Grand Traverse Herald, July 21, 1904

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Grand Traverse Herald, July 21, 1904


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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®ratwir«« Hjeralit


toroseClij State Balk

vrrr b« of MiUl serrlro
OBir- r**xk rssr of prartloe.
Tmr pBIroMCS sidlelted. Is
Ns* HaanoB bvIMIac. >»iW K.
of P. bsll. op Boor ollk DiKkwST'S Mneat -CoIIocp p»1 orv

CAPITAU *300000


t,» CcsmiRM -1* IR*«1B.


loucy ta Uan OB ImproTit Rol Blatc Only.


AU. EDfDB 07 OUT 7U)«nUtA


um IMFROe REll ESTin






ish. Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausages. Etc.


CUd0OtlS ^

K« SUM strsst. » Uictor Petertyl.

Oo Rsal Cstpts.
IMHb Macfc. Trpvsrte CItr.

■■a a. wiLLOox. m. c*

Special wagons aiwl ileight

fully gsannieed in erer)- rttpecl.
DUUIIM^ Thai are made to ok as Bell at eell. They arc
not made of cheap material, and given a flathy
finish to citdi the eye; but are ddrable. eomfonable, ami neaL The ebeapot oo the maifcel, qaakty conridered.
Once BKd aod yoQ wiD bnyoo other make.

Mpv wnhBiM ItBSk,
Twram CKjr.

Have yoo ever tried the

caUl(«aM.-Mc, ■

T.W.Hawa[d, UMAiL,
Atden. Mich.



/foya/ tiger «£■
They are the best. Sold only by

J. J.


CmrENS 'PHONE 48«.

•EU.*PHONE 180.


aa: CHlnna «2, BHI t«.

«■ Mb CWW Bf />BBf W «>f*» ffTBBb.
Afta I tol TCCBRBd the ^Oiqr (X vool lut on for o
««t -w^enntfi, the contract vai made
at the above iocatioB.

■ bBieWek

ihcBevdqifi^arwoateBthe MwaTWemptu-Ooi ii to pajr to
<B *Ui



Tmwmm CHf. tkk.

Traverse City Manufacturing Co.
W. ft.. SNOWN, Nl*n*«*r.

mail Boxes”
WheaTOOBastaRnralMeil Boa. on and eau>ipe not
ptodL «e have them io price frooi «oe doDat b|>. We
bare the beat doHai boi n town. Our beil box it so canabwled that dwnindcaBMtbton the box open, itttabn
weetheriraC WcoonriikrthitthebeM box made. Call

Paris Breen, Land Plaster,
Sprapers and Sifters
Our Land I*laster is Fn^, ground line, put up in new
bagis (200 lbs to bag.l

■ucooKW TO HOBw


me frontstheet


Tbc Paris Green is of the best

if you must have these things g« the best.

Price of Paris Gremi is 20c per 1 lb package, less by

Get oor prices.

Sprayers from, 50c to $1J)0.

lamlc of^ KinsslRBx

Uteren pi id if
left rix tDoMbt.
3 Pee cent iot«W paid if lefts M.

mm '





of forr.t land rullpd from inUad sea to inland
enmarird by
roenty of seetion imps, .ben wairr
w-ayN nnbridkd by lurbinr., oofh«kby dams parsned tbrir <ilrni |onrno‘ «'> 'br brarh and rri-'.pd sr
renely in the simliabt if fru»ipd
•Tct by Ibe rimr of ninter; when
Maihrr .\alnrr. onaidpd by the *<*ntlfie farmer, scatlrrcd her tfri'utps
of blotSiiRis and fmit -.rpr ih, hill*

irofii the East md ihrrr wise men.
They *efe a rmgl.iy lod
vienroDs army, roovin* not in column
under the direction of a cfnmand! general, bnt sitigly. by two and
threes. Iiy small volonits, a p<ft of
ekinui-b line oliich i-enciralrd ifae
|l and ti>i'k possession id the
•toerhouse of treasure which the
Trrntoty of Miehisan had to yielil
. the darins adventurers.
These mcD and thrir families «rrr
o»cly frifO the New Rngland States
Kl in their vein, flowed the bbsid
ol the Ihiritan lalhrr.. They came
0 destroy Init to .!• vi lop. They
not bordeni-d with wraith, their
assets being a pair of willing
1 and a (olm) stoat heart
Ihey broaghl with them intrlliBefiet.
rdiiralion and ebristianity. The mor­
al rlimenl was .iroog in ihrm and
K it did ool artiially crmtr.d it was
charaeierisi'c ■ J their
Thesp sloiit-hrsripd psoneers are
fassing ff have passed away. Their
cahms, scattered hrrr and there,
e the bPEinnlng. <■[ the settle­
ment* which later errw into cities
But the jiacicnt hands
I.hieh boilded toward a liieb ambtfolded in eternal slrrp The,
.nr out into llie sili nrr. bm
we. who lo-day are rujoyiog the adantige. made
hardship, and sorrows, shonid hold
their memorir* in rrsermcr. They
sowed that wr miKht trap They
planted the *red and we arc galheeIhe harvest.
will- rame om from
WrmoDt in the early tliirtic waponr
whose prayerful, indii«lti.»us hie wa*
leave It* iniifps* op'«i bnndred.
litK" hill ifistcrity placed a wreath of l.iur.l up
head of the itenile. kind and
wise old min who bred a life o(
igorous sirtup and devotion imluiy
without hope of reward eaecpl the
knowirdcr that the world wa. Iicttrr
ir hi. h.ivinc lis'ed in it
Born the eldest of a larcr family
of children .George Nelson Stllilh. «i>ii
of John Smith and Fsther -\ostin,
first opened hi* eve* to the .un.hini
of the Xew Worhl on a farm near
Swanton. Vermont. Octoln-r a-i. tAiy
His parent, bad Iwm married ttc
year hrforr and io accord.snci with

Car. Tanth SL and Lake Ava


iBMBP Fmmf mi Bmhm

n the timid
ishted at t

(iroirh of man. slth.KiKh llrdnB

and pliin«, Ihr itiufVy .wamv' and
vallpys thptt eamr


Empire still Leads

Life Wart af tbe Late Oeorf* H.

at the binvl of tbr solf; whrn




Tire Insurance! ^

oo all these things.

Land P^ter 70e per bag.
Discount on i^ge orders

Don't go‘past corner Front and

Cass, P. K’s Grocery.

hegan immedialrli Io rai.c a large
f.tniily The Smith- were i..riiirr*oi
gruid old fCngh.h and Wcl.h stock
tin, wvrr tarmrr. aod
an Khk-lish' Roth familu- wcr. n.
tensely palmitic, (hr male mrnilwrin the Kreoltnionary war and
of ifti2 .Mr. moth
rr of I'slhrr. wa. onr of th-..r hrrOic
of thr
should I. written when- thr
morning .tar* sing l••KPthrr
hoshand f-.ughi with Vk a-dtington
and. while he mdutid thr hardships
and the pvira
ordinary privitioD* |.eculiar to those
wa* hilling an-1 struggling
^lie earri.d
thr farm ^r shear
ed the sheep, carded the wr..l
nd rolured it and madr rloihc*
her family, supplying
•-oldirr with ho
M'-rc than that- she iitrni.hrd him
with Imllcis. melting up her choicBritannia ware into deadly pellet
for this soldier of the king

ibis noble w.lman wa* not cnn-pic<i
palriutisa), am
Thr exl^neiri of ih<
i.mes devel-ipid in the women o
Revoliitionary days
adaptability and no doty wa* shirk'd
allowed to langiimh l■pcalt..r_ ;l
dilTicnlt of performance
Of (hr childhood of the fninrr
licet lllllc may Ih said eicepl that
It Stas barren uf the pleasure, w'hich
are the inherent right of the yoang
His parents were pronounced Cal
vanisit aqfi hr himself heratne deep­
ly hnboed with religioas feeling when
only 6 year* of age. Gn Sunday, he
went to meeting with hi* . parent,
aod tlie hoar* spent ontside of the
meeting Hobm wen
sediuion of his home, where hr. in
common with (he children >jf those
daya. eirly learned the adage. Ut
tk children sbimld he seen aod not
Hr grew op witboni toy*
—not even a jaek-k-nifr ever rattled
sigarficaotly with a medley of atil*
in hit pocketa.
Once in b» boyhohd he borrowed
a sled from \ more fortunate boy
aod went onl no tbe hillside to coast
' A nil feset ran parallel with Ibe base
of (he bin. (he tnp rail lying imbed­
ded m the emt of (he snow.
Before atceniing the hiH he dog
out a congde of rails and Uid Uiem
aride. lest^ a gap ia the icaee
theoagh wUeft Be might tMe whaa
the boxtam of the km waa reached.


came flyrag doarn and when it reach­
ed the place wfterc Ur rail* bad been
-emovrd the rtaaevi plnaged into the
toft snow hcMath Ue evast, throwiag tbe young pleasure-seeker far
Ife landed with aoefa fnrer
bead and bands were ibmst
Ihroogh (hr crust, thr sharp edge*
lacerating his skin in i frightful mtnThis experirnee and the parrn
which follum-rd killed hi- desire for
what wa. lenned ".iuful pleasure ~
Ikuring fais early boyhood he workI .nmrorr* upon hi* father", farm
ami attended the di.trirt school winIn March. iRr;. when he wa*
irs old. be went to Highgatr.
Vermont, to learn the trade sif mill
weight with the Messrs L and J.
While in llighgale Mr ^mith madr
(hr acquainlanre of a numlier of
young men and ibnmgh their fiinsdly inflarnrr he became for a linse «•
termed in worldly pleasnrrs. Being
the son* of farmer* they were de­
voted to horseback riding and many
noirl Utile horse face wa* enjoyed
I the seelu.ioo of the c-ninlry r<uds.
nm the atreage iarni hor.e i* not
speedy aand covetous glaner.
little shapriy ani
owned by the good elcrgs-man
Ihe village
Finally one of the
Bg ntpu, more vettiiiresiime than
other., .nggpsled taking .«( the
amnia! at
night and
pulling it
through a few pare* to develop it*
Thi. was done and sev
iral week* thr minister". )i..rsr en­
gaged in nncliirnal races with farm
hor.e., soiin dcvel->|iing a gait which
dl.lanced his m-fe eomliersome eomprlilors
One liright and licanliful
motmng as the minisiet monntrd hi*
h<n-.r after the close of the .Sunday
ice and rode sedately awayfrom
meeting house a gay young man
drew up behind him on the speediest
of the farm horses.
Instantly the
minister', horse pricked np his ear*
aod with head high in air dashed
down tbe road at a pare quite horri­
fying to the good man. In vain he
jerked at the bridle, in vain hr slioul'Whoa there, wb()a. there. John
lleufyr .Seek and neck tbe two
galloped down thr stretch,
which teemed (o the minister to be
lined with the muis of hi* parl.hion-s. rarb waving hi< hat and .houtg. "Thp Domoniell beat' "Tlie
ommiell heat!"
But the reign of these
pleasure. wa« caceedingly brief and
at all exieling The Messrs.Car­
penter bj' whom yonng Smith wa,
.ployed w ere l.-nirersalisis and with
rat pct.i.lenee Hiey -ought to eon
rt the liiung man to their point of
n"Tliey were not sncce.sfiil. but
wa., perhaps, (heir eery peal w-liieh
pointed out the way rrf.Iife for Ihe
In order to sneIv comhat their argnmentsbe
studied the Scriptures so pralonsly
converted in May. tRA
loining the Congregational chutrh at
Swaiiion on the filh of the July (ollowing
Till- important point of hi*
ifr ni.iv hrst be drserihed in hi-own'

otbm dHronraged him; bn he strag­
gled on teuchiug day srbooli and
eresimg singing schools
His wife
aided materially by
leaehiug and they eeoaomiied in all
things eurrpt aEeeiioo
H< seenred
sebool at Afborgh. VeratoM, where
they began housekeeping.
On June (J. lAji. Mr. Bmilh Joind a temperance society at .Mhurgh.
•nd (his was the beginning of a life­
long advocacy of lempennrr
following, hr made hit first
appearance as a public .peakrt. dr
heering a lempeeanee address of so
uncompromising i natnrr (hat he
as afterward rnnghly treated by a
disorderly mnh which made a permcdiuied allaek on him.
Farly (he neat .April Ur. Smith he­
rn atteiidiBg a course of Ifaeningicat
lectnr.. hy-the Reverend Worlhieig
Smith, whom he deserihed i» "a
Ir.rnrd and pions nun "
Iwuil that lime the cry of "West
• ariL ho, " rang Ihrongk (be Green
Uounuin .State and Mr. Smith ranghi
He enulinued bit slndie*
(or (he lime being, nnable (o start
direetly for (be West oo icroant of
the driiratr heahb of Mrs. Smith
Tbrir first child wa* horn iu St Allun*. Vermont. June aa and
a. named Gi-.-rge Scl-.wi, in honiu
[ bis father.
Ohio had been de.ignsled a* (he
end of their j.mrnry. hsi in May.
ifi.U. a colony of CongregatioBalists.
whiun he was to preach, had form
to Stan Mirbigan and Mr
.Smith drterniined to come with them
"The little l»iy wa* then nearly oo*
Mrs Smith's heallb wa.(ahlished. and they were boll,
amlniious to see the new enontry
ot understood at
this lair day. the rolony did not uulerialire; but Mr <lmilh and hi* fim•stnilh"* sitter.
Mist Jan* Tower*, who afterward
lirramr (be wifr of tbr ilon. (1. D
McMariia a pioneer resident of
Kabmipoo. left St. Alhana. May ft.
■ft.VL for the Territory of Uidiigan
They crossed Ijikr Oampbin hy
took the Norths and
Western eanat I" BsEala rrossed
rake- Flit to Driroit by sleamrr
u|.on winch Mr Smith lixA deri
passage, while Mrs.
Smith. Miss
Towers and the baby ocru|iied thr
cahin. .Yrriving al Detroit Mr. Smith
found liimsrif possessed of raartly
$iafi. but (ortnoalely they met an
old Vermont arqnaintaner. who took
them to the only bdrl. a log rabin
kefg by a Frenchman To meet ea
lienses Mr. Smith sold hit wairlifot
ID fimnd a Iratpsler who wa­
in take the family arroasihe
Stale to Gull PrairK (or ftaa pay
merit lirnig
Smith", friend
"Tlie roads were wretched and dig
iscomfort, and hardships nf ibetrip
err almo-t nncwdurable.
For a
week thr litlle Family battled with
<rf Ihe lumber wagon,
iu>-ing wheel* out rd mud hotrt.eal(are from boars, reposed
ileetung ia tbe wagon or on
-liamy flnnr.
Thr entire trip frorn
oeetiiurd tw-rnly-onr day,

nben she eonld find opporMnHy. In
Angust." iftjs. Ur. Smiih received a
reqiaeM to p„*c), „ I-Uinwell and
Otsego aheraatrly, with Ihe prospect
of getting sniipori (mm the Coogrrgational Ifome Uissi.mary Soeiety.
m hs infaury, tad the family
mi-wed to iffaiowrll the aame monlhAmring at PUinwrll they fonnd
their nuly shelter to Iw the franwof
iHwIding, which kir Smith bnirded
op with his own handi with grran
InralwT flesh (mm the mill "Tbet*
rr no o,uwv or windows and no
Ilerial fiw thr building of a chim­
ney. Oi'ilts were haug in the doorw-ind.i« ojwniBgs and shorn
nty serrens wrdrra howled
nightly. In order to Lerp lb« fero- .
IwtUt at a safe dittaBCe a bag
log fire ns* kept blaring ihrimghonl
the nigbL Siirh meager (are as (bp
housewife brand to prepare
was rooked over (be fire boiU out of
doors. The house was so damp that
(hr bedding was sainraird nightly
and bad to lw hung outside to dry
rarb morniag
Water lor domrulic
IHirpoqes was bioegbl from a wrfia
vnarter of a mile away.
They nrrnpird (his bouse nnlil Ootoher, when the
r oimrr
rulated and enough money srat raitn buy an acre nf ground, lumber
donated and there was a grand
turnout (or a house raising lor tbe
yirang student ol theology. Tbe
frame went up in nue day, but it was
moulh <x more beforv it was en-InuM-d as Ibe lumber bad to br drawn
from Ibe mill fifteen mile* over rough
roads. Of rooTse, the lumber wa*
•ecu and thi* eouragrou* family
again began the dangernua (ask of
seasoning it.
In this house thefr
was neiibrr dorw. window or eWmnry. but a fire was built on a spot
left fioorle*!. tbr smoke escaping
•om a hnir in (be roof dirrctly alaaue.
"The natural aequeesrr was sootiapparrnt; Both rbildren—(or at thH
tbrre was a third child, a
tilllr danghtrr, Mary Jaae~werr
stricken with pneumonia. They lingered hMwrrn life' and deaA (nr
lany wreks, but finally rrmrered,
The lallrr part of December, pealing that it would be impdwiMe to
gH brick, Ur. Smith pin up a slick
rhimnry. A clay hearth was beaten
down aod a door and window placed
"Then followed a dreary winter in
hich siarratinn threatened. The
Home Missionary Society wi* limiliDs and (he (armrri were
poor and well nigli hrlpleas. In ad­
dition, the boose sea* located al a
greatly traveled for those
days and many weary and bnogry
■)-(arers had In he fed and abcltired. Uerrhants and
laid siege to the hnsphalily rd (be
|Hwir young rouple. Often when owe

of manna for the lustesasec of
thr Chadren of Israrl, were quite M
nnrapreled. The relation rtl a few
<nrh inslaurrs will saffire:
"From thr lime of my cons-ersion
atiofll ftya a sum mnri.
Oor afternoon two gentlemen om
had an imprrs.ion that I ought |o Icrgrr than w-a« anticipated.
their way Io New York dropped to
iiiahfy for the ministry
This in
Arriving at Gull Prairie they wen
slay all night. One was Ike laM
pea..d niilil I'erenilirr i, iBjR, when appalled a( the amount o( sickneJudge F. J. Ijltlrjohn and thr eiher
w a. mdiir.-d Io leave mv trade and among the pktneer* who had prreed
minister. There wa* nothing ■■
-ommrnee snidy
During thr winter.
Bilious (erer, typhoid (ev
the house to eat encepl potatoes and
1 attended a di-trirt school
and (ever and ague of a kind and flour.
Retiring to her attic, irhich
March. i8j<», I li-ited an uncle m inlensily which shook Ihe hardiest
her eWHei for prayer. Mrs. Smkh
Cinada. a Jihi-.ician. where I stud
ing in every family. ; Not a pTHired onl an appeal for help from
chemistry alnuil four week-, then
even a room rould ■he ol,
(he only po^ilile sourer. Then abe
returned home
.kfler my return, lamed, bill a h'lmr wa* fonnd with
ided. prepared her patalor*,pul
having n ceived eneoiirageiiieni from
Pre.liyierian minister, w-ho. on
(hem in ibe pot aud pUecd the tea­
the Reverend F II Is-ieman. I c.m- learning of the new arrivals, hastened
kettle over Ibe fire. While thru ewmenerd Ihe -Indy of Ijtin at St
them and offered a h>wne to rr
gagrd a knock rame at Ihe door. She
Milan- academy. M.v (. iBiii. con
(uyn (or thrir help. His wife
d ft. There stood a distant
tinning thronghom the season"
neighbrrr with a large piece of meal.
during thi. trim that Ihe
puiting up a barn and
slid: "I was tired to death, Mrs.
young pfcKpecliie preacher liecafne
■ help
The Smiths re
Iral, somehow, I fell (hat 1
aeqiiamteit with Mts, Arvilla .Mmira
llir family until fall
imply Riirsi rome.”
afterward married
when ilii-y rented a rcewn that ha-l
Anrqher time Mr. Smith, vrbourat
"nil. lail> wa- a Cunsiti -.f llirair »u-en n.ed a* All offirr
It was large
I^)WC^., Hie -eulptor. and .d J.ihn
md ronvenient. with a large brick bnsy ofganiring a rongrrgatioBal
association, camr home after a few
Krown. Ihe ile.litinni-l
-replacr, and the family
(ii hi- courtship and marriage
day," absenre Irringing sl« geatlrnsra
rcimforialdr ibete
four mioisicr* and iwo delegates.
i|namtli -Ataie
"Tlie fir-t three years in Michigan
- In the fall -n iKag I UcNjie
"They were to have dmnrr, Ibra go
ere trying ones
Mr Smith tanghl
-liiauiied witli a young lady of this
on to Marshall it> organire. Again
sch.H.t wh. .1 ii. could find one 1..
>hr wa. -mall of .taiiirr
thing- of this world, hnt tr»rh and 3( 'Uher limes worked at
the far|HfiIcf - trade (or $1 per ilai
Iwttcr; but Ihr rrsourrefni wifr
\( llu* rarlv day very little IraildinB
I with ii-rfiil kn--wlfioneer was equal to (be occawa- itoing on in tbe southwestern
.. kind t
She had 00 stove aisd her
pan -d the Territory of Michigai
cf.ui- hearted
Such heautu- inclm
rof*ing utensils
consisted of a
Thr fran of Marshall cmiristed '
cd me
offer my hand on VovemlHi
I,akeiile. a three-quart kettle aafi a
hut two log houses; Jaekson wa(. alter a ronsidcrahle ar.fhainlancr.
frying pan. Her kettle was not big
known mainly by it* one hotel—a
which offer was eordially rereire'd.
enough to cook potat'w) in for ao
and on N-rvemlii-f as wc mul'i.tlly
large a company so she washed and
(dace and Grand Rapidagreed that when I -lu-iild
dried the tnber* and spread them Os
WA. mainly an Indian trait with a
lliru-ugli ui> slndie- ue «oii|d join
hearth and covered them with hot
iradinc post of (be American
hands f.u life Thr nest morning I
Then *he madr a dough al
C<«Ti(i>nv and a mission for Ihe f>t
start'd I--I Russrlliown. I.ow-rr Cana
ice and flour, pounder! it aa<3
Si Indian* in charge ol the Rev
da. to the leaelftng •)! a winter wh'.-l '
sa* velvety, polled it itrlo this
■nd I. Slater, a Baptist missionary
Rrtnrning from Canada m .YpriL
pieer* and loked it a* *hc did the
IVork w-3« lieing carried 00 tra the
ifttn, he wrote in hi- dll
"The htllr Imy ana acst
.iirKlty 'd Michigan iMuldiag*.bill
"An the l6th I visited my (fiend in
neighbor's for milk, frornwhich
klichigat. was ahnost a
St Alhan* and there (oond all Bungs
avy was made and, when, the
ickless forest
agreeable to Dty mind
dinner wa* served, the guests de>
Mi.t Power* wa* tcaehmg school
rlared it one of the baU they had
>< appointed agent to diilribirte
at a divtaoee from her home aod Mr
tasted; soHhg boMess (cH amIS in Kalamarno county. Hcal-uSmith wrnl m hoard with her fath­
l>i« repaid for her hospiulily.
preached when he eonld find
er"* family.
rhr next year malten brigbtesed
the familv escaped
“June I?. 1830." he writes in hi.
’Ktir. The coogregation waa getdiary, -.lie wa* bron^t horar very Ihe ravages of the prevailing
rig too Urge for (he Sule tog
ill, which gave rise to a Series of ease*, but with (he coming of spring chnrdi and a new haildrag asa un­
thoughts uok-nmni to my breast until the plague was upow them.
der ecMisidcraliatL Ko( only tbe Sun­
powers, who was tcuehiiM; school 1
day services but the midweek prayer
The condition of her health and few mile* away. waV brought bmu
inertings were well altreded and
other rircumsunces
indneed tbe on a bed. being very ill with bilioti
there was a aoe'my of lolelligiat tad
Mrs. Smith was also down
yonng roople to manff sooner tban_ fever
wetl-eduealcd people.
"The Home
they had intended, g^ aceordugly with (be (ever, and while suH very MUsiooBry Soriety aent fm for the
they were united in wedlock ou July
iftjo, by the Reverend W*
Tbe peoMem of living became
The young student was poor, and aerioas one.
Mr Smith, although
Ungbt school to support hii family small in physique, was uteniig and
Tbe magsH^ of tbe sKiadn m
sriry. and possessed of boundh-s*
oda indnatiT la abuwa bp ton toto
energy and endurance
He worked
ordmation he feared (be great ambi­ like a slave days uud studied nights. tommasd Ml basdrad toss ara
hi* grot uim. When
tion of his life nugbt not be attained

I «a Seme
tellh the ague Mn.
Seme ol
ol Ms
Mt friradi
friradi cwmmff.
cnoairaff- not 31 wBh
fi hte taemMbMftft
■ «*«* *9

' rY

Cbfll to


l^amstina and
IHowins machinery
\Vc alwa>> carry a (food slock on haiKi.

IDilwaukee $ Decrjng

.......... .

rthtaAe ImaoioMnttoo
of ker taM skHld ke •
woM’t caortMl iMr. U
she woHld be al tfeit ike aar.
^ sort
wdl a^ast tbe
rignodlbeaHh. Mn.Brawa
d Rives aad aethers.

tm (Ml UM «t wtD taevB ylvOi tto llik tbt •lltnoam «ltl b«
« M (ke rMtpUM al tkc frM4,
V«al klT« eAnn. *Ulc ea
Tka Head Id can
tt* Utk • aplMdU »n«rui aDl to
UM- Bar. P. H.
vkkk via Mato i cnto
Tto Head o( Tbe
■bM tonto vKk kil«U« Md Ml»
. Batotr SdMOl Lcaaoa,* Min
iidtotoflt* wM«Me. MtedrlltaMd
Uara Uodlrr.
tMB ooMmU win fens aa
-ladtoBM t«f Ikr Horae oa tto Baatorttdtto araeaadtafE.
dar Bekoni aad ito Bradar Btoool <
witk tto
Wiitk kare proMlaad
.«HM Bad apactal iralM lar tto
. akM.
«ka Mtowtog an tto odtotn aad
'Ika too Bat «C

ton. OdU Tkaitor.

waidtot, Mr>. a a
I cur.
a. narwaad. Tm*-

mteaUn—A. V. rrMrtek. C a
: ■ Hrwttl T. T. BBla*. RotoH WalCharta H. Bawm, Hn. Cam.
: ''Itocfcto. Mia. n H. Marpkr.
, . ftoato O- P. Carrar. t. 'v. Htm‘ Mm. Dr. A. R. IMlUw. Jaeok CaiitM
«tolM HeMlekaal. C W. AikUe. W.
W. VUfchlU. AmbIM Saad. Hia. C. H.
Maatar. Hra. a a licdtM, Mra. MMaptoa CaBMlBM N. OarrMUii. O. 0.
«lBrlUfc. }. T. SkMtdA Ow. a KHkaarat. Oallla Tkadwr. Jaaale BelIMiknaii, Allea Marpbr. Mellle JakaBM Aaaa HamMl Mir WDeaa.
■Hr. Hack. Jaele «i»acMi. CDrie
V'MMato. MUd Protort '
' fmtmk. I a OUtort. J. T. Haaaak.
«aaak BMatocs. Joka *- Lotaaflar,
to* a Bwta. W*. Laadea. Hn. T. 0.
; aMtoM Hra. & KeBir. Hra.
Mad. Baitor Aatoiaoa, 1
toteaa Praak Tctraka. Bd Wall.
: Urn r. naa. Ckaa. Biwaaikal. Dr. i.
' a. Martla. A. U IHftoat. Dr. R a
I toanar. Bk»aei Oartaad. Dr. J. A. Bartor, a U tohrarda. Dr. O. a Otoaa, C
a Vadar, P. R Hati W. D C. Oartoar Bondar. Dr. a a Hlasr. R

a W. dtoter, a A. SraM, Or. W. a
Maaa. Oae. W. Baward. Hra. J. N.
Hlliil Hn. a A. CtoMT.
•aapwA. a Oaak. a a HaOarDaearatiaa-U D Cartta. <
WMar, Prato Trade.
•adaa-H a BoMar. Raito Aadtr
«a. (toaa. a tuii.
RItaal—HtA HailMi ^Ita.
TiaaeptaHaa J. W. IUbbm a
iX. Me. C. U Ooaaar. P. ~ ~
' ^aw. R Petrr. Prat H. O. Onr^.
Aadraa Rsaa.
Haale aad toada-Ckai H. Beara.
a. M. Blatoalaa. a Baade, a a Wklir.
toa* Pataraaa. Bari Heatr.
a Bd. Watt PriU Carter. Oaradaer. at Paaa. AIM I
« Hatoae. J. a Klaa
Bra DrU OoolM-

fka BtoWartat Baadej addU kad
toa Bravallcal ekatckH d tto Ctaad
aaptto toatiW win to keOd ta Km
WMt Ualaaaa waatr. StpUMk
toM. Tka loDawlac H tto piMras

Ike Konr." Her. C. H. Howr.
•Boadar Bekool Laekr aad Bow
Slap Tfcen” Prrd BerBldl.

Uulc Cli> pralor pad bU wife
altoarrlrr Ibkarierruioo. Hit* Brea
Kidd d Ouwar. u rider, will #l«i
br piwm a* will also * Itrsr nil
d oihrra.
There will alto br prrerol drHcaio*
Iron Ung takr. Manlon. Mtplr riiy.
Ouwty ud ^rarenc (Tiy.

I) E B'yakoop. who aomr Une ago
Ijrrbated the bole] at Pourb,
<K arrangriarnit to plant ar
>lvv rrop of glnarag. Acrordlng to
he will plui abont half u sere.
(ilneeng En>wt readily to Ibb ellmate,
Mlrhltan l■eiox oae .rf lbe few
In mhleh ii b fo.iad wild. Ud If eretyIhinc go*- well Ur. Wynkoop will
a valuablt- erup ul the great Cbl
neie medldae.


arra, Rraaprars,

IVIowrars, Huy Rulcra*
D*»rlnB V*rklo«il lulfk Mlow*r is espoci.illy
adapted for rough land. A very complete Machine.

- DBAS Mu PmAH t — lipaiA K.
wiU anka oawry naltor waU.straag,
toaltky aad happy. .Idia^ throat
________ __out d a w«_._
(rtrabtad aa I wu; mod tto wcraSorfal
raBBitf tto tod had frara too Vagw
tahta Coraponad. aad daalM to Uy
what It wonld do tor na. aad aaad It (or
thru noetba At tto ud of that
tlnn 1 waa a dlRorul wnaua. tto
•ribbon traiiikil it, aad ny bnw
toad toU la lora with raa all a
agala. It •oonedlDm a aawozlatcB..
l\ad beea aonoriag with InWammattoB aad falUng of tto werab. bntyanr
raodk!Mcnr^Una.aad MH W ny i,
uUra lyitaBi. tin Iwai iadood lUna
BOW woraaa. —Oaeacaly yoan, Hu
Cbaa P. Bum. *t Cadar Tart^ Hot
toriw Aik. Vlra Pnaldul Hottort
Oab—gfOOPtoywe if wra •< <au aur

r xiockbulJm i>l tto Hub
Lay UifraBlik mtnpBBy held iheit
The regular meeting of Ihr board of
UBWI nrellng TburtdBr. Thr oM d- -iKi.T* of Ibr Sortbrrn Michigan asyrerr of Ihr ronpaoy w<-rr re-elecird UD waa lirld laal werk. Tnittee<
1 (ollowe:
art. Barkut. Temple, Darla and
Pmldroi. Perry HasBBb.
aiet la itiendaDrc. Thlt being the
-How 10 M.y.. la. uwal T. P. A. a
Vkc pretldrnl. A. Tracy Lay d Chi annual meetlag oBleera for the en­
Tialaiag Bekool tor tto Ckareh." Bar.
tiling year were elected at follow.;
A D. Pupal.
aroeral Preoldent. G. A. Mart: tecretarj. Br.
-Valor nt Trar Prteadaklp." Her. P.
Tbe Daily Wining Jonrul of UarA S. Rowley: chaplain, tier. B. r<«hR. Bora.
Tto Ixnrd d dlrenlort U ronpovH lln. Tbe treaturer b J. T. Hanaab.
qnHtr. aader date of Hoaday. July II.
-Whj an tto roato P«>pk> "W
d Perry Banuh. A. Trary LAy. Joliut
bat nearly a roluma wrlir-up ot the
Agalax tto Btloai.' Ikr Daaca. tba T. Iluuh. E. P. Wllhrln. II.
cement brick ntklag oarblae whkb
Tkaotar tad Card Plajttor Rar. C. B
It begin placed oa Ihe market by the
Queen City Brick Macblae eompany of
-Tto Ofalaet aad Batoflu ot the T.
r BBDnal nratiBC d ilir Haonab
thlt rliy The ankle givm deiallt In
P. A..’ Rev. Cbartea Blebardr.
A toy company aad ihc Slalo bank
regaol m the eapariiy. rorl and the
aradar eraalBe. aoai lefTle
holdm wat brU yralerday aflrr
•iiere« of the marblne and eoncinde*
roMB to roaas people. Her. W. B.
. Tbe (ollowliig ofliem were rrScott’s Emubion
rketrd: Perry Buaab. pn-rtilrai.
lorn ud liulWert of that ptaee
very favorably Impreoted with Ihc
Oarlud. teemarr: Jullut T. Hunah.
eliioe and that one at leatl wl
Tke atiaadaaee or board d irad treaiurer. Tbe board d dirertoni rorducto during tho hoaiod
placed In Maniueiie. K. 8. Will
penben la the eouoeil roomi lai NMt u( tbrtr naicert
of thl't cllv b In Ihe Dotiha-rn p
rato waa rerr snail. ao( Brarlr to Tbe Morkholdrrr la lbe State b
arceptrd the arw l•uildlBc aod
wanaalad, ibecWora Itoie was H
•d Ihr butkoMi of thr pan >
Tbe, election of olllrrre la held In lalerral loeal pro eenber.
a wbo ware
mt there, bowerer,
oar* graatlr latarened Id Ibr propola Probair eoun. Judcr Jiiha L
lUkn ud nc(«aUed at oaee ibr neril gra, Priday aa order wat made
ta tbe prodoet <
polBllDg Ernetl G. TX-II adnlaltl
aaploUad. TbU................................ d thr ralair of Adoraa Dell, docrated
If io. the South Side Lumber Co. at Traverse
picnrait d ulraraal tur ud u iia- U J Trdnan and Almon E. INilver
City is the place to buy your material. Shop
proreauet which eraairt a creal tar- were appolulrd appraltrrt.
iac d tine tod araaar.
mill work done on short notice. Give us
Ad order wat made appninllac
It waa axpUlord br tto proraetera rat O. Doll admlnlMiralor d .fbr rta chance to ti^pire on your wants.
that tto ptui tbe drat rear wooM en- Utc ot Jur ta-ll Howdl. decraard.
pkw tron eereatr-are to oae hoadrad i. TrdoiaD aod Aliana E. Piilror wr
naa tad la three ar tear raara Iron tiiiolaird appraltrrt.
two to three haadred naa. naarlr all
An order wat nidr appnlniliuc WillIt blfh wmm. tolac akUled Uborara
The aobaUBoe d tto prapatHloB i>
■hal atoek to Ito anout of »T(.kM to
md here. Lbe local
oBke Bled ud kttrra erf ailmleUtrahare akeolMe coalrol d tto alocA ikD taaord aad aa order maiR- appolniwhlcb woeld be praterrrd alack with lag Ptod Schrader ud Coarad Solar
1 caaraatee Iron tto atari d ten
par eaal tatareat. rojmltlat eorarli
AB order wat made alkwlai
elalmi In the ratair erf Rratiot W.
Baraea. deeeaard.


Don't forget us when you wantACarrlage or Buggy. We carry
a complete line. We have received and sold about 6
carloads this spring and summer.

« Barney Undersoil it



€f0/ng lo Build?

$outb Side Cumber Co.
Cramrar City. IlMch.

Traverse City Business College

3. T. Hauab. cathler o( the T
pHat aad to paihlic the lalaa d tto erae City Stale bank jverired laii
pradact. II ta a (air aad (eaalbla propo- Priday fron ito PnUrd Stalrt
ditaa aald tto praaoten expect ikal
to percraitace d prott woald rracb dlabnralsg agral for ibrrooMr
tose 10 tS per eeel.
of lbe arw gorrrameni liulldlna In
tbU clly.
The nra iBlerraled aUle
•koBld tbe tnoaat aocooaarr be tobTbe aaonat appropriated by
•erlbed tto draetl laretllBaUa
grraa b IM.OOO ud Ur. Iluaat
W tame, ta fact will to reqalrcd. aad auto the paymeatt to tbe cuoii
ibeaU tto propotKtaa ael ram
a* the tfork progmtrt upns «.>ueh.-rj
srdtac to- the rapraarataiioat
from Ito irettury depamneei. I
oot auird when lbe rrrctloe of
CODd. - Tbrr iBTlte the noal rtcM
building will brglD. bnl It will pl^b
inlutloB ecu oalr tale lbe aBain oT ably be aoon. at Ihr rnlire Mroeiurr
to eonpur but tato tbe pracileabll- la to be romplclrd. loider the conn
ily tad BeaanU nerlli o(>elr Inple by the Om of Jnae IPO.V In onlr
anal. It It u ankle oted thr wwld Babb the building within the i
>TiT aad lbe ntrkrt It uoMnltrd.
Unit It will be nccretary to hnte
A coanlitee nietlitlaE of A. V. ouitlde nork done Ibit (all.
Priodrkh. J. w. Mimicee. Wllllan
lAodoo aad 1. W. lUaara wat ap
At a neetlag of the Crolral Labor
potatad u> laindaee the prooMart
Ito ana of naaai la tto dtp la order aka held bat week (h<- lolluning ol*m»
were dectrd:
10 aiuttata V It It peralble lo rmlra
Prraideai. Janet GriBlh.
tto raqairrd anout.
Vke prraideai, Henry Pilch

FMn PrWar% HrcBcd.
Tbe aaanrrtT nretlat oC ...
PHeadi rkarah (or iblr ditirirt begtat
today. Thu aftrraou at * o-cloek wa»
tto nrrtlag d the ntaUliy u-l
Tonorrow will be trU tto nata traterl; neetlag. lbe de-

No Oae Aat Toorself
if You Don’t Get
Well When Sick.
AD wa cu to la ftra adNtra..

rralag ito nlnkeair cxwteraocw
naatlag will be beM ud a uni
•ood tpeaken will take pan ta tto

Ot eoerra Itofa raay.
Bnt our adriee la raaby-wortb a Uttk
aora to rra thu neat peopb-a. for we
Car to giro yon tb« nm botuo at onr
■onelra frao. « it mat to hoip yon.
Wo cook Bot aSord to to tab aalora

a tto wrau mod of nodlcta*. wndd
< o-ekek tbara pat a nonhau prism la tao poor toraa.
to a eoBirrawe d ibr worfcert
Dr. Moa- Kwnao. bowrrar. aa ynn
partram hare prend. b a noCTto metdv: teatka will br ai 10
o'dora. Thlt neettat will toforwerthip aad aone d tto brat nlaltton ” ^ M tra taoaaaaa ai prefer t
eak. ta the aPsi
ATwe aakofyraktotirOr. atoe.
reeee win be bek.. ..
the erealag will be tto CIMiu Ro­
to beU at tto rtcakr hoar or tto C. B.
At T:» a nara noetlat will br toM
aad Lon T. Peulagun win gire tto
addram. TkU tarTor w» dear tto

h. poor I


Has no superior in preparing {or business.

Read what
say of us;

armnd tedap. Rar-. J. p.
WhHa ud w«e d kUpli CRp rat
kna. JW.WhHaH.diMkd«tb»«»

, 'ZjE2..

of operation, POWER produced and DURABILITY of


will certify to the above facts :

: ;


students and their employers


Dun Sis:- It aiTorJs me pleaxtire t Hate that Chas.
Klion hu given meat eaccllenl uliifaction aa i
agia|>her .luring pant two jeara. Allboiigh mir work
I he knowlc.lgc of muy lechniea! woriti and
rasei, yet Mr. F.ltoo hu luQy met the rettuFrisfiitA
lit in ilaeir apeakt highly ol the training hr received
your tchooL
Yonn very inil)'.
Med. Supt. Northetn Michigan Axylom

50c Shirts for.................................... .. SSc and
$1.00 Shirts, a special assorted lot................. utc
Straw Hats............................... AT HALF PRICE

Wn elcvatf only 24 degree;
binder is the liL'htc;

-■{'i to 40 de^rrei- '
draft and most complete binder on the market.

Uertical Bar mower
one of their specialties.

machinery and Farm Implements
Remember that wc sell the

“miller” Basoline Engine,


The only Ga»*linc Engine that a child
can Stan and handle without trouUe in
cold weather. We have sold over fony
engines the last year out of Traverse
City, and they are giving the best of satis,
faaion. Before (facing your ewder fog
any make of Engines, call at our noif
and see tbe Miller.

At $2.75, $3.90, $6.90, $9.50,
$12.50 and $14.50


e. ainiKim,

(Ord d Eal^Ulowa. lad. who U m^

actual test of EASE, SIMPLICITY, and ECONOMY

Specitl Anentlon to Eacb and Erer; Stndeat.

The abore are all SPECIAL and must be
taken advantage of at once to get tbe best of
this offering. Also sale on Odd Pasts. Boy’s
Saits, Belts, etc.

A lane aanber oT paopk are
pteiad lo be proaoat dartag tto aee(i«ta tbe sammadlag town

And we are prepared to PROVE IT TO YOU by the

W e have a nice assomnent of fine rubber and cushion tire, also top and open
closing------», which we are cluing
out at _a —
bargain. l»leate call and pick out ytmr
buggy before they are all gone. If you are not satisfied witk prices and goods after
looking our large line over, we will pay you for your trouble, do not wail but t^ll aa
soon as possible.

Eararr Fraat
aad Oalaa.

Cor. Cam & State St.

try a

Both Phones 49.



a k • artiiiw^ «itt


«mMm k tar trip «kkk wm ■•
MB k «f«M Mi M mu* tlMt
kwt «M* iM Ml li lb* iMt ie k
. lK»iMtto«r»ii«wbMUi
■MMitbMtr- TtorMvki
kMlwItM bnk. tk« vUU M
«*b ni Ok imA Mi* a prMV P‘^



MBder^atoW br tb*
. k. C. at
HotM Tctootoc ta toe **aalBCTocadar, Ass. IC.—Aaaoal O. A. It
parai*. ».0«# airti war rMeraai «
p«et«d to be ta Itae. ta tbe *raalo<
■bere will be a ciaai caapiiw la Hecbaola boildlat.
Vedoewlar. Aap.
wUI opre. la tbe rmtaa tb* oitire
ielegBike and teelud riest* wlU fo
la Vallhao to wiueu a rtror
Tbaradar. Aoc. It.—OoBTeolla wilt
e la *e*ahia Ibe forenooB. Id the
aflemooc the rrteraoa will take ae
Coneord aad Ln
iortOD. AD <>leetr1ctl |
campBre of tbe W R. r. will 1.
fralore <if the erraksFMdar. Aoc. II. aad SaUudar.
1(1.—Both dar* will be deroied to
bor aad eoattwke eirarakau wli
slilet to paitake of fl.b dl>
aad riew tor Valied State* wan


b*M WB* bPokea. bk ahoaW<w
kakk popatalka imam
badir tajtwwd aad bk tide hart pall*
ihlrteea ta tbe toal Coar r*ar*.
badlr- Tta aaa k BOW reattac take
* aiieaika a( a eeriata ptdalafai :
eaar at tbe Leekoae botet
Tbe tajorwd Baa hai relaUns la
ekeied tbe toltowtac atoewra tar
r LakcAaBaadakoabtotoertaHsak- tbeooBk^ rmt:
I tee aai It I* esperted is take bla> in
Mead! aod tvktiTM aad a bard
PieaUeat. 0. V HetBaa.
B. B. Facsaaaa ol OoUwatar k 1
, UkeAaa.
e ikk tia>* to pe bln
Oeeretarr. O. L. Boratoa.
rareBartabletaBOr. Betathot
roMea*.' Tbe Aatlel BorCM ol a faBliroi i*b tolUrM. ek
la tbe WB of tIM.
et wboB arw^n Urtat *1 acM ra
• W. BaS hai r«i usaiu aad r
a*e ladadod reoTflle. Sotiib
lac Doto M to C7 roan. The cl
Raroa. Oks Pier aod a anaber of eelred word from tbe poaioM«w departbtaed ace* (i lb* *Uht are «« r**
to tbe eBect that Herbert A.
Soalbenl Ulebicaii elile* ANcarir all et (baa wete bora a
uwwer Pattot* bai beeo *<><111*4 br Webber, aapertateodent of coanraelalaei ia Mtohlsaa.
Woodr aad PTOMcalor Crou will has •loo ol pobtle bolldkci. baa been a*.
Raflraad Boa wore kefctac aro*
ik o( toe aMe of tbe caac.
la to* rtetaitr ol Octoar tax wi
•e wni be beard la JoiMee
here aod that be wlO reHete j
•ad It k lapiMMod toiu torr are If
Vertejrb eown at to obtoefe Tbaradar
Mr. RaS aa roaindka of the alie for <
lac OB a aew road to DMoor. U ta
Boratap. '

r wa* a bu»r dar 1
Boeer order departaeM el tbe keal
poetoBce and AHlitasi Mn. C.
Been wt* kept bur at ibai wlodow
4 nMfe (< OOnRar
Kearlr IIJM was meat 001 Mcaula>'
AtfMiJWCUnCDItAOkitaad Bo*Hr br ein-o* eoiplore*:
KMt Skk Gaa^ u4
ibeir par dar. TbU amoaoi
a cnal iMKti. 0* tb*
a« la egtbtr-olne moner order*.
fm MihM, iMiWatk, taa,
Oolr ooee belor.> ha* (be oomlx-r
rd«w beea ezeeiiJed •lore Hr* Iloer*
ba< been In (be iMiofflee and that <
one rbrisimai. A hlc da> fur mo
order* oa reaular day* i« If iher
CMlBKikBtaitf daadrdfi for
eeed a total of ISO* and It b u.ually
•MB mtrol ib* tar aai taatral bafcr nifcab iMiifac^ aai e&af■hnni bait that amoum.
•tatai- Ob tta B*Binl CfOBad a aulr iipt <er auaf ttaattrc, aati>
Haor of Ibe elreu« people have the
aiiorkleren totbeei
Mktaf (ta tailWi aai Spaalta Uae. Mftk pgtpcaa &at apful to
order* made out In tbeir owo same to
•I 4 «-«Mi aata iar Mr te a*ta oathtaB to wdD « for aS ^
their home town and a* the order* are
»a**l* Bta ««tk la OBraHar ratoni- pen «f tfac toBcU batlv aal
Hosb H. Woodr was broaebt to Ihk pood for a rear Iber cei ibelr moner
ki ta Bpala.
laapadai a* b*
tr OB saiurdar br ConsUMe Will
pel borne.
•M Itaaaih Ita tkwtUa.
ablOB. Woodr k waoled lor di»Vnm a Wir taW aa Olbranar «Kto SkiB Cm^ an prfcdcto
poUas *< raortCBCed propenr- Con­
whm% Mr*. MlUftaa taok a Maar* aba
te Aibloe bad 1 oirrTT eba*r beHrorr Han. a oulte aced man
M.K. CMbaEmtailMtoM.
be iBBded bk mao but flaallr te- nut of (he ha>’ luD at llrnri' Druedeored bim at aitm Pier, near Soulb baceo'i taro Thur*d*)' olghr and
a TiaKai. Tba eti t
nlIrMi «Ueb Uka* pa^
tia « lb* mtmm


50 and 74c


YowV* never brier* tad ttaopporturitr

Ladle*' fln* black ho*c wib
apm Mace (ecL and mka*.«n* lac* atocking* worth 25c

If tvery advertlaar in (Travrrwc City waa eompalkd B
place the good* adveriUad. bc*ld« tta atatwtanta mta*
•bout itam. thor* wwldn'l ta •• many big targainproB



BTCCKINCa regular 12'jc
gulily. told by many at 15c.
her* all ciiwt

MEN'S SOCKS, tan er black.
o«..lly told at ir-yt tw. pair


iBTHai lata lb* preur
Miai mia Bad hoapHa- With toe a
oeemeat (bn br bei br tb* «ar*UB udi«* Ikred be had ukoo polaoa. 0- H
la a Maiaap* « vhleh tbar kaav aoi Braeaoa. a nen at the Barnard hour
OB Market nreet Upted Into * eoorol
Mob Moadajr (oreoooo and died
BHvMMi. Tk* ptae* vbara to. Paal
btan tatrr at Bi. Marr'i botirital.
Mlmt aai lb* <to«b ta vUeb
1 Moadar* Oraod Itapida Prea*.
alao tba
m«r URor waa tuBmoneor^
at la to. waa eoable to aar what wa* tbe caa*.'
1^ bar. vtarah* warn
ol death. Bronaoa marmurel .
ttlht Bboat aneaie dortnit hk roorol.
altaa. bot toe armpum* wm
toe** of araaelea] pokoalec. aor
MBBa Mil Bto taaiM br a iratrh
■nacleetir ...
toaar «htac Ih* Mnawiea ef
BOBaaed to appear like nlrT^htdoe pottotah-MTk «BlH Mb tb* at
lb* taaer atiwbitoawB came to Oraod Rapid*
two rear* aco from bi* borne 1.
ThoBpBOomi*. He worked lor tbi
a. bat vtn BM bear Par* Marquclte. but wa* ukeo lU an.
hk reeoTefT went to woik a
to* toetorr ol the Oraod Rapid* Star
- - IV- Tkat waa an rataoo whj
mid kin hlBietr, aaoardiBB to hk
an partatalM
la BlUc trkad* at tba botel. He had arm k^Mlaalatatatalc
tlBatad aa tateailon to cobbIi ani
cMe. aad hk aeqiuklaBee* r<«tac to
bMMi. 8ara0r.i*aaop.vbaaa*aa« accept the aolelde tbeorr a. afmmnt.
|i tba panr. apaat krtr raai* la wark tbclerhk pacalkr^th.
B. L. Parr, proprietor of (be Baiaard
eaao. rauraci Moadaf toreeoM
«bt Mi* taia to* tair taai ta boTto Dob o Kmeral. He fooad Broaoao ta'a
baab M* a taatara abtab Mr*. MUU- ebak 00 to* book porch. Ike mas
baa torati to**- Oa* bMirai
rerr 01; waa alieadr ooSarinc
■•■* «*a eantai tota
Dob eeorahtooi. It wa* tbea Bioeatototac aai taatotap wbarerar earnaade tbe autommt that b* be
Harad be bad aMOowad aoae poImb.
waa tok atatoBcot aad toe poat
BonoB Tatadar that hmd* CoroB*r* rniHkn aad URor to doubt «
admitted auidde. The po«
partr- Thar* k potatad eat Mair'i
MB wbaa aba toabtkai took tb* bep
'bkh woaU. 1a toe aaianl worae M
Jaa« wbaa toa waat lb draw, a
ertata, bar* caaard irath. aad ib*
ionora baUare Brotmeo awanowod
■OM MtaMd pokoa aeolieotallr.
Ttar* WM DO ofMeoe* et polaoe ia
OBtefa whkb eoaU b* ietioted.
tta aaa a( •!»** k to aalM BMikt ata It to deierBlaod u teTo tb* coai*M la toa UB* aato kHt*r toaa to*
aaa laraL Ml. RattoBa «ar ta aeaa
taavtaa abe** baatoSai •arieai la
«• to aMia Ub* iltoaal eotorad r<

$1,000 to $10,000 a Year.
TrwvwMng SalMman. Clwic. MarchantNo butter Whet Your Present Buelneu I



r half to ta back up %
atata<Banu tta gaoda Stalnbarg Broa.
aura that doauit atap half wiy. Wo tava tta gaada <m
•dvartloa. and all of ttam tra tta aaact duality and value
•dvartiaad. Wa ballava in tta goad* **c aall or wa a«tldn*l
afford to aund back of ttam with our bread guaraMao—
anything wrong bring It bach and gat yaur monay.

«■ ' ■
mmr a MMHP WM
d wa* looktac tat ttaiMbi ta aw bk
» chaare wbea a las. eoatoata aakwowa.
- WB* put ap. It looked Dk« to* roM
—to <»«bM rearroa* ak*
•wta R lor n Baaektac hk
HP* b* tarrfed It to hi* wajm. r*.
, iratRrd ibe enrfc aad fovad toal ta
,. bad houcbl a calino ol eaMor <dL
The popolu
t- tor *outoeni pen of tbe atate aa'• oooaee that .her euuld oerer lire na
^ Ibe aalane* thej dr«w were II aot Inr
»anT e<«irthutloe* wbleb Iber
e from thei, i.raer pakttaa..
1 Tkeir Btall wmeou alaoai alwan wa-

IJmbrdb Unioi Soil Sale
Wamank wfitta laca trlmmad
umbrrila atyla union aulta.
full aiaa. aapocially won mod*,
and goad guallty. aam. „n
a barwoln at SOo. go on sola
Wamank wMta Rtotaltou ribpMk and biM. v«ry ctaiea
gualHy. wak|h 15c and 20c. aL
from tta taat grade of cotton
that Orii ta bOBght at any
prtom neat flniah. aka high
naeh and tong aloov* voata
and umbrrila drawart. laca


ge on aato at
VESTS. *ptondid waigM and
pridret goudk Inatoa^ ml Sc
par sarraant ttay ara

We arc Selling Out



Tbeie liaea are to ^ dosc.l out at oocc. We moat have more room far oar CLOAK AND SUIT DEPARTMENT, soa to hare eat
the pne« to (Joae op ihc Shoe Depanment a* aeon aa poaaible. We do BOt oOer yea fietiliow. half>«cfae vMsca. bat an rivin* mtatirr mdnrt.
MO* 10 draitable up-to-Ute Footwear, making oar prktoi way below aay ever bafore offered Ibe people of Nortbera MiduguL To thoM «bo wsM
to aave money
aay. -HERE IS VOUR OPPORTUNITV." a* (hi* if a Btaoioe bargsi. talTb^ Oa, xoek BWb* aoW-eoBereBe^
l^ie*; hoe i3.00 «>a E3.60 Shoe* X «L95>

A Complete reorganization of the producing
department of the Company in this section affords a
chance tor a few good men.
Eight vacancies on the agenc>’ force in this rich
territory remain open for men of character and ability:
you can find out by writing whether it will be worth
yourwhilc to make a change. No previous experience
is neceasaiy.
A course of professional instruction given free.

The Mutual Lif8 Insurance Gompanir
at New York
RICHARD A. MoCUROY. President.


E A. UNN. AaoaRcr.


1-adie.’ Shoe* worth f1.00 x $LM.
Ladi**' Shoe* mh ftJ5 X « «
“ RtS.
»1.W Sxtdab X
Mea'a $160 Shoe* X ILfiS.
Mta'a $8 00 Shoe* X RLM
CbOdrai’t Shoe* X »8e ttol 59e. »orth 60c isTie, And 76e to $L<»
EverythiBg in Footwear X lew than whoiefale 0F^-

Ortttt-t IMttWtt of ^odioo*
Xoilor-Modo Sul«o
Tta kto«t .pring Xyln ri courae. wc could not nil *nything riaa
but IMett *pnng ctylea; would mt rf w* could, without tolling you
obout IL Three lou ana ttay-ll n-*kc yoo gaae In amaaamant:
Wa havanY all tiaca. but wh.« wa have are bargain* that e«iY
be duplieried anywhere .n tta atate.
Soiu thx were $10.
Suit* ihx were $16,
Soitt thx were
$12. and $1^ at
$18 and $20. x
22 60, 26. xid $80.



at fU.50



and black, worth S1
and SI.25. at

SUIT. ma(M Of light
percale, neariy all






A Bnsp for CPwnelwmwnl

$ and $13.75
For tlic Figcsl Na’s Suits ta ilic UnL

To maka a clean *waap ri ril UwCa ton af tok aaaaan't pwriiaaea. wa give you riwtoa ri any wM ta
thto Btora, aa mattar what toa prtoa
SISAL $2040 or $2500. ol
Thoaa tox ware $1200. $1500 and $1000 ri


were 50c. 7Sc and St.

Ht3“=“'$1.95 £:w.«-$4.95

White and colored, made of Mullt, India Llnonm. Chambreya. etc. Why
waaU time making them when the etyle* are ao pretty and lha prieaa
aoamXIT All ready to wear. J5e Oreaao* at 21c; SSe Oraoata x 4*c:
StA) Dreaaei at 43c and better onee X Tie. fSc S1JS. fl.75. etc In
every CBC from a third to a half e*a than actual worth.

ABcecie*. 82 Naaau StitM. New Vorfc, or to

Grand R£4>ids

MenaSl .fiUShoei X95cBoy*-$1.60 Shoe* X 8»o

OaoWa Rraactad
$UIT$. umrto $U0
and $4. M

SUITE, werto $440
and $400. bt



k «ba fMtai It tor b*N Ml
• Mto hi Blkto Ma^
■Btoatak *h«M tta toMltaMBii el
k IMiBaar «to to* tor k k ratal

OfficGS aind H^lls CrowdGd NA^ith Suffering Humanity
to toPM tta toraa tti to* mi* ai
ItaM- tta abM* ragka va* tall ol
bktoM* laiaraM. tb* apai Mara
totabb iraato teak pkn. Joaapbb
Wtob aai ioaaphb wan ar* an potaiai

OMoao OM Meta war* an vMtaO.
ttaa 4 trip $PWB tta mk bOOmI to
«ba BkoBrit <r (ta pariy.
ttm kito ka wBtaorfx pyrBMldto
taboOM la H* taao ri
«ta bbO toa rax oaaow aoMaey M*
•btaBl far tnaoB Bike
Osiro waa vkMaO. Ub« tta BBBBf
■rir. OraBOi. •WitBBifaBS. OcrBBl^.
tttatla. ftaMA tariBBd m4 bomfata ara BR YtYittp rimrad ^ Mr*.




Cripplos Wsik, th® des-f Hesr
Hundnrf, ol people ip Trpveno Ci.y .ho hov-e .pHered .11 ,heir live, whh Chrooic Ui«.,e,. we



$1,000 Wll_l_ BE raid'
To Anyone Proving to the Editor of this Paper that We Do Not Refund Money if we Fail toCure. Money at State Bank


P^»T^anently and Safely.



.taEnaiita:fiBSg?ajwyr;>-aa's-.’,toi Sk Fib Udn asas®*”


to., let 4. Uo(l 11. ft. U A Oo.-a Htk
Wbde ta Ftsak Kay. aeM
to aeM. ewnpl I* aetea la ae eoracr.
tee. M. tovB K. raace U: MMS. V. KOiBtrMc u Cart Brova. M
1. Mock t. Haydtod: <U.«1.
W. al. to Jafoea M.
MIS. turr Doagbertr ttra M SU ^.Bdetl. wto to aeU. sac. ».
8rr>^ (trsrt. Trsrax Otj- 1“ ' M. raace 10; tlM
J. W. Cobbe. 01 aL to Jaai
Ml s tyssTcM aM
ry tt> a Saead rspn



MUn. Mlae jmn a«o Jimm Oaaq
_ a. T. Cedeestaa «o JaBcs M.
tr MX mrans Otj tor Stoeaashs. CraadaU. parcel, arc. S. Iowa ah isase
ba ssesiM a altasUoa la tba 11: MM.
iaariaa fcla «tta aa4 Stb
aoe bats. All ihioocb tba viatar ba
:t »Mar hemt rasxUartr aad tba HtIbaitU wsi talrt7 happy b« »
M vitbaal tba fatbar. Wbna
wladBlU mad leak oa hto plaee here I
■ la Eataaaba. tba seenad aao
rlrad at tba bom aad tba ne)
aaparty lookad torvaid to tba spr
Wb. JafBaa retaraed to her
me at HcBklD today, after a abort
e bal br did
ifU with trtoada here.
Tba Mlacs sad me
Htoa BSe WrtdBaa left today tor
atoo Hamad bad tba boUmt aad abU- her hose at Lake aty.
w. Doao-a Bill wUl aet raa ter
aaUl tbay vara t
tew (toya. The a»a are pUclac H
reef ea the balldiBC.
Cbewer Atobotwe csote dows fto

$ 1.000 to $ I aooo a Yoar.
k GMrk. I

NO iBAtim WhAt Your PrcAwnt C
A COMPLETE niofaaiit<auon
depaitmeBt of tbe Coapany in this
chance tor a few good inen.
Eight VAcanae* oo the mgenry force in this rich
leiritory retnaio open for men of cnaracter and ability;
you can find out by wrriting whether it will be worth
your while to make a change. No prertOBt experience
is necessary.
A coarse of profenionxl ln«niction given free.

Wwari Lawur to flelaa Ja N Ika
dry tciay.
J^bn HiBade and w«Ee to Acb* are
Trartts--* aty ibdujaa taday.
1. J. Onwatoh to SatBAi ky
Trrrme Oty esDar today.
W. A S«c*r to Rapid CRT la ta tba
1 cAy today u bwalaaai

m Hrito Ub kmci tiNW K I" Tut

AMircB GEORGE T. DEXTER.-SaperiBtes(kM to DoMtk
Actneica. 88 Nsbu Street. New York, or to E. A LIKN, Manager.
Grand Rapids. MldL

retosed bwe


For Safe



Acv. twatAp-oix loot wood

This ttore thuys h*s
the H0bt thing *t
the right timer tad et


opT, Bitkd UiMBed. ctgN bone
power doable cruder engme ia

worUiy oadn.


the right priee

hetre dopbeau eogiae aaBC as
aty did

Hai wmtfa CatsoB o( ni iAka
lat That If a
paiHiBi that tba aatbealiias aa vatl
as hli Mnd* ara trytai ta aai
aad m a Beta that tba HMac
' MtUlo^Taryprababla that be took
Uf on are. Tba aoia
•Toa vOI fad ay body to tba toka.
I raat ataad It any lomar.Tbr Bota If BBflxBed.
Mr. Ctonoa vaa tost ■!«
day aeea vbea be dU act
dlaMT. Hif rem vaa a^
tba Bbora aote dtoeevared. I
tbaeoraartdbta barsaa vrlUaaoatbr
tost pace at a tablal aad vaa aet ton

fl vaa ptoead la aaeb a way

that aay eae aa< '
aac faB la pea IL Hr. Caraoa vaa
boardlu with bit vtfe-t hntbw
hit vUa, Mr. aad Mis. AHred
HaaM. aad Mr. Caisoa ovaa tbr
booM la which they vara Urtas. harIm beochl U os eaetrset. lie m
bit IBH poyaaBt oe IWoly 1.
Oartoa hsi beea wocfclat alchu
tba Oral Wood Dlab faeury. eattlac
' Me^ bat hai aot beea worlda*
atoee a weak am Moaday aUbt owlai
to HI beolth. A phystdan baa base
taadlat bin. akboa^ be baa aot be
mdaid to bia bad.. Mr. Ottaaa h
bla wUa IBM Septewbar aad be I
baaodHi arar that cdMUaiaMy aa ba

Hr. Frledrlrb etaiea that there la a
Dixi|»aHy vcrtad boatoeaa here Friday laat.
Hr. aad Mra. Ciolaer '
try iBall crowd oa Marklaaw totoad.
la ika daaadiy of Ura. ftoyd Paatlad Urea la the aoath part to the fiale leal
e rlalted tbe Bearers ud Buy
vboaa'baabaad la laaBkrd « tba
her reaoru la that pan.
tM‘%am«- At (ba aad af that ttea
Mn>. S. C. BeldleBte aad Mn- A. H.
HiB.JlbQsbartr mim to tUa dty aad
~ rersl tma here aUeaded (be elr Troee of Alleeiown. Pa., are the
■ada bar boaa with bar atotar
l Trseerse aty loday.
cueata of ibeir aepbew. Fkaak Koeb.
tba etiy. Tvo yaan aaa *a aprad
OaHax the etoetrlf atorB here ton
fatally to (24 Webater atreec
Prtday llchtalac aet Ire to tto depot.
bad! to Tiaaerse Cky aad
Mlaa Sadie E. Huey aad Mlai Eiu
Ttooocb (be proaipt actloif to Hr.
bemllac bouM. Pfr the --------------BarkBsa the dre waa extlaculabed Wood of Grasd Rapida are apeedlac a
yd». abe baa beea auikhc bar Itrlac btoOre Bach daBace wa»
couple of weeka lo tbe city aad si tbe
la that way. -but aov bar health baa
ararby reoaru.
CaOad aad the to toned to (tre that
Pr«l Boa^ey. Lew CodBU. B. J.
Hub ud Dr. J. A. Scott bare coat
TlBothy Ooodiell laat a ew
After all ibe ■mrslac. after all the
eek rran eailec Paria ereeo.
Cedir aty to apead the day.
vorh aad worry, tbroscb a atotar la
Mlaa Nellie TbOBpm relumed
William Ilea ud Charlea Blltmat
Oiaad Rapid! the baa learaad that bar trcB rife Lake Tneedky toilCedar City were la tows yeatardsy.
tin. Arch. Olbbe kad MUt
hatbaad to aUre aad wall, that ba to
Iter. Itayea PhllUpa aad wife, panor
voUac, that ba to Baklac a cood la- CMb« rlalted rrlaUeea here
Hodee dorle* the |tol' wee
to tbe Mdple aty eboreb. la la tbe etty
Mra. Daacbeny
aiteodlBc tbe Prieoda funeriy sretwtMto aad tba. telllad of bar story
iCwaa cTldeetly palatal to her. Bat abe
Hlaa Cdrs M. Clark aad Hra. Btuley
_4rr Jaaara ud family reloraed
did BO. boplac aidMl bopa that be
of Ouaray are la tbe elly atleedlBC
(roB camtoac >< Hoyehaek lake *'
ailcbi beer or her eeadlikiB aad
day erealoc.
the Fi-leeda fuarterly meetlaclOd help anpport bar aa
Mr. Toaac to B
Pruk WH-us. fonaerly caabler to
bora. Tba oldeH «t the two to 1! la towB Saturday alcbt. la the laierett
ir Pint Natinutl Uak to Ihia city,
yean e( aca aad the
ul wbo haa beea raabler to ibe NaHr. DoBCbarty to dt trtoh aattaDallty.
porarily Blllac the psIpU to the Bap- itoeal Otr look at Orwd Rapida few
BtfU eoai^aclfa. btac ayaa. rather
Mat ebarab at KlacakT. cemdoctsd oeawly iwti years. la al Edgewood. ar
cood looUiic Buui. He vat dapety aerrtoea at the Mapel here Soaday
-roapuled by bla wife aad cbMrro.
ibedB at fliaad BapUa for
WorkBeo ara cncscn) In rslriac Harold sed Ruth. They will remain
sad later kept a aakioii.
aad putUac a foeadattee wall ua'
about two weeks.
sober, hard vorktoc Baa aad vat al- the hooae oeeepied by Bun JkBee,
Grills Kibbe of Uanioo arrlred In
vaya cotid to bit taaally. cardally proMin Btbel Glbbt to Trarerte Oty
the city Ibis afieranaa to aUead tbe
the cseH to the csBplac party
Prieoda kaarierly meetlacthe toko.
Hn. Doosberty says U vat “like
■W. Vu Ordea of RatoBaue la la
bolt oot to a Hear aky." 8be eaa adthe city oa bniloeu today.
whaterer tor hit
The adjourned term of ateait court
will ronreae Hooday.


BteffetiB, to Beat Lelud.
Beoorted by Ractoter to Oeeda. t.
- U»c and family to Tool
r. WSaea to Jaly U. IPftt.
oeenpytoc Wm. Cook a <
Aaiaa W. Bartak aad erlte to
0. Pratt. Iota tt aad JS. Mock t. Ptf
tboacbt arerytblac
atiaek of tbe meaalea.
-r Haaaah-t tM add; MTd.
Mrs. B. Pease ud Mlaa Lelda BratOeorca Laibar aad vMe to Hovarl
retolirra ud
WhJilBA lot a. blodr P. a.
____ .“r
X Warner
Tib add; MM
drore to Sul___
•ta Ray Tuesday,
Phillip Baraatelaa aad wire lo Wa.
HI., left for
Jobn Lacy of
if Erao
W. WelU. hM U. U. Id aad IT. Uoek
If borne Friday.
C. F«a Lake; $40.
Mn. J. Haaob aad Hn. B. Wolcott
that be aspUad hit podMa
instm the beaaa. Hto poekttkeeh lot 4. moek «. Panuilae; tlH.
Pred A. KaoHaad aad vUe Id Chat.
«Mh a lltue erer tn la U. bli «dd
vaM. a aun booh wbleh be earrtod H. Parfcar. pareto; |I4M
Berito. MIeb.


. .aw

to hie pedxet aad whkh eaataiaad
Bible reraes, aad bla kcyt were «I1
iylBd aa the buraaa baalda tba
BiMdai tbeae all bla papert. tadadlac
lha eoatodb for hli boaae, raeeipta.
pcdtoy to the Mieeabeea. teat No. HI.
tor «1AM Bade oat to taror o< bb
boUmc. letotof the order Feb. M. ItM.
Hto toot aataraUtatloa papers, as well
m aibcr papers ware aH toaad to hto

Mr. Haaat bo eUled tbaiblavlfeaottoad Mr. Caraoa leare tba boaat
dBT BOralm abost 1d:M e'eleak
bat tbeedbi aotblac ct h aa ba tra
fatally waat dowa Iowa. ^ Hts. Haaaa
MW that be had B> ceat Of, won ao
eoilar bat bad oa a Mae cap. Carcoe
waa M yean of a«e. belsbih abott Ire
daM toataa taehaa.'waB a iBBdy aaaa.
taebe aad bto hair vaa a Utht toowa.
<Miy ktot Ba^ Cvaea tidd
Mane tkat be had fot to ttot
ceoHat atoap aad tkli tort ae«l
to wany Ub cedtldetsMa Aaot
tael that lattot to prora that be B«hi
rarlly taaaae to that wtaea yoaac be
iwealred a beary blow ea the bead.
Hovarer, it vaa Barer aMkcd that
Oaraea arar aboved aay alcaa M to.
mhF- Hawaiahtod
- aefmaled wltb M^hea ba dace
toraaad aa aefuatotaaw It waa lae
that waa ael eatlly brakaa.
Hr. Oarses waated la par tor hto

aboae wSI adl acpmdjr.
IS raaelly Sttywlae fi

Ith add: BM.


Hairy Parker hu arrirad frooi St.
LoBla. Mo, tor a two wetoW tialt wltb
hb mother. Mrs. W. J. Parker.

atreet. Ibis Hi), ba vritlea a eor<
-Asb Barrel JIb.” pobUabed by tl
•• • Tor
-Ule cri
It Ibe IHkiwIag.
n. to Cbriion.
' from Marlin Miekaon.
Iowa. Tbr book Is Beetiag wiin coeeeis ud tbe ules are larce.
-Aab Barrel Jlm~ b oae to Ibe few
a la BBdera Saba which tbrataa
a bean. Dorlag Ha perusal ooe

iwing her
self to so blindly be dm d Into belierloc ber Jetloua cousin
It bHuc cootumed of b
laterrala when
feeb a iironc tarllutioa to throw the
rolnme aside, for fear that Its Inficenee wbicti. at all times, absorbs aileatkH) might oot afterwards entirely
be overibrown: hut the final ud moat
happy ending of Vlola a ud her boahand-a sorrow leads Ibe mind Into a
more rhetyful aimoapberr; lo brraibe
IHiivr air. .One iblag b felt through­
out ud ibal U II


bto Dl

Mn. L. C. Baraea reCarsed to b
borne le LeRoy (hla moralag after


„ a..., t



942 FRONT 8T.

Summer Reading
Low'RBlIroad Rales from ail
UnltMi SUlos potma.

Good Books at Fcmarkab]>’ low prices.

iMrtsi TUil ApH

Tbe Corr.ell Serin for ever)body. embr»cinK over
aw titles of Aatwiard work*, bound m green doth
with gilt tops. PuUishcr s price 76c. Our.
for a diort time................................................ JSrf^

Cbe Jlia«r Mrs lor Bovs

l8C*1»a>d: 6

1226 E. Front St.
Trmrsi GHj, HdL

IHibhshcr. pnee $1.00. oors^...........................

9VV j

CIM aitlkslty Series lor «rfs
A carefullv «.leoa<l «=ric.' ot
eoric for eirii
wntten by popular authors, well told and full of inter«,.thdr.implidt,-, .^domon, health, .«d ioW«h.,!
motive *.llplca.o all Birtrcadora. T! tiilea.
I’uWisher s price T.'ic. our................................. 99V

eily Book Store
S«barlmB«clwr Ef.

a B ruKTW.

Mlta Maud Cooptoa has ndnrae!
Mn. Harr R Kendall to Grand Rap­
ida. who sprat tome time here last
■ammer. la acaln at Park Plan.
Mn. W. Lycam to CotAiyowa.
nerala. Is la Ibe city rlaliloc bet
ter. Un. 8. Beada.

Many ChllOrwn a


• larlklL.—.



a MTHcr otniB
Mill turn OiMliliM

n*Ai, ABonrs aawxsanox

; la the eHy today oa boalnoai.

aiMtlwBkrldma. -IMrWt.MMh-

“ laah A Lv Oa. lo Neltle Ptoee been tpendlac the past few
lot *4. btoek I. H. L. A Cb>
Marrln Smith Co., the weH-ksown
mtotk rtoltloc Hn. Jalloi Prsuae to
ratklacae boaae locaied at
Mia pUee. h,
to Travene
Nonh Jellenati street. Chicago. HI.

Diraa B. Thwer had wMb |p Ooort



Warili Fans tl Ul

riatl with A. Blden aad tamily
Weal Elereeth atreet.
Mlaa Harloo Roberta to Trarerse
aty sad Mias Afnea Knot to Detroit
arrived In tbe city Hooday ud will
speed tbe aommer at the pleasant
Knot cotlage ti Bay new —Petofkey



1 tr they wll
ski. Mrs. S
AmiI-------------- -------- .harlac llred at tbe
Mba Lottie Caraeo, Who Haa Baeti
place eollad Kortb
III far the Patt Three Year
•AO. Tbe cooBtir Ibeo was
mere wlltemt
wllderoeaa. Mrs. MUk la no
le New WalL

8^ trienda to Mbs Latle Caneu
HI be laierartcd to leon that abe baa
Pram Fridar’a Racord.
railraly reewrered after u IQaraa taatJ. B Hraderfoe, wHe and ckUd to
lag about tbrae yeon. kUia Carara'*
. CWtaT. AHn. Cadlllar are ta ihe Hty aad wtu p, to coodliloB baa bera a odorc of doabi
whbblBBelf. Mr. Maaaa aad aereeal
oareelt: MM
P- C Gltacn-s tmtaim at Lone lake totobtaa bare bat« taaklac a a
maoy physIHaa*. they not beteg
day IA apaad aoBU UBO. .
aoareb tar mm» toare to the Btoeim
e lo dMcrmloe what tbe ew»»Mtaa ABaa OUM1 to Grand Baalda
aaa aad baea beaa mceaMat to tbetr
a. Al ora time abe ten lato a fatal
b cblilac Mba Datay Creaky.
tbe door aad ber life ww almoei
Ur. ud Mn. H. A. Laa|
paired to. Her tatber. Hlras Car
rat to Carp lake ihb araralag te eiQmea baa a aalber. itoter aad two
tern, wbote borne 1. la Norttartllr. btr
tead tbe O. A. R. pieale.
toatbHi tlTtoc to Teesato. Caaada.
«bo baa Ured ta aad sear Trarene
Mr. aad Hn. Albert C. Rraalcett to aiy for tte past foor
to atoe ibeocbl ihai be baa a aaaR
Hwkrau aad Mlaa HaUe BHatoa to
ink aaeont batodta wwalac the
aidcrable Boray for brr treottaei:
thb Hly wral to LOand Ihb Boralag
hnaa to m Lake aemaa.
eblaloed so relief. Salardey laaL
tbe day.
Mlu Canoo^baeed a bottle to
■. Rlefcardioa. mtober to P.
medlctae from tbe HM
b raptalB to tbe nu- ^rlacs doMora aad two boon later
lakce. b tbe enni If We preorated Ibe decler vhk a tape
Pruk Priedrteb aad taBlIy.
worm Bcanriag Sfty^lae teal la
Pfaak Priedrlek aad taBlly bare leastk. head a^ aU. MIb
AMAOly earad aad b r«r tba^
Mp lo the M SB hw taearwy. Tba capo
beatik aad aet batos aUa to atoep. are
the ealy riBiB that eaa ba aBlfaed
fqr bto baelad a deatre to Bake



laecBiliined the dry goos., doth
Mis. Jnllui Praote. 8r. The two hare ing ard sbo-- kuilaeaa ud tbelr stork
aa sold under the h8mmer.
bee* separated Jar a period of forty.
---------------- ------------------- both seed ladles
Mr. Artbvr Roaulhal. pn^iietor of
w ud the Joy Ibai waa e
Hlekicaa TrwH Oo. w Josef Hutbe Globe tlore. waa tbe foneute oael tbelr meetleg loceiber «i—in
at bit reoB aboved be vaa a bB ba
cure the cream of the tlodt ki
Baesr to a rsltoc power. There
way below mar.:e( raloe. The «ofk
a acBbar to ptodarea oa the wsU deMertlBtoRobmaeboB« IIS way to Trarerse CKy.
ptoUai Ibe BIMa, tbt boek with i«. WteOto M. btoek M. n_ L. A Cto-a MrtlbS- As Mis. Prsuae has been la

That be waa toBporarily
troB aitortac tar hto vtir.

issis: s

Bl« Purahaaaby a Local MarahanL

WllilBB 1$. Btiue nrf wti, „

July 26toAus 6.

Pr-l L l«<n>Bb«rv • aur IWm>l

upper peeioaula to Htebicaa.
T. P- Boaghey retmed today from

J. A. Gifford passed through
»»„Coral ud Kettle Paalos ud city today oa bis way to Honor
r Bryui ud Heaara. Bent PlekFred Munsoa went to Carp lake ikis
l-eucda Qa^pbaU aad wife to Va.
. H. Htasbaw aad Goa Mfller apeat
P. Caapbell. a to to nr to.
lo prepare a eoltacr tor orSuada) at Ehat Lelud.
ecrea U aw eo^. tee.
tova *7.
raace 11; fS^dO.
Mr. ud Hn. Clarraee McNIeeh
HowMd -WUilBc md wBi to fi.
ho bare bera at Omeu alate April,
n iMiiuurr man uia place atteboed have returned borne
Hr. HcNlach
Alwtrd. loi li. btoek T. tU U A CD.t
be Bllrer Broa. abow al (Ura Arbor,
IS been building eottacea for Ibe reHn. Bine, wbo baa bees rialtlac
Perry Haaeah to Beelsala Bteel. -rieadi in Trarerae City ud Snilona
* » feet, lot L all lot 1. btoek 4. P. 11. Bay. returned home yealerday.
Ml^ Ulllan Sherman hu arrlred
Mn. mak Daco. aeumionied by
Mb: $3oa.
her slater. Hln Rdna iJwea. to Cbl- from I.ockpon. N. T.. for a riali with
L. K Oibha bad wife lo Mneat H.
sre riallinc relsilrm and Irieodt the famUy to ber alater. Hn. Wm
la place.
Psrlah aad wife, a to ae to.
■ Bopbla Daco to Oibom rlaUed
a>wB tt. tsaca 10; $400.
>r E. C. Smith to Katkaaka

1 Mlddinoa, oarcefL btoek U. H. L
Co-t Mb: MM


The authors of this Kries of books BTC a pawport a.,
cver>-boy knows to houre of ihe keenest ddight in ]

Raner. Iowa, are In the rlty.
here by the lllaeaa to tbe fonaer'a
lirolber. Dr. W. S. Moon.
Charies Peieraon baa retained fi
a ala weeks' trip le Wlsroosla and

BBS W. Bafth aad wife to AO
werblet aad III Hr. aad Mn. Haaiit,
tWaaed to uke the awary. They hara reao L. Lead, w to lot It bledi p, H.
•.AO0.>Tlb; $ueo.
Bararbadaay wonaotaai -- '
H- B-'Otraer dkd vUe • Alrato U
aearyttoac baa alwayahm
Uad.*panela: MOO^

bto penat aad a BtWe lay ea a c
to hto wan auad epea« at p
n aad M aad Boto to pi^ n wbleh,
laakto M it be had loH ban readlpp

Sbocs br men, woncs and cktldra


araoad tbe brauiimi Viola
hasbaod ud one faeb u lain

aiAart GhWbart aad We to Patrtek Bordea. lot a. Oak HelctaU: $SML

t S. Pisit aad erlte to'M«to Om
ak*. parcel la Trarerse aty; tm.


Gfarnd Rapida. Mail
ly loM tbe alary
■d piraaed to be
rbom tbe eredll

a baaieeaa trip to Ctaelnnail. Dayton. Id 4i i-e—d •»» mjflml te
O. ud Detroit.
Mr. and Un. Rddy of Grud Rapida
are cueata to Hr ud Hn. W. D.
H. 8. Hnll ratoraed last erealng
from a biulaeaa trip Co Tededo. O.
Hra. B. Lataym went to SobbR Cilr
to City, apeol Bna- (bU moralDg for a two weeks’ rtsli.

AlhkB aad
bare beea at
ky at home.
H. L. A Ok-t Clh add: IIAOt.
Otrsflu Warser ud family ud Mlaa
A. W. Rldcacd to Bdwln U Boon, Emma Btrlfeoa drore lo Maple Oty
lot $4. Oak HelcbU; $1M.
sy. retuntlac lathe
la the ercBlBS. aclied
by Mn. Gen.
I and
BoloaMa Krataer to Jobs W.______
■r LDcllle.
lotfUH«ltt.blodt4.H, UACo.-!
W. H Dalloe ud s
Cth add; fLOOO.
to Haulslee Sunday.
■itoe J. Moddbi to Mary a Tlllotlbs. died Sstnnlay
aoB. sererml kito la BaaBlt City; $000. fortbepaM
wrmiiic at bis booe IB thia Tlltacc at
Calrta V. Wridht aad wUe to Wa.
tbe ace to (1 yean. He Icsrea a wile,
M. Wrichl. oadlyldad to lat. »dt feet
two craDdchlldren
to w-dt feet to kit 11. block T. orictaal wbo will
^ l<^ Tbe
wu held from tbe family reaUeace
put. TraTerte City; $1.
at IO;SO Hooday. Rer. J. Deeu to
Aaaa C Wetaore lo Wa. L. Brava,
Nortbpori praaebed u Impresalre seraw'd to aeto. aac. tO. tews Sd.
moo. aatlaled by the ladlea' quanelte.
U: $400.
Tba beteared family have tbe
Perry Baaaah to Piaak a PtstL
■f Trarerae aty
Wf I aad I, Uoto L Pwry Haaaab-s

bteinding the ftmon


im. ..m. i-jj.
3^ mim


Honrd a Odtoar to Fl«« L.
Wlta i. paatotora to Imr. A.


l» «»r » bm £

The Greatest Sale of the season will take place at

Thu Olobra Storra Soon.
$ 10,000.00 worth of fresh clean Merchandise at 25c.
35c and 50c on the dollarl!!

IVIurviri Smi-fcli Coinpuriy
the big Chicago Mail Order House forced to discontinue
business! Their entire $35.0000 stock of Dry Goods.
Ciothing. Furnishings. Boots and Shoes, thrown on the
market to be auctioned off to the highest bidder. Bl

MMiuMtlsrtuaaltstrelKefeiirkualasaatarMrws asow
ewooBHae N
SM.OOO^aadnwelbrtt M yea at eracflcaOr your ewu
!^ CDs on. ersal katoata eraeramHy tt your m«.
You not only save over 50 per cent, on the purchase
price but you are absolutely sure of getting the clean­
est and most dependable goods on the market. Search
the country over and you will not find such truly mar­
velous values as we offer right here at your very door.
Nothing will be spared or laid aside! Every piece of
merchandise will positively be cleaned away for
less than half its actual worthi Do you realize what
^ this means to you? It means that you can cloth every
memberof yourfamily for Jess money than you have
previously paid to cloth one. But we are not losing by
the transaction for we bought at a ridiculously low
figure and can well afford to give you the benefit of the
most stupendous piece of good fortune ever heard of


*1? twuS'

••• ^rona


OlSir, MIoh.

' j 2


TV? wOI bt M hoiW to
la Le««l «tur Au. 1. Tha Md* If
fcaon Bad tnaalar la lUf dtr.
AMa Oracka awa tarrlUp lajaied
aad (ba crooB if a mr bopalar reav
■aa ar Loven. a boat af Maad* will OB Meadar aboM lt:4l etloek bP
a or«f hr a ban ra the etr.alia k «nsratalatk»f «ad '
Kktb aad OtloB atrerta.
breeka waa TOala* tbr io*l oo tbr
wbaa a back e»«r«. da*
•IK* «m OAMAOn.
dowa tba Urr« aad brfoir the aced
weld cat OBI oftbe wa* be
•a to tha BmHh and BaeRta
■ha dariiloa of iba Otaad Tnttnt
Btnck aad kaoiM dowa aad ibm
Osoatr CIreBit eoart bi iba ea
Oaar*a Slpdi aa tha Mkbloa Stan* me of (br boraea frtl on fala.
___at an^itjSjoBi^oo flrat aad third
va* ealM awl I)r. I Tfaeadapa of carb mcaUi. Aak acwfa
»f. Tblf aalOB. II win ba ra>
wared the (B)crsi.tirr
arad. «af a batd foasbt

This we&ther is what makes one think
of something cool to put on. We have
excellent things in thin wash goods, that
are just suited to this hot weather, and the
price is way below what it ought to be.



vbk* froir oat of aa aeeldaa
u<- -•»
WeeM'a Fair. dt. Laela.
I br Blpaa obUf al work .1
10 the bone ot bli daaebtar. Hr*. Jofae ! Roued trip tieketa u low ralea. oe
utun of tha HtchKaa BUreb cnaBipat aaed tha eoapaa; '
aad tkr *«adlcf arai
ItMO la bU faror.
rrreeled tbe fan Ibat be bad Tbe aaictrd will he pleated
WbBa UpCB »ai al work la the lao
that Dr UrDonaid. the
tarr war a iwrolrtac aUA hla fiaa> ______ aa of tbe beta It U not
tbeashi ibal be la latmallr tajnrad,
tpeelall*! ot Grand Rapid*
«ia aaBcbt apoe a art anwi
It hard to Irll at tha pre*
in Traverac Cllr. ai
ha faftaiaed aerart tajortaf.
tel from Thurada;
21aL <U>tU Honda} vveDlng.
mb. «re daps only. Coasnliailon.
euminalton and adrlee free. Tall.
Tbara la bat «* eai
dtaaaif aiUtlaa taaUa the tiir HbIu

^ Half Price
lOc to |8c Lawa* tad Diiahiet, good colon aad patleras,

........................................ lOC


«•)* taf baaa MMtad oa tha
•Mlw af B. MaNaaarab aaw brtc*
kaMac«B ?iwt kraat
■la. W. t. tmt tt •raratL *aakwpaad la tha altr aa Tharadar to
aMi bar bretbar. B. M. Bnm. who la

jMaaa B. Buaia aad Hlaa Haada M.
WaMa. bath «aU baowa aad »e
y«aw b*avia at Aaka. waM ■■
ttmtv ^ Jaailea Tarty. Tbay «1U
C HL TMteiB. a brwtbat at F. a
TMtak ^ lUa altr. baa
iba dw aiaaa at RafU OMy,
•mad bp V. A. B^. Hr.Tlakak

non— at HltMBBB «tU ba bald
lblap«atPataafcap.Ba*tMaW»BtotbaBtibMnalaaaeaMr. It wai
Maadad (a beU tba kaatlai at OadllIw k daw bat otnat to aaaatWar>
ktr anwBwaati tba kakla« ewU

prarloBa raan abewa ibat tbr swaral'
baalU ot the eltr baa moA laipwawl.
Mllimi aaar thr dly baa baae While the parade waa takfat Pface
ad ODi aad a lanr nokbar rae- a HoeidBP Ibe M. « N. E. frriebt
depot wa* eatered aod I10.K Uki-n
ta Itat. darta dair t
' the IHL Tba emplcipaa at tbr
Irrlght booie were up oa the corner ot
na. aaeaalaa. aauM tarar aad Prant and Union tirrou wber tbe robtnhoM frrrr appeailat eo the Hat. la rrp waa eotnoilited.
IMt. there were aiaa caaaa al
Bert Brin* waa tba Brat to diacorrr
a dlaaaaei la duly: la IMl. there the robberp upon hi* relarn to tbr
all eaaei. aad la I»oa. ibree freicbl benae after aeefag the pandc
ud be oerer Uiousbl of tbe iBOoep Ir
II while awBp. Tbe robber oi
rabben salord an eoUaiire br break
Tba Ttararae CHr Brtek eomp
ro book! on Ibe frelptii faouar
plaat at Karataw la aow doias a
eomtec Into ebe okea.
sf aad tantai oal a Bar
•at The Karatoae briek la toimr Jiul (Wertoua to learfac Ibe frelfbl
boaae aome of tbe rirena emplorn bad
aad paid IM.2J frclgbt on
at thia fkaa of brick aad tbe aaw
•e* of beer from Ullwankre and
paar b prod Ddac M food briek aa baa
Botked br Hr. Brice* ibM one
rar beee taarbMad la thb taetloii.
Tba brick la ot rteer llpl color aad of Ibe men care the booac a good
exoalleet aaaHir. Tbr plial U now kxAlBC orer and It U now ibougb'
hiralBf oal M.bM brlek a dkr aad Ihti the place waa Upped oB to tome,
■flp kaa are ataplered. whlA addi me Wbo did the work.
ille Urn. A. I. HartlMd wa*
coaald.etBble to the rlrcalatlac atedlas
atreet watching tba parade thU
la Ttarano air. Tba tataaap ta tr.
her hmae. 63S Stale atreet. ww
ealriac aaaar tood ordan aad tba
and a UtUe noaor. a raluable
brMi aaama to ba Ivfraat damaaA
and fonr rfag* tabee. The
Brlak era aow bake aap^lad few tbe
ee wa* made tfawngfa a wondaew Carama llbratr balMlac. Foortb
ataple belnB-«aUed trok a
ward acbaol bwlldlnc. new Hdtaaura
door aad tbe lack an
tbe HooUban balldlnc aerrral
■eat aad for a kree boOdlni In tbe klirhra door Iwfag btokan. The
a la addltloa to other ordere. moner uken mir akOBBt to abrni
The project for tba eoaapaap ii ei tl bat Hra. Harlfand I* snable to «llmate tbe real at her lo«*.

Tba raer aaM to be b^ beta Anc.
10, II aad It proklaaa to be ow of tbe
beet If DOT tba beat arar baU fa Trararae atr. Tbe pnparaUoei bare bewa
lip coapMod. alUmcb tbara
a »aai deal af UM If aarad U tba
> a few BBlaltbad datalla and
bM are kept aiawdlad with Iba ibe proapaeu era that tba eairlea la
mma aw a aarar dallrary at kkO crerr claaa wDI be larp.
Tba pnicrak far tba three dar Meet
will be:
l:tt trot ar pace............................|b
Haaikt Ha
baaa awarded Iba «:IOlfOlarpaee............................»
' aawrak far Upk* tha npaia hatal Owbair kUe naalac not. beat
at HaMM aad aka awtnata |<w kdUafattana.................................«
Thttradap, Aw- Hpaeaorl:l« trot...........
k wni Jala bar hartaad at Haa- l:tlpaeaort:Mlrol................... »
S:M iiot or paad (fpaarolda or
ar> .................................... 10#
Mr. awd Itn. ieaapb Bwabeda aala- Ow adia rsaakc raoa. beat twi
baitad t^lr aHrar waddlaa aaBlrarawr at their bake la Eaa«> B
^ rwakc I

Cbwiea D. Plaeea. apd rt paarA
died Hckdap koraiBf at bit btwer.
m Weal NlaU atiart. of uofMcb and
faowOT troablt. Mr. Plem tea baeo
fa rerr poor baaltb for a fane tlar aad
MfL Md hit tikllp. wbe ware akaac
iba Mwiwa at tba recta. Tba Bm
kWitaMl awaan aa tba Bm paia enp la reart or ace aad bn Mdt
Ihk watTa Harald aad H will ba pfaea bta bokt arar alaea. Ha baa
baaa la tbr tk^ at the Haaikh A
twnir nan aad for Moot eight:
> bOM famBM at tbe plea
Bwkaki umtat. dalp U. the
haaklw ham at tba Flrtt Kattaal dOMitknL Tha oatMtar baa alwaya
kta aad ta FatckT
PaackT Barkp bapk
aeaaWatM aoBfideace la bta
A k. aMtd'P. k. Pt JadBkaal aad trnud him aaplleUir
aaoMthtatwobata k hla work.
Maattaa Hra. Flaraa tba daceaaad
k BBto 4:ld p. aL
faaraa tktoa Alldtaa. Habal. Bo
Idaad. Bta kMbar, Krt. Orah
. aaaldn at tU Bereatb atreet.
a aattai.aaMBiM thia <ltr. aad ba alao hai a brother.
HokAp'bp kBIac dowa Malta wui Oail U. Pierce, who Urea k HUwas• MBlIbabp k bar arma. Bba waa koa. Mr.Pmea^aaaabarottba
aakdBB dPWB tba ataln at the air HaKta Fbeaetafp aad tba Haenbaaa.
fMatM aarrM win ba
•pan bant tdaek wbn part af bat
tap aftarMM at >:M o-cloek
*aa bail biMblw aC aaata bar
trek tba twridawe Md* tbe dire
waak ad tba bwk. Wk» waa nrrM
kn tba aMaa k Sn. Meea Md Mooe
' iK tk. W. ■. Mbm HOaaad bar ak-

Bdward StaadMab wafa* i
lake Irak bta teat ta the Pta ■
miu toaad beoia BaMap M
Ota Ha aet «alp
wneb b« caagbt tba ttfaT
• adCircBlleM ba bad to naaa Uk lalo tba elreaa
dw with dadM

Oeorce W. Hall of Mf Bast Bfabih
atreet died Bandar ermine at 9:3 Ooi
atranfidated hernia. He wa* taken III
Salordar morning and aledtillr grew
ud aa a laat reaort u opera,
rai performed, atlaf which be
but toon begu
to fall again ud could not be raUled.
Hr. Halt wa* bon Dee. 8. IMS. In
Went Wlnlfeld, Kerkermer conalr.
New Tork. ud waa.abmt 71 yeart ol
at tbe lima of bta death. Hetmmr
to tbli city twenty peart ago k April
from Sanoe, HIcfalgu. where he Ured
for twentpwaroa peart. Daeeaaed bad
n feeling In tbe beat ol health ap
tbe time be WU taken III ud all
nu to boild up bU irttem were in.
Mr. Han wu aaltad In ktrriago to
Ufaa Bntb Andrewa In IIK at North
Oobocton. N. T, ud foor eblldren
bore to them, two at tbem are
Urlng. Tbep an Itra. W. U Doii^a*
of Iblf city and mio E Hall of Dewbo la BOW la London for the :
. Darts eompup. tor wbleh eombakaadlier. Hra. Ifall atae rer.
rlret ber haabud.
FVw mup pean Mr. Rail waa book,
kaepar la tbe Biale buk. He wu a
of tbe Uaimie lodge ud also
of tbr Knlgbla ot Honor. He wn a
kjad kckber cd the FtrM H«tbehnrefa of thli eltp. He faloH
tbe Metbodlat church aetrlp flftpdmr
any r««r* ot
that lime br baa been nn ofllrial mem.
ber of tbe church to which he be
tooged. He bu been connected wllli
local rburefa tbool twenty yetn
daring that time bu been on the
okelM bo«d. At tbe Urn* of bi*
Ime prerlotu to hi*
treatae ud a claai
dio a Suday tebool
laacber ud fa fact aeUre la all Use*
■nreb work. He held Ibe cborcb
dear to blm and tbe only thing
that erw prarented him (ram attend,
teg ebnreb wu lilaaaa tad It
to see why all peo^
be derml to ibe.eborrb.
From tbe time nf bta amrerstea. when
af age. uUl the Umc
of bit danlb be wu alwaps worfcfag
far tba ebareh.
The faaerel serrlee wn held Monday
at 4 o’ekick from the
tVt Baat Bfabtb streM. Ber. Wiuum
Uatmu of Ute Flt« H. E ehnreb of.
BefaUag. The body wu taken ea tba
I o^eiack Para Hareaeuc train for

I lot of fancy Mohairs, jost tbe thiag Mr Sbkt W«iM Soitt
Tourist Cemts and SkittA redk»d jta oae taM.............


sat' ‘


Our Slock of Shin WuMs is the bum complete nfuyintbt etty, tius
are all oomplete aa.1 a good dMice pattesa. We aretakriaga

We have made sweepini.' reductions on nearly all
our summer footwear in order to clean up our stock
before taking our semi-annual inventor)- Aiicust 1st.
It’s the right time to make your feet comforta­
ble for summer prices will not be so low again.

Shirt Waist Suit* stiU oootiauc a prime faporiu and we are rimwiag
• nice line from

$1.98 to $2.98

Oae lot of an wool Skirt*,
cokn. aqiuJ to any SAOO Skirt,
^ tasty uni cbk,wdk»gk.«tb'

Ail ladies (my colored Parasols Hair Price

Wotacn'* fwen l>reB Shore, worth $2.6U, cleu »wccp ^ j
Wonien'a«>-liah Slioe*. regular $2.00 valuer our dean ^ » JS
fweep price*............................................................* a^AF

Women'* Summet Sboei, neat style*.


sm dKK( iwy FrM« tfnni M| wm wmbir

98c 1

Women’t Black Srege SlippcTt.
dean-sweep price.............. ^CFV
Women's Leather Sl.ppre*.
Sflrclean-sweep price.............. c/t/ie
Women’* $1.SS ud $1.50 Oirotai,


Mm's U.OO Imponeil Patent l.eather

Men’s 24.00 Walk-Over*. a few style* to


$3.00 j—,
^■.’^—’...$2.00 V

Uen'i absolutely Solid Shoes, great wearer*, regular
price $1.76 ud $2, deu-sweep price...................I 'OO
Men's Saun Calf Shoe*, broken lou of $1.60 to $2
0*1 fkf\
tinea, deu sweep price........................................... V> / 'Ulf

You dewt alwapa waM to do aU cwokir
Sec hew w« help pe«i enfap pmiraeK.


Ole Can Give Vou
The best for ihe price in

Feed. IDeal, Bran, IHiddlinas,
Com and Oats
We buy nothing but the best grain and you get ihe
pure article.


For Wood Work aad Fnreitare which haa beemte taBred
or wore, when eoated aritk Jap-a.Lac ii renewed mad bcantifiad. For acre«Bs~Brimui Blacfc Jap-a-lAC proloap the
life of wire doth, aad olfar mfan amnl oa the fraiaes makes
thckknhat good aa aew, also esceHeni to br^bioi op
~ ifr^tsaun, LiaolekD, Oil Oaths aad

Botdtih Prtpartd P»Ms
Mr. ud Mfi. F. U Orewwy of Tn.
fade.«. are faaatd ad Mr. Md Mra.
Cbarlaa H. Baers.
Or. W. E Maak Tha bn bta wasp


S5e aad S6c Voifai and Norekirs.

-kuJR. 6. UJait « $ms

« pmi ara awt far M aaUa*. pea bb

Flstara. aal far saarB.

Ready Cooked. Ready to Eat
Petted Veil. Ha*hU Chleku. Prmsed Pig-( FOOT. Vlanna laimta. Carnad Baal. Lwmh Tawaua, Fatted HaaL
Veal LoM, Cernad Ham. Hambargtr gitak, Franktuflara. CMMan Laaf. Thaaa ara tha flrwat tanaid auata
cvrr put up. Oon-t thi* Hat mak« you hung>yt

Good Things Baked to Eat
Graham CraelMra. UAtada BteeulL Bpeti«a Ladp Flnfaea. Animal Caokln. ChampatM WMarU, BanTa
Wattr Craekara. Athana Wafara. NaWano. Dranaa Dama. FraaSad Craama. Ja*a Caffu CMaa. BwlUna FrmN
B.«:ulL Fig Nawtan. Elgin Craam Blacutt. 2u £y. Jtngar Wapftr, Dutiar Thin. Chaaaa •aadwleh ChaaM
Btrawa. Vullla Wafara. th* Cuaana. Harp Ann. OlnM* Oama, Ladp Fingera. Fretaala. •dHanaa, lead Data
Cakea. Bugar Bmiarea. Craara CriMa. CracAnala. Anp naad af baklag for a afanle ar •athaiing wtmn pan
eu bup aueh paad thing* a* theia. Fartmg* P*a hava navar triad dap af Iham. Tim yaa *• Dm aaa wa
urairt. Ttleghan* far anp of thata and ana hawr gaad thap ara.

You Will Want Breakfast Food
White camping pew will hava tha fraahaal milk fram a ntartap farmar. Than taka aama of Ihna wWi yam
Foret. NariwKriag. Cara Nut Flakaa. Matte Vita. Oraga Nwte. Trya«aiu. Craam af WhaaL Brtitfa Bite. RaL
•ten Braakfatt Faad. NrertHte. FdaBarp Vttea. tat-WteauH. SarMter Date. Rallad Data, Bhrwddad Whafa WaeuH. UneOTn Date.

More Good Things
All klndt af Oilvaa. Bnidarfa Bated Orawfa*. Omrltod Oiluaa. Dyator CaekteU Baaet, •Mdarta CMbm. Hfaad
FkAta eannad Balnm, Fwe Haraa Radteh. Hint «aaat. King Oaaar Bardiata, Clam Chamdar, Fta aaa
Baanm all klndt af Baaga (anly tedmt *ra mlnutaa la aarwa). Flam FaddinB. Braad fraM aa^ day. knmfa
wnaaL oAtmm ar Rya.

«ri«AVKMfl»M orrvu



aiUB GDI eWtad frliadt la
CUy thto weKu
d Mn. A. Huat
■raed from FWt Wayaa.
CbarUi Qottam of IK
U wn M (DO have amTee i
MU* iKltU NKi
to renime her dalle* a* auancrapbar.
Ow. Votee to boDdlag a vwraada
around tbe

^r. Waltor aad aoa
M dlaarr K Mra. U
Labr mart Thmeday.
tot MtrU Bwabodt iaieadt
tpead tbr roK of tbr raaBrer el
-frr. L. VltborhU.
H. Miller aad elfr of DiKb Juke i
art drove lo M. Vtokoebin lot tot
.borrUt Wrdneaday. At they er
Ctdilbs ready for dlaarr la tbr orcha
they look Ibr brUIr off ibr bortr

Wm marni


Oood dOvlBB ONWlbw a

t’ '^St aiM WlBtaMf N4 HIM WM<
fr Iter Mt U WBtlNtB miwin ter
<r Ti»t«rw aiy
»tt» Mn. 1^1


«t» fM t*e VMIU.

Kenta sf ryukton
t m lev dan «ltk h«

Ctark Hall bat bancbi a Cam at Q.
A. toMhaB vbicta la a paH at a beoaouad ukaa b; bi> Catber war (binr•ra raan ago.
r. W. SklBaar bad (be oUaCortaae to
haa hit drirtaa borw M lit balat
ad br aaolber baraa.
r. C. B. Part/ bat bm^l tfaa B.

has been doing tome work oa N«
tlu Hreei.
I. Comtiock has,retnraed from
trip to toolben HUb.
J. J. Landry, wbo hat acted ataj
in the depot during the ahaeem of
HllUkee. hat returaed to Oraad I

Ibe kaaaa] tebool meellnc held
I throiifb the etrr
alDg H. K. Gill wat eipcipu
;hi tbool halt a inwiee tad B. I0 Primetu wat elected
F- orUbbon. Tbr lo .ueeeed Dr
________ UP of
- FTKIck. whose term
bortr reeHrrd
bad expired.
icratchri tad ibr
Mias Lena Wygant of Grand RapUt
•peat WedaeMlay la lowa. tbe guesi of
frroa. Hi Mto* Bmma Wilson.
Oordoo. fliB WKth. Ftaal
ak vuk.)tol Oord<
Ur. and Mr*. Denham arrived from
ChlragD Thonday oa the intaol* for a
(so weeks' stay at Cedar Lodge.
Pred naumberger of South Bend to

t ai good for Ur«r i
ibkt and gmral 4eW
tbKbm sumrabtood by Jat. 0
and F. 1.........................

CbMeros eveo'OM* Ecoaomy is the basts of dollar savit^,
ssd wben price, economy cod quality arc linked togclhcc you
are oo the right crack. Tbe purchase of a KlMBg^LL
PIANO will prove tbe theo.r>'

bad it to
ble that when be takes oK a party of
Iriendt oe a BthUg trip bto tirtag
tlBoti always tbe boK. Per ffru ye*
he has ronJurted a Bible eUtt K Og


Working MlgM and Me bariett and mlgbtUK UtUe
; ihK ever wat made to Dr. KhWi
ure piito. Tbm plut d
> Krcagtb. Itottoa
■BUI esergy. urKb fU UtO m«DUl
power. They're woadKfnl U building
up tbe health. Oily Be per box. Bold
by Jas. G. Jobasoe aad F. M. Meada

it will stand it. The makers invite it. Capital, sysirm. an.
skill, reliability, harmony, experience ami beauiy are woven
into every fabric. Factory prices direct to the,people

Dr. Bugene Mayrand of Lowell.
Matt, timring (btt be might be telied
with homicidal maala. haa placed him.
telf la charge of phytMaet at o
(he botpKali He lald be fell a desire
to kill somebody aat feared he
serrod « lueeb .Tuesday ereeleg la the
Incoming Inioae.
niuoeil chamber
rbamber by P.
I : Wunburg.
ir Hei
Hemans to
ne*t of
Ind.. irTtved ..............................
and to a guest at tbe borne of ber
Sr^uiTt Ajt%m.^Aw
elc. William Wllll
Mr. and Ur*. 1
k aad wife
of Kalti
a few
S' days It
ibl* week.
The Ladles' BencAt
nAt sorlety
r la tbe tot

u.,..™—. ...» a. rS.'S

Hrt Oliver to very oueb bKter
bara a aier retldn>ee.
rOag !■ Trvme Ottj LnaoB CoraeU a lara. witb
Hr. aad Hn. Alprr of MIlirr'i Hill
auau, wai daatrurad ^ Bra tool aad ibrtr frtriuU cojoyrd a pkalr at
Batardar BMaralaa. ii to aopfoaad «bt Ibr ooeeb of Cryeul rlror ycKerday.
«. a wiimm kM kk*
Bra ttartad br rblMrw plarlat with
Bebool dlitrici No. I elll bull.l ■
tebool boutr. at tb<- cilO oar to too
El «M>. m. t. Ouater amt tm. Ou'M me kaMlBi • MrtM el r^<— aad (br toai vlll bt brary lor Mr. Oor- Ball to aeeooBKKair tbr Mbelar* A
Ice the hat brra porchtted, aad aa
r'iWeet Ateb*.
effort will br aiadr lo bavr II rcad^ tor
tbr fall Irrai.
Walker U hone........
Bl lo Wal tuy. Hr*. Walker bat oot reiorard
It Baby Ctorpoaler
tpead ibr froiB Wlxnaiin, ebrrr the hat brra
Labe UK Batordaj
J Grey b
iteadlBc to Mr. Wtlker't Bother, ebo
____ Bor.
rr again.
-Hri. Sr. PraaUw
ct Aldaa
brra I aadrrpolac aa oprralkn
t. aad b
yet for a catarad.
a fra day* to
ed at (heir home la
Bereral prreoet (ran here
Urt Carpralar aad b«r tao a
'rarrrtr CUy today to uke la tbe drMrt. miM «Mt tk« 4tk
tiety held aa
■i'af ttli flaw anaaM tba
wke toctol la Ihe ebe
i« City T«Klmony aad
■ boa trialtbig trfoadt I
■ntoy erralBc for ibe beerfil
Will S
Btt. I» B. Carpwtrr tprai UK aert uc panor. Orrr atlera dollari ea*
■MM at 1^ WDtaa’t
lb.' tollowing
ratord, aad ibr rvenlng ea* pleattai. yo-i haven't . _ ..
le In (he mion lo prove
‘^Orudau BoUtrd It tilll oe the tick
liUK siovy publli' ' '
Uai. altbouph tloel) InprovlDf.
Traverse City newspapers
out a r*sol Port OneMt .
hare beta U Caup Idiralld oa
hleai In KaUmi uo, Mlcb., or
>r *____
lb Ibr teo lari
Ubr tba paK ta« aoMt.
rvBldeat of Travene
II of Tucker la
na Buatplw aBi bMd uabtUgi ai
City, and given In fato own words. No
Oe toaa hall eaeb rraalac tbU aW
stronger proof can l>c bad.
Jaekioa <rf SotroH alU proaeb.
.1. fMMdi eat ntaufaa at Hr. aad Hw.
Hn-.Barld TUtoa aad daogbur
1^'aUUad at IM be
Doan's Kldaey Pills saved my
Btoto rdoiMd booM (Toai ladUaa UK ■MOwwiadini
delylt *B}s: Thto
seems a doubtful staiemeui
Dave DeaaoB tad elfr eeal to Cad life.
’ .''mma'wuMm < Bhitwaa i
to make, bul I am willing
Ultc Piiday to tpead a tee dayt elU should Judge from fans. I
I: Mia Mb BHkar at Tiarofae CRr
retailre* aad to ukc la (he tboe.
physician'* ircsttnent
W. A. Wbllc tad elfr of Trarerec
?k*. gave up hope of
Then aai ■ plcBle U OU Ho.. CUy are riililoc tbr laaily of W. W limes, and when I commeaeed Doan's
x^Mwaar *Hcb «at arall u- Broeer aad other Sleodt here.
Pill*, wa. *o weak that I bid
Ilrubro Lrara U bulldlnp aa aprlgbl Kidney
>adad aad all had a pood itoar.
led acroU Ibe door. A lnml>er
B«. to Mr. atol Mra Pkw OIk*. I bit ftrn retMenre onr-balf mile
IB advised me to use ibe remed)
•ti of tbr vlliaerMUi FMaaer Brraard had a birth­ AnacBiu Plneb hat bum a Bae bara the doctor's medlrlae In ihe spittoon.
day pany Baiorday wmiUf ableb 00 bl* farm Jiut tooUi of (be rUlage.
For Ateorsit
Ave or six dij*
.. afler I co
V. Ooff. Jr., bat built to tddttton to
paaaod^ piraaaatly aad Kt had a
(be I* fana mideacr.
blood and before I used one
A roe brloaplBB to Kale Bodteell box the)' were
eletr and regular,
at killed by tbe irala yesterday.
Ireaiment, and ei
Wm. Pomeroy of Holtoa. Hleb.
tUpaty Great Oommaader of the K. O. If there is a recarrence. I can com,,
T. M. H.. It here eorklag elih the lo­ en^usly say ibat Doan's Kidney
port apMI Baaday oe ibr beach.
a saved my
ti (eel a fee days.
Mtoaat Praawa aad PaaoU Sgolrr*
Ufe.A. W. natae aad O. W. Bane* vlU
by til dealers. Pric,- :
•prateal tbe Fife luke leal U (be ccm*. sale
C. ^Meuoo-I many.aad aweral laeeabee meeting a( Trareroe Oty Y., sole ageau for the United Stale
rt iMte* MU if war Sft; toi
■Tad la lait Boadar. taaaiac Khrr Millet bad a plcale oa ihp Aug. liih.
(be name-Doae's—u
Fbrmers have
r htylag pretly Rememtier
Ukc no otber.
to trorfclec tor
rt. CariMoto.
John aad Dnato llouto of Acme
Haay farmers In Waterloo township
ere la oor vlUge oa THday.
Mr. Hora'had ibr ntotetBaf
are raising curumber* thto yenr. am
ralnabU toner a we* aio.
lUlpb Ctoae aad J. O Croiter
ftw pickle*, but for seed, which bring
tolling her oe Tnnday.
Wt, wu.. Mirre abr baa Mb all «U
John A. Leranger and Cbaa. 8. Joha- 20 cents * pound.
toa eere caller* la our burg U«t eeek.
HU* Mtsd Brant of Oraad Bapld*
>Wd|Mif MTTka^ baU la tbe
to TtoHIng her pareaii, Daalel Wearer TU?bh»d“'iD'^L‘JeI”' m
r mntaiar ■aralas. wbtdi
Bd trife.
KbjhMMtw^^ tka akaic
nad women Hroag and beali
W. A. Kent aad trife
rltltlag la dock
DkMd Dltiers. ai any d
U. to Mr. aad Mn.
Ml*. J. H. Cook and daagtaier Vera
Pamrri art rery buty ibete daya. •e rltltlag la TrarerBe City.
iweniyfour hours " H. S. Otot. II
CrMl«* geod; bap to a bary crop.
Boatlati of ikBTaraa
Mtowl plcale baU U
Mr. Md Mr,' Robert Perry imd^Hr
a fav dan vilh bar fatber,
prore lati Tbareday
and Ml*. Miebnel of Bnu CUre. Her Ume. Mott ererylaKy afll
W AdNaBboalal Hm oa a a
BC way or aaoiher. Only a
ev«e falling cure. Doan's O
B:lM««at qolto bfuaeaaa. betb
I aay drug store, SO cents.

: «:?r ...




W. W. Kimball Co.
129 Front St.
N. E. STRONG. Mngr.
Everything in Small Inslnimenis. Sheet Music. Talking Machines. File.

Our July Clearance Sale this year is the greatest chance you ever had to save money.
Our stock of good! honest, reliable goods is so large and our.assortmeOt is so complete
that you can find just what you want at just what you want to pay.
Many articles you can buy here for less than a common dealer pays for them for
our stock must be reduced and lots of odd pieces in nearly everything to does out.

‘ *i“J5SiiSWlSSr2R

Out el Um MasitK CUM to SB BsdrMm Sums

Ssn* K tbs BiaacK Barsalu

A large assortment to selea from

we are showing in our Carpel, Rug and Curtain
panmeni. You will bo the loser if •■— do
not visit
this department
A til
me assortment of all tuyles
and grades ol Caiirpets at a big sacrifice. A beautiful
rug so cheap you could afford to have it in your kitchen
A 1.11
,irge assortment
:nt of Lace
Ldcc and Tapestry Curtains,
A nice pair of lace curiain«. iyi yards long. |75c values)
‘Or.............................................. IHc each or 35c per pair
Next style (SI.UJ values), for.................... 45c per pair
and so on right up
Blankets. Bed Sheets. Bed Spreads, Wllow Cases. Com­
forters. Billows, etc., at a big saving to you.


and so on right through.





jBr- naaOB. iha aotoal a^ fcofar.
toOBt aavoral vaaha bart hM
M. tobda a abow TMt to M.
Laoto Bnakua at OUtoca to otoltiMMaUaaa la Uto ^aw.

la^hto daattucr. Mr*. Wllllt RaB>ary. Beatoato UK TbtttiMUy.
Oee of Ulnre'f remedies; eanaol
BrerybcKy l^lag buckleberrytop harm Ibe weakest eoaslUBlloa: aerer
AaHey Klag of Tramer Cliy to
fKIt in cure summer eompUlet* of
ng or old. Dr Fowler's Bxirwet of
d Strawberry.
BIU SUrrov 1* reo- *lek.
Mr. and Hr*. Bpooaer bnHed •
t gooerallr uaderslood that Brig
He tUnghler laK week.
Oeaeral Frederick Fnanon.
WOlUm Harri* treat .„ „
• Junior brigadier geaerala of tbe
Iwi Towday for treatmeaL
torray apm BwaM
waiter I
. who hat been ordered
irlllr erlth bar atotiTb
Corbin at mmmi
Jennie <
retnrned from Pomona
Mr. aad Mra Boare aad cbUdiw
departi eat of the east, will take
-r Kie ba. I
on Coreranr's Island
promptly o General Corbln'i depart-

exctyliMMlIy Carge Hsssrlmtal of Odd

Sa*sHM Ms*** as* Rao***
Oil Stoves Gas Ranges. Wood and Coal Stoves and
Ranges. W'c will positively save you money, lime and
annoyance, m any otthc above.

1* sur erscksry. tie eel SraaHSMrt DsK,

MM braoktoi abaat tha tostea.

■ JS"la^S5.^fe^“^ “ ^

PhlllpplBM Oct.

are at Grama
Uto week. Mr. Bartoe I dliehlag for
a to oa tbr alek "obu Raiey.
Mn. FVwB Sbermaa
b. C. Oardarr
taainy aUeatod to Mloa Harbor UK week by the
CUy Moeday.
' ' ak of North
MjJiibm Pray to tick

OrawB .


eral FtiDKnn to now la eommand K
tbe depart meat of (be Colnmbla. wbUb
ledtidet the maiee of Watblagtoa.
and Alaska. Whe* be goes
WIN be succeeded at com.
of Ibe departmeni of the Columbu by Brigadier Oeaeral Coasiant

Mra. Martha SrKry. ebo hat hw>

•’'^R<»«B*«-of Ub«d'*i*

bar at fooMa bem ikl* flaw
lha draw at TtoToraa CKf


ni’S’a^ S2r^i?*u“ ^ ^



**» !S^*£


of Iron Beds at exceptionally low prices. Several
different patterns, from $Tl.75 up to $i2.UU to be closed
out at about factoiy cost.
You can find a bed here, any size, any color at
price you want to pay.

at away below faaory ctrst.
3-cr-atpd granite tea and (
Extra large <;namd wash
n«l.i ihro„8h our larqc .roiir oi q.^iVc'

RgnStog ye* waK to Syrtoo* aad

to get a Refrigerator

10 or

w."h“S,"uT;......... IS

n 8s*4 a*M

a-ool top mattresses (worth *3-75) ^2-75

Our bcMkst cat is on Sitfeboards
s we haye three times as many as
we want in )uiy


$16.00 values
1S.OO values
•30.75 values
36.50 values
50X0 values


__________ $10.75
.................... 11,75
.................... 14.75
.................... 37,50
..................... :i5.75

GAS RANGES, connected free, $11. $!•>, $13.

We have sev eral

CietpttoMlly Car«« Dm
Ml*. Julia Miller
Ttaver*# CRy.
ow Tburtday evealag oa tbe

. . Mto M*' ^It



Irtoilto U tStJ^Tow.

CH,.---------r v»n:« Tr»»w

Rn Egfra Fhic, Cargt Ciat

you will find some of the biggest baigains you ever saw.
We have done
exceptionally big business on t:
goods and have
..a... od<l
dd |pieces a.iu
and uuu
odd arts
sets oi
of ail
all kinds
and descriptions, lhat must go regardless of cost.
A beautiful. 4lc-corai<(d lUI-picce dinner set, gold
trimmed, (wonh $13 and $14). your choice for $9.00

., s..

C. A. Kaaitoaed «ra( lo Trarmr Jo. Perry ba* a aew
wbo ha* Jot) received Ihr tUgle tur.
Cl« ^ ,□ ,,, tbr dtoai.
Bora, to Mr. and Mi Harry Clark,
ijnilUia lUrtooB to balMlaa a are a hoy.
Bwa S2.2B a Buahal
Hn. Feighner.
lag her
daughter here, weal
mu wn
Thof»day to Tltlt her con. Wm
Mr. Durke ha* bto «o« may t,
5?“^ A pood baroware Kore hi
»*ag beea needed here.

2.V ^S2t.-?.'T<2S5,SS

i-awn Chairs. Lawn Settees. Camp Stools so dieap
you cannot afford to go srithout them
A good folding Camp Stool....................................... }»5c
Che.ip ones............................... .. ........................ ..i^c
A good, solid, well made, nicely painted, folding
lawn settee, will seal three people, for l.Off and $1.2,5
A fine comfortable, folding hammock chair, only $IX)0
Croquet Sets.......................................... 45c per set up

___ '» ««»a.
Tiarart* caty.

Moetoy m


■•••* torp.V&'ii

We baKSnns payilile
to fsrelr* issimes.
WteseTeryit tsve wcsslos u seas mmcj
twsail. lt vlll pay yM
ttsead H ibTMn tUs

First National

of well nude, weU finished EXTENSION TABLES.
76 diffeiem styles of chairs to select from. Several
patterns of these at first cost, all others at a big cut.
to select from, at same pro­
portional cut.
A large assortment of COUCHES
A large assortment of MORRIS CHAIRS
in (act. a large a
iment of evervthing yon need in
your hone,
all from regular,
regula reliable factories, aod
-------- —
will cost you less money, in some tngtsDces,
uratmuaw*. than
uxai yon
would pay some otber place for cheap job stuff.

J- w.


Wholesale and RetaiP

We give you time pod easy payments on these
prices tbe same as before.

Reliable Home Fuml^ier

PI to «|M «M

!• k* m

« « tk* toKtottaato*
to* vtok ii toM. AD toon
to tototo *M tot vtoton tiM


n* «MHr toto hlMtf It • lOM.
|to totot. «r**to4 at OM Ml vUk
MttoD *M toUlt M4 MtotoC M*t
to DM toto tot otor of Malt tatolt. wUto
te Ml. (Bto*4 m' Mockt ato M^
I^tototo attaotof* vHk t*o >aa«
I* aa D la wallai

eitoBtaT Well, toar sltoil hap( cowat. but aboBi to* otojr oat'
Ouu ooaM aDaei tbit
r la tsaa* ItMai lo ibe btobn
vharabr aD loar MClaw wmU bt pat
oat to baalMM Stta thM' rl tort
toaaee for m liT*. lor ttooph toe ear
Blfbt COB* devB preur Catt It «oahl
dovB right alto op. The laellaatiM to ihoaa abatta alae takat care
toto. Toa lake a piece to OMdbow^,
r lam*r*. feU It aena* In the aWdia. M the aMea tprl
ato ibra drop K (ron a bcLgfat.
ptoal donaard. Bee bear cracarallr
right aide ap It alaki* Baaw priaelple

tor to toaat atan la toiato la tote alrtolp.*'
ilr—In Blatoi tron to*
The Mglaee. aUeb Hr. Praemaii
tai* I* a btliki to all 1*« art
Ml ataai tfeafta. mI otoar wtleal feat hlwetr bam. ate Marrakae mite
apaaed alaira to Mae aad ateet.
I to* atl «u«ar Mawe tot
ttoall that roa cobM alMt tllp
to* to to* afw ato tot *«a*i Mr.
oaa to tba« la a aide potoec Bat eato
Mat law atom, vht* iht
la eaMbte to denloplai Bre boraeIII |I|| Uart t* MRT to* bortpevw. aad with l|pae -erllBden aet
toal toiifjato **ah than »in ba
toe eoraer* to aa eqaltateral tril*M bp aMatoa* b*m taio to* ar«

nir rtoJred

laat olght la

on* tote anarpoon. tbe Mrlke leader*
hare ordered ibe ouitonarr engineer*
In toe cooling room* to qolt vork lomenue. Tbe packer* a**en toer
bare 2.000 an at work detpiie toe d«Blate to toe nrlken to toe eoelrniT.

Port Arthur, regardlag Ike r^orced
dteaater to toe Jamucee teat Bndar
alfhi, te generaUr aUrlbulcd ti
Oeoen. Swlueriand, Julr 14.—
delar in eoBMnnkeUag oOtitl
Pant Rnger. foracr ptetident to tbe
Tranaraal republle. died ei Cli
la Sent* cnaloo to Vaad at 3 o'rioefc
tote Bonlag. Hi* dnto wa* due to
toe nptm A
•eakneu muHtng tram an atHokdee end Cbefoo. Aeeordlng lo a ueii to pneoawela. Krnger'a daughter
lunaUr reliable anree. the Japanen
kmre were UM and tbe Baaaiao

for gorernor to Htchlgaa. te to Englitb
Urto. He wn* about thne monibt old
when hte parenu mored from Noulng.
bam to ibte eoaniry
Mtee and buttle. I bare watebad which te gO.MO buabri* acre thaa any
Cardinal CIbboo* tett
erery ringle boute that you *ee dowe other cowaty baa erer growa la a ntnbraied toe
eamm. Tbe -bcu pWtlag' Inthere go up. be filled wlib people and
take ti* place and pari In life. I know dintry In that glty alone give* eaploythe 23rd to tbl* moalta be will be 70
jm all: and many to Ibea I hare
year* oM. Hit ealaewce te la exeeliai
ne almon to lore. But I dMt waai
bealtb—bit eye bright, bl* ttep alen
'lllaiioa any nearer to me than It
and bit brilUant Imellcci la full
U it tboald cUmb up here I lUak
THM. B. BPHBa— « BM.
ibould lenre tht* oU boa* and go
lAefc Into tbe wood* aad wall there for
Bl. Peiertbnrg by toe ereetkw to a
end (bat I* not eery tar away
BWDumenl to him: lit tlte te to be la
front to Ibe Acndemy to An*. Some
of bl* frteed* are alao making armage* lor an ezpotltlua to hte best
pklure*. wbieh I* to be held iucee**.
Irely In the leading eiiln to Burope.
Hi*. Langtry, who, repon tayt. late­
ly ditpoted to $.30,000 vorrh to Jewel*, plBBt.
War OB Ckinew rextaaranli ta
orrlng to a bod turn taken by ber In


tanoe* lAM.
be Baked to tb* taiglteh gorenuie
Late iMigbi a dltpaiefa arrlred burr tbe bodr le Traaenal.
•bleb, had It become generallr knen.
SUgdwB J. Paul Krnger. tbe Um to
•uoU hare landed (oaevbnt to Africa.' •** one to toe aoni pletar
daotoeo tbe enlbeelaea. TbU vai a
• cbtracter* to the la*t eentarr.
dtepaieb from Tatcbeklao coaaaal- He wa* born at Oolwburg. Cape Col- rettmeatt, I* now about lo tell ber
cattng iu> uodatod dlipelcb Troa Port
Oct. 10. im- At toe age to 11 boure In Tedworth tqnare, wblch te
Arthur recelred there Julr
toe tntore prealdeel wa* vorking «ltb xllnaled In a qolet tpM In CbeteeauM nrathni toe aatuult
actret* bnllt tbe botue and It I*
bU father on to* frontier. At 14. bar-,
to be doe of the moct iuxurloualy
bl* majortlr. he Joined
aad* there to be dead cealar poalbl*.
toe amr and froa that lUue U* life: fumUhed and appointed In Umdou
' wtoM toiMtiltii ai toal alpbt Tbe bolleia. to »blcb tome are taro.
Loubet of rranee hat to•a* a aUltarr m». lo IW3 be wa*
ttUi to Crateent tieel br Hr.
I Ml to aatolap to Mcb
elecled preiident to Tranrt aal. Tblii fended latlldlout Pan* by nptetllng
ito btaPw. M bortaaataur
dietorr eridesee.
poet be held unill 1»00 when, during iraititioni and drirlug on ibe bouleNto to ttaUtoap ato «rlM Ml*
It to quite eertalB up to ihto da
toe progmi of tbe Boer-Englteb war. raid with a team to lll-malebod
cr to to* mile eagla** (a
be wa* forcod to Bee to Holland. HI* horae*. one to wblcb wa* black and
peetad to derelop arar* toas that Tbe that there to ao diipoetUM ta ai
■I totoL ala Mato* It a aatto
qaarter lo Si. PHenberg to qaeaU
tooaght toat Kruger * death wa* bat­
W aMat aa to* ahtoi. aaeh bM* la atrablp arhea eoaipMed vlD be Ciirtr- toe trulh to to* oevt. There to
tened br s btokru bean due to reeight
aartiiMto paralM «Ub to* «ba half taller ibaa tbe
f**t I* dUaetar aad to* othMa tutorte SMeral eeMle^ toat If Tkavr
e over (be defeat to hte eoaalrrAlexleP decided te ceaaiinleaU
jet «a* to turning
men la toe recent tiruggle.
aad to* cigar abaM car aeartr alxthe prerldcnl * lattellaae f**t teag. tore* feat la dlaaeter mien w tbe leeeral aiaP It nu
com ibf patience of
■to* tap* the
Bk B^U*. Hieb, Julr Ite-Out to
•ark te to aaaaoaad vhite baavoed.
ToUo. Jotr K.—Tbe var oHe
•peel to toe tote Flleb B. Wllllaini.
ndem i* applauding • young man.
“tea,- aajr* to* laratoor. ■«*t re* Wbetoar the iBTaalor'* toecvt** *i ate* to* report eaneol for ■«
Had to* praUen •here to* other land toe uai to trial leaala to be dor* PM that SOJM lapeae** •ere •boae (nnacto va* held here at 3 WRfred Stopford. who bat tbown a
o'clock reticrdar anemooa. ererr bn> wonderful talent for organizing eharllMte. hte perpoa* belag. a* aooa •* the
Ulted or •oMded la ao aataen
booae In toe elt; uilbout excepbazaar*, and bl* maBagemcni I*
•atola* te ialtbed le gin it print*
"Tm aattM thM* Made*
Btiato ea Pott Arthur.
Uon. wa* eloaed. The hotel Ukevleu almoM a* ncccaaary to ibr «ucre«* to
■g ato a M wide at to* eto, aad* aad pobUe Malt
•a* elao draped la aonmlng.
la tiMiiil aito ibeatoed ta
aattetanarUr. lo aitaapt toJap* Pland Caimori.
Tbe Bor*I tribute* were tbe ao*l the patronage to tbe royal ramlly Ur
toalaaL Teaaaeto*tto*atoe* aanal leaner <o St Loalte' OetUU H St. Pelenbnrg. Joir 1C.—Ueab
aagetBeeei vrer *een here. Lerge Siopford devote* a large part to hte
m bMto ate tadbad Mvard. Ite thee Botolag ta toe
Oeeeral Sakhartto. «ho I* vlth Oeaaad beautirul •« piece* were new bj lime to amnging tbe detail* to lhe*e
I > part Hah «iM*r m «tu ateo
«ral Karapalkln-( fore*, reporu that
toe Antritn eouDlj and OnrleTDix Indoor fain and I* a prime tarorile
a thai to* laellMtiM to act to* hla o« BDeeaat.
tb* Japaae** duriag Tboradar
n»oelato»n. toe board to caperrl- wlib the fatbiooable leader* wbo lend
■a alMg to* aatir* width to to*
“Wkr. rn tod tola Id** la ar heed FHdar oeeupted aaar poHUon* aad
and toe countr onelate baldot tbrir name* and *omc to ibeir energy
tote WBbt tone Baa to* dlBariM* for fenr reart,'' be aaSd. *TK
pineed cunoo on toe bright* dm
hundred* to iBaller piece*. *prar« and to them. Toong. blued and to dltUnhwM a* wlM» to tor ■atola* aa. air aatolB* vtii tr."
nilvar borih to Kalplag. There hare Bevera from hte manr friend*.
ultbed api
rc. be I* tbe idol to
To aiadr for forlr r«art m Meiprel- been but few riilrmUbe* ton* far.
There were nunr reprewniallre
be'older «
altbougb the young,
eat iapllM toat to* aaa wbe doe* I
BM pre*Mt tram Charieetox. Petot- girl*, a* te their woot. larUne toward
T* MBre* *kr. Tea kaow bov i aaat be geltlag aloag 'la r**rt! Hi
ker. Cadinac, Ttoren* Qir. Hnaloe.
who bare coaqoered lo other
Hm Ban tebwtoli
la la aaartr 74. H* leoto M.
Itr to Taaebal Kalo, «bfrc "
riona. BeUtote aad ta tact (tom BeM*.
it vhteh It ba to to todar npeU* to dotaf aa
iTI Ote Ito Mat*
«MI aagta
general Ka.
>i all orer Nortbem Hleblgno.
we. aged anlhor
«ak. to fowaa. Aad glraa aa ab- aaeh la a dar a* toe aaloittr to bto nwatkiaateci
1 Hatter Terrel to tbe Haioeic to The Battle Hymn to (he Repub
aaa to Metleat. avtrr tobar nbee to M or to H* baa beee a
1* for a claih «bleb *111 be lodge wa* la the rliy aad tbe Manons
~ wbo recelred (be, degree of LL.
1 ato M to* tan* aa«*
to to* pateat tob* all hit life.
terrldc one are nov alaoH
attended itarTfoneml In a bodr Tbe
reeeotly. Iltu-ned philo*opblcall<
teftat a Moeito tabetaae* Aa to* bead to to* Preeaaa Haeofae- pleird. It te beltered that tbe next funeml. boweter. wa* not onder Haother day to the romplaint* to a
aa It. Hov van tak* a her- iqrlag eoapav. toe principal ladur- dar or *o em we a «ihi wbleb •111
tonic ao»plce». Tbe *erTlce.wa« coo woman wbow uon'r edacailon at Har
trr la toll vtDage.,.b* eaiAor* 3«M
doobi prore tbe harden ducted by ib« Ber. William X’leeeai rard wa* eotllng a great dral to man
■ate to Id degrcea aad dlrlde to^
I toe naantaetBie to •eodeo. fought one to tbe nr ton* far.
Danton to 8i. Paul * ehnreh. Tbe
-Hany ton*' education ewt a
* to that blad* lato. tar. toar aae
erelU**. Haar to toe atehlae*
SiutU'a PMitloB Uraald lo hare conege vn* the Unce«t erer *eeo
deal of mouey.*' **111 Mn. Howe
■a. A* toat Had* te vklrM tvBiI hte plant are to bb on In.
wn grcailr atreaglbened br heerr
“And yet It te (be mo«t >-zpen»lre edu
to* atr M lb* vartteal TMtloB. •bite nl lb* ChIcagD «orld-t
niually that I* tbr tea*! rainI* beHa*dM to to* blad* lair be •nt gina a gold aedal for
rapidlr briugtog additional force*
able. I had (bl* fact brought borne lo
Ma to* air aadar It B«t toe cer hartag ptodaefd oee to to* fenr la- lo tbe toeallir. There ha* been little
I wa* rltSlIng a
to to ate. MteatilaaUr -p—’»*p i«
e. vueh, la toe oplaloii to toe
for •erenl dar* pan aad toe
The tanner* of Jatper roant.r. Mo., cenalB family and one morning at
MlBl. tad vbM lb* ak aol*. (air ceaaHtee bad •orbed toe greelare la fine coadltioa f<w tbe
are alway* been recognized u ibc breakfatt tbe father laid a* be hand,
torto lb* appw Matter aacdeii
toatlOB la Beebaaieal laetoodt
losi Ibrlliy la tbe «e*l aad no doobt ed bit ton. a »opb«nore. a $1" bill.
a Mto* to*r arc dtBaelad deva- la receat raan. Hr. PrMant larenIt npoB more ptaa* for taring Ihrir 'Your tiadle* are cMtlng me a great
p trCM to* TIMIIIdn to
» a naehla* for eattlag potato
rop* than any other farmer* la toe deal.' I know It. falber.' the ioD ana aad modM BMM* ated ta hi*
London. Julr II.—The Japane*.
I'nlled State* They Mt toe example twered
And I dowt ttody rrry hard,
taeterr todar It doe* la ten bean to* bea*r-haa a diapetrh reporting a
aad other* follow, proBtlag thereby. either.'"
Mto «Uto nqnlted «M aaa a iaMth alan repateO'at Ho TVe Ling reeterreceoT rain* Ure been toe aource
Donald K. Hilehell wa* wttlied tact
The dtepatcb taja that tb
of mneb aanoyanee to the farmen In week by a real enale ageoi whn
Natarallr. to* fatnalor li •elldpda tack vaj under Jhe direction of Oen- tbe aouthwcoL and for a Ume toe pnx- wtebed to boy tbe hlH»ide properly
'T'ea p« aboat |4.W0 late atr alctadp enl Keller and «a* made in a ibkk peeu for larlag toeir vbeai crop war falling away before tbe boote o
toad, bardp atrlkUg to*
t"-’ be tar*, -aad Pa )a*t MI tug. Tbe Rnaslan* vere repnteml all anything but enroungiag A Hteaoori
venanble antbor. with tbe city to Tale
to* at ait. «bDe MecBlea M a
•d.atoag toe line and trere pnmed b> fnnner-* Ingenuity vDI be toe <
unlreraity at It* foot aad beyond the
tk to* toito tad tearto aaetloBa to
apanene aa tar at KunteepBotru. to erety farmer In tbe weH taring blr blue ttrcicbn to Lrmg Itland ••
> aaaaa t* btoU It. aad 1C toter
• MaB* an taraad tor boa totor
toat he naeba toe canted gwi, u*
-Ik Uarrri- wa* not dUpo*ed to
■to Ip apMOa^ Belaeatat aad aO
Had* Dwp«rtou Attaefc.
aaae win go leta hteterr. U be (atla.
follow Ibe pUn of toe Hteiouri fat
with faror on tbe tpeeulalor *
topaMbloaL T>* naaR la Itol
be *111 at kait ban to*
aper county. One tanner looked
TeklQ, Jair It.—OMcnl Karoki i
twMBM la Bleated m to* apto proTlag hte tbearld gra
• to Ik* Had* efbM t*M


■to H Mblto toap ptrikte

» MMr. B aaNted ymenm
toed m to* aadar *H* m ML
I peror atoitoM to* Int *ad
rtaa* to* Had* aorthlato tor imiBg
, jnM Maar hoart M toat
toteMM 1 tolBk I hanaetnd It
I to* laaBaaHM to mj
tote Tb* toto gaartar to IM pMih
aw tagiaa* trato tot bon-

Mexican For Man
The UNIMBNT that has bom
tbe OLD STAND-BY for two
generations. <k>od for
Lameness, Sore Muscles.
Rheumatiain. Sciatica.
Neuralgia. Oita. Bums.
Spmlns, Bruises.«qy trouble ‘of body or mnede
whcfetbere's^n and in|M.


or Beast.


'Irand Rapid*.
Hawn man *»nt on a apice. then
-motheted In bed.
PlaygrauDdi opes In Orand Ba^«
sboto yard*.
Rrand Rapid* boy lo boapkaL rode
D *’reei rar fendee.
Mao aamed Llringood armtad al
ilrand Rapid* tor begging.
Nortbrllle Hetbodlirt* will criebraie
evcDtieth annireraary.
Young Port Huron thief lied blaneU
•0 dlrertl ttupleloe. Ibeo coofre*ed.

Tr»iwir< mow mum, U aar imrr
lunMV rlr« uMB* io iH pmuM tabwiaMd la

Two Soo retlaurani keeper* got nut
rf combine. OM lime rate* prerail.
Suit brought In Oceana county by
two Indian*
nm lime In hteiory of
UaniD Quinn, formerly to Owoaao In
•■a York Padeiir InalKMe (or cable*
taken from cow.
By a to tbr tiork la«t week two
1‘ortlaod ladle*, tbeanclre* iwIb*. beiBii- sunt* In iwln*.
Iluodred* of l■11*Ilel* to fine cherrie*
V going to wa»ie aroatid Albion for
ck to help lu pirit them.




Pifieen Indian children relumed
itn>- lo Knbma from Harbor Spring*,
where they attended •cfaool.
Pair to >boe> made for Loute Uoilca■n. ralumei, 1C inebea long, C Incbe*
•fid.', weigh five pound* CMb.
mud from hte aboer
I Jumped Into rtrer
$3 fur Cleaely Inieeikm*.
61. John* tnarehal and nlgbiwaich
ludulge In free B*i llgbl. Latter bad
laied a* rexnlt. Marahal
The mu.ic and drawing fad* ore lu
! Introduced In the LApeer xcbnnl*
]d the Pr>'<> call* It an 'ImproviEaton Rapid* will *ooo own It* light
log plant, Ibe rtoer* haring voted i»
tbe rlllage to ereet a munlclp*!
Work upon the ay*le» will V
ctn *hortly.
The council of Linden turned down
pc-ltkic with lOfl iigni-r» aiking for

*il* Jair


n ordioaoce prtoilbitloc the ranoing
ef biryrie* 00 the fidewalka. Tbe riti
-ns are hot under ibe collar.
lAoing I* geitieg lo be a great

Ote HUMaa.

iwo for ga* engloe*. There are half
dozen factorie* there laming them
It. to «ay nnihing of tbe greate«l one
••I ibem all. the biennial *e»«lon of ib.legtelainre
Firm land about Charlutic
l-ougbi up by farmerii from adjoining
The princitial r«
irlbuted lo Ibe fart that (fate count;
br rrorld tn the bean
growing bniloeM. La*t year'* croii l>

^^ro^tiwm Prorommt arteri* a* T O* a H.


ftM*£S^azy Imem H a a m. Md


iTteTOnbtrmtketo.tbMmte WWSmm


•wtlmaled to be about roo.W bu.hel*

Cute, anythioz ttat . z°°d. P*octrating Uniment can cure.
Soaks in! Stops Paint
Aila>-s Inflammationt
Hca!s Oid Sores!
One smell bottle of HEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT wiU effect a cui«
when a gallon of the watery com­
pounds sold as Uniment would have no
resutt. It Is money thrown away t»
buy them.


COj Im a a. br

!b> UJ$Am.tenrlM «w*.k»>m.mai^

C L LOCKWOOO. O. r-• T. A.


vi&ir'- •

28 Army Generals Send Letters ef Endorsement To
The Inventor of the Great Catarrh Remedy, Pe-ru-na.


mam «o mj. "Wlai <Un >
Ikae!n.«We HKte WM*iill l> '

«rXMMrt> M«. <«• wiw w ifr
lannai t»«ep tNllialn
V«f* ar «r <tertM Is » fie.

deah B bra. critp and deHrtooB.
Wato the tlna aad kalraa that hare
tea BMd wtU pteatp of hot water
td ooap. After the haada hare had
8h7 fe’dt op berbtBdt tod bowa dewa
good acrobblag. B (hep atui ban a
paeklag «f ap traak baa caaaed to be dtbp Oder, at tbep doohUeia wtlLwaab
woeld dO
(hea la a Utile coU water, la whleh
rdea. la tact I dread It to :
Bc oat (be “eroM- wrlakle.

tea I do (be foaraep wbkh tt preprettp, tberrfore -wap to
tenae. which wtU eatirelp rcaore the
that wap.
POBMU. Uke tbe old
Ito harefoond that anap dreasea.
Sbe poll bar two I
rerp oke thiag lor Ibe woaaa And twnUp tbep ah
at BBBBer adka. Bobatr. teae
■thei aad b the poitettor ot a
aad analia. la tael aewtp all dr
dorerm gap,
delkate tUe. It a bablag collar. She
of Ugbt weight abow tbe effect of
la an Uadt of wtM nad of weather
. w(«r a blK nil. hig hat aad oM
> U Uep are rolled lalo a aa
coBfaet beadle, (baa wbea toMod la gloTet. bat Ibr hot tuo aad the redecteoBC little Brow ile' Vhlaptn to
ed glare fros tbe water, will get at
tbe aiaal Baaaer. aad a tioak wl
ber DKk. do Ibe beet tbe caa. Aad a
COae. left ban a Mk. dear
red neck It detentUe abon all Ihlagt
(bM packed.
Clover.Take tap light waah goodt. Ilaee. eal- 8be UothM datp (to: wUb a rlppl
After poo are pei
ko. or giates. aad col troa it a Oar
tklag baa been ex
of raa.
poalblp be got I
She aatwen. -Up dateag It ortr
Stareb It verp etlf. FOatee rIbbCBt
bappp. Ibep alat*. rto blataasa
to tbe end! aad take li akog (be aen
ltd whife.
llae poo go dthlBg.
la crowdt of
been girea u iniBg
They open (beir wju at early
Coallaf OrMci.
d crenec ao that (blagf

n^rrm IM Iwteiert fUirlM iB.
la «*7«al tre-ori**ca tiMae *Meam. K r>a wQ.
4.4 Un aa tki«n>iar eanal kar*.
1 Aafl aM ada4.

dt aee oor artwtl face Beth
iban (be pUfera af It. aa<
I Bare for IB eretp-dar c

TarU a-r ap- doa than lor tbe cardboard o«
•UkB pleaiBBl. Iteaa.-

SM vkOe tker awtac 4a iaae^ Mft
4MM »e mr eherrtw ta a pie.
•aaat u aeitanaa dropa. tkal epUl
fMa darer Mneaaae lor Ibe bMi

oBt. elf aad Cap. aad mmmer tprtt
With paeur (bat (be aaBBB briat

rraa MBBt (ndit aad berrlM ripe
Aad )alen id a ihooiad thiaci!
BriBC prapaa that baifced la noca&ap wUI pot have

ebaacr to rattle arooud
-Cone lain the broad ball, girix:
And tlag 001 tbeir keaits la
I it Boi quite to wars here, aad wbUe
ABd peaAet troB a aoatbaa walL
* poo are readp to bare IheB.
i we arc talklax Jaae will Bake at tome
Or paan. Uai drop latolpoor haad.
poo wUf to pot la boxet, or
lleaoaade with pleatp of cracked ke.~
When winter (lao eomet, iweM Cloref
Amd tip joer ktTMh with 9lriU Msk.
Aa (haw* thcr eBi dM haw to fan.
Birrer. or pkturet. |ni( ibem I
-It It a thaae. Auatk. to eoae aad
sleepa nooad.
To ea»c4 rear thin) fd hareVoa Oo fed (be rtdcBpt. fli to eleet
tbe Biddle of tbe Irook betwece tb bother poo OB (hit hot dap,- tald
A snow white teakel over ber.
m of woolaa drexwa. Booka ea
ktaadr. a« the took off ber hat tad tat
kU toft aad all pure. no. ckee to the
lia Me air ckerriM la a pie.
(•ted lato ehlaki aad eoroera. be
hack la a large tteaser chair placed
xen aad Ihlagt breakable reooire
Bear her auol't rocker.
She nettlet. to that It ber mother.
-Why. BO. dear: ao, ladeed. Oa tbe
Of other all rtm wat With dow.
roatrarp, pou (retbee Be. It doei Be lot wbea the Baitb wakens
Wbea aura It fmataat* with new
good to are you In your BBilla frocka.
opeet her eyes.
for yon kok cool, erco If you are aot.Where violett alar Ibe ground orer,
Let aid tbrtr aiacle twetneta hire
It It a ninake to (hlok that artirlee
Tbeo. laralng lo Betile, wbo Jen At blue ud at freab at Ihe lovely
For barrea add laow-Bortad boa
• *m ea hrtuna' the caa H a-rtlapal Ib tbe lop of a truak will be lew walked in. brlaglng with faer a baach
spring tkiw.
if tt arhea (he ctoadi It. (hick
0. wars toolb wlad. tod aaaabiDe liable to gel Bowed op than tbote at ol mlgaoneitpt aad
Sbeni geaily path off little rlurer.
Boefb la e«L~~*Wn. Wlot-”
fbe botloB^ Mn who haadk troakt which the laid on ber tonl'i lap at
10 retpeclart of potliloo. aad artSayiag. "Rise, now, my darllag, look
■r aad tweel breath of Aowu llatdr to bad one oa tbe lop or
out 00 the day,
ead. at oa the bottoB. Loog exportad see where the Adds are gn
was too warm for yon.*
-No. Auaile, I waa deiaiacd making
k<- uul your britet iresses In
a glut of earruude for mamma
le la ao other wap, ti
4e Talk bat the toUorlai la bj
-Oh, I am delighted pou loreed poor
by nniag ererp pottibl
Mr the iMHl frf “L«* PUataat'
eurraol }e1lv to such t speedy help
k tbe pdeale taachtoa. and.
"mga hit reauufct are la a «ar eveand delight Will you lell us bo«
•Mr «er aoMMl vho are la prato. wUle h aboaU alwapi be aitracUre ifalngt (roB tbaklng aboal.—Table
Utile me
le maldeos.
tim tr ptaeet abera they are liable kuklak. it It wrti to leaieBbei
■I look a teatpoooh il of Jelly ud
Utile I
Beet Bear people. Tel ibef are of for teeh oeoatioet (be flllins iboald
mU(d It with a amall
OU are like the tweet Red Clorer.
or aabataatltl ttoa to aa laIn Cbtm' TImt.
water. Ifamma tald al
With yoar eyet so pure and clear.
CTterry Pte—lJae a plate with
m4 to Bea-at *elL Tolookpleat door tprtad- A aaadwHh that It liked
With your eheek< so (sir ud toty.
oat eiea It tadt that: T
good cron, pul la a laper of cberrlef
■ aB’It a fnal (actor U eaeeeM la We
plak.And your efaubfay. dimpled hudt;
(tbe^lan oaet prcferredl. aprtakle
- aa teWiBi la (be aaklaiof Mredt. cepfal of daelp chopped rare
•Thtl makes a very good drink. And Wbeo you (old them tor your prsyer
a*M la vhoi rea alep to Utak of If
DOW. get out your nole-books. girlt.
Aug'-ls guard ynn wtib tbeir wandsl
a or Ike Motl iBpertaat lUaid ta aato eatiap. one of Woroeatetablre eorettarefa: eorer and bake to a ao
ud I will tell you of others wbkh wr
-Rev Umite 8 Baker in Zion's Her.
Baoee, tall to tatte. and a teatp
oven. Bat cold, witb aogar all
may try- during these hot day*.'
ed orer the too.
■r arritar aara:
Strawberry 8heri»rt.—The days for
S jakp fruit pic afaould bare
Friday. July IS. IXlf
tirtwberriet are almoat
xinp of clean cloth—wet in cold wnt>
«a pea nallie that poar tiftetilea
Yuar editor Is skk aad tenoi wri
there are some left, and ih
nted down around (be edge. Juat
la a*a a( roar awat ralaabie poatea•urb of a message this time, but sbe
delklout. Crush oae quart of berries,
bWdtd before putliag la Ihe orea. to prereat
' Look at fBanwr la the da<«
to every oae of her
pul inlo two quarts of cold water, add
the Juke from runolag orcr.
paar (ace la la repeae. aad tee kalfr.
WBsUnevs. lastead of lalklhg t
tbe Juice of a lemon and sH it lo stand
aadwlto (bat It iexeelleat wflb
Ca>erT7 lUrip Poly—Make a^lghl
If pea Iblak the
(or three hours. Then sdd a scant
lead tea or leBoade la Bade with
xitr at for apple dunplingt; roll In
4bai pea are a pa
pouad of sngar. ilrmlc and pui oo Ice.
raMa ■lllaa. With a aharp pair of an obloag ib«<n and fill wlih ebemn.
I■•avlag It over night before using II.
cot lanre raUlai ia two,
■r if poaaible. Sprlaklr with white
Kiogsley. R F D No. I. June ?«
Orange Sherbet—fkir three pluts
a. BcBore the aeedt ud lap lugar. roll clotelp. toldUg the
Dear Mrs. Bales—You made a ml
you need three good-slied oranges,
a Bare pear llpt aa wmel' rtoaelp toother apon perp tbla alleet over atrefully lo preaerre ibe aprap. sure ud iqueete (be oranges on
uke la my «rtt lelte. You pot KIk
Boa ta B pudding bag one nad oneball
a. ar are Ibap drava lato aat. of ballered broa
Rapids for Kingsley. Hkh
1 have
cup of gruulated sugar Add tbe i
abalphi. haw Uaea. wUk a dovaarard browa bread with a BUkag of daelp bourn, and aerre with a hot i
two bmlhers and one slsier. ThHr
ter aad set ou ire.
Blaerd eheeaa. to which hat beca
dbaap at (be aadat
Lemon tberbel It made In Ibe ta
na ear toera (be propfMer e( ear added a mile aude BHtard, are deway. Both may be used a tew i
Bot. one quart of
. a( (ba ttorea. where ladita' (aacr IWfatteL n>e difemt kladi of
menu a/ier making.
canned, ud laakli ( rery rkh ud
-Marti, ate, wot acid, wat a Baa Ushlp wlcbee ahoold be wrapped la r
"Ah. been eomet our leaMBtde.
:art!Willi hr bk eaileaurt. bat after paper, which will keep Umb aoiat. iweet. pal la a bai
ou tbe back of
sherbet, ud I guess for t warm mo
aamai nan ef aaeeaatfal hatlaaat aad prereat (heir ahaorblaa the
uai. Batter tome tllcet
lag we bare had enough work While
ha batM a arappiv as U hit trade
we tip our sberhol we can coBpa
hatfl be baue Mrtoaatr alanaed.
tbe erutt. Then pm a layer of haltered
Boles on our Jelly."—Bllver Crutt.
. Om dar. whea he ceBplalBed ef tbit laadMWM. Cook the ehkbea la a aaal bread ia Ibe hottov of a pudding dith,
waimiai 10 a caadM trieed. be re- aaaaUlp at water with a Uulc aaU ot
ner It the hot (roll; n
Slack Raspberry SheitoL
Take (he bko
artiad tUi re^; ‘It poo waat (o
It fun. Lei It ttaad
An Ikaae Mraac «atan (her BhCD
tVOB chnrVH Ur amr o'er Mat.

hwar whr rear raataBui (an to rltU frea (be bcaiet. roBorlas (he tkla aad
ar alare I wa tell poo thai. ai kait. keeplai: the UpU seat aeparate (rhb
Vltkan. tfi beeaaae or that aalp (he dark. Cbopdae. Place la a Bold
layer of dark meat aad a
pp. aaperlor peaat weaaa who ataedi
at (he IrM eoaiMr atar (be dow. Do
jaa laaHte bow dioaitrenble the itr I
ewaad (be laat llse t weat la (hat I
M Barer darken poor detw afala
la the wat (bera, aad I hare beard
alhM- people np (be laBC Ulac. She
taehl aaor aad Btfp eaoach to
-A Boetb or to laltr, harlac
.ate to eater tba rtow. ererp other
itep la (owe falUac to pMd (be
«da I waated. I wat atteW
Mat bp lUt aaae poaac w

lip eold.-rorer nlgbl If |
Tbe oldtohloaed drinks. ih<
8errr with creaB.
Rula for which has been htoded Sown
errp Pudding—Pnl plUed
nun one geuerwiloa to aaotber. hare
tr dtlalp china or gtaw dlafa.
r own. Among tbete
white, mtu all U Bled. Add
(bit lap cberne* Ifreah galbered if
he rarioua "tbmbt- or "
eapfel of. tbe llqaar Uuwblel
pmtlble). wKb Menu no. No further
whleh eaoaot be bought a
hearp Weldbt. and
cberriet, an Inch or an deep,
rs. but must be made at h
wbea cold e« la lilcea.
la the boiioB of a pudding ditb. Pour nae of Ibe chief of these Is raspberry
Denied eon are (ar lapertar to tbe orer the Bihe following Blxlore; One shrub. Take twelve quant of black­
tela, hard bolM ooet snallp aerred. capful of angar beaten In a cremm wlih cap raspberries {the red ooet will not
eat tweatp anaotaa. Besore
tfnlt of liolter, one ea. utwerl. and pour over Ibem a gallon
tbelto. halre the e«a. take cat oae capful of Bilk, two cupfuls
of gov of good elder rUegar- Let them suad
pfuls ot
tbe poOkt aad BBto die. Add eaot«b
baking po>
pUce to iweaiy-four hours.
dreetlag to sake
Plaror with autaeg a
> ud tlrala Ibrougb a coarse
Fill (be eapfp halree Bake, (urn from dish ud terre with cheeseelolfa bog
Hrasurn Ibe Juice.
ant tweet tauee. haring fruit on

hwCMe wera a aaUe-a IB!
Cbeete rtrawi. to be (____ ______
ma, to be aare, bet aUO
I aeUeed, at tlBa WMt ea. her pkkiet or ollret, are regarded with etpeelal bror bp saap people. Ibep
It saner d
are eatJlp Bade aad alwapt aacoMaa oae <d (be
Ulx oar eopbl of greted cbceee
WtowB. Kereatteper. laateadtddlf
rtBislac ber. told faer rnaklp bar
oae eapfal of doar, baS
(aaX aad we caa oalp laiaglae bar •PooBfid of aalt. a pineb ci earenne
rhmia aad ber atranle to ate the peiwer. and a pleee of boxer the tbe
TldBir. bat It wat werth Ibe whDe.
ef to en. Add enoogb odd
•A friend of Blae Od a waJlna
hie POO to roll tbe (ran tbla, Ibeo


plat of Jutee.

rherry Jaa—Twelve pouadt of ripe
cberriet, oae pound of tugar, with oae-

■Bde a nwajafl. la whleh I *daed.
w«b the neott that the ^artMlp
<mm» the dlWcaltp.
"A picteBt Biprtialcn wm ecu
weoder If
IP bw poor bartaeM aUlitp. bat oeltiag poor tn
pato IL laitead
■: tbad
rat roggeated to. ae at belag a
(a CM rid of Mb L.; tel loohed
•«»er WOP. bat I entte u a
WlBMlIp crtBt all the tee that U feellag td (acredtetp oadO ap trot exfare bo the JtaJaaB. bat te waa (hr pertami. A trwak oa^
hew worker ! rrer


tel bat hut to taun ato titoa Bp pa- ibto la lu aoroMl potlthai.
V ba te it ao wtinac aad ab
“Aaotber tad.- I ..Btod aptet.
||ilka flftet. aai I doat (tH te (Be Mr dap aa I otoopad nee
fttete to BMP BP band OA ap tnuk aad OBM a deafalrBg giaaee
- "a tea aol, bp aap lain lu pawBlag depth, with (be (b«r-

I are Rdward. Freddy ud
(Jar school Is out now
I all. 1 cu'i Ihlak of any more
so good-bye

place. To prepare it at a bererage.
Msggle Rebooe.
B1I a glass a qaaiier full ol floely
RkbBi-ld Cealer. Oeuesee Co. MIrb
chipped Ire, pul In two labletpooufuls
Pkkled Cherrtea—Boll together
July 8. toil.
quart <ff rlBegar..two pouadt of lugtr. of Ue shnib, and Bll up the glass
Dear Auni Ptliy—I ibonghl as |i
lalf ounce of rlnnamue. ooetoll with tee water
e I wrote l<
e of eloret and
Id do so. I
‘.—the tpket tied la t tbla buTe CltMi Silver.
I iblDk II 1
Iln bag. Pour this wbUe hot over
le with Ibr Iborn blo*som<
and tfiples on
1 my fltisT lake
tod have i her choice Arti
It was ber birth
on to bolting II la a tnluihHi of com-! day
I ifaiak
bitk tbi
they are very preiiy
1 washlag soda. A piece of aoda
1 piwtiy warm oat hen- lor
Ihe site of aa egg is ibrowa Into a ga],
le. I hope yoo ud our pros!
■ water. The anlcles to tie eleud Ibe Ronshlaers had a


AteMR. Rater Pool ha. 441
tett. «r Watetete. B. C.
I as (ally coaTtaead
ir. MuyofB
k tba Boat t

tropplea. It at follows:

teaeo Ivy,/-

Wbea polaoaed by poiaoe b
thta to a Bomeai, then pour
imac. try boi water, aa bai ai aa be
d rtaae the ath lu odd water. Now bone OB the affected paria It ai
witb u OM pair (ff acittor. ct
laatui relM ud aboald ba applied aa
ibeSatatoulU. WKb a tharp knife
aa te buraiBg and itehi.g r»
off (be betoi aad.c« Umough ibe
(arm Ofta ao r«ara rt b wOl be fel(
• ot each ffth U a stnUghi line to u boor or two after te Int apra the back. BegUaUg oa tab
r ot tbk laetekm. euUy aad tmitkly paU off tbe aklat. Some epicure.
A rralt Jar with a cover tbai
Preter (be tkiat kfl om bai If ibey
M fli lightly Bay ba made aewara by
se armies to aenpe oC. they poinog a Uitle patty la around te
-0«d pertiapt chawe that opUhm ii
wat ooa u te lop la aer
BUy makes
maket Terr
yery mue. If aap. dUlto doa* u tighiiy at pemdUe.

Botert (rcatear •( u. V. Utete

tVrib-s! -Ityouaiesufferlag (ruBaa*
tarrb or (diysl.a! d-Ullly. ImBssUalaly
u-r of J-eruaa. It baa
bera ot Ue greatest bmedt and accrlaa

WrllMi -1 hava a

Witlai -JoaPBatUytoteBarttatrf


O'C^t.r' lagtoa, li.f
Wfilea: -I lake |4roaaf. la rMuB<
meadlag IVnun. It la a reBarkafaia
medlriisr and abouhl !• Bard by penoaa
I are la and of a rod tosle aad
sutferera from eatanh.”—Maroaa
vi itglil, im eurooru HU Wasbiagteo,

mninl Bate •( & V. V.
Wrlln: "I aaBBBiil Bansaslo
whoazw eoahlad with eolda jiradueto
aaurrb aa a Boat ateaoleBB curt a
a good guaral taBda."-Ohaa. K N
tit B. 8^ K. Vv WaaU>gto>' I>- <'
"Maar ot B7 Bteda Bara use

ascellnillonlr.ajulalaugood lor.-out.-l
colds, rsisrrii. sud geaersl'
W.II.Hrbrtag.mtV.db HU, Jschauu- Wntaa: - i have used Perou and Sad
It very leueOrial for kidory tzoutdr and
espsclally gmsi for ruaighs, eulda aad
raiarrbal trout>lr>.”-A. F. Hawley.
Writes: •• 1 cu elwerluUy revum



Watertfftwi. B. C.

bte. liras alturtrt ter .Vatote^

r«Kir rrmrdy at a pernaneBI and
tlverurr f.r raurrh, rolds aud t
onewl.oniesta so lovlgorailng to
l•Uila up tli.'lr systriu."-!. L. U
IduS toll Ni. XVaeblegUie. IM'.

Wrtto; "Uuy of my (rlaads have
used Ferau with lieaeaelal mulla at
aa cffieUee rezunly for catarvb.*'—H.
Kmami tVell, K» Itlh HL, N. W, Waab>

Writes: -I Join with my
U iBVlcnrating 1
.................... _ a and ealda 1 kauw of syslrni.--.<irii. Kuernv II. Fayai-,
lib Ht- X. W, Wasbtn*t<m, I>. f.
aoihlag boSw.<^. M. Boball, t
lagtoa, D. 0.

OMBTal BirtUg or IBt iWM Ar
WntMi “I hava ontd Pmaa la luy
Umily and harw totad It a valuabir
medtrlaa, and ttku plaaoara la rerommendlBg It ta aU who taffer ln>m rs
Urrh of Uia aloBaeh or who requlrr- s
dro, Wasb-

^^hB^^ytocraFH’aaAfRgMw. AC.
Otoaewf rtUrttea. Hmmmtk rtaff*
■BM. V. V. V.. Hashfswrim. O. C.
If you d.1 got dertw pronipl aud aallw
Writes: "Your PeruBa lias Wn used
(artory results from (be tt*.- uf IVruaa,
liy me and my frirads aa a rvllrf f.w
UrrhallroublrewllhthrmostlieBearlal wrllr al oBre to Ur. IIariBaa.glrlu|
Ilarimaa. giving a
reeulu. lamanrunvInredoMbreOteary |fimsUtrmenl<i( your rate and be Will
.rf Prruna that I d.. o-.l h.-sllair lo give' Im iilras-d to give
hla eslaabla ad>
II inv rie,oiiini-ndar.>ii." -Win. I'm.jier I yto grails.
T:;ll. >. :il U Su N.
'tVa.|ilosloa,| Address |)r. UartBaO. PrBldeBt ot
II I-.
____________________________ 'Tt " .tiinsn sullariaia,l'«lumlsis.O,

ttteifiiTrtiii ifri vii V t n

like eaakels.
e Uke.iVms tad stand he whlMlem-aa esrrllenl habil
e. I (hank you very
card is a
much to II. Il has beeo raining to. ntherv like cals,
ntnsi ocrdtbms.
isrn hy borsea la true prvqier siyle.
dny. I baked liread loday. I framed
rhrrt- was mueb wUsiling la oar
with prsqiU-. yard (lae nuBBer. Il seemed tn bean
lhai card you aeni me ud
where eeerylio^y can aee It. For pots
summiT perfnrnmnce. Near (h«
I have a cat and den:. Tbe dog's aanie as It they were coming homo from
ead of (be omam, howprrr, our Aot
Is Mark and ihe cat's esme I. Tan. Ii pleule: they had ifaeir buds full
aBoeaaeed te beigbl <if wm (all
Is alee afler ihe rala, li Is so warm. I wbai look-d lo be Iwurbi-s of in
maple In be (birlydhrtw feel.
have lots of wort tn do. helping ma ud flviwi-rs and they aeemed lo .flm
"Why, bow do y«f haowr wat (At
•Kr tiave a (lower garden and bare having Ibe aterrlesi sort of fun, and
gf-ni-ral qacalloa.
MHtH-llmi-s Ibr horse dnwlag
kjis ol dowerr la It. Ma washed
"Moaanred U.'of Ibe warn
day. I will end with a riddle.
Arrow Ibe floor and aertMu the fl
aad goes Imrk and alls back In Ibe
Around (be bouse ud around ib
house sad only make* one irmrt.
I win scad tbe aatwers next time.
From your Sanshlnev,
nestle Homaa.

Iloa wouM afler a while turn Into a III
tie laiy. who would ran afler the wag­
on ahead of him, which had slowly
but surely devrinped lain a wbeeltmr.
TOW. wbleh be would al nun- pn
In wfack managing to spill ibe

mnde fur Ibr purp»*e, . from which
Mayfleld. Juae (0
they wnnid nrise In gnal glee in take
Dear Mrs Bales—I am gtdng t the U.}. who In his lura would
write you a lew lines
1 gn to Run.
dissolve Inlo muhlag ai all right
•iB) school every Suadsy Ma canaed
(ore them And Hi."0 we mdtosl il
quarts of sirawInTries today
some of Ihe (irvade teemed In gr
Oood.bye. From
larger and larcer until they rnmle
Alice M.vrgu
Iblnk of Ibe glanis of the fairy siorlea.
imly ihe> todied so Jidly ihey Jaal
Old Mission. July*.
fJear Mrs Btles-tOur achuol la oui made us laugh and laugh And flnally
aad we are bating luis of fua. Miss Ihe dllfertdil shap.-s spread out

al Old Mission
We live v.
Ihe bay. Il Is very preuy her ' la Ihe
Please send m

Oertrude Lanlle.

-FW rale and yardMlrk."
- You dlda'I rlimb Ibal (all irotr
his mniher asked, anxiously.
: "No-ai: I Josi (ooad ihe Ivaxih of
■far shadow aad asaMirrd ihal.
"Hal the length ol te shadow, ul
measured Ibalf"
"Yes'm: hul Iwto a day te shad­
ows are just as long as the ihiags
Ibsmsrirc<. I've bsM irylag ii all
I drore a Mb* lalo (he
grnunil. and whee tfcr shadow wai
Jasi OM long at ib<- ttlrk I knew Ibal
Be abadow wdoM he JbM at lo^ aa
(fas ires, aad (hat's ihlrlyibree faec . "Ho Ibal is what you bare bera
Whirillag atoul all tommerr'
"lad I wiiUib-T-askiM Tom.

Ihe sky In a graplsli. purplish manile
ad the <iin sank out of sight and
Ihe diswtiep (or graadaia'a ill
here we nflea IKOHI to sll In
iwlllgfal llsi.«lBg 1.1 grudma i.'ll

Hew a Bey Mtaaurcd a Troc.

Ihlag rt-markabie lie ..
large qiiantiib-s. and le
in.l goes ihroiigb I

Thai one ran
etrt. Is sbowB II

1 alwan,irart hit

A small tor who had Iwea aom lo
druggist's tbnp lor nee of Ihe paaay
dyes. Icagw Ills message oa (be-road.
wishing lo relara OBpiyhuded. boldly ciacred te tbop, tad.
addressing the druggitl. asked: —
••|'l.•ace, sir. whai do folki dye
The druggist. BlsapprriidadlBg his
quctlioB. rivllcd
•b. iwt of il.lav

Cbolora. aotae-

- on Ihe FtHirth of July, liui my
brother Frauk weni
l.i i'roi.
Charley .Sedo
M> Imuhr.i
maklag bs). We hs<e (our llitkgeese, forty llllli- rhlck<Ti<. sit llule
gulo.-as and cwo old ihies
live mile pigs ud flr.. old ones,
grain will sooo be ripe
I will
for this IIWH-. «o gmid bye
From your Runsbine girl.

Anna. Cousin John nad Cooslc
here one day vlsltlag us Couslas
Anna ud Ireee are going
stay with Of a week My grandpa staid
.with oa til weeks. 1 gueat I will clone
to tbla lime, eo good-bye.
Proa year Buasklae girl,
Age U
Mlaele Yagle

ilsier gore me my choice I cboae
tbe oor with te poppies oe.. I

A dear, good frtead oT (be Bonahlae
ov.’r to my aaefi te Ftoerth. '< hope dub scads tbla ahw ttory aboai te
you ud our Sanahlac praaidaot aad aoad-laad
all te Suatblaera had a ffoM
wBicb te doBda and aee bow tey
look te thapea od people or aalaala?
te FWwlh. Woold yoa plaaae I
If you did. yoa win be all te
kind a. to ten oar praeldte t
hart Mat my batioa ud bare a
lerrated la her atory.

Ud reluidllly. Hull!
' 'rote!
lory at Detroll. and we
that 80 bcllpr outerlal or more espcti
Ubor Is employed In te manufariure of any
price Wo larlte tbe (ullesi Invesilgailon ai
of our PBoo. Send (or Ilterninre
LHUaa Naedka. America's fireairwi Blagor
Of Blre singlag qaallty et Kme and (OtoKhness of actliM Ihe
•OriOBcII tWoa ’ cerwinl) ranka among ibe beet puam 1 have
r Maair. aayt:
aad Ibot gea

1l’a looe Is excollrat. poaaeeslag Ihl
eroua votame whlrb an- to mark em.
World. I tol (bat in offertag yon my eoagratel

opinion, te malt a

Warren, te well kaowa Dmrolier. days;

“I wM Co roe

twoweai poatace ataaw to pay for uolber. aad ( wooU like aaeT 1 kare
my card y« boi t loM ay battoe
L bd
acbooL WeR. aa ay leftar la geulag
lag Urad of iwaaiag and pUytar la
Bag enough I wSI doM.
Erer yoar Baaablec gU.
noreaca PUbot.
P. Be-l wn amM yoa a Bwaei WU

HayBaH. tea M.

pa. k otH wur: wtet te. teM

Writes: -1 have found I’erana to haa
wuadorful resnedy. 3 only uard It (ora
sbovi Uasrud am UwcuaghlyuUaAad
M to lU turrtta."-H. B. Yodri, Wtob.ngloa,l).C.

Wrttet -Toar Badietoa. ricaat, I bw
UOTW to ba tba boat B«d Irina (or catarrh
ea te Barkal. 1 bsra takaa only a
OBtU aaaeaat, aad eu aat Tacy baato
ofal ■atalB.‘>-W. a. Ysraall, SB Ua.
eeiBOtiaM,N.MvWaahiagtoa. U.C.

J. 0.11
H.W, WMhlagBa, D. C.

IW: -Aa Buy af^y^rirads aad
aalBlaam. have aaeamtfuUy aatd
. carm,ltMt
tea. taStrBg
aaml bopatal
» H. ClWrna,
(B, 11. c.

F. Cbaae, B llarritua Hu, Abb
.-(■Ua, 1>.

CtoUH YawtefWllBMfftlP. B. C,

IV (our or five minutes, men'we went over lo ipend the day wlih
I oB in clear, hot waier and pol her. I will tend you some flowers!
Dear Aunt Palty-I ihougl
with a chamois or «>fi cloth.'ihal grow wild lu ihe woods. Well, I ' write in you becau* 1 did
larnltbed tllverlguaas mr lettiw Is gHiIng long, so 1' to a long lime
W.- b,
when to simple a method of clennsiag
I horses ud iwo rows and
' wltbla rrarb.
I’Uppr. His name Is Bpi>ri
We hire
Ever your BnaablDe girl.
In Fly Tima.
My Cousin
Mabel Palmer

Psi tbe

tab la t Urge pu and pout over
Bhldlag bot waler, Shake them about

WrllMi -Aheraalagtaebolllcor Pe1 beeane eiuivtared of lu ruratlrv
quallUes. ud runitaard lU asw to date.
All symptoms of ratarrb have dksappearod, yrt 1 eoaUnoe fu Biodrrato use
as a prereat Ire. and u old mu's tolr.”
_W. a. Powell, DclleTlUa. XU.

liaC. Abbott, te K. Bu K. W, WaahlagtomD-C.

ihrown la when the water la at {good time the Fourth. _______ __
the tolling polBt. aad kept la ibe wa jmy auni'. Mamma 1. over ,h«v ud

It Is worth kaowlag to the fly days I
RlebfleU Ceater. Oeaetee Co.. Mkb.
that are tare to come that n few drops '
July t. IBM
of aaaaafru acaliered about the bouse
Dear Aual Paiiy—As It has been ■
will keep the fll« a*gy „ k py
you I tbooghi
ter be moat eajoyable. the ekuiag
This 1. .aid to be te team M Ibe fly. i
k alwan a bogtiear.
would do to I received my pfetare
lesanes. of drag .tores, where tbaju richi
OM Just two daya
The qotoeat aad beat method to
my Ulb birthday, ud I lUak Ae
dreaalag all tman Ask like pereh.

• apirti to work."

(M who are art tried with eatazTti."
-Ormtral U. T. Kirby, Waablagsoa,

Miser waa our learber
■IS Their saasn art. Tom, Uals> ud
Peasebloaaom 1 have Iwo alsiers and
ISO broiben H> faiber keep.



________________ jmftoaitda
to IB waa.--l. FVryd XBg. Wash.
rtdta a goti l■B>e.-—M. (

haH dozen Maaebed ebertp atoaet.
oil gcotip uaUl ch»r.

onndt of lan ebeerlet. leaving
III Hript dee iaehei toeg aad oto
«hcB ahe RaaMwed a Barrel ef Beatlemt oa If peetible.
aaat aad aMUip. bu abe bh one at
' toch wide. Pol ibcB ta Uat aad
Cberriet aa Natural (or Breakfastthe door with a trowa whleh had be bake (a a aokk orea In BloWea.
Arrange a layer of froth chem- learet
Cake aap be earrled in good am
r habUnal. I aaM eaee Ite' l'
arouad the edge of a silver cake hatUon
I Barer lire la the booae with
dlrectloBi are needed for the dliposal
*«*eroat tetgilp of tit
that Klfl u tbe BWM be eztr;Bclp
of this Arcadiu dkb.
leeable. Later, when ap friend about Ibe loarei. SBctd (oaatoet.
d awap. tbe saU applM (or a peach and pear, aweet ptotn. cold
Orwealfig a Flali.
It paaltlaa la ap boBe; tad. be lea. leBonadc or ratpbenr throb, map
AI this season of tbe yew many arc
te la dire atialta. I decided to irp her. he aafelp earned b ft-«« troll
imping or Urlog in aummer eouage*
are Ugbllp
I wat BP Wp lb tod (hat the tertded tbe
by lake oe oeeaB. To (boae wbo can
■ wat oalp tadaL aad ihai abe •>»ned dowB. A bleek o( Ire caa be
rlib Ibem a compcteol cook the;
04 a eweet aad ohUclac dkpecltloe. takea a eooalderohic dlttaiicc la the
Up HtOr toai. with the bretalitp cd the botte:ti weather U wrapped la ae Ice- knowledge of a qukk method of clewn•
Tsh may n« be of ,ay praeikal
hop aalBBL aaU eae.dap. -KHIp. what
WaterBeloaa aad BotkBelbut Ibe real caapera are tbote
aWtea poa alwapi h»k ao emnr
' eatllp carried, aad will be
eairti (heir Bsh. ud cleu ud
*I WM borrtM, bat wat teUered raoad reey retooblag.
„ ....I,. cook, u well at eat tbCB. To (beae,
whta te replied; <1 wte pee woold
alUoagb Ibe calchlag and tbe eating
ten BP wbea I took like that. Bertie. mil be fond eatirelp aatlrtB
FWoote tap Ibep ere afraid of bp be- Tbep are Ugbt. take op b« llule
OBaac ihap thUk I att Bad u tb». la (be hBBper. urt. tbeir drtt pa
wbea rB hot nad a bit.' So tbe two

piwBd of sugar to each
Let Ibe sugar mell in

liquid. ihcB boll (or iweaiy miu
. liollle aud keep la dark, cool

t. O. nigetow, tSaB^V.Wa
htroabie. Ihave Waahlagtos, li. i', wriBtt
faau wtag yoar aardletna to a abori
•‘PerwnahaaamdaBawwU aadithto

loraly wblle fleecy cloada go by. aad
-aw t wn Ml yoa whai wo taw
Way over «a te aanit. eaaBg oor
ay. ware wbal aataad ta ba orar
aay waciaa draws by orar



PUaoa Bold oa raai parmeBU: old Uatruarala
toaewaaea. Plaaoa la real; oae
Plaaot toaed aad repaired by i ir (aciocy experts

la___ ______

Grinnell Bros.’
i.’ Music House

TUTUB cm Bsaca



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