Grand Traverse Herald, June 23, 1904

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 23, 1904


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


<lir»tid ^xntftv»t BtiralJi.




Tire Insurance!

•at bone. Do ■« the tanir
r leart It loeaa. Tbal wDl
or »e thaa the motr.~

Room 310 N«w State Bank Building.


lie tfwap «Uh vagraM foM
' - at wlih baneta BveM:
paie'wUd react Mace lu AM.
KH» tl _
The tanthaek baildt her tall plak

Tiwwaa CMr.

Aloag lu war la eaau

TnrcRcatj state Bank




•URPwut. Baofioo



A CmM iMklv Mm» B«e


It kXtno past the b
With lu clad friend Ibe brook.
Tbat niDt to lend It eompaar
me dim moanuln nook,
wild Marin of (hr wood.
Ai^ mefTT meadow aetabbarboato.

im iwMya ffim shte

A trail of &as
The earlle>i
Tbe tall reeds
Id sweet
Id sliic II I


To carved Hirer turns tbe birch.





For ease of operation,
lightness of running,
of handling, doseness of dcimming, sim­
plicity of construejlion,
.... Empire has no equal
Mrs. James Hms won
the ’ Governor's Gold
Medal, (or butter made
on an Emnre, in Ed­
ucational Butter con­
test laB year.
' Machine can be seen
and soppltes secured at
Frank Trade's hardware
store. 146 Front sti;^
Traverse City. 'For
catalogues, etc., write


T.W.Hmrt, DbliicItlU

MBS.*. arfBMBB * BBB.

■cu.*PHONE laa

Alden. Mich.

Fresh. Sait and Smoked Meats. Sausages. Etc.

md00n$ ^

fiiUygoanoteed in erety mpecL
That are aude to ut aa weO at idL They are


Dot made of cheap material, and ghn a Bathy
the eye; but are doreble, comlon-

able, and neat

The cheapeR on toe marhet, qaality coaridefed.

Once naed and yon wtH boy no other make.

i2«stBt«strMt. w Uictor Petertyl.
»tried toe
Ttei !• tena Oo^fitoteB



Hcpal tiger a»kta c«ra
»ad Saimaa

They are the bett


J. J.rnmm*
Wron*. m^rrnm*..

Cw. Tnnto SL ate Lake Am.

«a m Cvate s/i/>«N mi tvtm
AawItedrmredtteigcBcyfarwoQlbitfanRxoae tX tlw
' -^Ttbecaatnetww made to bnad
a Itopt ferito
at toe RboK loMtien.







rnmrw CHf. Mkk.

Trayerse City Manufacturing Co.
W. U. SNOWN. Mterste«ter.

We invite- your attention to our slock of

dapiag and d^ivtsting
7? * "* ^

l :
sometools. We have a good sttxk of Sc)ihes,
Snath, Cradles, Scythe Stones, Hakes. I'orits,
etc. VPhen you want anything in this line ,
com in and tee us. Our prices are low and ^
oar goods are riiritt.


The brMte I

doem. tbe red-roofed

•he old stile knows no trysis
Of bloebells and a bee.
let over bills, dim nllee apart,
t leads atrelafal to an eillr-| heart.
Hanley Swell. In Yonth's




Sower.. Mae aj brerre.
Jaae day brlaaa.
to the harper wind.
rlbraUajr ttriaica.
steal a woedwtre*

And dear tbe old rtmd'e sleepy tr
In snow or flowergUed areas.
Pnr rbooab ronot by bnmaii kind.
Surb dreaffl'Sprks that way pas.
All day. and when the mnon'i slrance


, 8.«SKL*ST!WiSI«iS

another brito end depniHod <m» penny ena neariy a*r through them ate as
to a Uitto ito box wUrt was bla aav- -“-•.'-------caJfakln “■
lid (o with a free am*toga baak. Tim gretar. the baker. Ue leriol of whi
yJUe I
ei leaM for oaee be bad beea able u drivera of Ihc sand csru aad otberi
reUere the
he aald to Ua- who hoard of this titoMe plaa of aav'e strength of their borwen,
bricks from Pietro. Hit pen

ttrpo tl«lilb aadcr aaka pla««
To flad a

MoDCf to UniM Imjiiorcd Real Estate Only.


Seed Corn
'‘Pridt of tf}( flortb'
This is early dent com that will get ripe
in this country. You will not r^ret it if
you try some of it. We also have Buck­
wheat, Fidd Peas, Dwarf Esaex Rape.
Clover, Tunothy and all kinds of Gar^
Seeds by the ounce, pound or bosbel, at

tobre. ■oteennUawte taarimMe of aU papen wbWb Ste a '
hla baalnewa—alwaya keeping n bnH- ri-toon nae to (he Jantoeee boWMbrlcfca tor the Mo of U
bold are Ue toaiber papen ef wbMt
ime (hat
lobaera pooehes and pipe «aaw are

was no wonder that little Pletfo
better to sit upon tbe eurbeione
bosMe tbe drinking fotulalD ibi
ly In tbe eloee. dark house, or
Ibe narrow, nniidy
itr streei of the A
which he had come with hi. Calber
mother, from the bill.
>. in tal. native Und of Slelly.
where be '
ward, at a aipep angle: the bonaM
N rioae loaether. ibtre.
ns., hardly a stmy
k plant. The place wa«
>« h'
hoi and

again with toads of tate fram an eacavaikm where Ptolro'a father and
many other Itallau were emptoyed to
digging. TheM boraaa all aieppte MrOne day. at Pietro ani to hto
t. (he are alarm
real times daring the day lo drink at
ed; thee
the fouBlato; or If a driver torgal to
with tbe
water bU bone Pietro wa
buner of taoke trailUrn. •X>be Signor LMwnto.
lag nt
pe. Hnyennionlo (na the case might drove furiously np
be) you will not gtre to drink to
Use of ante enn. wn*
good beast tbai pever says.
comUc down Ibe bill: tbe boraes
nfreU of Ibe Are engine, nte ibelr
T^. amid the laagbler of ibi
drivrra tried (o culm
era. tbe forgeUnl driver would tura
Is rnrioua Kalian
bis bone np to (be Conataia. “Eh,
It seemi yoa are maater of na sll!" be
mto nte s I
would grumble, wnb a good
im like tbe cry ef n triihlrem
If given 10 Pietro.
He aprnsg lo bit feet-for
Ooee—and It wa. a gtcoi i
Mousey ibnt came ranslng a
for Ibe Sicilian boy—tbe pony with Hi
I Ibe bill, while Mtaa BUtol (
IKUe rldtw. who resembled a fairy
ir pomaet of Ihe saddle, crytog I
prlnceii. walled al the foantaln nnlll help.. Pietro wn. only a IHUe boy. b
Ulai etbel-n mnmma. lo her earringe.
lid not atop lo Utok of that-he
sbouU overtake Ibem. The Jewelled
Into toe airoel ate airtight on
ward to meet Mousey. wH*
rWIng whip—whose laab Uoiuey '
inus. camag tbe ptmy
never beea able 0 dlallagultfa from
fly'4 foot on tbe
'Nonary. Mousey r
: Wbt
hr noticed It n( i
n Mist
......................torey sw «oee
freakl.b tl
certain that be wn. oo (nt to enjoy n
bow pleated
rauwny—at nil events
with Ihe gentle haodllni •topped, pnattog at
irembUng i
of the liallan boy:
and down Piet- He. nod buried h.
- .
sleeve and even
a bis tare. breast of Pietro's Jacket. One of tbe
driver* of ibr sand rant HRed Hits
. .. drip
E(hel from (be saddle. She stood apfountalD.
iendaUp uo tbe sidewalk, ‘half ineltond (o tears,
Pietro and House]
maey-bul It la anoiber mlnolc. n carriage came
proved equally durable. Al
After Mias
ipldly down Tbe bill: It ttoppte. and
Bibel had ridden away (be foontabi
ibel-a mnmma nllghled. pale with
remained, for a while, denened by all
He girt la b
ben II
Pietro wo
try wheels:
tram loaded
ib brick, drawn by great
______ Olnnnadrea, n big fel w from Naplee.
Lb noble peeks, and aides that beld him by Ue arm
looked at If they were carved In gtan"Tbit la wbo saves
e. Since only one horse conld drink
.pounced GisBaadrea. ••Also, ■
a time at the fountain, the driver
itkea eyerybody pul
em Into Ibe grocer's abop to borrow
irro 111 do good to bor-rae. Pietro
backet lo gire water lu tbe second Bma-rnie hoy. yea. sir!"
wse. Meanwblle. it seemed to Pietro
Kibel nd her mamma hi
Ihe •
stood Ibe rapM words sad .
e obliged to brace their h
tbe worth) Neapollllan: but (be gro»(ia> to real.l (be dragging weight <
rer. from bis doorway, gave a acre
........................... backward 1
r 10 Pletre'a
"Pover rourage.end b fab sympaib
iihy and
etil. " observedXHelro. -| .ball accomo­ for horses.
date ihlog. for yon.- -’der." t
r look two bricks from (he earl
d be t
placed tbem oadenieatE ibe Mad
looking (or-OM
wfaeeia. The boraes. relieved of tbe' ruuld uke ebtrge of Ue aubtoa. sad
In. stood at ease. Tbe driver
ever aboae. or aegtoet or tease Ue
from the shop, fllled
boeket. boraes. It b not often one Bad* a boy
both boraet were enjoying
•II ■
d boraes ao weil.'
c cool wgier.
t wbfl laugbt to)
"Wmi 11 you tbit blocked my wtaeels. about boraes,"
1 Pleire. aad then
wai Bbaah
-Yes. II waa I. There wat aothlog to apeaktoi
Ise. so I look a couple of your liricka.
a amlllag. brau
hope II ivai not wrong.d man with a shovel over |
• Twas n pretly good aebeme of
ilder. wat pushed forward by 1
ours." eommented tbe driver as bemounted hit can and started bis
"He Pleiro's talar- was (be form of


aimer. SIrliV oh. Ibai was a Bae
'oiiDiry. I'inrn remeniltf-red. altbonah
-s old when he Irfl
almost ira—there
■be sky was blue, with a beautiful aim.
And such hoiweal Pietro s father bad
lieen employed a a farm where they
raised '
Dials. B
and rampanlonable. Chat
>lr lineage back to famou.
Arabian steeds of the time, when Ibe
Moors bad power In the lalaDd.
Pletrn liked
when hi. papa and mamnu toe little aUiert were with
He could apeak Bngllsb quite
for he aiiended a public school;
c enyojv-d the M-bool.
reader were to be louod so many s
"Your brieks—her* they -are. slglet about boraet. But In vaealkm
chief plenauro wai to sit by the foun­ lOr!"
-No matter for Ibem—I'm in a burtain and make friend, with tbe horse*
thaf came there to drink. Of these
"Thea i may bare them?"
tbOT' sere so many: be knew Ibein
"Yes. tonny."
all. and had n reason f»r bis fondness
letro. In delight,
kissed those
of carh. He admired the stately, blgta•ks. He could do ao aueb wUb
■icpplng IM). whieb now and then
Uieml Wbrnever a learn should come
ame up the street.drawing a fine
In Ibe founuln he would pince bto
a mile brick, behind the wboela. nnd ao gIre
Pietro relief to tbe tired borsea. He walled
' nexl comer. This
er. she
'proved to l>e the milkman.
ny, irotilDg
>w and iben
Khe railed la her blab, clear____
mamma and aunih- lu admire
paces of UoDsey.
esperui friend of bb. Tbe
Bnt Pletrn fell a more Intimate
friendllaesi for the old white horse good creature knew every bouse
that beloDgcd to Ibe areeer wbuse be ought to ball, not only (be
ahop. was elaae by the foantaln, and wbeoce Pietro's little sbicr cam
bright Ito can for milk, bol altbe black horse of (he baker, add a seduur on whose step was (br lit
rtoii. brown mare that came every
mnrein* from tbe cuuniry with vege- He balf-pini piieber of Nora O'Brien,
pale, pretty neamslresa; besides
taliU-. and fruit—lately her laea-leglUfl
Rod. timid llitle colt trolled by tbe
<1 milk enough f<
e porridge of
mniher's side It aooB learned not to
' *t little r •
!«• afraid of the mile Sicilian boy ifaal
1' beyaot. for the pig. poor
• dialect, and
anuiber bouse was a II . .
ibal Pietro
Ih». obo came out oo hi. rratrb.
would tewrfa her lltlle one nn nau
Uke ihc can of milk: and there
ways, ^r rktro never. In paai
wa. Ibe Oermno cobbler's wife,
teased burse, with a rude slap i
sudden col.e: and they never nipped her funny baby lhai never seem-.. ..
the Just reprenf that lauRh or cry . ao<l a colored family that
"' uoihlog but bugb: aad a you
horses make to boya wbo annoy tbem
lae who played Ibe melodeon a
Then there were tbe .uperh gray
<- m Ihe door In eurl papers for i
ciTM-* of the Are depanmeoi—Pietro
milk ran, while her mother worked
sometimes saw them gallop past as
Ibe waib tub In ibe yard. Pietro knew
• ight all


check their
o that they might dri
s: and then Pleiru a
l•tIbe Ibe dilated
d Dostrili «- horses
lilt In spray with ibelr eteiied
breath. There was alto a dear -friend.
only of Pietro, bol of ihe others
lU own kind whose
help drag Ihe borae care up ib. long
hill: this good hone waited, a little
way Wkiw
ration should , _. for hi
lim to help bit
fellow horse.. Tbe
-■ lop, he
d to It_____
cheerfully abreast of ibe pair that dre* It,
•^tourage. ibl.
long bill, bol we will all pull
Ill to.
srT- Then, wbre (bey bad call..
Ibe lop of the bin. the good borae wi
Issed. to trot back again br bli
Pietro often ran a few aleps
him: and rareailng Ibe toft are
velvety, rosy, wnrtn. like a .an-ripeni
would aav. -Tou are a bra<


tbeir affairs.
inS to take tbe borae by |l
11 lead him op to Ibe fountain, care­
fully avoiding aurb stones to the gut
S3 might lmp,-ril Ue can. of milk.
Hi, mile Dago.i. ihai y^T" salui
ed tbe milkman
Pietro had never beep able lo dis­
cover why be. In romaoc with other
lullans, should be called Dago.


bigger body Uaa hat
t (bn
Mggeai Afriraa elephant
ant of t<
--- -- so far at la kac
equaled to bulk

'. nte


of IbA feet tong. As elepUnia. bornto
aad atmlUr animals are trneed bnekwnrd Ibrougb the rartoot alnin Uey
are tonte to get tmnller nnd nmnitor.
Some eatlnrl elepbnau were no Was*
than Shetland piwH-a, while ihe bfteaa
of preblalorie ngv* were about (be site
<rf Urge dogt In nimoil every graqp
of hairy, warm blooded inimnit eatoting ipecImeBi arc bigger than theme of
by-giwe (Jmea and the notion (hni
(here It any tendency to nnlmnl life to
dwindle to site
It entirely wlihool
fotiadnlkm. There nee. of eoutse. eg.
rt'trikmt. for tbe cstlnct afaxha. kaagaruos. llanrB. nte some others «•
ect-ded to bulk exieltog rroaiurM of
sme order.-CVimmeretol Tribune ,

omeuis <f (be luaekbnre Corpornon UecIrioKy workt (all a rel alory.
II U BM placed li
-iber angling nneodotn or golf yam.
ui na n verweloua nereuM of itoal toe
onltoary domeslle enl la caimUe if
Id be hard to bw. This la II:
- ral lirtog ni ihe power' house
asleep to ibe rim tf n fly-wbeN.
when (he eagtoea were euried. and
for Bve boars
Pnaay was whirled
round al the rale of «• mllen per boar
When at length the engines eloppad.
Jumped down rreu Ibe wheel.
for a lew
aeeonil. and then walked
sd quietly
corner. oon<
e for Us ei

Oue PoMur a Vwnr Per HeM.
Akbougb many people are (mmptoUftog <f (be Inrrenae of rcnia. If appenra


vail at Hnmpatend, Bnginad.
the hearing nt Ue _
a court of an nrbiuntkm
nrbiuntkm enac,
to wbleb n balUer cdnlmcd ttfMb
from tbp Umdon acbooi beard la nbouacw to New Bte.

■Iff aald Ual be paid Ue lord of Um
realm of one penny a rear.
enUded lo (wo free Ittnebna
na a tennaC but U wna weldom the
rent of one penny was eollertfd.—TK-

Oerpeeua Jeteeto.
• la an namatog eolleeikm of
Jewelt lo tbe anlun a iresanry al CooTbe lurbans of all the
II. are Ueee.

purest water.
- ro)-al Uronc of Pento. enriM off
the Turks to UH. ate covered wlU
rr (ban ttfiOt rnMei; etoeraMa aad
flne pearla. and (be throne (f BaMmaa
i.. from Ihe dome of wbleb there haws
rnutuaed by (be praises torlahe* op
- tbe bead of tbe callpb na eamr- •-'- mile son, and by tbe effort
aia inebca long nte four iaetma
I aad answer what wu aald d<^. Tbeec two ibrooat are (be chief
him. Pietro's tolber was able ai Ubi ohirets of (be coitocUon.—Answers.
to understate
:o go. for a
rtl, to
few miles from Ibe ell
o uk7 charge
- any anmber gf
nnd the bSBtodaa
Needles, to add (bal I (bat week's
tliuiien. la ihNr
trial Ibe good Sicilian w< I Ibe eaii
oRirua there are books with Ihe aatoaa
emptoyera. and. o
I partlcotora ef nil ibe aanrrtoffeaMa
horses ibemaelvea. that
s. rich or poor, wbo lire to tbe ftoknow well enough. ye( cnasol com
t, ate Ue brokers gs tboul eodagv
plain. If Uey are negleried or mlsirvaled. Soon after. Pietro's unmma. aeily II
kS they wc
ordinary frtelng boetoeea.
neei. It A
ely npoe IIbelr ancceat whMbor
nnd they rrcelke any paymeut for Iheir ef- '
remoTed to t neal llitle oMtage, tbe (orta nr B«.
coarhmtn's lodge at (be borne of Hlaa
Elbe!', family. There ber bnaband
1 boreea. Pietro It
own groom; Ue Sicilian priaooer to c__________________ _____
.0 koli. and look at tbe great
Ruaslan Poland, n few yenrt ngo.
Portoui nl being
tlt^-. behind Palermo, while, ber lltImpriconmeni for bag
grog, me womui tetoed (be toacUa
siatelng cm Ihe Jodgn' Uble. and
deall Ihe gendarme wbo bad glvet eride.ire agalnsi her e»cb ■ l.kiw oa the
head with II that his akull was hrokea.
: i perso
shortly afUrwarda.—
allow- Pktro'i
Wheeling Regl-ler.
anyone wbo
wbeelt while
borae abouid drink at the fo«
DctU to Bnakta.
Then the IlHle fellow brought
l novel metbod tor killing rnllle
nkei, whi
boi of money; ibe i_
'' h nbound nenr ImCrnate.
helped Ibim count IL and found (be
la., ba. been dlseorered br n mna
to be one dolUr
g b
be cmldB'l
sereii eenre
gM nt the anakn he bit npoe B
•'I'M give you a
ro doltor bill for n mrons <f rbnmlng tbem from UHr
'bange if yi>< • III tell me wUi bole*
Taking bl. old riolto aad nn
re gutng tn d with Ihe ooney,- tssiauni with n abotgun be lured Ihe
repilles frcND their den., twaylng nte
Wbesi be bad beard its deMtoatkm. weartog (n tbe Tbrn tbe sbol‘ presented to Pietro i tbeet of pa­ gtinl eiperi performed bU peri.
per. an eavelopr and a pocinge cuap.
Then Pietro mounted the (all stool be­
After Twe CeMuriea.
hind (be grocer's desk, dipped bU |
Wooden wnier (dpoetong up to ibe
aad wrote a letter according lo
Streets of Loodoe. inglate, about (oar
direttei of bis heart aad of Kalian eUqueitr of <
na far na be
knew tbat polite
e at presc-rvsiMi.
-Ue tU _______
-F-greglooi Sir -I should prey yon

>u m ine uiaivwi U4 toe place.
conclnded. and gave bImMH
peace about It.

'll Is I." be aawered. witb a eonBdeniul gUnee at h* bone, to which
Ue animal responded by i whinny of
greeting. While Ue borae was drink
tog Pletrn pul oae of bli famous bricki
behind Ue wheel
“So It goes well,
eh"- be naked the driver
"Ptrai rale I suppoae you have no
objection lo aelllng me thtt brick,
have yooT Here are two eenu tor It.
Sometimes a would be styll.b ]
I will keep II to ibe can ate block ibe
driving nroand tbe r
rerner wheel, with It. Pact la. mv borae
.ti with
.. phaeton swinging reeklestl...___ don't .bow for a. good care as be geU
borae over-drtren. with the peck AeM 1 want tobeea.y wlibblm, tor I eapeet
stlBy baefcwnrd. half choked
d by tbe
ageei of
society will be after
eheck-rela. eyes
eyes ttralned.
me for driving a woni«« crealore
flecked with Inarn.
Jtenny isn't w<
r la m
happened to take tbongfal for the bet- BDcb (or took.. Get op. iohni
animnl. and allowed tbe borae
Pietro wntcbsd ibe mllki
t and refresh blmaetf at tb<
w borae stopped to .erve a
enrbetitoe to
U master btoeked Ue
cruel cbeefc-^a! How.«ta4 be
r that day. (be mllksan
I to bear tbe deep sigh of rrilef of
n tbe
borae. and eee the cool water tan
It waa ton tbe
In deep drnugbu down tbe (brent
wboM maaetce were a( last free to
to tbeir wewderfol toterpiey! On
ef (be street w bars
Kcaatoa. eaeb as '
ttoed Plelret b


Uars 2 and
Accept Ihe moat respectful

• pipes ezceedcel setea Inrbet
to ooe toslaare two lines of
n pipes were eotnecied togetber
•I Iron Und.. »«<- pipes made
e trf nwk were (.rend.—

Snerod EtophoM.
alee an wluesaed to
Siam when ooe of Ue sacred white toephanis dies. It la 0vea a rnneral
grander ibaa Ibat accorded to princes
of n->ai likiod
Buddhist prlewta oto' devout.Siameoe
n and WI
women (olknr
- Street. City.'
Ue grave. Jt
lewcla ate CfUe aflaed Ue «amp. dropped (be
letter Into (be etreet mall boa. ate to
anoUer bow was oa hla way to tbe
borne ia Ue eoantry, where he voaU
hww friends aauag (he beraei.
Ue cHy dirertory—
good man
To (be ■

pnrwoael loynKy______________ _________
two surviving comrtees cd Habtaarf,
iapaaete oiled papers, made from Ue Ubrndor eiplorcr. They di
bla body <76
Aa a Dover for Ue
• lhaworidto
d bytha
r. wbleb
___ __________
akms. u It tacraMad from (he (op af
a Urpaalto ate aa light aa (be bowl a the amber mnatogires
^ He hat doaMlem earrite wHb dlamoods. ruMm ate pearla aad
thto cover lor yeora. neatly
*- valned at U20AM.
away eonewbare Bboat hto ea.w
There aria ao ■
-riktoha' coolies to she torge riOes
---------ala maatlai at tf ~

eeata ieaa Una
K Bar n yuarar

MK.-9M fftohtei «te mmS »



^ Krf


«( act b «br

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v: ;r

U bfl. wa* n4w<4. •<>
w MArraatM.
TWaanaraonaaBl l:IC a J o «b
aaeaiaa te tba CMC et thr Hanaafe *
.. B wan » a lll■l■ll i »»


. (M ka faaa a wHa noeaitlooanr aaa
k b dalaad (hat tbe euapaar dl4 aoi
. MW (ka eosaitliBf. TkMla aaad la
wMt4 aaad be<Bk> •>< «kMi Ik* 4»
teM dalBad ika acBfaar
avk* KOBd li (k« Bala tkiac for «

tfwiiMMtthcwpu^leaukrefoUtorknowBtoinediaJKieDce. It relieves tfiec^
dition which produces so mudi discomfort and robs menstruatioo of its tenort
Women who are troubled with painful or irregular menstruation, backache,
bloating (or flatulence), leuconhcea, falling, inflammation or ukeration of the
uterus, ovarian troubles, dial “bearing-do#n " feeling, dizziness, ^ntness, indi­
gestion. nerh-ous prostration or the blues, should take immediate action to »-ard
ofi the serious consequences, and be restored to perfect health and strength by
taking Lydia E, Pinkham’a Vegetable Compound, and then u-ritc to Mrs.
have been curedi
Pinkham. Lynn, Mass,forfurdier free advice. Thousands
so doing, and by die use of

Lydia E. Pinkham’s VegetaMe Compound. |

*^P(d3;U tfcetarr la tba Rlaca
kad am raackad aa tciaaawai.
Tic aaa* df Iba Paoala ft. Hearr
MaaaAar. ekai«ad wKk aHaalt
wttk lataal u «e craat bodOr bam.
taa MS Bdlla ptaaaad OB Boiioe of Ua
praBOtor. It la iB>d«moad >ba( tb*
aaBfblalac *IU>Ba ibosak •
' falaruaoa ta (aattfr acalul Ur.~ '

Dbab Hbi
PiaaaAii: —A
nadtd ***TT Bcetb. aa 1 ka*« it
factor bU thU waa da* «a aa lat
while ago mf
ri br rvprafad aad BcflMted cold
M at tbl< rrlttcal fTlniirl^y^ (mal* troobirc Thr dm^or di.l Krt ju-ip ay.
how dMBSfim it la to Uk* «oM
^ 1^ E. Ptakbaa'a \ct«uMt Cam-----I. naaT3ri to lL^'a naUBB*aV«^
IroaW... aad I Iclt core tU«
that bd]»d B* ahr. WlUtIa Ihrw w*«ka Kim 1
raUtOflT»H aUtaL*

Tba Isrr la lb* caaa oT <ha Paepla
MdslT:Up’ek>ekU>laB(aalD(J '
; Mami dlaehvsad (km (bar I
«BMe (a rsaeb aa acnwsuait. Tbar
Isak Uw (*aa raatamlar allrraocB
, aM I o'flork aad Iroao 1 o-fUM* bat
: arabM smu tkl* aaeralat Ui*r a((»d
’ atom u OM. jaem belag for ae' «Mal aad <ae (or eoarlrtien.
b b aH that tk* Ivor «bn toot
■■'.mm vasM eol cl*a av rraun* vbr
KK on sad tba otbrr (iren did
VMM la tbair po*ar kw al«h( li>

Ilk* a MW WOMB. I rcallr ha*c M<rrr (r)l briJ


tb* ira*ai diaplar. «hlcb It tb* Ian- (
act aod liftt *r*r plBMd befurr tb* '
arorld. Id azrteritare. Mkhlgaa r r*- i

lb* oenutlon. A bcanr wt
II l>* g1r*B all vltlinn aad a
- '
poatlM* win t

ir* at tb* pre**Bi daj ara la propoftloa to lb* Booer that U b*blad ib*ir pitatur* will b* overlooked.
It I* rerp.llkelr that a large onml>*r
acB. 1 bop* ra hare Nerthmi HieblIBB rapraaeatad acrieollaTaltr (kb of Trarerte Cllr people will «n to
Haeltiee ibU rear a* there will be bo
eolpbratioB here. T1»e Balt City prom- ; huiiae There were IS lakiBg the
MB §*******?" "** *'
I* to all who eoBie,
gnil* exaBlaaiisBa and three th<
Br ordtr et the Probate eoarl. Job*
oBd eradP. Tbe rollowinz la the Hat
TUa aftarwa about 1 o'clodt tba
E. Cvdr
wai aalbnrttfa
Sundtr Setieot Conventloo.
of thme taking the work:
awa ad Barta B. CMe ra. Mark Crao. I.Beoal
- . fanllr
(anllr aanj*. whlrh
it I
&Tond arade—Dahl
aopsal. «ai ukaa ap la Clrenii eoan.
Iteiween three aad tour hnodred
^ TUibUiacBiepanalaladtoaaatchal Cordr.
Plegil** ares pxpeeled here at
« the Klog-lny; Btbe! M. Sroti. Traverae
Ibaowa laa- -Utrtet BuDday school eoaventlon City: Claud* J>. Swift. Klagaley.
Mr. MeCardr
f ' IIBI Mr. Crao Ml at tb* Per* bUr'
«Btla «apM aad otilcli ou aiolea.
which will he held la thlt eliy ib* laM- Thlr.1 Crade-John C. Kuak of
drawn. I.ucy I. l»op of Fife Lake.
iur WM afcared at l:M. Tfai* aakc
die of Augiitl.
_____ its Wealthy .
• WaMdllBtTaaa* ea thecaleadar ai
At a receai meetleg ot the rouoly Mary Miilrooney of Elk lUpIda.
tba fBMtd tba Jarr oare dUetiarsad- thaa IS mrt. la apwkiag pT thU act e«BlBli:ee. Il wax decided to lorlte Blaaeb* R. Bruce of Elk KapIda. Nel­
at resoBlag lb* fall (anlly mb*. Mr. serrial adjolBlnseouallet to take part lie Tbontpauii of Mavficld. Mary Scota (be me of tb* Hannah * U
. MarsMllle ooBpaar ra. J*dr*nae I
In thr eoDreation. larlutioot will l.e fleld of wmiatnaUurg. IJal* Tboma*.
"Near tb* beglanlag of
' me (be aoart (Hracdad ih* Jair to
laiucd to Charlevoix. ’Aatrtn. Kaika> Bra Thiiriell. Minnie C. Bailey. Lurenc
f Map la a aardlet at tllfJl ta (aw toMlh oesirr wbea nr icn
ka. IM-Ianan. Heaxli' and Wexford Sbryer. Uiare It. Theot«ld. Bdaa lipJames MeCuidy Bored hU place of coimtie*. Each SoaiUy tcbool will dlke. Olli* I.. ISIrdHall. Bra Young and
nahUate* tram Vertsoat to Kew York, have froB ore to three delesalei and Nona I>*« l» c.r Trarera* Clly.
The foljowlog bare nerer tanght
aoBK a dlTOTM OBI altooMl la tba the predx WBi dt<«ped.
tbU. logelber wUb the rt.ltor*. will
asaa at Jea^^* DtoaiMl n. Praak
mal e aereral hundred that will be ra- aehool: l.ticy I. Loop. Mary MulthU was doae he replied tbit It wore lertalned her*.
■ XOtaasR.
rooaey. Llale Tbomaa. Era Thurlell.
Mrrtla M. RnaWaa «t. WnHam oS aad ao be dropped li. Asolber very
The Intenlkm of tbe commlue.' Mlnale C. Oalley. Lurene Sbrver.
prabaUe reaaoo U that tor aoine tin*
II* the bfio apeakera and the Blanche R. Ilnice. Edna Updike and
anar tbe
town Sunday aehool workera to Rva Young.
war tberc
take part la the conrenllon. InrllaHonor For W. W. Smith.
tloa. win Iw laaued to epeakers from!
ard oa. Oaorpa SoMbard oa* takaa
Ohio. DotroU. (irand Rapldi. Mllwan-'
I. W. W. Smith of (hit city hi
aodar adnaaBaat br tha wort,
and other placet.
been appointed aaalaiant aergeaat i
la tba lasa <d P. H. Taabarea ri.
I a few day* tbe comBliteo will
begin the work of aollcuing fund, for v,.nilnn which will tw held In Chicago
tb* eoaventlon. Il will reqnire aome next week. The appolainent ta quite
£« Tba am ad Cbariaa Vhltaer ra.
Bocey to enlenaln the delettaie* but an honor to Mr. Smith and the dutlea
L. ■aapar a (adgaBit oit flraa
they all feel anre that It will be wi-ll
jBlaeai. br betas taUander- larpaled. Il U ctpccted that the Tc- and reaponalliHlllea ot the place
tIJM br Mlpulallo
mtly old iBBlIy lellen have qnntei will be liberal. Laal year the
■ Mr ta tba saw ad S. B. Cota
eoereeltoc waa very anceeeatul and It
Hon Jobn i
"--k Orao broucht In
i* experied to make the one thi» jwar
Ida. Mr. 8ml
~Moeo of ao
present In 8i. Ixraia hut will I
Theae an the evMeaee of the
la tba rasa '.......... ......
notiaed of hlf appolntneut by bla ao
ISB Mr. Crao ta Jaatlea eoad
posed td L. Roacoe, cStlrman: W, A
-I hare bese much talMested.
V «aa oat a URla orer aa boar.'
Soon sad W. M. Gordon. .The ftoiml: ly etigfaved rertIBcnie bearing the porMr. HeCnrdy, ''while iareatlgaUi
CDtamltlee eoealfi* of J. W. Mllllkei iral at the laie Wimaa McKinley.
Balt** to learn (be dtSereai i
Robert lUrry and C. II. Eaiea.
Tbe certificate In Itaelf onteide of the
a^ oaa w ■■■uiias ■ oaniiou inu m
T‘.t traald sM lar. Tba etbar aiamlm a
Ej, Ow iarp ara ratr aBphaiic la ib* oar
r i War (aa) Bid did Mt oaat to Maf la
:« vaxbt at tlBmmnnn It li


lo the relatives o(
bride and graom. Tbe rnnirarrlng
parties are well kaown bere. eapMdally tbe bride who has resided ben- a
at year*. The besl wUbe* of


Fifteen Mile* s( Walka.
C*m*nt walks ar* being laid In th*
rit) at a rapid rate. Al the presecii
time there are three gangs innilBg
c walks and Ibev lay aboul (lu
lit sli-fiioi walk every day. There
iw-enty-fmir men employ«l In the
Ihrer gangs. .
■ he pn-eul lime there Is a gang
OB Washington street, another on
Uke avenue aad the third is on ttotoa
t. It Is Intended to lay stoini li
mill . <d ceinetu walk In tbe city this
year. William H. Courtaile lias the Inapertlon ol the vsorfc and charge of th*
Oeed Towns.

A. White' of Travers* City, ante
I lor the imnuis Life, was In the
ell} Thursday on bnsln.-ss. Mr. While
he hears nuav g»>d wards (or
cliy while on the road and be> Cadillac and Trovi-r.e Oiiy are
■ no dlstlnrllon Iretween them. He
aty* that people who are In a position
to know claim that the preasat stale
>us will abow Travme City to
hive a populatloB ckMe.u, the IJ.tW
mark.—Cadillac Globe.
Btatt New*.
reara.oM la the rained
prMsessloa of Mr*. Ptaak Peteraoo
' Greeaville. Tbe text Is la DanUh.
Work on lAnrell'i new cutler (ao
lory Is nearly coopleled. and Qie
company will rorameora operations

ix proposed by Hoogbloi
O. e. S. Cenvsntlen.
lue ol the 1
_______ U wrtttea 'MaecurdT.'
The annul meeting of Meg
bowerer. bare deeldtd to sas the b< l aoelatlon. Order of thr Baste Btar.
by popuUr aubscriptloB.,
rsesp' forn. whieli It McCurdy.* - opened la the Haaonte ball
Grand Eaplda Hc(i^.
place Wednesday atimoon wlib aa
Port Huron rlilseos are objecting
addma of wekoB* by Mrs. Loo Htn- vr a iwo days' celebraUon bere. July ■caote aome o( the feeble and diaand S. BnBcient money has already
Id SBHt7 aa at to aaeape
MaoMss Will CslabratB.
been pledged to laanre a aBCcesruI tsro Hae* bare Iwu-n plareul It
Md M (be ebaair M aatli
ince wfll eaisbfate the ~01orldays
■ at apart, bat aitb* Baa
Mrtb- In genalae old faiblnoed
Tbe different eommlitees are busy
The dhree eonylcts who edhaped
atyle. There will be red Bre and pawith Ibelr work. Tbe fireworks have from Marqueiie pHsoe a few days

laiSea. Sreworfc* and all attraction!,
bought aad evcrythlnf polala lo ago have so far dudml their pursuer*.
proper oelebtaroaring time for (* hour*. Don't
PiMldeoL Mrt. Jennie Woodro. Kaireward of $7:. to offered (nr
on any place to apeod yoor oa- their capture
faoUday hot Kalkaakm.
First vloe president. Mrs. Maul
Brhoolcrafi boasts of thr oldmt
ire srlll be plenty c< nmalc,
Ooner. Chaiterolx.
Hr. Rivers of that place,
_ .i of al aort* with liberal prite*.
«ia tetSi as these smUm
Balt game* each day between iwo 1a 1M years old. and waa bora bol
> Maalriee eoaatr aad «
Ilf year* aRer the deaib
toted aad arraagemnu are rapeood teama. Harbor Bpringi will be
■atMtaetorr u wui mka
. bHaf cospleted. Tha pragraa
of Washington.
.** Ushtv. HU eaae WM
hai not u yet been delerPlDoeer Trihime
adfaaiBed to (he Snt day «( the tiw tbe dayalt]
be aanogneed Uter. It
•bows unmistakable alga* of p •sppr■asinriel tm. duly il The coan will beb«
of ample pioportlona, bowever.
adv<-nlaleg columns, : id an
e next Beeilog will be held i
eeaeladed Ua bariaete aboai S o-elock. and ao effort
Prom alri-el will have another new Iiy In Us of
or expeoae will be apsred Charlevidi
etmiomaeit year, in Hay
.IBM Bight the MlowlBg dIrORM
lilding In Ih* near future. Architect addliloD
the supper hour the delegates '. A, IVan I. at prraem working on plated by t - puhllsber*.
i nm ■taalsd: Michael iBrdle ra
OKI ol town were dined In tbe plana and f|*-eificaUans lor a two.
S Wri Urdia Ptoaaee BIU ra Marbunding, two door* north of the
• i. Ira Ooralai ra. Matthew A.
ek iMrucliire to I.- imlH by
Maaonir hall, where extensive prepap
McNamara la th* vacant
atinu had beea made. The delegate*
'I we,i „f Prank Frl*.1rirh's |
who arrived on the foeemion trains
---- jut and raUroad llnca bci' _
alH> beea entertalne.1 at dlna<T
The new hnlldlQg wufi-- two atorlw-1
tar reduced rate* but alao far special had
and (flxlim r,-,-, It will to ^
boat* and iralna to take tbe excors-AtlM the coapMloa ol
The evening aeaaloa was givea
hiilii (g brick- Th* luw.T pari will to-'
nhmlat* to the Sail City and alao brli
-flMar «aw the rilnaee caa
used (or a double store and the
borne In good araaon.
- Waady ra. Hagb a Weedy
scorn BEllSON wM-t mtU a
»ri wilt to- a rrsnuing houThe attracUoes will all be at high
I'eniy-Ihree room*. •
elBB aad MaaUtee will be Is^
eoBK adfaorM
—BeUre ladepeodent.
Wcwk Will be to-g-un as soon
M % It t*
U y«7
rety ukeiy
Ukeiy (kaLBPWt
plac. are. ■alshe.l and the o
•raalag bat'Tt^
Preparing For Fruit,
rtefetb rad baa. raamgfam^^
y to eoBllnae c«an aetll
le local frail men an- preimriBg
for the fruit araaon whlrh will l«glu
SCCTTr*? %wlC^rwiA
Married at Cnpir*.
In about three week*. The (ralt seaMr, rotirtlaad Drowuell of Traverse
«lg FralM Far FnilL
toe here 11 ronaiderably later ibU year City
and Mr*. Jane Pratt <g this place
Mlowlng ItatM baa beea («■ It la Wpmen Who than last aad the fruit buyeri are at
i: r toOrM by Harry Eneelaad at the TrarKewal a stasdalill at the preaeni time.
Moat Kellef Many of them are keeplog thc.r regu
, «ng Oty Gaaning eoaapaiiy. ii it rram
lar foree busy, bowever. makioc at>3fM. U Dean, aupeetoteadeat et agilFrom Llttla Irrlbarrels.
V Mare aad bonlcaltaie at the world's
taUng Pains
• cherry owp will be the flnu c«e
*T Btob to aanonee to Uc trstt
and Aches.
re for and last year It waa cdin
.Mwsrs of (bis asctloa (bat I hare
ueneUic to be barveaied ai ihU ilmi
re«iid BOB* bcoea at rralt which
hot h will be Bboul three weeks yei
-r aa« ra tb* worM-* (air but lall i____
e-anyiblag caa be doire wlib twyear'i crap, dherrlea will be followe.1
her snail fnilU aad the buyers
bare very llitle spare tine on
tbelr haada when fruli cnameBrew to
i;. i *ta asaa btara a raristilb I i
Thoes are very few potatoes lo be
, 5toeB^tTrSTsM* l^wSTthatl
paUH to whlOi aba la « Hityr. bought aad there b nni very mack
being done wUb tbe lubera. Most of
tbe ahippera aad buyers have closed
apoa potatoes and iboae that bar« pui
— dolag ao as raptdly as poaalblc.
DrOo OO.
ra th**I2i S5£2^“be ladlcallona are (bat the fr
ah CM ky (bm. -Utu.
crop will not be aa large a« last ^.-Yaraeaa casaty wa
There will not be aa maty peieb.
ag^ tniB tha anbaids o( s. &
eherrte*. peart or plumt but frum i
It outlocA the apple crap wUl b<




And we are prepared to PROVE IT TO YOU by the
actual test of EASE. SIMPLICITY, and ECONOMY
of operation, POWER produced and DURABILITY of
construction. All users of COLUMBUS ENGINES
will certify to the above facts



Hump Back

Ladies Only.

Blue Vitriol

f . -n* traSl tnra Oiaad Trarersa
ir -MMir hfa anlcr ««mi ra any <g tbs
l-ITNMaw staraa. wUls Israr and tata I* Bad) naperkw. Ws hope that
' - nhsnaan o( tbs state wtll rs■* (rseW tU* ssaaoB wilb sariy

The O. W. D. baa* ball team defeat
i the Wmiaatburg tram Pridav
^ernoon aMS'MlIam.Unrg i-j a .j


pol ni, w er,


base hall.
tocat tram aad the t_..
pUyed la Ui* posHloas aa a

. Both Welch, for
■fcg tram plirbnl fine
S team* ably supported tbelr
■ A bad error ou the part of

Going to Build?
If so. Ihe South Side Lumber Co. at Traverae
City is the place to buy your maierial. Shop
and mill work done ou short notice. Give ns
a chance to figure on your wants.

South Side Cumber 0o.

Hantlles the full line of Osborn*: (ioods. "Osborne” iw Hit: laryjpst imleiscnth^f maker
of yrainand torn binders. Mowers and Reaper!, in the world Oo not place your
order before seeing <Kl>orn':’h nirw

Uerlical Bar mower
one of their specialties.

machinery and Farm Implements'
Remember that we sell the
"miller” Basoline Engine,


The only (iawsline Engine that a child
can span and handle‘without trouble in
cold weather. We have sold over forty
engines the last )Tar out of TraverM
City, and the>- are giving the best of satis­
faction.. Before idadag your aider tor
any make of Engines, call at our store
and sec the Miller.

We have just received four car loads of the

Fact Bn’s aad ttotMdearriagc'es'sBugato*
Tb^nmtt ever shown in Traverse Ciiy. You can get just what you are lodkinK fok
at Bougbev's

Cor. CaariA State St,


i9s«u;roiuTBBaiiaBAi9^ raDBn>AT.7inisti;, M^ * ^ '
•fur■crtlul t«c ■wa»g
TMMw miskt^nd '
faaard. Mr. Hiller. Hr. Marrar
Hr. oatet nn apviMud «teeUM iaspMtor* for the spMial elaetiM Jnlr
aetlM of Hr. Lardk tto board
of paUte works wm aattorlsad to «aPMd tIMtorltoimpnrreBeBt<dBMt
Bar streac becloaliiK a( the ead of

tMOm tram the iltw ««l«n
«f ON «K7, witmi hr to. mikiw per■Mm to hMP th«r plMM of bailMM MM btM 7 ■. ■. mUI tl ». ■«M iMd M4 Hr. Urdle mirnd that U
to MMlMf u< »lMcd M aie. Hr.
onto «U Mt Utah ibal that ns fair
ato tfetotM that the onaaeO sbMld
'ltd Itol the oisrhltoo tbooU be
M tto aahm an kao« vhere tt TleeatM aad ootebered so os to sake
■. Oa 'BMiM at
Mr. Blachaa. the prllil
O. Banco
lamd to ibe ordiaaaM eo
A toOUM atsaed br
Toeadw. JoM t>.
at aL ter a tenr la tb
j baiwaM
fMt aad Btata mrm
I raeelTed
Marina Olsaeter.
Tto nvort of the cHr oierfc that
*-Piul the tiller aad throw the
-•-tX- oa Capula AahlMb roleo
the air. there wai a toaad
■MU M Bute aad Cai___________ S^hiirrrlnc faet
Mdr pooBded M tto teoUle and
aeoMd. ladadlac lateraau aa:
Ito man ef tto bard i
. ntfea M (to raitOM dHtoUra mlks
. aad emt aratu was read aad aptrvrad.
- Tto board at ptoHe verks reccMMMM Aat amts be boflt. as ad, eonUod. fa tto Third aad ntih wards,
: brt M aeeeai of ob)«ctloat woold not
. roeouead tto .boJIdlac of a tower
la tto toooad ward ai presooL Hr.
< deeoad ward objeeud


otooce or bar cowMIp wkM I
oo tto ttn»u after * e'rierfc
Bood Otp dalms u hare tto roeord tnnrt ha lag been lakea from t
■tea la (to omtlee of puiUng ^ a
. Aboot Moae brook.r
baslaesa bniUlag la (to sbortesi (toe . fry
piBBled IBBI spriag. Tl
Cairte Oon. pobUstor cd (be Hoseltos
talk of ploaim (to
oathortted tto aarahal ti '■ore all ~ ~ ■
«M*r - - _
IS tnih ratabow
itabow trewt. bwl tied tto“mMt*“oirof“iir*
afait ■aehtaes bow laoper ■ Uihat llsbcd (here, em
•ad. aa suKable
(totshttolOM todOT'seetored tit aad m»td lo
building for aa «
. Hr. Hellaek. a
____ .
.. _ bulIdlBg for (he. Oo Wedaesday last Ormoad Brown,
of (he Fourth of J«lr wOl take place Rerlev U less than three dors
uee of (to fwial mall rarriers'uM of
trial far Hn. CoOfas. wk
at Bose Otj. aod tto eew Booe CHr
When n man bops frwit or regr- PiirllBDd. made kts trip la aa antomo. ^^jtly csmrlcted of ■order ii
band will fnralsh ■oale.
labies frooi a bnekner be is wtlltag.
The trip of twraty-sH miles was
as roled to bond Itself as s role, to sir««r itoi ibe latter ones made la oa bear aad Wtr mlaotes be taken np la Oin
defray the
Boaer 10 to osed aa a pint measures for guans. ThU Is act
of n aew IHal
slitr sums were made, oae of
t tto extaaalofi of the alsars so. boweser. The cl(y sealer
1 lo reglsirr a l«ter. dead stops
HnsHngt kas Ito fceartlrli cyvpatk!
Borae Clir A SoBibeaaten rallniad
g ntade each time Tto mar''
or tbe eoilre stale Oo aen Wedaes­
BM drtren to the bagea. bu(
day sbe w1{I eetertala tfiy Tllktge
oeoiral ■■HIcM.
* CoaataotlDe people are ladlcaaat beBrown put the man In ibe baaee while I—...-------.-.-j
T loo large. Many of ibe qi
eoMe rooad irlp tidieu oa their dirtlarblnr was left In ibe remd.
usually goes orer (to aa
big cold stoiai
nm as much os half a plBi al
la abonl Are boon
oBerH lo tMabllih a pUat la Har
leeal caparltp.
Elmer Smilb cHtklses BdUor Joars shall reeetred aaptklilag but a warwi
MUs Msy Hiller cd Bast Tai
ikm aad I'
“ still has the
f wlagcd aats de
beranse the latter glres half a caluma
s and the Tletaiir
. piire flgbi and cmly a frw aia'ter
eek aad ■ eirwhcTe. iDdoor*
lines to an elaborate fraleraal enirrGrand Harm aad BeMIng were each
of tto akU. M ta eoMoi tto MgtoMiss HRIer, tbongta small sod
rerraa with them.
has l> aocurm to %i- In Ito (broes of a airswl carnlral Ibis
Miealbv.aa hi psen^Mt ttokMof
> Urge onea. slight, fought brarely. but shi-s re
hob aad enotUB of the aalp, M U
mm-rd to her boose, sank ooder ibr
r being an Inch la lenclb
prite tlghl but
acalMhdMi (to ExpcrlsirnU arc bring omdr ai Han- shock and pain, and Is now srrki-isl} as acrordrd no sack similar coune.
d riacwottoi
r by Ihe fraternal society*
Wlqnr In the nsr of slag from ibr loSearing Bros, of DHroH. ihe nmiMU aad m
>I blast fumarcf as s sobsilintr for
The work fd fecnnng ihe right of
Mwld tbep prore succrssfni that mt- saHng siBiloe and goterometii build.
' ratlmad karlag been coai
lerlal will be used eeilrely In place of iBga ue HIddle Island, now bare a
ilses ibrongk rll.


boHtwmrd. «n esperialt;

Skin, Scalp arid Bhiod


un ntmi wtru

the salary id Reading's posimsster bss
here raised from ll.nno to tUOO Tlip
Hustler uys II has beoo tl.&nn for
iwo years pasl.-aad ihal the oBce recelpis were only a tew dollars.she of,

speaUoB trompet of b
a pinram to
t be prood ol
TIM tana of (to brldpe bood for the
IB the war of music aad recitaiioes.
liBjsiH t»jK» Mom ter tto aew
and one that s]
speaks well for Ibe lalrnt
hrtdpe am West Fkaat street was
chUdren. Brat." No need was
agnad opn. Ttoro will be Bias boade there for that Injoeefloa for ihe meo frseIhe
Clir Won
tsotod. Moh <# tto deaomlaatlM of of the partr were heroes all.
as as follows:
• HAW oaeh. u roe for tea rnn with
Brare Ben Aahtoe was at (he (brotRrciuUoe. Lucr Keller.
' tMonM at 4 per mt. partole Jalr 1 t. As (her swept aloas a tlsioo at
. aad Paa. 1 aad the latar to beeoow beinc eaade ImBortal in Stvreiarr of
dai Pair 1.1*14.
................poeirr came to him
struck a Plm Blndae atUtude aad
Plano aok>. gpaaldins FHedrlch
ad that It had ea
of the
^gnltlotoij^oBt hUbabore
Violin solo. Theroa UrUanus.
'■--'-^Uoa. Bertha Sieward.
(her to BlTdB penalailM U ride ea aU ~ni bold her sossle apla ibe bank
i vtolle solo. Coasunce Hart.
■nil tb
dlseoar- j Reciiatlon. Genld Oouller.
. Dr. Wlhelm
seed aad r
elm wa.
hbao solo. Harr
. .
irlop an attaek of acute agoe but
klOB was still calm.
tptalB------------------------- Recocs apoolBs of Haple Capaali
Song. Harr<ld Sherman.
aUlac the Deeds of ibc aliaMloa h^ ReclUlloB. Phelps Ftoior
OBlren. a iweatr’deot rMdwar. the aaac
o liak^te’
Violin dmi. Louise and lAirille Mob
HMBMWdotbdaHattaMdpr -*
Tto Mpart was adopted.
Piano solo. Harguorlie Krtas.
e crew aaswered “Ape. a
necliBlkm. Louise While.
The report of tto eodMltii
Violin sok.. IMea Hanbca.
elalma aad aecDOBU was adopted
At the nmelusica of ibe program
r a^dur e
ef tto brlodtoeaw mg oto-fhe Aage- rakes and efaarloiie rnsse wereeerved.
iBs oo (to Bight air. The tirfUfht
orer tto ploea. stopped a mh>Iheo shifted. A z«II dipped
.^MMliMidMlM Palp « for the
-1 the wiicr and arose with a
fnd bs< toe
- of
df toulBc tWArid..........
lisrt^bns obr
AWir oB Bor'-o(Wwes'-br-aou‘ rlllsent for
or the purp se <u erecllsg a
ennd the water woekB
woeka aratem
arttai of the
mandollB was plarlag. The
It to
.. the
.— Bit Jion- ot the Ule
oRp- nw sUctm will be froto
■MU 7 p. m. oo that date U the
Vandcr Bllck. Bert Wilhelm and


nenutnem If Ihe chlrens
isle material, drapage. eie. The requlred amount of moa«r haa ben
r.-allied.-Narthport Leader.
Vaader Bllck It the man
Jumped from Ue ear ferry dock


The most intefcsting

and greatest


H^p tailored men's Suits, oU this segaoni laicat
paltenii, irith self tetainii^ fronli; mIc price...
Brownie OreraUt for bops, sob) the worhl cn-ei
lor SSc and B5c; sacrificing sale price...............

crificing sale pr-ce per

k mhankHtUac to fH tad tbeMiieat thing to keep-^ can't boi bs more than ooce. You cant
■lll^briieteBinitideisgciodifiliiBOt. The eoafideitce the wmen bare b our Clo^ Uepartment
*MHton Mned bf hod, Mnen wnk. We hare worked bard to get it aod iball eadearor to retain it

Cbc 6rcat Rcdiiclieii Sale of

Qisb Suits at aereat Price Reduction!
We have about T6 Brand ocw Wash Soils to mH you at tbe fallowii« tempting prices;
$$.00S«taafUnen Batmes. mer- « * /kM

.... T2B

a Bale price, gw the food.

€rtat Ssfrlttet fa Beats'
Hen's Ribbed Balbriggu Undenrear, told
the world oier lor SSc, sale price
* ponly.................................................. . I O
60c Imported Batbrignn Underwear oc
for men. tale price................................


IL» ^ of BHu colorad Percies.

^ (bat>«., are I

Monarch and anett Shirty best $1 and $1.60
diin mode. aD dut SMSon't pat, terns, tale price...............................
Men's Can\-as Gloret, heavy tirin,
lOe quality, for...............................
front and



Men's BBple Straw Hats, worth
L60, yoto choice for.......................
Mm’s Dram Shins, made of best o*7
.Madras (doth, sacrifice sale price.. .Of


iitt't PrMd flaiaei Over Skim,
worth 76c aod $1. te...........


men and boys,

Wash Boods


jR motnati's (Confidence

$G^ and $7.60 Skirts rcdoced now


Wednesday June 22nd, at 9 a. m., tn Iasi 10 Days

Oddi and ends Men's Coau and Vesu aod ongle
Coats; Mcrificing tale price ...............................

$6^ gad $C.O0SkirtsMdnced iMw


valiii K‘vin„'sale known in Grand Traverse County in 10 year* will be inaugurated at the Globe Store oa

Th.ciiu*. of this sacrifice Sale i. due >o,hcU„,hai».h.v<; made in
with ono of .h.l=adi„e Skin ManufaemrioB Hlaot. in Itoioil
and most Save oor money up on July Isi. nr forte.; our binder in ihe sum of $10,00.
We have iherefore resorted lo,he most radical price entrine
attempted in this part of the country ami have marked down every a.ticle so low as to make thii great sacrifice ao immense
we are after
« '"•nd the losses. We can tvell affor.l tliis sacrifice as our investment in Detroit will within the coume of the |>re*em' year rein,
bursea. fully.
The U)Sh wo arc about lo sustain "owcv.rr
howev.rr is
IS your gam.
gain. it
It will pay you to lay
in a year's supply of our most wonderful bartrains in
Do- Gt^s. Clothing, boots and bhoes. Hats. Cap-, Millinory. etc. The Globe has always been known as a great bargain center. But this iLrifice
sale will make 11 the talk of the town and nearby community for a life time. Your dollars will go further at the Globe tha i anywhere on earth

Men's all weed Suits in (rorank an.l canimer*!,
fannerip mU up to $10.00; tmrrificing tale price

IS HOW IN FUCLSWINC—and «« bare good immb to le^I pleated with the baaiaeM in our Wo.
■cu%Oameai SactiM tbit acMBa. You w£ tap whespoanee the chgaaee of ______________
thoe Saiu and___
aadtoe eMrh»wlewu*hitotoer are offered, that toete are bdeed tnffldeni reatoos far ow great meCOM Notliiag bto gietoi the boM ealnei aad choiccK eahetp from wbidi tu make KiectiOM, nMiH acenw far toe mretoow ioBeaM to thii line of btHtoeoa. Mote people an loanibe eretr dar that tber
CM|H .ewer MTknnad better ealae* far their mooer here than


In connection with our retail Dry Goods and Ciothinff Business here. Ready toSacrifice
$ 10.000.00 of seasonable goods for


UlalMng Suits «< Skirts

An cunwie irtbto Is sera fa
out ladles- aUrt wfan. ai iflces
all the wap frwi tie to $1.17
each by eacinsire skirt waist
■aaoUclarer. If poo deeiro
enrrm stples at eonaomlral
prlees.poaropponimltp Is N‘ow.

s dense gronih id timber, s Mrh
hi englnc-rs from Clorinostl has
or eicareu away
iu>ee engaged and will arrlre at Bat
Ssbin* 10 Ibc immediate
Vreek nest week.
viclnilr of I nns.u.r| has lue« better The eow ordloanec agalB po|» up.
too ev.r iHdore, giock this time In Deuer. (there a eurfe*
ims lu-gaa sis •i.r s.-»en . for the use of ■‘•e raws has luen es-,
d the creeks aad Hvers. i Ubiisbed 1' . 'lage marabal will

Inergr all gooe? Headache? Siom.................. SlmplT a case of
lood Bitters

HoBdrrds of Urea sar ed everr pear
Thomas' Ecleclrlc on

. cm aod
likely (n to
^ ^aoMsfactnry tor tadto'



Ito Soeood ward aaeded a sewer aad aloac ateadllr .aafeir suldcd br (ha
Bdr haad oTHbe pllol ted escapleg
waaird li bat tto pmoalUM was held
b. take CtotoaiaBadSBser br toe keen rlsioo of ibe aadtoal,BBd.lasib______________
aa to a,(ew. Oa taotloB of Mr. lArdJe
boBL Hot there was so eeeoii MtTm,Wcaelaiid dsotoa toa blaod.
Motoj^ wdo Mc«TM Md IM.
TMscTMplete loeM aad
. Mtton.
miaaadad U ^ r
fom' of en^!r^ o^ bch^'
a pool
tom of the boat. And ibeo. a spark
; ■« the floia aod a ftamlad Serr. forr
Tbe board of peblie
,'7~**^llori*d riereeir ibrtm*h
that aoire Uad was Beaded for bans
at Ito cemelarr ae
I 'boI tfme was oo coafiaU


Chere's a


OtodSt*S“tto*^e?. Dr' wnheto
oenped ito rest froB Ihe anebor aad
(oM two reMs U the mala cable.
The sceee was Jest oB Bihenood.
ebUd the bHU eroweed wlib Ibelr
wdoe of sreen. the shafts of Ibe slok_C SOB wan dalttaa hither
thither as beaulUal aad calm as

Ttooe eewer leeoloUon tor l
Wemsn-s Club Program.
llrlid wd TUU wards won adopt
Ooe of tto most eaforsble dart c
A rwWdrtM tow toe beaid of ■
:be rsto book of the Womao’s dob
to Wftapmart a pUl aad pUa o
MWW tonnrW L rim ward, o
■■■taMfiM that the tierk be a>thortaMto coBett the aeeoad aaoecadoHog the rear bp the a
■aM M^rtH of Btata aad PtmI girea
of the club. There was a large ai
OB Prtilar and the llitle
. nwUtoBlnaL.K.OIbbattoritotto
BMalntl a afreet rallwop was ae
Cotnrrb Canrtot M Cured
funadad that (to time fer the begtaMag of tto taoatnetiM of the anoot
taDirar was enaadsd tam Palp 1
m4.toHopl.lMC. TtotUaaafeBlt' Um to the md wai aot
<d iMlde of
from the art
> of Hr. Urdu. Hapor
a was aotoorUad to appofat
lOi to tahe op tto week of U
I «( (to toBfter whore tto ei
Ha Ml at.
■agtoaagtoa brooght op the



DletitoreofLIi Prices

Men and Boys' drew and
walking Shoes, IJO and
8.00 vail
800 pairs I-adies' and Mim
es- awes and Sandals in
worth t.60,taleprice


Ladies' Orem Shoes in paieni coh skin and Frendi kid.
irorth $3 00, tole
price ..


38 in black Bnlliamine; lacriricing


Ladies' aod MJms' Shoes.
IM an Bset in this kg.


l^ rioo*. -h ph.,



lanial BreiSt
fms. Brooches,
Stick Pint and
Mat Pias worth
op to 60c, sale

lie enbes of as•orted wire Hair

Good boiKh of
Roses, with Mi-

Balance of R. H. Ladies' Shapes
Macaoley pattern' and SailOT Hau.
Hau that were R. H. Hacaoley-i
ioS.l up to $8.00 price $1.60,
price ... • 1 57
A kH of Ladies'
Baby Booneu in Sueet Hats, eUbsilk and ffloUt otately trimmed
worth 60c and •B silks, bocklet,
75c. sale price
military braids,


.10 -.™i04 S'."' .05 X'... .73

skin, 1
tx far


4 doz. hamp
and Eyes *U 1
Uadtine Tlwea.I.
on cofors airii



Fancy Peail Bm-


Uto' L.C ain mO, .TO,,
urf ^ imojTOl mU. ribta


Shoes, ei-ery pair adul
leather, worth JM.
tale price.


$1.(10 ladiet' Corseta, snefa aa
J. C C and other leadinr
brands; tacrifictog oc«
*ale price............... OOC

9 nnn p»«eet or

^,UUU L.ces end
F-mbroideriet we place on

Briitie Tooth­
brushes wwtii

B«l; m rth.

Here'is Where we Shine!


A lot pT Won


Women's OrcM Shoct and
Oifords in raloeo
8 60, sacrifice tale

Ladfas' Tailor
Made Street
Hair, were $4.


ChildrM'a Kid Shoes, pood
weai^riges$to8. gQ

Men’s end Boya' Convu
ShocA leather sola

be Sacrificed at less than the Price of the Material.

Ladies'an,1 Miss­
es' percale Sonbontieu. / R H.
-M.^ pnee
8-^ and 35c, trie

»« »vi TO—
tofid tMilK, .Ola, Jio
sacrifice sale price.. .4o

Men's Welt Shoes to vk
kid end bos call; rsgaUr

Ladies' I> r e 1 s
Hau thai have
«>I<J up to $4,
tale price ?7c

Men's rid kid Shoes, eslen-


E'pS;'”"*" 1.67

Balance of R H. Macauley’s Millinery Stock will

Ladies Dre« and WMkin* Skirti, all
Hmmk. daboimMr
tpOBied and *rm,k."diboiSdy

.CM riftrt CbaltMcs y#« iBsal aad Beat Isr Vsar IDsasr..

—------- ■owww swa mamg my

Mnletoto Md Gootikto WmkM ™



OtimrclM Cutting andSlashing in
our Shot DtparlmtuI

Btoik Elaitie,

Ls:.. .01




m all oafori, tale

Itoep cuts in Mwlin Underwem. sfmee loo limited ,c
qoote pnea.

CaHtsSHk Waists
AU our Sak Waists to goon
this ssle at a great sacrifice.

CMS on afl Cotton


Trav»ruCity.Mleli< SM


flaal Batata Tr
RDer R. CtalB 10 Ji

aloay tbeae llae*.
ally break* Ibe boads wbnerer
Ible. aad 1 he^plawef kigb^

r. laacr 11: tstt.
Jaae A. Laphan to Bdward P. Coat>
waM bar* wen apptoue la ur am^aj. Oonnor Vu Boat of Mtoe- tade. mreeL H. L. « Oo.^ ttb add;
■ou ■« tba BMr of t---------Ira W. Spaoldloc U Edward P. Coartade aad wife. par^. H- L. B Co.'a
Cih add: tl4S«.
Anbar B. Rowley lo Jnaeph Dan>laky. lou >1 aad It. Wort t. P. H.'i 3rd
add: MM.
fb^ ««e ooM banat. Wbea I
Jolla Joan to a J. Morcaa.
invaasd RoM for losiporarT <^al----' and vbm Ooreraor OdaD of K«« Tork blodi 3. Kiacday: tTt.
Thiaaphlele Miller lo Prokop KjBored that Boot be aoeeptrd *T the
raarrailcB ibe dnHutralton va* bM aelka. lot C. block 3. H.. L. * Oo.'e
0 ibitler the aerreo 3rd add; m

padty c« rlny beam aad tba rloy Itaelt belay bMdn la the paiab of a
larye me. Tbe rlbboa baarere wne
Mtea Oraca Cbaac. HUa Matlla Orel,
lick. Mlaa Marie Roko* aad Mia* Roae
Clricb of Craad RapM*. Tbe bride
was altlcwd la a beauilfal yowa of
Pmeh aoU triaBed la Bccbllo lace

of bride * rose*. The ribboe
bearer* won yowa* of Persian Uwa
triBBOd wKh VamelcoDC* lace and1
Ibe whole party made a very prettyr
Tbe bride and arooB lefi In the after- [ line*.
ftw Chlcayo, where tbe latter tor-1 Tbe volume, which *elU at 3l-d>. U
resided On tbeir arrival Ibere published by tbe Neale Iftibllsbiny
jrly mided
d a larye recep-1 Tompany of Waahinytoo an<
sy will be tende
I1 ihc boa
borne of bli mother. Mm.; Vort. and i* 1 dne apeHmea
Slnlckt. Atm vUlilny
vUillay In Chi.'
Chi- ‘ bonk makers' ....
arr. ..printed^
•- ..good
yo for a^ iwo week.' |book papsT. with clear.
trip to

Leload. where Dr. will to ylad to secure a copy for ibeir
aaay trind*
yridualed I libraries.
Sleplcka I* practi
from Rush
“ • Uedk*
Hedkal colleye. Cbicayo.
Baynt-HeHericb WeddinpI«3,. aad
loealloa In Lelann
. aloeeEl*
by . aevyy andd bi* peiwoaallty. bu
'table pracUce.
built up an
e bride I* a popalar youn* lady
____ a wide drcle of friends. She has
always made her borne lo Grellirfcvtile
Uly esteemed by all who,
Her many friends wish he.-1
Ibe Baptist
Bueh bapplBea*.
After Ibe eerecnooy a bounilfi
* of Traverse CHj. p
paut was serred and tbe party at
puled Ibe bride ud yroom u
..e bride was dreaoe
t^n to wish them ytuHl speed. :
awansduan and earrled n
• receive
la coaveatlonal black.
Ml** Alice V Bayne. 1
f. and Miss Minnie H
Temr Clock For Bank.
of Ibe groom, were
One of the Snesi clocks la this pan
earrled pink and white
of the aute wa* compleled on T«e»
day on tbe new State buk buildlny
In Ibis eliy. The clock wn» ftimlshe.1
by Ibe Seth Tboiia. Clock compuy ol
_______ _ , Briber Oood. alece of the bride.
Chicago throoyh J N Hnninek.
bseai Jeweler who necored the con I ring toarer. ud I
Waller J. Buckley of Cflcayo. Hciferleb and Kat:
iH-auiir<ii pink and
Dg up Ibe clock Rale.1 lolrtvd baakeU of
ibai It wa* one of the'white flowers.
flbesi eiocki lo to bad and that this i-----------------------------------------------------------------owe was made eapecUIly for the bank i QBJtiaTliOIIDtK-stTaTtorillCHluab
bonding. Tbe eJock ha* been running , h*
of Oiwou I»r«a,-.

«hh a
of the dtlsao declared bf
PreeUeet Uooaenlt to be the *trealret aoa hi the eomirr." Bitn Root
• of New Tort took bk Rlaoe os U
B J. Mofiaa aad wife to 0. V. O.
- «a«e. He won a Mack reat aad
o.iiefrUoCBe(rttBCcC. towa 37.
eelawar coal adoraed with a detecaU
hadca aad U«fat tniaim. Bli Uarp.
BaaJ. Tbtrlbr. at a), by iberiC. to A.
kata, tnid eonaUBaaea wai lapaa'
T. FMadHeb. a^ of beH of awW.
ai la the dan when it eoafroaied
3. tows ». raace I1: 3331.73.
Ttotora te the oBoa «f the aecretar.
M. a Haasertord aad «lfa lo Rkb■y, <:■
war. Tbea ha aat Ufce a >adsn U»^
RBoalre m> a nortle eUtae^ Today hla ard Hvlbert. lot 1. block P. K. L. A
OD.-(Tlh add: 31.075.

V. K. Dobaoe to City of Trarerae
Oly. aa^M^aw «. aae. 13. w
J^'. inner aad wife to M. B. Haoyerford. lou 31 aad 3t Oakwood: 3L
Haaaab * Lay Co. to Wb. O. Poote.
lol 31. block 15. H. U * Co.'i
natka apraac to fu feet eb<
Id; I3M.
: a«dlr aod warlas Ba». bau and
Harry A. Moaroa lo Win. O. Foote,
' bmdkcedilaU. Tbaii Nath»al
parcel ta Trarerae City; 3350,
WIlbelB. Banak • Os. to Wm. 0.
FootA Mk 41. 43. hloek II. K- L. A
Co.-( IMb add; 31.M0.
H. D. Crala aad wBa to 1
Bade tor llcketa. Uw
ler. parcel to »ec. S3. toi
aet crowded.
te t: 3500.
. W. Fraiar to Bdaa Bfttaa. parcel.
the (aDerr'ibarc were
33. town M. raaio •; 37A0O.
raeaal loaU.
nraahlp of Ftfe Lake to A
Alter dloponot of 1
i. lot 1.
amns It the aaatte^tbe P

naUoB at t:10 adtemed ai

' -f

nge; ewi.
Perry Haaaab lo W. C. Flaa. lou 7.
3. block L Perry Haauh-a 4th add:
Carl 8. Bast te Tbot. H. Bherana.
lot 31. blort II. H. U A CO.-4 lOtta
warthar. Bidora tbe fatbertw wai add; 334M.
B. J. Horyaa aad wife lo H. 8. Leoa- on tbe bands, were eompleied tfala
callad to order then ww a dUpoaUloo
to d«i«k op tba hwlaa« today the aa- ard.
le clort Is monated oe
........................................... ...
pUte. renrlng on hrtvy
Flora'watii ta AotonU Fartach. lot
ley* Tbe wheels of the clock
9. Haniaad-a add: 31.
__ metal
and the clock run* ■eight
____________________add that BeaMor
Tboa. W. CBiin an
movement oaly
Dapew Mar Dora to proceed with pmo- "ooer. el aL loi 1. block IS. Ulerkwb- days,
strike.l This movemeel I* flltcHl
laatliBa tbli aftenaan. Benator Da- a* 3400
Dennison double three leyyed y
paw aad Plall cd New Tort walkti«
Tnisieas of M. B; Chareh
an la am dowe tbe eeaiar aUa reipensilton peaduluts rod.
im ball of the rJock weighs
Tbeodere Oelian aad wife lo .
ad* and Ihc rod weigh* 60 pound*.
Iba rapiMIrtaa aro already e '
Weber. owU of oeV. oee. 33. lowi
The length of the rod I* eight ftwt six
Baaator fUrliBBla. oaaa ta ai o
raaye 11; 31.
lacbes with the compcnsailon ro<l. The
Ibe aide eatraaaaa ibortly after
Benba K. Mooler te W.
K. H. Kearaey,
extreme lemperaturo* do not cfl.ti
tbe eoilto baad of dela(Btn nwa aa lot 43.H. UACa'alllb
- __________ iadd;_____
add: 3105.
liny ot the clock
The clock
«ne Baa aad ebaeted taiUly. fUrlar A.
t. Seyatonr
to Hra. JalU E.
__ »t U also fliled wlih an auin.
baata wu kept bhoy BalHbc aad bowelectric switch which turns on
tap aad abaklac haadi a* be Bade hla
lak U Fowler to T
I Bmarlhway lo bn aeat I
I. lot la iBlerioclH
I Belt of
■paakar’a platfocB.
BWU. arc. U. lowB 33. raaye It; 31.
Tbe Ohio crowd BBre BcMton totEnsa B. Lueai lo Chhs. Blackjnao. diamelers of tbe dial* are Arc
s of aa lacb
Bkar aad »«k a beartr waloeaa. kN 7la.Oak HelyhU: 31.000.
k *el Into sunny Iron frames
ftatbor Oax at Potd Bade tbe prayer,
ChJ BlaekBaa and wife 4o Llaa
■b III the opening. ' reoulre* 350
tba aatlra anOBbUpc otandlac. Then E Bryant, lol 75. Oak Heiyhu: 3375.
to rrun tbe clock.
BoMtor HeOooaaa. cAaliBaa of tbe
Ids,Id weight in
Uaa E Bryaal to Cbaa. Blackmaa.
U also fliicd with
cndaeilali ni»ailftrA yoeoeetad the lou 7-30, ©rorer Part: 3400.
so a secon
Inry a. Roarbaia 10 Wb. Selkirk.
e position of Iht
diueeS eaU. an. 33. town 33. lanyr I: tl.ooa
Is on the large dials. To regtilait
eaath Relt





lln Laora B. Baayarterd, ated 33
n. died Saturday nlcbt about 13
Oaaaoe Ibto addrnaed tba .
oUert of tabmtdoalt of the bowel*
ool Bra a
bal the real craL.
_ .
tbe Hleblyaa otareb (aclory ted tboot
Bt aebedoled tor taaorrov. Thli day
Boetba ayo wat ukn wilt
~ ha derolad la tba Mia to CO
typhoid ferer wbkA derelopad into
abore dl*aa*a wbid
' '
weak* ayo her brotbar.
lord, of Decatur
rier Iaad rcBalnad with her
iiatn bar death. Bbe ba* aaotber
hfother’llrtay la DowayUc^
tnor hoBe wa* la Hartford, bkuu
aad tbe body wa* takn tbera Moeday
DWralBC for borUI by ber brother. Her
they tbootfat
parebti are both dead.
wai wUUac that bU aase abooM bft
While here ibe Bade her hotn with
•abefontbeCDoreBUoa. Tbliax ~'
fkaalan F. Q««r of 330 We*?Tnlb
of Pitobaaki by
wa* there at the Uoe of
Mia* Huayerfard bad Bade
____ _ _____1* durlity the iIb
retIded la Abe city aad wa* '
by all who knew ber aad I
will be * aad blow to ibea.
r Hertbera Mkhliaa Ifodera Maecabea
U D rurtli bad rharye


PraaUtM A. T. PrMrteb bas ban
eery actire Ulely la poohlBi Ibe
. tact aad Sacmaiy C. O. Sben
ban la a
• wtib Ibe taati
; aad bira

nU aad blrdP bare totaad tbe
niloB aad wm bi repraanied by
It n hardly Use
lo barr beard tick all tbe Inu _
hire* «ul U U ptaeUcaUy earula that
all wUI tw rrpcaaaalad I9 P»d enr
dinrtef 73 teblf
ntlac a aenber
of tJU for Ibe leak aad t.W for the
Urea. Tbaaa rorer a tairilory ettcid.
tap froB af ter aowb aa Brari aad
aatb to tbe ottalu. weal to tba labe
aad aait aj tar ai railroad ladUtlra


Tba ■atbartap wOI be the larfcat
frataraal deacBtliBUca erer beU U'
Nonban MkhlaaB. It win be reaMBbarad tbat two («n ap>
Ibe Beatlae wat heU bate the <_____
as tba larpoal Foarth
rer »lherad here. Tbe
d all they cooM do to carry
W aad iht akrehaau did a



It ta npaefad Ibai 35400 pai«le
«« W bare oa that day aad the —
Bn pO ha plahenM. taetalta

la flamy. nireiriObe'
A towWrt toa baad* wl


bl<k »i«»* «< nlbwaaea; nO


Arhwekle Coffee.



Are yew In need of farsn
helpf Gtoe wtahlny emple;^


. I. aee “The InUIIIyeoca Oflea." Citi. phene M.
133*/* Profit AL. Trtverae City.

n Beautiful Cine el


226 E. Front St.
TmiM cm, MU.


are in this store. All new ones—
every one—and marked at prices
that cannot fail to please. Some
“striking things*’ in new colors
and weaves that are ahead of any
previous year's display. You am
wise in buying early : : : ; :

1 wish to announce to all who arc interested
in raising sheep or handling aool that I have
established a market here, and will pay tlif
highest cash market price, according to grade
and quality. Until a permanent location fur
a large warehouse is secured. 1 will be at my
old stand at Steinberg Bros, establishment,
where 1 will be glad to meet my old acquaint­
ances and shake hands with them.


0ify Book Store

tbr«v STh
v«aba prerleos Lo
dsy uf .




i&'iys'jS? i

0-, IHM. fear moDths teas lhal date wwaal

S*<SMI Ibeir Ufums M

Pretwir ''uan. ai

JilBF A. L




RedUHoo, “Show Oae Ibe TiO t
StBg. Mm

Suits'W, rwj-;,



Hrw ArvUla Gardner.
Mra. Game Edyecome.
Mlaa Jeasle Robertao
Qeorce Dell.
Bvervlt Emorn

O-amak-Ataplek. Wadyiay.
ripe far the blppaat tlBa Tranm CUy
in kaowB. tba atorai will be pca: pared la baadU aart bualaeaa he




of«lXty.*»l Jw.
to.vby tbs prsyvr ut thp


wiu be area _
' ahlpottbcerdarhBlaicetylDereamd.
Tbe eelebiaUan ibM year «...........
‘tba plan of a FMftb of Jsly
■ Bob aad la aamy W* will be Bach • «biM hurled la ibeci
Mtar. Tba FMrtb tbli year wlU be



_; WauatoB
_ _ _ _


Childrtn'e Day at Oruye.
The Grange children were out In
force Saturday, the proyram at the pPgj-r, Bob Jobs A iNwabcvT. JiNto Oranyp being devoted especially 10
Ibem. One ot the dlnarrs for which
ihe member* of the order are famous
was the Am thing enjoyed, the chil­
dren being sealed at two loeg tables
which were made bright with flower*
loaded with good thing* 10 eat.
the eonelnriOE of Ihe repast the
children, nearly all. If not tjnlie all. of
neinbets of the Herald
Sunshine dob. marcbed
fifty wrong, in ihe home of the pee*!drat. Mrs M. F. C Bate*, where a
short Inlortnal reception was held.
Mr*. Mary J. Doma of Bndoo died Afier reiurnltg to the hall the fallowBonday about 3:10 at tbe aye of 73 leg prmtram was ably given:
InstnilDeatal music. Mrs
eaiae froB tbe Boalbera
r L'oaaty otOiaialTn
part of II
*ute about a noatb ayo
tor a rial rilb iwo of bn danybleri
Paper. “The Mission of Flowers.'
Irs Charles Irish.
A aoa. Ralph Derm of Baayor.
tou.^ le»aaa«, todw- of P
who® ebe tired wbea ai hone, wa*
Selection. Callle Bdgeeome.
• May Comes Tripping.'
•ni for aad wa* at bb laolber'* brd*We 'Bbea *be died. Hru. Dorm
leorye Day.
Selection. Mrs. Osborne.
tbe BOlber of aiae eblldm. nre_ „
Recliation. Ella Hammond.
OB are Urlay Tbe body wa* aetit
Song. Gerirnde Grant
SelectloB. Mrs Alice
RecUatloB. “Little FWlow."
Levi Blamea
- _____ ______Crnbb.
Sony. -HetTea In Not Far Au
y mile ftrl*.
Music by Mm. Baardaley.
Kedlatloe. Mis* KlU Grubb
Song by Mr*. George Dell
Reeitallon. Mra. Edyecome
SoDg. Hra. Jaaeuc Emerson.
RecItaUoa. “The ChIMren's Hour,"

S°le tV *'





wire Is used in »
Tbe clock Is AaUbed iu all hroose
yravtir arm* are
where they bit, the
peadalum rod; this is to prereni fric-

fjv s,'


trial. In her ^oru'to trtay Ibe !
Mia. W, J. Jarnt. Ue Ml
toy up to to a credit 10 Ibe church aad *»d the
B When they
»uBliy. The book aboaad* In
..»eninblne •enea. aUeraallat «> aiiead the taactal of Mra. Btotawa*.
wHb hiu of latnae pathos. II* peo
P C Ollben wnl te Rapid City
pie are not -book' cbaracter*. bat
charartet* who »eein to more and lire
aBoay o. every dar. and tbe payee
abound with Mrony bumae latemL
alway* done well wbair. Rose ta*< a
' and tbU booh
ern be h
*11 of the .ucli slBirly

Or Advertiie to yell at looi (hao ihoes coal us. We aim
to fpvc )>ou value received in every shoe you buy of QS.
We do not try to aee how cheap; our tnoito w. Mow
Good- We arc ne\-rr undersold, il the quality in the
shoes cuts any figure. The kind of shoes and make
are never found at job lot sales. We are the oldest
exclusive shoe house in this chy and claim a record of
selling the most mliablr footwear.

tbe l olled Stole.
--------------- - — latest venture being
ta the
tbe UteeaiT field. He hai Jun
Jui pnbpu' SSLS
^-hed a uovel aniliM “A Streok
Yellw. wweh ylree a rivid pint
* Ufe ta a fural commnaUr.^..
i^wooa Mena prevail along
ttae*. -ud -toofldly- pleas


tbenyht to be eriU while the tnyncat
M «< the -chhHutay rodarad ^
war to wMcA to briui

do not create surprise
or excitement
because the people
have learned that such
things are an
every day occurrence
we’ve something to say
about prices, from now until
July 4th, on some Men’s,
Boys’ and Children’s
Clothes—when you’re
in we’ll say it “to your face”

Hamilton Clothing Company
206 Front Street.

Traverse City. Mich.


aot na rorxn a« nbbttt baU
(nla Jaw ll at IB o'daek.
?Br botiap oeatmi if ailci
«t Hnatla at a walcrtac taak.
rebba^ na«d thm ehaiva d dyuBlt» to w»ek tfac baoaae aad nprea*
Mans va* reUered t«o BOOl
car aad Mcored tllMB. Tfcara «en
by SCTfMat AiaoU vhe bai
( if»i» th»»wwr”"'
BieB Id (ba IxM-BP aad (vs of
H Blikt voaM kaTi dwneararalaee. T*« aUU* irDI b» elebt
t^n case late tbs paaicnser ear. .be
hmm Tcrr kai
coBdsnor nnxMlat ibey Ut»d«d to
*ai M j^
aieal a ride aad aiked tbea if tber
vaaled u> vorb blB for a Hie vhes
aae of ibe* repUad. '*----- tm cet
doara ea roar kaaM." ~
eooplied vlih tbe re
ehanc of draamHe ootr vreeked ibe
car allcUl)^ aed tbe ceeoad ebarpe
w Ibe nfe paWy'
i-bn tbe (bird
apletelr wrecked

A Ml Hue ilwttlMl « tte <9tr
« kr SffEMat Havn
m« fUteIr *tAI« tWtoy atou
I oUsi* Mi tbsM vto - frea Boatk twao. iwi. i

Ibe ilBe
............. ^ ______
Then I becaa laktac Dr. Klafk Kew
' a few botttoa wholly
Bqnally effecllee la enriac
Load and TbnBt trooMoa, Oow■oDptkia. PaeoBwala aad Grip. Gaaraateed by Jobaaoe a Drw( Score aad
P. H. Meadt. OmixIRi. Trial bottlea
WoUr aim Mr tad tl.OO

rron'rlYlllxatloa. a
U Inebe* lore aad abonia
irfiee drtreo to deaperailoB
half vMe.
la Barai, Cota.
rol-berr tbe men made ibe Wonnda. Ulcen. Mr. Lay In a aspply
Araloa Stier It* Ibe
ciitj deirtate*. anlal
•Ie when they were allowed beat on earib. SSe. at Jobaaon a Dru(
r all (be deleeateo Ir
aav cattace ai Obmb aad Bade a
a r latce parebaae of aeodr fa tbe eltf
waa aeet to Henilta aad ih«r< li
I I this vaak vHb vhMi to (araiab it tbe kMatlaa vllh Tlpor and tbe earrxr wordreported
While Ibe pHre of ibe Detroit ttoily t
they bad left oo time. Aa
Vimaai Hear* of T .
” 1 Tba ODitace li aac of ibe flaei
Fbllt aad Deloc Klltoo <1 Fife !.ake eaplae «a< tent oat aad tooa located Jonmal waa receeilt adTaaml
Omi aad ao eipoeae b I
•ek. tbe pape
nerte.1 ;beinwlre* for Trareree City
very B iteHally Impr
«u fully appreciaied by tbe local del- ' tide of tbe naocnulB LOT. (eet up.
<1 will
After Ibe 8r»l day tbbi rlroae enElae retoraed aad a poaie oi a»
Mad oa (b* Boon aad tbe beoae Itaelf w«
' a aoBber of btoodbnnada
and hard work waa fell and
to ven Uchted aad made eee of the
la (bl« pan of ■■
Rev. W, T. Wondhouec weal ti
lured ibe laat Ura. Bukh learacd. ype
ire in n-peat Ibe expeileocc. i Ana In perfe
badeea. Wbea tbe tlaie cam for aeWot five year* a<o fnin C. II. Baker
lecliaa Ibe locatkn DMroll withdrew
aed Trwrene Clir oa* unaalotonaly OooMo and If rrtarnlnc for a tl<l' ud [ panic*,
cip*^. U) remain.
inraaddpaaar Cedar aty to rlalt A. M.Tbit eacampmat win
f be a Me tblBK

|Sr,2rs;, j^-ssr

royally eateruleed while here
Tbe mill
fort wtll be mMe to bate Ue e
jit week n arcoaodaic the pmaio
ticket* M) planter*.
craai a lea-dar Umlt oe
a* to allow (be dek«u<
Ladle*'.Aid aoelery art a
few dan at cbe nearby i
Richard ‘Mar»bair« Tboiwday


George (Tbate ba* g
OtaW at B. E. CKto.
Rapid* (o Bake bl* b ac wlib bla
- Walter Chare faCBcrly of
a B. EIIU died Sunday at hi* brother.
have been cnaipleii
(or tbe aMearmaee ben of the creai boaw m Leltad. after a abort maeM.
Wallace abowa In Trwreraa aty on
Ur* Hand Bodge* and her *l*ier.
apo of 77. Hr. BIU
alwan b
r* Bttacfae Scbaelder, harp (<eeB
Wfomilloa that thla
li^ to hit eSoru to adraaee the Tiiidap friend* la Trarerae Oiy They
___ - ,.ja to otered tbit year_____ loiereai
Teau of Laelaata conncy and 1>- returoed Moaday.
OBIIrely new dreaa la fact. ereryUiIat
winie Oraa ha* been *lrk ajeali
Durinc (be e arly , ...
a O. BUM «t CUeut (
eoafoaetha with the
bU ..
I he erected
with a relapee of (be aeaale*.
w aad will be bare a few i
•ew. hrichi and dlterem. Poo
Ur*. J. L. Gibb* and daoehier Uar____ aad other balldlas*
a ui
atol rtoUac hit
b pw
for elpbt or aloe ye*
n went to Grand Rapid* Monday
Keni taalty. the Potoa. foor Hi
tv mill tbera, afterward aoperiotend- evening. Marian expect*
Tba BlTorai aw of Bom E. PiMUee are aaiaBi the baadiedt of ana pre- ig the aaw Btlil at Sunoaa Bay, Fw llvei before reniraing.
laay yaai____
yoara be bad. the hotel at
Bllxa Oraa wu (lowrfrom Klap*
Pd.^ a. PmiUee waa dlaooBUaaod aealH. The mo hai bera aupiMBied pood ataay
■way rare woadera. In Cart, (be Letoad. He bat held Dtoy oBcet
y making call* Tueaday afternoon.
art tMtaai of eo«LeelaaM eotwty, being *uperMl** Nellie Tbonipaoe apai a part
a toai weokb Her- sroa(tr Wallace ahbwi will be a tcao
laa ampriae aad treat when aeea here toteedeat of tbe aeboed* at Lelaad.
la*> week to Traverne City atiendperrKor of Lelaad towaiblp. abolB E (be teecber*' examination.
the eonaty-iwo tenaa. iepiity '
Mr*. John 8eely_and Ilnle dauphler
> MersBB wOl toaac today
and boldtog minor oOcet.
idad trip abrool. etoH-i
y WedaeMjay.
boro la Roebeali
Bcottood aad
Praaeto N. Helricb aad Mlaa Clart
Mr. Bayae were BarrtMl toat week .."to Wf7. 'lle'wai matiriid to 1*61
Wedaeaday al 1 p. a. at tbe home of > Hary Lorelaad. who died In im.
Ibe bride-i aotber. Hr*. H. Boyae. to artog two chlldrcD. He waa warriad
a ABC Hall,
to Bltoa...........
........ala la
Bokw. They rrtmed to thla city
Bd ItolMa of Btoeb HHI fraK farto that ereotop aad laored toco ibelr aew •urrive* b^B. * Kla
Wta <ba ManM a baikM of Bm bcaw oa Lake areaue, wb<
where a bbidh and eon Willard both live la N>
Vork. Hla danibter waa with him
Itooto Btaa wbtobb an M traab aad bar of their friend* Mrf tl
Sfw M tbty oriWarily an to the wMthe time of hla death. HI* niece. Mr*.
Id Irip. Oa tale |
. Shorter of Ula dty. haa beee July 8
WawftheoMww. Tber
I. Relura Jiili
vtowr to aa tartb etBar.
with tbe raaily al Lelaad for *eTeral 5(b.
niter Waiaborg
’Xbarg of Northport. for- daya.
Tbt rata Ua Mto of OraM Ti*t- rertyoftblt
. dty aad at one Use dty
The foner*l waa held al Lelaad Setllan’ Pane to the South and Sottlhane pwrorW wiiiiitil (e iMMJl treatnror.
wr, ^ Mitt Bn Boat were Wedaeaday at 1 p. m. Rev. Dcllr of
Hawtr aU tbe saod prapartr «m ee-_e way, aeeoad-cUei Uckei
to Ariape oa Tnenlay ai 7 Nortbpori oBctotlap.
Htei aad ealy a *«W Rule W aayta a. a. at Nerthpert. They
tale at an atatlona on first and
took Ibr
ToeNay* of each aentb. AAak ageau
Irato far tbto dir
wbtob bat rwa eeetnl yoan.
for partlealan.
laatnd of onatop
CiMad tor Jdy Fourth,
Wofid'* Fair. SL Levia.
to tbt depot PM oB near tbe dty water
rhe foltowlnp atom wITbe ekwed
Rooad trip tlcketi at low rau., ..
«. O. A. B, tbe Haple
' aad weu to a meal aartcet aad
day SB Joly Poorih: Tbe Haaaah
I for a hack aad tbea wen * Lay MercanUle Co.. E. Wilfaela. A. Bale at an Udeet atatloBa. Aak apeati
tor ratea, Halt ef Utat aed ' '
WttM to K^atoM when they caagbt V. Medrieh, Bansa A Bart. J.
yatowidB. Beaafal taaW of tbe veier
HURhn. SclB C. LewlA
•M pdBBWiaaiei ^ • ins aona Hft rooepUoa awaited tta aad
Jofaa i. Brextoa. U U. BeMW.
brtMt aat mrij la ibe noralap (or can to be preaeaL b
J. N. Marttoek. Griaeell Broa.
They will so to St. Lot
land Doogtaa. Wood Slatcn. J. i
Not to be eatlrdy oatdone tbelr
e. tbe Globe, tbe Beceoay. SeboolB. A. Bwlth wiU apato waaase Ne- tnwk WM adorned wit
iponanl change* i
A Co. Millar A Mocee. Edward
•tota-MMa naoet tbto BoaMa. Pre- oM aboee aad anaerou alpaA
Laolaer, Grand Rapid* Paraitaro Co. Wuch for the card
■ Mr. Btolth had ibe H tbMi roailat *^afhi at Lai
P. W. NlchoU. F. D. Ntebtda. L. R. LEFT.
• l.“ “Lorey Dorey.
yaaen to Marie lor (a____ ____
Slickaey. J. Portaeb. WUhela. Bartak
Too.” etc.
■i bM taP frtMdi to tbe dty who WereOdyT
A Co. Sletober* Broa, Mr*. Ada
wOl be stod w iM Uto back to hto old
Puller. C. H. Haaatoraky. 8. C. Damw
A See. P. Biepbaa, W. 0. Poole A Soa.Mra. C R. Baekmaa of Bproee B. J. Haaa A Bon. P. Totnha Ranee*
dayofaaehwaaK. ThoHor
TBe ndBar m tbe Hwaii Hoim De- net I* tnfferlap wRb saallpox. Co.. Kobeek A Moyi. the B
■ItoWl to BMtoMed to Mra. a J Aboot eereeteea daya asD (he cblldrea Prokop Krrelka. Bachaal * noacoe.
MHiBitoaai of Morthport tor M '
bee «iib (be dtoew aad wen Johaaon A Pohl, F. Prtedrlcfa A Co.,
api«»to»ai of tbe doaUe aM
R. G. Panlta. J. W, Slater. 6. F. 8axtlw^i toai the dS5S"w orn Ii!d'
ttlSr liar, a^ atoo for a
(be WHai of (be qaaraatlae waa bdag UcArey. S. T. HortoB. Jolla*
Bawertat aad tUtoie ibRbn
tbodfht of wbea Mr*. Beekiaaa waa bdt. Valor A Seal Ferrt*
labM ilL Boa*
WUto playlas----------- ----------- taalty waa tUUn° tbea froa
OMnr. tbe ibpanrnM aoa of I. V.
. He waa taken III but did
dl Bol
naiaii d ta Bay towMbtau Ml
W. O. Lawrence,
4 (raetond bit rtsbt am. Tbe
Raekel. C B. McMaata A Co.,
He Mow
Ibe peel bonae a
a Heck. Hiller Broa.. 8. Bead* A
aoUSed. Who laaedlaiel
K. Lyoa. Hoaoelata Grocer Co.,
a A Cole. A. J. Wilhelm. N. A.
la the dty Kelaon, Kimball Mnale coapaay.
Bl preneeL tbe Pl^ tamliy at IMS
barber abopa will be
- natwai HywM ratnned toat wak Ualoo atreet bartog it Tbe haabaad doeed followiag
Jaly 4: Du Moaebel A WoS.
ban Bonth Mwu wbwn ba toll
• -•
M. H. - -lih.
Bd. A. Uaaaeaa.I, p*o|
WeUler. W. H. Devla, A. H. OrlaU.
■wjiJrtiyaaSS thTdoia
E Camera^ ' '
.,_■ foUowod bla ana UN aUtoa
r erUenlly hartac br«a lei ool TnnaaL 1
and AHite ownbi bin. Ha taa bla
Sqolre*. U_.
pay «w bto tUa. tan aad atoo tbo
Ziegler. A. Lei


Many women find their stock of Undermuslin* «
_______at thi*____
time_ (rf
yfjar. some have neglected to buy, others neglected to mak.-. ’ We give you a ebanw T
® reduction from regular prices, thivwill law one week -an^

Ikmibtlm dill wtek 2,840




in clean sanitan- shops, are dainty and;finely finished. Stock largwi i*n^h^^d^>■*to



Feed, meal. Bran, middlinfls,
eom and Oals
We buy nothing but the best grain and you gel the


uwa. Uea eery aearty
wfldataaea. Per tblnydx yean they
nn^MBta wbo te^^nlrandT <
la Uuratun. will
a M aa M. & Dr.
L i. a HoBMa aad Mr*. J. . who will iiacerilT a__________
Tbe feaecml aeniee* wen held
ae wBi atleN the coaacac
ftbto ber late bane oa Bphth atnet
haVmt two.
' tbe Pint


10 per cent, diicoaBt

Pilrnl Tip*, nice aiyld,
goosi wearer*

Womta^s SUpptn

For Wood WoA and Fonunn which haa bd^ maned
« ^ wbea coaird with Jap-a-Lae it renewed and beaotified. For Mtm MBam ■!*«* Jap-a-Lae orotoivi
life of wire efoth, ^ otber colon Mcd on Ibe Sana n
.]« edk,,

Bupdfffiy Pivtitd Paints
For an otade or inide |otaa«.

toL-S. E.10laH.« SABS


10 per cent, iliaeoaat

10 per ecM. dueaml

IM cover* worth i^xo $1.00 lor............................................ .........................



Oat/ UmHat
•<M«m edtf

SMlClWlilBITflMir illniidhNfe M.

Pielly shape*, one itrap,
vcT) Jainly

W0mta’s Camfart
Slipper*, very easy

WMaea'p Ser^
Slippei*, csol aad cocnitwiable


Waaiea’s Shats
Black terge Congms


Are You Going Somewliere?
GalAfl abroad pachapa. or an a wmnwr owUnB- vltitinp yaur frtohda. for a
you <a(ll rtcM marry artlclea tor Iravalltig cpnvanianec.

Newc« shapes, well
made, good wram*


The Steamer Trunk
You will (Urviy m

. .1


I, „ „ ..k,.


built far tarvka.

The Standard Trunk
(her* a paraM wha decant nacd a trunk, e»*i if yew MvM«*pect to travel merw than a M
M homer It i* the handiert to keep Ihinpi i >- We have all aiaca to «C HI ptMaa In the n
d tne prlcei fit all pocket book*.

The Wall Trunk

Can be placed flat apaUM the wall and the top raiead without the ba^ H t.

Abaolutely all solid tatm
calf Shoes, Lace ami
Coogrok. cut to

mta's Caaaas S$at*

Thomni^ well made
G to R

■k aelhf wipvad. Eirtra hawvy

kneb naili on the eomer*. e*tra tray* on the inalde. meat mnrtnliiil tr..,i

Suit Cases

mea’3 Shan







i*m». Tto antlnta ta



Til travel lime, and a ewit caae t* ao very o
It ie aarrtoA by wamevi aa Mah m by
canputM,f.Mh in one. An eirtci larpe order Rat rtceWeS oMtoa ua to m,H .very oatomec.
atflAS up to the very flheH toathac thot ym. mar mw f< r
ra iuet to look M our diap(ay.


Cooi and coy. only


•toB^Mtt^UwrtJwofMlelUsBB I



Wemea’s Oxhrds


The best for the price in




Patent ttpt, good xtylc,
Special at

Oleean Give Vou

Muslin Gown, lace trimmed, extra 200 Children's Drawers discount.........................
These are fine for the price.

$1. to *1.09 Skirt* for........................................................................... ....

Wamta’s Sbats
tonal d.______
laal Sunday aottiUd.
» didNd to bcM a «
Warren sare
_ n a rery *
taa. uttonal to cbancur. oa the IM. aemee
tod oemee froa Joha 14i
14th. tad. “Lead
Rlnd^ UphL- ''Nearer My God To
Thee.* aad “Abide With Me." wen
ibly raadered by tbe ebotr. coaslaUas
alaa «1U be tendered.
3f Mr. aad Mr*. E. J. Briakmaa. Wa.
Bagiey and Un. Comalafi; Mn. Bapley at tbe orgaa. aceenpaaM by Ur.
ttod IP tndto na tba mat tokea alaee CuBHlnpa with hi* ctortBcL The flow(ba taEiN of IR* MMoa haa ben de. wreath of reee* from the
atotad oC. tbe Uke Catrien' aBaodatton bdac rieur. Tba aaa. ouept 8. a larpe plltov from aoaie c
rdallrea. a larpe baacb cf <ana
iboM sdicy of riolaaea. - ..............
Ur. aad Ura. Eraed Heddc
ttoai. Hr. and Hn. Bpaat PtaakHa;
aeveral other bonehet. Tbe
Jaaat Rynar aN ftotar 8W Ml (or beddet
llbearer^wen fUnj Daaa.
IradalL Ten*. Batarday eaUed there
by tte oertoM Bamt of tbelr tatber.
klBB. Bob Swaaer. Tbe ter— ...------ --------- _ la Walaat
aUy coadoeied by Ralph
taBN. Tam. aN ba waa rtanlB*
kii bntban. tapb aad J. H. Byta.
and bto atoiatB. Htooaa Oan and «m
- Death ef Mra dabn Priea.
Hr*. Hary Price, wife of Joha Price,
a hl^ly ranactN ptoaeer of thU dty.
dne to her nwaM. She died Boa
day atlamoae at lalf part '
•ta iar
etnata sM ddc^Md her hoBK. tit Baal Btghth tu<
Ihu bMUIat dUasa. It to tba NHnbaea 111 eereral
oereral year* aa
tad tba chtona u tbe mr B
ber dMtb waa 71 year* of
mra to ban Mwant rldewUH
boabaod ata lam toS
------ to Ibni an vbare tbay bdeas. A
dtr^daaihtef to


That's what tbey'r* aaltod bnd t>
our etaek. All aioa. kiriAt and
that will stand a pood, loop trip. ThOM at $1A0 to NAp will
OhM im to «17A0 will pe wKh you “orouiH the wortd* atvoral

aorvo you ocroM tbo MWtliaM
tbwoh H*r*-.tanpyN.w«laooabopbtoto

than you will And ripM ia aur atothtos. towNt and bn *

. sot
SitN Stoll


A. V. FriedriGb
SAta-oroood «MPM



rtfi« |M(


«* <
Mr. ,

HaKroM M« OI»

■MhIuI nwiBC _

«»• •«»»“

l5:»ar»ai-. rnnaa of F-aatt Hin
^raa tor Bk BapMa Moadar jrbara
•IH «U auke a aurarf ata a*ar

Aflar amkka aararal analht la l
(MMw atsa la iaala. Bob OMtak
bai ntoraad ta Mt baaa la ibl« plaaa


Ctan'a^ Harr HeHoa <

Ufa. fcato TaaaH aada a trip^lo
Pen OarUa FrUay lo aaa bar mUa

Piirat at OM



Caa eanklag fa weroa thaa to fart

2^i‘S'«:ssy2U'; 5K K


•m. Beraard t« pottlw k
Tfa baae ban teas teaa Hk «a*^ Newaoa. Oaeatar. Ala. "far tkm
« Vtatow oa tlM> SaaiMt t_ ..
n* ank FVr ban ata* **« Ptae- Mi aad Ifa Hapleua bare ban teea , faere,-fae wrttaa.-I aa
piared Baadar. lfaaeoreabele«Hio!able pale Otm Mkfa
■ »-- ,^mw
, aad bowel troable. Ifa
IW '« ia faror of Bk BapUa.
toeton aad an i
Tbe etaaser Cohoibia breachl la ainitaUe
face Boabar of people ea tfa esear- ;dlaa
[ irtaait
MOon fad*^ raiiA
to 'try'Baetrte*
' waaeMrtbdarpanrMR-^ ekw Baadar la Bowen Harbor.
Mlu btanie La "
. Jaaa Ilia Web mtW <«
plaeaaaUT aaO araaybeJy oatofed
.gianafb ead t
Mr. oed Mra. Till Chrl
iblaa B______ Blttera k the <nlp
^Sr? jihanio aoM Mr. B«Bea a
lletoe. Oaljr tAe. k'a caareatefa
eoB. Cbarfer Chr
br JobatoB-i Oewg Store aad F. H.
Hr. aad Mre. K
'a'^wrirSil Oa«». OM ere Mac

Wei* wish every one had this keener sense
of vision that'they could look deeper into
the wonderful perfection of the supjsrb

juaber cf fHeadr fron Traeetae
Boadag. are preparlag lo attead tfa
BcaM bead i« aa eeteen of tbe acalp
graad ball la tbe MapMoa ban Fri­ -rerr *erere aonellawa. fat It eaa fa
day prenlog. Jtme 14.
ared. Dnui'* OialneaU quirk and
Hr. aad Mr*. Alei Carrol are notrlag
la li« reidH*. AI aap dreg
> tbeir aew b«M at Arebte.
•at*. •
Hlaa Roae Lardk of Old Ukakn.'
Hr. aad Mra. Joba HoEcian aed Mr.
Jofa Donnaw apeat Bradtr with Mr.
No need t. .
aad Mr*. P. F. Lardk.
cbalenlafanlom.dTMWterp. d
Mlae Stella Snitb la eoiertaialag
aad Flora Car
to the llitle trow p«*<l compaar from Trarcrae Cllr.
a Da>U. wbolaaithebaadataUOf^
Hlaa Mlaaie Lanbrlx of Mlaacwla tbe nedlriae rheil.
lla. Miaa., la Ihe gneal of ber graadpareata. Hr. aad Mr*. Ollrer Lardle.
aad will remaia for tbe aatoser.
Mr. aad Mr* P. F. Lardle bare ptto
Would qokklp leare poo. if poo
cbaaed a aew bone la Traeeroe Clip
w Life PlIU. Tboo.
wbkb tber laiend to live la la the uacd Dr Klar* Nr
tbia wrlliag.
caedt of loCenn fare, pfared tbeir
Bear fetare.
Mra. W. H. Cork rlalted ber i
.......... -• Bkk aad Nereoea
There will be a aew OatboUe chnreb
anfa pm bl^
Headacbei. Tbrp
....-------Bunbcr ten fare attoaded tbe flaw. Mre. Blxbr. laat Wedoeadar bitllt at thla place la the car tuiore
---------Bd Tboredarfae build-' V“> !»><><> op poor
andlbe mnirtitre It to be
L O. r. amBortal enrleee et Mi
Delona McQueer baa goer ic
Hone) hack if not cured.
Oeatrr reeierdar‘ Johnaoe'i Drag Store nod r. n.
‘‘'Mrl*’ FtStA ti onlte ak* asal
' Meadi. Dragglrt*.
Joe Neneakal baa left bla boarding
JaaeS :
Piilxe aad gone to Mr
Hr. aod Mra. W. Behemerbote , ptfre at Mr.
to board.
aacor are rMlIat iheir relalli ,’ Johaaoe'a
al h««- noon- oe »T1dar cteoiag la |
rml Cm ■ miTnlie It ««• nta
Bebool doeed here Frldar with a
pteak Baurdar ai Bebool lake. A> nor of Mlu Era Bau. About Sfleeo mi. uurtuc. Bfnm lr»« wd lagrowiac
Ima Bheau la oe tfa sick Be* were preuai. Tbe evening ^
war epeei In muck. reclUttoBi and go- dMmn uf tfa *e<. AUu
fau Mku
KvcrythiuR in Small InUtrumcnts. Sheet Mime. TalWinR Machinet. Etc.
clal converggtloc. tfii-r wbkb tbe , tUfctor »»w
---------ffaiNSuXa^ ■ ilfa aeisbbi I "^r anlr Mn!" JaTVaeat of Wll gue»it nere Invlled to the dlclag
MoTwkb Mra. AUee Jewel to epe
andnirg are rtatUag al Dr. Frallrk-a.
far bifthdep with her fad to arw I
■nttefull, decoraied In ferae SSiw5"l'il5‘TT"“
Jraale Brtgbl of Itoin Kawon U
her. Tber bad e pleaaaal tine.
A hlghlj t-njoyabk
vortclng for Mra. Chaa. Borough.
Mr. HcCenaldi fad a iosgtoc t
Kora Cork baa gbae to Cedar lo ctcbIdk war gpcBi aad all Jotacl la
laat WedaiwBar.
ithlag the liridc a Inag and happy
orb tor Mre. Bulllvan.
Bereral of -Mabel OdBOIe e rooag
Mra. l-ayiDeei of Empire ylalted Mra. redded life.
frleedi were iarlied lael Tbondar
Hrg. W Darrow aad goa of Traverae
ereakgtoeelobrmle ber mb blnbdar.
Mn."T!^HebMt*went lo Empire Frl. Clip an- rlllilBR rvlgtue* and frleada
Tber ealored noal <^ all tbe large dar to ae her father. Dr. nuike. wbo
binbdar cake nade M^i with 1» waa quite akfc.
) I.. B'»E I »k a trip to Lelaad ihU
lighted fabdlea.
Albert Plaber la bone for bb> eaca—
• igue waa ao well atieodod
id of Trarenk Cii* wa*
.nr«- ov*T stocked and muirt l>e reduced be. Mn. Ilea of Cedar vlalted Mre. A. B la town thla week.
Northpun will eekbraie Ihe Fourth.
Belllager laat Tneadar.
y lint-!
lime if ynu
you want it.
is worth
ilown^nd the balaiu:*! any
Habal Cfaoto waa leader. We bad
Oacar Dase arrlred bone fniic
Mre. TmiabuII of Flocewl Hill took
• ■
uit. This
_____ _S ._
cohe a aonber d rlillon Iran Raniilr. w'''ll
w'-II hnn
lar^ drawen in
saving on a bedroom
This beautiful
beautiful 3-piece
3-piece suit,
suit, jusl
jus like cut. well inailp.
dlDoer with ber daugbier. Mra. Will Keooafa fialurJay eveola* oa the nilfinisf • |fiV:cU'
■ • carvei . - Ira ScbeH waa apodated leader
high, full sire, well finishctf.
dresser. 18x2<» bevel plate mirror, bed is 5 fc 2 inches htgl
Ruber! Agoaa look B trip In Omena
commode has one ia^Ire

>18.00). o
p Monday.
Mr* A. MflUken ta rlalilng frienda
diurch 1
A good solid oak 8 piece suit, for................................ .. -..................... -..................... .............. -............... .r - • • .. ...................... SH.76
. In Fon Warae. lad.
We hope to fare It ready by o.
Our next suit.................. .................................... .................... ------------....................................................................................... .........................
-The Nortbpon band held
dap f« aerTkeamuiilns OB Monday and elected the
Our next suit, (cheap at $25.00), our price.......................................................................... ........................................................
fullowleg offlrer*! Leader. W
Soon right along up to a good, solid oak.
sawed swell top drawers. Ich-apat $25.(10),.......................................... 17J0
Max Sebro
BaraMP ............
Next is a large, bcauiiful golden oak suit................................................................................. Ia76
Cbtcago. where he baa beee a
Tbe Cblldrea'a dav cxerrtae* at
Harry P
teodtng college.
K-exfonl were carried o-ji laat Baoda>
Our next suit it a large, heavy suit (w'tmh S33.» for...........*........... ...........................
Hr. Burrr aad ace are dolagnow
PTenlag and the children .nd Jiniic-.a. Reiael an-l fioill): who
and so on right through t>ur enormous line of suits.
Bae CATpeater worh oa Pmer Bo
lo tbeir day. Tbey drarn e pralao. and
guests of Mrs. Coheo. lefl Ralur
Sead'g bouae.
■lao Hr*. Bareea aodv Mra. Copellng. day for their hoot-- In Harbor Springs.
Mra Rraai'a alairr of Chicago a
abo did Ihe trwlnlog and auperlalcndH. E. Asbelbr and fatally of Jarkrlrad here laat Thuradap to tpeed U
•d Ihi- affair, whkh wa< titp nir,-'
aonvllk. III., are goes at Hotel Sroti.
toat'. Tbe rboieh war ro crowded
Mr* Ptilllp RgHer <d Suiinn° Kar
Mlu Ella Shalda. wbo baa beea number of prattle had lu e>av <i'-i '
fat iMH-n vlaitlBK her dairahter Ur*
worklu lor Mra. Joba
A. MacMacken.
■uranno ber bone laat_________
Alfred Darla baa boagbt the Co
A large assonmrnl
in Ihiesier of Siiiinn* Ray was
Mra. Oeo. Ooaaer retmod to Tcav- place. They are nortag loio M
tuesi of bit daugbier. Mrs. A.
to select from,
enta Clip laal Batordap. liner apeod- Coata' leaaol houac ualll they n
aovi-r. this week.
lag a week Tlalilag mead
meadi aad r^. build. wHHi tbe* laiend ie do aoo
•la Price id Lelaad wat lo town
Dresser worth $8.50
Urea of Ikla place.
We are glad lu wel^r then la the
Mn. Joba Olcaoo aad HUa BIU
f -r
Weed Of Trarerae City
Tlalilag al

Kimball Pianos

aon HaiT Heltoa la b
wHh bar pareaia far a *n
J. 007 riatlad
If we 4001 an ralD •
i. W. Barkart oar
ao a l< aad
X weak aa4 li
atrawbrfTj- crop wll
laofkar. tai
aad aonlaofBar.
Baa Jan
• Day
..^riag aad repatoiki
»b ^ tapalriag
rwkite a ba,
Tkn* «a* a poftr ai
tor fall Jebaana. wbk* afawa *^lSa £?1a e»m aaftawnfac of tke
dol whkh vaa well attei
Oalaaraltr of ttlehl^ wn bare oaoa

tea, tbe U O. T. X. eoe
Bntia Creak.
Jaam »a«lar

ai» "0.................a teat Ftldar.


A. H. Bona dmet to Bk a
fat FrUar to OM tbe doctor.
BnHb la aafarlBil with rbeaau-----Oar piwiafae baa doaM. belBc dto
eoatlaacd Joet ate ^tha titer B. F.
d>. MarUB.
Bone aaU (fare waa tewt tbe i

W. W. Kimball Co.

, 129 Front St.

ProaeUac la tfa V. t. thureb loot
Bitbdv to a fan hoaae br Her. r
BOA. tfa taaeb.
Varr warn weather aad drrmj we aeed a food rale.
Harks win aooB oonneaee.

Hr. aad Mn. e

WaTkar k wp akk al thk

*to‘t'ad Hr*. Joba Alka of Tr
dtp tone FiUap to aprad a wafa
with Mra. Alka'a pareaig. Mr. aad
Mra. Will Carr.
Mr*. Buaaburp of Walioa and Mra.
-Cprtl Taplor of HaaUn ipfai g —-

Cfaa. Krunn aageWa to taave hU
beaie raadr to toofe lain la a (ew
fl. BAldHeb U handtag

honae oa


Sam* Bk em sa tMd Drtaatra

Peter Borfkad'a.
Hlaa UUk Bebrau retoraed bane

aba faa brew
Tww or bar ft

•to^af Tetaa aeewnIriakt.
'Tbrcbareb lockl la Brlgbam-a ^
kal Friday arai a MBptele luceeai.
E. Roae ad wife of Aider rlalted Fred Dago ehiaed bk lem of aebcod
> Cfaa. Heat aad (anlly orar Bu
at Maple Clip kai Frldar. Oa BatorTfa naal iaarkei nored I
day fa eaiertalaed bit acboUn and a
aew qaartan lift week.
ler oftokada at a pifalc dlaaer at
Tbe Beltiier IBMkeriag tn...........
>1 kke. The boat riding
tbeir toga aaaifp all am of Orawa. greatly enfoprd by all.
wbhB laafaa R afaear rather faia,
araaad tfa B. B. PVdt.


Friday fron Abb Arbor.


oai retoraed kat Hr*. Mary NIod of Detroit kc
__________ Bded Hall la tfa bare Toeaday algbl oa akakeary
.rtalBttp df Blk Bafaig.
Hr. aad Mra. Fraak Boon aad fainMb. Ou OamaoB la rery akk at
ip drora to Trararaa Cto Taeto
The T. U B.-C. gaea ia lee c____
Ml*. U IfaBi rafaTfad Batar
odal TbfaBdap night at tba Oraaga
all Brei70BaiewiirtaA«aed tiM.
Leaier laak Moat t« Trararaa Clip
may. marwni
Fnak Hamp kw aoM bk hotel bare Hr*. PHaek t
a»d aow Jtai mmk iateatloa of galag rig Frldar to -1.11
k baaiaeaa la nk Baplda la tbe aaar Otolk Smitb.
- ade Oay aad
00 iba emra'


. S£2

— aad Mr*. Wluk and
Hri. Heat went op to tba I
rer lahlag a few daya lasM___
Cblldren't day bare Beat Saadi
adlal larltauoo k
Hr. aM Mn. «*.' Wind at I____
MlhoB were rlaillag retatlrea bare


**Vafa Fiawia of Oileago la a fM«
at tfa Traearaa Laka raaut.

■d Hack of LMaad k ako eoXTlag
- *-‘igat tbeaane plaee.
apeat the «ap tfara.

"t* week.
Ber. Hr. (Mate of Rewadla
le aelgbborbood Tuesday.
Mka Mabel CoweU rklird frieodi
I Wlllkmaborg last week.
A torprkt aartp waa glraa Howday
alffat at tfa bona of Paari Carry la
btnor of her atxleeelb birthday.

■Daamara so Taaadap.
tmtnfay Marp.|^b«^Ike reualaa
alaa of Mr*,
Mr*. L. B. 8lmma^
paeted to a________________ _ _______ __
Her trirada kwi^ kat Tfaadap by
^ rron far bone 1a Atfaaa.
ber eerere lltnaa from pertfa

Hr. lagrafan'a people and
Hr*. Albert BbooL fare aianed fur
tbeir weilera botae.
Lcaier Prteat'a peotlk

ion. Wit-, has extenili-il « rail 'u
RlchF. II. r.lddings and family ai
londar and are nt Cedar Ludgi'
escape Irum burniBg o
iMel Wll! open alseii June Sillh
nre caught lo the kite
tn.l dauclii'Ubefore aid could gci there to help pit' Clailya speai;IV in Traver-e
the Are out tfa roof c4 tbe whole build­ Cllying wa* In Barnes
They gnallr got
(mildreo't day «a«fi
tbe namei nbdued. but Mr. f>rie>i will
1 the CoBRn-aailonal
1 put a new roof on hi* houpv
........ Joba Bigger returned fron Bai.
A fan-well rerepUoa will be given
Ik Creek Salarday eveclag. where abc
le bnme of Hlaa l.oille niiabnell .
had apcai a week at tbe bleaBlal coo- Friday evenlag In honor of Rev r
realkia a* delegate lor Murrea Hire Rich. Membera of the church and
of Wexford. Sbe reporta a good
lend* are cordially Inrlied lo attend.
DtioB aad family aad Alfred
Peter Wurtbiirg look a trip ■<
md fl
ltd thi* week.
out aad fiabli
few days at Oreen
F. H Graves of Omeoa wha In
Otaat Ladlei' Aid met with
George Humpacb has reiuraed home
lebermertora laat Wednesday,
Imen Big Raplda,
fad a apkadld time,
O. C Raneom took a trip to l>>laDd
larch t
eemeiery. '
Hr. Calhoun, wbo has been III. Is
slowly recovering.
Mrs. Max Sebrosder speei Wc

Mfa Batardap MB Saaday.
Mra. Mairea ealkd «ai Mra. Wtkow
Hoaday kat
. Peter KlaiBk hac aold bk tar* Mra.
8a haa BOt pat daeMad what ba wffl
Bn. bol k giriag to Trararaa CUp tor
’*a2*?pSob «W to tatartodne

Atlmit and were at ber bedside when
paasad *wv. AR tbe old ploaean
»ni renembar Mra.

T. WiBebart arrired Baaday from


A pany of Trai
tend at tbe Rtreralda
Wayne HcHkhaal'k baUdlng
day last.
CaaMa Brow eatertali
Mr^ad Mr*. Will Claih. kal wert.
iDBbar of her lUlk frieadi Saturday
Thli year looka pronUang for a good aReroooe in honor cf tbe Mlaaea Bu­
hap rear in our rlclaltr.
lky of Trarerae City. ~
Mrs. Flura Bfarmaa baa
plcuanlly apeot by gi
kriietf and redlatlooa Dainty rel
aerred. Tbceak nre^i
mM« n» Borp. Bertha and


uSSJ'.SSSSSSI' Sirik Hitler. Bdu Ckaaa. Bee Brown
Wbanoo k wothlag fST
^a- Ferry baa bk botue Bn
Mkt Kellk HnratelL tba (
itatAar of Cedar

wedding reception
Tbarsday----Mr*. Mm lleUfeftekTD“boBfa*^'
The eteaMr Oackenn nod* a bai­
rn irfa to <Ifaraa City Satarday
W a^ayoad-of qwQw stock tar F.



Sidney Pnrkti* is bnme from Boyne
of Chleagn kpeni Tue*- 'Iiy
Mr*. Allfa Uurpby will nov.
flgy at BuitoBi Bay.
Teacben’ ^yaulaatlaB area bald dr>-*amtklag parlors lalo the crea
here Tburaday aad Frfday wltb a krga fauildlag.
claaa la altendance.
Canmltatoaer Ddbq
rk of SultOBa Bay i
Empire apeoi Tbura,
rfauraday and Friday In Many Mara klkt II In Traverae City.
The followlBg case Is bm one ol
D H. Powera and W. J. Racbow
lany alAllir oeeurrlng dally In TravSultoot Day did bualaeti In town Fi
rseCliy. It is an easy mailer to veri­
fy Its rorreciness. Surely
Bmll Lederk, who tea been altend- a»k f<ir iH-iier proof that i
,lag the r. of H. at Ana Arbor, relui
elusive evidence.
ed borne this weeh.
E. Lyon, dealer la choice family groMra. J. HafaaaBberg aad Mka Chrk- eeriea. 448 B. >>001 sireet. says: "I
ae Bebtub of ProretDOBi rkited was iroublcd with ny
frienda In towa ibe flrat of the week. back aad ihougbi it was from ibe kid­
C. L- (MptoB spent a few days at neys. as Ihe pale was aboul where
Cedar, retaralag last Saintday.
Ibnae organs are located. I rad afanl
Wur*bqrf cf Korthport_____ and knew persuns who bad used
------------------- ■ti our Tfllage Tburi- Doan's Kidney Pills and ibis Induced
me to try them
They airalgbieaed
faw apeat Saturday
TO^npjB a short irme and ibe actlia
Palmer tram Odar apeal Baaday in

U n. Frlak latiiMH tran Tcaragm
Oltp Toeaday wbara fa had beea ai a
wMaaaa la tb« mUpa etet.
p. W. Oafalaa o( Wexford la al hk
wanner raacat U Oraea kke. wfaca

N. E. STRONG. Mngr.


fabeo Uoad la atlll oalto alck. '
Htai lABta Bosert hai mbib:
tew a tbU at Meal.
Efaar Dowacr fad a rerr atrrow < .
mpe Iran drewaJas In Boot take Be ^r
- dar white falbiaib fat f<r Will Bak ,
aad Bor Miner beta«.B<Br lo eare hi
fa would fare coee dowb ai he eei
, aet twlRL
MIee aacraeer wO etoae bar aefaol
B. tfawaer got a aew pbaetoo fron
Oeanee eoaatr kit weel
Mr. Norrii faa doaed ,
: thiwfab hU prlrale propertr. oppoalte
Mr. Dowaer^

L. 8

A work of highest genius, faultless in con­
struction and tone qualities. Ears never
listened to sweeter tones. Eyes never
feasted upon handsomer cases. lt*s the
tone, sweetness and finish that won't wear
off. Come and learn our factory prices
knd terms

t a allgbc recurreoee a
agale resorted to Doan's Kidney Pllli
but not Id valB. After Ibis etper
I am glad to advise their
I teed of a good kidscy
Ft.r sak by all dealers.
- Iier-Ullbura Co..
»* called Btatea!
Doan's, and lake


of hammocks, commencing at 5Uc and
ranging right along up to $8/«.



$10.00 co«h lor ..............................................
$115110 couch for................................................
and so on right through.


Our Oeuviest Cut
is in Sideboards.
A «:ood well made
sideboard,!worth $H
same cut right through
A largi:e .assortment 1

»cinB a, $!/«,.
Ham„.ock ',,3toiL ch^S
.cina al 7.5c. \ ou can b<i, 75c wonh oT c»m(on
out of one of these m an hour, bvcrythtcg you need
for your lawn at same small prices.

SMI* bk sarilka In Cbina CISMta.
A beautiful golden oak China Closet, oval front, bent
glass ends.'Worth $lS.5oi



cheap enough for the-



You can find just what you want at just what you
^ want to pay.



tsm* Mg aarinoa an Ealtnaion Cabka
Same big cut on chairs. 72 styles to select from, com­
mencing at 48c each and raeging right along up to
C high back, cobbler scat dining chairs. ®
(worth $HMI0|. for only............^.................... • # ailU

n«r« i« a lUefter
good enough Tor the parlor

or lawn.


Large full
back wilbw

rocker, just like cut, our prick
is only

B Tan CHit al eaaaHna Stavta
Commencing with a 2 burner, like cut,
at ....
and ranging right .along up to a fine gawdine range.

A solid oak. high back, cane seat sewing OR/*
Rocker, only................................................................... wi/W
Cobbler seat, high back Rocker.

Cornea ariten poo 1
that ;oar wa, tog*
polideind other raliiaUe
papc^arc tale Iroa hna
“<l P»7w« eyeg.

...... $1.25

ot. Same C
. of Rockers.

Partb ana Dnn Baato
Our assortment is larger than ever. Sec 4>tir steel
fsame reclining swing chair. The most comfortable
and durable diair, will last a life time. You can use it
as a rocker, swing or hammock. At our price it costs
00 more than a common hammock.

Less thio 4 cents
a wfakTcntta box hi ear
vntilti, kiBtr than noal
ftiraie writngnom a



Sanu bk cat on Rackcra.

B xampMlt On« at Bttrkcratar* ,
A compleic Lcof icoCpcam Frceicn at totom priS

Han’t Targtt


WM «wa|

n Carge and eamalct*

Sam* Bk taringa on esacbca

Wholesale and Retail ' ^ •


Reliable Home Fumish^fl

OI«y> Stfa MmiBMfaBantf

tvna in w4 Mt MIm t»n
rawrcni ao tor. Ahdto tftr ra>
«•!• aaMvMlM.
AUbeatk mtmj tt lb* Mitt uk«a
I tbc ■■nn we Terj’ bailr
uri ui (be ekUdw to Mr
aim e«Mr baned «*. nth

.. — —. IMUe nuase
Barketlac abool SjMa
brtcfca «Sf*7 dar. aad tb* deaaad Is
Loadaa. daae It.—Tb* Tefeto
apoadtot or the BewUr Talssiap)
paaj tor* to a Bsbl al Trilva.
Pb Oak. tb* Raaalaa* Mat SM kDM
aad m prtooaan. Tber atw tost 1<
twB*. Tb* Japaaere canaKlei


Saaliasn de Cnba. J.iae IS. hr
lettoer to UaaaallL Jaae U—Tb*
:orvi etorsi of a decade be^o FMdar
ad nilatoaled Moadar alsfai la to
‘en taebes ot ralb wbleb fell la S
br a horrlcaac.
Tinsse• (d El b
'heea deelrared
ties are fcansra ta be
art Blsttot- Rodie*

IJ.—A dtopatefa le tb*
.. .
flraKn. Berera) or
lb* ms aa< voates bad tb* aaTlofe Ccaual Kewa tajs tbe Japaaeae. afi*r
■ •
larcd TeH a lire (lae
tber par
r. k la rwrtad «e
Ibe pOHee. bai b««a toaL Inn aa expU- itoa. Tb* RaMtoa* lo*l six eons asd
aalloa Bar be fonad la tb* (aei ibai it ire ratber tbaa


IW bSuU ml OUlns.

The Ky Too Have
Always Boagin
Bears the

:« pairullox tbe bar.

Summit CItr
(be Iroa atwaboai cmpaar'a
Takto. Juae It.—Tbe iraavon Ptoo
SoaiBil atr. Mirb .
tbraa daeb exeantoa ataawr tora* Hani. wbirfc todar maned froa
Wei :ni r' reoelred a lelesran Satur
ap tb* aaaad paaUrdar Baratoc Hojl. Japaa. reports ibai at II;M r*s■ IC-Th* MmI I
da> snnojarlns Ibe deaib of bis sob
*D (d lu ballBf >rlK aad (be terdar Borptas
she t
1 Ibe
Au( it( al the hospital to Spokane
«aaeral baUwb of a torse exearaloa Rasatoa s«aadroa 20
waili. tbe i:ih. Ur. WeMaer i*di at
partr. as Baar af tbe tMO voomb aad Sblail Bblma. Three iraosportt es­
oorr III iirlBp Ibe Ind) borne Itw iiortol
eblldrto ae board a* emid emnrded the caped bat Ploo Haro aaw the Hilaebl
■ ileaU
a *N Mam •rathan rail sad rievcd tbe vreefc o( Ibe 0«a•tal SloenB. bat trilb land aad
sMpa aad was probabir sani
boved beads.
Is feared tbe tost of lUe was bear]
ibaai Crsaas paved a (ev
V. tb* saas* aeaae baidt
. . lb* laad oa board ptortof a hrauL There were 1AM worn
aad ehIMraa oe beard.
Hetsfatton. Ptatoad. J«
beak Ilf KaiaJItiio. U
aatled eril Robriklff. xciTeraor (ea
I SsraL l.oalse tillmso nf
’ the vraek doHot ibe awma
Flaladd. was shot ao<l mortallr
u oa Ibe bars* Uerr aad aot
• **'■Ss 2
to* daad aa btob a*
todsr at tbe eatraare
sick WCM^L A^^ sctoiol teacher, aft. r coosUm smlr..
bikn wArttoad^
T tbe B«i r—.............
lar appalltot
appalltoi experleacea oT
to the aaar
rarks wooden l<
u and Loss or Sun
iboac who were oa tbe
CooiSSo ito^l^Hedin]
be stair, hi.uic).
ride, He shot Ibr
of Mil
Aea^ lowed beblo^ a
FbrexpemeofaiailiagM/r.factbchook .O'Bli'Al
AkDBi iPo baadrad and Bfir.toet
KCW--------“ psper, or ji sumps lor Ifaa acli.t- at Ois more Uian To *car. Ho
l.oo<lac. Jooe IT—A dispatch . _ "’•fto^boeod to doth. ASdnas Ik. Ii-rc-ldcd rocooilr ot.T iboaa&ual
tHB Naar Tab «bar*. oC the ptoe*
Tttolo Ibis aneraoon reports tbsl Jsp- R V. Ptorte. BoSsle. N. Y.
m..., lox or .h.- smeral mcdlrsl cudkaa«a a* Haal'a Patoi. He (be r*
aoese adalral Kanamra.
srbo Is pa^
II In IsiDilun.
<n lb* mtoUd alaaM 0*Mra
solas the Riusiaa vetsels wtalrb aaak
Prof Chsrles ttoskirtllle ol ibe
caai. II I* a tfiprarr aad bl
'be Jopaaesr trsospons la the slraiis
‘■•rolloa. »bo bas
“'''Able rooiribulloos lu Ibc
' Geotac B Cortcl
'Irtni. s
1AM perasBs. tb* greal balk of i
Satloas Bar. Micb. Jaae ILr. He
were pbb*b sad ehlWrwa. toai tbHr
B of the flt Ulebael's acbool
committee to
Usaa to Sr* sad aiaier.
■ at Saiioes
S«-pI. I
He asked
On* ThMiaand
Bar Juae K;
Rear Admiral RoUIrr D K.aai li
whether it would not be possible
Ctooa ar list.
Toklo. June I*.—The
.-M.........t ...M
and k
MHcIub mlMcs, "
imrlooe the prealdeni or the un*
Tador Ibora are s
—nar Oaear C. BialaaL eoBStest the Jap II
ipon llhBcbl Hark, arhleb
! ao ••p|»nuBll> to see a same. He bas f U' hrlor uf law. 'Too hset ibsi 'Bai'
nm of his choice.
la tbsi IbU lorribto MniSae elal cooraa.
^ Rosstoajwanbtpi to
Bliss' taekboae became as stiff ... bn-n tuiilap Hr*. Evans' slater itlBoii.rdW
cf We waa aaadtoaa: that tbe o<
MIb BtoBWe R fffbBlw fnBWrr straits of
Chiraxo hotel bill. "Hr. (^elroa's I’onxhkeepslr and while there aileo.l I ,
I wniil.l have U-en
TokM. Tber lell tbe siorr
fd iko bast, tboosh tbek brarnr la
sme will not be withdrawn." was the od 1 roniesi of tbe Hudson Hirer ■
Utos Blaaeha C. Kotor.etsbU srod*.
1^ or Ibe resael as foil
bnidea of bli respoase
"Pracilcal teapue and ''rooied'' opnaririustr r.u-1> plea<ani n ltmlnn
... . —__
the Rosatoas
; lm.> ■late, always first la piibllr
arc nni Rolnc
o qiianvl the hiiiur l■•aln. wbirh won.
: ravei (or s batf bIIc betaa fraSto
*“* *■
•***■'* Usbled. The Japaoeae alirnpied to
William "if^'cTa^rt' ih” patriarchal ^ to.v tl
• bar: that tbe life balu wore
Hiss Ottito C OoldsBlIk. sd^lb escape but at Hi o'clock the Ruulaos
anker of HIshawaka. lad., has been,;.
rellrtoa and law." "preefsety
opeoed a ieirHe fire aod In a few mla- deal rUht to dlrtote."
lad aassfTieaabla aad Ibai (be
Ctosa aoHo. -Vliise Serrea as
ute* Ibe decks of tbe traaspm* were
.'two years
Hr. Clark Is a repnlillcan. |
' fctolned his nelahNw. "Aad Bow
ctlaaidiba appar woafca sd tb* Aaohor.'Seaaior AlRcr of Mk-hlatn. the
bad a |
•' ''“'ry election but one since :" 1» iwisslhle to place
lal Fslrbanks maa.
■he eoclne rioa and killed 200. >
ilk with Falrtmaks this iunmlnt
'l*TT ha* l-'ea withool oppo.l>lr.n, the |i,wjih*U>ne Ibe words. 'H
C to Ike ereolBS tbe Hltacbl Hat
either lodorsine
later said ir Ibr delegate* wanted ......
Campbell, t:
' Mare vacant on their
l» take the vice nnwldenp. h>. will ae. I liwrine







bf thTS^Se ^ :fbe"hv'i^d 'rV.lill'?


For Over


. ’X'reis




^ Harsh Bill


Itoet. ~Oa the Race Cmrratk* Hisses
All thnasb Ibe atsbi wiacktac losr
A. Bahte. R Kaler.
bpasnd ahoai Ibe smek bat iha
Balslaiorr. Hosier Otoar Stelael.
troops, ordered
Oaormrias of beaon. tbe Her. F

' «r tkktHI ool bodtoa. whtob bad beea
iiliiiklid SI Bidaisbt. was pc
aoBod opifl the ana was wen ap ta lb*
feMTW*. Oa the Weew doriw the


Aese." 8(. OcelU or-

blgbi tbeca waa a erovd of aastotB
Oiler.*' HIsa
tolbar* aad otbor rolatlTaa «f
PtoMah OevacMc OaoR
Bl. Peterahur*. June 17.~Oeo«al
Ctorara." Hlaa L. Uadler. Hasier 1
HBitof aa I
Bobrlkoff. toverpor of Flfilaod. who
M TcM^^shal at Helsincfors by
Laei Aboos ibe PaWes.’
Qoartat. ttonie Wbere lha UUet
toaok'saalora. 'I
Itoel. “Redosra,* Ptorwoee
cPBpaor. lb* owBor* of
URMeBB.«odar4*etor*d V
f We waa do* u defaeUe*
ieri tb* Hob* reats at the
awi tha Mat waa taraml orar to tbam
Ikraa waaka ase atwka thoroask ovarhaaSoff aad the

___ VoS^r"'

Another Jap Tranapert •ank.
Kacasakl. Juae IT.—The Japaaese
aaaport Kauoao Hani today loatod
the YoBotokaa off HoJl. The torBer

<si5n.^*S? ““
pourtofi Ibid Cblcape today.

wSr-siFs^S- -I” ‘

Voaaj dnet, -TTotosa of the Hlpht.'
It that tUM that aroiToeakw Mrla.
off M baea Aib* te Bake the
DWoffoe. •'ReBaBber Betmoa,'* aenHWtkp aad oafa
tor boys.
>lra Baa to a PM af Obmi.
Daat. "Birthday Falkt." HtosBlaaeh
awaru. H. **
ISk W*M wka aaaaad br tha
tWMwafBFHatSMaa TSataafi-

S w2lSiSa'i‘SiKLS,

doHac Ibe oltht.


arriraU was Bruator
lau of New York. aced.
Infirm and tolterinc In bis sibps- To­
day Ibe laleresi ccalers la ihe^lce
ot the Tice praaldaotUI candidate.
Falrhaaks, Kin and Cnnoon are the

'Dacto Joe- says be will be "damaedr he will accept tbe ptooe. HIU is til
the la -WaBhlnetoB and the eoDceesni ol
totokm is tbal Fairbanks will
ntnalat mnle.
Daac "Oaraet litoRih.- Hltav H.
----------------at Bostoa.
A pramlaeot pMlilctoB had lhoo<bi
Ham. Irtae BeroU. .
Pnaideat Roasereli'a wbbto tboold Rayacs, Rttito ^reak.
Bcm oaeoed. *T»e New WaRer ’
The ladle* of the 0. A. R elrciod as
Bad Cortelyau ap-potoied cbaJrmao of t
republlcaa commander Ur*.......... ~
we tbitd. Tbe Raaall at ^oFlora
Joha Herrltl. Uuskepno:
uriff wni
Mrs. Clla Barber. Casevlllr:
lee three to one.


PMi r>rer


SSd Wkitatoff tW dOMPr le the hoa-

to abota kt Oaa Rtpdrad
swwsrsoM Mas. At
(h«a ato a aaahar of laBhar
laBbar i____
«UI aarara) hasa a|l taaka. aad tha

aatokBB tha
toitbtr lapMtl
------- -- -Sitbar
tta paotoB at poafto vbo bM aliaadr
boaa Msbieaad tote a aUle sf alBM

te HortoB beopHal aaU be prafeaatoMlly traatod aet toas tbaa
^ toaUBt at Ibe 0*MrH Btoeaa
dtoaM. aad daetora vttb blB
as be. He aaM (ri
ad b* aeoM aee «e
te paMtowhaala af the ffoaaB
tebad >Rh te baraM hadtoa at
Fto htowa te bodtoa of lbs burned
aad te drotraad c«b* aahat* aa te
HbBd aad iMsraaa Oa* Hoadtwd aad
Tbtoty-M aitte aad Oa* HmM
aad ThlrtyMcba«Tw*l to M«wh....w
aad aoB* eoB* aobera atm allva
Haw of tew dWd. whlto other* will

r coum yoa

•bon bdlri


bcBTy, mot

•taeh to TMIr Peala.
IVeoA all te HIM paato. dartac
as tet .taraiaa wttk awoka aad te
•■naaadtoi tiMto, te otean at tbe

courae yoa de.

Tbea vby

Hair Vigor
bwbcpletted? Aj^Halr

to UM. bat OMB
1 dMal Matmaat tosaed by te


Maw Task. Jaae IT.-Fiv* b«BdrM
MmHm sd the ataoBer Ocaeeal Slotesmdad aad aaeaaad lar burial.
**» teaiato took place today, bat
teat at te daod srin ba barM
■B*Foa aad Baaday. The atrtekea

•data aiui heUeea that MM partabed.
bp cabBi It la beHerM-te as
vB aw eaeaad kdd.
Ate Wto.

a «f*r, toBara


......... ^


id have mod* bul llule beadIben, partMotorly Ibe llllaoto
«. look adraatape ot their toll- anlsanre. as on room or n><s'i>iarle is
tried to work the Hilt boom proof apalau them. Wb.-n ih.-y ap­
peared It was In a hope rlmi.l thal
Bat tbe trail always tod boM: lo darkened Ibe sao for a few momenis
Falrhaaks. the ladloaBan whoae coy- and ihen .-verybody and .-r.-rythlnR
The wlaped tei< ap
beeame leu praeoaorvd as tbe was rorered
carried ibose less favored, I
bonaiels Ihrealeaed lo asoume
laaplbte fora. He would not and In Ibe cuame of a day ihet also j
aw mot!h for himself. He bevrr does. lost their wlnps OM setller* say Ibel '
rr“‘? »"'« • »bon time, but '
Jim- HealBwai'. coapi
s state, coafides lo all
thal If tbe Bominatloa came
lid arcepi I

Pritts S2Jt. SXS* end SXS*

Kr:, j««
.roT'.'s: j^rr.

Canaan Weuld Beeline,
ew* Han Otto Centroat
for II
lAlattea. Jaoe It.-Tb* owtraet "Uneto J - Caaaoo a
Black, Cbicapo; Seoelur
-- ----------------- of tb*■* K0V*(BB*Dt
Qen. R A. Alprr ai
* City
Psrtridpe. A recep
lives and bM for the tmwllllacne** <
in crnera! Blark
5^ te aa« of eoadtnMtlaa to be the vast majorlly oT ibe delecala* I
Tavern by the women.
worry him aad to drive him
Tb* bnUdiac to
aatloB or Ibe nomloatl.
Brat day of Jape.
body believe* he would
ry oat h
Ants at Baldwin.
threat to do ibai very Iblox.
t. Speak.
Baldwin. Mich.. June IS.—Baldwin
ftoaaoa srould be sere to occupy the
plapne-rlddea. A hnpe swarm ..r
place oe the ticket with Theo­
dore RooaerelL
New Yorker*, who
uDdertook to foist ihr Cannon pmpn- In Icaplh recenil. descend.-d iiikw tli..
1 and Ih.- .urro.indlni; rounirr ed
panda oa the e ivenllon. were soon
ar.- fairly overrun wl.h -hem :

"" ““TT.':,

•porii urucaccinllyaad

Top-kouod pu»r»nte«-»our moorv lack irdissstisSad

Brick Plant at Kalkaeks.

Kalkaska. HIcb., Juae IS—Tement
brick* are belap marketed fr.>m Kal
kaska. a derided toaovaiian Aoce the
days ot old when toteks wiiboai straw
were the fasbloa. rather than the esship of the naiMiud__________
reptioB. RxpRtmeni* bv a namber nr
Beoator Penruee
of Pena
‘irtrk maker* tor three nr
aylvoato of tbe h
Quay school of four year* In day brick* has fiaiMy re


s iS"-™'

*' f'br <• brwr tfm a rwtUUe
• w— Tw—

mow of the wonderful
cm* mads by Dr
the presi kiditcy, I;
sad bladder rened;

We Make and FH
the Round Oak Furnace rwt os
corduUy and food ox arc do te
nptly cunoK
kktoey. bUdd.
used ireu----------------jphi e Disease, which u
form o( kida^ trsubl
Dr. Kilmer'I Sww
. dedlor
osy, «
. or
.. bladder
treubls li wUI be to
... .hsrsmedyyeuoeed. Ithubeenietosomsny vayv----vayv la hospttsJ
---------------------work. -------- praetlee. smonr the helptoss too poor to purebaas reltof sad hu proirsJ ao toccessfvi is
toby which all res ersMthisps
who have oM shsedy bled 1. iTwy hsv
ebyr sil elm s b
ut ^mmp-Roo. sod h<
. meouon rcsduiftbi"::g

^^jwltoa ^ of »rw Tack, irea*

DonY make wSy misuke. but r.
fin as-ms. Swamp-Root. Dr.

well known Round Oak Store.
my ol lud-duraMBytremeadout
Cfidoui imatiof power—
Afr/fff eanov/ of tht fvtperfeet
kkid ol lu


coat, caoc or
wood—are te feotofet that sre mabtog the

Round Oak

—. ..

e iot if you w«h-fae* ol
te Round OAk Fownacc
aewl and kirn all about H. Our furnace book
Warmth and Comfort
” tcni
tent on rc^ucpt.

a r *.

es«sD RtriDs I iioi«M sr.

amsforw.o. aptotw^nt^ ^r»aa x. tap.

Weak Hair

If You Suffer
When you need a LINIHENT get a GOODom

Hsnnsh A Lay McrcoMilc
C.ty, Msen.

Mustang Limment
Has earned the title of

^ A

**Pioneer of Linimentt’’


tajtequkto than



_ ta»r

tysj iw


toay Tnrwws tsiy r« a w. fm

e AiVr flay ta (V I
tad tv
TV M twhU I MW waa ta tv Mth
of Hart* aM tv BrM MaiUrtin < V tv yard md sM sad mm
ra. Hr oMsM tawiVr Is yotay
OB tv IBib af Apes. I am
V u yea. BMb A my beotVta
MS ta (V Bftb grads. TVn M ta

OMt Mlar akmt
wtj. tor*.
I MCtadr tiM c>6 •kMt.
Ami m Mt kta cmtkv tb* frtaM
Ttet alsht tAfC beta ren laMM

. t baps yea Mrt (Vse
Waft. I wtn Vre to eba
to Vor bem yea saew.
Toot BsMhtai grL
» CeMsr. Hoy lb. IbM.


artM." ttal Mike tbe &Mn bMT7 wd
D0MtMtk«K.AA' av It a fw« VMM «( Hialltr. It hal»i
■ililj aaa UMtan ararrlndr. It b
alpan taribk aad
VkM itbldoAM «9 watac wroM 4eiM 10 aao(h«r;
«*M that *Mlt ta>c~ mMom
■fail tta Matter. No voataa dOM
u, Mr tart envt «bee abe b cbeertaL
^' A HtfH M«n MakM BiMUr haartt aad
kM*a Ite mM (re* aad atat. No
0 paat ai OM that

Am ita to the wM the tMot

AM the haM ahatl etaa bad

; Ota im. aM tore to year hMrt a

VMr MM b roar «aH aad d<
■ b tM admr «rt ktas aad
^ tat «hat yoa are aM rto;
ThM eba to the ««U the bta yea
■d the baat MU « Mhtatoyoa.
OoMrata a lev howara to raet ymr
MM. aM baaaUfy yoar haMe.
ao vrit TCMar the (tax aod labor ctaa
ttaa. aM Ute cUUraa tore the
Lain to lie «ova la tbe cooteet reoM
It the beoe. aM teke e ee» oa s bet
tba raeUac Mir aod.'elMtdr WMli
yoar haMi. eatoy 4<>la« eatUac lor
lev Mlaatn at a ttaa. tta*i aiak
yea are eoMMHUat W
ab by aet tlOac erary
year ttae with vork. We a*« Mere
M «M toMita ibaa tb M a M«ee eook

A tad the Mb* thw M«e hot yat ta­

lly iheatai caa n

ttaMUyow. ApeOVlMwaoMe
tai aM oa tv «M of April t
*1 vUl tdl yoB arbat we #0 iaUcM- Thee be aarc that yea
aoMC MayBowsn oM they are rery
me a eard aM Vttoa. Tbeta are
«a aM basew oar work.'* aba aa
pretty. TV UaeVr has aoMC Bowers antu a few flowwa oat- eow. t wtn
TOO prefer, yoa caa pat year ctotboe
gtad wbea aaasMM tomea. Ve oflsa
eold waitf tb« alsbt before, vr
to tv baacb ta play la tV
y dip tboM lato water la (be
After we gM tired ptaylag ta
MorslBK. bet ibey Moal be wet la eoU Aad tal ba poahMy aM eheatlay,
IBM we go V ta tV woods aM
water before (bey are pet laio tbe
IT Boweta. Oar seboM will tot
Aaaa Mtakta
ootYV ttb of May. Wr are gotay
*-FUI tbe bdler aboet twodblrdi fell
Mooroe Ceater. May 1*. tM4. Vre a ptoalr oa iV last day. I bare
o( water, aad ibare Ulo H oee
Dear Awat Patty—I tbouyht that
ee ta a aoey. B'e uke ala atM
orlas Utue pM besaa.
ad be ready to help a brother.
would write s lew llaea u you. I Ulok lea. rcMIag.
U boiliog. loor taHeipoc
Tbara raj bA Moeh Mooey to tpare,
If hit aUpa are leable aad atow;
It was IV iPih of April that I towM
e ta tpelltac. Mr
bat Betb aManty dacUad that ebe
Take hU haM where tbe path la
- Mayflowers ta 1 (fatak I m
r ta Miss CMbom.
eeoM yet atony aMly vHbpet a
robtaa tv Brat M March.
le. aod Uoa aaM tbal Mece bhh^- -Tbe etotbea. wbleb bare beee
mm-h. ta stomyly aHaat
lay la eold water, are tbea wnu
rai alefc the wnald oM be able
i. Nuw I am a rbaagad
bri Moyer,
■ary Wuotaey
laeurM Bfs; II look alBa
taka ker little trip to (be eoaalrT. aay- aad pot leto tbe boUer to boll 1
(eee or twewly Mlaatea. barlaf re- There le alwaya rooa at Iba teptaya.
lollies, twt I fell so Btoeh Impeand 1
r Mooroe Ceater. May I*. IBM.
Tbeoe HU of WaooMy ft
Aad tbe tmriaal will wta the 4*y:
y. Mtob. April Za. IMH kept uklay it, ns I drredsd aa opMBltaa
Mored prertooily about twodbltrta ol
aMall load to nan «ttb. aM i
T«ea tot eaah year. wUb lu ehaaeea.
Dear Mn.
suuvh. I sat to-day ta prefect bsallb
pallfel of water:' thU U to e
wriu a few Itaea U tot you kaow wbea
» lafotuUy aad BkUVa^ vllllai
a atep la yowr oaward way.
aM Vre Boi tell so wall let BTHau
Joia (V SMtblae Hub Please
«ta bolletful later.
I MW IV Brat roUa ta MsyBowere. area eard ta Vttoa. I have aercr .yaar..--Mn.. Bra BanV.
-Beds iriib ibe cKaaM etotbea.
Wbsw I MW tv Brat loUs It wa
■■ ** ^.loarsTaqueaUvaatowhstbse
A am It the aery tMm la tbe
writlea to (V Herald Snasbiv dc-1 ..**
iFSB VrsitadoB to ear* aU amah
Friday, yaae 17. IMI.
baadorbaeket koee tkat they were
pmmewt VI Vre cajoyed reedtaa
(beta. T.
■ II waa tv rial
A for tke Motker-i mom.
tbe tottara ever
Peyav baaberapui toleot laalltMma
(blayt reqalrc ereo a olicbt rnbWu.
Ibe Maay pairs of briyht April. Oood-bye.
ee^tedy. Lam aaid.
siayreufneatr ta ehroaie cetarrh
tbal the Mlnaie baa
tooked oat ' for tbe «rai
Loo Kteiacr
rather wwa takea leto tbe aeail
yt-ar has pet this re
that you Vre hM some M
Mooroe Cealer. May •. IBM.
aprtay btidi aad tbe Brat apriay Sowsr
«V past yoar.
Bowen seat (n you.
If all tv woasim wV are p
Dear Aaat Patty—It was the Ztib of
bare boom tf tbrm been fer a
W(, live fccy moeh. From our WUh suyf-roiMfe
keroteae abe Md It Made tbe toay lime waleblay for the ptotaret Msreb when I mw iV Bnl robin, ’ll
window we caa are each a brauUlol
Aunt Patty praalaad them. Well, we was the 22M of May wbea I ptefc
mm well eooncta adw to yo
view of Elk Itake. There are A acbMhope TOO will bars Ibem by tbe UMe (be Bnl HarBowers.
to my owa reoai. aad dre ap yonn to
on eerMtod ta our aefaool. I am IS
-I cut Bp My aoap. put la ny etotbea
• tbit. Atnit Patty aaya abe
Norman Tooleryea ataa.*- Ura. LeaUe bad taU perla IV Mb grMc In my
■w wbat abe bad beea aarlay
tinn. aod oac day the ptopoal- aad thee ponred the oil lo.Ballnrd.
wUh IV etcepika of 7tfc
aext Hoeday I asked ber to try op -odds aad esdt* of plciuret rew
Dear Hn. Batew-I bare bM Writ- grMe yramorer. We expert to eeleibese naar years, bat abe kaowt now. tea for a toay time. I am well aM brste (V HlerDooa of Aftmr day by
Waa there tat >ke falBleat brealb ear arigbbork aMrtbod. aad abe
iboBybi abe had More ibaa bM>e you are ths asBe. We taored
a tl^ ai they drew ber ehalr te well pMaaed with the
lUytaglheaebeelyrmads. I saw
enouyh bird ptotaret to yo aroaad.
taariliar doort IF there waa. it vaa III sot yo back to tbe oM way.
(he Bret iralHag arbutua (wo
Tbe whole aecrel Ilea la'perfectly
•ka tfo. We BM mtaaed a day of aeboM at all
June (. Rhe ynea to arVM there Wo
lotot buds, aed
e bad lb draw opoe ber aiore of I am alae years old instead A eight.
tta of pteaaore a
Vre lou M boose plaau. We V*a
arc the usual early apriay fltiwen
other fciads of ptoturea wbtob aceouata For my blribday 1 got a bMlle ol per' ilyM of tbe a
a dog oamad Borer, ftedia Brews was
water brfore peUlay then latotbe hot
ibal aoane of you will yet.
<0 our ptare gaturday aM we bM tala
footo. a baMkercUef aM a tilde hook
of fua 1 Vre a piece to ivra tm
To prereet taBaela tron abrlaklDy.
tbea caalay at (be cahar dalaty Has
yuod ilMe—eaadlay your IH- eboM erery Baaday. Oood-bye.
tv last Vy (d KbaM. IV aaatc o< H
dUaolTe tbe aoap. Maklny a,iood.
aM white BBUkiBCi of tba n»M. r
la ta> as yuod aa briay
OlcB Arbor. April IBM.
Itepictorca of Memory. My talbar
Prom your friend.
atroiiy luda, aad let It itaad naUJ per­
loMa ao cool aad raatfaL''
beraelf, she aaya. after Aye t.
Dear Mn Bates—I tbooebt t would dh-d r-lerra y«n ago I had tbrse
WiBifrM FUbrmaa.
o«aa*t K!” aaawered Laara. we
fectly cold, tale tbii put the fiau- dowen auJ birds—aad aM aear ao
write yon a letter tor I baee ■
VHbm aad (wo aVrea vV Mad.
pleaaal 'I eaU H tbe Bee Booaa.'
oela. waahlDg, sadtlay. aed rtusloy U
BurdIckrIV. April K. 1»M.
lea before, but I Vre bM a
Dear Mn. Bates-^ tboocbl I would shtac ctab piB. VI I loM It Tbe ar- oac died ant loey aau. My avimte
-Aad MiM la tbe *Plak Boom.’
rater. U you will foltow
earpeu Aaaty DUI awd te Maker
ud t Vre so much fn. I wn seM
Mayhed Marry Bath, taraiay to her fa­
dlrectluM. you wil BOt be troubled Brat Bowers aod birds they saw are aa mie to you My ecbool baa beyaa. buua We mHae out aM I waaled
asked Laara. drapplBy oa a taaeoek
ta a Mine rprac.
ther. who. taMag ihioayh the hall.
foltowa. BBd if aay of you wbe wrote
hr tv Bnt oar to aeM yv bomc.
ker Botber'f feet. -Seeae of them
Now I lay me down to sleep.
her rery well. Wbew pa aM I
auefa letters do DM Bad your naM»s U
oae broibee. Bita. ta ta atab
had tke dark rays sU tat ooe etrlpe aad
I pray (V Itord my soul to hasp.
• aboat- -Laara catehM ai
lUi. please IM tbe prestdeal kaow were uwtay wood we taw a Hitta
HbsH. We Vre a MO] II# ran Jump If I abmld die Vfore t obvld woks,
of pawttrMto that ahe caa tor
in blyb ao la a matde tree. He wss through a boop. We are toaratay Mat
■PMC of cbeM were all Mind throeyh.
I pray (V Utrd my ami to take.
haada apoa. while I paaaee apoo all
ay at herd M V eosM stay. V(
-what the ealtod -htt nr Mlaa.' Well.
■ ihlV K la rery alee. B'e an tvfltbe Mber day. (are
taphdt. Betwoee pa we are like Mr.
Sdllh aM Uirie Winehcomb. NormaB V moat Vre hM preuy eoU
get at a lime? I lire by Lake Miehl IV tv EraagrilM hnok. I Utah B'a a
■waaa that oar tamily wearisy
aad Mrm. Spratt—we Uck (he platter
1 MW s rows IV 2Mb of gaa M (V arwlfc aM Otoe lake m
Tooley. Leo Krclaer. Earl Moyer. Aau
after thk UsT yolay to pot tbe dark- i
Btae boMi I will (HI yea my ataOw
f tooklay at our bodily ca
March. When 1 waa at arbool I weal
all iB one place, aod the brlyhl- UotuL aie tald: -Health U ora
Htohellt, Calls aad Bloaaom Horua.
I and Crvaisl riere v (he e
ta arbool. OouynVr. taaguage. asm0 see U there were aay MsyBowWell. I will Vre to close (bU lime. ben, Rranyeliac. apelltay aM psaytooa. Mita taore poleatlT no. I
Oood-bye From
ffiVtblp i WBicb IV rows oa Balorthem 1V 25lh of ApriU I
Age 12.
CIMyi JVaaoe.
daya. Wc Vre two btirsea ta alM
waa rCT toad of bia brtat ylita. -AM
Ibeai la Deemaa'a woods. I yaeai
Mayfield. MIcb, AprfI 21. 1*V bead of canlc. (wo pigs ud IP cUekstudy disease loo Much and hesUh
wbat Mkht ynuT Motberk roa
aaow will yo after all. Olen a
weat home
llule to V of best nee u faoMaally.
re osi to Trarerae City aad weal write ta tot roe Kdow tbal I am well
Hb borne J. la Kasav We V BOt
Why. dariay our atodeot
see Asst Pauy aad Mn. Baica,
ear mcI It haaoT ;aw aaMa.lake tv Honld. but I am sore wa
hare an sreraye of ooly i
Xhara. with a eccatoel twM of
Qtoa oM i Mwed siioni It ran
I am galay ta (V gMay to. We ^rc got iiar oau mm
week derued to hnUene. ta two,
taod Ibis wtater. Por pets I Vre
hsrtaa.-bai It Might be bafely called
I Hw a roltiB. Our doc klltad a
perbapt. U phyaiolocy.
caU aM oee dog. My dog's
nmoeeVy. f abool^ thIVIV f .
of tv line we're aiadylay-dlaease.
■ ta Bport. I yue« I will etoae (or
.w takes aft tke oM tblaff aM Btrawberrlea—To preaerre. (
OoUle lioUldsy.
roMen of iV Herald are all ylM to
oyly thuya iM -oaa be Made to do.' ouad of tuta to oae'of berries, ta Now I Vlleve that's lost the oppaMU
tbit lUae. Prom
of what we ouyhl to do. If we'd atMy
Aye 12.
B’arTen OltberL
Ptalte. Hirt. Hay 2. IBM.
ElM an tbe Btoa. freeb oa
layert la tbe prewerrhiy kettle. Bet
boallh. talk health, act health. I V
Dear Mn Vlea-r am a ilirte girl Mn. Vies ia (ao. I win ctaae. for my
Bk Rapids. B. P. D. No 1. April 2S.
OB tbe store till the toyar k
Wter b MUmt toe loag boplai
elevee years old I an in acboM cr
All foar teaybed. M If ^ arraaya- aoired; draw forward sM let U boU tlere diaesae would take care of Itself.
see tiria iHler in pHat.
day aM am ia (be elykib grade,
Mnt aa truthfully
tea Miaotea. aUn: Uke out tbe.ber- And it's much tv use thiay with
Prom your BnViv gift
hare three sisters. Their aaaMS
I yM tV card sad buti
aalmal oae U the woHA Tbea rtea oa plain aad set ta tbe soa. Bell teiDperaacc. If we. aa whUe riUnsers,
Hetaa Kartri
■cbool evrnr dsy. We bare
Bother timed away. She hM
VTwp tea iDlbDtea loayer: pour
and torable, as sweet tempered ta
(wo yean old. TV oldcot one. Nora, Ran Jordaa. R. F. D. No. t. Hoy H.
tou of fua playiny hell sad tai
work that mbm be doae b
the benies. Keep In Ibe ana
aaetolly wotnaaly oa we poteibly
pme down tr> yrsndma'a. down
r. abe Mid. Onee to ber
booaea ta IV wooda 1 Vre nni
day or two, brlayiiiy la before tke dew
Drer Mrs. Bates-t ibmnbt I weoM
.. 10 apcM (V summer.
ae brother. They an- I
tawerer. abe leaael hack'lii ber talUaiBlybL To caa them, uac three- could toad we caa V aoae of these
trrilc to yo» Tell Aaat Pally Iksf t
ilnya nalesa we Vre sausd bodies).
laV mnalc tosanaa of ber, but now fouDd some etaVf. TV first Ttatsto
There are ala acboUn la my .
chair BM rested a as
laarters of y pound of snyar
belleTp Dothtay woold so VIp the
ItoachMrMHr.aMHya.Hi roM
three boys aM three ylrls. Well. It ta (hat aV la one I ca»B« laV
drew the Mcadlay ba
pouM of berries, pul It oa tbco
» V Hay laL TV bMm
II Might bate been beeaaae abe
BlyhL la tbe MOcDlay pour off the
of them Is yHbrw. while aM Mm. I
after ReylBs Xllakaer. Lulu GIbV. 2clta
Yoon BUeerety.
ttiM. or beeaaae tbe aWw U la such Jalee. boil and poor orer them,
■tnoMce If BUirMer. I aM av bare three alMcn ta tVlr aamof
Noffataycr. Harold
Hunoe. Kosie
eaatiBsc with tbe a
Ota Ritter
lister Prodeece woald like to V Bv are rilo, Helens sad PloreDco. All of
cool drain It oB aad repeat the pn>- your third eup of lea or coffee.
. Allen HarrUytoa. Aady Clark.
tat ML but bM rooM kn
iblaera. Koptac to are lUa ta priai. us Vtaay to tV Saaafatae clah. CUo
eest for two or three aoralDys. or wbWillUmabory. April 2«. INI.
It la DM ooly taleaipetate. AlVrt Klinkner.
PiblB..hlMOBt ibably. that aBar- tn aa thick oa im Bke R. Tbe tat
Dear Mn. Bates—I will write a few
Keasirk-Tlllto Jobaaoe. Harriet
atarivat Baal tordv ta golw
ft ta OBCbristlSD. U Vre
L She hM takas the uM attUay
throw la the berrira. let li
j llaea lo yoar Bunhlne club today.
RueiBlB. Uiulae Johasoe. Mary
school. BV ta Buying with Mry.
dlayrsee to hare any Dili
Harriet Dykota
r Miaotea aad seal op In taoI bare (wo alnen aM two brutben.
Ml. Pbrpculhai*ea4<«.twokltwill obrtate. Aed
It hM takes careful tanloy aM muck Thla keeps Ibe flaror aM shape of tbe
eac Wa Vra twe
aills Pier. Hkb. May l». ItM. iVa ta aa
lark of lateltoctBBlIly
stBdy to Bwke U eroB wboia Tbefar- CmiL
Bdai would
a calf, a coH aM two Vraea.
Dear Mrs Itales-71 ibnaybt I would
Bske each Mbeya silauaU sad dia- NIV Sylvia. 7.ema aad Hubert Brel.-y,
9 waa all Id odd. Md taeblosed
• bulloa and cart I all with rile a few Jlaes 10 ytw. as I bare a
rial today. My statyr wrota
aaea ibe chief topto of coorersstto Mayyto Ilcmb.-i.eck, Jobaole aad Wn
lie Blley.
la school I like her rery llitic time to spend I am well, hoptay for me aM Ve about a mooth ago ta
hope to lire to see the day when
at barMeolae. There were ao trlUa Berrn-Take Bre pooMa of sbA
KarUB-MaraerT Canute. Nlaa W.l ' “«* “f icarher a name U Hlae
me Bowera ta a pfctare of
re the same. I ri>ce1red my card
will V
r daUty ensbtoea. ao UlUe deeoraUre ripe atrawberriee —"
Btsoebe CarpcBicr. I like her rery
too. I will asM b few flowwiloe yog seat me. I (beak yea
of aay aori. Sbe had lieleual. oddafew
otcMd after last week's laBoenu or
Qrawn-BlsBChe Surbuck
8>'<‘ '» •
««« •'“‘•er.
rery much (nr them. A friend of mlae era is (kta leuer. Oaod-Ve.
> rVamattam aa It eow
ao tlMs for these. aM they wogid water aad ac< then to eoak oa
0.lair-Marr Hartmaa
I like to JMb Ibe Vubtac club.
ow (be patch oe nar't ab
Jally. Pour ta a lelly bay aM tare
Mayflebl—Beeto Moryan
| Elk Bapida. R. F 0. No 1. April 21. Pleaee send ber a card ta Vttoa.
tv HelCe*.
ptaoe orer alybt to drip. the mMc oa one-a lace. I teU
Dear Mn. Bates—1 (bought
Torch Lake—Lottie aad Louie SiadHer umc la Lltzie JVaaoe. We are H Bvidi. R. F. D. No i. April ».
AM to this Juice Bre panada of bro- whea we leara lo tklaL Valib aad
wouU uswer your letter I rrcelred 10 have three weeks
acboot yet. |
pMae ta wvieaoaacsead, tempei
Dear Hn. Bates—I Ibooxbt I eetod
kea loaf toyar. halt a enp of
some time ago. t am at school today
tell yns BbonI my garden. tV write in you, as | Vre aer»-r wriUaa
aM half a pousd of etralaed booMy seaimatr la wriUay too Her name
bMI It dowB to a (hkk ajrtwp. FUl
ta Oarmuoa of Wllltaaa- lircfor-erer, a red rose. Bags, sweet bdfore I would like (ojota year BaaBast Iordan—Heleaa and Ins I
rlub. Ptaaae acM me a eard
HBt Jtrt aa foil at poMble with freeb
borg. There are iweaiyslae sebMan
beastV. BM beitoe My atadle. are rsMIay.
abe aaU. aa If aabe had.
(bat yo to school. There are aerea sweet Harrs, lllaca. taUps, mornlag
apelliny vd arithmetic Writ.
at Ihoucht. as abe Wbea a caa U fill
Can s( Fniit Cans.
ta my eiata. taro boys aad gkirim aad 1 hare aa apple tree ta U
Vbta—fUsel L. Blood.
Iklak f will cltne for Ibis ttase. 0
tightly. Bet tbcM ta eoM water ta a
With tbe eemlny of tV trait
BurdtoVllto—Otoa ta Warren G I fire girls. B> are pMay to hare (wo.
TV rblckeoa are to It all tV
saally i
large kettle aM let H coMe l
lay season comes also (be ibooght bert.
' - ■ ■ arholart pretty aoae. We bare
I Vre '
DM beet Tcey aboDdaat.
>peB the Jars aad poor
'pre IV cent clesa
e mile Cairo
We are yutag SV ta la FltaL BV will a
there bM been Maay Ultie McriBee. frail the thick eyrwp. Syrwp
sser- U Ibe cast we
tbal MMebody mm mMo. aM the kept racy hot-* good way la to keep
bM takes those «poe bareett ao «aial- ayntp kettle ta a paa of bot water. ly washed ta scalded ta dried V Ilrv. Boos Jeeaup. Willie HiasV*
foes pottisy sway. Uey
ty that nobody pMked. aad had Beal Jar^ petfeetly air tight aad keep
ed Utue before ualsy. If
Maple Cliy—Joaefal BTofaoda. L«
paabad (be ytrU *o eoasUrttly ___
COM dark place. '
hyylealc. To ibaroayfaly dry cams aft­ M. Britiua. Adah I. Heteer.
life's pttaaat thisya that eras bar alMply deitohma.
er ctosolbg they may V pUeed to IV
Stotmer—Mary Vtaerboot
baaboM had foryottea that she herfor a abort Here. Tbta will
RlrfaVM Center. Oeneaee eouaiy
tett Mlyht care tor tbem. Naltber Tit a a
prerest tVm freca bccnmlay
MabH 1. Palmer. Florence Palmer.
did ha IhUk Of U. »e only aekDctaadyed to benaK that tbe dayi hM (hU way and yon wtu be glad you dU; Of eounc « they Vre DM Vea ctoaaHake a dewyk ae ter quick bUealt. of ed carefully, do it moot thoroughly V Oood Bartmr-Chariey B. Aaderva.
dat'of flour, wllfc a te
tore pmiley up fresh fralt ta ibem.
Cedar Baa-Bb AttmoD.
touM It bard to ehake Mf
rabbeiB are oaed ta tV Brtt
Cedar—ADV Tayle. MaU W. Mlsar.
a tosaay of weartaea aM diproeeiuu. boktay powder and a piach of salt
sDlsd with lu Bob ta
place they will do duty fw
Dewtap BrelyD Petenee.
A tooM of MIk worked a retoiiidMi
taaoeeai Utile epool of allk
tv edge of eoTcn wUh a kalte. tV IcDDor A. {Mvbro.
- Boll Uia ta
dntaped Dta the ataba. an wktok tbe
taedlM hotter, thtw pat oaMber layer can ts tarened for a tew aiffiSM
Tritrerse City—Pearl A. HattaO.
UMber. hatrylac dews to taok after
—------— regutar pricea.
Bck of (he raaye or ta a bai
Hiaerra Palmer.
(be tM takto. Slipped ta Ml. TV eo up aod bake. Tou css Make two
Oar Plaaos are celebraiad tV 1
a rtiue la tberchy
bM water. TV weter abooM dm V R. P. D. Ka »-OertrMe M.
rer. TVy are ataoVrd: their prices
tilybteta bosstaM were St her side eakea with this aMoaau Tbea beat
into our Dew factory ta wDretomae. re Btaadard. To dlsonaat
Kybu iwe laUetaowtola et b«- deep enough to reach up u tke ytaM
B. P. D. Ka «-May Roatk:
aM lami her white aM
tabore iV carer wbep isrertsd). buC B. P. a No. V4ra Cantea. Jalia but aoUl (bat time wlU eoeUav oar ktaadaid. gxed pricea ta vual tc
ur with a esp of w
offered at t» to »:
ao moeh
merrty to tV rubber, wkM It Vsta. Canteu. Ktaa Lemecot. Jaltaj ReyPar Bf Bre MaviL
5^ to ta eeoM.- MU UaI
eiaefjy what we ore do­
rwaaeqaeatly. tooseoa.
aM tpreM betwees ta oa up
amall amodm will aeM 4
J dbptayM ta ear «
e tiaryataa to aay bcre»- .a
— •TVe.'. of Uto caka. tbea .retara U the ores
te thb Bata tV rery
creaivt saeeeas ta our hbtory ta to oae* will V aeeeptod la at
tat toay eoeayh Bbr tV telur
They lata bee oa IV bed ta (V
gre erery pnapeetira Vycr tV
rtMaty -Btae Boom.' bM Vlf oa hev taeK. DM eat Vrt.
eVaee to Uke sdraataffa of It.
Wbew yoa toot tv pridday pain ue
Mtats ef Bre flargsias.
tv erMd. tVt naowacM tv eoattay
Htoa b a vVta bbVoI faD ef ta
1. bot wa are sura lb
tm Vra a ole* aaleeUv <d
av. WM aa sppBcaUoa of rwry te,Avl FMty all by V
* ■••• Vre meet tkv aptaadM Cpriyht Plaaoa ot fllM, IITi
atriiac WaA lea. er almptr (V tra taat aV a prod Aaat Pafty! TMs ta:
----* - - a tor vy Uuie aM I2M. Bom* are aew ta folly
Vres. mctalawtd with a UtUe
r may Vre W aah-tor flee yaan. Otban are
teetad to to moklv
•da mokaa IVl Vre eemn
ftf taoMlB aM taU
Oar anilafal baegalv Vre atVra ban pm ta oaceltaal
tv spetU. 1
aB laru of tV
I on facMT. Wto
. This. If osed before tV atr
• CiUar. Hay 19. IBK
Dvr Aaaf PMty-t wIB wrVyrma
At Id*
|iv taa to M&TM aw «a Bmt
. TMalaaatMVa

r ^





Act PnmiOr If Ym Wait It TV Adttiltfe of TUs UopaitUeieO Ksacr-Sartm



m 1»>K —t «» CWHito ttfc wN> Uf< « te> *-tai H aw Mr. i
ft» ana*. l>C.tkttM>r>taK farm
■Uted Ua turn fabar f
Ukk iMir ^ fafamc famkto ami ML
Xn.«« b« cr to : «Hh M faihrr.
W1U .-WI thaaa rrperu akaal Ur ^aafhlrr to Mac fa Sfa* ata di
I IkIbsMi- far a fa* votkf' tWL
, rafa^ traCaalaa «to tUm bnh —-------------- Mete ^
ibe'aMfa a^
II Oooatr Trrwiji »i Ororfa W. Stov- aoB4 raiBfW
a ibr r*j tnm Ur 1 ,aljiMii III ai Um. aar to faC In darfac Ur aaaaaa. Ttal
Ttal tom
far« fafa
mam *in nBOtU tkrrr lor tkt «asai . ara rMorard Ian nicbi Irna a burl
pfaMlat far
V. H. Ooifai «aa la tk» Cttjr )«M
• mb *ba harr arrrr braa kM
■ M MDIrr
la 8L Uafa Ufa , faara U «*ianrr aa rrar.
i^awaapaaMbr HiB. n«ak Carrrr.- Mr. aad Mn.
Mrt 1* 8oal* aaC Mri. HoaanS Ofa !*“• “>™l«
nrtiiliiiiT ■ ban hall____ .tor. .i , '
Mm HaaHh. ton 8o*tot ar* Mn. Carrar'i lamla.
Jar* artrodiac Ur «ar«Blk« at Brl-1“’1“'I
Mra. J. BaMoa Wi Ufa aftaraOM ...atiryiw,
•‘■U Dr. R. ■ Oararr aa< *lf» hart «- 'tal«„d*to«al** fro. lb* total Ear.-j Mr. C II Wood-rot to Bo^.Ciu '«»•tor aaanrafadjLl!! ^
» i i«ar Mac la Ua Xu Ifaifa.
Ibfa taorama to ai»*o<l tbr foorraJ of
*1'^ ter tooibrr.
. .v—, gf ngi, agn—
taraad fraai attcsdlac ibe Nadoaal
n 1.
la viator
BtolBc 1^
lb* ^^s
Mtoa RaUtore E. \*laiU IHi Uto
G Wood.
Mn. Otoa> Otora.
Mr. aatf Hn. Kairr DrWUt aaC HrOkal iaaoriattoa acaUac la AUaaOtora. Krto
Krto Olara aod ^ Atorrtosa h
a Ur cm dar

• ' toft
' ' todar
Htof Blla Wrrd
Ttoti to Port Onrida.
ftrmr bat jlma rmra *111 be r


Ufa ■!


faHia Tla* ta
**l^ WWaa M. Laur■ rauraad
MhM fa rar Late Ufa Mraiac
“ aiMwl TWblla baa pfa* to Pblto*3nV A. Hrafa af Real KrM
^«MMnaatorat*e *rrte'
tin. Oa^ UaC of Maato
tea caral of Mra. U «oaeoi.
MM Wi CalMae baa Joel
•lad Abb Ur Cktoaco Haatcal


r baa ratarate

ffaBi tatardane laaard.
lot Mran maitoad to fVr I
Ufa BMfac aflar batac to Ur
aa baataaaa.
Miat Canto Howard wafa la
taat Ufa atorafaC tor a TtaH.
& A. Tiaer ralaraad to PWr tefcr
ihfa BaralBc ariar briac ia Ur du

--------------- r CaaUara Mkbfaaa Mat*.
tin. S. MMteU ratarM ir *—
taM fa Sfaaator Ufa atoratac
bafac fa ua altr aa bnfaraa.
M. A. mioU rwtaraad la Pift Lakr
Ufa Baralac aftrr a bad
'%Ste Koad aad Hanr___________
Mdatotaa wara Ur caaoU of Hrbrr

(Uednesdav, 3unc 22ml, is the day*~S o’clock a. m. is Ibe hour ol openinfl

15 Days of


Rare .
Bb dOB'l wah un Ur taat
dar. at maar IfaM arr aulie

will be the greatest merchandising event that ever occurred in Traverse City
and vicinity—nothing like it before—may never be again. An $80,000 stock
to choose from—nothing but first class goods and all go at" about an average
of 50c on the dollar—your money will be cheerfully refunded if you ask it.

Bw7 arOeir la tbr a
•oet ai a aarrlAerd |irler.
bare apaer to airiKloa oa
frw baBa ptokrd ap at
dOB. TbooMtei of all


T~ P. Hoagb tt JaekBaa fa fa Ur
«*V ll■>llllal arrinaBi

Dn'l mnr aim
ft mint nnk a tOtv


a^ la Ur dtr froB
aUM aabaeaii RkhaMBd of Oraad
HWlfa waa fa Ur aiu todar oe brr
^ la eaaa bar aMUcr^C


24 laU black filk Broeadr. wenb a half a dalfar ....................................... Ito

ate aakwA prw rrada.
oar rrcQlar Sto. for....*fc.
M laeb parr dra
allk TaBrtta. caaraaire

Aa aaaortcd lot of




Pure Linen, faaer border

afaapad OB arlrrdct. am
Mira pnd
ralar at

aor racafar flAt raJur.
aalr prtrr ......................... fSe

SI taob all ollk laporled
• Sapt. la Maeta ate adora, arrer add for ton


(UasI) Qeods

S«l«ct Irroi eat ol Ibt
largest aad beet eteek*
la nerlbcra nuckigaa at
ceaitHutery meet i t 1

Ifaa J. M. ■(•wait vut ta Pilat Ufa
■Mriac fa atiaad a raaalaa
aUaal tor Ua dear.
V. M. Sallocc baa ralaiaad troB
t«e vaata' raeaciaa trfa ta
KafaBaaooaad taufa OMl


*M rardi pUfa aad (aarr
all rrool black DrfaB
Ooodi. «n taebra wide,

«M ........................ ............ISe

Resnlsr 2> amt 30e

to>T prir* .....................3P,

Cadies’ Underwear


--ch . ,.oA of beamilo. „d

..f»puttie ...uc ,u<,uu.f„„. p„. i



SoUd .
aalr prtcr M

■" >"

ihcd,,. ..k™

................. ...

lAdiee- Skirt, with deep
tlmiarr, irlBiard ..........$te, atade of neelleni

fai»cR' Anc ni.bcd seam

Skirts, drrply floaete.
cBbmldery rnar. ala
rows of torka. srortb
1125. for............................TSe

Vou Ntevter

Hn W. I. Janatl aid daacbfar BnMt waat fa lafaad Ufa Brnfac to attaad ite toaM of Hn lanalt'e air

Bombardind Prices in Cloak

Purr Silk Rlblmo. N'n I

c..,m Couu nrt, ,7.60.....................

I’rire, eu( uooierrIfiillT. All

Cbllilrro s Lijht I
f. sUliah. S'
n. fl Tllor*,'............. .‘sbc

.............. .

SO Z haltYrIc"*'’’’
SoDK- .htpin ri.liiml in |0
ChlldV Tiimrd Shoe>.

Every pair of Show In pur bis stock will be r


Kver>- skirt saffers <leepp- .ee

redornil sm.r.linR

r. item-salti, nrw.rrrr
iBifwi siylr*. all pn at fl.N'R



w Suoh Bsrsalna In |F-urnltura Ba*ara.




$6 per cent •iiscoBBt oo aQ Co^Caris
aad CSaiTiagei.

ta tbr


A $86


Go-Cart goiag for $S6.$5, oaH a large
W to select fttwi.



GtMim like etc


cil)-. t


lfa» i>ie«e *h
thn Ml*..


A 7.V /ardiae
J1 S<i Jardirn.


Sttol jatdinerc l<

' 'C. tow regtifariy ior J7.78,


s.'.”!'’."'"”’.’ ”■ 8.75
Large, cnaasive, 6ve-pieee Partor Suts
Tina Ifage

Dainiy Utree-pece Parior Soha...........
MAtagaar fiaiabed Divaat as cheap a-

wdVacedai___ _______
wU ibgalat at $$.76. com.
paboryMie price... 2.25

Mta Aaaa Horaa d Ji
OL. arrtaad lodar «te win


ttodli-s- fast blark rlbticd
I..I. hnuc, WiWIli l-V .. .7*


Corliae Irooc .
Blacb- Pins. -Issi
Hair Pi
Best qualll}- Hrnnl,>' Ma
chine Thread.................. 1
Brlnlo Clothes Ilnishos .

Is. Tie Talar.,,.'

Mr. ate Hn. WaOta OaBpball
■Uta atwtara far a waobfa rtott
»rr. W. T. Woodbooaa ate toBlfa
IT to tbair «auj«a at BIreb« Uar wtti atete Ua aoBABi aaa witbtac ta ceuBBlirlib Hr. VOodteBar eaa nit br

“PM'fai ..........................4b
tedir*' GovB, tucfcrd oiod

For Just a Cent or Cwo


Hfa WfaHrad Wlifard af Dr
Ori, «ta baa baaa Ua cant of

■ndfaw laran ate Ua Mb


The* SO and' C^' viiiiM !!


It W Haattaci aad «ucbtar. Hlaa
fanat Maatfaci. mat to tbr Piui
rirar Ufa aanfac aa a tebtac trfa.
fate. Hacb Kraardr of Ur Aabarr
M. H. abarU wrai to lataad Ufa Borw
facto^aa tbr raaatal a# Hn Lrrt


Pillow Cops

$1)0$ Depurtment

**t:o. HiUaaawoot
■Bf^aad txaeett

ronh Tir...Me
ttodirr- OaBbrle Drawi

............................... «' »c
Kanry Ho*c.

II (0 sc. sale price 5»c
...................................... Si*#

■arvfa AMmaa bad ceaa

Mfaa laaato Darla r
taa Ufa Marataf afii

RdktfC RlABiCtem

S^Nry9 faPavUtetete

mranis black and faary
^rtoe,l Hose, worth made fancy Sofa
Pillows, down Oll.'d. Itu.
imried silk coTcr. Oilj.

Trata aad Paata, w
op to lie. each....
blldruj Torn, r


......... S*-4e

Paaer DMied Swtn.

kfa- kfate? (faaMl"teferu

»M TfaUfac bar teacbtar. Hn. C. A.
gilUii. monad fa bar baa
onfad aa»ua rraiordar.



lly. red sail blue rhecl.«.

All wool, alto CatbiBCm
aad Sorer*, worth Sc.


All «ifa#M
*6 ua

Towellnn. wor-b Re. . to



ISe ralar............ ......... «>4e


rnbleaebed Dlec Nai.klDs.
worth 61.08 sale prire .Sto

—jait tbr tbiac for
aaaiBrr, ale prior ... .SBc


Mm. 1. Mrlaacblfa af Orairal Late
Hn. Jaatoa Ptadlar.
aptad a taar

batac fa ua

................................ JJc

I4M ranu



IJnen ...................................3to


Hick fater black UtolraJ.
rerr awril. worth SI,60

Ifc Cfaaa rataraad w Baoar Ufa
fate^ aftrr talac fa Ur dir aa
W. TbartaU d Oatafart ara« taw
«» fa tta afar wiu bla Ckartaa Hum ralar

2 yd. baU blearbed Table

Ooodi. worth I

■ ■

rauraad la Haatot- ^
•(far a rfalt fa Ua dfa.
Hr. «. L Moaa at Ufa dtr aad 1
S. U fagot at Cbartoroli lafi tL_
MMM l» m. Loali to oilaad Ur m


Glass Tow-llag, fln>- qnsl

worth BOc. aalr price...ito


C2 laeb bleached Table
Idaen, worth 50<- raril,
sale price ........................ Sto

fio inch half Idi^cbrd Tabl<- Uaen. worth 35* yd..


<S laeb half woo) bfark
Caabarrra. recofar rat
oa lie. aalr prior ...........Sc

All watola froB tSAd to
$4.00 rrdoerd to......... $]te
All wafait that wrrr |2.B(>'
•»<l«»d to .....................•i.di
All waleli itai wrrr tS.OO
TrAocte to .................... S13
All waieli Uai wrrr ll.Ji
"A'lete to ......................... tie
All Optola that wrrr SI Mi
rrdnerd In ......................... 4fa
Tee dorro ladtor’ WaItts
carried o»rr froB last
roar. Talaaa ap to $1.
“ic Prler ......... CB ate Me


abonl 2 rants aquare..Sto


Mdorwhai brokte.
Kvrrr walat. tllk or cotioo.
b*. brro Barked down ft*
lile aalr.


worth SOr. sale price, .’lie

unfaleacbed Table Unen. worth 6Se rard.........45*

tfaJMW fa Cbteace faat ortaliic.
Htaa MaiT Mfaer baa raurard frOB
Cbartatoia wbtra aba baa braa
ttaCfaC tta IfawofU laapM <oa<
Bfaa. Mlaa Mlaar daltrarad as ad-



Pure linen, eairs wrl»hi

Tard widr Car aoalltr
Sllkotinr* aad Crriont,
••orth lie .............................t<


--------------- abrU PaUAfa wrai ii
■dCfli laday tor » rtoH.


Wr Brae to rtoao ap Ibit
■l.'nrlBriit rrcardirea of coel

Ac and to Dress RlnafaaBs


Csht cittt


Staples .

Ladle*' elbow leatlb UKts
worth 25c ......................... Ibe ■
tedlet Kid nioTM. SIM
value* ................................. 4to

Tnrker Red Table Spreads.

UIU radt of CVrtoBt............b

n* Talar .......................... 47c

fhccied Apn>B Rlaahaas

'xrx r

1*142 Huetaboek Paary
Bordered Towrlt. each 7e
HotUsi. 1V' Tralurr-----SO lorb Pith Kn Carlalnlap. worth Uc.................. SS

IS lack (irlctlr apttHfalr
cboler palCmA rrcular

Biaadard Print*... .I...#'.',*

Uiaie- .lU.. I..W. le,

price ..................................... Ito

l.lnra llurksbiick Towels.
ipeidal ...........................

Lot pf CEIk^aiaaBU. an
oreaoiatai^ of Ur araooa-* caUlBK. prieaa eal
richl Is two,


worth 20c..........................10(



liter toaer Bllka, werr

If lack Mack purr titk.
parr P«ao dr SqIa oar
racalar ILiKi ralar ...die


•Avue A rew
CCMTS-but dallan

tl.». aalr prior............. Tie

Mia. leba M. Ffabar of OlM


m ■•KMATTeil 0

ate Ur ftecr raa aptte

it teeb Silk TatetA black
I. ai. HaMfaiaatd baa ratarard
ftau « laa •ard’ rtott fa Cbtotea.
Mfaa Qaito OrtowoM tofl Ufa BorafajMarcTfattattarbaMla

Don’t M tapiblng kttp ptu
from nUtudiag

ArtlKicConfar Chain...........................

lewisg loto. b%h back. ORAPERIES^ aD this •mmoi

J. K. iBfabhta (d kata mi____

---------- ,-ja Cattaias 76e ewtatiB

am Uto Bocalac aftar Wlacfat bto

‘’“'P*'........................... 39c


e aoli.1 oak Chairs wfihtpiim
MS. w<aih $3j00 goiag

I" lot aajttin, fa, ,b, pata, „ „ „ ,3

^ CjuMm

ISOO Canon, pa pur ....


»“T9~TCa»i.c pot 3.00



Our $28.Sl> Range this aale...........


"gbdom 33.00
$10 CaK Cooks

Good kttdiea Ch^ 45c
S1.60 wood seat chairs S8c


Set ofsia solid oak cane seat
Chain like e« for 4.08


to........ 16.76




b» reovkcd Ibe other dv. *■>< *Ule
I eu fc««b bp «r coif ran apt ID bUT
•a." Janice Hirtoa, after bto «m
lesM to tniac to Bake ibe b*H do
•toctle Qt mU tbiuto It apparrotir dU an vtik to
■^i^'fajWir tbe elnWiIrvaoKb^ tMdIeiratoka aad a aitle nt
r (ke Ch»T7
dar be plan, rala or ihlaa.
WakbtoctoB to Jaailer Hartoa of ibe or wtaiar. toalcUat oC wltb ■eaetala
---------toqaliod. UalUd BUlaa aaprene ooort. He baa or diploaiaia or. TalUac theoe. -«oloBal
' 'liar acore aad <ra. bal be de- Boirte- hlataeU.
aenr that be baa. iberrfore.
paaaH vhal Mae hare called tbe
1..- <1
-dead liar"
of aolre

r Iiiil-r *» U^Tkt^


tt* *" «--


eaada tbe deefea vitk frtolatoa paa- •
iLJtoin Of to paiUdpaW to aay aoelal *
eveua oa abtphnard. -------------•—

nid. -la oar coat
Mber taaamee hare adopted
----aabtea. But.* be eoaUtaed. eoa«dOittoRT. *»* bfr ■atberia* Ibeai la
a Caat aa poealble.Klaa Alfeaao ol Bpato win trUH the
mru of Barapa lUa eaauaee. He baa
tbe kalaer'a hirlia_.. .adT ai
tloa lo be peearnt at (be aiaaenrera
Alioaa. Tbe )ooa* maeareh la aaM to
Irecm belaa coaipelled to abaadua hU
Ipropnaed tUli to the UeUrd SlatM.

------------- --- ja clfiad »«h a
teal oon baoaor thaa la ■ca­
non. KOI laac ant ablle la
i. be trai litroioe^ to a todr

MioetSac their
datka to order to plaj lallaat. aad.
beaUa. ttel the otoecra caabbed aO
rthta to^.
bat tbe pcettr llria. briaftos eoa- _ ,-Pardaa ao.^ladlea •« eadoved bahcbtilT. -to vbtoh Hon.—
beMacr "Oh. we are aa todepeadeat
baaairheaaeh.- replied Mr. Mor«aa. alTlT.
-bat we date back to tbe Nmaa
kiBK*.'' -Ab. tbea too bare ------- -*
d take aa a
amar. Ur. Uoma due d

Pnrfaaatto Bbitoacto. totUM^ ^ the
p^er^fleb beare hit aatoa. to •
laeaber of tbe Japaaeae oarpe of wtteeero aad a cbeaUt br adoMtioa.
fioaie Toen a^. ba aaalTaed toelitoUr
aad iTddlte aad deriicd tbe aew cobpoalUoB BOW Iioed Hr tbe Japaadea at
aa etpkialTe (or obaila.
Bt. Jeoepb Jartlrac of Iba pooce tad
BtlBiiten who hare beea la taaarlal
eiralu «wlD| lo tbe loa( bard witter,
nih Ibeir baede la tlea at Iba proaI pert of the ewriT opeatav at Iba lake
: eiraroloD aeeuna.

^ to »• »**“• *J3!^
goftx ihf^ nllnr

M0 ••


oJX Jaw




Jr«f^Dbtlr Chrodlrte at TU I

J"STSt opartola* toward

a xt-Wbra CbatoBOd
tbe Cultoaito i


Jllittw 1
mt^adiMWlpr <ka
• fflnafaowm »>'.
torn to M rMct^i

w«a haastad n the wtito
the baietair aad e


atrawltotbe raadlw
[ fha eta lor tbe ooBiburat «f
enBoD aa oatbarat
t appiaaa
^ b. A part of
of the
tbe aftornaoB wui to
tbe orsaalritlhn aad the
s'will aoiba reached aato

______ 1»to«

-^tonatto ban u»
^dliHMi ato dai
': imtou «rtt real

ratlin aale hdKM aad
the ladtoaaa'e


Cf BoOBCTeKt------.Tanrw Tab Baat at
Thera waa Bmi appuaM
• MDr
‘ ~ t«o
■ ailaiileoaad
wueb Hated for
a ctoer tonf drawa oat tbai

Ole must Raise

Cbe money
Otbers want to but with us It is.
eompuUoiy. rAn uBteraeen.
avoidable and unfortunate cir­

store closed all day monday and Cuesday to mark prices down

There can be
face it bravely


migbtp Bargains

.Jn Clothing

Allh-easkis for you to come
and take our clean fresh and up-

Tor mtn. Bits'
and Cblldnn....

to-date hiffh-grade Merchandise

$Mn« Prtet

' rretodaat Raeaerairt
il aad wktob prehablT win
Wdbrttor------ -------

■ aad pabUe toWrato



^l^ktoltopi^t i^km to wM
I SSlvto g^’toSMT'oa'd!^
■ aaa tarn tboaa at tbe
toaraaOea haU wto aoeapr the raM
•baba that bar* baaa naatoad tar tb*
dtaal. Thar hare oo»a froa Me of
la the eoaTtottoBt
abo. to tto rat----■nitat to polat at aatloaa]
ee. She waa oaa of
M at Idaho at the rw
toatolMO. Uta. Je»
ib It NdtoMhf Otdra. Dub. to
‘ SS^ at tto tbanalw Bto U the

:toSf at Cbarta Nalaoa. a proatoaat
MlbniMto Tbbtobarbrataaparl.



Wllnai to Dtob. Two-------------toi trato Oetotado. Thar are Mra. 0.
iTVebmt. Oaam. aad Mra. C A.
, WuSSbk Oolocado Bpttopu Tto lat} .m b aatniad lo b aaat aa a dria^
V tatf Wahar N. Ktoaa. for wboa aba
weaH aet uka a leat wttb tbe
Bataa bat woaM take bar place
tto aUaraaica. Bto maj ehaace tor
tohtd befera tto «m.............
toetoa Mtebal artMM daatb wet to«ttvbM*BMtoBi
■Uatac bar atraagtb daBreted u '
drwa to Pwb atoiaaC -At tto I
. Maiiu Jobalh toat IIbm wac« a
taaalBd appeal to tto paople of UaPBWT to loU to tto BCbt aBUnit tabaraaleab. VeraMetosto'a Hat letter to
hb wBc e«dad wKh thaaa worda: -Mr


.latbeCkiH ,
Dithiinle. We lope b>- thai
time to raise the required
to m^t our unexpected obliga-

Suit, all to mate


Men's Fine Suits of .All Wool
Cheviots and Scotch Plaids.

Uu8u|g; Me wind. AU we ask is
for your investieatipo of the plain

to ellabad toto tto barber-a
to baadad tto itaaoBHl artift a
Ural a dollar. naUHtti towwtied the kalgbi ot ilw _____
‘na,- leplled Mr. HB|..nhat'e baab


*^hara”i^'"BtM Sow Tamri.
tto deawcraite kadar u ladlaaa.


(We gnnnlee this tait lo be IteUer
ihaa any adtvAheil ehewhere ai a
$116U value. Yotu money lack if noi

Every artide

marked down bean witness to
our earnest endeavor to perpe­
tuate our honor. '

Shots for

advertised elsewl
value, or your mon- A
ey back any time..
Renembcr, we give you wool suiu—
we ttand back o) it Oibers haven't
them u|he above pricet. I >on‘t lake a
couorinH when you > t get- a. wool
nit for lew mooey here.
We have a few Men's Frock
Suits that were $10, $11 $15
and $IS values, this

Men's Satin Lined Unhnished

Beatr Bier* Shota.


Pinsree Velour Calf Shoes for
men. $SJfO ralaea. 2.26

Odd Coals and \'ests and
Mackintoshes. Just make
Any .rice will do.
B $1.26 Ca
s-Ciuits ...



Child's double breasted all wool
Black Clay Worsted 1 AQ
Suits, worth $3..50.. 1-^0

Men's Satin CaU . Shoes,
date, worth $1^.


We haven't space to elabor­


X'estce Suits.were $3




dots a Caps

We give you a
I choice of 35 lots
S of Men's S u 11 >
I worth 25 per cent,
more money than
anything offered by others. Why
claim them to be worth $25.00?
We don't exaggerate. Every suit
and coat we offer at $».50 musi be
all wool, well tailored, made
right and strictly up-to-date, all
new fabrics, our
$1'<.00 values, others may claim
them worth $25.00.

to pour Btorts Couttut
A gniat saving on all kinds of


We will give you
the best ready-towear clothing
made. Our regul­
ar $20,0u. $2'J.iiO
values, best
ever carried, guar­
anteed in every particular made
of the very best materials and by
highest skilled workman. Per­
haps a uilor may charge $40.00
or $'j0.0o for the same, but it is
up tc



•‘Sky PItees'*

Straw Hats, worth l:i-.t
season up to $l.5i».........


sale price.....

shoeslnourbiKdepartfnent. Thf
reductions Brill be greater than
1500 pairs of Boys' All Wool Pants, equal to the $1 kind

men's Furnislilings
Men's best grade rcinforc-d un­
laundered Shins.worth OR
5<icto anyman , .
Good heavy 5<»l work Q»Y
.... •<»«
Good quality work shirts. 1 Q
well made, a 40c value, * AO

the price of every article
is marked down. There will be
imlticemcnis enough for future

Your moutp Bostiffou on
uot sotisfkd

To those who live within
a radius of 25 milc« and whose


purchases amount' to


*'«-X‘Sph« Che JIdoanlages

I I'ine dr«-ss shin-


1 Fancy stiff and soft QQ
bosom shirtsreduced to
I $1 Monarch stiff and soft
Ixnom shins, sale price • • •?
1 The Monarch IdVi shins, soft
or stiff bosom, very 1 IQ
latest for................. A*A^

01 Chis Sale

Are so great that it will
pay those who live a hundred
miles away to come.

This is not a sale to make
money, but a sale we arc com­




Men's u|i-to-dai<- Stiff and Soft
Hats, worth $2.5o.

..... .............. ................................

Good-sock (not wonh 35ci. but
as good as anybody's.

Men's Fine Sunday Pams in worsteds and cassimeres.your O OR
money back ii they can be cqalled elsewhere..................

on our stock regardless of what
it will bring.

SScEl’...;... .98 Ole Pay Railroad
$2Jjo and
“'.26 Cransportation
Co Craoerse Rily

Men's fancy (lolf and ^’acht Caps, v •re.5<K:.

fli Compulsory Prices

ttle must
Raise Cash

Stiff Hats that were
$3,110. sale price
4Sc and................. ..

* 25 |»cr cent discount on all o
new up-io-daic Straw Hats.

Men's Fancy Worsted Uress Pants.

When you can comennd
choose from our mammoth,
stocks at prices below manU'
factunirs’ cost. Other sales van^
ish into obscurity. We have
laid in an unusual supply of
spring ami summer gomls and
ex|>ccted the usual trade condi­
tions. but

in's fine black ami grey l-'ur
MenN and Boys’ Straw

A tine dress suspender. 1 R
wonh.-iOc.................... *AU

idown the prices on every paii

you really expect them to be.

Boys Long Pants Suits, for age
14 to 20, were from $.5 to $12
sale price $2.2.5

We offer Sli'UO reward for
each suit produced that is equal
to ours at this price.

ate on mfcre kinds and prices,
but we potttively

Boys' 3-piece Knee Pants Suiu,
were $5 and $b.. g ^0
sale price....

Vrstce Snitj
Child's threc-pici
were $2, s lie price
only .

Vou Know
Kibat it means

You know the weather this
spring hasbeen very unfavorable
to trade. We are heavily over­
stocked. Every nook and coris jammed full of seasonable
goods that must not be carried
over, we have heavy obligations
meet. There is no alternative.

Child’s Fancy Blouse All Wool
le Suits

For dress wear.

b«Bi tore Bot baaa tanned, b
toW la AJhaar a low waahi tfo Darld
tt. Kill waa baar aretp tooaaaat of Ito
dar. Toward araalag to tboacht to
woau aaeare a few noaaeti- ropUa

0 valae. Your money bick.

Men’s pure wool Velour Cassimeres, also pure wool wors­
ted Suits, all sizes, we posi­
tively claim them to be worth
more than any suit elsewhere
quoted as being worth $1.5.00
or vour n
money bock 5.5Q
at all tin-

Roloulp Clothing, tut
tptrpttliig in our mam*
moth tslahllsbrntut suU
tors grtatprttt tuttiug.

Chfngs Panned
Out Differently .

Boyt Knee Panti

No riCt-W'c have more suits on one
table than some stores have all
We own our Clothing
cheap and are compelled now
good Suit of
Ve give you a goo
to realise on it regardless of
Men's Clothes, all
to match..................

15 Days

Wist mothers Will
Stock up for the
Bops Bight notp-^
Compuhorf Frittt ou til Bops Suits

Bundrtds ttppn lyuadrtds at Suits
to stUtt from

If adddHitoteoal

_____ .Jtoo tbe ftrrl 1
throw -bOBfaete- at fapon


Nothing reserved. Every dollars worth of goods in the house from the cheapest to the best
will be marked down. It will not consist of a few "leaders" thrown out to deceive—but a
clean sweep of profits and part of the cost. A deep knife cutting in every article in every deparlment
through the entire store. No goods'bought special for this sale, everything is from our regular stock.
We can mention only about one item in every hundred but everything will bo marked down in porporttion. Oo mot doloy or you will bo too loto.

nukes. it necessary




for os to raises iai^ amount of
cash qoidcly.


Mighty in its Scope. Mighty in its Price Cutting


lawa^n* d


Big Sales
htfort, butthtpnu
uot compart fumaga
uitudt to this okt.



pelled to make to raise a large

A tme selection. Compare with
others who make false 1 Q
statements .................. *AO

S Men's handkerchiefs i not wonh
1 35c t but as good as OR
1 anybody's two for___ •VO

Men's fine black seamless hose,
worth 15c. sale price C\^ ;
only ..............................
• 1 Men's $1 and $1.50dress Moeha
Men's fancy embroidered 1 ^ 1 Gloves, all sizes, sp*- QQ
hose, worth 25c.......... *AW
Men's $1^0 and $1.50 Shirt Waist
Men s fine fancy Gauze vndenrea



amount of cash to meet ai
expected obligation—hence such
deep price cutting.

Store will be closeil
all day

Joly 4fli.

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