Grand Traverse Herald, November 21, 1911

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Grand Traverse Herald, November 21, 1911


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


' and Travai




Mn. W. F. Koadrtdi. Yit* Of R*T.
W. P. Konddck, dlatrfct np«rlnt«n4-




Dan UodM Hao Reatonad Hi* Foal,
ticn With Hannah A Uy Mer^-bantile Company.


Barney Bbach ot this city, who U
Dan Loodott. whT^ been with tbe
moving a raw mlU naar Chase Siding,
Hannah A Lay Mercantile company CREW. RESCUED
WITH -DIFFI which Is about five mile* out of Hon­
for tbe past » yean, bai redgned bto
or. met wlto an naesnal experience
oapttoB dvaa at-tb* hcnn* of Rot.
poaltion aa manager of tbe crockery
day tost week. He boards with
and Mr*. W. J. Ooataa. Th*
and bonse fnrnlihlng department to
farmer in that vtcinltr. and tost even­
Yon* prMtlly d*eorat«d for th* ocaccept a limllar poeUloa with ooe of
ing It WM Just growing dnsk be had
eaam and th*r* won a larg* ntuatbe large bnilne** Urm* In Lot Anoccasion to gb out to tb* rrar M toe
h*r of ladl** pNoont. Un. Ctaronc*
gelea, CaL Tbe employe* of tbe atoN VESSEL FDUNDEO TD PIECES IN barn. There be noticed a good slxed PREPARATDRWTO Bll«l OF CITV
Oraili^ wai Riatnaa of
' him with a handaome travblack anlMl entangled In a barb wire
-Mawljr AM «M BNOWW Mi Tws Cots Vhll* Mr*, E. C. BllUaga ^d Mr*. Evwilng Waa Spent With Reeerv** eUng bag with all tbe t
tenoe. Ae owner of tbo farm bad
mgar ef Frtetten
Prank Ooodrieh prealdsi (a tb* <U»
polnimenu oa a Nminder of tbe pleaa- Several DtMr Creft Seoght Sheftor, missed -tore* s^ plgi. so eridentiy
'.Mm W«n l^rwintia lat
WM Mad* Very
liic roon oniated by Miaa«* Gold*
ant Nlationa that have extoted be­
«M Wm
Ex MotW
SMwtofl With Oiilla and
toe bear wm returning lor a fourth
Whkh CoPNot bd Loofi
Ann fAibor Car Ferry and
u. Rdiwhtween them while to tbe aervlce of tbe
lllanuai of Arm*.
when discovered. Ebacb secured an
•r turn DwwtMiHOriayod.
Large Unknown Steamer.
BMOta of to*. WocoIaU
at* and Ulled toe animal wlto a blow
;'n* ■mtiy «r w*oel ettem of and eak* wen oerrod;
Th* Btota naval board CMUletiDg
I. Nov. S
Glen Haven. Mlto.. Nov. Il.-The on tbe head. Tbe bear welded about
au4 TrsfWM Md Isoltaw oouof Major Walter O. Roger* of Iahiaebponer Connie A. Bnnon. loaded four Hundred {^unds. and lU hide rebels are tooMUslac M-ChMsB pra
tt« Md at Om eonrt booM Frldax
teg. Captain D. B. Dutl^tA of Dowith ttob*. to a tttul wreck at Booth when skinned stretched nine feet Tbe paratcry to joInlBg to* ataga of Nanhr rmrmtmt .
troH and Uevtenant C. K. Parmer
too ialand. She came to-ucboi entmal wm tooujbt to be an old real- ktef.
an tho EWrfcU in ttw two
Benton Harbor, w«n to the dty ASSOCIATED CHARITIES PREPAR­ to tbe harbor at an early hour tbto denter because of toe extreme tougbLondon. Nov. fiO.—OoafihtoatioB oc a
of lu ffesb.
aaQitUntudlttK'tW lad*Tharaday afternoon to the lateNaca
rumored maraaoa of fWdggBora at
morning, but dragged to the beeob aad
Tb* work *n b«iac
of to* local dmalon of naval reHaieofa. China, vaa recOtvM toda#.
pounded to piece*. The crew had
hr O. g.'LHlMr of th*
aerveo. Dortog toe afteraooo they Meeting Waa Held
Tb* Bumber of vtotlM 1% aot stated Is
narrow eacape, tha life aariog crew
«( PnliUelBMnietlaa.who Train Ran Into Op*n AwMch In Yard held a meeting with the board of
lb* dispatch. Mt tha robois ssob bptbe Utond baring barely time to g
A WKlal oflnt to drlU th* ofdlTYstora of the Board of Trade In
apoBsible for tho alaaghtw. M
them off before the reaeel broke op.
aoB thdr doUw In tti« 41aorder to am what can be don* for
town la In thstr poaaoasiaa. ItMfMT
Both tpar* were ont of ber before they
Chiefly on account of tbe Inclement
Mm «klcA th«x roynMOL ErefT
the betterment of lb* local dlvtolon.
«d that tho.HaAaafn oatrefi* wtU ta
were able to reecne toe men. There are
Philip H. Toby of Trarera* City,
4m11 •( Wo twal •cteol vttam
At tbto medtog Capt. DofAeld atatod weather condition* tbera waa not at sheltered here toe ateamer lUlnola.-an
by a gaaerol anti fra Mb* opt*
droman on the Pen MarqneU* and
large an atteodance aa anticipated at
•no vwr w nvldlx tad tborondi-;
what Bhould be provided
break. Dangw at trioltoB tatoow
Ann A^r car terry and a Urge naA A Hartman of Minkogoii. brakeIr.w tto tlM «oAd pomlt. and.a
boya to tbe way of an aiYiory. large the meeting of^ Bureau of Aaaod known^teamahip.
tb* power* u alao laodBML oMbb to ■
on tb* MUn* train received tojnrated
Dtveiant M*«x MMOtlon WON uM by
for drill pQipoeea. together
foredgB IbtorrMitAeB. iririeh-taBhot
epsd at Mesting.
MW Mwn M .ordar to eea* to a lec III * oolltoloo *t Petoikey Wednra- with room* foT reading ao that tbe room of the H^nna^ A Lay Mercantile
long be delayed.
HowliM WWfstOBAay of tb* sttoatlon day afternoon from which both died aocial Ider «(n be carried out and company’a atora^'^neaday.
Shanghai. Nor. SO^Tho idvoinaoB
on tb* operaUng table in tb* Peto*The opetrtng gun of tbe local option
tboie {weaMt. tomprislog board
•gw wnttnt WM eaUod to
If poealble a gymnaalun added.
k*y boepital ahortly aftorward. Tb*
unpalgn wm Brad to the'Clty opera ary forces approaAtag Idaakli aA
membera, otneera-x^d other* toteiWEBinc nod Mr.
It to abeointdy neoeoaary for toe
OriniwlI Brea Have Mevad Peteekey Juse Sunday aftereooo by Dr. Sam­ ber many tbenaaoda •»«• AhUat ~
wera aembMs of a train craw
j tW tensoon aalaly
member* of the dlvtolon to be prea- ed in the project, wera enthnalaaUc
00 toe aorto side of U* itvw. 4jNf
a marked degree, and condstent
|!«W MY >Aool Im and tbolr
on* night each week for drill
Steele* Manager.
he great leaden of tbe prohibition rerelutionariee wUh «1 gBaa ar*
.nrideB wme made toward! a bigger
tb* dlameta. Th* at tb* Petoakey 8too* oompany and purpoaee for which they i
marehlng to Putow. whl* Ita 0|VC^
to toe United Satte*.
f Mv Yoa alao Mly oaplaln- whil* tb* train waa going at a faat
Tbe Fe;p*key and Traverse City Dickie WM In tbe city to behalf of toe slu Nankin. Fkom Wutofea aa tB*
In fact, tbe object of tbe meeting
I. dW aaotteu ralaod in eoe- rata of epeed it ran into an open th* advantage A toe dlvtolon If at­
store* of toe Grinnell Broc. Music »Uege and exmsMitod to apeak to toe •onto Bid* of toe rtvor. %m arw'aiawltob
‘vMi :it w*r* ^i^iYorod la
wh«« aereral kiaded atone can tractive room* abould be open
and oeveral new member* wet* added Hoose have been ceneoHdated. with I>eopIe wbUe here, and although toe vandng. Above Chia Baag tfearw'ls
Yw* atondlng with tb* ramlt that, them every nlg^L no aa to keep np to the committees or list of a^ttants mala offleea to obis city. This gives meeting wm arranged on the spur of a tore* of MM riwlatatariai wi|h
( Ya« A CNOt oaowt of *ogreater scope to to* bnstoest. and be moment, there wm a good attend- IM gnu Md H to oratoiatei teat MM
tb* englD* waa broken Into • taoided iDtareat mod make It a home for the and Buperintendenu who have charge
- '
i W th* oOooio who
tbera. Tbto kind of a nUce can
tba Um of tta
ma** of Iron %sd the two oien cniahoLtbe various districts. As Is known, does away at toe same time wlto a tne* of tbe representative people of
kUamr ^rmtaaltr to oak «n«*- •d beneath toe debrto.
be proTlded by toanlng eertlOcates to
Tlra Taln-Pdkow reUway.
tbe city to divided Into six dtotrleu portion ot toe expense. Henry Stuck*, be dty.
p^-a«|;Wa« out teddoata that
Both of toe men w*n oldMmRioye* tbe bntineoi men at tIO per than with a superintendent and corps of as- formerly manager of the Bttoskey
Fifteen wanhlpa. bow. la tta riw
Tbe meeting am presided
li'MaMIr hOAp*Md U tiMtr dla- of the rood and Toby to wtii ksewn wblto wooid ^ao eatlUe them
•Istanta for each individual section. All
D. A- Hammond, aad to* aerlptnre ider eommand of tta itaMa. hi*
In tola dty whan he baa reaided ttf aMSnberablp to toe
cases within toe boud* of each dto- managership of tbe store here and will reodtaff and prayer were given by Rev. awattiBg tta oitaal for ttafilUck.' ;
tow sneb memben an
•OEM time, bto praaent ratideno* b*- aad ander
trlct are raported to the superintend­
‘Tta ifflparialtot BtoriMB ia «(»•
................ 1 Wo two -ooBitlaa. and
iwm^^ dii^ and poU
oa OroT* •¥•»>*. Be leai
ent. then to turn are reported
JOtmny.. Toby vai canght
main eftlce and help given according extending m far north m'MaeWnaw
*, Grand Traverse dtauict for the Anti'
tween to* croas bead aad ravara*
U tbe merits of the case.
*’I Saloon league, who gave a brief
yread oantimeM in favor of a' conlerer wtaera h* waa held and
meeting Wednesday. Mr*. salesmen will work from toe toaln ofto death when th* cab of the engto* ventlon ban for the clty.> was tug- ceorge' Downs wm added to tbe'Ui’i
tipped dv«r eftor etriklng tb* aton* geated at toe meeting that u might'of „,toum. in the Second ward, and
be possible to erect a building large ^
Fifth ward Rev. Chapin of the
eaotigb to include
armory and oak Park Congregational church
reading rooms, togetbar with a anltof ttat dto man. hM been advanced to ^ee man­ the fight, the Intention ie to
alBla anlte of offleea for tbe dty of- trict and Mr*. Roes and Mis. Barker ager. aad with the exception of Mr.
eutewlde prohibition tbe nitlmate re­
Setolo, coundl room.
added to tbe number of asslstanu. Stneke. no other change* are made sult and so far tbe work of toe organ­
to toe local force. 3. L. Canfield, for­ isation hM been very encceasrnl.
Ura. W, C. Hull, who li
Burarai NO* R*eM«i
charity work, wm appointed one of the
brief summary ot tbe fight to
Return* frara Und sRd
for toe Board of Trade where an to- board of director*. The superintend JackaoD. Mr. Stocke has bean .with
waged in this county next spring eras
Apple Mrara.
Article* of toeorporaUoD have been dutrlal exhibition of the preducu If ent of schools, principals and tbe Grinnell ^ro*. for a number of year*
filed Yttb tbe county clerk by
to* resloD could be carried on all tbe truant officers were appointed aa • and hM proven hi* worth Ih whatever
The Weelern MNhlgaa ri'ratof
Onto Iske Power company, which has jMt. Merchant* and manufaenrera special committee to asslit and coop­ poiltioD assigned him.. He U tbor tbe votes sre counted that tb* county
wiu be toond tafely in tbe dry col­ •nt bareau rooMvad a «tac#
been organtoed for toe pnrpoae of bar* already signified tbelr wllUng- erate with tbe origtoal board of toe oughly acquainted withl th* btulneai
day for $2,000 tor tho OfBM bA
. dtotrlAntioa aad eale of
to contribute to such a build­ Associated CbariUe*.
and In a]^ probability trill succeed In
a «all*d to ardor.
whleh U tta I
dieetrtdty tor lighting, power and gen- ing and It catriad ont would prove
In this way much good can be ac Traverse City.
of the afternoon and took for his sob of tbe gat* recrapta f
M ^Oth, at th* afur&ooa oouM- oral pnrpoae*. The capital atock
to be one^ the biggest piece* of compllsbed with too united effort ot
ject toe ratoon as a bnelnees proposi­ show. The work ot pBtttaf a
od'naUy dA d^artar onodkoa la IU.OOO. which to divided Into I
advertlatiSg' that could be done tor tbe workers, and on account of toe
tion. and the array of facto that be exhibit at to* show oaM tta 4
lYEWd to dM eoadnet at th* rani aharea. Th* tocorporatora ara Harlln Traverae City. Ai it to at prtoent outlook of an early winter the bureau
marabaled to prove bit point that tbe about $3,000 aad tbto amofnt iMti
iWoolA and nih point waa tally «x- Brown. David E. Wynkoop and Ralph there are but few people who know Is preparing to do a hlg worl: and de
or with th* proceeds frara the aUV'
bow many ctoaoe* of good* are made Tves tbe hearty eupportof the entire Acme Farm Shews Hew Oevelep- saloon Is a detriment to tbe
■Waod WWo WtaK Paadad or*r. Wynkoop.
Ity were irrefutable from a loglcai to* applet and other lapem*' 'wU
nia^iaifalili tlao Ya* spwt in ox- Th* aaaeU of tbe company include to th* city and oneb a place would city.
ment Is Affecting Grand TravIjc said that when viewed nearly make good tha orictaal oeaL
Vlawnc Yho U aUgfbl* to wot* at 10 aeraa of land at tbe onUet of give aa opportnnity to abow them.
era* Property.
the light of a'busloese tbe saloon This If an oxoalleot ohovlag tor tta
oWorf-oModan nd who can hoM Dock lake and tbe eatobltobed water
Many Ideu were advanced at tbe
had no standing In toe land, m It gave' flrat year ot the staw aad provoo
A aplendld example of the wry
’ tCtoi '«W
that only bonafld* right* of the lake with a nine-tMt bead. eoting aa to toe best means of tak
Dciblug of benefit
return for tbe that It to poMlble to pto up a dtor
wbleh land raiuea are increasing
oondnicted dam. water wheel pit. tog care of local needs and as toe
taapWtca. Yho an actaal roddaota
the Grand Treverme region Is that of money spent In 11 by the people. The Play of Western MhAlgan produSs
at thd> dMfvtat ‘an cBtltlad to nt* dynamo and all toe
from toe board, and the
It to of great beaafit to th* sutd '
the George Llttlelleld farm near Acme only legitimate bustoees that la bene­
or boM oISm
bnmitfit oot and neceaaary for a plant of tbto natora. toc^ dlvtolon had been all over toe
a nominal east
This farm wm aold on October 2Sih fited by tbe saloon is to* second hand
vaajWw* to atho of th* aadlonoa
wlto francblaea for tbe llbt city to search of a,suluble ball toe
Mias Gertrude C. Blanchard of stores, which thrive npon the misfor­
Pw»aHy,boMiii"YW on nonoatl- tns of tbe vfUagea of Buckley, Sher­
left to a committee
Gr6»d Rapids for >4,000, and In
iapda BBhaot hara a rate* In th* man and MeddL
posed of W. W. Sm'ito. M. B. Holley
erae Region Feir Aaeeeletlen Met
Concrete examples were given of toe
than two weeks Miss Blanchard
and Oeotge H. <'ro*s, to report
This Memlng In Hotel Whiting.
offered M.500 lor tbe place. The farm tanner In which the liquor IntereaU
detail within tbe next ten dx)-a.
«r. dsahor -ealM attentloa to th*
consuls of 70-acres, with a bay shore conducted tbelr campaign last spring Fiahermen and Kim^ Captured hf
WE that many of a* board a. ..
Owing to toe fact that toe navy
A ipeclal meeting of the executive froii of one-half mile. The ground !n Calhoun county, which toe speaker
Deputy Game Warden
ftgi on Mt 1^ oa acoodnt
WdepartiDMt has taken more Inierest committee of toe Grand Traverse Reslopes back from the shore of the bay said led to tbe ooncloslon tost the
<L Allen Bflitth.
hp oaDod In an lD«fal aannor. A
In to* naval reserve* than ever ber MBociaUon wm held In the
business is Indefeasible In an open
MWHg whlW I* oall*d by a Ydt
Tore. and os some of tbe beet young pariors of toe Hotel Whiting Monday BO M to give ex<-ellent air drainage for
Jm. Rose and Abe Lova. who ward
fruit- Already 30 acres, or nearly half fight Dr. Dickie fara a convincing
tm notte* to latal u a matorlty of
mortklng. The main oblect of toe meetAvenne motben' men of tbe country are enrolled
arrested at Frenktort a tow days ago.
ttoi wotob*ra nttaM. bat U th* noVM to fix toe dates for the lair
meeting Tburaday atfternoon to tbe toe divtokm here, ciric priije a
in toe work gives his words chargpd by Deputy Oaap Wardw G.
-res Id bearing. Tbe entire place
naa at a ■ntiag l* not 0rm in
toe people
year to order that when tbe an­ has been cleared and under toe plow' great weight npon this vital gnestloo. AUen 8mli£ wlto iffato^g to tak*
•cbool WM tbe mo« largely attended
o«Was, thn an U* tooshon of th*
nual meeting ukes place early to Jan­
of any notbwa' meeting* ever held k* aomo action in toe matter
The tact that Dr. Dickie Is a man of wbiuflsfa in a glU sot da GnWol tak*.
one time or another. It Is toe plan
boM tWft bo pnant to sak
uary. preparations may be begun Im­ of Miss Blanchard ard those i
at tola BdMol »S motben and friend*
national reputation m a speaker and bad tbelr hearing to tUm UaMgfWtoL
Lieutenant Farmer offered mei mediately for toe next fair. Tbe dates
being praaont Tbe program wm tb*
court at Fraahtoct Friday aad
bM won ntany lanrels In his debates
In apoakla* of th* nnall dtotraeu most olaborat* ever prapared for it timely snggetUons about placing too are fixed early so m not to conflict cited with her to this enterprise to
bound over to tta Jasaoir term
make tbe place a aummer homo aad upon tb* temperance question made
la th* nut* whleh ar* ibatauiiiing a regntor meeting, tb* topic being
City dlvtolon upon a firm with tbe dates of other fairs to this commercial fruit farm.
his appearance here ot particular slg- of toe circalt court. TMy wore piseod
r a taacher Mr. Michigan.''
section of tbe stole. It wm found
Several papers were footing and outlined eome of
nlficance ac tola time when th* forces under bond* of |2W OMh. Tbp eiaw
that tbe week of September 23 to 2T
[Iven that showed mnto thongfat and mtotakea that have been made
ot tbe two Inieresu are lining up for Inaiiun wm renducted hy HortoBFaft
. i% adax»l and nndtoto tb* dtildiw PNparatlocL- Tbe mnslcal bnmbera. other place*. No place in toe iiate would be tbe most available to keep
prosecuting attorney.
finish fight In toe spring,
to anopar *«WM If th*ra to one vtih- tbe flrat a piano and Ttolto duet br is nnore advantageously located for clear of other fair dates. Altboueh a
dress WM an ini|>artial survey of the
Hr. Bmito also charBBd Saao BoOm-.
la'mibnaM* dtofawra Tbto conrae Dorothy and CecU Dm. and n piano
naval divlslno. and when
week earlier micbl',bave been deslra Lindsley Brethera Will Feed Them to question at .istuc from the r«jini of beck with seliiog dacka at Itoaor
f of tb* graator dnet by Dorothy Holliday and Alice Ml Into eonalderatioa that there are ble. it WM found that this might con­
Their High Ored* Cattle.
view of toe local option people, and. Creek. HoUenbedK ■ ^
tWd oxlot* vh*N the
flict with toe dales of other fairs and
well rendered
toe way lo which to* leading poinu' tie* Went Covey's oowi fiaday aBd was
. aad atoo that th* and ootbMtoBtieaUy roeelvad by toe llot ready to com* into to* aerrice break tbe drculL By bolding It on
The Undsley bratbera„ who boogfat
brought out aad explained will
d a So* of m dta oasts of
tnehw Yin pot .lorth gnntv eSorta awtoer*. light ntraebmenu wera It to «p to the dtiteti* to become la- tbe dates mentioned, however. Mtbtog toe WlUlam Hhebel term on tbe east
give both sides of tbe question some­ $S.M. Complaint was grade by Mr.
toWn than an n toa*ar anniwr of aorved after ula meettog. .
tarested to tbe tocsl divtol
slOD to
else would be Interfered with and It. tbore of tbe peninsula la March of thing lb think about between no*
Smith oa to* latter ama ptov, ^
oWUna to taw «an of la tha
der to make it a permanenf
if flxtnre
also believed that the time fixed
year, broogbt to toe cliy Saturday toe first Sunday In ApriL
-Ul* tbe above arrstos'Wa made or
ltd enable much belter exhibits of five white canmts which weighed from
in to* evening a regular inspecNovember 14 aad li.
■ a#* alao adrtood aQ th* dl^rteta to
three to tore* and oae-balf pounds
ttoa at tb* dlvistoD was made .. tntitstoBd vegetoblei.
WWtala a mmr m K voold aot
eilmtoary plana were dJscnieed. Oich. Theae. they said, were a fair
Captain DnffleM. and be found that
W to fha oWoaaa of tha diaMct CtiUal*ii at Stetor Car With Fralght tbe moo aad toeir accoutremMiis and while no official action wm tahen. average of what they were harvesting.
voald odd voatly to tho
-emed desirable that there be Tbe boys are well pleased with tbelr Under Decltlen That foP Crtma* Pf*
Train Caoaad Wraeit e*i Am
to very good condition tor tbe
, otoMp at tho track doM lo tW
preposition aad are
the farm
Artar Rallraad.
imoAatioa they have at preaview te liOfi. Dnly Milligram «a»
Anqt Feats Ordered to Mata Triipd
oWoal. 1W raoaoy to aaiatala It
prodnee crops tost are canalag tbelr
eaL Many at to* Mmber* are new
tonea Can be Impeeed.
Reato for Tretale ea Mem
«po BM tOM oat of th* ngnlar
reeratto’and they mndaeted tbhm- of toe depanmento. .Seeretarr Mon- neighbor* to open tbelr eye*. Tbpy
teas aMtars
1 bto order* twelve per- eetvaa weQ before tbe criUcal eye* of togl* snbDiaed a eenplet* report to are planning oa increMtog tbe num
MWo Wt fnra tW da* «oo« of tho
lonl*. Mlto.. N~i7.—Tour prtaoi
vere badly injvred tMay m tbe to* TMttAif -oCBcer*. It vaa orident detolL sbowtog that aU obUgajion* bar of bead
cdBWp.opd vbn a acbool deoa wt
cattle and eveataally era were released today aa the NWaahlagton.
Uc>«B)er Oanban A Bbrary n ham tkh amray raoalt ef a wnto oa th*
that when a salt- have Ues promptly paid aad that tbe worktog Into registered Stock. U they sutt of tb* Bupreae eoort's ruhfig ta aral Wood today ordared oH arWy
that br light and law b*hmg* to n. railroad, when a motor ear
able drill baU Is aeeorad. that toe asootcation M abaad tbe baOdtag aad coattone to make pregreo* to lb* five a Jat^aoa prisoo cm that aU pria- posts te btod ibsaraMvw la seaOaese
fw pOYor of tha aehool board to to a (reiBhL atonoto eemph
- tmprevameata aad* oe th* year* to eoete m they have doM tarvm ma^ pragreoB that wtil
bnatnaoiof th* diatitot lahtog th* formor. Matormaa
srooBda tbto year. Bvery aOort win tog tbelr first simmer os tb* tarn, Job* USE, tor erimra ooma
plaea tt at tb* brad of otmltor <
otoi Mr. WWor m■da to make n«it year'a fair tba piao* win be worth twice vhat rioosly eoold not h* haU i
to too eute. Tb* i
that tta touowan atMam Mm a»taai
aiMh bottor than a* iMt OB*.
they paid tar AL
____ (OagHMH aapata tarn.}

•uoeytMUL MECTiNo or m*> *ot of th* M*thodlat Eplaeppal
TMOT omeciw Mfa.0 HERE. ohttrch VI* giMot of honor at a r*-



















■J.- :



IMI Jtlvdn

r* *


MdOB roeu hi 1ikMBo«: It te «
raoMted tbnt neb n «
proTlde pernMMit oSIcm for the hm
o< the dty. WhMiMr Mm latter proponltloa aboidd be Indnded U a
la aay eaae. defi­
nite atepe ri»na be tab* to pterMe
anltable arawry ter tbe aa«ml rervaa and a «M»autee haSaaeaM «•
a losleal propoaUloa la t

chtmrn te tbe raada
dMM.te ateal noa baVe |lrl<Q|
~ pteeedTd^ total far tb« firat tdi
neethe of tbe >aar batac MOAM toM KnoxvlUe.
ahead of tbe «cm ttne la me.
1K7—)oba Baaa appotated mtatoter
fart atee bbaaal *iacs baeia
t Baiari fa tea tiiaitelia gm
“ -fiAr 4«^ «Mb
U tbe taat three vaefca. Tba .ateel
trada Bte aeataMy «w«i ttW.eM
and blcber prloaa may be expected
At Cbteaci eai «(ber aaaaabd aaa-


) bar# laac baU beak
from tba market are bactefifac t» laoaaee their tntteeal la'petmt ende
bridge aeroat
eeehitdte. For booda tbara baa been tba Tbanes apenad tor toot pasaea
Her gem.
tteaaClMli teevlar ciaiafrealr:
1770-^itet Tfawwsddeao. tamoos
Cuntob sculpton bom. Dted Uarch 24.
ISU-Benr Admiral ioba a Winatew.
tea Kaarmrga in the
On tbe mb. mb and ittb of rebrafamoat fight with tee Afabama, t
-•MNITY •UNOAT.-n iMi. n a* vMttOw «t 'ary, tbe etate oonrentlon of tbe XMilla Wllmiagtea. N. C. Dted fa Beaton.
Otr. Kfa^ aad«r tt* Act caa Betatlen and
In dew of tbe dancer oC defeat of Sept ». im.
aaaoelatloa wUl hold tbelr aanaal «on• niteM* ^ U7I.
1849—Re-snrvey of Hanon and DlxTentloa la thli dty. TraTerae City baa urged by Prealdeat Taft, tbe Amerl oo's Ube cxtmpteted.
atate catbe
Peace and'ArbitraU^a league is
with cnat aaeceaa mad aorer a
avariag to abape a pabUc
«K. The people of tbla
t' that can ba hoaa«ht to h
a Doo Cartoa Boon died fa
alwayt boeplteble cad cn ont of tbelr favor a< thane tnaateaerhen they shall LoalsTine. Bom March ». 1811.
HAmnAeTUMiw . will have way to eatertaig tbeae dattori.
be takea op at the'eawtag soodoa of
1910—Count Len„ Tolstoy, teatoas
that taaaea Trarerae City baa beconte coagreaa. Ooe plan adoptsd Is the es- noveUst faid social reformer, died at
»nnltan «C tiM Mk*l«u HwNtee- kaovn at an aptodata
\r.” aad Astapovn, Raaaia. Bom In Yatnaga
MWdattoa haw kMi sruud dty. The eomlnc eonTeatlon vlU be Novamber M has baea dealgnated.ap- PoUana. Aug 88,1188.
_. tu
._ een- «U»46(I by approxIinMy 80C of oa which day dargymaa «li ever/tbe
------------ ----------------■B.4
W t»lw ptoo H l^nslBS. No- ^letalsui'f bsor ntMaotlol ud enter ooontry are aakad to prsaeb
18—Prince Henri -de Conde. Hcet bnalni
npaa tbe treattes and tbatr Infloaaca roy of New FVaace. arrived at Qoeeorpen^ r pradona <
of a trataraal natore, bat thU one U
Bottena. Lattera hai
1*58—Thomna durtterton, Bagllsh
MHlaHoa le’d^ailiied la Ita ata
atrtdly a Imalaaaa propodtloB. Tbeae aaat oat and raapooaea have baaa IHemry gralos. bom. Died Aug. 24.
-^■cim ic tUa>:«iac6aad tan and I
catber once a year to
Thlrty-thiwe 1770.
Pfliateataecre anba ateta are a«aa
Iffiptovement in
1806—Beetbovaab •'Pidello’ flmt
aad modern metbodi of
■ taobaana ~Calty 8n
irfomted fa Vienna.
0 at tbla doing but^ Tberafora. the
1806—Napoleon tosned tee Berlin
a a( the maaotec- Ing ccnTentlon win be oae of great
decree, declaring a blockade of tee
■oatattoa are eatartac a ptxrTbla la enphaalzed to
Thia to a proper mev«aiit and nas British Isles.
■ Iba wmad that before the tbe'tact that It u a badneaa gathering that will appeal to tbo maaaaa of tba
1861—Genera! Ui
rede called apon to
of videnwake bnalndaa men. To these people of tbe nation, apd It to i
I tba raoommepdatteaaaf tbe Trarerae City aiU extend the
army, held a review o^
conntir she
im—Eari of Elgfa.
«CCM be ateaetad by tbe ’^exoaaa" tax
this canoe, wbicib appeals to faumanlty ■ general of Canada, di^y
ftenMbtcteaaawat dUlcaat and thor- here, and vben they oome, tba' local
80, itll.
mm mill, they belteta that tbe nb
) will make It tbelr bval18g6-F1cst
■an ana abated be axardaad la tUa
tee C. A. R. met fa L
■teHte tei ardor not to tecwardlaa the
1876—Porfirfa fMa* aeenmed office
klbMHMal tetaraata of tbe atata.
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A > provisional president of Mexico.
naa fa the atata la daap- dtybaab
bly on tbe mnp
fa tbte propeaJtloa and daring tbe lent few yeera. bat there
lUS-^3asUvo Addpbas dted from Piencb Caabdlaos arreated In an at­
atlU a grant many who
woaads received at tba Aaftte
tempt to Saatroy tbe S.
know what U U that makaa tbe dty
sn. Bern to Stockbela, Doe. 9,
pro^erooa. Fmll bu been the lead­ im.
d tbelr dtera to tba apadal oo» ing topic of pubUdty for the laat thrae
174b—Tbe VYaaeb aad todtons
years, and our mannfactnrlng Inalltn- prtoed tbe vlltoca of Caratogs.
tkma bara almeat baen obaeored by '1776—Ftott Waablngteii. Kaw York,
had tba I
a la «aB taken, and wbUt It horUcnltitral derriopmeiiL At tbe captered by tba British.
r Indaatdet are growing
|(>a «toa to mdfaat tbe taxaboa
till—dohn BrigbL famoas Bai
ale hpoa aarporsUoai. tba aaaoOP gUFPRAOETTEfi
.waman, bora. Dlad March
hfajb^ 'tbirtH Va matter of
It of tbo Tnra to be acted apon
itU—Jobe WaBar. fatmdar of tea
■ Otty BosiiMaa Maa-s^aasoclatlm.
aty la a coed (btef: ter tbe
einatty. It la aleo a aplendld thing tor
be ciren
and It vonld aeea that thia opportnlty oSera a eolntloB of tbe eoareBtion ball problem:

... ..MM K«.^

oMn, in mn stmt


NtfDk 3,100


A Gleaner Harveet sapper will be
held at tbe ..rit^nge HalL Friday.
fag.' Nor. n. Program will be
given. ' ■
\ aad Mrs. Oeotge Manro are
expeeied borne today from Boasoal.
■ and Mrs. Loweli -ftoara spent
Tuesds> to Norte Milton.
Mrs Lowell Morrison spelt Sntardiy in Trarersr City.
Evorott Kyeett aad Jay Oorwia
left last weak lor Sparta to

tea-watk of hHwsiiag tUi part of tee
of tee oteer
bnwevar. have faereasad tbelr oeatribouoaa.
The groBod
were refused wns that naaevupeleos
real estate men have t^en advan
tags of tee eraaaltatkm'B advertising.
BatNwa of wonhiess land
Mr. wnd Mia. Albert Osvey
fa kllchl^ to unsuspecting pureba>
am to oteer sUtea Of oowm (hit unrday for BRsworth ts spend tee
wtater with teetr sea Piufc
kind of frsad bas done tee state
Elk Lake senoel to ptoeniw to
good. The amo brought bere by mlsgtvs sn eulertnlnmeot a( tbi
Tbe UhaUbaod to that be afU rwamla a ball Friday enwing. Nov. Nov. M
'The program wHIrcensInt ef miem,
knocker for tbe lest of bis life.
Wffl mmembti awly tent be wus
help. Pvoe
died qn Mtebignn toni and probab oetalders Mt^-lrlll be u
never will have a good word to say f
B« R to lost thU term of framl
wblrb (be iwmnu,to seeklmr
teraci. It ptoms to tell the truth
about tbe state. It gives dependable
tetennaiten, bm welts an toad Hse*f. It
«ks to sift woobbbe we«teri fa smfa
manber teat tease Mtboat
•ge to eaeoeed -Wia not eotne.
offefw edvanee wumlag ef tee diffimitlee white mtNt be expected oa certain
varietlea ef ooll. wbfle ir tefU wbat
amy be done with It by Intelligent rultlraUoa.
Tbe very fact that Hes am toM
proves that -MMMgnn to galnliig tn
prestige. Tbto Mad of frnwd was pneticad an MlcMgan by Cbeego taklrw
loag befere the gereloptntert bureeo
was arganlsed. The beet way to fight
tbe nes to la support bb
wMcb tolls tbe Uwtb.—Bditortol Orend
Rapids Evening .-reOB, Oct 27. 1911.

(OonUntMd from pnga ew.t

they teboee wRh iha'odMI wifamet
tee ennsem of tes idildaeu «f tea
dkfaricL exsapt ta helM 'oefatol
buJldlnga. AU raantoa and pttrebaaes
eaa ba mode by tea baatd >toirl
isae at tea peopto This to A'aMB
tralteailon of power, bet It weeks eat
aa K- makaa tea votosa te fi*
dtotriri Bora earcfB wbem tkey
. to fill te* efficaa.

1 steM MfaiMMteeu «b %Mte-

ed by balkN eed tawa bn aetaa»-Me>
A Fatew^ vUpHN.
would have toUca on
)ortty and wbae slartM Mt W aa
larked ibe soa of P
»flr. ^ arreptuee vrifb tbff dffaetor'fiacatbs*
South Rotewoed. M1C&. but he
with ag affidavit to tee offset that
they ate legaBy eaallfiad vetara le
the dtotrtct.
' from taklag six boOW.
Its the beet
•t Kidney mtelrlne I ever
shw." Bsrksrfae.
be. Tired feeling, Ner.
. .
vousnMs. Lose of Appetltsi, wem ef
— ‘—teat may
*dropsy, diabetes or Bright's disease
Beware: Take Baotrie Bttiers aad be
Erery boUlo faaraatosd.
at all Trarerae City Drug Stores.

M.&N.E.T|fne Chaaft
Change of Urn# steednlod on M.
N. £. to Coder City and Provemo
to uke effect Norembor 8:
Teuk r No. 14 uiU leeve Trnvurna City al Patar fi.
7 a. m. and Tnin No. II vRl arrive Saattbbi
in Tiavefee City at 10 a m. •Tmto
No. 16 will leave at 2 p. m. and Trato
No. 15 will arrive to T

- - -----------------------

Report of tee Bloc ecbool for tbe
month ending Nov. lOth. 1911:
Number of days uugkt. M.
riortfafc Sale
Number ef pupUs enrolfad. 19.
DEFACLT having been mads fa
AveiBge daUy JStendanoe 16.
(be eoadluons of a corufa mortgagt
by Jonas Hmaem
Percentage of nttondaaoa. r.
bto.wUa. of. ten
Those neither tardy nor nbeont are:
—----------------------4. Cmnd Traverao
Clyde BurmU. Walter VerwtoUr. Lena
Treece and Glen Troece.
to D. W. Reynolds and Earl Bcyiufidf
of the aame ptocA of the second part.
Peart N. Been. Tenebor.
dated tbe third day of Jum. A. D
1910. and reterded fa the offios <
Starts Hugb Troubls.
(be Register of Deeds for tes County
If sR people knew jhat ntolectlir Of Grand TraTeraa. SUte of Mlcbi
ronmipstlon woQld
roQld rteolt to severe gan. oa tbe aeventh day of June. A
Indigesuoa.. yeltow
. .'Itow faondl
or rira' D. 1910. fa Uber U of Mori
leal liver uwjble they
to l&O. on which mortgage
Uare to
Uke Dr. KI.....................
KltgV .Vri’ Llfe Pms.-^and rlaimed to be due at the date of this
lu tbe only safe way. Beft notice tee nm of one hundred sixty
tosnen. bendatee. dyspepsia. (our end 7P106 <1164.79) dollars, and
lEOa to no BaeoN-Bagle a oom- oadoB Ttosea. died. Born In ImnehiUt and debility. 88c at all Trasv nesfat or graenodlagi at tow fasrfag
4mm any tateadea to swerve from
erse City Drug Stores.
adabla anggeoUmi. Ho argnos that: tea la 17».
-BoarinsUtuted to recover tea money*
miyw aad it la tbatafodi dgtit
secured h> Mid mortgage, or any part
bo a,
ud begnn bis march tbrough OeorglS'
good tlma to abow tbe baataeaa
Moit(ae< Sale
Now. therefore, by virtu

ftote other portion* of (he state what
DefseU hsviog boM made in tee power of sale nnnlalned fa saM
Oder. foOewtag n ooeferesce of wome-Dnke of Aoau tfaeted klag^ nmi’a saffmge tondera wnfa Premier conditions of a esnain mortgage gage aad tee aUtiue fa snefa___
nelly coosUtutn Traverse dty at an
of Spten.
made and providod^ notice is byby
ladaatrlil oaatar. Mr. Slader
Aagnllh.' ChnaeeUor Uoyd George a»d Berths
on the Elgbtoenth day of
that the
6—Bsecaitaa of Loiria
>. Ultelgan to M'lUlata R. Smattoy
. D. 1912. at 10 o'clock in
that tbaP tea bardena are aul- getber and anange an exblUt of tee leader tt the rebellloa fa the Cana- Load of tee Admlnlty ChareblU.
mverse City. Michigan dated the
aemlag tee laelualM of votes (or wefomtoon
on teer* will be ooU at
teaa«7 «ow aad that tbare prodnda of aU the looal (sdorlss. Be dtoa NottbwesL
day of July, A. D. 1910. aad ra- publlr Biic-tlon > tee highest bldd<
fa tee amnbood soffma mdutfa.
bo BB agtedlauleo that would bellero that this would go ter la briarled
the front door of tee Court Horn
of Deed* for the County of Grand
rather than taerease the tax
reel, to the
le ca
City of
lag tee.ctty to tavorahle oondden
which to BlgnMcnat of wo- Traverse and 8tpu Of Michigan os Traverse City,
Irblgan. tbal being
aad la tbla tba podtloa of the la aa laduatrid way.
rmnlng lafltMnee fa Bngttsh tee l&tb day of July. A. D. 1910 at the place where» tbe Clrcoit OoUK tor
Beat be raopeeted, aa
1 30 o clock p.
la Ubor 69 of the County of Grand Travetae to bold.
A few yeara ago oometelag ■
not only affecU the
l»ld—Lord Cvwwe falMdnnfl
mortgage was duly sMlimed. by said
bat tbeaaanda of workWllltom R. Smallay to Myrtle B. Walpractical tee Hooee of Lards tee Aseutte OavBe OS
emment's bill restricting
kar of Harbor Bprlsgs. Mlchlgu.
BsM mortgage,
power of the Pears..
McAlester. OkU.. Nov. IL—At s
all lecal cost
. auomey'f
fee of fifteen (|16) doltors.
doltors The
meeting today of lendtag nwii of tee
weald te a anltable time to make auch
premises being described fa said ^e-iowUcUii^
1m tlfat o( tbe Xlcblgan nn'enl an eshIbU aad wa ranuire tea ai
1SS8—Qneeo Mary of Bngland died. C^DCtow Nation a memorial was dnwn Grand Travers
mortgage a* follows. to-wR;
Ntetta tbla dty raatarday to inapeet tlon teat there are many people
Bom Feb. 8. IS1&
up asking congress u> sboilab Unir gan. on tee 15|h day of .November. A.
Thmy-elghi fit) In
It A <cMd iiP'Ssnl. M
Wm*«ama City arteten of naval re-' Tmveme City
ms-Oileteorpe aaffad from Eng tribal govemmani. to sell tbe surface D. 1810 at 2:19 o'clock p. m, fa Uber Village ef RUrkm-ood. Grand Tmvernei
47 of Mortgagos oo page
gad la aaoartaln thdr aeada. he surprised at the extent and variety land to plant a ooloay fa Oenrgln.
of tbe segregated coal and Mpbalt white mortgage there Is ctalaed i County. Michignn.
-t„ber 30. A D. 1911.
grogaaltioa wUcb has been of tbo manafactnres of oar various la
ISSJ-lard Braklaa. tbe most noted lands and to dlstribuie ihe Irlbsl be due. at tbe date of this notice ft
n tv r>:ynoi.wi.
Tbe propoelUcm to .worthy of pleader fa tbe history of the English funds.
8983.12 sod an attorney tee of Ili.W
bar. died fa poverty. Bom In ITSO.
tevomblo acUon.
M provided for to wid mortgage And FARM C GILBERT.
18S8—Robert Owen, known as tbe
The Hsn Litti the Mengage.
i>o suit V,
or .proevedlngi st liw hiring
Allonie} for MnrtgageM
SteUsUf* Bbow that tee hen '• '
under of soclallem. aed In England.
been fasUtuted to recover (be mooey
t OB the (arm secured by said tuurtgage or aay part Bnrinees
Bom fa W^les. May 14. lYTl.
Ml, blgsn
when givpi proper care and attention
ft6»—AieblbeiJ Lampatsa. Cana­ If you want to gel the best resulu tbereofOri. II. Toes. l]-( to Jsn. 46
lAst week's IndasSrial aad fiaaodal
SoUce Is hereby glreo that by »lr
dian poet. bom. Died Feb. II. IK99.
a cltj- la
teed -your cblckeni a little of HAR- toe of Ole power of sale eOBtelned In
raporu are very eacoarnglac. abowtag
eb a dl1869—Formal opening of the -Suet VILL'8 CONDITION POWDERS
said mortgsM and ttao atetiite to
by leadlBg autbortttee teat la aptta of
caslonany. H mahna the bwis lay. ... such cnee made and proridud. oc (be
Nav tba glartet aeel is tor
tee big aoiu pending, tbelr tmlloMveei
feed muff nixed with It to make a
. -ouao . A. D. 1912
-Arthor. twenty- large package - nothing but pure medi­ 28ih dsj of. Januao.
bee Uttle eCect up
nine o'doek in the fo _____ _____...
tbe ItTtolon. For tela the
firat preaMent ef tee IfaHed Stand, cine.
cine- Price 25
2& cts.'per
Sold dersigned wlO. at tee north front door
tlona. Ont of tee
by American Drag Store.
■abga proTtolon for annual
of the Court House to the City of
aaye teat geaenU bnalaese shows a filed la New York rily. Bom In Fair
------------ Tbara to an bonding in Travfield. Vt.. OcL 6, HIO.
coatfaued tendeacy toward Imprava^
bere lb* ____
fateOfa ggf&bla ter aoch an armory.
1910-Tbe Brltla.^ baaaa ef lonh T«c«EiMj
L There bas.boea no (mpertant
tbe Counfv of Orsnd Traverse I* helA
apata boaaa mlitet be uaed
adopted tee reform restriotloBa of Lord
ty WtIkoatIM
pubne atietloe. u tee highest
Mae fa tee vofame of traded but at
rlMURfi garposaa. hut it could aet
bMdsr, tbe preialses daecrtbed in taM
aame tUne there baa bwa no fmfaMitba aaeatenry room and pUces
mortgage; or so moch tharsof as may
. to pay tee anouet
gfae.far aaltonnt. arms. etc. it
164A-DO 80(0 MR the coast aad be
We Iwve some flue rezvirs which fax wttl sell
rsnr. Aa a nmtter af fact ■— ------to
sforesBld dee on Mid mortgate with
be tbe bualnaes of
gan Mb teland march.
7 per .vu.
rent Interest aa.u
and ai,
sil losu
raufag at about normal praportteaa.
•ft tbe (wodiUon that H you.are 0ot.Matofi*d
•43lty to anke tee t
costa, logeteer with said aiunay fee.
PfoSts are net as larga as'a year or
iBootbi’ trUil you esn return (tend cet
I aad wHh a Bare taisg of
to-wlf. Lot Na Ten nO) of Block
nanri^two ennteriM building, dadi
.«o ago. aad tbla is (ba mala caa
lineon <151 of tee origlBal pht ef
•ifat agfatacmaa tea Btetn. It would
ented by Fnpo Drban em.
jour money back. Tbe price U from $V*75. to
oa. w. 0. xiNTON
la amay relbte>«eald bo--------- *
1765—BarthQuake •xtonding tram 8HdN wnbelm Block, with Dr. Hotto
apocta. however, tee eUaaUoa to realty
$2 SO. Ailoquailty. GMisldertof tboprio»,Md
Naw Bngland u tec Wan ladiea.
voeth. Tnvursa City, Mir-aiy
Deeds of Grand Traverne
Flaancdal aaff aaap
:-grblte aeald be uaed also
emuoty, Michigan.
ina—Sritite Bder Lord OomwalRs
the comfort you wf)l have la sbapfiif. jotpMlg,
oondiUoaa an sound, having
halL Tba fatter to boan thorangbly
tried eat-by tea ffate- craaaod the Hodaon to attack Fbrt
Ooun tor tee Oouaty of Grand
. canoot afford to pasa tbe purebaM af ooe
datfan aad tea untevomble expertenea Lee.
IfN-Oaa. Philip Scbiylar. a dtoUnof these r*aor»oa these spre terms.
At A MMlon of said c(mf8._b«>* ¥
edAevarte mambaratf at tea paat two yaara. Tba riaa la
Attomsir for Asslffnae.
OcL 81. Tnea. fa Jan. X toect Trade wOb tba naval nommodlcy vnlaea has boM ebaebed gutobed aoldfar of tba revnlntSob. dlad (he probata office, fa tbe City
We aUs have guaranteed pockaUkaivip
atteraoae. Captain D. aad fa many canes prices are Anridad fa Albany. N. Y. Bom N*v. ft. Ifgs.
BTApi OF snCMIGAK. the Prptets
that wM cuts They are leitcd estf .laufced fef
IfatiaU oatlfaad tee ob- ly fawar. Our craga aa a wbela nia
L Watkac.
Oaari tor tee Cengty ol Grand
9t tee naval re- about on an avenge; tbe btg yieU ef
maaphljPtorers, and wa sell them at,
IB tea Biattet of
matter of tee eaute of
oottOD and aa ample yleM oTeara cofaimm Tarter, dee* .
Sltasff H. Hrd*. iieaasBl
25c tebOceacb. Get one at P. K’e. ceraer «l
g aattebte armory nblte aheald
■ lUng for aborugea fa other direcMaty Taylor baring AM fa agM
NoUce to hsnby glvan u
I fa aaaaaetteg partora aad reading Ifana. Otir foreign trade is fa vary
eouit bar peuuon prnyfag
tea asnntes hwm tea 7th day of
Front amrCass Streets*
teMdMdlbly a gymnaslmm. wUch
bar, A. D.^911. bare been allowefi for
ctedMhrs to. praaeet their daiaw
pL Ilinill aoetel tentarn with baaa restored, and tee action of tee
nfinaat nald mid court
I oa wan aa naval Instmi
rt In tagard to tee SpoL tent tea firat day of
- Blfatand
L It.waa htomptetea that kaae a
D. 1911. at tan o'deck
di(ora of I
k at sijd proWa.moa.
■ gHB ft Tmrarae dty earafaga of tea albaads anka ntto^ Prion 86 eta. Sold by Xatericae ba aad^t^T appofated for bear- paM John 'tofulai
tof tea probate offioa. fa
a forward with tee necea tnetorr oomparlaoaa with tost year, Drug Stora.
fag-MUd periOtM
of Ttavr-ae CKy fa aafa,
t ter tea maintenance of and tea dedtoe fa Mt aamiBgs baa
It. fa.fettbor
_ . ____
__.rad. tkst 1
eougty. .on or bafare ten llth day of,
gotfae fawmof be etw by pa
gbyte A. D. U1L and teal sold
gtotA wlU ba beard by arid eoan ot'
tfae ef'iroopyat 'tbfidrty. ftr
' s llth day «r k




T-T- l-.vf jr

Razors, PockH-linIviES





s £rssL.*L2i

faa araettea al n eaa-

M wMch wagfa «aad

arddra-bnva «asa haM
back as long as
I mt tealr

» arriva 6:U p. «.

Comer Frr>Bt t Caaa Strpets.
■ rSuED^’R^ALk^ ' ‘
Jefiga of Probate.
Kov. 7, H, n. «.




m ppffBs

was FK.



i .
P«Ar <•
AiMrtMfi Q«ci•nl •• Maintain Mlliurjr
ervtntMM for Tkroo

-IoMm. Not. ll.>-Jawt baa aakod
lOAnowon to bo allowod to an for
IB CUaa codar. Tbc Tokto gox-


Han» that 0^ act ta bnhaU
M .^ora at a owmcot'a noUca.
' MfcU. Not. lA—Tba Unltad ,etai«a
MPMiM totar ordarad all Amerfcaoa
«ir.dBATo tbo Chlaaaa Interior tor fear
dTOT aatMiMICB oatbreak.

The Cheapest b the Best


Wie don’t have to prove IL '
a>e euslomers admit ll. Sold every where.

t '


d ret abooi tbe battle at NAaIda*.
It U reported that iba rabela plan to
aacura Oeoaral Hoioer Laa, an Amorlean, to nnioulD a Militarr foran
for tbraa rear*, whlla ralonr.B
In October n barrH of Wi
ara goIns dL
plea waa ablppad from TiaTaiaa CItr
Rouland. LooMans. and when tbe
V Tbe iinpAHaU ropalaad tba rebel* at

wan opened It was foaad to
Hankow roaterdw'.
contain SOO npplat. which wbaa com­
pared aiih tbe best that
the trait stand* « 30 eentt per
doien far expelled (batn li appearance
and shape. Ykhlle tbe AaTor-waa
‘Tbe Proper Way to Spend Sunday"
si'peHor that there was m
la tbe topic for genczal and speclfb;
dtocuaalou at tbe maetln* of Grand
Ouantity of Ttiu (bow* that If tbe appWa bad been
the retail price p^rnillttg tbete
Trarerae sHiice to be beld on

Eiploslva* and Ammunlfor select rnilt tbnt the btmi wosld
dar afternoon In tbe Grange ball en
tian an Amarican .
have netted tT.SO, which U a good fig­
Cnai street. As aevcral la-rsona «hu
freight on the barrel ntnonni(bit subto b«.Wnu. which wcMld bare left
Ject are to take part in the procram.«Io. Tex . Not, -0 —Konr
ti ls eerlaic that tbo mceiina will be- panles of Culled Stale* loldier* loJay |«.M for the i>cr*oD who Mid them.
of more: than uaual interest: Several capture,! Captalh Jnaa Meriga. two
»how. one of lbs posstracentlr admitted member* sUKU- Prtvnie*. seized 00 dynanUie bomt*.
'“c fruit
Kinen the work of the third and fourth 2i.,nm> round of brnmuoliion and to"* '»’*• wlon It properlr Acked and
degrets of the order, and arrange- guns Id a honse occupied by .Mexican *'’"■»«> “
where apples of superior auallty are
manu wiU be made (or tbc meeting of
tba dlslfiA gramce wbleh sill be beldi
formerly a cavalry .a|c
in thl» dty Oetwmber C and 7.
Mexico and his arieat i* the
,|flrih in coDDCcUoD with tbe alleged

revolutionary plol. General Keyes was ♦
arresicil in San Antonio yesterday'and
Osborn. Sot. 1T.:-The bean and
throe others said to be Inpllactcd
neighwere taken (Into custody here.
Meriga Is Raid to have made a con iwrhood and seems to have hard work
fesRion regardlag ilie alleged rvroln- ic^go far on acH-ourt of the snow that
tlonarr |dot. said to haw been led bi <s In the. roads. It take* iben quite a
Gentral Keyes. The olIlcialB say .M«- while to pull from one lob to tbe otliriga told them he had beeu''cniaigrd in
ecurfng horses. unuB and atunmnlilon.
The dui k hunter* returned to Trav­
Iil,‘li lia« erse City f'riday alter a three days'
already been », ni to Mexico.
hunt nt Fcarl and Unie lakes. They
K::ii Anloiihi. Kov, i;0—rnitc-i! SUit,-k luAitged is ducks, two partridges 4i.\
ce.valry troops piiroule 1u ].oredo to­ two quail. alM opf-coosier which one
day. with Kjrirt order* to arrest lev- of. them bought at Pearl I^e.
ilonlslB or eaemles of the Mexican
T^e tick in our virlulty t^ aU Im­
■; gover
emm'ent caught plotting In the proving.
l uSted Slate*, and the nf fienWe wer,' v-erj sorry to hear of the
r-ral Berat.r<lo Reyes, nipped the plot death of Mrs. Rosa Slllymou. who died
In the ljud, many believe. Reyes pro Saturday. .S'ov. n. She we* sick two
tested 111* innocence when be ajiiHared
ol ts, bral.
In court and gar* a bdud.
She leaves s fbusUnnd and little xlrl

Old an4 aa n*sd (ate to
ra the loas'of a faithful naigta
aad' Bwtbar. She wfll ba Isaad
: larsi tirda U frlaaffa la Iba tUlaaa a(.kiplra. wbara ^ bad raaUad
tbe paat atgbt pMM. Tba fasatwl
baU troa-tb* M. B. ^orch at Bmplrw. TnwBny. Not. Utb. aad lBtf^ HAB AOCERTSO ROBT PROM MAH.
t ta Magta tirora oamatary.


TisnsiEin iBEsar
Mrw. Albart NoMtnr
idiaV A^xillafT TNtradar—HaL.
toil Mnnar Laai tvanii^


Mrw. Albert Na*otay, hi* Weat
Traopa Prom Manila ta CtilM ■
NIdU atraoL eotartaleed tba Ladlas'
Auxiliary of tha Biiuiah-Aasarlean
War Vatarans Tbaraday aftantooB at
Inncheoa and a social tour. Tba room*
wars bsiutlfuUr dacoratad la the aatohal colors, largn. small anS medlna by tba Uapebn dynasty. Tba tacL
were artUUcally adorned In tto aaaw of rapreaaauUva man. who win rapcolor achsme. while boqnets of ebrys-'pvrt Yuan in an tba reforms coni
lent bBBUty to tbe dialog plated. U Yuan dadde* later to break
wUb tba Muchna. It U baSarad thara
rralv Ur. and Mr*. Korol- mea wnt follow bim.
In the eTralng
D> gar# a 7 0-qJ.
o't^k dloaar to the foi. PL^a for RaeegnHisA.
lowing soldier boy* aad thalr wivaa:
Mr. aad Mrs. Ben Oa«^ Hr. aad Mr*. loader* are
Clare Buckner. Mr. and Hr*. Wm. plea of Wn Ting Pang, former minister
Broltbanpi^ Mr. aad Hr*. Prank RHcy to tbe United ^Ute*. that tbe world
-------- Hr*. J.
. ..
power* reeognlM the new republic. It
M. Wilhelm.
and Ur.
Tbe dacoratliwi of the rooms were b bellered Wu^ repauttoa win give
as at tbe bffer- great weight to bis worda
nooa party and lb* dinher wa* *erx-ed
U. b1 ReglmaQt.Wm Ga To China.
In tUBnn style. Mrs. Noroiay era* tbe
l«.-Orden for
iwdpleni of many n rompUmenrbn her tbe despatch of a reglmeai of aoldiars
to China from Manila was asrallad
today by the war
ba* bean given aoUce by tbe euta da
panmant that tbe
Tbe more can be executed quickly, as
|1>rep*ntUon* bare Been gulag on for
Mrw Eilzatoth H.lmforlh of Bi-9.,aam. time. Tbero-br. omlaooa rumoi*
ham Died BatuiBay.
itbat the troops win not be walcomto.

79 y*An Ui DRfi
thar a, el J«g^O, e( tet B»tk .
•( Boalb DaMB afa*M:
hard ato Mn. Wb.

TwMfth Mte tt .
tla>e — Tatiinr ato
rb«« atebii «■ kt ADi

Tto (Mlowiaff Jam varg
PrMay to earr* darlag tba Oto.
I of tto oireatt tet fta*!
wa. tee by Jratkray
€. A. Bteaaa. A tTpt
aad 1>tei7 Rbertt Maleaba' 1
Wm. Ashmore.
ilMr toinmbip -arm W. Cnia.
Bam Bay lavaabip-lUrtM fffraa

LOU iLLiiEss Eigai

“’ey"! Satorday;
•aorelng St the «gc of .S y^, -fur
IlnrarlDC lime*.
Mrs. Halmtorth^,^,
.A the moiber of tea chUdren^t
wbtxai are ih lag. William. PhHIlp.
George sod Miss Hlnble. who live In ,
. Peter of
CaJllurnta, Mrs. H. a Conloe. Lrala.iiau. Mr*. Fred Weigaad. Calllerala:
and Mrs Siama WHgaad of LraU-{

t tbe motive
ll.-TbIrty thouaaad

marcblag oa Hankow,
reageaaee agalan the Man-

jmb ««-««.



There are also 3Z graadebUdreD
and IS great grandcblldiwn. '
Her husbaotf' procedad her 1^

SL“'.o .or' 0.™' ■

The Thsnksgjving Sale of Linens


brteiiM iato oar rcoo}»i^<iU Sale and opens
tbe door lo marked economies In

ins and White Goods ”an?k‘'sign‘’'
Saif starts tomorrow morning. Wednesday. Nov. 23rd.

_____ Doable SatU D«.

IHDU UNOKB, worth Ifc « yd
-It ................................................................. 131.-■
W.'l-lli 2.'||- :i y.u-rl. a!..........................

72 iadiai wide wartli $2.00 a. ystti;
BLXAOHED SAnR DAHASH, acvoral, wry |>rotly {Hittenu; 72 inohes widi
ywd, at.....................
Kapkina to malcli at- a]HH-ia!
prir^jMT dot................. f2.40 ami $3A0.
MUUMOD DAHASK. G» iarli.’s
wide, Biilendid faJuc. at, i*cr yurvl 77o


BIEXohto ' TOWEilHer^
-liiHily. IT


fun HAFKin,






SbblSEimSmI' fine
■ d«u■ ■*‘®
We Batin Damask T«bl,, t loUw
'with Napkins t.i mutch, nl ♦Si.iVl.
with Na^
ai A9.60.

HO BwfHSM^aa, BBbjeet to#
and 22 im-hes-a-ide. for...60e amt 60c
,13. lt> tud, 16 int'iirt wide. al. lu r


6cm).1 Jl*,-.n.vur,i. p. om k.-iI.- f..r '
Tl jiiksiiivKiK w,vk 111 sp. ,-inl
(iri.-c, per vanl..
. per ,vi,r.i, I2V2C. 16c. IjBc
aad 22c.
Above 2 item* at 10 per cent. Discountr'
SCARFS, at 36c. 60c. 06c, 76c. $1.00
LDirCH CLOTHS at 36c, S6c. $1.25.
$1.50, $176, $2.00 tip to $3.50.
DOILIES, HenistitcheiL acalloped
ASd Battenburg. at 10c, 16c, 1
36c, 60c. 65c. 75c,SSc.
- 51.TO,

t-xin. ..|.,.i,-.. qin.ii-y, 2V.vank
wiilf. wcrlli li-l.r'i ;• ynnl. j1.. , $1.58
BEET QUALiiy EHBETUIa-.t,ll.’ll’ Hif.ii-iit-O 2', vdit. vvitlt*. ill
Klii-(-i:il'pni-.- |i,-r tunl.....................


sir,’ <2 irii-l- -. I»v )'i* iiji-li.’»
60c and 76c.
SI/, -t! Iii.-i,. - 1 y .......... I;.-S. :;l , , 86c
PILLOW CASES. K.z, 1-, „„ l„-K l.v
•111 iii.-'.-v, M
15c. 18 un.l 20c
Sheen und Pillow Cages all
subject IP JO per cent, discount.
BED SPREADS-x;r.-i lit-... u-.d
w-.i^-M. ............. :.i-............ $1.10 and $1.36


witli fliiip- l>l
.-- hii.i •lit ->.r


r- ^

.!*• Bad Towel* inbject
to 10 par east. XHsooDnt

b MOdb,

............ ...............................» M aid S3 00.
All above .iibjeet to 13 por cent.

SMk .Mulls. I....... . Kmlir..s.'---s.
. il'iiliiir liiiK Tlianksv'iv
•iviT'i Saif,

iDdB’l Fail lo Inve&flQafe tbe Many Special Olterings of
Tbls Imporlant Sale
Pi-tmlm Ti kbis CIvea With Kvtrjt toe Paiokase bcautifal
soil hrs: toll
—lock s u d
fee! like s-e;l
—wenh *2flJ
pair, at $149.
Hen's Wesi
Shirts, vonb
fl.J5. at tte.

or. w«rth
,41^. al Me.


>. ,A _
recommended a* a ataner aad it h
l>>:n-i*l wmlrv-b
,A A
^“ believed that U the advice ta taker,
the ..M bon.r .Monday afler^D at 1
nVlot-k. Mrs, lieimfurtb was laid
" “‘j®
to rvsi beside her busband.W-ttoIr of »hTi™.
the true algnlBcaac* of trsK wl
ua-n private -Mmete^y
adJolBlng tare.
MoMag M fATtCUH.
their farm.
Tbe books recomaeaded for pur
> -Priadples of Pi^ Orow
‘ the Nuraery Book.
iFti Rule Book, aad the Pruntn* I
{It is also recommoaded that *
0.1... T—. lw«k t. T™™.» Clixi'"""*™"”'" nwuoo j» .Odwl b.
, the roadlng room as raeb a periodical
For Publicity Idea*.
!*111 Sad many Interested readers Potaitete toSil
Berretary Holley of the bureau of in-, throughout the fruit beh. Thera la
fnrmsiton Is In r<-<-Hiit of a letter from -Ikrte reading clement eemlag Into tbi
I Hrinkiiiaii. Nvhsotn, Ain., n for- territory nt present aad web books
resident of this ciiy. who wrlist will be In great deotaad aad will rap Cldar aiffleA-Bar UB .................. ..
to ask for a few samples of ibe Board hl.r H>e needed Informgtlon to tbt
ol Trade and Information bgreau lei seeker after hortleullural knowlodgc.
ler heads and other advertising i
{^lib1:•-lly maitcr. Mr. Rrlnkman lately ]
his house and store hy Ore and Is i
desirous of starting up again and with- [——
follow somewhat In the style ot -Loeal Hwirtlitg Party Hpd OoM
adveniilDg used by tbe local board.;
la the Nocth.
' -------ThU shows that people all over the'
foumry are notlrlng the advanced I A party of huaura coaMaUag Of
method* of advertising regions, and
as Traverse Hiy t. to the front, ad
R-y UcO^n-. ■»- D. BUMor.
vu.- I. sought from this point.
Lautner. Uoaard CUpp aad
_______________ Cub Nesrmaa of tbl* city, who bava
TA iiiiAAu Ttviii
'® ‘6* Tlettlty of Cor-




TLuiiksKivini; w<-i’k. p<-r v-<l...

im-ii Hisi% ex­



„i,l,-.. ji..........


oar brat quality. (.16 s::d 12 im-litw
wide, woiTA K5c and iBl-10 a yard.
' for tbb{UunkatfiviRK Sale, Hi...
69 iiirboi wide, wortti &9r a ynrtl.

Tbe Weatern MteUraa Da'

Important News!


0*v«l»pm*Rt Bnraaa Urgaa Ubraria*
to Bupply Damaad of Raadarm


’■pp**’ p*o<Mnia.

were quite fortanata la tbslr bag of
Those seecradlng In making
their license limit were Snyder. Holjben and Subler. Bubler bagged
!of the finest pair of bucks ever a
UiK Anxi-les. Nnv Id.—Angered be iOoe was a plains deer and tbe other a
fjuse of lire numerous erlttctsm* of deer that inbablla the awaaipt
ihe delay in the Xlt.Vamara trial, deer of the plain* weigfaa SJ6 pounds
iJiidce Bordwell made it idaln today and Is estlmnied to be about nln<
jUiut the dllsioi^- tartics on lie part of year* old. Its antlera numbering fonr
jboth sides must end He will |>enuli teen points. Tbe swamp deer weighjno further lengthy arcumenu on lil>-pounds and Is believed to be se<
I points 01
of law and is considering the en years old.
a-IMuhiilty of bolding night sesaloos in Its antler*. Mr Stabler baa alread-----------------------sold the beads for l« each to
John B. Henderson is SS.
in Peioskey, who has built a
Washln^oD. O. C. Not. IS—John bungalow and Is making a eellectiOL
. Henderson who. as a member of of deer beads of more than elgbthe United 8utes senate from MU points. The deer ere on exhibition Ir
Miurl. was the conietuporary and ad the window nf the Majestic store,
vlser of President l.lncoln. received
il;e congratulailcn* of a host t>(
{friends today on tbe ocraslon of hi*
elgbiy.Dfih birthday aoKiversar} Mr
— —
;Ueodcr»oD was .born in Vlrgmia. but Rgnert Oebson Died Bunday AfU
^early In his career went lo Missouri
i^ng tor many years was proniloent In
• ____
, tbe public life of that stau. He ram*
Robert'^bson. an old aad respwte
,11 the senate in I8&: and made a pUd resident of Acme tawnsblp. paM< ’
■ter himself In history by framing tbe away at tbe borne of bU daugbter. Sit
libirteemh amendment to tbc eonsti West Twelfth street. Buaday
aday moralag
jttitUon, which abollsbed slaveir In the where be had been -for the paat fe*
lUnlted States for all Urae. l-'or mati- -v eeks suffedto with oncer of U.t
years be bas re-lded In Washiagtc- su-marb.
spending bis retiring y«*i» m ‘Heo
Mr Dtfcson was always a bard woi.:
derson's CasUe.* at the bead of Six- ir.g. Indastrtoo* ettiun aad was eap'teeatb street At elgbiy-flv* Mr. Hen-jelaUr noted for bis boa*«y which
demon U as strong mentally aad pbya-1 cbaracterlirl all bU dsaltogi. and al
Ically aa tbe average aian of i|fty-|tboo^ to had aafered **T«r* loaae*
Judge Bordbvell Will PemtR No Mere


m bide*
No. 1 carto
No. S eardd


\U Vbore* bite............

bp •♦♦♦♦♦BD'DDDDDDiD
Lang Lake. Kev. U.—Malt C '
ha* raored into Mr. Bogga's I
tbc wintor. Mr, nad Hr*. I _ .
■nowed to town.
' A* -eg
E A East expaetff to g* to QM'
ty to a short tlam to agte '1^
winter with bM ran. tioyd:
The many fArada Of Mra'Cral
will be glad to kac|W that •to'U'l#*aterlng alealy frea bar raeiar ifl- ' They expect to brtag ter liodV


the proraed* of wbkb alB te aieit (te
aeboolBbrary for dIatHet Hc.T '
.inbUe U c rdlany 'Brtled
waaa wife War* la V*fa» ,«
Dorlag (to laUer pan ad ite «aM
at LaaM ZIT a( Pnaae Iw a SHm
wte aia>owB hair ar a ate



I f« th* poft to* dayi .ea boA- bwa called on acoonkt A ton sAtoBa tkla morrtng m thAr way to
Utaaaa.ofAbetr tothar^wbo UrtmpeoT- go. wbara they will spend aome Ume
sj the gaeat A thAr da^tor Mra
A. M. Or«B*r wont to HAfand to- 1% raiMy.
lay to TUtt rolatfre*.
-dehn Klnareen A PrwMdor^ «h* haa
la tba Aty tor s Ikw 4ra Asit- tty' Harrs
to Baeklay today
mmii loft tbio mormbig
» ttmU&c (Hp tor Qoiboaburc. Swedoa, wbor*
----------- "-T*
baaM lodfy. •,

iMMAi: MBHItDfi.

bda nontBf

till TUIt blm «ld boB>e.
Wm. WrifM went'to FotaAwy to­
day oa a iiMUbs trip.
lie* Etta Cotke A Bat** arHvwl la
___ n*r« Strcfctln w*nt to BMr
tbe Aty tbli moralot oa btulaeai tor
Xtim tU* BomlM In the 1iitM«tu oi tbo d*}';
Bit MkUoHl Otsb RagOtlor coRpany. Wm. Olmon went to P«t0«k*y today
F. O. Fi*H Mt ttii*
tor-* tow d*ya.
MIm Hay Henry Nfi thi* afUmoon
mr. tUhum Mft tW* (iMiviAg tor tor Benaire.oD a vltit to relatirem and
will reHntV week from aext tlonday.
. - Mf» HMm Or»lMt«.4*<M tin bM<
Mrw J. H. Htltar left today tor Charkm «WU*C « tko turn. oT ber mb level! and Petoskey on a short biulA. V.
tHp. Mra. Ulller will return bere
tikiBwH to IMT bWDo la Wetdaun totew daym aed then leave tor Mo‘‘SJ;
diata. CuUr.. to spend tbe wlaier.
T. C MKtwt of Wwt Ninth Amt
A. Pepet U apending the day at Elk
^^lo 0«t« Eao turn 'aonilnf oa Kaplds on bittiBeu.
far tbo d*)^.
Harry Buahell went to Barker Crack
*n« Mn. Min VIK. who htve tbia aflentoon. wbrre lio'will spend
.Wi omdlBC SOB* tiM la Oebwr. several days vlAiInt;.
John Alwra wtr.t to Elk Rapids this
rolumrU here 7eAerd*jr.
aflerwocB on a sUort buaiar*, trip.
... __jceck mM to Norwalk thle N. W. decor left tor Petotfccy today
moklof oo bBrnlueea.
on bDAnr^k
JUy McManm i* Boondtog the dagr at Mrs. E. J. Egan Ud sen. Edward,
Carp fake hunOaf.
left this arterpoon tor Kapid^Ity,
.'. 0.-W. Itent Awn 10 cepwaloli tbio where they will vlall friends'and rele-

Mmm •( SolM Murmd h»im



E>GmHh VwaA t* HWA Uiia

'WM. R. Smalley ieft'«A CiiAito to-

dto* OR * few days’ bnatoaae trip.
- a 'Bi
" went to Cl
dv on bnsJnesi.
'r. C. Thompson and. wife.
ligve been bera vlAUnE with Ckaa.
Vkn Riper,'rwtaned hoite - to BEahvltlc. this morning.
'^smM Moody left thle laemlng far
Omnd Rapids, to the Intoitot A the
(Aizem' Telephoae Co.
' r .
Jud Csmeron woA to King^ey thle
morning oo ofUcUl bustoes^
.*FrA Croo* went to Wal^ today
OB a tow days buslaesa uto.
:C. J. Starting left this.' AtsmMn
tor Ludlagton,
n>. on e ebo^ ILiulnees


Ote MelkiW A Grand Raptdn. who
has bbeo' vtolUag sevAM daiya at
.Sortkpbrt and in tbto dfa. lAnraed
hoeie tbto morning,
c. H. Buel went to MaaeAon* to;.^
W. Msrahall Is apendlnt a few,
■toys lu Manistee on bueli
Andraw-^'-A Wi
pretont visit here ass mf- Crat“ In
founeqp year*, relumed borne A>H
morning, after spending Oum week*
With relatives and friends.'


W/E TAN gsd iBEsAr
tore fine robe*
hone sad cauk UdeE In
deer (a Uebka. rmI In
Aimiot iidMs'r«g«BdaBB.
idaetandwtiM Udgi ssd
br slriM dyed black or broWE
mX—OBB pN cif
wotkugnais ^ttBBB widi
eacfc Inied coal or lebto



for IsdN

W. M. CidJmgim

I24N. MAeSt
TnT<mCie. - ■ Mick
nov :i. 3t.'dec'C. IS



GetReady hr Thanksgimng


} Mrs. P. EsiMloff

—Let Us Help You—

^ J. Smith woA to Klngaley today

1 A Keystone, was
Ir-U the Aly >er x few ddya.
acUac btttlneaa to tbe city tor tbe paA
C. L. Porter ie spending a few day* in the Aty today on business.
to M dsuphttr A
Wm. Kuhlman returned home
la Buumll City oa bnatoesa.
Ibo pieJU A Trav-I o

<L P. Btoebae wt« t* Jackaon toree returwed hem* Kingsley today, from a visit to this
IB tor r few days. ,
to Kingsley this artAii0on aTter a Aty with frienda and reltUvea.
L ttoOmsf of Grand Rapidh!
Eman Horgerheida. who haa. i
n»HU*y. mrlved to Ue Aty tbla abort visit in lb* Aty on btistom.
here visiting for several days,
Mr*. Thome* Moran A Sato* was
unm, roomirf
Br U.. to.
turned borne to South Boardni&n
the city oo buatoess today.
.. - I
tok C. Smith A |.efanaport Robert Andersen left thia.aftameon day.'
went to Onekams
fA Rapid City on a peveral days' bosltbli morning c
nsM trip.
G. L. Ran
Aaa OArander i* spending the day
the M. A N. E. rood, rotuni
A Klngaley on bulnoM for R. J. Hercd to aork this morning after
CA * Co.
wbek's vacation spent at East Jor•^t*. C. Maynard warn to b
today, where sba wilt spend eeverpl.
'Mfbe.vtoUindjMb Wart.
H. Kenecn went to Grand Rapid*
daya visiting friMdt and reUcfveaJ
P- Ellto f*R today for Cad-,
today on business.
rndii^ a f»
t. «. AsMpy aatf Mf#. M. If’nUc. and Oraad Sapidt, on a vtole' G. E -NIckarton la apendl..
Ted Champagne is visiting frierLd*
days la Kingsley on bustneae.
A todh, after a abort Aal^ to Meads and nlaUvw.
relaUves in Bay CJt^- for a while
and ttsugh.
ratty with frioiuto. fafarMd Joeeph Ugla. after a ahen vtoJt'
WnC Sinclair A Lake Ann; Ater
HIsa CHerlce. left this moratog fA
I BorntoB.
to the dty bn bnatiMa. left this A- Marquette
a abort visit In the At>' on busiucss.
on a vtolt. to retotlvdi.
'Cvaaa «vcm to Walton ttiM teraaon for Soaortt City.
laaoa Dahlia and Dorothy Morri* returned borne ibis marsing.
I ta a ebort bnUaesa trip. : ^ Mr. and Mra. Arthur Benton wtll
Mark Decring who hat been here
a Mn^tey.
Klncricy. wncre
k W, E. Sehulu, -who haa been leave TtModay for Bleckfart Idaho, left this AtemooB fOT
I businees since Ttiureda.'. rvlurii
1 fA aevaral' days. rAnraA where they will make thAr borne. they win Atend a Mnhday pau for ed borne to Empire today
Irene Beamgarth
tb this even^
• -to New YAk Aty today.
wm be pleated to meA their Utot
Album Newell went to ThempsonMrs. Prank Clarkk and ds4hwr;
• Myotl* AmAd-wem to •aym trtenda before leevtoE
d to their hi^e A Alle todsy on a brief business trip.
“-today to rtolt reUdvea far a
Mrw Elmer Sptdto war* MlRi VIAA relumed
Mr*. L. Beuls h*a returned from
• daya.' • - •
tailed to Mufim today oa aecoaat of Kingsley this Atemoon. after several
week’s vIsIl In Bellalre and EsM
the aerloa* Ulnoat of a omala
r Mrs. ClAk-e sluer. Mr*. Roy. Monthat plaeo.
E N. Moblo left thl* afternoon for
A J. Tateh, who haa been vlAHng
East Jordan to attend Ihe funeral of
for several day* at Omena. passed Mra. Wm. F. JAkten and baby.-who nephew at ihu plscc.
have been bece visiting her alAsr.
throoeb the dty today on hit
Clsyton Arnold went to Bates toMtot Jes*ie''&rownson. returned 4>me
bom* to Cadillac.
•y on a sbon business trip.
to hlaySAd this Ateniooi
Frank Ffaaman A Kingsley, who Mrs. Freak .Ryaalka end chtWkwn. John Story A Bates, rAumed home
bbaa the goaA A ftfaada la ihla
tIUd afternoon, altef- spending s
dty fA a ebon dme. iwtBmA home Carl and bladAlaa Ater severA Gsys eral days In the Aty on business.
Asiung In tbe Aty wiib friends and
Lit afteraooB.
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Wilton went
tell tbl* aftemdoo fA their
Mrs. H.'W. Renw A KingMey, an reUUvA.
Ik Rapids todsy where they i
e In Cherokee. N. C.
f Partwi left far Kinptiay to- rived to tbe dty this jporaing m
vtolt relatives and fflendh.
IM Anna Willis went to Elk Rap.
f Ytolt Mead* at that plaea.
tor the day.
Harry Hurley of Rockford, retprr*Ids this Atemoon oa buslaesa.
I Harwen toft on a vtolt
A. W. Monroe of Elk Rapids return, ed home todsy from several days
: to Kingsley.
(Fran Prtday-a Reeord-Eagto.)
(rip In this Aty
Prank Wlleon warn to «mAm thjp ed bojne this morning from a short businessPeckmsn
formerly employed
' iistneas trip to this Au.
.. ttla BMntto£ where abe Boratog OB bAsnes* fA the day.
State. I
t tor a bort tine bAor* go- H. a Hubball left ^la morning far H. K. SAch lAt this —
piui In this ciiy. left this afieraooo
^ %QUoa^ to vialt relaUvea tor FaeeaoU oa a bunUngMApu
for lopis to accept a pu.lUoo in the
Mr. and Mm. Wm. Louden ef Fifth C. N. Arideroon A Alden arrived it> asyhim there
_|dfto Mm Nemrwba want to Grand Areet left tbU moranlg for Grand the- chy tbis momiag on busings for A. KJeeman returned home to
tiiMVttdi Bontog. where abe will Rapid*, where they will •vend eome tbe day.
Buckley'today from s .bon vi.ii In
pjm4' iiMi dae aa Uto cseat
time vlelUiig.
this city on business
A. FIAer wem to Saginaw today e
James Jeffers went to Manton teand Mrs. dohn Anderson and
I toll thto toomlng far * bmdae** trip.
SOB* William and Leo. left this room- *y on a few days' business tnp
I » baatoaaa tor a tow e. Z. Bhaltor mumad to Greenville It^ for WAton, where they
Edwin Hawkins, who is working
tbU ^miag from a vipit in this city spend Mveral dsys vUlUng relatives. in this city left tbls afternoon (or bi>
^eampfla^/EiA eoa Henry tof Aveml days. He AU spend a Mr. and Mr*. O. Adam* left this borne St Sand Lake to spend Sunday
Mto* to-SaOolt thU B»ra->hort tlcm vlrtilng la Tbompaonvin*. momiag for Cblcago on a vlAt
alih his psFent*.
ai|;4 m a Ttolt>gtb trtenda to tbto Mr*. Harry Perrin and four daugh- Chicago and other aoutbera polnu.
F.'Vsn Horn Is spending the day
tor*. Csmllla, Imogeae. Mrginto and
Mr. and Mr*. Ed. Demine, who to Kingsley on business
N Mr*. K‘ E «aindy went to 'Kltosbetb.
■ an
arrived on tbe let* train £av* been the guetU of friends of
Mrs. E Hildcrson A Elk Rspids,
om s TlMt
a fawj^ afaht to spend tbe winter with thl* city for aome time, -rAvraed to after s few days to tbe city on f>u»|.
iMra. FWrrtn’s parenu. Mr. and jdrt. A. tbelr borne to Boyne City today.
tiesa. returned home this afternooD
MlllsA wem to Cadlltoe to jW. Jshrattt.
Mra. Bert Benaen
Miss Marietta BtHes ef Acme
few days buslneas trlE
Miaaee Hanl and Roberts Keho* passed through the Aty tbto taoralag rived in the city (hi* morning
•• Rockford, returned left today for Ann Arbor to attend the
wy to Cedlltoc to AAt busloes* for .the dsy
\9m lie morgtag fras a bnstoaas bHcbigan-PeansylvanU football game, meads
M. Donner left todto for East Jor.
t *•**, _
.1 .
Pfo« Miller left thl* morning
wwming for
Mr*. U E Bsrvfa* and
ID. where he will visit frleads saod
-X aSAme* WiM
^ *0 Wexford today Aaa Arbor, where be will wiu*
Violet sod Olive, oif NonbporL .
HUcblgaa-PeBBsylTula (ootliall
ed tbrougb the cBy todky oa tbelr
F. H. Vinton A Williamsburg, after
bfa**. Dtt and Wm. H.
way to Clare. whAe they will tpead spending Tburedsy and Friday In the
GM|P n spttWtog the day u May- Mr*. R. Smith toft this morning far several days visiting.
dty. returned home this morning
•MT= •
Uaalstee. where abe wUl myk. tier Miss M. Ruby. Ml.; E dennell
se Vera SinHh A Cl
»*v.^. YfSpM A Ksiknaka. after future reeldeac*.
Miss E. Wggbtiasn. left tbd* moning
a trw 'Mays la tt* Aty oa bnalaeat. W. E Orahn raturnad hem* to Hen- on s viAt Tor ton dsys la Detroit.
short vtoit'ln tbl* Aty with frlenc
.TdtqfMl bottk. Mtto moratog. ^
or this mondiig after a ebon bust- Mr*. Wtn.,Akris went to Big Rap- CIsir Morrison returndd
> Maneelena totrip to tbl* Aty.
tdi todar, to apead Bands y vtolUng Elk Hspkto todsy. after s few day*
3. E FoAartwent te ManIMaa today relsUrce. :
bere on busli
Peteekey OB bntlaees.
Mra M. gtawaA and eon
Mr. and Mr*. E T. bcoRcId ef WiP
’----I Wm. C Rehn* and P*A P. Rehn* A Steward left for Grand Ragjds today Itoittsburg. arrived to the dty today
A.-J)|toa. 1* aponding thelDeuolL after eeveral daye In tb* Aty on a abort bustnsaa ulp.
on business
iwa Ttotoag ralauvto aad'on baatoea*. teft tbto nonlag ter Bm- Rev. E A Reftshel w*M to How­ Mrs. E WUilem*. -<rhe ha* been
ard ettt todsy to coDdBK a'
visiting bere tar sever*! daya return­
ed ten* to Aldan tbto afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. jn*.
Hometotad ..
Mrs W. J. Cepelsnd retumA hem*
.Sonbpon. psssfa! tbrougb (be dty to-Barter OMk today from a bust-



Mra. t. G. WlMit* af^ |p*toling ’ m. C Heffman loft thle meriting fa.
a law day* here oa builinei, ntai» WbKa Ooad oa eeverul days’ bnsine.
ed home to Aagal today.
E C. Knowfton weA to Frankfort t,
Mr. and Mrs. tehn WhUAaA went
Clyd* and Delbort BpWI*, w*A to to Bate* today oo a short buslnees day on a tew dam' bu«la«»m.
Mr. and Mra. M. W. Msrahall A DManua this awralag to attead tbe Ulp.
fnnerA A tbe^r caBala. Brwto BpMIe,
Oe^Kirieby returned beiae to BAm IrAt after bone time In tbe Aty u
who died reaterday.
tbto morning* from a visii ia ihevuy busiBets. lAi this Utornlag for Csi<
W. D.. Stitt A Gladwin, returned
I Mtos Elsie- P!^ WM called to Muni
3»e this moning from a brtot hot.
sing this morning on a^uni of the ill
toeas trip to tbU Aty.
E M. Diaen o
Mr. and Mra. Ed.
f Rev. W. W. McKee, pastor of th<
daughter Mtsi 'Mildred of Arcadia, re- Sunday to tbe Aty with friends.
Ralph CsM A Klngaley spent Sun- -MAbodlst
church of WAhIngtoi
Uraed boine this aoreing. after
aueet^lefl ihl* moralag fA MauceloA
speadlag a'few days to the Aty .. day in the Aty wltb friend.
audad tbe fineral of Mrs. A. SqAre*.
M. LAaru* A Bay Clty-t# th. guett
««»rence of tb,
NIA( Miller left for Ann Arbor A friend, la tbe city for . fes dtS s. .Methodtol church to be held st that
Ibis moralag on a vialt.
Mlaa Emma Robinson A PAoskey 1s,*''**^'
Mr. and Mr*. Wm. Vandemiad- A tbe gnest of Traverse City friends.
Peloakey. axe-'la tbe city to spend
W. to Mersgor of isglnsw, who bs. ^
rea spending the pest few de>,
Sunday, reioroed botpe A
Sunday with frienda and reUtives.
Dan Louden left this morning fA tbe Aty on buBlnees. retimiA% this
C. E Johnson went to MsKClona
Los AngAea. California, where
WIU make his future resldeoA.
Miss Margaret Parks A FranAert is 'this morning to slU-uJ the Jt.trici
Dr. F. A. Scott wsA to Gaylord TlHjUng In the city.
I W. A. Rytnsr and A. E. Rymer went
this morning oa buslpesa
-Mias talma ReeU and Hie* LAtie
Jenaing* tills luoraiDs to
Gardner spent Sunday In Maul.tee.
friend* and retotive*
Mr. and Mra. H. F. Smith went to
Mr. and Mr*. Albert Clement spent
K M. Seeley and Perry Akers, who
Tbompsonrllle today on busine&s.
Senday In NeMen'aty. '
employed .tq a lumber niUI at ilevMrs. E E. Milk* and eon Carl left
Miss Luclte Hetllday and Miss'Alms
this morning for Grand Hapids to Gotfredson spent Sunday with friend. tnn. acre inJ6ie Aty to K|wnd -Sunday
wltb relaUyea aDd-frirml*. and reiurnspend the winter.
In Lake Ann.
'cd tbt* morning. <
Laura Ehrenherger went M Grand
Mr. and Mra. R. E Buyea and chil­
Frank and Joha Swada went
Rapids today, where she wtll spend dren. LuAlle
Earl, who have been
Angling. MU-h., t^ls murnlng on a
some''time visiting.
here vtolUng for several ilays, return­
hunting trip.
John Keitnefly and son Donald A ed borne to Bangor this morning.
Martin . .Melklld
Xortbport, Ae in the Aty vlslilng
Mra. C. Sehaub lAI this morning
friends for over Sunday.
Grand 'Rapids, where she wlU make passed Ibrougta tbe-Aty this morning
,OD his asy to Leasing oa several
Mrs. W. P. Rohsrtaon ^nt
Grand Rapids today on several days
C. L. Oviatt Bay CHy today
J. M. Wwinstein i* apehding a tew
gu business.
Mrs. K H. MeConaha and een Ray­ Mrs. Louis* William* returned heme days SI Kpika.ka on businea*.
mond of Cedw Run, passed throm:'! to Flint Ibis morning from a suA vla- I Or. 8sm-jcl Die'sey, who. tpoke «
HiAildUt. AiurAi yeateriday tnorntoday on tbelr way to Boyne

J. H. KAIogg
«gg A AllegX ,
borne this moraloi
Doraloi trom|
trom/a I
tijp to Ula Aiy.
H. J. Moory left for t^nd Rapida
today on bnatoeee.
.‘A. Fiaher Is away a buAnaea in
Mra. C. Hl^ wrie has been here
' fanrnfas OB bouaock
P.'r. Ooto’aw oroat to ManiAoo thte Tem J. Hocan A Elk Rapids arrived TfAUhg tor epveml days as
guest of bA daugbtA, \Mrt. John
. faWiilai OB a tow dmym- bustoon trip. In tbe city tbla mcmlDS oo
toard, lAumed to hA boM la Boyar
O.' L. MeManu* of OArolt. fonamriy tor lb* day.
ettr. ibU afternoon.
•r tk6 dty, l» boro vlaltlDS relatirem. Mrs. M. Smith of Manton
ja^Jfa .aeooiopaBtod by hlo .dauchier, tbroneb tbe city today on ber way to -J. Shivar and daughur, falsa Helen
vte' vtn Otv tor a ahvetol weeki' Bay Shore, where she will apead aome are apendtog tbe day A Kl^ey
timo vtsltlns.
idiooDoratby McMaiium hao rotumod Mrs. E. J. Etaanhclmer w*M to Rap­ Mrs. W. H. Hlgglm A tuatin,
mb. jRa^^a id City this afleraooB. where she wUI Rsaed through tbe Aty thU »omlag oa bA return borne from a visit
•pend the winter with bw pareaU.
with her pareou A Beer lutkA
Rev. and Km. W. P. Hill ef KalH. Hanaen wem to Summit Xlty.
da morning on boAnesa 1a the'day; City on a visit
Mias B. McQuay left this moi
ChaA Van RipA left this morning
> visit ber grand parents at K|fr
fo^ Grand Rapids, on bAlSeas.
, Mtaraed to bis
a. A. Qaancttlias rAumad to Ma
NIsa Lana Fitapatriek la spending-a lAke.
' fbdgy.
.. ______
borne In Interloebcn after apendlas
Mra. H. A. Herton and daughtei
few days A Elk Rapid* vlaltlng.
I Bolme ChrMtlptM af CraiA,,, ^
frienda in tbe Atr.
Gladys, after apeniUng several days
. Who baa been the ct*a o^|
^ BtrtekI.nd A Intortael^ ww Ed Elaanheimar left tMs mervtiig in the city as fheVuesi of Mra
tof. Mm Aitbor kebosc. tor „ ^
yesterday on buataeaa.
Giles Schultz of I Vine street return­
;,IAl t^motoint tor a,
^ ^
ed home to LakeV^ .this mornlns
-Mf. A. yvordtn A
Rev. K Sundberg wi^ine Jennings
rIvA la tbe Aty tbla morning on bostoday to oSIctote •aar^ service tbera
lasM fA tbe day.

le dty today on bustnua.

aaae trip Ja tbto pltf tor aeverA U la this Aty



“You know” we carry most evetyto

thing you want—“right here.”

^‘Wi can clothe the whole
We’re quoting some prices this we^ on
NJm’s Overcoats—Ladies' and Childreri's G>ats, Furs and Dresses—Undefwear=Shoes—Dry Goods and Millineiy
that will make you feel thankful—you
can’t help it.


IL.y.- .ftlLKi .Tin.lur, rollup,.» 2.4-?
H..VS’ iH •'»l' <’uMv..rtil.l.T..ll«rOv.-rt-,
<’uMV.-rlil>li-foliar OvorvoatH 3.25

gT,.->0 Ovcr.onis.............................
. fi.48
*10 Ot.-r-..«N...................
7 4h
*12.IKI Ov.-ri-tMl:. ........................
*13,.-,0 flvcrcafa'........................

J!3::sri?.'3555r .2:3:3:

l.miicK *1.1 ( |,i|h Suit.............................
1.,'..|L.'S’ *1.:.:-I f’lnii, Suit.....................’ *2""' ' iMth S.iil........................

-PUES.. ..
s.-arf, .
*sni) Manm,l S.-arl............
cy -S.-I”
412.5.I i;n.y Fur ’S.-t’-



18.75*’ *2.5 I'lusli f’.mlK............


. ,* .5.117



]ai<li>-k' Slr.nii Rulilx-rs...............'..
Latln-r UV K....ih..l.1 Sandal*....
I’hH.I’. -ki.- Bn-kl.. Artriira..:...
M.'ii’s *1.3:. Bii.-kIo An-li.*.........
.M-n V 42..5II s in. Uath.-r T.*i. Rul.l..-r«.
.Mw.’k *.{<ki |{iil>l..-r li—ix.............................


*-'i (’•■im v Si-arF


M.«.r *2 ilim M.*tai Sli...,........................ « 1.39
L'..l..-s’ *1.7.5 S..M.1 l,.-4ttlM-r Hfaww.......... 1.49
-M.-tj'* T-5.- (it-riiinii -S..*.................49..51,^.-v’ *1.50 S.-h....i Sll.a-K..........................t 1.19

-MILLINERY SPECIALSAll SS.M to S6.48 ladlcB* trimmed hats to elote at
Ail $SM to S6.4S ladlea’ trimmed baU to close at
All tC.08 ladles* irtamed hate to close at
All 87.48 to 89 98 ladlea* trimmed halo to close at..............
All $2 SS lo SU8 iBdlea* sad miftscs* tell hOia to eloac at


. -81.49

-Thanhsgiving Linens 10 ptr cent oifWe are mating special display this week of all table linens,
napkins and -fancy drawn work and battenberg. designa in dresser
scarfs—Iray cIaKs—lunch cloths—doilies etc., at “ 10 per cent off
from regular price” for
“Om Thankigiving Uatn SpeeiaT

The Globe Dept Store
Trattru Gfy


- tisll!

couiiD TSjitiBn BEBiOD, jun> TlUinaast Bjtr usui.'W^AT, novsmbbs


Moara, am;

ktata o(


OraataatWacdon of net Im tbu
TImm An Um Awardt for Exhlbite at Qfand
alcbi varietiea of corraeUy uioad polatoaa. dva or uara of a kind, tnvt
TravarM Ragloa Pair.
by exhibitor—H. J. LmdcooI. am:
Robert Barney, aaeond.
I iiiaiiM aaiiy vanaaaa.
OUo, t pack—bbert Barney, arau
Wlntar.Batabow-^. SaitJk. tm.
Baauy Hebron, one pa<A—H. i.
m. hrntm *M BOM
7.B. Tklaa. am
■MocM.-*«M crewB sad
Pnrltu. 1 peek—Robert Barney,

Beat dlaptay swaM piu B. H E
vaaa any otter vnriaty—Mrs
John Adams aaeond.
Urgeat and beet dlaptay of petted
piaua and eu Bewera eimbitad ,by
any school In tbo ttalm •giBWoed
Avana acteoL Bm; Unlan Btraal
Hbm aaeond; _<tek Pnrfc. aoateL

Inmmer bare.

■ oad twto In cihlbi
tat tlHB oat porfOetlai M todlrldtal
------*----- Ota nlo ta tko erter ni
■ <M|irM(daB>tob

Borpaa'a Quick Lanek potatoaaUrgeat ud beat eoDaetlos of
Roban Barney, am
Bowers sack variety In aaparau
a vaaa
MUa Prise—Robert brney. am
or g»
Bunar. l pack—Robert Barney. ondar 14—Natalia WlaaeaR.
Fine Alts
OoUactfcm of oU painUngs net teat
CaHfornla Rnnet > pack—W. P.
WUaon. am
M-Day potatOM—J. B. Btaadi
monda. aaeoad. /
CoUactlon aTwater eotors not test
P. Orv. IrM: B. J. Mor
Mian MeMnus aauad.
Collection of decorated eblns tot
tern tbu IS U nomber—Lane* Havl
Sour beets, srovrn In aandy aofl.
........ am.
tend, am; Mra.
BbeMoa-J. B. brd. Bm; Chei.
ft In oil—M
llMUgm, aMSBd.
Lenoool. am; H. J. Tblaa, aaeood.
Yellow beeu tor stock. 6 or aw
Undacapa In water oMora—M
H. J. Lamcool. am
MeMuus Brat; GUia Benrdatey. a
Pannlpa, 4 or mora-H. J. Uncaol.
am; II. J. -Tblaa. aaeoad.
ipa from natnra In water co]
Pb^'^^*Qr^R: ^Dlplej.
Rutabagas, yaiiow, « or a
s HatlUnd, Bm; Mrs Hoff
KraaDcbney. am; W. F. Will
Anloo—Gbme. Monutna. Bret.
Oalrgaaii—A. P. Ormy. l»t; <

~ 7. M<*gu bt. BfM.


________________ • re^oa. rutn , _
Itatfta, VMM M4 tata In oiMWttat
tkiMa nad torfoeUoa ot UdiTidwa
• to nb In Um ordor nuad
_wttag of proBliio to be
k kr osUtdtor—B. J. Mor^ Bet.

SlUa OhM-CbM. MuTlIle.
brd Ttaatat, BBoond.
*'itaaaaoo <BmMn>—C Me

Turnips, yellow. 4 or i
Nalaon. am
. . _. . wblta: 6 or bm

-W. B.
•- Fu

’^Xa^Wvrtsataa. 4 or awra—R. J.
Oamta for tnbta, ( c

;i—iwBg r. unw, am
Olobo-A. p. onr. am


Mn. p. H. McMnltaB. Minnie Oatrandy, Rnt; Mn.' C M.

Frail or vegaubpte. water eotors—

Carrou lor atoek, C or t

Pla cnabton. band worked Uftte
*; J
Shawl, hand worked- h^ra. Chns
Btelte Im; Mrs Bdwnrd UtaShr.
Algten. hnte worked- Mrs Harry
fiimla. Brat; Mrs Harry Bim
■ends saeand.
Iktant-a taetoL hud work—Mrs
ChM Bartta. RraL
InlSBt'a bootaas band work-Bdu
Harris, ffra)
<It^ tendI wort
—Mrs Harry Dmmands Brat


millOodoNRMWMhk. BsA«0. M>- Bfaiwl
M kne Ike ^ lo (WKi.

rk—Mary I

FUcy comfortabte. bud worfcMes Brown. Bm; BUte Beardatey
BUl^ qu^work goSt. bud workM. Waat.
. - am! O. a Sbortar. second
^ ph^ sofa pillow, band work



am; Mrs. Prul _____________
Specimen of tattIng-Kate Plaber
Clark, am.
Ueo collar—Prank Shutar. am
Mias Allen, aeoood.
Spedman of Uce—Mra. R Untnar
am; W. H. Darrow. second.
Dlnrlct schools. Beet and largest
.or exhibit—OuBton ocltool
B of utlve woods
oascripUoii—Sterling Nlckeraon.

Ban Oage. aaeond.
Ing—Harold Uwu,
aan, 4 or oora—H. J.
Clark, aeoond.
oMBoal, am; ' Hr. B. Nal
Beat single a
WhtU Flunw
Figuraa In water eotors—Mrs NIth -Hairy Knowles Brat.
Draft Haeaes
Rtaikafb. U
li «a8»r-lL
i. Uncool.
akateh of baad-Mtea McMan­
Btalbon. three years or over—Bk
us artL
_ftd Bound Uke Horse Breeding SS
tatalMu'tt'tatr " *“ -T^jjuuBoat ooBaetloa
itloa of pappam-llra.
papparn-lln D.
sketch of ludsrapa-Mra. DU aociatlon. am; Cbas Grapes aaeoad
^; n.j. LaseooL
Mara or galdins four years oldBTUto Latborae
Chu. Manvilte. aaeond.
woont: B. J. Mortna, bu
Lattaea. 4 or mra band»-H. J.
CoUeciioa. 1< varlaUas canned fruit
Mara or getolog. one yaw oM-P. D
Tblaa. am
-Bari Adama. am .
Ranaom. Bm; C. H Utoee. Brat; F
Pnniay. I or taora atam-H. J.
Sweat ebanries egn^d—Mra. F. F - Ransom, second: C B. Latona. sacSmitb, am; UrI
Wbabek. tm
Batalfy~n. A Lod^. am
8oor ebarrias.
Banad Bock~C W. Wbaaiock. am
ToBttinaa, rad. 1 pacA-C. H. Drake, am; Mrs. P. P. Sid^aacond.
am; H. J. Tktaa, neoond.
Baitleu paara. eunfed Marl Adam
with oolt by bar dde.
atW^im^M-D. Moite£a^d^
>t eiigibte to show ateewfaaraj
• Pallatt-C W. \fboab bdu. am; B. J. 1
Zlmmertnu, BraL
Bm edIaeMon of tontatnea. not laaa Bltb. Bm; ^a! Mma. samd.
____ of ux.
tbu d wtattaa. and 4 of aneb—H. J.
(An boraaa
in ibti dnss 8 years or
W. Wbaaiock. ant; H. & HobBatar.
. Brat; Mrs. P. P. Bnitb, sec- over,, must weight IS«0 Iba. or over.)
Odom, white.
Uwall Sours. Brat; W. S.
BUtot WjanHotta Coekwal—Mn. niM. aaeond.
Love, am
* Onkm. rad. OBO ,
Oaitaral'VvrpoM »
" ‘ arWj
. canned—Mrs .
am: Chat. Munua.
Odom. yaDow. ana paok-Oao. Cote, Bmitb. am; Bart Adams aaeond.
lbs. or lass—J. Huaah. flm;'a.
Rad curruu. cauad—teirl Adama Brigham, second.
am; H. A Tblaa. aaeond.
am; O. A. Jobuoo, aaeond.
^^^loB. oM year o)d-J. Hanaab,
PlDMppte. caued—O.^A. Jobnaoo.
Mare or gddtng, 4 years oU ot
a PM-C V. WboaL
i teaa than
■Cbw. Manvilte. flm.
, am
Mare or geldiBg. two years old—
». 8 or ____
Gao. Haimfortb. BraL
______ _______: H. J. Tblaa.----------Uara or gelding, under ana year—
WataraMldoA 8 or tnore—P. R —nsrl Adams.
. H. Crisp. BraL
YeUow panebw teri1. Adama. ant.
Ordib, am; H. ». LmpcooI. aaoosd.
Brood mare. I.COO Iba. or taaa. with
MBskBMlon. 8 or mora-H. 3. Uoa Mrs. F. K Smith. aacoa<_
colt by her aide, colt not lo'-c^peu
wu» Pbl»i. SSlSw. a. oool,
White peaebaa—Guild. BrsL
elaewbere—Frank Boura, Brat; Qeo.
QulDcat-Bart Adams, am.
Helmforth. sacniul
8 or more IT. J. Lam'mndotU Cock—J. ZliuoarBpiead cberrlcft—BsrI Adamt, Bm.
Best matched work team—Jaa Mar­
I. D. Motgao. second.
ls,. fir*''
Vl’n. Hoxie, aecood.
irat; Wm.
a Wyandotta Hano--J. Blmmar
Largen ud best coUeetton of frail
Koad sulllan—W. Orody. Brat
!Qies 10 or more Jan—Earl Adams,
Studard bird atallloii—Wm. Kannie.
I. ae<Md. rat: Klngdoti. seoood.
Crab apple leUy—Bari Adams Brat
*—W D:
Ba« matched drlring team-H. S.
JM WyandoMa Oocto-C. a Man- Yonker. kmi. A*ao.
Jirs. P. F. Bmllb. aeco&d.
Hull. Brat; Germaine Bros., second.
y Own. •*) a j. vun, am
BUekbarry Jelly—Bari Adama. Bm.
Pony In haniesa to be shown to suit­
^^^^ynatetU Hana -C B Mao- ______ Jt; Oao.
able vebiete—Gladys Zll
a <M>. mt; a a
Squaab. fall, I or more—H. J. 1
cool. araL
am; Earl Adams, second.
Bqoaak. aonioer. S or more -Gao.
Cnrrut JaUy-Mra.Ben Gage, am;
Boll. * years old one uafler 8 yean
ant; H. J. UmcooL
Earl Adams, second.
Old-G. w. Arnold, am; Uwell Sonra,
•M Wnadotta Pai-C B. MuivlOa.
Beans, white. onaAalf buabal—H. J.
Jersey balfer calf—Jas Harris, flrat.
Umcool. am; H. J. UmoooL second.
Code—a OMBeans. Boston. onebaU bubal—H.
Jeraey be
Harris. Brat.
Oidcans—teri Adams.
Jersey cow. 5 yenra and over—Jas.
Harris. Brat.
Urgast •onash. namad variety—
Cnentober plcktea—Mrs F. SbUboo,
Jersey cow. S years ud over—Pruk
am; O. A. Jobuos aaeond.
Boors, second.
Mnstard pIcUea—Ura. P. P. Smith.' Jersey bull, over three years—
am; Bart Adams, aaeond.
Pruk Soon. BrsL
^a»-^ OldSweat plcUea—Mra. P. F. BmUb.
Grade Heifer, oue year old and on­
am; Bari Adams aaeond.
er two—Robert Berney. Sm.
a CBboda Iftaad Bn
. Ur*m todmto. aasiad vartotyChopped picUas—O. A. Jobnaoo.
Grade heifer calf, under one yearM: W.I^Nalaon.
Dorotby OoebUn. am
las Harris. BrsL
Boao Comb Rada^ltn.
Jo) Adam*.
-Bn. Jobs
vartetyBeet pickles—Bart Adams. Brat;
Shaap arte Swina.
Pn^Prli!drids!*^r^Sib HwuW.
Ram. two years old or over—Frank
Jobnaon. Crubb. second
Urgeat ear of corn, named vaHeO' am: Mra. Bert Gags second.
Ram. one year old—J. W. Slater.
Boaa OoBb Bade. Hem
—Richard Cross. Bm
Plom plcklee—Urt Adams. Brat; C Brat; Pruk Grubb, second
Longest stalk of com. namad variety A. Johnson, seootsS
Flock of—one ram any age. 1 ewe
a C'Bboda talaad Rad Ooc
-Richard CroM. Bm.
Pear pleklea—Earl Adams. Brat; 0
years or over. I ewe 1 year oU ud
L M. Knltht. am; Mra. Job Adna^ Yellow Dent con. 10 ura—F. R A. Johnson, second.
inder 5. I ewe lamb—J, W. Slater,
•nt; W. B. DaOraw. aaoMd.
Peach pickles—Earl Adams, am
Bnbb. Beat: Chu. Uuvilte. second.
-B^D»Qn». am:
i. C. Rbode Uland Red I
Bubel ears Dent corn. 15 Iba.. yield D. G Shorter, seeoud.
Boar, one year old—Robert Barnes,
!. KnlthL am; W. a Nelam. aeconA Ing moat poaods of abelteh con. to be
Bean pickles—Earl Adams. Bm flm: G. W Arnold. >Koa.j
Roaa Comb Red PoData-Mn. Jobo aballad in presence d )adga—Chas. Mra. P. SbuDOD. second.
Sow. two years old or over—O. W
dana, am
ManvUie. Bm
MUad plcklca—Mra. F. Sbunoo. Arnold, flm.
a C. Rbode taland Rada. Pan-J. M.
Bubal earn of Flint con. SS Iba.. Brat: O. A. Jobnaon. second.
Sow. six moaths bid—W. W. Snow.
Kniibt am: W. B. Nalaon. aaowd ytelding mut pounds of aballad
Catsup—Earl Adams. Brat: Mrs. llraL
- — iO. Ladd. a^L
Hn. Jobn Adama. aaconA
Pen of pigs, nnder six mootfas, either
Taiaaa flvaat—J. a Bord. oaeoad.
Bmue Tnikerr-c. a ManvlUe.
a- Arnold,
- flm.
_____ Crou. am
sex—G. W.
btTaS^ BnL
YeUow Dent con, with ears. 6 or Mn. Bert Cage, second.
Duroc Jersey—Robert Barney, flm:
Bdtian Hana-S. Olddtaca. am
more sulks—Cbaa Manrllle. Brat:
Unfermented grape Jnlee. light— *'
Arooldi second.
am: a a
Ranaom Harris, saoooii.
Earl‘ AAdams, Brat.
—N. J. Hnrrta. BraL
Yellow Flint con, with ears. 4 or
Juice, darkto-W W. Snow. Bm

-w. a Aa&Ma. am
OolUa Papplaa and Mdcber—P. R. Bwra atalka—Rickard Cross, am
Earl Adams, first.
Best four or nx>re pigs, under alt
Qrabb. am
Juice—Earl ODtbs old, of one liner—W. Wueueii. ani.
Adams. Brat.
Snow. Brat.
Rad Ctawaon )«aeat—H. J. LaBooo).
Dairy and Apia^.
cordial—brt Adam.
rat: J. a BoaU. aeoob.
Dairy or prlet batter. nM lam than first.
•atked at Cote fltacl.
Any otbar vnrtoly. l-»
Jelly'cake—H. C
“I wouldn't tel s doctor cut my
off. ' said H. D By.
Dy. Butam.
.Tarii lB»
J. Bortu Bat.
B^ta Wheat uy otbar vartety— C.'QuUd. third; Ju. Harrik third,
unio. -slibough s horrible nicer bad
SanJord PnUer. am.
maett am Ptewara.
ead. borne mUe been the plague of my life
tnrgMt ud bast coltectloe of store
Instead 1 used BucUeo'r
Spiced pesebes—Earl Adams, flm. Arnica Bslva. mad my foot ass aooa I
Iter—H, J. Lamcool. £a; B. 1.
blbltor. aSectlvely srrsaged
Mra. F. P. Smith, second.
eompleUly cured."
Heato Burt
Fancy Work.
Boite. Sores. BnitsM. Ecaema. PD
Sblrt waist, band made—hflss Littie Keinke. flm; Hiss LUsle Relnke.
r Drag Storea.
Qrnu City Floral Co., second.
'Toot tuufnlly arruged Boral deApron, bud made—Mra. C. M. BoelL
i-^Qoean City
- - Co..
y Fiorai
Evory mu who tea gou tkrangh
Lonch doth, hud made—Mitt lit­
or more—Frank M. Paine.
tle Relnke. flm; Mra Pruk Sbuter.
OoUacUona 4 varieties or
flm: Mra. C. M. Bun. second.
flvwdatlop of tte iBMgnUeuca of bis
Mrs. Jobn Adams. secooA
Center piece, tend
bMPn^ « vmiieUoa—
Plank M. PdM. 1
tevad Many Pram Daeth.
~i. B. BUlr. am'
W. 1„ Mock. Of Mack. Ark.f belli
be has saved many Uvea la bis ZZ
Paine. Bm
nte Ostrander. Brat; Minnie Ostran­ yeara'of etperience in the drug b>
BaM collection of giadidas. 4 or der. second.
ness. "What I always like to do."
_ora vartatiaa—Frank hi. Paine.
Six tnmMer dolllei. band worked—'
........... - -__________ Dr King e
B. B. Btelr. aeconA
Ura Hoffmaster. aaeond.
New Discovery for weak, sore lungs,
Bast ooUactloa of asters. 4 or mo
bard colds, boaraeness. obstinate
vmrlaUes—Mra. John H^Btaa. Bm
eongba U grippe, eranp. i
Ban coUactloB of aasurttams 4 or
otbar broediUl aSeetton. for I (cal
a vmriatlaa—Mra. T. G. Moors, a
1 emc net. h^ wart
tbst a Dnmber of my neighbors
are alive ud wMI uteay bocanoc
Best coOacUoe daUtes. not teat tbu
they took my advice to aae IL 1 boavariatlaa—Mrs A. Dlyday. Bm; Mra. —Uxxte RMake. Rrat.
John OralUek. aaeond.
Plltow rtiea t ttrlk BMaha, tm:
Beat ooUmion of anstata. 4 vmtla- Uxxte Retake, aaeoad.
prove te e rtgbL Oct a trial bottle
tn MparaU vaaaa—B. B. Btalr.
Pair of pillow o^aasa, hand wetkod eras, or regntar 5»c wr tLM tettteR. H. HU. aaeond.
—Mra Prank Sktaor, Srat. ..
OflWMWfted bp an Travpra* City
t nan of dnbltan-Mz«. P. B.
Toweta, 8 or aert tend wartte-





Welle tees *ke aanilikk cblet emcoMt, mtie im St
>>W e<nic<»kk pode kom teekle ite ete bneee keM

Hart Schalacr a Marx Oveicorta
el kee, Ike te|>.( Ike aeU ud eeUer.










lie Perfect Laxative
i 5 For EWeriy People


Our young men's
coat! have the same
guarantee of merit



Our stock
never so good.
Command see us.'


Hamilton Clothing Co.





tnBsPAT, Movaamg.


Ad A^d^ of Uw AttncIMf


AdTutifu ol

~ Orana Ti^iWtM PrahMalD.

Mrt to Ohito atofi dfftoiB *
Mmama It to tho maa ffbyM- ATSMht.
usds stneUy i» botoams bad aMpi J. C. Ttort WUM to Travmto C
the rfimmaadi that rtoed ta tba paiA. Friday to attrafl a mmUg ft '
ttoa «d petty aOlMr aad 4am t*
Atoeol board at tbs tBaitbamm
spoke of thf stpurtoaeo thsl th* ■

C3dkk« MbnBrMftriUak of

' , %? |

b ■ 19 ID TM to Hfc ifey ^ Bot raii

lU Ray* b • ItoTTOd w b« I b <«mtol «• Ifae
" |*^^»BdtfamiiBat ab«irW>toMle«t«7|id».
b btoiroa die eye btowN fe
btoMr aad «Uto ad

iWtlM«ii<gaai>»»«ihtoi«<Ww»h»iig. awtohrimiatonto

Steadud oa Coaqwny


bad ba«ii rmJMd tow«M the ub.OM
♦ acadanr eadoraent toad wbUj^vu


bad «a toe cratoo-aad-tor bM

Travtooe ragtoa hava catomd a grant
(bh Oalirt Statm. and sapaetolly Ua
bait tond and
sands of AMtors worth of the best poa-

Sant CxpMU to Teaab.
was to OU Misstab. as It BOW tt
properiy knova. that tba aovssamaat

tbroagb tbe < tamas of the aattoaal
order that tba rad maa might toara to
of wbtob was aasolkv
make aanra yMd him sack aa abunlud and glnm wttboat expacuttoa of
daacb as caodlUoas la wssum Hlehtflaaactol rciania The writani wbo
eraa tbaa warmaud. Ssaalis of
ud tt •(unr* that Uaa beCof* H thtf
tb«7 have glrea tbalr «vd time aad
the apace Is their ptbllcatloBB for the
porpoae of aettlaa before Ibe peblJe
the real Cacu as thor exUL Oae of
the atroacaat anieles ot a iwrelj local
aatnre that baa appeared U the ooe
la (be OraiMl Bapida Press ot Notokvrltua br H. R TlakhaM. a
MOrmreapoadeat of the paper, wbo
a personal
of tbe regloa to the Imeresu ot tbe
apple show and lbs Press. Tbe arti­
cle Is rettrttdeepd for tbe benefit of tbe
readers of tfao connty:

ttoas todicatod ntbar ptoialy that here
was a most .paadsotlra agrtealtaral
eoantry and aaOlsra. attractad tem­
porarily. MUd thd beaaBetol eUmate
Mt ^aca of habttoUoa.
Ta this maanm tba pealasato was
settlad avsa tMfore the begtoalng of
at what now Is Travna Caty.
Tha paatasato U developad as sre


i scorrs




Saifs Epblgii


Th« Farnsr’t Son’s
IfjMt OpgsrtMijy

Before Buying Your
• Lumbering Tools


Wiinik ]mlocaMiMleitniMoarAoclad|il am
focm. VtlmSid^Bitad Aia ino 50c
Bled Axa Inia 85e qi. We ben the fanoe. Meen fine
CneCaSew. M.iaai»tiamamtpaa,imdhar mmf^lbi.i.lbeee>iithari^«wne<)e. Weeinbenibe
OeiAD<belCeitH«>b.Toep.Ln<Ib« Bbicfa. L<«t'e(CbiieAEle.i.eenroeei|JeleeiidenpieeieRed*- We





■lu ua IS maa
put thivagh s sartos of drOtt
be manual of
VaaderwerpAt the coDclnalOB of the to^eetkm
CapL Duffleld addressed toe mfa to
regsni to toe work that they hava
before them, and statod that the 41Tlslon with proper sdvaatages would
be In fine shape fo^the hast anami
cratoa. Ha polatsd btt the dtttos ot
raserv* and argsd toe mas to pay
net attosttoa to toe orders of thttr
otfiesn who wffl sot ask timm to do
tar tottr gaod


that tbe work woald Us to thaw to
k amd too Bpoank mo
tbalr fatare work to tbe
loM of tbe oM Taauc and said It was
tbe best tolp in tbe
t paaMtod « too local tatoIt had-a.ktolmy^tkal>was waf]
worth beeomlag l^ltor wtlh. as tt
Tbo young poopto 'ef Cedar bad a
U tbe tost ramalalng boat of ibe sM most* anjeyabto puny (a tbs cBurch
which tbe. conatry baa ab buMMsat Thoraday svoatog. Rsdratoways beea prood. tt was tba taatir
wers sstirad aad a gaassal sMd
that was SMt to
ttoas enjoyed.
to relieve Greely aad bis party aad
TMiy Viskoehll of Travsrae City was
her decks hava baen trad by
aval beroeo ta tho an- .t largo quantity of fan for Friimau
history, among whom s^ks theU __
Admiral Schtor Who woo toe! cha^ Hochradto dravo to Travoras
battle of Saatlago.
CapL DnflMd stated that the com-1 Mlm Baby ani-«D». visited her amthtag sammer tbe dlvtatoa will be. sap- aria Tnrwto City over Buadar.
with a cuttor With which tboy
Mr. aad Mrs. John Tto»r of fiotoa
pracUeo ravriag oa tbe hay Md|tpoat Wadaosday with Mr. aad Mra.
thereby boeoam (aatiUsr wtth tbe i John Tutosr ^Flhto ptoca.
actual coadiuoat or warfare,
MlM StoM Brtar tt Haptt City lr
rtfie rsngs will also bo Jortoeamlag' doing Maa'BBwtoc torHra. W. H.
as well as a fonr-toim caaaoa whleb | Cork.
will be Mo4 to traiB tbs mao at' Mr. and Mrs. J«a April have oevod
urget pracUc*. He went over tba bock laic town W toe wtoter.
life of tbe reserve la detaU aad gave
Noah Ftamonda ta ctorktog to Jos
an asoaltost Mea ot what to aapected; Bpoask's wtar* tor « eoupls of worts.
wbo enlists and dtoo
Tom 6uuktoghAtt aad wtfs aad Mr.
empbsatoed the imtonaace ot riaan- Henry Corit and ^mUy bavo aMved
llaeaa wiU Umir iadlvMral armrwnd to town for toa wtMor. There Is aow
eqalpmeBL which 4s oaa Of too «o- not a vacant .tosae la town.
qntoltet of an aaHsted mn to tbe The school children to Mr. Dago’s
tourestlog let­
The members of the division were ter from Rllssbato BaUIvsn from her
their nbowlng new homo to Oatltoratt. They ail eajoyed
and hoped
sbich when tbeir .
ukra Into conaideratieo was oxcap- Elltabeto would writo again.
tlooslly good. Tbe next year’s cratos . Mr. aad Mrs. Joo niiask Br., have
was dtocatssd aad ba statad that it been vttlUBc' tottr darthter at Travto very .probable that tbs ships whi orao City tho pas weak.
Ed McQaaor hH' roatod tho Ortarcruise la squadron with tbeir bradquartera somswhers to this aaeUon City botol hare and wltt tahw pOMPof tbe grrat lakM. ThU wiU gtva a ttoa BOBko time Best mook.
The Royal Nelghbeta of Coiar wtth
better class of work for
tbaa ever before aad also help oat > ahhoora thu they will rtta their
ottbs cratoa as anaaoj »\twUm ot ttneotn too TkmI will be penatttsd to •
i to be prasoet. aa a toll
the different efaipe aa well as bo gtreo shore leave when aaebotod near
Mra. OIckormas aad koe. Warrott
elty ^ safAclMt ahm. Tbe
iMar vtattora Thararegular annual iaapoetloa erlll
held to February or March tt which day.
Mrs. 8Uke Odol U ouUe U M ttta
time It Is azpocted that toa dlvtoioa
will have Bueh bettor ouartora ta wrltlag. Mra. Jim fiimia U attoadwbicb to show wbat they cud do to lag hor.
iha Ronioan tt oaaRnod to his homo
drills and ron^e work.
Tbe Btote will furalsb all U|* #o^ with a had-atsart «t gitapm
Mra Frart Slit WM a Tiavoias
esasjy unilorma and anna whMB (ho
division Is very short oA at prastat City visitor Tassdsy.
Mr. sad Mn. .Fttor ShooUek have
Tbs outlook is Indeed bright lor the
local division which Is woll ofScored moved tote tho Fi^ Bright heaso.
of a splendid cIsm ot Mr. BbooUrt Is war now uporaur. vhb
rocoatly merad- Bar* 4mb Mattttoo,
eaUsted I

tectloB of Michigan. Tat it to abounds
^ Baalab. hOeh^ Nor. I6.-Xr. Wok. a«a
•oaale haaatr spots that tbe drive
» Htotalav or W.-A. Betts of Beatoala. I
li^ean Tmverae City aad Old Mto« dead la UcOoaald-s store this
tarmed the
•cJeMHlc Fannlnp.
Dwth was doe to caaoer # . CEOAfI, It F. O. MO. 2.
altos aaywhera to
In this day of scle«lBe famlat.
»( the paaersas. Mr. Klac was a ear- 44444444444444444
of Mlehlgaa.
. paater aad nored from BeasonU
Cedar, Miihw' Nov. U.—Monday
Tbe drive scales lofly MIU and dip*
aBalysU, topocrapbical c
4bo«t tblrty pear saio to Neir Yfrk monilBK
a dosea otber strictly modem proposi- down into valleys. Bvery possible va­
«lt]r aad recently cane back to Ben- 10 decrees above 9. Qnite a snddan
tiOBs are taken into conslderstloa to riety of scenery, to praoeatod to tbe
«a*la tronj Hatoa. where be bad beea ebsase from ibe balmy breeses of
of tba antomoMltot ta a veritoble
ilectlnc and manacing western kUchl^ealdlBK tor aOM yeara. He leaves a Bstnrdsy.
gan farms. It will come as sometblog kalledoscope of chsnglaK pictures. At
-artfe aad duKbter to nonn fats death.
Tacer has rented hto tana
of a surprise to learn that fifty and one point one may look acroas s mosi
% Maetpaf Satton aad aereral toaeb- to Tnd Wares of Cedar Ran. wbo
ry to tbe west, and
sixty years age. to tbe days when the
a aad stadeau of
tost -week.
.eat arm of the bay to tbe
gOveroment was bnsy teaebtog the totbe foarela of Miss Grace
T. H. RTilte Is told ap with a oevdtoas of western Hlcbt^. tbe ndi- fine profile of tbe Leetonsn penlnsato.
at Pierport tost Friday. Miss
cold1 OB bti tuoss.
meau of sarcessfal fartntog. tbe bene- To tbe east, over Jais sa'nagniflceoi
a Kadnate of Bensonto acadHenry ErUaon, wbo has been aspastoral a6d woodtond siraUh of
lad was uacblnK to Arcadto. slstiac Joe Herman, a few days, re- firial effect of tbe deep water of Lake
may see tbe east srtn of
Michigan upon the cllmste of this secaba baeaaa Ul dltb pi
to bU borne Gatorday.
syond^ls It tbe mala
tbe bay.
tlon of tbe state, was recognised.
:;«M Citfdenly. Sbe was a brlgiit
Mr. sad Mra.' Frank Bright awrod
Hoe with (the\white bouses of
From tbe cboiof of fmlt varieties
■'TaMe girl and wUl be aafily <* their faim tost week.
;/liks gems In t
and tbe location of tbe old wchards
by oAay (rtsads.
Mrs. DIckennmn was la Traverse
it also would seem Batting ot tohaga hsd hoyond this the
r ^
tbe third
MBBfo. wto aad two chU- City tost
If Mrauttnil Torch
that tboee early agricaltnral teachers
fitSB Mrs basn Ttoittog their brother, nnmber ot the High school lecture
^tbe Villon will
of tbe gorerament sad even tbeir cop
Dr. Mayo.
Mayo, «t
of Bi
per-colored students already had ab­ carry untU sheer disuneo blends that
■torpei Those wbe drove to Traverse City
, Jaba^bsmaa
sorbed ume of that farm science gen- vasi area of uadersloped Mlehlgaa latosr* wortod Moeday at tbe baton «l .Satarday. «ot» aarpriaed by
Ibe dim mists impenetrable to (be
erally attributed to tbe tweatletb caaififi hrids's pamato to Beatob.
suna. 8oaa. braved It wbito.otbera
naked eye.
tury to Uittolgaa.
.1 «ate GIM. James Pettit. Fntak aad lotto retoge w«tb fitoads.
Tb^poolnsdto Is s happy blcadtng
Land Bettor For FruH.
Jocblm Wolf, a aoU aetttor of this
■iitfii Maara spent last weak I
of scoBic graadsnr aad tbe extreme of
town, wbo lived near BoIob fiUtlon
lag ta 04 vletolty of Baas
essful touJt culture. In this couatbe awvement to favor of fruit farmL Wort bM btob twealvad ot tbe dsalh with his aged wife, paated away 8attbe Instanoes where tanas and
tog la western Michigan should uot be
V Mra. teantf <La^oa. aas Ctoia arday evantog at I0:K. He toU from token as an todlcatlon that the value even small orebarBs have paid for
bis -wagaa while to Tryeme City
of Ibis particular section ot tt>9 state JieiwlTet In a stogie resr’i crap are
Oaifirttot has lotarnsd tram two weeks ago today bad bis death
a fruit couBtry la a strictly new 10 common as to occasion little comUniab Ml «ni Msito la MeDoaald's was the reeult of sertoas injaries. He
knowtodge. Half a century ago tbe meat among (be nsUves.
Germany. 7t yrafs ago.
Just bow many fortuaes have been
pioneers of this district fonad tbe cli­
widow, two daaghtors,
Wlilarii aM wUe aad Praak
mate and tbe soli better adapted to Btode la apples sad peaches aad cher­
1 bad wtt» «t Ciflcago have Mrs. Anna Welch aad Mrs. Mary fruit than general farm crape and par ries and to real esute deals, none will
B hto# IMlag aftor tbalr totarasu Ctort, aarvlve bhn. Faaeral aerriece tlcntorly adapted to apple raising.
know. Tbe topography of the
todv. ooadiKted by Mr. Tiwmalae.
One would hesitate to say that ^ pealnsnla. tho soil aad toe rilmate
tt was glraa la tbMr bonor at MUto’
Indian students of the goyeromint make It Ideal. Indeed, it is said that
.. Jadi to tbdr {Mbor. where they aa- B4444444444444444 farmers erer were able to analyse why not. a foot of ground atm It. but may
• BhttadiM
Ifcotorst to.tbd uwstbto that
depended upon to produce bumper
CEOAR arv.
44444444444444444 tond adjacent to Lake MIebIgan re­
crops.of fruita
Cedar Ron. Mlchd Nov. I?.—The joiced to a nwre lem|)eraie cUmaie.
Tbe peniosutt. sbaiied as it is, to tbe
Cedar City. Nov. 18 —A most enjoy­
..M gave a 'bee Batarday to raise J. But tbey knew It was so and probably
nature of sJ Irregular bog-back, might able afternoon was held to the obareh
|W. Boibert-s bouae aad pat It ap
be said to offer air drainage m practi­
tion of a reason. It Is
After a plcashto farm where M oipecu to make
too. whether the farmer of that pe­ cally every available acre. 'Tbe eo:lnl visit, games were Indulged
lose of It as a harn. He built a
refreshmenu ot assorted saodriod knew tbe valne of sir drainage. called Middle road skiru tbe apex of (i„
taosae oa his farm UOs.tolL
the ridge and to tbe east and tbe west
Harry Haker has boM butchering;
the general contour Is a slope
A Ladles' Aid society was then organ­
Isereral ^gs for Mra. A. C. Wynkoop leal sttaatlons tm tbeir ondiards U evl^
ddoed. not OD^ but dosens of times lake level.
ised. with nfficers as follows: Mra.
'also D. a Bborter aad Mr. Skiver.
Another sure todleatlon ot the sucWe are all glad to awe George New- OB tbe peninsula where orchards of cees of the peninsula as a fruit coun­ Bowen, president: .Mrs. Loela Cork.
irosldeoi: Mra. Vttek, aecretary;
*1MB. wbo baa Jnst' retaraed hchne tpsae flays have been picked up by the try Is found In tbe extreme develoir
Mrs. Ruby Blllman. asststsut secre­
'from the went.
meat of the good roods Idea. There Is tary; Mra. Anna Blllman, treasurer.
I Bverett Crain aad Saed Zeigler tivated aad thinned to accordance with
Quite s number from bere ttiended
•have gone ta Solon to thrash beans. tbe best Ideas of today and made to
1 Mission. Fruit tanners were tbe wedding at £d McQueer’a tost
Charlie Case was to town Salnr- yield a smallftirtune with every paasthrawn upon tbeir owo resources to Wedaeadsy eveutag. Mias Lily being
lag year;
*yy OD bosiness.
Dou!ibtless they never stopoed toVe- SDivtng tbe pnblem of transportation
( Ktoser Crain drove a salesman to
tbe maiAets or railway aud steammember
lenlM that cold air is heaviest
■st i^d
will sink and tbaL therefore, it will
Lsaraed by Ci
|atort stteadlng bostoess ooitoge tost drain down to the hollows. setUe there
They learaed toe lesson of e
and that there will be the ktUIng
value to go^ roads, by simple etpe^
Mrs. Jane Harvey has been very frosts. But without knowing tbe res- ience. Tbey lesraM that tbe good
great many of them accomplish­
'poorly bat it better at this a-riting.
road meant s ssvtog In Ume. in wrar
.fMcraKt ot B Bnannpie>
I Geo. WlUobe has been nulle poor­ ed I'esulu and the farmer of today li> aud leaf upon vehicle and horses. And
ly • We have about « toriies ot snow rejoiclag to aa Intelilgent understand­ tbey knew this saving figured <llrectl>
ing of the whys and wherefores of all
preseot time,
these things aad was tortunate enough into dollars and cents. And so the
very aloe slelgblng:
gel bold of one uf these oM or­ township proceeded to Imprsve Its
Mrs. Abberu Crain aad Miss Sadie
Sloan's Lmiraent has a
chards to reaping a rich' reward In- roads. They sre sboui as near a boule
Crain called oa Mrs. Wm. QrlRlib
vsrd today as the strictly gravel road
soothing effect on the
'of Ovlstt. Tuewlay afternoon.
Just ho* completely has tbe
nervet. It stops neural­
The |«alnsula lying l.ctween the
I Roy Case Is moving to Almira.
1 road system been Improved
gia and sciatica pains in­
Cheater Loeckes has bought tbe east and west arms of Grand Traverse
isirated by (he fact that sben
Joe Boilers place at tbe head of bay bossu of Mroe of the oldest aad Grand Traverse county elected
orchards In western
the Bellas lake aad expects to move
Au. Dhtnoisn
come under the prorislons of tbe new
Hve-i Proof
Michigan, it Is not a IlKbt soil, aad
this Seek. county road la* of (be sute. this
Un-C. H-DoWkwlf^e
ixoept toward tbe extreme end. It Is
towasbip relused to Uke pan. It had t
not -heavy. The tndUns, lafalllble
ao reason to lie roads, every nrile of i
hem. had been Improved.
These are some of tbe reasons why I
Trkverae City to so proud ol wbat the !
peninsula has to show. On bright Sun
days you can hardly rent a rig to tbe
city and youll find nlae-tentbs of them
strewn along tbe tbore sad middle
roads. AntomobUes enme as far as
from Detroit to make this drive, lo



(MHda ttdw



is toe best remedy for Aeomstism, backache, sve
throat and spraina.
At ^ dealera.



tahSrs at Me por hartdI.^lM^-^
Tho Bjghu am ooM; thara to.*
from avarp wort la Sho- poar, art

Jalp. art tooy trt tao-tliftoh
has boon a-Msi

With rtrtr y<-^-

• ;bl,

aa tooL l.jodBk tram wMfi’l.haro
soon ahoM ott tasBoa -wsiMto
. .
Tho Oroai.Nortoara R. B. Is »**•

goraitwrs tt too northwatt rtr.MiBto. .
art May a bottle tt te*
brokso 00 toe trip: ao if
000 totti doot bellovo t
'. for thor aio Jui




o ^ BIM

4 «tap ta-BNehtgatt «rtw- • • > 4
Form«r BooMefit'4
Watolagua, Nov. ie.-A Mg IfiM
^^FkUaudt. Ida.. Oct tty MIL for art I
Dear I
man taw - tt too <
toousand SX ieoagraoo was lotoci
eompttUoa of s bUl by I
... 4m Instos too ~ratt Of r
per sera and tt wonh ahewL |4*. to tloo Bhary. Hoaryh ■laaam 'Mlm
|W per acre,
>«.« V. and
too tow by toe tt9rome ooart'ttiM
very rolling, in fact there tt.agt oatiiaes definitoly what shall ho OHb
era ol tavol land to fivo.lhoag**''
a trnsL
► v
timber load selU for |»
tlGO per acre aad. from as acricultursl standpolQt it U of but Uttto
DM u
value, for this reasoa. too moot df It
Tbe eonaty has ospeoM fMM tMfl
u covered with pine
*10 aad tamarart year for oddlOons art Itorrif jaW
stumpe—oot w large as thoao ps the to toe coatRy poor boose that maro
coast, but very thick on the grpaaiL quirad by tow. aad ISM to advortiso
tod the eeUmatad
tbe county, a total of |4M0 maro tort
;hmn away
ay tt MM
pm- acre.''
AftsT ueaal. DaspRe this fatt aa* (hat top
yon get the load raady tor toe plew county has lost the sal
It has oast you about 1400 to fM9
that «
psoptt tofak la sort's
r acre. Now yon woaU natorally wonderful source of Ineosse.
Base, tos
thi mtd
»ect lo got a hamper crap Uks firm of toe founty tax will bee s
a Uttio
' ' tass
It you doaX aor *'
this year than lastt year.
ysar. TbU
7-_ pn^
aor evenI (he
toe third
.jtod now, why
oot? Simply boranse too Uad If toll money s
iBcnasIng taxes.
.. ____
five years halore shown by Ibe bills of tha, flhttlff khi
you can get a crop of wheat ol 20 dapaues
and Justio
. __________
busbeb per sere. Aad I triU say prewnted lo tbe board tt rtnirlilld
right hero toot you esa net raise for payment, that It boa oott (MOOOBmoeb else but wbeot here and
t) iio:; less per awath -to rwa tM
gan will do as well as
count) daring loeal aptisa Ibia jgHM
_ (that crap, for Ote averago bore Is Ibe prelvous -wot" yoar.—flUaottSBi
sboot fifteen busbeU per acre. This Herald Itt as add that ibero to atatw
inetudeo tbe great Walla Walla Val­
(be county ttoaomy-^^W
ley. Sr We are shout 100 miles from toaa two years ago—Elb RapUg#
there. This year hat bws an extra
good one—tbe best to ten yean. Tbe
average yield ibU season ws« thirty
buibels per ,acre. But let me explain
FfDttttlBM asR
something bere that you do not
rrbttpMFUy '
About, sod (bat Is. theV only crop
years; but
their land once In i(wo years:
Boinetlmes powbear people rty that
they moat wort the land evrery year tbe closing of the salooas art I___
III to ibe Uag down o( breweries art dBttBosUi
wild oau. rstUesnaks woffld
work rrrai hardship to t
-................................-totooltfgrass, slid sunflower, and a hundred boring nmn. bt-rause so m
and one other weeds sad gritist as (brown out of eraployme
than Michigan qaack
the atattsr Is that t
very little (ram toe vMt gamagl uf
*?ow (be praflt on one's farm here capital' Invested in too U----nke "
ir the money now spont tor •
Espense Fee Acre.
ProMriog soil ........................
and tbe.Jiko. the Imjrtnf glsrt
Thl^tol^ « ta/ St
per ^



IJJ" 5aSt^ - Bgaor.
lo aaarty a mUBoa jirt a half
To(/t ........................................... 117.45 art
workon la addlUoa. Tkat^ om raaAt-oh ararsM Of M hoaheU per
■ea wby prabibUloo sptttt prartHtiynow betog 70c the returas
........................ .-IJ1.00
Leaving a balaaco la poor
yoar —
-There are a I
ad women la B



framatomgsBtost i

pnrtag (ho aoil by two. as tL. ____
haU of yoor toad ttast bo worhrt
tor norttag to fcfil fool staff for n«u
yoar's erop. b when von do toU
rtoi sro Cb
toe dlfforraco botwosn .M.7C art »4.4b. Bo* doos
tbit ,STTttl to yoa(
tail 1 haro Att ttMtlogod too to■Ott oa yoar moaoy iarottad. which
juM amnait oa aa araraga tt short
Ml FOr httA

••Bstato-fltov ta MtehlrtB aad ratao


------tthea a Bgaor.rtvirtliBniotti .oatt
third of too c
not a prttoaor la tbeir faOs
per la toek poorfaeoses. ~
eoaattos tt Kaaaae dtd a
Ttattaa li a prahlWtkm stata.

cii^i«^Wiiw-iriii II i>,^ T»»wrwiriitf-itt«* -mwDAT. novembeb si, i


tiE J3ohr scnoou

BM kaowB what wai be daoe wtth eral days. Thetw was «o grwt danthe dtMar b« It win probablr be age beaWea tbla except that the cardaw dowa B tb« aoirtt tfaS toota placed OB exhibiUoo la eoae of tbe P« caught -fire. wblN Mr. Psanon
local boalMn place* dorlsa ih« wla- eolckir extlagatohed srtth the aid of a
.r Bioatbh
»tbo fiwe altracH or the
The firet Ladlet' Aid aadetr aieob- The dsuitopnaat bureau haa rwis« of the acoses aad the first soder eired a catdjipa a man In Chicago
« -«M lMr«l.
tbe sew Ceotraj M. E- church, wat aaldiig for Isferwatea In legard to a
ptoos for a anaU hotel, aa old log
held WsdBMdar anareooa li
and abovt SO aesna which would
cb pai4ra IN boMaeaa
MMM 0*«M ac
mwaa nrr aoiboMaBie aad.vtMt be soluble (or an old tounla. A sanll
Uni mrttimr ywm^ 'ntt.
plaat for work were laid for the eo- piece of toad Bear a good lak* with
•olac reor. The Ladlee Aid at this good Itahlag woold atoo be' eoasMeiwd
BOeUnc pledced »S.(-00 at .their share bj'the writer. Aa effort wiUdM Bade
toward* baildloa the new church, to find bin what be waata.
•f iMiM m
fl.oee to be paid each <rear. After
Hefuy J. Altoa and Hra. Mary Rewe
tbe meeting the ladles were enter- were united to amrrlage Thuraday
n «lT».......... ............
ulaed br tbe earc-.ulTe board of the afteraoon by Jadge Fred R. Walker Old-TlfM Oseetty MeUnd May Be
I elar. pcoTldod H la
Uesd te AdtrfntoprUFItb AeWewf
aunnm U (Mr-OMh*. MIm KMUlu
church. Light refreshaents were to hto office St the com hooaa.
' • aad snpoa do
Egg Plant Temktoea Eto.
i^‘«ka4i« *«’kaa*lB Kwt. ««B
ac pt •oQa aa U
«i0 M tkc ■
Biahep Bamuet Fallewa. ene of the
Tia«-OK«r •AHMd for el
oat eloQBent idatform orators In tbe
to of egg ptont wmtB
ratCmc «poa
cated In the destrartloa of the flock of cuMint^. win appear on the.Needham
other small seeds nay be
.. _____ far tbe parpoee turkey* belonging to Frask Weathers Bnslncas rrllege lecture course ihl*
tbaos frvlta __________________
bnildlsc a mUe of aacadam
, lot Km,i Bay township a short tine erealng. This speaker has been upon
IfhBo oaeh daaa of rrsH baa Ita
deeder towaiAip. Mtmahoe
of|lJ.:'*«° 'PPUred la tbe probate
the platform for many years and U a
>n» tugtk mntm wmru m tbeir
^'*“ fOT*tL*wuTiMe^t inproTtag’ibel^«dnesda> afieraoon aad aeltled by naa who has a message to deliver to
mun, IN cmtm w« ww.*
iparlBg for tbe gobblers at tbe rate of the people and be does it to a atanner
TW MM ■■HIM Dl <
Great towashlp. Maaoa eoaaty. te <] u earb and ihe r
that bolds his aDdlences spellbound
preparing to spmd M.OOO, acumred by
----from tbe begTonkb to the end. He is
tN_^ of road boada. In building
MsrHss* Ucenaes
Tburftda.v to Prank Keigler and Annie views and to bear bliJ Is to receive
a4 Ib tbo Beads of tbe troea. If any
En Plant Fruit.
~ or Ne riendM are laddag la
benefit and a «<^r
Hoch. both of Gafflcld townthlp. and
boitlM shosro hero, ths ooe oa tka
grwth of
------------ ----------- - tann on Ibe Charles E. Domtne of Traverse City tog of tbe great problc%is with which leu contotos pure wator. upon whIeB
em^frsH. shores
«( «k BM«* found £S bws M
of the west arm of Grand TravUertha W>ani cf Itoyne Cfij-. he deals.
It Is

many seeds are shown as Boattog aM
tt> tU
erie Bay. Western Michigan. Dorias
William N. Oepuy. wN was at ewe a tanker number at (he bottoo^ IB
i^'oraitrogn 'la^e'^I*^^ bat the season Of Itll he harrested MS These sre the first licenses that have
aaeod, as tbla has ameh to do with the boabels of trull train door acres of l>een issued since Noretaber 7. the time a reporter c'm tW.Dally Eagle the boMie cn the right, it U a B* ptr '
seven year-old trees. A large part of cold scather and high price of llrtag
cenL solutloo of conmoa bbH tewWcB
. IraT^lCnS^iet- Asf tka tk« qwetlw
graded number one aod sold having put a crimp in the natrlmoDl Kalkasklan at Kalkaska, died Thtira egg plant eeeda' that sank te p«ro
day at Alaraorordo. New Meiicfo water werw Maeed. with (he result
*1 market for uier a w^k.
that many remained at the top.
County Trwasurer Finley M. Ham- from heart faUnre. About a year
All eeeds that swim tn water shoaM
•MI Nr tsMm. U tkaj ihoatd nend today received a rhcck from the ago be sold out hi* inicresto nt Kal­ be rejected, and a turiber eeparstloa
Ifm. tktr eu N tMd bMMM Ibe
Stole for $S.l3;i.5n. for Grand Trav- kaska and went u. the sonthweot for can be made as shown ta tbe tnoMlh-'
bar h Mt UtbBffiqg wN»L It te
crao eoonty's share ef the j>rJiiisrT “s health but returned daring tb->, tloB by luring the aeeda that etsk te
Swdpt for the
from ftoatt. I ‘
immer' and was connected wl.‘i waiec. in a weak OMUlkm of suskr or
Jwt H thmp tor tb« poroBt cm war
■ acbool money In the Noveaiher dtoirlto
----------------adrtoable _
to ,—,
ptont the
Uia bosh frwits
. in till.linn
—- •
James Blaker. located
M mitUr. «<td tb« botur «»r U to topos the tower lereto la order to aer *1.000 less than Boyne ni> papers. WhHe there hit salt
near Uke City.
y. Missaukee i
tro-ible again, appeared and *-(■
Tbe pcrceotage eff eeeds. tart* or
par tb* tUtloB Md kMp th« bor
cnH a snpply of Stotetare. aa they Western
Michigan, secured 4,:.W‘ hu.
I .i
turned to New k'exleo to Septem- •mall nay be determined bytbedshm .
•ehooL'* - Otb« poteta of latorMt os
- —-------------- " tba weather els of potatoes from 35 acres. Then?
usaar large potatoes
iiU health conUnual to fall un­ |ty of the solution employed. tb^ Iraut totloo Boat of whleb
toes at 60 cents tN
(hr ''rtiis tier capita.
Theue (hot float may be removed.
til his death.
aiUng price. wouITabNi |
SM won baon to tN •*•»«• scboo) ------------ --------- there to Unto danger
Mias Gelda Goodrich entertained
of tsjsiT ky ^sg frosts.
Tbla gravity method I* simply the
od farm to this »^l^
H. B. Hogan, whe ha* beep coBnoM.
■0 bfwiabt ou sod ptoMd
the Mtskcs Slgne I■edcr8en, Edmt
old iime practice of -brlotogT whaau
cu with (be Nattonal-f'ash Reglt»
o( this aioMlDC, when aH Bon OB naaU bIsms^
John EUena. a WesW - Michigan Skinner and Prances Bauman at din­
eeUA aot togthir sod bav* their
farmer, located to Mlctonktjr^my; ner last Thursday evening In honor
O'Reilly of this city, for the past year
harvested 500 bushels of pototoes from her birthday anniversary.
MU« dMvir portnrN br s'
posstbto at
a single acre this fall. As potatoes
and a left Thursday otorolug for
poloBt UMtraetor.
Ufy theaoU
chrysanthemum favors were given.
rtuglag I
T<Hedo. O.. where he has accepted a
s of fruit
fit ckMdai Mr. Ushv cave a abon
The Cineinnati CommercUt Tri­
I a retniirn of *120 from tbe acre.
position in tbe otflee of tbe company.
to tbo ettora aod la.part tka son to sandy, or of aasd.
bune Dt Sunday. .November 12. con­
The BurMU of Aasoetoted Chariome WeMern Kllcblgan apples tains tbe following
^ UK:
■oil li too hMTy. This, of cot ... ..
jiped to Portsmouth, Va.. a '
ties. Hiss Dells Glllett to diarge. has
h^ooi «a tar as tha-ottemr* or dls- not fsasibto » eomnorctol orchards
weeks aioce. were u’ortb 25 cents <
accepted the offer of a desk Id the
except perhaps on sinaU areas,
Met wash is matotnsil raao
to tba Portnnoutb retell msrket
Traverse City:
bureau of Information, room 7 of the
•Mb yoo. By law wMto are «0B- when thers to a sandy knoll In an <
lnd„ repevrts a highly arttstlc Joint
chard.^»isfeaMr 8. T; Maynard.
paON to be la.lha aobool imw eight
The commercial associations of Hol­ recital given last Thnreday by two SutheflMd block. Miss Glllelt's ofbouis beginning with today arv
land. Grand Haven. Uuskegoa. Udlng- gifted I'cung nierabeni of ihe Cinclnrmn. la K right. Is M Jsst, M It fair
The Dairy Cow a Msehlnt.
ton. Traverse City and Petoskey have
fron 2 to
and the Intormation tcl
to oonpMI tbaa to atay la a aehMt
If one to to feed tbe dairy cow si
isaned booklets and folders wtthto the nnU rouaervaiory Faculty. Mlsa Paul­ ephones are at (he disposal of the
fnm that u awUrMtlea. •haa ewsfuUy. he most regard her as a n
last three years for the purpose of ad- ine Adams, pianist and Moselle Ben
grlnQidg or
threshii _
])Ublie. Tbe atisens number Is IMC
snniilBii oa the flasst days tbalr ^loe capable of grlnai_.
b •» N NBBi (bM Ibw
ont from the hay. cofa sitege. and varttolng their special advantages and nctL viollnistc."
M. rbU BBloaa tNgr osaU ___ nn hwrU.Taars for a taate «( . other teed. aU tbe nUk It metsiBs.
The U. S. A. club of girls were
A. H. Vlaek ha* fwcently received
Bettis A. wKh pave wawr; hottteM,
• 4|r «batr daty oa g achool eO- door Ufa aad baaaly? U Is aa acdoal the sane as the threeblag naehlne
icriained by Miss Edith Brou
Buff WyiiDdou cockerel, from Sand- with 20 per cepL aeluUon
w-aOaa. TNm lact. .dtraeian aad ofdeeta I have threahea from the wheat, oata. aad
A her home on Tenth atr«-et Thursday wirh. llltoois. Tbe bird is «ae ot •att.
hartey. tbe rtpeoed grain from the
lb mol arbowls tbu wara ab- * a
evening. Ka<-h member came goivh< the (Inrsl specimens of the breed in
raw. When -the threiblag mehl
iMBlt U ebUdboad. TW«
ane- onto the tens, a man seenr..
a little girl and also brought hi (his lirlnlly. Mr. Alack will exhibit barley, oau, etc.
toring Murray has taken ths posl-'
M BO Tossna whatfw tor tbla. Maba aa organised force of men and tnaiiu
umt oBlp bM
with i!.lvnntogo
uin formerly occupied by Ward i.vidy l«-iir and <l..]|. |•^lldron'. bis bird at the coming poultry show •maUer rise.
r tk« Ua ocNal war aiMoob attraetira a plaeo that
jj j 'games were features of the evening this ^imcTBurns as bookkeeper (or
i N.MIeMNbWB anoB» tb* tbo cdUldnm win be proud of aad a In order that the threahl
threshing nay I
Morgan pMUe. the latter having leltl""'*
«“Pr*r'' •■»
The Rev. W. H. Herbert, who
wbore ibey will want to go Ib- Me toes Wort
t a Ume and entail ;
(or Chicago, where he will make his **’^'*‘
hosii^ts. Miss Maude at S26 tVest Front street, today tOQk BUaETiN ON DUSTLESS MAO
at balag «or«ad. It la always UtUe expense aja possible.
ItoKayeite Is president of the chib,
the First NaUonal JUnk. a vine
a «oo4 larastnast to laproro tbo
• people dtoUke to caU the dairy
Nash A Ehrenberger are moving and Mins Margaret Iluellmantcl toe- with 13 strawberries, prattolly. ripe,
cow a nacUne. but ahe to a noat wononbooi raon aad tbo ochool la .
whirb he dug np from under
BsL Mohaj is woD apoat for a litIn her nake-op and r««Blrlnx an oper­ try store from its fomier loeailoii
The O. D. giria gave a surprise party inches of snow. .The berrle* w«
tM ifdst Isr tbo laMde aad cot, aad ator who naderatands her it she to to
protty iBfwlshiags that MU
do her work'meet satUfaetorlly. She i»ear Cedar street to the corner of Tli-irnday evening in i;i':inr <-f Hose perfectly formed and very large.
Brosliui's lilrthdax at ilu- latter's
works coastanUy, day and nlghl. for West Front and Division streets,
potato market Resembled
tW whbto alMpbaro brlgbtei
her owner, conrertlng the feed which
and Mrs. G. G. Bates entertali
on Wool .Ninth streel. The even ailriion Ksie Monday, as the buyerv
■urWBiUiB fioaL Start a Utaad butter tet.
til plsylng numerous gsuies. have been on Ih rampage and bid­
rtwo -««HV
Wedneaday evening
Ua Btohry to yoar aoboola. Parhapa
boused and
nfti-r wlilrli rcfreKhnients wore at-rved. ding was carrted nn In « very spiriied nalmw-ra and chemists totef0«sd.-ls
I ar yoa do.adt kaaw that the ««d^ a^^vld-’a
modern road constniction. Therofora
oonvertta* the dairyman s hart^Mrort i*”"••ou<l‘>n «'HI leave Saitir- Tbe girls reiuiired to their vnripus manner. -Ikimr IobiIk of well as the bulletin of 4he Itotted States daand hteh-priesd .eed Into doltors and <l«r ter Los Ajigelea. Calif., but Mr* boiiies at a late ■h:-ur. ufier miiini- sorted stork were btd up at. high a panmernt of agrlenltare on methods
Lwbar aadwaaleclod ^teka, good
I be equaled by no Loudon wlU not go until later.
for ibe rxamlnaiton of Bltomliio«a
laadflMa boohs that thg be
not only the
The gtoaa Jar axhlbll of preaarved
most enJo}’sb!e eit-nliigs of thfej ing made on a single hMd Irefore li
materials, prepared by (be oMea
gtoli win Uka. abaply tor the freight BMOBs of mnlto money (or the
U tormw’s's sold to the hlgbeit bidder. of public roads, aad Itmaed as MB. tt .
- up’ihe (run which waa rtiown at the apple Indoor season.
obargBA Perhaps yos'do aot kaow or, bat «te3a htoff^to ■keep
(srtfitOr M
(bus make It show at Grand Rapids by the Wmttot series, wbicb eooulos ooaIra Benson ol St«ts street egperi- Prices here are higher than hi any
that they vUi alKi aend yoa psod
m prodneOvB.- Profeswr George C. er^ Michigan Devetoptnent bureau em-e<l a painful aceldcnt 1Vedn<‘eda.«.
plcie descriptions of the melhoda. of
everyOB good paper aad
imphrey. Wlaqonsin
StoU I'alvar- has been returned mnd Is being un-'
------ ifhiilon for that rta«i of matoilWhile engaged In the act of filling bis tody seems In be at s<« as to the
Bed ready for Nogis employed at preaeni by (hat of­
packed to the bareaii laboratoD' oil atoiL- blh little girl, who had lieen nutrnnie of the boom. The receipts fice. should mnierially farther the
Hg oa yoar aehoei walla tree If yoa
This exhibit attracted a great amount playing, aecldentally ran agaln>i him. after lH»on were gew-d on arccnint of idoption or standard methods, a ntetwfli M :par tbo frofghL Thk
of attenUon and proved to be one of
Ihe mild wmllic-r 'and the gncMl
6r yoar ddldraa, for,
tbe featuree of the aboic,-ns it Is,
sleJgbiiig that prevails near the c-lty,
It la taHa wall Nowa Am the
Thc-ee methods are
ibrough Us deep root rarely that such splendid (nilt Is uirner. tinrnlng his hands so sertmi.]
1U of raodlag tomad ta tba dIscHd
such a (onn that any tolelUgent per­
bohoal Arts bare aa laflaaaea oa tba system U livable'In a dry time, when seen-pat up to this manner. It Is,that he sill.he unable to v.rrk tor sc^
ron may. wiih a lliile praetic* and the
"Do you think he would be
BapMy than wlib
proper c-qulpraeiit. make/each axomlI time af dangerr -| think h;
I oeboBl aad' thar
ntiinn. tVltb this objeqt in view, tho
would"—Houston Posl
bulletin deecrtbee the varioM (oWs
MU alBaya idad snal books. Tboro
In greater deinll then would tave bees
b also a Taaag fNNe'a ctrdo-thal
••oiii|>clenl gt
n^reaury for the use of chemltti.and
Ml oaMot lor fBB'K roadiMi books
liniiKrunrk. htr.iily |■>■IUcln,
Illustrations are preoenied of praeiJthae tba chlldrah «n Uka aad aUp
hHlarv. Hfuiill lainliy. Ap|d) ii
cally all Ihe apparaiD* rroelred.' Ateo
cilclic IH-i'i SicTe,
' nov
Wm to iM dor $«.___________ a list of Ihe necesaary c-quIpmaBi ter
fs gssat SMhp tooebora dMH thafr
to»>«rstorr about to enga«a la
Mm tao «aN on artthai
cw-ery Stoc k and FlxlureH. Will!
f^JUiine testing and taspectloe af
I! for c-tuih or exc-hangc for aoiall I bitumens la given
The mixitedte
bnt aaaagh oa awtiah. A gM «al
The roJd weather found The Men> FwOiioii Simp
of platinun: wars, aotr•dMOBatie uslMag is aa a
run.v prepareid. evnn thooffb so nuui.v men had pctgtvM.nefl
c-e -X Y Z.” c-are of Grand Trav Irmi and rhc-mlcals. would n
thihg asd aaralf mat aaaaai
buFiofr Winter Orerooata. and the rush ctomc verv auderae 44crald.
.Nov. d4-4f t3)H>. and prvtoably could be purebsseg
Mt tasM that eaa af thavi
denlj. Man)- non watited Winter OrercoaU rl|lit Aw»y.
rlieaiwr by sccurlngTiU* on the eottro
fottast main la tbs SMtrtal
WANTED—Pnsiilon as houscbcviKi cuulpmeut. fron several drug m*plF
It was d gmtifying mark of confidence that they cHinc
lor widower with one or iw-o rhll
k MagUah aad tt U tba mat aftaa
here Ont and bnuffht without even lookinir olscwhero.
dien. Addrem, Box 356, Eault Fte bouses For the extnetloa of WiotelUt the ebMraa tears to
You can do jost that with perfect aafetY And aatiafaeMarie. Canada.
art 2I 22’ nous aggregates, ike recovery iff fit
bitiimrn'snd extmlnatlon of ths nggfo
taad ttfkUr. aoMisUtr Bad to got
gate*. BU addiilniul Milty of. BUB
A groat otsdy that Ip-aleo
Here are three gtxHipa of apecial vtinc* lhaf can’t be
would be necessary, but ibis expBBN
U agUMtare la
matched at othar stoms—either for make, or fit. or price.
iuite Court I
seems 10 be entirely within (he amab
the achoola. Masy farmn bara the
They’re wade of aoft. luxurious dotha, whiclr an- not
nf most reed eommlaslonera rlamil
tbai tbaM boy CBM tears
At a seskion c?t
yrl give ample warmth.
lag oaeopt oa {bo farsL
naoee of public roeds.
,erwV'ij-, In said c«
BWahia. TkofB te M SBO payI day of Nniemlcc I. A -1>.
k| M casts ter apptea trm OraFer
1 Prci eni. Hon. Fred
Jnrluding the- noted garments made by Uaraon- '
BgtM whas ywa aas
One of the wor« leefce OB i
Meyer & t.'o., of Rochester, and M. Wile & Co., of BufIp the ipaMrr of L'.ie c.rtele ot Ethel (arm* comes direct from the BtoBvld '
tstee apptea to Graad TtSTaraa
It plied up oaor tbk

boat than an to ptaooa. Why
barn, exposed to eioms. m tbtt (bB
aoa tbay gte ua casta a pteoa ter
better pert leaebee out ■Bd’cttR ip
IhMr apptest Baaaau the
' sell at I'rtvate tale ibe Interest of hsH waste. Tbe first priodples of
I estate In cxTUln itol citote therein
tefmr ksows hta tmUisa aad be at- ikvvertible or plain ndlani. ail sixra for Mea aod
(tire demand cooeunt end tlbeate km.
tagda ts M. Too are learstag agrtYoBog Men.
I It I* orclerv'l tnil the J4(h day of' TillmUon of (be eoll. sad aa tbe «*» 'DecemSicr. A 1;..' toll, st len ockx’k sac (am U ooeer trrir *o|i|iBiilj
to. team
:n Ibe lorenoon. at said probate office. DtoD Should neglect to npgdy (he
l.e and Is hereby ai>[iofnt<M] lor hearing ure as fast as made to tboee
Aad to
said petition, and that at! teersons In where ft wlU do the moot good.
•te «
leresied to said estate apiwar before
Mid coQcr. at said tto’e an-l jilse«c-to
Cert of Ontooa.
. N bar AN AO yoBT datr. DobX
show cause wh; s llcebsc to veil the
Onioas aboBM iwmsto te tbo:MInteryot of said eviate 'n Mid real et
^ WUte IB BhOfB^ «bteN Arttictee bar bate.*
BBtn thorowtMy corad aad fbo^BBgi
late should not be granir^t.
If ter av
U Is further ordered tiul iwbiir ocp ee dry (hsi (hoy WlU am addteOteimB
'ice thereof he given by publhation in Ibe snaM wha they are p«t bbAm j
! u bira Aar tbo
of a copy of tbU order, for throe auc- cover.
' J.R teAsaerg.tew.. ■BNBetete.tete._teMa.B^toi.Tv...
cosatve weeks previous to said day of
FMr. «Bt wbBe «b* te wRb poB.
to (be Grand Traserae Her­
MbbA br bMv baN bar bp aad tbe
ald. a newspopor t>r1nied and Hrru.
aN dtaMM wm pfdBL
taied to aaid
b«r, gba wO bMp FOB.*
Jodgo ol Probate.
aoT £1, tt. doc S.




SSSpSTtNt^-tX'felJN" Srrri.rgiaei'^mbrr^'ao^'ioM




Meri’s Winter OvercoatS'-Extra


OWrtoatsw*rth$28and$30«l^ .

bvmul worth ^ and $16 at »2
Fad^ 5fc«w»




VMM ppma tWHMM 1

to* Mwr M wirtj «r ^
^ .
i' iti Mb^'iorBfat'

iwWqfplababakappyaal «
♦ M
OMho iiiin>id|r bapfto ^
I arill toy qa ba ts«to« boipfsl ^

•u' bis kafs; ttoM bs WH liiUs' Pig tbs oU pisea agbla ter m taw Men
Mn. BAsm Mt m 8 Ms atoM
tigbt bMwMn bis kMSB ud Mt tbs
bMPy days.
Hvsa trrrtigrtu- dnandm sbs imnt bs jrwml
brekM tag sad botaad ' tt s» «Mh tbs
cro*s were csvlBg. SBd tbnisbM star
henlbls. bc
spIlBU sad maaUs. U yea do aot
lag ia Uw vooda;iba air *as taU of goMi* Ms aald. la a baanio
kM* bo* a baadaga to pot an. ask
U alltbto *of14 tbara to
peUttaw at
«Uoy tbs BoasblM Da- BKXbsr-aba wlU tall yoa.
, no aueb a rtds to bs bad as that «a eban-a? Uttla glri-aba taat tbertf!"
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ BK^
■woatd bba to
of a^sb^,^ylag
...............Ill I
W lolB
^ tbs
uie Tkm
-raati tbs
the qaasUea
qnaatton aabad Jtssir la tep
rsoQ^jwayiag load
woo of
oi bay.
. wjBg.-M-Wy irttb b
tras baaablDsr.
awtohlas Oab. My atoter s aasa to osar Hsart's Iwla. “Ho* am l goiat U* ««U»bi
all-tbs a*aDo*t
carU«a*ai»'aiM %^irt ab
hm retcb*d joar PrwltfcM o( boyt
Katb^ Bsaba.
anUl bs gats *sUi"
hartsq^^ la ^ ont of tM bar aboaldara. pot bwWi
Mad gM* wbo wooM b* M ^MMd
a for tbs Cradta Boll. Mariya P. Too andsfstaad that Uuta
bdlsa' in lbs gahlsa of old atainsd SdaoaV vatot. “Bba i tbs4» tba
that >m
bMB thlaktac ] ghalt teT« to call Ua ''Baby Bm
*blMorad. ‘Tkmt, taka on
aboM tboB.

Prod ^Tsapoit. of CarltarOla. DL. be to a dsar buis brotbsr.
bui^ bto blp *bOa pUylag an ibo

m hm and 1 *m ass
thay gat |
a Iwta tbroogh the mlddta of 017571.1.^.-ari“^iI^a^.**S
school gfooada aoias u»* ago. .• Ha
Crsaccat. MIeb, Kor. t J»ll. MsSl
tba mM. Than be pot a qalll throggh ' n>«d that name baeaaaa bs had base tbolr cJotbai sad ____ __ tato tbatr
*as rsry til and had to bars aa oftpPraaldanl—
Tear toiaad.
Me bole and *oana arennd It a claaa£ “bard." stood oa tba ■*■«»"" plat- lnw^. and the tratnBM c
ibtJoe. Bat' bo*, tboogb arer
bit of ng.
(onn *artng a goodbr with bto hat np.

2; *|Io“mI™ Joln uTBumbto’ciab.
At tlmaa. Inataad of drinking bU t«o big tsars ralllag down to bto
baraalf piMlag—
* aIL* 2l!“i
i!! 1
»»•«*••*«»«"•«• washing.
p»vlbg out load: and at aba pmyad
♦ lbaM _«bm*to I tail! Tfy, «ry ♦ a pmty paiMwk^t. a^at w
Harrsy. Anna ton atrasL .Our bomaa are raiber Car milk. Dear Heart aarad It ^ flUad eobrsa griny heard.
.the bottle with the milk aa^toM K They wars aU wtf and not at aU tba theaght MBS to bortHgbtnily.
np to Utita Pig. wbo sacked tbaunhappy at Lonely Ptooa. Tba air Qrada bad ooea or Mrtoa walkad from
«tty lUdh. Not HJMl
was flna. the tky wm bloa, and tba bar bod wbM fa« aalaop. ju ah*
UtUa Pig brad la tba garret and .lud ^ed to algh and whisper tbroogb thought of tbto aba woMd bars b
my aya Our taacbar’a name to Mtos t>w Protiaontwaa ted from the bottle for *evcrnl the trees a* It came np from tbe sea Imd not tha-oU lady baM bar a
gams or a ponle. or a poatnl cardT
In ocr
oor school
dUldreb in
oehool 11 hara
hara toU
toU of
of SMMlna
to Wlma
would idease him. for be speoda dUldreb
If Krt_rj|
. shf,
4. same
-lx rMF*
many h^
pl«or^‘ "lU to *“ « •«<»«'- ^
SIJn ;Ss "rtn?
trf you
Ub.r I u u
are W aleVan and will kntfw what “
baby-a aboe on tbe doll's foot,

n. u rtSSd^.^dd^^M Boa- «-»• «•

b, wm •-----there--------nntU.- one
ulna, no
— day.
n" Joyful
A»»«ui brook
teat awwpt
u- coaid
coeifl 'not
not ho
noo wonld
t.. •!..
“ “•
"«»" 1 OM ™ Mtt.
.B BU !>«. .«. lb.. p«vH
M ct
„„ B,„ u,,
uU tbu. wu IB.


hMr a new drean «booi aaoey da,

ale derUdi. CnrlloTille, lU. Bgjf. D..
wbo wlli see that Pred recelres what

MUle May HInaoo. of Hwtb and that yon are
Bprlnga , 8. C. Rente No. 2. to a llUta oom more,
^odle to*olld girl. Porbapa some of yoa
win send ber a post card.
A boy called Charlca' Bcheter df
irtvt' MUdBSiii.'
im Hurodt' BtreeC Br^yn. N. Dear PrealdeatLoda t Bmltb. m- W. I6th 8L. T.. baa base lame for fenr years. He j ^m at aome' now, and thought I
VntrOtM'Tky. Mich.
to elerea years old. Write and toll „oald wrtle n letter to tbe Snnahlne
Bd&a McCroady. Itormtoton. Ora >»•* that you are thinking aboat him.
Mj birthday was tbe Z2od of
Him oltoto by Kathrya Boebe. ,
to a girl In Windham twelro Beptamber. I waa eleven years olA
BekerdL Mcple Oily.
^ brlgbL bnl very narvons.
preaeota I Ml a string of beads.
^ y« .B. Bdp. B«r »olB» .Idl IB. ..J . p„
„a .

<»w»yrky^V W




Mil* ST?.
K. w n Stir
Ka 1
**““»' »C» sa
«»■ ureene «.M0Ey.
SSS-S'bv Sinl"
*>»oihto« tb.Tw2Sd
* iJSL ^STXAMMrSli, P»*M« • flin who ha. a. vanr «ma
TfS hTl



I bora some name, for the 8«an^v Btele Pratoler age nine. 1 T?
elSeiJ^lS^ ril

*■*- “4 .U. I


1™ IB. OnUaB.'

B.„ ,.o «n,- .0. tB.
t ci^'far
!. iort..




Wild Aalmata to Naw Zaalaod.

“ ri.. J«r o'
'■ ’
7.^“ ;'^o‘"b.."B.b7»T'SB"

JUO u.. cin. . Boa o.m.. . u.. ,w,


«, a ?aS.we^ ow Mni
w a.TL ...


with a qutcfc meuoa eC bto BagerA Md
rs^ oot loiM:

“*• *“«
-‘“Wd the oMlb^y.
Thaakaglvmtog day.
Then Mia. Maoc teamed to awiko
Tired from the eidtemeot of a long
ondarattad. and faJalad.

«rt*ilaa. Among recent
iBpoftaUons are chamots -from tbo
' Austrian Alpa,- which ought to floarWe think be to t darling. ‘ lab to tbe moohutoa ot New Zealand,
e for this time, hoping to n
your loving Sunshlner
V.» Snvrfnr


.a,..4BU..B«..Ba.B..aa. ..

And their mother to continue tbo teot- enetty t
of the trip la the aleeptag car that
tbe night-espresa. while be station piattortoon Cfato ersMfal Bight
ataJd In tbe rliy to attend to aonw im- were »e~iaisr 8uM^ tagaMwr srben
portant bnainess. meaning to follow on imu "No. 34’ came eraablnf Ig. WbM
the oat day. and Join them lotor. M k bad gone, one oj thorn graqpad Ibb
at Milford Centre bxr tbe Tbankaglv- otW It
ipg feast at Barr Oak farm.
Did yen SMAtr ha mU. bcwWy.
uitle did poor Mrs. Edsen think as
The other did not SM**^ a mstiie bade good-by to her bnsbaad at nine bto eyos wef* Mlovlbc tba
Uie Urand Central Station that she fast recedtog llgbla.
going to have aa experience tbe * -Yea.- be hM at (aOL “J need K

(PART l.j
by Kith. »wh« tor the arrival of the ^regr
rta- and gHevM all daylwhen be
But^^Mto.. Mlcha R. p. p. No- I. eunalDg. Won't It be nl<« when he
Kariy to thd summer IPrankUn Bd.S'Ov. 13. lyit. to old eCMMigh to p> to school with son. the city Missionary; hid accepted
-UliM Oroeaeer nad Margaret Pri- PMM* twr hy.
iwr Pretodentvon
a c-all to leave New York ahd take
MIMrad Violet Roibltobetger. of **^.7^“'.____ __________ ,
chaise of a liule church to \eastera
nod lak If yon will aendf'
' '
. Is a girl fourteen yeon oM.
w------------ *
to paralyito .be bM not bean 2^1 *VT„ i"!,
gna to tell on him: he wm feeling her.
My tescher'a you e«
neb lor II. It to enow- srern and tlrod. Bnt what be haled

■ifMIlgn. Ore.

___ ____
^«*r. -pOr uTcdaom
341, ^ ^ opmtod tb. latogrMi


^ 40.«on*t UB- .0.4 B.„^»„ B„.,r B.4 .B.,
BU. U» ««, .»>B. «>
-*■ “ .B.1.
■».. IB. .W. 1.
..PBOMB- UBBUl -> B« B. 10.4.
York. Bat thh to what they did net bv'tiling what a
do. Mr. Edaoa bad
-b.i «- bww 4«.


Horn* 81. Uiols. by a good wqman h,ve mui In. your aehoolmatest I am .
«ho baa given her tors nnd rare, and
to have them for Sottshinen.

^per »«•».»
Name aoot

but skimpy pines, and sand, and oM
»sida. and pollie people wbo *«*
poor, and who drove to church from
dirscuoas la their -ora oot rorrlages and their beat clothes on Son'
,iays. There were Uft colored peopis.
*«• course, who were poorer and quite'

' the hunir baa no veotoon for dinner, t, talk of the tlniM "at graadpa'a"
J a®
— ,»
.*—1 .«i « to ,k«rik
*** **“
The fall had come
him ^ well. ^
am la
la the
the aevenih
aevenih ^ i
the flfto
““ upon Virginia, the
BrakegM. Xtm^ U.
mi, Mr-tudlJ
aro «
S My oUeaVWher. lease, to
1. to
in f
“Thai'i « tbe other toa4''.«aM tbo
•• Wtowa»•**»«• “
Siding. aritbmcMc. gMgrapby. hte- STSgkw^Idl
“8bo;« eale. I thank the
,oc,. ,«„»«. apelltog and phy.k.1Sr^
the aake of apo^

««.. one and all. were going to nmke Urrdf

SLlSTby mT
oo« ay «u
both 2,’
Bda. t*N»ve yaan .<dd and tovallda. have

Sr»J?^m^Tr AlTi ““
iSf ita Boni.^
;m* qa*.. A.U a™, i™

Huntinfl with Camera.
Prom yonr Sunshine ^i.
The camera to a dellghttol eofhp^-Mabel Ei^kerdt.
^ .
-....• throo^
I Iho^t yon and Helea were sis.
- Who
goes out sritb one. tBstead of a rifle,
returns whh less game.;kat the pieOB.
insunily call to mlad

'‘“i * •“


“'w- “

■"7“' ^

b». ..:^r “

t'„“ K. ma^ UU.'. u™ .

—------------------------------------------ ----------- -




a t»(» was tnB or boKsr.

Vn«t they bod aoM was tWs: A Ht^ “SS tw w>«. tt.™ _ _ _______ _


kept to look that meat town ebUdran wm made np Uat. and Grace and ttula h .pte
la a cflppla. and to Jnst twelve
yeera oM- Her faCber is dead, to tbe
2ta SotaB
Fife Lake Mich Nov 15. 1911 *“'’*=
where. Lola mal the dolU said their prayera
^ *,**, ^.d
batora. BBL*' aaJd
mother-hM a hard time in making •
, w.,.. .w,
Dear PramdeMl
^ ^
UvlDg ter the ehUdren.
Im n?
£ Tm^ed iIT card, and nlna and ***" ^
*“ ““*«
“»« ‘ «««»."
the other:
There are two dear “Graadom u: 8“»Wno-l*««“«
Ja.T^.SaI JT
the edge of -don't let's any aaytbtnf ahoW R"
dtoa," whose birthdays come oa
B« that ownlag BIB bad mM torn*-


^ c. q. B'P. ..BOP..,


80 the Rev. Edaon bad left tha great comfonlng words theso are to little ly.
»o*r President—
Jnat beyowd-lha aUtien where tba
> have not written to the Sunshine
** **"* **
l^loh for a long time, and m 1 bad to
people hnddle together to grMl dUaa.
Harry, tbe eldest, who bad' spent ,wo WatohmM., stood wm Uogterd
»«1ta a letter for my language lec- **“**>**" J”®
”*“• ‘ ***“ ‘ and had gone down to lake charge of most of bto cgrly eejwtng talking to jonetkm. tag *hore the train made
eoB- today. 1 thought I wenM write to
uu ume.
church at Lonely the brakeman In the back pan of tbe what to known os a *Vytag ewiich"—
P«. I have Six studies, reading.
Preen your lovtog Sunshinar.
car. slept with hla mother.
that to. the teat car of (he trsis. u'' '
artobmetif. language, phyalology. geHere they lived to a UtUe bonae
The train roared angrily under wm a day c
Yon are young to be to the eighth that stood a fe* bandied yards from bridges, and shot along through
detached from the rent while (bo trnla
tbe white chnrcb Itselt Prom tbe and foresu < : Into tbe o|ien
WM to motion, and trMpCg sleag the
and Mayme Burflead of Maple City. sebooL My teacbetto n
There alndtas hardT
ridwty front gale they eonld see four light country: it swung about ettrven track to the wake of (bo ospnsa. WM
•MkB.. BB.P lpp»P>B«pl
OPr B... HB. 1 IttP B.P >PrJ-l
shVne’auh'wilh imaui'greettogs iWs «• tour UtUe friend, of mine who

and one-halt other hogsos; ter one and jiMt sleeidifg villages with the .wiurbed off to tba btaH* rdnd whtob
wabi to Join the Sunshine Onb.
V ,,
tod been burned, all bat ooe wing wheels aiwa)a keeping up one tuno— ran tmntltol (• <to mala line for muy
_______________ ‘Tbolr names are Irma Alton. Clara
diorlng the war.) aad the mined walls now iMter. now slower, but always the
MperaiA froas to by a Uoe of
Allen. -Oaten Allen, and Blanche
“ urillng to the Sun,,
'yj,^ wtustie blew hHu. and a dtotnsce.not over ten or
_ BsohJaMs of worth
Stonlngton. Mleh, Bex. 7». HnU. Now 1 sflll tall yon tbe namee tolne Club. 1-thOTghU would write.
^ except a eiery now and ihen. aod it seemed iwelvewtOeB.
Par Mrtt* and ter baa.
Nov. i. mt. of nwr pets. I have a dog He to a *®®- ' r*:*‘*«l Prank's card and pin.
,cb*c«>-,hed si tbe end of a great t. say. -Hurrsb: hurrah' we re all
Brakemaa ieha Dooley, who tat
Ibtbar la Hmvm
Dear PrMtdaotyellow deg. His name to Chnb. We
wide Held, aod a negro cabin with a right!' And at la»i the little Edtwna kNoe tba couptlag batwean the cars
all given
1 tbooght 1 wcuW write yon a let- have two cats, Ibelr names are Jake

lew uU sunllowera niling It over ar fell asleep
aod mansgid the ead hrako oa tba
,'ii »B4.H>.fcp'B».tv and un you about tb'e Mpd lime and Tlier. Wa have two kltteoa.
petch of garden. There was a good
Too or three time, during Hie early ^ront idatterte. tuniad to go hack IKO
wa had in the achol bonae. Wa bad thair naiM are Porkey and Cote.
'T^*' '

M»oeaa at LonelV Ptoas.
lort of the night Mr. V>1~» had ,b# car after It had eafoly nm aoM
a*apemnc bee with another school We have t»o borsee named Mand
The little Edaons bad ®Mer coased looked -town at tbe little gtrU a* they dlataM on the brasch read-la a to*
rioae by. bat our School »cn. After and Kit We ham oae co* named
.hariog one of the .mall pll mtoutea more It would he wuptad to
(hal we bod a nice program. We Pleoale. We have one emit, named
o,, ,* a>, En^nd, lo». bet«e«o them At last, tolled by the other train that wM wsittog to
girls an brought pnmpklM. and the Rowlay. We have olgSO acres of
“ toppy Tbankaglring yoa
twople up there had never the t-yna of the vneelB, she. too. fell uke It. Aa Mr, Dooley taokad dan
bora brought them, and we had ap- taad. This 1a all 1 can think of. so
tove. when you have aj doable
uoadroos ebaugt la.t s-levp. and rtid no! *ake op again the aisle to saw there wan only ooa
plas tied to the celling with strings good-by.
-pilnr Edaon for lour long hmire When .be did « cr two eeeaposts. hOdOod op In (to
and trisd to.pnll them off. We had e
since Frank, hi. only son. had Aral *a» ycr> earl) nwroing. Utile Harry oocomteftaMe seola, abd toat oaleep.
I to tbe farm was uide-awske beside ber. He has Dot what waa (bat? JMt to bto right
tub tell of apples, and "bobbed" for
Hlldred Inols.
B-V H-n .aa LMI, PI.
Cor .Nes Year-, week. Tbl. chaage raiBe-i an edge of the wiadowwtade on one-of tb* worn rod cnabtoos. laythem. too. We played all soru of
How many nice peto you have!
Oae Ume a tln]^ white, baby pig '
as aatootobtof m If a vritbered an 1 -sb looking out at tbe fast fleeing a aute flgnre. with one bare Uttie toot
gaaea. We never left the achopi WbUh one do you Uke the best?
ran away Irom bto Wuber. and when ^
apple bad turned into a great Wf rose, fen'o sod lelegraph-pole*. and at (be ipruat oot from hoBOatb tbe soft srhlto
hoeae natil twelve o'clock that even•
mmetbing frtgktoned him very moch, *
Grandma Edaoo had actnally great red .no cUmblng up out of the nigbt-gowa. CIom to Its brsMt R Bar.
log. and It STM one o'clock before we
Maple City. Mich. Nov. 14. 19ll.
squealed and squealed.
got home. I wis so sleepy that 1 Dear Prealdeni-'H^nlmeet time ter
oever got up untU two o'clock to the
1 recolved your kind letter and was
ley wmaa
BM a
, toiY It boys and nflemoon. but of conrne 1 did not glad to boar tram yon. I am In the
time to begin Wdnaa. « Hew dU 1^0 8et tbitot
.Ban imn boon connUng‘the have to go to schooi that day.
third grada. My teacher's —to
loeked over-'fBe edge did .to com^ from? Ho 1
Yonr loving Snnehlner.
Mtoa Pearl Rnegnegger. I sit with
Myrtle Armatnmg.
' What a JoBy Hallowa'ea party
TbankagMag to the very should liked to hare heard the a:
BlotM POMibIs. becanM with our lag bee and played some o( the
' klB4. yoa hM*. R doeeaY matter ny Mmea.
■ tbo weotbor
to Uke. or what

ale. Ttoy are very toad of oo«bNOtbmam lng a <#y eebool-teacher. tnaieod J
to soBer.
of coming back to the farm.
slipped down toe. lor her scraom had quirend os ebe iookad Ot tha ntnaso
•0^ lto'0Bt terthe day. The
Hervstoo. O
r*. Nov. t. Wll.
er and play together an tbe tla».
.Dear heart. wbo-3tas tbe fat Jolly
Tbo mOe Edaons wbo wondered aroesM eves the atewp, pwtod doo- ntrrmiillnn
•op0Ba in oar toarta aakoa a raai Dear PraaldMtTtog are ao cannlag. 1a acboH my
Utile soa ot Ue owner of Uttie Fl^
why they had never seen dear grud Ing on his camp stool
1 goat know." aba aald. -bar taco
. TlMlailill^ ander
oil dronml a* gaing to write to yen aad the etadtoa are readlM. arttkoMle. tong
overbenrd this order, and ka almost
iw." before, had ebtfroped thotr way
~L^' Lola'" abested the poor din ttemUiM 1 doaa 1 batoaga to tea
Suabeoam. I have a new name lor Mga Md apelUag- ''I'oll. I «RI vlose criad. for be Bred Uttie Fig;
m biamii we trdSoabeemt *e tbe Senahtee Chb.
It to BeOa Me- tor tkU time
aadq^d itractod woman- "ATiere to Cruto? othor car. wKk mama aad Lata." {
WbM do tomk
wqgi to make ether peepta'a Tbanki- Creody. Send ber card and battoa
Tour tevtng Ssnahtne girl.
“Wen, how dM jM fM BM> (Eoat*
iB»4r H. «»B BKU. n.
.Bed, o.
'Whero to Cractar•tvlag happy.
Ho* would you to me. and 1 *tU give them to bor. I
Helen Mery Bekordt.
np into A. ,-m.
, Tba poor hMy. awakcoed ao lodden toqalred tbo Isskimsa ktoilr. "And
hard atroog'wlltad dsterlor. Lou In ty. began to cry "Graete! Grade!" what's yo« mamma's- aamot
And ,
■hi tp OMd a cbowy greetiai to go to sebooL and my MMIee an
Ton m« be very -pioad of year
bnadagnkp toeriag ep a ptece of old
AMM Bbo an ae( 'apt to apaad n orttbmMIc. errttlag. apatBag. la^ eonntag dwla stotora Do they look
the spring Just batora they had she wept, rapeattag ber mathorb *aor* are yoa mOE? .
aaatin: gad be got «»tto piocoa «<
8H»^iaMNW 4Vt •« —
Somb bod tbo cUdna vtaRad wor^
_____ (YP bo t

iwbmw lova to ae traa.

who 1s alghty-oeven years old. and
AvMOe. Baltimore. Md, pho to
elghly-two yeara oM. Boppoae we all
remember their ThankaglTins Birthda*, with a IWHU esnf





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