Grand Traverse Herald, December 26, 1911

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Grand Traverse Herald, December 26, 1911


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Hia PlaA



mgresafiMp Dodds*'Fretsnvsl Publlcsti^ JReesure Will ns Beported After Holidays

MoatMT. Mexico. D^. tt—h wmt
Aecldtht Caimed, by Rtaervoir Break­
Waiblngton, De^- 22.—Congrostasn
itelMrwA toimj by Oex. OeronUno Tro- CHRIhTMAB HAS UTTLE CHEER
ing Through^^alle and Pleading
TiBo. oommudOT of UtU nUltvy
oed-class postal rate* to fteieraal and
Boaa, that tk« oCort of On. Berea to
phasing com
Wlgend, Ehig, Dec. 22.—Seventy-five
■urt i roTOlatka la • ‘■flMh U tbo
mcrclel advertising will receive faBlnere were mlraculoualy eaved from
forahle action to the house commit­
death when a reservoir broke through
tee after the holidays. He ha* found TRAGEDY
PARK RENCHEt AND aRIDOEE Its walla and flooded tbe Cross Teqey
itrnmtWY BAICER OIVU •■MtA. ea br tedenl trot^ tn the ante oT
that the senate commliiee to also ta
mtne. It U Meved that 12 perished
lUllpH and bla capture U hoorlr
tbreble to it. The postoElce depart­
Tbe mloertj»5cee*ded In climbing tbe
axpeeted. Bia plana for raialnc a
ment has opposed IL but may not be Preapsreua and V.'en Kr.evm Fannar
lam (oree ol armed man akus the Eatonttofi Army, Churebee and Nawe- high h-dgrs until resrurri reached
tSmurn M omo la A
so vigorous in opiiosltlon now that It
papara Ana Oelng Much to Help.
Whe Cam* te TMe Regtea Her*
ua UiitoM Had ctmm of
bas been decided to trad mnto esc' Eltuation Wore* Than In
Then Feity Vaar* AffiAction Will Prebebly
stuff by fast 'malL
Partner Yeare.
Leaves Larfs Fantily.
aicnUr taliod. U la aald.
Laad to Peaoa.

ninn workbis

liY wEmuTm


a the c^MTSee «* G««b, ---------------1^ that he aojl a

ostraiea are "harrahod. and Umataaad hr paM thofa ol
Northport, Det M.—One of the
the Matfanl areetaN aaaoctetloa* waa
•rtind todar hr daatloe Markar- Xoat proUlM Bodal erenta of the aeaIT at the
hiil^ thla Jaatloe Harker &a«l Baker
Mr. and Mra- Otto Barth of Northfar aaataapt. M themott of bla flabt
aadrt TMterdar with om of port. iHwn their danahter, Clara B.
waa united la marrlasa to Heu7
Ite Mar^ dataetlm.
KOtA of Koawlek. The ceremonj
noi by ln«
took pUce prompur at high noon. The
Daa. *1—a
«t the baaka of |he irai worfcere' or- bridal party took their pUoea beneath
“ to nld 'ta hare epeaed a an arch of erarcreena. In the oenUr
of which wu anpendod a white ball.
to the atralna of tha weddln* matA
ptayod by Mlat AmpUa Bartlett, a
of the bride. The b^. who
was flbaitolngly fowaad la eraam.a)batroaa, waa ancompenled by Mtaa
to ^nnylbB m the work.
toulce PriSNan as h
__allna ha Uni Unleaa.
tabd to lo&ad to *doaa^ ad Is white, also a eenatn of the brIdA
which, ft U Bndolpb Kela<A.-hroth«r of the groom,
that tha loea) acted as beat man. The Oormaa Lntberaa minister of Lelasd oBriatod.
tor the
lakiato to Wbleb tha -donattona'* Tba rooma ware prMtily decoretsd
^^toM^Mac alwaya In dlrnt and ptnk Chrtatmaa greeaeahfdla .nte
di&# '«toa Job. Tha plaa aald to wRh gariaadsof e
dtotovad la tha aariy dayi imemdlauty aftar the ceremony the
snwtt. Bnmhortag aboat stoty. eat
to a hootUal dtnnar oonaii
of the toUowtas mean:
-- -------------- - ----- trick to be taraMashed Fotatoee and Gravy
. «li- «r^ Jitoto be
m thaiio- Roast Pork
Prloeseeed Chicken
i«My. toWMT. tt le nld. wae eeai
CBM Sneed Meat


iitojt ■■Mblag utohan a brinatoto Itm m daatotoea. bat the a.
toaad aM llroeUr by one at thter.
the lapM asuncto of the dy
■iilllM htoa the ayotam waa ehany
v«A>aa i. 1. IldMnMfa. with a tud
«rtl;N» a meath tor which he waa
ntoJoaamd to rondar any acoontlnt
to.ite-»eaib«ralitp of the anton. took
Thto waa beUaTad to be doe
to which the
_ proaran had grown, the
hetoof that Um gratea oocUd be handtotJMra ntoly and


Aaanvted Plektoa
AMOstnd Caka
lee Cream and Caka
Nnta and Candy
The awYlng was by the Mls«
Paari Prlmaan. Ruth Bteeeaa and
Lootee Kelcherman, aU oouslna ol
the bride.
The afternoon was spent In a aoctol
way. Tha young people remained tor
a dance In tba eTenlag. which did not
and nntU early moalns. treryoat
thoroughly enjoying themeelrea.
Many gifts of ohlna. tarot. Uaen
and serml artlelas oLtoratture were


TtoT OWtoftobto 'gRMto were Mr.

mm FifiHTiiiG

r Will HoM

Mia OBIeg UM Aahte to
- TMiSa,, qgs> tor-A dlepette from
YRMi ^ Ikste Js aerleoi S^Uas
tegwaaa Rairfiii aad Penton tmepa.
atvacU tnm AMR *ar that 4;SM
•HMaa «>Aered to Biore oe
the P«*taa
a to the dlsmlHul of
TiiMBiar nmm\ Bheator,
y Umt he to. toeded to i Itolja to oCloe unUl they

atead hb inURWlna



London. On.. 2S.—A meUnritoly
ClulatBsaa la in atore for lamdon. Two
bondred thonaand wandorers will aWep
on park benches, and under .triages.
HaHA JBimOR »*•«» are without work.
Ralvatloa Army and rburrbes will
feed 120.000. Two hundred thousand STATEMENTS PROM. DIFFERENT
gltu will be distributed by friends of
the poor. The'London Daily Onphlc
will glre practical relief to 22.000. The
EvanlBg News bought 40,000 dolU
which tu rcadarn have dreaeed b
preeented to the poor chUdr^.

^ to«4 ante
• tobnmdat

and Mra Keleeh, peresu of the
graoa; Georg*. Theodor*. Redolph
and tolas Martha, hrethen and tiatar
of th* gteom; Mr. aa|l Mra. Dan Hwtoastern. Mr. and• Mr*. Whhar Porta,
ou of Kaawlck. Mr. and Mm Bndolpk
Lautner of Bolen and Mias Ruth Starana of Travem City.
The bride le eae of L
ty'a worn eucceastul teachers and Is
very highly wteemed wherever ahe la
known. .
Th* groom to a very sneh respected
young man wbo has • very brl^t fu
tar* before him. and th* beet wtabee
et their aany friente cen he non*
good for Mr. and Mm IMach. Thy
wUl be at home to their many friends
after January the home of the
brite'e pareeto. where they will re­
side for tbe preeeeL
One of the oommendaM* features
of the event wee the marked tlmpUcHy which pervaded and gave tt an



Upper Story of Strvetur* Wee Seeth­
London. Dec. 23 --News dtepatches
ing Maaa of Plenwe Whon
r^ardtog the alleged dUmlsse! of
Morgan Shuster, PersU's treasurer
genersJ. are contrajUrtiry. One mays
Saturday morning at 7 o'clock the
he baa unit the 6Al<*, while olhem
bam o ftbe Columbia Tnnsfer Co.,
aay that PersU la In in uproar over
located on Pine rfwet. was damaged
tbe action of parl^kmtol Shuster to
by ttr* in tbe eeooed etory. the blase
remaining to the
bavins caught In the bay from a
The Rueeian
ssian -Vtow.
ehlmnar that ran up through the
et. Peterabnrg. Dee. 23.—News from
buDdlng. Ther* was no ona to the
la to.tbe eflect that Shuster
piece at the time and when tbe flemce
were discovered the eaUre nppSr to atm to oflice deapite tbe announce;
story was flUed with Are and amoke, meal that Perala has accepted RueTbe Are departntenl was called out aU's dcman.dt.-' It la reported that
on a etui alarm and to a very abort Shuster declare* he has receivi-d nn
Ume had the blase tmder control ••valid order!.'
Ne Official Werd.
without any damagri exccp| by watar
tt'^blngton, Dec. 22.—It to matoto tbe lower etory.
Th«* was a Urge amount of hay Uned at tbe stole department that
and feed to Ue tipper etory whhdi no, olielal word baa been received as
gave Um Are a graat chance to spread, yet regarding Bbusler’s dismissal.
and the flremen are to be
for the manner In which they went at
tbe Are to tha blinding emuke which
flUed the building end streeL All the
were token ont wltho^
much damage and most of th^ teams
were at work when tbe Are t^e out.
whl^ waa a tortnnate drdnmatoDce.
On account of -the amount of hay
In the building It was necessary- to
um a la^'amoent bf water during
th* pngiHs of the At*, as the hay
would auirt up again when It waa
ihought that the danger was past,
order to aecaru sufllclset - lelp^ CONATITUnONAL MONARCHY lA
Chief Mtmy* had baa Ke. 21 pulled.
whitA brought out the roluetoem
Part of the roof of tha btoMlng was Rebeto Hava
• and the General Aituatlen
bef^ througb. which tnceiher with
to Critical—Fighting May
the loss on tbe bay will {>rol<«hl>
Ao«n be Reaumsd.
apwnnt to several hundred dollars,



.|l ^ TS. ieee thee Oread RapMa
aat the MH*fW Is popnlsUoa to sa
.«v*s IW.i^w^ aseket a baUat*
to tsvor ii tha local oSios.

tear wagoat wiU be pUe«S tks ^ fVShw to saslst to the
r if faiQRDi MB. wMeh WOI

tiiBBiti m mrttr a* m

I Net'' Be Known
Until Word to Received Prom
Persia at toe Different


Eagflsli euttse Min Em^eyea Gtoan
UHlmatom Today.
/..The IMtona C*»y pest office Is
iMteE as darisUa record '
Maneheater. Eng.. Dec. 21—Owners
GtoBMaftbwlMn treetocted to •
^MlHa e«R UM lafgto oflcea of the ef cotton mUto have -eoUSed their
the open shop poUcy
tevr Wedewtey waa th* baneer
aR over toe country and at th* will be totrodneed next week. All ol
WMsoCtotharewerelsaBed the i«.S0O employes mist submit
laipsrdet* which was the Sara- be tockod out
.RR^.gver taeeed at that office
_ itaSigtey. It win be resweiber.
G(|.ftgi *f IMRlHlnB of that city M
mass. Testertey the Traverse CRj
M0W Isaeei M mmtj orders wWch PrseHsiit Taft and Cur ef RussU
Waabtogma, Dee. 21.—Bhortly etter
PtesMsBt Taft algeed the treaty ahroffttion rusotaUon today, tha White
House gave, out eachaage
bstweea the prealdeat and the caaroa

*Ntteotea Aap." wUte wu rniiny.
•tte txtesnged'gDod wtoheaaaffRp



ire busy

Teheran. Dec. 22.—Partlamenl-to­
day yielded to the demands of Russia
that W. Morgan Shuster be dlBBiU»gd.Their anion ta In direct opiAwltlon
to tbe M-Dilmeni of tbe people. Peribmltted to etcry desMnd made
by RueaU. although -no oSlelal an
nouncement b4s been made. Shuster
did not espreoa any
the aetlon. Ke declared that be
Is aatlailed to withdrew, providing It
1s for the best InieresU of PersU.
Shuster bas already sent hto resigna­
tion to the partlsment. There is wild
eieilement In the streeu here and
reports that Russian troop* are ad­
vancing from Kasbltt make* tbe senilment soianU-Russlan that the peo­
ple have not yet been told of tbe ac­
tion ol paiiiamanL Tbe report 1*.
however, untrue, as tbe people are
peaceably tocltoed. and .will accept
the acUon of parlUmraL

Building -Gaeght -Fire From Geroline.
Causing Dsmag* Amount1«
Detroit. Dec. 22—-Joseph Lypth
sud son. Joseph, aged la. were blown
through the front window of l.ynch
Hros. ctoentog estabUshmest
painfully Injured wbeh a garoltoc
cleaning macblpe exploded today. Tbe
building caught Are.-eauiUng a loss



wbtdt la cove^ by Insurance.

UllllIK T0-WGfll6M
People Pram Other Aute* Want Te
Inveto In Western Iglehlgan

The advortUsag pat out by tbe debureau during
year ttos been very effective to ceil­
ing th* attention of the onuide world
offered by we»tere Michigan to.tbc*e..who are tote^
c«ed to fruit irawtog and fruit landa.
Several requeato have been received
peopia with abundant capital
wbo dsetre to secure large trecu and
break them np Into amall fruit farms
aU set oat to treea and ready for
the fruit grower of limited
This plan Is already being pot Into
effect by several local conccrea an'd
to wnrklag out with good reaulu. and
for thto relaecm outaldera are now
wtatog to get In on the same kind of
an iBveatmenL Many IndtvMoal set­
tlers are coming Into the different
and the Indlcailone are that
1»U wU te tha moat active year that
has te— seen alocc tbe bureau wu
Tte —»r**P'
te pushed lato
M stoto* of <»to. Indiana and llltooto
nrtag tte mnntha of Pebruary. March
aad AprO to expected (o briag many
new peep)* te Ue section a* they will
threegh tbe means of Ucctoru and peteonal talks
to agri-

Shanghai. Dec. 22.—Peace negotlation* are almost bopeleae today, as
Premier Yuen bas heeded the voice ol
Greet Briuin and aanounces now that
te cannot consider tbe damaad of
tbe revolutioolsu for a republic, fol­
lowing the i-remlcr* anDounee«ei
yesterday (bat be walk agreeable' to a
republic, and feared a bad exaniple
would be set for India. England had
uaded bim te hold out for a con
etilutioDal iDonarrhy. Tbe rebels also
Increased tbeir demands today.
It Is auled that Ue Ameriten flroup.
net tbe American state detMrtmrnt.
already supports tbe BrliUb Isles, and
are ready with two. if not Uree. of
tbwoUm of the "Four.Nation group
of fltwndere. to lend Yuan Shi Kal's
goverement money. Negotiations to
this end have boen proceeding tor
some days.
wu Britain's initiative that tbe
sis powen. urged the Shanghai |>eac*
ooDferenve lo ranch an agreement
Now Britain is endeavoring to per>de the rebels to come to terms. It
is pointed out that British Interfer­
ence is not directed against China's
Interests, but against tbe sentiment
al Idea to such case* where tbe prac­
tical totercetB of tbe entire utton are
being Jeopardiied. ‘^Re exionston of
tte armistice for ten' day* to which
revolattonlrik accept
Ynaa's offer the only aliereslive is
ronunuatioti of ibe confik-C with posslbN d<v>»ioo of tbe country, tbe dependeede* raSJ: lag arcund ite nonbere esp..‘e

y Achoel fflect; Evsnino.'
The following offreer* were elecled
[ tbe annual meeilng of tba Con­
gregational Sunday school Thursda}
SuKrtniendent—Frank llamllioa.
Secreuir-^Ethel Savage.
Treasurer—Franew Rutner.
Ubr*rian-M. B. Holley.
Superintesdent home department
C. J. Bbner.
mber. ssupply committee—C. .
Library committee—M. B Holley.
Mrs. Jos. Sherman. Miss Evcli^taivmond, Miss Alice Walt.
Oiortoter and leader of orchestra
Miss Ora EreretL
OrgaoUt—Miss Mu MotbersIlL
The auperintendent appotoied Ue
following.teads of deparunenU:
Aasisiani soperlnieodem senior de
psrtmenl—Mr*. Frank Stcholson.
Intormediate superloteodent—Mr*.

laivstien Ariny and
Aasecisted Charlie* Have Been
EsceedingV Uteral.
(From Sa(unUy's')Record41aglc.)
If any have doubje^ that the fhr1»lu spirit au todUng In Traverse
City this year, a trip lo the Salva­
tion Amy hall or the Iluteau of Assodaied trharlUes toda; would qulckly have ran<-clled tbe doubt, and the
tact (bat there will be no "forgouensIn thU city would have been realised,
li fl due to the generis aplrlt and
unlimited liberality that the h^e*
rhlcb might have oUerwise known
a cbeertese Chrlsimu will be bright
Aied and made tei>py with a ChrbU
dinner that will be on a level
WiU any served in tte more fonu
nate homes to Ue Hty.
The AalvailoD Army «ten vtsiled
Uls Dioraihg wu reedv with forty
bnshei bukets. each filtod to Ue
brim wlU Ue necessaries of a Christ
mas dinner and not a few of the luv
Dries. In each basket there «u a
perk of pcutoca. some go^ eating
api'lcs. one can each ol care, beans
and iK-ai-. n hiad of cabl-agc. one
p(>y.»d of butler, two loaves of breed
one pound of sURar. cuflte. fitv |■>ul:d
Mck of grahara flour, pickles. Iwe
quart can of frnlt and either e cbiric
rpast of beW. For Ibe chil­
dren there were bananu and eurli
other fruits as would delight tbe UiUe folk*.
The |dan of dlstiabution iiu been
sbsolutH} noil setiailan. the only
Nlnx as m ihc worthlnea*
tbe family, nic-same plan hu
iieen carried oui b.v llic < hsritjv bu
rreu. who have delivered u many
more barkets of food In dlffereni
jam of tbe (ity. All day young men
men who have volunteered their ser
vice* to (be bureau have Iwen busy
delivering or gathering tbe boakeis.
Those In charge of tbe work are
very greteful to (be eburefara. schools,
buainess men. women and indhiduto
wte teve helped to make posalble a
Christmas for all •'aplain and Mrs.
ilOare Ukc Ibis opiurtunity oi ttenklag their friend)-


A frightful eretdent at Beadssi
Ttaursday cauaed tte toaunt death of
wimam DUtev. aged TO year*, a g^ •
and prosperous farmer. Hr. OaswcBi to the village of Beaten thU
d by hto wife, to
i-rtlng. a
o vooie trsdint. While Mra. Dnxter
wu busy at Ue store, her habend
to the depot to put sobm urkeys
In tte waiUng room. A* he cnM onL
south bound freight tmto. whkR
wu on tte Bite tnck. wu backtoff
Hr. Deuer. evidently not neUt*
Ing tte danger, aiariod to ernu tte
track and to doing so stumbled and
Tbe train purod over hto hodj.
inflicting horrible tojurtoe, white .
caused luunt death.
Mr. Dexter can* to this regton tear*
than 40 yean ago. locaUttg Bsar Banfarm which te tevtlopad tv
to X very veluahte property- He weg
well known threngteut Ut regtoa and
wu une of Ue most highly rsdpeeted
riUsent of UU section. H* wu a mu
oi very fine peraonaBty and pnpntor
with everyone wbo knew him. Be took
greet interest to r
always a promlMSt ffgnr* to
county GOBveaUafia. Th* DtHer tMlly bu be«n premtout to tte teeelopment ofUli section for away yean
and hundreds of friends wUl nit and
beanfelt sympathy to tte retotlm.
He leavM a large faallg.

ewer Acteol Hetm Fdvored Ey AnptriMsndent ef P
tien L L. Wright
IwnstoK. Dec. 21.—1 woald ftot tt*
. have anyone Utok Uni
vor of GOttfintog teiltete
In the week and 42 weeksitnUeyWr
tn tte
le n crow.led acbool room white le
from » o’clock la Um
o)orntog until 4 o'clete to tte afternoon, u at preecirt," eeld Auperlnteadeftt of PnbUc Inttnctlon L U
Wright In an totorvlev today.
-The very reveru to tma. I S» In
favor of fewer tenre ef eteffy and
redtntlon. more hours of awnanl wote
sad tnorh hour* of bodUy acUvUy.
physical trelntng and play tader **■
pervlsion. The aente^e knowledge
gained to tbe grade acbool* or to U*
high aebools for that matter, Is sec­
ondary to iniporunra to Us habits
formed. Trelnlng u more ImIportont then tuoki. and eklU to s
{important tben knowtadgs. Tte hahK
{of apiilicaiion is a most valeabl* BP

Kansas Paper T*ll* of Ptuunt Event
«t Cvnmnghsm.

ihing 'verv many Umaa. A child
!win form the habit of work. If te to
-made to feel that be fa espoetsd to
recent issue of tbe Kingman Joun : work, tovtonie extent, at leasL every
Lr Kingman. Kure*. oLthe family i
TI.C brOK -varsTloo In towu I* a
{uomn of tbe WaUet family
home of John I*. Walker, who lives'l-eruri of Idleness of breektog down
four mile* soutbwrei of t unoinghara .ff «<w«a habii* and tte for^M ^
PriBary—Mrs S. Citek
i All the sou were i>re*ent at the event ;i«»r ones. Tbe tost few weeks to the
Beginner*'—Mr* r. A. Hammond. Jor tbe first lime in f: v*sar. Tbe oc-‘,H'"ns an I ibe ftrsi le* weeks to tte
Credle roll committee—Mr*. C B. Icuion wu to hon-.r of tbe nvoiherifsH are less valuable than other wete*
Curtis. Mrs Lucius Patchin. Mr*. C. Mr* John C Walier. who t* now
the sc hool year on acrount of g*tV, Wrlgbr. Mrs. Sprague Prau, Mrs. j past v: year. In eive .vf her advat. toe ready for and repnlrtng tte *tmN. B. Chapin. '
cej uc Mrs Walker still keejw lo>ee caused by tbe tong vseetite. I
Htelonary coamtU«e-Mrs. Wm. dose touch ».th thk modern *orid;thlnk children would bs tettor off If
Uve. Mr. C J. Ebner. Rev. D. CocS- and at all iici;e keei* up an activeithe vacation could bs ebortanan to
;corre.ion<Jen-e with ber children and about six week, in Ue yeer. Tt
Ing would be a more permanent tosb'
Benevolent committee—V. M. Paine, grandchildren
nMM. Tearber* would get moe* men.
s prepeot I
Mr*. M. C. OvtoiL Mr*. E, U Ed -'The
[reunion we-r Jorn P Walker of Cun- ey ud teacblM would be more like a
pro^toa Children ereald
Woods buslBt
‘ainghatn; C
rounty. Oklabouca, George M. Walk­ not have less ptor or leas rsst. hnt it
er of Bridgeport. Texu: rhs'le* B. would be diBereetly dlstribeted. Thto
Walker of Waxshstchle. Texas. Fred coold be arranged so that It woeM not
be any more expenslv* than th* |
system, rlf th* school year were
Umbered Today.
“ Walker of Buckley. Mich. An


l.>.„.Un« I..I m

•Iitlawaoi iw

>«— •! >! —-

He-,.-- 'the broiters U that only one of theirerb. It would b* easy to arrsag*
The carrier bo>^ c
entire number u^e. toUacco. *hUe -urse. «i that a teUd might tote
Eagle were the reciptcnl- Saturda;
either three or four terms, u wntei
tbeir Cbrisiiuss present*
presented : ntee of them use liquor
rerb year b, Grorgc
Hate-. v,.c
There were.twenty of the retatlv« seem advisaMe.*president and Advemsing tnwiager ot'presan. at th* gaUenng. representing
Ibe Herald Aid Hr-ord Co. and Le« U , four grneranoBs.
W Bmitb. the rirnilaiore K .1* ooi;
-----------------------necessary to add tte- 'be N»* took [ Re» Dueiep ate M.u Mary Barber.
irrwaM to this tltue a, one of tbe-hefh r-l Onual lake, were quM-Uy Chief Exsculiv* of Ccssai
Awsy Foltowiiif a ti
cuHur* end bortlcaltnrw to U* greet
ing lllnese.
fruit butt of Michigan.
L H. Momson offictatod. Juti n lew
Thi-fKiaifr ^
Bcuder, Dee.
;ol Ue imaedtatt reUuvea were preeHf*. (De.) Hesfl ef AMen brwniht the iwoBtieih dlnaion ta Chis-Waag
«tod toffap ffUr * Ite
They fflD rsmite ta thto city for
her noto sea Wte wu aeveety teraaff The. on U* eenat tt ChiU. wlUr asa Caw dsrs bator* recuBtog to their gering ffiaiaa. B* ttaff a«e» laffi
asPArtl ffty*
«e tt* ttff anak ten* s—bttnff to the north.

itel tMnffkjTv



!•!* Alte teOAg tokte kd»B* TlttTlRa.|ttenld.

hett* tt


fiMi jmene



the Mow • » ♦ ♦♦
MW btoween CRrtatnaeaad
•oar. j
Ahart taom tbe
bAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ♦ I - Tbaar who Ite^ w a fevnlto-con*the o^iy I
Oahora Deq. :«.-Chartca Baonaa
whb aereral {rtcada wfb
deldS for. tbe eaettlng seren dan are of East Empire was a.Lake Ana-riait- tad It a good plan to keep earetopaa
tbe aMoal meet tog of tae AawrtcaB or Tneear.
! addretaed to each of then to ac
Aeaoeiaiion tor Latber lA«alaUaa, to
place, and tote theee
L. D. C, and tbe annoal
Of her altter. Mrs. Martin Doran, on ;
will loiereet eecb
oonreBUoa of.^tbe Americaa AaaoeiaWedneddar.
} Uanlar aarrewpeadewL tnwm tbe
tloa a -PaaiMgar Ageata. to Jaefcaoawrite the letter It «ni he
Mto. Ecaa Beeman
. dangbter.f'
rule. Fla.
The aatknal tedoor <
Mra. George Zelgler'Mondar.
of the Amatev Athletic Vnion.
pulled oS In MadUoa Square Garden
Frank WUson of ovlau was as O*Uchtning KUl« Pew.
tbe nlgbu o< TnMda>- and -Wedaea bora caller Moadav. He ertfl otarMor
In t»X faCbtwag fclBed only
Court for tbe OMEr oTOMai VAviwoi'Ie Id tbit wtiole coeatir Ones
da|-,Twm oonifllwte to the bolWar an- Lanstoprrlday to spend tba
orse. In Cbaacacr.
death by Uahinlnc are Icm
loraeoi of the derotees of athletlce
with bis courin. E. A. Hciden.
L mUUoa- Tbe chanee Earl McDoMld.
Alao Of totaroat to tbe foliowere of
hver. kidney or stemTboc Dtertng. Jr. weal to Ctlcajja
apon will be the
vasllT gruier. hut net
ton InveirM the na^r of damage to
Satnsda}- to vlMt rith -tetoCves and
S ItrftoltoU.
. ..i-rs be Heed, as Hobert
tnatchec between ibc Australian team,
ta Adeesoe'prtrate prt^rtT Ip btrfke rtota lito
friends at tbsi pUce
dsen. o( Wreet BvrMngton. Ui pro*
dafeadtog^tbe Dwlgbt U Davis interPtoar dortore gave Um up after
' trapby, and Abe Amorlcan
•davit oe fl
otoht niositsi of eufierisg fran
challengers. Aeoosdlng to the latest were Mapie Cur oaitara Sanday
depo^ br Owl. Santa Anna.
lent hver irv>nble-and *eUow jaUel .MrUocbM. Is M( a aoMRMt of tba
was tben ccrcpitArty eared by Elec- Bute of Michigan, bet is a raadAabl
1S34—JoKPh A. Hanaom. an Eng- adrtcee from tbe a
the first 1
-H. Boeman and wife visited with | Mc ^
ttrlc Bitters Tber-re the beet «Mto- of the C.;y of Cbtcago. CAeaty of Ogak
Uah. patented the -'Hanaom Cab.
ronnd la the eballei
tbidr daa^iw and tanily at BsrdlekMd Etote of nnala; On M|iB AT
Farm C Ofiberv aettcttor tor eamof iba' amploreea of U,.
swUeb- Japaneae dtlea of Atnaica and Slmo
t- ai all Traverse Cii> ivrus Sterv*. pto:uac(. It Is OSDiOB) that Uw appaaimm-c of tbe mM liliiliH.
board Co. Thai eoniaoUon of Sturgee
McDonald be ontorad baaMa wRbIsei^bnenU of tbe Prince Conaort
’(«aa that being a tu pa^er and MtitEarth.
— .
anoi eiLii iieuiyi, *u I'.e bowels cr
Ic foiw monfbs tram tbe dale a( tbia
1871—A Itberml mlninrr waa orga3|JPP
^1^ pnitaaion. that the cltr
Ibat the age of prtmlUre man “.ortppled wlti the paloe of ibeusiatlan ;i~.
Prance raas back at least two btj»-\^4
a for iuiT
Chlrtgo w - - as pramler.
dred thousand years hat been eeUa-ir^nef Yet be caa *rt what be wpcti ■.
_iigriamMd dnHng a
IgSP-rHaarr W. Oradr. tanwoa or factorlly proved by LyeU and other [for 23
of &a >itea The dacUlon of the
Snprame Conrt aiakee It ohUntorr np- ator, died la AUanta. Bora In Atb- geol<«lsU. who showed that it hss for
' I.A.IK- rv*t
I, I. .
rik V
.. ...................
'"yegqe'davs after service on bar of .A
taken at least this loag for tbe rinan ING yiAGir OJU It Is a poaniul r
ena Ga, Mar H. UhO.
remedy lor all totetoal and e
ropy of a41d BiU and
tha Uteratnra aant <mt on dtlaa to tea that prirate propertr
to wear aiway ibeir beds below <be liering
teraal pain. Pnie 23'cts. Sold I
of tola order, und to iitoaE «h
w-to^TSS nslttbla jMsMlpn' ftad pitjh
jOssada tstodha atataa
caves where they occe flowed.
I ORDERED that aM M <
AmeriesD Drug Store.
(•.ouxAna .police are gnplorad tor Obat
' t be (abM as aMdHMR.
nid «r»td nwa porpoae. according to iho decUtoa
«TAT»y?bK MICHIGAN, tbq Probate
B results wblcb seem
SSSto^MWitowjMolb- dtloi nraOmWadBr Aha damage cana■purt lor
ter toe Couaiy of Uraad
Ura Trav---------pjp-*ptodhair JiBJwet to
kcrrtn Aeerribtfae matter of ibe Estate ot
Ratollngs. deceased.
• ppdjtl|att^dJ^.nottlr On the lace of it. It wonld eeeto that
aalto which most'and first affect toe •d. and to the mortgagee or mortgaCity Coufiell No. .61.
goes uatped In all undischarged record­
tfcm'aboold be no eoatMtUon in eaaaa
Tnverkb City Conacll No: 61 R. A borne life of xbe jteople. Kaiioas Is ed mortgages against >aid Uod. or any
8. M. elected the foUowtng officere country mo t referred to. and lu Kan aaslgnee thereof of record.
. A. U-. 1
creditors rapr^at Uirtr clalmi
for credi
Take uotlce that sale has 1
l&at night:
PMce ot tho. oommimity and it U
i^to'Vf^wVcb hat'd '^n a^toto full} made of toe lollpwiug de»cTlt»ed BgaSavl eald
T. L M.—Bane Tobler.
for exarslnaa~.
tipshiiif sxm than a' nammable proempty during the past yrar,
D. M.—Jerome Hawlejy
Utora to aaU deceased
(hat all
twenty eounties have had no v
poalUon that a >lty ahould aoa Ciat
P. C. W.—Victor A. nwrtek.
A^PBlUtortK KWBtheir county poorbou’*es«laring a loag ;ux deed Issued therefor, andrthat you reqotre-d to pAweot tbeir claims to
the property of overy laxpayer U proTreaa.—Cbaa. E. Rale.
period than a slncle year And |are i-niiiled to a reconveyauoe thereof, said court, at tbe probate office,
the Ciiy to Traverse City, tn i
toe^ even though an additional force
an* ume within six aicsitba ai
iberv are more savlncs deii6*it« m
E. L, Edwards.
GEORGE w. enm
roanty. on or before the tNh day of
U required. Onder the puling ot the
Kansay. more men and womeD wlib
Clrcnlt Coort CaraMlHldg^^
Capialn of gnard—Waller Travto.
Aprir. A. 1>, 1912, and that risiras wUl
iiiouey proldtvl apBil)’<l tue dava and pay ment to the undersigDc
iSopreme Court' there la likely to bo
C. C,—L. R. Btletaiey.
(lie years of ibelc possible need for It regisu-r In •haucery of ilie concty in be board bj saW court on Baturday
leas Tioleoeo because municlpaUtlot
SenUnel—Arthur Deaprat.
than In an* oGier Male between New which the lands lie. Of ail sama paid the 2'nh day of April, A. I>. 1912 af
ftoc. A1MM6. V
n o dock In the (orcaoou.
will aee to It that better protection
:etbv-r with one
O. C. Mbffatt acted as InatallUig of­ York and Ibe i’aciric ocean. It can uisMi such purchase, loretbv-r
Dated Dccembefiiatb a D.imi
hundred j>er cent additional thcrettf.
U afforded,
ficer and J. V. McIntosh as Grand well be assumed that -*Lllh toese and the fee* of the sh-nS for the scrFRED R. WALKER,
(hl&fs true of Kausas much more Is
lie dev
true of it in similar .lirectlons wbk-b vlee or cost of puMirattoa of thtt no­
ers' ccmsplrecy which rmhod'to t
after UuuUatlon.
*rould be oquall* elTertIve as argu- tice. to be oMnitBted as upon personal Dec. 19-M. Jan. t 9.
pennaneai service of a declaraiion ak-commencaIf of
met ns in Ix bsif

destractlbn of ao much private prop
Csdar Gttf’V.'.!!
tuettLof suit, abd the furiher >u'm of
banlabi new
the i
ty during the last lew y<
nortgage Sale
five Milars (or each lieKcrlpnon. with. - esnsed tbe-HcKamara hrothera to be
,out other additional coMk or charges
Traverse Cl(y Ch^er No. 102. R.
of can la only a^branght to JusUra win have a salotarr A. M. elector OffIcen last cvaalng as
Andrew J.Vuole. ibu fall retired as
'of oonrse, ’ 'effect also In this tUrecUon. U will follows;
made and e
preeldeiii of
«iaie asM.ctoiion of
D of tbe land.
. ..
hi* wile, to the
:(Dd Pearl
supertniencienf* ol-—to® I'oor. For Ings (or I
In 'oovnectloc with r,eult In saner methods of settling to­
H. P.—Hans Tobler.
llaee cf Blackwood.
Grand Tratrenc
Iiiaiiy years he-l^s ben N«{wrtoteu-i
ol crop yield.
disturbancca and therefore lessen
King—Victor A. Patrick.
aomh weei. County.
•aunty, Mlrblgan, to the trat pan.
lor tbe county, aau Is ouo ol thc
In quality, tt tbe poaaibilUy of anch dan^ Tbe
Hvyaold* and Earl RayaohU
Berthe—Don 8. Morgan.
■•esl poled tiiott ID .vilrtilipm aluur quarter of section six («i Iowa
that Aiuit be ex- eourt's dadalon will bare a far reach­
(hat llni-. .Mr. Itoli- made ibis asM-r- ty six (Kl north rango nine «»■ we*: of Ibe same place, of tbe second pan.
Treaa.—Chas. E. Hale.
- *- the bold ing effect and afford croaier aecnrUy
third day . of Jan^ A. D.
(Ion; *Ko man can serve lor fllie\u •Ituaie to tbe ikiuniy of Grand Tra*
Sm-.~rl^ 1. Bdvarda.
recorded to (be once
yuara as Ba]<erinlendeii( ol (be tKXi.'. erae and State of Michigan.
property own.
C. U.-WJUtom H. Ahotl.
.. of Deed* (or the
tl Ctowty
be liooeat auit l»e favorable to the >-a
_____ a to lar north. The
fax'ftr’mf.S':!.!!; ux tor itoS. ..r Grand Traveroe. Qute of Mlehl
loona " Mr. Dole toils us Uiai since
P. S.—L-. B. BUekney.
aR to ■kptoUad. to canaed R^.A^AAAAAAAA.A.AAA.A
fJ,' $T.
local option seat Uii;. effect the call"
C. 0.—George E. Ball.
I gtrikn' vbl^ toated for
in. 1910. In Ut*e:
T 49 _______
rlu. 83.US.
ilch mortgage there
been reduced more) per test
b low pariod this mr and deplefied ♦ AAAAAAAiAAAAAAAAA
M. 2nd V.—John O. Tra^ood.
the date of 'Uli
says that
be fir^i of $83.44 plus Sheriff * fee.-.
Dseember SI.
the Mooka of fuel for the coming
H. of lat V.—John Pfelfley.
January be has made but (our trips
lo'esilgaic ludlgect case*, but that
Chaplali!—Wffl. MoUteraUI.
oi the atato' of Georgia, bora I
Plate of Unjlneas. Film. Mkh.
In the old days wbec we bad salwox
be made more than that many trti>s Return e( Regiriered Lerier Service. been to*i Ruled l
I tuah to aQ poaalUo don. Died July 1. 178&.
Bluebell Lodge Election.
each montfa. These are fart* tha*
tosue of the Boston Ga'1718

Crasd Traverse.—a*.;
BlnebcU lodge No. 339. Ladles' Aux­
New. therefore, bv rirtoa of th«
I hereby certify and retera that 1
iSM^torl ot I
iliary to the Drotherhood ot RaSroad
■ut$’ iev^ to &a purpora
;i-f*e<l a ulI!<v. cf Which the aitbln power of sale conulned to said niortManMles
ga«e and the sUUitc to sneh rase
i the aetUen. depend- min DtoraeU). writer and slatasman. Trainmen, qt their repilar meetlaf
Trains arrive «t
Tbe Michigan Suie Grange lield its
_________ _ afternoon.
:jRtony «l them muat be bora Died April 10. 1881.
InataUed tbe annual seaaloa lu Ka.any:
*rot-k. and went on re.-ord on beveral registered letter dir«vt<-.|( to Jessie civen that on the Eighteenth day to
from tketr barveet
1830—Polignae and 'other ministers (uHowins officers
’January. A. D 1912, tt 10 o'clock I
iiujionam stale >{uestion--. Wuniun
'usable to aecnre Ot Chariea X. ot France tried tor treaithe forcDoon there wlU be aoU i
Past l^sideirt—Vletc^ J^naon. suffrage ami the lamaii'c rrter.-n
lily pabllc aurtton to the falgbem blU<
tmpartlw to aarlMt the •on and aenteBced-go perpetual ImPreeldent-'^ra Fltxgferald.
dum and recall were coJo
_ ber>-a'th aiucbed <u'at tbe (root door Of (be Court Houm
■oftto low. and buBtoeto prisdament
Vice president—Emma Ely.
i duidiraic uoikv-i* the receipts ion Washington Bireto. to tbe City ot
ebeloru to>paared
Secretary—Emma Proech.
that 1 received tor said letter (twin |Ttaverao
anung ihe Otited'Btotck troupe to
the iioriotnce anthortile* to the i-cr |tbe place
Treasurer—Sena Sattertee.
ant fraieraal
sdh to whom It was addrewsed. and jibe Ccuni.
It to reported. Oliay
ChaplalnWnHa Satterlee.
adniitied wloonkjibe pretnlare wewetieeg in said mort»4 stok­ Condectreis—Anna Lawrence.
to naklng
have taken action' |.ro\j^ing acatnst aald letter was remnufl unclalux-d
Miti, mit. 7 ra tm.
I further certify and return that af- gage. Or ee much Iheroot as may
tbeir admission In tbe future. That
ttoy' are ..dwiivad of ing tmika Riled with Stone to block Wardto—Della Zimmerman.
trr •Jllk-cnt Inquiry and •-laminaiion neressarr to pay (he araownt do*
inof thatr orders BP CRarleafon hjrbor.
id mortgage, iuclodlng tnurasl asd Ui-(ftc imkaikt Sil wS «kInner guard—Mary Knowles.
t-reoslng and l•c■•olnine more i’eiieral of the record« in *«'-'. •- .'ir.'y relatjos
legal coil*, with an attoraey's
:irblo. iBtoleBaat drab 1163-lttxie touufred raprqaantodTet Outer guard—Ella-Perry.
In Its application G a very' in- to tbe land disrrtlH-d in said aoticc,
V of fifteen ($13) dollars. T*e ^ne.wwddisl I«.«iaih
I hecatoe aaU»Aed that (be addrckr
:a as efimetoUy hard eg dUteent Gennan stoles ynet at
J. M. ^’U- dlcaUos ol tile mo*omMit and growib above
causes bctog described to
given was the one at which itoid
of (be puUic oplnloo toocatog
liSton. Ebay do mogt Waatleru and resolved to pBPoee helm.
Jessie Hlllery saa most likely lo re­
it A mmi imWnwl, ■« *
saloon q
ioA credit, and sotod
After the toatoUattOA a pet hick
ceive eald leiter
enw" to bacreatoA
Dated the lltb day uf Ort.. I'.'Ii
sapper was enlbyed by all presenL
CcMuiiy. Jlirhigan.
Fees. »I.1J
Dated. Ocutoer 3ft. A D, IMl.
Mortg«];e Sale
Default having boon made in tbe
19to-^en. Leonard {^Tpod Matgned a NEWS FORECAST
conditions of a i-«-rtain mortgage Retorri ef UoaWe to AsceRaIn Whereoffice as Govcraor-General of Cuba.
sbotda er Postodtee Addrea*.
J«R THE COMlNfi WCEK * midu by Rertdn
Del. her and190»-Cambffdge. Mafs, celebrated A
A#*j»lBcnha H. Belcbw^. his wife, of Loeis- State i»f MiniiGAS, Coumj of PARM C. CIMIKRT.
Grand Traverse—su
.vlilc. Ujchigaa to WUUam K. BMiley
WSahlngion.'^D. C„ Dec. ^.-v-avuB
I hereby ecctUy aud retora that af
Traverse aiy, Michigan dated the
December E2.
both booses of Cbngreas adjonned
day <of July. A. D. 1911
910, and ro t<-r larrtul inquiry, l atii unat,i>' to Micbigan.
lOO-Laadtog of .tbe ^flgrtms at and the other nschtoary of s>Yen>. corded In
ascertain the wUefoal-o’iis or pcii-f
Ibe County of Grand 18' ® addraes of Jeesi* HiH*ry or his
nymontb. Maas.
vent at a praiOlcal toandstill. there of Deeds
Stale 6( Michigan on 1 heirs, or the w Uorcalioulk or poflofTi-v
1737—WlUlaa Ellery. American Ro­
ilaes to be UtUe Aotog to toe naof July. A. D. l‘Jl0 at ad'Uvsv of *h" cxcm.jr. adii.iniMrator
ry paUfoU bora Died Feb. Uonal capital to divert pnlilic inter- 1:30 o'clock p.-tn . In Uber
or trustee or guttrdluu ol said Je.->Ftc
IS, 1820.
eat from tbe enjogment to the holiday Mortgages oa page 498. which said Hlllerv
DaUd the lUh nay of Oct . 1911
1807—CnJled SUtes Congress pass­
OIL Many eiouble aoclal func­ mortgage was duly ssslgaed'by aald
FlUNK 1- gIll.TEIt.
wmum R. Smalley to MyrGe B. Wal­
jrMT and top. .
ed the eacond embargo act.
tions are idanned (or .the week to ker of Harbor Springs, Michigan, oa
g|rt ^uld serve to want 1818-Slr Philip Francis, general Washington. One event that a so­ the
24th dav of September. A. D.
yitpewi- u to the advls- conaldcrod to have been U>« author ciety la antlclpaiMw wIH* WMtawilly 19IU sod recorded la the office of the STATE
r c^irign about too basty
keen totereft Is t^ejebut of Ml»»
I I'.rtfhv ci-rufy 00-1 return (halGrand Traverse and Slate' of Mlcblrip far ^ Jtoldl-' With tbe pa- 22. 1740.
Marguerite Draper daughter to the Ute
6cr'.-l a uoiue, ot wii.-.ft ibc **ithin
1886—Ground br^en for the tonnda- WtUlaiD F. Dni>cr of .Masaaebasetu.
of per lllcygan a^
>. OL, to Uber If an evaci Japllcaic U|«n John Cralck
lUI^ tbe )csa6n to aU Uona of tbe Domlnkin parliament who wUl make her bow at a fancy 47 of A^rtgages...........................
by a--n'llng, the raine tt, him by reei!-rftess cotillon Wednesday night. This which mortgage there is claimed to (erod lexer dire-led lo John Crates
I'C due, a* Die
»f ttii- iiotli c (nr ei Tnle-:-? In Ibe Ms'e »l Ohio, (he
Our stiKk of Christmig goodi dupUyed is tbe wtedDW%
:ion. *l1ucu «i]| serve
-priiicipsi and tni.-re<*. ili« sum ol lio»t-igc lec, «u eiiicn lexer wu tuily
rl<'b-.y' unmarried womsn Kjf-js?.12 .->rd nr. attornry fee of gS'iSfl l-re[,»td An-J 1 furil..-r certlfv ojid r—
and tbroaghoot tbe ator« teeludee adiblw Mch M
I* «xi>ev.iea lu Bunokk .as provided lor in asm mortgage. And iurn ILai tc;i*rjin aHacb--.; io (hasuit or proceedings at law having -luplleaie noli-e Is (('■> re<'eti''s ('<•<
notg, ratoing, haniriM, apples, cranberrieg, aad bESdrtdg of
im splendor any coming-out affair
. *n insUtated to recover tbe money I rev-nvad tor aid kl'er (rocn Uie
Of given in the lApltal city.
'secured by said mortgage or any part liC.-ioClL'C autboriG-w, t < ihe jiereon
other tbin^ that ve caAQOt describe ia tots ttttte Ad. .A
wbom ll was addres.ved. stii raid 1
President Taft on Wednesday will IhereofitT was re(urae<l un-lslmed
great maay attraetive aad desirable tbinfS for Aildrea;
On DeeeiulkT 31ut we will place to the credit
further certify and return (hsi
to gather ic WasblACton for the an­
,fif our Savings Deposttora the amount o/ the semi- dlligrai toquiry and enmlnauoB
aald mortgage and
Statute to
father!, mothers, gmndfatberi aad
nual cosxefition of the Apmican as­ sorb ease made and pro*ivlded. on the of (be reewrds to sa -1 <ouni> retaiiug
' •luilial interest due theip.
) (he land discrlbe.! In saM notice.:
sociation (or the Advancement of 28th day of January, a
for eveiTbody. A good pocket4caifa dnHS. ball or a
be pmentod at nne time after that
Science and the meetings of the' nu­ nine o'clock .in tbe forsnoom U
interrat w'lll
w'd"be eutVred' therraD.'
jbd' tia intqrrat
■rih noni
and a TAM, cop aod saootr, or a bos to toOet ao|
merous soclMles affiUated wUb the asJoliD Crates was moFt like]} t»
r the Court House I
'plana fpr tbe eqipiup year ahould indu.lo
soclation. At tbe end of ibe week ibe
ceive raid leiter
make a very acceptable OhristBag preaent.
I ^ ppt^ng «f a b^k at^wt vitb 'tliis uutiiuPresident will go to Pblladslphla to
t*aled the li'l: day of Oct. 1
I.. iiop.
ikip. Tpu are
* -----cou^usjaud
------ ' - > eato

participate to the John Waaamaker the County of Grand Traverse is held. Fees. $1 12
Call at Gomer to ProDt aad Caa tltaat
afety owing Jo Uie coffWU 'public aia-tna. to tha U^hesi
aanlveraary ceiebradon On the «renbidder.
T. (be praatlew d-'scribed in said
—. In capital and BHTpiiig. and
Ulg Ot the same day iGsiuntsM the 'mortrage
r»8e er »o .........
.............Is tity Return *« UftokK S AscarU-n Whaew
the .'wcU IcwRS local men 8^ manage the affaire
preatdant and aeveta! masbprs ot hl^ be nesssitrv ta gt • ifc* aeoam to a.atoiia
.'jnty ot
caklaei.wlll be In N«w Ksrk ts s'ppak storassid d-j* 03 Slid Bu^rtgage wnh
at the IciUans pa^e h^*3«t to>he 7 par cant intaresi and all laga7
I bsaeby <e^y aud retora that af­
oosu. icgcthar 'with said attorhay (ee.
glvafi at tha
aatthwft; Lot Ka. Taa fl6> to Bteek
In agdiriew w ue xoeeUn; to the
<181 to tbe artxinal ptoi of certXii) (lie w horeabouu, -or peatofflce'
'lor-a* of John Ciaiev er hiv belrwiorAtnericnn Asaoi-utioB tor Um Ad- 4ba ('Mr d( Tvavene City as pppasra (hc
w'hereabinit* or i-or-oW'-e address
rocoM in Ibc oth-e of tha Rasi»to Sdowce the warty «ub- of
wdw.HMrtfator --or
tor'’of iVHwls of Grand ^avcr»g ..
o( sanKrooB other sctoMlttc. Couai.v, MI'-Maoji.
tfusie.,' or gnarvhao of raid John
idaraed qn« cdurattoual aoctotles sill
Ctowr Frwit A Oato iUffetog.
BvaxftihP holiday soak. Uaay of the
at Ottawa.
Eeana (tliwfi
«C'j;4Ki^'aoT«lat. dlod. '.pora^aw.
a. i«i*.
Ttnm. A wuK.
tha bone Vl
chaneea vOl bring <
ard Tarlor at Kimnett Square. Pa, doMd Th»^ at ledge of what neartiT tanda hare
BtcP9vdbr JM.
offer, and the wtae naa wm sa
‘ 'ItafWM dv. McUcu. b}
U Bhovp, fernar-OBttif ^rhat he eaa do at home la* HtIUbO « RECORD CO.
* of milei ak Stated aanator tren lda]M..dled.
B^ia Ktttainlag. Pa, Jana tS. ASM.
awar la eearch of ratabev gold.
...vide l^reaideat
IPOS—KarbartlL D. Plerea appotntDatiad 8tttaa:tntiiWhr4o.»tqr_ UARiuTV OF ernes.
The Soprene Court of the CnUed
tbiiea t
eettles Cbk aU tUao a.cawt»oR.that haa
1 pfote F^anch Jtfnc
boM the eablect of oxteadreVad prokag^ litigation is pracUeallr ereiT I I7g2—Sir Richard Artcwrlght. torebbirse'dtf la ibe anntrr. The deda- tor of the atdnalag-tiBaa. bora. Died

jtro^. WhT IMT* toon ^


•soiaEn aKTHus




C. A. Hmnmi
Wilhdm Blod

Is Almost Here

We Credit Interest

l&aiatooi g u. a nptMMj.



MUM fEViatethaa to qahoai igaahaK CITRTIS D- ALI
•lao will h^ toair aaaoij 66rt6D-

D«C U-19-% Jas. t



9 .
♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•'♦*

. ^tAwaf Dm. St.-Joha ao4 Anuhi
CmtaM ratoraM from* CtikMo Mcmdv; -®here ttej'bad been to nee
iMr «M«r, Mn. M«»etl(. vbo U



Kra. MSli o( Boeo. Mick., arrived
MM^ir to Ttoll tier daocbur. Hn. A.
Dr. and Mtfc Clark were Trarem
Otr.cAUeia Wedaeeday.
. r.- ^MTd armed B^tardar from

UllfcrkMi to Ttait hie efanor. Mn. O.
S. AMricB and other Mende.
‘ Mtoa Mar Melatoeb waa a Travene
^ MJler Mondar.
t-maaler hmm Waited frieade at
ever Bondar, retamlod bone


The final revtalen ef the eepr
the tortkooalnd booklet ea weetert
wi>a.p« M betnc attde br tbe dereV
OBMot berema eSol^ and It U ex­
pected that tbe booklet wlE be ready
Cor dletrfbotiea tv tbe Brat o( the
rear. Tbe new work wlU bo modeled
alone tbe plaa ot tU bookiec IMoed
Ust r«r. bjit. wlU eoBUla entlxviy
■ew readinc natter and bait tone cnla
OtnMiattBt tbe developnent of a«rt.
emtare and boiticaltare In tbe twenir
oeantlee wblcb tte pabUcation repre-

JCm. Vao Hero hna reel«aed ai
taataMtreeB o( Orawn.
ArtUp waa « Traveree
‘'Mb aad 'Mra. BIU o( 0k Raplde
im* the Boena ot lira HUl a broth-

Vra. GatbarlM Sawyer waa a Trav' mm Oty caller Mcmday.
B. 'Barr of Barker CreA tranaaet•i bwioeaa in town thif weA
Mn. Vbnu and Mm. PowMl were
Tiiaverae Otty cellert Monday.

Oiriatmaa aaomeea wni be
held at the church fMday avanIns.
Tbetrormin win be In eharse of the
Tlo OrmwB achoMa wtU done tor a
wrtTf vaoMton yMday.
■■ TBe'Q

■iklns FH»r alshL

. Mna BtaBotd and Myrtle Sawyer
''Jwart Tramme «ty caRera mday.
♦ ♦ B ♦ ♦ • O # o ♦♦ ♦ ♦ «
« l

intereeted in tbe Cnili landi of wenMlcbltatt and
eomlng to ibe bQ,rean o^ lotormatioD
In resard to eniuble tracte, both inproved and unimproved, that can be
•eenre^ tor dlspoul to people from
that cooniry who are ansloua to acttie In a reclon where crope are cer>
tela and drouth and cacenlve cold do
not have to be contended with.
BetreUry Holley of the Board of
Trade If indebted to Henry Vocrhele
tor a banket of -ane Seiome applea and
Delaware mpef. .The srepea have
preeerred elnee aarty fall In coke
doat and are ai flm aa when flm
Bex W. GrMhman and Lynnd Oh
nan were married Wedneeday afternoon nt the cbnrt booee by Judte
Fred R. Walker. Both pertlee are
reddenu of Trarerae City.
Deputy Oame WaiWeh O. ‘Allen
Bmldi ban returned from 0k Raplde.
where he eelced S3S poonda of whitetih from Olery Bonn, which were un­
lawfully causbt. Tbe flab were ablpped to the Traverae aty Btate hoipltaL
Miw Maud Hanha. a fernier ttaeher In the Boardman Avenoe eebool,
died at the
In Grand Ritdda yeaterday. MIsa
Hnnka waa compeUed to leave her
work.bere about three yean ago on
of poor healOi.


^(FVem Tbnraday'f Record-Cagle.)
Byiveater Baker
<B*takv"Det- »-CatUe-Rooalpta,
turned to bla borne thla morning after
OiLdykl.'oM*-. etandy.
OMWP. Active.
Sheep— a abort vlait here wiUi frienda.
C. Martin, who itea been here
He0 JWrty ncUve. ateady. lAlSB for the paxt week on bualneia. reuirn‘
ed to bla home In Saginaw thU morn­
Madns at (SOCiB.
ing. .
Otit Hnwkina of Bingham paaeed
through the city ibU morning on hl«
way to Maniatee m bneinesa.
J. A. Wateon, dittrtet elder ef the
Methodlat church, after apeodlng >ceterday to tbe dty aa the gneat at
Rev. 1. H. Morrlaon. went to Empire
thla morning on buslnesa.
Mra. Jemet Bell ot Anneortea,
'^ash.. paBMd through the city today'
OB ber way to Honor to visit relativea
and frienda.
Mra. PheMe Clark of FOueh rw
tnraed to that WaM thia mortong aft­
er aeveral dt}-a bora on bn^ooaa.'
Roy McOarry arrived from Ann
Arbor laat evening and will spend tbe
hoUdaya'wiih bla parenta.
V.’.V.ViLdO Don Bingham la heme from tha U.
ItM of M. for the bolldnye.
Miaa Lucy Kelly, daughter of W. N.
Keliy. has arrived from Notro Dame'
nnlveralty to spend tbe Christmas bol
Predwee SelHnB Prtea.
Idaya at her borne herOv
AI Plough loft laat evening for DotrolL where bo has accepted a poslUon with tbe Michigan Grocer com­
Mine Laiia'Bwantanr daughter of
Dr. and Mrs. L. Swanton. la borne for
tbe Cbriatmes bolldayi?
John M. Wade of Cadllloe
spend tbe holMaya u tbe gnett of hla
usdea, Jc^ and Frank Wade of this
- ary Meryen. daughter ef Mr.
J. C.-Morgan
end Mra. 3.
ef Sixth street.
Is borne tram school tor tbe holidays.
8be la accempanled by Miaa Ruth
___ ■ ARalra.
,H a creat ebaage'la to be made la OlMdeo of Michigan City. lnd„ yrbo

■ aSdra. tba mlnda d
will apend tbe two weeks' vacaUon na
I* Bitet to R. tha ■enetd opldeoa
gneet at kbe Morgan borne.
m toalB«a Wfll «i«W that way. Bv
Or. J. W. Oauirtlett left this morn­
^fMT. •vefTbeoir^ forwnrd It; ing for Milan, where be kill spend
Cbriatmaa antb reUUvea and friends.
j win appear latbar to realat tbe He wUl return next Toeeday.
Btofito ot PnvUBMpttndf than tbe
Crneet Lew of the U. 8. B. Cheetor
d^ito ot toto BdNknd Barka
la at borne on a vMt to bla
and slater to Traverse City,
. T''RtsMOMnp.
Oeeer Breelne. wHI arrive from
: |dlny0vtagmwd^eaacbaatT^to Mnnletog tonight to spend tbe boUMrtob both glvor aod iMdver. Bd daya with hit parents.
# eaa an Jadde Iboae tblnsa fairly
Mite Loulra Pratt, who la ettend- ^ .tor oto^vea; If we make mtotog iLe V. of
arrived borne lest
' S^ttoslvea u na w^ tbe m^ve evenipg to spend the bolldaya with
ber pareuu at old Mitalon.
Julius Bears u horn# fram the Univeraity of Mlditgaa tp spend
Ckrtaimta vacation with his parenu,
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Beers.
Thomas Bmuithweite of Maniatee It
in the rity tbit week <n baalneaa.
Miaa Lucy Kelly who ettondo oeheot
at Notre Dame.-la In the city on ber
vncmtlon for tbe boUdays.
Klrahner went to Beyne
City ibla moroing for ibe purpose of
making airangements for- an api

Ms*. '0.1S0«Jt: No. a, tlASet-


nace there by tbe Cadca MlcttrdU'
Janoar} lA
Mim ■Ulllen Parr la at her home In
thlB dty for the boUdayt. on ber vacatton trom
Cher of Kiopaley. returned to her borne tbta after­
noon after seveia: daya -vtan bertMn. f. Neehel. eon Cherlee and
dausbte^. kitai Iretba. left ibie motnln< (of a*^ polar in nortbrru MInne'ota
to apend the nioier.
torn, dvnee Corriaosan left today
on tbe no^ train for Cblceso on an
extended vUlL
Mine Dors Gordon went to FranWen
ill moraine to epend Chrietniaa wUb
left totay en
tbe noon train for Cbleaao. where ebe
rill e|>end tbe bolldaya
|l>'Tom Prlday'a Becord-Eaale.)
D. Royal Siaake haa arrived from
Alma to apend tbe. Cbrieimaa raralloo with ble pareatr.
.Lew'Holliday arrived en the laU
{rain iaat .'evenins from Olivet to
apend tbe Cbrtatmna racation at his
borne here.
B^umll Chervenka la home from
Olivet collese to epead the hoUday»
with bla parenta.
Miaa Merparet
la>t cvfr.ins from Ann Arbor to apend
the hblldaya at ber homn'bere. '
Mra. H. J. Mercer left today on the
noon train (or.Detroit, where ahe will
apend the KoUdaye.
b: B. York went to Baldwin thia
morning on boaineak.
Mra. W. Koch went to OctroM to­
day to vlait rel^vea and trienda for
the bolldaya.
W. O. Ellia la apending a few daya
at Sooth Boardman thla week viklt
tog relativea.
Miaa Agnea E. Ryan went ^ Ann
e bollArbor IhU morntog to apend the
damea M. Rethbun want to Orand
Rapida thla morning to vlait relaUvea
diutog the bolldaya
Ivan Core weM to Fife Lake thli
mofning. where be will epend the af­
ternoon. and )olD (be Needham baaket
ball taam at Kalkaaka
Mra. B. RInglar left thla morning for
Snolt 8te. Marie to apend the bolldaya.
L. A. Redgen went to Reed City
thia morning to epen4^ Cbriatmaa with
relative! at that plkee.
Artbiw Boutin left thia morning for
Salida. Colo., where ho will make bla
future residence.
Cheeter Wah of
lo hla homo this morning, after sev­
eral daya visit here with friends and
Rebon E. Mann warn to. Grayling
this morning on a few days tisit
Mra. Wm. Gagnon went to Temple
this mornin!:. where slu- will s|«uJ
Ohrtotmaa v.-lih her iiarents
Avcl BirthTon wert to Boyne Falls
lit mt-rnlng. and wSli ptoIxOily work
there lor Iho winl.-r
T. C. Hanloy left this morning for
Hartford, Conn., on an extended hiislI trip.
Mrs. H. J. Button ef Beyao City,
who baa been here vlritlns for some
time aa tbe guest of her sister. !


home this .morning.
Bohumll Chervenka, who 'attends
Bchool at Olivet, airived in the rll>
laat evening to spend CJiristiuas w-ip
his parents.
Ward wart to Honor ttjtt
morning on business for tb'c'da>>r
Jay Smith went to Manistee this
morning on buslnesa.
Mra. Chaa. Clymer la apending tbe
ds^ at Hatches Croealng
F. Chase wwrt to Neeeen CHy
thlAJQornlng on businen for the day.
Mra. E. J. Elscnheimer-went to Arcndla tbU morning, where she wilt
loin her boaband in their new home
at that place, aU«h a residence In this
city for a y«ar and n half.
Mra. Kate Dupuye «f Nessen CHy)
isaed ihraiikh the city today 8n her
return home from flv-e weeks visit In
New Vork City.
A. Albertson ef Ma'niatao. rapreoenting tbe Mi
Co., of New York City, waa In the
city on n brief buslnesa trip, and re­
turned to bis home this morntog.
Mra. ^ Memro went to Kingsley
thia morning on businea^ for tbe day.
Mrs. C Clark wcA to.Hewnro thla
morning on a abort visit'- —
Miaa Haxel Gordon of Olivet college
has retarnad to her borne on tVaablngn street tor tbe holidays.
Mrs. Luther Macy of Bolen la eer
ralescent ot the Bay Bank hospital.
G. W. Mathews of South Haven and
daughter are spending Cbriatmaa with
Un. W. M. Gordon og Washington
Bam Modley ef
la Blcsly recovering from a recent oi>>lra. Wm. CImse of Boloii, r
hOBM today, after n brief aojouin in
this dty.
Mrs. Grace Oerendeans of thia city
is 111 St tbe Bay Bank hospital.
Donald Cameron wiH arrive tonlg'ht
from Chicago (or a week's vacation
Mr. and Mrs. Chat. Putman wont t
I.eroy this morning, where they will

Ends Winter's Troubles.
To many, winter la a aootion of trou
hies Tbe frost-bitten toes and Dn*.en. cbappbd hands and ll|«. cbllblalRs
cold-oorec. red and rou:b skins, prote
this. But such trouHes fly before
Buckles's Aniics Salve. A trial cos
rinces. Grealect heelm of Bnnu.
and -Vowels and build np year baadth. Bulla. Piles. Cuts. Sore*. Brnlaos. EcOalf 2Sc at aU Trararao City Drug aems and Spralaa. Only Sic a
Travmo CMy Drag Sioroa.
A Terrihia Blunder,
to neglect Uver tronbla Never do It.
Toke Dr. Ktog'k .New life ntU os the
I »‘CT of cao»>lpaUos. bUiOuascss
toective I

spend Clrlstmat with fitends and re-:
Uoyd WaHbra .wont to Fito Lake
ihJa morning ^ spied Cbrtetmae with
hit parents, j
Mr. and-Mra. W. F. Orean went to
RceeoBtson thu meralag to speed tbe
Mr. end Mrs. At Randan-weW to
Michigan City thla morning to visit
matlrea lot' come time.
Mrs. John Gridin weA to Kalamaw to>iay to visit frienda and rela-

Bnllcy. went to Ovid this morntog to
spend Christmas with friends ood rvtoUvoa at that ^Ucc.
Mr. aiM Mra. W. H. Umloe towR to
Detroit today, where they wm aghbd
the boUdarn
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Meorob went to
Wallin today, to apend Chrtatmna with
relatives at tost p.ace.
E. L. Hughao went to* Kingsley this
morning op buslooca for
H. E. Crain went to Lutoer today
» spend Ch-rtotmaa with »\ls mother,
J. E. Woodward of Baxtsr.
tu hU home this morning, after
era! days to this city on boatoeas.
went to Grand Rapids today lo visit friends and rela­
tives over Christmas.
Mra. Marties Van Hern went ts
Summit City this morning to spend
Christina* with relatives and friends
at that place.
C. A. Warden rclunted to hia home
: Shelby loday. after a brlef vlait in
this cli} with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Hbpkiha vrent to
Boyne City this morning to opend
M. and G. LIcMy of Kingsley
returned to tbeir borne this mori|ng,
altdr a brief visit here on bnsinesa. ,
and Mra. Lew Wllllama want
Iona today, where they
siwpd the holiday*.
Mr. and Mra. J. H. Bumpaa .werrt to
Grand Kai>id» this nwrolng. where
they will be the guest* of relatives ov

Mlw Beaaia Weed weM to Kingsley
this morniog to siiend Chriatmait with
her parenta.
Redd iff went to Boy CHy today,
whrre be will apend the boUdara.
Mra. Bert Price e( East Jordan, who
has been here vlsiUng >lrs. 11. 3. Dye
for (he post oeveysl days, returard to
rr home this morntog.
Mrs. F. E. Eeates of Muskegon will
spend the holldsya with her father
and sisters, tbe Cnlifiatis, of Vnion
street, beving Arrived* yesterday.
Miss Mauds McMichaol returned
last nigbt from^rora the U. of M. to
spend her C^mimss vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Barth loft this
morning for Anacortea. Wash., where
they will spend the winter,
Arthur Popat loft this morning for
os Angeles. Cal., where be will
make bis future residence.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Grifflfflh went
Scoitville thlK morning to spend
the holidays with friends and reliMr. and Mra. \- A. Barneo of Northtlvca at thal place.
A. W. RIekered has returned from n l«rt. p*»»ed through (he Htyrioday oti
their sray to Blanton to *|»end tiirlat
trip through Georgia and'Mim
Mra Julia Parker and Harry Bccor
Mra. J. L. Smith went to Cadillac
wir spend Cbriatmaa with retotives
today to spend Christmas uitii rela­
tives and friends.
(From Saturday's Record-Eagle.
Miraew MarJoHa a^ hbiy Craig
Mra. Archie Crago and aona, Ches­ of SauU Str. Merle are In the n
ter and William, arrived last eeonlog tn apend the bolldaya.with friends.
spend the holidays with Mr.
Elijah Ranaom arrived home last
Ura. Don Winters and family of Wclr night from f.anstog and went tu hi*
home at Uiue Tioe. He arrU-od in
Mrs. Leonard Chamberlain will «i- time to witness the Christnui* exer.
rive this eveiiing from Soiitb Haven Cises at the tcboolbouse..
to spend Christmas with her brother.
Mr*. Claude Palmer toft tKl* momFred Cross, and other relatives la the tog. for Ctoclnnatl, where she uil,
spend ClirlsiRias with her sisier.
Miss Nellie Thariior Is homo from From there she will go (v> Chlcako
Fremont lo spend the Chrisimas
and Cleveland to do her spring buy
Mr. and Mrs. 00»rge\ Carroll have
Mrs. H. L. Crawford of Mesick to
gone to Monroe (Vnto^ to apend in the tiij spending the lioilday* with
Christmas with rela^^.—
.her son. Ur. M. S. Gregory and fam-

on the l',„.

eein ....
Ibefe-o ©he thing weTo fctog to
this fan. ' spoke up Trlmmor to
let and pointing to an article niiUled'
been <-o«) nmed. -aod that ta we'iw
"The Overworked Hother "'
to go out mivre. 'This thing «f
'ito you think that -ati|iUee tn onr
moiberr' adked Bess, wiib a Itiiie sitting arotiod home all (he tliao cn ')
anxloua frown, aa she Closed tbe-mag- he nverdace .
now ce.- he added. *ra«-ro
• Yes. I ao.>4^tok mother is over­ golBg around amoRg poiplr and to tbo
theater owastootfly.
lag around here eveelmnTlitDtoB bM
■But, Jane, she appeara to
before onr (line It's up lo us to g
masagtoic our tltiie-flat.“
and gel <
“Ye*. *be doe* appear to. but
Here she need* a rest. We ahimld do friends more or we w-ofti have
takes people all go lo
all the work for a While, at least. |
In their shell week to
{.et's go out Into (be kllcl^ now gud
tell her to lie down or read god we U and week out l>«>m nos '>n we're go­
on a different ay*>
flnish whatever she* doing."
"What a.reSecikm It 1* on ua. Jane,
■ I've often thoaght the same thla^.'*
that half the time we dont even know
"bui I suppoaod
what's she doing:"
“Its jart as tbe article says— ibai you prgferrea being at home to
'daughters become entirely bUnd to the evening l/»s of times I've woMthe ancomolatotog drudgery of their ed to go out. hut dldti -I like to a^
geet It when you eeeoird ao comfort­
able at home and m totereaied to
- Mra. Crandall was Ufttog a Hn
baautitully browned cookies from ihej
oven when Jane
"Did you smell Cbemr ahe asked, better than to have aa evening of sorial diversion now and then,
stopping tbe verse
isrney- *be dTss humming. "A# 1 Just what I need, ^n's aaoclal bdl^
and If be doesn't inloy tbe aoctoty Ot
--'-Illy, outalde ot
been since 1 made any raisin cookies' buslnesa boura, there'* someihtog ■
tor you gin*. I mettol to surprise you ! or less aboonnal about him. thgt’k
with them."
■* S
"Mother. 1 think you do tco much \ “We'd better take to the BroMtma’
for us." aald Jane. \
i muslcale. theft.'" auneeted Mra. Trim"Nonsense: . Vou>^w I Bk* to jaer. "If* a week from tomorrow Bight
poner around."
and we're enra to be Invtted. Mra.
-Ye*, we know."'raid Bess, to re-jBrohsoB wes^saying oomethtog abost
apottse to a iook fram ber sister, "but it the other day."
Jane and 1 (eei tbnt you are over"All right." said Trimmer. *%ut 1
waa Jhai about to ray I hat I had (i^.
“And we intend." said Jane, "to re-; cis for the theater tomorrow b1^
lirve you of tbe burden of taousekeep- ] So don't make any other piano."
tog.. You're to hare B muito ■

j Trimmer r oaraed that he'd had S
"Much needed nothtog!" Un. Craa- rather atran us day when be g«
dair* tone wai acoralul.
j home tbe n t evening. After sap"You overdo -all the time. I'll fin- per he icy down on Ibe lensge.
Ish (be baking of these (yookfes."
< "\Vc'd better be geltlng ready tt
''""How ridiculous you are. Jane! I'll we want to be at the theater on tlBM.*
bake these cookies myaeU. of come." _ suggested Mrs. Trimmer abertly after
"No. dear." He** ipoke flrnily. "Vou seven' o'clock,
must go into tbe. living room and
"Hub!" grunted Trimmer with b
rest " _
yawn. *Thls Is tbe night we Were
"Yes. every one should have JeUure going to the sbow. Uni Ut WML g<i
for quiet coniempUtton." suppiemrat- ^our iblnga on and 111 be ready mpm
«d Jane.
j you are,"Mr*. Crandall, somewhat awed, left
jjra. Trimmer haetehed te «ter.
the kitchen wiibout further protwu
"Somebody waa telling me." remark*
Half an hour later ber daugbicn dis- ^ Trimmer aa they were leavtog tbe
covered ber deep to soapsuds to the house, "that the show Isn't moeb fool
"I Just thought this was a good
chance to clean these gas gtobes." she
Voii Ltiviw-. Mrs. Hexur
- After dtonffr, one w-eek later. Trira
polishes (bem well -when she mer put on bU slinpera. gut toto aa
i-Ivanc on I'rliliu* "
old lounging (oai and leaned bpA
"If (h*> (Tiiisi l>* v.-csbed. i;i! do 1L~
the li!g moiTl* chair with a aattormuirked .lane, gently pushing brr flod expression while ha looked href
mother aside. "You-know we want (ha f«per. A few mtoutra later" ho
went over and got a couple of hla
Mrs. CTsndsil looked perplexed, bet pipes, off Ibe renter table and otaitad
»Ue went to her own room. There to cleen them tip.
nn lour afiernard
"This alwaya used to be xn fafotird her darning.
vorlle smoke—this pipe rldit bm."
have an engagement for he confided ip Mrs. Trtotme? "bat tf'a
liirrhoon downtown, mother—" t>egan got M cakeJ up lately it'll aearoa
draw at all. Now’a a good tlaa to
"Ve», I know, • Interrupled Mr*. cleat) It up. Then, after I get It toto
Crandsll. 'Tin giud ; ou're going out." shape. I've got a magazine with a
.There'* nothiag to do tor dinner." r«>u[Je of cracking good aioriea thgt 1
Jane proceeded.
Tve gat the roa*t, want to read to yoa."
the pots(oe* and the pudding In tbe
“Too'll scarcely have lime to do all
lirelvss cooker and wr'il get home in
that, will yiju?" toquirod Mra. Itfaw
time to take them out and make tbe
mer amittog. "Ton know this la tha
ralad. so you needn't go near the
nigbt of the llrooaona' mualcala. IVb
I lichen." .She spoke condualvely and
about tlBie that you put oa your draaa
her metber sighed.
got e
K Uid oot for
"Why don't you go out some­ suit.



'^rrr t"



train for Lansing to spend (be
F. M. Easton, who Ku boon apondholidays, n-hlle away he uill go to log a tow days with hla nephew. Dr.
Chicago on several days' business M. S. Oregon', left for hia home at
Homer today.
James and P^r Reuse vimnt to
Mios Nettto Hlekrfwn wont to KingEmpire jbls mornlne. where they
,„oinlns a* the gue»t of
ill *|oml Chrisi.nss with relotlv*
ai.d irUthes over ChrlMmas,
J. E. Narogan went le Manistee
go. garry left this noon for "sauH
this morsliig on bnslneve for a feu |s„. ^,^0 to »i-etid rhri*iwas
duy-. ,
Bertha Sparling left today on
R. Dillon returned to his homo St!il,e tiuon (ram (tw Sailll tic Mari.-,
Folon this inoiD-tig afu-r a brief tu>* iwiicrc hiie *iU spend Chritiiui** uiih
inc*s irip lo tbiN city
*n>l ulai!
Kendall, who hat been hero
Mra.' 'N. W. Burdick of Mancetona.
tor tbi- iwsl eevctal dayii on busl- returnol to her home ihl^ morning
icluraed to hi* home at Karlin after several days vtoii here''^»tL
(hi* morning.
Miss Ida CwonL a teacher at the
Mr. and Mra Robert Downs
Kimwood school, went lo Empire this >o ''’eel Ui-snrti ihU juorning
tnoining to s|tend the hnlldavs with ’l‘c holldav*.
Mis* Lueile Sipple went to Cedar
8.'Amicraen went lo Platte tbit S|‘''>«'M
"here *ho will *iK-i.r1
morning, where he will bo met by » -r-vH viritlx- will, her lar.-ms
friends and eocorted to.the Inland I Mr*. L. Whitmore is spending
church tor the purpose of ai(«hdtog ’‘'“'‘"P
Holme, Siding
the funeral of Wm. Dexter.
Mra Emma Csrisci went to Boyne
derson and .Mr. Dexter have been fari
Cllj- today to visit her *ou Krrsl tli..
friends for tbe past <G years, both
nam over Christmas.'
i»n coming to this vicinity when
L. A. Prcaacott of Omcna. passed where?" asked Beu. TVs too bright
(hey were boya ftfioeo years of age
through tbe i-ity today on hli, wuy to a day to atay todoora."
There to only four days difference In
-1 can't see to dare on a dark day,
t. Heosanl to rpend (ho holiday*.
their , ages. Mr. Anderson’s birtbday
waa the aomewbsi testraiuwer.
Mr. and Mra C. E. Green arc viaHbelDgon the 17th and Mr. Dexter’s t.-ic Ing relative* at Fite Lake ibis wee*.
21st of May.
At live o'clock the glrti came home
Mra H. A. U
Mia* HaMi Fotroat of Empire pass­ knaka' ihi* nioriiiag > fcjieiid fbrisl- and found (heir toother to the kltcheb
cah&tog preaervM.
ed through tbe city this morning on. mas with friends.
"Why. what are you dotog bow
her return home from Reed Clty
Mra Frad Miedicin went to Saginaw Baked Beta.
Wm. Brooder wont to Empira this this morning to s|>end the hulidays.
"Well. I thought tbe peaches I p
morning to a|>end Chrialntoa with hU
Mra Everett Davie went to Mancclo- up last moeib weren't rich enough. i
I've stewed them over again with
» loday on bnilnes*
F. C. Hall raiurned the fora part ef
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stuart went to mu* more cugaf."
"Oh, mother' ' exclaimed ber daiMhtbe week from 8trenga^.jlTiii>pewa Co.. Kalkaaka ibl* morning on an extended
where be was on a bnslne** trip for visit to friends and relative*.
"Now. my dears.' Mrs.- Crandall
Clara. Griffin it home from Albion
laughed, “don't reproach me tor
Mr. aM Mra. W. H. Gray of Manton college 10 spend the holidays.
Joying tnyeelf. Don't worry about toy
-e spending the Christmas lime with
Mlac Mary Flu Gerald of Grand Ra­ belonging to the class of overworked
their daughter. Mrs, F. C. Hair of 219 pids win spend the Chriatmas vacattun motbers."
E Front Bt.
Jane and Bess cxcbaogvd sUi
as a guest of the Ratienbury'ii on
A. Frpet went to Bay CHy'lo- Eleventh street
where he will siwnd Christinas
• Yes. I road tbit dnJcle this after­
Jack NerMnger arrived thie after,
noon. girls, and it was a relief to my
with relaiivee and friends.
noon from Boyne City to spend the
mind to flr.d out w-hat bad roused this
H. H. P. Wdaler left today noon hoUday*.
anxi.iy on your i>*n. for 1
for Saginaw to 8|*end Christmas with ^orlt Martin ef Saginaw wil spend
really was afraid that bulb of >uu
ihe holiday* with friend* In ii
were gening * In,le—well, qu«-er,
Henry WaUr of Simons Bay. pass­
with sli that talk about qt-t.-i contmiMra H. O. Murphy arrived
ed through the city today on hU wav city last night from Detroit lo Rjsend plsilon
Why. I can think Utter
JO Kalamatoo to visit relative* (or the
CbritHmas with relative* and friend* whtn I'ro pi-e-lin« potatoes-cf vbopholidaya.
plng mvai iban 1 can ary other time
Mrs. Murphy was formerly .Mil* Sow run out of the utv-ben. both of
A. Yunglaa umnt to Kingsley this
Emma Boenlng. daughter of Mr *nt you
H « CO t-lsce for those nice
morning on *everml days visit
Mrs. F. Boenlng, Sixteenth street. oi clothes vou'te wearliiR I'll gel din­
Lowolt Morae went to West Branch
this city, haring been mairied Nov- ner on ,he ishie the *'*' I always
this morning; to spend Christmas, with
do. You Kill- btip me s lot—when
repr«bis parrata.
you don't ir.tericre "
eentatlvi for tha N. K. Falrhank C»
Lewie Merle went to Klngtley this
morning on' business for the dav
R. Vunglaaa went to Kingolcy thia ' Mra Katherine Pratif and daughter
The magnate w*s asking about a
morntog to aiiend CJirimmai- with re­ Theresa, left tbI*
cerisio (USD wbcm he thought of
confldeotlsl rapacity.
latives of that idav'c.
Well, iberw's thti about tbe fallow,"
H.C.Heffmin went t^K.npaley thla
E Hasting*
replied be whose advice was tougbi;
morning on buslnesa f-jf the .lev,
"Ibe iruih cerislnly a not to him!"
Whalc’a Groat Speed.
Mra Joseph Clvff ef OetroH la heref Ij
"Just the ibtrg—then It i-an ( be
The (Inbsck whale ..
*l>end the. holidays with her mother
of blm! ' exclaimed tbe
Mrs. M. Sbodek of South I'nion street tb^!•S"toV»-a■!e^**^7al* th*\‘o‘'l‘*!S mswie .enitusisatlcolly. - UwtoMiaa IM -Klalbtr left today on the
fastest *t<.um-‘bip
nocQ-train for Gp*sd
to i>pvn(.'
CbrUtmas with reUtive*. She w-Ui
Poor Horam
probably letarn aldut Thursday
Tbe family horse was shedding hi*
James'Clawseo vsent te Manten thla coal. *'Oh. tnaraDa," exclaieaed-small
morning on btulBMa.
r Sadie, 'do rome aad looix at old Dob


Miaa Flora Btrtoklln mod Miaa Btalia bto. 1 be^eio has an_maUi-**ieii‘“


"Wbat'a that*" Trimmer lookad op.
auriled. "Maalcale. yon ray* Havont
you been a tittle pravioda to arcopttog
Inviiatiboi to aueb tbtoga without cooaulilng me* Yoo know very well bow
1 stand on trotting around to tbo
evening In a dress suit Wbca I get
through work at the oflee I vast to
come home and rest. Rest mtod yoa.
Thai’s what 1 want to do. Aad It isn't
much'rest for me to go ehaslng about
with a lot of pinheads that tmagtos
they're deriving enjoymeut oot of that
kind of eo railed rlaaileul stuff (bay
play at tffesc musical* ibtogs.
"There Isn't one person to 4*0."
e'ormed Trimmer, "thsi rrally llkas to
el, snd look pleased over Ibe toodlode-tuni itnff that they label cUastcaJ.
But (hey make an awful bluff about
fairly doling on Jusi such highbrow
vorsi and insirumental palaver. Hush!
'AVbcre'd you get tbe Idea that I
was willing to be dragg^ out to such
un affair a* ihtt, anyway* I'd bavo
to Ulk to a lot of light welgbu tbat
don't know enough la carry nuis to a
squirrel. I never saw one of tboee
cMy peof'ie wbo could pass aa eoirance exainlnatioa to a night sebook
'What* 1 said we ought lo go OOt
Did. eki. Oh. ye*, aod I aapbad Ju'l s
a affair as tbia
musicale in mind, too That i
about like me YeC Nice spirit OB
your part lo take advantage of B
rbsnce remark of n.liie that .1 waa
willing (o go Out tn tbe evening with
.vou one- In awhile~if I did ray soeb
a thing
"Ob well. I euppoee I'm Up agglaat
It now. We'll have to go to tbe !»(ernal thing. Rut ft doe* seem B
pity ifasj a man raa't have an eveBtac
of quiet and rest bow sbd tbeB."

of Lebanon aye carefully guatdad.'

Let the Herald and Record Co
do your Job Work.


r ' fMt t

mirit fteiPAT. niicwraH! 34.1011.




^ ol I»ler€^i|« «itf«majaa BtlMttft to Loul
^iy Mttnwm for a CkrlnnkB |
cram ud trau.

Veurt^ and Fffth Oiada Frofrai

sonc. -TVMn-’filu;


Yom* nd flULm

Tli^rv-a a »Ms. <n TIm* AU*'






RMHtailOB—0««i^ PopM.


BccItnUos—Herjery Brabant.





Bong- rourtb grade. fOv glrty end 'RTfran. lath mde.
A Chrlaimaa trlriitione—IM amfle.
!.and A TUi*^

Sods. 1b AitoV

four boy*.

When the Relndebr W«re


Sons—Fifth .grade.


ling Boar-Jd yrAde.

A Doll fExhibit—2d grade.


arentekrlUe. Dec. 20.—\T«

to apend tbe wlster.


Ian week.

Ffatt Jewett baa porcbaaed aBotber


to eea

the Suadar


over Snadar.

Cady «aa a Tiairerae

Mr and Mrs. Jataek D. Beacb eaae
fceiB TraverM city laat Wedneaday to

Anna Fleber pa«aed tbreoxb


onr village on her vuy borne to Ma­

Mr. a&d Mn. Fraak Baiitb retnraed

ple City one day laat week.

borne from Oraod

Tony Ti^aln of StlghU vlalted at

aebool croviBa.

frienda'end relative* at Elk Rapid'a

Cily caller laat Sunday.

la the sablns bulDeoi.

W« are

Mr. and Mra. D. B. Etnao vlalted

MIta Ireae Drel^taopt «ai at^bome

vlth Mr. Oreillrk orer bia foed luck


toriet the



Enter Banu (Taua.

Mra. Chao. Painer,
Xn>«. .»a Ml..,.. M».r .IMW «

Ogdenahnrx. Dec. 20.—TVank Karat

Mr. and' Mrs. Tony Zonlek arrived

-“to .rrtvM TM™a., I.r . .1,11

home Ssturday from ^icafo. where

an. rm aw. Twna.n



t for a vUli 0

W. m Mini 1. m.. Mr. ’..d Mn.
>"■■ •“ *"
B. Wnandd...
rlcluu. b.t .., Tl.nd.T Br . rini Mill BLlIrn 1.


Nina Nelao* apeat Saturday la


the pan


4 t>'« 4 P'4 4*4 ♦ 4' 4 * « 0 4
South Mfllon. net 20.-H. C. Wood

Squaw ieUnd. where

4 ♦♦*♦>♦♦♦«♦♦ «♦

fonow them lo their near Cblrago dnrln* the bolldaya.
all.hd.Ban -T—.n
hi^wa la.d

reinmed Monday from





Uoyne City.

nak p^oaram *•*•'»-

Mn. H. AemUeCRer did ChHrti

- « tba Shane acbodl bouie. aavood ’
r«u»ed fi
Wliuamsbnrt UK Baturtay. ber motb-

Boopplng In Traverae City SafnnlayThere will be no school In the i>rtnlary room PViday.
Mnt. Homer Ackerman slid children
of Kinpidcywarc vUltiny; at the AHc’ erman borne tbia week.
Mr*. Elsenhelmer and




Went to Arcadia Wedueaday. wbere
they wlU lire tUs winter.

Mr. ElseB-

helmcr has accepted a position at tHat

ChrlKimiLt tree and |{ragram together
aixl s>%t gift* to the iniplls at Hoouvllle sH.oot,
Till-'fourth Rnal firth grade also a-n-

Raplda. where he will Join his wife
aud dauplttrr for tHo winter.
♦ ♦♦4r4'4kPP44PP4P4P




Pleasant Grove. Dec. ».-^^^tl'Lyon

Harry Bei^wlth and wife returned
Monday from a visit

with relatives

Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Shaw are coptemplsclng a. visit to soathern Michi­
gan during the next few days.
RuBsdl Brown


the driving horse formerly owned by

I anida umd
»d.MddlBT->diBd«ilOiMhAkid ^ i«b.i
in ood mod ito^ wB be aald.
U r* awu WglUa MOia b dio liae to pMolaae.

EmUIU, m iIm wot <d


the fifth

Beatrice Ba­

bel. Wmie Brnger. Dorothy




^ ivirfo,!,.

lya. ''

S^eral of ns enjoyed a pleasant
time last evening nt the new borne ot

were guests at the dtamailutton of
'The Christmas Carol“ given In
tnnie by (be . seventh




The esera isos In eocb room

Wi ll- wt-U atteoded by the iiiolhers.

Ti>ere will be a CMatfm p
the eburtt ^t|

BatVi Jennln^
nn.l Mr*. Will


Snndaj.aCbo^ aAR|*in.

3-1 pa,-«l*line»* tf»
I sixth grade* dramatlteil the ’ SJ“S5v‘’wmvdieT
Mother Goose stories wi|h Santa <3aue
The exercises In the different rooms
were Vfit

well altenciet by tnotbere

and friend* of the scholars.

orlgliml Christinas stories

jtoiing the numbers.



shot's pupils furolahed a treat for the

Tbe following teasers will apend
the holidays oijpoCtbe riiy:

bon t






SoonvMie School.

this the exercises were given In which
tbe i«rilripants ai-quittvsl iliemseivn.
Mr and Mr*


Peck, gccoihia

nied by Sotu. 1, U Tyler v wlied even


era and their pupHa.
Oak Park School.
TBe kindergartea and


and there were many mother* ami
friends present.

Tbe little folk* gav.-

IDe this Campbell's iiupils lo tl>e
sba|>e of
considered tUs whiter. llowrra. :^ra. Hobbs acted as substi-;


The Cheapest is the Best

WcdOD'l have to prove It :
Tbe ensfomers admn
SoM evilj wbcrt.

a imie (.lay that was creiiltably pm

IsabeiU SIdeboibam.

Onr new me is to be with onr new

*amt>U bent*
tave a *a*
riwe of rha
Vf. B. I'l.l
eu a pv*tal

Boonvllle school enjoyed a big tree

held their program tn the k

Graves. CiDcinnaii. at

lenees sf convUp*tt<
r(U sulcklr diranuwi
IVm't give the little ena Salta:.
Ic Hit* <T naity water*, for tb<
ft as eurratlve*. and ther i
itrau for a ebUd. In tbe fam

with a Rift fhr each pupil, and after

express a

*n«f PU.I25 Tiy-mSw ".'1?:* Mm,.'

SS---------- -------- --------

Ham>y Nrw Year to the

other two grades.

WhaCs The Matter
With Your Babydr

„n*el. and bung full of >*artte^ »nd ;

lutke on.
After the iiropran the big tre<
City; Edna M. Kilmer.
Reed 4Clty.
wa« the center of attraction, each pu
Marios Intends lenvlng
Mlrh.: Cbarloue J. MannI. Grand Ra­ p!l reeejritig a gift from th'ir tearhtor Colorado next week for the winter
pids. Mich.
Candh-*. nut* and other
n comhlaed bnsl&ess trip and In
.Miss Campbell was out of school *'>m« goodie* were lasted around and
search of relief ftom. jsthtna. A good
ir a few days last week.'on accunni ■ he altenioon was pleasantly *|>ent' l>y
sociable evening was spent nsd after
of tbe death Of her annL who has liv­ the little folks. _ '
a light Inncfa being tborooghly enjoyed ed Id Judge Campbell's borne for year*.
The eiljtt grade imve n very cetui
we cn
Syiupatfiy was expressed by
Mr. nnd Mn. MnrJtm MerriU at Wil-


to ipt-nd the vacaUon wiki Mr

Union Street ScheeL
The kindergarten Vi this school like It mat hav-e nvihini; more th«!
! Boattcr with ti than u bawdaeia* Of a f**1ur seneral Cullni-'a
It cai:n3t..of mlldoraa •
the utliers toKcihcr'"WLltli
fir.ri iuc
fcoaree. Ocwerltae tu tMllngB. t>ui u a rccommerd
grade hod a big.Christm^ tree which
ehUdnug w
«a* nila-d with eparkUni cord* and
« "»'« ta**'**^*


lent ra.Al%ighlng and the light'

we don't bare any t^w, wilt we have

llMir bmUkK
t»|ipl«c4loik ]iaKnpof agi mui7 Uadi al ortr
lUCrtadTraToneRt,io>iad«|aa I no sow ofciii«
;oMipkKlidboi|aiaralIiCr>odi I 'lam imwdirlMi I, k


during tbe fall term:


Oni- Intcrewed little chap reeeatly



Ida' Lrion.

remarked to bis mother. "MamnuL If

•nd 08 MltCTHl Bod IMlIiill

The fifth grade observed Christmas

grade were neither absent nor tat>lv


Arthur Cooley is bolding tbe reins

to the

fioggles, Wageas,


r and
appropriate ex-'
by having s
a tree

Joyed a tree' while the slxih sri^^

coming down the rhiinney a* a fentnra.

Julia Scott la aibtMt from the flfih
ly 'this week.


snoWglve* a needed touch of reality

Inu^lndbigBilahli^ n; hnimioaiiewbia
ndUi !!% «!< >hl« wKtKhiB of Whcim.
FotKnUWliUiifmit ot nilooai Ixnii, (oico

grade as she scalded hei^lcg very liad-

»r Bay City.

one recently lost



^rownle* ........................Howard Franklin.

[of the erlpiw.

over a new draft horae In place of tbe

Standflfrd Oil Company


U.confined to the booserwlth a severe
t atUck of rheumatism slid also a tundb

Ben Blem.

michm uWdwdiadui U* eu«i «til>b *d • oitU

P #1
..fiflon Dui

Mrs. Rosa Turcott -and ’Mtss I.«na

Ge^ a Pofec&m ScDoUess OS
Hosttf. Slid 3fMlu^ Warm altd coteloctiUe in 70V kote^ no sMter vdiat the Weather without
. Tk*
wiietewd hqat and gnW it
wdljr. kn iIwaTtraadffeaieaBdbunaiteehdtinaaaa^
fltH BfieofB troublethta a Utep. h can be cened'aarwbere;
M p^ M wirei, BO 6ue»: no noke, odor V dirt.

rrturaed home

The sawvvnd and third grade held a

Geo. Hlckin leh Satnrddy for Grand


Friday for AUSOlni ■f^lMlUin

f~ ,

Mr. MatelBi................... Haney Uchty.

Hfn went to Traverae ('Ity Saturday.^



n«-^'* parents.-

e fci.

Hand Solo-Goddle Holliday,



Mr. and Mrs. Prank Wilson

td com­
fort As you grow older, it Is
Uardly less essential to heMth.


aootkea and aeariiti
feedi the nertres.
natural nerwe4n4. «
tsiniifS the 4ak* «( HrPte
, lading
' m mm

Jennings of ^tw^vrse City s|H-nt the 1
ncadlng. The Birds fhrUtinaa fardl day wIMi th^^lslrr.
Mrs, Will pierce, j
Song. Christmas Time.
-GlB«l>e .Murphy.
Um Wedn-.-Klg.v.
’It's tbe 4sii
Rec.. Fly UtUe Blrd.-Orpha McnThis was one of Ihi- must-enjoyaldc
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Harsh left t.val tttnr oew fbdi pir teff^St SMp
an<l benefifteKtiragranis that has been week for Ruffslo. N. V , and other H*“«- And
Bu lie
be a*
U gev^aair
grjwy MMMteHte
Ret-, Santa Ctans on the Train—lla
given tills year, auil t-ach nienitirr
•Ims to rpMd tbe winter.
. j rrat ar» wroqjg
went awny feeling that soma-thiag ul
Roy Brunson ol Travrrra niy has
Rec.. loeUer tn Sbnta Claus—Gladys
bide and
great hrtp bad been gained from thabea-n lauring wq^' for several of 'tbe
i-aud then aker 'yter* aai '1^
f.irtuci> ill this
ils ^Inlty
' the r*.. of
Sec, Tbe SMekIngB Chrlininas—Orthe_____________________________
-wlfrA tSaeShab WUlp
Central School.
L^Eari Carmlm.lmve' to do its own tWiHcWir Mjtea
Mr. nnd MrB.^Eari
pha MebdelL
The Inrlergartcn at this tachool. like
MuDlon to visit
Rec.. Santa's Cake-PAeoka Speevak
Joyed a very pretty Chrisintas trw
u short.time.
Song. Clrar Acroas tbe Sohw.
«hh-h s-as etel>oratpIy decurativt maa>
Rec, Girts for the Rlng-Kteie HerkMrs. M»ry Rl.katl of Traverse comes in os tb* ctatte
nr the pretty .I'rlmmlogs 'bHugsjpaalv
ity Visited ai Mis. Duryea'g la-4
liy'lbe rbllilren in the school: There
hey Keep Chr[stiim.<
wa>- canily. nuts and rntit* for all the
•• Elk BaplAs lari j
little folks and the altcrnoon hap|dl>'
with games and a g.-i, S*’«'«tey ti> visit bis imrwiijv. return
l asEctl j
the New SaOtB
U a'nwe of amaJlpii^Sitekte ^
eral fNKMl time for ail.
The fir-i ing Monday.
•Scliuol will close Wednesdar Jo dis- ciwdlior* call. tcU tJ^ thte 1 M
grade children were Invited to come
Santa CUus
Raymond Mvers
in and enjoy the Christinas fcsiivltte* met So J for at WSJ weeks' »aratloo. at laa« In a condlttwi in givP itete

■ ......................
r ui
and Mr*. M. It KeDuey wIM Iravc :
vaith iho klndergnrtan.

North Milton Sunday and spent the





O. Dewey of Aldcn was a South Hil­
ton visitor Sunday.

Essdnfiai to Comfort

Essay. The Shepherds Tale—lUltle


day with Mr. and ilrs. Wm. Khspler.


Takes prceenis

Elmwaod Ave. fourth Oradt.

Perry Foueh.

Sunday erenlB*.


ing on the hiry.

ins is Comlng. -

nett Wednesday. Dee. 27tn. with Mn>

fox bas
.here be


Tbe Utdies* Aid aociely' wTtl meet off from tree and give* ibem to a-bild

The Uiaaet LMa and Carrie Dalsall'

<I>»TWBe aty.



doetor'e care.

c Ban flaad&y at 2:S0.

net irtU bO



1 ,ctu.»tal heme f:oi=

The rcular Toeeiliu cl the Miq<
Miqerva tK^fimeat for
lelC nocfcs-2d trade
IJierary So»icty was held Toei
................ ...
Reciutkm—:d grade. Rbra I.aThari- evening. An excellent Conrans t'l-oMr*. Marths Muncy
gram was given as folipwa: .
Travir>e fity to work,
Song. Jdlly Ola St. Nicholas
Vm-nl HOie—Eva Rosser.
James MIkuls ii>«t a valuable .horse
PrPSrbnl 3rd Oratta.
CAristuiBS SMRiraent by roll-vnO.
last week. Its male kirkeoi H so badly
SoQg. Cbrinmaa Carol by five l^ys.
How to obeerVe f'hrlaiDUu—llatiie that It died Irom the Injurie*.
WiUie 2en». Herman I.aCur«, livtT Alnsley. \
\mi Newsta-ud emonaincd her
Barns. Clarence Uutner. Kenneth At­
Original Cliristmas
BtoD—Mcr\n sister. Mrs. Cuttle, of Traverae City,

for a (ey Aav s last week.
Story—Mrs. W Pwrte.
Piano Bolo—llelen Knbeck.
Il^st is. Ipa Traverse Chy’serv

where Mr. Smith haa been under tbe

procram at the bflnnie Ctark’* Saiurdiyr

dMM OB MIm aixabetfa

t wttb ber

er. Mta. Sebo

dlatrlct Ko. I. PrMaj- alterDoen. Dee.



Minerva Literary Society.

SOtt^ While

atimuUle oi»br.

The l-f.-grari V.B* followed !•> pres- ♦♦♦♦4444wi4444444

Song. XTe Send a Merry Xmas—Irt ents and rnrlKma* L-ce.


Tio StocLinf. - anah

Souk, ••.Slie:i! .KiiM-


A Present for Santa—1st rradr.


.H<*g. -v'-rMn-a*-—Sixth irsde.

.UK-wl, ctS xra.Ie.

Hecliatkin-JaneTluU. >





HccltattoR-^Ui.y Codilln.

A Stitch In TiiU—1st gtkde.

"" *■

eventaaUy wtttM 4H»e
a it-UU.

Recitation—Mvrije, Dill.



Rccitution—Kit’r G..iibam.
Rerttaltob—Thrm> glrl^.

lat ifrade.

Tlwy get tiffc*.
•Imp oaV




in Mrs. Hendersboi's grammar clas*- EapofBfroos
Clyde'Bnnce expects to stay in Wil- M the seventh grade are writing ort-1 ^^^westei

liamsborg tbU iHnter.


be Is ntn- ginal Cbristnia* stories and the elghtt

nlBg tbe englBet at the comblnet nw

grade have beW two debates recent­

and grift mill for Axlltt « Stliea. An


The subject of the first one was:

edger and planet are to be added to' Resolved-that wood
tbe mill noon.
A mra bouse track'baa been IsJd

than coal.


more useful

The *ec«in.l:


that ateam Is ol

greater beocili

the dep« to aecommodste-tbe Increas. mankind than electricity.


their lands .
the proceed* Of the
efopoflFlL 4


l^ ycu wa&l • wsslpae nadasC-Att'
tbe dolbeg d(aM^«d4s
tbe woik e**i*y try ihe


Sewantn Grade.
Song. 'The Cbristmas Welcome.'’

Saved His Wife’s LIfa.

Roll call.
Tbe First Chriatma*"—Elsie Sale*,

“My wife would have bMB In ber
RectUtloB—FMNwhee Taylor.
grave today,“ writ** o. H. Brows, of
PUy. The OM and
New' Santa
Muscadlau Ala., 'If It-bad not been
,lor D.-- King's Sew DUcovery.
She Clans ”
.was down m her bed. not aMe t
The \Miot of S' Glfr-*l*cae Carsp without help. She bad a
broocblal trouble

W« .dl Iki.



B Discovery, and she soon h


for conghs aodeeolds. lu the
most reUsMe rentady on
desperate lung tronble. '
fcsgrippe, asthma, bay fever, cronp and
Tha SnL swdohS nM UiM grades

Abater U*Cb«










__ _ ______ y he beefiht at any
oeda mee. ThehMk la a tittle circle
r a medalUon of emhioidcry. There-;.
aaalnlas eddea of t^e handkerchief 1 many WAVS IN WHICH
win farelah a finish tor the tie enda.
Aprons are easily made. The elopleat la shown here, srhh one corner
rat away for the waist line. This cornerds oned to make the pocket. 8ewImWMetAlimMi
joft aprons are made of larper hand-1
^erchlcfs pathered to a waist hand.'
Tba bottom la turned np and stitdied




That BraugM About 0i> ;
feat of a Senator.


Icy Celdneae. Carsfal hkinnifia
Marinatinfi Are EaaenUale of Good
Aecipes Worth
One^ era
-Haaford. If you care notbtn* for i

8F tlSiaWl

F»we Maeaien Eiwettd In ePMMegHN
by w: : sm WNndem Lbd Mia—
ecta Repablltane *e MMlendMm

vompmMma onana **"*•
**j? *>•
One day hi the early
««M ^
BO- Mfyinx tkvi h*u4ta(tW*l*. Ylker w
______ ___ _
toi.6j,*ud taartnattat Prepare early IFU the lair Hark H. 1
T. ”
» tfae «r«t«t wtMy is >is«.
a cupful of rtce. a ubleepoonful each
*“• raie ' exact-''"““kh

relor a number of tarnia
A-Jlty ..d .trlB Mann<d butter. Tlnepar and molaleei. a^**®'’*** mx «••• vx. ; .rirauH- tor i
tours before «.ins. * Nmnesot* dittHet tn
- s
ftcterer. 4Ml«n them for mesy wt
tablctpoonfol of muiUrt. a icaapoondnayhter of acC>cJ^
con^. hartn*
MTl>>Cj>Mf an
a hour at the end soak
1^!S,JS!,!L1!LSZLS^ *»« «aM«er U>« bmHi oT iboM Bho
a ol i'rencb drsa*- elccidhHa
■ mrnicnalre. I preenme. If the 1“i a thill cm
tcoTen «hfro JDto Bceettorlee «r dwM
Boll the rice nntU tender and Mn.

asyonnaUe la to be ured 'v'vral
STtewnll 5 ttto uT«^^
furm*Mn*». Any number oT the

ilr IKooel) had ttslne* a <
mMHi « » ”
pemiDB) itelmstei;* <rt *«n«i ind*
•« ««Hf
losetiicr about
bar-i-rted It In h; t swer. V.iib rame larleile* •fl--i^'*tiJthorcu6WyuBeeiaah_«
*• «wn«w n vw
the real beeucy of the
aa a vegetable
wecRh* Ibl» »'•!
po»*ih'-c. eai-octallx If Uio ,
c^uiarcai. devot<# etpadaU
1 nod -Uie Ucd work' InPer Sranleb rice, brown half a cup- ^?h a rcp^.bra^ce
Is lo'tomatu U.-'-vry colA and a aharp ke.:.
r the
fat. add an onion *V ***
ful irf rice la,
'is u:id Ti-c
rattuia ii
-choprwd fine. ■ tomato and a maabed tte color of her hair.*
Are you rtark. etar-, bo.U;.s wa'-r cr.r the tc^jatoea l.;t Uettren -ock tUen tbiw—b t—
no matter boa-email the coat.
clorc or parllc. Cover with bot wa­
V tMibAVv^ dba vauB »bo anwkn
HandkerttWi for fancy wort and
halt micaii liin peel with ‘'••(‘••h i»rt of the Hiy W W»l
ter. eeeaoQ srlih salt and praper and Ins mad? Lp 'ron coniemrlate iniro-a
m at once on ton. atich, at that tinia. was bbCU
iT»a wMa wofM..wbo mfxaa
aceaariea may be bought for
blunt (liter koUe a
k lo ihe rloe nnill it U tender, add-. ,
tepf preatly impfWveL
m fOT haf..^^ money than otbee eqally atttnewai^as
la aeeoeo.
aaeded. out
but not eur
otirarietocraUc ^family?
out to
take the flavor of their j
tfm from :
orUdea. They win coat from live
--TaMM ;
Tte avenie for
dreaetn* so mu-h better when •Wvcfl j
ror rt«, UMIM. ml. . m.«.l -I
, pretty, daimily Salabed linen onea will
that many salad, are prepared In sec- i "•
"!^ •=
Horn. ■ cupful of rtc, bull . cuftul ^ »-f. “‘"I Mi™« ■U 1"
' be In the nelshberhood of twenty.
tluna. lut in plocrs. four or ;
Of milk, a tableraooaful of butter and »reatn.
. iMtar { c^u: food deaicna may be had for
six to a tomato, accordlnp to alae.
• IttOciale ^rad mixture thoreugb-»«
.~ .roune Serve on a tust of Uttuce or arranpe fes— m mseh
'■n» mrmntmr naMwt • fifteen cents, abenrtne printed border*.
^ break oB nlecee and nat Into
*»>»• 1.B a border atvund shredded leitues ^ “»***. f." **!*‘°**^
«<!•** I and a qnarter wfll buy a pood trade of
!fntire:^b'’^U^t Ld verylffi
e?i* with a narrow rater border of white ^
tMTist* , linen with aome embroidery. Narrow
,w. 1
I «d«M or man '
lettuce hiarta D« trtib mayonnaise. •
Dainty Baby Beimet.
hm Mtnwca. n* ; deiwd eeaHopa a
a cupful oi utiia muu i»w vuiio.kwu- __ __
.MjlHnl toMi if aad Ala* tor oonlort ta
ttie daMpm In neckwear and other doihi .. ____ three pockets
------ t
........ .c
fuls of butter
to .a simmer, ens
and .h.n
then «*f
«*F to
to torfet
fc^et aa moon aw they were that It^ more often need as a rap i
SW dtah. Ae ebOdrea an
tr«m bandkareblefa., thread, sclssora. ....
, ,
thrn afy other wav. The filllnee are j
moplul ct *»r mi.cC
m.r vartoua odds and rads »r
Minoosou were takra to taw s
I One tei^e handkerchief wilt meke a •<>' lt>
endUm nnd
of trom
dlffereat," he slsbedibuilding; they sera told that K »
pair of oversleeres for office wear. ‘ ^th U.
vvyeriibie* ipn be tlllllacd.
. -Whcri’ doe* she work.”
the oca home which had t
DopMc . ipm.'. Imuakcmhici t«cc "" Wlcu CP. mUl-U uU lukcu up
poou J*
is one
one (■
of cora
cold peas
pea> j
“Morjtin pave a stap dinner last
cd tor btmreir by ooe «( U—r OW»«
and cut the sleeves by the lower part «t'
faUthly sMsbatd wUh plenty of butter i
hurrday and ehe be' '
aenators. tTunam Wtoden.
I of a coat
ol si.iici. i n..*. puests.
.. ........ „
coal sleeve nattern.
pattern. The cor-\«"
cor-k«" *“0
- - * cupliu
and mUrd
mined with a f^w copers. Cold j
Kul 1 ___
Bsid ore of the MlnBMOta—:
' ners left are to be cut ofl nnd sewed , *«■»<» Wshly wlib t:.U. iv-er the train when sbe came
r butler.
kted with Jilexil
e city.
-\t-indom ma« hov* dooe srMi al
to tbc overtleeree to form the cuffs. * «“<1 cayenne, take from the t—• Thoupb sbe wa* dressed simpty.
si>l(.>atid a 111
little whipped
fiiy. I ciy>noe. *ali.')atid
m larte
Imi. handkerchief
P>u»mMrf will
-111 make
»“• ji tnto cakes
™ and fry In hot fak
Cccml ,l.,r . second
«ccnJ that
,p„ she
.p. I cn..m «»»: mH ...col be first came to ^
isn't Ir. all kllni
C.O P««»m.
. erkes icr h.r IMpp. t.« I. pet «CP HcP m,»m,.l~-1...«««..
hoos^as tfai».~
adpf mm nre
Plnpllou. . up Pc. Ipt ,P.V C ,b.l
CM .p.-.l,. i:i .uc into mmll pImm
'■tint.*' said anorber. *Tra fW«ht that i
Uimu U.. P.m cmn... .!•■»« '»•
SS "'"J- Im.clp.-mp .in,-pCoo. .m..- m.4 J.c U .I'l, . hlfPlj wlcml cu- Mr Wlrdom was weraetary «d <hb J
nHp. mM
th. Pcmm«l .pU mw
™ m.ul -P.c .h. cp’nml tP. dlplne c =m «m.c Umk. PmUf mM t«tm treasury noder OatBeld —d
ho i
rHosded sonielhUff hke 8 f
cdpc). This forms the front of the rice and ham mixture and put them



«“.“f- “! L"?urr-.i STk


™ .u. „m.m»p;pommp UP jm-p.>«“ „,r.^“-rcr,
jcTTip"; s'mic^r^ip'
gowresest hdnds «t Ihr— i

------------ .. I ,_________ ____
•> Met
fill i ^
' VM Of CtobT Ism —d eanow ifbbona
Who ore WKHiwioua tf it wUl ^
lan tilrtiil bande*.
-«-^- SB. ‘ kerchiefs are Inexpensive aiul_____
ra. vMr MM of •SSlyr
adapted to m^ng the necka— ef the mott ninfiiiiiiitir ^
taraionahle at present
«af *M (rf ra.
^ tnra-wer collar and Jabot la.
^af ^
*»*«• •*<*
bbbdkracMef edgnl, srith a narrow
CUey Insertion and a Vel lace odMnc.
It la very simply coDstraciod.
Cut off frmp ooe aide of a lace edged
handkerchief a atrip three Inches wide
and divide this sdlp Into two eqnal
parts. Make a stralgbt band of mull
three Inebes wide and of tbe rcqnlrWI
length and hem It aD round with a
quarter-lneb hem. Sew to one edge
- ^ ...........
1^ . ^
of tbfi atHp fhe two abort lUce^dged
in ImpmU. «np.OTtmm,,Jk.m»ia,mm.
lag tbe eerncfs to the middle of the
ifiM «r %*-• bad WNbt a»d wroeen- atrip. AOow the lace edges to overfimJM flMh Khb. «• et - ciwt Im- , lap St this point. Turn Inwall raw
edges and hem down. Lay'the re­
mainder of the bcndkerthlcf in amall
MMilil. ^fb ttiM—
. _» tbbda.
........ ...........
d Obt bdorai Wedbbadby-a rotp the ebbter.
To tabke b plMn tun-over oeQar
bbd obCs bdeet a aheer, dainty faand----------------------------------

._J R •

t tragle hibt s( thb I
• Merubi tb the popolbtjoa of
me M. lb. PRVMtteb.' be Mr,
...■-. .JttbMbeMeeMabfBtkogtwrth-' ^
Wr. jtwtaiUbg of tu people to the ,

' •

.:v ■

■ With wMra. to
Ml. they bre tbv—tid voMd
k tfewB m thb ehiy—Us hink
I wB«i of tk»

lo bobr tote the'


em*.—»htf ««^

and a mue emi■bretdery. Use a threeCdMi atrip from ooe aide, sewed to a
straight band of mull, for tbe collar.
Two remaiaing edgep will mMie the
CBfis. They bboold be rat a balMnch
srMer tban tbe collar to allow for
toralbg over the ateeve. FTalah th*
taw and of eadi csB wltb a aarrow
hand-eewed hem.
For a Jabot, —lect a teoe^dged or
ambrolderwd baadkerc^lef in sheer
tewB ei linen or cotton. Cut the hand­
kerchief In two piece* on a diagonal
line yxteadlDg frooi a point three
inebea tn from one' corner, to a polnl
three inches In tivm the oppoMte eeiv
ner. BeW ene or both ef tbeee plecea
lb a acaat reBe to a euslgh't brad of
toerattou or fine embroMery. srith
tkalr wtdeet pqrtlon* at the top of
atrip. H— the rads of tho rirtp.
Beading may be used instead of tikcrric^r ribbon IH terhe* wide teid
plait* at shown tn the net
os Jabot picinred here.
A Balbtr bib t* Arara made of the
Mb—BlN a «MMY shew lEaea band«ertfttef. A —reow hemttitched hori
4qr to edged srith te* Val Uo*. Tbe
Ultl*,apr*y of fiM embroidery la th*
corser aeu ft off.
Pretty bxb;.- booncu are btade of
brastltcbrd rteerltwn haadkerchlefa.
*?ho.--e«- a modrrxtcly t*tyc cj-e ,r>d
-•• ' .!.» Slang ra*

bar*—thii forms
hap and top.,
and hB«*-thlt
the bap____
. through. Then remove, drop an egg
naira with a band of wide beading teto raeb with bits of butter, nit and
across the top of Ibe bap. Run rtb- pepper over the top. and bake until
bon In this and trim with the ribbon the while Is seU
Cakes mide of com meal and cold
Dreseer acarfs. pUlow Whams and boiled rice make a variation la the
uWe eovera are made by aelUhg small breakfast
brra^. X
Cse_a rapful of^rira
to two cupfols'bf th
a lablesp^ful M f
of tall, a w^H-byktc
of milk, a
two heaping tab)^
powder. BakeMn gem tins
“ :
Tor rice podding without eggs turn
half a pound of wen-washed rice imo
a buttered pan wHb three cupfuls of
cold milk. Sweeten and flavor to taste.
grate.a'liule nutmeg over ehe top
'Sbd ecatti-r a few bits of butter, and
bake for three hours at least la a very

tht/pped piraolas.,^
iDtatuaiioD. Perhaps she talks '
Shrimps nnd suredded prceo pep'-’*''^
an Irish accent. I'm'goiBB up to tlic
ke ;an artistic fllllup. or pFeen ■ ■>«« »'
Bom«« » T«“«« ■
Mortons tonight.
TVant to come pris make
.PPra-lMb >b. aiP«~«. »~UP •
pcpp. rs a
• long?'*
c asparagus tips and raked'them tf the -horae they wara |
"Surely. As noon as I arrive ni ly vfieciiv
lost been buUi toy SeBstor ^
ijce rabd fllllDg by nu.clng it 'Vhen he was told that lk« s^^____
Ua chopper, then scBsrablgbly.
«b«'»too Of Iho iUam-i
TO.i.r, a.'pp.M
and mix to a paate as for sandwich

‘“i'« ^,“1.;'';” ™3"'r

A Elmpto Apr—.
' /-'■
handkerraiefa together wltWuce toseruoD.' Tliey may be raged with lace.
Ktitdkerrhlef cases' are made ..
fading three corncri of e fancy band.
kcrchlcf to tbe center and tacUng
them together. Sew « small pearl butten here. Tlatc a ilf.le loop covered
wllhalmw Of baby ribbon on tbe otb
Lanodry Itsgs are pretty made of
two haedker>'blefi cat-stitched toxetber on three aides A tape rasing
..Is sewed inside the top■ —.B
and ba^rtbuun luu i"'^‘chwcs the bag and
serves lo hang II also.
Many pretty rap* are made from
handkerchiefs. Dusting caps are made
by revring a tape casing to large
printed cottim bbbdkercfaiefs tmeo'si
rad ninpibg in an elaailc The co^
n*^ uireed no
up and
and tacked
tacked re
pUce. Dreakfrac caps are lace.^rimmed
and decorsteo with ribbon bows
Tt^e pretty little gtfia will eoet. all
told, from fifteen to fifty cent* each—
some tea* and oUrers a IRtl* more,

Z" ~
•your Sifter." etammered

, "S'X,S*S r

Ipn,.., iwiw.
i 1> — PreMbl-' U.. .pp—n««<
' Minced bam mixr;d srith mayonnaiao Ihe artist at that prectae
--------- ------------------------ I----------------- ».n,i, l>.( •« . —
action which WHcated the r
hard* ttlnimering I 'rr'i-color -J satin huilrd egg—■V'tlk—ill run through a of n-liium tviBdom (o th# araata. O— '.i,b!<- pnsa and dotted over the of the Minnesota grcw|i..»rbt lyMK i
you recosnlic onr wait- rcse<i.b!
tJ cup It makes a pretty col- the house and then tbe artial. i
. . - of the ii'tier'Biglit." cxplnloed ;op of the
had' been sent to sketch the tortM
the hos'csf "rinr maid left suddenly
nonr-cf the ch-*.. knew %rv
Another rood fiUlng conslsU of llv by a. Waablngtob pertoflMaL at !
a JEM kutton onions, boiled until soft, made said;
-Hark. It th* peopta of aCtoaai
“*■“ lo
tbe byaland- saw a picture of the tooaa* that M
cold milk and mean lme grate three
on ao ofCM tor^Vladam has been bMMtog toj
r than the
expeeled,- laughed the girl. •‘I split
ounces of eboeolate Into a pint of
Washington 1 think they wobld to*«to4
aeaJdlng hot milk. Turn the chocolsin
A novel salad la a small tomato, rat to ask wbciber be hasn't bad rat
All who board tbe remark i
“ad been inrintrte^ dtreren,!y. and with minced cress |,«plRg from the sttwd K clearly. A ftroBK «wm
rt**- Tbc tomato is .inly cut raongh had developed among tertaln MlabW ''
k'k^. k Vk Into
,11k./ a
B lb<ni
u^-xi^ theUeTcd the best plafter
and a teaapoonful of vnntllA Mben eacd pteeer n.„
Repubitcana to fl^hpt *— '
:." She added, “one
tbe mixture la very cold whip It
gecilrmao tipped me getoTOiitly, gnd is mariri’cd in Kreoeh'dresrlng. The for rev^cciion at Abe flppi
froth, turn it over cold boiled flee and
I'tn always going to keepVhat money tomato 1» Cbr.B *ct on a rosnd of meeting of tbe Utai
serve very cold.
d plncapplv.
a* a Bouvenir.
r Iciiuce 'liaf. the wbol* belog . gel hold of any Issue that might peos*.
“Ito you reinctnber
r seeing I
cffcctital. Wtndrin had lobg i
* seat- eareished with ir.ayrasutlse.
bcfiirr." r«Ved Sanford.
vented the state in the federal aa
’ Two cope brow* sugar, one rap of
of you on the tral
. ticn* of tomutoca marin ted In French j bad hera its goveraor. had-bera eeere- ’
white augar. twixhlrds cup of -mlik. og^ to carry your auncasc
lary of tbe treasury under Oarflatd. I
piece of butter about as large as an
That wra one of the reasons I
and after OarfleM's death bad b
EnglUh walnuL Cook.finUl It forms begged to he p serve the dinner ' sn^
a waxy ball when dropped In cold ws (wored cersidme. c,ndldiy. 'for I con. rat Into aman sbreds. Mayob- elected to the ocaate for tha Wrm
which expired in IfiSl. and awele*
ter. Hive half cup walnuts and three overbear.) yon remark 'Hcastl.v bore, baise can t>c paiawi.
to be reetiected.
or four figs put through chopper ready f""*’
Jiui here was a great ibanalob lb
Carrots'Plem'.sh StylA
to add when needed -lust before tsk bight.
Warli aixl Mrsj>v a bunch of young tf^hicb none bot a man of great wealth 11

J^anford maTIp
Ing wr. ___________
«c_ frem stove
add a am^l
could live, and It was aavumed by tbo ' *
pinch of cream Urtar. a* that tenjjs
far ht» unintcr.tlonal offense. carrots. and cut each one into <juar- lifile group of fellow lilnoeaoisBs that
to make penochl creamy Take from 'hough all tbc time he was tbanking ter*. Crwk In »aiu-d boIUag water for
stove and stir until it begins to grain i’l*
»' ‘■'>1®''
converse j..n mir.uic* and U:cn drain. Melt
that bo btdlt.
though the truth
under the apoon. Then add vanilla, with the
. , '
of butter lo a Mucepan. put the boase for 81
Tho ‘
nut* and fig* and pour Into buttered ^ "Did J; cresgeretc any of her
rsnvni.. rprlr.klo them with
Tisilora thereupon determined to
platter. Cut Into squares srben cool, ctarros. he remarked 1.0 his friend
e*It and pc|.t<T an.! a pinch of
Ilihographic or photogtapkte
on their way borne, affrii
bx^ ''“•nr and ton. alni.i for five
rcproducti'ni of the Windem bo—a
dcllghiful ev.-wing
er--Bing "I'm
'I'm go.
apent a delightful
ruler .^ilr
K. I.P made and coplea of It to bo
Plum Puddin#.
inn to try and win that gtrl. Not
Two pints of bread crumba, three <>q)t i* she i^auHfnt, well eduiuncd, the ftoTi- fur IS tclnat'-*. orcr.alonully plcrcd tn the hasM of aa la—y
tablespoons of baking powder, tnlied god lines like a bird, but she reme* stirring*. A* soon as the catrets arc (lui-iK-an voter* aa pi—tbia in Ikb' '
with three pinu of sweet milk. Cream fmm one of the flr« f*mi)‘e« tn t»e rtvTkcd dra* them a»ry front the fire , ‘ |
cup of butter, wlib a ,00th. Did vr,i ever know one
until they ha'O co.,lod vorirt-what. '
teacim of augar: add half teaspoon to rowers no mniv ,.;*!! i-r •
Drat the'yollv of two epe* into hnlf j
each of aalt, ground doves, grated
"And beside* all." said V'lrrun cyn­ a crtpfui of cream or rich milk {liir 1
nutmeg and leiMn extract and six ically, -shr'k the daughter
a m*lStir all into Ibe ||ona‘rc a
Not |.ing tbereafter tbossaada at
well beatei
ilc'tv piciurea were circulated througto
milk and cremba; add one pint of. " ••That Vi-iidn'r hTve a
sioncd raltlni, pint of curranu. cup cle of dtrrcrer.-c 1
out Mtnocsou sod they compillld
apriokk- u
tv.ndom's defeat fOr scaator. At tkd
of suet and a rap of citron rat fine, demurred Bimford
nx-cirnc of cOMcres* tbs Mtesrfag
Mix welt and steam four hours.
j "i sender if tt wouldn'l have." 1
»It,.cr a very young man. Ckartea U
Cars of House Paiirt.
j*srred Ktixrnc
Few bourewl'ce have ihe i<*« Idea
whose muttabhc alttoat vted to
•• care of ilie outdoor bou»e I hev»lne»« and
A Little b
A box. oraltttng lid. abobt tength bf
'rorsrrvarlv^" '**1.| Iter.' Allan paint. £uch as window ssrbcs. front; John A. t>smn. took tbe seat of 8—a- '
kitchen table and eight lache* square, Ma. rtcKklC of the N'pw York McihwJUt door end even ralllr-..ill do to prr-; .or Windom and It was asld ef Wai
itnrd tJI (exrept one long aide, next Ep1».v>iwil conference, “la to he cn- •erve Its h.-sq.) end Icnrih of life.. r>y the knowlog oees:
to where lid would faaieni with white___
Radir-fcl metboda in the TT.e alBpIrst pUa Is to wash this' -There U (be yoAg nano who «—
oilcloth, make* a handy pla— If bung
, ,
tployed to BBKiDrr.t congre- lalDt at ln:rrv-4l* wtlh tcptd water to c'.eried because WlUlsm WtodOb
a hundred thnuseod dollar ■nm
rldom euccceded In the loag which a Iiiil.- r-->rario has been added.
will! a (Oft fsg. Tl!cn to apply a »ion in tVaahlngtou.r who .an-' really K'--otl. preferably bomc-mad* ,t„p,ri*bv i»!i. t>r E J. —em— Al
over for curtain and
b. and rub oC In the
itietiu ffisitisdj
Brass screw eyei -on <
he oorld.*ermonlxeon'A rii=!!> S-wn-1 urual way. This quite prevents bll*-,
ready to bang kettle nollmm
' d£’' The unusual subject had th>. cf. rerlnr Valnt that la /ar gone could .
Csofltit on Fly Faper. washrri In oxalic arid and water,
nlllpg tfce cbarch to l>» caroct Pittsburg grocer has be—
Kitehan Aprena.
' ly. Hut tbe people were dlsapiicinted.
tbls Is I
Ing file* on sticky fly j
Riteha aprons «f th* aatne mate- for tbc minister dilated at remc tench only sellable when s repsioting is
rtsl s* your wash dreases always look on 'Adam, Kve, tbc Scrp>-ii' .ud (be
rise. .'Having left several abeeU —
Beater than those mide of eoiue cib<T O.-tnlcn v>'Kden.'
bl* coQOter at ntgUL wbea be open—
stuff, say* e contributor to tbc 1ji-‘ "Nn.l wnuld not sarUis’'hr pre-jrb
the store next mentog b* fan— tbs
dies Home Journal. Remember this! er wu guilty of ml*renrr*cn;aiion. but
sheets pnntaUy ratted np — tho'—or.
tbe next time you have a wash dress j I do thick he was slightly misleadMoelia U'ytr Cake.
and tangled np la them was « cu.
mnde. Bren a wMte dreti looks, tog."
Tbs yolk* of five ccg*. one cuprul of U
^ had rviaswity
evidently nw
get lu laet
feat —
on Xb*
prettftr srltk a^blg white apron
powdered suBsr. Swo tsbleepooeful* j
^ ,0^ , manner as to preraM
N» Res<
<rf mochs eesiAce. two labieapuunfula, y, running. aod-'Aen In lylsg down to


Ossfsieevea for Ofltes Wear.
.j^oee on which lac* sad ribbon are
onaodtle* are ailll inexpensive'
„ compared with equaUy good glfu
M other ktodb.
Heir.*-Mcde Gift Skseetiens
'A'hlle felt i*sdding tor tea-ulle
dtetks. cut in the required ait* and
neatly bordered with whit* tap*.
Barean sad plnratokm covei* of
bright cretebne. edged with a ooarse
whit* curtala lac*
Kltehen bags «r krewa etnab. witn
kright Upoa. lor the old Wts ef «m—ak
-.teJ for rtaiabtag tfaaa.
'-"“tv farkcl..; ol sweet grare, with
’Inirp*. tor heldtog key*. .

r.". .1..;



Msrat FicUs for Hi
■ • '

Bell, skim and cooL


of It." tsid the authra
"Wi;--- .atke.: towmenpgvr.
He'* handicapped. He rant get all
‘ bi, origtii»l Idea* hy sdnptine -tb«m
from tbe FVench
Wtshlaron Star.

of Strang, hot wffee. oce «^«rj
flour, a— o— toaspoonfol of battog!
powder. Add th* but— whttea «f t—
egg* and bake to three layers for flfteeo or twenty miauUs. FiB with
vktp^ rtena.

free feeU gave tbe SUCktoras u gaaC
ouact upon tta—try eosL — xbM tf
mst it was oitable




t luMwa. 1. ter* bm U
arary 4>r «n*pt tka &rat dby
a-ben It a(«it4« la Oeeeabar. It it
anoariac todj^bat «ra haaa bad bardItopda dV. lUdL, k. K t). ‘Ko. i.
Dae. 14. Idll. Croaad (or abooi a waaa. It ia draw' Daar f^aat

* ♦ TiBWM Ctty 1 bo»e rtM *ni <

♦ u4wa«m>iBib -

bar. Thare «aM abe«t aeraMr-ftta
baprt aakad Ue isp.
praaenc Aa a^oai he«aa waa tba tla
I. Adts aad Ida.
fallaat 1 erar i
apand that day with bar. ^ aba
i^Ud two ^ra. W*
«»«r5- bacaaaa thair draaoM
aaac aaasi aad bad dlalocsaa. ««
prauiar tbaa ton. Sba rateaad
wa to play wttb tbant. aad tbraw waiar

etaacat'aad caaHaa. aM to
aoma Uttle cakaa arbkb to


’^"T •‘®»^o»ar aad onr. Wltb a
togan. a4d U
Mad caMaDp.

&r aod br hi»r na lats (to b


Are yon going to hare a Christmaa- a Merry rbrirtraas to everybody else,
prepare tuemr
Uieffl^ »piece? I should like to hear yonr a- I haven't test my Sunshlac bntun
"TMi ii tbe way to prepare
*•****•• I
fat. . Good bye.
auat bare- aad (bare and kmbo beef
Maple City, .Mich., B- F. D. N’o. l.
Charlie Conklin.
M 1 ever (all l* wyiitQ U dO #
Tfc,a)i yon very miicb for tbe pretty
' 4 le eo tbe bltde cen rtted on tbe D^ar President. ChrUtma* card iKlowd la your let4 branch while eaUo*. When a tree
I «a* In ecbool today. My teach- ter.
* ^-4^4 j, all ready W be presented to the eia name It Mis* kelderhoitse. I


bird. famlTy. place it wbere you can tbink abe Is a good teacher. I am In
'415 Poplar SL. Itayne, Clfr, Ml<*.
WM ClAlto •ATI*, Editor.
oateb ibe preity Tealbenid creatures ibe serenth grade. My siodles are
, Dec. 11. 1911.
pby»- Dear Prdsidcni—
rtm some window and see bow they hl^ry, arithmetic.
and spelling..There
I would like to Join the Bonshlne
will enjc) IL
-nVat Vies Pretodeiit-Mra. Mabel
-Alter liter Itev. teici no «r.l
l-™il "v. .rbol.r, ii te-bte,! Oob. I no lo teji»l err,, 4.,. .ir
.mplr, liter will Ite cUil » ro. tte
itetei.^. Ml» M.l«l clo______________
Martha w.rb.H.1
Na’cfaasel and land, ftoe b'w good teacher. | will
mne ■biw.d...
U>. irw. ____________
i-'“-1. “-'•i'******^
A , ^ bMWs but ^al they muait aleep
Kesaol. And pleaw put Helen dm* for this UmC.
•eitolne Orindmottof^^ A. L.
Nemee p aeme on (ho Cradle Roil.
In Ibe treo during the winter nights! :
You An send the cards and buttons
Claude Garn.
Tbsi. winld be niA. wouldnY H?
. —Ill _ .. ukaiafui
aSirvbadraitdtb t



tag aonethlag to tor bug. Ototf^
your birthday!" cried aaettor
to** eeen! h«Mmto«^to^
.little red (Mtoey dreto! ft «m all
this leef ebf trimmed wttb little btock etoetofftout because I bad so : lucb woik to esw berselt ag^n. pincbing her nitreen k,.,. ^nd at the aad of xtrk lihbiM
do before Christmas thmt I did not aria and scrcanuEg. and—oh! throwing
was a liny giR bMI. She held H eat
know what to Ho flrit makto* CfarfM- • pMr of new .tociaaaa Into thajlre*
-Hanm v.w T-emat Blft. and elaanlW booaa.
"You w*«?^.wa.r rttt atoAlmc ^
hapw Xtw Tear! Hapw
are alway* home on CbriEtinaa day. ‘o root pany." aald the Imp. “and New Year'- aliieSmM.^
but berdly erer borne on Sew Tear’*. >*!••• »*re only cotton odea. Bcotoml>aola looked1 et
at It
it aa m^K-ttoa
We ere havlna odd weetber. The t*«^•*
ble maeter (or penatoloa. Tbea to
ground ti all bare: It bae been a lone
C«'rte nooded asaln. and a third ' j
earemuy and M
time since the gronod was bare at U*'lo wrei.-h plat-ed hlnseir ^ *—
It Boberly, oh. ao aoberly!
, ^
tbis time of year. I will bare to bring I'e-*.
my IcUer to a cloae aqd bc^ I will
-I .te 111. d.| on wbltn'roo wteii
I- *
V-r n pr—tl- dp.
jmn see it in tbe paiwr.
(o (be deoiutr" was ail be said.
. Pialaed Jinny. 'Tom tboogbt of 1C
Y'ouni truly.
Carrie looked and hid her (ace In her and 1 made it! Oh make bim'pol ft
Ella Armstrong • hand*, for she had seen herself lyJn« -_...
,j—j«d -oh. do nm
\Yhat a splendid (Ime yon had tbe on the Boor, bolding on to tbe edge
V- t
lam day of aebool! Whet doe* yoor of the chair and kicking like a hay toenegf. ter^ l«Mh.
•«- “But you are wt eU a* bad a*
Paolo opened the Iftito Itoto tod
' these- the cried. “You cannot be! looked at i( grorMy. He peered M
city. Mich, B P. D. Xo. J.

Mamma say* U>e little wleewea. tRt eu ^ |to

. -tVstA for tbe ^nthatcben. and for '

torp 1. 1»lt dMd-

of net The beef bones will be *“• «» «““«•
namea on the Crtole greatly appreciated, and perhaps there From yottr Sonshlner. •
, Jtotl toMtary l, Ittt. 1.1M.
will be aome amuelpg coDtention*
-----------------------over them.
*“’’® Christmas
••«.~-mber to fasten your tfeS^
.qg^ Oi^ Btyto City. MIA
corely. wjten yon put it out door*, on ~*s is e happy time«•
“'*■ 1.1 lb. wind wm », bio. 11..™.
.Mtole City. Mlslite R. F. D. JJo. 1.
■ "S
air. Bteb.. eloA to the honeo.
“W- but you
'■ wtll enjoy
' Dec 14. 1911.
i.l.r.IXHh.1. htome aenl by Della It more if yon pUce
It where It ton
President- ’
I thought
from n window.
--------- -1 would
— write
- ,(or. .H
Ctoir Bnrttend. Maple
---------------------—-------- Mich..
„ , -wa.« ,h.
Inter iiPA. Wtedt. has hero euch a Iwg Ume slficc 1

you shine there.

J will once more.write to the merry
Wr sre not all so bed a.
Hinee. Rul all of ii __ . ... ..........

having splendid
B|>m them and looked op agMn.
j,alte Ann. Mich. • weather for this time of yeer. are we
tyUu wonts, or stolen them softly, then rang thorn ififti
imc. rt. nil. not? I hope all are enjoying it as 1

leesons "
on ii*.' Idoofat vmder. (hen agnln more exdtedty. Hie
FrrMdAiam. I sm still going to srttool et
Look!- And t^y-camo
crowd- ^
1 haven’t written to the Sonthine Miller HU9 m-fannl. and. am In the ,
ing round her. flapmng their iwi>er
Club yet. so I will write a few lines, elgblii gimic. P have taken the es.p,,
Shook tt>e dree* ngaln and agato. -Jtoj
I am ton years old and In the slith amlnallon once, but waa only in the ,;,|n„erlng voice*,
harrie struggled gle! Jangk!" Aad thea to Wtot
grade. I Ro to school even'4*y- Mr eevemli grade ro did n« pat* It all
ibVm ppeg ,rom her roand and round.
teacher s name u Mr. Wllllera Bln- subjects My Mboolmate. Alice I.
p„i ip*y
Aoeer and cles-oh he like ell! be Utoe ttl" aM»
dafr. 1 have Bve names to And to Miller rerolved her t'iu. Pleavt And «r.
ed Jinny.
the Sun.blne Club. Fk>ur umA go ^n
enotbA one. as I have lost the. Tbe riAk. struck tiFelve. At this
"pw>lo! Vein aloe! Vena totof
you Ant me isMOAr. I mu*, moment a clear lltUe toIa was beard tmiiA Ibe Itallaa. -nUta VUM 9a
[-tont Uadtner.
thirteen y-Ar* old. and xe to sebAL I«uls Farmer. Toro Fanner, wnUe now bring m> letter to a doe*. w*sb. trying. “OB! ofl! you rabble!
Yonr co'.~ He quletod Itole. and NIM'tg
k- Mgrtto NMfanAF'aad Ella Kessl.
1 nm In ibe Aventh grade.
My stud- EMdleman and-Odell Bddleman. Vera log a Merry Chrlsimas srd Happy time U paat.-and 1 am hera."
unbotue Paolo's old and
fili^ City, Mlchte B. F. O. No. 1.
Aren't we glad that Mrs. Peek took tee are history, physiology., arlih- Jo.ina. iw. but
aanuf to be a reg- .New Y’ear to the many rAd*rw.
The -■—
dirty •------I
---------- —
The ...........................................
Uttle monkey eat Ohetldto
tbe time. In the midst of her busy aaite. .wte.ter-^.
; Mia^-Iftnt
hi'y —----------uiar Suoshiner.'
Aad me the One of Ibe Sonshlners down from tbe bed and f
---------------geography, teteM
and siwlling. .-.r
qalet while the bnttoae
...jAtetellr OKI—. «~te Old—. d««, Id tell dWAboiil 111, bird.. CbrUl. „atef. iteiite I. Fldidiite Keldor- id«. did luiUn. Add I wUl H,a
Eab.l M. .Cdbi,.
In ibejr place a tiny elf leai>ed up ud ondoue. but oda bo twisted hto hi^
h and Jakle Boone. Trav- aiae tree? Only. K srin be a New
bpr pretty well. One them w the children. I win cIoa. -Your handwriting wa very .•Imr. stood on Carrie's kuA. He was clad around to gel a hasty look at Ha
L, B. r. D. No. S. Name* Tear’s tree B>r them, of ecurto.
, of my playmates would like to join hoping to ac my letter printed in the J'thel, It w** a pleasure to retd your all to white, and on hli shoulder* was «r. and all Ue wMl* the MtoUar a*
rSHthk Dr

the Sunshine aub. Her name is Des- pafcr. Good-bye.
aet a fair, white-aMeL without speck nia eXM shosred tow aadUd
.Happy New Year, hoy* end girls!
ale Kessl. She U nine jArs old.
--------------------- —

ouguin ujion II
TAla bis heaital." tto UailMMftD>
/There: Now joor PrMldrat has WIU you pIma send her card enJ
John fkrmer.
gUN^MiNE »T0mB8.
' “Happ.v New Year!" he cried riiAr- *d.
Nemsc. Mepls Ctty. MUftte B.
^^^d she ntoani IL way down button to me? There ^ twenty-five
The Cradlo Roll ^hiltlren do not
The New Leaf.
Uy '1 •» the New idcaf. How will
Jinny-leld her hdnd agalaet
to. l. Name nent hy Mary
heart. She wants this scholar* to ecbool tefisy. I will be hn\e buitons. but A wU! And you . tlood-nlghL Carrie:*' nid Janet, you ua mer
tide, where his little iluMib 'toEH
• .
peer to to the very rtcett you have gled when Christmas Is here. I guess Ibclr pretty Ards.
"Put out your »ndle. like a good girl,
Carrie, with a Joyful cry. atretefaed was going Ilk* a trip bnMWA. '
farmer, Tom farmer. Wlfll* „„
ccurA. that mAus 1 will cIoa tor this time, a good l-yc.
' •
npd remember that >wu are to turn out her arm* toward the newcomer
How gay, how gay to tooto^ ffltf
m, aad Odon Bddloman. Inko
very nicest for wr Sunshine
From yonr loving Sunablner.
Mnvie Citj-. Midi.. R. rf D
. N.x :.
over a new lAf tomoreow morning, and—awoke. Then apringlng np. she he was nil dreaaed to tto MT .M
MWl Mamu neat hy John
nargarei Llndiner.
Dec. w. isii. You neednt wake up at twelve >»»‘“i" •»"»« •«»» “-1 W»»*'dne«! If yon eeuM have esto MtoJ ^
So maty cheery greetings have
How dIa It U that you and your kVnr Prosldeat-y
o'clock, though, u wish me a Happy
I have only written once since 1 New Year.Happy New Yac.
sfae cried, him and he forget to tog far |
AisABjisA •nwua
»■« ^«rtng the past wrek that It bat »*«« «« «® »he Mine grade.
tolncd the Bunahtoc Club, a I w.l,
Ant «re,.to; thank you!" .aid
7“ u torf
kept yonr PresMmi emlUng all the «« ^ together all the uino.
,nile. nrst of all. * tockage of Sun’
eleven years
Write now. I am
ye.r, old and Cgrrle. ••Gocd-olght."
»•... .h.. .rrereA. • —
u^te ii*
wo laie tnai ajterwms aiawja
"^ "“*"**
dsy School
School Ards
Ards arrived
arrived from
from a
Maple rw*r
City. xn,.).
go t,.
to. ted-Kra.i
mKooI n.-d.Tn.
every .(■.*
day ttiaf
that i1 .^.1.
ron. i1
Merry Janet *em off te.i.s
With her
llt■nd -Ibe Italian left, to go «• HIHT
Ik. iidteMgrown-up triad.
' Dee. IB. 1511. am la tin- fifth reader, and mj tewrh- He riii laniUeixlck. and Csn-lu'Mi
friend. Mrs. Myron Taylor.
<i.iirn.-.i to the'nest town. Tom Ss4
■ Jg the elfa <m tto *^Summit city. That was nko. wasn't •*‘«f rrcsldent—
ei 's name is Mr Id I'etUntill. He ia dowi' < ii the edge of her bed an.*
. «-Tumldcd down off the f.-m-n
i^g ae tlief
n «M&e fioektog to Ibrtmgs
I go , to eobisjl every dfc that I « koc«1 i* acker.
" f-.iy- kt- t.vd her dipper., off.
Wi'ani A Buddenly that Jinny bad ( elutrh IXIUld I e tiusm. PMto a UtUe hrt|ht
know what she lAked like. Just tight, to auy ott at all. He ran acrom ^ ggore. lifting atoog os tto U
—te Wte- »««' “>«' Pleaaore of the IllUo' people e*** r>- 1 Uke my lACbcr very much,
know n U Oftiy wpon
Her name la Miss PafI RAgseggA. nloe ^totge pet At. and a couple
wait till Lie nest time you are par- the yard as hard as bit legs could xo. EbenldA. undA the breed
Taer'i day
'Vj slndtos are SAlllns. reading and wreks eo he w At
In (be woods tirularly MUgbty and cross and nlky. Onc« he'turned: *t%me on. Jinny! (r^ea. a Mber. happy, UlUe Kev TgH
to the
And posUU! So many of them!
Looky yonder’. Organ
. ^'o| ,4Mta to ^
from Mary Kalchik. of Bpenrer. Neb- arithmeUc My tAcher wanted me tiunting nnd a .voung man aii■Io alonz and ibA go and lAk at yoarAlf {n Iktme
ihe glass. Yon will lAk ei^ctly aa grinde,r.
hand, and a Ilttla bunchd of vtalsla to
raaka; from Adeline and Kathleen
the mni. fnrtow of Urban Waahlngton and Dmnght ! would. Giace' Uuiflepd and dog tm the rot and crippled pussy to Carrie Icoked on New VAria Btg. and
It did Mt Uke Jinny long to get the ether.—Woman'B Hem* I
^ many frlm nArer bom-'. In
DaAh are sr.lng to write.
iliHt he couldn't get to tbe huuA. The | ad assure you. you will not be a to the front »te fA. nnd te a minute,
‘ \
. — ____ Uichlaan- Lulu Tlratlek. Mahel Hnl. *
*’!' heart, mn Amo to the bouA and toIJ us iiIrpMut ohjert.
more ihe and Tom were swlngmg it
them good. Ctoist—'about





. . di.. te___u._- teb._ ...._____ .- ....

cannot^p wondering who will writ*
toit OM Mto FOX onnr mj. hA f« the first SunthlA
Sunshine Han
Page of
» la oHy OM thlim that earii «>« >*««•- !• « gMng to b^you?
taper moat do
''BeloN poB oin eater the etore.!
mwt toeve an bod totoitt. to, TiavcfA City. Mich.. R. F. D'No. J.
Box 109. Dec. 31. 1911.
ttop maap or few.
F-4ai eU Ulan that htoddr a Ufa goodI Dear HraMsoI—'
I am'In Bcbool todayT There arc
and tree.
-tweaty-Bloe to school today. My wtudiOatold*. at pm go to tbe door.
Ire are arlthmeilr. geognipby. gianf,
spelling, Penmanship,
penmanship, and read7M ooaa OSt SU (tom bahlta
i' ' ^ thtogg
*D tAchcr's ume 1* Mr; Gar*
p. to bp
v<> toes gOM from Ue
brciher Jatims elts with me, I like
ii • mw good aalA Old Fkltor
The sun Is ^hlnSng
Ttee glngs
1-rightlycut of doers today, and there
MS tto door of the Now YAr w*Se
"Vuch snow 00 ihe grcuntl.
«ston to fitoga.
*" Yrevenc City 1» weeks axo
tofl lb* UUdreii troop gaily away. ***“^ Fa'urday. an-J Grandma wasthdro
Maude U Cbamberlato. to Youth'ii ****
some mida for
the Sunslifiie Club. They are Dorothy
Grosser. «Susic
t.ruMier. , Gladys
lioone. nnd-Jakie Iktnne. Ytm may:
ticnd the Aid* and.i-uHnus to me.
' riS ilHie^auMry;
ere ^big to have a Chrtolmas (rre
furtaiie poB dp sol kMw
thl# pAr. I anr-ln a' dUlegne with
Bsir far I’ve come to aeo pou *
Ulrty otben-. Ky sSwer Una to goieresi Ue Bold* of asow.
Ing to school Ibis year. She w-sa five
Uc fourth of Ibis'mouth. She idKCS
- ^ luta of UtUe alstera.
to go to school, loo. H« (eachcr'a
- A Uttle toouur. tea
name to MIm Merton. I will dose
: tote mrp «se to cototeg
tor this lime. Wishingyou aH a Merry,
Is make s cun a you.


zS‘bj,';.'d”L!^7:bSb';'L” r.,rr;”,'irr.;:

body else will, tw; ! l.avt :wiii sis- have Jicd. 1 (ell dreadfully about It. point'of her tA. “1 eha'n'l do any- * monkey!—blinked hard

• like av l ibougbt a much of my cat. We
w.... ....^.d .. .k— u... j—Interest from






Nsn.y Hamby!

A* If 1 didn't have a



with yond belief, and provee the

,k. .sadr of tbe vmwnda.

horrid enough time aa It I*. *l«hout ,?L!TrJr^n !L
te,l». 1" te... 1. ddilldi, Td,r,lht o7“ r.I iTi.d W Td

“ '*’* *^ *^
Pte. « te« *„ «

site Ited ttek,d te. Iteid ,h.i .11,
. „„ „J
^ „.tar.d
a. tete
Y'onr Sunthtoe gin.
Helen Mary Eckerdt.
Ho/old ere AIIa and Elsie now-: Be l,. 1. loo .BteU lo .rli,. te .n, 1. ,1,,
-ited,.,.d.l An^ltei.
uie moi.. lo b, over d.i huidnd IM dm.
1 wUb 1 AUld see Ueto.
01,11 .1, r™,. old .od h..n 1 tete, 1..
„,rt . mil,. ..d teld .h, ... .
Tltei .Ite., in 111,1, h.rted «,.■
Wli.n dm
N. ,1001 yet. Hot she w ill write o Ihe ,H»r. ,mhapp>-ocglvcted .-hild-whlch
Tbin. look at hi* bands!" uHmntaIn lowered two hundred fiiet
Meide City. Mich
bunNhliic lufKO a» soon a» vlie IrertiN
not-and then she went to - i^ook at' him wrinkle hU f<»r*hAd. above the sa at the blgbeet poiet aad
. 15. il'Il.
bed. Wa» Eh« a mcc rblld. do ^u j|„nv" Oh. Tom. If he only hHonged wa nAriy half a mile Iom: and, to
!>•«• PfesidcnlSaoU CI.ue and 1 guc^a perhaps he
^ot at all But wait aud you |o
- Jinoy whispered on« A that (bough the Mtnmor had ksex ffW—l
1 .would Ilkp-^S Imve yen send me If. although we rennoi. I ^|,,u ^ *1,,, hai,,,ened.
the organ man should not hAr. 'Dh ly srarm In iboe* slorm-ewept toM*
another ArM and button, as I Imvc \w i*h you and all the stonshlncrs a punciAll.v at a qArier tofore Tom! Just look at bis po6r little tdd tire, at tbe Ad of AuiMf Ula m«M
lAt mine. I's.o
»ri>col every day. Mecry Chrisimas and a Happy- New „^|ve some one taped Carrie *mtn- dlrtv dres.'.flinty ice was atlH OArty tolT lift
My teacher 1. Mis* RnAASSer.'fbere Y'Ar. 1 will elww, as mV letter i*
been ,nd «ld: "\Vabe up!
Suddenly a magnllleeni s-beme magultodc.
are thirty-two seholam in s'Uool tew gening toug. and lioi>e to eec It In We liaic come to uy good-bye to dawned u|ob Tom. He did net even
At that (Ime the grtowgilpmemiiff
day. My troihei's nume I* Clair. He prim.
v.., Wake up. do you hear*conault Jlony. Itcejusi wid to the or- berg had become lielto* to to «A
would like lo have a card and billI'rom yonr Sur..--liincr^
Cairiiitp and rubbed her aleepy An man:
' Ire. ihrougfe which A etev river tM
len. He trire to write. He Is four
Gladys May llstes.
ti,,,,, »hc __
can-. a great aUrt.
Can .you •■onu.- ha^ in three Inr nearly It* eWM lesgU. toglto
h».l' II wns slKHit
«.ur poor-stared wi.h michi and male- for day*-? On New Years morSlOK?
phinging Into U* «
rAra old. He Is to .glad whea he
•-Whsia ---------forraT " Tlie
'he liuliler
gets a k-Uer or caril.
klttty! .11 was nti-e
nice of
liuTiier Ilo .hd^-o wnV r. ;,iiy somcfhint v
----* Italtau
and shi'wed hie teeth
Along eithA aH
Your ^UbUtier.
dtmie »ud tell you 1 think he mus
Age I0.
r.itice, Hurilciid
have Id) ixury. ti*i.
<n the M a-Eht !-r nf iron Wtncli
'F-'t •
'cars |.rv«-ni l.w ti.r lurteiite tosped
rushed down steep dettotLittle riair shsH eetlatoK have'U

I along lUc iiKit of the bed ui • menV.-j : "
uosi..i- -------------------—.
iIa and e
SnmOiintepiedge raril and itorinn. and
Traverse niy. Mt.-IC
-r of little crAtnres.
'®"’ wIitstH-roil
»ni*i>*'rv.i aomciliiiiE
--------- ;7—f
gicat numiK-r
crAtares. the
I. .-nrrite h.d Wtevwr iste-te louslv to Jinny. Jmti.v H.toiicdl, lillol. Ing water*. The sprey frwm Uee* tobe a "trhly 8uD«hincr."
Dec. l^. l»ITK.a
streams prodwesi a
• •
-Dear Prerldcnt—
Htorc TTiry had. bodl'ei. les^. aud
and AVI a link- '-'-ream of di- thin, silvery mist. Urooglr vhteh M
Maiile City. Midi,
1 received my'card and button and „rmr Just like itnv'men; hut InstAd '
bent's many strkag* demea. pteaeV
Doe. l.'-. 1911. have them yet. I am In the third
t,esd» (hey bad ^IlMt^ of imper *
-Ob Tom, vou have tot ihegrenilAt and s|.lrA appeared uf,ftAtty dstall
Dear rresldeni—
rAdA. and I gel a hundred nAriy standing upright on their shoulders,
e!" aifl (heir actual dlmeuskma.
. I would.Uke to nave a. Ard apd. every day. 1 haw> two brothers and d,rty, crumpled, dA SAred sheet* of
ihe damr-d ahoui ev.licdly. The menFor severe! houre durteg U* Mf*
buuon. I go to wchooi every day. I three ^era. Only two of them go pai>er. jimt Uke the Ia»a of a book.
key Jled nervously to hi* masters lugs and eventega of etoar dnpe.ffte
am. In Ue third and fourth grwdA. (b actoeL
Their namre are Mack. There were pU-ture* on them, and oh. '
te Uto gawp
sboul.Irr and Mliikcd and blinked and refrartlon ofr Buatems

- Sut I got rAdy gulddp.
(ced a BBgattaewt
Edith Draper.
ger _
and she to a good tAcber. Ills \V« ijle two ponies Their names a
' - tod ASM ritot atrwlghb off here.
Wl«t to Ue name of your dlaloAe? half s n^lto to the achonihnuse from Babe tfi Daisy. We have two kit- jc. vvbai could It mre'n?

to Ue «r*t to greet poh.
dte.r dear monke.- Come hack a vivid and well t
I wish 1 crntd-hAr yow speak H.
where 1 live. It will socn be Ciiil.t- 1
Idu happy, bfight New Yal
One to black and wljlic. and the
-phere are. ibrre hundred and *l»iyy.-.r s niornlng. and you shall a Vadlu. of many mltoa nhtmt tWa
niA. We Aumd sec a bit of snow olhcr to r*Ho» and white Evelyn fl,e of u*!" uid one of them. In-a ^... jhen she put her hand over tesorwu* rw...itrrwt«*r
Traveree «ij. Wlcb.. R.
K, d. No S.
Iiere now.Ust sumiW 1 badloi* and I come home every day to din
uu). *pluitertD* v-oire.Uketbet„„-, niouib. for Tom started to wav* very cold and netoL
Box 106. Dec 13, 1911. of bAt ridA. It was very warm last ner, and at recess, 100. When my IK- siratcblng of a -steel |•ell.
“Do you ^peak
'Ob don't
Don't Ay
AnotbA berg. whIU I
Dac INeeldnt—
aumA. There were lets of bawka tic stoier Jessie aces my Sunshine but- fittd us aurecilver'
n, min hAr. And we waul to the barlior of Cape Reyat. Nev^
JM4 as yrour Preaktont sat down st
It has not been verr
long alare I
and ircwshere then, t can't Iblak of
ton sbe want# to put it on.. She to
-What—what arc
youT' gaipcd
land, s„rpnsr
was a mllg
and '
hand started to write. “lUppy »f«*.
I I tbraghi 1 would writ* any mure,
to good bye.
awfully ruie.- I think my letter to gci
How’ nqsv Jinny
tingers were for toec.1 with an avemge tailM Of Wf»
V Ywr.
SunehlMre!" tbe poetman agala and '*H
tell pew
pm that 1 waa the Sun
.Your Sunsblne Iwy.
ting tong rix'uali so I wUI close
-to ^re the Icavee ibat >M have ibe net'
dayw only Tnm and Jin hundred ata fifty (deCRfft OR* Or ^
to tar door with a handful Of shiner wboae name was not slgMd to
tVsiier Katcb
Your Sunshiner.
turned. dnnng
past }Ar. Every gy knew. Sew. arw. sew ‘ Dear am! pAks «f W>re thas twter that lie
a. ■ Tta very Brat mc to be U* totter. 1 will not forg,ei to alga
I expect that
the imie birds
- -are
------- Wilson.
day ba* Ua toaf. yea know, aod you And each cutting, nod such-ellpptag vatlott.
mmm was from our epeclal-partlA- ay uame Uto Ume. l go to acbwl «lad not to bare a Avei* winter.
When luilc JasIc geu older she , rite what yow plAse on IL I A« last and iriromlng; And not a eohl must
Cold g
1 ta swab riglJy itaihlil friend. Mr*. A. W. Peck, end have five sttalA. They are artth- They At tbe enimba that 1 place for shall be a Sunsbteer wlU a button all
VAr's Itoy. Would ygu like'to wee nntU New Y Ar's! For that was lor* from (he far NerU. RSO^ ••
■ftlwtatntoed a msAage tor yon boy#
history, geography. ^'eUlng and Uem eveiT day.
ber own.
examine me?"
ibelr secret.'
too ydenty te Ue OtOf of gt UwtgRci
Eremmar. I have a name to Ue
• * • .
A* l.e spoke, the cfAtore perehetl
New Year'* day wa sunny- andvnndaboatfbesbarMorCnpeJvggmk1'em an guess what it would be ®«n*l>tee Club H to Lite Groeser. Travers* CHy. Mich.. R F. D. No. 3.
*Stontn:not, Mich
fci~**!i on ber lutw and tortied hls warm. ' Y totoL *trt'btocmies ua^er" Mostag otsp Nov* bcotl*. Sew EtgiteMt,aatTM?Tbe bird*.of oemm!. Ya can rend her card and button to
Boxg.t l>ec. i«. i»n
^ Dec. u l&!i '.j cf ja! ward her On it-ala*: nesU ib- Ciaiagrcia wjg'jws A' -ate tli e es Ue ?ild4Je aad^rjUygab a eoteag. Bisahtep afurChr^t- ■». My mamaA to u tows-vialiteg Deaj PrettdcK—
Dev-- FTes'ddent—
>te *i« her cca pa.n.'si'- Sba w:at e'e -es cOc,cL tbs liaLaa came. ".:b ere EtatM - a:* llkelr
..ate..- la
... a
te grow «ua»y oat AtlttUf
AdttUb «effjA
'taUllM! Toot rresMeat teals «ar.e Biy aunts. I will dose.
1 Uoaght 1 w«aJJ writn you a letMy aiiier wrou anl u>:3 you stoV.,t;-.tmr cn a Etvd. he.-fxito black WKb PaoU os bit. tbealda.*. B;t funa/ sure upto-n w-hy
' «g*» Itak jmi wm all
U do last
Ftom a Btua^ner.
- tor. « 1 barsftt wrttma to a toag oar apdlteg bM to aow I wUl ttel pM aam. wtu ber back taniid toward iKtte monkey dren ata. te leeked -hu a 1
MU MWgssteL ,8ta eeya:
Della Priton.
Ume.. Hy aiedtoa are rAdlng. artlb- about our rras^m tbe tort day of two e'‘cci looking cLTUren aoJ anal- n>ore lavish end w^ tbsn'AA. Tow any oUa regtep «
arJU fu. Matt Uae pen aaS BSlU vc la aeUe. pbpateteip. sMCUPta. apeil- ectate. U waa m Ue UU of-Oocan- «s leota.
- aad Jlaap gave tta Ittetea'law •gteor.-''-'— *

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