Grand Traverse Herald, October 13, 1904

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Grand Traverse Herald, October 13, 1904


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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m^r ^

^jran& ©jrao^0^ Mtxulb.

Mrs. Gtn. Prakes colled aad sbowut I appeared starved. We here eocoon- we cdoM see tbe town during nearly dor was wreoebed from Us binges and
Rsassns Why PsegH Aro Peer.
expense after the aatocropk lomrSpTORd tke oMt the •oniiM. bajrond as much frieodllness. whith eonirsri- tered a Baa Irsvrilag oa foot and JUn ail tbe day's drivg.
|seni flat-on the fioor.
Their Mens are larger than tbetr Uoa has bee* added. It Is Rueofied
the ve« Uh m«.
ed pleosaBUy wtth tbe foregoing tad-1 lavtied him to )ola lu at breakfast,
Fog bid Vahtea. but tbe sun esane' The freedom from snow and e»l> purses.
that these lascriptloas shall supply
I Tbe dsie U my diary at tbU place wav out with scorOlns efr.-ci. causing auf- return of countless variriles eg flowers,
They think "Ibe world owes them a suBse laterestiag personal a«ea by the
ISU *111 ■« M ■« b»;
We passed Itaroagh Seboolcrsft aaJ Oct. 23rd. ioA a moatb slaoe learlng (erlag .to tbe borses.
! together with fresh vegeublM
author bearing oa tte sabject of tbe
« works IB B* like mdBMs. tfev. l« White Pigeon and beyoad tooad prai­ Glen Arbor, and
r long drive wa>
Having crossed Black river and'time when Michigan was still iceThey de nor keep account of tbelr boefc or the eirr
kM BM aK)r rood-bye;
rie hay Bcadows. but lUllc frolt..
baU done.
swamp we followed the top <i< a levee' b<HiD<l. largely oSsc: tbe eccenlrlrhles npendltnrea.
wtth the writlag of f
^ lb« Ml «Bii Slid the Man caU.
band cf
Near Smith Mills we drove over some three mllei> u> a negro seulemem of climate, but tbe iniensr beat of mid
They are easy dupes of schemers
RTh* the eottector has tolfiUed kis
gypsia. bsvieg with then lots of ebU- bills In cboktog clouds of dust until wbi-re dancing was in progress to »U>1 summer proved alatnst unendBrabh- t.
BBd. ok! tbe can of the sky!
irpose to provide a bolMlag worthy
drea aad dogs. Th^V bospiubly In­ wc were unreeaenizable, end lo mshe Iln mask- Near Caaton we taw the' tbe naacclimated.’Tlx- rcsidimu ibrir
Thvy reverse the
L -Only be, shelter soch a library. Mtiroeapnlit
t kMv Bot wkrrr tkr white road ruai. vited os 10 camp with Ibem, but we natters cveo more <
flrwi teOFing foas,: fiia It and chafe at cold weather. I
lore pltosure "
jttr «hat the bl«e bills are.
promptly declined.
could iroi obUlD evi* -a drink of «a biiab and tree with lls sombre gray
cold snap, comparing with
They have too many and tuw exper
Bat a MB eao bare the Sob lor (rteoi:,
We etoeaed the 8i. Joe on a covered ter. Poiw old dog Ring btee (ell ooi Everything else was dry and bunted: Decemlx-r.
asd for bis cnide a sUr:
bridge. Uen catered a nriliag clay of Ibe wagon and was driteo over be with do*ih. A negro of whom we titled that bis bands w»-n- frosled.
They do not think It worth white to
Aod Uore's bo Md oT rayarlBS when oouatry. poor la appeorsaee. We next lore we could stop; Uw seme acclderl
corn and sweet poitua-s. | Sbortiy after iwr arrival at Tilmaii wave Dickeb. and dimes.
oece the rolce N beard,
drove through scrub oak, past eaetl happened to bin (* our former trip let us have water fmn hIs cimeni.
| poor old BMg was again nin over and.
They hare risked on assured comp
For the rtrer eaUs and the raad calls. lakes sad creeks, until vre arrived at Of course be was badly bun and I re
Tbe beautiful sUte buildings andtthis lime, tbe arcklent proved tola!, u*re in trying to get rich qulckl).
a and seteetista U reopaoalBBd. oh! tbe caU or a Mni!
an aiiDost deserted village. Its deser- out to procure him the small aatUfa.: negro academy, of Jackson were aearly-1 Tbe faithful old dog who had aeeom
They allow friends lo impoH- upoa ble for the present low
tloo bHcM be expialaed by Its'roads,
obscured from view by rioods of dust | paiiied us during many weeks of over- tbelr good naiure and geserosity.
wbirh prevalb over tbe take rt«lda
ToMtor ibe laac fcorlsoB >!«. aad there being alBMst hub-deep In saa^.
and some dlstanct' beyond tbe city for- land travel, covertog ia ail iblriy-al\
They try to do what others exp*
imri of (be Doited
tor ajEbt aod day
Beyond Grsag^. Jin was imable lo.
est fires were in progress. Ih*>on<l | huodr«d miles—three times
Stales, says I
at them, not what they can aEurd.
The aid Bhips draw to hose asalo.
purriiase bay for ibe team, bet sue-' We drove over bills all day. water Costal Springs we found sand rt*o>.; states—found nothing but a grave is
The paroot. are eeonomlrai. but the weal ber oScc a
the yooas ships sail away;
eeeded near South Bend. This city ^ continuing scarce, wen the veils lie and plue trees.
why (toe ■
. Aad eoais I Bar. but fo I Boat.
Ing dry, but at nigbi we camped under
Novemts-r eigbieonih was the Ib.-iibikI mistress, they are at the itresetii
They <ii> not du today what the)
anw dosing has bcoa eooi, dot why
IT BUB ask roB why,
rain, aad beyond the town the borses | ■'ihoriiapple irvv by s rtone well tbai day of oiir drive, for w'blrh we wer >; time residents of—Miebigao.
posalMy put off until tomorrow.
last winiev was so extremely oevors.*
. Tob aar pot the blame oo the sun
sorry, as tbe weather was coiil. |
~-----were alawBi drowned In mud. Tti-j provided tbe luxury of a wash In a<l
They du nut think It worih wblh- lu said Hr. Walt. -Nctibev has any satJsaad the son aad the while road
and through HaxlebtirM the dust wasj
fiyinballe Flowssre of Japan,
night proved cold and we secured barn dltkm to ibe neeesstty 'of drink,
P«t coDtracu or agreements in
fariory exptanatk* ever broa offered
sad the sky.
room for the team and lodging for onr' Ttofougboot Japan ibe togashwl.
Boybnd Sturgis we climbed red clay chokingly thick.
as lu why the Pacific coast U s
-OeriU OOBld. IB The Speeutor. eelTFs with a woman named Doolittle
Wv had accomplished Ibe twelve: beckoning P>anl. Is bow the most pophilU where rodts Impeded our pros
They prefer to ln<*ur debt rather ranaer than the AUaaUr.
To aeHer Ulle was stagulariy appixditiaie. ress until they seemed likely to brewk huDdn-d mile drive in aactly eight tdlar of tbe many propbeilc ganlen than to do work which they conslde.- count for these phtmoBsaa there mast
utterly Incapable aad I the wheels from tbe wagtw. Tbe Tnot! Weeks u> tbe day. and Ibe coasUzil j Bowers of that strange load where civ iM-neatB them
cosmic,force. It may bobs*
Aarem Five States by Wapen.
from the sun or sonte other aoeree of
Ftooa the diary kept by Mrs. Jeoaie
ir own supplies.
tbe raraiers drove their stock
bad added a pound each week lo my: ously band in band
gages 00 their boBes can ever Uira
. II Bay be electrical ta aau. o
Mud was the prevailing
Shaped someihing like the fingers them out of doors. stream to drink.
Ttoe elertrical rays used la
the Hetald by Bisabeth Bay.
tbrongb Lakertlle on lo Lapsz. Herr
e were most cordially received inj "f ibh human han^^ the leaves of the
Once more we were Jolnol by
They hare endorsed Itoeir friend'a
always oxistH.
Iben drove
land of blackest negroes and most ' u-gashwl wave to arwl fro ia (be breeze Doles or guaranteed payment Just "(or but nnill receoily weoaver had aa la> .
land panengen tin tbelr way iv
Ja the tall or 1N8, JIb aad 1. with
eouri. Tbere were two sragons drawi sbilllcss while peoelc ever seen. Du' as If l<> call liack the abM-nt
sirnmenc wbirii was aensHiro to th«B.
- paor aU doc Bias. Mt Glen Arbor.
by mulea. One contained a maa with ing my two w'lntvra among then 1 was presage their saf*- return. This the
Bo with the preseat probleak We
Mleh.. Beat. Shrd. bonad tor Ttlli
country, aboondtiig in borses and cat- bii wife, eight cfalldrea and three dogs. constantly amused by the strangeness plant does, so the Japanese confident­
know this force only iadireeily. For
MkaBtsalppL This trip was the third
Ibe ottare a man and bis M>n. They of their customs, and theF were e<iu&l- ly believe, and one ran readily im­
the blind, light does not exist. Fur
war* toorsey aerosi the-sUtee or
At the Tippecanoe 1 washed sol were taking life in a leisurely .ma
agine the devoted wives and mothers
ly enteruined by mine.
the deaf, aoood does not exist. When
Mkhlfsa. ladlBBa. Keaioeky. TeaBes- hnag the ekMhes ont to dry. ihea pre aud moving so slow we wondered If
It has been dem
They had never seen a rag carp*-i. of (be island eajplre placiag tbe leal Narraganseu
(bis sew forte U dlscorered It may bu
eee and Mlaslsslppl. a dlstaace ot l.- pared suppef aad was about to serve they would ever get any where•e of wuwier. A I of tbe tegashwi above (be doors of the sirated that a perfect systcB of c
and Bln
that It will add aaather setms to the
MO Bliea, Mde by JIb aad I. with dor the meal when a eorered war* ap crossed ibe Cumberland ahead of the negro -mammy* reckoned ^ wourd j homes, with amny a prayer lor the muntcaitoQ under water between sub­
boBaa taeaRles or that haama beBlBC.
praacbed cbaulnlDK a maa witta hU mules on a hand propelled ferry rt>w-ed make a right warm quilt, while
D tbe war of lb marine boats or between a aubmartn? lags will be so highly devakvafi .Ihat
We apent a wlatar la the laUtade of wife and four ebUdren. They wen by a man wbo gave bis name as "Bill lumberman who lioarded with us, >x-)oved snldiv-r to bis b>-Ioved gardeu. boat aad tbe shore, or between a subthey con -scBse' It."
Mattes, near the Pearl river, retorc- BorinK fruso Laporie to Uillbousc of Vicksburg."
led to think it was too good for
Fur thees imaginative little brawn marioe boat aad a maa-of-war. Is poslas emrlaad by war* la the aprias. lbd„ aad as our roads were Menticil
. The system used was a new sub DiggHa Who SMreh for Elsphawt
In camp I aoticed ibat the father of floor covering, as he gained bis seat | people see far more In their Hoy, w-el!
we drove la company nniil we reaped the large family was too lazy to bold at (aide by two mighty steps. Jim's' kept gardens than simple bushes and marine signal wbi<^ hi& been derelnsdp. sad started for pur desUaaUou Deer creek. Here we parted aad
Many of the planU so carefully oped recently.
That (be etephaau aaaaally slaia
tbe baby while bis wife cooked sup­
te as dliBOt a Uac as posslMa At In- was baartlly glad to be rid of them.
under the axle-tree In hauling was an icn-led have for them e*b Its peculiar; Sound U commaakaicd throogh the iB Africa aad ladtaa ooatd forolsh teB
per. FaasIIy euarrels ensued as a
Sunday was spent nor a gravel pit. aeqnenea. la tbe morning 1 helped the unheard of teat to men who consume 1 po^l fur good or evil.
water by eoand wavae. rtkh caoee the the Ivory used In eoe yoar. thoos who
tralnnd driving oa we castaed oat
otfle from Camda. la aooreblng
Their gardens arc mites of things, walta of ressels to vibrate. This vibra­
aa.Oli hr toroiUBg ber boeoa on tbe day puillag in a log or two w1*h
msaedtb^^M^I^ TwT We bought oats at tbe elevator my stove.
snvway. the dwsrt tree* and wbniU tion Is coaUBUBicated to tbe receiving as well as with tbs gaagflty of Ivory
*M «k «B Cadillac. Here the eo«etry la Coibnro and a Mr. Isaac Wolf asked
"Her ye btara o' that northern fcl . i>rune<l into famasilc ,thapn. wblle apparatus against tbe interior wails used aaoaallr i» Baropa. Aawitta aad
Before we eroEsed the. Tennessee ou
was MQIy aad reagh. but the tanas ap os to write from Mlsslaalppl.
r haulin' two logs la lu 'onst wKh fair;-like suvams purl liematb bits of and it Is bi-ard Ik
Asia, know very weU to be iBpaoMMe.
tbe'Oat scow^erry- wc were ibrrvssrd
Beyoad Buck creek tbe country was
nmbrv by another covi-red wage* homii!'’ I heard a man ask an.«b< r | rustu- brodgi-s. and settle in little delicate Is tbe transmission that by The ivory dlggen. therefor*, have lo
The Waalber now tnreed coM. wbl'e hHlf aad the land eorered with stones.
I'ads aU*l whirh (be lutim IlfU Its varying the tone or quality of the assist the Hephaat hantera. With tbe
containing a own with bis wife, two outside our window <*i- day.
STB drove throi«> a light saody re- Lafayette was so large li puzzled us to
ms and a niece.
zeal with whhh ths pstroleuB
gtoB Where tte pedple seeated as poor
the other aide of ibe city,
| Ttx' lorn is revered l>y the Japa- conversation can be arranged.
borers In America seek to diaeover
Al Paducah the other wagons «Un- was ib<- rejoinder
as the Mil. Near Big Kapids a hard. but we Anally did so and soon reacbed
The sobmarint- boat Shark has been
Jlm't appearance on the road wUh ! "•'»'• »•'
of a large posterity
1 west, to our relief, and we' camped
«U wells do the Ivory diffgtws oa
vAlU Met iaade ft tteoeaaary tor Jin BMIon. where I bought an latmen.'-e
«"> Mib-dirldcs into i-quippiK] with an apparatus for recetr- the aretlc coasts saareh lor aamthat night In Iwilom land, with noth­ the usual load cut short the cooversv
to keep a Are all night to warn the watermelOD for our supper. Here
ing to disturb us but a drove of goals. ;loD and the mi n fnllow.-d the .o . ■■um. nu.s Uranrhes. so ma^he master lag sounds. Tbe posUk* and aaillag moth’s tasks. Every spring, when tbe
horeee. ta the Btomiog we stopped lo Mr. Oliver called at our camp aad
»cden hop.- lo live to see •llrKtion of tbe torpedo boat Stiletto
bediui lo thaw, the flmrMiy Uad
Near Mayfield wc bought be.-r from see it to Us desilnatlon.
town aad ted the I
-us to aecampany him borne to
himsetr surroundi-d by s large (lock of
deiermlned on board tbe sulx of eastern Siberia reveals new mines
farmer, but fonnd do water during
The chief arileles of diet were i
pot shoes dk the bbreee who shod our
* bU wife and talk of Michigan.
children and grandchlldn*. Al New mergsd Shark by use of ibe apparatus, of fossil ivorT- Tbs traders are very
ibe day excepting a mud bole. W - pork. and. I mighi add, tubaeeo. r
colt eU yean befete.
Near Crawfbrdsville coal stuck
the Slilelto being over a mile away. Jtaluui aad alio* no rmt else lo work
women. and ehildren chew
chew the
For stg iBllea-wo tollowad the bank of tbe hlllsldoi In naiurwl veins. Near­ ware favored by- a call from a bare­
Ls (be rapid beat of ber screw ibai these mines oe the coasts and Istands
1, in
I... was
w.. :
footed resident during tbe evening, w«<ed or use It
xniiB. -Th..
The last
cf the Mashegoo. troaeod on an lrc« by we passed a college «
yiiiturl Iia an- iilamd with those of
tbe alarm and aided in tke find- nader their oontrol. They amke every
bridge and boob drove tbioogb e Ibe forest. Our borae. Maud, becam- who explained that bis feet were too kindly oBeriid to me. murh lo my mysforii alxiie Ibe d-s>r of the bouse,
effort to scad at least M.QOO pounds tg
■asrtly, etnapy ooantry. with lapov- sick nev Brown Valley, but Jim doc­
'the ii-m fereieliing a large family,
It was found that neUtaer depth nor foosil ivory a year arsstward along tbe
- patebed until tbe original gar­ jut I w-as forced to decline.
.eriebed feme. Beyoad Morley tara- tored her through the illness soceres
was a disadvantage la the greni enravaa rond.—PlUstoarg DUere bed tube nee of pine etuaps for tolly, and at Wavertand again had the ments bad disappeared tander the addlSweeping was vigorously ix-rformi-d, aMiiranei- ibal tb<- (aiher will live un- msMcr of using the signal
{smeee. Water here beeeine scarce gray ahod. W agave them a day's rest
: intervals, with brooms made of ,tll he has se-n his son groB- up
and net eaMly obtained, while eand in lovely weather by tbe Utile Rac■1.1U1,
. ..I.k, >n.l
The Quaint Herb Shop.
Vsakos OMdt.
ere not fit for pig pens.
prodaBlbattotl ihroogb to Howard Cliy
•lag not at a............................
nj^j^taining ih.- family honor.
In a l.y-rirv!«x in New York city Ibev *
wo river.
Consnlar ref^s My that CaUforaia
On Ibe old Jackson trail we ettennu- ,r 11.STS Wllh water. Whicb Was swep, ,
and Pterooto. We taapel oat at Sand
S little shop over the dour of which prunes have been sent lo Ftoaoee, re­
W« followed the lOiiraad beyond
Lake near whleh was s large eannind Judaon. where passing trains apsci terad high hills and more' wasboin». uu. the di*r. i.-k fiaiv- a f-w Hm.x
Is lb.- sign. "A Herb for Every Pala." packed tbere aad brought hack over
(netory. The rote was covered with Daisy's nerves. A kmg. down grade finally camping amid the prevailing
qualnl. old-lime shop, ooe uf the Atlaatlc as the geanibe Oallle
■ tre. a sturdy old age.
drying np^ sad above then hovered drive froB Ibe Raccoon brought us lo oak Umber1 to purchase s mop In
Tb-w lllow ir-e,.
a periillar the very few left of many that exlslid product. This Is not la Ibe least surNear Ibe Obine men were baUdlng a
runslowo fartaa and luBbltMiowD
iwn. but the clerk could Ool iind*-r j p.,„,.r
Tbe penu* at lu K.-w York half a century ago. On -prltieg. A great doal of Taakse pea­
At Cedar Springs rein began to fail bouses. At ooe place we saw miners levee In a swamp. At noon the horses
and w'hat was wanii-d. Thnv tln.ei. |
,,y ,h„ p*irful malady sticks a Ih.- kh.-li>-> ar>- xnme 3in. kinds <i( nut oil (sod perhaps some other kinds
and we ouaped In the downpour, but returning from work with their Uulc ate canebrake and I amused myM.'ir by
told him lb.- name, 1,111 b- ftnsHy
nn< m-i-dles Inf. the lark of liie h.-rl* f..r the cure of burnsn HD. an1 uf ull> b shipped abroad, aad taler U
picking up Dills iiiiti] Jim warned me hand.ul me a irem il f. write It d'lWit. i „
kept dry under twavae. The horecr lamps on tbelr caps.
.xireani, with Ibe firm bewuh fluid extracts mad'- from returned to tbe l!olt«d States as olive
were frlskteaed el the tbnnder end
deals! because of snakes. Everytrsnn.imrthi artlrlr wss iinkttown tl••f that ilM- lain thus caused to the n.-arl)- half uf 'bat number, or rotnblTerre Haute was cay In bunting T:>r
r choice quality. And Malae sar­
UghUla*. Tbs Jeomlng dawned fair
street fair. Automoldlee and street where peopl<- were working in ibr eulWi- Isr.vl Im-I'- r In s demand f-..' -pirh I.f III.' iriH- will itidiic- that spirit uatlcOk lit ih'-m CiiMom'-nt with uM dines go to Ibe OM World and arc
nad the white mad roads lBB«dlsiel> care set Daisy wild and she raced lc» fields, hilt November first every­
■I irl-a- alinut health an>1 rirk bi* impurtn] a* delktoos French fish,
M'viTSl I'luniU of [sirk for .<>urM-1i - - <M
ih>' suflering- of the Invalid.
dried. At Bochtord the grey borsr everything tbarcame along with strict thing was dreorhed In heavy rain, arih-re for buglr-wwvt few non with all wvris (if forelgD aUmps upoa
and a sldi- ul |s>rk liir a m-ighlsir. Tit iti-ure ti..- Wiili-lniwal from th*
d by Ibe aolse
ipanird by f.arful ihundtv
Wlatpanialiiy anii
••mti.tion, suBarh f..r wire Utoat. w|n•Irsgg.Hl th.- huge xlih- .if j..rk tox- cf the Imtallng ii.--di.-s.
bales Mar.-over. CnttforaU wines
ooBfushie IheldeM to street iraBc. DoBeyond -Carlisle the people looko'l put up a day and a night at the h«n< across tin- lul*m.,-|.li cviivd llixn
Thi' nanf-n. nr lucky sbr.ih, has the lergr.—n f'.r rbi-utnaiifm.
are exported 1^ large qnaaUileu and
yoad the Rasee rivor we passed Into a as If they were bslf starved, but tbe of a TeoD«-»iMi' gi-Diti-man. Conilnumg
its In cure drunkennivu.. ' At this returorel az tbe products <d Europaaa
and sloxi it up uniMdi-. Hi- then n- l-.B.-r Ilf pn-ventlng nil ilreams from
_ roUng oobbUt, where the mods wer.> poor soil explained the wppearwnce.
lo'irncy in mud s« silrky we w<-re
luro.-d an-l thn-w my smalk-r plccv otl '-otDinc Ini'- Ljmi.' Jaioncwe mal.U sraw* ol the yi-ar ll.ere Is a e>*slani vlneyanU. And yet Ibe merits <d oiar
eovavei Wtth boned cindevs. Our next
obliged to Mop near a IiuuIht camp
the flisT liv the i-ii,nii.-r
arc • -isTiallv imiw-I wpb Ihc po call for catnip, sassafras, camamll'.
prune* and oUt. aad sordlaes and
A Dun-retldenl owner of a stock
print wns PlnlnSeld oo the Grand, nad
This lamp proved to lx- in ebarge >4 a
-WTisi IS tbaiT" I askvl In astonish
cl this plan' Th. y have liu' to lior.-b'»ur..|, yell'.w «i«irk. ch'-fry lark wine* are sufllrient to eoBBaad then
here we followed the river to Oiand ram tnrtted us lo build a fire la tb--< Mr. Boswell from St. Joe. Mk-h . wb.
man.lrak.-, [ ii* is brewed
sf al .|cwn Ihc Karri, n {.aih lo tif nan
msumerw. without the gUmor uf
BapMa The gray horse weal through fireplace of bis vacant bouse, and as s kindly urged us in stay some days, but
i con- for colds and mtvivI bot In exotic ble.-l*
'.It's yimr jiictv i.f p.>rk.” •cxplaioc-l f-B Inisb. wbi»is-r Ih. dream m i(«
Ue dty alBOri oo her hhtd ieet be- bard, while frost was fonniag we ac we foreed our way on up tbe 8llpp> i:j
th.- cl. rk.
[►hiolnc |.gv» aifl t.nghl n-l i-'frt.-s, Itjjl.' chins rui». 1/uiH-iia Is Mild as an
ctotne «i| bar ohjaebon to elreel cait. eepted the lavUailon. For miles wc hills to Medin.
An Adult Baby.
-Y'oa may nil its another, pii'cc ann jand pi! th.' IK..T cf Ih.- .Iriaim la -mviic when perw.Ds living In the
found mile but sand. Degroes and
bat we boon CBcrged from this beauWe later cross'd a red sand ni'r.- wrap It up proi'fiv iii papier." 1
Tb'-n- has Just died io Slothetau.
Di'igbburtMxxl bav<
taken pulsun,
■tttui city OB lovely roads aad eanpe-J watermelons unUI we neared the try. growing little but weeds, tbcil'
I JsiaiB-.-s- wnmi II bav.- s isx-ulUr either b, Oi-eldent Uf oth'-rwlM- Some Uavsrts. at the age of 21 ysvs. a
toeyeod the toll gau under Btaple trees. et’kltr river.
the Furkideer rlvur and camped ^
tbe berlis are deailly poisons, and dwarf. Marla Scbeaaaa. wbo was a
The long-«.iBciinK ci. rk did so. Iiut
f..r th«-cb-dry l.pNoom. and It
At Haxleton. where we bought bay
Nat Way we drove past targe bay
fearful storm. Next day the bills
time a celebrity, says tA Nature,
as I departixi 1 h.-ard him say: -My. I"
‘n IwvrfailoDs aim.wt mot- art- sold under the same resIrlcUons
SeMs sad tae farms. Beyoad the pret­ and oats, we ran acroM a Ur. ‘ntors
■ BO slippery the horses eould not:
passed ber whole Hfe in lb-.thee poisons, giraneen to th.but them ii..rth. rn-rv. kick mlghiily." ’b*" »"> other fiow.r To say that a
bom we met oa oar prevloap trip.
ty viDagea of Waylaad and Marila «•
stand up at times, but a i- succeeded
cradle where she slept her first sleep.
!. durtor I ■ ' wTv.-d with cautii*.
had vlsttore la camp troB an overiaa-l
Near (be Patoka river the beat wa'
reaching a negro selileinenl. My
years ago Cp to the day of ber
wmgee ea louU from Muskegoa to > Intense that oar pereplred xiitlng
m that sretl.... ..f Ih- south H<*c,k. .
greatly interested the
A Uniqos Ubraey.
d'aih. (bb straage creature praserreJ '
hard and dr, ,t
»'•»«'*- hesmy.
srine pthee la tadtsas. A party of In- atllL -Beyond this river we found hill* j aenity find they flocked «wt of ibclr or Johnitvcak., L
is not th.- onlv measure at th*.
Tb..«. who scoff at the .«per..|.l..ti. value f>r a IlI.rarv A c»tleciiim ver> the height and geeerai appearaace of
galalUve ng paddlers paused in driv- inauBMxable. but no water. Daisy b*-. hous« to Inspect It. One negro fairly ,cr.,s-s ,n sw.lU.wlng. chukInfant of a few maaths. bot. srontag by te tosk wiwben we were from came too siUt to travel, so w,- camped ; brought us an oSerinR of sweet piKa- tns ar.- often IxuJed ands rolled d..ugh
«>•' modest Indeed as regard* the nun
««*>u.e to . flower or trvv ber of vuiiime* may have a character derful to say. her lalMlect was at*aad wharo booad for. Wc bad B»re In the shade. At "Siringtown oa tbe] toes 4iid buttermilk, fk-yond Mlrbl ailded, .bat com.-.- forth h.mvy a. lead, i
ralB aad uoosMirable mud aaUI we pike- Daisy was again ircaied to
'ban and vi'her'- >d I's own giving disitnecity. Tennewoe. we found mul l.luebcfTy- pic is in a deep pan
'by tIOD
-reached KiliMarw. the pretUcri el'y atooee.
i hob deep on bottom lands on to Lamar. wlthcriislontop l,keamealpie;ricsrl®^‘^
tlay baby In tbe emKe talk like ar.
bind leg of a robtit.yet oo oor toot*.
Evansville was black with coal but tear Holly Springs we had a lire is served with pork fat: no butter U,
tibrar, that has b<-ee growing on a adult. wHh Both vivaeily aad tatellimade, but milk Is strained Into a i **br,
Botmd this we foend beoutlNl saoke. added to wblcb was smokai«i night because of dhe frost,
ique plan Is tba< of Hr. Jam-w keoee!"
prairie tarns, aad crossed tbe "Big from mines In tbe vicinity. Nor were
Daisy took sick again. November eburndike czocl^ to sour f.w drinking.' ^
Carleion Young of Minneapolis. He
Prairie Roand.'- We bad trooble la se- we better Impressed with tbe suburb.
_ _______ _______
,nd Jim put ber In a farmer s the -Tat' being skimmed for cooking
gatbers mbat be regards as the best
-corlag water tor tbe botsa. as tbe wbere we were obliged to drive barn wblle be doctored her. Out of imrpoero.
Biggest Work Known.
books by living authors of whatever
H . Q*rt of Bash a
pwplc had bsrii rictlButed b; tramp tbrongb the dreadful slums on tbe Taylor we found hills, but north »d
Sudden wind »icra.- »er<- unknown' Tbe Chinese depanmeei of the Brl-. country or department of letters. Bat sytvaela. baa diaeovert
boras iroden aad were atrsld of alt Ohio banks. We followed (be river Cofreyvllie we encountered the
to me. and «h<-e a neigubor told m- isb Musa-um library cnntslBs a single the special feature of bU ooUeCtioe D
emagors. Wc accepted the sitoaUon twelve miles to Henderm and crossed bills we had vri seen. At Grenada w. to hasten home and shut my doors be-, work w bich occupies iOfO volumes, tbai every volume coataiaa some char­ the beaks of fresh water •troamx..Oa«
I, bot during the oo a steam ferry much to Daisy's dls-, baited by a cotton gjn daring a bad lore (be storm came, wblcb she saw'This wonderful production of the Chi- acteristic aad fitting iaaerlpUoe by ID
-pearl be roceaUy aold for IlfiWj and
■1^ we reoelvod a sorplas of the de- gust, as she was afraid of the engine , electrical storm, and I wrote a letter was iBmlneni. I looked in tbo clear 1 sAse ^wse Is ooe of oniy a small num- author. Mr. Young has written person­
another he dlspoMd of for UfiffO.
airod n«old. as hmvy rata deaceaded.
In Kentuck lobaooo grew green and' which we posted at Dtwrk Mill,
aky and langbcd. My borne wa^ bat a ber of cople hZ»w In existence. It U ally aboni five thousaad letters a year
CBBO to pDUavllle and sneored ,
arsarnFanled toy thoader and hgbuiag. rank. The petite seemed to lire on! After leaving Winona we apparently lew feet awgv and I was half way an encychvpedla of tbe Uterouire of
those whose works be wlitoea to a license to marry Hiss Matltda D.
To add to ear dtsooBfort, JIb spilled It as everymte ctoCwa it. The bouses; drove oa all tbe resnalnlng bills that there when tbe wind etnick us with Cbtaa. corerlng a ^riod of twentyInclude. If tbe reapoose Is (avornble
no. wbo Uvea aev him. aad they
I water lb By oil stove, aad
droadful lookiag. tnmtolodowa ] the country eonld muster tor oor bene- terrible (oree. I barely dosed (be fruat.i eight centuries, from llbO'B. C-. 1
win sK np their new horn# vtth the
«ooU BM babe,oaUU dried the tauwei abaatieu. and colUe. borses and mole* | fit. go elwsied was the region U« door by main strength, when tbe bark , iT.s. A. D.
ode of hU dtseorery.






PfM Wm HMvy.
of giseeag. On fiatardar
Tkond«r Bight-* fi
«dhit» tBeaaagc wm reeelred atatlag that
• ngulv (tmm ao«th ud *Mt of tb« RoUad ABC* had tried to sell about
ittr, doing B good dwl of dMMge
tweatr pooadt at Trareree Cttr awl
yoUtoM. bat la ether •ecUou of the the aberlff there wm aotlAed to bold
o «p«9tol htra the mao ddUI as otteor eoaM get there
VM doM. J. IL BlUott (Vforts thU bi from this plaee. Cowtable Horen and
the TlelBUr or Long Lake it wm m Oeorga Twaddle diore to Trarene
te Btraod. BBd
-atr and brought Am back wRh
lO^ «V ioM to peutoeo. tbroogh thaoL
gorthegraa&d. The
Ob Mooday; Oaorge and J. J. Twed
telM tm to a BmU degrae la the die west to Benaouia and found *
opth of EMt Boy. gtmaUir of glsnaag la Am' gardeo
BOMe or the poutoes Iriag
and dug it up. awkiog a boabel baak<
MrtbC* bdng Injored. In the LAOtner; aboot two-thlrdi foil. This aad aUo
■MEBbartnod in SlBiwood towiuhip. the gmeeng offsed for aale ai TrarLrtMBB eeuntr. which te one of the OTM Cttr WM IdeaUAod m the aaiae
r potato regtosa o( NortherB that beloaged to them.
MIohlgan. otUr the top* oT the potatoei
DIgerent oplnione are eoggested m
were troeen. no danuge being done to to the oatootae of the case bat the ex­
the potetoea. The fron
treme peaaltr U eooricted I* |IM Anc
ne rear ta priatai.
wMWwedr Sbighem, Perrr Owe reportlBg that while potato top* were
Campaign Apaakero.
Iiueeti the petatoee are not tnjnred in
The luaes of the
will be
the leaat and the fra« U a wdeotno
by the Hon. George
vfarttor. the tanDer* bare Jset been
g to bai^ Otwell and P- W. Wlleoa at the How­
oa the
ent potatoe* in eareeet.
Boslbweat o< the cUjr on the Miller ereolng of Oct. 13.
ne repablieaaa of Long Utke raised
tarn lee la*Md, bat It U tbou^t pobig Aag pole Tbunday nigbl and now
tatoM win Bot be injured.
The penlnenla. a* aenal. get* ot the cotors Aoal proudly and proclaJiu
teaumenu of ibe dUtricc
aaaiar than anr other part of the regloB. Per the Aret Ume the toaiato
trlBea aad peppera hare been looched.
Hm passed klnee the Arat woman
and (he poUto tope eomewhat fmetad.
BO eepedal damge betag done eacoiA ascended Moat Btoac—Maria Paradis
and she did not And tho
IB tbeee aaiall partknlan, while Is
ascent rery pleaaaot. What a differ
otbor portkiu of the regioB ton
eaee In the htotory of photograph}.
ThTM times as long a period has
lapaed since lU Arsl ascent Into pop­
ular fSTor. aad while the Aret experi­
ence wax tonnd Imperfect, the artistic
Opening of gnUrgad Btora.
The formal opening of i. W. HUII- studio of Smith and Price tau rounded
the art Into lUe-Ilke perfectloa
ken** olarged store begu ou aad eoatlnned aatli Satur­ day.

day aighL ftrly tbi* epring Mr. MllNken
. Urge twowtory additkm .to bti atore,
whlA I* eOxflH In eUe. The eatlre
baaement aad Ant Aaon are need fa
1 with bU dry goods buaiaeae. the upper Aoor being made into
oAoea. Tbera to an nabrokea Aoor
■pace froni the front of the store
the rear seid. aad with the white bacV.grond, white pUian and gnttertag
bmsi MecMc light AtUags. there to
•eaae of IlghtasM aad apace that to
rery pleaetag, The west tide ot the
Oont pail of the atore to taken np
with the pnk aad woolen departmeata
aad the east aide with rihboae. aoreltlea. hBu»T aad haadkerehlefs. The
weat aide ot the addition to occupied
by the 4>Udaa gad aUpIea. aad ihe
fUt aide by maalin oaderwear. Oermutowa goods, thirt wal»la. etc. The
froei of the baaement emUalna the
carpet and enitais department, and
the enUre aooth part to taken np h;
the cloak aa% Ball deparUaeot.
The atoee was beantirnllyaadotobortrimmed for the opeaiag with
palma and ferns.
vhMh an wy effective agmlaat the
t of the
aepaelglir «otfeoable, each eeetloo
haTtag Its goods dlsptoyod to the be«t
k aad la enedt a sray that tbs
general bartnoey of the whole is preaerred la a pleaaing maaner. In getaral effect the atore will compare tarorabty srRh the Urge dry goods
moree la the leading dtlM.
An added attiaetioo for the opeaiag
oras the Aae maSoal program rwadered
arery aftenooa and erealag by the
▼arloBS oftMetna of the dty.
Amee Must Stand Trial.
Round Ames of Bensoaia wm ai^
rmlgaed before JusUca LaCore Tues­
day morning <m the dharge of toroeny,
g him of stealing
Sl.OOO worth of g
George and WUltom Twaddle, says the
Btapln Joonal.
On motloa of Proeecatliig AUerat^
Dayton the case was nolle
Ames was rearrested
charge of severing crop* from free­
holders, putting the valoe of the roou
at 11.000.
AUarsey A. P. BuaUng appear*

Barney Andeim has porehnaed a
new stock of hardware, stoves and
ooctotag utensib whieta he had on dis.
play at hto lam Implement store. IIS
State street. The atoret are the Co­
lombia make aad ot most modem de>
algns. the line coaatottng of hard coal
heater, hot blast and air light. Look
the new depanmeat o
The New York tea store ha* a beaar glaaad. decorated
cup aad saucer or pUie. either for ten
eeati. or twenty cents for the set. The!
set could not be dnpUeated tor the
money sny other Ume.
To know Uai this new line ot I2.C0
a for women, with the dall mat
kM top ao popator In better grade
shoes is the best thing yet offered.
Also that we have another new assortt of |:.00 aboes for women and ao I
up-todate tlAO shoe which to tbe best:
thlog ever sbown for that price. Row-'
laad* W. Douglass.
Is a good range—one ibat bakes [k-.-fectly without wMtlng fuel, and does'
everything welt. It's sure to brighten'
the family life. Pays big dlrMeads la
cbeerfolDeas. You are cerUln of li'
with Brand’s Famous Range*. Soiji
by Millar A Morse.
No one baa ever bad reason to doubt
that tbe UU aad Dunn line of footwenr
kept by Ed Lautner 1* alaay* la psee
with the latest fancies, oj thst the
best, the newest and the most correct
styles are always to be bad m
M they are on tho market at this iip
toAate Union street shoe store.

LOOK Yourra.
It maker a woaaan look young
If yon wish draylng aad dkrUag'done
well M happy to proalde over a chaf­
your enure satlsfacUon. phone for
ing dtob aad wield, tbe art that to esFrank Raab and your wants will re­
aenUally hers. R. W. Rastall has
ceive prompt altentioo. Look over bis
choice Hue of theae artistic cookerr
stock of second-hand stoves and you
for little evening parlor luocbee, ss
by get­
well M a complete line of JanUi
ting new and iMUng service from
cheap aecond-haad ware*.
Tbe best lefanned women alnmdy
The renovating days are bore,
know thei '’MoBeybak" USetM an­ cornea tbe borne made carpet that never
swer tbe demand for a Ane. strong silk wears out. but get badly soiled. Why
at aa honM price, while puaaai
not send them to the Star laondry an-I
have them put down bright acd cinin
a (he ooeUleat allka. Dost proof. with tbelr original colors and newness
H affords no crevleet to harbor renewed. This to worth thinking sl>out.
gems. Made In widths frum 1» to 3C Best let yonr lace curtains sccompsry
inches. Kept by J. W. Mllllken.
the bundle and join In tbe geiirrsl
Broiled menu and Ash are healthful
I well M appeUsing. The new broil­
er toMy Installed In ‘Tbe Utile Ta\
ara” turns oot order work done to i
tun. Once tried no tried meaU will
satisfy after tbe Mieaie Aavoi^ of'
broiled foods.

Is broadly marked. Rspecialty to this
lb hoasebold InvrstmenU. In iho
line of table silverware. Tbe new Htii'
that Bamum and Bari have Just le
edved beam the g*jarantee of the own
e M a brand. Ordinarily sterling
won to all that a Arm will stand ^ck |
r Innovation Is worth

It to to be a season ot pictur
styles in drees bats. Mtoe Heck’s besuUful asstwtment gives ample play to
Indioldaal tMte. or If the materials
It to not necessary to send outside
are at home, bring them In aad you for fancy lee cream for yonr parties,
win receive prompt atteoUon. All or* when you can get anything in (hat line
der work paid special altenUon to. and you want at Jackson’s. 106 Front
street Fresh home made candies siways on baud. Both phones }**
Cream delivered to any part of the
city every day In the year.


Between fall and -winter, while li is
too cold to go without a Are and !<•■>
warm for nrady host. K lx nico i.i
have a little hot air dlspcDBOr In tho
shape of an air tight sto>e that can
be made to shut off. to suit the atmos­
pheric condliiras. S. R Sbxiod llard-

TMtoh what tbeae arc. and'no midJust Ibe thing for cool cvi-ningK
dletnan hM any commission to add
damp days, the characlcrtoilc erf tho;
the low price of the following: poor norihere fall. Millar S Horse have
bouses on But Tenth, near Imke
them from 31-2S up and tor a Iicitor
nee; two on Railroad avenue, betw een winter heater tbdy also csiry a full-]
WMhingtoa and Wrtwtcr: one on ^t line of bot biMt and hard coal stoves,
Ninth. Just off Unloa: and one on Bast also a good line of heating sieves.
Two wltneeeee. George
htngton street. Money can be had
Twaddle aad Ooasuble M. P. Horen, also, oa easy terms. B. McNamara.
were sworn and after an
toeUag nearly the eaUre forenoon the
There are so many rheap and wnnbWEALTHY MEN.
bound over • to the
leu perfumes Ibat K to hard to de
if the fatotory of our wealthy men scribe a rewlly good odor, unless a
.oomlag term of CIreuli eonrt. which
coaveaes atiirtand. Oct. 17. Hto ball were wrtUea wu Mwuld And nearly all sample to before you. Tho Fraon.
WM Axed at SMO. In defsali of which commeneed busineu life with very Aaieriean Hygenic Co.’s perfumes keix
be will spend the Ume nnUI iiia
IlUle bat cared for that little Instead by Mr*. E. L. Bonner have the de m­
Ue county foil.
of spending It careleuly and by de­
and refreshing fragrance of ii>.
grees increased (heir capital. One natural Sower. Twelve select odors
George Twaddle (esUAed that
PHday momtagof tost week be found dollar will open an acount with tbe
choose from.
that hie giasoag buds bad been dto- Pwples aavtogs bank. More acquire
a eompeieaee by saving than by brll- QUALITY WORTH CONSIDERING.
lUat investments.
Oe pIMhad
ohad to
been taken.
If Compctllom say the Ano lino ol
■ Geatanad
« Wl
WUl Tweddle bad began
menu we carry are. kept to got >••* i
&0 otJ^ at
«f ttbe roots some years
lain bur store, it's true. Wcwanxyoi
' 4^ aad bad a nice eiart. having four
Porto Rosa.
Artsola Loadres.
get acquainted with our Anc choicto aach Afty-ais feet long, planted 18c, 2 for SSe.
lOc. 3 for 2St of meats a* r-cll as the prices that fi!
e of beds wttb ten Arimta Paaiella,
Arlsoto ConebM. While we af« after bualnews. qualUy
^ torShre ptoats la each row. tbe hows
lOc. 3 for 28c.
lOe. 3 for 25c. tbe Arst conalderatlon. Brtwch Bro-,
1 six laches apart. The R B. W, Weaver’s Rsetory 8m«*e'.
1 that be had seen the lOe. 3 for 2SC.
6 eenu straight.
rtag tost W<
Uttto Weavers. Nortbera Queen.
Tbto is tbe time for fall renovaito..
the beds tfaowed that they 6 cents ntralghL
6c. 6 for 28c. If the carpets in living rooms arv
(be TbnssBed Seel.
Red SeouL
bright aad fresh everything else looks
m suppoMd ibst (be
6c. 6 for 2Sc6c. 6 for 26e.
brighL too. J. W. Slater, tbe home
B R>dneeday nlgbt
, Crantn Bros ’ Choice.
farataher. bM a com{dete line of cm1 tbe antberi6c. € for 2Se.
pets, anything to saH from a low
Uea at Honor. PtMkfon aad Travers*
Ail dgars nnloa mode. Maanfae- priced Ingrain a> a bigb-grade axmln
«My td ta* attt for anyone wbo should
V R JL Weavar. Taverae City, ster and a Ane line of rags to go with
attampt to dupoac of a Urge qaaatlty: Mich.

. ; i i ::1-


Tire Insurance! ^

Traverse Qty SUte Bank


Plata Class, Stssm Boiler end Accident irteursnee.

Aoncr to Loao im Improrcd Real Estate Only.
Room 310 New State Bank Building.

Traverse City.

Cb« Store Cbat Fill* fljt mod PrtscripHon*

S. GARLAND, Cauhler.

AU. Knn» or got niOWEBa
a BKA80E.



Dr.W.J. disgfus

3 per Cell tUevM M Has Dcpsslth,


the Jfbone Statement
I» a fact whidt cannot be dapatexf by anyone.

There arc good tca-

tona, and you will know them it you let the Red Cro» fill a preaenption fee yoo.

Very best of dental cervjce
only. Tenib year of practice.
Yonr iMtronage aolldted. . In
New Munoon baildlag. under'K.
o( r ball, on Aoor with Docker
•v> liitolnex* College and oger
Slnpcr office.


2t9 €»sf Treat Stnrt

American Drug Company
Au!>:kr El. Giom v-kv, Manager

Traverw City, Mich.

.... - .... .....

George J1. Jarvis

Fron* SGrooG


H.H ill’1.1.. I’limillMEST. Prr«tawt Oral Wood


> ^ANK


BUrV. TnkTnr <
wMrily pMfMVtr


KTKl'uKv'l l-rSKE,
UCi vs- I.AKUIK. W
p I-. DKsMoKK. >-r,-4dw>l Ikw
htsi. TUlBUiV, otTraT,i*-C'

laiaadpn- H-srtlni
al Cla-nilral


On Real EaUt*.


Wilhelm Slock. Traversa CHy.

Interest Pstd on Deposits. All Deposits Paj-aMe on Demand.





stove is made < t' the veiy best material.
KverjA-erj- Jjoint
gtoued ard •cAicfu:i;{ fan,!, makirfi it j«rfe<-j|y
j«rf—' - iu •^i^hL
As a fnel saver it has no equal, and-wc will
will guarantee
it to
keep the room warm with one fire for ‘24 hours. This ttove
is handsome in design ami finish, richly nickeled, and the
hamtoomest wood stove nixnuficturc<1. Ctxnc in and Ut
us show h to you.




Clfixcn* ph«fw 109. OOlM 409.
New t^iihaim Block.
TravwM City.


blankets !

.Not the old shofidy. but fresh from
factoty*. . Standard tnake 5-A aiid
Chase. They arc strong and cheap­
est at




Going to Build?

for all kindt ol

If so, the Soiiili Side Lumber Co. at Traverse
City .is the place to buy your material. Shop
and mill work done on short notice. Give us
a chance to figure on your wants.

South Side Cumber €oCraverse Eity. micb.

store Fronts-Hxlurcs, Sash, Doors, and Resi­
dence Interior Work.

All Kinds OLBuilding Materials

What We dave

Traverse City Mfg. Co.
Cyrnet I.ake :

W. L. BROWN. Kgr.

CiU. MmsSS.

Lots of things
^'ar^ to tie com stalk'^ with, onl) Kh; per potm«l,
I'ruit [ars, pints, quarts and half i{aNon-.,ai !-k, rj.>c and
•>5c per dozen resircctivcly. . bruit lar Caps at l:>c jKir

raratine Wax at I->c jrcr i>oun<l.

Cold Blast an«i ordinari’ Lameriis.

Sdeetton of

As the nights are

getting longer you should have one of these lanterns.
We alsO’havc a supply of Globes and Burners.

SUArxntced in every rcqiccL
That are made to UK M weU
adL TWy are
n« »»fe of cheap materid, aad ^vea a t»Af
finish to catch the cyr; bot are doraUe, comfort­
able, and neat. I’he ciic^iest on the market, ^oality coasideTcd.
Once n*ed and you will boy no other make

116 SUM str»«i. » Uictor Petertyl.

All of

these and a lot of other goods on our shelves and
tables will be sold at right prices.

Come and make

Have yon ercr tried the

Voyal Tia-sr Tsas and OofVaaa

yoUr own selection at Cor. l-'ront and Cass streets.





They arc tbe beat



CnKtd C»n»
tad Salmca

Sold ooly by

Fr-orw* •**>««*.



at RaaM Ctty.
■aRM Ottr. MleE, Oct. «.—Join
WrtfM% atoc* mb bonlarind
attht aad over aaa kadred dolian
,«ortk et JaveirT, reToJrerm mad eartrldaaa aad ftOO worth et ootea
takcL TbOR CBlsad an eatnacc
(faoagfe a rear wladow.


sees In this section. There were
The deelston ot the ledges to regard
to the prenlnnt will be nade known
hi aiew days.


Tbo 14-yeer^ aoa of WIlUam Blow,
era. living about eight mUea aouthwcat of Kaahrine. waa baraed to death
Bra that eoaaumed Mr. Btowerv'
barn, which waa abeek by ligbtnlc;.
Tbe Are was first noticed by the boy 's
Rousing Maatiag at Cadar.
bad feeding. Can the disease mother, who sent btai to drive out th»
Cedar. MIeh.. Oct.
The repobcattle. This he auceeeded In dotos.
llean meettog held here In Carpenter’s rickets if you want to. The
evmbed himself to the smoke
child must eat the and before
entbnOM Miaaleii Wadditi*.
help could arrive tbe whole
right f^ for growth, ^nes bulldlag was in flames. A few charred
A aarr praU/ waddia« took place at SlaaUc. The apeakers. Con
OM lOaalea oa Ttanradar. arbea M>« R. B. Biibop aad Auditor General n)ust have bc»e food, blood
all that was found of tb«
Peny P. Poneri. otade a good Inpres- must have blood food and so lad's remalBs. Tbe t>ar« xonUlaej
Soaa Tw»i*lui. danchtar at <»e
aion by their clear clueldaUoo of
the taodlac tanoen c< the peBifin
over 30 ums of hay and other crops
on through the list
araa BMrried at the bone of hw parSeptt’s Emulsion is the right and farm maebinery. TwoWrrbar-us
eaman Bishop coaBned hto
OBta to W. K. WUaoB, fomertr
st^k by li^toing durUtg the
treatment for soft bones in
Jiareraa Cttp bet bow en«afcd ia the addieas to natknal topioa. .The promstorm. One was on the farm of
fanlt^ bnalBeaa at Praakfoit. Ht*i iaea nade by the rapabilcan party .n children. Littledosesewiyday H. RaldL 10 mOaa acauhweat of Nash-'
ISM and IMO have aU been kept. Tlir
ve the stiffness and shape vine, where a geiod botve was burned. i
republican party bat bees' la full
at healthy bones should have. The other was on F. W. Knowles' farm I
white Bilk ud waa matteadec
power for elgl>l years and none of thewaddtag cerenooj waa perfon
Bow legs become straighlcr, six mllei aoatb and <raa fliied with hay j
Rev. XeRor Warren of Old Klaaloe, laws enacted bare been to-the dls- loose joints grow strcogcrand and machinery.
and at the eoochialcw a weddinf break' cradit of the party. He dwell at aom* firmness comes to- the s<rft
Judge Francis Wright .»f the Ulssau-j
adfeat waa a^red. The houae waa elaekee county probate court U now coo-1
oratelr trlmaad With amamn tollace vocailBg Judge Parker'a cauae aad
to his bed as the result of a sev j
Wrong food caused the
ter the ooeeaton. Mr. asd Mra. W11-; aaceeaafully combated them.
nioDibs' Illness from Brigbl's di»
Auditor General Powers took atate trouble. Right food will cure iL
aoa MtoB the nomlns train (loa thia
Reporu from Lake Ctl> are to
etty tor a trip to Detroit and Cbicago.
In thousands of cases Scott's !
'fleet that Judge Wright
length. He said that while Emulsion has proven to be the i recuv.-r and that bl* <ieath u
probdnnocraia wanted primary
Teek Paris Oraen.
right food for soft bones io
uy day.
Hodtaa, Mloh., Oct I.—MUa Hellle reform eo badly, the sutea that were
------------ -— -Ufa a rule prot isiou
Utle. aged 17, died last night at the under democratic control nad have al­
f'ounty Treasurer Luther will offer a
Send for free sample.
hone of her grnadrather, Henrj Darla. ways been under denoeratic eoutrul
auction October 13. valuable* found o
hMween here «ad FUe Lake, aa^he are alleni on this qaestkm. He apok< 40B-4I8 PMrt Strsst.
the bodies ot unknown dead perMitx
reanlt of uklitg paris green which the of Fted M. Warner, republican eaadi
which have been cared fur in Ottawa
—glii awallowed In a lit uf date for governor, as a nan. a clUset
county. Tbe eSecis nw In i>o'Se«sl'in
and a aUieaman. Hlobigan has beer
at tbe county are many and varteu
Wm Lkle-a father was killed te
and are the accamulailon of from I
Pare Marquette wreck near Grand but the prfTilcgea hara never beec shaft house bnrned. Tbe dtought lar- to 15 yeara. Such an aucUon has no
Rt|d<i Uai wlhtar nnd aha baa been abused. Mlcblgaa’t acboola and col riad the fiaaea through a tunnel and been held In Ottawa eounty for many
■aklag her hone with her graad- lecea and other public InsUtotlou eight men who were playing water on year* and should the efferta all Ik- dis­
tbe flaoMs var* more or leas seriously
fhtker. There are aereral stories In rank with any to tbe oocutry.
posed of the county will l>e abU- i
Ihera were quite a nnnbcr of visit burned.
regar^th the eanse of her deed bat
turn in considerable money to tb
Rev. Eugeni Spatbelf of Bt. Paul's
aeena that the girl waa {a lore with' ca present from tbe surrounding re
state as a result.
a naa whoee wife died only last ann- glon. among then belog Mr. Wllaoo i.i evangelical church, at LAueing. was
Renard Ueekoff eff Revirside town­
Prankfon, deoMerailc candidate fu held up the other night in the nonh
n«r. U la said that be ptnnl
ship. In Missaukee cnanty. was
nanr her bat tnally reTnacd to do
Judged Inxane by acting Probate Judg-be robber caught bis left arm. but the
The girt beoane very netaacholy a
Lamb In the Uleeaakee county probate
young minister with bit right adminis
oonstMUy brooded over this. It la
court Friday and an order Issued co»Iron Ora Arriving.
lered a blow which dazed tbe fellow
believed that her nlad Unalty beoane
mittlng him to the Northern Michigan
aCeetid atf drove her to the rash
at tbe Iron eompany** dock laat Satur a variation in the doings of tbe ba<l Aayinm for the Insane at Traverse
City. Sheriff Bcothlen accumpac
The oomier’s Jary U bolding u in- day. aaya the Blk Rapids Progrea* men in lAnslng, who have given the Meekoff to Traverse City.
««Mt ever the renalna thb afternoon. Tbe steamer Winnebago arrived Batv.'- police a long string of robberies to In­
Ob afCeoent of the distance fron a tel- day morning with UC7 tons from Esca vestigate.
and was followed In the after
■phoBi Eecalla of the nd oees:
A large number of Menominee citi­
by the Charles W. Neff with
zen* own shares of the Ophir Queen
ilmitor load from Superior. The Win mining stock, the mine being located
nebago la one of Ue finest boats of Its to Utah. For some time the affairs of
Tire at Irrterlaehen.
the company have been painted in the
. Midi, Oc(. 7.—As the :Uaa that float* on the inland
reanlt <d an Ineendjary Are here last 8ba will ooudane on the Elk Rapid. most ^wlng terms Imaginable, but
route during the fall and the climax ha* come with a recent no
nidalght. tto.000 fset of lanber betlce of a second assessment of <IU,0(K).
leagtng to David CoUins of Gnad Rap- early winter.


Ids wet* destroyed. The Bra w
to fonr dlCerent plsoes.
Mgaday dlgttt a Bra la this adne
Uoshsr which was pUad aloag the
Pen MarqueUe right of way b«
dep^ deetroyed <0.000 feet of the
lanber. It was euppoaad then that the
pQs caa^t fron a loeonoUve hot In
dr Iasi
Bra. It U now prnotteally certain that it was also the
wort of aa laoeodlary.
The lanber was piled so that betweaw eom of the pllsa there was consMnnhle apaoe. Monday sight's fire
laeraased this speee so that there waa
orar lU feel dUarence beiweei
part of It and Cha nala pile. The taolalad tot waa aat on Bra laat night and
la the nala put thara ware three aap
ante Brea.’
Th«« to BO Bre proteetton here and
the only thing poeaibto'to do w
prevent the Bre fion apreadlng. ThU
wns nononpltobed and a large number
af Bhiagles were aav^ bnt <00 Uet.
atoo bdoBglag to Mr. OoUina. were
The lanber had bees ent la Born A
Ctnevn^ phlagle nill and waa await’ag ahlpnant. Thera to aheolately ao
- etna aa to who aei the lanber oa fire
sad a aayone has may saMtIdoas they
are aot aipreeaed.
tad ef Leetaimi Pair.
SattoBt Bay, Mich.. Oct. 7.—Althoagh the atteadaaoe at the Lee)
eaahty fair yesterday was very Ifght.
. m Rght that to the forasoon there
ward ealr a ponioo of the exhibiiors
.. aa tha rwnd, the
vtoaa days had baan toeh that all eapaasas ware paid. The total recelpu
anovted toadnot 1300.
AMHc the dnaat dtoptoya shown
wns oaa by Mrs. Wmiain Hocklna of
near Kaswlck. This display ooaalsted
of nittcrato and agaiea fron the upper
paalnanto. DUtorent kinds of ora ver.
shewn and also a gnat vartetr o
agiUa, The noet latereaUag articica
la tha display were a tea pot an-i
craaawr which hava been In the Hocklags tanlly for ISt yean. Aside from
thnlr aaUqalty and aaaodation. these
two ardetoa have aaolher valae. They
wn« aude Iron the aparita fron
blaekantth'a aavll and the eacrat at
the ptoeen pertohed with the
thM nnde then to'jtegtond. The arttelea an >et black in color and bate
all tha appaanaca of let aad witl atand
. Ire. Tbty have been very nacb osed
bnt a4D have^ apftaaraaee that the)'
. here when aSw.
Aaaltoar gtogtoy worthy of nentton
waa a keaael of Bae honada. aemn in
Wh<r>akowa >y John Denater. The
honada were blooded anlmali and flnely bred, a 3. Lencoot of Elnwood
had a dtoplay of Poland China bog*
that Mleiied nach admiration. The
nalnnto were the
d nad were
the bnt of th^ fctod.
AUhoQgh the naaagenent was dlaapp^ted In the nenmaUle dUpla).
all of the others ware very nneta hettarthaa waa agpaetad. na dtoplay gf
‘‘ a was eas of the Baeet

Every pound of candy put out from
the La GretU Candy company bean
the brand of purity, as nothing but tbe
beat and pnrest Ingredient* are used.
All fruit Juices and flavorings even
mada by akUled hands. If any apeetal
bake of candy U desired le«ve the or­
der here, aa the candy maker la capa
ble of fllUng any order within the
edge of the fine art.
If yonr preocriptlon cornea here you
will roeeire eourteous. praapi t:
meat and your prescription will be
filled accurately and akllfully from the
beat aad purest drugs. We try to
make our praaerlpUon aervice ao per­
fect to every way that It must surely
picawe you. The pUoe, Johason Drug
etato NawB.
The aevere siorma the firm of the
were evidently felt badly la the
upper penlnaula. Tbe shaft of one


A few we^ ago a similar asaessmeDi
was paid, and now tbe stockholder ar.'
grumbling cgusiderably. and many
wiah they had invested their money In
wood, caai or some other necesaarj
Id. TMn 1l 1 (r.
material Instead of to mining stock.
Sr£!!S,l'SS^. rrltc
uHiic jut each
Isaac TTblUiey and his wife, aged
resldata of Ht. Clement, with no chll- *■! bad
ct Lidm y diwav- aad .
dran.-tnrOM. « made a deed of all
their property, laelufllag valuable real
ostsic, to a nephew, Uilu Wbiincv.
I . M 'vhkeleu.
lu.Thoy Intended to keep the insirument.
and thus the property In tbelr owni ST.VIITJS DAI(CEl"rur^”t't'i^L'tsrv
hands until they died, when It would j por sale by Jai. G. Johnson and Bur
go to the young man. Bnt a week laier'
bee A Roxburgh.
kUio got hold of the deed, took It down : ,
aad had It recorded at the court houae. |
the old people say. wiihoni their know-1
ledge. The next thing' he did was to
put a <1.300 mortgage upon part of the
realty. They have l>egun suit In co-jn
> have tbe deed set aside.
The Aral number of the new fourIntercollegiate paper, t he printcd at AlbioQ and circulated
Alma. Adrian. HlllrdUe. Olivet. Kalamaioo, and M. A. C.. baa been issued
wilt U- Issued twice a month.


WitUam a Mersttoa aad Oeswge R
Several weeks ago. Bdward Rvao.
Mortey cr Saginaw have hoMkt :«.*M of Toavkiat. Jeckaoe eounty. wm at­
acrei of ipruee aad hardwood tlmbcr tacked by a rieloua bail aad severely taober. aoclaltot raw/U.t»t, tor goverlaad in Chippewa. MarWnaw and Lara toJaiT. As be to sUn toU up. SO M inr.
couBtm frosa A. H. Cbcabro of Toledo. i his aelgfabar* called oa bim. aad put | Sportsaaea around Veracm are waUTbe balk of the toad Ue< In Chippewa. In a day barveattog bU btg corn crap., tog for the deer aeasou to open. A
county, and wilt prefaebly be held to.-1 It was a big fleld. bnt the tamer* fin- \ wfM deer ha* been s««a In the vicinity
speculative purpoaca.
Ilrhed It.
';cf the vlUase.

Aa almost infallible remedy for diseafiei of the lliroat amd
Ltn^s. known and used the wc^d over for almost a century.
err rr prom your bruccbt.


Studebaker, Ferris
and Smith


Have You Seen Our New.--^^

Autumn Suits am
Top Coats...

¥F you haven'l; don’t delay another day in coming heie to see them. They
I are the imarie«. the moit styliah and the best tailored ready-uywear gu* menu ever dUpUyevi
diapUyevi :in this ciiv. Wc
W< invite your iaspectioo and any
£st comparison with clothing sold elsewhere for a third more.
Come an<l
critically examine the celebrated

inside and out, aad look at the sewing, shaping, style and fit— it's to your in*
teresi aa arell as ours. IT you will do this you witl surely agree with os that
}Xiu never saw any clothing to c<)ual thut for tbe ^ic«—that's sure.

Aalumn Sack Soils for Meo and Yonog neo
For the Vonng Men the fairies a
-- m
n cbgnitied
dignified patterns in many
favorite grav and
>, indudmg
brownish tones. For men, there arc an esual ncroberofhandsomefabria and
patterns in both gray and brownish tones, but io more snbdne ! pitterra and
TOloringi. Coau arc single and double-breasted, WaistcoaU single-breasted.
Trousers cut full and slightly shaped; hand-tailored where- a* a s_ e-rtp
ever necessary to insttre permanent shape and perfect fit, ai ^1 v lU

Rain Coats tbal are Fashionable and Serviceable
• Nothing affecti a man’s comfort and health more
than his undenrear.
• If badly cut it's a day-long drag and a burden to him.
• Every garment we sell is correctly cut—we’re Cloth­
iers and know.
• If there was any such thing as the one best kind of
Underwear—we d have it.
• But what’s best for Brown may irritate Jones-wc
have many bests.
• The b«t materials-Wool and Cotton, and all their
• Tbe best of the sanitary makes.
J Underwear at 50c per garment, all the way up to S3.
■ Come here with your Underwear ideas.

damilton aothingCo.

Th»“k«givin,; it isn’t safe to be without a 'Oavanette Ram CoaL Ours are smart, correct, thoroughly rain-proof and fit
perfecily. Vour examination of o-jr new models can only result in vour
purcba«e-we speak of experience with others. .Ml gocdAjn
labtics, patteiiu and colorings in the colleaion. u............... $1U 10

See Onr Display of Soft and Stiff Hals
in the new .Autumn styles and sha.les- We can save you from 50c «o
^ $2.00onahau Try us and sec! I’rircs range uosn

91.00 TO 93.00.



Oor. Wron^ and
Union Barooas.

l»AOC 4


MiclilfM Wttrm ii Flft*.
yeun of delay, ei-llayor Oeorga a.
OUduanc. Mieb.. Oo. 7.—BouUim Perry wa* placed oa trial today for
Alc»r eouc; «4t1c«* t*pan » 4«ip«r- aeeepUag a bribe la tbe water deal.
«« tetUe «Ub wolrM to hore beoa Jndge Newahan was objected to as
tbo UrUiio* Mpcrioaoe of Una
trial judge by tbe defense «n
vordt. dvil vor teteraa bb4 kome- grotmd that be wiU be caUed as a wUOsc of bti «Owi hOTiBg (bljed
I. Newahan adjourned eourt
to pot is kk kppeaniico. Boowonh
ilder (be uaentioo and may appolot
west la seaick of it at nadon. Oa.V a new trial judge, either Perkins or
lac blmteir )a a Wc awaap Mroral Wolcntt. to eit In tbe ease.
Bile* fron boae. SbMiir aner bo!
Saalt Ste. Marie. Mieb.. Oct. A—A
olaerred a auiaber of voire* BtaUag;
an named George McDoanlt
tkeir wajr toward bln, bat barUiK hU
lodged la jail bwe. He eUlma t
rifle Witt Un Ibi* tact did sot
tbe oldest nan In (be world; that he
■Uni aar alar** imiil be dlaeo
that bi« aaBUBliion wa* liaUed to hat ^ a nimoa wlrm, aad that be
oae eartrtdxe. Kren tbea be wa* aoi cosnea frein JerusalM. wbcre be lired
Tory apprehen»i»e. bellorlac ibai by Billy year*. He to nlddle-aged anj
kUlibf ooe wolt tb« ottaera woold be- appears to be laielligeBL
«bnc tricbieaed aad woold aUnk away.
BocwoHb biased away, bat tboogb
Death of F
oae of ibe aalinal* keeled over ibe
B’ashlnctoa. On. A—Henry G.
otber* did oot falter. Then tbe bome- Payne of Milwaukee. 'Wis..
aleader realised tbe daocw of bis sitgeneral of (be Daited States, a
uttoa. Qaldiiy claaciag afaoni be saw menber of the
eonnUtee aad
tbst Tbe wolrea were between blm leader of tbe stalwart rtag of his party
aad a snail beeeb wllb epreadlnc IQ bis sute. died at bis apartneais In
braaebea. tbe oaly ti«* aear by wblds tbe Arlington hotel ut C;I« yesterday
be CMld cilnb.
aftentoon. aged (0 years. The end
Orasplas hi* rifle flnely. Boswottb was peucnul.
awaited tbe attack, which was not ! He was stricken with heart trouble
long la coBlBc- Snaptdiig and tnarl- last Wedoeeday and bli eondhion rap­
tnc. the wolrea leaped at tbelr In­ idly becane worse. A socoesalcm of
tended rletln. bat tbe nan wa* an- sinking spells followed bui tbe won-'
danatad. Using hi* gun a* a club, defni Tltailty of tbe man kept blm
Boswortb slowly made u* way toward allre and gave a little tempotary hope.:
the tree. As oae woU would tpiing Mr*. Paype was cmtaatly la attend­
at fclm, tbe nan would tdl It Itb
ance and was at his aide when death
terrlfle blow, oaly to reeeire a aew
attack, adaettees a wolf would
He was a bard party worker and in
Boecaad la rMCbtng bln. bat Anally (be iaterin between the deaib of Sen­
the retaraa arilred at tbe toot of tbe ator Hanna aad tbe appointment of
tree, where be gate rent to a loud yell secretary Corielyou as national cbaltand ebargad toward the anartlng anifllled the place. This, together
asaU- TbU noneatartly diaooaeerted with the strain of his duties and tb?
Unn and »re Boswortb sufietent ro- InvesUgntlon of bto depaitn
aplte to
bts gna aad aprlng lato
the lowepreadlng branches
ebes fnn
a idac/of
wbM be soon rei
The funeral aervice* wUl be hcl<l
Priday from tbe St. Jobss Bplscopsl
The wolre* bowled about tie tree eburcb In (his dty In the atomlng an-l
for eome boors and kept Boswortb a
];1B In tbe afternoon tbe start for
prisoner natU well Into tbe night, Milwaukee will be made. Services
when they disappeared as nddealy a* will be held Sunday at All Sainu Epis­
they came. At daybreak, tbe (araicr copal church. Interment will be ut
made kls >way bone, entering fron Forest Home cemetery. Milwaukee.
tunny painful bol not serious wonada Mrs. Payne has expresaed a wish that
Later in tbe day the pelt of tbe wull (be servi(>cs be aa simple as possible-.
killed wa* aecared and tbe
Tbe president today Issued a procla­
•tender has slaee collecled tbe bounty mation ordering tbe flags oo all public
the sUte and county uUow.
bulldiags tbrou^out the United States
It to seldam (bat Nortbem Mleblgaa displayed at baU mast until after
wolrea will attack u nau. erea In win­ funersL
ter when food la acuree, aad Boeworth'*
•Ig European Order.


At ths .WMdto Pair.
«L Loato, Oet. A-l think all tbe
Japs at tbe fair lAiat have been llstenMng to tbe brilOaaUy colored parrot
orar •i tbe parlll0> of Hetuluras s
'dom die boaors aa Imstsaa of the place
by welcoBlag all ocnars with a bo»NtnMe rshut up!'” This to her flrst
and oaly EnglUh phrase learned In
weak tm AaMrican aoll and abe to no
perfectly satUfled with tbe aooomi
meat that abe makes no eCort to add
to her knowledge of Bagllih.
domt any It tn a aaocy or seoldlag
mnaner. The exctamailaa came
regular iaierraU. to addrasaaj t'
one In partlenlar. after which abe
riosea her eyes la the apparent eoiiIMtmeat of doty well done.
The Japs bare certalaly mtitoad all
tbe artistic laadacapc poaMblUtiea of
this hill. They bare coaverted It Into
a fairyland of pagodaa, flower beds,
wladiag walks. artlflelBl lake* and
rustic bridges. LMTlng tbe bamboo
tea boose and foilowtng tbe mala watt
you reaeb tbe top of the bUI where
tram a tall flag |lble flies tbe ImpcrUl
flag of Japan. The picture spread oat
tiefoR you to one of sarpaaalng be
C tbe genius of tbe Japaaese

tor arttetk »



tbe center of BlBlatute IMand
auauaer baaac. Meta) enaes
atone laatan posts are seen tbiTnigb
tbe tree* while (be air to made fngruat
Tbe dwarf-itte trad which is eeea on
erery band to called by tbe Jap*
•‘Hiba.” It resembles our jnnlper
tree and tim to a great age, one of
them tn these gardens being SfS year*
old. There to a peculiar porous stoa*
under Ibeee tree* into which It appaicnlly alskfl
rooU which they call
Near tbe top of tbe bUI Is a Urge
wood and .bamboo reception room
whl^ eonUlns esam|4es of Japaae«:
CostUBMS of tbe feudal day*. There Is
a model Japanem house with bat
abadec and mattlag that looks cotd
and iBTlUag. also the headguarters of
tbe Japanese commlstloo where Baron
Hatsudaira receives rtoltore.
mala parilkm to a repsodactlon of tbe
''flbtobladen.*' a palace at Toklo. aad
all are tbe work of Japaaese artists
broaght from Ike far Bast. T. A. D.
Condensed Telegroms.
Gaylord. Mlcb. Oct. 6.—Tbl* vicinity
was rutted by a oimsldetabi; toU of
• snow last ptgbt. There to tUIi gelte ;
Ut of farm prodaee in the fields.
Abtwerp. Oct. 7.—While srae soldim were fllUag a large sheU at 8t
Mary's fortress today tbe powder ex
ptoded and an ofllcer aad ten men
were laataaily killed. Smmi of tbe
vIcUms were bloinj to pieeea Five
others were Injured.

Manistee. Mlcb, Oct. A—What to
perhaps tbe largest order placed by a
•legle niigllsb concern (or goods of
lufacture Is (bat which
baa just been eecured by tbe ManUtee
Iron Works. Tfa« oflIclaU of the com­
pany are .reticent rennllng ihamount of the contradi. but it to
known that It ms up tor into tbe
hundreds of (bontand* of dollars, the
statement being made that the weekly
pay-roll wilt roach at least $2,000. and
that It will be a year before tbe con­
tract^ 1* completed.
Tbe order consists of a complete
sali-maktog piaat tbe
made in ibe local romdiy and machine
shop exclusively. Besldaa the vacuum
plant, two air pumps, ooe of which
will be ooe of tbe largest in tbe world.
three steam pump* will be Ineluded. Tbe first shipment on thU
pan of tbe contract will be made with­
in a toocth. aad otber portions will fol­
low In regular snecessioiL

Tbe Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the


For Over
Thirty Years

To be a successful wife, to retain the love i
and admiration of her husband should be a
woman’s constant study. Mrs. Brown and
Mrs. Potts tell their stories for the benefit
of all wives and mothers.
“DnaB Man. rursnau
>urciisic Lydia B. Plalthatn'a VegeUble Compotradwiiit '
rv^ no>ber well, itrong. heslthr and b*opv. 1 dramd
tbrougfa nine rears of mtwrable existeocr. worr. out with psin aad weariwi
1 tbea Dotieed aV*
s woman troubled a* I wa*. and tbe wooderful
rcsnlta abe had Ihad from yonr Vegetable Comp..und. and de^ ided to trr what
it wimid do for me. and used it for three monthw At the end of tbat'time I
diSereat woman, ‘h* ■fJirhbors rrmariced it. aad my biubaad fellI iiin
1— wa
me aji
all over
owr agaiB. It seemed like a new extoteew. I had been
low with m
suff^g with iaflammation and falling of the womb, but vuur mcdlei: cured
ibaTind bint o
lur a new woman—
t. Hot Springs, Ark.,
!r*. Browa'a «x.

I nervous pruetraUon.

•.kidney lruu)>le>s nervous esHUbiUly.
Ks*d tbe story of Mr*. Potto to all

in health. I had twomiecarrUgea, and both
my hatband aad 1 felt very faadlv as we were
uxi.^ to have .^droo. A neighbor who
It. aad I decided to do aa 1 souo'tolU^
mjjpiwtito eras increaeiag. the bcadacbe*
aad my ^nersl
if new blood coursed tbrungb mv veins, tbe
Bluggtoh Und feeUog diaappean;!. aad I fa*,
came strung aad well.
•• Within a year after t became the mother
of astroag heallhychih!. tbv iov of our lioma.
Yoanertainlr haveasplendid femedr, aad I
with e^nxMher knew of ll. — Klaccrcly
yoora, Maa Axxa Port*. SlO l*ark Ave.. Hut





Bpnng*. Ark."
If jroQ feel that then b aanhiag at all
tmuaoal or piiyaiing about vour cum>. or
if you wi-dj conlidenUil ajvioe of ilie
erpcnenml, write to Mra. Pink-

IteiueiHl.Lr t!ii.<i wilrn

ijrtfia £.

Vmgaimhtm Gi



o. HK


at to rebuilding. Siionianeoas' com | Srpteinber tonnagv at 8oo. 6J4«.«T.
bustion U assigned as (be cans<- fi.r a million greaier than tame mmib of
tbe fire.
! ism )t«r and breakr record.
Boston. Oct. 7.—Tbe republican
stale cwnvention met this moraiax in
Trvmont Temple to numiuaic (hr etat*'
ilcUt and prwld.-utlal el.-cicr*. The
following gubernatorial ticket will tonominated by ibe omveixion.
For-goveraor, John I.. Bate* of Bos-




an Cmb Mb
Basyssd |ibawl (p
tpv Usilaua BP 1*.




Mra. Nattoa Impriacaed.
WirbKa. Kan.. Oct fi.—Mr*, ('amc (•■upU iBrsvWM^.Surmuat IV
.Vallfm. Mr*. I.uck Wjllioll. Mr*. Myra
MclU-ury au(f Mr* Klydii- kbwiil/
who maih- (be reevui Joint raid ii.-r--.
were luund guilty In ibr t'ln-uli wurt
ycsierday u( desirucitun of pr»]K-rty.
Mr*. Nation waa fined flSo and given
*is monifa. in Jail: Mrs. McHenry- and
Mr*. Wiihuit wme fin*-d imu each, and
Mr*. MuuDix was fined $^> Tbcy gave
b ig BT M ■« M IM
Botlo- iif appeal.

■dtoalllto '

-----.7 (ir*wi$

h MM.

KImi-r Keller. S'urgis. kaoen at
~Mlebicaii Ka( Uuy." Mi|iihx| on pitchfork' whi!.- duinb vbort-^. He wrtghsi Oo «a ««d«r fortwo tw merw we wBI fsagar


every offic.-r on the sialf was mo*t volcano emlited enortiKois quantlites
Tigurons tn hi> eifons (o run down of sieecp and ashes
violalor* of «l,i- game and fish law>
One Sep! ;y ihe mountain was
Tbe number of cases investigated wa-i ihrtiwing ou! neam all -laj, forming a
117: number of cases U-gun. Cl; num­ dense cloud elchl or ten thousand feel
ber convictCHl. :<i; oumU'r acqultied. high The escape gr.-w ie>s violent ns
Gain* Warden I* Busy.
iber dismissed, nunc; case.< night approached, but after ilark there
Smit Ste. Marie. Mich.. Oct. 7.- pending. K: amount of fincei and eget*. werv two poiau on (he cone that wenOame Warden Chapman aad bis dep. $8'l«.02: arrests for violaiioo of fish brilliantly lighted, wbile at (be foot of
Ue* bad a very busy moatb during law*. 2(1: selcnre reponed. 13
the dome wa* a hoie from which fire
September, and though the Dumber of
The munih of September was eecapod into the valley below, but not
cases to reach tbe cotiru was uc
marked by much hard work and a?- ■n tufflclent quantities to occasion
large U It has been at other time*. tlvlty In the department tn lovesd- damage.
gating diBcull smd Vexatious vlulv
(Ions. Wniful violator* in many locvl-:
fltod Warehouse Burned.
Hies werc,beld In check ^y tbe prompt: Charlevoix. Midi, Oci. k.—Tbe D. M
and energetic work of the deputU-s. i
seed warehouse was toially de
Tbe fnlse reports sent out at the be-! e«ft‘Fcd by fire Thursday nigh'ginning of the months that the duck gether with tSo.OW worth of seed p.-alaw expired on Sept. 1, give Ibe of­ Tbe total losa to Hi.OW. Thre.
ficers a lot of trouble rad in some fourths (4 tic pea cro|>. rvcsUimg of
of prusecuiton*. about IS.f-OO bushel*, bad b.-en r.October, however, is regarded by tbe Celled and B-as in tbe warehouse. .The
sute game warden as (be most dif­ lots is partially covered by Insuroncc
ficult month of the yvar. aad during Tbe warehouse was .-stablUhed herAS w* can de to give adviea.
Of eoorss tbst** rosy.
the coming month careful watch w;;i,
employe-' al>oui fifty haadBut ear ad^-lce to tssSy worth a Uttl*
There Is nothing definlt.
. Mrs to run thaa most psopls'a tor wo be exercised for deer hunter* who take j *1'
the woods before (be actual opening!............................. ...
cSsr to gtro yoe the firvt bottle of oar
msdkfae five. U It faUs to help yooof tbe season.
We oeold net afford to do this untoss
oer medicine wse good. Such aa offer,
New Peetmastcr General.
oa the wreeg kind of mcdlcteo. would
pat a aMTrimat prlaee la (he poor beoee.
B'aabington. Oct. C.—First AtsUian;
Dr. MDes’ Nomno. bewover. aa years i\)stmastvr General Wynne was tblto a medl.
momlng formally designated by ttelae that can* the •
president to perform the dntiet of
(baa ooe to taa tboosaad-we ptefw u postmaster general pending an ap
Doctors first prescribed
lefead tboir meaoy.
pototmeat cf a new member of the
Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral over
ABweaskefreatotetryDr. Mfim*
Bestarattvo Karrto* for your complatoL cabinet to take the place of Posuna;
60 yetrs sfo. They use it
General Payne, who died last
today more than ever. They
night. According to tbe present plan->
Hon. George B. tonelyou. chairman of
r^nUican national eommlut-e
will succeed I'aym- in tbe cabinvH after
rely upon it for colds, cou^is,
Tbe flags on tbe governaient buildbronchitis, consumption.
«F are flying at haH suff today oui
They will tell you bow h
of respect to tbe memory of the late
heals inflamed lungs.
nasier general.

pmirletor of a bol.-l in Wtwt Bay Cliy.i
*««*■, Mtok.
to aljegrvl to have bad a mix-dp wl-h!~ -- v------------------. .■—
the street commissioner, who is nearlv'
70 years oJd The lait.-r attempie.1 u. j JLT
remove a pletv of sidewalk from tu, PAT ENTS,
fnmr of the property .wcupled by Mr.l W*yn.Ci*^Brak B^,DRBOJt
Jordan, whereupon he Ibierfered, tt ]
to alleged, and grabbed the commis>i<-aer by the neck .Now Jordan hat
commenced suit against Mr. Tborp.
the commtosi.mer, individually, to re
„i ,h. .uk.
wan afterward ordered torn up by the i Sto—etoef kersv V.Hev>.Ut»toBM«waa


No One But Yourself
if You Don’t Get
WeU When Sick.

The Detroit Free Press

Alters Farm anil Live Stock Journal

Ml. Pekr is AeUve.
Fort De Prance. Island of Martlaqnc. Oct S.—Tbe report that thenlad been a sorions eruption of Moan:
Pclee to not true. There ba* In'-n
great activtty on the mountain daring
the laa (vs (isys. and a week ago tbe

iss -



Michigan's Greatest Farm Weekly,
'nie wnrS fr

Erefy Member of the Fjmny will Red somethlnf tn Isterest Them
Ifl TUs Gre^BoflK Ptper.

F^-^Siptogms* 5 WeUro Ser toMfe

PSSl Marquette

Mb. rsxat. Bros. o<na<l* Cemn. te.

Old Coughs
I aetton next

Address; THE DETROIT FREE PRESS, Detroit, Mich.

sSfSttto’ l*p.m,«M

aad bnttoa and twin aead astamp (or;itor.- An BagUah ehUd. even It itoe -yoor goldfish Ig dsad.*’
la frlghtTnl disorder. Muther ur a maid
•notber. We haeo a dog whoae name’could do ahat thtelittleooe did. wouM
Tbe Unto girt la tbe first aboefc «d J mast do a good deal of bouMkeepiag
bouMkeeptag [ BnUfrog wwter wtok hla erf>—
U Frtu. We bare tou of fna with, hare aaM: **lf the geatiemaa win m
that tbe fishes ; before Mary's
Is fit tu be sees;
Good-b). Mias Saimmertlam.
--------- Sahing and caoght two; acatad 1 wDI get sy caade lo
were exactly aUke aad that tbe part- AgsiB.
I Ho aster slag as you potae by—
to graadpa'a pe a via-'
aen had aerer made a definite dtriThere Is wtwse trwbto oo stormy :
Good by. Miss geaimvrlime.
n. They lire on a faria. 1 balpr]
They speak qaaisUy la Japas.
•too. But after ibe period of moaning days The cblldrra track ibe 'rlcaa His soicr i: do«e gMkabd and oewM
Bnl the bnwght ia a moaeat three was over she asked <me BtonlBg:
carpets siad s
Nobody know* gov be hai aiferad. »lber eggs and weal wKb fba birej
s with feto. An' still II trp' ■‘•glMto' wol
^ lo get the cows. This ti alt
.UUie bags filled with aaad-wblte.
"Kcnalt. bow did jmo know U was i that are ncMag wKh
H« eoBld Mt att ■Oil Mr Ue ■ bed
mneb dal':lto gtM bonne—
can think of for this time.
Ned and rellow-aad then she led tbe ■y fish that dtedrwould hate taken bnt a moaroi oo Ibe
eitb pain, bei be ii gaiUns better i
Good by. I
I win try B*v«r to w»rry «r
Lotde SUdelbauer.
of the
fr«t akowt wjrtolag.
cropa aad now baee the potatoae
Rose BBlyia' on -dr bush—
i wm tfy to k« to htowr to >
dblaiy klaoeo. she scraped a am
The King and His Pcepla.
f (hr chlMrea had oaJy
cm to take care of. I bare leaf tor
Good-by. Miss Sammertlmr.
«M and maka aton'tidj ftaaay
There was once a gnat and good *i«to ^ the grarti walk aad poored
(b«>n*bi ia time. Those 'ombrena,
sMor .. ««iavBBblne pto; platoe aend ae me
to far to
king, who was rotor o<
a targe m j , mt tte white aaad. carefoily spreading ^
C.«d by. Miss Bommeftlme.
will try to ba toatog, iHlgfal
iu scervi right and IcT
Tonr SaoBblBe girl.
^ kito to
and to
dlg^ la the back yard, helping her,thooght. But now tb.-rr ts a puddle of' Wil sw«to,-s« eiti«| p. each bt*T:
Hoea Coral Keilocg.
avarjr living thing.
thia land and fooad the greater toV'*^>
^ >t uickle tbroogb her
ready tor tnkf wstcr stalnlag Hh- flour to thv i Roar d<«B Ukiom felaseT u> dr'f—
(f I avar faU In trytog to da
^bio. Colo.. Scdt. K. im.
la planniBg for their haM>aess aadj >nc«rt. rapidly making a doaica of a Naatlag Bower seeds, when auddealy : roner. atul somebody's back and a
c:.>od b>.Mi..s SumOMWtlOKChaaa tMnga, 1 wW Try, try
Dear Un. Balea—I bare baas read- well being. Serraois from tbe klagJtofNS* »■ ooUhie. Wth the yellow sbe cried net
- I will acbe bef.we that plarw is as gomi
-B'aahtogt^m Star.
teg tbe imie leuera In the araad Ti
“Cto. mamma. «Nie aad eei-?
aad going that ] toad the made tfa« backgrtMind. and.
ana Herald and I aee there lanl r*rj be might know bow
fared with fali{*ls>i>C (he yellow and the bine, sbe
,.i, > I.. .bi«. tut .
Btany leUers now. ao I will write roe ebldrea. as be was pleased to call bls|‘'<*(Ct>ed
anything 'eept a loag. fat tail.'
• of bnillaot greeo.
tuta-r —. t.tit h. ,UI„|. tbtu tt.iu«,tunt • .muu.. rttcKu
and tell ym aboot ay ud subtoeu. for he. blmsctf. was obligMl
She drew yellow wlodowi lo tbe
!th,- bop. tut tu ................. ol'l uuirbt., oi tu Uo. uO. tuttlu
polM. I wtmid Dke to )obt the Son to spend mneb of bto time In a Tar blue cottage aad made a yellow walk
Amit Jolla brueghc Pred ik present, mt-nd IhWr ways and help i
' N»“*':|inlo thc honM-. exrlaliBcs]: "Oli. i
ahine Oeb. bM 1 don't know what
country crer which he also ruled and
do to tola It. ] have a Uitlc where fall (hroee »a». Now. these uir* .he had made the most delicate
G«>t mention 1 than ev.i

Mmd who wanM like to foin toa Now aerraSu
the pwH>lel
pleiwre. which looked like a pan-!
bb aunt breoghi'
' el in a Japaaeie sereea.
I wlU leU yon bow i got my tadpotea of the land so that they could
i bim a preseai he did not aa, Tbanl.;
There Is F
to the «
We bare a beantlfnl park in thia cUy aakong them anywhere witbom their
Bverj- child to Japan plays (his lit•"**y
•••>' "
. JehAivIc'a Opinion.and it baa a lake in It that U caltol knowledge. Thus they bad the chance tie game of making aaad pictures, and asked Fred why he did not thank her.'
Lake Hinaegiia. and I am told that it of obaerriag many things which olh- it is one srhick will give uneadtog
“Lam ume whea I said Thank you' i There !s t DitM-h lied I the best O. wnntdji'i this win-ld be Just kwely.
of us.
I'm *uiv I'd lurget ^w to ery.
by the Inwould likely bare been hid tertalnment lo chUdrvn everywhere. It to niuty. she said 'Don't menUtm l-.'i
That 11 III iMWtoK
. of us
If half <if lh<- year rouid lie Cbrictmaa,
diaas who naed to lire hen before from them. Amooc other things they is easily tried, and some beauUful Fred explained.
Auil till' •ither half fViurth <d inly!
Little Gilbert It a quaint youogsirr., To talk sIhi -i ihv
this westerti oonatry wu settled
noticed how selflihness. cruelty and little things can Imt made by any child
frlead Bihel aad her brother Quy and I pride were gaining ground. Sginc who with a taste for drawing.—Selected,
aad everybody on hi. street know, and! drtlghu to him. Wbea one of hit ac- j
need to go out to play at Mlaneqtu bad accumnlatQd wealth woold maki
Park, aad one afieraam when we
qualotaneas met him tbe other dty. b
storea of Uelr poor neighbors, comWooden Legged Dog.
ent there we caagbt aad brought hosne peUlag them to wtwk rery hard and
Once there was a little woolly poodle was figxzled at the chlM's make-up. for: j
CHinbIng the HIH.
■to tadpoles. Bach of os bad two. Mr. glrtog them rery Uitle lo return.
in the Philippines which was a regl- he had not only .bed hla footgear ant
Uto>P7<»UKkjr and rUBt<d-Heirt
pul on an old pair of brownies, but ■
Hebard helped me fis mine le a nice that the lives of the poor were made; mental mascot. IXiring a «(ri«
Set dt m a JODmey with CMy>Ti7. deep pea of water hurled to tbe grontid.
very aad and unhappy. Troubles of all | Oavlte. lu left hind leg was shot off lacbed to one of hi. bluejvaot' leg.
And eats «m ready to do hti part.
We pot them among a benntlfol boJ kinds multiplied nnill the king deterjand the little fellow was carried as was a ruBiy moose trap.
WWto the aaaaySoora treat toerrily Of flowen aad pni sock rocks to the
“What have yoo got that trap on for.;
mined on a plan which he knew would tenderly to the rear at If he bad been
Ollbert7“ ioqotred his friend, looking
pan so they eonM rilmb oe them wben
great extent, and If expIlclUy
comrade. The
Bet wbea tbe ahadova arere growing they were tired of balBg la Che srater.
with pro­
obeyed, altogether remove the evils dressed the stump. Tliedi^; was nursed at the t
found Interesi.
them Jack and Jill. I
prevaleni. Accordingly ihej bj thr surgeon's wUe,
event nally
AM tba erf^ obifftag tbair area- Uwm files, bogs aad aome bread, hot
“Oh." said tbe wee felkiw, “I (huiigbt
Klag had a book written whereto
maybe a rat would try to run up n./
they doo'i seem to like bread rety well.
leg aad I'd catch him. "
After a while they gof quite big and :
noticed that they would sit cm the bit
OA Bov's Char
rocks moat of tbe Ume. and one momlag I went ont to see them aad Jack
that told him a
gone, aad 1 conld not Bad him
be bad Inside and went to.
anywhere In tbe garden. Aad, two <
'Boy..~ said (be gentleman, eyeing
three days Jill was gone too, and
(hem seruttoliingly. "1 soppose yon
bad lost my pcu. W<dl. my leuer U
getUng ao loag I most close. I sec the
know there U to be aa exhibition of
paper aayt that the children's Bon: trained dogs tualgbi 7"
> The faces of-the boys showed thai
sUee editor is sick. 1 hope when you
get this iotier thet yon will be belter.
they were peHecUy aware of that facL
Wbkh 1 igel sick my mama makes me
“R’ell. I'm looUag for a boy to take
wlibout my meals itM I feci better.
a Ntod nun to aee k. im not jetting;
-ni? I. MU M IM- M OBI go
I'm to eanieii,“ said Hr. Davit; and!
inch. If I aee this la print, I afli
then looking at oae of the br.ys who
•**M tbe toom te ton. beaMe"
wriir again some day. 1 will send yon
had raid notblag. be asked; “Wei!,
•hat .do you lUak^of lir
! swc« peas out of our gardei..
D^ly-TiT. wltbont »Sur or atM.
“1 thifik I eooM* do IL“ wa. the re-!
w«at elambertog np am rock and So good bye.
From yoor Mtito friend...............
Ttn’be s(oM at laat on tbd bflTs g^



gyy r^mt fatu <w«fa-



Try a Herald WalP Ad.



Maple City. Uleh, Sept. 28. *01.
•Tbrougb my oyoa ,;r That', ibe
fa a beantlfnl clearlBg. with flowers
Dear Mrs. Bates—As Uly has writ
oatr ««y he could nee IL"
- and frnli..
a a letter to yon, I win write too.
•You're the boy I'm after.' uUd Mr.
An tbe other two are waiting sUll;
am won aad bopb rot arc the aas
and be arranged for him to
rw BObotly urn. or ever srilt.
Oar sehoN will begin itext Monday.
meet the blind man.
That caa reatt tbe top of tbe small- Tb« teacher's Mme Util U gotog
The exfalbltloB wa» in a large pub-|
ent Wa
teach our Kbool U Htoa Stagg. I am
He ball and the blind man and hU
By sltUsg down at tbe fool. .
eight yeert oM. PieaM scad
guide had a box to ihrmselvus, where
-Sabbath Beboot VMor. card and botton. Well. 1 gnees my tot­
they would dlMurb/bo one; but Mr.
ter le geUtog long enough, so I will
Davis, from hi. .eat to the audience,
- >
Friday. OeC 7.
cloM tor this time. So good bye.
knew that the boy was telling what j
ftamea of metobert who bare Jolmd
From Alice BarlA
Twin CHtldren
went on. K> (hat (be blind disq could i
atoee tost week:
Torch Lake. Mich,, SepL M. IMM.
Of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 8. Hodges, who reride t r Ktofisky, Mich.
undemaud Indeed, no one
lUttb Bertlett. Nortbpoit.
Dear Mrs. Betee—I wish to thank
r heartily ihsn did ibe blind t
AHoe Berth. Mefrie OWAval Patty for tboee pleturea. 1 haw
Heing unflt for further campaigning.
WlOle Bento. BnrdlebTlHe.
torn my button aad I would like aaoth- told the people of himself an^ of hl»
iMheu breaae her |Kt. She had mnde |
Mr Davi. mtaln
Baby Beats. Bnrdlckrllle.
re one. I will aend a twtxeat
among the messenger t.;y»
George Beats. Bardtokrlllo.
for tkc button. 1 go to school and I also the Isws for their government, for It aa anifieial hind leg. flulng t
neollv over the
-t.h . ____ ,i Wl. Nier a few words with the maaBnm nrdaey, Bnrdlekrille.
am to the third grade.
We have a together with much advice and words neatly over the tnump with a lace-i
Hany Frits. Bardfekrine.
man UMber. We play hall ai acbool.
•**,! every one ,
rtwd Blmer. BerditflcvUle.
re going to have a new aian msdc great promlees of honor and pm-[iwd for a root. On ibis ibe dog walled ' ‘
* «*«>«' f<*r Hfitoi I
RIU Boewril. Feebto. Colo.
loacbM. HU aame Is Mr. Brown, motion, riches and bapptoess to thoee i wlih ease, and by degrees learned to !
am pleclnc a qnllt.
Tbis U all I who In ihe future would live worthil..* use It readily, as If it were ao actual I l""™*'*^** “P ‘n O'* world, but only i
until such a time ss be should visit 1 leg. even scratching with It. One day. |
“ My frien.l. the ■
Isn't that a aloe lot of aamea to start to think of.
them, or they vroold he callcl to a|. f however, as h-- s-as gcraiching behto l!
f”'’ “’**•
titfww weak with? T%e BurdiekriUe
pear before him, Havtog
lavtog the power i-! hts left <ar. Hie wooden leg hung ti. I"’'***'
l"*w‘or,. ttto tome le e g^ letter from the
' life If he e
d find some yo’ing •
give me, he assured the faithful ihu’ his hair, and pulled off. The p
Uly Barth, who baa been
Old MUslan. MIcb.. SepL *8.1»M.
they should live forever, while t
tie fellos's i»-rpicalty when bis hind !
a toys] Busblee member for a tatg
' tlM There enrely onghi to be Boacame, was ludicrous. Finally he vio-!
••'1' (he oipeneVM to a acfaool when both teacher hear yon are ao alck, I received my ^yed. Coptos of this book were
card aad betton. and like (hem very
' hit upon
the klagdotn leotly sbtMk hU head and ears till the'
and toembera are Soariilaen;
ranch. Our school has begun. 1 am and Its contents fully expUto'-d
wotNien leg fl.-w off. th.-n he took it .it j
him a gt«l posiu,.;,
Tm wilt snlor tbe beaattfni story to the fourth grade and mr studies an- that none might plead Ignorann- wh'-„ hi.- mouth and hobbl.-d »n three legi|**“’ '’•*
I') Iu> mistress to have H put (W again.' ***** “ **“^ *«*ary. M<-s»enger boynkt by 0«r good frtood. Mn. Btadits
would have supposed that
haam. and we win all weteoam tbe ing, writing and geography. I think
Fell Into Baby Carriage.
•aw-metobar rram faraway Ootorado. will cloae MW, as my letter is getUng would hare made a great, chang*- to
the kingdom, bnt It didn't make so
Just as If It had Ix-en idaeod ihm- You see. that boy, though he did not
•be •rftte saeb aa latereetlag toticr. tong.
Oettrode Lardlo.
great difference after all. Many of th- for her. a baby carrlaR*- on the
the side*1(1?- hnow It. was on Ibe watfh for a g-vsl
*h<-i: It came he
bed to (heir uwo walk caoght Rose Muldonn. six yea-*
Perbapg nm have wondered wbat
NorthpoH. Mich.. Sopt. 50. 1PM.
business, soon forgot all about U. Otb- old. when she fell from a window at
't —Youtl. .
became of tbe pr«ty Bundey acbool
Dear Mn. Baton-1 thought I srool-I
cards yon hare seat thU dapartmeri write you a letter. I am well and wi did not believe that the book was 5S< West One Hundred aad Thirty
-----------------------TbU.wagk tV^ large paekagea were hope you are the same. I go to eebool
King could possibly care for them so Not <mly did Rnaie land to the car-j
What Father Notices,
sent lo far'away lands, where they every day. and like my tCMber.
Will be givew to UUto boys aad gIrU name U Miss Smafield. I bare gone moeb. while tome went so far as lo riage. but she sat on the eusbiont as! There ar*- some borm-s where si-rv
' *bo have never seen nteb thtogi^.bc-; to school every day. I sJt with Ada tay that iherc sas no ruch a king, esartly as If plared there. alihotighj*“*» «•*>•»>«'of (he work and lb-rhll.
[dren have little to do wUh Ibe grew
fcre- The mtaBtOBarloa to wbbm they Wllllamsoh. 1 like to sU with her very aa they knew of no one sho hail seen harder.
him. A very few tried lo follow the
The child was playtog to h.-r home ,««( «a»c*ci.» bustocM of pleklng u;.
w4r» seal are Miss CoMtaace Grieve. well. I an to the third reader.
u ihi second floor when a woman^‘'***‘*B up the bouse, and huytne
BfiuuAutoale 'MUaton. Ingogo. Natal etody reading, ariihmetle. language, rules of the book, but llioy were
Mtb Africa; Mlsa Cooke. Badulla. geography aad speiltog. We had a laughed at aod often mUiised by the whf ilni: a Imby carriage stoppel to [ P"'n"'("'- •("( M'rvtog the fwst tc.ftoyVm. aad MIm Anna Bbert. Cotam- party down to Ada Williamson's. We other people, sho thought thorn very front of the boure, idcked up the Imbv.! (** household. The father of a h»u.-r
foIUb to give up pleasure aad ease
k<t tbe carriage under the Muidoon ' •"‘'1 ®( 'hU tort has noticed some
bn. OeyioB Look the places up la had a good Ume.
Please send me
ktog's will, whom no one ha t j
•'*>» to«> Ihe store. Rose !
>> which be thinks bit boys sti :
ytow geographies, or on the globe
card and button, will you* It Is rery
help with the housework
eebboL aad aee wbat ytm can Bad t
Bice out doort today, lam eight years seen, and wboso very exlstenev wa»l*«-' waichlog the baby aod leaned too 1
and fell. The|*'“ho«t really doing any of p ibtm ;
,al^ fhasa. aad then imaglae bow the old. ThU ts all for this time, eo good doubted. Nevertheless, their number*!'*''
cfiiMrea looli. and act. who will
fontinoes to spread even lo lbl> day. | 'he pavt-m> ni Except for a few sligU i insiead of making work for oihen.
be aabtotag -the ->nasblae“ yon aeat
From Bulb Bartlett.
Bui as thU Is a tong story and a trut J hrulsrs on If-r legs sbe wa» uninjured.' 'he children might, b, heeding sugProvemooL Sept. 26. 1P04.
one. and we are all toiererted to the —New York- ITesi.
I gestlonr. save the workers from u
Dear Mrs. Bates—I now take II
for ourtelvee. we hari !------------------------ I *”•' “•hf l»Ue task* that now use
Thera it eunthtoe to yoor preslpleasure
read about It to tbe gwvi l>ook ;
Karvott Roosevelt a OiptoniaL
| up their time and paitenc-c
deafe borne today, because sbe U able
Tboogh even then "the half has not! Kermk Rposevelt.
of the presl-( You woold hardly beiu-vc. onles-^
to Ml op -ta- a little while every day.
dent of Ibr rniied Slates, is a strate- yoo kept account of It, buw many mtoVbe H aM yet well eaoogh to write that yoo are the same. Tbe people been told.'’
are busy cutting eon now. I am not
glvt of no mean aWlity Ho and hujaies to the bousekeeper * day ii takes
yoe. hot eend^ier' dfamt love
Alida Stadelbaoer
cotog Id acbool y*L Oor scbool has no]
jTMBgest slm-ri. onre wen pnriaen. io ^ ilmpiy to clean up oih-r |v-»pl.-'k din
mry CM «f Iri^bunsbtoers.
Seod Ptelwvea By Jap CbMren.
started yet. 1 guess 1 will close lor
an aq-janum --oniaining two goldfith.! and straighien out the 'bigt ihat'othei
tbUitme. so good bye.
which had been given them a; a pro. people hive tei a*rj John i.-omev in
Burdtokrlllti. inch Sept. Jf, f>l
to Uke boooraMe r*po;r for but a tn-.v eel- One morning, cm f-utg to the from tchookaad • chuci; bu- booki itt
James Horton.
, Dear Mrs. Bates—I again pea .vt
mnnt. nsiii hu i,ervaiit can get ber venerr, Kermtt tound c*l? i»e fl;b.t*i • ally old (flace - Mary go** to schoo;
I. bmmyge
Twtk Lhkc. Sagt. 91
the wlU nuke tor the aqturitim; the other had leaped and leavei her bedroom onaired. her,
a few Itoes. 1 know I have been ratnDear Mre. Bntea-I am aorry that; blm tbe aaad-pteiures."
•rpet ii
baa been very sltdt with eatarrh. wktob »n are UL I tbasfc A«nt Patty for j That eraa the way a little Jaimaare
hu aatlrel.,- darttoyad bu rl^t eve. tboto -idc^wea. I bava loet my catd I Dd kp-.-kv onv day to Kobe tu a vu- the usual fate of a fish oji of water. i the covers, her nlchtdresi
“Sii-ur. hv A3SUUU-.X-J 81 hruakUi.t.'and hvx drwiua; ubiv c



V •; i;<'t Its.! tiic ex'- ■ ! Iijviiij; Isjught
a v.
al;'..-.!'-i 'ii';:! 1., sijud
:• l..r .V tow rlayg,


TiK-;. wc:-

c jti*( kn cuilwl ep
I’len UntscafU.,-.:rA



icctitr-.'- l!;-

T'u-K---t;rd -.

!!; Is,!,;; '
■ 14 iMi« (• k>
WBWIxrt Tcf

wsn:. DVNBAM SHOE CO.. Brocklaa. B


e o( the

Home Made
Have your cake, muffins, and tea bis­
cuit homMnade. Thqr will be fresher,
cleaner, more tasty and wholesome,
R(^ Baking Powder h^ Ae house
wife to produce at home, quiddy and eco­
nomically, fine and tasty cake, Ae raised
hot-biscuit, puddings, Ae frosted layercake, cri^ coddes, crullers, crusts and
muffins, wiA vAiA Ae ready-made food
found at the bake-shop or grocery does
not conqiare.
Rr^al is Ae greatest of bake-day helps.

her vfty, utd as outcry loss tad load
~Odcc a little girt
broke the ebam of the altaaUao.
Bit a bcrie ta bee apraa.
Later, bowerer. tbere »a* a quiet
Aad abe'* verr—rery iorTy.
room aad peace.
Opoa vbleb ibe saMC brother eagerly
Not eo becolllog. but atUl baring Its j
“Auaty. Lauf abay ebe tbor
taste of boBor. was tbe sltnatk*''7!' And the siege waa lifted.
A boy Is apt to be lem tactful in
vben tbe saiall boy took tbe fore and
opened tbe botise to Ibe street fat s|du dealing with his foe. He Is known
of tbe vlatry atmoapbere vbltA i«e- -kick- the thing oC U a tort of mi
colar rage, out of which he emerges
ralled wKboni.
serene aftd pliable for ritber iluty or
*-JobB. ny non. close tbe door."
tNo.*' was tbe atoie answer; -I waat pleasure. DtrenioB is one near
to look oaL'* He was eotafortaMy eo- conretskm.
seaoe«i neat to tbe store.
*-Jobn, abut that door. touTI Dee*>t When my boy. with eager questions.
Asking how. and where, and whesi.
Taxes all my store of wisdom.
“No: I want It open."
Asking o’er ud o'er again
"JiAn!" The mother was beat ou
Questions oft to which the answers
Gire to others still the key.
I bare said to teach blm pailcnce.
"Walt, my lluic boy, and sec."
wased tarloDs. But the door remaine.l


■■ ■



And the words 1 unght my darling
Taught to me a lemon tweet:
Once when all tbe world seemed dar
Aitd the storm about me beat.
Coffee should be made without boil­
I beard him.
In the -dilldreD-s r
ing aad be of the first quality.
With a child's sweet mimicry.
When a patient Is allowed (n cat puTo the baby brother's questions
taioes try roasting one in the ashes.
Ssylng wisely. -Walt and see."
Have a large bed of hardwood roals.
•orat a*NM sowdu eo., ww voas.
Like an angel's tender chiding
cover some with ashes, lay the pouCame tbe darling's words to m«
toes on. cover with ashes and heap the
Though my Faiher's ways were hid­ rest of the coab on lop. Ckme the
draughts and cook about one hour.
Bidding me ttill wait siyl sec.
Serve with ran- broiled steak or chops.
KrTtat are wc but restless children,
with butter.—Ida E. Beach. In TriuErer asking what shall be?
UBC Farmer.
t course all charm and humor dies
And the Father, in His wisdom.
of the sUuaUon whore the child
Gently bids us "wail and sec."
orer-rtdes tbe auihortiy of a timid or
A Few Pteklea.
—Christian Treas.
weak-minded parenL
Small Cucumbers—Wawh and wipe
With KMaryaafi UwTr—toe I right nwidlripe for mr. F«r ttm mnnlha
Aside from tbe physical aspect of the
three hundred tiny cucumbers, frioce
tar Twch* Teara—Pc-ra-aa Cwcff i ux-d it faiUifaily and then feitsowfll
Invalid Cooking.
matter in band, there is Uso a smack
In a large stone Jar and cover with
0ns Uttle Bey.
dread to ererr mother who Is wise.
Him—recto Better Thai tar Tiraafiy: *
«"«" '«'• «>"*«.
Hsi>py Is the bonsritoid In which cold brine which Is sufllclenily strong
|T:il>wssnrrt ayrarngoand I baronet
I used to sit with idle baads.
Most parenu fight an obsUntte
iher is no tiokmts. yet erery family
- . Iikd any IrnuMe sines. AlIlKWigh I am
As If all life were play.
child. MMbers are too busy to be calm, wide aad nnexplorod iungle. s child's at times numbers among its members lo bear an egg. Let stand for twentylion. William Wsis..n Wasbimrn.' *" «»••• screntlr, | fre| |s-ib-r ami mars
soul, where trnih la creirwhere evl-.
four hours, then rinse in cold water,
As oae who noanu tbe boor-glaas loo busy to study tbe "whys" of
one invalid. It is someUmes a dlBIqpU
place in glass Jais^ rr.>idrnl of lb-lAuinisnaforattHTeUl•*•»" > dhl thirty years sc-i."child's deeds or to be lost la tbelr dcat. and where grown-opa are quite matter to select sod prepare a sulubl? drain them
nub. and a.T.
a.T.-ry well known man of 'V.W. Washl-u.-a.
St n loss s-lifa themselves.
Take soOcleni vinegar to cover themT
To while tbe time away.
iodgmmu; but they are rarely
New Orleaii-,, I.
1.S™ writes fn.ia «BT fsiial
"What a child knows about God,' menn for the sick and convaleseeol. as put it over the fire In an agate keitl-. •ircA-t;
Now I an busy as can be
busy to make war. and so war it be­
(be dishes must be at once templing,
And leisure time employ
itsded that llierr is iml a finer
comes to tbe end of tbe chapter. A quoth a certain clergyman. "Is more nourishing and easily digestible. Re­ add one button onion cut In tbln slices.
dozen whole cloves, four ounces of Im-dieinsptiWwH IwforeHie |MlbIlr in-Jsy
By darning bolea In slocking knee
pity It Is that the chapter will, maybe than we grown folks oyer dreamed of cently. while convalescing from a sbor.
knowing." Freshly cleft from the Cre­
mustard seed, six blades of mace and tlisn IVruna. 1 have Wn iroolded for
For inst one liuie boy.
end In a tragedy.
Illness. I was so nicely served by my
eupfulB of grated horseradish. | nearly Iwi-uy-years witb kidney and
A child takes bat a few steps from ator. a child stin has a feeling of Jolui daughter that It occurred to me that
By baaran'a firat law my bonae was
lroubI«<snd at times 1 bare l■»«o
tbe crsidle to tbe grare. That is wbal partnership with Him that lends an as­ possibly I might offer tome sugges- Bring slowly to the steaming point anJ
-ciiy sieg man, unalilo (u attend to na,
surance at once sunilng snd unique —
pour it over the cucumbers. They
><•>. I bad alsMil made up my mlnil
Hons and-reetpes which might be heljv should stand for .a month before using
Tbe brass was polished bright.
prestige that quite appalls
> ni'xlb’lne euuld li<-Ip nte, w bv-n
of my Tribune sisters.
JBneb room was duled weU and
Saeel Cucumber Pickles—Get small
DO enemy so''poient. so bcseulug. nano mortals who have learned
God-, wnu ud HI. ; * 1" ■»
• V.; ;.!.'rosj in a leisure l.„::r. I viee gr^t.s.
cucumbers of uniform size, place In u
that so lempU blm and so plucks st
it was a pleaaant slgbL
bi give I’.Tunaa t-;.-! and
.\.;,;r.*s :;r. Il.-r-inaa. I*n-si.b-nt *il
Mooc Jar, scalier over them a large
Bat BOW mnd tracks are on tbo floor. bis good purposes and pore motlres
d I .,ad at 1-..1 -keur-.l . ] Tbe I e^-vnlU-lu.u.t .•a.m-u,;,;.
To a Iluie child the matter of prayer.,I tic of thb added to boiling water and handfu] of salt, and cover with boHIng
as does this smsll. obdurate demtm
Aad witb them maay a toy.
lo, Inuan. I. on™ qoll, > oonli™. !
■ tood «d ,oM water, l^ct stand over night, and drain
within hts bosom. One would think
And flngeraarks upon fbe door
off tbe water In the morning. Poor on
Ibat tbe creature was born to blm TomalltT. to be dtepensed with at any cratkers koowu as saltines are liesi
eook (ill quite (hlek. Allow one lemoo,
d and Pratty.
of one iltUc boy.
boiling wau^. and the sam-;
with Ibe dire purpose of raining his
sliced, to et. r> quart can of preserve.
A friend telis me sbe has taand a
Rnby was one of three wbiie-robc-d serve srith (his after being ertiped In quantity of utt. IaM stand unlit tbe
Om quiet relgped. or slleery soonOs spiritual life. He sometimes actually
n Ih- e'sri.i-d with Hu- tutuato or new litea tn housebold economy and
the oven. It the {atlent's stumaeh w!i: next morning. Drain off the water,
Of rnnsle filled tbe air.
miHekens with bis confllcu with IL otion
sliced into ihe ean'ns It is being filled. dalBtlBess. Sbe now keeps Strips of
permit, a little ’batter added i
Now tnuap of maay fpet reaooads.
^rlng over In nuer despair. Mothers icraal knee. There came one mem­ beef tea gives a belter flavor. The wash the pickles Clean la clear water,
cbeescloib ivew.-d over the ends of her
And. daa^g np the otnlr.
scarcely ever lake tlsae to think of orable night when number one and water for the beef tea may be hraied and dry with a towel. Place to the
n»e blankets. These strips. »bh* am
Veal Jelly.
MM martial bands, wltk flfo and Ihnt
three sralted In vain for Roby's voice
Jar and pour on boiling vinegar sweet­
mer a lamp, thus making it easy
Our a m^tl piece of meat from bind wide enough to receive nil the per­
"He's stubborn." Is the one ifflpaserve In the night. For variety, makc horseradish rwKs on top to prevent leg—one and one-hair pnnnda will be sonal conlart yi’iih tbe btookets, aad
All Bashed with pride and joy,
Hent prelude to n batUe. Tbe trail
it tnio a. jelly by adding a Ublespooeiple for one meal—three pounds nil the handling, are cbaaged wHh Ibe
Btbold! at "doable quick" they mi
mold from formlOK, These rill kee,i
rarely gets ao high a title as tenaclly ahlQlBg eyes as she said for the ibird ful of gelatine to a cup of broth.
makes a nice fizi?d dish If dewirod to linen. Thus tbe triankets are kept onLed by one little bey.
in tbe o|H-n Slone Jars all winter,
of purpose, resoluteness or firmness. time; "Now. dear, say your prayer." 10 nice light S41UIU by adding t
■ it tor more than one meal, as It roiled, and tbe fresh cheeseciMh give*
rirkled Cabbage,—Select two large
Indeed, after tbe mother lakes up tbe Defeat was not to be considered and tiroth cooked riee of tomato.
Time was Ip
the guest |a
in ppleasant feeilng of perfect
white cabbages, trim out the stalk keeps wc-IL Boll down until there U
batefaet It rarely deserres so good as force was out of the question.
AM Walter Pater read:
liquid left In cover the t>>ade.‘- cleanlln
and all lungh ponkii^cut Into slices
“Say your prayer. Roby." The only
cpilbeu It quickly becomes Just what
Of Ibaefl I could oaoe eonrerae,
preterred to beef tea. Put alniit four and put tnm an earthen Jar: sprinkle ly cewked meal, soascmtng with salt
sbe has called Iu and tbe child gcu no response was a whitening at the lips
Bat now—a Ured head
Dried (tobtcce.
in added sparkle to tbe eye*. Tbt' pounds of mntloo In snfBclem cold wa­ over half s cup of salt and allow them and pi'pper tnwaH the last. Cut IbIo
credit for living rnllantly up to u Oodb caddied close at "siory lime"
ter to cover well, and simmer until the to riacd all night. In the morning liny squares and arrange In a mold
Tbe great demand for qiiiaera to for
mother dared not Ignore the sounding
glrcB tralL
When CTcnlng shadows fall,
meat will fall fn>in the bones Strain drain ntf the brine, put the rahliage In mixed with ellees of hard boiled eggs preserving, for which purpoae every
A wbcdcsomc letting nkmc docs note of wrar.
And I am wise ta nurwry rhyme
and place ib<- bnkh In a ct«ol place xn agate saUk-e|ian with two jw-eled and and bits of ivarsh-y. t'<n<T wHh liquid. h.msekt?e^ knows their valne. But
more good than tbe tomahawk or
Aad raMQ. that U aU.
She locked two l«b.-s under their over nljUit. Ne»i moraing remove Hi
chopped onions, two ounces of mnt- When cvHil let stand In refrigmior for drytnjj. to mix witb dried appha or
hatchet ever could. True, a weak lei- while eovers and led the other to a
Obce. when I tucked him Into bed.
fat from the lop and place tbe jelly
tard seed, one ounce each of groand over night, i As deilcksus as rhlcken.i pearlies. xb«T possess n value unnting alone It fraught with danger. No'. warm cloaet-rooin nearby, tbe dark­
'He bagged me tlgbt. and abca:
lee. Use one taldesponful of Jelly
vsled by My other fruit; (bo superior
muvtani seed, the same uf rvleo' seed
wholesome handling by a wise ness of which bad no terrors to the
‘'What would ym aoU me torr be
half a cup of hot water and salt
Milk will rar«-ly prove indigestible :f
lied by them to pics.
and tnmeric. half an ounce each of
parent, who. in a quiet mdmeDt, ap­
which coax­
whole mace, allspice, clovia and pep It la slpiH-il sUiWly, wiii-n swalluw-’-d nan only N apiwoeiated by tbone who
peals to a efalld'i reason, and prevents ing or commands had had no sway
I kisaed bim once again
A* delicious, nourishing and digest­ per. iwn pounds of brown sugar an 1 haslil, it forms a solid mass In the have tasiM of their excellence when
wlltralncn. TbU is applied
Tbe father came to the rescue to no ible dish is egg poached ms follows:
And aaswend: "Not tar dbaa
stomach, thus rausicg indigestion.
wbobafter a period In a room removed pnrpoae. Both paivntk reeognlseil that
from human dlstrnciloas. with the res it was a crucial test, and they dare not Beat the while of one egg till light and Roll until the cabbage s'alks arc ten­
olate <71 child In tbe midst of Us soli­ yield. The child eonld not. The hourv sUff. sailing slightly, p-jt Into a but der. C'lol and pack In air-tight Jars.
PlekbH liartHArricH—Select
tude. A wonder will be worked there­ liasft.'d—one. iwo, three. Ten o'clockl tered tumbler, drop the yolk loto a
in sueb as be or hU mother nerer Tbe contest bad lasted Icmgrr thsc slight depresston made in the top of bunches of l»arlK-rrU-s. removing sll
couM accomplisb' when under tbe that (If Bull Rim. Tbe eyes that ha>l' the white, place the tumbler on a tint the ioiperfeet (mil. Make a brine
swing of the haicbei and twaahawk. A been bright and wide with tbe cou-' ter |tad In a basin of hot w-aler. cnv>-r sirntig enough to b<-ar an egg. an 1
Umid parent fears emnbat where a nict grow a bit more dim, as If ibi with another hasic and rook until (he Wh«-B Oi'd pour Jt ow-r the l«rberrl-- ’ '
white rises in ih« rambler and tbe and lei them soak In it for four bouri-:
courageoos one eourti It. We
man's gannenU liad brushed
by ^h<*l.• Wh.» palronlzc Ibis House and
A Uly broken from iu ^eu.
hare knos-n a wbolo household to go lighUy by. Once more Ruby Is brought yolk looks milky. U sbmtid be eaten th'-n drain and wash In fresh roid wa
our uBparaUeh-il array «rf wirrM's IcadA bbd song bubed nt oarij mora,
t-T. Take<as maeb vinegar as will i»down In Berriitty before a child who
A ewent eolce sUlled. a foOtatep fled, had a habit of -bolding iu breath."
A raw egg I' an rxrclleni fotsi in' necessary to cover the berries, and i-Two small loving arms went about | u»es of inflaninuttlon «>f the stnmarb each pint add one teas|>oonf'ii •>( >.aii.
A boBM all empty and fortora;
Ti.- 'n. - lbs' a I'lsiio b«>k- and sound* well at first U no sign
'n>e practice was continued to spite o'
mother's neck, two soft knees prewsed I r bow'els. To one l>eaton egg add S one dozen wh<rie clove*, one
Bat tbe lUy’s fragrmaoe lingers still.
ibai II B- I i-i-o- » ^aiii>fart'>r< mstruBM-ni in the h«ime: (Mccis tn
the fsble tbsi hung In the air that;
The bird nong echoes tbreugb tbe once npoa a lime a small prince (they;
Uhlespoonfui c-aeh id sugar, eroam
ful of |>ep|>er-cnrn* and one u-a*po.ic
ri.nAirii< N.-r., wud |»«ir materia!* soon show ibttnseire* In the lone,
milk, and a lliile oi any preferred sea (ul cri allspice Ix-rries. Rotl with 'Uwbe-h iN-eom. - • wiry - aud “ihli.."—In the acUon. whk4> lu^Hnes unalways princes In fables) was'
Sweet memlies benlsb biller pain.
vinegar for five mlnuies. ihen i»eir
o-n and -Hl-jcgish —and in tb- Dni.h. vrtilrh quickly Pim-a its super­
cured of bis bad babil eitb a few rig­
Sweai'lidpe ttS tore dry bnralng orous. stinging strokes where Nature,
ficial I'irtri-.
aour linked apple is often much over ihe liarlx-rTKu- and can. Svi pr •
pared thej are used lor Ibe garatfblna
predicting spanks, had grachnisly
A I'larui of usdcribtcd qiiiliiy and relial'l'ny 'd cnn*truc1|oo
be dls-; large inn apple: w ash. place in a
of winier salad*, rinsing Ihi-B before
enshtoned blm. Such a cure has been | «»«■
“ • “>lng t
We foUow on tbraagb tangled srays,
wc sell
puted. Oceasionaliy a child Is known; granite basin, fin the cavity witb sag adding to ih>- ulad.
Throngb gloemy days or' sloray tried by the timid mother, who t
fultlll ihl* mission in il« blgl;<-*t dcgrv.v-—(b>y sr- of such artistic
Tiny fiirumber Pickles—These- an
I with dread lest the lo tackle the thing with surprising I ar. add a tiny ptnefa of salt, pour Into
snd roWhantral perli-citon ibsi ib<lr pr<---intn-n-- :• anlwraaily
Btfll guided by that sweet cAlM rolcc. child wonM strangle to death when thvknirwb-dgrd. E«<-n ib-lr name* inspire conni-nc —read the i
oM. had chewed a hole la her new; ly nnill soft. Serve with or without add to be good. Take si-vent>-fl»Tbrough ptorm aad ahine tp haren flt suited him so to do.
Srhltc apron, and was a small Isbmael j cream
small rueumlK-rs an Inch long and > < r\
Another phase of tbe small hot
—Irene Pomeroy Shield. mighty dranon of resistance had an air in the home rirele. for her aunt, iu | Milk can be served in va^oiis w-ays. fresh, and wash and wipe- them. I’l;'
both piqnant and aasortng. nod threat whose care sbe was. viewed the deed: If u is served cold, be sure li U lor them in a crock and cover with a hnn-.
with just disapproval.
, cold god fresh. Should you wish 1j strong enough to bear up ao egg.
ened to become a charming affair, did j
-No more Uvora until you hate said j serve It hot. do not scald unless so or leave over night. The next mornicc
ua somebodrs secse of'
•.ntwollf;whteh ««.eMaleoliard* it not crate oo
: dered by the physlcian.
wipe each one and place them in glass
] ou sre sorry - she said.
Tbe day passed wearily. Confessing
Toast as commonly made h unfit for Jars. N<-a*un- tn one jar how mut h
• He makto It easy, tar He werks. •
"Mary." nid
to her three-1
I by proxy she found would not do. The , invalids. To make a perfect tnast the viaesxr It wii: take to cover the
t™ b.™ pwM -IU, u.,; ,;,i,
,bo .cm u .b,i
bread should be light, spongy, fine plckb-s. and lake enough (or all. p-i:
Oro, obUdro. ibr™ dub "»«■■»i„oi„ bore bre .bo rep.,. oUb bioob.MMa. -ore b«d
days this tn a porcelain kettle and add onNow. that's
-It. oboufib I o»M re»u to re« 1 010,100. Uret ,bc more boorelf
ood fold, u ,hoo’d bo cut lo oreo ,lire,. slice of lemon, s dozen whole clov<i,
i -Shay I'm sonr:" But this sbe eonld ! abeai one-fourth of an Inch In thick- ae oobce of mustard seed, a cupful of
FLEASK NOTH' Noiwlibs'aodlng the superiority of these nanev.
Mary coatlnncd tying very twist, not do. The evil demon clutched her.) ness, and toasted very slowly orar grated horseradish, and (our blades of
ih* immense numlre-TA vre M ii »Bii th- many e-coacanlea of our gn»t
knot under her chin with her hat rilv
A simple -Are you wmyr would: moderate beat until it U a delicate mace.
it come to tbe point wber
buOness enab..- uv t-> o.-.i ar P.w. r price* ttaan oiben charge for tobons. Sbe tilted her head and eyed have brought a ready 'Yes, Aunt, -'; brown and dry and erlsp alt ihrou^. It stc-ams but does not boil, and ihi-r.
siriimeni* of inferior rj-ialitj.
her mother srltb matter-of^art glancM But thU exit was stcpldly kept cloaed ' To serre dry. spread with strft butter pour It over the pickles aad cover.
(The bat was sfrong end before, a» | by the sroman la charge of the slegr.
................... For soft toast After three weeks they vrlll be ready
•reire. reol . rere, «d re rtbboo bol- j Tbreo -reo ,.o b^bu ood re nreov i a^, ookki, loio bollio, reliod ...or. for use. A very pleasant change from
led bee e»on ,o pot b oo. oI be,' dre. oI o.lrere. A. Ireubb tbo reild ; .a .preod .lib «r. bo.ire. n.r erreb. ihU is to pot in half the Jars a tea
pusxled mother has had en
eyew) "Mary, do yoo hear what 1 restrived to rid the time of lu heav- ■ marl, have heating while the Urvad U spoonfsi of dUI seeds and a couple ofj
lBs|.ectlon of our magniflrent fall Hock .cf Pfanoi is cordlaUy taetteitwith an obcUnate ebUd
No reply. The knot under the! meas. She knew that there would be maating. a llule cream. In which is
bay leaves, which will give quite a dif­
which hare left her nerre-woni and ehlB was twisted to a staying point. - no half-way tryst. Sbe must neMs go
weary. To eneb as these tbe tatlow- aad It was time to start lor the Greys'.: entirely over to the enemy, aad she tamp ot butter and a IIUJc salt. Alkiu ferent flavor from the, other splcri
Inc article from the Ladles' World The mattei"Of-(aet glsoees eontlnned. i prepared to do it gracefully. With as- It to get Jnst hot. and pour
ly over the toast. Thorooghly erUped
will prove a help la time of need.
-Yon fink Pm not going, don't yonr I mmed Jsanttneu she
late the and delicately browned toast makes s
OW-Fashionril Tnti
The Child Otohirala.
Bhe remarked, as she pralknd ovw to | presence. Blufiig down In tbe bowl ol alee fOondatlOB for-a poached or
Take six peuds of frah. five pounds
ta a child.' •»e door.
; * large Jardiniere that stood near th» scrambled egg.- creamed asparagus inxar. a bag containleg two large
C what to do with it, b a matter uf
mamma, ,"I do."
j manu-l. sbe tilled her eyes upward aad M varioos tklji^
abtospoosu at groend ginger, and


open- Tbe battle grew botler, the
tries risteg In proportkm: yet the icmperatorw about them all trended cerowardi. At length the father Ibutfered. quietly closing the door. Then.
taking both hands of tbe quivering cul­
prit In bb oa-B. he sat down and caIn
ly kxdted Into hU
tbe sobs subsided and tbo boy could
lift hU eyes straight up to his own
soothing gate.
"Now go and ask mother's pardon.'
be said; and turning, the boy went
straigbi to his task. Us air manly,
though the sobs still caught at

A blanc mange made with arrow
, root is delleatc and nowrlshtn^
Lemonade or acid frob prieM nUSened with griailae. tsro
of getailne to a coffee cap of Jniee
makes a nice dosseii.
Egg lemonade b a plcanat. noorishtag drink. Beat the white of one
add one labletpo xiful uf sugar.
Jniee of one leawn. and suaclem wa­
ter to flU a clasa.
For long troable aad InfiammaiioE
of the boweU flaxseed tea b a valuable
drink. Take a handfu] of seed, wasn
and place In a sancepaa with a pint uf
cold water. Cover and place oo
back of tbe range. Stir orien aad steup
ontil thick, taraln and nsc warm or
FOr lea use the best bbek lea which
can be procured, and make with i
ball if you have one. It not It ea
suecewsfnlty made by pulling a
spoonful Of tea in an ordlnary
irainer.. lioldtng it in a teacup anJ
slowly pouring butllng water from i
lea keule through It. £k-r«c clear,
with lemon and sugar, or sugar l

........... ... ......







AnsMftN edUtr-tCMt.

A Very Easy Terms Arruiref. Itev Pianos to Rent.

Orinnell Bro8.’Mnsic Hmise


Trarerse City Warerooms:

‘i ,

ISS East Front St.



Pages Tto 12

MO. 41.

Mar RaBoOB.

the bUM tbea preaeu tben to tbr
‘ SmaHpeue Caaa.
WhUe a MacUowor: wu
Joe. Uk- Ul nan. bad tbe Mu.Tf • J.l Mr*. Carolin* Be—id
7i y^». i
,h« —
• Slacder. Mkai_ Ort. n.-The M. E. eltr elerh who drawa up an order The h* of .Vieholaa Hare* of th«-1 broibem Tt.oma.*. Jam« and rh^rler T.“ lafK*^ hu ann. lu : .mv .te-d S^nda, afierooouat hi r b-..=ie ri thm. Iswead of soiig; oa the grand
^•Kb pananace at fOncaMr will which the major aigna.
, Ktjnler aerphborhood. Garfield i-;mn
thi, eliy. and Wali.T fl u ;.rf the wtwi,aje» ib.v t^v latter laitlalj »ia«r» «d iKrtri trabhie. Tb.^ foneralj the bandle atrart: the bor In the bbefc
pmbafair te rHrailt Ihii fall. Ttie mat­
Dondoa. however, it la aaJd. eeeured | tblp. ta anffvTing with unaJtp'iz. Tb«-1 (on of Eugene. Oregon.
I for Tf.wne, '
that bis na»f t- r H--# »•«>• held Tursdaj afu-rntaio! and hnoekt-d him down.
ter vlU b» deftalielr decided toalchi a blank check on the SUte bank. made, hoy ronunci^d the diaelae wbik work
In •.ides lhe;c K'iatives he teav. . '•. wa» •'.i-v eti.r J'H- To«6<*.
chick frniB the hone and (be! When the little fellow was picked Bp
at a mtetiss utd If a conuaetor car It parable to hImselL signed tbe name I lag la Garflf-ld toanthip and bis people wire-whii,lly« in Oam-tl. In.ltans. ! r an a!wb.rf on t:< ami and a Mar on,
as taken to Wiiliamtlxarg by Eii( was thonghi that he wna aeve««ty
te.a«enred wha wUl ruah Uie work of E. L. Sprague, who is cbainoan of: did not know what «u wrung with Oumun was the cnglr.e.r wha p-.:i,
bif Lin2. They l.t.i tgid il-e men or!
1- r..r burial.
J injured km In • short tlmo ha was
tbe ceniract for remodellat Utc bulLt- tbe board ot librarj' trustees, iodorsod ^ him. usiU a phyaieian diagnen^ ih
•li«- inta of slsieen e-«cht-i ot t • ill.- I.;ar, ihai duivnc :hu Fuotme lh<v I
■~* ■■■
! able V.I run ar<ain'! again and -gieddle''
Inc will Ife let without doubt.
U and got Mr. Sbermer to cash It. aar- cas<- yx-sierdaj. Tbe famil.v hii- i..-. c KulabiF Templar esrcrsl.m Into r
had l»-.-T wcrtlng on f-erj; : and t.t
lo ne Mab.-l Sharkey of Oar-|j,|, ^aper. to hi, snbscrfbera. T>e
Ing that It wa*ln parmvai for a net <if q raraetlneri.
rag', r. M-Bi:y qt'lhV- rate of a n;U- 1 rjoslag fnqa
.1.-1 ri-sx-rday atri^
to Mawaoke--. j
books bought br tbr Ubrarr.

l.Mer 4-a. a Unman, git'.- aai a conl j
ber h.«ae at tb.- age - . Th- signal was „i,, for (be fiyer to
Dr. A. K. TyMr aad Ulaa Ida NewTbe bank, however, «Uie<| (bat Mr.
Gunten School Reearf.
ral senic'K w.-sr Lc l.l' Pub- ^
thi otb- r a i.aiior. Their i
>'*-'arj. 9 mouths and 12 dayv kt.ip ai InierkK-bin as thgrt was aev.
land IMi on Sauirdai- fur Benloa Har- Spragne'had no aeeu-int tfaer«>. so Mr- "Thr fuilowing is tbe r>i>-in «f the
day at 2;Oe p, m at ib.- Iioniv irf hj.c *aanws hate j, u yit TA-u .li-rov.-red. i
Iht bustaand, John Shafk.-v, era- passeacra wbo wanted to oooto
- bar where tber were united in
Sbertner bolds tbe sack for tbe fSH. Cunton school. OarOrM icwn>hlp. mother. Mrs. James K <:;»h,b. 212’ WiinaB-sburi:. iVi. 1- —At j o*clck*|’'’“‘
*“•“ rhlldrea.
to this city na iu nh tbe train has bees
rlace MowiU}'- The eomnunr
After getting tbe moner the agen: momli euding Oct. 7;
Wert Seveath street. A larr.- number-'lhU mrtO't.i fuor Iswu '.lad^d with!
*'‘*“tb* wTtltjr will be.beld Fri Slopping on signal tbe boy wa* siandperformed at the borne of the brldea paid bis board at the Wbliing and <!i<Sumb*T ol'P'H'lls enroiw. :;<i.
of MAods and rvlaiit.* *<re pn ..e;:;mnrchiYe Man-d Vi;; t.. ..ri.;, for ih“
altvrnocm ftotn the borne at i :- iBg cloacr than uanal on this htoount
aiater. After a weddla* trip, the hapr>r appeared. his wercabouu being y.
Average daily aiu ndan;-.
lo l*ay ihi-ir last iv.‘p.vtK bn: tis ►!«.; bodi<-i oi th- ikiinr -nirn .-appe-c-d i..
lnt.Tm«u will b- in Oa. • hot the uafti came riirtit along trifbotu
- eouMe will be at bone to their frl«d» onkeown.
.S’ami'j of ibuse r>-ii!i.T tardy nut ti-rs. Mrt. Etta Wbli.- and Mrs. J.-isi,-:'tave !-.■<.« cirownc-d ia Hound lak.-:' “"**
Marking speed in tbe Iran and the
ia OiU eltr.
The Ull for the books was |29. .
absrm during the im.iub. Perry Bar i'iiUlipK. who are in .Masltcwoc, tV:.*, Sunday.
Aiibouih the ’ boats are!
would be passengers bad to takn tbn
Dr. Trier U a riaiac rouoj: deaUat
som. Clmrik' Ran«i--;i. C..orgie itrak-. aad Xlrr. B. J. Morrau. on arcojui .of eqsipped with grappling t. ioks andj
n.-xi train tn.
and duriDs the time be baa been prae.Tailc Weese. Graev t;ilU<.
a Death.
illn.m of ii< r daugliK-r. anil h.v' apparatus-frum Trav.lIcdaE here baa made maar frienda
“iBkt When tbe -flyer- .
Tta.-^lier. Ollie.liir.l-a:i
TbompsoailUe. Mich, Ort. 10.—Mrr
iirnih.T Wal’.-r, whii Ik m* ' b** betin di«r-:ver<-il m> far
Mlm Newiand aiao baa a larce eiu
Livlagvion county psoblhliioitlata
Jane Hallen died at the home of her
-----------------------w.-rv iiBSbly Ii. be piH-si-jit.
This aUeniooB. the nafvit is iM-Ing
of frioiida to with ber bapplaeaa Thee danghier. Mrs. Arthur Laing At |
' have put up a foil county litArt for
®wd ef Supervoers.
Mr. (iuniun ira: a lla.-c.n. hat it *s rtinuurte-l among tbe ru^c* on the Init-riia’h.-a the mail clerk threw
wUl reeide on Blxtb atjwct.
Thompsonrlllo at t.ZO Saturdav after '
Moodaj-s Kecord.
lh«' .il.jlrv of hit w-if.- to have a qnl.-t • ‘'.>rihva«t sId.- of ihe lake ii':l no trace! the usual bundle . f p»,w for the the first Ume In a number of yraiu. ,
noon, her death being dne to beta-1
imiH-miiors Is hoUing funeral, and Ifw that reason the Mbei-o f(»und.
Strike ta Ended.
orrhage of the brain, sbe having beet.|“*
• onlc lu-rvlce wa« tnu lu-vl At th*-!
. scarrhers rviurncd tat.- t!d:
A few of the alone maaont
suffering with paralysis for aome time «“»«“>«> »‘'rk Ik U-lag raveted and tl
festrti a trait of Mr. Guni-.a'. >.b<.w.. ***'« '““»"• haimg f-.rjid cothluc i-t
work on the CongregmUonal cboreh
Sbe leaves five dsughiers and one'S'?'
ing his chatwcicf. was revested. It
"I'i be centmu.-,
Mcmdar demanding of Oontrnctor
brother who is at Schaartt Creek.!
hit desire In life to aid thi- poor. *“*‘**'*
Wileon Are cents more per boor tbu
Mrs. Halletl fomerly lived in Locke.! * ewnmunkadon from the
and he always said that b.- wanted n.j ‘
-----------------------tber were recelrlng and albo requoaiUnion eouauv. and the remains will be
• synopsis of the last fiowers at his fun.-ral. -Use tluDeath R«ii.
Ing that their tools be
taken there today. The Intenncni will
»*» recehed and aUo asking money to help some one In g-,t!n,;
Mrs. Samuel .Midgley dl.-d at 1I:.t
The matter was settled and pan of be tomorrow.
** ***** *•■“ delegate.a;»iu.ln.- along." be would say. For this rva.-»a ThnrFday and the funeral s«-rvic.
the mra who quit hare gone back :o
led to attend Ibv next meelinK to be
Mrs. Gunion*t request, the Masunk- were hHil at !t.- S- v.'a'.h Day Adv.-n
work and the others will be replaced.
Registration Oates Changed.
® febmary at Lansing.
lodse at .Garrett did send flowers
church, corner of Tt-n;h and tVadt
Whether the InercMue was granted or
The dates of reglairaUon have been:
Can er, who nis ajipulnieit !o
that would worth streets. 1'nda.v at 2 p. n
not was* DM suted. Mr. Wilson is
ebanged from Ort. 11 and i: te iho 1’'*'*' ^ S, M. Brown, de.-.-a?ed.
have gone for that purpose In aiding The deceased was born -in Ensian
partag hla men what the union scale
J8th and tSth. ns the Uw fixes daiw t
**"^ ‘*®‘* ««tttuiit>*r as heW the pcor »f that city to purrtase win- aad came to the Uclicd States oalls for and feeU that it Is rather
nearer the eleetion than those already j *’>'
niatier of iwrchcsing
her husband in 1h7X She resided i
onjast to him to have to par even
annonneed. However, the boards of ■ **»*«>» cberk punching mnebiae
Mr. Gunihti was rerj’ popjlar »i:i: (Eantet euuaij-for s.-v<ut.*.-a years an :
more than the aeale and wiU replace
registration in the several wards will f f***«^-d l” * c«>mmtti«*.
Ms BFsoelaifs hud ' numb.T-d h;s for t-ev.-r»i >ear» !a tbis cUy. She i
' thoaa who do not care to abide by ibo
be in session in the places sutod In! ’ CoiniV- Mii^eror E. H. Allyn aske- fri.mdK by me hundred among his fei- survived 1 y her husband aad two chi
ihe official notice, and aH names will •
wr.rknin:. As tbe Uxly laid in the dron. Mrs, N.-;iM Purple, late of thl
Last season we took the agency of the Dunlap
be received, aad regularly recjrdd **<’“*«^
it arranged so urderiaklng rooms ip Garret, over tt»o cii.v. ac.1 Thoraa* H. Mldg!* /. propri
r St Cwlar.
Cedar. Mich.. Oei. 11.—Last Friday when the reglatrsUuD books ar »i »hat he could have secers to the books tilroad men called to si-e him *hl\-->ior ..f the Michigan SacUarim. Ka:
Hat for Traverse City. We took it because—1st,
OoMi Bnia. sold a hone to A. Donnar opened. All those who leave ihelr I “1'c3«‘y<y ccressan-. day or night. He
drcfsedin bis working
nmatuo. The Interment alll uk<*>** **>'*>*' aciion be ukeu:
there was a demand from our trade for a tine hat—2nd.
! and Saurdajr morning Mr. Dimner names will bo properly registered, bnt j
wishing to romshiber him a- ih' }'pla.-e a Ely. Emin*-t county,
: Totmd Ue borse dead, finadar nigh! IS the dates are extended It is likely “> P«»erve the FJTcrameci
knew him—one
because it-js the most popular, widely known hat in the
following resolif.lins wert
they put their other borse In the slcll that there will be a Urger list than if
The body was aeromjiacu-l to this
5tr.-. Joseph T Junes.
Jones. ' tnotjMT
'•uauIfBouslf adopted by ihebiurJ:
(be registration was confined
. Where they bnd been keeping
cJtj- by bis Bisti-r. Mrs. fYaak», ‘
i ly (he famr!
United States. The sale of these has been equal to
-Whercatf. Tbe 'late Saicu-l M his wife, a brother of
home that they sold to Donner snJ (wo clays tbla week.
wif.. Frank ! ’ * -'id' OC.- M Qul.-iey: Mitb.. Toe»,.l..;
Brown, supervisor of the Hrsi wari,
our mpst sanjvulne hopes.
fibti morning they found this borse
-Vu..- of Kalai&a-(.o. Kr-unk Linn of
*■ *•*'''•
Cam*} we.-t
Traverse City. repsricJ this life eer a nephew of -his wife. Frank **' Cievviand. Ohio, whi-tv they hn '
Blew Potato Market '
dead. On looking In the feed
Tbe potato crop In this region is Vic? »inci‘ tbe ia»t ait-eling of this Ca'r.isa. a H E U. «nginn-r of Gtrrc:.!
they found
tuiet..; t'.io widding of Mr. Ca:
parts green and upon exnmlnsUon rather alow in coming In this year, the board. Therefore he it
a f. lliiw workman .ri his. Mil Fred La-.
nicrv, ar..: are now at Qutnry
liemired. By the board ul supervi­ Flare, a on
It was Mead to be paris greea. cold frosty weather being a setback :o
Karo.- r.rad ;’'h* y u ill ectiini t.. Traver-u City m-v
Or. Pralick examined the horses* stiun .1 and aomc of the later varieiln will
who had run with Mr. G.jiikjo.
and found tmoes df the ptdsoe iaffm*. Out In Ihe amall sumiundlng Ihe death of Mr. Brown the board har
Mr. Genton was with the 5t £ O.
Til. fun. rill uertlctmif Uic Jtie J.dit.
thmwiap .Thera is no elue. The borse townt the prevailing price Is fram lost a valued aad honored rt .-mber. ten year., ninniiiq oui of t;s:r-:
sod the cUy "J
and cocniy s ;;:ci *“■'
and “I"
up■V-r:-r-Ka- I--ur TltHMla. from th.
tbsT dtsd iMt was ralosd at tlU, the twenty to Iwemj -five cents, about Tho i »“«
v-Mi-r.r.-; Ibi. J. Ihcis of N'urthiwirt
line as In the city, and few ace com-!
«»“ «“*' • “**•**'1 **>': I’-*''**' m'
, other one noi eo much.
■itiiiaijug. JTdny; liora! offer
Then ku hedB a namber of valu­ ,g tn at that figure.
au- wi"v It .-vidm.:.'. rtJUlJiicuoijs
■n»e white potatoes are Iho ones the'
That we
able dogs poisoned here and it the
imi.:;:: wh.i li i-.u-; a lian.lkOtnC pl.i-s
«StHa demand, especially the raral-.l “ “
' partlea are found out this will be
Three Men Missing.
;1, .-•vn.loj .•’rh:..r..f wbi, >i i>«

>WT warm eonnur for them.
The world over for the Derbies or Fedoras.
Williainsfliuri:'. .\IJrli.. i).
lu.- ik- • •ijivrint.-nden;.
cepied by most of the bnyers.
pie in 111.’ vii-luityof Hari..-.- Ci.
■ Hesolvcd. That thesi- rcsolnllonx W
what the crop will be in comparison '.<

OsMh of C. r. KHMialL
IVIlliaijivbiirg 4re^s.*ar.-hing i
eeri;ril6, puMlsbeii In the tile
Fife Imke. Mich.. OcL ]!.—C. ?. lasl'yesr few buyers care t pTpdlcI
, j.ct.
:Huintj papers and u copy ss-nt t.. i*
UmhaB, for many yaars a leading resp.ej'4 f> liai.’-ti^
.•'■irfifi-. .;ri
Although there has been much rain I i-‘T*'»'ed famUj . *
Hsat of Fife Lake, died at hU home
1. tari^ru.Kui
thm this anoti. He bad been In tail- for the past week or two buyers (bluk :
' truni
. .... Muskegon
■ nfiiTtuKja a' u.fl*
P- ^ Carver.
Ing bealth te a aumber of moeiha and ft will not bun (he tubers, except In !
vii’k* 8«-' III itii: paia’-u s ; ir/anuan. Ti-- L
tbe end was not thtexpeclod. Hr
lOcalUles V. bore the grannd l.= I «• K- BrtfotoM.
the faiTO irf ra.-ar.i Cot .-i i .,r
Icsres a wife aad one son. wbo ta «n day or heavy. In the sandy soil the.-! .
Cr^k. Ycst.-r'.iay ih.-y iisik a i
caged la tbe fsaeUce of med/^e ni srill be as good as
and.rowi-d to Uapiil (*iiy. tianli!i; i
I From Tuesday's ReeoiM.
fVe Lake.
A pKul deal of the time .if the b.iar-1 alioul 5 la the afi., Nui n ;
‘ Mr. Kimball had held a number of
Home From Irclsnd.
Mr. Cox bi-cauK- ouxloiis i
(if aupenisort is Ik-Ihr devoted »i
BMeas oC public irasC bMng for
ralrick* Burden and wife, wbo re- cotrmltice work an.l Konie rouilno sianod out the flr.-l thing ibi: ru­
time saporrianr tor Ftfe Lake town­ torned Monday from a visit to Ireland.
work. The commiu>". t.. whom wa>- ing to look for tb.TU. The empi. Ii
ship. and lattice of the peace for a
and and England were aecom- rrfcrr."d tbe matter «if imreba-lns au
found .on the nonheuK .-.•lor.'
number of terms, holding that position panled to this coun'iy by Mrs. John
Abb.'ti ch.-.'k tnachlo.- r.‘i>orie<i favtw- the lake, nrar the i-Qiranc.- to T.>
at the Unie M hit death.
Karns and her brother, l^trick Raf­ sble to pureharlrg the ciseblne river. li wa* right side ilp but ti
in iocn] good goven- ferty. wbo will make this country their
»ln. 15 of ibc arao-jDt to b.- paid* by
“■> «'«• anchor wa..
wnt and WM a member of tbe town- home. Mr. and MM. Burden were
the romiiany allowing ika'i much <o j'*“*’***'» **“•
*•<’*» liad l*^*'n
- ^Ip board aad tbe ocbool board sev- gone Bine weeks.
the old machine, making the macliin- and ib.n righted. Tho boat .
«ral tenet. He was highly emeemed
Thej- went to the old «>uniry on the
A RECEKT SUCCESSFUL PURCHASE enables oi to uve jron from S6 to 36 per cest. ee rour
Tbrtr reppri was nrccpi.’ place whi-fv It l« ihonghi il<
and the news of bli death will be Aeamshlp Celtic and -there was one
could not p-.->li.l> hi..Ski:i, Cloak or Fur, nght in the heart of the season. A visit to this enlarged department
. heard with ragrel by his friends death on board and one man wen)
will convince jon of the fact.
Jlcv. Demus r.ifMin and F; HcmM roachlcg e!iii:<-.
throughout Uw eounty.
On tbe reinni trip they came nou «d the CongT'-gationa! chiir.-U a|>across on the Baltic. There was also prared before thi- board aed a.-ki.I iht- found, JatiH-s S-:’:aan came ii -v.i
AMen People Woddod.
a death among the first cabin passen-;
Clevetaa.1. ifcoiigh liie Hh-i- sr.
Yeatorday afternoon Brncot Coy and gers tbe third day out and the body mis*!un to nfo the court room f»r
supposed to live in Maskegor. Irom
< MMo GaUwrlne Mitchell, both of Al- was brongbt aerate. Tbe bosi com-! rhurcb terview nmi! the now bulldin.;
winch place sU came to, liari.. r
is completed. At the pr.-i;cn(
d«k ware tuitad in marriage at tbe
had nearly t.ObO
Ure'-K. One «! thl-D.-n was ralSunday rchoul U L.'Icr held i
BotM VhlUng. Mr. 0>y Is a member brt.. U I. «ld. »c oI ih. Urwi 10=4 i T„
.................... He wa* a Itrgr man. uclghing a !t
of the mareaatile firm of Coy Broth:
over :<’• i.uJtld', Tie Ihii,; III
«n of Abtoa.
Mr. Uruke. repr^-sesting f.'nlluhan A cane-i .\!. w.igS. ' a:->4t ITS po
MU frlrads nt Alden «nme to tb«
years old.
Co., appeared liefore (be board ma- They vrer- al'. a! -ini
train to aw blm make (he itart to this
ploa-sii'. re. pi r-table. apP-S!
tive to Tlffanf' Justice Gnidc and th.'
mai'.- themse
Run Over by Wagsn.
j matter wa* referred lo the_________
arrival at the truia and Mlsa Mitchell
tbe> ni';
was allowed to get aboard but as Mr.
WllUapasharc. Uicii.. Oct. n -The
Coy was about to get on teveral of the miles northwest of th.- city, met wtUi, Mr. Htrtltuan ap.R-ared before th*who went ■'>
board rcUiive to an Inventory of the l^.TthBt
men grabbed him aad wotud not Jci
him get aboard. As sexm as Ihe last afternoon about 4 O'elorti. sueUlnln?' «nmy p.-*>|.cny and In c..nn.cMoB Rapid City Sun In;, i-i a U>al and fail.- <
broken rib and very bad bruise*. - ,„fc ,he new bookke. pinK *»U-w
cscain J froar Rom;.! Ijke
coach went by they released him aa-1
he made a lively dasb for Ihe rear car. but th.T.- were rortunil. ly no Intcraal wt,eh ba» L«’p mloj«e.h Tire matter after ihc-ir bwt - * ovi-nur:..'-l
arc uaiidering tin
Fortanately the conductor saw him
n«w IrcTcv.-d lo I clI.TlIvety di~apKaya -wa* driilgg along ‘ auance. ways and meatw. ’
and stopped the train for him. dispeK;
ptovc-1 U£d it Is pr.icticaily c-nain
fag aome vliloaa be had of hiring a Bay street a tbe virinitj of the trarcli,
that the bodl. :- of ih - mra an- >-«uiv
'UveiT rig and driving to this city U
nally across j Mm. U. J Mugu and Mrs. Pronl. whe.-v wHl-ln thl- |3k.-.
' ‘Mme to be at bU osrn wedding. Howhis wagon^Meadson Thitrsday r.-c.iv.-d messages
Ab-Jiit 5 .•'clock Saa.lay ev.-nme.
-wver. -the boys,** eapeidally aome of the road tbe wheels
the Btarriad ones, tblnk ibis bMps to caught and slid sideways throwing him by wire announcing the <!i atb ot thvir which W8* -h-.-.-tly after the on-n ! n;:
get erta (or some or tbe pranks tb«y under the wagon, one front wheel pas*-' eldest brother. \VJIiUm Guiiion. la a left Rapid riiy. ri-ld-st of Snuih'*
auBerod at tats hands In days gone by.
Larding. al>u.:t two mile* from Rapid
the wagon be
his team•-to Qarrvi. Ind. Mr. Uunton tad been
w. called
—...,4 to -----------Lad;.iiirb «'a;i>--.
City, heard crii-s fi r help. Round lake
Sryl Pi’j*!!. l;-, icib *
i»9 aad Jt came to a standstill with i.>cgn;oi!ve ongiae»T for thirty year*. was-vcr> rough an.l there were au row
Atee Allessd Fms«e.
U la alleged that T. J. Condon. the wheel stUI oa hi? chcii. The man's He fjrmerly lived here and wa* th-' boat: avnUairi. The cries ci-arlcuod
Agent for tbe aaslgaeea of tbe Duaxioi father was oa tbe rig and before he ton of the laio Jaa. E Ci:su>n. w-bo some lime and tb.-n c-'afcJ. .tUom
Publishing eoBMiany. forged the name rtuild ahl fats son he bad to look down lied a I. w y.-ari
year.* ago. He came btrv C;J") a Vo:;.’ was bear 1 ot: oa the lake,
of R L. Sprague to ff check for Ui, ae: and esc which way to start the team.! :o atregfl (he funeral of his faih.r and one vtibc orly. again cr, lag fur h.'ip.
■skv. tr.a.-’
a!! wo-jl Zibi-ijo..
I capi'S. tilmr..".! w.ih fancy liircared the axmoy ftom Phil Sbermer. Ucsldw this be had several barren i »i that time announced that he would Aa.thi-Tc wtr.- nu au-inj oi rvaebing
- .....................I. «iab«
i Wry si-ri-.cuWc f.'i.iio garni.n'.
paid hit board at tbe Hotel Wbtiing of lime which be was taking home amt: In a few jrears give up the ral!roa.i .them, the people could do nothing.
trim«*^l, lined tbrouKhout. a regular 6S.OO i
sale price
and aklpped.
a very fortanately escaped biula.-ss asJ rotlro. Fri.-nds h.-rc wi:i rmalU the cric> ceased.
teadon has beea la the city seven!
riouji injuriw. Dr. Arthur Hol­ shairc the bervavca-.t-B: uf tbe rrlaiive.
Grappling bo--'i<s iriil be sea: from
days wiling tbe D
liday was called and did alt pusailiie If Mr. Gunton.
tbe Traverse City fire d.-panmeut toand ,was given an order for
set of to relieve the injured
aad the iwThe relathv* an* hi? jaoib.-r. Mr*. iV a-Yl tomorrow tcurning. a tig
hoaks tor the city Hbrary by Mrs. port thU morning was v«y tovoraMe! J. K. Gaaion. hi.* sisters, Mrs. R J. {iiny will go .lat fnvffi WUliamsbarq
Minog. one of the iritnees. Wbencrer and be was rertlng as quirt ns coold. Mersta Mr*. Fr.-mk Mrad*. both', UM make a thorough search fur the
kouBs are boogbl. the trustees andH; berapecied.
Jof this city; Mm. Jcaslc phWlps and! btoUto,






€loak Department






$4.98 and $2.98








I 18 Front


tme: gi-obi
;r,. - i :-.





Grand Trarcrsc Hciall

<Hu poaltlou of tract kad t
oOcMorbosor cadre
f a* Tnmw CSty taad« ao fpv mljUk«« Ac liac Tboodore
The Act of tke matter U that the
mor« oM -cuStM tte divsat*



I wiUi Ue fact .dur
aberre aU he ba« been sInceK. lumeat

reeeire the messase Mask faiinss to All Puritan Corsets are food, but sty).tbooe who hare ean.
170* is de^lsned for Oeuby vorneu.
.. To^ahle to lisien correctlr.
Price <>n< dullsr aadd <every pair w
TVi'.himw only the Rood eonpoaera . ranted,
and their music.
-On tbe Wlnai of the Mornlq*."
probably tbe tnosi thcilUoa .story erer
vrUten. will bewli in Tbe Detroit
j Journal OB Tuesday
! w m' aremi oemaBa^ auu uvm h i
___ ,____
them can be pnid with money. Ob. tl i
they joould all bt- paid fn>ra a <
filled .
You bare your plaao and for It yu;i
paM from 827S to
Money in »
way pays your t<iarbt.T for ee<larlnit
your ltfe.fl<*troy1nK eEorti. Musicbooks, board and riolbes are procure i
by jpdd. Nov, pm aside your pnr*..------- I HAVE and meet the arraur 'irmands in quit,
anoiber way- Music it
la peapetual and
demands your time. DrM a little. Imt
days, monibs and Iodr yean of coiv
Slant UU. It demands ibal*mBnc or
your friends loKeOier with many social

KTonnd in vbkliRebMli
wif for the (ood of bk eoontfT and bii
feliowfnan. Ha baa well illnctratad
ihic point la a tea of
of wbleb Is ctronser than the
worda. ’VIre to orery man a csuare
deal.” There u no worthy man co
humble that cannot bare the fritmdthip and Itie help of Theodore Koocevelt, r^ardless of nee. condiUoa or
color. There U no aoecUon which per­
tains to the public-t food, whlcb per­
tains to the ptospOTlty and prosrass of trarotln
it has bvoD erruncunsly r.*pnrtthe coanlry which cannot have the adcl that I have dlsp.isci et my
rocaey and support of Theodore
business, This Is luit irit.'-. rn
Rnoaerelt. Thei^n lies the eoUre tor those In 4f fit)- Where your <*>r.the
contrary ] am planning o
vcnlence Is
I alvi-D tile same altehcharacter of the man In a noUbell.
IiK-rease my ladlliies for a
have rcceivi'd.
Yonr first callers are Moiu'- .sicko- s-,
larger stock.
crerr Fatigue. DiscouragcBAnt and liar.'
Next comes Criilclim In all
a l.ig line uf
dliiea who lores a man of Intesrlty. -'aUUlg. and says to you. "It •>
a man of hoaor and a »Mn of action. gqoil of yob to lie b<-n-. yuu will be be SiMih a man we bellere should and At for all thk; but bav<- you obM-rred
will on the 8ib of Norember nest ole bow very tllVereei you are rruni tfcitain u orerwbelmlns majority ol culiurvft people in the Iwauilful home-*
the Totec of the eltUens of bis coun­ of Ala CltyT Your v.-ry walk l.v dlf
recent, your laugh Is harsh and vultry In all of whom without repard to
ctuivcrsation con»lKts larpsection or condition he rt>copnize
which is appaimp:." Un
and will hate Uctlcr ultracllons
. .
fur the careful buyer than i t-.-r
our high school!It bomc and graduate.;
Railroad Tax Cellactlon.
In Its siateinentB and charges rek- 'The world Is full of
tlTe U> state afiairs, the Detroit Trlb- ing and it U well, but you must
every at the great living facts init fmim!
tribute of fairness and la pay no at tHufci; yuu must observ e closely, ililiil,
much and Ik- |*at!eni." How strange
ion to the truth, lu recent aute It aU aeenui when you think of tl.e
i that the Biate was put in an
pmAe yon n-ceived nt home and conieomfOTtablc and humiliating poaiilon pare it wlA being next to nobody in
thronefa the action of tbo auditor, kcu
eral in faToring the raliroadi In the
latter of tax collecUou. Is entirely
false. The auditor ^erml acted In luring blmBi-ir that you are nut used
to thinking, but supposed that effort
the maUer of railroad tax colIectloBF without liKiugfal would bring ihe <nunder the advice of Attorney Ge
<lrod end, he m-ks you to stop playing
Blair, and the latter's legal aasocUlcs. and then euniei. your first grest ies.sou
Tbe stale is not pul in a position of* a -.'on have ever liad in m-jslc. He Khnwe
dalmant In the matter of tbe nnpaid y-ou that you are all wrong: that you
have Icfi out time, fingering, and even
portion of nUroad laxec. and It is played false notivs besldv-H Ignoring
further true (hat interest upon the phrasing; did not bear what you
amount due is being charg^ at tb( played, in sbun iirovcK to you that you
small In many ways and with a
rate of ana per cent per month. The xrc
look which you caniioi tniFioke. lell.aadilor was restrained from collectlnB vou lo try Again but to use your hoa I.
then taxM (hrongh an injunction is And now Ae baser elements of your
atwd from the federal court In Grand nature are moved: your resenuneui,
Rapids, and bis action from beginning anger, and even your ability in ssr
;asm A tried, bui with no avail. Kn:
N.-w fall and winl
to end has been In accordance with whti have you coni'-r Why all tiil< . r
iH-.Ki c.bTthe advice of Attorney General Blair fori on your pan. If nut to endure iliai
*2,:.''. earh.
nie advantage In this suit rests with you may pos»t-»s the art <rf Music? Ur.
returning to your rvKjia. rixH-K. ileji-ci
the aUte.
eil and hearisku. fnUcIsm cora.u. vay
The Detroit Tribune could have in ing. "Who an ihod ilmi <Are lo
Jb.y-»- caps, 1.V to 4b.- eweh
formed liaelf on tbls matter ibrongb wisdom? Von have llvwl thus loo bmp,
Ih.yK- hots. 4:k- io •;> earli.
AfiMry at. tbe attorney generU'a of A your home yonr sarcasm and selti^l.
Mi'd'h hat.o. tr>c III $> <-aci-.
ness was Oral endurt-d, and after lltat
flee or at ’ihe audlior's nfflee If It had xlw-ajH endured until II seemed right
. Men's ea|>». :.'.r to Ift .wb.
cared to make uae of the facts, but its
mother, father and fi u-nds shuuM
course thns far Ifarough tbe campaigi
resAi you. and so It Is that whsi
Lace curinins.
yards kii.:
a to indlcale .that it prefers false­ should bo a lovely nature is a-anevl
by !.4 liieh,-s wide, only Thood and misr^ireaentaiion.
ay appear."
Yes. yoti wHI “rise by the thlnjReport of Golden Wedding.
t'olluil lAllInc uii:.> -.1 |I :
lat are under your f«-et." Y«ni an ii.
I knew that 1 had many relations in Ae refining process and like the gm.i
this world but did not know that I had
so many frien^ until we came to lurile them to. They filled the house
foil. It was truly a golden wedding.
They left IS7.60, mostly in gold, be­ Tlie.r have left many Iwlpful Miggtosides many valuable picscnis such as tlons In you and you cannot turn Imrh.
hlusle is Harmony: to a-fle« it you
Able set ornamented in gold, a nice must be In in-rfeci tune; eyei.,
knit shawl and sofa cover fiagers. bead, heart and soul mu
tune. The long practice lioiirs; ih '
from Nevada by Cordelia MHler
and many other Aings too numerous bewildering heaps of studies: ibe <>»sk>nal word of praise. Ae staip erit
to meniian. and too dear to be furgui- Iclam from your teacher are th<- dally
ten; among them a gold watch and rounds of the ladder n-achlng up lo
chain. My brother from Nevada sent the unknown.
A yesi has i«ssed: two, ihr.-e, four
a registerod ieuer wlA AeU pictures,
para ha
but not A hit own bandwriiAgnhat 1
would know A the dark. I was so anx­
your work will be done in Jun<-For a Aon lime j ou <
Ynu are glad but saddened io think
ious A see who it was from after I
took it ont of Ae mall Box, that t sa; of leaving the place yon have k-arfu.l
love. Your whole being lia.- been
down by tbe side of ibc road, opene-l
it and read. “Many r^rets fur not l>e
vorld means far more than it dl i
vulateJ ♦
log at tbe golden wedding - I went four yean* ago. You have iwid the
home almost crying. Ylie morning of price and are admitted into th.- World
Beam-fill, is it sirange that your plat­
Ae goMen wedding he played one c{ ing of Ac mo»l simple thing? so far
bis old tricks on Ae old couple by surpasses your friends who "jnsi
walking A tbe back door with hA played a lltMc for their .«vn amuse '
broAer from Bancroft. After Ac pow mom." You have nut the narron-Ties
of music which ywi hati: y..ur'niliKl 1?
wow was over be said there was a gold developed and ,v<hi are different. Do
piece A Ae letter. 1 went back where] you regret your e^erlence? This «
of the cost ol music,
1 had <mened It ami found a twenty;
dollar gold piece.
Boyne witnessed an ititereetlnp
After we bad eaten a roasted pig.
ries of naiitrai phenomena Sunday
two chicken pies and roakt chicken
morning. Shortly after 7 o'clock the
Willi many oAcr good thAgs. a pro­
firm Installment of
gram was given Uy ibe, children and
fluUered earthward. Then Ac sun shot
grand-chlUren. Mr. OvAli made aomtout
from uniter an caaicrn cloinl. m*taappropriate ri-maAs.
in tallUng Aings over wc fu-und that mwpbnrtng the snnwftakes into ra.n
drops. And m
in the
Ihe western
wesii-rn sky os; roR Sal.E olt TIUD».XMvAere were 3S a’ our wedding and that
iHiauUrnlly arched rainbow, ir
elgh'tee* of Aem are now living after
ver «»
axis any truth
triiih in A?Ai-sui.E J u,.k. i-b
there ever
halt a ceoiury.
meet that there's a put of gvbl t*> IkAfter good wUbes Ae party broke
found where ihv rainlM>w ends, ii
Aonid have i>e*.-n verified Sanday and
jwc my friends an aptfiogy for not
reporting before, but King busy' here Monday. For th.- norA end of thy
matebleas rlrr;,- retted upon a boils
and there thy servant was gone.
top. Uiblng it with g:ory, and
W. B. Miller.
was sees through the
orlngs uf Ae arch of promise.the di»
bilDide, with its r<-udeaing leave?
This Bchw?
Plano and chorus
_______ _______ and green fields. The aame phenom
3rd, on second floor of tu.> tiew Wil­ eaon iiappen<-d again Monday, th.: arrh
helm Mock. One sixty-miunte leastm. resting npoB the same hoam-.
one dollar.

At the old Stand


A B.naDtAr. ef Mob

nUiTK p. oiAztsB. a


VX. E. BOSS, «r OUalco Omt7.
POT Xiatecd lha Mato Bainl U
{.OTBSS U WnOBT. <d iro





0BASU8 Jtnatsow


. o




itt. U J. TSUUjr.

for TWonty
la a report of the M«e«u oontr
teHdnUe .

i?;. - . :

the Bl« lUpMa BullotUi. It vac ataied
«bat Mr. lAntc «ac pmaaded to eparo
a few motnenu from his echoed to adErua the eosTMtlon. Laylas hit
wslah spoe dfe# taMe to he aare that
be did not fire too much of hlc tUne
Mr. rctric ctaied that UU waa the
tni Urn he had attended a eonreaties sroanctu la tweaty yean. Twenty
yepM'Aso he attended a deoMKraUc

° .


a. ■

Mr. Penis preeenu a very fine spe>
taele aa a iaader of a roform movem«« A whAh he eeeka A show repahDeans that their salraUon and Ae aal«»tiM of the eUA ream wiA him
akmc. Here is a man who has taken
•o-mUe AlerMt A the afiairs of his
home elty, ooonty asd sAte Aat for
twoBty years he did wot take part in
the eaucoa or coareBtkms. One who
wrfWfi on the pAtlorm that-pobllc
alAIn have not arn^ed hAa aufficteaUy to tndnee him to Uke part
^ ahapAg the afiairs of hk staio. His
work tor tweaty years has been tor
PirriB, wiA no heed to a aacrod pubHe PTMteae aad doty.
Tet Mr. Perris, who condpeU a Urge
Aatltate where young Americaa
and wonirm ate taught the
«E baiAeis ahd. Americaa‘cldamshlp
has not for twenty
e which are the foundatioB of Ae prlnclplei which have
made this aatloa the greatest A the
I Uke this Into
• oouidentAo wtiee they east their
hailou fer^ govenor of Uichlgaa.


Rcoeevslt as an laaae.
One after aaonier Ac various Issues
I Id the campaign have been taken up
by Ae deaoeraUe managen anJ
abandoned, as in every lasunce Ary
have proved a boomerang. There Is
mie issue, however, that our friends
rnmaMer vlul. and that is As person­
ality of
evclt. JYobabty
M A all hAiory have Ae acts and
nitermnass of any aAgle man been
haonghiWttt ao cAarly for asaminatioa
V>4 AvorilKaiioii as have Ae acts and
PrMmhA no man occupyAg tbe tari-!





le way.
sale at ail atatiou on first and third
Tuesdays of each taonih. Ask aaeats
for partieslan.
Worira Pair. SC Laula.
Ronnd trip tickets at low rates, on
sale at all ticket siaiioaa. Ask agents
for rates. Unit oi UAets and fall particnlan.

’ V^II oe t.r so.

For Wood Work and FuAituie whklv kv bccqm ' ojaned
If worn, when coated with Jap.a.lae it reacOTed-aoil IriaaiiI'led. For screens-. Brilliant Black lap^.Lac (M^ongt tbe
Life of wire doth, and other etdon us^-Dirtfar
--------—■ frames
them look as good as new, also eaceSent to brtgbteo up
Wicker-Ftimtture. Rringemors, lUaotevn, 0.1 Clotbs and

Not Sold Out

Bopdtils Prtpand Paints
F« all outsi.le or iiuidc painting.

E. ttlait (t Sons




H;...1 le y a

Kle Ean Give Vou


The best for ihe price in


<-iiu> ami luwn- iii th.- I'nli.

217 E. FRONT ST.




Feed, meal. Bran, middlhids.
Corn and Oats
\Vc buy nothing but the best grain and you get the
pure article.



N.-a ..ii i.a:.- at our sf.i

For this Week.

the Hing of the Bell
Proclaims the opening of
the fall term offichool.
Yon doubtless know
that this store carries all
the kinds of Text Books.
Slates, Tablets, Pencils,
Pencil Boxes, Pens, and
the like that arc required.
Wc always want your
trade. School districts
are requested to make
this their -trading place
for SuppKe*. as we make
ii a special object and to their advantage' to' buy here.
We give cash or liberal exchange for any Second Hand
Text Books, used in this vicinity.





Mail Orders’Carefully Filled.


£fty Book Store


75c I

Tlie Gasli Orecei


Rettlcra' Farce to the Sewth and Rwlh. i

Walkdjv.-r -sh.K'- fir nnicely a< a g .-..! gl....
•ii-- hand an-l if.-. r...ik ,v- .
.all I'-aihers lur all u.,.:-


Gelatine company ready for bustn. b»
To taam more of the Great TbougM t UacatawB bay.
which caases notes and sounds to be
tKJO. U)dw hwt stair of eultivaTioe,
-------[..Kl frw BsrWM BsrvUwmc.
with IsTf-*—s------ , .
To know Ae path over whlcb the
Art bas come to us. Us history. expori-,
coce and Influence (or good.
To become acquainted with Ac Mas
whose lives bsve been given lo
ic tiMdo.
think as the, did:



^ «

Wl.i-c- WsIk-Oi.-r. are n .- . xf.:.d ly .v.n ;L.P„,.,i
Air,, ih-> ar—.-.i.I «i i..|i
ul.r i,r.c

Seller of Coed Shoes.

■ill It.

j.1 .

t.ots of style for the prin-. All the
new lasts. Cacc and button.

$3.50 and $4.00


Cnwnt O/p, tnkh.

----------------------- ---------------------------------------- 1-----------


Elgin C. Lewis,

BOMK .vBjicm rwTOica tbk acbool

BebtrUBiuhtf e»„ Pnp$.



i 30




Patent Leathers. \ici Kid, Box and
Enam<:l Calf. .\s good as most S-i-00
shoes soitl. ^■ou get them of

’ z

0 Zm

Franb Friedrich S Co.


242 Frut Street.

The New Stand.





- mjm

<iir Col Ulml« TIk DOMB.

M toe* endtot OM. H. toto




this week 2,900
s as aoton at the cemetery.
g Long Lake Carmen who are
0 more Into the


Hebert has hougbt the Interest
pnitper, A. Richard. In the Hotel
and wUl heraafur oowtoet
hdtdl aldM.

i Dana, wni laave this weMt for
ralBS. OaL. on aemmat of Mra.

g to bnni of Jnlltis Ctompb pmperty to betog done thto tall
I tbe ana waU aad eeseai walk
I ha pot la this fall 'prepantory lo
*• r next aprtag. tin property
a Rut Mth «( Knheek

^t baa baaa rapurtnd that J. K. Mar
\ tbs ieweter, baa atdd bit tanlThlt to not fhe cate. On the
ry. Mr. MartteMi U mpartog to
I add new hataraa and h larger
Br la a abort Uma.
^W. A. Dean, aa arehltnet df Trarerae
V. to making plans tor the redmildft er Mrs. C. W. Ooaat's three
^dlagi oe Rirer stredt. which were
ftned moeaUy. Mr. Deen was Is the
ft today. The new plaaa embraee
noma on the aeetmd Boer.-BM. ftay-i Uaatoiee Newt.
, Tho new dodt .Uaa at the We^ecI dab hat been (lied la to a ant: depth wILh sand aad after
r of top toll has heea pot la It
■ded with graas. maUi
roveaeat ter neat j
e wilt be a meeting of the board
[. dlreetofs tbla evealBg to ooaalder

. M. Blliott at Loag Lake repewu
IW the sreather has had a bad Imftnfteoa the con crop. While hatklag
4aa uMameaced. the eon to not yet
Hpmed and to left to the leMs
nadw tbe ahoeks. belag too green «?
be oribbed. His neighbor. J. M. Bast.
toBorta that hto eon has ripened nlc».
ly aad be has a good crop.
Tbe Weekly Hitmbdt Times of Bu(aka. Oallfonto. or neeat date, eon' (bias a compnhaasive and taterestlng
e by Bapertnteodeat Fraak
Kpeetka of tbe Hoopa ladtoa reeerrs
ilia, tor the:
• Tnrem City boy. aad
ft BBay Meads here wiu be ftd to
blmw «< tbe grant sneeras he has mM
lb bis work as
/ die Caltfcnla ladlaiu.
'I -<«aotabto^^^ wedding took place
V ft Chicago tost wedt when the
'ftfter of Praaideot Harper of Chiftgn naiveralty was married to
Cftrlea Berfbaer Baton, a proasliuat
ywag Chteago lawyer. Mr. btoa to
a eonda of Utoa Lacy D. Lewla. aad
bbk rbdled aevenl aammen at her
■ignwimil entxage. Mtoa Lewis was
wbftUdittbnd the-wedding.


A. D. Miller and Jaaea Miller went
neodorc N. Blcr, formcrir «t 8*sisaw, hM cone Ip lonu In Trmvene to Haicbee Craaalag thto aoralac for a
citr vltli hU tuBilr. Mr. BUer teld TtoH with cowtoe.
WUUaa Macooa and wtfe went to
Maatotoe thto awraiar aner rtoltlng
th^ daaahur. Mrt. J. V. Melatoah.
Mivi. Aken brtna tbe HcmM a
Mtoe Marr Kroapa went to Neah-ulatBn branch of clBDaMM raaea la f«U
Uopok. and with a larce auaber <4
Mra. H. BTXAapiln. who baa baea
bada. It to a rartotr of roae whtob to apandlnt
Bf tiU eoaiaer wlU her paroalr nppoaad to btoaaoB la Jane enu. Mr. and Mra. Betoh of Bast Bay.
aaaOBc the aarlleat racM.
has retamed to her botoe at Naabrllle.
Mrs. A. T. Bbook of Elk Rapids to a
I Team Wan.
Trarerae CHy rtolur today.
Iha Ttper foot ball Uau of thto d(y
M. H. MattaoB of Kewadin to la
was defeated at Tbonpeoarllle Satar- dty today.
day aflemooB by a nora of » to 6.




rdor^Hmrru MloKlKmrs*to

Prom Moadayto Record.
Mr. aad Mra. C. H. OocA of tbe
ap about SM feet and drappiof about B'ylie Cooperage oonpany of later300 yards froa where be started.
locben. Ttoitod friends la tbe dty over
Sunday aad returned home thto moreUnion Takes the Banner.
Union towaahlp to sUII the "bnaner*
Dr. aad Mn. J. O. LaCore of Be moving there from tbls city, aad Ur. I
ownshlp. There are orer a dosea Rapids pa^ through tbe city this Tbom will ukc charge of a groceo ;
Roonerelt and Fairhnaks atreaaiera momlng on their way to Empire for a store there.
SoatlBS cm tbe breese. and they are
Mrs. A. J. Cmgo, formerly Miss Ms>
sUII la the banner tnlslnit business. In
Miss D. Laboau went to Ukc Ann Winters of this dty. left this momlDr
fact, they think band work to too slow, this Boralng for a visit
for her home In Springvale after visaad are uslnc traction enitnea to lift
Mtos R. Harrington went to teton HlBg in tbe r:ly.
poles, two belan ereetod la that
Mrs. J. E. SdIU of New York sutv
bis momlng after vtoiUng friends to
way on one day this week.
and Mra. H. Ooorge of Penasylvaata
the city.
George Payne and wife hare ro- retamod bone ibis momlng after rtoNew Bualnea Manat*f*
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Smith and
inreed frtMi a dsii in Detroit and
Aa iBportaat i^nce in local l^other trtendy.
MS dreles to that whereby. M. B.
Mra. C. S- CowLTi weat to Aldcn thli
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Reddy will leave
Hamer of the Petoakey mnsie •to.'e. Friday for Olca Arbor, where the, will; nfternoon to aUond the wedding of
between now and Dee. l. will dispoee
Miss Com Cummins and A J.. TIdUll |
make their home.
of hit ectenslTe tmeloesa Interesu in;
Mrs. J. M. Blakeslee and-Mls. Grab |
tbe elly and will retaore to lYaverw
Spencer have returned from a visit t-i
*"'> ‘'“*toess trip,
City, where he will assanc charse rf
the former Kimball store, says the PeMrs. Rena Luton went to Koystoac'
ar j
loakey Newe.
.hu -vor^iBg u>d will return thto even-1
‘a «*•' «■'«
f«*r u |
Thto change comes as
tislt with her mother. Mra. Sarah J.
Ing and make this city her home.
to Me Hamer for the valuable serA. I). Miller of Nevada left thto Newman, 10^l Randolph sireoL
i^oes aad nteriUMioua work rendered
Miss Caroline lUdikc of Chicago a.-momlng for borne after rtoitlng In the
by him in the pest to the Kimball coni
city. He will go by wap of Flint and rlvcil la the ciiy this afternoon for a
paay. TA*hlle be will sUII coaUnne
visit with friends.
the 81. Louis fair.
hare charge of the buslnoai Intereeta
L. H. Gage returai<d this aftemoon [
W. J. Miller and wife.
of the company In thto torrltory.. he
by hto moiber. Mrs. W. B. Miller, wem from a rtalt la Ann Arbor and otb?r
wUl make his hendeuarten at Trarto Kalamaxoo tbls momlng f<w a visit. pla'ccs.*
Chy, where be srill conduct a
Mrs. O. P. Carver and Mls.8 Minnie
Norman Hill went to Cadillac thto
general music store. Serenl .met
Wall left Ibis noralBR for Bay City
moraliig on
be employed by him to cover thto ter­
mIs. Bessie Horton went to Detroit i " Ho»cBSte. to the Stste Fcdera'tloo
ritory. as well as others, and thbaih aad Chicago thto momlng after a visit;
Women's Club, from the Ladles LIUr. Haraer will make hto home to
•------ ---------and Mra. W. 1> TurTnvene City be will sUII eeatlnne
Mr. and Mra. H. L Fish left thto |
-*■ *■'
bis buslaets aad aoclal relailoos with
UteAVomsu's club.
morning for s risit la Grand Rapids.'
Petoskey aad rietoHy.
Mtos Elisabeth Hendricks, who has
Adrian. Toledo and Bay City.
Ur. Haraer baa made tor himaelt
Mias'Matilda Hlnshaw of Nonhport | ‘x*"
»>er parents on Ea«l
rmiuUUon In the musical world and
nassed through the city today on her i
^ Angeles,
while he goe not entirrdy roluntartly.
wav to ttodlllac.
] cal . today.
m be can not well afford to refuse
pttmoUoD which tbe change
T-. Fron. D...h,
momlng on a business trip.
daughter had aa almost
means to him.
A. L. Joyce will luve this evening
„f whooping cough and
Both Hr. Haraer and his family will
branchltto.'' writes Mr*. W. K Havlbe missed by their many friends la th* IT Milwaukee, where be will attend land
of Armosk. N. Y„ -but wben all;
n of the NnUonal
dty. who will Uriah them the best of
•(her remedies failed, we Mved her
Association of Bottlers.
snoceas la tbelr new borne.
life with Dr. King's New Discovery.
Mr. nhd Mn. H. U Woodworth of Our niece, who had eonsumotlon In an
i,awrence oounty. New York, arc advanecil stage, aliso
guests of ex-Mayor W. W. Smith. Thcy derful me<:irlDe and tmlsy she 1* |>eiPmm Friday's Record.
bave relumed from the west, where fectly well." Drsporaic throat and lung
disease* yieki to Dr. King's New Dto
W. J. MUler west to Boion
they have been enjoying a two montbs
moratng oa a bnalness trip.
pleasure trip. Nr. Woodworth to proud earth. InfaJi
A. B. Porter retamed to Did Hlsof the fact that he to a mident of the SAC and $1l.At) bottle* guaranteed by
tkm thto morning after a bnslBcaa trip:
county in ihc
In the city. He to retnralng by boet
Ualted Bute*.
to Bowen Harbor.
Mr. and Mr*. Fred Grelllck relumed : ivcttl.leni ot Mtwlry village dc-p-i
B. B. Hibbard left thto morslag on
yesterday from Chicago on the Mto-;
«.vory woman as i*oun.l matter to
a budneta trip to Wexford and Onesonri after a pleasant btaeymbon trip, j
rid of cow nutoance
Mtos JuUa Nolan wem to Grand Rap­
Mrs. Jennie Klgnr returned to her
id* thto momlng where she will lake a
Brake into His House.
borne In imngtoo. Ind.. after a vtoit
coarse In BaUerworth boepital an^
in the dty with reteUves.
fit heraeU for a nnme.
; robbed of
Mn. Maty Fbrtim of Ollto Pier
R. Sebomberger went to Honor this Invastnn ofchroiilr ronsiipaMon. Whei
Dr, King's New Uf<- Pills broke Ini '
pasaod tbrongfa the dty thto momlng
momlng on a business trip.
bis bouse, bis trouble was arresied
on her wny to Boyne City, where abo
Jno. r. Oil has relumed from Chi­
He's entirely ritred. They 're
pd lo
I guaranteed
i mn'. ?.*M' Bf .lotinKjin
Bgln Honghloa went to Kingsley
J. T. Hannah and Chat. Proebazka. j ^
this morning.
Jr., relumed fi
St. Louis. Mo..j
Mra. Kate Riley returned to her
where they have bceu sltendlng the
borne In Mayfleld tbls momlng after
world's lair.
rtoli la the cHy.
Ensper Bagley and wife of Miles
From Tuesday's Record.
Grove. Erie county. Peoamlrmhla. re­
Mrt. U Soul. Mra. J. 11. McGougb.
turned to thdr home thto momlng
Mrs. Mike Uiaey. Mra. F. Goodrich
after rlslUag J. W. Smith and Homer
and Mrs. h>ank Smith have gone t«
Home of Aone.
Be indusUiotis.
SagiDaw to attend the aonaal meeting i
Mra. R- J. Macdoanid of Columbos.
Know his business..
of Ihc grand chapter. O. E. S. Mrv.
Ohio, retamed home this mor
Utney go^ as a delegate and Mn. McSpetKl a little Icssihan he cams.
after t^lUng her parento. Hr. an>l
Oough to a member of the Jurispr:Place his uvings in a tale de­
Mn. a J. Morgan. She was accom
donee committee. This to the thirtypablod V Mrs. Morgan, who will vtoit
pository at interest and tnccesf
ninth grand annual.
awaits him. $1.00 will open an
Mrs. Jacoue* and Mn. F,. Mobiu
AlUs Sdadle went to Thompwere called lo Provemont yesterday
account in our Savings Depart­
soBvIUe thto morning for a visit wi:h
aRornoon by a telegram announdus
Interest oompoumted
tbe serious lllneM of tbelr mother.
twice a year, j'oar money is perVictor Petertyl has retnrenl from a
Mf. and Mrs. C. C. Slroog left thto
feml)- safe, you tlon’l have to
Mlaem trip to Chicago.
morning for Rapid City to attend the
(%arl«a Roaeathai has returned to wedding of Hiss Cora Cummings and
wait to get it, its here when you
the city trass a baaineas trip to -Chi- A. L. TIbald.
want it:
Mrs. B. A. Halre. who has been the
The dilest anti strongeat
J. R. Willett of Glen Arbor U In the
guest of her brother. Tbos. T. Bsies.
dty on a buslaeaa trip.
bank in Northern Michigaiu
and family, for some weeks, loft luday


for her home in Bctoonl. Mtos. She
rom Saturday's Record.
will spend a short dme in Chicago cn
Mra. Charles Gonscr «IU leave this nrate.
evening for Charlevoix to ioln her hnv; Rev. Lemuel a Btoseil toft thto
band, who to agent there.
momlng for a three-days' absonce
W. A. Helm retamed this aliemoon Saginaw as
r to (be 1
Traversa City Markets.
Frank Votruba irtumod thto afier-. He will address the synod on "Evanfrom a business trip to Detroit, [geltom to tho State.'
Rev. Hugh Ktsnedy
ly rmuraed
rmnraed from,
There will be a special meeting of, g«sr *««*. rotorasi i»*w)
Qrawn thto afternoons afier delivering the UnHorm Bank. K. of P. tonight SSSsSravT'!^:;;:::;:
address there thiss moraing at tbe j for work. Rcfreshmenia will^be served.
oo*nseAn-i Mrs. Julia Cole aad four chUdre-i
ihority of Holy Bcriplores.heft this momlng tw Aberdeen. Wash.
Robert Walter went to Fite Lake
Hr. and Mr*. Boy Monroe and two
thto mtiniBC oa a bnrihem (rip.
^Mren left thto momlng for CbeboyMrs. J. W. Bewtactna went to Grand
RapMa thto momlng for n ritIL
2. T. Swaa went to Manevlona thU
emnde Pulver went to Baatmlt Ov! momlng aa bralneaa.
ash.p«fewr*t............. .................
thto momlng tor n visit.
[ R s. Prau went to Grand Rapids
**......................................... 1*"
Mrs. M. Sperry went to Fife Lakejtbto moraing on a bosines* trip.
this momlng after a vtoit In Ue rityj Mr. and Mra. O. B. Weto* ot Reed
' '
srlih W. 8. Gray and family.
i city retamed boms thto momlng after |
Wni Kaauer and the Mtoaa* Brat- a toar-waeks' vtoit with retoilw
rriee and Marie Welch ratnraad to KeswkA.
thcdrboatolaStrattord. Ofitarto. this: F. M. Thom, wtte aad ehUd went i.,
Plfr Lake this moralag. They nr-...

Traverse City State Baak




A Word About Fall Dress Goods
New Rgiire Fuhioa

We arc promised a crisp, early fall. We are
prepared lor it with ihc crispest line of Dress
Goods wc ever displayed.
BROADCLOTHS—always elegant, more so
than ever this season, since they are fashion's first
choice—soft draping Henriettas. India Twills, and
other soft finish fabrics—long passe, but through
the dictates of fashion now hold an honored place.
ZIbelines—mannish mixtures, and novelty .cloths—
extremely good. too. 5<>c to $2 yard. -»
MOHAIRS—The demand for mohairs has in
no way abated. Fall mohairs, in both fancy and
plain, with their shiny, silky, long-wearing surface, Af
arc most excellent,
excellent. especially
csDcciallv for the shirt waist
wakt *
suit, and street wear, on account of iu bard,
smooth finish. Some splendid new ideas are
shown in the fancies, c 50c to $1.50 yard.

Fi^t in choice of colors are the burnt orange, onion brown and deeper
tones of terra cQtia, and the myrtle and bottle greens. Browns arc in ex­
ceeding good style.

All the new Trimmings arc hare and in such a variety that to decribe them is beyond us. It will suftice when we say they are far prettier
and in greater variety than wc ever had before. Especially rich and
handsome are the jet and fish scale bands, collars, etc. Wc arc also
showing a splendid tine of lace collars.


Capture everybody. If you can sit down to a table filled with all manoer of good
things, you forget all the seeming troubles and arc just happy. Wc do our best to
aid this happiness in our grocery department.

All Ready Cooked

Soinciliing for Breakfast

Potted Veal, Hashed Chicken, Pressed
Pigs l-ect, Vienna Sausage—Corned Beef
— Lunch Tongue—Potted Ham—Veal
Loaf—Corned Ham—Hambcrger Steak
— I'rankfurters—Chicken Loaf—These
arc the finest canned goods ever put up.
Don't the list make you hungry?

Force—KornKrisp—Ccrca Nut Makes
—Malta Vita—Grape Nuts Tr>'-a-Hita
-Eat-a-Biscuii—Cream of Wheat—Brit­
tle Bits—Ralston Breakfast Foods—Neuirita—Pilsbury Vitos—Banner Oats. Roll­
ed Oats—Shredded Wheat Biscuits—Lin­
coln Oats.

All Ready Baked
Graham Crackers-L nceda Biscuits—Sponge Lady Fingers—Animal Cookies •
Champagne Wafers—Brent's Water Crackers—Athena Wafers—Nabisco—Orange
Gems—Frosted Creams-.fava Coffee Cakes~SuIt«na Fruit Biscuits-Fig Newton—
Elgin Cream Biscuits -'/.u Zu—Jinger Wayfer—Butter Thin—Cheese SandwichCheese Straws N'anilla Wafers—Mary .Ann—Ginger Gems—Pretzels-Sultanas-iced Coffee Cakes—Sugar Squares—Cream Crisps—Cracknels.

More Good Things

Fresh Bread

All kindsof Olives Snider's Salad Dress­
ing—Deviled Olives-Oyster Cockcml
Sauce—Snider's Catsup Mixed PicHes
—Canned Salmon—Pure Horseradish—
Mint Sauce—King Oscar S irdincs—Clam
Chowder—Pork and Beans—.-Ml kinds of

Baked fresh every day, whole wheat,
'Graham or Rye. Order with your
groceries and save all trouble. What
about flour if you want to do your own
baking. We sell the very best made.
Supreme—Mauri or H. L. & Co's “Best."

Want a Coffee Treat
Ever tried our particular blend of Breakfast Coffee—Mocha and Java^'ou don't
know what good Coffee is until you do. Then we have the Ferndcll Brand-three
grades—each one the best for the money vou ever bought. The “Park Place
Special” has made us many good customers—Then wc carry ten oi^er brands, in
fact we are the Coffee Headqu^ers of the city.




Grand Traverse Region.


• iwt al^t made ft
tiad for
Mr» Cole l> able to get aroond
**««. Hald<?r*aii Bad thlldrea will
go to Indiana (or a tea daj-*’ riafi.
Mr. Brookman has rented George
lUrdr'i booac (or. the wloter.
Leri Cox has bis bouse nearir done.
Mr. Lane It getUag jeadj- to more;
to Trareiw City.
Mr. Cole will m»i) is c to the clt
Mr. Amos Han aill ore to Tin
crae Ctt;' next month.

G. Carey has «on* to Buttonf Bay to
Mrs. Addle Siltes Clark Is rlshliig
her parent* Hr. and Mrs. W. U.
Stiles. .
Daman SMley has sold bis bone to
WalUe Gibson.
Mias Esther Archer of Traverse Clir



Bliras in Uraad Rapids. rtKarsed hcanc
last week.
Miss OMe Lindslet is on the sick






Gst a-chance to get goods at big cut prices just when you need them; but we offer you that chance now. as we are completely overstocked on Heating Stoves.
Cook Stoves, Ranges, Bedroom Suits, Odd Dressers and several of the most bulky articles. We cannot show nearly all our samples, and I have figured that it
would pay us to make a big cut on these for early buyers, for the next ten days, as it would increase our sales later on.
For if you get a stove or range at a big bargain and your neighbor sees ft he will come and get one just like it. Thereby, selling the immense quaiitities
that we will, we can afford to divide the profit with you. So, for the next ten days, we will give a<vt on every Stove. Range. Bedroom Suit, Odd Dresser. Side­
board, and several other bulky articles that we have in the store. The cut on our already low prices makes a big saving to you.
If you Baot an Old Stone




: land last Wed awday to rtoit ntoUres
W. Wltonn of rVMktet and Miss
Mrs. J. ir. I
CM. w I m that place. She was anompoanto-l Roae Teaspfeins of this iSacr srere
Tetierday was _______
•-arm._ salny
day— by her stiter. Mn. 1. J. Butler, of El­ dslecty married at tbe boinr of ite
not mneb sUr oni at emveh.
brMe's parrsIS Ort. Ctb. only tbe Imh
BenUey has moved Into M*.i The pbones weree pi
Clinton Pra}' spent Sunday at borne. * Mr.
madlste relaitras being present..Ber.
Miss Era Broombead. wbo to teneb- Hlirs boose

. this ncighborfaood,
_ .performing tbe ceremony.
ing in tbc Clearvater disulcl. rtolted
E H. Bailey and Miss rraaccs Hlg-jlast week. Jodgiu: from wbai
bear i newly wedded
> Mr. sato Mrs. John FKir
glBs of Traverse City rtoticd Mtss Hig-1 the srlres sren
Detroit and Cbtcagn.; gusoa. 'Soaday moswiag. a gin
> spend the winter wuh Mrs. her father orer Snnday.
............. ............ _n
... -----------_
Mrs. W. W. Pmr, wbo has been ris. gins' pareou. Mr. and Mr*. A. M.' first few day*.
—.. . ^.^oma*
look a bog Tr»tto
. Good----------------_

itlng In ibe neighborhood, iwuined Bmttb. laat Saoday.
Waiter Arnold has Just Batotaad bar-!fort, where Mr. WUsoo U in bastoes*
CHy Saturday.
Mr. SU
drove to the
city laat &>I-i
~ Avery

• resilng bU
■ crop of pouton. He bad 1 Mr. and Mr*. Palter are eipectteg
Mrs. JofanTaekcvefCednrunlledim
tniltom Johnson went on one of the utday. taking Mr* BenUey and Mr*.,i.$o<i basbels from six acres, which {stM for tbe e
a few day*. Mrs. rergason on Bonday. Mr* Ca".^
Miss Jessie Urtngsion sttanded the
[ soalb iuT a rtoit wliu
bests tbc record tor this section of i Mr. Reay has boncht tbe Emory cot- waa also a guest of Mr*. Feeguanu on
Csir at Buttons Bsy.
Tbe Likdies- AM meeu Thsrsday In -coanuy. so tar at least
{tage and <rtii move into ti soon,
Win nbbliu has raalgned hia poti-}’^»*'
_ Head.
The .Mtoset Pearl Broomhead and tbe
rv M.
M. b
E x^uikM.
. Ii Cha». Kcwnld has been UA'
having a: Cbarlle Herbert has gone to Tra<
tkm at Bast
The Misses LoU Cams and May i well pot down, a’ao H. C. Bailty.
j erse City ..
L. Green is eau«led home from i Beatrice Seeley visited friends and relWelch drove to TTwverse City last Prt-! Mn. RewaM died at tbe borne of her . Mrs. Henry Lardiv has been very
D Charles Bnnday. Oct. a. She had 11
e better
past two weeks.
-------------- --- -------- — i... —o
Revlrai :
o Ohio (or a rtoit.
I night, coo ducted I
IS bouse today.
sllsbt stroke of paralf'iledo.
of Rev. Darias of
I she. never fully reeuv- [ Mrs. George Janvu and children .with tl
. 0*1) iasrsUOmMiss Higgins Dorn driving borne Sun-. ctvd cur./eluusues.''. She l« surviv«>l! bare gone to Ohio to spend the winter,
urVaalstev U vU. day. They went early this rnomlcs.'by twn s.>n». Fred, of Barker Ctvwk.!
George Birch is on tbe rick Hat.
BverytsMy Is digging potatoc*
Mrs. Richardson to to very poor
and Charles at llaus, vrUh whom sh< j
on M bcalth
. bad nwlded 'or >ome lime
Mr. aad Mr* Wesunt of Gtwai
Mrs. Anbnr Tbompaon baa gone to; visited relatives and friends here
Plenty uf rrin nowadan
setTirew Tui't-dn;.
Baelah to visit ber mother.
j week. It is sorenieen years since ae:HwsMCuinii|nwdnv«
Rapids are vuiiiag oM friends nnd
Wm Good Is Ttsillng In Ohio.
C. W. Hastings of Cemml Lake was was here
; Hi>. EO Cunani weui lu Tn\er»e
Mi> John White has gooi to _
r a sbon visit.
| Misses Minnie Oittoger nnd Bensle
la tbe neighborhood one day la/;
Sebool began Oci. 3 In distriri Ko. City Saturday for a week's visit viib
oet.m I All** Ba.vnc bns gone to Ghlcaco.
_ ___. .
’ Osborn went to Wexford Friday for a
; *. with MUs Scott of Traverse City as 1 relatives.
__ .........................
Mr* J. E Bodtoc. sriib hvT lUile ’ Mr, IWoi f.-'i of Mr Pewcou'* |
N. W. yerrington goes u. Sutions vudi with relatives.
Mrs. Jim Clanr of CbcboyganvIsJU-i | daughter Vers, went to Koltoo for a'
bam and hurl ht«- l«ck ijult.- Iwdly Bay and Kortbpun today.
H. Hrown reiurcs to the city today
. White of WlUUms! friends here last week
; visit with reUlives and tricods la_*.; Mrs .* K. Wilson u( CoUlnsbury : Beversi (mm here attended the fair | alter spcndlne most ef tbe snmmsr
Mrs. Edward Carroll hasbebn ill i Tuesday: Iht, ir visiting, at <|ie hutnr of ber ! at Suiiucs Bay i*>i week. Good ex-; w lih bis daughtc.-s. Mrs. Outaecr and
Mrs. Prtd Hastings and son Lowell. | -----------------Mrs. J. W. Green started for Clevc-| brutbi-K Amos Miner, of this place. I hibtu but poor wesUier. sret and coU. i Mrs. Osbomwho bare been viriUng friends and rel-| with pheumonla.




It will pay ytn to throw it awar. Tor yon wiO get a double nvisg DOW. A big nviog in tbe prices of tbete sew. latest im*
ptoved, up to dale stoves aod ranges. They will save the ptice
ortbemtdvesio tbe
difference in tbe foel
they will eonsnroe.
Websve twentythree different prie^
air light heaters,
commencing with
one. just like cat,
heavy peditbed steel
body, cast legs, cast
screw draft/
nicfcle orn,
fl.2o to $115.
Tbe air t«hu
ru^ right aloag up
m pree to tbe most
dnnbie and most
powerlul h e a t.e r
atde^ just like cut
S. heavy cast lop,
biogc cover, nice
^un bran uro.beavy
out draft door, cast
legs, lined throogh*
out wrilfa stet!, will
take a Urge drank of 18 inch wood and keep fire 48 hours, c
frocn$6tof8 76. They range ijgbt a*cng in price 6«n tfa

draft, two nickle foot rads, will take 21 inch drankr, (worth
$10.75), lor $8.75. Then they range along in price from this
to $15. with same proportional coL
a and ttyles of oak stoves, commendng with a tmaS round stove, Just like cut 6, elabmately

7>e same range, with high closet, at this sale......................24.75
Tben.tliey range right along u|'.
up. $27.75. $2!«,75 and $^.00.
Our next range is a big,
.. heavy
icavf range,.
range, just like cut 12, elab—-i.ti.j
I---------------1----------1- with puent
nirtled, large
patent drip
drip tcover.
Urge nickle towel rod, two nickle teapot stand* A range that

Our Dot «I eook StMtt is EomrlcU
, We commence them with
a Peatnsular Cook,
at.................................... 6 60
A nice large cook stove,
jn« like cut 16. shelf on
back, shelf under oven
door, 17 in^ oven, at
thisxale. for only....7.75
Same stove, just like cut
1C. with icservoir.. 18.75

nickled, large feeil door, screw lirafc on feed door, screw draft
oo ash pan door, will bum either wood or coil, cut from $G.5U
to $6
Then they range alot^ in price to our Sturdy Oak,
just like c ut G. eUborately nicUed. double feed doors, screw
draft oa feed door and ash pan door, will bum either wood or
coal. This Move commences in price at $8.75, and wil Jte cut
ty $6.75. They range right along up from that to our Cheer­
ful Oak, just like cut 7. a very heavy, mamtve oak stove, eld>oiatdy nickletl, full nickle base, two nickle screw drafu on ash



pan and feed doors. These
commence at $18; cut to
They range right
along up to a
site(wonh $28.50). which
we cut to.................$17 75
Sint different st)les of
Soft Coal Healers, com-


to tbit brntiful stove, jua like cut 8. made of polahed boiler
Heel, lin^jtlirongbout with steel, heavy e*« top, hinge cover,
qmn bnto wn. two nicklc foot ruJs. beautiful skirt base, cut

tnenciDg at a first cUs'. np to date. Soil Ccal Heater, just like
cut K. our ailveniied price SIO-.W. These we will cut to $'.».2S
They range right along in price from that
it up to a Soft Cod
Healer that will heat more Space, sriih
If the fue
fuel, t;
stove made, and it .just as
a hudsome as any Hard Ccal Base
lit tl,
», (worth
Burner, just like cut
$42). These e have cut to $88
Same proportional cut on five d fferent styles of Hard Coal
Heaters, like cut 10, commencing at $27 and rangirg up to $55.

In StttI Ranact
front $6 25 to U 75.
Then they rai^c right aluag in price up
to this beautiful beater, josi like cut 4, hea<i7 pt^ihe'i ste^
lined; full cast front, laip feed door, pretty akirt base, okkie
awing u^, nickle top run, nidtie on feed door, nickle screw

^ if you will need a range within a year or two, don’t tnia
^getting it within tbe next ten days.

Tiiere is t» store lo the sutc that cirrie* the line that wie do.
We have an exceptionally big trade and we carry an exceplional assortment, so you can find just what you want in a steel
range. Oommeneing with a steel range, just like cut 11, well
made, aB lined srith asbestos, large encased copper rere'voir,
bums either wood or coal, without hish closet..................... 20,75

otliers would ask $4S.QU
for. Our jirice on this
range commences with a
high closet and reservoir,
at this sale.for....$83.00
Or $28 without high clos­
et. This is a very hea» y,
beautiful range, will burn
^ either wood or coal. We
have five different styles
of these.
We also have four styles
ofthecelebrated MOORE
Then comes
R.\NGE, (cut 13), which
is the very best and most
durable range made. If a
perKin wants a rarge that will give diem perleci satisfaction
in every way. they sheuid

The steel cook stoves
are the roost ecitnomical
cook stoves lo buy, .as
they will outlast the citt
stove* They arc made like
a rai«e, Itoed with aabesto*
oven door drops down. -wiO
bum either wood or coal.
They comment wkhattecl
cook, square oven, laige en­
cased copper reserroir, jost
like cut 17. for...............1S75
Wiiltout reservoir for. .10.75
I show you only a few
stylet of cook stoic*
Tiave over twenty.
and ranges



MEAI., complete with
high closet and rescivor.
for................................. 48 00
This is somrihing that
jou have ne»-er before
bern able to do, and
probably ntver will again.


Traverse Chy,'KIk

Rapids and Thompsoovillc.

Btaroom Suit*
Odd Orttstr*

buy a t.icicK MKAU
We sell this range reg­
ular lor $5U and right
along up.
But at this
sale, in order to rciluce
oar stcck an t advertise
them more tborooghly, wc
wiUput you in a QUICK


We carry

a fuD assoritiiem of sIca'ct

We are so heavily ovo
stocked in these that
we will iiukc you an
excr|>tianally big cut
ou any of 'ihera.
THE MONKV, it is
the room, so you can
have them on easy pay­
This sale ends Oct. 22.

Whvotmmmlm mrset

Stores at Traverse Oty, Elk Rapids and Thcmpsonville. Mlch^

Vour Rmllmtolm M*»rr*m WserrsImHa




John BeS baa finUhad palntln«^he ~*lfltaa Unie Rnpacb. who li leacii-: ioneb last Thoradar eraBla«. Tbe
«w.M intaefor of T. LtedM'a neir reaUenec inx at Cedar flna. apeat a few da.e*: neabera of tbe charcb a
■wan tbmwiiliiii,
A. TrrreU and the Gee brothen at­
Jaeeb DoaUar kat mid hhi hooan of thi* week at bone and attended ihe { and tapper on Bandar and o
tended (be Boiioaa Bar .fair but wa«t. and lot In tba wcatm part ef town to liurttluie a' ''----**
_ .TUn*
Kfaa Vida Wnraer at Elk Itapida J. J. RehaaMer.
Mn. LwiS. of BIk ..
Baadared with Mr. and Mn. Nell Mormr, mm
W». CorrrY SoBdar.
ui loc iTinci-; E.ggaa Date naoe manr friends wbiie
lUr BmAc of Acne U TiafUnc Ua
Vlneent Trrrell apaat Sundar with i
U stadrlag plea of ralih."
{In tbia place,
Ctertm Boeb*.
*-. a^ Mrs. Tnunaa Cirm la TYar- lelagrapbr In ibe oSce here.
! Hits MJaale Brawn tpeni a few! John Jncnluica speai Tueedar in
Or. Biwer of WlltUMbars wm
Tbe funeral of Mr. Doebnar was ' dara of ihli week In itiwn and ntund-; Satna Barcitrcallod to w« Bma Hant SaUrdar
Mn. Prad Lang of Btk Raplda tB- held last Thursday.
, ed tbe inrtUnie ni Buiraos Bay. Mis.
Hiss Haggle Barnes auended the I
Ked wlifa Hr. and Mra. Nell Morrlaon.
Pamers are hegtanlng to wonder if I Brown Is leaching at Osborne.
j fair nt Saitons Be - on *I^nrwla] Cures all Chronic Otaeaeea.
Mrs. Crandall of Hardoaite ia riall- It will tiop raining fcmg enoagb for| E J- Orey shipped hb hoqsefaoldl Bom. lo Hr and Mrs. B Scoct. Ort.
1J00 Traverse City teat!m»
log friends in Elk Lake.
them to dig ibelr potatoes.
. goods Thursdar and bU family sill 4th. a damthter.
^ nak by all (lr«i class d<
D. H. Power was In town Sautrdar. i lenre Monday.
The V. P. S. C. E
r bold thmr
W. Dmn Is having his residence re-; yiw ixHOo Bnahnell h spending a meeilog$ s' c o‘c:oek
They core to stay n
: res->tlva la Chieagu
Mrs. A. Ciiben and daitgbiera |k>n
WlUard Wehaier is driring J. H.
Tbe Hisses Haret Qarthe and Caro- and Ers are rtsiting friends In Uetrult.
r. W. fiamru aad Jot. HenarelMra.
riaPrleaa. Hm gprings TaUeta, «t.
John Garrfae Is iranaaeUng hnsinteis
MonroeY gracery wagoiL
' line Wagbo adendod tbe instJiote at
skjr aado a taslDen trip to Masltter Hrv
Frad Haladay baa plaoed a new wa.l: fimtnns Baj ibis week.
Hot Springs Quick Relief (llnkncnt)
F. Omrefa b bone again after a under Ms bonne.
! Mrs. Hobart Banger left Tuesday us' Messrs.
________ ___
H. V Canr of Baat lAke wi
25 cents.
; the excursion for s rlsU wnb rela-' Sunday s-lib (heir ramllies ia this vik
tows 8mdar iaat.
Hot Springe catarrh cure. 50 cents.
i tires and frleods at her oM borne near , bge.
A aebool dlatrSet bat been w^iiltcd Cbleago.
Mrs. Morris Wliiie is visltlDg n-)abm. A sew tebool booM wDI tm botu
Het Springe Soap. ID cents.
« asfl aebool wUl aurt tbe ISth the net reeelpu at tbe noclsi Batnrday
The Kwebers of ottr aebool altemled j
WmO, in Detroit,
Hot Springs Healing Salve, 25 cents.
night at (be eborch.
Miss Keka
We bad tbe bardeai wind storm iaat the inriiiat# at Snttoos Bay ibis
Tom Cbnrcfa. wbo has been n
Het Springs Corn Cure. 10 cents.
night we bare had In seeernl yoara. It
Bd WltaoB west to Copeailak os Sataick tbe past two weeks, b soinc t
Mbs Ursb Jachraa left Tuesday
came frnie tbe soutbeast itntil aboot d
*l!Si Ada wnaoa wcet lo Trmrerw
Ives a
will go to Indiana
down. Prom tbe sotind of felling Uiaatr teat weakc and wUi retam ibU Prank Sargent
Mrs.Taylor and family have move wimef.
to morrow.
to the res'
Hon. 0«o. 0. Corell and Oeo. 1. appbs are nnarl) all
Per mate at 8. C. Wait A Sena. American Drug Stere. Jahnsen
J. Orey.
Ciar* Oaaate bad tbe nlafoRnae to
break bla snn, bnl be U catUnc akmg
Homer Selby j Hr. and Mrs. Cbas. Weston and i
Drag Co. Hannah A l^y Mercantile Ce- distributing agents.
Jgn baoes at Bandes's hall Satu
started last week
■ praspeciInKi daughter Pearl attended tbe fair atj Joe posslng took In the fab laei
'ening, Oct I6tb.
tour to Oregon.
1 SuttoQK Bay on Thursda.v.
llie schooner Msrle I.udwick look
An entenalnmeni will bo glren i
Clws Hanna of Fort Wayne. lnd..|,
OB a bind uf wood and bemlork bark j tbe
' ly after Rpending his vacs-; Irom Fisher's dock Iasi Honda;

I On Thursday oreurr.-ii th* In ' in t-xravailng f«»T tbv pavement on
-_ . .. village.
----Misses Cora
Cora and
and Nellie
Nettle Ptulna
Pauliu aria
neral ^ John Ihirter. .m- ..r I>h- . i.s* hleko-r
• wind. Ibed Sheridan
Engine;at GIII'k without e
Childrvnlat Sunons Bay in aitendance of tin lanaa's iduneers h>- havin- ilvi-d h.'r.Fisher went to the Inland
Kata HoUand la on tba tldt Ittag friends In town.
’ occupying resemnl
will b. , u-aehen.' Huilmte. wbich I. b.-ld ibl. the
fori,-to" ywars Hir.loith '
In the Oleo Arbor Items last week.)' ebargi

:ed foi
foil price.



__ . _ ...

a Sophia and Frad Daco attend­
ed Uw taMbara' teaUtne at Sottoet
Bar laat week.
A craat manr of the Port Oneida
people aaw ttaa ezcitlnc Are laat Toet-

Dr. C. A. aarb of Aarbor Sprlnca
WM here laat Moadar in bnaineaf.
There win be>a chicken pie aoela]
at tbe town hall a week train Pridar
d to attend.
Oaona and Bmau White rlalted
Mends at Aides orer Bnoday.
Some of the Wmiamabwg Rebekan
Dodge No. »1 dnrra to Elk Bapids a
wart ago last FrWay sight to vtalt tb«
lotea tbora. Bqpper wm oerrad.
report a good time.
Orand RapMa Ian wart to visit
son. CUytoa Crisp.
Mra. H. Thacker of Travarae Cliy
vteitad bar daughter. Mra. K. Moora.
~aek for a few tUya



I closed for tfaMra. MsBen of TVavaiae Oty M viala preparing to pnt
bla boose.


day erenlDg at inland. A good bouse paaalag
at both places. OandMaie Yoanga and roads -before aurUng on Its circeltous tic.
rnundrd by bD sorrowing f-route of seven miles from its bead to
Hiss Clara Barth of Gills Pier stx-ni
then- ab^lrt^.
Martin Wanier and Alplon tg-derio, i|
*■ *•
r Honor were '
empty Its waters Into Lake Michigan." a few days of ihU «m.-k In tows
it aboold read, "before starting on lu ; attended ibv Insiiiaie at Buttons Bay. I day.
\ eburrfa
___ _ ,
Teetimeny of a'^hflMeUr,
elrctdtoua ronie of aeven mllen to
Fred Baumberger Is visiting t bli 1 Job
: has btwn a falihrul meiulH-r of ih*- SsbKev. Jo... 8. t’.us. .g Wake. Ark.
empty ita waters Into I.akv Michigan hume In this village,
i liath scbtMiI. huldlng the ufSee
writes. -For 12 yoara I sufered f
. O'Brten I
I Hiinday In TravRsbekabi of Nevada aad attended the two miles from Its head. " To oxplaii
Wm ^nort of Traverse Cltyrall«><l j p,.rintendent at the ilroe ig hl» il.-«ih.i ,elbi» jaiindlee. I consulted i
reeeat meeting of tbe Borerelgn Orand
' Mr. Porler US* l».rn In Hiiller roumy.; iM-r «g physlrtan* and tried all sort* of
Pliber lake, the head or the river.
I Mr*. Henry ilatl a
Miss Emma DoLong ciumt (be we.d> { K-m i}lvanla. Ihs-, 2», igjo, I • leaves nurilrln«.». hut t
lodge at Ban Ftancisen.
> ralirf.
Ill outlet at l.ake Micbigan. but tbe
at Sutions Bay.
river Is so very crooked in many
John Porter, one of the flnK whMrs. L Miller
i> nimirn bl* l.»».
fi-el ihal I am n»« cured-uf a dlsraae
placet It runs like ox bows, and runs Hera of tbit conniy, passed away on were Traverse Clij vuiiun a
jthat had me In li» grasp fiw twelve
seven miles to get that two miles.
Tuesday at his borne in bcland after
iyrars " It you want a reliable medlweek's
There was considerable excitement
... lllneM.
....a* Mildred Doekeray
■WWgiat, reiurai.d
letUCW.Si to
t Cini- ftir liver aad kidney troublsk r"Bon tbe Sonib Manliou (be night the
^1^ Leroy Gray was pleasanKy | her home at Traverse City on Mon | Would
you're i aeti disuntvr * general debllily, get
Congress burned. Sbe Busted down lu
day last.
the Marie Ludwiek that wae aneberi-d
A Burprlse party was given to
8. E III!
lllarks'uod atli-nded the Insli- «*re*. hurn* or pile*.
•« Hrug C. 8 E Wall A Sons
there. It was discovered by Mr. Fu»ard aad Tbeo. Welta Wedneaday
Rations Bey thb week.
j l•ondi*. Mo_ write*: "iKuifered wlia. nml F' II Hoe
Ing. The young folks all had a
<'ar*»n Wnrni-r spent Wrdnewlay a'! «o ugly sore for a yi-sr. Ion a Iwx >•!
■------ Sutton*
Itir pneet nf his ittinbei,' liurklen's Arnica Halve riired ilir.
M- Lack
*• at John i
Ubof euun^.' Port HuO. V. Holmes reiorned Friday from Ihe L. 8. 8. crew did. The captale'aad
Claus Warner.
i Ihe liest salreoa (■arili."
Booth Haven, where be wkneaaed the
of the Marie Ludwiek
Mrt. R. P.WSC aad son Han>M l.-Tl i «»n Drug Co.'s. K. E. Wal
Sons wi.ii"'”'
‘••■Id induHtrlBl lUf this
marriage of his only granddaugfaier
I and wl
visiting relalivfs Saturday fur Rlebmond. tnd.. where! F. M. Heads' Drug Stun
and friend* in Grand Rapids.
I they win visit for a few days.
on Oct. 6th.
'- - W. H. Prall of K.
Kmiilre was In utir^
Nrtle Lytle died Oct 7lh from tak..
«Pn>f. Ryan
iKfma aiii-uuc-u
vne leai
xierellend^ the
rs'i (bii'i l>e iH-rfeel health wlihiml pitn-1 TIsn't safe
dny wtibol
illSKe un Tuesday.
log Paris groea. at the age of 17. FuiDRliiule at Buttons Hay this week.
Hr*. Eggan serv.d

I..,______________ .
41 u the I
asn) aervlees were held at the M. E tance from the tmralng wreck.
FVank Fisher and eon Bugeoe eam.> the Swedish rhmeh with i Imunteoii;; . auencle.1 the fair the last of tl week. I w hole sjtt,
over from ihe Island on the mall boat
Mbu Mary Knight closed her school
Friday for a (wo werts' vacation.
Mr. and Mra. John Mdhonaid. acoompanted by Joaie aad Annie Hang
and brother Harvey, came up fna
Mrs. Hand Hodges and Dr. Sroti of
Ogmaw last week to visit relatives Traverae CItv weiv married by Rev.
A. L. Thurston at Klag»1ey-. Bundsv.
Ab. aad John BergboM spent Sal- Oct. 2. Hand has lived In this plac
urday and Sunday at Haire Siding.
since childhood and has maay friend'
Mrs. A. UIbbe vlsiied at idill Olbbs.' whose baany good wishes follow bet
to her new home.
Mra. Ida Bayers, who has been v.-rr)


' ■




o sit 1

np ani
. _____
Mist Nellie Thompson is at hotnvj
I short vacation.I. her HCbooI hsv. I
at auction sale last week, surted
Los Angeles. Cal., last Monday,
_____ I. and daughter,. Mtes wife wilt Join him soon.
Dintrlei No. 2 Is baring a week's vaa. called on Memda here Monday.
■ aUeSk Orandall. accompanied eailoa tbitwgb potato dlgtlng time.
Joram Schell's folks are baring rte
^nmpeoo, west to Majrfleld
maUpQX. '
Nina LABoaoi of lYarerae City is Utter part of the week packing op and
disposing of things preparatory to glvvIslUat Vera DUon.
Belle-Hopkins of Kingsley !• '-g up the cottage.
Panl Bayera of Traverse
City Is vis­
.lly Friday.
iting bb son Frank here.
>nn t»ri. or wexford.
Tomaana. wbo hM been workPotato digging Is now the general
Grant church Ladles' Ah
Hr. Crandall In the Bill, baa
niM-<iT It.,
Mrs. rrank'LABg last Wed

•ekard of Traverae City
with her dangfata-.VrB.

good Uipa
Too aneh vain Is keeping tbe farmera rram getUng their potatoes dug.
Last week Bldm- George bad a W.
T. U. ofcanlaed at Wexford with 22
I aad maay more will )oId In
A very heavy rain rlaitad «• renter,
-------- future. The oEcer are: Mrs.
day aad laat nlgbc
Oorge, presldmit: Mra. Carl &at.
Mra. MeUnghUa la very tew.
treaaarer: Miss Lulu Baldwin, tecreB. J. MUler of OMb Haven waa <
tary. We wUh the order success In
In onr village Snadar.
Ike yean to come.
_ Mr. aidj^yWllE; O. BeUInger t

C. 8. Berry -____
Is gnlteBlrt at thU
Mrs. Dun OTM a Traverse CitpTlstt.
cr Thoradar.
E. Plaber bad the mUfortnne to lose
a beme Friday nIgM.
Mias Beaale E. Parraai cd Glen UsVm ealied os Maty Totten cf this
place oo-dier retnrn from tbe teachm' Institnta at Butoaa Bay.
CleToue U ellgbtty on the
mW Bertha Dali and Albert Flaber
atteaded tbe taoeben’ institute at Battons Bay last week.
Mlaa Flora BriUngcr returned last
Tuesday tram her trip to fit. Doala.
and abe aiao oaUed at l..ndlagte«.

School began Monday , ia dtetrio No.
S. with Miss Dunn as I
boarts at Mr. Davis'.
Mr. and Mra. Wesomt of Grand E
Ids are riaWag Mends here.'
Mr. aad Mra. sklnoer of North Caro­
lina are risiilng their aleter.'Mrs.
Mbs A^.wiispa U epeadiag a fern
di^ la iWvcrae a«y. '
The AdventUt ladle
ladlee have been gett^ their yrearir donatbh <rf c
frattI road.-'
rt^.’ to send to tbe or
bodra. The Help hand amet with Mr*.
Priest last Tuesday.
Mr. Gehrett went to Napoleon. O.
b*( Wednesday. He *111 returns bomr
this week.
Tbe Gkaanrs gave a flne eniertainmeni in the Gram (own hall last Baiurday evenlag. Hr. Maaly. the speak­
er. kept tbe crowd la a roar of



--------- evening, a cor-1
dial Inritatlon Is extended to all tot
attend these, nerrlres.
Mra. A. John, accompanied by Mrs. •
tv. C. Cramen and daughter, spent'


Mo0«/. - rovf Cndil i$ 6ooB.


Univcisal Base Burnos.
to $66.
$6 doan.fl per week.


Prices for Large Stoves a
this ttorr.


SpeclU Univ.-rsal Hot Blast

greale Rove known for burning
The: grealeR
soft «»!,. slock liginite, erte or wood
A Ptr/oet Fher IFgnvrar. A ton of
the cheapest soft coal can be made to
do the
of , jon ol hard coal.
^ ,
and that without smoke, soot or dnsL
/ICRIT It can be run at an expense of ruM lo


5c Per Day

and reUlives In Grand Ranids and '
this week and attended the in-;
»« Sauoos Ba>'. ^
Mra. Green of Traverse City I* vU-1 .J*”W<«<Uy In'
»'■ ■*
Mira Mara t^looa was a Traverse !

nted inspect

eago to visit her sister. Mrs. Rohm*, i •****
David HanlgoM was doan Irom
MayteM StUrday.
Mra, 4. O. Crotser spent Sunday


We agree with all wise bu)-m that
the best is the chcsp«i, and we have
^:lt up our businew by wiling only .
guaranteed good* that stand the test
of time. Atk yoor neighbor about
the Hove we told him and )x>n will
find it all right. Our jiricet save yon
at least 26 per cent on those arted
elsewhere—that's one reason we de­
serve )onr patronage.
Another is
that every article bears our binding
guarantee of quality. Gel prices and
you will appreciate the saving we
make you. floe'f Bothoi- xffioef fAe


s retiiroed Tueeday

n hsve been
Fife Lake, was borne Batorday.
suylng with her parenU, Mr. aad
d hMra.
Frank HopUas U vislUng be.Haines, vlnce their bouse b« led.
parenu. Mr. and Mrs Carl, of tVexCinuta. who
—, bnd
_d fats am foed.
broke over two weeks -ago. U able to
------------ emUed In town Satnrday:! „ _
be around again.
Last Friday tbh funeral of Mr. Stev-;
“ “»T» »»»«"sl3r.*ed
Mr. Kidder has tbe wall laM for hb ensoe waa held from (be Oveman Lu-l5mf?5^-'*>'-''“----------niranly <• th. btood art wanw.
w<rar house aad will 1>^ balMlag this
----- church. He waa a pla
tbta section. '



Hairry Gray, wbo hna moved i
Carl Brower and Harry Gray have I
sen patting In t shingle mill on the:
od of the former north of here. They
say they will begin ruentog this week. I
Mra. Laura Briggs, who hat been!
vbltlng her mother, Mra Brower, an
steters. the Misses Bessie aad Win.
(red Emmons, for several werta. start­
ed for her home In Chicago Saturday.

to 'naserse City.
Ort H
MUa Ethel craadnU is vlslUng HayMr. and Mrs. R. McDonald have r« fleld friends again.
I from their wedding ti
The Ladles- Aid aociety cleaned out
g at tbe home of Mi
d they a
Bisson cottage
Clark. Mr. Clart U to occupy tbe
•oms lo the Cnunpton bnildlng.
Mrs. John Green U moving to Eiliworth to make her permanent home,
tte bM eoM her property here.
Mrs. Newport has soU her (ann
north of tosra to a man tram Ohio.
Mra. Henry Hatching Is very 'sick
at this wriiiof.
Tbe mill has shut down for repalrn.
Tbe Indira eg the L. O. T. M. M. enrprised Mrs. J. Bbston bst Saturday
occupied tbe pulpit lu the Oongfegagotag borne thinking it Is nice to be a Uoaal church Sunday morning and;
evening. He was greeted by a f '
Iwdy Haocabee.
C. Lafarr fans reterned from a trip,
. _______
to 8l James. Braver bland.
and eloquent sennons were dellv-i
...Cl ._____ ___ ______ I. .
Tbe prevailing question U do you
knw where there is a vaeaat bonra*
Rev. Cnrrai has^turrhaBe the ptap^!
remain in tbe \




SlesI Raares $22.40 and np
Cook Stoves 18.00 and up.

S ! .25 an<3 up for air-iighi hcatera.
Stove like cut, cast lop, cast fioot,
ash door ant] screw <Ir*fi, swing top
with ltd. 20 in... $6.7.'i.



Lowkn. Oct. £.—Tbe Oslral N«««
tei A dUpfttcb from 8(. Prtmtrarx
•UtUit It tf oScUlUr Asncmitecd (hat
Mkior 0«B«rKl OrtoC,
Ibe Finr-fcniril) dlrtokn. ud Boi
oS. Qonnuder of tte Slnb Slb«rlu
dirMoD, who are blUMd for the Rn^
stu defnt Bt Ubo YaoR. bare beeii
LoDdon. Oct- e.—A iaU! dUjatcb
fran Cbaa Fm c*ji aaoDdi of Srlac
at aea arbleb *aa acoonpaaied bf
faabca Itk^ ibai of banUoR ahcUi
ceaaMl at i tbfi moraluR. No d«taJb
aro Rlvm. Ae easier dbpatcb atated
that Ibe Raialaa a'bfpt aaade a deapnate daab froag Port Artbur. TbU
ba» sot been eooflmed or d«oled ap
to tbb (lae.
[, Oct. 7.—It la reported
4wtc tbat Oeural Kmopatkln It rerr
fit aad ibat ataea tia defeat of bii liao Yaai be bat bees uaable <o peraoaallr direct operaUooa
TUblo. Oct. 7.-Ht It reported that
foar Rotalaa iranblpt bare beni daa' as«d br ibe Jaiftoeae gas fire tx Port
Arthar. One of the reaels la aald lo
hare ben eoapleteir «rccked.

Co.. Umbtrr on aw^ of oeu aad
eeli cf Bw(8. aec. 27. town 2T. range
Xllan P. Uttle and wife to Mn.
Mary M. Ibwee. wA6 feet of lot 42.
Oak Het^u; 8760.
Joba Kelly and wife to Agsea HnrlbsL hM H. hiock 7. P. H.b tad add;
Uaua a. Bryant to Frank Helm, lot
). Ban Ray Park; 878.
Unna B. Bryaai to Bmata Heim, lot
41. Eait Bay Park; T6.
DeB<te Oiborn (o Fred B. Hill. awt«
of ne\4. eec. 30. town 26. range II:
Myrtle a Oonaer to Orlando C. Mof.:
feu. iou JC and 17. .Mock 7, H„ a A
'e 6lh add : |1.
Orlando C. MoffaU and wife to Cbe».
L. Ooaaer and wife. loU 16.and 17.
block 7. H. L. A Co.'i Sib add: *1.
Tbomai Furteeb and wife to John
Furtach, et al. LU Pendana. lot 4. X
block 2. H.. U A O0.'a lat add.
D. F. Seegmlller and wife to Oeo.
RlebBMDd, parcel lo tee. i.jtown 25.
range 10; 820,
H. W. Smith and wife to Bober;
Lowrie. wH lot 16. and 20. blbcb 6. T'.
H.'e 2nd add; $1,226.
Fred S. Shepard, et al. lo Marta
aaaan. et al. eti lot 4. bloek ic.
rarerae aiy; H.W.
Ralph A. AnderwM aad wBe to An.
deraoD Uodenaking Co. lot. 8. block
1. H.. 1. A Co.‘a 111 add; 81.660.
Floyd L. Smith and wife te Fred O.
Miller. wH lot 81. lot 32. block 4. Pa's lit add: *1.660.
Floyd L. Smith and wife to Howard
B. Oamer, lot *. block 1C. Trarerao
City: *1.660.
Howard B. Qarwer to Alreao L


Kiprtt'txiys IlsMo tf iirlimg pllo-.
A acllAaown BaitU- Crii-k young
man had two gLrts anUI rccesUy. He Rich and pt>ur. old and yoanc—terrth:;'
ton ure they suffer. Only one ccro
detirfd to take both of them to see
tkisr.'s OlBtmrai. Abiolnhdy
DeWblf Hopper lo “Waug.“ and t<- aafr; can t laU.
asked one to please inriie the otbr;
to aare him a Htilc time. She dkl. bs'
«ed«e <il
sbe told tbo other girt that John want­ SrOcfWeMitiy at»w>- «k»t i?
*V. pn,bsl* C«.M Cor ta* UMiMy vt UnaU
ed ber to act av ebaperoa ftw her arO
»^<KI 'ar TtaasTte
U IM (cw matk* ff'«n <hti dsit- «himself. Tbe Inalnuatltm did tbe work alknr.dfar«»<u««
kI im W Dnaa. bte U
ight. and the lageoloos girl nuu
________ d. end that aUeroditurao.*
baa tbe whole fl?ld to bereelf.


- atT at tn»w*> uty.<«


Dtzi Id kin
■fd, aaU aU c


I uTTrariTM CUy.aadatiuw tasar.lti
' tx'.why tar myar uT Iba pauUust


An It t« furthrr cniwn), that aald
autice u. the penuna
■aidlatataUUiependitiey it *ai-i
*ai- |•'llCt«al and

: 55^WySSSinn'TSf”J.*a»rKf,^
pnnird aod cirruJaHidiB
nam oNiBlyulUmid lne,T< -.fvr Ulrae•—
oaaaies votha prmouii i-, uU day

pBoj«Ta^uityn.-wai»^ ut



BOc te 85.00
T Tampa.
PU. Ifa aboni a realdeni of Ti
City, and glren la'ble own worda.
atrwger proof can be bad.
Monroe Mono
783 W. Ttb atreeL
naya: -Don't Kidney PlUt eared my


And CtmeURA Ointment,

to make, bnt I am wtlUng tbe pablle
aboold lodge tios facta. I wat under
a pkyilctan'a treatment for four week
gare up hope of Me three timet, and
when 1 commeneed Doan'a Kidney
.. waa
to weak
1' '
' ' '
aeraat tbe Soor.
Tited me to one the iwmedy. telUag
me at the tame time to throw the dortorU aaadlMBe ta the aplttoom
Sre ta- alx daya after 1 o
ueafapt the kldaay a
pure Wood and before I uted one bo£
they were clear and regnUr. 1 followed
up the treataieaL and ercs U there U
----------- j. I — ------------------that Doaa'a KMney Plllt cured t
eenta. POeter-Mllbum Co.. Buffalo. N.
T.. aole ageaia tor tbe Uulted Sutet.
Remember the name—Ooan'a—and
take BO other.
Real Eetata Traaafera.
Hannah A Ibj Go. to Floyd L.
BaUth. kiU ». 16. 11. hhmk 2. H.. L. A
Go.V 14th add; 8466.
W. Miller to Hiram Canon. nH of
a% of *wK of aeH. aee. 22. lowa 27.
mage II; 1166.
Htrnm Caraoa to Floyd W. Cran­
dall. sH of aH of BwU of seH. eeo.
22. town 27. rang* 1); 866.
' Ouftamt K. Brown to Oral Wood

A House and Lot

Work Suspenders

4«Canvas Gteves

We can't give a house and lot free with cvcry Suit or Overcoat- we won't pat >ou on the
shoulder and “haul” you into our store—we arc
not built that way-but WE C.\N AND WILL
save you from
to $6 on your winter


Meek. Aeckete
S1A6 te S4JA


Use Herald WanfAds

UeoKOC W. rniTIr


Of Boys' and Children's

\ Wv l.iiuphl lii-al^t' to R.'t til. l.•»•^■^*pc>—lilt.' priC'';..




3 to 16 <

lull »v tin.l whci! tti- rum.' t» pul thftu on ih*.
shelves thai *v wtni t.H. far. As H


Red HsnSkerchlefs

Boston Carters


Cull Buttons


26e to 8330.


Scarf Pins

134 Fnnt Street

One door esst e( A. V. FriMrlcta

te 8130.

wt-o nveli-

Inch or epsce U lalirn eed itur rouniors en>
liUb. Tlii-n* if <inlt or..

iu .In en.l Ih&i

Au.l Ml i»f R.I »yli with e will. We know that we liougbt sU of our
c'irthlr.B al very ailti-.ntageniiM prie<>. Tlu- m>Ii-s en' eserMi-ai—
th- siiii* carried over arf wltli u'w i tc.-’iiitunj vcr. desirable siiil hev.'
alt the oualiit and style wmiict: <ir-ir.-<1. That ihe task of n-riiiclnf
ylork uill iioi be a iliScu^iii:. . i;..r uill S' Uk< !un^ lo du U.

Che Prices mill Do il»>Cook and See
too Sulla at $2.00

75 Suits at $1.50
New two-]iivce, I'oublc lliCAStcl an.l
KoiTolk .Suits in blacks, lylucs ami fanevs.
new stviirli (.iticms, good anil suLiitantial
ages.'! to IP, fur cnc week..................... 1.50

(’kilii's two-).:ccc Double UrcasTc-l ant!
.Norfolk Suitf, made of aU wool Kcrsc)-t, well
tnafe, exceneol for scbivil, ages Irom 3 to lf>.
the same as you See ]>ticct1 at uther etores
2.60 lo $.1, this wpek...............................2.00

20 Styles at $3 and 3.50
We hue bunclie.1 about iwcnty styles of
Double lireaafc'l ami Norfolk Suits and offer
ihcm at these two prices Thev ase all 'wool
fabrics, neat i!rc«> paiteras,*.tfong^ made and
well irimnietl, Tliey were made to sell at $6
and that is wliat regular riotbtng stores would
c ’uec Stock we prioe ilirm for
. 3.00«i4 3.50

Knee Pants

80e te S12A0.



19e to $130.

No Better Clolhing Sold in Traverse City.

Belli Cttite

r^oldenl of Ihte.tatr. Im riWdeaal PtwUo. lu
t4 l'•.|.>^adl>. aai motiiB uf Avil f
B{vr.<‘oiuj.a.naal > a
eedjyar. Ii ;• i>rdire
HI tbvaau uef.-axlanl
in.« t4> hr •ut.
•T.t. reel
n«l hrrrtk,
befronlb. dale
..Mbiaorder. and in ra»<4 ucamptoaras-'e tbat becwinefe.a auaaer lo
tbr c*«ip&Iuni-a laU^ nnaelalM ti.lwOled.

5.'^ and 7. S0 Saifs hr 4.S0 and fS


SIAO te SltSO.


Mule Cloves.

2Sc to 8L00.

I have a nice bunch of horses
on hand. Some heavy draft,
nice farm horses, middleweight
horses, driving horse;. Ali
good bargains and all good

Cooat* id Ormnd Traivrva la rt.aBeery.
Htaaebe Wu«.-li. •-utaplalBaai. t-' fire*
HluiU'fa. iMeacUmHtut p*Ddio( in tbe rirmtt (•o«;-t for tb.
t'.iiiBly of Urand Tranrae. m rtanrery. at
Tr»r.Ti«-CUy. oa th>- third d-j of Urtuirer.

>! TraTSar C)iy. ce the ItU day tt Itcloijue,
nlw^oadi^ aad

TSc te S7.0a

ThU U Treveree City Tectlmeny and
Will StaiB laveeUgatUn.
If yon doubt tbe following and w:
. you baTea*t to go

n day Id Daeeenlre.
day. the atfa day of
D l«A. al na o>4e«k
in the
■fa of sfavdina




Taklo. Oct. n.—It It reported tbat
tbe Rnnlasi bare croued tbe Hon
ritrer In henry foine and are aggreeahwly attacking tbe Japaneee foreee
which were inorlBg northward,
geneml.engagiuieot u uld to be In


OOot. la thr Uly ^ Tn\K
aad ailwMK'^, .«
• --artuixy. A li. UU.

l^^M^'aldUU* lit patlttOB.iliilr
I bn. ut trourpt B inrtw. prarta, amuat <.lb. r
jtaiBci. taat BdBiBl>traUoo<.r tail <a air star

81. Peterabar*. Oct 8.—Eeplftaf
.Joes'at Prolate.
r uf Antiea OUthe autaaeai of Cooat Okuaa. leader
Bl nUac the pMltka. duly
of tb* Japaaeae procreaalro paitr tbat
the w*r witb Rnaate woold be long.
' boi tbat Japan «o«>M wla In tbe Md.
the NoToe Venblpa tbU Bomhu desate hr (ranted t« Thuutaa BatebMI. Iheeaiodarei -If we eoBclode peace with
the great Skin Cure.
‘ramu^it ta', that aatnr.lay,t
Jafwa all oar eSoru la tbe far Bet;
alb day at XoreicW nrii. at !•« <‘oK>
will be Talpeieee aad we aball bare to
I to keep our arBaataat there. TbeJapaaeee
/ay J. Brownaoa. et al. to P. W. WIIall aut be drtres out of tbe AaUtlc
I bsWes. end test Tor tirai
yT»y..r« <nt,.a»d Wpw.oau.-. U any tber*
aon. parceL aee. 6. toem 26, range 10:
. eoatlBeBL''
rioward Newmar^ and • wife to
8L Petenbarg. Oct.. 10.—A diepatcb
fron Makdea eare tbe Japapeae are James Newman*, wli of aeii. Me
rallfag bade os Uao Yang, wbleb the leaae. aec. 11. town 26. raago 30.
Jatfbt NewmarWi to Howard B.
Roaeiaai fataad to atUA.
aeK of ae%. aee. 11, town
Parlt. Oct. JO.—Tbe Teiape bat j
dtopaleb reponlgg tbat the Rotalaa *5. range 10; |1M.
Prank Dean and wife to Ward Broe.,
light Bank it engaged la an artlileiY
parcel, aee. n. town 16. range 10:
battle twelre Bilea fnia Makdea
Wearer. ncl4 of selt acd sU of ecV> *Ats a<M<m ^'tba pl-^ie ^urt for the
Of ncH. aec. X town 25. tins. 9: *1.
St. Peteraburg, Oci. n.—Oeaeral
Janet B. Delbrid^ to Aagnat DunKanyatkla reportg tbat tbe Bnaalaa iUf. lot I, aec. 21. toars 2C. ranee IS:
Pmeat. John Aldeastcer. Jurira' i Praia
In the uailer of the adale of John
raagoard It now ia contact with the »l.
No such
uwleaod WaUDs S. Fowie.siuiwa
Japaaeat -who are wltbln gnaaboL
Dan B. Carter to Wm. Ja^eon. par* pUInt- where
............. .... ................................. OnreadiBCandSliartbaratltHsi.diily TI..
sirtwbcnr Is kept handy.
Beoau are akirmlthlng along the ea- ML P. H.*B 2nd add; $1,200.
iii.^'nMs‘'w the bi>w-1
PloreMe Campbell, et al. to Cbarlek
tire Una TbU neasa a great batUe U
liT tbi- ptupoae cjf iBieziinei
Mt tar off. BU bandred ihootaLd L. Pierce, wH of nwti. eec 8. town
l^antipnrrtSS*^ Ibe ►tatute
ana and
gunt will be engaged In 26. range 8: liso.
HICBJtlAJt-OoefUy of Onad ;
lereapia it I* urt
that Fri.tay. I
.’ Benba Campbell to.Robert inerce.
the bai^.
I, al ll> t.'rltick
Moedaya Sgbtlag opened In the w% of nw|4. eec. 8. town 26, range t
Bcnlng with anIllHT Srteg wbjtb
wat at iom range and bear?- In tbe
attemoon bearr cannonading wu pbarlaa L. Pierce,
heard la tbe direction at the Rnetlea town 28. range *; *106.
,halrdB^ '
t^ «'>r “» 7>neer»a j ~^iaVl'^rfBmbeTurtjer^'. thai oudt.-tliloii- canter. Tbe lafaatrY U acting at a ' B. J. f^ilgbam. et al. to Henry P.
Campbell. pareeU: IX400.
nnic In action.

Hcrtiert Kranu to John H. Baaaoni.
Tbe Japaneae gtmboat Peren atrack
a Blae In Pigeon ba7 want of Port wH of Dwli of aelO. aee. 27, town 27.
ArUnr BepL 13 aad annk. only (onr of range 11: *1.000.
L. A. Flanders and wife to Oeo. M.
her crew were reaeaed. Tbe Boaalan
Judev at Prul at.
fereee at Port Arthar made a eortle
on Oct. € and reoocnpled tbe beigbtht
ceeriooUng Takka bay whtcb bad preTloaaly been captnred by the Japanete.
Tbe Japanete boat tunk off Port
bicn's Oyercoats
Men's Suits
AtUmr U probaWy the oout defeoae
3c U 80c.
8430 to 822.oa
8330 to *25.00.
SSe to *6.00.
reaael Hel Van. There U m> Japanete
jgunboat named Heyen Hel Ten.
carried a crew of 280 ottcera and i
Nearly 300 were drowned by
aioklag of tbe Hel Ten.


Co eiost

These ihrce-ptece knee pant tails are the
A lo; of half woji cassanere three-pece '
best of the lor, made ot the fine all wool
knee pant suiit^ ali sires op to Hi jrs. .2.00. in b'acks and blues, lancy cassiatcret
ai'i! all wool Thibet cloth, best of lioinz and i
Several lots of heavy al! wool suits, ages
f.tom fl.60
... ,\ up to !<'• yrs, uri to date patterns arid excejM
suit worth from
T.ou. (oron.TOk.............. 4.50 aid 5.00 i lioul iJiur...................................................3.00

Retlcrs for Bays

/ni/i/ary Ooircctls Ur Bcfs

With high .lorm dUi. nud. of ,oo<1
grade o:
of CiinchilU, small sires...............1.50
lAtge s


Sc. n,ta .nd

. Ure. lol B

I’rircs.......................... 2-00 1*5.00

Boys* Beittd Coats


The most nylith this season. Tney come
in plain black and fancy all wool fab
They will take the boj s eye ..3.50 »> $5

S(WM Year Bet ShmU Bnt

K«.f thy bo}5, best ur.»n made ...25c

B) all luracs do not ovctlook oer shoe
dc]>!. w;u 3 filling out the boys. Get them a
HI of .Ainericaa ikiyw shoes anrl you will get
the best pair of aboei they ever wore.
S1.60, $1.76. S2.00

80e te 863a

The Store That Saves You Monty




Suit Cesce

6c to 8130.

TSc te 8430.

$130 toS63a


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