Grand Traverse Herald, November 10, 1904

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Grand Traverse Herald, November 10, 1904


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Faces I ta 6

'. MICH)


her akJrts. bis cries devetaplag it
serewmi at sbe dragged bUi atoug.
ton. aad ia Peiriore worp artrtUw
--Stop yoor Boioe." saapjirt Pe wo­
maa. ahaklag tbe child In a maaart Poroaghly aroused and a diUgeat for It is very soft art cbb ba eat
tbai waa almust ravage. Tbea. gtdiig •CBtch for the missing womnn amde. wip a kalfe. Oae of iu curtbas p
up to Rath, sbe said:
but no trace -<rf ber bad been foan-1. rrUea Is tbat it amke. amarfct^a
lead peacU which Is btoe at Arat. ttow
-Anything I eaa do for you? He's Her broPer bad aent wort to Pe
**<* • Tolee that
gone to Ibc pusioAce 'r somewhere, roondlag vtllagea aad llftaOy. Piak- luras yellow, and la a day or t^
. Mtnalnd. , ■
and the eierk s C Pe depot after a ieg of Mereer. rt l«»A
v«e *•»!«• tm taTcr-^cfcb mU
• sB^l^bas Brt«r
toad o' goods."
there. Bui by that UfM Hath
"Are you Mis' Ponerr' aaked BtrP. on ber war borne.
Let Uia MR *k
1 OaaX keer bo«
ibougb it was d
abruptly. Sbe was l<m -llastrBted.Bar TW iMl«kt b« ^ bee or PIM.
Plaula' «r bvla- «HU tioete n (>«
“Gop- rl^t by thereLand y
Rph a pretence that Pe wished w boy been feeding the rattle and was Juai OBly about four urns' aitoto baHag#
right t'-tbe railroad."
leaving tbe barn on bis way back
fouad la Pe year !•«>. cblrfiy la
s cardial welcome to Pe
' Ab* fieci a boOarta' l»r nda fco^
They were entering e village, srbicb
“Yef. I'm MU' Piwtw. " replied t
bouse when be beard tbe ilngie sia. and -it was aoU at tto »» of• ftsvki
RdP knew P be Corry. a dlatanctOman, -what there is left of
of aleigfa beHs. He looked down lb- ITtt.eoo t>er ton.
IM nuk «U ►rirala- an- an «f bt
td teven miles from her brother',
The valae of plaHaam ariart Arts
■A- no how much tooger I'M last. What toad acd uw a cotter coming. lXe.-c
farm. She had beeb tber.- once, sevwip Pc way 1 bare to worX wlifa were taro persons In It. a man aad i Its nwlsiaace to heat aad adds. It
ecBl yetra before.
: „ ^
ihioe PiMren and no help, and tendin' womaa. As tbe hone breupt Pern docs Ml* Btott BSlil a umpetatar* ot
-Jest about P lime for ihe train." i
and waa oa . ber way ..
nearer, the farator tbcngbi (berv
3.1 to decrees FBbraMelt M raaebel
More ol an' on. It's • wowder
. Imm4 Ilk* bl» treeUei all ArlbbM
and U iberefere meat usefBl Ml mabUd the farmer, as bo. helped her out 1
room" to go to bc< that Ruth I m' grave, «-bat u it jam ws
some-.blng (Bmillar about oae of
Sgures. He wBtebed eloaely till
lag cbemlrtl apparstaa—saeh as enr the sleUb.
fubed «.urt«e ft. ray what
-ron dna'i know me. do you
AM- kU vakbi wkitken tb« "paa^
tiupkink him for her ride. Ruili, iK«rtwt ber -!,esrt sind s.vklng ter ed Ibe woman Vtn the wber wide of tbe euttiT was ^oppe*! SI hU gate; tb. a clMea aad wire.
Ike bar.
bis heart gave a loyful bound, for he
few of Pe other rare tit—au
eounUT. IrreJe'vantly.
went Into the cold .iBre Uq|» waiting lips ever since ber arrival,
laUTtr took *■ a ahlae of r>M
wbi^ are taread to tnefui ami
le looked up at the clock Irrmbllngiy. but fre-Ung tbst she could
"Well, no, I can't say ibat t do." re­ knfw U ww bis slsier.
b ia loMad Ua •arte wftboal
-R'ell. Ruth, ao you-yo eoae bome? ’ are paHadlam. bMlam. galttom. Up.
plied Mrs. Poner. "I guess you're
■t It larked but tern minutes I not lei tbv .night pass p funk
' Weak «r baft.
Tbat was all be said, as be heiped
stranger here, ain't r'T'
Seari.v aeva boors bad j pease, cbe went back acd aid:
, mdfeo •Mlk kreMta- the lanco^
Gallium, ao waft Pat h aolta fat tbe
her out of the ak-lgh. But abe felt Pe
passed since ahespic out of tbe farm ! "Mis- lleoneW‘ - ■ "«fl
pressure of bis armv about ber. and band. —kca a maeb bettar minor
houae P.lhe darkness ot that win : "Yes. Ruib. An.vthPg you waoir' tboagh- Y'ou r.- Sarah Carter.’

rap ibap 4ir. tMt lip. Toared.
a thrill of aurpriseed happlt
Pan quickailver. but a* Pa prtea ft
onev. And you—- with
ler-s aiontpg. Sbe wondered if her, "l warn in ask you i
“Rleh Un talk!'- •
per toe. —Diam mbton
TtnliwWi Uuaart u bln Uka pa:
a loueb of btowwD tbai wasi'ahsol
anr ibsa tbe metal llaelt
thangfai she wss. “I dooi owe.- the i "i-I aaai I* know aboui-Bboui— Tayforr
■ 7W% how eopa^ aareathaaH.
muttered, almost asdlbly. -I hopellPvI.I. Is he—bow U Dsvidr
"Yei, It t«. I thought yon dldat tender. At Pe door tbe glr^
■pa •
with aobbii« signs of Joy. aad Peir
tbey are acart. Mebtw tbeyll ...^'t • -nariJ-R well." replied Mrs. Bennett, rempeiber me."
A Maaaapa tor Hft BraOMr.
; Ifriiaila* pa bra* or Ua lAt, Pe aaid.
careaaea were to ber as coidea beya Tbeodore Ayranlc Dodge, was ade*
cPtc me aome when I aP't there t' do “nal wHl. Tbey live uji on Rotlney
-Well. I do now. Bu 1 dtdBY
work and wait on 'em. rm gU-l; strert. He's osmed the siorv wbero 5 you were in the'land offW livin', that opened Ibr door to a
cated in Beriis. and at a diaaar party,
be wuiki-d when you went ssBy. to iftvr ail these years. Hoar youYe hitfaeno unkaown eoatrti.
of II.
, .
apropos of OmuiB ftilllarT dftciand her brolber's kla% were gifts more pUne. be oaee said;
When tbe train frit the stbtkp a lea yean now, aad P doing llrst^BU- cliangod."
precious Irtn gold, for they told ber
"Do you think sor
-The Ceraian maat aever appear ta
few mPutas later Ruib Taylor ^rms. Ruth stared at the oiher woman i
last tbaf they loved her and tbat PubUc except iu oatform. Evea who;
breakfast. -TP children eame do«o
-• • ibeo her
■ Yes. you have. But It's ao
seogers. acd P her hand moment,
Ibe had someoae to lore.
later after repeated caUlact. Tbf was Ugtatly aaaped a ticket, while! f"^ ffvw pale and she l«an<-<i agaPs;
be is on ftirtoagh be m— not. arter
.leelare.-- abe said, slyly brashii« any cirrumstaneea. wear drillaa drart.
stiU! IWr me. that child’s a pest,
bad vanli-ked from lhi-1 Ihe door for suprsiri.'
M- Up bain- plain m a Inckat of BonlnB after RMb’s
a tear tbat bad stolen down her
a yon ain't puRiod yetr
hopever. he overslept When 1
IlliP roll la her pockcl. IPt sba wa* i ‘IsaTst-1 upon her.
-Well. Swarti. a yoong Ueatawmt
. toM.The abrupinms of pe Queatton nk ebeek. "it seems real good
t aarar -lbancU noUln’.^t Pm nUy awoke the sun was well np aad not bumesPk. abe was tot rcpcnPni, j -TT>ea Hat^ is-hc-s marrieur' .he
of cavalry, during nsy raaUeaec la Rer­
eos r tae -a if i d been gbne un. was oee day eagaged in ao— admost tiunced Ruth fur a moment,
shlnPg broadly into bis vPdow. Ho No. sbr was bappy—happy and glad, fnliernlUP. tbai-a *br
rp atfll la the paikat. wbOat fae-a rreebed over and to^ hP watch froso She was bavpg ber own way aod do-| “WTiy. of ^rae he is.- replied Mrs bad never oecuiied to b<-r.tbu Pe adage.".
lure or ether, art put ea. u div
the bor*n to see what time ti was.
DSRlcd lo any one but Datid
Then, as Pe hmked critically aboM gnlse hlmseil. a aaU ot Uaefc ftolb.
IS sbe pleased, and Ibe new ne:-. [ Henaeii. "and baa been for eight years
all. tbe delightful. seltBssomncc ^ Tbey've got three ebl|.lr. =. You don't' Itom-r. But she soon recovered her bo sitting room and out into i
Bate- nwBlad p bw. fp I tniaart U.
of bod aad hastily
Dressed in Pis suit, be wla pswlfti
. ppa L
down an uafreqaeatad alreri wbea be
drestlBg ran downstairs. -There
I say. giria. yra-ve kep'
- BrU* 1 diafOdUetad bow »P1 MtA
ame face p face vip hie eatomd.
signs of breakfast no Are P tbe
- .Ne. I've had,t- keep bouse for my
here. I see Pe takettle's
tNo. i—I didn't kiww.mU talk! •
-Detected la so crave k
klicben atok. He Poked In RaP-a baritward nor forward,
bruPer. Hf-—he needed me."
but abe was Mt there. altbduRh lag only P tbe prcsi-n uumcni. and , -Why. Ruib!*I sep. Well, nave and me was boilin'. Thni-sgood.' I'm Jest aaSerin' leaner. Swam ptovad bkauaU Pa
enp ^ our iea.v—Detroit Free
Ml was one of Joy.
bm bed had not been slept fa.
' “No. I didn't know. Yon are, .BMRied Aore'n eight years ago. Ok.
aaU to tbe eotooH, ta a b— .oelea,
HM Mb wart »k>pa.
differeat from bla oaa;
Harvey U ^ begaa lo be alarmeJ. Id improved in many waya p ofteen hate any paiier from Ibis way.
be Pit ever that. You didn't ti
^ TMKJMtt BP tba dlthpao:
-Can you tall am. sir^wfeare tAew
liitn richt. whstever you say. at
r' W wiped oB tP UtebeB pPI, tbco He called Abby Aon and Pkrelti..l><it yean and .was tpproachlag the dig.: know It's
■roam Swam Uvea? t am bft brotber
their aunt-s nlty -of a *mali etty. .Nobody knew i j,,,..
It up:-'.air», riri:- eituldn I s' blamed him. I d'iniow
Me took tp bfoop and Pushed op they knew- nothing
Irate Ibe eoaatry, aod I have come w
more bewll. the UtUe ^an who alighted from |
r SOI the best of «, after all.
Are metals of many kinds, whict
the «atac reoB preparatorr to ait•
't iMiihiB' hut work and grub. Yon called -the rare metaU.-* beeauac w> pay bim a visit'
ring aa old-j
occur.-.I i-i b'
; «Bc doYD 'wRb ber BKndlaa bPket. dered aad frtgbtened than their
IS cotoael readily aad poiltdy
see what's left of me—Jest a shad far pey have been found oely. .'a
lashtoned satchel. Tbero'were a num-1
tor old b.ver had n..t i--en wait
Abbr Am «aa..ln tbe fn»i room pla>^
Hebe Dave means well—I aim iritUng aasnllUes.>aiid It'Is tmly s gave bim tbe reqrttad fttormalfta,
-Veil. I guess there baa&-| aajthPi: ber of people about, but If Uteri- wav;
- tip no the owh. •»!« noretu had
• hilL- Abbjr Ann
-The lleuteBani coagfatufttad bi»
I - day—but nisKed life as I've bad
u. bbo. the nUgb- aP-t gUng to WORT. ProbBbly the-a or known Ruib TsyPr. she was now ,
iltogePer tber are thirty to tarty
ain’t all a rusy dream. Dave's dost
Sbe looked around Iho;
,rui- to ifae or.e peraoa
OB B coolrsry Bt Bad is hiding
bpp PM ofreed, «aa* regular “tom
Pcse rare eartba. which fetch n self on bU cecape. He harried bom
tp-.ih wrhom It had bvcn besiuiretl. Owns Pis store aod the bouse on tbe big price In the maPei. Many of them art put on bis aalfarm. Doty tats
|k -in bar l«tb rear. Ai for hereeU pat to aplp me. ter her. then. pplform of thy sUtion, aceklng
•fcw.- dSb-Ji
bought merely for museums or tbst nfunwas caUed Um bdora tba
-Pi people celled I-Il show her I apt » easy to spite.’ mlilsr fare, bni sbe taw none. Finally that ,lu- j-i-ar* were a> nulh!r.g lu her liack. of It. 'll' a gtwKl business,
.BPk..^, MS
was nrarly mBo when he uMsd sbe went op toB Psa who wss bsnU- and sbe bad scarcely roaliied that sbt but. isndT wo might as well be
“aa sM MU.-, Bor pair pcan. arm
scientific experiment, but Mbers are' talonei agaia. He saluted wUb cam
Bdence. Tbe cotoael repardad him
pretty near, for all Ibe good H docs wry valuable tobstaneea coma
lo look for hP sister, PqoIrPg
. UaM tba
of ber aiiierda-lav.
me.elt'a R-sl ptncL an' save the bull
dbir bad kan ber broiberk booMceep- (or ber wherever be Utougfat It pos­
8wanx.''to aid. *1
'durtn' time, as II we fasdn'i a tpof
*es. np-am." replietl the u
'■'.'■ip. nltaa vHh a reaempent iP ber sible thal abe might be. Bui nobody
Uranium; for Inslanee, is wortP. wish you'd teU your
roar hiMbin' fram Pa
H- %Rn bappr or «bat ttan renaldered
itry tiiai If be pays
oa at f you about It. It slu'i of
s selgfabahood'was talkpg about Beeneit's; AbBeh Benneu. 1
>ost more than sbe could benp.
poiiBd. Uranium is very valuable lu visit ni pnw him ta etose
BeanettT W«U. yes. I can tell
' •I'm gm-k abeu atek of it.~ tkt
"Poor tbPg." tbougbt Mrs. Benne't.
manalarture of gan metal for
•a dsya."
Early that Bonlag. long before day­ you the way u> his bouse, ns -Vas. but c she ciosfd the door, "And »hL- you'd like to se- nimr'
■ ‘-tmgbi. tkla vtater’i ereDlag. aa abe
heavy cannon and armor plan-. It
Mallj btuu OP -tbe broom asd ut light. aad pveiml faaort befoiv aay Ab-B bees doad1 Ifor
-I dimY know- as t cX wait. -I guess gives a UeauUfel fluoR-sceM green bus
..ever knew"
•ova to bettn ber task of mending
ber aelgbbors woro up. the little
II be going >l-tdK in .can In • dssswarc and mfine. velvetx black
tn pe days of I
aa 'old'
. -Race I've worked aad eltrod for Ha*- •Oman bad stolen down ;tj^ out iSt
• porcelain,
tbst nigbi- The feellcg of Wutfrne*^ agsln '
* TPT aH ibeae paan, -a wPi pee I ■be boaae and oa up tULtuS Protigb
Rmh tiirni-d to l.ave iL.- store, r.
-You don't mean HosTTr'
;b her hesrl was loo strong lor ti.sSome of Ibe SM^t 'uaed (s mak­
I routed to be rt.sreat age. lAe
M.’ Not M ameb as a kited
mow. it was hard walkpg. and
■nse of frv^-dom and ihaakfulneu ing Incandesccwt light are (borium
“Yes. tBsam: Hank •• call -blm.lghc almdst hated bt-r brother, a- Phof her kind abe wss exireasriy .
• «M-d
H he »m-i too ailngr f
ooa tregan to grow Uied. Bw sbr Oucss he'll drive y-roimiVblshonse iaj ,hert- and felt the terns tbst w. t tbat she .was not In that other wocenum, or rsibey their oxides. prort or Ihe dlsttnctkm art sever nmbgfk o>«^ Tbare-a Abby Ann ptayts' .IW .aot faktw. W-htm abe bad
Y y' ^ A'-go I s-pose ycMi're e«n- j t,„
he ba.l been the ea»:.e
plsce dawning In her tk'UR- Puria and cena; Cerium was dii.
«• the otgaa. 1i norettr oB enuvan- mev^ than a mile Aad a half she
iof It all. 'The n.-x1 nwrelrg, how Jui-l then, however. »he heard a gnJt covcnvl a century ago. and yet It is
’ Bi' with a M of boy% ncy apt no —' Pa barn whlA ateod close be­
'-Y«.- said Rutb. She was begin.
,be ws* calmer, and wk-u sbt
Pe liack pan of tbe atore
It Is twin as dear as uran. cades past.
Iwtp -n aevCT have be-n. I'm ieei t tide the toad. 8be went into the shed Slag P waken from the dream pl*pn, downpiclrs the suhieci e' ••>••• rallleg. "Here. Sarab...l say.' tfhy
Both are m:tch attogbt after,
Utraum beard'ef ber. art eoadad•Pve -a that's all 1 ever vtll be In sad Beetled down P a comer beblnj whicb She bad been all dm aad P «r, „i^ht iM^fore was not mentioned.
‘lend to these yttiiug ooi-sf" with the result Ibat pprium has'fallrn
g tbst if sbe waa ar^b^js nnaer ‘
- ’tUabosae. rm geli-n-tick of it barrels and boxes. It was coi
alUe tbat she must go
Then n man appeart-'d In Hi.- doorwav, ia price in the last ten yesre from
’ after brcaiefast she said;
ade ber abe woeld‘bc a valaabie'
Batb pnltad tbe needle tbiuugb th-' paratlvrly warn Pere, sad Ruth w
uolldy looking man wUh IlSo lo only a few abtlUngs per pound.
ound tbe villas.
acqujstttoa to his sbotr. be seat aa
' keel of her hrMher'a sPBdng wUh.a toon fast asleep. When Ac awoke
Beaoetl aa-cme ot ner ““' ''mv
scraggly bi arU. Urnlng gray, aad
Another icTy valuable aod verj' rare agent down to make aa iavestlmloa.
•e how it I.
vtotoa lent.
war with a seste of bewlMermeoi. frienas who mptat be glad to see her.
“ “
wltii tobacco fiookv His fao,. metal used for lighting purpose
eangbt the dlrecUDa' of Pe wtod .
-Hd'aPt git BO more feelP- than She Poked abeot bar.
But i]ie could scarcely bellere that;
“ ««re >'“u can find your
towering took, an angry frown iircualum ThU was dlecuvered
very promptly and was prepared for.
that pMe. I «an the wages, -a ever) membeHng where sbe was or what
SR man who twme tn.'Hencetu
c'eiu'ling his broa.
srs asu. yet no one.has yet bad the
lest question wUcb be might nek.
cant I-ee ever had-s whai little I've hid happened. Thba It all cane
-mtPHeary Bennett '!
“> *»>'' '
‘"■'e' W-Oh'
Gradually Pe agent led sp to tb^
Mved tnm tbe miP mosey. I de­ ber. -alih tbe teelpg thsl Obe «
The slAit rf him nsde her rumen;.'' “O’*
would make him a milliuiMlre, It
urial isicrrogaiory. and at last nld:
clare. I-ve got a good mHob f quit -i> | -tree- ant
ai last haviag ber o
bt-r tbat Bficea years had passed s^' i
Ht rcT."
•a.'ome here. Dave.' sBid his wlft.
presrni in sevefuJ »iraog<- narnrt
"AUBiy. do you remtsber Geofsn
gn BWBy. i guena Ibey d see tbe dlf- a»y. and she ftoi up alSNat' pyfully. sbe left Ibc village. Tbe statloe w^ Hut she hat not gone tar from ‘.he
* lope B.MI to soften bis burno''. minerals, such as eudirljte. {tolyintg. Washington?- .
The girts Y- as hetpKws-.' p s|riP of tbe drifted road befuro her
ihere then, for tbe reiirtwd'war ifnmsc when sb.- lo-.k.-d about in P- •*H- It you know who it u,"
byacieiX etc.
"Does I remember Oeerge WaaUttgi
. two etPVi'I sad the knowledge that she kaea;^DUi
a rctuoie poasPBUy. anS nothing »a>lerme>ii. -Nolhirg's ibc same.'
lit- g'sret! SI Hop an iBstani before
c VBlusble propeny ot ibU rtr,- ton? W'r. iBwwa-maaay. mloah. I
WHh tbe tbDBghl Of “gulttpg aad.eiheiv Ae was going nor wbst she Wa» fWIPr to ber as sbe.looked out she thnacht. e|| don't seem like threplving. -No.- he derlsred. "I doa'i. metal Is iba< very ialense beat.does rcckto I does: 1 orter, orteaY I ? Per
jRiPd away" Hulb-s taPd t«* a relnv . was gopg U> do. She hart In
of t^ -omnUnis windows upon tb.-'fame ptace."

it ain’t anybody I ever see be­
deatft.v <1. hence It is usied lo
Mae nasaed bim. Wr played to■geerive tarn Md ebe -sew hemelf as 1 porket a llflte board -of money, nearly busy streets briaPnily illuminaiei: 8b<-m.n many ivap;,-, but none the
e Pe c> tinders of ib<- DrummoBd geper every day iwbea ie wm a til
. f*e had been Btieaa years before. Sb<> p. pe earefol saviags ot vean. 8b« irith electric llghis.
i know, and no i.«e mb., seemed t.t
ll It. Dare.- eaatjnood Mr. light for IlgbtbuuM-s. being made Ir
was bat U im. and patple had mlled i i.-ii to see that li was sale U.-U>re she
WWcw Benaetl came lo tbe door i know her. fr wns bard to realli. that Porter. "Its Rutb Toyipr I guvr*
utow by Ifae ireaendnuv beat of thy
- Well, do you I
her a baadaome girl Her boar was ^ again st^rt on ber j-mmey. After . a IpRy of surprise ibal was hait'.abe was a sUBCgrrla her oU boinv,
oxbydnigen flame. The cyllndte re ahoai tbe revotuttoBary wofT"
la the vHPge ot Mercer la asotlHT I walking Anil hall a bII<- further. >be f**e. ns she saw the hotel 'bus drive! bin ihe -wa?. obllgrj to own fo h.-r- you knew her. dlda i vonr'
"WcTi. ill b€—is ur I vow, It :v tnalni as good as i v.d afi<r mtmPi X
part of tbe. fonnlry. and she aever'was o>eRaken by a alelgb la which
-O-way. Pile! Tea. iMeed, f doea.
Henrj Mldom drove BBmnd that: self that such ws; the caw. St-,
;iw d' you <tof I'd s.« soon expected
■e. Sletailic xitvanium is wofp bonry. 1 stood Ssr lets'er tltom aa*.
drtamed ot -nturylng- baraelf la tb- was seaicl a farmer, behind him be­ way. aad her ttrsl fboiigbt was that, rcacbest ibo principal sire. i. and a
i«-c my great-graadindiher! '
joat Iti-i.i-b a-um.
gan PrmPg disirw where ber broth- lag teveml barrels of popto,-s and he bad been hurt ««• killed and tbe> large sign <w.-r it< from of a si.w.
seen de tnillcis fly tbIPerM talaRuth Tavtor left the store a' few
Tton tfeer.. i» molybdenum, which drops."
ar Harvey had settled down wbea bejappPs. which be eviclrntly was taking w.Te bringing btm home. But her, m« bw cjTw. Ii nw.l: ' IJavM PorMrvtad- She was happy p her «n lo market. Be called -trboa- tu b.s' anxlgtr ws.e relieved by seelnt her i.v. Urygorts and Grocw1.-»." SI..! wmenis uier. m-re coniecied wlrn ■im* a toon remarkPle compoand
»—wfB. bow aboot Pe Ian cT ^
sr tot ihan Pv bad boon in many with both ncvi sod ntekek Mtdyb- Pe Roman empire? Do you recoUeet
•» I»v;d («oit«, a youag ftorp as be baa Rup. asd a«ked bcf
son Jump dosrn from hU seal and opoe ; itoo.1 |.-r a momcui. flaring ai ik.'
■M wRo was -clerking- la tbe larg- turldc. Bbeeilmbod p. nesupg down tbe door of tbe veWrie. Tbea ab- j sign^nd.the* walked arrois tbe sttwt .vean. That aliernuoa siw told Mn. -b-num nickel siwl. eaoaui be beaten aayPlng about Pair
. .
hartness, and yet at ibe saave Urn?
aai atort -la the vliisge. «itb good wtih a setiM »r luxuriousaess onder- saw btm b<^ a woman alight, take and with an air u df.rmPstion em­
r old woman took a good, toac at oitre. fw Harvey and thV
>> exceedingly ductile, afid a «o> breap. iDfact.iismcMmiedtoafriclL
gnwgeeu cd advBBceitieut Bat, aias.i aealb Ue bu'taio wiw wtaMh be tuck- ber aalcbel and nceompany ber toward twed the store. Thero were no eu#girls dIdoY know where iht- was, am. alloy-Ybv wire drawing Large cras£i She roflevted for a few momcats, art
e -low-s young dnwpt bad ed aboni bef.
Ih« howv. •
-tomer*. W-r did she «h- anionc b-c they might k< worried! Tbe next
eat sirencib are made ofdl, pn>
-Hard waUde-, miber. aP-t lit" he
- •
-1 deepre.r.aP Mtf..Bennett. lojhPd the cohnNiw.. She lorte'd abb'l
Pe departed on tbe first pellev slisft^ heavy guns, rtfie baraaM.
-Be fact li. boney, I was party;
ber daaghier AmHIa. wbowWl look-land >aa that the front ponton
Blag. aUbaugb tbe Hare hbd am l«en
bollert for- torpedo boats
-Yes,- regIM Roth, -atuw youYw
youag. den. an' I doeeaY bare a vary '
tiepnr.m.u-.| U was afternoon when .be rMb^ aitoor pterdng sbella; It U. or was extinct recomaembtaBce Yam da*;
BrtaUHy SM, wIm news came that .be«B gap- • epfll. I dWat mPd
^iag bkfc, Wbo tlo you s-paasiwkl.e in the ba.-k w.-re Ihe gt>«vrte».| Corry. She atm had nearly
M bnuber-B wUa was dyad. h« at fini.
time aga vrorp Me per pound but 1 does -member, bow dot yoa
. mated ber to aaM and play with
-How fur *• eomer
speaks of bit. dot I did beak de wblia
V» fur awUie art -help Um out."
VBBBdinm. aaotbar scarce metal, follu tell about bearta' aome-jm dtap.’

Vlaraau had lust been bant and Ab-Qola' ferrhas also the curloM projwny of bar- —FhIftdelpUa Publle Ledcer.
■ .. .
rt Pc jdaos. by his molbbriw ihc sound ri a fretful chltd's voice, to
• ife g,>, ,- ^ g«e.- she tbougbt.
•b . rt>B w as scarcriy S years old aa<
dcnlbg steel, and It is much used
“l-yes. Jeai g« far's I caa.'
Boser «mc t,j-i-B,na!*cxtou.f»re'em. l, sK-mtlM IRT* udiy la seed of some ooe
r plate. So small a qBantlty s»
"l rum." ssld the farater. hmUag
Evety year move Paa MRW Jaim^ rt fPWe far tbrta. Bo RtHb weat. It arauad at Ms paaseagre. eurPusly,
.o. -c. ...i; , ..
«»j«s iM coipinY waii pound added to 20« pounds « eae yooths eaallfy by rte te ncaito
Kow do ,<& dor <aid Mrs.
wt^ Midtng tbe thild. Tbent Hm-re, Taylor had been -Ylrave al- steei: iDcresssa Rp alrsMgib 0aai
•as v> te etri) fbr a Jew weeka. sdte -T- ain't npnp- away from baop.
mUtaiy oerrlee. art mjtOt b«cto ta
nett. wmnBlBi Pc tace
her bb^- ; tbe womaa Bppewred. the Uitle
UMi^. Uli Harvey auuld gel wnne be yr
sev;en tons' and a bA to ttorteea
eitbar wKh the cotort or as soipectedgneid.
- , * bw o: .about six y-to. cUia
per sjwc Inch.
. .
bodr to tap bee place, aad pe tnM
liaeM-tbat tbelr poRPee oacd a<a.te
poetpaaed. Bat Harvar -Ear*"-,
ble Ufter waa with bbn. and (hlocf
wea» ntoatec tpootblr. made ao Prort to relkre ker. and when the bobber praapaetiTe veddlac
oaM abe *YealiT feU . obUaed l
botw," be aecnaad. bar of atHtebneae
and a deolre to ehlrk bw detr.
bad Bot IP bean to leare him then,
aod the cblldm apealed to ber,
aba eured. Tba vaaka m»$M k
■PBtbi asd atlll abe -balprt Harrey
Daeld wiatc and urcad ber
’ borne.' "Teu owe me a dvtr.
too.“ he aaid. - and « dont w«
•an aBr ioatar”
Retfa pai
otr aod the «eddbc bad never ukeo
placel N^. lor tnanr reara abe bad
newnhevd a jrort treia or aboet her
. bP abe vaa aUU iroe to
aad ibe tbougbt that he nlgbi n>
falthlpllr valUbE tor ber aerer
K to dMirur her bappr bnpo.
M« dbe apfHt ot rebellloa wbieb lor
1 bad bees crevUis in bor breaai
bad tt 1P< artBlred a force wb^b
iirep .ber Iota aclloa.
“Ko. air; 1 alal goln- to aland
aar k>nser." rP pomared over ber
work. “fTn Boin' evar."
That nlsbi IB ibc^ltUv roop •bers
Rath Tarler elcpt there «aa ibc
ttealibr pHfcfaf; of a aaicbci asd *i
prepareUoB fw itlcbt
Harrer -Tavior -«aa aeesatopetl to
pTe bla slater call hUo at atom

. -Na l-m going home.- was Pe re
- yon don't know mti- said Ruth.
TJO jwur
' »U alVseell oeeumd totolb Tar-|P afraid.I doaX to tell the truth.
}of that m was goPg back to tbr^StllL I know I've ae« tbsi face
borne of hiT girlbood. wbPh she bs! ifore. Come P where ii s lighi,
left so many years before. Tbe farm-1 Isnt-it l»-RuP Taylorrer lapsed InP silence and tor awbUc
' Ye*. Ruth Taylof. neither of them upoke. Then be eaU j
“That's what 1 tbougbt. Wdl.
-S*iidae you wmet t' go to ibe can. i yoD ve changed. H-bat under the
doat y-r*
.i brought you here, and 'where d you
-r^yei. BS near a. yo. go. that U j
fromf 1 baveaT heard a word
n years. Tboagbl miyk>
eas walk tbe rest of tbe wty.'

THUfMOAV. tIOVntKfl l*. tfM.

mk. womw <« »*• nm


M iteoch beanted. m?-1 pram
I ertad. l!Mt I

tha iiMVfcaa bnUier faocbt brMfe«.
ffe« Miioa vaa ton br mb a

Travdsc aty State Baak

. F. M. PAINE.


beard u'ytbiap aotnd awaatar'
MKIMA] b«k. Md MiH L«u» SUtMl. atjtfa that a naiioa baa ae*« bKore
teaa tbfat oM aong.- aad te raapbow ■
gute Telepbate company ckaape aumlwrtas IMpthoaca.
ia Ux Oanni gaaaad tbroi«fe aad aarrlaed, ttrr*
Tbe new Umnbee temple aad awilU> tbe Demortea of almoai hall a era- • ^
Teiephoae company
wtn «ai«Uf mufUt at • araa aaot^ war. tbr war with Masteo.
tary ape. tba team asaU came late ^
Utter. The fonaet ------- , iptlam at Aipeaa win a* dedtealed K'>lb*
f tfttttM laat ^vent&c at iii« Mtthodlsi
Mr. Bflokb eyea at he waa trilla* bte;
^ . eaarof men ditemv teel»«»b*r 17 The
ii Mlehtoa can probably
■ ,Mwii <9 *** rbamM, Ooa.
-— t.
- a Herald repreaeatallTe.
‘‘f over »!-.«»» apd U one rf j h*
I on dia dasen. The oatyjauiry
«• aad puttlpc
Mr. Hate te a aowter
■inm wa were dlacbaned at Pott
m the'atale8t>ertel inlln.
r >B tbte tastoa aad perhaps la a
, aa4 41tei mHU alaa baa teBiir
'starred in lb' Be'', trtll brine Maeeabecs luAtpraa, ^
tbr oonh woBtry. la Ljwiaa 6. Huron, we xSk tbe atory of our traaiWli Tb»
ea»» aa a eiwameat, aad aome of Ui* boyi erected a ;
eatey aU lu hwit.<*-.!»“ P»”« “
t«ia aarprtaa aa Ux r«ia* peopte ftoo*'. wbo liTM a mite aad a batf
ao* that the carSanpe ha»-p«*s d' i‘“>>
Dortbwem of the cUr oti ibc bay abore. (Callforala bora*- te tbe crater

Mr. Bi»«* U a »«pr«n at two


ARrr hr bad returned fn>m Hcateo. I'c
try'a nil and aided'
Ikpar B. *. raUbaa baa Alapte.a
hte tatara«a ia tbr Faltbaa Maaa la ataslnp. '‘We're ramlna. Failwr
ActMtac eotepaar to W. r. WUiiaai' Abnham.

town- Thra they pteced aa imaae
a nun on H with a Mp of aaad marfce.1

|b,o ,he tiandi of Ih.- CUlrraf' ccitj !
Wont Seltews fim'T f.umJ
lueiplc are laakten a in-;; cblrtra cwp and lo'-k.-i d.«r

elphty pounda tied to hte feet and.a
boaliWH.* acate^ Thet are pttttini: TH-t ^'caP-'-l l-J t';lp.« *1
pap la hid mooih aad up ai«Te li «oj_________________________ ;____________________,
a arrai ripn teat all mlaht nad. 'By:'. U
, —------------- ------ ----------------—
-------- --------------- —^
Hatei Ctiy. Mr. MatMtas ratWar atrmiy.'' Mareblac day afier day ua-' nrdbra irf OAoael .O.
After tee war. Mr Baow went te
mm (be tr*. Mr. WlUtetea bar ilt in.tdiA enilM ware envared darlot
.1 ij. yet buulnea. te Macomb eouniy. inally he•eoad Wa fa»llr u> «bb rtty aad I* tec •eeoad'ntnatltie, iAUmc dally,
eamlac saarsafal. but n Are desln'y<.-d
racaptat wltteni a alapte wound;
BO* Kftac at U1 IWb amt.
Hr. WllUaw baa ban a ataebboi4- burlPB hi a li.wMtal white lb« deadly not <miy Ui buihieu Hot b-fi hint |H-n-

Tire Insurance!

Plkt* Claks, Steam Boiler and Accidoot Insurance-

« ta ibo «rai ft* ibcjM thrae ymn yellow tnaW »uh hondreda. he baa nll>wa. Then be weal bark tu New
18 nsivaar vMb Mr. FalCbM aad lived u> paaa tbe thiwe man and ua. York aiate In order to get money;
Uwraacr K Iteaoate. Mr.Ite»K^r.^ Mr. Soowb att»7 nada l(h« AcOm. aaougfa to niari ap Hn'ntaiaa bte lateraau Md ihw esaieara yet it U vo^ad ft*
btetorlnl p«b- aomc mqney due him te Red Wine.:
Minn., so he w«u fhne to collect It. ■
ft* lb# praam at teaat wilt rwtala ita llniloaa.
la StmOord. Or- Hr. Snow liked the town and wrai in
l<> business there. It ms Ibere that

iKoicy to loan on Improved Real Estate Only.




When IJocote-a necond call cam*.

t»a watar warta. baa oaatMataa
lan«*tea o( (ba tre hr4raau t* tka
a<ip. aacb oA* or tb* >M wicbta tka

Mr. Snow raUntod te Co. A. -Seventh

ettf UbHs betas taaiad with tb« mad

OB aecoant ol an indiap outbreak an I

Ms tead aad toaad la patraei eoadl-

there they fought the IndlaniC.

Bvery oorbir «d Ibe latarnaeUt
tte BirM btaa a bydtaai. la (be

liouta and resii-d tour moyiihs ilicre.

Hlnnesou. aader Captain t.teticr. Thgrit year be was sent fti the Inmiler

th€ store C»at FUls tN IPost PretcripHon*

At St. I^ls, has company iKramc a

Miaau (bai na HO .(eat to a h

port u( she Sixteenth Army oirp.< and
was sent out to do raldtey and e«

an *H 1»« teat, a bydraai te ptaend
•vmy no foot. maUat tbo •» pratoettea aa aampteto aa la any cHy of Ka

Haw t O. O. r. Udtt^



IlghiteK almost



dally, followlog lb-

refels wbo someilroM turned and
made a •erec battle. Mpcelally at Tu-

MImana aad avaaMi by Oraad Haa«r WaiiUBtMa U MwT of Cbofaoyiaa.

OHHa. Chrts Roaa. Cbartea Oaddrataii
- FaaH Baatoa. Bar. L. B. BtaaMl and

• Cteitei Mat.
Tbt Mfwias aBrwi wan ateeud;
▼tea aoate ■!». CbaHas CMna.




Iiwaa te Pan Bnran on Od. f. lUT.


Fteit Hteblaaa aae«>ry and (ben la .
TbM Mkktean earalry. He waa
wad aaHter and baa mada a«nM d

Tbe private* reedveri only t?

a toOBib (or ihefr RghtteB aad (bte
waa aat i«id uaill they mnraed J.i
Fbrt Haroa.

Hr. 8aoa- says they suf




Traverse City, Mich.

miiMij, wbera a Aon pnyer art“Blit to BO hangT} aa<u'i all. Onrt
rtoa WM bald hr Her Itenaa CockUa. eekBjel was a i.vram and a coward. Be-1 8a>Mhanti« sictk p»h
aa» on. .If the men at (he raglraenl;
an-kan*. tM.Kvm.lmi ir. i.n
tba a A. R. M which order be waa to
toad a teambac.
u o. CatUa look
Faience. o( Fac* and Ups Pslnuiten.
fbana of tee arraafemeata.
imte-hteg bke a taw horse aad pul' KtohiBisre. Irmmilar Xtels*.
aad tea teat HIM were pmonmd h»

▼otera* af Two teaiw,-'^
Aa tea ywaea pan m to taataa I

tba bn»a Waa haod that lowybt

gag M buaouih. An tdghty pouai'
. Ilr*n '
tool amm was t.y to hte fe« and
h^ '• wbw.*.,
d hr
was kept there f.v a long ttete


_____ _ ______

Coi;j SSra^.h'S-'^ ■*

Btoektoa was that rokwrt's name. He ’ JffVmTn
duad a..*, bet 1 shan't forget teat —
•M’bra we came lam Ukc «i. Clair,

d cte<l ta ant) hecutler eamt^HUtlng up
u asaalHr and • •Ihw. aatil tee; the band 6a Inard her played 'Home
when ttuy will be hut'Fweet Hoaw.

The, coelrt^make V !

year tbe htaabcglimr CKBrnd.-s died down th.-iv m Mesof wraates te targer.. —V haw .a.|»c.. w


Traverse City. (Mite.



J w.




Wayne Osaaiy Baak Bldg, DKTBOtt

Ibf an kiada (rf



Do more thsn ssirc mmev every
•re uwd. IVt s1«o liukKu tiic h.HitewUc's Isbsn anateep tlic (..uoK oicuiul:

store Fronts-Fixtiircs, Sasb, Doors, and Resi­
dence Interior Work.


pune. but the nen.u's l.rjIiU ai..l
Lppinr.> arc ruineJ. Lae<
In comfort,

Bat hutorrfftw wkra .h«s -umt aUrvml to m.* j

All Kinds Of BuUding Materisils


Traverse City

Pksm call aad as* IboB. aad cmwiib


6owg to Build?


If .■vO, the South Side Lumber Co. at Traverse
' City is the place to boy >-our material. Shop
and mill work done on short notice. Give us
a chance to figure on your wants.

erlwtllH-Retmdr f,.r Pmlr ’AlrM Si-tr
i?" “••'*' »'"-.«‘r
•;« ,rA23i.i-r*Ki?



South Crsvtrst
Side City.

-Vot the old shoddy, but fresh from
Standard make &-A and
Chase. They arc strong and


Sweet Cider
Just tapped, at 1-‘)C per gallon. This cider was mad'.-.i
good distance-from .any creek or well, so >’ou can de­
pend on it that it is pure apple Juice withoui any reduciion. S.\MPLK 1-KEE.
If you are a lover of cheese, try our 1-uIl Cream,
You will say that it is nice’, good, and it only
much as ordinal^'. Oiirs is extra fancy. Linilverger,
of course that smells like limbcrger. and i: is good if
>*oulikeil. Our Urick Cheese is a sort of nm tiavor.
palatable, rich. We sell the above cheeses at I'-c per
U'e have some of that Seal llrand Coffe* and
Tea left, $nd before this is gone we will get some more.
Call at 1’. K s.

Baek It nrw bottle tstls
tstU ts bA«Pi
«* will tRsii
V^* TrurivTiUr^

Qo. .

Comer like ave. aad 10th at

KRANK TRUDE, 146 Front Street.

m ar Keumlcte;

___ _______________ ____
Tba (aaaval party arrlrad ea Uie It Iheaulter, are you slckr and when
tea taala of tbe Fire Manamte
^ ^
^Isaad ware am by a Iwve deteeaUoa •mpath.v. T»»eT n..t only f.vf u*. hot ’
MePberaaa paai aad tba W. R. jmivlM UI wllh good boat passtmv to, am» i. h«« t«»ue, but awraw li to
| IndigmkB. Uver Oaplsinu «u-.
C. af urn rity aad aaoewtad te the l*«n Huron.

Ibaaa teat bar* baaa tt>nmiea
Tteae pnanee to lit enaekwa mat

Tksrv are s
bsun dlamr.
msUty; (XI R
(XI Vsjvulsr :
(t) BotsrBMirT

They said to at Wbht alls >wi? What


New Wilhelm Slock,


nnieiican Drug eoitipany
Ai.itrt E. Giorfnskv, Manager

Not Fatal.

No Matter What Docby-We Know
werv going to die. Hungry aad pcBBl ' ‘ tors Sa:
That Heart Trouless they arrived In ike cUy. "Sever ,
shall I ftwget the klBdaess .d tee pra- j
ble in M any
pie or rhkav>.~ saw Mr Baow "They |
. _ Can
_ an “
1^ Iniended gttlng our oBeera a l«aCured.
but when tb'-r saw (tal the laeb

amt ataea bte dtarbatae fraoi tba ar«r.
d manda la wsra anaally hungry, sillHnigb clad
oraad Tmswne wlQ r««ret to Inn M la Ibe uBilmin or the ar^ »t ih-Itellpd States, they (ook the atoDcr
for the otecers ■■aaqaci and fed m.
Tba bvdal aartteao ft

Oabwmid at

! p o. O

2lf etsi TtmI Shlit

all (be men tateed aa-'Otough they

{ J “



Tdce it facknc, use A

Seeihe Red Cross

Da( the

levwd many hardships, aitxmg (hem be
da ba*a of hla daufUar, Mra.
Ins tbe lack of food...
Btewgla Vaa Uaw, at Ballalra. ai mid
When the coinpaby r^chod Ohiesgn
adCbl tMi aMbi. a«ad H ytan. H*.
Raw* «aa a ptanaar ratMaat of Tiav


November 12.

Snow was Uu ,

aapute aerer came borne agate and
•tote Nuum.
H^wad la Baw Mill.
aelteer did Mr. Baow'a Iratber.
Itccausc be bad rhronlr cold feet',
HMt HdOMd tHB a Mm>w w
waa at Cordova, Heakn. that the yel
tram taMM» Mary « death about low favm broke out aad tba mes dtei and can I wash back of nm:k. Uramt;
Rapids man sued railroad for II'i.ins'. ,
t;M Ibandfr araalat. Ha vaa bead- itoa rata Aa btgh aa ten bodies would
During the past few nlghu many;
lac avw a aaw la H<aara*a mm
be carried froat tbe hospital at algbt
farmara living east of Catietun have;
MatSH ttlaa a bMi. la «>** mi
aad It waa a great taak ui get
bad tbelr cblckraa stolen by ihlerea. |
Mr. tba aiaam waa panlaily tamad on bnrtad as the llviaa domandi
Bfvt-ral farm places hcv<' been vislieil. {
Md (ba H» atartad.
Uoa. Hr. gaow waa a aorae te tec boabut no iraee of the thieves has bo- u '
Tba ytmag teaa waa M aatb a
pital aad aU^wh be waa te dally eemfOIIBd.;
MOB MW »*d Iba «* Manad rapidly tam with tbe akk man aad asateiid te
The laat legtalaiare not only made!
It anw aaruiBiy bwa «au|ht bto body eanylap (hHr reeking bodtea
Md Ml btei (nabiteliy. FertoHWy. grave, ha wac aerer 111 a day. He at- •'leeibm day a holiday for bank clerks. |
but added all alaetira dus to the
tta atari wm alow aad bte elotblat triimiaa tbU
>U tea a
aaMBtea la iba aaw «nMaa atwpad It aad aa uitar dbanc* of any (car of tec tilar^llfi of tegal holidv't. at I
Bep. Draby'a ameedmcBi to tbi- la* !• i
daMaatlp te abta'Ma Kte. Mil laft dlacaae
no ruotimed by legal luminaries
hwad and Wn lac. bawtwar. were batb
Hr. Baow waa wUb Uaaorai Bcou'a
■«• not iBleaded to l«* such, but
•nay and (rnm Coedora. he weat wHh
terms are so phrased ibai<all cUv.
tbe airny to Bl lamia Pouma. arar tee
•Mn (baa before, tba owaar of tba City eg Maxleu eocurtlag a «conla train days are made legal Jtnlldays te
oplBlob or tbe dopanmeat.
mm aatlad to bim (a teak out bat ai
From there they
Jta OliuB weatber prophet pn-din-'.l
ibaaHtea lantaat. tba aalMy ralra dj
Oruaba. right at tee fmK cd
a mlM wiaier. from tbe fact that
tbt bMter papphd aad tba aotae of Ibe
B^te «f the aatoe
j muskrat Is building bis h.mse n.--'r
mmtttrn tuam drowntd iba wonlag. baa ataes baeotoe a voleaao. From
the uhore. teatead of tar out te lb.
MidtaM aaiWaaaa waaai oaea
teare they wa« Imrk i» Cortova- Mr.
MbH fttM Tnearae OHy aad M- Baow was te ac batitet dtiHag the water, as he did laat season.. Last
wlBler the muskrat bumi»-«>d out Into
ttawb tba lalartea were palnfill. tbay
Mexleah WV, tee Rghiteg lu-lBg BoslIbe lake to secure d<vj< water to ke. p
aro aai nMtldrrad aeitoua.
Ha la ty ftterflia warfare.
froat freiwing. This Is cm of th.-j
Mr. BtHtei was dtschargvd in I'rvi

Baatb af F. B. Knadte

It waa it Fbrt SneiUng. Minn, In the '
tall or lau that

A. that ha aaUatad for tea war with Mex­ second lime dtaebarged from tee army !
ico. Ha waa a mew bar of tea FIrat of tbe I'nlted Siates. Now be is t'
Rogtmaat MteUgaa TUnatogrf. and cb^Bi ohl man. (airly _hale ant;
laerred bader Capinln
Buell, .wboae hearty, living alone <>n bis farm

BnMri B. KawF. waa bad baan la
BMHag baahh tor tome tWe. dltd


On^cTl EttaU.

irom Mc9phli! Teno.. te ten days an 1 [

Ibare da yaara aad then gUPA to De- rclcwhd tbe prisoners. Although Mr ;
iroH. where be Wted aevaraJ muatea. Boow inok pan te this battle and flaaJly gUag u> Pori Huron. He waa a many ocben be was never a-ounde.1 :
He was ateooa tee ifaatpsbooicrs- list ;
tanaer by trade and

home waa la Port Knrra.



ny* H'tein«i College and om
Stegrr nmre.


gls with SHI wagoM and ison mules.;
la with aevaa- anpa eouaty, VenHot. Oct. IS. IRk. The mra and captain were prisoners,
Oescral A. J. .Smith aas sent to -r<- .
trfcYc the loss. The troops msrrbc.1,

Hr llTcd there utl) be waa IS years
«• mm*m. mtm card maa
aM «aa ataetad. Tba card manben of age and tbea went te SJaier. ’Alle­
w«a Ctartot A. Bigeemb. R. A. gheny eruBly. New York, rematetea

L r


of P. ball, on floor with Docker

palo. HMtoilppl. At Tupah). tbe con-' •
federates Md captured Captain Btec-

rnmut by Cbartea A. Bd«Mb nd
Ibte «Hp. Tba daartw wait wan «oac


cake, ami if yon don't like it return Jt.


•Btnllly ladae, Me. tOI. t. O. O. F..
maa ar^atea^ la lb* city TbarHay


N*w Mbbsob building, oadpr K.

Spap for 2S Ctats

fly eoBBund tba men of this artn.-

ICansu. through Arksnots. Mississippi,
Tennessee. Kentucky. UiaUiana. Ats

3 per CcAt aUowet m IUK D

tJl .a,)
vr.lh-lm Klarh. 1
ytoiiF; U>lu.B •» tann.w-l dtj

5 Okts pf SwHthfrt ewfe/
A rcpilai 10c soap, ami )‘pu get fiPe tor 2Sc.

6» i^w. Through Mluottrl. through I

abw la tba Mite.


beginning Novemlmr 14ih. we will sell

nm-d In this until the end of the war.
enrps. as history shows marrbod 10,-^

Vrry l»'.«l of dPbia] at-rvleu
| Trath T»ar of prarllrr.



teere. the nmipany was seat ,tu St.

white la Iba baMaimdla»itet. w»
-ty oa mat atrMt where do Moefea



who died 8.-PL S. 1!K.4,


A GCBeral BittIV BHlMM Mse

Traverse City.

Room 310 New State Bank Building.

he waa married to Laura Jtoics Snon.
Hp*aMaAU laapactod.

B. OARLAMa iraublpp.
SURPLUS, S36.000.









guaraatecd in every raqiect
-nuUtremade.totxtoaxwell an aen. Th*r ««
not made oT cheap maicnal. and givea a Eathy
finy, u,

abie^ and neaL

boi are dwable, oxalort-

Tbe dteapest on the

market, qnality aoatideyeiL

Once used and you will buy no other make.

126 state stretk a Uicfor Pttgrtyl.
Have you ever tried the

Aoyal Tlsr«r 7*aas sind

lioydl tiger
They are the beat

Csaaed Can
aad Salman

S<* ocjly by



! here, and wh%re we ett^ped until our like it here, and any d yoa:
who wish to know atU'tUag BOre. will I
food* arrived.
«-here we are loeatod (about a alle write Bie and endow etnatp. i will try ,
rntai Oah Grore ■tatton) H to tfl pine,
Thm are
nad lou of land hai bean elcared U
uncnpi and there U qoHe a UUle eet- coontry aad
Uestent here, which to largar Char
W'e expect . hare onr achool marM i ^shtOncd remedy for conOak Orore Itneil.
“Eat plenty of
to hoard nex week, aad abe U a real { sumpxion.
The flnt Bnnday we were here we
eoaibem gtri aad we expect
pork,” wss the advice to the
left Trarerae City on Sunday
the aon aouthercD aceewi th«L
( at It p. au on the ateasKr and the rollowias Friday we BUeade^.
Mr. and Mi*. F. O. CaapbeU.
conaimptive 50 acd 100
after letting ear Ueketi I a fnnetal at n little child of o
" i P. O Box 42.
oak Grove. Ato
‘ years ago.
onoaded to and getUng onr i
i, w* retired for
Salt pcMk is good if a nun
(he Bight, la the aiemtag aa
The idea
R. O. Helke* of Daytee. Ohio, a ; can stomach it.
diyhreak. we were np aad fonad we eepeetolly lo the mother, aa tboae that
wen ar-OM Mlaaloa dock, after which allewded never aaw a gnve trlminef leading Bcaber of thc -ladlana." on< i behind it is that fat is the
we Mft aad went to BIk Saptda. thea op betan. We bare' Sunday aebool of the Btoat (nBoui shObtlag club* ii ' food the consumptive ncais
to Northport. where we arired after here every Sunday . *l»o a good echoo:. the wofM. (a eo tmproaaed with Trnv
The wbole seltietnent I* nearly all erte City that be wlH endeavor to get mOSt.
brnakfaA. At dinner tl« we
pnaaliu Sleeping Bear point nrriring noribem people from Michigan. Wia- ...................... for the annual
eonala. lUlnoU. Maine and other noril- j g^oot whk-h I* beW
cm method of feeding
era s«te*. We And tbe pontbera peo-: ^h* Indians i* composed
‘fi fat tu
^ ^le be*i shot* In th.
the consumptive. Pork is too
When we arrired at Hanlatee we ao- pie « little peculiar In iheir way* and ^
ttoad that the banks on the aoeth aide apeecb, but very k^nd and good and,
Oak Oi«T«. Ala^ Oct. ». IM4.
4 to write to the Rectwt
wboa we got emiU. w there were ao
mnr oT oor (rto»4e that wanted U>
kho* ahom the ootMUr. •«> »• »•"
joa a deeertpd- trat jeonag to the eotRk ttom Trarerte

To Cure a CoM in One Day

rIsHr£r“i .s.uporkb.ftnK«..oid.

M the rieer w«« crowded with people
Ud alM that there were a aomber cf weekly choir pncike at «mr place f'"! portance as daring that tiaie all biu.‘-1 Scott's EmulsiOn IS thc most
MCSraioa beau In. and on nakiDg la- the good of the Sunday ariwol. aodj^ nt.i„ ^ uid aside and >h-'<refined of flLS, especially
Blirtw were arid they were eelebrai- toM Priday flrtqea young people and nearly all
1^ Lahiw day.
took part. Mr*. C. bat a clast of tea itaem and H to u gala week with the
Feeding him fat in this
We took eoal here and got oat ol
or twelve boys and gtrlt Irtw IS to 14
rleet SnalJy and nailed for tudinf
M token we' arrired about dark. year* of age.
la regard to tbcjUlmatc, we think I: the aboot coming ihere Uie town giv., U’aV, IS half thc batllc, but
Altar toBTin* then we Bade utralghi
Scbtt’s Emulsion docS mOTC
tor Chleago. where we tied np about U Sue. Tbe water I* eoft and pare. the dub S5M a year
lub lj '
Tliere are no inosqiuioes and not a<
I'o'ekwk Tnnday Bornlag. Sept. «.
flie* a* we bare to contend with till and the yearly dues the
A/ter atiandlag to the haggM
^ about the ctunbination
(whleh duty, fell to the writer, ai
rlub has no expenaes but all goes inu-,
cod liver Oil and hvpopho'^was iMUy dowl we at^cd to walk > bother ax
Today. Oct.
ae I write. I can look
a f^ile. Ai we had oir dog - Mike
with tia we aOrtad to wal rdiu rdla nt of tbe window and *er
evi'apie. Uai year. Il.uoo to monej that puts ncw life into the
,*Hit to the Chicago A Alioe ticket <d- tre-.> la btomaa for the second time
.and trooMr. ww. Bided to tbe rogular;
paitS and haS A SpCcial
■m and after aedbring oar tickeu Ibis year. One of our aeighho
prties. Tbe rlab doew not uke a per

, T
loagio plant which atand*
■••tto.the-depot There Mr*. Ca«p
^toge, aU tbe money, exce'pt whn, to ‘Ction on thc diseased lling*.
ghH'whi tafcee aidt bat fortnaatelT leqt blgb. aad tUlI gruerlac. Roae*
ekarg^ for tarptx going to tbe coo
there was a drug store Bear by whei<! ud other Sower* are in Moan
,\ sample wi'l }•
M^icd we tame here the Sral part ^ tesunta. The coateat to always open
Scislfrcvi>]MUi rc>->s V
tea ^)tarte the necessary Bedictoe,
MU ahewaaeoan Setter.
rpteaber we were told that they to tbe srorld.
Tile ctob Bemberahlp eonstoi* al
ere haring the warmest weather
Vir* had a tooff wait there, bot Sea]
«« S o-elook p. iL. we left Chicago they had alt oninBer and we were not km. II) . a O Helke*. itoyioa. Ohio
II uneomfortahle. for the bobuoi
A>*^tt UtoU. artriag there the next
at^ oat of the tan and get into -the daddy of them ail.” C. A. Yooag
todPtong. when we only bad tlgie to
Sprtagflrto. O.; Fred CHb-«. Spirit
gat at fres tmt train and get cn na- the Bhade. you Snd it cool and nice L«he. Iowa: C. W. Budd. De* Moine*
We had the Srat frost the al^l o'
Pthar. hoaad tat Mobile, Ain.
Iowa. F. S. ranttelee. Ruckport
ioc.Kuliu aldmiEisu.
We aaw eoBB algfata that day that Oct. 2Srd. whleh did no daaage.
Texas: Jack Parker, rtotrult: J. A. R
Ai far aa the health conditions are
ton do not see to Trarenc City. At
Eniott. Mew York city: H. C llerachj
nclgiithe 'train waa iaarlng and runnlne
Miaasatpolb. Minn : Harold Money ar>' mi'll of iB<’aa>, tto.'.v can g>’ 1" ai
slowly, we looked oot of the window
Sew York rltr,. and a numhCT cf
aad MW a nnaber of eolorod peoplr a Terr bad condltloa and one of tben< others wbose natnes are familiar u kiraihia Iba' lh>} (torlrr nirhoor i
. grrd to mbat) ndsancod iiy aiv' ei
Bea and weineo. and all had sdpei . to 72 yean old aSd *a* carried dowr all sportsmea.
f • If the elBb would fom ton- w
He ha* beea here two year*
Uowing tohacBk.
Mr Helkes to anttoSed that tbo^Sta: Angual. It would tor the MgX'vd *t> •:
AiTtrlag at Caret lU.. we aaw aooU: aad baa a large place cleared
gronndB are amply large enoogb
’ Inp event lh*i ever csoni' <i0 In Tra
or g||ht that Bade fnn (or onr ear of
the aboot and tbe water erac Clly and would ndver:to'' tb< r:
« poialoea chickcni, cow*, plgWe were runalng atoap
srhnrvrr trap sbiMIng U known.
alowly and coalnx to a nond of w* i
tar. we notlewl what we S^jjo-d to '
“•'P «■'
J baa had was a lUtle boy II yearn old
ba btook pigs roUtog abont la the naS-<
A large tntach of giris were arrvMe.i
dy WWB-. hot on aecood night we aaw i
aad Mgvd la Jail ta PunUad toi Hs'
thSt ttey were llltle -nigger*.- at
The negroe* are no trouUe at ail
ioWeVn aigtai. ihepuUre rtotmtog ih<;
here, a* they know their ptoce
ttar eall Iboa here.
acted iroiwe than lb*- l»<y»
A SBooifa graller rolUvi-^i It’T ■ «■
ATUr taartag Caro. ill, we saw i
from luneral DK-rcliaiil, at Mu,k.c .
Mthtag of totoMt until the next
ibreaiecmg a lawsu.i i( <b>-> "lii:!
■oealBi. and as aoaB aa daylight are to the north
We bare started to plow np qaite a
rritto. ctoimtog that niurh miait- >' Gaae we dtare up aad looking out of
I lol of ^ for planttog In February,
the hpBt Irsms uaed to Ifar giitto-r r ir
tM wtotewa. We poaeed bob<
toigtiir tha^"oecupltd'' by negm i
mjwelt srent to Mobile tort
before tbeir rarious pla<-"» >-f I.:-.
tte hMk Just exactly m 1 hare eeen i
brought home a banen
The felknc was flnall; p)ac<
f^coree of tbCB. Ptor Inttawe. a. we I " >*•«*» for which we paU 26c
were n—oae parUenlar r*-“ i
eon CAc a barrel.
w*. an old darky aUUng out’: *”«
Hears to front of bit cabin to oae of, *«*“**
iknne oUtaahloMd ana chair*. Htoi
btma*. 6c per p.
“ '
hand toaked Bke a aaowbalt. while tot '^***' »*•’ ““ ‘».M»ugbt every
MS Artamd the doorway stood
«h» meht man, who come*
fgat «f the lUBBy, all Jet and thiny'
®b» ■ week
WMk aad tovpy.
aosaeUBea twice a week, at 5e to
We aaw the tret
gr« sagar
P“> *' lT«rci«-.B-. (
A-k beCraik B
‘; oot OB tbe aorth Mde of the boose a

Si;'rto^SVri^‘"ec^‘raro“n '^

We can give you a BARGAIN
in a Second-Hand


Scotfs Emuhion






your Health and STRENGTH with


• liMUi*. poUM. arf ,—i»M WvWr— <°r WOWPL

gau**". «■< new




•tat t»e looktog ««re from tbe car | *
w'tatosi. .
We taally arrired at Oak Orora.
ton a* we
Uekeied clear throng
I* MoWto. wp went oa. OM Msaaed
W. took hreaktaat aad wyat dlroetlr
to oae of the city parks aad looked .i
While we srecc aeotlag the pork we
heard a baotog aonad and nakln:
antaaoae what It was we were toU It
wia toboau. nad they were all over
(be wntaivaak um to Ur park. We
^ed to town ah day looktot at th.'
qeaer Iowa, which akows Uiai It w*<
hWR by the Spaatordi. Tbe fancy
tree work corert all old balldtog^
They MH na Umt aerea pears agi
there sraa oM n atreet pared, bat no* '
there ore eooM very otce pareBce’
• there.......................
Tbe ulSiinitoa gye very aarTxro; ho
Mocks ea the sMewalk and hare ahei
tar aU along fma the awaliwi abow
which extend to tbe edge of tbe lhrc<
aad focr toot walk.
When we tret arrived In Mobile « .
leaked arouad for a ntopplag plaer h>the algbt and tnaPy loeaied at th
Fhrtey beane. kept by a fuaay Bni •
blah caopta. We procored ' a rooo
with two beds aad apoe gettlag read;
to retire, we foBM) that Uere w*.
' Miy one sheet on the bed aad a aw«Mt* hat. whkk Mrs. C. eaBaMerei
hardly lattotaciory. ao we hsMed nr
«w toBlMdy aad asked ker If It wooPl
he poasIHe for aa to proente a btat
'het, aa w* were weed to a littto beat
tor oorertag that a mootaiio bar. Tbr
toadtody ieofeed ai Hr* C lor a m<i
Ban to make «nre that *be meant it
and tbe* mM. 'An phwat do ye was:
or a Maatatr aw oRer betog told t >
what purpoai we wlahed to pot the dr
abed htoakat. she laughH heartily
taping: "Oh. oure. we aerer hare
Mpthtog ever at hat ear nightgown '
g we took tbe train
• dor Haft Osvrtw. where we boi
!t a genttoI loraKNl

This departmem is comluctcd on ihe same baai* as a« eacluaikx: Clothiag Store, ca<c|)t
that the e\pen>c is much less when run in eonneciion with other liaes. a* we clo. Vuu get every advafiltare that
any other store can give, and then you have thc benefit of thi* low ex|icQse.
NO BETTER < iOODS M.AL)E than such lioc« as these for which ire are manafAtiireri' agents aiid show
large assortments.


Oliison Bros.
Dress Shirts

Kotbing tak» thc place of tbe Sweater
in Athletic Sports and out-door games—
and if you're going oa a gunning trip it is
the best thing to tfear: pleat)- of wanmh.
)ret no hampering of quick motion.

We don't have to talk Spalding Sweaters
* Athlete—They're the standard
Athletic Sweater thc cooatrj- over.
Sweaters of the best makes and not a
Swtater is here bat is the best of its kind
at tbe price. Sweaters at from

At Sl.fA SI-Vi and $2'W
Olliers at H’.IC, .VV and Tjc

Staley Underwear
SI.'*!. $1.2:.. Sl-5i0aod $2.»W
Extra good Fleeced I nderwear V»c.

IDunsina Union Suits
l or Men, S1.V>, $2 V>. S:i and

Boff* CIH»M

Voungs’ Rats
Sl.'Kl to $•;/«'

Dutchess Crousers
Eic a button. Si 2 rip
i’ricev SJ, S2.'d-.S;:'S::V'and Si

'TliiliV' Overans
Wear like a i*ig a Nose
.At T5c and sTic. Others at .>*c

Wholeftak Tailor* of Koehcwier, N. V.
These are the pr«ip4r wh*j
make our Men s Clothing, so ymi are
sure of good wear and tbe sntiafnctioe
that your ckxhes are cofrcctly laah'
SriTS and OVI RCOATS. $lo«0.
$l22iO. $1:.. Slk. to $2.'^. Others M V>.

Thi* d' lanmeM is booming be>
cause here the young men M josl
wha: they want
week at
pncei S4 <•!,
and $r. fyj.

ThM HnriilrOntfmnIta
Twr, (,a, ShirV hoar* (a Biiiatototagra
2hc ra'iM. tperm) 16c «r two far Sftc
M*«.'a F.«rw> FaMa. a iOU. valac It Tl a^
S2«n. bprrmitidcr
Tbtat <hH hu« Hats, is valtaB. ^atmi |I M
S4fc FlBaartooc Oktftt,
M dta Coats* Gitata, spiaO 7e rw rm.

Utaft Cm « si.«B. S1.M. mm m'. mm.

$1.00 to $6.00

Hamilton Clothing Co.


QTxn or MKsnAa-emy if o
Scllairc. Wet. Mot.



Hone of tbe »pv ABtrtB eenlr cooA
tuBM wUIlir «*M Hov. II.
nm; trill be In eb»rsc t* tb« Muoot
la (Ml Tkinltr aixi tbr
fro* Tniwtae Cttr aad PWortej V'
Mrt* that 0«n«ra1 StMMtl. ii


Forfaffintg and Childrei^

• torge <n>wd

tarngt «a dadattd tfn lorta la th# aarth«i«al ar <h« city a"d la
Adrti. Arabia,
1 rcura ta Liao Tiahan and Tl«ara and twcBlyoe
Tall panlnaMa wnti 10,«0 aaWlara and i
Evan Caldan HIM fartrt ! wen maiaaered


Sov. 1 -Tba captain
at tbe crav o( Uie
atier baTlng

Tfie Kind You Have
Always Bought


Bears the

wrached oe the AtaUae eout. Traopi

will »a a

Jiaae been aant (a aveaga their

or Via warahlpa anty


II li .aa(JclbMed (bat Bel-

K PfX Arthur, mayaphidli^t^
« hi* UM aV




der. The Bartm loiierdale. ander cob«n Captaia Crocker, aailed Itoa


vM-a daeka ara ttw faat abava Via

. ledla. Jaly.n.

watar tan Vw mat havt baan aank.


8be west

Ans. 21-

Tha llatalMn waa bttmad wKh aa*ar«



•urvUra Oat Nancy.

waundad who <a«r« abaard.

i-hWMiry.w U,.sty -4 Trmvwa

*strv r


c>ra4-d Tfav*-rw- K'VWld. ■ai* yiaiSwUM t«jw
niUtnwBl.4.-< iBMrk WM* lur Wt «-iBl B
• ilOliOg w •
Conn I Chart Cun
COVgU. a (UueS.
............ * Iw Cun*talBBBI


la>i algtat. blew tli» aale with dyna-


' .u-r-a.-.ici-UlBuit II

Batalo. N. V- Nor. t.—Four Backed
tnea eolerot JaBCi L. DtodgMl'i pHtale haak ai Hermliaise, near Wanaw.

t—Port Arthur l>

V. Alhart i


tram tha •

fara Vart Arthirr ItaMt and tram Na«,
Chwani all Indteaia that tha iBlkada'a 1

wndar Oanaral

Nafi ara


papad In a daaparau aMaott an th«
•tnnphald and fcava painad nueh d««mwidlng


aawna daamad.




Tha antlra JapanaM

arniamant In balaMlnp farth a
death and daatnietwn an Via RMtian
Ta the aaat ad Pert Arthur than ila

id bo( pttriuK of the
_ 7^* “
- Banker Btodgett U - the -DatW
Kanin’' of Heraluge.

kwslac It to iboae in need who bad
good aceurhy to oBer.

tha aama

time eamatand

tba Innei

The Blldew on

■ererbl baga of mseey dropped by ib<
robben aiieati lu age.

a lang ridpa M lorta which avarlaak
tha aurraundinp eauntry and whWi at

He baa been

procpettmi. boardinf hi* ncmey and

NanMaa It Tarmlnuta
Uaolatoe. MIcb.. Nor.


li DOW tbe paaaenger teriMnua





tfo severe cases of Ovarian Trouble
and two terrible operations avoided. Mrs.
Emmons and Mrs. Coleman each tell
how- they were saved by the use of
Lyia E. Rnkham's V^etabk Gnnpound.

For Over

ness andlABSOrSlAV.
FwSiaib S^urc of


^Dbab Mbs. FtmLix:—! am CO plcas^ witb the resnlts obtained
E^Plokbpm'a VepetaMe Compound that I feci it a duty
and a ptiTilegrto write j-ou about it.


^" '

‘ tdlN knowlnt that with ttila rMpt in

pawaaalow the

fau at

Arthcr wowM ba aMlad.


One repart

raeMvad In Chaa Fee thia artarnaan
alBlad that ■ number af 'Viaaa peattIaMi had baan t*MW

the ■-plBg.'- while Maauiee people mil
pax* that dcligbtful oacl* wltboat
lange of can or baggage.
At leaM' oM car 00 chU train U
tni claai eoaefa. lighted by gaa. and
erory way better than the old cars

A dlipateh tram .Haw Chwang thli
laandnp rapartad that heavy acplaBiana had aocurrad wivirin Part Arthur

that bare made travel on ihli Unc
dicagraeable In tbe pnat

A report thia mamJnp aaya Oanera

It it poarlbic tbal the ailc pf tbe H.

Napi haa tunnalad undtr Part Arthur

A C. n. railroad

wHMn a ahart dWtanca at the OaWan

a pasaeager serHee connecting

Hill rartreaa.

ibe probability uf
' '

The axpiealant i

that thee^lnae ware aat aP taarlnp
apan • p$

thrau^ which

Tarrlbl? Wreck M fie*.

the Algerian coast today. The Oirondcj
ported te have been drowned.

hfire oeeopM
t t
Wanui Hlli and fired
aM deMroyed
l«oB tbe bNUc

victim* were natlvee of Algeria.
The veaael tank

corera) trfinxpurta 1« Port Arthur bar-

Some of -the!

the III fatsd veaeel were;
a*|^ at the time and were drowned

ifto the North Pea IneldeBt haa bees

like rata In a ira.n.

Tbe coorentlou
Tbe Roatian Bal-

M-h tetter* a* atiore when aoiDe druggist tries
to ret you to bay
leh he aaj-a Is •• just a* good " That is impoa- '
Hhfr m^irine
inr-di'ine haa aueh^a
aucli a record
^»rd of cures
a* LyUU
E. Pfak- I
egotable Compound; am-pt do utlirr and you will be glad.

arm* when the crath came and leaped

Ua fiael t» again ea route hr tbe But

iirte the aCA

aid tbe rcaalader N AdBlial RodJaal>

On coming te the ten
■ atm cllngi^ to one ot

fron Tao-

her bable*.

She gratped the gunwale

of the already overcrowded beat and
on* at the craw ipllt the won

Candanaad Talcprama.



ekull with an oar. the effort coating |



A weman ptMan-

ger gathered her two children In her

'niscMae' iher-,;

SI,;::-;;,',- !r3r'.r„;r-.3 .'.■sr'Sr,; j OT,
" -.....-


the loM of life may have been greater j

A draft nf the >
vdaitaa for Ibe edsBl^hni of Inquiry

*«aaky'a aqnadioo aailed

AM the]

immadiatcly ami i

than at first estimatad.


I* arid CM
gaartlsaW ^ —ilA
------- ~»1 |-U*»4...1R aad Irto paUtioo (cayva* far iha illiaiaia
t r»..'l,Ki ..f Aaill r. ............ .

ttsr.'; Ei'KRii’s savlsr^is:

Sena. Algaria, Nev. «>-The tUam-{
cr* CIrende and Bchlamno celllded efT,

Loadoe. Nor. t.—Aoeordliig to
port* rowlred ta Takio ibe Japaa


Ou--Mail- uk!sl:oiDa w

MKjiil.- k'illlr.c ■ itic

the !>art haa fallen.

(Vrera aU antdea.




“Deah Mrs. Pdcrkaw:—For several yeara I
i: Bi*.v !n-." Ifv iHvSuted th:- «KBih.
™_... fOKB .to aw* <4 iku .mtrr. sad la nwa
was ironbled with ovarian trouble and a painful .’hc-reviT
u rsrtto*
and infiamed condition, which kept me in bed part .ii.i: RM-t-a. aefl,rMnUoni-l Mf.het ar ,aad si-'ip; ilit-nof wUe Mssait la Mid nwi fl1.wvof
to slaw
III- enilll-irs Isiigbed inir
of the time. 1 diiTso dread a surgical operation
u. >aM day
*•1 tried different remedies hoping toget better,
i of Uu« oolrr. aad (tot in ili-isuli ia-.m4. muI
but nothing seemed to bring relief unta a friemi ■*. nl »-U ls»t .Ib-JL* •
r ^to^^ Meuatwaitl by ito -avI Boa twm
triio Lad liecn cuicd rjf ovarian trouble, through i m
s Mali
AmI it t> rsrttor onlfVTnl. that witkiu ta-m
the use <if your enmpound, induced me to trv iL If
all «f whom tv day. Ito .aid <a upolnaat Mr--. mKlisicf
tfci-.«<- r.-h. roWtat.-.U«i t»n-tinowi Tr*. '

>k It faithfully for three months, and ab the end '■ n '.»nn rcjiir:
i-ri;-.Ev>-ry KaliUtlu;
time Mas glad to find that I was a wcU i '”
llcitUb is nature's Ix-st gift to woman,'
uBw in tto
.4 Traaww CHg, la
__i if J..U lose it and Can have it n-slorcrl i
Ihrougii ].)-dia E. nnkham's Vcgelahte-dknn. ; v>ru.i. 4
•vatOnd awl s><e r-M-:
(siiitydayi I, I.m--(1iv uw. a!.,., pt^w-ritad
Bw Jaba A. liwaiiaw. SMf* *C
. \ puiid I frvl that all suffering women should I ,u i- mi'
ns me of Ulv biril
of this."—Wra LmniA liixix Coix-l
•1 is-c-im*! a price.
ij-\ »iAK, Commercial Hotel, Kasbviile, Tcna.
! Till- Sti san .Manulariiirlng Co.
AMII, r. kBUJMigK.


A<i Kurwpt

H aipactinp mamarttartly te haar that

aeeepied by Ruaala.

.. Utiaj lH l If I 1o>- . ‘.I-K
.!•'< 111
I b lh«-apr-iih.- ap'-i-- 1i;
•.iimMrI. "I .Inn’i 1
lu.-iutK.-r Wlial j^^•^bb«•

Another Case of Ovarian Trouble
Cured Without an Operation.


alcperd ean anUr wtthlwrtha
fartifleauana ot tha part.


guffered for more thaa dve j-ears with orarion trouble*, caosing an anpleastmt dischatw, a great •weafcneas, and at times a £aintne«
troukl come otvr mo trhi^ do amount of medicine, diet, or exercise :
seemed to correct. Tour’VegeUble Compound found the weak spot, ;
bowfirer, mtbm n few.tveeks—and aared mo from an operation— '
all my ^ble* had disappeared, and 1 found myself once more healthy
and wen. ^ ord* fail to describe tbe real, true, grateful feeling that b
It, and I .want to tell every sick and suffering sister. “ ‘
dally with
with medicines you tnowootimig abom, but take Ly^E. PiSk- >iirh In lii-^ llraiiv is yu.itiii
Uot ''
ilVmMy c4UraadTr*n««>.larii*anrT7
Vei ■ * • Compound, and uke tny word for it, you will he a -»ilh an t-,. tu
■ ”
cifivii-il rc bd
different ■
ii.- p-i-itillsi flw- 1C ..n<- lliat F\;rHr . RWeTMMVtsui.
in a short time." —Mmi Lacba £ulox^ Walker*
v,.„M nor rar.-. oT.iahc*., ’’TM'’*
«I au

".-irnm- I.: Icieailng


In Flia'


'[> auifmruU;.


.-•-mplWBsat • HolKai-f



Th-.-y. h->«i-vi-r.

; ^ Hash ^
: sinl*baMpMi^rnuSaTtw Ito ill TSl



ilt.-r l-a iia-ar-l aUiui
•ally oifc.-r loB-rs ar-' aft-r ihi- iu

Bonn hesitate to write to Mrs. Plnkliaoi If there Is anything
jou do not undersUnd. bho will treat yon
wl^ ldadoess and heradri.-e Is free. Xo woman ever regretted
writing her and she has belpetf tbaosandA Address tvnm Maa.

n- ; y ami 11 taa>


awaj from t'Ui..

1 '-imirary aelinn 1.
Tl:- IUi;v..: l. M. E.


entire beat'e crew, at;

Mew open (ha rautt and aafe of the I
State bank here with niin> idTcerlna


at k oUork tbh Momlag and aecured
tUOW ta illrar and made good their

. Oepcl Entered at Hoiwr.

Altempu nf the burglar* to

Bpy and Osg Herpes.
* many plm-ek from lallloK n-ari.- m; • :
Black Ulsmoml. Ww<h.. Noi. .'..—It..- l»ig^. Th-- fei'i ot
^r<- l.-rrlli!} ’

lioDor, MIclu. Nov. 3.—Tbe depot ai

iBip a Nsei box

tbU place waa broken Into Tuondv

[luat Ot paper BCBcy were un-

cause of th- love- W- tVIIHsm Sciul'i.- borneit, ami at the l.-f sid<- * hen- ili ;i

nigbt by BD unknown penoa or per•on*.

Bntnnee wa* gained by ro»oV-

lag a window pane abom ISxIC.

Bcnioa lUrbor. Itlcb., Nov. i.-Tbe

an It-yi-arold boy..for bl* dug Kalrcr.

boy’s ciuil bad cauRbi fin-, s^s a sria' 1

and becaiisi.- of ibe dug's devotion to round


-pibteb of n-d

luarUnR ib

bis llule maalcr. tbe boy now IkUi Jr- upjay ig the boy war to suffer !.:• '
bis r{>l wilb bis .bead, tei.-i acd.nrni-. .tW..- 10 c<rme.

robber Hnrted to remove the pntiv

INre Marquette Railway compaB) has
obutnod UUc to a valMble strip of fniB around the pane, badly cblppim: swathi-d'In bauilages and an ugly burn '
Tlir bo]- and itn- <|.ic bitv imi
tbe easing, but eridently tired ot tbut
land froB the E. A. Grahan estate,
bis i.-fl side. Ihv hi-ro of *th”‘ilr;- <-ilgC v>f ISi- -karinp bv
Mr«. i
naar ibe river Inml. and will <m- and flnallyprled Uic pane. out.
Sehults nursery. wWh- the dog. wli'i Sr.bnhr aaC her fi.n and lioth Wvr, I
When Station Agent Hay*.- Beystnm a tfo.twu depot on dw alie. Coah
two of bis feet nearly hursedioff. on.- .tenderly nurrlwl homt-.
MkRUoac In the title of tbp land date no)d* arrived }-e*t«rday at the depui of bis legs wrap|K-fl in -medldUisI et»i- --------------------------------;-------;----------|
back for-.elgbiy yv«ra. and H' iq a re- he dl*eovered where Die wouM-bu rob ton. and mosi ean-rnlly ii-iided I-.- a
State N'ws.
Btartable Net that all bat two of ibe her gained eniraDec. Tbe mmey was
livb lu nrs.kvnii--.
Two ^Ui
wWaoMB la tbe care were ni» over taken out of the till by tbe agent TucfvemK
day nlgbl. only one cent being left,
7B year* of age.'
'! oacb raved the Hfv df the other.
8hlawa.wuc eunnu fanner rtriu-'K
mad the till left unlocked,
" I
l-ht’e Wllhoim and his .!.« Kal>-r u.-iRhbor cm h.arf wirli hammer
HInaibnek..-Anuria. Nov. A—Hk>- the agent could discover noibing
were allowed-to go berTvibg one dayimav drtag wa*
raaewed Uil* aClornooa taken. Bvldently the thief was tookin Uie woods where a feresr.ftre wa^
••Sran-d toac.-r'Aui!
•gahut tbe Itanaa ciudenU by tfa» ins for money. The llck« cabinet wu*
raging, and fnarless beraure Cl ibe fa- Ratardcll tlii-al- r ilnrOorntoB etetoeaL AH avaUable Tyrol wn broketa Into or aaylhlng else mumlllarUy of smoki- and fiamv. ibi- bo> — Slnnlslev SVsr.
police bnve been drafted (or terrlee hi loned. The work appear* to have
pnrbed further atib funner Into tbs
Aft fiW man e»cap-.
tbe town atad are now pairollag tbe bean ibdt of amaicnn.
1 forest, ilrtving and leading Kaiser ruVIV bouse, h-ea-:
street* with fixed bayoael*.' A mob
Tha-ycoth’s Ccmpatilcu I. itM.
,b, wa. han.e*«-d to bla lliito ea- wai^d to jj2.u> In-la;
vfani!. ,
jhM wrecked the fiouce of tbe Oerman
U I. impoasibic even to sumnwriit, pros
rearhlng a
TVoiiilmere mai I I-i-ind :iirlt> >r.-il-j
a^Uei wbu built tbe Italian faculty'
In a alngle iwragrapb tbe many anff; rusgi--' gukh. where the blaCkbcrrl.-s lug iinluns. osier
^t atirl ha t I
varied aUracUab* whi^ the Tontb’ajgreg temptingly plentifol. Wllbeln:' strong case against him. "In onion.-1


Omnna lim'■wntod.

; Companion announre* for the eomlngjtled hi* dog to a scrub and deseendel

there U rtireagib."
. t Inio the guUey. Scrfilenly ht- fouc-2
■t famvr living tt-ar I'ltmaj. ;
of articles planned to Inter ihtmsylf sorrounded hy n,m.s.
tllscn-t'l looking yo'itb "1 *'>rk
banKil lu the gnwml abortly befoio I
'espeelaHy the forty-five millions of | lunit'd about to n-tnrn. but fouii; b’lm- farm th-- oiler <Iaj a;:d it; Hi
i Americans who look dii
!hi- .*elt cut off ejcepi to the- jiaht. pin is noon left
Roon today. Tbe Are Is anpposed
thi Mmiu
In ilt I roll
’of I ihi- b-ft he had tied hi* dog.iu ni.- triv- ebargr while hlmsi-tf and racit.
have caught from a apark from
, ••. ti.iik..-.^ ____
__________ .
cbiBuey lodging In the k4ve* around-^
for Youac FarmersWlihelm wa. nii coward pnd he tiUii (o tow n Wh-n ho rc-rira- il

Hhb . Nov.

Omena f

Nourishing food comes ncxi.
■ :ii, I medicine 10 conirol
couch and heal the lungs,
t any good doctor.

When discovered the fire I

Sanitation of che t'acm." "The;

Thia was one of tbe mon p^uiar/'*'^'
hoiela on the bay and bad fnat rioaefi!
Tbe tosa la |

Il wa* Insured fpr;


fof., nomeni.

Fipbiing . bis tlrwl-k-Uarr-led

l votomrTir ini:..
]iiniied thr- -log. and losHMr .k-y
F«n llluvrrmtcd Bnn..unevm.-ui d'-i«t,.,cd fur rafeiv. t.-a ih- l-.v *r.-»

dolleatc hesUb.

I'h derra'c'5. Ail.' r.=

5:'-» ..III

■ U.1K.. .


trip and tbe bnlr WP^t to tbe BtIt-.-Cuaatkms- calondar tor IMS. iilb>
Itb Ibrem* a-fll ptobablv visit Egypt} graphed In twelve eofot* aad gold
uuMHiriiuNl and piwiubly Ameri<-a. A;
doeiiu 'wlll accompaor him,


o «'..i.n foftl,. i.„-iniy
I irviMl Trsverar
A< R MB'io -4 Mid e'-Kirt toU at Uia
lab Oftc*-. ui Uiv my <4 Traima Otj. la
wl^c-culy. OD Ih- :4th day <4 Urtotov, j


the «*tato c4 flaiab

a'ly cction of tha | "“l”!*




run prsyinr <- rth-altonsn-Ibsnrt aad tur
lU. *--irmn-nt
itoSr1l«U-« >4 tto rwklia-

la.w.aadtatrr n
ofruBr .riariSty and

thai tto l*udar«4 N-iv-w

: V. .1 ri A yc • s pm*. ; >^A ^ iiid*S'i«to»ijfci2*to sad JJtoJJC
airpr-iirtm T-.r 'laBlate and aUmnag «*td

’ fgjcRj.. Am-<.>


H-rsld.a io-wvpat>arpniii-«aiylarvi

Mmm*.«.r. A.


cospssr. ,

laEn.ein-JwUy R



SIj's Cnra BUffij

T-rliu and MRSWgar. Tr-.m t.’hlra-.. 'Vhri?.L:?l-:iS:'a)IJ)‘'tH,
Ih*-yacht wi;; go thf--ii,-h
river and ran.' to ih-gSd Mi.-.


f “S'**'

Tb*- tnulb'r- C.uupanloti.
ut Berkeley Stre-ci, ftostun. Ma»*.


.ar^ci- ii.a<:'ald|«7,««i'

loai^wat a ,ww--<.i! vt lati


i rtk-wr.Tii

w.^1 wa*



Vloq-J'tr-.. r-

< thled'them.: 1lap;.;s at-i d

When they rAtne «iul of th.- wturi* tb-' p:;hUcan.> v.-iUtid »
lM>'a eimhlng nuj ia i.mid, rigt an.! la .ev.-t t- r.:---:
Ksrier’s Jong



fa, .1] ... ifa ,

was.Kalcpr'a iMiftirt ibai



He aaya tb« I paper ti

* tree all tbe it



*fvi^ Hon iobti A lAtfWBfsr. dodg* s* j ip

- ;pp! riiert. rirenHr1/m^on, Nov. 3.-A person wto l-^.blng the principal fratutts td The' lH-wlWer.-,t. mid hii- borne.1 feet g*t. : >• rrire
Tari'u-. Sirring*. ”■
circle* oaaAnns oympanlon’s
new volume for 1»05 willlhim sui.h I.a:n lhat twice he laf dowr.I mb.TU Its oee-^sr’.
imors ibat Ibe priore of Wales, b^ .sent, wit

«f— -rtw
of coasamp-.hiti.

<1 ^

1 be came nearer bv Jn-ard ihr dug tars
Th? Kr_v.Ilr,t. laua.-b jtea F<*t..
aWrit* and SSo sbortUo- him. ami plunging ihroit^ a l.un- •owned l.y IJuIu'h narife-. le en reoii--' J'-e-.>*i‘-r-c
'•'o must talenied and -pop-j-1 lag thicket with his ha; „v,-r bis face. .frym Duluth t.r ChK-aa- > is Lakes Sir-I___________

American wrlicrt of BeUon wii!' h,- ran with bare ft-e't tbrougb the J**m

I form p«f_pb the iMmctiU of the ner jCind.n. to where IhF dtjg'wa* .Hod. I».
Prinea In Poor HMith.

lh--<Ulv|>rMrnl>,> f... lit. i
Ulk'K'.K vr. < l LTie.
CioDiM'ourt i'-R.nuae</tr-r in
l-rsiel Ttmv-r- I'-i.ritT. Jti-fit.-ii.
D'UANOKBA l,lil,ANC.Jdl.
t-—!v it-*Ti- f.*r I -.isitniBAr*
H---ii.>»-»Jc!r—. Trav-r„-Oi.'. Ml lugBi

^Ir. ito^taalMr n!

AND UBaLIBD ■^■mpWa^mi^H

. ................ ...........

a very avcoessful aeasos.



waa BO wril und« way that Bothlngofi'^*""
American Cottoa." "How j the ehoklns .moke a« In-it hr could he ‘ «»»gi ahd a cant<i«eraii> v
any value was saved.
Women Make Money on the Farm.' : eIrrieiHn th.-dlroclJon of the dog., ,a.

filtMO to IlS.bOb.

rips, a
ncfiriy every case of consumpiioD w ill recover. Fresh
air, most imporunt of all.

3—The Inn. j

owned tay W. H. ’ Uewey ot




«T-'':5:'t.- t'ai



nra-.-l-m -




Oraw^’Tta^tyw^cj^iV. Mi^

Ito^ —.„aai,v wock.|(rva«UMa> -U> a*

gtolWlev,** aiu pvtotocr. IMS p.SB., tad

T('--MA> KADDE},-.



Hivkftt .HytMat.
t* M M kam'M >

I «««r fall M toyhii ta d*
tMM ihlBQfc • •‘k -Try, tiy

Th* Or«*r tt »m tMtltafl ^ae«.
W4 -*« tedM • w« Metcty—
Orte ■( tfe« MliM rw*;
• rBf«*»iT««e*»ylUTr«i>l«e.

ir plolMiM t«M» roe. JM roar ore*
A V*T# iMl mrr iwiakle oboo:
fiBTir tte uctr tmi% tflta
TberYe Torr W* tt ooeHtoo.


0B« eas bappr at tbe torlax tboocbi.
aw laaUW of worry eW pate abr
broMbt ebwr aW aaaablae. Waaa‘
tbai a Ateer war to eetebrate than
trrlag to toe bo* oitieh BfaebM abe
eoeU «o* AW iiDt k a Moon tor
all of M to renaabrr*
• Tbe OrtW Ra*Wi Prea* prtetol
laii Batsrdar a ptaota«r*pb aW
« a faor vbo to BtaUat a aa»
himaetr by Mac tbe •cfk tbai cone*
to hW to «o. aw tlolaft U tbe rerr
boat be fcaoert bo*. He to aa Oateaa
bar aad war of roo kw* bha. While
fe* of rou bare a ehaPM to W ae !■
portoBi work aa be doet. yet If roe
do roar owo work Jaii am well aa roe
poeaiblr caa. yoe will Make the right
klad of B»ea aW ^omea. aW aaceeaa
will cobe to yoe. it to ialtbfalseaa
that eoeata, fa work, la roer atodiet
dW la roar hoae life.
Ret* to tbe aterr:
Bach tUr aa tbe two tralar of tba
Traram CItr. fwtoaao ft HorihporJ
braach of tbe O. R. ft I. poll up be(ara the oM bowar that doea .dittr aa
aW freight depot,
■e paMMgera look c
1 ibe imall bor *bo Aai« wilb %
wreftlea with
■aekt. layi the Oraad Rapldi Pret*.
If they Uke tbe troaMe to aab. they
leara that the tBali boy li Oscar Aadeiaoe. Uiehfgaa-* yoeagoat. aW par­
kspa tbe yoeagaat aiatMe ageai In-tbe

lUiTCuaded by algaal laatcni aad oth­
er talltcay parapberaatlC and eon■taatly wlifala beariag of tbr aieUII'e

tr roe MW yraetlM for u boor
AW U U oMM • HMA. kMC «blk
ItMWabcr Bo( to poet sW gto««r.
.. 'waar a. 1bricM aW cbwrf
Tba retaa ar* alBple. aa roe at
•Mafta wp reer aiM to tola teftarRat oa a aWla-aM rw *1U be
Aa aetlre aiwibir right aYbr-U«r nw*r >• Bi. Niebolaa.

a caaib. TVararaa City. tLf. a No. s.
'm tkk. Bk BiglW.



Mftlll 10. IPOt.


_________ ________________________ _____

VI“jBt- tori-?l rrequeat* dlstrt'-t
crsipto< tbe relai with both baads. : tha« oa «oM algbis ibe mice oowe ori.
Btk Raplda. OcL
*b«a h geU reWr to ea
• ' .
Net aa rrelaak aored. On* of tbei tot oa tbtor bannebes. aW warm tbam- -•eJiooIr*
Dsar Mn. 8aiaa-l tbowkt 1 «oald | will bw-wbai. Dtcftyr
rlaiton bowW. ImmedlatHy tbe bat: selves near the ragHtir. Aeeordlog U
d Diek.r I
Ota card .sW battooB aw I ihaak yoa
rery «aeh. I •» to aekool erera day
“Tea. dear. Aad ao It gSM >«* hW beM bto beW erect.
Hardly bad the risRorp paasMl
1 caa. I bars a pet WttM aW »U aW forth betweaa tba aky aW eaitk.
. u Tiger. I like tay teacher rery R’a oae df the wpWerfal tbian the wbea. palUag bU feet oai of tke atlraueb: bM name to MIm Jokaaon.' woeuJertal world to fall of. Hole Peg.- rapt. Ibe yoaag prince atmtbed bim->
OBI oa Ibe broad back of the pwr
Well. I fWM> I win dose. *o good j —Priaiary Bdorathn.
Hints far teMMnera.
.. I^UfS to- Is aceustomed to • apa
agalB. Tell me if you see ritoiora
bye froB
' '
miy pet. a. homer
..<«*. elrkaer*
eomlBg.*' be aaM to the groom.
Margaret Jobaaoe. age P.
a Good Lesson.
Do yw always remeasber to f.-e,.
R.P. D. No.1.
A boy waa aJttlag oa tbe steps of a
Vee ^n Make a Fly Bawftaw.
boose. He bad a broom in oae hand
Tb.. tolk^ bwtrtri.1 op- ewtr^y
Here is aa amasinjr little trick tbai! Do yon apeak kindly
Trarerae City. Oet- »l. 1»W- j aW a large ptoee of WeW aW but•d- Ibr
looked up vlUi
, R"

Dear Mrs. Bate*-I am a lUtle girt; ler la the other. WbUe he was eating you WIU end lots of fun.
: Stick a brag lead pencil la ibe end ; Orink of water when he wants It ?
• years old aW am siek la bed elti. be saw a poor Uitle dog a
^» aW am bariag m oW- blai. He eaflrd out to him. “Cemt of a spool of thread so ibai It wdH
»*«• * toth’
wriie for me. 1 woold Uke-reey marb bere. poor felk>*r Seeing tbe bar stand upright. -Mo* get a pleoe
rery stiff Molting paper aad froft •!
>“* handle tbe fciltea, roughljT
to jola your SaaahiM CTuD. WIM you rallag be came pear. Tbe tmy held
n«» ro“
please aepd BM a card aad batioa ! oat to him a piece of. bto-bread aad eui a strtn two inches wide and-aboui
,;.:io be lor a -•■V. 1. s ei,r ..owe
My ceacber-a aamc to Mtoa Agae*^ butter. As Ibe dog stretebed out tal/
n.ed W
Bulllraa. 1 Hfce her rery macb. We bead to laktf It. the buy drew lack hto • drop of molat.e. or syrup.
Tie:, *,.
Now bilaoee the utri{i of M(»Uac
uke tbe Herald aW f ea}oy bariag baW aad bit him a bard rap on tbe
__________ '
. ;• lioi-Ui.. nil yiM-dJo thi-m . T MO A'p.
paper. ^Ih the syrup cide up. on 1(1^1
«y atoier reW tbe letters to tae rery
m going to sow rye. my ' ‘
wbo was loaklog from point (if the pencil. You kbould katej"*
modi. So boplac to receire my card
aid grandim
dmi. ly »ri.-r o.-ofifa-t a mo-,
ibr other side of ito- two playsn. althoagb cine will do ;
aW bowoB aaoa. 1 am your Iht a wlWnw
the .............
ruadlng a. ki- |«
bad door. Bach ptoTer cIkiomk an e2d of tbt j
street' saw what ilw
ja ^s.4lol.l wt,',- th-Tt- »Hf« I,., ’
Opealag the street door, be ra1l<-d tHH pai.-r. ta a moment a Ay will allgM
Margoerlie Oarii.
10 him to come over, at the same liiae on oae end, aiiraried
Trarerae City. Uteb. ft. P.
So, 3.
bnldlog a rixpence itetween hto Anger ^ and that end of the imt>er will go down
rea'bi-d iki “bom^- ^
- ...1,
and thumb. "Wditid you lilt- ihlsT' 1 triAe. Then another Ay wiU ligbt
Acme. OeL Sk. IMt.
.l.tiL-lK.-r .He;n:;.l the.
Dear Mrs. Daieti—It has been a Mag aaicl ib«- gentieiaaP. "Vf». If yiwi on.the other < n,l. or i.-rhajM serertl.i
d-nily hai{l ].-;'i-i>.bie^iidn the
time alaco I bare wrlitea yoo. and as
It to aei a aelmel day I ibougbt 1
would write to you. I have aoi been la rap '<a tbe knuckles from a /woe
absent or uidy this term. I lore t i I which the gentleman had l«4itnd hlai the ends, the psp.-T *111 lean Aral ihto
;My bari->ad'
geioaebool. | bare almost two miles' that he mareil out with pain. ~Whai way. ihep that, tin it orerlialaBees
logo. I have got my rard and bmio.ijtlid you do that ftwr said be. making, and fall/on ih> tahl.-, xh.-a the plt}>- i
t-randim. , ' '
J .na.UI.
yet. I wear my buttoe to Suadai I s long fare- and rabldng his hand. “ller wbuse end
ll•‘av> as
Koi he ', going t,.ii lit M-w.lhi! ry. ; i|,A
school. I weal (Hit to Lelaad.tMs sum-! didn't ask yoo for the sigpeaee.’ jrause the luniiili-win.,
mer aW stayed two weeks to risli) -What did you hurt that dog tor jo ti | We woaJd nt.i sdvlse you to try ibl. flow should iliv besri dr a mile rhiidi laliu-,; to-r fivnd As. ivseef-ilto at:! '
i1 dour* III
my paiM. 1 had a alee time.
My-uow?' a.kc-d tbe genileinan. “He i in the bouse, but raiber out of
1 at,t a,-: It;.,ii.-pVwirri ti ;r .
brniber to twmlDgoi^ to are us Christ-'diap’i ask vou for ihe bread and liui- the warm sunshine. w|^ere the
As litre aa Ihe rily
It uhsim* i« tb.->
l|ig hi.>,l..v*i.(..e;mr.M

l.i an ev>s
tosher anyone.
mas racalMe. No* I wiu tell yon i ter. As you served him. I bfve *eri-rd will not
.... ....................—^
• 1-a: ' '
etl Wh.-,I Ihe raiu-r h it ,i wpabnai my pet*, i had a pot dove and you. K«w, remrmlier, ber.iifter dop
As clear a* the dhWFF Cnmi Ibe Mavetis wl<h tiu f.-rlingihat h.rlll.- ha.H«wn
DM You EverT
It died. I BMdc bisgrave HBdergraai [can fed a. well as boys."—HukI
- ■ -that far!. . \
ramie rlrtigr. m« by fim Jta«.,
Did you eliT »>c ,a pigoan bopping Ar. true as the itilrr r that bangs on litii' ,l-r n l-auilftil-leiMU' <a
ma'i peach tree. I oare Are killies-.' Budget.
ahuig the paihl
ihelr aame* are Jumbo. Tabbr i_____________ __
■ he wall;
ro^U-..y .uVk-l, .hr-' «.:rM aev.7f«rDid you ,n r ae«- a st>arruw walk to An fresh as the rountaln, as ggy a*
C«doBel. Beffy and Snowbail. Borne
Prince Edward a ThoroSkh Boy. r.-elnca Tlinrsitm. In the
hi* outdoor bath*
day wbea I come to Ttaterse Cliy 1 Priaee Edward, tbe htor lo the BmIsrk
I tob throne, ridea a little Sbcdteld pony Did you ever see a pigeon's Best that Thai thrills out Its aMg 'lulsl ibe-da^
had three eggs or more?
only a tittle more than three feet high.
and iBe dark;
, ^
.Viltrng wrong abom gatrh'ra If ihor
I Recently be asked for a larger poay. tad yoa ever sec a naow while colt on As glad as Ihe angel* when. totarlBg. ar.' r'tar aM put on ooaiD. and ihni
any bln or shure?
I and wa* given one which he ride*
they Ay.
I* ib( way nmiher always put* them
I astride in mao fariikm. instead of Ih- Do you know what letter yon*inay And Oa Ibe bright wings of hive ip tb>-l' tiB. One ptssl pait'h »{ that, kind 1*
on every leaf of elorer
' ing brid on by a groom, as he w-as It:
homes In tbe *ky.
wunb a iluren hiih-A
M mean the little mtadow kind that
hi* hftbybood.
grows the whole worid over)?
: Wilb bto small leg* making a wedge
U'hai to the dtfferrare between si.,
] over the borne's back he can be met Old you ever sec two four o'cioeks col- roorier. Vtocle Bam and an oltl maid? { '
. ored ju8( the same*
: any itoy on the road that lead* to York
The roo»u-r sa>» “Coek-a-doodi-- '
; eottap. and. If no one to looking, hto Or two rarlHmted flower* alike, of an* do:~ Uncle Sam says "Yankee do.'Mde|
■ royal higbnen enjoy* blipself In htoi
rtse or nameT
do; the old maid uars “Any dudt-n!
'own way.
|Whai animals sleept staodlag? You dp."
One day a rislior was walking tiiij
may meet him in'tbe street.
Wbal colons] woman might har<
I the road toward York cottage. Cum-j How many toe* has pussy on.ber lliiio prevented iWwey from taking Maall
lag down the road wa» a party of
eblldrea. There were mo bab}- car­ If you can tell np all these things—
Otaa Might (Dynamiiei.
riages, a lliil^ go-cart containing a
and I most eoafesa I-donbi yon—
IVhai animal took the moat mone, .
little girl and a boy aod on ahead rode You may say you're learned the les­ into the ark. and ho* much?
llllle Crown Prince Bdwacd.
son well, to observe small iblag*
Tbe duck had a Mil. tbe frog had s
Hia lUlle hlgbne.t* was full of pliy
aiwui you.
- ■
green bark, all 'of them bad four
ibat day and hi* small legs were oi»
Kale Lawrence q'4aners. bet the sknnk had four
of tbe stirrup* and hU head lay upon
quarters and a s<ent—tl.e*.
bto borVa neck. "Por shame, your
A Study of Mice.
- .is bigger., Mr. Digger or Mr
highness." uid a groom, -here come, A Batb professional mao Is mskln-.| Digger s babyT
visitors.- Instantly tbe stom^ little quite a study of mice. He works la hi* ; Tbe baby to a little bigger,
legs clutched the bor*e on eltber*side; library at night and .allows the Huh'
Why Is an old maid Uke a wilted
the stubby llllle bools went into the ulnuto atxrai tbe room undlnarbetl. * apple?
stirrups and his highness Mt erevt. He nld Ibe other day. with a smile. I Decauso.sbc to bard to pair.




. Tear ■aaablw pnmmt to oaly able
to (U Bp tar a fiew Wbetoi at a cbw
two «r tkpoe ttaaa a Wr. aW la aoi
sMa td wrtu tm a vaaMga a.
M bopad to. bet abe taut the Tlec
WWMaaTwbM to pet ta year departMW. aa rw aae yea roilly bare
“Horae“ that Bows from tbe O. R ft! with grandma I will come aad i
mmmn trm bar area though abe I. souader, ll-yearold Oscar Aader-lyon.
SOB auy be soea bastUng about bto
Bo good bye from your liitic Sunfreight ear depot, preparing for the sbino girl, age 9 yean.
of tbe Bwratng or erealng
Oladrs Brown.
Kingsley. Mkb, Oct. 31. 1SPI.
<Mear. It appears, to the sob of A. J.
R. F. D. Na I.
Anderaoe. OMeaa*t geaera) atorekeepDear Friend—I bare been reading
a looka aa tboagfe be ww
trr. bsakwr sad high potaaute. Daring your d^tariment la tbe Grand Trar• Mkar. They are BlMr the winter. bulacM Is dull on Ue Decerae Herald and I woold like very
I aW Ote, HaroM aW War- laaau branch, sad wbat little there to
bert of Bufttcknile. aW the to eeniered In the arrival of the two much to join tbe Bunsbloe Cinb.
Hoping you much saccess. yours
kpb wat lakw by Prof. JaThere to no great ra^oaalblltruly.
Clareaec L. Brunson.
e day wbaa they were oat la
Bgb comiderable wo^, at tbe
fta barlBg a goW iIm.
statloB. aad Oscar was daly lastalled
la Ihe position, bis fatber fnralAlag
RufMing UpsUe Oevm.
Toe w« aB like tba poes at the tbe aeoMsary bond. Bo eaeb mornltig
The llille tin basin was empty. ju*i
baW of oar departawM tkto week. tbe iltUe fellow opens np la prapara- as sure as tbe world! Aod Peggy
Braiy BaaWIper la our aocMy tloa fv tbe T:» train, seu tbe dale had left water In it Ibe laat time si..' i
Wreagy belaBga to tbe aew -tirder.’ Une of bto (lekM eaaoeler. checks bag- made mud ple> la the baric yard, sa |
. and oMIt UckeU. If the train 1< as 10 l>e sure to bsro It mlresdy to I
off ber ranatag time. pMaps be takes mis with next time. Peggy always
Brery oaee la a ehUe a Wier with orders and bands dupllcttes to tbe ea- made arrangemenu beforehand for
card aid bataa co«m back bacaute glaeer and eoadncier. giving hto “O. ih1ag.<..evcB mud pies; aad. of course,
ree- foeget ta mu row atraat or boa K." In as dear cuL dectolre “Morse" sbe bada'i thought of gMng oni i»
paAikar or tke ftoaiber of roar nnl as any operator can command.
grandfather's and stsylng so Ions
raate oa roar leuar to thia dapariWhen the inia Is gone, the statloa when she msile tbto arraagemeni.
MMi aw tbe poatoBce ptofi* cati to locked aad Mkblgaa's youageat su-Now, where's tbai water gone?'
,\BM dad your addieaa. A card aW UoB Busier r>*s to achool. la the sbe mufcd. “If it bad been at graudMtaa for OttBord War
np for tbe C o'clock father's the cbickeni would have
«• -Traeme CKy“ bare }oat beee rw train. Hto signal laaterw are la po- j drunk li up; bul here—
. iprpw OB that aoMUBL If Olftoid Mtloa batore tbe train rolls la. and | "Fob! I know where li's gooe!'
wUl write agWa we wUI aeW ibaa
•b«a It has passed oa. be AgarM tbe Otoky ^ed. Miny. Dicky went to i
kia. All aew Meabm llrtag la Tiaoa iIckA sales, takes in Ug achool. BM kiadergartea. aad
•'vMwe City or M aay of Ike ran] the Bigaal lights, gires bto “Good knew a great deal.
raetra akonld rawMbar tbto la aead-- algbt" over the wlre.aad locks ap foi
• n mlaed up; ttel't where it weni,laa HI tbeir aanea.
the aigbu
be explained. -Ji wbaL Dicky Plummwr
Sock a lorely thiag caWe to your
“Rained up into the sky: It slwayv
Elk Rapids. Oet. ». IMH.
preaMaM't aoike iblk week that abe
Dear Mm. Bgies—1 thought 1 would does, aad then, by-mby, itll rain down
waau to tell yea aboel It Yea kaew
Wbere'd you s'posc all tbe rain
that lota of boym, aW gWa. too. Ulek Write, as I hare oerer wTltien before comes from?would like to.jolB tte Sunshine
that «a Haiiowe'aa alght they caa do
-Wcll. I didnl s'pose li'eame out o
all aana of alaeblW aw erwa apoll Club. Please send men cant and lw<- my mlxia' pan. so'there!" cried Pec1 go to sebool erery day J can.
prapeAy. aW that it wUi be all right
aame to Miss Jobn-sa,.. ay's clrar. indignant little role .
beraaaa It U Hallowrca. They do
scornfully. Then sbe ran to mother >•an aiap to ttalok of the trouble aW ! liket Iber rrp treii. | «m m n,e le wbat It all meant; for mother li­
gT|ftW.-' '
Mm they oauae people. aW tbe aetaal
ars kaew.
Bo good bye, from ybnr SnaskA'
aaCdriag tbolr nolae brlagi to akh
"Dirity says It rains npsido down,
By-Roy Drit. age 10.
aPdoMMBa. Wen. a dear utile Trar
mother!" abe cried. "I guess be'.l
eeae dty gM aakW If ebe eouM ge
BIk Rapids, Oct. t». mt.
laugh towee Jl!"
oat wlU a Mwwd of friaedi aW aoap
Dear Mrs. Bate*—I tbotighi I w<»id
Mother MoBhed to ace Peggy'* pn< !
trtadowa aafl<g)ar nick-uck." .. . write yoa a few Itaes while I ted ilm >. ■M face.
aaatte aahtd W to try aaather plaa.
'-He can't see It, dear: nobody can. ■
- aad tare her bbm# wuMy wbleb abe
egamtaatlua the eadiag of evao unless tbr air to aa eold that It rans i
M to tbe giwkhfci aad gw half moBih. I bare a pet kitten: JU nam.
together In tiny drops and makes i'
a doace pretty UtOe boguei.
Peariy. My mother Is coming borne mist or fog. Wek* was right; tbr
Tim abe dreaaed Ube a aaail whlte- next Tharaday; she has beam to Au-t
water in your Utile pan was taken ap
Wmm gboBi aad wPM
Arbor rialUag. WML I guess i wlU lato the air again to rain down come j
wkate tkere were atW paople aW rioae.
day with tbe other water the air ba* ,
tttil folka aad left ber gowan “with
Goad bye from a Baaahiaer.
drawn np Dam the ratface ponds;
tbr beat wlubea of a gbtW.“ Byery
Mate Sick.
ate rieera. if n abowMbe rery cnid:

There never has been such interest in our Clothing
as is evidenced this season.

Overcoats '

New customers are increas­

ing. The people are fioding oat that there is no line of
Fine Clothing equal to ours. There is no tax for reputa­
tion—no fancy prices because it is a fine line. We merely

Many fteftpto hftVft
tlte idea tbftt ft belted
oYercoftt b the arrm
•s ftay ether, the ealy
diffmace betag that
That may he tree ef
the majerity of helled
OTercofttB, hstit'B
NOT tree eftheOeth*
craft kind.
They are cot oa
specialpatterns which
allow the belt to draw
withont wYtekUad
the dftodsiathewroad
place, titfitPHind the
coat or destroying Its
6t aad shape is the
The style illftterated
It's one of the snap­
piest coats ever
Hateriab are the

ask an opportunity to show you our line of Overcoats
and Suits.

You will then realize that wc can save you

money OA-geod-dothing.

Are wool. warm, heavy, cheap, and wear good, at $'2.ii0, SiTfi and $:}.00.
buy a pair if >'ou sec them.
the South Side Store only.

They are the best in the city.

You will

You will find them at

Dog Skin, Galloway, Black Wambat, Russian Ggll and Seal. They are beau­
ties. Our coats have no rip, no moth, no crock, no back seam, no raw edges, no poor
workmanship, and no high prices. Look them over before you buy.






Chevioti. Tweeds,
Frehes and Hdtoas.
Come in and ask
t» to show yon these
Take the ona yM

A. J. Wlelin



A MBHor .
« ofHBaNh
There is a quality in Royal
Baking Powder which makes
the food more digestible and
wholesome. This peculiarity
of Royal has been noted by
physicians, and they accordin^y endorse and recom­
mend it.

who race. a»du»r»Ujen««Uie ( -1
w." remarked rat**r
Btraet ak«ad of the
ib« lUmU t® ‘ srirntf the eneraetle peratm to wbom
wweb tbe car so t>r. “FaciilO**- »: the remark -as made “But I caa «
a tew farmU aame for tbeae aitrib-^acree with you,
roa. Mary
M*tr tsuea
EUee oas
has jww
ina thaa i“prl»ctptei.- and gJra the ‘ ab<»t .the
eredh erer to aaiare: bat a dtapcaser; that comm
■ of aBMUDc mail be made ai well aaj or another.
bora. t( that trail!} U n> outlast child-i can (‘t*a>rer.~
“Ob. «o you really think mr said
I Ctmraee. self abacgatloa. a warm' the .ympaihlier. deprecatlaaly.
; beam—these are the BOdenlde al | .Tea. 1 truly do." iwpUed the other.
[ what the casual obarrver ml}'axplaiii I final;. “I^e pri
,; that Mary Bllm Is more fonfl of batlee b mack j lag foneials ibaa the majority of proFalibtul I
harder to fiad. A sronaa oat* got
t Ple.'
a car witb d^t ehndreau The eac-i
More food of having funerals:
deetor eyed them wrathfally. "b tbb; ejaculated ibe first speaker, oncoma idenk:.
are they jtmrsr he de- ] Ijrebeiidliigly.
manded. “f%ey>e all mlae. and U j i "Tes. thafs wb^t I aald,
“ reiterated
no plenle?- eraa the grim amtwer. Olt., Jtm eiaclly
the field for the si mshlne lad; has BO! the
‘a few uf/iiur woes wiihou; as; ■pccbl
Wsraisd Over Meats.
' puLlIc eercmciay: l’::l Mary Eik-n al-



.. ,«





S5S'” ’’'"“■“I

meat may be made more agreeable. | for every grievance, and the larger ib. <
tOf Wiarm.
when property ifKiiared. on iu seeimu! namber of tnoumers *he can gath-r j
ippcaranre than on Its first, bat. of | the bettor sbo Is iHeasbd."
| fimri the __
COOT., o.ocb «.«.«. opoo U.C
"Pnt.ll .1, 1
ot it.
Of dressiBg and servlag. Every eookjwho canT live srithoul empathy.*.
knows, or thinks she knoas. hoar to} asJd the tendcr-hc«ned woman.
' f
mike bash, and bash appears day^ “Sfae'd belter make les. frequeei d^|
■ greasy, uapalaiablc dbta 11
fur It then." replied the
aad of I drl>. "Of coune. I hivost much jm- | ”e:
-Ha>h:tience with bor. rta wimng to Bdmli.|aMc*n.0%rfwf/es8f(*<har'....
r family and it It! but l'v« attended tuo maay funerals >f^aahashecomeMrteittrfft
ts Barer gaian by
The cold meat !.i ■ at her invitntioti."—EiebanBe.
useless to make it
wagcf f ibebod.v. A remedy *
rllced In^blck,
and. perhaps,
gravy over It, and
j t>r. _
Hartman receive* m»nr li-!lrr*
under the bane of db-; Then' b something palh. ilc «»><>“> I
pleasure, and cold meat U voted an I «|d cluitaes-lbv kind tbni lie burle I;
disewe*. CaUrrh U
acceiable dtota, aad in such bonse-1 to dark eonien of coal sb>-ds or bang .
-sUrrb whnrwf laeblol, whether It taw
bolds the leave«vm are thrown nway dbconsulately on books In s.’ldom ti>-1
I n ilie bead, Ihrosi, longs, rtotnseh, kid­
the OUS.
dog. wmic
while Iiu;
the >UUUJ
family j ueu
lied r«osvi>elosets. They
seem to luuuro
mourn o«ei
over ,i «
or given to tne
«b»7 m-viu
mbtI lore — ___
ney*. »r pr'Tle organs. A remedy ifast
Sh^iwf^gfreflef. otrfwf
will cure it in one location will core 1C
is deprirad
deprtrad of many delightful aad | their lo.t
l<»i usefnlncs*
usefttlitcsii and to tell mute-i j
following n«l-!|y the e.ories of the Jo>, and uorows ' | le he»hle Ueej^Sie HeeUi^r curt
In alt Inestlons.
Tbc Sbtera flafi Pemnaa HaMr-Talpea will all he lounrt racelleni mad eco-1 ihelr owni-m knew. Tti.-ie an- liner • S t,.rMtai?hSft^lb^t",wftaBw
tag SatagiurC
numical as well as veo ca»)' t® P>*- i end ertaws In them, and perhatn a i LL.t,*ws»vw*e»-ii-rs~’«r-Nvu.^i.Ne^
IN-runsbsui-liarcmedy. TbeBbtere
j paleb he.-c aad there. Ttit re are shiny | Another recommend from aCailiolk In- bottle* I f.'unU rayvelf tvry mU''h
In>•‘«lddlM•a~• ..fnisritv know lia*. >Vhea raUrrhal
Ragout of Beef.—Cat slit^ from ibC; coats aud' iruusers baegy-kar-t-d: and ' rmniioa in one of the Central Miate* jm-v'-l. Tlir n-maiiisof
tb.Ir a,.|waT*ne, U.ry atw
leanest pert Bf e rare, cold roast of i haw. too. tif f^itenjur block, wWt- ; wriuea by the Bbbr Soperi..r read* as beln: now M> rligkl. 1 Fon*U<-r inVM'If
a wlil'e 11 !“•
inirnaiocontw I
,,„„dy to use. Tbe«e wise and prudent '
bevf. Ifake a rich gravy and flavor! rimmed aad narrow-rimmed, high . loUows;
iKirter* have found Prruna a nwrer^aQ'
trratlBg another patient |
They realise that« hem
-III .
I wascalled toDr.lIsrlBian’*r.'mn*,Biid
They sJ lie traadulll;
.,,n,.<,t^^o^„nM:dllwltliwonder- with ydir.rentlrlne. She ha* born
a dieea-'t-Uuf seatarrhalnatare.lVrBB*
-re bn thrown, «p If awaUlnfi
with innlarl* and troubbvl wHb Uvjcorlirspep-ia and fnieie- .
eraekers and a Innip of buiirt-. Have a ] timidly the time they ehall mtsln come : „rrhs1dbea»esofthebcaasn>letomsch. rfacFS. I have no .toiibt that a cur* will weaVnr** are eon»Ider*d
ntldond by
In many to
. .fan .
frying-pan very h«, put the rare boHiimu favor and fashion.
••Fur grip and wdntercaUrrb e*p<MsI- Iw speedily elteoleil.*
vBtlrel V different illerase*. Tbat dy*pr]w
Ib It without grease: turn quickty.-l That old clirthvs have.a persuBalliy: ly it has been of great servieoto the Inda I- ralsrrh of lhcyloms.-b SBd fvuals
Tl»i-e.are aaiui'b * of letifV! reeelri-d
of iMs instltntion.”
uke Dp. lay on a dtab. pour over ibej u. of ecurse. because they hare been
ikncM t- due to catarrh of the prlrle
SIKTKK Rt'PIlRlOH. liv l.r. Hartman from tl..-varloo.order*; ^
bol gravy. Oamish the dish wilh cel • worn by men ahd »i
ery and sippets of roast.
\ Impulse of affection t.r commiseration
: the^- y. ry eemmon and annoying dim
Sawy 8te*.—Take some bones { for
tallur'* Imlia of tweed or bmi-!.The name* and adiresM:* to U»*e

. . - .ill*
Th« Cwtiday Agpttiu.
ll^wtth. ^f
It «»nad to dsTatc* when f was a hood epaai with an invalid mother and
. boifa of whom deeded
tbrmcr iad-‘
Tte tolha were wmrwd at ftadtaig what mack cboHdag and diverting, eo that
ahe saved all the amnslag things to
aa appstbe I bad.
M I was kept from worry ^ the tact tell them and brought always a brtgb*.
face to their darkened rocrns.
that all the rest
Then otUsMera began to tom to her
Ooaid keep the pane I aet them Whet I
tor Btretwth and comfort, as Inrtlactdid my beef hcM.
I^waehed the eUmaa Saadayt whoa Ivrly as one opens a window to the
SHflihly. loo. often eBongb.
we all were gatberd ta—
Osr n aad Ms and Henry Clay and Yewri ago. wUcb she was Tlslilng at *
frienCs bouse, tbs surgeoo came to
•nde B»d mile Hma.
Bsstdes roar hambb aMTaat. who was do eamething very trying to a IIUIc
doc who had been badly hurt. 8omethere wtib all bb might.
Piagartif to do dsatrwrtkw wtth that aoc mast bun tbe-dog. bet hb owners
ooald not beer to. “Ton do It!* was
•aaday appaiKa.
and eo the
W*^ cat a haaity breakfast — hackwheat. Baaaace. ample.drip:
Iclt-r* have Iwon wlilibeld froimiwjv-et
j„ nm j.-rHr prompt and satlw
I'd .t..d It.- .h. “> i”"™" "Wi u." "“I »“
Tae weary wait till aooatihe ssemad
I. break la small piece*, then manh.i i
loibertbt<vs,taitwiniie lunii-‘liiili,i»n {,B.|„ry resnlls M.ra the use of Ptnna,
a bag havdambhod trip.
n rile kt vDCc to Dr. Hartman, gfvlhg •
' I »-hi>haTeo»erllU .
We'd ihaa have bbeali. chicken.
ter. Boil and tkhn. season with sali.j
tbfft was Mary 's cloak giv.>* io | ...p,,,
1 suSend wltheaurrhof In every cotmtrvofBtcrtvdlsedwuTld full statement of yoitreBSe,an4 bewU
nia. bat ihe newd to earn her living
■Mhad potatOM. gravy, too.
pepper and allspice, add (wo iiimipi’ ; tfaein a spirit and a cbarnciCr. JuhE'r; uiesiomach,allrcmedbsprciviDgva1ue' the SUtereof Charity are knbwn. X..1 j Iwideamd to give you hu vaa»nMes*_^
wn mUM. pickles aad pfimram ai took her to New Tork. where she has two earrois.'iwo heads of celery, two! moiluT. or Mary's husliasd-krveT.
and. vleepruU*.
; ;ej«forrvlicf. lAstspHo'glvrent lot'olu-'oslydoihc.v t
loeMr bt to them.
’ built up a sBceessfol bnelBsm In sell
ul:h whom
I’r. Hartman. Prcideal e<
iloos and one Irish potato, all cut 1 vere the wrinkled slecre* and ih.' radohoplng tobc beaenied Irtarliange iEt.-lkvlual I1.V.U
Wt-d eat aitll tm ayes elaek out. then 1 »b«
handling only such atoeki
• ' (ray<.d edges for what', they icU
' I •>'/ .uri-;;iualeaii<l whiletlirres fri’T.ilc t\r-*- lie y.or:-:ri
,JIaVlmaii Kanharium, ColnmhUA
Bkim out Ibo bone*, cul up ib?
o try I'crtma. After u-Ing f-o' Up llmrUdil; itccJ*. Tb'-; art-a'- j-kiiiwJ Ohio.
giavaly call /or pie’
j aa the believed to and could offer with
meat wbWi lias U-i-ii trimmed from Jnliu s unarlffsh toll and of Ksd's ,>a.
ftt (htak of It 1 -oadeir that we dldn’i ! Ae anhnslasm that Is so valuable an them'and-pul ihm In, let heat and'iJeirre In poverty. Tbelr appnrcl ha’s:------ ---------------- ---- -------------- ---------...
hanN aad db.
(dement of her peAnealtty. Strangely
{ uken OB something of its wosrern; prefer* pirrons material, and noihlnej preuiest <ff bnie*.'which she vrap*! -.
First Oirectlon Impeotlble.
MU, till the owough. it la out of tbb business tbat
Beef Oollops.—Take any cold meat fine naii-re. Ami what li has gatnei ifs more *.-> than mustioUti netting:. F»M j m rice |>ap< r and iKs with a riblr>c.| The old man sat alone In lilt raUa.
career has grown, for her pro­
ahade. of eagrtag algbt
and I TTit n. .soroo ciomlngwhen no oiLi-r’where iho hand of s-otnan bad never
Drwre ns all to sapper wUb that 8a- fessional vblit led to loog talks with thick and four long. H*una ^em fiat.! neiw and l•canll-.
known yid din /elgne^ trlher clleat*. wherelii kept recurring the
«ay appetite.
Rut Ifa^ out and ibo
ciOik do iin | inexpensive good*, a new ilirli vbnbj ehl. all liaviDg b>H*-nwarned to ktvi’lI’raphaBI. The dOhvevkal Inn turned upphrase ihN has been a finger poei Sifl llucr over and fry brown in butI om trf the way, she puts the lunch I on cooking. "Y'na*,'' drawled tbe oH
I aee U yet aad ao are ya.
along her way. “You have done me ter. men ley In a eaucopan. ct>ver wUb [.cotniilatn. When :t t-umes tfieir titni-' may tiftcn be «ibiair.c.-t.
lake roar hreaklut food
gwKi! " The calls upon her tor slrengt;i brown gravy, mince half an onhm fine. I lu Ipc laid aflrte Uio;.- cling to the Some tonaewives place dlrh eloiJi-tlbox with ibv sweetest of rtnllos Ini.i'inan. “I got me one «' them there
Aad aar lltup aick knacks mtber and ebeer gradu^ly tormubted tbe add a lump of butter, rolled In flour, a, hook* that bold them and snugglv Into ' and towel* in the n-g iiar weekly wa'ii-1 bis hand*. Ikfon* the lunch hour ib.' onkitnuk* wunst, hut I never could

beiled or mad or stewed:
little pepper and ratt. Stew slowly.. the vomers t'hat hide them very Twao -' tug: but itiir Beem* ttnclcnnly to tbe i gnt.-rt. If bi'be wire, bn* vaclpdini III... dii nidhlii'
new eeiesprbe tor her.
Al two o'clock or thsrnabonu you
not let bolL Squeeze in me; fulb - And they are always telling writer. Would
i cloud.—Answers..
. I roubler'afked b!> virftor. persuai
Taken la lu most practicnl aspect
wade into a feast
' Iv. -Why. every one «i' them bin
hsr work b that of a companioa by
®f «her <la;»-iof darK unclean i« use band i-web and ir.dcr-i
Aa aa tsaongh to last yon tor a fort' Ibe boar, for which ahe. charges
..haVm such
■■<rh *•“'
day* and bright day*—of Sabbaths'.a;.-. w'var- atur having been i v-nkl
j cMvlpt* s;arted off wlib. 'Take a el
tfght. at least.
Cold Busf Slew.—Cul the lean <ff, quietne.'S and week-day strife. In time ; —<o wipe one's dl»b<«? Then wh.v.U
■ h.v.Ui :TJ.*ve's tio mure druun.
niodcti sums a* a visiting reader
Modetato bresJffa I* the aim.
Tea sake a eall-Oiare's tea aad cake would. Boppose a eonvalesccai taav cold cooked beef up with scraps Of, they become dusivovered tind tnoUi- It eltfttil;- to throw i.ish
hihsllng fume* eff Imrnlag camphor
Utile .rolBes .ulKe epsuleilee.
It which yoa geaUr uaaeh:
wyll ofK-n cure a coM In the bead.
dismissed ber-nqrre and it htraggllng cold, boiled bam. P« In a wineo pan eaten, and beggar* weir tbein awav. such *oUed ihim:*. ah
Aad whew you gwi bank bme you aay.
■*“** '"‘'^•“'•***^*' or meat gravy., Rut »o h»ng as they reaaln ip sigir. together? A sopsiaiewaiOijns
Tli>' ihlngr that Intorewt p* nuat are
“Wfeai b thefe. wife, for Inneh?''
none tff our bualneas.
when her ti
Now here's a goeua—It's yonri to say
'‘s"'U'l '•*; The doettrr w1>o van;ioatet> has bU.
mt be wroag or wrtght:
life- Thcl™”“™ *““ ■
Poor, lonely, ptiivut./*- ■writer a
l.aeSM til toliu-l <kiiii<*.i »*”■
' osin way of wraplng an acqualnusce.
Hu father of Blue Moadey b that
old cloihe.“I
OUC) of which C.i3tstii f..::l .-mani-j Bloag«t>'d •.houWer* an- draicM
jj,.fore applying a poultice, cover
ti a fixed- r rubbed in a
I add three thinly sliced potatoes and
tton5 fif noi rcai-dls7a*e f-i.m
the skin lightly with glycerine to keep
hour every day. talk, listen, read. •
I *tew nhlll done. Serve hot.
Ut the Children Sleep.
l»!y ,l* nuplea-Atil.- Lm doubly so W j *•■»“ ilccvo top pislls arc silirt.. J •
^»riicle.t of llte poultice from adOflHaa. ia New York Snn. go drirtng. do anything that Is w
There arc many who wilt agree with■■ taWiTlMJi*, •nei'iilK*
1 dl*h clothH.')hef»he.
with ,_v
the .................
Sle.-T.ctopfnllm'** I* plait, d rather
^11 you ran. Laugblag shakes
of one wbo enjoys helping. Or take !

1'“'"' a well-known doctor, who d«lar;« ace lmh«ld. d iK r. *n.
,^e *ygiem. raak.* the blood Hr' .wthat half of the ailment* of chlWr.1^= •!«> ««• j^that
chlWn-n In
A twine di*h-m»]i .loetvery well fiu- itnr 1-aihertd.

aad peace from steady will ‘ •uv twR- of a woman left alone all day I®*
instanc. . rap. vffertti
the mciropult* arlae from ln*ottciefli
• ^ do the thiags that I most do. ' at a hotel In a sirange city while her |
i!iv eb.-ev'

ibc leet.
• Aad Jay la trying to fnlAII

aU to- difflculty Mdsi* in the care of adult*. »Mr. Som«- prefw a
t with b«r. help herbs., salt i 1 pepper.
• tty every dnty ihnnigh aad ' panloa will i
Sbcp. to pletvrts aad !
‘“f® sprinkle the meat thickly
ctavcrsailon jpoc the fw ctrW;- .„Tb« .^Titcr tind* th.Who Htm Tried Thlsr

Some eJvycr <!•>. h blouses «<buw a
park! and whniever iBierests her!
subJeei. said: "K ta.yot only children, j uverage jioim'rtic'aaTie i,. wari.lnv
« tUs b my plan, aad I ehall SMk
l'idi irf
<r.'»T 'ti-- shoaldcr*. ; Aaexrhas^iaaya: A friend of akirs
most. Or there Is some crisis in a I "*** »r»'y. Let boll and dip *oip. „m
that aK- falling into nerv- the ou:-l:y ■«! skllb i- nud ketn. *
raised s mast exmordlnar)' crop rf.
• T« jaake «u mine doably note. '
1 Into it. mnd;,
.Insanity fn-m thin rau«e- Thev • hvr.n- thv-y. t.-e cp i1a*OD iwr tuic-,. u : ,
*mar';.v| puttioe* las: year by laying tb.; w-ei ,
1 and someone has to keep tllcea of buttered
• By hPUag Where I need to ipeak.
put Ibem on n dUb
sot to kfr|i I
too fan. and It alTvrt* iK-rple of separate dl*h cl..lh,>. T5iej 3:»o ..t. tal -'UthcT. aiv -bon at«l .Hsd in poln.*.i
poiSBtoe* <*o fhi- top of the ground and •
> Aad strlviag when 1 did «awarm.
a In and I* friends

: tbiK
1 Stapec spou..
pu -a to WUgj^
-i~. •«,>
( woarlRj; (if dwi-aiHJJ ^ notwithstanding ih
with (hem all }n five minute* by grace up once. Spread oi
(, \j,J
X her willing aplrt. No one wholtas serve with gravv aniund.
•ace of lack .it Bleep. .wa>hnl afur all • (he'wh.r
k'~'had a iraee of seHctmseioBUoss or. EsesUoped Chleketb—Cut tbe moat';
leave, off S3ibyneas eould fill such an oSce, for. from tbe temslns of a edd ehicken. ______ ... __________ __ _____ ____
Twa-Two-Two PshcalfHi |
r hie neigh-“
;ta firei lequlslte U to get wholly out I
»"•> •' ••
cnimbcj r
,uoh a raah that they are
r>‘ wav no'l■'>lbv^ enlTwo cino xmr milk, .)TS«*-fca'r ica-l
The.diepeatlag of saashtne as s pro- jfoBcveW. brtagtng to the other per ,'*^**^ *•
'worn out ihev atrlv.' at mm
tivnung tbe
p Ju'i (dant lAt the
spiion Mfcla. two c-tj* rtale l4v-|.l|
.focKf^broldety Hir
fwMoa b toU of In an inierMting arIreah Intereai that Is never a **-'•
BMlorabt 'turity crop
old trtsb '
••miirutdlleb by Mvtee Vest in Novemher
you do to remedy thi*
with egotism. An entiivly and thyme, pot t« a baking dlMt. po ir
.or;h trying whiwe OM
iwe b-»'-l t*-a'ii-w-r.* Jiabu.g |iri>-l,-r. ■ rlr.c sAd <tr.e w btrb :<-aabh-> a w>iBa3. mefbod and
Bvaryhody'e M^aslne. eetitled. ’-8nn- natural manner, a perfect ea*«. U the over tmme chicken grnvy and a Hfiie „„c,
r'ncb m Bait .■Stnji liuji] r:;-?:,!.-'ip': ■
abtae hj the Aionr. ’ There are hints
lubte result
the -uj!TV
In It which rnll be of ralne to ma
Ella M'heeler Wileui haM>«Med tb > |
The ffinr Art of SmUtagBoda. if .R
pwtnoa who b called upon to c


jheasm extant.

atek Meads or care tor dear hoaw InealMs.
Tbe Mlawtag are eairacU:
Ormlely pot. the ottce of a satH
eompaatea b to cheer peopb np. to e^
ter that which make* oae iMag wy to
aaofber. "You base deoe me good." To
wadirutaad the prafcaaton. one mast
■rat nadenund its ploaeer U New

fUMina uB—she emhodief It In erery
Ibw of her frwah. plwmp parson. It
radUlas tnai her carty aubara hair,
her hoaeei Uoe eyaa. her splwdtd
emUe that has kept tu joyoasaeas aa■aired by aay eoaseloosana of betag
a valaabb asset: It shines through the
gatek, wgna kindnew of her vole-,
whirh cottas sot oae note that Is
wot wholesome and elooere. Mis*
Tnwaeewd's vocattoa was started at
her eradir. where ttte was given
hoallh. aImpiMty aad opttmbm. tho
Ihraa heat faaMUee ta the wortd U>


/TTby'do w). R.d anHiys gmlle whc'i

ThU . mnk.-.' a fin.' . .-:'k
a (
iH-lagT ' That I. the eha^i In flavor. In'ibv nnirnliig add: ,.7:^
wbtefa ought 10 past
the <-ic‘. wvil beatgn. Sli’'be.-) ilij or meriKrixtrd .voiitin. The
Uulc rtiildretf •<>
X wlinoui merry. . cvriafn prae- dinner dloh. Mince womc cold veal,
Plenty of pk-cp I*
.‘■'dl ,U <-xeeiIe?ll.. ?Tbe . f-mblilder:.luvt'lm;' iy- Tbe bonerst-heanv.].
rvllglaa. that perhu* ha. little sprinkle wltli salt and a litile cayence for moM of the Ills of c!illdbo<xt. pa^ floor ami baktse p;>p‘dyr. ‘
pepper- Hash the yelks of four bard tlcrttarly tbtue of a nervou* naltir.'.” of the :lour to puke' pm ,ti'i iLri. '-. tlsn.I.-i'om' wi^tl aud.'tbe law MU*-r.,
■ut'tioes U. H S-. Ihe map
to do With form, of ibcUhg;.
batter. SamrtlCiCs Ibe-w-he:' '*•• cupv'aiiswtTs tir- -i-am- 'pur|»-ve as' .
boiled («g*. mix wUh a halt cop -'f
• s-.iiRisln
tlirangb thai simp '.
0/ floor will he crt-drd. b^J i.fien. r nc ! 'Umpid de.ign, an.| ,ln mt.rt ease. !• lend. It.- P*fl>eiua1 greeting '«« ils
human brothertiood. Is neorly always 1
8““ ®' *™r"
Cart of Oish Tewett.
jEot»- than rmc amt oi!--ha;!.''The*-, lOcre ar:rwr-i-,.. ihan ’b. c.mrtmiioB*;' r,-h.’ P»,
the eeater of such strength. Add
***»”' nutmeg, a tablekpooii(fa« left, lieiwe E wtra^'
Though appirenily lurig
rtgnincaat, ,re d.-itrtoa* cs?!Vi.
j*af,*'ni. i'/umi'in tii•,-m a* they paSI each utie r: nev* r
this a love cd Uughier and pleasant-«°ar and ha!f a nothing
nt in the .snsar S>ru|v-Two v«p* llBlit.'browi f. • •
nea*. and you have the csaemlal
®f made mtisiard. Stew home or condures more
wuhont a stalle. - Thl.
i* th"
the health *ag,t. one-half .r-.ip waicr.. f t’k'.mt.-i! 'i : ' S»rcd*r. 6rt'td. • mean .vf a ...nihlnc con.»nl(mI®'® “‘“h*®* uM "vrve on hoi tuoat.
mlltag.- Ilk- all fine an
and comfort trf tbe family, iban the
Ihlcl‘-B-v .«) iV-s;*wm.
j 8».-di?h bt. a.1,1- .by ridl.
ItBiCejf .
MIsa Townsend ha* certain attrib*•“ Balls—Chop fide some cold. car^l washing of the dMies dad
oiipwlsg of jaati/re;
utes that she call* “facultlek* One Is boiled ham. add an t*g for cash ball proper care ot rtoihs and towel*—
■ thickgrv* ^ half ,0 in-h. rj)ibiCK 1:
for Corgetilag dhagrtwable*. never aad a little flotir. beat together. Make why., death. In the form of ITpboli
Copying. ,
. , «,-ii *-„h *rf,rae1 bun.T. rpriBkllng
TolleC l^lnl lor Meu'cv/
rhurning them wrr aoclesily In a ta ball* and ^ to hot bntier.
germs ha* l>ovn known to lurk In an
The Japgnc.-e have a rhuiilrude n('<1 with i-ugar.'eratlEE bbtci^-s'oti.t; Airplc, fxMa
'•tlicr statau
vexed mlud. Anther U tor eu- earry Uiutecaaaary Fuaarsin
nneleaTi dlshelutb: Therefore,
have[ib>- whtd'Aand adiiiiit alecit a cnpfnlloan be rem<
ihc cause may be there, but
“Whal a ttd. .hard life poor Mary senanu are employx-d they «houw be cammo-i
» lhclr bksts. tVbi-U’ iff-wrtl<leaiie<l mran’*
a Jafge loaf.! rabUns iben wiHi ’.aimeal SMdBbte«t
the tidrit is nut east down, or the forn-j Ellen has’- exclaimed a sympathetic required to wa>h. scald and hang them a go. «
bis welcome
be gJxHi dTitfli after sprin--; with
ta^gar.: A naU- '
bead Haiti. Aihlrdtvf..rnevcrbmTy.]woirgnwhohadjuBt returned from at ir. dry oqi ta the sun. aiwee la ibc m'.-ire.*
the hoj.-<- <lue.<
Ir.credi.nT* imr tt. lyn Itibrutb shoal. UaU anund tbe
tag. - He that tx tieveth shall not make anerauon. call on a —
neighbor. "Sbe. summer
will qcirkly
.. time ibvy
. —...
.e,tv. I,ic
w ...
------ -- ----..... -•----- --------- . ®u»*ard;y lB3iRitie«T,.tii b!v #rseocv.'‘rit< fer half an htmr ia ai'e!l-bu»Crteli finrlT hai:*,
lVb<- ttibr- Slain i< qoi'te'
Itatic." says Isaias, .
aggravatlMi* and 1 “Any oW tblng" is often relerted for I and ihn/w ont liiiK filnts ul wtaijpau. robbing a nitk sofuned iraticr j rt-mme.1 ,wi
wi'b warn wai<« and
iw printed on tbe wall* of a eH.» where' trIaU tton tall to tbe
I peo- Ibis I
old sock*, amlidciles will claim her aueniion so«.,| onibe oaiyidc
ih-j-af. Bakq h in * oap. Nt-v.
Miaif befucr mnorhoer-j tag the sialt^ as it will be; ten tlcD'.-'s'
ImaginaWe andlpuia It mm tte’ftrv.
movie dUficuh
era, Thoae wbuae Ink It casl witb ihej* *■«*'•

rig :^in.r

- •rrsr£ir--r|s:*s rs:?

■“ «»“rand serve

*oj g.H up »!«>

Pagc^ to 12


OVER 1,400,000
LarpM Pkl^ Of Popular Vote Ever Given To
Presidential Candiate

RexMrr of Deeds—
» rtrrted by
renirtaK 1
Ctf»in Dtnbr^ aujoHtr ever Alfred
WIlSOB-'.......... ...............
Ur cOoffreM fr«" th. FSnl from 3IH> (o l.aurt Scnmicr OioSalt b
I district will rCMA nearly 7406. That runnlnc ebead uf Warner and lairty
I cf Cecrve R. Cadd over Olayw bay- veil up vith (be bead of (he (frhec
I bur^ Will total at toMt S40a Owt of.
Uke City.
[the entir* tieHH in Wayne edunty
..........Mkh- Nor, 9.—MUaau, Wllliafti 6. Thempeon is the enly dem- koe cnonty id
eerat elected to e«ce. He will receive ‘ Ikeh. msbop baa been elecuvl to cm.about Z500 majority for the erty^KWS* bf aboul lO.iwP. Onal Dv«iL-.
«»"«» of ibc Uke City Newr, was
... 10.0W
AepitblicaA »Ute Chairman Nieder- elerted probate JiuUe. Tbe
. ..IW.flOO
phaua of.Et. Lpuit claims Hisseuri for , wlH giro Rooecrelt
or 9W an.1
Vlntipli iar'gv--.............
ReeeevoH by t46a
! Wamor about ibv sauM-.
Roocevcit 1400 in Cl
Charlevoix, Mlcb,. Nor, 9—BobSeELECTORAL VOTE.
Irell's plerallly lb Cbarlerols ctHStitr
JwHl rwh l,4i>0 aud Warner *111 hare
Fee ReoMvcIL
IQ: aiiuat HKi. Oarrasb U nonlDu ali&oBi
jjop wltb the bead of the lirkel and
; IfoSait It runolDg almort the name as
j'Uamu;^. Ki»berl I'addek. ex-n-pub2 ffnao I'Tislaiur, wlw made tbe fipbt
ibe rtynilar r«' .............
lllleots .
___1.............. 15i**Stroud, for
j3 ’ was defeated by from 30U to MO.


Did Well.

3.0HMIatiiiMl Bodsejlreiwteliii-


GMHid Rapids. Mtsh.. Nav. t.->Ne( a [ hU policy of depertlnp union men.
db^Gsmoorat la the slate eeaa^ or; whom ho t
Roooovolfe plurality with | nwnaee to
IS to beer from, i Celerade.
is t*t.Ert. WsmOf'i piursiKy io *S.14(. ___ daportad from the Cripple Creek,
H«* Vorii. No*.
Only two demcorptk spots can be found on the
May. MaoewhueeRt snd Minneoota.
pad in aplto^ the fact that these Ive to Cripple Creek end other mining , *;*®*‘'“*^“ .
stalsa want iHubbcan by a larpe ms
employment while Paabedy remaini
' aMB ama aiastod la Maoaachuartt
iatwaan defeated R G. Ouan la
'Odette, who hat championed eauae of |
Raewaait and the rapabtiesne carFor Parkor.
rtod avory narilwm atato and Marytoad and Misaauri m«y bo addad to
lapdWisda sdlumn. In the ntattor al
ptpdtor vote Roaeavolt hee ceJipead
an raaarda. Fr.m returns at hand
VMM have 1460400 plurality of the popalar vatt whiah la nsariy douWe that
af idaKiaiay'a four yaara apo.
TW aGlA«f*y *4 aiaetara Is the larplident tinea Grant


prtM Biaii fvwm the aaet. New Yerk
ama suppiaiO to bt the stronpho
PaweefiBy boi it aseeaded McKinley-:
majerily four yaara apo by over •
PeaJarMy. ar mafb than 200400 far
Raaaavan, The autae af Illinois.
Obla. taws, Bsuth Oahsta, Minnetata.
WoM^ Pannaylvsnia and Ksi





I he a rof early w it.n-r brlngi
us lo ihe «ubj”C-. of Un.lerwtar—
the kind that pA,e-l!>' yot^ warm
:i.; voii with ibe
fact.that vi>n an' Itindir-d jp.
F..m Suit ol Un tewesr iHai we sell



the. es! im\ -tnrnt

lel >b*e

J--rrRvW^t. Naivral \V-»o\ Mrr.
*.-sv',mfT=, crc.;«.-.
ITti 90c to $3.M P«


AlU-tmu. Mich.. Nov.


........................ 2.t:-

Medin' WelDift H m Pnfir
; 'a«r-» anrf fiaores rt


iTJS, trTk”

18: cu»itrr*! dlMricl by 1.‘"W ms

mshs o .
E er« g.ioi ••petent." ftff eni« kind
IV here; aUo ihr g->'. oH popular,
Tellable k rxis ifist <rr .!> arexr.

Mimruo .
ivAtu- of ITubate—
Walkif .................

... .

Hamilton Clothing Co.

Cuunty Clerk— •
liruwD .

•>l> nevixil 11'i votes au<l Ibiol
for r.-|iniivlilalh.- 1!«. Tbo .mlr.*' ma]c>rtil>-s.


Coats For Women and Girls
The iirincipal sdliDg of Girls jrarments oemers here, for here is satisfaction,
certaiftty of correct style, and ultimate economy.
Our sale of Tourist Coats for Girls and small women is naturally creating a
stir, the styles are authoritative and the prices are the surprise of the season.
They are made of the nobby Scotch 1 w«ds. Zibelines, Kersey’s, Meltons, etc.
in Graj’s, Broi»ns. Tans. Castors, and Blacks. Some have patch
itch pockets and with
Velvet Collars thatt bear
be out (he color tone of the cloth.
k prices are the most
ibnishing part of all

V “.'

$6 50, $7.50. $8.50. $9.75 and $12 50.

WMm,... rS5:'£=H5

$4,4«, $5 35 «.<!

Other, thxi thould sell at $18’nod $20,
here at..............................................

Other.*«ih from $26.0(*lo $80.09.
•’«' •*.................................................^8.75


dbtorty. while I- toe city af Maoroe
WBIMr tamed 1IS aver Republican
veto ftsa years ago. Whlto Maokogen
-....... Itf.<-Mgawnty waa reported to nava gene fa. Hamilton;
F.fto. WHi.«n Aioe^l A.tom. «nl W.lUmto to me elected 1,.
Wmmrr by absut 1406. this was a Mat 6m«h: B-xto, W.; I
-u «./.
from tha »^l» nf 1W2 ol TOO. Eaton Bevanih. Henry Miwnorr.n; E.ghth.Kalkaska Republican.
N.'luaska' ...
oawnty was rouertvd to ha** gens for Jaaapk W. Fordney; N.nlh, R. H.
Kalkaska. .Mlrb . Nov. 9.-Wam.-r
Wanwr b* from 8SO to soa
QMrpe A. Loud:!'«l:
Loud: i "Wi: f^rry
f-kryj Ibis
ibis eowiiy,
eog*iy. by «•“ and ,
Bithep: Tenth. Ctorpe
The military admintatral.eii el Go*.; Eitvant^ A. 8. Derragh; Twalflh H.' B««i»i.-m-11 by
Tbe balMU in all x,.w York
amor Peabody ,nl C«Mrade hat bean Olto Young. Ail but Oanby r«iectod.j ito- pn<tnrt> are badly ►flit no ar- ' N,.riii iMkvia
j rT.aul W bwal polittos. Tbe rvfnUr............. :.l«»'.lito:WtUCh give I V Cainrddn ovse A
OatrcK. Mkh, Nc. ra.;lb-ane eierted ^1 candldalto by pjodioreguo
by from 5.000 ». oefvod to Oftro.t this aftomaen da, maJ-rtUee,
i i>. nbv.iiaola
IBMS melenty. This snds all hope not materially change
•( the Cripple Creek mtoara. who were
dgpartao fr*m the gaw district who WaadbrMge N. Ferr.a The farmer- faaiiUv. MIcb, Sv\. 9 -Hclonui,Vtal. .............
» rwlwn to thair bpmaa ahouM has bem elected gevemer by between 1 fmm Wexfurd nnmiT arc mmlo* la Ve.-wmt
tl 4s cMlpuwd that 'West VinUsla H ends th* mast bKive canSast to the aatimatai made Iw Oetreit indies.
IrtdIes-iRtmMwnN carried the noTOly by abwt Wa*
ana that jtMns are that the hoime and oanate[*.2:..aad Warner by frwn ioo to I4«. I Wise _
ftduaioiar Faabddy can r
CPMtou.|MLarM<ngwlllhaeolldrepubitoaa Itbe miilm rrpoblMdn eonmv ttokei j Wynea^




■ \»ihi;t!p-' vjMl v(»u wnr.i fa»o*1!

i »“'■ ’■""■“P. ■'”!<


in'-i""" "'"-"-r "Wl .


Warner’s Plurality'to 1.1S3. Whl'e
County Candidates Ranpe From
2402 to the Figuroo Raoehrod
by Waltoa^

William Aldcfi Smtih by 1S.000. .
confidence in wh.vl I have
and have
. ____
___ _____to do.
tJiwBil Itat’IOr MU-b.. Nov.-fl.-Will
apprecisto to the fullee th# aelemn retpcntlbillty this confidence impeoes
lam .Mdra Stullb raniedtbr klftn 01'
upon me and I shall de all that <n my power lies not to forfeit IL On the irirl bj li.oui'.
A fbPipra af the rvtwne which will fourth of March nest I ihall hove served three and a half years and this
bo fatarPid by moot public
thfss and a hall years eanatitoto my flmt term. The wire custom which
Returns From the Manitaus.
moot hnpertont Is the very laive Inlimits ths president to terms ropsrds ths substance and net the foim. under
Olen Harm. Ulcii. Nov. P.-9aut!
oraaee In the eeotoiiot veto. In Chi- no clawnstancoo will I bo a candidate lor or accept aaelher nemlnattoau*'
Mullou isalDd. Rii«>-vrit -1. Parker
opfo atone Oobo polled 41400 votoo.
ManHoo Uland, RousdVill 21
'Hm ratumo from other ctatoo on the
Tlrgiola®............................................. i:. f’arkvt t.
poially eantera of defeat far all concern be fciL
Chat. F. Murphy, loader of Tamtoduatry. in the East, shew otoiHar
leny. In a etatement aaid: "1 am very
Total .
praparttono of pains.
........... flli.
IHtoolt cut Maos fmm Its meorinpi lueh surpHeed at reoulto. Whataver
pad fpvt ths praaidsntlai tioMt a plu- may develop, what cauoc It may gaOuil
to Bed.
rSiRy Sf t40.IU. WIscondn rstums
Klk HapWe. Mirb., Sto. 9.-T1toarb:eVEN MARYLAND IS PROBABLY
abaw LaFalisttt to have wan by a plu!rtly regret ths defeat of Judge
^ , : libu ol Ihv i-lecllibii InrinTtom at <'pu-. ^
rpUty af 1400 while RsaasveN's plw Parker. Ha waa in ai
i trz\ t^ke to rauvlim nut s lIllW rum-: '
eMRy to Wtoeonsin wot 004M. Indians, worthy candMiM.”
II rv.uuiy.
rvlubiy, ^.............
Frank T. Higbins. rcpubtlcan. was ^ . [
tsNtoh was auppaaad to be daubUui.
«l •k0~. «».br,c.. b, IJM
WPM tapvbItoM by 00400 votes. The
kor>'opuui.hI up uoitl '
Thirty-one Ststn. Eacluaivc ,pf
alpu ttokat will be aeveral theuMnd MOOO. wtiile iogialaturc In New York
feabtod Ihaae ftfluvas.
stale it dverwhelmlngly republican, 1»•'» ">*>«»»« «td lU.-p lb,• ^aryiane.
Maryland, He
was r^wa
cksiv] whlto
whih' tbr .-bvitoa
Miggiw to eieetad gevomer of NtwjOniy etotae that Judgo Parker carried:
Vatk by 7S4O0 or BOAOO m«>erny.. wore 13 er M touthem statek.
Opvtritoe Pisbedi to undo
Stale ticket ctectod m Miehlgin
atodtod to Cotorada ever Ai
rellewt; Oevriier. Fred M. Warner..^'”' ‘h*"*-'- Tl.riv U.kiuhipK «vr
aacat. by 0460 or 1406. and Joe Falk1 Ueutenent Governor. Alts MaWond.!
* toajurtty of B3T. Itorraph ,
*iaa boon atoeted lor governor by theI SoercUry of State. C. A. Prateott-i®’^ ■*''
*1- OoiBpIKi- n. ..................„.
0.! SUU Treasurer. Frank P. Claxier.l•'“* th.-.•iroptkw 0* Ovairal
eft’s mslority it
4 Virgin.*; Auditor General. I, a, Bradley. Atte.-l^*"'Warovr cankrd «»>■ Iconn^ipu,
..... 2S,Hiv
to shaut 26406. Oawaan. r
. nay Ocnerai. John E. Bird. Land Com-jWarn.T-c »..!.• »s-. •
aiactod gevemer by 16^ The n» | miaeiontr. w. H, Rose. Superintend.
K-rri. Ytoly ratianal heuee will be everwhe'mingly ent of Public lnetr«cti*n. P. H. Kelley i
to lb.- nmniy, -ni.
............. 2:",-v.
rgpublMen. The membemh.p af the Member State Board of Education, L.
•amtt hauas
hauao appears
appeara to ba 228 rapub- L. Wright Justice* ol Supreme Court i
Psrk.-r, to,
Itou pnd 1M damacret
Ruaaoll C, Oatrendfr, Cherias A.' Warme, 212; K.rtte, m
‘ Kan«»
Blair, A. V. McAivay. Maitland and I Barragh, ««; Hablk« . Sr,
; ft to estimated that Warner hatI Wrrght rawlectad.
! Moltott. rB»; Mckimiin,
, ' Marytaii'l. |i
<Mnsd 4I& over Bua« veto to Jsekaan


Ttiv PfOPideflt.'
-The people by tholr aotfo bare tm-,
phatiemfly approved yow aimlnlairattm aod I eoa«ratoJate yoa.
-Alton B- Paiker.-


Kansas .


opn. N. T„ Nov. f.—At «:»*
o'doiA tost oipht Jod«e Pbrker Mt '
,-.24M tus iek*r»m to the prealdeat:


ItfoOette, Republican, Carried State Of Wisconson
By Over 5,000



WUIM R„.bbc«.





MISSIS’ SKINTS, to B'own. Saw. aw)
febcirt. all usart. Baity -ivie.. m dilTereat
kng-h., at $1,25, $1 95, A2 75. $( 6<.. $8.35

Our *iw Id latJci.’ 'bi -MS M 'jarui. 58 95,
449\ r.--, b thou.nvof
flea, «l- t —U-e h.Wtb e-.r- .ff- •! ‘ ; .
1 he h.'.ng xn:. fi:
cv--tv *a-ii. ■ • --

Gcii!!.m;n! P.iv lour Elecliiin Bets with -‘McKI^1»in” Hats
•n. -r

■'fiir. mby-t

:is;i hn-s

nriM- i-.:
t'ltod'e VMu '.p •.no-.',
‘" at >04 pnid ’'-b r b'b

- I;!:

equ.;: o' . ri-.
n-f '2.V::

II Iia'. }»••




Wbe-her or tint *Ylij’hr«ii-a: j; the nun.” f. .v’erto m-lic a
dr-cx'd. Where mil >-ou find a br-'e- 1
Orirtrogt* ihen here? An I nbeic wJl y'n fnd
such tetoptii^ value* i* wnctiv be* und siil;’
anuen;. to ee are ftmng. ibri haw that a t nut individ.
naliiy that is only eqnalled by the h g'n-pneed 'fi'lots at .lo3i>’e tbe pru»t «e ►eD ihetn for

$9.75. $12, $15, $18. , $29. $22 50 and $25.
Altwk at ntn hne i» all that i< neemir. tOrnrinve )na oft»«e itociv
For the beoeht of yosr little fnends. we are givi^ dolt tiefc^ with evc'y SO cent purchaae, acd
every little girl bnng-ng in twe->ty or more ticke-s at CKrutmas tiede. wiO receive a pretty (foil.



Grail TnTcrsc HcraM
hirald and mcord


«fruD la raoR aiwr.


•P«yrt ilw pluU with ikl* •h«Mi
ili»r »rre *bout fmr ■tecb«'» h'R*'.
Mln^ ■ <oBpre«M4 Hr •pwrr, aa-l
axatn »b«a U«7 wrt to n«.iJ II. On
ihr Bi-»- tend Id tb« Mow
bad raised <w» erop^d wheat, hi* at
cur»«1 700 bQibeb «f potatoea thi« fall.
This «Hd !■ ad^olDltij; (be one reeMtlr
iliraed hr (he Herald as bcl<ntK)i
tv r. i. Btorer. who also liad *a i
cfpUeaall)- Sd<- emp.

akaut the Has and -npublloaaa have
mm to be pnNd of their leader and
their iNTty. And while repabllceni
ve reteteles. that rs)olclBc Is otrt
eeplped u> members of that party. H
«M a Ticlaer of the peopl«. A triumph
tor a euWs ewreaey. a rrbiecilre
. itorlf Bed thoae polhdee which bars
hmgbt this nation into world-wide
irnmlieeni aad which baa enabled
m aMoteeteren to compete with
the world la maaafactorina and c
For tear yean Prneldeot Rooserdl
IrUl'bt aabampered In his eAidoci of
»e aUrs of the sation. Ke has
■ spImtfU ladtpoemul at the
Is of the people and that IndorM*

. Bm. Iwl.
TI wiMk.'
-.')v wU m I




rb jl
Another aalumii wi*441ai was sw.«iMTb
.1 iBrAMtUran
- Iv t
.lemnlaed yesterday aHea BditI, B.!‘Mr ah,I
T-mer hft-ac:. J-f-r
alri, •b.'T.- a .t>T'l-' r=!C:rl.. '.
dauahier of Mr. and Mrs. Rnwwt

Li I.
A MaoBMIeent Trlemph.
The people of the paUon hare
l^aa. and IP M uapertaia terms.
Ifeaaidaat Rooeerelt was elerted tss
terday by an orerwhelmlaf rote of
thb Hffff of (ba people. Tbe full
OlaHr pall, tbe bunmliuc wheels of
Wry aad the policies of ihs refrablicte MmUUtratloii bss t>eeii sDsialoed
hM ter aaothsr four years ai ieest the
be In t
futf which W bn


BtRittgtiSust Turner.
day eviuln*, baadM ri<> bt.ii.tln
Utss Me.. n>ttt tiTf l.ail-lb*. daiiRlitmai C v'eloek mtti wunlcbi, nahtoi.
the sterlcf oVer h.rty ao b«»r.
(er i-( Mr*. J.f tVi(lBeb««w id «•'i
They hatl a ibrnash w»i» fTBin frt.jt >ir'-td, *s* nitmM ye*
Grand Rapids (o Uasl<t<i- aod tudle_ Charles A. Tnrnif of Coi» ;
t>arttw T. Mioat, i»s-‘
(las wetf iskea al Trat.w aij-. j t,;-b bj
.ftwiaed at sVrlti-i.
Hunnr aud Kak-ra. Tl.'.}
pBWtlraHrtbe eatlr.'serrlce at Manis­
iRi- psrwawi- «f abaatTiirtr giKsitee and are nvo<> ibr murh fs>-inabl>* { The hi^i>! rntipU' was aiteadvd
tiotlee by cHfsens of (bat ..ilivi- ererjjefcu <J, Rs^is aoj JKss !.*•««'.Cor
the p»-rf.-ci senlPr rend<.n.<1.
. _
7Tn> »ts>:n» sicfe bseaildvd by flora.
lbs and. Jr . 4>( (]

^ ,AHHr«ilving»*.rl>-»ai,ion-..ol..
wisrioi tomuratitiw la'.- a fvw-.*'.--:.
In'R. acv. rwenr, .rivn l,is IK'V- ■'j-

olutlvn or Parlnetshlo.
The ceremony took place In (
tbr BsrSMnbli- h.-r->-.ThM . I.SU1ISS I.
bark parlor, which was etarerted In' I«i<«
Prsiik m.Jnrli s»S Altfwl ««»^l.a
>. e.4acl«*lsM nn.I.u >tu tl.u wu.-u(
a Breen bower liy ropes of fpoundplas.
nnSnrli « Os-tis* lll>.lHy U-mC]*oili<ol
the bay window’, belna Mofcnd hlyb mulesl i-csMHit.
AtfneiinttH S -111 mstlsiK Hw
with psias. brlBbtea<.d by whit.’ car ruiln-t
and nmi.I lor wit Ull* .is..tsism flm
natlapt. s lsr»i: heart of ferns ami tar- s>d i«2 •» ■ud.'i.i'viM ur ih.- -..Id Srai.
ostloes beinc snspcndc'd fn>m aborr.
AUrkii .iKKIUrh'
At »;30 the bride's sister. Crsco. IVt
sane "O rromisc Me." sfirr whicb ihs
bridal paity ciUrred. the bride loanme on the am of her (sthnr,
reded by ber youniur aimer. Hu'*i.
They were met at the altar by Utr
3 mid iMUBly. dHTHBiC, bikI ihsi «.
enmm and the marrtaee
UersUsaS] d«vii«l an ntiurwd b>
formed by Rev. WllUam T. Wood


h.. -iw ihe g’vi-1- M B-j».'U'. i:- f



:'-.rt h- *.»« pn.’iato,• 1' ’ri« .1*11 •




■ Veurc, inn;; Jwar M. ii.-rn'i -- l.r-.', -

' Pbre Marquette


Ur nssniln«St«UI and ■ll-«aii'r. «a

Tr-.nktsiv'ng Oj* RaUt
Tbr bride's gown was bulb dalnry
I'Hiil inpI'l: li.a tland sweet la Its tlmpllcity. beli
wblia mull, deml-lrala and uimmi-d It
OU<- OiiS |K:> llllnl (sr- I
bffiUitlful Incv made by fai-r gramimotber, further unrlebed by |Kwrl
- i!t
h- .ur.,'
-.■•-.OM- lie. . iiWiiiic I..I
About forty gU(o.iji were In alti-n<>1.-.0 D.iii> f'.-ic sinrtso; i-MU
XsSke b hnLUy glwsi, lhai 1>y u -tUt at
. .Irh-'r... v,.i o.,i:-t..- . -LI
sace and the rffrvslimenis, which eon tbatoolalcCinn
for U>- tiHumr -I tlnuo^
alstud of chicken salad, aandwiclx.* ^War.iudrijatlw nibi^^ut S'"-’' jl.-* Ik
ollraa. cake ami cotfee wwro servi.d la (urni*bi«tw oi pruwiii Uiw rlaiiix aeuna
the dlnieg room, which -was ixmutiru:
Live Stock Soot.
la the ertmwa barlKTrles aad aspara
rai,- ...
gua ferns which fcraied the decora- Ilia rily of Tnrrra-1- <y, f.-r .saiiAnjiUwn wml |;in-f r. t'lro N-.>r.-n.-l:.-r
sUmrsw-o. oa or brfon- iho >uh lUj uOlar*-h.
Mr. and Hn. SaaKball hare left th- iar
uf JsDoary, A. tt. ISA, and on wiKoMlay
dty for a week's sq|oani in’coitagr tk« iwh day of Uarwi. A ». md. at hn
u’rlu-SU Uh-foTwioaB 111 aaoh of and will be at bome.on iMtr
lwtnl.>"vrnib.'rHIb. A I). IWH
tufa at i:i4 Randolph street.
k people can pay to Ha foremost clH'They wen- the rvciplciila uf many
n^lUnibriUEKl«t-ATK‘U kl<-Ul>IAN
m. air. RoMCvelt is to be coapntn- buaaUfut diolce glHs^^_____
r fowi'ty cd Grand TTm.roi-, aa.
Uia ITotaia I'm
toted hr the world, aad tbs people c(
ht UBMed States wlU «lre to him that
A teller received from A. A. McCoy, IB iha yotr oni- Ibo
support that
who Is la charge of (be exhibit uf the
Fleming * HKcbcll display of vi-u-rl..S^se.
•«ano.ll|.-uf hlair
aary Instrumcnls la the IIU*ral arts
building at the Si. Louis exiKxItlon
' Me. .wmwsmn SplendU Vletery.
ktafos ibit this Arm has been award
fals supporters wen ed tbe gidd medal oa tbdlr roller bear
^ j Mr.
mr. rmilt
pwrm aad
with the force Ing aioaUi speculum and AoaL
'&<lo(iMedlrr shocked
^ (B the people at the polU
1'hla Is quIK* an honor to tbe Trav
While maay'hclteTed that erse City Arm .as there were undoub!
r, would be elected there ediy many cxbiblu of veterinary aril
iOl be few Vrbo wlir admit that (bry ck-s Id cumpcilttoo against tlu'm.
teched for auch a iarpe raaiorliy as
ACMtud by Mr. Warner and the
New Rectshs/ Industry.
Whole Male tlokeL Of ooarae the spt----- —
I*etaakcy. Mich. Nov. P.—Suker's uBurtBaTtieaB>lwHa>^owipua.i..i! anddl
tedaa s«atest the aocalted macblns wire nail Indaatrv seems to be a
wifr K*rilia J VullfB. ■
aad for (rhaaiT reform were respon- thing. Tbe promoters have secun-4 a. ball.-n and____
IDa at>d UB_.—
rtvt. and that am-h vtlu-r aa-1
itolo ter a terge talUm; off In tbe reoption on llic whole water power
and pn«r.duri roar 1.- Ead
controlled by Mr. McMaua. One IB Ikr ,ir.-BiU.> Ba IBM Ca mtttind l.r ib-lu au'-li <»«r Biaao BBd TMlIVl-l-.l

hundred and sixty thoussri dollarf atBIWIa
ThaiaiiiiiMi l> to ontocid that y-ndar. Iho
Korrral»v.t.t).iai.alt»uo-rl.rt la
will be (be amonnt of the capital stock foddayof
ttoarsMaiw. Or a»<«aa fee tto- h.anci; <.-r
Mr. MeceerelL Aa a auuter of tact aad Meaan. Ward A Brackett are tbr .aldaJoUUou. aBd lABt lha liKn al law of
Mr. Warner's rote was a bifb tribute prime movers la the proJecL It U mldTj^Mdand altotbr^
M him as a maa aad a state official, said that a promise of cxceptloiuilly
■to eoarae as seeretary of stahe has low rates has been secured from the
base todcfned aad the people of the G. R. * 1. and Pcee Marquette roads.
state hare shown their wlUtofness ti
ringloiF4B raw material.
Ihr ptvil^.-y of aajd ]a-<:tl>di. and I
trait the affiMn cf the stale Into his
Deed Bervloe.
dmld. a nrwwMto'r vto'ItI aad nr< -jlal '
e Posul Telegraph corapanv.
during the election ntnrns im'Tu.-r;

.............. ^ ^ „,nr,-;^r

-'.rc-;Ui'c ' Ibcrc

le i*-* ftotrth and Acuti

[ one way.'.»c'?;f<-s»r-.-in 1*
iaab* rl a'.: ktafloc* b-i
M-d t'l!'
Tu'-; iiays of v#cb ml-iii'.. .V' k
• f-'f rsyicuiBt-t. • .
- . • i'-'-ir

:iu'in;rs Iteayin^ nut. nimc
» i4”Si-.!irutu ^LSo (u

W-orld'a Fs.r, to. Lcuis.

Ulalf’s Drug Store,
Traverse City.


. t
l-'ur A Uuiri time you ran huy j


%fr m
(Itamiiili-.l 4

Ule eait Give Vou
l iu: Im.'sI fur ilit; i-rii'- in

F«cd, meal. Bran, middlinas.
£orn and Oats



iSrtrSS'.IJSfft.-S.'.l-S-'KS: I'!-'.!':: KS.

W. l.'iy ni.iihiii;: bm lit'- b*;si jirain ami >oii ^til the

Elgin G. Lewis,

Fbrrto made a brare fifbt ter Tleiory
’ Iffil the resDli shown thm (t Is to resmm aad onmmea asase rather (ban to
that the pei>|dt are wOUap ip pin thslr faith.
Grand Trarerae county came ..
wtfo a macnlSoent plnraUty for all the
--------i eandldates. Her repuUttoa for haaacT matorittoa has been
eaBtalaed. wly.a Rule more ao ihaa
tmaal. The people of the county have
nobly MoodV the republican party
-------------- --------- --------- m at autc aftelra aad have shown their wllllnc
'auss to trust the admUtUtraUoa ot the
etate to a repubHcaa gorernor and re" Mr. Warner conducted a fine, manly
•Bd claan eumpulgn. aad his policy
has wcB. And now that he has been
'ISO lyandsomely Heeled he will be ihc
ffiseenor of the whole praplc and nut
be domfoued by any man. Hique v.■* of men. Trarerec City and Grand
'mverte couBty extend grcelUigs Id
: W. Waraer and aasnre him of the utmaau support and cunBdesin.. uf tt%»to>lc of this section xt the state In

f Banner FeUie Crop.
1 A. W. Lawson, who Is a t>ucc«»(ul
.fcrmer living west of the Hiy. bt>
^c a repuutloo for hlmsiHt this tall
Tha a potaiu grown- which fow pc-iplin the Qranil Traverse rvgtcm ca-i
TgUaL He has a field of six acn*K.
three cf Whldi u new land, and tbn-<
-oU land which was practically wiwth
W sU yean ago. He planted the 1st
fw to buckwheat, plowlup the crop Id,
six peara age. The Beat .vc«r he plan-.*d to rye. ploiAng It la In July. Tbst
dalt be got a cn^ of poisumi. uf u>.>
busbHs kn acre from three arres. Th,
aaxt spring he pot in a cn.p ,ii com
getting » bualicis to an arn-. IIaaeded down and pastured inr ibrc
rena. then rarlcbed it with barn yaw
mannra. aalag ten lcmls an am-, tbi-s
plaatad it this year to potaton. wKh i.
rwaultlBg crop of nrbnabelt from th<throe senw. He attribuUw hU su<-cer*
BM onir to his arefni Iraatment <>r




r-j 6EC.RS








The Cash firocer


Boston Rubbers
3 01-:<ClNit BRAND.


Our stock must be reduced at once. Over 3000
pairs of shoes will be placed on sale at'a cut of from TO
to 40 per cent off. This sale includes all our best rhakes,
and mostly new shoes bought this fall. We will not be
■undersolcTif quality cuts any figune. This sale will con­
tinue for 30 days. We give you shoes made by Pingree
Smith,^ Rindge, Kalmbach Co., Mayers, Packards,
Nettleton, Waulkerz and many other good makers.
Don’t miss this sale. 'You take no chances when you

Successor to Frank Friedrich & Co.

$42 Front Street


Tf Jlnytbitig
i:i thfc

v.irii:-.y of go'.d-

ii-r. >pu cut. i.urrliusi; it .ai .-ii.
S:orc -vith thusuuurnUL'r of oj.taiinr.y fit'
.1-, a ;iiod,-r;u<!,

'rhe rocoli.

in.i.'n- iony af.or


on your
Cily Book

t- .1 quality

of .jUality re-

iUall Payor . ' Sporlina Boods
Tine Ebinj
Ollndow Sbados
Picture Frames
Souvenir Goods
Barnes and Coys

0ifv Book Sfore

Props. ' traverse CUp, Ulitfi.






Oiaaatreua'^ Wracka ikrM Core of Bte«b»* uul Hit*’Wt TcnaJd thU rt«* fa Ui!» tMrdfa of
Carcletsa'iis It reiponrihie- for
Ediu HeiBlotth of Elniood. U«» (Abi«*. « 'rrfl *s «ao7 oU»t» tb»t nany a r»;:w«.* wreck and the same. '
Dan eoiiDij- wre ouiRir married Ja»i ct>old aod wori- ideatlBed as the TatJ- sqv’S ar.' makluc hutnan wrerkB .rf
week WediK^y at ibe homo o( jia : elk broilief.- property.- alt of wtlsL :uEerer> from thrut' aad lip* tr«’iadreai of,Ur.
tlce Amil NwflaKCT. Tbo ytmoK p«>p>-=' had beea plaared ibe da)- prevk);^*
for Cossaoj. .
wHi make ikelr home fa Timeetee atyJ w*bU. Amvf. r»ia* to Trtrerse Citr--iiot. rr-.JSb»m»d Coid». e»-.-n ibc t.-o,-£t;
Both hare maDT frimdn to arim them! wli* the iwmitr potnuS* he had in hU:
■ BBd hv/pele« r-ais-!
iSl-t Dfcr...«H-;---'
bappfaen fa itelr JoerhOT throat. poeeeialoo wIK-b *rre*tfd hy BberV-tia::u3 l« Co Ions.--'
Uj^v Crsn:
PorrbMlcr. Haw.. -


L tiwi lay. *.C Brt«.

s ^Coi «0*vei MHMOe»«ito.



ffaowWKmwew MioKi«mr»’m BmmW

jbrfaei to the Hacald a baikei of po-j conU pot-iwear o« a aesarcb warrant.-^3,. j-ieg dUeetis by Joiir-“.n Dr'iit
SaioM which prore that he irlll maiojfor 1i was not «olcn property anderj t>j_ ,S. E. »‘Ut ft Soar aari F. IL
a meeew as a farmer when be «rows «a! law; wi- enald h« repkrtln tu V-'
op. The potatoes were raised «m *!aaai« It had le-come part of the r^ty <
amall piece of croend.
(Toend. and tbc yield
i^ann.of bavin* btwn planted. SJo
wat very Unte. while the potatoes arc j i ajvtetid oeotac wiake It 1/he eoald
of nntnital sirt- The work of *rowfaa! gp; pegeeabU- powessioa of it. which
and harreatfa* them was ail done l»
Whoever *av.» the faeu as se: forth
,haiai#i^ whva youiJ
Ho UM aitfali- to tbe editor of this show i>ritji.>r re.H>ect Tor
That aortheni -meOioda' are a snoi
uadoiiUedly il.roueb sottlo
coarory fa the
I. ...iMn, f«»l« ~ Pre«l I
tbU week by Lon Rrfakmsa. formerly;
,j,,. ,„,i,
, pp,y rarelest > trte.n- alve of
liTiailun all >hM
„ Old Mission bey. -b" b«* «
-mentor. ^'ih'rwUok
cvldor : JiiClic:
Mobile. Ala
truek farm
.------------------^voy- to the mfarif :




to Bfaegt 4ara fa the Deuri*. article poBlisbed In the Herald under
1 date of October n. 1P04, fa reference
to the acquittal of Roland Amei for|
the alleged lareeny of certain gfaseng
behmglo* to Geo. and WillUm Tweddlc. fa which there are certain allegv
ttoni undoubted!) meant to mislead
(be puplic aad cast an unjust rcflocI (low
m>-eeU as well as -my brou-

'UpofT BMOman shipped m sacks
atpoMtm Saurday via tbe nunoto.
rm bwTria of applet formed an.
other ahIpBMOt from this port-and a
imr load of woodwware from Brilaire
waa taken oo here:

Whool boute fa InlaBd township to B^
e the growing need of t)»
Homnaad townaUp adiofalng.
iMtor udiool boue will be rioted as,
aooh ns tbe new bolldlng Is flnl^ied
•M fae new dlatriet which U ooly
hnR a mile from the old. u siiuiedI
4otw 'nearly In the bearler schoolI

Ceo. Tweddle. and arq<tl(iett b^’
of hlf peers.
.True. Geo. Tweddle and my self wciit
to Beoxonla. the home of Amw.lo look
for further evideuee against Ame?
while be was fa jail at Empire,
jpanlealarty for a itioi that was licli
*- •
I *0 a peculiar knot two years ago an i
Tiateiae CUy lodge, Na S£S. P. and ^ which was tiansplantol by the Twt.'
A. 'M. haa aeepled the farltalloa of diee.a few days before K Vss taken
the Brilalre lodge and wiU aueni the'----- •---------------------------------- cCifaW atone laying at the new
bonae PrMay. The cemtmaadery will
he tartted to eemt the blue lodge.
The driegntioBs will goon thc't:Soi
Pet* MerquMU train and a
•1.W round trip bna been ao-ured.
TboM intending to go should notify i
F. Q.---Hci
Bamuel Otrland o-----

. taM Alma ago Merritt B. Holler
•art mrartr postal cards to bit for-1
Olga ootreapooderta Up tuiu a lewBayu ago one from Haul waa the far- ■
theat away bat a recent mail brouehi
him ime from Swasleiand. which is
■Orth or Cape Oriony. BduUt AIrtca.
The card is ualqua aa It bears the pit„ Urn 4d the king, who baa aa iinprortwncaablc iftlc, aad two of his dusky
euwliara. AmndUmnying the card
waa « number of triratograptas bnt tbe
irt^ tateraM lie* fa the fari that plc-|
fan poatals have even apread to tbe I

and wtU bate betjer attraction*
for (be carefn] buyer iban ever

217 E. FRONT ST.



price limit where'

ywj wilt.

sare a few cents in price, coDsc<|uently you are alwa}-s sure of gettii^
tbe beat pomib'e value for your mooey. Below are a few or tbe good .
thingi far Tbank^iving buyers.

~’i in. old time Damask, etttra heav}- anbfeadied for .. . ..i.................75e
CG in. pure linen Irish goods, beaulifol taiio finish, a large- variety
of paitcrns at........................................................................................... 85c
Three patient in all linrti Irish goods that are extra ^meu'..............55c

3000 Pairs
Good Sbocs S>.

7S in. Irish Linen that snrprimi everyone with its beauty.
is vriT soft ar.d satiny yet exceedh^ly firm—splendid to wear ^{5
Our dollar s|>eda1 is ihc be« that none}- can buy at tbe price; in
fact it is worth a •juatter more on a yard, bat a special pur­
chase enabks us to olTer it at tbe price...............................-$1.M frf
Out nipkios to rnateh the damask are especially good. Three spec­
ials in Napkins that are worthy of now are. -$1.25, 8L50




Brand New Just from Factories





' And (he heueewife s
htn we help,:
On acoun' of having Imugbt too bc)jL'i:.i i
find onrvi-lvos overstocked. Ttt«- rr'^.iv'. ;
of potatoes tlbls fact bn* a great -Vsi:!
togetber with tbe hBCkwardnessot ihl > a
we must mn'r^c reductiona on many lini *
stock wbirii ought to be dlspos?.! e
y litv'f i,f

lines at s!!i,T5 wo
.-'ii ai'nnce.!, ti:- prif,'
bc'ir.F wry i.,*.
. plainly shows
I n .. or <-srry over
in.TMERE;e-' rcr.iud fneji fa--.

Here arc a few of the in*nyVe have to otter;



t alt «he conveniences to

this nstiallr he*vy wertt light as pawWi. •«*

PUT THE CLOTHES TO SOAK in a geed sixed toh. The galvanized tubs are used te much; toree dWcrenl
Bins,'eOc. 65c end
and feur sires cf weed pdtp lube.
. WANT GOOD WATER PAILS, must lisve them. Icck at these, weed palls, p-jlp pails, tin paila The galva.'V

^faedjpsJI from 20c to 45e: waur psiis tOs-15c. 20c. IX retinned lOqt. pails at ?*e and »c.

THE SOAP QUESTION is soivti here. You choose from the best scape made. Lenex, American Fmrilly Oak
Leaf, e>g Acme. Iv:r/. Zee, Wool. Jaxen. Pels Naptha. Fairy. White Cloud and doaene of •therw.
WASHING POWDERS are Izba-eavere and these arc the best: 0«ld Star, Geld Dust. Oueen Aime. fcinshine, Serubine. Powdered Borax, Kirkcline.
MUST HAVE BLUING and we sell it to you In any form and the very best quality. The powder, the liguM
form, the biu-ng tf.i and the Wiggle Btick.
I break and that don't cost much. There Jute and wire covered.


CLOTHES BASKETS to take your elofhet te the Knet and to gathe>to B Up When dry and to II
sprinkling. See the different s-ies and price*.


CLOTHES BARS for house u . Where you e'niy have a small'washing or when ridr
Sc (the cheapew ! have ever had}, another etylc with nickel^ trimn

WASH BOARDS, the sanitary, with perforated holes, the patent galg’ass, all the greatest labor aave4.

It bat been erroneously rcpo.ied that 1 have disposed of my
bttsfapgm.this Is sot true, on
the ronlracy I am planning tyj
Increase my ‘ tariUUea tor a
Urger tuck.


and that sriB meet
tbe limit of any

G6 in. pore linen, half bleadtet^ good choice patteras Tv............Sflic

Not Sold Ilut

I win • B hare a big Una cd


s I Come to ns and we will shbw }oi lineiH that wriU siqwlse you with Sheir beauty and cxcrilent Af
% * wearing <{ualities.
.{uaUtles. tjualiiy
gualiiy tells when yxnf
ywi arc buying linens, aad in rt)
«o case do are
«re slight qiuliqr
qiuli^ ilo "

Zravtrst Citf Statt^

At the OldStand

ftneecatlng Attorney Cioaa baa roCrired the derision from Judge Mayor
in the maUer of Ibe temporary injuu'«fan which be iMued last week which
«waa broogbt by certain tax pa)-ers
««tfast tbe chy to retiraln fortber
'Mlk ptsm aewer No. I ^ dialhct No
L'‘.#«dgc Ha)-ne upboMa tbe .fajuaeftak prooeedfagt and mleu that ibe
iraeaedfags of tbe counri! fa building
tha aawer are void.


grace any uWe,

dainlv dishes and
shiniejj *av&.

Stikr ef fi»»d Shoes


L. 0. Bueli bifags the Herald aa in-!
fa the Brat place Roland Ames w-a
taraaUng farm aperimen in (be shape
' of a carrot welding over three and not tried for larcen}- at all. for ondi
the iBw-’of this ftaie anythlns thet
mm half poaiu and emsUtfag at
lai«e roou. all growfa. from a bfagle
{ fa question, is not a subjert of Is
i eeny unlcas made so by statnie. thenOrosad haa heea brefcee for a new fbre Ame* was tried under a sututr'





Mnd a. Trkdrkb

Two ffevember Wedding;.
VcnccI SUdky and Miss Anna R<*i
rere married on Monday at
o'clock at the St. Prancli church. Kcv.
Father Bauer oBlclaifair’ The youns!
' P. <2. DarMaoa and WiUlam Blood- people have nomcroua friemU fa (bo
IIHd iH|Te puichased tbe Interwt of cUy to wial| them mneb happiness.
They wilt live on tbe west aide i
iramodlaUiy after the errcmoiu’
paired to tbrif new taonu- where a
cepiiOB waa tendered them and a wc-d.
din* dinner served.
William J. Coismirr
T. Otl 0o.'a dock, and the aieamerj Mt» PiorcBCe Masce of Barker Cnwk
ISjbk Uona U ioadln* bemtoek elso!
also married this morniDg i
I church by Rev. Father Bnucr.. They
will live at Kalkaaka.
.fiord TheobobJ waa found guilty of
rub>bb b.^ flbi. I. Jb. I
Tvaaii. Ewuib.

in this pan of tlm
ttountiy. Wcliave

*«!«««* « .

mars ibe looks of
a tabic as its Iin5
cot c% its

-There is i

like tt anywhere

for evcfT *»“»'w?fe » pn^d of
her fable and tU ,
setting, and noth-

Circulation thli week 2,900

was.luocd to
Mlaa Uda C.
tstb brine roaidcats of Mon-


. not anoUm Mode

and best linen—

, Do not keep money in
tfie house. An acrident
is liable: to happen anti
then it is cone., I'ui it in
our Bank, if for even a
sliort time. It is safe
here anti earning inter­



with her richea

Saleif for Ulontf

^ ifetil eattsed more eserclse than ef ihit kind which K very HrlnF.-o; tianal on tbe part of the sidewalk jo miirh s« that any person
: sweepers this mornlos hot oibera-lse i l.-i a Kfasen* garden fa the dIr
rf his
I. twe
The eolicctioo of the cUy laaw has I .
do«« u< •
,1... ito. I
»' l.sw«ms
CTU ot ,lu1.
coll«ua ,Hi ,..r. Th, ,».l l« U.
"T"”..miMr ... ri«l.M7.«l
lb.! ”< >■“ "1“ ™ b™""'
mllMtbd by CMy Trvub«. '“ ^h. r...U <rf lb. .boeb.
»M.S»;.W. This if> lh?i___________ r;
bishwt percentase that has ct-er Ix-en
crileeied la this city and U
rtaak Ftiedrieb wRI leare for New; dlcallMi of pmpority taeeaaee If tbc
. , Tatfe today in the faiereau of the Pay people didn't have money they
• "A BowM Bagfae eompaay.
couldn’t par their tax.

Vfe, loo, are
{•roDdof our lin­

cover her: (aUe

putatoet. which are cicepuonain 1
polity of a wnm* .-qinl '■. __
lance and floe, and which rttow that
pouu «rowln* can be made a neew,
anywrhere If the ri*hi man Ukea hold:
' s„ e,« oicni yeirs-ofttec beside* c



.V. this tine the
honewiile likes to

WRINGERS, the email ali stecl, the large a
Hun^^of pairs <rfBoj»'.Miase and ChiWceti's Shoes ;n

This is Your Opportuniiy


• bench wringer and the r

One kind sells far
• tells for drtetlellar.
V patent adjrttsdile

n be adjusted te *ny height Md toe easiett te o.

creomt and clethes pins and the beet ef clastic and gloss starch,

TJicri there are mope and SCRUBBING BRUSHES, the rice root

c palmetto fiber and the all

lo shoe up your family. Von .ire
.irc sure of trettin-v
clean;, hpnt-st Footwear. Onr reputation for
shoes b behind every pair.

Selltr af Goad Shoes

Opp. ^ffjW Offief


onr-v, MIOP4.



Mw Md rtoOr. »-t Ttmf-iT. o« j
wi<-K«I rtaou^ <>< Friday thf two fWBtlle. *fm «f. North-1

Grand Traverse Region.

; A OttabM- A
R.T, Ur. CTifiv. fomerl} of *Ujil« i north hnolluhy. enllod ot) frtyadt wr*4i bofory rrj nail Rart



’ worse since last week and no hoper ‘ ibelr new home will. Mty Britton s 1* the Amtshwhler dLtH.. n.,»- Mon-,
■eniK Mr. and Miw.
e will r. parents.
M. » .MBkw. on
,, woA ! R.^^yV,
Mr*. CmoteU. who ha* ho«i W®
lierV bill
Praak Saixmi has a - <
four euiulslln* i for Mrs f. H- Whit*'. ba» coroe hbtn- ‘ h-’n- >a»- we.‘k
injt a few «<«k( «-Mb brt hlwc. U
buatlna e
The Ladles' AM met at'ihe home «d'
Wm- l«. roturaed to hrt ho»>*
•fa his sister. Mrs. John MITIer'Mrs. Jamison Tfauraday afternoon I rtEu^e
Mrs- H. Wrdibr irto
. AM«d iMt llolKUr
Mill t«ss paitaatiHT
TrsTOrw Qolie sick The past' week, is
t The broliier of Rev Pint Enylebert
■ nir vtohed bw ninoT frlrtld*
„ „
!wmhold&i*llshservk*#lBibeLuJomqdi Rlpto^««>a
eburch at Port Oneida nor tie dauEkier of Bvan have been call- three of them went bmMne ta« s.-a-, her arh.«.l law M.-nday-,
'^'^e^lKrT toiM WbHr and Bulb ■man were married In Trarerw Oty
ins on friends and relatives Id this vil- son
—— :
and Rohr Carpentn- of WlUlamabura 45«. SPth. They hive tbe bon w1sbes|
pg^„ Bnrflend aad laee lor a f.» days. She eipects l.v
, ,
fOCta URaVT.
Mr t'leeMand was up fi
aiiondcd-lb' Doreiair aarrfee
. i atfnldCsmnindnirs.
rf tbclr many (riendt
*C«or«e Ketderhonse drove to Lelatid return bolDG lolDOtrow.
. |•lIy■™| IxMnvss la-t w-si
Bates charcfa Iasi AuiuUr.
Sbertnan Bovs and Tom Peplerbave aa'^Cortssnao-Ww.
; X-w-T | The tn.rimps a:' »V'i I'nl.m ck»--tl
A. E. ihilTcr was called io Waylaad 1 „n busiBcss last Thursday.
Hate Bmwa tnv'ied da a few of bl« Oct.
Port OtteMa school teacher
Mih by ibe sickneas of fait motb-,
Blecuun is near ml 'limad. '
friends last Tbm«lay rveota* t.j help
who did the Smh. Mr. Pah
now. on roll tblny-ts
TbuK- r<,u.rtd sick ni «u, Writ______ ________ ____ _____ esnt- u- W Ksmstt .
Htb bis oe* hoBse Atamt toeEle
isboa-n. Atsiut 4"
ibe remalas hume aitb h!m.|areia bopes that ad lb
Mrs. Kd Marl, wl,.i recvmtljr
■were foemii. and afler the work was bnmsbt
serrlet-s were held al ll>e ;'xooo be ahle‘U> alleoA.
[OTW4 o... - -firr
Miss Cadtsra . f Satton.-; !lay r«C-. 'the rbri-iian ill
hous.. and e.Mii.01. by *rr.
galsbed ren^htoeaU were serre.I. Kuaeral
chnrrh last Tuesday. The remains:
toB-n Kaiur.'~v itieiil' i<(- roi^i.vjs-ijrdu--1 III.' vhiirrh
• Weather One, The prdlrt.-d siortn
i.hrtr heartteh ihaakp
roDSlsliOK nl lee rraam and cake. were huried la Bvergm-n temtuej) .
•"+’ •’“«> iruttd* for their Uad:aa not rearhcsl ns'yet.
piiBpkin pie and pcaairiK.
Dr.Tcdmaa and A. E. P«,lver drove
of Pon
K. B
Ffwnk Iiriinson and
I Hfi- Lake to the repatHk-nn
Onrhla hat. mov.-d to ll^lckvllle.
W. IM^k'-)^"aiien'h^tht*<^ A B ;
I Three fatnille*
H- !|I H

eeiuly atnve.1 be
Oeo. Welilner le on the alck llm.
fotfl .Md 1'.
Hra. J. W. narldsoD of nr.- Lake Is
flay 1
vialtlas (Heads beec.
John K.-rsnsoii h=-l it
I fi.r »'iUes ’ ■
' 1 .A..LThi-lr nanu s are
.. K. 1. WyckoS of Truy. Mnniana. arChrlsiensou;
aie.lle.^s.'i .,jii I. ei-ded ati-i
rived bore last Thursday aad will
■ he ii-iial eel-'lirn
apc-od the wilder here.


------------ .jjgMjjr ssrasg


,WE ARE STARTING on our sixteenth year in the home furnishing business. We have devoted our whole time
to this and nothing else. We have learned by this experience just where to buy, when to buy, and what to buy to
give our custorpers the best values obtainable for the money.
We are showing a few cuts this week that will prove the money tnat we can save you on anything you need to
fuiAiish your home.
stridly high grade rock- .
cfs, commenemg with a
large arm rocker, genujne leather, spring seat,
'(wonh $8.60). for «.f0

n Cargp Eiitd of eouebes
In as grades oioOTot.

They range fiom
that akmg up through
several (iillerent stjlei,
to $2$.
GO d derent
and prices of

. The best beater, on the market, with feed door, mndc
of heavy boiler steel, lined; heavy cast top. cast binge
COOT. 1.0 loelOT HOT .OT^OTOTIilol OTOThOT, oiek^
•crew draft; large, cast feed door, lined tlneugboat, wiH
take$0 ind. chunks, a poweffol heater, (srortb $8.00.)



............... ............... :.........“™N'm OTc, uho.


only......... ............................... K76


gating SiMt
Uigt Hsoriateni of edo% commemang with a good. weD made coudn
JM 1i» cut, cowed h fire.tone Veb», piettjr potteraR 19 heavy coil springs,
keavy «tme, f«* only................................ ...............................................

Over 300 Dilltrtnt Rockers

13 hws


Next sixe, estm large, wH!

AV'e buy our stoves
all in err load lou direct fiotn''the roamiUctiireTi. thereby
savi'g jobbers' and aaleamen's oommittion and a big
iiem in (reighf.
23 d.flerent |>rices of air tight heaters, commencing with


Toideet-from. AD »l>1es. all price*, from a Isi^. cane
seal, high back, am rocker, wonh t'i •‘>0, for. ......... 1 72

screw draft on feed door, aiefcd
nameplate.he.vy aieM (end.
ers; luckel top noL «D bwn
either wood or coal, will lake IS
wch chunks, i-ice only .. .4.60

Nev^ »ae has double feed <to. takes IK M dunks.


a»A Uk. Cl. «th. ].
,«I <,»««».. («>th

.i»g.p tc.tag.,
«, prt«.
.................... f.7u

. . m

L'if4 ■ L--:

OtTrSOdifferenijiricci •


«».«'.................. ........................ ........................... -................................I..SO
fnm Iha «p u. tl« bol louto ooi»h, f«.........,... . .SS.7S

Tlien they range
right alpng np to the
largest siae made. We
can pleate yoii on any­
thing in Gtovirs.

Cook Slsots
to select ftam, ruling
right alor^ from a cook stove for...................





as ah tight, just like t u*. heaiy pyiished boiiir steel. ca«
*oc* drafi. Urge to]. with nitkei urn. far
They tange righ! al ma from this lo lhe best an tight
hcaser made for ihe svwiey, ma-fc of hea\7 Ixiiiet steel,



Op to n good steel
cook stove, best and
most ccononical
cook Move made,


right up froiii thaL
SO ditfcrer>( styles
^ *—and prices of



I W. c pto« JOT on coiid«i


j oDtnmcncmg wkh »
good sted range,
yUSi like cut, well
mute, guaranteed in
way, htpt
closet aatd I

f„r............... 2S.7G I

. Om 7S

SIfla cf DMttt a»lrs

lS.7t fo, OT or
OT fc . high book. ohopeJ,.!*' .oo.
ch.ii, M like col, with lour olccl, hewlod ipiodle. ouilxwoOT top?
OTi.............................................. :........................,... $4.j6ib.«x
NOT.lrJlpOT=or'c«COTlclaOT,fro«, liM op b, . bo.otilol qoutc
OTwcd,.FoliolOTl ook.too WOT Choi., J.W like coi.(OTnh$S2). .
lOT,c, .olil.OTJl twle. cobUc, OTI dOT,. JOT like cobbteOT -Uoe
OT the OOTtet for. oOTiiom pne«l,dOT,,ooly.........................W.ThfoOT

\MHolmmmlm mnd Amtell

A very large, bi^ fiick, aoliJ, comfortable aim rocker,
jost like cut, hnitaiion leather
iworlh $C.30i ipr
only.......................................................................................... a25
They range right aioog up to this beautilel .N'a r>**8
Rocker, just like cot, wide, heavy, ijnarter sawe<i badr.
qnarer mwed seat, bolted together, makes a very strong.
duraUe chair, fche^ »i $6.59). our price only • - • •.

ley range alary, $27,7.-. $2--i.7r, an- $:n,75. np to i
range tliat others wo^M ask you $45 for, a beaniiful ]
range, elaborate!) nicklcd, 1-,.
'iSien the>- range along
. I the ve
Mhing you want in st--.o ot ranges.
take 20 inch Aunks an d keep fire As hums, lust like cot,

$G.7»)for...............:................. .. ................. .................

Stores at Traverse City. Elk Rap^s and ThompeonviJIe. Mich.

Olc Do 3ust a» 0I» JMoertfs*



1 laat Prldar creelaa. rcBdar.
e Onre to Ttorarcc C«j


Hr. HaUenwa' bat laoml taio hbJ

drove over Trom L«

"*Mn.°to^ ElBoies health is wry ;

'*? J^ietug reeeptta) w*s h)^ at ito
heme of Hr. aad Mn. J. Ke^rJt.
the tooae
boaor ot Mr. aad Mrs. John twesa^
■oa ''Veliie-L
oa Batordar ecealap.
Mn. Flan Ukd U Hrlac with bar! Mn. E. r. Dasae left ThenutW loi
too wnile.
a Tlsti with retaUres at St. JaMee.
Mn. Smaa Gear waa the gae« of
^I*s itl*BrlksoB is visltieK Weadi
Mn. Charter Bales Taertar.
Oedrae Fewlns aad Mtes HanI Bor

«. L«wtt tMtt Tb»»tty tfienww.
We «• toetof etwt epoto weMto
tot **n »lee
. 9bmo«*o« U etorttou

jCtarter N"rt»
f^kfon fiehto
^Uh Ue Mother o*«r Sutoer.
hb^^ef eto Mf». Kohl wnto W
Mie. Oe'wtor Tiwdir erWlaC.
•CelMio Bhifier «nd vffe end eon
C OUlBiaB aad soe eapeet to Isarc
Bw. Mer. Oowtor esd MoM Hren
MtoBtod the Sotoer eetool ewrm- toer baat Is ibe aorth.
tfw s>
Lake toUNw..
J. Sbrieek Jt baiimas a tac bow
Tb«f« «i» to a aMtoto «< Otar last soeth ot loiro.
few chape) all tor <n ThankaBlTlas.
Oetool becaa agala tbli aMrslaa.
AU arc lavited w attoad. Brlac your
Mtes Bteens epeat last week v^4laai.-r aod etar all tor.
a Mn. Thos Good.
Mn. B. V. Carpenter did aboppinci
la Tneerae Otr Prtddr.
Daa Baker. Wc aad toUdrea are
vtsitlog at South Boardnaa.
Hr. Sbonek is atteiidlai Fraai
Ten's wcddlar (odar.
- ■ Made e hwlnese
___________ citrmiler^wlM w mmc
IB ihi* place- He wa1. Bracfamco'c UMber.


woiMbk (to 1. McOowet. Bevard <Mo
■to l» Blae tolptas hlta.
Geotve. reek oeat to <»aa Arbor laai


' ' ttertle feoHaiFBBd Carrie Atoenoa
by MlHs Alice Roltum-rc.
’Maw wlten at Mw. Betaard'a Bua •teter to the groom, and Will Bruukaaper. returned at oace to the bride's
Barker Crook. Their masy
^'iB. H.J]iiodM «M eallUw «t Jlra.
meads wbib Uicm rnach Joy.
feMBOrd's Snatoi' orwias.
VrbsD Bulsiaere ilrorc to Traverse
.Tkew was a binbtoy ptotr at K. A.
JiahiMb Feeterdar wbleb waa well at City the CUl
OiB Hapee-orPetoskey U rteltlag ai
Waller WataoB's.
.l.'dobaaoB bad the Historti
IMP • cow rwrtardar hr imUm
tor W. Baird a
^ktoed oa-A potato
Harr BchofleM
1. basblto
; aUMCtowBanhleathcArstotibe hew Friday tor a two wetots' vaoatiob.
";flMeth to beda ber wtater tcrM-oi
jaekpot at Ue conelr Hoe.
^■sca .
The Ut-lana u made a trip hen- ot
Tuewlay for lh f caaolng factory,
Ur. HcPbail and
ai wife wore Lol;tood
vtoilars the last to the v
A busincu Bieellog to the Bpwortb
tongue was bM Thuraday^el^ at

It was UDogiclally ■aniKinct.-d tbsL
I the South Bend A Southern Hlrblga •
! Blwirie Railroad Co. has projected ft*
! plaHH for ihr bnildlag to a spar from
i .MU-s to Buchaaaa. Sorveyon are not
lai work on the proposed route. TLo
' comiwby owns Ifie nu abandoned road
bcl to tbt Ulcbicaa Ccntnl railnad.
I which gives It a Itolsb'-d road Ik-I
rover ihrviftiartbs of thy ilj^ianci.
I Itavlug but little gradlrg to br Coco.
I Moaday tbe Bpisetowl church at
I Bruoklya celebrated Us fony-slsih an' nlversary of Us dedicalton. Ther.’
I were iweoiy-tbr«e perroos |ir.-scn'
who attended, the dedication s<Tvlcc-

Set. Walker 0
tor a
« Bb<_______ — - —
Tilb the sodet; ot the Cotferesaliona;
charr-h Suodaf ecralBt la a onloc
BcellBK and aa iBlereitiaE program
run (Ivea. Tbe Meetiac was led by
Mn. DsvU. and two nutnben of ib’ bitoir eajoyc)
programt which
Sir. uwYis oi
by Mrs Blackwood of
Mr. aad Mn. Cbss- Cot
C lieea
Vootsey and fassi r. left Thnraday fi

Km-j’^eston srrlrttl from Mi Pi.-s*
er. Mr
lelo the GUI resldcnre.
Miss HsiUc Hampseb lias rcturaed
aume from Omraa.
WalWr NelsoB and tsroliv arrived
bt town aod wilt occupy tbclr resldeace Uls winter.
Hist Hyrial Wrlsky cpl.-nalned a
few of her mile friends last WedneKtbe oecasloB betog her Itofa birth
Hiss Uda Raumbergrr has taken
Hiss Mhldleion's ptacf a» clerk for
Mn. liushncll
______ tbefrestS
Mr. and Mr»- Malhcws. accompanie.l
by Hiss Maud Burdge. apem SauirtUr
1a Traverse City.
L. Barnes has bis stun front la gaWi, sfsira and dandndL and Ihe stop- I
ningef (sUteg hah, ior tStoninci wldMs- '
Hesdames Murphy. Bpangie and
Weston speat Mooday laii la Trsycr.-^
bate ^
The regulai

WelU MattercoG ead On Falrbulu
drorc to Kalkaska Saturday.
Mrs. A. 8. Pruy «isUed ber sliliw.
Mn. Ben Crisp at Bates, oae day tasi
Hrb. A. O. Falrbaaks of Tneerer
City was to the aelghborbood^
days last week.
Mn. Bmatelloe Fairbanks of 1
ene City aad sister. Mn. Maiictts
Thomas, hare aiovcd Idio the lenaai
bouse M Mrs. kblrbuiks' farm aad In
.tor tend to atake It tbclr borne tbis wla
. We aw glad to I
^%'?^!%1tea bai bis bowe beartr
Bdwla atebdCDBloc aad W. Matte
■00 drore to Tnrene City one day
last week.
Miss Han- Brawn to Wllltesasburs
rUltlof ber aleee, Mn. Qllben Pray
tbis place.
.A. A. Umaa t
Ctorcoce Fairbanks to Trarerse City
the CongregaUona
^fcWd, and iODblnc Tor b place Is la the aelRbUirbood.
looitoy ercaiag.
Oaorsc Buoker Is baling hay t
Hra. Green
J^Sbt ecbool bad a biR laeraase la Horrtooas aoar totead Lake wHb t
unUy for Fife____
pNtoters Moadw. Tbe ferMtto have
Mr. Hoj-t will be at Uw Hotel Sroil
all tbalr Tall woi» ddae;
with a liar to rdothlns.
i-1 llteeoM Bbnard. Marr ibttoP «i>d
CuBimUshKicr -dniltb mas lu towa
Mania eaUad oa Mra.
fer. Peek asd eona an dlc^af pota(OM Tor Bee Jotaooa..
. nonnaa NewBtaa hae. goae iloto
toatiac acalD ThM Maeoa.
Barth. Br.. etilted at Mr.
> Bitot taat Book.

Mrs. Stover whs at the toho today
Mrs. H. Hail to vetr sick. As soor.:
as she is able to be ouwed she will gu i
to Trarerae City for tbe wioler

Vet Browa. Bernard Rtrbardsoa aao!
Hr. t'pdike bare gaoe tna-tiBg ap tb<
are viilUng ti


Coras all Chronic Diacasca.
1JO0 Tree
For aale by a« «ret ctaM drugg'***They eura to stay ctirod all ebronie ^
Prteca. H« Springs Tablets. SI.
Hot Sprlnga Qwiofc Rebef flmlnwirt) :
Si eenta.
Hot Springs eatarrh cwra,« eenta.
Hot Springa Soap. 10 eenta
Hot Springs Healing Satwe. 85 eenta
Hct Springs Coro Cure, tO eenta

Fer Bsir et S. C Wait A Sens. Amriean Drag Stera. Ji
Drag Co. Hannah A Lay Mercantile Co.. .dittrUnKing agrota

I)o not usually jfive much thduglit to the stock of an Agricultural Implement Store
but bARNliV ANDliRSON has just added a larjrc line of

Cooking and Heating Stoves
ihat will interest the Housewife.

Bnwlbagen wti!i la town last week
the Interest to HIckerd A Drodbagen
Setistor O, C.-Moffnt and Geis O.
Oovetl to Twrerwe City i
Its week. • .
Mrs. Buekworlb aad Mrs. Frank | cHIzeDk wa> probll>iird truni attendln •
enter M>«>t Sunday in town.
; church last Sunday tnoralng.

spesti Sunday night at tbe home of


Al« a full line of

11 addition to Aj^ricultural Impieiacnts, Cafriaj'cs and Wagons.
Ladies are invited to call.


particularly feroelo-j,ioaklng bulldogFwak Daria.
' had-iaken up hla ttaod therein
Hn. Slereas and Wmlly arc visiting j lumcd about and Von.1 bone.
relatives at GUIs Pier.
Pack aaad Mrs. 8. W. For '
' --------------Mrs. L. R. Fade
A Cuaranirad Curw for Plies
’ aw vlBliUig wl!latlves and trieuds luhtoe-Blad
tu-vdiiig •.* FnHrailine IHkw.
Traverse Clt<
^ i l>,«p.l.r,eund
DmgglsI.neBnd m..,.,
tn..n-7 .n-A»)
Mrs. A. Burdiaus aod fatally are the ' *fsilaioverr
msai-' U
u h-w

— anv ra„. .nu■ !«««»..-•
Mr aod Mrs. W.
siurdsr in Travorwi
Hr. Benjamin is In
Hob. a. Bmilh. G. G. Covell and O.
C. MoRatt spoke at the town ball on
ife returned. Friday
will have charge to ('
Suadsy from a short visit at North- . Battle'sCIU
farm the coming year.
tB^^^^^j£e°wtaur's work.
_^__p«h.^U.PaM ’^IHsi goii-s SteSeas to test Lclaad , 8. W. Porter took a trip to TraversfUto
and Allle SBdU to Solon called oa
Mr. BmHb ot Omad Rapids wos in
ikMBto Md ItoB
tiiaads la towa Moaday.
this week.____________________
Lars Sogge to SqUom Bay
bew one day
- r tbU week.
6. Oartbe oof Nonbport apeni a few
Not a 8«k Day Since.
In order to make room for our heavy purchases of Holiday Chairs and.Rockcrs. we are forced to do«e
'tke* Mawb te aboat to .tor
R taken sovewl,- sick with kldone hundred Sample Rockers at once. An excellent chance lo save money oo your Holiday Gifts. You make
iikl.-. I tried all sorts to mrollooe of which relieved me-. One
terms—pay what you can. Profits or cash not considered. WE MUST HAVE THE ROOM.





WeUs it TtslUeg Mrs.
It last Tuesday erealng.
-«» dr North Manlton
IMrer arwa. ftart Ttaradap oo a apcbi tbe last to
rf 11
the '
*%wa'^&WB kaa paiakawd. W. Til
^!'"’W*‘8Llfh Is harlai hU ho«
.................- - • irtlH to dote tb
'SKtotf!toeeteW tok «oM fwmkpr Id roaac tolka wre a Haltowe'ea


,ted. kaaiitUallr decorated with ■*
ttea atoon. Sapper was served aad
BBBtoer ot tones were ptoyed.


^ repaMiau raUr was held at the
feto toke^lransc hall last Tbnradav
erteeg. Tke apewken ware Mr. .Croas
bad Mr. OUbest uf Trarerae City.Mr. ud Alra. rrwd Lang to EUi Bap
Ida vtelted with Mr. aad Mia. John
MacTiaoa Boadaj.
Lecur totals aad Herbert Wood
weat deer haatlar la« FrUar.
MUs Clara Ueertag of Bk Rapids
TtoUed with.Hr. bad Mn. Nell BoritewBeaday.
Ml Cmc, Mabel Oowtea. Cn^

nSoweVa piu?x Hallw>r^bt’ *
Ske ToK brvtton halted dorer la
OBTselabborhuod latt week.
A. G. FHak. the hastite Beicbant
oC^WI. I. buying p - -

C. L. Daytoa called at Baitani
Mias Cow PBului spent Wednesday
1 Sottons Bay. tbe gneat to ber anal.
In. A. Haaaeaii.
EBiH Brown to Wllllamsbutg to vtoitlng his aacle. Bm Brawn.
A veiT pretty woddiag was stoemoIW at 8i. Mary's eburah. Provcmoni.
Tbanday at t o'clock, when MUs
Katbrya Scboarti and Oswald Oorde>
uolted In maiTtoge fay Rev. Fr.
iinan. The bride was
. beautifully
gowned In white toasdowae with ap­
plique trimming and carried . roses.
She was attended by ber sisier. Mis..
Anna, who wore a white albatross coeime. Albion Uxlerle. brother of the
gruoiB. waa beet maa. ' Aftor ihc cere
■>- the party relanied to KiverHdu
where au elaborate wedding lunehvon was nerved to the immediate rela­
tives and a few Trlcaito. Hr. and Mrs.
Cordes left in the afternoon i
shower to rice for a short trip
waukee aad Cbicao. Both bride aad
grbOBi aw very poimlar young peopli
ami they have the liest wtobce
!* c'
of Ibclr
many Trli '
itCoBUIn Mercury

JTb. Carry's faoasc is acariy cota-

loees I felt relieved, and
I entirely- cured,
sick day siac-.-.


ney- troubles and general debility.'’
Tbto 1s what B. F. Bass, of Frenon’.
N. C- wriirs. Only 5f»c. wt Johnsun
Drug Co.'s. 8. B. Wall A Sons' asd F.
H. Meads. DnmlBis.

iDd dozens of olber sample Rockers tbat we haven't
cats to sbowl

Aa Okt a farmer^wss rauudfuB »l;
a IM of fowls
'to to lake to market the
oUier day when one of ibem. a hig
rooater. olijeclcd sireuuously. Tinbird Bew at the man's face and Bcarly
irat bis eye oni. but the mao petbisteil.
and the 'rooster was a dead obe abor
A Runaway Bicyele
rmliiated with ao iigK cm <m ih '
leg uf J. B. Ororr. h*TBnklln Cro>e. III.
tl developed a smbborn trictr. uijyield
g to doelorw and remedies for four
wrs. Then Bucklrn's Arnica Salxirrd. It-Rjowt as good for burn'.
RetWi...rtla enitolon* and pile.. Sic .
at Johnson Drug Cix's 8 E. Wan A;
-'ink' aad F. H. Meads,-. Drug -Slorej
A hose aitachmen; of an automat;i
bicycle pump came n.-ar ending ih
life to a babywi Ueirolt. The m.i'hi:
rapMly blown up when a young wi>
ooliced its prrtflranieni and vlir'
off the air. Tbe mother hurried oi i
and look her two children ■«■> inb-ri
ante could be aacertaiiied
‘o Cura a Cold in Ona Day

j MP-HoU l7 Orwggl!i« pnev Or per boltlr.
the face. .
■ ■
The yoobg people of tbto place
Arope over to lalaad to a daace :held ! then.
M. C. LAbld aad IbmUr have movt-d
into their ihWHe,'kBowa as tbc .Fbl'^'pSy btod at Will lake's in
hoaor to Mies VMa Spriapitnm.



^ Mte lit^ Gray cant Note SunNeUle Palmer
,4Bte to MM Bmblrwjasi BatonUy to|

strong men make, a desirable at whieh to keep
your bank aocoupt. Such a bank i, .


J ■_



Special attention io our line
vOf Morris Chairs. :>a in all,
and the most handsome de­
signs M'c ever placed on
our lioors.

l-atK-y Rockers in wood,
c.-int; an.J cobbler seaL
a>h«gh«H*1 QQ
to close for-...

AL.ISf>. S7 and S7.-Vi Rock­
ers and Chairs. ,
during this sale

of over twenty-live des.giis regular S-v 3.50

•2-'» patterns of Highgrade Rockers in velour,
Verona and leather upholsterings at sanfe proI>ortional cui.

With the direction, eounsel .and lihanctal backing of

B^BW^Iramg apll statelng ta Uic




$ 1.00 DOWN $ 1.00 A WEEK





^aieels. aeettoa K. lava U, raage 10; •Other.' arriTod oa ih* jitasoBri Oeu
tth and be will take np Ms dnties as
♦7W- here In ptooe of Tbos,
THm riu^
Arthnr JloiaUkr to Colanbtto BoUh Aratstieag. wbo hi
Utt MotalM •
Mr. Amstieag
Blef. A Ato.df s.v;to. eoe.^ lo« toMt&gaa Clir. Ii
-««t «M Mln*M to MBccr Ofwr>J I. iBBge »; nhoo.,
slatioo for th«
has beea keeper of
bis taaitb* Jv7 la th*
WUIton H. Heitiart
« tb« M«h«Mks dtcnn a. 9
Wjoetar. paroel, abe. .?». to** «. kaew -them. Hay SBCcett greet
tk* vcrdlet readered bcla*: .ntage 10: 1700,
at kb new atsUoo.
■^0. Ua )«nir*. tod Uie reapoBdaU
Mr. Hart of Cadllbr called
PtBBk rrledrieh to Leeter D. Rladge.
«>mr ot tuMutr NrixoleMt u • parcel. Trarersc Ctty; tdhM.
friends here Ian week. All are som
leant that Mr. aad Mrs. Hart will
Im T*i»e OM •ts.‘>
Cbaries BUckaua to Hlran H. OlfAll v'doct: UU afUfMOB Uw cbaa- (ord. perc^ Oak Park; 1*00,
«err CM vf HBBrr Ttvrtt **. <»rii
Ha^ah. Lay * Co. to Ftord U Isdde a__
Uaa Pf«TBi «M Buva>ded iosg Bnitb. tou a aad 24. btoek 1. H. L. to have tbem
m go. Mr. H
Hart was e
ptared by L J. Morgan a beads
fwosh t-» Judg* lUrBe to paw ••
* Go's t4th add.; SOM.
yer la hb mill
tw>M'B|K>B Arc offeodan who lied
Lay A Co. to Dobanil Che^
_ __ _ _
. at that hoBraod-tocA ihefr plwwa be-,
reaka. lou 1. 2. 3. 4. Mock 13 B. U A leeehe their Irieods at thelifare the bmck.
bone hereafter, fomerly known at
Go-'s toth add.: ISOO.
akersoo's rlscc."
Oeetie Sshb wBi-irwltaUad bafore
Snlth .Brewer to Geo. Bnitb. parcel.
Ebwis Beck arived bone Banday
the bar aad a*ked U there
» }>. tosm ». range 11: g&O.
from a three weeks' trip u> Craml RnpreasoB wtaj Metesee iboali
Oeo. BniUt to Smith Brewer, pared
pMed vpca hla." but is a few tow
*^imam Burdick and John Flugew. 1*. tows 26. range 11; *M.
aM. erst and second awisUnis cd the
apofeeB word* be wld he thoatol be
John A. Kennedy to Freak Kones- «lgbt_statloi). crossed orer to Glea Arbad *ede K «elU pUla that be was
ks. a. e.14. sec. 26. Iowa tLeange It;
isram CBilu- o( the crliBe.
inl of tbe heavy wind storm
Hb Btioraer, Fwm C. OUbert. !ii
Uaus.O. ftraat to ioeepblae M.
behalf of hiai, aaked the oeert to take
enter, tot 3. e-to lot 4. Bast Bay ftork:
U eoatfderartn the sltmitoB ot Mr.
IllnolB from a bucinc
. 8«Hk. his tsaiHr ties, aad also staled
CbarlcB H. Dartau to Almlr* L- Tay­
tbat^two flnu stood waitias to o«er;
lor. a. d.s. sec. 31. town 2S.
.... .0 Cadlliie a
hlBi a aood posttton. BotwKhstaadlia
range 10: two.
the erMsBce agalnn him. Mr. Oilr
J. Dunn to-Howard WMtlBS/l Cbu. Fisber
T f>s-Bt
B}s-nt a few
r< days bere
ben alw ashed the coort to aet aside
UM). "
lot 44. btoek 2, Ferawood Vd.:f *400.
the rerdlet as aot beioc oader the
Hiss KcUle Is getting slong nicely
Jeanie Adsli Orth to Trostees of
with the school.
BtatBtos of law. as
Swedtob Lotheraa Cborcfa. tat *. Ad
South Maniether iavnaie thaa that ot lav to no
alt add.; $300.
loa IslaBd today.
rerdlet that a rwdlet shall be
Blmey J. Morgan to Oeoigc R. Beck­
dnsd as ebarped aad proreB. The
er. parcel, see. 8, town 36. range 10:
Report of the Slih eonventtan of Ibe
eobn la r*—eBDteaee said that b«
Long Lake and Garfield Sunday
enaaMered It a rerp licbt seateace. 31*5.
Frank D Panaenier to ArrlV Oard^ School assoclallon. held al Silver Lake
eeaaldertBg the pwrttr of the oBcBse.
BBd gare bln the nazlntin for pettp'
*^Callrt*^ order by tbe president.
Fraaeto TbnrtMl to Alton EUtoU. RoU.
Barney, by slnglDg No. 1. ' Horv
lareoBr. lOaetr dan at bard labor In
pan tou *3 aad *4. btoek 3 H. U A Atxnit Jesus."
the Detroit Hoese of CorreettoB.
Co.a 1st add: *300.
Prayer by Rer. B. J. Gaunder.
U ptaatof sOBteaea ob the UtUe
Sln^ng. "Throw out the Life Line."
VwlB e. PraU to Call 8- Bast e.Vi
rbarera, Ftoraal Haitwsll and Andrew
Crain was absenl. Rev. H.
ArUip. jBdge hUTM ept^e of the ggod ' A 35, town 35. range 11: M. Holwple gave ns words of welinBBeaeee that aarronsdad the boya 3300.
t« the
c-H of A e-K soc. 35. towa *6. laagc
eald that abare H per eeat ot thorn
11: *700.
eoBH «t BBd baeoBie good I
Haacab. Lay A Co. to JVn H. Wil­ saplc, was very’k
son, tou ID and IL block 6. H. L..A -stnietlTe.
Mke to both tbe eblMree aad
Discussed by Rev. Gaunder. J. B.
as *A dweOiBg oa the good treai- Co-’s *d Vd.; 3300.
Hbiaricb w Peter Haa- Barney. Hr. Myers. Botit. Barney. Ur.
■eat BBd bflaeaee BBd best of til the
Drake aad Hr. Sbisler.
_ -On to Victory."
mam toalBlag they wooM ». n.% of A sec.®17. towa *5. i_____
qiicsitao boxi A numlK-r u(
-andergo. He aeotsaeed then bedh
John J. Rnnell (o Wiittam Black- questions were asked sad aoswen-<l.
the iBdBstrtal school aatfl .Uier aiHornli
1. parcel, X 30, town *C. raage 12:
|itood tbe ogB of 17 years, which
dinner a . .
MOBS B saparatloB of bone ties for *1,200.
Improved by
Herman W. Smitb to Henry Akcy,
Afionraon session opened by sing­
. all aad oeroB roars rospbhUrely. Tbe
ing "Whiter Than Snow.”
V aad little aUtera wss« ta conn
Devotional scrvloe, led by Rev. E. J. I
aad took the aeateace eery hard.
ChSA J. ^Bbner to Ooorge A. 4^s.
Ooaaty Agaat Bssltk *rui roaisla herd
Btagii^.‘'Sweet Peace, tbe Gift uf
God’s Love."
asyatal days beforo taktag (ben away, tot ». Oak Helghu: *10.74.
Testlmoales were plenly sod goo.!
« ibe father td UtUe rorest’u away. William L. Brown to George A.
Hr. Gaunder then ang two pieces.
Bbd be win aot take the acm away be-' ftoms. loi *5 Oak Helghu; »loo.
Louis Mnrflgold to Mlchaol K. kUy “Go Oa" and "I am Going On."
lesw ha retsma.
er. parcel noc. 4. town 25. range 10;
Fran Bawr«a7's Baoord.
Roll esM. Sliver l.nke. 6: Gtiotim.
Richard Hnrlbuit to William BlackThe totocety^case ot Henry Dreret
3; Cedar
SB. Cbtlattu Dterea whiefa was oa maa, la^ eoa&aO.
Rud. S.
WJlUaa F. CalUv aad wife to Ar"The Bible In the Public Sch.wl;
' trtbl all day yaaierday to oecopylng
tba aaaK's stteattoa today. Tbe cane
was wen discussed and approved.
gran aat of tba temlly tronbie of sm.
of a Trip to Jeraulcm.'
JaasM De Draw to James Hortertty. by-Olimpsen
BObar aad aoa. the lather deadlag bU
Mm, J. W. Mllllken. Very Inter
toaHofaotoofawUsee.22. cslmg and InslruclSve. and ad<l<-d very
tons at HsBBsh to tbe aoa CbrtoUaa
much to the eninymenl of the convenBis yaaia agn. aad the aoa lakiag tbo town 27. range 11: *400.
O. V,. Holmes to A. &. Bryant, u. tloD, Mrs. Hilllken's pleaKlBg talk
raapoaslhtttty of hto eata tar the gift.
making It seem very real.
TV father toft bto Mn's bom du^ w fr H of aw fr to a«. I*, tow* 25
Next coaveniion Is to be held ai
Neal In February. 1*05.
tbe srtattf aad aude bto beadqnarThoA B. BpnBtagton to Jbhn JasUn.
ConvenGon closed br singing "G<rl
tasB bi tbto.dty wlib Joseph, aootber
a. e-to of A aec. 1, tow* 27. range Be With Tou TUI Wc Meet Again."
BSE He aatn that tv
tHTreperty V act saldA
Robl. Barney. Pres.
Bdwin C. Keai anQ wife
GObcR to attoraer tor eoa.. . _
Ford Fanning. Sec.
41^ Pi*U A Davis for the defeasA
,I irtiiM Hoaltoo. toU 3 a*d 4. block 4.
'Oeerge Smttk, Frank LaplBsU nad, *dd.: *1.000.
■: UU naiA lU un.
o*"' Many a Traveres City Houaehsid Will
' wlOBwa 'in ttoa Otreatt eonrt yentar- ser. lot 6* Oak HelgbU: *600.
Saaford PJoeker to Sylvester Ual-j
Find Them Be. .
e tanas ah tbo Dotniit Hone of
Oometto* aad the Htohlgan ntanna- Iett,<w to of aw to aad aw to of sw to I To hire the pains aad aches of a
(lead eoaonctl ret *2. town r. range
removed; to be eailrvly mv
toi7. will be taken HonAay moratag by II
I Iroiti annuying, dangerous iirlnnry dls
■hertt Chandler aad a depnty to begin
8. '6. Whipple ei. ak
Nelson T. tufferer grateful. To i.-Il bow
thoir twauef iBprtoonaMBU
LlUie. n. of a e-li
S. 18. town ; great change esn be brought al
Tbe CesUmny wan all in by
' wUI prove eumfortlng words to I
o’doek and tbe eonn wtO aui^ u K. range' li: |l.
of Traverse Ctty readers.
Maty A. CotblomscB to lOraa, dredi
; bare e setUement made out of eonn.
Wm. „
H. Larrabee, of 631 Webslori
Peterson, pnrocto, net IS. town 26.! «trwri uy-s
raage 12: *200.
| ment ami expi-rience D^u'k i
Frmb Monday's Beond.
Charles A. Cbalker to Arrllta Oani-1
«“•* rellabk! remedy. For years I wss ai
. .
' frith a weskne^ of tbi- kldnoys.
Frank Scbmnkal to Mat Bndros , o„t much backache, but i
tbb vind-up at the adjonrned ataalim
A of «■ Ato see. 5. town 25. range; tloo of the kidney secretions
vbleb opsoed onAfoaday aneraoon.'
n-gntor and snnoyli
annoying, grcslly clbiurb-.
11; *2,450.
:i r^Knlur
Tlta cane of Henry Drem ta Chris­
Moses J; Brenaon
tina' Draree was taken cadcr advise-'
Pills baoUbed Ibis i
can ssy anything u. help convluw
raage 11: *3^00.
; others. I am glad u. do
for I know
Samuel Walton to Leslie G. Rey-' '
tbe ooastraeUoB of tmma No. 1 la dto!»c."
IrtOt Ka I was argtnd Saturday afier>' E. J. Case, lot 0.1 Itaao's Kidney Pills are
■Moa. Oeerce Oroas, attoraey fur
I all dialers. Price- Sn cvni jM.-r h
, ptotatltA aad P. C OUbert for tbo
: Mrll.-d by Ftwier-Mllburn C
ei^. Tbe court took It ander adrtoe: N. V.. sole aguDU tor
le L'nlKvl
U K. Gibbs A Sou vs. FVudt Labym
*a4 H. .O. Joynt. which grew ont of a
«lo of a team of boraea by tbe latter
and a decision tor no esuae of acUgo
caplui 0
Bernard Van AlsUoe to Anson R
onca belag baaded down was up agala
Hin^ord. parcels. Bayride add.:' What's the secret
necrq of
o happy, viguro
aid a moUoa tor a Mw:iria] denied.
; hesioir Simply kei-plng the bowe
Morgan vs. Biatu csk. notion for n 1175.
Pefer CUJU lo Apwmi B dbnlls^'**' »’omach. the liver and hlUne
amr (rtal deaie^.
ford a.
n w.ts
w U Of
of a.
« sec. as
Bu«>oek Ul~.l U
, loro.
34. towa ;
Kitchen TA Jnmlaon bMore
127. range lO: *700.

(OVL Motion to qanah geaM.Dnvid Wynkoop to FTed^B. BsllsMaatstique baby strangled to death
yilspatrtek TA Flupauiek. decree
day. s. of s. sec S3, towa 26.. ^'7 apple in windpipe,
tor dlreree gtaated. ,
| '
Tbe priaonarA George Smitb. Frank range lO; «30S.7S;
Ella Crouo- to Fred E. HalUday.
Dlplitberia rdtaved la twoniv mie
OeUasld and Lyasu McNeil were
r Bctaciric Oil. At nny d
tahna at 6 o'dodi tbU atomtBg br pnrccl. see. 4. town 25. lange ID; «
a' Co. to Ftavd L.!
■barUr Cbandtar aad * depnty to begin
tbMr Tarfciiu teram nf (mprlaoBBeaL- Smith, lou 25 aad 26. btack 1. H. U S i ' *'«««> mlsed money for ambuUnfc '
Co.’s I4ih add.; *300.
! for Blg Rafdds bospiul. ‘
Ooart has adjonrnto tiKU Dee. 16.
*1oyd L. Smith to Rtahard Hurlbot
-----------------1« a.
K. », I*,, ,. R I.
I Ibe state
an lariag aaWa ibetr wood stores
Mec'sV^p c
^ tavld C. Oandler. sberiS. ^ Harry I tie^ds—cures trig colds, lo
aneonal nf the blgdi' prten «f wood tor
e very vei** of e
t- 6. town 26. range | “
fnoL Tbit la tm chlegy aMhg the
a San FVaocisen i
tonpRA who *M wood alawat altoat St. JosepA
•Other for hsatiag their hoam to the
eociB HAiraTar bund
SssnM CtanrnntaM
swr. s
Tean of saSerlng relieved in ;
^vnly weather the past few
The Urmert hare abom noMletod
tbnlr antato diggisg.
It nny drug store.;
Andttor amural to Ira D. UatoA , WlUlaai Larson aad fomuy aadja

caidtnItasttaB of 3300.090. Dr. J. C.
WIlsoA-of Flint. U preeldeiit: A. G.
UUhop. treasarer. aad H C. Hoblason.
uervUTT *ad nattager. arc the aew
Miltncton m-.-rebaaU propose to gc:
erca with those wbo UaV with traveltag eaBtawers tar Oileago bouses.
They have hired a man to kcv--i tsU
on Ibose wbo buy goods in Ibis
and when each persoas seek lunl.c-r
etedU with the local ne«*aa«s It
be refused and they will be loM
bereaftw tbdr buying mnrt In- <
siriatly cash baslA
The Good Old Way.

Core Your Coygh

one is to a woman. Hra R. N. ParrhaU. tv wife of a wealthy mill own.w •
Hra. Parshafl goes north every tall,
and Is nsnslly BBeccastal la brtaglBs
doWB S deer or two.
Oxford wiU Brt nn auto factory If
the loeal Vslaess nca will sabsertv
1234100 worth of slock.
Lctdanan cout; claims the older',
voter in Hiefaigan. in ihv persoo of
ttaelo Dan Wbippio. who has passed
the 104 you mark.

■top year Loag^ IitUaUoil relleTs jroor 8«« Throat
■Hd drlTS ont yoar Cbronle Cold, with the oily cor*
tala, and itrteUyMleoUfie.Care for Conghs an* CtMs:

Ctsrl.nviUc will not be incorporated
as a village right away, the mpoeen^sl
ot incoritotaUon Vvtag woo the Vht |
before Ibe supervisors.

The t'nlli-d Stou-s Bi-glstee Oo.. of '
Is like a are. (be sooner you conilial it
the better your chances are to over­ Usu’e Creek, recently moved Into its |
power II. Dulfew niotVrs In tbUag" new factory building. Tbe compsa.v
are willing to do ilu- necessary
shipped s eoaslgnment of rv-gi«- i
teqnircd to give s good olO fssbi
rellsbic treaimont such as w..ui . •! lers to tK-nnauy. besides iro-lvlng of- ■
admlBlsts^ by grs
lothers.l dets for over t.nOO machines from 1
backed By. Boschcc's Cen
MaBitol.a and ov. r 50.) from Loadoa.]
which was always liberally nmrd ...
tonnertion with the bom<- ireaum-nt . “>»»“•'of colds and Is tllll In Krvslor houn •; While under the hypnotic Influence:
hold favor than any knwn n-roeJy^;
Rns»i-Jl at the Ught Guard ,
Hut dtd-fashtaned
even withoutaids
the Germaii
^nip|«nn«rj In .tnm
Artaw. Eug.-oo
will cure a sevw^ cold In quick time I Schmidt, a l.-yearnild lad, dived off:
It will cure colds in cfailclrun nr grown ; (|,p stage to ih<- door, a dUtanre i>f
locausl. Rnssoll had .-igbi ««• ten
^on the stage and when Ibe acelden; |
lake It. It Is lavalqable in a ho
of children. Trial else boiiilta^. ^ occurred all .were hypnotln-d
c in swimming.



Altnoot in Deopalr.
*K>nr littledanghter was gtren by two phyUcdasa
------------ a of the thrpat. and we were ainoat
In dotpalr, wheo oar dranUt iwoommended Dr. KlngT
Mow Diaeovery. After foklBff foar bottles abe wae
porfoeUy eniwd and has bad no throat troahle Btaeo.”
-CEO. 1 ETUa. Camberiand. Hd.
rrtcc. 50C and ♦!.••


S. E. Wait & Sons and Johnson Drug Co.

S? Mfrii



i A*




^ fff

Gketion is wir^^are ^ou satisfied?
Be that at it may, me can't changt
It nsm, but btrt is a Salt of

that will Satisfy vou and save vou

Great Cutting
of Prices
■J o rciluo- nur o\.:r>lock.
Too mioy Hulc e<Dts' satis ter aees 3 to 9
I Too miny DooFie BreasUd Salts tor aces J lo le
'' Tod many Uiree-pifce nuontsli-cul Sack Saits, ages
9 10 16 years

Our overstock i-^ so heavy wc prefer lo realize
‘•cash" rather than carry the bunJen. (Jn
others we choose lo lake a loss an<l >-.:e them
take their exit.

Our Prize Oiler
On Dec. 2GiI> we arc goir.;; to guc away tree to llic
ho'dcn of the lucky numlicrs three prizs aggregating m value S74.
The first IS a $35 soJirl oak Bcilrooai Suilc, the second a fisc ma­
hogany thrcL-piccc Parlor .Suite w6rth $30, and the third a beautitul large pulor lamp worth $'.>. With every dollar's purchase we
give you a co-jpyo cnlhltng you lo one chance on llie abovA \iy
one wbo bolds tiuec or mote coupons has a chance of d.rawing all
three prixcA It costt )-ou nothing. Il yon win, you win b^

Into Cwo Cots
We have divided our entire stock of
Children's ClolhiiiL'scasoii'’s purchase
wc leave on the .shelves and otter you a
'STR.-XKillT DlSCOl'NTot

20 Per


i ]i- 'C rife the very newest styles and fahrics.

I'lvery suit nut pure hasted ihi' sea>on is
plared on the counters and table- and marked ,
at A KKlJl'CTION from

25 Per Cent to
-331-2 Per €enf
A' curdnitf to ’.I--.

• .iliurs.

Extra Special
100 ettilds’ Suits in new Rsrlalks
j and double breasted, tor ages S to 16 years;
blach and blue Cwills. Cbis
sale we otter them lor guiek
I selling ai tbe remarkable low
price ol




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