Grand Traverse Herald, March 10, 1904

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Grand Traverse Herald, March 10, 1904


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


AW2tfc£r.aBr ■

s choicest MEATS. POM) anl GAME;





I wB.pKpMdtobaj FonoiidviU p*r
the itatfcct wiB ••»»«. I bare cohiM
ipe to do better br
EoMOfs HoAne, OBd dMttfate UB in rittpe
m B tbe Fw bonocM tboa UTbodj dM. I win aho bar
Hite and Wool It wffl pay J«i to Me »t WMdwaae
T« F. From fltwet :



TrMVMrwea Oi*y. MIoK.
BeQ Phoae 1*0.
CWaeM Ph*e 4»1.

nUEde to order. proDiXly. Only the-rerybett roafolly goarameed b every respect.
That ate made to lae at weU u tell. They
made of cheap material, and giva a fiaahy
6aiah to catch the eye; bat are durable, eomTon.
al^ aad Beat. Tbe cfaeapeti on the market, qaaliiy coatidered.
Owx ete aad yn arm boyoo other make.


R*sttM«tr(Mk • Uictor Petertyl.

Custom Sawing







SoU od. b.

nil Kinds of mm work
Satkr D«#m amd all Uads af BaiWaq njaUrlal
' at hm itfkta.


Traverse City Manufg. Co.
mookkt knivkb

Wuresco and

if h » «“
UKrtberkaU^ Tie “CatBrttigui kaiv» »re matte
mniMt every blade aiKl vtHreplace-any
from us tbat b fouod defeedve.

aucetaaon TO Hoeaa


Bainlc of KinBMlMy^

are used for' White«»shiog the inside ol
>-our kttchea or parior. c. We have them
srttite- and colored, k lb packafte will cover
8&0 square feet. 8 coats. Muresco sells for
40c. and Abdnstioe SOc a padcage. We
have Whitewash Brushes from lOc to 7&.
It pays to brighten up once in a while,
Ibis stuff at





-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------


mem Sis


d bene In every way a Uiber u
ler hi bad g:.n.
lb.. «r..
ibe had done, aad the eaile lha
flaahrul Inio hU face had seemed i
I to ihink
rt cscepi
-.............Ih tbe daylight ram.
,e foreve
t-ory ud another mac. and lAu
re merely
I life seemed an ualy ooUook
who baa read that
-ay. iboogh ho« she|l^^''
(>r Ore) lurnert from tb'
horrlbiy >»«■» W-hcla of Ume
U»» u> an
beda aod looked at her
and she almoal -fibed sbe
"Oeoffrey -ould only want It If be
at If twenty ^bHa^^'l
la< dead beside Ibe oM man -I
thought )ou -ould be happy*.' he said •he bad loved aa her father
■ of clove '
"You know he tores you aa much aa H
She -aa ahaklo^wllh aoba -ben
you were hla own daughter
Mary faced araand qulrtit
• know - she cried
m 1 ahall be hap
Hr .Urey said I abodld Snd
f atto by lX<^g 4
A week I *"■” '
*'*•*“. and thee stoppad
y pulled h I. le-ard
Mar. aod another
Bbc gid up hiirrtodiy
k to the aoll (be b
maa-Dk* kUrtooe - togeiber. and her tear., and then an
tbelr atUtadea told klm aomethlag penod c.
girl wbe
whom nobody seemed tr
these ihlnga. for If be shall be naythat Harr would »oi bare c. ‘
Dick Unrkme went up t
thing of a fartuer it b not
for worMa. He reWH-mbered
he held net hto hnnda.
mrt of
and fhal Ikck waa
ise enough to kmnr that
frowned aMtn
-Too kitow what I waat lo aay ~ i
derate tbe forcee and
A few telawtea later some one me i cried. "Too kaow I toe* you and bare
nature bat very little;
j from Ibe iKk room to tell bln (hat > done ao (cir a toeg Ume Now you
taken a numbtf ol
I Ur. Kaye waa roaslng. aod be nnJ: pour and CaptaU Tenby baa g«
I u..— —•
year* to uapradtafaly exbanwt from tbe
soil, a number of yean aad mart lawm yoB he
bew aad paUenee and faith moat be
ingc hn bad eapected had
used to prodtably rvetorv But be mao
Hr. Kaye was slaUag fasL
Harr taofccd ap a
hare aa ahUlag Ulth la the method
qnlek sob of happlae
ada traretod
d ranOrasly over il
-J sotcei
to hart a falUt la the posThe
dnrr all' she ■lUlltyneeds
of Improrlag
prorlng aeeiSs
aeeds aad the
. sign.
strains of hto live
Itve (toe)
nock. Atl (he thlags
Hr pointed In s Ubto oa whtob wen
which we have to dooaevfarmi
»e papers Dr. Orey heon^l thorn
Tbe odd pan
that the wp.
maiT redU Kaye
aad Ubor of (he pto
.. nad that
Tbe good eow
d had hand,
•baep ct today
of bbebOd
_____ - claMlfj
Hr. OiMWt
ae bOI of ladtBg er whal
ok Into the
arte. The tarmsp
Caauls Tenby was the fortane boater
re-s falih
laaer during (he laM
a of this graat wo.
make a fiwsk will and v.
------------ tto, Grey anld he was. It wtujld prove
>st alBdy laspira hM ta
a Uwrer
No ^c ccmld' nadarstnid bM aad sare Mary a tot of uahtpwhy Now his dying eyes stared dimly
o that which has baaa
s a djrla* maa
et hts feeble stgBatnre. aad Ua tagen
', aad U was tbe•-wtoeet
"wtoeet thing I
- the pen.
■Rand n." ha
slowly, nad Dr. cooM have done. he anld
k of hto goei
WMt become of Caadta Kaye
Oewy obeyed
It wss nppareaUy ihe
to a good bar
She had PM latamd _
saw ns hla other wUl. which was M knew.
She aad earn <g hh
the monaeol la his lavTaFa aSes. aad trry Maekawn apmi Mr. Kaye
(hto hand esly haea tern* U erder to bad rartoBed wlthoM her boat, for him totth aa a
haaier a dying man.
b of hto o a ehOd. .
Dr. Qrer ruBd R canfafiy.
Thelantw(n«»me.OeaWrayKaye.I Sbe ate
..Mie hto .
r to h^ Heh him ««h the
the alet maa tepaatsd Jowly. *T«aeveerthtac—(o my danghur. Mai
the bif*umt
ereirttlac to my daoghtar. StogT.'
He Ml tmeh and stretched oW


-Take M a«M aew." he aaid. -Fw
Ittamrda ftycBdar. IMn’lhskmg
*».Greg (teynd. ad Mdv tte Ikw



„, ™
but naiora
nlablas a. aopsiy
eurtoos akape’tmThe Tisitor lo t
..iieitod here and there
Isr shaped blocks of what appaa
Qnuldort In various aliea.
Attempt to lani oas et Ikes timldwt
■r and yoo aifi amel w»lb aa aaMal


red by racgt of graat straagth:
I, mo win tod that yoB aitothot.
na with oar of tbe aatlTs tram
Nu caber coarntry la (hs vortd h«
a peMitor Taraai- growth, aatf «.< .J
_____ Id to bo am ID impoaalMa th*;,.
wc^ the odd shaped Morta lalo fwl. ^
beUusr the wood to paiferUy doeny
of grain aad appean lo be a twhtod
aiaal of wnody Sbara.-eghlcaan Past. .i
Mw> af Many Parts.
ertcaa who hat bralmg tha
a I iianihalili way to lha Bullmazi VaUey. .. ..................................... ‘
■' dr.A.
i.a lUwaod.
adllnr et tbe Mt-

ValMrGO^. wtm, hemte i»
.......w. to
-- --------


be arldower, gave him aaotte am
In bis paper, laaond the »tm «f
couple, sad alao (hair sew hawa
Ir. Atwood ta also seentarr ad ths
Biackbowk BaMNvrtoud Mmamtal tosoetotloa. aad to a mmber et Ms
dges. belag sseretary ta aog
ttplslfi IB othen. He te baaa
farmeri faith al
iDwaahip andla
a a
mamnw at
rh a aiaie of deretopK...ini- oli'aflr r
school board. As lastl
leattod at tbe
..'U. ...a,
a'UI know (hat he '
to be has taaritod mora gsegm
isieii.-iuall] qualify himself lo
1 say other persrm ta tbe aorntry.
Grey aed the |
<»f vkal la
B. uBdertaker he has bariad my*a.

wltent%x, ••0,00000
p« corn liKttMi paid if left fUmoBthiL
3 PMOBt fauMtpaidinaftSoMs.




Have yoo e»er tried the

Moyal Xlc*r

, ■- - " I-;.;.

,ov»r bit eniw blnncloT iha< hr vat
And II ... ab.olu.rl, n..r««rjprrj'i'llr' no
!.• non,'h- '»«<«>rr of me past anil oilrndrd hU 1.0 muach.-aeOdUuc
bin. and made btm rl.h|,„p „.et a year. They made
■ n -hr ’>■ r..|n.I.i_e bl. o.n dan<hier
. u,.. b,pp,„, rouplea In tbe w«-ld. bnt
of Tre Vei ihej could nol behe.e Ibai. fon lo (hit day bta wile has In flod bis bal
c.r Ihr k. bad sol tueaiionoii her—bad bof j Tor him and remind bim .hat be
and ih.- even hinied ai her etl.ieoce—before «nlt to do srben
he leacee
Mary, name -bleb ] brnwe • —New Tort Trihune
>n bit llpt.
ur. and go. a rhtnee in ibo .ember
1 Faemse’t FaUh.
ha.l hr.K.ehi aii Ibr dceoltiiog of . lb ' ■
nne |Myrbolntflr«l QtiaUly
ter upon tb.- e»rdeii. Ii femlnd..d lilm d
iA» tarwwr
dmicbier I'm a
of the ehancr
faith. I dtf^ oMas that
onhodot kind that eat>ecu an exUBrateam to
« Mann* oiii
harrest from a Miner aowlaa.
of 11,•• t,., .
B >i*l< thins* - . •• lo«n that Mary wi* tn belrewa'
rtpeett prayer to take tile Plane
on tbe paioh of crai
he at. fJeol
- -----------------------------plrtltosupinner—but 1 poor s»rl «lth ber
a trail la
li to set The Hon. Arthur Tenby plant maesre <
I luif reallie It—eould nn( bellsc. ProTldeoce at a
ta. the face or the a
We hare no rer
eorda of rmTeai
overto marTT and behind
I meaa that tbe
him. for Uar> .aa ibe ireuiesl feeding the elect
ntful farti
needi (be faith (ha<
he kne. tnd It -a» to hard to
Inapirc him to a liberal ^aifrlaa
Her tnarrlts*'
Teiibj htd tl.aya le'ei
a wise and liberal aosriag o
r't h.iuae, .here the bad.^
’ I seed, and all the *el|.dolBg that
- for a .bile It waa .urtf
“ „
- “e right of the harrest.
aondertullr grtod ihlngj* Plffbl ' ,i»a. he ibougbt, that pe«,h„
• adopte I dauati'er of OeoBrey Fll" •‘'^*'11
There &
etelf lb.
il ob>acUoB
any purely
tempted to riek eTemhl
-bleb he p
n to n
mdopiod her.
Ocoffrey Kaye
wholly when the
abd for newrlr l.em)
been a daughter Ind'^ed
The feeling taoUliei
I I rertly belle'
It the grMd Lord k
be had been .oddenlr tl
l a bustler
-laffalra and he I.
horse and -aa dying
d that tUi (arm.
great houie and Mar*, rememberliig he ronl.l rx. alford «o manr yet—thatltnc -orkloa mao
all bare a bllsd
bli -lab to tee her married to a title.' they -oiild bare to -all for years i fiuh lu ererylblng. There ha*
bad aecepted Anhur Tenby because, perhaps t.rreeer and Mary rterid.xl.all..,,. Peea (blae teaehen aod qateh
•perbapa In leu—ibc once to -all torerer
; rt.-tore. aod <«r prafeBatop of a<i1cslMary 'niT U no more aafagnarded aaalaat



lo an> njanenoauno i — —.w
h«.h.D* bm aecllolaa





of b-


Fresh. Salt and Smok^ Meats. Sausages. Etc.



*m r

« him aay aHrt. BabaBma that the mMt tUag «M w

^JS^JUfSS. g..

>—• erlVUi >*>

kW e ..............
■ — U. *wis~k

t mrcuinr oern am omw oampeBsaB
. Jamea Searv wboac term to haar?Lapel. lad. The valla, or rather toB. %
of tbe bam are ZS feet high ahd «
llameter, the reed raaalag (0 a . .
a order U>.
tbe welcbt of the roof from'
■preadlag tbe waU. gearv who to
be pot aroaaf . . .
ara ta eyetooe peot#. tor
He a drlTeway rnas
Tbe stalls for henea


(htoc to a Mf feadlac loamih tha «mnd a alio wimda from tbe vswai
,r roi^s ome. Mr. toms rdalam
an aheltar mora etoefc aad tew
amn feed la the ban (baa M
rdlaary farm atrartare.
Ralakig Rateesr.

•reten raacbmsa brand tstOm .

loegtomo lamed, with a thick hte > one eto aad a teeeyi Bsem em
r aber. It to nimiyneid M iiilite
■ntg woMa cm the rMadear bw
e as oapert aa the amm vtth ttora

fitomWilBBm Ha mrrlaa tt la a tokk
eeHamaadhtoBaOk. WUUhebwaU
viU toeep. wateea aad bean, te-

WmBtei ava.
Vm HeoK «Ml a v
ioT. rnt.
HensaBB Gwakel. af B
Ih the aarmaltve. HshmmghMorgm
mmi on vartesi laeUete set oat la
the oU IratimmL Thvk todom md
Oemamh veto icatiiiyad by g ibIb <
«( toe aad aahm AgalB to-------ara toU tte a htock ete
emHilira that tote yaga
aBBO. tevarto <M

I Trarcrse Hcralt!


j**SI»li*^.«*W. j* Uif »
m Ukmwm *«rv k»M rH4v afur•I t o-ri^ ijmiaglif
JiUrlMly M«l
MM! urn

** '
« pta* •«& k* «Mir
a Um

vmmTbI c



<«tl fcl«


Owtag U> moAtn DWthodf of Utins. tut ou voiMn In * tliotMMMl appTtinrtna thk perfMtlj ntfanl <t»agt vttbovt ei
tty and •ometimen
with tdiUU <
IhoM dnadfnl hot ilaabea, aendbi* the Uund ampin* to the bean nnu1
it aeemx read; to boret, and the (alnl frelin* that ^
• •vmiitom* of. daugrmu*
. - - .------.-------ncrviHis -------imuUle The ----------nerre* are coin* ouc
tor aaaistaooe
The i-r) shooW be h
I ««M «ob« to Map forever, are onl;Ij»r. nf• tin,Bd
wax pretmnsd U> meet the iieedx nf womao'x ifatem ai Oih> tr^’iti* period of lur life, and all wumeo who lue it paae
I Vf4U E- PlBkkM'a Tc««(*Ue O
Urti« period witb oomfon and Mfei;


. TWt »ere aav^n •fc*^
j M»
inf MU M ^


Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound

«rr vuijiif kMK atUT h


aster btfore paid to aar du


M ekanse of life ud eTWSi|HB|r. No h
'asp I dreaded (reis oer tiss w a

"A t-rSJr:; r“xtsr ss:;:

I bafas* or al
I tires I wot

Km was
jt ao Ughljr
ughljr ra^ad
racardad b.
b; al
kha «ka» all fell tfcl. laark of
K das to kls ■>
, bafors tks Mr as( for tbs;

•■ I bad palBt all oree me.

_____ _

Mr bead arhret all the tise. eoold






I fj&doclOT-»s«lidassfo^loarlJ«t^denT»dnol,nefll
.<rtcaasMs*rVa>isoetileBrwiMOf Lrdla E. Pinkhare’s VepMabie ( o«- ;
[, hripnl „ and I >aaable to take watka aad work .oBr
I plnall. aad woald adrtsr all aafforrre of fereale trosble to oar >< for it will rer. '
- | as rerr thaobfol for the relief ;o«t ssdiriae has baea to sa'— Ms V M
I Udat;sarslbm.’wMBa UxtaC Rrrsoim. Baebanas. Va
lu^ac. Deep Water. \T Va

» Itrttwnt ot ttalb iiite *«•
L janMerathsasrTtosibsWae-l
M a«l ranscsre pastal tbruagb




ta their totters published above at their


Wbeu ocre slope U> think about U>r *tiod Uq-w woua n derived fnnu tbk> Rrvui iitetJ icint:, it nceuie ahinel bejood larliefi ret it a all true a» slated


auch belpfal ad rice to woreea wbo are alek can be had elsMe as will Ire receirttd free- b) addrwittf Hra PInkhaw, at Lrn.
^ if you are xidt w rite her - roo are loollxb U ;on dooX Rbe

r theee lUe »o mUmw nsedlclBe li

» ire piaea
MM R was a:


Al a pontUve fact the private
at Lrdia E. llnkhamV tabomioiy
■swatii thrwustwis of letten from women wbo iiave Iwn aahOy curriixl
aisrpufh that daofer pertod “Cfaaiice of Uto.” The rurm n( Mrs. itoynokls
aad Un. BUfce at^ sot tmuxoal ooea fas thto medldne to aunmidixli


Uaall lb?
I nr Ibe (
o til tbsir decIlBl

as. D OockOa. pastor of tks Cee
To enide s
g cfcsreh ooadBclad tbs asr- kM> 7 kMK of Iocs does so Ic; bUl rs
■Ud br Ber. I. B. BlMsn. PM- ealrsB a reastar hand open
• Prta^tsrlaB Mreb. Bss,
____ — —rs as falkre
e Is a b^t^ la nor dtf^ aad wipe away lbs tsars (hat caSM-i
r« of iradsare Isasi U the dsaeeat »ll relfbt got Ire I
____ - sa*»e rslgM road hla eoairvi aad hb boraci loss |
r BSS ware barrylac U lhair Urea Hs did not Ihlak of blreSt epoe tks taJir
•alf t* bis daaesr. Wbsrs stnr called |
kaa Ills has bs dM MX UlBk of hlresdf.

i M ep- Ksvar tadON la tks btocf -ttt etl; M tUs triboU bsw
M the reerenrr s( tree of bar dUJM BtUst tbs trtbats
sr hs cares whs* a child, ban
s acbooM. bars bs ba*u hit
srser.. ns
Hs asre
bars treanlsd

_____ a Ilfs was B« hk
plaaasd u> lavs blreaaU ai
of aapuiac or aDfoae.

w~. »..wvrs
of Iba treat hooka, ter
took to read bs wasted tbs masur
U Wi basy Hfe bs '
Us t

ri^te wMbaebard ar bs Had Mass ckret.-

Lauiy hs had ulksd with hU'wHs
how bs ooaM alreoat les the ead of US
tod asi tbs hdtnhn of thoat ytars
OXTBSOI wUdi they had both
M. Vaszpaeud u oa all tbe nl

lar vte toek ae r~*
; tf«a was Ml reaaay ID I
a 1^

_____ _ - . Mdrufa (my a atoek worth
- H or aaeority. The
___ ihn Made cf Mr.
S hat vsFlM tbn^^M

IP to avety aeaae. owtatoe of
stoltoas as welL He *m
« afin crtttotorel blre
e 1^

~Dma takas m tw earprise.
Aad stays em barvylb* leec
Tbe ciaet «cela wtHlihed tiee
Oer Um are tbeoMpleu.'
' ~
he eettiad hta
> in. bs setlied Us
reires*. prsn.p.*k WhSB b« a bev
Id yaaia oU he asterrelaed lo Use a
CMtm lUe aad aaHed wttb tbe Ooe*----- -—. -s—s fg ,ueh tar t>
year* be baa bet
pcffiar. fbr nr
tree of Ue I


ia Us taborims life trnHi tba


________________________ ree« Ml bk
__ W. -What ataa," be ofln nU ti
hH wife. *1s there to reef Ule apore'
He had beae eewldertob how hs retoh
trm Ufa Net apere the
er SMf the Meads cf the
be toved was that wUh



btoMer arelreakar I* Ood.
tJU nly bsclas here wHh ita priii'
cdpls and pUas. U ia to be lived "
it Is la IblS'CbrisUaa
and tallh
th* dear wife, and falbw aad
I Id ysMs Urea ha has owtgiwwb
' M
aad iBsawaf aad as-*• where
trier ad
m aM beaada bwi by atarw aad*

-It It aai dtaib to die ~
„ jfftai toaiwaae bstac eaM sa To tear* tbs weary iwad
h to BbarresiT a»d resdistos
wtto Mmibia sf a ynaak ■«■ Aad -aid bmbarhood n htob
Iff atoHM was aa sM atosd a snad
- EHB Mtto. a da-—•—
k to the Maw.
B ww thaa toony. tar that thw
t aaha. bw tbs waaltb of lbs
I* aaaU ant emu tbsss Ma

1 Bawar*. A larva ..........
ihHa carhithresud aM
paatle of vtotota. whtoh


k Ovr ysreac aaa bate taan
d ttfo't bead iirena That tba IM areptoyaa <d Mr. Mtataa-ff Bn*
ataBW iffM a larva pillov ef im
mi hytototba. <• whkb was a_____
ra sat teto ffmtoad for U
■M paffUa ef vtoleto; lar«* tosay at
flay taadt trwre wfoeb
wtdah (hath
la to ttolM aad thai the
r yaathfS foaUn the
earwaltare. L O. F.; Tnvam Bay Mat.
K. O. T. U. M. .wraatb cT iwata -with
-TL O. T. M * to bias SB while


MtoBMirffact Ba was a reaa the sMton aad dlraeUs* sf the FUtt
.. ....................
«< FsBow bad

" Trsir.sTy!3


Chareb AM aad
Joato Bad FWtocB


* X.irthpori .ir:
iior may b
IS a irifie B

\Vllfr.-.1 lejiid.-n ol Trs

AlIlKCloil am


1 Ali>-na l.'Uliic


Siitioiis Kt> ('


Fre'Ui Stidablak b




----- --------

Rouih Manlinu ceian-i •

; “Kr™

1S>1UD ail.'i,d.-d in
al SirerhiKin
i'rrel ivi.r



' laiinrblnc^fi
an elaburale ac(renen lanp llshljuid toe that
all the
p aeu Musreer
odlence roar as
preilltir crreHipondeni .d Lsporte. Ind ., ooe u«)r and Oected
Is diiMns Ibat pack of hnnsTT soItm] Crnc'rv store. Furtbei
rs of hire Is
up Ihr^Mish II
aBslousli availed.

B mre the

II Is saM that tbe BMch Haaatbeiirins eomtwnr of Lyra* wUl reeve to
..on. Bay i/^
harloili- In the nsr rmitiw rrewivlee
• .n,1 fas pectrel scmreli
a inisw
nim h
,11- l-Ii M,.B,laj
■r>- at tbe tall and tbs M
• Ur* Ruff o-lll
rcini* lo iicbt (bat a reaa

" buapllal
Rbn the peach -n-n arc hertnnlne ... f-el
iuh* Carter of Briebtoa has I
fricBcl- hope she '
A Nil.', ireper Is prlnilos itsi. <d; bu.i.el. of wheal on hand, bat I* bo
rvsirt.'nis who are SO ymrs old or oirf.; in* ii fur war price*, bopta* to |
Blanch stchaarr
bui II takes ■ Caas (ouBty iouraallst; .pogi tlfiO per bushel for it to a ren
' lendloy
.'nierprlse In Caasopoli* ees pa ,
r Sundaj
kre'p. a slandlns list of the coun ;
.o. r in Uerrlen conn
aom.sJ over the .•»

rit) Up ilsll his pareols
areols la«i
lax Saiurdi
Htrshall donor baa affrered tc. _.
Ur Naoharel sa. lak-n .crlr>„.|i lit erM>|re
paper* in show that hr was u tail phywiclan there for M a yaar.
but 1. slu.lj-recocriu*
11,-or*.' Kip.ion
........................... aa easy
as as
hs hs
while seilirr In Cnss."
Jacol., .11., .P.'.,i
scxeral tihi.. ih*.
Bepcels prere Conpressman Darrapn.
•1 Huron Cannin* Co has de crMentl) tblnks tbtt eo disease rawM
•l(T. Hr. asd Mr* R J Mnryan
I'In.idi- liiijtishinibreak out lu such a place.
and MU* llacadnru. f K Buck
I'ooere-ssmaii A B Darr**h s-at ap : cio.-'l i" i irre-ase Us capital slock from
IhMai'i (amloe In copper coeatry.
aad fareliy. Ur. sBd Ur*. J. K. Saaic.
priio-l <4 Ibe death id yame* C J.Aie" tdO.O.I i . lii'iKM, and will bond Us
............ ..
Han la CafoMet bmipital with
Mis* Montaciip. Hire Acne* V. K
son 1.) a irleitras frem J M Blak.-s | plain f.uroncern broken hack.
T%omp*OB. Hr. aad Hr*. Frank Oondle.' Thursday nionilni: Ur IMakeslev | cr-wslna
rlcb. CbariM U Oshorc. Hrs. 0. E.
re-eeheil Il>e falloalDc telecram frv«i|^^^^_
‘'*Mr Thomp...*
- n. Mrs Ida Arery. Hr. aad Hr*
... li. RipBsbi. Hr. aad Ur* 1. M
■hocked beyond rapresalon
MISS Purkits
ISaksttse. Clsodr I^ilvrr. Urt
s<'> lasi sre-k
i your lelearwsi arniiiinclnc tl
U H. Rsnnsti. Dr. aad Hr*. J. M
The sliiiisle njitl bas .bul down ud | J (! Jobnsor
Wllbelta. Hr. aad Hr*. T. H. Bheribaa.
Ur. bad Hr*. John T*iiBaa. Mr. and
.nape f'lr
Mis. Irel'ay of (irand Hapids vlslt.-d
Ur*. Ray Tbaeker. Ur aad Ur* Frank
e or foiirhn ih- ru> ls«l week
Friedrieb'. J. C. Uorgu aad (areUy.
ir crtiuad and burses sill
Hr. aad Ur*. C A Bu*be». Ur* C H i
i1 li will Ire alsnsi Imp".
Ik-er faiDinr in Ihnsib
Oortit. Mr*. A. J Harllaad. Ur. aad I *lbip u>
iUis scare- at Ncffauae.'
Ur*. J. W. HaBMD, Hr. aad Hr*, a. O.. days
Ha.v reiallcil for tU at Hspiuaf\ay to
rioihe*pln *'*-ls.
______ ____ - - Hanu
. -niBsul*
re Me.' *chunl If
Roaentbsl. Hr. aod He*. C B
e bay from Elk fUpk
Chink* IUucbllB. Bunria.'
Mr*. U Roberta Hiss Orab
b.' sick ancel ft
Our R. F. D carrier nade three irlp* I
Mr. aad Mi*. H. D. Alley. Hits fassle last week In piece If sis
Wilt, iwpulal.
Oaap. Loranter A Ureanper, Hr.
were Ibe cense
Three of W H
•lbs lb iy
1» day*
Mr*. C r. Baed, Hr. aad Hra. Chartot
In.' In coo
A M Bmllb bad a IIHIe eaperieore- ibe wl.i..plu* re.uch
WllbelB. Mr. and Ur* F Votruha. D. eomliMt from Tr*ver»e Clt) Iasi !>!
On.-liiao I- siajin*
H. ay and fareliy of Olsn Havea.
day. His horses *m down In * drlfl and coins lo schisil
of------------i*y Bieaaasr*
I----------- -------and he had to iret help to pet out ,
K Noethrui.
aad other cRIe* bare
Thrauch the klndneas <d Ur. Bralnarel rd bis sister
itorman l.aiherins In Itorver i.iwn
. Bltby We-lne*
eelred by Mra. Johneon. abovlaii tbe be po< out aad sot home safe hnt he! and Tb„r„i,,
-hip will build lU.fKHi church
bltb asteen la which Hr Johnson was says be does not want, to repeal U|
Uls. Flora Heumcer vitlle.1
Pel buck attacked Charlos Hanson.
Meni.iBlnee. severely l^ui
Rose ffianle'
Traverse I'M)
Cunduriors r
l» Is nearly all pui up Ii U .4 rery I Sonday
becanse order i" use
and Hrs
fine puallt) asd about 1* IBChe* thick. I
I)r aud Mr* Fralick
Have Oene to Jerwtelsm.
n atieod

a. J. W. HUUkea left leal H

ly few atoor
Krockwa.r and lUvIs. iwo eolerprls
tries acrore tbs ana. Her an lafi
ItoAkr m high gnae ORANTTF. aixl MARBLE MONUMENTS
druKffi.i. of lin-ckenrldpe have
Tbarsday, Jolataa bar la New Tork:
I under ai
I ilsltor Rsinrday
Mtos-ffares-re rersto Wto«»«freretoshtoto
t liquor wlitoui
Itoll Jul-bett a
HorlM'rt werek 'Mllllkn. wbo U ne of tbe
I Empire callers Is .1 Uonds>
luteal sod newest iletigni.
Firat-^lsst warfciBaitMitp guanatecd.
Benday school
The fact IS li, U- no'rel ihai II
eat cold we*lh*T h*s not the I
Coping ami Cat Suiee to «rdar.
BSBIA and bee i
:ini> * hinhdsi
hsed preremed ber
are boib dek«atoe 0 tbe woridt later-1
lib s nir,
of disbe*
321 Bay St. Travaraa City, Mich. CltlsBnB'PhoiM 000.
1 of Sandsy acfaooll
,, AmBrt,.ii .,f Cedar prosche.1
8un.!t> ,n m. .-..nffreCTitonsI rhurrh I
s.. pre-Jiirto-ed h.vr ihe i".l.l.'i.ts ol
ai ihi. Iiisr.
Mr Alillunito BS.c uii 1.00,- I'.-iDI)
P.-re,iu- scsm.i




A ■■ ra,

-------- --

.u„m. h-

loss of Flesli

When you can’t ett broke
bst take Scott's Emubkm.
When you can't cat bread
nsiaoDsi campalcn
md butter.' tAe Scott's
ouv ABBoa
Emubioa When you have L
L. Kims
I Pan Huron,
been Lvmg on a nA diet «id i
irip loTrevciwe riivlnnrt In ilio nw future will Issue ■
I detmicTstli' weekly paper Al prreeni
r tAS I llmnNcsenl.


But dark aad bs-'hadae
at all U
fear. Dasp la bis aoel be fait Ibat
wall. *

IrwsUai la (todr
a wrwd always
m wak the treito that
lawrelsam a dsaper asturanne
_rered for btmsV. Hs dU
enU alter,
raaoraa tba ailac of death by
as ov toved do SM die. The
weary foriy raians to de*t i
IreretataJ anl ttrat na. n
y <maU oCsr ««Us wosttat hyuflarearw

. -..J;’:.


• lo llie MH.itierr.
£s«ul>lic sprats, bouquris sod louae
purehSM' another
toB-ers. iBrJodlBS

ealU II Ss and i •lolets filled ererj
elr fraersnee
II Is l»
""I-' ............. . '
tel a cooplste list of;^• " B' -ho hs. I
in this any eipressod •«»!> m for •'•me tin
Tboae vtaose Bnpws
The friends of Miss S'lsleoQld be oWalned were
Hr aod Kn i dsd in Kern ihsi she Is si>i.
J T Hsnnah. Ur and Hn K Harell I acnln
loo. Mr aM Mrs I B. QUben. Mr. aad
Mrs Pn.,. Us* re.u
Hr* II C DsrU. Hr. sad Hrs K S , sher spendlnp •uox- ilmc li
Pral’. Mr aad Hr*. A K Ololreoskj. Oil sn.u W.'if..r,l wlili re-1
E Mr.Vnsars. W. U. Koldeo. Hr. aad
.nd fsoiiD >fl

cur. HU l»
dlBiMl perreres. A boa Bsilh and fsaHly. Hr Olbto aod (arellr. Hr tad Hr*. A J. Doyle. Or. aad
-...... --eaiiio^
aiwid sad bid Mstlssi seA bbI- Hrs Jan-li. Hr. and Urt. D Oak*. Hr
■ns toU. How •tUbc that ara ton Msniod to bis elarbs.
1 Hr* H I. Dake. Hr and Hr* C
sreaal tssUreeay
UsUreeey of
of satssu
aod rerbiMs Ufa Ue was
sptDnckeray. Mr. aod Hr*. C B T*y**■ ** *^ «.eel COM
— bore
fMS those
thnsa bs
psnss today to teadsHy MOt
ia IHI hs aarrM aadepsM bis laal kre. Ur* Craw. Uarli Cr*». Mr and
laoahu Marfi
«My as Ibe weddle* fee. Tbsy trecao Hr* r If. Ms*d*. Hire towe Wood.
wa ia IIW as oar
Cbarip* KosDls. Dr *D<I Ur* J. A


sge n

, rn. ni ... a,si.. Ih.- buslsew a tueCMS
Th.' i.r..ix-ttlon i.. turn the •aUblUbtreni IB'., a fiiralture taetorr baa been

Kimball Mask
■ iKiiKiuri of Melnir roses
W J. Parker. J V McId
KoerlaBd. K II Brsrkeo. A .
J HKitlits

His sires. Us bopaa. bit •war fr^^store wltboui ibe
Boadsd bseanss ibap did sol Jarkson. Hr and Hra. 0 I. Orslllcfc.;
II bssn bsM. Hsm bare
Is and t

— uns. wadded life in tbe sane hirable way
that be begta botlaeat.
Beeawiy bs belli thl> bsenttful

. hs> rfsch.'.i ih.

fiiopp) , iineasi
I le- creased soil
ceninr ihoussnd'

Mrs U. W Kaff SBd Mr SDd I'srI, unM Deere rr<-«cent snd star Hnilsb r
I 'TbompsuD. Krans Martin l.cndiiTi



Scotrs j quii.^s^nrei-r of p.*.ri-

l„ i.i-r

J,,, , .ouibfui prodlsj

Wf hat. womt of ihc ol(l-f»sihioned

Sausage Grinders
.....and Stuffers

Ii„» IMII In 'be I-TMII I.t Gejmi' re'eele* Hun
To ^et tat you mus* cot' Bonlh Maoliou l*l*n,t The.
t. ombincd wc wish to close out al a reduced,
i.ncr, comr in and see them
bt kotfs Eimdioon is a
’ Nasal
fattetwr, a ^xat
Our line of
strength fKtr.
and Map,.' r-l,, , 1, _to HI b* my. tom.
Hiose who have lost flesh
*t . fine .up,'f *1 I
is complete, come in arid price them.
wmt to increase al body
m* la.I week. Item to lerekRiA.'k*
1 iBt ie*
Pkirchlia, cf -Treverse Qly 1
tissues, not only fat Scotf$ ofFrniilMrF1*bcr
sod bli m CItotun acdi
Emission increases thcmal* tw.i Jther reel itarttoff for Bouth Man
______ _____ _
Inland drivto* n cutter contain I
m>mr reppire. f- -------------------- [ wre •* m-m—»* »
bone. Aeh. blood «id
It .hoald r—d. drawtoff
* c.
relrerm Irt toll KIrwdm oF Mtorrtwry.
«dkkan whHB
be h
tt with there,
k tarn. I* drewlnc (be ei
For inviids. for con­
valescents, for caoauanptiycs,
1 to tUs city, bet for weak chirben. kr al
•ow cf PMtafwvOla. Bans, and Bar.
_ B.
- AUaa.
____ OfTi.
of Tolada
Okhk also
who need flesh. Scott’s
tosowB hare, will ba to tba
Emolston it a fkh and com- lltoiirary It vary• I0t4
food, and a.nati^
are praretaawl Mt ealy to pantsa* bwt
-ANDtaraad hisury a* vail. Uariac New toeuc
Tarb cw Tmday.
v assaay, mares
Harcb *.
E u>s
tba pany
win toll for tba Ule of Madssia. tb*
Xaifstwi batol tbs
flesh, biood and nove.
Otbraltor aad trqre tbsan to A.
LaarlBS that eaotqr. tba tols to Malta
^ wa aaad yea
Ar* eqtAllad by few If any and surpassed by none.
wUlbsvifttoA. After Ifolto. tbs party

The S.F. Saxton Hdw.So.

----- yt lbs faaoM efty af pecur bad
AthasA Frsto there. Oswataatha fotoala of tba asHaa.

^acdO A Cay MtomSaOmt^^ thnstoh'PatoatiM aad timee' ^
ItoTt- Tbe M»»
af aaav^ly



COiumbus 6a$eline Enoines

Battle Creek Olood Saws

Our 10 H. R. Rorttobito is just plain ALL RIGHT.


I afo,toAii^ai''



t27 TO 131 STATE



' m OKam eavKHSi wkkkjx^ thubsdat. lUBdarKi,

r<r^l Of —»*•
cta iUU* rM hmwM Mth
bM snUw >IWMlf «< Ut «•
ttm aa4 W)«W kk «M << bi
UMct »MU wttk k tittto fndt

•hoba, Tba ptotaraa ara toraa
------- gb to abo« avarrtbb
ararrtbtog la detail.,
ae H BMkaa Uu atadr ot lairtoau mo-


•yffta I


M to titow Fitok*.

baaklbrabtadvllbpata. Baltbavont
pBaafanwaatoaaaBrpaai Uuto

Dr. W. J. diggins

plart a pralar«unh> lamlHami v
I notlor
«W a IrWed to I
I'rbirta -that a bi(b piacrd Kuaal
lb l.naito>b prrdlrt. that AlnlrB a


boy bmtog wllb tbeaa aaatr aon.
At but I traa paraaadid br a Atoad
aoM (ta tonto to tor toa OMleara
aa 11 ■■ I nan ralliaii ' i"t'Mi->


• Iroqaolr Brr
.-.rr nl.1 tioiir
ntirv rniillr aod- H 1
Cblrasr I* I-Ilnt •• >111
Tbr Hli'Ucxn Mtilnal 1
Unr Ilf. ii-mranrr .>.rar

Ml of .1 horse

H()K"K I'l >W1- K

•* *



( i-.dina



North OarWB Lkvd liar aaila (.
Nav Tort harbor (bla anmaa. s
aad vonro arercdllad aa dcl^j

Cbc Racket

fain to

•d n HtoUga

------jtoa vlll br f
tbr lava «r Ibr Drvrr <
tba bana of B. K. Warm

rtaka, Sir*f^


•rnatr »lncr ihr da), ot Rmato

, aa aaaa* taka, tbaakf to tba 0_____
■MitoM, I tuak amytadi ahoald
o tba Hoir! tea* taaat tta btap ata Olifi, i

toapb* ibal UaM. v
vorld'a Baodar acbool!
Hr broogbl I
(hr I
C«M figta dm W the *
------------------------ IB Dearer le
* tbtod to rob tba katda of Jnaa. IIDt. The ptoa vaa htaitllr aa.'
hto aeac, tba aaokarda «f hto ebbitar- -*-----' after M doilboratloo aad com !.
appototaa‘ io 'Miqra“Yi.'M?-i
^ ata tba baaru at tba aaetlaa MluaM
----------- ----------taiag ---------------lopotatedCbairBas
cbairBas ot
BtaaiBlil *Mb hto to cedar that
tba cxacMire coBalltrr
Btr Marlr Marrb
3 -Tbr
tittto rralt ahoald be aaradt It
Tba ptoaa tor ihr oiarratkn arciitotrb rimrir anelilnc prurr*. ttoc
rarr prababto ibai with tta
ttoa ad tba rabla.
IbaAtlaalicoeaaa. MaalcvlllbaBadrlAba. vaa turd and tbr oBrlal. aaj
torwUaHa pa«U appav aad verb
• • ■
prilrr ibaa ripnctrd
grtaiar haaae Maa Im triad to ra- - ------------------- alaborau piaati
IT orr will hr
anaada tba lava ad baton aad vba* bare baa aada Aa aoia aa tba dale- i Ttala la Ibr Aral 1
; arar ba toa Mad. tba raaah baa baaa taUa ara aiaaaiblad oa board tba I
Orwaar Baluvt. vbleb bM baeal up m i
' wboUr obthoaghi ad aad atvar* aad» ebanarad dor tta trip, a eboir vlll br'
to vUl ta toetana
prsdoMan aad


hn>M-hiii. .nr. t


for tba ban d«»r tiK’b ■ ditUnrolihrd
> Ititor l>r a Jtciaoaar >ub)m
Mr Veatda. (br Japaortr n>a>ol gab
aral lb Nav Yuri. I> t ibbb of Ira
vcnii—to Bncllth «| all r>asi>—hoi

Dd of flrpireibrf '
> .«. I
Hut an J«i»or.r
. ,vl» toirlr v.-Tl '
Mr. Crorgr W VanJrrtn^ ba> ...
Ibhil.hrd IS (IllUbcirr bobr Aihvilir
AwH .m axl
N <■ • vril rqulpi>.-d rrho..! ot dir
uml»f 111 fol
irn prvnirmi
< <1i< all aorta
. <b..rou(b
Oflaa I bad
n.urrr in i>toln and lano rr>.iin( ala>
lap banw I
T’i- ibriiuiium .Itoalala o( kitrbrb
r«i.> (ad toT
dimtis rinm l»sln«nn and a*

halv a maad Id tba poor aad
aad toaar aa old naa viu
j aad
apeak o( Ua aa a aoa. aad aaor oC
- '
coaaidar kito aa a
_ tb* loral odertbga
eoeM ha ■ ■ “
aide bj (Ida. tor
laltbleat are aad
Fbor ot Ibr taaebara vbo lur
■baaoa raaldraca aliriadfid ibr (o-l
•ral fridar afiaraooo.

..—----------------- ' mia*


a taaat deal teaiardi Mablag ^ atoA >
to( «f aidaooa to iba Hlgb actooQl bou |!«w HI* Mlln 1* M WhK*
ra tolarotlaf. aad praelkst

• II k trtmi a
la dbapel mdar Moratog. tor N»a
------M» b* *n(«i tkt fnttBitf
B lb* VflMf SflTJto'tSSSia'n.lS' ^-iTr , -*»«*torato.Mta.(ta..Ctai^
a^. tort faa.ltatol....tata«.dM bto
•, »«hwi H to tb* cbMTT ■
all hto toloraoK eaeterad (ovard BMfe.«baat tad back. I had ortar aaaa
hto >CM bM Mb ib^ MMlI bar vSI
rMtorato tba d(r. Ha vat oM
aatta Ukt H balar*.' vrUn
tfUb pbMa o4 lUtoi Mfa* ba rata
***“ ,** “• M*a.Bal-alatbadBllOlbATa..K.T.
iba Mto eMba akr Maa aoi vblto
Tbt afclB roat to Uuto toMga,
vaa aa raaaea vbr va al
Mtan an ratbtotar tahbk vUbeat
a» to bta Utataad ot u
ibaacht or mta.
U pTOBlaaaca, bat (artbar
(K Mi «ta bWta <X tbU caartfr. U
(ran aa. Mr Nrc
baC aad bav
.. braagbl oal
rtUa to Mr* aliM awi ata «ltk k
Mr. iohaaaa-i
iobaaaa-i dtotla«olaao<l'
lU Mdtr, Ba
aa."'cbtar arara aftaa Ua* tbal autoa
(ba vcarr baart to tba eitr (ant taak
to tba aaitaca la (ba eeaaUT' Aa ba
bav* tba aebC af tba rad braatt. tba
Ttotoa of daU airaato. t* atoailac trab
Mr an. a< aaar nartM tbraoa ol
baetaa.drtftiw bttbar aad UKbar bat
trbltbar. «hf fcaan, (ada aaaj aad
ba aaaa tba «aaa Mda. tba muo bill
da*a «bta« tba oMfc tairt. tba
wartof «ra« |M IMbaba ta araa
analto tba bIM M tbawtaa iraaa.
nattata%«haaaHnL Ha'a bad
a bart'acbt wttb tba tactlab aparraa*. baU, loratfa brtoaada wbo bara
toaaW to dtokxtoa Uai. aad ba ba*
■adbaebtotbaamntrr Tbr aoada al
«Ud fiaaf aad laaaeia an hto toad. U
ba taaa taka a bUla fralL
a( a raUta aad a rartoaeo to bto racator dlat (baa aartMag atae.
ba a Mrttaaai bat ba to aat a rarr
aoatlr aalnaea. b vaaU Uka <
anar rabtaa a pwd anar dara

alder tone anoagb tor sorb a (BBrilaD
OibtT meotben at Ibr (a*k
la tba eapltal ar* of aletUar oolatoa
hr Bilkado
Tba (3ar at Rauto a
or Japaa erra brougb'
Wtar aad

br BlIAeal •

Oaaaral Nava.
Dr. parktaum'i altratluo baa beos

IT «ar. tot hto «lt hwB ptoaa ta
ptaea aad Mak v titatfanp aa mb
panaa bp. ba tot baM aa big a peat
aa ta baa baaa gtraa credit tor. I
Mda tf ita rablat van faltod. b<
veaU va kaav vbaa aprtoc w g

- Ynr Rxckti iii.i ntxkrr
Airm.o >.',^1..

npi.MIrnt, .i.c
ml |•.«krl kuii... ,g all nulvu


Ju rivr. .d

T anil Btr talur lew ..


<1 rf.ppur Knairr. aiih ok-kH liipo. 2 f(V. .

ir uAt.



‘III.* !.*.■)IT. al
V Cbatnhrr B.H tvimhI Btintl <lw->waitaB. gill vIxM
.............................................. gut
' Tin S'raiBrr.
nrr. 2Sr
2S< « '




u. quni.* I.drrr .« itnwr Buodi. hut to a4P


r Is tail tviniparr prtcaa. Glad 10 abov modi.

Cbe Racket

r March Sal'Wr ha\r [iri-pan-ti an a%ionishinu
n absoliurl) ln.;h-rl.v.- innutiirr. ai prii-%— am! i.-rnw l>elo\>
quotaiions In ihi>' fl.iS'
fl.,s- (ot .jooifs
fhrsr ^
V ).am|>lfs of ihosr

H2 east Traat Stmt.

taaPtm Otf.

......................... .


DpH’t fail to ol3lt this ntablifhmtai. Wt tan auitfouas to stfh, priet and ftrms

A IVIaenifioBr-i'k


Evidence of

, he 'ii'i'


1H Our Sim

"WhT an aisht vordi vbea M veoM
do? II Ftotfa aolag Into ndIgMa It

Kvery department is taking on a dpring aif.,
New Goods are arriving by every freight »nd
We anticipate a large spring trade after the
long tedious winter and have made our pnr>
chases accordingly.

Jaam Wardda, vta dtod In (ta B4I *
Uaora homo Ibr ita tgta tta otbw
day at tta ag* or Its ytan. bha Smb
a Matbadtoi praaetar tor tbravavarton ot a eaatttry. Ha bad bMS aaat t
ar Trarana OHr an to tbto partp


vai tta pratMl treB Beatara cT (be;
BbBiJh aeidiwt dueb tnatiuat or a*
Tetaraa laborer to tta rtoerard tbaij

Cbe new Goods

riMiad ta tba lanftaUoa tor tta agad .
OcpTOTvor Bactaldar at Sow Haaip. 1
Bbtn bM anotalad as aaglaear vbo to 1
at vtwk Bspslag ooi tba blgbvayi <d,
tta Mata. Wbaa Uto tax ban doerl

Kverybody vrill warn some of them. We hav^
used utmost care in making our selection thb
season and ve are proud to say that we are Burc
I hat the styles, pattern, and fabrics, which, are
L.) far the prettiest ever produced, will please
you all.

toSakt TnrwM mad MtsbbMM proraanat vtll ta tagas It to latnd-,
BStaUn to tbto saattaa «t tta atata ad that arary ncUoa oT Nav Haap-I
Mn abaU te preridad krltb a krat.,
Itara to a«6a talk ad btatag a ata
olsB graral road aad tbr ooM U ex-1
laatoii btaA (bat te W,nnsa( Ita
aanan totavl tbeaeVta asak Urn
t1«d.we a rear tor thl* parpoat aad
tta spaarnr »ai«b« that to Mi paan

stxseztstii.'i s*r'sra“jss:tsi
ao dilattajtaBi ta paL

^ has a vtta aad abIH. Mn. Hab


Our Prices

Mrs. Balra Leekvood. vbo cn>* rva

SatiafaoHoa ar
momtf back

arid tba

am. Ua
"Qraal Beottl* ex'bera^ tka RUI


Ttaqrra gm a totad avv taM dov»
a beam
br Hrm. Loekvaod.
to CbdStoa aad all tta iMbg taidto to __ _ good aataradlp aad vtiad bar
tta Oato CHjr tara atoptr aoM viu haad at tba lltooBrtaa. 'Laok out.
taarlL Tta taM la cabad -atotoB Cbaxta.*' taU aaotbar roBgraaeBan.
ary* BM to aiayvd at toUavi; Aa *-tUi to leap r«ar. raa kaov.Oaa cdNba BoUata
aatattatoto^ dtaaar
e partr at vhlch

This beautiful couch, carved claw feet, solid oak frame
inebet aridr, steel ronsiriiction, velour covering .....

all speak economy. ITie usual low prices (or
the Iwst "going" ar-- tr-r> prominent this season.,
as usual.


me Olanf Vou
Co See

tot aia tta batabtaa. Ataglaaktor

VHa talkad ad hto borsei.
kal b«k adtraata
a M tba aataar ad tba ceeTarMltoB.
aalo. hto taoka. ate.,
•aata tod lhav the baatbaa at
it kit eat'battoM. vUta be ax■d praadlr: aartag tbar
atoe Bataeklla. Tta baraa-i pattoaea
aat at tola. Aft tr loektog at tta
.toBtItakaBaaa aaaatatot Mapped ■BTa
iBka B iiBBtii' alera. to a Maall aiaia battoH a Botatat ta Bid: *7ea. they

tata tor aa Immmm ttm ato iv
|ia4 "OaaT da baUam vttb paa. t


toaw->Japaa: tba <



The fine dispU) of natty suits for the ladies.
The styles are very different from those of last
season and are the prettiest gairnents ever
manufactured. u. show them to yon.


• ipadaan. "A Bead taoa ad tta

. OM Stott Badvar.________ .
a daator. aoM aoaB boraM ta tta
VMM (ar MO to tta taid. naaa
• Mtata


n«v eaird*. n«w rub*. d*v fbib.
tun, D«v etoOHag. Itov Dnw SMdi
aid mn’* Tatalrttoiii.

Solid oak extension Table.
iodi top with (ieep roouldiMl
ids to 6 feet, heav>-


■atator Paaraar M tta dtoaar vhMk,
Others up

alBMit vMbOBl tad.



National adjusiaUe Morrb Cbair, velour cushions

SMNrtotobtgSkto ?ra!Sni^«7.26
__________ rr___ —..............................

As Vml-m PrattkM raaamd
sad tba LovtM Men ia (be 09^.

Ymv niINf Mck m aay iwrctaM


fMartMlMKsMwl* wmtm
nm§t» j

bail Tnrc0c BcnU.
raofcT. »A«i

^ pM»



fav All IAMAbI
PAOAlAAd fcAAA )BAB<ArZ.-TTr.iter *fiA»oc» .r Ike »w*4a» 4Mlk erf
irmt OMJ It Ita
MfOBBUd ti Ut knw W TtkA.
SiBf <*«TAk«lo»* ] K,, HrDDUU hxl bM bem **11 tef'
■l *V
oi oppiMAlTA !■ ' •**««•] Boalht. boi
«»* tMBi
t«»la«U BO
n» hmi
I. bbU tie dimr »t*
it BtmeUte. tk*|ircn» IbkB
dtncktAT. Mr* Hoba
fimimau erf Ik* baj' Mkt* dAii|kCt«).
BpBBiAktIi (vMlIkC qtll* •«!
to the W erf BMkttC tut ctU N<Hb-,|M
«* Mtchlrfk*-. «BBf«ik» etc, A>c»l
thtt It tawioeM meiBKh ferf
Tk* prcHiotAil tnUdlkl erf »D kf»>»T
«*r lb* petfB-f «< »rortdi*« * i»f»k
bBBA to*- U* «•!****• ot “O-

BMMB* el -»»•■« ^»niB0**d rnllltiBy BoapBkr u iurtklb*. ^d im *«-rnmetm tut *wld eewi lo ib* «Ut
it0*)Mh>t t>A baTl. trt plalklr tKIU*.
AM wmen taoh •> It iau*M*d erf
«Miw •onM b*** k bvf* drltl *e>e*
0T*f M VOMMi U*
ht k
per- Th* drill Hear, ba iu *«T •>-!
tm% iboUd b* hrt* *Bea«h (or lb*
PtHM* M«<*alkB tb*i would etet
mm me- n* d*l*fBle* *oeiM III
l> tb* cMrt «WI* lb* TWtort
«B*)d eeemf lb* ntar- Tbit vt«M
|M*r* torn lor bU ^ k*ep tb* two
(■wwdt dltilBen.


Om (tow or Ayer*i Cberry
Pectoral u bedttee prewtBts


a **MlB* tor *AAk> All:U>
1*1100 witk 7 a rtafllaK fti tk*
:<« BIbuIm
iMjni In SMrfiBBd


doctor's medicine for all
affectiOBt of ibe throat. broo>
ehlal rvbea, aod lunnfor over «D year*.

lb*'u*ltAd'»*»** to*t«. lerfUtU *1
nk RapUe. -b*fo y -te «W^*
d i^d It Afim- .^.bip, B**7

UtTT Ue-KfWDd. wko rflnJ Apr!
Of t*fA« erfilldreai but I»i> *■•
him. Mr*. Wlia*m l-exe of ikl.
BBd Mtt Hop* l■k^llp. erf V'

Ni^ht Coughs
H**l tarn* TraiialAf*
ItentinlKl l>) KA«l«ie< >f l'>~-'
P WlltoB U> UtTAk I. tkoe
Mom. n jABBiuf
liarcvie II.MV'
PtaU B. PerpkAB~...
rafAll »Ak <rf n'-y. >-a ?V Ii»

« >■ wW*od. tkte rviAni itAnn! A 1> tan ni B..c*ia«B

I Kk-k*r<l HeipUa
. A r.iV nh tdd

-MM oBtr la what tb* d*l*a*t** *p*ad
wUI* th*r at* ta lb* Mtj but alBi btaaaa* ibe aaltral advakiaa** erf tb*
mp ar* bMloarf bad rwMrkad aaoa.
tb* BaaBtsMoaiaa. lb* appaaraaea* M
thf n Jdaart dWrtn. the icboerft tad
■■mmm Mbar ibto>t» that at> u> aMk* up
a fdiy. Tlin. wa, bataa
•Uh eoorektloM adtaniae* a ettj aad
mma H to b* aw* wU*lr kaeiwa.
TAtplr tawiai awar* «( the laet tbat
^ la -n Ua ai».’
Tbt atmer weaddat eoal bb
apaedd add to tb* baanir erf lb* MV
Mrf It wdbM aid ta Ita apbulUtas- Wbr
aai balp tb* propBdtbB abau -wdj
ou la BaUas lb* *i
' Hr. D. B. RaaBdtaaQB ^ Uaatan.
aapfrimTbitTf ^ tb* MU* AaUlahM Uaca*. addraatad aadlaww tb
aaarip aU ibt abareba* la U* MV
4m rUaUTA u> bla wwfc aad aa■Maau. Ha kiiriuai tk* teat aWlBM* tat Ike BapUtt ebateh la whMi
b* mM Ibat bta verk wat to briag a
n -| y tb* paopl* aad Ibat It wat
IB Ibaa to wav* tb* a«wi aa aad
ta te with It wbal tber waaiad ta
*■1* B a pan M your work aow
.Ntba ooaaeB caat* wHb ibt r*M
tt* abaiebatl^ b* aakad Ht «M b*
tws oM btr* ii> ofi»Btw M aatl-


tad nit.' to-0*r»T
bkwk 4



...illBt friAOd.
,WII, 1..,- ... «.r,,-l





dM of

Bolto. pan*!*. MA- t low* IS. raapA' •
1»: UO.
OasACA Chauny ate wife to PeWt
Rolto. patcAl. •** t towB J6. raapA lo,


Ruaaar. aeti <rf *wt4. lac U. town tfi.
■aapa It: tl.SOO.
loAte Kalloep At a^ ta Wb. J Au .
r*7. A ltd aarea«l lati. aaeapt *0 am.'
ot Aa*i *Ma aac. SS. town ». rawf
U; 11.
. 1
OarrtMiB T. IspraB u. Wb J Au
rtr. partoto. aac. tt. lows tA iu«c;
It: li.tteL
Jaa B. naaar. axaeator. to Otto V |
Holae*. wtfc et aw (r 14. aac. U. Ur*o

i^'srs's'a »,iUi.TK:rSr»2:

Hate aad the tefeateaU aow

'w' Ikl

tad aken nt^ If t*7 Ihira ba. Wk

ksd U ta turtkw «Atr^

*Bia F« le la
“~5S" iurft^iTsJSar*-"Ontt« w tka

an Her* Oeod Oeatnet 0**«rtla*
Of Tk* IBMi *»•*''*.
•AlKk>o*l coairacta cholcA
tod (.ud aauBAT. U' (wpabtat. re
loaurtacA work Act Soba otbArt
(-ail or addrast Idaal n*
. 1401 Majaallc OMp. OAtreet.

Big Assortment of Table Un»
e ns. Towels. Bedspreads, etc.
Every desirable thine in .Hair
Omamenta. Belta, Purses.
Hand Bags, Etc.


that are just as
pleasing as the
stylee.and which
are bound to
make this the leading store for
selling Good Goods Cheap

OrsuO Traincnr rtaloa drx>p n

Che Cime
to pun-haie Wall Paper is earU
in the 'pnng when a good assortineni <■! Patterns are shown.


CaU at Ota atSee* or drop n« a

Che Place
We've the gooeJs and the biggest
variet) of patterns an> ^to^r could
hope to show.

Cbe Price
of our Wall Paper i> as low as
gexid goods can be sold at. All
pure colors on our Papers and of
the bent grade to stand the
wear. You are always welcome at


tb* ptoato. ate. aatfl to bad paU eat •.
»ro aw, tbsoo.
kat aad tbat to wat to' /
etfoah Oeetot
■ la wbtob te VI ^1* ,
waBaaL th* *Mep**j|***
Ctroatt «ooR to tUU batap ooceiptod
1 BM M to.
**SdOT*M UBBlitoa -Bate a Botksj r. A kWB at

nwA^ikT M *tL

- - -


_ ■;^^'a:sa SIX srrs.’ss.tTnS;':
.-ssrjss.':.- ' ‘::i

Swell Suits and Skirts
Nobby Shirt Waists
Eiegant Dress (kiods
Rich Trimmings
Dainty Wash Goods
Splendid Hosiery
and Underwear


WorkBM to i____
ett Ot tH of *A\,. aM M. tow* tt.lboaor of ihraopA It; vtw.

^Ssu. Whta tbto wat tee* b* wa* to WH thaa Bate hr oa* «r tte aUmaMi 1 Paicbte A OotBAA to Harmaa w J
SBHb. D W (aet oftat* 40. 41 and 4:.
imp erf ocBtap bate to tb* utbar to tor tb* Battav IB tb* tabte.
Vhae tb* voM WM tabm aa tb* block 1. P. H.'* tn ate: MOO.
Ptord U BteUh aad wUa to Cteriaum
>d that Ml
k ted add; U.UA
..................... .......... . . » tb* "wat
IB «. HtaeABBa. M al. to U Q
«M a btuar obaarraBM erf tb* Olhha aad Maarae »ck MaRHf tt • to
t. tU erf tlk of Bwtk.
L Wb*B tba vote ca tba sitotoil m
teM aaelad trew Ur. Falablal tUa wba takaa K ataod S te «; Alter- ac. tl towa ST. n to 10; MOO.
Joha M Hlaehi
o Oartrate T.
mmW *1 tb* UatbikHB obtneb Oatab
. a*H of tali aad Mtk
top BipU to «bkO h «M Matai atMHieB. Wiaato. Lardto, ■paoni aad Ull- aato. aac SL tewa V. raapa 10; ITkO.
Wb. HaadfWu aad wU* to Bpbtor wodap Tea. that tadad tba aatur
rteB Haaabarpar. tot ». Oak Hetphu:
a^d^^M pal tba ki 1
awaBk ■■■itav^ tb* beard
ot Upte, aaat a dateaaUeatlM te tb*, CatoAd Plata* to Mpar Oratbp. par-;
tnwrf'Saa to arpaaiM
aawW mEm tbat tte Ute Brothan aato. **« ts. towa te. laap* 11.
HarriAt U. Ited to Lamtea K. OIbb*.;
U tba-a*M* U tb* p
‘taaataetBfIarf rtns^pAmy «b* brnklii
or b UW te pal a taiBttaM taoterp aad' aatt erf **14, aac M. towa te, taapt
rauai lUt *tv te aodpwatetete to.; II: IPM.
Tb* tottar tnaa tb* coBpaaj Mated
Oeat) P. NtcAaraoa ie Otwe & Jaer-!
bat to «mU MaptoT IW te IM haate atopc lou 1 aad A btoeb S. P. H.'tl
ai that tt waatarf tte ett; te itva a ird add: teas.
w «f tteto*. taetadtap

Inveiltory Sale et
Pianes 3^
We have tbe beat of reabops for Bargsia givtDg
just aow. Our lorentory tells us stoda an loo lifge
by $50,000 and (be overcrowded eoPMtkioB of oar warerooms makes It impoMtble fof us to accoamedate the
immense shipmenn of oew Piaaos aad OfgaiM aow o«
the way. These coodhiom are tocoierable—STOCKS


eity Book Store


ba of mm arfvaat. warftp the BBttar WM aad (haa tot It
aoB* hater* iteB apUa aa« altair a
restpaltoa IMt taaa aHUtot
«paU vote M tb* B4
watte BM mate* tba





Jia tgyian

U K.O.. ../fb- K to., A M ..I MlchlMn


to SMU aaah IB* hr (*H etB- •te atork ba aatboMiaa to Bak* tb*


J .».* »A^e,. e.r.—t.Tirf

That keep coming in eve^ day.
It will certainly please you to
step in and see the many new
and choice things that are now
being shown in almost every

A»d»» tnnkw «;**»*.

I'hire*.. ri.-.fltn.l tail llnma ktpidj : tMo 0B*> Is ta. .117 <rf Trnrw CHj » •*>____________ __
nhnr. >bn (*—I • Bn- i'i»- >'f oemnij. too «iiiit«tlcs tod tlk^wnae*.»««


te liM etiM op tatoaai'te oomOm aeOoa *i tbto ttaae a* b* laU tbara
whw* (her wwa aoi ai Smb !«ted wa* ate a tBU-eoaaMJ promt (oalr
AUavBaa OUtoR bates abaaM ate h*

It erf tb* aoBBoa ttaanpp.
aawBTad arBto* at alur.
«r* kbad ta took aflar tbMr



into. . •
H \M awd w


KIkSniA. .

•f erf iBUKirikai
iBiporiaal ofl
aaeat. **;
5,*^ lou 1«-1&. block *. Pern
rAt'AfOt) <» *ccx>y*i
.It wall at all tli
Haaaabb tad aM; tl.«W-.
„ , ' out lIlaeMt of kU krotkar
la all plaoe*. Ht* taaUI food aaluTV
0111 UadltoB
IViAi TuBacIMT la In tl
aad bapPT dlapotlUoa raadU)r Bade ^ ircAl KlBPlAr noc 4. u.wa U. raoBA
klB triaadk. aad with klai. one* t, I. t>
Mtad wa* alwar* a frtaad Ha *a7tp
Bvalra TiWBatBA to Man u Cbaa*.
aAttalad UBtMf 1
block K H. L « Ckt iTUadd;
parv, aad wai aaUva. k>call> la parv;
wo(k. H# wat ------------------ -- "V* ' •
. paPAi . Ibr
tiB* *uaiw*m------- ---------- ,
m. awH erf
poattloa apoB all paUte quatUMU wat ,
aSrBad witberal baaltalloa eir 1^ p<
...................................... ^w
las. lot ’• *AC JI. lowB :t. Taotc 11 I pee ncm [-rtociDed
, traaaaat dtltaalt to Meal aad 1
ItBlIliaa -TkA SOBX of rasCA
-------------- —
Um. MinactU V. KAaBW to Mm-|«i*Bd» in ikTA* tar
IOA.....II .0 batllA.
«tMjr kbowa aBoas Ika wewkw, Ib kunka H Wrt*bl. parcrl. toe 1 tac ». I wkicli de-ptoi* ik* turtBoli
^ ! lows «. tan** U; |l
whU* iba .ecoad *u«A..a tl « airlAkAW
A BB* «( latacriMt aad bcBor, be
g Cbampla to Mt*. Botain teU cvvered with dead aac VOUDded



naoBAn .<»-«AT* or bk-si

•n: ;rt^

1 sr«r.rrxSH

steH«e** to bava tkaise
Ha ««t« to Mat* that



Bwak B lAJ.


band br a bOB erf pood WeBda
--------------------vV"?*“ Baauap.
n* BBltar srf tattlap tbe amtract
tor tb* balUlap o( tb* Gtoiwapto libnrr
balht^ waabraapht liifirfi tb* ceaaeU
BaacMp M kteater hr Attenau Bla*
- aU tete BMthw. 8wa It Bar taka hkSL apalB IhoM aepaaad to lb*
"V -teb tefl ate ha aaU ba aoato *m mu tka ate tha MKMMi te teRhw ahBp.
To pat th* BblWr btear* tb* aoneU
AHiiwai ftepbaB Bate a Bottoe
1 B* taU b* warfU *3 to BaaSto (hat (ha aiBtfael ha tot to Oaovs*



• Hapio.

___ BoblAadAr tBd n
Galll'to. bM erf ark. •«*
raifc Id; II.IW BltTenBan tad
BahleadAr tou 1 :. bk»k

tb* tewa aai bs waa wt bditw for



l»rtlcujir. Sis
____ _
It itld «M*i« tn nvumu H. tirmi- te

BaytiilA'M.BI.^J «ti.-r t th.wt > oi

I. J Critp and wUr I
oM. BA>» erf 1*14
»: tl

New Goods


tofaralUapte -IskM^W

is what )ou get wheo-you bu>

to pat aattete capita] a* ha thaa^


os MM. No. U. *M a MB-1
I the
ter thiB alV to IMA ~~
- ithA................. ibeateMtiatet
ctoMtrai* with It.

Vo immediaic buyer* we offer alt used soiled and sample Piaooa and OcgMM
at the l.O\N EST PRICES EVER gUOTED—profeleia prices-« yoae csKa
lower than the imtrumeott cost at whoiesaie. For exaaiple. our Traverse C3ly
Branch ilDw offers the following Remarkable Baigains:

Organ tpectali

Piano Specials
K to tlo BoatklT accDcUtac to uMca
PTDUJNC PtAKO. W7t Myte. kaaltonBr oak
caac. toed, hai ha. Ibc MnitoiiarablA BaMIbC UWA.
iaiA prtew. ms

r»«uter prtow JtSt*. a

toiA priOA M<u-


value received in every pair


STi.*' 1. A a ________ WMpBaal aa iavtuttaw. Tb* Baper

•loH* *1

owaBtoakiartiB ti«M the Saow
to P«Bp OoteMV «( BtoSkte aaap a bUl (w ilAUl (cr tb* vkBpa.
ate atoo tuite that M per caat <rf U*!
wat «aa oa tet* cC arrival ate 1
i Wi ha»* tapraaMtatlvaa tte bb«
thauhar U par eaat la tear BOalb*.;
A^mtw^wte Bate ate earrtod, aaBaatUp^la baM aa« laaA raaohitaa wa* ateptte that lb*|

..... .......... t»-*e

HAlKtei A IV PIANO, recalar prloA ttlt. hate■otoA —-------- caaA teckllr cteekAd. tot* price
WXBPB aaon. piano, md *toa. ws kait lai ,
4 padate. Mvto «** *•«« arf MtoteUa. karpi Mtbar.
«c. te Saw otter, tote |Clcw MW


WARNBB piano, malar petoa tS*. a-van' ale*

ifehek ia (b* anarMSB a

**aMMbto? 'Sm
wacA W. U UBtor; TtoM wwA A K
OoakateOagrp* nil: Towrih wterf L
Th* rcMtoteMaan et
polBtte war* T. T. Bat**.

----- ----

KnrtAU. onOAX *u ecMva. aak am wMk
Blijw. aaaa *lMSUr Bam 4, lapslar pMe* MS. mto
ttm OBGAS. aia oMava. watoteaaa» trite i
toJeprtcA Ste***
vwMH te^W Steto SUP.
CHICAOO OOTTAOa a.-"*** —■—• u Maa,
■al* Mle* SSA
fftTfPfll f
atetateate* wite ^bHc,mto

KIMIUu|paAS<^^^». fte^»laa. Wteaa ate
■QVABS PIANO. (bB 4teat*. aboor taa*. avar■trm kma. mad eotwetw. toJTad Mb*, te te* artw.
■alA priaa Sn.



4tiii avtf carTTaAiBubuai*. at^a*ap w^b to*.
ter. It (wpa. mte aa aa*. m» bMb SM.
CORNtSH OOOAK. kipk ■in4vi aaaa. tete sate
priew SM.
KIMWAU, OMAN, tok earn w«h atezar. m

wnmgoa OOSAM. wWk tmem. II emm ate t
‘^iSSS^A euwa OtelAX. to. te*k tea
mteMm--tec.te.Mvte-te aratetekate.
' LOW CAM MKteX te tead aaPw. Mr _«M.


Yoti uJte ao chaoce> when
you buy tbe Pugree Sbo^
..........................SOLO BY TH6
OIM MteUtetette •Hub* M«a*Bte

Frank FrMricIi242& Preat
Co. St.

CWt-lltw $I«NU


Stool■ aad

--------------1 bo^ bee widt


erinnell Bros.,
Braack of Gdaadi BfOte* Maik Hoaae. Uctfok.



•nat «Mfc*lMita ata two a«ad aka-'i
W. M. «. Uaatlaa.
M HwObT^ rrtaaa hwa la la
Tha Wonaa-a Mtalc^ »
Stated tovaaki*. a«ad Tl raaca. aad tka nm PnakrtsBa ckani
HatSta Mmaa. 7S raan oM. -aka uanl aBeUac 1aa> aaak ala

,; ikoaa
awhan, Klac'i Nf« LUa PtHi. Mlltoas »■
Tar* a< wort. Blckl *M tar. rarlM
llutlcaatkB. 'bU>onslu.-u. roanlaa

£Ti£r3r.r»?K::: ■^sa.-.'s; u»


ana. Mich. IW taa«al vaa kald ta«
........................ — Trat M. t «•
akvek la
ftnHiBt t Wipl> CHy.
vaa daMaato av. Itafck «.—Tha ttUa ao«^tt«an4
ta« laa anenone aaa aaa m laid
afMflWna A»l^ «w Mir araHainio - cr real la Qnai eematarr br tba
hara. Aa HOta taik»
ot tka baabaad at bar rouh
M a »« «< koUb« kc
mr Ub. Tha tana.
BpaBaad Pataaa la La«aL
Marck I.—The Sapraoir
OMVt raoartar abantom kaadac
doara a dccialcia la tka SpaCon] par<luii
taaa. rallac Tlrtoallr tkai Jade* Cblltka Bar. ~W. A. tUmtr.' uadaa at tka Waxlord-Baaiia Ctnali
-___... OHr. (o«U tkafalplt «f '
rnpta Oc—T^tlnaal thank at t_ ,________
baoTra SpaBonl
alBf. Baa. Mr. Kfattr cnaekta kara<baea Ml
“ *
aarr taaorabla la.
Ii rtl be raa>aanered ikal SpaBorc



1 kUlad^nita uSl

rtat rlra praaMaai
Becoad «l<-a-t>iv»klaBi Mr* w iCrotacr
Bacratarr Ura. a Kelh-i
Trtawuer. Mr*. DaWUt Tbon>i».«
Bacratara llieraiafa. Mr»
Oraaalat Mla> Aodarauc


[|M iraaa Btauban t
a a aaaaraJ noatb*

____________ aad Qraad itap.dA
Tka CMimue oT <1 E Buusber alU
coaHouei <o lmpru«t- aad hr l> eulta t
|ood deal Daiiar loda>
CkpL J. a Mclaiuah vatii to Laaatei

iba aivm la lb<- pra,*rr .rf .-...ii ...|ciailta frwada.

■aroi. i'aUorto Haok
Kalabi> nf
WaJlia Caspbrll u op Inib Maaioa


aoarketad. bat betora b
teooad ib<




k eooBtr. Tklla tba latter

lUaBBi n*Ma« ClalBih

aM buval uuublt-^

tor blm.

It It alltaad that aoa* paotta IB^ raeoBalxa the panteo aad a i
eWaltr tan taaa taUa< OW trw ' danu va> applied tor to tom bU

Mia* Roaalla I^>arl ot OieBujcaa,
' MJcb I* tlaitiaa frlaad* m ibo cli>
J She «tj»ecu lo tk-lurti h..m.

H Ja kta ehiaad a

Use aci> tka dupreoka c
blm lu (bov cauae aaJ
hata Frtoa tw Patateea.
iiwla*a*moo >uai
taaa took a amall dnp oa Hes- bl> raa«cii (or ra(iialB( tra* ikat lb>wTa------daraad
daraadlka taaibla *ak<aa*ad larcair, to'craor. acUoa. la panlahlac a loao
, br tka kearr reealpU h Cklctaa Oaal botaev hu .eateaea. w«* aot l««ai Tba
kaadrad can vara reponad la Chi- Sopraiar tvart Ikoaski otbarwlae. boa
eapp to tba teorhlBc and tka (Bben are arar aad imM« tax ika n.aa.a.,,taould laa-oe. Jed«e CblUreidaB >•
« aad » la iba Wwt tor hit btalih

.. Muak.-cuti Uala<
OeMti hall.
Tbk- funeral tarvicc ol tka lau Mr> bi*
lAjckport ?
riora CrMtnnda *ai bald WedsMa;
tnao <3‘a>>
at » oeloek at 8t I'tancl* ebureb Tb.' baa tx^a
Uln* at iba buoi
t<ir hli bona la
»eo iBTfel; atlaadad and Hrarkao

e recetrad h

r araalac and Bore

I sa rss5


.ao baaattful

Trapaor *»«rt*a


i^wa BlUtarr | Uia CaitalK oamcteri

!'ji? »■.

, pBcanto and anotkar BaeUnc *U1 be
baM a «aak hcaa Tbartaar to bi

teiepbuoi.' oik
• ea* aoiplo.«<xl aii.-Ddrol i


dan and fh»rle»oli Oii> n«.ri
Mnar paopJr In Trater*. Cit,
, Beta bar Mlu Aaaa Bbapbert),
^ fOTBarl) otraad a tallllaer)1 *lor»-

OmTkS'SU: 1.^.. mu


,. ,1.

dual *01>^'<I l>

na Mr. Otallek-a Mhar kadtoeii
BkOwdtal^MM***^ to
paar. to to tha citr to tha W«tato <d
tb* OkdBtoa tokcUta and taa altaadr
tatah aedm ta a Ml car load e( Oadlltoea whfch.vlM arrlT* to ib* cdcy la

Clitmrtioit thh nmk^,700
T*a thraa akMwh a* «*»• T«rt
IBatalw tar* kata 09 *-4rtlh|

SSSta ..


Tb* Baaaita


***~ I

irpqM at toBMlilcB Batvaaa totr

• MttohMi tar* k*M >

WIBto#<toaM cf Mato taoaklp

•ta^ta^ ta tatohMta totMan

Kvcrv bbuiiidn > '.nuiKing and planning hrr spring
I'hr -aru iy and .-\celience oi our showing will
Tif woma-. uhi- i> louiting l.-r ihe best
i<-r tier luiii.-i whether her |.ru r be 1" -'i T" dollars
I hr> are i-ar esiellenir as to style, rn and maietiais
rbe> represcio the leading makers from the great
'ash t-: bcmer- ot \menca
Not onlj is the style, h:
and making (orrw! but the trimmings. Imingsand hnshmgs an .nrre.i whiih i» ter> imi>or(ant lu the
i«s>ks kmJ wrar id .i garnien:
hiiiUs w. i<- never -nnl- as rich aiul pn-Uy as this
s. asv‘(i
1 he eiaborateii.-ss .-i the I'lmniiiig adds

SIO, SI2.50, SI5, SI8.50, $25, S35, S40, S50.

Tba Hanaah t
2d t^eMMMta* ^ ***' b»tala*
potated to laraatlcu* tba amorr propoaitton reponad H vaa tboticbl tbaill
voald ba baat to ocxanlM a mlUtarr I
ogBpanr and tbae aaak a- ' on Into
tk* H. N a.
ake tb*'
_ ar In cbnrBa va* appointed and
tk* (ollovlns vara cboaan:
Kraalka. Bart □*«* aad OaerB* Tarhack. Tk* aante* at alBcat all vbo
vara praaeet at tb* last BaeUnc vara
aaenred ta tha aav eoBpaarTba praspeeu ar* tol^t lor tba adlineIon ot tba eotopanr Into tba Nnoaal Onard ac thate ar* two raceaeto* at praaaat. Mr. Wall <d tb* forarMor'i ttaS vaa to tb* citr laat vata
and save iba pt^tpoahlaa BCbh anew
orr^to«^*t^allim MOO aad tlOO|i
earvd tkla <400 vooU par tba Isi
aat ea W.00O at Br* par eaat. Br
lacIctiB tb* eoapaar aad naearlac ib*'

- X-«SuiJsriifir" “ “ ^iudSTJars?

5XZ_^r •• *“• •• • “*• wttalia Bpv
Mthr at tkea* Vtn b« tatoad ata


greaiK lu their beauty
Walking anti "veep len^hs
II a vanetv large enough so that your seletiion will
II.>! U- . onimed to <»nr or two suits at a iTiie



Mn. n«d arooka, eCthto ptoea. bM Tketa »ba aaa auntad. A laliar ra^
«ltb «tal Blgbt tare kaaa a rerr eatrad br Dr. Manta'* dau«b(ar
aarioaa acctdeal vbile ratanlBK boBa
i ibni Mr* Hirward •
Apb Trararae Citr Batordar.
* dead- Tbr letter aa* m
Ttar ana drliias a taaa bllobad
», Irom Hope Tlu, Alaaka. ai»l
to a larae kBd oi tanliare. n« comt (Ivt- Iba dale ut b
«Uoa at tba raada eaaaad tbU to ap^
t aad Hn. Broota aad bar ekUd
wa ibrotra aadar tba load. LuokOy,____ _
botk aacapad drlthout aarloua Injary. I bo»e
Sooib Cedar ilreat o< oi____
Deeaaaad laarM a
and tour cbildraa. The foneral
Oar Laad *< hMtaiagklla*.
TKC n* bald Bandar aftemaoa a
k U Branak. «ta haa taaa tk*
>‘eloek (rata tba realdenoe aad vai
aMt tar tba Oadlltoc aaiOBokO* la
lar tba dlracttoc of tba Maecabaa*.
tbia edtr, haa tnaatarad tba aftacr



I'laixlt' ToapkiB* ”


ARE HEREOur assonment of Spring; !i><iiw< ar i' bomplruand wf invite you to call when Hi lovni aiul insiie*. i ihr
handsoine new style*.
.\s always, you will rtinl mor»- lariciio c- "bt-lt-ci
from here than is shown hv an> three other stores ia
this retfion
This buying in such great .ni.imi!i--s means also
that prices are lowest here

rerr (nrenhir aad ttar* It Btaarallr a

II .In

d«UX to boM > wUIUtT boU to

ta Bl

•B MM* c( tav tottakkli atatoto



t tb^ MarhoaN
bam tta Boat pota tb* ecmtrr adtter
to a elata via wemm ta tb* ta eaa*
WMtoto Btatak Haant to aaUiM to
% flata Lavae ato atoo and ao la
HawrOataaa BMMt OoLHaarrWat■--------- **-- *-*—^‘** aU Ightar ei

AiTtata-5tth*aT££M*3 SSa^aaSLc-KT

rpta TbMhr ta tataliita >to>, ar-


____________ ______ A hr Vtoeh oa*
I BH doaa BM htaa ta vert aad anI Am ta* to fwat (or a deitor aad a
' takrtar a daj la ao eommtm a* to oecaalea no cnBBaat. bvt vban tha ndei
dttt ta a acaapapar Baa harta tta
aoM and (harahr toapiag tow tta Bill-

to. Pbtttokb Bar Vffl ta apgorl

' CoSsrairisiSs

ayr^'isrir-i' ai2r.££jn..“s.3»
IM ta the tataara vto ta


The-biggest kind of bargains in knee suits, 3 to 16 years.


a kind, that means make your selection early.
to buy such goods a' 'uch price*




haea «*-

W* ara otototof tta ban HM
aho* tor todUa *e*r pal on tb*
aarhat Look at It. Tta Boatoa

tta aaad tta mm to vacr dM and


It will take only a few days to sell the wbde sto^


Our name
PlMcd aa Sack* eaMaMaa

KIboic (Ubcdt
erabam and
Rye Hour
Maiir** taH vetoW aad Saiwfler
aaaWT- CrrCbcai.

« RaniKib (f Cay Co.

dtthtta wa atoltadBi uabr a
after hat baaa aaeatottad.
A ttto Vtt Mbd* aa» to tta aHptorl ttotoraaarttowwtonm

sirr-jSb'srj stsaisisr'r:;:^
cs.‘u'*ayvy srjir^----tott* batara ta tocwad tta uato.


Cbc Rea«en»f

il Couabs and Colds
U at haad—We have a preparatioD that
wOi fix dkem—Our own make—We know
it b good—Our penooal goraatee goes
with h—Wah's White Piiie and Spruce
ExpectoraM-M(^ f»dt if it don't

Wttl^’tt OruK Storta

Only one pair of

At DO time have you ever been able

taCUtta ta lta<r trvaaare and take

to Ita aaMBfv to a carp bta aotaHtoa.
Baaa ta Bt Fwito chaaak ta attar- tta aattar ta tta taad tatoitoi htolp
'Otatti vttl ta Mtta M BkitokMlI

%*tttata tarpe^ttrySto^


itoueii ocauM*-!

dto* tat kb poai
r m«aa that hi*
»BL Lcato.
Irtanda ata kiallHn wtattar to ptorat vac bora
kaanoa kla tockr ar Vktaekr
xai, Qnta TtaPtea...^ Qota to a tfeuM a< ita artotoencr
ata to Btaicata tataata br rich Urtog,
tta Jaofc aM tatat troa vUta tk*
eahtaka c< pataa tare n*«w baaa
aStoM ht^Mbar M to
kcataad. canta back daek. tacrapto.
mm kcalhar. Oi^ tt Ttarana Cttp,
mlr tava tha dlatato taevB 16 ttai
BwlM.m vrtth Ita omem pto« ch
thkMtato kaanah .ta tta Bwa Ma^ ,
tftatoatajM^ itatfMkBab ,
• to aM_ta ba patoCaL tb*

TIE HANien & lAY


MKB1&W THOBabAr,M^aoii»%ii^

^<Jiwd Traverse Region.
MM.t Ir SSJ^«c*ms W


*^H*k flalU «M «tf W« damn
Tarara. Ctiy Iwt wwk u Jw '

!T.ssr~is‘,:2i^ “

Atm Mnovlr raoM*d vltk tMr Bw
»an. to Mr. ■•« Hn. W »a>«W.
rah. n. k «».

Mr. LMlmatoa el Waxteil hai mK •
U* Mor* U> i- C. Fowl OalM lo M
b«JU h* Ww u> I
L ts mur* h. ba« IMM* ia»f«y
pkijML n«r*'< ■

mtwm I
e 1


te U.rr or
„ Md M BWtrir fUitm
hr Ibr uatc u»l uirBctlK- I

■" '"'.51-».”

» w».

That the best is the cheap>est in the end.
The best piano on the market to-day is the

TJ*: rn#d ki. ^lur* boM


These splendid instruments are indorsed by
leading musicians everywhere and are guar­
anteed perfect in every way. FKMfrfeK, ltt|lm

W. W. Kimball Co.

MM Ullte McOwr U .1

N. E. STRONG. Mngr,

I 29 Front St.

1 Mrr< hanilisr. Shc«t Music, etc.

1' \ t-r\f huv 'h 'It

ion tan. *r hot» to b» Wl**

*!cs;«i~ •“»“
•T^M «m tndMnd un. J—*•

*Mf M«Tl*

; *vr^
. ' “.2^ S£.'25“h
I ■’

ryff'ot Mr. ud Mr». O^:


“ “"■



t»« wnk.
1, Oaui of Chkwo

Mnus. Uoned tod Slmoot of Chi
• fr*- days In Iowa la Ut«
iloraat. of thr eaaalai factory
Xarirr Vel*b of SolUn* Bay made
burlDflu trtp tMrr thl> waek
4«y aod taall
Tbeaday aroalaa froa

CharIn PlDVDan. I

Special IDarcb Sale


nf llle

dUnV> I. .
Oh Siiiv.

Arbor rlalted la i
Dr. Bbaak «ai
lie Hear) Hoi
Bern Ptekard vaa a Trarrnr city
ealtv the tait of lb« nek
dlckrllle. eraaalBi
1B| Olea
I '
B. Daekw of Ooo4 Harbor eelM
uab Qlen
Arbor aed upi ‘
«ru • mill,, UrtMiab

bare oe Friday.
Lake MlrblM.
rblaan to 0.en
Olea r..v«.,
Haven. H.;
bill '
Tkc Leelanau botei U noe- la the
extend hU pr.
h cf Will <~
aM Wdi fair to'a'So make an addlUoa of two 1
ea ID I
hundred feed, eicbteen feel Vida, on! “r •'V’’
_____a and wtfa of Good Bar■aturday Tlih Mn. V Lae.


Sirel Kangrs. Cafi-ei':ind HouM-hold Ncirusiti.-'





»Zm. to Mr. Mi Mi^ fcri LaaU.

mL bet Iktee More oaaae are qnatnaiMad. U Mara iraaiaticni ta not tnken
ear euMnMnlUr vttt hnre an .etMaMie
4 MnllMT OB lu baada.

2sS^rS= ...X.“Sr£.“!S.'“-Sr:ifa

'« the bet of Jannary
Worden baa uk« Hr. AnpMea aa eMrk te A. Allen'a

5la“ Slf£!riIIi»*22«
^toTihrauM uia out

Mr. and
d Hra
Hn. Bynberx burled an
laat Bauudny. They hare the
pntky of all in M
IbeM aorrM.
Dmini hni


^Mary Potter la worUnc on the aeotlM and hoarda vbb Mre. Onnp«-

«MM M auhrtw

""S*'*. Siamnr haa pnithaa.f tha
MabiaaM raatjeaci oa the hllL

^SlMs in MU are badly rram

^ ,

WI-; ARE showing the hnfsi ;,fi.l most complcic line

‘vr .V'sizr-'

tree City
0.-I doan lo ibe eeaee of everrtblns
Bed hack, are eenned by ilek kid

SSl *1 an Meto bnata, aa the be b

Tmverae nt> pec^e r

bnl I AB nlllind tbe pnbtle
TnTMaeif^ld ),ste from (neu 1 wm under
vunora Vada«ndny.
a pkyalebn a treniaeoi (or loui week*
Hr Md Mn. Kliohen drova o
bona of life Ihrae Ilmea end
Obn Arber and back Thnradny
' “
Mn Donta HalieA Hn A A PKU
•u neek that
the bat tan eeeke
A fea- of our yenar people auendedi
. Aj the anon ta mt
'I vleed ae to W IIIbe reaedy. lelllnr ae
a dnaoe w Obder Bntardny evcnlad
ihrwa lb* doetor *
tbf loada ebere the lieak
locm Far Aae or:
■antas tor Tnvene Ctij
orer tame drttu.
d^ hfler I
Make that pbee their fuiore
aent tbe ktdbey arerMI
Hn. Totten la quite




- *^and Mra. Frdl dnbaaoa at Bn«. M Ntabar ftattad «tto Ptatar honna
4 tab pinan MM taMdar.
tto nafikiMiM at.Hr. BMtar tod
Mdta n annee aaenpa froa Are one
Mtaa Balhar Ayen naa the vnaaf ofi«o*to___
ivM eeelL A enapb at »an tod bar.Mcie m- am. .1 Dtatantae taa.
_ ..................
«M.ta tMi^tae vniehnaaaa Axtai
he la Batting better There H nothing
Mr. And Hn Artata Hyan at OaAnr
tan of hli foot ap to the amkto hat the
bcaee. tbe Aaeh hna nB ArafpeA o«.
Hr Brow thtaka hla taoL nhnt H Ml
Of It. nm eon
Owlea P. Bnlat M h eury
and then he
toran. hM B ii non og the gala.
Aoee get up Md H able U
HMa Hehah WUaon na* the gaeal
nlll be ilaaM a inirMle.
•f Mn. Baa Hyan PrUay aad tear
LoB hMltAg la Marty d
*^UUe VtaM Lake, the Aaaghter at
Bon. M Mr.



The anon hn* actltad qntte a hit the
Mr.aM Mn taMleLakq. Atad at thta
ftiM UK HcaAay eenatag at «:M. Bto taat three or four Anya pad ibd nnda
^beea atek tor ever eMhl aoauto are gatUng qnlu aafL
Vih tlTor uonhla. «he ne* l yaar. 1
Mn Cork H aad nhta to ba a* FM.
HMtoe AaalAan'B ttuta boy got qnlta
Bar. Ataatey at Lake at the Veet A1 badly aentaed the otbar day ky havtag
~ r PM at bM ootM ngaet an hto
tain arhoolhaeei aad ehe wHM ta
John Nesh la pine aM ntth
in tbe Weet AlMti* oeaeury on
-■Jamany. The »anhaaien arereat
Bwthe Kttetea nte tata MtaBtag

wir«s£S:''“i~ ^asssJSSi’SiiSi

Wm Bthal .BMaheti. naat hatae ta
PtatU Bteer ntth her mead. Mtai tovnl hat death, tee tamaa hMhar tan
"^rlteHn (L. CL wiaohee eaBta
m taatr Aanghin. Mn'inha MteL

<*** tof ante tta
iteta bhd Ita'MMetal teh


rn. tea nya that agrtag
gaotar -

nere eleer and recuta/
tbe trealmukt .bo
Doen * Ktitaey Pll* cored tbe lea klleek sad uved ay Ule."
For Del* by all deelen Prtoe W
eenu. FOeiee-MUbun IV. BugnV H
V. >ota Dgeeu lor tbe Hulled Stele*
Beaeaber the eeae—Doen'* —end
tek* BO otber




HMa i£taA MWmM ta ier h
near BerdkAvlIle tn ipeed har «
**%«. J. W. Btaebnct ratanad 1

Ranges, cti.. ever shown in


m anything







mence with No S Peninsula
1 riumph for-...................




tern vtaliM at Otea. Baeongh'a Bat
The nMaLdlaw wean nat PrUo. It

.\t this bank the
stobII depositor tod
tbe haiBll borrower
Bre accorded equal

privilege* A-itb the


$1S0 to

With any stove or range over $26.76 we will give yoo,
besides the above. 1 enamel dish pan. 2 enamel pie
plates, i enamel I qi. pudding pan*. If you wWi to
change any of these piece* (or anything ebe you will
be at liberty to do m>. This will make you a ffne out*
fit which will not cost you a cent extra.
I )u*t offer them to you a* an inducement te^uy b^
lore the spring rush begins.


s hm* a cook •

as lou 1 ould warn for \\V oiirs. lvrs on Our
.sif, 1




•;i .-di





do better

work an«i not burn half the fuel that east stove'


have something in steel cv>ok


that no one else can show you.
A nice neat *icel cook, will

burn either



pan- ihem with ours, and you will
you money.

wood, has two grate*, one (or wood and one fur
coal, well made, beautiful tini»h. ash

pan. oven

door drops down same as ran^e. all

lined with

asbestos. 14x19 inch oven

W e are selling

ItDees notmaMer


...................... ...............................

Same stove, with large encased copper reservoir.

Same stove with


• *^-'6

large encased c«pt>er reservoir,

for onl)
Ever\ one guaranteed to give vansfatiion


are the l>e«t siuve bargains that have ever b<*en

Of Steel Ranges com
mcnce with a good, thole, steel range, with
encaaed reservoir and
high shelf 14x19 loch
oven, will burn cither
coal or woovf i,ha* two
grate*, one for coal ami
one for wood i. well
made, lined with asbes
to*, guaranteed lo work
perfectly our price is
-only............. -- *-75
Next, with high warming closet, encased re*er
voir, for..... ....................
..... iST.S
Next range. 16x19 inch oven, burns either coal or
wood, for.......................................

Next, ha* very large oven iSxlV inches, (or only . M.50
The next i* a great, big, heavy range with lot* of
oickle on high cloaet. reservoir, for--


rJiJ! i^ug’K
Vou Can Save Some money

vou do not have all tbe money. $f> tiowa will do.
If you
' VV> h,™ J (uU lin. of Dcoited Hue
and white enamel ware that we are
making some especially good priceBOO.
Water pail, white lined, (is always neat
and dean)................................. only 67c
Tea and Coffee Pots horn .........ttc ap
We have some eapedally good bar*
gain* on some Wash Bowls. They are extra large Hse.
Wc are making aspecial price on them <rf ISc each.


Ole Hie SbAwiag
.\n exceptionally large and complete line of Carpets,
Rug*, .^n Square*. Matting*. Oil Cloth. Liaoleuna,
Buying as I do. (or three stores and giving my per*
sonat attention to the buying, enables me to gel the
ver^ bottom price*. Ikting the enormousbaAteewthat
we do enables us to sell at a very small margiB. That
IS the reason you hear so many say they can save mon*
r\ at Slater's.
Hemp carpets----...
• Uk. 16c. 20c and fee per yard
First class, good wearing, fast colors carpet, beau­
tiful pattern*, for...........................................fee per yd

A.,nm..,rt.n>«.................................... $li6»d»l*0

(the very l>est Steel range made i for only..

By looking ahead a few week*. H >ou buy before
March 16th, we will make you a present of the follow
ing S-coated blue and white steel enameled ware:
With any oiove from $16.75 to $26.75 wc will give,
flee o( chaive. 1 enamel teapot: 1 enamel coffee pot.
like cm; 1 enamel »tew kettle Hkt cut; 1 enamel tea


bright colors.


A he^fulVihoo Rug..........................»|LTC mi $M0

Urge one*.

khn.4 ,
aa the Oat* plan ta
to the grqpad ca* algkt
ntth aV tta eeaKMe Itn**,
d by Hr BunaMt taaBy The
keen aothtag of the Are mui



1 hc> range righi along up

Our Fine Cine

b Mtar. «e are fk^ ta bnrn.

«Ph ai»a« «0 aav ^ ta atari «v
tag Man. Tbare are gnlta
aOtai la (to md.
IgM. Win Lnre of Tratar



Mta MeDonaMlna bana atek

V at ibt (nrMtre hn*»


Next size, ItixlH inch oven. for..
.o T... ...T..

F*NF NoUe and Aft Whltawe nt
■kHMib Halted tilaaia In thb Mnae


we are selling for......................

”^... 0.™..,,..


$:i .'to m i-vcr) ten dollars


. .jne Unyraa mm etth n hnd nael- Tneeday In the talereaa of the W. r
dani bat eaek. In aitiinc do** Hm- ------[. B.
held et Mra. L«nna.....
bar ka bed both bM bdka* ad the
A todee of the Order of Aae
$«HB have BDt iknsa«k itMharinB.
an badlr that OM M tn be bMMM.
Hb bOMe b ta TManb
, natan tn Mxa a latapbana at
JitTSa aprUi.
tenant There nr* Metreo aacahera
A am obea la aenda
M U^rtaMimd lhatr Mhner Fll^
Mr. ArMatrow and Hi.-----------------etan. Honb and Mind."
4 Monk Maatum bland tmlbd td ttla
iMrl T~i 1—*---------- -----------------------maernt with a alaich and '

before ihai we have some goods m mo'i rvcri linr ihai we arc cloaing otii. on which you can save from

Mr Litne> 1.
nbere (1
i> loos and eererv.
Sieleel be* *old bl
(oodi to K. Hanaon of Fmi
Mre. A T Bnbblti ba> been quite I
Slelaei nill s1'<‘ bb
a a ncek or aore, but ie eon recioi
bulrher Cmiloee*
rlnc Mlee Kunlee reotalned el boa
I ID pr>Men
.1 I. ultl
bM t
... ... - ....____ dw .
Mr Oa
ba* been *lek for aeer : lookinx i
<y three aootb*.
, me u»u
Oeone White neat to AMea KHdAl !
I roi.0
to lake part In a play rive
0 Kivr'' <»n
HI*. «!..■'
aad Mra. Harrtbgtoe of Haph-; ' j u iivnraD i
etty have lieea rblllar their dangbter ‘ (or a year
Mra. Jna. bn«ei. Tbev retumedi iuhn A'nUer >
' A Wnlirr b
Mr. and Mra. H U Hot>b* laive A'ed
Uuey * intere*!
aaedar u> auaad the neddtar of their
The neae of Hr Hoji I. tadurv II
tea Opaall
- Md
an Mbe Ploreoce Wheel. people for prenldeei
The i>acea •
pboe Tbureday.
nUeh wlU
eleettoo will be II I. hnrrl u. tell Whe
Ibr lime eutne. a ben laHiple «bi> a
bo( Intereeled eninisb i
■rtne aocbl of ibe
* and Ibe allp"
. H. A. heM I Hr RAtfe a Wedaee- anay a lib. then li vlll b
> or< very nell
Juba Kirt he*
min nUeh anane at i
pNcnm. nhicb had been


.^fter the spring trade

wr have inorr lhan wc . an do. so if vou can aimcipair your wants a Mule ahead you can »ave a dolUr in every ten


‘jSrta OeekmMoakk
CMk. of Mart* Ov-

\li the goods wr pul out

rush i' worth I" i>»M- .cm to II'. ami »r will gt\c you the bcncJii of H.


Lino^m* and Oil Cloths in an giadet and at bori
» »« of money on m.ythii«

* VUI ba ptayar anttag
Mr Md Hn F«eA Brexta* rMa^
tran their titp at Tnram CKy inA

Wholesale and Retail-

Reliable Home Fumishw

njnn TUTCRt BmM

'•“-r■ *•< l« ItBi





». or.
»*tM• •>«.
i«^ h»

hVb *«tM* «M; h H «MM M nlM. (W


Mh hr

, „» ^ hhMh.

(tMraW. <


bwh«H (niM l.U« aerck <i< thhd. OwMi «M kMoM ^ U.U* bMbrb'
tna M« bCTM: tbaa «*»• Aar*. EM,
BIhtr. MarMM.
Qrut. nf* Lake Omts LM*. Uatoh.

wror^y ^ , e-j*^ M Mareh.

ranitk* kM L«M Lake !■ lb* oMrr
te (M-auaWr <i barbeti ut rrfMk;
cron >■ ihr bonbm cnuttM Orui'
Trormr oMM} rmakr CoarU. kUrob.
Beartr bart MbcUiro mbty tbktbt
«r la lb* «rttr wi
TratrrM cmat} ralktd IT.tW
Orabd T
bwbrt. U CMcbM oo tu bCTOk of
Mi- Of %ba bijnhtlbc roacltaa Rea .
btr ratkM a.UI barkbli frcM Ml,

- -M
Mi kX
fM (hr
iHM. to » •* ibr Tl crortmul

nta. Uarob A-TM Tbib W •

MieMcbk 11 Wane* Fri'
Onsd IUtUd> «»ob.


i-cr ^-z.-S’ i-e

AM CoaauvMta. iMlMtlaM aM“ J«
y-tprrtnwli tteat tsrttc with and rad
IbAUk m4 CUMfM-BzpN-UBce arklM T;tp<



» for t^bkMr t)U. Pwtef (i;ru|M.
, Monthlor wor o«b<-r Narroth> (uaraalrr^ It dr»(ro>» \N uriHk
s It rwrrk Otarrteuvb atul Wlwd
U>Uc. It rrlleiok Torthtoc Tro*a.i««.
i yotaaiMUoa
lUkd Ptauwlearf.
It aMlnrUoKw Ihr Fwai. rrctUaira the

Rralarutk (oaakUc acala laadi ihr,
UM lb Qraai Trarbrar roaaiy aKh
IIMI baabrlk ot iMbbro *Ub OkrlrM
acblb kreubi vtih MU burbeU
biter. Orbki'aad KMr lakr (uwarbliM
bavr bo prarb rallac
Tbr kBbIteri
rail sc ■)««« I* iba( ut raus (oraifeiv
«(ih fb«r bukhete

MMk wteb rteteMhii trouMMjr.


MM. cimklu bM tu tl _
Mn*tk« both Wt* hm
Mkte. Hr «w ukrs o (hr b^
• ■■4 »rj

jSiV «Mk/MM/MHIMt*

kM tna ttT me
\t nM ll«H_______ __
_____ , OMOi* emnv *»» l»*
rtril «ntk OrmX Tmr«M tmma

wMkMHhWM M» b

MMM., mmmtr •« w »,



f Basis tbs Signature of

P(ks> (ji ib<- klIcbICka turrklry <
hibil k! I hi- l.ujU(asa Puxbarr •-ri

bkll o( Mknotro. k I
wUitUBeri brlB* b
for tb* bin«w <rf r
• furv^T^ .-ihlUl

«- «««f«
caprakc ot BkiUsc >w/t
1 V Piarot. ButiJo, K

I HuCbell. «ki> bat (barer u(
>> ix-atkiuia f(mir> rxblhll
larr l plan, tor a Ul.piaj
kkpetlor u. (bat s«kdr at ib<- Co
M» cxpwItIcXL The rxbibll rill —
A iiwrr Kite l«ri bbd wtti coal
I5.M0, the ewllr* rxpMirr


The Kind You Haye Always Bought

Isnsd'x rli .( Si>
Ui '
■ II.. I ..f U laa d..|>ariui. .1 tn, !«• .

’ E’.E-'Hr.IsirJ


In Um For Over 30 Yeara

tet< Incas l-t

;; :;rr......


Apprt«iJ .1


,r Payeltr. lOab.. of

■rb arc lakluk

r iiasi ftasis* WiM


«Mb tbboaaai CbiMM truft aro
•Mb Hal Hwaa aa tM MrtbM* ITOB
Mr. Ik Ute fa no Wahls faros br* i
MtMHM liiiiH »hk aro utfia
kC iatr ro IM Rwaalra liar •* on
SM ths Yterrry hM- h
mMm that tb* WitMMt aM 1

•art tiara haaa laMlai troaca te
. ht Fraab aac CtiaewMs It b
aMMatai that MtM Iwra baaa ite
rkai fbi that a* bivaMs late
Nortliaro KMbb te iiatiiMibIbi. Pm
lha (bbt that aha UMMaa MM te thu

L«M V«ct Party a
. rbu ia .uprrlBlraifBi I
\ BiMT .-n> ^
.. ...
?>-U>Uilaa iBlerraU al aaa ctK-s la llh-s Art>
Uaalster. hai airaaced to praaaai
acMlMrai <U all tbr

_____ ______ ....
at Utchlcaal Hrcsrtl Srvabex provided as or
.M R te auroUbbi IhaTM haroa laabar ObMpa. Itawata IndlYldual trraal ira of loiar latirumraii
The ■
but* Btlaak aa VUMvaaMt t Part aad other laleraallac laalarra *111 br| r«
rlsbtwu baa luai ra-|oasbly spp
axbibItM. Mr Hsbt.rU
AfUMT Will ba naba.
wber^br oo^j OuraU a
lartMi rrom Hoaabi
that Um MMtrWRy ml CMm »»■—*
Surdtrk iseui i.
Tarrtbtb ProMa Piro hi 0
MM M MiWtatiMd. Tba allfbtSM thtat
foroalry iteplap ' vlllv. (ileo Haves aad Ql<n Ar^
craduai uplir-.ii
M ttia» ta atart Ml lUrlMW Ki MMS
hK* Ibr coal at lha forMtrr a*iteata that •
blhlt paid by Hkbtcaa baU« vaa tbr (raad
dressed thrusc
am. the rxUbtl «m br ubdar tba
m bSart m ansM Uw Ruwtow l
. jb all ihe lotrtrai.. ev..ii
UM hbYt baaa av^ bp a fasM B
f appolaied b> Ooearaor inai beaMlIul exrrrtee
TM tre swapt orar a vtia atral
a biW TIbK
The ceBltemesa roaiuiuis »erv all
A T Btiiu^ (OBstettaa ol Ibr folio*of MoaUT daatraplai faiui hoaaaa. tu. aril wonky ol ojoslkw. l>si a le» »in
TbhrW—lbfa Mt than wUI ba m>
laSM bad bTMpthlaE that stood ta lu
•sBre. Cbarira Ouok appeared raprJ Hsbbell.
MwMb aa ta aUWaalHT b> tfta •
pat^ Kock was seaaataii aad fam
W. w. Mitebou, caoiiMr
ctall) cbanalsc Is s dark auli. abicli
Mb that wniM ha attbMfMi M ths Mr aaSili varo twtrnpail. VhUa "
a. O Pubrr. Bap Clip.
ni oR hte bk«de ocwipleikm lo ad
••HatMb thaa aat ttw tupar haai. Tba
Mvard Bnrktep. Haalttre
Hesri S'eaaro aa> inx^ra
rraak OUebrUt. Alpeah
' iscl) arrayvel is a roalusie
•rr wlU asala ba •SItl tha fa
Al MiBlcbl. Breretarp Hal li doUib uaUxt bla i
Mr Bldirl
P -----------------i
Mi Coa---------------- ----C. "
- (oral biiBOr
hb vile aa a aotaal alar.
Ubslac. acooapMl
eonatp. tha nabtea ai
e te forpsttro
)i Laaalbc. oopansu
aapact ihr Mlrhlcaa
•••B tnaaa a Ttan X


•Ha rohsiUM *r •bUtteb wUi ha |wte
WhaihF MMh.
WHh all lUa H ts a sbaatii faar

' U.V he sns-WslMdBMiwIvsaaaaMMr; T*«>.T<«hCtex.yev>iJ-a hrtawM

" SWw
icn LAND. ACT JUNI «,«*•



I?1 KIDNEY - Bsfl®

■MarSUf IM la«a*f*«« -wr n
•M tb a taMral uprialv thaaa m
MM ta teM ta ibair iivaa. WWI
MMar UiMu trorhis te Maalbla
^ IfW —“ •"

aoM Ol L.
•lOaip ttabw aai liWlaa aehaa)
Mwa iitaiTii- Tbrtp haad ta saratw
aato varo Matropad.
■ to lha
M tatWa MrebrtM honM aad oMtta
aai itaau balMtaM. ta Hot aTarpthta*
that Btaoi ta ita path.
Lhtar lha Irr acala ahtftad (o tha
jMbS ta «MMh UM traapa ta rm- MwthMKl'aM at ^dataht raaehad
PIra tbtaiaatal ebteaai tta_
tha work ta Sdhh
tal back tha Saasaa to aatt “
Poi two
*Ma—IliMtaChtoaiatar. .PaurM^i taatad. Ocaat maasM
ta ataaka patU<
MagMtM M«* ate# bn» oraani « ad dbMb pMbPM OB tba akp. tha tarW

tataMb tab •HMh •antbMi ta HaM.


poaed upuB aa> lady ilaorl
Chartaa Cook nore thas * iox.
A pratUly *fraa»«l paitar *aa de­
void lo Ibr ci'eilrBrs'.
pipr ol
: Al wMalaki k bousUful aopper ak.
I arrved ml tbr MrKIbbrs boiol
Tbte te tbr kseoas loviird <tab« is
' the hall, aad both mrored k rraad an.-

*• * ‘•“21^*^

ta Mita «ht laaai atatteM thar
taataarsbMsft. .


t ta* ■aaai oxhlUi of furaRora *

** ^hSMMtaP COMpM*. Vb*



r TIMWC lahM Tw I

: tehahMAbte taoght tar thair hstaM
Oaa thiMMai aaa hp iMpasata tabor
1a»M al lha vata hof
■------at tba Caatrta Nawa aapa I tihacfcad tap
. Hartal I—* Takti r—

5^'^“’------- .....tha.. dtp h« tha Mhlara

boa fro.,

Oraad Travarar coaatp It
anou Uie >ipnhrni Mlcblcau eovieUro
Is prtaio crowtac aoeordlac lo ihe
iwroiy-anb aaaual report of the arcre
urp of tialr tor the yur IMP .1
fart uole Hire* cuaatln Is tbr aouik
•rti part of Ihe atate exceed Ibte
Tbl. cousty lead, lor Ue Dorlbersi
cosstm atib SM.POI boabrU troai
KUi acra* of taad The arxt aaaraai

"^fK.rS5 »»•>».


^f^'*^Mirp*apta aro 0. tba ptataa with


tWtaiMW^tataff^.r»'^.HF*ry '.klro » tbr



• bM aha»i


baaataitato-rt^**rT^T***-^rf~ ' “*’•









-hM« airaaip aot •« MB . TM afwM pro*, ta IMd Hb* 1*U
4^lmtalaptaatawiaropr*pap. ORtaMi bataiaU Barfc«t*d pen war*
n.iH boMta fnaa kill aero* ta laad..
iMta Ntajsta H ta-a ataaa.

WM«PM«^,has Mt batik aif^ a«

------ - £rZ!2




' v" \^


rm HkhigM fM Hofm f
aSu an wwa brog



1 N btatawM han that tbs



BMlda thte.' tbs a

ciMa «MMb aro stM haWtoprwouBtpraaha ftta tatbapeedatatewta
]|Umm wblta. baa baui stswitap fro-


_____________ rcA b* j naated.
3 Ca. KUm. lb* amt I
Of it

*^ta^'toMTl wta>

s l.*U
0. Not aatu lbs alMt «w -tar
[apaai was tha «ra ashaaarad aad r
cm. Leclaaas
_____^Iwaarr woiMn ptstaWei to ratara
.*11 baal rl> from V»U
aad, Wexford nniBiy. I'li.btl
<•). trtaii l.o« ar
Ibr Uivaahip.
uroakhlpt ul ibte rosso Par
poiaio ytald
loa-dablp led
baabta. M»D l.T*t arm
caar the toUovtnc leva
MtaPh Thas* la a Maistwar ta Uw |
aaTaUhtat Ml food aa wtal
c_ i_..-.-.^.------r--r..- .aaipa la tar ororr asBra: uaraeia.
•MMttatabMprtaBdtataitf hMu*.; Tha aaiMaw ta loasas is:
;■. H-bttnraler.
Wbltmler. MarMM. Blair. Actar.
«**ta H*^..a^tat
te ,
Peatasuia. Sati

i. aTka-L'TS:



raaU ta lha Sataa HaaH
lbs braata

' laa
' $0Kt »um»ila« p )| WATta ;



sarsrd tbr latUea aui to propoae i

-Tb* pf«. of Ibr Oraad HapMa (urt a talat I
1 bulldlac a

Aoctaant at Palav
'-aalaa, Hicb..xMarrb J - Jrat<' Hay.
aai tb* vIrllBi of



r~rir-i wps eUltac llBbrr oa WiliteD MlihMBtoh. : kirk's plae* bonbaut ta ACBT. A trae
: had braa rot do*a aad br faltrd to iwi -


r. iJ.


£Ss.;=Ls:i d'iss-.'»2sS:Ti^:^2a«f- nii'Sv

. paap wHb a caac ol Bvra. br



An temaa iiiUI^ imCy hr hMunol dM Thraat aad
Loro, kam aad aodsh. vofld onr far ataotl a owWy.


waablaclua March l.--Ch»c p.. •
roaal frlrod. cd Called Sum Hesau.!
niarln W Pairbaaks ta ladiaua. are
asiboriiy for ibe ataieBrat that mtac
U3 tb* ateb ta Prealdea! Baoarrrli
Phlrbaak. will arc«(n ibr vice preal
drailal aoBtaailOd If H te tradered uv
bla h te Ebdrciood 1MI Repeal
aiire H^«sy vrf ladwaa *111 roc
rowl FUrbaok. If be res. I(* !«.*
P RooarTrlt and FMrbaab.

Tirl^kaH T0UB.MIU0GBT.



.... .


C**>0 tePIM * IMIMU *fcOkPMY.

-------- ------------------------------------------taKa.Pek.te.1
wheat lajorwl M Mkk.
i ua Inna Troewa. CM? S:
kHml Mleb.. Marta k-A bawTP xata .'fTT
alcbl .atakrt OM wbote MM ta ''S^S^W^SSSSL'
n, .^fe tOOU ta ahtah tbs :Tronsa. (*W tl______
altrraair Ireaataf aad tbawtad had
.ii MaadWahroaMtasM —
.rd sp TM tax arovoats to thaw TmfaroBMromOIiSt *• ^

When you need a LlNIflENT get a GOOD one.

Mustang Liniment

__ ._____MfroMdakag
Mbt* yo«





Has earned the title of



‘Pioneer of Unimentt” I

. R wTOrtop pilin g
hoita quicker thm a^r «tlM


Ota m itap-at.

*a:e&s.* taw tattap.B



Pere Marquette

rax ea^fcirD TaavagB mmy THussoAT^XAra


.Oaric^ CWMT.

It is the
Surer Way
Have your cake, mui&Ds, and tea biacuh home-made. They w31 be fresher,
cleaner, more tasty and wholesome.
Royal Baking Powder helps the house
wife to produce at home, quickly and eco­
nomically,'fine and tasty cake, the raised
hot-biacuit, puddings, the fro^ layercake, crisp cookies, crullers, crusts and
muffins, with whkdi the ready-made food
found at the bakMhop or grocery does
not conq)^
ROTalis the greatest of bakeday helps.



«Uh • okM Itttng now. a
,' home from aeheol. or gaeata drtvtag |
qantar csv
MMr. a l«*«l t
lantt. a*a n da* «r cvnaan.
^ qaally a tr^ hMidkerehM and <o>, lar were alwny* randy. nc«y. la the

Pe-ru-na Cures Catarrh Wherever Located.

The RaltUaq Cq»ia,

, and cake *ni on the piaie- aad Me ,

e knew the rnmt or back iherwif ‘
ts a kindly aad original old Penaf sjlvanla Oerman who had bnlli a great
, and suniiy klirben where the oompaaj
• generally plaeed. beenose tu, raid
miiiber' spent nearly all her *
r time In the kitchen, and she sboold
{ have Ibe best lie gained praise la bis
, couBiry. but no Inikiwers—Oonkina *
,. Srbool k

yimai. dlstolvsaj In a link- lukosn
''nii-r Add «o« leaspooa salt anil s
la eauuib bnwl Sour to nakr a si
Latter. It rise over night, tb
add fisur ii-aapaaBa butler or lard, o
cup t'lgar. 1*0 esnts and oae even Lea

A reader of the HedorJ Home
partment makes a request fiw a ret
tor rliicken palties la puff paste >hi
This u Manoa Harland i r-r ip-'
tbe glllag Of the shell.
Doe rupful of milk, one ial>lesp>
(ul ,i( buiier. on*




ue ibi'oi

tiliTlog until



piirlias an.l

tieels i

] lore dlltof lh« pastn sbells
Tbe sbells may be made of puff
- paste and baked in psiiy pans, i* made
Lislen lo What Df. Hartman Pro-

Rb'hanlsoo <Lak«- Itreak two. eggs, ih>- i-dgv with rings ul tbe
1 a rup. dll the eup with sweet erwam.
sd turn toto a howl Beal ‘♦kerlea. mad.- I.
(hen add one etii> of buffh!- “tl o»« *»ii
ooe-hau raps of door sifted with ihrer
baking p.wder






woLa' ^“ffermg w4"

W«» wWto ae toe (oia of the ttia:
te ItuM was U«bt aM ba bMUr
. Abi to gnidM u H



•M totakt’ the ebttdrM nR cried ta
a tounto.
Tsto Wood has tea'x* to aaa!
Be wooldit. I km. H he’d only bad
Ao happy a boa* as «*.-

a stove, a taU*. f
ebalrs aod a atok. whan Hood a MtU
to be out ni giny with bar
Mtoai a. at fbe raM btta her* aad
there oa to* walls naar ba. brandsn

n* nl«U ena* down aad to*
wB* bbDM
Te baraeU aa she aAUy Mtoi
- TIi ao «w**« to tofaor (or toons w*
toiob^ with
tdy dally
aad to*

ii'a Bot atTMg* torn i^ioa wO

• V yon>* Mythtog to oBa toto '

wtu old toe cm eff rtobt.

‘Ibrough repealed nmdtogi of ento
oeau they fswiasd tbeaenlTee to to*
iittto tort-f Betoory. TbneHbapgnned

Speak It oto!
• H yoe>* any truth witoto you tkml'

will MM toa wnrM a light

toadkltoutl............................ I

toil today ah* caa readily racnfl aaay
fatrtoHe eongn nod
etoied wtth' toe pro** of to* IttUe
ttto*B -ta that faraway Ua*.
-ft to aot poaHto* ta to to totradao*
gaewy ao UtaaBy a to to tortob
toto oor hittotog. tort toe
eglrtt of poetry any alwnyt he
■tortt oar esmaadtoM «B( to* noa-

Kaos for the most of a*
bn ttol a: dam a work. *M woth tost <
uftM to* wiru rubef* ngataH, U to
I to eaaida K aoytotog can ba
to to ^tft otw tofaa oa «t to*
M at dradswr toto a Wgba om
auto it Ml bt cwnnr
^ gran to ton b

I up ef esr


-■A eerraht with this «
Whe eweegsh

y (wuMy reaa ago a^ 1 wnn

I amt day opened tola ooohAoot
tor. tb* trat UB* rand. wiDu
. Trnnr* epoa th* tydaaf, the wvu

IM Be bW Ibd K to toy bawl to
When ragiuBt wltow bnei

watt: juy btatotoc. bto toy 1
Ottol wto Ure^ 1

to* CB* by

i*om(ul tora. wbM-«*

Th. rais imme ls Puss and d.wp dmti
o Thursday mnrolBg ■!%* hay 1«“» ■»«>'
I Hk* to rand »*
IB over,
orer but tl Is
BTlh lor* lo aO lag'
r« Is Irosea
1* aai guod akal-;
akalan>< lag. Tbit Is all I
a totak ofgoo 1-:

^ •
old ' bye.
n ycHir eusablne boy.

Oeorgto mm
> OOM Ptoe, Htalu Pefc to. IML

wrtlc aad tell you (hat I sronU Uhe to
Dccr Hra. Bat**—I would Uke to be- beloag lo tb* Ssatoln* club, aM *a
1-1, you <to Oetohme ,f hr. .to '
i» «6e Buaahln.- eluh. Please send please send me a card aad bmun.
Mrs. Isn ttmusey. ttaySsU
me a card and button
I kave four like to go to BChool very Bach. .1
an I Me*
---------------------------- -------------------------------------- , tifien and two hrothers Tbetr Bases siudlea
BCTsr wrlttoe to pea baCeca. I am
happy iblDs that •'* are such a greai are Hart*. Annie, Sene. Bmma. Clause
r. iBstoow*. tpetitog well aod hope yea nrc the sob*. I aa
loving family * Thai
ihese lortng ■ »n«l Will I go to acb.-ml almini every
to to* aftb grada. Hr toatoer'i mm
thuugbU will gu from (hr fkr off stale <
I* Ito. Hani*. I Uhe hlB rerr mmh.

Bod together onUI dleaolvod. eight
Duiiota of borax, eight oonees of waabing soda and three poands of white
aoap la four gallon* of water When
ready to use, add two gnlloat of waiar.
tMr ooBces cf akobol aad two ounee*
Of WashIngtuB ud Ibe Paclflc coart.
■half of toe Blnur*
from California, and Artsoba aad Da
a* (rat proparnd. After II la tbu* 41-1
luted, wipe tb* carpet orer with tots.,
uslag a scrub brash oa stain, aad rery,

Axe 11 years

f^uae Kahn.

CsisepsHs, Mich.
Dear Mrs. Batoa—I aaw a notlee 1
dirty spots, aftarwarda. wipe <>»» ■ Mtehlgsn
You know your prraldeni i clnh. Pta
power , u*
Tbl. j enough for a lUU* girl toe Uidie* Home Journal of your ffuasblne dub Thar* are qnltc a tew of
I tost we csunnl think lovtag ihougbta like Be.
my friends bare that beloag to It,
T. r.. ■..! Autoii..
i about any one wltboui Ibeee ihoughts mhen 1 t n srlie tor myself. Oood-faye.
would ID* to Join It Pleaae esad Be
Bmma Kahrs
a card aod pin.
The pinch of salt tbal glvas an added '
™ tolnr^l Ml
Acme. February 2«. ISM.
Yuan sinrerely.
,Ba.«-. wo.d ,.** .o,
btella Tna*.
letris. And It would be a good Idea.
Runthloe club Pteaae sad
oases wbero any B
Traverse City, R. F D. No, J
n1 II, now* If yon would wrtl* ^ »a,*rt and button. I didn't go I0|
Of Bilk I* an UifradleaL TM* b
Feb gpth, ItM
Irt.rrs to Ibrm aod tell ibemVho,.) much ifalt wlnier
The rnadi,
Dear Mrs. Date—We are bating v*
AUA Bar»r wssu .
, i
addresses are
I couldni. 1 have a staler
a>*d naror. «na a -cmel eeparatloa
Archie Ptoutoman and Martha Ksl- jourtera years old. aod I have a ilstcr catica BOS I was down to grnndBa's
J aetaally taken place, *
logg. Uurdlrkvllie. Michigan. Thank ,nd s hrotb« iwp yean old. They are yesterday We do not lake toe Herald.
- m nerve by (be brisk ^ ^.11* for sming and lelllng i
We have-for peu c
util toe
appHcBtkB Of an ei
Shoui then
reading (be 8
iettera. We have
ul. two blark horses, oar <
to* pad
> rwallow tor d
gol a new calf It looks like s UtUe
«e heifer. I am iwelve year
(eOowed It with
h aMtoar. Tha toe
deer The soow 1s real deep out In
trtlk tnesored to* nay
As sda* a. you dlaraver yuar food
Hurdlckvllta Feb Jl. IS«4.
a ratoeUne
Wtthltt half an hour toe patteat »o- I* aocriAtog plunge to# vaetol into
Bale—a. I have not writ
R Reyuotds.
oe Ihe Friday befewe VatonUa day. I
ttoed n isBenlng cf th* yUa
(Old waUg aad H is aaved ftOB aay '*« «> run tor a kmg tlnm I win write
Isadore. February S8. Itoi
gM alx TtlenUBea. I get the PPultry
eheet aM at toe day prernaaid ah* taste of aeorehtog. Try It aad yon will ■“*- 1 tkaak you ever so much (or my
Dear Mrs Bates-l gM my
For (aktog tb*
rneornred her natainlly ebeertol tfdr. be serprisad at tb* effect
c»rv! end hution W'li I have some sad card aad butioa ><» sem me. and am
Journal I gel a yard of ehlchs. Tbe
rrMay Bcratog *b* *MB*d Into
aewa lo irll of ihe dear ftaeshlner*.' very glad lo gel ibem aod ihall try
name of the plnaie la (be -Bat
WoederiBg why doth Irsain* Bto4*
ibe Bunahlae boys gut hta feet' hard lo keep the roles I go to scboel
Chick." I go to aehooL Hy c
and preaeed al home aver bad toe frasra aad hls mile staler fraie her even day Love lo all the SunsUaert.
are rdadUg artthBeUc. wrlttog. laaled.
1 bear she cen1 walk
Willie I.etoerUad
gaage. drawing. geecraMr aM speOwefir ai their grandpa's bouse aad It
Traverwe CHy. R. F. D. Vo 5.
I aakad («e lor toe aaerec c
pfe will iBrn a pbynktoi
a writer ta Good Rotoihiiplug. There ; burped down. They tost everythlag
mb. ft. 1*M
aaay to ear* nacb -Tlttln totoga.- flb* Is ho naeret.* said -be. : “At boae one It was iwaiy degreca beio* sere, and
(lev Mrs. Bales—I ihnught that I
e 11
Oartrade Graat.
snM ardtoMT BW*« oU wu W. but : to In too gram a huriV^ has toeiat toar o'oloek Injbe morning. Theywould write you a letter. I hare gone
iBgortod aM pur* totr* all iiways ttM too bat. Vae a 4ttrm Iron aad | hM to go forty rodi before they eouM to echool every day this srtoler. I
oriatt. Miek. ftatwaary n. I8M.
■runs very atowly-’
get to a bouae. and all to their alght wwel to eehool tody and my leaebwr
Dear Hra. BaU—I tooacht I waul
s well.—New OrlaM TIai
clothe. Their names are Arctite aad wnsnl iher*. mad «Mnf borne I fro:
srrtie ud tell yea toat I raertved b
To peek a rake U carry, hake It to'Beaiie Ptoughman
Oa toe Igth of sny eara. I hare-rttee-qaaner. of
card aod balUB an right. aM toaah
a *«BBe cornarad tto Get a parte-* Febraary asotod
Sacshla* Hrl'a i bDc to go. My taaebar’a naB* Is Hh
yon ever se much for It. F0r peu I
beard bM a* near aa poaslbto toe alt#: bouse (funed down. They loot erary- Pack. I like her awful welL
hare a oat DM a Utfls poppy,
the eaka. tf toe box Is too lcaf.'totag. There ye gre tolidroa to toa^uagbt bare Hat wtater. For peta
naae I* Blag aM ar rath ui
Why abouli kWebot towny*
It to two wtth a sharp knlte,i
bally. Her name It Martha
pag dog. Uls a
Tabby. 1 bar* Iota of (u BtHlag dowB
bum to to* Mtoaf tb* boms*, wbten
I have a llUle bird. Hta hllL Mr hretoer Ckartry weal orer '
to* gram M dHSBod down nnd nlep toe Btodle. aM shot, the eMs Ugeto- My mile ttaiev ta getag to give her Jlp- As
gtoli actaBtoito? Why hava a bMh *r: tl too wide, eat It Isvtowtoe aM Christmas ddl to oe of to* Ctrl*. They I aasM H Veddie. I bar* caw bruton. By atatar** today. ~1 har* a heecher 1
Move to* sldaa togatoar. Toa can ton
— all their ghritiBat proeata.
Hli nans if Perrin. He Is gve year* yean old that goae W tebeel at Bl
to to* ban**, abywny. taataad to twn
Saplda I hare a hu and her naB* :
rtsiert woeM like to )oto toe'eld
Hy paP*
trngta. nffutoir raagaetod? Thewrltar],.
Une to* box,
NMtto. My 4ra at* ap two psutafls,
kok, with'8a.
wtth ' aua-vhl** club. WaH yea ptoaae end ;
k« k»

Toa eouM look atralght
WIM the Bdtowtog It a tnuHt
---------- --------------- -------Tttit work raa bast be dona, to (be! torocih (he heua* Il
’ Tbia hook laettt but one reetp*.
rtgbt war.! beeecto there were-Unae ether dc
: (aelag toe mm tbal toekad wear
or to BB naiBgh poatry Wtth to* 1
IBn aball 1 an* K bot wo g
hay. Tb* roa* toat WB* tnlaed e
tottb to lift up CM inmdnr *to***hl*
toe Mato totraeUv* dnty. ewsa tonl to
To fall BT toMI CM to I
—wa gaod knacu. TUt M to*
toB toto I tor* to By dear toad* ta
Ttoc tbcll I (Acartnllr gr*M toHtobae



.toe dec's name Is Parlo
I will
what 1 gvH fur ChrUlmas
handkerchiefs end a game
aod randy
1 am nine year*

toough. so good-bye.
Prom ymir flunsblne glM.
Bmma Wakulei Peb. 14. IPOi...

bui to* paltoat. who was eoadaed to
ha bod for aaay day*, waa able to b*
oa tbe etrentf mday, nttoougb to*
ottT* oil was takes only Thnraday
Tbe patient, like aaay aaotoer peraa to New Orlenat. had an attack of
grip. For to* flrst few days eh*
thoaghl It only a henry cold, had took
■hold reaadla*. Tb* dtoene* peo•d. aad taalty toe phyaledan was
nailed to. to to* torn* wnnks which
hM ntopnnd to* ghynlelaa aneenndnd
la hrnaVlag the fnrnr. but th* toaeltad*, toe patoa, toe BaeetUed etoaaeh.
u taablUty to cet. th* spells of
raghtog. nU rnaatoed, aad tot eufwer was too wMk to toar* bar bed
Tbvnday aoratag *b* was Ika re«tant of a call trea aa oU Ocraan
frisad of her aotoer. The old tody
borrtded to tee to* yonager la
bed. and dlecoreriag to* tnnbi*. baetaaed to toe ktttoeo. Bb* retoramt
m n aosaai a botUe of oUv* ou
» hand, atablaepooe In (b* other,
cook waa naar by with a cap cf


LelsBd, Frb fl. mi
Nurtbport. Uirh.. rehnary ii IKt ,
ArB*. MkA.. r*h to. tWt.
IBar Mrs. Bates -I ihougbt 1 would ;
Dear FHead—I thought I would- Osar Mr*. Bate*—! tbncgbt I Wotod
wriir Ki you
1 hav.- une tieler aad i write to ihe Sunshine Hub. I hare nto . wrlle lo tbs Herald, ht I har* aarto
< one brulher
Tbetr names are lA^dU! wTliten fur a long Umr. I hare ool; wrltteo hefor*. I woald Uka to Jato'
land narem-e
I would like tu h'lD ' had enouRt: lime. I asr going lo echool. the Siuihln* Hah. PMaa* aamd B* t
I your Sucsbiii' club Please send me i every day I like lo go to arhoof. I au' card and batuc.' Hy Oraadp* Dpbaoo
card en.l b..ii..n, I am In ihe ihlrd rea.1 lu il,.-fuunh and Bnk grade. Myslad-lhaa lahra tb* Herald-for naarty 1*
M> .Indies are n^.ling spelllob.' les ar>- srlung. arllhmeflc. laaguage.: yrnn or Bar*.' I bar* oo* toatoar
bwcuac-' antbmetir and phyalology ! crognphy spelling and randlng
I oMer toaa 1 nM n llule nlA. hot
I have ISC. miles lo gu lo school. Mylhave eo' much time lo wriie
My,»ke H *■ baara. Hy UncAer'a ncB*
Uarlu'ri name Is Miss Cura Paulus.j lenefi. r s name Is MIsa CMhtB- IUke|l*
tttotr Arcbar. 8b* Is rmy
I like her ver. well We h*ie lots Of her lery-rauch. I hare *M very far' to»d lo am. We bar* to achotollt PC
fuB la
hVr peu 1 have a «c lu walk lu tcbnol. The snow la veryjtk* roll. .Hy tladl** are rnddtog.

. -He giTeto Ua batorad tto«g.’

t to to* T*rgM«lnr ct to* coutiy.
Ttotor.- The rough toner walM of
lU aky ttraetura warn cowared wKh

r*culsrlr. I keptiUsoplarsisaKmto*,
wud.icadllr gwinsdslnaftoaM beallh.
-^wM when I had Bsad filtesB hotUsa I
eoastdered myseltsBItiwIyrasea. laa
a gralerul. happy woaaa today.--Mtoi

. >f fbeykllssllw-v wTlUlev.to______ .______ .
H.rimsu I- s j.i.,.; enne, W j u.j B. ivaU*k*iwd aod kirs. n.veland. Ohio, wrltoei
OrBrral l.*assinet, of Washlagtoa, D.j -| wtoh la add ay tndvaaasmt to
1',, sre smung I he pmmlasat ladle* who'
of elhar aiiaii who hara
indorae rrniow.
| beaa ennd thiMgbtoanaa of Fotsm.
alorr bsT* lo lu-sr.
| Miss Ilelea RoM, Ksukaunw, Wis.,'1 snfferad for Rvu yuan with aevwfu
U. hssarrwBgrd taaa.aer all lelters write.:
baehaebe, aM Wham Wuary a* eaUsd
that sr« senl to bnu from wumrO: - Serrr.l tlm« daring tb* past tsra la Ibe leall 1 had pralaafed haidarha.
trouhl.-d with snr form of f.-msi* wesk- yrirs or mor* my system has bea
bc«« 1 aa haw In paffact biallk, najay U(s
BF*L.frM of charge, giving ii.c l•*Bpn( greaily In Bred el a tonic,aad
at to.
toaae aMhav«nalto*taaaahae*pnto,r‘ —
of koowl.dc' whl.h bs. CV.I him forty limes IVreaa hu baa of grdat help
help to to Perana.’~Laey l(.BU*y.
gin wb.,u
m, rwstortng i
U yoadonoldertuupsuaMhManItosaenrlag rratful sleep.'
toclory resolto from to* baa of Banha.
wrtla *1 one* ta Br. Bartaan, ftelat n
(nil etawaat of yuM onto aad be wW
be pleaatd to gtou yon bli TaltuU* *«•
r ' Iter of the Rural Templars of Temper- Tlra fratls.
-I -r. - trn,-.. wndsg*. ware, writes ss followsi
! Addrca* IH. Hartaaa, TiiiHiat at
i.jUrtuuo, l-cesUeatl “1 angered lor fly* ysaea wtth utoctoa jThe Hartmaa aaa»ast*a,<totoabn%<h


toe We.
to h MBtoA nhaMt «sy.
toM ------------ a< Utoer mtto ao
abffV ito emtol to toaay a day:
AM the pato U bar bnad was poM.

J Hiss Muriel Armilage b

"*1,.,™'of I of Th. n.rtmsn Sanltwrlom. r.

:“r; irr.™"-.... .

a ieiiy Salad.
beet OB* cup or Bilk lo
feel su Irusen
lb* scalding point, add one roondlog
weeks stleiwar-t' Then having
toblaspooB of ooruatorcb mixed with
ooe-bsir rup of sugar, and cook dr* l*av«. iwu sltcs-s .if onlun a tuaspoon Ihing ihsi lelungeil I’l >siu burr
an*r li thlck*iu; then add ful of ibymi- iwu ivawpooofuls of salt l.ul il i.ui
(WO baalvn whole eggs and (b* yolk of two uf sugar half of iwpiwt half » ulghi mi> is
aaotoer by pouring the hot alxtor* bus id gelatin* soakrd In a rup of wa . bapp*n*>l s.
onto tbeeo and beattof.'thee tnruUig'ier Boll the lomaiops. i.meiber with , plsr*.. ilin.u
toe whols bark Into toe boUer. As the spic* aad oeloe. until sufi. then. (amiiius s*i
son as toe ecf to cooked add a half , add the soaked gelailnr. then sirsln what <],. ......
leaapooe of eavortog and cool. Spread ' aad
pour it Into a border mold
u. set
.. tbe liKIr girl all uf
toe dlllng between toe cakra and cover Serse with ibe ceniei -t ike Jelly Slled ; Christnis. -i.
preieou were burn.vl
the top Witt e frosting.
with ceien- cut into small pieces aod who** fnr.i
Leaun Cnkc—Bant two eggs well'mixed with mayonaisse dressing. Oar- up' dh* i. s Hunsbiu.usblu.' gin.
girl Indeed

add one cup of augar. oae-thlrd rup or nUb with wbile lecnoe l^ves. This.
Th.- g.>.>.i .kings i.. i*- ss
soft batter, oae-balf cup of milk, aad , }el)y I* also oire molded la small forms all ih. hunur.-dr ..l .uir dun
oa* aad nar bslf cups of fkiur HftediaBd served In crUp letluoe Iravei nlth| dren wh.. rea.i this, win be
with three leeal teaapoona of baklngl a teasporaful of mayonnolse «o top ol win send i...lhg iboughts t.
A tanf or aaho to Ua.
, AM the daj'wna he^ nad bar aehtot tair aM (be acmg of love' on toe Ito ^wdar and a laltapoloe of salt Bake , each mold
Tbe> may be served to
burntvl mu l».«s and girls
sM ta to* been «f toe btmiaet
to layen. Orate toe yellow rind of [dlrMoally oo plate* or arraogi-d
bet add a Cham to bar Uski
Thitobad aoArtly aa iba aaU:
platter aod passed To n
and rndtou a ktodly flow on tooae to
>« toaidaas bw kBPVvbnl food i
she tdfU. I have to atod a dUk
and two tenepoons of' ckxb dipped la but water Tbl. louaaBs
■ototr to a hauntoaM of boya.
Vtoy vctoU ba to aa baat* to «a
acUad butler. Cook very slowly far;the K>ly an.l li omes .■If aiihnui
Wtore no Hryaot was kept, aad where
-a mlnules. aad when coni spread be-' hresllng
-jMtoto. ^1 do m «btok I UM Ban there was no daughtor^ hand
reen Ihe cakes.
- ............... ...........
he«» and there toe tltUc Wnehai tool
rot ■ah/t Way.
k botoe wbnt tofroace to
Wacth Trying.
known speetoll.i Id children's
■aM toto aeMible weoaa
Two Ubtaapoaarule of olive oil. pro-1 dlsonses say*. ' Do noi give young
allow inyaelf,te be kept 'do
tcflbed by ao old Oeraaa boaaewlfe.' babies a quaoili> uf playthings nor
hr ay wont, and u'prereat toto.
oM token by to* pnttont Thuraday I oany artirle* ai a ilme
The flni
toe days when I eaaneC take toe Uae
sdad la pewtkmUy eat-1 year of a ehlld-s life the brala dcrelopr
regular randlag. I enrrr with ae
from grigp* after ah* I more rapidly than u an> uiher period
He e^nd, aad. atoapto* doA.
toto toe Uieben eome poaa wbtoh I
a phyel-1 during I
eeaaH to aeanry aa I work.' Oa
StoMi bar ebeek; -TwM thte: that
y three week*, h
toll My tbe bad toiraed Mt*. Brownpen wurt Iba beat
Abfd«Tigt wtia to U
fto (aitoar wumi hwA-to tbe.dald tbd

*. wb* advtoto

potei to Do for. You Without
IWuhll— l.uudted. ..r ...........ud.
women SI1..V.T U,.Vu„.vl s,..*. bs-

tlh an egg banter unUI very light

H RS. M. t. p. SATU. EetTO*.

PMnanshlp to the problem Ml to my
•oIMkw. hut an iBpulUag Inger ur«a Rood ««• »at f
for potUng poetry
Into ethanrlM prosy dnUto.
*3at how BOlvr (his problem of In■odaetag poetry toto (he least attrnrtre dottes of the kitchenf U ti llule
na> a doM MPdtha to h» (id.
UtUr tbat we learn to give this
by mu.
Thare-s the meals to
for the man
which beanlldet hU life,
to tkt held.
tost ^ UUIe by little, ve have stored
Aad tto cWldiM to ta n«v
oar totoserlm «iih aMtobaa of poetry
Va MhaoL aad the aUk to ha afctuad
tbat have stored with m aod banedlaad eharnad:
Ud others vboee'Uvea came naar.tonn.
Aad an to he doae lUs day.’
-Under vbnl hippy nnsploes woold
U had mtoad to tba wlgkt. aa4 nU ton tbd yosag wife
It her Mends
•honld ahewer npoa her tbs «av
which bare
etntod aod ffkirtdad boacly dnUaa

irireB a

door, wal' m-pper aod a plach yf grated
nutmeg. Juice of bait a small lemoh

•trainer, aad act bark on the range
, Add either cream or milk lo make thin
Cook two level taUaapooas bulling water and stir into It n ruphil
ir with ao equal amoiuit ct but- o( Ibe cooked white meat ul chicken
cut not chopped, wtih k sharp knlle
) Into small.pieces. Lei It gsu h<u be

a neesW lo keep lbs s.

indmoihers mouth

Chlehsn Patilaa.

tar on a floured board aad roll to oae
half Inch thkHaana Col la piece* one
by two lachua Set In warm p:an and
h-t rise unllJ Ughl. Kr> la <1 wp hot
fat liraln and roll la sugar
SpUl Pia Soup- I's« oae eup ud split
p,-as and ausU ibeu seteral huun In
three,plB.a of cold rater
Drain and
pour on three ptaU of fresh cold water
aad axsk atowly until dlaaolvad. add
lag more wau-r as needed to keep ih; quantity Iba same
Rub through a

thick and amoolh: add to tbe m

r she la leaching oat Utilv R
-Put In the OMsUa.
Throw .user the thread..
: W-Iih Uo nrv-lle. aad aU It


I bara'tkew gsto,.* dec i eat aai •
calf. The enr* mam le Fhaar. toe
dors.naae la larer aM tba enTa
t har* gr* atotaca.
Hra at Tnraew CUf. imt t har*
twobrotoen. I woato
m to (rta tba
■oBBhto* alah. Plans* saM me
•ad button. Hy •aaiaato'e naae Is
BeUA'Browb. t Uka btr rery BMh.
1 tua asy lettar it grtttog toa tsgff.
I wtu ctoM. rioB
Age IL
Hitoa Xornfto.

the HenM. I Uka to rsM tb* Banshine intera. I go to saknal I aa to
tbe (earth
grade. My stadias to*
srtUBMle. spelltoA gibBaar. gaggraphy aad pbyalelagy. I Btoatd a
Booth berause I bad Ih* thlrtiei,
I hope I wtu ae* Ihto to petot. I Iktok .
that will be all far this Uaa, a* gad-.

Klagaley. Mich. Pbh. ». tMd.
Daar Mrs Btiaa—A* 1 har* (he UBe
1 will write yea a frw Haa. I tof^to
Ue fuMhlaie eluh ta IW aad fUs to
ihto wtotsr. I tare
ptocM a «attl CM her* -tort a
Macks rmagh far aaatkar. 1 d
go to seheal this wtottr tor «* as
too de*w bat I rtndy at taaw. 1
alto* to go to srttocL HyM

bar* a heafbar to Maw Tark ml 1
kare •« tasa hla Car tw* yuoi. flto
toWmaBsTU. Haadarrttoael
tagto aM I am gofag to stay at
toy Aaat Ussto-s sM go to atoato.
Hy tsurber-s mam to Mbs laa Ptog*.

Hy mamma has boa dsM
too* I was tons yean aU and
I■ am
iBsuB core* aaa eeiioa*. Tbrtrnamealehf
Tbetr name*
■■■ glad
aw* <"
'''■*** na* ao win be gtad wf^ Bpelag cob**, toaa
tot Hu to haaftog baatptor
are Mary aM Iron*., (to- CbrlatBai' >oto to* Seashlae A Ptoaae a*M aM B7 puppy Wio bare iou ef fa.
I mm daae.
*»d bumC « g**« tola I* mi etow. good bye
. aaapgto wa l*toiB.pu(:l'«« • pair of rtbbeia*. two boMker.' ■* *
Toar Bunahtoe bay.
mta .wo.,----------------------------------------------------------------awart; «ktots aad tou of candy *M aau. My
*11 far ihlt tttne. U tto* does not renek
to Ibe )ar wito newly- «a,
- PYaakl* Bneha
skee, toa enkea or amktoa. or to tke’«><*« “* raMtog. Wftttog, apelltog. to*
«akeboa.wtngfr**4eUcM*aMd*-|ff»>aw. theory, artthmath: *M «»
CWaogella. MM. Fah. to. 1M4,
Iktoa gsvur. Med tome* or eraagelRkFAdasr. I w|p* Baaele - ^ T
Dsar Bunahto* Prortdact-ft hat
peel wfli 8e to* MB*.
. oeakb totter to th* BeraH. h
h*M vary cold hare this wtotsr.
A pair totwtoa Kathryto* agd
PaarUra-Wtoto I Mmagkt I waaU
«e baa Dae. I to Fah. fl u*a free, ware to Back attk* that (ba
has I to read Aial Pb^
I bDg*;wrttotoyea.nilhaj*betwittUBb*kbwr* tme. I aa (walra yon
caaghi Be I* to knot the thread ar cOk ah* wtil writ* aghla. aM all toe Baa-i tiwa.__________
.......................... •*» *ff
wuuM Ilk*_______________________
to toto Gw RmihlBi
I hare read of your ctob aM
*ltbe *Bd htPk«troBth*Moel.rhi. thtoera. tee. I win oM Aaat Paity' etob. Ptaaa* aand at ajeard aai btoI Uhe to toto ywar Baaahtoe eli
preveou ktoktog aM knetHaa
a coofcto reetp*. I wia have to doer'urn. I go u> utoocl erary day. Hy
eend Bw * card aM a pta.
(ar toto UB*. torttog to eat toto to' u^trh Mtoe to Him CtodlS. TW*
tWbk I aart ctau BOW, u tt to nlaart
petal, to pmdhya.
j Is an I egg totoh to. sg.geei Iff*,
rra* pspr Irtto ■MtotoN tfrt.
, Tatobtfrtr.
Hattto Probrt.





____________ «a<|A kBd d traao wood <aaaa li
Baada (oaMr «aau local opdoa
Hard (oal aapbU cxbAad aad oe^ ItaHaa d
tan of drr buebloaa dar aad was la aaeh 4aM
----------- •— ■ nirtlaad
I* dara.
Haaakt aad acadSai IMar awUaate;
-M awcUoead
oad tK.
of to
.. tlw hic
Mun nr Adriaa
BaUla Owe* (Irt araatad t
BaiUa OoA.
T at If.M a ecni. a
----------------------- ------------- dM mtttr
lac wain mad rlbboa. ralaaaad
Nav a
trafrar aibaatoa eonala riw| Ooaatm aad laHaaU af BatUa Cre^ panM a
_______ .» tb([p . tea or Ian wtalar.
aad wasralcalanat.
ttnmUa «
ralBC ba lad(>
eraalBt aad aai
Tba Pc
s bltdwar rob-ioTarraai oriibooi rtnbla i
hair or It anx. i
braar^oM roaacMi
for wbaai a!) last
'---------------------»kl«« «•
tba iMCalQa aad earned a tVa iaaar-1
la Bpt-'Slalcb
aaea of lUW la tba odat.
{ mM com
Tba balldlac wooU
siaallBR »»! m«i his fc
ita Creak thb aprlB<.
Tba ftMral
aarrlea was bald | ba Ort aad Mat. It wo«M ba tritwl boaa fndi iba ofliea

raor-oJd Bay City bo> braka )a« JuMph y«»oo.. Grand ^|Mds
Wadaaater Moralac at > o'eloek (reaa. ta bdxbi


SL neada ebareb aad bwdal Oieki
ba DO wood
Last vaar Wacipbalia
hoan ba IwtbwIUi
ba«an u> maka kMia iba oibar moreiac urs iha Char
Klat'i DauRhtnw ntat rorotsb Tts
plaea la tba OMhnUr edadarr- L. Dj
H woold ba
Ta. Ha bd poUae oS laveral foaar, keia THbuna. BxiCad ooas. so dtwbL irlnc aaraa lor rliy poor
mM m« tfea Mrtoi <
Cartb bad..........................................
d ebana or tba taaaral.
ilBM aad bad stanad <mi to ba illly' A larca bald asscia altcbiad on s
SsrsI raaniltlns ufiewn haxa IT an- tar
TlMiini wfn^AOr «
bad Iba lady raawTad bar laaak asdi bqlldJac In Roaa City dntac iha has"
-tBxaiis at Grand Rapids
a UUa Law diad Ulan.
. —.1^—r
1.^ S1...S.. V— A..,..
lyrtie BirkrI in tara bnx svsiani ba« ortchlBC
I am
«f* ««»r
«»*r tU (MM •« 'tnkM
•ra s4>o|MrH b> I.SB«in» sifv-< rail frooi
a baB. Now ba prorad badora
IMW la (ka dir at
bat tbt
r drlDilCLI "bItW'n
••nirda at tba a«a or T*. Sba laaaaa
Kaalioe* tbia aMioo T beat
tlioa and U aUo asdaaror
reus bar I
■two chlldrwa. Mra ftarwao aad r
oB CbleacD Bortb and is oaa c
explain to "tba bon" bow ba
aarmao U aeUlBS-------Tiakban. oT Ula adtr. Mra l«a
•nan boaU oe tba Mas It Is .
by Iba b
baaa aUmI thraa Booths aco
(M a Nar or aa arUaak. la tad bar boM, with bor dOam.
PlnroaialBK has sold Us IITOiw IM^.ir
aarry cay rraifbL tbrrafora tba aeaac
TrbTeraa Otr. coaddadac iu po*a- atrlrbm with baralr*!* a sb
bald Bl Iha only lasU frOB Juda II to Bapt 11
MIOB. la *a»T Kataaow
~- a«o
>r acbatela
will br' Norib bow
TrjboU l(T*r . - .
Cll Wab
iwwMaeea d bar daaghi
na drstreyad
■ Cay Iba scbool cblldrwi wara br
maiir pfvralmi la iba aortbara aiar atiwat, Wadsaaday a
aftaraone at l:k
boma Id slrlchi. aa ibr< wrra n
•taua-dMaa ibai ll» la tba -<eH~ f*U tAnfaaa
' to KM tbrvoeb tba drifts
sad H. U Oartar was Is
W<.doeada1 was tbr Bnl da:
•tsta Nawa
Co'iDin Hiisds
s macnxinr ip
s.>mr wsaks Ibal fannrr* rculd
•IrtbOay Warty wi Rdan.
r Klebiwa adllor s
, Ih.- inirrrwis of baltrr M*bws>
oas at Harwry. sod tba si
» act bra^ Ud fanaM. It raaa 4o*a
ee that b> '
Irhican and olbrr stnia.
, •TMaat td tbi p4pM «bo ara u- party at Mn. K. C Oosta. bald ai B
< day. The ^tea paid was U awnu. A
waa a varr aajoyabta aflair and larBalyl trad# tor a loe •• cm «t
rem trs Asy el <nlld waathrr will no doubi
allaadad. A avmidoMa basenet was; oT wood
s<->' ihr iMilk of
baM at I o'clock and all had a rery dna .
A baai susnr nwuitr up n<or Us;
luip-d IU rharev li s Ms!i for sms
~ r^llTM prMtat wan C B j City li or tba opinion ibai If tba Rns
ind »: for diphi
Tbousnnds irf serr.
- Jaaftta ________ jrlfe. W. U Oaaa aad wtfa, A. lyilans aant debt any fanar than tba;
ytrhlEan has
ta la aa a Oaaa aad wtfa, C. a TWU and wUa. waad baain. they wool bara s var; lands In aortbarn Nawsycn r<
' balniE IskaD up bi
vttk tbk that .j» beard •-------- Oaaa and wlta at Bauoola. H md ebanra acalnat tbr Iluk laps
p _________
- —
«(ba board A. Ooawa and wUe oT tbU diy, Mrs
trtoaa aaaaUai---------------Roy Wsmi of PItooa was sararal; s'cMid alrobol and similar products Tba rai-sr Euria Biitap Orand I
tba Battar oT aa aaatr-' -Jurwd
Pviday whllr -eatchlac oj
for dln.rca
srv spill and plarart In a rv• 'apply for
a await
iwalt ■

____________ __________
CoMr-d man .rf Kalamai
' thr rasuluni prodnns. It Iss
»attla« t
preoanlad tba boataan with a baontUsl
haaclBX lanp and nuBarea oibar both lacs balec broken and
a car; pr^labla onr
dlad In ponpltai
crusbrd Bartons lotamil Injnrlas arv
Darlac tka amtha d Jalj. Aosad;
eaipanian ai Utdland noCoopp-rsilllr otan made ot
la tba araelAg aboei 40 frMeds and faarad
aad CafMabar d lad roar, ibaro war#
. (firr May l Ibry will ax aplaea from B>r rows last saas.
—a.--------- ---------—^ , rtrr plaaaEditor 1 W. Baundrrs of iha UIJ act :i rents an IwiurTor a Ian-hour dsc
It eaaaa d trpbeM la tba dtr .w<
Gamr wan1<T si On>oenc’'n s
rsalac was sprak Tbay praaaal dirvlllr Bun. and his wifr ralebraiad
k or'-rUojK r on Bun
Ibalr iwani) fifth waddlne annlvarad bar wHb a Bna roeklnc
sarr Inst weak
» colerlnliied at ,
otbar praaaeti
water Thb year. Iha eaaaa as they
stand arw tbiwe aaart et wan water,
inp Flag Ralte.
lO a Up Ik
sad aarao naan at dly waU^ Th«
tJ )■ Campbell.. or U
■i^ abwl wWeh eiBKian i
propir a
riaa at dsn ewa by.
■leeae ot hydropbohln -amaoc the
Trvdti tmr iBstt a Icmg ttm» aad wont by aca aad tadod
Tlllaca Sararal Bon eaaHamllcs ihf full lim- ol Osborii'- t.oo.U. ' (■>>liorn«-" i-. ili
peofte aaa^^^ yto^alii^jT
l.irm-si iniieiM-ndi-m makrr
I Still ba etaarly n
laas hsTF fooa mad wlihlc ibe past
arajad to baHara that tbaew a
of k-min an.l rorn bimlerB. Mow.-rs .yn.l Koitpcrs in il,.i iirM. t lo Did (dace ytiur
Mr. Campbell at that Uma was bat a
..rdr-r I,.-fur.- vrlnk; (Ul,orn.-'s nrw l.n.- of
or died ot the diaenne Oaa man lost
ne elty la sta«etar1y Craa fi«« dla- boy, yal derlap Uaeolii't aatpmd eameana atpreaaat. Ttora ta bat eea esaa palcB tor tba praOdeec. ba earrM
ten by one at tba docs
, or aawrtet terwr aad tbM la paarUally this Utila plaea at bwaUac and abooM
Ponland rltlseas nod others
srall. wo dlMtkarla sad bet om ewa of wlta yoetbfni sicer tor tba rasa wboaa
-«a biwiai Iba Bobir '
— Bsma sraa Insertbad epee IL After We- lac near the Orand Rlrar taavt
S|<rins will toon Iw here sb>< we will all nee>l new Shoes and
art Ibara war^ dealba aad In Jaaa Clalta-t defeat, tba hanaar sraa taMad alghc d relief ai the adrest o
KrtnemU-r thiii v
weather and It is saM that If i
ary oBly alaa. fa ceaparlsoe with
Id away, aad tbooeb It la now
I hare a new line ol u|>-lo-da'r Shoes Irani one at Ihe
old. It la atlll uwora. Mr. ao baary rains wlihia ibc oexi w«IhU. It ■iBfct ba tataraaMoc to laara
Ibe dancer of flood will be radoeed i
best (actoties ra Michigan, and it wiH ]>ay >-au
look oser ihete
that Attala. Qa. la tba baaRUeat city
had read tba BaceaCs acibe BlnUncrm. «s ibe cradun! thaw I
la Iba Ubta. Iba death lau balac hsly:
H. a Heilera eoUaoUen d
goosli before porchaiing ebewbrie
ata to Iba 1.BW. Traverw aty-a daaib •acs aad bnmsbl Iba old Bag from Its taklBS care oT tbr lee la the beat mni
oar poaslbia.
rata laal year was U la Iba l.«6A.
ramtat Piaes to show it to him.
So old. shelf worn goods with decayml itnches lo offer, and
child can stan and handle without trouble in
The adllor of the Hotly Herald ha
Whilt tba board does sot ballwrs
We have sold over forty engines
last year out
oui of Traverse City. «a
ingines the Iasi
therefore I know ii will pay yon lo come id and look my stork orer,
of tba Bah aa
that the elty walar la peUwud. tba
bird storlea___ _________ ____________
they are giving the best of &atiis(aciioit.
Before placing j-oui
' ler (or any tnak
1 will lake pteasmr in sbmrtng )t>u the goods wbelher >'ou ioleipl
I era mert at a a
brouebt to ilcbt and throws down the
Knginrr*, call at our store and see the Miller.
\Ve have ihe
WnnllM tbroogb Ibe oolamns d hti
purehuh^ or not.
l)on'l think vou will nnnoy me, come m nml gel
a tba followtoc t
papM la Ibis faahloe
“IMhe Orore
BtaMaaL 1
^y store is on the South Side on the comei of I'nion and
___ _____J ddaaa .d BwdMt Aaa r r.f,^J.McL..ChU.i
a*, wa-ll dx Urn
Seresth Slreai. you can'i mbs it. Sf9 is the number
We all have lo
paMsd away -w Noaday at tbt .Hat Crswf
Which will more than plea»e you. We also have the most complete line of Faring
won't reoocnlxe him'
Sdap d W yean. Hp w« £
work for our money, and why not make it go just as lar as we can^
Jesae Weiss, a fanner Url
Implements. Wagons, Buggies. Uouble and Sin^' Driving Harness ever exhibitei
ihafdt^awataitaB OtadaCbr- taaph BoUar, CbarlM a Carrar.
rtnc near
Tba Tlltaca eommltlaa for tba e
Tala, stanad boape '
day with
/Awra fApM «f <f.04> that are money saverv
1 also have a /'/aa
in Traverse Ciiy. We have a complete line of WAUU S. WIND MILLS. TANKS,
aalBS year Is J. ).

bU wife in tba raar*^ tbe Matcb.
(b. Ha
PUMPS AND FITTINGS. aUo the MAUD S. SILO which is second to none.
--------aaa I. White. C a W
Uea at tS.iO that u a worli) beater and a money saver to all
droaa tba distaare ot

. 5a:i.‘yrsr-“:r-‘'









Tdiwees Mkntion!

maebinerv and Farm Tmpltmenls
“miller” easoline Engine,

“Bero" friction Feed Sawing machine

*dw ii“ wSm

CtHaai M Mtoaa key.
uaea Bay. Web, Haieb l.-Tba
laa ad tba TlUace d Betteu Bay
tba act o( n baU a rUkca oaaea la Ulsay A Walima'oaeeaadtbafellowtBC audtdatsa
plaead la aorataatta ter tba «aAdaR.
A A ftf Praak

l tt « A.-----

and Iba. AraoU

"toeawrfbu baw U1 brabM^^
bar pataata wbara . ...
sms cirae hd bat earM
d ao aTSll- ...........


T *b«

towd tbai be had ioat hts better half.
Ha drore back and abooi toor ailaa
■from borne toaod the esilmaWe
ploddlac akmc towards home. Bha

_________ >la to make ber hatband hear
'bar erlM.
Bdltor Hortoa. at

^'ou are all invitrti to call and look my stock over.

who buy It.


^outb ^ide ^bot ^tort

apda Marrlaw. treaaarar; L. J. r
taar aad hU .
aatb Meaiiiw; Bsabaid F. Bto.........
_ habit of “wood borrowph BlMmal; J. O. Daaaab. (meO- tar'll aainrtalDiac. Ha eoeiends that
tor two yaars
wbaa bis pile U ahy and be aaaaki

< ioods and- prices guamnteet

Cor. Cass & State St.
Both Phones 49.

P. D. meboUs ProiNictore



In which to make room for Spring Merchandise~So far the condition
of the roads has hindered our patrons from a distance taking: advant­
age of the low prices we have made—We now extend this Sale"Two Weeks
Longer before removing winter goods from our first floor to make way
for Spring purchases now arriving daily
Child’s Pants
Child’s Suits
Men’s Suits Men’s Overcoats Men’s Pants
Spring Goods


... $16.00
$im u.d turn




Half Price

" for .

..... i$6.00


Cheap anouch to buy for
next winter.

Worth from $2.00
to $6.00 ^ing at

for Puts worth $4il0 and S4.W

f(w Fasts worth $$A0or more


Heavy, good wear­
ing good»--are
worth from 40c to
$1.50 and all put
in at

Half Price
for many Itnes-others at from

for Fasts worth $S.OO and $SA0

Something you are sure

Boy wfaUc th^ arc s« ebeap


One Fourth to One
One Fonrtli less than Third Off Regular
Marked Prices

Arriving daily—all
Men’s and Bo^'
Suits and Ovm^
coats— Underwear
-Sweaters— Panto
Coats—Macki naws
etc., must go at
very low prices


To Hake Rofnn


OMwrul N«<M.


ntarr of
Usl'mic; <iF D
B> B lB«r«r In rccHitc ibr

lln. Mr. TbjIoi
F u Dablta tb<

es and ibm
wbrrr^ j4«Bb p>l <
Soalb AiB«rWB0 p

ia SkTauab. OMr*ka. I* Hn Llaeola
- MiirmTlI ae« ol ib« UetkodU<
I CtrlUlr h«B nEprored
ci«r^, bill (omnS;
“ tania of Ailaaia
imi p« om i ^ ,
red. *bo a
t an.
IB whkb <»P^tT h^'
« B
lb a fFB- n
...rrlrd » .
i>r GnioMirrn ha> r<
h»> bera coBdaniox • M>rln ut ipeclaj
■ >>
«te Itarefc b.»bpr of Tbo World'. iBiPrilDci In Tnollj Methudm rhorrb. ViTJ'
f L'Blird Suii^ I
Wwfc M r»U»r IUdHt
V.drc tbr
.aSevB bsAdlac Tb« Workl'. Wort

> oo tbe nanrT I ap Abd Mkc4 mt vbm V k>lt*
. BtracMbor M
l naapped R vtth Hlims 8«nk.' I
poBBibiT bMAOBr I BB.Brrrrd
“Tbro I'm fOlBC to «lTo
blpblac la BvapciUc kstm
ntbrr a toed for Mtlac B»y Cbrai bu or B kaoT* tar
tbr o«k«
TbBf. tb« way
□BtraduB (hr pv ritb Ibr rrpubtIrBn l.rB

AOBIM QlBBbfrlblB •

[■vhiv Ibr •rmadard of be nrd
I'nibrr Bad ii i> nldroi (bat b
« inbmtrd bi> (a(hrr > <ir«lonr.
Rr la But putmtar lhoU(b pmi|


iB rmlaiB* clumc
Mnbodl.u Bill buM
•niBB arv rbrBBsla* li


prav. ihal wr »..< oo. aodj —^
pUy BO laportui a part Ib ;^^
tbr worM that no *orrrrii


bbr arrtoo* Bctkm oUhiiot lndlrt«Uy
capBaKlBC U« Oor irad.^ iroatiet
Mr smt KrabkilrB .i«r vaai MiprUr.
'■ Mr auory aarkrl—I-Iirv cbBorrllrO
' ' U (b* world nieaulU t^rr•' kr.-ai n
toforo It dare. drrUrr war ..r n. tl
MrkNBly of riioulwi ibir n>i|i rm
tbr PKMi rMDolr pan of (hr •■ar’b
It IB IbU tan iipjn «Mrh Mr
tea worhod out the t
partasof dlploaaiietrtuaiph. ibai wrrr
•TV WOalB a (inr of pracr Nr^ oolj
ItaB he chAbced ibr itiltudr of oibrr
pptleat to Bi lor Bklttuliy abaped ibo
chHUBB »»>«■ ilB« baa brougbil, but
ba bBi taodr Aaortewa public thou«bt
aware of Ur cbaa«r. Tbrrr baa br«a
wtHtod out, tbooeb It la not yn cl«b



Tba Maal. aa f»«ardi forrlpa raliUoaa.
%mmM, Uat
VBAP ir.1
our ........... —------- ----------baU asd iDtuaed lato ibr public
tboaebt waa aa IdMl of frlrodly rrlaUou whb U» ail asd rotaosUnf tl
Jtaaert wIlb.aOM Tbl. wai id Ur
dajo of aaillac Bbtpa and beforr Ue
trade of Ur vorld waa ortaalied At a
taUr ptrM wr abowad a irnper
todWarwoc* to tbr rrai of Baaklod.
We apnt our rorrsy oad rTraanrr Is
(Otdlac Mr pan of our owl cootlbent
add H oarlof Uo Ualoo. aod it could
barer he aald of aa that we had a
iDMlfa bolter al all
Our dlptoioaU
4(Mrad OB out of aereral UrMieolbs
dtaoBltlaa, bul Ue Uoupbt of ibr pro^ barg^iBctaed oor forelsn relB
ttaut o^VrlbtBc tarelto We
aUB tar awar muo tbr real of
ktod. aad tbr reat of mankloi
«ardad aa with ladldrreacr If aoi
Bat tSsew the riae'ipf o
oor tradr
'Id. aad
nan^oa- ef tba OM
Wasa wa bare abowo. b> our eoadnel
toVBl/d Caba add Ue nnibplBeaUat
wo tM a mat powi
Utw eota* iato a sow roktlea to all


purebari-d ilir bankrupt t
tood.. Billllnrry ladin and cron
BlthlDKi- ami clotbiBs formcrii c.
by Kniii Malincrca.
Incrci located In lb<
Hr .
CBln. hB'lnt •cciired ib* atnek ti alxmi
Uirty Bine ernti on ihr dollar A. Mr
Malmcrcn baa t•cr■c In burlmw.' only
rlrhM-ii ni'iDUB aad badua ealrrcl







TUP ilanistiquc Bankrupt Stock


of Tr«Y«r»« C-ty. I
aimecac'. B.nkcwat
•tackp B< TiB'cca.- I'lty '
> «Fck aad wbitc h
lU,. haakrupt .lock of dn

3SC or. the S

The long looked for stock has arrived at last, the cleanest, freshest, and most
up-to-date stock ever put on a Bankrupt Sale.

»ic iiaMuc

IMC i-osdlikoe aad deaa eof
' j"*’'

beat piMflblr cnadlilnn and dorr not
oftrn found In itjicae ibai bare breu
conducted lor y*wr* T^e «i.>ck t« new
and Iipiodalr Id rrrry nupecn and
Uere 1. no ouratton but Ibal Mr K.i
aesUal treurod a barcain In lla pur
chaae and from which Ur people of
Ttmrrrar City win no doubt reap 'b«
nf Mr Roarntbal'. f< eelcbi In
purcbailnr ibc atock in ouctilon
Hr. RoarnUal 1. packlmr U>
ap preparalory n tuavln*
>c tl
Trarerar Clly i
U 0TC hi. palroDi
e brnrBl n
bu.loeaa torealchl. At Ue ate
elodet a beary purchaar of upi
cood. toadr '
Ue barsalai that be will be able
offer Ue people of Trtrrrtc Cut a
be bona-Bde

Is whia't i't


'or T«ar. The .lot* li
imic in cTcry t.wpa«.
I qiioiloc but <bai Ml


Mr. Knute Malmgren, former owner, was in business only 18 months and
catering for fine trade only, his stock is of a high character. No accumulations.
No old stuff. No questionable, aged goods to be found in it. Owingtoour al­
ready crowded quarters, we will place on sale the entire ni7200.00 stock of
spring, summer and winter merchandise nothing reserved, at such astonish­
ing low prices that you cannot resist the temptation of buying.

fron wkk?*ihc people of
bcacfli of Mr Roaaethal'i Inrval^t
imrchaAln* tbc .tuck la quMtIoa.
Mr Hoaeaibal I. pecklu tba (UO-.
up pcaMcaiury (u Borla« UuB U hb
wbara be laleeda
lo (ire hii patroB. the baneft
bu.taaaa f
elude, a haury ap-b
•caHXiablc mod. Bada Uat ei
the barcAlD. that be will be a)
•iSer tbc people rri Trarerae City Will
!-• bona fide

Our Store was Closed one entire day to prepare for Ibis great @al-i

r Iddllercat if aarUlac
r at Ue aatipedaa eoaeeraa
MUat of the retatlre lapertaaee ef
9 daUea eoaewraa aa Alanat oearr

LaUst Bnss 8e«ds at Bankrupt Salt Pricts

TVm wa hare oo»e to regart
aatraa aot italaed, aa a ootmirr that
baa a H«bi or a wlab
to talerfara ta
whal It aot oar mvw
apbtra—aot aa
« b^bodr aer aa a baOr-bat aa tba
9m coBtry tbai Mar at nr lara bold
flaa baladce ef power or of peace Ue

Seow^ Smtiot. Fai^' I^i.1 1>um r.o<kU ari.i .kll VV«>1 CAihmaic,

0ood Cinings

Silks and Satins

In Cou.ui. Mercmieil. Monr and Silk, by- ihe


f Ol
I iie»» l aiiiliiu-.. sale |mce ....
l«-t)-ard . .
...................... ...........................................



aaa aoaeirr Uat Boat be atlaatlr or
«»«lr eoaioRad before aar Utataattanl actloB Bar ba Ukaa. Wo bate
am thn prenataBa for a caai
Wm Uaa cnb far a war badset—wa
bare a Boral power that eonta far
Mr troilBaat, tor epaa doon. aad fcr
teak diptoaaer; aad U tbm BbooM ba

Eadtof nle of rilk. wool and



Price ^ the piece and not by the yvil.
We OHitad them at eboot S»i per eeai

Entire M»ni»lii|itr Kock of while and
orfored Shirty only on.
from Ue laclOfT.

any one who can iIiscom



Beta e met power wbleb

-s,il.-> li.ii- 1.1-n

I iv-m

«I ihr-r

grades ai •




ChUdrwB'a Norfolk
xulu. «l JO Tulsa. bank­
rupt Ml* price die.


•m W Cba hnta. Tbe (mrel wee
rtiftr M > e-Ueek la cf H. I.
Hr. byabBS la a



Hee'i Boo crarooeUM
atrlctly rain proof,
worib li:. aair price

Ready to wear Children s H.ii'
price SI .5". bank
s prii


Hft'i and yooas men'a
■slla. Bade ef aU wool
eaaatBeru. aal>' priea
«2J7 anddljr.

too palm man'a Bsc
dreaa paeta. Knute
tod »4J0. f« «tP-



Hft'a and yofti Bee'a
orureoata. tIO raloM,
tor IM1.

A bBBCb of Ben-i aulU
w«U made. S12. tU
ralaea, for «s.n.

m palm Beu dreaa
pnatai add Is Mania
U«ue for
price HJa.


Maa-a highly taUerft

n BM'a IS ot. du
btatek clay wom«l
xoBa. woru fit. aale
price 8M1.

Han'e ormall Jaeketa.
while they lari. lie. .

styles.Knutr Malmgren spn. r
$1 sale price
loi of



'25 dot silk and fancy Mull

1 A7AL









Manisiique ^

all wool dannel


mercerized Oin^ain
price $1 ,.V> and $2-90.


\\ aists made of p'reneb flannels



ai i-nal

Sale once




ns and Lawns all trimmed, bold

amsiique lor $2 f»' and SS.i'). RanknifK Sale




OO...L \



Skirls and Wrappers al Slaughitrlug Priets


and percak’Wrappers, all irim-


• •


Manistjquc 1


ribtions. Luckies, birds and
sul.i in for


.'yi doy l>eauiiful silk and Mull Bonnets, i
Banknipt Sale■ pnee


Bankrupt Sale Price................

Waists. Knute Malmgrens
Bankrupt Sale Price .

sale priie

1.a.lies up loilaie



ru„ will In-

mgrrns price SJ,?.'. Sale Price



all embroidered, sold


Jiirbah* shapes


Lawn Shin Waists sold

l.aiiu-s up-to-date hais. inmmed wi^
yeliei plumes anil birds Mnl



S1 "V

•- .


j’hie SI ’h I



Maimgren's price


ai about J.'i <--nts ,,n

■ \ lot of Ladies' ready lo wear hais.lait-si


I hulls


rupf sale price •

Hen'. fulU. made by
beat of lallora. worth
•IS aad lit. tor MA2.

1 baafcnpt

tn Manistique for SI


bankrupt sale price

Mft'i corOaro) anlta.
worU SS.M). bankrupt
aala price *iJ7,


l-'lannelciie. Percale and

Hats. ! l.n^c>i(X.k ol irimiu
{-■Inwers, I ullage. Wreaths. I’liimcs,
l eathers llinls. W mgs Pom l‘oms.

Mm's Mna beaTcr
orvenata. $LOS value.
Bala price 8U1.

SiMtar bt • o'eleBt of mlUty at the

-IMPHW rewe- Tb* fuarcel wee
-'WWder aer^ ad 10 o-doU l .
r «bb fMamntlrBkl ebSTb at OaM.
^ a.(..fBrMrhadebB«eef Uar
tin. tuasab WbA a«ad M reare.
«M Tbmdar at tiW a. b. ef apeplBcr- be bat baaa la Ue aaytBB
SSm Mr I- Tbd Hftr ww tupped te
■BWWlwBca B the afteraeea by



Knute Malrntfren's price 7Sr

Corieuonthci^et.tar WW'-'

Summtr and Winter Shirt Waists

.-\t lest, than J-")i on tut- dollai
SJ.Ilflil worth of millincr\ ’o l>r- sa. nnct-ii


piece, in all wwllhf and
artitj of 60 per cent.

Percale, tjingham and while I jwn Shin Watets.
Bank rupl ^ale Pru e ............................... ......................


ktaew'tba taaMBc of our

Gi^ aad................. ................

kabo (

S.'kiii 1 r

fcfr-nuino Hanknipi hi.ilr-



JHt Bankrupt Sale Prices

atu«av of Ua met daMley ef out

Snail meoTMte

Cacc* and
, CmlHWl


mr plroul PculUoe ea t
the UtlBl ef It
bHber totrai Uee Uwr bare erar kept
H B » eebla U«el end ti b eb
bftBIwti ebefeexr to e lerrer teelM
IM ef Itaeir eed -to e batter eedar-



( twillji lO l hr- t,1< '. '
anil not in mistake ihi' 'sl-

a ea Hr. Hey


$500.00 p-RI

monarch Shirtt


ly darted ft eltaeea) we bewe



Skming. ipoDgud end ^k,

thk Me price..............

■ f

med wiih dounccs and
ind braii
braids. Knute Malm
price. $1. $1.'25. Bankrupt Sale Price


beaulilull> trim­



:ko. ladies high grade trimmed Walking Skirts, made


of meiions. broadclo

cheviots, sold m Manisiique at ST.-Vt. ^je Price

price S'd'ai, Sale price
pieces, double fold fine sjik Chiffnn
all colors. Knuic Maimgren's


price 7nc. Sale price

l.adies black Hress
with buttons and
$4 50, Sale Price .



sgiin. sold




Manistique at

^ 4X



tbe MWbeftat paato

..................... jef
_________ tel
*Wbm weaU Ha______
- -Wbe weaU Ba rlait «ntr
uaMBa treat tba had paaptaf-

Bkftbed Linen Table Ooih,


8.%.ser.£=EUE:s ^nsSc
s.i............... ■ CKy- ll it' a load lewa-—
uiw LataBf la Traueaea City-

IM U»oi Meo'i catrricBaad bone bide
Ghms aad MitteiM.

bib‘i Fmc All -Woid
bqae price.


Mes’i and
Capa »M »

^49c %"-^35c


ksnd CaDacs.

‘ 1.35

Cheae doU in aE


Meo.i grain



D d unbleached
CaitOB Flannel, was V8c. sale price.... 4C
7S in. pure superior Linee,
said in Hanisuqtie tor

aft HlOau. Ue «walKy. Its*-





rupt Sale

leaUer Shoca,


800 pan men'a Vici Kid Box
Calf and
00 lalue.

Vomen'i Kangatoo Calf and
Kk)Sboeaactual /ITgs

“,"*- he

1 lot nwiaBBa BUk OlacK.O.C
Mereerlxad Waist
comta. worU He. lor ISe.

Slcepiog Caments for Bora


for 4’/fC
l.adin Kid Gkrves






certain Hnlla U
um and dmawi

Sale pnee per J*
Saxitoy and Sietkad flea
FVft Vana. pr ak /

lU- Druua
prtee Be.



So t Satla Btabou. worU

. iMia» B mm* CHy. Ho- H« waft.
baa aeBirna. friaada B
, CbaH?^ MtuasBBbft nMued

Stock, we will have for sale a sood
and some fixtures.


* Smhuf

A Uwdtrwttr

Cinens and Staples

'EkIIIH Phw h M FnUbp



ado. bat

«5STST 2iC:

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