Grand Traverse Herald, December 01, 1904

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Grand Traverse Herald, December 01, 1904


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


TfuvEfne crrv» oiuNo

tmveme couktv, michi&an,


Thursday, December i, i»*.

fioMkra' WMowa.
«ahli« a Voteano UMfut.
>jn>aaebed Ike door of (hr woman's | my Ufe hi bev stir nafurc and e
I the groaeer edemata od ^ life. tb<n pgtywly.. How 1 viM 1 toght
Mount Peke. tbe vvdeano od Martin­
It la a Ibrt ibss there U tadar owlr
. _ jng fliily the pure, dlriao spark.' 'have n larged shareraf eaeb. or help OBB he beard bee eteUlm; “Ob. my 'plc.ique l>eh^H>d forth brr Arcs, and eltl.a ime peaakio«< aoUler of Ue war of
kindled la every liumaa bean, which borne one else to taaelbis to rv-Ueve darllng Miss; Margaret, and la It youri He panned a-moment na If ntniog
tm DOW. Bring. .Bat it Is also a (act
bwn sweet seif that hni oome back to - cuiirsg-' to Mate the faut quewitaa. and P<«l>l<- were destroyed. Voleano
r colored J Canned ^ib the gentle Weeie of some of tbe sfetfcrlng of the world."
' B taast BM (
loiiR lime I't-c: when the drew from the folds of her | bare alwavK boeo looked npon ax do that there are attic huadred and eigbihifv and fed wlib the fuel od.aa li- The remainder of tbe sheet wni so make DU.- well.
eea widows rt the war of UU who
iRhi of you.jw-aixt ihb miskliig patwr. explaining rtniQUve and of little nae to the h
soiled that he could not deoipber Ifct •been- grlev-iag I
•- -It
awry WlW. «I«« ‘h- domUable sriU and.a ncverrailinx pet;-,
coaUaue to draw praalowa. The Uman
poee. will borst Into a glnrlo.iix flann rest, bnt aueeecdsd In Wentifyios
ate, whi-a wats-red. is the rldwH fereaee.itThai iheoc old sateiaas must
Olamlae ibe patbsmy nf a nnb:i Oicae letters nnd wort. M. Julia U. back aod should have come bt-fodw' had ' bar uid that she bad Jnivndcd asking
«Br«taMa M MM
^ bollhare tttfen a serond wife dariag tbrir
kaown to man.
■ j him how be came
with which 'H wax signed, snd wbiri) my -dear tnothev not been Cl.fTpMtotMMa..

But Biiw roars n sypdleaie od Kew oW age.
•■IHbaayokrswecibsari.MbtsMnrgkllL Then. aniid« rngny biushei she
Not miike most ot is. be thoughi be snppqsed ja be ilv writer's nam.A simitar rendnion aeeas to exM
B baw*l «Br mM« EInct tnm oil blf bi-rdCB of woe th • grcatdef and
XM DO address irts given, he had r«. TkBowvd it. but I just want yop i faluvtttgly rvmfessed that tho Mpw Tork
• aoIdJen of tbe ritrll
right from the goveramem of Meth-o
SCO the An* d«ror iba) I have. He's r*** «*» Which she iHul hot froen b
arfly more dtv' 3 doe to her whefebbomx.
wax besoming
SMKwra'nftfKM. fimsflix
-Where did ywi find this, my duaky
It. whoa bln revrHe wax di
eatapeil. I7.k«a feet tu bright. aaA twe taxi Ave years over fifty thotwaad malo
Xon^if. Mra. Hrady. you—bosh. long time *sa and the wni.v w;
elf.- be cxrixitued. but
ew aMt tour."
lorbcd by the laecaual mcwlns <dpcaslDnen of Ue rirll war' bare dM,
It MMY Inm Mo« atkira or
kiitra. Tbiakiv it wm» tala attoi'a answered only 1^ a tond jmtr as lie d-.ttr.-- The 'sick woman a oar bad none other lhaa lieoeif, Uar^red of ibo WKwt di^JocUve cratera o* Ui<
tbere Is lb .intfewse of .over tweal/>
KBxkan and'Cenirel American
catight a Mnnd la tbe ball. “1 think JulU Bracy.
BM M MB that -^i«a»h Hawklat ha» UaKaoe out of doort be neehanlcani Bcfllcd in bts aceustoraod place.
-Mr Julia, mr Marwri." bo joy- iriea. The price (raid is said io hav- sevro ibonsaod widows who draw ji«»;
pMWMl SB froM MU-"
to let biiB la. wbea to hU fia_f pUcod tbe paptT In hU \-exi -pockt-: I boar somoAie bow. : ffii the next

.. 11 .aarM (BMliMi Kracw or Ja*ei«b priaebe M« a bair-ataired llule lilark
will In truth Wwlm-f-^
'to take from the volcano tu eaormoui
■Mditalm! upon what be bad redtl. n'eaiaorlb.
kltlM wtaleb beniB to mew
Babies fitronga CarrtaBB.
' CMaMtUiu.
-Mow can I refuse, when even the itnipbur dopaslix. which a recent Met
which xtcmed soasix-claUv an>Ilcabu>
The poor was s« orercom*Cypalea rarfy tbely babies la oM
' Mt
•TboBpaoeB crowrr plteaaslr aod to climb rapldlr op bl»
to himself, 'napngbt be. this little nn^ by die,Joyful exclti-meot of xci-lBg Dusky »r sc-c-ms to vixb it." she iron report aayu exceed ig«.«oe.i»M
■ kaaS^YMowiMM.'Snlphur U a prodaet of gnu: shawls ahitig over Usdr sbonUrrs amt
mal hns-htwogbl me tbe answ-er to my ->lixi Matgarei - that whro tbe doc- iDsvcred.
Aad UM “th» maOak Worken «iU
about the waDt. North Abmwv
nscessliv i.. the worid. and poporota-,
! to bim like a aplrti of dark- tbeugbts. I sbouM USA-tny weallh. or enuvvM liv funiid that t-he had
«jr<> A iBMiral. ron Indian* carry Ibeir bahlfW on tbO
efoomy was hit mind. Bi-t tlm* and Inlt-n'M to relli-ve sunn- of faiiilisl. !hu -Mi>.s MsTgarid" seomet
A botanical chKk. a very pretty flev- pell U now- to be made a HM-fn) faclu' -backs of squaws—cradle and all. Hut
&.'.jad tMMB br a
hik lore for animali overcainc bir au- Ifu- BuEcring «if ihr worll. but b'»w? equal to (bat <-ioetg»ncy f.n- sh.- vr, hag Ix-en illM-utered In the tsthmnx tn coniBKJrre.
la WUMi Hoopar'* baU-*
womta of Labrador
Tb<‘ i>rok la one of the sublime
peraUUaa.aod be determlaed to aVl- Taking (be word auHering In the uioM quickly reylvnl b*v and the proceeded el Tehnantepec. In the moftitog It U
carry ibeir baUea In Uelr bools.
Kit toila i*b*i tba aaaalM tbat Jinn] tar and «Me for the little iieiBf. So li»ral sente be Ldibought himself uf to iatrodnee-her dear Mlsx'Margaret- white, at norni it is red. and at night algbtx of Mexico; It I* in tbe OBMlilor rwnge north pf Maumores an Throe boou come up to Ue knee u4
Haauaa had.
be Immediately proceeded to the kHcli- tbe diploma tbai bad been forwgrded - tfae
doctor, who .poHtoly
acknuu- blue, and the changes of color are 6
-- .....................
are wide at Ue lop with a flap in
him. and ihai.ecrUfled that he was ieilg.-il the lu(n.-!urtl.i.x and forl-M- Regular tbal the lime <'if day rgu li" soulheavl of the ClU of Mexico. It
, Baa Hj«tMfvaMJol)a«iB'Saab* en to: cot it eeine warm milk and v
xaiBtnil has looked down on the riv front. In throe tbe llule biwwa b^iea
w. a rhyx'iHan. '1 have It." he
Uie way tmeowuered h1« aunt, wbc
dlDK ih.- womar.'s tall.inf; be gave lo r; ,o]j
,i-,. y„, „y
BDd m bam -Bosioa HeraM.
gf« <Vb tM*-eMar aakMc U aborts wax borriOt^d Jo keua' that WentwoRb oinimed. *1 vhall attend the poor whn
q-jl>ii3g i-owder, uu.U-r the rtfevt ; Auatralla has do -..n.han asylums-- llltailoB ul Ave or six different race'
intended keeplot a black cat.;"for.'’ cannot aSord tn engage tiie rerviec-s
which she wax soon rystlng. Th.n i Ercry child who is orphaned. «r U bo. and has witnessod tbe d.wtmetlon e
' bA <tao »a tMt Oat Ita TodE' i*. aaid tbc. -It la Ue livinc truib thai of a phyaielan. and do all in my iMVcr
■ proceeded to U-ll rto young lady of j suppgHed pj parents, become* a ward
mMIW a MW faaea
Uie tpirit nd ibe derll ^well* la every’ > alleriaie their suRfriag.".
bis astontthneni at Ah.llng tbs w.^i of the sme, an.l U placed to a private,
b'sv ihai he bad a deAntto aini. life mnn raUonal. and that -he aitribu.eU i
OM." *^01. Auntie,'' aaid he, -you
board and clotbea ar, |
_ Ves^^iux
Mdoat Dwwcr’a eamlot A oae
Loa. and being a pan at that chain ol
bare alwaya told me that It wax a took on a different napcct to him. aud
o her Mall. He explalurt W h--r paid for hmll the f.
fire vrols tbgt stretch Uironib i
of cood nick to have a kiuca he became thoroughly filled with er.dlDciihy in securing « inDae an.i
Of enuPsp. Miss Man Beyaolds
cvrdlng to last year's aUUatka. Of
borne, and 1 aia eoi co ; iboslarm over bis new projed. He learned that she had bnm vlaiUag and SlUey. Iowa. wUI have to write a boo.: Andes norUisrnrd from tbe Sltwlu
tbit number Orewi Britnla atone ■MUtlag to destroy ibe charm by seadlat took tbe paper from blx pocket and re­ cariDK for Ihss'c people, but for tbe about her expsrieDces in Chins if she Magellsn to tbe Aleiittoa Islands a
facuias Upoopwi.
It away.’ SUenelag. tboaeb not coo-; read It. pondering kmg Upon tbc nanc past few- months had been prevented reaHy becomes EnglUb tutor to tk the Alaskan coast.
f.,. BHBIiMatm.-'
signed. wondnrlBg what tbc whole of by her mo.ter’* Uinw. However, rt.-1 nephews of (be empress Zi CbinA Mix
One at the ancient Indian tribes tbsi
,; tlba^ wbor«MUMfa>arbssplaif< -riaelng her. he went on his way U;
The Immnaae Indirect coat at war*
feed and omke the kitten eomtonnbie It wax. and wishing be knew bet A>- promlxed to remain wuh Mn-. Qrady iipynoWx rseeiv-ed hw apoolntmcni by lived at hs base rolled it “tbe moibe.
D JottaB Bow.
fare u llinittaied by Uo (act that
for the olgbi. wbrawnpon be retired we have said, he wy no: very tnier- that night, and eo aflt-r giving «ip | imperial decree,

-been nomi­ at fire.'
fipaaisb-Americaa war erot IL*
Ba iBBte MB ol It. bat. bp» with a lighter bean tban he bad
esb-d la the fair sex. bnt blx bean necessary dirccilon*
nal.-d -by tbe president ul Caricton col
>60.006 a day for over a yoar, alUoagb
went out to tbc woman wboxe writtea modichie he rulucta.ntlj‘ took bis leave. •eg.\ Noribfield. Mian , from which in
Grid Coins in CMokan HuMa.
____ ..I no
loaUUUet ogpDpled bat UTOa mowUa.
-Swety the JIttle kitten win bripe -tbonghu had touched tbe nu
; 4BWb tM *Mfb M bOoMar fpoe
From the moaeai be first saw -Ut«s siitotion fbd gradtiattil last June. Her
. . thoBialora ptko.’
le good lock.'' be anid; -my gloom that waa to move hU future life. -B Marcarel." ax he called her. for h-' home w-Ul not be at the Impolal pal SM.4r Medford. 0^„ tn Hatch. 18M
fiuaflowers amke good faoL Tke
nwnlng. s
bat paaaed nway and I feel like
a MMO tsM It UmX
knew Do other nam-. hi- tacooscioa- ace. but with a family rosldtng in Pi while elcealng out an old cblcke- •talka when dry are aa bard aa maptw
poei." said be. -i Sha'H call her Julia 1y began to assoeixu-'ler with the
ebanged being,'ii- ,um-'
kin. She will go back and forth dal', bouae for a family by tbe nasae o< Bob rood and make a good fire, aad Ua
The next monlng he awiBtc early Brooming.- He plciured' to btmBrif paper he had l:>'pt so loag. Shv to the palace. Her contract cwHe for a erta. found burled under the aurfaci
*M ai iMt aa n la brtatoB I bopa. >'
sedbaada, niu Ue seeds In. are aaM
U4 reviewing In bU mind the evenir haw be tbougbl she looked. She wat ansr.-erv-d perfectly to his description
■ B9«aiof service of two .years, .with s 17,960. to coin. Tbe Robma famil'
> bunt bettor ^ tbe bast bard «oaL
it fbe preoDdlcg day. be thought of tall and graceful with golden brown of Jnlia. excepting her- figure, far.j*uiaihle extension
claimed tbe mdbvy and tbe boy
three rears.
hair, targe clear blue eyes and a fair
turned It over to them. Afterward
though gracuful, shh was ahori aad^ ,Vo Korean couple .would think
Two ebarebro in Neodaaba. Mou
sae IL Tbc kllicn was inucb impravr complexion which rellecied atdclicai^ slender. However, he pwally ad-1 isarrylng wlthonl ronsalUng the sage, the boys brought a salt la court to tv
oCered tbeir belts for aala. TbO
trannih aad food and was eertalnl'> rose tint.' She hitj a deeldodJrTiitri
mlnrt fari-. and by comiag in altcostj who Axes tfao happy day for them. Tbh lover tbe mosey on tbe ground iba rent of Ue ebur^ hare adao. Tba '
attractive little'fellow, vltb falx Iretiml tnni of mlod, cMBiErbalaneed
dally contact vltb iier. '.for"-he-does pimply-by adding Uw twjdev they had found it and were entitled « dittreh tresUwa and Ua pamata agaaa
.oal-black euat and clear gray cyci. hyasusny dltposltiaa Hedccldedih-r
Tcsume-l her work an-.->r,i: the p ur,. age-to thv hridegrootnx and. after d
bat Ue beiu arc an anaiewroiT a»very pluyful and affeciioniii; (he must, be Just hU ideal and thxi^ttotim
miny (d whom were hU psiienu. Iih u.-rblelui: which star rules Uie dr; iwncr. Tbc Boliens family clalme toyanee.
ned slngulayly aitrMted tn should bA.evcr be f,irt"na'e snqtigl!
,«niHr So Mo nddy deplbs, but
.friiciration deepened info'love, thr«igh |:lB> rt turir un|ic,l
he deeree- that one uf tM-ir number bad buric
Wontworita. for as aoua aa tbe latter to meet her he n-ould make her his
dpae of
Ceatral Africaaa make a Mad •(
fcirrrl Iho girl wliot.i; that Hi.- wc.lding shall lake place Bf tu- money ibcr<- aud that In fact th
money was not |ofi. ‘The case Is noThig ware,*!!, fact, very appeared he ran quickly Utward him wife, were she. not already raatried. he rolleil hU ’’dear Julia." The Uaxky
the day f3cr»-d uiJItBt nar.
roet beat wblcb It eOafivasceat aad
to eUUb up hU U»dy, nert-r -Pqr.- eonilnued bA 'a man ahoa^
MBtaily rt-vlowliig
Blf. t.H). seemi?!l tfeeWe Ily.BItrvsciCd le
A wximan of f-J. who wore a cream iH-f'irc the xpprimK euurt rt Or(;guB s
vxies a good deal Ilbe -‘■f-nf-T
iBini: '.be fate towing until be had reached b.a 'bare for hU wife tbe one woman who -Misi' Marsarel.- for he would also. silk shawl, w-hleb-may hare been olde< o Wbo U ontltlad to the money. Th
. is made by mlxiag srater aad Ba-boulder.'where he nesUed eeaSdlagly hat pow-er tn nrouXe hix Uteni facaiiMi bllgSMB kit fondes h^.
Bring her ailiri-i. A^*ling
(ht-tn i
herself, reeenily acted as bride- Inioreatlng infonnaUoa was devrieve
ana juice aad atowlng Uto to tani
-aMr non ad a waaltky lAyaMan rloee to bis beck. Wentworth was not U<-s few a nolile pur^e." Bui I wigh'
our. It U said to be wb(4«ome. hot
W«ila..nh-r;|.wkai ami giUcs! maid Jn a Lancashire. ..Kng., mHnu in ihw irbl that the llolKTts faasil
risrod kmldai every hix :aeilned to be acMlmentsl. but tLt never have heard of bw had it not sh.-ui ti' her. tu -ih t’o bix> t.ts.'-br's I cbtirch. The fahMe vras a xplbxter ul xavc to each of ibc boys Ave cent
Is drunk oaly by women and dttli«tl^ Muited In Uie common simple act of the llttU- animal nonl ^•cd-fpr you. my thwk.y Bit." he ad ilftiniii
..w..'.. .tiun.' ^
t^-. JU.U the
i**v liridvgioom
a wiilower it
-Om. M he Bbowod a petder- him. His heart waa stirred «ilb sosni dfd. carcasing tbe kitten as he r.
wouM biros tbimL—Tbe Amcricai
l=' r W'cior.
id bfaioM-ttine feelings, and«n<>< placed the jiaper m an inner jwck' i. ‘ai length TAntw-orth re-r.;vcd wf
- - IStMa imBoMoa.
Chinese eirlM'pome up tram Ue
•Bnttromc with me to And Aoni‘- tell -'Miss Mnntsrri- at his love, hut; 'Vben a RuFrinn fumiy mofe* It l«
..UHnm wM aeat to a xmi- suddenly aroused from the-lethaxsy
uuU. SbanMial hPUg the Barts that
dceiilnl first-to show her ibC pa'per Uriial for the brod to«arr} anoiit batt
into which he had fallen.
and tell her o^my new plan.'’
W-BI0IBA *b«ro be «aa atot
■eta Ue taxbloaa for all U# people
a pint of raii.-er* or w-arm avhe» In n
He Anally decided to keep tbc hi.His aunt wax feirsn^-ly snrpriMd aad I.-II her iix hisiory as soon ax s
iildSlliMi '«tth hmm whoa be
An ol.i Rcatlemao wbo was rerr an are Uc court-Maacbna. Jam now
>)p9MoB a abook od aarrow tram which which be called hU Dusky Blf. when informed of Wcnia-orlL'.’ favi<ral;'.e c.-MKirluuily imscnleJ
-vent-minded says lippincott'a, (MU....... ................. house to ih:!'. ol the otiicr.
be WorU and Doucet at Bhaaghai
sad avMt mach time In lunebing it scheme and w-ben told tbal it w-mi due Oioiieli.ns yet he ku> w nnihlng of her
'iB hMI-bot yet racorered.
lare trimmed Ue faaay. tooaealsOTthat Khe M-liod and helped j IVincex* rhrl'itan. on.- of King E-l bad tu ring for bri xervani aad say;
' Bo van the Mr and pride <B both •any Usekx. among which was that to the kitten wax sUlI meiv ro>riilfi.-.\
"Jamro. I am I.uklng fur aomrildnr 9d Chinese coat dobn to the ecapMaat
Ml •nnaria. hot cB«Ually dear to hu- ri harrying notes for him and plritlng as Weatworih did not toll h.-r of the
nd now J can-t imdcrstand what '■ •inea.
ip letten which he drwpcd. Bbe kit- papers considering it a seem hetwi-ctt
krnm mothor, wbo becuie meetings *hto enjoy tbia Very
pnaaed daring hla ntaMMO nt etdlegt
himself and bis new- f.rand friend, that hiT home w.-is in tbc oppoxiu- dl- -■■’ *'* f'"'
And then Jamro would aaggest—
Between tbe monatains of ladM sad
»*» •"■'Bd, and now covers the nc'
ind often brought him amall hand- far snch he lermed Julia. She thought res'ikiti from Ms own.
tbM bin Miber iBannod
■ Tour purse, sir. or opeciacles c- (•ersla Is a powerful tribe, aaaoeg
Time passed swiftly onward a..., ex.-arv ground in an
drip «Mb tbo hope or improrlag her Mils and pieces qf paper found npoTi In only- nnoth.-r strange onliun of h"r
bAckhoukT' ami hi on nnUl^Uu- ol- rbota aa -extraordinary co«om pre1... to, tlmn
F- Ul.-. In .
hbalM. Timr bad apmtt a pleaaast irear Uic atreet or grounds.
U.y'x. but noting the joyous effqi-t H
EcnilripBQ woeld say at la«:
■ alls. Woraen'a rigbls barn appar
nraiE.., ,i,» enn, »..te to. Shn,
' >» --“fS--.™.
Tbe Dusky Klf sras a comnnnlw
•biaad- and vara totnnli
had- upon bim. and
-Of couri*. that's It. Thank yo
-nUy tm-lved fell rcoofiaHina. for Uo
WentSTOith In both hU gay and' wrl- lighted lu have anything make him bad aiDi.itt supplaored bU idol, Julia
ha peamwt at tbair an'e
adi'w of the tribe can eboooe Uelr
MM moods. He seemed to
■eom like bki old. happy aedf abe bea." He Minxiiiaes fanried U<rL she Hew PrtsidetUt Wear Beards..
One night the old gentleiMn bn
hnsbaada. All a slagla woman
when bit inwter did not wish l» i'lay ily conKonle<1 to hU trying tjie wvrl: aot.iiitvi ly IcdXorvCt iq him. h-ir 1,. ,
The Br»l l»:ir pn-xldcms of ibe ftm got)'- to hix room aird all were in be-' ma to do Whee she withes to ebaaga
for nrben Wcntuortli uat. musinit, at aqd promfsed io osxIm Mm I'n eve y
•ly dared hope, (to? parti.jla*-., l^aiex w. rc. according in the Ni-w when Jant-x wax sum ed
l by hrorin;
Uic, Ii to send a serraai to |Ka
It. the little fe1h>w «-»nld
afu-rntK.ti she !(W»k.-d lovrllrr than .-v.r v.irk Sin.
ri-ao shav.n
.-n- ! his I
idktwebief to Ue bat of a maa on
etlvb qpon bis shoulder nnd nettle
giSgbid tO; Wentworth, wbo bim. bni ho WM iiaal-lo t..T:-maln di. tine fr.ars. J
TheiOrid c’lilcred-hy the young
Adams 1
He ruslu-d upstairs and threw oper whom her fancy Bi^u. aad bo H
vltb an poaalbic apecd. but It wa
ckwe to hb nrrii. qnletl.v purrUtR. Di't proved 10 In- pn eweariv.- c«e. for
Iona >>*
ill o<r
her prescsioo.
proscsioo. ax ni'
hi< argrat.
arsrat. first lo
to Urrok
th.- r.-ht.ui he wuv m 1 <hc do.rf'
>Mig«-1 to marry ber ualoia he caa)
lait. - Both had received raui Injarlui WvMwbrth's thougbta
this tino ,l»„ kli. 1*
bow that he la too poor to pandtaao
and thm wm no hope. He arrive! were dlSiwent than when we Am saw
.h.-B «5
,p E,„.
ler at (be price her faUar requires.
nig M Use to'roMire'a MMalng ffo0
Insioad-od glring way to hU Mto f.tli ...-E- -to. liEhu. .IM -W«.kJ le ~1 »-:.n >" ra • le» «i.U. .httken.
\ M, ™raber «h«-. 1, wu.aan beMn th«r mere loarto him for- grief aud thinking he now had nothing o«»- ho»n hkiWiT W k.< i-r™-.™-. m«lt. leto„ toeer .M .o i.M ... u,n.,
b.,., ,i,r
There an in luiy owre than fififi .
for srtlch to live, he began to foalUc The poor tM'oph''thought ifaoy had
ber. ll,-e„«,ael..n.,„,,J.«.,.o.
.5, „-b„ 1
■ .«ld ,b.- ,,M ™o« tsaranifil farturies. which ompiey
that he waa
sob tantlal way of repayicg him. gave ™...«,be. to < t,,-,4,1,^^
....„rb»«.-.e«™. Tbto.„„,jto,.- .rorly UJW6 hantU
Over mjHW
la life and to vonder what be would him their (inci-re love, which mrar-'
are produced annually, and aaarty
'n«»'-P«eeer„to lb
do. And then tbc oa-rcpcateJ
ythldg 'tu. -him and Icvukel to 11. « h„
- wo- blRla of Uls amount U sent to
h, toto
v„ Be,..,. to.,.,h, ,,„kl
„ CM..-, Mill,
iboogbt came to him—-Oh. If on'y Hrovvas richest bluing npon him
Ibc I'nlted Stales Tbe coat la Itniy
■ h, i
to.-v- Tb, SprtnO..M Bebebiieu. rmiM,
my parenta bad been apitred
dif­ Mary- eeilcaelet. inortoa^i their w^.ft-h.r. my De-k. eh. J, „ ,0. «Uo - of-he. hbkers
, b, j Q, Ad.ra-.) u. r..d. rs lh.1 It ..t ■ .oum. Hr. la not quite four.oeau a pofpd. Keariy
htft akme wttb M aortpa-- 'So for aev- ferent all would have beat. ' His oU into ihi sick rooms by the hands <ff
four hundred tons of bard wheat are
ebto, to Ator, CAH,,„„ ^ y.,
avsi moetha be bad reaided la bli old bitter Mellngs teemed for a abort time his aunt, w-ho alto won many hears m«. am r
1... i.en. ... ...krrb aw.
i... t,. . ...
mporud from sonUerD-Ruarla ycariy.
retmn, when suddenly through tbc I9 he. Had -va:x.
hMe wUb only a maiden MiUr of
Iracnaao maronml commands the
t ' Lincoln *ta.«xoww» ete.r.-,
Mber'a wbo nupeciatesded the work dourw-ay darted a tiny figure, and Ibe ©a a" I *x vi«itF. exceptin', in caq tie e;f who ha 1 bnj-fhl It his taken;
blwhcm price. The superior qualiif
ad Me aerraata. Hte lime hang hearily next moment tbe Dusky Elf tpiang of trceurtagioux dinAse. h-' wa* a.'wavs it agats." be nUi. but stjll resolved ! hair on his fnec.
af this brand Is mi'! to be doe to Ue
non Ua kaadi aad wax ocpnpled only upoa hto lap srtih a plrw of crumpled accoinpaaled by the Dusky E!f. i-’j-i to tell Vnrgnivi ebom it,
Aure water and dry aimoapbere. M'ay
.uis first term fc-.
parse bear !, vice oonld cot be got nearer than New
.Mb tbe.Moetaarr boafaiBaa det^ls paper le bit moaih which he deposit­ amUH J both childrco and grown pc.bare maearubi tactortea rotabllsuTt.i toUowmg day was nn exct-ptioa-: witt ciesn-skav-.-r- -.i-mcr lip, one
^ yori; citgltmdaat «moa the aeUleveBl at bK ed in bis master's band.
pi'e with hb cuttning iriro«- H<- was.
id In Articfna and Sew Mexieo to work
BUlhenilcai-.i sur.oi '•tf* that
^■^Mbar'a caute, aad to that he would
W'enurortb began to smooth out however, vert- mlxph.-vioui and .ifttp tok'viiS''.‘SkM
-I'i; toi,;"-itok'^
‘•H* oplr the atnaUen which the ad- tbe paper aad observed that U wax annoyed Wentworth by sttdUcg aril kk^s .Uto ,k./..-.A- VA MSiSa OV l UA IICJV | D
ibSlltm,. btukto to
ki.h.tbT!. ,bonbtol.|kbo,. B», .b. M
Be «U tor covered wiih writing wblMi appeared clcs from bts poekett. - Stiil the youn* TOk
with Moi into tbc picturesque co-jniry,!n
alienee. naUI U« lb be la a feminine hand, and upon man loved him. for the Lanpincix :i-e whlrii :n-..-.a:!ua she gralcfaity ageepv- the first i He . -jcceroor. Hayes, wav; serves and many Jellies in ber time
Japanese excel in Ue maUag 9t
W1. long whUker* and she began to experiment on mUk paper frvm Ue bark of trees aad
t(MBi were Maital of his beeomlag
tallon proved to boa sheet npnn tmU-T;^w- bad bros^ into hi*, ill.-. £•'. r.=--i of courseU' Du«
Up Du«kj^ Elf went, tvverinshh ri-.n from. Garfield alsv , and put up a lot of Jar. of ber origlna vbnitAS. Among the rtaiartaiiln va­
which notes had been made propar» All this time hccuvfuily guarJod his
.t. Uicy ritde alorg h
. h M thw we End him when our tory to copying In a diary-. He at­
rieties. D. G Fairchild meMloBB Uo
-rci.jii also tbc precious bit of px
U«p opena andly muaiag of the past, tempted to Dead It, but tbe Arst few
Uln raJn^>ro>Ar paper, usod tasiead at
r and xpukc-of "bU Jnlta- to nu
aie grief vna no totone that ii tern- sentRicoa cnaiucrmlvd tbe laaks which une.aave the Dusky Elt. aiibougb nev-' matikAi^aad Intur.i rckau-d his ..wu , who w^.ifce most corrwi drwiser < r cd sereral Moole In New York «,,■ gU*i for windowt. Ue oUed papem,
stv-ij. BftroboWu htrof ihelfctky ,an prcsidenti. was the first in thollsi finilly Mrs Caihingor care her" onhU many
this pctpim ;bad aceomidished that
did ho abaadon the hope of ,t..ra.»-riugiug hltt- ii:. piprt. w-bat u.,o grew- Burnside t.-pe of whisker', j c.-s* away to a park of sharp fello?.' serving for Govefisra and cioUittg.
He waa poMistsd with wroith. day and vlmt she Manned to do ihv sotnetlaip movtlng ber.
and Ue otled UMue for wrapiUnc drib
romalned and U* . range disappesr-, Benjamin Harrison', beard
folk'who nmde
I. a hrilUaat iateiiect and
next, and aa he waa not vtri- interaniclro. The. bark paper, em­
Aawag bis pait- ats tbere -was' onshe became gr-.xt.y cottfurei, with » .h^ih umdency ,« curl at the - milk and never gave her a eeau
V training bK tbe light of bu •Ked In glris be was about to ronslgs
ployed fur meal and grain saTOa. U
-or Woman vety loir, with a Jevr.
h tore, tbe only be had jret known. tbc paper to tbe waate basket, when and whom be thought grea*. v neeCc 1 but conquered her emba.'rassmcst and > end. and was tinged iriih pwy After_______________
cadily pcaetraifd by woeeUs aafl
, Cievwland. the claan-shavea fare re- * A lake hxx been di«»rered on Kii
B voBld bare aerred aa a mcaui fills aantence caught blx eye—Tte tbe 'are of an experienced ftreel h. llsttmed uniti be had #nlri«S.
Tamvemoiryiotejetnatpipar.- turned with McXiaJer. The moitacb-d din tsi.nrt Lapjand which exmtatas aU. perhaps, are Ue leaUer paphra.
a to make bit We sronb lltiay greatest benoEt.and bapidnesa is do endeavored to procure une. for hew ha,
cor.ilnuej he. •' for it ha* Uea a sUm- came in for the second time x^ fresh water
^arii watro
i «CM fran bIm and au voemed fired from life by living for others,"
from wfcleh tobaeco pooehaa and pipe
enable to fiad att.v one wbo oj i k
Me had yet to .tear* that Me became Intceestcil and read funb- ooBie immcdiairjy. aod. returned deter­
are made. Uroe p^en bring
r la a fcnr into wbloh men-s pr—-Wsmlih. Intellect and time are mining to reanln with her Umst-if
alaaooi as (oagb as rreaU fchL traaa: Tk. ...i. „to, b,;'b.
HpItMely bsried u con talMU gl^jsfmany who laO to use; anlU the crisis was pa*:. Jast as he ----------------- Wto
inceU. aad aa arft aad pUaMe aa taUwho has power to elevate and perfect i rax produces half a pound of wg.
rtm lMM biiMty Raptr.
; »■ >iM • WO*
'"■» *®


A«K«( Kittwr.
\au UBni 4IMW. wWea h*i
V#E-tb. lUn
t stssdiBC «

A a»»«.ni« dtewr »M «rre« »«
« o'tdoek to tke followlac: Hr. ani
Mn. J. T. HwiBab, Hr. •»« Hr*. Slur
■eS Oartand, Hr. aad Hra. W. W.,
8>iHb. Hr. MS-m*: r. K. B«ek. Hr
•iKl Hra. U SoBlA Hr. and Hra. r.
Kyaalka. Hi aad^iia. R M. P«>pa. Hr
aad Hra. 83 P. WIUalB. Hr. and Mr.-.
M. A law^rortbjuMra. R. J. Poreat,
JaaMB Dnaa. MlaaVarr Hdokcr and
Mr. and MCa. i#baft MnatasM mai
ana Be*. ;
Tb* tahrf daewatloni »*ali««d «f a


U a crtnrtns aastar. tbb eospnlaory kfa ia aouttUy and rni Id t:

Taaehlai U oaa of tba raadas ttdagt.
in ifaa vorld. Tba poMlbUKlai la I:
MIowinK. wUcb -wa;
are iremcBdoaB and tbara U BOtMor
battar tbsa to balp youre pcorta'.t’
• Irene L.
ba bcter nva and «tj»en;
nrferipai b. B. Waldo.'of KaUmatoo OaHy of ff^ka^ca.
»at tba drat apiaker PWdaj ana:- Vloe picaldent. Supt. 1. R OtJben of
noon. He talked on *-Tbe Growth rtf Tihtwe «ty.
Siccvtar)' and tnaanrar.'6b|iL U-A.
tba Teael:>w.“ fSfaoettr and prtee.
plC'Vere uiurbrd upoo.'talUns (roiu -BnikT of Central Lake.
iba xamii-nei. of the trowth of the Heobrr esocoaTO comiufttaa. Sopc
tatrbw ai mea and wataea and kept
before bit audience tbai peraonalUr
waa to be wbphaalsed flrat. Hat and all


Noribem Michigan Teachers- assocUtkm Saturday Prestdeet B. 0. Lancaaicr of Olivet look up bis chIH
study tboughi. sttrtlnt to at the adu'aceat period. Tbe flrai thing to be
tieed nt this period fa tbe growth nod
adenUflcaily tbe growth of the hra 1
which eUargea very groiUy and .u
at* there Is excisslve energv
and if tbe ronug man Coes not havImmoral babtta, there la nothing bette*
than nthlMtoa for him..
Tbe emotional aide was next ukea
npL The love of natnte la very aironq
ihlf period and the child wanu to
be ahme to commune with nature. Th,etnoiloBt seem to baaed to full mainriiy at thia period, which la prob­
ably due to the Increased blood press-

MRb to manhood, Ha tnmmed mt tb-.
There la no better place for sncli
uarions tosttocu of Ua child whleiiI people than the ecbonl. ff it if « real
bare to be dweloped by growth.
' lire school, but If U la not there la i.«
r use of Bending th<-m.
I. 'riheeowj The burines* aeseioa followed thN
, baa more aanaa than tbe average f address to which the accreun ah '
•Mbar tor ibe fonwr ae^ sotrr|tr»»simr,
giM ptoc« or nook to nurse Iu off-1 Getty of Kalkaska, read the annual
, w
»Frtgg tbe first few weeks and can^: pun vi tbiwr otBees. The treasurer ,;v
tally alteeda It. bm tbe mntber plao>w; report showed a l•alrBce on hand ol.
b«r ekDd <m exhiuacm abortJy after j »j.cs at the opening of the iwssioa .nl I
U. „ Mkr u 1,. po,.. lo. ttU
. h„„„ „.



The ehlhmk,., o,




Fits, then
Dr. Miics’ Restorative Xerrine has been so successful iu
curing these brain-wreckinj
tliseases UiK there is evertreason to believe that even the
hopeless cases
:eil. if not
not fully rc.siored.
W.e will be pleased
pleased to refer
any one thus afflicted
to many
enjoy the blessing of. I
heajih. after years of hopeless'


ssm»w^ nssv .WtHaw Mmmm

to OARLAHO. Caahitr.
!atw-..h.,H>es.htrrnU.«.boald-^-r«,..o..««enw.per.n..M,s^ r-r
cbive their BuuaMne, that th-> inio • • Tf.'.: uii:i ihii year ti.r KiorKmeo
-i}.-- Nl..n..}arv
l..rr-.. Ho-: ;
0..-»Jal ijiL-i!>* '<• f— tiaviralli - i-r to [ihrr.nei>'rnl -'rU*'- iisve yt '
eile-! for i1h- al idr >■' s flu- lan-.. i.i- :: r-.’kp-i-i!. , '
■—-~€ -

Tire Insurance! —IF ■
Plato Class, steam Boiler and Accident Insurance.

noDcr to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.
Room 31 O NewSt.lte Brink BuHdin;;.

Traverse City.


Christmas time
is near and we are reiiiy
s-Hrjw you so;i;r verv new Ih'n;.; in C!.i .s'.tns G .fti. Conic in .ii; 1 we wi'l please you.




Dr.W.J, dmins

3perCefitaUfivc«M HscDMIto

%Vry t-'«t of i!<'cial
• ir.!y. Ti-nlb }<‘ar of pra-’1f«.
Y-:r patrucigv »o;iili->.l. in
\.-w Muttfou fciiiUing. uno-r K.
.f i>. ba;i. on floor »lih I'v.'L.t
V loiunrc. CoD-tfo an.l ovc-f
Sing-T oflioe.


Che store Chat Fills tbe most PreseripHons

ttinCU twM to tW wl
took MM wag.. ei



On Rral Estate.
New Wilhelm Clack, Travers


nbwpa: ‘X ■u.irtnv'w

HrrcMtUrt'.. hi..., Hrth-|*«W~. M

219 e. Tront St.

Jlmericait Drug eompany
Aujeki E. Gu>to:N$K.v, Maniyer

Traverse Cit)', Mich.


Wwyn* Croaty Brofc Bldg., OSTBOIX


Citixena phone 105. Ofliaa 406.
I New Wilhelm Block.
Travarat CRy.


Before buying your himberiny tools it will pay
you to call and look our stock ovt-rand get our
prices. We carry a good assortment of Axes,
Axe Handles. Saws. \\ etli^es. Wood Choppers'
Mauls. Cant Hooks. Loading Blocks, Skidding
.Tongs, Log and Loading Chains. .Ask to sec
■’ our Steam Test Loading Cliaitis.



store Fronts-Fixlnrcs, SasL Doors, and Kcsldcncc Interior Work,

All Kinds Of Building Materials
Traverse City M^. Co.
CgtocT Lake a«e. and Ktt at
Ott. M«mJ1

Going to Build?
if so. ihir Sotiiit Sid-- Lumb'-r Co. at Trav<-rsc
Ciiy is the place to buy your inaierial. Shop
and mill work done on short notice. Give us
a chance to figure on your warns.

South Side Cumber 0oCraverse City. micb.

Not the ohl shoddy, but fresh from ^

Cbis in mind


If you wan: ;hc best Coft.-e ;ha: :h, r-'
beautiful land, get it a: I’. K'<. corr--r I-ron;
' C.i--.
•%k for Chase .v Sanhorn's S--aI Ifr.and an<I- in.!':
not be disappointed. We aXo have Seal UVand I ■ ;
50c per pound in half-pound paekages-j.!-..!- n:i ; 1,«beaten for the money. J: r.lway- the s.^me,
-rn n.-,
noon and night. We sell S. 15. cofTec a:
;• :r[ o ;::d.
It is worth I'lc. Tr>-; thos.- -.viu) d
it say tliat ft is first class.

pnmounc. hla cured, as

and C&SS S-fi.
Ifitei Medical Co., ElMort, Ind

rrarcisc aty State Baik
J. T. HANNAH. RrMitoat

We would be plcasetl to see >o:; in our store t-r
get your order by phone or mail.

tereatod to aebool tbe teaebss- kaa ne.
fipwad tkM oeator and she most find i FrincM Waldo of Kalamatoo and t *
If be Is dorel^wfl as he abould U
I , Fresldenl
. liancasiT-r of o:irei

....TiBettoal Gmgbts and also Uasira .j -for ibelr
—r addr rsss. Tke rriwrt wat
B givaa M IMS Uae.ladopted saA they r«omm«ided tbst




“f flcfflop aecloil wPb tie maiijretncal fur Ihc-t

a»;.. i. X

«cateii>Is teore-tfwtrh tim with book aad Uae (b I

la ikna.
After tba talk tbv quo»ik>B wan (4>"i
for dHonaatoo, Sopt I. B. Cllbart pr^

'fryro Cadillac. Hantetee a--J
Trareme rlly,
Molkm. made and earri<d that th- i
Tba oast speaber was Principal h
H. Bikm of Pe«oska>-. wbg M (b-> lime of meottog of this aswwlsiion W
topic, -rTow to Hold ibe Itoya and Olrit -cdianged to Uio last Friday and Salor
day to October. In.sicad of lN.-lDg beH
la BdiooL''
Principal EJlIou wrote to twenty- atiar Tbankagiring.
Who flm paper was »>n -Manusl;
dee dlKeraoc saperiaieiulcDts at
cHrod dala from alneen school* upon IbntoloR In Knral aiul Vlilage Srb<«I<"
roaca. Tba arcalBK waa apent
whieh be b«aed bb ramartis. presen' by Mrs. Alleo I’nuiam Klml>all <> '
■torr talUBK aad jaaalniaaaaeea.
tlmlillai-. -She sail' that n-aniiui Uh:-.-'
inr a obart which abowad that t
I. 064 Id tbe aerenUMtrada 2S per ceol Inc ti»>k li* rls.- In Pinlind ami r.,|.l
hcfS' It originat'd. «h>r" it Is <sitni».l
na »«»«« Mtohltan Taachcr.i ^ out at tbe Kwaotb Itrade. 17 -' sory. 8he aNo sini-d Uia' 1' had ' vdropped out ei lba.siabUi rt
MneHUoa ihmM on Friday ac mper-oaet
kr ninifa Rradc. 11 per eeai tended In the Ilnlted .Siai.-s w> ih.-.i'
' t Htelaek and ton* «aa an aueadaiwa in toott Afade. 6 per earn in eh-vmiih -nearly aH have it.
■ at war l«ft
•» «oaaM««d aary
Owing Iu Supl. G. A. .. .............
and « per cant In the iwcIH.-t
crattfyiBC. - Tba veeUag u prealdad grade
smda. The areaiest eunber failed In iller, who was to lend the riisrii,u>tea •if
ow hr Bopt W. M. ABdm a(;Pawv ibe ttintb sriule.
Supt. 8. W. BakiT'a paper, baviug
a train, he was allowed to uke
looebed upon tbe fbeu tbal laPralii^aanr >nBlaaaa foltwrad afiar
ihe •llariissiuu first.
nmtle by tka aadlaaea. AarMlMiti ai- oaaead tbe nonaueadaDre of pupU ' opn<told of the <liffer('t>' pans t>f the
. amaaa^iMdoatad by Bapl. B, W did not adrocatr t I itrr^E c
srbouls: teachers. inipHs and tsinrd .'■I
Bakar of Maaltua. la whfcb Uia auBducatlon and the work ibvy hate le
anal aato^arHUp dow vara lalari.
do. Also of the home sm-ronmllnB*.
yhr wBwau fi«B «i eaau to SO eaot'i.
the child’s fciiM-eptIble nature and liiMd fbr M frata M oeiiU to li-M.
Priudpal R. L. Kye aupfdled; He sai-l lUfBclcnclea and deflciencles anil ir.
TM uhlhK oC drkwtac and Daanal
tu rewrd -to eompulwri’ fluoaces and harmonious working:.
tralatas warti. *hh* baa *aan artla- ibe laws
attendaaee to IbU counto
School la a place for making men and
' UwHy.kRaBcadkrMliaBBiBaWooi- sebool
lax and that. aODatbtog ou^t i
He advocated taking
dMb ea aaidbcart and plaaad arannd dona aecordfag u bli mind and iha- women.
sianilputoi of the pupil rather ihan
Ika aaaatoMy noai H tba tnaat of J< tbe pareau wwe often to blame
o( Ike text bonk.
Mad war aaaa la tUi Hiy. Thf aikiwad tbe boy to cuHlrate the babi* slanilpolnt
Supt. s. W. Baker of UanUtee ha.i
vork-WM not inada for exbUrtt but
of Buying out. The idea of wanting to
tba araryday work of tba atodeata. mnfce money tnkaa out n Urge -per a paper OB<-'Judglng a School^’ which
I i-cry toiere^ngand emphaiical '
■ df fba anUra aritooli
cant. Tbe.Xact that ihe boy la ofirr
iwcd how slontiply the speaki-r Ivaa
Jdm out of tbe aebool la that be bar
bre tblrty-flra larta 'cardt CM-to do aomatblng with-bla hand* lleved in hla theme. He placed tli
lebool on a level with the ehureb an
tnw tba rarioui rooms and tba
nrall as bia mind and tbk be
other great Jnslllations.
>■■■!■ ft U rary attnetiva. Tbr' si
be kept in school. Atblatles be dteJ ^ He gave some of 4be requiremertt
BIfb acbmd la also mwawntad.
as a good oppertanlty to supply tbl« of the successful teacher and what
Tba wet^ laditoaa astnn aabibits
should look for In then;.
tba n«rtmi kbd tba atory of tba May
Seratnl otbara took pan In the gen­ Scholarly teachers ought to be tli-:
aHdBir Haw tbn wadle op. balhiwe'en eral
dlaenktio^aM brongfat out tote.
successful. Tbe mo«i prncUes:
BDHkca. «kldi are nmarfcaUe.
ggdtoti. On# <g tbe main polar*
aewna- ■Hwemint <« the aaeoni made to the dUenaalon waa that the thing to life Is iBleitRc action.
4. O. Dunrao of Su •
» Bay 1
. obliged
sad iU totponance has not been
valuad'Ai blgUy as it sbonU be. Thai
the leather should Uko tba raaponsibUity UP9B berself.
The next paper waa The School a • •'cbool commisrlaners who w-ere r
1 Factor to tbe Tratolns for Citixe.
nndUg ihe.Bcssloh of the toarhers' a '
hip- by 8opt. r. P. Mason of Roe
ociatioD held a miH-ting and accoci
City. InU the title of hU.^er wa- pliabed an organisation, tbe first err
-Trntotog for ClUwifthIp.’.
nttemru'd la thU part of the tcachera
Ha talkad along the tine of aoelet.-. assoria'ion. George L. Cri:--p w&
todnl rclatiitoe which leaito to (b- elivtcd ctialrman and'Miss Irene i..
mt and olnsdlenof to the gor- Getty, the . only lady commission *;
atnmaDt. The home ho degiicted cf present, secretary.
elthanablp He told how liberty tutu
TTiose prcaenl were Conimlsslone'-grown nud how falatoricnl toberiUncer Irene U Oyiiy of Kalkaska. Faunnbad taken place through eantnriea.
Cadillac. Duncan at Suttoiu Un.v.
of Ih-ar i«ke. Datoes of
ttoiaa through which It baa paaae Benzunla. Crisp of Traverse City. Col I
were loW, until now It baa a amms rrn of Bellalrc and Roxinirg of Rei i
eenirat gorernment.
Tlic purpose of the urgatilzallon i
The speaker briefly lowdHd upa
Torooa which played as Importar.i 10 come tolo rl<i»T touch with es''i‘
pan is cHlamahlp and also towtoed other and to esuiillsh linirormliy r.
up Bcane of ibe eommerclal eoadltlobr this part of the Mate. Piicii .>nv is •
The saloon waa UMdied upon to eUio send in suggeslluit* fur a po.grapf.
which It is proposed to make a part "f
and tbe ioflueace it bad.
Tb teach the lesson of life th- the aKsoclaiion m.-.-tlne next j.-ar
A few questions were lirtelly <Ji
steaitfaaUktas of purpose ia more tbau
cussed. Tlic examtosiion question wcBnpe^iendaA Lott of Elk Rapid' nne. both of teachers and iiKliiV
took part to &s general diacussion grade; the sbortjute of leacliers w\which cloeed tbe aftenoWs program talln-d over, and the a»s<a-iaiii'n pi '
Precodtog tbe regular aosilon of the wses to study and h'-lp esrh o:h, r

. TklOTO
fba kdnn Hdtoi «m the young child
(Vwr had,^ aU motbera and fatbert
da. Thtiim U not Nka iu parents .n
tba laatt allboa^ proud'admlrm are
koHMfeg at tba llkaaaai between the
two. Aawteg oompkriaoau or tbe Chiu
and tba adult was made wbleb pr»
aaoud a,ghaaa of tba aabtact that trrbad tbnvgM «d to ibn angna
way to
«4«a aray
d and Ibe p(Uowal. rat dM
gln MUaH tba
prnd faa^ t^ 4


STMT ckn<


Standard make 5-A‘fiind
They are stroog and cheap-


^'^'2'^*'***'" «<>**. Special wagons and riaiiha
fully guarantee-! in cvwy Wfipfict
AFMSIt|lv«9 That are made to tue ai weU ai adl. TBey are
not made of cheap material, and giv«B fi fiadiy
fmiah to catch the eye; but are domUto eomfortable, tad neau The cheapest on the ma^et, qaaJity eooaidaed.
Once osc<j and you will boy no other iwk»

126 stale sirttc w Uictor Peterfyl.
Ha-.e yoj ever tried the

»oy«l TiKor

iBrbd Cof¥«*«

Royal tiger

Ctoptd Cprm
sad SsfmsM

Thej' are the beat. Sol: -ml.v by

J.• Ap

TiiihMOAy.'OE^Mi i.i«9«.

•nalKg M t oyiaek « tbe Ctawck of
<^rM. Bn'. T. P. tnkw oSdAUBS.
rkt m*»
«»• »«• •tiwiJo.j
^ AMMin WtMM. bcMbv e<
taiii, nt !«• WkMroa. clMer al Uw
'.pMB. At taptr «MP>« •» two

niwarnl At • oUodC. aapper wUt
aerrwl by tke kalchU oTteat t?i
aatned by tbe ladlM of Trayarae Qty
Ura. Bo. SSI Oae ticket tor tbe aop•ar wDI be (trea eai* caeet.
h>r tbia caMmUioa aU Banben of
tea No. m aad tbeir wires aad tweei'
beam aad tte tadlea «r Trarersa Ol/
blra. No. SU. are larliod bat ao d>!larea wUI be allowad.


The walking' sick, whal
a crowd of them there are
Persons w’ho are thin and
ii'eak but not sick enough
to go to bed.
fftaa4i «• WtXet ftroM.
"Chronic cases” that'sj
. Vnak WMtlMvak ud Hn. Biu
hHk HvriM were nenied ThDttdfrr what the doctors call them,
«t M* •! SM Fmt etreet. Tbo which in common English
|rt«i tM moa> were MteBded hr
means^ong sickness.
BkMrKu* u4 Un. B. K. Nuu. Tber
im iMke Uidr taae to
To stop the continued
fbwwMp; LecteMo eoutr.
loss of flesh they need
Wama Priee oad <:Ui> BoeUer of
Emulsion. For the
IdlaB <
Ahmm at 4 oVIack at the Hotel feeling of weakness they
- -I^iirtia. Leiaad. la .Ute preaaaee of
■kaKASreoMU. The erealBC boor*
were ctrea jorer to a larfa
It makes new flesh and
aad weMfag aapper aad later daadoc gives new life to tbe weak
M Midcad ta. Mr. aad Mre. Prtce
Scott’s Emulsion gets
'O. T. m. Cal
thin and weak persons out
it rartew «rf Ttarena Ol.’
the rut. It makes new.
. Mat. Bo. S71. n was dwidad to bold »
faenatir cotobroUoe bare Friday. Dee. rich blood, strengthens the
& TblawflIboaoaMtbtaf.oraiiorai'y nenres and gives appetite
M MaetabaaiiB here m tbe feast w-il
for ordinary food.
ib raaOte eoantaaoraie tbe Tfctorioair
Scott’s Emulsion can be
tit »itk bit aaenilee.
as long as sickness
a WUI take tbe idacc
tbe tBanal Dateb tapper and will lasts and do gocxl all the
ftan Mtfe a bic atraat parade at *7 p. time.
. ^ sjMretn all sir balcfau win be
There's new strength
i^dBlI io paitldpata. The parade wtll
tm banded by tba Maccabee fife and and flesh in eveiy dose.
*toi eorpa. Tba adebratlon proper
atart at 8 o'elock abarp ia tbo
BaU aad wlO oeaUana for aboat one
. Btar. after wbleb «aaobaa by Graft
jltMBlaiiii BoyniiB. Sir KalBht HerMHia 0«bM. Oaaunaader OiBrlai
or tlii CadOlae teat. Past OduM^adar A. V. Frtadrteb aad others.
■ l.lfBaie, aaass and bpaaebet by manban at tba local teat will be glvea
. iifia 1* O-Mot* wb« daacU« will b>

Wc will be eted
' to Bend you o few
doses (ice.

dOOPmui SC. N. V.
> StomdUislldissWa

erf its kind arer bald beta. Thad^re.
team or tbe test and hire wiU appnr
IB eostama dnrins tte erealac.
Tbe coaMluae In dwrce <rf tbe
ealebraUoti ii: Coin Bander K. Som-

your Health and STRENGTH with

cate a fire Mtef malas taro miles
from tbe dty. Tbe fire was aearly
hoadred mltaa away aad U « deuo

. itaM.

km. >1

Peaae, Seraeaat Oeorfe Hodsa, Sir
KniAu B. J. Hans. A. Lasaras. Lady
CoBoaader Jeeale BetUseboose.
Lady; Berfeaac ABeUa Cbaoc. Lav laad weU corered witb choice t

Brllllaii iefleetk>u. erldeatlr earn
ierlroa ■ fierce fire, cauebt tbe eye
C( mernben of tbe MbblKtlqae fire depertmeot tbe oUrer ereelBs aad tber
art recorded with chaslDE tbe slow
tot forty4re nlbatee and then barloc
to abudOB tbe run, belbc aaable to hr

aboald be a failure ooe year it
likely be a banaer year for «]
and he baa eoausb of ttaeac I:

Imiaomar far womm.




berry and raspberry patches aad e


<rf berrtes next s


and BEST VALUES ever offered in the
city. Both LADIES’ and GENTLEMEN’S
COATS. Let us show you these before
you buy.

Time to think about them LOOK
OUT FOR BLIZZARDS. Nothin?. affords the comfort like a
FUR COAT. Ours are bUzzaM
proof. Price from

$12.00 UP


We rccommed the best however

127-131 State Street

Traverse City. Mich.


$18 $20 $23 and $25
* A large stock of them.

Hamilton Clothing' Co.


in neckwear, handkerchiefs, purses, hand

FANCY ART NEEDLEWORK suitable for the Xmas shopping. When you are in
^^w>me in and we will help you to decide. Below we mention a few things which make appropriate gifts for

buy witb

I bo.Children'. Col'd Emb'd Initial Hkfa.3inbox
l Udlei’ All Linen Hand Embroidered Hkf
1 Ladies' All linen Fancy Emb'd hem stitched Hkt
1 Bstteoburg Turn Over Collar
1 All Linen Hand Embroidered Turn Over Cnllar
1 Lace Tab Cdlar, ecru or. white
1 ChtffM and Lace Collar witb colored bead trim’s
1 Shell Back Comb
1 pair Shell Back Combs
1 yard Fanqr Neck Ribbon
1 pair Gdf dovto .
I Chic Set with
do* Shell-Hair Pins and 1 Back
1 Udies’ Black SUk Belt
1 Udie*’ Pearl Shirt Waist Set
I Goa Metal Belt Buckle
1 GoM ailed Waist Pin Set with 8 pins
1 Nice fancy Brooch with Brilliant setting
1 Pkif of good Wayne Knit Stocki^, ‘
1 Nice large Turkish Bath Towel 56 inches long
A nice fancy PiUow Top with back

Oor.^i^on« 2nd Union

1 Four-in>hand Tie with lawn stock
1 handsome Em'b Lawn Set, collar and cuffs
1 fancy Silk and Lace Tab Collar
I fancy Shell Back Comb with sets
1 pair fancy Shell Side Combs with sets
1 W'hite Bone Back Comb whh sets
1 pair white Bone Side Combs with sets
1 box with H doz Ladies' Cambric Handkerchiefs
1 pair good Golf Gloves
1 pair Ladies’ Silk Lined Cashmere Gloves
1 Bristle'Hair Brush with Ebonoid back
1 Ladies' Taffeta Silk Girdle
1 Ladies' Broadtail \ elvei Belt with fancy buckic
1 Ladies' handsome Jeweled Hat Pin
1 pair Sterling Silver Cuff Pins, brilliant setting
I Udies' Salt Water Pearl Shirt Waist Set
1 pair Embroidery Scissors
1 handsome Belt Buckic with slide
1 Leather Hand Bag with small change purse.
braided or strap handle
I new Bar Ribbon Pin with stone setting
1 Udies' Outing Flannel Night Dress
1 Linen open work Dresser Scarf

There's nothing more desiraMe
for a Christmas gift than a nice
Fur. so be sure and visit our

Fur Dep’t


We have seIcctcd and p!aecd on sale —
5 prices very much
} under value
^ about 80

Opossum Scarfs,
$5. $7.50. $IO and $12

'■■3 Seek





They areal! this
: season's make50
; eui long, with or
; without belt, in
Child's l-'ur Sets ftwm
: a wide range of
up to...................................................
■colors, also
-V Du.n*_fx
BL.ACK pii.K
L5- y.ird Dress
black. U'emake
Pattern of black Peau de Soie Silk ^0 0g these r rites to
dispose of the
WAIST P.\TTEK.\S in I'ancy Waisiings. French lot quickly.
Hannels. plain, fancy and Plaid Silks at popular
Isabella Fox Scarf,
a handsome and
durable fur .....



A G(>OD UMURELLA i> always acceptable.

GLOVES—vy.- arc soh; agents here for the fa­
mous I’crrm Gloves, known the (fcO i\r\
world over, at SI .O) up to.................. tP4W*UU
pair of our Silk Lined Arabian Reindeer in
Modes, Browns and Blacks.

•AMERIC.AN BOV for one year wup every pur­
chase of Sj or over in Hoys’ clothing department
Just arrixed from New York. Holiday Neckwear
Gloves. L mbreilas and Shins. All go at temot:ng prices.

all coats
S-'j .and S*b

S.-.»n and SS-.jO.



Ks'sejs. I'i.i'
regular value

another range «f high grade
* ^ Coats, made to satisfy the most exact
mg. worth $!<i and SliAlso see the finest ready to wear Coats and Suits
in this market a.
,, .....v,,
at Sl-j. ....
S20, Sli:.'.50 «ti>
and $25.

Sweaters, 2$c up to $$.00
Our S2.-VJ Sweater is a speciailv good one.
other house can approach it for less than $y.Of,»,
an<l some SSJKl.
C A PS. .50c, 7-5c. $1.00, up to $2.00.

------------1—......................... .................... ...........

Trfa'Vfarfafa Olfay, MIoh.

fc V J .

MM, T*4U|W6*V.^C«MM« 1

nMd atr, Mta*, tkn. ak-n«*

4iM»cf tfeooMBtfaar tan«b o< nUf
Mir ««fe Arilr «nr lk« •!(« cT • (or
•V *M«lM Mbw (on ol NkAlsu
TMi4aMfteri vUlace (■ Crrtr». wkM
«M ritMicd «t dr* jneUM «the LBtteM< Bit HMbMOr Hww. Ui

Mot «Mi» Uil* Old-Use ikrUIM t0VBo( Uie fioeriee etOBd wU be
tief'f elecliKel pows- taMdem U>
Uxbt pneUcaJir an of veMrn MleblCM. Tout T**n aco Crabs bewieJ
tvo vrtM situ. o«a taisa aawsil!. tvi'
SMOial eiataa, too blackasIUi abopj
two cood beteU. baddaa a aeore if
SOM of «i«e preataatJoa* MtJdeoe**.
iaetadlac titc baMaose asd eoallr
hose of tbe lau Netm P. Hl^.
toier a lieeona omintr lasber lOat
. CretDB «af reallr tbe cMtrr of lt>»

ptM t» fbelr “etarr la fortane ibse.
- •oehseaaalMoariBlodteU.BOWo;
Oraad Raplda: Jacob Casser. tam^
*tt of tbe world UBOU muataatur
las brs of Casser « 8oni of Ca!Ulae: Oerriab * Som. Nalapa P. Hitbee. later a power in ibe derelopatein
of Mrtbera Hicbisaa; Ooorse Blacdian and Willlan'lUa. who paaaed tbe
Sraaier part of tbelr ttm la crotua
' aad died Uiere: Prcd Oaowdicr.
aatil Ui doatb laat pntr waa Uic aoi.aarrlror left to tell tbe atorp of Cn>toB'a riae aad tail: Kobert Mlicbe!i.
later a Oraad Rapldi and Chleaso lun
' faeniaa aad capHallat. who died a tew
raan ago; Colltnt A OIm; tbete aU
were aetirclp eagasad eoaunerdalV
OrcdM 40 pearl ago. and Boat of:
' ibes Heed (bore. Jacob CuBBor cor.
titb«i»l to Uic dm Saaday atbool ii.
^warsD comip tbero and waa Ha Ir

atraiM. (bee
a bains nM
Thla pnpertr' bae a larfe (roeUse
ea boUi (mlaeat miwU and tor san?
ream waa oecopM br Tbosoa Com
ai soaeral atorea. bai oo Mr. Copp**
Mtarnal tor tbe Sootb. was parcbaaed
bp Oeorce
ThrM) balldlas* •» fnOaded. a biac*;asitta ataop and t«« atere boUdlnst.
parif. Not. tt.—Beplrfag to a qae»(Job la (be cbasber of depatiea todap
MiBlater of Porelca ACain Deleaa^e
lOMMd (bat (be seaeral pirilcp of
Pnutoe U to approre aap actloa looktat tewd tbe etUblUUns of peaM
(a tbe tar Beat. Therefore, be aapa
... joreraseat •oold look with approral apoa aap Aso^ laitlatlTc
toward that epd- Preaidnt ftooa>!Mh'a *aU tor a ae* peaec coafeiwr
tbe beartp approral of U De3-

24.—In celobradon of TkaakitfflBg dap ail tbe so:n
cloaed. At
Ibe wbHe braee rilnaer win be eerred
for the praident. hU tetallp
gnecta at t o'clotit. A thinp-B’e
poqad tnrkep aenl bp Horace Voae oi
Wcaterip. R. I., it now beiag ro
at Ibe WbHe bone. Eartp tbla Bonlag tbe preeidcal aad gimta at
a kng bonedBek .rMe Ibroucb
Rock Creek park and orcr tbe Harp-

CmB Yflor Eoygh CASTORIA

•lop yoor U^IrritMl«ii.rMl0T0 yonr Sen TbroM
ttd OrlTO OBt joor (%ronio Md. with the oslj eerththsiBd MHetly •eleoUflc.CnrB for Cooghi mCeMo:

The Klsi Tes Bm AIw


tnoiiAS acAntcN. i

i, SHtd WhMt hM b«M
is MM ftp ever 90 ytsra, kM hnnan the atemteM «T
M asd hMhecs made OBderktepae. eirWas adnee ItniMhBCt^
.Allow BO one to dceelre TOO In tkim
All CooBteririn, laltotltsa and “Jtaat.M Bood»«are bofe
EnperiMienfa that trido wttk and esdasrer tbe kcslth of




AlmoM in Dcopair.
two ph^Mjm

» for Ctetor Of). Far*,
re. It is Pleasure. U
ne nor other Nareade

eostalns neltber Okiani. Ms
aahntnweei Jtn a^ U ita gm

HlwnSeorory. °
portwtly eorod tad hM hod bo thfoot troahlo ■loeo.’’
Price, sec asd •z.os

rules Diarrbeea and Wind
dMie. It relieTM TMthk« TrooMca, cures Cos
and Flnfoleney. It OMtuDatea the Food. re«tihre«a tka



f Bean

S.E.'WaiU Sons and Jolinsflfl Prog Co.

__ i*w unffltn, c
OrMlllh. OrtreUaM



' u lUav-rnrv arrierxl IbM wsikta
.ies who wiU take pioplc
^'X'l 1|-an(er* lisve b.-.-a in the habit ..i
4bc suBuirr.
I sliudUuK Itio sea gulls now lursem In
or suBKcr bolcU and.Ihelr i
' j brge iiemlK-rs along the take sbureu.
UsuadIhiTrtBmcb waiA. f<« .U aUMaUv*
- espoelally near towns and villages.
SKSbej!or couaget to reaU furnirhed
' I 7he«- birds ire protected by the
(I game bws and the game warden;
w ci-aia.
In then, if you bare an attraction iXhrcaten lovarmt all oSenders.
uRcr pruspeetire Investors or unnt.t spring the village of CUmax
ilent summer vIsUere. the p<-re Hst'
rid of a gaaldingideu. daaoe lu--:
quelle wilt cmlearer to bring >ou
sakna by s<-veral ImUdiags bvirg
touch witli such as are ueeklug luvc.^'.- j
by Are. Now the evils
Ur» John Swanson, of Trl-MouBis'.i | A winter radish of tbe l.lsrk varii-y,
a place of SBUimer
egnin revtured, ns tbe fahNiui and
line. coBBlDi-d suicide near Calume; l.B-el[;hing 10 p->uud*. was rai.i'd in tl.Then- I
com- i flstnn desiroyivl have ln«a rebu'lt Ii>- taking a dose of parts greeo- Sb'-j garden of l■•-ll•r INtusej- la Munikliu:
i until tb-;
w-ntce. a
tain In her head aad wn>
- prodaeta ol tbe great plbe furcata ter
pany issues aiiDualiy a large aumii:
loiiuJ*'”' *
p.i ideot. Had I'tT netghhore ra!U-rt ;
;letv Bud pamphl«%j
jaKca aroiiad had eitber been OaateJ A pedraMe Clas of Paping Peeplg
whcti thee diseoviwml li
■dowa tbe Aror nr oearerted into
as Patret^
giving Ihb deulied I'Bformnilou. at nod The MasIliKiK whlrh *-av epldeBa j>^-'
bar fla the baaka of the etreas. and
xpstriic of thousands rf dollars. It dc-|la a Blld form iu Mlbn Is practica iv j
The bkc and riror reglaa of the!
tbm recoded uatlt tbe rDlaM propn
.lire* to give the fullm and b<»i ro-j stamped oni, and the f. w house* ihi- •
Uwet —i —iialj ?-’-t»»d*****
dIaappMtpd. tbe raiae being deatropc I date of Michtgan bordering o
J'able data concerning tbe suL;ec's | an- rlJil under quarantine are I.epi
Ik taervl-y yTT"<. iBst h> nonpaasnso-lhy »lrtD-ot u
cnatwl u>th.-tu<
- bp «ra tbm pears ago. Shortip afle- ■groat lake* b pcariy growing
above cBBBerated.
j simi-lv
fulfill the nqiiifeineois -tj
deMenetb •• sdiaiUvtrB',^ >d tlw •MateW
, tbo water power oenpaap got bptioa^ popular AS a place of subbct re.:!aaMdtt-wel. hy ibr H«v StABA Ia-raasre.
S:nd Your Address.
luc n.iv- law-. Wl'h the 1ietiteri>i;
«a/tba laad.aad balll a BaaatruuT
To II. F. M|pHl;r. General raiscng- raiie.s which i-vlsled tber hn-- nu; Im—n
' atpe aad aortar das tso feet la
atth. l•wtl<(r.«•tdc•■ror th Tbe Uties id the great ceetinl weal. Agcnt. Pere Mnrqucltc JUilrosd. D.- a single death, for whlrh the \1llsg- i-i
; «Mtb and a feet aad 6 Mehei a
Iroil. Mich,, with a request ter supply are ronsratulatinc tlii-ins---Ivi-«. ar,;
hel]cM.andtbewnlEof barneaUhgtb»: Inland froB rirers or lakes, swell-.-r of inronuntlua M.-uik*.
lie- efllrienrv cif th<- lirrai lieslih <ifli
• auens wblch H U cUlBed baa cat and stuaa la Uh< brei of nldiiUBBa-.
c- T niid pb.v*irivii.
rfad MM toga to tta Buotb than no} and tu escape Ibo dlueoairortt of
T.|i--^ year
Ihelr peo|dc tnra to Mtehigan. I
Other Mkhlgan riTec. was began.
Serious Train AeeMent.
Klrg-'l-'x hare lri<vl ihe
plnJUI er «hs aanaen MCBwarp far thte "Latnl of trait and llowcre.*'
Cievctaad. O.. Nciv.
a ivnu.yl iug iild inperi between <|i " >-;inh uu«
!• i-urre |BtattSB<MtrBa.«|n«B4a - .laarS.
The weallb of the wbolv couulry 1=
•Mbdr town were -toted“ bp team
IrolhIbe siding when Paaklr.u their dw .1- ner tbe
ai.4 i» »'J»tbr4- »*'•»!*■»*• •
iDcreaaing by leaps and bounds, an)
-ins.Onad Raput.
•nadtsuaDdscwatiiarira. 31 I, Bot *rUur-d«. Jiichi.
Inys ter tbe winter. Thuse «h0 bn.-.-,-----Mli-SACI.
R intle telHdeBt mar be dted t u It affeeU the individual, so It at- sixteen perruQs were Injured, severs!
t.™ ,1. ,.k..
,U. I
.^-ilstaiiwtur ol
:il*W the opportaalUet for saklag focis the rolnnie of aanBcr rtaHers probably futally. It b irported on^
II is a greal iBproveiuem over tbe ul l j rbT BIDTRas.MWsMMa<Al>sw
. Ilplisv hedd nnt to eospoMtirclp pool
was kll'cd rnd P. W. Walorioo i. «-a.v. The paper uslsls Id keeping nm
. !««idpdhesMan daps. -Bob" Mltebdying at St. Alexis hpspUai- T'---- tbe raid and also prerea;* in a larev
rnUMceefafni land owners te Berrien. Van Boren other Injured pereoa* were remuTed
d-.*r«- the rutting of the teuii-Jaitua'
I. poor, bot bp tbrift and Allegan omUet wliUe (be pas:
ihc hospital. The train struck
Try It.—Kingsley Echo.
n fortune are years. pnnRnsIng from ten t-j the ccLter and the trolley car w.-,>
. Hlgbee bp nnmt etghiy Beret of food farm bad
thrown Hfly feet from the track,
ast«rUkrlW4tr Hkl».
In cost the aBoeni
BM helplM tWk tn one of Ue
EDiTEOBv Mary Maj>es Dodge
the del-rtt" and the seretBS 1lUe.| the
la purchase price at bnA
m. aoA of agip OM dnr. Hitch- tisptnded
The passenger was going ttxij
The pennaaent midwt b to be de­
The great magasinc for boys and girls.—the inspire^ ■UtoHlfbae:^,
tionof childhood, a tuppltmsm to school edueaiion.
sired. as bb object b to ettabibb .a Biles an hour.
•|:»«ala. eai poa -aWafc^r
imerpreiing to tbe young reader (be world of na­
ture. literature, and art.and omitting only wbat does
f Mibs «w tras tbe enst and didn't bose where bb family say rcsido
Big Land Swindle.
not make for tnie manhood and sromanhood. AjoUy
-. hanr what Ibe term meant but •wet- dar’Bg the snsser. and U b niMnt ti.
Frankfort. Mich. Nov :Z.—K hi-:
companion, fond of fun andnoosensc is their season.
with hlB. A.I
. joi^ be nwld IMM. So MUahen
The Joy of healthy bors and girls and a bleasing to
the lonely child ot liiilc invalid. Try U.
Itai* blB to the woo^ and dMwed ■och Increase the vahs of the taxable sle_ eonntv. SoBe Ume ago a lan-1
Peaoral si bedtime prevents
hiR how. «ih Ua'ni;'tD dear tbe property In tbe coBBoalty tn vritica agaacy uider the name of the Benzie
nishi couRhs of children.
I’rahRi tnm alt nadefhnsb down to tbe they reside, and the nltiaaic result
No croup. No bronchitis. A
lowering of taxes to tbe whole peo- County* Abstract eompsny. per Amo
^pbee was apt pad held down
Hleke.v, Jamre 11. Burger and Charleic.
!h» Jah "ewnsping* ttel winter, aavod
Anotbre ctesi. and by far the mure
.<‘««he aBMp and kept lareauag n lit
' Mm a Use la tisbor. Mltdidl nd- Btuscreus. b tbo transient, or “suir- ships. These lauds ar.- barren van
|»M Us and tarested ami of 1.. scr boarder." it irould be Intercsilnc hllU and valueles*. Hundreds t
IS a -:rrul Iro:
lui; i.-iil tan.... ]>(.->idi-v it i>
nI lUaUd Gi—B. S»S» —
the Iwo baense parUart. Twii
v>«. ■•.saidday aVMete.
doctor’s medicine for til
at* were disposed of si a ViR fisurs npo nr 00. Higboe, tbe great Poo class of people briag*nio Michigan; Hirsh Levy of Harrison at enne, Chi-, tffections of the throat, bron­
eaeb year, aad at a rough esUmale I: |
Menoeu CMBtr.
Bay be said that not less than lWi,0<>n
a u .that aacthtt.
I I4.5ft0 oq l«« aetr. In Lake tOAdthip
•M«d tbonsmds of aerei at farmlag people vUlt the resorts of the cas" The same was alM< sold to I.. Frankilu
arn-. r>vnTTtv.-,>,.l ir m.
f..rr,«hl ,r«r>. Tf-rTr-.n-llili..
JaMt. Taat Insbertak aad atercaatllr coast of Ukc MbblgBB during the of Chicago for IS.Oim. Tw-eniy-one ae 1
Mareata. aauasK] Just a few reo's Bontbs of Jnne. July. August and 8c:oneeighlh mere* located tn the l«u i,i« .tuSr plctum : wUI* yri aBoihcrbT»4°vt»ri.U. wh.l
exmUr hddlag down the Job ns ■nwan>iv
>v 4« ic uuea el .aiCTscscr - usol th<
dleluslre of railroad or stcambost fatei.
er la MMsbellh caspIs a low csUbsic of the sBwunt osc'i powil oMo KImer Easton of Chiesg->
- fhe oM Tlllace b dead and
ter 1*60.
Price Sj.oc a year,
h« the power to be gmeratad there person will spend in board, lodging,
Tlie geenrsi i.mcr* of ih<- Betui.
:u:ihe tarbnleat old Nnkegoa wilt perebase of UiDes. etc. Thus, at a
County, Abstraei company are- alh-geJ
—Ulena tlve Indoflaltelp. aad traneto be liKAled kl Ucnzunla. this raunit-.
New York.
teMilM to be nsanhniated bp tbu
It i> pstlmaii-d Ihni the swloille wl'l
■nbasU deetrtoal. eoberoe will tn> Berely sericing pleasure.
tef IS04HW. lot Nevtu*.
It b to tbe Indiridnat inlereat u(
doabi be erea greatdr than that sadi
Dcnrit- Ommy Ahsiraii
:Tnue,rr.«<-,dv<<ltrMd .
bp tbe rsibleM band of tlno la wipinc eecty rwaidehl of the farored secttei: | oBce. has the
bad a
wi» r»WT TeMBge of ibc dd luBberirp 1 make the atay of these s ACT vIk
■ TTin-.
icEEA. a. r. A.
Jtor* as wrecablc and pleasant as. po.. Iswlndhsl. and hav
J. y JCKKUi Agrtit
slble. The artTagic summer vi-lter;
»*. th.- Chlrsi.-.
stays a week or. at most, ten dhye. i* iiotfoe. *’*”
Pleasant Ncrdfipert Party.
the length id I.U or her sUy can l« i
Articlea ef
|4orih|)ort. Mleb- Nor. SA-Mf. and
dontited. and Ibe average length

Uh- Ifowaril B. QIU eaiertalned last
State News,
tiay made (d extend nrer two weel'
of his Mtsslen
«Bang at their boae wllh |iruRn-sa
to Gaeroany
AlionH-y J,.hu I'uiymUkey «-f K-rdouble the amount of money will |i-:
Irb pedre, tour tables belsg played.
Serial Nevela by MRS. HUMPHRY WARD
•ft s« « n-r-lll
iwIa wi-iH (li-r liimilDg
|o eteborate Tbaakagirlag sapper
tacking <41 the thiur of Ms iiRIcT- a
Oo VouMTant w Share?
wA serred In :fe dining room <
■ -'AT-:
"Man. Mf«99S ST the Cabbage F^atch ‘
|n*6lug: ••(!<,Be f.u- li i-r.- Hr
TIko'iucfc. after which the gnesu
IBUy doalres the fullest infi«patlej , "«»re« ouTrlumloe horn.-1.. flc.j
Jwpd two biMirs of card playing.
e n* to tbe a.................. whklii«'«»f
kS'l e-hsrgi-d tbe first
TMue prescat were: Mr. «ad Mr*
can be oti-rvd the r.nSiBiw visitor.
; ^ ♦?•<• la-t word *o that Ike sign eoD*ld BeoU. Mr. and Mit. Freck
Can yvu board threetirllTeormorc'jt^'V^ 'he interaaiUun that Hr. Cun
D»1s. Mr. and Mrs, Cbarips Wrblev.
Have you n iil.-asant homeT.
‘ mlAtey ba.l •‘ent!" ter ir.-ir." Tl.e n.-«
Rcdvzrd Kiplinc
Kiiih M. linen :
Nn aad Mrs. Uornan] CetUrk. Mr. a.-*'
Is tbero a ri.Vr or take near?
.'j •> vrorihrl o'dlee crt-n—l m-ir-h amu:Anii;p>n«
R. Ompbell. Mbs RBsa Ikllave run fruit sud tluwera In pro- »''>’>•
Marj.,- t.ras-lo-3
. Mbs Edith Ham and w.j
IJaaCeUoL* luive jK-(-n pk-Lod at dll
I T. TosnMsad
Owen S’istcr
Any <BC-of-a huudrod evwy-dav
place* ai-ut Marqiieiie .iiirins
Jobn Lu-ihcr I.db:;
I W.-TC won Inr Mr. and
peseHM br its
Uuahrl,? Roh:n*
i. BaTid Reoit. bead prixes: Mrs. lhfngSU.yonls ai»AUrmclJpntosoBz tbe ,**i fow
Mvra Kellyand mini othert
OclHck and Otto Sinia. -W who hu no ebaiwe lo-cnjoy it a: | brought um hj the n-sarkahl.v Ije.
Novemher-wiAiher, Little bushes fcava:
tr PC.
The Pert Marquette wantf Infortcs- budded Utely, and if the sUd «rc-*
;e.«-Hlom-s for Jbe mTte*ar.v icanth
Nerthperi Preparty ScM.
Small fruit farms fur sale.
,Hme iM:, ,id i,- m luit bur,m f..r i
Tbpst. ailcb. Not. 26.~HeUa
- and luia ta town tsvur^ly sivond lime this ><af. a* ihu 1* e,
Kortbport MttAaaad ywi- hmaied.
Price. S4.D0 a year
aMeted ewmarLiUe in the region, at i
Rr?4'_ i«^r "AiF Wlnsn's prnperiy kwate.’
penplc in Drer . Van Bnrra. Is enstnimrT to have the mremd e-v

At the ct^ ef Hltb and KoAonAH AUegin, OUBwa and
•tpd Wllh
hm^f^ ihl, tlj:

The Kind
You Haye Always Bought
In.Use For Over 30 Yeara

KHIaO br Expleeien.
JoacsTlIle. Hich.. Nor.
Marie Waltworth of Moscow recelrc-l
bUU Injuries bp a bmp wblch she ws^
lag eaplodlDg and eardoping her
uses. Mrs. Waltworth juBpod
into a tank of water, quenching th'?.
blase but sbo died aKU after*
of tbe iBjurIci.



i£.jr7?,a r,-a*^s:



St. Nicholas

A Ha^aziiie for Yovn^ Folks


A Great Feature


Queen Zixi of lx

Illustrated in Color


Night Coughs

1905 the Bet of All.





PERE Marquette


■ n i ‘.TiiEit.irrLSsr




By MW to wmr *r
try k M M fctoW m I


gnMMdM Mai^ II at balTpaat un
to toa torMDOb. and be wai *t*H
hoato at Karth ralty. Hr apouaa
«ad MW warn to hto raaanl. bat aU
Ibe iwat had to ata? bwaa with the
habr- I will ha*-p to close <oc my letar to t«»lBK loag aad ike aebool i«
to nortda. a» tBtor«ttoit tta» oae golBi to to'.out a' ww
tbe apellaaU alBom w tte Irdt «m
tos etoaa to orer.' From roar Sac
Niail tba Vitd Bawera. In h was a BhlB<r.«
elntcr cf m fliis from tta Odt ot
Aasa raxle. age II.
Mailea Tlw name mall bron^l
P. 8.—I ato worTT that roa are sick
touar fNw avaj up in aortliara
IfleiilCTii. wbai* U»*f« to saow on tM
na^tkefile. Pla- Sov. U. l*W.
KtooM. II was aaeloaad to a daiau
Dear Hra. Bates—I am irdni; u> ti
Urrk bark Mvelopa. Tbe nast dav
aad wrlia roa a It-urr. I bare no».
AB<ln« and Walw I/wlka of l»ad«' wriuea to ytm bi-fure. altboiigb I hat
■CM aoM ^(r Bawara la a l«lcr.
boaa a Snaablner for aboat ato or so
whiefa ther Ptokad 1»
ea ytoirii. I am 18 years t.ldi have
Tbn va tda
roar vaaSdeai
brown cr« aad hair aod am like a padailr llkea. Bbr put ibam la a ra^
ibe FWUa alrts—sunberacd. 1 l>k’
aM Ibar are abtalag like lUtle reltow

•M kiito to
•Mry Itotog tbli«.
H I aw faH to trytof to «•
• •« •^*T. *n»


br ber bed.
Tbc letera from the other toembers
ware Just sa wrieonc. and we wUI
be Riad to hare foar mw aeohc.'i
added to oar Hal this week. Bvery
! lialest. little leite^ coiaee like a lay o(
hliie to roar prcsidfal. who Is not
BiilWiat. tore. «. e. C Batoa.
nratVtoa PrMtoMt. totoal W
•iHnd Visa Pi aaiiaat. Clara Badra AH the weeks dsriag which she bs
bssa Irlag lil the has beea tdadalat
s«iMshiit whidi she is sere yon will
entor. soBOthiag whit* she
meaeod to get rewdr for you loag ag-s
Tba Mb CatvaL
U jnoa look, yoa erUI Bad aa adrerttooWattoBat* alee rarratpei to the aP■aat la tkto week's Herald telltog
' tlBt faoto. towbd aew..
roe abMt It. aad nan week there will
■itkjtl M Nt aad aiehad tha ra«*
wre-tB ray about It «a tWs draantoto ga. he prtehad Ma thatoh.
Iksaeralaca pa >»4Maaad Maraaa. ther'd eew. loo.
A gaod mils latter cbm iMs week
Aad *0 eaatod aetac ot aad oolocod
•a*, aad Made great balls i.r fraai oa« .s( oar
msmhsra. Carol Waltoa. who need ta
la Traverse Cliy and was a tr>
Aa4 M «Mk 'aai to the wearer, and
qusat vtolior at the pretideat's b
toa 1a her knak
She aaya It to a persoaal letur. aad U
not to be pabliahad. bat there ace so
■uy balpfal tkougtu la Ufor ad our
tosmbers. and U to aolalereadng thai
^ are anra she will lOrglim tm if we
pilm part of It.

“*r4ri is.tsrr''
“.u’S.'S.'isrir *"


M Itonto. TMt aBRtoM at
■fekPR. lad. '
Jtmm P. Kovarik. OBto Plar.
MBWik Balpdto. Keawfck.

k psraHaat dartoc the peat few
BVBUMUbaaaoamadHkeaChrisitoaBMMdk lMC. Oa lloadar oamn
. tototoMtlMrktoiarliMB Iks Llghtbeuae
MM 'tMBWBa dab at Korthport. aad
- yms pavat waiM gwaas what they did.
- BO raa wUl hwra to ha toM. Tbeyasat
c raomra ariar to get aaoe Bowers or
fralt lor tbs prsMBsat baeaasa she to
sM. WkaaT IM »
iblag to
«o? it wM ad hard to dseidod luv.
' i what to cat. fksa thars are ae maav
Aticc ihlags oM oooU have, that It re.
: r; toiaflod hsr cf the atacy ot ths lilt's
; hoy vba was tovitsd ew to dlaaer.
' Hto taamma said. 'Now, Teddy, when
tbsy askyim whM of two ttoagt yoa
■ ; sriU bara. aar. 'I Mks both, aad I':i
' taks eiiber.-~ Bat Teddy lot so aaliirl
that wbea they aaksd him whether
* be sraaid take mlaea ar pampkla pir
Ibe atfd. *1 Uks elihec. aad ru laLe
' > bath."
. >r. Ihw prsaMeai could not Whir
;*wMi Mad af Bowers she liked Imu.
:M aha had tbs vice ywesMsat go lo
tbs isltolkna* Md oaU up Hr. Pala*
aad tell him t


mam with tau U whim Moasi:^ toi
{baU the maaar. aad by aad bye abs
'srtll g'A a pntir rad oas. leal that


VbB. that totter sraa ian ths WBtoalagMtbeMeMMMk. Hbatcaam
/a tottar from a falihfat Baaahlae «lri

Aaa Arbor. Mlcb, Nov. M. IBMl
My Oaar Mrs. Batas-4 am gotag m
write you a Mttla abort leuar
PM that I love yea aad am aomr you
an alck. 1 wish I oonld uma to aBr
vtalt you again for a tsw mtoutoa
naad to sahv gotog to year boms ami
talklag with you ao much. I ofts.'
think of yoa and with I eouto ass y
t oftM read oor adHor's risiu with
although I am too busy to epeod mdek
Uma with oor Snashlas people—to Ihe
papsr. Of course U dosso'i take maob
time to live wHh them to sMrU by
trytog Mwan u> 'ahtoe' with th'e-n.
bops I may do ao more and mor­
es 1 grow older aad can approcto'.
what Be does lOr gm. We have Urcl
to Aaa Arbor over tsro years now aa
we like It her* very much. Thera
so mock bare to enlarge a peraoa
Blad and help us to grow. Betng r
coUege town. K to verv HvHy hers
this ttee
aka very deslraUe Meoito
Ihe stMeais here. Wc a-.;
aU proud of ooi/foat ball team. Thev
have been thehktmpioas of tha ves'
for-fOur anccesalre fears sow. 1 haw
not reached coHege yec^t
all iaierested la aihlcUcsr My school
won U very anioynhie and my icar!iMW are very ktod aM alee.
Yonr Utile friend.
ttorol ,V Walton.


dM Georgia.
We raae here la Jaainry of la«
year wUh Mr. aed M-- KoiDe Mr
paM and Mr. KenK' <i>uchi a pllr.toeether. TW ar>i M orattRS lre’«
some haaaaas anil some plaeapplrs on
It. The oranses are B’-ttltiR ripe an i
they are shipping rtsik- fr.ili, llee.
there arc wild flowers In -he
yei. We are having Just nlr<' wes'l.e
Dow: it to DM too warm or i'ni cjld.
Ftogarlyville U oa ibo Hanates- ri
er. The rtrer Is a mile anoss. there
to a strew car line ennaoetiag ihte;r
loans, Hsratee. llraitoniowb and l‘»
Hattod Kellie took .my two rIi’
chums and myself across the river la


are feariets aad brave, wfU aplrtts a<
tree as tbe air they b«^. Thfcr
kaow aothlag of city wya aad atoavp
■aeau nor of cramped aad prUBctol
city Hto. They llTf etosa to NaiaK*.
wha tboagh she may silai them w.
toaay ways, to larUh with fresh air, h
life, aad eadoss
them wU>. a deep sywiiiathy for. arfi
k«ea enJoymeat <rf, 'be few tow

«lt iakaHtaBts (a tow* where they their mothers with the chtokeas. itt
boast «# a bMtotoi Itoe railroad. wKh gardea. tba arwlag. cooktop, chwrr
am train dallyl. oter a
reUlag log aad waAlag and Broalag.
eoaattr. *)tm one maydook aad leek I But wr will go with oae at the ntt r
for miles smbout a btwik oo thi jher/ .boys—a hrifht-raeed. rugged
carto'savtaer to prove as obataete to! Moajt feUow—a-ho to lafc'.acihe ealtithe Tisloa. P»haps a small straam to grase. The tlm<* to marly sorats*.
going by tbe digalfled name of -Href' the scatan tote talk Tbc crop!* haro
crosses this almost lerri sireteb U all beea gathered aim Mored in 'b?
toad, but it has oaiy orcasiuaal clumps granary, built uf loose surface roc:
<d roans eottODWond timber u> mark and rooted with din: the p.Hatn«s du aad pul Into de<v huW In ib.' grous'
i-,s CO—sc.
Oldett Doll in UMtM Btatea.
near tbe dugom where ibey ar ' Mf*
Seailcred over Ite prairie,
Loac. h«R SCO. whew HIlHam Pena laaccs of from tw» to foar mll< s apari. Jt»» the freciias acatli.-r n# wiiii>r sailed fnitn fmstonil an hto awtnl
onto Pier. Mkh.. Nov. K. dMi.
Tbe caitUs no k>tR<T m«d
arc the iKianes nf the settlers. So:
Dear Mrs. Baiee^l ibongbl I would
of thcac ar.' bulU of ft^e. manv
write y««i a few lines lo lei-you kaow
wjd. and. wh»r.! the oppurHicliy af- of gruwlM croi.v, a» the beni
to>» b*.
«.ll. TU.
that I am wefl aad hope yau are it.* fnrdii. a dugoal at^^ars. Ihtf tbe dug mure letottre ilaie In u**lcS
to toay paAiup-r to Ibe iu>le survirur id ibat
*«a«. I am homo moM of .tfcammc
' out to rare!built in a Bat siitfan*. n [ Th. herd l» a small na.—s»tn* ?'• i voyaC' ari»w« itw Altoaile. wbirb vsv
dnlas chores. My papa aad Inotber
qolrtag a bWr or hUtoldi-. into which > steers and hat* a d««'n 10*11.
are haollns potatpen to .Vi-rthiuiri. t
aad V* drive ibi'm to ihe lo.i uf
li RAT be luBneltNl,
William I'.'tin had a ll’ile dauKl.: ihouRbi 1 would join y»ur Sunshln .;
B c«ii uu . I
*“ ”“®
diicoiiu. whle v long, ht* rang.-, of bllto. wber.- wi
i.s-<iila heard kf
club, so (Utasc send
iSis'^ltae*'^' '*
“ i.rotertlns bll. mile lellK Us iberc to good graritit.
faibcr '• II «oiHieri'!l laht. of wbai h
buitoa. I must close
• let us drive The door to open, and a
Ar.l Here
sn.i •he her.l lu.-'s
la Kwiwylvaala
I man. dre>Md In th<* nmnion clotbec Mla.vBro.ind . DuHns tbe lous -to.-, h. iflrsi vi-t W lhi« caimlrr. thousaui
• ft'oar inly Sanshioe lioy.
: uf ibe piair rann< r. giveii its a ctirdial has in-*-.-) busy with htnds a- i» .-il a- ’ „f mj.,.., .|,«iani fniiB U-iiila'* b«ae
Jaaxs P. K'.varik.
Igrerltag. A'l er.- bo^pltald.- <*.a 'b- ...»
iihmil linkItadorr. Mkh.. N»v. 18, 1k»4. | pialnu, and niiwluee will Iht tmvele- ern town, tkiht r---l!.-s toAon- ii«. Tli- fUiikln. wl.o. livlwa .-S ’*b>- dtd In the
snrfnpe trf ib- htltoides nlwNtiils .a wtlch-ra.-ss oI Pcnb.ylvi.uia Iftar 'bit
Dsar Mrs. Itotes—J am a little Sui -I
<)onr rl-u<ud against bin).
>blne iMj uolj 8 years old I have nci I '
<.^1. r Ih.* 14 by r" fool oaoTnom Im»w -lii-ll nu-k, or -sitrfac. nor. ,' was Bco. (cmerilH r) had M> toys
wrltlen riiwe I goi my card and bu' jj,;„»p wblrh to alr.-<l and llgble.1 Ir as it Is eali.'l and lb- li.rl.v lia at all. O'S even id;., in;; doll. Wbua
i.a. but I like them «. much. I ar.|,i,riuwB no.l a d.v.r In ibo front end !(K;M-oed fliuch uf this, earrvin:: I: ■ . Is-liiia's (alh.r wa< g>->iica Awdy <a
w.rry to toar that you arc sick
„.ir part of ib.- alurde lulog In '■ ihe lop of tin* bill. abet, he ba­
SLgBHi IVSO.I Ih.' iKvan lo America, bit
be bard work to lie in U*d sii .ye the oarthi. and are sirueh witb 1- i.> buUd asdty. Then* an* oaI ilitb bIH insisifsl urna.soDdlag a lUll
day. I hope yoa wUl be well soon,
the homelike eotlness we And thw }-nc»s sin-t and several r.wi.l.uct 'to that lonesome llt-le gtoi.
will dose with love to you anil a farm Tbc toaer end uf the rdbm iw >{ ■ toUuwlae out tbede^pa
{, do 3 doll was dersacd In < co ;>l
Cower I win send you.
■ from under wblcb <lf lb-! village five mites dUiaei.
nn.|iim.' nf Mripaul omi delicately lln'Waller l»dka.
I. tninrile bes-.; nlae.-of any sue that our lltil.-I.CI11.;
.si Imu-ad.- aad velv.-l, Tbe akli'
family U largei i>
—-.<■ the i-mill<v pemb. r-' lu« ever jH-en ip. The tiny stone <-dl was belli txii by (oto-imms )}<iOps. fb*
of the (aaill). This part of the roori{ flw rcpn-ecoi oaewtory stores anl such wa. the faehlr* at the wellthat pmM. The
Is carpeted by a fadnl rag carpet, f. \ shops, and oiie-«';ir t*l«b occasion-.: dressed todies
huge goods b»k. curtained oltb brigh' ' iwoeinry) rcwidt'orcs <il very small doll Itself to Sf> icrbcw hl|^ and has
print, contains shelves tor clolhlag. Ii ..]>rtipurliun>. Tfiert- b> a cliiirrh. quit, the long walki nn.t vlendor foiw »I
tbr man bceuiies'Mbi- left la her ne
also Bi-r«c.» ns a dr<-s«*’r. for or. r :i : iiroirMio))" wlili its sut-pb-. and
tlw toad, ll.-' hair to ntil.-d bark
bangs a xmsll louklDg kUss. A
; munbouxo and M-boolbouM- hImi.
Wbin we ask.-l the hulbirr of ibi-j
»«•••■ f"*'’'- n^'d' *" the stylo of
Ing niachlTH-, s dtoli cupboard, a pis ->
nlnc>Ubl.-. a few chairs, a !>coch aad sileul city whj h- did asi build a !i
a cooking .‘lovr rompb-ie the fnrnl brary. n Iheau-r an.! toy vltt a l*srk. bc| ’■*’*»
”*** *' “
“*^4*** ssdoinre. wbirb is plaml in the grcalo;i stosik bit hi-ml. itoylng ••I never sc *j;
xhm. She to ooly removed from her
advantage to saw room, btu :-ou wi.l 'em: how toi'Ul (rcsri’ful wrapplB when tlllle girts deaee that afi.-r the furniture to aCcom
_ _____
over ibesy
lonelv pralri
aoqimle*.m*:datvd thi-ri- remaju a very liiulii- i! countless mlnlatnrv rides rise
amount of no«»r spiee: con^'ti-m'v ! suir.iDtv and fall, to be demroyed «.« aace of the oMevi doll la America.—
Holiday Magariae.
plsre for the children • | 'hr .Br»l Idluard that sweeps the
' l>lay alioul when cold weather forec'
and drives the herd hoys, wtin
sOk C;lt That AsaiataB.
■ hem lb stay .Indo-irs. "Aad then tbeir cattle, to the shr-lier of the dugOne ralar day the ranrar Moaod
; loys." ytitt ask. ••whenc do lh<*y enjo? out and abed. Bui the neat year they ih<- ham door sad tried to call la Ihe
build tbr dcmultobed boUHCs with asj
M that be would not have !:<
Sow. the children i>f tbr poor «vs> much plcatnrc as If the urcapatloa ................tbr
.. deep mud lo drive them.
n farmer have few, If any. toye. sr*i j were a new expcrteace. fi)r It is ih'r'r; onv cow refuiwd
I during most of the y»*ar Uiilc time for' . ulef form of amusement during the 1 he railed her name ropsaiedly. A«ott.
j play. The boys, when old enongb tar I < long, tong days when out with the- ca -1 „*adlng at tbe other side of the yard.
I thiy are coasKkred old enough when; He.
. watched him as be vainly tried .o
I qpitr vounsi, go out tto herd boys ) And the .children of the niains an-] jrtee the cow without Sleppiog into
» 4
. work In ib( girdeps and fields, and in I great horM-raer.. riding wlihuiit*fear o-i the mirr. Then tbr colt qulatly
, numerous ways aialsi In oantlBg Uh damage, to tfcemsclvcs tbe wlided stepped up to tor aad bit her. Of .
j llring for the family, for all must wo .. ■ backing bronchos. They race wton I course she mored. He IDllowwd. gi.-'to live on Ibis drouthstricken ton i.i each other over tbe long, level roads.l lagiw • gip vt^eaever aba moved In
j where every lilt cf produce Is eossedj tbelr Teus ponies golai like ib ■] the wruag direction, until she vent /'V..4
j Into life and car^uil/ nursed to nui : wind. They an- great llitk- bunier*. ifanmgb
.b—...s the door i-.lalo .s.
tba hara. w>._
Then ‘
! lurlly. And nut only do Ibe tittle boss | toe. after the coyote, the )avk ralibii. h<- iroited back to tbc othfw aide of the
I work, bill ih<- girl), as uell. They hi-lpj Ihe prairie rhleli n and q-tail. Th<-v yard.
oar wlatar has come to stay,
hare sach loag. cold witters here. K.»
one «B tell what hlad oC weatbra •*.>
day «01 briag Well. )HB
a mlB’He ago the k«tiea was wp
here plagaeing me. I hare my «a.u
aad buKca yet. Well. 1 wilt dose for
Ibis Ua>e. as 1 tblak I hare writiM u
loag letter. 1 will scad my letter la »
birch balk earelaiie made here this
time. Good bye.
j»rom yonr liiHc Sarshtne Rirl,
h-vdle PuriUas.

Irving RIcharBs. Aged 4 Veara; Delmar fi
Cblldreo at Ur. and Mgs. Jno. Zlmi

hto row boat one Sunds.v and wc had i write if Walter waa gotag i
forry to hear Ibtl you are riei.
a alee Uidh. Hr. and Mrr. Kettle sad
and papa and I all went fishing and bii]H- >i>ii win be well again sonr
Saturday and bad fine lurk. I caugfai My mamma read la the Herald about
a fine abeepbead, There were nine In Hcndlng carda and papers to other
The river I* a nice place lo fish. childreu. I. will send some lu you li
There to a tong -lock or wharf that tout think it will bring xnnshtne to
halt wav^ros- ilic river.; ihoni. I think it to tiKi- to rank.- 'iib
and that to whew w.-Eo "> fl-b.
j ers hapiiy. don't youT War
Viitir StinHhlne liuy.
I am getting |u->-iiy well over in>
Andrew l.s«lki.
teumaitom. I sttll haw to walk w|yA
It baa been screa mom):.since I had my koee stralghiene.1. I Little Cbildrcp of t*-e Plains—The-'
Ktagtiey. Mi<^- Nor. M. im
had 10 walk on two erolehes ibeti. M.
Work and Play.
Dear Hra. Batm—I Ihoaght I would left bead I can't clow It. It ix In
You ebiUree wbo hare town an-'
write. s» I have no* written for n kmc my left knee. too.
, city buoies and w-liuie usly ariiuuinUma. I go to atbeol moat every day.
I do alt the tsork for toth.-r and ra, |
,1,^ oonniry to made .u th-!
have a new taaAw: her same to
‘If. My mother died when I was ' .framer, wgen yon spendA month n,
Mtes CaalMaa. I like her very much. Ub). 1 have three sisters living, The. , ^
beauiifHi tarm,
My broiker would like to }oto the Sut-- are all married. Their name-* at '. or at some monniain or s.-.kI,!<-r. -o. ■
■htoo deb: would you deaae aer-d Mary Llnahon, Nancy Hopper and'
him a card aad buuoat
Mabel Kliac.
j ,i,p children who dwoll ,m th,- -('.rej!
Walter Bayera. He to atoe >-eart old.
Well. I am afraid « I keep on you, puin,.-- ,h,i
,.t the I'nit.d Sitiex
I have a piece for Thaakaglriag.
will have to send for me to reail It .. which i-ml-rao-e Kaaaas. Oklabonid
It to Tbaitktgivtog Joys
.\ad as I know it Is void up there and Ti-atx, With the far wexiern par
have K>me bouse ptaata. it Is turaloe I will chue. Ml ! will not have to n
of ibU n-giun does this siury deal. f>.
quite eold now. I Uke to road the
I stneerely hoDc this will find
Id rrusuing it to the nonhwesi nm
leiers la Uw Herald verv much,
graciiy improved. I always took
still sex>« many
the Inbabliaats llv
have sli little pigs. We have
the Sunshine letters in the paper the Ir.g in-tbe primitive sod huuses aod
hones; tbelr names are Faaay acd flrri thing when Mr*. Kettle gel* It.
diigoulk )hal usisl to be such a fes.
Nelly. There are 41 a^dats alto­ 1 like to read tbem. I have gm m;ureof the "Great Desert" a O'larler ol
gether Id our eebooL WeU. I gueaa
baltoa yet. I aend you some sea oa:s
Will hare to dose for this time. »o I got when I was oa the C-<lf of Mev- a century ago
Those rude abo.Ie« rar.-t> coma).;
good bye. Prom yonr Sonthtoe girt.
close, with Iren wUhos iti more ibas one room, and in this tii.Betalce Bayera. nge 11.
you and all the SunaTHners.
famiiy—which may nutnUr irom iw4.
1 am over, yours.
to t«m souls—live, .at rleep an-l ente,
Btormer, Hkh.. Nov! 16. iPOt:
Dora Horton
tain tto'ir citmpany. Of eour.xe. ihr
Dewr Mrs. Bates—It to a love.y
Big Day. MIcb, Nov. 14. 1»tM.
rhlldren go to sebool. if then- l.> onmoralag. Mrs. Bates, wlll^ yok eeni;
Dear Mrs. Bates—As i hive no hc-^in the district where they llv ,
Inna Harris a suacblae pin and caid.
She wants lo bdong to the Suaihilie written to you In a long time I wi.l
club. 8be to II years old. Her ad­ now write yon a little Inter. We are only a {. w hours
dress Is Mtos Irma Harris, lllj Harri- not living OB our homL-.-.u-stl now, for j days in th>- wwk. aad the school lera
son au Elkhait. lad.
papa built a bouse down here at Bis j is usually very sbon. tosllne fr.n.
Bay. a little place that to iianed up four to Bve months in tote fsll an
HIto May Vandnrhoof.
There to a and a school, anil early winter
Keswick. Mich.. Nov. H. 19W.
Dear Mrs. Bates—I woild Mke v> last Friday we mored down tjere ar..| | "Aad what do ihe chllilrcn do foMonday Flora and 1 starred i-j i.-hoc* 1 rceieatlua and urrupiiloa during th
loin the BuaahlBe dub. Pl^ sea<.
me a card aad button. I have tw» Thert are twenty-tour wotaolars -r j long vseailon?' jo;i as!, for juii m;'-'
ntotsn aad <»e baby brother Bve dev* school. Itto oaly out- hie room. Thtr, | know chat there are n-. rtureb.*-.
old. I have a black dog; hto aame to to tbe first grade, lecocd. ibird. four *; 1 hrarles. gymonsiaais and Hi. aierx i,
lan !
Carla. I goeas ; wUI dose ter th.r aad aixtb. Our Idacher's name to M ''hto new ind tnary..:>
Carey. I am in the third grade aad m- : Nor ,arc ih< re an. ;r -at nti.-s near
time. Good bve.
sUter is In the sixth grade. Ther.-' busstiug wiih busy iti-. mh. re «n-i
Howard Hdnckc. age 8.
are elgbi ramUica here now and mgm jeara. carriage*, umoibu-. * and auto
Osdar.-Mleh. Nov. 18. |pb4
bouses being built her.- ali Ibe time, j mobiles fi!l (be F(rc' is. anil where 0'.<
Dear Mn. Bates—I go to school now. There are abbot one bundrett mei; DIto mane hours with pleasur-- and !n
and there bk ei^lan sMwtars at i acre now wwktne -ini two mo'.'| formaUon bv just So-.klng a-th- grra'
r, atU there ls_ the JIrv., i camps ato.ui tra or twelve mile, from ,hop-window d.,pla».
reader, aeeond reader, third nidvi here that i;eloas to Bis lUy.
<*» »«*> “« to one of th,sc far wc t
and iDurth reader, aad la the aum
i have another little kitten. Ha 1‘Uni homto. and nee how the cfaiMr^u
L first Ariih-jail gray TV Frouad was.aU whl-.: i iter.- dwell.
kmetle. Mr] ariih snow .this MRilag ud 1 thin' j Wc drive five miles from a town of

The nicest lot of Fur Coats in the oily. All the collars o'n
our coats are made extra wide and they are so cut that whether
turned up to protect the head or down over the shoulders they
fit either way. It will bs of interest to the buyer to know that
our fur coats are moth proof; they do not rip; they have no
hemmed edges, neither have they a center seam down the back,
causing ridges from which the hair is sure to wear off and leave
a bare streak. They are made by one of the largest manufac­
turing concerns in the country; they know how to make a good
coat. We guarantee our coats and then we stand up to the
guarantee and treat our trade right in all respects.

Wc Invite Honest Comparison
Of our goods with others and are very confident that your
verdict will be in our favor. When in the market take a little
time and do not fail to see our fur coats. It might mean a bet­
ter coat on your back and m are maney left in your pocket.

We Also Have a Good Line of Fur Caps
Yours for Trade,





amount eaUr^rtMt.

flrcr^ best wtsbes worked Into vmy
sUtte. TtaM aiala. tUs year the fash- the front la qnlte aa astontehlag s
loa wOl be to haTe ertry «m of tel* ft Is ao tong sface we used ribbons-for
. DM rpa erw. lartaf a wait to
•orl mads by haad. Th i expert liner trimmings to any great extent tea*'
store or oBea. oee^. tee Use la worker te pianalBi; aoeordtady.
their .rcsorreedon this seasM come.l
watchtes tbe teees of those who tar the woman wb« has never had In upon one as somewhat of a surprise,;
:------It br oa tbe etreet? If roa bare. •tmetioD la this line of lemtalae pas Tte new ribbons have uteea to theu \
TOu srlM appreetete tbe tnstb of tee time, aha shnald not fad pot of It, tor srtres all tee softness and sbeenivs
foDowtng fron tbe Detrefi Titbose. teere-U ao Umli to tbe aoiaber of uk teat chamtertses tee broad sas
aal will be atesac tbose who datarwhite she weares: and tbe printings in Che dull
allae to start a craMle
can toshtesi with little or no dlOcalty and faded toots that are seen on th<: MItx AnetU n-rj mer. Lttetetaa, WH., wrftea.froa«s aad srrlakles.
Here follows a desertpUoa of serera' expteslre crepes, gantos and «hlBon«
“torlr tear ssmotor I esagrateuff S mM wMte
•prodeced^ln the Hbbons. I.
Sari tee Trfbaae:
plecrr of fancy work
■eesnffohaivoatomeaManaMtef** ahaflea
off. /=roairhcheaif/r»ea(M(ha<h(w(.aMdMa
te Ibis ear of burry and mb K '»
wwibi- of tee aticnitoa Of both fact, same bouses are mshlng a spo;
my lamgt. My mather Mf tmn uxteas
i wonder wosBea are eoaptetetec of clasaei of women
eial feature of broad silks and ribbos>
ate c* u e Ate
yvrwM fa fha timfd Mflsra.
braahdowas. ft is barry ar^:
The pompadour erase has brou^: In tee yciy saay designs, and a doshe a<f< fate me to (o-yr. / was aaMABtewarraw
'IlfelBaaaiMBucn of Ronl oerrons
tear front tee atomeni one caU oat trt ■to belaf a tad .for norerad Ian UgbUol note of color contrast Is In-'j
posed tef mat penmdeantrr Pi imrn, (Mi« H
P<md«r litve hid 40 bed la tee Boralna uatll tee bed Is sets te tbe dreulai table. Tte.*.c s'f irodnced in the totter In tbe srav >jr |
.fears ofcaeRtific experience.
reached at atefat and dartai sU t:ir mute 'preUler when made at home bordc.-teg. BUwbns broad and ribbons j
Evtsr method oTbread-utd* waUai boars tee nerves arc eoastai.t- (ban when purebas<V. Ugtat blue It namnr. as well aa those of roediom' .
.. . - P-/rA rhe tosahsAi
Clfcc rctftiw hu been exhiits- Ir strans to tee blKbest pitch. Have Kntblag to tbe aerret. aad a set mad ‘ width, all fled Dosvl appIicaUoet ui>-1
MIft Amelia Weymrr.
the dressy Etrrns- With printrt |
tirdystB&lhi this oQuotry and yon ever stood es tbe corner aor ia Iswn. flowprcNl wlih farset-me-Dot.i.
watched tee people as they paist To has a ioae scarf with a hem neari,.tors tbe borders ate ttfien In tw.i'
one pleasaat. cheery looktec face, you
H 'CATARRH CAUSES CONSUMPTIOItTbe lodt» I. perfect prod* sill SCO a dotcB whose espresstoa
stiltelag. BcTriax^bonlnc or plait lluM borders are In grmi. rose. Wie
Balung Powder. shows ifac iiniB naderwbleb tee osm- ebaUstltohlag may be used when a brtnvn and A.!el. according to ihi* eol-,
Pc-ru-na Hovcf Falls t« Cure Ct- *4^.
- ;nen is no mbititum for it
working. Carevnra. drawa es- womaa does not care to bother witS or oebttnc of the gasm. Some cxqii!i-i
lairh ■Wherever located.
^*ilie purity end dfidenCT of presAoas are inlnite3i1 wiib tbeae
tethor stitrliinc. 'a narrow frill of lie rlblkins are sboan with a motalHp.
rruiK mrcOeal prorcsston W ao ibor«
^Soj«] Baiuog Powder lave prcMlre tadaets, or anxtciy. Tbra tec lawn or an cdse of Incc is se: gold border. Just the B.ame weave n«'
X oughly prejudiced tbe minds of tho
.teen commenJed by the higheK Contes 0D« white has tbe furrows ol aranad three sides, and tbe effect of appears on ibe millury uniforms <>';
]>n%plf agakiM patent mtelrlaes that It
deep tboosht. followMl by one white tec dteoraied hems, with the fancy ibosc of high rank, and a besutlful rt .
>s with great relnrioiiee teat aa.vons
•BdicHiries the world.
(ells ibe story of raneb work to do itlichlnjt at Uieeomcr*. i.« cxcccdlnR.r
can 1- |■crvntecd to try awh a remedy
Is thus given to a onoeolnr gown. |
'These fuda mean two imp<w>
ebon ^e—the aailoiu kmk of pretly.
tint thii^ to all housekeeper!: MIC who Is worryHns orw wliai Is
Good Egg tieelpea.
In nearly every one-of tbs thousands
A srf of three small wliitc rtitbloas
of .rcmarkatllo nnrsa that PVruna has
The less an egg U cuoked the more
be doar._
wiib Jt^ned comers. 1h cuvdrcd with
■nade the pallenu bad to 1« persnadte
The inoUier drafli tbe yonas telld throe squarra of tee latvn, siiicfacd easily it Is digested. A newly laid e*::
by ftivnds t-sry atnmgly hefore they
by tbe band and Her face weaia th* alone tbe wide hem so ihst pearly all always takes a link' longer tn c(hdi
feeler li iaMMU *ai
ruuia lay aside UieirprrpifUce against iU
trclfnl. Ured expresston wbl
the top la dOM'Uod. and wlih a fnl| than one sm so fresh. '
A larfit- maiUiudc.of «v.,.rw.. h^M smt
ol^en to tired autibers. The buslnc«« around rate, mere tboy Join tbe
Only sirirtly fresh eggs should I.against tl.»*i«is ..f friends and
^ UoMtOatMTSlBd^
man pusles, puttlot all tec day. over
die simply Isvausc Ibny have alloweA ,
are adoranl wiib ("Jl roertles poached. Pour freahly boiled water
tat f«<r4cr Mka M
ihrir minds to U- ]»iwaed ugalust IhW
his dattos, aad evep on tbe street b^ of blue baby ribbon, and the
into a flat, broad pan. adding a UtCs
very excrllenl remedy.
eanaot drop tbe thoogfats bat grertr
-also have roseliw. Tlie ai> “H
« f'-w 'lr«P» of vinegar. If
-Hut forunatrly Hmry !• another larga
von have no ogg-poaeliing ulcnsll pul
all arboa be meets with the frown
mnlUludc of |•raple «Im> sra able In
ansolved buEloess pmbleau. Women
! kinds of puts. The tops ai< a mufin ring Into the wat<-r, break ar
sliakcoff tliiSrpreJndlceand trylVtuMs
shoppers hurry aloni latent iipoa easily taken off and washed. A long, egg carnruMy into a saucer and slip t* Hundreds of Wcunefli Cured of thfl
Ix-furt- it Is h.i lati'. m>eM people are
rcscblni; a n‘rtala store, as ihous>i
imo the ring. Put over a moderat;
rarely disappointed. They coMrally try[taslcboard ls» Is lined and
Firdf Stages of Consumpt on
other r.-m<-dlwat tbe U-ginalng terlr
tec store were roIbe to dose Its door;: erod with bloo silk and has a saehi- lire, and when the water comes to a
troubles. Tliey allown cold to Amtop
before they can reach It.
, bjf Pe-ru-na.
wadding tn the iKittoTn. Its lop has s boll the egg will be done. Take oti‘
Into ealarrblof the head. Tbey wOov
teal all tbe womcsi who shop flowered cover, edged with a frill cut very cHrefully with a skimmer, onlii
catarrh of lb« head togradnslly feteOIM
should have ctres to worry c
la the ahapa «ff half a dtonpnd at each off all wau-r and place on a tela piee:; The Following Letter From a Thank­
rtiarri. of tho Uiroal. They sUtt keep
K must be M>. since ao few.
end. There are four pieces of white of ftesbiy made toM Caraisb wltii
Using llio doctor's medirliui, or -««»ful Woman Tclls-Its Own
lew. pass aloDs with s pica
other InetTecStial remedy. Tbo eatorrb
■Ilk In the box. eafb hemmed with parsley or waicrcrcBt and seirc ati
eonieated expression.
Mealtelly spmda down tea broBebial
Story. ,
Uno silk, or edged with lace, and Just once on a hot plate.
tnlKwsnd regebes teelnags. Everybody
Brea tee school ctrls are saan with the flu of tee inside of tee box. Tbejr
manner of scrvlny
------.. ..fc. V,
Uica becoMt alarmed. J^tk In Um
doudw faeas. llRnrlnc m
{deees are sewed to one end uf tbt egg for an invalid Is the following; i Mrs. Mary E, Doblii. Sdo; UUotoi
doctor beglndtodlanrewr. TbopotieM
school Btatlers until one wooden If
I a little distance apart, and serve Brat to a ven- stiff froth tbe white oi! avenue,hHoBeap<fl&.MIun., writes:
rrachus siako of mind to which Im Is
there It any brlghtasai aad eheerfu;.
lie between the gloves for which ao egg to which has been added c! ‘‘UysoDsoScredforthrccniontlitwiih
willing to iryslrooatanylhlng. Abot*
ness la this bnsr wodd. Those wh^ teo box Is iBicndod. Tbe cover is dash of salt. Place tele In a amall! eatsrrli of tbs brancbial tutx-s vvbicJ
tie of IVruna Is sent for.
raally hsvc troabW and aadoess v sewed loosely to tbe back of the box. pretty bowl and slip very carefully on thrMtensd to Iswomoverrseclooi.
Tta ca-riw»>wwd Ow^mAs.
Tbe flrst week II pradutte'a decided
change for the bettor. A few weeke*
the center of this foam tbe yolk uX
. aeoeeir to ar Aten vmi tiat erigbl.
each of these stitched Mnges
treatment cares the patteni.
; «mw UtehcB,
1s art a roncuc of ribbon. A little brass tec egg. Put the bowl in a pan cf Fernnsai arpeciflc fur Tung trouble bo
suotbec bsppy man or anwiin to
<l>c!Ung water, cover the bowl, place all
tnin iv te** I feeowa a iu
handio cm a blue rosette serves
rial befor
It t> the praise of tbose wbu bavelx-cn added to (be tong list of pwqdc Wbo are
tbs popolaUoB 10 keep up the teeer
-1 »DaWTfamU
I lift the box Kd. A nore! on The range and In cuok
esiK-nsivs jemraej 4-ur<vl by i>ercns that makea this remedy praising Pvnina.
.flWAask bj tbe lafle. the laa-cfawd and brlghtscM of life. Wby ean’t w.> bolder for hatpins mar be made of n jnenis. Just long cnmigfa
among stranger*. For sU »• •nibs he *0 popular and so • xlentireiy naed. No If yoo do not derive prompt and satis­
forget' our petty worries and teos ■mall pastalMatd tnaUtag tnbe cor ydllL—Beleeted.
(ucd It faithfully and found that the adr« rllscmtnt could bare aeeomplished factory rosulU from tee tue of Parana,
brighUecB to ihoec wbo pass or -wed with blue silk, and having a band
troublegradiulIydUappcarrdand lil«s- Ibis r.-eull. .
ns wmtsa'trwnm <t elHWftooA
write atoaee to Dr. Hartman, gtrlaga
cd healte took i(« place. In two nioathi .reruns nirea the 1It»i alag<
OB tbe atmet? Porset for a time that ^ of ribbon around the upper and lowc.Celery Patties.
full ststement of your cam. and be vCt
horry and rush, and remeni part and as edge of forgot-rce-nols -w
Wash and cut cclor; sulks iutb bilf he was perfectly Well and able I0 perI-1^.«wtet Upe Moa wUA lu lowlortn i.l< dutle-*. iroii have Ind.vsl a
-alarrb having vtoe grads.
ber that there are many boars In Uii Uny ribbon loops si the lop. The bnt :
tontlcr. drslt grau-ful liiotUcr'a Ibanks.”—Mr*. Mary
eMMsi ebiitif
'“Sias. boll
Iieen eur. d lbs <->uih and ollit-r dla' »ita
SMI eoatsutweiit-tbst day. .We seed not dally, nor delay Ic tom Is cioaed by allowing tbe silk to I (saving half a cupful -of waicri. ad. UvUik
aeroi-vble.-} mplores
dntles. but there'la a dlfferehc-j hang below tbe edge of Ibe lube an-: two talrlmmoosfuls of Imlier aud Kea
wank «sBoM bar;
i-oen briskness and the eensele-w gatecrlng li logetbcr. In tbe Iwttom i* son with salt and pepper. Have rraflv
■sewil wha tvu
-Co have plenty
eusb- Set aside unUl ooM. Whip half a ptti
niaUag white we are apt to resort to a amaU wadded piCM to beep the |4ce some shapes of baked pastry. Fill with —nnrt he had 1.t«i tec reeHiient ofi
: vctetalr mssitef
of sweet cream aad tee wbltra of two
^j^jg^a-ebawstbsta^r One is tee road to.eneceas aad tfa* from pfcrriiw'uirotigh. -A Japanese tbe celery aad let staml In a bri-.k hundreds. It bad been tn tue maer ! Inns, all as pretty «nd an artl
otbte to IHnost and possible defeat. doll Is dros^ la tbe flowered town qven for five mrnuies. Serve with .. v^rs. and wns juat a s^li mBllr< * : rible. Is the aim for daintr flUed _cgRx to a stiff froth, add tee apple and
One Is the rosd to frieodsbips aar wblcb makes the eci. aad the tube it cream ranee ma^ of a nipful of mUk. ■•f pnre silk, made Juxi tike a jet! mnt i rooms. And Iln iC are bosu tJf nhape., whip all ibormiahly togrtber. Bwwtan
to mu- and flavor ditra. ftiv fMo ■
.ews« loaibBats.
bound to tbe doll's bark by a blu*!
- by little rj: -: threw wre- chair barks, aren renewed teould and Art on (be lee natll waedM.
that U oapleaaBDi In oorsclves and aU •aab. tleid In front, as one would stnv ] fals each of llo?r and butter wish asj '
boas run . through
mnUK*i a-..:' fad. Ttere are prcl^-ably _ orcsew.
with uhom we come Into contact.
a golf bag to tee back.
i to taste.
Cure Per f
__ ____________
j’ifd in Enrnll hjofis dn lop. The iiir-jRhapcd and have polnicd i-nds }i*tor4,
Susan boys arc tbe larlag grace.
at route ah«i Us itory They atone seem to he caro fre^ and A pleasing atVangement for bolding
j v*'<’ sk*‘l that P-ns Sfvmi-d to t-llp s; i Cre.-e.-nl abatioil (dllows arc slu nsc.lj A friend of this deterimeni c»nrtlekplns is formed of a small round:
irilmtcs a caro for pneamonta which
when they eome wblxUing along tbt
••lUnglets-are nice. Inn'occQt l-iU o.'*'iHailriu=c and i fcln;-,I> ,nn (mbbH sufas nnd dnana,
newy.jsttarsr its |tea- Btreeis It la a pleasure to sec them. !i pincasbioB. with a short wire
tried wlt:i martted sneoeM in
' '?**'**^^fli.l.b^ for Baby
wrapped in blue ribbon. A clutter of PSEIry to put In tee cbtldrcn’E luntd-.-j
. .*aar:wH tenws.
COB baskets. Make.a pio ernst wiu!*"'' *=»'-■ ”
«:■' eoarilvatup for teo».- who finUli ihe'r e oiraibrr of rast-s It it so simple teat
would eeem as tboagh ibtso is
•tbt IWM Wan-s reUiia vhsra ctre -non for us all to leant, to be taught by forgrt-mohou end ribbons anroands holMr used In excess of lard or <«brr}
linmli- wiu
with baby
*• within tec n«ch of cruryone. It
I’ccs*. '
. hnmli. ribbua consists
........ t.f
'lamr Ssetd as.
niblHng (bo chest tbortbose little foUowa. so full of pl^ am! the flowers arc araaged so that tbey shortening, aad sweeu-n It woll. Tlu.n ;
^vlvclca of .sonse .malarial ahoni ««tirirts
JUia SDoktaiesr esntad a «bsm sl> eojrage.
Timely Chrislmu Hints.
:'br--<-or tour locbeu In dlsmclur. Tlicy oogbly wlili swc« oil, appCyfng powappear to he a little bouguei. Th- roll out thin and cut into laph-wl«^;
l’:i-::’'>.li!on—For Ibr pit- .-uav be embroiden-d white iittoa. or hiCclla and covering with A
oi- ' '*
srorkcf may select a ralor sebeme for strips. Tnkc tbose op and twirl In oe
UsMi-eartel asMoarsimatltet pan.
cvsiiio;. nil ;».> iieari- of ibicn. als.-,‘t br.K-sded ^tik. yr anything one’s fanL ck.lh to bold Ibe tahella in plarc.
liivcUon*, then lay them
dressing table and make as mant
' Traly, K we woald only ‘Me our
...........- ------------------------ ^'
tfcaB yo:..- airtoles r«ir -the parpore. TTils
other on a lightly
Ns stMeteelrteis tesic va aaed#d arires as cdhers see te.'* we sronld ploees for tu decora) Ion ai she d^ tin. andthe
One jBtiiciou Mother cured her Z*
bake golden brown. Their 1‘"“t-lsUon. Uind cars, mojinied-on rardlKuni. A
A lyslcl
Itole is (ben
to isks,
stn^tra out tbe worry-wrinkles ani alres^tatrolt Free prea*.
length is updonal.
Ir<'|U<rai»ly. Embroider a IHj:-' worked in cst-h piece. hrough white year-old boy of nerramrAg III* by What
Tor saasr s isbs ear dleasUoa had do par best to present a smlUng face
she cwiiatf 1»ydropathlc
—-------------------I forgH-mc-not .!■ sign on the uihmt ►Uc
Panetos of Fashion.
riUhun pass<‘« from one side lo
to tbe world, and in so doing «•'
be opened bis auniib to bowl
I j 'olliir ibr.Big!i
Some of tbe prettied gowns bavr
jgli IU>l(c of rtbUon ot
mtss asUnc tbe loacbaota that would reap a rich reward, for te double skint, with or witboui a panel One po-.ind of white sugar, one-balf mians «rf l.ali.r rll.!u-.i; run ten.ugb
:-be tbifw cold water Into H, sprtokribbon is <>! MilTic
laoteer votOd
cheer aad serenity of the face woni.f
n-.' nc.- v.-nrlly '
line hit face lim-rally at tbe eaue
ibai ruaa. broadcalug gradually, dowu pound of boiler, one pound of floe- U-i., wbii li
ti.< a hanger, .-tmi
The peer.
exert an tuicoBselout Influence on tt.time. He food grew more afraid of
two tablcspotmfuU of beet wMte g: ■- worked. Ti.U ram-- mjG I"- u
to the very boitom of teo aktrt.i
top ami ridcw-v.ith a
Inner life, bringing retoxsilon an.;
tee sight of the glass r;f water tbgn of
Pcrsbia lamb It ag^n taabtonablc: ger. two egg*; roll in the bands te-, for maklng-a r.r-i. i,
ItiM -j-i -.1 iir.iiigcd ,li
in their train. The next time
the rod which had failed to abate Ike
bnt in Its rraippearanre it is oinnllv fUe of marli’cs. Bnkc In a quick ov.-i ^ a Sponre ra*.-.- Tin- rp-.:-gc cn ■
fcrri I .
..ff ui a
.•nOwr wotdd make.
you go down tbe street iske a snrrcptibut
nuisance. Half a doxea apirtItetioM
managed with acccBsorios of some
ttoos peep at Foiinwlf in tbe glass ir oihcr fcr.
effected ^rcre.
rarrtiBK a Mr.i.--.---a-h-:
Vpot the worn bearthstooe tin atranr« window, and smooth the
gem BOW ireadlDg.
Iteg and broad sash tmdt arc a
Whipped Apples.
If coUora and caffs are tbnaded on '
wriaUcs out.
dreasy feature of many frocks, and
.Ae haUwaye srill echo mj footsteps
dell.-ai.Coal hangers are nice presents fo.
a pkec of (am* or string and tied to
mo more:
lace and msllnes are used Co frin toe bote collog.- men and hnrholor*. Tlo >
!i-i irvabt y.
the claibeH line It pievopis dirty pcA
To aeo the dear roof-traa nm tanging,
edgM kod fringes arc liberally appUot may be as prcily as powlUli- with rilmarka and aleo does nut pull the ends
bMBUfnl uule poem, which has a a tbe ends.
yet diaaillBg
of III.- colisrx ,.tp (.1 aha|H:.
bon* ABd liows and ellkv Hu>y msi
Tbe apell may bo Imkaa that held beamlful inner meanlag:
blnffs aic a very important Hem «»i hold sachets or noi. but they arc sof
There has come to my mtad a legend. tbe fashionable girl's winter outfli;
■ eneeCyore.
and preserve cost linings and ke.-p a
thing i bad baU forgot.
Taialy I taito every flalaty eoafoeand tec new ones ore Just as quaint
irfti. Tho oBc In mind
And whether I read It or dreamed It. aad old-Umey as are the
irt effect* I stuffed with ctHtnn, whkii is fir« far
ab. welL It maiien n«.
Of MrwtingM mwltan 1 sadly parThey are tbe famlllenert --------i
— ‘,------- frame. Tbe bojk iIt Is agid that in Heaven, at twflighi. iar tlai pouch-obaped. and the round | wrapped with ribU.n and a big rosetic
a great beU aortly awtngs.
Noma, none caa aspire to that tooUf
] pat at the top. A bag i* bung bi-lov
And man may llsuw and hearken to
aome perteetioa
The tightly draped bodices which the banger for socks, thus cconomi tee wnnderfnl music that ringa
Iteat miwart avary daagbnnt that,
are shaped aharply to the figure ail ing room, an •«<?« to be considtred to
U lie pnt from bla bean's hmer cham­ abovt-the waist lino are.broagfai down large cities.
•mcher wotdd oahs.
ber all tbe passioB. pain, aau
Tbe Aawtaa. fresh don^uita. ter
deep polBl at the front. Tho back
A rrtfcu-holder is another ufeful
Unptlng. totiBd dooghaeu.
;ls ro-;nd and j“*‘
jusi «“
to 'kc
tec waist Uno i gift to
w a'man.

li mav bo made
The aadly-ffllased dongbanu that
wrary longing teat: The ctosing. which may be in front eri covering
mother would make.
-Satfeertne L. Daalher: to' Udie'i
^ bew la tee holy iwJHgbt hor j PtoidA which have nnfortnuietr should bsvc a wadded Unlng and
tee bell of the angrta ringa
! been out of style for some time. ar> site should pcnnlt tee crsvsls to fo'J
AM I think teere lies In this legend, now seen again, and tec rarieiy of ail Just once. The top slmpt.• Jast being happy te a flne tbiag to •
I The greatest p-ie.-r tr. the mercaaliV'
If we emra our eyes to see.
-■a-b Lu.vinp. Tbt. terewdrat buyer. « toflMPCrH by
eUiis of SeotlsBd icavra «p nar-, A small brass handle in the mlddi"
• Soaewhat of aa laner meaning
small bur.iaess and ;lr;d- J cap;laj, is no
• a;, r wbo bayr. ir. jrfi.-uetise quaaUdM and who*row cboioc of color or design. Plaidi i or a glass knob, is more appreciate!
• tonklag £a the briflht aide imther •
credit U uiq:;e»tioned. The patrotiage e.
friend, to yon and
. • . a;rvly u« k;.. i,y ai; manutectaroii. wbo aaturaiare not preuy for entire dresse;. ; than a ribbon bow srould be.
than tbe btaa.
ly Tie With racli other In oBrrieg aura-. . .......... ...............
Let us look la opr beans and qsc >bat as a irimmlDg they brighten ut, Anoiber ihiag teat a man Ukes U l
■ai or Aaaar mnalag.

lioa. can pare ibongbu enter te
It IS tkd-powor of our Immense psm!.ai.;f,s. yaadt r..-ce*niry by ibo aggregate fmtteess ot oar nutnero -s
ta the teontlagL
• To a eonl if It be alreadr tec dwrtUcg aa otherwise somber costume, espe t laundry bag-tee prettier, tee better.
Store*, tbui tmables tu to give tbe unnpnre-.chul.!e values f ,r white oer House la tamona Tbe eonOn.-al
claUy If tt be of a dark plain color.
! Make this of flowered, er*I* AM last bsfag happy te hnm •
ofthongbuef sia*
growth of our bavint-ss threughoat Mtehisan an-; .-.-e-ialc.-r s-ai« Indlrau-s tha*. as neopta learr.
o..r la9* t work and tmc.
' So. teen. I« nt ptmder a little—la ov; Tlic former mode of woarlng daintv 1 wnoo or good silk. The inltuis er.
strumeat.--. our prie. ,,. our service, and onr libera: ;r aimtnl of cl-moit. rA they quickly realise tb*- advan­
white aprons over the school frocks H ' broidired aptn tbe tide add to the si• inu being happy btdps other wale •
tages or d-ai.og with u«. It Is undoubifdly u-jc teaL we offer tee piano buyer graaicst vahie th- blgbcstfletook In our hearts aad ace
(being revived for little girls, and asldyltracUvenesj ol tbe possession. It;

vatlsteOlon. and th,
efflelent and reliable service, bee.usc we
.. aip«i«n: . . I
24 4j,p
IfteetwlUgblbeUWteeangetecoaM from .v^
tee pretty *fresb
• Wttdr bnrd««B may ha.hcaTy and •
most e,xtcsaireiy brgxsiud and t^rfecUy cquir.'>ed JdnaJc Houses In *.b8 world.
ring for
aad me.
- la protecilag the frosit .
band with a drawing slnng both way
they tel'abong;

-aoee Osborne. press and elbows from robbed
with big bows oa each side. SlmpUeUv
f AM yoir owe sky wiu nghUa *
-. ■■
will coine- should be tee nilc In c-l.
• If wthar skies yim brighten •
wreny CAricwm GIfix
with tbe school worti. The cbotoe l,
A well-known nnny officer, when bo
^ axi^ bhlng happy with a h«rt •
• ^*** ••
**•*'*’■ Christmas ffifi'not conflned tnJhe-oguare vote etvto* rrturned from his last rarcpalga In the I

tsQ 'of sow• wWch
ptaartw a friend ro mneh a. a There*« ,
ewe e e • • • s
Philippines. vstowv'J a placusbloa'
flataty Ut of fancy wote teat haa teolaM tatrirtivm
- '
wUeb. bo said, was tee best ever madv <



A Beautiful Girl Saved From Oread Consumption
w—OthAP WnnriApfut Hiirfift.



GRIN NELL BROSthe Piano Store
that Saves You Wone^



Or '

(Stunt) ®irn*)tm Mtirnlt).


body. Ibe pratort* of iofal oBertBSi
cwrted by tbe bwororr toll
bearwt, tbe tolOMe l*wa Oecaon.
AoMt Casitoeo. Beofle Hneilmamel.
EdHb Htoee. Kettle WmburE osi
Borrr- The pollheaiwe
•(»»-.*»» t« tto «o«p»‘.
w. T. VentoB, Ftoob BoeU
• Ua • a*)arltr «( »4Mtel,
LnooB Brerwo. J. Vertooo. Oeonre
*«• 0««MUMa la tbo
Ndl Knats. Bartol ewrleee
JW; Ckartmto. \»U-. were to the C*il»lle oeioetery. H. U
Cortor bavlae the «rT*a*r»eot
mm. UM; K*»
wm. »ni VMM. un. ebarie-

i »•

-fljM iBilMr •oeiaUM «r tka «l(r
rtiital tft* towi o( W. H. Oordos
rfMMv o*d «Md« wroWMMBU fur
I IWMM » MMHr OMTaatta and ob>
IV mmtrn Kmmrrn Ur Bm
Sa. iL rmn *in be two
■ OTtMt«W. attb.a.atUH
ibjiii^ <bi<t* Md 1 T p. I
_ tmmtmUUnk.
to mtHtm M the tow ooelitlM to
I, «ttr. tbe nctottoa U Sow. Neal
iWMiM «A1 be toeiud to tola
I toe owftoa Tbe proptw bWe
I ftt taM toode bM will be oe-

(toiMtor weto «ui see aarlvttoa
«MBi «• tor M f«s«aw MTStoa by the
^ rrr------ ^ Tbe Ultooto learea CblaiffWadawtoV «a harlaat m and
I. toto itoBinrlto aow «• tbe toka oa ber
I toto ran. harlat taaebed port Tow

Rligtler. Ifieb.. Nov. U—The UUV'
KM M Fred HoretoBd. three Bilee
of ben. died at U e'doefc toet
alRtit of pMonoola. He wu axed
/con, 3 wwtbji aod Si dv<-

•ig Itomeoe Bolt.
Salt hoi been eotnmeoeed to
amiit eoort hr P~«t * DavU. attofncyi tor Beoale L. Osierbonic.
««>« Slft.oon daiaaxee for the death uf
taar’htwtand. John O. Oetertonae. Ob
It to olleced that on Jaa. S4. Snadar.
a train aecMenl to the Pere Margnefe
yards la tbU cHr tore oat the fn«
aod It woi nploeed wlifa a Tf«U fresHr. Oaterhoaae. who was a otoht
doctw oa the freight, went on dno'
Bnator eTentox and bid been worktop
oboal an hoar, when bla foot was
eauxht la tbe rlxld fros. the ir*l»
backtox down on him with the mnli
that both Ilnbs were cot off. He di. 1
the next Borniax and the ault has
been becoa by the wife aa odDtolstraiHs of tbe eatate. BuBinons wa«>
aereed oa> James Keboe. tbe local

turned at »:1S with a rerdiet tor eoeTleUai. JwUee Veriy fined WUltoa
Loxle filfi and costs, amouattox to all
to tofi.M, or alnety days la Jal). Waliw Loruaser coadocied the <m for
Jie petgile and P. C. Gllbm coadocied
the defenae. Mr. Uoxic appealed th*
ease and It will come up at the nett
term of eJrcnlt coun.

cemeM and brtdt bnsloeaa. Mr. Tn^
ner alio was with the same firm and
both memben of the few Wm an ex
perteneod bastoeae men.
All old customers will be xlvca a
beany welcome by Metsn. Stanley A
Turner, the new Arm.
Aaeaull and Batterv Case.
An aasaolt and hauery case ocn
pled the aiteaiton of JuaUce VerD’s
eonit on Momlar. MeboUs Tanxtos
of MayBeld io*nsblp_ complainant,
and wniiam Lottie, defradani.
T»e trouble xrew out of a mixed
Ooarrel of aebooi cbildrea and tbe de­
fense. WlllUm l>oBle. to attcmptlnx to
separate the guorrelMW. became In-

The tooeoJ of Thonoi Armitronif.
dcak as erldehoe that eometbinx «
whieh eeeurred Bandar oftenooa lii
teallr bone. 1017 Woobincton
The chil(lren of tbe defendant,
ptreet. woe torxetr otueded br
was allexed. attacked tbo tittle bey cf
trieade of the deeeoeed. who had tons
I the eomptnlnaai and tbe mothers an<l
known him u a tooocer. ' Eer*. Hacn
The XToeei^- store of C. W. Bowes, j totbers arrived on the scene from
Kennedr and Thomu Cox ei»duct»>I
of From and Cedar streets. | flout piaceo. While tbe children a
aemeea. the qanrtet, Meem._______
W. DongtoM. Welsh and Mrt. Calkin* | changed haadt la*i Thursday. Messrs, j aepwated Mr. Youaglns was Mruck by
tad Htoa HynaHardaer rwderinx np- E. Staalry and Tumor of this city J a club la the bands of Ur. logic anj
wopriate muale. The Soral offertow beliix the purdmsera. They will take < though the latter put up a strong d
poaxetsiM Hoaday and add a eom-!toase aad several wlinessct to prove
«re beanllfuL
Tbe pall bearen were: Mesara. J. pteie line of geoersJ mcrchnadUe to I that the hammer wielded by
R. HaaUa. L. Tfrtxbt. W. Ackerman. tbe grooery alack and make many amv Vouaglas got In the game first, ibc
j testimony of the complalnani't eld
J. AaderaoD. O. Stearaa and O. NeV Improrements la a property way.
Mr. Scaait-y was formerly In biui- '• was accepted, aad their case proved i
Tbe bnrtol took place at Oakwood. all arraaxMMBto belox » nets with W. O. l-'oote A Son. bat left | tbe taUtfacUon of the lory. They
n yar ago and-tai Unoa been la thr { were out about on hour when they recharft of L. D. (tortU.


Om Ow InaUtataa,
mti$ Maadt^.W U. a aeriM
daaa day tormara iwUtaloa will he
totoOntodTiaeatwooaaiy- Ri
««IMm4a RlB ho the aUte'
. Uto. tt—tord U a pracUcai
The totoea that
|-bd.*Mtod Wh! Tlltoxa «aJ
' m 'dd
IMnta to Potato
h (toto,ttoW «MI Oowa. Oen
• id OtaiMfda BtUar Boads
The dates
t to towo 1

to ^ VMb ten. Oraat towaahip.
|».««ltor.tosa]maawrk Ito Twn hdU. Maydtod town^ .
toMdl Votowm. '
f^A mm «d teHfi of tetoroM. Which:
■ntea of batox very
a anaatoad Tuanday
mmt wU) start wttfa
1 tl dtertor mamhsn bat the
*-«« be bald opoa tamtU tba
Mar dr tba dm at the
Etowr oa tott olten oaa bavo tbe op"r «dA|»Md»'to..Tbef* was
' rfdtetolto to too aw
■ tor aoamp toad It toaxpeetod
r* wtU te hotwow iklityBve
y^utor mombera.
mrnn af^ aaitp are aa fob


that will interest the Housewife. Also a full line of



m addition to Agricultural Implements, Carriage and Wagons.
Ladies'are invited to call.

Ladiea' three quartc ■
length Coats, made of
American all wool ker­
sey. neatly stitched,
Bella lined, cheap at
S10.0 0 : oooalcnmeni
■ale price

MlBsei- Cloaks la
blue and red. ace up
to H yean, collar acJ
cape trimmed la tascy
buttoBs and silk braids
—-a winner at |t Oti;
■ale price

Udles- Plusb Capes,
full sweep. ZS la. long
collar and edges trircmed with Aneora fur.
heavily l n l c r 11 a v j.





Tauax ladJaa- aobbr
Coats, coliarleaa IIdmI
thyonxboBt. edxee eufft
aad collars triiamcd
with velTei and taney
mutchlnx. worth |7J>9;
sale price

all wuol kersey cloth
eoau. BaveMck alylc.
cape neatly aUtebod
and Irtmawd, beliei
tamk. worth tu.oc:
sale price

160 Ladiea aad Mlwea- Walkinx 6kirt.<.
tnade of taacy Sco*ub
mixtures, fancy ati‘iIBX. laacy Mclioav. all
claboratol.v trimmed
worth t6J>0 and SOX';
sale price





V|«to Adi aad tms-

piiarto Aitbar
I A. Tbattas. a vetona of tbe
a«sd 71 yeara, died rrMay
•:M at the aaytov at ^
body was «akoa lo
Ms termer home, tor bvtol.
oe hartnx'tearce


h Otottode roeatatn. the
r of U P. Peibeu,
aa at Mercy boapliel.
•e, aftar a thiae woetbs' Ulneat
m aMpantosto. She hoc
yoaox Msada vte *10 bc
i 01 bar death.
ftaaaru took ptaM Batorday
i.m. TteacU ctoMto. Ntok mwa

Ladles’ ax-ta. Broara Sable
Hare Scarfs
wttb three tall*
— oa ,
c«b cad. nickel plated chaio. >
ararth $3.M>: tale price

76 Ufiirs' asd Mlsues' Dreus
aad Walking Skins, made of
fancy Mellon, aetgea and horn• <3.60:

span, worth
tale price

19 U

A., guv «lk.r.l..f«inU.
MM. Ml
rabber puKtaMA A tM. pricM M Mndcm:

Ruaslaa Bear Boa.:.

Ladles' and MItscs BU< k
r«l roBcy Scarf, with bear
Blwajs s.ild for 11.00: sole







ClotUng for Men

Anticipating-a change in our Clothing Department, which will
be announced later, we have decided to dispose of all our
better grades of Clothing as follows;

All I Suits and Overcoats
All $15 Suits and Overcoats
All $12 Suits and Overcoats
These are our very best guaranteed makes-best pure
wool fabrics of new patterns, built upon the latest models and
have all the modern improvements.

II oil competition and eon save you 25 per

IF A SAVING FROM $2.00 to $7.(X) on a Suit or Coat is ary
object you will take advantage of this sale and get
the best clothes made.

Becee iiaad, treah goodsstorm
.. ISs

tbe Sodety ef tbe ChUdreo
to. Fraatde atoeaC «f
a the decMMd was «
■I* P'roraG SGMmrG


Hair Cloth. Indestmctablc Froats. Concave Shoulders, Hand Wade CoUars,
Hand Worked Bnttonboles every garment warranted in cvcry|| re^ieO.


M.b-. IMU bbd TbbbHA bbt aub. In thl. bX. I


«toa toMtoein of B*.

*iis '»TA-rK mTmmmrr

Udiaa’ sad Miaeoa'
Bateber alyk eoaic.
amde of alik aad firlahad EUmItoe. trimmad la oiydlaad

1-3i MBittoiot^dfitop eowiidl^b.E.
* atew.
oJkh AM
i^aauito tnu*B.
Bmt. OoAi


Will last ton daya mare. Onr Cleak Slaghtor hai been a great euaceaa from the tart and many have
token odvenuge of eur Canaignment Ctaak Sate. Wc atiU have about 150 garments left which we will
oaariSoa at a tribe et their cast eeeaer than return same to owners. Remember, we art oWanng Cieake
to the heart of the aoaaan at lass than aflar holiday prices. You had better investigate.

Wexford coaty has fo« olBlsal
aad iS.dtvone eases on docket this
Satorday for term-

Cooking and Heating Stoves


Mre. M. C. C. Batee, for almost thirty yeaim editor of the Chlldrsn’s Dspartmenk of laU yeirs merprt
Into the Herald Yeung Polks’Sunahlne Department of the Crt^ TraverM Herald, hac long been Intecaatad In Michigan hiatety artd aapeeially Improsstd b> the feet that there hat never been published a his
tory ef MIehIgsn for yMog rotoero. In fact, the histery of our state hat been atumpted only In a very frag­
mentary faahloB for roadars old er young. There le no etate whose aaHy hlatory la rrtoee closely connected
with the eariy dlacovery of the country, end the growth ef our nation, sad there ie much ef romantic eOvanturn end thHIilng event to ha found In the aarijr records. Bemt yoaro age. largely for her own Intereet in
the oMtter. Mrs. Botw made it a epeeial study, and spent aema «ma ut Detroit. In the public library ef that
eky and. later, et the Bute Library at Lansing. In tpahing e'thorough examination of bocks end rwoofde to
be fSwpd In those pleoes. beoldt^ obtaining mieh booke oiaewhera ea were available for this purpeec.
Tbe outcome of thie work ehe new doelrea to plaee before the young readers ef the Herald, and of
MIthigaa generally, being mael misleua that our boye and girls shell ba led to love their etate. and so
came Into the way ef being gaad end faithful clUtena oe men end women.
This la not e history of MIebIgan. In the larger meaning of the teml. but rather a eeries of historical
shstchM end ateriae whlcly«s so connected ai to give a continuous record cf the growth ef the state, and
e of its earlier years.
It hae bean a faoor of tova en her part: love for her rutlve a e and love for the children whom she
bapea wilt ba the bettor men end women for the reading ef IL
It le eapeelelly deeirsd by her that It be ueed ae reading In the aeheola where the Herald goes, and
that toobhere ef the Grand Traverse region will intereet thcmeelvee in it aa they ao well can «o.
ba aiBMiimad in the Harsld In Oactmber and wil run for acvcral months

W. L. DeWKt left (

A« sable to suead to tbo tnstoar eC
tbe cargo. Tbe firm doea not aaOripate any xreat lou. bat It ncceaaiutna
a transfer gg^ ■ delay le tbe ship-

Do oot usually give much thought to tbe stock of an Agricultural Implement Store
but BARNEY ANDERSON has just added a large line of

SdMes from Nichi^ History for Hichiganteys and Girk
a Hd Mto wOka of potatoan Md
■ to too hay ports uklnxda poTW toad will pmhabti
oaths af iMatoaa.

LMmbor Wtnt Oosm.
Tba aebocmar Kongo, loaded with
6W.SM toet e< lomber eoeaigned by
tbe Kelly Lomber rompaay of ibis
car to BuBSto. rsB Into the pier at
An Sable on ‘Thursday and store a
bole la tbe faolU which caused her aj

a OIGy. IMIoH.

The Boston Store


wwt t



Giail Tn?cnc Herald



gracery atoek of H. E. Gill of Nmbpart wbieh has been In tbe faaillr fer
half a oeaturr. waa diapoaed of rn(erdar bj Mr. Olll to Kehl Brae, aleu ot
Xorihport. William R!H came to.
Nottbport In the earir BfUe* aad riar:ed a geoeral wore and on ble rctlrpbneei throrgh Ilf health a number of
}fan ago bli con took active ebaigr.'
sacreeding at hU fither'e death i >
the b<.-anesi, whirh also Ineludea a
drag clock, the poctottice pneilion
being reulned U the fcmllr. too.
Hr. cm retclnc the drug aad Aoc
depariBeni and will conUnui' lo dulo
out mall aa usual



Pebe Marquette

Cnahad hr Trot.
Mb G. teit^ an empkva or B«gU'a Inaibar caaw. near Uidk Laico.
waa -i»ot inauaUr klUed Wedneedar hr a tree Wllag oa his. The
aaeUeat hamoted Immedlateir after
0 BMaar and the tree that eaeeed Bte,
daafb was the Srat oae that waa felled.
U faniag it atrack saother tree and
glaaNd. the maa raeMrlag the force
«( the blow oa the aide of hla head.
He waa (akea to Mr. BoU'e akaatr
hat dM hMWa iMdlcBl aailataaee



B to nr Ho mr pauoat and
e saaerhUr that I grnilr ^
patronage I hm



[ Get h half gsiioD«r those


iSfii i



35c quart
■ I'




itrerf cheerful: extra

ptwostat •

«* “»»*«»«: hinged
•ttpwtth gvidlebole U
decidedly CMvenient.


Traverse City.
e. c. i.ewi8.

Ole Can Give Vou
The best for the price to

Feed. IKeal. Bran, middlings.
Corn and Oats
Wc buy nutbing but the best grain and you gel tlifik


Wood base heater with
large front ilue, lioi
blast draft, large ash
pan, autoniUic smoke
damiiei. two hoi jir
Hues in back draw all
the cold air eft floor
forcing it ont at lop.
Intensely healed to ai
pans of room. NIcke
trimmings on base, W
_ foot ratls anil swin^- tr.p,
” 21 in. siae reduced to..................................$ 1 6.50
23 in. si/e tedneed to................................ $ | 9.00

pure article.









Boston Weis

Hai can top, liotlom, from and I ning. swing lop with two luK
and center, large feed door in front, nicklc screw draft and
ni^el steel rail extending all around stove; wanamed air iigi.t
2.1 inch aiae reduced to....................................................$10.75
One second haiwl, osetl 3 mornbs............. ...................... $6.75

sew oenpnnr UhMlar ogaipped
to thhOa A Una aad aneoalre trade.
•saSM patroa’a want ahaU go «aaati<•ari^ I tract that the Fatmera' Snpplr
fliMmaai will be fhrared with rour
ralgai patrnaage and aawra ron that

•For Young People
ii tlicre a»L- fiiiMtcn n ><iur licue, provide them with a eoBim.
As a L ,r!Sii!iax .11 ran be mote appoofwiue or will bc more
ai't to [iicase We h.ive ihe best cameras made. $1 00 to $26.bO.
Will joii conic and sec them > \ ou can look without beii^( Otg^ lo

Wait’s Drug Store,


r ^

T aci, vr
,1-e {■'Hsdtle to the jKissrssnr oi a camera
IHiotography it '
■ uutuct
, .ot-a!j‘e.
. the. .ete, trams the hand and J
Jt eilucafcs
v;vi3‘« }Uc tr-,ud. go stmple and rvrtam
: Its methols ihai tti ;
mtcll'- : ch.:! . an make admirable picturev


Now is certainly your time to make yourself comfortable-for ninUT

draft door give* e«j-




as well as saving from three to ten dollars on every stove purchased. We have a number of styles that we arc
discontinuing, also a few second hand stoves that arc taking valuable space that we need for Xmas goods. The ex­
ceptionally low prices we have placed on these stoves will move
them quick, so come early if interested.
Of course you can
have it charged.

J«Ba Smith waa ahont M rear* tt
ase aad had been worittne at the BgSB aaaip alnee a week ago Moadar.
He leam a wUowed Bother on 8eo
OBd Btnal. tkta eiir,

ra each ahd all that
r hoBlaeaa and looa________—
to handle moMi axire
I Blaster earleir «f b« ”
________ htlihhionkoo
the Irat bthlk amtetBre
ftraet. where three
r la a eoatpleie ttodk
t bnggtea. earrtagn. laiple'■aagtaea aad tana hard
a Urge nae of haraeaeea,
1W taBteeae ol


December Clearance Sale


.1 ler milk ..r fWOn ww.* sS OiMS tSa

Gets the worm." ife Juct tr.e
Si«ie lo burioa Ol"- FANCV
, CANOiES. Precractirictc. c -I
-cyca lo-« them.

TfwCfteM i« RuMi*.
Traverse City Markets.
tlM |or(nia«Bt of BnMlft U
iao> up on wedneeiMlber *r«re e«idlU«JB «.
t. The HarslOlsnot
Changes In prices.
The Sheriff Balked.
In nMIUoii to the war wli^
Bherirc aak- wa* on Untt crow'. I
The BOTMMl oflMdlni Rui Mortgage
foredoeure. All were Norr/
to see the old ennple lose ibe'r btHiu'
wberwnhpr bad lived for So years.
Massacbusetlc Mutual Life InsnraniN.
Oatnpany. at IVhtc.1i, heard of the salr
caiiM to the tact that ther tnoal bate Tbi y knMf that the old gi-ntleman hu t
a hand m their local aovmtspni ir a paidHip poller on bis life In ibai rod.Uwr" ««>M enlOf proaperitr and in> pasr for pmn.7.';. Iiavabii- no Us nrs- Exeuralen Wednesday. Nevember 30.
Ticket agents vill *c-:i munfl irlu
aitr o( action. Tber hara aeen hoe annirenarr. one week f-vm that daiu.
Haateotng to the sale he aroutinird
tt mht ia other ootmtrtee and thet fbe Bortgagcp with the fsetr, it<- mat­ Pxrarslon llrkei* to Chl'-ai:" on tVe.'
pesdaj. Nov. rht. god t.i n'urn iin':'
an AatamlBed to cuke an MTort (» ter waa noon adjusted, the home srat Saturday, 1><. H. IS-M, at v.
uvpdpnd ibp iberiCf lost fals Job. Good rates. Ask agen's for [larnrulhr--.
hatlar their eoodltkM.
la ChU moreaeat the Rnaclaii peo- enough Tor him. You ouclil to have
_______________ n: ji
aeea the folka cry. The reporter
pla.arm hare the aympaihj of i'
found upon loQuIry that all paidCapt. Will »ankl!Q. slio !:a.^ Ikw':
varfL It soar reaatna for the ctar
poNclea in tbe eompanr. b.v a Mac
thief mate of the steamer
lldan UateU. PeraMMtr he would chneelta law. whatever thei- amoDoi. bat been promoted to the eommsiul of
BaaliUeaa ha iaMlned to Mn taror bare an lacrcaslng carb value payable the Illinois. Captain Riehardson bai
wpoB any futore anoiveraar). A grest
ahia.eoaMdeiatioa to the peUtton. btli law that.
isg retired.
the laSaMod <t hit ofldal tamUr «ai
pnhablT onone aap ooBceaalona.
tUa a great ertali and wilt neaa. in
Uae. rmlattao or repreaenUUog

____ ___



-iJtM MmUr S?


________ ftwrwv'ff
Fior* au Iao ZoaMi of MapUton
teak dianer on Tha
« dar Kt
Herberts at Old Hlsalen.


Arana Basir

rimo aow to ptaa ter




Redneed to
No. 614............................... $13.50
Nft6ie............................... $14.75

---- IN-----

Good UBa to




Square stoves as chvap at


With reservoir aschrai. at


2i Per Cent

A high grade $45 Peninsular
Steel Range with reservoir
and warming closet tedneed
One«econd.hand PeeintularSted
Range with reservoir and high
closet, sohl regntw far $40.

Hot Onip for -

No. :<•, M\s'i:



25 Per Cent

Discount on



second’ without


1 bare a Urga a^ attroctlre
ateek «l CbrUtaaa praoenU
Jtwt raeeirod.


Some veiy gooci values
hand Cook Slovv.«. uid,

All Base



llji r:\L-ry clay in the year will find the 1 imnerware and
C Inna WK sell a valual.le addition to \our table.
Our trade in these goods has intn-a-'-'f so rapidly
'.hat We are now crowded for room.

nt on

All Base

fg^sana SMaBBfw SMBABOk

Sem< Special Oalues in Stapk 6teds
I..Trgc !'■ inch Platters..................................10c
Handled l ea Cups .-ui.i Saucers, pr set ^
I >‘ ep Di>he^ ............................................................l<n
liiinblcr'i. -.'lor....... .........................................
Pi.ates. per KCT ..................................................... -JVC

A hot blast smoke corremg.' tb.vt l.aiiir ant1 I'uei,
ir.mely large stove, has 18 ih lire ;-ot and ’v.ds I.
would beat a snail store or lodg,
rednceil to the cvremely low pric


l.ic eu;. H

,.r an.'

........................ -.$25.50
One s<-.;on ; .i,:r d lange ait;
out resell..- isd 1 gl;
mfl-st class
.$14 50

.Ml our goods are ‘-oid at very reasonable prices.

City Booh Store


trmnt Olf, nuct.


%tate bank

Hls ortiMltei to the Preabyterlaal Mrs. Sarah Woolse-r and Hen-y!
BltiUtry took ptoce at Lyeander. K. | Ball of Korthpcwt. q^ece and nepbei
y, when be took bis «m d»a»»«.iof tbe doeaased. arrfred today
later takbiK JohnsmTlUe and Lac-1 atteod the otwequJei. which oc
fUtebor^ pastorates, these corertes f Fflday morsicc at 10 o'cloek from the;
three yeara. IVhUe the deund of tic j residence. Her. L. B. BluU eoadutS-1
ftonh tbroBsh the Christian eotoai's-; lap the nerriees and rndertaker Au-i
TnsrcrM City tent. No. «T1, K. 0.1 flOB was roBslae denooUnsUons c'l: dmoo haTlns the amaeeuBis is ;
M. U, »tll bATc n l*BW« rrldny; oret the laad. Jfr. 'Hall entered is-:-j ehc-se. The htirtal will be at Oax-!
aruycaderthepreibneiycdTroy an-ijwood.
L Mr««r. ■■ C. Ml. o»«»ln». Jgdxe John Lomasw
lM±y OB bis Bbper pealnsut* bontiiw DlBlstered to the sick and Wonndel
Fight Will 8e Bittor.
trip m4 hw proMM tbe teat «1ih • attendJDg their spiritoal wants, sen ’Those who will persist Ic closleel
Sue lot of TBBiton which will b* on- tog messages to anxlocs Meads and tbeir ears against the coails-sl re:
«KrOa>iilMnti>1UMllcMB. )or«d «a dwt oTMius.
ttslng bis terrlces for the allerts'
of I)r. King's New r
of the sofferisgs of the northem sal- eorery for Coosanipilon. wl
with the
At B IMMInjt of Ibo CDBPMIOBS '*
i. He was with tic arttlef of
ier by fi
Pomten tad .week WeJBesdBy.
Shertden and Oraat and followed (b-: mlnauim. Rend what T. R. I
utter of boldlat tbe siminer an
"eoffec pot" that noted refresbinert Bexll. Miss., bns u>-sx>: "L
bly here was dlscnsted and a rote r> kettle that was taken into the ra^
soKed Ifi favor of tbe propodtlos. Tfc< rm wbeeU. .He was to the Seld at the
-erj- al
iaisemblr will be held berr next Jon rime of the astassInaUon <if Uneoln
Improvement came s
In Fbresteia hall aad will last t«- an<y rcutoe during Lee's surrenrler.:.fsilel.
four iKitiles entlnly e
da>A Seroal bandred delesates will
___________.- ..
BcT. JoAita B. lUIl oae o( Ike cd 1««t piB—m of the 4)t«>d TraTan?
re0oD, pM«d awsjr U kb boat, *t<
WuUs«t0B ttnet, Taea^ aftc.Booa U 3 ordock. An eiiesdad BoU'^^
of Us iUe «U) be fisee bmi «e

banc, but aneb Inroads had been msde
Two cartoadt of Soalh Carolina on hU hesUh that he was obUged lo
•ranlie hare arrired for the nca- rtol- give up alotsterial work.
He removed to Kasson. Leelanau
eral btdMlDc. The coaricnnecit
on the road for a moBlh. but wai omuHT. in 1SC». as b's health e»a
tinned poor aad later mored tram
rad aome little time pm
W(M will be^B at once oa tbe ulo. there to Elk Bspldr, where he caa-.e
Disterial srork fram the pti'<
bytery of Grand Rspida This wa«
laisr changed by a division of ib'
presbytery, and the presbytery erf Pc
B. J. Peck of S-rttons Bay was to (oskey was formed. His home mh
j, i. Twcddle. taturly proaacaUaa
atuwaer of this eoaaa. has tcaaed hto the dtp yeattoday «a roou to Masili- slonary work _ under this dcnuralnattone after hla anatnl carioad of tlonnl sodety todi him cs far north as
Saito at Btoplre tor ftse yeaiB and
to lha dtp Taaaday ootaptetlng ar- Christmas uwea. Hr. Peck each fall Petenkoy. or Boar River, as
one or more cnrloads of Christ- eSIled, and tbe route was covered by
waaBlHMi to opee a Uw oSce here.
trees to ToanimtawB. Ohio, ship- horseback through unbroken forcsiv
A. Wolto. tor Baar yeara • plBK them froB there to potou to and atreama that were forded to the
Ohio aad Peaasylraala. <rtere they primltiire aray. in 187S- be bcUt tb.’
« to Trareiwe City
a ready sale.
Ora. bride etanreh of the north at B1-:
Raplda. whore for six years be retirr-f!
Prank Oanoeu has sold bU toUres: from Us cbosra sferk. leaviag In 18»I
Wdto inn laaMt adto Ut and *H
In the Johnson Drug company to W. T tor Grand Ledge. Lansing and Tsyftosborgh. unagw of ihp store.
reoath, Saglnnw county, (iurieg Utevc

Ctty TtoMarv H. B. HiAell r< Oaanett will retire Croni the drag bus
pastorales, working uadsr the prosby'•dead a draft tor M.0W traa Aadre. ineas for a arfatle. He reuiraed las:
^torwasle lari wedt. TUt It tb sreek frasn CUeago. where be
E • tNilh aad tost draft tor the Mw ' pleled amngiBeBts to take tbe mrle borne on. Wai
toaiT. the paytoMit of 9I0.0W haeiax agement of the Midlaad Aeddent
street, where he baa Ace quietly;
BoeiaCea for twrtLeni MleUgaa. with apeot his dodlnlng years.
headquarters to this dty.
He leaves a widow and three chil­

P. M. JrweU of Maple Ornre nwft
dren. Mrs. Walter Thunell of this
IhMto wheae fame as as apple grower
Ihe atonn laat Thartday did not pre­
■ tor beyond TraToraa aty vent a large crowd from aUendtog the eUy. Wlntfarop*:. Hall of Grand Rap-'
and Howard J. Hall, flrri Instructor |
SyMtoto tbe Herald aou of Us «oe«
aodal given at the Lone Trc}
to EoMlsb in tbe Leland Stanford an:-j
r.'^itodMMe. vUdi it woeld be hard
school honae by the Sunday school
tor sUe. atror asd color.
that place. Tbere were over a, buu- versify. Palo Alto. Cal.
Hla ton. Wlathrop. has been at tbC'
dred presant. and In addition to
bedfide for ten days and bU fauny. a'
IMai toea, Mduii Broik asd A. box sapper hot coSee was served,
f for the ftoe program was also given anJ wlfevand foor children, arrived Tues-1
■ twa weeki star Oeod Harbor and IU.18 was elrarcd. wblto wUl be 4.- day evening.
itoB that, psriod hsoed sUty-alx voiad to the Ckrtsinas ceiebratlon.
■Mm. Mnsw pwti1dcas,'t«o eoosa,
Death of Rev. J. B. Hall.
a totah. sM ibes cawsht. ftoty
Bev. Josboa B. Hall, wbo passe-:
ef Bah by wy of variety.
•way yesterday aftenuon at hla reelhas bees begn'agaiari the
>. M4 Wasblngton. was one
'"r Mis. K. O. Barsea aad Pntoi tbe oUeri phmecra in tbe nortbern reh to daurmlse the owae^ gloa.
• Uley os Ban Front street
He sms bore In Madrid, N. Y.. July
... P «W etosed by tbe platoOSi 11. 1881. aud graduated from the Uol' >'|Mhm IhH ago nad the
To boy for yonrsvlf and your
veralty of Vermoni to 18M. taking a
USMiiH by the diy.
raara’ coarse to tbe Union Tht.e
iSMiBto toe sity fram asUi the ah logical eemtoary. New York to I8i6-7,
MM- PMMIM EtoTla sad 8msrthwai:e later gradoattog ftum the Anbnra
loMcal aemlaary to 18S8.

Ofc^tkm this WMk 2,900


NortoKtorn MIt

Overstocked In Ladies’ Suits
Good Suits at Little Prices

Card of Thanks.
M'e wish to tbank the memU-re of,
Traverse CU.v Tom. 871, and tli.’ olbcrj
frlendB for tbe man.v ktodneascs I

A CoCUy Mistake.
Blunders are sometimes very e
alvr. OccasloBSlIv life

ache. :
are gentle yei tb
son Drug Co's, S. E. Walt & .Sons' a
P. H. Mt-ad.v l>n.B Stores.

Out of town

We could not resist buying such pretty suits as were shown this fall, con­
sequently we hod ourselves with too many. Not that our suit butia^ has not
been good, for it has, but we overbought, and now instead of waiting until Jan­
uary we are giving you these splendid suits pow at these great reductions.
This is an offer that is unprecedented b)i any one id Northern Michigan.
Every suit is new &n^ up-to-date and are all that good materials and expert de­
signers can make them. The long loose-httiog coEt makes them very desirable
I as a winter coat, to be worn with or without the skirt.


$ ><.75 Suits for............. S1.3S
J2.00 Suits for. ............ 0.00
1G.50 Suits for. ............ 8.26
lbl.50 Suits for. ............ 11.-25
22.50 Suits for. ........ 11.25
■27.50 Suits for.
30.00Suits for.........- 16.0)
3750Suits for......... 18.76
45.00 Suits for.......... -2250

'eu can bank your savings
e safely and eenvenlently,
though you may live many miles
tntereu compounded
twice a year without presenting

$10.00 Suits for..
15.00 Suits for. ....... .
17.50 Suits for. ............ 8.76
20.00 Suits for.......... torn
25.00 Suits for.............. l'i-60
25.50 Suits for............ .. 14.26
22.60 Suits for. ........ 16J»
40iX) Suits for. ............ ?0XI0L
50.00 Suits for..

In every' case aiteratioos will be charged for




famil.v a good rupp'y of

Holiday Buying

would adrlac you to take advantagu of il

Ha? aJroatlj- rommeaevd to ou- (atlas. Cut Glaarand Book DepartmenL W<* have uUclpatad the groat demaad for fiifi* this aeaaou ami i hi? d-taruuvaLextenda a toast cordial weicoaie to all to vlall Um "apaUIra
d-parimroi" aad 8(H‘the great (.Uplayt of beautiful goods. Very few people know what thev waat oatll
ifar-.v bkve louked around to sc- all tbe a-« uoveltlci. That la why we want yoa to make a calL You wlil
ibvr. kn»v.\ wbai beautiful (pv-i s wc have and will want aome gooda told aaUe tor yoa.

' EtSE -::TV MICH.
Patcei rnlt and Cadet calf,
very ewcllest ahatvra. Hedneed from 83A0 to


140 PAIR
Solid, arell made •»
wratbvr 6
proof leather. Reduced from '
12.00 to


Mad- of popular ieatbera
in the- i-cw. snappy. siyKw.
R.-<IucvJ from 87.1.0 to


IK-Sf facUiricii
FYom the• iK-sf
to Fniiir... G.-rinao}, Japaa and Auatria. Never hare the artiata i__________
exquisite dc.slga. and odor*. Wc.rdb can act la aii.v way describe all these beaaUful goods. It need
perstKtal rail. No lady ran lin <
> man) i<tvr>-s irf fancy cbtoa. Bemcmber thia when aeleettog glfu.

Closrd tonguo. lap roU-s.
F fciiipudid w-raror*. R«.iiu«-<1
i from


Made trf gounlne patent
colt and al«o of fine vici kid.
new. bpailRoniv. vlylUh. Rtdoced from

Have >*011 ever worn union
Suit? No! Well, you are
mbsing something.
Here's relief for longMlflering matikind — no
dPawers to slip«'
shirt to climb up.
Yet the Union suits are
10 elastic that there's
perfect freedom and ease.
Union Suits of heav>ribbed Colton, fme Mer­
ino or al) wool.

|m I Hamilton Clothing^


Good looktog. gt»j
ahora. Reduced fn»ntl.&0
to only


vlri V.I. in
aiiracilv., g..«.i
ahajw*. LoEg woar.-r.
dured from

San-I.v such a rii-plaj lia.- i- «.t bt.-«-n m-c!i in Traverao City. Wc have Mime of the newest asd m-rri clabiroic culling* ilmt hater. .T •ten mad-. Ib-n.. dlafaes sugars and eraamera. oUvo dlifaea. eetory Uays.
t'.imblera. water L.iiies. sIktIici glayM-,. Knif- resif to all manaer of b^utlful paUeraa.







^€LLQt Of caon SHOES „


plan. «!. r,
tu-i ricUtou for such bcauM.'ut e.«l« are the wond-r of all. Eaob
-,mbtl.,agm.-» ,n,!
w-think we bare tl,c U„ri.„„c^
• . pla. - l«f..ri- ...u an I Ih- l-.-.t of all ire tbo pricet S-,m- -jf tbe daiatlwt a-n>.-k-, are the ieari.

l':.r :ra|.hv i. ih- sf-ai fart anf «.• I.s.r
.-specially One work '-.r
toe Tl,.
8n;c>-i make most eerrpial.;e gift?. You should sure!} «.-e t
.Vo 4=er pif; ran be lout. I than M,a». of -.hese good*.

Ala-ay. ma- a tin- :at, v.d me !>avt-all the ..ry Ittw. *.«-k*-rf it-iio.h, aU meaner of dalaty
l«oke Ul.t.e lQi,-«t evri-,,.lie 1,12,ii-g,. H-jrt- of to-M book* f-T boys a d' prii aad all Mads of ewlorea p
l-jrc barf;, for tb. !u-J- i-.-.,!.,.





----- S^--J—

----------------------------------- —



... v«>.s

I tpCTt

lln.iU WUkWiiia



MrVJl .IMk-**)* » nyMU BowolaM iMl Mon
;. StllM

veci to
■ • flne turkcr


A short pfW*ra» was »l»oa I
cla»a after which supper was
Mn. HafrtaktflB.
Ij have B»OTBd iato and Ue dass of hors w«lU4 •
tables. They cleared ».0O.
Fiaak Btoackj haa BKxred lato Ue
Mae >wi vacated by Mr. BreiUaupi.


who M ben shU at MlWtacX tt'.'
Oty Tisitor oa Hoadar- He aUo called |
Dracfcn. Is rtponti a
oa Hr. and Hr*. Oao. M and Mr. {I
and Mn. Geo. A. Barth. Jr.
r. and Mra. S'. O. surer of Cedar
Stood baa Mn a» oa k
Mrs. Marrla is eeiana'-'
spawl Tbt
, ponnu. Hr. and Mrs. I.
neMiew from White Oood.
Tb«Us-l Whleh Mely horned. ‘
Cbarlee Cook and fasUe <d -Oedar >f The aaectlac at Uc cl

rUmoL Hr.
Mn. DWOB Setter. Mr. ud Mn.
We aaderstand Hr. JoHnsoo fasi,
Got INMUns m shindac all cd 1M
Cltr for the wlnt—
Clwfc «>d fM Barur.
potatoes to-Cbtcaeo.
'sold bis team.
l>mnk Roger*, yrtm siwalaed hh
"**Mr**M Mrs. Wrnkoop spent
43ed.> nL7M aUMd
Mr*. ChaadKw had a fatotln*
The box sociaJ era* a snecet. br TbankaglTlng at Trsverse City.
hand and dlstocatM a inger a few .
Ot iBOiber thU week.
C; R. Jut^ and wife o’ Ana Arbor which hsa IWi her rtry weak. Woe tween seven and eight dollars brlaj
Mr. and Mrs. H- U Thompson of weeks sgo. |s able to nse his hand n
ita Putmae killed a bCM- U*l jHttad at Mra. P. K- Wbin
apou T^ankaglring with her daavf' nleed ParttM fnni Burdlckvillc and Lake Ann attceded tbe services ct UiUa.
veek. Tber
ter. Jdrt. Oort.

Basl KnsaoB attended.
Odar Rns efanreb last Thnraday
CiW teat MDWdar lo rtalt frleoda
Mr- and Mrf John mils WjnWeeh
BiM JeOTleaBaMard aaid bera^d
Mr. and Mr*. Pleree and »ob Paul
Uoole Brnah passed through UH
mavP. ■Vane
le wmi
went to
w o«=
ive a M eatouiOMt latt Wedspent Tbaskagieiag at Isaiah SkIverV.
neighborhood this morning.
aee^ afienwoa. asd a acabei of m; -lanaoav to auead coUete.
There Is a wood chc^ag bee tor
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Banh. Jr.. vUlied
E. Baae at AMea wa* In town last
Mr. Wood still bold amKlngs at (be
tbeiae^Vp^ Mrn^^
Mr. WlUobre
! Friends eharch every ntshl~thts sroes.
[ HoedSTr
; Bevenl odabe mettbera of the BnChas. Welbarn Is back home s«sin.
and vister Martha
worU laar*" aiieiMHin -v.
me .w—..
; Hr has lakcn a pto of himbesUg o(
‘ Ur. Adamr.
M D. Seeley called o
Ileacnemiy •II AMen laat week tMa mod time
day. AD re
t the chorch have been
11 Mi«a Cora seotteld. wno la leaco
year, has gone to TraverW OOt johfi McDowell ha* nnrehased *!
KiBCsIer. .spent Thanka<irtnt
Mr. and Mrs. lowers and Hto Pow- ^ ^
Ptlock. Jim; The Tbaaksglvinif program given at! at well a
-. Lmdla la on Ue akk IM | bpin^.
eho hare brofi vUltlia Ur. and ^colemu It drirlB- ibem
I the school house was very good and : now.
Missile VlatoB of Tmvsrse aiy, Mrs. John
Mr<. Daniel
oanle. Nephew U eniertalnlns j Mke *«-U cf the tralnlag the pupils; Henry KlngtSon bc^t jimr correr
ime ihelr Journey very muen her
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sharp and nonI; speat A few days at her bosne last j
dsngbtev fttan New Vork state. ; had. U was so stormy there were bat .pondenft coH. It was A wiee coll.
, pleased wtlb the euuotrr.
cd Gmnd HMIs tpoat ThaakiginniI week.
with their faU
City vl^^hU aisier, Mrs. Ed Moore, j
Hr. and Mrs .
1 attendad owing -<
Geo. Barlh. Jr., and Dyr 1 Martin smallpox. Thr family
ter. Mrs. P. HoM. aad HIn Macd
vacclnau^l, ihe rteknes* at the time,
Mrs. U a Carpeater's Ssaday aeboM '
smaa of Acme visited rdatlves at thJt
Mr*. Billou is pucriy agsla.
aod qusrsniioud ^v<eral around here
Mra. Geo. Peek vialled at
less save a so^I last FYMar ere%
plare Iasi Satnrda.v and Sonday.
Mrs. Hall It able 'o be «•> again,
'bavu bevD
Maurice Ciaypool drove to Traverse .fig to sM IB getting money lor fioma Remington's last Frida.v.
U sUU ron poor.
Almond Burr of Ovlait was a
books fcrr the Sunday
City last week.



-Wh ;h proveIfhat we can save you money: First, our Ions experience has taught us just when to buy. where to buy and how to buy.
Second, Buying in the large quantities aswe do enables us to gbt factory prices besides a big saving in freight.
Third—But the most igiportant—We carry such a large assortment that you car. find Just what you want at just the price you intended to pay.
Fourth, We alwaysbndeavor to keep the latest and most up-to-date goods, manufactured by reliable manufacturers. And in doing this we .always have
•, doles to close out. as when the style of anything changes we always close out all we have of the old style. For general use and wear these articles are as
goo as new. and it enables Customers to get a good, well-made article at the same price that others ask for cheap, job goods.


This cot riiows jm ooe of tiie best
ind most beutiful IJinitig Room
Chairs ever pat od the ourket They
bave a solid Aame. veoecr seat ctf 6ply veneer. It maka them light and
•very durable. Being qdaiter sawed.
■ fine finUi. all seats aad legs aiedy
■haped, it makes tfapm very beantitol.

D* or* SbeoHiia
to d

nieiUheyrgagc right
gloi« to g baatiAd i

We commence this line with t
No. 32, just like cat. beantifol shajied
.seat, brace arm, wide embossed,back,

n taw JlsMrtmtKt

n Carg* nue

Cde Carstslaad tttasi CampM* Eim

JlnrH>ln0 Vou »ant In RMfliiiii Stevts

You caa find jott the stjte, just tbe tire, and jnst tbe price
you want in our assortnieat.
J herewith snow you two of the very best valocs in rockers
ever put out.

$3 different styfos of Air Tights.
Thbeot Aotn ’tbe beu bcatii^jtove
ever rude for the mooey. Heavy pci*
isbed bnter sted, all lined with sheet
eted. heavy eatt top, cm hi^ cover.
Urge hinge draft door, pretty skirt base,
two Tiidtd io9t raib. wrill take targe'
chimks of SO todi wot^ aad keep fire 4B
boon, (worth $7.76), fxioe now.. .$$.75
Same store with !bige feed doerr
(worth $8.75), for..........................6.7w
Seme stove wbboat fieed dear aad
witboat oicUe foot railn nr hese. lor
$4.76, (wvth $6.76).

for.....................................7,75 for six


.......... 9.76

Same diair. only not .shaped seat'
otmcesnDf,for.. ....$6,50 for six

Itakhcrw right klohg op to o« VICTOR tgUa (tbe



Our No. 33. joK like cut.

Out No. 72, just like cm,

only.................. S.60 for sU

pe^ large, wide back slut,
an in beaatifut ^ sawed oak,
'an onament to any dining
room and very comfortable,
only................ 13.50 for six

I 1

No. 808 b a very large,
roomy uni rocker, heavy
frame pat together with
bolts, wide, heavy back,
beautiful quarter tawed oak,
nicely fiotriied, (cheap at
$C.50), our iwice.

Our Nil. son has a very
wide. heaxT, ituarter saw­
ed back- I; u a large,
roomy arm rocker with
quartet sawed seat, made
same at other, (cho^ at
$5.60), our price... 4.2S
DON'T FAIL to send
for ooe of these rockers,
as they vrpuld {dease j’ou.

,i:. • l„s,, nS

rfl Itoto

*IDt eon SM

i 252" tfS.
liibb ....

5s-»*“ >»

Our neu b oie o( the
most beautiful ^uag room
c^aks tbu you ever uw, Na
76.jottUke cot.'foeaatHiilly
eeu \ tawed, wide,
heavy } tawed roik back,
beantiful fi&bh.
oolr.............flioofor sia
The seats in all Ihb line of
Chun a# guaranty

Thbeut shows oar solid
oak, high back, cobbler seu
chair, far only $6 50 for set
ot six.
We are the only ones who
have m been able to get a
'cobbler seu chair u any­
where aeu thb price.


Several putemi aad aeveral odds and ends that ve wiB^ew
Of I sawcil oak. box seat Dioen, from $1<L60 to $33,011, with
. out u less than factory cast. Come in and see oar dbbot aad
leather upholstered seats.
: iKob^y yoa can find just «bu yon want in osr ciese onti, 'if
' not, we can save yoa money on onr regalu goods.

Z3 DHtertiit Priced Oak StOM


Oommendag with a rooad store, dabontdy nlckdcd. two
nickel screw drafts, adi pee, takes IS inch dmi^ for .... 6.76
Next tise has doable do^ takes 14 inch rhnitfcn, for........6.76
Next sixe takes 18 inch efannks, double doors, far.... r... 9.75
Next sire takes SI indi chnnkt, double doors, far........... 18.75
We can please you on anything yon want in Heating Stoves.



Commeocing with a PeninsuUr Cook lor..........................6.76
tod ruling right along up to our STEEL COOKS, <
meocingu.......................................... .
$14 76 and up

20 DilKrtnl
I Stylts 91 Rang**

»t Haw a C^t JUsertment

To select from, commcoung with a good sted
range, high closet and resenou, bunu either wood
or coal, (worth $90),
for......................... 25.76

Of Leather I'phobtered Spring Seat Rocken, commencmg
I good, wdl made, spring seat rocker, upholsiere.1 in Ik-«
leather, (worth $8 6«), our pnee...................................... o.oO
They range along from this op to almost any style vou warn,
to $22.

They range ri^ alc^
upioouryi'ICK MEAL
(the beu sted range
made), fee............. 4600

n Carge and esmpUk
Cine el eouebts
----------------- --------- ,OOd. wdl B-J,; »I,d

19 bn., obi
:,«• betod o,.
............................................. II-'
Tb,7™.,,Hsb. U«s
fto U«,B„
pnee you want to pay. to the beu leuher





s 6FMwswl»H«r

wm* U «m «M ter
Tte M alskt tte Mtem IMWii
OiL ««r« ter* tter (sr« (te rwM <t
tte *«M cMt lor tte w« potete
fMM Mr. «te m HIM BMte aI
ter. Ste «M ptmmM «ltk tte
wfcldi WM n pliBW ct rilTtete—. Tte
prtM ef a psM Ctete ate toctei «w
pHte to Btek liBS. vte roMlTad
" '


cowteMd kte

all repertte a kae ttee.
M^B. Saars racMead a tsMraai
last TharadST ftoa MMIae. MMfe, taforsMg ter M ter Mather’s deatt’
Her aaMS was Catherlae Mas. aad
she was well keowa ia tte TtetaKp of
Hearoe Ceaier. where tter need li
me. She had teea helpleea fniM paratpaia to several rears. Mrs. 8oa.-s
waat Prtdap. Tte fcMral was Stuu-

Mamie LoMbert. who tea been
tte pnsat of Oeidle Rotted the past
week, retarted to her haw la Trarerse Clip this Mofalag.
O. H. Daw left to Loaslop this
oralap after tertap speat Thaaksh bis rsMlip.
pirlap sUth...............
* o( car fenr TM- I
B. G«^

e slM of a
ate serteoa ttwabte la
OM^**B«etrie Bners will qalckJr
ditaiesber (he tttMbleaone caessa. Ii
aerer (alls to looe the stoBseb. rapelate the kMarps aad bowds. stiBalaic
the llvor. aed elarUr the blood. Roo
dowa ipsicms tearPi partieulartp aad
an tte Bsaal aiteadlBg aches raaUU
ate tboroogh c(Bleelric Bitters Is oaly
We. ate that Is relvraod <f H doot
E. Walt «
bp Jteuoe Drag Oo..
Soci aad F. H. Meads. Dragplsu.

iaptiM to Mete TktakKlrlec with
hU MBilp. He retarsed Fitdap. Mrs.
Oeilld irwMiMolwl him as (ar as
taTerac Cltp
Mn. Pessle Brabant ate aoa
^^^k Casnte od PVc hate M «Mli' Trarene CIM spent Tkaakspiring
lap raMlIrea here.
S. Borrows ate Artla Howard are with Mr. Brabaat-a psreats. Mr. aad
Mra. Bam OapBoa.
oa the Blcfc IliL
Miss Llssle Olesoo returned to her:
The stewards of WaM Daloa dan
mta. «ta«re • aoBTUioat d
ime la Saitoas Bap ihU Dumlap.
Met to baslaear Meetlap Mat Prtdap
.-jMtetteOL 3te teppr eotetr.
Rev. Hr Bordee aad wife spent |
ter* ««r teat vltew. retrraed (o Uie amiBK with Mn. Carrie MeCtaah^
tew «t tte brMo'o (Uter. Haapto* R. McCombs will lead tte teapoe aext TtiBBksptrlap aitb ibrlr dsupbtcrs,|
Hr*. Msibcws aad Hsu-I Bunigr. TtK-r i John FoOtenma Is en tb.- caia.
DuioU. of Port CMMda.
Buadap ereetag.
J. C L’tcc of dtarlUe speat Seada
returned SatanUr to ibelr home U
Ltel trate'a HeraM eoataliwd ooeb
with hU brorher. Oria Leee
terfteteKrtpUoa olu oM taaUoi
Fife Lake.
Bd Bogart Is rlsltlap bis slater. Mn.
Mr. aad Mrs. H. £ 0111 eatertainni
■ Tteate«i*tB« dtuwr tr H. K. C. 1
u it tote M hM or«r TO jmn i
with a pedrq pert.v ThaaksplTlag even
Mr. aad Mrs. WaHw Volee a
lag. At I o'clock SB elsborau Tbaaky' Freak Moth ate (amll.- bare motc-I
eklMbood ate Mr etrs Botter
pirtnp paPter was serred la the din-1 In with Sherman Hon. and Ur Uulh
parMta Ured. ate itelr Iwtr chlHrta Wlaaai orooertr locaicd at the cor- ing room. Tbe Inrlted gnests were: | will help Mr. Hopt cat wood (bis wlnworo B«ar iteM; *c weal Is oar ta- aer of Mills aad KopooabY strecu.
Mr. ate Mn. HbtIiI Scott Mr. sudller.
Umt-o teaae to help oat BMXter t
Mrs. Kate lapersoU ate bob Leo <d Mr«. Bernard Cellick. Mr. aad Mrs. I Mr. Hpers was la the avIghburbaoJ
Trsrerae Ctlr are tte puesu of Mr. Ftnak Dans. Mr. ate Mrs. Chss-Wrts-1 '
Mr. ate Mra. Mron ate ttelr (oor ad Mrs. J. Retford.
lep. Mr. ate Mrs. W. B. Campbell. Mr.
eklMraa retarsed aaiardar from a
miliSM Voice left Flidar to tbe ate Mrs. ChrU Kehl. Mr ate Mn. U.
H to Mn. Mrm’ pareaU. Mr. >
win uke charge of the M. Dame. Miss Bmma OeLoap. Miss
a bundrv-u
Mr*. SUUtU d Kontpon.
Edltb Dame ste Otto Stillo. Head
0 erorp dar oecurbr Mr. and Mn. t>.
IB. WHO leares for CalltoaU i»
geott. Mn. Cellek iate Otto BUllo reacea. It bteoovee eecrybodv to bare
spead the wiater.
a reliable salve baad>. and ibero't
Mrs. J. ShtehU and son Frrd
aoae as good as Br-cklea's Anitea
Tfareras dtp .kpeni Thanksplving
Salve. Burns, cuts, sores, eczema aad
with Mra. A.BiteblBa
Bob HoveH fefi for Marloa thi< Ute Korthport Beach hotel. Those plies disappear quIekW nndcr Its
prosent were; Hr. aad Mrs. w k.
taaBiiecf «
Cuipbell. Hr. ste Mrs. Klctels and
Tke aeteol ddidroa cavr •
Mrs. Alto Morphp ate daughter Mr. and Mn. Sam F-.............. *'-------■
atedow aodal ate e '
Itepi left to Trarerse City ihii | Mra MorrU Leslle- winter.
Mn. G. M. L Seellg and daughter' Wexford county baa tour crlmlaal
•Mmlag to epead- tbe
Mn. B. Oelllck speat Monday Id Le- B^er aoent Friday In Tnreree City. | asea oo the docket (or thU moalb's
arm ot clrcah oouri: alto twelve di
the Coegrepadonal church Tbankaplv.
_________ AUlaaoa fi rUiUa*
iBg evetiiag. A fioe propraM was reafrtotea la CtecaiD ate wlU ipead Uk
vtator tter*.
Mn. C. R Kehl spent Friday .u
Mra. Bua Ctepma ate cUldm
The teerrt of Sweeasa.
d ftavera* atr rialtod ter braUion ie Oladip Ratandad Bp a Traverw dtp .Travene City.
Furlp million bottles of August
' Mn. Arthur Bordeanz returned to Flower sold In tbe Cnlted Stales ahmr
Big Rapids last Wednesday, after ba.- since Ilf iuiruductkml Ate tbe dt-^
Oao. Olttert ate wire Mt todar for
Am After.
Thero t
naar eaibualaacte ci<i- ing spent the past tew weeks with Hr. Band to It U still growing. Isnt that
Bordesni s pareou. Mr. and Mra. H. a fine ahowlng of tuccest Don't It
Tte ultiarw ter* are en>oviap tbi sens la Ti
wiater aporu tbwe cold, troatr dari.
prove that August Flower bas bad ao
R. B Campbell made a bualneas trip untalhag success In the cure of Indk
to Tnrerae City last Friday
ban of eeidMoe. aad
gestlon and dyspepsU—the two great­
Mn. Frank Davis is uacUsp the est enemies of health and happiness?
-bMplac hate- to score
Mn. Orel
Hanasood rUlted
Does It DM afford the boat evidcace
Mn. R. D. HeadmaoB. of 103 Wesi
laada ia Tk
mrlUe a couple d
August Flower la i
s apeclllc
dan last waa_
for all ttomacb ate toi
im oar graad<±lldrea had the meat
derar—that i
H. & Woodoard d Bouoala
Iba. After recoverlag. one prandcblM
Tbe Woman's dob will meet Tuos»wa 1.___ _ __________
P over
MMs DaM Ckapta tea teea quite 111 three yean old, broke out In erupilonr day afteraooB with Mra C. B. KehL
Mr ate Mn. Byron Woolaey celvto ieeeial dapa. bui U aow recorer- which Utarallp eoverad hU (ace. neck
ate ears, ate under bis telr. Despite brated thdr 2Stb wedding annlvenary
the use of aalvea ate tintMeiiia aad Wedneadap. Mr. Wootaev preaentel plaints—a success that is beeomlag
----- ---------- BpMlMaa . . —
Martha Beat atteaded the Bpworth modtciBe .iVOM more tbaa-oae doctor Mra. Woolsep and children with a new wider la lu scope every daj . at home
the greater pan of
land abroad, as the fame of August
taapae eonemtlOD at Fraakfort
e was raally srorse I:
Tbe steamer iiOnols
ling fbel-1 Flower
>di. Trial bottles. SSc:
Ttwadar ot Mat week.
any other part of the >
ter at the ear fem' dock from
D tbe
regular size. T5c. For sale by 8. Z.
Walter Arutroai. who haa teea
spilt ate he was in such misery were sionn.
Walt A Sons.
orktac M Trarerae Cttp for aoae
that be akreamed all day and could
■oaths past, has returned booie.
Quite a atiBber of oar petvie attead
i the ThaafcKlrUt sapoer at the to try Ooaa’s Olntmeat. The dm ap..OMaitMd OoocrocBUoeal charch oa piieatkm was ao eoathlng that the
Thaakadrliic eroaliiK ate all report child slept the eatira Bight. As we
coatlBiied the iraatBent the eruptions
M «B}orahio tine.
E)cposits with us draw
Ptaak OoMstock aad.4x>aU Xollaa prtenallp dlaappaared. onUI flaally the
appearance of the akin wav nawrai.
of Maplte were la towa Baadap.
compound interest and may
Ben HaBBoad aad taiallr. w» For a aelphbor's child. aSletcd In the
a.» after measlca. no (rcauneu
be drawn any day without
te*« teea llrlof In Praaktot to the
lief. When I foued Doan's Olaipast psar. have returaed to Hoaor
notice. Safe and available
• rtccaaefttl to our graadcbild,
mm dUM tatae trea llTf. Mr. HaMMoad expaoU to op
d tbe street, applied It aad A)r
for use at any time.
a Msat narkat la the aear tatare.
MM MM watt. «
AlUe Arautrood of Trarerae atp the Bm Bight in many she slept
I tte am.

a tPartMg peor at Car. ppeat ThaBkaKlriBc with his parealt ---------- — Mother was at the drug
■t MdOH Week.
Keep yoor valuable papers in
store for a box. U cored her baby m
HM m teteojnia para few daya. Oom's OlnusMit la one
our steeUlined, burglar-proof
prepantlon which aeu up to the re,,
resenutlooa made to It .’'
vault. Private boxes $2 per
Mr. Oahrotl. wto Ie op near Ony
For sale by all dealen. Price 6 >
■Mkteal te»«M»od teto ^^Wtap. seat hoae a Bee^oor mil. fMater-HlIbura Co_ Buffalo. N
Renter keeps the key.
Y. aole apeati for the Uolied Statei.
RemeMber the naBe. Doan's, and take




-*— Mhs wfll MW aC r


SS.»Lai Dissolution Sale


Of Disfiguiing Humors

6rea( Reduction in Toofwear


We have just received a large shipment of new goods that
we have added to our cut price sale.
good many of
these are warm goods. Udies* Felt Shoes and slippers.
We have a lot of broken sizes, all good styles of Ladies’
Shoes, all good makes that we are selling at y; off. We
are selling the Nettleton Shoe for Men at*a big* reduction*!
Children's Shoes (rom
m i-Jic to $1.00 a pair, solid leather sales.

EWty diM bora Into the world
With aa inherited tendency to tortojng. disfiguring humors of me
^ and SoOp. becomes an object
At the most tender solidtude. not
«dy because of its guffering, but
becauw of the dreadful fear that

~ SE*

------- HenceitSaimesttie
mothers of such afiKcted
---------to acquaint themselves
with the best, the purest, and most
ctetive treatment avaiiaMe, viz.:
the CtmeURA rreatmeot, coo-

Ihli MBih. ratwaaB tbe
« mm Bmt. They aay the
. « «M (to «BBM d ttelr

b'teUa tbte trtotei aO thtak
I Bffte iMA to ntera teteote

: SaJSETta jrCTS


^^^wariTbaths with cun-


M Bargain l«r fltt Poor

Ihmopoted thoroopUp equipped of&oain the W&da Block.
Tnweno City, Mich, ate am tew prepjMd to praperiy comet all
abooraal cewditiote of tbe bOMan eye.

Defective Eyes are My Specieity
Headaches. Nervousness.Sveak Eyas and Oafectiva Vision ara symptoms of Dafactiva Eyas.

By my own of^ihal aaethod. No medical or rarp^ tnata
oied A wrilleo guarantee giren with every [Utr of tlai

S 413-414, WUhelB BUC'

TnYcne Oty, fOck.

Cufua all Chiwnie OteasM.
1J00 Travatua Ctty tatemonlaM.
For asle by all (tot claaa diuBSl***
They owes ■ eUy ewite Ml chrMOe
Phem. HM Sprlnga Tihlata. *1.''
Hot apHnpt Qulak RaUaf (IhiliMtR)
26 oMrta.
HM Bprlnpa catarrh cure. M cteW.
Hat'BprlAga IMF. 10 eahta.
Hat Bprinpa Haallnp Sahm. tS amts.
Hat Bpr*n«i Cam Cure. 10 aanla. -

Far aalc at B. C. Wall A Sana. J
Drug Co. Hannah A Lay Marcantlla Ca, 4

Ormt Stow.iteMHi

What C. iBagbaa Drug Co. tliinka of


It DtttU ff, I tell you to take chances
and run risks when your health or Ilf* is at
L!$tn tt tin, VITONA is not only the
best Tonic known, but It is pure and harm­
less. with no bad “after effects."
rssMMyMirrisMtand don't accept any
other treatment when you know that VITONA
is positively the best Blood Cleanser and
Tissue Builder that science has yet devised.
Bt 3nl !• Vtuntlf and if you have any of
the following symptoms or diseases take
VITONA. for it is guaranteed to cure all dis­
eases of Stomach. Liver, Kidneys, Heart. Ner­
vous System and all other conditions which
are the result of impure blood.
ailm purfies and enriches the blood,
and not only makes you well but keeps you
putohOMd (rom........thl* day
bottle* ot VITONA for
wttieh.. . paid ..

s ,, ,

Te be token (or

A lot of Ladies' Shoes a little out of style and narrow
widths that you can have at your ’own price and if you
can't afford to buy a pair we wilt givefc’ou a pair for the
asking. Bnng your feet along so you can try them on

r pureltoaer toll* ua VITONA has (aiiod to beneft
. we hereby offoo to refund (he money paid uo.

Vours for Business,


Alfred Greilick & Co. C.A,BugDeeDrugCo.
Bring the above guarantee to our store
landif you are not satisfied we will refund
your money.
roi SALK On.T IT

Successor to Frank Fiicdrict & a

Traverse Oty. Mick.



..I UK .III !«■ m

::|1S IfJa !i
.. M M IW t:

I JtSirsSiy.
fWk w«rt....

.. us
;; OM
..I 4I»!

u sosioti
ml <M| M


:.'| sfil *»(mi


Mt ■*)0Htjr .
•* «9 AmmHmhH «• «it CMMI

tUHtTltiliMii u m •WUfI n»VMM •* tht


TWal. foar tboeaaad one handrH
aad tblm-TOvaa—4IST.
T^.c wbote aasber of vote* given
for tbe ofiee of Andllor General va«
four tboBMod one bndrad aad tveair-foor—41S4.
And tber were gireo for (be followUg aaued peraon*:
Jasea B. Bradler received three
Unawiit two bondrnd
George A. Csnr
raeelred *eveti
aadrad aad tbinrBraat Harding i
fwd and tweatr-BJac vow*—u*.
Dadhr & Borer received ten vow*
Charlea PaWraoB rce^ved *lx vote*

'#! '’m


d two boodcad aad tblrtr-eUbt
JHwiB B. ftaiu raceirad toTOa h'
diad aad Sftrdwo vgW*—TIL
Oeou* H. Caadae tacHrod oaa b
drad aad tblrtroae vat«a—lU.
WtUlas H. SMtb rawlrad ua voWa
laraai J. LoBrua roeetred

3 31:,
lu m M,..

lOSj 4S...

“ '3 T

• liaMlp ^................... 1111
Wi|la PMJIN toMBdkMai ta Oh* CaBiU-

r of tlir
StaW Lamd OBor wa* four tboiwand
OM baadred aad tblrty-«U-413d.
And they ware glvao for tbc follow.
Ug nasad penoaa:
WUUas H. Rose racMvcd tbi
tbMBand Iwo biradrM aad forty-dn


tag i* a cOTTocl tnaacrtpl.afThe stateBotiert —________
BCBI of A*
of County CaavaseCMBty Clerk
of Oraod A. E Polvcr.
Of Ae rotea givaa U aach eoaaty. for
tbe oOeca Based la «aid atatesen: Cbalrtaan of Ae Boa.'d of Couny Can
aad for Ae petaaa* 4a*ignatefl Aerw
tbe Oener«l BtecUon heU oa
BdwlB O. Cox received twenty-on*
- .
Tout, tftr-eigtat tboaUad aJaety-e's
Tbe wbote ansber of rote* glvce laai ratemeni e
telaturr for said dtstrlel
for (be (Mce of Seaator for tba Twea
e here •teeUon held oc TueMay.
tr-aeveaib aeaauirlal dUiria wab fo-ir
the year oar
w-r bar.-!* and aOsed A* day of
tboBWad aad tweaw-etebt—40M.
Ac Circuit Ck>nrt of Gran I: thousand nice bur.dred four.
And they were giree for (be follow
lag aased persons:
>■ (boutand ntaeifor Ae <
Orlando C- Mofleit receired tbree
Aree thousand thiw hundred forty
tboosand on( hundred aad
Robert E. Walter,
ABd they were glrea (or the follow
CoueiT Clerk
Daaie! H. HeHallea reeetvad alnr
tag named persons:
A. E Pulver.
hnadred aad tbirtoen row*—*IL
Jame* H Monroe reoeived
Towl. four tbODsaad aad twenty- Chairman o' the Board of Oomiiv
Aousand three hub]|ped forty-fouCanvaaser*.
Tbo whole 'BBjBber of rote* glrea
CartHfcaU ef OetartnUutieii.
0«« of RcpTO.MUtIve in tbe
Sure at UlALrui. County <A Gnn>i
i^gUlatur* te the Otaad Ttm
state of Michigan. County of Oran |
a three thoou
tbooaaad three
The Board of County Canvaaaers
hundred and fony-Sre—3343.
said County of Grand Traver»e Laving
We do hetvhv r-riify that the for
Aad (hey were alren for the followconvened
orgaulsed aceordl«
according =“: going 1* a eorrtvi .laieu.-ni of A
led and organised
Ing nained p<-mons.
law. at (ba ofltee of the County Clerk | votes given in
Jame* H. Monroe receired three
In said conuy.
................... .....
iboaaad three hundred and fortydonr
. ami preclor;.,] Leglslaturr
f hundred mad etahi)—33Sn.
KBld dlstrlr
Charlr* Earner received oar rote—-!
vlertiOT , „
i..r liHi] on Tik
Henry M. DuBeld recelvtd three
general elect
Tte abew* It (b* Mrtm* *4 A* octT Or. t.
Total, three tbotinaad three huadred ------a I^'tsacr u ihu «i*m. HU aiMorr !• >•
tbouswd three hundred aad aerenty
- - -—.
day. the eighth dav of N..v,-mlier.
and fortr-Uve—3345.
vesber, A. O. ?*04
l tj,e y(«r oue Ao-maml nine h.uRre.
Bine rote*—5379.
Do hereby cenlfy. That tbey have | four
Bdgar Raztord received three tbou'for
determined that Pred R. Walker h*«
aad three hundred and etghty-one
in wlAes* w-hervof. wo have ht re-jr ,
four ibouaand aod twenty-Blne—1029. by the greatest ni’tnber of
I lU set our hand* ai Traverse City. :i | rt*™,
atm* auiianaa'atehMra'
idge uf Pr-y
voyQtjr and maio. ihU elghtoentl. I Tp.tiuu ee*
^ Mr m> M
Prank E Knappea receired throe
bate of said county
tbouifad three hundred and elghty«r.- iog uased perron*:
November A- D. 196i
Toai Charles S Johnson has by the
' ■

*• ''■““‘•f rwcelved
a E. Puive
tiur*e4. !.*•
--------1 f-ff------ MW
Whilsaa E Clark received three,
>>““««««• “d ihlrtj-Brc greatest nuaitter of vote* been ebvted
ic-rty-rlsM bs0* a. bu bernki aaedor SB*
K J. Taylor,
10 the office of sberlir of said rouniy
o M t»o4 .hamfv bustaaw assta B* wS
Harry C. Davis received seven hun
That Robert E Walter has by ih -j
Board of Coumv
nwre I. a ara^M*bttr«a aaiUas ttiiTOiTu*
Robert E Uomi* received three dred aad ninety-four vote*—794.
greau-*! number of vote, been eleri^
canvasaerf C.rttlteau of El*e * Ce. but in* (•aSir €t Um mm
Total, four thousand and twooly
haa iH-en Am* fv e>rr <«• yvsn. an* thtf
•o the offlee of county el. rk of teld
^f RenrwsenUtlve. Grand
tboucand three hundred and elgbtvhsr. t. > ri*b-. <e IS* MM* at **tsMy.
one rote*—3351.

Traverw* Raprwsantativc Dis..-a ir. gamins I* r*«r taim ea Sal* sad at
Tbe wbule number of vote* gIvcL
Bdwsrd G.
That Frank W. Wil«.n ha* by th?,
triet el the County of
tiwmtMiei u4 are siiiias t* sn* yoa
*ur iiB* *oJ ta* benrai e( ser fartr-hnr
three thousand three hundred and for the oflee of SbvrlS wa* four iboiu- greatest number of vote* l«eti eleeiel j
Grand Traverse
and and tweniv-ibn'e—4033.
y*« hsvr b«* sSik.
Aod they were riven for the follow
M wti.i jMir altmnii. om- rsonHSUM aa«
Joha E tvallaee reoeived
three lug named |kt«»is;
It pa*. M« OUT epItUM* M* alWUS MS
That E-ranel. B Bn.wn ba» by tM] **^>."be*^d .d Count v Can. aiiaerr rr*ut> of
bouaand Ar«e bnadred aad eightyMraCtri tnmliisllsa* ■** • Ul» ioTO
Charles s. Jubosoo received three num^T of vote, lu-en elected ; ^ R„ad Travorve Count., do hereby
oae vote*—MSIibouBtod two hundred and twenty-cli to the offlee of county ir.-asun.f of

William M. Smith received tbre« votes-323n
wh* *ra t>*ar «» glr* ir«*ia*« ahadaUV
Aouaaod Arrw hundred and eighty
(n*. Milr rhsrwISK ra« et M*0H4sn. A'f
Charles A. Bdgeeomb received
•UMII at hnapust (IM. enir charstag asWt
hundred and nlnety-ieven vn(>
cMi «f bmri wty^^taa.ja ry|*«ym
Harlaa J. Dudley rrrcived Arce
Total, four iboumaad andI twentyAonaand three huadred and eighty Aree—4033.
embIr*eiMa*wswlll watt Bw W pS[
unlit rulwu litres wU aacura a*.
Tbe whole Dumber of vote* giver
Hava rau tea* *Mi (or yaatu aad m* peB
Bdgar-E Poaa reeelvad Area Aous lor tbe oSce of County Clerk w«i
4iarosr*«r<l? Cava ta u* snS w* wte awre
greatest number of .niM been cieete I
aad Arae hundred
elghty-oae four Aouaand aad twenty-two—402.
tlateraenl, was duly elected Represof- »WI Out prteaa m >b* lew**. Of ur ckRwM
to tbe oOw of circuit Court eommli-:
dlaraar ocaelsuat* tn Cte aUU. ChSISM at
And Aey were given for Ae folio*
Kloter lit ukl rouDly
[ «.
(Sr MBtlanuB entr uriaal aan. Wa Iraet alt
Albert C. Cogger received
Aree lug named rMrsous;
Irand Trmveno KepresooiaUve Di* Mnitf at caroatr SMraiara. bm Siilil SiwlM
Thai Arnil F Ncrllnger baa by the ' ”L,
:booaand Aree hundred aad el^vv- . Robert E Walter received three
let of said couut).
oae votw—SMI.
lu wun.-ss wberouf. we have bereanthousand throe hundve-d and Ufly-fl
Otto C.
DaVIdaon received Aree vote.—3355.
iboatand Arae hundred and elghrSL
terrecISr teisulStU. toaaraisl OmmS*
lion. telKM *f lti*iS. LxM at VaW. IWone voice—3MI.

larraU TniaUa, Inatia.a. CMaawiiUMi. AubM
Thoo^ P. Carroll received- lire bnuA. E Pulver,
Olxar. of the llrarl. OMarul DaWlliy. Il».
Total, (our ibou'and aud twenty-iwo: to Ae offlee of county surveyor ofwalj
dred and alaety-atee vote*—539.
Ollbart M. Stark received Sve huaC. W. Arbun.
The whole number of vote* glvja
That Frank Holdtworlh has by the ]
Board of CuuDiv Canvassers.
J^e’oVL Hodwm reeV^pd Mi bun I for the offlee of Regleter of Deed* wad grealeri ntimber of votes been elected:
Slate of Michigan, county of Grano lalattMl Orasaa. tselellic UaloralUt*. cab
to the office of coroner of said count.
I Uuems J. Tedman has by t
aba' jM»d.^^llwS'ai*r*
Barnacl W. Biake. receired «ve boa- . *“•> ‘‘>7

WUUm C CMm rmtnO mc fcu- (beonad Ivo hasdrcd aad lAr-fbar
tmur-ama tUM in.
aiatM Babatta taeatead aavae haaioMA- C Mcmm nMtvM tM
drad aad tonrvb tow*—1«.
Balpb O. Klraeb latalTOd ten votai
Aatkoar Lonwct itolMd cb *ot»<
1^. fMr iboMud M« knOrrl
TOtaJ. taar ibouiaBd aad taa-dOiC.
The abate aambar of vote* cItoc
Md' fMiTMs—<1«.
Tie wfcpU *WBb» «< TOW* fiiM for iba oBee «f Bapraaaaiatiro Ib.OobHr.Utc oHc* of Bn-wtafT ot Slate vat (ret* vu l<rv i>>c<taaBd Me btiadred
(oar tliaataad <*• bndrad aM tUr<7- aad thUteaa—41U-.
And iber aere ci*«a tor tbe foBoaAad th«r waracten tor tha folkwr- (D< Based prrooB*:
taa oanad straaat:
Gaerta A. PraaeoU nerlvad tkrae
tkoMaaa t«a hnOfad aM tUriMNic
Wllltas A. Babike receired i
Jatec* B. Baleh raeciTM Mvaa baa- baadred aad aeren roiee—707.
drad aad tinr-oae TOica-Ttl.
Henrr A. Milter reedred one
Chartaa B. Bvaat reeelvcd oar boB- dred aad etgbwen roWw-Ut.
4rM aad tveair-aiM Toua^iS*.
Towl. fopr ttaoaeaad oM bai
Hanrr P. Kaabar raealrad tea tow* aad ihinaaa—4111.
Tbe whole number of rote* giren at
Ktanr ClfariHl racalTOd ala TOiea—
and \(e« Pre.ide-t
Tolal. tour ttewMiid ow haodrad
_________ nloely-»ix- ................
aad tbinr-aaT«n—mr.
Aad tbey were eiren for tbc fotlowTbo v^ eambar ^ vow* c1t«b
ag Based pereons:
Philip H. HcHlllaa receired (brwc
J) baadrad aad UtUtT'
boBuad four hundred
a «t*ea for tbe followr E Bock received three tboo*

Jasaa B. Btewan faedvad tweMv
oae TOtea—n.
Ma A. Ooraar racadvad nraatg-Me
Heary^H. Loag received tvotr-oae



If fou are poor pour ueflHnatit
(• free. If you are diacouragad
and wye can cure you, we will wait
for our pay until you are welL
Come and see us; this ia year

----- I


We live to do good, are honest
with alL Porty-4re years' ex<
peitence free:. This
and to*
day only.

rf 22TmS




S ."Jt3r."LS!

w... J: sr

Si-.Es EJ.S': tss'S'.iss.


" “I*.
t. .»i... n.,.w™ cn,

drirSS ^n«V“rutoewen-4«l9.

Heary McCarty received aovea baa-,
diwd aad fortv-liv* i
Jaapar M. SaMtsw received one
drad aaS aUtety-four vote*—S94.
buadted aad thirty vole*—130.
Samuel PoU received flve fanndred '
Mil-on rertlv.-l Uirs.Soiia J. StoU rwalved tw votaa—19. aod nlaetydhrw vote*-693.
I »>'ou»«d itirw huudred and eight,-..;
Bbepard B. Oowlet raewiTOd
Total, four thonsaad one hundred
ad tbiru-ali—4134.
The whole sesber of votet ^veu
FVank H. Carroll received five buu-,
for the oBce of aiwraer general wa*
four ibouaad om baadred and tblrtyinbhard received live
four Ibouaand
Aad tbey were givea tor (be foUowHorace N. Monuguc
And they* ■c given for the followhundred and —
.If,. Baraefl nersnne
Antoine E CarUer received flve bnu- j
ur^.ln received ■

"""" i ..I"'-


si s.a s

iwi- oil Ml lo:

lool 4? m{ 75




frwBcl* O. OaSaay rwcelvad *eveB
buBdrod aad dfiyEve

WaUer E “
aadted aad thirty votaa—
Ira G. Moaber toccltad t

‘7MS'p"V's;r..;T.;ss - 7™“'™

and agalori the q.iesilon of calling a

and BlDotr-roar rate.—694.
Bamuol Dickie received one hundrel i^The wM!e number of vote* given

aad Alny-abt vote*—13C
Prooeeuilng Aiiomey
Total tour tbeoaaad one
Charte* P. Ruasell received one bun !
Aoesanu aad »lxi.-en-i0ir
aad iblrty-Bve—4136.
*“•' '“7
•The whole ansber of rotea givaa died and thlrty-flve vote*—135.
CedcoD Vivler received one hundred ‘“k
for the oBce of SuperiaWadant of
411 ini IM
Id Ainy-flve vote*-ISS
[ <«eorse H- Cr>s»
IhrcPwbUe laatnetloo wa. toar Iboatewd
David 8. Warner received oae hue-,
‘•'o hundred a I elghty-twae huadred aad tblnyaU—4HCI “>ie*-3«..
. Aad they wwe Bvea tor tbe blow­ dred and Alrty-flvc vote*—135.
Henry 0. Colemaa received one hun-1
Underwood reeelt .
ing aamed peraoBa:
dred aod Alm-Ave vote*—13S.
|f7“ h“»<lred and thirty-four votes
PairIM H. Kaltey received Arce
tbtMwaad two baadred aad thirty-elghi



___r Of VOTBB Blvaa ia' drad______________ ____
V of Quad Trarara*. BUM rredarteh E QoodrtA received one
>. BL U* OtBotal Bteetfcs baadred and iwnty«lne votaa—133.
' Oeaalr. a»|TBe>dv> U»0 Weiley Baery rwcelTOd Wa votea—
It Witeiiibw. U n.(. roar
I ala* baadred toar. tor
-j «aia aBnar*! A^eraor, —AllIben E Hlgglui rroclvod *W vttua
. OMtnMr, BttraUrj of tWi. tour Aouiaad one hundred
I* Itoaaarar. Badlur Oaa- and ibirtpols—4I3C.
' kuer of th* SUW Uad Tbe. whole nnsber of rotea given;
r Oaa«aL O*|Mrtotead- tor tbe oBce of Hrabw of the Bute

m roaoc lattnettoa. oae Mes- Board of Bdneatloa waa four tbonaaaJ
!(«• State Board «f Bdaeaihm.
te hundred aad iwcaty-aii—413S.■ Rtaa «f tbc Saaraat* Oimn for
And they were givea for Ae follow-

Prank Taft reeoivni one buBdred i
and Ainy-flve voies-iJS.
-I Comyenry H- Moore received one hundred and Alrtjflve vote*—135.
mlMloner wa*
ihtmstnd s.-vea
Julian 8. West received
Ived one huadred
were- given for tbe follow-.......................
□nniel M. Chiistiu received ooe 'ng named person.-.:
Goorge W’. CurUs received three
hundred and Ainy-flve vot««—I3i.
ihouMnri three b todred
Jame* W. Caae received one hun- votes-33(Ui


J<Ab H. Deahins received one banared od





received thr.-:

four voles—3364.

S os
Obb a
* UlnHbat
UlnHUM^r of



‘ said disirirt. and of the rcrilfleatc <
i-nth day of Novemlter,
': deiermluBiUm as aiipear*
originals of suefa Ktaieun-m j
Icaie on nie la mr offlee.
Chsrman of ih<a-lineesVhcreoff. I have fa.TCun
vtk*i:ers.y\ ray hand and affixed Ac teal
Robert E Walter. Clerk.
c Circuit Court for the Ocunty of
County Canvaswr't StatemenL
I Grand Traverse, ihlt oigtatceiiih «».
Staicmem of votes given In the
November, lit the y.wr one Aouaaoc.'
County of Grati-I Trovrme at the O.-n nine bumjn-.l 'our
Elxtlon held on Tuesday, ih.elghth day of Nittemiter. In the ye*r
ihoiihand nine hundrtM four, for




It lu.’ nadr l!fo an-w- la’ihMainl*
sta ha,. W. irir-mu.'. ) h.,- «l hapa 1mm

Cmr. MfoMWH.


State of -Michigan C..nnt-. of Grand
We bergbv certify ibxt I'-e forego


' li' hi ""


and for and agalniM the adoption of 1
pTOpoeed amendment to Arllele Pour:
the niualltutltin of tbv Slate of ^
Mirhigan. r, :uilve In lieniilng the time i
he liiirodttcHon of IiIMk
II- whole r.tttnber of >oie« givenand agalnri Tbe Uuesuou of Calling :
a Gom'rsl R.n isluo of iho Coesillullus
was thr,-' ihousan.l two h.imirod an-!
And they were given ss follow-*:
Two ihuiisami
om.hiinc1r.,<l an.!—21*2—were dun In favyr
of calling such cooventiun, sn.l
One ibousanci ftfiy-one—in.'.l—■
given against calUitg such convcBilo.i
The whole outnher of vote* giv.“t
fur and agalnii T>h- PnijMised Anicndmeni lo (he runriiiniiiin R.-iailve to
l.lmltlng ih.- Tim.- for the Inirodiic
non of Kill- wo« Are.. ihou..nud i»-o
hundred flu —
And th.-y W-CT.- g.ven ns folk.w*Two tbiiusmnrt ihre,- hundred sti'y-

t- r^ocntly
cared. Doan a
At any drug store._
Women love a clear, hcallhy com
Pure bloo.1 make* li. Bur
‘'‘''■k lllood Bitten make* pure l.looj,



Bodily pain loser Ur i.-rruralf you'via bottle of Dr. Thomas' Ecl..etrlc Oil
In the house
Instani relief in raais'.
of burns, curs, sprain.-, arel.lenl* of''


From 7:OOa.m.AerOOp.m.

raid ivuBty.
A-D. im.

. — MW,

Our Chrittma*. stock of fancy
Carxi.o* will arrive flaturehy or

All go at Gb'LV.IOs



of such amendment, and
Bighi hundred foru ihre.- votes—
•■43—were gn.-ii agaimt nii-h am,-nd-

-* ed orTOii.
OMrt for



ranir* tiMias


'h-rsstf, ., pw—w

2«1 Front St.




>W,lUTK(.MI,i:k-.T.Te.,.-MIClUUiJ( I_________

drrt Md reenty-aine vMee—!33.
Hugh R. Jenkins received sixteen j
Edwin P. Waterman received seven
Oetfge Perry received len'rotM- vote*—16.
hnodred and seventeen votea-717
given m the r..ui
H« John A Ixiranger. ioUa at
Henry A.
r received sixteen
Tdlal. tour tboui
tovAM •tenon
Ae g.-B.-ral ,-li.<-iM.n h. Id In sa ‘
The whole numler of voles giv-n routKV on Ae -iKbih .lay of N.netr
fflnistdwi d( At
Oii* M. SooAworA reertved slxteci for the office cf Co-om-r was eight
'aUmr' Ealtk harts* fitel ir. mU court
A* Twto
nlni-v.-on bon.ire.i four, for an. fb-rr- *1-1 A.Wi. a Pirrev, Bison.
The whole nnmber of vMm ^tr«ti
Aonsand and twelve—Mil!.
DtetHct. aiul tor Ae
c <office of JnsUee of Ac BnAlbcn L HeaA received sliterii | ^ And t^y wen-given for ihe follow vvr-llon for Av i.nmor. of making •
Cteun tor the term ending !>*- votes—16.
ral revision of il:>. conniiiiitioi
cemtaer lhlrty>ftrst, 1901.
(S^is L. Shaw
sixteen j
Prank H^rts»"rih receiviHi tbrefor an.: auam-i th.- adoiiilo- of ;
Ao-isand and *eveB—4M7.
1 Aonsand throe bundr.d and fortyono
OHcwra; Judge
And ihey were given tor tbe fnlJorEdward L. Card received sixteen! votcs-33tl.
Opuniy CTerk. lag named perMms:
f -Ml. hiuan r
Cary 8. Hlnchman received six hue
ad Duds. Oiwity TreaaAaron V. McAlvay received thiv>*
William O. Welib received tixicen < dred and alnv-dve votes—ass
.. aseatlag
Twa thousand two hundred and Sfiy-fou.“TlTv®" ».
Lucina J- Tedroan recetve.1 Ar-OnmR Oowrt Conatnloaen. >
■any Barroyor aad two Ooraatn
Tbe wb*te aambar of vote* gi<
Elba H. Bvana received six Ao oEea of Ooverwov was tour Mvea huadred and torty-Arce votea-f Joaroh LeBarge received peveate-.-ai
aad sevcDiy-r.iur vou-t—674.
t^yd «M baadred aad elgbtywlx
A^ n la fnriw .nd,TrO ILai k
Towuaead received t
BoMtred rroclved alxtccn
Total, eight thousand and
B^la ot He^
^ w^j4roa tor Ae foHowTMSl. I
tour thousand and aeveu- ^Ollie Klreben received sixteen vote* **katc of Mkhlgnn. County of Grand
*%Md M. Swaar t«oelv«d two AonThe whole number ot votes giver, ^Wward Baaer received *er« vote*
We do fcen-by certify that Ac foresaad atx hundred and acrea vote*tor Ae office of Jnsitee of Ac Saprmc
Attc*.(- Robert f
Ooart. for tbe term esdlnt Decembet
BUia^w Smith received seven vote* given in the Conntv of Grand Board uf County Can'i-». i
Alny-Ant. 19*3. waa tour (bonsaad
Traverse for the offices named tn hu !;
W.- hereby certify U a.
-ad seven—40*7.
siBiemcnt and fur (he pervons dealg tug copy of the sui.-tn-ci ..
nated Aereti). at Ae General Ejection
held oa.Ae eighth day of Novembe
the qiK-ftlon of cilimg a emvenaiun
Oh«4« A, Bt^ received
three! TOteatn Ae year one Aonsand nine hundrel for the punKwe .« mskir.g a eeaeral Coroty.aB Uia rKtaday'uf .\7V___
Vtaa J. LMb iwwlved
„ Ii
Bb.T.A.I> WH.
Aoaaand^tw»Aridred and ttiy-ihrte
Orece received twenty*mc: (our.
reriaiuo at the eoDi.:iiu(Kic and fur
Prwau. BtB. Aha A. hfiraarw. 'uodc at
— -..-v— whereof, we ^ave her-fin Meyer reewlrad Bve vote.
Alto* C Adah received seven huntoiweia received unto set our bands and cauae.1 u> i «^ JM. tour ibaa—fl ope huadred drwa aad tony-fovr votes—744.
mt «Hbi|r-ata—IIH.
stale of Mlchlsan and of i*-" eertlfl-*■
k»v»g b;,o m aaid r«wt. *( mU i-uikpii MaT'ihi;
Joha E Bunt received ten votes—
L^toy^ ^wood reeMvod twenty- ih®*^ot>"*« Gnute‘^^v5>^^“"hs
nto vfcote aambar «f votes giv«a
ith day- of November. In th •
Total, toar (bonsaad and Mvea—
- '
- ——. . _
. aa- wt. U.S
le thousand nine h-ndred four
d oae iKwdred tony-

*i tmm ftwa A* iBereath Coo

i fe=K^SSr.'5rJ:-;3'H£


- -- E. w™,,,

I ™2:!5r


^ ‘ jaf51S.W

____ . ifus;; s’c\!;,Tr,;;L,zTS. ai---

r Maliluii ncatred Arc*

■ce or Jaatice of Ae Bapreme
r Ae lent ceding December

tklrty-flrtC 1*11.

e voles—31.
I 5L Houghton received t ven-1

A. B. Pniver.
E J Taylor.

-Board of County Cantaa^,..
, >ll*«: Boben E Waite-, cnertt ct
t.y, BOMd of Coiuiiv Canvasrera.
Qpw.m mT UImLI—._ r\______

Bute of HteUgan. Ctosnty of Qund
I iweaty- Treveree.
W* berefay certify Aat Ae foc^

whole of saeb original* o
oBtee of the c
f aald eountv, :
far a* tbey rclau- lo the vote* on
nuesttoo of revlston and a
t wlAcva s hereof. «
seal of the Orentt tSwrt for Ae Comty of Gread Traverse this dgbteenA

r at Noreaber ta Ae






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