Grand Traverse Herald, September 12, 1911

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Grand Traverse Herald, September 12, 1911


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Travorso * Bay






SM«f«l Sr»l0ln«rt In Dlitraw
AMMngw ftMiMT* All I.M*
NUny VmmH Nm Ym

Tbt-atonn vbleh vlnick Tnrarae
(!ltr Ust Biftii asd ifkleh hu
Unn«d In thin rcfton today, la ova
cofDtr or ■ MTCto norm «rhl<^ raaA•S Cklcago about mSdnigbt Hera a
«0M rale baa preraUad and tbara way
a BnS«aB drop In tamperatura. «*bUa
the atonn baa bean dfauKraeabla tbare
baa baan no aarlooa datnaga raportad.
CbkagD. Sapi. 7.—Tba gala bloving
vltb tba fury of a barricane that
Bvapt Soutb i«ka Utohtgan earlr
day. baa Ulad Chicago harbor vltb
vratStaga. Pirtaan yacbu noorad In
the harbor vara daabad Into tba plara
.and auJik. A aambar or fivigbtara
I ara all lata. Uanr ban not
pel Sana loeatad. The gala caaM up
abortly aftar aUdalslit. toUevtiig
alootrteai atorni.

Wban Srtdpa an Which Ha Was Warn­
ing Callapaad.


KaWT Vanltynlng. brother or Hn.
E. HongtatoB. and a rormer raaldam or LIBERALS CLAIM SUCCESS FOR
Traraiaa aty. racamly mrr *1111 a a«RECIPROCITY.
rloua arcldaat at Roaaburg. Oregon,
vbara he Bov.reiMea. He waa work­
ing on a bridge when the atnii-ture
•nddanir let go. prarlpltating tba
vorkman Into the river srty raat be­ FRENCH NATIONALiflTS OPPOSE
low. Flva oC the man vara IntUntly
Idllad vblla three more died ebortly
nTur being taken vut of iba wreckage. Oavammant Confident Where leave
Oapaqda upon Agreement—Many
Mr. VanHrnlng aacaped with a broken
Canaarvativa Faemei^ Pre­
lag and a badly brulaed abonlder and
paring ts Vote Far ft.
hip. He Is BOV In tba boaplul at
lUmaburg ondergolDg treatment tor
Ottawa. Oul_ Sept, k —With the
btc tajurie*.
election uni) thirteen daya away the
radproclty campaign In Canada U
Party llnaa are breaking, aad masv
conaervatlve fanner* are preparing to
for retlpruclt). while man> Ille
aral manuracturera are opiioeiiig tbe
mo InoUneoa Thera ara Mara trade agraement.


SchaUra Than Seating

Wltb a
>1 or l.K7« pupUa In the city aebools. Including
tboae or the bigb acbool and vardi.
tba outlook tor
largeat ond m6et
aaccoaafiti acliool term In many ytora
1* good. On Tueaday momthg the
Boand or tba ecbool bell brought glad
many or tba pupile. while
otbara, parbapa among tbe oldar boy*
add gtrb. would have baan only too
planaad bnd tba erani been iKxtponail
unUI nrter the doaa ot the baaaball
nt leant, tor tbara aaau« to ba
HILO AT ILK LAKE’WAS GREAT no agcaptlon to tba boy or girl atudent when It oomaa to a qnaatloo of
tana. They ara all alike and would
Miiabara Oaildid That RauHry Raia- tnneb rather ba at tbe ganta than in
Tba little folk! to
lo| and Dairying Ara Adapted
whom tba arbeol raom. nnd nil Its
to Raglan.
pLaaauraa or little problami li yal
Angel. S^^.^Naarly all tba otfl. qulu new. went forth with happy
oarg of tba <Hand Trarane Uiatrla faoaa and full .baaru eager and antvara to tbeir piaoaa whan' tba loua to aaa tba new taaebar and maet
»o»UnE <H t^onnnlnaikM vna leir plnymntaa to and from acbool.
«aba to order ia tba Dk l^a baU
Though In one acbool tbara !■ aotm
yaoMaSi’ gftarneon.
Tbara vara difficulty In finding mu for nil. 8upraoant »lbara or tba Wnilaniabvrg, periBtandbnt -Ts kr axpeeta to ^ve
^laanla. Oraad Caniar,. Elk Lake, everything In order na aeon u arand Oraad Traram aubordinatei.
wltb the
The aRarnoon program coealnad oT a board-of adueatlon. Tbe overflew ocroll call vblcb vaa raapoodad to vltb eurrad tn tba Boarddun Avenue acbool
ranarka upon tba t^lc. *’lt 1 Ooald wbara In tbe gmda provided for pupUt
. Lira My Lifa Over Again." Miproa- afltaring aavantb. eighth or angntded
alba WM siren to many ralnabla eiaana tbara ware on the flrat dny »»
thasgbta Not a low of tba oldar pBpna and only t: aaata. Plfty-two of
■■■bam gar# worda oT vladom (bat tba acbolara ware aavantb nnd eighth
can ba pfoSiably (olk>v«l by tba graderi, while forty-aaven wtabad' ut
antar tba ungraded room to uka ufc
Tba Dairy and Poultry :
as la euatotuan' In thia
: Tyler baa
plan in mind vblch ha ballevaa win
rallava the eongaaUon io tba anUafaeraglOB vltb giMt adrantaga to tba Uon of all eoDcamad. and wbich be
will praaent to the acbool bfiard meatregton.
Wadaaaday avaalag an open aiaat- thg Friday arvnlng. In one room nt
-k. one taaebar bna but aavanlag was haM and tba aen«rmB
vara Inrltad la to anjoy the <aan of taea pupiU. while the M In tba Board'
acbool have cmly two. Thu U
tba aaaaoD that vaa oarred. lAutag
tba noon and aoppar boara vary tab- vary anequai: and Buparintandent T>ataattal raaaU of ckidcaB. pampkla ler propoaaa to trmnnfer a teacher
^la, and ebooolata caka vara tba order from tba Oak Park building Lo-L'alon
atrwat. wbara tbara U roodi for an
^ tba mvgrani.
Oaltgataa froa tba diatrlct organ- aigbtb grade. Mnny of Ue puplU now
Boardtnan ungraded
taatkiB to tba auta graaga naaUng
to ba baM tn Kalamam In Uecanber. room can roach lialon atraet quite
eaaliy. while otban Uridg near Oak
H. Klaworth
Oraad TravarM grange vaa alaetad Park will ba requaaiad to attend that
daitgata. and Oaorge Arnold or tA-UI- •ebooL
^tawburg gnmge. was alaetad a^
Principal Cuttle of tba high ecboql
Bakaa a report of S4< puplU tn the
upper gradaa. divided ae followa:
Preabman. ltd; nopbomora. Sh: Junior.
T6; aaalor, It. Of coaraa thta aumbac will Innvnaa and daereaaa at dlf
(arant tlmaa of tba tarn.
Tba 'total number ahroUad In the
Central'acbool grwdec U |1T; Cimwood. Sll; Oak Park, dtl: Boardman.
301: Uiloa atraal. iii: Bocmrllle. IC;
while tbe acbool tor deaf, under tbe dlAnna^-^Smllk l^vla.
rvetloo or Bllu'McQnlUna. baa aig puptU. Tba bigbaat number of kll^e^
gartnare wan In tbe Central bulldlag.
where 4.* little tou aBtara< acbool for
the llrmt lime. The amallaat
waa at Boardman. lotallliig IS. twelve
of whan were girl*. wbHe one little
bgag Uka>-rraag AtkliHPB. Eaglaboy made up the Kxalled unlucky
ban MartgV
number. Were thli llule man onl)MaySoM -War J. Saydar. U
frw yean older be night eonelder
himself the luekleat In the nnlvarae.
WOaoa. Oaorg*
daaidu tba ill-tated tbinaan. wuh a
whole dtwan pretty gtrU all to blmaelf
f^loKBla-^. li. Ayara, John KiouPn. Jr.
amoa<-aarttaar a H^tr. r. O.




SASSOMO Caplui Farmed T»day
in Pataakay.

Pint Ward, Travarae City—Trad D.
Baooad Ward. Travane CUT—Mika Patoakey. Midi.. Sept.
Announre• Uiaay.
Mi U made batw today of tbe mar*Third Wartl, Tiavaraa City—W. E..
of tbe principal laaibar coapanttnosania
im IB Mkhlgaa. the combine to be
iwth Wart Tiavana Ctty-Prtak kaowu as tba MkAlgaa Tanning A
Bnnct eoapaay. with an
. PUtb Wart. TravWae Ctty-O. O. capital «( SI.PM.0M. Tba beaSgnartara aad gaaaral udScaa vlU ba bm-

OaraM Sayd Waa Vlatim a( AV Gun.

Can-teat handling of an air gun In
tbe baudt of illtU Echo Ward, son of
Ur. and .Urt. Bert Ward, nadrly <sat
Gerald Uuyd. ton of H. 1. Boyd, tbe
drayman, the tight of bit lete_a^e
Wednewla) while tbe latlerwaa going
up Park aireet on an errand lor blv
father. Tbe Ward youngster bad
been playing with the gun and when
be spied Gerald going by on a rig said
to a playmate. -Watch me atm at
Boyd* limply In a pUyfnl aplrit. Be-,
fore he reallxed It be had palled ibe
trigger and ih.- shot landed In Boyd'a
Jntt at tbe corner. Medical at­
tention wat glveo dlrecU) and no aeriooa rctulit are anUclpaied. still tbe
fact reroaint that the eye sight might
have been loai and the ackideoi ahould
prove a le«6n to Die little boys with
the air gum.



Occurred at Wateen



wodding took place Thurs­
day afternoon at ih* home of Mr and
OF Mr<' W, L.'Wilson of WeUier street, ATTORNfV
when Harriei l-eeb Adam, of HelInlra tad Charles Agerwon of WlUUni.
burg were untied in marriage by Re\
K. 8 HtiGregor of the First Uetbodtat -ebun-b. Only Ibe immediate
Meads ami relatives of Ihe roatraci LAW EAY* RAISES MAY BE ISADC
lag partial were prcseni
Following the ceremony t' wedding
It It tha Opinion of OipMmsta That
supper wet served, after which Hr.
Anothor Intpmatienal Conftranoa
aad Mra Agerwon left for their new
Rather Than War Will
home St Wllliamsbnrg.
M V<



UoiKkit). Sepi. II.—Peavefjl settleleasing. MkS-, BepL S.—Attorney
uent of tbe AngkptkrmaB-Uoroccsii
|Geaeral Knbn. ia an oglBlen rnadered
entanglriiieDi teems bopelees. In view
today , btaated the hapae «f towMIp
Of Germany'. Ulesl demand. In tbe
offlrlaU and conaty echooi comaOeoplniM of diplomats here today. It U
Btonetw who expected ralaaa la sal- '
Mieved however, that another In­
tries at the reaalt of the law gaaiid
ternational conference rather than Ceremony Teek Place Pt Eleganl
by the last ledalauire. The not pr>
war will be the ouicomt- Germany's
Ceuntry Heme ef Bride ot
vldew that aalariee of sort •rtrtala
demandi it It aaM. would deprive
may be iuemaaed la oaaa the voters
France of nearly all lit advantages
approve, hat the attorney geaoral
Wbere tbe laaue depend# entirely
in UorvMtio. and give Gerioany grea:
l.eUiid. MIrh. He|H. T-Al ->lar«- holdi'ihat there la nothing la ike hill
0 reciprocity, tbe guveraneiit la cod- IMPROVEMENT ON EAST FRONT
er powers there than any other <oun: nook. " the beatilUul country home of which provMea tor the aahmiaalnn ot
fldent. but ihr Kretirb nailoi>aIU;<
the bride, a wedding was ■olemnited
the queetton. therefore the law la
oppofing tbe eatabllabmem of a Caif
Farit. Sept, li.—Though the nature today which united Mrw. Alite LUIaer
adlan navy, are making aoipc head­ Payment of lha i
of Uertnany i counter i-ropotal U Many, miatresa of ihU beautiful rounIn another oplnton the Bttomar
way lo Quebec. Th.- liberal., howFrance, conceruing tbe Moroccan alt
pUoe .ai LeUnd. to Hr. Ora Ad- general hoMa thu eetK
. aaaart that they will carr> tliv
UBilon. remains secret. It la generally dlaon Cbappelle. a protulnent dentist,
rouniry tor radpn>rlt>
A apei-ial meeting of ihe council
w«t held Thuraday night for the pur- the tenalon which 4a now constd
The terviec was aald at nooa today Ihe new graded ealarr law*, haaed oa
of hearing objectlona to the pro- near tbe danger point. One version la by Rev. Chat. Thleg. ia Ihe presence tbe namber ot erkoole la a eonaiy.
poied «-»er on Bait Front aireet. be ihui Germany demands a Congo outlet ol reUtIvea and a few Inilraalefriends. Tbe law make* u lingriiiltili lor elec­
tween Barlow itreei and Garfleld ave­
rwwpiloD tbU Bfleraoon waa attend­ tive or appoinUve ofSeera- Id recMve
OIMriet Grange Sataion at Elk Lake nue. There WR. but one property bold
ed by 250 people, many from out of
create or lacreaM of eslary Ber­
Wac Inuraatlng te Mambars.
II the (lltirirt who objected and
and a number from different ing hla tenure offlew. The new law
waa Goof^ K. rreat. wboilied iwcBc
did not take eSect anUl AnffeM L
The second day's aaMlona of llie
□III which hr tbougbt were auffl
l«bengrin'B pe<idlng mar^ was
Omnd Travarae Olsirlci grange held dent lor delaying the work on the Small A Sinclair of Banaonia Only
played by Mra. J. R. Buio of Traverse
It) tbe hall ar the Uk lAke 'grange lmprt»>:Mreiit
The objection, wer.City, and "O Promlte Ma” waa
I very profliable and were well at­ filed III writing and were received and
Veraey Legg.
Beulah, MIt-b,. 8epi.
tended bp grangera and their rriend*.
filed by tbe couurll Jullu. fllelliberi
Um .
A wedding breaktaai wai eerved foi- Flnlahing TettehM •eifiT'^
tbe only bid offered for tbe cuntrart
At the meeting Wedneadny evening
Art Hall e« the Fair OrtgaSi,
prevent and aald that tbe realthe general public wna invited and dent! in that aectton of the city want- fiC ibe thiilri Datn (‘onatnidion. th-i( lowing the ceremony. The
- —Strvnttire DewMeS tn Sign.
tely decorated wttb mof 8iii.ll d Sinclair of Henionla.
tbeyWwma In large numberi. The proFd the sewer ag It would not only
opened and accepted by tbe Couuiy iKe flowers and trailing pine*.
|\eoBalatad of rerltatloDa. .lorlea
The art ball lor tbe Omni Tpavto t'beir canveiilence but alao :j.
Board of Snperrlsora. t.TStI ia the
and dlaensalona which proved to be
Mrs. Edith (%apiwle Adamt of iwe Haglos fair li aegrtaff eompirthe value of tbe property.
proposed' coei.' F. E., Hardman
very tnieraatlng. The topic, ‘ HowTamiia. Fla., and Ulat Roby Belie
After e<m«tdef4wrHwT»tiil» Invoh- Oak Fark. Ill , It to Uke charge of Cbappelle of Eau CUire. WU. elaten tlon and white K to only mm eneUon
Can <$&t;JRebooIa Be Made More'Pmrof what tha omU hniUlRE will heja
I III the objertloni offered the r*-»>
lleair was ably dUcuiae.! by K. O
• itKliicerliig. and It la expected of tbe groom, and Miaa AurellB Adame, tbe future, (he olrwetare to wrell aSa^lAdd and Fred.C. Warner. One of the lotlnu auilKirltlTig the roii.lnii-tlon of
(III- dsui will be rampleled be^ a niece, fkiui Tampa. JTa.. were preeed tor tbe parpoeei to which R vUl
M-«i-r WB- road and ptaaed. A
ibriUlBg faatuie. of the niecitng waa
w Inter Tbit will raise eryaial
he devoted.. Tkg^AooMM are large
i mouse ator)- told by John Ilean of change wa. made In the iiiauner of lake Ihe fourteen Incbe. agreed to
Atieirtlngabe r
lioCf ithera] «tatba Elk l.ake grange. >lra. A. R. Mc- i-olleciliig the B»*i-atm< uu on the by the .upenitorw at their last meet­ era# City were Jno R. Santo and wife
plays and tbe alele and onaUr to wide
Raa or the Grand Traverwe grange,
and B. Veraey l.egg.
enough to allow free paaaoge tor trtolgave two reciutloDS whkh were betn- ed by man) of the people In Ibe di»General tubacrlpilou. have recent
lly anootad. Mrs. ArvilU Gardner also Irirt. TbU wa. the dividing of tbe ly been offered for the coutnictlos
Joseph Cappt. »tra. Mary A. Brooks. epece It limited ihU year. Ue Wf
gave aome' recIlaUoiu that were well tai Inin ibrea eqiial annual paytnentt of a State reward road to cover three
which I. considered to be a better and one half mllei of tbe oortb beach Mra. WItbenpooQ. Fraf. and Mn. Bur- Board of Trade Chaataaqaa tent will
bualnesi propoililoii than collecting of Crystal lake. This It to serve nap,- Prof, and Mrs. Bptdffman. Fret provide ample room tor very extewlve
At tba aeailon Thutwday morning
the whole aiunum -a’ one Ume. as It as a beginning of a round-ibe-lake Ucy and wife. Prof. Atkina nnd wife. dtoplaya of orebart end farm pro­
tba rapona of the anbordinate grangaa
Prof and Mrs Unebarger. Prof, and ducts.
anablea the ally m bormw tbe nK>ne> driveway.
ware racalved aad the dUtrict deputy
Mrw Smith. CoL Bournique. Mra. MeThe of Been aad oonuntUaes are
tbe proaeculloo of the work while
Tbe reaorieri bate left the Crystal Munn and Mr and Mra. Weinhartft.
gave bU report on the work done dur­
»w diligently jU work »ma$tag deing tba enmmer. The rommliiee which Ibe Inirreat ft paid by Ibe people In lake region in aueb large numbert
Gneati from indlaaapollB were Dr. uili andi-lt to already ineired Uu
the dlitrteC'wOo lake advantage of that Ibe summer a ac<t>mmodatlou
had In charge the work of eniertalnThe first train has been taken off tbe Ann Ar and Mra. Hugo F>mser. Mr. and Mrw. the exhibits will he the Sheet ever
Ingtba aute gianga when It met hare Ibe deferred paymentt
abowB la .Soithern MlcUtaa. PrtR
laat winter made lit Anal report, which ataeaament was made payable In 8ei>- born road raonlnt between Heulah Karl Rau. Mr pud Hre Frank H
BUckledge. ^r. hml Mra l-uclea Bdll. growen are planulBS to make elahcr
raa aocapted and the committee die- tember of Chit year
and Frankfort.
and Un.'i'raak Ball. Miaa Me- ate dlaplayg aad famen are piaaAt
charged. Tbe meeUng uken at a
Crea. Sirs. Stev-ensoa. Mr and Mra
ot vagewhole was one of the moat auccaaarul aireet# and' walka recommended tbe
t and gridea. There «t& he i
(Voodbridge and Hltaea Woodbrfdge.
and beat attended that hat bean held cwnttrurilon of a n-ment sidewalk
Mr aad Mr>. Igiaton. Mr. aad Mrs. spiendU erray of live etmik aad peelthe north tide of East Slxteemh
for tome tine.
aireet between fait aireet and I nion Miaa Roby Phifiipa Became Snde e« Wu E. EngUii. Mr. aad Mra. Eagleiw try. Many appUceiAeae have already
Conildarabla time waa devoted to a
field and-Mlaae. Eagleafleld. Mr. and been made for
A preliminary resolution was also
(er theee etJoseph Biekier.
disenaaloo of tba Grand Traverse Re­
Mrs. lUrvlaon
passed at tbe ineeiing for the tew»r
gion fair and bow the grangers cao
Ml-o Roby Glendols FbHIlpa. daughfrom Railroad avenue to Barlow
Hm aoUclilag eemmltwe has -bad .
From Elri>. HU were Mr and Mrw
help it along. - All pretent were Interstreet which was (iiiwied down ai t (er of Mr and Mrs Edward Phillips Cha. K Wilder kir and >ira Sawyer generous response la the campniga
eatad in the enterpriae and believed
former meeting
This tewer will and Jovepb .M Ulrkler were man
and Mtaa Haiel Holden.
of Uekei aala wbtob Indicate ea «ithat It was one of the moil elTecilve
Bi 8i Krancl. • burrii. S«-pieml>er .’i
From Maple CIH. Mich,: I>r. Frallrk cwipttonal ImeroM by the nreple ef
meant or doing good to the farmer dralu tbe territory on Webster street
the |iresen<-e of many friend. i
Bud W'tfe. Mr and Mat. Jerry Sullivan. Traverse Ciiy In addlttoe to the fane
and advertUIng tbe county at a whole and Eatt Eighth tireei and relieve
and orrfaanl etblbtU. there will be
Tbe Importance of having able Judget
A prr'ty flnral i>( asii
gust Deiter'aod 'Mitt Detxer. Mias a large numiMr of displaya by Trav­
fJ make the award# tn the different Bast Eighth ttreel and relieve tbe im
dahlia- tems and flotied plants wa- Margaret Hanna m.wew McPhall and erse City totlneea bouaes and moeedapartmanta was dwelt upon'ai length sanitary (-ondlilon of that congei-te-l
arranged In lU, .burcb tor ibe o«part of the city
and Mrw. Mllloo.
by membert of tbe grange
ration and made a pretty pelting for |
With the a<'ilve cn-operaiioB of the
The neii meeting of the ditirlci
tbe bridal p.n> u. tlie> entered The'
farmert and fruH fTOWerw. from Va
grange will be held In Traverwe City
brtde Wore a town of cream Fretirb .
evhluc staodpuint. IhU fair caB he.
December « and T
serge beailly moime-t with treaui{
mide Ibe Itnest ever held Is We aortk'Durhe.e la<e
Her ««;[ waa ol fit
Loula Tatre Died tt -Hit Hem« gun- < rn iwrikin of tbe ataie It to tbe
iiei and wa- • lughi a' 'he hnd with
eay Morning.
cnirpose of the offleera aad in tbe abeeooe Of an
IteDculUU. Mull SepI » -The r\- tiieuded l» a .oualo. Mia. Fraud., Lout. Tairo died bI h
etiablltbed fund to be caUUona In
cutlvc ftuuulltre ot iliv Cougrrgi
Sm«ne\ w bo ware "vain montaJU.'-! West
Fourieenih tirwi
dtiudav . i-oiiiraciliig obligsUont. Ihe object betiunal Acadeiuv lo<-aird here, hat b>‘ with p:ak irimmiui. ai>d a picture morning afier a lijiceriUK iline.*
make tbe sales of itcketa and
guii work to tecure a v*>o.nmi endow
Me lea'*-. .
•rewpondtn* rolor. Peter more than two -ear.
Thi. •i>mes from ilir .urge.- Bli-klei. In other ol Ibe groom, acted a. wife and luotber auu i -i.'ei sho <•- general .dmu-ioDi. tegeiher with prtAn Individual claiming ui reprrornt mem
the McCall Fati^' compauv bat been lioii of Frank Kimball whe i. .i tb.' grootusmtu
tide. In Kalamauw Tlie luueral <-e'
ir ihit yesFt soccet* proves (be
doing builiK-tt III l-eclanau unmiy bead <if Ibe I'ryt'tl l.akc Oirbsrd*
Following the •-.•reiuoiiy tbe bndi: vice, were held Ibi. >rieriinc-n from inriT.. wbl-h I. hoped for. h Will be
Mr Klmb«ll with I>r Willard.
among ibe rountn' merchauu and Co
pgrty ind a few rneiidt were mie: Ihe home, if Fouieenih .I'-ei. in
n- -tan ib.- oiovemeiii talned at dinner at ifae home of ibe charge of tbe OdH FHIo»- lodge of uken a. au ludicaUon that a greatar
aMOrdllif to reports hat picked up Offered
.uc'cew. i. <0 store for next year. The
considerable ebange
Ml. aebeme It and Mr Ktaibal eleo «n>le hi. .h-<k hride- parent, weal of tbe r|i> whlrb he «a. a mefliher K«
' Lmrer. do iiix desire lo aak tor pnhto sell tbe mercliania a paitern rawe for l.'dHl foi I'lrrent rvp*-n*e. The MUm-i l.llaa UaviditoU. Margaret Mv CocliIlD •oUiiui '■■a Ihe «er» I' i
Hr tuii»< riiiiiout iB any Biaaaet on
for $3.48 which he ftdle.1t with Ibe exi'CUUve .viiiumie- mei ar Beulah Iniueb. Gladys and liirel Gayer a.
It i< ibeir purpose to make the fair
promlae that tbe pauernt will be yeaU'rtay and d>-<ided to make ih- titled ih t-^ing.
Ipa.i for Ii.-Mlf It to believed that this
forwarded In a lew day*. Tbe pa- ailrhipl. II. . iiiriiiber* .iibe.r1btUK
The om of towu gurtU were Mr.
purpose will meet wilb generone pnhwbicb will douldlt-.t be in
tenia have failed to come and when
K F MuQselle and ton. Chicago.
ik approval and that ia retm ikt
the ooaipany was noiiOed they dltMl.» Alice Fox and Edward Fox. Rap i
--------people or the city aad conatry will
TUrev .-ommliteea were appointed id city Mrs. J. B Phimpt. Olhtoa C. t. Taylor *o"t PaaehM
clalBwd all knowledge of tbe man or
aaaltt by liberai tueadance each day.
the method he waa utlug Those who lu organite and proaecuie the ram burg. O Mr ami Mr». Irving Phllllpt
1 Northwest.
Tbit vrin be wanwaed beeaime. oaiSe
bought are out their good mooey and paigb LtM-al roiuDilltee. W. I.. Case.
Welbv. Toledo, Mim Hattie
I'haiie. E Taylor claims the belt
abend a chnap case and a lot -of ex­ W. J HettiU E T Huntinglou. and dwaney. Mias Enili.v Itona. Francit
for making the tongeat dlsunce ablp;H B Woodward. 8uie committee.
and John dwaney of Old MLetioa
Prof C. R Catton. bead ot tbe aanlment ot fruit thia year. Today be featuree that wiu he very sttracUve.
.tipped a bokbel of peacbea to bit There will be a flae aeries ot horse
emy. aad Re. C H
Hargrr. with
power to add other membert a. they
brother wbo Uvea In Edmonton. Al­ raews thai have not been roeaUml la
berta. Canada. Tbe expresa ebarget this section la mnay yean, la oddi;te« ». Rev H S Mills, and Mr
on Ibe abipmeat amoimtt lo tSM. (ion to tbe spurts and camas aad
Klmbell were appointed to work the
Governor Dehorn Has i
to Intfuetrial
wbirb looks pretty steep, bui when it other aitractiou ekat wUl appeal to
project outside the tUle. Tbe pro­
J. W. Wart ef Perry,
- u Uken Into censtderaiioa that the the public uste.
ject bat been ecvepted wtUi eutbueiatm locally, and it axpected to meet
Laaalng. Mich.. 8«pc tl —Governor same fnilt if pnrehased th Edatonton
LanefM. Mich, Sept
AU ikat rawitee to make the enOsborn today anmtnted Or. J. W tbe tame recepUon ovulde. at tko Osborn today appointed O E Reeves would cost $1 per buabal It proves a terprlee a suecees to the corttoJ snt>. The fraU
. port of the pabllc Tke drSeae* and
>1 Lb the end.
Wart, of Perry, at member of eUtc aendeiny Is a welPknowu and wortby of Jackson on the iodustrlsl iaemnee good •
miaetoa to snecMd Richard L. was pkSnd a trifle green so that U will commlttMs are doiag their ntmoM to
vntaHanrr hoert. to eticewed Or. Oeo. eeiabltabmeni. Work b«laa Immed­
Drake, who becomes eecretary.
not •« otR while la uawU.
Horn, ot AUesaa.
do the rest.















Ferns -«e Laaee Heme.
Biva. The lacraaaa of acspa«s aad
«fp Md'fmtt «rew«.
tM nMiam to oe«r. At the Ika added satame tif Uwm jat^ the
llfiuat Ume Um Mcratsrr li it» Iom last three or tour yean, win make a
to fiad room for tbe aUHta. He aUrt- large cold slorags pleat not eOly de­
•d ia vltl^ Aeplerlas «iklMu of epe- sirable bpt a aeoaaMty, aad It om
»»}. uei ut. rvius m
it wosU draw
Mr*. Thla
A. Tracy Lay. I
cure you at home. “It cured me of
“ "leys Clinci
M to the >w»ipt of rw« ^avlee otf {fniH> to.tU* eUMteg intat that «a^
Near^Miof tor
Fair to he Io- lung tnmblr.~ writes W K. Netoon.
Oavis. Vi_______
else fsilThara
peoehw. ptan. otAv fnUU, <ad,e» otherwise go to tha nwrkots from
craaeed te Oowble dim ef the
A. J. Maynard. Cashier.
Grsal Deal sf EMhusiother sonroc. .The ptopeeMea
pedaDy of apite to ctwt nriAy.
Oriftnai Fiait.
asra fiSewn.
Thto AleiAay hoe ■itjoeted greet »t- Is eerlalttly worth
iluiis <un-v
Tboasand* o»e tbcli
la erter aot to Involve uqBttvBO
taodOB tixm eoUMe vldton
brsKh to It. Its poaiUtely
CaptuL fiXOOMa.
The board of frade meeting I
the directors ol the Uraad
d lor Coughs. CoitU. Iwproree that the bareee can bare a hAKMon*» sconomv campaign.
Sergrtaa filOBGaa.
OovertMT Hanaoa of Ohio has coni-' fieooad ward lam yrtday algbt was Traverae RegloB I
«Mer aeoH than
Reaeuraea ever fiSMflOfi.
l.uac troubles. j|)r
Hic an
and gl ee.
Md. Tba ^aaaat atractnre U far too pleted his orcanlsaUoa U chst state
t lit
aBall for Ihla parpow. It 11 ceaU be
'which his oimpalgB wlU be coe- held of these gathertags. Tba meet­ b.
" ■"
ikrne. and our eustomera i
------------------doabtad Ih Blie. It would noa be filled dactod for tbe democratic nonlBa- ing was called promptly 00 Ume. the Uiue for the fhlr l. approariiint ' .
upon reccivius nmrieoas 1
er«l ireaunem.
wlU aamifias of Ormod Travarae fralta tkia for prceldeoL Now Ooveroor wblch Is a Uule anoaaal for sacb. but however, the deiaands for viaec in ii» eeeeeeeee^egp.
that would go a long way toward glr- lUnwm baa h««ua an laraskm of the U abowed tbe spirit of the west sM- biiUdlag. from merchaou and oil.e. *
S per cent letereat i«id on Sevaod chat ibcy bolleve' la doing exhibitor* have been so grcai iliai U *eea»eoeeeGO«
lags Accounts aad t'erUftcates oF
iag thle reglOB direct aad vataabke ad- New KngUsd stales where he Is de­
TBRMB: ' '
was found to be sbsolulel> ne«-vx«ur« . ^;r,.lU> Vi ille. Mi.h . S»-pl 7 —Wv arc
claring that economy Is the cardlasl things as they sboaM be dosw.
vertlalag. Thla has atnady
lub c^ed tbe mecUog that more spec* be provided It *>«m
i.ig oto. ilir k.vrlj
elaarty danoBat rated- 8e<retal pronl- priodpie Of hla oampglgo. To oonfralt growers ha^ expree^ rlDce New Englhaders that be It caps to order and la a riBElBg ulk told of decided yeelcnlaj moralng. therclore.;
Maniste* County Fair.
appradatloo of thU Idea a^ ble of carrylag oat In the It'hlle the oblectt of the board of trade a«»d to increase the siie of the bulldtus to
Mr. Lr-sU Watson and laBiily ntovrd
Be sure ami oome to the Uaatotee
the aame principles that hate what It was doing and bU pUns for SSxlU. doable tbe original jdao Tb.Tr*>pr*c Cllj. m> tbt- iliildreu can County Fair. hcM at Onekaua. Mkh.
i«iiidtog ead gioands cotaniiitec and
boOdlBg to proTlde eaffMaat space to actaated him from the Ohio eute capl- thehe “Mlghboihood" meeUn
uiid si-hool luore easy
Bepi. IS. IT. Ik. 2*
More fun than
■aka displays worthy of the Oraod toL points to the fact that the econ­ they can get together and talk over
you can shakr a stick at All kinds
Mrs Msi-k and rhlldieu. wbo have of fro aiiractloaa and fine eiU^;
TnwM City, MUA. m«iw the Act
yesterday and dceldrtl ihiit
Travarsa ra^ aad iU fruH prtelocts. omies which he has advocated has all thiT^^a ot the ward, and iu relsbeen vtslUiu: her mother Uri 8ktm- together with aoBM pood horse raelag.
saved 10 the state more than fU.OOO.- tkm to tbe city, aad bow eacb caa
In (art it will be tbe torgeat little
iiiiiis reiiiruvd bouMbeaefit the other, where the wage bnlldint;
000. /
fair III the cute 80 conic oat aad
Mi Slin<- auU Iwuily inovW tu Tnt« have a good time
This structure, togctlicr ».lh Um I>1k
Whsterer may be the dlBereaees of
No ^ WlU deny that Cfcveram mmr and tbe buaineee man can pull
H. R. BRODIE. Secy aad Treaa.
oplalcm reUUre to the attitude nf Harmoa (me oiade a fiood chid execu- Logetber for every phase of cl»k Im- Chautauqua lent will make ample . tM- ni>
room tor
\Vr ii:c sorry (u brer vf IU>y WitPrealdent Taft upon great oneaUons tive of Ohia and no one will galuas/
which hare been dtacsaeed by tbe the bepeDu of the ecoaouiics whicb
W. H. Umlor fdllowed In words of of an ami inerrhants' exhibits. whllcU,^., brine HI. but glsd he is gctltag
LOOK* 0600.
naltonal Uw naken, Partleularty tbe be ^ edrocsted and eaforced. Nov praise for the manaer In which the the big tent will furnish splendid op
Thwtaterast balag oiaalteetc
Tunny Tremaiu of iiuMs Oilv', ctitoeu. Telephone BurUcy Kichaaga
Cansdlaa Reclpterity blU wbldi
It will he up 10 tbe goveroor to shov Second warder* are working as nv»er portunltiee for vxblbiiliig fruits and
yaar * the Oiafid Travorda :
•X siHiit a few days In our village
made tato a law, one cap not bat ad- the people of the Unltod Siaiee how before for'The beet Interests of the vcgeUbles.
rf<««ry fmfliyfey to tie ofloeia Bilre the preaMeol's boMneea la neet- ffiueb he could save for the amount, city, setting an example for the other
A blue print to being compleied to
(ieorge Newman siw-til Sunday I
Sm dfin^tasA At first wbaa Ue lag ereiy iaaae eqnars from
bis anppor^eft declare Is wasted by wards to follow, and such workers arc- day of the an buildlag and ground* Traverae I'liv.
tliymwas tt^e to' MU a fair abosUor. Yesterday Ur. Taft auend- ibc United Butoe government-thc Just what the. board of trade needs.
showing locaUuax of build­
Gattoftctton r
' ‘
due IVekham and fauiily u( Traverse
there was a geoeral hesiu- ad the big aoBsal fair at Hartford,
ings. tents and spaces at tbe disposal
Hy. aud >trs. doe KhrenlM-rg of White
M. 8. Sanders, always a live wire
am’W kadartate rach a beary task. OoBBtelicst. the slorm center ot dls- Thli U a Udy sum ot money and the
ot the commlKoo on concessions and CKtud. siietit 8unday with Howard
In board of trade jpalters,
»ral ot his reclproclly Uaaa. So sealooa frie^a of Mr. Hannon iua.v the BMBbersblp qMilon. tbai
tliae Is ripe for a Wfitoa lair
Mrs. dobu Gn-lllek visited at Hearv STATK OF Minnil.AK, Ite Fpobaie
strong Is the eeatlBWiit agalaat recV bave exaggerated eoowwbaL but It man aboold be ai active metaber. hands of K- C. [Ullingu. cbalrraan ot
Court (ur> ih# Cenatf ot Oiaad
km aty. After BamisasNaet
that uoMnililee. to whom application lAutner'a Sunday.
procKy la OonnecUcot that “Orange looks big Iu print and may do fqr
Then these wards tteeUngs should be
Trevorac. Y],
Me board of direelors of rspre- Day" was caacelled becaaaa the dale Ume for campaign aiatertal.
>as or spe­
should te made for
In the mmfar of the eatote «( H1Utbotoogbly orgasTied. srhere all quesnilnur toen aad taraiers BO dastgaated was that upon which
Isw WiiitoSan. decoaete.
In the mean time. Bpaaker Cbamp
aad oClcera ettaaaa wbeaa the praaldeat etelted ttc fair. Mr. dark aad Covembr Woodrow Wilson tlona caa be dtocusaed freriy. tbe dif­ Ibat the main road loading from the
Notice to hereby given ih^'^ter
ferent oenmltteee at work all the
luoaiha from tbe »h day of Septem­
laaee nt dkUfaalani
gate to the race track to to te used as
was aadamted. however, and of New Jeiwcy arc aawlBg wood and
The women of the ward
A. D. Jill, have been allowed tor
tbatt for the nWrtiatamidway, tbe amuaeweni fexiurea
It will be up to the deioocrau of the consuntly at work alonk tees that
creditor* I9. preeaai tbelr rtatea
_____ -Op to thld tlBft the ornoers
agaiuet said deceased to said couri
coantry to aa}’ which one of these is ot the utnMst Importance to tbe board and concessions to te arraugnJ
lor examluatkm aad adjoatmeat. aad
t>t.#oetets hare ao^fillahad «a- liUc forcible meaner In snpport ot to sate the ncllon.
vUber ride of the driveway
of trade, and tbe many pUns
u all creditors of saM deeeaaed
auinjld. .The fair has bees adrer- the' redproclly HU.
The ptous for the arrangement'
carried out In concerted acUtm. The
> reqnlred to present thatr Mates
ic RreuudH are practically <-omi>k-lrd
Next week Uie praaldeat will bsc*a
said reuri. at tbe probate offica.
educational, tho social, (be rlvic feataud Ite connulltece are now putting In
^fafts of tia rsfiba Urn «
tte nty of Trarenm CHy te aatd
hla weatara toar aad again be wm
urea and the senllmcnial condl
inty. 00 or before tha Ith day of
appitira! aad oBcmin
tovada tha tarrltery of hU foaa. Ua
that extol, all working along the
A. D. 1P12. and that eoid
numerous details for the fair. There
frtttoaa W battf deaaldarad as the wiU. Tlatt anmarods. Uit bads of rari- •OAROMAN fiCHOOi: OVCRFLOVf
mnnlty Idea, that wlilrb hulps (be unc
elaliDs> Will
will te heard by eaW emut
Mietfp^lor gmral as well as lohave been M-ores of applicallons (or
liy oppoalUoo where he will eaSENT TO UNjON SUILOING.
on Monda:
nivdar the' Stb-dap finteMaML
heipa aU.
dtoptovs of iiuinerous kinds sud the
Ifi. 4 N. 't>T4ME CARO.
A. D. 1»12. at tea o'clock la
George C. Coveil said thst frum 1 . interest manifested by the farmers
Wkm P» last week there has baaa
lure's etandpoint there never *ss
Hated September Sad. A. D. Jtll.
• aaflaI«la«asB la the tatarest
iglves BSBUranee in advanre that (be
the beet IntaresU of the conniry at
finer regloa. and tho ritiuns «
mmfm ■attwacfi-aa ettterprl
fruit and farm product display will
Ursa. Just how far hU
Jadge ol Frobate.
were doing their best to Improve these cvllpse anything ever seen in uorih
. ^ItaitoM oiittteh are alisadr trill go to bring ahoat hla A^II.IMC.
laa Vafiy fiimfaaiiU hate ap tkw BOW Is a mattar of caoJecUire.
A special meeting <rf tbe Board of GondiUons. were sDcveedlng In e>rr> eru .Mlrhlgaii. The livestock comiiiit
way. There were more who owned tec rciwrts a large Dumber of eairiea.
hot It to conceded by pollUcal anlboriCourt lor the County Ot Oraud Travtheir own ptoces aud were beautifying while the tuaoufauturers' display will
tlee who hare etadM tbe eltoaUon eeveral details In regard'to the clt.v
them every year, than In any other lu- be large.
aeasloB of said court. ^ rt
trem all p(^nu that Mr. Taft can not Bcbeoto were taken ap and eattofactdliy. One of the best ways to boost
While the Interexi already Diauifesi
be defeated tOr, ranomlaaUoa by tbe orily dtopoaed of. The principal prub as to have a good word for every
Traverse <‘lly. In said coBaty. W tbe
cd Is very grutlfylug. it Is oaturslly to 1
It ^ be and prob- lorn wax the cosgeaUon at the Boardbody and cveryihi^ expressing It ai te expoued thst this will lucrcsss a*
IlSBt aaaUUtlOB. The trolU of
r to trae t

tWs year «xoal' aaymore pupils than eeatliig room viih all times. He cited the western Mua the dales for (be fair draw ucar. It
ut I'robaie.
... .he waiter of (te artate of AAaxV hafon prodnoad Ih this sfc- ■rer saeeoedH In avoMlng the^ but tbe reeah that the work of t«e grades of each board Of trade working for the tbe coiiimiiice* and oRicers ret-elvc^
of eacb other. If one could the suujwrt of the public geaerally,
andrr (' l*rs<-b. dktcaeed.
1 1^ sate to say la fiaaW
mat be concoded that Mr. Taft's
Ida Iiigersoil having filed la aaM
-paod^ apples aad
rriUved by tranrierring part of the not torn] a buyer or an Industry, then this year's fair will be a groat sue
court her petition praring that a cur­
Otah^ Trawac. are.sapMlor and has wiat the approval of the on- paplto OB the south aide of the river they would notify ih[e next one. and do cess unless (be weather should inter­
tain Instrument in writing purFortiag
all they could to have that
to be tbe last will and iMlamwt of
Urs coantry. with , the excepUoa of to the Unlou street school, and the the teoefiL Thto Idea should te fol fere.
said deceased uow on file la aatd
a few mattara nf public moment upoD board anthorised tha committee
te admitted to probate a
aad that
lowed here, la many ways The bus
to Ot up the vacant roon
the admluliti ^ ..I of
.if aaM eau..
estate te
which U>«w to an honest
ha fltata fain aad tJraald
tbe UbUn atiwet buHdlng to take care loess men. tbe professions! mru, those
H. Jones and Prank
granted te
opinloa. The very iasli
e other nliable perlUmtln or
Bbow will acUpaa may- atnesraty with which the
of the overflow.
watching nnd knocking, they should Mrs. Gcerec C. Bates Entcrtaifved Bat-j
.... ,md*>« la Michigan. sdvocatss bto Uieoriee supported by^ The report of the I
help each other. Thai cuniiiiuoliy
urday Aft.rncoo'
d* display bring ooUeclad by
___ ____
i»n. i
1 experienco and kaow^ waa road and showed Ibat tbe heatUg apirit was the test assets tbs'i a <-iiy
OnckaiiiB J rt'D.
'ary oI tha Board ot Trada la ledge of -aaUoaal and I
.. ihe ferenoon. at said probate effioa.
lU in alt tbe buildings U In first
r* lirorgi' (> Hates gsM sn liifuicould have.
te and U tewuby appolaled tor bear­
-fifiitWaar MfiBiiiant and adTralns arrive at Traverse
afialra. can not bat command the re­ class condlUon.
ICS sill] ihiiiiUle iHirt) Saturila' a. D„ i0:SC a. m. and
p. m.
bin rislton to thla ragtoa spect of the people of tbe coantry.
M. B. Holley gave Ugures to show
An eetlmatc wss read froiu
It to fnrlher ordered, tbal peblic
aftemuou. The istrlors were ilt-cu
O. RtELY. <}. P. ■
what bad been done Ibis eeasou at the
V thereof te givee by pubHeartoa
rated wUb roses, cosluus and srierw
It la this pbaae to the charnctw of Traverse CHy Iron Works giving
bureau of l&fonuaUon. and bow It has
copy of this order, for three wePresident ipli that makes him popa- their Bguree ax approximately
Tbe-^-ulor acteiDc In the dl.ning nxm.
WWllCdwGted. SOUtf cenlvu weeks pyevtoue lo aaM day or
sMaan^ by tha l■lare«
tar and which inspires the oonAdeace lor tbe work of iDatalllBg the
In Qie. Grand
Mhna tba oaurpriae that thily hare
ever went Into. He surely to ' .v|yHerald. B newspaper printed aad rtrof ^e people. It to hto Intagrtty. ducU and tons for the venillatlou ot
m'lt Mtmmrr to deaUe tbe aim
tbe two basemeni rooms In the t>n- SlaUsUcal.'' for be bad at hto tougue's
culau-d In uid county.
lto'‘baiUlag oriidaaUy ptaand wmt Mtpi Mararter and abIHtlee which
mass of Ogures that were won­
The out-ofiown guests were .MIssj»“C UIOD€ SfOlT, irSV'
Judge of Probate.
UK%mu derided to aktend the Um staso him as a aafe man for riilet
I^e board anlhortoed the purchase derful and a surprise to those who had MaiAenrie. Putnam. Oniarlo; Mr> tCTSC City*
Step! i!: i:i
<C )M art haU fnm MxTS faet to axacaUre. He has been tried
no Idea of the vast amount of work
Boufllitou. Ft Sberblau. Ill Mis* Mop
been no experi- of a load of dry cedar hlndUng wood
aiOH Braa tU^ net expacted to
(or each of (ho acGool buHdings at that had been done, nor the import- kina, Cassoiolls. Ml.l. . .Mis, PrUri ^^ -----t
eMgli for fntats years, aad
BUre of UtJs'Une ol work
the rate .of ll per cord.
rteU: Boston. Mas* Mr* l\>le. Kala
M bant ao that have been clearly drawn and hto opFrank EenUck emphasised the fact masoo. .Mich . .Mrs l.uclur Psli-lilii
Clerk Glllls made a report showing
poritioo WiU be.frott
he ahlarged by 1
that the lum of g2‘,162.96 had been that tbe hotels and boarding houses Sldnaw. Mich . .Mr, Hilton ami daugh­
pragmaalveM^lay-daelgB on rither side. Tbe diAlio go^ Fruit Lggc) oo take or baj.
We oely ebarje •
received from taxoe and epponioued should te asked to serve more buue ter. Kailit-rln.-. ol ls». .V.igi-li-s, ( ul ;
altdetermlaed to
commimiQB when we tend a ctntoiDer, to you are free lo an il
grown trull. Not only do ite truveUng
the tUSorent sriwol funds,
poealbH and it
report cm the eondlllDn of the schools public want them, but the teioc iieeplo
youratJf at any hinc.
Let i» diow you oar Frwii Tice jakea.
li thair driOre that <ht tafr this year as tte chief Issue. The campaign at tbe preeent Ume wae n<«:.elved from as well, and ll would be ouc of the
•ty tor ita^. Tbe aeUefUig has begVB early aad premtoee exdtoTyler audrread st the boat advertlseinetitB to have our spleuA Dreadful gigftt
■tat between now and the natl
dttee bars had apleDdM
FAIR OAKS NURSERY CO.. Traverse City. Mich.
lo II J Hariiuiii, of Freewllc .S \ .
meeUng. Ail the dopaniueut* were dld fruit served 'in thto way.
la aSOag tlMeta la adraaoa. tha re- cahveatloii.
wa, ih>- fever-sorr that had pisgip-d
8hor( addressm were also uiadc !•> hi* life for year. In ,piic <■( many
aad ebeerfnl.
J J Shier. John Asbtuii suu uilicrs
retiisdlrs he tned At tost he ummI
wlafi that the people ot the
s Ainica Salve and wrote
About a year ago there wga m
An opiiurtuiilty was then given lur liurkh'ii
Mty are la ayvpathy with t
'It ha, Ciiliicl' hi-ali-d wilh scarcely
Tbe reelgaatloii of Ralph W'. Tbacktalk UcuUy About orgaatoing a eoid
those who wished to become uicml>i-is a .-car left
PWMat aad ais wlUlag to pash
IM-ato Hum*. Hoik. Kr- was read and accepted. Ur. Thack­
aieraca oeappay.
and several gave In tbelr BamcK, wblle lenu. Cuts. Bruises, gwellli
mugs >
$$. U piMsihta. the laaaaswe
er has accepted another posItloB
and llles like mo«c.
Oi.I.v I.
aereral more said tbev would
( JripU the dreauuea ofa sah- for tha atoraga ot fntlL At that Ume greatly Increaaed salary and
all1 Trmver*<'■
< Ity Drug Store*
MIM Ust to pay expMM and thla
of the board thought R ad­
nicetlogs te held n«utarl>.
pM he uwamry If the paUle
visable to release him front bto con­
Te«tli Extracted AtoolatcArrangenieDts are being made
M Aa ootdlal sap^ which U al- B»6st extenalve fTUli growen in eaub- tract tor the prteeat year
ly WintwEt PiRle
bold a similar meeUng in the Thlr.i
ir MWSlfeetad. aad with this sap- ilshtng each a |4ant » this cliy. Up to
Ry tho "Ka-olar“ mathod 1 rau re
ward next wyok and In the Fourth t>i«
ttJl^lheeMK, the otlean aad dl- this Ume aothlBg definlu has been
move ibo-se aching teeth ahsoiutely
PlavMlm they can preaeat a fair
without |«ID. and without toe use o(
all the member* and anyone n
. -filLhe Mt only a credit to the
drugs to produi-e uncon*ciou,n««a.
and the moat excoUeai crop of osrtair
People of nervous temterwment and
the city's Welfare w ill be held I
lUtl fiiU l^rsrse Oly, hat to
Praatdant Day of Develepment fiure
wllli weak bcarti alll ai'preciale the
Tstietlee ot fnlt has
' Dear taturv
m*Mt by maUng exhil
Has Raiaad fiema Prim FniiL
'Ka-otor ' method ut paiulcss extracneed ot each cold storage fadlltlw.
pTpiMea which are
County Cemmlssiener of the Poor
Four Bletigfaelmer apples from the
• Otvk Trareree regloa
for an extenalve orchard of D 11. Day. preeldeni of the K. I) Marvlu turned into the coun-.y tod-I'd Wilbelm Block, with Hr Hold»
AUaag^ the coaatry.
Wurth. Trs'crte ('tty, Hicbiean
cold storage piaaL tbe
Western Michigan Detelopmeoi
which be n
apr 13-lucs tbur* G
trait caltare la thto Immediate eectloa
sbipmeot of
, amde torn pies and four die
■wiihisUag a growing or aiqAe sance. These apples grew
^11 wu derided to eaUhUsh as
fruit grown on the ixmoty torni Tbr
sod pennaaeat barsan of need. Writ known -frail growers hare yoaag stock «« Mr. Day's farm
total amoat lor tbe year will te te
in Trarerse t'lty aader stated that asch an
Glea Harea. aad were of exceptional tween two and three hundred dollsry
Otte Fanlly
. . I of the Beard of Trade, be * direct beorilt. apd If •
else and aaBaaal qaaUty. Tbe total whk-h is guod Interest un tbe original
B wooW taka tbe matter
was to Bake a eoart* of lalarfeimm of the tour anountt
tavestiuent of tl.ItHi wIikCi ws* paid
h ta a strict aaase ol the term
. It to probable
for ibd lai-w
Round Tnp
n the bcadonarters tee
that It wcmM melee the euftoraei
• of Ihlr
of the Beard of Trade and of the faraters aad fraH growen.
I Berk
tceti Ihchee aud a
. Thta purFor Bome Ume past pragreSsIve fruit lawnd.
■•WliB base m^jm****
to a gr
growers have been propurlag exhibits
Prerident Day hopes te Bod enongii
IGb aUUoo.
M dina and the boreaa ot t*i
lator- tor the aUle aad other fairs aad other apptoa ot tffto variety and site la hit
mors than made gomi a. displays are In coarao of preperaUoa. orrhard to fill a bos (or the several
WANTED^Good. sound work bor^P Wfcr lyrt ot the aecrstaiy has There are InsaflrieH toritliles la fair axhi^H- xriteh the baraae to pro wcighlag l.;i0.ln l-KKt lbs. Apply at
this city tor prepar storage aad pro­
'. Tbe Gk>beDepi Store
ag this fan.
daalgaed. however, ducers hsve beea compeUedito
Sept 1; H
Ticket* Good go Day*.
hdtsaa ahoaU beeeme a their prodaca to Grand RapMs, De
NM a Ward Of Goendsl
S|>eclal iruir. leave, Umud Rapid*

UtM ac the prodttcts ot trott and other piacee to bs kept treah
at - lo a ni Ten day* stopover
lUl Uw Uaaa «d ^Afhit Thto to
Ikaneaa rscka. hat la the
at Clevrtoad 00 retern t«ri of Hef
Klagg New
___ at Kcwadla or call Bell ______
■fiaa of eveats. K developed peaaiTa aad toeofivaalaBt. A loc«i __ ___________<str«d her tf nlmlliiaii
fate tkket*. «'rtte C. S Rogrra,
W. M. Huai. Kewsdte. MIeh.
Geaaral Agent Paaseaser Ueimrialw right ta tee plaat would rndve aa Importaai proh- kidney trouble ao4 Gtatle hm ieel Uka
Sept, i 4m»ihsr»4t*
meat. Grand Rapid*. Mich., lor taa aaw.womaB.“ Baay. but sare remedy
—^ «e tllw BaaiH of Trade.
WWle some fruits bars baaa a faO<’«wqw‘T Ftebt 4 Cr-t* Sin-.-i*
Mea. Oaly tSc at all Ttaeecae Ctiy
work. Good wages (tanall
potot of lim-: Bte this year, ethen have been exteaMra. U F. TItaa.


iil Tnmie ienld

nmverse City
Stale Bank

tSSm IAN.' ot tte trnutm *t

anhHiWnik 3,N0

SqitoK Btal AodtoMcr



Beirt nu>



mmm A





....... -

. -~




Wash Day

SMEinus Vim




Lake Shore

TDESBAT. imma m.

• '

Now is the lime lo prepare for win­
ter washing by equipping yourself with one
^our benclt or tub wringers. They con­
tain the best rubber and material all the
way thru. A washing machine would save
much rubbing and keep the hatKk out o(
the water part of the time. See our line
of boilers and wash tubs.



.PAGE a. ^


nieniary to CUffeid MoO. wbo teavaa ;tn the hM. and as iberv were but ri* Lacy Kelley, who iro>-* euaa to en ter* hw the ileiwniag yoBBg tadWd.
to take up hoerdcal tiaudng arork
tan-Tear thw Bomber will lev Notre Itensc srbool. aad Mias aad each gaewt rroporod eoMe fthle
prohahiy he ^fSeteat lor the ees Gladys WHUaBs. wbo goes to Ml* ante to be read whilp they are troxeiin New TorlL- HBde wm a feMve
tbe er'anlng- light refreehmenu were
mg. Mlsare Kelirv aad
Tbo Ortpa Weeo l^nd oe Lteebor
Froak ZHka. Jr. aged 21. dud at aouH COkmy. Marshall, to teach doaerred.
:We arteace In one of tbe srhoots were e«<;h prraeoted w;tU a bn uf
Plla MettOey aMroJns.'
The artIbH of tbo Woatero Mrehi- hi* borne sav Third street, about h
K-beon was aervwi
The orcasHid was to ante train let rowdy
gan Uevekxraenl buieau at Ibe Kala o'clock ihi* merawg after • ahon ill
Meoday Boraiof boo aolUMoa i
peas of tubrnulusia. Hr Ireve* a Is
(air craawd a great deal of
fouDd OB a IBBber tdio at the ptaat
tereat among tM peofJe In attend
or raldwoB # Loodoc aod arofo taken
apee. as many dtd not roatlxa that sislerv Misses C^srloUe and Anas
ttarar of by PairolBBO Schorider
toch Use fruit could be rwlaed in ihe all of whom rrstde In tbe vuy Th»
who foeiid upon tareeUsailBd tbnt
Good erhlMta are also being f-ineral serv ices « 01 be held from the
am ooo*. •“
• •
ptanned for the fairs at Oraad Rapids home SBB’Uy aiirrueoe at S.»> Honal
ttoir fbtrtooB booltli tat otreofUt. they bad been prted open on the enda
by eoBeooa who eliber atole tben
Tn-tboB. Bvorr botUotocaona'
aad CadUlac. as well as the Michigan will take place in tbe famib lot a'
bo oottoTr. Onlr Me Bt an Ttb«
(oliBd them where they had been left
Stale fair at DettelL
Orac atom.
hr tbetr owoer. Toe caeee were
•Henry voohrea bcinga to the Herald
Tha box that >a kept in the peatel
locked and In .InreeUxatinf their eoeflee corridor b> tbe SalvatloD Armv uone very Bae ajsertmrae
teou they were aeerly rnlMdWBDM grope. These ace almil^.m receive public
contahwd waa a lot of old elolbea
color to the Delewaro grope hut lm« brokee Into and rolibed last
and a packaxe Of lettern addreaaed
elte and'dlgerrat m flavor Ttio fsotueone
a* evidently hard
to W. L Wheelock. who la erldently WHAT HE THINK! OF THE WEST. sre used largely -tn Franew lor making pressed lor funds This Is tbe *ec«o<'
" la tbo BtaUrr of tbo Botote ol AaroB the owner of tbe property aad a IqbLadies’ and Mlucs’
time that this box has been toache-l
Orotto. Waab.. Aug. :<■ Hit w'jne BBd nre rnre In this rcgkm.
KotooA deeeooM.
her woeda worker who probably laI will give >00 a brief outline of
he small ebange that ii caBtaiae-l
NoUeo !• berobr atrea that foar teedad to take eotne train oat ot town
my trorela alnce I left borne and tell tbe Hotel Derby in Gra^ RnUda. has Tbe htmian microbe wbo would d<
auetbs from the Ittb dor of StptonbOT. A. D. l»n. hoTo bora Blloacd for but loot them in tbe ahnfde. The.'- you what I think of this oon»r>
rold out bis Interests and will na»e such a deed ought to be disrmcrei'
•adilon to aroMBt tbeir daiow nre belnx held at police beadqnanert
One whole year and three monib* to Traverse City, where he will con- and dealt with acrordingly. but do fa:
* I mid dooeoBM to Mid court for their owner.
ago the twraty-aeenod of thla m
duct the J^ro Manjnette eating be has managed 19 cover'up bis track:
It was that I left home Durint; tbai home. He will move bis famUy here ic a manner that left him a rWsr neh:
_it bJ] (TodltorB or Mid docoBBOd are
req^rad to pradeat ihHr cUlnu to
I lime I bare been to tbe foltowioe and will beglD bnlnrss In about two for bts etto-ape.
aald court. B( tbe probate offlra. In the
I man and cities' Uackioa* rur. Mar- weeka
Hammond Wataoa. agad 42. died at
dttr of TraToroe Oiy. In hM eountj.
queue. SldnaB'. Onionagon and (Jreen
Mr. and Mro. A J. Lardia of East bin home In Malul ai an earh boui
OT or batoo tbo IStb day ot Janaarr.
» to ba Moot tMCcaaa or Michigan: Pemblnc, Wisconsin: Si Front street eolenained Saturday .Sacurds' slier nxyre iht
A. D. Iblt aad that aald dalma alU
ful Evar HeW in the
^ in tlx
M beard by aald court oa Moadar. the
Paul aad Minneapolis of MlDOeaMa. evening In honor of Ibeir guest Miss .•rlllness Mr \VslD«.n had
lUtb day at daaaary. A D.. Wt. at tee
Fargo. North Dakota. Rllllnga and Csrrle ('utter of (liirago. There were vlclnliy mab) year* and was kno*c
A'deeh la the rorenoon.
Buite. Monuna: 'Spokane. Seattle. T> tweniy-flve gtw^ preaent aad (he and liked by neighbors for miie>
Dalod Septraiber 7th. A. D, WU.
Olympia. Aberdeen. ENereu. evening was pleasantly apeiu with around He leave* a .widow and one
at SiiltoM Bay on Septet
Jndsa or Probate,
Burlington. Sedro ' Valley, i.yman. cards and manic. Supper »us served child. -No defrnlte arrangement* h;ivt>, n. !4 and great prepamiona are Hamilton. Concrwie and Belllogbaig.
aasd It, la. », o« ».
at 10:30 and. the balance of the Gme i yet been made for the luoearl.
of Waablngton; Vaneourer aod .New was paxaed with varlons kinda of soThe Western Michigan Oevciepmant
eatiDinater. B r. Canada
bureau will make an ribihli at the
flU diversioe.
Ten mootbs I put in at Green oo'
+he manr frienda Of Will KIrohner Csdillai isir this uia-k i-uosIsiiiji: uI
e banka of Lake Superior about gill be agrerabl) aurpriaed to learn
glass Jsi* of selei-ted fruit. If (■oxseven mile* weat of Ontonagon. EIgh: of hl» marriage of Mlaa lAWTence of e* of appler and 12ti photugrapb* of
months of that time I was Oring s lo­ Boyne (Hr, whirb occurred at Charle­ w-enes taken from aciusi life in west
ern .Michigan In ad-llllon. :.ihK) mags
comotive and braking on a woekMraln voix.
ifor the Oreanwood i.«mber Co.
There wiiifae « apecial train on the sines will be distributed anions tf-c
On the sixth of April, last. I left <: R g I t-Yiday. on arommi of Trav­ visiloo at the exhlbil
Onionagon for ihe West. Uy brother, erse I'ity Day at tbe Cadillac Fair
Nine baskets of appiee ware rc('kab came with me. We landed
leaving this city at 7:40 a. m.. airir- celve.1 b> the drvelowmeni biiresu
Seaule the ninth. Tbe next d^- we ign at Cadillac at 10 a. w. Tbe train from \ortbpuri Jiaturday
mnncSboa ii Deeded
tbH ie •uaD».
amllion. where we botb will leave Cadillac at e:4>i p. m. will be packed here tor exhibit at the
struck a )ob and went to work In
vhm jrm expect jur hmbutd. ne or dragbta to ^xod nore
reaching here at litiS p m. The!
The various
woodL My brother. I gueas. la still morning' train will rouneci with .i| LA. Crayraoa. a former rgaidant of
tbne with yo«—k n mere neremry to bd|b«eD np the room a
there, at lean he was when I t
special from -Maocelona at Walton
jthl* Hn. son of Mr. an.l Mrs. Allen
beard from him
Afier about I
Mrs. A
-- about .'tirai
ihuiB’tpdBs widi Dew wtB paper, cartuDd, dmp«i, isgi.
.Mk-tiigan lloulevard hranv!)
Almost complete by larce shipments last
weeks 1 left that place and took
thirty old'tlm^ friend* and nelghhoiwlof
cerpdi.i«e. Oppeaaitiee swsk yog a Tbe B« State. wb«
travelling tor a while. Tben I went at her home Friday afternoon compli. •"
the linnoeU Bros mu^lc
week and today from New Vork^tbe fashion
work In a bridee and building meniarv 10 Jdr* J. W. Hilmo of Isx* boii-e In Deiroll.
tfw bat of goedi we ofered at greedy ndoced priced, e few of
gang oa tbe Great Northern Railroad. Angeles. Mrs. I'rank Hamilton gave a
A blue print has bean praparo^
:rouU‘l* anil an building for
There I worked for two months and couple of delightful readings from the fair mu
Authentic styles, hlfhest values, to he
elMi days. Sundays Inclualie Thei modern aiuhoi* and Roy Wait enter- the conve^u.e of those wbo de«'t
found here always at prices the lowest for snch
quit tbe railroad and went ti tsined with several seleiilon- on ihe xia-e at the lair 10 be held.tbe Uv
|Wc.-k In ihi* aiomh .kppllcaiicn* (or
Seaule hnd stayed there for a week Idaho.
and then went over south of Tsroi
Charles Lindtiay died at hi* borne »l«*'v m the art building and priviiegt
and worked fnat a day and a half oi
In Willlimstnitg early y.-«tHrds« itini-ession* hbould »>e sent to E. ('
Our fittings in the same competent hands
Brnmadf-DJittAtt...-............... ......................
big irriguton dam and power bouse. iDc^log. at the age ol
vesrs The Hilling* chairman of tho uviuimitiee
as heretofore Is a guarantee of satisfaction.
t».MH-Two A W WMlIl 20c 10 $1 boB...l*eio««
Then back\e Seaule Tbe mxi
funeral will be held Wedoe«0av f-vim 1 Mr*. H. 8. Mull, eornar Washington
rutted tbe United Stales i
le church SI Williamsburg siitl bu- snd Wellingtoti ,ireel->. gave a dellgblyards at Bremlngton—Hfiy cent fare
I sill be III Ihe Wlinjniel.urg lem,- lul sltcrnoou party Thumls.' foi Mr*
for $1 to $5 p« ncaprid K. ii....._XIc I. S1.M
Ihl'on I’t 1.’- .kneele*. «l|0 SI 6O1
id trip from Seattle. Tbe next
I went to tbe employment offlre.
Mrs. E. L. EOwsrut etrtertgined at I'Uie wa. s reMdeni -( th;« .ii> Mem
twught a }ob and shipped up here to I'lncheon at her home cm Wel-ier tmi-* 01
Ho.'* K-new . :r.|. set,
20c told Z5c itoiton
DOW to......... ...........................ISe
Jrouo amongst the Cascade uou->- Street ye*iorda> alleriKK'n in Imnci
j.ue*'‘ end --'’e c.i iti, x »si iik-a^tiri3ScFq«.|Gil,to>wto............................................ Me
alna. where we c*n see snow and lee WlKs Kathrntie Hilton oi U.» Angclf- o! the artern-K.ii
.eie-ul rcrdinm
every day, alibougb I have a pretty rover* were laid .for *lx
fiotii noled <>:ner* In
Mr, K.i.n;.
fair lob. The end of roy travels
County Clerk Elmer E. White ha* Hamilton .M-ut .iii.-rr Udie* were
During my travels. I have eenalnlv received hi* aitiiual eup(il' of di-er present
••0 some great sights aod acenen. liceuses frum tbe sisie and mill b< 1 MIm Batte Hannen antartained at
157 E. i=ront St., Traverse City
tat were well worth my while, ea- prepared to acctunniodsic all Ih- her home on Waehinsioii *irt-ie la*PfCially on my trip from the Hast aportsmen «ho appi' There are ::Tr- ecenmK 11 s Inr.-toell '’luirty (n- Mi*.
Thu. loo. U a grand country, but I
don't tike its wlntevw. It is a steady
contlntMua rain for about »lx months.
I guen IbU will be all—or At least
enough—so I will close with beat re
gards to yon aod to ail.
• wm $1 pa iait.

M* N«^ to Stop Woffc.
' WkM yov doctor ordort yov^
' jto» vortc.
yoo ow. Too koo« too oro >«ok.
run^ovs uttf tolUoc to hopltfu dor
fej' dor. Ml 3M Biwt work *■
ytm COB lUBd. «*boi r«M oood U
Stoetric Bnien to s>re toMu otroark.
obO vt«or-4» yvir wmob. to preroot
MMkdooB oM bnUd you a*. Doot
M ««*. MMr or mtas «Mii ,' trte nttoro vfD brnm you fitn

StnTCttE ifflBY

betaf made by tbe oncero aod oobBittoea tn ebarte of the event. There
wfll.M B iparial tralB eerrlce to aod
from Trareine rity dBrlnp (wo da>-«
ot the c«rnl. The exhibit* wUt be
larger tbaa ueual ibla year and all
the aralkahle apace will be filM wltb
the prodorte of tbe cranty. .The
achoeda will he chwed on one of tbe
dara no that, the children can rtah
tbe fair and learn more abont the
qrcee of their aaUve eounty One
of (he apecial mturea lor two of
;daya will be baaeball game* between
teanta from Buttooa Bar. Elk Rapidand ProreiDODt. Preaidenc I.athef
aiel Secretary Wiae are ooLklag erery
effort to make the event an (fajoyable
one' for all wbo atlettd.

Barney ^

New Fall Display of



A Cozy Home

Sweaters and Furnlsbings


WM Paper

Yoars for Correct Dress,.

............................. «•«

jE Barney^


Special Drive

Lace Cartaiat, Curtam Neti, Draperies. Etc.
VocUpitoe--------$2JS Ctotab. to.


$5.00, $7.00 AND $9.00
That Sold Last Winter for $10 to $15

William OaHing. Moterman. May Du
—goth Legs'Droksn and (ntartial Injuiias Received.

^Floor Coverings
smd. BmhdUc
Tes Breadd Ri« 8-3x11. Ooered Red.
__Redaced freai $1830 to....................
Tee BnMieb Rug 9x12, t


Rtoteod Wwib to'. .3.T.3....... $14.00

WaRdif Smell RnodUe Rug. 9il2.pUto don ««l iw.-


. . $20.00


bto. ndoctol to die totoml p^._................. 99C
VOmu, Anlitrn tod BtobBrotoli d°t«

GraVdrStiacti Prices to qtke enoi
IniDe coir ml ornfatoUc wUi tbrntoU edia domd^
bcDK iontoliim to bebmd elwDrt cD bcod to TbeBe Suc&

Traveroe Qty

Ordl&ally you’d sever ttud ni olterlog Mea*« Clothes al uboul qnor
ter to bull oil at Ihe very start of the etolhes selUag seasou, hut CXIHA*
ORDINARY clrcumsfaaces demaad EXTRAORDINARY aelloa. We*re
lag out ol Ihe Mca’s aoth«ug Busluess—Over M per cent, ot our Mea's
Soil Btoek has atre^y beea closed out aud uew all Overcoats carried
over from last wtatcr go oa sale at WIND-UP SALE PRICES. They’re aU
ol good adalerlals aud are well made. They’re worth regular prfees~>
every one ol them. Bui we must dispose of them before real wtuter
weather sets lu. Only about 60 altogether. Come qnlch It you waul a

i Of lOl* city^wrr,
aarioaalr Injnrud and a* many roorv
wera ihaken up and brnl»c«1 lo a rraraad oyllUioD at Tbompaon * crossing.
mils and a half east of Fniltiion, on
tbe Muskegon lotrrurbau at 7: 2f>
elock tost night. WUliam Darling,
motorman of the No. Z. which ran id
No 10. bad botb legs broken, be
aide* receiving Intenial injuries, and
probably dying In Harkley bot-pital
Na 10 bad Just stopped to let os'*
paaaeoger. Sliding a. few fret pa»t
the croaslng. the iMBoriiian started H
backing up. At this point the secomi
came into sight and before Par
ling could apply the brakes the crash
came. The second car telescoped the
car nearly Its entire length, and prac
tically every- person on board was le
lured. Both car* stuck to the rail*
aad after tbe Brat shock was over ibr
less tajniwd crept (rom the floor
where they bad been thrown by ihv
impart aod Immedtaiely started to
work to relieve those In more »erlou*

Mra. Csoris O- Batsa antartaiitad
' gucsta at loacheon and bridge yes
terdaj nfiernoon In boimr of Miss
Unry Fnlrtanks. Milwaukee. WIs.
C. E. Smith, davalspmam btFraaiT
bortlenItBrtat. has secitred aome ex
ceHent apples from the orchard of
Loroa Pearce of Cflllet Lake for eihlbl
Ilea at the (all (air* (hat are being
nmde by the boreau.
Utmla Ssarreiaa and Matar. Mias
Ode Besrdslsa. eatartalnsd a com
paay o( fiienda at thdr hoM oa Qm
wood aruM InB •vealnc. campli


Special Prices on Boys’ and Youths’ Overcoats—and Suits
*4 OvcrcMta at *2.8*

$6 OvercMto at $3.8$

$&50 Overcoats at $4.80


Men’s Salts
pv i«r $12.M and
9 • nivutacs.

A ins •c2Ss4‘





Sale of Boys’Salts-Eattrc SlacR Reduced
64 Sails at
$S Salts at

^Men’s Suits

lor 61$ and

umiji lit

vm> m J>| I.,.

m *rac safl tvrM mrtwM pm.' 'MW via mdu

earen^'Utbt >#-i i1<ers- Marqaetta. CMcaffa R Alton.
rwtiwntf w Mrm la tb*^tmtak|
ms R Texas and Uw
room, vkero plak roam waro am «a
mDtoa tituyum Tailthe tald^ Mn. fnSk. OarteA-. tU- roads; gteo was paid to tbe Herald
' «t tbe brUte. vu-nrtstreM at carp- afld Beeord csopaiay for fbo &.0M
boektits. MW to BHmniblsBadiiite rdaUvea of tbe coa- Biwl tor tba -MW tndt bW -agriealtraetiac partlao.
taril booWata that ara btoat MK
Honaaaakars' tinb. »bo ba4 charga dt MW tor tba boBAng «r tbs toma
(ba •erriacl aa2 ckaM ftioads of tbe
te tbero was tbe aalbrtda -oomberiac la all aboat fletr. ariM-Wtbe Becretary aad Ms assistrero ibe oalr' tMtta
ant aad tbe vartoas inrideatilv, At
Dr. aaa Mn. Hiat toft tbto nenlas the Usn^tbe aeoey was ftm rabad
o 8t. timro wero aevand of tbe sataeeribers
make . ttwlr who euted that U toe sum wm ralsad
M.We tost they Woald double
Both tbe rooag people hare apant
tbe greater part of tbalr Uree la T»t» has been eontribated. hot there
etm CttT aad bare alvart baeo
reamias bow gilO to be raised, and It
b^rbd In tbe promlaenl aoclal d
U abaoluteiy necessary to have tote
Dr. Han* baa latelr gradoated from aaMBBt by toe ISto of toe moatb to
tbe medical departawnt of tbe Hisaad baa prereD nc- Tbe committee Is ealttng on the people
eesefnl In bU cbomn profeaalon
today, and if there are any wbe would
Promlneat among tbe manr gifts like to aid In this good work whom
were piecee of Daan and allverwarc the eecreury might aot-be <ble to eee.
from frioda aad reUiiree la Scotland, ff they will call up toe office tbelr geoIMliMd. hi
neat br tboaa vbo ooaU not atieod eroatty will be taken ear* of. There
___ ^__ tbe eereamtiea
•ome who do not feel able to do
iWMitKRMt u itaM to tike
The ont'Of'tovn gneau were Mr. and much, bat any anoaat wiu be most
Mra. 3 M. London. Ormnd fUiddt. and toaakfnllr received, for every doUar
<r. aad Un. Jaidc Broadfood of lo- bMpa. and ihv city will be benefited in
ly ways.

U yd*

»UfaciiMiflintart ^ ■
C, P~,l-

and Mra. Wot. Loudon
Wedneeday Evening.

t- i

Tbe wedding of MUa Jnaale London
abd Or. WOlard J. Haaa otSL LooU.
Ho.. aoB of Vr. bad Mra. E. J. Hada of
tUa city', wbicb ooenrred at the home
. of the bride's paiwnta, Mr. and Mra
Mrm. be«Mioa.6MnnbsireM.>WadMA
day avenla'g was one of the prettiest
ei tbe aaa^. aad tbe flrw of tbe earbr aatanla weddings to oeenr la tba
<lly. w*De every delpli----------------•Itli peffect' sjmpHdty. it was. ne»af«
tbeleaa one of the weddings that will,
lOBC be noMBbered by those who attodBed.' Rev. JL & MaeOmer of tbe
Rm Methodist cbondi penwowd tba
eerataony. ntlag tbe Impreaalvo ring
eoramoDy-ln^ll. PrompUy at 7:Mthe
pastor lad tba way from tbe m
•e^ to tba Urlag room. Uklag
piaea bMOra a baMt of ferns


tatad tbe entire daeoratlOM of tbe
tpMB with tbe aoeptimiAl a few almtfla booqoatt of pink and white eoa-'
M. IHm tea Miller, aetlag as maid
of honor, accompartod by Frad
to^. ooi^n ortbe gnmta. as bast
.tnaa. followed Rev. lUdtfragar ttto
0» roon; aod dlreetly following tbem
sMe tbe greoinl fbe bride entered
last on the arm of her father, her apiMbcb baiw ggaonacod by.Ue atralM
of tba bridal eborns from Lohengrin's
eraddiag marob. pUyed by Mias Ida
JMn Baas was p baanUfa] bride In
of white oapa da eblne
Plif tfpUy an trala aad cartylag a
:;pW%faet of sweet pass. In her
Is ^ good lack omaa of the Sobteh
paotfa Bach owmbw of tba waddlag
party wore a sprig at tbe bsaiber.
vMeh Mr. and Mra. London brought
with them tbU somawr on their retara from Scotlaad. their aaUva bmne.
MiM MIDer wore white chiffon over

^ -nnM~atr MM. 6 <>»-«.

her achoM wort 'Oi lM High aWo6).
J. fOtta. who hM bhM toorktag M
Lsdaag nr B: BMwa. cam* ' botoe
Ft May.

Uxzle Ryker weal to Bast Lalaad
Moaday. to take ap hpe acbnol work
tor toe yaar.~
Mr. aad Mra W. AWIcy. who baa
■ea vtndag frleada Rare, leiaiaid
I tbelr bcMs in'TraverM GRy. Mentoy.
A. Chaaee of TrnveiM city, u
worklag tor A J. Mtolte.
Mr. bad Mra. BStcitt of Dpiaad. lad,
bald aerrieas la tbs
Saaday moratag and eveatog.
Rato PrMeb baa laalgbed her posltlca as night oparator la,..tbe a
tetepbena office and went Monday
TptiUKL to attend school. kO^hy
Ftabcr la now night operator'
WtaalfrsSl gnUtvaa went to Tpallanti Monday, to ettead ecbool.
Sebooi commenced her Tt
monilng with Mr. Qalnp of BM Rap­
ids. taaeber In toe Onmmar depenamnt sad Mias Oalbroath of Traverse
Oty. nacber la toa Prtmary
Mrs. P. Totten aad Mra A. Flaber
and little daughter Ludle. veat Toex10 the aoutb pan of the state on
a two we^ visit with frieads tnd
Alma Hills went m Traverse City,
Tuesday. ,
C. DsVIs of Bnrdlckviile
through town Tueaday. on hla 'way
to Orand Rapids to attend tbe State
Mr and Mrs. TunnelL who have
been staying at BurdtokrllU tbrough
the summer, moved to Traverse City,
The following ii the list of those Tnesday.
C. King sad Mr. WlllUmsoa of Em­
pire. who spent Labor day at Traverse City, passed tbrtmgh town Tues­
day morning oo tbelr way bom#




r. C. Buck, accompaated by
grudson Ue Wsyae. who have been
vimting here for some time, left Priday for GUdstone. Mr. Back will viaii
at hit Map's theer before murnlng.
Wm. f. klsy arrleefl Ttaursday for
10.00 a shon ^Islt with bis daughter. Mca.
Chat. Eaton, on bU way home from
toe national Q. A. A encampment
Bechetter, S’. T
Mra Leon Brown and two eblldrev
of Traverse City spent Sunday with
Iriends here.
Mra Caroline Taylor and Mrs Hat
tie Hosale arrived borne Monday from
a vtsli at Grand Ledge.
Mrs. Mae Hanson rwtanied to Trav­
erse City after a visit with relatives
here and st Bates.
Miss ..Nora HIttler came from Dorr
last Saturday nlgbt. preparatory to re­
suming her work as teacher bere.
NlBSM Tbelma and Ooria Taylor vie
Ited friends bere last week.
Mias Ruby Roblaaon of Elk Rapids
was toe guMi of bliss Vers Vtnton
MR waek.
Ur. and Mrs. Harrison Vinton spent
couple of days at tbe Vioiou borne
lau week.
Mr. and Mra Chat Eaton attended
toe ruray-'^rrlerv' picnic at Suttoni
Bay .Monday.
There will be a farewell rhlckeo pi?
aoclal at (be town ball next Tbursda.v
to belp pt) tbe pastor’s aalary
J. A. Becker, wbo baa been oper­
ator bere for some time, left yesterday
tor hte bonW%t Kalamaioo. He te
needed by sfv. Paine;'
Master Robert Gain, wbo has been
speadlng part of tbe summer altt
gisikdfsiber near Grand aRplds. re­
turned borne Monday.
Bar. 8 A. P- RMkes has purchased
horse and boggy.
Mfts Cora PlersoD. kindergarten
tMCher In toe 'Oak Park school
Tesv^ City, and MIm Edna ;
Wetoy, third grade teacher at i
Mate school, were tbe gucets of Mr.
and Mrs. 8 M I^rry last Trlday and
.Mra-'Perrj ScoBeU vlstied ai Hrawn
last week.
,sept. K

i&i I

tam«. aslhnyteis

ThU Is the dmm^^l^Ui^yrar wheayoa




♦ ' gOOTHWtffT'LOrtQ'

Roto 7o'Mr. aiid'Mrs.'JnllUs Durxa.
Sept 1. a daughter. Cora Erelyo.
School becaB In ibis district Tues
day. Sept. S. wlib Mr. and Mr> ia>r<l«
aad Mra Clev^to went to Dig lU,e Belding'as teachers.
Ids T^.eml.y. on a few day. visit.
hTIss Pern Cannlen. who has b<«on
Oeo. Halmond and psrty of Ulau-1, at t^ home of her sister. Mrs. Orvai
Page, near Yorest l^ge. fur several
freefca. has rviurned bome to attend
Miss Plella Davis, wbo lias been
her* tor a month s vacwiion. has r^
irned to ber home In Jonesboro. Ind^
Mias L«na Pepper has gone to Edee
wood for a several weeks' sti
Mr and .Mra. 1- W Case and little
daaghler of Traverse City spent Sun­
day Tialilng tbelr brother. Eugene
Case, ud family, bere.
Mr. and Mra. Albert Harbuck. wbo
spent a couple of weeks In tbe Marllnek cottage, has returned to Trmv
erne City.
Mr. aad Mr*. Horace Chase
Levering tor a few days visit with
tbelr son. who resides there
Henry Ba'chileben has Improved i:
appearance ol the building recest
l-ut Sip on bis rowort bulMing with
coat of paint.
Bugeoe Caae aad Joseph Hartau
with tbalr families and gWsU from
Ohio, agaat Monday pknicktog aad
fitotog at Mad ia^ whara ajtood'




kdbected to the sworn Statemmt of this bank mcaiiea> fay*

"■ ^ '* !
J The following comparative figures show the wondesful growdi •
{ of this bank duraig the p^ five yean, the tesuk of public oonfi- j
♦ deuce in this bstitu^, the oldest, faigest and stioiigest faai^ in t
I Northern Michigan.
Scat 1st, uii
; Lmrs
Sl.iM.694.76 $1.6M,5SS.1»

ife Ml;5l




I to know that
!t wm be 1
tbe wmR of the bureau of Information
Ur eicaads the greatest cspectatlons
of the promoters. Tbe romtnlUee of
publicity that sras appointed by the
board of trade to kxdt hfter tbe tbnds
that were lalaad at the two Wg boost­
er' meeuags. told their plans along en­ nett week;
tirely different lines than had ever
I. hand fnioi U«l enempbeen attempted before, and in many
ways It was an experijaeat; but the
14m was ao ortgibal that di met wttb
from the very sUrt. and the
renlu that are being abowii now
plaee Trarerw City way to tbe tnait
and not only are
Traverse City SUte Bank
ibe larger cities of tbe state, bat other
states as well are pUmtfag to MIew
theee same Ideas In tbe near fntnre.
Tbe vartooa real eatato firms say
that tbera bu bean moia aetlrhy la
tbelr line in tbe laat two moatbs thaa
la tbe year prerioua all of wbicb they
iraee to tbe.worh of this office and
the defelopment borean.
to tbe tost few months an the avail­
able bomes that are tor rent of tbe
better Clines are being occupied by
peo|de who are coming here |o live
because of the added adrantagn at
tbe city aad the neanees to tbe tnUt
tanas that muy oTthem are pnrehaatag; their bttdhtloB bavlag beea called
thb way by-'ihe aalgftt~Mttpalgn cd
advartialag that hM nude Traverse
City tamoos from maar-etaadpotots. Bare are a -few ftgaree that are latereeUng; la the few months there
have bean over coe tbeosand to«ttlr1,es
from twenty-eeven different staiea'sll
of which bsve received a personal let­
ter with all the Utaratars that the Of­ Sherman R Hunter ....................
fice has Issued: ».7dh booklets bsve
bm givea ont; 144T totters have
written. S.d»9 people bare caUed
at the office. LOM telephone calls
1410 pieces of
mail received. •! pieces have been
tiled throat tbe troe emplermeat bu
besMea tbe bnadreds of ques­
tions that have been answered every
Of the mpaey that was paerously
oontribtued at the booster meeting.


i wm cAi^ATtmim |


The Traverse Qly State Bank



i'un^turo and flxit.rcs ...........................
Du, from hink, tn


■........................... " “S




ToUi ...............................


t at tbe a
trala aad glvan a
hearty weicoma
Tburadar evealag Mrs. J
given a tia aad granite abowar. ti^l
efreshmeau were aeired.
Mra. C. Ross of Travarse CHy was
the guest of Mra. MIHoa Harr a tow
dsya. retarnlag bonne Moaday.
Mr. Max or Ktagsler ta'ia towa iWs
w(*k InaRtai a car of apwlaa
Miss Beth Bracken left for AltegM.
Mich., Friday, where she will atteM
high m^hool.
Ur aad Mra HvTtaoa Haro wMt
to Traverae City Raaday to aitMd Mr.
Say’s totwraL
Ur. aad Mra Mihoa Haro. Mra.
Bracken. May Mrlatoeh. Mra C. Rosa,
Mr aad Mra D. Grant Hess aad moth­
er aad Mrs. .V. C Stamp all want to
Barley to attend tbe fuaeraJ of tbs
late Mra G. A Brigham Baaday.
Mr. and Mrs Toto-Brayioa o< TraV■ae CUy vlsliad Orawa triaada SoR^day.
Uaitia Attllp want to Traverae Ctty
OB buaiaeaa Twaday.
Mr. HIU Is baying pMstoaa bare Uila
I Mra Mlltea Karr went' to IgUR
■bicbea Tnesday to tsaeb toe toll
cl sebooL

. ' :;w

ToUl .....................................................


State of Mlchlgaih County of Grand Traverse—ss

■hown bk the book* ol the bank.

.uuo, * k.,,™

,Mv commission expires June t.

fonect attest —

ime was bad by all. A ftne iwicb of
ilsb was secured.
Mrs. M. Balo of New York nt«. who
has been sfieDdlng tbe summer at <bc
bnnic of ber brother. Ellswonh Hal
lead, of this place, baa gone lo TraN
erse City for the winter In order ibai
two little daughters ma> attend
school there
Mr and Mrs \V H Riley and Mr
and Mrs Nelron Pei>per and daughter
Della, wiih tbelr guests. Mr and Mrs
Oeo. Strlokfaden. went to Senhiawants one -lav last s-eek. where they
enjovKi a |il>nlc dinner and a
wHh tbelr daughters
Mr. and Mrs J \1 Carmen an
lenalnnlg Iheir mother. Mi«. A. J. Carnilen. a sister. Mrs Melvin Miller,
and brother. Ben Carmlen. and wife.
SOD Kenneth, all of Bristol. Ind
very severe elcvirlral siorm ilslled ibis rirlnlly Tuesdat evening Vo
damage has U-en reiwricl cxr-c-|,lew washouts in the toad around i
lake shore
Mr and Mrs Cha« Hartman
Wauseon. U . are making a flftcvn
days' tisti sjili los-'pli Hartman

A tamlly rounlon was held Sunda.'
the home ol Frank Sayers in honor
of bis broiber George Say. rs There
Hoe dinner
serve!, after v-Mch the crowd
treated to waie-meVn Then they bad
their plctuie which will be
souvenir Mr and Mrs. Sayers,
also Eugeue Foster, furuttt
Sue tnusk. Tbe crowd consisted of
Prank Sayerw and wife. A Svers and
family of Klngile). George Savers of
New York John Cady of OreHlckvllle.*
Leonard Citanlagbam of Mayfield.
Herb Bayera of Eaat Paraillae. A'ama
Foster it Hodga. Myrou Caaala^am
aad alMar LOa dt Hodga, WUard Cva-

nlngbam of Maldeld. Lener Sayers
and famiiv of iUIgbis Siding. John. Pernall and famll' of East Paradise, and
Paul Bayers, father aud grandfather
of tbem all A time that will nevebe forgotten was qnyoyed by tbem all
George Sayers left Monday for his
home In New York He was called
here two wreks>wgo by the death of
his mother, Mrs Paul Ayer« whom hr

Mrs. Miilbewk W.^»0{Wd to Traverso City.
Sept. I

I Miss Marion Gibbs attewded toe anntsl aortbern Michigan Olivet rally at

home ai'Prvnkfort f
Mra S'aat'ervort aad dmaghtar. Mtes
Veda, spent Baturday to Travoroa
Mr aad Mra W. K. CMa. wbe bavR
beer tpnd'ng tbe anmmar eamptag
at Arbutu lake, iwturnod BatarRay to
tbelr borne at NaabvIUa.
Mine Floreac* Hackman apaat Saa­
day wlib Mlaa DorU James.
Mr. end Mrs Georgs Steward and
dangbiera railed at tbe boaw of Mr.
and Mrs. W. P Jackaon Saaday.
Mrs. rpdegro*e reiurned to tbelr
bone la Chicago Monday
Joe Scott went to Traverse City
ivni Urkert returned TbarSday
from tbe bospliBl at Big Raplda wterc
be onder.went an oi-crailoe for appeodIritis
HI* daughter. Miss IJDIe, la
with him.
The Mayfield s< bool opened again
Monde.* With MISS Mabel Walter of
T-a*erse I'liy as teacher.
S<-p' »

' CRA^N.

■ Dr. and Mrs Mills and tab' -i
Boon. Mich . were tbe guest*
Jones and famll.v .Sunday fctoroing
borne Monday arromian..-rt i- ih. . jbe Benile. Leelanau and Manistee
dotior a mother who baa bceii visit
Bural Letter Carriera' aiaoclatng ber daugbicf, Mra Jones
^ ^ Thoin,»on»111e on Labor
The Misses Ruby and l^ln llruwn ;,iay. with nine carrier* and their wives
ol Toronio arc guc*t* of xir* Kail
ipicseni On sfouni of late traiaa
Prof Hensley ol Tra'crwc Ciiy w,» ■ some who enacted to arrive taOed to
th- giie.t of l>r < lark'last Saturday make ronnetton* AfUf a honatirul
and ».!' give an entertainment In theidinner i.rov..l.;d by tbe M. E Ladles'
hail Thurs.liv night
society, the afternoon waa si»-nl
Ij.ile flail Toner is sick wiili rhejln IWslBCwa aiwl diicnwlng matter, of
interest to rural earrierw. It was
Mr, Gilbert of Battle Creek. Muh . voted to bold tbelr next oveedag at Co■.t viming H <'.ilt.ert aud family
pemUh TTie following officers wero
Mile* Stafford trasasrted business j elected for ibe coming year; Praslin Traverse City Tuesday.
-> Pwka, foperolwh; itee prertThe M.sses Margaret Mclnioah aud [dent. R. W. Devereaux. Honor; aroIjlia, Da'ison went to Traverse cii.* jrotary-ireasarer. G W BelL TbompMondav lo afend the PblUlm B'ckler jaonvllle. H A Ebman was elected
wedding, returning boisic Wedneeday [delegate to tbe
The fall term of acboo! suned Mon-1 b*ld «eit year 1 PUDtiac. E P. Brimly with Mias Dreacber of CrawB and nwf alternate,
Mima McManus of Traverse CTij ss | Charles Bradley of A’bltabouse. O,
[wbo arrived at Platts L*he e« Ttroeand Mrs Tanner of Wayland. •lay. was suddenly taken lU with apUleb are vititlu Mr AdlHcb and peodiritU. Ha waa removed (e (be
lamtiy mis week.
rqsideace of Dr. E. J. C. Eltte and a
A party of
by Or.
LOW, ■
< by Dr. Gerald eimenda
O. arvivad Priday to
(be Oo«R Lake r«aon.
Mr*. Mary Knimm wraa a Travt
aty eaJler Tnroday.
wome ebarga aa prtoripal of toa ■
Howard Aadernoa arrived bi
Borsa CHy Higb acbool aaotoar yaar. ^
Wedaeaday with bis brida. Ttay *
»«»L •






Mn. Mlamle 0«ck«r ud acm. Bea■la. «r l>«Ui«kc7. W»» tan tau Ttatlar tar broUMT. Jmto mUips.
la^lr. m«n«4 borne Tbantar.
lira. MaoMi of Reed Otr li a loeet
*rf Mra D A OerwU.
Mta UMle Morrtt of Yaiee to bea^IDC «ttb OntaM Bluoae aa4 talBi
■ to ertwol‘
Bner Bataell ol Bactall a»vW la­
te taws tte Br« of tbe veck.
ton. Uar Cbeabro mad tore. Msrr

WlBiere of Yaiee were la toRB oa bta Oaik aiuadod a MrtiMtor part» for
IKS. Saai Orvca. Ttar rotmt
iaeas itoadar.
tore. Ollre BoUoo a»d ctaUdrea etoMce. Booe aad daashier. Vbe. re^ ' Mr. aad Mra. Oaaiaa Sai^ of 0»
Itad Meota al DoaOoa ee»ei»l taye
toraed Uoaday fton a Ttoit with bura w«a taap*** caOan Taasday.
laet week. Mr. aad Mra. Qaorga Cook of^Soatk
Mie. Joba HoJtoad to eatertolala* trlaadi at Tranroe CKy aad KlagB'
Oraat an calllac ae ralaUvas at Barbrotbor. Ton Wood.
I naJiw
Ralph eiBKoe
etaibu -naoc
made a eeaiBeae
baalaeae trip dkAvlUa aad Osboni this weak.
toa-. to Hoaer
Hotoor Wedaeeday.
tore. Nettle Daarflle aad bob of MeMra. Joseph Aibri(bt to very sick at
riUa an rleltliic her pareau. Mr. aad L Aire. Paaale Heiitam of Potuoaa wae IM. wrlUa*.
Mra. Win Mooa. aad other ratine |%tillac oa friendi ia tows WbdaeeCbeatar Lake of Pooana was caUand frieode tbie week.
lag oa frieadB at Baipin Uu week.
lira. Alta Brlnuaer attended lodte
Mtee AUce BaaUat of Noribea>i
Tbe lataat taeghtar of Mr. ead Mn
at N’eaeea City Saturday .
Cleon to atteadlai acbo^ tare.
wm Laptaia was baried Moadar aftMra r. M. <Meaaoa aad Mra- Willi Sept. %
Tbe Bnoks mudea was largel) atleaded Satardar. tbtee beiag about so
07 70 of tbetr relativei i>r«Mat A
bountiful dinner was nerved beaeetb
tbe thade of tbe old aptde trees wbicb
Grandpa Brook. Mt out eme IS years

SBoravc Of
New Fall Merchandise
Everything it now in readiness for your fall shopping. Stocks
are cointJete and ate larger than ever.
Tbe great variety and the excellence of the merchandise to­
gether widi low prices we are making makes it an especidly desirable place to do your fall and winter shoppng.
You will find the following lines ready for your inspection.
Coats, Suits, Purs

Dress Goods, Trimmings, Silks
(Mhb Root.) .

Underwear and Hosiery
(Mui Floof, £X Aiile.)


Blankets, Outings',
Ginghams, Flanelettb
(Mm FW. Wat Aile)

Waists, Petticoats, Etc.
~ - (M^ Floor. Ce&ter Ai le)

Carpets, Draperies, Curtains



Store open Fiiday nhtnooiwMnU HoU.ys om.


Satarday eveolag u aoaor of Miss
Marant rnteaaa of gtk RapUs.
Mn. WIU Johaaoa to .*».rt.iBiBg
Albert BaaqulM aad Ralph Rktard>a eatertalaed wftb a nanhMUow
roa« Baaday afterwooa.
Mtoa Bva MeMaaas to teaching the
Primarj rooai jit Grawn.
Frank Hoard rUlted at the McMaa>es laei weekMr. Cbesair to ealeftalalag bis
Miss Idxsle Zoulek has returned
bone after .orklng for Mrs. Will Bnory.
Mr* Cha*. Garland, .bo underwent
a serious operetloii la Traverse Ouj
last Thursday u doing nicety
Ultle Rub) Dons was quiu- stek
last seek.
.Mr. and Mrs Cbas lUIberg and
family of Traverse CUy apeal Suaday
sUh Oscar Dons and family.
Win Blgbee to s urking for Bert Gar­

Keswick. Sept. A.—Fred Jeora died
last Sunday. -Sepc 3. at the booM of
Fr^ Bebn. where be bad taade bit
Itetl Uarflvicl. 8ept. »—Tbe aiarhouie for a number of yeara. Fred rtage of 8. f Brice w Miss Margaret
Jeom was bom in OermsD). May I.
was solemnised by C. A Km
iKS:;. and cam to tbU country when a
iusUce of the peace and fa­
young man. setUlng In Hamllion, Can. ther of Ue bride, test eveDiag al tbe
where be was married to Wllbelmlna bom of the bride’s parenu to UarRevold. and later cam to Leelanau neld township, i' It Perkeit aotl .Mtes
eouDiy, where be was one of tbe pio­ Bessie Kmersoa acted as best man
neers 3nd settled on a farm in Blag- and maid ol bunor.
imm township. After bis wife’s death
Tbe luarrtoge was a quiet affair,
six yean ago ba aiAd bit farm and
w-itb none but tbe Immedaise relatives
since then baa made hto bomr wlib
l>reseat. It was the wish of Mtos Mar
reluUves and frtobda He die>l si tbr Eurei that ber father should lie the
age of 76 yean i monitas ami : •! »
leaving one daailiter. Mn. ktnu.. j -Mrs. Brice wa^bora In Grand Trav­
Sebroeder. aad six ciaadebUdrcD to erse count), where she baa always
mourn bis loss. Kit wife, a son and
lived, and Mr. Brice's birthplace was
daughter preceded blm to tbe realms
In ladlaaa. They will make ibelr bom
aboU. Tbe funenl was held at the In Lanstag. wbere Mr. Brice bas a
cliurcb Tuesday morning. Rev. 8.
good posIllOD in the ileo automobile
Moeller officiating. Tbe remains were
works Tbe best wishes of the comlaid In tbe family lot In tbe Uingbam muniiy siteud them In their new
township cemtery.


Arible. Aug. 7.—Archie Lyons. Jr,
lust a row one day last week
S<-hool reopened Tuesuay w^tb Miss
Hattie Sriiell as toacber.
Mr. and Mn. John Wluudl of Tru>
erne City spew Sunday and Monday
Fred) .S'etsou and faiull)
.Mr. and Mn. Janies Kllniurry K|ieni
Bunday with their daughter. Jirs. Guy
Tompkins, of Old Mission
Rena Garland spent Salunls) uiid
Bunday with Mrs. .Mbcn Counude si
toast Be.'. Mr. and Mrs RoU-ri Gailand and iloberl went after l.ei 8uu
The MUsea McMauos .-iiU-ilalm-,!
with a com and niarsliuiallow ruaM



MaU-l, Mich, 8<-pt. T.-The auuual
faiull) reuiiloD of the Bray 's was held
ul tiu- rcridt-m-o of A. S I’ray. Sal
urday, Bi-pi.
I»|| There were forly-iwo Rui-sih present
TUom.- fmw
away being Gi-orge Pra) and family,
Olid Will Pn» and faiull]
At I3:3e
a bountiful dinner waa served which
c'.-i > OIK- preeeDi neanil> enjoyed. A
IjusiiK-r* luvettiig w-«s held and ufftcen
(-l«-eied to look after and make
nniKenK-m* ter the n-uiiloii auMber

Mrs. Henry Pehl was brougni to
lUi.v Bank liu»|iilul 'e>u-rdu> suffering
with lypbeld 'le\n,


Nni-!.!' '

(RhMI'M 11,01 K
B«tr ia mia4 that a gasTko*
tee of atHiUftioto ia the best
Maanncc ef-tka right sort of

aea wftb everr mk of Creaceat
Ftouf, aad toeladea both bread and paatry
WTileb means that yoar bafatiga most ALWAYS b*
right or your money refunded by -the grocer from
whpm you purchased. <
Orutd lUpida. Mich.

at dinner last week Mr. and' Mrs. tJnu
♦ fteeu of Brawley. CaUf, Wm. Oort ol
Cedar.-M. C. Cate and Mra. J. W.
Bolon. Sept, k.—8. B Cate lust lour Dlckerman. Mr. Cork to U snd Mr.
)wa as a reauU of IlgbtaUig last Fri­ Ctoln S3 years oU.
Mr. and Mrs. John Tagcr mde a
day night, and iwo Uaraa were burned
*ltb horses and (attlr. all within a trip to Letend Wednssday. Tlsey exl>ect to go to Vlrglata sboa
tew lew miles.
Mrs. B. B. Cats has two aleeos and
Mrs. John Koneii of Milwaukee Is a nephew rMtlag her from the appo*
vlsttlng at ber ratber-ln-tow’s. Jvc KopealBsala.
Mrs. Margaret White and Maggie
Mrs J. W. Dtckeratan aiicadad Po­ mu of Ohio are v tolling relaUvws In
mona grange at tolk l^n Wednesday this nelgbberbood.
retomed U> ber bom at Solon
Frank Bugal. our mfl mrrler. teM
OB Thursday.
be married next Monday moralag al
Mrs. .\. W. Herrington eatsrUlned the laadore church.

Your Interest at Stake

TryaBaacaaERc coavtacai.
For sale by aU dkalcra.

Traverse City, flichigan

Five Big Days—Sept. 25, 26, 27, 28,29
September 37 will be Cadillac and Traverse City
^ptembe^ 39 will be Children’s Day. On Child­
ren’s Day every Student in the Grand Traverse
‘ Region holding a ticket will be admitted free.
Tickets may be secured of school teachers.

FAST HORSE RACES—Liberal purses are offered
for a series of speeding contests, to last three
days. This is the first time in many years that
Traverse City has offered first class horse races.
Elaborate Program of Athletic Sports and other
forms of Amusement.


riusic by the bands every day.


Every farmer, fruitgrower and all others are in­
vited to attend this Fair and ASSIST IN BOOST­

Norljhero AMchigffn.


If You have not yet secured a Premium List, apply to the Secretary.

H. B. Mdiitagfue, seey.


Robert Barney, Pres.

4«a M« Im4 w *• «K M t«>T
Ovt o»U> the gnM they etepped,
Mad ««1M V to Mtother «MOr how
UheM. ‘tioocraphy.'' Lacy huac
bhdi while the elf opened a ponder,
on. dior and beckoned her to foDow.
sow l-«y didat ■«« to be n«hBut.ot;-.he crt«l u«.
it eoented to her Uat
-------- lerfBl pine from whhA mLmM riew the entlra worW.
Great faln^ ocnan. etreiobed

t-Mw weiii
Vouni POP- •nnpM


♦ een end make aveiyboey nappy ^ .... __ _
^ dt-fv dh I dpn.


ahotee. or rockboond coaeu. or ice
locked harbora. Bbe coold aee tho .-

J e»«y Belni thing.
H 1 over Wl In tfrlng «e de •
♦.tneea things • -d« Tr,. «y ♦
♦ e*al«i"
, ♦

♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•"♦♦♦
Organlaad Doeembar A 1M>
PmaWem>d«iaa Clam Betea.
Plrat Vim Pmaldenl-Mfa. Mabel
•ctaa willlafna.
•eeend Vice Rm.ldtn»-M«. Irane
Rpnwmy dMetde.
. A. L.

« « *1^*^ th^ngb the branc^.
She wa. .till for no kmc that a chipaaillDS rn>in coDtlo«o»k
acro« the nmd and ^
‘coS he” tSr
ran op beaMe her.
-Hellor be aaid. eoddenly. .ItUnc
8^, caofht cUmpee. of .trance
up on hU hatmehe.. “Where did yon
mterctln* people In far laodr.
eone fromr
clapped her band., and cried
Now yoo tuy well luacinr (hat out In delKhi.
Lucy waa aurprlted to bear bl»
-Ob, dear elf.' .be aaM. I warn : >
.peak, and ehe healuied In amaiederful pUcem. Take me wlU you.
“|_i------• .be be«an.
-Ayel Aye! “ mliakked the cbl^
The eli lauebod. "II.' Ha! Ho!
•That I.
..o!“ and kicked up btt beeU and
a*er!“ And he wblaked hi. tall In
diarxL and r«, op a tree, ohatier
Norabee of membem helenflng Sep- insl&C miioua. 'Th.i't what .chool :«
dembar 1. igi1, MULucy Imard I low cbttckie and look- ,
Don't you know. I^cy Make Be­
NtHPbar «f nwMa on the Cradle «d about her. There od a (aatbery lieve. that all iheM- ihinc* are Unit
Mall Saptentbar 1. ttll, 1,105.
sulk of goidenrod waa a funny Uule
of yonr Geoprapby
man In a black and yellow coat of
-nini.aoBe*" waut a ball

Nun uu W wind.
. luo Na. B.1W.. ..d n- .r. pre..d'-yUlo. rci tdmbIM
Ail. TlblUN. p~l»d/. KU». .v™. UudlM lUi POP u. b.ppr !»<..«.
. ..ui M u,Muired -d ..u
aaat by Martan Weatbrook.
you have followed tha advice of that buaini out of aUbt
----------- “lC.Don»r"-^t the beli oncName aant by Miaa ina Bpragaa.
“Wy name lan t Uicy Make Be„meraA un her ««bonl
Zaa Blgalow and Albert Wrtght ileva." eald tbe litUa girl, half cning. books that bad fallen among
■wkarXretA Mich. Name, sent by -And 1 gueta 111 go u acbool now."
grasses, and ran down tbe road.
-Very well, come along." aald the
“Ping dong!" aonnded the final tap
HaMsa So%Q«iiat. HatUe SHnon. elf. flitting down beside her. “But of the bell as Lacy, a lltUe fluabol
lOrsaft^^^ Hugh fcadtord. .lobB you're loo big and awkward tor any
broathloea look her seaL
Bm«D«<!fClafaiMe ParraU, and An- school In Fblryland.- And he aprbng
. dnw M'erte, Bew Lake, Mkh.. R. F. wUb a ftmny'btiMlng nolae almoat Inq,.

D.Kd,l. ie»dhu.l»(ll.ap.Do.. tthUJUd,
' '
Marie Bopa. Bw
No. L Naaui

TTdP. «ud--


Lucy gasped and abut her eyee' Bwer. "And I like to go to acbool"
Quickly. IS'ben abe opened
tbare wa. tbe eW aUndlag Imalde her
bbldlng bar baaA and. (wb« do yon
nfe Lake. Mich,. R. F. D. Na 2.
euppoee?! l-ocy waa no Uggar than
Aug. 24. isii
Dear ProAdeniTbe moee on the log waa like a
i thought I would write a few lines
' jeJnehins poems.
ttoksk green eaipei Into which they m you. school wlU aurt Monday,
Oan^ Give 4ip.
sank aimoet up to tbetr knees, and ud I am jtiad. i
t tried and bare aet won,
Lucy eoiu loot her breath for Uugb- « poea. I received the cerda and
Xprir nop for crytag; •
lag when tbe elf pnUod her with him bquons Jor my brother, and slater,
M tkafa gnat abd food M doas
’ 'ian by patient trying.
be a steep blHstde.
(Hem. It made me very happy to
It was a doeer setoool booae to seat my letter In the paper My als^^boagb ymuw Wrda. to flytag tpU.
whlch be led her! A brown acbool ter Jeonk. my brother Ford, aod I
BtBl tbatr fkmm stow atroagw;
booae. oddly shaped, and with a algo vent berrying yeetorday. and got two
Aad the next lime they can keep
00 ibo high, narrow door. -Wblte> Qaam. We aaw a yelkw jachei'N
» lUOe kmgw.
ArHbmeUc." L*cy road. Aad sure neai.^'Md one muag me. 1 cannot
enoo^. It waa a UU book ataadlng think ^ any more to wHte. so win
'I%o' tbe Aordy dak baa knowa
among tbe graasea.
Many a bUm that bowed bar.
“Onpe ln.r aald tba alf. “T^ ia
Your Bunl^am.
. Sbe bps Hsaa agaU aad grows .
one of tba school roomt."
Grade Craft.
Loftier aad praoder. “Bot I don't like arithmelle.- aald
how curlou. and IntereaiUg
' Lacy,
yellow iacket'a neau are. But the
If tor eav work yea beaL
Whs tba mote wUl prtaa yool
oarer tried to get aequaUted with
Oatolng rletory from datasL
your Menda"
Empire. Mich.. R. F D. No i
Tbafa the test that ules you.
He led Lucy to a asat “Sow watch
boi si.
. -Pboabo Cary.
sotae magic." be wbiapered.
Aug 2S*. ui!
Owd Cwepany.
aad colled “AttwiUon. • NumehUA!
as I have not w ritten a truer (or
-nj Try!" la a aoldHn
about face! Mar<*!“ Abd tie stutahlne page In a kt^ Ume i
*1 wmt" la a klag:
epddealy la at the door, like well will do eo now. l am well and hope
Ba Bare ttohy are naar
trained aoMlen oame a myriad of ^ uqh all the Soobeanu are the
mun (be achooltoella i
BUM creatuiea. etran^ly tamUlar to ,*n»e. . My acbool will start a weei
Laey. In cbmpanlea of tan.
from today I win be very glad wbeu
Wbon at^ooMayt aie ow.
, The elf bad them nndor perfect coo- u.«ana u 1 like to go to acbool The
Aad boys are oua.
TH Try!" and T Will!"
m*. i mink you must have mlsunArc pood Mends then.
—BMlgkia TetaOoope. they marched and countermarched, doiwtood me when I spoke aboui my
esocBlod Intrknie manoeurert, and uephew. It U Dewain Blabop.
PRSIOENTS followed hU directlona In perfect or- foined the Sunshine Club, but did n»VISIT.
get his card and button
You seui
row PrealdeDt baa sat at her desk
-it looks caay. doesn't itr amid (jc ^e a Cradle Roll card for Mm Well,
for Obe whole boor, Saaabtnera; thinkto imer...“Suppose you i^-tbem.~ g, Q,y letter la geitlng long I wi>i
Ing. thlnglng. thinking about you boye
i^icy waa delighted aod eager to do,* fur ,i,i, umc. l am as c»er
and glrla. .who pre busy In the echool teke- command, ao atoe sprang up wnd your tovii}* Suoabiner.
noma, haay ia.the homco. and happy grasped tbe aira potnter In her band.
winck Gc-enhoo
eveiTwherc. She felt ao InterMled
Three times twelve are thlrty-fltr"
Thai was certainly a ftinn.v misiakc.
In yob. and eo glad beeaaaa yoo were abe cmlled. and a Ultle troop whirled
Dewain aball have bis card and
■•Mhineia thht aho oobm pretty Into PoMUda.
hearty fWsetUng that abe waa aupBut oh. aUa. for Lucy! There in

peood to be wrUIng a Soasblna ^’IsH. one corner waa a tiny creature JumpWaiiin. Mt,u
Saddaoty abe looked at tbe eloekand ing up and dowo and crying, and the
Aug 2u I9il
dtsoemed tao^ long aha. bad baea pretty march' was spoiled enUraly Dear PrcoldeDt—
tor lack of a single figure
j have not written for a long tlnu"Well. ^i:~ she aald to beioalf,
Tbe elf looked grave. -Tn
It | bare my card and pin yet School
"this Is AMnsny thing to-do! Here I agala." aald be. Three Umce twelve will begin Monday and I will be glad
have wasted ebty afnites Juet being are ttartyabt."
I was eleven yeara old Aufu»t Ji»t.
glad!- Then bbe basan to write. . -ni mke eometfaing easy thla Ume."
From vour little Sunbeam.
jMraUk. scratch, with her peb. as ihoughi Lbq to beraeir.
Agnes Noatylc
test as sbe could, and U a trtoe tbia
“Five and eight are fourtceu." sbe
wbo will be >«ur teacher tbl« .ves'^'
BuMblae Btary was doM.
And cbai are your studies?
Oboe bpon a Ume'lhare was a fit- toatantly a terrible commotion arose
named Lucy. Sbe waa a among tbe figures. An odd one waa
- Fife l.,akc. Mich.
Mute girt, with brown hair, trying to force his way into the grou!i.
and eyes ao blao and so bright ttot poshing andI shoving, and dlatnrblng Dear Prewldeoi—
yub ttooagbt of a akyfni of Btara when- all the rwt.
1 read the Suorhinc iciicr* and I
evw yon looked at her.
“Horrible!" groaned the e». “What «B,oy them very much
I want -o
Btt lAKT didnt like to go to echoo): are yoa thinking abouL Lucy? Fire uk If yon will allow me to be a
didn't. Waant that odd?
and eight are thirteen. You are dla- Bomber of the Sunshine flub I am
Wb* the bell rang her Ifqtber tied organising the army. Doot yon aix yeara oM and am in ihe aecoo 1
•n her inning pink wiabotael. kiss- know they are for yonr own use and grade. I have one pel. It la a little
ed ttoa bptnmad taea. and salA "Good- protecUon? When you tarn them kluea. Please*eod me a card aM
IV. 'Lucy. Be a good girt"
topay tarry in this fashion you are button
Bbr Mnmn'a amne and Um aeem- npt to he harmed.Ptem.
«d to Uaey ]aat Uke a UtUe push that
The tears etreamed dowa Lucs''*
Dorothy Morrt*.
SaMbi toae aurt. So Ae skippety tec*. “Ob, Fm so 'abamaA'* Ac
indeed you tus} be a Sunbeam H
B®RPe4. uMjpaty-bopped
down tbe cried. “1 thought Aey were fust in owkee me happy to think ibai jo-j
road and beyemd the lure.
« borried book!"
wieb to join the Sunahlne flui.
ftit (he father away abe got from
The IMurea crowded around Uhey.
the »Ue and tha klsa, Ae harder h -We are In a book, but we are erervPeabodr Kana
waatego. Sooa the aUpplag alowad where ^a. ioo.“ th«r aald. “We
Sept • isu
to a wait and Ae walk to a loiter. . wooM like to hotp you. Lucy, but we Dear PresidentON A.I .
to It w..;
toto nxluto U,. U tot ,o
A. I WT. .« -rttto,' f . to.
How Ao 11 I Maw ctap^ togeth- by amne and leU na esA our pUea.’ ume 1 UtouAt 1 would write jwp-a
•r »a* CahT cymbals. The cuidea________
I want
.to play with you. aad I few UnM and ask you to aettd ^ a
rod and asters nodded lo Lucy, and wiU lean how.“ aaU Lucy,
i frtead Who
daaesd «a tbetr •
A Mg bamMe ly.
to >3tB Ae Sunahlne OA. HA name
baa bhiMlirad by. aad a betatod oriThem w» win help you wbemerer u Aha Tlbbena. Sbe M else yeara
. «M vbMtod. "Star hen-!! Stay Merer you enti apeu wa." they anM. and aod- oU. We have five linie klttMie. and


t M ame« year. oU. wpu.
Tear tahhtal SoMbiper:
Mariea Weetbrook.
Tbe oU 4oc BM emr to yoa Ilki real frtead. Ii he teo old to play?

BABt to him. -Writ aay ttma .roa
' I don't cai*. I'm Mt ioMg to
aaxate bar aU day!' A UA blfcarif
iOM aeemad ia naed of any aereiee decide to. tet me kaow."
la bwvvtwr u Jeraar Uly Mr. Bowen Impatloatly. But A coaid aw holp
be ceold give after eebooi aad Saturdaya.
hA act tallA to sMe Ar orofa}
out to oA wAt tA baby was
Thera sA ut trylA >Uk
Bo It was that oe that Septbmhar grooming- Fto 0 momam A .a. Mlant SA then -dAA ahroptly; “I ve a »*kward Unge-r* to MH her opooia «P
■ leading hk caU Chau
had goo« ap tbe Uae wbtcb ran past Anch of cow, I dM think of laklv
Bear Uke. MIeb.. K. T. O. No. I.
tA UiOe browa booae. aad on the big to tbe Oottiity Fair, wrok after aii. Uwaya did.
Sept. 2. 1911 atone nn^ tbe shadow of the ptnm bui I Avnt (be Ume to get them np
Rob began to saA. sA a waywanl
Dear Prwideot—
ireoa Us brave young aoal bad yielded into goA Aape. wA Ad abool givte dimple propA oat la bla rosy cAek.
I .n a Sunablner. hot bare ,not to the great auige of dUcouragemeot n np Do you think yoo roold make
“Uftle raaea!" be aaM.
ttnt aA
writtea before. I hare eevee uanie* ud bliieriieoa Chat awept it. Sot tat them shine aa amooUi as yonr calf jo*i'tbe eouat Why!- Ill go ova
for the Merry Worker.' SiUMbioe (At mother was right
Mother was hoesT'^
kbd aurpriae brr'"
nub. They are: Helen. Boderqulat. already worUag Ayood Ac atreogth
ttauncey a fate brtgbienA. “’R'bat.
Aby Marian was quite rwAy to wolHanic SlnMO. Marcam Werle. Hapb to keep up tA borne. aA there waa tboae prwttv Jeraoya of youra* I A. coow At dear big brotAr. aA crowd
Bradford. John Bradford. rUrebce tbe rent SA tbe (oA bA the tu-l Ave I couM—anyway I d like to try." and UckA aad clappA bor AAa to
Parmt. ud Andraw Werk. And I (or tbe comtA winter. Look at it aa
•All rubl. lAn. Give Ai a ffrai•“ *<»
have two nirncn Cbr the Cradle Roll, he would, he could aee ao olAr wa.«
.Ito .bto .« I II
,o. to U, — V"*
>«>» ■"
alao: Knaaeil Boaa. and Marie Boa>. At Jeraey IJIy maat A toM
e Ad gatArA up Ua lines spools wA blecA all oat oa tA soft
Fteaae aend the card, and bniiona t« Aw could be let ber go. (be one
1). when he pauaA aA
me I alb twelve yeara old and am thing be Ad ever had lor bla very
I lot which A was
gavb' Tama Uly anolAr critical InId the mvcoCb grade. I hate a half owe—go lolo ttranger Aada to A
iperiioo.' ■
mile lo walk to school I will clote unlOvA. perApi abnsA As be tumI'm DM sure At It mtgbl
B.' »od by be rememArA how he
for Ihta lime, alih lotr to too and cd bis gate to her. aometUng of bfa'^ laA a preniluni at tbe I'air ~
bA ailahA Ibr Aby were older He
troubled feeling aeemA lo penetrate
tbe Sunsblnera
-Do you think no*- CAuncey mA lookA at her. belpleoa aA sweet beber calf loteltlgencc. (or sbe IlftA
tbM a aeroA tAnsbt rome to him— aide bim
ber warm, cmfl muule to bla tSeek.
Ciedya Boas.
lA ecarcity of mowey lu
-idon't denerve a Aby wlwter'' A
I shall watch with iniereat the ud lookA Into hla with Ar gaotle brown Ause. aA A AdAmore sob- [„id blraaelf
“UotAr Afi Marian
prosreaa of the Merry Worker’. Suo Ark eyes, aa If (rylag In ber dumb erly "Ihit I'd Ave to pay to take w„nt A a Aby much tenger. Ayway.
way to say. t would Alp you if I
her. and if she didn't an a premium. | tblnk I'd bettor A ptaking ike moat
could " At leaat ao Oftaoncey nAerwh, r<j loae (At mu.h,'
,tlW I have! her!" Aad A
atoA her and threw bU arma around
-Does sbe leM goA'
was Mr reachA over and gav^TA tab) a hv
ber neck with the SAWer "Vc-a. Uly.
Baiber Creek. Mich.
Boaen s quAllon
.nich lliUe UarUh ratortiA promptly*
Sept. t. 1911. I Aow you would" And with lAl.
•'Ob. yes' WbA we iimvA from liisuug her soft arnm aronA Bab's
for all bla ttalrt.-en years, some warm
Rawson here 1 IA hrr th* tenmile,
|,}ing a loving cAek dgalast
I belong to the Sunshine Club. Chir teartrepa fell on ber shming coat
wllhoui anything. Hie 11 follow almost hi, ,o aAw bow she lovA him.
A be ll:iA b>B bead bto unthink­
aubool begin. Tuoadsy. I am in tbe
UA a dog
carriA her away . to an^ Ibo
flftb grade. 1 bare my card and but­ ing gluce went off across tA ffolds
Then I'll tell you wAt I'll do U
tAk her tor
ton. I (btnk they are very nke. There With a ahun tiiHe aUrt be looAJ 1 take my cow, to tA Fair i Aatl ,
are two chjMren who want to )oln the again. “Mr. Bowen can never have ncA some extra beip lAt day. If
boIAi aald It waa.
Club. Their name* are Zoa *Ulgrlow let iboae cattle into bit young o-will go with me yon may take
ji.^an to have Ar ap
and Albert Wrtght. 1 bav« two link chard," waa bis thought. “Ab_
calf aloog and HI a> (be dollar
"8A'a aneb goA roaiAU). " be watd
thc-y ve broken !h at Ihe corner. (Are exhIblUou fee'
klitena I remain.
bia moiAr. whM lA tab) wta*
coiuca another’ My. but tbey'll do a
A Sunablner.
Nod Chauncey nisbA hack Into (A
atoeping In Ar little whUe bA
lot of Atoage" for be could ace the
Beulah l-:astllck.
Auae. crylA. “DM yon bear wbit '
“If you dm1 aipoct. tw auacb of'
Have you many aciioolmatea this luomeni of losaing beAs. aud fa-uy Mr Bowen said, mother? Wool
Ar.' addA hli mottar vHk a aarila.
terniT Do you Uve lar from tbe M-bool almoat hear the tearing of the leAer work oo tboae cows of hu:“
-Of ennrae. a baby la only a Saby.
linib* t'lAunrvy bA sprung to bla
Tbe day of the Fair came.
feet. At a scow | croasA his face ud Bowen's cows (lUA one of (be long ,8A cu t >Ma In yonr games yeC *
talk aboai yonr acteoL Bai aU that
be ut down again. “I don't know
line ot Aha Cbanacey bA been i
» by aA by.
JoH now.
as It'a uy ol my bwloeas." he mot goA aa bU promise. aA bad waabA '
|»raa, Lily's Premium.
Chauncry paused at Ihc end of the tervd. “Mr. Brown sAppvd
,A broabA and robbod'
laiiv where ll widened Into the paa,.r
mta. mri
tunt and sat down <io ibo big eiooc I aakA bA (it work, ud I heard
wbith lay on (be t-dgv of iht- graat- him tell bl* blrcJ' man that a Rule and pollabA till they aboA like Ivory.

“ AUia umSAr.
Blown depresalou of what had once wblpiver-siiapper like me wouldn't A wA evA their tall. bA be«n braidb en ibc cellar of a long canUbed of auy accouui. AA if I aio't big A and fluSA till ibt-y were almoat
. ^
bouse. It was a pleasaai resting- enough to drive bia cattle oot of mis­ Ilka ff-a. to.Al. Of .An -«k- »|ffrdly ,A. km,. «»f aay w.y a. am.
plarc A langla of plum (rccK. th.- chief; aod wtiaf* more. I don't care loss proud than the owner, himself
^rthirt bappr A baliig aa
anefarc-ked growib of ireea once can*- if they do Hpoll hla orcArd—it Isn't waa CAimcey. aa be Anrt lA favA- ^7^*
tully lenilled. atiaded him from the my fauli ibht hla (enc« iwl Auer.' able comiAma of the paaaera-by wAn
^'Ptombe^r auti. lu the nearby orchard
be IA one of tbe Jerseys thrungb (A
till old trees ed around facing the opposite way
tbe applda on
crowd down into the ring Afore the
^e rlaaa I
l*rtweDily be'iookA aroand again
sereriilceidy showing the InvilaUon
•rmwe between a «
of ruddy cbeeki; behind him Itrrtch- Tbe cattle, all unaeou by their owner, was (bat wbA be again i
I tree, tber AA
b0> aw#erA;
ed a line of woods: before him like
this Ume with bis own Jersey Uly.
L ITM Is coverA with bark, while
1 brown ribbon he could act- (hr roaci the choice young trees. CAnnrt-y'a who AlUer pullA back oo her ba!i-..j-^
B A llBA Witk R’
climbing (be hUU. aod by turning his face workA. Tbe curt refusal be hA er. nor pluogA aod trlA to rnn. vs
brad (hr churcb spire and wbiii- recelvA Ad rut deep into tbe Ay'a did ton. ol tb. bnl ..lltol
bomra of (be not di»iam dllage wrn- bean. aA there was a abarp strug­ conddln.1,
ni. .Id., . ton-llob-l,
lii clew. From that vaulage point on gle tbi-n- agahi-i bl* kt-eu and fresh .nto, to^i™d.r b.«l bnid .. lU
But bia' After nature
the blllride (be view over Held aod reaenimeni
loat dtotod.orpewBe. nplM
rwpviwsi. »«;
- -Tto.
w^iodlaiM) waa a far as well as a fair won the Ay "It isn't right! "Sc aald
It waa almost dark (At aftcniooi)
, -1^^* ^
one. though at that moment be w.ia teraely aioud. "It lu'i a I'd warn *b« . Vbon, tton n.ra.N»
ebUtana to lA pouhry yarl>«*»
glrlng it little brod. A cblpmuak anyone to do by me. I'd always fool bla moibA to
^ istaMWty -ltat »■ ita
scampered along the fence and a meat) to let myself A so mun. Hera. crlA.''*%dy« Jeraey Uly' IN
me\2iail»w FGU.
woodpecker dnuuuied on a dead or Jereey Uly'' And baatlly tying tA lMme!“ and aa A (nroA I
me h «My one!"
cwlf'a n>A to "lie of tA old plum tAre at tar baiter buag tA roralA give
ebard limb without bla uotice
Tbe big llcbmed atune at tbe odge tree*, be set o ffon a run across the blA caA with the woAs. "First
Tbe Blue* wbItowaabA tA Browns
of the old cellar at the bead of tbe Alda.
Premium." "Aud beside the honor ^
alne-lBDlA Sa*ta. aA Ibea to
Early la.iigbi war lalllng when, a lAl UH«ns eight . doiltra In goA
lane was a favorite spot with Cbauntbetr tost toning got one ran. Utah
It was Mr
To It In Hit- past montbo he voice balled Chaunt^y
(A gaoto was IlnlahA. what ttose was
had come again aod again to think Uowen. a bo bad driven up at the gate.
Wblcb tneaba m>ita hew cloibro
Jn« won. Alexander Ultlo ctaaA
oul Ilia platir and <c> dream bla bop<->- 1 want to thank you for drtring for you.- Mid b.s mother.
aud to ll toxls' lie bad brtKigfat bla (.'otile* caltle oui of my yooag o.-rhatiDcv.v shook his beA. “.No. In- w^at time waa It* A Little AIA two.
cArd (bla arieroooii
After all the deA: our bossy la going to fnralab
dlKcoursged aad brace bean.
At lA rlrraa ao export rider todn
For lb the three iiiunlhs Cbauuce' pain* I've sAni on those ireoa I
> tnllk. Yea. I'm (IrA. tea rutalA boraaa rooA tA rtog.
and hla Cldowcd mother had lived h: wouldn't have lAm apollA for a pret­ but I doo't ;mlod ttiai. Mr. Bowen's ,
' What time waa It? OcIa «■ tom
the IKile brown bouse on tbe crosr ty Auny.
cows took mwi /ircmlum. aA what do
"I'm verv gtA I aaw them, waa you think? He-says that I'm ao handy
airc-et in tbe ouiaklna of Brandon,
« far Bofa.
be had learned through reiceatvd ef Cbauorey's uswer. the more hearty .Am (bem.itiai If . I will help him
aem to torgat that
iert that (be inlllB of Ui<- ciiiage held (or Ihc rcmembrani-e of (lie tcaipia- with his chores tbts winter. A will charaett r growra—that ll la b« aoawiion
no place fur an UDeklllcd uuderaltcd
keep Jersey t.lly (or me. sA next thing u put m ready made wHb
It was OU Mr. Ilowen's loAUv lo spring h< win hire me (or tA aes- aomanhoA or manhoA: bat dm fa
bu.r of thlrlec-D. and tbe farmer-c
aroand had arsni need of »ucb work offer btm a money return for tbe a»-r son You wen t have to wash three j,,.
a Utile aA tAr* a yitle.
a» hla Muall arms cxtuld do. (be lea, vice, but BomcUitog In the lad'* tai-e o: four days' a week then " He Au»ed growt wlUi tA vosrtb and atreagthao thai the aeaeon of bugging iiotn r'>iralne«l the words and lie-asid In- and gave a sniff "How goA lAt
,|,b (j,, atreagtb. uniU goA --w
(oe« Ad picking berric-s was psai
supper *UH-Iis' My but I'm hungry " Ad. ll become, almost a coat Of mall.
And Chauncey ro aanted work, no' also for your aiuppiiig to lell my wife
Dropping in tbe doorway for a -m<*i^g ,( , q,,„
busInOM—pTOmp’only for bis own god bit mothpr'r of 11. And where «a* II the’ At m? mem b.- sat ailent
1 keep tbiok r^iuble eonacleiiilooa. Tri clearbaaiBckc. bul for jerwee l.llj- aa well — ViiU li.iil lived Ihe fen-e up lu *u< a lA." be said tbowblfully
Aw ^
energetic When do yoa MPhia pel hla beaut'
For I'bauucv' 2'NHl .;i»iw- Thai I rouldn I l>e aure
tblnga haw vdme sAut siuw th.devriopA ttaae admirable
The -w-ullisest i-orner AA agaiu day I drove I'ollle* cwille out of quaiitiew' Wbea A was a Ay! At
wia not aJunc. Held
-Id be a ropo in 1;
I h*Lin--cy was glaJ — itala Ume (h^i Mr HOwen* orriiard \nd A you us t*-e bow a Ay of ten yeara geu op
r with creauly ak
haod. a Ji
ud fawnllke eyea »a» cropping the he Ad iu;rc--d slid IlftA at Ihe heavy kfx * aiotbw- t ws* »■- mad at h:m
morning. worSa. pUya. atAlea.
rails till ')>■- tireali wa* securely re- fo' iN-ing irv,*» r'., i.,.- slie.i I ask.-d ,,.o
Kbon gra». b' hie 'icli.m ,^i yoa Rut whit klA
Sl\ ttvontb* bclore Ji-iacV l.lly bad psIrA
lilui lor work H,ai I *«s lemptA i
, n,,n
A* ilicy islki-d Jenu-v IJl>. who w-w* real baM lemptA u«i to do it
been a akln.aiid'boDi' lliilr creat-jic.
The boy that U tA late at break
that Parmer iltnea had prooocucivwl had Aeii lir-’wnug about the yard, But I'm glad Aw -I aAuld A glad
,( reboot, aland* a pm*'
only worth lla bide, and wbea Cbauii- hearing ('haumey stouv. catue up any way—(bat I did '
cAnce to A a prompt, man The Ay
cwj offered to giv- three- day*' work and laid her bead on bis arm Mr.
HI* m«Af paused with a t'eainlA,
Dedectx bla dullea, be (hey ewr
aortliig potatoe* for ber be bad a< ik)w.-o was blinweir the owuer of a aavorv dish In h--* bands ' I’m gUd. ^ small, aad (ben evc'use* blmaelf
cepled with the prophecy that Im- Hue bervl of Jerweys. aA bis export WO. CAoncey, sa glad and prond that
aaytog. "I (orgoi
I dldii'i ihink"
r uuliklv ran over her goA point* yA won ih«- > x-tor> over vAraeU as »,|| never A a reius-i'- mac aA tA
hadn't gained much by bis bargain
Thai.- a fine calt you Ave there
Hut t'bauncT-y bad proved bU nils
. preuilnm —
*A llnds pleasure la tA auBee
take. He bad aai up witb bl* calf
Tb- lifiv log of sill Sever A .
lea. ..sir. Bl It-as) tost* wAt Mi­
by nlAt and nursed li by dav. b-noble gvi.viu'i* tii.'l man—a genileSUNbHiNE STORIEt.
bad h1m*.-lf gone without milk that .i ll oew aald "
Whal- Ur lilDi-w Of lUmaou"
Only s Eaby CiH
uUgbl have bU share; lu cleu. war ii
Chauix-ev umieOKA bis sccoul <’f
.\*s> S'rv>*s <hv lawi, llahy Marlati
porridge bad been n-ad.c morning aod
TA Skie ef a Uod
evening. And In return Jer>cy IJIy •urpn»'- fo- Ibis was rouixA aoAr caught sight of Rol> 8A AIM bet
H., blunders of children •*•• ?A
had Brat improved and then grow u Movk. and livid at faiK-r price- "Sbe tei' up t" )br raillug of Ar IntU- I'.urnal of EdDratloo. are otter, due m
b-- haatenA to aay. ptay-vard. snd wrtnkJed-ber nose In s ■a-1 teaching —This - ,ald a irocber
apace, till now plump and en-c-t abe bad been hurt
Hines tbonghl Ue wouMn t funnv laugh of greeting
stood, ber weil-grooiued «kin Aintog
u ber rlas* of sntbmetie. 'i* • wait-"
Aud Hob preteAA At to see Th- >he AM up a iwtii >1 'Tbl* book is a
asilD amocMb And berauae abe wa*
r t c
baby wal:A and watebA. aA wbe-. ■ n-(. too.' she sai-l
taefa a beauty, cay genii--, ao affeciloiixA ibeee arc
Muri fed you say' Why i *,* be turtiA away wtthom even sp*-ak mil* ' And •he *howA (bem a ruler.
ate. the thought of parting with her
iberv ud saw (bat vet? cal! niyseir ing abe drvypped bark on lh<- around 1 Awer and sc apple
wna jo much barder
TAB lA peeled ibe apple aA boMFor that waa w-bal he waa facinx aA I woutdDl have bconghl It Atne III a dlsappoiniA Aap and r'it>b--<i
ug up Ibe peel said' '^\ow. chtldreD.
Like a blow it had «>nie to him when ior It. I'd never Alleve itil* was -.Qc bvr eyes pUeously.
his mother—most regiwtfully. (or A-> awnie one, it must have bad extra
Bob went whiatUng a<-rt**» the la*., chat 1* tbl,?" Sllcsce “Tome yoo
lo Ihe tennis conn aA smoeed blm .now wAt It is." sA argA A miie
knyw bow dear be beM hi» pet—bad RoA care Chauncey laugh-d
'Tbe A*t ! self (or a little while wliS racket aad mad wroi ap sloAy. “WeU. T*niiso..said abe w a» afraid be wx>ald have to
tali*. At It was alow work f'ing aid lA teaeber “Wroae. arnau (A
.sell Uly Oh. yet. the had agreed cvinld give It. at any rate "
Ttat sAw* Du yon «an< <o sell (0 play trnni* aluoe Me kep' thick
Kile Of a unit with him. It would br splendid to
tog. loo. of tbe baby all by beiweif
Lave a fine Jersey cow of their rerv
A Afi
own. but ahe did not ree bow tfaev
under (be big maple
A remarkable bird (oond is Mexico
■Wb’ Isnt she olAr' be niu'teced
could atord to pay (or the feed ud
•Then she oould Alp me pUy tennis I* tbe bee mamn. whlrb baa s irvcx of
putore of Ae calf till abe AouM be
rqffliA np the (eathen oe tbe wp of
TA break in fbaunewy* vai« lotd It would A sorb (un'He walkA out toward 'be Arn to Its beA Into (A exact aembluce of a
Then ii waa be Ad redoubled, if more than hi* word* aad lA^JOc.
possible, hi* unaaccesafal eSona <o Buwea ought at Uuie A grviS. be Ad pee the baby rhlrka TA* we.-e as taentlfal Awer. aA wAs a bee
and work, for tbouA be bad urged pot (oraouen when he vras a Ay aA flaSy ud golden aA pretty a ever cxfuee aioag to aip beam from tA
buy aappoeA fiewer tt ts uaigta op by
ber. ,bls mother would -not eoBoeot to (A owaer of his firwi calf aA be bat A remembeied Aw
lA WA —Obk, Stole Jowrhal. '
bis leavlag acyhout. aad beyrmd ume cuoM awderwiaad wbhi tA partttd loved (hem. too.


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