMralor v«m- Bd>Ms af County ^Traiaurar Hammond
la aS4ra« tba Banbora of the board raaunad. Bona tins waa apanl In nrtarns slang certain iinaa at haruin
jivan.v. an Industry that pepmises uurh;
Ware Mald^Up Uhlil Ua
npoo ■ Nk}act that had an laporuot BUlng when cerula caan abould ba
baaittc apoa the onaatlon of earlag oallad. after which the'regular roumodify or changa lr« any manner
jfact that ha is raqulred la devote bis
Spaakai Baker in
. lar tba ptokbOopara of the Orcult tiBo waa taban up.
Tbe board of Supervisors Anlsbad
that may harwaftar appsfr te ba
entire lime to that* busInsM. tbe j«»Laming
Ameraon. public laada aad tenatry
____ Ha PUtad that the npmt uf
A motion waa mada ia tba caaa of
ac'ciitrd. aad a vising'he session Wedne«la> iniereau: ■Cbaadter. TCHgtew aad
oartac (or tba erlBiaal alaBcn( of Perkatt vs. Claocr. lo vacate tba
vote of thanks lenderad Ur Aandara'and adtenmad to meet in special seaFirst—That
the aUta waa aoaathlnc to ba rack- diet and for a aaw trial. The e
nreaant eaoncil to ba raduead ta
bora, rerUtos aad
oMd wHh. aadHUat ba bMlarad that ordand that cartaln parts of tba
The foUowlng la tbe comuunlcallon Of j**"’* np certain matters that conld
tiva mambtrs. including tha may­ ker of the bouae of represeauillvas:
hr tba jUtotow Me of the probaUoa tiBOSy ba produced by tha plalniiS.
stautea: Moaford. rgetetea mt aaaaljuat be completed gi ibis session.
t-ollage- WoodworU. .Mr. Banders:
or. all^te ba alactad at large.
aent of cMKimtea: RMaa. aaldBMM A»^^oalAa« arlib rouap sea nnd alao that a copy of tba charge
Traverse City, Mich.. Dec,
tM« i*"** l*«
»he tiam thU foret
Aacand—That ««« pravlda far Half. John McKay. Baldwin. Artfaur
tars- borne: Whatea aad HMtega.
•bo bad noBAiUttad thalr Ant erlBo. ihh oouru and a copy of tba plalDtUTa
loWlm president and Directors.
■*'•* taken up lo vwnsWpring the plans
nan partisan primary and alactian:
•ute affairs: Cbaadter. a«te Ittf^:
tbot tka aoat eoaU ba radooad at tau:
ba In the haoda of tbe
Traversa City board of trada
the nan county InArtnar). aod Jans
AgTiculUirt—Hall. Kusseil, Brown.
'Morford. aiate «aMte adMR TfgrCM par ML la tba aa« thraa raara court by Fabrnary 1. Tha dafaosf waa
ThIrO—That wa previda Uat
Oentleiuen—Tbe work plaamid foi t’. Peteraeo, tbe arcbltmi. was pres
Brlcker. McMii.
ner. unlvaraHr; Baldvla aad Mfwn.
ITlba oeart oo«M bare the coopars- niao given ten days In which to praward iinaa bo abatiahad and that
and read'Ibe terms of tbe speelS
Apuonlonment-HavlUnd. Ameraop.l«he Aacal y.-ar of ikla baa been
Uarqueue futna; Mygn, fttsfa apF
Uw o( the aaparrlHr* aod btwinaei pan and praaaat tbair brief.
ana ward bt'aatablWhod, that Ue
i'stions and answered many onestloas
Blerd. ratlin. Clark. Field. Henry.i plmad.
porailona; Waraer. wajta aad IBgaM.
M «d Ilia ooastp ta oanrlBi out th>i
city may ba a unit.
In Ua case of Kufua A. Bostwick va.
leoaard. Murphy. Rankin. Tutu. Wa­
liv tin... m ,to 11.. OU..M1B.
Tbe following art tbo obAtfaMB at
Tba Mkbigaa Btarch eoBpan}. a BoFeerth—That wa pravWo far an ters. Oppenbora. .
for tbe vear l»Il
board. Thera was scarcely any oppo
Dpbrtaat ooBBliMaf; OK.IpRF ear
Ha aUtpd that nloa oot of tan of Uon to qnaab waa denied.
tha anAsylum -lor Criminal Insane—Flak.
Any publkliy worir-«ieb as a bor
oratloDa: iBrd. gaaoral kbiattoa:
Iba IMbd oCaadora who are glrei)
tire body, said body ta ba elatei- {Ashley. Averill. Ball. Burke.
llcuUonvl and agrleutlural folder.
•"» *■> * «u«Wlng WMtara. Hqw tra«c: Oiiijir. «BtBIOBahasaed
had Into five dWtlnat dapartmanta
gstting aurtad. aad tha tlma np to
waa as lo wbatbar or not tha tary affaire: i
City Cbrporationa—Ogg. Morrison. Traverwe City folder, a UIl summer
thoir Ant otenB BAha a
with ana cauncilman at tha head af Verdter. Yaple. Jld^acbem. Uanssar. | Und guide, eu—abould be planned
late In tba aaaaten was taken up in
; proposed building could ba btilU for
aahwa. Md oftarwerd t
aaeh department'
of tha caaa of the People va.
.mount that te avaftable for the
.McBride. Sviqoi
8^lqood^. Burke.
{this t^r- and be ready for the pres*
loaatlbaad aa f«M Two.)
lohn HnmD. charged with larcwoy.
Fifth—That each
College of Mineh—MorrlMU, Hall.ii i later than Man-h lal. and other
Asriom I iwiBrtlHi, llrltiB^ni R»MamB pleaded guilty to tha charge of
After t r question bad been ttaorhead ba raapanalbla to the city at Keint.. Avarlll. Flel.l.
{ work laid out.
eraoD. MeSaAora. KbI^ aad OUda
taking tSM from toe safe of tba sa­
large far hla afflclancy.
Dralnsge—BsUwIn. Dujin. Russell.
A* the
of secretary is Ailed
th* reiwH ••• W'l
loon of Odia MeUarr}-. and did not apAlxth—That wa pnavida far the Woodworth, Holcomb.
; bj appointment bv tbe board of dtrec**•'
wltboui any recommeoda
U have any regrets over tbe atInRIativa and refaraodum. giving
Kanern Asyiuor for Insane—U. A tors, and not by •Oarllnn of tba mem-.
coasiderailoo will
Riparti of Wra^ NaMaoal Saak thaw
tha paapla a direct voice In lagie- Green. Wok-oii, Walke:. Currie. Havl-; Ivera—wbpever la. going to rmny on -j*
*" '**♦ ►Pbclal session to
Jndge Mama held a private oonlatlve msttara.
j Ibe work of seci’eUry for the yoar
venaOon wiU Ue aocoaad In his pHBevanth—That wa provide far
Bduactioo — Biratgbi.
Morgan ilSll wbouid beapiolsted at Ulaiime.
Sbuier and
rate otAea WaaUar wlU PnsocotUa rocail in aa far as Ua law al- Yodng, HolUod. Dunn.
I sc as to be in lourti with tka seaSurveyor Waterman were aiTba ASaMl BaaUaf cf Ua atock- tag-AuMway Pimtt. and when they
lawo. making avary alaetivr offr
amlneii by the eommlitea and acceptElections—Field. McNsugbton. D. A
. baWaraaltenntNaUoaal bank waa i^paarad la the court nmn the court
Mr nniwarabit ta tha paapla far Green. Hale, nower*. Hei-kert, FIsk.j Owing to Iba increasiug damand up
Tba stumbling block In tba way of Afiaual MaaMng WM Hate at WMab
haW Tagaiar foraaooa at it e'Ooek. asked the pHsonar It ha had any preftha afflelant work in hla deport- Wheeler. Whelan. Cummins. Sharp, on.inj and energies, owing uv!***"
«mnneetton with
omoara War* BHeBd aad RaaM «r Ua Laoo eharea oatatand- arance aa' lo what priaon he should
Bricker. Ixica*
. | the davelopmeot ol the Traverse City :*'*“*
Conoij Treasurer Fialey
; ns watw rapraaaotad. Tba ra- be seat to, nnd ba replied that he praRaaolvad. further, that the chair,
Fe-Ieral Rclsilons-Heckcrc Decker.; Belrlgerstor company, lilwlll be
*‘*'o bas to give two brntes.
porta obowad a rarr good locraoaa lb rerrad to ba aan( to Ionia.
man appoint and aaalgif te tham Wolcott. Wllloughb). Burnham.
! poewibis for me to be actlvoTn rte af'*"■
curiody of the county
annual moatlag of tha LadteT
•MUl bailiiw for tba rear, while
Tha jodga gate Hamm a
Ua aaarti in form bast
Fish and llsherlea—Iteurson. Jen ’ fairs of tbe Traverae City Uard of
*«“•»«> ‘“d tbe other lor Ubrary aaaoetolbM Was Md MAathe Ubmi in auBbar of new no. atnBg lactnra In a very kindly man­
ta bring tha daslrad raaulta.
sen. Waters. Sicvenw.ii. Woodworlb. j trade during the ensuing year.Vln ac
*•» »'»« «“Dda to the >dar arteroooa at vkMtbotelMrtAk
ooaata waa rarr aatlataetorr. hartM
ia which ha nigod bla to go to
Oppenborn. Murphv.
Klmmerling. ’ cordaat^ with section 7 of tt.r'Cjr',*®®'"'
Thera was tuth a otSear* ware ateolad ter tha oaBP
raoebad Ua nnbar of 1T76. aaklag a prtaoh wtu the intaaUon of making
j law*, wbicb prortdec lor raatgustlon i
<®d«I*»‘m W
This rasohilloii i
lag year.
aatUbUaf dMIAapooliDra. Two nr Ua beat of hla tiata. aod at the axGayia lews—Farmer,
Amerson.! when pwsoruil (mslneas Imarfcraa:l«onds that Ave were written.
tbe Beating of the rtaarter revision
Prealdetit-Mi*. B. P. PT^L
ptntten of tba minimum aantanca If
Park*. .Mart*. Tufu.
i with the work of tbe asMidUllon, | !a>«"'uilng to gw.'*®", wblrh-accordimitlee
Plrut rlca ptaaMMl—Hi*. A. «.
SHd ti Ua PM mr. had Ua oot he had dona bis beat and been a mod­
rapresenteSaoto and adopted b> unaniiiiou* vote
al prisoner, the court and tbe proao- of Ibo tnamberv pmu-m. It is a modi- loo. Milliken. Dusenbury. C. N. Green, j retary of Urn Traverse City board of "*"
t«m|wnles prasvice grtlaat Un. T. B.
Tba boaid of Atraetera alactad for outing allomay would racommond
! trade.
“*■* *" *’»'«•'« “o"> r«)e« tad by
Acation of ih>- coioniiiuiMHi form of Oravev. Farmer, Brlcker
Ua iwailbf yaar ware practkallr the that ha^ paroled. Ho cited an luGeological Survey-Cnsoeld. Olas-[ Vours truly,
—Mia. j. V.,
aaaa ba Hat btUg John T. Baadla. stenoa of a young man aent from government, and eml>odiei the ininii
Or. i. D. Muaaab. fYaak HainOtM. CkarteTOix who served bU mtniiuum that are beat adapted- to the u>-«dt of
Ilotnp (or FeeMe Minded—Decker.' There were several other inauei*
fCooUnued on page Three.)
RalM Cbaa. W. r. Calklaa. H. A. Mw- Ubo In Jacksoii and enoia out n man.
Hlnkley. Oanl. Smith. Iloicomb.
lOT Imiorta^m ukt-n up, among ihVip
aatBta aad Laoa T. Tltna.
trade at which he
Hmtliullure—Rsmuell OJell, Chan .that »i an lnduMr> whph Is seeking to
TtaaanrfT-llr*. C J. I
Tba baak oAloan alactad an:
conld earn s'va dollan par day.
llocaie in Tiavenie Cii> Clarence
viler. FrslU-k. Morford. Murphy
ICC I, '
lArarlaa—Mra. ChSte TMRar.
ProaaenUng Attotney would m
tnduM/tol Home fnr Girls—Klmtuer 'crelllck and Charles 'I Bserv . win) ,
Directors for twv yaara- Mra. A. U
rtrat rlOB praaMaot—rraok i
elemenky In the case t
Wat Flacsd In Charge of D- H. Mc­ ling. Cnsoeld. Coi>Iey. Ruwell. Smith -bad returned recently from an involl
Havila&d. Ml*. B. TMrfbf. Mr* PidB
account of tbe prisoner belog
This C'ty Passed Away'at MaMullen far Paried of One
Industrial School for Boys—Chan-, gallon of the entenirise in «(Uy»Tion.
Bffender. and In tbe belief that a
daats. Cal.
■Her, Yaple. Jensen. Young, Burnham made a detailed reimrt ol their iDvesii
DtractOf* ter eaa yiar-^Mra. o. F.
Caabiar-UaB r. THta.
prteoa term would operate for the
iBHiIlutlon for itie Deaf—Wheeler, gation.
Carver. Mik D- Dfilai Mn. fYatt
good of tbe man. In view or the fv<
tn ihb"circuit 1”""
di- Kliuiieih Ix-lerlt^^D
**>*'jDoi.enburv. Glasner. Rharji. Oansser. • Mr Oreilici. sraied tliwt li would l»e'
aa odmlttad by tba acmaed and ib._____________
ilng^ass ovv-iipied In securing a
insurance-Ball, Averill. Ix^.nard.> serious mUiwke to: Traversa City to '
leatlBoay of tba praaecutor Judgellury in the case of llufus A. Bos'-Jtiansser. Hlnkley.
this proi*«-iiu>n* The |>«ople ’ tier borne, ''in Huinev straat. MoTba total aaaaU ai tba baflaalBK of Mdyea sanwnced Hamm to aerve noi
wick vs. the Michigan Btarch com-L judlclarj-lhiM-nlmr.v. Currie. War ironne^ied witiVt'h.-.oovx’rn are
Ua roar an ILSKM.
leas than ona year nor mora than II- e pany. The panel waa Aaally vromiiletWMier, Raudabaugb. 8)- relUbilit. bu<1 cxi-rience and the out
“•-'o«k. death bartformaiory at Ionia.
rd and the c.m* begun Wodne-wda, .
'„u, ha. ..een ennrelv sold
dlswoluGon Inafter^n. At the evening sew ton j Lni«i-Ashley. KaJi-lc.r. M.vcra. Me wiihoui dlffl.uliv
ii i, an industr)
g^.nit of tba
lasdmonv was taken in the divorce,
- that would t>c well adapted lo this lo
*’"•* *>•«> '«*''b«l ‘be ad
Tba nnal saatlag of the UarSowvase of Kusseil vs Ruiu«U. but no d->
lj,,,Kjr Trsffh - Water* Perry, War- .allt> sH-1 would emj.ho s large forw '"D'*®
>*ar» I*' BK>Olhs and j
nnort —- Mr
ar olbb waa bald TnaMr eraalag ta
clslon was made Inihecaae.
(p„. simigh- Mant. t'urrle -Hauda- of skiUed working people tbe nunilwr
the troamsrw Mra C J
Ua A toeaa aad alartkn wu halA
An order wan laaued by the court iy,uph ,verson lg*id.
' l.eing estimated le-foro ihe end of the
>'■'<> friends will be grieved 'O aa.asfollowsI Their Annual Meeting
n was Aacldad at this Baatlng to have
orderteg the sale of tbe Traverse Cltw;
Taxa'ion-H.vnoMs. (Giles. Ar.t ..eai ai nearly,
?uiie. !• peo ‘earn of her death, a.shehaden-! Amt on band. Jan 1 itlA tUABS
Ua board of
Canning company pit^mny by uie r»s|e.,„rds. Huruhaiu Hsldwin. '
deared heraelf to alt who knew
during year ... . IJfYkf
a up of the
aCtean of the ehU la iba fiopaa that
celvob. be to report tbe twsulu ofthej i,uDiber wnd »5a1»—M'hlker. Austin.
Unit, >i- 'ireiiifW and Mr Been “"'f
generally known a* Grand j
Tbe Fanners' Mutual
Bora aar ba aooampUsbed. roltownia to Ibo conn when Iba deal l», M.yj. *,eiyi Det ker. Vnsoeld.
sai.« mao.v itiing* lavorwhle tn the en
" L‘l' -to ihe'Hin- >.» 'ler •icsib'
eompaoy held their annual maMlttg
4as la Ua malt of Ua alaetloe:
i Jllfbigwn As)him lur Ibe losaiie
terpri-w aod t’ig*-d immediate action »*'• ‘-ad tieen a revldoni of ModesU for' pg-borsed
rraMdabt-AfUar L. Bachaat. Jr.
rneada)- atttrnooo at tbe grange
» of Clark vs. FJich. Yaple. Gaidtier. HevouW*. Ftevensoti. «• i
w.hiM be an
indusiry that nearl.v four
K'ling there irom''^ •
Y)ea praoUoAt->Doa MeUteak. .
fanU on Cwes street, at which ' timeljudgtuani
Traverse City wviul.I fx- entirely walls-1Traverse < it>
She wa> the mother
juj og ngpg
f 4dS4|
1 UTraalor.
Robort Barney was reedected Prool ! AI tbe session Wedoesdav .------------.
foreboon i ...........—
MIeh.gan .................
Insrituiioii tied with
wit: and one that I* moriliy ,of ,of Mrs J H. Miller
S In*mutioii
Tbe report of tbe dnaaclal i
-WU AtnuK
White vk» president I Andrew Diiffek was broogbt Into voun for ,lhe BlinJ-KaiTler. Verdler, Hot-'the eovouragements asked. It was de-i-Vellle l.edarle of Travenw Citv. John
for tbe year Ifia was r^d if
of tbecompany
lor nterm of iwajand sentence proooupced. ablcb wasleomb. Burke. Brtrker.
cided to ge* Iws) loimediatet). nnd s [K l.«derle of Iwlsnd Ml< h’. end Heno' > MlUle B. witt as teUpvst
real*. L. B.Harris of Alden was eteet-1 placlag him on probation to report' Military Affairs—Ganswer.Stewart .-omiultiee .onelstlng of J. W. Habues. 'A. 1-ederle of CaJif She also' gefoived fpr-'iliiet .
‘® suctwedito tha coon on January i. j»i2. Di Grave*. Ken«. Tuff
Charles P Buck and John O. Straub i I* wve, i.x grandt blldran.ySnll J.
ifiseaivud for ftnas
Um^r. Tbcr* were quit* a number | H. McMullen was appointed prebaiioD
Mines itad .Miberals-Edwards. Sy was api-ointed to call a public meet erle. Grand Marais. Mi.h.; Alhan H.-sgie bbM ig........................... .. gggj|
Tba AacfaUaB alactad Uo tallew- Of Dm members preaenc coBsIdertnc i ofSote to look altar Mr. IMSek dur- monds. Ward. Chanil*rs. Gard.
log of the board of ira-le and other l.ederle of Milwaukee Wi.,: Archie {Mereet .. ...
.. StOM
tat oUeon far Ua ooBlac raar at
Of tbe past few day*. TheAlag the oontlaasnoe of tbe probatloa.
Normal School-Yeo. Synioads, Ev ibusiness men at once to derise. wt>, |. Lederle of Chicago, fll : Arthur F ' Rooea rent................................
report abowed tbe company to be in' li wtn be remembered that Duffeb ing. Rankin. Wa .1.
and means tor lotatlng thU factory m l.e.lerle of Traverwe Ciij. and llnle Rebate paria* tbi . , v
goodcondtUoo. Tbe
gain ter tbe{*as foond gtiiliy al a fomor aesshin
Nonbern Asjlum lor Ibe laaine- Traverse Cii/. The iximern does aot Frances and Helen I^deile
of ilodes ,
tewi. and Un iof the court for alteenpring to wbootMrSwughioD. Amerson.
' McEachern. a>k for a bonus Us officers meralj
'lo. Calif
*’***** *** **“" |i.-{Mermsn H)-man. on anount of IrouKnight. Cite*
4e*ire that local vwpltal iball be In
The funeral w.s held from tbe real100.000. Tbeasasasment wbicb wasiWe roused by a bo.nse deal. Slnro bePrtniing-WheUn C X. Greeu. Mv- lerewied aad agree ibat the manage- deo'« at : o-irak Monda)
afternoon. i jno'a______________
•acntarr-4. A. voted to ralee. waa tbe
ne as R Ibg fooiid guilty Duffeb has t«ea out
Bride. Knight. Wolco(t
meot aad directorate sbafl Iw In ibe Rev. H. K Pliiinan of the Presbyte-( Number Of testebm. 1#4.
hat been for a number
mra aad under heavy bonds to keep tbe peace.Private Corpora'wia—Copley.
Rfv- bands of the lorot people
nan -bunb officiating, assisted by
Soteber of books.'MOL
ibe ofStero
. . ,
re every and as he bas lived up to tbe terms nowr Kerns. Young. Giles. CaHIn.
Another Industrial ixopovllloa was ^
>ir Webb of the Cbrtrilan
Amount lass oolteated ffl010
___ ^
*>T »»*• Morford C. X. Green. Smith.
diarossed that pcomlses a sucrossiol churv h Tbe choir was from tbe
TW klswrr of thO Tmti
CM te tbe oOmpaay Yrtbe past and ^ floun. as ibe oncers are satieded
Public Heaiih-Verdler. Henry. D outtome
Brotberbood of
tbe Presbyterian‘the aaeocteUoa wao Ml Md to (hg
haitar ehng Of w. H Davte. ktaIob j alao the
further A Green. Lucas. Wheeler.
Tbe puWlr meeting planned eome,church.' interment was made la tbe.addrsM of tba aaeiBtofy. Mn./ T.
j .. (C^tlnurf on Pa*e Throe.)
(Coailnued oe Page Throe.)
]Modesto Cltlaw'a wmetery...
iCoatlBart fn«
fim) . -




.hv'Su.i. bt,, fur.i.he.1

GHAIDLfR 0f4m«Al






-* " “p's




16HI wowm DEID






Cnil Tm»e Bet«
n*icB A wuK.

fiWWM TtttmAdr «s4 Tbaradv
TmrwM citr, MIeUsu. br

Bedi 'PhoKte No. S.
OMm. m Titwt 8tTMt.

. wiu.iAMbeiHia


cktaf dltteatir oooaiata la MceribR
anttable peraona to act aa probaUon




wKboct baatth. It to hard for her to be

Weirtd«*t M.
It wouto be hind ot a blc« world 'J
asA woold otoy lira op to tbair obfta-

locata to TIM-


r Hill
«*<mamalmrK. Jaa. lO.Money to hwa an Impfweai tam
left Uat week for Grawn for a few
potooas abow in pImpleB. bkAcbea, akla
daj^ viah. TbfM be expMU to ro
I V WlndfsIL
erapUoBS pnd * wretched comptsarton.
winty. owtalas aapeclally
wlu farnera lo t
to DeiroH, aad JM*aoo. for a *laWte-dimmr's
Put Oeciric Bittern always prore a
|B« to the Uck of txmtae from tbb
,aad left him a couple of mHUan. Ho
eoeatr vManteerlns Cor the woi« <rf
While BkaUns on tbe
pood lam
always aaM nto ship wnoM ctwe in
probation ofltcer.
Chlcajm. Jan. ll.^ye. kSc; bar­ stomach, liter and kidneys, purify thoi
Tburadar nlRbl Htaa HbmI Saton
blood: (dvo Btronk nerves, brirtt eyes. I
Jod«e Haj-De aald that be did. not had the Alatortiihe to twist her foot ley acr97«: wheat. May. 8l.»: ^ pore breath, smooth, velvety skin.: "a»*-'cs. but he dldnt expect
July •Tk.e; Sept.
:coni Ulk lovely complertm. rtod health. Try
I boirahtp.
waa4 the aupeirlaora to lake offlelBl and fall, on her rlrbt lltnb In aueh
oats. 3&'i<r^c. a
them. 6Ac St C. A BuKbee Unuc Co.'s
action npon the tnaiter at preaom. J mannf' that both bonca of the lower
but aaked them to eonajder alkrwbut In* Were broken. SlrerTtbln* U d%
1 Mercantile Co.
From a knife, cun. tin can. rusty nail.
oicelr as can be eipecled and
©I tb© county farin after the
Breworks. or of any other nature, dem
before many weeks the
>8* Assoi toted Fross.i
Dcor inBrmary baa boen built for car^
Bt treat
Cottft for tha Oouaty c
11.—Caltle—Slow. rvape will be bsld at tbe nail on i’ea's
ioK for tueb wayward yonna peraoun >oona tbdr («li be about. ■
> preveat blood
ax could not at once be placed in a
SataAay after»ooo- Calvin Spangler
aessioB of told oemn. held sk
pl*x. M.6U+JH6II Shoep-aow: top delortio to the rSMo graure. will
l•R>hale office to the elty
city ot Tmv/
borne. II such action waa taken he back onto bis-farm this week.'
also for buraa. boils, aoree. skin enip be -|.iDhBle
couat)^. oo tl
tv. in told coaaty.
Sheriff Rhiiier aas a Intslneas rlsli- tombs. 8fi.4n^€5nT • brwry. IS.Setr piesent to Install oncers and idve a : tbms. ecxema. chapped bands, eetus
did not advlac plactnp then wlt^ tbo
da> of JJarnmn-.A. H. mi.
6.7:.; yearliurt. IT.rir.Jiii; wethers. rcioii of the state meetlnK. All mem-. piles.
iMnaiea ot the hone, or In any a-ay or bore one .day laet week,
C. A. Bukbea Drna Co.'s
»t. rU.'
ewes. |7fil*S. Valves— bnw and especially tbe oflleefs.
. S. i:. WaHNf Soils,
F. H. Vinton was a Kalkaaha caUct
nakinjt then feel that they, are coumy
Judxe of
of Prints.
chantes. bm merely plains fbeni
reriwBied lo l>e pr>«eni. Ufnner will
Id the matter of Ibe aauu of Rosie
there where they ran earn their
be aerved at noon.
under the direction of tbe keeper of!♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
Jobs c. Braekea baviag Blad to aaM
Rrtart Gariand of tha pairtnawtoi to
fore COURT.
tbe farm who would act a* tbe probe- ♦
tonSned tb bis bou>e by Ulness.
STATR OF MICHIGAN—The Pro- mt bto patlUoe. -fsnytok far Mtaaat
- ....
_ ........
Court for .ktbe *_
ot Urapd > aeU at private sale tke touraat of
UoQ 'bfBoer.
said estate la reruia real cetau tharft
In the busy season of tbe year the
In tbe mailer of tbe estate of Au- to described as timMsr.
.Mark ibe*wond!^'“ro^M of the
coaaty would be expected to pay them buKineas meelinf; o;^ the ^wonh
ordered that tbe SStb day of
we. Air fllrti OW^'T
Notice to hereby Rivea that four January. A. U. mi. at ten o'clock to
a certain sum In order to make then* leapue of Intcrlochen met at Mrs.
f(H that they are self sapponina. Th-^ Hurt arandy's. Monday erenln*.
bvteby a|i|<olBted
reef, that they earn would ro to the
etliion. and that a
county toward payment for the ex- Feb. 4 and also to |0an for a Valdne anM rourt, at said tl
peeae.tbal tbe county bad been put line party. Tbe
me lo sell
that all crediloni of a
to on account of ihetr arruat and tri^ by the president to lake rare of tbo
the Interest to
real estate aboald
Traverse Vitv Mitliiiie Co.
but If would not l>e expected tliat Ih. y proCTanw »-ro ibo foltoalne-. Mrs.
Mrwoukl reiwy In mil all the dsma*.It is foNber ordered itet pabfte aothat the}' bad catmed tbe coaiity or U. Grundy. Miss Bessie I'adden. nnd
lUe tbriTof be Rivsn by pabUealto*
Miss Violet Boone. After tbe bu.>i•. for threft awt^
resslve weeka pprevleu* to aald day of
ness was dlxismcd of coffee, satidPlarlnjt the
bearing, to tbe Gmnd Tmoont Harfarm would lisvc tbe cffeei of Rettlni: wiclies. cake and picklce were » rve*t
. . • iwloted I ______
by Mrs. Grundy and a Rood lime en
n said roaaty.
the offender away from hto letvncr ae
FRED a. WAUen.
.hn, ,bl. U do., to.
« •"
JudRe of Probate,
Jodse of Prrtate.
Mr*. Itoy Beldina and dausliter :
dec 2Z :» Jan Q 12
gtiiio arc ppcndlnc a few days
ihaktoR a man of him. and a self sup
ponlns citizen.
a shower for one of her friisnda.
PraaecnUoR Attorney Pratt spak'
The Bpworth leaeuo could not oe
atong tbe aame line and'endorsed the held Sunday evening on aceouul of
TH4-, lo 4 uaiiL-n >4. re*****. u*l*-*1 i
Ideas of jQdce Mayue. he also tblnk- the storm, but «e huftc for a Rood
*^|Kebr«ar.v llih I!*UK and recorde*! iiil
liiR that s RTeat mnouni of good could crowd and better wreath*-/ ns Miss
;'|i»he rcRiMer of d«fed*' iifti
be done by this method wb>-n the new Btoa fUtton will be leader for the
.„;|Traverw cuuiy. * Mbh.. F.-l
- jJ-'l-oth. 1W*. in bher 4K of niorigage*.
boildins to compMed. He said thsi. next Sunday eveniiu:-*‘®|paRe
on wi.irii Diortaage there I*
the probation system bad worked wvl>
. Irlslme.l lu be due at ilie date of
to this county and bad saved the eoun
for priiK'iiial and iulerest. Iliej
ty and state a crest amount of ex­
jsiini of 9«ai.«fl. ilhe luortesRce haviUE i
iJt’’ viecled. and hereby eleeling to declare
pense to the paatlind that that the ftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftft
'.I'lthe whole of the prtndiial and liner-'
It doe* a/H tnske sny cfifereim to aa at lo tbe
srork could be Rreatly extended n the
TR. Jan. 10.—Homer Wlllo- .No. 1 cured calf .................... ......13c
,hereon duet, loge'ber with an at-1
bco Is on the sirtt list.
P^.2curedcaU.............................. ‘>Hc :,«,n,ev fee of J2.S a* provided by :
snwust of foor depo^'we w3^ itftarcsrfrThe committee reported that* they
No. 1 green c* f...................................J-'*'[-suiulei and no suit or proceedtoR at ]
Mrs. George Swmney
No. 2 Erwnealf ................ ............or To equitv .having been institut !
1 the bonds of ISliaer E. ..II. .I.k •», 1. b«u..
'fd fttteBlioa. Pftymg jrooriiiB*
check keqit
pelts at roc iwr estimated wool
tecoter ,h„
the nionevv
nioneyv secured
i=ec*ired by
WhHa and found that Ihey
ladles' Aid sodely will moetwllh Wool. flue. Sir: rejects ........
or any part thereof
Jitkid ii>OH.Racr
rwet and recommended that they he Mrs. Andrew CUiiiorc Thursday In■ true accoont cl tbe OMRcy yon are
Notice U hereby eivet. that by vlraccepted. There were two of them, aiead of Wedatteday.
........ *-V’
me of tbe |io*er <>f aalc colilainnd in
beudeagmagyoaftrcc^foraDbdbp^ It
~ aai*I uiortgage and of il*e siahile to
one as elert in rbanoery for tS.fKW.
Mr. and Mn#Gamcb
County IJne *u<-h i-ase made ami iirnvided. Hie
with J. A. Montafue and T. T. Bales Tbun'day fn>ni*a vMt with relatives -OR SALE—40 acr*
road, li mile beyomt famous
• of Maid nioricaRe.
wiD help you to tort yeut OKn^.
as sareliea, and the ’othw ax county in rhirsR*).
Ran orchard, only 1*4 mile fretn
clerk for I2.CKKI. with Prank Trade
Mr. and Mr*.
lieu Glierlng-left
land. Eaxy terms; low prh-c. C. said ntortgage or ao much thereuf a*
and Artley B. Curtis as sureties. Tbe Frlda.v for a vUli with relatives nA. Hatumrtd, .
nov !!-($ imay l>e necessary to i>ay the amount
report of tbe committee was acc
Grand RapMa and lAwell.

.............. .............. — (due on raid mortgage with toterexi
and adopted by a nnaiilibons vote of
Mr. and Mr*. Tony Kroupa and two
S*>arre farm, [and co**t of forei'kMiure and redd aithe board.
Friday. the iwepi:
iweniyctaildrett returned Friday tram a two
toraey fee on Friday,
fourth ilay^of March. A. D- 1911. i
Tbe afternoon was devoted to •
weeka- visit wHh friends in Oilcifieai. -....................................................
two o'rlo*-k to I
mittae work and tbe board did not behouxe. good barn, large orebard 16 Dorib
irih front door nf tbe court house to
fta the atmira onUI 4 o'clock.
The funeral of Vv-man ijrona was
nd Tra*-i
old. good1 sp..........................
spritic water; also. jthe
. of Traverse CIt:
wtili 25 improved, taell erse county. Ntchlgan. Said
held at bis borne to Mapleton tost
« a* lot* I
Monday morning and the body was
irtiration. Mike
taken to Traverse City tor burial.
er l>4i
.Xaptonlab. JanT.—Geonre Gardner
Mortgage Sale.
Iweto uimrier •41 and tbe souihmuu
and fatottr-returned Monday from a
Default having been made In the luaurter iU> «>f <be
conditluiis of a certalu mortgage made iM'i of sei-tlon tlire*- i3i. all
ten days* visit with retatfree and
by James E. Maban of the County of : i weniy-rix i'.'A> north, rs^nge
frteada to soatbam Mirhtgan.
ElacUd by California Legislature to Grand Traverse and State of Ul'hi-'uc*i. being 4UK a*-rei*. fee lb
Mrs. Ntwa Kroll spent No* Year's
Succeed Senator Flint. «
Utc I'cloD Trllat and Savings ' more or Ii'n*; acrardlng lomiveniniei
with friends to Traveree CM*'.
-----.Bank, a rarporatlon of Flint, Mlcal-;survey
. earramenlo. Cul.. Jan. }l--:<>nJ^Ai ;gan daietl tbe
tb* I4ih day ot
c July A.
aotonan Crawford to verr sUk.
____ ^ in t
office of
ballot yesUTriay
vesUTriav --------in the toelalature
------------- H'W. and recorded
Mr. and Mrs. J. Pblllipa rAor&ed faulkit
of Deed- inr ihc County
Friday ftom a week's
*• W F.M.I-ASLS,
of Grand Traverse and State of .Multi
Mends at East Jordan and Tetoitkey.' was deeted to anceeed t-Taak Flint gan. on the 2nd dxy of August A. ft III Fro. Per. Attorney for Mortgagte
190/. in l-iber 62 of Mortgag* *. on • lie* 29 to nn-h 23—ihun*
Ivan UvlitfstOD reliuned Mbnday In tbo UBllcd States senate.^
page 309. wbicb »aid mortgage profiom Bay Oty. brtoRtoi; a bride with
that in rase ef default to
of Its conditions tbe bald mortgagee, ^utt Court for the County of tjrunrl
“For the i*nal jear we have 1
Rlobard Brimmer returned to Owow tbs king of all laxatives-l»r.
Imay elect (and dw* herirtH' elecii to Traverse. In Clmn*vry.
laxatives-lir. King's
ii,,e1 Conipralnaiii
fe Pills—I
d our borne and they ,Idoclare the whole sum. prlnrlpal niid
New Life
have proved a blessing to all our fam.|lntcre*tdue.
Interest due. on w hich mortgage there
tort, last Monday. *
lly." iriics Paul Malbulka. ot Huffalo. is daimed 10 Im- due at the dale of
Matel. IA*te«.ianf
Mrs. R C- BriRp to very sick.
but MM.M
mn -MM....,remedy .M.
for ....
all I—
;tbi* --noUce -■
the sum ot Thirteen Hnn.............................
... *. Easy, MW.
Suit jiending
in the Cir«-ult t>ur1
8. Crawford to very low. bsvtnc had iflpmach. liver and kidney troubles. I dred Elgin Doliara «n<J'/our tents.,Traverse, to
Only 25c at C. A. Bugbee ttniR Co 's, land ab Altorn-y ■* fee ot Thlrt>-^lvc *.,„in.erv7it Tra\er»e City. Mi. higan.
n second abock last Friday.
S. E. Wall ft Son*. Hannah ft igyjlkdUra, provid.-d for to kald mort
l»e«-embef. A n
Blanche Brimmer rtoitod
ot Proceeding* tl
1-Mltb Orlner. at N«*en aty. Thurs­ ftfercMtllle
•- ------------------------------------------—
haring »>«^n insiHuieo 10 recover
day and Friday. \
FOR 8ALE-A 22<>ii Ib. team. 9 and ir. the moneys secure*! by aald worigagv
year* old. on*- 7-year-oM sorrel ;«r any part thereof.
f„,.ie«.-e of itic raid
son Leo and family■
■ 2-year-pld~wliile mare, aliout ■ - ,■
Giaiid Traverxe i-omity.
Fkeddle tbe tafaot son of Mr. and.
lbs. rtJlc.iK- Tmouths-oirt colt from |g*g". *m| 'ho statut.- n *u. I. «'» •'
Mil liiCitll. and that sllne
Mr*, lb ffoMennan. to tpiUc skk.
cslook. A-ldras* all couimunl-imarte and pr'^vldrl. nmi.-e I* Yrcb* ^
• iP’iKirteil to luiri,-. no :
H. lowes. Maple.given that <m hViday tb*- 2l>:i day ot know-n. and In- re*lden*c atlrr dillMrs. J. PhtUips to enlenalumg hi-r
cations U> i
BKrther. Mr*. Paiker of Kalkaska.
search and imiuiry. the <x>tupblli
City, Route . Mlcblgao!tbe forenoon. I will sell at Public Auct I* unal
a-^-crtain. .and that
* ion to the highest bidder, at the North
unkTic %ii end ii 1*01101 tic
from door of the fourt House iti
air nr oiuolry
Ih'U'l. nnw re




■■1ml w MWBd.cUw awU«r
lluxA A IMA «t tlw pomtfSoo ai
tniwM Catr. Mleb.v <U>4«r tbe Art
«« Ooi^rwi ot Marob », 1879.

Th* eteitar eoaiintMloB baa dm
*abo«t«a irork with a blare
tl ll■■|lU nor baa H been abontlne
IM'wthMfwBwaia fram im booietopit.
. M fbe eetaodaaiOMre hare beeo makili wrafiinie taveaUsatkna of the

Iba wmiU ot the
f dir

eUiea. They have
mtly and are now
to bad* tbe actaal work of
‘ a* mWo* ot Tnrono City's charMr.'
MMMpry to (bat Important Mk.
' tMl iwi III nil' Twaaday adapted
■ fMttm kpo* wWeb to base tu op■ntlM. TWlOattorm embodlea aerMalliMWMM popotflleitt. and while

dd ha a distlact departnre
.paaaaak farm o> dty coremf 01* dtattlw of <
■MarOW Midadtitt a mayor, and tba
at ward Uaea, alm> the
ilBIIMIaaMd twtmeadaa. aad tba
1M0 AAMr w aMwad by law.
V -Wo Mm** Ma- tiwawinns ot the




We invite you to open a checkini account with this BairiL

We will be sled toeirpiRtn it to vou*

d.kbat tba aedoa cd tbe
a tbM far baa bean onanl-

. The pian aunaatad. tbere■am. Is «aa bot tmly to tba raanlu ot
^ Mpi IMIH"I I mM. bat to tba
it at tba eota0» Idattm adopted for tba
Moll «t apiMOaM to a rwdkal depart'. M» mm.a*M «mfa»a Oty has bad.
«a bdtoT* that H to pcacUeal and that
■Ub MBtOM to tba moat xmretal «n-

oHtoMto* ot Urn piadi a(-4b* dty.



Traverse City





For one week more we are going to give yon
a chance to buy|^ high priced


(OMdmmd toaa Fas* One.)
ImMtalbe eammanlty. Out
I tomdrad probaUoaata which tba
■t Ma bad to deal with m this
epH to the paat only ona has erer
I a aaooad crime and opt nf
8be twaaty^T* tram this eaanty ooly
Bw* or tbiaa eeer ateppad from the
path of ractltade. aad tbeae returned
to Mdr drlnktas tort dU not caonnlt
MKh this abowinc the Jadte tboushi
that It was «dl warth while to derotc
■Mfe aaarcr to the work ot reformaUm. aad ttot farther amtotaac*

at the price of a cheap one. Every Cammi la
our stock that ha* been Bllghtly used, ehelfwora
or not up to latest style will be p«H 00 tale at a
greatly reduced^irice. No^ Is your chance to
buy a good camera at a remarkably low fluure.

s: t:. wait & SONS

Ikiickholders* Annual Meeting
.iWUbiviiiiBftbiMf-auauiiarTcJ tbeteportftiM^itted to tbe nockboM«^~o( the
ftt Ibor ainukl nieetoig bey tod^^

-T...................... -...............

J la, I$1I................................ ........................

S2£z:: iZ? ii
fti ft

OUm, I«f*l aid Snwat fad B lii> ^ •ra* ftaU.



Beak m 1665 wiib • cniu] of $50,000.00; capiul incieaMd k

1905 to4100000.00:
^r wRb ft cipi^
and aer^ of $125,000.00 sad tot^ reaoarces
'if $lJ(0SjOeQX)O; we ftfe £igrr. bete ..d atnager tbni e*^^
DaoH ike & )otft «f ow exialnwy, oor dm ha* been to extend lo our pstrooi dto
Ov alaidy«v*rtkti evidence dtat we bavemeikedlbe confidence of tbe pidiiic. If
yea tn wot acanaaNr, let tbb be
toritaboo to you lo become one. autmog you that our



$35.00—Our Special
Farm Haruess—$35.00

Tlii- liarnesa b a sflepdld value, a amst servIceaWr aad dafrtie karmnngagp. or so much thereof as ior.. KniP'iior,. I'lr «iinij'lait*ai!t.
- wiilt style and the greatcKi wrear resMlag guallUs*.
>ay be ne.t*a*ar7 lo fiay the saM cl.-fcndant.
K. HazeU Im>
I amount due on
A strictly NO 1 0«k Tanned Harness made to our oura aboft.
• will) s.'ven per o-nt. Interest, and all
n( tht* order,
legal *-«v*U. toge'hcr with an atlorner'* nH*iiili* fmm lh<
api>eurao<-c to. eec this haraesa. sa u u being toade. tberaSr atoariag pm
Tee of Thirty Five Dollars. aWpravid- ;iud that I
:i»(J hv law and a* covwjan'“d tor there- ,
, .
., . ,
(o predaa a Na. 1
rail of the noallty ot leaUtor and workmawklp
;in. tb.- pr«nls*-s L*-iog dc«ribed lo "[
W'-'l '-crato and a rap?
raid mortgage a* follows. 1o-wlt;
-l-u ll*e soKcitors for
l*ak Tanned Hanesa. .
Tbe folWVtoc described land sit•'omptoln
|irldlv--% to. check, sensible barnera lealber bUadS,' wUk •Vlt taft
dated to the Town.*.*- nf East Bay.
<''iumv nf Grand Traverse an*l Slate of a tnpy of tlm raid hill, and iti d.
of Mlcblgan, vlt: ('ommeiicing at a fault lber.-»r that raid hill '*c taVeli
.............................. .... a» .■4*iile*'*ri hv the raid G»«rge K
LJiies-l inch. 21 to 22 H long. wlUi Map*. '
t'ornef of Ixd TwniHatnI.
-n Township Twenty Bev , Ah'* *' '* further ordered dial tbe
SecitoD Fe\-n
Breast 8traps-lH
en North Pf Range Ten West, tbenc* W"1 •omplainam utuse *h;^ order ire'
Martingale- i^
collar *(ra|!*.
East ir. tic East Ime of said above T P«N.*h.rd m the Grand Tr.rer*e
described.pramix.w; thence North i
Ilamcs-Black. No. tUXC pUte lion over top.
atone said Eaf-t line to the East Arm oewspaper primed. |.*iM1*tied aad elr
Traces-IH to, ihree full toagtb ply*, with sot
operand Traverse Bay. thence West rutotlnr In raid county, snd that ami.
along saM East arm of Grand Trav- publlcaimn he
.^Dintemed within
Haae Tugs—DouWe grip hwAte*.cese Bar to a point Five Huhdted pif-,twenty day* from the date of thU or
ty Feet West of the East line of the'-f^ and that sueh i.nh.lcatton be cot
Pads—All barnees leatkar atnSed padc «iA hoekt aa« t*
above described premia**: rtbenee •'“»«* 'herrin once in each w^ for
Bart straps | Ul. Kip etrape 1 In- with Trace Carrie**.
Sooth to place of bectontog being.weeka-in succeraton. or that tbe
,» Bvclp of land Five Hundred »1flT ■ - - —------,
-- of thH
Breeching—Folded with layer.
Feet wide also I»l8 One. Twenty One *«vdcr lo he per*
personally served
nnd Twenty Two of the Village of “■« George K IHarel
and Tie ein|»-« to. •iib eaape.
day* before the i
East BayJn saM ('.ranty arrording
Ibe recorded plat wereof tbw «ntlrr>-...- ai-i«aran*'e
I'l nten. k « Mayke.
.above described rtmUlDtog abont,
: Twelve Aerra
‘-'rr.-mt Judge
; UNION TRVST ft SAVINGS BA-VE, ; Examined, rxiuntersigned end «

juNDCRWOOD ft UMuSfc®^'


Robert £

JUtornws tor Mortgagee.
______ __
b rotor.
BtielMM addr«**:
Traverse Oty. MIA.
address. Ttaverae City.
Dated. Oct. ST. 191*.
OcL at Nov. a. ie. 17. S4. Dec 1.1. IB. Michigan.

X2. to Jaa. a, U. 1*. •

FaniieK’ Siq^ly
TraveSse CHy> MMuc



I Lactwr* Cewraa..


Conducted by Mrs. I. H. Bbnnell

Staitai GarUaJ, Caabl«r;
MTd. A. J. H«rUU»d. AbsIi

TNHEXTrOflB-A. Tratr I*r. F

S per Gt &HewedootiBe depodiU

' in ibe sMUir of* tbe mettbers to irtrv
Ibo l>g«t kind ol s chertcr that it {los: sibl*L
From this ^Ime on (be lOmiDlulon
' «r1)l derate biore time to tbe work
and «III bc^ day sensiolis vbenerer
U is posFem- lu cel KUtSi-ienl weBtI.en present
new ehaner wUI lie ready i'
I FrMwke) on bnalm
D the p«o)>1.- by aprlRg in
mop) iJiBar went to Bis Raidda
tbe Orstjof (be week, where be will
enter the Perris Institute.
Prom An Old-Timer.
Mias Marron Sinclair, wbo baa been
l^dlngton. JJkh.. l>et. J!*. Ii'lu.
iJsitlnK her grandparents nt MonaeT)ear Bdnu'. I am thinUiu; nf the
mpg. retnrneil to her borne at
insi to years. .My tslher urrive>l from
Hodge Sail
.Miss Kvelyn Beckstloe ________ - ) Canadi
tbe Normal at kUnrelotui on Suaday > four years old at that time, i had a
-njovlna a two weeks' va<aih>n. hai>|.y life We landeti ai Glen Haven
Smith and John Hager of I'n- and we went to see some «ii«e |>eo|Je
Mundav went tuTiaverse City we bad know n ai' lYirt UiiebrsuB. I
rod court, as tbev were on the Ablnk I sball go bark >u Glen ArU>r
-fo llvv- 1 *m miiualiitrO with iIm-Ii
Arrfale Gtlib, of Traverse C'iiy baa (anillier
leased tbe ('odd min and is puiiing in
ur li II Day. I think bim a vei>
a mock oi lugs. Me etfiects to be ready nice man. 1 have worked toi him.
lie Mill aliout the first of And Mr PUher .in.l sons, and Mrs. Ho


Cftpitel. • • $200,000
Surplus, - * $80,000

noKOIlocb. Mr*. JDlld. T. H«Mb.


hd (illioo^ made I business
trill teCafimae Tbursda}.
Job? Jors has miimed liome Iram
vlsli at Wblto Pigeon. Jnd.
I.vde La Bar and sife iiKived onto
the H. U lAllar farm last week.
Mabel »aU,'k «as at Cadlil«c
Carl Camplien. t

It to Cadlllar on
in lown'one day

lel Sinclair la teac'hlnr
le FredTirkaoo dii
-I UobI baa returned to bei


Conducted by Miss Edna Wall

•onal and Cencrak
Mr. and Mrs. 1- K Gibbs .of Tt*
e!>e City were In loan Wednesday.
~Mrs John Unind of Arcadia mai
. .....___


r Grand RaplJi
The worst storm .of ll F- ^son c
Monday atiei
carted Sunday olght. All business was
Mrs. llensnpi
returned home at a standhtlll Monday forenoon ainill
.. ._ Kaplds.
ifte feiFeels rouM lie cleared oP
>-Kb1iI>u SaoiMl Od«]l. HaiiUsd. U. from her visit
James lUnmond of Kalkatka was
The trains wen «M from two
A. Qiwo. KlmmernoR. WillousbbT.
I town Weiluesday Afternoon,
s licturs late.
Ucfe^cbera. Ain«r*oii. Aahtev. »N«rr. E. Uiluw spent Hunday wUb bis
I the XI.
rhIiiR services
family at Traverse City.
•oa. Wan), lUpplM-, Holland.
>n Bli
Blue and wife hareveturned
m. 'aU a
Railroads—Currie. Hmt>. Sleveo- I l.eon
KfiJdbl. Luoaa. Smith.
IgueM at the htnne of Johh Strabai ChrislopbeiT Uownev V>ere iitanied at
and Beneraleot Bocietloa over Tuesday
John llavisoo and family have
Dunn. Chandler. Walker.
Bioved In tbe ImI Goff bonne.
l.«borne and
:ebded by
Born to .Mr. and Mr*. George Mr- S|M>et SiroUan.
Revialon and AmendiMBt ol SUI- aeland. Wedcesda.v. Jan. 1. a datighVena _Pllklns and wife
Uaa-Jarame. CnmiaiBa. Copley. Yra.
^k Badatl of South Boardmanj bon
Mwytiy. Yapte. Heckert. Oppeobora.
spent in
TapJar.Mlisea Kiia and Goldie UgbUdser I
RerftloD and Ameadment of CoimJurned to their school duties at i
•kle*. cake and coflee were served
A very lileasani
lerentng was enjoyed
Oilea. Hinkley, Ew|ns. Bankln. OanI,
by the large imber prest-ei.
Kalmbacb. Sharp. JJorford. Wolcott.
'tUn XVorkers' Bible class
The Christ
MIm Mildred Hilton of Xfonion ▼!*• held their regular, bualneev and social
■obda aad Rrldt^a—Parka, Kerns. Ited at the heme
d .Mra. Fred meetiiing at the homo of Dr. HI1U and
Beckstine Saturday and
Friday evening Jan. fi.
C Jhlrt:
Tl .
MeKItt. Austin. Pralick.
Miss JCdna Wall of Kiogaley made;men
■ presei
.1 llN{ close
R4ibM and Joint Rulco—StralgbL
-ious games
bnidneas roll at_ this pUre and of i be busln* as seaaioD
Rabiiiel Odell. Hale. Jerome. Cbaxd•mans Siding Raturday forenoon, were plajod. Dellcloiis
k. Jamea Gould and daughter re- were served by the host and host
rned from their xiali In Ohio Sat- Xlrs. Crego assisting. The doctor
^mol for tbe 4tkad-Wlllaasbby. turnt
urda: evening
ly provided ai.rtg
' to
a home.
FredI .Mills went to TrtTerso Clt.v
Sotdlera' Jfoaw—Gravea. WbeUn. Uonttpy
v^aefcan. McHlct. RaaUn.
, meeting
Mrs. Andrew Colbnn
Board- Mrd. E. C. Brower. Fel>. 3rd
' 8Ut* Affair*—Blerd. Jerome. Wbean waa tbe gueat <
Jaraesf .Mrs. Albert Baker eiktertalned the
W l^vilaad. Morbam. Flak. Glaner.
Boardman and Fife Ijike M. E.
At$nr Odell, Ward.
. . -ea ijB
Ij le and daughter. Sadie. | AM racietid
Capitol and Pnlillc BaBdltif* made a buaineas trip to Kalkaska | afternoon. Jan. 4.
igram was
Kalmbacb, «lmmerUiis. Toeaday afterpooa.
^iss l.«Iah Haruon retorued from; was read
nreb mis-'
I Port Huron lueadayr
! mile gave I talk I
{loose of Corradion—Stawat.
Ver>- few iwiatoes are coming Inieionary work. aud#MrK. Baker, read
Atrikin. DM«er. Edwards. Piallek.
vlliig letters fn
tlipaeilay*. Our
local buyers are load- aome very tnieresiiug
sung by
Prisoa-Penr. FieU. Bterd.
Mlt* Birdie McOuay. who has been;MUs Winifred Hodge*. At tbe close
refresfamenis were
visiting her grandparents In Spring-|of tbe program refreshments
FTowar*. held, returned to her home at Kal- served. A very enjoyable afternoon father, also for the many beautiful
OSBdlar. Dunn. Cbamberiain.
•ni. Tbe ladles from South
Mr. and Mrw. D. C. Kingsley,
• Mr*. Howard Leach.
Sate Publte
and Mrs P M Kingsley,
home from
1 she has
on. SAIafaaetL Morfonl. Jerot^.
id Mrs. Will. Rose.
The Fife
ttgta.figaaiarluiD—Cuaualns. lioanMr. and
Mr. Wellman of 8ou._ ________
ladle* present ■ ere Mrs. Ur.
A. M. Jeffery.
ai^ MeBrtde. McKay. ChaBbertalo.
E. C. Brower. Sirs.
visited his granddaughter. Mr*. A. C. Waller. Mr*
SiyrntflTt City. Jan. <
i.»ddv. .Mrs. i>r. Hill*. Ml** Wlniired
- RRpfdiea aad Expeadlturee-PeiTT. Hodges, one day last week.
T. Beckatioe^ailK) has been vlstling Hodges nmi Mr* I. II. Bonneit. On
Loiri. Clark.“Anhur Odell. Sharp.
his son. FYcti. on Wwlnceday went to account of the severe siorni a number
I^WRs and CounUes—Henry, Walk- Grand Rapids to spend tbe rest of the were tumble to atieud. The virliltig
llehiQK. bleetllng. ikrolro.liiing <>i
Brown. Flak.
Mrs. Itoliih-l ladies returned to their home ou the blind tn'e* viel.i lo Doan's Olninient
winter with hi* dbughi
Chronfi- k-a«-* soon relieved, (ii.all'
ren. Taylor.
- ••
and G. B. Doherty
cured. DrngKl'if nil sell ii
UMba. MeBride.
Penlhaola Hoapltal for the
lanae—Morgan. Fartw, Lord, HinkCUIK FOB AH IIHISTIT

-IBe anoual meeting of the Oval
VMnd Wah Co. was held Wedneada.r,
I. m. Loagnwker of Delta, OhM. aad
mi Lengneeker aad Riley Sweer*
;«r Toledo, arrlvekl Tueeday night to attead the meming. ITie aonaai dlimer
to the edfleer* of the compauT «A*
gtrea foday by Mr*. K- 6 Hull at
thair taaMeare. oorwer of Waablagtoo
aad Welltngian atreeta.

Coming To I
xsihy. (he optot

^oWias There That

you Knew?


an ago is the e>>tkt* cuoAki that cn.vuU«d this gnat dsihsi. u'thcr^
iber orgraodfatbwi or aaele of your*.» Would jron like to s«e a phoiograph
of him in
that long ago day of bU „___ _ ___
taken.* Pvbape •« caa show foe eac; and ii
I tell you
story. «t*ag«f than aay d«tsc-‘— *-* ••
wsr* lost mod arc found again.

3,500 Lone Buried Pbotogimplu 12
of the avfl Wm
«TAKET we talaa.fav <W anawi pimno
1 CaW Sou, cf
a>TI thn erne h.
CeM .......... ■■■III ter gO.kXB; she
u Ice vesre-rher »-t bnnnd ih««
dom: Chet del
(rwptUartcnaiwanarlT Vnw*. wil H vee durgocted
b, t NMfl^nnd ndtetm. j IfolWI Ueme l-^ to
...... <hn oUWrtW-fa-Prei liiis V'-wMf and Lewel
wa r. hatlw enid U
wik SIJD.oni-rM ^th
Ska brir *( a*

taBbtncaawedintnlScnamlnwnndn Idwdcwhia
>acbsit,M<beettoeelie ol on* of th* idnsemto.
(Biartiel hloorr ot (he 0»a Wv—
thci riminik tounas*|4a*»uU

iews Company
N-v. Y.'fK

(ContinuedT^^Page Qpe.l

l■••dtr<e(ireeM tew Iks
the nttlin « f !>.:> titl •«
vdlwd,wl.*m'.rw6 mtedw


iTUESOAY. JAN. M. l«ll

lime ago at which tbe wives of nieiu-.
ber* were to have been inyiie.! *ca*^^ iho l.iviiigsion farm, at 1 o<ioi k
postiwnod tetnitorartly until afte^ tlm ahaiii, ilic f-.llfwtug sioc-k. etc, will
■'fartory pWiiOKiphilosi’‘‘’I''
highest bidder
meeting for the itew "fartory
yuaisTiliR of I lirtkwn
ilon U held. Tlie ©fflrera of Ihe Wo- niarei * years old.I. weight I4i»>: 1
ih had expreaaed a desire to gelilini..*!' years, old, weight 1l<s>.
One black mare i-oli. 3 years ibi*i
assist In furnlsMiig tbe refreshnenis,
Two sets double work liartiesy.
and U was uiinnlmuuMl.v ruled that the
Ftve head of roille.
Woman's club l<e invited to j..iii llio
I-Yesh cows, a btinch of sheeii and
inemlwrs of the Imard in a Idg meet­ *bnH fetsl.
ing. the -l.-iie to Is- fixed later.
.Xlock Kuuranieetl to be In hrsl class
All stock Kflll sell.

. AunnuHNmna

i from Page One )
*iie and progr.-Ksiv.a wff) of this
lut-a. Thia resolution will serve oa a
basis for the lui-jmber* of the cammi**lon to w-ork tu. and guod result* ron
L-a expccie^traS'the o|H*raiiun of tbe

• rnred


An immensely Popular Model, Low In Price and
dependable, in Every Detail.

The E-llson VTro»ide Phonograiih l.ring, to .vour home Victor Herbert'a
great Onhcstia: Soura's-Bandi l.eo Bleuk. the famous tenor; MsrguerlU
bylv*. Carmen .Molis. and *rores of other celebrated Artists and Musical OrMiiiuillcrt Through this fine insinii. ent the beat of everv das* of music
;.nd enterialanu-M is .available, and you eiiioy K wbetfever and tu whatever
eueiit you d<-»-ire.


Bob Bryant rlslted hit parents one
day teat week.
' Roe Bryant la allendlng the gchoo)
tn the Dell dlstrlet.
O V. Holme*'is hauling, wood today.
Sunday, tbe »Ui, we bad
hard snow storm, tbe wind
Id bl
blowing a
0le and the road* are badly drifted
in Bome places and the trains are
The train from Traverse Cii.
been sialled in the mow hank since
Sundav night at Bniimilt Citv euroute
for Traverse CUy,
- ................
here since ti o'clock Sunday nlghu
Mrw. E. R. Smith is no better.

. of Hilwankee. Js t



Ppper Peoliumla Prtaoa—Marta,
RaUpla. Bwiai. parka. Myen.
VUtage Oonmtaiions—Milllkon. HoiOemlt. Arthur Odell, McKay. Myera.
* Wan and Hrea*—Chambers. Perry.
Reya^a Straight. Waraer, Farmer.
Rteirart. jeoeen. Atutln.

Mrs Williams of Walton waa In
own on I'usinevs SaiurdayGrani Seeli went lo llarlior Spring*
Saturday, where he eiiwris la work

Mrs. John W.ycoB ot Suiumii
.lit* Tori»x WeW « Summit t'itv
was ill town Sauirda.v.
FOB in U.V.U ......... .
K at ^lie
Ada Thaler, wbo is w
Ralfli Case made a faisineas
,i»iy are Ujii^ng
kji>;n|i .a
a. teiting effeci.
asylum in Traverse Cii
Fi id]
I Those wfio bdf»
Ti.utwday tor a shotl sia.v.
er his sincere, eaAewt ai*
Neal Case and *ife returned m
aikJ Itocklev Fri- Iieala for Ighte
their borne at Fulton FfbUy.
JusUce. He
lanU at (he very tup «
hose a
Mrs J. D. Greeniuan and children
Al>e Snyder returnedno bis home to It) this <y>ucuy wbo an
Iving their
spent Sunday with -Mr*. Uro<-k u< Kutiou on Thurs-ia'
whole heart and soul t<
le llghi for
.Mis. MiruB llrow,-! |> very HI with
K. J. case went to MesUk Tnedday the nia«i|>s.
-...................... .ed with Mr.
Benaror l^Folleiie also aavs:
on business.
Stuoley Snyder was a Ktugslev lisD. Brooks when I was ten yean< old
of f»a».
Kslhkr Snyder waji ita iiiwp on biisi- iio: Wclnewlav
tie yia-'a tine ChHsliab mao. Well
I »poke to many of like ume aadi
.Mrs Dr 1 cdnian of Summit t*iii cnie* Whlcti had been akldrasaed
while liviBR with Ura I flrat saw lii. aes>- \Vedn.-sda>
Kagv of Plains. Montanh. *** in town .m baslness Saturday
go»l Grand Tiatersc- Herald, and
eartirr in the season by Hon. Cart l>
Miases Ivub Hogan uii.l Kdna Walt Tb»ni|k*on. I heard
have always h«d a creai llklna fur ih« and dauehier. Uoldla. are visiting (be
ltd eve
everywhere Both
Jieiald ever since, and witb to-lav'i former' cviusln. Mrs. Millie .Millanl^ sts-nt Suiidai wiit. Charles Hots.
w.kuis or the highest imtae
netl from JackMrvy. Jolly of XValton wt*
Tienialne r
issue U1V time U out. ' Hut if ><m wil
and apprrrival of his work Kvea tbe
I business
• has
I \V«lnes.lay.
ccmlnue weiidinK i< I will iiay tw-lun rrii
indall returned to
June I. Ihil. 1 have not the mom y a
k-d with tbe cireraess
Klmo l.ii.-c of MIbi. wbo has been tn Ti ii. rwe Oily Saturday
■e of his prefkentatiun and the
mother. Mrs. IJuie a ebon vl ii wKh iriruds and
xiViiing J.
\Vm. J- IJovd.
level ol his ideals
of Tiaic • City, is visiilng friends-Jive-'.
I.»dinetui>. Mich. Route
the many great minds
leliilite* here.
■ Miss Sandall. wbo Is teaching
who ha«e tesiincd for .xir. TbotapBoa
Geo l>esnett o' Grand RapMa waa Traieroe City, was unable to tei
we win quote. -Jane Addams ot Hull
In town Tiiclac cn bu.lue**;
------HouM. says.
Pot the lieriild.
"Cart D. TboiDpson Is. ID aiy opin­
Millard *L Itregg was horn Jan.
ion. a aiieaker of unusual abliliy. He
IhKli. In Clranl township. Grand Tmi- Tiiesdar.
Ko' Case and wife returned to ibcdr
M ms Kvana Rfient Sunday at0 Mon- sjieaks with clearnesa of diciioa aad
erwe county. Mich., and dierl Jan. r.
da: in Tra<>M iTty. there being no Kcsems his aubk<l moat ably.'
B Tuesday
after a v
IHll. at the home of his mother. Mrv.
Many more ol equal weight have .
Wui. noiigUss. at Brown Oiy. .Mich,
home In yolced their praise of Mr. Thoapaoa.
MlHatd went to Ixi.s .Angeles. Cat - lour
sburt Slav with but siace forbids us to quote funber.
itli the- mumps, resumed her
'ear* ago. .Afier Jreing there about
s clerk for R. Bmimgarth Tue*da: reUH'es.
Mr. Thoni|>son has a lueaaag*, aad
Skelcher of lraver«e City was lei's give him a full house ao that ttw
u Wednrsdav’ .
.Mlrs kTorente CroVer of Traverse in
aood uiav <v>me lo ilm grrai. which
‘fj::. ***'’“'tay.
tulken-ulosis. About a
tie buyer, of Arbor WeiiiicMluy fur wreaimem.
Mr Williford, t’lc
half ago he wem to his
t kHnker While'of TSaierse City was
s in
James Dixon, at whose liome
■ eek tour Hitle in luwa on bLsiiiess We.Inesday.
Within the
cd. with the evceplion of IS
weeks he was in a aatiliarlutif at ra
Re|*>so. Sierre 'Msdre.
everylfalDE was Hone that could be
dom . he grew worse.
In Getoher his mother went to bltu.
and cared for him. He tias so anxious
to come liome that they started Dec.
!6 and arrived in Brown City Dec.
3mh. Millard only li'ci iliree days
He was Ikuried in Gram, in the <-eiiiewhere hi* father wa* buried Hi

Ur. Schrlder


Uen'B Lratore course. Hon. Cart D.
Tbompaou wilt come to u at this time
with bta lecture. -The PsIOItmMn of
.nemorrav * Kincalev baa never be
jtcre bi-ep iieraiiued to listen
.Tbompaoa's caliber, aad H
oeedleaa to aay that everraae wbo
posalblj ran arrange to dora'MI baar
bim. .Mr. Tbomiwan is barked and
efldoysed by nanv of (be forwMai
tu>€ of our reinblir. Judge Uadaey

After the,adoption o: thl* r.-soluDon the commlsRkiu disenaaed ntrtboda of gpiHng at the w-ork of rpviaUig the charter title by tide and the
plan waa adopted of having ilie memU-rs divided into four coiumilteca to
which are aasigaed Ibe different areHons of tbe charter. Chairman Ham­
ilton apikumied the tellowins committeew an^ asslcned their work, for the
coming two weeks. CoclIUn aad Sled
cr. lilies 1.
3; 4; {faunUton and
Lardle mire X and «; Igiudon and Hoban. tU)es''T and S; Smith and Same,
title* 9. to ]*.'Till* 34 whirti relaire
t-j Ibe recorders court wa* assigned
tr. parm C, Gilhen, the attorney of
A»Me from there roinmltice* each
rqcmber of the coramkulon i* expect­
ed to make a taady of foe vartoua ti­
tles. and tbe hew draft will be made
at the raeetiog of (he committee of
the abtde and put into final shape
f^r prreentaiiun at the publm meet
ing* of (he commission that are beM'
every two week*. By Ihi* imthod It
will be possible to secure the united
ci<lDlon of tbe members upon each
section of the charter and tbereby
raver all the Inportaat ptdnu neeeesary In a document of this nature.
There are a great many point#
which wUl have to be throMied out
by tbe committeea. such aa the time
nf bolding the election*, the defining
cf tbe prerineta. bow. many comraisskiaers there shall brand which
fire* shah be elective and whkh a&all
be appc-tniive. AU three deiaUe
BOW up to the eoBiBhssiOD
and the people baveeMire.

11. arc

.0. H. MILER. Acme. Mich.

I want you te prove tbit to
your own csmpicaton and com­
1 want you to know what it It
to go through this winter with
skin soft and velvety—free from
chap and
windburn — proof
sgairtat fresL glare and bllgzard.
The trial cfler. a full' week's
M. prove* the cream.
*" The

large, full

siced. fevr-

ounee bottle l* your

I months.
Use « every day.
Keep your akin toft, dean and
prrecntabia. Hcoeework. out-efOoor work, driving, ticighriding.
enovythoeiog —none of thee*
have any efle« on\handt ind
face protected by Witch Hazel
Large bottle. 25c.

^^1 Drug Siore^^^f i

Cygact Bora

Price $27

This extellcni InsiruaieBt Is furnished in Antique Oak; reechanlsm aad
. iiarts arc anisbe.1 in black and gill eoaniel. • It has newly designed, aolselesK n.tinlng motor; improved start and sio|i icgulaiing deilce, and plays all
Siaiidaid <J-bi1uuici. Anilterui it-minmei and Grand Opera Records, tt Is
' highly tiMrarti'c in ui'i'eiiraUk-e: like every E>!lson model. Is perfeetly
eirtirf,sl 111 every detail, uod tviirodni-t** «-ach and
y one of the Hjdendid Vklnwiii Bks-ords wHti a clearness of |>erfmilon «h
nave won It a plu-e
It. .h.„.>andt..: m...:clovi,.g I........

$1.00 Weekly Pays for a Complete OniUt

i by
• •lulliig.-r wlthoul III!- 4-nicrtaincrr ' Y.iur llisi ikay mciii
>u Jiaw twenty-M-vcii v..-«-l i. m wlurti tu lay tor the ln>trum<-i>
In mldilkm lu tbe r-FIlH-jtlDE", Ih.•HOME »|.i, -THirxrtiLL
payment leim.. la-t m. Miidyyoii caialor

Hicbitaii's Ludioj
Moik House


TramK Oty Stwc
C*r. ftMit and Cass Sis.

To Whom It May Concern
• < '->miiik»n C.*tHH-il t«r tlic
nf 1>a verse'Citv liaredeeinit n,Ki^.l.i.- ill..! .M-c-.-riSiirv D.r. .
liiii-k liiik-K in aii<l aluiit' tin- luiiikik
itkK iifibe»an Riv
s«i.| fily .If Tphv.-Ps.- t ily. iiii.l (i
>i-.J .1 suri.-v iiiitl iiiii|> ..f Mil! river tu la* u«»«le. wbieli aaiti
siirv.-y ami imiD is iimv on tiL- lu lit
k.r III. t.fy I 'l-rk f..r siiiil fily ,.f Tniv.-pse fij,V; wliirh
siiicl map Kliotrs tin- iiroiHiK-ii cikiVk |nk<-s ii
r iiaipec*
ml jili.iiif saivl nv.-r. Tbal wait! inap is ou fill- fnr
linn liv Von liiiriiiK tii>-r'-diitar oiii'Ck- itoiirs.
Yor WILL l*LK.\SK T.\KK !'t UTIIKU SiiTirK ihnf tin- r.miMi.m r.Kincil .,f «i.t 4'iiy of
Trtiy.t ity will i-iim.-ii.- ofi ilk- Lilli vljiv ..f Fi-linmry.
I), 1911 «i .-ijfJit oVIis-k !’. 51.-at thr
I '.kiui. il KskMins It: s;,iil I'iiy to
jitn! coiisiil.-r any «>tij.-.-iii»iN tu lli<- •-wlatilislMUrtii «*f wakt jipib
jN.s. ,1 tioc-k lim-s. iiiiii tinof ;■ pr<i{H>si-iJ .................... \vl>i<-ji. is .-i«y follows:
' .\|| onlitiiirx-k- to ••sial.lish .li.i-t; liii.-s aloiii; tin- liaiiks of tin- Uoanliiiuii Hiv< r in liic 1'ilv of
Tntv.-r-- niy.

' '
S.S-. 1. Til.- ( iiy of Trav.-rs" fiiy ortlpnis that ilip wharf ami «I<K-k lin.-* aloiiK the bauka of'
tlik- ]'x>Brtlni:iii l{iv<T. ill snici •■iiy. Is- am] tlix *avo* is h<-r.-1>y .rotaiilwfat-d a* follow*
'.\loi)d ih" riL'Iil Inink of BnanhiiJii |{in-r ■-oinui>-)it-ii^ at I'nioii *tr<n-l. ifi aanl city, aa Tullwvs:
hk pinnitig ;ii a iiotiH tii tin- w.-sl lim- «■! I iii..n .'<i '££•.!
s<rilth of th«- mmiIIj tin- »>f Slate St ; theuce
N - T" «l.-ur.-. s. ;ni uiitnit-s W, >74 f.-.-i; th.
t.. ili.- riffhl on a rurv-- <.f 20H f.irt radius ;{T4..*> fe^t;
thi-ii- .V •> il-i'r.s-w, ;u; miimt.-« K 2T7 f.-.-i; th-m-k-10 tin- riRhl on a .-nrv.- of Kill frt-t radius Mi.tH
. :1;. in-r \.. j. .l.-Kn-rs.
mimiire K. 7^**' f--*-t to a jaiint on the west lim- of I'nion St. 2-12 f'-el north
of Ilf iiorili lilt-- <kf .'wi.: ili
.-.jst t;>i f-s t 1., Hi.- blast line «f rhiim St; them-e S. M tleifreea,-:
4>i niinm-s K. U'H.H t—t to a jkoiiit on tl;.-M.-si Itii.-of {'ark St !!.*» f.H-1 m.rtli of ilo- tmrlii linr. of
Front St..tli--t:i-»-east m;
i.-.-t to tl.......
fin.-of Park Street: thciicc Smith 77 deirr.-ew. 47 niioutea
Kasi iCrtl f.--: to a |H»jit
f.ri-i .i-ast of the oast lim- of Park St. jm! -V> f.-<-j iiortli of ifi'- larrlli line
of Fnini Si.; iJi.-nis-'.-as:. p.-irull-i 1.. ihi- iiorUt iin"-of Front St. b4H.J5 f- t to lln-c-nt.-r lim- of Wellitnnoii Sf a* V’tlonR'il i ih'-m-- N, 7‘* .1<-tfr.*.-s. :!2 niimit.-w E. 4*Mi f.-i; tio-m 71 .liyroro. M
mitmliva K. 9»; j.s-'t to .•iiiLof d>« k Jtii- ;f pr.-tk-iH •s.natru.-l.-.l; th.-to--- nortln-asT.-riy sIoiik tlwk
lines as ai |irc-s.-m . i.ustnH-lrtl tolls j>r-s-iit ejal.
.\l-co alolii! lh» I-ft hiiiik of ,4ai<i Jl-.nrklmau Kiver iH-^iniitng at ■
stre.-t ni said City, a* fol­
lows; l(•■Killtlille e'
iw.iiit whets- ill.- n.-st iin<- of I'nion str.-et ji.i. rs.s ts ilo- fa<-.- of the aouth
abiilnient ..f i)n»i |■ni..|l St. I.rirtge; iheo--.- i».riliw.-sU-riy to a i"oiti 22h f-s-i w.-sl of Hie west
iim- of r-tii-.n St. ami ■*>
fr.m. tie risrltt hank «lo.-k lin-; th.-jn- N 7s .l-gr.-rtC G9 ininutea AV.
li-'.k f.-.i;,i!i--ii.s to III.- ntrht r»n a .-nrve ..f S-'di f.-. i radm* 4ti'*.l
t: th.-m-r S, 2*v d.-gre.-s. 3tt minIll.-S 1:
Il;.-n--e to Hie riglit ..n a .-urv- ..f 1-Vi feet ratlins 12?Mir. f.-.-i: Ho-m-.- N'. 7x degrre*.
feet to a {M.ini ill Ihe W-.-W1 lit).-of I'nion Si. 2*7 4>s-i nprih of tie- north line Af
East ‘K: feeld.i tl-- t-asl lino ..f I ni..n St.:'ih-n— ,S. M d-tfr.-ro. 4w minutes E.
in Ili.' weal liti.- i.f I’ii.rk St. 1H<> f—t north of th*- north lin- of Front -St.; tbeoee
•nsi hue of Park St.; then.-e s, 77 d-er-.-s. -IT tiiniuli-s E. ;LV> feet to a point 3SGf.-yt e*« TTf tl......... lim- of Park St and ri.'» fe.-t n.»rt|; of th<- north line of Fnmt St.: thence east.
;>ar.-.I!-I to the !;..nh liii.-of Front l<t ,.4H G f--t Di Ih-—••ul-r Jiif "f Weliingtun St. as prolonged:
th-n— N. 79 d.-m-.s-s, tl2 mimit.-> E 4‘.)H /•-••t l.> the ' nd of the do.-V: liii.- at pri-w.-m c.iislrurirel;
th-M--- iioitb.-aai-rly al.XiiB d.s-k lin>-s at pr-s.-n; eotisino-ie,! to tie-oiit.-r end. a<-eonliiig to a map
of siii.1 river as aur'-.-yrtl !iy~\VtHiani K. I'Di.fw-n.
-'i. 191'*. and on fil.-/iti the nffh....... f the <’ity
tl-rk. as aforewsid.
2. It ^all l.e Qrtlawfnl io maintain, hnil-1. .-oisstnirt ..r-i-xlen.! any d.o-k . or wharf in
B«M»rdaian River, withinIhe Jimitc of lit.- ''il.v i;f Traxverse <'ily. iH-vond the lines <«- limits set forth
and desenired in Se.-ti<»u-One of this or.linaii.-See. n. Any p.-rson Vir pepwms wh.. shall hnild or e«Kistnwl any dork, whiirf. landinff or «ea
wall in or aloriff the hank* of said IhiMt.lutan Hiv.T-in said Fify orTraverse <'iiy iu-r<m<l the lines or
limits set forth and desrril>ed in S. -ti..n lim- nf thh. orilinani-.- diall Iw Diiuished Iiy a fifw tif not less
ihwi Ftfly Doll.irs nor mor.- Hunt i»ne iluriirr.-<l Onllars and the e«wt «,.f |«rnaecuiiun. t.r hy ubiwumhitnent in tiie Coimly Jail inR exesHiinf! tlitrtv daxtt. or hy both Mu-b fine and inprisouioeat. at'the
diacrvtkui of tbe Court.


' J




ciKAN'n TRAvnnsK HERAi.D'Axn TRAVKn. n r-.v n-v,;:.*'.

l-AQE i

pr^ncj Traverse Hegribn
MmM Uw *«l «K1 <«■

^«pw P*«


viDwt ia«iu».
- KIMW Tierrr hu
B>-Ulu. wlMTe M «pmm the hotldeya
with t)l- '^en.
i^er Blesi I* eUrliiK *t »or4«D
UhMr> had doifR ibe <«oree«dertDK
' X<-. Uneer'e ebeMC*:.
.Mr. end Mr*. Antaer Cool«- angl­
ed Ibe rerivel eerrlces
day Blgbt.

Tbo»..Pr«r» Jinn«lay.
Cleodenains la flsbtnc
Rotwd Uke. ■
llorare Buck of Cleveland. O, l» vtaItlaf hi* ronalB. Chaa. Hammonl.
Mra. Ctaaa. HamaKiad to ' on the
italnSd r.l
to alvh with iba

*'jai^ BmioD made a iH|>
■M. City Thuraday.
Jan. 6.









Charier .ftidoka to
a aner •
haa no far reroveted that be brroni- week, We hope 'a^ foand bar better
paatod hto braib
eihM-. Major, to Jjuuaac.
Heat'-caae ha* nie ;m 01 mmeertu
where tb* totter
ler to a |«pH in «b# State
for Ed Mrhoelder nMUMtoieO.
« t.......
tbe (onner
SAoei for tb*
Meaari^ BflU Rayie. Ed Uke and R. BUtria.
Tbto siieal
has 0 posltkm In an aatoineblle farR. BaiM»>rno|.aalnhtbeMichwar'rerJoaa
- Ue idpiJe.
Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Bhrr Jane* tb. ualltodAx.. ,h.- a.,«e-v
W»*d a beef latHy ,
Milder j today than nunaat •“l,Bd «old^"rtw''t
oD Jaanary eth, a •lancbiet. .
uoai of it to Hobart DiUoa
' nda*.Wg>>t. Eiery <m<k and
Mr*. Platt Baroum «aa a Trmverae,..^
yitc. use in hto camp
full cf anow. We
are i tof)er|^
City raller PrMa.> and Saturday.
., Ire■
Turner «a* unable to idaeb*.
if bavlnc icUder wesiber “•
There was no funarblaf at tb* oft
bto arpointtoeni here on Suoday;'
rbapvl auoday erealnit owlnc to tb«' Jan
iDomliUE un aceoont ol the tdocked
SESSHU ts Eita
never* vlortu.
-------- ---------------*
Will (Iran and Goldie MotUdar were
.Mr* PeieraoD *aa *aowboond~Runpj *now-aud
inabw to retura to arbuol ia Tiiav-j
.day evenlnf at Mr. Neasen'* and eonld
tltr*un^r'Moa^y evenloa on areontt*..
not retufii to her boardlnt ptoe* till
coent or ib* *now blocknd*.
C. Cate, who wa* 83 ■ Monday.
J- H Monroe, who gare flgure* on the
Sheet aibl Wilvon %!at- '«i*5 antoent «f jtz.ueo.
,i,e rom
iMti' 'wnrii.
*iand«.-na bo* to aliovri off the asov- live went to Otiait un'ibHr vkeee on tuiuee rwoiijineoded that hi. l•andlDg |



^ i

Mixrtfl .«>

w « ,d.

Weal Et^
> her ho4e
Traverse ilK. ha' been vhuilns
obtoNlkm* ser
bto return trip,h^, jBUfi.te!. Hr*, ttoo. llttwii• lb seriotK Binewa.
reaibed Soiun i
- r. 8atur% , (;r,ee B,»er vitiud with Betisle Harr *^"t^'i^rs t'leteUiKl I
>e gH
Samrdat night.
I'WrStto nut havs __ _____
lit Cit)
Dob nmoii had live leani' on
(i-oekf Uto.
*'• * ^ ‘•*
re h) bidding for the hoM*. os
'Ith Mr. aad Mrs.
W. O. IMvkemion aiie.idrd a
snow |dow all day Mondsv. He
Mina Uertrude Blake ba» returned I It mowed and blew « tterfet
;o the lavt that lhe,> undroluMO
Backapany at Joe Valid# at Cedar Saicrdat . bavtiiB a preit> hard turn- to keep
-Mr. Skiver'* eicter rmn Oder Run hoiMr Ironi 4'ndlltar.
'nito here Sunday frota tbe . uuih an niglu and tiirreeded In tondiog the road o]<rn
itiai bid* vrere'io be made »iualv.'and
1 *f Tima.
tk>m to Mr. aod Mr*. Geo. McClet- .Hcuitaweai. Ilf-*—
Eiare waroter
TlMud kin over Monday laM.
• bnrd
. W. Tanner, wmi thev **ked f
aeoiber noun, aa tbe sauw to gHIIng booby prlte by drawing «-m» sllb i*o|(to Our
The A. O. O. G. at their Uat regnlar iiul. Tueadey. Jan. .t. a dauittater.
Trav«r»e flu on Wedne>di' abd inc firti'ee .
Mia. Era WlUlanu - nud daugbiei' 'loo deep for uur n.all man to get ciberw.
them. .After rotii.ltWr.
BHnHw iuwUed tSe follooinf cMtUieuaulir i«tn: urinary !
•-...... at i: |i m. ,able argument the uiuiion to adopt tbe
Frank Bright ami family vlsiied at a» be wa* v ..........
•anra: C3ilef ctauer. T. C. Bporilnc: Biwm Tbwaday with Mra. MeaJ. Blake. thrcugli.
All are kidney burdena—
X. W. Heirington> Sondav alter hav ibe **« eaugfi! in the Moriu whiib
Mr*. Berole Rafiery aiwnl tlie tool
«|M. rhief »l«uier, iUired Wlalen;
The road will be e|>eae>l now fur the (Inrto walk quite a .JtotaBre owing io;ftlW
tiaily etcA-u ol kUao weakness.
'he .-ommlMre wa* voted
the road* *nh'*m.w."aod
*nh snow, nnd biln.P
blind' edwdais. Sarah WiMen; oecretary and of Ibe week In Maulaiet.
Mo UM (•• «ure the symiduiM.
tbe sirk horse giveu him from the ed the iiiro. Mi^Tanner ar.d John doso. and a inoiion i>a>->e<l to noilf
I Jay Al.iri.lge »-a* a Sunday gueal ^ n.a!L
tManirar. Alive A. Weroe; rondur'
to bat iRuporarr K (be tatnw
We ere atl verv sun
1 Stork. Tbev ltiled to obtain shelter »u Ibe •-omitsiilrs lu send In new bid*.
Uoir- «>&ductrr«a.
ranductrenB May
Mav e!
Berale Uaftery.
_,lfor tbe niaht. i
B- toMrar A \ Wili^ la-1
***•*'“ Uarvla were Mrs. iliare Uke Itelng I very sirk.
Cure the Vl.laer* and you enrelfee
^~;^rd jSa Ail«- dltUT Mtd F ;a“»d*y gueataat the home of her |air- Hope she will teiover aooi
board by Tbursdsv. Jaaasry IS. Tbto cause
.use, 4
Prank Kok<tv to going
Iher Of then, having large l.t
Reli.r vonie* quickly—tsiinea to
> ttoirer*
Honui to Uul lontsooi]
•eetanau county
• BMIng.
the action of tbe board In |iur rUf.
«. Wl. ™i.n, h.».
Daniel Prail cl Traverse (*ltv was will uteet Thursday, the l»b. at John* of their ImrsiTi. wli(.:*i
Doaa-* Kidney pill* are reltoUe
cliaslng bend* Iruui U« own member*
In our vlc'laii.t (in a (es day* iasi Kuegsegger's In Eaai Kassoo, for e
Prove li by joar deiaMKir’s rase.
'ramn over Sondey.
uue^tay aieeting.
lor *ettleiueiil at the se«'l»n next
Mra. JBaie EaMmaQ of Giniid Rapid* week. He buicbered a beef to take
Frank Biilai went to Manlaiee Sat
Tbe »lor.y ot a permaoMIt cure.
to TtoltinK her luoiher. Jlr*. Mila Imck. also taking some dry wood onbn to ree Ms wile, who 1* very and rest (or their tlrv-d budle* I w.
der s-hai Je>u* would ss> to such a*
The L-uniiuitice oa —claitBs and ar
T. J. CoUot.
«. 1'nioo street. ■
Grace Wilson and ttoiighter sli-k then.
ised shelter to those who were *o <uni> made'thelr report, whirb was Traveree City, vib-h, say*: -T>o
Mr*. E.I Gillroore and Utoa Mabel "
were tbe guests ol Mr*. Unia Bates
edv. WouM
be nut say. "inasninrh
(>allck were In Cmlillar Tfennute).
ago 1 cave . tmMir (eBtiinonlal
■el. who
ye did
*" I Bdward Mile* atoi family were In last Tuesday.
or of r
quite htolly while bewltig
Utile Donald Gray ha* tb* tuumpa. was oiieraied on for apppo-llcJito a
ibewe, V
Juri a*
week ago. He to doiiig (iDelT end w ill I
and also Mr. Case's rblldren.
jh.ghiv as I did then. F
>k> >..•
iSU '
->.^Mlaa Kmh Steven* relamed
Prankle Bale* baa purehased tbe W.A _>.t^
11 wa* afflirted with k
Travers* CUy Baiurday
plare known* aa the Rufus Urabam
'....< .iw.
n ouiMW
duitee BB
na lewoer
learber aioouay.
Rev, Bower* prearhed t ll^ ton-'*
4-ioui, -a eumbev of
a aoeleiy met Thurahe has
Mr. Urehmer of Charlevoii 4ld boalrregeiiaaal chun-h 8uada<
aday evenlnv. ♦ ♦♦♦« ♦♦I#
• cure*. I found but III
nea* at Ibe Pray A Pray atore Thura- •lay afternoon at the home of Mr*. J.
I There will be services agai| in
I Maple Clti. J^D S--Mr*. Mem ud efieu heard ol Duan*’- Kldaey. hilt.
lU CIbba. Seven todies were iireseui
Six below reio i« the coldeal seen'^^i,'
* f had seta ih^ rocomuiended
Afthere, but at Ceilar it went down '
^sihou) began Monday after d two
Mis* Orplia Frallck is still verv alrk
‘*‘'ivago. who were here to .er
Icrel iwoide. I sSal'y i>ro<
jer iieiog railed to onler for devotional
areek!.' vetmtion.
} ropi* of and wa* vim goiag.
with tvidKild feve;.
■ I’*'" mother, reiutoi^l borne Ihto tw«ii *i>i-|dv .( Wait A ttoss' Drug Store.
Jan !.
tnarenee and Andrew Fklrbanki exertiaeo, the ladle* lauriook of a
I Uke Aau last
Bam u> Mr. and .Mr*. Arthur White, lag.

I was astonished by the result* of
B the net____
Mtghfaocbdod iMt week.
Idow? Buy
.. .. trid.
tbeii use In a few weeks I was eatote^been

ttoorge War and ann
-L-. .■ • ...s.. should.
° klitol t-l.l,,. .'»! fUllr
"• • Tr.v.r«. tl., mil- tlrelt ciured and alsre tbea I have
I v(ias ciitr* Sartmnt. who spent the

• -E. TVt khv fBate* was cxiiecied home SalThe blirrard Sanday night was the to Kennedy * Sunday.
.vt 'Ve.lne*dayl>een free from kidaey trouble. OiVr
.with'Chriatma* holidays with her aunt, urday evening.
ucrai of the season. The wind Uew | Mrs. J*' Howar.f to oa the sick list,} Mr*. J. lloitUn* arent tt> Traverse
iber* of my family have lake*
sjrii ,
Mr*. J, to Glbba, left earlier than e»Kd Uke was calUng oa Mr and terribly, although it was not ver> cold.
cold, 1i Mr. and .VIr* Allien SbepheH h*ve^f>jiy Wednesday
idnev nils
ni and benefit I
«»wo. ?Vkarcrae peeted to aiieud o sindeai volunteer .Mrs. Aaa Itolmei'Sunday.
| Theroausarc almost ltu|ia*siible.
returned trotp Mamon.
City FyidaiB
.' *
i mUsloiiary tvmrerenre held In Detroit.
Meson. M. C. Uwl*..Willie lake'a combined elimi were made by ibe, Hetirv Boblk and family Tlslted atl Alt''I™ Wllttomi of latdlng
S Or* BrfriV reUmed.-ttftA'WfSson'* .leibre returning her work in tbe ined- and Uwis »
el all (gate hon:eli.ecple
home I |•ecple to keep th- ^oa.l*
rusil* o|>ee we be-!Atidrevr
beFisher* yesterdar.
.ton are here vi.lilng tbeir cousin*. Mr.
dci Milborn Co,. I
caniUinudi^evening. '
ileal deiui.inseai of the atate nnlvertbeir wood fob Baiurday to *|iend JleVf it lould U done, and .it
it wouM i DIek Cluff. who to working in the and Mm. Bloom.
.\ea Tort, sole ageats for Ibe I
9k lake frote over TbarMUy even- rlty.
Sundav with theh
dr (antilip*.
be ifo greet burden for anyom. aadlwoods near Enip'"
------- Suoday
.----j p u,,«n,. ,ho has been vlsHlui to Btatr’spent
, s
I Cuy Vandervoort. who hat been sufMr*. David O'-'Brien was railed to
with hir lamlU
Remember fhe natiM—DoBB's—and
; N^.Aker oBew^DonUl*' (llneea. Prank, fering with a aevere rut on hi* foot. her sister's beditol<le at Beiitoh last trcublt } make hi* round*.
ludingioB. reiuroed borne Iftursday. lake no oibw.

g[S?’ '

. plu.kj fu

Iasi Tburadar ntorulca the ibernMiiiieter atood 34 dntreea below



«». • Ulr<M.,«■■“«> •" ■“

■ SfcMSw^i^ -■


The Greatest Clearance in Years
the inost startling values ever, recorded in^Furniture, Stoves, Carpets,
- Rugs, Dishes and other Housefurnisliings, dpring





» 0-F I9II

Madna oMitMil&d ^eces-nuiDy left over fbristius pods—to be di^osed of in tbe next tbiriy d&ys. Tbis sale wili be tbe bi(fgest, tbe best, tbe dreitest
yiMk^vin sale ev^ inufanted by ns or any other Boosehir^diigg concern in tbis section of Miebigao, bec&use oqr stock of season&bte tnerebandise is larger uid
QE lMNlm better than ever before. We don’t want oar remainimf Chiistnas stock on'oor floors to become damaged or storewom; we would modi rather have
the Beaqr we ^ tw it, say nothing of proBL We have a number of beantifol pieces of famitnre, which have throogh transportation or stock arrangement become
mi^ or
gladly ^ose ot at most any price.
' even regardless of what it cost ns. Today well name you a few of tite many


Our Big

50c Picture
Frames^ 5c

Extension Tables This Dining Chair

We tove tna Bty to oae
hudratgUore ItuiB ntylu
ta Un tm tut to Htin,
wortt trow it to $4. niayr ot
Ikon in (oia< ts low oiSc ogd
Uc oocL otiers it ISc, 21c,

at prices heretofore entirely
anlmowii to the buying public
&iog overalocked with Extesuiom Tablet, all kinds. Some ol them have be­
come siigblly marred im being rearranged, on oor Soon. Among fhent are
aocne of the most beaobfiil tables made, yet we are pricing them so y<K> can get
a beauty at the price of aa ordinaiy kind. If you want one cooxe in right away.

Discounts range from. 10 to 50% Off
Parlor Tables


(or ^iow (he cent 'of muniioctinin,.
over these few examples:


idwf eucOy »m nL AM Bodi.i oncWy Bko cut, oiudiML M nine t| QC
€Mi4 Price . .fl»yO
«• wm startle jm with eqaal
Sooertl olinn lor loti Ihti
nlMS la iMMn cr an kMi, M- thoy cut u, tartof iMs ule.
Weglntaot nne tfoaeodost
ano <nen Muew aacurs*
tW tutolu ta wood Ml
*Bckytsoo«rt to tot.

The origmal, bagett, mest reUMaid mdy
etdapM SNaeOpiftfer ia Traterte Cty


tft.M Porlor ToMcs. 52.75
tSwM Parlor Tables, tl.50
97.M Parlor Tables. .12.25

These taUes are made of the very best quar
tend oak. natora] grain, French itylr. sli^ly
damaged, bat are wonderful bargaim at
twice the price.


Ubrary Tsbljes. Mf.e#
Ubrary-Tables. S1S.M
Ubrwy TaMe*.t 7.7i
Library Tbble*. $ C.«0

m '.ms^


J. W. Slater

Exaclly like cut, made of solid oak aod is exceplionaHy strong
Qeaiance price each_____j._................................................. aPWtw
Six haiwfsome cane seat cbaiis.
cootiDoiu back post, well made.


Six golden oak fini^ chairs well
braced and supported. s<4id ^ood
seats, did leB lor $L50»4 | A
each Oearance price WolV
Six beautifu) golden oak chain
full box leather seats, did sell for
each $3.50 Oearance

Then we have many othen at
prices betyveea.

Morris Chairs
A ^tlendid time to gel a good easy
chur at tbe price oi a cheap ooe.
Prices irom $2.S0 up to llXJt.

k wm pay you vdl to take a dev oir uni
come to this great Jammy Saia.

linuiD iXD nuVEKEilArEAOLE, xauESPAT, 4.VNXABT It ijll.

rai))ii) m tiLEw

fHIkk.^ bnjpvemMtAs° IFrniWfEISlIXLT

By PralHMr V. E. SkMMn «l fln >. A. C.

TMRStB iIt Bit nSE

Evidafiee Pound ThM WcgHeto B>.

The todrito wtth roast


Lav* a Tory goad ebato of orMohco
aad tbay wfli hara MOMk WBatkin
to ask tbo womaa whoto haU to tbo
y JaDlfo shod aoMBAt oa the

' PACE V . ^



Me thu to er Wie. X. H. I
> mam taB



Commander «f Cnttoor
Depottea Gimodl end Groce of DePaaaad Away N«ar Capa
tbeeii Intbtoaectioc of
t^ jtoat week were In
Washington. Jan IEthe elt)- Toceitor. bovlos erTired
(j^lMoodey eventns. after
iohn F lathy, of Protected crnlvr
*U., houod at Suipinit for a maple of l)ea Moinew. died aboard that Tsoaet,
Jan f. id tk-inlty of Cape Varda to- I
Ilvrr aad bewri dlaaaa«« for erer fertr dara. Tbejr had ret; link' u> oEer
rrsn and wtll b« plcaaad U> ctro the

rradrr aar adrtcr se the aabiM fra* ; -gardlBi; the Ohad Wcetxale re«e oltli
pliM (hat wbao they toft
It to octlr «M wMfc to IcMto, but It
l»>spr|iMld*t(i Americs'a <urae. Bur

fiffl or toatnictlM of ■ pncUoM ktod
X tba u> ‘'
(lock Blood imtars cooquerw dywpep
bolteis^ MEOtllj
Mcniliy of
of the nardered aian. hat sla every lime. It driTM out Imimrl
tbet the taTMT eMraetotae ud to
a to oat
r oe»rtoB bat that 2^-UeSl“^' “•
r they are posItWe that lb* man ties, lonei the stomach, restores per
wflltof to pot tote opertototo Back
I la Obed Weatgale or Wftltom feet digenioo. normal weight, and
good health
•eed Beiecttoe win be gire* apeetol
IdlBs ane prorroma.
V he was known in this diy.
heart etch
Sererol Impwea
: bare baeo . U-blle'lo Kaikaska It wm 'found FOB bALE- ._. ______
win be derated to the BeMeI nude to oar prap^y. The town eod- tbai Ak men returned from Vauoouibellowa. anvil. Champion
(Ctoedaoed from Pope One.)
ttoa ot BMd eon.
plates, diaa. upoet. aboelag tools.
ded. abade trees ^aced In front of er. B- C.. and that U'eatgaie was om
WbllB tbo eetioce pcotoMOfB will l0 kSclUoah. whtrti la glren bare
Write or apply A. U. JeBery; Samlot and Boaton It? act around the of tbeae meo. It be muraed with
«—*«««»< br Mr. C a. WUUuB* at fuU:
Jan 10 1* IT*
buUdtog. aeteral pieces of farnlturo them he would ba«e to take the CaeOhio. «M e( tbe »oM enloont plut
have been added, chairs espcclatl). adlnn Paclfle Horn \*aucourer and PLACE WANTED ON FARM—a
9t todbx. m»d b7 otbor Bpe- the U L. A.
family of two to go on farm by the
eUlMi. the r«ct vUl Ml be loM altht
AaMhvr year for the U U A. baa bat many more thlags are needed that would make a roniieution In
month. Addreas. IsiuU Bach. Honor.
e< tbee tbie to • teraen’ meedox, parsed into history and we aund to- wbM we hope to add from time to Windeor. provlag that Westg^e wa>
Mich . PII. F. D. No. 1. Boi I«
to Detrrolt at tbe Unie ajlttougb it
the beglnrlni; of nnochy year time St wr flnanres will permit.
Jan i:-IO*
tlty to ttke pwt I
We have 3m volumea la tbe Ubra. to hot known whether be was seeking
hope it «m be juat aa pm. The year hma been like oth' r>. haring added m during the year. bla witi- or what hit huaintw was.
We were repnwetiied at the state in tb< bunch of tMtorw found in tbe
er yeore; to aome it baa brought hoppiiiesa. to others rorrow aad beavy federation of Woman's clubs, held at trunk uf tbe Westtmte woatan Bererbnrdeas. Mphlog wc can aay will add Hilladale, by our president. Mt* Pnll si were found from other men (ban
to bapploesi of the ooe or detract who brongbi ImcA a most imereAing her buahand and whan the depuilee
fiom the aadneaa ot the otbv. but the report of tbe work that la he log ac­ feath Deiroli It J« thought that they
hy that progressive body,
aiiaie iiraaperity secmi to foUov our
submit to >-ou our othei
anoctotloci: even rotnlne work U ib<eama each year and the
llie board have j
j n-IwrtB. which -will tell )»“ •hat has
my Teriety axhibiud by o boy
in'dle ibe Onsnees as Ju-j^'’
**>>■ TOur dollars and the
oadar twaety yean e< age.
dlrloualy m poasIbJe. Wc bate held i
reUrea with the beai
It to oaadleaa to aay that
twelve rtgtJtor board meetings anu «'l»hea for, the prosperity of tbe a^tareet will ba mutfeoted to tba aiady
td matm cm tba pvt ot tba tumWa two specials, the buatoeoa of which 1‘*
BOO batweea now oad Jaaoory U, tba has bees aubtuitted to njk at the '
opeatog of tba abow. Aay
toter- qMiteriy meeUnga. There have been !
eated to tbto coatast, or aaj tannrr four quarterly meetings of the w j
MA VoBMr DMt eb fieOese Perm.
loteraotad to eor- '----------------‘
acciailon for hearing reports of of-1
Nottae MBigWi. Jbri Md Ctoee C«l(leers and transaettog Bucta other bu- { Bird loters have l*en much inter
to come
during tbe past week over (h<- '
iha Acrtenltiira) «
tore the aaaodMioo. Our menrher-1
“>« evening groebeak. .
ftoeoBne to geiBttoe to cm t
phlp hai had a eoMUnt growth aad! *®“^**“*
' toltor In
164. We have not been |during the severe sea
“"‘'e from farther
son over oaa vm eeoM hot podhlUy
»« »
ba detoeted by cboetoeal maaaa. Tba any of onr nembera but aome of our!
to OQually tna ot altragea sod membeTB bare had lhair sorrow come !’*■« '«*««« frees ihelr
borte held. Ukewtoe. a smaU to tbeai. when we have sent Oowerw j ^
P'“n>»K« making them vorj
at ot ootae nbataace ttoa to and mvaagea of aynpatfay.
| tv'Dapiemnis.
They are two ln<;LM
oetnally laJurioitB to pisot growth
Our soclA aMnwoos held every-chan Ihe
rubln; forehead,
might be forated to tba nil. bat wlU two weeka during the winter tnoniba
and undemeutb a clear
the praaeot matbodi ot aaalyato It
have been very well attended and 1 yellow, with dull yellow on tbe lower
ooald M ba dyactad.
back: Adea of bead.
tbroaL and
The ferUlity y a eoH to asoBnUy *e»T ancooaafnl to erary way. the
T IB A WXLL KNOWN fact that
commliteea to ebargo.Mdi tlnw prov. breast olive brown; crown. taU. and
aatoa bare bead produced by tba Beaaored by lu erop.predBotog powwings buck.'tba latter with white
aad tba OBaoaat of ptoat food that
• vbcMklm
aacoortary frothera. The bill 1* one
to wly oaa of tba taetora
of the dtotJogutoblng cbaracteHsilca.
has BUrtad out moA
Otbv toctora lnflaea»
tag the prodoedreaeaa M a eell an ^-_ATS OP MICHIGAN. Ae Clrcnll being blunL .heavy, and a whiilah
New. wtiy a«i.tar wnh cald fsA odwR
phyatcal to tbelr aatare. aoob aa Court for the County of Grand Trar- yellow:. The birds feed
chiefly on
to «ua Mtag ee todiv. ■Mbeugb at
seeds of pines, cpruees. and cotton
nde 00 alow m to 'ba toaoto lapt dratoage, colUratioa. molAtira bolding
H coats aa littls to keep warm?
Tboogh theaa va. GarrIUa Potts, Francis Furman wood popUrw. oecaAonAly seeking
faoton eaaaot ba. msaanrod by ebaa>> Pauorer. Matgapet Aim Van Kirk. E.
Aa tbo otlgtoal neks wat* to.aav leal Mslyato. ttoP ptoy aa toportoat
uther seeds nearer the ground, tt^eu
Homer Rico, and Harry Bloc, beira of ,__ _
eaoaa «wy oootptoz to tbalr aanre part to crop produoUen. ma they aol Hugh
■ere arc • f«w«f th«
C. Furman, deroaaed. and Laura
very silent. Imii
It to

a that oalf
» tba yMd. bnt AUaa. heir of Jane A. Tauipletoii. dc i (‘■•J’ fl> they utter a loud rail note
' Iba nMHtog boOa would ba ogMliy tby also ban aa Importaat toSoairo ~iMad. dAendanu.
to ibe spring they bave a short aoug.
ntoo the anUablUty ot ptoat food la
very melodious, and somewhat
Very few of lha aeito «( Mhiblgan thoaoa. sembilag that of the robin
ine bSM eatMd by tbo braoktoy
rran what baa already bees esM It GarrIUa Potta. Uargarot Ann Van
none for a Catalogue
dm of neka to ptoeaa. but they
Vt»«'a$2.50 wtm
Mwwa that the malto of a cAaaik Kirk. E. Homer Rica, are not resiMias Ada Waters lAt laA evemnj
ton MoUy boa« braitokt troa a die- cal aaalydls M a aoU an <d nry Holt
' the state of Michigan, but re- for Chicago, wbeie she will s|>en<l
Eimlakon............ .
ttMS aad dapMlted. Bath aolto an
iwbere to tba Itottad-Slafoa,
tomra aa tnaoportad aofto aad an
and It Aao aattofactorlly appeartoa aevera'l weeks
tbs HBhwtC*.»Va*
roffl aSIdavlt on file that /the said
Bt».IbO EAST FROriT.J».-,
Doan's Keguleis t
fonm anJ that
1 by aakJag thaa larry Rice ronnot 1be found
,lur tfHDDKd
of tba son Itosit. to the Bnt place ils resMence to unknown, and thai!*'*'^' griping, nausea, c
mj O BETTBS pnat eu ba kM of
, Afrt«K»r»J
^PNOMTCMB 0t dM dSaSi to eMOncUM vitb ti»e
tMtH; tadar. tbu tb* faet ■Ml mneijni of the
tku be It «tUlBK to iemra the cbom

kirM BM, 9^ hlf cboteest
u* «ui «c «on Md hiB






There’s a ^pler and a cheaper way

A wiKTHi visirm


to handle your office detoiL




Modern Methods


Mur. a>e.<t kokeriMl

will save you money


IWco.-. $1.75. $1.50.
J-lieU.............. .

Stooo tba aeith-a oartaea boeaiM
able to oapport ptoal Ufa, aad rejeUUoo bagaa to grow, ibaro baa baea
added to aoUa men v teas of orgMlc
■tatty which baa gnatly toereaaad
thoir OMitoxtty. both m rwrda
tbcdr obM^al oo^mMUc^ ato phyal.

It food to a SOU caa bo
doteraitoed wUh a fair degrae of aoewacy; bot uM all y tba ptoat toed
to a K>U to avaltobto; prohaMy oaly
a eery amn preporttoa of it b arail
' aWe at aby oaa tbaa.
I That* an ao roUahto ebeaton]
toatbahi fy dniymtolni tbo aaent
M aralobto ptoat toed to a ooU. Md
It to hardly' to be oapeowd that aoy
.otoyteal ttatbod. ttoi aiaat ba py
torattd to a ecMnaratlnlp aby:
span at ttoie, caaB Ualtoto
liBltaU tba aeiiea
ot the roou through the eatlrp grow-

tto mSL”'
***“ ^
o adtaet A tlm
tor aad maay other agaBdai
that aU tend to ebaaaa ibo,bhomkal
mikdtni A tbcaaO.
) Them tM that* nro aa

I A ptoad food.
B Ma
ttonny doroid A v
I to Mdt
that ara otbtrwtoa nwp BradutUva:
bowMv, abatoAi A tbo aAl tram
MKb apot aroAl set ob«s tMblto kt
•II wMifoc tnm tbo mU'from other
JMta AtbabAd.
• PtaHs «« mw» I
tbe addtuon A good
ofttoB to Iba aAl tbM aro tba
Dda A BMlyAa. BOty P«M«t A «•
tiMl p«to«.pv hero to M.
«M ottaa wttb mackad auetba ■ddittoa A tbto Mb
tt Jfto Bnt Aa

abooM be laade as petfect aa posAbto in bar lUeOma was interested In said
tamlB aad would If alive be ooe of the
eantal etfoaUoa to the
—irty defendanu of (his suit. Is not
of the Bead bad. by fodld
resident of tbe state of Michigan.
t East Point in the $
Itoa «t ihe caap ml tba right time.
efo. ncb. whan tba aoO baa beta
put to tba bem posAbla ccndlUan.
lor. aolidtora for' the ateve named
the enp wOl ba abla to make
ordered that the ap
bast OBS A tba Aast food
. .. ___ dKaodants be en
preoatt to the aaO and A (bat added tared In this route within five months
to tbe (ora A maanres or other far- (ram the date of this order, and in
A Ibe appearance of an> of the
WbU. tbo. ar« tka banafita to ba aaJd defendants he may rouse his an­
derived Cram a cboodcal soil aalayAaf swer to the hill of complaint to be
TBo BMOltt A evb ao SMlyAa are A flled and a copy thereof to
toforeot to that they show m whatbar
ant wlibla flftoen days after aervlt
or not than to aa actaA dodcleaey on him ar hla solicitor ol a ropv .
A obe A tbe ptou food Aemaata aald bill, and la dAault thereof ihi
foltrocM. pboapborto add or potaabJ. Iba said bBl be token aa <
ww ■too A Ittanot to many and
. not ao appearaCord the bash for matheaatlrol rol- Ing and answerim
And It to further ordered ibat the
eatatkmm aa to bow many yaars ot
aa araraio crop woAd ba
grows bAen tba ptoat food would
ctttotJog to aAd
that snch pubiiroilon be
commenced within twenty days from
tba dbt* of ikla order, and that such
are otberial rather tbai material.
pubUcatloa he conttooed tberoln once
Thar* are a few q*AKadva toats to each week for all. weeka in sue-'
r that tbe. e _____ ____ cause
that may be Bfoda wbkb Atoa fmtob
a copy of this order u be perwonally
a or any
the tarn for soli ■AdRy. Many peo aerved on tbe said <' ' '
pta ndrim tba farmer to make tbto
tbe time above prescribed
Uat blmaalt bat it Is muck battar aemal appearaore faerolD.
that tba seU bAdlty teaL as war aa
Tba sAt above entitled to lirunAit
aU others, be made to tba toboratacr (or (be porpoae A qAetiug tbe title
to Ibe following described lands and
MI over tba aula, la tbe county of '
eoMtoy ar* Uhlbtsp tbe atady A tbe
— ... - A tote throe (31 and
(Htb wawwd totaroA,
tour (41 A aeaion tUrty-Bva I35t. to
ba fonb- townabip thirty <301. north ot range
>uAtdf aa foUowa; ffrwlnnlnf ai
at me
tbe I
r A Mto
Dmik Fargai the Tank Hamv.
Tba aevars waatbv A srlmv ■ tbmee soAh (our (4) rods, thence
■PM os; aama A It hM already aaA to tba bay. thence along tba shore
fMMd by. iriBbottoatoufopro. ta ktlniitoE also a atrip or land flflaen fUl Itoka wide on the aootk aide
Ika trough or tabk (or tbs dairy bard, A tot fi adJAaing tot C aad running
iway to the bay. all In
naaa appUaMa caa ha prtxmad at
wnablp aad range alnrc
maflaaata eoac bra anally tostoltod and
*a add graktl, t» tM oomtart of
Frederick W. .Maync.
**• dftetoy A Mdtr

Let the Herald and RBoord Co.
do yourJobVVork.


RegtotA la CbaBcery
I A umtor.
ra (or
Jaa l> l>'36 teb : 9 16 t3


Mat $7.75 kill, CM.
Idllji«l ikon___

The Different Kind of
Muslin Underwear Sale
It is customaiy in these Annual January Sales of Muslin
Underwear to feature low priced specials as an indication of how
cheap the items in the sale are. We state plainly that while we
have piroty of the low priced specials we are putting all our
etnphasis on the

Quality, Fitmd Style
of our garments. We hesitation in saying that every
itOT we offer is the l^t value obtainable. See display in east
window as an indication of what you may expect to find on our
second floor. There are a few odd lots priced extraordinarily low
and on the rest of the stock we give you a

Straight 25 per cent discount
Every tyoman interested in nice underwear should see this
exceptional display on the second floor.


The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.

.... U9

Woo.n-.$2pb» loo.
winoJion ..................


1.50 J,on .

Mca’a t$.N aaB $4.t#
Paleal Shoes
j og
(.hik0«7 Uo) _._,i.O0
Woo,a,’. $2 .B kid.
wtnn lioed shoes
Men's Curas

l-^WinR* ---


Men'i $ZS0 (ch shoes
kid (oxed.................
IIS ciaaranea aata to.wortb laillni
your friends iffatA.

A V.

UMuig ttoua •tor* A Troro^* Qtty




. _ . _
If I have an i
Te the SMeUfot Kllto.
Tba ItoMUfal kllla-ther an far ibeie are those who say 1 hare-^el
. away.
me C-y to inodoce a new effect by
___ ________
_ auaHiy.
ni suntPon tbe beichts.
•!«« the___________
.tdlmlaatia* the Irritatln*
Ushla. aome daj!
Perhaps I slander my nelcbtors.
ThonEh. tho road be Ions, and tbe diA or try to overrehrti my bualnens asao■ Bi^t falls.
«tatw Perhaps you are domlneertns
Brer a Voice Utrautb tbe dsrtmoss or mapoos. Let us ell use Mondu>

as the Inralns point in wr Uvea.
-On. and oo.
Jo»«» wver works very bartl on
To the hills ol Dawn Monday, becanae Sunday was a dhs
on. ami onf
°f >«» »»lh him. and be rested too
hard. Jones try to work with new
They nay. on the hills of the days and vlin on Monday, and he may become
ehlhustoatte over his Job.
■nm Biwtt ettrs shine through a storm
There to a very popular aua In
of wars:
America who la popular largely befiWsUJI this word to this soul of talao: . **,^
day Is new to him. He
■ . .

or wmpostt. uwy

turned ihsi tbe vrorW l»

they shine!
. 9B. nad on
To Iha hllta-of Dnwn—
Oa. mad or!”

old. They made him President of tbe
l-nltcd States, and be went nbout his
,ork as if it were a bully gaaie. AH
gay loag be worked with enthmriasm
____ problem
over each
hllhi and faith « w7 mtd m Vleht he sleni'eathiislnuoa*.
asiimlly and so^woke re^hed^aed
krop. unm to that oa- t^TioV^ll^o^r
wt!d mlS««• »o U" «* romly for Mill another new day.
Bnr tbe hMvaas kaow ll-lhs wom.n

undergrudiiste* there poaching eggs for sick persons use

■To Uu^rT ' MU, to the ImauU- *^‘ •* •**^
“ **® milk Instead of water. This will give
said It a V
a more delicate
... . .u
..t I L.r.v.
... flavorj than
iai kUto!
from him to them, and I doubt If they poached egg. u.nslly h.v and wlH
Oa. aad OB.
will ever forget Colonel Roosevelt
• the DUtrilive value of
- To the fcnu of OawnTbe glR of making old thla^ew the food. ^11 enough milk “> ro»«r
On. aad oa." pinch of salt and
-^^k L. Slantoa. Is hto. I eannot Imagine Roosevelt the
-----------------------sayiBK. m. ne -sae. «. . .^vuu., ------------'
- ....................................................... • -Oh.dmr. here, blue «?“V^

riimil are the mw aad women • ^ •«*“*• *®‘ «> W “P'**
^ *

• of AM wthastoHna! A material- •
-No. he 1s wideawake In a minute. * •
*•“ ‘
• toUc mis tea DM wither tbem..aor • IT tbe sun to ahlning. he says: “It's u "*“*
. the ^d-s «s«m of stommln, • boll, ds, for work.- 1f It is rMnlng.


w....- ■

• UUle too hSTthey haep ns tberw
hr from atagattoa and perotA
• aad tanrUa the while we are holdgaa par hLTSd’V!!^^
hats aad woadartag
• how igpi
H will UaL
• my do aot becose dtoheart• dsad. like the trot «• am. when
• thMr plaas fall, hat go to work


Evsrytblng he does be does as If
be wAro doing it tor the fim Ume. If

THURSDAY, JA?iCABY 12. 1911.

place uid all naoUDd were Iter
« UCLPt Fon THE EHUT-IN. « « NOURISHINQ ailOl^E. CT«. ♦ «
Let til wake tfae days »e«. ^rea ♦ O ♦♦♦,•« O ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦#♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 0 ♦♦♦ O ♦♦«♦•♦♦ ♦♦
ibotish «an are a. old ai Uwe: aad F9t ibc etolr-Ued lovalld m »reeierChideea mad OlattMt Bnth.^Aid
Cheer baa beee thlaUBS. ai
wbalerer we do that to rtghu tot «• coarcatoMe caa be foBad than two one pomd of kdn of wntua to thrM the cold winter bai sealed Oowa orer
do It with aev-bom enthniiawi. Then or wore drawers fitted bcaeath tho plnu of water: boU teoUr uaill eery the land, of the two dssses of dear
Mae Moodsy will be a tblas of the i^frweat. These should be the width tender, addin* a UtUe salt: strain -^at-las." oae or the otber of'whleh
imst And the world wni pneress to- o< the apac^ between the chair-Icr^. Into a bMln^and when coM aklto oE are le he fanad In alnost erery howe
ward better tbinss at a taster pace of any prefer^ depth, and meet an- the fit. Warm when senlns without in the land, ^bere are the smaller
than abe has ever compassed.
^er tbe cetu^ of the seal, drawiof dDuUn*.
number, who have already passed
. ------- ^^-------- '
out on eltb^ side. Fasten a narrow
f^Ucken Broth.—A aBtall chicken or <hroo<h maay days and nlgtita of
«•*♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦•♦♦ «rip at fftwt and back for the drawa Ur»e fowl, iboroushly clean
•«“ eomptole InvalhUsD. and

« ers to slide on; make them of thin. ^
*n ,i,e ,kln and fsi n- *'**' •'» P^fhaPs daaUned to aee many
lipht wood, and suin and finish n ooved. to to too chopped, bones and
before restoration to health.
Hinds and bodies
po,cbod )E«tB In Nilk—Poachin* an matrti the wood of the chair. «*ni- ,il jmo small pieces; put them with
***^ “*'■■
- tneoas bolllns It in water
____ .pteUne
„ with s handle for each. Read- ________________
mi* , ssurtTisti
and add's ___ call for the most tender and eonsunt
^*,1^ wlthoot the abdl. To iwnch h«« mstier. varlati* articles of noodle- *f boIUne water; cover closely and
>»f «helr
em m milk, fill s 'sinnll saucepan *^rk. *«»«« «<» -riUn* nsiertaU. dinmer over n slow fire for two hours. ««»«••*•> «Pe>«ls upon cheer, upon
„ju. uhree-fourths luUl. add a ctoan handhefchlels-a host of little ju,pr remoVUis. allow ui piaod. Mill “>oo«ht for lltOe romfo^ and upon
break two esss In a Ihlngs are alway s within reach wlih- ^vered. for an hour, tbcu sinUa
saucer, laklnc care that the yolk re- out troubllns auyone.
itaroush a sieve.
„„m,'.-hole, and as soon ns the toilk
The upper porUon of s discarded.
Jolce.-Takc one pound
boll slip them into It. Allow...............................- "
Mml7'tor~five“mliglea ran be made Into a most .wclrome
qllirllrrm 'imo
, ,n^
trim off the ouppori for s bedridden Invalid. Thonc-qusner of an Inch, place •*“’
^0*11 edge of caeb c*k. ptoce on ttosi mny or n>ay not be removed, ecsqueeser or s meat pres* and tasks noi too failguelng.
Then, too, «e neca tbe wisdom of
a little milk on to the cording to clrcumsiwccs. .After saw(o,«,ibly eatoict the Juk^; re
idato oi dUh.
1"’®**''-'- P***
move tbe fat that rises to the surface Solomon combined slib the skill of
of sudden and
invwlld'a Toest.—A very nourish• P®”*®"- kbA rover with a ,f,*, ^hos. Never actually cook tbe lialned
iH-rfasp* rri
critical illnca. with which
vasbible luaiertol
i„can be made by shredding

so mSD}'
many ol
ol us have to rope- Some
Mn7«'"ol II“ sill r.imlah ■ .-••irnl «iit>TinFt
«Plw« m-han
••>en Brio,,..o Ubi™p»o..
,, „„„
pcef l*nt U In m snueepan with
i„,f „ ounce of melted butler and
“‘“•locd with pillows alone.
b.r, ”«■
^ scmllntaHd.
scmHnvalld. who,
who. although
although coo- , , .
' the Infiui e of mind over matter, of
brow* 0,*, *
fire. Season with
twothirds of a plat;
« “
to "»
«..! o..r My. «l) ‘rt™ ™
* very llule salt. Take two Trisculls. n»ri ,o b.r *'*■
toast them and butter on« aide cl
trjwf '"«**'>*• ■"'*
‘ >*“'*
J'®'" isle that Is loM Hut we sp- strnstbem^a dish or
>“’***■• * of .water ihsn In the abotr. boll >o»n ,HBg on tbe up gruds and the belghU
h.v only been s.talned by . rompsr..
p,.,* and nerve hoL

« «>».

rhe strips Ibe ucedles. |>uttltig them
Orange Juice may be added to grape
Imo plain dcniiu cases, in which form Julro. making a rcfifshlng drink;.or for the Invalids of today, and for
they are abipped In quamliy to ihc tbe Juice of raspberries aitd currenii those who are lovingly caring
, fl*>- where they find a ready sale, tnsy be sweetened, and diluted with them,
.^he loh-l.tlon of tl.e balsam is bene- cold water.
flrial ) the health, besides giving .
"Shut Id! d|d ]
,^„„kln* of the plessure of . romble
Coffee for Invalids:
Ob. no! Only Itf away
in tbe woods, and the work docs i
roff.-«-ls one ol the good thlugs|nf Out of the dUsi a^d turmoil—
’h® ®>«»- «» ®«««y all torp.s ol
^ ,.ho,,. ,buae by lu users
The burden snd best of the dnineedlework do.
brought It Into disfavor by mlvo- Into the cool, gred, pssturm.
A msgnet attached to a ribbon U
of absilnence from all siimnBy the waters ralm and stllL
n boon lo an Inv.Ud aid- w do needleespecially is I. debarred When- 1 may lie doW% In quiet
work. Dropped to the floor, it win
convalescing from illncs..
And yldd tb myrf^er's win.
return the lost seism,™, needJ
-Earth's ministering c


r; ».■«■ '-'i-


°[ ®“*‘- **® *“•”

> of those having s reguUr

^ r r"'s:.=“ r :”r."7r».i'rnr"S:

n little of the estract of meit on.the ui^^'TtuTT'ln ronitori. and olten Intop of toe eggs. Melt tbe butter to Cueing sleep.


In the h«wd for the past two months
and tried innomersbis so ealted rvmo*
dies witbont avail. Koose knows bow
I have suSsTsd. not only from tba dim
.U« m«,l. o,

Idas for a abort
uao only, and U
ii.« W».
y,tnni«d. i
Itoraaa to aU auSersts from ihto «to*
mm.^ This CMnana.
hlartsl.Oblo, writost **W
------------------ ^_.a^balfof thsiims,
and was sors aad scabby. 1 eonld ask
fast at night on aeeaaat of eoaUaaal
“I had tried several teoMdlss sad was
sbonl to gtvs ap, bat theaght I weald
try Perons.
»Af ler 1 bad takea ahoal sas third af
a bottle I aoUeed a dtffefsaee. 1 am

faefs kind and s
e alt and learn together

. r.i."r.r.r;v’,r

r of suzicty while e

' ***rd gtged In other duller.
ron tor'“tSr pl^de'^ *«»«■ « "“r makl« the tomrt
Brushing the Invalid's hair and bstbU «d1i^
I^n. bell run ns If It were hi. fiSt
IHOe «trnet of mesl upon
hand, snd face arc «,rvlc« T‘ .1 ”
deriioy what little apiwtlte their
rnee. He will breed an enthnaiasm “•
scarcely bi_ "P______
_*«**-_ P**®® ®” that oan
have- Df course there


«-hUe 1 U®


- r :r r.r,r.'„..
“• ‘v.7Lr;:,'r;s.^ r-

roffee slfecu^ toe
Wllousoess bnt

With esisrrh tor eighiasc years.
*•1 think If those who sre eaicisd
with eaurrh woald try Parana tbay
mid never regret It."
!lan««4in «n id«i

Ask Yaw ■nIfW hr • Fik ro­
an MsHMcbrWL
^Wlto toothpick; end dry pero Ilk'latter lu be soaked as needed) doR's
furniture esn be Btnda and a heuau
easily built from peateboard boaes.
Berap-books of alt kinds are good.
Hy rnittog tornitore ^cturro from old
cauloguei'. psnUng In proper posi
Ilona osch two pages ou repiwTOBt
B room. Paper dolls can be cnl'and
dressed from Ibe differani colored
wrapping paper*, various nations bw
Ing represented by'the drssses.

,q„arjuni is an Id.-al siuusc•’*‘*P'‘®"*______ ... — ----------------- u,pn, ,*r an Invalid. The Br»i rosi Is
Tlie wriu r In Health gives tbiMol**Mtog. suffering body
,h,„ ,n„ <>( « i.ird and tag-.dlrecilonh lor msktog coffee
„f ^.^^y pal"
’'*« •H't ex|»-nsc Is smsll. The J’*"'
fan never dim my vision..
water need not l» changed ofiener Jurious:
My spirit cannot restralk
Ibro once to tap week*, snd there !•
Java and yiochs cuffee ebonid be
dirt Utter or noise—three thing* blended to »uU the taste. The roastThe diM for tovsllds d^ds so
PspM ch*Mis also amwo the HUls
___ worthy
consideration when ed beans are^o be finely ground, tbe ___
mgeh upon tbe condlUon of toe pall- -onro. aleo rooMiag clay Igniro.

providing for t'n (tivalld,
A- Ublespoontol
that’ only the most genernl direr' --.--I.... projoooo muto Joy.
Wandering Jew to wide- this ground eogee U to be osed for
^ ^ven; the spertsl ap
eggs throngb a wire aleve combed bottles filled wllh water rod carh cup of water.. It Is wetted with p^,|on uuM l« left to every case-n Souls that dwell In stillneas.
and spread over the whole. Rehosi
Reheat (,i,ng In-hlnd plriurc are quite pretty enough told milk to give Ihe flnUbed ih^Judgment of tbe norse. .Neatness. ' Doing th- lltHs things or tasting
r a lew seconds and serve.
yffeetive. and win grow
Uii- produt i a rich light-brown rotor, says , loanlines*. rod promplliude. are tho
milk lo earh
.Nourishing Gusurd —Yolks ul three trurr for munibs.
great requisites in a sirk rbamlH-r yi,, jo.i
perfectly fulfill their
g MHef from rovwa pMa; parThe world Is ilways new to such ns eggs. one-Iourth pint of water.' two
delightful t-limiM-r. uf ground i-offee. This In alloned
Oeriian Ivy
Tbe 1e-st prepared loud is spoiled by
Igew frtim Hlaess, when eltoar be.^'—
" „
Of heel exirari. Bcut gu'j grows well in the shad-. This. »tand In a riosed pcK lor at lesM live
Be Just as usefol itolhe PaUMTo
h »----groat--------stroes---of clrrunslroce.
You sn^iMs
a glR
with II*—
the .ll.-**nw|
cheerful I—
little oxaliv. In a minutes. At the end of this time
^ u-forc the patleoi. Whei P<“^'
SI aad 1that# It
the S-M. yolks, mix the nirsi 'e\- «a,u
■IhYaagk tauaso aad aoddea Joy or roat be cultivated. IhU faruUy for
prevtously beat- hanglng-laskri. will brighten a mtl- iK.iling «su-r l- poured
,ured oov^r the roDk ,ons are 111 toeir semie. are often prry,„- who grapple with ooaie glut
\ »• havo booa shocked Into thinking that l^h noment bron lu
beaten eggs, room and cheer an invalid
snd coffee miktun-.-. a cupfnMo
' <.^(1,
cupfnV to even ternaturally scute;
acute; slight marks «i(
■g ourselves.-aad rompelled to drop of aew-mads honey which n-usi
when one la -lek and obliged i ■ inbleriwoufqt ol ground coffee, as al neglect which would not Iw noilrt-J
Oeavln* a path, that every «ro tony
atracted. but I am not sure but
the iroad J?•««►"
* '^-toke one's meals In bed. the sliding ready slated, after which Hie t»ot l> ,, ,no;her time, beronie t-xiremely
;'tMy. tor neveral hboro. Tbs pain
■*“ dU■**' that
**“* any mumay loam to be enlhusl*1. . yutuTd inold w Imm'
. ^
an again closed snd
and set over ai nWele.-• ,offensive, and i
dishes Slid
and the wclgbl of Hie tray
minutes delay,
Saviour cares for eboMtal ae1 as though by magic, aad wre astir
^ ,towpan conlalnl;^ sowone. says an rx-invsild My hu» str lire lo simmer for about t.-ir mnr~>„, onj,
» w fiUed with aew thoagbla that
Take up -kindness as s new ihl^.
water, cover with buttered paper band made me a little table of three iiies or to boil for one or iw-o nita- ,o:iH.-tlUH-s reallj Injuribua Paileure.
rompletai} forgot oursMvea. pur Most people are kind at ho^ but ,Bd cook to the oven for about twenty boards, having the top ixE'v leei long ur-s. It is then ready |[ not used at
,nd natural kindness of dlsposl■HtoTOtt. Ws sre toM again tad nome have never•discovered
discovered the
the fact.
fnet. ,n,in„io. Torn out of the mold and ,nd the legs in Inches high. These .m..., n should be devwnicd so as tn ,j„„
,.-.seniial qualities to a good
I tn our Oulds Book, thnt “The Jeromtf. In his l^nUfu^
„ pUy.
„ "The
. _ serve
hot or «>ld. -in oooktog this were of the same msierial and nailed avoid Hie ahstiaeiiou from the coffe-- nurse and when to these are added
Jey of tot Lord to onr strength:" that Pasalng of the Third noor Bacl^ cuatard. quick baUag or Meamlng s<x-nrely to the ends of toe top. Tb'- grounds of ibo«-. ingr,-dlenis that spoil flrmiicss «jid good Judgment tbe sum
we mrot leL sorrow give way to glad- portrajeo a
n “Stranger wha by the jj,ouid be avoided, so as lu prevent i>^nrb Is set ov-r the jK-rson's lio*t) the lasie uf the «-«ifly-e and Injure ibe ,„j,| „f c-xo-lleme In ibis line has
that we Bmst be "cbeerful beauty of bto eharncter. brought out
posalble oiagulsHoo t the alhu «hen Iwlslerr-.l up in Iteil. and as 1’ stimiach
thus made is not bit
„.,.i,cd; s* » general rule, howChrtsUaro." •^hare is aioro than ear- Uadnros to otheni. Some nave
cmilslned In toe eggs and the u «,ud and
weight (oracs on tbe n-r, and » li-n l.iio-r. 1: has abstrai-U-it
„„(sbaU the nurses Injure their “** ,*’,**',”*1 ^
faee thought tn thta. They thnt wait thought ibis cbarocter s supernatural
apoa tha. Lord ahall iwtew their ooe. but there Is not a mro
-ftiUerod Eg».-One egg. one tea of comfon; with a iniv..-roth spread or slmmcre^ lou long
Mraagtot they ahaU mourn up wito who roads th^ worts *ho has bm
.ppe.r- ,nid- d<e-s no injor,,
If a patient Is to have weak les snd
aaglaa" Says a more to him of b« toe ability W bring ont
m-ne . Miim.iaui «r «pp«lsei; i grnhsni bread for a limrb give ii to velo]i." nnd >ou would be c
a leas thro Sbakoa. kindness In tbe most unlikely persona
-----------------------i„. lg,.rai.-s and aids dige, Hiem, bui rerocnilver that even weak for hours with 'when Jenny had scar­
let fever.' or -l»w near nomeons
How to Take Mediein*.
paaro blmsMI, "Tour marry heart go«
tea and graham bread. If. properly
came in di-aih's door, but the doctor
^ tba day; your and Iwart Uros In a the rataro vpysge there was i
toe egg snd'sHr quickly until it begins
'•‘tog i.suaeous llii.iids it Is i
•crv-eil. will appear sa s royal feast
got then- lust to time to wve him."
.adtoa." Oaa might go on repeaUagtamn who emtendored kindly u
, set. Hsre^pleee of toast n-sdy. g»®d Pls" •«> drink a small .piaiilU,
Aimple Ailments of Chlldreu.
Wbcti arTBDKtng a saiv.-r always us.broaUful
. bat It I* by her 1
u luiihs and ihelr
Her paspUe the mlxinro uiwn It. ®f '•'•d »•" t before tbe m.wllclnc.
preiH^t tray doth and Ihe dalnt. things I
day to be dto
; fri-Mul child- ...............
Ws all know, deep in sags around the deck was n benisoa.
liddtnwa Made With Ekb — '•'1=' «'hlH» the organs of last,
I cffeil «|»ii
(-tuns tbi- bouse oS'U^ds. never
Talking nbout your aaigb
oar hoam. that aorrow bngged to tbe She had ao tbougbl but that tola is a
tsplocs. oue-hstf n nder* ihetn less susrepHHle i
• leii, wUetlier in sickness or besllh. o,uj,|jng
. hms-vRallty. aa««y.
onnee sngsr.
sugar, loreeivmivus
threefounhs of
s pint
flavor. There *— - physical
............. now and swmI
A ounce
ui •
v-v dlsagrcv-aUle
------cannot Ik- .>veie»tliiial-d
Every to possible to ob'ain them. If-the <M,r
auengto. It tont easy to tell others shone throngb her delltate akin and
^ Bavorln*. If liked, diffen-ni modes of giving castor oil. i,ot. m,i.-s« ihei- is some good teaflowe.-S U offensive. H^n a sprig. God. the blue sky and the sun glinting
^ Thme
the _____
are notM> of us.
ns. IHumlned.ber geRtle eyes, and
and as a
f«^inaeeog« food, whether ““d «•»- advocates of em-h elalin that oon
.omrar.. such ss a skin *1 mim or parsley may‘take ih-lr
Wwevar. who have not experienced eonseqnence every one had a rood
or barley. Put ;t theirs Is toe best It I* r-commeml,.r illiu-ss. should have two
, dainty basket fnl of Row w ho are ^(rald
fear of getting sick
thto la our own lives, rod tbe cote wort tor h«vr. It Is not s supernatural In t sancenro with the milk and l-i ««* to Boat H oo boi. wirong eoff-e: i- ,,„h, , a»v-«n.- a tub bath to toe
on toe-^slver with , tblng t-lae,
Uus eaUroly within onraelvAa. Others flunllty. this obUlty to make people
pm |i to six isbl-fimonfuls oL cold nminlng toe other a worm spenge
hot mUk vou will Bad ihdid not mt as la this world
t help ua W* mBK finf reach think kindly thoughts when you come thick add the sugar and Bavorln?
“d let It eome to toe boll; in ha,h »(,«-n pm i« In-d, says ro old do.taking tbe milk with an nrd
weakling*, or eavarts. He expert
the palM wbara we want to be glad. near.
.nit 1 well beaten egg. pour the mix- •U’’ •* >“‘®
of .-old
The momlag luth is tondurtlvc ,*nr, mot would have been mUsing «d us to grow, u look up. not be
Wklis^ ofon moat onme from our1 never saw- the tadj before, ogt
ised pie dUh "'"•t* ''■* “'’’P’' ®' *’ to bcaJintuln—s and ilesniness. tbe
,jjr milk been served alone Msn« I*®"''' down with fear ■'
, tearful are
,-se>K-e Of pepperuiml. and give thnHig:i spungy baih i night U most useful ..t^er IHtle deriees will be louud tost observe those who s
---^fs m grant Wp to rood ouch «, j»v-*r see her again, ^t 1 know
. biUof li
noiir; •
f®®*- •'
‘® on se.ou..: m ns quieting and sooth
help' to shorten the long bom* •I**.** l-ror «r tlch
jnful of
of i.-e *sier lo-.
troniler. aad
krwtag axtracU
dredge -wfih
suimr and aerve. Wheu P®®: “ inWroi«oonful
Neither hath should '.f
, .-«t,»a1esrent patient
I have Uved on t
• ------ -- .-S'- - ■icu-cV-.^.-K
by by such expresslom> ns: -Ain't abe BsvoTing Is used
^ It ^
should »»• put In “ *»"»• drop the dose of oil carefully oh„ve or ImIow- ■.« degrees tentjwr..>
ibere would l« no sickness to ameunt
Ibe padding JuM before It Is Imked
'Iadd n little 1.^ water o» ,ur.._ *, ,bl* ttmperaiure there can
* co,,ber-roW.le affords
niu,!i to onyiblag. until u doitor moved lato
Jt woold I
A thin piece of lemon riod boHod to '®P
"" ------------------V
tbougbU tame tnio her beed. tpilt*
removed before bskin? ‘h- water, and slip* down without ,.„h removes .ueh deposits as have b,if pi.,i of peanuts, put <h-iti to
theugh Ih.- rhiiMlan gcJeaiisU were
An 1 wilto. n farmer Is mowing sure that all the world wta friendly.
leaving any uaplessaai lOM- brttod
excreted by tbe >kln during th- ,,e,v. .bins bowl snd give toe sbm right that
e to tbe msagow opimsUe. He bos rod tbe.meroesi brute would ocknowltaken night, leaving the pores open and ob*.
, bsipln and lei her sc- how auny be well
new toeroeo. a new «wwliig macbtac. bdro her quality to enme way to oib
a* tuonv people *uppose. making the -q^blwra" t*n be tpesn-d witb the pin ihoughis."
Twre Ways WHh Toaet
be bimeelt to a new hired mro. Ihe er. •
t-hlld more sensitive to'cold. It rlosn m , Ri.en time The pesnuw slip nod
Oliver W^ell Homra emea aaU:
gnltBMU to aew, and the day to BM long
With her. <acb day was a aew day .
Beef and Sw rorkTs v,-rv nour«he mllUoits of imie pof«. «H®w
,„,j etod- the hatpin, which -{f a)| the medldae to tbe wgrfd amre
very berotlful. She ad ‘■"■d dellcatoly and evenly loa.tbora. Aad tbe gram to abeetouiy aad the »orW

• was. Their faith aad hope proph-.“
• aer their eveataaJ Iriomph. evro •
• It Umy hare to wait a loag tlDM lo •
•roe toe dlwi^^ toTday they •
Aw oMRrir aod
. » •'vewpa New Tork.

e e. • e e e s • v e y e •

be cared of it it has carried him
through stokaeas and through tHfflcnhlro rod through
h.'. to love with work, be's In love
with play, he's to love with, the world.
A mmnuin that would bar progresa
j^e part Of mro, n row U to him
at the dooblea h»l to be e
top Is
quick. Tbe view
•• TK. «n dswn the other .Id.
ifrojw oo n v e ouw
U ■'huHy.Hls vary faaiu are born of oBtousi-

••“<»psn- mW flo# and stir till
rcnialnd*•' of too extract of meat boll a few
the remainder of toe cheese.
i] of this mixture a
wbite of egg. lay the other round of
oa top. divide Into t
pieces. AiTMge carefully on s dish,

......... .... ... . ".i'E

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r-r zr.7; ^

nsTraw-n hOT
«««*• her eve. aad be would smite be- 1*» *t stoom for ro tostroi before serv- g„,n tp, ^oe« Is mil extracted
Itohapn there to a toM bora.
rouse Wr own smile was absolutely
tog- from tbe meat. Strain rod add a 11;
- Ths gust gcboel.
L«t as pat OB a nmWsTi-T «f aow- lafecttous.
Perhaps her smile was
Croelmr Too* -1 have oRen tempt- tie silt. Mronwblle »oak s tesrnpful
The method allopa'hit-.
amr have beea cd a very delicate appetite with tbe of sage lo water enough to cover it
■ day after day. «
I have broth,
haow that than to ^^»wg aew aader thtoUag of other thtoro. but the right
Halve two or three oysadd It to toe So
'the ro*.
®T a haiaro visage set to motion tbe
ter cracksSa. butter and ptoce In the
Ihe broth to tbe Bre'bomeopothtr
nnd letIt simWill do your body goodi
Wbaa you wake up Moadny moro- refiro a«l«> that produced a ktedly even to brown: pile upon an todllVl- mer ooe hour. Add the yolks of two
Bm If you would suy beoltoy
tag try to raaltoa ttet ft to the first smile, because she. htoU^er learaed
nsl butter plate, fpoo-another plate
eggs beaten very lightly I-et li r»....
...______ 1.
. .L _ _,.J J
_____ «-.!..
_ _
rpuo this muodsoe Iwil. Uondw of lu kind that ever bap- that tbe world to erU. aW tbs world strip in bits a piece of enli fish, add main a tnowMit snd take from jhThe Mialghi
peasd. and that you can --v- r a to not evil to hqr. it wo* always a pepper, vinegar, aod gnrMsh with i fire. Serve si -once with small square*
to tbe rmy best of all
- aew day to a thoanad waya
rod weaderfal. and bcaatUal sike of bard beUed'egg.




I iielleve ti was Charles Larab wfte '
peanut, by uxing toothpicks for arm-v ^
sold. -The atmoephero to W.toUM
and legk. This Is very amusing for
deep, so there to ae aaad df'tosiag
rblldren. a* the ‘'soobers'' may be ^
economical wfth ft."
ou|de te reeembVe au
There are more pfppto kOtod treat
well as penou
lock of sir thro toe. reaeh of ft.

Here I* a help for U« roildren. and
Ibe motbero who at* shei to with
The ktodersorien coloredpaper sqaarcs ess esrily be folded
' lato many pretty forms.

A camptog party wUl wUtodaad
kinds of exposure aad ao harm am .
n>M of it. a* aooe n* they arore
toto a hsasi aearly all will hav* sewa coMn.


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