Grand Traverse Herald, September 08, 1904

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Grand Traverse Herald, September 08, 1904


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


©rat>rr»^ Mttnlh*
t oouHTv. mcmoAx. befthcbsb e. ieo4


TnTOscQty State Balk

Dr.w.3- dfgai"^

4. T. HAMMAH. PtmMmL



Tmt best at dcaui Mrrte
oaij. TMtb rmr el pnede*.
To«r vtOemt* «>ltchc4. U
NOT Hum balldiac. wdw K.
P. hall. M Scar vttk Doctarar-( B»lMM Collace «ad or«r

CAPITAL. »aoo<»oo

s per CM tOtvM M nae DcvMttL



Money to Loan on Impioycd Real Estale Only.
Room 310 Nnw 8Utn Bank Building.




re Uke (be looks of Lkaaaa for


"Ovl bu»y;-

JlmericaiJ DrugStort?

Empire still Leads

iJo yoB know ^ they arc? If no*, better find o«l at once. We
have a pretty fUwe, new,<Ute, and a new Mock, r'eiks that
want tnpleaie you, prioea that are r«hi. and ORLT THE BEST OF
ORDGS AND CHEKCALS. Come and tee m at

■ j w. ^ATomni

2/9 €sst TrvvT Strut

m. oMt4«.
Mm* WHhaiM BMl
T*mmm Cttr-

Travene City, MicK

ALBr.BT K. Gionrs^kv, Manager

rwM. A «MIA««« A MB.

OT* ua

*W MppllM


Praak TrM> tartaar* alore. 14(
Plant M»«t. TtaTeri* Oly. Por

Alden, Mich.




Have you ever tried the
*r*lgrOTi> T~mmm mnd



Bopal tiger

sad Sslaipa

They are the ben. Sold only by



'«• M CW«w ef FfM mei ScNw ttimH.

CMliem St, Belt ISO.

Car. Tanth St and Laka Ava.

khigs fafick OTMlwnta

th* WOT
OB tl





Traverse City Manufacturing Co.
W. i.. BROWN, WlmnmK*r.

1 Sally barahl:
for It.

1 Chicago Trlbu
Lucky Wtdding Oifl.
m BldwHI aod prvtiy Loris
CroalvT m.-rr married, ihvlr aaddlag
pTOTeel. «*rv all of a uavful klod.
Thvrv vrar boi a mulilplWty o( pkklrslekolvv* aod bvrrr
LorU’ BcHber said
with aallrfactloB, every gift wai
Ell's (aiher cave blm a
.. Jersey row. and Lorlv'
her ehIrLeb* and gee«e and Stiy
> <>( bom.'-madr rac carp*'.




ffPMANK T*RUOK. s^« P‘ron«

Going to Build?
If so. the South Side
T Co. »t Travme
City is the place to boy your material. Shop
aod mlU work done on short notice. Give us
a chance to figure on your wants.

Side cm.

(hat you may want. First is an assortment of Barrel
Chums. Any one who has tried one knows what a
laborHiaving machine it is. These chums will chum
from three to seven gallons of cream. They sell at
from $3.50 to $4.25. They are easy to operate.
Now is the time to get a Kraut Cutter, and not both*
er )-our neighbor to lend you one when you can get
one of us for the small sum of $1.29. and then you will
have a chance to lend it yourself.
We also have recci%*ed a lot of Washing Machines,
price from $3.00 to $850 each. We will t^e them
back if they do not suit you aftet* you try thm.
Pop Com. Com Poppers and Toy Brooms received
with this order.

■Boory was aad bad Ukea IL for abe
Tbe BrM knife! waa. of courae. a Sial
wa» a great moaey ton
flake, and (be carllrui spoao a abell.
lenled UJI and down
I abe b
learned la (be
ilrb primi
laLeo It. and even accoaed me of u
e of agei
a fasten a handle i
lag It I coolda'l prove anylblag;
me aad Elleo had an awfol quar
spoke In ber again She
died twenty years ago. never having
married: and I guess abe wasted the
money sbe stole, bw sbe died Is
atariUng to Bad (bai aiseb
ilreiy modem loveoitoa aa
Perbap* abe didn't take the
a been uaed for agea by
ey. Sally." lald LorU gently.
tribes wbon we designate as sarage
"Yes. sbe did. WelL mMbdr's mlad
of the principal of tbe
mudere rerilcal llfi may
ly fa
be aeeo today

coing on.
when 1 was pul
______with ncMblag briweea _______
wedding dress, aod
ground buwa sarootb and Sranebsaid as natural
: iraok aeems at Brat aigbi Impoe
'Here Is a weiiding present for you, Bible without ladden or ropea. It is a
Sally. I'm sorry I ain't got anything simple matter to tbe Putyaealaa. He
belter lo> give
dre you.' a
and by (be I'
a few yards from tbe loogb atem
d got borne from
Ibr parasa
creeper aad forma of It a boah
here I was marled, sbe was as m
: with Ibis be OTke* a loop
f. and she thought 1 was a sister
Ell and Ixxis went lo their
(rank and hla b^. Jew­
s who bad l«vn a bride :
farm Ibe day they were ■
ing tbe loop a little above b
■ next day tbey received i
My mo'ber died
er wedding gift, and from
feet preased
unexpected source. There wi
qfien wished
Repanring tbe operailoo. be gradually
I algbt as well for all
collar, unpopular old woman
' I tbe top. Tbe whole
neigbU>rbood known aa -Old Sally
>u( of me I'm Just a alaerabM
nyke." Sbe lived afar the Croxley
toman wiiboui any LIth or klo OT eie by iitlllilag Ibe principle of fricfarm, and noce. wbea tbe forlorn old rarlh. Yottr life vlll be dift)
Ul. Loris
Cotton wearing baa dooA mar
bad taken rare of ber OM Sally
bopi- so,- said Lsjrts ferremly.
(wal Brimia wllbln tbe lA( contary
dilapidated bnt of two rooms, tbe din>, It win
I're read It all out for
lan any obe other teduriry. Tbe Inloess of wbicb was the talk of Ibe <
you In Ibe coCee grounds of my cup
Ians of Central aod Sootb Am
munliy She was so untidy In her
and with cards, un Then I can (ell have for ceaiertes post uaed a hic
sonal habits, and her aann.
• the lines In your band
I mast rUboraie tbbi ours is. comparni
rude aad uenotb. that noi e of ber
■ff. I'd bo Idea I'd sUy so lo
sprakleg. Ixii a alight Improve
BdlEbbMa ever visited ber
so freel». I Just came to bring upon ;
yoo Ihe quilt
You're welcnme lo It
We should aever have bad
I thought of giving It to you last
It but for the quick Angered IbCrosier closed ber eyw to din aod spring, bui wben I heard yoo were lo
dlaas of the Istbuma of Panama,
«"»»»« Even
discomfort, aad reooluiely earsed old
be marrltd. I thought I'd save It for a today tbeir secret process of
Sally lack to beallb.
wedding gift, and I'm like my mother
blades uaed in westing
Sally Dyke manifetied little grail I'm sorry ! te nothing beiier to rlvthese hau remains uerlvalvd. Basket
at the time for Ibis act of Ctarismakers of the same regioo make b
keta wbicb will bold water with)
e an> thing SJ all. Sally. I shall be leaking—anutber tnveeilon which
quite faerond os
> proud of my quill, aad It ulll
don1> at the dour of Ell's little white
FelllBg was loveeted by ~ '
Old Sally bad
never been
and brought by tbe Hawaiian
ful piece
knows 10 enter the door of one of ber
oailies to a perferttoe we hare aerer
ItHi slih
neighbor*. She always stood at 'he
excelled. Tbey n<x only arade
doorstep and said brief my bean for It And uuw I duo i w:
lags for tbeir bouses and bUohris
you to go until I have made you a <
of fell.
g Ibe iBDcr Imrk
uf lea and given you a slice o< my w
s Invited b
certain trees succeeded In prodocding rake t„ ear with it Yoo are
over to fetch you Aral guest who has rtmie lo Ihe door ing kuft and comfortable seamleas gar­
ments of this material, such as s'
wedding present. Ixirts. t^en If t.mj uf *> bt«ne. and you mui] bar.
lets ruaii and rkmks
tut of cheer I want all my fneo.
a hen ibey come to see me
Montr was made by the petx
invluitoo. I
Tahiti wbea <sur ancestors were
sn> the last "bli of cbeer"
ering It boies Is tbe rocks.
d to th|» forbirn
found d«md 1_____
and sbe was carried unloved lumps of coral burned item la ,
UBlng wood as fuel, and mlaed the
•urned to s Pauper s grav.
Ilmr (bey giM In this (asbkm w
was iror that Luri> had married
sharp sand and water With Ibla mix
of tbe wortblesi young mea In lb'
Sbe leaned against abe door frame nelghi»rtuud but sickness and mis, lure Ibe Ingenious savage plarteved
walls and flor/v of hit boose. i
rags and din. and looked wist fortune come to the most worthy
fully up Into the praty and amnittc
better mortar cuuld nut be oWaiaed
They came to Ixsn* aod Ell la the Brat
Another purely
urage iorenitoa
face erf the young bride bHore
. uf tbelr married life, aod by ibr
wbicb Is. perhaps the musi familiar
F was a rustic bench beside
tbev had been married ten
»b)eet uf m-ideni life. Is Ibe tobacco

Aa limsara oM la Aomrlte
TB* terras IrbsMa aO rivoM te
las aad flartw. CMHfornta aad tBa

tare bat been i

' Sa

umpb. sbM

worU'a Bg trade. H
■gi tmakJ oaruOTd with poli^ t^
wbicb It fevtUiam the Bowsn tfm
male, of the rallfvalsd Bga. WHhoaf
Ibe poliFU Ibr seeds wtU BM form. BBd
wtii not ripra. H.SM eoKMai
. raa Bg traaa warn lauadosod
U lUI by a Baa rraaeiaea JoaroaHM.
Sulsa departmeoi a

s. but tbr pollen was lauaBoaod
ite teyraa flgt by qoUM. wtik
' reaolu. TBs oohd
rapture Ibe iaastg. la
im (be
-druarat importsB OTsrwtateriag Capri Bgs (oHklalBf tka tasema tram Algtria
-eamelvca U tka rnme tg
. and last Aagwi okd Bapdamber Bfleen toaa of magalBeoat ‘•■yrna Bgs- were harveatad. aanrclodlead
eapi-rts drclariag them to b
' frail.
-to the Imported
Hr. L O. Bowurd. wbo lefU Ibe alary ia Tbe Aw s
urn. •■ndrr ibo UUe of "A Not ladoa. lirought by I B Inscci,' uaya tkal
not oulr will Amarira aow grow half
a oUIUoa doHars' worik «( Bm B
kliaerto Imported, te It will SMBwith (be M "
tbe open markets of Ike World.
Tbs Otdsoi Balk
ul bell U tbe Uatiad Btatsa
is em exbibitiua la the Not Msgleo .
txdldlbg of Ibe world's fair. The boU
was brougfai from Spain na one cf tbs
Brat expedltlua* lo Healro by PMkar
Jnsa de PodUla. <me M tba PraacMraa
faihera wbo aeompaakd
aeumpaakd Coftnadd
Onraadd to
II waa baag la SM of

oae of Ibe eevea clllet of abulia.
Pnim there It was taken lo Oraa golv. bung la a rbarte of
nkleb tbe ralas are still vMlbls. PMm
Ona Quirera it waa ukea to AlEadan-Aad I woaU like to pat aometkiag Fs, where It baa baag la tbe pnrlab
a the grave of her poor '
ebOFCb ever atace. Patber PadlUa voa
» ae( forth ber InBoceaee. _____
killed by taU guides while oa tbs way
And t tblDk that BU waa right wben
Oran Qulvera to Algodoosa. Tbs
e aaid to Loria a little later:
bell weight exaMly IW ponads. It
_____ deed of kladi
A boptiaed Mate Jraefa. II waa cost
sure reward, and o
tte ysm A. D. im. aroerdlkL
grrateat wbea lbs -------wllbooi tbougfal or
Tbe T' la Ibe word ■_______
of any ret
Is lavened. and (be Mima -fl- Md
r World -B - are^poaed. Ibe mtatafce «ridently baring been made la lbs moU.

»ti««! with Kll that tbe egg money
own." prarilcat Mrs CYosle;
•7 bad
to Ix>r1i. "You'll
not to have to ru

'ben 1 <
I never said i



My alster worked ia a straw factory M
tbe town, aad didn't oome boaae «0y
aioday algbia
day: aad I bad
I ' all
• Uie care of motbrr.
aad abe was a kM of care at Ibe last,
bad well earned what moaey abe
lo leare. Well, wbee she was

ad we're downed yuur SBrleai wall
aad heavy gate.
So you'll pIvaFv to get lb tralnlncrv herv to set Ibe pare.


. .
to.- be aaU wttk
F caredaUy remorad (ka
appings of a newapaper. aad reIM acawiklag atill more rarefolly dMItOTpmpime.aDbedM! He weal
rtmee oB Ike roue
appad ap la a tinea akem yeitow
qum? So tbece'
r. Sammy?Sa
aaM bia moUsrr repraacktutly.
vary few Barb macb of ber roue quUt (ba(
hasdaM sutebes you aM ooi
___ gave ber?
The quilt bad alwaya been calM
r .ktJI
If raae qailt bassaie c
with ibe needle, even wbeo abe
hat paty ralaed roaeu
idd. old woBu aad bad tost her mlad
draadfal qoeer. if
really <razy. 8be was ibai way for
r. aad bad left It on tbe bv
vooM do til aon< ot queer tblndi. Bbe wbkb abe bad apressd It Sammy bad
1 hb amebra'a aciaaon. aad bad
made Ibli quilt brdore abe px looae
led a wuee* from tbe ««Hi.
ber misd. aod abe atudled op the
I moCber weal to InvatlMle the
tiers aU by berselt. Bee II roe dost
iBt of damage. A momcai later
r.n la a wonderfol pkve of work tor
roman of aeveoty-Ste with a tainu abe ralle dout lo ber bMtaaad.
-Ell' Bl? Do gome bme qoMkly.
Btr- Bbe beM oat a bit of papm (cs
ward blm aa abe eaierod tbe roam.
"Why. where did that come rromT
F Loris a qolli oaUke
skad Dt.
■ver seen
There were uaUlac
-Pram tbe qnlH
Thai lafied raae
Ereea tlaea abd lofted rosea of Turkey
as aisffed with It. Sot?'
red (allco wTOoghi
with woederfsl
Ell lookvd at Ibe qirili.
rar^ and skill upon a white gi
-Brieg me the aciaeon." be aald.
tUuI oeedl'
Bit carefully mil open aaoiber aal
work?-exclaimed Lorii
"1 never aa
,rger raae
It waa aloSod with cM.
aurfc Sae and grarefu: needlewnrL
«. but la the renter of (be coCloa
«quU' •"
as a gold esrfo Suddeol) Loris cried
yuiTd say au.- said old Sally
note of pride la ber voice. "A>
aay. my mother did every aUlch of
S <sU telly's mother's money—(be
slib ber own band. She wouMo't
iK-r’old telly was «> sure her als
allow mny
t to put a
had aiolco. Tbe crasy ufd motbvr
b Jn the qollt w
ras quilted.
bad quilled II Into the qollt? Poor,
uvea some. She'd lock
beraetf o
aad Uwls a
ber room, aad work fur
I and aciaaon.
I qollt: aad abe woulda'i
. .
. that came to the bouse. and braacb
She'd got aotplekma of everybody, aad quill tbey found tmak bills
with tbe rrani
they bad
sold coins
sleali Sbe got
rip up tbe
me or my alster lo go
0 Ilato ber
srk of (be
Sbe tbmwhl a lot cd
ibe-d bever apeod a oeal If abe crary old woman, but. wl
beip it. She bad money, tsm; done and ibe money counted. Bli said;
-Tbere'a enough lo gel that morfaare ewoujrb. Loris. It was
igr out of tbe way and to put as oa
ilolenTSF feet once mote, (baaks to oM Sal
"Wbo stole fir
Well Bx up bet negleded grave.
-Well, I mlgbl as well tell Ibe wbole
It. If we
id pot a u
F to show our gratl
- OMblSg
^OOTer eoild^fordi^l
e ber

is of Uasa
We hai

e flntlly arranged I

no suit sirtn. » Uictor Pelerlyl.

T.W.Hmrf. Distriet AtL,


-Oef boay!-

ilh bU tubby mil* Idolf a

That are made to tue a* ordl ai aelL They are
toxic cheap material, and given a flaahy
fiaith to eaieh the eye; bnt are durable, comfort­
able, aod neat. The dWapeot on the maritet. qeakty cnnsidere<L
Once Med and yon will bay no other make.



.1 drop y
adrift from prayer
Wtalleeta aad all—
Dost quit Ibis iblag of Uribg In
roastaal state ot resn
arrou the Himalayas comes the

WItb bit curkMit drluviOB bf w
oloE sll th« *bo«.


W. P. 0R0T8ER,


Th*fv’. • eUBklB* Is thv vsllvy. UivrV.
s clilivT on Ibv bin.
Thrrv'* t mekM
and idstvnu—
ir> yugr Modvm Progmn romlng SDd

American Drug Eompany

. O* HmI EMaM.
Mot WIIMMi BtMk. Trmra CRr-

WwOT Ootw iMk Mb. nR«QR

So yoo'd better get your goU dobs
and be learnlag bow to play.
Aad be amoMbtoc oot your aatlqoat
edklska. '
. moat Ed Ibe laleai taabloaa aa.l
be irivUlwd la dresi.
II ibos roa bow (o ferBi a


dsQt f^btsrapfUH ....


d your lobby Ilittr tikdi made at

I have (o try tb« iralley. and
Boio’a os tbe war.



WItb yaw bossy to) <S wopbm
osr laiy kx of aeert

Tnivorso City.

Naa it it) a Broogbank nbere it orill be «ile, can be
dniTD any day irithoiit notice and aiD be earning yoo
beposiu tad witbdranli can be made by mafl.

aeorge J1. Jarvis

wafca Up. LkiaMl
O. dUaeas of Lkaaaa. (or aboat a
aasd yaari
Tr have had lo l« yon an >< kll


fe MjgMrtsaa cai"


Tire Insurance!

■ -^:v

Tte Tsispbsiw lu Msasrtu Warteo.
-SeootlBg with (be aid of tbs ts(sfdione has become oar of tbe traloras
of modem warfare, aad Is aow bsdag

proceed from ibe lines toward the son
my: one, (be observer, is a «fautM


beadquanert Jbroogh a lelapBoOT Uae
paid out from a reel carried by oa slae^
trirlaa (rf the rigBal rorpa. A retora
grotrod Is used. Ibe ground belag mode
by tbraatlag a bayonet or balcbeC Into
the eanb
and alUoUdg oot end S( tbs
tteiery o^ bis back. Me alaa
the eunueettont aad does Ibe t
A apeeUI euadoclor la asOT. wbtebwlll
stand tbe rough usage la this man

back, noted that te^ *tbe'otUvm
Ibe aoribera
roast roa«
wood. wood.
cenaia form. U a amot eommoa Md
roaataat ariiele of disc Tbs aatlvra
■b ars pienUfol It osuslly forma lOJt
f the OTsolag meal, aa maay risMiy
tripped larv-b Iota aaar ovary hot tsafy. Throe paagte kbow by opsri........................... a (d ikrir cauag wood
suite pity, aad
tdilalB gffu of tea aod toboeea.
Tbey ccrape bB (hick Uyers *---------atriy aader tbe bark of lbs ks. aad

mlaad u



Mi^issl Waterfall la the Warid. '
The klgbesi fcaowa waterfall ta tbs
world was tbr reneoM fiaaeade. la fbs
Alps, baring a drop df lAM fast. Bw
Utte In tbe tea Cnayataa SMyoo. le
(be slate of Durango, Healro. bow
claims Brsi place. It was dlaoovafnd
fay aixae prospectors 10 years ago In
the great faarraara district, wbkb k
called tbe Tlerrat Descoanridaa. While
searching (or the ««lou mlos
Jal. a
•fe dlMculty Ibe party
and up and down (be mighty

for I'm



llaron Maaanau Maaodalra. a Japa­
nese eufaMnaa. has bora travetlag In
Texa*. wbicb bv declares lo far a great
country fur rice. He regardi Texas
net- *• almost OB a par with the pne
duct .rf his native country ted feels
inn that It can far rained Ibere wMb
gleet proflt. Tbe faaruc fa

spoaeue uf w>-a)tta i
faerutae reaideats of <bs * ~1T
Amerlrao India
He Is anxloaa that bte
saadsioee of Colorado, but the woodea rr.iairymee shall share Is (be gaosnl
pipe, tbe prototype of th- every day prusperliy wbicb prevaUs la thk amroul many i!
ir>. sad tblaks (bey caaaM do bsOor.
briar —Ixiodc* Answers
never thought my
e would g
r b^n a
I.C ciiamtie
le In
a*. Lswia—long, loag ago.
to nettle
la Texas.
Uiidargraaad Wamr.
There bad bee« a local failure of
lost aa ki^ hope* for (be
ISO years In sacceuskm. and
yon hare now. bnt they—
Mke Olasd Meteor.
at the begtoeing of bar.
lopposcd dkewrery of a sola sd
a ptaisons. wbe
thing Tbe best hopes of some people
Bil bad fallea lo bis n
a cool vela OT tbs
antIvHy arid
ken'bis leg
After the c
don't, and it ain't always their fanlL
propmy of BytvOTisr Homs, la tbs
Mebbe I oughtn't to talk so to yoo. aad harvested lightning bad
acetka of PoUsrills. Fte
be abon
■ woBlda’i: cmly I ' '
barn and denrayed It and tu coon
proves to be a big meteor.
Tbr amouat of waier Is
that way with yoo
aad Ell
Tbree cbHdrea bad come lo c
troa grsoUy pngM tbe pick cf all (be young mei
IT love aad care of EU aad Loria rartb s crust U reckooed al acarty tled tbs sxpsris^^ jPP^al te
oeerfhM of that raattUaud la tte
aronaH brt«. aad Ql Bldwell wllbmaki Tbea EU had been
> that it wooM coeer tka
yon a good bosband
He Is a good bis old parents into
-. aod. a)
kpows lo uy sxMlBg Inm h
nMdy yooBg man. ana yon are a pxn ibough •
Id tbal
cf from ti
a froM
aaad Are hoadred feet. Tbe woten tbe Mg gaoBtity of Iron s
'Tbe old woman was ordinarily ai
boriaaotany after aome plaaei. aM fsU to d
it aarpr^ Lori^
Ike akape of a moldar b
"Bat we arc lUI! young. Lkria.' BU aiaUag bchro tbe •
ira ago. Tbsn an
bad aaid bravely oe tbe tenth ualvor. tbs roefca. bm ta tbs saada of tbs Da­
s la tbedepoolL
oi laev
tbeir murrmaw* it may we kota fawmbUOT. wbkb sop^r romprbsbe carried


wedding preaeais I bare broogbl yoo:
and H is Jan as good u U was tbe
day U WM given to me mare tbaa Sfty
tart ago. I base never need H. aad
have kept it wrappod op earufally
aad put away ia aa cM trwak. It la
something my moeber Mve me. Loris
—my motber.- OM teUTa vote Mk
a 10 a whiapm. aad tM tama

M la fear dMa asm. »a Ma am

31 bad worked faithfully, and as f<
orb. ber busl«nd said of ber
You bare wtAked harder than

we have aasded )tet meb dkdp- abk artstMp wMb. tbe molka daw
pc aa we bare bod."
Wblle they tatad. EUr, terir Uttic
girl cf six ysara. rams raateng op w tba vool pWoa mi
hwMPb aopported W 0
bH of ebOdkb Uttie-tatUs. Iba term of brand al


be du:-deelMad Bek.
Bomay. ogW Bte. appeared la te
dsarwor. kokte EPOty aod P BtOa

PMimbaOTWMr <Di
atarioppil IN.



MMk tf th» kWMB 1
||^ Ml MMtrW MStIMiW iB KlelH

Tr»»w •mmtT ItM* MB -r
M. th* VMM >*l/ la tklt
•Mtj Mg M Ugh u MKT U tb*

ttfmt to Fatadtoa.
arr-r-f M tbi Vmm’x
td lOJ rara to Pa
I oeeairrt ea FHdar at
eaa wMaaptaM br tbi
O. O. r. baU. wai I aoM
aoatb. whili MX Mfttna bp ibi darI-^-O
all powxat. XX both
Tba wakM Tg-toiMbt aTpairftad
a ».aMe e>C^dl • lU IwSteel. mo. W. D Twer.
r heart .gattoglOMr
tbi actor. Mra. I

f bb BlrMitB.
la lb* erealag tbe Mg lerTle*
M br H. B. HoUer of Troirene Clir.
roUowrt br a nearer hr Bit. Mr. Ola
Mlax Aeaa Clark of

After I xbon baxlaeo* rcoMea Ua
aareltr M lira toUir. Two pmUMI areae art la a brtxhi Bow U
.stored teoam deawtki, paM Ibia
e aad ipial It Tl to fOid giMwtt prowFBt. fiROkiBg ed tbe high
'IX a

« II .Mk tn •» MU. «M

^ vw M*hv«« br «b* 7«« ui
gn br ^ ■Mb. Tbret ww« tm„ tb. taj- ------------------- I------ «r Mutbi Iber vOTbad vw
. gl. »»f4 wai tliMlH u ttJB
tb* iflGTii bal fia
Urn. kmr bitai tb» iwigi
Wflb. tear ftpor^t^ ■ MW. . . .
boxn. »>• •mpiPrpi Hmmit liber n4
Ito i««ng> wMkir
if tbi
McMW beard. «m tUO.
«Wi tbi b«r «ra «UmM KIM*

ft. Daoto ed NottpoK art road Ig Kia
Libbie Oaatot. art tbe tdMi MImM
Ctoa- ^ Be*. K. P. Otawuad of Aik*.
At. 4 o'ekK*. la cnaiaar with tba
aoridiw at tbe otnage. H. B. VkaB«.
at to the werkahap of
W. C. rmaan. wben tbw

oaart. tbi ariTMi amoge bitog
t«4. Ttooe aoi wai laptore
lb* jwar, twolM br tbe aeatb ia>
br tbi da. Tba wertid ea aa
Igr at IX aeatto a r«*r aad roe
|XX-1« ■ aeaeh, tbetr board arnagtog
IXJgawak. TbiM ba dtialUM. foeir
bilag Ibi ariragr. Alt aiae ed r
reportid • leoreKr of
abor. PIT* laplarid tratia ax do
aatka. partog tbia a blgber


Id eowkior ed life

Saadav aehool coefereoce

,hood nr wooaahood cu^^gyealcstojroaat
wltboot realliJDX hlx ew her abimr •» .Mot daftfCT* Ol tbeMCtoStnal
e.ll iMXt
.MM tlto —.period.

••TtaToewaWeMBa:—1-------- - ^

procrolMl Id an


L i


_r»aar. tear br tbi ataU aM art
.ftp M bar. Tbi aratagi BoelUr
t'mmm. Malattag beard. w«a IM.Tt
mAM « Math* la Ibi

Ibe c


plare* of

V««rtaM« Com-

luaxter of

' a*d

n ih.'.,r*.ar o(

iD'-bcx ll

The add'e.* of w<-|rooie wa*




hy Advib Irixh

Wixala.u-l. *a. eui wbi-r- the InMni j"'—
Reeelpu by M-yeral.dh-r« were rtinnenl wax Inx.flwl under the .sige
llic pane of glw.. Mr* S.-al
tndlealh.n. would |«dnl uj the fi
I. h a woman a place to mak.- and
that raun- than one cnnimllled t
i.-nd ill.' gard.m* Mrv. MeRay toi-; n.ld .-r> a. ll
CU....I liv Mp* Gray and otti. r*
•I Ironi ihe ground
Song. .Srihur Neal
H.-eiiaiioB, Mr. Gardner
R.u-llallon. Mr* Ericerome

t ibn-ugb a .mall
nd «o*ld nnulri' ai


KalLaska. Mich.. Aug 31 • -At the kindly f.itiii-hxl hy Mi Mar-h
t.iixliiei-. meeting id the duiriel fhri- prugrani followg.
Ilan Kndea.or roBVenlli* brdd here
Ileriiaiion. r.l.-ll Pepin-r
thu moiuioc the (olloBine alBcer*
Releclpm. Alma Geicbrl
were el.s-ie.1: rr...ldeni. lAura 11
Keclia'l.iB. F\Tn farm.-ti
Hariir. Kalka.ka: .loe pr>-*hleal. Har
iar». M. H
M..ile» Tra'--r».' City.
iri-axanT. l-ran<v- RulniT. Traterx'

U tbi
^•fftftM tbM B wa bard to CM <- >Mm Mraef ibaai
.. laba. parlai
____ ... ct MJI a woM
:BMr boadataa

Wi ara pealUralr tbi ealr raiatun yet BO ranlu baae been obtatoed.
U the ettr who
■ art (rwlt be* koaa. Ow milk
A. V. Priedric*-! aboe store wax eni all tbi trait fiaron, Paleu art
xabwd bwit
Mftrt M ma*a MA orw aw rt

aart lor eoCa* LaOwUl Oartr On,
MltrtrtftL Boa phOM CM.C^

terad Tharaday alghi by s robber wbo
aMBirt tX-W tram the eaab register.
CrtdeaUy be wax la a gn«t hurry (w
bn lift 7t oeato. S eesu In the
of the
4 ^ ri AM enta on tbe ftoor.
KaBRiee » I ItoOmMrah-

rlw g«^itotfl«ia4nr itau

rortunaie 1. Ihe gr.*vr> siotc -y.*!

TTj|. -lore ha- groap

and I. growing on )U«i ih.-x- lio--« N.i
■mhliaoD bigb.-r than pu.i* your
.-oufidenee, othof thing- ar- 1«-uod lo
n be raii-fying and If It i-




Te Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausages. Etc.



CLtfffAn from WEAKNESS, take tw.

I Oil WUlId

Strength-Giver. JfiyaeM Took V«r«ritasB.


Tl is time for your

R.-Giuilon. Glady. Riley
R.-rllailon. Mll.lrv-.! f.-pper
A iMa ..r-..- Illan.-ti I'.-i.i-T and Kd

Raruesting and
mowing machinery

fit) . (unior -M|M>riiiicn'leni. Myra Van
liilenden'. Mr- J farulliie flart. Man

r..ixTi'■ ri'pet -houiil that

Ill liaiiun. K.ih.-r Gray

-ph'mlid uork bad l>s-n d»B> during
II..-ti*ii-n Mr. Gardner
111. |M«i >.-ir Thef.. wer. l.«S plecK
ll.r-itxe.n Mr. Bdge.v.m.of mall x'Ul out during Ihe yi-ar The
tn-a>un-r'a report showed that the by Kol-ri llarne). Mr
dlxlrirt had no debt* outolde U Ibr .-TuMin Mr- Gray aa
prextit eimvention and enough wa* The me.-llng rk—ed 1
bnmrtbiely lo comt thU
Altia will I*' the Dell mi'-'ing plac.
The addr.-** on fiauaftenim*. .lelttend hy .SI

II. Holley

of Tra«er»e fily aa* lui ipl.-a.itu- iha-


I. Ih.op. n.d in ill.* flfib d.-gre.In..r.,m.-m*i mu«lr, Mr.

W" aiway* carrt ;i uootf stock «ii hand.


Arthur Neal.
Afi.r 111.* tclllalioo ihr |.r>igT
at (.dl.ywc
MeelUiU,.. Mr*, tourg.
S.*l.vii,«, Mr*. DIrkermaii
S.*l.eiioii. Chari.-* Iri.h
R.-.*liaiion. Mr* fiardoer
u*-* 11 pa. to rai*e house

Thlx afiermwn the d.*leg*(.-s will be
IbCgueal* of W f l>«--maB and will
Inipcci hlx alrxblp.
Kalkaska. Uieh. Sepi

1 —Tbe xlx-

leenth annual eoorrnilon o( the
eleri-nih -llxiriet of the Ulrhlgan

milwaukee $ Deering
Oinders, Roapers,

IVIo\Arer8, Hay RrtlKM
DssrlrkK Vsr^ioal L.i^^ IVIovk^sr is especially
adapted for rough land. A very complete Machine.
Don't forget us when you want a Carriage or Buggy. We carry
a complete line. We have received and sold about 6
carloads this spring and summer.

S. Kaufman of Knlkanka

Tdegrani* aa.l mraxage. of greeting
from iweli.* p.*iple were rxeived t.*




the illxiil.l’
Afi.*r Ih.- di*vi>iional oierelxc* rex
■erday ntiirniKiti. ihe Drxt paper wa*

••IJew;*.Th.* flr»i wa* ihe * Id.
Pl.-dg.* Keeper. - hy W. M. Gordon
Travir*,- City

The Only kind of connump
Tear is • negleciei
I’eoplc runsumption is a curalilc disi-.-i*i-.
[| is nfglfCted C"nsumptii)ii
lhat is so often incurabk-,
.\t llic faintest suspicion irf
roiisunijilion fret .1 tintlk- .-f
■Sinn's Kmulsion .nid begin
icgiilar d.iscs.
The iiM-of Scott's l\muIsion
at once, has, in Uiciuvinds g‘
turned the balamv in
favor i»f health.
Nc-glecicd consumpi ion di**s
; not fvist where ScoUs l-.niiil, sion is.
l*tumpt use of Scott's I'mul, sion chci ks the disc.-L-e while it

Barney Hnderson

se:i_i_ the:




ThU wa* followed by

Junior Socli-i;.' pr>**<t to Mr*



the 'hl.-al Alt-tulaDi ' hy iladna Mr
Contuiughey ol B.-nxonla, • The Ideal

The Traverse City Business College
Has DO superior in preparing for business.


opened by mexmi of'a hammer and
Oai of (M of Ibtom hartr UtebM UbM ehbeL Ihe aerew drlrer and chlxel
BOW to Modi at Pimak
aart by Ibem belBg fourt bier. The
bgtbidar. TbMr iringi laeoai
alio doM repairing art
Into J. A. PcBBlngioe'x

b belag dlllgenUy wortted but ax


ha* the rep.iiall.iti (or ile|*'DdahJlit>
Foriunalc 1* the puhll.- that ha. .u.-h
a xtore tn H» midrt. Muiual cKifid.-nc
bexw.s-D a .lore and |i. t.iiylng i.iihlir


And we are prepared to PROVE IT TO YOU by the
actual test of EASE. SIMPLICITY, and ECONOMY

thar araagM IM acMi «aM.

r wax farakes bat they a


Tbe - '-mne - efii. r'ainnnnii * i* a:*ied
fine pboo.irraph

b; IV Msrgarel MeKellar of Grean.
building and other xiorex from Iwlug For v.-ar* IV MeK.-tler hax
robbed. He drove loto town about
iM-cn a m.-dlral miulor.ari In Nee1!;S0 a. in. and nollred *.-yv-ral
much iVnlrml Imlla. an.l I* at home
plcdoux rbaraclcr*. undouM.*lly ihc .>D a fur ..-ugh V'or an h..*ir -.h.- spiAie
robber*, etoaalnc Ihe railroad track on ■-Ihv Bible an.l F.w.-icn Mi-.*lons“
the p<u.tofflcc building. See­ anil bi-ld (he aiicnii.m ..f h
MteUent quUlr. Por tbe porpOM of
ing the light, ihci drnp|u-d xuiic
haadllBf tbb product, ^bc coa
d la Laag Lakr hai rrceailr laitailid new macbtairr. and ran. dUappearlng Into the
dr.-** wax f..ll»*ed hy four pap.*r*

t hta Btori. But Pra« itrwt


RecllaiJoti. Art OU Gardner
t. ad H If


rMtoe than irrr before
MbMil fm heaaw aad two aild owlag to Ibe market created for (hem
OM term labor wai atarea Oai •» br the eaaalag oompaar.
piMOd-a ImmU Bi a dewantlr. paid
Con win be plieUful
Bm ItM a woM aad aallgtated bir

WMM eeat U» Mplora
Tm a tbi Mplcwa bad tialUM lad
Ibl araagi aaaba ed aealbf to jMd
•** dar wa tar. Thi Mght aa



mean* grouih

rluM-d h.-tv la»l night, aa* ..n.* .
•no*. siire.T.*(iil. Inspiring and I

They nnloeked the door leading Into



ably thinking Ih.-y could u»e It In
Ibelr buKlnra.* but droiiping It after
IM wertid br tbi dar. *btr verkid
aftftt Math! la the ptr. rMBlrM tbi
rraTerM*Cllr Caaolag roiapanj taming
-Mctiily ri-xted In Ih.- hand car
la tbi cMBlr. lx BOW niaelag up to (all eaparlir erlib
huute In the yard* h«*eau*i* the*n
«M a aoetk aad tbrtr beard, the tat- aboert XU> people implored.
qulltx wi-re found then-.
lar b«ag wUMtad at M a
principal prodoct at
8. S Ruriieti aavci ihr poxioffiec
thin being more bmni ratort IhU

Mr. SolUran'x oBcc and cUber worked
toe eomblBBtlOD on tbe outer door cd
mlt or elae U bad bc«B let
. .

Top-Round Shoes

lo' l**w*-' tt*iui
Mr-. tlardo.T uo.

man of the Long Lake
n gl<ea in tbe follow-

led t>)

Dlghl and xtole about S«5.

Pomona graBM'.

de)lr--ri-l l.j Worthy Maxi*^ Zimmer­


n xudri..* prayer mi-v-ilng at 6 o'clock,

HM a woM le Mad tbM.
la HarMd toiwMhlp tba tkm la- Thaa a xmall parmeat down aed UiMe>
plara workad tba ImI Boaba ct afur a amall weaklr paraxeaiT
Mlb* ia tbi rw It aar ta tftfteooa- tbb war roB wHl aerer faM tbe drato
M. tbi aroragi balM
•ao caaraaod la tbia loiMUp aad the aaaae tiM roe can eotor the aai

Imo-I) xpar\s] for tbeir f-ot<dainnj».ni
Itit-r all bad a I*r> rtijoixhle

and war ealkd to order by Ibe wurlhy ;

belonged to l
Beard aai drttaalM at ILTl a cddoaMoUc leemoDr.
II baa ctlia bm cbaigrt thai maar company and
Tbtai dt tbi Mplort bad
to bor*
Mbn while J. P Hariw-n 1* a h
the eigolar Meed agi. boy*
the Habhel.T company
prahibllid br tow (real worfclog to the
Orinncll. daughter o(
taetorM art Umm. tbu dbptoelng Rcysolda of Teaverat* City, had Ju^
M a anreftr et labor. Ooi aavtapid
mb wbo hare (Mlllea
lAkc Ann. her bouxcbold
a iMBli M a doBMoUe oad bw wagn
orl. The i«mU of thlx eaari
good bring In a car in Ihe M A N K.
'WWI IX a wook. wklli bt beard wa*
Mow* that Ifclx b aoi Ibi cax*.
yardk. Tbb wax nl*o cnien-d and ili.iMlMMalltM.
rwr few efalUren. eeilaUi of ihr M
gnllta xtrlppud from Ihe organ.
Tbrt tern - viro aaarated
in' (aalllie are reported ax bilag MB- xmall light luecl bridge bar wax al*o
OMB Laki tawaMp. IbM'bad
Ptorrttakea (lom the car. Ihc» pml*
amagr aerapi «« tM aid tear i

Pdptag tbM IX a walk aad ipMUag


from l■oB■oBa Orapg* xc Lone Irtie
H«» U> kill quxrl. r
alurtaun. No pata. hail.x tU<*l) diw-ul.ior. T

a1ih lb.- .inglog of lie- grange Ih''


the nar. tear br tfci aeaib aad
tWMir-iwo br the dar- Tbir werkrd
Tki eaaalag id winter applex wUl
80k*. Mich.. 8epl. t-Thc M. 4
at aeatbi a rMr. raairad m.(< ■ be began later In the xeaxoo bat other E. iiBtloD wax broken Inio bcrc
Math aad IbM baard eeat tbitr ca- fralu are brarce VegMablM are aoi night nnd gT token b^ldc* a xnli
Mra|a.Baaeh. aftM bad taattla. plMtlfal eltber. tbere bMag eerr (ew cMbe* bekwglag to Alvin Smith,
toMlnex! Ueapite
tnr bBag Ua anraga i
t. Other atnall anlrU** i
taadlr aad two M tbi
Maa^ Harrr token.
tawMM beaa wbUi tbi Mtro elgbl Xaeetond larx that tbe oothwk b that
mM Uat tara laba wis icarcw aad the tactorr «m be ran tbe entire aea
Crtar. Mich.. Sept. 2 -Robberi
karitogaL Two aaptorad deiaUca. aoa to III tau capnidir.
blew Jerry Sulliran'x xafe here la«i

H'T ■

H*IW 1.» t«-p boj-*
returtirt farm a? K*-'' Hanuv

« Potemae
e Aeo.,
Aen.. Chttago.
Chltngo. 111.—


tb» enabUBg ■ greed Quantllr

PoxitMia Orange.

lightandbappp.*—Mixx AoarxMn

III forte when II Ix
The robber* »ecured enirann- to Ihe ei-enlng Ihi.
Rev 1. It lH*.ell
xappir of traebm doe* not fill the de- alnrr by breaking a pane of gb» In uf Trat.-r... fill .poke ..n ih.- --got
caBDot be denied that tbere Ibe final door. The charge ux-d In
aar.1 Moi-ni-’ni la>l i-venlng and hi.
ll I aearedir of wooiie to lupplr ibe blowing the ufe tnuM hate been a ■ddr.-—
Bix-ierful a* 'o .-llcli
(or domeatle xlmlrail.iD.
there are airiral eaoiei whl«b bare
Ihe floor Blib.ragh DO one h
Alii-r th-- addre.*. a reeepilon wax
tblx eeadlltas.
Ibe eapkMton nor wa* the gbax It
given In 111. parlor, of ibe fongreg*
problem rxdnliwi ihc
e windowx xbalten-d. The
lionxi rhiiiTh
Light n-fn-.bment.
Mrioox. caadid themghl
x-rert and the Junkin. gave an
Kudrlag tin lenpoc
xterclx*. Todxy*-. x-ixhm oiune.1

MM MpiorM br tbi aeatb, white

kite (■«r them.
nlbr to atliirx


filth degree,
dinner, ih- regular meeting o|«T>edhel.)

PrexIdcBi of the Wonan'x null

■ taBr. Two I
, ............... booidd aad — ...—

W. C IThlldr.
with ih-a> and mxn> d.sxn.nn'
i*nogregatl*»aa: „,.ou Rhe .nil clinc ic. chem tho-jgh

weeax after I xtartrt to takl it. I
notiort a marked Improrement In mp

iMBiaBd (aetr rtpetitd a taiMr
IMv. Oil laglarai a fiMa ai
ilmm amaatog. although appa.-ceilr
bt vagt bBag M a awic.
gtrao la all caador. The cooceoxux of
Th* gurvlx from out df the]
b« kta. aad ha beard
optotoo xeewtod to be that girle pr*
ir were: Mr* T
J. H.-Oderxon,
Miblilat $1 a waak.
terrrt worUag la taetorlea. baleli ail
rand Rapid*. Miw'. M S. Noble. Chi
la OarM waMhIp g*i farar €t
xiorex: that Iber recetrad betie<
Mr* Cbarliw 'il'nriM
Da.IM aMBgi aertgi ef IIM mm___
with a aborter work dar aad ci
Prwrldcoce. R. 1.; Mr. J G. Loriof.
aMaM. Tbrt aia wari aawtored br
Paraow. Kan : Mr*
June* Kelly.
mm MU aad BlBi hr tbi «ar. tbent
s the arer Wciford: Mra A T foie. Duckfield.
.MtbbM bg tbi Boatb rtriTlig MU«
;m| tbtr beard lad worklig
whin otbin toUmato that gtrix
igHMM a TMT. Board «ai mtlai------treated too meet* ax xerranu.
Epldamle of Burgbriea.
^ -g| H a M*. nr* ct tbi Mpkqni
while BMt gtrix do aoc feel aborc
ke Ann.. Mleb.. »*i«. 1.—nurglxr*
V%H iMfflai, tbi aviragi aaaiba ta
work. Iber do.foaxal being lookrt
open Ibr ufr In the general itio*
M* MaOr talag fear aad oai c»
IVOB ax a Mrraat. Soiae taraien aar
be WnilaiD HaWicler rompany
that “too Mar gtri* are edocaled
aboat It;S© Ibi* morning The amount
am. Pbar BBld liber wai aearci aad
laaeh aebool.- Tblx argataMt knex lakra to exilmairt at t»>o

la Oraat lanMtp fear tvau
- M gmaga aertgi ef «0 am _
■M. Oil MB vai MpkerM br

The coo


.. Srttioa, aoeh M«er^
anared tbem. Thank Oodlor Lydia


Ibe CKlmw coavaBr- Tki lal- .
ter coacera wax orgaalxed foar rxwn
ago. and br a ewi In rain ncarir pot
the IMI people tbere owt ef baxlaeox.

tor. ItirhrnaJ<d:r<-i. >t<Il


cipu- chtirrii. and
mer paefr «*

«f ib« aterl
Mart bp repeated and i
-'If Toemg gtrix eaJj

la rMdr t
ed the aearcllr of domeiile labor.
rariaai aad ■

.m aMBM *M*ir «agai. laeli
^ MM. bMg •!». abUi board «<

permaacnl poxliM u aukxtaal man
age* y appi.rlng at

Foot Fashions

that I
w it Botot tbrro

eoaalr. ItM a wwk. tbHr beard a
dm aed tbrelBoxt ihr'crut-l and rel- ni
Oats om» tara woi cavaiad
war le tbe far Kaxl. toi-f x *».
DBM (oWBrtIp. Tbii reatatort
Mrip of lerrltorT. 'h«« xcrtlox
aema. OM mb wai optorid. work
I -■com ed thousand." ia.1 *1il
br tbi dor art foeoirta* IM a awoU.
now coollBU.T- aiih uuxl-xi
bMtdM hi! board, which eeal bit «ti
Mr«r MXd I work. Tbi oa*
artrt Ipfonual ■«**> hour (id
MB MU Cbire wax a learehT of fane
lowed tbe talk to which !•« aed «xl<-rr
taber. Hi aUo iBpkirrt a fMaU ix
■enid aad tkn ad)mirn<.<l to
I doeamir. partog ba IX a wiM
lb Twgotnr >e«KUin i
« tbrt. 5V t- beard cxatla bla llrt i wiek
Wbltoeralar had lia farax
X nftrmouo. lllsr naix>
«libMwv u4 tbrt Mgtorad 4
riwrt. Tbe iTiragi aerMgi ed
Um. tbi ■tnn »t«r wagw. to- wax IU.X. TwMri aM xrire Miptorrt Shrtek. wbo to ftudrlog n
ABag heard, hrtac $1M lad beard br tbi aeaib aad eeD br tbe dirbrt« wUaMid II MM.
Tbn wortid 7.1 Boaibx la tbi jmi
•m brai «nb II bitagi
aad wiei paU tX3.7X a Boatli. tbilr
Mi at lUJ vw* eaaratid la
beard leaagtog «-M • ••rt. Fear
had taaUIM. dei aMboco belag the
■eaage to mi*. tbiM eaploriro
MBib-B aid.......... ..............................
•ahrt frwe leaioaou. Hgbl uU tbere
IMVM br tbi aeaub
Tb» attagi
WM a Mirdtr of
*ai U aeatbi a Mar
ptorrt feaili den
tMM. laeMlBg
gMg tbi «agt «f »
IX a wMk art tbUr beard, ariragtog
^gwC tit beard bBag-------------------ILMa
mM. Tbrai Mgltt bad faaDiM
BniolraircD tonax ware eaaeaaart
dai Oa anng* aaabt la tbi ^Ir
ta the oooalr. the arerage acreage
Mi Mar. Ow laikuar furatobM a
batog 14A4. Sirpa
ptorrt br tbi rear, alxtr^to* hr the
r It labeer lad ao fiaalt
Ik art Btoetr^bm br the dar.
Tb*r worked oo an arerage cd
' V fbar farM. vlib aa artagi i
•oatbi a rrtr and the arifaci xragxa
M t llUl m eaavaatd a
weewUtrt. Board coat oe an arerage
■UbatetaMlp Ptoar baadi aama
M IXAt a week. Plflr
tbe-eta>,ggM4 br lb* aoalb. Tbir worbid
plOTM had Umlllea and the arerage
aomlnr to aai* laaillr wax is ThlrtoM tiualahrt tree leaiMot boaxex.
'dM «M. tbi Ugbwt laXHUI paid li
xeriatTMe aaU (arm labor wax
Moree. (weatr-eigti cmplored feenplet
MmM br tbi dar- Biard wai mtt u dooMtica art tbe arerage wi<eklr
■Mad at <* a vtk. T«o ot ibi la- wagM of tbaxe wmo tX-19 aad the
Mra. W. D. Tamar.
JlMdi bad taMlIt. aad tbrt «ai tbi
■raragi COM of their board IXAO

aDsneoi that one of (hem can find a

uala. bl> xobject bHag -A >
art AUMt JeraxUea.' he harlag here
deWgatee to tbe wierU i

« Mta. lMli«>c beard. «u fSJ«.
Wmt lamtmktp bad «b twai eumad. tbi iTwagi aerMci bdig
It I nra aalM ««n itiliirrt br
ito Mtfb. •nm brtbi «V bad tbrr
•«M Tb Mibi I mr. Tbeirir
Ml »mMr «Mt «ti niM. ip|-| —I btld. W4 tbI COM
Ml ttiMin bi M-M •Mkir. rtr

M«Hi BBBbar a aarb taallj.

Wosee ee>ortoB tocome* of Ili.Md
ixw jMT. Ibe Adrtaa Prew maa an

a rtrj pMatog aoto

ttxeU ibr xaU ao Iboashtfat perwoo

hal Ibeae wbo cas>e afte r
11 br tbetr barlog llveol.



art tbe addrwax of tbe erealag
llvaod hr Rer. H. 8. Miller

Ueal biU br the club lueU Id wbh*
R'jotoed baode wHh toub the Xebert
to Mftber the hHlerwaot of


TbeBMI TMpb^C*di I
hax xtartrt a lati war tbat to fthatr

Trarene City, Mich.. Angusl g. 1*04

of operation. POWER produced and DURABILITY of

rrof. C. R Dockefay. City:
Dear Sir—We wi*b to >
are doing In your college. V

ir anixwcbiioo of (he a

oar oScc and bow have three They are all pofeeily aaUafactory. to
(ac< we are nerer able lo get one direct from aehool (bat wai able to



will certify to the above facts :::::::::

lake sp our work ax certlly a* yoor xtodeou.
We took a yosag tody from your cwllege bat aprtog art ibe to
now able to handle tbe wort ax W(4I ax the older cmplore*.
We alway* to* eoafidrat of Kettiu Joat what we •aM wta we
Bwty to yuw lor hel*.

Teve trWr.
Kedr Lxrtber art ShtafiSe Co.

% W. L. DeWlU. V. R


8u of wuhby Cka* emmup tamor
armled mt Dowaftoc (or (ergiBc ooto.
IW. Hethor bufod ooa'a mkeus.
pcottp ftrto
termed, and that Uo momlm* ar« r«II to oaM (Bt tbo
oulred to wear ankle aboe* and talk
at the Ookiaad ceaaip clnmR
bon with ibc word* -MewoBlae* to a
d will eoatslB moro dlrom niti
good towB- embrtadetwd n the Inaiep. Ihu bare pn appeared oe aap eatoaTWa ta a nmort la Hu

Bum* to tba olctaitp < Vatot

km (ho ta
—fcWl (Mr w*j Mctk am (k« mktac. at-iv Ml« nod bam TmtaL

0 oa tbo

tba fiaaebtao ta tba UtaUfu.
TraeUoa Oo, which ma tba atreot
an la BatUa Creek oad Katana-

Mr. aad Moo. Oae. PHn
CKp otakta tbair taUor aad mt
Hr aad Mro. A. A FHta. 8MDoMbr Ptobor to ok* wWb ta
Mra. UcLaafblta to fatatof.
raUor olowip.
ma ban oalte
Ida J '
aome beuer at Uto wriitof.
White aad bto topthor attend
cborcb bore Btnidap.
Htaer Krmt ta Olea
nllta at Praafc Touea’i Bu-

U. A. H.— *0

_____ malm: toU S4 aad tf. Mock X.
** " j'oMAIito TlS*to
S iBlereat la wlR (eat ot lot t. btoek
It. TiaToroe Qlp; 11.
P. A otrabo ■
P. Oroot, lot IS.


BmMc Ucb «m* tloM
no. U«re ta a prortahn outlet (kot
(Starr ax Mdi at (»•• OoBoral Kopad twttau K> traMhlM oa eerJU. Hopklu to worklag at Lake
r^talkla** arm.
talB oiraeu wboeoror It tolli (e band
Tfcr JwMwr
toaitowMlr •»•
‘jS V '^waaon to Caae A CroUer.
aad Hr*. Pbimpa aro ^lag
0 ta BOW track each pou wbdfo
j-|*-r Ur taoUai' rmr gmt*. Tbr
ta bp tbo cnBBoo eouetal. Tbo
■M JMM-r atmr ta HoreblK «P
road bu aot conpIMfl wllb taat pear’o
•kav tb« m4i rwlrard ti (be IU>order, aad AUmnu Wakekaa wuU
na U«M «< rMW «b)U coei
the dtp Ulomop U> Urow UeB oat ta per. weal to Trarerwe Otp and back
•I tUUn. AaoUrr JapuMT tofW
(be olreou tarolTed.
*Th^ C. T. V. B« lut PrltUp
Prod I. Duell. guardlaa. lo Hra Julia
ta Mo b<«siar (or HakM* troB
with Hrx. John Whit* ot Bolaa.
A. Brownell. w-IOO acn** ta M-i*, »ec.
Hr* Hilea Deumoro at Detroit la •7. lowa ». ruge 12; »l15lap a raeukm. bappoalai tale i
here olxllla* Mr. oad Mr*. Bd DeaEmma Hugb^- Btad ii*
uerata ud obnrrtac two poukf
HMoB. n
toretaf Uelr aiintlcu opoo
Uri. Hotaomb ta Ue aoothera part
lai todtao who wore eadnr<w1a< ta the lUte la hofOTtoliln* bet (aUee' k to., pot^l i. IMe Lake; |6-"’
and DOtber. Hr. ud Un. } P. White I
arold (bon. tatrrterta aad
Mtox N..r» Cork rUlied a few d*ya
proBpUp whacked ta (be opr. Ai the
tint at tterWi (roa ftadimiofc.
: but week wdih
Hrt. Cbioee ta
r wu ta Uo Bldto ta
roeera* Clip.
Aa*un R Hanaalord to Hoyd U
Mn Morp Tolteo entertained two Smith, lot ;u. Uak Helghlr. tk:3.
ooaooa bo waited till oa d'otp ofolo
•irlkr ta thrrr.*
: her couaioa (roan Pouch Sundu.
H. Morae lu Ployd 1. SmUb.
wbrs bo twDPo oot o worrul and u
p>. 8MIbooMSd
Mra- Pepper (rotn 'be south part ta; ^
. block 1- r««drlfh» SM
t (allowed. An Indian ooce rele oute la brn- t1«Oo« her («ber|^j.
add: tiso
(ued lo oboot a door that itood with ■od nothrr. Hr. nod Hrx, A “ *«■'
d. ne>.
B. J. Mcfean tu H.
Hr. ud^ Hn ^Wm. Amb ^ ^

In mp mcb. oa tbr troond that be

bwtabrn ktao boM «


Coorad Maeller. t dear ud lol
Bier ta Now Tork, hu the mo


■m. Alton and daugbler Joele
lol> i: aad
rd callbd la Klagxlep Moodap
Piopa L Srniih and w
HUliun wu Ibe gnett ta bto
Hayden. wS I**'
Hr. HaelW up* be baa bndher. (too Hadlaon, lut week
Oly. Jl.tUi
il Bore (in out at IMa n-aelnb
Mr« Rolil. Curry, who b*« been vtoPrank U. Gardner lu
ihu be bu orer bad out ta upthint Iting her bnrther, C. J Barkman. left lUmi. loll* tl and C. b
Monday lut (or Crud Rapid*.
On oae orcuioa be wu
Ur*. A 1, Thnrttoo called lo MapPerTT Hannah lo Pr**
dewed bp a New Yiirfc reporter, knd Beld Tue»dap.
tol. t and C. block I. P
expreoaed oome otarllliia rlewo
Mr. Sewell ta Summli Clip wu In
Qucotluei ta public Inlereai. When ibe u*wa Wedoradap.
Air Beecber (rom Ohio
reporter bnrplta owop tbo Joker cUlta
Irlpods here lul weel
up dbe newipoper oOce bp lolepbo
to a luSerer (ram ba;
■ad explained Iblnfx. Mr. Maeller
X life loop republlnn.
Adah Thayer l.-(l to.l Tboradap
Hr R. Goaner *lret u lnU-n-«llnt
u extended >1x11 wllb relallret
ocrouDi In Kiinai
(iir Alle ta
friend, in llellal
unique art acbool extobllabed at Worth
Tbuiwday mom-1, I mother niii-d VH**ward Ihian
bp HelDdch Zuiel. tbe dvooI tanoua of ing for 81. U*uU. He will altOBd tbe I
Rev. Harvey K Full.-r
Oennu nlPtm ta ulmato. parUru exi.o>liluo and relum u* Kalamaiou. |
when- be wilt lake up bl. iludlei at |
larip abeop. Pour nvalba everp pnr
he roaulu with bU puplla In the place
HiT j I- Vu»er eUlted retotiee* ,
named, the ourroundlntx of which ta- in Traverse Chy la»t TuexdapPranre* Unm ud brother Dewey j
(or pIciureHoo b*ckirouud* (oi
Vl.lied relative* ud (riendi here Ibe |
aataial plctaroo. Tht peaunU
(on- pan ta lut week.
onnp a pour londina tbeir cowi
Ray l.ainphere ta Hulun
giie.1 Ilf Mennn Wood Ian *
abeop u BMdeli. toklnic nre to
HIM E*ih.-T Calkin* arrived Ini
the ktadx partlcululp admired bp
Friday Inun Kw-d Clip,. She will learh
their rtaHom. Then- la a tepitar prlee the Marah M-huol thl*
lia (or (hr u*e ta lbe*e anliulH. <

HSta^Etad krrootcd ksd Aoed for

tadtac ta^ III otdmlk.
Mptaarr ta obape at ikriotao ed ■
aim tomai oa lara aaor NorrlHo
Jctaa BMar. aur Aae Arbor, eoa^ taaaaa W aotttac Sro to ataikbor i

Bta HkIbM ot
«r laklac am
fUur Mlh at Paralaitoe Batoraa aanrota ptactac eupidan oo
oM anon to prcaaet twooplat
CUoM oBrero tro samiac oo
atado acataal (ha oaJooakaapM
a on ta (bo babit at oolltai Ugoc
a bu oararal eaomi bi

Aa MPttaaal bo a pooUtaa oo (hr
Orwta RopMo poltao toroo wu (unted
tea baeaaao bta aotao wu DroaB

Hot 8pr*nfi catarrh cue*. M cent*
Hot Spr-nf* Bap. 10 cent*.
Hot Spring* Healing Salve. rS cent*
He! Sp*^’*0* Corn Cure. 10 cents.

Complete External and
Internal Treatment


Conshtinjol warn baths with

oattor Ue alUala -K.
tbu Orud Duke Cooitutlae, «m ta
ta a Bo papu (bo olbor dap. wu la
Ccmolutiae. the etar'a franduncle
roBlUp u odltootal pin (or Uo ataloat tbo
be became a diaiinkuiahed poet
at (bo etu- It wu boadad -Bre tbo
n ladUB
L. B. Plane. CoMwalor. hu Cbli
Orarneod. Baalud. when aU.ut
nil boote 10 MrflBia with her b
bud In UK. St. Oeorce'a rhaiah.
WapplBK. to to bare a polpR au

(rom wood broiifbi from VIrclaU- PoeahoDtu to buried la ihe rbaacel of
■ at BottarltaW. HlanoSt. Oeofsc'o eburob.
Kaa «aaa(p. atarud atata i
ne dnib of Don Harm Aalonlo
Poroter al Loo Anfole* a few weeka
ago remorea oae ot tbr laat aad
fcaowa ot eoutbere Calirorala htdaUoa
who bad beea (ortoule eaoitit during
(ben dapi Ot Americu proem*
bare preaerred latarl bit Ibouxud
Mil* ud aorpe rerp aelect cattle u*l
Hup awn rbarfe hlfh to be tnlei
ta ‘M* (blot at pottea.
JBa Matatpro. ploaaar Praa«u lata jrtewed Sir Charln VUIIm 8tula^l.
eattatp. dtad. reaoM fraatloc foex loot proteooor ta muak al Cambridfe
uiri li reqnired a fee ta tl.OOO
wlatar. Oaacraaa aM la.
■oarr rooai ta WbKback hwo. Boi- ■o get bin lo ‘-open up." W. 0. Qrace.
tb Oita, wu daatropad bp llcbtalac Ibe erirkeier. demtadi tUW tor i
aoiM (bo <M la wbleh Hr. Whiibnk lerelew. aad ibr rate* set bp W. B
Gtlbert and Blr Robert B1I. Ibe u
aad wtta wara ataaptai
iraeomer, ard nnrlp u high.
iirti Ibt PrapoT a( Balita Crook
Tbe duke ta PIfe to one of tbe (rw
■«aru tiadoca' roaake‘ oi Pontaad
land Dwarei In Great Britala wbo do
out ealatea.

tor aome pear* be bu

h woicb •indllp parted alib bit toad u ap(lo^
lualtp altonled. bolding that one
tacaaarlp iwopouda.
■au pewa « BaUta Oraak ataao- runm roairol largo tract* ta i
torp to the hni adranlage ta tbo
mm It taabaa ta dtaaM(«o.
(Mdwatar bu will taako tbonaud oranitp Mr to probablj Ibe onlp
■taouiner amuag the dukm In Ue
Orita loarup ta atao.
Ahoat M parda ollk tabu troa Bai- bonae ta lord*
Lord Hallbunbn, wbo roeroilp rrll<b ibaok tuwa ta daptlae.
Hr. Arnold-Pnnier-*
Oaarao K. Badltah boa^ Poottar trtied
acbeme. to a *o« ta Ibe'ramou* Judge
r ta oUlo.
nallhurtoo. wbo rmted -8am Bllek"
Hall<d u two
ta (bo burioei aeiiled In America In tbe *e>
rateealb realarp. The wibur ta "Sam
«|M wfll ba nbIHIad al Horoa
Slick.- TboBu Cbandler Hallburion.
OoBpaap Oraad Ladst cHiaoBi Iona wu (or ••.me time u Bacltoh H. P .
'bat wu betirr know* u Judge ta Ihe
■■|iip (o rataa
AMu tallkan who baoa to pap '■npreate court of Nora S«^
ballla Henan ara attar tbo aealpa of
Iba ooadan wb# poddio tboir Watab
—wrtlia aboat Uo aotahtaotbood ta
a paS aad tap u tiraan

aaaaefb at Atataa nd Morobsll bare
datadtd lo laitta Ua gonlloo trf w
............ T n (ba luatan dtaBoad
A Oraad Hern mao diad aaddnl
tta adbor Bp wblla to (ba aUat of


Tu<--.Ia* S.-(i:

riiiinliic liir.mxli

:nl|.l-li rliaasFin- Travers. I'ji. i.. n.-v. land an.l

' to cleanse the skin of

mejjt to instantly allay
Itching, irritation, and
inflammation and soolhe
and heal; and CUTICURA Pills to cool and
cleanse the blood.




.-S' CO

^ S'

.eii.Job.a Dw»»»vr,Jito*vo(l-rri.i.

Try a Rerald Want Ad.


riiis vKirr. will bl- dt»cil nil day Saturday, Scpl. 10. on account
of Hebrt-w Holidays.

A (amity reunion wu held at ihr
lome ta Riclarr C. Oartbe lari Thurslay.
Prank R. narl*. cuhler of the baek.

■I aorlelp on Friday tan.
Mr. Wfaeeler of Omraa .peat Wi*daadap la town.
Mlu Id* Pickard ta Buiiooi Bay to
Ihe gueii of Hr. and Ur*. Pruk Da
George Ketioa led thl. week (or Al­
bina wketo be will eater acbool.
A. SenloB* of Buiioo. Day xpeat
SBBday la town.
d roa are n.erj
iller* occupies) Ibr pulpll at
-cb on Buadap.
Un. Redmond
daugbler ta
Orud Rapid, are
A. UllUkea.
Ilev. Wbldden. wbo ba. been HI. to
•lowly recovering.
J. Bpugle ud family arc plenannilp
kiealed in ihelr new bome.
Ur ud Hn. Bill*, wbo bare been
Ibe gue*U ta Un. W Wllaon. left
Moodap lor Old Ululon. where they
win opead a week beture reiuralng to
Ihelr bome le ToWo
Cht. We*t. I and daugbler
pi ta lut week
D Travene (My
left HoDdap (or______
r Hui
The Ladle*- BeneSt
clety beld a
aortal at the Wootoc;
oolaep Qouage at
Sorthpon point otI Thursday which
wu highly enjoyed.
n..r and .upper were lerved and a
pleauDi da> wu *peni by all.
Rev J I) Itoeti left
with *1* lodUn cblldren for the Hu
kell Instliuie at Lawrence Kuui
h«*"'lh*' ”

** "'"“''“'to


Dun'i fail lo see tbe GrcalcsljUnc of Clothing In Micblganl

Handsome Effects In

..Mij. i,.
Mr Blellluw left Tbuisday for Cblrago. Weal Bead, lad. ud St Loals. •
• 00,1Stodo,0.
and ^pi, jftth will eater the Nortto i
«ot*ra nalvenliy, Cblcafo. Hr. Btetlmuy warm friend* bere wbo
fWt eeelng him leave and *11 wlah

W «• h.iv*- jiisi t>|»rnf*! HI* what wt- >onlnl'-nt1y In-lii-vc (o bn the

new Fall
Dress Deeds

i-hoio si, m*i't v' lisiblr- and d<-sirablc display of


We re<»ivevl a choice line of Iheie new ilnrf;v Sjiui.
them on sale lOiUp. They are ihc newi-xi ii,lcs in '
will be the popular ubric* fur this fall in.l aimer.

NUB BROADCLOTH m blue* u.l browns, will 1 Zi S’
be a great bvorite witb the lariiex, u.l ix very ityli.h . / »\JJ

l-'or Mr-n. Vmiiiif Mm, Hoys and Chibln n, ilia'. wa* ' ver shown,

MANNISH CLOTH itatwellfxbrlc lor xuiu.*.,n of i.. mviablc plaid, ud bu that nr* effect that ix so much f £•/!
deaired. The price ix.....................................................................

at j>osiiiv*-ly low.-r

FANCY SUITINGS m nobby rough efleers;


le ss 1I1411 what inlfriur

ud dretae* ud will be a qakk acUcr.
bovly'i ej-B.
Price only................................................................





.ire snUJ fi,y

th.irR* *l


many casr-s.


many storr~».

See Ibe Men's Sulls we are selliBg at $10, $12. $1$. StB. $20 aM $22.S0
See tbe Yeang Nea'i. Sultsat $5. $7.So, $io, $12 aid $lS
See the Soys' Saits at $1.87. $2.50. $2. $}.S0. $4.Sa $5 abd $6



CBMor ud gOB metal.....................................................................


-•(jifat Ilf similar i|iiali'i'-s • Isr-whcr*-

Z1BEL1NES are again ia vogue
We ihow a nirc Sfk,^
variety of patterni ia brewna. blue*, greenx. Sells ta . OUL-


Btod btood aad MHsMaa ara dud-

Store. Johnson

‘e‘ I). Whliaey of Big
Rapid, w,
Srhool I
Ing a legl
Harry 1

Mlu Carrie Pouad*. nnlloaal Junior
Chnrrh. apoat Suadop la town tbe
....................................Barae*. Mlu
tatereatlng talk
Hall . AurTk

Mpm TaBp Baauto Oe.


u.-ra R>

r trom Uts
Prank Ro.nvao
■art Siiodav
Ihe gurvn
ly Hto. Malveriioe.

BlOO Rowant. SIOO.

VaaoBton to to bdoa a aow dallp
A mile IHP map
may be a
ueriSced to
PBor. (o ba oanad Ua DaOp Nawa.
■addon auadi ta eroop V yarn toot
Tbf aaw ibaal wBI appau todap.
have Dr. Tbomu' ■eketrte CHI oa
no tlUata ta Paraa to to darkaan
' M ta AAapad amUaOma wlU U


Hannah A Lay Meecjnlilr Ca_ d'Stributmg agent*.

Sto-<-i*i il

i-inrn (II l« IHiflal.i g.«! I>e 7m .la>v

... I

good heavy weight foe (all wi

af Ibalr riapteitoa (ewu. tbo eo)

For *al* at 8. E. Walt A Son*. American
Deufl Co.

Te (':,•* i-(aml. 11 aad ll<ifla;<* N I*
...r III. I.ak. Sh-ir.' t

Mr. and Mr* Jacob Erbarl returned
Monday evealag (rom u extended trip
■hroiigh Ibe euiera atale*.
Pred Talieri-r wu over (rom PKv
l.ak*- loday on butlaeu.
• Wo I. Blarkman
ulllng bU par-

A eaU bta ban taaood t<v a bi
(aanilba ot -Vi (boar wbo bror (

PalHai ID fata aap aaitafuttaa w


W S UM«n. T r
. tlillMUIv. Ul.-h.. '
* K W lull- I I- t ilr.B.I llaiild-


Olotio ud Seuallnt, leaded blr
•onoM aro tUad to ibalr ataoat «a
lber‘* obeep.
puUd aad tb* aub (iBriili aro ctad
Il bu luit deroloped that Ue H
(M Ua buttall atoaoe ta aavir
lu poet, wbo hu I

^ WOM. .
palBt ta taaa(ab

For ule bp all brat dan drwfg.o)


Aa bataau ia Bauio Oiaok.
It It roporiod Uai (bo otata taoaar

ta Iba. J. W. attmo. Adrtaa. fcUlad bp

tJOO Trwveroc City toolMwatolo.
They euro to day eomd all Chron

- llX'lt I

len esvLablo dletlndlon oT l■elna pruilcaJlp on neon double u( Judae Alron

tb«w»*JlliP*M dotal frmi duo

Cura* off Chronic Dmoaoas.

aid him la dmpMltix <■( 'he
. ouml-er ta kMDgor* al*uui

optata. UM^^SSt I


put a gang ta
B a train at Ctadwaier rereal
■aki maa wu much sorprtoed
ISO .*f Ihe gvnlrp (uddealy

*21. to HU Hamberger.
M I ud 10. block i. Paradlae; «».
Horgu Bate* to Dominic Duan.
li tauto ta nto. aec IS. town I-

wu bnallnp rooe aad not deer. -When
audllur Ceni-rol In H A xml A. P.
ne bant coon me bant cone," »H Lo.
Cork A acott bare about two motem-,|^^^,
of nwS., m-t I« io»n
•roi Biiaafra-oir twMm
Kle Creek bocheioro will imlle . eekt ta threahln* ud UU will flnlab , J,
bo takn baU.
their work for Ibix *ea*oo. Grain ta oil |
r~ f^ieii ud wife to Rmm* T
roatenledip at Ue eUieoieiil lb*
lOda la lornlna ool rother poorlp.
' Wllbelm. l>»ri loi t .ee JJ, 0n tT,
of thlrlp-nlno diruree nlli oa Ibe CalHr. and Hn. fhu. Borouab and ri.,*,- ij (ilo
un dor*et. tircoip-elfhl were
i« win bo » Uloi e( Uw put TLo
children tlalt.-d In EnM Ka«*ot Sun
^ farpenu-r t.i E. A Monfit.
It '» IbI add. 11,1*1**.
>rboa Bot.ot 1 o-cloek
Honnab * Uj to lo Wllhaai I.
■ U«kll t« UoMrfke. C
Aomral Ntwt.


dar ia that nwatp.


A GIoolc is all tbat will be ncccvsiry for you lo satisfy
yourself as lo tbe exceptional assonmcnl we show
Look elsewhere, if you wish, b«:fi*re buying here. bu( be
sure, absolutely SURE, to look here b* f<>r<- you consider buying
We aresole agents for "McKlBblN HA I S' -you srill like

Rich Silks..
Cto w (aU aock il ta a»d ifi a hudaome oae.
Ifhen m need
ta fOki wc are b pooiikm to give jou the nem the laariet afforda.
Our pnees are (roe mooey uvevs.

BeratoA. emick. acratob' noable te
anead to bataaeu daring thT^ m

Tke Most Pn^essive Store in Rwthem W^an

Sfrtth9t Stets ITm fRMry

Cbe Boston Store

I HcKIbWa Hat.
I You Btoa oM yam
Mjrto to barn.




Kud Tmase Hcnll





tut. Uaella Barai. Mr. Uoaa aad wife,
Mr, Pwwey aad wife. Mra. FTaa«i
Coaror aad eblldrea.
BHrM uM ebUdraa.
brab HertoC,
»| of .Blekaeat.

Mr. aad Mrt Ira
Oae of tbe it*,
belac abeeal aad also »a

Cm <rf While Cload. Mleh, Irlas wttboal aaj hope rf reeorery.

Baiebad TtMedby

rtaeats a pretty mraraace
eone of mock graUBeation lo
psople of Mantua. It Is a hand
log. tbrwe stories hlgta witl
BMt The eoralee is s pretty
ptfce of work, the design of Bert WIIIm who taf charge of Ibe ooastruea. Wort has bem la pregrea
ir weeks. Mr. Wtibelm Is e bulldlax

1. H, OBX left BaanaU Cttr Moaday
PM la (be real cMbe tlMf ea bU

Far tM


Ut0 ye.urt.7 .nan— I. k«**4

tiat WM. Chartaa A. BUlr cad Jodc*
A. V. MeAMV »«• eboi««. Tfcli *»•
Mwakal of a «rprlaa. bal tke ao»

9,. »f, BlaJr k ao* anoraer twf*l
al tba aUla. I* a aoa irf Ooranior AoaUa' Mair. aad baa a wide r^uUcw
aa a* attaaer aad a daaa aad able
jadf# HeAlrark aoslaatlaa
vfll ha HpacUU)' flMilaa to Weaten
a^neii|»« Cvabla.
loac expan
9i If popcOar with all, aad Ue dlaeaf
be eeatTWhefe

Moat PUI Vi
«ka aaalaatkn of AttorMy Oeasral
BMIr for tbe enpreme beaeb will ae
MMtota a ehaage oa (be repoblk*a
•tala tiebat. ae Hr. Blair
«H^e of Us party bw

o Ul tba vaoaaer ibos a

Vermaars Big Bhirailty.
TW retmras of Ue staU eteelloe la
Tsruoai Tawday bdltstf thsi Ue
state wlU Use the rwpabileas Uekel

ttiriaii wnATJi,

s b,.kr o. a



mas FHday-s Record.
Mr. and Mrs. FMd R. Hooeer Wt

The brtek work et PIpsrk new
■tuif was

vttaaadaaa.Oao.Oac.artfaaBdebUana. Albeet Ob. Hn. Laara Roaa,

Usnleal fltrr HatM.

_________ ______ _
<H«y. r.
Oox aad wile. Otto Co*. WID Oaa aad


OekM al his
The aext dar ftdlowlaf a part od
be eoMpaay met at tbe hoaie of Mr.
ud Mrs. nixperaW. where rtslttaa


btue Cmk Uto i

queue road was narrowly averttd Aug.
The aext reunlea will be al the list at»ul >:SD o'clunk near RIgbtb
Mar of 1 N Cos wtaleb Is the borne
.met cruulbg. when tw.i .-nglnes
oad cd Ibe old Cbriillaa parebU wbo -ratbed together bead on. As II waa
fame lalo Decilb eoonly, iDdlaasi. a. wo Vbglneers were Injured bui the
Palher Cot rut aad -eat of Ue train m-w Jumi«1 and

of W.drutullle. lo
rvturn.d borne ibu momlng after t
mng bl. brirtb. c. It A llaniMsn
Niaa Mauile .rf Kalamaus.


W.-slv) SimrllliK end romellus Spar
,.ng of Paradise township an- la the

HieFO I. . b>.> - I

. reaun ASbusKiigK ri>K wAirt-gsews
^ sstlie Uuslwi. Isrw. IblW IW1I.W ftSB

II- ...


r-aulkl... •l•sl■ ta.. ..wt.s., l.s-wtM.s ..i.Ui.4,.1 wh^cs.... ssd Uwlwst uib . brgp
s s- »se»wksl
ll.nW ...
wn.1 i-j h.mrio. siwl- .eefcsol IB.WI, s. rtw. Sb ll wiwt. (Mir
, . iisd.i,
wwadall a.
a. ............................
h-snst >.«•
'oU- r—0..-I . CJ on.lwf.w-w.«e wo-. Bw.. frs«. !••«.>. .ww4
Sirt B.T ■oF.b Uw>l>e»ie .......
..e.I. .e..
. Mi I .n, • isn>. S OM. awf... •W.sU fsiw. wwU
rf»l. > ilh Ui^ riviw. W..W IB Inml .4

cB, uvla, ..n
of H."lgf k "■
I, ,UI a hu.lnee. l..P

“ .......... ’“Si?5S£«alS'=7»


ing fh.vids In Ue elt>
H U.ukf .d Plf.- IJike Is in uo-

,.u B bu.ln.-s. irip
J lleodeiwon an.l wile. wb.. bale
, .m-ndlne U- summer *i Trve

Card of Thsoka

Top have brv.keii eamp, and Mrs. Hea
dvrwm will sp.-nd a week In Ue city ■
ig before kuIdk to tJrand Hai'lds.
they have purebaM-d a li.'w


s Uis.ywit
pson and wlf.- .d Whit ;

Don't Broak Vour Back

uo. i.w isi.
bl d.sfl K.s .ale m K

Ibl Ut-ti-Dili .


•hnrl.-s A Biirbridg.- «i-ti !«i
.1 In Hand llapld..
.. M \v. Hui.iB-il. ace..n>|iao:


mg 911.1 fniuil) I
> Tu-utsy. (ieoi
w’iDi..r's (»airib'iMiin. w


Fur a limited time


K.-kl.r-. b

le Ibjurirt man.
tloyd^Naggs. the oih.v engineer, reeelved slight Injuries: the fingers on
hand being rer, badly amaabe.1.



J. l>.)b- went lo Interloclieii

Tbo accident was rausod by tbe twlieh
engine roming out of Ue yard, ai Uo

Ibis imirnlng for a vl.ll with retativ.-Mr. John M.swe of Vellilll.-. Mil l. .

frcdgbt d.-poi while anoU.-r llgb
was coming down the main

isnufiKsl bom.- this morning efi.-r a

iowar.1 Ue depiM. Tbe llgld engine
rvonlDC al a fair ran- of s[h.c.I

fuio-ral ..r Mrs lewis H.-all.

vl.ll lo lb"- cll, and also tb •

e aileeidlBc (Uysickn.
ReaBiM at Halataad Hmw.
taiwwell plcak and party was teoua wbm has baea deae la Ue part
Urae ysars and ttera k BO aeed lo re- dered Mr. aad Mra. A. I, HcBala of
New Tork city at tbe Halstead bomepsat bsra Ua Urtee-ioM Ule.
Tbnreday. Aug. U. when
AmcrlMB knows Ibat It Is true, and be
they have been Malting ibeIr brother.
k proad of It. Whether at '
Iswurtb Halstead
staead It k a aaeeUaa aad
The picaic and party was a great
taday Uaa erer tadme to be aa
irprtae to all concerned and a very
ABtrkma. aad Ufa la tba republic Is
btuer worth Uvlag. WlUaUUta.loa. pIrosBBt lime w«a enjoyed by Ue IH
nvigbbars aad all wbo alteaded Uc
feta enme a eoaslltmad. twoatted r«affair.
puMIcaa party, harmosdotk aad eonMr HeHalD. wbo la an aeeompUsbed
Btaal. proud of lu kader and awaitluslrlan well known in Ue Beat, tenervd several srtecUoas.
Mrs. MrBeln. formerly Hist Ida Hal
lead, came lo ber old borne wlU ber


kter.lHIse Ulllan Haltlead, on Juos
for Us bimedt of berfbealU and
Se rvtura In hiv old borne has greatly
streogthned ber ae well as her

Will Teach the Deaf,
r are not familiar with tbe law
ard u establlshlug a speclU

tract.d a .•onsl.l.-rebl.'

:>.-(*-haf pupils abd a few facts t


• b-nvlne for <'-sllf..rnln

l.-w Ibr-al. of Ij-nrhlns
Tbeii.-gn. live-, el K.-> aiol had I '
been .IrinVing
He w.-ni Int.i
Drusrb rneal mark.-l W.sine.ils) an I j
Tbe law wa > eatabllshed In US9 and
made a trilling piirchae.C. Weaaellus of Grand Rapid. Is the
HI. ilaugbier.
■lalh.v” of I lal law

Ir. r. <l ('ampUdl and
on Sunday f.o Mobile.
li..i wll niak.- Ibeir home.



wbo Is now 1
d while SU»

Kinndenluwg In


school boards. The Mboot can I
labllsbed wh««. there are ihr.
more deaf ebUdrea aad fur cblldrim
friHB tiinv ,-ean up la age Tbe purpuee Is lu provide si-buul training fur
rhlldren when loo youngt.i !«• lak.-n
away from borne wb..-ly. In ad.liii.m

where h.- w

no! allowed.
In Ibis cliy (ben- are about u-u Mill
ren wbiMi would be beneAlrd by sueb
ecbiml. The Uw further prot Id.--for

antt O.M'MI.M.I OI F aboul 4UU pain of
SMi>i':S in

e blindi-il blm aad half an Inch an
er it would hate cwumb] death.

some |jiM>d

Call ami

l all (foods

KnwHh siso .tipped an.l '
mio togi’Hi.-r



h Nc^’hpotl
MK- Margaro- B rarer return.-.l In "

. < r\ IwmJj
nme by tht- f..i for full.

iJt-r V i>1t In Ibl- City with fnonds
Mrs- Juba A

Wllm* and daughuv “

slurno"! homo tblv morning af'.-r a
.hit 10 ih.. eJii wrth h.-r peroBU. Mr.
Tbursday '* Roeiwd
i ted .•.'Ir- Isaac Wlaale.
1 Briggs has n-turasd from a two
l* Mayns returaod lo
weeks' vacation at Hudson. Hlllsda:o rOjir*
• aJieroooD after cum
aad Toledo. Ohio. He also aiirnded pMmg an adjourned
a rf nreulv
the Inneral



Mr. Ho. Pease and son HaruM of
I,.use and wife of Jf« u-lard at* rlrttlng her pareaia. Mr
Manlsise this morolag 1.4 a
Mrs. C. H. BrarJngton for a few '=*
sbnrt rtslt
ml. Gracv Tb^.baJd wen. to Rf*
[ this mornlar where sbe will i
leaeb s term of school near thal place
ibis fall
Mkst Mabel EMrwd went to Kings-;

IS this summer,
and ({ct your

'b^ w.>.ks.__________

cine.romti and tern Bouth.
Ttrounb iraini from Dctroli
JVC September 4.
boMlsg rouDd-(rtp toorlrt

log for a vuil.
: ley to OPTO a term of scbool Moaday, j
Wllttam 1- Wilson of Kingsley arMr. Man Malnoee aad Miss Viva “ "^b^el
red la Ue city thi* monilEf for ■ sad Hel.-n and Vera Malotme of Ra
Street Smti
tail WlU bis son. Regkter <d Deeds . reaaa returned home this mor '
qanie crmlaa arrive.
after Mrtttag rtatives la Uc Mty.
Dtreet aaaeeUoa ta Uat


lU intos kartoc Deintt for Totede.
Ctortunatl aad Ue uartb M HZT a. aa.
U:*S p.^i^aad lt:Haat-u

li. r.-(or.-,

mall Paper and
Ulinddw Shades


of his ririer wbili:, suurt

tVed Danu of Port Oacdla Is In Ue
cliy for a short »t»n with fri.nds an.J
Miw. George Johnson and Miss Johna w<mi (o Neab-iawaata this murn

242 FRONT 8T.


h- ba'd taken in'" thbut W.CC noi P.HIII.
here from Mocv..i«

Him Daky Sb^e* arrived from DeDr. r. R. RoWasoa <d Mt. Plpasaei
troll tort Dtcbi to upend sotae time duraed home Uls mcralag after a,
WtU trkBds aad reiaUvea. Mks Tlrtt WtU V. W. ralrebUd
iVhur. AMalr win be
Mlta asto Karr, a iMt*» to Iks
totali i*-M 9B* MM-Bt-to

.trautoc betwwea
OoUwmter (■Ma. Haa protected

and can jfive you a shoe

( thi m now.

arminii ilailj

O' pick.-.! HP w.. on.

lary be and be is bei^y toatnicted i
a( Uk reaolatkm doJ
aatbrollcated by Ibe proeldeat of Um
aad tbe aeoutary tbereef sad
ha rorporatc aaal to said i
leal of pnblic laetracUoe a


ir Ills Kaplds wb.-ri' abu w ill

per annifa.
Is stale there are schools In
Rapids. Noskegon. Jackson.
KaUmazuo. Saginaw. Hay Oltv
being e»lsl.1lshcil at

od; end.
hood tad nettle down.
The arigbbora and frtomlB i
Ue tact that Mr. aad Mrw. M
SBuat vetwa (o Ibeir bosie la
Bdeal of public tostracUon.
Tork city.
Miss Llltka Haktrod has accepted be aad b . is hereby regueeted ta Issue
(be -BimrUng MbooT aad wUI noala a permit and antburtly for tbv caubbere as teacher. Miss Halstead baa et­ Ikhmeai of a day arboot for Us de.
la tbk civ under tbe prot Uloas .
tbe cute Uw goveraiag Ue aaam an
that Uk board hereby aasumc Ik
duties aad oUigalkms evToIving upc
Owed Tax Cell
nder said Uw.
Tba amooBt of taxm colleeted by
'Beaolved fnrtbcr. Thai tbe ascr


:it a jiriii' ih.-ii i li.';i|> Mr/idnii arr sold for.

. Msu.l.- Kol-riMjB w

One tcacbiv ran take care id from si i .laim.'.l Ibut b.- had l..n
to seven pupils nnd Ue, can U- le and was no' ■■ognlrani ->1 l.i
pkwdi-d gulli) to a..91.11
salary of from tTO lo IT5

The sebool bon- will be sianed Im

Ladies' and

I hcsi- arc alt hikfii-jiradc goods. We have

*' i w lih'^tli.-

Ur payuteni of 1150 per year for each
pupil Insirucled In Ux-al schools wblcb
the .'Vpemie id the vh.B'1

medlau-lt In ih.- I’.-niral bulldinc

Wtr .arc clrtiftk! oiH at 0\K I'OURTH

tbe method of oral si"’V-h Is r.nulr.-.1
by lawi algns and oih.-r an­

tsM whk

orSmall Acmi

Trmfsi CIti, Midi.|e I

r following nmululioo was unan
as si-nicnnvl to a i- rtt
sly sdupie.1 h, Ibe board of .d.i
girls who have greally broeflted
formai.wj U<r trusiic.
Hle life of frecAisB they have ea­ calloo MundA' upim BHMioe of W W
allomailvv ol liu i
joyed while bere. Mr. McBala has Palrcblld-R-breeas. A peiitloD oC.Ue parents
with bU wife the past Uree
days In Jail A rri..n-l of hi
aad lb that time has raoelved
le money ami h.' w-a- r.-l.
aa ladeliUr Impreekm of tbe aoclabll m4>ooI age baa beee prcceoled lo ibis
His frloD.I. sai Ik- dIJ n»i
Ky and kladeeea of Ibe weelem people board praytag tor Ue establkbmeal
of a day sebooi tor Ue teaching of Rroseb wiih a weapon an
la geaemL He has eaprew
b.' used bl. fist
± to said cblldren by tbs
dlaatlim lo retm to this aelgbbori

City TMaaorm M. B. Haakall v la
BepL 1 waa fTUK-11. Dortag tbe
test two dart of laat mceU
awaat ealleeiat wu
Tbe me« eelkcied bay eae tau was
nt.WO bat MM»T tayi Um at
^^BS|r«r ttnPHaganM
■BKiTMMk AMW «( bude and roarimd ttt.M*. Tbe clcy tremearor k
K3fi||te «aP» ta «4w. wMbiai Ul very well latkBed tbe way tbe taxes
otatw to aad tt k v«7 UkMy ttal
s I n. (beru win BM be kfft aaeauaeaed


226 E. front St.

giBiw Is estimated ei Iftk

her fath.-r. They travel OD tbelr oi
expenses and receive nothing f.w H
WMW atfwaaows; Ue Issnet grave sad Ualoe alreele and Just bow. It
lag Ue Inlerwt that they .lo In i
ertMcal aad «aay of Ue problems de :pesed k somewhal bard lo detemlae. matter. The daughter i. eble lo li
Ui-cr.i laid Ibl- can back on the coiir
Tbe Wllsoa boy aays he was earrytag
and iH-cam.-MTj siwi.hi- Mr liro
l)ut cannot bear and yet a coBwri
piece of Iran In bis coat pocket
at tha highest order. Predeety like tor him In order lo mak.' 1
tkia mn be carted on with ber. 8
was Ue sHaatkm when PreMdeat Ue wlad blew UU arouad to tU
leave the sbin> A nixrtl.- murt in s
reads wbat the apeaker aayi from I
Mnnii-m was eaddealy called to WH­ ■track the hammer. dlaUatglag Ue lips
Ing nwM In-ef was lytnc on tbo r.
OUeiw say he was polsilag Ue
OM Mi^kiylt duly, and wbst a wosTbe law proMdea fur Ibe esiabllsb. iiY and Ibe ni-gr.. plck.-d Ibl. up
I the W*hUney boy wbea It was
«hW eatamst batirmm Us methodi
strnck him Jusi i.MV Hi., letl .
meat of a day ach.ul fur deaf l>y
Tbe bullet entered ibe ai

B«ra of


• I'r.

the swlirb engine was slmusi
slopiwM The demag.- lo Ibe two^

(d Hn. John Wlleun. a selgbbor.
get her eoa. Cberlee. U accompany
ssiTta Afad recall Jobanoa'a eu
Itai ta liacsria. wbUe ArUin-e to Oar him. Tbe moUw refused permi
Mdli II atea yet fresh la tbe pablk
way WlU blm.
No OM whose memory
out and some of tbe other aelcbborhaMt a geaetellon hu fergntua Ue
yaglMe of Aadiww Johaaoa, the admtb- bood boys Jolaed In Ue party.
faror, Ibe lUUe Whltoey boy allowed
UtfWioe marhed by aiany of Ue aothe Wilson boy lo carry Ue gua. Tbe
aecMest occurred oa rourteealta
AanrlMB history. True ibe


luiew.» Urodl Id lioav days

ar>. now the guie-is ul
rh.mias of •'.HI Web'lei


' ... ............ D.-ir.iM i.

who are aol yet ready to call ■

Cm Pasnlly Reunlan.
Cammli Cliy. Mlrt. Bept T.-At tbe
Pew of MOes Cox about two and oae
PaB —eart aad aoaU of Summit
CKr an Ua asoralag of Aog. $l. oc
Mfie^ ue elcveaU aaaliemry
ohm of tbe mtaebere of Ue William
^ Haacy Coa family. Frleadi aad
lutajjve^ tbe number of ararty
UiS-Wud dartag Ue tnreaeon
Md epsM Ue time la vltlUag aatll
dlaaer was aaBOOBced. U wbkP Ul dM
Abeoi i o'edatR Ue eampaay
MBed to orter by Preeldeat L H. Oox.
A ebcel program wae fusUerm! wlU
MW aad laeJtalloae aad Ue bkinn
« tbe Wnnem Oox aad Maaey TaaaMfcta Cka Umlly -«
t- >»•
Oaa. Wnutee of tbe lart meetlag wer,
read by Mn. Carte Oax. Moved aad
•eawded tbU Uey maal aeta year
«IU Mewvm Cox. rter wPkR prayer
led by ue yoanieel broUer. t N.
am. Tbk erne toHowod by teeUmoay
UtaS Obrieilaas preMt. aad a verr
^ttiMl tim. was eajoywd. HoUm
by Mrs. Carte On tbU
aatttr a( tote aad sympathy and e
he Btat to ue cb
M vary OL Hotlea wt


, ,|„raii„ii.«i,

iwragraphitiK. end laiigusue I
Holmes of Holmes «>ldlni; Is tn yuinsl new ni.-auiue sin.-e tli, .
I^v rlty on business.
wricn i..r il..- Ji.iirtisl Juiii.u

isulncd a badly bruised back, aboul.
rrs aad other bnilses. Oae of bis

lake Ue gun along and as thU was Ue
Vhtah Us ciaat oAoa was derolyad
Brst time be erer had a gun'alooe be
VSB Um. aad to eonpare hie record
was ooaaldembly eUled.
-WtU UoM of fvmar Uee pratk
On atartlng out be went lo tbe Ih
aaUed lo Ue While House. Maay

^ pcOrtee and Uoas of


, iletilb-

turned h..nt.-Ul. rn.wt.lni “'-r a t l.H ■

.1 lpr a r>w>rd break.-r

probably bare hevn killed If he had
_ ,t to escape by Ue doorway hut
iortead be weni out of the window sod

inds was also badly cut and Uo mile
ager was rut nearly Ibe entire length
! tbe bone but will be saved. Ur. C
. Hulllds) sras called and relieved

taIrr*‘wM. S^'
must »ai wmw

.etlves before tvturalbg to Uelr boa

' it'roni, . Kt-ronl
..f Grand Rapids, wb
1 ~«te


“ir Md Nm. « J. Cbrlely rf U-', .
World's Fair, Bt. Loula.
. .1
nine M
‘“P ticket. ■
bate 1.O..0
M. A
A Hru.F „„„„tllrkeH
d sutlons Ask agvnis '
In ibc rlty for a few days went to lad i,^

of tickets and full par !.«—>-c». <>•;.
mac ihk m.irnuc for a visit with rtd j ueatars.

•old eesrd wood wblcb was chopped all saved ibemselvea.
WlU Ibe ax. and mother wore all Ue
Warren Cooper, an engineer, would

ptafUby U more thaa UJWO. Wbea
BmJU WblUey. aged IJ. was shot
MfCtaley was elected Ue plurality Unwgb Ue left arm wlU a » caliber
was » llUle leae than KMO. therefore
by Charles Wilson, aged 10. Sat
Ue'taersased Majority Is caua
y. While tbe bell passed
grallboalloa lo republlraai
Hrely thronm Ibe enn. Ibe Injory 1«
isilti- what le to follow la
not oonaldered serious but Is rer,
auue at Ue Noreceber eleclloa.
tataras traai Vsnaoni hare
Tbe UtUe follow who was Injured 's
smitad wlU a great daal of laleraet
tbe soa of William Whltae). aa em
Md Ue naulu are beyond the most ploye of the Tisveree City Manufac.
taagalae especuuoai of many.
inrlng company, and wbo llrei at TIT
Uke avenue. Tbe boy's moibcr died
IVM and Net Peimd WsMIag.
lari Tbaakaglrlag. This momlng Ue
xOBMpayiasae aye odtoae* and dea■Mswe Ulags to tamper wHb, ae
bU taUer to go to a farm about Bro
ptnybody kaowa. bM It may be wonb
miles la Ue country where bis brother.
who* la Uaktag ap Jadcamat ae
Is older, Is working. Tbe two
WhiUer Praaldest RoDeerea U mboys were to bare reinreid Ibis even
The felber ellowed Ue boy in

a J Wirsis. Ttst—^^

WmM Firm ti M

OKebelRtaPer Wedding.
.. 1 The objecl of Ihe (WgaaltalUn H to Mr. and Mrs J
Bslerdar aftenaae at i o'clock
d aid! >■ »
tut a Jolly food UB»e was eajoyed. the borne of Mr. H K. Loucks. comer | motually l-nefii ibe memUT. and
muralDS sherv he will do sfin.'
Aflar partabiB* of tbe least at dWaer, of DlrtsJoa and Tenib stieei.. or-! Ue profes.loo la geaeral
vevias for 1‘rof «• T Giasa
------------------ ----------Teddle Cos aad wife aad Jerry MortoS eurred the marriage of Hiss Rachel:
Mr. atiU Mrs. i A. Pease of
Oltchrt a nlee.’ .d Mrs l,oork., and
Ns|rWport May Get Cm Ferry.
la ooapsay with Mrs. Lo "
rti., Alfr-d liloom. wile and soi
JsaesOrren Pepper.
D«mll. MIMi . Sepl. T-II 1. .
Bareb aad Mrs. Laafa Rose to t
<d Bsant.iD. Olilci. a
Tbe wedding marrb -a. pUyed b, iH-t 'be Perv Maruorl.e, wb.rb lo.
tboB at Ibeir bones la Aides
of Is-laiid
Miss Rally UiuMu aad Ibe bridal; few monib. nasi has had nwirol ...
Rapid City.
■he UanUtlque. Maruoelte £ Northern , ds> at loucli gshlng.
Tbe rollowiM day a part of (be <
party stood lo a comer of tbe parlor
GkdHVisky. faU..r, on.ihcr
Uat bad ■ been beaotlfull} trimiaed • rallnwd. eUeni
paay la barge of Mrs. WUsey aad
S.IDI went I.. llmeli ibl. OH^ong
WlU golden rod aad white asters. ■ 1" >he I pi-e P.
dae black eolu aad earrtagr t
dsliuig trip.
learc lor BllcbU. where they arrtred while Kef. lluKb Kenned) of the As :»1H »0o0 site
. IS-BIUS f.« hllo and famlij went
,e owners. aL-l
before aooe at the bone of Mrs. Ftaa bury M. E. ehurrh spoke the word, of ; sbaadoo the ,s
l.llink.'i>'> eami. at F.iucb Uls
aiMAber freal Ibe Impresslte eeremon,
The bride and grotim uere iitend.-.!, n,H.n.-ed th.i
iMst spread Tbe party was wciconed
e rallrutd
! “*”■
aad tbe aftemoao was enjoyed by all. br MUs M. Uells iVpper. sister ul Ibe , rha..
iperted that the ..wnerv .if the ;
groom, and Guy GlirbM. brother id ib .
It i
Learfac at t &e\oek
Kaufman .4 Mani-etlr. It
rUlted Mr. and Mrs. Ira SksM where brtde. Tbe bride was dalnllly gowned toad.
r Of St l^Mls.
I Raphlt
In white dotitsi mull and the brid-. It Mehuwn,
Une wi
, J M lilekcUx' of
lUWK- p>ini'"i in im- ■■■i
Ibry look their
maid In pale blue,
,.eber. will
ferv) end ibei the carl«l''b “re
for TrsTerar City, where they ylelted
I (err, sill W pu. on Ue run bMween'
the esyltrm aad elewed thb beaollful traellag pertw were prevent
served ; NaaUimue auil Nortbpori. where (i ble |itn rd.
asylum grottads and tbe sbonw of
Ligbi cvlresbmmt. wi
e Here Marqiiriie
Trsrorse bay. aad also saw some of and U«' bride was Ibe recipient of
" KAUdol,*. human.the sights of ibat most beautiful sad many beauilful presmis Nr aad Mrs
Rai.i.iH, i< vIsItlbE the lanitly
Pepper wiu be at home lo their friend,
_____ ____ ___
|ut i„. cu.m, Istrln mil.v
lories aad beantlful dweDlags. They at S44 Webster street
T foie .if Bw-kflvl.l,
returned loBummlt Oiy Mat Saturday
Kememln-nng il
evenlag aomewbat waarM physically
Perm MtrqwelU Collkkn.
stmgibeaed mmtally and splrltA serious wreck <« tbe Pere Mar

Hk FIrM Gun.


this mcnlag for Ueir home la Kaaaaa
Moaday aa o
c. S. WIRUma baa rataraad b
as tbe NorUwcetera Michigan Deaul CSly. Mo- aft« a trlMt wHb Mie.
city after a baalaeee trip 10 Oreea Bay.
eik RapUe-Rete 40c.
formed wblU shall la Hoorwr's parenls. Hr. aad Mrs. H.
Kalkaske—Rate bOc.
Mode all tbe members of tbe denial Hoatagoe.
Boaald MeCeeky retnrwad to KortbPetatbey—BaH 1100.
professloB la good eiaadlag ptBCllrlnj. MISB
--- .*lell Krotaer lefl thte.
Buetay- heplerebes lltK
afteraoun after eeverU days'
{TNorthweet^Mleblgaa. Tbe fol |t»s lor a tlslt la Grand Rapid, aad
spent In tbe cHy with rela- •, Trala will 1«««' Trs«iTse City ai
.• twolf^ o:
lowing oBnrs were eMrled:
I for partleulaes
Charles RoseotbU reiurard
Preeldmt; Dr C. C. Dowea of CadU'
HUS Emma
OvUic of Midland. I
• Jlce-ll.T, 1
.Vew Tork yeslerday. where be has
kb., arrived In Ur city UU after,
e presideal. Dr. P. j
Battlers* Pares Is •s Seuth and Boutbxm for a vIfM wltb ber hrvtbev, I
gSB of Uls MtT.
Bosloo Slore.
HoWsworib [C- OvUil '
Becretar). Dr. C A. Burbrtdge aJeu
I>r and
Ibis momlng
Mrt. I. Beamon of Paris. M*ch . t___ ___ _
rit aad Ulrd
loflbl. riir.
weoi lo Norlhport
wife Of Detroit are j turned borne this momlng after a four [Tu^ntv «
: Treasurer. Ur. Praak Oiabam uf | R..> llllllker and
,lt with bis pareats.
I Harbor Bprlag.
{l« »be Ml, f.w

B.F.iit Jto.gF.A.

in borm; ol ihcwt room'-. CaJi on uy early wo that we
can Kiv': you the careful aucniion required.

City Book Store
BsbartHBsMBsr e*.


CMv, MW, ••»• 1—T*» «

• Md OB. Or. M. to
4*7 aOwaoM vUle ntaralac to the

Cro. attoaOnc tbi >ae*t at (be
■etse Qtr Orinaf Part avoetoJo. C. P«WI»«. •rtUWA- «<»n»a .... voudt. TMr bone b«
at lb* 0. R. * L trato and
i*W. tbrowto* both «K «l tbe
bMa la .11—- «ltk Ik* MUlatf «>»
Bltta* lot tk» Amtrt* ooaatT «oort
( parto. a*
t. ^a«rtal*.
-*• Ufto-J
ud atrllint opoa. aad Ud« vKl rtcA had a aam>* taeape tooa beto«
««d «fc«o €• a*pL Ik. It I. tfc* atnek bp tbe Mctoe vbleli. K I* aald.
„„Uoo to fo oo »1t* tke *otk at dU am vfciaue aatll (her
to ibc tnntlBC obeo t«o rtmi
MOO m poMlUt and oolf tot*
ohiillat inn btova erbleh canted
(trial* are to b«
“ »»*
to be frtcbtMd. Dr. B. D. Atbtad to be etBtenleoiIr preeortd
toa vat driTtof feU vbtu borne
none relB* at tbe Use vhleh pal

•n* A-M« e—IT e-rt h«».

aad then tvnap back oato Fnwt a
(tr. a tVMfdac rtetorj- V*moa
pomleal l««Delet kM. aerer tolled. tbrovtop both oeenpantt onl eau
iwo. dwiarr. aad tber dalai valk.
Dr. & to Aik oo
t ra the aure
OQtip totored. Dr. a D. AabUm (alltog
onto bim vbtoh tllphtlp broke
. With oolp eteren o
older mea'i toil. Dr. a L Aabloo hnd
a Iran tbe loial rote
four or are rib* broken on bit l«i
I, (741*: Porter, t
tide and bnt aereml bad eoertn
1I47». Tba ail**lna b
about the (ace and Jem On bis ripfat
brtaa tbe plwallty ti
leg there It n rerp bad col nt If nn
bad been driven Into It belveen
boaen. The led leg it bmited nnd
badtp enu .
IV. a D Athlon bad a tookea bone
at tbe left vrlai Joint and one rit
•rbert ver* oa band
art aad toe vorb to tbt Hlfb broken on bti led tMr He ra nlto
tbnken up and bla bend badip
erteol opaaed nader
■tanee* and ibe amootbeat la aereral bruited Foriunatelp aeltber atrock
tbeir b«m* or death vould probp««r* la Ibe Hlpb tcbool tbe dap
been l^tantaMoa*. Dr. B.
aat dcrMad
e U tnCertop and it li
niBBlBK tbroopb ot
thought that be ha* a tllphi oonctuJO ul Ibe brain nitbouph It It bard
dap (or repular vork.
detamlne at (bla Uma.
n-blle acme <d Ibe nwoi an MIffat.
The eaodKIue ol Dr. B. U Athlon
Ip erovded ud vll! be natll tbe aev
and IV E. to Atbloe It imprortog and
kounfa vard tcbool houae U
U iboupbt that bp aeit Moadap Dr.
plried. Ibtom promlee lo raa waiAblp
I) Athlon v(D be able lo leare tbe
aad all eiodeol. *rr4ma»4al*d
ate He vat able to more about
baodtod with eaae.
r Stoat* a IHIIe Wedneidap but
not tiand it to be np kmp.
e Ac* Want.
E to AtbUo-t ecmdiltoa U Im
Mitt Man Abbotl VH ma doe
prorlap but JuU boa loop bedore be
Kd Broach to bla aaioaobile F
I be able in leer* bit bed esnno!
lac 08 tbe eoroer of Pfool and
predlrbxl bv Ibe elteodlng phpti
Cat* rlreel* abnol a o rlork Hlta Ab
n brfure tonlgbl. Hr tt coatlder
vat narchlDC vlib tbo Saleallon
p eatler thep Tuendep. It ir
ttoa* heorabl* no tonp at repoWkw. Aran, tbep bartoc Jott eoorluded
upbl that be vlll be roaBbeid to b<*
(beir BieeUnp oa Ibe eoroer and V.
I el lean tvu veek* pet.
tog tbe rand to line to proceed
tbe hnll vbea tbe aa^ocnobll* cat
Death Rell.
O. P. Carrer aad bnitber bare par.
mmmt lb* lanaraac* tMdBeai cd B.
Mr* Hrien J. Heatb. aged 4» pean
d and Ibeee vat a tcatterinc but
j__ la «ateb no* —a total of Mia* Abbott did not teorevd to pettln* died ^tuntop nljtbi about 10:3.'
tsMtodvo i ri—— carried bp tbi* oal o( the vap.
nelivk of (ancee at tbeir home. Kri
roriunatelp ebe vat not atmeb bp Bale* iireet. Deceased vat (he vlfe
tbe wbeeU. bat top to the middle ol of Lout* H. KetU and beeldet her bur
OCL I Mr. aad Hia. W. a MUler OT
vben (be auto vat bioustal lo a
ietrei three cblldres. Mprtlllv
MMto M the ehr ortu bar* been
____aad ab* vat picked up- Her and Rnp vbo lire nt borne and Mr.
rind Htp paan. Oa OeL 4 thep vlll tboniden and hIp* ^ badip bruited
la Uoed of Germfatk. upper
«Mrat* IbMr pcddea trtddlai «Ub a betidet ibr tererr ifavi the tuttaiaed penln.iil*. The toner ra unable |.>
( It pot Pkelp that (be aecldeni D ben- cm account of tbe lllnen nl
vlll prorr eerioua
IT butbacd .
btarailaa lor (be Watt Bid* Catb
Relallvm from out ol (be dtp vhn
•Me choi«b on tbe earner <d DlrUog
Clicalt Coyrt.
aliended ibe funeral vere Mri. Jobe
aad Saeoad atrealt bat
tbe edjoanied term I Clrcnlt
tad Mn. Harrp Holer, both of
n M eiaaeUd to b*e* lb
beM 0* Thoradep teellmoor Mutkegon. Mr*. Jobo Moon of Bell
Mooed ^ ton
vaa taben to tbe dlrorve eaae of Bdaa
Mitt Lliale Henib of Milan and
Slpter n. Herbert Blpler on tbe Hr.AbO Mr* Enw Heath of Detroll(rooad* ol deeertloo and tbe eaae vat Mra. He».tb Ictrm one titter and tvo
n* BMaad orard baa (be dh
take* aader adrlaement bp Jodse brother.. Mrt. Hannah Hnbbard vbo
Itoa or raWac the dm eoapolan dac Hapaa
near tbe rllp and Jonatbac and
(Me pear, a BoneereK end Pblrtoabi Pnm Prtdap-e Reeofd
Oeorpr Janreon of tbit clip.
•UOMer Boaltat mm a dac atat at
K BOtkm vt* e»de for a nev trial
me (unrral terrlce vat held Mop.
tM «ratr el Proat and Bproee Hraeta.
Clrenli eoait lodap to tbe eaae e* dap anemocia from (be borne on Batei
to K_ oibb* aad aoa »a P- K. Labpn
. -Her. Demu* Cocblln ol tbe
KMuUoM am oat for lb* oaddlw and H. O. Jopat- 3. W. Pateblo and
('oecregallanal ebureb
ar HIM Atte* Tapler Robert* aad Laoa
Hatk bp a cbolr comltilng erf Ur. and
fbpotto THat.
I vaa oppoted bp Pra't and Un. H. A. Coat*. O. O Hiller and Hr*
. The conn took tbe cate under Lanm RJcbardt tang tereml telecadrtteBCBt.
Tbo Rebrkabi atlended the
In tbe dlrorce cate ol UaUle Lamp- fonetal In n bodp aad tbe pall bearers
kin »*. Wllltom Lampkln an order
fran the Odd Fellavi lodge, me
mnde that IK be paid n* talt tllendanct vat rerp large and the
TbeODinabtoa I* aa artia (rip to manep and 14 per veek at temporarp
floral oPeringt vere one ottbe largest
allBonp. beptonlap Sept- k. udiII fur
teem to tbto dtp to D. Curtli
/ «plattothJaparifartbeiniaela.Tb*
r noUre bp tbe eoori.
had charge of the (uoernl.
' iMd tot *14 harraU at that port. Ab
a the dlroree eaae ol Alph K
' b«Mb*r lb* Oolntobto f4efeed ap aear.
net Clark, a plooeer of Fife Lake,
le* ra. Roae Hlnet. tbe ptolnllP It
ip im banalf of applet ter tbU trip to pap Itt *1 aoliclUrt fen.
aged 74 peart, died Sunday morning
a( tbe miaeto aad bad aeat ol tbeto
Ltal Bipht tbe J. B. Orelkk Ilea
tbe atplum of cbronlc iteumatlim
« thia pout. Oa bar rofnlar trip tae n. Maude Tapler and Dnrld Deceased learet n vUe and one toe.
piMardap ^ had M barralt Ibet rt* BmlU vni Ink* nnder ndrttemeat bp Tbe body ra taken to Fife Lake Hoc
(be eoan.
da> aflentoon bp Undertaker Ander
From Sttnrdapb Record.
nd the (nnetal terrice Vat held
decree el dlrorce «
Tueodav afternoon at Fife Itokr
IRa Beipm Otlart IM toBaad a CbarlM Rooeelbal rt. Map Roaentbal
taadaoMO ladaatrial ediths to paa*. to Circuit court tbli morolap.
Hr*. Haudr Statu, vlte of Fred
pMK tan.» pan «bldi U a aptaa■me dlrorce eaae of Rtomt 0- Boon Siaau. died Sundap amralng at Acme
«M wpaatllea ol lb* ladaatrte*. re- ra. Wladeld 8. Boon vfalch vat taken
of tptoal menlngllit at tbe ape of 17
Mwaaa aad advaatapea of that (hrir. under adrlacmeel nl tbe Inal term at
ran. Deceaaed vaa married July IS
tn rillace. There are totoraetlaa court, vat prnnied totl alpbl.
at. Beeldet ber husband tbe learet'
ol the aoMroui baalaeaa
father, mother and tereml hrotben
rnai-r- aad the Ma who aappert
aad do baatoeet to (be ptaoa Bopne It
< Atbnrr H. a rburcb vat
Tbe fnnemi terrice vaa held Toe*
a boatltof to«o aad daaarrat all tba
•aad thlact aMd (d it «ad adtur WIb parked and the parlort bad to be IP afienioca at i o'clock from tbe
am I* tMHiad to erodit far tba oi. opened Bnndnp morntop vben tb* rhuirh at Acme. Undertaker Ander
b*» charge^______
aaMaai Mbod be baa ebotaa to ad. aenrtee cd Uinokrutoett (or tbe lllttop
aad Ibe bnmlnp of the monpape took
rt Sanb mT Lnvreare. motber cf
place. The terrier vnt a rerp Imtote W, G. Uvrence. died at tbe
Ire one and one of bean Ibaafconic borne to Omad Rapldi on
(alnent to ibone vbo bad vnrted to ITldap. Be|>t :. Fnnemi aerrlcet vere
to tee thit thing arcomplltbed held at that place oa Sunday cnodue-.and etpeciallp to Rer. Hi^ Kennedp
ihp Rer. Dr. Gardner, rector of
laa been attiring to bit effont to Gmee Episcopal ehnrcb of that dtp.
Mr, Roll Bvabaatd abeal S;40 allb place bit ctaureb tn the front raak Tbe rematot vere brought here Hon
I he ha* tueceialullp bccob- daj bp Mr*. W, Q. Lavrenee. and the
tbe tame cd lotoroaa betas to lb*
tatm. Bat* eracb a bob vaa tbara. pUtbed.
vaa told lo reel bp tbe tide of ber ton
Tbe tenaoB ra bp Samuel Diekte.
Hr. BaU at oace bmm to aaaoHea
Oakvood cemetery, Her. C. T.
blada ramrd to bit latotdloBi aad tba Lto D-. prealdent of Albkw coUepr.
It coodnctlBg (be terrltet here.
man aad* be reptp aaitl aabed *bat vbo gave a rerp iBlereating dUconin*.
be aaotod am (bea bo eaU *7toUtoB.‘
About aM faooaeu are betop erected
a the etphAt tbto petal tbe na Marted to po the dm el^t <
I Lnaalap at preeent. moct«(tbem at
te««tb chapter t
bMm. Mr. naU foUowd bla to
Ktogi. The ecripture leeeoo ra read i borne* for tbeir bolldcm. m* eale* of
■at aad ol tbe heaa* and dliappa
(or botnet to the cmUal dtp
bp Rer. Hapb Keaaedp from (be one
boadred aad Ibripclxtb Paalm. (ol
loved bp a praper bp Rer. Eldred.
Fred Miller tang a rerp preltp eolo.
MIta Martha Bareep (cdlovcd the
TravarM City Marfcptm.
p tba fallevtoc aamtoa. vmoa bp readlap a sketch of the
AM-CRaa. B. OabttoB.
JadBi ol Piabata to M naalBl
■Mfatii M Dtadi (Ufa A. Adai
Ob Nor. 1 latt the utBl MebtndOtok-dBBtt Daaety
MS. iBdBdfap totereei and bU. ra
Tiamaiar Ralph WUtaa.
Piaanattod Attotwp-*'. R. Win. n.4*74t Dr. Port* ra here aad Bt
(bnt Ume ILMl ra mtoed
nabnctlptkm. Tbe nnmber d anbaertp.
vma MS. BTerapa aaomt at
ra MM; tbe amallaM ra for
$1 «ad the
ra tM Me
Nov all to payed fa and tbe
^^3tA¥MBh«rtTalrptBrtb*tom- Udeptadaaai Is deand.
■nSMAfArtaadlraaparar.TWaa Bor. Hapt
“ ua tomtoallaa eb»ah thea
iraaaarar. Th* to atop fare
MBdahr aa. an Haka* ai

t W. Dona, vbo

dtod FrUap

I Qfapa Hi. parent ver. a
inrtp Mlmimn of (hit raploa and
the tomOp bon far mnap peart
fnmfatat to tbla anetka nnd bipblp
itpeded. Destb ra dae to Bripbtk
iMoac aad ni Mr. Dana bad beee
r aereral moaihi It vnt not eai
Tbe remains vere takes to the farm
of TaL bit brutber. star BUrer lake,
vbere the (naeral terrice vat held at
I o'clock Buadap aftermum
•eatad learet ooe atoter. Mr*.
Ha Wbittog of tklt dtp. and four
brother*. William of Btopbam. Vtab.
tmet J. of this dtp. Frank. Val tod
Ted vbo mMe e* farmi near (be
Daceoeed bad maap frteiidt to (hit
valttp vbo vltl be griered (bat be
a* bMn called avap.

Whb famOr ainobd am<
tn die. aad a am iWap •
mom. to pet Dr. KtaT* »<
I. W K. Broom, or LeeorlOe. Ii
d denthb epooiet tnm OMba
to vemderfol medktoe pave
ivUrt aad eooe cured him.
BBd grip prove lumticbleat merit (or all Ibremt and lung
trouble*. Cnantnteed boUlet SOc and
Trial boKle* ilV. nt Jobntoo't
Store. 6. E Watt B Stmt aad T
H. Head*.
Unle Port Hnron gtrl on flrv v
»«d b> tmall brtXbee. vbo rvdb
ber to land, putting oett fl^et

What It Ltoef
>r mat eanlpdi oufaedp know. ;
do kaov that b 1> under itrtct
that lav erea tiigbtip.
nolo naulir. irrepntor
Imigntor Hrlng
„ ____ _____ o.»o—or liver;
trouble Dr Kin*'. Sev Ufe Pill*,
0. A. R. at Eaet Jordan.
culcklp readjutii tbit If* gentle pel HePbertoo pott. G. A. R.. bold a tborougb. Onl) Jic. Ai Jobotoc't
Stare. S E Will A Sone nnd F.
iceung totl Digbi >n romplMr ar Drug
r attending
. aad mllp to be held at East
Jordan. &epi J4. IS and 1C The tnllp
be compooed cd'lbe toldlert nnd
tallon of (be Gmed Trarenr dlttrirt
aad Tbnndnp vlll be tbe big dtp A
If thehtftoryof ow aiireiu
am baa l>een arranged And In ad.
of veallb vert vrilicn veihouW
I there vlll be etlrarttont at tbe
find that fuUp threc.fonrtha have
riaen from i-orapomtivelp
oM toldlera rrgardleut of
$1 OO vQI open a
vbetber tbep bcluQg lo the G. A. R. or
Blue &»k atavinft aceouot vith
Do( are tovlied. Tbep tbould brtog ail
tbe oldeti Bank in Konhefa
eel* pnailblv. bedding, btonkrii.
plalM. knlve*. fork*, tpoooi. rui» and,
cwkiBg oicnillt. All ration. *ni ivl
trrved uncooked. A rate of onr to-e ,
Cwtrtt otr SMt
tbe roond trip bu been tecured. I
nod tbe Boat of Veternai are totlirO ;
at veil at the rrteraat ibcmtelrtv.

CMldrcn’s and Misses’ Cloaks
The time is rapidly approaching when VOU must buy the liltic miss her new
coai; where will you buy it'
will come again.

Those who have bought chit.lren's coats of us before

Those who h.ivc not. we want to say. do not think of buying a

child's or misses’ garment this fall or winter until you have ai least sefti our line.
It's by far the best and largest line we ever h.vl: then- will be nothing that
will compare with it in siie or quality-

Remember when you buy .1 garmeni here


you are having us behind you with "satisfaction or your money back." but it is so
seldom that we have to refund the money, we might almost s.iy wc never have to.
Occasionally ihc manufacturer goes wrong and we have to stand the blame,
but we make you secure no matter how much we may lose.

The makers of our

children's garments have worked as carefully on styles and finish as those designed
for women.

There arc are hundreds for you to select from: cvei>- garment is styl­

ish and practical.

There arc all styles and all fabrics: among the newest things for

the dainty young miss is the IV-ier Thompson tourist coat, made of navy blue cloak­
ing. red ilannel lined, trimmed with red braid. (inisht*d with gilt buttons, scmt-fitting



bell in back.
Zibeline and the mannish mixiiires. will be used a good deal.


that ' new and right will l>e found here and the garment ai a few dollars will be
found as right for the price .i- the mon- costlier one-, which are not marked a cent
beyond their worth.

$2.75. $3.50, $1.50. $5,00. $650, $8.50, $10.00 lip to $18.00

ably and smoothly

Cbndren'i thaef. abaolutely bH tolid leather, not a bit of Utod.l).

Sue* f) to n



Sites 12 lo 2


Our Obadrea'a Uegtortinenl receives our special
us prove to yon tl

Good Things To Eat

From the Department that always
has the best of goods.
This is the food that is so good

me Can


The best for ihe price in

Feed, IDeal, Bran, middlinas,
Corn and Oafs
We buy nothing but the best grain and you gei the
pure anicle.



Want a Coffe Treat?
H*vr pM rv»r tr.M our b'TShflri ceOfr?—«o<hi mo Ja»*—peu UekiT know wftit peed ceffee i* until peti
de Th»B IV« K»V« (he Fer«d»ll hrind—(»»»» p'ldr*—*»c*> one < dindv T>ie Par* Piicr Speti»l tin made
ut min, pocj iteaOr cuttemeet. We rtallp a-e tie cofTrr neidguarien el tr. t rrpien.

Cook was happy
cau*« «h» brvia va. I'ghl—tee done lo a ig-n. The flour vea, iir itro vai r.^ht, the peael
.« nphL lh«^b*k*« po~d*r «»• '.Bin—(S*f» r.ehl_j(l cam* from Brotrr, droirimrnt.

We’re a bit particular
« pour Vint Imt far ii

Want some good Cheese
That will make pour meutn voter ju*t to looi
poednes* *nd froehne** of iL Then v» nev*
Par* Cn**M and th* Bisek Chote*.

And listen to these

Foe Wood Wort aad Ftmutnre vhich hat became marred
at vom. vben coated vith Jap.a.Itoc is reoeved and betutitbgsiknkas good u nev. atoo eueUenl to taigfaten op
Wicka-Famhore, Refr^emort, LtBOleiaa. Oil Ooifas and

Btfdttts Prtptrtd Paints

€. oian « Sons





New Torii bat Rt flabwar Tneera

drand Traverse Region.

MitalM br a bbta*. b« rUM U B»
Ic ate tM
Hr. ate Mn Frank TMU*
bat wwak

V of Ttaieea* Citr a*


Pvaanifta sf HappHatrlpamte aieabke
m ate bsiggr Batardar
aerenl e*n* here
Mr. HePtasaa of Tr*Tef*e Citr waa
here osi bualaea* bat week.

aa wlU It
Tta •

Mn. mak X

aa twahia-

Mn. Frwdase* Doaaer b eapeetlag
a abler aed aeM ban oa a
tte toath pen of On Male.
Mn Fraek Hogan aed an
Oadk Itf KbM
bat wata fron Kbgen Fall
kk #M«. Mn. W.
er pMaU la Caeada
Fnek CaeBaH haa baea tkraakbg
b thb nelghborteod tte bai week
Hn. Boalrea aad taallr of Tr*i
me Cl<r ore rWlbg F. 1. Roger*
Ma (MmpbMl
CUaUm. I>«. «*•
B-lll Bekar kna bm nedrr Imf
oieat for nneer oo kb lip. He I. v*»T
H^TjiaHir •nalBC o* toai "art
k «M ItfvMr att«M sad «*nTl><M/
•n rvtaurea at Mufw OV. ntaraad
kat Tkandar »( MM >«ak.
rhiaM* Wood oi Bora* cnr b
Mw vtik trtMMM aak rataUTta ban.
kUM. niaackt Brae* aad VUa
■MW a«n Bk Lake elalltm MM


leg to hare a fab-CTOtada iBlooa aatethmte br the rttr* eooaclL preaMte
orer br a psubthHloB aarar. Tte M



derama Hoadar night roled lo Wllbrd IT
C B. ehoreb was bcM
srday ate Botear M bat ____
C. U Wood prealded aad praaebed to
bb takMB and Itcrnae card f
* Kll bouse both
BereeM Mteteed tte service* dowB^i>wn Toaort lo th«' grai
OB the fair gronods during i
o™,, i™
a lerrlBc thnteer aed | Belblre are. VbHbg
vbHbg ndatives
ndatlves hb
Green nad daagb'e
Fearful Odds ApalnM Him.
blnad In tbre*
Bedridden, alooe
■Bir br Ihe down- lew dags < Ih rHsllT.'s.
Such, la brief was ihe niodllloo nf an
Hn Cc ■ Crisp entertained h<T rj.l soldier br'nani- of J. J lla«en».
sererel Mbers are elaa* cf IK
Wnmlllre. O. For >e«rv be wM
bsi Tuewlnt aH«Tuoon
Intubled wiib kulne\ (lis>'*sc nod
prodded lor ih<
ti> iliiriort nor, medicines gave
Cbarlet A: Pbher. Joba TrumUill after which refre-bm'
and N, H SheridaB. Bssaben of tlx u-rred lo i fhleh lhe> til t
s cm bis fc
1 Hitler
s nnsjless lo *ar
town board, and U F. Hbwldao. high-' Juailee.
be testifl.-*
war aiBBluloBeT, Bade a bunloro*• agood
. ctnoplei. recn
(rip to Booth
h Mnali.
Maallou bsi week.
Hn. Hr
In Nortbport btt Prlds)
Hrers' pnrenis, Mr ni

FOR HIS MONEY, but exact one {tromiso—that he buy >ou a
late style. Hijih-uradc

Kimball Piano
Bccausi- it's thii litrst -Itecausc it will sav hnn jiio rciailcr's proht because ii will keep hiip home fiitjhi'
anain« inharmony.

Hn. T Brlnkann of Tnrme
b apeodlng n abort tta* wlih reb

AH an *a<l thia Batklac om
of Mr*, a Siaala. Th* aaii
*M weak*.
Mr. M'eila. wbo baa baaa **a ■
M kauer. Mn. Ftoree la bo*« a|
0tm taklat cwa M hla.
HU* Hnae aaeaaed irhat al
ten teas a tad aceUaal Batan-.«bli* at sort U ite cnni pit »
•aad la aad Mala vaa Imriad for a

^ Him Sbaw. two cblMrcs aad asm
of Cbtngo nrrirtd on tte IlUeob Ihb
mrolag'ln rltit Hr*. Bhnw’i pareau.
Dr- aad Hn Warren
Praak Horn of Blk ttaplda ga»* a
•err iBiereetlag Ink la Ike Coegn«a
UoDaJ ebarek Baedar nonlag. aad
Mao la tbe erealng at C. B.
Hn Hamnel. who baa been apendtag Ibe NtaBer with her abler. Hr*.
Jemti. baa roiareed to bar bos

«a*tkr UrlBCMoa *M boax
riit*-- a (** dar* laat seek.
are growlog okelr aleee
Ur. Oaaratad'a SMMbar Croa IMroU
ad tte rata*
M tan rtetlac.
rat R. Bam
LaataaBUta* of Barker Cnak la
oner Cre> k Thuradar • O buainna.
■e rerr torrr U> bear that Wil
Wr are
on of Trarene Citr. foraierir
lb Nelaon
Whh Johaaea ai* tta of Ibb pbee, ..
err IIL
Hlu UnUa Crmr goet lodar oj
Haabtee to re*u»e her dolln aa
teacher there
Ur* Iba Pnii waa at Trarorae
leteel aaaaaseed laat Tundar ntr Wrdaeadar and Thuradar. kartag
k Mr. FatTT of armed Blaac and
me dental work done.
■ teaaa of TTanrae CUj aa laackR. B. Ram baa a oew well.
a Bldner
Hn. Cbariee Ualea and
ir. WHUamaa of Owkerrme
drore oMtr to Beaionla u
Prank Lluler baa aold bit tana to
Hr AIbHgbl of ladbea
Hmrr FMaoae bat told bb farwi to
. H. tewb of Rlk Rapid*
Bora, u> Ur. and Hn Muae* llalleU.
eon. Aug. IHb.
Trwas Mraaa tea a broltar
Hr, tad Hn. E I. Leke of Tratet»e
Mata rMiOac kte froa Duttiit.
nir are la our rtclaitr oa a vbli
Hr. nd Mra. H. B. Baird of Onn
Hlaa Vldb BpHagetei-B will leach
rMltlif kia falter. W.
acbool Ibb lerai.
Ankle Be4dlas ed Wall
neat Baadar milk Her. U B. CarpoaTM mat paople care Hats Will
asrpeMe Mat Tkeradar aremlBi. “
ItebM IMb.............. - r. lea ermaa aad
J1 kad a nrr alee

He Hecrtt
aad chlldrea of
Hr*. Haul
u«e rotoraad
bom after
Bntetort bare
ulTaa aed frtoeda here the
trtattiH tslatJTaa
J. QMder Ml laat Tkaralaoa eooeir. wberr bo win
uel naaUatm.
Bpcel lb* dar
Him. WllMbea Mu Thar*dar.
Mn. Wnkoop aed
Btanee. wore oetrrUleed br Mr*,
rti MM Thatvdar males.
Osr acteoli will ta«le Te«edar


r?end^l?WUIobn look d
ei Hr.
Hr*. Orar w*a a
Hoadar aftermooB
awB* laM Hoadaj


Mn C n. KlBS of H
*MMes bar pareau. Hr.
^ ^
Midi KiddMUm of Nortbport waa
snM of MIB* teen Uadl*r a few
Mn*T^?.aed ehlldrra rcturaad
M ttdtr bean al Trarerae CTlr FHd*r.
ate^^wnh-* Tbtt wttb Mn. Jobe

Hrm. tl Usdl*r la at TVatprae Clip
■ter* ate b bMas mated for deaf
M W* an fbd to bar
*Mrf^ Hra. Will Ktwai
Mte arrlred FrUar tor a
kb Mam. Mn. J. F. am
Mn ~
atr tare been t
___ ________ _ Hr. aad Mn. Joero
Fnd pmliek of TraTtne Ciir at
tasM BvMlas tar* Boadar aed wai
tel jSJTKSwh of Tnram otr rblled meed*
Altarl Le«. Fird RrTotd. JMia WWn.
Bote aro»«*fT and lAwl Uadlej ww*

five bundrsd dollar* fur the pair
Mrs l.ueJIa liun-b of Rap.J >'... ■
lied h«‘r ixri'iiis, Mr and Mr> J
*’Mn. W Cook b 00 the sick Il.t
Wlbi-V. laal weekThe election of oBlceri. of \Ve»l VaMr. and Mrs Ira Hhsui of Tra\<i
« Eiiworib league Iasi evening Cliy alt'-nded ilie r.-iiia.m i>f ih'- <
passed off plsaaaailg. AH tbe old of- lamll) Iasi We.ln.'siU) a' 'h. bune
ftcen wen' reelected with one eiccp
ind Mrs M F I'ov
>. Ilf rlie first linildiiigs Idnll
Kennr-dr s|
y nllh the

ialliii.: \I.ichiil''s. Ku'

Something Unusual

•I InsnrascB
Meh III Siugl* >d
as 1.0..n vMilng h

To be able to get you a Carpet or Linoleum this time of the year ala big cut price. Our

Ur*. J. Balllvan eatertalBfd relBres from ibe toulb part oTlbp state
last week
and Mrs. Wm. lies left Tbur*.
dag for a trip through Canada lu N'lag
Fall* aad to vbli relalive*.
Ir. and Mn Ikvelhymer have a
sbeer and her buvUnd from ruinwcll.
s sister of Ur*. Ilevelhyiner's and
husband from Hooper visiting
H Kvclgn

lies Is

new stock of Carpets, Linoleums and Rugs is arriving daily. There wiM be 65 rolls of
caipet in this week and we'are crowded for room. We haveal.irge assortment of rem­
nants and parts of rolls that we must dispose of to make room for our large fall stock.
H-re art? some of the prices:
happy ihcHighis ■■
im. elljul'sl
iisl hy
1i> all


SmH 3rd, a son.
Ret. Heath preached bb farewell'
ir* Channer of Msiilsice and Mrs
ermoB Bshdar
Ctaanner >|>r-ot S .nda> wllh Mrs.
The RcT. Cornell of Trareree Cllr laiubelh ScbomlH-rg
win preach ai the Ogdetuborg U B
Bchool begins (omorro*. with Miss
cbarch hexl Bundar. U being the Iasi Stevens of Owusso as iirlrBar> teach
duanerlr meellBg la (bb eonfereace
- and \V. A. Heugsegger In Ihi' gram
ar dcnaniuenl.
C. milrnan Is .■pienalnlng compan>
om Indiana.
wo weak*' Tbil at (be boiae of Hi
Guy Schneider and Clyde Simi'cll
nd Hn W. Oolden.
: Ubiomdale. Ohio. accumpanl<-d liy a
Hba Mime Mankall eniertalaed i number of jvning »ra friends, have
eadt I
n ramping al Nolan's landing for
past week, but broke canip luday
aad cake were served
d Ciilit-r apd family aiv enjoying
Hn. Trotinaa ha* bnn quite aick aa ooUag M Carp lake
tor the Raai ab wetaa.
Hn Alllngton of Hapic Cily paased
Fraak Bailb of Uapletoo epeni Sun- tbrougfa town loday.
dar afteraaoe aad enalag M the
A lemperanc' li'clurer from Chicago
e of W. OoMra aad furalahad will tedreaa ilx- pwpl'- of ibb place
p nice BUS
ud vlclnllj III Carje-nler- hMI ibp',.

ISC Carpet for
Our 2Se Carpet for
Our 35c Carpet lor
Our 40c Carpet lor

the Ml---" U-'-si..
Tia'er- I'lti and Margar. i lleiii'
Duossii s|M'iil Siiiula) Ml i.>nii

Rev K'-vfurd and wife l.-fi f»'r
I'rsiih. lud . Iasi w.
The Misses IVaulils , lllerli.lli-.l ll
friends Tlinr'ul*) ••■eiiliig In h.'iici
i.HUan K-ie» of Grand lisp
• Mosier and C. llriic id I'r.
were In Inwn Rundi)
n. Yoiiiigs uf Ihlnili WH- .1
caller Iasi Frlda>



Hove season 1-egins.
Agoo.1 ait light

Hcald*. heavy tleel

legs. Urge csvl screw Jrafl in front, large

luli- ol l.i-av) inpa^n. w.nih d.V. |ur only 3Sc.

cover whh nickel mri, cbes)> al $3. now

(..M|,'tlor 4!»C.

Sliictljr All Wool

Seine iTJuiilul |•atlL■l^s m Tajicstr)' BiusicI* l<w


ll will oot |Bf )-ou lo lutn

Some licauliftp loititiivm Velvet, Wllh or wilhoul l«ir.lcT.for

out you/ rook stove fot healing pur-

S.III1C l)c.iiiiitiii I'.iiicrrs m Avniinsici. worth as btuh as Sl.TS,

|>nsrs when you can gel a goorl litllc

In .ill tin'-.- wc hive 1 n,cc ass.wliiicm ..f piUcrns lo

bealei at this |gicc.

select frotii.

15 ■lilTcreni sian ami styles of air
tight beaters, ranging right along from


$1'2.'to $13.75.
Six ibfietent M)lr<, four si/ss (u a style,
of Oak






fully nirkclc-l, lioins cilhet woral or roaJ,
cutDiuvnring at $4>.5U.
Five 'bfiercnl

Time to pay if you wish.

I'll) Usiuir Ihe Iasi of lb
Mbs H.Kc, who -tswith friends, reiurned u. )
Trarerse Cllv Thursday.
. J UMI. ■

roxivcil a larpe

U> ihoK buy-ing tiefure ihr tush id tbe

mattings, and all kind of TIoor Coocrlngi.

vlylcs, three siart to Ihe

slylr, ol :of( coal liealer*.
'I htce •lifikxeni ayle*. three sues to the

For Early Buyers
Ifoo.; bi(i ilitcuant.


In Be-' BUnkeli »c

We nave jun lo'c.te'; oiii

you two gi>o.l in.lucements tu buy now.



style, of liaril mal beaters.

you a

Wr atr aiTtl) lieaibjuarters fot all kimts

steak, an.I ofler

P I*, aove boaidf.

1 n*t :s a lafjie ass..Oincnl

We also Offer

C an

:cst .iwnment and itnoic

to seieci troui, scon.I a gMc'. bi); aavini; m price.

r ' 'll CiXll Strive*.

Sptcarls an<1 PrUmet, in tact all kin b ■>

! .r J<:,7.''..


Agon.! , -i

lly Eatcndcd By a Trs*«r*s C-l)

helping h
Bead Ihe


A Few Sample Sideboards >v

l<au;:fu! $So si-lcUttf.' I.i: $.3:1 T-'.

A Few Sample Odd Dressers
. an ' uj. in i twiiif .f:.

$35 -bciser l .i f 10 T'.

Several Sample Iron
Beds thal »c ran save


lew ..f




n ckel


laj.:e encase-l cop(w
-nir. will

bum c'






,;uar*ntec tn





$<:5(l fot $4.Tn; wv.ilh

$1'1 i >r

Several <vf our Beautiful



Tables at an excefUioDalli big cul.
If you need *«i>e Dmmg Ch*;rx f*

I'.en we hi'.'t- ■'.r rclHwaic I

now IS a gon.1 lime lo get tliem, ax we have xevrral iliffetenl nyta
that we only have troni 1 to 7 or >> chairs of a vtyle that we will
out below manufacturer*' cost.

You ran


kiwi juat what

you want tn these an ' save at kasi one-thiol on price.

iJ'iore'v Rc'.r. With tlvetniomelet rm oven .l.«Br, al*r> a lai”e
line of that

Irexl r,f all


raagev, ihef.'uvk Meal.


«wc*»blp taa been aprang throogb
ont tte country, bnt AMermaa Bert
Itotast* of BattH Cre»* kas a new

^B* -tea tte teg. MS

Stills lo ■


5I27.V niH' san» pi.
a >.35 sun fot l-.'T.Tr.,

AlBosl ereey kind


ka»0Btat ate Bira tte BsooBai. to


Wc have jnvl

full carloail ot cook iloves ami ranges, an.l wc will make I1 an object

oleums. China and 3apan mattings. Cocoa

b>r. who liaic Iss'ii ii-ui
C T, Oramn's, roiumed lu
Bat urday.
MIS* Lillian Keye f
her fauBc al Grand ILipi
sho^slay In our Ullage

<a“"‘viSl^? ■'**“"*


Slot e*. Cook Sloves anil Ranges.


Some bifl cuts on Hugs, Oil Cloths. Cin«

Hr. aad Ur* Fred Arnry drove tw
k«»e from I f*"'* ’
Trarerae Oly Balarday.
Cbksigo Friday on ite Imnois tor » 1 • »«lc
A crowd (rum___ place chartered
the Harvey Wheeler.
^ned by Ralph
Uuraey. and t
a trip around
Doa'i delB) B min
bk* Tfattrsday.
tlllag IheGbB Arbor
faolniB. d.HM-nteey.
mllb aad tte differ ■mUeoIr Only *Me
Dr. Fowler's Extract
Hta lUrgaret HlUna began .cfcaoi b.-ity always oo hand

Ura. BDbm HHtoB ate ano

Kvceplionally rxtianr.liuar}' bi;; values 6* early (.uyerrs in lleiting


Ixxl)' (not the cooiiiton sheet iron), rosl

lot onl) JI.IL'-.
d family di-riar:.-l
me SI Fort Wavnleli Salimia) ler

Bsattng Stouts. Cook Stove* and Rangts


,\h.l C IH' of the Ilippest talnt-s ctrf oiictril. wc liive 1 oi s pan* of


Itlag her nuai,
Abel Baraum of Albion. Ind. speai
the paat week vblUog bb broihrr. A.
S Barnuia. of this place.
Mr* Arch Ulbbs of Traverse CHJ
Mayfield frieoUs Ibis wi-ek.
r> preitr boat on Bilght'a b
Frank Ulbbs haa been eiHcrtalelag
t use of hi* roung fi
bb brother. Wm. Olbb* and bb wife,
Hargaret HIKoa i
of Cbicari.
frieodt la thb a.......................
Mbs Am) Weidmaa arrireO Saturdag lo lake charge of our srboul.
Hlaa Creaar of Travene CHr
~ aa. Boruugb aad tamllr were we which opened lodo). for the coming
a of Hr* E. S. Packard Balnrdar erealeg aad of Hn W. H. Bright
Bundar. returalhg to Hapb CItr Bon Wexford friends over Bumltg.
Mbs Nellie TboBP*onR lias
dar erenlBA
Mrs. Uule BMote aad daughter of leaching near Wextord
Edward‘Spaulding, who b suffering
tkhan, Ind, are here vblilog reUaererel) from bk>u>l |«iboa. is n.v Ix'I
J. W. RJn.-hart and bb unrie. Jobs
Union and family callsil on
Oelfb. of LaOrange, lad., went lu
friends berv Sunday afb'rnoon.
sievpbg Bear laal Baiurdar.
Ur*. Pb'rce and family of Trnterse
Wb. PMgbl b rnleetalnlag a aepb.
r. Hr. Palghi. froia Laataage, Ind. I'lly bav* I>een vblllng a( Mr KlcbMnnihair. The) wen Joined by
Mr. aad Mn. Sasoa of Toledo are
Hr. l-km' ttunda)
leiti of Mr aad Mn. 1). U. Brtgbl.
UarluD and Harold i
Hcs. J l> llrigbi aad eblldren are
3 school ll
iblUog M Cedar Roc.
ne of the larmen have discov.
WMler t
• slightly c
a worm in tbe wheat elraw whleh
Iier me weather
cause* *0 nurh shrunk wheat.
Mr*. John Cadv of Traver»e Cllv
Tbe grala erup was ver)- poor. aoDie
visliing frlpndt tn Mayfield and uV
not wonb ibr tbresbtag
R. E. Freenaa bat a handsome new
Augu*1 Oran and wile enlertalneC
dwelling well under warSchool b-gan Iasi
Mb* friends from Klng*b-y Bandar
Tbe faiher of Loo Ullk. Ibi
Rarhai'l llerrlnglon Is uacber
here. wa. ..-riousl) bun a lew dais
ago I.) a niiung '

umm «“.5S


Kveryihinn in Small in'dnmieni', Sheri Mii*x.

• OlFb
cement piMfurm
>la(furm nnd
steps of the Oiawn town hMI wlU be
he^o Ucdai
McCVimk will do th.'



W. W. Kimball Co.
129 Fronts!.

I. Wyckoff
of Hamlllon. Ind . I- >i
T• Beecher

If Hodge b
here tbls a
medicine from
____ JUncbe Averg
during Ihe grva
was really
Tetadar. Aucaai SOlk. bHag Mr. and
Mbs Hearld of UUan. Hkh .
any oihi'r
Itlag bee two sblen. Hn. Imt
siilii and
e young people fr
Hr*. Lladser.
party m Mrs Ri
John Johnso
shs'p ai
•ported an exrt-ll
Olntmeni The flr-i
waa Hthtad mUb laeti
■end a tew day*
UMli'y nad uept
srsuhlnc ihai I!,.Qte p«(^ pbrte taaaa. while ibe
r. and Mr* —
H-rts of Jam<-> tb
A. O. Toung and
. _______
. of aouibecn
or on
Htchlgan ram.' up
tte exeankm
ranbted br
■ relMive* for n tew daya.
outing here, retu—-■
Mba fOns. Hlaa King
M Ti
t II
!•: FMrbanka
Cbleago Frida)' on tbe llllault.
gHMt <fc» —»Aol t. Mr. Setarmer
been TlalU« relMIve*
Hb*c* Dernlee
IW-rtilc.' Bowers and Vi.l* »a“e wa> afi.
and Mn Cannle
‘• Empire
were In town Sua-i“»»' Keltef.
WMh a drmir and two rackm la
nd IkuinSucvs-ssful for
bur d( tte pootl*. after whieb irfreah.
J. Harvie and daogbl.-r Rena visaerusBed the sirvcl, II
1. Mr. aed ‘
I'd Maple Clly friend* BMurda).
till firsi ulgbl In
keowa aD oecr the coon
A. 0. FMrlBaka of Tiavernc City
Hr. and Mr*. FV**eBd«i. who are
iDdly and before sev.-e ,,
see. Hr.
Iked hr orerr

teat a lew days here last week.
spetelng Ihe subbst al Mr*. Donu'.'r,
rlllog her mother «as i
1 Tie* pra ' ‘andMn
Mr*. Hammnte Wataon bat an ne. called on Hr*. Melm SMonlay
drug .1. re tor a bi^ li cimvHlUng hei
Ray was calling on taby In
Ota Waal Dalta Bpwortk bag**.
. fua VreL““'
rnrads tew Tbursda.v.
b one I
Cbseli b alao enaebl of the bagM
Hr. tte Mr*. Charlie Uadaey apect
.•Bdarntdaet cd tte AM anfalr. Tte Sunday at Gilbert Prayt.

dtemsAca **rr omlvabb itm aad

of dealini! direct with the faviorj .

Hr^ and b Ir*. Arthur Legg <i Win

MM* Fwltsf win l*eeb el Oreee
Beal haa Sobbed packing bit
Hr. eel Mn Wb. Hr«n of Lake Duchea* apples aad haa returned to
Aee nUM Bafardtr elgbl wUh b*r Bb botae in Benton Harbor.
Hn Hotan le well and able to be
around the bouse agMa after her *ey**e ^

a s.ifeu'Hanl

brinu ever>' prospective buyer here. Conv and l--.trn :h»' .uli .mtace

Dorn lu Mr. aad Mrs nan Ssu-gmli
OB Aug. Jl. a son.
ir aad Mr*. J. Rbbeley and Mr
J Mrs. Gump of Chnrnbusoi. liid .
• Ibe goest. of Mr. Mxl Mr*. R N

,d abce M Ohio are rblilap b
Hn K.jNlckenoo and -hre.
en of Kkagqlcr .peni a few
lb rebllfe sbere last wc^-k.


The Kimball vi.anvK l >r .ill tli.ti - bc-i m itt.inus.

This ijm'stion seated, the price adv.nmaKe an.l hl- r.i; lerm- shunlil

sours OBAHT
"’te.^nTbln Will Oarral. MIm Car­
criv «l sirawberries
After imnali
rol ned Cbaa- Cnrrol of Oteego ar
DC* (he l•a*l
liaskcir •ntall plot of ground wai rabgl 1
Sever*] families here are cnienMo- of the man) good iblno
Itlag tbrlr onrb and aoni. Hr.
coDlaln»l Ibe afi-rtiti
lag rblion from southern Ukhlgan.
'■> l>an>e' IV-cbcr. a MiinHl
Hn J. 1. CDBBiBIBi.
H. Earl. W. Ramser and E. Bsan all rowiog. batbing :
k^a BtwMB «r ter CMr I* naJtiaf
Hr. Bargrai of ladlgea U vlalilag weal lo Karlin Frldar to meet friend*
be found a( .'
allk Hr*. A H. Cawfbell
UlssluR. All returned feeling Ihe I
who cmae on ibe morning tram.
tUai Uaa Fault et B*aac
iN'cn preditsM) Kpenl
A Urge gathering of rcdailve* met
iM 'il W*^ aad ralatlra* k*
reMerdng M the borne of Hr and Mr>

Wholesale and RetailOi«jr.

Reliable hfome Furnisher

ravlllta. BMItat^

BuonmuiHnuiA thdbsiut, septekbeb «, aot.


laal la laacU.

tv----------- - KvckL O—
TM ft«r- **»» *»'««
(k* m---------aiTWM« Wpw« UW
Tax la t»a tafiaa. eai axrklx *w»
XI (k* lUar br nr at tkt Yot-

Saak la Iba a*a(* at



If betU,

Ktor vai
ftre&rfan)i. Yourdof
expltiiithistoyou. H<

orttar rroa fowblx dean aad
•I Uaa rax iaat aicbl cxUaaai aatll
Igkl «Uk (rtcHW alaacbw. Tka rldlM bto bicrete.
Dr. C. B. Kabbord. dxtM and aplrtlaax aa»aaM la faUlx a
iltot. al Port Harx, waa loM br Dr.
— ,1,11111 tka Tai Taa Haar aartkkfaa. a -•adiaai.’' vban br dKciar
ax ^ Ux Taa*. aad Oamal Kafo1 a lara ba exU flad a pal at cold,
Xttk XM Mtea to taO kaak X tka
aad Habbafd paM Aacw lor Ibr In-

X lha mt M tnartaa eorva.

rraaUea. ba aar*. Ha dx boi alt be
waa din xd a fair flib »omi.
be Udd Ike pollee ha iboocbi
tb«4« «ai aoBdblaf an*e w«b Aa
caa-a Tralato.- The polka ikoxbl
ao too, ud larltad Aacni lo «d xl

• drove kortbai
ivaxd alib a buggy
Iba loan. Orcoda

Weak Throats
IV Ibai Iba xmpaln bx opened
Iba (toff ibit maila Mllarankaa
>u> flx> frealr Is HUUdaJa. Iba
clir I* oaillR onmbar* on all Ibr rvddekcaa bi aid belated diUatia In fiod-

KotaitnsuediBx absi asay pkytor-

• xknnfcaeparr of Bbitle Creek.

Iks matSelors tsDcxtbk er
patbk) of r«*v^ yasau^ X
kx prwed UesB
of mrdaix by tatag so mUforiBly
eurtoa tkcas dissuMa.

or some of ibeo. tore sought to aroM
IX taa vbkb xrs ixi Ibr riea toio
tX xkoo from Iba xulde must aoi
obscured by screeat. by pslnilag
vlndox ailb Urge leliTs iXt

k Creek. I
ly settk-i,
k>alx ibronrb s ibkkly
seethM) of Ibe rliy,
•t a nul-

If foa Xra aarar triad oiir In
" >
paekata of canatml bxaa-

to X oot at boatoaaa aad iba atart
_____ _______ _________i>i.i


r xM todx (bai ba
, can tar halp troto all
to tba butabart- «ork



NA“lWrt ,


^»iM*sf s'“uS«'i ;

b. riTisi b; labbnttss^'S^nx'iU

‘ 1^,

bme the SiEnEtuTL
SignEturt. of


ii- n

The Kind Yon HaYfi Always Bought

<>mid Itapl'ls token- bale Ibvlr
I<-cih> r SD'I Hi.- prutol-U ne-.i" :
<hi. prke of lb-' r'all :


br'asM rna aS
n M■..'to* IS tkr Kfvuria.I stoU w41 si

In Uk For Over 30 Yeara
tIaeMUMasr le mt Ty «• lay ■k.smusst
dB- X mid murtmav. ana sew ys. ami is


1s bare. With weeks
potato haul
plaaaa ran. Wa vaik br ^a poond
>d Ifoa XI *erk Hx about ihiMa IM from great dlstxem, over rough
roads, why not «re iropble xd are
Iba aea road sragx you bare x toax

tiy tba LItlia Wnren. ibay ara
yx ara looMx tor.
era. toada by xtx asaa.
• tbop aad aia partactly ntXu
to X adnaUd lasta. R. W.

cordial larlatba Is rxtndad i
rlslt her millinery xrlors xd luto
FT Ibr (all sbsprs
That Bsb could stog? Tbey’ve all ^
tbeir scales since ibry're been '

AiJi B wuon. A
I k I'NUiA.

Round Oak

li (to best and ixMSt cardullr made furnace in the
wxU. If you want a perfectly heated home—
write X—or kc (he Rouod Oxb agent—we will

Ato- ofl.m*

on real aeiaic. loxs. mortgagas. AUo
oua bonx x E. Txlb siteei. In Sna
cxdlllx. freshly xpared. tor ram at
a rxaxabla prka. B. MrKsmara.
pea they biadla are atroager
r Ikx tba ordlaary ktod. Very
•etol to X oUy xkla. atoo draw

kata. R B BiMbrE

■ envtard.
Attoxey. a O. r. T

tlm« to irtol Uta poblK'
tor. Wa X Ml axpKt to
•ad pyalan x tba half abell la Bartonbor. kor rektooa atakka. but apring
broUora. froc^ toes xd aU the nmdtotoxtoa ara sarred to ordar at

AtIkpMdaa. Thafa «bat a iMt
M toD aeaar «e.knak •era X the (ba Utito Tarara aadar the aea amnd, Harrow A Darid
Mix JPH ao with a «Md pa
baX Aolde troto lb«a betof
mto ■oedi • traolB) prtea to pto x
■iwrblx to *toek. ooU pa
••ala' a>d todtoa' poekatboaba to
IX. pBMWar aM aaaL Bagbea. Oiy






toxaty. H to ktoMtoy. for a r»< toottiuto vdl omtoa ati rbaap
tire you reat aad eomfort. Tba PalBMtte to tba boaL Made at too toyara
■ flbre aad three layen of faltad
0( the bB abck M ax bardrara cotloe. The flbar Elras tba
•towtothalarfaataeketB«XBlba eottoa firaa the
«va X haad br xtotmoa. Thto Oaly Wb®.

Ten Hone Parutoher.
X^Hb2. tt xRhau. b a*

m —deMa Ok.

TX Naa Tnrk Tx Co. to tbU
lartx two flr*Truo( xXtog eroXs.
baiU. xd boldlag ( xd 4 «aarU
ilraly. worth 7t axis to act
>. Xt batog glrea with a M-eeal

b hatrec « bar bawWeU to
ex of taktog x*<iar. Call xd yoa
pbM X a hbb laoto. vtth Ell tba
sarriy InvxL .
mbn x»llMtsi that Ek with
tba txetor Hum aad iHHotA hath
Baraoa xd tori are the oactal
MbA ptowibbad ttoad. that XeaU X tospacton (or IX Van Uarqualti
a. A d I. ralliray aerriee. so they
kora a taa Uaa •( railroad aalrbes. as
writ X todlau' and gauis. Exx'sKa
daalga. auda la all aatals.
Plata alcRet. al prices to tail xy
lb bar* bone ibx a rMML Itre to

TMY vtel nMftan to aU
mmmt. TeMba. CX XrMai ■
b Mabbi a II par cral. dtoaoxt x
•R OXX «ad aaM okasa aaUi Be
IM. lYtaw b tmX tnx
•RBR aad to eM caaOB |l.n to f»'

EaMful aad satotlag U tX aflar■ME reouIUac tram oaa of Iknaa 4blaal toiX. ItiUorad X aa akokol rab.
that Mra. A U Booner Is toToriag bar
patraxwHk. topeetony Sae. too. for
rXiMatk paruaaa. ai« tX otoctrk

X toaytA wtox cetor or axta. to
batX gteoA to bar pariora.
■Xrbaxsfeape. TbalY wttot ra«o.
Bax** Rn* X MX thM to order u
tow owh wwfc dex R b aaeax

WIU oar aaw (an atrect baU to calar
mmt wxfe «*x. hot ae Br* I
to tx toata of tX asoot (UUdI
•MXb beltar nablH to batole Ibto
•UAAatotora. Atofseantaxptota
wm ttoa toM A Bitoa. O
axartmxt TX Ixml opaataE of
Btoto m. m tratoa BL
fuady irtoaad aad totoortod koto wUl
X aaoracad aatt wax. Wood EtoUr*.

WOM aia kal XI to X pro
iKRR w«h pmAiia. Xnx tx poem- Otatorm. tbatv

■||mj|» toPElSto kX tor IX poXot- ara MXA tortlR
^^■nWHAtoM aal gaaril Xtoag asarks of pnapo

^^^^■ilRBtoSto. MxtoAtoato*' tta kox tUa to
^^^^^bBS«S(Mp«Ato*ftoakM aad tod«ia.- «


wesmie.iD miu



Mil lij’Srr-'"-—

A‘'?ATit'™a12." u a

1.. XT arsa t ue»-K-«h-



Farmth and Cocniort

Ox furnace
Kot OO request

ran t.ket.

Aamta al*. O. ACXWITM.

Mtoh. Bept. IHIka fob


HnsOrvU ULsir-eswi. Ootors s«d one <xt

As You like It




Uw ksiM

b aad elex. Wrtfbt Brot. ihoocbt of buyiagr Wa keep the stsml
toma. AX t-Tba mloek yards
MX by —I,
mill. ^;The vn.vt aiKlia I.I.-X'iMs aana. Baraey Asdanoo.
-J w. JJilliken.
a IxAan bare appeaM to f
^^JM)TKglB.Sl warn. AraL,NxTma.''‘''‘'’"’
to to aM mir man by r*mtol
M loohlx xar oar larx* atot
, otoix toaat xtO tba alrlka
eblldrx'i allppan aad oxfoida befor*
to. ■aoeafacetoxt to taka thto
p. liara a foil aaaarliDei
ar sboes sr*. Mxursetured only (or
atop «x cirx by tba ai
I rkl Ud tnford, palxt lip; xixt
tea. bet abile the kind Is llmilad. Ibe
IM Javtoh retail •
style 1« not We Xve all styles xd
; atiappad axXU. la lao or ibraa grades. Call and Inspect mr stork
Hard or soil coal, cokd ot wood.
Btrapa. alao maar otbar pretly alrlaa
nd you win be sure lo be salted la
Tbd Etui Rouod Oxk Furaacg
Roaiaad W. Doaeixa.
I xd style. E>l Lautoer. tlnlon 81
bums them all with ecoGoeny
and success. It it air tight and
Am veil X Ore taXa II aasala lo keep
J W. JxkxB. tbr eoDfeeltnaer.
bolds the lire, producing a steady
ay about tba bouar or x roar perxMe (ram baring a rompkia Una of
utoform beat irom a great oeai
Depoall yxr fuadi la People '
eboix xBdies, rraams xd pure
I Bartap* bxk. draatsg li x you oeet
lest fuel tbao
lulres. bu a beaatltnl line of lodtoa
id mt a aafaty box la ibalr steal
ttsed in ordinary
bxketo. and soreltles la bireb ba
s foir your valoabla xpan.
lurtucea. The T
xd btxk xb npliBU, fragrantly d<
tanlsbas rbeek books fr
orated aUb sweet grass.
- ebarta- Baylx bills by ebaefcs Is Ibe
bsat *v of paylx. Bach abrek msk>
toe a raealpt tor you.
Who has been aincnl fur lao air-ks
ChkagDxd blllmmiikee. Is borne asgln
A porfset Btooha ixi ex ba indalced with a targe Invoke of ready to
reel ba^ In nobby, feirblag styks.
to treaty altboal tX sUcbtesl dxcer


d.As A Isaseave. SkSgs M

dufir iaaa aartaiaa box

X. W. S. Mil
ra. A. O. Eon
Ua to tba a


X txHru. ^^*7 AWXL

tmtnria to a toriAlrx aabaUtat* (br Ctoatm OO. Papw
•orie. Dtwpa AAd BootlUAff Syrwpa. It to PtomoAt. It
cotiiAtoa oeltber OptaxA, Morpbtoe Aor Xtox Nait****
•atoUsBc*. IUto«>F itafrarutM. It deatroya Worm
ADd aUara FcTerlaliaxa. It cxirx DtorrtKBA aa* W tod
OoUc. It reUerw TeetUAE Trottbto*. euw* CmaUpAtl^
AAd Ftomlarney *» AaatoiUatx tb« Food, racutotx the
Stoxkch aod Soweto. glYtoc toAlthy Aud ixuiiaI etoea.

a tblBg you rai
s' NSW Ilnrt
> foundsliaa ot

TBe CbUdixfa PADAXto-'nx MotSer'a FrW.

altbousb br ax lo ]al> aararal
.toy. aaalUo gexmlBaUon.


inxliw up atalni. or of oi
- a bmrt la

“j S

xrt br thto araatot. 8r «>•<»«* *'

mi poaktop Ptoala atriUx PUlaea
todopaadxt bauban ara

To taka ekaaeaa rapardlBf tbr aaldV
*r raloabtoa? Toor boakr. jemr
Otoea or joar oafa mar ba robl
foo exT tea Batter (orcotall tba lou
of tba Moal raixUa tbiaca br kaapIX tkx la tba xfa dapealt raalta of
tba Flral NtUoxI Bxk. vbara aalatr


Ktod TfNi Hay* Alwm BsREhtr Atod wtocR tod tom
to me (tor «rer 80 yxn, tea b*nw the afcmtnr* «r
^ xsdtoxtoaxixmdeDxIaTtoaptoMXAlwverrfSotoPtoreltolutoMer.
pod'’AT* toto

-. eaxIUK mueta damaw by
BowlBg every spriag. The city
complried s new entven

amatol X ledar xd «Hi ba xi at par raor raaU a box.



: ''^il^H‘£Slk~bsnxai-t laid sews

For yraru the BnniXir
IM from the Bprlnc lakes <o the Kal-1 aiB go i
river. cToselng Cbamplx aX

iX Ibalr oar. donlrllea.
sin also br
Clanatu WupUokl, wbo nabbed t
stralgbleoed in li
Armala vlib a knlle blade at Bar
nv Xllev■^l I
Cllr, ax cxrleled In poMea court X
ilry wilt DO! suffer fr»m
Tueadar of axauli xd batierr. The
. The Improvement'
bor to xly thlnaeo rean old and Po.
Ike Jxtiee Kdler. la order to keep
out of toll, inpoaed oalr a llsbi
Sse of ti. but Ibr talber balfcX xd
retxed lo X5. preferrlog. he oald, lo
w the boy so to to»- Not a member
ul <be lamlU callud to aee Ibr yMx-

V ixi^nki la WidatodaTa
Ha X (ka noth tfokL kto ka tax

Hy Breath.
ShortneM of Breoth
la One of the Com­
monest Sisns of
Heart Disease.

aad Aloxa alUeruax aad
bona tba old bear aad tu
s. feellag suite alalX orer blr

t X eSmualty otueare the Inside
X aouW seraax. TX chief of pollfe
■ 1 Ibe let-

Hlebaal Xpar. pootor at B(. Joaapb'a
k. «ko to tovUdx bx Iba aaoBj-

Tkaonalta atapt to tkair p»

sXXty to the railway x
tba plalBS Otoxg the took Ptoea ba
^ Oraxbxb. Later

Ayer’i Cherry Peciortl
qnieti ticUifif Atoua, iMck-

ikto-Jaek wklakarMlTOCT aaa who aackaa <
I naaad a |IM fin la Ua
« at E. B. Tbootoaoe ai Lkt
Tka 4all»*fT toaa dn»paa_kia pokar

Ma akMa. ktur tka taalau'
Boaltr U blaklr oartX ap ii I
«Xk m tatw< tka aBr-a tnxwa haaod tka paata) autborltlaa aa wtO
txaN Liao Taa«. IMaa tka dtr oSatn ara hnhtx kto
•altar. The latoat v|aUik U Pr.


nxtl. wbBa x nXk to
■tokd X X ouxahto tnto
baw aad a toapk of cuto

Hanaah A Lay Maraamlle
City. Mkh.





;isti‘'a£ir£“A“'irt!«‘' •“
US.*’____■‘ Ji£^2¥SLs.

Large Purchase for Spot Cash Enables us to offer at $200 xd up, Pixos that
Sell Regularly at $350 xd up.
s v«<> isrg* sum

fseturer. operating one el tna largest (setenes m me world. i
of money pulckly.


.* Mugnt saversi csriosds of his bna p.anes FAR BELOW C
On this account ea

Mr extamafu tlw Xx(H of the great

mg w« rffaeted. when mrsns IhSt you can now bur on

In tx tall Iran plats, x tXra is no ehsnea of dacaptiM.

Tx ixtrumants we nsve Mugnt srr

VT«1 eTtw

of injuring

sr« oUrnng

•¥i.“uvm,.. _


X rpusi t.


B;.. i|_


r splendid mslnimants si yuat sisetiy

Thto plans Is a wall known snd vary reliable maX: we withheld publishing the x>ne (or

If Vtfjy’swwto^rwi. uxdso.wer.oXwX

K3r?.3::iSS s KTSkSTLsSS:

ir produced by this

Mra. imi 1 iBj

<u Pm

(oelory. aX with each w« give both tx maker's sX our own FIVE YEAR GUARANTEE

Terms on these Pixos: $15 to $20 down, xd $6 to $10 per month.
xd Delivery Free.

Stool, Drape,

Is tffwl y,... if. NOS
''SIS Imrm tT>«pew 'Sii fata m sutoix

'2SiS7-S2:*?^S4i'*’‘*- —

This same max p( plane has boon ot

in Michigan (or tX paal xenty (20) yssra. a,

tXendlng buyofu to hundrwds of purchase

wX xm paid •UO sx Un far ix xme .dei

In svmv way. Book at taallmonlato (urnk

d on appikstian.

Trais^to^'^r^ i

. TX Sfut urtoX of thooa pianos has boon roesivad at our stera In this city aX w« cerdiaily Invx inspection.
ONCEI ter only a ItaHtod numXr ol lham pianx can X Xd in thto





r tx



m . SXXX

Trus X.m iTsiw Cliy IM p
Siwkpers iBstofdsy. raly i.


sale aX delay may lex you the opportum

r. this to a posithrs, bens-Ode nving of flW on ci

Trws hmrm Trarww

r IS xriectly saticXd


Trs.wm Ctoy m Idipm..


C L LOCEWUCO. o. r. •




, DETItan'. HCBIGAII ; : ::


E KP—AT.xra,^

Pere Marquette




i and alsad
ok of eiear. pore
aad toft,
e <d htok water.
aerate trial I
dawatartotietow of kls wife. BeeeaUr abe
Aad toreless KMtr. aad Mr Har
fer tke wkale eeickkorkood.
k umit afspats. Dtaia tke Best asked hUBaatereraloccaskiBi to stod At eorir
posaiees. wiU Ike aaaal
We weal to tke dorer-keld _______
araoed. iBdMd. tke prern

Now earlj tore apnaa ii
at betore. The third amrelar eorer
laaaad.ed was a ciaaU stera aad *rw«.
[w bead to Biske whA we eaHed
«nk elear water aad let It ataad twee
dani bOBie for his ft
Tto.~ tka aaU. *1 haoer that tka tr^oor bears, ckaaclac tke water ee»Aad Ktttr OBd I were ladles fair.
jeroaabow. -bow aad arrow.- <rf aat
BoralBS. before be i
dMot kaow : rlcol csUker to sboel aad hit aad ki
Ittoa. or aatil all tke aaH Is es- Mrs. U. fare hha a Stolrd Mier. wlU I Bat
Te hod at oor bowse
timeied aad Ike twtifben teea dm- the reauesl that be sboald pnMSlse |

Wmn ef tk* -w -w
U( ■ frat ■ aaC twMl.

otbcr kaAaato. tovcrar. Tke Oar Ttot tka Mr Lasrasd *a

H tin be bad rewebed bis

PUI tke eoreDbers wllk Ibe faOovlac

Ob tk« kUhv **»• ft 4Mtk. . .
WMt «• BM tk* uate AOOU
BW tk« raoU.

r orer tbcv. as
-Pear boUkc
la psaliac
old tkeB toe leas, as Iker wtU

Tk •«* o«t#k* b*tt*re«»
ABd Um dattf. *fc« tfc*7 *»»•
Vm CM ■TMB botae at the

(baa cs»k aad aeftae. Peel
tharv ktofa. drop late
srrm ratkar rich, oook akoal » «r

IM m MA w ■BociUlr A
1 Brt-TT MItotri ef (ka »■«.
tot drift BBt am* tk«

tlrb It
mittH-A poaad of seeded ralrlos
eat Bae. batf a peoad o( iss eat floe
ato a anactto of a peead of eUioa cut
lato uar dice. Add a teaspooa cf
srmiBd eloDaiBoa aad mli tboroocUr.
Make as laaBr «bm» tke aaasUtr as
Is Beaded, obeersla* the saiee propor
8mip-Two pooDds of susar. two
ips of rloecar of aiedliioi streactb
aad the foUowtas wices ti«d » a bac'

or ear ekIUMi dreaaii atoleVpMa eft. baa«(k tka met.

(bat I bare foaad -

Babr atoabir dropped o« to sleep, and
aslerad air UUkea acala. taoplrad
wKb the ealbaslaaB of a aew
Wkwe Be vUder Morma akali
For faar of falloie la r«t«i«
Ttok tke wkid (tol *BT«B tka vkaat
tod to MBtoMt karat abera
Tka oM laasha va aaad to tora.
r aad auaadhi toaea.

tUe while, railed
ask. ibeo ladled them
oat lato a en>ek. AUi. they
a>ri! I bad left tbea a seeooi
loBc fa the bol water. TransfcmBc
them promptly to a samU-holed <

rtaMii mj o-ar tke raat.
tho- all iirraa cf tke paal.
Let at net eararirea a bit.
WorrrT-Wara rear ka>d to it-

R«aio«aU a Uttia a

This Is what be read:

s care


iBbers about

srell rbarsed, of betac aUpoi equally
wed eSecUre at boU rodst We small tarys

hldloR. aad betac ,

tided that this was the best aetbod :
commuslcaii It
I bare bestiaied j

an hour, or uoill

have boro apprapHa'*-'.
s rlcbtJy. by the croeer.

It rtM trr. If JBB ttr.
Tea eaa aeactar toWto aaada.

Bra. aabcr^elcred little balls, which
dropped lato the syrap. eoAed.

Tea caa fire to others aaada
Too caa Uto la UtUc daada,
U roa tfT. U reo trr.

aad aaoM up. aa ay Crlead had said. pans." would aot recocnKe mine as
PatarfoBlIlss praeoooced tbea the oiber than tbe maple syrup uf com

Tke odHoi^ daw ekair aata a«* ao
tor aaar tnai tka kitehaa tad cf tke
koaaa tkaae dwa kat IkU tkera drtftt
tkioach tka koaaa bad br It. wkaa tke
vtod aMs la tke rl«kt dtraetlae.
II of trait aad 1

u nerer tatted that delicbtful
fresb froB Ibe -boUlnc *>»n

the sboodDA the

pad Asrrtas aad h
to the ptolaa abd btaAberrlas ia tba
wild badto*. ewaswr than lor amay
raanpam. Thera bra psaAm tooa^

Hoc aod Ibe kllllac- K was ibendore
By ambliloa to roastrurt aa ank-le
ihai would sboof aod bit aad kill.
I worked at this, whal estra time I

.lowly oo eod.



..................... s«Uslset..« I..Wirt..Aod <bUw>lsr|rsa
aonils r uf sorkoic y—, i-l.- la assslrraU
“ •““•[Boralnr
I sm» snrr. to bear yoa I elrruin-ian-.-s l.ssr av.-i.t«i IVraaa a*
('“e were slek. bui clad to know that yod
.Is-r >d ea-s -,.v.,lly «
• “«* ;are b-u.-r nos
I nwd vour dear let.
II-- Jiead. Iuu:s
s a
alol si<«
D aad stole quietly c
nU) ibr
.pj ihniichi II so nice iiur creello>K ii|> tl- n-iwisl bealUi It
e birds
„ m „.o,eah.-nBr that Uud Is
ema.H Cs>il isiiiwweabefpaad IdrmiBc
(h,,i en.-k..^ stamps
t op pwber aad crt«m. served !
fi-w of I .p.i
Iles-s of fruBlrd rake, are a dell |
ad..,ura •LBd.w.ssl. I have f-rand K aa
bo.-ie>l r. llalde ramsdy and am |dra>>d
Rii. M., Vaaderbosf
. sw<v-i
It is ay expcrieorv that; (
P. eo.I.u-e U."-.C. O. Taylui. CWrb,
<1 any drssrr. has a Burr dainty
SiornieT. 1
H-^r.I.rf llraltb.
If served In Individual pontons
.^nii- llaii-sUs
I rerv-lsu-d t
raFrompSBBdsattoS iMtiiou a
a Ibe a*e of Fermia.
make eake io a layer rake, bul bake a i*5od w*.« good to us Ihr»-e that day,
' wifll) around under the tree and vwMi
. Hsriman.|rivksca
large loaf rake Then, wnb a Aarp
For iBder a hedge ros. fast s-lvep,, found sc opeolns clear (or .booting
,1 stamp
- aofrfber
knife, 1 rm rlkeg of * tinlf.irm lengib We (oond our »w.-ei Imle toby May,
Idrr. up my gun la true bonier,
and (ran Ibi-ni on one .id.-with eb-.-o ! And ibai was the da> .be i.nsned lo: sty k. baUcecd It a m..iu.-nt or luo.
Suaday m-Ui
nearly e>i-r> SunAy.
late or white (ro«lnc, a* tbe case may
;raugbt tbe ala I desired, pulled Ibe
We live ibrre mile* an-l a half fraa 11.e llsru
lx-, ladiv Idual sburi cakes are made ^
--------------------------: trigger, ibe arrow dew straight to tb«
Sunday arbool. I will swm have tojm (MA.
this way, (bat make a desarrt always'
SeptemU-r 1S"H
“ark and carried the little cruaiure
IO srbiul acala
It begin* a week
Take two slkes of the
Now Indeed the sammer ba. silppe.1 up Into the air two ..r IbA-e h-et and
frvHn Tuesday. I have lo go a onanpr
-Ira us-tnke them lu pimr Mn
rake. All in b.-:we.n with any misbed ; I.,- and varallon Ays sr.- nearly or both arrow and bird fell u. the groun-l
of a Bile. My sister 1‘nideBee I* I
el.- said Edith.
fruit and ato’iv-d rrt-sm Or. take a quite over Sow (or M-b..jl and bus. near where I wa. standing. Uy ei


Seekel peats Bake a dellcia
erve If prepared as follows:

Flrnt, dIsaolT
up In COM wBle
holllac point.

bree pouaA of seekel pears w

Two iraspnonfuls

o.onpiraspuuefiil ^ eluvit.
, wnablto and cold waUr f<
of vln<«ar.

Cook slowly uutU i

and dark.
BartleU psars are tnosl dHleloui
thara smi ba ptamt prmty soon i
prepared in ibU way: Pare eDoiiRh of
cnpaa tolora. aad lomaioea-to
you add to tbsae mica tto facts
pears to fill several quart
that hara coma thU wv at laaatMtod aad amealb aad bir In kmh np- itol salt In the nods aad nneev In Dtosulve a eupful of sarar in a cupful
tbe riaalac waters set tto colors aad
ilrr and pour oo one Jar of pears.
beep them brtcbi. yaa m* preuy
Tto sucar sboald be prepared i
Btety for each lar After (bU has been
Mv AKWa hits A tolatial lot wUiar to have tocems
to tbsae days of the popotortty of poured 00 tbe pears. All the jar witb
ktom. II H a toadaailac Uma to
lb dresaet and watou. It to no aaiall
■ni brasewito. aad tbe aaty Unable
Boent to kaow bow to keep tbein lar. and pUee the lid o Ibe lar
to abe Is apt to do aura than Is aasdBMKtoaUpartflftka ynadt hwklac like new.
Pbr elsasinc delloale ta^ whIA
larce pot. staadlnc tbem on a
•■ft. Bad wlU tke aidrli of hwe la It
■aaa to (to maktoc borne happy. Oaty. win aot ataad water, as colored.aOki board Of folded cloth, then sUnd over
or wool Balertato. il Is foaad tkat a (to Are aad boll for tweety-Ave mlBpaar owa sakA wktob to le aay. for the coad white soap awy be asad with caa- utes. Take tbe pot from the Are. and
aaka ef aU tto homa, whlA dapeada oitae lost tto saam aa with water. Be rsmove Ae Ian, screw the lid* <
d to dtp tto whole csrmtoi
licbtl). aad stand upelde down i<
to pear wnU bafac more lhaa you or
saoltoe balk aad rlase in pisniy
they raaltoa. -Tba dlaaer af herbs
ibey are air tlcfat. It l> wt

•V vtokIM wsre-totaft weV all* to
BidBr atof MaKhp. wtsa aad dotlMi
a barttoi—«bal pleasan naUdd;
«h a baartfal «f for a


Apky Tblato> Ceweral rale bolds rwd

Ootd water and tump to remove ma.
CoA tocrtber ten adnotaa. add the fralt and cook until II to Alne oil.
Burned ecgsbellv on the shelvrc. to
aalte thtok. With ploBA remove tbikeep
away buem
BtaoA wnab Ibe trail aod pnek tke
For creasy drain pipes, enpperas.
aktai. As (be plum* cook and break
Kancinc a bac of ebareosi lb ibe
lato piece* uke oot most of the
suaea Fur. stdeed crapes, take Ate cistern.
Clranln* (la wlA paper.
poond* of CoKord crapes, washed.
Bubhinc dry sell on e« stained ail.

»Ur.- *ai
li' alAg p

ktaii. aad add aU te tto prepared
ar. .fiafi all toMher ten Bin
otOA stimnc ofien. abd pot

B of TtBagar and
oalng oBty (wo ooBcea of stkk
ctaunmoe la tba aynp aA prtchinc
peach or pear Atb two rtorea.

»bat to A____

ctoo* Jan. aA coaUaoa to omk I
■jTup nnUI It tblekcma. or tor olmot
halt aa hoar. Pour tbia hot orer the
frail. The taaliar paacton may bo i»
aarvA for ptcUtag. aA tba baM paor
(or piofcllac U tba trwaat Seckrt prar.
Paoetoa sbeoU to rabhA Atk a
elaU uatil tba (imx H romorA; pran
prtfkA Alh a tkkk BoAk.
—Thbla Talk.

she bad tierai wisblac she eould amtol
le. and Ue dMkatr odor of this .

to yiui. I am well. bo|du you
he samr
1 was very owry to

•>■ i: bappened ibai Bdllb's one n
I' bear that you were skk. i bop.- you
DOW. Kterytblng ksiks ok- >frriivl I
Wblle Kolb *

radfkaat of a gin that every Invalid
weuM be happy le
iBppmt for ber wbra Httlnc «P hi bA

ObM (og rtmaam p



harp* to lingn
te Ibe ludgmen'
dered. and my i

> aWert

-ml a«in»i m<- (nmi li* liiik
Ibe lemble rbarge—murder

hnini : ivar Mrs Ai>-*-l am Korry to
' 'be^iblnV I have never written i.. (bank

'Mao Kovaflk.
-Ob,- Iboaebl be, "bow t wia MA

r prv-ii.-ni


Plmentx. K T , Aug M. I»M

or tonba. tl i. a eall.farihin
bow lu rl.-anee
■lore II lo ihoMght bun an old man Ui-n
A original beauty
tod water frallA him Father Halri.
H- i.
iraolmeni I* the v.-ry bewi. IfI ,vou
, will
wII; jll'lcc. though more lUn nin.-iy y
take the lime to preyinr.- ibe 1a.-v- wort
by pinning rarvfully on a Tiled- uf Ac
li 1. an etrelleni i>Uo to pin ibi*
Aannel im a Imard far.- must to giv.-u

at. 1>-I


and Asle

had Dm

n. y.Hi were skk uc
aw II In tbe paper. I

bis lop tlial noon At to sras rear tok
py. and whUllA ail tbe way boA.

r you have bera skk.
- Impruvlng and bofx-

«-bt*.l l«-fln*



Il Halrli

llMIe a>eee. an- r»mtng dou

It !• a -uo

with vi« Itmlgbi
Tbe.r m
Locha. V.-ra an-l Viva

Bobby, vbewa ahoaa ware

^ setiiog shabby. Wbi Uke* by bto BUB
", ma lo a abo<- store to gK a new pnu.

wiib Ih.-*.- lime inn.eeot* uhirh „ur baying all Ael.b-d and
ng an-1 eoiov ih..' iliev rwnnoi Ju.t as If (net was comiuc

lor -Ilf lerier.

"Buy after seiwol aA wrila (bm
ible of sraeoa Ara tlasM.- ato said
Tommy did luu bare lima to spla

f tore b.»r

ell as Ih.- ruiest things In all the „ Bv,- wev-ki
I. fk. ms frighten liy throwing (hougtai to le!
s and •lone, at ih.-m.
Do nui iji ust we.-k 1
thrm with l.eid. harsh yedl. An
,„rry to b

> sUrarikm All -lur

1 am a<MU

I shall open Ibe Imok If sto dooaaT

received a long time aco
I am ever
A Ibe quesikm. Md Tommy cuoU ail
aod ever S-- murb pleased with them think (If (lie aaswur.

y inward, ib'-m. rulilrate itaeir but g]gd you
Throw Ihem mor*.-l.

len we Invest la an etquisit.-

Ingnll* would rome back.

w ill I you (or m> rard and Alton wbkb I

>tn.- r-.peet* the must tswnUful

fa Waah a Lace Collar,

did not weal to tell bU mamam (hot
he hA (ailed. aA be would osity tor*

iLal IKII"- bird perrhed

Ar.t degne-' and the harpep
loorh their harp* anew to on
and united A-mi-n'

(or a lone, hmg i

hi* deqk. sA lookA so tempiliW to

*«><1 ]

:o. If* wnuig to bet m.m.-v.
bought ibel. Instid o' harin'
wheel tbe other round the c

Arasti Timsa CigM.
Master liruoks. araea tjaww Hght

urn your true Ansblne c>rt.

*hall b<-


bow maayr- aald HA IncnMa. a»4
then *.

«mih. They only alayed tw<
flo DOW 1 guess ni us yiHi cod
I will close with best recnrdi

Ur- no' Jabv-7 Biarklas' wife

her tveen a-Ialkln' It over, an' ez loez
yv-'re of Oppmll.- isvilliral toliefs
we Ibongbl ye tclgbi ron..- livgetb.-r '

' i The ekrk who waJlA apoe tbam Irem..vevl (be old sAua from Hobby's rtchi
fi.* and prvw..dA to try oat alsue* an

' ill Anally to (ouA am that aallA.
' ' Ik.l.l.y 's left was entirely Daglsa*
* I

Ibe pidni. lo sc- that earl, -.oe Iptnn.-vl in pUre

A. Ib.y were b-svlng Hie atom Roto

'''ii.v ..KM««ly Ar*i out rraloc.
Whv Ikrirby. whal U tba maltar
’'’iwi'l. y.m-" askA bis Imoltor te aa' I i.«isfam.-nt.

rf ihe lare ili.mHichl) V

rpiruf Ihe boa Itot
I Ibr H<iirhir*.in (aini'v


Our boito .T...I

1. .- n. It Tu-~i*v

off ea.tward ami .

two boors Semi In bodle*. If tbe aeL'- Ibirfe.
We ..
m 1.SW ibw wood
Adding ancar to aauem. presrarea. sealing bottles an- aoi
Ataioable.. rburk* i.ut I
lay. imamcA tbem
:c. after they bava ponly raokA.
cork tlgbily. and when fold pour melt-1 p. to bear* .rf
Irh I bA often beard
Tu milk for drinking purposes, add- A sewilng wax over Ihe rnrk aad top 'vioriew. and «1
I Ad rarwfally miiJ
a uf llmewaler '
lA luo
of the |..itle
,*ed In lhat g«
It irf Ihe l-qr
ooa plot -Cot
-----and the iwo friend* In Webster'* old
spelHnt book, and which seemed tu
A cm For An ImralU.
ftallroo rover me lo to bags nglv rreaiursw wlibooi
Ab iaralld (rtsA was recently (be
In <air family murb tall We small toy. regarded II

A wlady la eolor Is a rmdlab aA eaAbaraolA. Tto radtakm abooM be
■ brtiuaat rA aa twmthla. bA sboaU
to thinly aUoA aad BfraMd aharamaly. Alh tto MoA BBAmtor to aa

* XIapel was orerjoynd Btoaai
Ediib (hviubM Ibe ooe rose. She said

ir Hr* Ales—I will write a few

agiae that wh.-n i
. <rf Anal s.

-Wen. If you gll drawed Into any of

lur aalA dmalA without irfl. «n» < grape keirbop v
leoapoonful racb of aall. tagsr Ad pk**,ni rhnnge *Hh u.msio ..
musUfd. vme eseg and right (es*p.«m- j Boll .«,-hsl( peek .rf i.iu.. p|u„,.
(alt of vinegar,
1 I Aether aod ' p(nt <rf v loegsr and half a* mur
iblnnA wUb cream.
.-.pwiofnl I
Baking eggs with a bit of totter and ,»eh of rlnnsunon. and all.pkv .
I Boil all nnll 1 l.mdef. siraio Ibmugh I
Boiltnc ena. by eovertne tlcblly la'(to roj.ator _ „
pall ^-Mllnc water and arailag olf,,i,..

*A wtora
*® •••• to tto boay

• Maod. AMBiy OA
VMhMblacaM. 80
ladtoMMdfhm^ M.

AM park ABtoolMi

lac.” raui ^itb. -lihiokMdAto
psi'aiH like .-trw oar If I tell to

kitebra aod sat down Ic the rblmuey ; iruwn. The toy oor's name Is Tom
eocner a wretched rrealurv
i nd the brown une* name Is Maggie
have Iblneen little ehkfcees of my
The srenv- In the old orrhard. on a ;
We haven't (hrasb«d y.-t.
bhghi Jute- day. enme* to aiy mind [ ery own
binding outs yesurrday
slUI. lust a-, vividly a*

agent made.-There usually l*.-

In thl. w
that (be palp to In oae dIA and tbe
b KrtJdle slib a slice baodled and doe*
sklB* la anotber. Boll the Alni with
i.-n dry. you wii
hair * cup of water until they are (ee- of tnralp.
Steepinc lea <nly three minote*
Ueantlme cook tbe palp nnlll
To keep sponce cake from drylne. a
CBOocb te posh It Ibroocb a
of lemon Juke
keep back
V KeUhup.
Tu cool a
When plums
be thrown
act Intlde
il to sun- to make ,
. Seturn the palp In tto Are. odd

Oaok tba aymp. than Ad tto fralt aad
cook natll taoder: ramove tba (rail

puaitively air (iRhl
Three pean will keep perfectly wblle.

for all
Boat dettrluOB (or a laneheon.
Wtoed fnilt. pIbba crape*, etc. To
may be prepared In Ibe
Ara pooDd* of frail, nee three poond* manner -Table Talk
r aanu nod cste plat of vlnecar.
Oook tbe sacar and vlnecar locelbr. ndd one Uaspoonful of cloves and
Varatob (or all houae bugs
of allspice.

*Ttoa awv alUi tpmgm aad tot tor
Aad to! te lew uck cm far bis

-Cm gotag to soke Bito (hto

Bt little soBCSIer
iimmer song and
9 pang of regret

Bath. -I a

wall unfTl wa tare a

We faav<- two borwea. One
dt-po*llMl tor guo In an utorure cnreer >' >ne*
of Ibe bark klirhen and went Iota Ibe] orae l> bar and tbe other one 1*

rowed from 1b


wtora loTa to- to bettor thaa cosUy
toad aaBavcirad with that blamed spir­
it whtok makaa far tto salraUae of tto

-S... indeed.”

ullallon ma* rrxupleiA «) en»s. gun
lay. My oldest
l..w and arrow would *hoo«. and bit
ra. I* cuing (■> Ann Arbor lo
and kin. I look.d down and ih.-re lay
school II a Week Sbv- Is ic years aid
the little bird on It* took, with wln(3
Hy little iwi.year.ihl sister says (ell
> slnirbed out. and as I looked
Hr* Ate. •rooir se.- tol.y
•wi-d It* sbiulag link eye*, gnspol
Ibis ain And you b(I well. < will
(SI breolb and lay still, dead (or
Fn«n yiHir BunsblntT.
Instantly my ekaliatioii alldefl.
lUrrhi llyki



day lha Is saany aad nicer. There ate

arasBodaaoachlar-toaea-day ia t
eto If CM didat hara aaythliic aii

brtcbi ,
.blninr bH,b. '

leuild ft. lor aerermi days, aad at last
!coi It coapleted to lay salisfadloa

II Ibe ripe, red appl-Var
r basket, and—that was

rery bast be erer atA aad craUfal re^ mette.
This syrup Is msdc from eqtal parts
■eabrasces of tbe -(rieod la need"
wera prsasat wbeerver Ibe delirious. of craaolatrd while and brown
-lir<- erf lb|. rake. rot,-r with rorvB^iliacw bef. all m-v whal in.ul ilm.-. |
Ibe resy dark, nsolasses hrawa;
nut fraatlng. and Just l.-I.w. servlns, they will to
Things luA a iml.-1
la tba 0
and vanilla, and
pour over a taorv of soft rusiard, ibrv toighirr at tbe o.Ilir>r's de«k, and j
s aacrvi
Tbe suear and s
oughly chilled. Utile poriloos are tot there are h.q.e. of l. ti. r Ay- In the
ilmoat everything
stirred locrlher onlll Ibr snymr I
Haw IB Waab Oalieatt I
lad when one has Ibr molds and little
tolred. Ibeb bollrd
wlth.Hji firtber
Than is aoihlBC la b<
3to-. that giv. lb.- Ainly lucMb. Ibe
stlrrlnc uoUl s spnoo dipped Into tbe
sal rcqairas persDoal
irnubte Is not ootlreaMe lo an) way
le will coal iMekly
It Is
um Ibu the laundry <
Bveo with v.-g.-ubl.-s, a small dish
> tbraach many am- sllowid to cool, itlll wKbopi stlrrlnc. !bai may faav.- u. to replenitfaed is
SOBS wltbout a dmaaad to know and t and when raid two or three drops of more appelltInK than a large dish
ullla It added, not eooucb to render
overburd.tie.1 sicb II. iink.vely gen
itraac of vanilla, bul juit enoucb
en aaowy wblle. and to ke«p the colors
iftwItTdve the syrup an elusive succestioo

aatoac Urns wbsa lbs aharpar. more
of fabrics fraab aad brtobi.
awttbdw oBon
*•<*>«■ ■><
Here are a few succaslioot to aakr
aapi aad nllabaa for the wlalsr days
tbe ausr proeeas
AaD All the air. It hat beta a
Tbe waablac of colared aaienals
‘ year for tba beaaawtfa U iplia af oapraesss from that of il
tltolj waatbar aad tsars of aeaaty
amllaa. Boms way ar aaotbar iblaci white linen And. If possible, make
separate aaUcr aallraly. Select
«ama akac- Tbsra ware loraly straw

to a -ptAle- .boat piama
a table, that
■*to« « marator-a
^-------.-a whole baakat« «f Stowtom liBAas looklac
Bat I sras In pseplaal

Uc dolt

;Weie BOt allowed to loorh Ibis faaUy
e watched huw It was used
f Ibe (aoUy

•Dear Jobo: For some time pan I'
re ibowAt kiat aad earaeallj oo :
at I bsve to say to yoo. sod I base I'

they are teoder aod dear, then Uft, -j.,,, pota'icMw bare bewo oat for a
lalo sride-orautbed lars, corer with ilie
.,od botoe a bac
synip aad aaal. To sene, take out a ,
ny ibis aieibod yoo woeld
eocoBber with some of (be syrup ao-1
slkw la roonds.-<kiod Hous-- -------And br didst.—PhiladelphU is^s"

It rto trr. H roe trr;
Tea OB k<N» a meed aloac.

Taa oaa alM a MrM aoBc.

Mr a We «f labor aad atady and lore
k (to iKe that Ata tar tto >>r abova.'
-Mma C. Dowd.

I bare one

: that It ea»e orer fro« FTmace wUb
this. Iwl iB a
So we spread a shawl oe
j that expedtiioe that lafareite broacbl
laqolrles she repeated
IpTST to Aneric* la tke ilaie tf the
rameatlj that be at laai <
Aad care ber ao apple
la eliker I Aseritto Scrolistloa. It bad the repAll tke war la oo tke car be lkou(bt
i Btatioe of laklac a (ood dial of pow
strance reonesl. and be
de, ia order to shoot wrtl: aad wbra
had hardlr eoiered bis place of bast.

teaapooB <d ctores. Boll and sUm,pbls way. boi I dad I euDol cooreal
Ibea add ftie eaeoaber. makloc soatbousbi. loocer. 1 amsi and will
t ayrop to cdt« tbcoi C.»A the

This Is Ibe tnaklDg In ay osrs kltrben.
of Biles away frua a luaide
B I attacked ay other baU Tbb
I cot the -scaM* lost rtcfat. tree, of a -maple synip" folly as rood
cleanly ihaa the aver
poorad o« Iks hot water golekly.
daiksd cold water orer them, aod ace brand sold nadec the name of cenIndeed, our.
peaM Ibea eaaOr. leartac amoock. ulne Canadian aaplc.

work that baida ppasttk may to
bad tor tto toUas.
. Thn«i U may ant bria« faaaiih
a bala tor
M fUUy matoa sriaa. aad-tora. psoSlauy.
mtrn tto toaatp thafa traaat, wBKh

we ary all cotaa borne aod I am coloa
to arbuid
I am le the thlid crtoe. I
bare oar pel klltee Bs name Is SaOlL

j do aanblac <

atm of allspice berries asd half

trm the M t «aAaalad aeaa.

idw kaart may taaai wttb

NortlmorT. bet espert my other alalee aad lluJe olere Her
u Neea.
They are futac to sur two weeks aad

alswre asd sew caA eed aemretT

orttew«BiT varakMd

or tk* ■rtiiii

Hartkpart. Am- U. tm.
Dsar Mn. Wataa I am a Buie cM
eeea yean oU. My bosae Is at I

Cal wife aad btbar <f two tkOdra. He mmmaommammmaa^am^ ben*4. raaklac ^

, everythli.c •
I.MIe pig. SI.


to tha Cat.
a trap
r bandy

raucbl a

- thing. I enI 1U do. dear 1

.I.i.f. and I summer an ) 'hey *.*.
W.- pirkA !C I sloi wem i.. a r.f.

or lu>'k him la our lliue bouse.

»r i.tilr rblrkeo" ac
I love -o te..
'thank Aunt Paiiyever

or even plbcb tad hr*l hlB'8ald Mr. House wub pu/aled sir.

piriure ib.- .eti m.- ax.
peart M»mil
Traverse Cl!. Mu-b . Aug Zl l»0i
Dear Mrs. bate. I bate only writ
t o iwire and have kep( thinking of
WTltlng befure. hut a* I bar. n« 1 will
to very glA to do *o now
I wlH be I glad when scbdol toglco and l( ul
not very kmg bffore It will begin and |

I peref (koaghi of that, dear,

and Clara Bsie* f-.r
oblne depanmeni

Twonid to no guud lo kep a boy.
Ira's rive him to ihe cat. d«art~

e Cbestoo
-----------------------------Only One Roa*.
Both and Ediit **rh Ad a dear Ib-

Did n>a boys aad Ctrl* ever (hiM
itani <to uMl iur.brr cna dradly ||nd
of Ibe everlas'ing r.«o4 at «abvasbIng aA oxiklngT Help bar oM make
her gu to tbe pkaka oM a

•ta AUsoJay
reumre up lowaMt (ben 1 ripen to go lu sebool every
garden H.i* aetlowaly Ibey
a- old orrhard, aA day. t have a Uttla braibea tbs; will wsicbed for the Sower* lo appear'
■1 llvA.puor i
lop of o«r <rf (to I be six y*«n utd (hla fall aA be Is co- tbe otber a
aHlladly A
imrear ire.
imo tto'iac to vinrt to actool ibU fall.
boy that *
up of tbe great t^lmsey of >ur larsa aama U WlUle. oM will yoo pkoae tovely flowers beeasaa abe wsa
sebool sever bon
iw(*«tnry bouse lA count - pa-ri- send him a cord OBd batbrn. My bra
to k«te>m;^ Both Rnlb ■
man who U drive
logs of Its ffoea. Of Ibe toauiy
Edith hA rUkA ber dwrlsg tbe a
er EUJob lays be haant px lima

gkwy of that oU orehanl. whA la isii wrue uis i
My atAkw
bloom Is tta.aprtBE Alh Ml nimar-'ara fourth raodar. White'. ______
oBi birda of msay klada staefag or j Book A srtihmeUe. paamsaaUp. tos«ort bAldtag (hak Baota|*AgB.4raAB*.rtye'a oompieteguo*-



T far bar.

war* aary

bow bAly 1
Ptrfla «« hla eoBt. rails m hto glaaeM.


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