Grand Traverse Herald, May 05, 1904

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Grand Traverse Herald, May 05, 1904


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


(S^iratiib ®rajti©r0je Ejeratb.
TB4TZBSE cnr. GnAXS nxr
OrMitf trmmu IHrai





Varr bact of dnUI aaniea
Mir Tastb yaar of pnellee.
Tour patratiaiEa aolMiad. U
Km MnwM boHdlac. nder K.
irf P. tail oc Door vllb DockerV** BniBeia Cotlace aAd ever

Tire insurance!
put*CUBA. StMm BoU«r and Acdd*nt Insurane*.

Aoscy to Loas <n Impiord Real Estate Ooly.
Johnson Block, Phon*7S

nU ««• «aather .aUrd h|«.
TWrr arrrr N loo aarh tala l«r me.
Aad ihb I. auoinblu like.' Rie br
a-bea earth vse dry m» a aovdf* ■III.
He AM M ald>
IcMBR U vae dry.
aid ir be cMld hate bb «Bl
VMid be Me ebted .a,(*ae de­




«. T. HASH AB.CMkMv.


ALL Biroe or our flowebb
or 8BA80B. >



A Scwnl ksiac Botaea MM


Oroky yUU ■* u TUa4y.


Pestee nioiend ai mbie Tyxved*
doooti Icdykolivdk. auii tfeb*
d'iti napfed vdpOvM.




UkUdeJU penlae tan, kda tm.
doa aplad beapedaiS a zftro*
veft vAm poaesoa arokr.








j. w. ttnuen. a l>.

Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausages, Etc.



THM. •. •MMUB * SOI,



- nPT.rasr






Cwenly Vears experience


OFFICE—Over First National Bank.

Traverse Cit>-.


PbecMa: ClUaaia S2.

P/«*f *W


Car. Tantri St and Lake Ave.


After I ted wunsd tte ageocy for woolUit bO for om ot the
tefcA BmUcb wool aMBnfoctwm, the eootract *»» made to build
• teie brkk »«te«e at tte abm toeuke.

tea MV UippiMi of wool o* the anr cyttem piao -that if to pay to
Cray *00) adkrb thti loetUty the U|hca manotactuitr’f ca*b price.


TearMw eHyTBkk.

Trayerse City Manufacturing Co.
W. U. ■fROV^N, IVIakrtMK**'

Tkk »the nun of the year arten you an httcratsd io small
tern tak, neh at Horn. Shocri*. Spadca. Garden Rake*. Coro
rtaMcfs. Potata Ptertats. PoK H<de I)ie«n and ocher took
Noabacoodtteetotettedtekenpatk. Itete a toD atock
flflh>altiyNcttii«a»dMllitforfi^cnttper 100 ieet. When in
•cad craajthiac ta the Hadvan IJm caB and tee me.
1 tece the beet Ban Doer Haater made. It camtot get off



jffn you going to Build?
Plain Calk
to, bat teffar than any oOier Uiae «d the market. Belief
vOfk, better for brick work, aiul better for ptasicnog.


V!t wimM Btr UmnE SUKUKD UME free frm mcae oc
other wbHc.
We wanani BiTUOUE STdtBERO LIME to make awf* mottar
(per brnicl) than can be made with any other Hae,
We watiant «i f BMBBE STMntBB t fSf to alack cot a* wfahe
aa tbe wbiteB.
WtwmmxUrBMOBEITiMMMMBtlMEixoiUi «pop" m the
waUifiatiiimlyMed. (Let it attod a few dayi after

&k FBrrtMwi OmMt » Cimt Cm.
Perosstv. Mich, MA»cii 1, IftIH,.

*xr. mvo.ooooo


bulldlDi; i». really I
take a atroll I vani in rati yirar aii<
tloa lo a fvv iblapv tbai I Ix-lleve a
{beaulllul <


• Irf atone and brtek. Ihe ftam, ............. 'ak. the abeaibloe
I Carolina pine,
t. painted and -aadxl
Al y<a have n"ilred In the picMin-.
. you have leen. Ihe portieo extend. ib<
' full le.ieth of Ihe maniinn and It, mof
b auppune.1 b> rdghi aquare column,
eiiendlng lo a height i/ Ira,.,.
The flnrn- of ifata glan-a I. tiled vllb
flaaiCoc Imported from tb< lele of
W'lgbi In ITKC. -The p.inlc<> i. ysur,
feet.'and. acoiiiUiig to tVaebineioo',
oan meaioreiafTit. l« lr<

i. Iioci fnKB I
1 Valley

cate, cane-head
the tree uader Vbicb Ihe Ireaty vllb
(be Indiana vae iigned by Wa. Penn,
.ilrnip from Mp» WaablngioD'a aad
die. word le-lT hcir-naing
ton. backet trf viaiied fl
en made
bv Hr> WaablitKItm. etc.
lo Ibb
nmm U a chair bnuiabt ov«r In tbe
Hayfloavr. a
ftuareat. the inp of
vhich vai embrolilered b> NeUle
CuMli, and man,
other Iniereinmg
thing., btii m. nitiM again eaier tbe
hall aad aacend the br aS old iialr*
jto Ihe nadii mhtyv K-aehlBE1nn died
! Here |. the ver> bed, Ihe .amt Ul.'e,
tipm vhlHi tm an o|e-n Klble
Mr. ■ W-aablncffn

;ntrand tollei Un.'-.
i The old hair trunk. •
j Dailt aod marked '
I plate
rneraiiu]' -(•" tV ' va. General
Watblart'o'e ciarh iruak
Brery ar
rie uf ftiroltur,- In ibu mum va*
Tht ae.i front »a. evlikmily -be
u.l l>> Re.nx<’ and Martha W'a«hlBg
p<un»r apimMCb fur vliiinr. In ve oldeo lime, a* ladlcaied h) the wigtaal
il. floor are *li rm/m*.
knocker you *•*- on the largi!• mom. fixer
nun. gtiert
central dour. On tbi* aide I, a op
r. Nellie CllMI.'. room. grr.-u
oourt. flabked by acverai framr b
>d Warhlngtoa'- nnm
I log*.
Tbe klicben, aed oflicn
General tVarhihgton'. deato
I connected «o the main aimcti
n In Vhlc*i he died va» rlrmed.
rCItrred eolnnnadM
I., VVaablngton . i a. an. ru.toBnry. aed strange a* It
. Ur* Washlngtoo. Insiead of
I toe majB entrance, and you vili no
11 Her thai It baa been resiured
r. rllmle-d a
• sUIrvay
!ilea from ihe fr-at ttbov. the p.»
j trr i lodge nearly a mile avay to the
Thir mom ha. one dormer vla-vMi aad Bmrki the limit, in ibai di
. and va» choeeo bj Mr* Wa*bI ^Inn, of tbe pan of the mate oa-cxl
ton Iveatue from 1hl> vindtia »be
Id *ee h>T tan»hand* grare
Tbe building* and Balk* eurTouad
It thU court outline a bonu.ehoe, Ibe
r and a half after Waahlh^oo
lanstan farming (be ccaier ur top of
* room c--*uin. but one article of
»e aboe Tbe walU are id brick ma. original lumliiire. a *mall. plain ma
mry. abom four feet high by ivn aad
or ewraer tolletetand. The See

------ FO* SALE BY------

ate CASS Ste

picket fence four feet Ugb '
|alab.d after tbe old aiylr and
Many fine ireet adorn i he place. u*ed by the Waabiaguma a* ■
Near the bolW. bonne U a beautlfBl Ichamben Pv (be accommodaib
by Wa
From Ibe ► uall. *qtiare fc
will climb tt


« avu, espuiyBevi. enaet la ine
ur naairy aad tor ihu ra*a>«
bvt abo vaata a -place' frvlr
blBirlf very fonnate H be ran ee
I iwuaae«lalk>a Inia Hr liar

(lOTdy little Sevrv <d Toaay Trotherd»
'-Well, Toi


ir brtOT?^dmih^^*2!l?!U!^

SSSia-i^ *5
tfea (omfe, n* brhft •msTTSTM

i BBjeMlr bend
Fort Wa*blnceeat very near, and luoklng veui
the Mrglnln bill* are faeaBilfullr d,~
Nov ve muel gn rn* ve *hall ml**
the laai car back to W, blBgloo Hov.
II (top long eaongb while
logb Ibe court to take a
•Skp abot a I tbe BBgnolia ira. You
■old you (hi* van the taal
WaahlagioB pMaled
It voaM
made a much prettier pietare be­
fore a nide alum broke tbe (op nC.
of. tbe Jamea nree. and ieare* (mm It
bare bees taken a* mcmeslaaa to
etery pan <f U)e drllUad world.
Tratlag that yow bare a damar
Men of Meant Versow. aad bo^
oomeUme boob to tell yoa <f a trip to
AlegasdrM. i am wHb feted repard*.
Very Bteeetety yswra.
Mac HamUa Weft*.

Ke oa Ibe (arm ba* bra gfwalag
“ Kural detuer, iMepl|Dae aad
ric railway tin taaoy pMceai afr
lag the term ,f it* ixax*,..
They ar* teingiag U nearer ie ibe Mtp
aad keeping It In ebiaer l.mrb bad bet^rmimy . vub all ib. mdalde



I the aame time erteaUflr-agrkalba* fe—a maklas larmlog more
actiie lu the ibrifty by readCTteg
orv tirviflubie. and making It man *
agrveaWelnttbe latelieria*: aad edO<al*d h> readertn* It. •.»* M., ariu.
more iBiere*iinc The ntral
a ba* alen. b-rag dkaaer ami
c. the wcial pMaaara rt
There I* m>m rewuw Ifedrr
-* -tovemwwt.fnmi aotmiry
be,eberk*d. and pram
from rlly u,
The advaaiace* >
u tfepugbt uf i:

la at Pratt A I'rawfarfl'a If an be aa
caa get a guod wort from ym
Mr Harru looked at tbe buy
HU klad bean eould acareely
•adore the ibougbi of ryfaslag ibe
Yet vhai cuald be «y?
kae* Tommy oely tm, veil a* ime
the dnllevl puptla la hi* acbuol
tb tigb part ihineea. the bo> ka
hartll} imn-r ibaa hu letter* ta a,
of hi* teacher-* pmUieai eforl*
leach him t.. n
-What voeh
A Cr*.
irylag t
aao *iarUy. air Aayiblas they
anted of me.'
y Mr Harrl*'* brov cleared Tommy’*
r bad g1,ni bli
bU ovn Bhould
vere Ibe boy't detfotooelm. be
I leant falthlui
He would cvr
ialat>. a* be had *ald. do -aaytbiag''
wbk-b might be "vaairt- rt him. to
■ he be*i of hi* amall aMItly
ay.- aald t
be; aad.
a* the bq^ obeyed be look a
of paper aod daahed
junior member of ibe Arm of PraU
Crowford, vbii chanced
hi* peraunal friend* —
-My Dear Crawford -Tbe Imarer uf
Hri*. Tommy Trothen.
brlgblett boy ta the vr
will flad. If yon try bln
ever U in'him, I. all there
A* Mr' Harru
■ oe the aeM flaaday. be

If grt II

•- my Ut’"
k* to yoo. a


ur <k>v. vltb nmr paper* and
If Bid. JoM atop aad tkiak <■(
Cadi aiftalB the M*i
four ur S Ve yean every farwier la Iht-olirt Staie.
va* ohilgrt. vbemen.
be al.bed lo mail a letter .» egperted
■•• at, from two to
t-.ually be had to perform tbi* teak
re nr twice a «eek Bui BOW. Ibaak*
the iamdurtum at the nral fra
delivery .luem the .lluaiHm la wMly
_ -uiiunK. tar from
■ be throng Id loan. u. In taM* wtOi
allibeaivM li-unie* and reeeirr.
every day. at ka*t
kax ,«e fepwega•
dHIverrd dally ai tali dmw
The telepfeone
telepfeone 1. prurlag Ibe laatf*aiAllty
ttellty of nbt
abai i*. a* a mailer te
I. * new cUll___
Tb* tenaar
find* ibai vllb Ibe sM nf tb* MeB loach vMb the
Wbea be u aaaored by laJ Ibe 'phone Ibal fee raa
Ivaatege he* ap bt* vagtot (III (ben
lielag in apaablag dl.u»ce of hU aelgbbtv. not oaly


’ ,,,


perviaal temrtty. but be kaM?lh2 "R
bli iPdonging* an tafer -The voa
and cbildrea hair Ibeir *bar« id
-varfll* of Ibe lelepAoBc. Ourlv (fee
Ireary vlaler day* Ibey ran eememad
htb Ibe aetgbbor* and ibey ao Mmr
Ihe la dread vben ibe men <
f,w they rallre that If nra

SacMaaal Maua* far Tram* Abrtfl*.
Hla* Ague, p Mabnoey. a mlmlas
ary.vbo ba« returned lo Watt AMrt.
lot* urdb her BoomplMebo«*e.cnUid ;
la aecthm* aad ready u be net n hi V
tbe VIM* aa a home lor heraetf.m boa- ?
plial for fbe aid and a chapH for fee
The boaae va* flaiabed in a Brote' j
lya abop It It of yrilow plBe. tbe rata
of uhleh makev Ibe wood proof agatati \J
tbe d—furttcc
tforttce abile am
ant <if
<rf Ubartk
II U 40 feel bm*. It. (e« vtee aad >
ht feet lo Ibe eaie* ||. «aiM arc T
Ible. with air chamber* lor praterHob *galB*i beat T»e ruM I* te rtCragaied Irun
There U no cfeimsef. ,
ftv ta Wem AfiVa ruafcing I* dote oa »
‘ d«»ir».
lo Bddlilon to Ibe lirteg reoma tl
•- a chapel

'ryfe. Tommyl Go aa'r
(t> Mr Hagen, dova la tbe bavmMml.
'1 am eery glad Tommy
Aad yo«
111 do yoor l>e»ir'
Tm atryiB . air-:
So.a aftrrrard*
Hr Harrt* vai
HI abroad la the taienvt ,f bU uwn
RetarolDg. after an abaeace «
ro muolb*. be met hi* frlead Crav
ed upon a raiinmd traia Wbea tbe
flr*t (vrdial greetlag* vere over. Hr
('raufurd eu-lalmed —
-Well, Ham*. y<u iJHle .inpeclrt
vhai a tnaasre «mi vere 'aeodlBg u«
Ttoisi) Trotbi-r*! Bui for him.'l.
ahmary among the Mheaibtra. Wk»
.Mould hardly be bere today ’

only vblir peraa te OM
-M'bai do y.m meanand her bouae will «a •

bf tbe Are la
Rian- in comparlaon vlib Ibe mad ,
e chief.-New T«ft .
Be abunl II
Tb- flame* alant ■d la mne
lertuiu way. In a aa tall n»m ou tl
flra^ flour, and vere already veil a
ray Wore ibey
ftartm l.adl*Miu Strlia
re memlmr of ibe HaoRrMa '
' magbale*. vbo ba* jut dMd.
r. vere nut yel rut o*. and
erv m«ny people in Ibe biilM• Arvmeo Bgbtlng tbe blaae.
r ovn men aileodlag to tbe

a me a* a farm
»' jeaar ,d aa n

ry when one of ibe other boy*
ni*brt nanr him. crying >mi. Baa.
-Oi- door rrf the mw4etmom . ..penNuv the (»vder-cqom
ar be called II 1. a vvt of
» alt the
I and tbe atnrt> Ibal (be

(be rtcbe»l a
lalaed dry duHng the ■
ear* and Herr Falk a

le the x^euypeo dotv My. dad
rtleoi. tbe lerrIUe death In am

uaM calUVBie tbe

gan to sa again.. ted

ha* Doa regaleed
lOCe - fq,|Mdel{diU

it* W

t beautiful rohiBtr a
I* a^lbM^wUtt
aoak te the ait-

'“*!«' to Irtp la
e denrocOoo

f acora ,f Dees
l-hat did Tommy do? Om », r,,
He aimply aei dova the
tf cutlery.
....... T«l rail
k*t* varermm. aad
plunged duvo the haaemeei italrs. A
.luM In Ibe upper Semr he-t alrasdr
■•■imrt ibroagh. aad brand* vnvWlMg jpat In truBi of (be vanli
never faltered, boi. daabisi
ke act ”
•pring lock of (be heavy door, aod
iliBt It teat Then be ran bock ap (be
pitted up tbe hog be

“ Tbe*Rrehm2«*l*'M%wvratloa
Every one of |t«
. - ttudy. Tbe gaaeral Mlerlag I* In Oertaan (cat. tmeb
letter perfect, vtiboui a acraicfe or
blot from Ud to lid At the bagteateg
of each chapter tb* flr*t word la rcry
(hrw lachea Jemg.
a In red
Bad blue Ink.
a each of tbra
flgtire of tome
dwfafeh Ihecbop-

- When I aakrt him hov be dared
Cl^ Ibe door, be gave me aa
^verad 'ET^^hrty
« Moved op, air" 'Tea.
you■ had (Mae to raa
Tbe boy-* _____ I
rhangetl to a look of reprnoeb. 'An'

Mtn Drran Cracy »y Military Snrvtea.
•claetlat ha* galberrt
from ate
(hu (be mllliary
nara! pra
ary and
mrvt qt
brain*. Out of
•,'L. »ol<ller»
aall'.r* l»»
by iavyera. and n
dlnantly by docelergymen.
gyme Ilierary men. aad elrll
aat* la lOu.tdiA
ab>Ait ITT sf thaw
go aiad or
dumeatlc aerranl* aad 1abtaer. ITS owl ef iMtAt* go lo ibn «y
:d Of meenknlr. oaly C*. TW
people, kppuasily Ar* ndtemn. of whom ft te iM.aao go

b^k. Imbooae, and a peep ihi^b IR
nte rev-twli Waabloguni'a fg.
ar-u* traveling coach, once white and
Tbearttlnaide could I* remebeO by the Mdder«k* Mep. on Ibe onuwe
^mjhe imn, . ru»4 Bind* doer
Md as imnrailrt eamoaure mark* tfet
m*«d the remain* uf
frem ITM nnlll lUl. Tt
Vllb double mm port^. 21?pMltiy
*^ Vltwn are two marMr aareoTbe noe oa tbe right coatalnt
tte raatn* at OeoeraJ Wmblogtoa.



In tbe banquet ball noHre the band
"■me Carrvra marble aanlelplKe.
made lo lUly and preaeaied to W'aab
loo b) aa libicll.b admirer la ITU
D n'dlee tbe pair uf p .rrelain rax-«
and French rliu-k upon tbe auiBlel and
old cil'-Obmed
alrrur baaqtu
le II.
Tbe lai. allver bracket
lamp., ,-aadlexlck. maevond aiaada
e. Id Dover, amny aiiioCrapb«
auaU-r -f latenvilnc article.


Thii wiB be tbe dealer’a aatbocity to aeak aay “kite" (and
dmtttxoxa)wbtnUrtllOB£mMaiMBUM£6oetmx faMl all
daima made by m.

Imnlc of KlnsRlAy

Lrary arv old ahelve*
I aad fllled vltb ran
old bnoka. a lea .d ihea vere ovaed
by W asblncioo. a aabneasy bevAmae.
- tan:, vtndea clnbe. a aorveyor'a
ipnd. ebair uaed al Cambrida and
naoeber from 111. btaie al Pblladel


K«k**wm Wr«»I ABRnft


urlclaal mate purrbaeed
Manilcw boue.- aad cn.«d
elr I>■el0•-r eiadlika. The :iT
iiK-liMle* itae tomb. BiaBaion aa.1
Mac* deer park, ear
dea., vliarf. etr»
a'e dratb >lo' d
Ided her boueebuld eSeca*_____ .. .
fuar crandrbtldrea. and hi the oriclaal
ftiraltare of Miraai Veram vae cteat
lly acallered
Tbe auarbika ba.
rureiebvl Ibe aanebiB. Brery nna
from emnort no.«- lo aitir !• aov )n«i
a> e«rl> like li aa> la Waeblaktoo.
a> it l•.poeelllle to taak
»t aaii.v «i Ibe •.rlKiaal
vhk-b U>.-:
Voo ar- perfrcil) famill^ ■
taouw a'

It rbl. point
® opon Vhlrh ih- maa
•I L aUBdi
a drlrevaj aad l«-v..n I
■ hat a
eer park, veil atockn
inimnor houie ha* been re
itl adorn, ihe eg.i fntol


CWMP fmmt *te •art*. ei^aU


«. ism

diaa Ihere al tbe end id
a valk >uu eve a vev or*
lae -arboul
. p.-elM>
roatale epac for r.«t email people
Wbr* aiater caMe. trhh «. «now aad
BID* Ibv
- a - i^DDIBC b.
He dM •« acoid
uda aSd iwU.
dh larae
I tbe be
B« aid: “Itev ibU b real abe.
elealao <>f a rac rarpri In
■ter troa bane I'm forced to r
ABMber o( tbe bcIldlBR la tbe old
To ibonjuebly appcvrlale ii
you Buai IPI Inelde
Tbe larve. iBdfaabkaM Sre-piare. naiplHr la etery
detail, (oniuna a haaxiBS and avia«
lac crabr four feet kac. Sued Intu
aorkHi and bean, a* yon a««. a ket
Dd eulpped tbe coal froa oS hb He aod pot and frying Ra
'Tbe old
bellova baac •« a natealrsi book
'ABd I vould cite auMber llab
Tbe old Iki'cb o««n oa oar aide ta In
To ~-e each a blna asatB." aid Jl
a»d hafctec naditma. nnioe>. drtMl
herlv and blue diabe. ad'va Ibe valla
art *bea at leacib HU year. «•
Tbe vuaaa abo baa rharye of ible
room baa bao> little Itaiaca for aale
a. aourrtilr*. and If ebe ua. aa -M
black "mamm>." wHb lorlaned bead.
Hie pinurv v<aM be coaplele
hate aanled to knov,- hr
ratber dread takiBc you laatde iba
t half «br
-Ho« li (eeb to dle~—Bail JHb ira*
a biBt of
lemember abai I told you In
The Aacel id healb
■ he becinnlBC. tbal every na>m la nai
pkdely furulabeil. and abeTever II baa
To beates. or—«
leUTl pimelble. Ihe nrldoal plerea r~
I rsaaol tell;
• lured
Tbe furahure la all old and
Bui I fceev Ibe rllaui
of tbe Uivle aod material aaed ——
lid or bm. Ii Battered aui - (leuntr and Manba Waabbufioa
to him the bac-Mucbi a(»i
pied Ibe manaki
(law vr bare
li looklac at the a
•e la
A Day at Heunt Vemen.
■loBcloc. of Ibe tVaa
Here lo Itae mala hi
tVa.hlBctoD. II. C . Marrb 14. )W>4
Ilf Ibe Herald—KimivIiic you tVaablnct<-0'* avurda li a claaa raxr room. ufM-atac off ibe
barplacunl vbirb W'aab
Nellie 4'iwU» aa a aedvery Imerveiiak »|ioi I few daya alaee
Ftiai I will alBlv' a fc
I cvn dincAlfi giiaini.olct. aadmaaroflU
«lih Ivtvie. soar Here. aUo. la W'aaUag
n'a allver mouated, maevtnd flute,
me I* a UUP' lour of lo»p-rtloo
"citra ' - r culiar and a aiabuROy
When (leoeral Waetallicton died be
oaoed ao eMaii- <d m*h.. aer— Tl.l. card ubi' upon vtaleb
aaj- ftaall) b> bu rvbum-> aad and lafayvtie pU)ed
ThI* nw k.ibe V
the old Wael kirtop
lo nilai kheo what b knoau
^ot by Urn aa a preaeoi to <>oenI
WDi Verane l.adie«' A»e.iHa

. borne
-The man.ltm I • Wliv> re,*.
aiorln and ao a iHr vlih dormer
dov». Ihe n.-f pm VIII



«• M Cmw


b eterraa vllb beaatlfal Iry aad a
Ml b earefwty plarked *ba tbe
coaid raba a aarWac take.
Tbe . Saver 0rdea b qaaRt aad
beaallfet. Tbe prfa bmvood bedev.
lb drab darlac Ike
aarkias ibe arcik. aad Aaer bade
hb raietaei la rblldrt* b bm
aow u la day* ka* faat
It vae a
I tbe abetf. Mb Ibe eaM-tonk
eneicaa of ihe WaaiaciM’e t-< latHe
aaadrvf aaill tbe am wMha
JCuUbed cae.1. Xu alaai tweet. of tbe arfcool He Bade liae^ tbd<
ebrabe mad Soam aad aaay id tb* Ibea la tbeir bnaet. to bara Wa
plaattao are eiili to bv «eea
~~ oee ivu kac red r'adrd balUlac>.

ll tv trbere tbe Mia abnne day
aod Btabt

Tmctse aty Slate Bank

CAPITAU *300.000

B oonMTr. ncmaAir.


OoM NufpMa Fstmd to a OmKM stmmeb be make* 'of ibem

r Male WMtmmfl fe, Ue„ Hran.
rvagh Ibe fUI of rack to tfe* Lrwa. S■
bonri he cu»a
•low death while hla noaradn* tited
^ teuTter tfeM feOd

ia the atomacb nf a dock wfel^ fe*
Ulled on hi* fanetecar Bprteg Ortyra.
Pa.. WimaiB Nana (eoad aloe gold
naggM* a* Urge a* bochabot.
-Tbe dark va* ralaed wttb a dim—
other* IM (be Neu forto. and. aa
aever had aeeeu U> rnantl
li gold <

-JS ' :


M nrtr tbu
POU waa re
Tnrk Herald.

A graadfather-B dtert
te* rock etaitead down.

-mnag the araitoHe Maaksa reaa-

“"** - — '"isriia^ssstiyss
MkH f^MU* ThMtaM, towtk $r^. \
an («e MtM to IM




. t„ .

I ■ ■. I





“? “1?*. “'•!!!!:


_____ • Ue ragdlag Hr. MoBlagbe ObJeetad to tbe daaertgUoe of (ha abbttaa. tbe daertpUM of tbe roof, to the
• fat* (bet tbe feaadattaa to grade waa
«aB8a(a.ibeaaabcara«arubeaagaar b roMtd to (be radbUoa. (be
rtgbt of tbearahibet b«ar wl
bg ajataw b ba aaai oad tbe
at gputloaa to be left (o Iba a
Jae^' iTSe aata*^Ja*l?i'tS
amaa a a etreobr prepared br 8o-

I oa (bia pobt H<
wad (ha(
___ __be waa
J wToag.
IMO alatad (Mt tbe .
a oMld be aado br tbe board
:( aar tnable. ftKer a
read XZXX eedar abbdlaa aad bi
tf polatt to be aeUlad br tbe aiehitert
Ihta are to be Ml to a aapertalaadeat
of tbe boUdlac to be appebtad br (be
board of adocatka. Tbe aodoa to
adept tbe Paueaea plaea waa tnaUr
Haoda Ue elir rtert
o adearttae for Md
oa of tbe botMiag.

(or aen
Idaa Aaaa Oroaa. aereeU grade.
geaawi aalair |4Ud: for m i r«a'


Dtatrtct Oraterleal ContaaL
n,* dtairtn oratorteal mieet

Htae Aaoctu ttaraaB. taaeber (or of tbe Ceotral bulldlag
diH rade. drape otn, aad (ba taper- Baraoad SUbl. the Huakegon High
lateadeat baa la aUad a rerr bigbir
Htaa UwtoB. arboa. U
MeKlBler.are liaiad for M* per



*^'^*Aaaa F. Johaaaa, alitb grade.
*1 aalarr M2-M; for aeat y-ar

g Joalton ware appoUted

(be stale raateot which wtll be
Har 13
Bertdes the oratloaa ol Ue different
repreecntailTa* a tery long aad Intereating auileal prx>gram waa carried
Tbe program opeeed with a *elenkta br'a alx pan oreheatra. (olkr^ by Hr. Btahl^riag hta ^tloa.
tieit anaber was a eocsl aolo
ui Mar Peart aad It waa greaUj
Ttaa wa. (oltawed by a.
, oe

**HUa Jaaaie Bartoa. Vtb grade, preeeat aatarr M*: for east rear MLW. HU* Jeaeta
HcHlUaa.' taaeber Ralph Hsalelt aasg a rery pretty solo
'(oanb grade, dfwpt eoi. and Ue to' DtaBO aecaBoaBldeni br ui.«
■iawood araaee. Oeorge C. Tboap- leedeat baa la aJad a rarr highiTis 'The aext aunber
ooa. aalarr tM a aoatb.
SMIU EtaxKrtt
wax aa onti n bj
Boordaaa eeaaoa. Oeorge Jaaaaoa.
Mian tMa aeeU.
Oak Path. Hearr Hooaa. aalaiT Ml


ar Tboapaea aboald
Htaa BdIU OIbbi. aeeaad grade,
of par cr pet bat tbe
p^nt Ulerr Mt-M: lor aen rear
r earrtad at atated.
0 appBattioea (or (be ^tarHtaa LeOB FanalBg. dm grade pmaUp of the aaw FoorU ward, aebool
at aalarr MtAO; for next rear Ml.
bolHlac were ptaead oa (Da. Thar
Htaa Uura Bkaell. kladargartaa.
A. Hodge Bad____
Oaraace H.
ii, ware Jaaca_____________
poeliioe iB Oeolrml
IT. aaru. tbe lattar biTlog oi
aebool. aad ibt au
Um a Htaa Cralta
c {rat
led) whoa re hai
Chat firaa March Zt to AprU M be had
(rareled M altea. beta to (be achool



to W-

derMTUB, prcteai aatarr ltd:
_ .
atarm (or aen raar.
trMBta. aiteaied (wo aad
BoovTiLLa atanoi.
la Jpdge naberla’ amr*. Tbe report
Htaa Brtic Plaaaaa. Srat to tftb
wee Had. '
I of tbe etaeUea waa re- gradeo. praaaat tatarr Md: for aext
rear MfJd.
pprtad aad __________
%»on Kia pmntagT
Tba fellow^ *'*f?r*
Htaa Orwee Bredla, drat grade aad
alatr MtM. for
ad t--------------------rMsHtd wttbta

if. a^'

M tbe (oree (d
do aMoota. rear eoMalUa
aad taaeban hara had the
aad beg (o

____________ ___________ _ .aperriaor of
aaaaal drawlgg and peaaauhlu.
text rear
preaeol aalarr Ml; aaae (or next
:e a little
adraace all akag Ue
ao). but except la (be eaae of prtnclpaU aad High aebool teachen wa hare
held to tbe aBall
— ____
Bontb, betlerlag Uu that la araueh
of a ratae aa aboald be glreo at ooe
Uaa. Sxoept ta Ue eaae of Hr. NeedHtaa Jaeale Vlelaa. IMgUab. prateal baa wa bare bald to a M per aoaU
ta Ue High aUool
a ' ‘ *(oree.
MMr •••; ntatad to M>.
tlee, abir aaaltled br
Hra. Aaaa B. Ooek. preoeat aalaa
Qilbert. baa girea Ihlt
•dS: ralaadtofiP.
_: 2^'
trcfal attaatloe. In eo
Hlot Hrrtle HoBlagee. Begltah aS •«»
prteea paid
Oeraaa. praaeal alarr Kt: f« Deal


bba BaaMee Paaeerwr, hlatorr.
aaaaaal aatarr $U; for eeat pear t*«.


r.praorat aalarr 1*1: fora


(or good taaeban. It sea
u taake tbe adraace*. a apeclded
Uta report,
lepuii, raiser
ratber idbb
to rtm Ue rlak
or take Ue chaacet of (rrlag to aeciue
oew. aad perhaps laexperteoeed leachan ata Iowa price-

-------------- aa lorasrtr. at aa aartr data.
Thera will of ooone be edae Uttta rarlattoe from tbta which we are aaablc
, ^’rita rotaptaue Ue High
L U ta eotlrrtr close at thi* tlaa Boat.
' better eten
_ Htaa
tue of Mlaa r '
other plaeee tUaa tbe
e prieee
fliHa. Mn. Cook, Htaa HoatagM.
t aeartr
inaa fwaarnr aad
all ha<



S*aro^ t£?"alartea. aa

I -Ubert* aad Old Glory "
. irtoetl'on by a nZidolln club
tpooed of aareo aeaben wa*
Tory pretty selection. Hta* Bdlth AnderaoB read "An Order for a Pictureand
«yeal mio br His* Carri^

HU* Harlon Olbb*.




The tawgraa ctaoed with a selection
aaadoUa trio
ring to Ue Htaeas o( Hta* Zelta
Ross of LudlBgUn the school (rtm
that place waa aot repreaeeted In (he
High echoot abould ha^e’repraratH
hta aboni bnt for aoioe ankaowa rea
wa* a« present at the eooleat taat
, Tbe state Is dlrlded lata six dis­
trict* aad Ue wlaaeri from
' w
win get (ogeUer otf Hay
Ha) 13 to deof the State
dde *
place (or bolding
Uta contest . ______________
dcgeilelr _______
as Uere are InTltaUona Tram Hiukegaa. Alms aad Adrtaa
The fonaer
lace aeema to bare Ue prerareaee.
Prarlou. to the coalert’^ Frtday
a set of judges coastatlBg of F, W.
•a-------------------...—4... .. .... ^,,1...

.. .1.2

Tolx schools.
Ids and Principal Allle Chapin d “


br Uta poohlM Htaa Sarah PralL
who baa bad a hag aapaataorr at
taaeber la oar^acboota. at a talan of
**>£t Ada Saltb. aUU
cu aalarr S»: lor aaM raar |«Td*.
Mlaa M^Ckrater. Iftb grade, praaatarr Hi: foraatt
---------Htaa Carrie Padr. (barU gradA
|WM( Mlarr >n.W: tor ant ran
Via WVaoa. tbM grade.. .
eat aatarr tdlAb: (or aaat r*ar dW.
Htaa Fraae Olbaoa. aaMd grade,
awaiwt aalarr ULM: (or. pagt rear


---------------------ta tbta---—____
poaltka. „
Her -----------praoeat
Mryit MEM; icr Mgt roar M7M.

Waotaab ReltafCoraa.
Tbe Woaaa-* Reaaf AuxlltaiT to tbe
Orabd Arar of the RapobUe. I* tbe
beaeaemi aad ppMotie ergaa. .. of wtadEa la tb* wtwM. aaab^ bear ataosi IMMO aoeaben.
• • ta IIM. Mlowtag a call br
OtaBaai r ta Chtaf Haal Vaa Her
wtu a aaall baad at ebartar
grawB taaigatbeeai
proportka*. Ii
aad la tbe at
bare I

mMuate tbe aeaory if uadr be^

healer in high gnulc\GRAMTK aad


laicft aad newett deagn*.
Coping and Cut Stoae to onler.




- - - ^^

■ BdUMtlnn

w« urs «T sruiE


Huilt expressly for t , acrortiing
n spccificati
ll Aiock. h
hag more Kood points anti eupcciany valu­
able features than any other wagon on the
market and coats only a tritic more than
the common run, \Vc have a complete
stock on hand and invite your inatiection.

Ferris ImpteniBnt Coinpany, Ltd.
127-l:fl State St.

Traverse City. Mkh.

TbcMd tbtnasSiiia'

mm ^


•eUag was presided orer by 'he olffereal church.
c city w
Unreb «
supt. oor D.
- BalU of Ludlngton. who
represented. T^e foltawing regular
la dtairtet
Prtaclpal R. L. Nye of (he local High P™Sta“
carried out
^1 ibaaked Uoae on the program
fm their exccltaat w^'a^l^Tuw ^



. ..

Over*Work Weakens
Your Kidneys.

DtaefsHake lapgR fettgt.
Alt Ua Hoodie your body pi


C. Deaaraad
Solo. Mr*. A. H. Holliday.
Braide* tbta program a numlM-r
Itaprvimpiu pan* were given wbl
we;e greatly enjoyed. The addre**


■t Ua taateae cure peaHbk.'

>M Day
/ InviUtien.
ll MIxb
b -sci
-school I* In ren-lpt
I letter from East Jordan askiBX
meniUerr of Ibe track team lu 1
I ta the Field nay e.enl* ta I
•e Mat 2». Th- 1-iral team
■' Intlis'kta but
rr to take ll up

•doly tor Dr. pteers 0*M*a Midi ml Dta-



Handler ihe full line of Osl(borne (*oods. "Osborne” is the lari
largest independent maker
of Kratn and corn binders. Mowers and Reapers in
>r!d. Do not place your
order before st.-einj; Osliorne’s new

' rule* and tbe elixIMIIty 01
lllor* wtll be determine.
rule* adopted by the High »•
Michigan State
aiructallon. Gold medal*
for Aral place* s
oo.i., Ilrst plan-a wil
sectmd 3

Ueiiical Bar mower
one of their tpecialticfl.

lUailAtlK AIlregalaatgaiB ttadt. Specal wagOD* and ilei^

caaaf ^incidmte
aallsa have bees p
aaaaaupea Ha rolk AUtagalwoBM
art ptlffiHe
BbatMlp la ttaa
ffti^'RalW Oorpa^'iiu alas —
aa M I. Raisa aad Raola-

t ii5^*r(i!r*iir”wiuin'«

will be a Urge atteadaoce froi
ilOB of tbe regkm. Those p
the mecilag op _____
. <.
HI. H. B. Green of Chartevolx:
Seerwtarr C. H. Bates. Bate*
Preeldeau E L. Sprague of Oraadi
Tnrecse county nnd Geoege E. Craker I
‘“Hra*’3d. / Sine*'
of le-claaan cooaty.
with th diBx to Ue club as H
(acllitiM for learning In
Retular Thing.
A beglre of AntHn rounirr Hilteo.
I Georgia wilt take pUce ta Ibe au1 Alaska.- belag bar suhjeci
O.lla* SaI.M.4 .K. 4ISI.M.1.... .1..
imn A ktag prevaUtag enstom be*
ran Ue exodus 10 Georgia. The exolatera eoamoely go 1a flock* and fly
»<^s of Ue ixmntry. dlffleullle*
Igb like wild geese, with a aerry
at'OBdaai on the opentag
look" the while. In a year or two
-of a new eouatry and oapectally ooe ta
h enadiilona
I a flock by hlateir
»*'' ■■
' exlsied a
flles low like the
theablkep.abikepokc. ... ..
An In Alaska. Tbe paper was 1
.' with (SCI aad waa llsireed l<i
glad to alight. Asked by bta old aelgbclose attenllOB.
bor* buw he liked Oeorgla hr replle*
HIcbIcia is gnod
^ Gilbert gave
The Wolverine pll‘»e,'A'>‘ '■> «>e dob. He spoke on edu- enough for him
grimage to Georgia
•»*“»* "P 'be
regular thing —Deir
rratlag of the Ladles'
1' llbrar)
•mall Soya Vlsw.
™°»“payaeat c due end other
A >mall Sueflcld Loj was called la
»*Ucr* wa* traasacli
view bta aew born baby brother,
e looked it over with
aad flaally asked:
did Ult
, „ „
"Ao aagel
®- Blasell aad family of the brought
It, Jimmy - “Wui you awake. Presbytertaa church
-- -CertalBly. Jlmmy.•Well. Ibeo.
'•“nrth. Thera- were
aay. 1* that you a
d easy. I'd
present nod a Tcry ftne lime enjoyed IIM to tee an old a
11 off »uch a


wa. w. rSrtiS'


! Sbd


"It Is inleadnd that
eduraHon shall hr *o dUheaceforth educailoB
a rill
H-ara will
,>o>oraat (aa
with an igaoraat a

The church wa* alcely
ilcely dec
the oceasloo, ,Ue main
used as n reception
lot rroom and the seau
out sod ibe room srranged to
■presents parlor.
The jndge* last Prids) . who judged
"f llm chorch gave Ue recepOB dellTerr. were Rer. C. T. Stout, “o" “A hate been at work several
Hn. a N. Ulaor and P. C. Gilbert, all A«)'* xeiilnf Ihe church decorated ssd
of tbta city. These jodges were tied brrsnxed.
Over the plsGorm leras
re arranged and Ihe effect w
palais between Raymoad S
nkecon aad Htaa Beatrice \nni
» alalra. t (be parlor*,
of Elk Rapida but Ibe declaioa of
anged I
- d- all
—. w. _ carried
.jrried out in the
A and white effect which i
WhevRer. Mr. Stool
ry fine
" ‘
c display.
-luH and preaeated 1
UI ttip room eesis were arranged aaJ
e flrat prim
p '
'baad etapplag
the guest* servral with Ire creai
dralealBg aad Ue eUer eootest
and coffee. •
were aot epariag to cheertag 1

.. *...


>* >“


Address at welcome by k
Reepooae by Ooreraa BUsi.
Htaiorlca] address ta refereai
the (oraatloa a tbe 8
by Atu
_____________ _____ so. 1 Bttcoded
Of Ue!
. a M. and the Hoe. Beatop Haa- farttaar
ebat at Saglaaw
' wppU ba aaodeair enHuo. pui 1 oi
Uforaa addreaaea br aeabar* ol' mt think at the ranlts. I raogbt .
BTretlea U Jniy 1
tlM. and Uta eaiacd taflem(the vrciah And eoogrttd
gutabed gueau.
I to 4:se p. a
Hon. John Hay.
VedMUhl. C<^
aad oUera.

juiwooder- • enraaitbed
Cknlag addrera by Gen. R. A. Alger.
United Stale* senator (roa HIcbiMB.
Beau will be raeerred (or those . '
voted (or FreaoM aad Uooota.
' belter, and at the
Eveatag-Dtaptay of fleeworfca.
caUrety VrelL


I gave, a
Stahl of

dectakm ta faror ot

to aak» the Outage ____________
contest next year.
adraace etheiaheie*.
FXmowlag Ue meeting a nieellag
uTm at Hr. ft'ra be woald llba
There are (wo or three coaea wbore
M bare (be price ande •
HIM aebool teacher* feel that Uey
liBW «( aU tbe diwuU
abould Jtaee aoie Uaa (be price a*
aal apM Uta poalM. roo
Itatad br rwir coBBlttee. but after her* of Ue district committee whic
baa caadedi•dto
gotag o*w (be matter nrefallr. and Btecia with Ue state committee 1
I falrafoi to them ........................ otake arraa
ot h

b lb* caaa
torer, aad to the beet tetareau next year. Mr. Smith orged that work
_________ I aad Mr. HcAUlatar. aU three
at (bee* geatlaaM wooM like to kaee of (be aebool* ta ceMnL we beltars at preparing lor Ue next eoatest begin
that the prtew. as aaaed ta tbta re^
aad thatall
pert, iboold aol be eireeded.
taler taierest ahowa la Uta 11
..II of which I* retpeetfollr sobee of Mr. . .
Herhen Heel
taler, aad a dlO a aoatb latae la (b< tnltiede (g Hr. Neadbaa. ta aa Ugh at
O. KObaae.
aboaM go at the preaapt Uaie.


{$! A L. mLL aTuI^^SZl J?

Uta year, where ia prevk--------------- •*—
yield ba* beea many

It*e Heleo Clbba, of
Hardeld eaag two rery plaasing selectloe*. -Soeg of (be Heart- aad tbe
-Sight Has a Thousand Erei." Hta*
Alice Robert*, ta a dOlghlful ataabe
rd tbe -Lullabr- from Joslla.
Hr* J. U OIbb* bad for her
!r *ob>e(t.
itloa ta tbe Pbilippi
recounted the dlAcnltie*
been experleaced
. _
sebools according to (be United State*
[ have advised a auaUcr of ay
ptao ta Ue Istaadi. Tbe '
(ricodato tae it. and all expavas
meellBg o
differed rery a
aalvra as vreU aattafled wiib U*e
Kbools differed
d tbe Old
.* I *raa.’ —Uia* Rosa Hoax
American a* ibey a^ 1
Grand Traverae regkia waa held 1
r, 410 ft. Broadway. Lexiacup aad made no pturlalooa fc
- tm Frtdar aad pUa* coO)-,
w- ~.
«*“»<» edaeatk* of Ue people.
pleted and roaaUtect appolaied for Mpwilitt
«ll*«<»* order* obketed to tbe
drawback but now the aebool*
Jklng thiax on
!« are as folipwi:
we're *1 pek unlem
«Ubltabed aad
atallaota tor tbe pnplta. Bagitab betag Ua E. Hamta^Tu^a J Btockmaa.'H. I
UBlteruI taaguage la wblcb lasirec- Iddlag*. O. E WUbnr. pllof Cbartra|^„”
. tloo la •
Gold Watch,
T. T. Bales. Traverse |
•hroe year* agu on Ue Elk farm.
Cttyi H. EOm. Nortbport.
cafofdl'J" coaipllod aad coair Flint. Bert Gay
m>ld watch.
Priotlag-H. E Oreea. Chart
aisled' of - mneb Iniereetlag taforaaC.
’ **"tantely oa Robert E. Lewta’
Plaas are being mode for 1
'■Coaque*! of (be Fhr East." Tbe key^lally eajoyaUe^a^ profli^Ie

hr^bSTralo ™r “r ''"'"t,!
A Total dnrt b.

kaonwaaeewaaSdwsi asWU, •( Uiiapw. Ky. kl>
I Snr Ot n onS W •tote


W t?e Peat^tKM «“•"
tax aeotrace.


Htaa Bdltb Heleoab. Ulrd grade,
raaeot aaUir MLU; (or tbe peat

pnSuM. IMoa. fnw tfa.1. Iuv».
Win be a eoapiele lallsre tbta eetaeim
Tbe boda. ibei say. were ai kilted by
the severe coU wratber tbe

The Children

™ S‘4i;s^.r;i3£s' ■

te Ue
OaatriTbaihtingr’HdHer i. CarUa.
aatarr in a aoatb.

-^r Ktaeey^^ Bacfcaehe Tan- b«

__ I rery 1______ __ .
doctorvbyitte. HebMt
fennnlh and vDl ex|daia.\

apMdKure taat rear ia
ooBied to IMMTJl aad
tbcae are ao ItabOitlea.
Weman'a Club.
Slnre tbe orgaataatloa of ll.* W. H
<„ prUgy ,
C. (here ha* bera expeedm!
lerpi wototD (brre ta a charge of Hr
i. U GIbbe aad d
BiloB girea In Mb tbU ^itb tbe edw

tiatse Orar. bird gr^ pmeat aatarr M*: >ataa (or aen rear.
Htaa IBM dmaar. aeooad grade. I
pjMeef aalarr MtM: lor pen rear

KHwooD Annrcg pcaoa.
Mtat NolUa Utlc. prtDclfaL cigbu
grade, preaegl aalarr M<; lor peat
rear M7.M.
Htaa Halda Braaa. aerentb grMa.
prMoi aalarr Ml: lor aaxt raar




Britaf Corp»

'seeti, |U>TJ<: for Ue Kaaias Ooo-I
:aaffer«ra. »tM: fa Ue HeKtaler ae: aortal. ll.OM; for ratlaf. tlW.TM.II
i Tbe naber of peraoe* aaaUted baa

F. Haa(er, dfU grade,
grope oat oad (be aapei

a noe (rerr hlghlr raeoaaaaded)
niaa namirr,
Howler, who,
aalarr will be Md.
Htaa Cbarlotu Doogbertp. (earth
grade, praeeat aatarr MtSdi (or aea

fM Mck^aaTtilMa'tl M^pta
bta t-rsoraoH aoa fl—'
the soft aatib. “

YMtr dMHT «0I td TM l_

■Mtu Cora PICTKm. eaiet b Uoicr of tbr i
wao [Mruo. aiua* "• •!
. _,
b*e eoBvrrtod law a aaikaoi
Hr IcaMfraaVenMIa
M*Ue ta*t^^’ ^
gtaM «Ub Mr« nerpt tbr haMiBi M«
iaIUr OPOB >
aad rreiT rear, e
^aoWog Md b kta opbha Ur ptaai
Bortat Daj. H ta >
mtr «U U*t tbrr •bom be. Fblr- r Ue n>
ma wm Obloetad to br ierbat Hob­
iBcae. wbe laH that c nob pobtf
I ha taiBiod
ao«f ____*
•ov. He
the ape
a dad that Iba apeUSeabe vaa
I wi
to be raatl
Hr. Prall waa
1 M

tkap MB a Isaff Mk flaaWM
amnb wde (Or Ue UaMdeae.


edMo- pnami -aaltat $4*} far •*« Ttaf
nt ottw ----------— ----------------— --------^
mil*. Mi tat -I ctrc ar haoi oai
Til^iiriu «r« «md«. mr ham to M mki ar eoatrrt <ae
b tfeto m bd»<«i tlM 4; gtiiiW
— —
• Brnff^Corpi ta » »»•

DR. fB


_2i"*S“!aS3; 3

al. pkMr MaB«
k beralUad gad mbs plate, aaa

nan an («e «t*U* to tk« teg
tufkl ta tto K*ooli. tto SM for tk*
Kbolan Mh: ~I PM<'





machinery and Farm Implements
Remember that we sell the

Only tbe-*cfT beta aa-

That are Bade to OM a* wdl aa flcB.

They ara

"miller" Basoline Engine,

and gtaM
able, and akBL


Ow» flMd and ym wiQ boy DO otbeg sake.

1 IS be caaiiMsd taai only urutary
war* Is be iraesd le the ktaoeya.

The only Gaii*!ioe Hngioe that a child
can start and handle without trouble in
cold weather. We baveaoid orer Idity
engines the last year out of Travene
City, and they are giving the best of aatis*
faction. Before fdacing yoor order for
any* make of Enipnes, call at oor store
arid seethe Miller.

Siu* to catch da eye; b«t are dnable, coBfcn*

Uay bad haan trertda. baeauat the hnar-is

Tbe ebe^wn oa the mriut. qMi^ CMdered.

nestatafliim » Oidor PMcrfyl.

TP aaalpt
eptaraaa asiotagtetaMsytrotade.
.•slot aaeb Oalos votaraaa
^ <»r balp and prataettoa. aad 10 '
iryeaanatefcyeaeaamaka ae mtataka
taagraal ktatiey rasaady It
«'*taad*ih*hi|be* fat to

Hare yoB ever tried Ae

noyal ;r'lKwr -Twaa and OoCftoM

tiger ^


TheyflicHiebat Soidtalyby

J. J.


Cbe Bale Plow Ho. HO and 01
Prices and terns to please you all/

Cor. Caa&Stste St.


can DOC make a mi«ake
oor goods guaranteed.





gn^A THcmar; mat t, itta." ---^



■w 'wbBb waa ailuaa by aeaabddy
ttor.'- Tbb aaa a atfBlfbt abol at
OnwTMMw'a apaarb ctnaf PraaMaal
■oonroli'a -tabew mad. " abieb B


miltem ts



«i OH ma I MW ■ uca ,
... _,^ _
Oat iwaalim at. I arrar foc»«t* ****^
Dr. BoU^y of T™»^ Ctt wai la facaa. aaa 1 rartatajy mU orrar far. »* "naif tfcaalaiayocadam.lf lUi ae«. U wa. lb« r..a or tba
TU try. BUI. to b* aaOa»al
tar tbc ______
; yaa^
BW M tbo: ttna. bat
Ifka Aaala Cadbaa la . .
_ OMB wbo bad dncfod
tiala batwara BeolotBr and rette- taa*! tat oat o' ben IV fo

eudUMifc. sum
£s.r.S'r:“.::tS'r utrFMXins. bi-^ss:ffp“ar.?;:?5SSf.’r

aafbt ay aaloolabpd ftaara.; ^ ^
: wbUb «afma balpad urn t. ran.- „„d brtartor.
Tba eoortrt toraod away

'naatly a eotilBw
laadar. ibarot lUckB. |p<raa>r aa 4aTatad ta brr that Ibr lalUua.-y Imm
tba towa tatt A. aaaal lii .u.-h caoaa.
« ana talked of K la Ibr bulaod


at Blfbl 1 waa Iryiae ralaly to ^
ua ceU aiU_______
> far 1 araa troabM .boot briac gac
raraoBad aa t albllBt aad bm m
^tba froai (1
___Bobla «UI atiaad acbooJ
Bart, aflar a rBIt fivia
aaak. bariac -Balabad bar afeUrd by bBa la Iba mfa aail. *b«a
blai a atm i
M afKd to tba Habsaoban: ati
two ban oat a( bB wladov.
tnla for tbo ,
_ji«f fhib
TbM «19ba a latfo cfa
> c.
of bB bidcMbta,
aw by anaa
btrdor,' bo nM. ~Oa<
aad tab. dadgad
«fa poyllt fif lb. aebool
Iba cotnl aad «ot away. Wbea

Bill Blaol.
Norlbpoft Baiarday aonlaa.
Tbo taoiily t# Mr. Ooa baa arrlrad
ad an loealad la Iba Bark bouaa.
ualy farvbaaad by OB Laraea.
Banay Nonta baa loM bla rlllaca
Claaa WanMr. Ur. Norrla
bai parebaaad a fam eo lb. polo)
sad Vfil taorr oe to It la (ba aaar fa-

a Baa

>a U order to b. aW* to
■ aa poaalbir.
b baa^broB oe tba
a baaa ’OB)oyleK lb.
a aaUlaa for TOc
Hn. Vaa IB Walkar aad I rt. Wy.IploCBhawothlawrak
a Mda a (rip
to CBhawo il
aa tba ataanar nUaola.
Ur. J.teb ba* ranraad tiom a baal
aao trip aoaib.
it baa baaa teaad
II voald ba
Pnk Uan are balai dlalHboled
afay ibr fannn la Brer qiuDtIllr*.

HE •nil CIlAUnE
nrtefa tba Mtaalac of ibB mwdr

are wna eard lo ufcluc miwpar
Ibr opm. Hr bad aerer lore
fratofyirklaUDdrr a apanklBCbram.
L lb.



•< Md

MODoiiya anarauiii


'■i.'S.'Sti.''; iis.s;Si“‘ss;'“

araiia, wblla at «mwr at uy

^ >e ^

_-»;i» ...-r

"‘T!. *!*;

ta tba aeoralac I pMcodnl tea my
. wroay. atupplm apalu tba naxi area
b«. WblB attuac la tba edika amok................................ waa la leal Ibla Baa
fully couelorad ,u
br „ra«| me ba
aiartad. but -batbar bl. .un>rtar




Backla atood k

*nHo BaaMaa. Mr.‘
nal or fauaod I
^Wtac BaHtaor
Sa p« dowa bU
'moot luwrw. air. Ua-a
mom ta bB malry. Tbtaa paepB art i fU
taoaablBaC.*B. Ba'a pMat baan.- tat Uia boy ai wall, bat tba
oa to It aarroMaly.
I if pit talo Iba (oofriBatloo
_____________ ______
< •» ooo*etblnf or a datrctlra. aod •»» b« w*oW aaa aia ataa laare. bo
tf atfarty wueaaa wlib nraeal, tba iaetdaat. tboufb trlBlap. lotarew^ walkBl Utl ba
fba bnifaaa Uitaafb wblcb a paUi lad to
K ra. ra
•—r—ra ra .
__ B aa aul tba boi aa lufaraal Bt-

“ssisssi ..

: barawlTtoad
to oae Ibr C a M o
Ra^BolaaUd aaaaaaoftba

for Saturday anil Monday.
Prucs ranging from fiik up to
$1. v«Mir ^oicr for two dav>

A*r.e>R4XllllL '
Jadr- "I IVvIalr

a warn halba with



.______ JOaa lie
.i> WH
m f.KiritinnItuf*S.irth«r’d».r'iem»

. aad Irmatlaai.

' ud ekit ran. rUei*. «iii w krata-antir.

MI L.^ »«~i ii?TS..,.r!i. B« I- i»e. ..r r» fe r.™ t« br ■

„ „.,.„,..i..„

brtafliw a Beta'.


■to amiWmaant aotortaty I ehiaU ban

Oonar.,1 Newa.
Hr Uminian KiehiiLr. pnvi.l.-eii <
tL.- I.orrt ->t bewlih of N.'* «>ri.-an'
lia> era.. 1.1 Te-aas i.e lakr pan. in tli
aiiriielir M-rl.- iC rapprlBic
aa.|r I.. iineTiBln- ilir’fra
Alcl.ilni: ilir n
Ill map ..
niUlc plai


rnmn Ot*y. MItoH.

----- -

Uanin ll.•alD. I..- Iia> e-.-m
Ihinj .lae' Till-Jiiniis- m
i.»r «riiir> ar.- lemnn/nc i

<j rS.s-l as a c-b»
lii'ful.irr. IIi.-i
drawn and alsned.
* . .
n.r mipew tniui.-) |r-ei;
Wbirfa Btoworll pul to bU prakailraek.
all! ..oi.l ml! >.irh ..B.Td<
aad Ibr
I la Ira* Ihoii a weak Imiclaa rniiia to lo Jail
It, Jl
I bB friand and ■ that lia ueim
ncarar allra. BUIy."
•oily OMMtaa aaltyr wW bad oarrad
IdBaoIrr tho ptnerpililp. llr«. leauf“lom keownydaty.'
feMHtr ta bo borlad allra. Bat IlUa stafB ptnOB ta II brtada. Byaatf. TakrararaAt-i
*” "‘■-'’•■H' dl.llka
f«r ft. I Bt dowa a window fori “No. I dooX BlUy- I *ui
I ra
Mh ■ •* Br"*“rll aad lead ibr i1l~..lii..................... bUtar
orravad mj brioi«tafa., T“ obU«ed to taka y.
Uon a aliir ijua teoei. Hre.wti.-II prraMsl
d ertara Dt;
aad taartafltbaw wbUe taklaf a book froB my,M Ton know bow It •
' I ,bli frlaiid'a hau.1 fanmlly i.itd a»mt. vrr> Iiul alarrlbr dl
of ttB blfbaol rtaB''*H aattbrl. fBand ai my faUow
llarrls-Csira tn..\.m.-nl
a for bra to iuokouI i
Tww yaar. poraral Irau»Ua rodowIrli eianrd Ibr vmr valmuHe anc!
Ha waa tba fa wtlb Iba browa,
.^LeSS '
I.- lee an flii.-lc. ■>.. on.
nia di>p.».el lo lak.- lb.- iila..' oi
A taOtaral tatar. tbeofb I waa aal; “«• •>•“«
”**■ »« •»«*»• 1 did not kn..« ibr .uu--. bl. . If- a Inn
laafclai «ne*ly at bba, l aaw hlB tar 1
*. ”••**
**" ‘
| nary trill. Ka.-klr I...I rtrm..-1-d freen.
Ie.<wuiw Ureiie-utO' I. H i'banillar
lUfftB aad PutaaallWO. .ra.T .era uvra •* ■ ............ra
■. . ..
....... aeru luin.
.if Ibr rnlird Blali-r oae< inanaRril «o
fMp«< wataW aad (BWf B« oat aa Ihaotb bo iran fatlta« a rarolrta;
And yoall kID air whUa I B d.^
,b„ r,
admlrmbl) Iha W«rT>r.lo l-w! Bolllt*
fHf af f aadlbawoBaa Ihara' UiU a poUUon wbara ba ceeuU iiaa It «»r bt duty, a doty tbat I aaa t faU , (epal mlrut
rtiirine ihrir ra<-«'ol
man.'in'rr* li>
bM Uytaf ta denriba 1a tba ruB I uipadltletBly. Uy noartaan waa ao to parTorB wltbout dUbouor.*
.a>Mn.m b
-ao-eTli.-rn waiiws br bar le.'.-fl rraardaC
far of aay tatoaUea (bat would nil
"1 ««’t «»<^7 f U ta tbat UebL
tbc-n-iarer Mooii> H lenne mbi io
let tbc
ha^« your old friaoda word tbot;.bro.rt, .erf tbrer't.
mikr anrb iiivr.Tisaikiea a.
•Ifik boana.* abo aaU ta aw ta a bB-waupoa Into aarrin that 1 alBply
^«*a crtiua for whldi egrt«|,y ,„l r. frrr
, era.- wieoM pe.tBtl lo rr|arr
anmaMa niaa. *tbay ara fow: 1 aB •are blB a cwataMiooaa fBara. Ibao., ^
Jairan.-'.- de-rlrojife. fkinn* bi»
ona day Ikeupl..
H aot obHol to ao owNklac opaotaf By book, bvab 10 read. Aflar'*»T^ taaaWf you
reCH-iii rruirr U.-ulruan' L'hanillrr
awUB I dnfWd 11 00 aw tap aad.
•»»«■ t*» »««»• • «BUk*. What'..............
e tbal Ura. DotmUt lea.l lertee-rntl
•lrBinaatratr.1 <o ih.- woriii ibr
Bat baton '
»“• •“ do la to Bake a Wc effort aer pre.JueU.-a and a biui
oinblnra* of Inrpadii h.«l drair»>e r>
*,*. to OktBfy tba pablle witb-ot raatly try-; te dioaar Hr..«nrli ,«l

Watch the Jay and grt fii>t
cheeicr or you w ill be- It-fi. Thr
gre atcat erficr of ihe-" acajWli.

I3« ITpork*


•Vow. la an apiwr nneta of H.H bo-

Conaelly abinrad at t a Iboafbt or
Borl'a brine Obllcrd to
»»e ta Ibe cold.
. *t Hatbaway'. ba waa loU by Un. ^

Hn. Coand wrim.
It ta wHb '.alaaaore tbat. I coa !■■aI•'«*>d.>k.<^[^.. .« nr M»rr ur ana






iny noir ttylea

wlab tit briwr teii Idu "
h to «xr blB fneia

B>. My'ayn Ban
wbuiu ba -a. paid
tben waa a abfbt anwl oo Ua faro. I>ta <><»7- Hr a
Wlna tb
tbal ba mlobt tba batter
b« ba lowMod U* ayn to bB plate •VX bople«


“ P* *" *• r“_
bUtMdimeiB.aodwbnaba eoiM.
iwr bar faaa aad ann .
alaaattoalNa*. I aaed ta«r bnaa af


lta«^ B>akr>*kra,ti^


a* B*

^ turn aad walled. lUekh
to melon or
aaatrd care hha a (bmlrniiia aoel
.■r l^twarll i.aA
bla doty U
II 111. I.irfcrl. <

> ICa.klr
t. alap.^1 al It, e ,a |.ui It
soiArt wtib'.ui ao I .if tlr par
tbooffat trabafarrotw. peobably by >»
yrf raBrd oar rye* la rack «dUba punala* tono ueu. aemow.
at tba ..atr
aaioa BHinani Tba a—-______
waa oeodla*
• ar
^ _ Ibato la duraeaol dJiacUoaa.
tanad fokkly aad beaked ooi of tba krcpiDf «
wlodew. I naanad
1 By
ny n
mdiDf. Wbaa ■»
who bad bean oew of a trio
I leobfd «

• *'*’•■—••
of friaoda wban tbay wafr buya. BUI
_______________ ___
Coooolly atKl JUa Hurt brie.* Iba otb
"T^muUy Dotad Ibr o-u',
•ailMC at a
bnewo l^iedTruia
nally C a ea.nrT wu.ti
. —-------- and N-ruiklrd «llb ?T?
ToeT «aU r«>«
• ••malii ladj |.. kr.i. dark

bi“'n mr‘T‘e?.];^ul^ 1m



■n.d It. wBi ottai*. at. rttjaJmTer in—r ai
a a.aia p( md ..tun. tbw ■» b> bald
i«al tbr Irwau aArt-ta Ibr t-lly uT Tnmaa
e-uy.aad eOa« «a.. •> aor ihrra la. arby tba
aaayar aC tba rmiaav-t AaaU M B rraaMd

trlll 1.11... I..I 1 CUIrM .1 bla «-





KXs" "n-




Tbr local raportar M (br naaUbft

WIB br yaaked np tor e»
f (wan tba Brat ibtu hr
la laat wark't laaiir ba ap*a
Irrolt metre '-milaf.'

■> Uoraeaa
HB taan ba
eSoraaaa aaa carrtad lelu
ra A Ubio railroad, whirb
allynrficnaaa brraear aa


„y ,.n, mi-d ia Ilka a
il-lr at

At tba am autleu axin noaolaf tba •«»»»
■ bUu pvt
B Hama
raeawd by Ola DaU.
Wa. Crodor ' B bttlMlac


Uoivwa aurrMabaUa. Kb. waa a :


1 rbibayiab mi_____ — .
e bakrry. Ha U a B>we4w MM of OU .
a hollar rdpaWf aa • '

tttmwi I «m ia et:

1^1 Ilf fw dw IfiT«f w pawao Ui way!,

IM of BM aad B aow aUaadla«

K. Oow« r»

C^bad by Cowaa (bat B

Kti'Sr'.EC—. ii«. LJTJSISSSJi;

b of Ma

tla trf <h« hueinr ntam ■ *

f up basaa ton. Tba ualy <»nxrta-,
f* I «WI fira at II B tiBt li easladed blcki. for Iba dBtaan w;

- - ' dnd Biljji^ Oa aolarta*
f ataptatan

' S?tra..!e ,TL


i **“"■


"Xm <*aak Pluw^r aba ataad I
*^*lSpSId*bn tbal I did. aad anar
««t «• eaarirtad ia tba rrco.-b taa
ffa. I taak Ml aaoa rlaarattn tod
illdid ooo ta kaup bar rumpany. bat
ttm taflad aa ay ■aaaklBR ona of,
vbUh. fa aald. bad bars aada
MiaBf far bar troB a rrripa rur|
SSm f b taitakta af Ibr tun uf tba
gUtaB af tHrtay. I Ibnw afa away i
gat fk fa af beta. 1 ka^al oacc
batU taaInlaid agta». bm bow Boeb
or wbat aitaw drag* I did not know.
Oh OHg I did know. I wai rapWy

,eut todto d|0 aaythtaf.*
;u„ |k.ii-la«
to foal for bB box aad «
'( ■ Ruapt and whbmand ta hir r.
o da-i -Ton ware tail In llnla lu
foa (Bano at taa.
1 waa awakaaad by aeaiatblnB atilk®o J“r «idlt Or uiBum
. .
Vrain IbU llnir 1 a*
If bnrtly afilM tao. tipaala* By' J»T baa elooe tbat If tbay h Jdor. in AlBn will Iw dmoiMl to r..n '
<yaa. I aaw tba saa wiib tba bnwa
*------- --- ---------------------- -->•■* > Anotbar lew rrar. havr mrar.1

■*»<■> abta. aptaad mr Booth aad
nSa «HM. Ha toH aot a ttaKtabB.
«MH abi maatd. braked at bm

pwk.e li
flnp l.e alpr
r LI* Ela>
bofouBlI >b
Ill cif rl
ha*li!.' Ibnirt
-isjil. Af.rr
dinnrf Mr> J
lolac miciiliiOr.| ifa.
.1 ITicvao An «
m Bata
! un'of
brr hurl
-hand, wbo tnrei Inl.To wUefa. anar a abort aUraco. Bon j 1a thta way tbo boot raealea bla n>po- - .
'.a'lRhier a* lir rcpIW
1S...I land' The t.uil-r !..ld mr Tr.-u
taHM for an tatMtrriaal a
I —A.. “Kaaper. PU not taka adraataga et
h.ilin hart |or*ott..n to lerlns a han.1
a ma wbo rogarda it bit df to kUl
krrr-biof. *o I iM-Bt Ijib ««r .rf min*-*'
runen-r-man WilUaim .rt MIraH
j «f «!»•«, Atbt yoo.
•Ippi i.ri.trau-1 tnililb in ibr h..u*r
ra/ urax.
I ir««gra <ter Bratand tMUr. B
acalnict enor.^ r> publtran tnrtnbrri lo.
-Tf Ibanyoaeanndaadattta .HaHrtagt>nrarock.D<i.dT.and.'a}H,ta;^^'w^«to.ra.o«ta
1 fMrtnf
ramnag bU antagonlat-a
CUmrai'ee.Pran.TraH..O. Ins alkia.rl lo prim eprar-hra ib.-r hail
oxt atatiH HaD nta yoo orar to IH
r J cutwyaoe.PreT*-'
' Are aa bo adraaced.................................... —
. —.—.—. x—
met .IrllTiTr.! Mr. Unerrewor of Obli.
abmitrrt: "lio tvi knoa hi.a man}
yo.1 ha«r R.,i tol.e Ibr Hn-o/a
bad OBpItod dra of bB whan ] W ood daawj^.t ?!^J"
«“ “»
U>rrhlo/ In,, hi. .1__1. for
aoBO thirty faat apan and ;



1 Lata that

Portatpa It ePM By unTHgard toH Of
lalraBbBiiit tbal tbnw a ataada of;

rooaatt n|«n aona plan

ba^Xr nii aad

f bedira of Balt aH CoeaoUy lylag aldr

•CM i^onr Mi^ InolH
Ha ptaecd bla band Ant on
or thaT T,m tara LTtara »»«'•
«« COBaoUr* bntt Burfa
«oraW to^o^
"V I' *V" pj__ ■«“:
Th« orararar*

ototUag. Her wtHaB-a attJro waai wobadkem tong iBiWa toBparttam!
top A Hnrtag. wbM Hr thnwjyH wotad ban rtJoew^^SS^^ I
of Ha wtadaw. KrtI aba toH a ' artard (ay boa and Ml tbr Irata at tH
^ rtawIrO
J ^ ** mead aad caronilly nnnd
■toH gtobo abou two tarbn ta dtaB gfat 0(191*
abta tna bar niebto. aad lb* Mtcbto
Mtowod tba ctotblag
Tbro ab»-H
ba. far by Hla
UBa 1 bud bH
to aot for ouara ttara .hUir gatbar
m mr totad Hat Ha pnaoa wad
racuhm Tbit.
to era Iba abaoedlly erf tbr _
mmmmt to Htwy _ _________________
“TuaXa a fool.* I bluncd out at
HH at bli waicb. p*«nd art at tba "abd H BB I. 1 tboocki yoa wara
nitoH toadatapa aad aftorcarttagH
Alton Dougtoa and Auatta Rnwartl
■to opH and anltertag a prapar
. you? Ti-bal rorr
darutad coOrga ebama. Iba tatoHbHM or Ha wlodow aadlrtblta•?tbe gormuaerat.*
Tba MralMd rxpnaotoa oa bla Mai Umaey
■■ tom M He AtaHuunL
■ad 1 au boH Hdta tba latoBMu af
dglM t HmM bara taau pntaaadlp
Hand bp U Hta Aa it waa It arwa-A citlara of r
________ btad bla to Browaan. a rotkaot.
ad b« a pan ut BP ‘
iBh aaa taa,
Tbltodalpbto; tiu an I.“
.. ra_ra. ./

' J:!;:

xss,«*»r .*ra.rao..





but dU aat i
*Wbp. yoa ara tba gaattoBaa.* HU
I Ha poan! L^l^buaa •UagMar ^aratly otorrM

and WH baHad H-1 “ToAaad iotalakMgbirtbafBmtotoitotaiiiiagaMd t»jawtoa.“
canp •• H to tiB “And pen tatoioH Hr tor a tabHrr
SirCVreTra' * *-*
to; I atod.
M . ^*M PH aHM ata tor a taaHbta

1 toM art t« u <
_toP H Htonlrw amr
of Ho PM

BH PH- I hU. glad uBoagb
K to gat a brarur. “BorVa to Ha




waa tba pat of Ha potand
: waa cuaaldrrtd racy dall by
art and aaMua tarllH aapIf ba bad beun tarltod ba
ul ban acrepird. HBUtiar,




127-Bll State Street


Traverse City. Mich.

Facts and Figures Never Lie
The- }»ast {«•« weeks' ciems at this store have had a most salutary effect ui»on public
•>|e>nion. I he-tminlil himdre-ila of e ager j/eople trfio have massed here from day to
el.ny pneved londiisivciy ilie commanding jeosition of The <ilol»e as a suf^ly cemcr.


>>^*>57* *or ■» d.illra, .raU.

«»>'*......... .
Men'i Kid Bhon zuuaalead tole taathar



price................. ............................ .

Pairs of |fc>ugla.«' Shoes arere sold in the Uniteed
States last year.
May, we not sell you ONE
PAIR this year? Wc would be pleased to show
them to you whether yoo wish to buy or not.
Flora. » rara raiOT.

Bacbant & Boscoe
Next door to Hamihoa Clo. Co. ;

1 18
IFront St.



Lmk Goats' Shoe* made of latio
«altworUi»l our pricr................. • .09

Dry Goods

Over 2,473,000

Ttangb baotood atoto taw


ladM* Oaloreb. hanel turned oolei.
E’toBRt> kto njipei. worth

Skirt Woiu Sui'. .Idki. worth tofc, oar

SB Froot Street



. . .
e (ba path that Bd ta tta rocha. «r

* aamd baroalf

• ........ .....

“ra.SXX^rjTb'S.S '^-^

«»-'•» ycw~.

aad ptfand tor
an waa to dBt«H Bat ta

nine M.!«..«* rraoraral ' Waoeijeo. Kw^tt O MatTia. Wbraral. lOt tlBM- up lo tbil taorB

""**!»“ I—. »"“* ■“nr-.Sra rr-» .i..;i...,..,

VH abMH< to wkB tor aoBHhlag. ai

dawn. I aaMcid Hat wr wara irafag
tWaagb a HMly aMlBd dBovt aad
P*a«d agata



m?!*?•• • “““■ *

Douelaa 1> a luodn erlfa nad inoibar.
| ABoag Ua frirod. n..u»U. I* rewanlrd
i „ p„„. ,,n,
g.,„^ aigbia ta
^ rallowa of rfew



al break aoa
toI Hdbbw
Htbbw Itoo datay to

tongued canvaseecnt. all of «-hich ia xaveef to yon in Kl(r KOl'N'D ffOLLAKS and
you have- a machine that CAN'T BK BKAT if you buy of

kUl you In arif defana|,

ty a tanb af tba coach. But whal,**^r»«r Btofortuna.
waa ay awpitaa aad. I wlU adudl. cua■» t^O «d
rdMaatf ta an that be bald a rw "*,5^
aaid. to a taa# bo
Telfor wttUa a foot of f aoae.
"'d to a ateangar:


BM^ Ho Hoart a band bag

A< a iru ial aaih.-rlna el..- oUie-f .-vm
OK of i-reren* e.h.. wrrr preemln.-B'
elilnoz lb.' Hr
-I.nI. ei.lrl o a dlnne-r sieati
ti) IBiii.-I Mannlna. ■

If >'ou buy y<Hir HarvrfNiing Machinery of the^ agent of the combine )t>u are
helping to (>ay the brg salarien of the con>oration oftciafa. blodi men and amooth



Wa* Coo4 abort M pieces ia afl.







tafcrsc EcnM. sai-*-■£i£.V

wmaiiamki*. ‘ '
____ _______ r.sasa.'SdST^riteS .

will W relalkod a* In aagWary to tke
O Cor*H. F. M. aew oa*. ihn prerUlBg dowkle pnMee- hnrdka 3H feat. tSbynrt knOe. hartloa a»lau aeddcat. which will be a dba 2ta feet, half-mile iwday % mile
remote poaalbnity a* loo* as tb* new for *ncb an
eagtne will : Th* dcM . ,
oaUb l« in wse. The
n all day loday ) get th* ma-taad th* aaeoml aad third prtan rib. .but down t.r ! boas. A 122 rur wUI be glrea tbe .
algbt lo allow the raaaeefl
■Mini ap (d rbe | wlaalae leam.
It will r*anlr*|
- ------------------------------


1 -.‘yAMFL'r.Sr r

aa old reUdeu of
k M M b«a M- aem. W» ~ '
A E Fairer. U ; lemled Joyat stale* lba< by
aablp aad owe of ibe
a^ maat.
K. 0*T*:aat
,1. Joh Aademaa. ^m |Thvndsy tbe Driven line will brgla |
I tbrnreattoB—V'
: of paiamuaia. m Bk Rapv
iBk nd
wheel ecmd'—®
^ has

SuHli. T. T
tolph C^. Jok»
made bis borne lor,
HoxI*. W. C fl«lU »t*looJ» WI*d4*. I.
eUUce of tb« uajoritr. u>d
roB. 0!*D A BrlKbAB. F 1 Ur. Corrtl i r*qo*«t tk»l I
. .ssoB. spendlmg I
ter la Florida, aad rmaraad i
■> ibU camcr M«<»6e<l
of AprU la tb* best of bealtb
rVe Lake; gU.
Ik* MBtMUdo oC Mr. Duncb >*4 «m. A. II. n
60 poaada. aad this prenwre was sbowa lighted Bilb bis trip. Tbe _____
Mleklgaa Trust
it torn as (be cagtee ttaned aad eoo- -baagv la climate prored t ^amebfor pwk Malefc. awW^ __
W. Btrward.
v«rd. R C. b
aorad «ku tb* noulMtlMi
tlBued steadily derlec the da), som*. Mr. CotUI wu uked •adr. Vm. neatar. I
Ub*s exreediBR that amnaai At (hat
U. Mrua
I <md<lrM> lb* ooB»e«ttoo. asd dW
Mr Moffalt ptedijrd kl*
brteflr. triMlM uatir nor* frleodd ^ (o eaiTT nut U» wlabw ol tb* pnmped. all that U aeeeasary at this 1I2S. He was amrrted *ag ». 16M. to gJO*.
, ms. ssOw Usk •m. oT esiurafk. . -rti
lime of year. This will b* lecteased. Miss Jean Miwrtsoa aad tb*) made
kr kM endUl amiHaiu* ol lb* cKM- mt ntloo.
B*a)amla H. Cb*now«h to Floyd U ]
(« ws^mj^ugr
o (berxN
doriag th* summer moelb* wbea so tbelr bom* In Canada aalll IK*, wbea Smith. w% of lot
all of kH S*. aad S';£^'*.2*rrsirS^f
'tioB. Mr. OoTvil Md« k *Maa. tUr
' water It used (or lawn porposee lbe> rame lo Grand TmTerae eoaaty. ;eS of lot 27. Mock 3. Ferre Haaaalfs < ..m.uhiibm smyy sm rks>A h.<. Mr.
.cen is
■amlau* sut* omeen
Uhl. and baa vok u> k -atlll fruiar ‘norlOB d»l«BUkHi. LdvWI {
se of dre th* pressure caa b* la­

'« Ik* farm wbere they iw- lad add: II.
**««* thr fOBfid~«- tad
aukch tuppofter cf HofU«._
sided nnlll a year ago. when they: IVaBk Hulett to Geu M' llsleri.
.* o( lb* «bol* dMtrKt.
moted to Elk RapMs. iboagh Mr Moa-1*4 acre, of a*>, of awtw.,** 2»: town
the aeleelloa a
at F
r sun retained po*r>« of lb* old , 26. rang* II: AM.
Mr. Darrwb'* s
!asssbr|r murT.lsiw* >"• *>«***» issi lor
Th* engtoe weigh* 160.000 pounds.
(he eoaury.
Ph>rd 1. dmiib aad wU* to A: C
Ik* baartr »l>PfOT*> *><
Tb<- By wberi Is II feet.lB diameter
delegalioa. howerer.
His wile aad nine rblMren sarrlre Elder. wS'of lot S6, all <d M 3s and
hai doe* a Rood work aad ba* wo* a ameted.
cost at tb* engine alooe was
him. Mrs. TTumaB Cam* of TraTtrs* east half of lot 27. block 2. I* Haa-f------ :----------------------------------------------------------- weU carMd rrpolUioa am a cwntal.
City: :..
.. gaith, CbarleroU: teab* 2nd add; M.C2S.
Trwwra* Otr Raiimaa Company
T insiall)-<i. th* roi
Mill Vat*
(WBcal aad dfaerM amsber at
|2<M»". tncludlbi
Oa Mooday. May U. ib* ta»paye»»
graaa. He wUI ha>* U* b«anr aapOf Trarem Clly win rwe oe a piopo- tooodatloB. M'ltfa Ibis oatBt t
i.‘Klk Lake: George. NeU and | Mary Boagb*^ to Queen City Brick
•tvt of Ofaad ttarm*. HI* abUltr M
- '
uboadtkecUyforgt.dMfortbe leashjo of water
Ir parents H Machine
Rena, who lived with
. Is suglrleBi
a* of bolUtag a new bridge on lb*
eoBCMled. bb lalerlW M w
tb* IrSUMOMB ■* MTk
■•iiv.-r Ud
•. ie. b a-B 27, ra^ II;
lor any distance aad any sUe mala Ei^RapW^
Monad, aad bb work for Ofaad Trarheld trum tbe
that will b* reai^lred by Ibis city tor
ane aad bb wbot* dlalflct apaaki tor
______________sly Iasi
o MaribB A. CortU.lma. — U
Wednesday at l<> a m. Res W. H
ttaair. The Toleia la tke aofthero
bridge Is to bare a apan of gfty
Lung uBrlailag
e24 feet of kM 12. b
ty-foor foot roadway aad
eoaatla «Tl mi the pae* for tb
Hay Hare Cmamlttad Sukid*.
Tbe pall
Co s bthadd: 125.
aleraa foot walk* oa each aide
dre dtotrlct la tb« work of tb*
o Joba A. Coub. e-24
M'ytnk Kroll. a Pol*; employed at J
(ioa with tbe wort It
W Markhams brick yard, died TSies
palKB. aad at Ike polb In Noraaber.
M per' eaet of tbe cos
Mr. Muero was not oBIy one of tbe
day night oader peeuUar«cirrnia
e steel arth bridge »•
inflaentlal farmers of the county, but
Cook to Martha Carils. lot •
slaace* and It Is hHIered iha'
y CenvaMbn.
ramUB hi iba city, tbe mUa It
b* was al*n very promiaeel la stale
demh was due in ptisufl lakeB
KSSt«lissBslsBd('uar» .* etsdl.le B**lle«
Tb* i«pobi.cwa eoBBty coeraatlse
wblle In
Is tbr S.SS1 bo 4SI tn> Mbjer-t ./ ThMt SS*
grange aad bortlculiural matten aad
snirldll intent. wto called to order U 2 o'eloek Friday
Art Lkpos <4 tb- Mssnsl sad ■'•wr.r •*
tn lb* work of ibc local gnag*. where
Kmll ba* been (uaploycd a
afterwooi in StalBkerf'* Oraad opu*
be will h* gTeally mUsed.
bOBM by Jadce Jao. H. ^rt>*. '
itlon do
Ur Mnnro's nephew. Ruy Morrison. MOO.
during ibr satamer monibs. Hr- bad
a aew bridge aero** Froni
Peers Hannah la Fiord 1. Smith...
only Iweo working alsmt twn weeks f.rmiiTiy of Elk Rapids, died tb* last
"br. Honi^called Hoo. E. W.
atrvwt was aaeeaaary, that either i
of the seek lo Omad Rapids, aad tb*
IS 12 aad 12. block 6. Perry lUn |ooncret* steel arch or a piu* girder • • -pring when he was taken HI and bud> sas bruaghi to Elk Rapids (or
T. Hr* was
■as aa b
nab-. 2nd add; »25e.
d*llb»raUaB« of (be eoareotloa.
- with a fMoot span, ff-fupi
ui-eiirrtBg M'eda**
Jofao C Foest and wUe o. John i
After a few reuarfci by Mr. Ha*
and two ll-foot sidewalks be
to^r-i lip warned tn com* back to day^ier
Carl, parrel In see. 26. Town 22. rang.
Uk^ F. M. Hamlin of Blair
This teaolotloo
Ills pbyslQan. Ur. Swaaicra.
O5 his may hum* from Florida Mr. It; *100.
leeied aa tearpoiUT
Mary A Sweti 10 Amos SweH. par
refused m allow ibis and lb* man be-, Munfn eislled Ib Gmsd Rapids with
On moUoa Ike toitoi
(Hbbs- BKMioa that tbe board of public came eery despoadral. He told net- Ur Morrison, aad It Is a strange cts
era! o( his fellow workmen thal be Inrldence that Uith funerals should
was feeling scry blue as be didn't be- be held from ihe same place on the
*wk( of s*>« tad *e^ of ■*>, . •
«t BrnSwei-W^S^odUm cllj. anterUI aad coal aad t
One exits [du-li. niouiucl <»
lleic that he would erer get well.
-same day
22. loWB K. nag* II: tl.cun
Mm Boite or Acme. A. R. Fairer of
--------• illd th
Philip Sbermer tu Henry Tobb*1i
1^1 week, the doctor told him ibai
large C2T.1 Ki'cn a* ay with etcry
S of e4 feet of lot 2 I
na—LorlD Robert* (
itoren, at
_ JrtshaaoM
Mob day
__ _ to work but he was la such a : Tli> horse ami rig used by FraBK
of^raa^ak*. _
(^edeallala-C. J. Falgbom o
enodtlloB that Mr. Uttkfaam rwfiised iSast.m aad B. Bristol while land look
«w*,. sec. 2T<
eltr, J. H. BaU at OarBald, 1
10 permit him. A* b* lon»*d to gn he log Moeday rame very Bear I
ftlie. *4 .
way* and maa
ntw t.-olaniku. B"«*l
SM g fV-xi t
wiarkMI that Tb iwa days I can'tdcsiroyed by a forest Are
Paacbam of WUtewaiar.
pnted that It bad e
batic bFcnnse tb* docuir said !
Mr Raxion and Ur Hrutol wei
treasorer's and Uiy i........... ........... .
were read c
the pin* plain* west of Boiiih Biiard- *S of es of swL. sec ;
(ooml them correct la erery detail.
meadlag tke admia aOUkm of TI
range 12. *2.222
dora Itoaaerelt aad
Michigan TnisI Co. trusi
(Maey for prealdent:
lent: alio
D Copeland, ow*, of n*
■ for reeir tUa
tows 22. raitgr 12. *32I>.
. UUlad ttataa MBator.
Harrlei M. Padden to
ReaohiUoaa ladotnlnt tbe primary
roe. Ms 2 and i. block
tefnrtB mawamanl. taeladiag all aUte
aab’s 2nd add: HA25.
>aal aad eoaaty af
Wm H ITf* and wU
Seen; al*o aiklat tke leclalatnre
BenBetl. BW<w of neU. s<
pan a mortgace^ law which wUI retMU’.
nore tke burden now bone ireder tke



V, feiriisTs.CS .5


a>€ sre IlK CssdU* SkM


:^sl □ LCIiliSClI'J

Btesass «* Iww lk< askdt dwt

you are IseHag (*r. IBs haw
intl.whsl r*a BNMd


........ B.


South $id< Shoe Storg
D. IHdMls,

ir p'sn I..T Aadlss s cash Isirer fnr mi t




H. L * Co.* Mb add: .SS5i!iSl‘.S*“





PtetEx 11. $2 EBd $3 per dAJCS



Wt Htttivtd Jia»tbtr C»r

Cream of Minnesota
Spring Wheat TIour

III Uytsllhi

t Brewer. *»» <if wl* of


Ike commltlea oa r


12tj 1

Ctssrgr Hards
worth Cox. n-li>
nel, . .ec H.

imltteo OB eredealtal* re-!


land >{-vl--'l lisi- 22c |m



t Uoa. 0. 0. CoreU be allowed to
set tbe dcl««atm lo tbe coogreslal BOBseatloB and that Ilea. O. C
* allowed 10 select the dele-!
the senaloi
addHkta to oBilInlag

iOolire. im h,
l-iih add; »I.2i


ott^r r.sKD a limilc.1. xn<1 rxiher than t
ill rcluce the prirt from $0 a Itarrel to

$5.50 Per Barrel
fur the $IHI tmirel car only.

to take advantage of our low. an.) lay in a libenl iupi^y. lor yoo ate t«nnia( ■
lutclvnorisk. it )-oq don't find it the very best bread floor
iisvi ever used, wc will cheerloUy lake it back Xn.1 refeikd root
A* it » much, stranger thin winter wheat iJ tcqairei laare
water for mixing and therefore yoar bread will keep bkhH aad sweet
Ur a week wiihi.ul asing pulsloes.
We pHo have other good thmet. Out New Uooo Tea Hood (be
leM agx:nU all rival* l->r fifteen years ar.-I is recdpuaeit by oh that imc

FsRcy P.-sr! Tsi>l---i

iMobethelsritfiOrtea (hey ever u<e.r''Ask in a sample il yon
-loubt Ui.
We alio han-lle Oar.lcn an.L Field Seed* cxtensivri.r.
Idesent hate a goisL Sock of choice FicU I'eai and See.1 Osli.'

John E Ri-yoold* amt wife tu Fosiei
Kilpatrick (tan >t lot 72. Oak Heighu
Cbrisilae RsAdam F. tb-HIn

The repm was aeee|ded and adopi-!
The commiltee oa pehaaaeat or-1
latlon aad order of baslaees nr !
eadpd that tbe teuporary ocganl-1
a be made permaaeaL


. Mr.
I.. I. * f

Olilhclm. Barlafc Company

226 E. Front St.

Trmrsi Cttf. MIcli.


#sfr/*fM.............. .. $s.oo
Wmoioft............... .. U£9
"•ypn.................. .. 9SJ9
PfHocIo............... .. t»M
*'*i^6 ........................
Viritiit............... - HM0
UUoCoft ........... . it.89

Tlie report w
;Trw\*riu. Clly


Lowdl e._^________ _________
U JokaaoB. yr- Cha*. Dye. J. M. Mye>
Tba Bammlnee <
rVoD Plaiu Drawl

.1 Cmi IWAf"

dpsed aarUer In ..
gMtOM. which a


W. Hall
Iasi Wednesda).
Ur. Briggs .d Orani arrhed Sai.ii
day for a visit with his deugbier. Mrs.
W. W- Hall
W I Biewan of Petoskey spent
Sunday sl-b bis pareeu. Mr. and
Un. Cbas Siatnell
John McCarty retnn
bar Uuaday last.
Miss Amy Wridman
s In Kltigsley SaiDrday.
Win Maoiguld Mai
hprs* last

after tbU cooreraa- Bsn aitd had tied ibclr horse and gon •
The director of the poor reported
_______ ____________ of a new
tat (be tout dUbarsemeoU (or the
obU room at ttae'Mark- over Ihe gr<niBd on fool. They had
tag law, ware ad^ded by a ymr eadlag April », 1»M. bad been
•ardiag bouae to lie doia. nodcrsl thai a forert Are was raging
They are as follows: U.2U04
Of this aiaouBt IIAOi.fT AUmi 6 o’
o'clock, some of tb.- men went but as K was aboui three miles away
up to «
ilm and found his IUcIcm ihej illii nail think (bat there was any
MTlwat. aetire. baslae
body 0
Tb* report of Chief of Police
b* bed. Ii w-a. ai PnX danser ..f .lt coming up to tb* horu*.
' (or (be year was read. This
I his demise was due 10 After (hey bad cuorludrd ibelrlnretti
showed that there
> but laier. traces nf ghibms and were reiiirnlhg, Mr. BaxMR: tkerefare be 11
sde daring tl
polsoB were found.
(“dlred only a great wall of smoke
■ .roll was abonl 22 or — years .if uhi-rc they bad lefi (belt rig
He *Utile MsHa Darla, who has ls*n
BBtH U a condliioB Vo ***»e-^that*«
CF. Xo( much Is known about him to hi. companion who dM not suBeHng with a sever* uiack <if tb*
bad1 been gis- J lodgiDg (
•caiisr be spok* rery lllilc Bsgll
think ihai Ihe Aames were u the right measles, (s some Iwiter at this wrHpreaMccu. tbe Hoo. 1.
t 16 bad t
e has a wife nnd child'In tbr oM ■llrvcllon- Ur. Saxton vertAed his obveil, (or another term ag chief e
>1 expeadllurv* of tbe de- .country anil a brother at Cedar Clly.
Adolph ABspeeb aad wife <>l Maa.on
■u-MBtlon with his compass and then
tire of our great aatloo
tn W.40J26.
His brother arrired here this aRer- Ih.- tw.. men hurried back expecting
ere the gueMs of J Absparh sod
rt of tbe dr* cl
Aad, whereas, tl
Ife a feu days lasi week.
to And the tnimsi and the buggy a
M (b* expei
TbU week work will be begun <m
heap or ashes
II t4.64J.l2: I It 4J alarm* bad been
yesierday by Dr. Swantim oi
When (bey got wlibla a hXlf mile 4b* Iblerior td lb* M. E church
It t4.M0 feet of hose
clly and Dr. Pralk*. coroner of of the piac,- they be
bore* strwl relllog will b* put aa by Fraek
>e*B MM: that
It C2 Biles bad
a failure to cofttlntM
Lri-'insu coiiDiy. Trace* of poison whinnying in a heart rending manner Hallada).
Dnebler will do
Mkow baM*
- ...............WoiM
a great ealam- traveled: ihai tbe t
were found In
ihc >totnncb
but The rnghtened anlcMl^^'u u^nTll'
U the (date ef Mtchlgaa. (berefare P40: lhal the iBSuraaee
a* t27A» whether or aot they were uken wlih
< tbti tb* n*( Mss
1*II2.»14 The suicidal Intent could not Iw drier
Inita gentlemen the Are had burned
lor of ih* properly of tbU depan
Raaolred (hat U U (he aamwt
Itself o-,„ directly under ibe horsed
'-•"‘‘•‘■Ih I*
•" addlmeal It »26P”
of ihU eonreottOB tbai the assa
U Is iboughl Ihst blsVaabllR)- to wagoB and beyond a slight scorching i'*""
•'** fesWea** Tb* family bTI
af oar legialatare to be eoaseaed ta
Tbe annual report of (he city clerk work so preyed upon his mind that be nclifaitf one was damaged.
tbr new pan aod upper puma
it ,|]1 his
VI. tn.ubles
—..v.--. l.y
iBaaary neat elect bim to ao
resolse.1 t
Tbe hone most hare eadored lerrl I
lower room*
Umaelf (o lb* high poaltloa be
duplhmle was «K.CTSA5.
lu^Lg hy lu coodHlon.
Obj-iob Scholl ha* the tneaslc.
The l«d> r
lat KIAdtJt was oollecl
xkea to Cedar City ; Great cal
Raaaired. that we believe the people ed. Marine a dellaneocy of tJJIo.46.
>e fuaenl will be lout all ti..
it v-as very badly '
(he atau are more than erer de- city
<n showing
Canal It N*m Ours.
■- frteblcned.
e had burned over (
maadlBg a primary elMtloa rcfcam
also read
Bimut tU
Psnsms. April 4.~Tbc formsi sn of
aad (bat tbe promise* aad pledge*
d a half wl
.ralng over the Panams csnsl to the
,. when they IcR.
1 failed Stales government was per■arty akaU be mKe a Urlag reality by
Will Ce to East Jordan.
Alifaoiigh there was no Umber in ibe formed with much ceremonv at 7
tbe ekaetmeat by the aext l^tslatare
Charles Rosenthal, prupiielnr of th . I richInliy of lb* rig. the gross was dry --------morolBg. - .. _____
of a primary eiectioB law wbetaby enaadl was dead Jait before the adI It «*s almovi a miracle
miracle ihai the rvccired by Major
i)or Br
Brooks and staff on
■ • ■ "

given Ihc Athlell
■ for goremar. Ueataaaat loaremeat was ukra Mayor t
fnlird Stale.. Consul
local High
- — consumed Id tbe wall behalf of the fhlird
ad all ether oMecra of the awde a pleasing addraa* In wbic
hid the members goodhye. He
$2S with which
Genml Cadger and oih-r p
go t.i Hast Jordan
_ _
Americant wltncsdcd tb* and caadHaiat for both apper aad lov­ thtt be bopml to see a I
Ib* Arid
the paint
High echnol* of Northerti Mlcbl. slnge.1 oPaad
id the
scorched from ’
er bo«Mt flf tb* legialatare. acamty <t- ebarter and that tbe aew charter
the wagoD Wb*-U.
«tare aad all hMa! oOcer* sbatl be would grant tbe aMermea a aalary. He
at lb
thaaked tke cobdcII for tbe '
mad* by a direct ro(* of tb* people.
least Are High aebools burned black as . cinder




danlb* SUM aad l^yor of tM
Hew Kaap Par WaUr Warica
lows taaahB. lean amodaUnsbiad aacb
corpomtica* to Maa Aoaey Be matt« aad doe* aot tax (hem.
It uiei owdlu, thereby eaaslag a ^r* wblck started th meshm
------------ pump lorn htsulled lB*the
deeble Ugatloa oe tke kbm property.
ctly .water work*. Tb* eagUe was
Hatted U the presence of tbe city of
Biimber of
> (a tbr praaest tax law. tkaL as ---------------as raa be. all preperty may be
aad that there be a doaU*
taxedI alike
expnwskais cf o______________
tantlo* apaa
Tbe comptetloa ef the lat
Aad we
«. Tate. crecUag
...-----------------ssto Ike next Mat* tagla- was In rkarg* of James
iaiar* that they use all boaorabl* •Jglaeet seat by ike Saow Pami
IS la (ketr power to see (hat law* Works of Balfaiivtb* manutacinren
id aeeordlBg to tb* above ret Mlkeoutdi He^hu bwn assisted
-. —
Joyat had will
tto eoartuim Ibra 1
rcmalB here nalil th* pnirhas* has
Me a fwadUaU tor rapraamu- tom ABally accepted by the dty.
W. Bmlib placed the
laadeai Joyat. vko b proud _
etty's aew acoubltlon. aad e«iially
Isfactory to c.ogtaeer Tate. As soon
aa (k* aew eaidke va* maitnd tke oli
of, and
S5*wkkb tk* aew oa* opnaifd was
takMK foainH to tke apparaii *f
Mt M tk* oU pamp ant Ue aoUy
BonaAlag vhkh ha* for ymr* beee
KRPtiKt K tbe vnrfctpg ef tke oH
«■*. 1%* old aagniaiT eaglae will be

asr* ,

of the DrtTteg
Park aa*«-istloe.«A small
> ^cbai^^ to this laiee«Iaf*
program ba* been
arraagrd. A ’bus win u- ran from the
lo tbe I_______
» (alMwlag program has be«w a
tbe Eaat Jordan meet
160-yard aad
—J KO-yard
JK-yard dash. 446^
1. KD-yard
ttll-yard raa.
ran, OM___
one and_____
run. iPpuaad hammer threw. It-pouad


A M. Nolan 10
aorthy. w«, M f, block 12. .
Plai Troverve Clly; (pon.
Peny Hangab, *4 al, to Am
A J Laggwonhy. lot
L « Co-I 7ih a«; fl
Haaaah A Lly Co. to Learn E Tay* H..UACO.-,





I,ct u« dretv jourTeet.

We ar<

Kid inmnier. oitr shoe* have 1 record
We fire yoa ralue ■

tht OU KOMI, Sim Bom.

Trank Fiicdricb U2^ Fmt
th, n,w smt.

Both PhODC*. Comer From sn.l

The newest JDd prettiest patleros of

Jfirisioo mrects



be repteaentpd at this mewl and
they will Melade Petoskey. Easl Jor­
Are ran I I need af _____
Rsal Ertats Traiwfsr*
dan. Bo)dc FalU. Cbar1cr.>lx aad
b*lp7 «ri* mbbing mnpl*y.'
Ftpi^ed by^f^sler df Deeds MTI- '■
■wnl at dining 1----------■o to May^J. 1**
■ The aUilcdc association
Hly aje
. **• Tb* I.
Ollben and wife 10 Vmiam
of Mr.
_____ ________’ CKx. pn*n* I
lo send
IJfft.i Front ML. Travtrot C
* to take
Jessie Bates, et *■, to Bb„b Bate*
Thk U the Arst I
that tbe
latMa has been (aroredI by the
buslaevs men of (he city in tl
wmel in see. 20. (own 27. roiiffe iS*’
:h the get
then. I
i:i»r Sileson
keep et
Ith its gsascles.
be taken to East JorTbU win
all plenty
’ work (o do but it 1* ibooghl
>aghl thu
Mortimer M Rial and wife ,0 Dag ^___________
ill be enongh to cover all th* *T*o
■I UcKMley 1
............. ..
Ith the esoptina of th* iwomi
ocL.sec. 2S.(own 25. rang*
m which wni .proliablr aoi be n
Herman W. Smith to A B Coni
- ---------- ---------' The am who will represcat th*
Meal se-bnnl will b<- cboses «*



that th«: makers can- produce are well ahown in dor
Slock. It costs but a iriili-to iraper a room or a whde
house in good style, and with paiien that have the
right nuterial in the.m. Hundreds of

b decro.M shtd.
B only 7
with de









K *6.



Tb* iMcaraikmt on tk**e
- CsJI
Jl oariy for Aral droiee Wo



are congratuiatiog themselves 00 "gextiog out so eaay^
on the wall paper <tuestioo tfarsyear by bu)ii^r of os.
If you have any intemionof havinga job'^one. don't
fail to look at the elegant but low priced line at


-------- -—-ai


art$fU OMd M nh LtfM.
Hn. JiBM Haauwa oT rVt
r BUM IMI Bft«r hai

STe^:r 2T.; z sr« r

- —s-.fT'rj^rr-

•»] m«di.

NT* Bad beanr ■<>»■ j •*(>'
-» arontMd br tbe eoafncB-!

............ ......


htukud ;•*«', *' •>»


Ur. and Mn JAb Salib epenl Son
*IH ' '"SbiJw'a*.^Zann«» U >B Aw
Uf M >b» hx*!
w»d »»Hen dar at Old MIoIob
Tbe HapleioD tebool eioaed Friday.
Md :«re b»id nerj SBlBfiUy fro« t uatlt
• p larffe picnic,
ud 10 Id Ib* p
ubie ODD DM and tl
•dm Smbm OyDPDd.
TbD Binacr lUtnoU mdr bn nsD__________________
fi • Ur*e ------------------------------ to ebdee can- j
die. and oraacet. Tbe day «ai epeot ^
OMtb «f Hn. CUud* Wpfmr.
rcTT enjoyably Fareweli Dnorenlnj
Mbt I Hri.
,tn»»T ColmnblD urirti bm
Wt were (oo borr Uni Saturdai
CHodc Wamn. *ff» of
larffe Boaber ot fmlt iren r-"' at lend to fflrlnt our •
iDodlaa roaa« faraan tg Wbltentrr
. .ri onl B( tbU place UU epriac
We bare derided lo tire li
lODraHUp. llrta, .«ar
Prank Bdffecoob nold
*old a borne toiminy. Hay
■— dih. at 3 o>k
oekick p m.
dM mimuy »mlo« of blood poi-' ^^'Lv .hi
II It npitetra abe Earl Adame aad hat p«rrbaied an-j„d lofUc all InieMled lo be pirn.
Boalat. afln *D illant of oalr »>'*«■'
..*7. ',;Tu
oUer. __
ent. The Er.*oiny Store, s«l yv.«i
vnkj. lianba Haalltoa wai bom Id *'IL
'nrlcM.' of lUclac.
WimaaibDrs. Jaly
I (bit diy vnurdar and erne Cliy.
f dork Di Joba F. Oii'd
Mr. and Mrn. C. Chrittopber npeol'
o'dork Tba boat «a» Id
wJib Mr and Mn. 0«orse Val
j|_J_ IlMw.'aaad
»lx. Md
aod Coidon. D^jmHlalll
''mud Ullle Uoffmao U plaaeint
enienaln a nnmber of (rienda ai
my teent' aaalu"
pariy WedncDday ereBln*,
Mn. A. ZouMr and Mi
Ceorse ' B.r of nenip«-ri»»D
Kellferleb npenl Sunday, wllb Mr
bnd and Cliff Oook. Nrt Wacan-*
d Mn. Klichen
----------atin IUb hat bora oml In WlllfapM
laadlDf l•■■nbef for H. «*UllaBiI.ynn
Unlj 3.-I aad tba inBdllaie Tlclaiiy and
of Rarloe. Tbe Faartni U (be ■tpeni ' Ibda) with Jullut Smith
S'ore aad P H M<
bai a vld* clrda at frindt wbn
DDlllDt veuel
Vallay tpeni t
trine lo lean of ber deatb.
her daiuihler and famll.r., M
DaaUi of btHomlt dtp Flenaar.
Zoulek will ffulld a m r hoiiae
! 8n.mli City. MIA. May l.-Mn. A,
—Tbe Elereelb j ihu
'f . A'lyW'.. an old Mfl^hlffbly^ea-i^,,^^*'-^
Majcffie aad Olire Lardle ud
Tori) Owlaad apeat Sunday wllb Mn.
y>BDk Smith and family.
Tbe t.odl.e' Aid wlU u».'l wllb Mn
PaMlae lowaablp Abotl el
PmnV Sinlih. Wedaetday. Ma> II All
w ebSIe*£oiSlwi*‘‘-r?**.JIdMl
An bAooJ «t WbIiob ud
«f i»« llTBd vllb tbBir BuMbfr
■I l« BCbODl. Tb«r an sboBt n
o( ac«. -- I. HdbUiod
K »> welt M Bwa
Bd brr on boat.

i" s-'SjJt?; ?Si?K ‘ H


tbflir farm o
Grand T
.. led bj
calloB. ^u m.iri-d
acrlamatlun. '
d loTUe Lake.
Mn'Albrtwbl baa been la ooor
The d. leiwlca lo ihe aaiUiaa] repule


aek 2,700

. ibiu
flclaua*. Bbe waa borlod la Ibe Klaf I
aa^iffaM hJ"tbe^Sso^^U
rreiaireu cemeiery. aae team
Oo. HP ban da haad a carload of eUaiband and one aoa bra-ldea a hoai


1. K. Batbortaad of Cbariale. aa
•rtoaeml Bry fooda man. baa ar­
id to take cbarie of ibc dry ffooda
arimnt of iba Roatea alore.

eranlng irHn.
It hu been known fo^a_cou|de nS

le good work but b

illinc Mn. W
W W. Brower and
PbillM Bertuieln
of Fife Lak.- ar.'
•..lay <«
Mn>. John ItHd-ury and tUier. MUa
ide Ullle.
Rapid niy ihl.
■alng lor a
Ji>nnlp AndenuiD of Uther.
who bat been (be gaeat of MUt Mal.-I
BrUlol. wept to Kati Jordan ihU
abort run and In
aboQl iwn weekt will go t. •blcago.
Bi^ihU RneOB and
tier. Ml
Jennie Edd) of ChlAgn. i .1 lo Key
alone thl« morning for a •
1 with re|.
W. C. Athlon w.-ni

SwAlab Church. Ocraua Beanffell. II la Biterly witbout nllaay coonec. „
.n^ ,ha tiiuailmi la a
cal Loibeeaa,
'anbeeaa, 8t. Matibaoim eoagneaUoa. B
pt. AA. 1--------------Mat^ -------toad ban etnied am a itjlte ipteem
renomtaallna ot Mr. Dae
tar. Servtec Baaday. I0:Sa
' ra«b. In the meaBttme tbe Grand
iBalte ntepi bare p> yet beea.^.^^,
deletalino waa «>lld
uke. but there 1. con.tdetable feel n«
corell aad ia. pr^^ to ii.e II.
Oao. B. Pray cam orer from Kal.
; Inflaeocc for the Grand Tnrene man
baU. yaatarday m boatnaaa. He U ea praject could be made a n^^y.
■aatf ia eeaatmtllBff a dam acroaa cdiJtaBa are kmkJac towaril
■wU rim at IfauB. near Kalkaaka. Cliy for aid
-----------wbm W baa ibirty ma napkiyml at
riBff to aay la retard lo'tbe mailer
.r r
. Trar.
. jrene City
'Uil. ’Of •*" daughter. Mn. Tbomaa Shane,
talked of rallroM to Join
Bunday. Hay A
kin. '
®e*ith Mpeet. of oli^nge. OeGlen Uke It woaU
erwaed van 73 yean of age aad hae
TbP LakP Aaa ba
Train wH leave Tnvi-n<' t'lly for Ibkl
tappibff of aa PI
' lived wllb her daughter the pant 10
fPMad the Qmeca ladUa ban taa. la
:na a. a. See povlert or fk ag.
eliy.yrarr: her bunlwed hat been drad 13 lor panipilan
a kM Bb** Baaday at Laba Ana. Tba
ladUM ware abat oal. ibp acore bnlat
■■ ll
II r. Moeller. G. I’
dangbten and
Tbe -Uke Aaa tea. la a
motber-a lou
u wUi be made to
d lama wllb a edllkma tbal tbit oBre ban reedred la 'They are-lira.
KlffhUi atrcci.
Elk HapMa—Rate 50c.
a loBff Ume waa the reebnt laaue
UP of Mn] Joale Batea of Baal Taath aire
Seitday. May 1A
Ibe GladwlB Record, eoniaemomlna .Jotepb AU'er who lirra bH mile. wi
TralD will lea/e Traverw City a.
Harry Dtas. vbp wai lo bare
inbday- There were four-1 uf (lie■ diy and Will Algler who Urea
•Ki a. m. See pcitlert or atk apeiilt
milea iH-vtad Batea. Tbe funeral
Ihmd a *«Haa HUory'- la tbe ei
_ I profuaely lllntlraled
r panleuUrt
Manday from 8i
oarUaaa wMA will ba bald la e
half (uana. aad the paper waa a ____
1X 31
H. F. Moeller, li. !• A
_____ _ Eugene ‘ PraiirU rbiireb under the rilrerilon of
' a with (U 0
teetaaa baa reaUaed tbe btmor MUa Smaller baah^
of Gladwin for I li. 1. Camu.
Nollca ta Corr
TbartaU. wbe waa to bare dallepraa a
bit week a large
-CHit Prapbecy" baa alae reaUaad
V received tV*-d
a credit to lit publUbcCoand to the I bl. borne le Copemith at IM
aad dtflrared by Mlaa Raby Oarpmiar.
a U ttaai of tbe Sbaraaa Ploaoer. a***! •» y«»f»
ii reaeb ihU oflle.. on M.piidav I.
Ick ' uncle
«4 Ihla wrek by Bdlicr fVederick.!
»nrle of K A. Evaut of SOT
*or WaahlngV
•r In In' i.rlnii-.t
I-. ea |t™ aireet and the liody arrived In
a a IHuge V-—.
W. O. BallprBnld of Detralt. arebi
and It Ailed wUh Inter.' Hie rt'! ««
evening M. A K. F.
t«t lor ibP a
Tr«v*rM City Mbrfcwts.
aiii ibp
Ibp city rtUay aad mM eatloff baalBPaa
^ a aaMSttat tram tba cborek aad upa nod baK tone lilualratl
TRIa rapert la mao# u
tbp 'pHw for ibp airw Aamb ware riadloff Ibe promlaeai bdalni
■ dUd day or aach waak. Tha Haraldlanet
•awe orar. No mtartnl ebaafaa were of (be puce And It a paper
three weeka a
■adaaad Mr. BrtmBnU wna directed

Pepe Marquette

snsr “—

Randy Far Raanrt Baaaan.








of Fashionable






nicely and wear ••siiecially

OcwF 20 Mttrtat sffits
U stUci Awm



Branu BaKA'a yonac maa wboaa
Chief of Police Renale daatt ihe
-------------- KeyalAe^bt^ bU
rtffbi M aa Batarday. It k aaM that dUanee In raBbrd to (ylag bonei
aervad or arraeu win follow,
ba jBBpM an a r. M. tralsbi tral
auied lo ibr Herald «a Bad
ba THUty of tba UahH (aetory
aanuw. AfHribatrMa ..
day (waacd by ualled borm
• aaod lala bf apaad ba nu
nuamptad to
be |•

wai «C bwi lUppad aad tall.
II. fraetariBK
Not oaly are i
danagad bat otL.. rigi
along Ibe
ftraau aleo aad lhare
.. danger to
re le
dacad (ba tiMiB*. _


eoBM trifbleaed at the i
aad aUrt before (be drirer
PbSa wie4rd^eu£&rm£tte ehlae aaa are ihat (be h<
tbU waak. aad MB
•£ ihTtruli
tbO^t bnda
1^ U wbareae If
wai lied be
tea ^dRUa PM* praaaat ladUa
- Hop or go by twrafully and
M^btta win ba
Tbe avert a runaway and eaen then. In

bat tbe penona laaetag tbe bnnea uahliebed ara lUbU to arrott
aa (bay bara
Tbe eblef will begta tbe aafoeee»tba arcbaid ■aai of Ibe hltcbtng of honet ordl-

H carpaalara' aaloa
wba wHh H warb AeaM ka
MB ttM. At praaaat tba

«• Meath #ee fatttaee.
ARboagb (be flnt weak le April (ba
uadi were otierly Impaaalblr aad
ly dan were aurb (hat It Vat Im


Now the

stock —«o that now is jiisi (he time to buy a suit.
fore about the attractions and beauty 6f the suits.

' 1

We hat^e told you be.*
N*i one else tiegins

to show you as many charming and dainty suits in both ladies and misses
as wc do.

It's constantly


keeps us always in the lead.

new. bright, ttp io-datc styles that

.Added to that

the variety wc carr>- and

)’oii have thi- strongest reason* why w; should have
I'rice. did you say .”

ibe suit business.

Well, no matter how much style-aml quality a

ment has if the price is noi right it won't sell.


The number of suits yon

st-f that are from Mtiliken's is pro<>f enough that price is right.

€overt Coats

Kid 6I0PCS arc

adiuncts to a

Silk Jackets
and Stylish

Raaa fcalttr (ban oara

Shoes that lit well, wear
well and arc made in new



are really worth -'di cents





Every Department of our Mammoth Store can aid you
. in refitting and refurnishing your house.

mtn's Stfllsb




It rakm la eMM

new. snappy

styles of popular leathers

The best for the price in


Light single soil’s or me­

Feed, meal. Bran, middlinss.
Com and Oats
>Vc buy nothing but the b»t grain

ami you

dium weight sole*


to see these *hi>«’s.

It oatma aa thMffh a^fr aw wanUff (^metMaa. '

pure article.

havt antieWatnl yaar wanu. Navw had a batUv tlw af Infralw and tha aatttrw wn avrtiy «
. Our Body Brusaala art the meat clabarau w havt avar earrtad—the arm nalara are tha elehaai
rt harmamaua. The Wiltan tfcivcta are b

ChHdrtn's Shots
Sires (5 to S


Mil fix them—Our own make—We


it is good—Our personal gurantee goes


Pine and


Add ta much (a tha a'
We aeii yaw the beaid
parlar. anting reaai. dining <•



All Solid


Be aura U be ready far hhn.

If. manay ia pour paekM.


Sites \2 to 2

It M hand—We have a iMeparation

help you

be at yeur hame and ne paper telacted.


with h—Wait's White

Firat. lait and all the time we have alwaya had the Braataat llw af Wall Papern ta aflaat from. M
what raam im have ta Mpar. parlor. aKting raam. dbiinf roam. Ubrsry. I ta raanw. ball, fcitehafi
raerm. we hive Juct the paper, tf yau haven’t aaan the new papara da ta ct enee. Yaar paptr hm

Sizes » to 11

eouflbs and Colds

«Ihit laclnSat yam



Cbe Season el

UcBMt. iiegsAa.
Aianaa pHea riM. »7 eawia.
AMonatpaMMall. tSCAMje.

Later in the

slock ih in splrndid condition—some new arrivait have freshened tip the

Womtn’s Shots


SisrJSSE ■?..» ri’i-assi's

urge carl)- buying on auics during May.

stiKks lieconie depleted somewhat -sirea and colois are gonF.

Women*s Shots


r fflotiu ai
. . . Mired
freni Graad Rap^» | ibrir borne, WJ4
alreet. /
Trmeeree CRrtPat.Ro. ITl,
TnawHy aod drove_____
■Irp aa aKurataa Balatddy Mcbt. May day where they will open
14.10 OadUlae. aad wiU bHai baiA the fur tba aummar Mr. Oravm
,, , At a meeilDff of Hoae company No
BtiM bn«i Hr Iba champlaBaUp of aatle over tbe proapeeta
f« the rcaon.l
aad anyi that from all ladicatlooa It J1. held Inal Tnaaday. the fotlowtog of_ I Aren were elected;
Grand Rapide ; PweniaB. W. H. Ebner.
U laviiai ta aa. tba Tramaa CKy
M- ^ aiypaay ^---------- ■ - aaa aeverai mam are 'plaDDlag lo
' Trail Mam Tranana
Uaraa CadBlac I
tMPta. H.P4,
imaal. aad W, H. Dewry. manager of
"f** PlPtt"®- Ofoffff 'etlna.
omata ian. win arrirr In aboat a
P‘P«“'>- Harry Monroe
Opaffbartp at Bk Rapid, baa weak aid prepare to get thlagt la '
pipraun. Hngb MnreUe.
• aikad to rnUsa kU poaltlon at akape Car thTISSlng atwaoa. Set*
» oatucur aad a. l.
» baa bM ap.. ad to anenaad him. Mr. Ooahpr by Mr. Dewey It aemF arWent that i
Joha ' eriy.
wU ba Ha tba datlaa of hU aBre Moa- tba ywr'a bcalaaM at tie hotel will I ■
day. Hay t. Mr CoiUtpr b wMaly be biavtar than erer bMore, Many '------------------------------------------------------------------------ ‘--affbom the tuia at a aUta are pUaaiBi to coroe iron the weal
a Bbd Bab warden
aad apewd the eatlre lumner la tbU
?mi”eL|?^ aad tarewaMy kaowB la



S8.50, SI2.50, SI3.S0, SI6.50, S22.50 to $42.50



Cbarming Suits for
madam or

Id pr Irp place ar by tbd plana,


Great W'eardTs.

doa t

i V. Frinlrieli


Ii>.* --------- ^ In |K« « rMr (baaki <o oat.

ana loaao ajanra: oiLun

bi*.,!. »b* riw

O *L

b»«. oa »


^..------ ■—



’t^T or bic TbiM.

CkuUT Cbrtotoi*MK*MM* are baUtfhw a-Mi
y«a1c ValhT-

Jloetlltba ««tor.
ibon ar« suppoMd
:o kwp la bo< for >«B
rM b« bat l«n


If al»


*T M. *«lUi *aa la lb* ri« Btta^


vMlta< «r. aa<l »

Tbr imaoit called here Baadar.

Buy a Kimball


lor Ibe laratr-BAb contecTitlTr 'loir

ool care as ..
a baU. BatBtdar. April
eelliiK the
Ab lau r«llDC pn>^ raae t pile* rsoilaa II luauaa. Alter
«lBa •■*» a doetu a aad all retnedie* failed. Bud.
*T*B1 »a» H»ro aed the e>-------Bair
S^'h BIcaar ha* reiaraed froa bli i *ucceM l«th «>rUllr aod BBaorUliy.
run lo Caaada. He aar* the rrloier ,
Hr. Cubm i»oli a trip ti
,e* aod hill* pain,
ere tl
there a* it ha* ;Clly md*)-.
. ha* bees )a*i a* eerere
inia more aad I
~tae WoBtaa't Club
luh met
Bi the ta>
)l» lorBllu
Fbratfra is
e Ihrir •»
e heart : ihe creat cua aad aieel factorle* asd
a lame arrr«|ie <X rlorer me*
MiS^aiter Blaflla* of Eft Rapid*. ^U 1*
tad It' tblndag
point* of Cermaop. after arodait nricbtoa are •rlaier I
• - br her daacbiac. Mr* ,of the
Pkirtonatelp they hare dtocoT mhlch hr rreait, rahe aad frail were Wbeat alto look* poor
OuiflM Uuid..ofMoak.
df MoakatOB.
CortT'* a lev dap* laai ------•j^Tka^^ MofTtea aad Je.qalce
*peni tfedoe»dar In taban on arrotinl of (etilBc (
of Kalkaala •pan BBBdar '
■ wrltlBh.
laU Mo..-.-.
The band care • ruacen ic the baad
u li bob the teason of
Bart Johaaoe aad olle of Bk Rapland on Stiurdny evealne
«mea the •blfile** fanner *111 make ■
la apaal Bnadar wMb Ih* tomei
The MiMton fiiudr ela«* met at the «>ur of hU premite* and leani the
«eu at....................
arblaerp be
ume .rf bile* Tina John on Tue*day
- •
. -........
- _________
. left
Pnrf. Unebanter of Chksaco I* la
NrtfMaaro dl^t' hi* bou la Elk
week will fleld after laei ftll * aork aa* flnifhed.
■ream*. The neeliac pe
; rr<
apld* OB SuiwUr Boralac. Map l*t. lovB for a abort llaie
!• Ihe home of Mitt Emma |*a>* ibe Marletie Leader, and (>■ cite
I pMaiDoala. Mr. Haaro apaei tba I Tbo* Uird. aho aa* Uken III at j ^
WlleoB. when ihe eludy of ladli alll
«UI ' bl*
hi* Bute
Bole for •oBipIhlns
*oBiplhln* to n'pimee
ivpimre *11*1
«lal« la norlda taiaralac hone Lodlaroe. U able out acaln.
D ImBoaia of Lake Ann
-' i. ii>e flaUhed
abotn aBMelbaca.
a bkmUi ace. Bhorilp after bl*
an un Sunday.
1 be aat Ubea niek bad fra*
parent*. K- Paulo* and I TUbln* eeaion beenn
*! vi.m




: w7 erv; r:-ri; «ii

[Mar Ibe rallraad for *i

’uu^ oBllI aprlBi! bMore (*IIU)(


btUoTi *1*0 rtaal

Tb««« I* watKUu
bm la tbr oU • '

Queca Clir BrI
H. E GUI <

_„, „


Buy the be*i when you buy a Piano or Orjjan.
You want an instniment that will ^ive you service and
satisfaciion. and if yon

... Rt»'lr«« *m Out**.
Tb« LodlR'Bcaelt eodMr ol the H. > i---------------------- -——
. ehoRb *ill ttr, a. tR cRoai «.;M Jota—'. Dra* Star* ■
Mr*. H. WUmlMcad*.

tut ■ aSeksaw o
Mr. TBllar oaS

By J1IJ means



AtklOM atM-Ml lb» <

r* i:r.i

You will yet valm: received every time,



Kveir invtru-

maik* uo stand

the test of years.

men fully |riiaranteed and sold .at
on most liberal terms.




Our biy sale of little use«l and

second hand i>ianos and organs is still <>u

W. W. Kimball Co.

K s; sur".::r;:.^.rsr:ri

129 Front St.

N. E. STRONG, Mngr.

liver>thinR in small Instruments. Musical Men hanilise, Sheet Music, etc.

•“ bedlpd.He
S MBrenlfg^nr. iWaaek.

VwtlBf Meadf
■ la Oalnill.
- ■^to

ToMBBMii aad frlla.

MW aia OuRBoar tpaei Satordap
Md tot
A saw


• --

m of Cbleaco aad
IB* bet
UIA.H.K. BrtikiMa. hare

a abort^ to tUt plaea tbe Ant cd
CUwcw Utdd baa ratortid to
tod. wh^.fc* npwy

a alfe aad tetaral cklldren. broMe. a ;• Bert Cook cd Tfareiau City .pent a
Beclanlnf Mai >ai ihe 8u^ «
bat of friaadt lo auara hi* hmi. A 11„
>nc *en Ire. nnd prayer .meeGnp
few tday* In t^ leeently.
■an at Intefrtty aad boaor. be lirod
wm. Bolib of Good Harbor
at 7:S" o'clock.
reapii^ed bp all. aad will 4onc, ^ reJoba GnrtbP and Ml** A
t Cnod Mead* “cTariiRlcuwr ol Good Harb^ I*
: tbl* place.
popnUr ymift* people
workla* to the .bincle mill
Mr*. W. Adill. who »prol the *eek
frtend. fuln
wilh her paraott. 7.. Hla.ha^d
: and happy
wife, rwuraed
returaed to her boiae ni IHv- In wishtnc
Geo. Top of Kllbmin
wedded life.
■oe CitT Saturday
wai la Iowa tooUac for >ra»perU of
Mr*. J. Redfonl will leave Monday >
He*ar*. Adolf Zon.
bopac polaloea.
load Rpaold Joho«m of Sorthport, for Hi. PleMOjit to attend tbe fitoer*!
MUaaa Ida Parraal aat ..
of ber sister, Mr* Plorence Deeker.
called bore U.t Wedoi
pail TlMtad"*M^
Ited frteart* I
Messrs Pted and Jasper Voice trf
Soo are vlrllloi; relatives aod
raoL o^ TaatW. a «'
I of thirteen wni■ conArmed I friend* lo lows.
Dr. Prallrb wo* ta towa Prldtp to,
rburrh in Ihi* villnce ' G M. IMme sgieni n few dny* of this
- kula of ,
.Brnlae Cba*. aad J
I seek with hi* faraHy In Ibl* place.,
la* sia-;
Cinn* Warn aad wife and Ole ] Mr. Dame, acrompanled by A. Me-1
"ball, left Ssiucday on a Asbla* trip..
O. H, Dar* lof. the Allea J. Day. bob aad wife .peat Sunday la tow
The Misses Bertha and Rekah Bartb!
toM^liflheeiwttawoMociErtdap.; p. HaaUr of Trarcioe City ap
IV home from Cbicaco. where they |
Dr. aaak was CaHad lo tba life *a*-' few day* wttb B. Haro tbl* week,
■pent the winter.
lac ttatloB to altaad tbe eblldrea of ’ B*-Jad*e WlUlami of Kasaon i
The 1 O. O. r held a special meet-;
Pairlefc McCauley, 'baad* with fricods here ~
log lu their hall on Sntnrday evecln*.:
H. Cook of Glen AtHi*i Gladys Brown of
Tlalted la towa
a B
8 adap.
: rUiied ber pareol*. B Brown and AprtI SOib.
The slemaer Columbia arrived here
HI haraa Anc boaraerTtce tbe, [wife,
the laM
W* wOl_____________________________
.-. of
-. . '
.JIBIOC *RMa. la tbe etaamer imaoli I The public
bile echooU
8. W: Pi.rter speai a few day* of last
n His* C. Paulas'
*rlll elop here twice a week aad the 1 day. Tbe children la'
tut banunlio otil- week Id Traverse Citv.
rteamer Mlanouri will *top once; room mjayed
The cnunly conveoilun for Lelanaa
hto' borne Id coMiy met at t>Und Saturday. April
Him Beaele Keltic i I lo town ea I Prof. Ryan relumed
»<th to elect delegate* l» attend Ibe
North Ualtp, Traverse City Salurda.
repreaeaiallve. sensium
senatorial and cobTbe Eaai
Eaal Lelaad
Lelaad school
senoot cloned
ctooeo on1;. repreoeniaiive.
where ihe
l The
iFriday of last week with a picnic on ! gresshmal roaveoilonE
♦the lake abort. The pupil* preoealed , The .upper given by the Ladles' A
May* ‘ibeir leecber,
icner, a
A.. oiaunerman,
ZlDUnennsn. wun
with ••»oc«'t>
a;*orlety im
of me
tbe vv»ni!

clall) . • at Aagrtl, bad tbeii
of the
hit fool wbn* aplttthe *upprr served did not
accordance with tbe name (hard time*



Mr. Hobars ba* boaebt 1» ■

With her tin-1
,„niOoed manner.
" “’!cle tad aunt. Hr. aad Mra. Len>> Pal were l*>ooleoo» nod hIjthK enjoyed h.r
““^•’‘ imer, also Hr, Cborn's family.
; Miss l.miaa Gray, came^ome from
Upaal Hobbe and wife of Kalkaska iMaaletee Prtdap ereataig. She went
Ohartta rw.»
Sunday with hi* ^er. Mr. tio Traveroe City Salurdsy.
Mr. aad Hr*. Cuamlaci hare coeo
, Hrt. L. D. SpaSord went to Tiav- Beesuse If* Per One Thiag Only and
lA V«dBrd. Stblac nd rtililo»
Charlep ■alae aad wife of Brilalrc i eroe City Baiarday to see ber tlster. Traverse Clip U Learning TnU.
tpest SuBdar with hU taolher. Hr*.' Hr*. Archie Smith aad Mrs. Rufiie
j Bate* drove over lo Aral to »ee Mr*
Nothing eta lie good W everything.
Doing on.- thing sfell I*
A verp prwlip weddlag took place
tbe koM at Mr. and Hrt. William
I Dnan's Kidtiev Pllb do
IWm oa tba aTnlag of April mb.
whe atbalr ilrtae. Him Bertha U '
They're for sick kidneys
pert «t Cnad Rapid*, was ualti
Brace HearM ba* retaraed. from a; u,dar
i They cure harkarhr. eiery kidney
toirtace to Ha^rp D. Helm of
In Indiana
; Henry Fulsome was able to go to
plaea. the ctreaaoay bring performed vWt te
H. DePuy aad wile of KalkaskaiTnverac City T
Tuesday, retunting
Traveroe City
bp Rev. Woodbooea
It Sunday w|tb Mra. F. E While. iWedacaday. But h
Him Bole Holm -of Tpavarpe
D rampbell. of 11» Park
t* loeal
local tent K. 0. T. M. have re*>
I And Dnan's Kidney
Pd aed paid fo
-<> Mra. Usn
Imsn Whlle-1>>>M
nre an excellent remedy fnr
RapUa. brother of tbe Cl
Mra Byron Waraor of Trat
coed or i>rer«irlled kidneys
ben man. Uttle Marie HMb. wl
d M
as vblilBg with her dangl
wo* prcullp dreasad la paaa4e-eal
____ uiu-d them *1 Intervals during tbe
■at order.
tv,, years. They relieve tbe pals
------- —lieu.
{past tvo
was rtai Marwr.
Mra. P. O. Prart of Traverae Cliy «
Mr. and Mr*. 8. Winter* of Platte i te
|g Ihe
the bark at
tad are very sirengthn
The brtde wae baadaomrip dreaa
spendlag a few days wlib her sbter. I'drove
ihroogb onr vtcialty. enroute'--U> trwpe de eblae erer white allk. ai
I■ have
been treated....
by pbyslMl*. I- fi. Carpeaier,
:f« Traverse
oarrled a skewer bouboct ot white.
-- on
- Tharsdty
icisn*. have used other kidney remeThe brWeaamld wo* prwilltp diuM
I Carl Bate* bwnrklrte working •
for —
Mr Bnrke ; at*, and only rvoon to Donn'a Kidney
ta white allk and carried plak earn
over In talaad.
pin* for a sbort time: then dlscoetlnuc
**.* *....
. ..
- .
imo Wright *-------------has moved
back .uo








If cverylxxiy knew how much larger assortment they cimW liml hen- ami how much


r* Bam Se^p of


.-sixrrs [»^ *'


; memlwr the aame. IVian's and lake

our customers ever

.K goo<l, well made 4-pic.e Ue>1roore Sait, bevel iJale mir.



Herman Pries u^l^Emma JohaSOB. both of ibU place were nailed te
Mrriv Saiatday at Ibe panonage.
B. Mohr oRcUliag
Mb* Ger
ttM Oteoo acted as brMcamaM sad
(ta Kclacb as brat man They will re­
side oa tbe farm lecenily ponkaaml
by Mr. Pries from Mrs P. Deaab. Tbe


rUrtp coagToa* ri the
U*t Prtday boon Jobs Prtatar of
—k whkh was hold MM (hb place tarn bb hoaaaaad omo af
- - y, wa» w*ll attsM- the coeieat* by Are. Ptoniraately they

Burke A Borougb are bavteg aa adlltoB built to Ibeir store.
Frank and Eva lb* lam Saaday.
Mra. Blsby vbited u Traverse O
a feu dap* last week.
Mrs. Dave Clovetie ba* a sister vi
Itlap ber.

OB Ibe ri.


Pearl HcLangbIto. who was *o
test week. 1* s very llitlr better at
Mr. Dtrb aad Aadraw Fbbte have I
been riected detegaiea to ailead the I
mlalnertol coareaUan to be held at
Cedar Ibe bet aad l«ih of tbb mootb
Mrs. Goorge Clemcoi returned to
W M^ta^SatoMay. Her sbter.
Fraav Nash has soU hteptere for
Hr*. McLmid left here Toeaday fiw a
_ Mr. Daeb ww^y Traverae Cky cm



Some Iwautilu! rug*. 3x6 ft., (worth $4,501. for...............................................



sires and cofors.
A good, well made


1*00 Bed, juM like cut,




any sue. either while,
A ptrtly Art Square, 9x9 ft., only........................................................

green wWo^-a tegtt-

.............. •. 3.69

^ lar beauty, ohly 2.75
along u|>, $3.7.5. $4JMJ. $4.25 and

Our C«n Dsy*' Serial Sal* «n Csncbt*
Sec the ateortmetii to select from: any |Tiee you want to pay, from $3,75 oix



so on up to $2160.

KHcbtn esMntls
The tiKW coavenieni xml labor saving article lor the home.
Here you will And a Urge assortmem ranging $8.76,
$4.75, $5.76, $6.60 up. One that u s pantry in iueU; Iwo
Urge drawers, pinioned, bread Iioaril, meal board, two
large bins, partiliooed. Urge lop for work table, all nude of
select iritite maple. Om price for ihii one is only.. .8.60
We have any and everything for the kileben.

Cum Full CsrlMUte *1 Cbali*




.A good, solid, well nude couch, just l.kc cut. Urge sssorlmem



IKc right along
This cut shows one ol out leaden. A
big specia]: high luck, cane seat, a very
beautiful design, worth $1U far six, our
price for six is only ...

Next iworth $7.75), for only....................................
Next (worth $8.76l. for onlt............................

. -

bier seal, six for only......................... 6.75

A Urge, weU made, tbauuful couch, with the l>cst gmuiof »>"' constracii.*,
(otheri would hsve log« $1« 60). our price................................................. 7.95
They range right along up.

Some l«ttgams in i Urge Iwautirul couc^ mI 2-95

in high grade cJiairs is six lies') i|uartrr
saweil oak box seal diners for.. 1 4.75
We have anything you want at just what you w.

Then right along up to tbe most beautiful and best conch that can be n>a-le.
covevml mbest Verona, (will wear like leather), (worth 26.50|, tor ^ 9.75

RkImis at Rny Prict

ANYTHING yew want m uphoMteicd goods at just what you want li. |«t.

n Cars* Cint
(X Lace. Chenile ami Tapestry Cii.rlairis, Koi>e I’orticres. elc,



Some $2 valuei for....................
Some line $3 values f-.i only.

■And P> on right through. Anything
you want at )U« whit you want to )•*».

Odd Drcs»crs
and eommodet
\oo can flod anything you want hete
SI any price you want lo pay. '

Urge arm rocker,
gemune' leather upholtterml
spring seat, only------ 6.76

................ 6-76



A Urje ami conqJctclire ,.i'

A good dressbr, jest like eat. srell
mmle. wril finbbed. S la^e drawers,
bevel plate rnwror. for Ofdy.. 6.76
Neil, 7.75. 8.75. and so on right up
• swell
$26). for..


Iran Beds

Some licautilu] \ civet Rum 2-Sx*-G, (worth $S.60). W only................. 2-26

We jive ^wcial atton.


They range right aluog up 10 a good, heavy, antique oak
salt, with '{tianer sasred, swell top drawers in both dmaer

Some big values in all strirlly high grade soils.

lioo lo Ihe hosiaete of


. 12.75

NVm, $13 7.-. $14 7.7 $157.'>an.l ihc preltiea $») nil
ever shown far only.....................................................................16.76

Our next big value is a Urge oak suIl moHly all quartet
sawe.1, with 24x3U Iwvel French plate nirTar. quarter sowd
swell I'V drawers, worth $85. for rwtly............................25.00.


rvbbp last

t,«. worth $16. lor only.................................................... ..

and commode. rhes|> at $2276.toooty....................... 17.76


moving b
0*«r«t Jo
Ma. wbera be w
aad work li.r F.
le apead a
Mrs1 Lamar ha*
L_ gone
K with bar daaghter.
daachter. Mra. nave
•alllvaa. at
Robk Baraep. preridoau and I
PM PannlM. vbt proahlMt id U*
Loag Uk* and OaiAald Tawaship Son

eKttpttfinsUr Larqt €Ib* pfMmm Sultt

Our Cm Days- Prlc«*
On Carpett. Rugs. I.tnoleumi aod aU kinds of floor covenngs.

C'CI) in beautiful \ eronas, (worth $I6|. for...............................................

days‘ last *rekksei.lue hnu.*
A, 8. Pray
i> good health
lBl.«d Bluer* d
Dell fhlrbaaks of Elk Rapids <
IrwB of^^i
throogb Mabel oae day lari wee
.Kaasoe U.lted ber sister, 'Mr*. "
> be sacrifleed t
K T. Pray wewt to Traverae OViBnndsy
I sadden siisck <d croup. |i
\ Joe K,-me*kil b bs
Bsmueb ri Bk RapUs was!smith shop repainted.
Aehiag here Saadtp.
Rev. Mr Borough, who spent Ihe'
Bora, lo Hr. aad Mrs. A. II B-eb-jwluter te nonlbera Michigan and
tor. April Sitb. a bop.
I Ohio, ninraed borne Uti Wednesday.
-Negl.wted cold*
l.u- fsi
Rome' Fl»hev ba* purchased ih* yard. " Dr \Vo.-l * Norw.v Pine By
rtlikaaha Braa are ditvlag a well
torn known as the John Rykee place, i „p help* men aad women to a htpy.
W AM Webstar.
ivtooriMti old ace
Mr. and Mr*. Bert Brown of Lebad for fl.Cu".
Mil* RIl* irbh of . raverov Cliv vte ■
itBrta to- vtelM tbelr Dteee. Mrs. Gilbert Pray. Usd her mMher. Mr* R. Newman, one ; ____
k mil D.
■w far SI
SI. Panl to )ola hOT ham OB TWeodsy teM.
Pbgue*. those Itchinc. pesMnd.
Q. Fnlrboaks of Travone aip
Hnaet Praai aad family visited ,, :ic««g dlwtete* of the *kte I
BoBfoab Wed- m to Ue nriikbaehaod a tew days Frank T«tc«'« Saturday aad Sunday "®
Mb* Jeoalc goes
D“u^ Oteimeni c
amdap m a driogi
MSry vaakey i* working nl the ho *•>
temroetlo ct athe
_«l4a Koeher
maektog far A, R. Ul.
----abo lake* part In <
Ben Brileeger ba* Boiwd
iMt Tburaday evealag.
Into the
............................... Ben BelRev. B. Web* M Rood Otp was leagvw.
Frank Hopkias aed fatally arrived
bora Prtday. relaratos homo aa BaturSI Tbmoday aad
cm of Ibeir larm that Hr. Hopkins
Gao l.aih*v of Ttavene Oty. who
rvdailTM al thb plm
^ the eoo'ran to bnlld tbe towa boogbt a year ago.
Blelb Cork I* working far Mr*.
hall lor Rteghaa tonmblp. will eoa-

lower i*nc«-s

make on account of buying gootJs in such large quamities to sui'ply onr ihrt-f storm, lhr> woulil
„ thistUitlaj-s
to buy their furniture and home furnishing goods. I hat i> why w-e are „
In li
There elive
1 thn-r stores you are
■r if we ;can gei you to spenil ten minutes in any o
advertising sale,

rsir*... «™.


Ihe desired result.
particulars 1 will be pleated to give to
'burg as teacher.
, There are unite a few here who will any ladv calling upon me peioon "
Binecl Hogelaad of Ooai Tillage Is attend tbe quarterly meeting al I'edsr out nut of Idle rurlontty. lull If
auUhil aad
I the nrigtabortiood vbittag old: Run Sunday,
______ te boar the frteada
Hr. nnd Mrs. Emon Hnlleti have
>d for their newly
r. and Mra. Loyal Skntt of Trar- »««Td to Inieria^en for Uic snmmer.
fnnUriicd home at Keyolone.
City Tbited al Chat Gbodeei-! Mr. and Hr*. Tboma* Mlateangb of j
I'i over Sondap.
| North Branch were borne lo tee their .n dealer* Prtc
Bain. K.
irney ScfaoArid mode a trip to
SmanpcA hat had another vkalm.
Staaley ttogcMMmd wjll he rri-*-^
today sad the place tnaUgated.
Mis* Rath Reynolds, who had uoght
the acbool one weak and wat boardiM with Mrs. DMireaMOd. Is «aaranflaod with the tost lor a few daps.
Revival MoeUaga begla loalsht.
- Rev. Merthcoi will be atrisiril by Km.
HiU of Onwa.
Mias May Androwt and Will Reamer
vWied at R.' Carpoaterta peolerdap.
■nwp drove over bom Cartarh BMIag.
t where MUe Andrew* b ca^ployed



A goodpr wen mode, wril fiaisbed
torge rlrawer. two doors,
splasher back, forosily.............. 3.75


Anything you waM m
Stoves or Si^ Ranges al
the very lowest ivtces.

Otb their hanking home.

m iiATioniii
TnTcne Cttjr.nck.

Wholesale and Retail- "M" •*

Reliable Home Fur nishe


«« »■---------

rM awar.----------------------------------,
aad tkar wara avtlai 4ova to
tka nwUi cHaflai ts tkt keaL <


- 25S^S.TTiS2rSS:




I toiar faaarti oa aaa«kla«
rocaa «* ArtaUka »aaaf
■ lapail I rm
A^U » ti
Wa« vaJ
-flaa> Kafaam
aa>^ if «at (eaa (< rtca aaa BlWArT
BWW. ym leaa «f caal aa<_ la« Breaa. Tbaaa Mlara a
'»*«!«S&aa4 a Bltora vara Klac AtfauATka
lAHaiil naalkar Ja«aaaaaa«eara to raaaaa« tka a
■MM raalaUai vara «aak vttk (ka


..................... rwrmmmf
BC Loali. Axil aa.—At tka opaalag
Ika Braat axpoaltloa kaia loAar keaorads or thoaiaaiU of paraoBi vara
pnaaal. lactadlac foratfe rapraaaeta
aim Voa. Aartl lA-CUaaaa JaakUaaa aad ana proslaaiK ia tka Ualtad
Tka vaatkar vu Maal
SaaaetM a^ aada bj flaerataty <d
War Tan. vko
- -

"mSSw' ra»ert fnaa AiMlral TaaalB
Aaaa *ot glaa aaabaraf aaa Aronad.

---------------------- ---- ...... .......a fbr Oxur OU. Pwa•orie.
curie, irropo
Dropo aaa
Md aovaaiac
flfft1hlu~ Bynpa*
Brnp** u
U ■
la naaaaBb
eoalalBi aeMbar f^oa. Morphlu mmr vthcr Karrotie
aabMaaoe. lu >«« te Ha fiiaraatav. It dtMrvya WorM
•ad allaya d...
It i...
earda .....w..
DIarrkaaa aad Wlad
CoUr. It reUer«a Teedktaw Troablao, rare* Oa
■ad Flataluq.
- rec«iat«a
AtiiMab9. n
It BMfixtra
The ChlUf«a*p PSMMa-The Mothtd*a Prtead.

laltn of Chkaco p
WaiblBCUa. D. C. April ta.-4p!
oovvUaaea vllk tka raeoatt of tbe dl ,
OMtral Navi tka oar. taauad of ra- roeion of tba Looklaaa Pertkaaa Bi-!
1 tba preoMMt opaaed
tba «s-'
mW« l^earar AkaM. kaa eew
pxHlae by vlra (raa tba d
d kla tar kk vorlL
■bortly altar 1 o'clock todi
The ar-i.
•■«BU vara iimpn u oataii.
lail. la Ualy upoB tka aoBpktka of
clrrsll latu (ba aipoil__
«n, Aiall ».-VI
Sivuada Iba praaMaoi vai aolUted aa'
u tkat tka aaaau'i
Bika oC Pert Arthur lait ha rapalrad to Ike aait room, vbar
tkara vara aoaambkd Iba lutikai o
Iba Uallad Btataa ogprama eoait. tb
nn of Iba diplombllc eonw. aa>
the port.
ibar of otkar (oaiu of aola. Tk

r Bmm tiw Sienstart «r




rwJK. Tfck
kSSTiNra'Maria tka

wnw « tba^SS^lIk. .1

He.rtpn. <r ux


•*“' O"-

The Kind
You Hafe Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.

! >0 Jr

I to U- tba laraa.i caidfb
Ai tba ramlt of —
|o 'h' .a .nan. It l< y
iMdM. Axil O.—Pntbar Boaoka 0»l lima, lot tkara vara a fav ala-1 Manliter, April
etaa dalay la maklac (ba bail prapara-1 Iroubk kaivaeo Iba kasaboramaa aad >i>« J locba. loo*, barli
Uoei. Preiidaai RocaaraU itood at •* O. Ktaiao of tbk aUr. ableb coliv Sirtb
tba key (AatUnt with tbooa abooi botad la o rto< oboinl ibr nmarr
fata. In tba ammo
«nroe of tka
tba eoarana- Kayoo tut aaaV tba oatoc
-----------tloB ba axprvaad rofrat at hk inabil­
ity U ba praoaat •«
at tba opaelaa la
X lur
tba Sae'tart batvero il.OWi aad ll.SKi ta | w!Ji?a._,
Itlea la paraoa. bat aald tbat ba vacai durtaa tba pait too vaeki, vllb
>k ja k
•aan. AaaonUac to tba
rai ot loilDK
kvlBK bar
bait tbat aaoucl I ...
I ha Bicbt te abla to atiH tba ebaaaa*
coot X tka Xbilac af «
vaa kllkd ot ..... (air kiar la Ibo yaar. A fav aaefa vaak during tba ranalndar of tba j hi. i
ably n Japaaaar r« ihiiold lb.' boot, aoollour niB , jn*.
dmraod. Aa tka kWp-un
I oaak oamal
of aiBBlaa anar I o'clock a aeoiaca
froa Prealdrat mpek caytan tbat bU
Oa aeUlan cnrnmHtad nklda.
lo eootcni -o with a arvipax
vw ready aad raqomilBS Uat Iba aacblaaty ut tbe axpoiltloe ba ounad aaa J. O. Na ao uolod that, altbouch :
Itoralila iii union aaa.
VM Ikkad oC Iba vlra aad baadad to
T,--------- M ,1m, yaia I, roponod.
» d.> bki.
PraoldMt RaooaraH. Hr. RoooeroH
•Orit. the Uil
•Uaaa Ihooxad Japaaeaa eroaaod Ihra tceaily prauod oa tba Horaa key.
r vhicb ba h
Ikan^ aad attadtvl M.MO Rai- which aetkn laiUaUy sara tba ol(^ j eun*r«r
bbUo tba BL Uwli and bad put la BOriaaa vbo vara otnacly fortltod. It
tad xy <b> rasa daaiaDdad X
k raXorad tbk aaraiat ibat Iba Jaia
. Tba uaockilaa mXa
Ceneral Newt.
rr A atviix vat tan’ ,
Pi r.»-lbo. a prince tit...............
tar'^iif’" rack par hour, bat tX
aaaaa vxe mlafatavd aad that tba
1 and a reply reealrad ' ao
. . Htwali will farai.b ibe mooralufadxo accept ii.
k BEylBK that Iba pro- lx
lank eeeilbind. Tba Japboax abbrp
aj- 111 en-ct a magT.lflctail n oiple la
!d out inccaxfally ud
o a wild bunah orai
Kolghti X P>'iblu
to the and. If It t
Seaalor Wark or FradncloB, .S U-.
matadx X IX h
I vX In mar IMi yean old. Jounu-ynil
Btax Nata.
j In Otiova Lain weak to r.-runii' his wnOraad Sj^am *
lalxUI lintlas. Ha Is tba oldaal iagif
Laulag. Hlch. April 10 -Four --.u■ ,I lalx In (ba „
llrtilab ampira.
aSM taOk hai baaa ftoBbt oa tba
dra dead u tba tetnll of t dre vbicb , 1> recalv.-d
Tala ftaar dktrlei reanlUac la a eoapM* laxtaaaa rtetory.
Ocaad RapUt ao* bat t Ueaax pro- dattroyad the Brian Mock. >A HIrbIEd.trd
. wr uuuu|..|ib
UblttBC tba tala or tka of toy X*toIt gni) aTaona. tbk dly. lut aigbt tk. kk
It BOV tvaalai lo ba torn vbatbar It
Becteiary Sbav ... w~——. vUl X aatemd.
art) trip u >oun u cuagreu aA
Jaivma SHIat.
Hr eHH-cIi lu an tu (tar PaclX
Locbl optloaku la Braacb eoraiy
.... . I. I. in m* njmwn, bai
In aildtlloB tu vkUM* Xa
.... ^ Bapaaaaa aSelal ranka of v» begin a rlgarou caapalgn look­
John VolUn
vixo.mlll me norrbwaX m
^^Uai^ ^ ia«UMjraavort ing lovard tkyaUkttOB of IX pre­
RaatoB Oiagamo
Bound aad louib lo I
.. Keaea. oo
Jefaa Roy.
ying lo rida aa uabrokoe
. pniXbly ««ii»
X- Tva
ct kaltiBi
Tka nxaax,
.Jobert HrelDi. a aloek buyer
ciplalu iXt. of course,
iborlu B
Iba Umawart.
Bara bar oOeara
uf Hapla Oiora. Barry conaty. vu pled room
a bxel «
lot la any aeii«- a political oae.
■aa aa kkark ntflia la vhkfe to
(ha three
-ohn D. RoakXelli-r bu iatrodticX
rw*v. TkaaoMlai«.ebaylaBthalrX- tbrovB to tba grooad and Ulkd.
Bead eon it
* aaU lo X eiiaadlngly lag. BUR
t a vlpdov on
niireUy at bli Xhevood golf
Bcarea all orer HIMlgaa tbk tpring.
I he wiS valtlog
Bad fbraen ara’Xrlag dlBnHy in
rex:h him. Ha
oaeurtag anough fx Ibair axdt.
CS. .. . ... ......Of U IX TCOBlI
Oat out yoor Xhtag (artla, tor am
Mcbtfnl Xrnt and tnjnriu ba
employed fonr Xyi,
Stnday yoo any eateb trout vltbont
fear of tx lav. Bat X r^ to taka
TX bodke X tba otbx ibraa moo riubs and i«u t.i rbaie the XIIk Tbs
aa aa aka* vlth yoo io br^ a Xia
to takea fivm tbe nilu ihi< mote1)1 mil-d tu perform IXIf duly prop
•‘-oiUi IX lea.
R aad vara naraeogniiabla
ly. Hear.- the Rlrli>
- eoapk of Baadlag kbit vX hX
•ra caagbl X tba Bra liks rati to •
Ao old icqualnunsr nf Rdltun's
_tx tired of dndcary of Xata life
eklo* employ—......................
tianad Mt -to eea tba vorld II look
M« Waati 2SM0 Aeraa
faibiaka. MkA. Axil«
11 tXy vaatad of U. and Xaa It good
compaay • My dear-: •
s. ublarua. April :S.-Auktaat Ataough tar tbea aov.

will Iniroducr Mr.-, ibo
(oraay Gabanl Harry E. CRiaaa X LaaTX Xldlng conxll bu nitx tbat ■lag U la WutalagtoB to appear bXore ... W.U. dlipatcfaer oo the Grano
Jl Ikaor boadi lx aaxt year thall (ba onprame coon In tX eaaa bnniMt Treek vhea 1 vu a peaani coadnciur.
X *«.oaa. and tx protpaek are good by UeiTitt naadlv agalait Iba aodlt- -Bdkoo.- The man vu to prond of
daBatTMaU^ Magatat to tka
a dry lova. u Ibe.talooakeepen
- MleUgaa, attaektag tba
■Mi xanMlaa vxa aot laatnotad.
tool get XXtaaa lo qatllfy fx
II aaouBI.
Chaadlar Uru in Onavay
.Danwb aad
.«ov (Xt (ha vlolx l> oaar and nl|.
u to X (ba ortglaa] ovnrr of
road trekbt perrtee k regnkr agala.
tru X kad la Alpau, Cbc...................
dak‘ilpaont ot Ike hay crop X latt
Ui.inwu.ncy aad OUego
I ter C. C. Jaacka.
M allovad to aaaa ---------(X tbnab bw baguB la raraatt.
atata arara k lu
Btroac raaoiuUoai
re bid la by tba
ally adopted coo
r bomaiteX pnrBL Jobu will Xea a vxk ot feoI
I a .. ..mO of Iba tail atata
wyi tbat the taxw
• la July, caatkttni J« t caj^
and laaX to
--------- a u (be Ftounk bl wX by a
regain peueuloo X ibc knX The
atreot fab- and caralral 1
tbe real
«f aaM a aaiari by tba aan kglacase will come up for argument inday.
X vxk. A eoaalux
ue X (be ouveu a
Mamarial Day.
. Nkh. April M.-Tba neom^ oeBTaatloa m aakal
lABilBg. ApHI JO—In gcocral oXen
luuX by ComiuDder Vaa Raalie X
o. ■. &e« xaxeoiloBal
Mlcbtgin U A. R.. the rartou
> af tka okravtk dktrtct da- peach vre^rdt ot Bparta tovuhip
Ibr state are reoucii
PaMpad a h^
aoow lcbt
acai thaa
aaa tai m
*aa tbu all treau are tprayad X
> attend rbiircb serrlvcaI o^igii.- ----- Sboulder: Psistinc cc Weak Spent;
Dry Couab; SveUina « Feet tX AoUes;
•aa« vacad la tbk oovaty be
Xy kora oat. Tbe dltaau
____ al Snaday. Mu ». aad It is su
CeU Feet or Iknda
•Ml ifcxSpad orar tka Vaec
«BHe a bold la tbe orcbardi x geated that (be comrades ipp<-ar in
v. m.. ..
iBMnal the dakciUoa to
that oactloB laot year, and a rlgoront nalform vllb badges aad colora. and v^„ to ro
xvaamaai uuaiaBuua. anx i
will X made to tUap It out lOTlte the Womao'a Relief iXicpa. Suns '
amlsuoa and
Man' aght tx Darragh fared
aproadt uy turtbx
X Veierans and other pairtotlcorEiBi \ mot drcukiioa
------------ -------- 1 veak luscs.
alkmi lo >ola In the ten irt^ j akm^ U\«r. kidneys, etc.
The comradM arc eapeclally
j nae tbeir beat eedxvors lo


, Western

... .US.I
._ .... ihe.ither
frli' but )usi
In a inu-k quar
■r\ n>.«i.-o( in b>I libtr-H-al hmilli


S«,.- .n....i. aoi. .as gslltoR aluok
s.lDimlncIy. mbso uns X tbe aides! \
lusB tu Hie huuir uked If X ailEbl
tVnalol.,- said liaXeli
mix-b Xilersd vllb ihr (btMghl i
lie aa> makloc an Impmsliui "Wnai



-d lu koua tf you dui.'i
iblnt ,---- -------------------- --------------- •


(ar.lvlrke's uraixlral > W.'to on. ihai •
' " “
rams m an Inelcirtiiua Friday, (ha ATOi daw ^ la.w a «a


.i.rii iim.a.ui 111...

stale of H'ublagloe !.._
a rnoal anihu.luth- rerapilon. .
iifiXga... ... ..........

XI old fropik.,
man cooXart lu Mr. ('iitbmab tXl -;
Konx-tah tu tbs graai»[ atao X i
graaiast maa t
T tisjisr ths anrlbveit On X
.-d fnr lbs ruMie for bk
• mto replied:
the oaij Bua I e
rss Ihie bk car



Mmy Be WeMk. One
Person in F

t Sagna D. Bbalght vat
r aXliMB aad Abraham ;


•Ua MVTMUom, Traiax geti
oMevla. Homt WMiia k i

OeurMUBB Bkbop aad State Baaa

Mmxy radorm vu tX tola tefram
X tx dolopittA v^ pataU ttroag
nuMtlMB. X artampt vu mada-to
tuliut datagatat. Imt tailed. State
iiHiMii nm Byv. D. a bxx. p
A. Seod aU William Petrta.

Dotreh. Ukb.. April M.-JeX Wbllata. mmt a. a «etk«Mr. fall dova aa
akralx ibXt tram tX oUb Box X
tx Hommut bXUU tbk mnivllg
aad vu bimaot Rktabtly kaitd.
igu X trtx to toara tX Xa------aUr ■« bad etutX aad bk band
■Tuk tx Itu dox arm. Be mu
SMVR udx tto ear. bk body Xllag
Xal MX dpva tx Hag Men.
Mis. AMS B.—Aa Xiompt vu
oaaMMtt tx dUiM Suorax X XtMaJMsu. uu Mb
ta Oaaeaoaa. The geexBOi vu tvX vasad«C MX tX ehPU Bivd .peaeuatMg.
bk hnaoL


__ _

X «UM X umaate k


Eight cents a pound is
«'hat a young woman paid for
apecllrely cbali
tii-elve pounds oi flesh.
norliy memXr U. me ouose moinm
on approprtallonr. today made puP
She was thin and weak and
tutemenk dealln* vlih the ap
pid one dollar for a Iwttle of pmpektiona provided at this teuioa
at eoagreis According lo the tablet
Scott's Emulsion, and by tak­ preaeaied tbe grand txal X approprkyear IMt-i It JTSl.STd.frti
ing regular doses had gained tlooi fordX
t*&3.A».M>S fur (be preceding
twelve pounds id weight bcfoi
the bottle was finished.
Bank in W*tt IXlea
. BL T
lu. Dankb Weal Indies
Eight cents a pound is April
Xonnatlon X a big Xtik
ch^ for sudi valuaUe ma■ menimnt and the Jlml
rcei bu been raeelTed from
tcriaL Some pay more, some --------- Crtatle,
Xnto Dxnlagn. Tbe
to Xec took plar* near
les-s some get nothing for Baairngo De Loo
CaXlletw aad tba
their money. You get your JXIaei fotcoa vere victorious Tta«
gOTcramMI forem kx fany-oae
money's worth when you buy killed aX aliteen nnoded. TXlr
geaenk. Cabrtra. Arrojo aad Lsat
Scott's EmuWon.
^ tXIr Uvea. Tvclte X the Jlmlaei
We will send you a little
free. ‘
taa Borperi CaptvrX.
Nev York.
$ec.aad»i<ot aB4ma^

and tn»s
for sixty yaans

■ VIMBB U. vfelMXuyi


South Haven. Mk-b . April ».—TX
eea aetgeat.- vbich appeari aaauall/
-l tbit tammer retort bu been cap­
tured. Tbe moeater bu been aroand
tbe barber lor arreral daya, aad
I moralag vu apeared

de -ro„,.ly entmm-hed In tb. f.ror of n
letnt|..var-k>.li.-ht'i ii
l l «-li I in pipultr fa,.o

gHSStJi «111« X

a aplendld locle (or the blood aX n
ud vU re
FtoiBy. __________ .... .......................
Heart Care It told under a cuaiaotee



ir-'II •


Top-Round Shoes

:K is;:



" '*• *•




Good iSr Man or Beast. Cures

Foot Fashions



inMlibl. remXy tor dhewe. of the Thro.! sX
Un(s known uni nwd the worfd oVer for idnfort . curtnry.
GET tT rwcM youb. muccBT.
PMtU^ K no other liniment can penetrate.
Sinks riaht into the feverad akin and token not
psin. Oood for everything __
that wnlkt.



IX ILWaa-Xstw nd IW. - ..
c I. f-ooewooe.o

Keep it in your house.
Xeep it in your shop.
Keep It io your office.
Keep It ct your stabiee.
Keep ft at your car beniN^

■|j^^M^iq,an Mustang Lvininrient



Good Health
to the
OuMren especially are food ol danflie*,
and die housieeper must look carrfuDy
to tfiesr food.
As good cake can be made only wim
1^ eggs, so a^ a cake that is hed^
. J as weO as dainty must be raised with
a pure and perfect baking powder.
Royal Bjdng Powder is indispensa^
in the preparation of d>elu|dr«t quality
of food. It imparts that peculiar Bghtness, sweetness nnd Savor noticed in the
Snest cake, biscuit, dou^muts, crusts, etc.,
and what is more important, readers the
food wholesome and agreeable to young


Vonn Mooa In leafy a

apriat's rwtarmli
r. nor eblllUf day.
the awaRlag hood at bay
ftel abdba thee as a bride.
'1% htHtla lam ao hsrah aad hard
'4M tors by wlads, a viniar aarrad.
•pBa thy tsadar (aea;
IM ha whoae daye are wrar itm
lh atona da tmit aad troais br



wuar uatll ML Ptrt tk« dk«4 e«rt
I iBtn Ike bat tarccs. with * ratill teaapoamttl or HJt and a nUe lace <d
' bauar. poor erar tboa tka hot aoap.
* plaea tha mated vhltca sa tap. aad
a vHb nlla <d oaAan.
I bard, cat
. Bottar aa oortlm or paa-

Lores chlldrao.
Reads good books.
Has s tweet vote.
Appradala Sowars.
-With thaaa qaalKas yoa have a wo­
aaa who Is good aad traa. yoo aay
be aura. Her hoaa Is s harbor aad
tha roogb seas at arory-day
aaeaa addon eater tharela. She It
the right aork aad she hat tooad her
the^kaows lu poaalUlltlas

ibal abe doa net Ilka ehlMrta
will show yea a woaaa of andavdoped ebataetw. alsiakaa Idtos aad

With the ecaias at tba f]
wd Ite pattiv oS by Hetba Nai<
id her Boabar snraaals of irny. ra,
paflg ttea wllk nil the banoly sd
r ' bctsbl Bowen, giwta laaras. Mot ikMa
aad pDldaa aasablae. kladrad Isvalaa
«Or paaMb baarts. aad Ibe aatsUoa
dl ptakty aaw cMbea. and all little
.......................................tba laalBPMlad. This
ttiB dot lltnta Baanty Is taa o( tba
a woaaa sboold hive as tar
' «p M bar Uaa. and It Is uwa thnt oaa's
^ -ra laser salt taels battar tor esleranl

te a rary ptaaaat taabta. Bba a
"How MraaCB tt la that there r.
» thla a
m that bautlTylaf Is :
Ts tha srw baclaalBt ot IhiBSs
ttara mast hare baa a kaaa appreclsOm aad lore at tba bMatitsl. It aot.
aty wawihe Mrds «d the air cMhad
Why sras the sky

aada Mm

bdaaty was aot aaM lbs «alda aad
Mlduri weald hsrahoM wHhent Ue
•Sd towsra, aad tiem at aataaa tlsaa

boasdy. Juat why the snowflake wns
foiNlriil this ww is aomathlnt be
ye*d ear koa. aad yst. parhapa, there

Tt wo havoat sach oabUoas we
■M taolag a HUM dal that Is worth

M aaad

a eorreet wadir-

llfciOr td that .ON -baaoty.ll Ml ihBlud to astvraal tore


Miki add tha hart aal
akPot tha soal. Them-


a Boaebody etae la taOc-

-Wbai-s o'eioekT* aad be pauard.
-Toali ba aare to amt to aeba
Borrow, for Sally Salih la pab
wUIr be eeraaled tbv fn
alas at -Oaaaral ■wcelaaa'r bow is That had crept throegh his leeks as
I larvdf
old age always does;
aadl tba dish is fall, daisbhv tha top
wHhalaywoferoBbaaadbttscirbM-i ~Ob- raa! t bareal forsMiea. 1 Thee ha aauM falaaeir to pliirk
tba old restban *
tar. At oaa alda poor la neb aUk i wooMat ala that aou tor aaytUnr'
levter le the Herald
eoOBCb a sotiea tha erwaha. balag
While yoe have beea spaaUat yoa That bad doae so Biich asrrkr Is
pvlui I win mrtie agaia sm>e day. I
oru el weathers
dpratol pot W aaka tha diah aJoppy. |b«re ooletly risao. aad atlD taeiac
would like (U be a SooshlDe glH
(haa aoi aaou^. toor frmd (for
■e send Be a card aad bntion
Bake abom twaaiy aiaata is a bot ! eoartaons to tara yoor back upoe her). Raiber trovsy be looked getiinrioia Oeod-bye fnr Ihls lime Prom
at Int. raaorlas ' ^
itappad toward the door, or
May Tuapklns
Bat be knew tbtl ihe mlaa vouM tske
MapMm. MIrb.. April S. lp£K
care ot all tw
Dear htrs. Bates-t ibeugbl I would
le oely were np; bo be palled on
Uay alleas c( salt port laid erar tha
would like to RNa
top. Barra hot to tha dlib b which '(
Ssnsblae club. Ptese lend oie
you. or with ha aether, and atill with And begin to push op frocc bis iniutb
sras baked.
card and a Imnno
I btvr a pap
Bb> a la Hladoo-Bon bard, eoi in a word or two aboat ichool. or a eorPlainma and sister. I taste a very goo
dlal, "I shall hope to aae yea boob,"
Kept pushing. aUll ebeetfol. nil! bope- buae. t go lu scbool every day. M
aash thaa laa with graiad haa. bat­ yoo caa reach the door and step oat.
tol. Ull.—pash!
leartaers BBOU- Is Mia Daolels
There U ao aurer aart of pood
ter. pepper, aalt. and aasiard. to taste.
He rose lo tbe surface i-lose bynhe old bsve four llitle klltka fie pels
Sadn aadi bait, browo la lb« orao. braediap than a sweet dafareaea to­
bush:sikrr tbe eggs every day
ward older pamons. U yoor achoolaad aarra hot oa toast
b UiF froM aouwely out aad (be
Tour (rlead.
Statai ^as Dell bard, eat In half aata’s prandaother be la tha raoa
ground hardly mellow,
Age t.
HaroU C. Lardtr
TitU. aiaka It a point
ctoaawla. ptoea tha yelks la a bowl
e be Is 00 (be top now. ibe brnr to
aad Bash Bna with salt, pnwa. batter
-Keysimc. Midi.. April S. I»<M.
IKtle fellow!
lop U and polnp OOL There can be
Dear Mrs. Bates—I iboughi I would'
add a vary UtUa. Blaead InaL Bel!
The'drai daadedoa! Well Bay we de- write you a feer Hoes I an in scbool
to balls and an tha eggs. Madlng ibr paylnp yoor reapeets lo year tHead's
_et«^ da.'
My Itadles arc nunben,
halvaa together with tba white ot a Bother sod
see 'Uie'>v«'’lbg' IsBguage and spelllag. I am
And call all tbe cblldrw
has bean In
raw egg. BoU In eradia dost, lhae
le Ibe
fourth---------grade------I -------mould; •—
like glad sight!
-- ---------» ttrika lato baaaa ears la raw egg. aad In crackers again, nod
when you caae. bet has grae
Finr Of all tbe brigbi propheis of bope''*"l
This Is all for ibis
an folk target tba carer try btown in bolting Mtd. ilka a oullar.
it Is proper to aay. as you take
and of spring.
«r«>dby.- Fivb your triead
I. Ills aad fiwuiBs, as-l Drain oe a aapkia or browa paper, and
laave. "Wnt yen please bid yoor Tbe gnlden-erowned daBdellm rarrlr
■ '
Edwin Mullen
eUll-^ woB- awe. altbar oa a bed ot toast or gar
aaka than keep vary eUl
PmveB<«t. Mk*., April T. 1Pu4
da BboBl Oed. and otha anuan el! alsbad with parsley.
! *»»• *«
j Dear Mrs Dales—I tboughi I would
which wa aU thlsk toe mua.
Craaaed Bggs-Una the botioa ot i
----------------------------April PPth. HMH
write and tel! you I would like in Juin
-Than tba Uitla bird keeps ItsMt ee- a hot dish or platter with aUeaa.ot !
Advica to Vasa, H«l
Now naoilte spring amtb li
I Ibe SiiBsbineSctiih. Please seed Be a
eaptad, ml It bands a boas, oiddla trash toast, erar which sliea tha '
I'm I have tnor sisters
ir by ehaaca there be a yoaog otao
a UlUa bird taally. attaads atrlatly to .whHsa at hard ballad eggs ta Hnga.
Ua own aSalra, aad It has a sraat deal Over this rab tba yalki at the ««gi ■bat Beads advloa about aarrylng. Bur­ win n«d this. Mayday mill hsvccoBr and itaree bivnb>-n Their
passed Aad In spile of tbe lung Mary.-Ida. Jennie. Hnnhv Johnnie.
at aarMts baalaass to look afta. In­ tbroogh a Bleve, aad poor over all a dette Is wlUIng 10 give blm the beoedeed. a W at os alskt Bad a laasaa rraaa aoce. aada as totlows; Bell Bt of bis w^em on ibe sobject He winter nnd ibe Into spring, it tsn'i n OoDley nnd Hear). My broiber Jobnbnlf btd spring nfter all. Vmir presl- oie Is deaf. He is going in srhoni at
IB the itfa of a bosy llllla Jaeay Wrwa. oaa plat of allk or ereaa, atlr to one
0 draaad a donaMIc ute"U I were to choosa a baaatifal woot Soar, robbed
nsas, and I aboold bara to chooM by
wllb oaa tablaapooBfuI ot
K*******®taaUaoay tastad ot cyaaltht. I weald balter. add sail aad pepper to taalc.
^ Hulllgao. She has cow-

tor lor sod


rlaa to BB V

I He paddtac diah. aprtaUa
, taa bread erosba <• tba betiaa. add
a hvar ef ahead an. aprtaldad with
I aalt. pappar aad bits oC batter, tbaa a

mtia chIM II the Boat laiplrlBt
tUag la tha world. U It averaly glvai
caa the oppottaaliy u be kind to
body who it weaker It awafceas
la oaa deep Ibeoghlt that are likely
doraaai alt tba ytan. The iraat-'
Mloa. the
iwaataan ol a child briag eat the ben
It oaraelvea Thayn bound to.
The rwany baaoUtil woaaa u baaoittal aaatally. Bar nlad k kept fraabaaad with ibe sweat Uvaadar of good
Her sea! ravolu agalast
trgah as «alckly as bn heart reloads
call for sympathy. Good books
■aka vary good frtaadt, aad dhay arc
■nw thaa Meads; they are taachan.
AB thaae wise people who have lived
' ' utueday
“•■d !
d gatbarad ti
M ot
TSiT Aae Ideas that
hurt aay Of ‘
know. Ooed

aad let It bol. op at"^ OaraUb ^
■be dUi with parsley aad serve bot
i *■"
DavllM ^gs-Bdl hard, nt la halt
laagthwfM and raaova yaiks.


halt imootfaly. plaae oa a bed of let- |

“<> <«>ks for a tasUy

■ I Vs-l ll»;ksiraet.
PerOBS u‘rvl|--lBe t'n„ r.,]i,Mi1«S.OIll4L

•'"“^1^ rat lor a
Dear Mrs Dales
few lines, ns I hs'e never wrltleo Im- f-r s iimr. I lirusn lokinkf.ieseaeiitlier ■
(srtPnpn tnk» ibi- Herald and I
like ii> read ibr tollers lo li I n» go
esi-elieni loai-. •■> I bsaghl a boiiJa to
Ing In ocbonl every day I ran
St* mhsi It m.Hild do (or me. sad It Mrleacber’s maae Is Mist tjnisn itartna
........ of m* .VMM aad reI like her very aiueh
It rained all jnveaaleil
and In I
thaa *w»
day yeaigpday
My birthday catte u«
Easter Sunday. H e gaiberivl
eMs tast nlgbi. Night befure issi me
gathered tmeno eggs I am ItariilBg s
U "The DM
Osk Tree
I SB In the (cnirlfa giadsnd By studies are rradinc.

I doBT ibiok ahe woaM Barry
Ibe iradc
s ber style of a

Vmin iRily.
Age 13

Regina KlInkBer.

Monnm- rc-nier. Mich . April T, IP*
Hear Mrs IlaliV-I ihougbl I would
drop a few lines i<> you to tot you know
wboB I saw to- flr>i row- It mss ib>
J5rd td Marrfa
i am going to arBt»!.

Lev Krrise
Mooroe Cem-r. MIril. April t IW
Hear Mr* llsK-s—I awi g-dng in t.
you mbt-nl sam ibe drat ntMn li w
on to- set-nib nf Marrfa and thmrrr lour rubins In the fluek ll m.

■gg Salad—Boil hard, site oa a bed
Cbti )oo sbnulder B liBrrel of door,
It mtace (if la aeasool aad poor over
bea a draaslBg a^e as tollowi: Ooe- aod ram It domra eellBr? Can yoo
saw and spilt tea cords of blrkory
I each blach pepper
wood In Ibe tall ao at to have ready
aad dry aostard, ooe leanteutol c
' fuel all wlater? Can you apade op a
capful caA sweet cnaa and^^lder vm- half acre of gnmad (or a klicheo ^
den? Dd yoa know wbat will take tb-egar. Rob tbe saasoolaf dry Into the
rraaa sad add tbe vinegar, a few Jlme lasl^oot of Ibe new cdslera.
drt«a at a tlae. tUirlag me way only can you patch Ibe little leak In Ibe
kitchen root? Can you brlag boae a
This dressing Is snfirient for twelve
pane of glass and a wad of putty aod
Bgg Salad Na I-Arvaoge tbe fol- repair damages la the sluing room
lowlag la a aalad bowl; 8U sited eledow? Can you bang Up some
paper 00 tbe kltebea? Canyon
hard boiled aggs, two eoM boiled pods tbe met gale ao it will aot swag*
Utoee, eat Into dice, and cae head of
Mtace, shredded. Poor over all a grathat
eroot supply of BayeeaBke. to which
My dear, dear boy. you see Nora
a little cayeaae pepper aad alaced
mim have beea added. Serve at oace. MDlllgan wBBts a blgber type of true
eipect 10 birr meo to |
Rggs—Oaa ptat ttnag vtaelo alt llto ■
______ plal ooM
___ ___
pork aboat tbe bouse, i
gar. oaebatr
<ae lea-

atoo, 0„ Ah- few

meitr. language and s|»-IIIna We,hsve'
■hive Bern srbolan in scbuul ‘ Mr sBil grandpa sr-_ b.-rr.
been 5-«e f.iur toonihs
I oa* *
year. <di1 IVboiarv Ihe trrarvh.'
Uke them very aurfa 1 mill ha<
mlih B.-MleCl,rt. at^rtKU.1 It sa.
to qoll for Ibis tliae. I mtuUd like i
last night and I a* amid ibai (ha ,
Sunshlcu- girl. I'toos.- send m<birdies
I aayihlog m sat. Po
aadbutlm t hope rose., ihls i
rui down a i
and |{ IH1 <« car dad.

----------- tne irarher 1 have
flve aiadlrs. ttV arv- maUag maple
•yrup now and I hose great (tia gtih

.V— secikta men. wbo board with

to give «
hraltk «>
The d-a-i<ieadvia<

oiber robins
they meri; I
bull! a nest :
Al last she

«d him

We fell reft

' Blossom Hcrita
rraurr, Mil h . April 7. IbSi
ttoar Mrv HaiM wbai (ua w. have al sriimil We play
all aad other game. The Arsi robin
ssm ms. shmil three weeks Spn Ve
re bnvlng fine wrato-r d.raa tan-,
■be soon imneorly gone, 'he rnadspfw
nre. The rroms have been hftv- tar
month and a half. We?1..0ils to all
think rd fur this lime, bo KndHam N.dlsln#ef
Travenu- (Tty, Mfc-h . April *. KM.
Iter Mrs Dalew—Vewierday we all
eni Hayfl -wering. By two brotbswa.
>y gl'ier and myself. It i. •« iprafy

t Iblak

sase lu.. robins that
or apple tree Usi ynar.

by Ibr eggs hairbed ai
birds eaae laio ibe m
them bad .m y .me leg
queerest ihing I ever

ItoWM. aivd

i> hlA (bit II mas I
ralktog I
iBe arrtM. s lovely Ullto
e Just msnied to glte II a
enthre romrt II milt aoaway

We bsve a btoek ro. whoa we can
Hatoy When she mas Hide ay liviilh•r bird* did.
d I used to play with ha. No*
Mi.or.e- r^ier. MIrfa.. April 7. 1P<H sbeu w. tatnr ifaai wbeu wego totho
Hear Mr. Batra-Nom 1 will wrtto harayard she follows os nil ova. I
I like a Imitoo and card. Ooa» '
to you The nrd >d Man-b I sam some
Bdaa Rakowiki.
robins, but I bsve not seen any wild
I have u*o some pussy-wi|.
lows and Ibry are very pretty
tw rem-r. Mieh. April t. KM
tewfhrr has Mrine of ibea tn the m-IkuI
Mr. Dale*—I will write yoa a
spoatnl each 'riinsteoj alkpte ^d i *”*
room It 1. ibswlng today
es and toll you I SB well aad
aaea. Tie tbe mlea la ■s-i- sad
Anns MIrhei. ' hope you are tbe ame l am gatag
bod I. w«,v. Udi^aaagb to Bake (
school now. I SB la the aomad
(he eae-hair piat, as U bolls sway. Add "f "**
Monro.- tteief.'-MkJ. :Aluil 7. IMM
(be tlnenr boll up al once aad aou* I
” cbarBlagly. whom yo.i. in your
Hear Hr* Baios—I will mri.e you s grade, hut uaeha said ta pa to fri
nUA-AsM St. y.
: llBlied kaowledgc. set down as aere
ae a ihlcd
over bard boUed «gs.
I have a tUla Bad
fern itar., m , ha*.
a bnub-r al s-hord I hare
lUAborg Creaa-Bilr togetber lu a [‘"'""rtlte of fashion, are bettor dtted
I go in scb.«.l My leaeber’s nsac
^ ^ad j
Toe ere (or a b.mband.
roUns. My studies are spflKag.
II Is true, wlih the pre!-1 Pllni We get , leiter biB evay
' *» 1* the fo..nli grad-., ^
Hte of two tor,, toaoos. oae e»,e : »
« «tevy a Ars. ctovs cook
iilai My
tomia what freak air M to Ibe loags.
that have alread} .mm.-; two weeks
H* say* he It well ,Bd '
ids> i. ih-T!
4 Hay
tohef dcsk.formbirb sbeihaakv *osi Hikes hi. school very much
I Ukc to "
binbdsy nan-,
Set Ibe pan ieio aowba
““ Intolligeoce oBee
pig) poB-poB-puH-nmay Today we
toviagly every ooe .rf the dear llul.-[read hit teii-rs because be .iVei sucbi''"
' bd.e.rae sis
! ooe of bomot w rr and stir roosUni- If you warn a wife, marry tbe girl you {
mnsbsd imr desks We hnve toree new
(our linnh-r* I hnve
Sunshine seod.-n. There
■Not hag ago-whltewalkhutMtagl,,
sebotors. WstUT. Harry aad Kedla I •
take from the
Ibe bouMranl. I •a* a very wrateked ara aad
, I such n nice spring In Sunshine corner,! line I write I mm send him ten ceaU s mile nnd ttareequnnerr u.
an D« aolDg to Sunday school mw.
nnd scbuol. ,Uy ntadies ar- r-nding. nriib
- of Ibe kind w
bese toiogs. By boy. ■ mlih the letters thsi roae fluttering In I iblek he mill mmo oomc home ___
I have my letier abuti done. Tbe Blhave iraned one-hsK
pmdmsti goes by. with me mill nit K- gisd to see him Knrr meitc. aeugrapby. toogang.- and sp.-il
teJMnm are s
I mill rioH- (nr ibl> U
Ihelr,iort.-.ofblrd»nndllomen.. An-ljand Ids nre stnylng w Suttooi Bny.
'■ i rkiM for n
I talking of letiera Onernlly when ti
td tost aablitoes and a general 'deaT
I school because ny !
at (he whites <d eight
R/wie f*lsrfc.'
- bright ipring days <
Ze!ls N'offsiagc
Hadeh Scaatchere.
ear*- coaditloa. I weaderad what iherw
the preslden-- leacberis so kind to me....................... . „
n very atUf froto, add gradnnlMraroe
rewter. Mlrb, April 7. IPbl.
Here to enBeibing else tor ibebaady jedllor sits back tn b.-r chair and uy. Ml.a Bahle I am lo the seventh grade !
WM Mft for ber: If the wurid null gave j
irw C.-ni-r, Mlrb.. April t, i»ih
Urar Mrs Itoira—1 will write yoa a
gin 10 make: Match acnicbera are I ■*>'■- ‘be children woa i write many My studies are reading, mntinr. ,pe.l.|
Us MeadUtp nnd sympathy. If ahe did be-. ,« te. to
r Mr. Dam—( mill write ymi s
lea thaa tfteea aiontet. and
leiia, as I bare never wriliew todare.
so simple ihsl nobody need be afraid |
lefiera for a while aom. Theytl lag. arlihmeik-. graamiar. |ih)>U>h)gy '
lira I have BTilteu oqcv Ufor
«««*• Md I emOm la one
I SB in lb. (bird grade. I have a sis­
to attempt them It is most fasclnailag | be too busy mtib plsy, aom the nlc"°rm
----------- ■____ _
.. .... M, -simj
----------- -tboughi I mould Wriie agaia. M) ter aad a broiber There are ao*H>
Into small blia.
work. too. la Ihe Am place,
a tmeaiber has come. I hope tbej'll have Btockea She hs> mriil-n to to. Hiw-!
walckM her a Uaap do, trot
“‘te* to- Herald and i IlkServe by pouring loto a dessert aai
roblBs her.- now. Tb-re ara iwaif.
led by. His eoa( was frayed. Just Uk«
tbe best lime that
robsuBM rich creaoi. sweeteaed and
•ve sebotors lit our scb<s>l
We pUg
eld they
ibea! " But toll year iberv arc
(hat leek
lalnBent snd . l«, .Mtol at our
«f Nsreb.
and letters walling ibeir tur
and karitoaT
you will tad several colered
seboolhoose the Kth, of April Iwai|*’'” I will this Has. Ooiad- poll-awsy. My bifthday mas te tbe

I Ito aorface a liberal apooatol ot (h. i
ptriorea of todies In bautiful eoa-j
at nf mrltlna ialo print, and
hto heurf aM
'« tobool today prani'clBg my pipes i '■7'
' Lola Gibbs.
ooahlae.—(gdtoa World.
alarieratb of Msrte. We hare tteop
•oblB Tbw seaaad to aderloows. Select tbe but OOM nnd'core-{
,te. Only you I bare f«r piece, and tbrro
Tbe '
Monnw r-ntec. v,ch , a>hi g.
Bern acholars In our scbool
ataad ate other.
folly cm toes out like paper doHs. Al
fit very nic. om ,„d„
Iter Mr. Itoie,_(( was the iweoro. oaae* st* J>lli, liarvy aad WgUer
some stare where palnu nre sold buy
to a but la aiy throat, aad
“trald and
foimh <rf Mareb rnbera
to I tallied tost toera was a Wghty
,n sheet ot snndpaper. and cot It lau
tbe flrst NoBslnger 1 w.ald like lo Ma Oe
Id! like fo read toe Smshln. letter* tor
good. Uad ban U that wary body
obtoog. square
Siaee January
butt'* Oor aeigbbor U Mr Li«tbt woMBh otidlaaa aad aM
wbte Bust be large enougb to pasie |«« have bad over two bsudred eoi ' to me and 1 do at! I .,n to nlraL'^ ers but 1 have am toe cromt sad me I
bas ks and blackbirds aad toe robins '
W- like thaa eery mate. I hepo
*to eevcrwd as
to. Rgurra upom 8o« of tbera i flfty new BCBbera.-blab Beam Uat I mill ctee. toping
-Whea I was a baby I was aeeideet- Charming ftsbloo book b
f sam g.e roblo. lUs aaraJag There i'»
look I many cards to fill oi
and.tleratroo and ,;rad mr m.e ,n
I any torowa on (M Store sad
:t sebotan to (be Khori today I
fMtfai Hortoa
Wrwed so I woa pooled opou no obtoog piece otlbnndrod letters to write. So, ns you, ! sblners
(hat toe prist oa toe store
rave written quite a few Miers On. !
B over. Doel you tbtik a
dow wns I randpaper, aad others will look better i preaideoi has Bsay other thiags to do 1
From' y«,r
I ataotoed la the Scab oaUI
*a« >« my Cade itoben aad one wa>'
I was a :6a the square or tooad abeets After (-there are tbooe
Home CbMr I Age H
I large child. Ii was a tlae when doeion
Eva Reynolds
to ay lutle coosIb fted. I eannai
Atraody Piwytdod.
a bare derided which wiU be toe
wore M quite ao haady. and Bother
to.tok of aay eore M so good-bye
~l love aantle Am I bw BtiM gbL
Keuwlck. Mlcb. April i. i»M.
to be aaaaed and girra
Hear Editraw
j ^ to « aaytola, sb* bappeaed to iThae aay be boa, by ribbons or atNorann Totdey.- | ■BaaT* asked Afanr-eld MlheL
ftolag to msl every
ooe (taiag. baslda tbere'e
HonTOC Cci
.......... .......... ,
e to keep and be loteed aftei—
IterMtt Dsies-f bnve„...
-iBdeed. fa not. asaaa!! AoMlp
aod beside*, your peeridraf has
tea to ible Herald before The p,*,.
I h dried she woald renew It. Sbeeald
•dbool- My fiudte are rending nrito
has knees of bar ownUogb; Tea; why aot?
wlllowt nre oai I saw two robin.; I
that I .toped crytag la a few alnutra. I
NKic. mngra,..
doesat believe In sate Ihare a d« and oat cs, ll U ttewlag
•"•bettor than BTlag. ate;
toetrarahratodatety ,"
Per a Cal tea
t^nm 11 >*sr» Oid
boi she has been a pretty eite w
wa ^ aade to be 0ad.
today. I am well ( am a .be ihlrJ
aaell boy nnd bb lluie el
a good deal of (be Uae for ibree
LoiUse JohnaoB.
ay steer Is In the foenb
Raearin, Vetec
guilty of na net of disa
aad not'had a particolsrir
T^veree Oly, MIci, April *, km. reader. I tape u, sm thU In priUL and they expected ravere pun
pluafe white tea
good Uae. as each tbiags go. all wloDear Mrs Bstrr-I ,,
Why. yes. to bo a
piariag e bit of
ger So sane days (falnga go stow OB'! Jria (heSaashloeclub. I
Wa Shan betiar enda*.
to Hs prtsthie freehaera by daapeo
Albert Kllnkner .|gare toea emly a Idadir lectvo. TM
urated wHh olive oil, on toe epM eeeh tbe desk where your Irttera are oqd
V tbe heart's Ml at oong
lag on tbe bate wttb m>M water, then
Hmiroe Center. Mlcb. AM' K*. tXX * ^ ***
afterward to eiefote • ‘
Boralog before pmUag oe toe stote- toe Ug books ibeb eorouoi Is kejl la.
An day hag.
rwbMag. bate down, oa a hot boa Hit
Dear Mrs 6aira-| (Uak I will wri-> i kb ulHa; -KHty. | go believe adlbw
lag or shoe. If a eon hai devetoped U donT get nay nticatton at alL Jrai
same is Miss Laoox. I lOt h«r
dry. Atterwaid brate with a hat brub
•^tor 1 eoi.right year. oW
I am! *“ •«•» blood la ber, dtet ftel^cnDMupoLn
now toe April IW b largely btelaf.
M rate toe pile.
»ell. Please ...d a* ..d ay
lUe turpeall
rpealldf eeery e
I boi li's going to be brooghi up in a
retlriag. aad toe
few days, so a* we said, be paiteii Close tar this time.
To Put Oat a Btariat CMamy.
lo a IMIe while. Apply the Aad beaideu. It b a (so. Hat all your
To egtlagnlsh a riOaaey oa Arc tafc
> a tootoftek or toe hFriag (boagbis aad weeds are mak­
Reewlte. Mteu April I. ipw,
wToag end of a anteA. w h wtil toote ing yoor weaidtak tael better all toe
Drar Hn Bales—I wRi nor take
only Ibe eora. The oO *01 then raftoi tiae tob sprite, and she b sore shtoe hard teiB aiwaad K. aad a hh of
bird, tob spria* .iMbhndeagraMH


■MraMTHMa. l«nba0M*hte



irta Hrarr Keup Btarsm. ao
oeraatHc eoiorca bu of Bonra. iM
ife* oUur iMy ct u aOTaBrAd asr. Hr
vaa faaUiarlr kaovs ar *-Jadsr' Star
t«oa. harlBS baa tbr Snt cpkmd
T«B MMn. Bw OV. SB a
«aa to beW ibe oAca of Jaitier of tbe
pcaea la Mauarbnirtu Hr *a
polatrd tlj Ooarraor Graraballtr
Uik J«ir b-rth -1, l#»S. Hr TO aUo for >»o>« ; .
am»TT pobHr aad lank nocb prUr
”{Sfc!i*» «**»*— orSBalb trail <*•Rrrarrfns to iVr l
^^iSlSbe, Port Hofoo .ok*, to iloB of ind«r Parfcrr br ttar OratonaK
lepbors ia a oprrcb
RapraacDtailrr llepbt
' la
Ibr boorr aoM: ~Ah. If tbe aphiax
has brra bare. U be ^enaU bake

■?to5S*— -«« —1»

'syrar;^-- fciM.. low O tab ol bat trot



aBlr baa arrer
laiS aat fool iblaei. but be coiiM clrr
for the
r fuiarr."
fuiarr." -Waaal
>sr- ;rlM a Sen
UUrr JJepbora d
ool replj.
T BkiDf of «’eM VlrsHUa
kef BO aeerat of Uf aailataetka
•r balBa iBdoned for rice prealda-

w. B rad-1 brooldtt of tbe ayatew aad tbe Tririf! in.. ______ WbaBlar k sImB aalffbl^'d'T (tws pTBddiSt
r bta ria)>r owa raoU ban soar oeor tbe raad ta . «an ki
-r— io’ bit ovo ^TBte car. bot atefreiod r
fm: -Toa ar* lo oaaae to dlB^
loaorr H. I IrM preeMooa Bade. U lUa TO
ft Ibe *bUe boro oo aorb aai
of a pob-1 sol eloae la tblas>. oecsalaallr n
__________ ___ -Aasel of Hartr* ta ibe ‘
UaseTKora date, aad poo ate to play. Tsa ,
la roan i as tbe ttca for a Bile dorias bk looi fmratrtebea
br *—TI ^ b*^ 8w«Sca vltb ibr wrier ^ Si.
aad b> trill fooo ez^ U> be reHreed of laaperthB Wbea be arrired ta Ao- -xcrtm af ber'berohtB aad irMeraaaf buBdred soeou «1ll be tboro.' If tUS:
aer^ tbowaad roan aso. Too »U1 Olaf. la n^Ooo of
of Ibr acioal-trorfc la aeaeetbB vKt, deraoa. tad. aad ampperi for tbe al^i ‘Wre beea dald etaee tbe trblie Sas <ri oa larlutleo w a bosloeaa prapoalrood tbol Ibe doc waa enJaala* a rt»
^ Ibe aSaln cri ibe Nc« Torfe Ceatral; be bore aBall flea ct beioc tbe ooa * pore Boast aa cad In bar borWe opr- tlaar' Briolred the flMM. o|a tM'
laiirr ease I aball redolre a feo^'' "Ob.
roflriBd It la aademood tbat be took* I d 0 ariltkaalrr bl. rkoblBC loratBlet • tire
, Ire lo
1 her raootn
MiB Wba
' MraiBeeial la mtIbc »
pateir oarlal." oror Ibe rBpoaao.
• biBaeir! vltb Ibr Bad o
baa apool tbe attr
Ike outer U t
,, ... ....................
.oaderbili to eooip----------____________ __ ____Coi rr-T<
-Yoor arlfe olU br lorlled " "to tbtl
York, obere abe baa
a perfect fcaoolrdsr of Ibr- boal- < work aad trarr’.
ibln* rlne.
the pUaiei. "I fhall oall
before be miiea.
Ik WlUlaa Tmoueb Vt^oo. rhaa •sore lo oarietr. Tbe ootbm IrtoM'
■oimaal Cointiel Jorepb SeTO |
Kaaaar Colored oalver ablp exlttf betoreo Mifa H-beeter oad .<<o aa lailtaiUa froB By boMefa I

nmacbwn. tbe &«lUb ^ 2^2h*a™ t A«a a.'aar other oiae
bllra Heka OouM
•>» preaa( form" ”
eiercnoaa. vbo baibera maklaa aucb
Hr tnreled la Maorturla la
le VoUrd Staler army, retired, a ,
rora) U foM ID haro eaid ^ralotllr forelWe Wr jm aas later laadr a neiaorablr )cuir- Boled oorrior aad clawmale of Sber , •>!> la gu.Bdam. l< resardrd n« la
of bk . prrofed hir afloolfhBal la Ibk oa>;
I Haoraek. If drad ' that rertla a. ibr Bookrr T »a.t ^ to'ternsalrr ibr IrcttSmalr rUiiof ‘ ^Wh,
•« Tor* to mbw IW •
f„3„ ivktn lo Jodia itrouah Chi
that oay II ^ . — .
a bta Bsklrdoonh i Bcloa of the oret He^od Ibe Tiu
>e pan
preo. At rbP nvibrrak <ri Ibe ................. .. ,FNinipr" But Ibe plaolai
Usb-cbitrch BKbodf <ri *mblp.,Mao - e cradoaird . i
d that tbe latter haS brm to tte!.h<rrd He Paailrt
> and baz taka par.. rear Colonel 8
Ub abmt Ibe fOOM>.preaai oor br sraatrd ob Uirreleo
Kr did
a bal oaa ta ^
lip. *It
aad pralaeri It falcblr
*H doer i j, ^ aaaibrr of alUian •'iprditino.
• boldioK II U Ibe tniure cif tbrir
MrtTlIle t Stoor. forurriy tt Cbl '
not rurpriar Be." said Mr Pllllos
ddeit olaonof
Moatrtol DO l.ea Ibao
.od Boo- seDrrol BOoaser of tbr , m
Uarabal ToBaoU. oho baa made and
ham. "I aboold expect Babop Potter Iht Sapaeae anaiea obal they are. If . that aeademi. Hefiral
•.nie!)mi;a' edoraila. • IkTiro the ......
lu lafcr tbe ctaarcb ta a Arur." Hr a' BCkrank tD<all4.He U too oeoh pbyr Uke Bader Ceoenl Zarkary- Toj'lor
cm (arurr ba> prod ore in rell. ■
hlod tneod Ibe remarb *as reported ,bully a^ too sutdoct to aloleol al-tibe Mexkos to
Ih v. rooti, -ih- Bortela cd the oc
la Uirr
Urka of
IB lead thru penwBlly dUtUcuiabed bImaoU obIM •SbtlBS .tu fors- l bir ran-Ideollli \V.-oioi
leo pe sate aa audlrate to aa UloD . abo baa s<Be It. tbe Hrtbodlel
lodUBf ii- usil asd |irrn--rt> of tabir and ar.' Kerlifh •araallri.
aa hr ilM la the oar ollb CbUa. bill the Net Perre aad ttanoc
I- Har;
Harj VoruBB. H petoTol ruBfereorr al Irii Aaselea.
—take the rhurcb to the ctreua—{ban br rlia In tbe JapODerr equlTalat for , OresoB
>1 prM.perli) '
I. by Ibr
fray, did
He retired froi
.d miferoB
ir TO.
aanouaner ihai br |tr..pwra looSer aa
aa my bralber Fllllnsbam doer
rr a.-t|**lfe
-quite them
ibrm iX'r oeod Borr
ind bl« Ba>rr’) tbe Balal
maial aad
Ibe goal d-Orw aad like a slsaBtlr; rke la I*T» and from tb
rr a rlrruf Id the rboreb.tarmen. Vn kjolrra, m-.r- m
. .Bbyrtrsl
aakllna be barI beeo
bM de- aao'OdniiTii lo itie anU-le. irf dlaiip
I fpider asiuica tbe llaot of bla hucr [ In Berkeley,
; ’ Irrr pow-t' Dktre naohori. Im ob M-nbe<t m ufia
lla. ablrh prablbKa itaaoaa. ratri
oeb for the dUeemfiture of Rurala . Superlnteadral Albert
-rilaan'). inorr d.cuirr. leer •aaekr. .eemni <o l» la the br-rl iri batth
Bwr'idbetaaiiy other real a
Clerelaad aad
■■la.lBK. Ibealrrauinc aad riollai
.Jjrrau.ri:brorar.- M rk« of tbe Bis rod' ^
abiuteBeslr by protidlaa Ihul them '
r rotb'l icrarherr. m<>r<' r<is>pr«at Huor la Hear aBd ftrOBS (aabloB
lartby arcilOB of bli
avut oriitHB a
1 acbooHarb.r.
le.. oacr-draolBs
A rtori i> rarrrsl la a Keo York ihlnc* I.’ IH' lo Ibr nmarb-nre nl

Buuih Africa dor.
Hub to the eSret ilui rereatly aa rarb indltldiial mrialier

Corner Front end Union

tbctr SriiKk vodBlsK
raalwalu U«k •cbool •oth



Clothing Department Specials

Halets B. PMtall bu bora oppolsi

*‘^'Neraaa baa baaa alacted prea
Idaat af PBrtUad lo SII Ibt facaory
erood by Ua »•*•« «••**> "f
Ml. dM laddesly ta. a a*—-----------while aa rurte froB Kaox’

oned lot of all wool Suits


Kt^ssaa will aak Aadrew Carae-


I or

1‘I inch


Cot 2

JSS..- f..,

This is an assortment of suits matle of tine
I Clay Worsteds - SetjjM and Fancy Cas^imeres—single
. ______
1—single ...
or „„„—
double _.™-—.
breasted, regular
------1 values $12.50 to $15.00. choice

gre.Ytest silk
We have the vert


Cot 3 j

SUmt day a---------- --lac to bed wHb tha cblck«aa
wsa • faretsaar trim baeaste daatlinie
tbrassk lack of work, aad fo duties
iba part wlaiar aUpt ta a*b*a eeapi
for laHi of a beuer ptoee.
Al a laeaal araaks of the Portlaai!
esBBiB eeasdl tba basdi of aalooo
IsU TOO laeiBuad fraa «3AW (o »S.
SW. Tbara art ilx aaloosi ia the HItas*. bsl thao far bta three of them
iBTa baao abU to eoaiMy aiu the rw
•alrroaBU of tbe eonaell. arbo wlH


TO tba oaaaBas coHMdl ad tba nitaca.
siM sa a faaaU tatooaa will OBsUDoa
ta bsoseiBMd after Hay 1. Tbe eoeaotl ^aaa« aa orritaasea wbkb wooM
’ bSTt raasltad ta otoatas op all three
•r tba aaSeosa ta tba Ylltasa. bat ibe
-MtaMt MM pM « oaek a boUer, ud
ttasatassri to ssa tba irottaaa. The
btat tnskad. Me tnutoB foapd a

asd died a few honra

_________OimM ttaToa CIcTe
Ob, asMaaaar to tba BarabaB Otore
Ob. arhkb (Mtad aoaa waMa aso. baa
tba eld ptaai. beaaptaylas

' -T.rjrri.'s-TSS

YtsM OTor aU fa« kes
aoB. RiMfwhat
tar etsetablaa
abst awty It
taMassoeb asoodaurt.
a sood aUrt. bat Mr. RmalsMa
baa rataad
osioiia ee the Usd
tar aararal yoart aad. ta easae«oeace.
It ta pratv att«as.-Oraad Ladte laBlll of Praak Mclatyre a
1 by *fi

wU coalabm

H, H. r

Cot 4 i

tl5S. », S20.S




Youths Suits—excellent patterns—pure wool


\ Boys' 2 piece Suits—ages 4 -5 to HI -in this
f bunch
—.1 )you *iU find many Styles that have
been selling at $-TI)rt and $:t..5rt. (2.50



It t

55irrgwU..raMMMtaUrefraOMlar. TVy are a«td 4S bad at aUke
M two paaa. Atbeit bu aemd ppraral yaan ea tba booiri. bat thU U
Ua btegur-f Brat i

^ sr^r:^i‘s^.•^b^s3ai‘^•icr

inch tine Worsted Suiting in black and
white amUhampagric. wonh $1.Tor...................




all new




very Itest



l,ad^'Burlington fast lilai k SitKking. double


I.adies* Absolutely Seamless fast black,
fine Cotton Stockings, with while orb
feet, sold elsewhere lor 1 S*c. our price.. Children's fine Kib Stockings, extra vaiw. for
15c and..............................................................




Damask. 6i,



Kor dvci) oix fbat couM off ymr
Colored Border

2Ux:iN. worth
the first 1
iths of
are'll *tve j-ou
j-oi Ten Centa.
rip. well give





».•€. for................................................

E.vtra heavy .Ml Linen



I'.i m

wide. *orth I2><c. for. (x-r yd.................................

Ladies line Jersey Knit V'eus and Pants, silk A K
trimmed, an exceptionally nit e garment, for.. ' *8/

muslin Underwear
Drawers, hem stitched and lat e trimmed, worth
1 Q
246. for
............................................................................... .. • * ^

width— ' Dotcb«B Traow« ar. m«fc of tbe

eurtain mulls


ISO, IM, m 2.S0, 43.00
>3.50 at >1.00

27 in. wide Swiss braid-il worth lUc.

Another'very line on*-


'■>> inches

Swiss Dotted Mull. J7 Inches

• Sec us for Fincks Ooeralls~**younfl’s Bats” «



lUa$b floods

Extra heaivy Bleached

ftriA Newest ideas constantly supplied b)'
best Manufacturers of New York City
job in Shield Bows—no two alike, l(k each or :i for J5c.

ae Baeb Beeey Ikimsta poor accouat*
tlikt 1^ earb ta prepartag a " '



l.'ic. for...................................................................................................

doubt, .ti.chcd und makg
a good Dress Shirt



Fine Damask Huck Tow.-i, hem stiiche.l ends.




75 dozen Shirts a\


adirs' $1.25 I'icque Gloves for street wear T AA
or driving, a very derirable glove. »|n-ciaL -**VV

Cable Damask

These are all new—cut rottOneimiM-!
, Should • scdB


all well made, to dose at................................................ -

»•■»« Y«~“- •«" ■«>« .10

mixed lot of Lawns. Dimities



ta Ua taaiily

46 inch Fancy Mohair Suitings for shirtwaist

Silk .Mulls, whitfjand colors, worth :i.>c.

The swellftst line in town
in all the new colors such
as Champaignes—Greys,
etc, at


to dose out at. each...................................................................
.Aboiii one dozen of our $1 I’crcalt; Wrappers.


• •- -

worth L5c and l^v:. your choice for____ •• ••

I tba oriftatl o

tbe diftli
__________________ ty ta tbe
af bMwtbacBly
I twtaa M BiMbarf of tba l
Lrataora. TTO wa Albert

Special price

doth, at \2i4(. 1i»c and.........................................................

Wen*s Dress Shirts

tba biMf prtaUd ta Aa
iber with leaibim. ti la bofMl ta laMbei
ar sada oa tbe oorbara ter tylM


I- this.

W e want ypu tc

is positively worth 7.5c. s|>eciat at

TOP cun
!?riy-;2i!E.''.£‘SK£ 7.50, ns. I2JR, »5S

*^na «^M^ tmfflar of Hn. Jn-


linish. admitted i

.-M.L wool. VOILES
in black, cream and cha
Scotch Wool .Sli-Mures for suits or skirts-

Su*^ ^ ^JSrtr^taoitaBM”"iS
■ta a aAadota at tbetr raal aaiate «pd
tba tariableriaaaa ec tbe aasie. aad
an barias a bard
ttaw ta bad aai vbe aaa aaet all the


.\ stock of Youths .^iiits—long pants—ages 15
to 19—made of such materials. as black days
—fancy cassimeres and
worth $6.00 to $7.00, choice at

.About 15 of our SI .50 Vlannelette Wrappera

i. Herria's
Suede, known the^ik^Id over
as the be« glo\e made, in tan. mode, grey 1 OR
and black. «everal dozen pain lo close at.. * *to V


af tha BOW cosrt b


Taffeta .Silk, guaranteed pure

silk, wonh .59c, for............... ‘...............- .................... ...

BSy bare a poblie library.
Ose M tba Bwebostf of CHatao
MM bSYB as Uaa that a sand pnrtton

The aapartatadW o


Silk, white only.


2 ol a
$7.50 tt


Silks and Dress 6«ods
The genuine Habuiai Wash

Cot I

*MnrpUari r. NofM. of Orasd Rap



Owing: to the continued cold weather, the spring season will necessarily be cut short—In order to make it an object for you to buy now we offer some
remarkable bargains. SAI-C BEOINS IMIONDAV, MAV ana» and will continue for two weeks.


wide, worth


• 12i

night flowns
.A splendid assortment lace ami embroidery trim- *70
med. were $1 and $1.25, choi. .-........................ • « »

Cadies’ White Skirts
and exieptional values, from 49c up to $7.<ilt


Choice lot of Pattern Suits only one of a kind worth
from i 2.60 to 16.50 for.........................................


Shirt Waist Suits the new Voile Melanges at 3.00,
3.98. 5.00 and............................................................


: Silk Coats at 10.00. 12.00
Drera Skirts of Blue Mohair that were 5.00.
now....... .............. .................................... .





Silk Petticoats $5.00, $8.00 end $10.00

■JS— 2-

CMTnrmc HcnM.
nmt mmwo or yka*.
Al*oMly* CNr Omwwe.

ZSSa M> Bonte
Sk of
? -pV

<*{»«>«>• 'obo 1

_________— do. asd wbeo .
caaw to Ibe pareawat cd eocb rtreele
tbal Biaeh woold be oot of tbe . _
Atao. there are aoM elieet. wbtch
Bead lo be iDprorad rny aorb, tod
I bellere ihr mldeau are ready for it.
aad wber.' poealbly the raloailoa of
' *u£w Iroaioe for tl
tbe adjaa nl property would aot war
of brick or uphall
*’^JhIw*af board «f balldlap la- raat tbe <■ peare
Now. lo caaaeetion wltb
waidora for II
--------------- ?U, I woold «y. we bare a larpe pile
■ rb bare 00 tbe bay r—aacbloe lo cnab il
aacbioe lo ao■~rtle. D. W. Kelley.
utar. rroBk A. t
to p6or. r. D. «ar»lB
r. Dr. r. P. lAwloo.
library traaiae tor two yean. B 1

_|t year. Macadaa road M do eiperi’
• Beat, we are perfectly aafe ie poitloa
Ntptat pollM. opedal polke ta t
Atanding CaoMilttaaa.

M Wau^^ O. Millar, O. W.

ugdia./- M. qin^

t WIMPB. U K. Oibba.

f*y. M. C. Oriatt ,
. Lardla,-C B.
. Mertay.
"I. *Wtaala. 0. «.
*^SdU^-j. M.
A. ■- WIlaoB.
B. Hanay.
B. Blur
-M. C. ObMtt.A.
baa. A. B.I WIMOB.
M. C. OrUtt.
PrloUapIt WIsata.
Wllaoa. H. Wlaola.

Id boeordaBce wtlb tba prorlaloo cd
our ebaiter. aad apreaable to eoa*
MB nitrrr It la (be duty at tbe aayta oa aatarlap u»«.4be datln of bli
o Hra to tbe »oitdl. and 1



I tUly raallu Dial tbtr I
porlaat jwwr wltb ua. maar



to probably a pood deal of merii '
wbat ha* been nald.
M In order that we tfaall arrite at
(Ipht aoecluakm In tbe matter, and
Bt too haaly actkm (bereoe. I wonld
appeal that tbe coondl commlltoe oa
nblk Upbtlnp take up toU mailer,
id make a Iboronph InTaatlpatloe of
.je OBoeeaa.or other dtleo which have
•AdPtad tol. plan, aad mke tome eallmblta wtto retard 10 operaUaT toe
---- • In coanactlae with Ihe city water
b^a^rapon to toe council in da-

$12 Now Vono'tion E’fcon Sui-to m± $7.SO
$35 Man-Tailored Suits at $22.50—Ctover,
creation*, tnil* that have the tame character, xtylc
.)IC *n.i
an.t maicfui
material w
$10. S35. $iu *jul $60 gannenta. maa< of Ihe
the fine*!
broddclMh anrl fancy miilnre*. 'Theae highjtrade auili at.. .



a aaiive uo oouDi mat come of toe
In certain dIttHeu win

.. a alaktap fad tor . .
Map can of water wortt*
ready lamed.
I wonld adrtoe that at tororabto
rate be Me. aoactally lo our im..
dmto for beaeehBid aad lawn parpoam.
M vtD be etmalttral wltb pood buel
nam praetka.
We abould eacDurape toe uae
city water tram a aanlury itaad
S£n^* to^batop Mr^i
MWM. Tbare to aotolap toat a
the sttraetiaa of a tdty. IBte Blou
aad temewa. We cubaot bare
wHboai water, no let oa do wb
MB ellmnlate tbl* Impnmmeai
Tbetv a>«ta>eexleMae(d____
Btemaary aow tor Are preteeUco. aad
aimte Maree where torper.
r nreet*
toat ate waited lor
a. To (ba laUta. i wb

Free bistflbnlion of
_ Money

$ Shirt WaisU at 98c-tancy ihm waiatt, beautiful alvlr*. all ti


I btilli

i 12 Eton Suits at 7.60-About ao «uii< in to.* lot, «
to US )>)' a leatiing cnaniitocturer at leaf than the coot of the ma
rial; nice wool veiktian, in blue and black, atoo Scotch mixtutet
Kioa flyle. with and

" ' $7JO

The antira raeaipi* of
on* day'* tala* In evtry
vraali all through the
month of May will b*

$18 New style Eton Suits at 12.50-Choioe <x
nf all wool chetioia, Venetian* an<l
(lOtiultr slylea
'theae suit*, w.irth

faocy mixturea, very
$16, 01^ Sf\

$4.50 Instep Lensrth Skirts at $ .jf
or light weight maleriala, nghl ui> iti tlie

$1.50 Children’s JSi


jackel, comet in blue ami C
will fin.) in iMlier ttoret at $

We’ll Give You Back Your Money!
Beginning last Monday. May 2nd. and continuing for 4 #eeks. we have decided to divide the entire receipts of one day’s sales
in e VKRV \A/KEIC with our customers. All you have to do is to save your sale slips and watch the dates—then look at the
papers the following Monday, when we will announce the day and date.
Whatever your purchases were on that day. we wHI pay you back half the amount in cash. Don’t forget that you must have
your slips toshow and that this will be done EVERY WEEK.
If you are out of town and do not receive a Traverse City paper, leave yoiir address and we will gladly let you know by mall.
We do this not only to convince you that we make the lowest prices on the newest, most desirable merchandise, but that with
the most liberal methods and many other advantages for the benefit of customers, we offer you a combination that is irresistible in
it’s magnetism.

here’s tbe Greatest Bargain news we have €oer Published
Rich, New
3Sc Vail*
all U>«

par roll




band lo end In eoafiuhiD. beeai
toe extra etpeata.
Bit wlto a ^led. debit* pUn ts

J“« 01 tbe prea-,







11 oc
Good un­
Cotton. In





every fibre pure wool.







metre**, special



Arawn, also I'ght

tnre*. worih 7Sc. al



1 .ai__- ea.

; M«n'*$(A0
___ •• .ta.






in Black. Navy. Cardi­

dsrk ehade*. (Iso black


~ 8c

I1J0 Wbit*

utorih gcAo,

cMth, yarn
wid*. ragularty Sc.


That are best for Spring costumes. IT’S HIGH TIME to buy the
material for your Spring Dress-choose what you will-black or color-*
ed-the key note of the season is softness-the light weight fabrics
that yield themselves to clinging effects.



beat Duality.

par pair.


all wool, Mlo* Valla, i>«i

West »r EtrlAad Tweed. Skimng ai
Suilii^ ne« foreign fabric*, full 1
5 aril* wide.........................................



forcii;n mail* tal>Tk, wortli


• par yard

10c i


Turkay Rad
and CardI- l
nal Caliraa*.

PuWlc Park*;



warm «uc
and aSe. at



' 1Z''2C Sack*,
black or


A aUtob^M of Itoelt will beec
peudBctlTC ai U laereaaes.
tate maay adraniape* here wbkb
be In our ftror in (onttrartlnp n
Watar Worts.'
_.-er tynea tbnt they do not bnve
With Ibe taataltotloD of tbe new to many rtlle* Bpi wbat we net '
paapa. wktdi I am eure tbe rity baa do to nave e*pea»e; to u hare a
ejal pMn of a newer aytlea ur<
aito toe abaadaal au^^'^kood
tol* whole city by dtolHct*.
tar. we (md aow feel that tor eoa
to be very ceuefolly made after
patoptop aad dtotrlbwiap tba «
■ ■
lereli for
wm be breapht to a mlalm
toe lime toall eoam toil
waO aataMMbed. i

Tbe mnea* of tbe Nortbara MMMi■u aaytom bad earaowerwd Ibe priMdeai aad •eerctary to aab (or parmtoatoa to belid a traararay Item tbe M
A N B (rark* aleap Bhownod aveaae
to Ibe uytom wa* referred, ea AtdMmu Itadle* motloa. to (be eoamlitee oa ttreel* and waTb
The board of publlr *
■ larpe aumber of at 'ratbt*°toa!
aarded repair* aed c
(Ooattaaed oa lllb f>ape 1

Bold Price Cutting in Women’s Apparel!


Is dtotrlbota tbe bo^
of oor BccetBaiUr
___ . ,____ leei ImpnrTemeata
-1—I tboae that will be moat baaaBtad. I am la tavor of MbdIbc beada
(or our permaaoat public tmpn
: awat. At too ocm time, would
vile toe aatobllibiMai of a link
toad tor toe parpoac of toklnp c
af eat* tiaae of boade aa they baco
4ae; tola win ba aaly ioat aad toll
tba prataal. aad ao lajoatke is

•mat. maa roftaTtd to the a<

I conildrr it a
r'llie pfound Ie both drpartmanu
t ibouM .be dooe Therefore. I
id to Uil* couDClI. rery
acuoo to tbe mauer of Inatolllop
UlUoaU repolar pairolman lo (be

iHdr Id the eoailDi maatAk aad I
tnat may be met aad adjuited la a
' act apoa (be day force, mod to
me qlrit <d falraeea lo erery oaa,
a repolar brat eatobllihed upon
aad wltb tba raiT beat lattreat of tba hare
lha ctreeto at (be down town dbirlct
dty at Mrpa atwayt (a mind.
beat to laclade and corer a* DearMaay imporuat .amtun wHb raM- MM
^ta^poaalbM toe (erritorr around toe
arrtral and
la '' be abould
Bided by (be
• cblef
hlefoof pollre.
ThU woold leart toe cblef
■■ maato mada aaeataary. wa ahall hara bettor cbaace of eupemilno ov<
•hv i u ba oa tba alert alpe mi
we do aow will, la a abort
Ad eAon waa made ton year to Into ba doae etwt w^tw.
anolber man od the fonw dortop
„ .
la daaunp orlih the dlAaraat cab- cttll aommer.
wbkb wu doae. but
Kt> ■ jaatt that mact lataraat jaat now. tba
lahandoaoaa«tiaAyupotalbleaaA obaapee In toe Are depan
wtikoat aatarlap taw Ibe detsU of tba aareeeary aaotoer ebanpe In ihe po­
and'be was aoon tokra ot.
aaM laaTtw that pan for-paaaral mod we have
done wllbnnt
dMeankm ai tbe dlteraat matun
Ml be broopbt before ui...............
mameod the imn
----------------- e recutoUoB UDlfo ..
at] poUcemea. and mnke toe wearinp
. Tbara 1* probaWy ao idty la tba ■ n uniform asd badpe or ator. with
ataM that hai a bettor AeaBctol atcDd- imbor while oa daly. ImpentiTe.
Public UghUttg.
Otr poller baa baaa aorh that
tola baaa able to hdep oar bonded .
Hoeh ba* been «aU for *sme tl__
- , .
dabtadataa-Tcry low opaaldartap oor

tbm M probably ao dooM a*


A human tide of people ebbing and flowing through thisstore daily, is nothing new here, nor are kind expressions at our display
in every department, but it has been reserved for this Spring’s trade to bring greater numbers of customers and larger approval than
ever before. We planned to increase this season’s business and we’re doing it. It’s easy to see we’re not restingon past reput­
ation. Never before have we had such a stock—never before have we had such variety—never before have we made such low prices.
The more you make comparisons, the more you’ll be satisfied to buy at Steinberg Bros. With double emphasis this applies to the
great quantities of new Spring merchandise that weare now selling in many cases at less than wholesale prices. ,
Step into the cloak section and seethe swell tailor’-made Suits. Skirts. Jackets, etc. You’ll find some

We bare bad so aerloiu eoaflapra'
_BU. Id Ible, we bare bceo exeeediBt
ly (ortaaale. Tbarp la ao city of our
populatlOB that can tbow a belter Are
Bat 1 do aaa waat to Mod
^ partBent
lo Ibe etleal tbai our
p^e fbonld beeoBe rarelMW tboui
•ra. <ra tbe other hand I waol to
tape every oae lo ■till preater care Is
tba BBtler of are prereoUoD. At ha*
baaa aald. -Ad ouDca of prereotloo M
worth D poond of core.I do Dot WD8( lo be oDdentood a*
aadlap fault wltb oor cillteoi. for I
am DOC w I Amly beUere (bat our
people bare been rery careful.
le cooperatloo oo
t depaninael and
tbe board of bulTdlop to»peetor*. tbai
erary precamtoo -may be token to pr*
vwt kieie* by Are nad leieeD tbe danIfe aad Umb.
Pelke Ocpartotent.
Doder Ibe preaeel arranpemeBt of
Ibe eoablnatloB of tbe police end A dMrtmeaL wltb the aoBber of mi
preeeot rmploytt
doyed 00 tbe poll
force, It oeeme to me to n
To make tba abaaUoa
plala, woold cay. (here b bot
alar policeman ea duty
' tbe Sy.
doty do
o-cMek at Blpbt IB •

«(be dotlee of tbti oSoa.
aat laMlM'tke wMpbl ef
bWtf tn^red la tbU pb-

tbe otoetol preceedlap* ef toe
0 oa Allirtoaa Lar^le-e-mMloa.
epotor batlaita waa prarraded
ert^ all matter* br
a wa* Ibe readlap
Btitattoa baa brew piupBly cared for.
Tto* Firm
Oreead baa beea hrakea. aad wa
than aeea aea a haadacto* aew buUd'piSwai.ttoi mtCSni^Atn
lap a Blxto atrcct. ready for tbe relap wtto tbe eiecMa td M. WlaeepUoa of the maay patfoat. ebteb
Ptiraptly at I
■eadathiB of tbr <«erta of tbe t
aibta' motloe
paueaape 1 am rare wUl be larpely
r etty. Mayor
' **aatir* ef
eee la ebarpe la derehiplap aad e
totv *a nail when evarytblac to pieparly
d too body
a a. Pulpbea* called
for tbe cMy library Macb rail
iaacallcd fa tbe Ubrary bulMtop.
c of I
tlaw bta beea epeai la partcaUaL
_____ ______ BSd Weut Twelfth *li
Macb more mlpbt be eeid upaa mai­
■retem of i>emce. wbirb t« m bipbly
ler* la peaaral. bat after aa toe moot
eppreeiatrd by lie Maay patraae

add already. More Mad wm be Bead­ la ItolmUM la the very eo
ed aaea. Aadlalaaerelybapetbattbia Mr* datattod report ef toe______
eoMdJ wm earry eat la lotae dbtlt-


not a rlitaea of
TrureiM City but wbat feela proud {
of OOT are departanei: U !• an uptodata ayqem. weS saaaited and well

V. lArdM.


waald plre our dllteae a cbaaea to
tea wbeiher tbU con <d pareneei
w«aM be daclnble. aed would alio
pira nt a praelicat leei by axperleoee
U to etat I wo^ mleo racnaDCOd
that aeeti a job be door by t^ day.




tallri*!? pabac Tolu tan bov la
UfM. Oier* ta wo nOM» wfcy tkl. per C«—tery ■urtiMM. wWeb bta added
MM work oktMM wet ptooMi imp- taipelT to tbe bea4r <d tbe pJbce. ud
for tbe coaretacbdp of ota dtlteM I
'^Atoo, wr tare wtwef fortliol MrwM. •a rare that tbeir eCorU pra blpWr
- - - u* eJaeM taUrely bom ^ apprertated by oar people, aad tbey
dtal d credH for whai
______ .» tttraeilre be*ee. ud mot deeenre a
:haa beea
of tbe*e etreeu we-etoll proboMr
le oMc to pare non. but we cu *M
thtap of TUal fappottTbere 1i om tt
• tbe MMfMO el etafe ptreeie. br ,aee
wWeb I wtah to
WSbOeblu <be cipde. ud widih tbe l«
, tbe
^ arcwnlty
cd at
preoad for cettaforoked tbai
prade and iBpnte tbeir terraree.





Clan «un*.
new wtytf.

mg ilia.les, worth $l ,2.r.

^umBroum Blaiolc Dramm Goods



In VoiUa, C.ianiiek SicUiaa*. Cheviot*. Sngliah Broa-kloUts. Coating Serge*, etc. « pe,
^y like It 1. oaly a matter of . f



lie Ftn*

............................................... ....................... 3UO to ua.oo
Silks will b* usmd mor* eKian m-^mr



•Maato mta Walha
We bare atode apMadU adn
mem to the Ibh two yaan to to* way
et iBtoiaMPir paved atreeu aad tuto
alMla) aUnwlB.
I wodM urga wm Ola eoimeU. aad


Thi* aaniBwi. *»d here are choice new Silk* at much under value.



Ttrd Wide Ttoai SUt don't omfliei this1 with
a-ito lilk*
advertiaed tt $1.00 lo $1.J6, but eesparc
il whb
tre it
Ibe bem value* you can find ai $1.60,
f oor {«€*. fer tba



•* worth makidg up and wrii i

•ay * AI.M
•Aaa*. new,
nabby. grad


lOe and ISc
Vtaa* Bupperura.

•ampi* Im*
Man’* $140




M aa«a* aow to be ao wen to
MMt aad ceaatatly lataavy iraOr upoe oar
apcatlkli to heap toe«
to tae apaadtopliy^jy fcr
d fna

The store
that will please
and benefit you


Mail Orders
will be carefully

e gnwl

-1 T

aceahsa----------------------------------a atm oa tke ralla. whUa beU paa- c work baa bees apliated. aad tbe re­
HOTM krlAlac trcMSka. 1.
__ __ _____
n*m «f tkt <«r <<acbe* were not oaly o> tbe lit Is two aew Iotbs. a abort form
AMP( at «Btar paP9a« la saltet.
'■ ftan
■> (k* mmH MMlac I* ' UC.nMM.
kad BBe pertiooaly Bear the
e or tbe track ea tbe cnne
•Mk iko** Itat tke vttr ti U)
HBV paapak aaekaar. l.injW.
Icaalkc cooiMarably. Tbe
naal alaida daTi pav^iac. >-■
tnUttm e«*w<- 1» ewry «»P«t
truck el tbe Ukder that bad cnMd
n. npM •( tbi «M
f »
the treaUa bad awoas aeroaa tbe
. --JpWy before
mat om upmnao that tbe twe west wheels
June, aad thli firat
Ml !«• COM aw ekr oBir $i4UJt
exempllfieatka by Petaakey laat Is
looked forwaid to wtb preat toterect
(or ■^i[-r-------II kluM ««r
la Maeeabre rtrclea.
. .ydBM IS u4 Ike Mt iwpmy
.................-........ -the atni.
■n« liiwin vw Maewl (or (kt
The trala went cocbc n ar » rods
rev «M «•!(
afier tbe first wbeeli Mt the tra^.
< (ba brUcr oa Sooth
of that dlataaea
ww «.(>*•- k s dtr of UjM* takabrt Wilbelm went la
> Uia «aa> llaitt of >br prap- and for all of UItrods
ap kaaly. la places today oo a bnslaesa trip.
itaau. thia ia a *wr aa«n lear
•ad br tke cllr. th« dock to kc
at a atrelA the ties
Mrs. R. E. Hunaopb relaraed lo ber
able Ip proipcafca *«ll (ar (k* akdrtT <
PB ibe vaab tfcsr placesIlytbecute
- . . - the dty tor «
*hy EMilllDcna------ Tk« report o( Iko-ckM
ber parents.
. -,artl8 the _ .
akeva (ka> ikara
Mlf M a
rbeels bad eat them dty today oo b
M«a Purlat tka pwr aal (k* charcas
aeaiiy la isro
lajored, or s
<■ arM thaw arraka
IBC or Waat PPoat atreel aad Ike
as tboupb
for «
llae or Uoloa atreM lo the aaat Iloe at
most hare pooe oi
city laai ereathis city, arrtred .
Wadaaortb atreeC the malerlal lo be coaHies
BooMsttuB of tbe trala bad carried It tap for a short rtalt wliItb trieads aad
brieh aad Ibe nadaap to be II reel mneh fanber. Thar were listed
relatlres and le'
leri ibU
linpfnr h-r
In Owoaso.
i Wvlac already oa rrai? ati^.
b shakea ip^^fripbteoed.
Oa aotlOB or C. R. Dockeray ibe reao0 Ikeember tbe aooth
lUoB iraa adopted aad Ibe plaaa win
t praaCBied lo the aexi taeeilaa at
■I romfon aad cnahed Into a
le coeacll.
striap nr I.' cars thsi bad become
Oe aaoUoB of A. T.. Blagbaai.
loosened and ran down onto ihe oiala
fljnjM. Ot tUa aaa 11^1.17 vaa elacUeo
latpaciorm ror Mar Id
track troB Ihr south arm of tbe "7"
(ar (aod aad tlM«7 (or (on.
appolBlad. They were A. Z Blai
there, and In Anpusi a year before retorned borne today after a rli
Tto atir eiark-a rapart auiaa that C. B. Murray, a. E. Wllaoa.
tbat tbe -domay~ raeonen' traio Bet thu city with Mra. WlUlaa lUyd
Tbe drasMt boed ed.mak Meadi
work trala bead no and dalle a serl- West PYnot sirt' i
lilfcimit iMBi M alaa varp a
ut wreck was the result.
OM •< a talBl dapHota ct mjmn. aaa approred.
Camatary Maittr.
<s rrtdar s PmscU
|14ID.«* aUBda aai ike keeka ea- AMeraaa Millar broaebt ap Ike
Preapaeta Per Baa* Ball,
■altar e( Bora Mad lor Iha eaneiery.
Cadillac. In Trarersc
Ha (arorrd baylai ibe forty aeree dl- CKy. arooad
The eUr to la a aooad «0M
Kalkaska. Loiber, Marloe.
llaaarlanr Ika trr departBoM la tt- taeUy aaat. He tboocht tkat
Tboppsonrllle. Haoton. Lodlaplou.
■Klee akoBld be appoloied io
Uiss Reu Woolsy al Kortbport w
■eieM lar all parpoaaa. H la «ai
Uke rit} and McBaln. tbe base bait
owaar aad Sad ool tbe price
lo Harbor Bpriaps this Borninp. wfa
Head. II la la • saod iwadlitoa aMtallp tredaetd a laaotatlok to tbat atact.
aa epMetnle. aad leaau are ■be will teach aeobol durinp the ri
aad ikaa* wa a«p (aa paapla Ika
Mayer FoUAwb dM aot sake bla ap- pox as heinc
oipanlicd or hive l<ee« Inp term
polalMot al tbe Deelloa but witb- Hlhertied
Mrs IV H Jeonlncs aod son .
on the uncertain sva of base
beld It aa be Ibousbt tt would be
I-hte-le- Ji-Bnlnps wi-nt to Cs
Kood Mb to appolot aa
thl. mornlne fur • vi.ii »
d hare biialaeaa In
r that tbe si
Grmad Rapida wberr tbe owner. Hr.
Apoew. Brea.
Indopendeni te
a Urdle
f Ibis mpniwhich money w
he City. They
radlilie-s team last soar conlrtbutodljj
SI Kesls Mokese j
JI and especi to i.u
a ^lape on li '
rap the Brrebaou for aeotk^A» torb
K. H. Burkhart
TlWoa. IlM
orpaalfoHawlap to aay a
R AUienstulUor Brldpeport. .Ind,
Kild be easily mrstalliad. and
raealrad aad aa
bare been In the city on busljit-ss.
Iiile effon. and the sopporl who
returned to ibs-lrhome this mornlnp.
hiisim-ss men ind other dil- J W. Slater went to Tbomp«onvl!le
tens would lu- wllllnp and peaerous this
mornlne on hnsln<-s« eimneeied
Base ball Is a bealthful and larlpor- with his store lher>'.
spon and Its encourapemeat Is
D M. Blodyeti ol Hater
the city
I the dlseredH of ao> commoalty.
Cadillar has a diamond at Ibe Recrear. r. Davis reiiinied to the rU> fruni
l>ark that has not
bat DO
Elk Rapids Ibis mn^ap.
Hlrhlcin and'all III
I. wbeti appearaaeee lnd‘Bred R Walker Jl Weaftw.l I. a
I .-Cadillar S'eas.
le ooaebee were oear to lIpploK,
Traverse City caller this afiernuon
: aad tbat ibe expai
. le embaokoenl oa ihecorreoa
Mrs r A Wriaht rehirned tram
Big Maccabee Meeting.
1 (1147(41. Tbe e
wbicb Ibe train atopped, U to Noe wtib
(lint this afiemoon after laklny hi-r
waa aa rellowa:
Peloskey, MIcb., May 3.—Paioskey daapbter in tbe deaf aud dumb sebnnl.
Ibe look of tbe Pore Harauclla la lie
I aglb adBalaa la b...........
ireeka la that aelAbborbood.
Macaliees Initiated one ufibe larpaai
Mrs W. H. PMler returned trMay
b PahUe brdrtata. IM.
Tbe wreck occurred about a mile
s In Ihe blstorr
the order from a visit at Borneo. Mleh.
Maun aad r^atara la aaa. 146. . aooU or Coaafon and m miles south
leaday, and used , Ibe ampll.
Rev. B C Wowl >4 Central l.ake Is
Pb eaai at upa Betarad. 14.
nr Ibis ptaee, and all tcree that the ■ed lorm or Ibe new rittiil for the
le first In the cliy loday on hiislneis.
(taBbar el lapa, laelodiBp eaaaelefy. rear truck oo the trader lo the eosloe
Great Comm
i. BoynMiss iHiwion. who has be-n beiw
praHpItated tbe trouble Tbe track
i ijw.
diirinp lb- Illness of Mrs. F. P l^w-

■Z ,.,r^




Piem TeisS ______
A. P. CdBerao of CoHral Lake
•bars aad Hiss E Klar>
of Use RadeU Dsns
lo tbe rity today.
Sltlap reUtlTss la Graad , W. A. Radell ft*.
Maria, aad wUa
C. H. Parker bat rMuraed (
I saaau of Dr. bnelor
Mr. aad Mrs. M T. Bo«bey aad
r TbiirteJl weal u Cedar Ran ibis
Ornad Trarerae aaal
. C. CoBpioo went to Haatosi asoralap on boatacaa
daapkters nf Pouch Mft today for CM.ST.'lTad^l ia a
Biop to dsli I
G. Ptrallsro went t iBke Ana
Mn. Sturm They will t
'ill as
WDHaa P. Hayden weat la Boyne i
iw. ten days
lorniaK. w
1 Gilbert went t<
' Ibe setllaa <
Pnll. this i^lap oa a baslara. .Hp | uUm Rdia Dapuett returaad
It*. M. E 1 -llm^aat
Georpe BbleelMTs famll) arrived InlPeriwaier tni. s.e-e.-.,.. .s... __
the list or Mlchlpaa people bow
e oratntlral oialesi 1
c srorld s fair In St Louis, pabto
I by the Grand Rapids press. Is
aae of BIU Hnatrr Goodrich
. . and Mrs Georpe Hnllaad of' lurned hoBe Uls moraloa afier apeod
Omnd Rapids are Tlsltlos Mr aad Hut several days In the cli>. the poest
Krs. M. H. Hamllino of J4» Wasblap- "f Mra Joho Raalmra .d lous State
toe etteel aud other relatives In the street.
Ur. Banc Curtiss. Mrs J B Mas
Hiss Jaae Sweet and. Hiss Clara im. Misses Bessie and Martha Mas
as returned lo ihrtr bbsie In Al t.-rs und J U Ua.i-rs of nudlay, O.
Ibis Bornlnt after sUilloa J. n are tl.ltleg it the hone of C. I. Cur
Ayers of U4 West Tenth street.
, ut. They will txvtipy the Berp farm
If so, the South Side l.umber Co. at Traverse
Hn. J. O. Ayecf will leave loBot 'no ibe peolosuta.
City is the place to buy your material. Shop
aod mill work done on shon notice. Give ti<
a chance to fisure on your wants.

, riarT,;

6oing to Build?

South Side Cumber €o-

- (>1 -

Crawrss City. IlMcb.

Blue Vitriol
liKT Ol K l*RiCES




national Dentists
make a S»«ctal OHtr Per CMS Wttk Only
^ To introduce their fine tilling plate*. With
i;vcr>' !«ct of teeth thej' will ifive one gold
filling. Remember wc give a writlen guaran­
tee with all work.


Best Rubber plate.................... .....................W-fio
1-old Hilling*................................
*>k Gold Crown.........................
Silver 1-iliing*..............................
Kridge Work.............................. ................................... $WK)

Selling Farms, and my opportunities for
making quick and satisfactory sales are
unequalled. Property listed and full in­
formation furnished by my representa­
Wilhelm Block. Traverse City. Mich., or
by addressing.


We exainine ytmr lotnh fni- of charge, and
ti-il you in advance Hjhu it will co»i you.

national liSilS.
State Bank Bldg, Rooms 207-20S, Office Hour*. « to M
Both Phone*


M PsurtMlar asm?


Look and m.

OOL.L.ARS are doing themselves proud here Just now—doing almost double duty in many insUnces.

^ Know

Ole ars Boing lo 6ioe Your money Back

we come
m m i^nng gome extremely rare bargains for you. You know this is the store that
dwan diripM profits with you. We are both the gainer here by the lateness of Ihe season. Just st-e
bow nr a iiolUr will go here. Never have we offereil such a high class of merchandise A prices so
ecooorakal—every item true money savers.

Sounds Mrange lo you {xtrhaps. but it i> true. Some one
day from April -Js to May iSih (Sat­
laj* not tnchided ' wr arc gtiing to refund one entire day's sale
ies to our customers who do tneir trying
that iiarticuJar day. The day will be selected by a committee of disinterested j.arties
-... be
jtarties so it will
‘ is a guoil reasi
son why y.iti should trade here and run a gitod chance of getting
your money back. Ki p all of
iles-*Iip> they are the only means of identifying the sale. \\e
will give ten days
, to come in and get•t ymir money. The day will be sclectdd May IHtb and will be
'vertisi ’ so you ma> all know about it.

OtloiH) eomiltg fifty miles For

Sr..r Dry 6ood$ Dept

The Vandervest & O'Connell Bankrupt stock contains some of the most remarkable values ever offered. Do
vpt thiBk because our pri<» are *o low that the goods are of a low character. Such is not the case. They are low
Rtmply Imcauae we^re gtvmg you full bepefit of the advantageous purchase price. The stock is strictly first-class.
MSB's 6ae acresriesH ntesn
^ikts, M isnkr Buds.
dcBbie ttiKhe^ doped shoBl<lc>a hss smy Mtore of the



Men’s fuer PeraJk & NtgUses
orerstock, Uifc asMRDenl of
sBlea and patterns
Choke Me BdbriaanUndsrMa........................................... j36c
Laiie —WBikBi ot fmey ribbed Btlbri|giB Uiidwwcer, en
Oddi end ends or Me toll Bi3bi^ Undaweei, priod-

pellrmiitt,ede pries aCe end......................................

SiMtbing Prites on eiotMng
Lot i—Meti's Snhs. nude of good detirable lebric*,
neat putemi, $8.60 rsloef..........................................
Lot 2—'Men * $10 u<l $13 pure wofsted Soils, serge
lined, good lookers And fit )«u right...........................
Lot 3—$16 «ool Suits, extra well nude, padded shouldefi,tdftetaimBg fronts, dressy and npJo^e..........
Hen's ligand $16 Cravenette Rain Coats, eilnordinair
50eOrcraUs.........................Ssa 1
$1 Woriting Panifi............. $9t \
Boys' Knee Pants............. iSt |


SWEATEJlS-BBestiBiaaddbDuaitidclDr......................... 60C
Ific Tillies......................................... ' 7c
Me kind. Me
HOeiERV—Me sad Me Cuc^ wwRed Helf Hose............... | 5c
STRAW KAT8-rt kind^ np bon,.......................................

this sale, only................

g HQ
/Z flQ
O'jfO •
Q fiC

Sanson Silk T»ff«a, ireai guannicol,
back, price per yard.............................

your' money

New Shin Warn Suit Silks

S3 and $4 Urea Pahu.. .3.48
$2 Cwdoro) Pams............US
Boys'$1.60 lA»g Panu..
B<^'TSc Cot tonade Pants 48c


4.6 in, all wool Voiles in several shading', out regular 76c
value, lo dose al...........................
. ................. .
64in.Scotrh all SoilinKt. dollar talucs. all new
ft pieces new Sroich miie<l Suitings. 46 inrhei wi.le, 76<

$1 and $1.60 Soft .Hats.... SOe
$160 Hats,
$8J0 Stiff Hats.................................................................................1S5
$8 Soft and Stiff Hats......................... ........................................... 98e

"""■ 25c


Mereeriicl fancy Waning, mir


Men's Blueher. Soft OcbIb SPoh.
aeaBtess. baad peesad. wsrraal-«e
«d 1146 sboe. aale prke.......... eirI3
Youths- bleh aad regular rul horse

8oQ< f
hravy or ltd
irriee II.M...



6Ue Silk Gingbami. to cUkc.
Tdlc Silk Mulls in abort lengths.

V. 4 o c-i »M sham ..............
WelU- rtralha- dress and seboei
Shoes, also Amencaa Boy. aolM
coeds, regalar (i n and *1

CUM-i Bted' saul ri^

Yeveths' aM ums gms- '^i mate.'
Iwihers. V. d O-C/s


PalmU. mis grtee ................. #ls90

■iss-s“.jrac:*-£i Beall la FWmIs aae Im TM

...... .32

■ nita’s
Cnta. V. 4
14 8lMa.aale gnee .................
Mea-s e|K»4aie Honehlde. Box
CalX aafi Tiel KM ShoM. V R
O-C. price «!4e. rale prke




M n Wells' Kaai-Rip horse |Ae
Betlseh-s ■hdlab Call. Men
ale's Custom Mad '
pries U4fi.........
Henxle-s -OnMera.' Henalc-s HardI Pan. CostoB Bench Work. Rirsr Shoes, '
t4M abM




KIm Ifirnhics and baiiBcs, 16c values,

Madras Ga^tsai.' VV '





niflles. full lixe. natty modes, a big slkra...

M»ms; fast black, ribbed Hoae. seamleat, 16c val^

•I*®*'. P« .................................... .......


ff/J _


ribb^ top fait black. Seamless Hoae, 6ne gauge.


Read, to use and fiuicy denhn Pillows, down filled, ^ ff/k
manufsnurerscloseoolitliOeoo dolUr. froiafiOeto OaOU
We have ,11X1 addetl a Urge line of

No better shoes in any store in the city than this bankrupt stock af­
fords. GREAT SAVINGS—You will say so. too.



missef and eWMnn's.
RcsSy mM« DrtSMS
well and neatly marie ami up^to lU ,■ m style,
su.lible for fobstantial am! dtem weji, ringir^
in ]*ice from

4$c to ^5.00^^

ttlaisf Department iKtktOtr.
(ithneofSbiR Vl'aisu ,u
in ..awns aiui oitas. m laames ano fiiatn «hi
•nri. dejB,---------------------have been, rewarded, as we alreatly have done a large trade alihoi^ the shirt i ■ SpMB IS JOB commencing
While Lawn ami fancy Cottoi Materials, made up m
tUle styles, eUboratdymr cd, pnees from 50c t<
Cokievl Taffeta Silks and bUck and while Pongees, r-tMn $8 to lOMO
WMMycarried over from last year, from 50e to

ntislhi tlaSsrawar
The befl makes and quiliiy, material liberaly cat and elabo-

I'e show big valnes i

l.mlk.’C«rae. Cover. Bid Chadr»i’.l>ra-m.«eh...............
Cambric l>raweT^ 6 tucks, insertion and lie*, now.................
1^-WC«iflre Ki,bi G„™.
aMeoesac^ nteRjon and lace............................................

/ ,gg

Cambric Skirt, deep flonnee, locked and dHplyembsoidml


MAY 5» 6 * 7




To wMcli we invite every farmer in the Grand Traverse region to examine the
stoek in onr store, eonsisting of Bnggies and Carriages of ali deseriptions.
The best tine ever shown in Traverse City.

Harvest MacWncry
Grain Drills
Farm Wagons

We still sell the Milwaukee Binder, Mowers, Corn Binders,
Reapers anef Hay Rakes and Sickle Grinders.

The Farmers Favorite and the New York Champion.

Plows, Harrows, Rollers, DisC Harrows.

Gasoline Engines
The Fairbanks and Morse, They are considered to be the
largest in the country and have the greatest varieties of any
manufactured in the country, and we also sell the Perkins
Gasoline Engines with an air cooler.

Spray Pumps
The Spraymoter. We invite every fruit grower who wants
a new spray pump to examine this.

Fanning Mills

These are the Olds Wagons, considered to be the easiest
running wagon on the market. All sizes, with the farm trucks,
and combination stock and Hay Rakes.

We have the Chatham mill which was sold through the
country last fall and winter. This Fanning mill is considered
to be the best on the market with the sack attachment We
invite anyone needing a Fanning Mill to come in and examine
ours before buying. We will be sure to please you.

Wind Mills


We sell the Perkins Windmills and Emperor. The Emperor
and Perkins 1 consider to be the best. We also handle Pump

Every farmer in the country should have one. We sell the
Indiana Stave Silo, stave full length, made from yellow pine
and we have the prices right.



Traverse City,


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