Grand Traverse Herald, May 24, 1904

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Grand Traverse Herald, May 24, 1904


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



•nMMtCraMTM mnM

TKAvnaciTT. -


Vrrj bm of dralol' wrrlw
oolr. ToBtk mr of prwiteo
Toor potrooace nollcItM. In
Kf« MoDKig bulMlac. otiOm' K
of P bill. OB floor vUb Dorker•}"« RtiiiBMi CoIk«p ia<l mror

Tnrcrsc aty StJtc Bank

Tire Insurance!
Money to Loan on Improrcd Real Estate Only.
Room SIO New State Bank Building.

The Unner


F-I-ORI^CAPITAL. •200.000


Traverse City.

Nor dirulur vearlBi: • em«a.
a oolT the hird-n.ieilBB renim
Of Ihme Bet ibote toe. I'm d««B.
ABd H r BO 1
• • •
lions the hert «
»■ o' lbe~- dirr'll enm.' aoTnlni
reri for ibe ireriire ■

who keeps i gooil tcim iille
I it might be eiming

In It wiier to let jaar npire fniMii lie hlk.
brjden iwiy, when they vool'l be taler in a
good bank aoil be (teidily cammg interest?
We lOenr inlctvtt e

iwe •--‘■^jsra.'sssaw

Over willr nf ib<- riiy m tell
or (be ryiim lod pherlr nf the bom
WlihuHl him Ibe mneral b belpli«r.


Tlilr ud-nalllBc at-fiS''

Travera* City. Mich.












Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats, Sausages. Etc.


ftone i






abstracts of


> - PFfttSSP

Mil'll B. 0. Palmer

Owr FIrri niHonal Bank.


and Cc

CaaBti C«ni

They ire tbe beau SoUl <mlv by

CITIZENS ^80^^481.


Pbniito: CltUcm 32. Bell 1M


Cor. Tenth ft and Uke Avi.

Sa Md Swear 9f fraaf aa^ SaNw Str$$H.
AAar I ^ neened the ageecy ht rnok un BD fer o

■ ”


' -


I baiVI

OK ea*i£|aiii0or»oo] oa Ibanew
pUDr-that i* 10 .pi]
. to
every aiMl idla in tbii locility the hi^uM manuUettirer'i caih price.


TrararM CHj. tkh.

Traverse City Manufacturing Co.
w. 1_ ■RO'WN, ManoK»r

irymaKgaiMtedouybniidiBgihtitonaeru vili
rByyosto«duiaW<Mi«todtoverui.1get |aket be.
tote beyiDg. Ion ve can nve yoe laate money. We have n very coofitete toe orboBK tammiogi an.1
tm priea* me very tor.
_ . .
...... ™
door hu^er cril tod We
wtot we tow to offer yoe. The hangoi ve ire -poffiing
potoivrir*iUiiotteloffttotndc.nn easy numing ami
eoati bet Gttle more tfau the otdi^ huger.




BMnIc off KlriKoloy


r» ctet iMCTHt leid If left ria aoBtlii.
. Per W ietmt itoft iMeft 8 BM.

lie fornilT h'ill»ek.-.1MT opi'ne.1 th'
pirrouiKc d...r bill .r.^elBE a Mrinec
Mlppuri.l h, Uii>h>-<1 to >,-■ Ibe Dilu

[•.rl bitn l«cL lb hir dlnm
M.'P In and nail (l.r httr ■mainin.,
l^liner Ei' at b

y l.y I
lerr; ' >o# res*,
dr. Lairiit lha. I

ner Ft.
The riohmen fell into the humor .d
the ranchman-. Jrnt.
"We could all .near to ihe .«ld flll■liE let ihal Slate aireel desll.l
pnt In your In ih the day before ymi
were audlaEKi-d." .«id one: "If I nefi
you I'd mak.' him vhlievaih luime ^if
that E0l^_ front. You I,«.b like a bub
"Vmi .Ukhily revemble Ihe ph^o
rapb. UUIer look of you In bit an.
lu." taiiyhed anoib.-r at he pa.tvd
I. elEir ekM- for all lo have a recbi; "and nheo you name the brand
' Ibnu' nmnlt I'll flnl.h tbe .ummina
up for lb.- ptToecuIloo.
Yon In
duc-d ibem to m.-. vou knoV
lAlmerFord bad iK-en. nlih a de.
r rxtaatiMlaE evert pmalhle,
lempilDE to tv| bl« involuntary
of .bulflinE Ibe rardt, but ah.'o’
tii.-niion n«. dven in tbe niuTalluB
the} f.dl from hi. rluinty floc>>rt In a
With the xame ot,},.ri In
t iew he acr.-pted a rlaar and llcbl.
In all tbe enrapaden of bl. buy..aJ be a.Ided itnokinE lo Ihe llai
of bit Intyl.h aiiBlnmenu. Jf be »t
emil at
ibe unut.ial IndulEence
niulid iliat be mendy retw
Wed .be UnK. ailbouEb ll
voulil d..epeti tbe myvt.T} ; If
eaticri..ocetl no Incunvnnl.-nee It voi
e.mipleii- Il.e evidence, for a tulutlim
of Ihe mal.i'r tbai had 1-sm ilovly
furiuliiK in bit mind. II.' htnoked not
only one bill tvo clear, vlib koim on
J.i>tn.'nl. Noi a .ymiMoo allendani
upon tbe fir-1 ..m' of lolmccti appeared
Wlih a brli-f leavedaklnc be vlibdrw
lo tb<' prnact of a.rxim at a tiolel
b.eknea lo
ll.■.lral>k■ from a for
mer caperUnrv. ib.-re to fac Ibe concIuHon fai- had formed. Once niorv be
.i.««l before a mirror on ibe dr.wr
III hit l»dn«MD -Che be»l in ihe hotel
wh.-ntheclerk r.coEnIred bit vealiby
Eu.-.i-aad once more ecanne.1 bl.
newly acunired f.-aiure*
Tb.-r.- he found a
ir akin Inttead
of 111. dark cmplet j; fair, all
yellow hair. fB‘tpad <rf dark brovn.
merrily In


ril! iiB

lAiBi. r-F.nd non neilled iln
LIiBce. .Iiiilns .be day nheii
II p.H.1.1..
111 riili'd
III ri'CoEtilre l.ltn
>hi,uld. V
mherr mho r.K-me.1
>nl... bits
ir anuili. r yv-rron.
• Si.r.di
.iiiKlii no. Ui chaiiEe m.r ipiieinincv
lUill! Mrs Hums b- .leclvcd."
tVirhIiiE to ju.lye (or lilmreU h.’ es
lered the lurroniEe • moin
iB.I cared ai'hlBiM-lf in an ornimenlil
l.ler Elarr. Feil'ire for fealure he

• Am I dr-uiins or niidrl»,
HI. ke,-ti n.iQiiKn leb-'e i
• ne aellher, Rxblai
Ibe gihi-nomoBoB was rlearty lM>«ond
Wm Wiih hi. lir.--ioBE hahji .rf matnHuallcal n-aM>ninE he proceeded lo
the Iwi^utlon ol Ihe b) wvirkInR from tlii- known lu the unknovit.'
lAtmi’T, unlike ninn. of hit rbnrcti,
was In aiirUiiitlnB all phy.lcil
and n.enui rf.m.ontrrailont to natural


Ill the flrti he falle.1; UlUat.-t moth■ r Iiironned Mm that her daughter had


Builders’ Hardware

Fitniv Trlend. nonld hit i-eirily le
counted'for the rufierl, lolre beafil
the ml.rhiB, •.bill «o«ld hue lan-n,
turn. DtiDiiliMi'd at ibe rawfamin'r
rholc>‘ ,d nudli-nee iiid rusE. The
rir>..'i< K.T.’ «iib i |iu>hlug, bar—'nc llimns. pee lore.. obllEed
.lira» 1.1 tbeir
fopi alter Itm day'r
I4le IlMi., in.ublir IHw 1.1.1 iherv In
tmeis 1 rin.nE'} cuirde.1
i-ir wl. at emiMlBK 1 remrn. blicK
viih hiiniin > cUnelne i» li' ita.IiSe
idd.T ai lilj. u.omioe r .-i
IN'N.nre. f.aim<-r Ford waHoil the er
•llrillioi' to III.' i.irroniC' and hi

-l.ler liitnaelf iMoriiehed or curMul:
lie hud a clear inni-clence bi-nce a
l.eal.hv tnibil. H-Iilwral.-lt he .l-rW.-d
upon three pre.ent ai-lhm.- fir-i ui
CO to hi. ««!> Iihone and hat e a lew
wnrdt with . Lillian Che.u-t
home. Mwviud to lunch rijml.n-iaia E..d re.lain-ant tbai hi- tirert-th
rnlclit n..i fail, au.l third in vi-.. F-.rd-

a bofc bridt earatoMe at the abore locatkn.

Kmaasrn ' Wool
ewBW rftmt mt farSe Straaf*.

A Vietitn Of Clever Suraei^.
lly KIDib.'th Riv
Wriileii h.r the H- riM. •

' •• • •

Have you ever irietl the

f^opa/ tiger

rh.’n' I IIUmI a? iiiod
WUh Ufth M'l el
lad mv tim
In By thnai, ahd I uiie.
lit .BlUl ouillve deilli
I rveir ibit-Mir twllder ’do kwiser
. To me rbill be Irrs ihin Ibeptin:
Heneeluraard he EUerdOB ind c1»i
p iveriEe miB
l.'In The nuiIiN»k

lady rvteard>><l him iiii^
fall! 11^1

oyml TlK^r

20. 19M

bit budt fnalded 1 pack of eardi lyiBc thereon ud. vkhuut Ibloktax. be
tienn »1th praetleed e«re to ' ■“
: I hem 1* fur a de«L
-Wul 1 Euner- iiked oae of Ibe
B*en teelBE hi. eanp'.onBeBT 'Yo.i're
never utufle.1. ualeu yoB-re ihikiw
Birmv cirdn, Jord.'
Lamer Ford looked np qalekty.
AB4 bb bud. -Uoveri
-Are you c..Hiln ibil I aoi n»dr'
work he
hid dOBK
ho liked bluntly
Tbe rlabaao IMRbed at ibe lupHit dim eyn vm «'eir} and pill
pnred Joke.
Dd be railed ihmneb
ihRmeb hir
hb pillnr
■od tu
•If ruu're om Ford I im," raid oBeJ
wlriful. lid aallc «> II uylng.
-Vou r..uBIrrtett Ford'r peculiar
muaer of .hufllac bit latulr BwJe«i) '• Ilbiin
veil fur u lnp»ier.~

Plat* Ciaaa, Stoam Boilar and AceldMit Inauranea.




vi.iailiy vrliere hi. nan feature, had
•■tpre.aed reflnemeni and blcbn-Milre
The .'dd of Ijitaer'n .ell trU! wai
■he only iuKical aeQuence pot.lble us
lu. practical
■up.'tviUl.iu» brail
b bit th~,;,.*lcal
ll iralnlnE ane eaplanailon—>1
alBi.K. (
■ •■ef--«uiBi»u-d t
II. .uminarizInE ran thii.
.Nearly the eolire human
le« Ihal man ha. a ..nil ,|eiaehablp
fr.iBi Ibe l.nli ; half the pecple of
>'to ih|. Miiiii] i-an pa.. Into tbf

Ibe eaabler mroMly ptrt any
rerawllac •(Kaatataa. Ibonmchty
it why I have
tied at Pord'a motive In dellbmely
yon remember
ebanclDc hi. bsndvritlns.
Tbua tbe nun .d rmbland .power
>d OB Ibe
fonnd BO diflieul.y In raeblne ebtvkt.
laa who aaa not ttHeni for a dlpk»ibat the vealih of the cattle klu
michl raairbd with ibe vacar
•1 kmm the Urilonlna.'' aald UlklSB coal.
Itn Buleity.
A weary BOmlna la tbe aeitl
"Well. I f.Kind Ihe mother deMUy
rry.ialllted bla beticf la tbe vlar mo- kick and tbe three rWldrea .larrlBS.
1- He fell Plea..- tB4- fund. I will have voa ftaeicbi Id Ibe Ij lo their behalf.'
The blue eye. Hill cleame^vah*top
prsen. but II aa. (nun the Joy td *lvina »lib IlKbi Iread be turned from
Ihe luiipiiunDE of .lum rraiitnde lo
Bud the lancbman'a hotel and tars
bit aiiimtion i.. the builsew leiierv
tbai be kn«w mu.i have been aceumulor luy
la.lDEThe fortiuY vai m.11v ae. faetorv ompiuhed.
r deiall. .upplled t
Here thvelerk, all .mile, asd oB- Ibe et
cinuuie.^ Aent a bell boy to hi. room rrlmiantl
pecilna h had m.-aled a
^d' Wllen
n Letaer-Fonl laipMed the •d Mum V
:• minis-

w.MidertHt nhai more man cvuld vaal.
Miss cbreier n-ndncied him (a tbs
Then. a. if la contradiction to hi. o-Bir. to Joia him in «seMihnuEhi he lank Into a luiurioo. chair IB8 cenain rase* that r»-qulr«l ber ene
and indulKed la a fli of at»oline kme- man', la.nitlon as w.-li a* hi. own dl*
lliiet. The reariion of eieliemeni. to- rrcil.w.
aether with
wiib Ihe
Itae nbun
alum lalvv bad 4<mr
Anita 8icv.-ns was a woman of ma
o unnene him
leased In lure years and firm puiprae. (the ba,1
maneuvered .,i.-rcs.fii|ir to possess
He wa< oeiit
the wealih. an,l lorld.-auMy tbe aam-d not fraiertilu- ^ b the frkwd* •4 the ran., an.l bed no lateo
of either Nor cMld hr rtwvive aym- ikiB .4 Tv-Iiiiui.i.blna ber prey. 8bv
paihy by relaUat hi. rurl.aa eiperl read Isttmer Furd's inter m aaioatab
eoce. Ha would be nia.1 .crod ellber
mad or a ia|K-roaiural asvol. an ob­
ject or bormr In either caae. With the fever..-. It wa. a clever rase lo
a .tan of pleanurc he n-membered escape a nisrnaae Ihal abe whH knew
I UllUo Cbcirr vas doubllna be ii.-vcr r.-wlly desired
Tear., caIrcailc. \Jb- botken hreriml act, she
was aware b....I,I avail noihlna. Thnre
fore she faa.i.-u.-d i.i s.-i the Biadhla
cry .4 the law In motbrn.
Ih'Vrral Icllera vei - fram Ford',
Thu- lAimcr Ford louad bb chard
. SirlOS i clear areouni (able work lnicrrepi.4 by a wumaum.
Hall, a d aikiBS for to a|,|ewr as def-mls<K in a breach ot
oeceiury . ipeBdlinrea. Tbeae. liromi-.' ..Ill H.WI Involved an aiiumai '
tbe na.I.T onrluded to BBiwrr dlpht ..1 demaa-. He shrank from tbe vlbBUilcally. EUias ibe maa neceaatry ..................
resolve.! I>|sm an n.m
' Ib lure requeallBs him lo prumlu'
H.- quickly pereelve.1 «b.i
othc ln»kke
.tkkeep.u' M-Bd him a enm- a ibiinuiEh alrina In curt .4 his ap
ph-ie iDt.-Bloiy of the prcHierty.
perty. lo- parent .-ondiiloB-lo.. nf memory—
a IIH ol would bwever ntahllib his fuliire rw
'baiikT'*'^ **'*'!»•. eniru.led vltb tt.l.m. with the world and free bl«
luudt. A.
ide almn.1 eariulte fntm the rwachmsn’. ■swirutlou. bad
use of a t.
miBlaterial In.ll.crvtlon.
work of MrmoR wriilnE aad
WTieib.-r ibc curt edjudatut ibe w«,
.p..ndence, h.- raOE for tbe U
an perunltry Imbursimeat was Im>y Inpuin a
maierlai If hi. lo>. .4 meinnrv waa •»TbU nhv
obviated tbe nocaaili;
H.4,ue l.avlnt Ihe city luallelid tbe
A doaen
lal be called at Ibe ('healers lo make
leiflTawere of ike b.«Elns variety—
rtaa*em.-ni. with unian f..r eUbfollowJnE or wrallfa. TbeM hi.
-ale relief work
Khe had alraady
■ncaevd eje culled
IdIO three ainm him valuabb- al.l and yet walebclattet—from fraud., craok. i
Ina him while she a.slsled bIm. With
eiriiple of caiea be determined
Erowlna myullftrailnn ai ib.- nmalani
vetiljcate. Finally be opened aeveral
he bluaderlealy msdr to ladi-llcai.-iy lEented i
■« wTlUen <
cidelll. I
seiilemeni wort kntmn
rm irhnd Jobs U.mor. TbU
rilh lerms of etidcarmeot and
: marriace. endlok kivlasH




l.wni an .-arly alUan.e wlib this wo
man an.l lAtm.-r Inl-aded in marry
Ijiuan I'
To hon.M-ably with
draw Hu- nf F.wd from an ImmI*
a.i.i ..icrrIaKe and Irumedlatety wiki
another woman
an inaur
mouniai.b- accrnipii.bineoi. Hows-ver. thi* piirpn.e 1In view

|•.n'lllvef■c■ bs. bwn demunMrat
n Dty ca-e. It I. a Uw of life oni
i-rriixnl. -lu-iicv Kc-nilnElj . my.ier
a. lb.- .Vaminl ,y.i.-m would
I Ippi-af.-d in Ihe n-lsn of l-hlirard your 1-ii.-rF whl.-h acci
■as. of which I
you bad
ilu> fln-t cmi^red to tbe electrical ins «
iwnirulars from Hie dallies.
w...„l.-rr now .-njiiyed, in .Hu- r.-lsn
• weed lo tbe
Ihe ■•n-reni Edward aeventh. Thai
h i> simp),
I. of rare on-um-nce ami for a w
inc I hate
kcoWledE' (< lb*
purjuule I.. undouhted; In my caae i
fNtrd. Incladicc arimui.e u appanni heydnd nted of
weir Tbis does
uui-ilon—nnni.-iy. i.. u.c the <real
aoi^ulre |„
w.-aiih ..f a^.an w.ihoni family tin
Hia< aflectloB
Irely abseet foe
• Ufa tbai period
l«n-i.-ile.| anflerlns-"
From that moaieoi JLaitner-Furd watered In kjii pwrptMc.
f.-lt COUmaBd.-d to take up tbe life of
Ford and
• In cnfurmliy . with my rbancel
■he Imfly
pr,-iliMi. penonalUy <-r
-r-,oi«'lly I will Mn Biyio-M.
bl. own life out In ti In
"lAimer Ford.*
1. acreealde. il.cunipliraled
SallKfied Ibat ihi. .-apressed bb p»I'l.m IruUitiilly wad set bla pr>:•y. he p,''ted bis tellers with a re
JI-II ..f ehorfaliie..
Ilef.m- dininc
. .0.181,. .ioi . cl.shlOK establbb :
m-i.t 111 tfai- vii-Jalty and secured car
r-c ip. in 11..' |.«-kril.«k.
i.H-i,.- Don- in k-eplae with bis taats
•Cood niuralBE. Mr..Pfwd." wa.
and It..- rhanced scawn than ibe ap
iuir,-l affec.i-d by ib>- raille klac.
• Hod oiiich. In*'all. hate I dep.tti
Tbai .-teniae wb-n be ranc ....
wi.h tb^ baakT" a>k^-d LaituerF
rl..-.i-r'r door U-ll, tfi* rbesier an
She teadll]
Tbe cunferted with
.be .w.-t-d the summiyos.
b..jl-k.-.-p.T. 'Only
Ur. Ford,'' r.Toniiir.d the wealthy•- casLlof. r ■
Tl... murniOK paper, bad acaln ctvea
prowla.-aee to his TMiure. aad un phliaeiliropy
V.-.." she r-f,'|,-d to bla oser
Mo. rh.-st.-r
Bl. till)'.
What ................... want <4 ber dauci
-C.-rialniv. if ro.. wl.k," .aid tfa<
i-r?- Help In bl. slum work? C.
curM-. and wlmi a rbaace for Liliue
lo hH«m- aeqtialBied with tbr mlllioa
Wbo kaowt maybe
He look out a mitel.tok and wrolt alre Imrbelor.
UJlian could do beiicr ibaa marry a
ponnUess^lBbter. Katber a pity be


of tour bein? all
raid the. 'and I have written UlUan'
aiim u> break the new. to her. The
l««ir glr) Blnuwt dl.-l fp>m Ibc «hock
ol >-niir diwh." conlloiied
. 'and I don't want bi-r
If your C;
o« the r
_ ___
. brain teVolv.-d i
e faced In
• terrible predlcameat.
the S.mday ;M-mce He could
ooi ap
p.-ar iK-fore ibe conEr.-Ealion wuh hl»
int.-m-ct IncaMd. to all appearance-),
Tbr catib.r. hameclnE bUn. c.
ir Ford's Itody. Hr fiinber rcallreci
that it wouM be a watte of words to pared II with wrI.lOB In potseaslon
tbr bank.
convince any periH«. while ii
- -No. sjr. ■ said the casbi-r: "I never
preiPBce. Uiat he wa* Laimer. Ttcy
saw That WTiIinE l>-fure. You ran
would simply think lorn ma­d.
sk of laco known qaly lo Imtmer 801.^ y.Kir hwad periectly.'
aiA bla
was the first nunpliratii.n.
fii-l-nl SI
d bla ..ana
almuta.e F< .
I—ctim*- a horror to his aieioclalef—
_jd be would not'
an ouleaet. Hut come whai miEht. force.hi- .IcT.stur, If be cuolrl. TU"
bad leva
wbeibi-r he encompasccl the d.-iJsa
lym. A!i b, did tu carry out
as Latmer or an alien, he was dnev
hrian- bim must '
mined nuthlns should (mrt him from
afawtluie tr.ihfi_____ ________
Ulllan rhesu-r A. yet he was cn is
poBacInn of all evMcare necesMry nmipllsb tbi, ami no. refrr to bla br­
ed iraasmlcra'iim war a atupead
in shape bis faiorv delibnatlon. H<proposition
had yet to prove whether be mas
Rnevaded in Ford's body or an iml: waal In draw fire hundred ibis
talkiB. His neat rare iras'lo make moreles." aald
lAimcrfford to the
Ibis polBl clear. At the club be noted waiiina earhier, ' but I cmn'i write the
with bis arouaed susplelos, that eweb
li-m evideaced fab identity at Ford
"Ii Is sireace yoor lajary aSected
The aiiMiJoB or the waiters, who all
,iir haadwrltlac," wid tbe raablrr.
spoke to bin In that name, aad flnallr.
fry. If poailble. for form's wake >o
Ihe members droppinc In for ibe afiI the check out In the tuoal way etnooB rerUed the wuppoalHoe.
oat Ibe
"Hello. Ford, gal over roar saadwritlnc was Latmer'a.
liB*- said one.
idly seribblisc bU arw name
• Better All tt with water.* uid aa- biaak. be awaited a oafereei
mwfereeee tbe
beM wiU the t
"Ford was BwTcr knowa to nse aarla a few mooei
thlTE so mild.- (aid a tbinl.
banded him tbe mimey.
"He Bdcbt hare filled tt with *aa." he (tanced at tto serawU^ **
said Ibe flrwL aaremoireny. -sloee be
-See there. Mr. Ford.* b« taU. polatfl»b aad-yoo *nale- inc to tbe pace, "ypo hare written
roar former faaadwritlhc Ja p
' .Not thla aeaaoB." aaU ibe aecogd plaee*.Blarr

• I m ?'* ' kid*''^

\Vc invite your attention to our stock of

Seed Com
*Prideof tbe Hortb*
This is early dent coni that will get ripe
in this countrj'. You will not regret it if
>-ou tr>- some of it. We also hare Buck­
wheat. Field
Dwarf Esse* Rape.
Clover. Timothy and all kinds of Garden
Seeds by the ounce, pound or budiel. at




. usted Umadt
U toaply po(4er-

ricamnre.' Wbea

LlH.Mis mother reverted as ahe wealed
Ib.r caller aad went la search o

accravaied by al«eBce from
AI U-. h.r
romlLE dot
opened lo
dutnliy >4

soowa wtep^wM beard
e ball, then Ibe daor
t a pure-faced, hl^■4 Inieliicenre. aad
wer rather (baa per-

wpit* of aeif-ooBircri bis b
trembled a. be held tbe .leader fla
cefw as
of times, le bis
l«fl aad covered ..
his ,rictal
Quickly recoii«dlac. be dnq,«d il a^
" be becaa. aoUac b
•re. '"worklac la ta.
— Clark
-t seiiieBMdii. asd as U
yon know Ibe praple writ. r^Li m
to lake eharce of
wblrb win Irere
, ???•
feerd speaker with aa
of bariac known bJm briore, wbleb
she reaHted was imne

JliSi«> «rtr oB your
CM work, abe aaiwerad to (be im
pUed «M(Uao. IB low. even umee.
would bare bMB amoac (be riirsli Of
jB(t reimiil,-

t <4 a homn aaitpl! (be
r w.imanly sympathy and
lAlmei Fkir,| foriid et-

Inc but I


.mi,l.-(c.l a pert.fl uaUm
HI. rpsr.l lor truth, hw.'.4 evasluo. atawa
11, taietoo- desire to p. reunited whb
I. lf,.c lrTMt.i4b)y impelled him lo
•veal hi. mind'. Ideality
I.III.S.. chesie, ... no oonnatT
ifl: -he I...»e.,e,i i„,etle« (4 high
aad deeply rs«d la
ic ku-c nf all age.
fMheewlaa (far
■wd. that rose to bey lover's lip,

lacldHii Ihal markwl tfadr en

•IJMIaa." Mid be eerily,
rag r*
rail tbe eveela* 1 rred aloud from Iainie, an.; upon.-r.-adlnc 'be dake's pnT
l»«al in I'ani^BlBMeen, I asked gos'
'HII aTBvorehle reply, wberr
1 iBBcblaciy turned to raaia
third and n«d. 'IVm'i ask me; I have
ot a choice, my dear Jobn? "Ulllan rhe.i„ cared at her cm
anion wlib wid.- opened eriw of hor"Wbe, are you tbai talks <4 what


toiffler-Ford iben cave a atffwr
rer.-f.iliy detailed recital of facts wtib
hi- litierpmauon td ibe resMm for

Ve At Ihe conclushm b.- b.Acd In
> t--llerlnc. hill wond.-tlnr eye.
IJIIIsn aaa ..III ininfully puuM
"I alway. reiardH belief |a
micraibw a> i l•arbnroIli vllclon. Perhap. iber.- IS aaoiber %planMiOB.* lame they dlwrewi-d tbs aubjan la
every lictal aad shade of BMainc Tbe
of love bad pierced Ibe discMse
of flesh and Idemlled the aval but
Ulllaa was red .-*,iiv saUsfikd vHh
the tbeoriew advanced
When ImlmerFrwd withdrew be
would have taken IJIDan In bb am./
bill she drew ba/k, saylac:
"I cnnT help It. ji*t. bat I maal
bars- Hmc
leeom.- aacmooicaT.

e myMcry .
4 Ldlmer. I
bb oM b>o»e A
O-W man occupied Ibe pnipit and par
»<..,aae, where Ijimer'e unclalm.-l
pcr-cBBl eEert. awaited ll. .wdere
At Ibc trial lb- prcBustutlcn
• after
,e that
bank tel
•Her. raehlef and i«»kksrper
rhsi.ce-1 .icnainre aad
scrawled blank to pnwe
d write hi. ortclaal dUrre If, prove that, where a Mow ai
head destroyed meowy. it also
depri.i-d the victim »4 •ducatUm. aad
the defetident had. itacw ibe arrldeat,
even -,c4 prv4 (4 Inumcmee relailnr ■" all >he hu.laews of life.. TUa
oierdld bl. tucfnlaei
I •« to show Ibat Ford h
K-nce than U-forr Uie accldeaL Tbb
was evidenced by a few ricorooa arIlclM be bad sirea (be praM rebUec
lo the era) alluailoB. Purd had aerar
able to rompoae a ereflMabl* letter
The riabmea imlmvrPord inter­
viewed the day of hi. dlanoiery iff btt
ehaaced feaiurvs were neat awnni Ut
prvaeeutlim. UtBser-Pord'a coom
esmduried the rma etamtealioa .

Traverse C«r Trtdar -onijat ajd «
1 this VM a sacties mar to rethe ace t*ot* aad also Kttoner
a C. Dari of Ibis eilr r«*fweoil«
the Iroe ■.il.a aad Attaner Rraajd

g nnkim CTAyCBE VERiSSi, THDB8PAT, MAT tt, mi
“To say a pkeeaat |
woid to anyone was
almost imiioBsible.”



:o.^to (rom II
rt-ilcel oraTerss-lon •
aci like Piirrf? X«. the-- oevei

. It crarMr m Of»n« Tnirerw
wsy c
«HMtr woaM oBlT r^rinhw ib* fiM ■lader
CbM tktr «f protwa*^
hotM- a»rtii»rl>. <br pan*
«r <fcc »r«TeHaf b«dJ«- »«»«
side of reel,on in. Wilson town*
IM six: b»voaM torsshc tbli rx«lu«
lowncblT. II I' •
iar «rwWT ps«or«. A dolUr sp«n •“*’ I??
vHkbuOM desixrf onoiM bark dln<ilr
B«r. Tbc boar Aeator I
Bikes B>atM« the awr

............... .. OTsasf

BMtuRs «if lUe. a» Ihe CliieUD a»ywtami UOM' The Chkacn
some time Wore ibe Ihlnp «n l-c un-j
«r <i*dr BIT •deatie. •beat, eorn
tmu a >r« re«a txit U dneso'l do
to fcne or the tamer. It s b«»aie il
Brabm are uylaic u. do.a <he olber
Mtov and laddraiatlr dear a
Itaaaaadf to ibeBselTcs Tbc local
■toe Bar Bd be M ^T-e »» >be buUddls|. led lerrliory or ibey may
Hta a week aq«,.- la CtUfMffi the
II eoudcmlng Ibe property. The
•sodi are ieai as dealtabte |B faUr
hloj.‘» Urflcly on tbe title lo


Miealaa H All.
Tbere'si Baar a saa i
IM <ai) lonk oal over lb.

Mrs. B
Rev. Hen
abont T o .'locb at the ac>- <d 2‘
yrani. # nioaths aad ic days. She
was born in W'syne coonly. Indiana,
and had'made ibal siaie her home
aalll the ps«I four years. !■»> years of
Ibal time l-elna In Onawsy and two In
This city.
She wat converted and )Mned tbc
Heads cbnrrb when 14 yean old.
In McKinley bas always been s
icrosi wofhee In tbe cburch and a very
nrat lover of children. aUbouab ebc
eever had any ehUdren of h. r owu.
losing two In InUaey- 8bc wss ■[
ways OB Ibe lookout for oiy<ban chit
rifen and children who needed kind
watcbful rare end togeiber -

Has ot Oraad Tnrrrar bar and
rwrer a Ml uf beaiitr: tbetr are naor
«te caa drire ihniuRh the arouds aad
Mda and aew-r tael tbrtr bearte
Bored lo bhtfaCT tbinss:
•■Be even «bHe iher pt
•Vito fntsraoce of (he infllak
aaa ovlr tba lawllaats M ibe flovrr.
’ aad Mbto (eel their eplrils droop If
the ralB diaaees lo (all bol U the soa
ahMa cmpIalD about ibe heat. Tbcae
toVie doB't koov sbat thc> are mUr

Tbere't a ^eai all-perradlnc
_______ ______ havlBg e
aotodhlBit (s awj work nt nature
young girl II ring with them. Besides
that taduce* snod iboujetats aad bell
three boys and
her sbe bsi
Urtac. that ralaia op the aiwl (roo Ibe
own. Sbe ■ IS always
aBaatoa rrerruar worries aad makes
open beaned and kind to ; I and ber
It atroa«er to bear tba U| cares
help in ber husband cant
vbea tber reallf fotne.
,n words and to one feels Ihe snrr
The periBB that canaot m
sad loss more keeely than be.
Sbe was conacknis to tbe last a
^maae•. wboar eras are blinded lo tbe
bbbsUm as U wen. Is eot Ihe penoe through her great ssffeHng littered
word o( complaint. She was prepsn-d
that will sroomplUh Ibe Croat tbtnca 10 die and -bad (elt (or a kmg time
or life. There arc Umllalinsa
that ebe would not live Irag. Only
last January the mate her will. leavbtatadarles. tbelr borlscai It b
tnga piece ct property which ehe
aurflD or brtchtaets bat bid i
owaed aad desired her buslmnd lo
toad Hue. H their eres ere blinded
to Ibe aalaral beaullee, Ibep are mU» '“ur'aad“un. UcKlnley came to
iM Ibr creilest cUl that God care Ulcblgaa (oar yean ago. spending iwo
yean la Ouway aad ne«-ly two yean
. Baa. The ercil Ihtasa of Ifae i
In this dtr. They came ID Ukhlgaa
. were aecoapitebed not br Ibnae
OB account of her baaltb which bad
lUM to see tbe sobllc boaotJi
Improved and were planning
nalere, tbef wrrr doer by tboae
back to Indiana at Ibe end ot tt
year, la (art Rev. MeflvInI
enM ee.> bernad tbc sarfaoe. coa1d
banded In bis tesigbaiira to t
total Ibe amallBOM o( tbe flower Is
feci tt Ibal nine and tbe I'w.
*0» boaoll-w of He (raciaiiee. Ttfej looking forward to the time when they
eosM aer what tbe (ulnre held, iher wonid be back among ibe acene* of
sbewt time ofl.
OOHlJ pereeirr Uial tbe laerc ualerial
Deceased leaves a'falber
aide wai not all.
living. Ur. and Mrs. James Dale of
ir the wavinc Wee does sol spppal Jay eouniy. Indl^. She also leaves
lo >on. If tbe Terdam bllU do nW two brothers. J. w. Dale aad Charles
liiafce w>u clad that ron arc allea. If L. Dale, aad one slater. Un Hair
tba Irak Id the air does not mske Qaal. all of Jay county. Indiana.
■jilaf funeeal acrvl
. poor blood (low qnicker. t( (be sprlacr.
day at i o'clock t
aieat velvet o( Ibe faarlli does d«
PraneU Tbomaa
ddatlag. "
-aaoTC jimr hesrt. If yrar bealib
flood aad'thore aiw bo eonpUcal
Pennville. Indiana, for bnrtal aad il
oimBstaqres. U'a line to brash swar funeral eenlee was hehl Tuesd;
ae oobwebi fren jrar eyes beeanse mottilag at in o'clock rroi|i her bot
I the ayes arc the "windows ot the rburcb. Rev. Ira Jobaano oflleitilng.
The body was laid lo ircsl In l
wool." and try and rejoice with
eemeteo- at PeanvUle and that of ber
flrrr np. because 1( yon dra*t yon lltlle child, for whom sbe gave ber
don't know wiisl you're
life, will be burled in tbe same coT
with Its Bolber. Mra. UcKlnley «
lolng n
nicely and all were doping tl
ranrnr Held Up Train.
mrst was over whe* ber bw
Bkran cats and aa eacMe hei .
ealy tailed ber and In about a b
lac to Ibe Ikre Itoflnelte RaUway
she was cold la death.
aotspany were comUed by Jobs
While in tbc city .he' has mt
erown. a fanner tfl Wlleoa townablp.
Balkaska eonniy. fanl Tbnrsday aad many friends by ber alad ;tnd lotal
ware oely rWeased FVlday after ibe dUpMlUa and all who knew ber w
arrlral of tbe coaipaoy'e altoratr. Tbe a Mend aad the will ' be greatly
cars aad raslae were fenced la by Hr. missed. Sbe his devoted eonaldcrable
Oniwn. «iH> elalns Ibal the eonpaay lime to church work and Jier absence
Own hlai tSOO (or rlcbt of way across tbere will he gr .....................
load. He peaBcal Ibe can aad aU by (elllBi tn»
melt aad thee II Is aUcecd.
aUi. .
aard with a Wlatbeslar iilfle and
Uraleeed to eboot anybody
bbM loterfere with him.
The .trouble oeeorred on a imall
rasdi iUkmiI a mile aad a qoarter
PereXar.lou wbkb was ballt by ibe_________
flaetle oader contract wlib tbe Elk
XapMs iron company to banl (ImtMV
from camney Brotben' aad Fray's
eaaw vbkh is la sectira 16 Wllsoa
towBsblp. Tbe road has beea bnlli
ahoBI Are years sad (be Pen Msrqnnlle eompsay was supposed lo forne braoeb erots
Joha Uontioa and reeeatly he sold
•6 acras IS John Browa. There was
■o rlfbl at way i
deed aUboach ibe
bouxbl by Ur. Browa. He
d that be s laid reedre fon.
peaaillon to tbe rtcbl <d way and la
order to ealaroe this demand, bnlli a
ftow aeroei ihetrack eacloslDs
et tbe company
vmated two to
railway ccowaay.
An enclBe was sral up there Tboreday la order lo remove the cars. In
tbe eotiree o( tbc operatkrn the (ence
was demollstaed. tfUlc tbe tratn
crew was bnsy wtlb ihc car^ Ur.

to^t^ he oorralled the eactne «
It Is said that be Oien mounted
■aard on one o( (be Iocs and with a
Wbcbesler rifle, tbreairncd tbe llvee
at anyone tbai would molest bis IsUal
tsoee. No one tried It and th» train
crew camped out all alcbt. TrUn■MiUr Oalla^er was also on braid.
FHday muratag Brown was sti’
iraia wu seal out

Yon eu btrdir find a hone
vhhmit tifl Ayer's Cherry
PccWffll. Pflreoiskaowuliflt
Il does for chUdren: bretk*


«p a cold ia a aloKle nlthi.
vardfloir broBcfaid».preveoia
- lyBidaaa ad'on band.


d Senicrs' A

Monday, June I3tti, 1904 lA
____ ^ ^


l.lemorial Day C
the •md gate lA'
lUun he dv.ireJ-:
I >i( sLIeh be WRv
le Ii-I.jaetis

unm.tcs ..-r, a|.|«li.'v.l fur M.-' ,r..,;i, ,n Ir

Walter A. Wood Mowers

“Dbak Mas. Pinkbaii: —I guflcicd with gtomneh comi'lnim for

•II yitii an- :i farntri"! at oiir >-U'ic- any «lay Iwlween
iimv am) JtiiK

basband got n>e lo take Lydln E. Plskbniii's V<



After Inkitig Uie flfst Ikvitle I was n-Uevod of the aickueM of eiooui ti,

inuld-l (iir tlini pnl«>-e
ministry with Ford'*den. y.-whiw. Cleveland.
'tufue sn-V well-known
,lil-mi< t -.rndvlsnh’e
Hiv r.-ward Pu
Decilnllng Sutid-Commles Hllll- ■ this v-verifice mn»i Im- hi* appnwrblng
her, l.iiile. IHsh. Vad-r and Shorter.
onih. -d e
f -ip.-ot In tl
Uirvlq. I. U. t'urtU. V
Mt. at of the plains.
,J. Cnr-U aad Toung.
V gr<-<-ting
•Tl.ver girl.- was
Mark Graees i
I you hapieu o:
u Sm.lm.
- r. M.
• ,|,i„g „r .Ilium
K the sjx-elallsis'
... ailons—Comrad"*
Vj •«--l told me u .was tour Idea.
Soule and Vadec. '
. j
,tt't-,.rtmft|v derl.lH the A-e,*
Oinmltie.-to Proeniv Evergreens-I ..„
,h.. „r..nx--i..l
Comnde Ifc-veudorf. Ounmander Ml.,,
n. Morgan and Adjt. \V. J. Ulliaer.
'-wj'i, Ho roo mesn*' wn‘ 'tiIKh.W. T.WooUhoare of the eirst I
BaptM ehurcb will <!. liter the Me • ..., ,-i*,h,.m If the raw bad to I-'
mortal Day sadress.

; -,^^,1 i-'ft, aniuber cmtrt. you wonW
A »-ry-floe program l.-h-ng pre ;
. an bxbmitsilve Inq.iln into
pare.1 .lileh will lx-pifhllshed In afes,;,^,^, -,r.-aim. ni of vo-i .ri the hrt«day»^ The reg.ilar program by ‘hvi-p,,will be given sad the tadle. !
, ... .............
are a;*o
■«. pr.-ps
proparing a iwngram wh'eh ;
lirmry m this trial
will 1,,-ghenat
.vHiInB. ihi-y nlfh-xl


Onf: f;f our superb

y*Ara. I got so bad that I could »•( onrry my cbUdrvu lull five moDiUa,
then would have a luiurarriage. The last lime 1 U-eatne pivgtiam. my


Pleased With Califoroia.
f. H. Cork of Mside ni.. was
nrdsy on business, having Jus
Dn> from an <■i-Mende-l trip ilir.
the Wwl. ilr. <


Many women are denied the happiness of
children through derangement of the genera­
tive organs. Mrs. Beyer advises women to use
Lydia £.
V^etabk Con^>xmd.

find can work better than I ever could U-f.vre.


otir iixonipar-

fine <■{

nod IicgBn to ftel LeUer ia every ivny. I comiuiicd itn tue uiiil nwa
eunbled to enny my baby to mniurily. I now have a oiiw lu1>y girl,

BliHlirs. Rnpers. Movers, StR Dib|i Rflns, .
SMe Delinnf Rakes. Haj Tiet^ and Ray Liaian

Uatu like a new wo-

man.'’—Mat. Faakk BiTEA,8i S. Neoond Sl, Meriden, ('onn.

Another case «^ich proves that no other medicine
in the world accomplishes the same results as
Lydia E. Plnkham's Ve^eUble Compound.

.IV'r and g' l iiur I’kiLl-S on lln-tn. vvhitli arc


“ Peim Maa 1‘ixsnAMI wu mnnied

M \C»HM-> HI-l'OKlinml

for five yeani And gave birth to two jnv-


m.\N vni' i-;vi-K iu>ut;m i iKsr a.Ass



nivt-n free

otti- til L* 1 ■ imiJinif toil uvtn-'- • h.'inei: on our .

mnture cbildien.
After that I i<i»k
LydlA E. IMnkhAD'f VegretAble Com-


pound, and it changed me front a weak,
nervous woman to n aittaig, Iiappy -and
bealiliy wife witiiio Riven month*. Within two yeaifl a lovely little girl wuit bom.

W f nil-inkiti-liii'iii'-iliotl U)

who is Ihe pride and Joy of my huiiM-hold.

.M n.Klok t ir.-VJ.HV and many EXCEl.U'NT

If every woman viio is ctintd tol*


I KA ll Kl>




y<iu with

Ihesf machines


ami the

grateful and happy an 1 do, yuo niuat

sa'id l.miiui
; Iierstsied bi calllne
• shstl uovw b.- able K
- Idrl..c nrd I ct
;lhal e-|
_ , More. I iktnk
.■i nt.irt- 1 am er
. imposi
le l>et-s

OompotmA has brought


have A host ef frieli<l.s for evirrv d4>' I

K\ IKI-;M1;I.V : nw FRICHS at which we arc

blpsa you for the ligbt, health ami Ilajipi-

iiiiiilu iii

ilfw) Lydia B. PInkhnia'n Vegetable

tin- rush.

to my hunits.


f.eiyoiir l-KI'.l-' I'K’KEr early and avoid

.Sinocrt-ly yours, Una. SUfl

P. Whabut. Flat 31, Tbe Norman, Mflwankee, Wlv"
Aetonl Bterllity in wentan i* very rare. If Aoy worann thinka
flheta aterUe let ber write to Mra. I>iDkliAiB at Lynn, .blaaa., w brae
Adriee U givea free to all wouid-be aitd expectant D>ull>era.

WIlIUis r

'tly. They
TraneportatiBn Co- Net Aftectsd.
miry i
: Th. X-r'Iivrn, Michigan Transi-r
-. H <
, has solved
' erimiuiry
tub- farming property i
of lb- Ms-i<Ts
nnd Plbiis S'-xwlailoii
Imperii!, you
W mile* Dortb
ot Los An­ In a v-eyy I'lrecllte manner, and are
geles. Jlr. Ciw-1:
Ciu-l: has IW seres slin- pranJrally Immune to in>
sitikiaii-d in the forks of a large Irrigation
presscii hi- .••tei-.l.-d to
canal an I only a itil-e or so fnen a Q>«rly every ship on tb- ebili: of
floiiriehlnc lonn id t.-yoo Inbabiianis. lakes. The eomptny has scx-iir.-,! a
Till- rogbm Is o.-pc-elsUy adaptol to
e.inlrsct lor rarr.tlng mall from Gb-n
tbe raising uf alfalft. barley and
llav.u- to ilie Nortli MaflUei Island,
wbest. Slid is also Ir the fruit sertlon on •-gch the Kansa- nn.I Illinois
sie He will rloso up his busTbl* in l•'^eet puts a.qtib-IRs on iirter
ui-.- .!-ikliehlgan ami rtdtira lo Callfereor • l>y sirik-ers. who wivuld i-.-oime
fornla In the fall, arcompinled by his
Invntvml with the novemment If the 11 Tr:i...
ramlly. -Mrs. Bcult. who was prael-«ts Cere Stopped
II I* rumored
llcally ail Inralld for several yeirs, U that the Northern Michigan p.'ojiie
rntlrv'y rveovered In Un- short time
ire MrtTine the mull f.M- *1 per s.-ashe has been In Callforalt.
■oil. vhleti Is ni>m|B-nsa;ion enokEh.
Mr. Seuu visited Ihe prtnchial elti
ipisir'cTlnS rhe.i nr-- haiuHItis I>rar.
In California, took the ocean trip w
leally tl' the business the Donh
came home l<y way of the northe
ei-uniry.—Benrio roiinty I'alrlnt.
lines of rnliroad.
e suutUern
te- looking

Ferris Implement Co. Ltd.


atebtom Mac. V*. («»b. M

■ ID order, jiromptly.

Or I




They B»e

nut made of riwap inaierial, aixl given a taiby
,he eye; but are dorabk, oiratot.
able, and ncaL

The cheapeit On Ibe market, qnalily caoButered

Once uaerl and >vi will buy nrt <nbcr make.


Oiand Waverse reerkta will meet 1
Charlevoix. W'edaesday, .juae 8.
-Helped LMtenteett
W'lIUrd A. Smith. Wllllamf. Kamp
ton. Uorris J. Blockmaa, Khrvey U
.ViuwliltMHii.liiiE the tact ibii \Vm
The Granfl Raplil. A -Indiana
■ddlags aad Cart. Oscar a Wilbur
ay nnupany baa Issued a hanibuiine: lAfunixi- l.a-l
tbe commlilre on general ami
liooklH. ''Michigan In Slimmer.'' which of the nffin-n II b-avine Jail, an-l <1ie
' tlgni-d to ai'raci altenllon lo th>-,
a W. Coulter of Cbarlevidt. T. T.
ilful rooru <•( the stale, tuer- IMtes of Traverse City and H. a GUI enpeciallv the summer, n-ttiug
of Kortbpon are the
imluee on
ecting places of the nortfaern
d are mrsaglng tor
of the lower-iH-DlDKula. Inclii
a from Traverse City
111 Traw-rse. THe liook Is re,
tribe day. TheKa"
I InvUIng drarripl
It Rapid
tpreted to nalte at
people are expeeti
iilfiiPy 'illusirated
< the anmernu* mn-af Trav
nr (oUowIng are tbe vice presl
It; atm the lav c^ort- are
eats of tbe several rpuniles em­ trealed ai length.
braced: .
cnnneciinn wHb the 1>nokU-i i* j
trim. J. J. Ucl.aacblla: Beagle. another pimphlei.—Where to Go Fleb '
' Reynolds; Charkvolvx.
gon.-n up (n
■ illy am no
style, lll'tfcirating- ..
flvbermeni Including the .htimeiv’ii
ly, lake* in ih
. anti taking h
h part •»
lag at
rlream* alout Traverse City.
oUhts. wni ul
pleasure In sborrfag
-allcin* are of the highest crail<
visitors- pli w of IntcreKi.'
[•ng.-apblcal art ami will ».-no lo
among which
a lasting Impres.ion i>r Michigan
life Mvlng stallra. water works, elec­
I«fts, (if the country.
tric light, plant. Uadsay imrk. the golf
links. Lake Side park. |thr Inn. tbe
Chicago club house, tbe Belvedere, tbe
HcKlaley school and the first blloBlhk paved street in ihn Grana Trav­
erse reglotL
- ■

Only Ihc-veiybrfl ran.

Thai are ma-le to rae u *dl ai teJL

126 Stale Street, w
A. StriWfcuri,

UiCtOr POeilyi.

DM Mich.


Selling Farms, and my opportunities for
making quick and satisfactory sates are
unequalled. Property listed and full in­
formation furnished by my representa­
Wilhelm Block. Traverse City, Mich., or
by addressing,

Not Fatal.

Car Ferry CtBirflce Route.
Grand Rapids. Mich., Uty sn.-It Is
now definitely learned
ibe Pete
Marquette Railroad rampaBy has
taken over the car ferry which has
operated between Nonbport aad UanIstlque aad also the Hahitilque. Marqoetle fi Nonbeni'rallrrad. although
has been made.
: genera! offices
--------------- In Detroit. Gen,era! Manager Carpenter stated
heart dlmse. via: (tv Weskne... er
Rlirumatliira or Nv-jmlgU:
Record coTTespondenl:
<2) Valvular Olaordn. (41 lulation:
''Arrangements bsve I been
whereby the Manisiiqut-J Marquette A <11 Bulargrtosnf. «> Paltr rVflrix-raNorthvnJ »-iH work to harmony with
evldcnee wja im-v-e
the Pere Mstqneite system, but
lhoaaane< of so-ealM "ia(wn«lea-‘ have
Is not a purchase of this roan,
line rinnlBg between Traverse
and Nonbport has been nbaadrae
rallraie .Wi'en bara no Mra IhHr <Uthe pri'sent. for Just whit
«!•» 1. l-ran trouble, liul xer-l- It is
not knosr. TTie ear ferry tu-rrlce that Indigcnl-jn. IJv>r Cini.]-l..lnL r-i.-.
has beea operated beiwoen Sorthpoct
r^ Manlsilqueji-m now be operated


No Matter What Doc­
tors Say—We Know
That Heart Trouble in Many
Cases Can, Be


Haniilcb ihf lull lirv- o( fJsbonw- (ioixls. "(Kborn*-" is the laracst indp|rt.-B<lHm maker
(•/ijrain and i-orii liind'Ts, Mowers and RffaiF-Ts in thi;


-«••-114 O-boj-fic^s

Uertical Bar IDoiiper

of their s|)ccialties.

machinery and Farm Implements
Kcmemlx-r that we sell the

“miller” Basoline Engine,
l h>'<ml) fraswlinn Hn|(inc that a child
can Sian .and hand.le without (rouble in
(.old weather. \V«i h.-iwe sold over forty
ennincs th»? last year out of Traverae
City, ami th«j- are givinn the best of satisfaction. iJefore placing your order for
any make of Engines, call at our store
and sec the Miller.

pis amagement will bfing the Pere
Marquette tato rlraer eoanmlnn with
the ^hllh. South.Shore A AHaalk

NTtra- N.-w
Marray. hica] agrai of the G
;R A 1 wbeiber orders bad been re­
ceived (or (he dlaeoDiIntiaBee of trains
Ira Ibe T. C.. L. A M. Iwtweee Trav­
erse City aed Nonbport. Mr. Murray
1 was snrptlsed (bat there sbnnid have
I beea a report lo that efeet aad
credited II He «Msd that tbe 1____
; puneagn- aad rrHgfal bimlaeas oe tbe
line Is now and has bam very aatlstae-



(or BO. tuat I And It • ter

lletlcrmhigh grairle'CRAMTF. and

ra-tr Bmt boeilo tane to Konrttt





Mrawtararra rar»«t
Latesi aad oeweat dcBigiiL

We hare just received four car loads of the

Page Bfo*s and iht Ovid Carriage Co's Biigdies
Thchnin.t ever shown in Traverse City. You can get just what you are looking for
at ikiughev’s

TravarM City. Mich.

CiUkans ’Pttona 660



Fim^iais warkmaailup guaranteed.

Coping uJ Cat Stow to wder.
321 Bay St,


Cor. Ca8s:& State St.

Both Phonaa

Traverse C«r Trtdar -onijat ajd «
1 this VM a sacties mar to rethe ace t*ot* aad also Kttoner
a C. Dari of Ibis eilr r«*fweoil«
the Iroe ■.il.a aad Attaner Rraajd

g nnkim CTAyCBE VERiSSi, THDB8PAT, MAT tt, mi
“To say a pkeeaat |
woid to anyone was
almost imiioBsible.”



:o.^to (rom II
rt-ilcel oraTerss-lon •
aci like Piirrf? X«. the-- oevei

. It crarMr m Of»n« Tnirerw
wsy c
«HMtr woaM oBlT r^rinhw ib* fiM ■lader
CbM tktr «f protwa*^
hotM- a»rtii»rl>. <br pan*
«r <fcc »r«TeHaf b«dJ«- »«»«
side of reel,on in. Wilson town*
IM six: b»voaM torsshc tbli rx«lu«
lowncblT. II I' •
iar «rwWT ps«or«. A dolUr sp«n •“*’ I??
vHkbuOM desixrf onoiM bark dln<ilr
B«r. Tbc boar Aeator I
Bikes B>atM« the awr

............... .. OTsasf

BMtuRs «if lUe. a» Ihe CliieUD a»ywtami UOM' The Chkacn
some time Wore ibe Ihlnp «n l-c un-j
«r <i*dr BIT •deatie. •beat, eorn
tmu a >r« re«a txit U dneso'l do
to fcne or the tamer. It s b«»aie il
Brabm are uylaic u. do.a <he olber
Mtov and laddraiatlr dear a
Itaaaaadf to ibeBselTcs Tbc local
■toe Bar Bd be M ^T-e »» >be buUddls|. led lerrliory or ibey may
Hta a week aq«,.- la CtUfMffi the
II eoudcmlng Ibe property. The
•sodi are ieai as dealtabte |B faUr
hloj.‘» Urflcly on tbe title lo


Miealaa H All.
Tbere'si Baar a saa i
IM <ai) lonk oal over lb.

Mrs. B
Rev. Hen
abont T o .'locb at the ac>- <d 2‘
yrani. # nioaths aad ic days. She
was born in W'syne coonly. Indiana,
and had'made ibal siaie her home
aalll the ps«I four years. !■»> years of
Ibal time l-elna In Onawsy and two In
This city.
She wat converted and )Mned tbc
Heads cbnrrb when 14 yean old.
In McKinley bas always been s
icrosi wofhee In tbe cburch and a very
nrat lover of children. aUbouab ebc
eever had any ehUdren of h. r owu.
losing two In InUaey- 8bc wss ■[
ways OB Ibe lookout for oiy<ban chit
rifen and children who needed kind
watcbful rare end togeiber -

Has ot Oraad Tnrrrar bar and
rwrer a Ml uf beaiitr: tbetr are naor
«te caa drire ihniuRh the arouds aad
Mda and aew-r tael tbrtr bearte
Bored lo bhtfaCT tbinss:
•■Be even «bHe iher pt
•Vito fntsraoce of (he infllak
aaa ovlr tba lawllaats M ibe flovrr.
’ aad Mbto (eel their eplrils droop If
the ralB diaaees lo (all bol U the soa
ahMa cmpIalD about ibe heat. Tbcae
toVie doB't koov sbat thc> are mUr

Tbere't a ^eai all-perradlnc
_______ ______ havlBg e
aotodhlBit (s awj work nt nature
young girl II ring with them. Besides
that taduce* snod iboujetats aad bell
three boys and
her sbe bsi
Urtac. that ralaia op the aiwl (roo Ibe
own. Sbe ■ IS always
aBaatoa rrerruar worries aad makes
open beaned and kind to ; I and ber
It atroa«er to bear tba U| cares
help in ber husband cant
vbea tber reallf fotne.
,n words and to one feels Ihe snrr
The periBB that canaot m
sad loss more keeely than be.
Sbe was conacknis to tbe last a
^maae•. wboar eras are blinded lo tbe
bbbsUm as U wen. Is eot Ihe penoe through her great ssffeHng littered
word o( complaint. She was prepsn-d
that will sroomplUh Ibe Croat tbtnca 10 die and -bad (elt (or a kmg time
or life. There arc Umllalinsa
that ebe would not live Irag. Only
last January the mate her will. leavbtatadarles. tbelr borlscai It b
tnga piece ct property which ehe
aurflD or brtchtaets bat bid i
owaed aad desired her buslmnd lo
toad Hue. H their eres ere blinded
to Ibe aalaral beaullee, Ibep are mU» '“ur'aad“un. UcKlnley came to
iM Ibr creilest cUl that God care Ulcblgaa (oar yean ago. spending iwo
yean la Ouway aad ne«-ly two yean
. Baa. The ercil Ihtasa of Ifae i
In this dtr. They came ID Ukhlgaa
. were aecoapitebed not br Ibnae
OB account of her baaltb which bad
lUM to see tbe sobllc boaotJi
Improved and were planning
nalere, tbef wrrr doer by tboae
back to Indiana at Ibe end ot tt
year, la (art Rev. MeflvInI
enM ee.> bernad tbc sarfaoe. coa1d
banded In bis tesigbaiira to t
total Ibe amallBOM o( tbe flower Is
feci tt Ibal nine and tbe I'w.
*0» boaoll-w of He (raciaiiee. Ttfej looking forward to the time when they
eosM aer what tbe (ulnre held, iher wonid be back among ibe acene* of
sbewt time ofl.
OOHlJ pereeirr Uial tbe laerc ualerial
Deceased leaves a'falber
aide wai not all.
living. Ur. and Mrs. James Dale of
ir the wavinc Wee does sol spppal Jay eouniy. Indl^. She also leaves
lo >on. If tbe Terdam bllU do nW two brothers. J. w. Dale aad Charles
liiafce w>u clad that ron arc allea. If L. Dale, aad one slater. Un Hair
tba Irak Id the air does not mske Qaal. all of Jay county. Indiana.
■jilaf funeeal acrvl
. poor blood (low qnicker. t( (be sprlacr.
day at i o'clock t
aieat velvet o( Ibe faarlli does d«
PraneU Tbomaa
ddatlag. "
-aaoTC jimr hesrt. If yrar bealib
flood aad'thore aiw bo eonpUcal
Pennville. Indiana, for bnrtal aad il
oimBstaqres. U'a line to brash swar funeral eenlee was hehl Tuesd;
ae oobwebi fren jrar eyes beeanse mottilag at in o'clock rroi|i her bot
I the ayes arc the "windows ot the rburcb. Rev. Ira Jobaano oflleitilng.
The body was laid lo ircsl In l
wool." and try and rejoice with
eemeteo- at PeanvUle and that of ber
flrrr np. because 1( yon dra*t yon lltlle child, for whom sbe gave ber
don't know wiisl you're
life, will be burled in tbe same coT
with Its Bolber. Mra. UcKlnley «
lolng n
nicely and all were doping tl
ranrnr Held Up Train.
mrst was over whe* ber bw
Bkran cats and aa eacMe hei .
ealy tailed ber and In about a b
lac to Ibe Ikre Itoflnelte RaUway
she was cold la death.
aotspany were comUed by Jobs
While in tbc city .he' has mt
erown. a fanner tfl Wlleoa townablp.
Balkaska eonniy. fanl Tbnrsday aad many friends by ber alad ;tnd lotal
ware oely rWeased FVlday after ibe dUpMlUa and all who knew ber w
arrlral of tbe coaipaoy'e altoratr. Tbe a Mend aad the will ' be greatly
cars aad raslae were fenced la by Hr. missed. Sbe his devoted eonaldcrable
Oniwn. «iH> elalns Ibal the eonpaay lime to church work and Jier absence
Own hlai tSOO (or rlcbt of way across tbere will he gr .....................
load. He peaBcal Ibe can aad aU by (elllBi tn»
melt aad thee II Is aUcecd.
aUi. .
aard with a Wlatbeslar iilfle and
Uraleeed to eboot anybody
bbM loterfere with him.
The .trouble oeeorred on a imall
rasdi iUkmiI a mile aad a qoarter
PereXar.lou wbkb was ballt by ibe_________
flaetle oader contract wlib tbe Elk
XapMs iron company to banl (ImtMV
from camney Brotben' aad Fray's
eaaw vbkh is la sectira 16 Wllsoa
towBsblp. Tbe road has beea bnlli
ahoBI Are years sad (be Pen Msrqnnlle eompsay was supposed lo forne braoeb erots
Joha Uontioa and reeeatly he sold
•6 acras IS John Browa. There was
■o rlfbl at way i
deed aUboach ibe
bouxbl by Ur. Browa. He
d that be s laid reedre fon.
peaaillon to tbe rtcbl <d way and la
order to ealaroe this demand, bnlli a
ftow aeroei ihetrack eacloslDs
et tbe company
vmated two to
railway ccowaay.
An enclBe was sral up there Tboreday la order lo remove the cars. In
tbe eotiree o( tbc operatkrn the (ence
was demollstaed. tfUlc tbe tratn
crew was bnsy wtlb ihc car^ Ur.

to^t^ he oorralled the eactne «
It Is said that be Oien mounted
■aard on one o( (be Iocs and with a
Wbcbesler rifle, tbreairncd tbe llvee
at anyone tbai would molest bis IsUal
tsoee. No one tried It and th» train
crew camped out all alcbt. TrUn■MiUr Oalla^er was also on braid.
FHday muratag Brown was sti’
iraia wu seal out

Yon eu btrdir find a hone
vhhmit tifl Ayer's Cherry
PccWffll. Pflreoiskaowuliflt
Il does for chUdren: bretk*


«p a cold ia a aloKle nlthi.
vardfloir broBcfaid».preveoia
- lyBidaaa ad'on band.


d Senicrs' A

Monday, June I3tti, 1904 lA
____ ^ ^


l.lemorial Day C
the •md gate lA'
lUun he dv.ireJ-:
I >i( sLIeh be WRv
le Ii-I.jaetis

unm.tcs ..-r, a|.|«li.'v.l fur M.-' ,r..,;i, ,n Ir

Walter A. Wood Mowers

“Dbak Mas. Pinkbaii: —I guflcicd with gtomneh comi'lnim for

•II yitii an- :i farntri"! at oiir >-U'ic- any «lay Iwlween
iimv am) JtiiK

basband got n>e lo take Lydln E. Plskbniii's V<



After Inkitig Uie flfst Ikvitle I was n-Uevod of the aickueM of eiooui ti,

inuld-l (iir tlini pnl«>-e
ministry with Ford'*den. y.-whiw. Cleveland.
'tufue sn-V well-known
,lil-mi< t -.rndvlsnh’e
Hiv r.-ward Pu
Decilnllng Sutid-Commles Hllll- ■ this v-verifice mn»i Im- hi* appnwrblng
her, l.iiile. IHsh. Vad-r and Shorter.
onih. -d e
f -ip.-ot In tl
Uirvlq. I. U. t'urtU. V
Mt. at of the plains.
,J. Cnr-U aad Toung.
V gr<-<-ting
•Tl.ver girl.- was
Mark Graees i
I you hapieu o:
u Sm.lm.
- r. M.
• ,|,i„g „r .Ilium
K the sjx-elallsis'
... ailons—Comrad"*
Vj •«--l told me u .was tour Idea.
Soule and Vadec. '
. j
,tt't-,.rtmft|v derl.lH the A-e,*
Oinmltie.-to Proeniv Evergreens-I ..„
,h.. „r..nx--i..l
Comnde Ifc-veudorf. Ounmander Ml.,,
n. Morgan and Adjt. \V. J. Ulliaer.
'-wj'i, Ho roo mesn*' wn‘ 'tiIKh.W. T.WooUhoare of the eirst I
BaptM ehurcb will <!. liter the Me • ..., ,-i*,h,.m If the raw bad to I-'
mortal Day sadress.

; -,^^,1 i-'ft, aniuber cmtrt. you wonW
A »-ry-floe program l.-h-ng pre ;
. an bxbmitsilve Inq.iln into
pare.1 .lileh will lx-pifhllshed In afes,;,^,^, -,r.-aim. ni of vo-i .ri the hrt«day»^ The reg.ilar program by ‘hvi-p,,will be given sad the tadle. !
, ... .............
are a;*o
■«. pr.-ps
proparing a iwngram wh'eh ;
lirmry m this trial
will 1,,-ghenat
.vHiInB. ihi-y nlfh-xl


Onf: f;f our superb

y*Ara. I got so bad that I could »•( onrry my cbUdrvu lull five moDiUa,
then would have a luiurarriage. The last lime 1 U-eatne pivgtiam. my


Pleased With Califoroia.
f. H. Cork of Mside ni.. was
nrdsy on business, having Jus
Dn> from an <■i-Mende-l trip ilir.
the Wwl. ilr. <


Many women are denied the happiness of
children through derangement of the genera­
tive organs. Mrs. Beyer advises women to use
Lydia £.
V^etabk Con^>xmd.

find can work better than I ever could U-f.vre.


otir iixonipar-

fine <■{

nod IicgBn to ftel LeUer ia every ivny. I comiuiicd itn tue uiiil nwa
eunbled to enny my baby to mniurily. I now have a oiiw lu1>y girl,

BliHlirs. Rnpers. Movers, StR Dib|i Rflns, .
SMe Delinnf Rakes. Haj Tiet^ and Ray Liaian

Uatu like a new wo-

man.'’—Mat. Faakk BiTEA,8i S. Neoond Sl, Meriden, ('onn.

Another case «^ich proves that no other medicine
in the world accomplishes the same results as
Lydia E. Plnkham's Ve^eUble Compound.

.IV'r and g' l iiur I’kiLl-S on lln-tn. vvhitli arc


“ Peim Maa 1‘ixsnAMI wu mnnied

M \C»HM-> HI-l'OKlinml

for five yeani And gave birth to two jnv-


m.\N vni' i-;vi-K iu>ut;m i iKsr a.Ass



nivt-n free

otti- til L* 1 ■ imiJinif toil uvtn-'- • h.'inei: on our .

mnture cbildien.
After that I i<i»k
LydlA E. IMnkhAD'f VegretAble Com-


pound, and it changed me front a weak,
nervous woman to n aittaig, Iiappy -and
bealiliy wife witiiio Riven month*. Within two yeaifl a lovely little girl wuit bom.

W f nil-inkiti-liii'iii'-iliotl U)

who is Ihe pride and Joy of my huiiM-hold.

.M n.Klok t ir.-VJ.HV and many EXCEl.U'NT

If every woman viio is ctintd tol*


I KA ll Kl>




y<iu with

Ihesf machines


ami the

grateful and happy an 1 do, yuo niuat

sa'id l.miiui
; Iierstsied bi calllne
• shstl uovw b.- able K
- Idrl..c nrd I ct
;lhal e-|
_ , More. I iktnk
.■i nt.irt- 1 am er
. imposi
le l>et-s

OompotmA has brought


have A host ef frieli<l.s for evirrv d4>' I

K\ IKI-;M1;I.V : nw FRICHS at which we arc

blpsa you for the ligbt, health ami Ilajipi-

iiiiiilu iii

ilfw) Lydia B. PInkhnia'n Vegetable

tin- rush.

to my hunits.


f.eiyoiir l-KI'.l-' I'K’KEr early and avoid

.Sinocrt-ly yours, Una. SUfl

P. Whabut. Flat 31, Tbe Norman, Mflwankee, Wlv"
Aetonl Bterllity in wentan i* very rare. If Aoy worann thinka
flheta aterUe let ber write to Mra. I>iDkliAiB at Lynn, .blaaa., w brae
Adriee U givea free to all wouid-be aitd expectant D>ull>era.

WIlIUis r

'tly. They
TraneportatiBn Co- Net Aftectsd.
miry i
: Th. X-r'Iivrn, Michigan Transi-r
-. H <
, has solved
' erimiuiry
tub- farming property i
of lb- Ms-i<Ts
nnd Plbiis S'-xwlailoii
Imperii!, you
W mile* Dortb
ot Los An­ In a v-eyy I'lrecllte manner, and are
geles. Jlr. Ciw-1:
Ciu-l: has IW seres slin- pranJrally Immune to in>
sitikiaii-d in the forks of a large Irrigation
presscii hi- .••tei-.l.-d to
canal an I only a itil-e or so fnen a Q>«rly every ship on tb- ebili: of
floiiriehlnc lonn id t.-yoo Inbabiianis. lakes. The eomptny has scx-iir.-,! a
Till- rogbm Is o.-pc-elsUy adaptol to
e.inlrsct lor rarr.tlng mall from Gb-n
tbe raising uf alfalft. barley and
llav.u- to ilie Nortli MaflUei Island,
wbest. Slid is also Ir the fruit sertlon on •-gch the Kansa- nn.I Illinois
sie He will rloso up his busTbl* in l•'^eet puts a.qtib-IRs on iirter
ui-.- .!-ikliehlgan ami rtdtira lo Callfereor • l>y sirik-ers. who wivuld i-.-oime
fornla In the fall, arcompinled by his
Invntvml with the novemment If the 11 Tr:i...
ramlly. -Mrs. Bcult. who was prael-«ts Cere Stopped
II I* rumored
llcally ail Inralld for several yeirs, U that the Northern Michigan p.'ojiie
rntlrv'y rveovered In Un- short time
ire MrtTine the mull f.M- *1 per s.-ashe has been In Callforalt.
■oil. vhleti Is ni>m|B-nsa;ion enokEh.
Mr. Seuu visited Ihe prtnchial elti
ipisir'cTlnS rhe.i nr-- haiuHItis I>rar.
In California, took the ocean trip w
leally tl' the business the Donh
came home l<y way of the northe
ei-uniry.—Benrio roiinty I'alrlnt.
lines of rnliroad.
e suutUern
te- looking

Ferris Implement Co. Ltd.


atebtom Mac. V*. («»b. M

■ ID order, jiromptly.

Or I




They B»e

nut made of riwap inaierial, aixl given a taiby
,he eye; but are dorabk, oiratot.
able, and ncaL

The cheapeit On Ibe market, qnalily caoButered

Once uaerl and >vi will buy nrt <nbcr make.


Oiand Waverse reerkta will meet 1
Charlevoix. W'edaesday, .juae 8.
-Helped LMtenteett
W'lIUrd A. Smith. Wllllamf. Kamp
ton. Uorris J. Blockmaa, Khrvey U
.ViuwliltMHii.liiiE the tact ibii \Vm
The Granfl Raplil. A -Indiana
■ddlags aad Cart. Oscar a Wilbur
ay nnupany baa Issued a hanibuiine: lAfunixi- l.a-l
tbe commlilre on general ami
liooklH. ''Michigan In Slimmer.'' which of the nffin-n II b-avine Jail, an-l <1ie
' tlgni-d to ai'raci altenllon lo th>-,
a W. Coulter of Cbarlevidt. T. T.
ilful rooru <•( the stale, tuer- IMtes of Traverse City and H. a GUI enpeciallv the summer, n-ttiug
of Kortbpon are the
imluee on
ecting places of the nortfaern
d are mrsaglng tor
of the lower-iH-DlDKula. Inclii
a from Traverse City
111 Traw-rse. THe liook Is re,
tribe day. TheKa"
I InvUIng drarripl
It Rapid
tpreted to nalte at
people are expeeti
iilfiiPy 'illusirated
< the anmernu* mn-af Trav
nr (oUowIng are tbe vice presl
It; atm the lav c^ort- are
eats of tbe several rpuniles em­ trealed ai length.
braced: .
cnnneciinn wHb the 1>nokU-i i* j
trim. J. J. Ucl.aacblla: Beagle. another pimphlei.—Where to Go Fleb '
' Reynolds; Charkvolvx.
gon.-n up (n
■ illy am no
style, lll'tfcirating- ..
flvbermeni Including the .htimeiv’ii
ly, lake* in ih
. anti taking h
h part •»
lag at
rlream* alout Traverse City.
oUhts. wni ul
pleasure In sborrfag
-allcin* are of the highest crail<
visitors- pli w of IntcreKi.'
[•ng.-apblcal art ami will ».-no lo
among which
a lasting Impres.ion i>r Michigan
life Mvlng stallra. water works, elec­
I«fts, (if the country.
tric light, plant. Uadsay imrk. the golf
links. Lake Side park. |thr Inn. tbe
Chicago club house, tbe Belvedere, tbe
HcKlaley school and the first blloBlhk paved street in ihn Grana Trav­
erse reglotL
- ■

Only Ihc-veiybrfl ran.

Thai are ma-le to rae u *dl ai teJL

126 Stale Street, w
A. StriWfcuri,

UiCtOr POeilyi.

DM Mich.


Selling Farms, and my opportunities for
making quick and satisfactory sates are
unequalled. Property listed and full in­
formation furnished by my representa­
Wilhelm Block. Traverse City, Mich., or
by addressing,

Not Fatal.

Car Ferry CtBirflce Route.
Grand Rapids. Mich., Uty sn.-It Is
now definitely learned
ibe Pete
Marquette Railroad rampaBy has
taken over the car ferry which has
operated between Nonbport aad UanIstlque aad also the Hahitilque. Marqoetle fi Nonbeni'rallrrad. although
has been made.
: genera! offices
--------------- In Detroit. Gen,era! Manager Carpenter stated
heart dlmse. via: (tv Weskne... er
Rlirumatliira or Nv-jmlgU:
Record coTTespondenl:
<2) Valvular Olaordn. (41 lulation:
''Arrangements bsve I been
whereby the Manisiiqut-J Marquette A <11 Bulargrtosnf. «> Paltr rVflrix-raNorthvnJ »-iH work to harmony with
evldcnee wja im-v-e
the Pere Mstqneite system, but
lhoaaane< of so-ealM "ia(wn«lea-‘ have
Is not a purchase of this roan,
line rinnlBg between Traverse
and Nonbport has been nbaadrae
rallraie .Wi'en bara no Mra IhHr <Uthe pri'sent. for Just whit
«!•» 1. l-ran trouble, liul xer-l- It is
not knosr. TTie ear ferry tu-rrlce that Indigcnl-jn. IJv>r Cini.]-l..lnL r-i.-.
has beea operated beiwoen Sorthpoct
r^ Manlsilqueji-m now be operated


No Matter What Doc­
tors Say—We Know
That Heart Trouble in Many
Cases Can, Be


Haniilcb ihf lull lirv- o( fJsbonw- (ioixls. "(Kborn*-" is the laracst indp|rt.-B<lHm maker
(•/ijrain and i-orii liind'Ts, Mowers and RffaiF-Ts in thi;


-«••-114 O-boj-fic^s

Uertical Bar IDoiiper

of their s|)ccialties.

machinery and Farm Implements
Kcmemlx-r that we sell the

“miller” Basoline Engine,
l h>'<ml) fraswlinn Hn|(inc that a child
can Sian .and hand.le without (rouble in
(.old weather. \V«i h.-iwe sold over forty
ennincs th»? last year out of Traverae
City, ami th«j- are givinn the best of satisfaction. iJefore placing your order for
any make of Engines, call at our store
and sec the Miller.

pis amagement will bfing the Pere
Marquette tato rlraer eoanmlnn with
the ^hllh. South.Shore A AHaalk

NTtra- N.-w
Marray. hica] agrai of the G
;R A 1 wbeiber orders bad been re­
ceived (or (he dlaeoDiIntiaBee of trains
Ira Ibe T. C.. L. A M. Iwtweee Trav­
erse City aed Nonbport. Mr. Murray
1 was snrptlsed (bat there sbnnid have
I beea a report lo that efeet aad
credited II He «Msd that tbe 1____
; puneagn- aad rrHgfal bimlaeas oe tbe
line Is now and has bam very aatlstae-



(or BO. tuat I And It • ter

lletlcrmhigh grairle'CRAMTF. and

ra-tr Bmt boeilo tane to Konrttt





Mrawtararra rar»«t
Latesi aad oeweat dcBigiiL

We hare just received four car loads of the

Page Bfo*s and iht Ovid Carriage Co's Biigdies
Thchnin.t ever shown in Traverse City. You can get just what you are looking for
at ikiughev’s

TravarM City. Mich.

CiUkans ’Pttona 660



Fim^iais warkmaailup guaranteed.

Coping uJ Cat Stow to wder.
321 Bay St,


Cor. Ca8s:& State St.

Both Phonaa


swra tdrecsl led
m clrea at (be beow et last wtwk. hat left (or aew Bddt. .
Alice Bordaaai spew Taosdap
Maoa oa Wef iler afterw of ber llille darters. Traverse Chp.
■saw DbtU took ,_______ ...
m wae sprat U samee.
br the taad. after which then
TlH> annaal mretina of the Nonbeni
tel Scott IBM Moadap. 'h*. C. Pierce.
IWUI be a pkalc diaper. Id ita after
of Mr. navis, arrired on Hlebtran MarraW aaaoHalloa will tu
laooe ai 1:30 o'clock exerdaa wtD be
hrW Auk. IJih at Trarerse CU.r
held ip tbe lows hall, cooMsUsc et ad- tere preaept apd sprat s very pleas- Tbarsder
Tbe car (enr led Tbarsdar for Lad-! Tbe Ladle.' AM mirir ran ai tbr
dreaeea. DBelr asd recitatloBs. As Ip- 3t afternoea.
Prof Tae^rt. Ihe pbmolaeiM. who lacton. where ebe will nte betwrra borne nf Hr« M Leslie on B'edaradt)
Tliatloa It esteaded to pll to piteod
afieraoofi Tb- ten meefl&K will bt
held at tbe b«Be of Mrs. Chao. Gas
**^1............ towp Wedneadap.
Mrs. C. H. Dame and dancbier
Tlrtsa tpeoi Wedpeadap la Trarerse
br the Wtoam tommUL TM «x- '
«nlM« will bcslB at f:M a. a, M hr
~ B. C. TUt wfB h* tol- I

an MkL tmii scH)

Of Konh HuitoB aad


fews tf^ttiadi

«■ Uter hat goat to Oattas w
K «B th« (M DM.
Mn. Bhafa U4 mil* ■«> hart toar

tBMr R«mf tf Mtt
ftt IMtn Shi

1* gait* alek. Hn
who hta baca «alta U. U batur.

mak Beaacti hat an appoUiacai
at aaiteaa at
SaUb Maattaa lU*
WTlac ttathia. ‘
Mr. ATMtroa*. wlib oat M MarIMa’t Urerr ri«a. etm* inm Trarrrtr
Chr sataraar «lth a eaJ»« for Mra.

W 6Ml HpUcinB ll
GMen OMMri.

Mia. Carl Valkar nwai urn dart
UaraHw with bar haahaad. He ratanad wtlh bar. aad afur a waak'a
tear at botae hat ■<« (or aaMbtr
thraa.Metht- trip lor a Fbad da Lae

Praak nibar caaa orar raMardar
aad will ratara to the taland todar.
A mil reaal It al hit dock tetlnc
wlih wood.
BU MMdMoe bw taken a part <d
Wd Braoki fars to work. HI* moibar
b haaidBi boBae (or bln.
Tbo board o( twriew will aoM todar


clMbat woald ha aulaadwSb&od.


eat. M Ut fan was alw^ (bO onarce

BUa Ober wat bora la Maw.. Sqr.
mb. 1t». Wbea ale r«ari of ace the
taoTOd whb ber pamli to Ohlp. Abe
. wu aained to Saauel naolelt March
flh. IIK. Tbr
Ute was apeal i
Arbor lowaahip where tbe peteeTDllr
parsed awar PHdar ereoto*. Mar JO
Mra. tlaalelm bat bees la poor bealib
(or aoreial peart wllb a eompIleaUoB
of dbaaaca wbicb she bore with ChrlaUaa paltaeeo. Dropar wat ibe flaal
eswe o( ber dmib. Sbe wu eoadoed
to ber bed oBlr it o dan____ -............
I tbe
rhoicb ibtrtr-iwo rears. A huahaad.
a adopted eon. Wiman. wbo llrw la
Jlaaeaou: a daoctaier. Mia. Praak
Tanle. who wae with ber BMnSrr aad
teaderlr cared (or ber; two broibere
0 alttert Ilrlac la Ipdkaaa arc
a tbeir loss. Her maor
. .albite with tbe (aiallr la
tbair bersaveaeat. Mr. Daolela aad
(aallr (oH crateral to tbe adebbon
for Ibelr kiad awUtaaee Cad ariapathr U Ult tbrlr boor ct sorrow.
SeaM or tbeir retaUree frtan ladlana
Bie Ckpeaad to be berw at the (aoeraL'
wWeb will be held tbla I
- k Lla Ae
wni be h
a Ibe Olra Arbor c

term. Thep had wadkal twatweat.


•m Mt Ut (set aad bt Mat taft^
rant, aad bow bit (aoi M at MBootb
Ob Mvift r, im ire pears laur,

a sboWD that
WrealBB were ehowpa br Ber. DeeU
>e U. E. rburrh. A
Baadap evealnc at tbe
atneber or mutKal selecilont were
readered bp ibe rboir aad an eo}orabk aed helpful ereniM was epeei bp
The Kaasaii. fortnerlr the CharleTols. railed at this port Saiordar
Praak PHedrlrh of Trarerse Ctir
speal Tuesdap la our rlllace.
MUs Adab Helnii;. teacher la oar
ecbool. wae called to ber borne la Pelosker test week bp Ibe serious illbeet of ber brother Min Carolpa
Wasbo has charpe of tbe rooai durioc
her absence
Oeo. Voler aad fanllv hare mored
iro ihoir rcsldenre oa Ntematia.
T lloaner o( Craad , Haven spent'
WednesdS) In uur rlllace.
Hr. and Mr- Bert WllhelB are!
cauls sl liolrl SditL
The reildesee id Chat. GSslaff has'
sired (or eloctrir Uebu.
■ Heatner CtcM-i-nl arrired at ,
thii port Thorsdap.
* ;
Mist Kate Norotnp Is tpendloc Cl
•s da>-s in town, ihe cues! of Mrs 1.'


». Blebala, FwpfKW.

Blue Vitriol

Sboes for tbe price of tbe Sole Ceatber
-------------------------------- Cbe -

ffemg to Build?
* If so. the South Side Lumber Co. at i ravt-rsc
City is the place to buy your material. Shoii
and mill work done tm , short notice. Give ii>.
a chance to li«ure bn your wants.

South Side Cumber 0o
Crastrsc eitv. IWcb.

KebI Rrot. hare parrhased a aew |
dellverp Wacoo.
F P. Hamrer o( Grand Rapids spent





Mrs. S. Campbell ol Central Uke Is
the cuesi of her son. W. E. Campbell
and famllp.
Prof. Duncan ol Sultoos Ber spent
Piidar iu our rlllese and conducted
an etsbita trade enamlpatlon.
How's ThIST
Prank Roeman of Iceland spra' Sun
dap In our rlllace. The bacrelaureaie sermon win br
r a 00. Prop^^TAsdo. O dellrered
bp Her. Deels. Buodap even
inc. Map J»th. at the M. E. church.
Mr. Price or Lelapd apeni Bnndap
with rrlatlvei aad (riend^in nur rll-

Boston Store News


A. W. SierenaoB of Grand Rapids
tranneied bnslDess in our vlUacc on
OramliOB dap will be ^rr^n

II is nrprWac bow ««r trade ii taUnc to oar

Cnam of mimtsota
Spring Wbtat TIour

OT all departriients in the house that you should patronize libi-rally. the
Shoe depanmcDi should be among the first. You can buy shoes almost
anywhere. Some are good, some bad. But here is where our shoe
department is distinct. We sell good shoes, shoes that are guaranteed,
yet our prices are as low or lower thari ojhers ask for the inferior goods.
No doubtful footwear permitted here.

onihclin, Bartak Company

Men's solid hnnil iWSged
double sole plough shoes
with dirt excluden........... 98e
The "Hard Pan" is a strong
yet drewy dtoe, guaranteed
b}' the inakeit, a straight
•iW value................... $IS8
The "American Boy" $100
sboea,a fine box calf, leam*
less, dressy amd the best
wearing shoe ever made
for boys............................. $t.48

Yoalhs' "AmeiicaD D o y"
shoes—same as above, a
new pair free il they


ta Cndiud aodae Out Saw b a httmmer; the largest ,«rora)s
ever aeea were crawdiag io Ttie ilackct Store. It seem that the
people folixe that there is noteUmig tWiag. Follow the crowi,
•ad pon WtD aerer regret it. Gootls are goizf last and yon shonld
MX IMay |iay
« you ■!■ an orportuniiy of a life thne.
A few of the raany be^aira wbOe they 4ast|^


Cndiet GMton, aO
colon, whDe they

A kx oMc aad he
gbaa dMra.

CaKaniicd wash
taofleit, extra heavy,
nOO value. aL.T3c

A kx «nse aad IQc
ghra disbra whie
titey ba.............. tc

Braora gill bracket
was taopa whl Wa.1
gtera rcaeeior. 76e
rdae. axapWie, to
dote at.............4«C

« qaan Hoc «amdwhHeliatd coSec
pxa, 60e valae,
IpllDn ttaoaeaaa,
iSc raise, to
ikaeai............... Te

A kX «r eareWpes

A kx of imponed
diiaa didira, values
•p to tlAS. irinle
theytaM «...-..4*e

tin dah
10 quart
[Dan ranee ket. bUe enanid,
white lined, TScra).
ne.wdara at..4«c
Fine Bint glaa Itxn.

•y wnpvr
Oritr m

Let 1-Infaniv- and
('hil.lren'k fine VieiKul
Shoe^ has.! turnea
aolet. e»er> pan rali.i
leather Kackri pr*rc
60r. Out price

Let tS—Gram leather
Oxfords and Slippers
fur Women and men,
all solid leather. Ra^el]
price $1.(NI. Sale price



Lot 4 -Men’s satin
calf Shoe., alia women'<
Ifrmgnla Shoes, all solnl
leather. Racket «me
(lilt iwi.-e

Let IP- Solid Shoes
for women, not jXi sites
m the lot, a big snap if
your fool is small
enough. Sale poce

Lfl fP—Men's Oenuiae
Calf Skin River Shoef,
three rales, J. T. Wooili
mike every pair goaranteed solid. RackH More
price $r..f>U. Sale price

let ((—Men’s - Kan.
garoo Calf Shoes, cap
toe, sedid inner and out­
er soles. Racket suxe
price $$.$6. Sale price



let 27— Hoys' and
Vouthi Vici Kid Kan-, Let (P-Mi»es- aod
garoo Calf and Ims Call Cliihlrcn's l>oi«oU Kid
Stioes, regte Milchrd, lace shoes, a good fitevery [lair guaranlenl ting sltoc, talc
solid. Kackel store
[■rice while they last
iwicc $$.00, our price





Let 5—Udies' Wdi,
also hand turned Shoes
anil Oxiurds, French
Kill uf^rers, a bi^am
at $.‘1.00. Sale twice

let 81 -Women's ex­
tension soles, Wdt
Shoes, patent leather
tiji, rame rope stitched,
Oongola Kid upper, a
$8.U0 shoe. Sale price

Lef P-ChOdren's box
Calf. Kangaroo Calf
and Vici Kid Sboc*. a
good solid school shoe,
Radiet store (wicc $1.
Our price

LM 88- Women's Oafords and three strap
Sandals made of Vici
Kid, flexible ■ o 1 e a
Kackel price $1J0.






Front St.

lAdies' box calf shoes, all
solid, medium or licavy
rales, yet very shapely. tl.SS
Udies' Vici dreu shoes, soft
pliable stock, solid and opto^e.........................V.SS
l.adies' very fine Vici Ki.l
shoes, suicity up-to-date,
built upon htnor, worth
$0.60, qtedal............. tt.98


Particular Men

Childs ihoes, Es to Hs. in
good Vici Kid............. S8e
Chihls fine Vici Kid hand
tunie.1 shoes, sites R

Tf YOU. ARE .\ MAN who is hanf lo
*• fit, we am [lanicularly anxious to
have you as a cu-iomcr-CWc know from
our cxpcrii-ncr with hundreds of other
hard-to-suil men. that wc til you to
your satisfaction and save you money, too.
That’s becatiM; wc scli the famous

Chihls cvhetl shoes, s;zc5
3«o e.............. 2SteeOS9e

Misses solid calf skin shoes,
weD made................... 81.26
ChQdi strong box ealf dioes,
sites 8 1(1 li............... 78«


If It’S a Fine Suit
You Want....



All • oar fire pioof
ilidwt mntt: go al
lea than manufictures^cosL.

just as strong as they ever were. They
are mostly in the light shades hut a-c
pure wool fabrics, qrlefldid for wear, easily kcii: ilean. —

which is difffireni from bther ready-towear clothing. in that it’s madcdn-sizes'io
fit men of all proportions and contains
far better materials and workmanship
than you will find^n any other clothing
'oldjfor the same price—Come and see
for yourself if this is not so.

ar t::;?

Wc bare laid aside 200 Saits
value, to doH...TC


and divided them into three lots
lOT r-Coniists of dark and light wool Ubnea,
gttaranteed to srear
at $7.60................


LOT 2^Ceoat» of Men's fine all
and Woraeds, l«hi
fitters and made” right, were our ^ ^ C/l
$10 and $11.00 euits. now...........0/eOU

Hereiiaeuieh. They're Kuppenheiutet s
odd smU. made as only Koppenheimers elo;iict
aade, largely light colors, awe 0 1/i
oor$]IB and $18
18 valuers
valncN oow..
oow.............. ^ 1 (/
One thousand sails to
iriea from. Our pcieei
wiU save you from one to
twodbllarsoo each auit.

is Ow Issi day lor you to eaU and get your money back ii you bold lalra sli{«



" The Boston StorT



$7.50 to $18.00
iloubW wiiei cqnei
beaters, to cl die

.... I""»C


Fashionable Suits

ChiMssoU.lVici Kid Show,
neat and stylish.......... tf.OO

Get a Kuppenheimer'i make. lt'se.|oal to any custom
made at twice our prici.-, and fits better. Furthrrniorr, >i
h goes wrong, conic in and get }OUi money or a new sun.
Did jxiu ever hear a tailor make such an oiTer^ \-n-er.

IraJ itraWi wffl do weB to invedigate. We wiQ teU you goo^
Imbdo*HwwholraaW {xke. We mean btninesa We tnand^
pera of the Modi at any psiee to Settle Cft BOtTORS* CLAIMS.
FOR 8AlX-*-Two diow a k S cowaten, aafe and sbeh-iap


or the RxekH Slior Stock which wc bought at 4$c on Ihe iMlir is now in full force. Our aisles Rre crowd,
cl daily with well pleasc.l customers. You An uve your R. R fare by pnrdtaaing
one pair of *oes al this great sale.

Ue still base quit* a buacb of Sboca loft from tbo Uandoroost 4
O'Ccnntll Bankrupt Slack. Cbcv'rc iuat as aaad aa II made te sur
order. Die guarantee every pair, yeur money back it you aak it.

Well. Ibep mlBbt, as tbcp are absolvleir rvnalnc no risk end sarlac kOr oa aaeh barrel. It's a t«.M) floor tkhlefa we nell at $S.^. We
are also acrale (or Boeklaat Chlf Heal, the onlp snbMIiuie (of iweet
■Ilk. pot ap Id » A Backs (arflI.M. We bare )aM recelred a lot ol
alee poCtow dsat seed eon (or wbi^ we hare the seed boose's word
that bp actual teat te fler eeet. will crow. Aad then aaolber tblnc
we waaM lika to rail pwr altraUim lo and that is palet. We (anp
the Micrat mttk la (be dip. Mixed polnu. white lead and oil and atso ouMlc, Which coat oolp 3Sc more per siltob and (or Inside there
Is aethlas Uat wOl eteell U. Call on tis and we will acre pou tnoaep.

A DM of IBUfItcd
double roaMeti.iOc

Try a Herald Want Ad.



Becaaca wc baee lb* a««ds ibat
yea arc Iwkiiia ter. W* bae*
tuat wbal pea wsal i ■ > i ■

South Side Shoe Store


odtp aad SB plwsed to lafona m of


• tatr.

Siorse Hojn el Trarerse atp tpeal
Uoedar iB oar miace.
Tbe Epwortb Iratw held aa I

Oe art Ibe CcatNss SbM SSert_^.isC^

Br L ADLE-Q e^Q; 6 CO.

of our supremacy in value giving which
should interest many men; Fashionable
Single-breasted S:ick Suits, make of fancy
. Cheviots, Worvi-ds and Tweeds an<l
guaranteed black and blue serges; handtailored and beaiiiifully finished through­
out and correct
every detail. I- nil
value Sl.’i.OO.
price only.....


Hne^ Soils at $15, $18 aod $20.00

Stylish Suits For Boys and Juucniles
Parents who are now ready to buy Spring apparel for ili ir little men ” wrill find
much 10 aamire in our vast stock of sman togs for boys. Every garment we show
is stylish and ready for the hardest kind of service.
Fashionable Suits, for boys of S to 16 years, in a wide variety of
smart styles and pretty fabrics, at................................................. wW *o ^ X O*
mouse andSailorSuits.forboysof2lobycars.iDagreatassort- ftO
sortment of handsome fabrics. iKautifully tailored and finished at
^ 9 fl aOU*

ETCiytliing dsc tlul Boys wear ftoin HATS to HOSIEKY


and Ionian ^Rraara

TBimm'ajLt^asBiLD, tmnamiiT.iiAT««, «»»«


l^al Tnrcrsc Hc^
boara. n
ta-u. ii
IB tlW I
ne .—a Itt.**
Tbe aTera#a
•a br tba dar. sUboii board, la
■e aoatbatB eosutlea. lliSS, la 'be
• -

m kardnre Mor* ct JMt> C«r
Mt M (IM mtb ddc *u brakn hiu>
tlw BOMf tni tnlMB
(b» *ff e«cwd tart Tcrr fortapMrir Mr. C««^lt b«l ««k«B tbr
4ar*o neetpu boar uO tie robbrr
W BM l>0 «hU br WB« iMkiH tor.
b board saa (a tbe siatr
CMnan no coIb*^ to tbr ourr br
bmkiB* ta a pBsr of rIbu si the raar
i bbd Iba BrartRa sa*r» br (be
aii tb^oswllal tbrooRb tba a^n- Oar. wtihiiKit l«*rd. saa In I’le atate

WErnE-iDK*; ^ -?S.\MrLESi(:

me Ceadp
others Tollow

M?5 ,'


ti> atsn Ibr bnak 1b tbr RiM'BBd


cad at KIk
•I of our I

.b Ibr ...
asR riUtoiir

Of tba atm. Ibr robbnr
bir esniHted br (so bora.
Ii kBon aeUtBC of ralBO
•j^laka bbR Bwerr araaed to be Mp 7o keep tbe •--------tbit lutlioikiB to operst...
it (ba desk rertBled
•atblBR Ukrs. BltbeBch.......... ................
-Rpgd Btaar ■taapt la a dfaser. oatuefcad. ta (be u>p of tbe daak at sell
Bi a lii'le bnae cbBBRe. endenllr (be
roMare sere aeiMaR to t^es (be dosn BB<I asmli a b
araserr os iba aide of (be daik sblA (brir Duaulanared prodoet.
be aoppoaed opaoed br niBBliiR (be ebaalcal sorb* are i dll la aperalloii
desk. The caab drasar tad sill i-rabablr co
wtrt alBo bnkes Into
t caab drastr sai prtad
Tba top 0
robfarn BlRtl bare aea A. I
ebaaie froa an
.nera of 1
aalra dnsrr la ll
*eb. M
I drss T dotriBf (be dar
coCaa aad trlmmleea tor all tbe com
Ured of Ibalr iob rsde* and tbeir faalllaa that lire In
osB iBto Iba tbe ooBotrr and u> tboaa la tbe rlU'
^MdM M
ts Rrrre left Ibat sUh to bHac Ibelr lueeh baiketa
mamer till i
Bi «ban^.
and Bare Ibe fatiRve of •oIbr borne
Tba safe sat tvesad and rlBad. II for dinner after onr taornlBR aervlen.
ta Bot caaloatBTT to lack (be safe ararr
tbe eemeterr. an all the.coa
if*n bat Iba bolt It immad ao (bat
at slab 10 brlnR their dinner
tba papm sill be aafa U oBta of Are
II be furnlabed free.
BBd last BlRht sat no aaeepllao: (bit
Br M. D MoTRaa. (
bfdBR done br Qaorae NaabUL sbo
SM tbe Inal lo leare (be attas abont » THEOLSRtUABUE .JUUSflTEINO-Ooek. Mr. Caaipball preeadlnc bln a
Its ttlBBlM. A alltbt tooeh la tbe
. slab to annoonee to alt who are
sroBR dlractloe soold aacnralr kxdi Intanated lo raUlBR abeep or bandtba Bate a*d (be mbbarr eeldesUr llaR wool that I bare eatabllahad a
aWB^ilod OB tbe war to open K or sat market here, and sill paj the hlRbeai
taarlllsr slih Iba entton and eaillr caab market prit*. areordlaR '«> Btade
tomad tbe eoDbludon. After Ret- and qualltr.
Hat ao far Inin tba aafa (be tobbm
Ontll a peruaneoi loeaitan tor a
asesrsd a aqaare aad a atnall btoRr large sarehonae la aerured. I sill be
and nsad thU to prr <van a anull at or old atatiil at 8telni>en Braa.
drosar laalde. la sbleb sen onlr eatabllabmenl. when I sill be Rtad to
pBpera Tber erldeptlr tried to prr aeei mr old time arqualnfaarea and
opsa aaolber drasar IB sbleb be aup- bake bandi slih them.
pnaad than sat anonar. and tallad.
Cllliena' Phone Ku. III.'
To opes tbe oae draser be broke It
(BIO aereral plaeet. Papen were
BOBIlorad Bll orer (be floor aad a pile
ed (ben poabad under tbe aafe. Aa
tar aa eeald be de(enalaad In baaUlr
RDtBR orer (ben Hr. Campbell could
Wtoiirv aooe anltalnt aad U la toplettlert’Fares to the GoiRh aad Bosthpoaed (bat (be robben sera OBir lacdims for Boaer.
Oae way. eecoiid^laa* tickets oa


Ro Ki \V M. Sinlih ai RrssD la foe
Smith', iil'i rhnn aad Ret S nes rhoe.
and old ahoea aei (or lie per
boF. Wood sork and Reaeral black.
' itnlibliie Saiiafactloe suarantead.


.ale at all atatloei oa drat and (bird
Tnetdaya of etcb month. Aak agenu
tor pnrtleulan.
Haar? thUBdar IBM aiRhi.
WnrW^ Pair, BL Leuia.
K, W. HatTiBRton laI rl--------rialtlBR----(be
Boand trip Ucbeia at low rate*, oa
OaldsBiar ehlldras cd (be oonatf.
sale at all lldei atoUoaa. Aak agenu
Hr. BBd Un. B B. Cate Bdaadad
r rates. IlmH of (lekeu aad fall pa^
edinreh at Hapia City Bundar.
Cbarrlaa aad soma applaa an hi
fall bhion.
Af* MU la need ot farm
Hrn. J. W. OlekerBan auaadad
wrlabloi empley
Orance la Trarrraa CItr on Salnrdar
meat at dlalng room eripenen
BBd Iba ptar la the aTealas.
k, sea *The !lntelllSdoa bare planted eora: oth
genoe 0«mi”
.- Cits, phone BIG
arin folios aooii.
~~ i Front BU Travers
Hr. aad Hn. Oeona Po« eallad
J. W. DidNman SmUarFM WeaUobn and fiallr n
Tnrene CUr a (all laat seek.

1 have imported two

.................. -


«Hrtid Fim ti SHI





One of them

will be

found at my






near lleorf;*'


national Dentists




242 FRONT ST ,

Wc Sell Fin



Of A dog gone dog. ron bet
X-d wear Sell Shoem

l^dy at



Tt makes

^no Difference


a giiaraoieed one, all aeams a^
l..we.t. at only lUC and 15c .-ach*
Biber, Ibe Banner Pat,ri' the only Riiaranir-'-'l
(be markri

«reni!y preferrinc that the
iltc lake all (he rbsnee*.
r lUrectlons -are fuTlosed
h ihe Banner IWUeme. and
IT ctwidv fjM.tleil In omse-

III Uy-IrDili



111* H. d E. Rraniilaied

What size window needs
Shade, the

luaur tor .............................. »I.h"
l.lneolii and lUnii. r Rolled
' Ito" ......................... ::c 1-r pkg




a Window

si*c van

right color and



the right

Vhai surely is a good combin­
Arvn'l some of those old Cur­


old Vnough' lo


new ones in 1 lace'


aside and
It costs Uni

little for new ones
Felt Shades.................................................................. Kic
hxcellem Cloth SUodes............................. 2.»c
Oil Color Shades. U

-.1. anylhlny be m.................
vlnrlns lha' Banner I’aiiern'
are aWoliitely cotrei'tr
If ,'TOi would lute your gar
nienir lit "like Ibe paper oil ihe
»iir iry Itanner Vtueme
Ffonl Btr^



ft................................... :Mlc

Arbuckic Ceffee.



Special Shadibi


[ 226 E. Front St.
Tmrst City. Nidi.


We daoe 7t

Hft and Mra. C H. BMtB of BWea
ealM OB tbnlr daa^tar. Hn.
Pnr, Bandar.
Orarer HammoBd seat to TrarerA
Cltr tba l»tb.
. .
Hn. L. H.' Prar seat lo Trarene
Otr tbe ItU.
Home Prar U ipeadlnf Ibe seek
silk bln RTondtatber at Batea.
C B Pny. sbo baa been aick sitb
tbe awaales. la able to be out am

If any one nccils a comfortable
it’s the man who is obliged
his f«-i t all d.iv. yes.


day too.’








made <|uickly


City Book Store I Ferris Implement Oo. Ltd.


hours a

little tom-

Bacbant & Boscce
•Jus l-’ront Street

2 S:


Next door to Hamilton Clo. Co,


McGregor Boy




IBBS, an<l tlands IS-:: han-!a hiith.

t\'iO ftan.T for (Tie season ol l‘.RM ai

B. J. Ngpo's Unn SUM, Timm dly. MUHi
PEDIGREE-* Robert McGrc(;or, K4T. recor.T 2:17i, lire
--------------- - 1£94; Kemudiy
Kntudty Sur; 2ilS4:
2ilS}; hmniorc 2:1U;
2:114; Lorline
Mcaregcw.2:llJ; Tom Mri'.regor. 2:12;
amt ....
98 oOwri in
... ...V
the list.
Dams OT
oT II.,
_ __ _
FJUiree. 2«84; York Hav.-(w) 2*J«J; B utoni,
utonL, 2.W4;
2.'(«}; K.8
... oiherG
11:16. reconl 2a3J. SireW
>1 i'onda, 2;18> Rego, 2:181;
Jtorango Belle,
Danu of MaidlSn, 2.1S4. DuTine, 2;l!*i. A

Tbe DwX tneca bare all began to
btoseoB aad tbe PnalatnU la a bcantlfal pletiue.
A targe aumber (mn here will dee»
ralB'tbe grwrea SaBday. aa Deroratloa day cooeo oa Hoaday. aad It I
nrr bear lime sltb Ibe famen

2-Wl; ns olheti.

MCGREGOR BOV is a ^ hinJ ome. Inighl bat Stallkm of
thigh at any horse oo the
Heoanltmr a 2:3(1
never been traine?! (is ape^ His breeJiag it certaisly oT the bM
bjr Rpbeit McGr^. Uie monarch of tbe bomettteldK tbe tire of the
m^htimt race hoe*e in Ameiiea, Creacens 1 Ji94, axT ot-et cme hun(bed othen below the 2») mark.

HePbenon poet t
. Hay ». ■

“May they live long, and never be too poor to
wear our “EXTRA GOOD” Clothes.”

be on

Come ia and Mk foot tomfort with us.
------------------------ - ------------------ City saa
. tbe RBecI of Hra. Frank Bmltb Bntun
day Bad 8onday tad nlnroed home
Hlaa lluel Lardle apeal Bnnday at
Trarerae CHy. •
Hr. Barry, maaacer
maaarer of tbe MldtlRan
TalnboBe Oo, saa a
• Bat-

The BOOT ebemea an not hurt as
bad as opeeted. Tbe nrehardi rtoaeet
to tbe bar* mSerwd ibe leas.
Tbe HapMoB yoong folk* ate pr«.
pariBR tor anotber big
to Ibe
HapMon ball In tbe near fulurr. Tbe
BKalr la lo be a -bard Uae' ball, and
tbe beat dreaeed peraoa la to be need,
ee It sill pay to diana as Ibe tlUe
reads. Tbe tortuUoaa siD toon be
dletributed aad a blR time la eipert-

ployed daring the day. to *ave them from ln»lng 'belr time


Dfi pgii spaat s
Work Shot tkot is

*^r^d Hr*. C. W. Haatlnga drore
tt Rapid aty Satnrdar. reiwnlnR on

tanaer* sill appmlate li stmdKfqlly.
Hr. tad Hi*. George HclRPricb and
Hr. RBd Hr*. Win Cbriatopber of OrdeaabwR apeal Bandar sUb Hr. and
Hn. Charley Oirtatopber.
rnd Johnana. Jr. made a bualneaa
Mp to atcpRO laat seek.
Hn. Jobn Hllla and Hr*. OoMee of

Ewery dog hii hU duy. they mj.
WeU I hope toaotroH will be ay Osj.

Silver Fillintp......................................................... ?5c
bridge Work......... -.........................................

sr^eet durt?

^^tUtord Prar seat to Tnmse City
Tam. CUat asd CHS Prv. Oiorer
Id Oeortr Haatlnta drare
____________ tbe tWb to take hi tbe

Trarei aa City
....---------for »U a year.
mr. Barry baa aecund a large nnmber
at thU place aad la boliir ncceanful
all om- tbe PealBanla. Tbe work

............. ■?! and up


Hr. aad Hn. Bari iABfsanbr cd
WUIIaBuborc vtalled at OllbeK PraTa
•nadarA. B. Prar s«U to TrBrerae



Jrm A. B. .------- ----Chr tba ITlb. ntamlBR tbe
Or. HoMfSortb .
of Trar
trarae CUy
dieod Hra.
waa ealM Btlordar ... —
GUbtrt Prar. sbo la qoUt ikk.
K T. Prar sent


•’2k Gold Crown........................................................ S-Vui

We keep onr oBee opee ntll * i> m for the l^nefll of (bwe em



Best Red Rubber

liold Fillings............ .............................................

SUITS Hat are
Cut for

will fit Young Men,and
not have the appear­
ance of having been made for someone else—each season
finds our assortment larget as our rapidly growing trade
demands—here young men may find perfect fitting gar­
ments in colors and styles to suit the taste of all—$6 to
$15.00—no such line elsewhere in Northern Michigan.

road, an>) with ptcfrty of ^leedl

M Ntor^ «nM. ibas ^ ^




:nsB oiTv,

. iMieMiOAi

traverse city, ivucm.


W O. Foots aod wtfs 10 EdBoad H.

Israoe to WarrsD pua_ 1 Mr «ii 4. wji a. isi., ti.-.,*» b .i
A tons ban bsiosttoc to Phltoadsr
0. bloek t. P H r m add:
PrsBlics aoebt lbs
nuts ol Lost Labs vas Mnid: to
Mads Voanf Aapsln.
ItobiBtoc aao bamsd to Us^poand at
ad oat It to a saall pond to bsa
rs imtll be was rsadr to take H
:ll WsdBssdar akoroto(
: “Oas of Pr Kins . Nru Ufs Pi
. Laiar be Blsasd lbs trovt aad
Osons Carpsaisr lisss oa tbs Mass
sBCb nlcbi fiw two w«st> has pul i
Hsnaaa W. Smli
Is paraolt of Ctood lllllaid sad
«rb4"1to”hM^'*^ did an atrakss
am«s p H. Ti
a Pairblo. Tbs bofs dsalsd bar-'
of Ib-Bipssjinsn. I"a Tbri 'nFk>.rd U. Soil ______
Ids sssb tbs iRMt. Hs was su
Basil, a asl«hbor*“as*Jb^r«^
isajl. lot T. »», Ira S. Mnrk
II. H* csBs at 08«s asd a«aksosd ut tbsa bseanas tbs bofi b
.. BrrsHs lMr-l> t .. ........................
Snd add; tl.200.
B tbsr saw Mb comlos a
ibi« bill ii vai too tots ibra as ibs
trips. Only
ai Johnson^ Urns
rallr wooU whse tbsr
Eojtsos .Vonnii
. .
ml F. H Mead.',
ooBlac aner ibsD Hs s.«. oH of sw>i.
bay aad^^a to
I, nnro
at Om asesMsd tbs boy's dsatoTbot II: fl.UA
ssd tbs »•
TravATM City MArkat*.
AllsD 8. Darbsr a
IliB roport la mads up on Wsen,
Tbs ban was ntbsr old bM *aa !*>'*" latiatsd bln ab<


CIregWm llils WMk 2,700

Ss: ".'J'

^ -V..H

potaaeh wosk. Tna Horai^tsi
Chantsa In priosa.

kbOWB at prsaseu Thsrs waa ao
«"P «“<• fspUsd*':•
aoraaes. la additloe to ibe ban a '<^’
ibto broocbi tbs Iroul' JGrsllkk On;
. .
■P aod craaary w
thsy could bars tbs basket. Tbs •‘'r >«■ »'• dll of lot Jl. block 4. Perry
, boys toU tbsir nory at boBs ab<r a Hanoab , ^,d add: |lio.
C®"!***** ■ . ' hs. W. Ashton and wife
I. Palnsr.^ircl In sw 2C, loan JS,
Edward Courtad to Clsrstoed. Ohio. ;C. H. AabloB ssrrsd ll-

l«rtM O. C. f>>rfc(

^1^ tckm r. 9«

in one Of his delightful letters Of a “Spanish gentlemen of his
acquamtanCe who put on his spectacles when he ate cherries In
order that he might make them look largerand more tempting.”
We are using no spectacles in announcing this

Have used no magnifying glasses
but looked at it as it really is: and it
amounts to this:
We are going to make Friday
and Saturday the two best suit days
In this month, and by buyingi a suit
on either of these days you will get


1. Kaon aed wife to o C. Cass lU
Bl. Fraacls ebsirb. Tbs brMs U tbs
®*'' Th* ntttm
OfMI Wm4 tXoli Uelerj. M i
huJ taeMt«d «• Tm*4w "
•oftlac os « cM«* ss* vkei
«s. Tbs croon I. t poimlar
s was not. Mr
■nr buk saS tors s Isrt* cbssk osl
FIsiasn WantC'-.
tics has rsctfdiled Ibs affair as a
ml the
or bt« bssd. Tlx liUaiT has nsny frisods. ___
II who arc iDtcrcsinI In Manorial
cy_will Isars for
but Oban lbs nnslabls arrlrsd llay Ihsi ran hrln* Bower, arc retheir asw bone asst week.
card II in that llcbt. '<iiisiItsd TO do so as floweni are colDc
' Monday srsaloc a bbb
Tbs OsrauB Laibsna
lbs Asb baabst. bis n>■ bs
h "<wr<». All that bars ibeni to
,Biav>sr nts s Ms ssmr.lsn Mob e^al tbs teurtade botas aad
tan w II brine ihsm to Grants hall
pro*r SMblw. Tbs svbsr WM tor tbs esodad to aaks Bsrry. Tbs party
Injuns Man
Itsd to dsrks froB Ibs Manlllae
aod MUUkSB
rsoiissi of lbs 0 A. R. and W •
abd was about
rnwrn *** iaMr ssrvsd sm i
illkw. iranplsd
and bitten by
. Tbs affair was a
eoaplMs surpriss bni bods tbs less

bappy. As appsilzint supper vas
Psittotlll of Ortoti about
tfisraooo. HU a
Ouda an oot aBDoaaetot tba w«d- ssrrsd aad lbs srsolat was sp<<Di
sr to Ibs bnsl. «
dtad: to Mte Beialto Tninooc to
kicked into inssL___
llr. AtoU F. NaHtofer Wadasaday
Tbo stallion broke
attorboaa. Jnaa I at 4:M e'etoeb ai
Hilbset Horns Wmsd.
toads III sseape froa tbs auble atone
tbs botos to lbs Mtoe's parseta. Mr..
aM Mn. W. P. Tectoaoai. 147 Waabwith aoolber bOrss. Mr. Ptolleeill. sr„
tactoa MrsM.
-ally dsnroysd by Bra aTf^clS:
» Balvday. Ii Is not known bow '
tine lu lasib
him 1
tbs Mleblcaa CbHaltoB ladeti
will be bald at Laks Orlee. Jai.. _.
Mr, a.d"*Sn'"‘i‘.it4?rsl;*,SS- to I
' I*, ff* ud Jaty 1. A pracniB toelad- ^S sliy aod lbs ooly psr«». at!
the -..oes
shoes you have been biiyiiic ' An.
, With
............lai apto* to Iks leadlac CbrtoUaa Ba- bone wars tbair daiichlar aad tba ‘"IJ.
animal was .
they what they should be? Are they made ri«ht • Do
Adkear worfcsrs to tbs eosairr bas •Usto4nanSBployedbyn£?. “I I "'’'5'“? *“■.

*"ey fit gpiperly? Do they wear well? Are they
baaa preparsd. Tbs toeki aodsitot m as (ba woman '
«01 asbd dsttoatddBl! that
stylish.' -4Tiwareviul points to consider when l.tiy
------ to Bars all
ing shoes. \\ e guarantee our shoe! f> be riglii.
Tbs «M* to F. D. Oin bw bssB ad the tower part to the
>BsrMd -from Jades Bobsrts' court to
Jaas t Mr. WUksIto aad (Mil aensd
boaisn wlib the f • • Most to Ihs men In the
M a aatttotaaat ba( as lbs naitsr bas
boaa to eewrt tbia doss M asuto tbs hood were In tl
before >„.i_ _____ _ I Tbs aalm, '.then started on
■Mtur to dxpapas u Ibs soaaty aad was aoma time. hsTcr.
Wtasb h cam# H
<■ Hr,
mmmt Bmaestoski will be aads
tbs booM buybs
--------------—_ tbs bant
toss U BoItTbai
It turned on bla. bitinc blm on Ibi
mav. K C. Darla, ahsr a pastorate stolsd at
to tba naeitar BapUsi ebareh axuadTbs siBlIloa Ibsn escaped aad
M orar a paHod to tbne yaata. iaai
not yet been capinrsd.
Malar pnaMted bU raatcatlkB to
th men will rseorer. Jlr. PstllnIba nnaera^tlito aad tostobera. barlac
Is ceuaty bars bscT___
ffin. sr.. suffered Mies on tbs tblffb.
raaMtad a call to tba SaM at Port- by tbs asemary to stats, Frsd M fare_____
..................... f«^<
.iMd. MJeb.. a shareb wiU a a
W^r. tbnoeh ,h« «uot; c^ f„ and bmlssd
and two rito wire brdi!
aapaMty to MS aod a Betobeta]
dss bis enUn body was <eorsrsd
Aems-Johe Hoxsis.
Blalr-Wn. Daridsoa.
. a a Hopktos to latartoebsB w
&«> Bay-a j. Taylor.
adly tnjurod. KIs arm pas bluaa
ksMitot tP this totf SatorAty oa t
bto body bruUsd but tbs kick tbat
Ptoa Matbaaita uato aad lakaa to t
was a esDulnr
paotos to Mra. Bbatdoa, a anrae .
Garfleld-J. R BoalL
Inks anawa. by tha dty aaMiUpcs. Orant-F. R. Walker.
.,rtl^lT,,ra«.«t35to pnao Laks-Wm. Oextar. !
Body Found In
________SI aoi._______ _
Arthur Miner, sincle. 3f East Bar
Ooe of onr special oiterings.
has pat Unto a sary had
BbradUs—U J. Tsdmao. '
losrnablp, aped 3n.
foond dead
Those ire sboet we secured at
F^aaala-F. B. Browa.
Usr«ds grow in popularity
Id the bar near the Konheni
Uwti ■rsMbaapt to weal to tba dip
a low price and kII the same
Whllawater-A. B. Pray.
every year. The, are not onlv
nad Mtoa Otoia Fealas to Laalaaaa
Tint Ward—Chaa W Asbtoa
They are made in this
the earrect Ibolnear for sum.
yettrsday at about
•attoty vara Marriad by las. Haeb
^d Ward-Wm. P.^^.
season's soapp) shapes, are
boy Bade the
' erewsoBM dUeorery and
mcr in iwint of sljle, but are
««BM*r to tba Asbary M. C. dianb
Third Ward—W*. w. Deaa
MitoAaj aeaatoc at 7 o'cdodi at tbs £B^J|Pard-P, p. Marrla.
the coolest and easiest on the
say. who was th
tbs flm man
■awitoiffi. Tbs erocito's bratbsr.
foot. Wc oiier eseeplionall)
1. Tha Illinois w
.dUBa. aad a tiatar to tba brida. Htos
So»l values at S1.60.
Dd sereni to the
-Canto Fbartoa. atlaadsd tba bapvr
ewed (be body,
aa^ Tbay will lira west to Iht
man was lylnc h
•sktoflse from Htol'depJrtmeM.'''’'*’
e-halt feet to wa
At the bottom
' At db to*
B mat ^ibnuch la thirty days. 1 parent as
ihti it bad not
----- aM aoUisn aBapteA ras
r—«>ll»nttroberol men who cluinj. around the
tone as the eyes wi
•slck FIB,, in OpiraUto.;
lesb ndt dUcMored
*'*«r •»'i"k that is
“» fc-r
<t»y wL. \\v .ant
that ik« baarttly (aear tba toora tltoi BM £Saar
^ o«of ibesc men to ity a pair of our •■Genuine Hand-Marte
tbs bars ban aada la eat teto tba
-u summi
t. and an Inquest farld. Tbse irerdlct
y thsi be net bU death by
SI.60 $1.76 $2.00
that bum tbs • to lbs eoi
iiidrowMnc- n'hlls It U not kni
known bow
a pair, and sec how much belter ihcir feci rill leel.
■M DBdsr bU I
I the aeddeot oecurred.
oecamd. It U iwebt
• thai lbs man -was
ahoci tl?s It will
ity BOder the laSuence to liquor. Hr
BBffadty srhleh U
I erldently been walUnc alone the
las n^y conlrarts (or railroad
tnck on the dock. The plat­
I« the produFt will form does not extrad clear ashore and
8EU.tB OF GOOD SMOESbeaaa. Mr. Bokot U a popator ffrs- be on the market.
be probably bad tbonsbt tbat K did
«!■ M tbs Pars HaratMte road aad
--line derl __and falllnc to obserre the drop, bad
tbb tow has baaa kU ba«a tor a pood
brtek win ^ tlaa-llalira Into (be water An unlonrhed
watr roan aad ibt brUa U a anily
SttCM to
kaowa aad pepBlar elrl to Old '
ii^lnre. The ma-- three rlpars were found on bis------cblasry u
llrely Mem la arerr | People who aaw blm In ibe af
k Is well ki
war* to Ibe uplDios that be had been
driaklnc and waa (cwllnc Ihe effccta
At a toaattoe to the omaltaitoB to
to liquor. The accideot erldeuflr bap
lbs Aarobas toads aem time aen.
peued aome lime Stiardar nlsbt.
Caaday toiaraeoa li was ddstdsd
"id Ibe uafonunale man lived, be
that BaaAay. Jaty t. should 1
d hare been thiny year* old July
Mart aad nbasrsid as -Oooi c
ahM Day* to tbs varbns eharel
tbs toty. Tbs Baal acUoe wl
------------Ini for Bdwan.------------------by-tbs «
Thp bfist for the pri«r in
Hs an
anti tosMiac. Tbs totsllac Saadry rnda aad Bedtelne which Mr.
nra Waa Otaaaowua.
e tor bl
11 ealculailona be tv,.. ...
0 IXBBO* w» Tcrr •P' t orer 75 cents tor liquor.


SI2 Suits for $8.75
$25 Suits for Si6.75







AH Alterations will be charged
for at these prices.
While every woman does not buy hersuithere—many being
influenced by one reason and another to buy elsewhere—few
of them are as well satisfied as when they buy here.
Voile Dresses, charming creations: as finely fashioned as
though done by your own skillful fingers>-and all the work and

Si8.50, S25.00, S28.50

The two last one, are silk lined.

Silk Blouses and Silk Blouse Etons—some very swell effects
in these in Peau de Sole and Taffeta. Charminc ideas carried
out inshirringsand little silk braids
gAil mt%r abp
that make them very attractive indeed....... {zaf S25f #45

$1.00 $1.60




„ . w.cs.r.u

me£ati Give Vou

Etpccfally io our Carpal and Wail P
and wa aid ywi In uwery way.


ffveryboAy la claan'rto bouac, an i

The Carpet Question
can ba aaaily tattled .f you p.vr us a ebanca. Wa abow Iba rtoanto MtUmt I,
•lock a* you will find, ffedy Brutaala made inia ruga are Mad nwea than aver
WiitoA Velvet* and Moquettca They are baauU**. every an* to than.


The Rug Question
ay seem , punitoB ««*- but w. m.k. « vary aimpi* by raaam, to tba anormuu, tooek w* earrv th.

•a way and aur priMt ara eartoinly moat atlrMtlv*.

"'■'T- - srS'Ii.S-J'SiJ.'.SSSS
Baal Catatc Trawfar*


tbay weir
mn aa4 hM hMd poaltlou ba
Bt TBriMM authma. Mr. JmIci

Feed, meffl. Bran, middiinas,
Corn and Oats


B- dowdy ,o Prank E.

I r. WTOll, 1
»•'* M »oW- aoc'
Mn. Labbox 33 ton eg W
la at tba
to | idward Carroll aad wlfa
McMabu*. BHtoKV.i
napa 10; tl.OM.
Mary E, D. Bros

Wr bill- noihioB bul ihr b,-.t crain and j
pure article.




obaibm'72^ •;*, S2
^ AftatbON B«ar tba OMtaca
H^betto. TbPBAl»alaaBw(he^ **d IBM oe the eemaaU

MB rMBway.

Wbff. Ik* Mtot rmt «NM
kBa parebaMA M faat aa the
BAfMr to Fruu mi Wanibatcto

■a la aaleet fnm.
-_y —
brary. ^
hall, kiteten
t of the daau-aiwayi picaac.

The Portiere Question
It a moat pitaaing ont. bacauae « I have *Mh a aplanAW H.X to b
and Ftraian dasigna—any eambm iton to colar to mtteh any dam
t1.7S to B1S.W tba pair.

»rtea* ara fram

* n.Jri o

■torUai _ .
bad buraad dowua aad that araiythtoB
m^daatrored. Thia waa about 7;«
and ba wa* etaapelled



kill Itl4t. (ha

Cbe Season of

Ceud^s and eolds
1. at h.nd-,Ve hav. a preparation that
will fix them—Our own make—We know
it i, food—Our petwotial ipirantee ooee
with it-Wait’. White Pine and Spruce
Expeetorant-Money back il it den t
help you

T. C. U A M. Nat AkanAaMA,

m ll» „ U w

The Wall Paper Question
I* made easy, baeaut* firrt. latt and all the time w* hav* alwaya had
matter what rm.m yeu have to p.par. parlor. .Win, „o„,,
bath room, wa bavt juft tha paper you -want. Our priCM ara Ox b**t -

P*a fcjyar and wttp to a

WmIVm Drus Stor*

The Lace Curtain Question
Can bt ta nwaiy aattlad by juat a tinglo vlaM to that MpartmanL Tba ataot, i. -tantiy ebtoiglng toam and fintf-mg pi*Ma wbaea rxw ana. .r.
touch to .vary room. W. bm-a new Ootogn. for ,va,y r,** „ ,h,
the pair. W. h.v. a Mlmtotd llna to ntoMto p«tom. la C-rtato Ntofa, -a.^ ^na^^lJJ
la BBC tba yard.






---■ w

or. lUta
___ m4n « AOclm-rt


ttoMve a S?0?T?^M
Mr. aad Mra. W. U. BIHm aad Hn.
Wm. BoUaaaa. who rMeatly MMjKo. Hibcepaay. Pa.
Wm TIbbew Tbhed Mm. FacM Tar
here from |
haa, Moved lato F. {teat raaaltlag U
%’aa Hore’i________t__________________
aattl he MB betid ,I —
He wriiaa.
______ _ _
a ________________________
Stllee aad Honer Browe
with rioleat haMonhasaa, eaaaad by
Lelaad rlalted frieadi hen the pa*<
OiawB weat over to latartoehra: Dleetatloe of the atanarh. I had
J. F. Merrill haa muraed fraai Oip- BoaMy aad Hat saotber game of baaa oftea hand EHelrte Bl
tor Bceta aCoaneh aad
Hr«. W M. Baird retaiaed ta her to I preeenbad Umm Tba paclaM
oaM H Wimanaberg Baterday.
gsHad troa tba Bnl. aad baa aot had
Hr. CaiapbHI of Tarek Lake to laa attack ta 11 Boatha.’' Btaetrle BK-|n^H*i week aad bargalaed foe Jao ten m pr^v^rywayd^te D^
rliHed Hn. Scott Hoaday.


^ *Swn£n
rruk •»* Otorte
' AmSo. mm m un. atifj Mrf b**
* toMW«f tMt HM<ur CTMIW.
Hr. DtwMwl of TrorwM atj

Piano Purchasing

J. R^He^irweai ta Olae Arbor loiKSUy troabtaa. Tip tham^Oaly ''
kmk after hit tam then.
lal Jehaaaa'a Dreg Btare aad P.
0. E. AMrleh aold bl* hooae aad lot lUeadr.
W. B
________ then right
Motoara: adottiars! MoUtaral

Mtu Ida WebMer hai lolaed ber^
claier. Hn P. A. Oraanry. allh the laiMrtka ot aaUac <»M Arbor her fa-

The. lesson is impressii’cly taupht here. Best construction, permaleast, factory
nence. tone, exceileoce, beauty of ciemiKn. and.
prices, I’ipj-oor faith to the KIMU.M.l.

___ __ ... i JSfSgSX

wenpiMl- ___
Mlat Nib Hela bet flalabed bar
'1 ta Silver Lake laat weal
kaadO. A.'oat
Mn. LotMB of no Lake vu vbH
I'rtgbtn etpeeia tveaiy
Ik M frlMdi ben tbc put <wo Int tera of lee
Sobeft V.yeo b
. allured pike for the aaiac lake Ible
Dto the fata lo____
eek. Hr. Brlghaai aaya that If aay
Mr. BryMt of Tmtitm CUy *m •
Jobe W;n hai rniM Cbe Haaaa
je la or aborrt tbi* vtclaliy wlabe* to
--------------------------Mitor ki thk nelattr IM WedboeMy.
ferlaa froa aa attack of rl
plBBl any kind of Bab In any aulublr
Oakk ArteaL
Hra CbuiM Cook of.Codar b-yla (amfM)l
!Aai. K Carr aad
aiream. poad or lake, aad drat oa : j a. OolHdge ef Terbtaa. AH., to
Mm bM pMMli. »Cr. Md ¥n, Wm
I balUiai p-a
l«i»r n- derataad how or where lo lead for .,»if, |a ,ae boapltal froi
a BiltialK lo leal
Hr. tad Mr». tLvBBb, who hare bMO
Ing^’inie^ Jacki
.*oe> returalog
le cd pll<
eanelag SI tat..
MoMlw the wfBUr to tbo owten
" reaedlee
' .bring Wata
Mn. F. A. Ontory racWred a b
1 creai bus think
MMM wUh rHkilTM, vrlyad b«r« tut
.1 ^be people :|eo‘^Arnlea Salve quick
TMMUy ud *ltl run their deochtpr. team of home froa Chkaco.
1 onj SBiitn p oome, cme
ir mite
mile eai|
*a*l oi
of' >>
I • ..
h. around Silver
Tblriee.-i bIIn of railroad trmrk «
V Ukr.Tui l“^ooquln^^^lSb pain. SSc ♦
Ho. Bd ‘
Ibit |.lace, wa* burned laet
lart nmradav
nl«>>'» »“<
Ml ifcc M A K. E. with cm lake. aonlog. !■*« of Ibelrr
ef KlUBley to a oUL
a little tab-ru Johanoa'. Drug Store ud P. H
Will \
good. .ere|'boae who think to
gttn orer See hoadred tqi
He iDienda boddlsc tkalr. •nkeo. for moat
(be rlibeaa an In- riMda'.
_____of fanniBS oooBiry as oalM
.llnut over It
d an watehUg (he
avoid aeerl ta tooriei trade froa ilia
alt bo
Mpp, Cnihertne Kelly, k ..f Inke preiiy t
-f eoterilered.
I Ihe Barcb o
thip plan for anny yean, died at her
on. If they ir
home laal Friday aflernnon afier a
early la ihe
lingering illnraa of over two year*.
Ooni plutlBf li the oMir o
Thr f inmnl aerviroi were held ii (hr
I. Oco. A. Pack did bw
»ine bT Sunday afiernoon. Iniemetit
nr Clly oor day Hit i
ok (ilare In HaySeld n-airiery.
All (be beallng. habamlr tlriue of I
irte Nepbrw drove la Mi
Ed> In Roaebrook look a irip m CadI' tbe Norway pine an eoncentraled In j
lac laft Saisrdtj.
; l>r. Wood'. Norway pine Syrup, u■ HIM Ptormoe Rlnfae of Trarorte
Hn. yforrli ha* a aew wheel.
Mil - Any Weidnan eptnl Sunday
Find Tbetn So.
n remedy for eough* an.1
ORy. aoeompaBM by Hr. Htebey froa
Clara Harrio aad broibar Dyn
wlih her IrndhtT la Tnverm- CJi.v
To have- the |«in« ud acbeu of a r
the aayliue. rlellad her oaadpar ' " .ao. H. Bartb aad wife caTled ea J
(■ad back removed: (o be eeilrety free
Hr. aad Mre. A. M. fallh. lael
TagH Batardiy.
a ann.rylag, t
. urinary■db-:
David Peek la ptoaghtag for WltlU
wl.brtrer" it
^^naaa Arery hw ao laprored that WUtoe of OvlatL ■
Tbe Boy'i Club gave pa Ice cream
iiw wife 1.
•• ■ iw thb 11
be bw pae (e work acalB aftp a
Hr. Htleer aad (aailly rlalied 1
•--------nlag Ip Kurt
great ebange ran be br
I aboui '<
le of brl.lge j,
Oeaaer'a people Snaday.
Mr. niooei
mill prove eomfnriing w«
(o bun- '
Elile Rolirru ud Bother drore
dred* of Tnverje niv n
' Ma City today.
li. Crowell of Trarene City wa«
n H. LamUi-. of l
IlM Mtnha Bartb vtalled her alterr Monday.

I. »y.: "Arcordlag ) my ladgHn. Hold* BoUk. Monday.
Georve ud John Newmu of Trav- meni ami etpericore Ikmn'
I'a Kl.lm-y
Hr. aad Mn. Joaeph Penataroa vierwe C^rtatte.! iheir parent, one day
reibble kidney
Ited Mr. and Mr*. Oeo Peek a weak

Spring Piano Styles



The new Kimball designs in all thr iioiMil.-ir wmnls and hnish are
exceedingly classic and beautiful. Why nm have a high-grade, uptOKlate instrument and at the same time save the tlealers profit?
Buy of the makers. \'ery liberal terms.
; ^

W. W. Kimball Co.


129 Fronts*.


N. E. STRONG, Mngr.

bvcryihing in Small Inslniments. Sheet Mu^(. Talking hfachimrs. Etc.


The Largest and Most Complete

ago Bmday.
Bar. c. W. wmiaai to a Maple
City eaner one day laal week.

Mr». John Donoran aiad Clara Wat- rr of Bmpin vl.liod Hn. Doeoru'a
iiher and Bother. Mr. and Mr., Her­
kldoi-y «
bert. Haiiirdty ud Sunday.
«iiT dim
Pea. I McLaughlin I. ao Burb
notnan-* Kidney
proved that tbe la aide lo Kl up
ImnUbed Ihb trouble. and If I
Farmera an very buiy RMtiag their
lime every day.
ran ray
help convince
Amidon b ruulng the en
.other*, t
(or I kr«
in A. E Belltager'* Bill.
ic advitc
kir. Benull nvc ui a very |
Ifch. the oecailoa tselag
M^inoa laat Sunday Borelng. S
birthday. They enjoyed a very pleaaIt rained to that there were
> Ki.ln.-y
Ut arealBg. Cake ud leiBoetdr wen
..HI to hear him.
. »i.«m of Ludlhgtan b bore vbI
•o.'^uL.. .
Than to a birthday party Friday
her «»n. Charle. Bloom, and faBbe rnl(e.l
avaalag at Mn. Cook-* la koaor of her
dugblar Boae-f IStb birthday. The
. U.1 Mr*. PblUpp. vlKied at Mr.
ReBiemtier the r
party to enjoyed and eapecHlly tha
f. 1 fea- days of U» week.
lake no ni her.
lovely large blnbday cake wllb lu I»
H. .C«.rk reinrud fro* hb trip
~Tatly eudle*.
> Calirmnb bat Thursday. He b
-Ii w*. almofi B
Hn. Darla Bade a bailaaae trip
ell p ea.ed wlU tbe eoumry and baa niood lllller* euref
ti-rriblitaverae Qiy last Tbnmday.
biroktng oui nil ov.
I ntn
Mn, DavH of Watford hai been
I urnt.-ful.” Ml
itaytag a tew dnyn with her daitghtar.
•I r.irnwell. Conn.
•00T8 OSAST.

nare *m ao Bpwortb l«aia.____
Bararal aiieadad tbe
baiMHtiaiti affwob at Elk RapIdL
HHa BHueh Dmo ef Tuba la ataytm *IU> bar alilar. Hr*. Joba Dav.
Mtu Gran PoMpberV Teba
MvlBB la thU aaHhborbciDd.


Mra. Z. WaHa <d Road Oly
ly b TitWas ralatlTta hare.
Harry Ta^ar of
moae Clly la
TlaWH Boabaa aad__________________
N. W. HatnasuM ot Boha ealM M
Mead* hero laal week.
Adelbalt Nalsartb of Bead aty U
Htlec bar asnt. Mn. John OroaiKr.
HlaMe Oertnide Olioe aad Urlaa
.Uadlay pataad the eighth pada eidHHaUce at Korlhport iMt PHday
Hn. Cunutaprai Snday in I
aad Eaierday.
Ky with Hn. Brinner. who I
HHa Mary Mrohai of Trararae City gerouly III
-j bona for a waak'i riiit witb bar
Mn. Jeule Betard want lo
brother. Will Btroha and faally.
Batnnlay to tpaad Sunday
Hr. aad Hn. WIU StrohH rMlad friandi there. Her ancle, Mr,

and Hn. C. BlUmaa tail tUt

Bora, to Hr. and Hn. j. Bamraa.
lay St, a acB.,
OUoh^ baa rataiwd (roH
L Peaatasua It ta Trarena

mMOnrriii mini
Mn. Lather Conui Ud Miatea H.
Lawli and Jeeaie CoaaM arrivad froa
CbicagD UM week.
■• a. N«lle Paaltm I. rtalili
-..lag be
abler-------------------------r._Mn. LaBoeta.- at Uka
Dr. Payne and the KM
of Sotloea Bay •atenalned ourelilaeDi
See Biulc UK Tneaday.
Mr*. W. Bridgemu and eblldru of
ake Ftonai are at the RIeenIda col-



------------------ .... will it„.
Jamea HeCInaky W’ednndar. in
> good lime for Uieae Uitl I
fruit ireOB. ud that meti
ry farmer (o
extOKAndrew Otimo . brake bread with
Mr and Un.
Mr*. Golden
Golden loda>
iMkiDK fur a borre to boy
One of hb bnree* got n nail In hi* foot

The yoirng people are looking for
wird to Wday nlghu when C C. Man
will lie wfih tbem again.
. B. l( *eema like
nea lo aee him around
Tnapklna aaya___
Bake him a* good — .. .,
efoee that bard fro»i a couple ,
W. C. Nelaoa ud wife apeal Wed- ;^a UU. other people have
aaeday its Tniveiwe Cliy.:
rrod acrordlngly.
F^ Bam
of North .Hul
Elb Ci.luck Improm ao very alo<
■ trip here hul :
l.v. able to be around a very mile.
Bd htaiorr ha* eleued np (he ml
Hn. U Mil
lller ape
few day* at yard (hi* year and bat made a lot i
Traverae Oly___
good lumber.
iv Stillwell ud wttr^
of Traverse
■Mr*. Ida Soaner apeni the day I
^verac Clly ud railed no ol


Hr. Bad Hn. Boaa of Aldaa rUfted
jtrtMdi b«ra Hat weak.
Iba Itea la the eBtreMaadei.. .
SHd week oeeM hare tMd Dr. Baaee
John Holme* took a large loa<l of
P^toee 10 Traverse aty ud got a
Mead of Dr. Potu.
Hr. Hill, the HUIIaer. weat to TntacM CtCT Headay oa baHaeat.
Hrt. Hary StoMwell aad Hlu
^h'"” *'
ta Carpaeier fare a peotcreatire
Arthur DeVol ha* done aome go
party laat Friday erenlas In "very ooe had a good time.
paperbuglng at Mr. M*r»hair«\AI
ef thalr onalB. Joeaphlaa Car"OPP" •* "fT hick at ihia
ba* dooe paperbanglog
'Bptar. at tba hoaia of T. E Ctrpea*■ «‘««llng her.
rt. Mike Gheritg
,tar. HH* Emma White ncetrad Bm
Silver Broa.
and Mr*. Wlll.e ’ G ToS^Iilnf
Tompkins. ?S'e

HHa aad Mn. Bra Hutlay the aec- Bad link tl
n-ork na> all done before people feiad
«p. The eoapaay pivaMited HHa today.
ilac with as orgaa atoo1. I.lsbi
L. Bute* vbited trieoda •
miht*'h“ •
II off till aootber yrar.


iniiMBl ail
Metaortal awTlow will be held a
tbe Methodlrt ehntch aeu Buday.
W. Dnu H raballdtag fab ailL
_____ en BOW pboDoa bore b
addod to tbe FbrBon' line ud Sve
■ore are expected in a lew day*. Tbia
wot hU( about U phoMt on tbc CIUlu' exUuse faerr.
Mn. J- A. Tripp TO oaddenly
death ad bar graadna. Brace HeaderMin AbUe MeCalty Ml Friday
Datintt on a vWt wKfe bar tltier.
Tbe ladiM of tbe Oenoa Latherao
obwch are bolding a Uanar lale in
teX. O. T. M. ball tbH aftenecB ud

| 9q

A triple-cooted eoamel Cham­

$4f> I'cninauUr Steel Range, with high wartnmiE cloaet, reservoir,
been uted not over three moothi, now............................ ............36.00

ber, whit* inti.]e, will

Coma when


These ranga are ali ai good a* new odm ai far a* use is cone
ed. We abo have iwveral second htn.1 Sfova that are bargain*.

A triple.o)otet] enamel Cut-

We have all kinds of Ritd^ Ulensib in this ware at espedaOy
low pricet.

Ooarantecil to boro wood or coal perieeily.

pnlicia ud other valuable

a week remi a box in our

A large, beautiful arm rocker, just
hkc cut, wiile, ijoarier tawed oak

Private wrifing room in

solid frame idl put together with
bolts, fine finish, (worth'$4.7B),
our price,

Oulf f3.7S

Quick meal
Tn ea*t essk StMws
iVe hive uy style or uy price you wui. commencing ai
fi Penintulai Oook, for.........................



Pay Less Than Half tliB Actual Cost of Making anil

Tak^Youf CiiflicB of Nearly One Hiinilrml


stove made.

Irons when at our


14.76, $16.75
please j-ou on any kind of rove or rante,

IRONS (nr only.. Sl.60
Write a card for circulars telling all about them

BlasWng lltadt Easy

Baby Cairiagei, FbldiBg ud


Reclining Go-Cans.

We have a comj.Ieic line of Wash­


ing Machina, commencing at M7r.,

cm Sod uj-ihtng you wut at just

>t>o want



beautiful special,





|»iec you eu get I set of

Our juice*

0I< haw an Immtust Rsssrtmcirt

^'hy bum yoot Juitdt and

cooHniclcd loose handle Sad

And ruging right along u]. to our steel 0«ks. Tl.ese steel cooks
00 fj,e ,^0 prindpal as a range, will burn either
woml a coal, all lineil with aibatos, balancml oven <Ioor
They are Ihe most i
commence at.

K| fj

back, <iBaner nwe<t curved teat,

Welia.e a full line of the
celebratcil -Moore” range with
oven iheimometcr.
Also a
complete assomnem of the licit
steel range made, the

peojde neetl,


Over SUO st)da to leleci from.

wanning closer, and elaborately
nickled, hravy duple* grate,
will bum either wood or coal;
as bautifni a ruge as j-oo
saw. Our prices on these i
meace with one, just like cut,
high waitaing doset. large r
\-oir, all complelc, for 35.00

Less tbao 4 cents

nnr utioiui buk

Ualura In Recktr*

WE UAVK a Itaimilul line
of Ranges, with large, encased
while enamel resenuin, high


ud pr)-iP6 eye*.


Triple^xHted enamel Wala
Pail, white inside, only.. gQc

Same Range, with high warming dosei. large eitcased co|>j<er, for only...........................................................................................

paper* *re safe Irom losa


pida, white ifiMde............60c

A gooil, well made
Ruge, guaruicfd in every respect, with
high thelf. Urge, encai^ copper reservoir, for only................. 26.76


ranlu, larger

last a

lifetime, for only.................. C0e

IVith our fine, large assortment ol new Stova ud Rgngn jou can
fin<] just n-hat you wui'ai just what you wut to p*y.


exchange for yiiick

BosH, like

like cut. for only............................ ..

folly to .uffer
of the Blghi.
Blghi. Itching pile*
■ cure* quickly ami
aay ilriig More. Ee



.H), and so on right up to the

••white; I.IU "(the most perfect


washing machine madej, just like cut.

like cut,

A child ten year* old can .lo a wash­
ing with this inachme.

pothers woul.1 ask SSu for it) our



EIRS. commencing with * good tub




W-SSOaitd mso


J "P"*™ Suiu.
-.11 c “yle*. I'gh*. medium and heaiy
weighu,iim*blefortravelmg ud all tronnd wear.


MU and S40 WoThe very hudsorteri raiuofihe leaaon-ibe
«*tor« at SS8.60. $4S

The Lucky Day ^ Monday. May I6th

■uding a tewr day*
dayi with
ler, Mn. Wynkeop. cd tbU
HMoa Md *(* of Old HH-

t St a D. wmokoek oaia
M^SMH^Tene CHy

Kxtra Utj.-e enamel Wash

cm. for only................................................
A rioulile crwicil enamei

Bu. 1
BipHi 1_______
Ky taa( week.

-------1 Of the yoDu total attended
tbe dance lo tbe new hall at Keyatnne
•atorday nlgbc
Itaorse JohitMsa fau a alck borne.

We havtr a few I'eiiinsnlar Ranges that have been used a shon lime, which we took back i
Meal Ranges, that we will close out ai the following prices.

narch j>v.-r pain,
apralii*. silnga. InKani
Thotna*' Beli«dric Oil i

y uu <

bu Blood rtlnraad froa the weK
____week atte* being away nearty
yaw. Ha H qntte 111.
Mr. BaUr H on the tfefc l(n.
Several tree here atteaded a toclal
ta Tnvatu aty Friday evonlng.
Hn. John Ranaoa baa been 111 tbe
taat week.
Mn. J. WbtUey to called
tou Bay to tbe bodalde ot her motbor.
who Is alck.
Hr. Downer baa bm working at hi*
betue. Snlihtas K ln*Me.
P. Downer went to Travene
Hday. the SrK tltae ta Bve

Assorirntmt of sioct ranges ami stoves of all kiiuls that you ever saw. .md at tU»- jirice*. evVryone
sold will bring
rjoiie sotd
new customi

Th« 8tor» Th«t CIVM You Mo« Md B«rt for Your Mon«,


Oui Carpel ud Rng department, as that is where w« are
aome etoeplKmal values. The other day a dealer here :n i..wn asked
me what wa* the ose of our sdling earpeti and rw so close. It is
because weean aSord to. We bny them in large .juutilin to supply'
out three flora, u<! we can afford to sell them close.

An.lhin, jmj —, l«

Smiw Bla Sptdals
In tri|ile-coated, Ued efitried ware.


A gutruieed wringer for., . 2.28
A bench wringer, will herfd two tubs.

Dsa'l FarqK

Our prica make it aoerly at


. pr-i-n—U, k- pdm


S«ifllia IDadNat*




in^lnne. just Nke cut. lolly
itoArameed for 10 years,

dmap as tmware aad it will outwear a doten tin.



wwh m-.„

Omif %$$.oo
m uythi.^ you wan m

lett from, so yoo e

>1 at

wbn you •

to pay.

J. W.
Wholeseile and Retail^

OI«», Bin B.„

Reliable Home Furnisher

D.nuTPSss esraid; thcbsdat, hat

IMI ■ la* •■< raeelrcd asotlMR- arloai
OwTr MMm.
Uvta B. Dark d Bo>In cm* lo
w Oatmt homr d carrmtaa Cer M
d«r> 4»d r«ri 4 «B* o( ti«o for %*■
Malt ud baturr apoe llitia cMi.

Utad Mani Fraudataatty. '
laMT* tb« «raia»r Tashlao li
Caatnl Laka. Hteit. May Xl^. B.
a l« c« ^ ArUar. Tbe TobUbo BUtMt od ibla pUw vaa yaatarday ar- Daltad BUtat Manbal
•aak fa a tc* Mtaataa, alaatr-oaf ea
lad Ubaa lo Cbarlerali to
hc«n) tk« rcMrt «■« rarari. Tha kat
tbe rbarta of adag tbe
ttafelp Hataaa* Mraefc a Baaalaa bIm Ualted ........................................
aaa aaBi m ibe warn* «ar. Thtaa
baadna d bar env vara Mrad br
■olinttaa ordata for applac. Ibal ba
racrlrad maay ocdbn
laarar. i
ia ttM. Bba vaa a aaaae d
aad that ax
' IBM bai4aa aad bad aa ladleated Hied. II I
baraa ptnrar d H.7M aad
daabtMl aaaeUiy. aad ibal
apaad d II kaau. Har
Ibla ti sot tbe am dime that CaeU
San baa lakea bln la on i' "
laaa ddarb aaiefc tma aad twealr li- ehartea.
tae* «akb arm. Tfaa Teablaa bad
HapbBaaaat d iSB lou. aa ladl_. i Lake aty, May «.-P
aaliri baraapoTar d 1K.KT aad a aealaal apaad d U kaou. Har arau- France. Walab, vbo aalll a ffv w
raa ea.bler at ibo WUmo bote!
aMBl wahtad ad roar dtoeb qalekaiaad. I. aov tbe vHe of John
•ran aad alchi ddaeb qalcb eran.
atb. oee od Ohio’, vealihleet
nee. aad olatreai od a baadaoiae
na Hataan earrlad a mw d arm
rllla near SprlniSdld. (Hilo,
IH M aad Toablae abaat 440. Tba
Tbe narTiayr Tbaraday anarwa
MeaUaat ara. tbaradara. that orar
fW aM vara Bat la Iba diaaalar.
» vhleh b

m n«sf «•««■» MB c«M
For iB&nto a«»3 ChiUron.

Bears the


for Over
Thirty Years


tVbm3X«nvuis»ns .ftwririinns widLogaorSlW.




Far Siaik sigaalate of



"-'.jglifilBu. -

«).l isUW tt •!« ■•od>n,7 ^ Sd uviIdIm.

MSTORU mmimm

oiACT eapyor wiuBvcn.

:« eomn.Ul.-.- b.- w*. vl.di.-,; by a
1. Oiaii s.h.. . H-nii-l crtvllv Inter
I 1.1 vrhal the pre.J,i.-nt had to
alo-H mnrm.iTi affalrv. After a
h.v-e.,Bv.-raatl..n l're*W.rl Smith
was tnueh rniffl.-d .i I,.ring
■litr a listener.. Ml.l: "Vnu
I bdpeibir .)l«-.inrFe sill
I' i.i TO.. " Mi e..mlnly wlU.' He- vMii.r, ”I am a rewonl^ .....
Itn sriilnn ..n .lur.. I-'*- l.r.ilnlse.t
take sn.
Uinl--i has miei. ih.. Br. .'J'! Harvard too
. flora lUr.-. ■ .t.•>..raliuJ^'
. .t-ry In,
allors nl.M— sti.p
SI. In a'b.ufi.l hiiundiEK along iH'hii.'.l a i>a-..-n-li'«..i ist ........
to pos
______ __________ ,e J.din
-"'rtii off the r<«>' "f Hrlttanr _
hate t.,-1. .d-:
' -S.W. isk- ,.l .will <->siwi
!.!Sm.-B.ber Wading Hit.. Hu- bivakeis. • f,.p ,| f..r -„Jf,
'. .all.«,-lii.p..s mM dn__ _
- •
- she Ihrus .III.- -ahinsl.-,’
. rr lUamr KInt-ley.
U Tli
•It MaJ.M- J>-.l T- KJniNl. > ..I Rnf
•■•.tj, f..r .•sBlaali.Si
Vt..'whi> d>-app.arrJ S.»
I. i.iori". r. railru
Ui.v visiting r.'lolli
K.r..-.ley was snpiwr
hi-f thing- hr
o his
belh lie owns ih^
Ih^ Hii.-sl slnghs
Imrsos In' St. 1*Bnl, hut no ]lnc)lhg ai
.I■..m|.an1e':. Ids sl.-lgbiug,. the saoi
ri-a.-.n h.-lias llnl.- o-,- t.,r i-’.-iibon.

feme. Tbe Japasaae eolonB bbbI
?ol»srlih order. fnAoiap It
FlaM Day at Eaat Jordan!
er any milk (band aol properly cooled
na. Sio.ono a. a persr
IM «*BM M eaiae la loaab.vlth
Eaai Jordan, Hb^ May «L~Tbe
I any that' .bowed that It had l<eco
; Id hi. father. Oen. ttami
smy ed *tJ»M Itaialaba Hoaday.
alaioai perfect veatber broogbl
This. If i'. «ld. In-iire.
Ur*e aad Ihroag lo
Tbe taaiaa. were eatrembed I
HopUo. of Uiebicaa vb>;
tal hotplial in th.- surl.l.
mac peaMae aixty aUM veal od (air groaad. today to vllaeu the I
•l«-i.-d s “cretary-lrea.un'r of Ibe new-• Tlincna- family a year aso d
momlac'. meet ly fnnned naii<«al aaiwrlatlon of iwvl-1 rio.'K.i
Paac Hnaac Cbeac- To fire bame
record i for U
ten. .eciMiA and third rlaues. at
After ytvr. of litlgatloD ili.
ssder tbe dreanataboM voaU hare
brokeo 111 feel
Loul.. W, E. Molt of Mlchlcan.’of ihe Ii-aih of Anliiir Ihfksi
rboseti a memW of tho eT«eoHve |
g; -ri and hi. ..................... ................
Mac it 13« feel Itk iBCbe..
than SetHi. HI. will b- dlii.'.-fl
'vsi SMde ia gaad aider aad vttb
B.X!ksHl. w.< a
landed two flr.U>. vIdbIbc ihe aUnil- act'd :i, u> ibuM bl. 19 yt-or oUl
. family iorlally prOBilneoi
mat rapUliy.
Ibe tKxyard dash, a* >he wa. aurilae a two moeth.'
t. Si-wr.onandd'iri.-.
ftamir aay* Uwra vaa inaildaraMc oee aeeond a
two third., Thecrent. babe, at Beileveitna. Pa.
other ao<l j hi
follov.: Hammer Uirov. ]» babe plunged headluOR <lt
laaa aa taolb aUM dahac tbe claabaa.
R a clair-'u
. iBcbe*. Hast JordaD flroi
way and RoMnwa .boi hlmulf dead,
Ibe Onaaaek Hden haianed tbe Jap-.
wcoadi Traverse CKy, third.
fcltb ■
l»dy. Almas uiueh IMigai
e Baaka. Tbe J
isdeclde.lin liter
Shot puL 91 deet. Bait Jordaa, fiml miraruioutly the babe wav uninlured
e vas dead > il the c.ii.ris Bved
vbleb pnaanaMy a
Bad BtcoBd; CharieruU. tblad.
Jane. Ingll.. of Detroit, rpuke on
i<- dale, cMctly se ■a viar- fnet) .li,
Droad Juaip, 11 feet I iBcbu. Trav­ lb. naetildn of "laaaranre" ai thr
t. ba. reJoHed the ■
It. of bU dlsappe
erse City, Bist; Cbarlevoix. oeeimd:
a of the national aanrlatlon
acliirers at PHI.barg. and
udge l!i)l„.p from
~ obIbb blah turn,............. ....
suggestrd the organlmUm of a Biiiiiia]
eoninjiiiilcatJag with ........ -j.vtnu Jf
BaM Jordan,
In.arvnee company In whk-b merat
P.IJ. agei! WI years, In i V idanner. av.ii.le.1 Mr Hill'll
aad Ibird.
the uMclaiicn shall^^ein^ui
Hurd U Sinking his say
'ini..-r-l:y. W made fab- horn.rsi aad seeoDd; Traveraedly. third.
itlooal Meial Tivde. a.Ktclallnn.
ilr*. K<«. who Iv wealth,, apd
U»-yan] daih, bme
.liveland. uid “that KO ner eee.
for L.v phiUBthriiji.v la aSditg jioDr
Traretse City, tm and MCODd: East the KtrlliPB
into- are I
suiclt-nii . Tbe injuattioti saj eii-orv.!
r t-mphiycr. Every Ui
by her son. who asm-ns ih.t Hurd
et 10 laciiei. East
re Jr a nrike II U eiih.-r eaured by
faa> unduly ioAiienrcd Mr-, f'm i
!TOl* lied for Ant
IcMeaey in the planlr or the rotten him Urg.- sums of nrnni y atdi I
r erf Ha maBagcmenl. ” Hepdir A
irauned her fn.m b<-r r"lailv..s.
ler. of Newport, Ky., aaM he took
Hiehipan May Play Columbia.
Moek In atrlke Inauranee. ’Treat
Irleni of the Freneh n-i.ul.l'le,Vat^Jas^
New Vtwk. Hay ».-Tbe fool I
p-«ir pirn right an
,Uao Tsac
■o.-|.ie.l a lllNi a year clerkship In il
airikea." aald be.
s'nk of f'ranee..
. .. .11 be
•The auffl of »600.0(WI U to be ntUed
« with Colo
ColombU In U . city by the AfrIcBB Metbodlai P^laeopal
Sculptor Si, (IntHiem. has a.s'.-in.
utkiglvlag d r. aeeop It
. to cbiirehe* to aaaUl aged preachers aad
commUsi.m to tnod.-l a niunutne
dtaptleh dram
It the local n
religions InaUliuloas. baUd. efanretaea, of thr Ule Senaiiir M. A llsmia f-r
' IbM BlIMM rejx
eaublUh aad strengthen borne and the city od nevcUhd.
W. H. Mortey. Col.imUa’
foreign ntlrslbn* and to pay belter aalIt Is said that ITlBcifs C|,ri,..Uii.
fooi ball cooeb. wbo was |
aries to blabops aad general olBeers Princess fharloa of Denmark and UmTaka Aaa.___________ ________ _ ....
bar receotly to coosnll with CbarlM of the ehiirtb. BUbop B. W. Ameit Princess of Wales ciiiil'd .ani ili.-lr
BhM a fesM od XamlaB earahr Baird, director ot alhlellea at Mlehl- will wrile tbe blalory ot Ibe ebitrrh.
living as sleoographeri.-w.-r.
gaa. with reaard to the game, reporta
The hrotherbood of loeoiBoilvr. en.
Mlehlcaa U dealnraa of playl
aylng and gloeers In aeeafon at I»s Ang>
AiTerltaii lal-.r ‘ a— iiroiigii r
ingelw. by
mulnd^ loaasa vhIM tbe BuaAfter forty yrars of rervle.- a- -.-a-, rolciii. PariBir.j
only the coeaeal
laeal of Ibe
the gra.
r'.-r g-u arrl.e.l
ataBB- loM wai beary. laeladln* tbe
Ion of Ctare cborrli. nb lln».VIyi)
advlaera of Ibe ColombU
alombU team
tram I. lack- reoneallag Prealdent
- .l.-l X..ri> »
lag. He atyi ’be czpeelt il)la
nrgp a deeUlon by the postal Invntl- HrUbis. WIIlUlB MeKnIgbl has re­
obulaed aad
gatlBg eommhiee In the case of Third signed. Tbe ehnrrh has him a
at Doe*- del T-.rn an
A wbee Mpatoad.
of the t>
AaaUiaat Poatmasler Oenerdl E. C.
-e-klng w-.n-k. I.:n Ho•l AManbois. May XI.—A repo
few days.
Madden, wbo U an hontwarj t_____
taembnn.- nr. etifavo-av.; frn.Uy of this week will 1u- the one
ColombU .tudenti ere cl
^Bg of Ibe order, -'rolterlog him from tl
indeed and Bfiy-fourih annlv.MaBrr
loudly for the gone and vlU
auspoBse ibal bar hong over b
the birth of StepbcB Girard, 'n.e
IMWftHiy^lad from ihu place i
Ibe errai of tbe acxi gridiron
a long period.”
day will U- e.iiasiemoraied, as usual, WS-. dr^-Mo-d to <-u,si-inta
May XO ——
Net ZewUnd,
.. New
where woman sof- at Girard-coll.'gt. in PbllndelphU. Geotd train Ih.-ni lo b. d.-c.-iirn:. sal
k with tbe Japaaeoe i
a game vlib CoIumbU baa 1...
been pne- frage prevails, ibc wemira vote, as a ■val Stewtri) I.. Woodford will delh
r. IV- K.W.! of s;. i«ui> in wj-lr—hi
tleally ansaged vaa received here rule. In areordanee with Ibe views ot
ir lUpii-l- ai N’Bshvll... V.. !)■ sin
• much reJoleiBc. BvetyMie
buri«nds or hrotben, ao (bat
Ojeda, the Siianlsh
I oenei n wsa Mlehlcao’a
flag at tbe PeiksylranU
.vbleb broagbl tbe btUace
Tbe Anoricao Peace society
ly la aes• I... n-u.:. > , Klo.Hf sod tisrva.-Lv .-wt- 'utsi-aSluT'
•l PMorbbvig. May tl.-U report
her. Baatervera erldeally ston ai Boston adopted resolul
illona deiwopic
mMmB tbe Baaalaa capital today
'uib-'i'-d so'oj' *'po^lru. 1.. •»!
MlUe they can no long
ptorUg Ithe mat •
- Car
cast. deeUr- llghlrst twunli
illy agal
y York, ...
bat a Bataebmost «d Japaaeoe la ap5«_reeogaltlon ,o the t
Ing It. a
- potlej
policy of aggressloe npon ter. that the drve
laaMlac Makdea. Maaebarla.
J to whlc
which _______
nelibcr of the contesl'
» jn.-rijng
' . ^sri.-’•) .v.v t.u.-,.*u-.k-Pree.
has aay Jual cUlm; that tibe HnllOenarwl Nam. !

> loog
taalor Qnaya phyMeUa aaya be U
not aUnsed at tbe paUeal Bfeoailnned
.For «ile l.y Jas C Johnaon »iid Bugmilaer Bocaiyr baa b
hoe ft Roibnrgb
Mat at bladlToauik.:. Tbe
- ertdaer, aaya
tberetorc urged to
tbe PI
dead later wboiV
the most ppportiine moment i.,
. - .... aenieaee . It Silllvbler.
bad poaitkn
medUlloD to the bemgetaBis.
Mtaa.. prison, bai been pardoned by
tp to preraal1 ber fbBlac
KldDcy trouble preys upon the r-iisd di;
Ptvaldeai Roaaeveli.
It Id tbe Japai
fond.of tMt.OOn Cor
ellgibie murages and leans amUtJen: ben i.vigri
York. He is worth



SlM^, Akk., Oct 14, 1903.
. H. E. Bpcklck ft Co., .
Cmicaco,Geatlemen:—I take pleainre in lUtiag to you that I had liuig trouble '
for two >’ears. It confioej me to my bed lor four weeks.
I look three bottlea of
Dr. King's New Ltiscovery for Consumption and it cured me,' I have oot
pain ia my lungs ainee.
1 heartily recommend it for all I.ung Troubles.
J. \V. Johnson.

tbe oesaloa
o Sail Lake Clly a
orer a year afo.
Mr. MeOnib-f iBieatloB va<
ipead bat a day la Balt Lake
vrre «hanc<d. A anile
tbe edoeailoB of a natlre mloi.try
a pleaaant word tma tbe baadoreicn mluion BeJda I. In bir raUed | diirina ablrh " rui .lep-, i:|i ili,- >I<U
e ymtac vonae brtlad tbe tub
»j! a mnnKies appninti-d ai Ibo Bap * aiifa a ■harp .uine.
aier were ivapoaMblc. For ilx
tlsl^analrerurlef enpveniloe la Oere ,
)liK-<tura«i-d h.v Ihelr- lualnin.v in
lib. Ibcre hare beea ataiiy leilen.
•e ,;ilfiel.-Ll rand), for |lu-lr pruiert
n Mop tbe ule at ail milk la Nev ,i-f! ne. hoepluil hulldins. uu lb- •■vt
aacerly •( Ibe aeva naad.' Sereral
k that U not abaolately uore. In |i4 reauunrlng IlS.Ooo In .nmdiilunal
wivk. Bco came oae a.khl Ul«
peetoni fmin tbe 'lmlth •
the board of dlrf^ior. -of
Wakfa in oome at oace.

it H lediwO IhM thr Uur« day rf Jaae.
A p IBN, u M uekwk M tOr hewMws. at

The Kind You Have
Always Bought



>r 1
Nev Chvaas. May It.—Tbe A«aaaae Beet vw etgbied tea nUaa bottb
ad lUl Cbov today. Tba Japaaese
- trmpa bar# suvebad aeraral nllef tataad ften Kal Cbov. daatroylac door
•na. ad tbe ralirnad aad esplahac a


Tit CHE TlirS Slit
For all OiaMBM of Throat and LwngB. Tho
Curo that's Doubly Guarsntosd: PIrvt by
th« PropHotors arwJ sooond' by tho Druralst

___ ___________...«ri.

151. 1




; Backache sFS:;'' If


; JT.VITUSmEn;';,-"r^bSi‘?

Women as Well as Men
Are Made Miserable by
Kidney Trouble.

City. May M.—Tbe Boyae
d d trade baa paatod a reaothat
It Ibe Hllape
Hllape abooM bead ItAter,tUW^tiw
a pMlilcmed tbe ellMl to boM aa eleetkn Ibr
•M WeaMt U Cbk
WB. May XI.—An «
----------- 1 Into B troaer car
bM atreoi sad Mlraad avMse


>* eeespaatt ad tbe
troOty vme soatly varttmia galag to
Tbe lajiuvd a»:
MoMm. Cbartes R. Hrde aad Praak

mdgy evtalag a VMkb
* wat imeaed U the BvedUh
• ebsreb ef UiU etly. three
................... , Carl Ha--------

maaat MaoUtee U beUg ireMad
amUa of tertrali or mliakiat. bm
orery Me od tbe flfteeo demimlB
•VdUg to bare aerrlcaa b.


Just Sh yean old,
___________ _____

IP—the right age- Mr. Smith reemilyj
bought.the Mliitney manthw and hi-:
-UI activities have Nwe Bollceahl'
reased. This gives rise
chill IS te ' -rt
S.S ' IDS -'W.VS'T—— tedvithvr;, l.ij.
■on ibat be Is about
> have bad .
neys. lltheeiiilJatiam engaged abom iweni;
rnly limes IB I
ates !S9 cfir- :l .lis
<• Uai year, but ih. slIcBl man ol I arine scalds the flesh or il. wh-n y-ch:l:
Illlons—the richest
scbelor In tbe | 'eaehes en sge wrhen it rhcLld be ib!« le
world—has alwavt ere g.Nl UBicatbediewffO* «be pssssge. Hts yetsfr.;.;::: -vl!h
'bed-wetimg. evpead uperi ii. ih.e --.-es ©I
tbe dlllicuhy Is kida^ tteable, shif..*r

r. ™.ii’!



_ In PaUad It tbe Mrfy
----------- - Qvata AtesaadrU baa d«dBtd aai to attaM the aaalTertarr
MMM oa Hay H. tbe day oa vbleb
fttpla dM. Tbe avaeo tears her
SI tbe eancMt might be

ared his IroBi drownie
f tbe care-tn were at a
egreea and SabnTM wi

and true.


for sixty yean.

Ashing trip
^.u.•,l ti.-arly
■d prop
le whies :
icof Si>

i-r,awSe oa.
•Bd sUre ,w


u ImvT h

<«N A U«A)raBB.
- '’r-.t.


a. Y„ oa every bonk

If Yolf Suffer



. _ , take the
Shength-Givef, J«yae*« Tcmc Vaeflhs*.

Penetrates as uo outer Hniihc.c con penetrate.
Sinks right Into the fevered skin and takes out
pain. Good for everything that walks.




................... I

Smoc CO.. BiWklam.


. TrM fur Pne^wu MfW .-s ________ _
• ?-rSu.“„u. Pr.,..,, ^ J , J



Prices S2.50. S3.00 and S3.50.


ictens' : .
u-rcu; ■
iiis,. IP




>il f-r
^jar-t. Cures
hurts und pains anywhere in the
body or on the surface.

I., iLr


"S! JSbXJK',

Shjdock was the nun who
wanted a pound of human
flesh. Thm are: many
Shylocks now, the convales­
cent, the coosupiptive. the
sickly child, the pale youi^
woman, all want human flesh sire many times over. He Is proud of • Womea as wafl as men are mvw r-lthat be has ■been a spocuUtor.; arable wsb kidney ar.i* bUddtr ir-nbie
and they can get 'it—take the fart
ils life and cgofldently predicts : aad both need the
be will bo in the harness when be The mild aad the Immed’re ellVrt ef.
Scott’s Emulsion.
les the centary nark.' Russell i iwamp RnntUao m realised. It is sold
. old and fooKe, did ni« make h» . hy^ druggbta.
Scott’s Emulsion fs flesh
and Wood, bone and muscle.! ty^t^ yoars afi^! WV^l'oy’ud'bi“p ^“ou~,. haveii^^
The vciemp l, oonmwied ■
tai'lv fcy mail^^^S
It feeds the rien.'cs. strengthens operating.
•rltbanaav rnpeems Idg in ih.. flnau free. ^ pmophtetieli- a—i
, mg aU about It. iiviluilmg raat.v d me
the digestiTC organs ind they, cUI world
Stman a Anihonv and her sIm ••
tesii-aoelal l-'i-rs rtc'i.-vj
feed the whole b^y. i .
Mary have ».|,ed for (ieraiany i„ ...
tend th.- Inu-ruTlonal Wrwnan’s ConnN. Y- be awe aad
For nearly thirty j-ean
, Don’t iruKe B--fy mUuke. but
Scott’s Emulsion has been Ae
1. Sw-air.p-Reoi. Or.
great giver^ human flesh.
-JOt.aadlhewd Jresa, Bl

Wing thr end of . M.


f&epit in your house.
Keep It in your shop.
Keep it in your office.
J^P it at your stables.
Ke^ ft at your car beroh

MexieJSan Mustang Liniment



w «M» « f* ,,» •


~ CP ttUro TRiVBMI HlEAII^ ISCMias; lUT H U*!

a. M.K.C. MTIS.CaiTM.


ttc efevrrr xm*.

VMM gtMlax tm Ihe kOBfk.
: m* tkttiiw t>M gr gtfodik.
WHMU tkt cvdm aovt—
•W Car lh» iikcr er tbe atfd

ne Mlimali tua udv
«k. «tet • Boefcarr 1* Uf»!—
TW awrt »?»*»«'» a*«7 priBT.
' A* MfOX dan of autb ud Or.

} dear frtead aacallr (ten i
Thli laritaifaB la a aisaal for each
aw to Mac a pretty leacaa tad raosr. Thee aaoe other friead plvn
ulbar tea. lartlioc a!) at the caaaU
I bnor chloa. or Uaeo. or Ulchee
MalU 7ht> kiad N Ihtar haa bm
oocw for too or throe yeatk. aad
bai cnma aad crooa Uhr -brtdce.*
lUI BO* ti baa rearbed aoeh dlaim»bo dor* DM -cM'oacaced- vcbden M abe »H1 have emiiioh mjoer
o bey etee the sla^ilert of treu*-

Oa^jooBC veaua «ho
' Uxad dB( vtikla Uw laiialU vood<
iTWT Bpare^otlar. aad i
TW pnlM cbota- of tW tMi.
M «M for BM tbMr nerry aatft.
oeU aot i|i^ III..... ...
imay day«
Or UoDBlag of Ibe lrc«aiaed benelf to an eetlmablc bm poor
^ <rw mad of carpet boallap coaiec
BMW Ib ee erery bmoe;
Tbli vac. of eoerre. a
Ami t Boat braih the cobeeW dcnra. alsaal for ber dear aait InU'-tolr
Aad Nr the baay bitnai.
Mead* aad retatlow, both niarricd
AWt Rmt acalatt the tarfclat BwHh. aad alaclr. to besia to pUa for <ba
With heajOw an the rota!
P.* TMi lahOae ef eartt and air.
The Bweet oHac'* (aeertte prlM,
catherict of
dowatall called a 1ttti:be4 sbooer."
Why iB It that U htlaci ft M.
waslblc yoaas womaa re­
Aha. >ho<ueelMBlw tiaier
filled to rcoelie aay Boreldouaikoi*.
Bb* UrtlBstcd. -however, that *r>acOBe Micht cire her a slMrer that
• Whaterer roe ptaaeh.
wo«M aot only be of pai,bRU«t
• Whatever yog laact.
brnelt. but do tax epa b^ friends.
Whatever roe door aat.
TbU was 10 be the recipe i^wrr It
. eiaal fcMp a Bnlle
^ • Ob roar face the «Ule,ta aeodlcks to sty that U ni cI*m.
^ •
rar that b the beuer «ar
aad II proved aot aly the nost amuelac. bat the aust acmptshlc shower
£ *WlMB the oar ■* loos.
Ihst ever feU wu a bride, aad opoc
K •
And a laa^ «be athe load i
this arttcnlar bride eq»c(any. as sbe
■>r •
K. • A Ptardy heart
tadepeadml of tb«
: * Trtm the verr atari.

Happy Bias! she
And a wni that Borka at fate. •
. •
COtac to becta by doletrher iows weak,
sad sbe know* how, not by car. as her
iBMlier did, b«l by^ actual study ta
dKOI and cedtase.

jhMwd tm emitr’i ttut

mma be a raaiBer by aad by 1a spite
ed the iaOeant May of 1M4—It li
. abt yet too Ute to bU* ptant for a

There ie cap okchoB a half capfal Id
of nor. oar cf Bilk, thrar «( toar
aad too eSKL bat baked la cm. with
a ignrc of riOea oa the apat ad cafe
If I Were Vaa.
Of eoerae ckete ome aa am
tttiie ^oot to vUe* H raw. AM If 1 UUle CM caaM b*.
cbeaie for the aftereoen. fern
'~Ona. too. throe, fear* *■>« one canWen-toB Hko joa.
fal of boter. lao af aoar. tbrao osa With Hp* a* rear. ebaWra fair.
M door. oKh aa BtBh eye* af btw aad aUala hair.
vere larttad to «d late tba dla- omat^ capdal ed allk. aad baked la
WhM do yea
rd do?
Oto. tioa wblrh the taUa had
Ut abort, afterward* epiti
1 wear m brtcM aad ewaat a ealh
bom roBoved ta
------- lb* aateratad wlih haHoened cor- Td be ao tortac all the whDe.
aboai the rooB. The ,
rd be ae hHpfel wkh.ay a-oa
brtdeeleci «a* straa a larpe b^ of .
, n,rprt.e to .the eater. BrM
So aalek aad ceatle to tyoaBtad.
I to da-tod. Mali are the eo«areookte*atodefroB
B Booa weoM a*o
It asala. A* a capfal of batter, two eopfal* od b«Thai everTeae woald i-ra to ay:
'«'■ ;*r. foor teaipaoaralB of Bilk wiih a
' coed to iMpl ilui chUd to^.‘
OTitlea ibr icMpooafBl of baUiic powder. Ire Te*. yen. By bird, ihtr* what rd do
J mpduli
Tb. Arot oar read that the oldect
iboto will be rolled ihia aad baked
aunieu wumaa prekcnl eboald Wl a
with caraway Or. If 1 ekaaeed to he a bey .
eoBceralBc her own woddlap
■ e BOBe I kaew:
be etotaaeb-*
Thee two Mbrr* were ezprned
inib crisp carl* tparkUac ta Ibe cap.
Ctve and coea* a perfeetly w» -nm<>thy: the rM will be'ca'la Aad eye* .11 baaatBK brtthi with
OBcadrtiB. ABOtber brisbl woiaaa '



the hook ended vttb a
ealM cafe Wale.

The hostess of ibis parltcnlar oi>
istaa. when seadlac out tbc tarUtttans, taclosed a sheet of note: paper
witb the reqocBt that two sood recipe*,
both tried and me. sbonld be aeatly
WTMleB therooB aad Ue ssoe brooebt
> the Ib to shower upa the bride.

-ho wrote lor pBbUcl.«wwMkeI


„; r,:.

« nUI ..m

I, .b. n». ™
dolag her owe panlcu-stoat. - The bride's paper was
r the ead. aad it was a reeues!
that s!.r sboBid stand up before all of
the «un,p*hy and ay whom she loved
the Best tc ujl the world. After this
orda! was omr the returned to her
bull SSd Buwouud BBtil S



-. .1. .1. '

good fruit That ta me eaa one algfei behold
• -aaaghiy | A bero-es ta days of <M.

TwouM be a toy
To bear one. lookiag at me. sayr

•pete aad ttataa.

-Hy ebeet aad eoaton all the day.”
Tes. if I were a boy. I know

good way to restsre while niik ar


blnpoonri l of amawnta water and a



spoil wlih age. but are tost as
Kond whm a maib or Bcwe old
whm oew. But we aball get aucht
after a iii.Ip, Jfan»b,„ ,b,

■k.. 4.-.I : ^

; »<*<1 » ll"lr iDore btaelnir to Ibe water
■hi. ^ t'"lly restored. Haag
^ I ta tbc ‘bade to dry ortlaJly. aad

------------------------t* Flaw Pn


' uJor rnisll
j rraltBd 1 was asick BISS. Tbrd,<lorsdoBd me lu IbHr bvari'. vonivot.
Thee fur

dem will not take space today by
I Barb lalkiBg. The ihtags j

be reinoTed wfth

Xicbeams can aay are thiBgs

: •’robot.
taieresi tho, she OB. So talk .war
. Kertto do will take; Icon rust aad !'“lie OB.-*, aud bleas ya nii
] trull siaiu* frain alBosI erery Usd of I

id one teacup raisla.


r' ’■

Pe-nm CruUnt •


SenatlM tn tlK Cure if

ChrMic AUiBcnth if
The KMneyg.




between two cruata. jbas touched them.


»T.UVy Will take
Iste fruit sialas. A
jlook entirely ntlnsd
; ...ta. on It. bu. ,f
:oa the

»' r^w^Ta’^m.l '

lilUe faiUM^t, but sTM-^

-„“s:i..rx‘r;L,r r .r,.:

™i .”".;r«.:s.T.'nSi


b Id pepper and sage i
of a leaspDoa «f allaplce
Mix ibnreikKbiy aad add two
well baala eggs aad moM tain a loaf.
Raketo a slow otaa two bars. Add

,es are Jm-k Mag. ChrU
Glogefbrad Wlibou, Eaa.-


Fritz i, mj

One cup each of sour milk, sugar Ud

white and.
■«•» '

, riimamon. ginger ud soda: me-faalf

** “terJy all gone



to, TOp,.„M, to, toUto
Htot to. PI., to
ito, ..toito rato. to,,

“A few riaaa. a ha or wiadow
aug» wiu * Dttl* oH. ! rt~.y ut
Th'* youag Infant should hare at !'
mad With btaomtag ptanu. . hmu(bletoot. iha bt (I stand ta a c.
Ml*, bright ptnow*. a ebter or two. I^ Uatll CBI, toy.
rwiar Iniervals tbu son of food that
double petoBHMy a eenee If tbe apare b salfuraUhes tbe trotrsi aouTlthmat ta
Terbeaafff astors ud
ireere u add oa put ef whipped to* smaliesi
iUlleta Th* paluon 1
Pitted la the pl*re of the
•!« w. bara •Mm ad taroriag. i
••• whkh win be a aooree of eatorbody MIOIIH be chaaged froat ;
of bloomlag
serve It wiu » thick amp saaee^’
»•« to the family an aateBar. aad to
(tme to time to reller* taascular in- !”*
*“ **•' •Mayer uaUI taic
WIU rich fnau^
the wnarby a bright Ht of teotaM
•lou. They slio feel very keaiy *a-''•" '•“* *»“er ta a mass et
Tbejan teg. was a wok of tagauwhich wiu
ailou ut toiiut. Ud a apocmtnl of '
They get ptaety of light ud

Anu Tagie
Minnie rcev-ived
Phe Is veryteitielr

■blDk this X<^


be glad wtaa spring come* so I cu
pick fluwen. I hope we wHI have a
nice stnamer. I was to Ronday srbool
today aad fast p.i bark
Welt, thta

Keswick. April SI. 1M(
Dear Ediior-I will now write to yoc
again and teil yoa that 1 saw a May
•ower today. It wa* the first one I
•aw tota, yev
It Is grettog aprtag
now. lor tb* watber I* sobm wi

•d SI uy ever sea.
foTBM ig IHI you that I

. J.,

•rt la blooa. for they are u
•BelUag. We alwaya go ptakiBf la toe targe itramp.. i kgre aeu
Ifcra mtake. thta aprig* ud koirt
two Our acbool wa o« today



tore rebbta, with a dry


I'lejM- read ore a etnl


I ripe the dItoM ter

Dear Mr*. Bate, -1 ibvnghi I w'nnld

rrll. a few line* t„ you. ^ am gulag!
1 gua. I ullt c
I defy day. I like my toeb- ‘•'i^*-- *•> a‘*»l-bye Pna
er*vt-ry we1l

Hl> name ta Mr Mtrria.

AHce HorgSB.

down at tb* Traverse fyiy, Rnat.- 1, April IP, INN
Join Ibe RuBliar Pivsideni—As it hu bree a
shlae tIbIj. ud my stale*- woulil too
bias llBe store 1 wmir. I «i(R do sii
Pleaae send o* a curd and baiinn. Hy
H‘e have ibree more dar* la
rister-. Mine Is Katie K.dsrfk ud my
Whm.l ud we are git'Bg to play aU
naim- ta IJzrie KoIariL. I wBI rbwe
the la>, .lav snd me are gntag to have
brier In print
Hy l.*ter ta kind
of long. Bi. gnodliy.i
Ttair friend.

Urzle Kolarlk.

Travera- f4ty, Mich.. R. p. |> Ko. *

a g»id llm- I am to the third grade
and am going in pass I like my i*arb
-r Tv-ry »el!
.We are diawtog plctnra and *v rtdor ibem. TTv^v were
r-myda-n achtdar* ta seheOL
Prom your Ihtb- Buashtecr.

April SI, IMI.

«Ma MrHuof.

Ibwr Mrs. Bales-As It has . been ‘ Tavern City. Boure I, April ». IPM.
wne lime rluce I bare writieo, I will ’
Dar ^-sideai—As U has been a
doso uetay I received the card aad b/ag cIb- slaa I wrote before. I
button u-I thack you vjry much f-w ttaeicki I would write a few line* aad
•iBiw.I bt-ssn Ibis 'rireek, i.-!- y.,i, how I am g.-tiiag abiag. I —
My ie*rii.-f-. name h Mis« Blnrib *
How are you?
her very muth
The bir-ta a
Tp have
Itog I Imve «-<-a a robin atwl mat
'«■ day of aduml gad I
•tber birds that I ren'i nam<i I bat
d to ihe fourth code u]
■rand s<di.e Haytlotvv btirfr I am g
* gr.Boiion ewd.
Rudolph Duffrk

Weil, as my leiinr Is ge'-j
..i._ :I
-be-: Iraptag

R®«c 1 April IP. |M«.
tear IT.-sIdent—As it kgs bea a

Msy liLush
•'*" * -WriHe goo. I wlU do
- todsy. and tell you bow Fb getiiag
MayfleM. Mich , April Si .. .
!sbmg In sebool. Tberv are oaly.two
Dear Mrs. Itan-r I am gotog m . arari- days of sclMxd. We are aot go
rite to y.ei tof.irtii ItMaknyrer-l lac I., luiv.. , progrem. We are not

l-l-a«.toi nith II snd wUI keep H. | wash
ud >se.-f. It,,, tint ft>r

g'doK I/, have school Friday. I wtU
IBP. to Ibe f.eirib grade. Gond-bye.
Kr,mi y.„ir h,ving n,,,.. Huatotoer.

I sm going to rebool pretty

tot of thea.

The ir« I h*v»

tblsyar I thlak tou they .re
pretty. 1 Uke to read th* BagAine

For rets aol ata*. scau 'tow tree.

|«»M very muto. Fbr pete I hae. g
•Bh. a calf and aeoa heaa. i do not

V# chM» ggd .a th. IBBML

- “ Tt=L~.L .-V- ■ -.»

.Ikatrlre HcMua.


ta*. 1 hare aever wrtlien to the Her
aid and «« I ibooghi I would wriie
it. I gm-M (his »torni will be hard oa
every l.ird. | go to school now. i will

BUS AIttau.

Saadwirbe. of good, sweet brad.
Wib Bice butter thickly spread.


repottog toe openiiaa If Meoamr.

ilae dab

J3.00 to $5.00 Monlhlj
Our rt-aUng busiaesv la ao eisaSire that we arc warvutod la carrytag a SPECIAI. RENTING ETOCK. Ip
.b..v H-.. 1.

toe dlaoer pall up good,
I Ftor the cboppen to toe wood-

<yt dree, to^ M«mid u very simple !
It sboBM '

M*.rd. ld. Mich, April SI 1PM
Dear Mr>. Bales-.l| *n dning in
I W.HIU Uke to Pita the Bu-

Margaref ttwirds

, cm* Pi.T, Mlrti . April SI. I»«t.


thu It bu bea. The now la aoriy
all gone. | will b* glad wba Ihe u-


Frem your gunsihiMW.
Age II.

ir friend.


0,0^ „„

ta Hamrri Rpraam. We have Si
seholan in seti<*>l l.idst
{ gurev 1
• iil'c.Mto- m> b-ti-v DOW. 1 am lo


• ooreriag uf butter or salt pork, diw
It WUI be land very dry atlng.

w>e 1 am 1a Ibe third grade, t Hke
. go to srhoed. I ww sum.- Mayflwwr„ thta week. I rar’i writ.- laiwh lo
Ighi . I will ay.good-bye.

My taurtcT ta very ktad to me. Hta
aaic w «r. Hartlu
Hy schoolmate

dohnny-Jompfp wu, yellow I sn>

Paasylrals ;

grow, raavaat.
A kml dike rMpe ahowed a miriog
•oTwieg freer*, aUtoe heap*, anything bowl and spoon, aad a charlotte-reaae
. *».,«■»** ta contact with; the ahab- was senwd ta a pretty glau dish. An
Weel appori setl.Be. it end In a abort apple Huce take appreled to me. Wx
tltae nothtag hot liseU Is vlalble. lu
»e cup of apple auce a* aad
•rtefcly fruit, following a protaton Of
eatoWbrownaagar. halfacqp
White bloom, b oreamaiBl thu otb- of butter, one Uaapoa each of soda.
.................. V* '
•rwbe. TbUe aa nnaal. it wwvi etaBaama sad clovte aad. a* whole late; thai while It rcaiata* ta toe'i
Easier Ooweru that will bkwsoa
cbryalts stvte •, ,boald war never i
----------------------------•wwi hartf. and aprlags up <d lu .
egg. with the yont of another; Stir ta
ud Mayflower* that wiU be to bios
tore* garm-rets at a Um* '
* «tee*i itom
MBord orly la the aeaaa.
som soon
I gM ay cart ud button
■ 1“' » -UW P.1 Tu
aeitoer gathers nor buds t ■* »di nf shelve* built ll
■After haring a more or lou
fl„„ .a,
a step, ud I thtok IBS of it. ud I bare a*
*“PPF 'da of
toalve exparience with thta
«l ,hJi. v
f« ito bptt ud u itb as few fancmag* a* possl- '
wonat sister aad two brothers that would
Wv. to that they may he slipped oa i*'®
riot 1 woBM roommad them 1. the
like to }«dn Ibr Sunabtoe club. I wm
ud off with th* graiest ease, toe i^“
canb............... ..

order 0BB«d: any ae of thea wiu-Wa their uma Leas. Hatale
*»< Btapb pndeettoc frea the
aaslaitm length betag thirty lacbe*. l*’'^
'•’* •belve*. ud the box- „d Baale The*
y would write too,
aad prove an auraeuve adjunct
•ad no, on* aa» next iu debcat*
*■«« tetaied grey. Tha bu, ,hey hare ao tli
10 time to WTlie. aad if
te-e 41 ptaated near a porch or
u would please tend them carta ud

IJ t,

sodi Iat
to mend. I k- pi
Uklog it for fir* nM»th> )--(->re I w s,
completely csted- .1 feci Dow t:,si I
life to Pereas snd will nv«. r
Emte(Bl.''-Thoma. M.
ft. L. itarlv. NBpprUb-adMrt <-f
Strrelii,TM-kw.armv. ri._ write:
■ 1 Iwlicrvr in IVruua.
bu le-n of |>rsciics]
beaedt t-aeamiwr of it>v mn - mpto.roi in UwStrv i I'lcunini: l>vpsrt.
Dtcat la tbv rtjy .d Jaek-m.illc.
Thvy are vcjireislly es,<w<cl b> tbv
taclrmravT «f the w<-*ili"-r and *
Bumlivr wboesugbt cold.«l.lm Isirr
dvvvbipcd into pDcBBonta. Lldn-j or,
liter truBldr. were cnml tbr-Bxli Ihrd
use uf Pvrno».“-H. L. Ksrlc. ftopcrin-

Tied lb PrOBa-ll. i'laai-i.Graad vpetu
loose, llulNpring*- Ark.. wtUb:,
•*Twu year, ago icsBiv to llul Hpriag*
school erery day Hy teacher-.
a take ll.o Ulh* and be Ualcd for
OB, a. It obatlnMtas Smllh. I like
her very
chlld a
.. . bladder aad kidney trootdr. After
by tbe dark berrr , —vu. HyItndiei are arilbmetic. tan-1 »|>eBdiag «w., roaaih* hereuuder
’ eareof one of the al—t prumtacni ,,!.ywto.kyTpo^;:^ wage. Busic. geography.
radlag aall spelling | h*re aty ard ■
. I hsd
tatweec two eruau. Tbe-cracker pre-ilng it taio
I will (.
Teats tbe lulee niaatag ouL
tn* gr«d as
my house f ,u I aoitord a markwl
Stir 1a two cupfata pf rather Saely ;
-nty were oo* Is blooa *bm I got i Thra bouM eatlrely eared me. 1.
|taem. but ih.-y are bow. I wll! aead cbrerfuIlyTreoiujavadPeroastoany.
chopped rhabarb, a cupful of
Owst Cloths.
jlheai to you
l.wlllbe « year* old' sMtatad e. I wa..-->r.-d It. to-no.ll.
ter - the toih uf April. TW. Is all for this’
Tboma H. Hicks, lUl laib Wt., lot
of. Ilae.
etlle.Ky^WTliesa -beaUL egg aad arrange ta a pie- l-i,,,•Segbvt Irregular haUis aad
riolhs heroar an euseaUal
ir yiMi do Dot derive prnmpland -stu
Frda yo,.r,jwiag Seaabtae gW..
pUte -lit two crufta. the ova i
M'riuni kldavy rsTl<ir> IvsnlU frem II,v u~- <d I'wtins
be hot at Bfst that the e
btadder trouble. My bhud seomd write st uac* to tit, dartmsn, gitiug »
Pearl A. Hallell.
Ke*wlck. Hlch, April 13. I»W.
near Hr. Bates-] would like i
glad that spring ha come,
lie to thu tusu Wednesdsy I goloscbal.
pie« of outier and sc._________ _

A hateag cupful chopped rhabarh.
B cupful augur, a eraaer rolled flae.
a UtUe ruled leraa rtad, a pleee of
butter half tbe site of an egg;' bake


(fce WIM eaeamber. It b plebtaa.
fc* sure. »Bt twee the leta agatefab


Ab. If I cMld be an,



ftae chaded porch, wbicb-wba Iberr
Ip a oBBer-Adds reach to the eoiaSwl aad hake at the hnblept hcoe
Tb* hoatea then prepared the cor•me of the BMat eVeettre Tiaee an
r for all thea Jares, whkh. of
tba BQSt coBBaB. may by thoae who
courae. were all of ualfom site. Tib
Itaa ta the cointry cu afla be ot>cover ww-two shan at whiic eeUn(ktaad ter the mere ti«b1e of traneb mUe larger tbaa the ibeeu of
VtahUad. A writer tai Ibe mehlcan
paper. .Cpa the boil eorer she drew
•hTBer deaerltiB tbOB'thae:
B shower ta lok stanttag from a Copid
•Who' welhkeawD Vlrslnta ereepoK
ta the ri^l haad npper ecner
dP waadblar. with its aTnCpcered
tag a steiMog turkey apoa a pUtter
Fjnea ta dbuiaciitih It tron the polto a scren ta the left
birds slog so swrlly
■o the Herald. I go i
T.- dea try, which bu bet three. Bike*
. Rhubarb pte: i:
eloslag tlMM words under the picture
all pu:
about gone here now. I am having
' yldorom sad hardy growth which re, can> afford to Indulge ta them Herieo ' “'*"' "-"'f '■"•ry day. W*
f a cook sure. -Thx e
try. U bosl the day it U made
Mullary underwrer do toager «t I'*""™**
geogruphy and we ba.M.- ■ be whooping fimgh nuw. My little
M ao protMtioo dBitas wtdtar.
arm iwoposUloci. nuty it agree with
Pee! the rhebarh. epf it ta short
ler Ic It lafeeled with laseel (oea
for active -aerrice- rea be made iota
“‘•day. boi I- mtaae^lL (ousliu Harry and Harx-I and baby
pieces'aad wah ta cold wuer. Place
K *iU aoed eepporl odiy catll the
the be*, kind nf dust cloths. They
*«‘biBetlc. RaymoDd have fh* srurbi /ever. 1
The am page, brougtat
a elerer * Quart of riinbarb in *n earthea w
laaguage, g.-,«rephy, pniBtashlp and hare grxtd flmcs p
; toMahaoUananaebad; aflB that It
oeag womsi. psaed -Josle,”
a care of lurir; iu folUwe ta ao
talned e refipe for oooktas. Osaked oo
------ » w to bid dcfUaec to the hottest
■id* with a sketch of a saall girl
• bin. After the aarty frosts tb* tare*
■tasdtag op the ta o! a clmlr heck to
m a hrnitaBt eriBsea. or tahe
roach the eoc*y lar oe a bub paatry moderately hot oven or upa the back I ^
■ adoBy BeulUc haa.
bare an excelleal means
shelf, and OB the other side was this
Ihv tang*; cook slowly three or
-Aaother slac of rtcoroai bsbk p
IctaaBiag the celling aad waHs of your
“OiUdra oy
T bar*, at the ad of which tb*
•ted Ctoatb li the wild elenatta.
of Ibe “wall
tor thno.” Cuderaeath this «u
rhubarb wlH be of a flue browu cnlof
adding to lu daely cot. dtetaate folIpe for • “Wahtog PluM.* a oae end will possess a rich Savor that •ell at a high price, bui from a ptBCtI. tape this pleat has bactitii] blotaoa
cable polDl of view they are aot parly
which was a bottle marked could no; have bea Wduced if It had
^' temri. falheqr white aad trmermet
as desirable as yar ordlaary bruom
■ aad oa the other Tor Blue been ■tooked ta half aa hour. TW*
provided with a bag A drew-siriag ta
Maday.sauce may he made Into pics the same
^pwwp wIM alone tenec* or Ip thtckeu
la the top of Ibe l«g. then fa*
Thta It the redpe for Jeule't cook*on.e future time, or It may
nusUri-etMr.adHre g
d« hohe* aad tredaeatly auy hr twad
leoed around Ibe handle of the brnm :
a: Cram oe cup of abntratag be used as a dosert or relish, ffba
Mm proa* opOB the srooad. erowlac
with oae aad thro^uattBu eapa of
pie b desired, spread the rhubarb
I *
Pried PoUtocs.
aid Meaagitaf lubrlaatly with ao
tight brown lugar, add oe* cup of bow
a crust, ud ilecorate It m lop with
■apert nalrver; yM art where lu
To have Fracb fried
milk. 1a which there ta oae teaapoa creased strips of pie paste or with.
tetot«-s , ads iDd to LoDda ad Enghod. 1
l,--nB U nrinaa
teadrflf eaa clasp a wire aetttac. or
UP eflto „to „to,|
a little on and two
d*M a HTtac. U daiekly ahowi what
- Sunshlae boT i ■
*v»H-.-Mlch, April S«. I»l.
Mix. adOag aough
it OB do ta the ellotalBS bestaeu.
ard tod^utta i
Ratc-f .hoegh. I wobU
Buke a thick batter.
. 'Who dace aot admire the heaallfBl
! pieces. Let stBDd In
' tbia pad apnad htof
loag ID tbe Sun‘
<0 be a
pate ctMB of the eoBBnoB hop?
joue hour. I^n them well aad dry
of U with one pottod of teta whieb
shlae club Hy teacher U Miss Ms•"
•'•nd me a rerj
•MB ahaded with thaw ylpea i
hare bea stoMd aad maabed to a
rikte PHmau
1 am S yarn of asc •“* ‘■“Hon I go to sch.«l ereiV day
leMl war to prepare rtubarb
.;Mati a cool and dttnctlre appearthe

PUUL Cover with the other half of
think, is tn peel and en, rhu­
-aaea. The ^loais cone from
lakea that the tat doe* not boll over.
I* t.-ry kind to me.
barb ta small piece* and tatter over
Fred Zimmeniia.
’ifatea every year aad very liuta
Cook tea ratauin ud drata upon
am ta the third grude. WVIl. as I
attgar. Cut tato taney thapea. Bake ta
as much angar as you dnire to ,
R F. D. So 1. Kingsley. April !i. Ibftt
aagpiiry by way of iralalBC and
moderate ova.
eanaoi think of any more, I will havsweeia tad lave ll
It nalU tor
t>r y
Dear Mrs. Daies-t wlU Just write a to stop. «> giKMi-brr.
two dozen pieces j
diiMlve*. •ntoBponroBllQlg: bring
A Rcipe Ikir naoe
I few Una now. while 1 have lime, be­
» -Tba thrar U the yartocpied or
a be rooked at one ^Ime.
Pr.>iB >..ur Stissbfn<-r.
to a boll ad drop in rhubarb. Tbb
~ laese hop; oeh Iped bar* ■ decoratod with a Jam pot 4nd a dear
cause 1 have aid I would write uS
les .<W«plure.
elves TO uthe rhubarb whole, lea waflttie
other letter sooa
But It was a loag
«y apliBh. Boro er lea extended,
' wpaa and upooa as hlg,fU himself. iciy and of a rich flavor.
C«Ur, Hleh . April IT. 1*A(.
lime stare I wrote last. I did BOI
■tateed with croa. lahabttltta
One cop of butter, oae eup ,
gneeDost Aunt Patty—I r-eelvcd my
w Bw (he bop of oBBercc. except that
anything - --------- •
: creamed, one cup irf Bolasses one cud iblak of -------------—i
IbaabMdthoC this ptaMcoB eatiroir fuU.v gareltlKid with a sheaf of growWhett eoy Coma
of sour cram iw tour milk, two ,a i
“o' ^
spoons of soda dissolved IB a littl* hot
O®’’ »ri«bbor. Ha '
redpe for veal taat eopaded good . The first duly the p
teta Ttao srtpwlac aroaad bnudi hap*
•ater. ooe-balf tospooa of alt. two ’ ’‘““P'’'"'- •*•* “oved away.
I, am;
to het oSatetag H a elan,
xt Friday I fnun-l
aid nibhtah pile* at a dtaiaaee fna enough to prlBL Chop fled three aad
leapnoD* of gfager. oae leapooa of '
half pounds of aneoohej real, add ' siroag cheerful ud coatraied mind„,
• haUialloB. bat the roou had probton IV,.to .itoto.n“■ was a Haye»w.-r
df a pint ol bread crumba, on* ire '
.tedy bea I. B>»e Baaaer traasplaatJ-hAay JJurop-l'p
«•>-! *as erne of ynnr Simshtae glrls.’“‘
; ad (here: oaca aMabUshed It U very apoM of aall. one of atott.dulc«. ball I
tmvv three a.-w Belghbor*. Their P"'’’'
Md ">”
hardy. It ta klOed hy ftoai bat Bake*
« gakk aad rtcMoa powth ta the


and all'jrd sirire aad atrire. .with all i
To be so iroe. bo brave. poUt,.


„ ,
' (,„(


is Invaluable in 5uch Cases.


•ad a nice time. WIU rteae with too.
TWte W Sanshlna,
Harrita Kaemla.

Oni. Pte,. Mlto, April a. iPM. ,
Dor Mrt. Itetaa- t warn to Ma toe
■Mhtea ctah. Pteaa aod ma-a art
^Mteta MsmOmtmrwmAmmm

- lU,

Bonih to Ibr fiaest STEINWAT CRAMD,
U ,1.,
< frem rat|l. repaired li


Thea 1,^—inmi
„„ ^
' sad toe case* titeriy 'poi.

We aim to give the eery be^ oretee la l
•TCT7 hrucb of our borlaeu aad p
assort ct spladid saUifaetkta fa

.. .™.-rzz



Grinnell* Bros.


Traverse City Store 159 E. FtxMit Street


o««ne-:Miwasy m

■Me e«»» M Paa, F^atofT «t o«n*.:

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