Grand Traverse Herald, January 02, 1911

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Grand Traverse Herald, January 02, 1911


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Events That Made History In 1911

Paaoed Avsap^j^ceday From an At­
tack' e( Peritenrtia


sris. compleies
• and causing a proJanoary. vorld lu 29 day
Henry Welborc.aced 2.7.died Tl.ui*
A—In an attempt to arreat aaveral t>ert> las* o( mom than IS.Wu.oau.
aiinui e.^
ly at the home of bis liniiher.
CUtnft eosrt wUl coareae agaia on alleged anarchins la London. i.SM po8.—Five memliem^of tbe Ohio Gen
lire and aobUera took a«l^ part.
Cba*. Welbom. 820 Wen P»m street
JaaiaiT A at vbicb tiaa Ite recmlar
S.-—Tbe I'niied SUiea
Sopreme cm] Assembly am Indicted
UMUM MAMCHUt CONttNT TO pODcl oi^jvron will iwporf for Baty. Conn
Hr. Wqjeom aaderwent an i^wratlon
dlamiued the Government * Pa­ rbarge «f •oUcillng biibes.
Tbe y»-----Congre**
ot International
appendieitia in OrtAer from
Tbera will be at laaat one Dora Jury nama-Canal libel sun agatnn tbe New
la*. Bt-iiadrW. ranfirbw the right to
wbkb be reoovered. bui had not cn
eaae to try tbla tara». wbleb will- York World.
•Reciprtxity negottatlon* between use aarUI emfi in war.
Joyed tbe bw of health since. Deatli
liersons hoDJOlesA.
nake the calaadar one of tba toasaat
AngloJapa'ailed £iates and Canada renew­
H.—Premier 8toly].:n. of Russia. I*
are exchanged
dirccily Aiie to an attack of perl..
that baa baaa bold la tba aonaty la ed at Waablngtoo. D. r.
shut and faullt wounded by a Jes- toalGa. Hr. Wellorn leaves tbtee ELECTION OP SUN
8.—Tbe eiet-trlc and telephone pUnt at Tokyo
OfWLB TO DBCIM ON rORM OF aevaral yaara. when It waa angpooed
I larade isb Socialist iuime.1 Bogn>R during a broUnta. beeldes hU (atber. who re^
.—Three QJwui.......................
(bat It wonU be bat a abort tana by Ot Bantlago. Chile. Is dealroyed by
lOrk City lu turiherani-e ot ueoirtcal |>erlorinaoce at K.e«.
New Yorl
la—President Taa uans troa%hla aldea in Oregon. Fnneral aervices W« Ting Paam Permit/ MinMtr <
tbe nuiBBer In -wbleb tba baaae were
e or
mnd Conmicil is sanfuer borne at Beverl). Lass., on a were held from the bumc Saturday
Uatod (Of trial. Tba oaaaloD will prob k diaaolved.
Eapaetad to Ma
ON7 BwwOmIi t> Aialaty «r
IS.(H*Hullc trip ihrotqib tbe West.
H.—Tbe Bute Department aaooiinraMy laai (or aaotbar two waaka |a
Adviacr of Hand sd
iimim «•' Ocflnita Action,
21.—The general eleetlon in t'anada sderaoon at 2 o'clock. Kec. Fred Car­
sUtuilonsl cabinet ol
Jaaaary ba(ora all tba caaaa that am
resulted in ine defeat ol the Uberals ter of tbe Friends cfaurrh offk-tailng.
« Tfev Km» WMknada over the fisheries question ha* subsUiBied.
ig reclprocltj Wirt the fnlted Intermeni was lu Oakwood.
readr »U1 bo dlapoaad at
9.—Tbe Supreme Court or Austria
been raoche<l.
Stales and tbe elecOon of a .('ouserSbangbai. Dee. 2$.—Tbe new rapabI'.~A madman In tbe FVeacb Cban- decldea ibat Archduke Joliu.' w tw dis­ lative and
>1 lypltairtnt n
Dre* two shots at Premier Briand. appeared twenty yeurs ago. ts^eod.
(ic ol China sinag into batw torly
II—Kmuelsco Madero. Jr., pro­
o( ibem slrtking U. Mirnun, l>i
tki nqrol taaUIr ud Pfttoday. whHi Dr. Ban Yat tan. who .
claims btm>eir ptovit-lonal itrasideni ol
or or Publk Rehel.
■Icr TiM, N !■ WlOTcd tho foniMr
planned the rwvoiuttoa. was nauRTweniy-foar Jaisuieaa anareb- Mexico and apisdnis a ministry.
. It.—A lockout of HMHjii woramei
Sealer Clast Annual Board Met Fri monaly elected in^desil by a pisiria«»NMMo M WM. TuM bM BO taUraatlonal Caotmleaion to bawdy isU. one of Ibetn a wuman.
.■eclated at Coi*ahageli l.y the em ' 2C^-Tlw bten.* tatllrsblr IJberte
doalli (
tonal uillltar} assesaMy at Wai^kU.
tSM iW aUMha that ulon they
Tba Perplexias ProWem.
t-xpkiaians In
|.lo)or»- ledcmilou. eirorl.. to settle i-. blowbi.iu plece^
III tbe Crowu I'rinire.
Bun a.-eiMed tbe prealdeney odfklslly
-r-r'lTt U the ^NMcd aattonal
(lie dlfil<-uliy having failed
f the t’n
SU.—The Comiubnaon.
■rctltl^ Wi held at iht by wire and made a abort speacb bo^
Waablagton.. ItoT*SL-LotAlbg to
21.—Henr) M. Uerteaux. French Ibelr Ures.
n-fiT'—------- ’•*
N«rMJa8uie« and ('unada rem--hed a I
2;.—First electiun in ttwclen under borne of 1.«wIk. audNuiss
le OBtabUabuant ot a groat iuiema- eilitwiiy agrt-i-nteni
tlMii m «0* «B for u cxtMialon «t
universal snUrage shows great gains liday uf WasbIagioR street yTMay lore tbe assembl)'. U U beilevod bt
SO.—Ab'Iix-w- CarueRle makes an
will go lo Nankin noon to eaublUfc tba
th* tmt a^ a w«tobUm «u be (kmal coMmlaaioB to atady tbe caaaa
by Ru<-ialilitB.
Muullneaux; rhe lonner is billrd
aad ramedlen (or tba bleb ran o( liv­ Altlwial rill or tld.mai.iwu to tbe Coi- the latter U srverlj injured.
29 -- War
declared by Italy agalDSl (tvenlng by (lu- tnenrii^ uf ue oubusi raidul there. IW. Wu Tlag tanC
uegie tDHlIluUun at Wasbiukton. D.
2I.-A iraaty of i-w.e'is slcued at iTuike. and hostilllle* in Trl|ioll be board or the kAal bfgR school senior formerly uiiaUter to WMhlnxt» »'
yMte Iteu fbl Kal-B vropoMl to ing. and to evolve a world money aya C.
j| ,_TUv voleia of New Mexico mAMtOattolomoroDror
29 -The Turkiah •-abiOel under llaH dlM-usslon of certain bu'ines>. tbe extreud to-b«.Run's closet ndvljlr In
iiM-ni and the lusurgems.
Be |irlBclp]«9i. a raoleranea will t>c ifyilie propoaeil Bute «'ouslltuth>n.
the new .rahloet. AdrkiuB roeelved
2s.—Porfirlo liiu resigus his oRice kl llrj iv>lgns.
NMor iho
S3. Mme. Curie deteated (or
rest of tiMj evening was lakeu up In I'okla today stale that tbn iwyA fa­
bald la WaabloBloo o( Uecamber 2».
aa Presiiient of .vlext.-u aud l->ws.-isco
will be attendad by man promlaaov
ls«n de la Utim Is clK»se«i |.ni»i*.on
. Tin- fir»il He tiuo in Mext<x> uti tiBvIng a eeneral good liiue. the feat mily Is iireiibHag to fie«. bobarrtag '
Uo.Rafilre 1*
at I'residei.t.
der the nea regime icsulis ia lb. Ule belue a iMjpcom siuut in wbira Ibat tbe eiM tioB Of tao prsaagns a
aArtwtf MTo. but
29.-Tbe IT. 8. Buirfeiue foqrt de- .-bul.-e of Fmn.-lsco I. Madeio. Jr.. Htu uiajiuity uf tbuse pn-went parflri- rollaioe .«( Hie moaarrfcy.* Advtoad
ct tba Bmaie and Houm ot Repre- rwu t
«• to vbetbv H
i liie b-xisUtlvs bodies of cidea Ihal the Ainerli-wn Toba.-.'o i'ailR- leader of ibe recent retuluHoU. a.-' luiled- Addiwo-et wore Wade V the aay ib»t- Premier Yuan has takab
aeotallvea, landing eepnomiu*
iu vluUtlub of presidebL
ccrrlod onu Hanr
man law. ami
2.—Presl.Ieul voli llcneu. of 4ht- fuUosing fc|M-akera: Leah. Ilulli^.v ~sMt katve'* aad will anon rHU*. It
ra that the
High Court ol JuKtnv. IS al.ol (‘larelice Balter and Karl Fisbrr. toll
Tbe plan has been arUvaly puabwl itig a iwrimuH-Hi luriR boatd.
'^Voflad by Ua raroJune.
by a shop clerk at Abu. wlio im Ing of lui'ir maby expcrh-ncc-s at rai
2.—The first Auierl.^
kielv killed liinisHl. '
la ot*tt to aaka it In tbla eoantry by rra(auor Irving
I.—The rk>vernor of Isimltau. (Vrsla.
ahd Delbert Itrown und Mlss Ul tbe csillng of the nsUonal cocTw
The Idlwrai mtntsHy In Canada.
BU Kal to lawraai Plabar, e( Yale. About a year ago and hU nepbea sUot b> a RuiortuuAlward in a (ew n-maiks relu
. Many favor adraaclag on Dakta.
Ir VV^frld lAurior. resigns aud'
I.—An expknduu ol many tons of Itourse.
abdloalloH |a aa- be uggaated aurh a eomminaloa
7.- A
I,, ilurdeu, tbe t'vnservslite live to tlielr Mhooi work as t.-ach
prrat-Ai the Hauebua eaeapMg
dynamite and black luwder at the
met with hearty approval I
Jersey frelgbi tbrongtiuul ^xlw
with million* .of trabaara.
ay aoareea. ITeaMent Tau ea Central fUIlroad
’’falifor era. It is huiasl'. tu h.ild annual
leraiiDsl ..................
kiUa 1 irf} workmen and
cocraged tbe Idea.
uatioDsI Woman
.Wion grantl
men Is carried
lu,—An uprising iu Iln-Peh Pruvlu.v.
iNItlH Hr aeckm to await tba ta>
1 financier. Is placed lu control •
China, ttsruntes ntIouk pn>u|il1lonh,
D tbe streets of
. 4aS$ mmirn a| a aatkwal eoaraaJohn Rchrabaeher Waa Tmrtbly tansi>«rsU's flnancep.
11.—Twenty ihoBsand seammi go o Ul. Wa-Otang.
ed By Oasolla*.
New Law ia Stringent in Regard u
CoMtyOarba Am Racelvlng Eaeolleat
strike at la>nduQ. IJveriiool. and otb«
II.—Lari Grey retires as Goveroc.r
Underaitod FiaK
^Ttw votaiB of Ariiona ratify tbe HritUh and .North sea poru.-demand- geuemi ol '
John noebraboeber. &14 Hoaroo
onoatiiutioo by a Urge ma-,lor an increase tn wages.
—The l>uke or J
The law In reference to the catch­ street suffered tarribM bortas wbll*
L.'Wlta tbla la BMniL
the oath a* Governor general of Cana
1 '■•—
ing, and marfcetldg of whltefiah. lake at worl. tbawiag oat ptpas la (ba latn- Washington
• rfW' « Maakta may laaM
)4.—Yuan Shlb-kal. formed Grand troth aad mallet was awtended at toe aldcsira .« tbwd tatabj oa ~W«at
B atTiM CU Kara pRi- Oetka are going to koap allva to tbe that W. ldw**a''sbusrer'’imSd''te
_ ol Persia! 19—Tbe flmt Cosstitoeni Asaenibly CouDclUoT and coomiaDdor-la-ihief of
laai seaaian of tbe lagtaUture aad too tUgbih stroM TburaAxy. Hr. Rohrafinet tkat Iba next annaal maatiag ot Z'^wiuilto iU flnm^
• he runeae army aud navy, who w-a*
|o( Ponusal is opene.1.
that grgaalimtio^ to be bald in Trov IL—Tbe «and Jury InvesrignHaH—tm-^’reeldent and Mrs. Tad oele- diknilssed several years ago. I* recall­ following clause should be carefelly oacber U employed by tba Haanab A'
ed and apioinled Viceroy of Hu-Pch stodied by those who are engaged in loiy MercaatBe r>\. abd (to accidaat
Wma aty. In order'to remind tbe
id Nu-Nan pn>iia<,-ee.
the fikblng Induktry. The MriliiiTar ixcnred when a ga-oUae torch wbleb
membera of Iba coming cenTeatiei^
he was aalng exploded, too flamao amclause that ia of Interest I*;
Coonty Clerk Mix H. H. Flynn ot
..r the _ .
veloiilns bis (ace and band In sack a
Ban Francisco.
•Tt ahai. be nnUwful to raurkd
ObdlUac baa amit o« tba (oUowlai
The r. 8. Goveremetot brings have In posressioa at any time (n ibi* nianner a* to cause vary patnfal B not'
aoral post card as a New Yearn
24.—Briand cabinet In PTaace re- rablne;.
in the V. 8. Clrcnii Cour^ai Trenseiioiu wooDd*. Hla bate w*x
.gMotlng to tba membara «t tbs aa- Jgns and is succeeded by one formed
30.—Cardinal GihMni celebrates ni __ to dissolve Ibe I nlced HistM ^leel state. wbeOier canght within or wlib- well to tbe hack of I
ktate. any wbltefisb ul
Baltimore the filth nonlversarv oT'hU Corporation, a* a i-ombiaailon ifi
bv .M. Han Ik.
3i.~V. A Senate ratifies the/ ne^ ordliiMlon to tlie jirlesthood ami 7ii« siraim of trade.
CadUlae. Htcbigan. Decamber 27.1211.
weight thnn two pound* ia liie round. brows aad mastacbe ri
oa. while hi* (ara a^ aock are f
treaty ot. oouiiueree and navwilon iweoty-fiUb anulrersary as CardlaaL
.—The throne yield* to
Dear BraUmr Clark:—
•N*Ttr one pound and ten oun.-e* when
tl Assembly of Chius, and dl>
with Japan.
trass fS scorched fleab. Hla rigto a
any lake trout of a weight
3 —The BritUb neatner * strike end* mlses Bhrnk ilsuau.Huai. the Mlnlsu-r
At this time, ot the yaav we nsual
vaa sereriy bnrsed and deformatUn
_ j nbaanana tei bean
lets than one tnd ooe-half pounds in
7.—Pioaldent Tali orders troops to with a paitlsl victory of the striker*. Of Posts and Corumunuations.
_l« ttaalarki of ika local ly rafiact oa our past habiu and on the Mexican border.
Tbe Aiiorney-Gearnil begins an
29—The Swis* election* redull in the ronnd. or ooe and one-quarxer may result. Hr. Rohiabattoer la mpp
Jaaaary first we remtlTe to do better
ried aad ass a (amity of three clu. .
7.—Bacreiary oi t-.- ..................
tbe choice ol ltd Radicals. 44 Couer
I la tba haadllag of corula
and to live a bettor life. Now tbla gur mMgni sod Waller Fisher of Chi­ ioa.1 to bp^rsie the husloeks of <oaI vaiives. 9 SoclslUts. and 7 Independ- when dressed: any wall-eyed pike
m-fi- tba addrdoaUg of
pickeral of a 1es> weight than oc,
mining from railroading.
year Include In. yenr Reaolutkmr your cago ts appointed hi*
attend - tbe Annaal
■hg Is tisiie<l at Wa*lilDgton hy re|>rellMaitk.jugira aC »o lacL that wbat
s from a cabl- than five ounces; suriiera or mullet ot
S.-Tbe r
MooUng of the Hlcbigan AOsoeUtkin
aeniadtv.'* of the t utted Viates. Greai
«(Bi MWrty
Maptotoa pootocfoo.
;a less leiigto than thirteen laches
of Comity CSerka to be bald Jane 2«
. ^BawamaarMroatba
Ptorldcd. that It shaU be lawful to
of Kick
10.—Prance adojiui Greenwich tenn*. %
and 27. 1212. at Travmwe City. And
Unttad Statea i
Nim ornad lb laloL aad tbo word U U ba necassary. break all other Re
leorge Is Invested a* Priuce*
cc'of Wales
n?-The irlal of the Camorra lead- G*
resign* the tratispou-i and kell any cf toe above
May CwRral AU LMaa
ai Carnarvon UsMie. Wale*.
era bogins at Viterbo, Ualy.
baa la« dloeaided In iw- ■ntntloBi and kMp tbb <ma.
leadcrslili. of the Opiioslilon In the kmd of fl*h. of a tegal l«»Eth or
fmrtaglfraat vMalty. atlU coamoo'
Vary truly jwa.
raarf upholds the raDstirntlonalltv o( a new treaty of alliance, to last
— Alidiew Carnegie give* »2i.00*l.- weight, aad legally (ought during any
to aao tbo aM addrma la caaaooUoa
Fbllx H. H. Finin.
the CwiioraUon Tax law
d Carne season of the year. Provided fnriher.
(Hki to the recently Incorjic
WasbJngtoti. Dee. 27.—Wbat mRy
«Hk m^>tMili (or poroona roald21.—Tbe tercentenarj
........................ d Transit
(bat until January first, ntneiecn bun
ry df AaaocUUOB.
Ued version o( (be Bib U celebrated Company I* awarded the new- vuiwav
la«B«Mtto(aUCr. tlaaftbodtaeoBiHaJRjiits
twelve. whUefirh weighing prove to be tba antortag wodg* far
rysteui of Ne* Y'ork City, comi
tbrougboui fc- • •
i* |•U1laD■)l■-oI1i.- woik.
u VnaaM «( tha Maplatoa peatotlee
lee* than one mnd one half eontrol of all u
ot (bo HaxJcaa 97 miles of underground andd clC'.J.tMl
—King George and Queen Mary'
coontry bjt the (
«M«Nl nnt boo boos oaUbliNiad
their resignation to line*, to t-osi |233.(>06,00«.
hxil from Porifiuouih. Vfnglsnd. bir tit, IKtund* dressed shall be legal fi*Ii
ment b found In tbo ton^Htoa to
22—The r S. Sennit- |>araes
„gba eWaiiy o( Bowera Harbor, ao
Preahlent Ulaz.

ixirlar x Ih'lhi. itullx.
Ih-piiiy Game Warden G. Allen
2;>.—A flTAiti a sMnwaist fartorr in CanadUii Kpt-i|>iw-liy bill.
all tba diiUto of tbo Hgaal
12.—I*i..*ideui Tall r,-aihc«
Ih.hi th|M pocwoaa reoldiag aoitb o(
New York cs'umu the d<«th ot HT. iwr auieudu>e«t.
While House al!.-i an
ol «.7 Rnilih of this raumy and W H Kettle corps at to* army in Alaafca to to*
»C.lMMa« whoaa former addrnaa BlfnHInant Rooord Compiled by Or.
«f Ami im. county will sec that the
22. —The voicrs of T.-xaa di-t lart-day*.
WUay for tba Past Year.
PoHsaaStcr general's dctmrtnwaL
■adiahMM da'iww Old Mlealoa R.
atmlDKl ktate wide i-rvliitiillon
Id.-Mr ghn.ipr, IVr-lj'« Aici-rl.-an provisiou* of tog n,i are sttk-riy
In Alaska (he stgual carp* mainmajority ul C.'xiu out of (02 i>0w
aontb 1
finxn.i agcui. r*•lu^..•^ l.i ii-ct-.le frum
A.lfc'i i Uaaa
wUhin their icnltory. The
Wasblngtm. Dae. 22.-inspcelora of gious asaoclailous.
—Fire ilc'asiaivs^wo
i-quatc ui.Irr. truo|u>
(alos and*Openiies'an elabar^ s^
his |«>^lll<
K No. 1.
law g0e« iolu effect on J^ann 1
29,—The Jajiaiicsc Privy CounrII -la mile* ol Hie Siamlmul tllkiiit l pf Con- to IVrsiM
lem of tolepfao«e.,.telegr*ph and wlta^nta-tiMabla boa Moaod rogret many tba baraan of Aamlsur. uadar toe rifl«« the comm.ff.-lal ircaiy wlih thc Blaninoiib-. dcklruylng more Hum
fiwil«.-ri»n.l r»|k-ri.^ire*
of br. Harvey W. Wiley,
GammoBlcatlon*. Thoto are abowt
itaa to toe mmiar amt iateaded
United Plates.
eaCIhiiBal.r iti ll|l> ' >nn>.
73 BUtkm*. cablet, land wire* and
31,—n»e New York Icgtslaiure. at
• —^'uiitinued oltsirurilon to
•liTtke i-t r.iniiaiighi <>|H-nk tlir
radptaM. bar tba maU baa been tor- tba purb food expert, collected 9AOO
Icr a deadlook ol l.-u *«-k*. Mw-t* Kn-lproi-fty bill at Ottos a lead*
IWelllli Cxlia.fiuii <’*rlu!ui-i <
wirelcap. srito a RUeaga of J.12S on
orardad to a plac* caaMd Maplatoa. samples of foods and drpgt dui
KsliiOli ('sx-rr-k. |.ri—idrTil <>(
Ubd. and 2.C33 by cabin. Tber* aro
liljlNi^imty. upper panlnsala. Au- too pan year, accoidlng (o tbe re|
to suoroeed (’hauuccjy M. , l»e|»w hold a gencriil elo-tiou.
Life Ssvera ul Hwhlgan About to
SixLio lk.ii,.UKii. airan'inair.!
nine wireless sutions. Tbeae ou' 29.—I'he (11101.11x0 fxrliameu
» by mav la tba ot tbe bureau Just made pubUe.
iHcpI In toe V. B. Rcuar^pT.-iiilulknisri ii<hi|i.. enter
.Take The.r Winter Vaeal'on*.
April.-----solved xnd s geueial cU-vtlon
Ot tbe 2A00 tood* and drugs seised
tlon* handle nut only (ke govoramant
111- city ot Satikiue
t Isttora to Long Uke.
itraflic. tot (be commercial and pro*
I «( 4ba proper addrvoa. tba buraau found only 3280 to be le mier (HualeJas resigus after a delate
31 -Ihe Rnsklxn i»liii*Irr to IVr&ix
I.—TIu- M.'Naniarav .'brotUcr*. <iii
compared wUb 8,113 wbkh
tbe Ferrer coniroteray. I'anafe- moves to lor,w Ibe re«ii;uxii»ii ol Ibt- irial ill len Aiige4«. i.ii . hargos gn>*. Grand Ilavci. life raving stxiion will aa well. Tbe tccHik* c< the i
b |L I'- R>- No. 2.
stauoaa amuouted daring tbe last
warn found to ba misbranded aad Ja**uD Tonn a new cabiueL
Arm-rlran TreaKUrvrtJen.
lag out ol the dMismiting of
cloee at uiidBlgbl Sunday sft.,-r ihv
TiUiFK building, jdea.l eiillty.
ban $2I«.W)8. Tbe snaduitaratod. FlVa buodred and throe
Icphurn ai-l ibv rail
—The legular |.eMiwo of toe Slil.r longest se*«.n in It* hh«or), Foi listed men of toe signal corps ban­
(toack aaalysU were nrada to Inaare lhat «.___ .
I —I'osibI xiiUnuk luniks j,io i.iiencti ketood Congie** lonn-oes.
road* must be aettu
that correct rasnlu were obialood be­
In New Yoik, (T.bago and Doxion.
1—Ten fli.-ago uurat tickers plar'. l.t» XKltdtiun lor x!l winter life sav died aU (his money wUbooi toe leea
conic. .
. -Tbe Btsty-kocond Congress n
3. New arlmnilioo Irexti,-* with
of a cent, according to talgadtar Oenon trial ot. charxea ..r .lolai
Mating I
ind W.-W1, al Grand llaverw Ct.ioig.i eral James Allu. eko describe* the
Crexi llritain an.l /r::tuv. |.i-». ii'
iTlniiaal |.n>» i»kj«r
•I iqMirttol Volwe ts His
ta toe Bsattad of procedtire by the de- in speutal atosion.
4.- HatIBcatIcmk of tbe Japanese- unlin.tted In their moi.-. s»- s «ot-l at aiii.troM law
Mlleaukee xml Frankforl. It i' l>c system in bU knnual repori.
fartmoat lor toe viotaUons.
AmerlcaTi comerclaJ iroat.s arc • ex- WkshtngtAa
8 —Frime CtiTin, Hie regent and lieted toe tau- twrason noth«rii«-d thi*
Owing to tor shortage et mara in the,
re|>oiCcd from Mt-rbn i
father ,of toe Oiinese eni|H-ror. abdl year may kad to all winter sutlua.>!.
tbsra wmw 8-370 bearings held by changed at Tokyo.
. .. AM^nma.JI. tToraaB broagbt to
agre.-mehl ba* lu-cn i___•bed.
r.—A sundus ol
U stwwn
.-ate* bU place as giiardisn of the
Blgi^ eorpa- R I* prapeeaa to tors
'wtles this
momMc Iba bnraan oa onaaUoaabla produeu. ; Ibe dose of the Canadian fiscal
ling the trading ol colonial twsse
par ferry bmiDes* make* up
tots’entire boatoees over toghe poMat wbleb evar halt ware made at New »ar.
sh>ns. In the di*!>oie between P»aiu
23.—King Ocergn V. and fats e*;rort; great amount of toe traffii and the oClce departnesL OeagredB wiU be
Toric. A toUl of fi.rn Imported tood*
It.—Thejiasaage V.v the Preach sea- an.l Geimxnv o»cr Horoico.
Queen Mary. |inK-taimed emperor and winter freight tonnage ha* almoH
Wa bmily bP4
are wuectaliy
—The f S. 8eaate. i«**e*'
laHse* .t:
asked tu aatbOrize tbe ebange.
ate of a meskure aboU*liiug territorial
-ese of India at Itelhi.
UcsPtag.* Oba la a commtasloa of ap- and 4r«m were analysed -and LOSS dellmluitoos for the i-itsliiciion of sixichood Idll with
lied the summer bcakies*. The
aUH-ndmenf i
—Igiuik Ferrer eWted prokldeot
aalgfmiat tk hla gtaadUtoar. Roswell weiw found adulteraled and mlsbrand- champagne leads to serlou* i
tf tbe Swl6* (onrederalloD.
station* dosing Sunday are Somh
the wlae<Toweni in the doiiarti
RMwa as Gaptoln -of toe Vaitad Stales
19.—lirtlikh Parlianieut adopu the Manitua IsUnd. Frankfort Manistee.
under (be examlnatioB of toe Home and oisewhete.
alioiial IiDSuraniv hill prorMing for Ludtagton. Muskegon. Grand Haven.
.Amy. dated ^ngnat M. U22. and sign14-—The resignation of David Jayne
xnpalsorry Ini
Insurance a sinst eicknesk
tood axperta bggrwatod 2.046.
' ad bp Oovtiraor Joaapb C. Tates of
:14. more^i-u
Hill aa-ambaaaador to Germany Is assnd unemploy
tbe working Chicago. Keno^ Racine. Hllwnu General Reyes tn Cteoe Cea
making a total of liMO aai
|Mi Tartiaitoto. anotbar H a
efuaing to
kee. CteboTgan. Two Rlvir*. Ke
fer PirK Time .Cooft Ma
' -rMR i^paMkag him major, dated July
20 —Congress ratifies the
of-the ler- wanee and Plum Island.
.IN iftH and BlgDad by Oaversor De
Mo«t of tbe striking British luinntion of toe• treaty' of
< >832.
C. OtotoB of that Kata. Aaotbrailway employee* return to work.
•dat Ptolttg.
Tha board of ouperviaora will em»Hexlce .City. Dec.
in. presld
23 —The special *«*aloQ of toe sixty«i taHHMbi «< dMUl tkMMt * Pto2L—nw House passes the Ci
»r. died .
Tone on Jaanary 8 lor a foor^iay sea Beyee tor tbe-firs time ataee hM aw
second Congr*** adjourn* sine die.
dlBB Itoclproclty bin .by a vote ot
pmir taaasyabce to Samel Farr. AMSion, at whh;^ time tbe nsnal rootijye tender Cbrbtiau foday has fbnafeMma.-“Monn* Waa." Leonard da Vta;to 88.
'■mip Oraaaa «aela. dated August IR
24a«s taan Ordaead From -ta.
tg » prbea cell Wbeo at Itaaro*
2r—nte UcNamara brother*
cl'e famous patetlng. is stolea from
of th* PythF' amttera .wliAhe euendod to h^t^tfae
'lIM, wbleb garm Hr. Farr title to
Ibe Lonye,
Ortle HeMatdgal si
aa^Sisien Thmaday evening i4aas mcml'cra. -It I* neceasaiy that aliju was sUowdd to occopy bb own
prepattyda >lac«ab eoaaty. JMcMm
with twBPonatbuUr
. .. ty lor tbe dynamH_ ..
2L—Rtanoel de Arriaga. Is Heeled
bill* and coamaglAttons to be passed quarters, altboogb gaarded. Rgy** s
m. FotortodfE, Dec- 2*.—Twanty of
firm {WMldcnt of Portugal by tbo Coo wera made for toe third anaaaCball to
- tbM M MgMd by Prastdam Aadiww
Ibe Lo* Angel. Times buUdtng.
....... .. ............. . .
be given os (he evetfng (ff Jasaary 12. ajKm dtuiag ton msskia be
(Imoaaad troopx ware dlspatcbad to tn October. 12I0-.
^bibiea la jpanea. It 1* naadtess
27.—A strlou* revolntioaary
«ot2(.-Tbc dork strike St Uverpooll ffc, Pytoba Bbtms nre planniagnoma band* of toe Hork and pro;*rly ccrtl- t
Poraia today^ Ordm bar* boa gtv> (bH S tbaea
towak ocevra at Canton. China.
““ ™-ltolng more than ordInarUv original •ed'tr. In order to receive ^ attonon to bang aU Persians parOdpoUng
asrr blgbly W Mr. qr«
tom of toe hoard.’
in BtindM «• to* Cbar-B JpMMn.
2C.-^Andre Jaeffr-ScbiaWi. arriving •»* pleasiiif tor tkb oecaston.
to5l_taagor, ;


1MK B TirKBiaua











MHeriC Rais



I Ml tbit AdL
I Cbe Qmd 'Twerbe
thw erg^^'^ Jannary 4tlL Grand
6uef fary B. Loebbsbd ot niBt has
aladoMr By on tbe nUeeie of OafoUa^.
dbo tbelr tbM
-----/a the invimtkm
mi-Ueake 1& New ycrtt «ad <
roAds b IdterMUos
wbOe tbe third better ,
ig officer.
With IM er dtien
tbe pe|>aUilt7 **
Detrrtt. sabla* ^
1U4—&MiaU«t teecee toraed In
people «t tbe *u(e.
...MW -KUr).; UJ.
held In her honor by tbe kicel
» sio. ac- Bsclaad.
Fonowipg the Instalia•
awtUas to tbe repurtt^u vUet bare
«ea £^en befaro,
C. C.
banllK of tbe Iroquois tbeslre iq
ticB ceremonies •' banquei sUI be
been eonstracted, elulUbC as
JotKte on ibo S7ib «i
sened to the gberta ef the evening,
peoMtotbeeUleof«S<l.»e. Or tbit C^iom.
and pleod guilty to a cornfaimit xaaoe
All Pytiian Sitters and their bnstoUl. U4 miles were’l^rel roads and
CertM. eipfawr ol
(mids and all Knights of Pythias and
art th=
1S3 Binea macadam. The report, bowSmith, far hunilag deer ofaW- »»t*-th«4r-4rtyes are Intiled.
r. does not rercal fy- ^ exteoc of Cenqda. 8c Male. Pmn'iw. In Chancery.
Ltho raid HBPioiemeB 10 tbe state, DM in 1S54.
llsrl .Q.lronal#,
Jotin SvUlng. Fenatertnaebdr pam
as there are Bow Wdsnltes In coone “'j^W^The Brat Ba^b IW 1
..e of »s5.ndgi>,Tk,«ot^'_
. ^
Maker to
or««*Hmak». Tb^^ of tbe Ureal dia mlBbuOlchartered.
William J. Lawrence, IflWB •»"
EAprey incii'j povwT - Bia. iPtaNii'.J***
..........-..«aAoo Har.>t weDonaU.
>2 h. p.
ITfa-Oen^l Mont«r»»«7. «®
ytv. beglnoln* W 1. m*. *»'•
fxnvrr to Avurk. io lltuik.
. 4AM
Its tb- p.
bo ABorlmn fames. kiUed y. aud Mrs. James iBWmpce. dl.-d
iherefore, thtrw new tfoadS under the
faom •(■
la this eanbe.
. 70M
Prtday at ibc homo ol Mad Nc-lson
4 K
to tJifow off and ieep
L Hnastate reward pbara^rwtlnc almost lb. tbe nssaujt on (Jdebec.
; off di^rasi-.
1 UW miles. Nor Is >S>U alL Plans ‘ iTSl^^nk or Kortb Amerlcn csb.tb
..uu.A.^1 .•
are In pro«ea of finnatldn In man) ubUalied'
at IPhiladelphia.
funcliir.i........................... 33«Jfa
o( the wsaitM olUBb»tate far n atni . Mit-James Lester WaUack. U- pMl few da,vs. Funeral eerib-r
you can. and tala:
m«e Me^te...
and tbe pious ertor, bom ia New YoHc. Med
. GUtvn enbfiimr'
more oatenslve li
Lcncastcr. Pa,
The wooden building fi^Hy eeU uHDiSUKI) iha< tbe
year wUl'^elop' Increased fa fafamfard. Conre. Sept. «. ISW.
rcaiwiiri- >'l il»* Kakl delei
. l8Cl^-T1» fteneb empew advised copied by Mr. Hegley a*
ctlrltles in this direction.
J>H. «
Teeth Extrsdefl.A^GOlfatf- McDonald tie
tha -pops to Mtireitder bit revolted smith shop on East ^
bclDg ^Bovrd to make
jme td-TceUse tb*/tcaeftt «d
By the "Ka-olsr'' mKb«d^ can r«
ISK-Frcdertka Bremer. Irnimms ;uew brick building to «
v.)u iffcnffiA, ilesh artf j
troved highways. ,<«>e dtvelo]>nt«.i
..k« ij.o«c m-liitig trelli abmliKeU
that lomdon h« Uie afirini.
,r fmit and agricoUnra In Ibe state im^lst. died el Arsta. Sweden. Bom
a:>J Killmut
A fanenri party eowisyn# «f the
Kiilcii- OB''dBS<-!.>lr-nc~«.
sUmulatcd tbi- (wl mads move-' at'Abo, KInfand. Aug. 16. isoi.
Bt nfr to g.-l .SCOTT'S fallowing penmiia a.-compapled
temiieraaicnl Md
im—Ameila Jenka Bloomer, «aig- lOIIOOlHg
t and now Ibat It ha* bt-eome so
i’a Ihr :;! otJ ofusiye ,]
Inalor ot the -bloonier- costume tor body of AUIi|.jy^Hanks.: to Sou'h
tU- b.:t.
Koardman ilondsy. whe«i, U «ns
iidrt upioc. and ia BeimfiMl
make haul- women, .dhd In Coanril HlulTs,
TMt TIIBIO Of HUMAN CV6NT8 nurb It means to inrm
taken far burial: M>s. Alvin,E. Hanks.
tmitbStKD ibal,waH.XKJlfl
irket mnrfa Bom fa N'ew York. Ma>.:7. INIK.
Dlt. V,-. i\. KIVTON
Tbe lsdr3Siw':^s«IV:i£s rumisbei ^g Ibelr pPodocU-»
»nd Mrs. l-'amer.Ii^^'blto and
rW 3*l>Yilhelm>iU« k.-wttb Dr. H«U» pjaim b- tay.v* aMBW(*asc*4
d Oiai Uic .saving
It Is
a world that bavi
w.inh. Trsverse fltv. falcblicaa.
J» Converse erf Ibis city; Mrs,
II li mnhM-r
a vehicles ai>d boi^llcsh. due to i«uiau
rOI .
yntii meds, is amnsWeraUe Item
»!• liiimiiivif; u. • rrobali Ih-C of ds.B
Netice fee Reconveyance.
mis ordev
iGraec-. of Honili HoardqjjW: A. K.
:i.-i Tra«
;o the farmer, besides adding much
To fb^ . > 1..: or owners o' i.-.r
irapd Trax«-i
M: la.l- ol
Kwtng of Grand ItaidUi^.. John W.
(o his comfort aa.4...«>''veiilenre.
iirl»:<-J. J
e unm^
-H fa <tbj>
MUCH DAMAGE BV BIG FIRE IN Hanks of JsekMiii, o.„,nnd G. f. al| iiUt-r-.-t 11. the land hnr-iu li, - ;i*.
IjlJllp in K*bl
• Tbe roads of Craiift Traverse coiBity
is h.Te?«HAUFAX.
h.T«»v fi'cii
rUeii il:.l IrtrtcHeatlAu 1W>
Hanks of Union
Is-ul^lanS gi.-. named In all UB<rischarg.>d iv<
ere under the tupey^dslon of
fioUi tUcvClViJi lU'. .-t
iiu.i igaS' against mid laud, or
p. A l>, l -tr'have J-wt allowed in each wevk foralr
^ and InlelUgenl board of blgl.way King Mward Hotel Destroyed- This Ht-v. W- - MeKw ill t.-d .^.uffl«-L:»or Ill
a'->U:'»f tiu-r>of of record; .
• ireditorn to pr.-j—nt I-Hr . lauus, r lh« lev i ju*n- a ..y,
- llh Jbe
r IO l«> perwunslly nrfxci
Meming-Feople Forood to Flee
BlUil r-alil-'ll.s-'u. cAl -to B**J •W!I ,-ndaM
Not on Hit
acTt'mat* le»tde«tifiiy
In Night Clothee.
- evaiiiiiusticHi' aii-J jttej'lsi1nic-ul. aiet the
t'aiiUiu 1“ab.-i«. Ilm Wllaouk.'e bn-w- ___ ftr unpaid taxes thereon, airi lliat
ilMH- above iirescribo
nlfabed most exMclIent work during
ll nil <n-dilors of a-vM cb*-eo«'l ure iM'aiaUL.v
er iiiillimuiiic. r.i-emU .siKtied
lb.- under.-';;litsl1iaa tili--tbcis t j
'be last two and three yeara. Tbe
-IFXIRGE ftlion asWug
asMut 111Hi- Wl-..:.iis«Teglrtnt.irWl-.';iii»W-tegl
1 •!—d I v.'id thiuclo;', .-xBil
. .------- B-*ii4»?ffa»KWoortalato
etroylng tbe King Edward hotH aad lloii
work baa been, r|led on not
*if- Cbirrt
a - tma!;- tn->
.-i. whfrb r..xuUiM
csanvcial--King. Uie 81, Croix Pai«er eom- a lioulevard from wliK-b icifaons ».w>ul.l
1- fit-. • e' Tiav*-{,9
iiraicd 'fravUao-O
cny. I'm.-!>i;>
uic!„.j.; =11-:
uuti. cm or i-.-fmc ft*.- 2Wh efay ol
be |.eriaai»emlr iirobthi^. rsii!-— ri-iurii dl,^<-^\l e of ibU
> ’«■ mpni^ ifa tbf Hafaaai
manner ibai haa, brouglit excellent pany'a warehoeao slid four tenwari
uiL A. li. l&l!, au.J^ut cUloi" will
Are today made nearly five imadi
l*-jbst Is a mdliwl auilsaloonUt so
payment to i..i- uni’.-ontmed, «4'- m Ho
, Mm sdtiBfltoad^ tmdrsneb Europe
Irfiid Icy s.-:wl wc-irfon Solorday
BK Ills own resld.-r-c Wimniunliv
n-«isl>-r In rsrn.t .v 01 L;c crti.i.
people homeless and caused a')iT
the rnn dav ef .Ai.iII.'A H. I9I2 ai
M. A
very gniUtrliig progress.
conrerne.1. Ills unuu- H««ilcd HiiutiMi the Intiib- lie.,
ail r*'li!r. paid
•c;.«k in the f.-i.-mHca,.
i,rt>- lost of ISOb.Wft. Many *
Htion r-ut to tlic sfaic lijtfslatm.- i
ujwu -HUol! p-.i rhsii*-. I >t .fTwr eil.T -ai»
i.-.l Icisc-mli.-r i-J'i.
toi^ fa dee In their Slgbl eloibca. Inc that saloouf slwuld I4 wUbarar-u liiiu-irs-tl 1-- -.m a-.-i.iional tbu-«'».
tjx T/av- City. .«J4®:
Several In the hoaplul- are threatened from Graad r.vciiiip bqJ neter i-t

J..d(.'- of I■nclaclb AT. Rolon........ 1 t-rt
' tf»' faS ortir tbe brink of war's prertTHli DATE IN HlkTORV. ♦
llUlllilUliflU t/f »|:
cedar Ciiy.
with pnenmiipfa. A high nitd bitter miiu-d hereafter to retwm
1!p26. Jwi. 2 9.
‘ nlte. jomod 1> aaeh outer's deadly
boub 'aid
is ot mrirfe lu fa«-or lu-c. to lie computed *:,.Bis;a i- rsoual
nodus ....... I
cold wind fainderod tbe firemen.
"'^^H|*Ele rest or tbe
of Itavlng the wikKms.*>caiod to^r :u-rvive ol u tli-»-lamUou a. enimucm
Prnvemont |
Ooosofaof 28.
• lills, w Iterc they ru'-i.i ot licit, and the furtln-r hi:lutvl
iS^>d, tbongbfalCedar Ban .
1065—Dwllcalton .:Of - Westminster
m'c- dicBsrs lor eaeii .IcrtcriptUm,
'lAkc Ann ..
Abbey, whiyh bad.bncn splendidly r»-,

ittih.on and m-ar tbe WKU-l.intruu-n-• out .Olber ndibltenul «i • 1 < i i-.=ir=- «
Alvin . Ewing HaRl was' bom
Platte Rtver
bollt by Edward tlvp Confessor.
* Monroe connty. \V. Va„ Aug. 22. 1*25. homes. Me has r.o »«re liov
l! paymi-ul m: ofor-iiaiu l» ui.i rJb-1o.
1T«*-Alexander. J. Foraytbe. the
tin- undvi'^lb-ueil wia'imditiltc jcrtA-^-Jand died in Tnfverae City. December
^ I\t:il llv?L:oni. his wife, of tbe
la.o* lor imiftB-sb'i. <.f-Uic land. •fa-Airienn ropKy; ^Ulth clergyman who invented the. 2S. 1911. He leaves a wife. EllxabeU) mlooii niay be to thej^j?'; and
I (mffardolr
Village of Rlacksood. Grand Traverce
It she did, witbont aotUrlMs:snybodr, p^aalon lock ft^s, BreanuA bo™ Hank, and three children. Gardner C.
the «C»I belli w fue south ' •wev', Cfiiiif . kllrlilgan. of the first part.
tybodyifas intotbo Dlod in IMS.
qiianor Ol serii-ca :.ix t'd loan twen Io n. \V. Ueyuulda and Carl Ucynold’
Hank ot ifalon Roifac, La.. Mra. Ida
and a
184«-^o*a admIMed fa tbq Union.
'x t2«;i noiih laug-j Hint
w-.ait. i,r t!." s;ti.e pise*, of the aetend part
lUnk Wnlle of South Doardraan. and doesn’t intend
,;e in thi- f<,-:j:y of Gv-iJ Tja‘ dai'il the- third dsy of June. -A. D
lAo' ootintiias Im1855—Main line of tbe llMnola Cen­
1>!0. aiul rciiirded In the ofiirc «
Mra. Ella Hank Graves of Traveree borne. Brewer l*ali
*Ti)t! end flute of Mi-hissii.
tral raUroad complq.tod.
fhc lli-gist-r ce iJeeds for the founl;
City.' He also leaves surviving him. provides a very good pi
Aii.bum. i>aid. yii ; J.
tef TTavi-rfc-. State .of 1
18M—Lord Thewas Babington ^- iliree sirteni and onO'brother, ilrs.
good examr'’ *' 'the men of
Tax tor J5-.«L J-H: '« frw
li^ciofon- hei-n $.-..K:;^t;iX tor
i-ho IIn
gon. i
id's iMfalilfairil hwter of gravity. eanley. fanMOS EngHab winter, died.
?Mgnn who
Rebeem Hank Kl<» of Jackson, Ohio:
in I.lfa-r 49 of Mortgasc-s 01
|.rihi-<-lr fiuppen
I*. i;.in,
I MtdftMnfiHife., It onght fa be a Bom Oct 25. ISOOe,'
-age I'-", on which nnirtgage thc-te 1:
Mr8.'laabclla Hank Kwlng of Camden. und Ills'arUtofc
Al^.ciint rciiulrc d for /ti olcv-.'^Bv
rwaPli^ W'.'tMpers and tbs
1862—Gas. Sbornun
-lalni.-d to he du.r=l the date of Ibl,
Michigan; Mrs. Nancy Hank Ewing of
-piiiii .Siicrlfis
Ml M u natter of fad gsinq tbe northern dcfenaca ot VlcksIKcllcr Hk- sum of one hundred Sixty
Oblo. and John W. Hank of
faiir and P.i-luv U164.7VI dollars, aaf
ito salt nr procecdiiigs at law hsvllB
fcfa -Mifaiesa vfar. Tbe 18-2—The NoeVhweat Territorie* Jnbkatia, Ohio. Ten snnd children T. huTnT llK»N;;hi fUlJjTiiii' h o'
iK-t-it iiieiiiuted fa rerover the mone).also snrvlve him. He .jwved as a ibiuor qucKlion mrtll ll- wan tlnum
d U fafinfaied again.' CouacQ formed In Cauda.
s.^ed bv -SBld mtiiigage. or any pari
llBlU.-, This
. CoBdO
private In tk>, D. second Michigan vol­
18*4—Patrick W. Rlordan socreed
. Elle
rail’! frfiva--unteer infantry, and was cajitnrcd at
Monlafae ............
Now. therefore. b« virtue of the
hMTotcbttcn bow ccruin I 10 the Komwi„9itbollc arcbblshop
heificv .-eriu., ,aiid rc-iuni that I
Tralus anlvc al Traverse City 9:67
tbe alcgc of Petersburg and was a ........... liiroiigh the wiSilow of John
;.;U* ttiv v»-4l;lic pecuer of sale- .twtaliicd In Kiid tnori
Ado be-faat when tbe Em- of San h'ranclsco.
VAg<- unJ iho siniuie In such rose a. m.. ie:3i» A. ra, 5:Si p. ra.. and BtW
prlacmer of the famous Pemberton Kavnnaugh’s «ii.»u.’22l FranUci
ot China died, the loag1887—Gen. Jnbn A MarmaduVe. not­ and IJbuie |k-ns uni„ 4.c was cxcliang- Mccicet n-troii
•in'do :iim1 provide.!, lycitice Is hen-bc
The oll-n rrrisnai
__ r~'«x^fa(e^-.ia tbe Fat. Bast ed Confederate "ijioMler.. died. BonS e-l near the Hose of the war. After of the Mvloim If . Icryeg J'mde agaitiH -i’iwrrvd letlc-r
|.-r clirvet
luar). A. I>- 1912. al fa o'riock Itfi sandy opinaT fcverybody knew Marob 14. im. , ,.
mt p.'ople .liDuW atl-iid lo Ibiir Hlllci’-'ai Tub-'
ilc-iii. iu' I
the k-af be returned to MU-blgan, dv- II is ll
icuMiu-rK iiutl IH tfiVc mlooti aVotic- Ohio, ilie I’O.taite ire- on '
■We waited
Oeosmbar 29.
Jng ruocnsiilvely In ‘HiU*daIe county
wm-i Jboughl she was ati.-n.l!ur.
Hilly prepaid. And I lu
b-fsr yean and yeara;
31 Iho Iremt da-ar of the Court IfaUsc
,er own hnslnes,* when she ■'
1809—Wiliam fa,Gladstone, ramoos. Kalkaska county.-ond Grand Traverse
rvjcire Gael bcirewiili
W.KisIiliiKion Sirort. In tbe City <>f
as the .-aloou ulouc. but hii-r,
bom. Died. May county. He . was a member of i!c.bnJbiiie notice I". '
ll-iivcriic t'ily. .Ml.hluaJ.. iliat b.-b.g
■she found ihht ihc satoon wa;i au-:iJ
f tfai
I n-i-c ived I,:! p-cid
rdscf vvlu-K- the- fimtit Cmirt
.do JU, •«» lost died. No
Ccmiriy of Graud Tnm-rsc is held,
1645—Teus admitted to tbe ttnlon.
City, which i«o8t batl.chMe
-r liie than alc> othet
L'arwKclUnaaat no •revoinprciflls-o oosenomi ill mid
all Ibis viorld. KaveiJitigh s
1867-Canwn. Cblna. bombarded and. tbe funcial -at hit lioine December 29.
w ^biolilldj. cje. 7 ra. C«b
incic li 111. ri-cif n- may

by an aHied naval foroe of Eng- 1911. He was a member of'ihe -Mcl..-vi>;ar) t« |>>y ttio aiiii'uiil doe
Miil-'nt»a fioHc-ty .vs asrtiob- i. ruirtlnt tiT
t fa
> pwi4«
I - expecUng tVt Uah and French.,
IhodLsi Eidscoiial Church of Traverw
liiHiidiiig iiitcTcAf and l» (Ke io.e»l<i«c« . Iks, »i|; Cfif
a Mmbfas>miTd «me when the '1862—Gen. Sbannan. In hU‘ attack City. Burial look jdace at South
of lliv'j<Vo!ds
KVoids In 1 •>'ir
i-.n l-tal co.fs. w«ii an atlomcT’;!
lug IO iLa own
II l-Usilic-M,"
1-usiii-^" a.
a-i the
the sai.’um
Ih- laud .'-iwriled •« >
fco of ri:i.V-ii t*l5l dollars. The <)«iM i» w.nW«(J
Iiusi iifli‘W-let al'-nr. '
terms it.
on \Tcksburc, fapuM
i-sum- taii;:>-.i ll.4t .1-- s-l
wm going fa. 01
!>, c-niiscni icc'm : iloscrilo-d In said
g i»M surtc hit. a
idsiVi- given' was ihe onij.;;t r.kli I
n.ooga--'' as f'dl-cws. t.cwll:
i. A coBil inBUMV Kt- >
^".■■irnmwA, SOSO day-but they didn't;
Jvssl- Hilb r* wus moM i.t i-iy 1
1*63—The President tesfared sute ,V.i -TliirD^irht t1s» iii the
ui-j«. ll'.irt il bfoh
thM. witm npliodp dreamed n
iHvc. raUI l-tl-V, '
Vit’-ic- yif Jll:.<-tiW"id. CraicU Traveme
L fa Ag. tbe ssntbsm states
«■—iir;. Mii-hiean.
jxmpl Texas and Flprldg
I>alvil l*o1ci!--r no. A. H... fall.
,-Aa gklna broke kwse. a»d 1
" FRANlll.! flllTKi;
Ifes-Lord I4sgBr appointed Gotw- M^ 8. L. OInsy.. received
MortKGge Sate
k.^faaU to 'tte jwopprtloB* of Imminent
BOriOenetnl of Canada.
Defanlt having bceb made in the Rrtom el Uitible fa AKeilais Where
1876-EWiO- iceraona kllfad
and airier. Mra. Colby Bell. St her bone condiuiifis of n certain mortga*-’
abeute or PcstehHe At'dixta. .
nisuc by Berlon -tl:- Hrlrbcr and :TA1E «iF .M-' llt«;v.S. 1 v-ai. •
many Injured lu ttaq 9ialnatmla rail- ,.>*fiion City. MIHl
l -tbat her reinaktag was one
i„. MuiJ;;a.-^.
Nine One day farmers InstMules have Bertha .-.I.-BvIHcct. hit wife-, cef l.c..t
rood disarter. •*.
to \VilIlam i:. Smalley
burdens tkat w-o
vllic.V Michigan
.-.-rl c u:;.! - ' rT f-:-' ' <
1995—naymo^d Prcfoataloe, Cana­ been assigned Io Cliarlcvolx c-ounty cef
mvertu.- *'tiy, Michignu daic-d tii'i
dian Ulnlater ot M^oe and Flahc^ tbbi year aud will ciul wlib a rounddav cef July. A. D. J9ID. aud iw i.-r '-arcfnl In-.iiilr-. I r-a ;n;ttA*«ia-<-«?lll I
uj.* TOcelSnp at-KSTsi Jordaii ven January cvirdi-J In the- offlre v»f the B.-.i.-:
died. Bom 8^ 16. I830.
|lio.’ ed'dr-t
2r- ad 36. ^ O.’ IcadJ «! Old WlaskHt ief Kia-ds tor Hi--dJUBaty ot Grand ,
Deceinbar SO.
Is tbe >:iBiV siccmkc-r^i the l:-.siciut» Vracerse am! Si4tp Of MiHi.guit oti;»
Ibe i:.tU day ol Jqb. A. D. 1916 at
Francla .Edward
held In Chaiietolx couwiv this year. 1:36 «’.lf).k p. m. lu l.lber -.9 01
.'•Ifak HMpMiiffn.t I Who daws gutma Sttart. vailed Uto Prelendcr. dledt
Merlin Perry, the eight mentha old MutIKUgO- ictl |..i«e*4;c8. which faid.
TMM H.<H|gli,iWta»n tbe.teemlac Bom In 1688.
Ml of Mr aad Mrs. Kerdinand Schei mnnsak- was dutv assigned by said
•MlMfi Mt’lMCnt famesL iadutrfaas 1813—BuglMl homed BlaHc Rock deltif Eltciwnod iown-4ilp dlud Friday Wmiaiii It Sniall.-y fa .Myrtle B. Wal
ker of Harbor Spring Mtthlgan. on
.atoM«tfft^-nod«alyed,and t«l and Buffalo.*'”
.' .
niortifug after n two.days fitness with the vlih they <if Sepli-mU r. A. l>. Return cf Rta.-titrct* Irtltr 1:r
1847—John P. Altgdd. goverodr of acute iDdigeatlon. I'uneral scrrices .IIclii :ind r—onled In tin: oflci-c of tbo .T.\TI‘ nl’ ■-'t :h<;.v \. 1 .c 1..;.
fiH^.UmiWD^d'a.ounpetitlon fa oanti.TanU 7Trav - - .
llllniila born lu Berlin. Germany
held from the «'ongrrgatiiiii:iI
I li.-r. ll.
IHccd In'Jolfal. III.. Marrit 12. 1904.' (dmrcti Ijere Saturday al I «c»ltK-k,
1841—IiOuls Kosanlh, the famons Rev. IJhmas CovhHn oBfHatlng. Burial
Hungarian p^riot. spoke before ihc
was In Oakwoiid.
47 of ilortgaK.-* rtn page 14... ■ v
.J^MMigiMdqMifUsd by the legMlatujrv.jVniied suto».cuagr«Ks.
Dr. J. W. Gawntlett 'bAt returned which jminga;4e thrre Is clnlinc/1 1
■•U*C' «
m* liitc. al the date of Ihi.v notice f<
from a week’s vacation trip to Milan. :IprincIpBl
li.,'. }-;>
and Ilict.w!. the sum _
Oetroll and other souUtem Mlcblgai
luitf 1);at
VV-KII^ in
<n Detroit Dr. Gaunl- as jircvU.- — ...------------- ---jjpointa. tVhlle
inett met Floyd Robinson of Washing- tin ssli or provccdlngs at law Jmviug 1 rct-Htf-Ll I-.;-. i3ii
been Instituted to recover the liione}
S|toa. who was connevtod wUb tbe pure sect iired by said iifartgitc ur any part l■-»ll.!^ilc• aiiltH r'-'i
w t. jt'-. ,il was ndetr. »!>c!. al..:
i>|lood campaign whh Dr. Wiley.
Notice Is hereby given i!:ai by v
I Robinson auiea that U
•r «t eale roetained
? lanloijkaNe-'Ycuirec^I^ M take
e of the power
I Michigan soil bad prav^ to be by tar
fii}lgr:.i ir.'iviry aiH exaniinr.Hf i7 ,
mortgage and the staiuie fa
jaticm rtSAimX tw
tor fmlt culture ,
ca»e made and pr.ivWed. on tbe o' fac recerds in K-'i'. <.-i;oc I'lafnIbe land div-iiKsI fa (ci-: noti-ttakleUlrMtunat Jim, Ibe pul yar.
tin Mtohlgna.- which U especially fa- : ;mij aPT of January. A. D. 1912 at
bccartiifalisr'-d lUt the ndd-. s*
Ifarestfar fa Grand TTaverw reglonlninc oclorfln tbe forenoon,
the uaIt ■
I dcTslgncd win. at
.. north
-ont door above given wa« I'lr- pac a’ wbi h
'of. thi Court
I fruitgrower*.
fmlt grower*.
Court Ifaqie
Ifanse In
in the City of John Crate* wna ii:o«- hkcly to i.■ive
Hagar |.rraver*e City., Mf^Sgan. that being
ii» tSredte* md’cffitwi. Wenr«
Dated the llih day of Oct.. ‘iVlI.
Ijand Rev. Claode A..kVatson of Bo}-ne the place where the (Ircult Court for
ibe Coanlv of Gr*nd Traverwe is held, Fees. JU2. .
mmM of
fioB n**V *
I City n.’curred at the borne
sen at pu’allc anotion. to the highest
IjbrldeVgrandtatber, E. A. Winiamg of bidder, the premises dcscril-ed In nald

sf Unable to Arecrtain Wheee’IKeysfano Wednesday. Rev. J. A. Wat- mortgage, or so much thereof - —
cuta I
tarmb« the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. 1 aforesaid
Craad T
iw|ile>lk*ed KcmitylVoc ilepcuu.
'intarcal , a, l.ri lmi.MI.uI, loi
.la, iVl ailoraey fee.
1 htic
<}0> of Blcs\ . . ,_rifr4 'jujairy. I am imahS's Ir
I City, where they will make their
i.ot No. T
fifteen tl5> of the original plat of i-r-rttin Ibe whcr-wiliotfs 'or -posi ■
; r-ldn I- 01 Jrha
pr !i« be!'
Secmtwy HoUey of, tfi*; BMrd of of record fa the offlro of the Regis­. the whtrrjiboule v,r nofOfTHv odd
Tr»de. received three letter* ifii* ter of Deed* of Grand Traverse of tbe exi-uior. f.dmifilrt'lior.
(iXBioc dr guardian of-, qald John
moralgg requesting gn added supply
Cornr-r Front & Caa* fUreet*.
r. C-.Uli!
of txMAIeta AdvertWitg fae Omd
Dai.-d tbe Itth jlav of Oit . V'll
Aasignee of■ Moi
Trarem rtekm- 1>e trsi was from riTTmR.D. alwat
; , .
UM SnsiTranT
tbe o$lce of the Publfc Domnin at
.Afim^ey for AaslgnM.
iljto,lM?:6. Jaa-2.

tABtliifc -their third Order for boofc- Oct 21. Jas. HtM-




£p«, a.™


Two Grczit Creators. :•



^soil’s Eiauisian


M«nilt^Mi 3400



riGrt^RSe S&le








Upio>n. 15. 191.2. in orte U>.

move our glassware, china, and; dishes, ot
all kinds; all, copper nickel-plated coffee
and tea pots,%teel nickel-plated keules apd
enamel-ware, vye shall give a special dir
count Ol ten per cent. These gpods are
cheap now, and with the discount ot I1O.
per cent will make extra good hargainx tog
you. There are a lot of sifth. thwjS needr
ed in the kitchen. This is a. good^chansg
to fill your wants at a savmg. ,


JJ1, ■" ■ ■



\ Ai'i-'v:.


^ ImMo« vttk her fercBta. Mr.
tkt MeM cvdR ud Mra. iohBMe. «M Vfmt .VeveaU.
m«K «( « moitt* Mtooi ua »m i«cta«t IwMw Ik* cUm nnM ud

Micac »IH be lto«c ■

M. ftelC&amte
WUI W|U.-|^'S!|’flol" M>

Kit. Bom

■teeUnn, ttciUee. Mu
<»li«<l «|)on to Ml pqMts ob Sona&y
U .chnrcbM In dUttfeoi rwts «( tbe
■ute or tDva. '
Wtane Prof Horn end ^ twoiJj- •«
mm» tta-didtoei>haa leachad a polat
fond of Ih-'iK iB.JovB
(be tovo

«arv^ er Bwre tbu
»odliwtbe .Wk.»nd'«f Grlnnell. tiffiy *W come Uc* to
cMMUei«ek« of tSr Tiercrae Oily with pleMBre aad with
who are avail- Che ?uH-«zr>ectaliOB of uktM H their
t l^miaj n lm|«rtaBt pan permaaesi home la -the fatare. HU
rM~ld-------- •> d acboo^Ot lu one ambltiOD will be to ^e tbe
yr. Maedhan haa dr Jd«d 4b XerdbaiD BaaliWM beUeee aa large



I was ae dU ^
Ihak Mtal r*«tk. * achool ol thU
natare aad «Ue wfl| bo a graai ‘
St te Ttararao CRy aad vU
MTo Ui4 equal «e au Moatr? that
cbald bb pmMM)' breast bare.
SgKlal atoatiM «UI be given the
onaal UaMiU departMat. a' the
eebool Sar^ tbe eoattagr . Hnaiiier
ead the tem ami be laereaaU to
twelve weeta and- ntabr addltiohal
conraea, offered tor teacbert of
gndaa 'trow tbe elatocaury to tbe
moai adraaeed. New laatroctore will
be added aad aew eqalpneat ptii to
care of aU tbe aeeda of a ruedacUol. *.r. Noedbain will coatlaoe
faU work a« baslaeae laatructor under
tbe nca- arraaeemeni and conduct
oi tbe iaatltoUCB.




fFrom Prida?^ B»«>rd-&gle.)
Almond MeVokar of PallMon la vlalttag bla aacle'a fajnfly. Ptank Paer.
IIM Ban Prow atreet ,for a few daya
Mr and Mra. OllBbina of Horihpart
wbO have been aponillag nevefal dafT
with frieada returned boon Ihli laor

Tem OaBTing and Mlaa Lotilae Deerlad of Umpire art la tbe cUj for a
tew daya
d<lB afieraocB for Plymouib. Isd..
dohn Leham ef Mafqottta la to the
jwbrre they wH1 apesd b few weefea dly for eevral da>a e
vMUng relatlree end fiiesdi.
K «. Covey ef Bay CHy who haa
Mtaa B. J. Kehee waiM te Oetratt bua apeadlBg tbe weak here on baalthU BMralag qb aa eaieaded rlalt
ena rcturaod borne ihia
o; M. Oqtrick ef Central Laka
H. C. Morgan of OnienB made a boalpaaaed tbrough the city tbU
Beai trip to the city yedlordaj.
<« blB reuira buMe froBi four weeks'
Mra N. Paulaa and Mlaa Gaergla
Tlait la the ootubera rort rf Ohio. Paalaa of Lelaad art Tnreroe City
Wbila there be aiieaded ibe faneral gueaia lor the reamlader of tbe, weak.
Of a slater.
and Mra. J. U SmMh ef dtt Weat
Mlaa Anna Ctaytan went to Harbor KighibVreei retwrtied yesierday from
Bprfsca ibU aoralag on a week * a two weokt' vlalt w|ib Ur., aad Mn.
Smith of Lanalng.
vlalt to frteada. '
M Ok flOA
Mra. N. Mortea want ta PIla.Laka
tUs BonlBg to vlalt' retatlvA and |dt tbia aflantooB on a vUH.
] Mra. R- W. Clow want U Wlfllamatriettda for aeveral days.
N. Albright svtnt ta Klhiaiey thia'burg tbia aflermn oa batiBHa
monilBf on a week'a vU't.
I M. H. P. Waaler la apanaing a few
Wm. Hayden went to Walton tbia daia at Elk Baplds oa bualaesa
CaH Viirtoa end R. Smith went to
Bwalac on boflnesa for the day.
Jamea MeOInneea vnnt te Wolvar. Wlllimiuburg this nfiernooD to at­
lae today on aeveral days' buslaesa tend a party to be given there this
•venlng In bosor of Mr. Smith.
Mlaa Hsima JahMOii ef drawn.
Prank Crtfl af Suttona Say U
BpendiBs aeveral daya In Grand Rap- Mlaa Hilda Cooper jMXBirlevolir and
MMb Gertrtde'-iiniwea of ibis eUr
Maoa bnalacoa.
Mra. L. K, Mra.
WJ Mlaa Oar- went to WUliamtb^ri
trndd. aad Luio Pwkbuiit of Reed whara they will at^nd^ bouse party
aiy. who hare beM liere for tbe tusaveaiag.
Mr. and Mra. J. L. l«^hawaa canpeat two weeks vlsUIng Mr. and Mra.
W. K. WtUiaaa of Sixth ptreet. retnra- Unned on their retorn tb Honor ibit
morning after *. abort rlstt here. Tbe;
cd to tbeir home tbU aoning.
E. e. Lowing left thii merning for arrived In tb*, city restordop from
Bigaa and other points in that vleia- Wolverine, wkm they were caUed
eome Ume ego on ecoonnt of the
Ity oa« week's boslnepi Irtp.
A. Stoveiwen ef test «erdan. return­ deetb of Mr. Stonebouee'a mother.
ed b
Mra. a: W. Boll of Altlence. O. re« tho- laatUnilon to ah'! aa strong as i>esslble. nnd through
tsrned to that place ibis noralng
I. W artanell, Iowa.' « u> mlnteter tn the Urte« tkwalble
after having codcluded a visit In this
» preoMent of
‘o “>* oducattoaal seeds ai
as the gnest of Ura. Clara Wood
progress <d the Utaad Tntverse i
return home irom i I extended visit niS and famllr of (» State nreet
Mra. Wm. Tunney rttwsed to her
borne et Cadillac -this mor ling after
of ^Mib school
UUa city a groat deal to Travene ^ty'nnd Us
O'*'^ Cast and wife of Angel.
vtsltlag for the jasi two aeveral days’ visit here with her
^ Six paara. tad supart^endem or contiguous terriion. as there u a
weeks St Manion and Hits city, return­ mother.
;•h4ltp•dhebls for thne }eai% end- large field lor the uevolopipem of a
ed te IbeJr bonic ibli afternoon.
H. H. Fuller ef
Us OHTlco bera Jens l»o:. F^om btgh class school where business
Mra. Rueaal grown ef Bato< pnaacd to bla boma thU taenUng. nftor acv: to* be «wt l6 GrlBBdl. Iowa, where thods and competent norms! training
IhroOBb tbe city today on her iclurn prat daya- vUtt here wfth friends and
bh Mu MBH pmaiRI'pr the Grlnnell enn be obcalaed b..- the young |>Mple
borne from Grand Hapida. where sh^ relstlvea.
baa been .for the last several (weeks
Mra. Praneia BchoAsId of Flint
visiting, as the guest of bar daughter.
wbo has been rlaltins bar father.
»lra. Earl Bruoei
Peter Sheffev. for tbe past week,
Mtaa ianniB Reach of Detroit la In
turned to bor bwe this morning.
the city this week vlalUag tHandii and
R*v. A. Narlech went ta Grand
Rapida this morning on an extbaded
i>r. and Mra- F. 8. Hoag ef Aldtn,
visit to iwlative* tnd Aleods.
returned to'tbeir borne tbia arteroooa
James Mooney returned ta his
after speoding aeveral daya bere with
iboir son. Uoiiald who baa been under borne to oread Rapids this mornlag.
aVer several daya' visit here on bus
mediaal treatment.
Mra H. O. EdgeH M apanding ths
Mias Belle Gilbert ef Detroit who
■y at Acme oa bulaeas.
Arid. Wirnama went to Elk Rapids bas been here risittog for the pa>^t
week oa to guest of ber brother.
Ibis alteraoon oo buaii
C. Gilbert, returned huue
Vsndls LudwIaJht aviator who has day.
Mr. and Mr*. Will Garland of Chi­
bean here fpr-nCe past live weeks lor
to purpose of lestins.Andrew Smith ^ cago. reiuraed to tbeir ttome this
engloe to actual fllgbt. .moralDg. after aevornl days la this
tbe guest of reiatires.
left today on'to aooa traia for Chi­
cago from which place be win prob­ Garland Is coaaected with tbe Goodrleb Transiiortatlon Co., of Chicago.
ably V> aoBth to norkls. M. F. Moody ef
Wither Lee of Grand Rapida. passed
tbroogb to city tbU morning, oa bts this rliy Ibis morning on busiocss for
rouirs fmn aeveral weeks vtalt at llm dsv.
E. Wheaton want te CharieUlea Aritor.
L. Maey returned to hla heme thU voix tbia altcrnooa oo a abort bail- 'morning at Solea. aceompanled by his BOSS Clip.
P. J. Behan returned to hla home
wife who bss bM 01 ibr 'aomc Ume
at Petoakey ibis afternoon, from sev­
past at tbe Bay Bank bWitai.
eral days butlnoM trip to this city.
R. BrunBaga of Honor paoMd
M. Boyd of Wllllamobuf» arrived ii
tbnmgb tba diy tCte morning on bU
tbe city this ueretog on boatopaa for
MUm borne Ao« Battle Crock, where
tbe day.
region. Mr. Needban hi
^'c»UJ the
be baa beea for to gnat week on
Mlaa Klae Flak la apanding a few
ttMi. qilitiaffar ha took up hM wotic broagl tho present sobocl op to'
days at Willtamsbarg this week rtsUof prafltlrnc} to tbe
Homy BpaHlng want to Empire this lag relailvea and fiinda.
added a ioomuorctal hUh
"E to the mmlemy ewurte. Hr »«f«
p. C. NobI* went to Elk RaiRda to­
point where he must have help la
Gen Btointoah went to Btonlatoa day on a visit.
ibr work' as It shontd this moratog oa baaiaeaa.
aynipatby with burtnoss order to «aiT>
went to Bailaire thta
E. R. Chapman and wMe of Bherl- aAernooB. where be win attend the
very daa are to to dty for oortral days bnakelball gacse this eveatog betw<
IMrlas the past ntne years bU s
rtalttog tolr parenu. Mr. aad Mr*. to MnySotir dab et tbia do and
th ’one of ihe Wt <-ol- '
itoa in the cwmiTj baa giveu him
“l* * «»'«>• ‘'‘•i
•«*“' IC'E. Chapman of CIS Fifth street
Bdlalre team.
AdalaMa I. Johnaorl of tho Central
0 for/wM<len- 'Siodate scrotal faandrod atndcaU la
Albert Kyodka wont to Petaok^
IM U. ,.lA.Uo«i
.„d t.
Itonaal at Mt )>lM*aat U spendtog
-' BPt la ctoee touch' with modom day I Traverae iTty Is the logical
Mra. A w. Bartok and'Sawgntar.
Vaodi *f the yoBAg iieoplc of ibo tsttn lor »U'h a school, and every eSort will
Miss Edith went to Elk Rapids tbU
To warn people
bo put lortb by the new uanagenient
Ire to the Catsktlls s yoong girl rode .ftornooa to attend tbe K P. borne
In im Prot Horn was graduated
‘“''•^"so tbe number of students borrebeefc et mldelght aed saved eming party, to be beM at that place
many Urea. Her deed was glorloas bat this cvealBg.
I?.. Asm OeVst ooUe«. Bnd Is 10& ba ^
* “«*
fp. rweelved to d^rte of XL' A. fiwi****
hecessBrj to the near fa- BVM are often revod by Or. King'*
Mlaa Leila Roberta ef Orwid Rapto
to a*MB biMitttloa. Store that Ume ■—
, „
is to tbe city oa a few days visit witb
Ito to
sainmert to Post I __________________ ________________
reUltres aad Atenda.
‘It cored me ef s dreedfal cough and
Hr. and Mrs. J. S. Smith af 4S
Tbieagn aad sae amsBier at Ann Ar-'
toomtosodiw long dioaaae.'' wrhea w. ft PattereoB. Wear EMbUi atiM retnreed yester­
Wm.iBgWB. Tex, “after Ceor la oei
II ^.w^
MU Af ki< '
day Aon Leasing, where they spent
family bad died wtu
Nothing so Cbrlttmaa- with tbeir eon. Fred l!
safe for all threat and long
tronble*. Pric* Me and «1.W. Trtall Mr*. N. A Mathey. who haa bc«a
bottle free. Ooaraateed by an dreg-


ftota Bt Tnrgm CR7<


daogbler, apoDd Sunday *Hb her aUter.
........ ...........
froa BararU Crwok. ppat CbTtatsaa Campeoa wool to MnakesoB tbIa
oa a vian to ba goM aeveral
wttb C. H. Jt^uOB and faMlly. 40J
WMt Bareath atroec.
. Jdfi. A. OHMan of PotoiUy. wbe
R. a.
baa been ban vtaMag her nUter. Mra.
BB. Bwompanled by bU daughter. U
8. ^rala, rtwraed » her bose tbia
rWtiat Bt tba boM of bU hroibar,
WliUaai Harrtagton.


iKM wL-.. Ik.

^ How to be Certain of
Curing Constipatioii

n. w. Tuthar wau to Ok R*P*«*
today on a vMK.
•ra. J. •: »wan af Harbor BgrinB*
•Bgaad thro^ ^ c*iy ibla M«»ralM
OB her rtwrhBMb
aa ««-*•

I her* lor tb* past serersi days rigu-


od to ibelrjiMBoAtBpuMrt today bRcr aevenl daya' vlalt hereMr.and Mn. doa Prtand of Chicago,
. <l'.V
who bare .tiau MaWag- at Potoikey
for lODie time past, ainived In tbe
ynatetdar aft cMRtBBod-«& tbeir
rciura borne tbia bmtbIuTTiffaaa poMa nbmad ta hie boma
Tok*a. Dec. 3a—Mambera of tha royal family ato Sating In dligntoT
in Aon .\rbor ihU aMralas. aPer
Bonr lime bora on a vlalt and Ugat- from PMin. aecoreing te late diapatchea. Prince Chun, the dapaaed r»
ptnL disguised as a cooHs. has fled with the baby omporor.'
D«s trip cemUbod.
M. J. LaiMOol of HBtsIwa. retamod
home Uju' toorolBg afler a lew days
a patlcDl here pi ii p .Northern Mkhlhere on bastnena
Waks UA HI**"_•
'bbb Mate bosplui.
KleoU KawBoe. tbe RntotaB.
CAaa. VaarMpar w«i« to Harriotfa
Mrs. Robert CllerlM is apanding a bat Just roacbed. the ago ef 11. bevtof
Msy ta butoeos.
murdered aa Insured Bancea tor a i*Mra. Fraak Baker U apondtoi a few few dayo St CsdillBi oo a vIkIi.
Jostph Stelnyf' ef Suttons Bay. doetlre conateaa la remaatle Te*toA
dsya at SIgsu Ibis week.
bss. ta hla coafaNlea. rtiatod be*
Uive bf
duto M. J. Ctotole of Oaeoeia ta
- the
- .Sonbern Mtcblthat iilarr.
the guest of bla aooa. WanT B. and
or extlaguishtog ber rlgerettaa e
dnaood tbrough the
this morning bare drab--Just to are.blm wtoe*.lM
Matt N. Ceanle.^
D bla wa.v to I'adillfv oo buslaros.
she lovod him boat «bM bo eetepgd.
Anthony Chimosky'wmnt to Cedillas
(FrtMD hatardJTftocord-Gagic.)
Albert MeCrtder ten today for Bag- tilts dtoralng to be gone oo a visit tor
Frightful Polar Wind*
rtth lerrtdc tot
insw after tpeadlag Cbrlatmas with several ds;s.
bU aolbdr OB We« rrpnt itreeL
Melvin Rednef. wh^haa been bere north and play havoc
..using red. rouge . .
Clllfert BfMka rtcumed to hia TlsitiBB bis suet. Mrw U. U. Fensi- bends and llpg. tot dsod . .
borne at Ladlagton l«at Bight after er for tbe pest tec days, returned to Arolrs Salve to bdol tom. It
bla botne si Souto Doardmaa ibla ibe sklD soft and MOotb. Uo
opesdtog.tke 'uoUdayn in tbia dty.
M barno. boUe. aoraa.
Mra. A w. Bartob and daosMar. montog.
ulcer*, cuts, bruteea and pUee. Oaiy
UHs Bditb. retorned here today from
ell druggists of Tnvetot
ahcri vUli at Dk Bapid*.
Klngalry thU
WtliUm and Mlaa Oerathy Halt.'tbe day.
who bate been bet* for tba past week] F. S. Braekenburr returned to hi*
Rare Optimlapk
visiting their grandparenu. Ur. and home at South iloardt&aa thin morslu
There are very )ew reel
remarked the
Urp- Asa Male of SIS West Seventh from n brief bustoeea trip here.
Mies Btwieh Kellogg returned to “What is your Mae c
street, retnnied to tbalr' borne to
WskeSeld. upper i-rrinr-u this mara- l*tr “A man wbo’ca
Grand RapUa this
acbool li»« to «*rerfnlly
Mr*, daasph Clufl. who haa baci Ing. to resume ber duties
lag a golf balL”
tracber at that place.


Baby Emperor Accompaalce by DepaacC Prtoce .
Cbaa la Mtaaisc.


-Mlaa LwellB Seen -returned ta acheel
this morning : Ml. incesani. after
irala tor Hagtoaw. where
g ber vacation to tbia elly with bsurt tog.'eopoctally
spend a few'daya before pr
frtendt snJ relsilvee.
atnge. To get quire
qa ber retara home to Oetrtdi.
Mm. Fred Weodhsm returned to her epeU* some on W
Miea Leulae Hale returned to ML
Bleaeant ibit mofnlag to resume ber home SI Weere-ood today from nevernl
^ery peoMrellng
delies as teator .there, after a week's day* visit here.
C. L. Oviatt of ta Washington pases tbe pein es i Tsretlos spent'Rn this city with rdastreet, left this moroiag for EfUabeth the scat of troabto.
lives sod friends.
Mr*. Albert Curott ef Saginaw ro- Kew Jersey, where he ba* acceptod an
turaed to tost ptoce IbH moretag aft- clognl poeiUoir as i
Roy Rorabaehcr is here Irem Mus-,
------exteoded ylsit bere as tm
guest of her motor aad sister. Mra. kegon oa several days visit with NOTICE OF HSAIMNO 0LA1Ba*#t>
friend* sad relative*.
M. L. BlcBs and Miss Jemls Biggs.
Wm. Hslintorth left Vrt* morning
lorning oa nusioeas.
i aa extended trip through to west. morning
W. J. Coaart went to Besr Lsk# this |' in to matter of l
Mra.'Frank Fouhrteh returnod-to
ber borne in Oread Rapids tbis morn raoralng where be will ^>rl>ll*bl)• work Jsnln F. Sebotterty.
tag after several days' visit bere.
Mr*. John O. Hatton of Msniaus
Homer Witiobeo worn to Big >lapreturned to tost place tola morning eredUorTto
cntltmff'ia prat
present tbah
rhere be wiu\
wlU , at-*"“*
tds Ibis morning, where
bsTtog Biwnt Cbrlsima* to this sgslmd sold deemasd to A
tend school at to Ferris InsUlute.—*“
tor esamlantlon nod a " '
daughter. toot aJi eredHora of oa
Misses Maud and Bus Rymsr vrsnt ‘
to Jennings this
I- H
luired to I

d.r. .I.IIIM u n, r»». ol

K"-. o*-™ "•«« ■""T:

" -

< tty of Traverw City, to daldAgll
morning on his return home to«tt
oa or before to 4tb day oTtoV.
Fr..!. S,i.r I.
'™ *"
D.. lilt, and tot said ctotire Ft*
Iw heard by asid ooart on ShtolGdr.
.1 CddUcon
"-“I- ■'
4th day of May. A. U.; l»ll. M Md
W. C. F-w,- Ft ,1
} s' O'rlork la to ioronoon.
inned Id U..I dUa Ibl. d.dral.t
"" *
• s short business trip lo ibis city.
Mr. and Mra. J. H. Georg* of Ca*.|
Patsr Bods weirt te Saginaw thla‘
J. f. 18
morning to vl-'tt Irleods snd telallver. sopolh. Mich., are speiidlng the boll _
O. J. O Reilly iv reending tot dsy dor* wlib Mr ood Mrs. C A EwKxcr
of Bast Eighth street.
MajAeld i-n buslnesr

, 8TA'._
Mr. and Mre. Wm.,Coopcr ef Buck.bate Court for to Cduty
ley. *bo have been bere lor cbejws^
Icnry Clsj . Traverse.
week vleUieg tbeir daughter. Mrs.'
Uera^. returned to tbeir borne Uiia
ilS.. -Ill,
Mra. C- Cedar sres callsd te Bellaire
i.-sc irouDies as »v.. m-
, ,
itods) oa account nl toe death of a
and bowel disorders &*?. Ju«*e oi i
<if tbe oaute of Asta
,..F. (»F.I» -i rts at all drui
v*** “
J. scbacldor.
Mia* Elhtl Cibbs went ta Mayhcld gists of Travers* I
I Gertrude ^taneMer having ilod til
tots sfteraoea oo several days vlsii
ssid courtvber petiUoa preytog tot
Msks Right Use ef
Moneyf Money.
admlnlsiraOoo of «ald ostoto b*
Frank Wilton wont to Kingsley this
rlEtruloas. a* crentod to
Mooey »» sublli
tooreing on s visit.
oiber suitable perren.
eordtog le 'hr maa she> bss It.
Mre. W. 8. Roblnsre went t* Manton
1 li Is ordered tot toe :3th day of
’janoary. A. V.. I*i:. si tea -"-a,—
o'clore U
The Penalty of 8m.
heal'h l« s stn the forenoon, st said prolmtt *EM*.
To ncglev-t >our heal!
be snd
snd is
is hereby
hereby appelated for begrBgatnsi Dsiure and frequently the pen- be
here Msiiine as.the guest of Mr
Mr*. W- N Btn^m. returned to
tost public »#■
tronble sun* In to liver and bowels.
H 1» lurtoer
further ordered
borne at Cadillac this atlemoon
given by puMIcntlOB
■ft Is toe stratgbt rood to Bright's DU- life toereof
toereof be
be glri
nest eonrse
CDura. Is
IS to
<u take
vase s.a of
v. s
B r*»j<y
ropy o. tthis order for to^ ^
ro,qMire Core Beofisid wore to KlngsHy
The best
week* .prertou. to mU
today, where she'win spend Sunday dose of DR. HERRICK'S SUGAR ressUe -rek*
iXi ijj wbeoever
wheneier you
too feel hearing,
bearing, in to
the Grand Tr*ve»*e
with relaUvetdoll, bilious, ronsupated or nnram aid. s newspaper prmiod sad df«*Harry Banos n woM te Codlllsc to­ forUNe It *m near you out- re Uted In
day. where be wfu work for tbe wini- Store appetite snd cheerful spirit*..
”^«die*of Ftoaia
Price K. CIS. Sold by Amertrao Drug '
I JSTI : ». i«. a
H. E. Same* returnod to his hem* Store.
; Grand RapMs today from a brtel
vtoft bcee.
Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Lomphere of Manton. returnsd borne to that place this
■MOO. after aa exteoded to
toto ciiv with tbeir non. Ray.
M. C Kulmon *f Detroit, and oberiF of Pireqae Isle emnty. returnod
to bU borne ioda.v. after baviag left
their brother

The Cheapest Is the Best

lighthouse heepee.
averted awtal
wreck*, but a trneer fact h, he might
have been a wreck .himself. IFElcctrlr
Bluer* had oot preveatod. "Tbc'
cored aw of kMaey trouble am:
eb8la.“ be write*, "after I had taken
otoer aorelled core* tor years wHbbeacBt and they also impreved
my sight. No« at seveoty. I am toel- - For dyspepsia, tnd
liver aad kMaey troiibiet.
L »'

VVrdoaTbavc lo prove II
Tfec rwlowcro otaH IL Sold every vrlwre


I Ctt., at dreggisis «f Trev«m Ctty.l


Cbriwnja-v dinner •
Morloii Merrill l» ti IMTC Ibis week

V « ♦ *jMf i^' ii ♦•♦♦♦¥♦ ♦



Anwrto imder CleeeBomb Itodley. AbnoKob
r to BrniQ
‘rondo, farmer AmnrkBB
^ Lesria 1^’•iMt
acm. tbe lama kraper of Uw uIm
. Of tbe Porta
Rock litfitlMm '.Newport. R. L; ^ branch of tbe houac of Both*
aepb PnUtser. proprietor of the New

o: R«ca *«thpr.”
OB hit trtp to Obtormdo.
New YorK Dec. AO.—The Itot ot the
W* k*4m wu» R*r«
but v«noted mentond women wbo were re-i
tor »t nct«sJ» cwibed to bWbed wltb
iDoVed by'tbe hand of denUi dori'iis
Wl »U*dt««,*ri'bo}d few; Theejun*Jaat cloato& eontiHig the
nomea of mon.v dtstiusnlabcd maker*
vst to bear o/ a apeody recomyTwk VforM and uto bS. Low* IW
of hlatory. ai.boDM and .abroad, of
Cart td-on Is no» at (be boaae of
Ur* John earns of Tra\urwi c.117 many leaders, aUtesmeo. dlplomou btopoub; Eugaoe F. Woes, tetoer
hi* wife's p«nl*, Mr. and Vre. PwLIVESTGCIC.
U Tiiilto* ta daughter, Mrs. Wbl and iiroiqlnent mmben of the vart- Commtosloner of Foaotonn nnd wrliof
t, at YulB. lie la aiiil nnder
o( the chnrell. of poetiT WKtor tb* nnwo of "IranBntnto. Doc. M.-Cwde-Boeelpto.
Dunce, of WUUansttm neUve. alow. rAb»t.
Bcientlsia, educators, artists and oU- QDU-; Gen. Clement 'A. Evnna. fortnbon;.
1» Tr.™r«: Ciir.
CoBUMnder-to-Chlef Cnliod Confe cnlroa-AcUve. tSo tower. |C«lC7b.
Boy Crtop, our flWoa tnerrhonl.
^ Mia. Colin Mnnro and
Amotts the iifomlnent American* derate Veteraiw: Ctd. Jobn James Me- 'aboep Bocclpto. Ajm. otow; tomkn.
cbliced to aboot a flOc drivlDg borae
Cook, noted rioUler oi Uw Civil War
$«.7&e«di: No. & tLAt.
1“ T..V.YK . lalmed by death ditring the year
. few days nico. on account of It's cbMr..
. B3M: trade fair. !•
tiiany .loselj ideciitteil with iHibOc and loiuoua New York ctwporatton
Busulnlns a'fnctnrcd Ion. doHOA a
r ieit Sailawyer: Ooraeoue N. bUea. Secretary
dootog at
ai-lrltod roiaway. Some of the a«nof


pMlls of ihe rig were Injured.
snaay yran traMwrer of the BepuUllowatd Irish. Mra. Wiiiua Beck- weeks In Chtensu «ltb their daughter. Stephen B. Hktoa. V. S. Senator
wilh's brtOter. who reeenCy anfer- >:r*. Merle Koasx*- Tb®-' were ac- jWest Virginia and tonneriy Seeretary ncu National ComBtotra; John Bige­
Detroit. Dee. ».—Wwnt. »««- Corn.
ed a broken fcB la notf able to set tompoaled from Traverse City b>- l«u - Bute nndet>resldeoi Harrtaon, and low. diptoniat and author; Sir John
Wm. P. Frye, for thirty year* X\ S. AM. the builder of the Aadouan Dam; owe. Onto, dttoc.
aronpdtM cruirfcea.
SO.-WbeoL Me. com.
Sonotcr from Matoe. were probaoly
OnrKenldi Mr. Tenter h nvlng
lait Rardda ate CbrlitBns dinner at the three most widely known. Tbe ry. V. S. N.. rec: Col 'vat C. Greea. etc.* Onto, ddtoe.
BU>-; tci. Knb.r, wlill . U .!■ Sro^ "again to cn| neiRhboriiood.
Toledo. D«. Bd—Whent N%e.
toindtns Usb scaool to .Indiana *list toriudes tbe rdttowtog L‘. S. Sen­ |<-opi«T mtoeoiicraioi; Gen. Ferdtoanu
Mr. and Mr*, r.- R, 8^aw left Fr^^af Wo, thirry'*.
Lntrebe. icven Um Mayor of Bal- Corn. CClfc. pots, dftoo.
Dennis nnd AJra Dean with tbeir ators and cx-Senaiors:
' ioiM on » rUit
Chariet J
for a few waek* visit to aeotto
101*: tor Francto'cnlion. the noted
.mlUes, sprat Cbrtsuaas at J. B. llugbes. of Colorado; Albeit Beard
em MlctogoBlivestock.
KIttredge. ^Somh Doaou: Crarge CBgUsh explorer and antbor; Gen
<jeo. iJ&dtay intenils to make a
Mr. and Mrs. Moistall Cross acd Wyckltfic'SrcBride. of Oregon; Roger Piet E. Cronto- noted Boer loader In-HoB*

.♦ weekd' vicli with friend* and rvlaUvea near Adrian, after New I'cor'a. MIm ItiKidaTtoney of Kail.asks visit­ <1 Mill*, of Tesa». author of the Millf the war with England: Rrar Admiral M««*
ed friends an.! relatives in the neigh- lariff hill; Thow. H. Carter, twice V. pilos W. Terry. V. S. N,. ret^ Bardn ,“‘2^Will ftl*l« toft Toesday for tlrnaU
Mra. IJlUe Flank, of BcMIns 1>
' BaiiMs for a fev' days visit with a »-ing holiday vrrak vltUinx tier broRt- btphood the first of the WerV.
S Senator and founder of the Pni- Albert von Rothschild, the VIhnua
buker: Sir Cox|ver Purdon t'larl.e.
bretber tbei*. before retnmiDg to CaliMr*. T. F- <^»
Tni\en.e City dehtlal Insurance Co, of
. OUmiaa I'ieixe. at the borne of
Ijlr. and .Mra. Ueo J Indxav. . A family rsioe Saturday night to aiK-nd a seek Otbers were lUram A. Tuttle nnd John former dlrwclor of the Metroiiolitoii
of Art. New York; Carles
The wonlber will aeetn. men •'■'^’Kaiiteriug ff/ rraudiiarcnia. vbiidren «!IU retatives.
MrUuc. both former governors
Mr. and Mr*. Frank Sour and MUv New llamiuihire; George Washtofion Frederic JloU-rly -tdl. mocoitoe vilpdoto for New Year's aud.
recter of the i-andoii Tim«; Edward
Alice Sours. .Veil Munro. WW. Curry. Glick. former Governor of
SetVeun of ihe^ inierCeorge hnd Corns were Tra- Frank W. Beoson. nocrctorv of state
•rse City visitor* last Wednesday.
and loinier govjc^ of Oregon; Ah; staie Commerce cranralsskm m<I an
Pearl and IJto Coiry apent Sunday
Cha'nibei^.«*6«'eriK>r of Con- authority on rmllrond s^ety; John
■ Edwards, tbe English ptiband Monday ait their home,
oeciicui: Flrtcbcr Umon
t Earl and pary Morrison rcinmrd lorniet governor of Vernmni: Con;l*e>- Cooley l»«*. director ot
homo Iron Ann Arbor last Thursday. gro^smen and eifongretsmen Xehctclolv Ita) Slurry, Fatiier of the Bu the St. Lotos ...nseum ot Art; Gus
tion from Ahng college
ral Free Delivery " system: Sydney E. uv Mahler, the eminent vomporar and
.Mrs. Wlli Bkwdeood nnd chtHr,-n .. Mudd. of Maryland: Edmond H. Ma i»ndi|cior; Fell* iiotii. direcior of the
Traventc CUj nre vtalltog a^thc lunis
ot Kansas; Henry Clay Loud Royal oiiera at Muntch: Raar Almlral
ensUgt-r. of New Jersey ; «James P Jolm C. Fremont, f. S. S.: Prof.-FranAndrew March; the noted idilloto- KMoey
Ml*. Sarah Morrison of irik Rapid* lAUa, ct NeUraakn; Geo. Georgu W
; Herbert G. Squires, former I'. S.
;;«nt Chrisiiua* wiUi her trothcr.

!%• Ids lookcA Tor >aow baa «omc
,ed tiut Mv«Bl}- teama
, km «b4 wt»4
to Osncr'a Sldliuc lor
Mn pMOioad C3ien>lc»l Co., or to Uk
. aAm lwr«. '
bi mat »m 4rt»w eercxal bon
*iti tiraus4f(cM ot .toes for Uc
^MUer niHl Dsavuca l^anbcr Co..
wbUf oUtor l«nie» viU deliver 7,000
tx>rde of foar toot erood for the Rlt:
Jto^M* Iron Ca. The UCnr coDtnny
«rifl bare •IxU' can takfns Mt their
vood. the bounce boins booked here.
C!ar::'s uiii u biu}- sawtim locibcr
HUIoR •btsKtto and UU and srtoato* tood.
; Boy BJel*rdio» Is very ol^ and
boa been for several vreehti.
: Veonk Heetb'o nwtber U -rioiUns


MS?,; m


Sir —-J....:::::


The Ideal
R^auditig Lamp

The R«yo Ump »lltt bol oil iw

:Yaa ca&pvi5. $10.« $201ra olh«r totopvbol you ejnaolgel
iigU than tlm low-prk^ Royo pv«s.
Made ol so6d bras*. nickd^Jaled. Eaifly jigbied, wilhoul tanovrag 4mde or cbimner. Laiy to dean and rewicL



--^-^..-.^1--------------------- -- ------------------------------------

Standhrd Oa Compaay


Tbooe Stool Rongco ore built
to iw* bM oavo fod-wode like A
Mfer. -erltt denbto atod body. •»by eoBO bead riteta, dries
hoBd. not Ate «At kind

Imatbwvwlydiatribtbe oven, bokea ra tbe
on weU «a no tbe oven

'ou neeb'a new Range




CoBie mod get valu.M>1c facts aUnlt


I mabtiitt wd aUcto my


F nd u> r*g oU ol die mtnilKloie cl Wipw, SleijliA
Bi«ic. etc.
FuttoicMMiIimcIlaif cl icdoced taijcm pricM
tTaiy UixA cd

Sleighs .
t«i »U m.lnUl ciid mclbciy peiuicbg to.
ihdi miudKbirc.

i .pprtddc tic |parcn^ c ci 07 oi>^ load. J1
.OeGlclidTr.EeneR.iio. in lie l«U. I .m cow cleiiig
ye. rplendid bugein on the good. 1 inw iiaMhdwed. n
iIm cleCDriip mIc.
ETOylbin,toll««n d niiiilicIMd «k!eiM»«ll

liyo.wuillvpiK.n.i.lieUme Inincbue.

IMvtnc Oly

Juhn Ihiw.
Mr. and Mr*. John Rlltnr and daugh­ ons an.l Jatues Proctor Kaoti. exooater. Emma, ntlendcd a weddiug at lU- gmistiukti and lonucr governor of Ken
of the laiulsvUle t Naabvilie ralIrtMd;
pid City Monday. .
.Thonia* Uetl. the sculptor; Sir Joeei*
Dec. 27. ■
Among the nctod Canadiaus who
Ikiltou Hooker, the noleu Engllab
died during iliu ymr just dosius were
Sir Charles A. P. I'eUellcr. Uv-utonr.m-<rovernor of QiipImk ; Desire Glrou
ord. aenior judge of the Supreme Coi
Held at Congregolionat Sunday School lot (tonnda: Sir Jglin Cai ltog ■ former
Frid# Evenlnff.
liugniber of the ('anadian vabtoct. I«tos
Forget, member of the senate:
Frltl.iy evening about one hundred
George Johnnon. fonucr chief aiBiiKtl
and an.r member* of the Cousrega- clan of Cwad*; Archblahop Denis o'
ilonal Sunday schoi^ ut d>.wn totheir t'onndr and Au-bbbiwp tentus 1*81
annnal Chrlkimo* Sunday mIioxI iKin- ric-k Mc Kv®-. ol rorolilo: Rev. Wal
qnet In the partors of the tv.ugreita- Unm Patrick, pniiclial .'laniiolv;; Pi cs .
tlonal Church. Immedlutely at the byterlnn college; Janie* Ucll. I'rofcM-!
concluskm of the meal the fuUuwitig or_ of wurgety-.
__________ f.
I'lilvt-rHliy. u.i.ll
pn>gram was given:
i*racl M. UuKs. a proniinrni railroad,
Vocal solo—Miss Florcneo RMieti- htolder of wealcra Canada.
bury, with E- K 'Vhltc as 'ci.-Ui- aeAiDcng. the noted forelAcr* inJUd
b»dcatb daring ihe'iiast years were
'Vltoin solo—Miss Uorello Hcnneit.
many statesmen and wen of nUalr*
with piano occompanlmoDt by Mias
■ known tbrougl^oui the world. Includ­
Lu HeMonna.
ing Peter A. Stolypln. Premier ot Rus
School song—By the entire aticodItoran Nortbeote. formerly CoverwrGeneral of Australia; Sir Charic*
*«anaay School Work to Wa>liinc;- mike, a prominent leader of the lijtoB. D. C"—Jraa Goto. *
iK-ral party In England; bticnaventurw
Piaim aolo^Mln HlMegnrd l.o^g.
Short talk—Supt. Frank Ha'iRmoB.
RanBy lormer Hiingartan Prcii
Sbert Utk—Rev. Deman^^'ochitn.
.Maurice Rouv-ler. twice Premier
Frank HamHton acted *k master of Prance; Martinet Campos, presideni
cereraonleo. first toiroduclng Mbs of the Supreme Court of Spain; HenFlorence Rntteabury aiyl E. K. "'bite
.Maorlve Berteaux. French Minister
in tbe first number on (be pn-gram. of 'Vur; ilen. Bran, former l>eDch
only dlcapiiototed those present Minister of War; l4o(- JkJasuchlka
by falling lo heed lie rcquo»i tor
Shitnose. Inventor of toe high explo^
encore. Needkes to way the rlollu eire used by tbe Japanese Navy and
selection by ‘Mlaa-Moiclle Renncfi Marquis Jutoro Kdnura. former Min
was a pkwsing featorc to her au^i iMer of Foreign ABalrs pf Japan- The
%ntc. wnlcb was mode evident by inc
also toclude* Prin'-vsa noilWe.
hearty applause that Ar rccclvcil nud anni of Hie prcivenl king of lialy; Ms
whlcb she gracefully nc<T.le.l w.tb rta l*»a, formerly Gucen Dowager
anolbcr highb approtiaKil rcl.-ctini-.
|.oub«. Dowager Dueb
Claude Ov-laii failed lo tu;ikc hl> up
pcuraiirc. aitbough It was'rxpei lod
The llsi of noted i lniri-hiiH-n mnov
would hejiTcsent to partmil^to. Ivan rd by .ieaih during tbe year ll•.■lnllc^
0 boa lieen to Wa»hlhi;tnii. D. Alchbishop Palritk J. Ryan ol Phils
V.. fc.p.Mht pusi mr and just rv^nlly Idelphla; ______
UlfAop Augurtine
returned, prerented a few remark*■ ^ V-.
\-y ..«r
vcr. .of RicJimond and Hl-ho|. Tboniw ith a brelf outline ol the Sunday
Itotiacuni of Lim-otn. all
BcliPcl work at tbol place,
0, .l urr-h; Hi*bop Wllllard F Maltodegurd Ixtwlng ttien ’ gave ;■ piano
anir Oscar P.-nn Fiiiperuld
s*>lo. only lo leave tbe regret that she
K. I'bunh aniFfhe loilowing P E.
did not rapeat iL
l.i,hoI.^: Wni- Paret. of MartUbd
Prank Hamllion Alex 11- \'lnton. of We«t Mau* . 1->I
and Rev. Demos Ooehlin dosed with ward F AtwlII of West Mo.: OH W.
oMiiw rcuialira. suggesiixn* and ad- Wtiliaki-r. of I’m ; Alex M*. kay Smith,
|vicf rdallrc to tfic Smiday ochool of P». and John .dill* Ketidri. k,
'work and lujJroerra|,__,,
Arisons Olid New .Mexico.
I.IU-rature del'lorea Hie loss of ihe
vui Graham Phiilnus, Mr*. Wirabc:
Sitiarf Phdtiri Ward, tlrorac frary Kg
jplosion. Thciiias v'<-jil»-vrtlt li.agln
v..n, Vaiigban Kc*t..r. .\nlotiw. Fn=*r
iaro. Mri--. Kai'irritic rccll Thm-iotVViil!;^i fUrk R:ir'«'ll. Mr*, .•.nltu
.-iinmiard Uohn Si most- Winicr
Harry KcllogR I'lHuu-l
The Siage was iii:|rovcri*berl 1death of' Denman ihouii«on. Sy Hi'.
ftitmgh. Rose Eytlr.^e. 'Vrlgbl l*>ri
nier. IMw.trd Harrigan and ILiroU
Kyrie Bcllcw.
Oiber noted dead of the |car
Paul Mofton. iirc*ideni o! tbe E-iuH
able Life Insuranre So< icty and Stt retarv ot the Navy under Pn-.i-lei.:
tRcotoevoli: Tom U Johnson. lour
time* nmvor of tteveUnd; Edwin
Abbe), tbe noted American hrttoi
John W. Gate*. Anteriton rmantler
Sir Winiam S- Gilbert, the l.brc-iib: o
Pinafore" and Mikado.” Mrs. Carrk- Nation, the militant temjwranve ad
‘votwie; Sir Robert Hart, the ewiactri
autbortty on Chtoewe cotamerrial af
faia- Hear Admiral Winfield Scott
IscWer. V. S. -N, the hero of Baniiaigo; joii a. Vaith. lorm&ly • praati-



Whf Rent a

$22 Fur Gials $17
$24 Fur Coab $19
$25 Fur CoaU $29
$30 Fur G»ts $25

This store has been
headquarters for Fur Over­
coats ot the better sort for
The rniiW weather has
rm hiRidii tfW fuitIBr, and
9#md ttlGttutecturdrt are
eVdmodkM- One dfthese
HRS uhlodded to ue aabick
and span afttoftltiettl at
prices sP tow that we can
saveycni froth
to $10
ort a Ooat Just arrived

With the ciHa weetnet*.

It ypu have b«n Wink­
ing Fur Coat, Come quick.
$25 Fur Lined Coats $2$
$30 Fur Lined CoaU $25
$45 Fur Lined Coab $S7eS$
$50 Fur Lined Coab $4^

Hamitton Qothing Go.






a Ona fof tha ladL

baft W blB 1^
I rc«BMli« Wr ^
tko «*Bl^ ot whick Bh» 1

la use ate« brfw» mo dn«p»ed tbot
ibera waa. laad oa the other aide, of


clears frm the Ooldea <Ule or.fiom
LoMteo Deeka. -Som o< tba alckosBKt ace of obTkMs orisW; othfra
saaa to ^ UHr apparest

It u a rwatlr^Jof *» wm trota tbo
Kore kplMdid eraaxlooa <d dt«*

yiwBf i*fU.‘ whoOe* »eTe pret^
■«rrcB' today to'raprodace ttami
fairly Mo^aat »atertal toada up la a
BtocpMe. Sbe va* dsaoO«B
simple aad yet dreaay inaaaar. Ml
.....! (hpt okUBBlMonod Udy: witty
nwat seeds to a T. as babut taoder,; aa noisUla a boitaawifa
b^ad taeapessiTa tbasa diarfii*
as a liustKt; lull of feotle
-laa trucka bre aaltea to altaoat arery
for otbara with a mind *r«r at Maoccastsa.
The>> are
wm at fl»o
ure fur tbrir affaSra, and a h
o-clpdt la tl^-Miae. itasn wtm-n
Vboaa srniAtby vVtotfanUiMOB
tbekr aamro. She ttlmuiated aad
FlBO. ruui^iKwu
complkated aua
and inw*lat^

tack of reaaoa.
For iastaSee. *by abOoM an mao
naicad WrtMtt be eallad . “Sblaerr
Clark U lararUbly “Nobbr; Oraao U
~ri...-niy- aad a White is a -Koock-

cwtlBC as tho Old. taro and ' Mrir
vnraxht eoM, aha dcUehtad to
• bha was a^ o( pur-

-.Niggorbe catCt Wbtp tbc eOUre mw. et



r •Ii»^' »ton^

rtratt«a do^'mi-

y uuijMuiiHuaigti thatiooM«(

dreaany treated wUb proper acrewr-

oaiain. Tba brillUo^
typs l^itl has preaerred bar aarfy Ukadld uul idcaliw bar bav.ind bar jUMl dui-. i>ariiBpB the In-


tiM iiM tM


mm^ w ntaBM- tooktHwHB. A-

the line
smiwibJoB that wont last
A uuur(«sr of the bargnla emtert.nis
Mrs. Nlili' Sadly Mlalod About Nuepermit ifulb ccuuowj e«d elegapce fur
hsftd> Qlet by Deaf OU
these KOWTS, fur the drtailer.leiiiirea
Foinliy Oeciof.
all reduced, aad tbs yery gense of



■tMBtH» aMB«r BBOitt •*» wo

aebt^pm^t bast'
duchir, who, r^pondlng proiqptly m
Iba call, kkiked Mr. MtlU carefully
said dodd'i-d ha was i.ol ruin* to


-k» 1..A
A^t <Me ■ **
The dorior. who Imd bl» dea{ aid*

d wf of tWe'vddof Ute jAti.

J-IOf tkO-BtfWWWUk!

CMt uriAwi« Mr.

___ _______

y poaaeaa a tort of

■ui h c..riumes caHa Id.- elegance of
culur sud'rabrie.
All, tbo plain aad bordatod
Tellta0. Btriped and
iJalii silks.-and checked aad flgnred
vulles are other adapuble naUriaU.
and wHh a double width gooda only

die that lime. As tbe physlHM took
Ids leave. Urs. NOls folkiwrdddni
( three yards and a bull or tOffT yards
Into (he ball. -fir. Orlmes.- sue u-~.
rhow about Albm's dlqi^^Yuu dUfa-t: »*«*"> *»• ****^«If ibe trained version of tbp style 1
.!». I .to,U Vi™ LI- U ,
' {be skin <

«|rfBl^<M l.drew h» atld*. /»

, -------^

these ftwbe, altboogh. of ~ur*e. H
oiw expam ^uod arjvice taxturae bud


■'na'‘ii«ia'‘«M •

hfttq' dJii«' rto*
MMAt ud tM yngoM.

the tbeaier. ktaay dtsormlerials are suited to

A blit# suada belt la ware;
Is anbtuldcrsd with blue.
^w bat. ttlBUDed wUb blue



^'iSSirUlt re

tborily: "Ob.


polnt.-j or square, for althuosn
pointed Uil Is considered a ifaide

bodice'entln-ly of Uce would be eml-

.,K«' aretir. emit, and in this event II

Wf'Wac' Aitrio

gjBiiini Nt» A> fisieraM

M a Lnvl* DNday of
ul Matarlalt to-Adohi


Kerer. la tbe realm
Talons, hki_^«^we^^

ot waaaab

found tba patlent.mitcb worse, and ni.i-J<ne« iBgulred what bo bad bad





apw..fvl uf wstvr and half a tetspoon-j “«
lul of .mil. 80r In epougb rifttu fiunr
■n i . .1
K .iT I
r.uLu< tWire Inilmate inUilral

i"".? .'i.“

l.A-1 It staiHl a few >clt:utvs, (ben
„.ri' dip j
HgbUr flour the mutdlfg U»Ari

K».-i. a laadlobbar would know that
“lummy Htprs* pat iba boauwbln.
,1,^ varpenier.- JUninj
,„j -snlls" tbe s-liinak
jiundny klagaxiue^


ABd edglBCS ot tbe flaest awibcs. to
Prayorq for SuleWea.
dha.-hasridr ones of Carrick-oiacpm
On Alt Souls- Day every good Catbaad JUet arc comblnad with abav Tnic goee to aome cemetery to lay
Bolia, Unans and nsie.
iHowera on tbo gnvea of loved oner.t
j£&ta. ncror«on
or aieoplettod
Owing to tbo number ot.suicides by!
ahoetiu; oneoM^ eSecU are all the drowning In the Danube there arc
T?ga: liter are »ery wide at tbe tc«p.
many deed to whom thU rite cannot j
«i«aitally gniWIoV narrower tMrard
tbe wblii. and they may coaUln aa
<reat a wealth ot baad-emleoldery. Jtndapctt. Several'll
and unlqcc sUtcbea, aod
I to tbe
“ to-far Urfrt‘gbo*w>MI erenr loucbei ot color as tbe____ ______
. kot at n ttmo. hacaw sbo ca^co'pii^. Many ot tbea^'ni^ JOerf bridge, and a wrealb mad.o
r bad .tbo bM arimper and
leather was sunk iu tbe wati
tbe eevTter............
the attendapta uncovered
■reMe Itsues. and a stock to aaleb
onA tajd pmyi'n. On on.» .
msy he rioter duacbed nr w-orn acp- wrestit Ibe words, were emboased.____ omf wis ! «nt«ly: Tlay aide piretinga are also
“Fnr tbe a^vatid'n of th«iae who died
^piwdedtfaar, I pe<a nttar'ird to li-purted' blomgi— in tbe ninnube." end eo the other side.
-them apivaron ibeier^aW# '"Do
-Mn.. ...-J A* k. «¥.!..
not take ibis ool.
but leave 4A
wtMrs wafa so
>e bunt line and add a siolt .In tbe‘ water." A UyinitB then gave
d 'kiads W buda nd ,10ok to nn oiberwlse severe waist.
.an addtpva. In wbK-h be extolled the
'Hid, Inllor-niade bows o( v«fl«-el'«,
I and tbinga la
(be, whole
vlnuea «f many of thtate wim had
ab;or'tbe popular iibaip bow.icoike .been driven tu siitelde. and «««•
wMM wW that day. I axw myaelf
----------- --------------rest of
tu-eUy nnlsheii at the 'tbrhal.
tbrbal! RlaHt
RMefc demned tb« rbun-b fur retualng. Its'
Is always amart. t>ot a Ml of during
;hlwtDg.tu .lbcir iK^lea.
yo'.or often glrea tbe needed toocb to

“Si; ■

Twit Julc) plcic
tbe meat Into swairuKcaLs 1iie')lxe of ,
tbe bai.d.' Svaaon <^b |4*<e"bipblr |
will. !.;ill M:.i I- pt-ff. Thesi puosd esch !
.up pl«-«
aimdki literally
y a ra*- ;
"The qneetion or swokthg camo^np
eal Kr, )
earl) In 'our Uiutiy. .I.awrc-ace has ab.
Hull up «icb nod dip In .oremeal
Ways U-ea greatly alttacled by wbat; to
J«>t »uet andi>-rre at once N.e.,
be umslders
a In. iiud been Uuughi up iB a Puri-j pooe
tan eimospbere be would have aown
E1)r another.-brealfaiit aicnk" pound
an Btmndanl crop of wUd oals—»o' A Rtw-e ol round steak uniU ib« laugbgrest lo bim w the glamour ot tbe' «-*t.Cbers are broken, turn rub It with
furblddea tblng. U U aavora of faeb- • lemon Juice and doable It oror. Pound
or Inxury. It becomea nltnoat Ir- U again and sprinkle with salt. .Told
j It over again, peend a tblrd lime U deresistible.
_____________ _________ eowbreweBO-Ured. aad fold yet again.
It should


lined'with wh'itt velvetr^Ba n border
hand of ewansadbrn' an'd'Ts trtinBo4
wltlr a glganUe bowVwWs-blicI^ftl.
TM ribWeetaakewsoiHa' ibe tocffri
m'tbe Hghi band atand -up'fcta
'feta intoei
hbbve cbo^Ksd. whjle there on tbo
Other aide almost'-lonck ew-raoM*
dv. taya,MUliBerT Trad* Iterto*.

. and for tbe good reason tba;
color is far more fasbionable than all
white or dll black. The big makers
'tell you why all while and all black
make one look old, and consequently
behind tbo timet, as youihfntnels U

tbe most Important feature of dress
nowadaya. For tbe same reason,
ynlng* aro used Is tbe moat modified
quantities and whenever a bit can be
bread a.yere or efetoere mo«tos old IMt off it is. ThU yesiraint marka
-Iq preferred to .that Juqt mad*. Tbc7
nil of tbe best French tolngs. and benrmr: -It bu ripreed.................................
ever macb »e may want our own

poiibur wltb tbe best centectlOMrs:—
:rbe Christlaa Herald.

M.. U.I «!,» 01
'"i» iwci..™. iwl. •«. . moo Hou.%
tioO IIU ow oU«r 010.1 .m .i«.l
with butter.



wpini ei ni™.



Ib lace of iLc tart that be knew (her* Iilc^tj ol UviuucrwU who waro
buaKeriug lu be at-|>Ur.lrd poaUnasttr
•d New Yurfc was Dorman B Batoo.
tbc ri.'l! fr>airr rcforuier. He told mo
that It I would reaptmtti Ur. PanraoA ^
puMmaUer at «»•» To.-v I would do
I tu adtsa.'e Ibp caaae ot civU
rnvlcr Iftti I i^ctd s<-CMBpUab tt h
Falce 1
bad Men the «te--ut!ve bead of tSo
Mril service tj. the New Torfc
poH office (reos'tbe timo of tit ttcop*
lien, both arasstAtant pueimoiter an*
aa postmaster uqdcr Artbiir. Ho fur­
ther Udi tc* that
It was largety
thrcpttt the surreeaa of tbc ctvU *ertbe New York post efBe* tore
be bsd beea abt* lb ttdoce iuiifcure
In IKV3 10 act farorobly upoa tbe Brat civil serrlce bill ever preoewod »
tbe bill chaos*
cojSfcA*. Tbtt 1
scuai*. Mr. Eoteo drafttfl
(boogb It came to bear Baa*
stor Predl'tou's name, and it waa
Raion who largely kept the meiBbere
ot (oagnas mfee wer* BicMIre tor tbo
passage of tWs rivll aervlce MU sa»*
plied with oisummu aod mccol ooar"Rut That was not all tbit Mr- Ratt*
tcM me," continued Mr. Clevi
“He did rot hesitate lo remind ao
that as I was known lo be a warm advtir-Mr ot civil service U vooM ho dUflrult'for n:e to make my pataftt advo­
It I were ti0 IgBor* P^
msrt-T I’earsoB. wbi
much for civil service, i
olSce to a Hrmewrot.
harid.Ur.Kalon went on
to to say ithat


If I were to rcaiqielBt Mr. Pearoea
|ne(ina«ter, Ili-tiObneaa though be wa^
1 would thereby sbowi how conslsuot
end rincerv my attitude upoa ,dvtl

.about twYuiy mlbuUv.


Hervk-e was
“Tbst BBS a tine of reaaonltig that
it was bard to e!x:ape rrmn. and so I
decided to nnminate Mr. Peorsob ttr
a mue. and frost with tbe whites' nul rknll
•r oretuKd u
poriciastcc-, and 1 did ) had earn* at
ggs (hcatca to a stiff froth
ugly and
oJHi «ui:UlesJ rairh. and found Uic'rar^ leaders barldBg at me. ow
eiHti iben- add une cup of sugar and , la'tbv ckull
all Ibltl was
tt parflcular critlcixtng me aerorcty
Jutoe ol uue lemon. * lu-at all together.' oni-i- •■i.'.ug rubu r band.
K.-:J.ut!y tor giving one of the best office* at the
Siirad (;a t>uddlng. act In uvea aod
when tbat big dogfish w=j liilie
dispoMi of tbc preiddret to a KepnbLruun Jui t a little.
' ai-glcr w! •> had rfgg<^ up fur c
ttean. But I never regretted maMBg
otbir Uottem ll»b bad cjuriit tlx* flog
and 1 an certatt
aruucd.ils Bills ar-d turned a loose. tbst tbe uisUng Of It did n-------------^
Stewed Ox Tail.
Watt Ibv tall In cold watt", and CM'--l''•K.tb» lorTured tiling I
su5de the iHibltr of Ibe ilncertty ot Bjr
rr-mlled the nlury of h<
cut tt iulnia. dividing tbe la^ cop
ad«'i-acy of the civil service.”
juiuis. i'ut into a vaucei-an situ unv flsU-ruKCi t-ut fAi g.iaU- and humane «'..|.)iicii(. irii, Pr E..J.
ru: lU- tu’kig aiclT treat the iwr
allced caiyut and a ii;f<HuiuHise oniun Mswevv
hi-t |e-»HI'-;oUA dugflslies wlu-P-Xl.ny
cut up. i-over with water, and stew
<:A.«<-r-..|ly Ibi-re U
Moths In bllgratleii.
>,.ry geutly for fwo Iphita; tkim a*.....................
of sugar, y olks of two !
x fislicrmen from MvnUuk
eggs and pineb
Ida of cutcbliiE a
b of salt and tahttspoon ; ^
i-(Mi;k bl< frlen<


SwanadowB Is In some cases otod
^ substUnte for ermine^ A begoln.
olsae fitting cap—a ircUit of ,Jct beads

■^ni.i. 'na b.™ ™«tot n,
lorr m. ioti..r uv.u
. loo. oomrt..ll.o OI tototo. I.OOTOOOO oa.
aiiurd that be bad. -I ahoold be sorry

Soak tor half an boar a pint ot
bread crumbs In un<* quart of milk. ■ ,
tben add ibe grated rinds of two leu-,


reMlzatton of tbs value ot boney
wbolereme aad dellclo«s aitlclo ot
fqod. aa# .to lu prfssrf*«re
Gakea and swyetbreada
toad* wltb *j~ir.t.oin become, dty
abd crumbl.v,
“• , and
ai.4 to
10 get tb<
tbc FWd
them must be reten w-hen fresh; but
when they are made up with bdoey.
they aeem to retain tbetr moM freabiieta ttdefiBltely. lu Fraace bboey

»er. i .«rsm> s

Of Course, (be lvs£ Euur uusd In ii.lling I "
out tbc c-uuktes (be U-li--r tbc) are.
made." soli Mr. Clevotand.

that be woold
would Ufce tbe
the UlW.
Tbe TaMcifora Imitcf, 'lao
Ibis floor t:.(-ked tevtter: add bot milk.
other boys decldi-d as be-«d
Hvma( Com- nUnx one pint rod 's half (to mako
ended It."—Wonian-s
the rigbl cnnsUleocy). |w«ir ovit the
*1 si d l>cat tucrougbly to die flag

^Rjmalaa.of Qaort* WbHaficld.
R>-v, Silvester Morns, wbu decires t
'have tbe rctnalns

<of C itge tt’Wiefleld brought fiuiu America and burled
in 'tb^Obaticr^rn
tb* Obauvl In To
*tt .wak'pBrrecUy wondbrAhoflier Mea which la wry lleSy yoad -^lepi^a bis name.' may not
f matb Aaiw taiew abpot gianvertlon c
of iboee rematta
-And becowlng'la a doaUg ruae.-iba <know tb^a pdrUon
under one hetag of net. prer wbigh ta -hae alre^y done «' double Journkr
Id a daiPUr nitlle of mnll exqutellelr jurrosa ibV.Atlantic.. 'Whltcflald died
September 3P. 1770. while
xbrMdered and M-altoUrd. either th
nie &^a c^or to midcb'lbe autror
_______________________ ___ .
t6 tt« yon
was buried, by bis ovn-dvalrv. Iu
_ Aeac a*fM’«bl**l«t-aiid gapklns
Sailor collara are atlll holding tfaetr Vault bcnealta tbe Prysbyter^ ebpreb
Off Any SMrt-W^ Oct-Up.
bttt they afh more prdnoeaced at Newburypcirt. Ftninren yean aftin (rinteo- than last yefcr.
el- hli deitb tbo coffin was opened,
Thr , the
wben (be body was found iwrfcct In
1st. of any sort, and It Is ol Kurah
collara and cuffs In
J90I It Was opened agala, when “tbo
brilllunt shade u[ blue.
which ttren iiaa. been, worked ajy flesh saras gone, but tba goyn. emssoek
—... foi-hirng the c<-ntere of ftowyrs ond banda remalacd."; Shortly after- striped facing of tbe revenr tmd the
or geoiiicUVal dcalgna. They Uund^ .wat^.a hope o(. thp..,^hl. arm wps cording on ibe alcevcs are only, used
make sequehcp wltb itu*IkUrt.
-w-ell and alwaya ^©ok flwah and amin. gtolen by an adttlrer.aflil-^^fPl »«> Eng­
Pretysl wa* made. and. the for such a blouse la as often |iart of .a
amt mi * doilt. odargroiuril oore«
W*Iib a
honei was restored to fs'ewburypoft In dress aa separate from It.
Meaalc Oeaignt In Vella.
tilack dress a scariet blouse of this
Tbc fatlilon for Ucc veils has en- 1R7.—L^oe Cbrenlcle.
kind would be charming with a little
------------- ■* tbe .Introduction of
gold braid abem tbe neck and sleeves.
Honey Brgfd.
SUk. satin and cathmere are available
In Europe, where the tood^vaju* of maierltds for tbe smart blooae. wUeh,
be much betlre.
hcsldee being so chic a thing, also
rteik aoft aUjL A very aoft Meet or a
thin eoeiiltle freqoently foreis
Aa you have noUced. color, and
ground work ot the veils, with
dealgiia; In ' tbe
■ ! hitler
Instam^ 'cbenllle apota Id dusters, as -will aa alag*

UK 1 u»» 1.1.1.

“A tew words from our dortor treat- nigh*, then bolI.u>"e baw tod a half,
tag-rbe matter Irom a sclentlBc point pk-k and bane It and imt In chafing
ot vb-w'. helped l-awrence .to tfeclde dish creim s-jutt- maiie as foUusrs:

aombre. freek. These b^wa

1y, are In ^denee. .Again, momlc do*
M^-arc'gxpreasbd tn flue BWl net

•>~ “

l7tTo,L ...

lb. .1.1....... I.
lurm^ oula: oixAon the board, and.! „


Lemon Pudding.

of M
frireds who


C-4. . W« I...P OI tta Ooo,. .OJ loro
n into loukte*. using as mtU- flour as
I.r K,,lln,. An.r ,tl. W,...:

very mu-b ^ut It I will give each ten mttutei.
Pratt and rinse with
of yon toys JIPOJI yoo will not amobe'cold witcr. 'Place oa ptttwr. cover
until you are twentyose. TBttk It I with milk aod bake 33 lutnutcs.
over for a fear days. If you. decide; . Croqueitca—Prepare fish
that ?oa prrier to smote, and If. alter, bbkefl Cnaan haddle. -lake the fish,
you have bad a talk with tbc do«or. tjiolrtre with thick white sauce. Shape
you arc xwt afraid of wbat It may do iq croquclt<-s. dip in cnjinbe, egg and
to you. your mother will Sad a place ernnba. and fry In deep fat.
(or you to siuukc.'
tt (Tiafiiig UiAb-rSoak fish over


The TlgM'ftWt «f
do uul bold duflnc tba ratcb below,
and tba captain Is the -akiiiper.- M»d
iba Iirst
Is famUUfty

Finnan HaddimBaked-Wasb iba &h. pnt flreb aid*
to * casual loee. *1 would | flown tt dilpptag pan covereJ with
raibcr you did not. it you do care'cold water, let stand oa hack ot ranye

#ta rock eryaUI
yioaa tr 4m
e left me down

of wcesygrOA

*“» “Mnet appotnlw^ task
” *“* "
» ■» *
y tnflurntUI oBcw. Ur. ('trvottnd.

Add twu eggs and a euplul
Wbh hw a grated nu“ i
*‘rtta of the csrenUy* ttr
ouoful ..f vanllbL Add i
“>«- the koaottg M a. n
a <ea.,.onfuJ of s^ dlasulred In . i tor ot Uie up.->aw poUtical taltt, gare

It it st.T»p«d your growth or Injured
your bean, ao that yoo could not go
tt lor'r.ttlctlcs at college.' bis father

“I gar* him Jest wbat yoo toJd we
to." fbboted Mrs. Mills Into the doc- i
0or% best car, 'Tsolblng In tba world
hut tripe.”


UetiHuus -,-«*lca are made n-lllr!
Beat half ^lUisral cup-j
fol .rf liu-1. r wltb two reptols cf sugar.

Uced a staesUon ot cigarette ai^
about an Imb and a quarter
a‘ n blm^
! *® ‘Mstnt-as, Press it a little to make



ccM. dumln j ■<
la U
It wtwE“A
wtsATl becuwiea
tb.- ui‘i:ure Into a mold, and Just as 11;
begins to auecii fold In ibe whites of.

four sags o, a*rti \o a stiff Irtflb. B, urejocrsili- prastdecn risce llarhaMii,
Rigllsh eeut!r.c la used tour good tt'•«»*• <»«>bttd tt make iwtlba*blm-ouofu!. wiu umaljy be enouab.
>» “»
imparttnt appolntmeM ooW


bit the


By e. J. EDWARpt.
Tor a letnoa sponge mis a cupful of
One 01 the brst sppoteieieati
avgar vH. tbo Juice of foor UcucL
Tlcai tbe Tolka ot Tear eggs aad add by President llciwlaad atter a* 1
them to tbe mlitare. Tbia out wlib seat tbc caiBCa of ois cauaci «
'o*..e cupful and a halt of sraier ____
andlions to the senate-a lew bours a
j Me am leaiwuralluo in IMS. was that
cook until It begins, to grow 'tblcA
oi Heafr o. “
- Then nd^^rragb toMied gaUltne

er." •'90m- MariAy eaiJatti. Useir.
ar docs “IbH«y Nttlar, 'UuHy" awl
“Sburty" do not need to prawl.earts
t!„ir matae wtwn they' si«»


Prwre ths mirnktr

.------ -- His Advocacy of Cfv«

Made Whh Ewr creaia-.

altar -be Alber.

ies. such a co«o my go la iriuuiiA to


Vaek ta

Which to FlAlah a Meak>C«okiea

“Jlm-.V the t*K'
Ua eiinurry Ueulaoani »s -Outaary
■be *a»e of oae^ whose,
^ ,«auoo*a ww. fur a really
Ja.k" or more brtaOy “tlobs": lb*
br-ai't le flkrd. uue wb<no '
goods eoon
soon suues
sbows waar asd , ,
I (ummoa
‘ummoa gooos
“Torpedo Jack" or
ao lonaar barm.--tire At

tear aod to maoy dainty lltlie baud i >,
’-.sparks." abd tbe navlcaUog uNcer.
----------------------------- —
I toiM^bes ai» Deeded os a gown tt


O Haiga Paaraco hcatm^^^'NM

Lawwfi gporpe a gjpeclal Dalkaey With

tba westan ' ocean. Tradlttoo. moat
ttiSaxiUe of an ralea. foranw tham.
aad they *eerr aKar. vbetfeat Oia ahlp

That'WlH Mika Saecaaa of '

.cmW Qof romwataTB tlio
.4U dBf u one ry>wMn
,thp UoBh ro^ BDd Bpfcy pli&y of old

‘^Nii’tltel -W7.


•hl tbf AO
as veU as
_________________ I that bara
forty btf, U

li,t» JlobrxbM* iwe*l
<tm JOB hvf r«adr-



WkKe tlMB U oiM tMM. Tk» fttt
I titanod Bt tba foot vM'B’doap

i^Mm.l taok It


Goin». Thpm
\nmAikr»i» CoMNk VWw
fc* thay Holmd Altar.

fesbioos we stHl locdi to Franco
the newedt and smarieet Ideas

jm womL cwm m



inc h 1st os ponlblc from Ibe ttii,
tL.a lUi.-kon the gravy wltn Buur.
tuii«l with a Utile keU'bup or Har­
vey's sauce.

To Mend Unen.
Fit tbe worn jiurt securely tt ah ordlttiiT embroidery hoop
Take off
tbc fool of tbe acwlug maelilne. tie
fiirf* it.vead and stUi b back and
torili. m. lag tbc frame so UasI tbo
nllicliing win bo at rlgbt angles.—So-1
bvrban Lite.

omiitj l■"•r iMiitle Imn.Iy. and ihle
tljliHy *«rfc««l and iled
i< b 1
uaicm, ofj
It gli-S 1
coursi*. but tb- s'i-ady .|iu:i •*! thag a!--Cllfil boHb- fliuilly popes li>o mui-U
aJ U-

Flying U swarms ao thick tka| at
times they nliscured tbe son. flrevq
range riders frum tbe trail and aU^

gllus up.
eg;.ln and rv!«vBt tb*- p«Tfor*osu«
tn lb" *relA-f.«-d iLlug db-a.
I'r**queUily. '•b*-li Ibefe lu tx> beer lA-.'He
e I ad. a piece oY wcsmJ will u
u well. < • JuA-. -a

F M a local aerttaaL
ABit Oorg- W Marvin, secretary eff
th" Silver lAke rommcrcld clbh, wdre
criisslng Ibe bills tt an sutriatnbiM
when they encountered (he Mmtfl ot
miitbs fl>l>.g close lu tba grooofl Mfl
eo denvely that tbe road was blddfh
snd the autolsU stored ILNr maebjh*
and wabnl tor ih* drove to pass, la
tiie c<-nt>>r of ibe'vwartt. Mr. I^nto
says, the beat was wirfllcg.
Following tbe stitcmobUa waa BKB*
ard fberlock.
IVbea Sberlocfc *•enuMered tbe fllgbt bla hors* bocRttO
tK'wiidtrod. kAt tbe traU aod waa^-.
a rooibllls.—SUfer
fo • ■
' ■
wd bff lots 'tbe
t Dos AagelM Tliaa^-^


What a “Trtisttr- is.

:ueJ ttlaUastcr o
T(i (-!._i* .d<ial1 ttu:i
nBu.<-;ti.-. luske a pouie ol
soup umi milk. Tie paste must be

er ' Is tbst >Lii-<itb longn-d i-inli^si.v
wjii's V. ab<*-.l .') .ng.ltp {X l-uade .vo-J

loft lu dty on tbra men uattcfl nwsy.
tke tur'-cce being ttea dried wltb a
cluib end iben wl:h a flrenel. when
.il.e i-ri.suAtaU.wili lu touad clet-s and

Ia. . ..-leader .vc;-.r iioliry *1. a CAmpany
oiitl. ».l:lt-b you ore p<-rl«v!ly <x)ntei.t.


Just About.

ua .ht-'rr*’.iad tbai >Le lirsi
wbirli lu; !c:-rt.-u.*nts nlJ s*;!vl.' yk-id
bitter tirsulis.

Uxra—"Tben what do ' yoa

thtak >' tbe.uattcr wltb tbe world
nowadnysT" , L'jcle Eben—"Joet ibis:
There'» too uneb business In rallglba
and r.u: encugb rellgkai in b-astteBa!''

trek of.EaUfpriae.
GcD.-rally the trouble with a mu
who doesn't get sayv.l-er^ fs that 'ho
baa not enough confldecce tt bts Jndgmtti to btt apyUilng €*0 It.


t-suds a irruwB mutts hare Mat Oa*
Itted tbilr mlgralJoo to tbe Booth
across Ibe bilTs southeast of BUvar

Center of Hardwood OlotricL
Avsirsiia Claims HealtWvst City.
Kattville. Tenn.. lays claim to tba
.sydBvy. Aonralix Is Vo be
All production fit more hardwood thiR
vjtv 1*1 the wortd
rr'tntiy. !• v=l ris'.-d 'bat Ibe town
ba> the to- t-vt diaO. r*tv of aoy city
tt the world-


Cve.-c8mic.fl ih* Creoeh.
greueby pros|*et ^c-st


half '•» grourfcy wbca you aland right
up to him and slate your prtposiUoa
tt a Irarlesa manv-er.

as tbe ccntralooutbera hardw.
rentral Arttansaa abd
« Ohio River to mtdwi
Quif states.
Wittatt ttoee Untta ire
less ttan Tt per. ccoL of aU tta b
wood lumber used la this oeqatir fl
exyortod Is cvnuJoad.'




am MotbaaeUli tea

It cmt tn. tbe.'*«o«MBt t Mp roa wttk paar 1


Vito ptaT or* prtMtod «riOi
vita* of paper aaA tcM ttet
moat oet in pantoalmt
♦ tko aofdt altWB.
Tirrf Obi »1.1 .b.-.
tMa aamo


u •V'y

■ ■ I §=^~
mf fMo^WOpif


'*■ ^


-F. —t « .. 1-

try ♦

Wtedii Otapmhir 8. tIM.

.kiu all tba u
uma the

mUtuea tiU. the erebeatra
br«ka op in lauphler. at It to aure
to te.
Mapy of you teee played pamea
M0»n > mBhmr (.m
^ f navlna a forfeit Did
e. penally of payinp •
" *’“y a pa^.that waa Joat
tte oppoallo.
J.U. paa^ to lanphai-a plveP moment

“1 mo« bare bm faaaiait- Tte tbe aomiBer I

> to ttt.a
tb? tbo load of wood
bcory for lom.f Tbe mu looked tot «rt. Crm.
mock nrpriact.

I twtim bout late oar

PblM bii biZ,,. ul Wb..i-™j bb.»-i w.
ot tb«. bbb«. Abb. b..^ .1 <bb l».lt«br,
t« b*.!).!, bbb .. bblibbb I. m, »i
w;. -____
*"* altrarm dedurt a eertnla
“w >a«t nlRkt! ni juat par for '«n »bea the bin to paid ao—prot
tallrood. w« wore rerr t^a^ ^teor
o their rl«ht oow an' tuck 'em under ay arm heean the doctor.
Pt- inter. •wod.
the work amt oa. comtap
when I go home. I broasht poo over
‘3M *o weren't prompt.’'
par oome t)«*f«r everr day. we boya took maay
a pail o’ ioop’. I made ao meet tor poeed iuper. ~We had
bow we.
other folka
Prat, they wu in aoch
b. I. didn't
-~Mb aee 'a- —
-- were
r-------------............—------------------- a ton* tramp to a« the work.
to pet rid of It noleaa yon folka hurry for their money; and we cot
“At le« It waa c
thoupbt womethinp nronnd to you joat na.
r tana, aad when it rteetei tte
would taate pood wten Jaiper could. We want to pay It un—ftnla
mo<« aahamed.borne looipbL I wua dretfnl and l-moiher wouldn't tero liked It
»«»oi>nber on. then w» v.
maklBc thumb amrka about the odea ooaht.
m they reached the top
creai euMraldu
eanuraldu to
le ibe
ite oaproK
naoraw ■'■
bt a preai
Had to hear bed pot that pl.cef
ot her fmaplnary pie. eoodtelnp with ami ,he boya put back ibe wood aa
«... v..,:— awayed medluilvely
A lew minotea later Jaaper waa town on tj»e Hna. tweaty-tra mllaa
a back and forth In the aoDenky
“« ««>tre oecoravwo.
^ .Mod. waa
V not loo nanry lor
aqoeaky rocker.
looker, trodclnc WB^bwnrd with tbe iwipt- away. HnM
• ed bill In hto pocket. There u
k loop puuae.
' country »ere
80 well r
t to CO home, the n
> made Rule plaaee up
dollar to keep it compuny—one


a boy wboae allp eoauincd the
mpri “cherrlea.* picked cherrtea from
inagln.^ im. and hto exineialre
t*o, wten be went throupb tbe motloa$ Of caUnp aome aour onea
broophi characterlallc remarka from
^ ^
m. anoarenth fuU
<h* hr ’*^2et**‘!o ‘STTaTereailld

flphi. ibe horae. or tb^ little pin ^
iwloaped to tbe Society tor ‘ke W
»o«tlon Of Cruelty toAnlmnla—
/lou Hope.
---------------8U«8HINE STORIES.
Tha Woodplla at Jaapar Mareh'a Ooor
“He'a eomlnp! I eec the trp of tala
PH*<I M«*. balanclnp beraeli
^h dlil^ty on the imrrow window-


not tee tew
•• |„i n
dwlndllap. ’ We'll pat
tbrouph-omehow; I can walk a poo#
j «old. now I'm

d lathcr
4Mi| of .i^.t
ilet>i II'd
ixitbrr carry any»
^ j.,
rUe than Ihiii. " •ollh^ioized'Ja>aollhr-iola d'Ja>-j can't
bow Iiemracy cn^put
ao hurb conUdence tn Kinn Yeaper.Tbe next Monday morniae ( plerc
Tba yoonp Mamatrem-' ncndle dropped
^ne next xioi
^ _
^ ter dneera: .be cfUld hola I. no i«
hlo* f«.* the nonb-ert.

Jftewy t, im. f.w.

da>m m it waa decided that I aumt

-That dtdft-uit me lor baelda ibe
_____ _
"de mere waa w-bc a preai yaniMOand a baakci
baakei dinner, and other Sue
thlap that boya don't like to mlaa.
“80 I aaid tb father. If I e«i eorn
• dollar beforu tte Umc. may I poT
And father aald yea.
“I Imd no Ida* artei to do to earn
m>- dollar. Tberu t
'Tliere'^ a blluard due for tonlpht
r innn.1 lutow that faiUer wimU
»Hh a heap
'Ktualed Finn
Veaecr. ' Thfti-'ll be
“1 walked a pood many mUaa.itel
then; atir yomaelv'afieinorn. trv'llu to get wurii «■ tte
hard dayj for Jap; nothlap
d to pUwat' kid overveer.
wauled woik. Iio. and I <
lad kept a a.tent ipnKue. oidy wull- tired and diacoumsed. Iuk wiu.1>
uiuily i«
to bima.^
himai^l i aa he thuupht
• Nexi moininc 1 waa oat In tka pwot Mie. Cyewv' .-oun^l.
laio Bptd. wati-hlup my bmibar aa te
’ i« odWl.av." J.P e.n
in Ike river telere he kiu.wr

•It to a circle, and une of the liombcr think op funny
• "complained Danny" And. with doni neenmlly l» topeiperukea a bnndkembiai In bla band. He nnmber lor yon to aelod from;
• round
‘- haan'ran) l^<lln• .for younp lo!k»help themoonnu ibree. and ihnswa the baa^n,k, » dunce rap and ptoce « on
„j ^j^ltcdiy the lad. itai a tryin'
ehlef Into Ibc a>r.. la Ite pipnl tn. bead of ibe moat dlpaWed pcr«>n
o„.,r fci„;
if 'Ee-eet*
fcT the player. U» tenpb, and tbeyprcaeni.
moment of Inienae alienee aa the prudge ohce. they do .ay he's worve'i
Al Wi* kteP mU -Ut^or. tear.
muat roBilnue to U^pli till the bandon'tbe «oor and atew ^ark. bnhblnp apeek meadUj yreu n heathen luJun Imiui boldin' It* Mv*ly*-to out to ytuyf
hair to elaar.
kerchlet toucbM Ite pnmnd. Thto to
toiper.'' A cloth cap appealed, a broad Why. child. J.m’ri- as • bite aa that
conUnote. until iLu lai^tbier. wblidi
dte’t any Mipur
Draw a correct ptowr* of a cw.
„Hpe acfoat the top. which later .beet! ' Ite pood w«>wan •oddeoly
1 liwt waa forced an'J mei-baolcal.
Cry tte dally paper uatll the judye
p,oved to be a woolen atari tied llrta briboupbl heravtf
"rve U-en Mmr
and many of tte
de.ln* aW a. uauai but 1 wani.d
-ftp'lpgrtk; my aM.” the mother aald. tecomea I
m,oe.led Jtonuy. to
thel M*-" “a. a m>Ct «l«t ««U'
lAk jflt liSi: "Tote JteT teiy—^ playera kbare difficulty It. Hoppln* £.« a caper. (It 1. an.u^n.-; to
.IwEm ^ tote *** tetotte when Iho
know some people’. Idea of • caper'd^r.^nilna down !r.;,m -is inrih .nd wbe.e la bla anatom) - mo-t cveo
Yet amotber patoa ibal will mdka '^et to panto»l“* * doctor’a vicii
, roah for the door.
one tea-aud. U anybody could find it.
. to.. I. .Ui
Ja:;per-yuat >uo tell him
Ip. Mt im your wtotot.*
yea Uaph to caltod “FredlmmeStn”
. hiHaby to a i......... ...........uoni open
f... ”
oped u
U uu.n
until ue
be se..
peta bere!
<oi4 that
Tba company nnanpa ibemaelvea in a
Mate on tte wall wRb your hand, ^ned Rule; “the nlr.cdia like a that. H eland, to rcwioa that when ho'a needin' to> tool
that temper
temper o'
p Pffpi PSd Htllkt »•
icacb coe wbtopera ip hit , teadow plciur.) < f a man's bead.
telfe-b|ade this momlnp- J’ut anoth a man that’a *o dead col la hto way» bliL
» up and ahled ll at a Uac*Wrd on
rlfbt hand oelpbbor m. queaUon tup^^ow tew n Kmnll.bey cries when „ rtl.k to Ibe atovc. Me«. and o|u-n once peia turned around, 'ue;* Juat at
The aften^ waa ^inp^
mioatea te mm•• hU Of stow gMttaf acme ptmtibto predleameat. » ternei mmpa him.
the draft a wee bit: Jap will te bold.” ouch tor a VH:wn as ae wavi a^atoai Ice that had been cut n
maiid. «to-*MW *B« eueb aa *%bat oonld you do if ypa
gB.e„ m B»e different ways.
The toai ahapely loaf ■»•.. laid Jn him.”
1*".!!, “u
-nien I knew bow I would earn my
WBie ^eetop. and you fell downr or
|,*tea wllh lea different i*o- ite tin and Rule bad Juat dipped tier
Rule turned this bit cvf.philoaopky

would you do II your teacher J|}« In tan different faahioita.
floury flnscra to the basin of water, over to her mind alter her .vuiior'a 'd®®"'®®
■■yiy brother told me afurunrd tHtl
•’nakad you a odmCIob aboul your leai*nph ten unrteOea of laugh.
when there was a vigorous aiumplac departure.'Sod the managed to ex' >““•■ **“■
| j.ave one skoal that made him atop
#pmuv tk»» aoB. ate you tea torpotiao tte animitate the aoundp erf t»o rato of feet outside, and. followed by an tract a good deal of comfort from li
Id oia anger tte man aprang upon
after me tn frlphL
pwurr or ''Wtet wunld you do « you ft*bllnr.

Icy gu«. n yxunj fellow darted Into before Jasper's retom home at dusk, tte Icy wjuare Jap ted ]itat looaeniid
hardly touched the
wetu rldtof mad the bor« rnn away r
The two • Sunshine pocma for thU the room, haalily closing Jbe dour be- ured aud unusnally rolUeni.
wUh hto lee-book. It aepewted^ from
as i raa—my hat Sew off ud
h.ayu WPUld wpUf by
on* wbtopera to hb loft- week'nn pamea to them**lvea. Take kind him.
. “There lant n bit of uae; I'll do my lu fellowa. there want a splash, and , cleared tbe fanoe at om JubA
hate MUbber aepia anawer.' not ate- (tern to acHwl wUh ywi and ask
''Keep tbe children In today. Rnle; test to keep the Job...'but Finn It a Finn was to the wMer. vatoly »dea*MPflly hartos uay relation to - tte
to uae them to your language ll't fifteen below aero! -No." at a h.rd one. drivtnp and blustering with- orinp to pet a bold upon tte sllpperv
j ^
glTua to hto other neighbor, legaoaa. Another nice
lea- whimper trem^Panny. *'no snow-men out a kind word for au;-body.” Jasper take. In an insunt Jap uad thnist
aad nntwera are than
to wnen you wHte a leiur to the today, liaie chap. Jade Frost lui*n'i ,hodk hto bead unconvinced. “He’s hla Ice-hook in the man’s coat. It
Wtet do you think been nileep all nlpbl; he’a rampasto' alwaya ted a trudge ever since Demfs cau^U and Finn, remrfilni up. pmap- .
worked harder to aiy
ptorar to tom. |
around doin' nH aorta of tnUchlef:
me tiat little Job he wanted ed tbe handle. No one seem^ to no^
two dWP. fob
eoaatottop to tbe ab- »bout U. f
mito fdIVa are aafer tadoora. "
joe *.udd to have. But te can’t com lice them, and Jap called lustily while
-p,„^ .
and to tte ocSUNSHINE HUklANt- SOCIETY.
“i gJnY afraid!' nrped Danny, stuid^of ay work; ;’ve nude a good be pulled with alt hto strength u|ot
tte -bwo coma tosalher."
Tte Snowbird.
iiy. -Jack Fro*i made me such a lot ahowing today, and J auppose I’ll get thdv, terHW* taadea weight. Hto tedag tte te
tte' Bramble Buah” la Ha alto In winier’a aleetand the .now pf pictures! Joat see! ” pointing,to uaed to bla growltog.’ Rule bad numbed diigera were nearly slipping
had ooi been aa mretui saltey
wwt of cdtHdren alt
to round tab feet,
the lasted north window. -There', turtied comforter now. anA long aft their hold when help mme^ Jap. te
^ ^
eloau enough ao
Bat he c*rea not for Ibe cold:'
gg el'funt. an trees, ar lota uv „ y,, ehlldren were aleeplng. the iMscd. ran for a
kA four timet. You may be aura T
brother and slater aai tn iheughitul that te remembered had been thrown
p^,p escape me. I
toneh. and th^r.ftor hto Uttle cheerful heert ihlnlra' flngt-'
«own toy one of the leamaiera. ‘o '*™*’, even went and bunted* op the on# I
are the ••bmmblet.”
the enow •• fair a -part
“Irt n regular Jungle, and you can conaultaUon.
■lyuv beam
«y-.- and
— tigers
'It'a nbout the wood Itel bolhete around the kaU-lroxen man while be threw at tte hU^khlrd.
an empty
it tte fnr and
Aa tha'anmmer'a green aad gold. tent,
day where
lalj^r. anxanx- was
waa being
being carried
carrieo home,
home, and
.no then
or tte bn#, tor-lbli to ’■Ptler'e” home.
K'a nice and warm.'' persuaded Jap- me Joat tow." condded Jalfper.
finished, nod . _
kta 1 toy ti clmwi at “•‘f'"”
------- •—’*
louily. -We'd get along lilie If it went back to bis work.
job. nnd I wnan't for that, but you and thacbllThe sicnn Ualcd three days, hul ,r„on and horaea long
foM ’’Patar.” and-thaa bare alternate
dren must keep warm. How inueb the fourth morning, na Jaaper went
puln aUek out tbalr lege and mahe ' SUa tte Uny winter bird; / J wont be back for dtoaer—’
"Oto!” The ■ young girl looked
„ „vcd now. Rule: Wc .lmaWr-®Bi with a femful heart to gather ite
tte ’■bmmMea.Y "Pater.” with' bit In tte dark and stormy «ay3/..-:h!a
around with a lliile aun ot aurpttoo counted It to the longest timel"
few «lcka that remained, a dw
“Wben I came home and atewcJ
basda tiai 'Uffatber. mnst leap over
- tog tte lonely wnya •
F.ver slpte Jap'a deiwtture. early that
opened the cupboard 4oor and bulky pile loomed before him. He
tte “brmmblee'’ aad mack hto home
WUh hto consunt cheery word,
nonilng. Hope had been building a |oov from the upper shelf *n old rdbbed bla eyee and atared to amaxe•You'll never have another
to aalety. *• aocn ae 'Ttoier” aUfta
. ’bmm’ Tto hto
te to-true- God has beautiful, ahinlni cnatle. »nit » had baking-powder cm. "Notedy would menL Wood-hickory and
dollar as big ai lhal on..’ he uM.
and the
arork for him to do—
lopplc.l Into a I'ltlful. cnimbl^hear
of looking (or ii here! dry and tlndeTy! Who could hare
j ,»«, bara,”
re aneaUy redrawi
A'lih bto
hto happy
happy aong
aong to
to cheer
cheereome momenu ago. Jap had~alwa>a
laughed, m she poured Us con brought it?
—Fannie I. Brent, to Touih’e Com1 left fioe. To eee “PAar”
••hrwmblee” to hto awesi Hto't aimnle aneech le^ been so elated over bit aurfH-sea. I™' tenU Into her apron. Thcie-waa a
An hour later, as Jap wna tosatog
Slteilsdl^ameontte tha;..
to »toP over tt. ••brwnbU.”
■bramblee In *"'"•*‘^**
,bto morning- ’ Y«. didn't tell. me.
m.le Jtogle Plmaent to henr the lam abovelful -of snow from a ,
-------------?”■<*** PW B *** •• ,bick are not there to wy nmaalagtothTteikter^cf toerear
Wu R«‘« «»>“ haU-reproarirfoU,. „ the five and ten-qput piece. rolUH wide, dean paih. a passing nelKhtKvr
^ oood Praottoa.
to tne dark oaya ci ue yea
cuUtog Ice f..r lVmv*«) at a ,„t
„mp|nr with an ocnalonal balled bis team for a moment * rbat.
pne who want, good tongue oxer
-Picture'Game" iS a nice one
t<sii» v«B
la a
a aa*
*•* al
a taa
mte Oh bto mito bean to atnag. and he ioKar a day. lent that pietiy gote?'
«oln. They were careTullv mp
-I «iy. ' te called, s. he aiarted on. ^jae may get It by rending ortottampi■St^MkwMhablgbn
0 rnd rapidly the. following oraIbe taUe.
-Finn Ycegcr's a» hearty t
"Cutting toe!” The glad fla-sh of
j„ |i„je j.iio u
SW&Soar'*! my bmid*.
thlnka R
•Twenty dollars!" •aid Bute and saw him nut late last night with hto ,
thto.” a

Sii little iblaile aUcka. *
'» lm«r^ly. y*^
J^"bw*a SLt'*.to7fn the
luJnrfImo M a^g^y -Par- j„;,7“to nZatK and' Iten tter T."'. am :..ut a Mr: lo-ol •• «™*d:
hare aome pleaaaat way of entortala- Kerer anriea birds that atoa In Oir ^
j „ppo:.-T ” looked at each other.
cold i-ii' didn't ha:, him a mitc.
K'lewb of freably trM tab.
Two toads toUliy tired tried to inA ..

J.P nodded. -He'e'to BO.t o sufive more to be saved
Jn„ .orn.-d .teoghtfully to«rd
• and peperu a .Cadeni^-k
. Tedbury. - ^
ailer all
be exetoimed. “H wa* The aeu ceaseib. but a^cetb M.
' MifttHlflff
FMKSIDCNT* large number of plcinrce of promiv
ibilliy Ibis '
won’t keep It lone!'' looks like t
Rule began hastily putllng slicea of i„. doesn't It? Of courae I'll have it Finn Yeager. Wuai wUl Rule ravV Oate on the gay gray tolgad*.
Hut wiM-ii Jaspr-r March, with nlowabound soth a shapely aeah .
t'WoA *f W sew year to cardboard. Trim the name from
wayT* aeeml the -bUiheaomt bread and butter Into a 'lliOe baaivt. gaturdsy night, end I'd te wiltlw t.
-|rr' itr-“ all of you oach one. and put a number upon it
tune to uay—
--111 try my best to keep the pea<-«.'.'' jive on dry br<-sd lor a wr-ek juKi t. tog rher-ka. an hour bier iindHtook ,j„i,b, alltchea atewt
strategic auitoUCA' bow yimr preAdant Instead. >lak* a Hat of the picturea
‘Ylod bath oideied tbeae for thee: Jap laid a soothing hand U|uu his sis j^i ,i,e )<iad oO m> miud imt ilwC- to thank ru»o *■ u:;.-r. u.'i .a w..rd
gtoa-toto yoar games with tte coiteaponding amuiber*.
Wbet* they life can praise blui '
would he-bear.
CaaseH*. M.iicitbr wlyly alasbea a
tors arm. "It means^ much lu us in, ,„od riuettioti. ihat will u.h i
circle wlxiut
be baUt.set tbee; only rest
Just oow Keep a b-nvo heart, little ovoty pay dav all wln'* r •nkinl talk to me. yoimg «"»" -•’«
BKt «a tea* ns that
Beat tbe gneau In
• - - wtet wo tesy! Hut if yoiive gkKwtMd. Im
tjiimee Jlm*a grdat ^ fig
■ Mil beat tblug to Ibe room. Bepply
woman, and don't worry about
ivrtepa ,
numtere along—Carl Spencer, to Bonen Sunday I'll eat my dinner over ai
i.lm we ll glad. I didn-t mw much
£•«• Ion when you <»rd bkTtog l% many
black- have to lir. lieiknine
t as WOOD
rif,..r ..Ite'
Haiwh In aa shawl aboeMed m
vsws -ttera
the r
tt• era 4n
the -a-e
edge-----------------. .
lor liis bill
smlib step and I won't mlud thrThen be tumtd hack-and taugb«l gi„w),_
fT’iyy.-gwrmywvd-" tribute tte Arturea. Kach one w» -d 111
Three pairs ot eyea watr-j.-d.' the
lo raiU-i las.- n all at once whim bad anyooc ever heard Finn si,oj*ito mo sheila
AO'tlnaa la tba giM tmngntoei tbe picture that te telda
A Deed of Klteaoaa.j. fW* boUlag’hto ualgb- wrttea down the name of tte perm .The hill was alive wJtb-merry boys niert figure dlaappear down li.e'long ,nd gei :i n-«-ipt m full: that's the Yeager
lauglt! ' Young
Petple's ^
# «,w«r rwffe#
lanuge Weekli
bright Battrdar after
oMch tbe little
i ukc to te) deS ts.
la bltodlotded and be teUevea R to be opposUe tte cor- aad glria oa
Smith's sidrii Itaak apUl PhUlpM
________ _ __________1_Bumtef
. «m bto curd, and i ntoiwflntor. ^'•bal fun It waa Inhouse perched like a tired way- r. oomewuy
It must te done.
tIaglWf than paaaM tbo ptotur* on to hla-deed to eot« awtruy down the ley
paused Ui-sltaltoglr n,n longer opw'than I Intended, but
Grandpa's Ftrat Dollar.
sixth BiMc-r's fifth adulrvel's aknll.
Tte U.ili 'telle* dtxmtoaeU no.
Tte' player MXt tel^bor 'on his left hand. *1 Hope, and wtet ahouu of ringing
rugged descent.
u'a the bn. aud m'othir'd be ao glad
lUt.dd and J| bn ’ Cuitwty *e«,
r'nhia aiwuml oat* oi ite aame tine be tecelveu another laughter aa the aleda Sew down tte
-whatever foreboding there might r
knew ' Jasper guve a long r-v.-ty sum.-, to visit during July an.i
-----------------------M 1------‘T Otar to lha ptotura from hto MXt Mtgbbor on tte hUL
have been In Rule's heart. It waa net ,i^h. tba, hto sister ui..wnsrlou«l} .Xubmh a' Krai.-l;* s farm. The firs
Animalt at Sm
••* at
af ibem. right,
right, aad
and bo
ho on
<* nnUlunUl-tbe
picture. • -Toamg*nd they i*.. bed ihemw.-ii. - on t,.xi.c p.ds' tear u the only Mimal
_jg. at OM
tbe picturea
Young andold
having „v,^edIninface
sheplanplan echoed.

a. —,.1 .itj
enJ.jys a trip on tte sea.
* te patatt. tba playon baeo goto around Ue circle. teU the gayeti time poaa|ble. Big hoys ^ ebUdtoh amusementa to while ^he cold did
jyHy. geaerally. s
, ^18 (te oa* la tte dr>
dm' Uen aigna hla nam to hto
tmrd.on double ninnera. wHh crowda of lit-^,ray the long, quiet aftemoon. whileitie n.
lx- .Ii.tjight?” »bipla>srd; but all other aalmato Vim*
I aO *f imm (arm- and they are gathered up. •
Ue uu at Ihelr baUi, with rosy
flngert moved awUUy aercts the mercuryhad forevei
lenily resent auob a voyage, ud votA
higher eleva- said grandpa.
na paraon at wtem
A n*~» for aome of tte older Sun- Ueeki ud aparkUng eyes, tamed R,Dg,bema of the ebeets. She was so intention of aeeking
Caually when they vi.-iu-d Im they (,.ivii»ly give vent to tbdr Isalluaa
ft gif* aa ItetaUoB ahloero to called “It.® Some one that tte aterp career at the end of the ibnnklul
there — such
—' a pile of t(on; It dropped lower ud tower and
vtorhfw.'iiniii M>avickneaa brings silence. A
^•yed UlS
tte asu";
game »•
to eut.AIU. .v
to amiius
atertly uv«p
help urwg
drag iso
the uvm’j
heavy tosiii
mem. ass
and *i»Mrs. Crews hal jpromised
jbe price of wood advuced
acc^- asked --for
ga^ tf
n te
M win.
WUl. baa
owa WSSW^ awwjsu
----------- luo
---- ---------------------_ . ..j
. . „
Kofters most
most ot
ot all.
all. ^
Sa «e «bo to from tte coam; or two. If deoirte. aleda np to tte top ag^
a,ore work wketi that w-a» flnitbed. R,giy. Another week paased. ud Sat- which they loved «c hear ..r.-r u
u„.r xoBers
rnSrSMi tte aama of tte may help auh other, ud the brightTte au bad almoat aet. ud it* „a pey-ond
that-! U*w»* iu»t ^bat
„rtay night .Jasper *ei out for Dr.
over. te. tonUtoH.-old hud u
puy„ii,. hU «iw
•mtedM tern. H te aue- er they am. tte more fu for tte may tight flUad the atreet. but before Rule, busy
brain was pluntng. when
Denning'*, tte twenu-five doUam. a
•"<! he co^^iy m«q.s sKuacn
ffauMd maat taka eonmnw.
«« arrangod ta uy bad atarted to go home a mu ,h«re wu a crunching on the sno- bulky parcel. «cure In the bruat of
The *«k ‘-b.rc te
o b„ trrriwe pawa.
nwr aad try to a eletde. aad laturmed timt It” to tte drielng a targe load ot wood bogu ooulde. »be haU rose In her c;.a.r;
tu coat.
paue's errand >
aal^bor at tte right (or left) of each to amead the ky path. The atods u waa Jap; of courae: she bad Us- -R-hat'a all tbla!" Tbe'physlclu'a been s:c« anJ- Harold had ta i
,t fitt
tf y<^ fell Into ibe «
■t ttto«a la tte on* Tte quaaUoaen are summoned, aieerad out ot tbe way u the poor tened ter hto step aA the afternoon.
opened In astonlahmeDt at the place, and paPa h?“ «
He wa* like to sM-ca
aa vmfia'a Idaaa and aak uatt pmwou aome aoeatioa borw triad almom in vain to go on. Tbe latch mtoed. wUh a llule puth»„)* Mip that gUuered upon the s;.tnit.« dollar i
lor it was hi* first you? Succor (aoeker.i
te tte iiwTnril that wilt help locuu ud aulcrialtoe
Suddenly be atopped. Jor be could tbe door fiew open, ud Mr*. Crewa utle.
very proud >
•it." Polat-bluk “gneationt are not go oa no furtter.^»^d wu ao
herself walked in. her roud. amUlng 'll'* for *»ctoring mother.'e*pUtn- della;. and te nad Jon
allowed, tett •• "Wbo to Itr Tte .llppery- that in uying to walk nit
face rosy with the cold.
ca-ixri Hote
What king alwaya goea oa, teMt
-r:Wte> are you lookin' ao .cared mice. “We maant to have paid R first doiur te ctcr c. txri,.
te a
ay. goe. uw,
I to te •Maattonera mny coUiueaaktagttota bind leg. tilped fmo. beneath him.
Wh-t boy. live under water? a^- '
anmM Ithey gu^ or give up in daapulr. Tte Tte mu deemeduraged. aad begu fSr? DM you* uke me for a bear?- betore. tet then wme so many
«M mag. tun to tepd in tte te.pprcpH.te whlppla* the poor crenure. A. the Mm touched, noticing tte.nxiou. took thing.-...
popular aoug, tte otters qupttrrA uIWuya aahed. ud tte vn horse wild not go #». t&e mu in W^s eyes.
Vc« 1 do" tie .laM Haven t
How do plUowa differ fro* * pair

(ba-.Yteuteaanounou ^ of
Then. IKtie^L Amy . -That', what were PU> in“Yea. sir;
,b«„ »? 1 ws, *«to.? The one ttet U d
I to alfMte win play the Mr.-mhkm.
and gaaerM appaunatu. by name, got off her al«d and step- ed Danny.
V*!‘‘ ” ' Iddw w W mre. Harold; It da. says .tte Ugbtoui.

•impMWI PMMSA llliiipillH Tala.


-.... —»


** ^




Slag up to tte mu .Md. Poiuely. tnn._now, yd ■te'a tryte'to get^met” wtea l atted yon.” _____ ^

. -U.


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