Grand Traverse Herald, July 28, 1904

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Grand Traverse Herald, July 28, 1904


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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. ■ %xWiwt^t Hjeyatt^*
c arrr. obams t&at

Timncdtr stile Barit

DkW.3. dfggftts


Varr M at riwui ■arlw
ealy. Totfe 7MT <ri ptMUaa.
Tear aatnai«a wlkHari, ia
Ha* Kaaaoa MUlai. aatar K.
af P. hall, ca Soar vlth IMaf
aT-i BaaUMM OaOafa aari W


Tire Ttisuratice!

•Toai coaeaaa*.

HMcy la Uu OD ImpriTd Bai Estate Only.





I»» CM bmvm « nw MNillB.

AU. sms OP OOT nX>VKB8


£t»iitft>3-^e:5gft±r PI.,.





Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausages. Etc.

plwDH 4



I fuD/ewn
Thu are made to aae as weO u ae!L The/arc
made of dteap aiaUria!, and (ires a daah/
■h to catdi the e/e; b« are dnnbk, confint*
able, and aeaL The cbeapeU oo the maihet. qaaht/ caeridered.
Oace oned and jva will bo/ no otha nilcc.


lit surtc stmt. • Uictor Pelertyl.

Oa Itaa. Palata.
4. «f. PATmtM.
TrMafw CRy.

Bare/oa cr^ tried lhe~
aari KM anppUea ai
rraak Trada'i tiarriware atora. 141
FWat ttraM. TraTcne Cty. Pbr

IJ5HTB/XS T.W.Hmrt, DbtTktAlL,

«W. A wiixeox. BL U

Alden. Mich.

mihaihrhM«.BwP«.iM- o*


tay*! TI^Br Tbbs


l{opaI tiger
The/are the bett.







PhaiMa: ClUacM 12. Bell 1».
Cer. TanOi SL and Lam Are.

•i Ma emMf Kf PMari «a^ MNw tl/aate.

MMVcSffteiafwacllaalheaeatymBFlM-tlHUitto pa/ to
•W7 oMiSta thb tocatii/IlM
ovuniaetacr'i CM


w*4»l AK*n«


TraFcrse City Manufacturing Co.

f "Utoa/ mail Boxes"

Whn/oa wait a lUfd XaD Boa. can nd darnfae anr
metk. «e hai« thaai ta price fiaa, odc doBw vp, Wa
tana the ba« dcBar tm atom. 0« ban tan a aa cod.
madtMttawtadcaaaeiUavacbn opea. IinOa
aaBapraeC We Canada tUa the bpt bexnaric. CU

Paris Breen, Cand Plaster,
Sprapers and Sifters
Our Land Plaster is Fmli, grouod 5ne. put up in new
bast (SOO lbs to bag.) The Paris Green is of the best




quality. If you must have these' things get the best.
Met of Paris Greea it 26c per 1 lb package, less by
quantity. Get our prices. Lat^ Plaster 70c ^ bag.
Sprayers from 60c to $1.00. Discount on large orders

Sttnic of Klns^l^y
■RBOpOMBltetllAy, ••0,00000

on ^1 theK things. Don't go pa« comet Front and
Cb*.P.K's Grocery.

Havtag peHocmed thu eaaentUI
in the vicinity of each heoae. the InPIOKSEB PgSACHSR.
diana-ircM abont making New Yenr’t
Ufa Wacfc ci tha IMa Oaaega N. ealb. Entering, end one abook
handt with each member of the fam­
ily. aaytng "Boo-zhoa, boo tboor
with great eordiaHty; nor wenid they
(Ccettaaed Pniei LaU WeMu)
depart natO they had lacnivcd a tri­
Oa Fridtr. Fehrmry S. «Bj6.
/oaac uadenl w*t lieeaud to preteh
une delieaey.
by the Prertn«ri»n« of St. Jowph.
From the day he became imbaed
Ui«h, tt BroBKHi. tad niac dt/t
bier be held bit CrtI recaltr terricc with the miaaiooary ouril Ur. Smith
the atody of the Indian ba*1 CooiMoeic. He orstnited ConfreKitiontl eberthe* tt Cull Prairie. gnage. and in a eompiratively abort
Olteco. Pltinwetl. Gun PUtn* tad time he had acquired a fair koowledge
other pbcct, ia til of which he of it and wat able to ditpenae with
pretched. It wat hit euMoia then I) tbc oflicca of aa ialcrpretcr lor the
bold three terrice* etch Soadty— Sunday aerrieca.
December A 183S, three daya alter
(orcaoon. tflerBoea tad eveains—
tad for yetri Mr. Smith preiehed baring preaebed fait firtt termon to
three timet eteh Sondt/. often to Indiaiii. he opened hit firtt Indian
Jtaatry Khool. ia the aame buildiag. with
1 pnpiU in attendance. But the
IJ. i8J7. he wti reguUrty tppoiated
number incrcated daily until thirty
to do oiuioniry work. Uttiooed
pUiawell. ead wti to reeetre t t
age* ranging from 5 «» S«
ar/ of *100 per year tod Tolaouir
eootribetioni. Fehratty i. i8j7. he year,. Thit cbsrcfa-adoolbontcwat
atteaded and took ta importaat ptrl built of baatwood ttripa act op 00 end
floorleti. The earth wat
in a Sute eoareatioa of the Miehigta Total Abttiaeoce Society tt beaten down and in the center of the
fire wat kindled daily. When
Mtrthtll. which wat ttlended hy
many ol the moat iaflaeotitl men in the fire warmed op the groond. frogi
the State. He aiaiiled in orftoitins would work their way oot and aqoal
the firtt CongrrOlioatl AttncUiion around the fire in eharacteritlie tlti-|
in MiehiEtn. at Richland <Gnll ludet. a pmceeding which would conPrairir). Marth A 183?. The eon.u- volM a room fuji of while children,
lution and bond of uoion. whieh were making leiiona an it
there adopted with teareely yiy al- Ihete dutky children
nothing amuting in the actiont of
......................................./. i8j7.
-__ .
. thit At- ihcM prematurely active Batracfai!.cieialton by Rer. A. S. Wire, which ant. WTiile Mr. Smith UnghI the
1 Mrt. Senith inttrucled
laade him the firtt ConEre«alicmil
dian girla,
laiaitler ordained ia ibe Slate of
MichiEtn. Re». Jantet Ballard wat kitchen for a acfaoolroam.
Montht -of toil and hardahip fol­
the aecoad. It wat dnrinB thit year
that the eonriction «rew upon him lowed. The winter al thit million
that be wat called to labor in bebali wat filled with trialt tevrre cnongb
daunt Ibe brareit heart. Frovi,01 the Indiant. The Aral mention of
this cofieicliOB
in the diary nndei . It were thort tod. in the hope of
dale of October 7. »8j*, in which he repleniahing them. Mr. Smith and a
bite neighbor, Mr. Cowlet, atarted
___ that it had exitled for a long
time. Abont that time a eompaay 1 a eanoe for Allegan. The ihoriI rome « at a foreit trail, but they
01 Ottawa and Ojibway Indiant,
. water,
hoping to bring back
rnt by
under the dircctioo oi Chief Shin-elioi-ehe and Chiel Wauk-a-too, came iuRieienI ■oppliei to bit until tpring.
paddled down Bbek River for
llUge, Entmel
county, in tcarch oi a mitiionary. nine milet. thence to Lake klichigan
They hart been under the direct to- and to the mouth of the Kabmazoo
telage ol the Jetnitt, but were not River and twenty m>1ei up that
talitficd and were detirout of em­ waterway to Allegan, a tout ditlance
bracing I*rotetunti»m
They had nf fifty tailea. Relnraing with prolearned of Mr. Smilh't roioitterial vitiont, they were delayed by a heavy
the bke, alto merling
lal>or« from Indiant pauing up and
the Slate on their regular mi- with additional deby from ice pteka
grationt. A meeiiog wat planned in the river, to that the trip contumed three weekt inttead of two
werki at planned.
In the meantime Mn. Smith and
made an impa«ti'ined tpeeeh. vividly
pnrlra>ing the rtetire ol hi, people the children u e reduced l<


ami Saimaa






half-breed Indian and Governmem
inierprelef. Me. Smith wat eompicirly won hy the fine rhetoric of
the Bed Man and the evident tineeriiy of the entire company If
teruplet at to hit life-work had ever
attailed him, they were
tirely ditperted at that meeting,
where aaraget umc to plead for the
light and life of ChntlUnily Hit
heart wat won. He catt hit lot with
them and to tlie day of hit death he
remained their
true, unlalteri
unchanging friend. He believed h
telf delegated by the Almighty
accomplith a greater work in
Ifehteniog the benighted Indiant
than had ever yet been lecomplithett,
id be labored at failhlully and aealoully at
In January. >8j8, a meeting ol Ot­
tawa and Ojibway Indiant wat called
at Allegan for the purpote of talking
a acheme for th'eir eoloniialion.
Mr. Smith and many other <
who were intercaicd in the
fare of the Indiant attended. At
meeting the "M'ettern Society
Michigan to Benefit the Indiant'
organized, of which Mr Smith
appmsted general agent the followg Jane He at once went 10 work
Laboring night and day. often with
no thought of hit own welfare
that of hit family. Oaring the
monlht which followed he traveled
much, rititittg diSereni tribe, ol In­
dian,. railing meaiu and arouiinginBy December jboul thirty
Indiant with their fitnihe, joined the
and a partial organization
effected. Ur. Smith moved hi,
family to a apot near Alltgin and
December tj be preached hit firtt
termOD to Indiana, in a temporary
building erected for the pnrpo,e.
Following it a Hat ol the Indian,
who with their familict Joined the
colony: Shia-e-ko-cbe. A-ga-ma-nonin-w-a and Joceph Wtnk-a-zoo, wbo
ehiefi and leaden Sin-e-koche and A-gm-ma^on-tn-wa were
from Uiddlerillage. but Wauk-a-aoo
wat chief of an Otuwa tribe of
great fur Iraden from the ahoret of
Lake Winnipeg. Otbert were: Mikaaw-ba. Chin-gwan. Mote-nan. young
Joteph and Peter Wauk-a-zoo, SiSi
Dnck-My-ke-che-wa-bcaah (Torn- lim-oet-doon). Po-neat.
i-is-ftn O^'eriO. Maithnuateh. Pc-ton-e-co-goo-chik. Sai-kwut (Ydiow Oond). Ktagwe-gah (Old Wing). Win-do-go-witb
(Good-for-BOthii«.gUBO. Sha-wane-ae. Na-w*-gah>tab (Fire Legal.
Nah-me-gah-aa. Sha-wa-aqoah (green), Sah-beraoin. Se-aa-ge-mah. Kahgah-make (Ctifith). Mua-keg-* -

aaderatood the BaglUh basaa«c.wat water. Scarcely a d«y paued wbrni
uader tha diractiea of the Raiarial the mitabwary wu dm catled upon .
A. C Vaa Raalic While ia New York
ocify aoBc member of hi, atitUap
who fell that be bad been tmpOMd
Mr. Vaa Raaltr amt
pon by tome ou ol the newoomert.
The rcUtiou between theu two
lute wfldenwM
adviied him to go 10 Mbhigaa. which
alreadr had railruadt. wu devclopiag
rapidly and waa aear to mafkeL The
part/ lingered for a liam ia New
York, then went on to Buffalo, thence
by boat to DHreiL Bat aavigaiioB
had doted for the leaton tad 1 boat
mote to Wmeontia wu tMI ivaibble
V’aa Raalic. Ibcrvfore, loaad lodgiaga
lor fait faauly t^Kowu aaB temporary
theller for hi, falknrcn ia aa old
honae. Emplo)>BMal «u ghrea
many of the men by Bm Uptain who
had brought them froai Baffalo tad
a at hb ffoek.
Mr. Vaa Raalic act aboed a tytlematie atody of the aitutioa. In
toow maaner hb itlcatioa had been
directed to tbb loeaUty abort Bla*
River, wbera tbe Brvurcad Ur. Smith
wu loeaied. He atarttd o« immedi­
ately 0
early i

He waa inilbled into tbc myrteriet
ol tnowihoea and. piloted and accom­
panied by Mr. SmiU and a parly of
Indian*, travened the eonnlry for
nile, abort Old Wing Mitaioa. Mr.
Smith wit aceuaiemcd to the hardibipa of winter travel ia the forcam
but the maa from tbe Load of Dykea
wi, aliogelher a novice in tbc deep
woodi. Yet with dogged peraeverbe would blunder ahme on fab
the pbyaical effort
overcame him, whea he wonld link
down, crying out. ”1 can 00 more, I
iP Then would the

learned the meaeing
ou, “blazea” on the treea by aid o<
which the pion*r tandlooker Ibruded hi, way through acemingly impenrinble foretu. Through Ihr intlruclion of Mr. Smith he familbriaed
himaelf with the Amerkan ,/Mem of
lownahtpa, ranget and teeliont.
diaeov^ the good quhly
toil by ••
' three feel c
He relnrned to Detroit. g« h
family and. zecompanird by otiiet
among whom wai Ur. Grooicnhui

) Old Wing Uiiiion, in Febroary.
itared them in the face.
here the entire parly waa bnitad
George, then only 6 yeara old. aearehed the river bank for a beat in which in the home of Ur. Smith nntil their
eabint were completed in the
he might Croat and pottibly find food
among tome {armera. He found an tpring.
Much might be written of the triab
hut be patched up mteiled upon the miiaioury and hb
wa, bsaily engaged famUy by the iuflaa into tbeir tmall
making 1 paddle when bit father and heme of to large a company. Tbcb
houac had been enlarged nutit tt wu
Mr Cowle, returned.
When tpring and tummer came of a comforable aiae for tbemaelvu
Mr. Smith u,ed to go on foot 10 Afle- asd the ordiury vbhor; b« there
g=n and return with 1 aaek of Hour were fifteen extra peraorn to be
or^rnmeal tiranped ;o hi, back, abcltered and fed, a aerion problem
lopped off with a big ehunk of pork. lor maay in
The trip wat a hard one and when tUBcet. and donUy teriou for tbe
he reached hi, eibin the »weal would poor mbaiOBary. But in thoae daya
he dripping from hit face.
the clairat of hoaphality were
By tpring the colony of thirty fam- ditregirded. Ura Smith gave np
iliea had grown to three hundi^and her parlor to the atrangert and they
there wu imperative need of a per­ cooked ihrir own meal, asd alepi a,
manent organization and location. be,( Ihry could. The efanreh bnildApril 13, 1839. Mr. Smith and 1 party ing wu alto nlilized for ledgingi
c! Indbn, went on a proapccting trip Sbellrr wit thui made pottlMe, bnt
which extended from the mouth of the wayi of tbe atrangtri were differRbck River to what i, now known vni from Chora of ihe New EagUnda, Crott Village near Petotkey. Thi, eri In the morning Ihe good vronwt
trip occupied four week, and three wnold empty out their night vurala.
day, and wa, attended with peril, wuh them and ttir np their ptneakt
by tioem and flood. The Indian, btitrr in them; and the faouckreper
locale on Black from Vermont eonid sever wrtneta
River, at a point about four mile, thi, performance whhon beiag
eatt ol the tile of the preram city overcome with aanacs. There
ol Holland, and during the lummer other tubita. alao. aMlar in nature,
month, they moved there. Mr bnt of which delicacy forblda
Smith', family joining them in Ao- acriptioa. Yet dtM people were edagu»i. a log houte having been erected ealed and rvtpeetibb. From tbtfir
point of view ihere waa SO indecency
and prepared for their coming
Here wi, otablithed Old Wing implied .or imroded.
Mr. Smith oot only extended
Mi>tion. ,0 named in honor of Old
Wing, an aged Indian and pronounc­ the atrangert within hit galea all the
ed Catholic. In lime 1 brge tcbool- conrtetict pouible brt alto gave
built and the mi«ionary‘, them outerial aid by isatrucuag the
houra wa, enlarged and made com- ;adbo, 10 help them clear the bad.
furiable. The work of nplifiing the In tboM day, the lodiasi of the MiaRed Man waa carried on at tbi, place tiou were aiwajrt ready and wilhog
for ten year,. Three month, ol tbc to do whatever their 1
year were devoted to achool and the uked them to do. They
remaining lime wa, apeni in clearing obedient dtildreB. bOMat and faitbfoL and begiB tmmedbuly to eleu
bnd, building anA farming
During all thit time the life of the Ibe Usd for the
youqg mitiionary wat one of retpon- after day they would
>ibilhy and tml tueh a, are czpcri- and fell the great loreat Ircet. pilenced by few. He waa preacher, iog them in windrow, and burning
teacher, judge and adviter-grneral them.
Bat almoat
eomInneA he doctored the tick asd
tere wa, ditcord betwees the two
tented aD diipulet which irote
ice*. The Dntefa peopb were bamong the membera of the coloey.
Hi, word among theic ainpb peopb clined to faspote on the Isdbsa.
wu bw and there wa, ao tbooghs’ When Ibe latter weal South to the
of deriatittg from the coerae which
Mepb and Micbigaa
he bid down for them. Hi, dutiet
i fiah at wu their
were varied and exaetisg and hi, re-,
ward wu accumubting ia Heaven.
In 1847 a colony of H^badan
from the Netberbada aOtbd at the theb
bead of Bbdi Lake. Tbe/ were the them to tbcb own ou. No do«
advance guard of that vut araiy of ibeb actiooa were iaeptrod
Dutch wbKh came bter to aetde fat detpentioB born ol tbcb seccuitr
Weateru Uichigaa. Theae peopb
had act tail from the old couatry wbrtevcr tbeir sMiu, tbc !i
October a. 1846. ia the
Seatb- did oot bke fciodly to esdi dcpdaasd
for New York,
wbes they returatd to Arir

Smith wu bdoeed to took ^ asother ailt for hb mbtioa With CUef
Prter Wask-B-aoo and family be
agab ,M ku bee sorthward b Ae
apriag of 1848. Ar party goiag sp Ac
coui at far norA u HaeUstw. tavcatigaliai aad tiirvcyiag eilca asd
potaible Ineitiona.
Leelauu eouoty wu fiully drtld- '
] upon and Ae party returned to
Old Wiag aud mada ready for Ae
the cnAc cobny. wbkh
u accompUihed ia Ae following
Tbe Indian, had obubed Ae Iwd
iboM Old Wing UUtbn from Ae
Cevcratacal cad when it wu decUod
lOvc away they loM ort to Ae
Dnlch. Ae dreda, whkh were wide
c-ui by Ur. Smith, having been filed
11 iMiia. Ac nearcM Usd oSee.
and family. Ur. Jamca UcLaogUis
asd family and Ur. Wm. Cau ud
family, awenteca penou b alL

poee. Mr. UeUaghlm wat li
diaa fanner asd Ur. Cue wu bb
utitUBI. Thora wbo iorswd Ae
petty os All mcaMrabb neeiebis
were Ac following; Ur. asd Ura.
South and their AiUres, Coorgt,
Mary. Arvilb and Aasb; Mr. asd
Mrt. MeUnghUn asd
James Robert aod Charba, wbo
were the aou of Ac firet Ura. Uc-'
Uughlis. wbo wu Mra. SotiA'e contin. and Mill Uwa. who wu Ac
daughter ol Ae eccond Mn. MeUnghhn. who wu Mr. Cara'i abta;
Mr. and Mrt. Cate end dingkrar
Mise; Cepuis Hartley wbo hasffbd
Ihe veaaci and {.canard Vesiec, dadlhaad Of thit eompany of pco^
only two are inrtng in Nortbporttoi e, Mary Smith, wbo b aww
W’edfe. and Arvilb Smbl who
i, now Ura. Powrra.
Tbe atoek, eonabtiag of tort cat­
tle, three horau Md three ealvea.
wu drivts op Ac beach by Ceorga
Keracm. Frank Wbhiag aad jStai
Drewyar, wbo forded aircama, wal­
lowed ibrongh awampi and ert a
trail, where aceccaary. ibro^ ibe
deoM wiUeracaa.
The boat, begged the chore aad
the oely placta where there ware
>ign> of Civilizatioa were al Orasd
Haven, where the Fcrry 'damtl/ were
■n Aarge of a mbaloa. asd a| Masbtee. where Mr. Caafietd had araclad
lilL The Ferrya had tor/cara
been kind and trbd friesda
Mr. SmHh had pbaued on kU tattial trip to locale at Cathead PotaL
wherr he bad lasdcd, carveyed a aba
and samnd it LoabvUlc, after Lotdl
Uik-aaw-ba. the atiatioa Isdiaa, brt
ii wu fiaally decided to loeaU os
Grand Traverra Bay, aod 00 Jmm
ta. 1849. the aAooner Merrill estcrcd wbzl b now ksown aa NorAport
harbor asd catt aoAor ia Ae lovely,
pearefnl wcien of Ac bay, after
weathering a aevrrc itoraa. The
boding wu made about a mUe north
of the center of Ac preaest cite of
the Iowa, oa 1 aoull poiet. whkh
wu immrdbiely oamed
IpmAoui." The- firat religiou nerv­
ier ever held b Lccbaaa court/ ww
few momcBia alur
the party landed. Gathering hb foil iwcra abort him, Mr. SmiA raad a
l>ort>nn of Seriptare. offered 19 a
prayer of thaokagiviag aad gratbnde
for tbe ufc irrminalioa of Ac trip
and led ia ilic tiaging of a h/ata af
I-raira to the Creator.
The vbgb forcal waa desu and
almott bsprneirAb, ertesAag to
the betcli, but willing haodi and
aherp aaea were brooghl iato ptoy
and a temporary Aelter wu Otodc
from the teal, of Ae Old Wlog
tefaoolhosae whiA bad boea brongta
by the acbooaar. Over Ab wu
thrown Ml iagraia carpet Ae gift
'•I a mbtionary aociely, aad Aa is>
Irrior waa tbiekly earpeUd with bomI'jck boaght. The cook ito«c wwtol
np out of doort.
Three weA, were PpCM at tttc
camping point lAib a permgarrt
birnie wu bebkg bttiU a Aort dbUnre aorth of Ae camp. Isdbsi
and white nraa worked at Ac toA
of fclUng limber, iirippmg bsA and
hewing Ihe trnnka into tqurca. la
one day Ae mitaionary’a bosae. fcoUt .
of popbr loga. wu act op, evto to '
the raftera: bnt it wu aevcral wadm
before Ihe livisg room asd Aa tws '
bedfocAt were ready tor nreupisty,
at thf achooscf Ucrrill had to amlm
> Traverae Cby for Ae ff

lirm of other rooma, a
board, aod pabt rtauised the fi
ly borne tor Over fifty yean, asd it atill tiaadiag. abboogh remand .
a few feet from Ac orwmal Ac to
make way for a raOreod.
WhA Ac log booK wu bahw
erected a lew rodt from Ae Aoan,
a AiA growA of cadan wWAastircly ebtewed Ae view of tha water

ly aftir. ana a
cawa, who b now Mra. Jaeoc* A.
We^i. of Mntkexcm. Hewatafaia
married DeeemM aj. rtfi*. at RoebMtcr. WU, to Seddi* A. Poweia, t
diataal rda^ of bit mother. H<
died Jan. n, l%P.
Are ehMrea a*d ten srai
Mr*. Wolf* b the mother of ten
lieav dCdren aad eleraa grandchil­
dren. TV second daachter. Areilte.
wot twice married, her firat bsaVod
beinc Joseph Voic*. an Englitbman.
-bom the married Jnly 4. iSjS, and
who died Uey lo, 189a. leariny e«hi
children, •niirty-foer _
a wa« bmit
inmbered amoof bit deacendanU.
Mr*. Voice wa* married IV accoed
____ Ou wiwer.
lime, April ej. 18A to Albert Pow­
ffriu • ««D
eomlortMble lo*
er*, her brat eontin. Annie, the third
war rrceled (or tb« »o*l
dnothter and yooo«e*i of tV famiIWTBin ot d,anh and ackooL
tbe wife of Eli C Tattle,
Ymrt Mlttrwttd Themu Whitt Fera't Hidland. Jan* so. iMp. She ^
rr Bide Uf «>>d«a tpttth is thii
in Brooklyn, N. Y- March R
tiaU«a( *Uk aapMni (or political
aad it aorrired by her hnaband and
one danghter. Helen, who it now Mrt.
Mr. McUaskIm MU U> borne
atanner R. Perry, of Wallham,
At bank ol ibc creak which rsni
throoth the center of tbt town ol
Korthport and Mr. Ca« boih near
bp. Tbeae three mea were tie 6rH
whit* aettlen in LccUaao <wm«yTbcir ncartti neifhbort wen
treerend Peter Doagbertr, ia ck
of a Preabyterien BBiacfen at Old
aiaii. Grand Trarerae coobty, ti
tf ini^ away, and Sbo4o*^
CUppm chief, who, with hit lotlowert. Ihred al what it now known
at Otneaa (a-p<»«»-t»rw<l)- "ni***
Indianf were all Catholic except the
eWef. Ttre yean later Jotepk Dame.
Of Old Hitiioa. located al Northport,
anevtne Ike cHe formerly ocenpted
by Mr. McUnfhlin, who had mored
» £a Bapidr. and Hr. Cate, who
bad alto mored away. La
KcTtrcnd Mr. Doncherty k
Omcaa in ebarye of (he IndUn
tekooi which wat maiatained bythe
In rtfI Mr. Smith pnrebaaed abont
M> acre* of land abont bit borne.
a»gn« Ua too Geoexe lo Ienia.aie
Bcareat bnd office, to perfect

When a new dcaacat bad grown op
and beeome atronc rte namr
^tmgtd to Northport by which ft
b atin known.
Ibc Arnt few yean apcnl ia the
Konbland by rte oiaaioiury and bit

went cm white aettkn came l
Btde hamlet to locale and the InCana rrenlnally aeld their boidioci
■ad mored back frM the town.
Two tad one-half rnOea weat
the Incfa UuSa overlooMns Lake
MieUiaa Mr. Smith re-eaubliabed
lb* OM Wine Miatiati which flonrith.
•d for tmy yean. The Indian
a which ebutered aberu it
coned jlyineacriPe
pineacriDe and wa* t
7 of the Carp Riecr. or Oqbaak
k bam
band of Ottawa InCant who. had alwaya been Prolealuta.
A Goremment acboot
enbUabed and white leaeben rme

day nnd the reply baa }o*t come and
Ctanriev Manna ia
which aV aald tV wa* tarry be waa
In the raedlilon be wat and naked him
tbould not eome. at wdl at If
aid meet he at (be train Bel
dertly he (old hU molbe of hit 01
benith aad tV amid tc« be wna de
ipnodent aad like a mother, wished to
with he ace. Carton alao wroiiMr. Hanna Hoaday ni Cede telling
him that tbe <Jdciot had errai hope* of
hU ncalaiag hi. bcnlth. alno ashed
abeul Hr. Maan.- ton and said V we
afraid be would aot get better. Tbe


crow, completely cures dtodniff. Aodlithrtytnaiorei
color »cniy bair, lUdtericb.
dark color of eariy life.

ET-tSS:: ■■

Falling Hair
tlrely of Indian men tud women, tang
a hymn la Ihelr native laagnagr. After
thta hymn Mrs. Oilben gave an Uier-

W<- always carr> a Rood stock on hand.

IDilwaukec $ Deering
llnclors, Reapei
IVIowtors, May


DAAelns V*r^loal i.lft IMIow*r is especially
adapted for rough land. A very complete Machine.
Don’t forget us when you want a Carriage or Buggy. .We carry
a complete line. We have received and sold about 6
carloads this spring and summer.

« Barney Jinderson «

mission for (he {adltn*; of (be
effmu lo leach them the white man's
od of aerTlng aad farmlag: to
abow them the (rue way of lit log by
tallowing In the footsteps of their
Master. As Mra. Gllben spoke the old
prejudiced Idmt of the laty IndUn
faded away and the aodlence teemed

Charlet Hbnns whn saw him V
Ibr Foonb. They had talked about It
and Cnrann ulrl It wa. a small one he
o carry a lllUe money In when be
down town. It looked a* if Carimd Intended to drown blmtelf
hot Vd ebanged bit mind and
gone farther np the lake.

there I* many a m»d ledlta besides
Ibe proverbial dead ant. she told ib«stnry <if a chief who had dreldeil to
become a church member, but only
after a Mg "drank.- He told his one
mink skin, bought hit whisky, and




after a pnrtonged -drank- Joined the






And we are prepareii to PROVE IT TO YOU by the
actual test of EASIE. SIMPLICITY, and ECONOMY
of operation. POWE:R produced and DURABILITY of .

church. iMioaue n deroted member sod
flnnily a deacon, but be nerer went
Imat week on Sunday the llule back ID bit flre-sraier.
Presbyterian church al the village wilAt the eonrlnsloa of Mr*. OObert e
peased ao Inlcrenlog and unique
talk. Ibe and her (taler. Mra. Rncbanvice, aa hblorlcal meeting of Ibe laaa. tang aa evening faynm la the Qjlb>at under the eathutlatilc leader
way language.
Ip of Ur. George Craker, tm
I>r. Bradley ckwed Ue aerviM, by
and friend of Ibe Ottawa* ever
tlM- benfSUctlnn.
(be dltconilauaaee of the Mliwlo


will certify to the albove facts :::::::::



dattrlal achool ia ISSS.
Charles Maato.
Hanot and throe nctgfabort
Unoed on the lake almott night
and day looking for the misting man
a* they placed conalderable eoBadenre

Tbe oetnalon of the meeting waadhe
I3«l Master street. Philadelphia, Pa.
sra* the *reae of a lieaulirDl home
wedding on the evening of July t.
when her daughter nostoa V

be note Ml by Carton. M tmly
IVy •enrch the lake bnl tV anp
rounding region na well Wednenday
Bight tbe search wat kepi np uuUI i:
o'clock fay ntlng n "jnek llgbr and
the gronod

the wife of Mearr J- Kohl of Syratns*.
N. y. The Rev. J. Hilton Tweednle of
the Church of the Rt-dvemer oBrlaied,

Mbs Blossom Janta spool her glrlhmid In this city and has a large clr
•le <d friend, here to wish her happi
ness la h«T married life.

Tbe particular advantage of thta
re** If speed. The clrcululont ol
Tbe Evening Rcconl aad Herald bare
n beyond (be capacity of tlowei


drotsed at detcrlbed la tV Herald


The meeting was opened with sing­
ing. foKowed by a prayer by Dr. Brad­
aot with the body and ihti probably
ley. Mr. Craker then Introduced Mr.
Oualed away aad aank.
Leonard tVbeelcr, saying that he un­
Aa aoon ns Mr. Manna fonad (he
derstood tbe Indian Inoguage e.en
body he ««me
down town and no- i
Ihe Isdlant IbemsctaM.



Cooper who went back
rotated j
up and avralied the arrltnl of Coroner
d ..f fata '
K. Chase aad Deputy Shehfi F. F.
Greer. The body wu left ax It was
found and Ihc eoronor and rteput)
the clove of hie talk. Itavid Ah
theriir raised It from ib^waier. It wa*
'fn»i. eon of oar of the last chiefs of
deelded iVl aa Inqnevt was unaecestary and at It waa very Ineoorealeni tv tribe, wa* tolled upo. a. be w*.!
rolorlanl to speak in English i,for. I
many white people, one of the'


ImUatta sciPd a. Inlerproter.
■ speaking get-

Sgstt’s Eimilsion

~T-r .

The Ben ly wedded couple have gone
on an extended tour. They will be a'
hotne In Hartford. Coaa~ after itept I

tcveral llmr* upuo wlik-h the Uuly
wna anally fond.

aheeroffhewtuaooB Vyondblt depth.
Cnraon could not swim nnd when beyoed hU depth be roulU not have
Republican Nominee for Froseroliag
tnred hlmtell eren If he bad so de­
sired, There were ibree iogt on the
bank of the take (bat Carton mn*t visit
f Mrs. Tboauu D. Gilbert nod !
Vre tuned (rots at they were lodged
Mra. John Buchanan of Grand Rapids.!
ihore and frt>m appearaaco* li

Tbe writer of tbit tketeh enjoyed
•* great prmlefc of Uring in the
Mt of tbit load Cbristian gentle■a from ber childbood lo her
marriage and she htt no diffiealtyin
rneallm, »«« rtaa one
as average of eight gnmu

maroesting and
mowing machinery

Hair Vigor

the early work of her faibcr. the Rev
Btngham: of the tiraggle* of this first

abont Iblny (eM from *h»re. Allhough
■ooking (or tbe body and about rend,
lo girr np Ibe tearcb it n-n* a gret:
shock to bim when he taw the nbjcr<
of bit tcarch aunding almott cpvd.
Btidenlly Carsca waded oni to ibta
place'and at the tbore drops almott

iag, Vt bit bean eras a* tender and
tSteriooatc at a ekiUra. Kornsn n
the tnflering ^ tb* damb beast,
trays kppealed to him tod ron
him to beat effort to tllrviale. ..v
wa* a Und. altentire, aolicitoat and
libera] hntVnd and filher and he
took upon bimaelf not only (V care
«iMi education of hi. own children,
bot of 1 nnmber of bu grandcliiMrtn
a* well Always boapitable hit borne,
portiertarly alter the building
expaoded and arat provided with
fortoshing* anggcsirie cd luxury,
rardy witboal one or more guests,
whose stay


It is time for your

Ftniac htif nw*"*
Then stfCftffibcB
feed...............ootfl----------ft with the oalylwlr Infill,
Ayer’s HfirVIfor. llAeckt
fgHinr hs-r, nukes'dw half

eaUng talk. To the aarprtoe of the
audience tbe Vgan U tV Indian Ian
gunge, erldestly inBethlBg pleating.
10 Judge from the kioV on the datky
face* before ber. Deopplag Into Eng
llsb the spoke whh groat feeling

Charle. Mann* wa* out aa soon a*
? could *ee on Friday Iwklng for
hi* ■oa-la lBw aad Jmt a. the eun wa.*
rising, atanil t:30 o'clock, hr taw thr
body In abont twelre (cei cd wnier and


Hit firat

poMid sod ka4 «Tt*«Ur bm la IW
walfT wr
to lenee tV bonie and
mr l tbe eommoex where V ant
abort lime and ibea r«4araed so
one. It It cnppoMd that when
lamed to IV tooae he tefi bt»
wnleb nnd other «nu->r.
bit Brother laat Su-

f piooee

When the cabre Grand Trarerne ..
ftoa wta bm omt coemty he aerred
m proUlc Jndc* aad when it wa*
CoUed he wat the 6rat Treatnret
of Lccianao eomily. He w»t com•cr. Mtk* of (be peace, artperritor—
W feet, dminc Ua hmg reatdeovfae
hCC at on* time or another, nearly
•B rte tovnihip and coeniy oSeet
A* a poWirbn, bowerer, be wat not
Wwayt aweetafml becaote of bU

M. Wyman, whom



endured by the mother,
still Irving. Mrs. Mary J Wolfe and
Mra, Arrills Powers, both rraidrott leller ended
Maai, and the mother of three chil- of Norlbport. There are twentyrtn.
In hU yoonter dayt Mr. Smith wat great grandchildren—eighty-one de- bat made (hr tlalomi-Et that he w
really oppoaed to teerel todetiea; setndanls—to hold him injoving relee a year. Ue seemed ti
later in life V became ao rmpreated
afraid he would bare enntumi
with their oaefidBea* Uut in i86p he
htt bad physicsl euminsl
Joined the Hstont. This step i
. lilt wife die-l
1 lo hare set in motioc
c body of William Carson, aged
chain of ertwlt which coltninatcd iW
tort, we found on Friday is
hit withdrawal from the CoogregtBonrdmu lake near the weat abore
lionsl eborch. TV tentimeni aMotl
by ChariM Hanna of Cede, tatbee-ln- Peaide. hit mother he hat a stater and
nry wat tnott bitter al
rd lirwheni, all of T<tn>nlo. Canada,
d the drowned mac. joal a lltite
time, and bit action in joining
ho molher live* with >h<- titter.
toocly wat assailed openly and
Thiiradty the w-arrheni discovered
secret by Any of hit brother minnnther porkettaok which bebniEed
, aome of whom, eren while
I Ctnurd. II wni> found on ihc ltk<they platted did not faeaitale to lodge
bank near the Oral Wood Dtab rollwny
' r hit roof and cal al bit hotand wat erldemly thrown away
pftabic table. In 1872 he n-ilhdrew
was aVat ten fee: from ihc wai
from the Congregstioiul Asaocsalioo
edge and found nearly a half 1
and united Old Wing Mission with
from where the body wa* iliteiivere.:
(V Pretbyterian Beard.
Bat the
Ibis morning. Thta pnrkeltank

and be held thb office
bb death- At the popalalion
in tbe comity hi* bbon

«*» •mrtied.

tight and one not entily forgotlen.
TaH and ragged cbiefCtina. foltowrd
by their datk-iaced wire*, advanced
in iio^t file to the casket wherein
repotef the remains of their faithful
leader. Bending low and gazing in­
tently as if lo fix fore\-er upon their
memory the featares of their dead,
each one in torn pressed bis lipt rerly to the pale forehead.

Tbc-to4r «•» mn«

Not far from the betatifu! borne
V loved *0 wen be resu In eternal
sleep and by bis tide repose the reI of his beloved wife, who nst
eenoited with him April rd, 1895.
. and Mr*. Smith celebrated
their golden wedding (he sammer V(<we hu death. Of the ten children
Vrn lo them six died al birth or

Indians of hit mittioa and he wat
ancceeded in hu bVrs by tbe Rev­
erend Mr. Btmard at NotnineseviBe
and the Rererend Hr. KirkUod
Northport aikd the ‘-Bight ’’ Uter
c of IV disaffected Indiam
Mr. Smfth ortaniaed I Con»re«i-i
penled nnd made efforts to regain the
ItaC cbmeh aobety
old reialiont. In a metanre they
.irtCe acttlera at the "Bicht*
were ancceatfnl and again tbe mia■Oat north of Northport at ibc bead
aienary preached lo the people be
of the bay, and held aenriect
loved to well and bad served so untir­
tbeae two miaaiou aad at Northport
ingly. Tbe Reverend Peter Donghwhere he alto otfaBiaed a Coacreerty haring moved to other fieldl
gaciontl drareh amoof the whitea
Ur. Smith preached in the little old
when a aMheieU irambee bad aeltled
m eborch al Omena. ‘Tbis
bonding atiU stands.
■ ebnnh tociety poaaiUe.
Tbe fini yean of bit life at Nonbfar above (be average and alport were ricroted entirely to
thoogh bit Ule wat spent almott en­
Mltrenc of the IndioM bat withtbe
tirely amonxtbe fanmble race whose
cnmiac of the white aetticn
tpiritnal nccestitiet appealed to him.
there were few. if any. tnfajeett fti
■aay yaan he wi I phymeian and
iV irtole range of art, adence and
Mtpecn (he oerty
lilerahire npon which be was not
Md Wa aerrieaa a
o converse enlertiiningly. Al­
ways a anideni be delved not only
SAmwnt of the conrta he mt inrainto tbe maset ol history and tdriahly called opon lo aettle ditpniea
bol he wat a deroted reader
oeec money aad property mauen
nnd kept well op with the timet byt
and Ua dccafoot were accepted with-'
tborongfa pemtal of the patwri and
periodieab of tV day.
Seen after the <
Hu Puritin education soraetimet
made him appear harsh and anrrlemI wa* appeioud oSeial mter-

No hope of gain ever indne^
•an to coontenanec party ratrigne
aad for tbit rcatoo V was often
cneOy miajndged. In ptdilic* V
ana a Whig ntiJ tfie Mrih of the
■cpobliean party, when he affiliated
- wdlh it and remained a radical aad
. loyal RcpahScaa antil hu death
Bat while devoting himself to
TSried ictercsla of hnaaaily in |
anl he nevrr forgot hi* doty lo
ftmOy. As a hntVnd and father
V irat firm yet kind, demanding ftnpBeft obedience after tbe old patriarCbsl kiUoo. While hu chndrto
ware small V and Mr*. Smfth taaghi
them, hot when they Veame of a
•MtaMe age provision wna mide for
tbcir higher edttcatftm. Hu eldeil
daaghter, Mary, married early ia
Blc Paysoa. iV cmly soa of Chief
Wart-n-too. sitter of Obf Wank-aOMl Hr. WaHe died V Deeembei,
tin. U Croat VOlage. TV ether
«dtm recaived onDege traiamg.
VMc **M to Olivet. ObertJn. Ohio.
Md UtW. Ohio George, the eld-

aad ffeamn of tV gmden
ere an at their dupotal
Om of tV virgin (orett this man
of tender heart and ftidciftdc wilt
bad hews a bcantifni home and
abont it were many acre* of cnltivglcd Und. TV practical work of
IV farm, dodgery lor many etodihis VUgtat and tV
frortt of hi. tabors were spread
arosnd with a iibeml band.
Long before h wat felt tVt V
coold V spared, year* before bis
life-work was eocnpleled. If eneb a
IV Aagel of Ueatb came to Var him away
10 the pearl-paved atrerti of tbe
Heaven he loved so well (O describe
and into iV prcaence of tbe Creator
be venerated. April 5. 1881. he died
after a ten days’ iliac** from Bright’*
dtseatc and bit (ncral. held three
day* later, was attended not only by
hit relatire* and tbe cHiaen* of
Northport, Vt by great onmbcrtoi
I^dian^ many of whom Vd driven
fifty or sixty mile* in order toplsce
kits upon the Ucc of tbeir old
icinisler in accordance wfth Indian

I the indlaa strangely appealed. —.n-g
111 Boem that here at laaat woe an Indlan who tniTy valued the devotion of

Your Heart

“-irson in Four Has
a WeaK Heart.



\Ve elevate ohI^ :i4 degrees,
_ dcRrecs.
jretts, others
others dev
devate from It:! to 40
The Osborne
ijfhiesi draft
draft and‘ most corniJete
binder is the lightest
binder on the market.

Uerticai Bar inoiver
one of their specialties.

maebinery and Farm Implemenfs


RememlKfT that Tt sell the

Bum* of tbr Mbor trmpiom* ol Heart
Trouble are: Palni In the Slda Itark
^ BbouMer; Pitatlag or Teak Iptal.:
Dry Couch: BwrIUag of Feet aad AnUrn:
CeU Feet or {lands.

ilomart. U«. khtorrs. ota."

‘miller" Gasoline engine,
The only Gasdine Engine that a child
can start and handle without trouble in
cold weather. We have sold over forty
engines the last year out of TraverK
City, and thej- are giving tbebtstof aatta.
faction. Before placing yoor order for
any make of £nj{inei. call at our store
and see the Miller.


• ariroM t^ ^tbe
rvrtullne y«w aalln eymem.
Oat the firat bratie win «. raoSk

We have a nice assortment of fine rubber and cushion tire, also top and open
:gies. which we are closing om at a bargain. Please call and pick om yoor
;gy before they are all gone. If you are not satisfied
«aiisfied with pric
prices and
goods i_after.
__ goods
looking our large line over, we will pay you lor your trouble, do inot wait but call :
soon as possible.

Cor. Cass & State St.

loty af Old Htaaloe and Ita awU»
tone* nt New Hlatk. or Omenn.
At tv coactehm of tv ipateh. tV
tffiolr. -a"SMUt-tomrat; ub^aaid


Both Phones 49.


• • » bk« X M <r
•M »T«1 M tk« M « (tot caB.
A kWPto <w «( httoliiirTto ft
««vt< «to» to »» mmim trm

Thk (rtonm at once tnp* U'
r« hair, rcmovs eruai. aeala. and
dan^kC dettroyt har paiadia.
acMhas ariaiad. kchto ttaW.
tom^tei die har fbUea boaens


d» nip tkn mwfa the reoB
writ anm tnd rnridiawn. and


TV* «m be teOawaa br a
Aaaak oT Orto BapUa are vlaUlac
la tbe dtr.
Hra. Janak WrdtoB k rkHlas ber
paiaeti. Hr. aad Hra. P. a Bara ed
laireod avnw.
Hr. aad Hra. Beerr Raapp ot Ktogar are TklUoc la Ike dtr.
Hr. aad Hr*. Ed BarlU«t d Kbcaler ate to to dtr todar.
Mat Xatok Aa>k>t(.'
br bar tolbar. Oaone B. Aaiott. raat
. Haalftea tbla aprelacDr. aad Hn. iTiiabknd. Dr. to
Hra SIphar aad Hiia Baitba pltrrol
OMP ito tUt Mctatac.'
tMr PaAer Mt (Ua bmIi
Kalbaabt. rbera be k mblaf Ua

dra M. B. Daaa of Raitfod la
■adto the raak nib taer aMer.
a. r. 0. Horard. tat WUt Elaraatb

to li tba cato a( I
Mlaa A. H. VtHr of lolM. ID., la eta• aad MlBi Alto WWt.
Itto ber bratbar. Jnatlet Joba Tartr». to lira, b K. Matsaa.
to Mto OawfMta. to Hr. to ¥n. rlU ba plaaaad to laais that aba la ttoptorad (odar. Sba baa ererj trapMB Of trpbold ferer.
CMOr aottto at toac Lake. Mra.
& N. PIckeu of LeUod waa la tba
Tm ubaa la tbe tofbter at Hr. to dir todar oe boalaaea
Fred Healer It bar torpettlBC Ut
dotlto at HatolKon't dotblag alora. He
la lakto bk raeatloa.
ir to atito tba CbrltedaoMDvaaln
Ua ebr todar ta the latereati o( tbe
toi tba totol Bfbla eotorto
Apto CItr fair.
tta (HaKb al Chftac
Balph Haatlofi la bariat a vaar MHia. 0. Batitr Ml tUa anrala
jorable Use eauplBC at Fbaatala
b aMt wttb Dr. to Hra. Lanir War Palat. Carp lake.
toatOU Htoto.
Hr. to Hn. & H. Wearar ct PacaHto Hattla Dtpaw at Plftb at
pealca. DU are ▼WUac 8. B. Wait aad
la apaatto a lar toa ««k btoda iBPrto ralattraa la Trararaa Otr.—
J. J. Twaddle of Bnpm reteraed
tbto BapMt Praia
bcoe tMa toorUac after betas la tbe
t. m. naiHfaaa. CtoaH oowt
dtr oa bariaea.
atoPto. rto to Letod tUa i
Ctreait Ooert I
r J. B.
to u aiar toD Hnato- Ooart
'paned Uroopb Uie dtr
vaaai at BHIato to JadBt Mwaa tbk Bonlito tron aUtotoc ooot at
to Hr. Haadaraga are «aa tbm
Ballaire to nil aptad aeee Uae M
Oae Partaeb nu po to Maaroa
Loac taka nU hk toBlIr rbo ara
totanrror to atlto tba dtoirlei L tiartoc rlik P. C. Ollben aad toallr.
O. O. T. caaraatto.
Uarrr Parfcar and Harold Knaetoad
ba Cadia Carar ntarto to Orto raU to tba Flute rtrer tUt Bemtos
HMUa Mdar aflar a trtillla tka altr.: > Bpead a abort tlBt Bahtoc.
Ctoilta Bou reel to 8U(hU BMtos
Ik aoruat after tmi.
W. D. C. OarBatoa real to Ckkaco
ku aipbt to bar boroa.
J. T. Haaeata rtal to ChkaBO latt
artUatoa botoea.
W. Has abd a
partr ot bfredt b«to bk old boiae,
Oaatea, CWq. reat ta Carp lake todar
Maaktaa, Be no alee *0 to Oali
koate. Tbar
rbere tbe lato k to be beU.
hara baea aptotaf tbair aoBBien at
_Tbe Hkan Hotda to I toe Waa* Fimokfort but prater tbe Btblas u
Wttoil to tbair booe todar after
Hra. Jamat Hards, daachtor Wlaal.
ekdl to IM It. LMk tolr.
bad aad Haater tatoea Ooable bare
(Maraad froB a ttraral raakf dalt to
re. Aaaa Barrlaoa cl IS
to detoltr of HlUtdak.
mb draat Ml todar hr Cbkape.
AKset Haas. Harr B. Bbook aad
n abe ns take a aemt ta tbe toaale Bbook Ml Uk Boralag tor a
m at dedwto tt Mxtor Oetda
daH at tbe rortd'a (air u 8t luak.
Hn. A. Mtor or OH HtaaMi «
to attr todar.
Hr*. U Braun aad HtataUara- • Dr. C. D. HtUer hu roccatlr p»v
tarto to tba (dtr ttk aBaneaa
Mto**4 U* totorwia of the Kalkmal
DmUata., located to Ue State
Hr. to HfB. W. B. Mlaa to Hr. bMldlag. amie WT. Tbera rou mi
to Mn. J. W. Haaaaa apaat A
to CM o( the aeatoat aad mat UorU Carp lake.
«Hhlr equipped modern data] oBera
ka Ktoa Chareh ct MUkbrigt to (ha atato. rbara aolhtog hot the
vto to Haatok tbk wratoc after a haattomoatahUirol operaitogkeaTMt to to (Mr nth Butoa Cdrto
mw» Haaer bat apeto a etor
tototr tor htoUt to ta taratoc oat
t*a ptoa treai hk taeuar tud(
> a Itoa e( faahloaable Oxfords
Qatk atgar Mara.
Strap Saadak Uat trill trla ber
Hra. Wakar Dartu to Mlaa Har admlraltoa. to Ua prieu ara
naaorabl*. We hare a patat
laatker or kM Oxford aa ehaap u 118*
lar oto at tLSfi. Werfctogtoaa-a
I a ^aelalQr. Edward Laataw.
II kBT oftan rtn (aa gM r«w
(to oeh good looklag. wMl amde Oilerda u ro ara aetltog. They ara (he
Myka d Ua aaaaoa
a roe eaa Imagine (or km
raaUrnr. We take vmfial can to tke
toarar. ^Ik-Oran tm

gwaga. Ha baa
twiito '
' :.
cat BPcb Use to eaert atrfdag to
Mat of ttOag kMith Sot. P. P.
Mto ka lattfeaelet. b« had to g(re
ftoani hat rttlfto at patis tt ^
BP M b bad Job aad tine ratted.
It win aot be to* bttoe tbt latt Tbe aavatarr «t ttau wa be bat a
If rou trareled (be rbak nortben
uUoto raped (or aareae rbo
pMak walk la Hanina wCI hare dlaappaato, harlac beta Rvptaatad br baa crer aaccaedod to acdoatottog blir part ct HlcblgaB rou couH aot
mere compldc Mock of carriages,
aeK nu tbk ttogaal abaomitr.
Tbe tots who rat largelr tetpoo- and open buggies, ruaaboutt aad
(fble (or (be totrodaeUce ot goK la reje than re OB abor ro«- Bealdat
Uk coaaUT. Bobert Lockhart, died a our prlcea ate mueh di(aper Uaa
(e« dari ago to Bdlabarg. BcoUaad. d the aeenge dealer to aar part of
He ru f(r raart a llaea Inporter to tbe ctmatrr (or Ue mBe qualltrNew Torfc. to orgaalied tbe ftrat goU CooM to see- Saner Aa^wtoa.
kad to tbe eaetrU part ot to atato dob to (be Vetted Statea to Toakera.;
X. T. to im. It wai koora u Ue
k eraed hr a naa aaated Bo0.
There are ao Ifs and tad* about
The aaaoal HobIoIb eoeaty-aol- Apple Tree Gtng ~ Sobaeqeesi
erbea roo bring jour phrslcua't pi*,
dlM* reealoe rlU be taeU U Bttati
ecrtpttoos ben to be Siled-tber
Taeadar. Wodaeadar aad TharMarSHed anordtog to hk dlrcctkm.
PaiBva to tbe ddaltr ot In
adutelr. We bare been to tbe fa
Hoaatato ara eacaced to cMtlas to
for reos. aad our fuaranic
o tbe Indtog poUUekBB of tbe
larpeit to beat har ot>p k
■tamped on erery bottle of medKiar
rad. A word to tbe rke l<
tatkto u CbleagD. Hr. Walab
U aneageBeau aor oa foot fo
suncleat. Tbe Jobaaon Drug
iroaib HeasBlaae rlU bare aaotbar baa teaatortal anbltioet. Me k abkmr paper aaea. It nil be dtBoerallc ktot to ttt nu tbu dlgalBed bodr to
Waablagkto asd *ni sake pabUc dec.poltalei.
larathto d bk easdldaer to i
BeMtog boatooM see bare (
We aupplr huodredr of Uem
dara. He bopea to locceed Senator
ad a board of trade to order
Doeu. aad we aeldom lose a patron
Tbototf H. Paueraoo.
Uclr work for the dtr't good at
dcanae they all know that we tak<
Walter Klitredge. asibor ud
doae (to e erneBaOe. onaataU i
the grealesl pouible care to iurnkh
loBla nu «eld a geBotao oMtaab- >Mr <d (he famodi raMIme
them with the flnect In Ue land, a
toed barreu fceUral. tbe like ct -Tesilsg oo the CM (ktop Onusit. "
Our market
to Reed't Panr, N. H, a
Ucb kta aot beaa aaea to tboee park
and we
below Haaehetoed. He tilll
r r«ar*. Augatt 11. U to 11 an tbe
’ article to the meat line that th.:
keepi op tooR-wTitlag. Hk roraltlee
a rill allow. Broach Bran., tit
It k geaeraSr bellerad (bU tbe
tog wtoter rUl nibea great acUdtr
old Bts't Ian roan eoafortable
ta tbe lamber woogt of tbe oppe*
. Frutoratloat arc alreadr batog oSerad to tell Ue toog at Brat
Tbe NorUcra Queen cigar k a aal
oe a larger aeale (has (or aotse
kSed chap, because be knows hr prar
tieal experience that be k smoktog tbe
>k It op asd aloBe hat told
tba NIlea papera
cigar Uat he crer bought
wai tbe beiteet period than 1M.OOO coplet of It.
rou barat amoked one.
The Monos bODte, In New Tork,
la tbe blatorr ct NUta. Ibrettlp
missed something. Ii't
blch a quarter d a cesturr ago
abmra, bowercr. that tbe tababl
home made, anion made and faonesilr
I all tbe week, le ct the ootod batelrlet In that ritr, made, and sold by all dcelers. It B
or belDC ^aaad. aad aaad (be ooea- haa eloaed lu doort for Etmd. lo glee Wearer, manufacturer.
to a large balncat alruriure on
aeelte tbe pobUe.
prore that be doen'i feel a* lu tile, at Broadwar asd PourteeaU
old a* tbe (aallr BUa tapa be la. O.
. Is Ka prlBC Ue hotel waa patMrs. K I. ftonner wkhee lo anO. Waller. oT Bebewa. a«ed U reaia. roaUed hr maar ■» d note. Chester mnee lo the ladioj nl Trarerae City
ealUrated a (oaracre Seld <r cars the A. Arthur waa oflea Uere. The toie id rlcinlty Uat >bu U specially pra^
otber to. polag orer it trice le (be
m 0. Blaise coold be (ouad Uere. pared to fire (hem plain electric and
to. aad drirlbc to toara after
wles to town. Letter WUlack
r baths, dress and shampoo Ueir
fce kad fli
iben Is Ue height d bk glorr and
and do manicuring for them at
d Bbook aad A. H. Palmer were
reasonable ebargei. A choice line
enlorlng thelra at Ue Union Squaiw.
goods and the FYanco-Amerlean
We Bake a atnms tpadaltr to aat- Brerrbodr of aar eooacqoeoce went to
lifrto* Ue too« mao. Cor traotr- Ue Horum boute. PollUciau. ladet- hygienic toilet regukhes. Z20 Front S'.
Bre eaet dtoben are aolod tor toilet
d actors nibbed elbowt
asd we nralr are cotoc to
Wc have a small lot of Coreri Clotl.
keep osr rapotalioe. Bbort ordere at
Coau wbicb we are closing out Uk
I aad aartbtoc roo with is
BoBdar diuera a ipedaltr.
It eltr oEered to donate 11Z.KK) week B1 an actnal discount of fifty per
Some Ught-fliiliig. oUer hall
Tbe LIUle Tavera. tbe popular reatau- toward the purpoee. prorided Uc coonNaw
IT floaodl would accept a floanclal re- light and Norfolk styles, all beaailfulFaiTOO A Dartdaon. tW Fraat BL
apoadUUtr la tbe underuUng aad ly tailored and lined wlU guaranieed
satin. They are a smart and useful
council decJInea to do, and. at much at mile piece d loggen J. W. Ulllikcn.
Tbe Wood Bitten bare leased Ut It appreetoles Ue dtaota ot Ua booPtoot itreet aad arc tban>nghtr.An- ortag tbe greatest of Buglltb poeu.
oraUng and refnreltblag and «
re b nothing quite so apprnpri.
someoBe eke mou gnarantee Ue full
completed win be one of the Oaeat
fnnds before It nil entertain Ue proUaerr tbope la Hlcblgaa. The trla- rltloa of a tile. Uaaatlnie Uc cUr away to friends a* a KuvcnJr s|«nin.
Bing departmenl nu be to cbsrge of which Shakespare to bighir honored We hate the largest line In Ue City,
Him Helea Praj d Chicxgo. wl
will ignore Ue wUbet and genonwitr hundreds of them, spnons of Uc bay.
qnite wdl fcaom la Trarerae.
of Uoee who would respect hit mem- WiM|ufr4<»g dub aad oUen made of
« rffl be anaouaiad to Ueae orr. aad coafloe its one public tesU- very heary sierllng sliver, *1.15 tu
ilal to Ue poet to tbe little bat In KAO. A heaullful dkpUy of han-l
decorated china Uarnum £ Bari, ISO
itmloster abbej.
Front 81
ban Ue moat axeltulTe atrlei
to rtchlr trlamed dreat BllUnerr (ot
lible men. The Toney fnotsr rear la Ue dtr. ako ererj
To know ihai your valiialdes are In
ue U the most eomforuble.
de aboe for Ue money. «S. a place of ahsotuie security. WIUlc
Oood wide (oe. slightly extended
taw gsodt froo Ue (aabloe
aad lake great pkaanre la i
roo tbe preltr Cblnga. Htot Heck. (op( and a perfect fitter. We also {place ir the keeping nf such articles,
hare a line d eomforuble fooiwearjasd i< which no one has access exlUJtoatBL
Bowland Douglass. ISI {cepi e renter who carries ibt- ki-y.
'.r per year. People's Sivingx Bank
Baal ProBl 8L
a raal roo ladiea to know
we ara apcdallr prepared to glre roo
loM pleaatog raaulu la thinEree In large clliei It would Ux
work. We wash and Iroe tbam
yuof patience to find a greattr aMonearetollr br hand, wbicb firm that mcBl of luggage than we hare. You
will find drea* suit- cues, tratrliny
biefa re make ao addli|ocal
ebarse. ne wagon nil can. BlUer bag* and tranki, la all sltn. uric >asd at Uc moft agreeabla prices bcir.
Bur Bteam Uuadrr. Writft
Broa. US paik St.
V and It k a ptoanre to show ibcm. F.
Volnba Haraeu Ca
e Terr aeraat aoreltr ta photosrapbr k Ue rtefalr takbad ptotlntus
Bonsled to haadBome toldcn.
We bare aold tbonaabda d tbea aad
hare found It almat bapoalbl
tnppir Ue demaad. Betlda. Ua ar
tktta Sakh. poaa and tone of our work
qolte generaUr knows aad awredatad. Smith A Price, aitkta.
8o.UaiOB BL

We hare them galore—baby car­
riages. foMiBg and rocIlBtog gtvcann
that rill go where you go, and we arc
■ore Uat It la tbe largest asd oori
allracUre aod reaMmable priced lu;
you eaa find to Northern Michigan
Prices from StTS to twenlj-flvp dolton. t. W. Staler, Tour Reliable Home
Furnkher, 1*0 Froat 8L

I know our Ice oram to as pure
aad detldoa as you ever tasied. Hudreds of people (ell us so trety day.
and U you harenl tried iL you must.
We dellrer to all parts of Ihe rity.
always ready Ire or tlx d tbe
po'pukr flarors. In bulk or bricks: also
sberbeto and glares. Bo>b tooea.
Jas. W. Jacksoe. UK Froai 8t

Iota ot Boe«r dnrtag tkaaa botjiarso Mx-quart wbite purecUac Itoad.
Mr day*, aad they aako quttc ajeaamet Mewlag kettle wlib ooe poaad
haadr ^ece d kitchen rmttan at all (d tke New York Tm On.’* I
BL We bare the oMebraUd powder, aad a bmter powder you m
a Bdrigeniora to arreral atoea naad. M eenit with our personal g
aad Uey are Ue beat moaer haa bay. aalaa. The beat laa and coEeat k
for many reaaoes. Price |4X0 ap-JearU are fuand here Ncw-Ycrt 1
Frank TTOde. lU Proal Bt
Oo. » Proal Si R, c f


Marvin Smith Co., the big Chicaco Mail Order House, forced to discontinue
is. Their entire $35,000 «och of l)r>'Goods,Clothing, FumishiaKs. Boots and
Shoes thrown on the enarkee to be auctions off to the highest bidder. By the most
tic stroke of our business career we secured the very cream of this may'aifi*

we offer
it to ■“"*
>-ou “*
at practically -your
:cnt stock amounting to $10,000 and —
— ■'
- - - own
- - -price.
are cut to tbe very bone, and bear in mind
Gaze at the following prices which
that the earliest comers get the best choice.


(or men. M. S. Co prica »8. tale |«ice

........ Sic
rtjrEcoWorsMQrted Win Hair Pina, thii

88^ crinkied' iira

Is » money saving ev«nt that many thrifty men
have profited by. to provide themselves with
stylish, summer clothing for their vacation trip
and busioeia wear. You can do the same if
you come here before the extraordinaryvalues are all gone.

MBTS SNdO S«n TNItlMITH . . .^$6.90
HorsSI2.50 mSHsunsTRSHOnU . . S9.50
Boys’ Suits—Odd Pants, Shin*, etc., at Spec­
ial Prices.


&OIHI)eittip amiltaieB.


te Ihb "


___ :JT’_
Men's odd Vests (or this lucky airikc

I 18

W^'t Bbdt Hate. lUc Yaltw,

The Globe Store


Will convince prudent people that there is a limit to all things.
We do not propose to give you something for nothing, but we
do propose and positively guarantee to give the biggest values
in men’s suits in the city.





Elegantly Made

The Finest in tbeMwl

Single and double
breasted, in Worsteds,
Cassimeres, Chevio's.
Serges, etc . made with
close fitting collars and
broad suoulders- Suits
that were sold by us at
$13 50. SI 5.00 and
$16.50, and are equal
to $25 and $30 Uilormade suits, now

made of the finest Im­
ported and domestic
fabrics, sing'e and
double breased. in all
uo-tn-date pattema
The best ready-to-wear
suits made, and posi­
tively equal to $35 and
$ \ )t!/irt made to order.
Sold by us regularly at
$18. $20 and $25. now
your choice for

I $1125
A lot of medium and light colored summer suits that BA nc
were $8.50, $ 10, $ 12.50 and $ 15; will be closed out at ^i9u
The Store That Gives You Most and Best for Your Money.



«M t-fmar .. .......... P.CflOban. M. KbbMb L. BMoea. Oacar
Ptaak DcOM. L R Wlaak.
W. a iBtlb. J. B. HoaBB. Ooo. a
Hon. Wb. f^BBH* Hanr
fB. a a PMt. Oao. W. Mward. Md
04 B-a OeoUia. W. H. OBltb.
T. a. Hkbokaa. W. W. PWrekOd. H.
A. J. HoHaarr. Tboa. Nskoa.
A. P. BMdbasaa. OBB. a Brarv H. a
Morsu. O. A. ataarBA
Isa r . a LocMScr aad P. a
ar ««• aaalaaiod lor htdsa of

Tba balM naahad aa bd-

bHeu iwtr tku k mm
m t tta tkar* «r* mat i
«h fta- alL M Onad TnwM (

Tk* ddM k OM or tk* bMt aw j
eCarM 0» k«pte e( tka aaaalr.
rrat B. WWinr^ hmIi
»mkM* to • Mk


IT «MI7 rMTi-B* to cwakk
t. Md kwn ■■ kM* •!
iin u Mir «M k tki«


kM IMS MMM ai Mp«r fkMlI.
k Mpakr BM Miabk.
a. B. WkllM to BtoMM
teMs to Mr MrtkiBc Mfit Mb. ad
tkMMMdbOMMWMMtoSDOd.M tfeM k* WM aoMMUd tv B tklrd
m kr iffdBiMHriB Mk tk>

BB nakto kaw tba HanU
Bari J. Cate aad trtfe to Uak Onri- sare aa bocobM R WtUkBAha m
etr. lot A bloefc A Pandke: ttSA
at Prod. A a Otkait. bMktag bio tog.
Hsuk- Korotar to M. W. Uadar- Mr. OUbari tataraad Dob AagiMw
rood, kt St. Mock A H, L. * On'S toMr irbera be bat baaB rktrins aad
twmlaked Ik* dauBa «d tka BeetdanL
'liS.'JWB-vB.toAT.^ Tba cklM na kaalac amM tM
bbA bdB.. lot H. a«. bleek T. Ooeda Is a aaeond storr alBdfiv. It
nr aad (be Uttk fsBo* M lo
M. UBkr dM aaddMlr Maodar nck-taMillTAA
cmM beknr. PbrtMladr. tkere
das at l:W ototoefe M Otaod Bap
IMafkMfttRBbtt. P» iko paat roar
Mast Hasaden to Jullaa T. Haaba baa kaaa a eiBdoeUir ea Iko BUM
aab. kt n. K, U A Co.'t litt: t
•marny ChlMron ar« Rtekltr
« vat luUtM He la dotag tea
loa, aortas (roM boro to Oraad
Haorr R. Oott to JeBale B. Job
IcelT at preML Tbeee na not a
v4t feel kt A v42 feet of a lt
mrh cr a tnlae M his bodr after
loa A bkde 1. Ooodricb't Srd add: tl.- le (all. Mr. auhafa faBrilr vUI re­
sin at Sagtaav lor aoBC Uae.
rinuiaa L. B(on and wife to,J
Caotocr la tkk dtr.
S. lionoB. ku tt. fC. n. bloefc 7.:
UBkr vaat to bed Saadaj alsbt aide add; tIAOO.
AaeiU Herloer lo J. K^Orellkk Co,
aal aber bto dar'e wort and hli
a daaik «ai a sr«at aarpriaa to tot A hkrt A H, 1, A &.-* »tb add:\ HsroM Jsrvla Parileatar In Mia Choke
araou aad other relatlrai rrko
B UcCardr k Deborah A.
raBde bare. DaeeaaMl na » raart Bovdni. ae% of icl«. arc. lA Ion ts.
old toot March aad hai reaUed lo ihto rtase 11: >1.
0. A. Brighaat aad wife lo A. C.
HIT a food maar roara.
Wbea Harold Jarrti came lo tbit
Hall. oeU at aoM- see «. lovo JE.
Be k aarvlred br Ua father aad raage IZ: »8M.
citj last week lo girc a coaecft WedJtfSS^S'StJitS'Sittf,
ts, j
Adeline Hodsen to Maud llodgee. nrvdar the Srtl IhBg be did vat to .S
aMikar. Mr. aad Hra. T. J. Umkr. hli
e.-oreuw wto><y» i
Basic bouse UwwrteajMwwl^w^
brotken. Fred aad Praak Uaikr. aad IH of net,, tec. ZS. Iowa Z4. range 9; look up OrlBoell Bmcherv'
Bt to uec the MV bnag at lh> naw of bfw dwlh. sad wU>.
aktera. tke Hliaaa Veroaa. rncr. Ida
evealns'i en
aad Celia, all o( Ihto dtr.
U» preeWsM at Ibr •Islatr IB W.-U imar msSr
Qlth. ktZ
reoMlDendsd: SIAM.
More knvlDK
JoaMh Deteltkr to Frank Votraba. the ciir. Ibe not oalr tt toe very bigh
Mrv Kaaej Britton, aged tl r<an. 7
kootha aad t7 dart, died Saadar
ir of the ...............................
lovln* lelicr:
afunwoe aboot E o'clock at caaecr at
Mr. J W CtlOe. MgrFtank O Campbell lo Robert
tba booe of her daushler. Mar? B.
Ttarerse CUr. Mkb.;
Britton, with vbOB abe tired. De- Park: tl.lUi.
Dear Sir:—Pimli aic to cipn
eeued-e hutbaad died seven ream
Henrr R. Gott to Cora Scarier, pn
aBdliumnbsrofdwd.tbBimld pruuwi
ptonu you u kindly placed at My
■1. Goodrich's Srd add; Sl.IOO.
1 - concert recvDtly glrea ii
Cobum P Tuller lo Amelia Oniadr.
e funeral aerTte* vat bcU Tu^,«.
e most piMsur
Iota Z. i. 4. block C*. iBlerkcbcn; rou.
dar BorolBS al 10 o'clock rrom
iBckenlt to myself during
I Valeollae aiaj la Traverv* City
Uarcarel Wlachcottb
le near BlochtB and the budr
Pease, parcel, laad cMt
the Crinocll Bros, plsi
brought to tbit clir tor burial la Oak- lovo zi. raage II: S«oO.
111! yet remarkable
eterr. H. U Carter ba
P..fry liBBoah to PMer Bostrum,
a dellcht
11. blixA 16. Traveroe City: II.


■icn., joir zi.— mere it
be beld al tbit place. begfnalBg
[. 11 tad oonilnoli^BB^lll

nga. aad «bb. for b k«c tte*. h
ftNMkl aMMbor of (k* bowd <S tn»«r
BM U BOMBlBtBd Wttfe
'«rikB BBd datallB «d tho «•«
totkfc k« totn b» BHeWd•m. R CroM k BMikar i
toko kr«4< M lalTOdBBtlM. B«k
Hr. Cortk. Hr. NoUbbm. Hr. AHjb,
r Or. BoUrwerU Md Dr. TM

ir shM la tko anntr.
a k U tks Btr tkk rtv.
OMlBBtla— BB (kBM girt

* llord U SDitA et al. lo Jcoole R.
pan kit 41. 4Z. bkek I. P.

Metkodlst Episcopal church 'H
lot II.
‘ vlll be several hundred of the best rep: S1.Z00,
______ _______
Ihr Indians t________
r Rav W. A. BHas. a full blooded OJIbAdKid
mla, Oni.. and Rev. Dcwskl. lots If aad Ik. I
A Co.'t 3rd add:
B. R AUza araa i

Blair-O. A. Brigham.
Fife Lake-U B. Walter.
Oraat—F. R. Walker.
Gatflald—wmUB Graat.
Qraas lAko-4. W. Ayoa.
fast Bap—David Ronb.


tbat vkM tkr MraBtlM had
sMBd lu vBtk tkk tektr venld
r«Bdr to B«tarik*«BMiM witk tu


vdler, be end
A Mr. Porblnsac of Vine and Lehigh «nld
_ pvubsl.________________
____I* bervl-y
_ _
nnd nlkwriag
mid mviaiii
slrvrts, Manistee, was one of (be doc ' iwwrtogmidprtBw. " ’

K: p^TjufSSiffSss-.t

0 the old ladka eouaells by teclag

; rtSSa



The »ih “f^uly marked ibe gntber-

C emi-nalomeot

The bud


For a limited time

July 26 to Aug 6.

WIHillf. HHIRl


Bar* of
Santa Clatia.
or Small Acma^





226 E. Front St.
Timm aiT. Midi.


Ciiidin emisid tpai a
Humt ncld «ml.

Wood Cutting
I have several farms t
City K. F. I). No. J.

I or trade for city

$ 1.000 to $ 16.000 a Year.

Clark. MarohantNo Matt«r What Yf ur Pr
A COMPLETE norK'aniration of the producing
aetmwot „t
Comp.inj' in this section aRords y
chance ior
ioi a few good
.Eight vacancies
ncies on the agency force in this rich
I open for men of«banicter and ability;
you vw...
can hnd «jt by writing whether it will be srorth
while to make a change. No previous experience
19 necessarj'.
A course of professional instruction given free.

TtaMM Ufe irariKc Cggpar E In YoR
RICHARD A. McCurdy. Praaldant.

AiLilrcss C.KURflK T. DKXTKR. SupennleaiJnK of IldsoeaUc
Agcocie*. 82 Nasuiu Slrcct, New Y wk, or lo K A. LI NN. Maaiger.
Cranti Rapids, Mich.

' The donor can be siwn at an’
It his office In the Hotel Whllln*
I August Srd.




A Delta man vas arresied on tl
euniplalnt of the suUoti agent al M
leu. for using profane language
Ho railway platform. The Judge, afler
looking over the time table of (he e>
pany decided thai Ihi- Della elUzen
was Jusilfl.-d In uing a
lected adj.-ciives, and be dlicbargod I

ily of the cottagers, iwopie tl re>rts and Camp Ikvls U. of it. stiiWaller Griffin's p-oplc aooib of
dents. spending the summer at Glen
«d cblckeps-thei
Tbe prealdesL D.,U Day of Gleu Lake A program of .tnglag. memory ^
■'«'■' 7«. The chicks began
aven. wlU donate hfs boat, tbe Alice mding. maodoltn. goltar. piano and |
Iky. (or those who wtoh to ride rlolla music, followed by daaclBg j “> disappear, aad (ev days ago Mrs.
formed the enicrtalnmeni. Especially G
Dpoo Glen lake- Free esem
t Ibe edge of tb>be nm by thU log al different
- --- day. Mr. Day has always
Idly placed his boat at the disposal Ing of Mr.
morelng a
Che Old Betilm. a fact which to
had dropped I
Glee club,
grtally appiTciated by tbem.
he stick, aad .m inv..«,Ka,iBg, '
The following pragrea will be ten- tte mandolin club aad rewitalltma by ,
I an owl In the ooop sith ihrw- J
sred al 8 p. m.
— ---,----- chicka. bni ibe old hen i
j^ver. Rev. Borroughf of Maple

Gasoline Itounch. nearif
r. lwnn}--sis loot W00.1 c
opy, nickel triin-ncd eight horse
poorer tioable cylinrler cneioe it
perfect working order.
have dopUeale engine mo»#
above will sell separately,
quire of
Grand Rapids. Mieb

2,'. Kssr.,;;" I ™

a ITldS-iud'Si
of Lorin Naah.'u ^----------


<t Orawa, afler as II
ui three weeks wltl
- - He died Wednesday
*"-.«> I o'clock, of ermgestloB and bemtlatamcaa^ ToaOtboae
ttTtsge. Freddie was well liked by
who are looking Uw a reliabW
.Ol*B-4. a HTMt. VlBBk ObbbIb.
aa wbo knew him aad a greal brtp to I
chemiB to t« that which nheir
‘'•^WkU'l ^Mattar With tha Moaa.- te craadmotter with whom be Urad. ^
'VUtnitM-lMaa ftNm. R a
tloexor has jicemiibed.
I were held in The Rice i
OhiAbb. a B. Pnr. a a Ootf*. a t.
rasooiBoose. vbicfa was fflled to ovrariar. V. a BaraU, a a WUta.
L Arete Ofhba. hag
the red cross
flo<^ wHh (be ^y (rtenda wbo :
arts aad Glee aob.
TrBBmCNrgathered to sbov resywet tn tte owe ‘ ■ ■
to ■
wbo bad bred whh uTso lo^^i
d iw. V. PaiaUB. a Bekarta.
away. There were a peSfaite ' AMERICAN DRUG CO.
W, U OoraiMr. J. Tartr. VOkid
csaeutdcu- -' beMtlfaJ ^en^ Urna^SS“
H. Mb Iib—■ a R Bom.' «««« the detegUM deUrM H.
-------- - by krvtas fneeds. Rev.,
<7 Bav. fYaak Baebaaa of
<.MVdt,aaHo- _
Mn. Dagea. Bmplrw
works, that whet tbe
\ PtBBk Oarrar.
FMd L. Meek, eea or Hr. ead Hra.
kaace are opessed they
Urti Nash of Orawa. died Wotetey
kdS?*22??rib tarmlaate
Mm at « thW hoom aea O,..,
Meet to Pan. No Never.- eZi
MMratthewiaegZTysMn tbe hrmaa sriected. aad tte body was
IMnatoaHag llgwori kU to TM la tte lUUe cemetery .oatt
SeUhB- addreta. Strt. Hatile

Mr Otm R (koa wa B


:?.ratsL' •*- ^



fctfy Him doflar tsti a haH Aoa
ewf day, atid wg
y«i uad better
look ATOand A ht., ar«5 ^-tt t't
best tiuK ih If yo-j t> s , you
wiQ cettelafy buy a ''Gb.'U*


For Sale
At Bargain

'5”»rs,££ r-i.jva



Ki =

Jt Banar. Wb. OraaL r.
O. BbbU.
OmbB. a M, MbBO.
k MB
C P. toa eaM law Urn aeU late bot bis
strMfftk drvstfctd with rapidity
Tberaday aad Friday aatll Us Bomhmked act a remote poealbtUty.
(Marks Johaaoo. PTMeot deimty Iherj‘“' " “V— •“< “•
■*Song. Glee dab at Camp Davla.
Laas Uko-toatM Waito. Bbbit Iff. bad brae at work aeveral meatfcs
• Vvllle Chur
church the evening eg tte'
Addreai of welcome, the presidWltoved hta *o-la«te. a prwra Song.
Bpnrt. V. MBB. a T. Ukd
Z3rdi by tte
ttc U
U. of M. students.
‘‘an. and. la making her esrap*
Mr. Clocas of Chktaga MbtMS^ Toaas. T. PMo. a a
Harry R, Dombrillr of
OMb t. Otokk L CMB^
eitotmodate the eS^irtv^
' ""f"
“>* “»»•
-<>ld Oaken Boekef
PbbHbi ■ilji CtoM. J. a ■
---------fall and catching the owl with the
a a attMBB. a a PBtrar. Mb
■d*«9ker i, K. Oerakad waa Mt ^AJe^iraanrkA Prof. Merridi
ct,irkt. which be prwraried to devour
ma, a tram, a a miBiii.
;on1> three being rUlble li
' wHk cMh «f the othw amdP
Mwoh. SUndoihi
w* •> wort the eiva


Wt^stS m%r»rn%


The elevcnlh annual picnic of the
Id Beiilers will uke place at Burdl^Ille oo Wedneadty. Ang. 3. as

s year, having en-


Uildliy, ibe doctor poured llic I *‘^*'*'*'.

ID gniv u
Iras than three minules
a two-year
rear course.
The second year diviur sicpiKHl bark and Mid.
IVmin It
ocdMvd. Ihst Fn
iduated an<l received a life eerIKfaduy cd SorartA. U IBH. SI 111 o'-____ __
ll&eate ai ibe Biatr Normal s
TreslOB. N. J. She has beet
pel for the past three years
celved S60 per monlh.
teaching ml the nge of 17 years In tbe I but vi» very gral<-fii
Wezford county school.
| think ibe Hoi Spring
Miss Carrie Halstrad Is still teach- i mom vumlcrful
•-i.-r llii<di Aadii Is rurtber cedvnd. thsiasld peiiuisi
I er (trr DMlcr V- thr nerwsii tstirislrf Is
Ig lo New Jersey
Bbe has taught I snd I shall
rhool for tveoiy-ivo years ezi-epi
ezcepi i
bis slay in^^' sc city lhe*S2SSLS»‘‘5w?^'raL:f.^:^^
one year tp
tpeul at the slate normal al duel
ne wonder- ^ this ordsr to l> puUlsbwl u Uw (Jr»d Yra«
accomplished sum,
YpsIlaoU. k
nil ccurwi and every ticoing
people away from the stage cured and Itm^
brothers havi"'■'rtted crery
n great
rr for, for her
Jadrauf Ft
always good advice and
tcbful canusually good vaudorllle__
She iwibc
icliand concerts add tM a

____ _ ___r arms a
Tha efckf iatereet devetopad oa the
to tell tbe story of ib<
. When the
fferiag tbe day ssnaad to be
•d la thceoatertlorthe BemlBatka tor Judge of probate between fathen neUI a perwm t
> feel that tfaero la a great no^•dge J. A. Lsraager and Fred R
blllly ai
e aoDs of the
w. Both caadldatsa and eager foresl.
m tor both pn ta all the time
no ahatr arpedBiod Ike folioaias
offertog special nice and U
Mkn; M. Walt, H J. FU^Bk.
" t that wUI lot
(an as the amairr delegates arrired
- T. HoIbm. Kobart Bvaor.
. time furaUt _
1 gaieties of the seasooI
are besieged by worker*
of food for solid refleetkm wl|]
no tollowloc BBDOd SBBtlBk
a Foorlh of July card
here. Tbcrr are many &rstOregon resort, lo which'
van dsiMtes is tba cxarBaUsa;
la tatenst was tbe oeolM (or
colors appeared in the,
Amm-O. r. HoM. Wb. SBlhlrfc.
from Wbkh the camp ground
A dcllgblful eveolng
can be easily reached and the U«ilag clOMid with the
naBM Walk. WWUBStM Mua.
distribution of prizes.
' bathing
Ig oo
oe Grand Traverse bay Is
SUny enjoyabw yachting parties cm
U whlle^hlng of all kirn •hirsey's launch and drirlng parties

w. A. KBBt. a LaBiB, r. 1

6«»rflc n.:
! ...DENTIST...

:s«“.;“'”w5'i,srrri iss-'iisi-j.riii-'s'isis's:

. _ she studied a' school lo keep up
lo her class, and vhcn she got b sbe would study unill mldnlshi

PlBT. O. H .Abbb.




■a follows; CBalrsMa. Boa. Jaa. R
MoBcw: saerMarr. Robert B. Wallai
trsMsrer. Hon. 0. C HoffatL
Willlem Cween.
Ah eelllM et the prMlBlaair ele
Thk It the UUtot plctare of the.nnee west wes dkoomed sad pki
rortsiiale rooag man whose body vas
in U ones U perfected to eoadoct
1 la BaerdotoB lake Friday
ilag as hto last note Mid It would

« S»r-J. K. OoBitadt. DbtU
mmmrn. WaltBr rMsar. Look Alaaka.
no ukB-u a waitM. w. w.
ftvm, a P. OlMdBB. a T. BoteBB.


B^'Vli'h ihrir'brSlhCT&s^.vIh.
rm vhere Ihe> ».-re
■ the divior's ability lo cure him but 'u>aslddsr<Shranas.u uw Orwnd Tn«<n>
n UcBalD lives Id New spccpied the inviuuon toeome on the RvraM. s'aPw^^'^tal”iSd^rlrenluM
« r -.............. -........................................
■k Cli
City vberc her boabaad Is a tel­ stage. The doctor aaid. This gentle
Y ork
egraph operator. They have ivo chll- man. as you «ee. has a paralyzed
dreo. Mr. McBsin Is a gradoale of
. hot . believe tbai I can
musk. He ii coming here Ibis fall on
1 dtin'i make him ralne
a short visit and will take hU vlfc
de nf Ihrvc- minules I'll t
back with him.
It of 1100 lo any charily
Miss Ulllan Halstead has taught
tete<Akv In Uw iitT of Yravasse (Sly, OP
TiwwU;, “?
She axh day tS July, tn
Uw y«r
vn pushed the sleeve bock es- I Tu-fto?«r“"

UahB-J. M. Mrm:
WkKmtar-R. D. WUta.
Tiaws City—First vwd. O. P.
Arvwi Saasad «ard. S C Ikm>*;
rhM ward. W. W. tatth: FMrth
aard. F. D. Marrk; FIAh ward. L. K.
Tba dttBmaa :
Aar tba eoanatio
1. the old of-


1 have a new wotnl cattinK machine and am pre­
pared to make reasonalili- pric^ji^for such work. 1 will


wsro Uw bvsl bMti .J wid d i lan J wbo ww^
Large Cmd Attarked Hot •pringa llvtBaa>lbrHiB<.g Lrr dnlk, imd irto are
oow nutM Iw Ivw lo tsbrni tbr rml •wtatr
Oeeton' thaw Lm( Night—Rand
Concert Vary EnlceUirtlng.
Fndir.tbr tSUi
dry toAaciM, A.l> lAu.iM-it.u tmoekrt >o
The Hot Springs doetor's leriutv »nofnMi.M,twoir»rB iw larmmnngot usiu
WlsrbBd eeienalnment drev the usual rcmui IIMI Ibit 1hi Inn- Us <J .aid dr
I'vid.sui all oU»r |•■r.w. lourvotwl is mid
large cro
l evening des|>lie lb« amatr.
aro rwinlnd u, ai.fw alaw—aa d
_________ _______ vere IndlcalluQs of a •aU »m. tbm TO tw L.Uvn lo Uir ProkUI aturm. Tbe city market lot vas crovd- ^ UBkolatWUlr o< Trarivwl'ity. and oboo

ngsley. Mkb, July Z7.—Mias LI1
Halstead and Mrs. Idn McBalu



Wl»*n»w>»j,U«r or Tr»v.r»» Oty, u mi4

U Carter, parcel
again I'^ul.fanWoniw.d.ih.itaid MiUoa
Herman W. Smltb and vlfv totora
L. Carter, lots X and 37.
H.'s 3nd add: Sl.Zon.
Perry Hsnnih lo Herman W. Smith.
ktK 36 and Z7. block E. P. H.'s Sad
add: SSEfl.
pUtfonn and be cured. One of
J»H.< A. unuMigu.
- blc cures vns ibai
ibni »«
judirvoi Proi.u.
Fay W. Beck In John Nesbill. avti
of avto of sv>«, see. E, losrn 37. range of Mrs. Edvards, vbo bat been sfaicied In a very painful
9; Slioo.
David E. Coz lo Allan F Utilc. lot troubled
B the other. ..
bntzlng like a threshing machine in saJJ wmaty. oa ibs mtb day « Jolj.
c generally lai«e specimens
Elmer H. Steele and vlfe lu George bev^. Only one appllcatioouflbc
«« J An A U
J—-li of svEi. •
kBlly and oee U readily
Illy carried
carrle back Slurrs.
ceaned in a second
■y of
Christlae DeJongc. ei al. In F. A. four Biles and a half vesi of tbe city,
Scharmet. svH. sec. Zn, ii.vii Z6, vas lotally
vhes she
:e I»: 1100.
00 tbe
... platfurm.
After oee treatment, srarmt kr
the surprise of herself, she vas able
bear tbe doctor'e vatah tick vben
• beld ..

FargdUo-Sk. B. SUas^ A. B. Pob.
Id Omm Bomb at I e-ked
MB br Hob. iaa. a
• 0(tbBeOBBlr«aMil

n-'DiJ ibi
................. .....
In to wheneTer tbe opportunll’
Yours slnciTelr.
Harold Jarvis.

preaeat. ThsM In0 lodiaas preach
Indian. Prom t preaeatDtRer.
Rer. I
Carvel of Trarene dly and other velli
Atad far coraaen by acela- knovn ministers.
Tbe Indian pe<d>le bring tl
ad live on (he grouads vhlcl
easily been greatly improved
alas tbe oM faihioaed hymns__ _
h af tbe old (ooncll spirit li

or. •Bkdrtoortk —

. . «MMB vfD BmastkM tfca Ud
U k B MlMdld tlefcBt tna uv to

Rudolph wiedoefl lo Henaaa
and nord L. Smlih. pan lou 41.
block I. P. H.'t Srd add: tlAE<>.

la W. Gimbaai lo Praak Veze> 3Ed«. bkek 7. Baysldc add.
nord U Smith and vHe to Hovard
Gamer. 1hit Z1

___a different p
I Iher are all coni
r. M. toowk, *ho «BB BBMd


Tba ftBaral aartlea waa baU PMdar afloraoM al t oMk tnm
tbo Bkr aebool bow aad Uw bodr
araa bartod ta tba Oran COBBtorr
aadar tka dlroetka of Khlra Aadanoa.



242 FRONT 8T.

Smnmer Reading
(rood Hooks at remarkably low prices.

Jlltrays {Uell
Wbea looking fur table ware,
glass, etc, lo drop In at The
Economy Stiu— One thing aboot
this store you ni-i.-r pay esocbl
Utt prices here.
ThU U cirariy sbown Is
(bU lOtvpieee Deeoraiad Dinner
Brta. al <mly K-tS «ra±.
Also Id oor i|«clal Draoratad
Ware at l(w for PlaUa. Capa
Cups sad SaoMn. Oal Mete
Soup Dowts. FkUers. etc.
raember we handle ei
thing in Whltr Ware, Toilet
Ware. etc.

The Corre’I Series for eyerybodj, iimbracini; over
'•Mi) lilies of sianHard works, lyotin l'in Rreen cloth
with gilt tops. Hiiblisher's price TV'. O-jrs
for a shon time
..................... ..............................

Che Rlflw gwlts ler Bras
1 he authors of ihi>l series of books are a passport as
every boy knows lo hours of the keenest delijrfit in
scenes of stirring life and adventure.
Publisher's price SI .00. ours...................................

C»w Rl«Ileskf Series for 6trls
A carefully selected series of charming stories for gtris,
written by popular authors, well told and full of inter^
est, their simplicity, tehdemeffs, healthy and iuteres^
motives will please all girt readers. 72 titles.
Pabli.her's price 75c, Zan...

eiiy Booh Store
Bakart-4Mcbw Ca


............................. ..............
«*• atoweta-I
Tbeaa baaaefB wIB be aa oMiwled

mm Woe Hw TOerwr.
1 weaU oaacb haoilr aS aMI

,s sTwaiUra bSsr

[frlshtfallr aad ctot blood, bat. whea
to ftmraCeiTad fsO
______ ihrae
____ ______
CttT-e us day.- •>«““
O' “a**
“• aad ‘I

Itb absolatelr .
bat It it tbeasbl that the
Coesbe. CeU%. U Grippe.
• ibto rear will attnet a a
, IwtUae lOe at Jaa 0. J<Aaaae-a aad F.

Mnke rttdsr •______ ______e’eioefc whUe be wss «t work ta tbo
IkMim th« COM M ao )aiMI
The Hriekai Bts wse nsU
WnXr «M <ter«M with azotes
mtk s word tram the Uae bo
«< • bofM «■ vkkh tea *M •
wtnm at tiM. R« hx hMB ftaad dMO d«th. The dooasMd
1 for aoM itee ud.wu fl—llr
la Fluebwrc. Pa. Fab. ». Ut>.
•d br OouiaMt AjtMB altar
wnrad to tUi redGw with ble pw•onrlM dlMl «a SoBthere fBU. boU of vfasM bsTo preeadad bla
ths bcatealr booe Tkrae bndhert



BMaln. Meh. Ja«' M.-nc colt
■UfM tw OntiBl Late fSfttM to Mop
alo of Um AbMb eaoBV «oot
t hoed/wst pMtatdsr dUalaoed
otka of the ooapWMSto-aeUeIton. Tho boadi wore ioooed U aeoordaaes wtth > reto of the eloeton
IMeislas. TW oh}oM of tho oalt WH

id OM eW«r oaniaa bia. wmiaa
aad Mb abarkcr of Iterdald
eUp aad Dnlel who le Is the naU of
Waahlaitao. Tba ilttrr to Ifn. Mike
Plianans. who Urea la Oarfteid lowhMr. Sharker to the third aetobar of TiBTotM Otr teat. Ka. STL K.
0. T. M. M. to die wlthla the paet
week He to thcToanb Maceabee that
baa died la the clir dariof (he week.


Archllert Jeet Pelbreee
I tos plaat for SB addlUoei w . ..............
I the Cavta Clsar Co.-, nore oo Ftwil
lUaat. The addliioe alll extead riaar
Owlat to the laaar paileou who 11«<* to tbe'allei-:iod VlH sl« etwa'sh
« eaa
_____Trararae atr et Park Place ho-I^M
already lance aed eonlel oa Satardar aad Soodar. Joiy soth .. ____ WUlai
aad Slat Two dart only. The »lck Wiu be .iny Bre (eei In lenstta. Soaie
aad aflIcM abouM take adraauce of other ebaape. will etoo t>e made la i
tbto <ma>rtiiBl(r and eoaaalt tbu eml- rtore. aew chair, added and repalatl
"tot before be retom. to dooe- The CaH» .tore to already c_
Gnad Raplde. Cooeollar (be Boei coDvenlmUy equips
adrlee frw.
llllard baJle In (be nortbem par .d
I2«i—JlUy 2
a a^ wlib ibe new addition It

New 'Carpets
and Rugs.

II coadoct a
-----------_ la tbe Ofore
Tbe BeeUnc. will cos-1 .
A rarr praur waddlas wae ad
-For ycon fate .
after me ___
toed at tbe bosM of Ur. aad Mn.
A. OnUedee. Ver
Hlfbee Soadar wbea tbeir daasbler i-ciock
aaslas 2f (nia
Karr was ualtad la Bonlase
Batklea'. Arnica Salre cured
IboBSi a Cbardt, tbe See. Wood of;iac. - Bqaallr pood for bums'and all


SidBtlns- Tbe bride wae powaad Is a larsalD la paMllne 1
and en-1
aary blae aad wblu eult aad carried
Slae. Do D0( Bln It
tbe adrt
dtr. wae fossd dead la bor bed tbto
la anotber mlnaia.
as br bar tether. Jacob Solth.
white Ball aad atoo carried ■
Hre. Domaoe retlmd toat aeealas la
bar oeaal seed baslU aad U to tCeiwhl
br tbe essalBlas pbralelaa tbal bean
MBsta wss (be caoae ef a»«»a I
as B bstoisbd ssd (aibcr to toea
toes. Mr. Dortaoee wm ewar
"Vtott tbs SoldlerC
Tbe bride we. aUeoded br ber atoMas at tbe Use et bar death.
in Camp
ter. Htos BSIe HIsbee. aad the froom
Sondey, Avg. 7th.
Special tmln will leave Tmve
Tbe Cbrto Clear Co. to oow esearat- After tba eereBoay lea oeeai. take 'lly at (
« tor a saw (wo sUrr Mek block sad ftolt was Mrred. Tbe bride reabwel ttslM foot. wU^ wUl be bolH eclrad' auay bcaalUal aad i
tba Sibtrlsbd Mock oo M
Tbe rarr beat wtobea so wit
SeMIsre' Fam to the Seirtb and SeutbProwl street AMKoet W. A. Deaa
bappr eoupla. PTIaod. prawat from
hoe the ptaaa cutfeted aed tbe sead west Ur. aad Hra. Ed Unsic
Oae way. eeeoad-dau Uekete
atsi eeouoel for the oraeUaa of tba
OB Bran (d Waataoo. Ohio, aad ale at all eUtloai oo drat aad third
balldiBC haabaeoMtoSaCois*
rweadaya of cacdi Booth. Ask i
Hn. Cbarlae A. Wood of Chleaso.


=^' •» ■>“ 0ile»d«‘ Dms




^ CMriiM Mi «Mk 2.M0

WorWV Fair, SL Leula.
ttooad trip tlekeU at low rates. „
Btode (or ibe blpiaat day te the htotory
Oe at an ticket staUoas. Ask apeaU
of rrsTem City. Haceabre day. Tbe tor ratea, IIbH of Ucketi sad (uU
loUre eoBaJliaa hM bean recalreenraaoee and taoeirlea dally nalU
Tbe rotsor cume. (roin Eouib Har
tbe (»)wd ibat win be eeiertatoad
that a party of Cbicapo oapKaltols
to the city to esUtnelad se et toast
planslap (be eredloe at leteral large
boteto ekap the ebon of Lake Ulchl
The proprmB tadodae not aaly (lapan between Cbkapo and South
icraal work, bot ball paaae. band
Uaree. and that hundred, of couape.
eeru aad other aaeraBaeu. A
will be built, auktop tbe esilre .bore
leap eoBBcr mod.


el aaawfar (f the ttasaah * Lay
Uirraetlli coapaar. B. C. Hosaa
oarpoBter. J. C. Hdrer. drasar the ceapoar. and Ctorewse
Onaiek of tbe J. B. GtaUldi ooa
han retarwad frea Oread Bapide.
wtan tbogr want to rtoti tba drop
elsn ef Wast A Co. aad aea Uw arbet there wlU be about SSOO oUitw ezriSBiBiM of ihalr eiora. wbkb to oaa
be Bet (or tbe baU
of tbo bMi aad faaai la tba state.
eoaearu aad other

omm. Vdto • ca. ■

B City MmrkBtA.

e will dmlate a

eubacrlptloB paper
ebaate of (be city.

»IP ww oe thst SB n«ato (B1
Mr dbaet tw l£i Mt Bsr fdS.

naa. was lajerad abMt (be haeh
top raMu OB hlB last
He to at pnaoBi at tbe Bnarltoali
hotel aad M 00 laiemal lajirlat bare
hasB loBBd U to (h|ppbt that be wUl
reeorer. He wm worktop aetbeUa-

haa braaoh aad wae walklap akapalde
a arrtrad la the trato wear Brookelde whea
railed Mb aea ot tba ear*, etrlktop
hiB sad fcaoAtof hiB to tbe praaBd.
MMl ef tbe saw BoeerBStoM I
Be WM tahaa to Kalkaaka where aadM ■# Btoaedr baa s teree cf
waA SMI wa pMh tbe wort as toal auntloa wu tfrae bla sad thee
tbt oo ta this oHy. His bock Is
I be piMtIi swd Mtoosu to sat tho
rery badir Inlasd but tbu# are
beoas broken.

«ba Ma of Ibi Oral Wood DM
sMpiBr n. ArtbsrOBdd WM •
ti JmHm Vertrto oaort os H<
It tbs IMiilesi tsjisc tbe plalsUB
the ashae af (be OMer sad sUe eat■ tba aesrt coMa. Sesld

Tbe crowd. wUI owe froa m tor
Bortb.*. Petoakey. (roai Uaatotae tad
(be west and U(. Pleaaast oo (he aootb. Uaay special trato.
wUI be rna by tbe varloiu rallwxyt
aad rary low rates will be
btatoeei uee feel that a celebmtioe
ot tbto ktod will be If Bora beaeai
them than a Fourth ot Jnly celebraUoa
M tbe Moree will all be opes aai
crowd* that will cone to will be
posed of baylsp pecHde. It to -d^dj
Bated, tbal abovt ooe-balf ef ihooe
that wUl coBie te tbe dty M that day
will bo eoapooed er'peopto wbo will
oot bo Uaooabaeo bi
adrantape et the low rateo to order to

w haU is tbto ■
M. AMsa BbUi la asBwrtM tnm (be Koftbera Ulddpaa Uodera Uaen.
rmm tmn isiiteii wbtls oa ber
... to eewwhstbeeltaMMeadi
eartap wary odnalapaoM ratra tor the
to take ptoee bare to
wMfc that to porUaUr ten ap
AipML A mta of M.SO (or tba iwtod
whin tbe aKrwMte Ibe oU teU trip bM baaa baeo Bade by tba Para
Mrqoatia tnm Patoafcay. Bay View.
Bay Bbora lad Cbartaroli. with proptotkntoU ratea Mas poteta atoap tba

baiBB sbar paan «t ase ber hi

■wily BDod ratal ham ban
Mb iBdtoftoo and ether poiata.
nto 0. k. A t. bM aanrad tba oon
Mlttae that epadally low rata, wtu be
m at I o^atoME H tba hoM M Btoda. ftiUy M adnatopeoai m tbe
Para Mantoatte ^hM Bade aad (be
‘-b Arbor Uae bM Bade a radaead
• Mb a. tar aootb m Ut. PlaaaaBi.
e M. A N. (. to eiw erraagtop (or
laead latat. Oa all (be Itoe. U to
dj that apwlal tnto. wni be rwa.

Tbet Wfll

A rarr prMty bsMa waddtop teoh
iMiiMPMsesnit-pnptohOM ptaea M 4:10 Soadar afteraooa at
AmMb Me IHI week at Owtnl tbt raeUeaea e( Urn. C H. Carpeotar.
iBhb than ta a pMty Mb Otaad 4SS Wau Math atraat Tba bride wm
tapMi then asd BM. ef tbe pMtr
-toe Mattto U Cbraoa 01 Btopbaa and
wan tB MbMB whn ibep «M bapoB
t snoM. Prank W. Balth et thto
thato«Nptt bad saak twiee la Ushi a
waddtot atoowBy
‘Mailed by Be*. D. Ooehlto aad
a witaieeed by cwty tbe iBBadlata
, ratottoae af tbe bride and cracM.
> WM Wlllto H. Haetor m4
, Ibe brneetolld wm Mra D. 8. Ttys.
K (be proiM. Tba bride wi





• BM MJmed. TbebtIdawlD
t *MI tm aaaaral waska whb 1
■ fMttwM Tbe wai af towb

We have been receiving for the past week, some


Carpels* and

Rugs, some

This gives you an opportunity to have a brand new
pattern at once.

You pick your Carpet and we will hold



for you


are ready.


found this a,

decided advantage last spring.


There are some espocially good things among them.
There are choice lots of Rugs, in various mes and kinds,
Symmars, Moqueitcs and Axministers.


When our entire

arrangements are completed we srill be in better shape


than we have been before to look after your needs along


these lines, not only better facilities, but our line will be
much larger, more complete in a good many details.
Mattings are


going although there are some


' good inings left in the lot that sve are selling at






weargoing at a saving of
a quarter to a half usual




backed by our guarantee,




gains arc found

J9 Ccaoatient
^Besidet making ibii bank
finenrially eoovement for j-ou
we have tried to make it

Women's Swell Shee*. usual
price $2.5(1, cletn.jweep tale

Womea's Robby Shoes, ne*.
thapely. goo.1 mearert, regular
price S^OO, clean-sweep

Furniture News


Cravtne Citf Statt

Woma's Shoes, remaining
sites of different bncs. worth up
to, clean-*wci.-ii sale price.


Feed, meal, Bran', middlfnos,
eorti and Oats

Men's SS.00 Shoes. Impone-l Paiem Leather, ben
made, clexn-*weep talc price.




pure article.

o goedt ire te be eh.pped et ei


»«. rwM yeuruetf rm ae
we ecu we ear< gMcantee. Thafe the way with all eur famitora and people a


We era toiyi>w caachee M all llmei.


For Wood Work sbd Fanitae which, has becoBie maned
or_^rt«» coded whJaptoXactoreoewed aod beami.
Fcngtotto BriDiaitt Bhck ItM-Lac mioon the
Am look M |09d M new. alM
WtkMFiBMtBra. :



Bordtib Prtptrtd Pifuts
& Waft « Sons

siae* of Inei, worth up to $2.00.
cleaD-oweep tale prxx,

The dtmande are ae grant.

try. ear plireh. ellk velaur and gar,utoe leather and the prleas ar#




If an M nwra and

We have a

attractive ae the

want to tell yaw aur prkm. Temarraw watrU be a goad time.

A Turkish Rocker
I. )wM «Hld eamfart. Tl. tnre they eaw mar. than ardtawry raakara, Iwt-whaV. Uw aae •( b
(ortabl. wr.lea. ym, are jwM a, cemfartaW. m paeaUtta.

Thaw MM •

Warranted to every rctpect Mid m



e and to make mem w* want to cl«M ewi a



Rea's CaU Shoes, all ndid
leather, all size*, lace aad coo.
gTcM, worth $2.00, clean-sweep
tale p-ice,

W. tberafora are mmrn, Uw tomM *

0 dey-i «rar* there U iw-th-efl

Men's $4.00 Walk-Orers. a
few nylct. Patent l.ealheii, to
at cleaa-iweep tale prm,


e( the etoto.

Bed Room Suites


50c to $ 1.50


• WM reti/rrwd (rem the g>

Strap Slippers,
dainly, cool. cotnlcdaUlc. cleantweep sale price*.

The best for the price in

Webuyoothinsbut the best pain and

ra wtcratoias to the mm ar the lady of |h« heme M bHa af tntofnteilwi —niinlnB 4m«

We err ,K. i.mrat furoltor. deal.ra to thi.

rih up (o
c peice.



new things in

advance shipments for fall.

is THE SHOE-SALE of tbe

I to tbe dty to
Uaay ot the towne trom
b ezeorsloas will be rop. hare raV
had week-day excurelowf to this
dty and Baay people wlU plre (his

dlyalrial. U tbey are able to do bdter bare tbaa la ttadr luual (isdlap
laces tbey wUl totora apato aad the
debratloo will mdooMedly widely
. Uowrae bM racotrad tba pWap
iTartlse tba tows.
qpd wKb eattMt UMbar bt
lOr tba work, than baiat blae catted
Beads wUI be hrae from UL PleaeSM to tbe Oral Wood Dtob cos
od tbto aaterlal already ib band
aot. over oae baadred bIIm away. Pem sMMf H ta tba eetabyto balldtof a aeow 40x11 (eat
(oakey. KalkaekA Maaloa. Klapsley
wbieb be will ptoee bto pda drlrlap
• other Uaen •With tbe band. wUl
K tbt-aiaeasa diatriel
- Meaty aad aaplaa. Tba aeow to
Tbe execbout ubetaattolly m be will
eoBBdUae wOl bA the city caimtoare H la tbe hm perteaaeetly. Ha eU Mooday ertailaB to tamtoh two
ataled to tbe Retald that be woaU pot lars# baaaera bMrtop tbe wotd “Weitbe beat Uad of BaeUaaty be
boy OB IL Aa aooa m tba aeow to
pMad work win omBawea oa (he



Odd Furniture
------------------a— —re oow.

agpMr-wa M a raam.

wt haw awM an

d M-pad ohMra, rackM#. Na«M, Mtolr,. hMI cAMra. pMtor ptoena. amvlng chMr,. mad. I.
blrd’a eye maple. Itomiah e< > NatMaBBawtor

- mMm


g^Th,pfto.a.ra>wlMdhwraHUdMM.MytoM evwyMIn, ptoBM. mwryf-dy mM Ml. to to

CUdrci's SbMt. an solid
leatheii, great wearers, aizet 6
to 8, deis-rwecp sale price,

8til«r of Good ShoM.


SSTL-rSTSSt*. j-o*
u J«lf Wtt. K»

Bto Cbtoph I

fcTsr^s SSa^sri?^.*

■iToort- titt. «—

kon ■ fW dvf oco «bU« OB U« «v
to BboU MbbKob to ••• bb
Hn. SUBTBi rctaraod
boa a IbTBo dan' rf«U >'
rw»f BBi boaa teBdar for

a Mia. Briur at OUb Hit-

!--»*r*s=“-s?srI ;5ws—. «T» ™

Dr. Pv4y<

tto knfef of


WbS’nSlto “1^

wa« set- by tweire Uitb plrii errlBP
A aaahar of Iba »
"a anrprbe oa Nellie.' each oa<
aeeUap ber with a plfl of re
braaee. Por • wblb abe ooold aot
apeak wlik amprbe aad toy- Tbe aftrbtotaadllloBi'
aadWtba erwooa waa pleaeaBtly apeal vtth nu(.Hadoat aie. alaxiBC. paoMs aad idayi. a "
aoae of whbb they were aerved
be rreaai. eakea. otaapea aad eandlea.
Tbe pirta pave hearty thaaka to Mr.
aad Hn W-toiU for tbe plaaanre
they bad pIvcB tbeo aad hoped Nallb
>. nilatom A Co. I
woold Utc to have -aay retutu of the
jdwarth proparty...... ................
IT non. Thay talaad to add
al Itoa of aooda la tba aaar la-

[ • btotaa Mb w Traraw CHy.
IMa of TraTOfat
City la
la bon
Mtrayi' cow fot oat of Iba
Ika L a O. T. dlatrtei lodia wai
Baaday aad «et tou> bla a^i»iMl aatu inly «. to ba baU btob pouae Md. wtora abe pot aena
M « it H alaetloa of otoeatB.
parH fraaa. aad aa aaaal la aacb
Ipbto tba dMiW aboaU ba
A faw aalshbon palb—ad at tba ibaal paator, aad fi
botoo of Hr. aad Hn. Oatara Jack-

apa-2=sir.-a-^ “n.S'Sl

a. C A. Wood, who baa boan rlahtlata aMtodiea at tba ana- lltaf bar latbar. B. P. Cboreb. Will Tw
md«r aad Dr. Hatur t«da tan to bar boraa la Chkan today.
.. .w. IBM cf tba brtda'a par*
■aU of UaioB H aaloadiMa
to. A. J. Blcbaa, tbelr daa^
tolHa tmfiaa bm today, fbr
waa aaltad la Hbrnaca to
[ ..Hjpjwnal ba^ll aaa it to roa *
I Chareh at l:W p. b. Soaday. Both
' of
of fboB an very ptoorlar
W. A. Whlto of Trarana caty bad
a aad wUI racatra tba eoa____________ of aU Ibolr frtaada. Bar.
B. W. Woad partorBod tbe caraaoay.
Hr. aad Hn. ■- fUapH aad aoa of
BlHpM OHy FHday. attar aWtHs bar WawMoe, OUo. ara vUlUap at Hr. aad
Mm * 1

a bona teat weak with


You may rest assured it is right in ever)- particular. The (act
rhpt it is almost impossible to keep up with the orden is prool
that it has been built recently; the largest piano factory in the
world builds them and guarantees their construction in every
way. You take no chances. Factory prices and easy terms.

Herbert potaim,
[MM, la a aaa o( oaUrtad eaarKr. to
Beota were aerved aad ^ apeat a lorprlalBC ayatea and a
pkaaaat eventap.
,^t for aaaapiac aoeb aa laatltoOoa.
Hr. O. Laieoo of Bottoea Bay wai
Blaee bU uklap op of the work h
In town Ihia ireek.
Tbe Ladiea- AW aoetoty wlU_fl»P a
ptenb at tbe bon
t tbe ckaeo he t<

t »r M

‘‘HW^Bwtba Bbarpe. wbe ta
« In the Ryaa diatrbt. apeal
_iy Blphl and Boaday ortU

"K 5srs«...


ea. aeealoD of tb
y erenJnp the li

recftaUooa. Inalromeolal mi
aelrcUont by the ladiea qoartelie.
after wbleb to
Tbe Udiea- Aid aodely aervto toe
■cam la the eborch parion Tbonday eveatos.
Hn. B. Oelltok aad eoo.-----------led by tbe Hlasea Oeittok. anleed Uita

‘’‘I^ Boweraox to nayt«. Ohio, ar­
rived here Tueoday for the eummor.
t. H. P. Wbeddln to ItoytOB. 0_
1 bta family here Tueaday.
a Jaaaon to Chlcako •» tUIUbs
at Uie Aibelby borne.

is -mrene Oty,
Depaiy Pomeroy to tbe K. O. T. K.
ran la Ibwa Ibla week.
The body of -H
rho dl •
Hn. Sherwood aad HIta Alv^ et
Graad RapUa arrived thia week ^
oecupy tbe Netooo eoUa«e on the bill.
Mn. I Comrtoet apent Tueaday to
Tnverae £ity.

WHY IT Bucceeos
Beeaimc tVe For One -nHog Only and
Travene City la Uearnlnp ThIa.

NotblDC eaa be sood for everyiblns.
Ootoa oae Iblas well briaaii eueeeaa
Doan'e Kidney Pill* do one tbla<
"1£*H Pray-< bona taa away with
aad Hra. T. Barber retoraed Boaday
boraa raka Satarday.
«at Aatottor
RaMoa aad A. S. Pray waM oa U
"-fteyVe for ridi kldaeya.
•tr. aad Hn. T. Keefe have bad dmipe
tylaplaaaadto aaeottooa Boaday to Tiavataa CBy.
They core backacbe. every kidney
f tbe hotel Cbaahlr durta* the ab•ol Loaiar vlalud at W. Boakor
Htea of the landlord aad laadlady.
''Hn Boat-a n
Here la Traverwa CIU evidence
Then will be a dlairtol Baaday
rove It.
Hrx. H. D. Campbell, of 11* Park
b ratan to bar boaw
la TnTacw
atreet, eaye;
“I Had Doan'a Kidney
________ ^
_ :M o’clock. Bpeaken “lllii are an cxeellent remedy for
wBl be praeaat from all over tbe f
nkened or over^cUed kldaeya. 1
Utet and a very pleaaant time U i
ire need them at totcmla duriap
tldpafod. The Honor orcbeetra i
e pa«i two yoanT They relieve tbr
ftnoaBbaad’lt mm* batur at thli
toiBlib miWe for tbe eveatof icalon.
lie lo tbe back and pre eery atreaptbwritl
Breryoae come and briap a well fliled
liOR. I bare been Imted fay pbyalb baokel aad enjoy a
kidney re
t Hapaeof Patoakey la vHItUp I
dloa. and only reeori to Doan'a KIdi



Hlao^ "Hln Alin BolMlar waat to B
Horatoe to Ibronto. Canada,
H T. Wd d
atttodad tta
lac ber Iwolber. D. L. Baalpn.
------- -- ----------------------------.tovana City
_____ rt OeU arrieed Wedaeeday from
ABtaoe Wabtoar b kadlap a ear of Dryad. Waab. tor a vlalt wKb frieade
here. He opecU to return
bark lUa vaak.
Hr. LariOao aad wife of Travwoe weet to a few weefca.
IM bar altoar. Hra. i. Oraaaaar. City vlaltod over Boaday ml Hike lo>.
Bdward Oemei
~ktu. eaaaty iwiHitoi
neene on bnaU
Floyd Kopktoa .. _________
weeks wHh bla brother Praak.
Hn. F. B. Braekenbory called in
...........- Id fanlly.Hr__________ HayfteM Wedneaday.
H. Kamborter aad llUle aoa Irwin
Id eoa Cbaator aad Ban Pickard
left Thuraday for aa extended vliii fo
era Oba Arbor vtalun thb weak.
New York aad St. Louis.
Daa Nlada aad wife of Ptot Warn,
Hra. Wm. Gray rotoraed from
lad, amnd Taaaday aad
Dlc^. Htoh.. to^. where abe was

YlTWiirti of Rnd City

W. W. Kimball Co.

bai broopbt op tbe calatopoiiis ay
to a hl^ otalo to perfoetba and baa
made the oopyrUht departmaal one to
prwl valor. Tba lattor bnach bad

129 Front St.

For Thirteen Years
ourbustneis has increased every week umilit has grown trom one little incomplete siort-to three large, and
Stores as y—you will
icic Home
nouic Furnishing
— in the state.
AND OUR WAV is the only way this could be done. We do just as we advertise. B)^do{iiR this when we
get a customer we keep them, (or we will try as hard to please a customer as we do to get a new one.
WE DO NOT get some cheap worthless goods that only one person in a hundred would want and advert-

of the worthless goods.
SO. people who buy good goods do not pay for any loss on worthless goods or leaders.

I be plaaar^to any
lady callins
enty. bm If abe auffen
out to Idle Cl
'a aad wlabet to ki
from ber kidneys
o obtain
what means
Doaa-t Kidney PUU are for isle by
all dealers. Price fo cents. Mailed
by FoelerHIIbuni Oo.. BuFalo. " "
the Vailed Slairn. Re^
ne. Doaa-a. aad take do

Women love a clear, bmltby cooplexJoD. Pure blood makes It. Bur' Blood Bitten make* pure btood.

Our July acarance Sale
We have odds and ends in neariy everything that will go some below factory cost, others at jobbing prices,
and a big cut oh everything.


tore apaai BaadafpOdaPoa with Hn.
r. Pbwito.
Hr. aad Hn.%btbaA»uebia atv
atinalalap Hr.^tli^ bretber o(

M haow of tbadr l—o


a naaauty to ckaeae oa tbe markrt.
Hlae Daisy Hina retarned yrnter^ from FUe Labe, wbete abe bu
been vlalilas relallvea.
_Mn. Fentaa Is vtoUtos relaUvee to
D. U. Pnemr H to town today.



*tbe bOQov


MHa Adah Thayer baa
peeltloa aa clerk la H.
Ban ttovcBport to Tnatla baa at-

FMk DM retUMd lua.

ZSSsjszarSf.' <»■

We bvie mns nyable
la fareira conatrtes.
WBeaerer ym bare occisloa la seavnaaey win par yas
ta send It ttnacb ibis

First National
Bank vaioci for ...............
BB\-BNTT dISeraM ulylm to rtaira lo se­
lect from. Borne of lb«m wc have ntly 1.
t, S. 4 or S to a style- Tbeac will go at
below arm coal. Boveeal atylm we haee
only 6, 7. 8 or 10 of a myle, Tbeae will so
at whti ordtoary dealers pay for Ibom.
Oo olbera we will divide tbe proSta

Aad ao oa. rigbt wp to a
worth SllJKI. for...............................................SJ5

* ap^ aM and back, wonta’*Its. far-ll-W


-$34, fur .............................................................1SJ6

Aad oome In aad aes If w« bate aot a remimal to carpel that will fit IL. Wa bar*
several remaanu In our targe Use. If wa
bare so rcawant we eaa (aralto yon a
rarpM at a hig aarlBg. We have a taa.
targe Uae lo select from.

ebalra, etc.
Over SM dUferem styles to rockeva to sotoct

Dresser.fur ........................

ADolber one. worth |I5. for.........................11A0

AaoUter ooe. worth IK. tor......................... 1SJ5

from. Borne to Uiem we have only one Of
a style; uome two, etc.

higb grade Ha-

A few bIsb back, well made ladlm' rmkm. ode amt. worth flAO. for.......... J6


t bsauUtnl mabocany Snlabed Rocker.

e hare a targeasaurimawt^all MasAMytea

A lew, worth 11.76, for only........................1-»
A few robbler seat Itdtos' Roekera.
vortb ttOO, for.............................................1J6

A very beanUful. large mabocaay Rucker; lealber upholairrvs] spring seal.
Snely carved bark, plaau polish, worth
116. for..........................................................I0.7S

A hUh hack, solid oak. extra well made.
3 Klatv acraae buk. worth tz.60. only. IJi

Aooiber large mshi«an> Rueker. high
polisfaed bark, lealber upbolstertd
apriag seat, piano polish, surih $16 76.
for ................................................................... :IIA«

*‘Hto*J.'MSUSr'aad daophtar Bra towTkl



is toclean upour stock and dispose of all odds and ends that have accumulated from the spring bi|sine«. It it
greater this year than ever before because our stock was so large.

Some to tbem alee, bisb priced odd dialn
make beanUful recepihm ebaira, hall

. AtaR W ponoto leek tba trtop
ly ■mtof tor Ttovarar of Tnverae Ctty opeat a few daynnrilb
A wbertman's tool bag bat coaiA aew bell. welfblniE Z.OOO poonda.
y aO atteadad tbe '
will be placed la the German Ennicell- pleie without a bmtle to Ur. Tbomaa'a
Hr. aad Hra. BH
Jet bad Hay Btraap
Releeirie Oil. Ileala cute, brnbea.
cal Luiberaa eharefa to this
ailass. spnlna. Uonaich over pain.
Rev. P. Hayer to Detroit wlU p
UM of t*mm b vbWac
'■ie dedleatlOB eeraoa Auptat !l
— -----------------------Blvoaalde laa oaHim Isabel Hopkins returned HonT<-n Iboosaad demona snawluR sway
toyed a bayrbfc party Taaaday evea................................................cabe
t one’s vitals couldnt be moefa worse
lac. drtTtap to Good Harbor and baeb.
.ban the lonnres of Iteblas piles. Yet
Han b hotoa lor a abort
Or. Ml aad lb»lly of Huaeb, lad.
iberr't a rare. Doaa'i Oleiment never
............................. .....
lastaaUy kUlInc Hr. Harriaou and ..
Jorias a alx year-old aoo. Tbr fmetBl
aa heM today from the Ony acbootanae. Rev. Tbunton oactottoE.
C B. BUaaoa waa a Tnvenc CU
take. PerfecUy
caller Thnnday.
Lambkin, who xolfered
Hn. A^ DaWiadi aad aoa I
.... paralyulB last winter, la no<
I---------iflhroiBh tba bead.
i^da amrM Thp
able to cet-oot aome by tbe aid to
Don't Brook Your Back
Haay new walks of cemeel are be­
tas eonatructed to vartou portkma of
Iowa, notable amoss *blcb la tbe one
— tbe ecbool srouada Fraak lUllaly la dtoai Uie work.
Frank Nlekenoa waa I
HiVietoat Hleb.. Jaiy K.-A larpv
wttb aeqoaiatanem laai
aHar tren hare uak la tba enor
Ba kaa been worktog a
toaday »tib trtaadi la Iowa.
seam time. bM expects b
Ptoa aa tba teaeaat Beadky fro- Old
„d MW
aeventl weeka.
mHbB to BatMaa Bay.
O-p. F. have e^sed Ibtor
Hra. a Oeldaa af OH Hbatoa I
a baalaui trip to Haplaloa Baioiday.
Leroy Haxam v
tattoaa Bay
Hn. Artbar Biaard aad twe daaph.’ssir"

N. E. STRONG. TOngr.

Everything in Small Instruments. Sheet Music, Talking Machines. Etc.
Don't Oet

Joboaoa to
Ralamaaoo arrlTed oo the - '
« Camaa
Friday aad an Koeau at the

A. Baaaaatyaa prapenr. Hr. BaaaaBtyae aad family will oecupy tbe Oeo.
VaaBlarteom booM for a tlioe.
paaecd away ibU week at tbe t(e to
BewnI to oar eitixaaa took
of Ibe exeonbm fram Fnakfort
Haaltoo Wand laat Boot^tbe South b
family have tbe bearifelt aympatby to
day and report a very pleaaaai Ume.
leir many frlenda to tbie place.
Hr. aad Hra. H. Ryan and Hr. and
Joaepb GaimoD arrived borne from
Hn. J. Armalroa* aad wife ipeot
i>x liltnd tbia

,ai aneeWrd
----------- ^^SSapB of naantlo.
IbeO. A. R.
Hkb.. H ThdHap-rOlatlraa >an tor
'iw warka.
-ie Beaile Oooaty 8. 8. conveatto
Hn Roberta of Sparta U Maylap
.... be hew to the H. B. church. •
taw waaka with bar alattr. Hn. C. ^
Bonib Frankfort Aocnat 2C. t* and n
Every one la oordtally torited lo a
VmBlattoom to -------- -



a'lri^p’ lo Fbx Wand

law Coaprepa. have arrived
if tba panoe-

day aiAaolB attended tbe S. 8. nlly at
fSaUh 00 Wedaaaday of laat w^.
bat an who atteoded report aa eatoy-


m aad laaHly i

itaf that evto wv Bade H Dr. KIbc^
TTBTone aw on ibc way to bar Mew Lite PlUa. Tbaea pOU '
la Oraad Ra^
kaeaa loio PtrtojPtb. M
I, w.
«<««?< lioaday,
^*?Seyre weadartal la balM^
r day*'
i p.
ipradlaa a
-. Hn.
town, tbr fO«M of bH al

Nrilb Waatoott wat oonirbad bat tpeadlnp^ ^
Friday, bar twelfib birthday, by ber
parenu lavltlai ber toboolnatoo for
^^^^ft-aeoa at tbelr boeat. Nellb.
■owbp of tbe expaetod eonpaor
_ . Id op like aa old woona mod

“JS^Srmn. **a

ro^'a'ton.'wttb H baab-

\ '%'M^UtotonW.adlo



**£*• ROV *• mMM€ • ■•» kC»«


I *TSl!*J%.««riia of ^ratat Otty
, ti iliHiM M bar aob-a. Warraa Her-

To know that you art Retting tbe best when you are bujifaig a
Piano—when. where aod how it U hoik. U yoii buy


BeU. Mleb, BBd Jaaeo Ofay arc rtoHr. ud Hn. CbBrtn IMd-houf

'"*5S?CBrtw5Jk« bw m«n»d fro-

____ .“i-SSTS..

You \A/ a n i:

ibb. A few boRHa H R
____ _
.-elbved aad «ared toa.”
iSTaa pood bm !!»*.«<
iratotoi aad ptoPtol A-—
H^ia la^ la TMtIar bar panMa. (aeltoa puraatoed by A
and P. U. Headp draa

•%S**S T





It to Ctaaollne Stovag Md
In our t'rorkery. Tin and Oraalfowaiw Departmeal yon eaa find aayUilag you want
I prices Chat defy e

It would be a big Investmenl for you lo aeover haU to tbelr value
They are ail
Brat riass. solid, well made la ex-ry rc-

styles, all prices that are worth bavtne.
A Isrye Arm Rocker, blfb bark, well
made, a etnd. durable rocker. soUd
uak. cane seal, worth ti 76. for only.. I.

fortable Arm It&ekers.
beavy double rattaa back
ten eomfonabte, will last
worth $1.75. for ...................


selling at wn l-.w ,w4c«.

....1JS. lAOand 1J8

A good, oolid built, sell made Lrwb Bat-

Beveral siyls to hlcbest grade rodeen, eobbler seaia, Sne poUsbed wood seaia. leath­
er nphoUiered apetog aeau to so. ease to
tbem away below (actoey cost, as we to
aot want to tarry a sample to these ou ewr
Soor for our foil trade.


You can to It BOV

tlSto Bldeboards ............r.............................. tOJS

$50.00 values for .



Ob all aloves and rmag— sold now we wIR
dlrtto wwr prafii

foe. Blrt-ly tmlai-i................... S1ES and $1J6

Comfortabie loldlkK Ifoumoek <ialrs,
«*lf ................................................................... ISO
FoMIng Camp-BfooM........................ |fo m6 Ms
Hamimwks......................Tfo, $140 and aa oe

i> or 14 Statoe Bedroom BaHm at about
what m would pay tor the dressers.


.................................. 4fic par set ap

SItAO vafooi for ........................... ifcTs
le worth to* tor...
w wont SS76tor,..

Aad ao am right throagb.

Whafover that you Baud ta your boi
bare tt. aad win pasUiroly amv# y—

Wiriag atto. worth H-Tt. for...

J. W
Wholesale and Retail

Reticle Home Furnisher


OQiaiMmnAnn HBiAiA huimoat, juvt n. im
Cm am hook, tta Brrbu^. ocr
iroBedhy J. B. Juou aad hie Batha
Mra. A. JuBoa. ae eatator aod pru
dent ruepecUrely. but tbe rtltose
sntwins and eerB. to need two bib«

W«l >» iMUl. TiMMCfMlf
Ivlw kM bM> M to tt* Ckul
iw eoMW Ur NW. n* cM
teBlM hr the ««Htaeat. the
eetla«M< amt betas aheet K#«.


h hushud heeauta she tnuid
•rriHKK mu. luon.
W. W. Ultto. of CUciMto.
easn. Jalr tt.-Tbe crtof ta ths ceea are la feu ewtas avia. The
huattos to Bwthern Hlehiva
pcAt^ hoae suae was reached
-hare idaadernd aad banted aii
a (oip In wbkh Hto. Teuky
Mtalas whw the alea leaden Hartdaa TiUtsea. AH aahw were and another wnoaa wen-prep
«Ab KM Tm
AlHiTB BotiM.
«ae tsed hr 4e- ed for the Varda at • a. at. to <
BCB aad ehlldna tor
ia MM ftar **«r M jmn, tm tosf*n «ton iIrrbIiui
per. He was bsasn and tired and
dMUBf tit for
taaatal etrfte et an BBtaae cos
iveetr^Der. The eet raaak hae
aupper they vre Ub cnpnred
with the hoaeee Two Odtllas
■»ty« the
hcooL Whan he cot back to CWItel allshUr ant tMUr* cl the
ant to (he FlrM reel
o he eut hock ihto Besuse; ■Toa
whole ton* d Uft nnl ewrten
« mpM ««b both
ao sDod aeook you waut ha paod
urc rentrad lacmaBee d »IM ■
BttoetoaRltkgr .
erwrythlng. WIH yoo toorry Bar
a their aalaitaa. The rl■■llm ea^ eOee adali the HteBUeo leeka dark.
u Twky euM: *Taa~* The wad■too hare neelTed tonaeaa ef toe
The stack rarda le praetkallr (led
f will he AucuM 1. aad they wlU
aplodar. The strike etHMatoefchsaoyBooa to (he wcode.

dtoo aad hHpere haa parmtrwd this
eeoirMl aad aakaa what part e( the padtlas lodaatrr aad bat
o ha a Ubarat ahowaaee for praetkallr aMde It taveealUe lor the
plasU to proceed wlU the kHllat cp« H haa BH haaa ewer hr aar other
bM draaa (or dtoner. ha. dtotlnQaartet jccct tre b a ta Jail at
cm>» U feme aad K la haUeted that
sntohed hlBaelf by arttof as bis
larpe aenber d
(to ^eersHiH wtu be toroad ' '
ter BOW aerriee darlas t
oat without waltBaiall boye wltb Batehee eaaao
rear that the degani
US for orden traa uaioo oOclals.
Oxtod baby bat two toesMO.
Uadea. Jalr tl—The cabtaet met the lart lanl rear.
a bey. tea
MAM.K errv niUL
Baatea Harbor. Mkh, Jolr U-^Ua- AlpeoB man artoated for etcallas
MiUlHi With the aelti
gerrtu a few day. aso- but tbt
a. The aewi thtt the Brtu Haale Oir. MMh, Jalr U--A «re takee orden esoaed a bead^io eolU- foer pniowa
OB the Pere UeraeMte at Haser
Waterioe faraMre ndataseoena
latotos wliaea. was not preseoi
r m Uto cl (ha Motaal WM dlnerefod ia a atoe beUdlaf
a hr Joha Kaeara at i o’cledi
aa at : Cdoek this manila
aod tbe arralCBDeoi had lo be poc;
Bmxb tha jjptttnnr U
a a freisht BBd crarel trala. OooPulke after boy. eaichliis oa irato.
aod. Ooueubic Usker .toned bock
daetor Kaed^ aad Easlaecr Sailib d at Sasiaaw.
Uanhall with ibr man to await (be
the srarel trala aad Coadoetor Rabb
Etole eUld dtaek sanltoe aad aeor- adjuunod date. Conloaad you.
ly .uaBsled.
at the Uerda aTtea
ry." aaSd Baker, who bad other bnslValuable cow died at HetaBora d teu to attend to. -yoa are an i
Chdlltae. UldL. Juij 2l.-ftar Death, dydrophobto. me today. I rally havee't
waat eaillBS restenlar oa
Port Horou boy badly nalded by he time to go over with yea." -Jn.'
apfart aaM. JHr n.-nte oahad T.
UdUBS water.
e dti ticket and ab'll go mabtaraed aaU Uto was bead hoattas
aad O, jhMT Malaiaa nflad tioH heeo
Bhcwp kllllus dosi dotos daBBse
aaid Beymonr. -Ah gue» ab
■ibore It !• qeltecertalB that (brousbout state.
Mdap far ChHba*» aa (oata to Uknow, d- way.- -I1n afraid yeoll ran
drowned at be hat aot be<«
Klaety-yearwld Crattaa nan taken away pad get me lata more koriac the dortt.
m ptoklas eberriea.
saU Baker. ‘Deed oh wimt, Ulsiab
laadaa Jelr II. haalrlas to
Durlas tost (wo yean PC dos* pol- Baksb. Deed ah wanl. Ab e too
Mob la the beaas of HMcaa
fond o' dai cuofcliig at d' Jail, on' dl.
•doo. Mkh, July II.-Baier Bow- Boned at Ualoe Oty.
Itoato Mdsar atood (hat « la a
Butcher at Laaeiss received tojnry
BdlntMirgb. ScoiUnd. anirersily
bat rreelred a oieasase tuitas
bli w VleBoa bad beea bykeliBi
glvi Ihi-degree of doclor u( tow today
For every wumae lo take adranUge
Doybood frleudi of Judse Paiker la
drowsed at Hairey Lake. Saaday. Tbe
iiaiinit Tsylur, rvceatly I’nlted of oar vwtol saksr Artkltw wbkb
^ ftot Md la ebar«e It
rrrr Iowa la Ibe ctaie.
Sts(<-n mlniiri-r lo Sppto aad auw
arc always auful. This weak we ore
■^Me HOW aad (had ttk b
Fnlou ttoyakiaa. w
body will arrire here teoiemiw alsbtof (be SpaalHi treaty' clalau
Tbe boy.erae a nenber oT ibe l6 O. T. eouaty dociarc Taeeday.
km. The Doblto ualveraity from three to eight yard, to the ptawe.
Mayor of Hctoeoek uiU Bake (raatas
M. M. Tnrerte City teal. No. I'l. aad
bestowed Ibe ume degree iia bla
half the orlglnsl prke. wtatcb to 10
tbe Maceabeee will bare ebane of tbe ork to grt rit of tteo.
ci-uple of week. ago.
It.. Ugfai and dark dlmlltoa aad
iDturtaied CblaaBaa at CaJnBei
town.. J VC. Milllksv.
tot at boy. teaali
Ntoo dollan la prtoe. for fowl race
If. a eool, dellsfaUuI spot, where
: (araera' feetlyal. Ionia.
i>u win find tbe mwl delkloos
a year hot dartas the part rear it hat
Filet Ban aad wife tore up nelsbiram eoda you ever laited. all
bor's sarden Just for epite.
pupniar drlnke thst your fanciful palbeneficiaries would be exeladta
tore eollad to »(a ths UedSrooB. Yeaterdar thHr (oode
Blind to»we enueed tartoo. runawor
an imoslne. and with a gooi
from bl. beneCaetloa. if they Isdulgsd
Bond out aod tbo bulMtai i
neeldent at BeaUn Harbor.
coat forget. Courteous and ex- In any d these habiU. HeCalBOUt
! asBla uaed tor a aalocB
Mr. and Mm Jamet Mead. MUllnsBL Poto'ihau. Jalr ti.-n Is roraced aitendaou. Tbe Red Crm carried bto doclrtae of leaperaoce to
Beltalre. Hkb.. July Zi.-Jadse
asnl hate that the Bantaa locoa- Cbartea Hoehradel wbc iatsaded
iwtll .bow you tbe way. by nicbl • the extent of odristog asalnil tbe eaHayae ha. appoUied. r. B. tniUami, B. celebrate sHdea weddlac.
-r------ H lane ta the dlreetloa d
Tekoataa otocen areel two rouths
|diy. The American Drus Co.. 2:
d any aun or woBaa oa the
Jr.. proseenilBi atlOiW for Antria
After the ire aa larerUiaUaa
for indulsins In pillow flsbt.
mmcchcdtt paee has haea dliaatnat
Front 8t.
estate wbo sBokas. drtoks or tue.
tawed (hat BOBcaoe had saw teto
drugs. All of bto MBS ore said to be
by tbe death d the Hoo. flleh B. WII- Forty piece, of cutkic taken troD
■a wmmin d the bulldiaE aod taaen- HsaiL
Owouo cblUm to Mve bnrned brotblaveierale
I eotlaa hatUuf between the buUlas
Mr. WinioB. li a craduaie tni
Dur Ice cream parton and tada (oaapaper aad th( aiapUitais. Tbk bad
g mac case here frua Port
law deparuaeat d tbe .tale nnlTur
tHn 1. becoming more popalar with
Nortbvlllo laarttoal tony keeptog
beea Usbtad bet ealy bnraed a BBall
. lo wMi bto fartaoe and
■artlB. Jalr n.-R la stated hero the hole la the wauber boanHas- Thea, a Hty. sad i. ta tail Brat year ot .
the pwkulsr pevmk dally. Our
youtb» fioB apeodtos borMt on tbe
cream, are rkb. pure aad deltciou. obialned a place a. Besseugrr for a
artelas fraa the aeteBio tra was aurted la tbe waate paper ta Ike. bat with s Uberal.edueaUoe. Ugb- ■irceia.
kotiwu Slock earbause boaklag
hr Haeela haa heea aet- the baaiBiaL Tbli salaed eeualder elas. obDIly sad tbe vsinabk tralaias
aad our fiNinlala will anrprtu you
Pajae. Jeraue. pieced -vnuow
aSoeded by aMoclatioo wltb Us t^faer Tree- quilt eantaiotos 2.««* pleceewith It* gind thing.. W« deliver (roe hos«.. say. tbe New Turk Pre« Tbe
Oad w the fadlowtat
to headway aad had bureed
Bcalnil me, aa>how. Ab won'i
uCrbsrge loan pan. of ibecity. The Iiiber day be wa. taoi to (be idkcr of
tbe Boor aad the aide of tbe haUd- I win prore eqaal t
Cold etorase plant at aebuol for deuf
- Bn Baker tnisted bim
Morgan A Oa to get Mvae Rrk
cure itaM ta mmck the Hataeta. Baannd doBb at Flint oearty cnpleted. Seymour .bowed up si (be Jail and L* Oretll Candy Co.. 221 Pronl 8i.
-oat of tranMer" Murgna'.
BL Joha. baby swallowed pin mt- bad blBtair locked up.
clerk. wUhiag to know wbOB be rep
«ai par aa UdoMltr aad wU bt
erml Bonlb. as<h oounhed It up Botarrerated, s.ked, ~VChm do yos come
■MB dB««H ta (ha (ataro.*
Waahlacisa. Jaty II—Tbe fbltowYcry attractive display of Iratber froar -Fruffl Purt Huron, Hkbl
The atataa <f the eotaatoet ta
Jalr n.-4Uwall
i». the new p.-«r bav. la a v. I
it tatacimphto report of aa oubace
Doctors IE nual dlrtricu bury al- mln.tri'l. ha. bren geac-rally credited riel) of leaiben. sImi purses aad .bu|e gan." wu (be proud and pruapt reeat to help It proiPiy.
he aalburslilp of "Dlxle.lendtog puttoaM Injured fnlllas froB
ride (or tbe leper eoloay aad tbe
l>lng tmt« wallelK. card eaiu
cherry treea.
bto rigbt and iltiv i« belne dUpuiod,
nUBe ctady ot tbe dtoeaee.
I— Trwverwe City amveulr vpoou..
Teu^eorald btr arrealcd at Wen It being rtolme<l ibst Will S. Ha.rv
ta the toper artltoBeat at Moh
the ba.v. club bou^-. Central iichut^
I hare three or four very desirable
the orlglE.'or of the Bii^ic anil and numeruiis designs, wbkb arc bonaBay aty for kaocktog dosn and kid.
theta- oBen ta Asaat CaUeaha Xto there are Ptl aatlre BawaUaaa.
tbe words. Hays ba. written many ilful and modest to pries. B. VC. Ras- omcc ttioas for rent, atagk or to
Ins Ulttoglrl.
Vaco, thlf atate. hr oBeiala. Are
.nlle. Hghi and writ docorated. bating
ir rong.. It Is claimed that Batatfaad tatanasd tbe pawon that the
Tract J.M0 aerea snulas toad near
I. the Jeweler, ZSt Front 8t.
wliad the rmraor reqaectlas p)
ga., electrlcKy and water, oac aigWi
wotai (oeaptar* tha Uataoea by tbrelawn. City bUas need for poMure (or! nwit rbanged Ibe word*.of -nixie'
up In tbe McNamara block, eewtrally
himself sad by rlactag the .
Wa taaae aakse Staala Kharated bar.
LWO Haauaa .beep.
WaeUastoB. Jaly Il-towto Gaiee*.
loeaied on Froot BL. at rary reoMBmade it famoas.
MilBiai MM Wiliiiii
geologivi and Mkattot. Joaepb able lerat. Atoo aoae cbotee taUrswt ran of pine loci ever on
the Oalted Stales eoaeal at
•L pHwihi. Jalr It—The ter
l-e Come, bat beer erected to Ytwe- prured cHy real uotate aad bslldlag
Lake Bapcrlur received at Darasathat the Baae
valley by the Sierra Club of Call- lots, wbicb will be ecu Ml hargalr
Owned by Nceier estate.
•ported kOtod
After you have tried rubber beel>
Asaas Caltoate are Oareaet Way aad
Ule a daasbter ot Joba Uasnw an your vfaops woutda'i It Jar yoa to b-- fomla It 1. a hidgel bulli strongly price*. B. HcKaBora.
aartRlns to tbe hay field near wlthoui them? Tou can't Imaslne the tn-l Kimply cuoi.inlng ooc large naa.
Clto. ebe fell from a load, breaking an comfort and care they gite one. and It Zitsr. u-^i, with • large stone Areplare
r -ad, and a Mnall room on either
Ploekily drore to Clio, wbere win do away wtih that tired feeling to
•klc the eatranr.- ..n the oppoelte rad.
tbe brokea bonce
set aad .be re- ' (hou wbo are tan.tantlyae their fee:.
It 1. tl the upper end of Ibe valky
lamed hose.
otf white you watt AlWayo. Ommr Mat B4g-. DBTBOIt
d a Bredng and the first seven j frej V. Frledrleh. nppmlic
taetead or arTeettos U
n on tbe tlm have aabiertbed near : Rerurd otCre
itaven tbouMad dollars. It to prob-:
TeatllgaUoa it to p
e that the bank will be ready («'



The Kind Tod Have Always Boii^t
In Uw For Over 30 Years






W. Uarrtoa wai atraA by IlgbtBlas
at 1;K) o'eloek tbta aftenMraa aad tonaat^ UQed. Hie bob wia badly taJared: JuH how badly eaaao
Hr. HantoB woa attadlaf to the
» or hie ban aad hi. eoo waa Bear
hiB whea tbe holt caBa. Ur. Harrl
BBed to roeelre tbe faU fane d Kepablkaa NoBiuee for Ciieolt Ctoun
tbo stroke aad dwth waa laetaalaaeoua The haia naght oa Ire aad faeMow TaA. Jalr It ItapaMtoai
fare the btou eoold be extlasu]
. aad Hatara. All tbne pwae
tanaaaa haU hen aad at Oyrter Bar It with an tbe eoatWf waa a total
uid. either laberlird tbe dieei
Itk weak ban laniud ta aatahllahThe lose to lUtl.
ere latected with U by ibUbj
tag a a«aat aoaSdaaee ta tha protretottoas
wHb peteoo. wbo had It.
r. Rantooa woa 4T year, of age
fBOB *m taybltoai Ttatorr la
taU ragtoo. hta tather harta«
^^tta prahahto atataa at the Haeaaal' tea. oae of the pfaaeeB of the aec(■■•Bto JadBB to tha light «f the ia•*—“ - w«e aad aornal
Lake Aaa. Mkhn Jaly U.-C F.
tosaea ta ha easnlsad hr Jadfs
Basel and wife of Sbawmao. WU_ ore
iNTb tatoenv aad hkal cuadlUaae to'
' are oe a rlalL He U atoo looklas
taa saeatal atataa. hn haaa eaiuMIr
tier hi. plaalBs Bill hue.
dHtollHI The rosalt. ana Bader the
C & Towaky of tbl. city ha. aUd
meet peaalBtotk new. storwi a clear
hi. propMty here aad be wlU. with
BM sale Bakritr far BeesaeaH aad
(aadly. Bore to Mlnourt. B.
FMeher aad IhBlly wtu BecoBpaay
Both (BBlUcs Bad It aeonuir
a tota Tko ItaHdntial Aartondi. Mkh, Ju, u.-xhe tag to so to a tnllder cUaiate.
J- T. Thykw lati here thia tKnUai to
UBoy people buB Trareree Cliy.
bagia laytas th.nhtoihatwUleoe- Haatotee. Chtaso. «tc, are reoarUas
aa« Itarth aad Booth Maaitou blaada. here.
toe lato Bafcee the (arBer amlle.
W QMHraa ahd O
the aah toad by a uabto which
.. eade at Otoa Hareo. North Haaltoa.
, howew. has had ao aula load cm. Onwa. Mlcto, July Z2.^to. Mar
am McRellar.-who has bees a Ble•toaary far ibe parttblrteeu yean, to
ten rtoUias ter atoter. harias orrtred yartarday. Dr. HcKeltor hai
ta poor beahh far aoae ttaie aad
- *aMa,Jalrtt—AtatoBtaBiiaealnd
tala afiaraota ivnta h«irr Brtac at
H:M a. B..o« Boa pealaaula. which
to M tbe SMI eatraaee d
It to pnavail that the
M hr the Banlaa
iVilini whtoh, waordlae to tahar
taHk to la that rtdaltr.

ffoMg to Build?


we bare learned In . day. I>m
year* ot hard work and rareful
study. We use pun- driigv. eompound i
them wtib aecurari and charge you
Best price (or our «enlr.-«. Ilrinr
day by day. Tbe tboe eemeswtraoK
Bore Hep swbt 6mn bcwltb to total.
nexl use to BugWs City Dmg
Tbe Ban whs W mifiscd fium todiEither pbooe.
gcHiae or gutne trouble
mn be fata] to the deep-walks. WiB
he dnw hack ur wfll be take tbe fintl.

to tad be h« take '
ton Hep fium b____
wh^ can wa be IV-

Of your family would enjoy a ban-,
lorfc lo lounge to these taut days and
beautiful erentogs? JuH take a vote
tbe subjeci, ibea come and h't ur
>w you what wr bate in ihr Lxm
ck line. Any color you fancy, »ed
price. troB llAO to „d ,he kln.l
win lau for years. B. F. Saxte-u
Hardware Co.

Few people realixe bow much
hvalib to eaua^ by ibe ordinary .ys; i
tern of beating, wttefa bakes ibem one '
lad efaills them tbe n.-xL Cbak
pell'i Hot Air PumaCT sy.ceB gives
en. deligbtlal warmth la cold v
BlM wrolber and to under perfect coeirtd. This mean* comfort and hewlih.
Doctor, know Ibis—a*k yours—and
I over with Arms A Co>.

If .Ml. the South Side Lumber Co. at Travene
City is the place to buy your material. Shop
and mill work done on shon notice. Give os
a chance to fijfure orf your wants.

Craptm City* lllich.

Traverse City Business College ‘
1a.m. a 4 a. a aad
Has no superior in prepAring for busioess.

Special Attcpttfln to Esch aad Ererr
Read what
say of us:

or High Life CoBeu aod yon will
ey* teouM yoa fa
> CBoi do M at
forget tbe other brands. It ha. that
yoBBif** te - •sdeata^a^ ••
^taV to to •{totto"butwbfah rich, delightful Oavor that you are so
g^t^-ftcamJcftatahyu. fond ot but M> rarely Sod. And at#
It to am expenalTe. Too wUl find Uito
« ' *■ 5^*? 4*.
CumasH groeevy the neatest aad ciegeest u.
Scaae M<dfaal Adriaa, »re^|T‘. Pb
frr amvt,fiwr by
' iv the etay aad everythtag to It fr«b. but
ibe aaleamen Both phtaow U R.
^ rr*7 ^^fiafrfffriSlr^tr^ SUetacy. 411 Unlos Bl

Good (or Man or Bwut. Cuna
Inrta and palna anywhere la the

pain. Good for evcryttiinc that walla.



Soufb Side Cumber 0o-

studems aod


their employers

• j



Deao Sia:- It affords me pteaaore to Hate that Pm*
. i:hoB la. gweninogt excellent totixfaetitm as a Mc»ograpber darin£ paH two yeaia. Altfco^ car work
r^tures tta kuo^edge of mas>r icdniesJ w«r^ am)
phnaea. yet Ur. J^oe hai luOy met tta rrinimni iili
I* fWival
Voors very truly.
Med. Sopc Northm

Keep K In yoor boon.'
ketp It at yonr enr harm-

.iVloxio&n Nlustran^ l^inimeril;

ffr.SSESf*--- —
_ss;2e3L‘a."2ftSi-”’=rii=£=s2yj3f- —


P£B£ Marquette

>«nab I AUB't bBsa to An an oM
wooddmx-all day toog. Wtob
BT Batardaya. Uke oUar boysr
a.Hrt aa ha tambtod aa armfal
d wood fwrr eareWaaly toto Ue boa.

ttl kel ck. M « «».

|7|ir M
; 1^ Mr>

I viMntecr «0h.
fcw! •*“


«IMi« tk». M* «lMn NSW

Tka UtdM Tabto OMtoth.


* tW

«rfi« aAon tk* «v


aadayM aM yoa wiy tortel aboat
I Isurrato at not. bat tbay AM
tkebaoL Stay oat d tka taa at and. tMt oatanl water to ran rdraaUbC
a poartMa. Stow ap a Ultte. Itoal BM tbey naa U alUBatker to prda"
varBo. Bat atfll keep kaay.
Ee a» aU other drtakA If a
Doat (nt oM feme aad atov abort
apla aWan vUl anaaeb (hi
4y that tUi araatkar It (art
Tbay fcarv U at vaO aa yoa
pot aed btov bM aay
M7 An BlBBUt that yoo
an draMMOy van. loot baralag op


hat do Mbar boys do oa Bauvday. dearr asked mamma, tab* was
bray to ifcitke Katob-a troortoa.
the ndbrcaa took ap the btoek.
n be aac* eoaghl dter aM
-Why. they go Aablng. Bamma. aM
heart cberrlaa?
ly ba a acaaa d Haanlag I
aM iBawballini aad erarr
mace aad other reanlta d drlaktog. How eaa the wrea beep bar brnod
aiag Btow-oM I hare to JnM work,
Bale aad abHiered aad aerred wiu
all day, only }u« in the afternooo.
aed that drat teat oore'e a mlnrte.I oaaru d- green |
Out la aoeb pitUeaa. peHIng wealber.
Ralpb'a face was very rad, for be
Draaebed aM drlmtog trocn cneb plaElt a bit aahased to be ao cttMa.
rben mamma was touklag at him ao

If yoa do yoa vUI oaly ao
tot tar BQpkuifd tkttrt*. toaea
van toeka vto] aM la aa Mtoir
e yn aay
t: r* kvi ki iwu*.
totoa. onetoth to vUla. aarbto or
If yoa bare baea to the
toBM vaod aatati It alet for tkk
baMt d aatlat AapjMha. cora cakes.
chop the ntolaa rather coanely.
peaa. Lay It ea aMothij. aM
aM hot areata. Jort «alt aad try fraak
oraagea Into kalrea aad n
JetoT friilu. baked peutack dova.
Jnlee aad palp, dtocardtaf the
Ban or van peekatt mmU oat cd
nd ttaaaad rtca Innaad. If yoa
a. Oook Um peel d three d then
tfcif aO etotk art rto fcaady to fcaat
rar rtaoack vllk haatpntdodat
or btaMe tka atora to I
■ vUI Mra ike aaae aSaet totun elolkt. ^uca. Iroa baUMt.
»• Mrt7 Mn OM, i»i»t <
twice. Drain, remore tbe white part
Maaol aO etotk vall«a
atol aaaa of food
AB< flMt
teM tM» «Dl
froa ac peel by aeraptog It of wtli a
l^tk aoBto brttkt (rtUU
•ovm'addt a U( <d aotor to tbe toiM- oat yoa MBi expect to be cool. Jaal apooe. a<B cm It toto aarrov atrtpa.
oalag a pair d actoaen (or Uli
aalbla. taataod d dtiaklnt bear
Aad Mfm Um van.
pose. Put tba baertaa. aagar, rairtaa.
Pltla vUU tdlelotb aadt toto bake aM tee eeaa aoda try bottermllk
Mara) ri an! «k. M at kla.
r cook aprcau It toaM nrr atafal. leataada. Diat driak aaytbiat lee oraaga palp. Idea and rlM MgaU
Hr ton aa< L vhtra 4rta^ nn
a graana kalUe. heat atovly
ba Men ef Iktat apMM tbeald bt eotd.
bditog and boil twaaty mlnutaa. or aaobM
araaM vtib Upa. or t
Daet dtow yootaelf to baeoa
tu tba ayrnp to iblrtt Put tolo
taktd. A tapt brit caa M pal oa.
tabto tad tree* aad (rattol and
BIM. tabto apmi tor ekUdrto. UU- lak. It vUl oaly make yoa trot. Keep Jan aM aeal.
1 aata aM aplaabtn an aant fl( the cool laaWe aad yoe vlll bar
I vUi vto* tram tka tonato
aatoal thtofi to M aadt vltb
troabto kaeptag eoo) ooUlda. li
vWto oil doth. Tktaa oaa M
AM yoaraalt la a lather d ivcat.
■r wbo tbopa (or bar
laaalttbatoBtt. Ikaavt
truable. (art tblak bow yoor body la ova table via the laianUoa d bnytag
it*u aafto a aad M bow
beiag partied by hartag all tbe poltoa- pun foods aad aroUlag M
aaktoc aM atUlac theaa artletoi
baa a dlOrult task before
tat adta kaody vtth tka brath. akt
Maka vUto tka toadt.
baa to inra that the real <
dtMnta tbta vtik fnK. dovtrt.
II vMaaUI ck. tot at oah.
to liftaler aad altogelber
toarhtp 1 Ml o( HMtrtiv
Reap yoonalf daoa. Tike a
Aaror to tbe maaafactiin
ror aatdaor or tava eaahlaat I
batb latkaeraalBc. Chtage ro« aa- aba baa to kaov Ua many stgni that
tm tko tUac. u daapaaM or a IlUto
dtaa. Itocat
tba cheap caaned goods
rata vffl aot ban tbaoL Ckaoat
DMt VMT hot colon, like red or traex tba baalOfol oaos. aad many oU.
praity paufcvorfc daaltk tor tkit pa^
Wear white If pesalUa. U yoo or aiBff aot easy to ablate correct
look cod that via go a toag vay to­ tetormatloa abort oatoaa aba to deeply
A MaM vke ktapt lueain a»
ward making you (eat eooL
laiereated In tbr sobjact aM to Ua
atrip el eO doth to eattr ktr i
IM tka atacalar aMti va acraa to
Keep yoor body cMaa. yaor Itacn veUara of the family. U la suiad that
It tookt vdl. aM araa
MB ttla;
tab. yoor taoiper nect, yoar alad Arms are now eagaged to aaklag maoarptt tarn mack dirt ud vaar.
aty. aad yon vlll bare ao worry ehiaaty to tarn out artlAdal coffee
Oalta a Baabar et paaple hart thtIP
to ka aat *nra oa «aat tve (tat,
lout kaepiag eooL (act aluply be beaaa. vhleta arc nonldad tow tbe <
Mtbta valli eoTtiM vUk oU ctotb.
•a Btoh to tka graai. van
saalbto aad doat Make yoarartf bo( act -b.p. of Ute genuine article, a
bat tka paptr luutiti latally oklaet by trying to keep eool.—Medical TalkkaaM ct Ood
iben rarntobed with coffee enract
K ta aeeooal et It bdat hard
: *Taaaftoeat aattotofatlMkaat
eonplate Ike dacepUon.
U. Whaa eaet aa. bavtnr. It a
A Biritola Way ta ■
t aa aga. aM eaa be taally vatk
Blaaehing CloUIng.
Dorotby via followlaB Anot Buaice

> -r- . WkM drntalM mr

atker wood eotort art aler (or vaUi.
Not toot ato.1 MV oil doth and la
i aaltraiy aav vay to tot. A Mead
bad tott Aalabad bartat ktr parlor r»
‘ *,<toaagt vUM tka toaiiMM kltt
papered tad rtUtad. It vat aa
heaot. aM tka aav torntahtoci oaly
bdped to abov oC tbe aatithtly. oa*M4t»
tna btartb vith trealar platoabat
(art tbea *bt coaM aot alord to ban
btartb laU. 10 tbe bM It
a Bataall Lovaa
(aUy earared vltk atrarml plitt d pa­
per, aad thaa ortr tUt tka ttmebM
vbita aarblt all datb aM ladcad It
aeaUy aroaM tka adna. It really
vat «Blta aa laprertBtal orer the
bara btartb.
1lra.BaavM la aakt to afl ktr
Stoaraa el taUa all etotk baaed
arooM vHh aUB braid pat to aedar
tbe ohm vhBa eharalat or betidt tbe
bakatable vUI be «olta a Mrtac to
a aad ebtoa vat aot iba Utebaa aarpot.
Laap aau nda d vhtu dlelotb
aM vorkad araoad tbe adta vUk nd
M^M vool or ootue yen la battia« alert—ran aad FVeloa. Had Ma haaa
itM Ma vobM. Hka tka otkan. Maa
ttn. kMk ea Ika ntorar aad tka
Caaktog Frvit ta tka Ovaa.
■attot; aad kad tka vtokad to am
Maay tratu an rlMar aM battar
imm tka tkk. aka vtmM kan vra- tor bataf aaokM to the erm. lartaM



aa mmt aat, uwawa. mmm i^wan, WMra
toanad. AM kad akt baaa Ukt aeau
la Ua dreaawtaBen tka
vaaH aat kava titod to pax bar dabta.
Ika kad a (iMd eealai to tptM
tka tooMk <« jato vU ktr aad tk«
vaatad ktr to aaat tka ak» paopto oT
ItMatofcBDvikaaaWtla. Bkacndd
kanaMadakaadndartotoraBtftanaaa aM ao atoarad ktr IM at tka
aMMti <d tkair aotofart. bat kar,
MMd va«H karar pat aa aetaatated
Ilto to vhat tka did. aM U toak
aMato cotran to da to ba hM
baaattfal k^ nrd vRfc a Uuit ponb
vrartoaUac it. Plat oakt aM cauipa

a cmpa c< ua
tvitrto aoM kr vard at topath. m
kr toliikaai. to kata tt tka men
tonal, to “pm la Mr rardtraa t to
V Bka kaat kar cv kaanoad

M talk ootid bt p--— BM vat a
ika'iMdar aM aha Md alvan aoMt-

aa a iM poMt. M(t alvan a<

iM. Jakaa, vtoa aaptodt
M Iktat »arar toOM to
la tola atotr taOtoto Bor

aa Up d Ika rtote. TUt la
Mpeelally tbe coat vhb ap
iraaat aM a^toa. AU troll c
to tka ana abonld ba elaarty ec
treat tu hiwalng. It tboold M
d atovly, can batag takaa that
ad dry aa the diah. Tkla vi
■ppaa If U to vail eanred vli
at Aral aad takM froa tbe on
vfcaa the valar aad augar ban boiled
down to a rick Mty. la moat
tbe (ran abooM M eaokM aboa
a day. or tor aenral baart. A
wan pipkto or a baary aartbat
ding dtoh. corered vlih a plala. to tba

lecuog CM d tba rttoks dnm «■ !*«•
wbkb toads Uto croaaar Oaa

r caa (be redrtaK AM bto kar

purely ibay'd all get vat to IW
If lone kind (rtrad dldal call

a la tba badge tMre’a the n
Bat ber aert to foU. yoa
Aad Ue
tbe Maket
Wonldo't lake a (eltov la. If yon ask

svcrtly. amlllog la ber quirt vay.
-Well, dear." abe said, "we'll bate
ale* tlB»e Ibis afternoon, lor 1 vnnt
on to br my ooaebman. while I go
BVn to Mn MeFkdden'a aad toose
olbar ptoceo-But ibere's eomr one
Will yon gi to Ue door.
Ralph opened tbe kltgbea door, and
Uere stood a boy about hto ova stxe.
vltb my old cloibes aM a very
bright (ace. and a large basket
taM pltaaaatly:
"Waat soma nice pop corn Imllar

He COD rery well take care d
He Blgbt ran Mlvaen Oe
abouM (biBk.
Or only stop toag eaongb to

TbryTe freak as aoytblng!*
'Who makra Ibem*" asked mamaa.
-Bill.—he's my brotbrr.—be makes
'em Digbis. after arbool. ae' Saturdays,
aa' I poddlea 'em. eniia. BUI hr's too

t heard a btoek.cap vbtotk a
Which aeeaad to aay. "It v
away soonl"

ame lo walk araaad a>
-Wall take a dosen. aad hare them

Bai tba Uuia Jaya pipe aa lot
Qalla as If It were «~«hiT

great delight of Ralph, as well as Ue
rorn seller bltaself. Then sbe asked
tbe boy's name and addrraa. and put
them dowa la a llnie bonk which abe
kept (or soeh Ihtoga: aad Ue tod want

Priday. Joly ». IMM.
There are ||uie Iciten to tbe So
away, looking plesaanler (baa
bine box today that bba slay there
Ralph felt ao grand
or a IHtle while, (or yonr preaMent ta as ha aat.lB Ue pretty earrlage, beiag
till not well enoogb to edit tbea I
'i eoaebmaa." Ibat be forgot
the priairr. But they will eocne
wantlDc to be "like other
rlgbi by and by. Mraavblle here
boys-" They drove Ann to Mta Mcone chaitolag letter yoo aball hare
en'a. wben‘ mamaa said ber
•wait orer" oa
Yoo will love to br
imaa might go la vltb ber to help
from oar Island SoDsitoera. and Daisy
tbe baakrt of ctolbea tbe
aad Myrtle anal both "cuae again brtnglag to the litUe HePaddeal
aM slay hmger."
big. good natored voama came tea. too. a frtead to Grand ftaptda. door aad tald;
-Salata bless ye. Htoana Holden, nn'
man and a charming WTttrr. sends ua bsrent the ehilden Ja
a pretty story, for which sbe baa our (or'd all the wakr. lo
CloUlng that baa became eery yel- thanks. Take It alt(«U>er It dooen't pramlaed!"
la aed out aaoag tbe earraat buibee.
a Inactoui buadi lov from lying away, or la tlalaed by
frail or mildew may be vbiteaed by
lafb the borttot that birag abort Anat
Ue use d efalorlde d Hme. Diaaotre
•naice-i ana. aad vond^Dg vboo
ronld aay that they bad gaaand 11 to tepid vBier, strain H aad altov a
Ubleapoonful to every pailful of water
cover ibr cloUtog with It tad tUr fre^
re yoa golag to make lolly.
queatly. ao that every fold may lxAustr' abe rcBtured. aaelDg toat her
vet. Let H lie abort two boon, then
abovad no algaa d leariag oB.
wash Uroagh warm water aM rlaae
or', BO. child! Haklitg Jelly to too
well Ihroogb two valera. Used
I voA. Berrtas aad (rail are good
chloride d Hme 1> perfectly harmlaaa.
eaoogb for me Jofi aa aay grow
D a strong aoluilon. or If very fre­
quently oaed Its leodency would be lo
Cfa for aapArt?" Donithy
aa tba hot lan atnaaed down upon
aeorered bead.

Mogb for enpperl Tea. (or half
■aa auppen. I hope." anawered
AOBt Eonlce. abaUag the buaefaat
down Into tic batkac
Ttat you
know that earraato grow avaaier. tbe
toager they an kept r
1 alvaya Iboogbt Oat berrlee
eoaaldered to be beUm freak from tbe
baabat.- Dototby pemtoted.
"Some aay be. bat not
alvaya pick ntougb tor i
earn Bigkt iey are sveatar.
vbea tkey an maaba

By Ola tiaa toe baakat vodM boM
no more, aad Anal Basice lUrtad (or
Tbera'a eomeiilag elaa that It paya
to keep In tbe houae a while before

Not king ago autne roemkrys-earap.-’t

Vcm ntkoaa, rai Fua atraad.
H:lwsukis-, Wis, writes:
- I have liera a sufTerwr fi» ysua wlU
ir.wlde, e

rvim a show oeor Sew Turk. Tb-->
rent to a hotel, aad wHboul rvgisipr
log or paylag any board bewan d>
Uemartves much at boom They
lieMke six doaeo eggs. Ibruwing (tutoy
of them agalbsi tbe wall and sev-mtog
kr great deligbt lo the frracutog
tbey were able to do They also stole
sKrtks (bat had l•r<•n cooked for
a. and played all ktoda of praoka
When fie hotel people eadearurt-d to
. Uem. Uey would roDVwa) ewt
of door* aad bide. Irtler tbey would
hack aad reaew ibelr daqireda

I IS runs, t WM ll>eti IB purtsrt baallb.
M aulqr. hbl ao more bradaobea, to
O-U niT iH-aKh I* now all Ibat I naold
•i.h."-Mr». K. v.m Ruraaa.
KMnay TrnoMa CntoA.
Ur*. M. 1. Ilaaby, Traaaarse ad (ba
Kelweea iMlge.t.O.O.
wrttaa (ram
U> fir.t .tnet.
MlnarapoH«. Mtan-t ...
' wa*an*eud farswvwnl yuatw via
MrtMaktorabto aBatotTItpemi bwodrarta et teMan Itpim ta
ke caret, am a -' — - ~

The Farmer OlrL
tCby Sbe la fstvable.
Rverjtwdy krtr* ber tad ao <

H MoA leas »aa t,__________
eetp see Aafrtri tw effect a pe

Ye ran not help It aM do no
rbo knevt H.
Whee ve apeak of bar. ve «e
n farmer girt.
Why do ve have bee?

- all tbe Ulaklag Ibat ibcj.are

pkde lo do.Becai
-Thit to Itkn a boy." tald Hn. Aqotocontented there. Bbe Is not nil the
n-l. grarely. "Ii to rsry rad lo grow
time talking abort wblaking away
. be atnpM. I am gIM «wr cWlrn to be swallowed ap In some shop
•Iren know merr ibaa that."
(nrtory. The (ana Is gcvul rainigb
Mr. Squim-I whisked his ull rtwr
for ber
bis bend aad ubfc up a nut freto A
Because sbe always ha* a belptog
pile la tbe cornie. But Mra. Affakrat
hand for everybody. She knows bow
aa not Utoklng abuot ber dtanarlo make beds, wash diabvs. sweep the
-I'ocw boys!- nald abe "Hov driMbouse, milk a cow. do aay klad eff
(ul to be no alnpld as not Io bqgMa«a
efaorea that acM doing when Ue
lolka an busy and work prraoeo.
Berrtose abe ran barneoa w Horae
Any* Wha Made 6rart Man.

and drive him aaywbcre.
Is aiA alwre sewing a i
abiri uf a poor fellow who baa brtikra
down la tbe hi
Beeanae abe

Swedish boy fell oat od a viadov
was badly ban. bul vHb cIsaeAad
lip* be k(-pf bark Ibe cry of pain. Tbe
king. (IiwiBVBs Adoipbra. wbo raw Ibe

my fall. pro|ibe«led that Ur boy
>n<iid make- a ana (or an esregon^.
play a byma tune cm tbe plaao
gan. or a Jig on Ue hoiiom tt a milk lie did. Pw be Uwame (be tomora
pall down at the Irtrn when Che B»m
b>i> used to cncsb Ibe Aowera lo
(rtks need 1 belptog band
Beeau*e she U ready to drive- to g-i Ibeir rotor and palnlod Oe wbMe
kl* falher'a eoitage In tbe Tytown II s U>H or a sack of Aonr U
B-iib all aorta *f plrtom. which
needed bM everybody cHte Is bnsy.
Beemase abe loves all tbe alcick (rum tbe rntmaiataean gored ai a* vondar(ul. He was (be great antot. TUtoa.
■be cnivew and tbe lamb* |p
An oM painter wilrbed a tutla falkrw who amaaed bimietf making dravla abort, because sbe I* doln

What Mra. Aquirrel Thlnko.
Tbr old apple tree to Ue cvirna

"How are you grtltag on. Hn. McPaddeor said momma, to her
furubk- way

me aarney'B got tba Jeto at tb' tact'ry
Mr. Kladeraon leu blm work A
days, ae' nighu aftber school,
July UU. l»0t.
an- tUt bllpa aloog:-bui Uc
Dear Mra. Balsa—) moat wrtle and b'y la eraxy fer his sblodyin' an'
II you and Anat Patty about Ue books, an' can't gtl no ilme (er
rrams ranned wltbooi cookleg reIds and Aowera on Squaw lalaad.
-la IHUe JIB doing well, to
Uelr Aavor much belter than Tbe Aral robto Ibat ) saw was on Ue school?"
when corned. Maab tboraagtaly and tub of Marefa. and the drat MarAuwer
"PuKy fnir, mum. brt be t n
add one ponod of graeutoted sugar for
a tbe »<h of April, but since I came uD fer piny, la Jim. Brill be Ira
pound of berries. Stir well and
Squaw Island I have seen a great good bit, an' earna a good bit. loo,
aklm off Ue aeada as long as Uey rise
wid bli boM-blackto'."
Bad wbal remaiaa srlll be vi-ry nice.
nests were to stumps, some to
Afior Mrs HoMeu had asked a few

I auad over nlgbt lo a porcalaJa
eaUag. aad tbatt grapaa." the i
and some right cm Ihe grouad.
or eanbre disb. Can cold in the morn- aad we would look at Ue preiiy eggs
Tba toogar you keep ’em the awe
n cold glass eras and keep la a
tbey tarte; and toe ton banebea. a
lexl 11 woold be Ue cirening IHtle
cold place.
Hecaa are all dried ap aad
. and now (bey bare left ibeir
grapaa bare alaort begun to vUxla.
. Papa found one aert that we

more quesiiona. and pot aom- owes to
ber lltlle Uiuk. they dre^v.- away on
tfcrtr oiber erraada.

Once, when Uey stopped Dear ili.
Times offlee. a great crowd of boys
not look Into That was a craw's ran ou< WlU tbrtr papers, crying.
away ap to Ue top of a tall tree. "TImesr
Last edUhdcml" so loud.
But. oh! I wish yoo could see (be Ibat Ralpb bad lo bold Brown Belly
Sowers; there are aneb a lot of them banl. lo keep her from being fright­
hey are to rery prrity. aad there ened
Mrs. HulSen bought a |
ever so maay dlfferest kinds. saying u> ihe boys nearesi ber:
That* U one kind, a tlille plak ben"I wish I could buy one of ra
Sower tbu otpells. oh' so swei-i. yoo. for I iblnk It Is splepdld for boys
the woods are fall of them. There to earn Uclr own way to tbe worldf
a great amay paUs Urough
And sbe gare Uem aucb a amlle

but thlag to oook trait la.
! yew wish yoo had kept Bi
{■mas. If eoefcad la tbto vay. abaold
ba aprtaklad with taa thartagt trea
tba yallov rtM d an onage. tad.
One quart new milk, one plai granu­
therdore. aboald M IlgbUy csnrM
mlpe calls for "slightly lated augar. Juice of three lemons Bilr
BM eeoked atovly.
Cl. It aeaas tbtl the
Juice Into Ue milk, tbea stir
Aprtcoto aboald ba uokM a tong should reertra about Aftees atrakea d
aad (reeae. Tbe milk trill
tiaa Altar tba eager to added, taka
--------- ------------------rdlag to What to Ulcfcen at once when Ue lemoa Jolee
eonr aad tot tka mm g1
bklforyaae. Vba aggi are "tllghtly
llitto. bat eol bardaa. Wbaaooldbatb beatea’ tbay ate not separated, bat
l produced by a Joakrt tabwooda. Tbey all leM cm to Ue bcMb.
the wbHe and ydk are bnlea togeavHkcraaa.
the little pink Sowers
Appiaa aooktd to tka ena atialB tba
ahmg ue both sides of all these paths
'Ven baataa ass'’ aaaaa eggi
Pnu WHb autternd Effga.
Mrtitaoey d a rtoh preserre. They
here Is a great Wg
hare beea baaira till they are light
tboold be parM aM AaartarM. tpalaPut
by «e of ibeae paUs tad that la
aM pale yeltov la color. %ga dbouM
ktod Ugbtly VUk aagar. AanrM
paa wlU a piece et butter, a teaapooa- Just corered wtU Oaae lovely
aerer be beaten la Ua. on aom
and cooked all day

ra. UUIe Stater Vloln III
aror It to likely to im.
Ttry atovly aalU tba trvH to a
pepper, aad new uaiH tender. Beat naad by that rock to pick Sosrera (or
Nor rtmoH a ela.
rM aM aleeiy cryaulUtad. Tbay
eggs and pour orer Ue boiling
isa. boi abe always picks tbe
egg be dropped leto a large dlab
abeaM M temd VUk cnaa. Aygtlaa bovl. where It la ateou last whan c
: aad oa tana aa eggs act. terre at
a too abort,
gfMared la Uto w an rleb. aM far Mat to beat it. Leag. nairop beaiera
oa buttered toast, before egg.
c go aall boai riding moat every
tbto na«m aaay boankaapar.
aay be panaaaad that will last At caa bardea.
when Ue wind is fat. aad
mtor tba oM-toabkaad apple •
lato a taabler. vbim to Oe bent d all
ilmra papa girea ns
Cberry Batty.
Otoga to vbim to beat aa «
ride awny aroaM Ue tolaad. and Uere
Sbabaib to aaatber (nilt that mb M
aggi are waabsd bdora tbey an
Cherry batty makes a sand deaterl;
great, great big rock out to Ue
aiealy eoakad ta tbto vay. Cat aa
broken. Ike abelto may be put away Pat bread ernmbt. dotted arlU butter, woier that bad a tea gull's,ne« cm It
tbakartr to haVdad. taagtha. vllhoal
la altanau layen with cberrlaa: wkh two ante HtUe new gulls to H
mitog it. BM pat It la aa aa
When toe wklto d aa egg la to be sprlakle vlU sugar. Hare Ue Um The old sea gulls were very angry
kaefclacdlih. Tt> a «oaaa rad atoad
baataa alone Arm d aU cbm H Umr- layer of eramba jpll dotted vHb but- vbra we roved near Ualr naoL My
•talka add too eopa d atgu. Oerar
oagbty aM Md a plach d salt bdore ter. Let u ataad awhile. Uaa bake to slater Myrtle was afraid of tlmm. We
IM ebabarb VHh a plata. aM aat It
vhlppaA The vUU aboald be
hare iois of airavberrtea oat here.
t aadentaly hot araa. aM lal It
beaton to a aanow dlab. itoe a cop nr
We have all ve caa eat erray day. brt
k tor aboat two boon. Ufttonry
nbler. la tbto way U niu fraa
Uey won't last m<
aM toley k vm M ba aaoMaai
braber WUbor bus
idd wAtar. Taru Bade (ram rb
• pat dog.
Two vhttaa beaten teparately aake
‘HrM Feat.
" aemmie. one la btoek and
k aoohM to tkto vay an eapedat
ion troa ana wbaa benton ttgeOer.
BI bav bonaafcaepen are tfOBb. Bincy and ao tot abe can bardly valk.
am. Tbap ihoart bt corarM vHh _
■ggt an baataa \e a fraa" vbea lad wfU Oat dtoagreraUe baratag
We bara aoma lUUe chlekcrtA TtolM
aim vklta aerlaBaa. Oa«a baaaa- they will SUM ahae. Tbey are but
aBBaltoa Is tired (aat dartog the hot
ea -tin dry" wbaa they ban a cer Joly veatber. try a hot foot bau via
Oam. aM va bara a Uttia Hack
rttay iMaaiaam. aM. tka bowl bafclag rada la Oa water brtoie ra.
Papa aaU Hynia aM i ooald
tortbatahto. They
badag tonrtod. ton not aU ta a I
Urtag; aM to Oa mcartlag tba gala baya him. 00 va all ham anrarth^ I
vOi not retara ra H bra bara to On
habU o( dotog. a. BB. •» the daay

Several of the faucrt aitradai
atoned la pursuit of ibe memkrys t
ran bigbi-r up in Ue'in
serrwebtog with exrtit-m«-nL Wbi'ii l
rkifbtw Anally were S>vur.d they w.

u make tbi- world better ihae any­ lags of bta pot aad hraabc*. eaart aM
body etoe <w i-artb. We can acif belp rbsil. and aaid; '"n>al boy wttl beat
me some day." Mr dM. for be waa
toeing her And

> Ue Duslla laodar.
Pant in Turnip,
c creamed peas la turalp
a doxea new roond wblla turnips,
lum slxe. and cook to boiling saltrater until lender. Meanwhile

make a white aance. using one tableUUcsDrtMr.BMMi
apoonful aoeb el Aour aad butter and
a pint of milk. Take a pint of
rr If you do bare a sick preoldeui.
peas, rooked tender, aad add to tbe
ir Bui the laaT loo rick tu
-. aeaBunlcg to taste wlU salt and iblDk of you every day. and to love
pepper. B’ban Ue lurnlpa are tender,
ni. Sunbeams!
but not broken, drala. scoop out a
tf .
a the center, cut a slice off.Abe
bottom ao tbe cops win aland iiprtgbt
81. (amea. Bearer lalaad. Mleb.,

eugar I eaa teU toe dISerence between
tnekl, picked ooea
hare beea la tbe bouae lereral daya.
Maybe H a a aoUon. bm H a JtooUoa
lake to."

protxy bus aM an the fancy fortmtovi that Urb More. Tbanr abe
treat bar tnraka pad iptrad rat a
bM aM chain to bar room. aM then
want dova ataln to dlaaer
rba eattog she looked «i> i
IW aad saw a moakry arrayed la
•at ptotnrr kal and tore JmAH.
aa grimaclBS and chaltrrlai
rrMantly MaUred himself gr
she eaaghl sigkl of another
key amred to other apporrt brhwgiu

wm pern gtonra nrad Hyitlp aM .
(Bch a awd aM tortUB. aa va ^aU

Uey all looked as bappy aa Uough
tbe had bought paper* of Uem all.
As they drore la tbe bright auos>
light, mamma looked at Ralpb. aad

Mlcbael Aagebi.
A (lermao buy wot rcMing a blood
aM-Ibnndcrr novei. RIgbl la tbe mldat
to- said to blmteff; "Now. Uto
aerer do. f grt (uo mneb etcMad

Ue tone Is boBow. There Is a Iwto
to tbe trunk el tbe tree near tbe top.
Here Hres a Utile family of aqnlrrrla.

k Into tbe rtrer.

One day Mr! Squirrel raa n|
irre aa fan as be conM "Hr drar."
saM he u> bla wife, wlma hr was
la Ue bole again. "I was afraid I
should aerer rnoeb booM- alive."
"Have (boar boyi beea Ibroi
stemra at you

agaiar asked





with aa angry whisk uf bli tall -They
were rocks! Tliey were as Irtg as ap

.ad be Song Oa
He n

A bMgbt mile Sveyear-old ffirt was
iBugkt BO appropriate verse to rapoat
to 8aadBy,achnol. 8fae bad atoe rooratly learned a little noraery rtytoa
wfaleb bad prufoundly ImpnoaM bra.
In Snaday acboal, wbra ber taaciHr Called npem bra to give ber vrara Ut­
ile Htoa Flveyrar-Old forgot all abort
byma. and elmrUad tbe'wbato
ai department by rising pM tedemply rrtMwUog (be faUovlag:
The cm I and Ihe eel aad tbe aartolAA-

aoyUlng to hurt ihow.- Imys."
'They doo'i think uf that." sal'
•Tbey- cl.m'i know kow to thlnk?asked hi* wife
•lupid afii-r all. "

"Perbapa tbc-y are

Tbe«- wrat ici call u> ibe toopte maa.
The anapfat man waa art vttbla,
Ad gone fo ride on a roWag gla:
fto they all came hock by way c( tbe

Tbey UInk li I* fno to see me ruB."
lald Mr S-iulrr.-l, ' And (hat a


-You wtpild to bare Saiurdayw like
Mber bon, dear. Now, wbkb woold
you raUer do.-pop eorn to a rtaffy
room go 'round to all toru of a
er. aelllag H; work to a factory: btoek
boats, or sell papera'"
Was It Ue suaaei.—or what vi
—that ibone oe Ralph's face, ta be
looked up aad raid toflly;
"1 Utok I'd raUer AH Ue wood-box.

The pnrehaaer of a Ptono at th.c

i. n... beqeq, of oar tt

rrara- etperietic* buying, selling and man-jto' Urlci; naara. We
kaow from actual l«., .od frum caniui ob»rav„toa uf our Hanot
todrtly UM. tba, we ba.e wlthou. an, quraitoo Ue ,,,«** lto« „ Oe
country. S« <me at lao good mak>-t to (cee ap a line of tofarfra
-commerctoJ-tortrumeni*. lutt ev.-ry Ptono faad we carry It maksa to
rtl) I. « noqnallAed Hmdra to It* ranlcul.r elaaa. Wc are prood of


“ r;-'-z


.1!'.!:.!°""'”* -orid-fra.,.nM makraare aold raclu.I.ely

re boys and glria at a
were not more Igttrrated to (be moMeps Oaa ta aay aOra animal tbera? Thar. U m wondercharm atraot tbeaa ernatorw via
ibalr trk^ and prank*. One oeera
•oBkar vUl dp naxu
ao one ta BMR to a osmauai aUU
aprauiion. A mtmkay vUI took at
aa sober aa a JMga. that aMdraly maka a fane that vriU aat yoa M
«»T»l*loat <ff laagMra. or ba
MMdy lira na A vtok. ra mac*
0 ray Oat be knovn all abora
rtktog. ra« K ba doaont tad k to







incx, erideoced by our Iremendou* and rapidly grmrlag boataraa Peapie come here expecting to do beura than elrawbare and Ora mra
sever diaappulaied. Beiag Plano manufacurers w* ore la (ooeb via
erery branch of the burtnra. nod have . posHJre ______
cost, from Ue raw material to the Ani.bM prod
M to onderaell all Mber dealer*.




itotototoMi^»««»i*?|"«V _

toaa to balM ai^bdttd la Fn
Bajaaa. UaHod ftatea
MB. Ibi rabortad K w toa
rtaaal. Haraaa w <bat
that *IM a«aatto >a>aMb>a «aa latrodaead fraa tba baabt of (be Rltrar

• ■*•« b oii dir via kv
Mi. •» O «h* **>7
MMMMttaBtfm Mfftf mmmi. Mn. Tm<M«

Haiaedaa. Drosair.
maca br Prof. Beekal. dlreetor of

•Bib « M w b M J* Am
Setaa^bavaaWlrrlt. BMt
to baaa a udAMM ter dd raan toa toaher tbaad aat vbo ba
BM baa abort « -MtoU gtodM.’ Oaa >am la Bot oa tba doer, ba
ef ibaaa aaltsa^ ba arm. to aa ladlaa :M(k ibara aad toa fwaiiar*
gH.aBdahalatoaoaa.batUMa. '
If a btak sad a ebair. Ha
DoL 8alto la toa atoar varM
d It. that aeabUag-toa Mfa

tba C*ab] laRltala at Hanalllea. la
Its orictoal atata toe tabar to rarr Utlar. bat Dr.' Haefcal broaoaacae aura too toniu of toor raara of asbarlBiaati wlto IL la tba aaae aefl
toa rtoid to cnatlr sobartor to toat ef
VaaderMIt'a rauaat
a ordtaarr pouia Tba fhrir Rooe
ha oalr faraiiBra
door tvaag opaa. ears K vat
oaa iBBuna (aea LOM bOMdi to bovarar. ba or aha It ast off ooca
a ebair aad a vaata
Mr. HcttolDont ranfad bit doc- BothlBg alta. Tba lliila itfa coataload to a diok.
e aoa. tba Aaerkaa Harrel S.tOO
T. Tariiea. vhaa to
>a raloablF papare beteagleg to
bOMda aad tba aaasboetoa 1*00.
. trina to toe axtaal of adrWag agalut
la enplorBeal ef aar taaa or votaan
Stnitb aad hr vat tba oalr ooa
8. P. HaCalBoal. aa aecaatrie inll■ toa eauu vlto taakaa. driakt or
■Mlro. vbo dtad last veto at Fkaak.

ttn. TmCMm** few-

mm- HihwB

• bbbaln. Stosa.
tolM «to> todalcaa la to?m^
: aotoaaatad vlto toa irianiiy dalobaeco or sareotle drags. Tba aaaaat a maan «fa balaatfag i
Uro'eatata-Koea lato toa^aads of tba
CU. J. EMradga Satofc. aa laraatar
ezaaotor. «bo shaU Baaage U aa
vbo dtod raeaaUr to WasMagtaa. D.
ride aasooUr tba proeaada aBoog
aaeb toildroo as do not aaa tobacco. C, baa bare opaaed. aad aov toa aalj
Ilaaor or aarcotlc drag* la aar fans amFflloa It vbathar It vaa epaoed la
er to Hrt. tollb's pnrara or
or IB aar «aaatlt.r. Aar maabca of toa
«b tafomatloa otaUag diraet
faBlIr vbo Bsaa aar of tbasa ibraa
thlagi toar agala baeome a beaeactorT fnioi Cai Snito to 8. dark SvaU, a
Ura. Sotlto
toa aetata br abatalalu (roD toe
s tba td«a ef spirltoaHaat. bat Hr.
oaa for a parted of a rear. If tba braaaeUrr ratuns to toa fomar babit. SvMl. oadar vboaa oiasIpolaUaas toa

vfaaa aealod m bb toroaa. caa ba aadUMfcobarcaafbto.
Rleatow toa Itlab botato (i
r aeea br tba erovdt vto alcbt
be aaraetad la tbroac (ba atattoM far exsadlM'ti la paodardoa aad
UiHoBlBK. Tba ear vat aaw Md. iBcat toaaaaaUaafna llal

tba cable aimagi that Seoatea
laa C PUu nailrad frea Saaalor Cbancar H. Dapev oa tba occaof the tocmcr-a ealabrailBg bto
orraelrffrit Urtbdar r««aallr. It vas
aaai la aipber. aad translaiad read:
-toa are good tor tfOf. bat I mb
bookad (or im aad vaai to gat
ibere virile toa ticket to good.” Cbaaaear ought to ba aUa to cooiBaod oa
aalleiuad vhiu paaa.

. H* bM bM ua Om K
PRICMS every dolteft vortb <ff


IN'BBMNANTB. Rev cae ve ptoee
coeh prleoB oa IfaemT Jost becaaae
ve boagkt ttam ebaep.

■ Mbbtobb. wbkb

to** Oil
Im ta« «

Ssoda kavv bate Barked dova for
tola aale.

WHT do va ptoea aack prieea on
our regular atocka?
BECAUSE ve mnai cloac ibem
oat before tbc ecBtoo U over.

WNT^ and
ore DO argamcou—COHE aad

WB MUST KAkt HONETBvery remnul bougbt moat be told

arraage for toft tale.

moat be convenid Into eoab.

tf diUMI b

tmm «M M u«d «w far FM
*MUaa Md 0u» toka aUtMtof i
dtora of llBTam OHr paopla. :
Uaa tnaa itoMd at Ua betel u
*araa totted ertib taau aad tba eet-


Sale of Men's Funisliings

That tbit MlemaMelaBeott

'Coot cats tw me.

A lol of a

Wc have put fketory Kemaaat Sale prleea oa all ready to
wear garmceta. auch cauUeag prieca. Abal they ought

fnak niadrieb'a boat Urorr «aa to
Vaal toMto tar lahlac aad riaamro
patUaa aad ararr boa! «aa la
atoai aao aU tor. tooMlac tfca lat
. at, tba adallar of vUeh waa too
to too Haaaab litoa for too tor.
Vmtl Sator baa ootobMod a vorr
tototr aad ooaawdloaa ootlaca adIllalU too oaBBtr booM of rnak
VrtaMb. Tba eotta«o la aracdod oa
too dto bJO, too baaaaMBt bataa mt
Mart aa a Utebaa aad eaBar «bile too

OaoWottoB Sodu. ribbed top,

. . . 3c
. . 15c

Bfovab Oraralb. von tie.
Mm-s btaek a
dervaor. i
Aaotoer lot of Maa-s B

•". . 19c
. . 25c
. . 59c
. . 35c
. . 19c
. . . 3c
. . . 5c
. 40c

the White Laaadarad Sblrts
fLM WMta Uaadaivd 8bM

He,-. He Colored Dn.. mm
!■«*■ n« BdlhlM BelU
Un-i Bemlera. odd. ood Mda.
Oodd Uodd OolUn. follod

Mafbtf Hfdp. toe baad ef tbc Cbrlattoa Mnoc ebank. Is M rmts old.
m» atovad banalt to a earnaga, at
tba naoBt rtHtotlaa to Oaaeat'd. teaktog tta a vtMBB of aat Mora tboB if

toJtolMr. Ba aan ■
Ip bsaa base
aa la
I a aamr bat that ba h*
gniMs Ml stick te toa eoa that
4sasm DmM B. KeUM db
a to WoBblBglaa

oamd to U on

In. Cltonasi Maekar sari IhH
m hor ekfldna van ban aadatp
' bw band bar. ai aha laraa bsM to
M*d bar toaa alto toon. Bhe la


■tf Mar bbi naar <« toa terato
ref Oai>

Rack 1 coDlalot Sumtoer SkirU. Shirt Watol Satta.
laldn' and chlldraa'a Jaekeu aad Silk Oapea.
values up to SAM......... .................................. 9BC
Itock t coauiai Wkito
Caper, valMe og to fS.OO..
A moat tatbbetory arrangcioeot vas consumniBtet* bp us a short time ago with lavaral of the largest maaobauriog coaeeras m the
exmtir. to hiacBa their toon lengths, odds and ends ud small lots d their prodoci sfter each sewoG's run. Fteioiy ends are of Uitle ralne cm
the premises, aad the bdories are. os a rule, glad lo clou them out. even »i half prie*. We have been foriuaaie io securing a good kM of this
merchandiu on very bronble terms. These goods have been coming in for the past ten days and the sccum uUlion now vatrsnu u to gire
you oee of our old time Remnant Sales you so veU remember. In msgnitnde nd lovnest d price this sale will sorpass any sMe d the like we
have erer tyndocled. There u a Urge variety of factory enrii and you vill find them in evety «lepirtinem. TTiey srere boi^t
any previont season oo account d the depression of the markeL

It's a Wonderful Collection. Great Saving
.bii. ,0.

Psetarp ends d

FWter. «.]■ or rud old. CoiloB


LoDSrisIc Cambric, worth li^.


Which BMaaa a gfitot aaving to the
Moa’i good Bolta.



HMk Wad 8niu

J«t b lav rf a Wad. vortb

5.00^^pooBg aaa's trool Belts, wtl nada aad draasr.

veot aalt. rair draasp.



Child's gore vod Btoeas Salts. tlAO-otbm

MM Jurealle bpiMe Salto

At ftfilftT ftenatit mceg


t (lb

staha of hb a
I What ba dear vlto tooaa ao oaa bai
am ban abb to bad avL
Bnator Tbenas C Pbu of Nav
Tofk vto «M bp CbaitaB a Monap.
■ toaal gdltWib. toat Jadgt Parkar
vaa %a toMtat toat BMbad aaaa
■ad ntotai Mb.- *Tn.- roMarkot
ana a taag var a« Ihb PMT. Bath, ao
toSBbak.ataBdaBhlgh8naad.- Marnr b tofivd. bat dUat paag toa
Mm cBa Platt HtogHtad H: ^oaaa««lt M jw *Mi hm: PHtar oa Da-


Hundreds of Remnants
of Dress Goods
la cv.TT ronrcirablp shade. Itph'
aad hoavy fabrics for sktrw, sulo
aad aalris. tssught ai aboui on.,
hair prloc. They're on tho oonqlors and prices so mml. si ihai
those of most limited means ran
havr ihc l.esi polap.

Corsets-Factory Ends
8IM Md |V,li ■ oj'riei.,'
W. B^tisrigbVnviiu'fiM ritiun'


Udiea' *«lra Oareat Ooran. 8




inrh all vool roimvd QCn
Voiles, worth 7i<-................ gSC
Fancy Chccka aad Plaids

. ...69c

Turkey Rode, Wpsrh.-ri snd unblcschiM. vsIum uh ir
fl.M a yard, poud assunmoni and olrv iatii.rBs
The pHrve will be slwul 14 efl regular pHee.
ubed Table Damask ................................................... 22c

Slik Vml-rplla*


^wc •'^..‘‘.“MOc



ntlldrea'a fioeet -Silk aad
worth ITM. tor...................

Look at the Lace Curtains
1 eaac of taeterr ooda rd Laee Oartatot. aoeUy g

Kid CIOTen



r ri-milar ll.fto While- Red Spreads, (cood

MUlineiyaeiiSISL. Prices
nriag ibla talc w will aell all the reBatotog Mllltoary at
■ he follovlBg prioes;

Pr.-ity UlhoRraiili.-d Pllloa Tops, wiinh i'le, ^ jg

X ^1—Bhapea tag Setkira. arorth H>c.

Faner i*ill,.«

V! 2-^llora vortb 1140 aad *LW.


V 2-Cbole* of aar Shape irorih op to I2M


Ti.p Han.lkerehli-f., .orih I'w

............ 8c

Sl'X noVN'BTS. full site. Sir



I «-~Draaa «od Street llau lhai vere M-M

Lot 4—Drcaa ead Stroei Halt that t

Notions at

lae Oovaa. ndcad aad ban.
fUubed. ffe raloa.


laill*-.' fancy Gartm. worth 16c.

ChUd'i Vkl Bboet. tUaa S to C.....................

Chain Wrist

wonh 60c.......................................

76c wXt Bag.;.................................................
Leather and 811k Brils, agrais' sampiea.^M 4* '^

iBtaatt- toft Mica .................................................

dl alead Bklita, * roe
aad large rvae.bee at

of lacks

Leaibcr aad SUk Briu. aamplea. vonk 60c to *Jd«


iBfaoti' UoceariBs. pceMy colon....................

98c “Si wU"^S).':''“‘

MCi-i toe TId Kid Shoos.
11.00 article; ualc price.............................

bea*tosMM^~adii^ a .b

naa Otabflc Oom, otobatatalp
trlMmd with iBstrdM. otobreU-

sd^ Patoat OoH. Uca. vorto MM.

^ 0J

Men a Vld Kid Sboea. BagUah back s


Prices Ladles’ Summer

So. 40 all tllk plain Rihbooi. Id all the beat abadea. vor
No. J all silk Ribim^. In .ho poputor'.badei,'w^'b

Silk Fonadattoa Collars, worth ]fir......................

CMId'^l'M Button aad Laoc Bhocr. i


1 Sima llaia toat were vorto ^ ^

•Child's plump Tlcl stock, worth 1145. tl



lyiie Pr1ns.-d Red Siwead.. worth »l.pi,

UIsm' aolljl. heavy and light solca. Kid Shoes. Il.s;




2Sc laec GloTce

We. ISc klUd^Qg

Shoe Values sSL Meet
Mls»-s' Anc VIel I

Rack 12 coBUlaa oar beat Bulla (or h^too. |»




S PARA80LS pancInB lo i.rl.^.
from tl '»> (o l.'i.O" r^i |u-r cont

Agents’ Samples

Rack II ccBtalat todtoa' Sella and Rato Ceato. A M
worth vp to 9S4.M............. ...... ...................... 9s90



Plll.ia- Case.,



aad bc^uufullp


*” ( 33


l.artlo.- white foot Q-

4A inch Suillae. worth tlmv

Anti thus vf couM name himdrf.'«
and hundred. mr>r,- hi.i .pac. t,.s




Thi-..- waists arc made
. .icrlali. nre
lylce. eirletly 4


black Carinavre

nc Inch Caabmerra Ic lOack 1Q<t
and rolore. vortb :ic......... iwb

SSS.B of Table Linens

Ladlaa' toa TId fUd Shoes, la turn aad acu.
agaau toihpica. np.(o4ata—cacrllcst fiolsh.
Plaa Caotorle Dnven, vlda laee

X J contain
witb larc
tiickid. »i

Flnr ,.«rr 811k Taffria Inffffm
colors. T.'.f valuo.....................*f4rC

Douhir (old


Babact Barr, toa *gl* aarolM. b
oadi aa braiatato taekar toat ba Mff
ba aaUad a goctaet dMracta (MiaiT.
—T~- ------- —tTT~
a gin aa a n mr old toetcar
I. Us goebMs an paitaM evi


(or garaaUa S«laee 8olu.

awaarr (bat to
nr. tMagaas La
I to^ Praaeh Wansaar.
to Atmr

ff toa tHH of toa «

oi 1—WalBis worth up to ll.SO

1* In. Jai. Silk. o.lnr«.

■***'‘ 3 98


•p purchaaod ihc mananta of a whole spaaoa's prodiierlon of While Walato from ouo o( tbc beat
faeiorips la the land, aod arc sirlrlly opAtHlalc.
Wc- plaro tbcm In Ihrcc lots as (ollova;


Factory ends d Skin Cm^lc

* a'rofi^^Drto^loM*’


Pagoda SUL, MilialO.. tor valM« .n,l
ll^i,B.^l.U<-k an,l rolarr. 2jTg

8e nableached Btaaker naimet


t tot too toaddlda to Parker
M HlagraM was md.- -HoA.d Onbraa.’Than vas aa avtpl


tf gar viM. offva a8 nMtor ana fnoi avr ataak.



Raeks 4 and I eoalaloa
Id all tabrlea

tad aayl«. a few T^lared

'C Inrh all «Uk TaffMa

ncS!, '.ii. •i'i.'mii; oj

at taraa mb to tba
H kao* toe Lord'i prapar
* toap nv tt la Praaeh. Whanopoa
r Haor nnsifkad: -Parbaga
ao; parbaga
bat tMt vooM aot ba
bacoaaa tb« eaa*t read FYeaeb-*t tob OanamUe dab la Nav York
oaa aaaotaff toot vaak Bowta Ooek-

.SAo IV arb 811k


BktrU. raloat eg to MM.

Ladies T Interested

Siripc I^va, vonb K>c. C.

lOc Bad ite'silkoliacs............

la tot :

lU-n Taffria


*** toM^

rordlag lo tale price.

a IWtt

Hoa^s Plaa Per Bata. voKta tlM.

Boy. U you bare (o bor­

row. or—.


Mn'. nna Me Wer, auil
SS totartor? aaatad^^t^toiM^
tba baWtod b brottflr laeaM aad at•mHto la toatoa- Hr. aad ton.
•ator wU afoad toa warn waatoar
toito to «i«at aidertowL
«Hb Idirarad rallrtod toelUUaa
CbMlaba voi tawa toa awat;
tor raaert to toll aaaUaa. aapo
tor MatM. aad tti aataral bai
daa nrr anartof la atom.-

to clcas tbc iveka completely.

^'v have dirlded the eetira eleek aa* pot it to raeka a»


Hourly aod 5 aod 10 Miootc Sales
Ji? aga'***

Retoaaat Sato. Watob

=JS-Sfizr 1.18

l.adlCf’ low perked, aleeveloe Sat
Uodenrear. allk 'aped, lie g^.

'■^firpad T>at.“2Srib ». j’g^
Ladlea- tow aedud
sieevaa, extra alaa
aaoic. mortk Me..

Uereerited lev a
Veeta. Me vetvee.

^ .
' ...i

tba tea boBBt to ttl
haw Ma Mdt U tba atata aapltal tbtoaMc oata MaktoMPtdtreaj d. b. EaavMa at Bar CIV
tbt alhmaet at tba baard at atata tba doar to tb# aroaad r«bar tbaa to I ^
aadHort for ttt lacal raar M tdoaad
r, «M bddir oat aa. aad MBdMvt lu laotaaa at aMr fnjiao.
jad M Jail. Ht
rtataMbtr tttf"
loul Bltonaota lor tbt Ttar «>« preciadlaB aaO aad tba aatcbi at bM i^Ma that look
baM artatda
- tbt rta« «o e«u ^ dMH Um, M
^ ^ b^
-------------M Dr
Tbr ^ aad ,

A Good Bye to Sumgicr Goods

Me Staaoped POlea Cotcn lor.............

■ SSe
. Be

tSc Stamptd POM Onera (or...............
Baefc Mobaii Braid Beta.......................
$1.SS aad $1M OraMd Leather Beta .
it Uadnaaed l.«o»i»« Beta.....................

. m..
• Be
. T*e
. 79e

6 jard baachca of Hotair l>rt«a Btalnit. rqaal to tbe
lOciiad far...................................................................... 5^

Saturday, July 30, to Saturday, Aug. 13.

\Vc are saying goodb>e to summer goods for two reasons; one is. it’s time they were
out of the way: another is because our new building will soon be ready for us and its a great
deal easier to move money than goods, consequently we are willing to lake less than usual
for goods in order to reduce stock before we move which will be io about two weeks. We
shall be glad indeed to have more room—We need it. our business demands it and when
the new part is ready we will have double the space we now have, which means better
service for our customers, and thais what we are constantly striving for—to serve you bet­
ter. and by hurrj-ing out these goods to save moving them, we are serving you in a good
purse. For real good live snappy values MilFiken
one which aaftects
cts your pun
____________ __________
be io the__________
lead.i. and in..lis
thiscase we are ^ a block or so imead
. .
ion. We expect to be in the new building Maccabec day. not in the shape we will be later
but ready to welcome you and to give you an idea of how we are going to look. Everbody
will be welcome to the NEW STOKE.


Mr. «pd Mn. CR»thr Md du«kt«
Ml TWUrdar (er « Tint M XU-

This is known far and near as the Dress Goods Store of Nonhem Michigab, are have earned the title, it's ours by right for there isn’t another store that
earrita tbe selection we
Novelties are always found here first, while the
staples are found here at any time and always in the best qualities, just now we
ate anxious to move certain goods and move them at once, so we have put a
jnove price on them. Read the list, cut it out and bring it with you.

.During this sale we are going to give you exceptional bargains in^this depanmi-m; it's needless for us to sayanjthing about the quality for we have talked
that before until we believe cveiyone knows of the supcrioriiy of our suits. We
have some of the best numbers left j-et and now we want to sw if you ap­
preciate these values. Many will be going to the fair and what more practical
garment could you buy than a Tailor Made Suit. Remember we have your rice
and not merely a handful lo choose from, but enough to make your cbooriiv
easy. We arc having a house cleaning time with Skirts—that b in fine drew
Skirts, nil well made from good desirable cloths—the sea'cms best

SO inch Broadhead Mixtures, blue, green, black. Ever>one knows 1 1 Q
there is nothing better for wear. $IJiO for.......................................... i-XW
68 fach mixed Tailor Suitings, extra fine qualit)'. regular price $2.25.

r. Md MiB. J. D. MaaMB art
aarttv « tbt HkMcaa
’ I' MiB. K. a fault *t SadrfBcd aad'
:VkfeB. maaM Vaa JIBBI at Qnad Xa^
- Sm»M tMUac Hra. VM4 W. UMua
V: fM VM rroat UratL
V aM MaHt RMIv Mm M
'1M*tral iMka afttr a tWl la tht Mr

SO^inch Scotch Mixture Suitings $1.50.

$lil0 black fane? Mntrel

i Mn. r. rrMrtck aaa t«a daa«

Av *- C. Pauw. taawlalMdtat c
^MkaaM at Haka «*rtw. Ooi,---^«a CMN«a IhM BQfBlac ate a M«


Some Skirt Prices


black Bask^ aoth, 50 inches wide,

Wash Goods, Good Bye.


$1$0 black Cheviot, 50 inctiea wide.

g ^ QQ

TWt la tht dl7 trU Dr. W. i.

black Cheviot, 5« inches wide,
Ml III ------- r------------------ ------- r
ttawatOt taafaBF hai ant to DtlMk
it T, aM tM M M tha lauttau

.. iMaai BattM HoTotajr Mt Mar tar
l » «ft at m. ttiria HMu, BTla Mn.
‘q KM. IMaiMt. aat Mlta Boat Wotatay.
. ' X r. HIMiW Md’wHO Mta mont
^ «t« AkpMB latart far ika I

r ms bar t«alaU« baa M.
laabaaa ii aatUac BOMB amac ad;; MOobi to bar IMt at laiaaMta. Tbt
MM art a aBaar kraat tbUorr troM
<«. Mb Md a Uabartar ebaaat Maa
far M TaaiB Ira J. Hataat baa
Mbad la tbt AdtMa Ttoata fttaUai
M^rttbBatataaatloa. At tbt adMa M bM abrahdaa. boaatar.
. Mmiii I bat a la«7ar vhola
iiar. Mb tbM a iraar «ao b
MnM a Jail atataaca ta «
aaaurt haato*. aad aoa ba ba
awoMlad anbalo Mta la a aal
I McMBtr.
Tba aabaal had bCia'
IrlMtMbaabot. nanata

d VMM M baadar U tte

^ blM aa tbt Maad. vbara tbt oatdi
■aa tbt tatat «< Okata Wda.
HfB. Baaaab It. Martatt, at »bi
Mmh taaraablA OabMad aaaatr. i
»«aan at act Mat rabnatv. aad dt9 la USl. aad baa



black French CUy Worsted. 60 inches *'<^e $^,gO
$1$0 faa^ colored Mohairs,
$1$5 Panama Suitingt. 44 inches wide,
for............................... ........................
$lMblue Etamioe, 48 inches wide.

.. 98c

tlM Uu. ud brom Voile. « ioebo wide.


$l^NnbPanamaSidtiiigs, navy, green, brown,


Now is the time to buy your Wash
Goods, those of you who have waited
or iack a dress or waist, house jacket
etc., to piece out the Summer with.
Now is your chance. At these prices
every piece shouid be closed out very

Mohair Mixtures, brown and green.
60cji^. gray Md ^mpagne.

^ ^ gQ

inchw wide.

75c Silk Warp Crepe for. per yard.........................
50c Mercemed .Novelties.........................................
ix Fancies. Voiles, etc ..........................................
2oc Dimities. l.awns and Novelties........................
l-'c. 15c and 18c Lawns and Dimities -...................
Best Percales. 36-inch, balance of stock while the

76c Scotch Mixtures (extra ^iccial). 44 inches wide, gQ^
fiOcJtancy Mohairs, limited quantity,



Best Prints, during this sale...............................



W Itch Hazel Soap, per box.................... ..........

60c Pink for.................89c

20c Cortaio Nets
29^Cmtain Nets

lOc. I2Hc and 15c Silkolioes

15c Curtain Nets


A^^hcryLLBrowo ,

JotoCmb, oobloachod. 7c




,^l^.^_^clo™-18 ^aBcdSp^,beo.„cd, 1 Kn
fall rite and weight..



Limited quantity full site fringed


$5.00 for........................... SCJJOfor...............................................$4.00

............. ■•»«'


*10«l (or .....................$«d« ,$U*) lor..,. .......... .■S8H0
$16:00 for.................... $1060
All children's Summer Coats Half Price. Ages 4 to 14 years.

19-inch Black Peau De Soie


$l.« Black Peau De Soie, 24-inch.


19-inch Black Taffeta, good quality,


* pric^“o

f "I Shb> W,[« Silk.. jo.l .wo d,o„ po.«™ loft, IJlgjj
$C00 Silk Foulard.



buy your Shirt \
byesale- Our Shin
ihin \\
aisc business hhas!
excellent—is now but we will soon be
goods and want these out of"the
way. Now you can bui
buy any Shin Waist for
One lot black and white Jap Silk
Waists that sold at
72 in. Table Damask, extra weight, no
dressing, worth $1.25,
^ 00

,or .2.76

A-C ^ Heavy 'Ticfcing. for
h at OataMd. tab

Any Suit.'—™,.Half Price

............................ BSc

> Maar.W.lU7Maad<rtt*i



Black lace novelty dress goods for fine dress wear, the newest thing on
the maricetiijio other store has shown them.
$2.75 quality for.......................... $1.95
$1 $0 quality for........................ $U >
$2$0 quality for......................... $1.76
$3.00 quality for........................ $2.2:»

All shon ends of Silks 1 to 4
Wash Goods large selection,
Dress Goods great bargains.
have a girl now » the time
her up. All shon ends of
Trimmings, nothing reserved

If you
to fix

Half Price


Half Price

'ifcTo rusL-d”’"*'

15c Spun Silk Dress Linings........

Napkins to match
72 in. Scotch Damask, beautiful goods,
wonh SI 75. no napkins.


2.5c Mercerized Saiim-. all colors .IS
1.25 extra quality Black Mer- 1
certzed Petticoat ............ XaW

“li^^,ft?r!'::^":-86 fiu.. pu. pup,,....................
66 io. Bleoched MorcorirtKl Uar^k,

Hook, and Eya, ca,d...................


:-60 Salary i.i.,, 2 rard., lor.................
66io.'Ho,,nBrowoUa™k. irrd
Foari Bur.or.., good ooa, 2 do,...





Bftarh QQ

' *'■

2X ro 6 io............... ID

Lot 25c Ude Gloves.................. JO

One lot Seamless Sheets, tom and
good qnaUty-81x90, 49c.

Io«fal Handker^iefs.two for.... 46

Tapestry and Velours


gTSf:!^.19 ^
Maccabtt Day-Wc want CTcry K. 0. T. M. and every L 0. T. M. to come and see ns, just to gettacflMlntedjB

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