Grand Traverse Herald, December 29, 1904

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Grand Traverse Herald, December 29, 1904


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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« am mmt aU radv. ntty ««7.

With Ito ero««u tknw
__ • th» fUlie- Mn ttot it IfatJ
r*B tncte «f Ike gmt wkokBM
•Mt ekeMi.
eUNM Ml U I l»*e to Ml!—
. mm traaias tk* mMb tkat til,

Httra^ or iMTpoee whkk k»<l
nalaMl kit maeoae fortnoe. KM
ooe of Iken «oaU hare cnetaod that
kit kaikOM kaf failed Id tke «m iklos
be deraud of bmm« Ib tke vortd.
Soddealj' ke IMmd klmteif ao
agaiaat a kick board few» with
twlnslas picket cate la II—Ue cooae
renU aov. He opeacd tke sate and
ttenied latlde. There vat a woma
ib«re-a UU. aleader ooBan dretacd
la Uaek, with a Ms Aapplas kai. She
IbedlBs Ike feeae. At John He
UB tooktd tt her be tbooskt the
talpit be 30 ar-even 40. for the hair
wat a dead gray «»der the Mack hat.
^iat the earned tke sraee aod tprtsklIlDtat or her pn»e la her lithe awremeau aad viliranL voice aa the called
the seate ahoat her.
"I beg yoor panloa. OBhB." taU
Joka Hoottoa. ''I-*
''Ob!* the taM. turalag ekarpl)-.
'kre yoa tke Baa-vho frigbUeed bi
■Tb afraid I aat.* Md dokL
"Bat roe are vet." the tald, qahk
•. ooUBC tin dltkeveled aoadiUaa of
the-.ana. "U't a perfeo dovnpoor.
and dry your

ewalag rear which they vOl proceed
to carry oat opoa tke eveolag ta aoeetloa.”
other oev Idea.' tald Candlae.
Xrt. Saov U Mvayt origlaat. What
do yoa tnppoee *e atpetft of at
”Hiat U for m to atudp oat and deOMe.” M«ae aMveved. aod tkea they
fell to dUeattiag tte poatiMIUlet
Ykick Ike Bote «olWd«-d. la Ike eonrte
of the Burning their •teoolaUoot”
Ukea, aad tbea folhnred a botp
tlau pteaalBg to carry tkCB onL
^IteB the evening of Jaanary Artt
rviyed. a Beciy ctaapany vaa galkred ta Mrt. BooWt partott. #
,Mtatl Asbioa caau down tlte tlalrt
ilk a,piece Of aevtng la her hand,
and all ike cvealag. while the talked
lUtened to otben. the kevined Iv
•irloatlr at a hage glnghaB apron.
She had alvayt detetted teviag. boi
the had rMOlTCd diiriiu: the Kev Tcor
to do her thare. dm only for henelt
but for Mhere vbo peeded help. At a
■he wore a aeedle thrml
kroogb a pbve of green cambric.
.Garolloe bad alto determined *lo )>c
MogbifBl of the poor, aad ike
brought with her a market hatket
Hied vitk tiaall pareelt vhich the
dUtribnted to thote aboot her during
the erealtf. One received a Mtcntt.
Mtber a iadyAnger, a third a plekie.
Her tovort were very thaakfally re­
ceived and her ialUat ttep In pbllanUuople work occaaioBed muck martHer favor vat a torge aeed
A pretty glri. vbo wore a cinatrr
r Maaromt-in tokea of her retoirc.
bad reoenUy become loteremed la the
work of tke Plover MN^; the dU
trtbaied MatMBt la proof -M her de
utloa to Uke Sown to tke ho»pllaU daring the year.

hot coograiol
. aad a beorty.
approval aecMAed Ike avordlag at the
The atteatioa of the twotpeay vat
tkmt diverted by Mr. SaevU aaaooaeeIbat the wIbdw of th» reman
lag prtie vat the ymrog obb who had
lowcUred his tcakv. tad that the prlu
luelf vaa a theel of Botlc. eatklrd
-I GaonM Slag the OM Booga.” after
vbltk the goema bofrlrd the vooMbe mntlelaa from the ram npoa hi*.
reader the toog tor
aeat.—Tlie HumehoM.

—at least ao tbe aacieau thooght—
bat it is now kaova that tke kMiacai
rtstag M Birtas Is
tMaatc. aad Uwrofore every dog aow
haa his day.
Is tke amath. aod tbe
14tk tbe portieatar day. oa Alcb the
rroatloa id tke wcAd vaa eampiMod.
aecording to (be «M robklnt. Tbe
prlems added'(hat aua was
creoled la this awaih. becoose
fruit rtpeos ta It (baa la aay Mber.
mat vaa vbea tkep had ao Mea% of
aonU taiHodc and hnd norev kenrd of
the equator.
It was the Mveaih moath. aad so ibor
named It fitaa septenf--eevea."
October.vas the RoBaas’ eighth
Boath orlgliially. aad Iborefore named
from oeto—-eight.” In the old legeads
tet down as tbe mnatb la
vhlgk Adam and B\c wero civened
from ParaUise.
mis was Binth (ooeem)
the Romaas. It hat Mac been a noiaith for sign aad om<«s. as well
as rellglouB dates, tbongb ao one eaa
____ why. The Sacoot called a
“blood moaUi.” boranse they thtogblered caiiie aad salted avay aU thefr
Vinter's beef In this BMih. Tbe Md
Romans had many Importaat reHglons
in thU nMAth, and Ue
CbrisUans have adopted aome cf them.
U eloset most appropriately vlth n
ing for the fruits of
tbeseaaoa post.
me tenth (decern) moath da tbeoM
Rnaan enleadar. bat now tbe twelfth.
U the moath of holy Beaortei fa all
OtfistUa lands. Tbe yule logwnd tbe
Cbrisunas tree. Kris Kringle and San­
ta Claoa. the vaeatkm. the home
Ing. tbe gtftt and the holidars-<
are of December. ‘Christmas has con­
quered all elasses. fhe rdd Pnrltans
fooght agalnm It la vain. So by th>?
triamph of faith aad rivtUsallcm comhlned The eranon M cold and often at
sleet and rain, tbe Ume of ttaortest
days aad loagest nights, is turned Into
the season of grrttest cheer and bllar-

irnak. Thos* appeared to be no land
at (he hone of Ike growth, aad la ak
appearaaros tt mIgM kave spraoMd
aod eqnlpmeat which Ike proper
of tbe pveceedlag yean have give* fmn Ibe briar deep, kol la tke op4a(beat, bat bar- lost oone of tbe frosk- k« ef a few «f tkoae vbo tow M MB
at fneliag. of tke. tympalby. of
risuoa of Ike tighter sMe of Ufe
aad tke Tea vklek were tbedrs la tbe
tke toeMp of
poaag PKvde Ihao that cf (krtr
obUHoos a^ Uteotrd yootb *a Ike
wisdom vhlek has mme and ran ^ly
ke gottM by esperievtce. there Is
notbiag which a persoa in tke tveattos
tbinies can
Doi U- done better by Ibeae ptMtagcM people.
, What l« age? Cerialnlp not peon,
nodotv VandcfWli won bU atmxoreeue* after ke was 73. Mrosartag snreess In hla liar by the extea
akm of his propwitaa and addiiloas
bis fariiues. be made Ate times
ro money aftsr ke was 70 years
old than be had op l«
period and
4 SB times to tie railroad lines
under bis eonttoL
After all (be ytwag geoeraU had
(ailed In Sontt Africa. Lord Roberta
seat ibe^ at 6». RTieoever a
amaa of rraaee. one after anoth­
er. had failed iB checking tke greed of
Bbaarck for French letrttocy and IndcmaHy. the tatl^ was aocnBpHtbed
by Tblm at «4. OMdsioae coed oneJ

Kev Torictv*
WMBet vUi Aad

fratoreo oiv a tapp4p of trooh iMMAi
air to (be lateriur of mrsvy wHa «g
•tmeoU. the dravbw oW « aH iMpare air from (be raemi iktaagH toofa

tbe roof aad aa etectrie t4«« to
Meanifig of tke Mentha.
private kttebea. to wMc* aa t
January begiat the year aod lookt
Ike year* Jum pom
aais' rooflu on tbe dap •
aad that Just coming. It vaa tberoforo
named bp tke Roaunt ta ibeir god of
iiiiw u
‘"w «<
war. Janot. He bad two fteca, and
■mm. taoMcf ttetearaaf Itorao
vat tberefoie railed Janus Btfrou.
r ttroMuroo (bero «ra hattoiHr
which map be frcHp traaslated “Holy
rtomu of ooe foora Aar Algg a
Twofroni.” Orltdoallr this vaa only
p«vr or AM per asoaU. U
tbe ctevcnUi month, and the fonr probath for laad and npvard aad toBMOceding vere named from Seplem. Oeto,
kceplag bMIos of from Avo loMAa aad
Novem and Docem, u Iboy tbe* were
bath to (Mttcea Mwai, vHh thfon
the tevenih. eighth, alnlh and lenU
baths and Mar udleia. raagtog Iroas
aMBiht. It vonM lake a tauUI volume
AlAM to tc.0M a pttr. Moa haaae
to esplalB bow. at a gualnt old almakg aparijaeou aor ba ted with
says, anch olaet aad aoch aeveat
vllbonl c
the armtht vere Iraoctoed to that tea
Joha Hoottoa did aot betUale.
be^e iranttaied into Oeto. SuBce It
Tte Ferotea Hattet on Haor Yaapto.
VntkcMt realUlag it. he vat iklnklac
to tay. Janaaty bcglna the year aov.
Ob Ue 31st of Mortb. aoortoas t»
M EheoBaUn tad of the deaedaU
rule after be wat SO, aad If Ihote it onr chrooolocp. (he Perstaas arooss
tad tbe Mher months are to be rsTM M Of a caaaa.
raOB at the IBB. He patted tkrmgli
(he next woriif aro cognliant of the
plained In iMr tcni.
their osaal apathy aod toam
Ike awf kilebeo loto the llrlas itw
of tbelr vorit aad asptrv ahoat la glee. Tbe bob fait npoa ooeb
ghbruaty vat aa natorMaate month
Aod Bach a nos! He had aeri
tions In (bU, be Andt a coBeenrailve othert aecho, klas and caroot oaeb
from tbe ttart. Tbe Bnmaai dM aot at
tkeoght to tee Ut' tike la MapletoaclalBiag the gratitude of ether aod vow etenol hratkeriy tow.
Arsi utcod to have aay'ooEfa month,
LMg. lov. vtth a hiaxlag Ai* at oar
the Irish race aad the appianse of the Tte Forriaa laborer aad poMtor, wte
but Aadlng tbe year all atkev they
tad. it vaa died vlth tarprlact of
added aome dap* at the lau cf It, *nd
world bp carrying oat hit Mens.
ofip does BM Bind tf hlo hatoSt
eaty looaglas placet, dlvaot aad cothla Ibe United Stales teoate
JeMgnated them at tbe daps ”ts poriand toot aro of tte hae «f atgkt. laten
fy” rfebroare” la old Latin). Find­
and Plau. of CaaaeetienL arc past 7». a hath aad tet kla bair ora. aad K tte
"Make yoortelf at bean,” tald the aernvU la lieu of letten to the frleadt
aad Aldrich, Spooner. Ptott of New
ing they had tet tbe time wo eariy
tet te hat bit brad ttera tfnr
vow, BOtloaiag txmyi tke Maxlag
York, Hana and Hale aro past dt,
ihep put Ute new mfiith after Jasiiary
' Ai*, "aod I trill have Sarah brev yoa tloo rather than pleamiro to ttem.
vkUe oa tte temocratle tide the lead- MB os tte grooad by houtw OB Id Mt
and mmianred It br the bmoi
[ a vanoSiML na are obStod to the •anted blmMf at .a table with pee.
they hwanto -parity- Aw the coming
era aro Veot, Morva. Oormaa and
te driirort llmnW atop «a MM
iBk aad gamf. mA
ate krant tntUad of
Bacoa. an past M. aad their average
vrilfhg a dewripUoo of tke evenhair bobber, wte In MMAIlrA MlaMMlI
Mkea the come back vUh t tteamBoeal. and therefore named the actnearer » ibaa 70.
Mbs! At kopa vo«M.
mitt of no Bcan dotito#MiBL teIBC cop m a Itnie tray be vaa naad- lag'n OBterlaUmeat for the beaedi of ton Lent (“lentes'—benntt. By mltJtlto Woici-Hevi
__ _.l «B tot hto lac hefore the Are. He bad throva
deed. H It tato that tovanl af (Mat
>e -Mka a
eoanting the day*, bowever, their year
Harriet Brocber Stove, OtMa. Mia pnblic barbert have becomt mBm riob.
IB Sl^l^-Ba had ken-ote aMde hit cop aad heavy haatias laitosteM pen.
gM two moatbt behind, and JbHnmphrop WnnI and Mra WUIard all
flap of tkaa
(hat (h^ pratolwi
A girt Vbo had aceeihed reproof
rt. aad vat hMdlag is bit band a pi■^
fUri QsM Hncai blail ftoote.
lint Caetar cverbanled it again.
did their kroi work after they paased tbelr hardest labor ot thla M«at h
lore be had picked sp froB tke table.
Viola Benoeit of Ovlnoeu cmmly. middle Hto.
March It a name of war. The RokVM tM flf hit Maadt, ««a^ The dartcaen of night had tet la, aal rolfaed Ik her room at borne
Diant named It for Mtra. tbelr war Ca.. ts ibo entp vomaa rural mall car­
MdIh'lkadaflaflfhkadBkvarB to tke
vUh it Ue atom vaa iacrvatlng The ikoal pl^log op bandkercblcft vbiefa
god. pMhapt becante winter and rier la Ceorgia and (be teooad
poong Is not berodltarp. nor In v^Ml
ttflM, aM flfl- hlan Itaped np (rota tba open vood chaacad to be dropped,
la the conatry to receive aa appotal- riles of hygleBC or teatih-lhal is.
■pring cootead far tbe meath.
«p Ha kflcMor apan
MMriatod with New Tcar’o M a teM
tie nod ahooe on her at the catered. ahalte vkicb vere ditplaeed. doted owe the RoBint one for maktag tbli
tent from the posUI deportmeat.
within tbe UmlU of temperate‘lUe. tbat tf a laap or randle te tatefl BR
».a^Moe— war «oiae
to better odvaa- open books aad reotored ibem to tbelr
mere are votaen pcMmaster*. aad bat it U in iMkronA. efaeerfnl. cal bo
U>e third month, for this laid tbe taasit
«te^4MMHSMk«rihataoade.' He
ef a botme oo tbar day tome oMBter
tage than in the grellghi.' The gray vbelvet. folded Mattered made, and
taany ef tbe feBlaiae ser aid la hand- lie vici
lilHiMmBkMMt hit Met. Ui hair vat aa Ulamiaatloa at It feU la vat ordtrty to an aggrytsive d«ereo.
ef tbe fUBliy vUl die vttbln a ftltors; vhkbca
Joket. aoch as -March Forth:* od- Hag ibU branch of Uncle Sam’s pnbllc
kans kla‘ao ertU bu aatomOe
Mifltb. while to throw out Arty ototflr.
.ditltk lo^ on each aide of the face Sbe wore a awtio vhiclt mated pUlndressod uf tke retiring presMeoi. aad service, but oalr one other young wo
• as t dUelNto* iMieg er aoytblag vhatovtr. no raraior
r iiialfiii Be malBd to so hadt to The toee vat Soaked vltk a delicate ip. -Order U Hcorea'a dm lav.'
bolds a cnmmispton
the chettnaUy mlnttrcl command ta
needful fdr lim future in the lesson bovworibiMt. longardoA w orattla
jaHkM dapa acata. wbM v«l(b
The oAorta of a yoang man t
piak; her kotplullty had been good
^MMmb oalr a dnaia. bat there Md
lo brttg III loeb dtriog (ko vbolo of
angntate there Ute daily practice of
ftv ker-ahe looked nlBott young.
Hiss Ucanett. wbo Ik aa attrartive bnman nature to deep and trostfol
March!- Let us remembir tbe Bo
aaflMthtas lataUMp better te kU
.bat roar. If tke Aivt vMlor to a
For n BOBCat John Hoottoa did not bU plaoo icatoBt vere frowned dova
ca for Ibis little. On secood tin of SO. wiHi her a
na afenlelaa had nid tkal he
that U laaaoi be drotroyed bj- aap Ivetllag oa New TeoFt Aay to fl leapeak. There vat a look la hit Me by the camfonp. and ended la bis be
practically i
thought, let as remember tbem all Ike
munbec of frauds or docelis: vbldi Bale, and sbe to bAbUmA. ■IMhlflii
OB Ike Terae of a aemw* ooUaptc
ike ouo la Wan ttreet vmiid have log Ignoalnloutlp romoved from the
IS they were not In a general
has the clement of Mieavber aad of aad misery aro said to te torn to Cb4- ■
sadUMlktanailutreTMt Hekaew
beea tarprited to t^ HU iipi were a piaao.
al advantages to those sbe eDj»}-ed.
«M aet IM ka aeeded. hot eUr«ap a hnmofoqt people.
Ptckvick, with (be shrewdness of Stm tow that bootoboM tor the flest 11
mile diava aad vblie. hut vheo the
Altogether the wenlng *a* a motl
Sbo took np the work to aid lier Weller aad the dtUgbtfnl upUmls
AiH-il U suppoMd to be ao called be> dktedrer«feBoBlhA while It Is alto (hofltkt to
idvaoecd to tet the tray oo the table eajoyahle <tac—aad erperttUp to to
eanse ifaingt open alsrot that lime. parents, vbo arjt.M modjpnHit cti
Col. Newcomb—one vbo at C» or 70 « bode trotous evil lo a tody tf ter MM
<Mlea la Iktaa dan he vat teapted
bMore hlB ke Baoaged to brine
two pcopie pretenL
ftaUn -aperire”). It Is the aperien: Btaaee*.
AO ran hlf as straight from tbe sbool Rev Tear's caliev he a dark CBBgMff
, to^kHpt a child, irhoa Saamp Hca» kind irf tBlle. He took a alep forvard.
eod of the reception ball vat
The ronie she dally iraverM* ewen dry as al »• aad doesa'i do It omqmck.
moaib. so to apeak. Having no mvihwH» dHd'kaldit-aado a hist
coed, dark haired aaa laatead of am
•Agoea!* he cried. iBpeipoiitly. “Ag a wreened alcove which John Howard
ukig)- this month Is in ibit latimilc 33W milea aad the dhdrlel has an area
i'’§M tor the Httle ker^-tkara wat aeeaeTake a man determined to omke hk
a hair aad tMo an tolr.—H>~
flat. doBt yen koov Be?” The trap cbaoced to dUeorer. In some way he
sacred to eatairfa. When the new hu­ of S<> sqnare mitra.
l« la Ike okUd’a eiat that aud<
wap la tbe vorbl. Give him hsaljh
hunbled aod the atetBlng IK|bW poor auaaged to lure Ji-ssle Winibrop into.
Tbcro are 111 booMW In her tertl- aad eduralioo or the facilMles b>
manity don a»ap with ail v
a tfetak or vfcat he had teat oot of
ed over the vklie tund. I'ut the did ihU quiet HUk. and there he toM her
tUiion aad reetaUlshcf a pure Saxoa Inry' and 44S poranas
t-kal Satuap vouldo'i let tke babp
Whtrh'he ean arqulro ao edueotion by
A Curtous CuaMB.
9M Bind.
of bU New Year reaMve. a retoirc to
langnage. as It promises to <lo.thls will terHKctlag her path arc kIx eeparaie his own efforts; up to 30 he will posb
me lUadiw celehrale (be aanlvtogohiri” She vaa breothleu.
dlickao to her bit love and ask her If
pr«*ably bo called Sprtagehlcken- firramii and one she is forml to
kacw l-m poor* tke pooas bmb
and (dunce; up lr> 4rt he will be r
mry at tbe new year by a toatlval
vbote AM yoa mam fmar
she would marry him.
mooib or KurhUonmonaib or Snoeser- as often bm four limes, la many places Blog from the mistnkro of the provi Blled Hooly. it honor of Kritbao. ano
*kat'l aa take oare of ay hop.
”mn chaalog year oM gray
It any one bad known wimi John's eezer or some i(m<h-r little‘nsme M tbe rood Is sparsely settled and roagb. ons
all I've IM to rtaMabor her hy.*years; i>eiweea 40 and M be at (heir many false gods. It to A oraBooee.” he tald. “AH By life tloce yoji reaMve had been, tkep vofaM bai'c
Mias RenecHt is sirong and ansfrald. will be ooUrging the cdiAc- wboro ton of geoaral rrjolriag. vben every*^lMd aot nr«ad tke muxm. atikoask
Ihst insirociivc sort.
kA Be I hare beea on a vild roow
V>a had Mt kle nte vooM be
May Is liy common consent (be snj-o Silll she always has vllbin rM
tuuBdsiion he has laid wtib «ueh toll tody Is oo an oqtmilty. and the AloUhc:haae.* They teoted theBte
am bad they teen him ut<
gun. with ibe one of which sbe Is said siraggle and many dlsaimMatBei
hsis^ Utta Mb'! Yithoat the ekUd—
nym for Oovers aad poetry, vomi
'Jong of -easu'’ aro torsouen tor tte
bat driaUvat forgotten.
tbo~ evening, bis happy face told lt( and chThlren. amtle and moemUght
to be famlltar.
•MB M the Meaner of hie tove.
and failures.
tlBC. It might be eolled a “red Ara.”
"Why did you TIB avay fiw bc. antver to plainly. Bat he dM bm
ererylhing sweet and soft. As p mat­
; Be hae« the mm ahoat towa. the
P'rom M. If be wUbe* to lire to
tor all tbe people «te ca> aSord b
The anelcDl Nartbnx-u nvkon<
Agaear John Hootlao atked.
rear a hrart for a badge.. an
ter of fact the popular poetry for tbe vleiers. and ibe betlning of their pewr Jfto a lih unlmpalrod vigor of mind aad Atom It red elotbra. ate they go Sboat
"Why? Ton Buit have kaova. iohn, ihou^t DO one knew the teem.
attale kit podlloa. hit weelth aad tomonth would snlt the tasi half of I'- was probably dated fntm ibe ststecatb body, heart aod splrii. be will strive throwing a red ootofte powder at tte
Bobort. my brotber-be defanlted,.«
Befbn the jpiwia let), two trices and the Arm half of Jane much betnr.
chd ataadlBs. He hoped tkep voaM
more lo x-ojop what he bos ihi
aaother. or squMlag K. vUb vfliar
of October, me fesllvsl la bone
proud of bln. Btotker aod
vere awarded; one for the peraoa me Romans named It from Mata,
kt«> oa doiac ao, aad aevar kaow bov
add to il. He will be Just a* food of from a syrtase. oa (te pflttiiliy.
Thor was beld in midwinter, a
we paid eveey cent of that avftl Ib- vbo heat carried ort kit remdre, an !
smil the whole tklas aeeaed to kin
daughter of Atlas and OMber of MerCbrlstmas time. aud. la fact, was accumiilatioos as ever, but he will Ing tbe three or tour A«yt ^ redW
»—tbea Robert died,
aa he tiood aa Ike adse «f the Maplerun-. The Bomaiis seldom get
tbe origm of (be <.%risUan holiday value more ibe variety tA life vhlcb ter ream latu.
nse here to bary onr grief and oar voreL
aaa voodi thla aok aatoMo aftcnuMa.
ried la Use frotlval
tbe dead merrymaking. We get tbe aames of ai
from the posiiioa that
vaa aftoM of yoa—even
The Arat irlco vat a^nty, aflver was celebrated rarip t* the momh.
V K had beoa altUas at bitorralt ail
least three, tf bm four, of onr daps cif bis wisdom and skill give ia'poliiies.
Gate Aye. OM Voar.
pin. Ob vhlek were engraved the Sc- U a bad oami to be taken tiek la ibis
.toV. aad the tWcklp etrawa learvt
(be oodal world, in tte eburrb at Tbe ChrtotBM Dpy came dreraed ia
tbe orcek from tbe None pods at tbe
John HouaUm roae aad mood before
luiMat la the aaralak khd drifted aa aromonth espedally tor tarmen aad Odio rollgtosL Tnetdap It from Tir. veil as ia buriarat and flaanee. ke vDI
the Aro a^lB. Hov handtoa
.patto klaata. Am tklt vap. tbea that.
bwe rierp ratbrv (ban lose any pan of
or Dlwdap. on which tbe oScrings
Tbe New Tear Arottod la vMla:
lookad—a Ban U dm really oM at se. tald; -Ladlet and geatleineB. you will
, 'Hara sam aow. aad aoddea. The
a the wife of Japiter la e)as- fate vere made and the conns of Jna- bis fonime. bat if vise vID oM Jooe Tte Mue Uke tmllte apoo ttera both.
”I have been all mp life on a vtld
agree vltk me that the Arm price
nytkoh^y and made H bot for bim tice iwid. Wedaetdap Is from Wodea.
i-'-Umi naa rMag asala.
wink to add to H.
To match tbe tne's delighL
geoee chate.” ke cried lapetuoutlp.
of tke eveaCm abonld go to the oae
MRBtaS kMatp palpaWe. John Hoat•nee June. Sonm aay. however, that CTT Odin, one of tbe Norse trtalip.
Tbe Urdt Aaw ewift neroot tte thy:
She roe. too. tke old hnmoroui le vboee retolve wat rnott laaAable. and
tm kaear It vat tettiag la for a alght
ras so called bccnese It was tke Thnraday. or Thor's dap. from Thor,
Tree GrovriAp Ki^ MWOocfci.
-Omm. Nev Tear: OM Tear, go!”
iersent oa her face and in her eye*.
vhoae manner of earning It out wa*
ith for ynnng aien (Juakves).
Grovlag eoBevbcro la the vlcloity We say goodbye to Bush of Muea.
:*l--is------------ ------ 1------ The rhea(be chief of the trialtp. and Friday,
-But yon have fonod jvwr old groy
happy and tucceaMnl. I tberc- was Ute vent goddens of mMberhood
4mOt chlBt were ereopMc vltk Icp
from Prtgg. another of tbe miaor of latitode s3J north, kuwltade ISA.M
And kali tte Artfu of mow.
goooe at UM," the tald.—Lot Aagelet
4i|Mw. ap aad dovs kit beck.
and grovlag oainre. and so tbe Ro- deities of tbe trlnitp.
east. Jnst 14 daps' tail from Homy. We greet you totb vlU onae ate
Mttkt amt ke awriaa. lor a riece o(
toaored tkis tnoath with bev
French port located on tbe C£laes«
«gat la a Htct Uke
Sbe wot also tahject to
0>Rt far Devsey.
mst tooih of Hoag Koog. It s
Wtea New Tee
k OM T«
ke aabMiaMr' Aa he tuned to^
den storms of vratb sad Jralonty and
-Wril.~ raid tbe patriMic larmer,
auadrag lu knaves nhove tbe
gray, ftatherp
-Whhr. vhlTT.-vklrr."
prise aad rush cd color oa the part at was very riadletiTC. which lec Tlrgil -«r Dewey ain't comfortable vben col' bosom of the Mg FnclAe to t height of
tke recipient, and tke gnetts. vbo bad to askI in. all I've sot to ray I*. 4« feet. Sack it tte newt bnraght
-FTOB Uader tte Fbtot, by LyAto
tbohght that geailemaa partlea
la beaveaiy asi*d« eoa tuck
It be onr faoh! Grandmother's PDriltnd. Ore, hr the Brittoh tMp
Avery Cooaler.
walUagfbr Mary't appearaoee tl
quiet daring tke ercnlng looked esBeau dvHI? .
half bUad. but ahe'B done knitted him LangdslO. which has returned after aa
aWMred into tke halL
peetaatlp for oa cxplwiioa.
Angoat. vfth Its thlrty-vne days- I* ■lx pair of vooIm toriit: By ol’ wo- tbaeaoe of nearip two ptars. Tbe
Whea aha ntoned the brid a
Ko* JesBe Wiathrop vaa Mn. Oif- a perpeioal remlader M bow Angnstos BOB has Bade him a qoOt with the tog skovs (hot this mpsierioos narb. reaarkahto Ueptoaaatoe os raeord. ,
■qaaro. vkUe eavdope ta her haaA toa gnov’s ttotor. aad CUftoa 8ao< CMssar (Oriavteii slipped vp oa kU rfrvponclod boaner to tke middle: vbicb It oacbflrted. vat alghted A
This to aa OH vmraa wteooaaoMoa
Seating kevadf betide her aUtcr Caro- vaa aa laveterate tense, or he never tuMde Julius. Be mtsted oa hatlag a tke two gxL hat made him
dap eveolag. September 4, Jnti
tor omabiBg hat tanpMlod k^ pMer
Uoe. aketipeBed U aad tkep read:
would hare dared do vH>t be dM do Ml amath aarntd for himself ahm. aad BidAer: I've bonght kia a pah- o. dusk, mo tblp stood tbreo mUes ptpea from PariMaa stepa vHfe aorb
'TbBotved. That oa tke evenlag of
so gaosd Ike vkele eolevdar anond Jeaaa britcbei. aod tte ol' tboeMater tvay and oo orartr view vaa had iteratry that ao tower tbea Stm werq
tbg Ihm Bay of tke Rev Tear. Mr
be cMtinoed. -yon to at to briog two tbirtytet kin hit only oov te gSt a p
tecoue ■ppraachlag darbnrat pre- firate la ber kMgtacL All vote aov‘■All By.ato I bavc aod Mn. C»flaa Siuv wOl be at bome aeem mugrtsed ai my dccMoa, kni 'f Boatkt togrtbev la atUsnmm
shoot fer biB oct (T tbe hMe!'
vsmttd a small boot being tomevd. tebaanM. ate thiny-atoe vere weft
«o ikeir trleadt: prodded, tke kuier, yvn are ia dooht aa to the JoaUee oT mMvIBDf. at tbe saae time ekaagiag
tel to tbe crow tte trot apprarad of




W. M, D. r. HoMte■.W.AvtmWalta.


i. w. B. r. num-

tlKM JaatkB ■><«>. Tbe ihW

«eU BMwed drttwr la tbe aeat. The
borae vaa cbechad ao blab vUb the ia_____ over cheek that b* beew
reatleM ee bubBIbx aad waa Maklap
bla bead vbra the hrtle le the ratter
besaa Jerktag ee lb" rWn aad i«<n3
tot whieVV ouatit l« bavy
bew erraated.
braiamy b^ o»t all oapradnl
eor. daMli aaiaKla abate.
A wy MMM6I1 waMtac aaearwd
Tbere are alao raediUoa*
DMMWrtMk « « •'ciork *l tte 1
which pbyaioal •
» «MMT
Mreelaebed by tbe eiaaaie

tiamwMi.«. M. W«U.
J. O. 0«M»» K«mm.

MB fWMjB. R«V- B. U
•i^Mk «r U» rHMBi «b«Rli oAaUt
lag la UK iwfWKee of «b<Ni BRy


open i
the Itat drenlaied hr MUa Helliv i
Ledertv ISSiW- ta addiiton
there have j
been many aad geaemua gifu of food, ■
cMhlag. fbialiinw and auKteewr nrti- ‘
ttm wWek a Ikaaiy In nuch idmigbt |
ened eirctunaUnee* are iutre to nr.^. j
Tr*»iT»e cut prtiple ban' emm- for-1
ward wUb Bplendid ptmnptB'
cbarlUliie spirit which la eoaWM-nd-;
able. deBoosimUng ibnt 'la line of |
«aot iboae wbn have plenty are will- ing and ready to nharr with thnw- in i

The Oral step of Imixirianee in ap-;

plriiu; the fuada rwelved lo pmeiWal!
able. keMlnx then la a eneaUai i
oM atraln wbleh Hi harder an ih-ai mu- waa the Hftlog of the mortage loIhaa Uw labor they perforai. Thl« day upon th«- WHe bonM- <' Ihe fnniWy.
Tte Mw> «M a pHTadM oT floi
ll U a «odi»i booe. simple ia ii* aptmeet aboold be Made at c
mm m w1b«k «u»w «f«»« fc»n
and derol(l of many of the
Call a aKaUag at book riiareb. aay oF
• M BBiMr
I will open their doora ta ai.
mmrn m ik» 4iBiMt iwn.
■WBU— an BHataiy 1
thli borne baa been hur«M «iMi Mtafi MB llgktM «ntb
Oaath af Mra. AngiM McCall.
dened wH^lhe dreaded mortgnge.aml
MMAMMhtTbe grin harvaal of aoddee deatba ta all tbit Ubc Ibe paymeni of tbe ioWpUy Bl •
a« ttc Biralna •lUeb
aeawa to baag like a pall over
KMKiBitat—M w»»ayaMr the boaiaa or Tiaverae aty claliacd twent alone wa* a trial to tbr family.
It Is not a large amount, ordinarily
MW.I.IIW ttiwiiiw, UK BHBat B4rty
«MMI MM tha fetU BM tmk tkdr aaolber rktlta. Mr*. Angna Mca>:i. epeaking. only BIOS, and Interest of
tlT Stale atrm. expiring Thnraday at lUd. but ia tbi* family it waa a great
MMi M Me aaM eNkirar. Mlu
I0:tSa. Di.frani a
burden. But U I* now Hficd and iha tlMMB MMg the
While Mra. McCell ha* e
er of tbe family I* all ibelr own.
MB owl MMt Me beat bmMM «M feaeaMMtfy feeeea la eWt tbe baat o( health abe ha* aerer best) wiiboot danger of being Uken away
«PWM aMMii MawMi in «blie laoe eoaflaed to her bed and during tbe through Inability tb pay.
The meutgage baa been bold by ihe
rnt mtm WMeh Maea. whne the aumawr abe enjoyed reaori life at theii
MMMBII Ma Mtiwa la a «hf(e aUk pratiy cottage at Blrcbwood and rlnce Traverse City Stata bank, and while
their retnm to town bSa attended
dlBeult of aoeooudlabntcnc the Inter­
her booaMold dotlM a* ninal.
est baa been promptly paid,
baa trooblad her for the put though the oUigaUoB eanaed tbe fam­
year, but no phyaleiaa’a dlagnoai* bu ily to deny ihemaeirc* a
ever located any uibereaUr irooble, boi Ute time. Mr. WlnowliU waa a good
mM mrnti
abe oompUlned od palaa to the faUier and boaband altbousb being a
■ MO Bl the MMeh laUe vMte
ragioe of her a
iabortog man bit abltliy to earn a
oogghlng apell attacked her. Thti Uvellbood for a srlfe and Urn children
fhe Mt ar MW BMMa Mre Ue pw
ling the pain aeemed eapeelaUy baa bean llmilod.
a«M «( tt* #BW. Mr. «aB Mra. Tnaevere
While thU relief fund U not groai,
mM. aai 0*H zma W Bead City, a
ODCorred Hr. MeCoH. wboae chop I* it will enable tbe family to get ihroogh
*%i»]BMf«nMeMllhea<«t Bay only about twenty feet from the tbe winter and analai in making the lot
«b tta *U MOHk Mia far a hHer tri? klUtan .door la the bade yard, stepped of tbe lovnlld moUier more ■comfort« «NB Cty a»B «n ha
boMe' in Uie kilAoa and abe waa wuhlog aUe for a while. 8bc baa been an In
BAM JM. 1 at m WWt rroBt aireet dlabea and bad the Bat Ironi on In- valid for a year or marc and Ihe family
tHlt • MIMMM heMt awalta them landing to Bnltb np the week’a work. pbyalelan. Dr. O. E.' Chaae. has given
fiM «Mh 1M iwjiMwta ot neay A few BWneaU Uter be waa aurtied the. woman as mneh aiieatlon av
MBMIWi AWaMMweelTaflagaBcfeua with the cry 'Angu*!" aad looking up though abe bad l>een a woman of Ians*Now in her tranhic be bn*
■•Hr « «aM MMta 'Ba a ien4«ff ke aaw bit wife at tbe ahop door wlib
tron her aoaih.
ttneeied Uie debt for medical attendHMmMBm Aw .......................
no that there la no eauie for
W»wihB|lha tnla u wM then a raihed to her aid half carrying and
half Bopportlag her (hey rwbed tbe worry abont Ihe payment of donor's
Uttiwn door vbM *bB apparenll)' btllE during UK'past year.
While tbere is likely to he more rantainted nod be carried her Into ibe
irlbatloDB Ibe Rerard has lurue.l ib>'
aitUBg room where Ibe proCuae be
He eanad aevera]
of the vbaeriptlon o^t.i iIiU :
Wm fBMlr tw BMa Ike ewe tl pkyalelaM aad Dr. Martin iBOMdlately anoont
commltlee consiriing {
I r. 'WnheMi. aiaeaMr o( tha<
adad bet proaoBBead life ezilaci. of Ciarenpe L. OrcUMt. N. W. lias-1
b n. ABi aeB probBbly
duo to bcanrrhage of Ihe linga and MM* Nelllo I,edcrie. who j
t, UfWrMt tbe KaieeUoa
will aee (Iml ihe fundn are eipcnded >
I BMP. IW oeniBed Ibe aiu«Mra. W. W. Kelley aad Mra. Ikr lo tbe beat advantage. In iumlng'tbls i
M CiMilt mqR aad afier a Well,
frieada of tbe deeeahed. cane to liberal fund over the Record Aeslren lo
lalHin for the
MMWWb thar rAM. Tbe coart the bereaved biuband, aad Uiodgh Ibe prompt aad gcDorona rtwponM-s (.> mm BarMn Mareah bai ooroper was called bo did not eon- appeal
■He • vaMit yewalaa,tbat aoihliiK alder aa antopay neeeaaary. W. P. AnMB M he paM M tba Aete Barlai: her
and alsler, Jennie, prepared Ibe
Oeeth Roll.
IMt mm the totaraat altar »bld
Tbe funeral of Mm. KalberintApaata wa ia be Aeatrayed. that U body for burial
Mra. Bertba Roller HcCcril wan horn Stanek Kroopa. who passed away
In QerwKay fony-Tour yearn ago and HoDday evening ni the home of hi-r
jpAiri Harah: Uw ptoaUe waa aol
waa Btarried at Detroit la IttO. moving sea. Ktnnk Kroupa of Neah-ia-wanU.
llillB. afthar appa Mihaca bUr«*b
to Travenp City Bfleon year* agn. 8lie was hcM no Thiioulay morning.fmiii
. .dtJiar eappaaaataUTBa aad abe would
a charter nesber of the Oompau- Ibe cdiurrb ai MajiMnii. Kr. ItaiuT
loa Conn of Poreatera and leave* l>eAetiulng.
A ll
large eoneonnu- of frlemlK taiibaeaalM Prank ■Uea a busbaad aad an adopted i:
t< pay their last respeei* nm1 ib dad gulliy et year«M daagblrr. Delay, two bnrtben. eiW to
ftol and John, and one aWer. Mm. tinrial
al Ne«b-la-waein In elmrgi|ha Ubw arBtaaaee. wai
Henry Hotter cd TiAn. O.
of Ralph
M pap a Bae e( |M
pta ABdenon.
ely cent lo
or go u
tbe aifler and aleo to a okme Wend
JH Sar Mtriy Bay*. PaM.
Suit for Piva Thcuumi.
. mt BaebM appeared la court and from cblUbood. Mra. Sexton of De­ Mra. BIlMbetb Alglre. through her I
Mnd that hit forver t«m
aik troit. Tbe whereabouii of.tbe brolbem attorney. J. W. Patebln, has U-giin |
HAtr ha ^gad to gviny aad he rw ■iwankaowB.
The fBBeral wu held Saturday at t anil agalnai Proat Dm*, aad Frank A j
oMvai a aHHar Baa. whl^ he paid.
------------------ ■
. Mmm •taali .wa bWare the cnort o'clock fnm tbe parlora-of FPrealera
BM lMlaiei aad wae eant to Me De- hall and were largely attended Iv fbreatcra
aad Comimaloaa
Mu Uoaadof OomeUoB at hdrd labor
After prayer by Rev. Demaa CoehBartaaMai^
itn a quartet. Meaan. Skekdver. mutr.
Croiaer and Snyder nsng -AMeep in
Prw Pfidark Meeord.
and in a brief aympalhelie talk
A* caaa tt ■■aaael P. Wilbelei r*.
AHaM flmak Mcr. wblek leak two Mr. Oochlln gave eoafon to the be­
«BM M fiMBh «wit work hetore reaved htuband and UtUe daafgbter.
Every pain in, the 1»reast. dif>
bMib to m Im waa aeuiad at a He tpoke of her pi«eariotu health,
ficult breathing:, palpitation,
which, however, did not prepard tbv
MM hoar yaatefBay afterMoa by
flultering or di;
diazt- spell means
aMAti e( ~m cam for aeUoa'’ being
that t-our heart is straininr it­
a* it cemented tbe ekme cMnpantonself in its effort to keep in

abip of hnabaad nnd wife, nnd tn
motion. This is dangerous.
apeakfng of the aad Chriaunaa of the
Some sudden strain from overlittle home be drew comfort In her
exertion or excitement will
almHy having Bone on before where
compleldy exhaust the nerves,
abe, awaited the coming of the lowd
or rupture the walls or arteries
CM^gpre. Heckwed by snying: -She
off the heart,
and it n-ill stop.
mtrnot join yon here bn y* can join
Relieve this terrible strain at
her there. Our Savior bu prepared a
OBce with Dr. Miles' Heart
---------- and
- •
place for na. Sock words of ccenfort
It invigorates
nr or the Qraal Tiarerae
be spoken, mreoik in CbrU-. strengthens the heart nerves
#uglald la Ibe Herald tlea Uib. to snppicftent the begi^ag; and muscles, stimulates the
iart action, and relieves tbe
«8oetaiy-|iB bore.’ Tboae who knew her wAl
A la what we bar; bMt pay tribute to her tharaeter fori
_tke ao chances: make-yonr
In boars of trial among tboae abe knew]








ber mlnlalering band* were always] heart strong and vigorous with
Miles’ Heart Cure.
•The Last Saop.*' sung by tbe qaar ;
tet. ckioed tbe aervlcea aad the pro-'
• ^TMc oar people, pefbapa. are ao eeaalon rtpaiiM lo Oakwood where«M» tbaa.tboao o( otbar pla^u. In the bulal toM piece mder Ow^ dl ;
aaa JttUo auoil akWB bar etreeu bm reeiloft of W. S. Andereon. The pa:i i
saBpaaalyM look for aa^
btorrea were; Oubmb McLangblin.,
AflMa. «» MW toor or more omma of D. H. MeMolleo. J. C. Yoong. I^artns >
MMB ■wtaUly. Flrai—Wc saw a By. AIM Smilb and Prank abater, ail!
■■ with n «Mll tanm. wubod. try- Fbrerirn.
4r to BOB a Md of wood arevum Uir
a - Cl^^ u . the ll
lit ao Baar poor baraea

|D«II tbeycooM
Ife Md ^1 ta fhMr kMCB and

•i-Rti mmm

mm and


MtHBipi la UftM.
From Satnrdaya Record.
Tbe rMponaea to the wdtef fund
Blaaqd by tba,«v*alaB MrawB In b«^


Hre Insurance!


PlartwOlaps, Stwarn Bollar and Ace

Money to ionn on Improved Real Elate Only.E. W. HASTINGS & SON,
Traveraa City.

Room 31 ONaw State Bank Building-

Very lieal of dental aerviee
otily. Teath year of prarUce. tuktrauun anllelted. in
New Mnasem IxilldlBg. nader K.
of r. hall, no floor with Dorkeray's Ihi-inem rVillege and over
Singer oOrw.




Cb« Slwt Chat Fm* tb« m«*l Praacriirtio

Ox East Week

On Real Cata^
J. W. PATCHfN, '
New Wilhelm Block. TravCrM City.


Don’t wait until Saturday and tlien lind no assortment
of Christmas presents. Come now and while there is
still a fair assortment

C»c Kta Cr»*.^2W e Tiw/ SI.

JImerican Drug Comtiany
AutBRT E. GtoBewsKV, MansgEr

I J W.

Traveree CUy. Ukb.

k ai^.. Dmotx 1



If you want to bey a Int
rit.or 'aaR ni) your toola.
yon will find thgt it will pay you lo look over our Mock betot baying, to we have a good aswrusent of tbese tooliat
*veiy tor prices. Ou steel deekiog chain ia the kmg lap
weld. Bt'-am Icitcd and gnarantec! to givg aatialactkto
When yoa want a exces cut saw ask in sec Ae kwre nin of


wii:l2PK$ lltGlIKsf MARKET l-RiCES

CvstdA IraiRg aRd Piaiiie Don
F-RAIMK -TRUDE, 146 Front Street

Traverse City


Corner Lake kve. and lOOt at.

w.L.nawB.ittr. '

Going to Build?

‘If AO, the South Side Lumber Co. at. Traverse
City is the place to buy your material. Shop
and milt work done on short notice. Oive us
a chance to figure on your wants. , .


South Side Cumber €oCraMra* City, nticb.

Not the old shoddy, but fresh from
est at

Olt are Ktetiving a Uaritty al

Useful things
Even' day. They are beautiful and cheap and will
make handsome Christmas presents. 'Our glass assort­
ment of-fire polished, heavilj' ornamented With gold,
composed of lion Bon>. Creamers, Sherbets, Pickle
Dishes, etc., at 10c dach. are beauties. Our Water Sein
of one pitcher and six glasses. Herry Sets, one«e
and six small dishes, and our Table Sets, one sugar,
one crMmer. one spoon holder, one butter dish, at
from 75c to SI .25 are handsome, if >’Ou come and sec
them and find the prices, you will buy whether you in­
tended to buy or not, they are so niec and compara­
tively cheap. We will show you a thousand an<l one
things when you come to our store. We wish you a
Merrj' Christmas and a Prosperous and Happy .\cw





Sundard make S-A and
They are strong and cheap­



lerial ned, and f
Thaiare'audetoweaa wd as aeO, They are

naterial. and ^rm m flatoy

finish to catch tbe ey«; bnt ve durably
aUe. and neat Tbe cheapot on Ibe nurfcet. gmUity oonsatecd.
Once toed aad yen wil! boy no «her aake.

126 suit

w Uictor Pctertyl.
Have you eves Uied the

raoyal Tlc*f- Taas «r><f OofTmmm

Hopal tiger ^
They are the best Belt' only by



m».%»t9ac<Mm tnmvo,
i »1D cioM to.wtoWagje^* mem
trade Man.

wto Utkak hln for «•*
«•> Mtr


I «« try to M »^m9 « I
iuto toriVMr few

Solon, jllleh-Det It IdW.
Ih«r Mrs. ftaUB-l Ihmitol I would
write a few Ua« to you. I ato ■oiag
lo ectoiol aid am in the aetoad reader.
Hr tewdier s name to Wtos Awnn Gndbam. I am seven yean oM. MyAnm
Mary to out la Oreism. «
* «««>
from her a few days ago. 1 has* a
kitty named TUne4>yRs. My dtolys
aame h Rrambad. I am a tomkli '
From your lUllr frtetol.
ftoiber M. (ktod.

aad wMkers to write for tbe cJiih nnd
waaderina If (trandpai or nneies
would be toterwlnd, I mosod to Omnd
Trassawe In l*w snd left ihMw n f
Ijrtce Aon, Mlih.. fVw. ti. l*dl.
yean ngn and think of you p«»nk'
« I akr M to toytog to M
Dear Mrw nsin.-l .wooM Hbr ■
•real deal. We are hsrtna (hr inrrMnt <fetoi^ I •« -TW. *V
>>io tbe Baortinr elnb. Ftoasr send
Uent weaiher you ean lonrlae;
people here are busy mtWiK Bsnim tor a sard and button. We ha<
pteklna ornwes. tboeih some are tots two eats: fhelr lumra are Triib>’
toilpptag snmmrs sousshrt. eoenni' and Tlssroy. Wr hasp a dop; bit
tows and preea peas. Onr man pkdend name 1 do not know. Hr hasn’t any
■. wr enll him Itop. Onr sebno<
r stnwbcmes yerterday.
Well, I Use any miles sotiib of tiecsB tto- dm Monday in Briitemtirr.
Tampa, abd this mimmrr I haso l>ern Onr learbcr’v name is R. R. 1‘eiimitlll.
hare three brnthers and ao alstors
than n bun
dred toltos mek arar fmm berr. The The oldfwt <mr Is aiaeteen. wtll h.Oalf water to ^ear aad yon can aer twenty the sesenih to Jone. and ihr
tbe botloai plain la tea to twenty feet neat owe U tblneen. wjll be foancen
wnter. I base knkad oser the stern ibe eigkteeoib to .Mosember.
of Ue boat aad-watched tbe Jelly flsb l-onnsest beotber Is two years eld. will
tbe fodftwntb to ioaeT Weil
of them.
a half buabet aad dova lo ar I can’t think to akytbfnp wmrr to say.
■Mil ai mr Uiatob Tbw »o«* like a BDOd bra.
Yoors uwly,
a oBln^la to««^ Thea the nwoa«“
Ake t.
Oladys SpaCord.
’ cevenl dIfeW kladt ThU I* th.
a«aM they ftab for Ihcm. A Kbewa
BnnllekviOe. Dae. la. tam.
or c^ea aevml imII boat* ant*
Oear Anntle Dates — I tbought
caefe boat baa tvo men. One aalta ib< would drop a few lines to yoa. Oar
beat aad Ua ofber ha« a aponite bWii school to Id ont and I sms nawitis
abd a wtmdto pail «I0> a toaaa toxtoa wood for a day nod a ban.
arbtob be boMa in tke vater and loolb
I am barlBK a grand time. Tbr
tor fpoagea. T«o men clajr on tb< <aow Is falling fast np our way nn<
« faim la an tke «wM
aeboonv and tolioar tbe aMlI boair
lakM aid tviBto) aad wbaa <me of them geu a tor be birds are goae. I am going to
seboed alter <%rtotmas. I am well, ami
ther p« tbam aboard, and once In tvi
' in'tSto.*- aai« Mw *>Hr
Itarib. or tbred dan the; go >0 tbHr spoas* hope you are tbe name. I bare tbt«toets. a kiiteD, osi and calf to my owa.
pea aad valoaa tbe apongaa Tke pei
I -wUb yoa a Menr Chrlstaus and
to al tbe moatb of a fresh wafer riser
Happy New Tear and to all tbe littb
arbere tber lease them to dir. Afu-r Sunshine elnb. 1 think I will tonne ter
sranto tbey an. dried aad tbe saar
tbto time.
aad tbelis baatta out. wbea tbey art
ready tor markpL Tbe best ones tW<
■ Jens.
«•** fMulani um
nar brine Ittb ecau a poand.
' Satca. Mleb., Dee. 17. IMI.
«aal Allea^ atMca o( aaadr
Then other eeboonefs are duef
«B JUkan a JiMi44aa4]';
Dear Mn. Batca—Tbto Is tbe tiai
with wails in them where tbe waie.toryaMSflk'tor Stoic. paaaw la aad out. They fiib tor red letter I Jmse written to yon. My stomn Ur aad to
Jtoned tbe eiob and Speaecr. my
ktos.«sta and gronpeta. Tb<
■a wv cauRhl In wnter fttw nrother. and I Joined then, bot we
one to two b^ted feet deep, nnd tlx hare neser written to yon. I am (blr•« Mb Inm tbe acboonef* dock teen nnd to the aesenth grade. My
UA man baa n line with two pouadt atndies are phy*logy. btotMT. ariibadtwdaad twoMoks.aad wbeo they metlc. grammar. :geogmpky. penman-

■ •IntoTtottitotafrMMii
toW «M to£«w*9M«y «to to


totot toar «an toaca" to all nr
ritoaT^ my ion Ibrtmcb a» m
<1 ba‘ IMIp at ttoaer tobto^
Ih.t Mwk-Jf rai abtoH
«tofe •

e aad ibe'^iij

toUay. Dee. to.
tototag atone JaM•ptotord. Uto Aaa. tfito.
: Itofak aad Mary Wltoaa. Ostott
Two Cmkl"> to Ip^ry.'
mrncr. aged 1C awatba mm to B. N. l|oMo. Rus^l. aged » a
Li. II. S’idciiny.
H IM UlJ»W Mbl- ■«l«

mm sfeqpgh It to abtblag non ibaa
* cbearfal wo^. iben Is ao
Ml toll* bat Cbat yon win base a bap
•m afe* Tdto. Tbtoe u a ■wc«t little
-Mery day to a frcab baglaalaa
Ssery ansB to tke worM i
V jm toA-«r ft to that way. yon
«aa anke nsary day ike bccHalac of
happy ac« yoar. aad yoa will, will

'.**a MoMr. the toliktol Ban»totoa. laadt a tom mkm to torny wtoato papers to the
VPetoyMe tomta to pay paata«e
They wfn be aeat srhese

i|r win wtoke brl^t awahlM for
t to they
a « «to atombess base beaa workiltiihilhh ChriMtoas naahlaa IP atok
aad Mht totodiew- or these w* will

MtoihiMHi s unto totar.

Sad a aebool to ■Osh they bring fb^ ship and spelltag. 1 like my tenebrr
boat Bp to (ho wind and drop tbri - very rnneh. she is no kind to me. Hvr
Itaet to tbe bottom and tmai up. anJ name to Mtos Alice'Archer. My totbei
almost always have two flsb. When is dead and t hare a mother ami oov
the fl|b ««K hHlag tbey sail until tbe;- slstpr and four brothers left, and on»
flaS nnotber aebool. as tbey only stay ■torn- and two brothers died when
where Ue bottom to roto:y. Somr. they war* lUtle. Well, i guess my
limes tbey are gone sis weeks, as it I* letter is gening kmg. so I will rioM
M mtles to tbe aeareri bn-ks. Qronp Oood-b}*.
Rrer your friend.
ers are caught by troittog Item UhAnna Clilctl.
deck. Tou have as many lines ont a., j
you ean wiibout danger to ftmling:
Kingsley. Mh^. Dec. S., I»M.
hare a tone Hne and a large book aa-i,
Dree Mrs. Bates—I am galas <<>
bah srtih a pork rind or a plere j! 1
write you a llule abort letter to tell
white clou, and wlib a bniidted toot
yoo that 1 love you nnd am aorry you
tine aad a flfty pound flsb yon have
are sick It to veo' coM now. I am
plenty to do. They reaessb-’e ear
golag to sebooi and 1 bare two miles
trosl. and they go over flfty
to go. It is Sunday aad I have notbpenads «nUe ofiea.
tom to do. We are going to bare a
Ktw flto are caught about tbe same
Christmas tree to oar aebool bouae. 1
ns groupers. I enu^t a small nctopua
especi we are golag to have n good
bat bad n^m»Pl no Iri It go. Mnllime as we will have ptefes and lots
cC^bt Ur mosi of say
Tbey do not Ule a hook, so are takes to candy and nau and I am always
gtod Santa Claus comes. Our teacher
to nets by the ibonands. We hare
is very kind to ibe sriiolara- We all
kinds tW erebs to eat. also oyrand ctoaw. Wbeo we go for Uke her rery mneb. Her annse
clams wr pot off our shoes and lump Mabel««e. I hope to sec this to
to wator from a toot deep up u>o«r . prsai. 1 will srriir again. I renal
waist, tbcw feel around srlih our feet ; Your lit Ho Sunsblne ghi.
Handle Anna.
aaUI we teal aomcibiag baid. Uao

ecneb dosm and pick him up. Women,
We tori* had «
gtrta, boys and aten all take a hand,
Ihto depi
as (he water to alu-ays
yoa will an hk.stod to hear from an
iiism as well.
*«wle.- Rto totlar to sesy weleatoe.
We have tote of other kinds of flsh.
fin win be ynaito lawcated to hii ltd tf tbe pteaident aaows ibe uncles
• come Into tbe cbnnaed ctrrir I will
write aiato.. mse day write a tlescripthm Of m«e
Vaelp toatt af tbe scaly tribe. I also gr.-e an iuI dab ro tbe ritailoa to yaw precldeei aad all ibor ossr 3ua nhaaU an aeseto rent of you to Mke us a rlsii ami
etome and cni' ^Kiwidcr.

nattr MIA.. Dec. je. i$ih.
Dear Mrs. Batee—I ibomtbt 1 would
write to you. aa I have not wriliea tor
a toag time. There is some srww bore
DOW. ! am to the , Bflh grade
sehnok The sebooi here will be «
to Jaanarr. We bavr Are moalbi
•ebmi. I hare my card aad bnti<
ydt. My Icnrbrr's oamr is Hiss Rryuigls. Our school bad ibrir pkiun
taken ihrcc Umrs this year.
Yocr KnnsVar gftl
Vluie WwthtagKm.



ikeBaywf Fewu
■ nut m St. «arr- tAp t weer the nll .IaiMlBr roaidk M
0 miA rim. Uxm
tA Ottawa, over <A roM- ------- —----------------------- - •*<*
lA riror aralA ttd aaroM lA AlAly riumcriA. hroaUfa)
tataAs to the OtoiritlMi My. antr all aMaro wftb tbe scariri awl
gold to tA aaiMu (ime. to «A atrait whtob fanac* tA wHM
to Lake Superior. Par away dayn lAy anted (brir eaaDaa up
- lA rapid euneat. and at laai'aame to lA rapids to lA Sault,
wbere tbey fAad a rinage to two tbtmsaud lAlaw.
n ww with grrot Joy that <A Ao peroAod bar* 0m>
rtorirtbr to tbelr tollb—tA And iIbk- the stnrp to tA «oas was
ever toM to Mkhigan. Hero. tno. they beard ufth SeKfllR. A
they gasA tor out over (A waters to (hr laA. of the Aeasa
irltara prbo riwelt beytiA h. far to the wmuward aM A lA
nonhward. to whom they boped BaaM* Ay in tarry t A Uarr to
^ crass, wbirb wnnM A uwb paid lidtngs to them.
Dm they wroe aw to A the chuueo mmwsceru. WM«
lip pari labrws HaymAuH Tell a pivy to roasmapilna aad roiuraed
y- the ^ mmarnr tn Quebre in db-. IIU cAmamaha wA aceoA-;
fmiMM btm. aeokhig to rmartPlA fnll»«1ng year to (A Sault,
was captured A tA Iragntos. auroag whom A eadared lA miM
inTTlMe awfferiaga aad tewtuteH lor lung mratA. all to dihleb;
be bnro pa'lenMy asxl Wren Joyfully. -He was at ba«ib takebtflo
f A Mohawk raUey la Now Tork. where A was raasomnd A ^
■ Tbiirdi wad retitrard to Piaace. Hr caam back la IMC ga «dfltdoBsrr to lA Htihaal.>. by whom A was eraellp mwrdceefl.
Sorb was lA fate to the flrM to tA MIehigaa mlukaarlos.
In Angwst. IBM. isrti ytmna fur tradroa Joiaed a baad to
Oitawas to explore lA aakwown canairy arouA lA groat lakea.
Tbcee was po aidaeas to Ibetr leavctaklac. but lastaad ibera
ged with lA fricads tbey loft
.staadlagim Ibe green Aaks to lA 8i. Lawrence w ttwp mepp**
into tbrlr light cuBAa ibai swung to the ctxTCPl nail bore tfeHB
OM of Uebt. wbA lA forrsia echoed to tbelr gay boms wMIft
kcyii tiM to lA dip to tA oara.
Tbey werwa bappy to. ihtme Frearti wpagoars. fail to So
aad a wild splHt to Avcainro. BA were more apt to alag aa tbA
ibroogb lA rlrm aA lakes of tA trackICM fl
>w to waA tA rlagin eeboea with gay Joato aA abuau to
laagbier. lAa A to moody altowee-as they pulled t^a oar or
piled tA pAdlc.
MMIA came BA wew. but lAro wa a bows at QmAb
to IA youag adveanrom. ud tbelr maim abook tbelr Aaia toll
waadceAwbeiberwM they would ever peuira. TwaptofwAdl
PBsaed.wAnaoedayaSeMtoeaDomwMaMfarup lAriecm •
Fifty to tAm Were eoaatA: a one Aer lA «ber Map apapt
aiwnA (A rirar’s earro. aA flve bnadiA atiMg aswa « tow
t (hem AlW tbrpagb tA water, tip lA cHSb tow*a
a the rgger people swarmA. aA soon tA aboM a< tA

bSttrla Frimi HfcM|BftnMarT- '
— FMrffMOfkMtdTl WM €Mi

orrcHic oiNdcc.
a MicMgaa from the first F
a to br% tM way of Lakes On.
tarte and Brie, ihuse wMe had easny traveled waierwayt. bat
tasiead to tbto rasle bring uaed by tbe early explorers, tbe SM
entraae* was made b}- the Oaswa rieer. wrbleb flows into (be
St. Inwrcaer Just ainvc Monirenl. rben by a porUgr to ibe vddrmeas to wpprr Canada to the Mearf sraicrs to streams rwipiylag
late ibr Oeoftriaa Bay. and no to tbe Straits to Mckiaa^ Or tbe
river 8i. llarv;
Tbet* wece two reanoos Ibr tbto The flrsi eras (hat tbe
Iroqsols. (be flefcett flghiers of all the Indim bands of Norik
Amrrira. brid (be eouatry arouad the Niagara rtoer wtarre tbr
way l>etweeB tbe two great tokea mast He, and pmentod. aa far
to they couM. aH wornfag and going of white men or other Indians.
Prom thrir homes eonib of Lobes Srte aad Onurio they sent war ,
parties out eomtaMly to every direction, aad espeeiaHy tato tkecoantn’ to the Harwts, wpo oocnpled upper Caasca. They u
iaderd the lerrer of the woods, and the sellisry traveller, or the
iittlr bands at advemurers. white aKa or ladtens. took their way
softly tbrouglf all the wiMmos. itoieniag as they went for the
Arill war wiradp of the lurking enemy, or the whJs of Us arrow
or lotoahawh romlag nrifily m their message of death.
ABOiher rtwm was (bat aroupd ibe Bauit. to the atiwlls.
aad 1a (hr enuany arrmad Ibr (leorgtoa Itov ihr Rusona bad
congregated In graat nnmbers. to some places living to large rtltogtw. .UBilkc,tnoEi todtoas. they devoted coatidcrable alienitan
o agrtouitore nod areitnil tbelr detttemenu were flelds of Indiaa
n aad pWebes to pumpkins, squasbes and m
seeds or wh^ last tbey amde am oil nted la cooking tbelr fooJ
or la meiattog tbelr dusky bodies, while at the rapUs of Ibe
Saalt ud to the Btralts or Mackibac were famous Ashing grouads
where white flab and lake truut were to be bad (Or the ealcMng.
Heaoe the priesti went ta thene riliagcs lo gather to con-'
Twie to tbelr (altb, and tbe veyageurs to baner braady onJ
ram amuBg oibcr things, for furs. Tbr i
all Hkr these eonalrTaMui to theirs, and ataialv for ibis vety
uwdr. tVw. as-oow. amang ibi> rod mra. as lodgy aamng (he
(ITS rained Ixxh soul and Indy, and.
II was hard to nrakc a ChrisiUa of a dniakrn Indiau.
Ibii. In iha. as U migbi. is> li was lhai whai Is to lu. after
mariy three hundred yiwro. aim the wlldesi and ncwrai pan to
Ibr state, was (be- flrsi tn welrMw the wMilemeuts of misshmarlM f'r ttnih-rs.
That adrrtitnrous Prenchman. (toamMaln. was ihr Am to
■ ills Bortbeni wtldernesn. H was a wild Jonraey. that
flm oar to his. to l6i:, aad the story of it wduM hr well
II worth
tclllog wr re there /toir for It. Dm II was aoi then.
Iwi two
iwo years
I. lull
later, that on aanihiw Jtmraey fnitsoiT ami wnary wHb his weeks
to tuftsomr nnrob tbrongb dense foresik and tangW ivriar
swamps, up swift rivers full of raahlog rspMs nnd nnlsv waicrtalls. that must I* gnne polnfiillr around. canTtalt 'be canoes
aad all the Imrdens rtf the road, lie came s< tou »hen» the hloe
waters to Ijke Huron lay rirrnrbrd out from tbr yritna: sands
to the Is-arh at his fm to the far hrtrtonn line, wll.•^• sky and
water seepu-i u. fm-ci tor out towards the west. There ar.'
stories toVt.
so dim are Ibev with tbe pilsis of the pasi fbai
one ran hanlly rail ibrm tpir « false, that he-afierward etvrsscd
these waiont aiul going up Haginaw bay and river, visited the
tribes whose bomr was In that remote corner of the PrenA
possewrfoas. Saghinao it was called, the rimury at the Saaka.
aad the name to toda)- perprinates the mrninry to the Indtoa
tribe-wliosr happy home the Itoauliftt] river vatlcy <i
Dot It Is non- whh the great Upper lake, the ■ Mrchiifthem all. well called Superior, that wr hatto-ftt flPlT."
There was ■ day among those early days, when tbe flrur
while MB. staadAg where the wild rush to sraters awcetoac
down from put tbe mldtaad sea, aad whiA aomc devout prIAt.
then or after, named for the Maiy. tbe wMher to CbilsL whom
b\worshiped. Sault Ste. Marie, the toils of St. Mary, saw flm
Ibis immcase lake spread out She ibe ocean before bim. How
his brort mast have thrilird at the slAt. atui bow he must have
woodered what countries lay beyond that tor bortcon Hoe. He
douhllcws Moo|>cd nnd ilftlng sotte of the spaikUag^rops to tbr
citwr cold water to bis hand, carried them to hb> lips to see It
it was indeed not tbr salt uavesto 'be mlAty sea tAt onrirol*-.
tbe earth. lAi fell at bis fen. But tbey were pure and swen. aad.
lurolag with quesilonlBg look to bis Indian guidr siaadlng by bi>
side, be raw him print .frith graceful gesture nut over ihc loag.
rriltog waves lAt Amc fttMn the nakaown distanro to broak.
faamApped on tbr sbore. dashing tbe whiir spray over them as
tbA fell, and hArd him my with a roverom tone. ~CliAie
Onmee." which Is to
tbe Dig Sea Water.
It is supi>osed that this white man. the flrsi to reaA tbe
Sault and eacamp »ilhin the limits to our state, was J«as Nlrolei;one to Cbamplaia's otost trusted men. wbo at the cottiaand of
bis lAdcr Ad already Iwen for flfieea ymrs to tbe wiUentAt.
ucaroblag smoag the ladian tribes (or sonte trace lAi would '
show ttet the long lookA for JsMa was ooi tor away. But it
aas DO-, the groat Pucifle ocab tAt A Ad found at last oa this
e Ay In ICS. Yet. Ad A At kaown it. be «
s shore wtaero sbmsld some day float tA flag to a groat aatioa
hcvMe wbleb ail tbe glorios aA ail tA weaith to tA far w-«t
shnitbl he too sMit to A worib ear year to A tA years to Ms
aavloos searehing. He Ad found a ireaanro tA value to wbleb
hewonid never know. Bui to rwtarn lo onr Big Sr« Water.
To lA IAIbb. the great lake, so dark aA ibreaicalog ta
winter storm, so Aigbt aad beauttfoi under lA summer skies,
was m Hilrit <o A wotshIpA. nA ns A wnai to and fro nerass
its rough or piacid waters, in Ms hlsch roaoe. A atoppA Ar* nad
there to p|ace Aeriags to toAno or wampum on Its abeces at
IA foM to A cHRt to stoae. or la seme rocky Mri over wbleb
' the g^t Annkers fril .when iA s
rti-rik^ through the gray'sky.
Brim lA stery to (klf. tA gretIMt to lA grrnt Mkes.
reaSMThc mile towns on tA 8l. Lasrreaee. sA there was k
si!r miufg$ the Imivc ndn^iers and pbws priesu wko were
Uring them.
^ tA nerrmteeaib Ay to SoptrigAv. I«1. A naswer it>
an ftniuiioa aeni to tA Jcuuh priests wA Ad won t A ntre.

from the shurw tUI A lA rarity river baaA rang agtoa wMk
ihesouA. Thro from tAcaatleoatAbhiir rose a white psK to
y smoke aA t A roar to cuaon wricomeS i A r
aA ibd sbrill cries to IAIba from (A Aats aa tkm river amfliA
wigwams on (he shore Aded to tbe tamali. Soon Hmy laAsI
«A were suftwiodA A imgcr aoesilooers.
r bad to toll, aoi aolp to tA Mat
lake to lA fA wmbwM and of lA powAul lAtoa irtbm tAl
dwell oo the sborm of the Big Sea Wator. Al Aw. lar lo (A
tk> Katoleacaux
VoMMmuc oeeaptod
aorihwafd. tA
tbe laA evA to tA aAna
to lA mil aortAni aea. aA to tA westward were graat baadt
to wartlA Stotni aA amay other trtbea. ud all cemaadA trafc
with the PVeacb. aA a
At oBcc two prierts embarAd on this aew Anlm. «M
Jasi below Moatreal a Aad to MoAwA. caemlm to tA Ottavak
■waliA tbem. la (A battle which frilqwed oac to tA mltoAi
Bries was moruily wounded bA tA flem dlapirood.
Again, la IflSfl. two traders passed tA wtatr* oa LoA
BiipcTlor. aA ta tA frihnrtag wumm.w came bark A liekire. la .
Iriumpb,I. this time Alb sixty eaaa-s loaded Awn Aik rifk fMa.
aAUtnuwt <1f thn«- taaadrod IwUaus.
m> A ('datiasA.i


AAriern Dolls Pomid to Tipy Tombs.
TA flrat floUa of wbleb we Are
aay kaowicdpr
a tA ralos to tomb.
OataykMi. Tbep are aman flgarca to
WfTft oriia aad Iftur beagtlfally
Here U nomrulriag lA AlMrea «■*
carved. bA mau Ara baea fasriaatgrow la lAlrowa Andows. aat aMlP
iBK playiblBgs for ih<- ntite Assyriaa
raw penauts oA pUm la a pri gtmmi
'ronh. TAr will siwont aA **if
TA lUitc girU to Syria Ad stfriiaascdi a amity leafA vim- wiU A ri%
Ical doOs. You are sunriaml, arc puu alag over iA ton to lA pOL fkC
(UK* lA (Ay bA, aA lA araw and i rnacer gardro Is a drimy UiM. M'
togs w«Tc omved by ptollA striaga.
fa the ailAlcto«mBn-raslBiSB|ik4>
much aft<T thv fashion to Jamp- nwe. and place mbu abmri ft. flflfltM
Ing Jack:
; kle 1A cone with musuA aoal,
TA dolls tA rinaalc Crock cfaildren > (ben keep (A whole awtoL T%a oaaftl
pInyA wtib were Mdc to
' wHI apTOM. and aoda tA plaau #tk
day dcroraiA Alb bright rolom. One A ooverA wHb Unv peOow Smsa'c
kind hA movable IlmA. Ud Its Gnnarr seA aA flne gram mu
riotkea wree madeso tpfcc Aand put AulaaiA._____ _____
m. EMch doil hA a bed to lu owa
TAse dolts ropreseatA gAs aA beA OOfl Haro.
bui whatever they were meaot
DuL for tA proseace at a lattWal.
le reprearot. they were drrosA sriib
dog tA Ittile daasM«.4(
Idvidg care by the UUle Creeks. As Sam Hex. n farmer at M otaftfl*.
these eUldrea marrlA wben they Ky„ would Ave baea gnaad w Blpeda
were very youag. (bey pUyA Ath uAer the wAris to a IhK tiala..
(Air Alls until Just before tAlr wAThe rbiki was olariA o* (A tipcftdlng Ay. Then they Mdr a sacriflre as the train cum Ashing toeoc TW
to A (Air toys. driis.aA clotbea la* dog relsA IA AIM la bis taalk mad.
eladA. Tbey -dAleaiA tbem as a dragged her from lA tnek A dug'
pious Acrlng to some deiiy. If tA to mA tA wAete to tA laiMP
little girl diA Afore sA was growa Mkeg A fouA OM wbat AS At^
np. ber dolls were boriA wHh her.
Thus It Appens lAt we Are been aad listed tA deg o* psapettp. tiUf
able to learn tbe klA bA tastahw it hU rahK at
aA lAI A waotaS
dril* which comforiA these aaricwi te pay taxes eg hA oa AA M A
Children. AH tAt we




$ZflO A TEtt;



' '^.Vv

’.‘i- v'•



ka^tdf-k 4Mliw kMd ftMi
tae cu»M,«o k
' WV. 8ke Miifca. too. tkat tkc fkakIIM ctf ilw dar ka» ckaacta. «M kw
!«<•«.>• ««Md am rtdtata* I.
tdaagkurk ma. McKkar I* IMar
j tvka vtan daackter kaa oalr kcgua
Ik UK ooea. aad k«r k>Ta]. taatar
baait aekM to -«o aoMkHc.*
Mi-D iaap «aoaat ac* to «kai ake aaad to; tae
• ______ _ eaaaot cany tk* taan kaky for tea*

tM U vm^ I—It
gmv.Oie kotidar vtak t

»• MM I »• «m:
l#t kl»m4 and pwf««9
«B I lM*e OBOM.

, tktas to
«aal 0*0*0 aalf aqaare «kk tka vorM.
aki tkar* ia ao vay'to Mtata
«K awapt kr paylB* araar dtat.
akkar ta marntf or to aosa ■!** Okl>da emaaqr.
Par ap! Sqaara aoMaaU! Ika
Nov Taar la at kaa«!
Mrrtfe Kota Ckwiysaa.


Ooni Dh*«.
M y«c tat
M «• Ha* Yw mk« <

Doriw kar ioag Otaaaa Iba adltor of
tia dapartmaat kaa reeatred aiaar
baaatUal kovara. and ao sack kara
d that tkar kara
I tadUM )oy W brigtiita
reerirad the asoat caiefol atteotioo.
la ordar ikai tkay might lam )am as
tit tta Jta* T««rt A»iH
hMg as potalbie. It has keea found
^twm It itaA PralM.
timt a tkay sra lakeo up at alghi aad
« I «KH ?M Wrtrewi.
plaMta la water aotJl the UoaMcns
« I iMttkt i>«m Cm.
oiarallp Boat opoa tlie aurface. and
liM Ms Mriw «M PaUMM*
pat la a eool placa orar sight asd ike
Ml ft* «ttar Piwer.
a cUppad a iitlie before placlog
Ikam ia freak water In the rases the
amralng. (key arlll stay fresk aad
Wi ouc M l«rk *
fragnat lor days after aa aedloary
Sowar would hare droiated Its petaU.
Thts la tnta eten of the delicate koM t MBht fiu naatr.
boose Twes aad rlotots. An ordinary
AJi ta*Mk’a koaataaaa rkamt, srater pail foil a( water will aerre for
MM aot tka Ne« Aagkl
nearly all Sowera. thou^ eren tka
Tm tkas ttio AlwT
long aummed ones ahoold ta plonged
In ap to (ha Sower Uaelf. Many will
«I Mta MaaMk aad Lainra
raealre Bowere at this Chrlatmaa aeaMB tasmaa aad plaa;
aad they are both rare asd ex
Lot Ms «aka tkeai aoblarpoasire gifts, aad daaerre ktrlag
Warti Car Ood agd Haa.
treatseat at the haads of Uetr Meads.
Il l Ifakt ywr idola.
II is b(u>ed that this hint may
mr Mavad poa tktr *ara daM.
lanre of rMae to reodera <d Ikto deriAd kM.(ara tka h***>adce

MraUIMMato thUAtrar-



•.* •••••••••
of Hla ohU-



foarraar^U wkaa ke *ai
avar frais kar oa tka atraat: aka haa
so mamr to *kelp oal:“ she aanno'
aet the ttble dsoghter'e “sray" for
eompany. bot—ebe can wash the dish
eet “I jest prayed Ood for oae tklag.said a graadmoUer to ber agta sister
r day. (They were talklBg abom
Iba removal of the former to her aoa
.» -iprayedtoearaettiyjMtf
aliTBBtb to wash (he dlikbs. 1
do anything else, aad I pay when i
caat afsad op tOrtbe dlakpan SB)
more 1 may die!- Brave soot, her
ptayar was all aoswered.
Mother feels, too. ibo
of the raara She dreads a posalbW
day wbaa abe assy ta eatlrely help
less, and the is knrrylBg (□ make hei
help eaoat before tbea. Cam we blame
her* Moreover, m is inst like yoo
aid I>.abe canaot eoosMt to sit atlll
wbw tbare'ls wotk-to bedoae. Mast
she tkerdfore wash dishes ail the time*
Caanot we have her help ns la other
sad easier wars*
It Is generally recognised that this is
the era <rf the yoong. The -world t*
calliBg for .vouDg presebors. teacherw.
(loeiors. merebaats. lamryets—dtkfs
It ta no honor to ihe age that this ta
use. and the evU caa only ie correc*«d where possibly U began—In the
There used to be a 6ne oU fasbhMi
tattaecp ami. mothers—to rise when
grandmother entered the room, and reamir standing nntil she had Aosec
her seat. What has become of It*
It was beaniltul. It was right, and 1«
had benelteeat InBnenle oa the yonagCsa we bring It back?
We notice la the journals of fashion
that old ladloi are urged out ta dress
*nhe way old ladles used to do." yet
ever? picture of our childhood ta softaaod mad nmde sacred by>tke piesof oae who wore snoop eaps. sbft
shawls. Bne "berebiris" and graceful
bonnets. Her dress set her apart,
“•ram'ata" was a creature too dear
and dainty (or common ueage. 6..e
was to be revered, admired. coaBded
in, looked to for comlori. countel.
candy and kisses aad an occasional re
proof. "Ask mndmother how to do
It." "Anntie mlU help yon." "Tell
grandfather." on^t to be dally watch­
words fn the home, rnaktag the chit:


o>' -


1 fiae sM Btlrred M.
riavar the fiiltag with a few dnma af
—t«is- A etmpie tDlag ad ckocolate la aa Idas. R is made of the

PraWy Bsttm Thrssteited Witt CwsBaptias
Saved By Pe-riMia.

tAtk. wftk Bsoagh
nfidad to form aa tdag. aad r

Mr*. Brrtha Smthwaatk. Lmtobs. Is., Trsamwav
w. c. T. r.. aad niMiikt Ckrtoflaa Watkaasad
iMtens CkrtaaiM ttmt' ^wrttatj

foUy. and spread the two layers of
cake for whidi the filOag U dealgata.
and ptaeetmeovarthe other. Tbetop
Bayer farms the Idag of the cake. As
a rule, howgrar, a layer cake srtth
ta ieM with a dUfar
eat kdiig.
Aa (dag of white Boadant fiavored srtth vanlUa Is rarr aloe
c* a ckocolata iayar cake.
A laosca filling is made ad hdf a plat
of milk, oae ags. a hespad taWespoon-.
fal of corastareh and bat^ a cup of
skgar. Stir the mixture over the fire
natll it ta thick eoougb to spread. Add
the grated rind of a lemon taat cd alt
The fooadailoa of all cream tilings ta
aboBi the same aa this Icntns -oae.
wkM owes lu character to IW fiavemlag. By omlttlag the lemoa rind and
adding the rind of aa orange and a Wwe have s ooeoannt


___ wary

—MW wMe ««a

IMI-M Bm. lUk

On bUA

A filllag of belled icing with eoeosaai added wnd a flavor of orange peel
better fiUlng for a eoooaoot orasge cake. The foundaUon of these
made tb* paUewta bad to b .
by friends very siruogljr IwfutWtbey
fillings is siwsys a boiled letng.made of
muld lay said* Iht-lr prejudice sgslnstll.
a cop of sugar aad fire
AIsrgemul|ltudr,ufnMIT*e. boU eat
water boiled together until it
agsiB.I the persusidami of frlenas bM
threads, and poored over the white of
die sis-— •--------an egg beaten to a very stiff froth
Dent In the boiled ayrup as it u
poured into the white of egg. Tn
mullltuile of peuple tsiwi are able to
make a coeoaaut boiled icing add the
shskeuir tbrlrprviitolreaBdtrjr fVraaa
Juice of half an orange and a small con
before It ta loo Ufa. The*# people nra
of cocosnin to the tcing after It
They gewerally
threads, and grate ia rbe peel .of half
an orange. Beat the mlcurc Into the
inmtileu. They allow a rvld to
white of an ^ This will make two
detelsplaioeaurrhof ikebe^. They
layers of filling. Ice the cake with
Miss Usrgrei Fsbey. « Adams
allow raUTTk of ita bead to grtanalljr'
howmeeaiarrh of tka ihrosL
plain Idng flavored with half the rind Tioy.N.Y., wrltess “Webavruord IVl
They stiU ase IkedoMor*. modlataaar
of an orange. To make a prune filling runs la our fsmliy for years and a
very pleswd losnv that It cured me
otbsr laeflaetaal remedy^ Tka
riiop fine two or three ubtaspoonfab catarrh of the lungs when the dortors
at stoned prunes left from
InnebeoB. Ftavor (hem with a little
taanina (or sis montbssad st
lemon, and ndd them to a boiled Icing. Ihe end of (bat Umemy <wugh hsddls.
To make a fig filling chop a few figs, 1 aiH>>»r»d.mysppetllew
Theimltawtreaekasa ststo of mind *•
wbirk he Is witling to try sIbmm any
add a uuie lemon juice, and stir them f I ' bad gained ten
; looked Ihe ptetore
pietare of
ol bealth. I am I reruns hssdcae ma. Atautstsmonths thing.
hing. AbotllaefP
into a belled icing.
in p.-rfeei hcaltb, now. and (eel that .yo f eonU aot lesra my bed sad the The flest weak It \
Apple snow ta a good filling for a
reruns not only cure* catarrh, l-ut dortors gave sue np, saying that 1 bad ebanga far the battaf. A few -weeks*
spMtf layer cake, fiavored rather ur*- build* up the system aad la therefore epnsnrapUon and eonld not Itvw. ff^.rq
ly with lemon Juice. This calU for the s grand nedlrine."—Margret Fahey.
|a friend remumended Pereas to me.
IVruna cures the first aisge* of e - BDdIc.
white off an egg. n tart apple grated
We have on file tbmiagads of U
Ting the eaua .which “When 1 Started'to Bse Parnna I moaisl* from people whom tbe dwtaas
tnd a cup of granulated sugar. Begin
. Tbeeatarri
catarrh having Weighed 1I7 pounds, now 1 wrigh ITS hadgtvcAoptodtawith.'atotrfc id tka
whippins the egg. adding the sugar
been eared tbe congb and other dla- poonda. I bad beenalrkfor leurearssnd tonga, bat wbo won (nlly riisisaad la
and grated apple allernaCely. and con­ sgreraMn symptoms ectoe.
w aa M> sick that I could not tare over la lieslib by tbe aseof Pbrena,
tinue until you have been beating half
Sactm OfiTfi Hifii Up.
Iwd. t Xliink 1‘cruna latbcgrcaic»imed­ AddrcMi ftr. Hsrtassn. ProatdiMdff
an hour, when the last of the s-jgar
Mr. Lewi* Kitchen, fit tv..rtb
icine of ll> time. I an tu>«-freiing «etl Tire llariOl
inciDnsii. oliki. wnic
and apple should be ad<li-<l. The result
and bearlv aoil w.mliC n..l ».r aitbout '
iviuii* B:jal<i.''-i > - i*
n '
-lViuHBB:;ato.''-i>xlKWId be a firm, snowy mass, wbicb
makes a gt^ filling.
Whipped cream also maker an ex'ellenuAlllng lor a sponge taycr cake.
Tm an even teaspoonful of gelatine in
the door dosed. One of the yoong j inch nnd a half thick, asd tcii the
Maktofl Over.
a lablespoonfol of water and let U
men, should have prerlouriy xllppcc ! butcher to make a slit to (»e aide sad
Wbaa baying dress goods siwaps
«tand for two hours. Whip a pint cf|
from the room. Then one of the turn | through into the caater to form a seleet nU-wool maiertals, oHnetotog
cream to a stiff froth, flavor and
lier gathered aronnd the fire abouid | pooch or pocket. Make about a pint that caa be washed and m*4a war
sweeten it and strain the gelatine is.
repent slowly Temyaon's -Death ofjof 'stnfltog. using stale bread crumbs, and over agria. I niake Mar nUnnat
which abouJd be melted by bolding :i
. . .
..r ......11-.
«-hirich seasoning of unit, pepper and cTcaTtblng. from woln-om bone i
naderwear to coals and toonaara.
after the Ratine, and spread It
clock sirikea tweive with the linet;
aptmnfuU <( melted butter or auet.
The garments east aside by faibar
.i»-er layers of sponge cake. When firm -Tberv a a new foot on Ibe floor. m> : Bluff the men, with Ibis and ctoae the and the hoys make nice warm i
place one over the other. A take of
jxrpening with a ekewer. Place on a
for the UtUa boy and glH. I
thU kind should bxve only two nr
And a new face at the door. m> rack in a braising paa: add ooe Ublc- make all my hofto troaaera
ra ont
oat af oU
three layers. Tbe top cake should Ihfrlend;
o finely ones, and iooedasaa bta ooato and
Umply dredged with powdered sttgar ^
a nea toee at the door.
nrenmia. aad my Utile girls hare
ahouTd ainvs ‘ ■*“*' “* Ita'clock ta-striklag twelve. f*t of bsh' and one ptot of aloe* or many neat Jaritats aad akim mada
from papah and graadpapa'a old
he left wiihnn tcin^ nr
i **‘”^'* • •‘•***^ *‘*•**‘*“"'^- Opening jujiiing WBt'T; Cover eluaely
dot be*. The material to thaw goto

O mr that la eomlng. bring wUb you
Borne plrtae of srtrteb I have need.
Mere patience to bear.
And more kladaeas to share.
perior wisdom, whose worJ is *elghi>-,
Aad more lore that Is «rae love In­ and whose presence is a rare blesstng.
► IMMMvkM taadaraaaa lo hamaa
U will .repsy you In (ho years
» ‘liaado.
une. when ago begins (o close abou(
• tpHiSdiii aad trast. aad maper
yon. to be able to recall the liigenolt}
The Apta In tta Moms.
Thaw are auiny very acUmable' a-btah lore Uugkl pou In the guardlOK
of the happineu of the aged ones Ic
tavemenU oa foot aowi
toaftod aeoana or aaerUeial vide bomee for the aged—homes (or y«nr home Lean upon them
tearheva. printers, prearii- them to do things; deny yourtelf for
kBMa. ‘
comthem; Invite old people to your borne
W Ma dBtaa baaatr M aa orderta
(or their sakes: go wiib them to call
mendatlon of such tkrliuilons.
kriteve. however, that not epough i' on old friends: manage aomebow to
get money tnio their bands, even If
baiag written and
do "a-aste K all oa the children'
• A Wa that lUada as aU traa Uraa
aged tn ibe home, the
will come back to yon a thousand
• hat* fltood.
It Is pitiful that It lt so pttlfBl. tbU fold. Cook the dtahea they like; wear
> Mat yaalad la tka Catih (hat Ood
r books
qaottloa of what shaU be dose wUb tbe colors they a
the infirm grandparent or maiden aoni tor them—honor them;
.te w Uvi Hu,.., cn,„. dna.. I, '
wore ouL I rip. wash and press Urn
or hachrior uncle. Too often we see
It will not be for long. .Shme day
gihsto. maktog up on tbe wroog sUc.
the ihriaking aad dread ezblldted be- (bey will slip away Into the akadows. ImkiDg It —N. Y. Tribune.
•paniah Itoealpsa.
will. {
liy careful ptoaalag aad eauing. n
bome where only the and though you do not believe it now.
if well done.
WaUhing the OM Year Out.
pouag and vlgoroos hare taMhmo been there will be many a tug at'your bran
! tog fipanish rtec was laugfat nw by e styltah tlMle iadtei (or n girt of elgbt
This ta the favorite occasion tm a., j l^djl\sklna find X.-w V.-sr'» ;ir..; j fiianlsb dame of high degree. Put s rw nine yean can Iw amdc from aaAUd
mast wane one wbo U oldWhlonod. strings as reiaeitlees ammoiT tells >-ou
of trousera. Oae I mnfle af gray
tka MtotHag. wrHtaa bp Myrtle weak, aeseltlre. poaslbt)- -queer." It wbat. you mlMt have done and borne. pany among young petvlc. It should pnea'^foilow. and c pany i4,o«i r.
; tablc-pnonfitl each of lard and batter
IMa Ckwrasa of OraM Ra^ds (or 1s sorrow's verj- eroaa of sorroar to the Vor when yoar feet ran in foolish ways be a small nariy. ooi over twenty-four
f Oysters.
I in B xrsDlic sauev-pns and when bu araa trUamed with rad waM braid. I
- Ikti dapamavat. ta hoih tlataly and aged tbemaelres a-ben they
they patiently restrained yo«: they guesu. and U will be the more enjoy : Take cnished erarkers. not bvi fln.- ;Sdd s cupful of washed rire, Ibra-' atake neat UtUe firegnred aUru from
iMtUMA. aad daamaa more tbaa
to realise that they are “In the way"! bent their backs that you might go aUe If informal and among tbore who draio liquor from a quart of oyster ' ,mail
cmint and iwo mhweu rid tfonsers, atoo, and from ata rid
-mail minced (minus
' aatt-oansers. coat and ve«-<
tmntu raMtag. Let ut all raad. k>«d-a burden." Their memory may hr | untrammeled; they ate thet brcM of are acquainted with tach othw.
Jand carrfuily remove all l-lts «rf shell. ^
,M pp..r*:>r7 till all are cotore-J
Mala'aad kratt.tkMaby;
There are as varied entertainments. butter a d«ep diab
tatllkg. they may be alow of aMrehen I tean that yon might all at feast
east ^re
cover ibcHow. stirring from time lo time, gri a atyltak salt for my: Ifirenrold
tiaa—chIMtsh, even—hut they rarely | of joy. And you—what bare yon done. for such parties as lor those at other t Intinm with cr-cker».
s IsvcT of i„n,ii iju, ric- Is half done, when add daughter. Tbe skirt ww pUia and
... . aasa Uka a waata of braatk
gored, aad Ibo Jaeket mfide wttfc a
loae the keenness of (heir perception for all y-our gtowlag >-outh? 'What are sensoni. A pretty idea ta to confine; <»-siein. seasoned with salt_____
end■ ___‘ .
Rloaurtiodr the Uwofarleg ahmg one llae—tbeir own Increasing i your thirty years lo rheir seveni} *
yoke, inverted bos-platta aad aattar
tgtka ChriSLcriinr. was fasteaed srltb a knot tsd
aad dependence an olh-: But your time 1s coming.
and twelve .vooag ladles. Tbe h<etess ; a tay-r of crecker*. then i.yst.-rs and
tsdi- ai'h anil.sod cayenac.
■aa daM, hat aU tka mm*, the good
Aird oftcB when they have
requests a couple to dress m nearly j«, on until tbe dish 1. fu:;. Itoliblng
iw-an»--fb»k a ptot of the -laree black veH-ri ribboa. With. Uta anlt
aid koMw la a «wai appropriate Uate reason the dear aenta imagine they are:
I-ayta Cake Flllinga.
ms poailblc to si
Way that will per- *i,h the emck.Ts, covcrci wnb ^ink
railed "fritotas” over night were wore preuy wool shirt watato—
M.AIMMk. aad a hair hoar caanot a harden, ao that It takes mock loving: The old-taabiosed house* Ife knew
a panlculsr month which she ■ of bntttr: pt«ir over ihc whole. :Jie!
„,,,j ws'er tbe next morntog sc- my rid ones made over.
> kaMarapaat a* Ckriataua day thaa Ingenuity to dloabiue the poor mind'only one filling for tayor cake, a Jelly
fiomdtmre tbe naterisl 1s not salt'
oyrtcr llqu.w ad-Vd to one ptot oi '
to the aatoa water; cook
la « BMatal oaaaag ap ofiarooapta.
and set It at reri.
i of some tan variety.
Tka modcra
It^ser*. or a cotton n«kiie j boiling wster .boiled sn.l sklmmedi.
.lowly nnUI very tender, addlwt able lor Jariieta asd outside atOnm.
' Badoraahadaaa laaord caa he be-' -Mother last works and works. She • houaekeepar has a dosca --------------- with a white ve*t. ta as distinctive of place to a -hot oven. Uke half an
This I made up Into warai srtaUr pri*,(«■ as li boils away but Irev
gaa oa No* Taar-befon the ae*
BO stubborn about it!" I heard e one kind of filling. She makes cream
summer for the young men as shhi:bottr. add sno.hcyidBt of hot watri.oe i„_ ,b«n slmoat dry wl^ done Uenots. frequenUy making tbe yokn «f
koafila *»aa apaaad tk* old aoaoi
yoaag marrlad woman say. "She wash < BHIngt In almost endless variety. (IIIone kind asd tbe skirt of aariker.
BMHd he IBM erer earefolly aad
ea dishes as If her life depended apon lass of boiled icing of every ftavor.
In this way my cblldrea as* dream-d
talaaead fatriy; aad *hat It wears herself, all out. and werrirs | fruit fllUngs of all klnda of dried ingenuity to devise
effect ihai wiii. been aselted: bake another bai;! , labtospooDful end of bunce and well aad with Itota snpreaa.—ga.BattS tlsa la tbm for tkU tbaa
I wish she would do dlSerent." ■ frnhs or of pre*er« cd or freak fruits. mark n parilenlar month.
half boar. and. to prevent brownlr>g '
when hot fry to It, UD eolorel ebasge.
I «ktck
Rarhapa she wonM tr abe oould. L«t: flIlUigs of whipped ekenm various .v The guests should not assemble
tlightlr. I small ml
miqeed onloa; tarn
V told me
r an tbaft haarat.----------------us
ciraa tad enter Into bar thongkts a litUe ns i sensoaed, and JelUes of ever>- kind. nnUI 6 o'clock There tboiild Ikiron lid. All breadvcrambs. or a mix to the beans.‘Hfr well and ri«er and the other day ib« her «Mire>e griddle*
dlM-IAny freit preserves or jelly of siT targe ckxA conspicuouslr ptaeed to tare of etarken and bread emioL?
allow (bam to brown slightly; Jn«t
* were made by mislsg Ibe Sour
'•Utoa mtat how find Jot down pan. bar bent fingerslhandUng the j firiret firemeas ma.v be used for a fill- j the room, and if portible an open Ore- may be used when more convcnU-ei.
before taking from the fire. stir, to x and mar milk (boroaghljr together the
«r an yoar frtettds. i
dlsbea carefully—for are they not "the ; ing of layer cake- Cream fillings an ptaee with bright fire on the hearth,
Nut Car
small cupful (sUkiI four tabirepoon * night before, is the mocaisg she adds
laat of their wadding dtahei." sad she made of a cream manufactured af I The first part of the time should be
uf grated ri<f
Take three pints of any nood fr.ili
gand aods. bat an
-Sew Idea.
hkiM aad. tMtag rack la tarn, pat would not break one -for the world.' floor, milk and eggs, thiekenad and itaken op In gueaatog the months, tu
First of all. at no other aoul on flavored with chocolate or coesnnui,! campaiiy gaibertof around the open
To rt-mote Ike Oder of aooklng pul
-lla** ary ralaUo*B toward thU oae earth possibly can. mother enters Into or simply flavored with lemon, ornagd j fire to a cirole. As tost ax oa«- mooih
Vfintar Jelly as to
to krtag
greatest the bardens of her daughter's life, and or some other fruit Juice.
sMI aa
bring the
I ta derided upon, the one wbo penuy ange*. Kllccd ibto iteeita removed!.
I ssve^ tbe partogs of seme veryj a risi of boOlBg water fata a basin
------- ^
aot. where
Mtfl M
ttat If
where dnnghtar has no one rise oa enrib , A ehoootote cream filling ta one of ! nates h rises, makes bta or her bow k. Juice and gratod rind of two lemtm, red Baldwto apples, FOssIMy n quart, nnd add a few drops af tavendar. Opep
; M the it*, aad bow caa H be rase- who knows so well bow even a pan of I Ibe best af its kind. Melt n qanrier ' toe company, and rerites at toast four two ponds (rf ntatns. stoned and and addre a cup af.(renbeiTtoB. stew- t^e wtodowa of toa room and carry tka
dtahm ent off toe day s work ta s brip: j of a cup of grated or aeinped riwco-1 origtonl Haes periatolsg to that
tog tbe mixture with aboot a pint of baato aroaad severel times, wbaa,, fit
nats. keruels coarsely ctaoppad and
AHar tto whole IM haa beco goae Mother beard her flaughter up half the! taie and thme^uarters of a
nth., Tbe a
a or wli:>
water until the maaa was teader. Tbe is BaU. (hat the odor of the npMuf
- .J
I atsy night with the teething child: moibrr { sugar in a cup of milk. When smooth, i they are. the better they win be np oae-bsir pcnind chopped SIberu. Pa*.: Juice was pressed through three iifood will have dlBBppeared.
fruit Jntoe and sufnr oa to bent.'
be pat. aaek as. -Hare I (aDad la mi- henrfl, dent ns she Is. toe faint note of, ndd toe yolks of two eggs nnd stir toe
»t cb—cMk. -Uto
A .bo,
When sugar ta dtasolved add stowly
Hade taward aaytmr “Ilave I caro- anstady—dtseord. even-la toe marttol! mtatare ton cup set toapnaefhwJ
After (Us comes (be nnwr. which
bbo- tb-<.ro«,b.
. PI-. rtbi f •,»»>•» b,Wb«>b,l«A-™-,
Maaly kart aasebadyk (eeUagsr oonrernatlon at breakfast and recalls ! ing water aain thick.
Cborotate map- be as elaborate or simple as de
five Brtnittre before adf- strtsg tied. After tytog the bow knot
- -Hare t leti aasu soeae ««H ttet berown days of untested wKriiaod and: cream fiUlng does not need flour to sired, aad then a promtacooos mixing one hour, or uaiil It bremnes about
pin the bow oadereaaik wlto a aamU
fi«.i 1,».,. 1
After safety pto. (aklsg care (bat khe pfa
adiht ta kalidair ate. It is safe to
mother ares dsughUr-J ^ tfatokea It as a tomoa filUng does, tor
— flone mri^tb. m«.r tbsre found a n<tt and delirious
f^M* ^ Mae tarn an sada boa.
a to ^ali
frantic risdenran
d^ali her ] the chbeoiate acts as a totakeoer. A
ottghly ditsrired. It was belled about goes toroogb two toega and twe aattf.
U. As rid tried Mgltah re-MPVK-VMr paadl orn ba kapi hasp
aevfi^ that
and toe toUdren'st aevriag.
cheaper eirem filling OkUk tor <
Iwo minutes. Tbe resatt was two Tbe sboe ribboas wlB remria la plnw
toe heavy hills may be H^iewd. Me enp of aagar nnd five i
e twelve, when
aatU five minutes h
gtosses of a bright red felty with a an day.
the j area all these things.' There was a day j of milk boiled together li^ mtontca.
fitottod Baefstrek.
dettelobs llarer.-Oood Housa• to Aarerire dare
fifii *V ran'M half stwtMa abe bad atrragto and aMBM loiAdd Bboni a qnartre of a enp
Ir^- toe lighta be i
For tola otto a atice of nmad nalkeapta^
Me $$19.4 tfjm.
^%fWdM MRT tad baBlIttr?
»ik- i—aalli aarrtca of good


Threogboat (be last a happy Hem
A kSMr New Tear wfcoao days etall
A van- few tean aad a grewt deal of
Btadr aad work and playUtne after.
And nay bealth while the year
grows old.
0 year that 1s golag. take with you
Soon erd that dwells In my b^._
Take-aelAakoeao. wUfataeaa. pride;
Ike eharp wrord that allpa
Prom these too kaaty Ups,
1 wMid cast, wli^ the old year, aside.



kl». TMUMDAV, eCeiMUII m IMt-

Ask Your Druggist for a Free Peruna Almanac for 1605






Leo Oedtey. of Oraad Rapkto spat
•c Cfolr nau Bvery papn has t^
Ohrtetmaa la Ue clly wtth Ifo. Aader- wV left Safordgy for his I
uavol ta aad (ro la hoala. aad U«ro ts
•SA. 316 Franklin street, aad retarned Gntecy. wia also V te-a
white Leo «ormbr and MV Emma Vk of baylag a aapbUa. teoAdh u
Ml oa IV eariy train to at- V opemted At Ue nviMs of tv dteMn. Walter Brown aad throe ehOiilri te wUch'to emnwy iV paplla to
droa. of Klagsley. spat Chrteimw w
■*“C> rf?fiF
tv cuesa of Mn. Brown's parenia.
1. H. Hill. wV hu bea lorol agtal
Mr. sad Mra. CVriro Oberei. of NorthTV Port Hira enoael] has orgeTed
V the Grand Trtiak and a R. 4 I.
port. They letaraed home today.
Mra. Mary DakeoVlb of •Maatoo at VIrksterg for Ue past fifteen yoan. tv roubltohmsai of sir brakes a Ott
MM Jewel O'Cebaea of Sattom Bar
rity electric ron.
WlU ber mother. Mn. has rrelgaed hU posiihm.
wtU apead Christmas with bar rister.
Mrs. an Cook.
MV HnUs Mork speu Chrisimw
Mn. John tMVfT <* KorUpwt
MMU Hsa a FUg.
rived Uto morwlag and will V Ue wMh her broUer. Panl Mork. of SM. Mabel. Mich.. Dec tt.
low Bay aad rriarned this BMnilng. .
Of Mn. BmmMt lageraoU
To tv Bdllor at Ue KreiUBC Record
AnMIa of tv Kcawiric
•1 was plessed to see in Ue Record
Prat J. N. Bor of Sottoas Bw: scbooto passed throng town this
of Dec 32 that Ue MePberaon poe
paeeed thnavh town todar «B hto war moraiag a Vr way to Cadillac, wbore
had prepared
to Ue board of edwwiioa asklag ttet to Bast iordaa. where V Mins bU •he will spend her varoltaa as the
Ue gags V kept firing at eterr ciir wife ter tV bolidars to V epewt wiU guest of her brother, Bagcoe Aastla.
Mn. A^es Seabury of Korthport.
school, and I woaM ear everr district reiatirec
MM Margaret Maaaoa. tewMw la who spent Christmas te Uto city as
in the oonatr, too. Conniy
-------- ---------mt a rtMk wrisht <
The hone UteheA to O. B. Kicliols'
Ue gocM of Mm. Rmmri logersoll. re>o Sallow Bar acboDls, pa
Ageat BmKh is mtaukaa when he
BMP. m •mmomr ttW«c pMo A Marerr eleihh rw hwv «*
home last evening.»to»MPelt»*MBrt4MCh«r.lW gi^ut street oh) Tnosdsr sad broke sars Moaroe Center aebooi Is Ue onlr
> in Charievolx. when Ue t
Beher Stoat manV to SC Joseph
aobod in tV oonatr that keeps a fisg
test evening after a short risH wlU
firing Our at^ool' has bad a Mg fir­ Uoa wm V speat.
Bert maer-s aOk stelch to
perlateadoat and Mn. Mathews his psrenU. Rev. nad Mra.«C. T. Stont.
ing deriag -aebooi fdP IV Met aloe
ced. JsiBM NlchoU wh Arlrand sister. Miss Maude Unrdge of Uc
Mr. sad Mn. Gny of Benslir passed
I. Yoon respeetfoltr.
HmmsMts npea where her life hsi iactl^iic when ow or the tbIIU
KorUport scbooto passed throngh ihrongh IV rity last sight m a ytoJt
A. 8. Pnr. Director.
mm hpeu. B»« UM ta IHsrui WropwM Aon ud fri«htew!A
town today a ronte for Fite W. to Korthport.,UeIr fnnM>r homo.
BWm MMS Mo M* Uwsye hsM W
B«wri7 la frmi oT Mrs.
whore they will spend tV boHday va
Jeu Webb of CbichgD spent CbrlstPtoiieee Mail Carrier.
tBMVMMv. AshBellM writer
tasiAfac bowe «o Blfhih
rotten. WlU thrir paronta. Rev. and .jss la Ibis cUy ihe gtmst of Mr. and.
r Me MBS or'fhwt^
Thootos Wtekitom of Gks tlaTca
ift. thcoetMn. Bordge.
Mrs. William Britaor. 'hc rrinnuvlj
«I sttwd: a post, Ihrowlo* Ihe driver w la tv etir on Toesdar risiUeg
Mrs. JuUua Brace and UtUe. niece.
•1#rtiN PM Mmch JltWT fleM. asjrto t^e street He was hrotaed a oM time friends of forty rean or more Rath Brown, tof Nonhport passed
Jake BilVitx of
hi A wHl haowa oewifliP', bet was not laJa«A to aar giwat ago. Mr. Wickham came to Olm
thiraiiU town Ula morning a their Ktegslcy today for a sbori risli IMore
Mertr of the Free FreH aad.^^ The poet was hiMea oB aaA bqr la 1SS7. aad la U* ewilr slsth
way to Tront take to vend Chrtouaas going to (tedar Run for Ue wlnler.
a toneast of fast i
■ «i<M« or MML
itbs hone fiood frtM the sMp. Mr. ww tv mall Mirier, aad bad Ue oalr with her sister. Mn. Lena Browa.
Mm. C. E. KorUway ud two cbllthat will rou for all the Ten me en
Am wiU ■ah# their hoaw at HljNitbols caMkl It tear BUM hot oa the rattle bsUwea Traverse CHr and I^eeMr. and Mn. L. D. Tosgle of P«t- dren. Audrey ud Chartes, left Uls
eonatr polnu. U took him a full
»mMm sOMk Delntt.
tond. Orega. passed Uroagh Iowa to­ moraiag for a nbort visit with Grand
to auUe Ue roonds from Trav------ ^---------------- 1 Bert Kilmer's dalrr elelch was standday on • visit to Urir psreata. Mr. and Rapids Meads.
If .ya wmild etiaia tV grealeet de­
«*e CItr to NorUport. Lriand, Olea
Mn. G. W. Tcagte of Copemlsb. Uto
Mrs. E M. tolU. wV aUaaded the
wmC br with the shaTls, scaTiag Arbor. Olen Havea aad back to Tiavgree of wamU, wear for, by all
Viag \bk flnt trip east for Uree TVmss-Dsumu aupUale Sunday,
Cltr. Aithooi^ Mr. Wickham U
)is berse, which whirled sad suned
tnrnod' to her hrone te Cedar Springs
meaae. Ow stodi of fur ootfa, for
Mr. Kilmer maaiAed to etop H
J. B. Nash and danghter. Miss Char­ this moraiag.
Ml It ww 4sMM la prsMre raaota- M Ue iMee doors in bU slelidi and bemg bis sevnnir-!
caps, fur glove*, Mr., to mom enmplote.
lotte Nash. leR for Maple City for •
Dr.'W. S. Straagway ud aa Fnnk
ttMi vMA Wiu be pneeateA to the
is Billl aa active
of the boidet cf milk
week's visit today.
Mt test evalng to tpeai a few days
lawsA s« AlneMlM aMiBC that the Me rakea.
manr Interesting stories id the oldXJttie Miss DeV Boudrroa went to inChlroga
^ hpt Bjiac at wrerr eltp aehooL
itaw dars In qrmnd Tran
Cedar Ran today to rtoli hro molker.
E E* Badoter of Dnrud was the
i|MtM A BMani MMM of tha txiMtr
FraMy Cbristma WsAdlWA.
Mn. W. H. Umlor left Ula mortdag gnest of hto brother, Cteire. over
AMPt W. M. Smith
Happy Msotinp at Dorr.
fl^RM MW Mg. thU festac at the A baMttfal Chrlstmn waddlac wai One of the happiest rannkias took for Cedar Ron. where Mr. UmV will chrtstmaa.
Ralph HaaleU te speVteg Ue holi­
-‘Amm OMter aMtsU hoass aaA Aur- Plematsad Suadar taoralDg at « place Tnesdar at Dorr, Uroagh Ur tela her tomoflrte- as guests of A. C.
days WlU bla^arents at Jackwn.
-'T&tMmMWr two vMts were wala <Mefc at the borne of Mr. aad Mrs. large heartedaeas of Ue O Jt. R.of Uls, Wynkoop.
Mr. and Mm. Pan! StolV of Ktegs- -Charies Aldrich rvtnraM to Claire
their dao^ter. BoaeMl At Ma hp
Mr. SMia
citr. who, w % aeGnel to Urir «wn ley passed throi^ Ue dly today e<;
iawA M.AM UAOP Thomas of OeMr
(his aMraing, Vvteg spent Christmas
ChrUtaw tor. pnrehased a ticket for ronte to Bmplro, where Cbrtatmv win
vlU bis pareats a TenU street.
a M toM Opt It had tafcea prtav halac the
one of tVlr roaka, Anton George and be aput w gnesta of a broker aad
' MV Rhode RaituVry ef Orud
plaapnTIhMlthnaghthe The haw ww beanUSed hr artlsUe
doteg care btan Ue Vto>laeea of
spent Cbrtoaau with Vr pari
a fitmd e( the
apaadlng hie Now Year’s wlU his
'Mr. and Mn. R. Swires sad aa. eats te Uto city.
i.MtfMtlMI WM.M-, 4 Mraathms la honor of the hsppr daaghler. Mn. Isabrile Van dar Meer,
Floyd, retartied today to ^pire after
Mr. ud Mn. O. H. Priton of Toledo
WboBi be has not seen for tweatywlz
thar All Praaiptir at the boar appolnlld (hr yoan, wbaa the was bat a little ckHd. a visit WlU their moUer. Mn. Kold«' passed Ihrongh io«a Ihlr moraiag
Vase of Acme.
red and the
their way (o Cedar Jtua. Vvlag been
Mr. George, wbo aflvcrr hair and totMrs. George Gilbert of Weal
in glsiMl hr Her. Demas Oochlla.
caUed there by Ue sertoos IUbcmi of
terteg aiapt boar ante eildaaee of his
rlBC the iwaderiac of the aoft
Mn. PeltoB’s tetber, David BrUdit.
daeilalag yean, baa met wlU aad rcfrom a math's treatment
I of rHaarU and Flowers'
Dr. A. E Leltch sV wife of Sogivmea and baring Mat his wife in the
Ann Arbor aad Is much Intprored la uw spent Christmas la this city as
Bred br Mra. B. M. Smith of Cedsr
(. was left In Ue nonb wlUont a bealU.
hiscs ud Mmedlatelr alter the
gneau of I. Bnrtm Gilbert ud wife.
hoato and Uongh bis Christmw was
Mr. and Mn. James WhUo aad tea- Or. Ldteh reUraed Uto morning ud
dark toy the }<qr of hte tonraey today
r are speadtag (teriatmaa with Mn. Leltch will remain acvcnl days
woh was pisred.
eriacad by Ue fopn of toy that frlnda la SoMa.
aa her sister's gnat before retonilag.
came anbMdea aa V boanled the G
HIM Bteaehe Irish id Ue Nothporl
af cream ana's Mlios Md carried
Mr. Ud Mn. Henry MIIV ud fam­
Whisky kills over 100,000 persMifi omy year ta
R. 4 1. aad tnraed his fane toward Uc
achoQli pwsed Uroagh UWa today on ily spat Chrtetmaa as gueeU of Ueir
Me'B naes. while her brldsamaid.
the United Sutet. The Keeley treatmeet as anBiiob>
boau of Ua daaghUr.
ber racatlcm trip to Ml. Pieaaaat, her parala. Mr. ud Mr*. -Frwk Forton,
ik Abbs Bswmib. ww atttred la a
gia of blae allk and carried white
of Ytd Hanna areBae.
MM Harr Sierens. teacher of tV
..hkUe d|wUons. Hanrr Wohards of this
P. O. Harrlngta of llarrtegion was
Kcv. John Shanley, Btsbop of North Dakota, «ys:
From TTmrsday's Roeatd.
Cedar school, paseed thmifii town to­ tv guest of Grin McCnre.
is psAipiatair gira
is because 1 know it does cure thcni, because 1 Know il
Chs^rM NeisM of NdfthpMl'. to In day on her racalia to V apeat at ber
The pla
Fred N^huxel of Bast Jordan
is God's truth, that I take the deepest totereat ia the
I Ma ahn aSMlA aoota. bat the
rlbeoeremoi9 tho city today.
was tbe guret. of bto parents., Mr. and
Keel< Treatment and so loi^ as 1 live I shall raise my
Birocr Pickard of Laland arrived in
Mr. and Mn. Henma XJvtavtoa Mn. John Nach&nael. m ChrUtmas.
«tWMtr gnenta praseat and the
voiceI ID advocating:
____ ,...............
ks e0icac>-.”
aurtwlr to tha Anar mum thamrataraing Uto motalng.
For information address
guests of H. M. OdgI of Shepbenl. WUat baker's pM wM *At bosM" alter April 1 at their M. rad.
Thiel of Hersey passed
■O MUnalTOlr for h4 M Oedar SpriaCA whsre the Mr. and Mra. W. U Fisher of Blar teg left today for a weric's stay there. tbrough towa this taornlBg on bis reham passed through town today caasiihiii Urine la
Mrs. LooV Lantncr aad Vby Cterfrom speadlag Chrisimw wittf bis
h hotto of friaadc Tbeoolof rante for Fraaktort. where they will enoc of Hanub are spending Christ sister. Mrs. Bu Moore of SnUons Bay.
apead Christmw with their danghter, flus wlih her stoteia. Mn. Albert Vfer
MMi^SiPfMg lamUM.
Peter J. Bfrrmacher aad sister Msry
17-1 e SHELDON 8T.
a.MMlMM the pla entroftV grooto. MM BtoU mnd
and Mrs. Alfred Shreatte. .
left Uls atorniBg for u
mss GertroV TtertboMmaw of Ba'i,thaMhM<MAried beaeMbs Ethel Wise wf SuttoV Bay
BIU. ah of Cedar Bprinss.
wiU TrteSfis aaD'reteiivro in Cleretow Bay to la the rig- today on
dar to go
passed throngb town today on her way
Mailed free in ].tain < >etepe, Sooklet: ■<,>ocsitens and .Answers
taad. Ohio.
Chrtotmai shopping expedltMa.
Mta tbaAdare pie bosloess aad
to Empire, whore she will mwad tV
rclati ve to Ue Krricy Cure.
Snpl.: 1- G- Gilbert left this morhlng
Mr. and Mn. David Beott of Norih briidays wbb rriaiives.
•Sr Mrpe fat nisee pM are
for Imnaiag to allcnd tV Stale leachT\ wedding of MM Ida Fiefcard port arrived Uls morning for a day's
M Iba Bat ef eatables, each plr
Miss Carrie Cadham of IVaybronk
. A. SeaaMw of Snitona Bar. vlsll here when Mra. Scott will go
■bM to III the dwwsd of s
school «d MV Anna
. took place Moadajt' anerooot Lima, lad., and aorompany h
break Bcbool arrived this morn­
at li o'Moek at tv boou of Mr. and nephew. Weaiey GUI. of tV Howe Mtl- ing for their VUday varotJon. which
r WM the Snt ato
C^pMa MMailM m* hla eo-woihaie Mn] Q. Shorter. 1016 State street, itaiy academy to Janeerille. Wia. Uey will spend wllb tbeir pareau. Mr.
ww ^ of Ue preuiest of Ue holldax. where tv hoiiday arasoo wlU be npeni ud Mn. John Cadham.
iantt Aightr^hrea bwkeU Were wed^ TV houto ww cMtoralel; WlU Mrv William GUI aad daughter.
Mn. William Horia ot.Jfnreaeai
Moov with Chrtstmw grwew aad Mn. Ocoege ButM.
passed Uroagh Iowa toda# V her way
Mtt roar three wartts ef ardi
bQilyr Ue ooewMo. Tbeceremoor
Mn. MlUael Oberiln of Bingham la > Lake City, where she vtetted her'
Oochlla. la Ue rity today Ue gneai of her m. Thomai. for a week.
4 Hr. MM ta tha SaM dt cAartir and ww lemalaod hr Rev. D. Oc
danghter. Mn. George Rat.
« worthr ndpleau. bst re- Ue hi aad groom bring oaaui
Mra. Fred BrooU aad two chHdren
lU basbd hwhata being do MM ^LMft was dalatOy aad h
eat to Klagstey today to apead IV
led In cream aeoUan aad Prom Friday's Record.
ttmoi al whieb the ftdlowiu is a
bolldaya wHh Mrs. aad Mn. George
At Ue coaclnOscar QasUff of Norihpoet to te Ue Plant.
a* aatvM: On peek of poutoes.
Wc are about to take inventory and have made.yome
city today a bnateesa.
wHM Ma Id ngetahM. one
Mr. ud Mn. O. O. HVhaw left tbU
tad At hMarh. Mat of home
A. A. SeesMAi of Snttow Bay to In moraiag for Winchester. 1V» and wJU
■ aad eoSee. aatod.
bread, two gnaris of trait., oat
Ue tatoea bring pret- Ue city today on bwteam.
while there by tbclr
Jellr. pIMtaB. bAttar. aonr. oofMn. Blraer (telieefc of Norihpori ar­ areata. Mr. ud Mn. T. H. Hli
hwa% pmk. nhbaia. with soeb
^SeaaMw left on the after. rived la Ue cliy today.
Mita Emma Oberite of
M A bgiM basket M aa Mager a
» for a vMt te Mllwmnkce.
Mn. Bd KUI of KoRbeort to te Ue apead Cbitouaas ta Boyae aty, ih\
b«t H elastic aeals apoa •ad ante|aswl4g
g for n
a week. wIG
wIB go citr today a a holiday ahlpptog ei- guest of frteada.
;iBWtk throe baihels ota be amsitrwd to Mt^where
^where they wUl make U
Udd pedltha.
fntnre ^ Mr. SeaaMw hasI b
Wilber P. OiU of Harbor ^ags. From Tnesday*e Record.
into prices on many items of choice oierchandise that we do not wish to inventofy.
TV h>«T Irishes to thank the peo- «e ofUromtaeai yonag law)
who bw boa Ue guenof hU broUcr.
C. J. Galteher. tormerty track master
If you will take the time to lofrii through these items we are confident yoo’II find
aad edl^ of Leetoaaa conaty. ^
V tV gmeraeltr M belplM
HowUd, of KorUport. for eeveral of Ue Pere Marqneue. to at Ue Park
hU wifoaM one of Ue atost pop- dayi. passed throngb town a bis ro- Place today.
ling that will interest yon. at a great savi|g in cost. Why nM take the dae
•ter yt^Mdiw
Mdice of Leriaaan. TV inra home today. He was aa
Mias Bnnlro Balae of Wbltefaan H
to come to the store and t^e advanuge of a good opportunity to save son^ething?
■any h^ ipreaeate teatlfied to panted w ter w Uls dty for hit le guest of her broUer. William
mmn M
K}f»0 pdhttsM'a loading roosa of the tv htoj gw
of Ueir brother.
Ratee. She wfD spend a wcVbere.
MriPM ww a hnsr Plaoe Tneadar.
Bcosie Cnadall,wd Leah SUtes
<%aries RoeuUri left yeateeday tor
M k hai bM dwlMatrfl hr the departgitoati at tV woddteg sat to Watua foactMa today and a U* days' virit wtU frieada te DeMrt
MMh ataln M the rMdexbrouUt hack htUe Martha Finney, irriL
•wsa tor AS tv Benhem
pbo will tote ber mamma here for Ue
sm. Jarit Reuie and E F. Far­
IV MPngMtoia trtha of ladUas.
ris Ml at C o'clock Uis morateg fro a
A thMrwma to this vl- COM. MieWt Mn. Tha de Walker.
Mra. Bra Btxby went to Keystone maU'a trip tVongh Drilteh Oolnmbls.
Mn. K Jfct. Bdwte Peck. Bnttoas this moraiag to spend Chitotmas wlib
trtere they have exioistra tend laterBay; MMAna Cadhaai. Cedar; Uf. Ur. and Mm. Will Preoiiee.
gad Mn. fak Davla. Mr. aad Mrs.
Mr. aad Mrs. F. E. Moon Vac reMr. ud Mn. Robert Agroatd Norik
N. B.—The great Doll Contea is over. MISS HAZEL, JOHNSON of 414 W.
MUdMton MM KMUe MMAIetoa. taracd from Sagiaaw. ' t
port passed throsteh town today ee
Iforttportd. aV Mn. Otay. PaateOr. J. F. Mnaaa ef Awn Arbor ar8th street, brought in 3!2 tickets (the laigea number) which lecured the btgges 4olL
to Chartevoix, where they VG
A.MeCV.BeriMc- rtred today to spend Ue bolMaji wRh
TtoK friends V a weriL
-fWir traia Dgrid Oap. Mn. BVaid. oNy.
bis Catber. Dr. J. D. Mansoa.
Mn. JoV H. Aadensm aV babe.
AfOttwA Us two MM. mthmt m4
M,«( Nolhimt M« idkn nu^to:
ptMrtottm «( T7S.M0 v» 1m<m4 to
the eonrt
of <W«s Md M the rvna-mw «arallc4
but m kMW »e»b«» td the tribes
lbs M9onicMiB«Bl ISBrc4 np to
ttn** per csirft*. PsTJoeU bss »tfMdr fase* HS4« to Wbon, AHeMS.
BMt Md IssbeUs eeaties ud this 1*.
•bA it Is hoped the esttre MMibcri
«rlR nport hn* for their t»rmnnx.
The pwwet to Ml*. DirU Asoes.
trho AM ABC. K will bare to be aA
}o«sd thRMXh profaue coert of U«-

b. S. OOV. who ww tonsertr <
vtch Bsnr itooroe aad Chris
Roes la tv Ltoa hDIMd ball, will
barter eBgsge la tV maatfai
of cigar hesM.
Ue MMed tnm tV VUard Ana
Moadar and WedaMAar dosed a deal
wbfcVr V becoAtM tv owner of the
cigar bad tec
C. W. WbeeMtA.

FRM SanaMr's BaconL
WDHN Wonbarg aad SOw Oagaow
of Nofthport patsad Uroagh tow
dar ea rants for Oiaad BapMa. where
tv forsssr win V Ue gaaat of. his
incM. Fraak W. Wonbarg. sad Ue
toiler tv gweat of bis brothar. Fraak
K Brabant, aad toter go <■ to Kato-


FUR Tlli






GLOVES Company








Urea a ebort tkM apo ebooed teat
be toraipa paplk dMaY ahade op erkk
>e Miaitiri of Ue A eteae tt teat bmatlfsl i-troat narry her
tee I
ah* be a
of beiUag
Mr. Oebert Maud that tee Hl|b
______ f, ^liw uTtnoBey'^ get hk knd
aebaal «aa abeat ta etart a aeiitelr OO! ta Mew ;rork. errry debaubk
hlepmJt^ wixdmale price. larestors teertJy
oornes Hrfore Uie pnhile wm get ic%*i per aimian. Baslaw i
tt veaMaa be ter tee parpecc ^Mlthai
betog BBdetbe oohjeet ef toaoBcmUe done tbramb fXOM.Mu inwt cobpsbt.
Mr pablkhlac
L The cam of Nan Patiersnn Tor deteik and tor retire infOnaotloa
ae etfae bat mu finkgiwd w ettenr
Oa ihc cats, in l*rtek tee
■■ work la all tee
opi. betels, teatnanak apd tBDitks for Araerimas In fttut rro'--te tee. Hite adwot. k <• beevMd teat U win ako eriwikte oteer esfni-beU) ore. being laM.aa e«niy Iwt. gartkolnx. beaheeplnx or siocLhand, ibe genets] axnrc hriag S to1 raklax; f.K prices oi Iwsd in lar«e or
nnaU tmeta. aad for .rsn^ionaium la
test the aeespnd wOl aot be noarlrted. Oil*, write or eon €» Ttxr
Aa'opte tnA M tee Ete
A 'mm OmM»m
B»tr in Ibe trial tee odd* wwn ^ ! Jind Oimpst^r. MW Chaabcr of &*•
DC iMildtar wai reported,
>Mt ai )M«t AevUItM w« Mas teat tee Crete i* emtr*a where It
. oa acnaltui. Tbo Oiadwtek imroc. Unrolv Mdeb.
in (k* dtiM.
did nm dcreVop arty beittax proa thopite tee eebool yard bat k
_____________________ mkM
Fineea railmd* dktearped Sl.«<rt
apoB Jott after teartex IL U woeld be pwlilao lo apeak of. teangh a few
. «M tM MWRkall M» M
aa*r to pnx the enimt nader the wagers were kid a* M whii tee «d | emiikims lo ibe la« teroe nsintes.
mml iM
4*1* tmukttO■ay aad dood tec baaeneat of the with tee "swig."
1L WkB» M akdp lUm bandlnx.
M»e- Mtearoir. widow of ibe Jtef.
aivM’* Ti«m«e City.
Mr. ailbert then eald that someone •faa rice adoilral who went down
mnu • tote « »eur «UbU«c uut bod reported teat the teateers had with Ibe battletelp Petmparlor^.
l>mm Ma so- rteapht aae wete lew last year than U ngorded as among tee mo*i kwdtlearWlsD. 11 iUpt- bai
Piv-«. mrlodliw ilw
tear teoeld bare doae. He ibea read fuj and taleoied waaien la aH tei- ]
aaopf of tec reeotds sbowtec that tec exarb msplr.'. For years her rueiyi
liB»tea««nwi»MBVtfwtko eon- foU telrtrak weeks had bon taufdt tons and dinner parUe* wi-re the mnm
'4pM«r M
or ttfkoi Ud
Sioo<The diaeaae aeare k bow ateot ore*
||i» k Mt4i •UroMCWloawr doM,
and tee eltmdaaee at all tec Mbmla berbDsfaand-a death akc hak with>k%l—Moor tfty dote tkti
wtth^ tee^tem of the laat one dmwij frohi 'sotdely.
tea U k • «lt«rwt sMitcr. atriMk Jq' tee ateaalee ^Ideale. It.
-Seems to k' a lot «f cxelii-mcDi aai
la Mlsaouri ateong tbo repablieaa*
oaHe aatkfiUlDrr.
tee Unlicd States^senauir ibey
oreopiiag lo haw."j«itl Reprcs.miaMgo BMbar at om>UteCrown Prim* Frederick Wnilatn of
m flw ywklno at jMiur of tbr Oerottar hat aeat bU betrateed, Uve Payne of New York lo Hepresoetatire Cbamp <^rk of MlsKHiri.
OeeDla of MetekohorgFine Fec<i at tl.SO per 100 Ibi
•How can yon bkmo tbemr -ashed
Bebweite at Caaitea. where she k Cktk. •Ifa tee flrst teanee Ibey
Street car (end at $LS0 per
•peadAx Cbrfataiai. a peart aetekec. bare bad 10 be egeind In teirty years
. lOUDm
r tkk te te Mjpterod tor eoaUBK
Coarse com meal at SLnOper
The eaipren wfected and U will betbe last for tblriyyearO
• of tte MteHl'rar at
the preaevL
• aatate. ‘rkrnoortna
Best Bran, H. & 1.. Cos. $1.10
la a caDMae batweea a frrixtai
uaia and a work train aear lloatfOB, $L«0perlO01U
ei7. Ala. PkpBaa Jasea Rhode
Bndtwlieat UidOragf fl.10 per
100 Un
aMb Chrl Tony. TboMi Walker aad
1 ako carry Oak, Com and
kXMB C. P. Ward w«l tOared.
Tt k twoMallr rapewted teat tec
oa Cake Meal per 100 Ib $1.50
attanMT gawkl who k auBlekx tee
Redneed rate UriceU on sale dr*:
Dreyfns cmc' has decided to a retrial aad
telJd Taesdays of eacb month qpbefore a eomC ■artiaL Ibk. It k Ul April. IMS.
<fso.$2.?fiba7>«86Ibpaa Inadded, k etibleet to tee afvroral of
tematknal Pooltxy Food.
f. Moeller,.
Tke U Mch -1
tee Mart af ceMatka wbicfa aieeto la
rebrtiary aexL
net alHetke ef AiHotol Hcetinp. .
tH B. Front BL
The aaaaal meetlag of tee Pnndbrt'
«■]« oo.powtrtel la Waoktectoa u
■ beoB of tete rcon. He telk Mmoal Tire lasardnee Oompanr of
Oeoad Trarerae. Aatriin ond’Lerianac
vttk ske of a rklt k» oooe paid to tbe eoaatks will be btei In Orange ball.
pootoBee dffviMM- wlMn. Uoat Traverse City. Sanaary lOib. 1906. ai
fSroak IteUoB wM paatB«cters»etmL 1 o'Clodt p. n. for tee purpose of
B ■eereury and three dlrcaiand tee tiaaaaetloo of otter bnclr of hk rU• of iBkpoiUeee that will eonc te\agL Caaam was woedr annaed to fore the meettng.
hkn. bat did aot want 1
All meateers of tee rampany oi
I poealble. are reqnesird to be presdown openly- When tear
kfrthe waaldbe
■™*' . 'two. W. MeWBTUY.
r watelde tee afoaon door
k to see Ikttoa. He told
Sattaa bo tataodad to brtax tee mss
■ htan
tee Baa?* asked Hattoa. "Jnet oattbo dm." Caanga' rejAed. •’In
>.‘’-repned Hxttan. laMnx kk
Tdtw 00 b» eould be teai4 a diy
block. "I want yoa to know I bare
ipiac eaoatfi to do ben wtteodt lylax
Briax him In." Cnnoon
braaxht him la nad Hallon btaadiy


< >ur immensr line of
cheap, medium and
high grade furs all
go at greatly reduced
prices for next two
Weeks. Remember
We need moot y. not
furs, ^du need furs,
and our -luss anil be
your gain.

rarwij ,if

ImpI. fte totel auk
il oa Nor. s ne 1^7 u.]
A. IjMl. NteetrtooT
kpaplkeateredttotwaate and deri«ka tm m tere cMo la. l
k aoM to Tnrofae Gap ftott tke
effiocee for the ■»!«»»
. Ji^TC tMr ekUdiea tee adraataie

1‘tho eaatkai te aO tee adbonk.
tee ttetka of Bovdaaa
HU face « • poUM and bk eyes were
a«A tteeia tee Make cane laeL
>d dnIL He
kmateat neoaed tekr Borna
wrote, and it was aaay
•ee what the tnoble waa. Dr.Xutber.
Ptetelatteatkatoteefelte ettodwd <d fresh and rigaroai from bk bate aad
anteteMB te tee appw cradta.
hU good breoktoH. rote to get off. As
I^.teaw cndeo. Veateer mad oteer be pawed tee oneimm stadeai be said
grteOy: "Been on a drunk." The
«ilk doea not aSeet teoee te tee apper oiudenf* akepT ^ mlkd kagutdl.v
. Thera are S4te poplk te the toward Or- Loiber. and In a dull aad
------ i oBd a eeaiparkoa of tee bob- Uailesa voice tee yooag man sold.
Mir «tte tee treaat' eCcer’e report "So bevel."
I teat tee traat oBcer ham'
Ba-SsBator Marina BaUer of Noete
te cetepanaoa eritb teo oaMba Carolina got la lo a dkeusaka with a
ateaate. The taM aaaaal le- coopk of Mmda tee aiber ereniiig
fite at tea aapertauadMt of pabtk
teat all-bamlng socki
I teat etete atrerape
area. At the eoariaslM of ibe de­
e-Traeme Oly awe- bate tee aeaBtor tckted'-«bk: "Dawn
wy way I hare a friend who seen,A
e a coaBimed baeheior. Hea:
ymre pa* mMdk age now and
emUest iatetegeae* yoa ever
But bCa a baawrtsL One day

bissoluiin Sale

t,-m ihb iir-m. a toad. eoniJ-


. - !-

Un<l teat U righl. No Obcap
aiuff, iiHi Am eiam. gtv>dA m
brnte parkagf* -and hulk
for hMn



Wiifs Dug StOT

Ule €an Ofoe You

MAGAZINE Feed. meal. Bijm. liHddRnaB.
FOR 1905
Tbc best for Jic price in


OhapkdB Bdward Breteu Hale has
a llridy ktereat in the ivirltaal wel­
ter* nf bk aeaatorial tterpea. “Senmid be to a welMmoam ntemher of teM body reecatly. "i bare
aerer heant yan say. you were a am
tw of tee c^vrek." "Ob. yet!" 1
idly an
in poUl
t of the old Plmovte cburcb."
aamiac also tee dty where be reatfed.
pkd to bear U." i*loioed Mr. Hak
la those beany tenet for wbkb be k
Two or three days later he
lad tee naae eenator aad
warily obaerred: "I hare been kcAtax wp tee hktocy of OH Plynwatb
I bad tt woe haraed
aWileea years opo." “Very troe."
sold tee eenator. anpertorbed; "tmt 1
bekaged tears tsreaty years ago and
bare always retained mr Beaibership."
At tee recent inaagomtioo of Dr.
norel 8. Lather ae prekdeot ef
Trfniiy ooMw*. HartfOrl. Conn, tek
Bory wne toM by a stedenL Two or
three weeks ago Dr. Lather was ridkc oa a street car in Hartford when
be saw a etndm uiaapltd e
comer, the yonax aaa
bad pUxhL Hk etetelag

ahonnds ia-awiDiblF gltte.
■. Chib. Mm aid otiH-r bMOkn.
n... CT*. Ui.,
■ Triov* tnw for the enelliy.


Are Ton Aware
That Tott Can


a%. on.

biof- cT.(i boanty.

WiH be bcller than cm.

eom am 0«(s






We buy aothing but the bet p-ein and you get the
■ ,

Mr. Ccorge TUncrufi. blstorkn,
staieamaa aarl diplomatUi. waa n
flijure of *ute oa’ impurtancr
aad enlo5’n1 tin* letlmar-y of



i’lT^rapby wosid t
lurr of lu klod.

The hnncmncemect of a new nor
H )»- Mr*. Vtaarion will naiurally
take a plan- of dktinciloti .Is tbe
zniDdB of all reader*, aad the piil>llcailon tif her new ntor)' In Scrib­
ner's Don year will be an orent nf
very rinesoc: imp»rtsnrr' !o Uiifield of magazine Itieraiure.










Mr. VanderUp writrs of the qne:siluiiK uf labor, soclaiirm. nuffrzs''.
clrv-iioDs. cdiKZKioo. religious truaMe*, etc., etc.ff telling of the men
who an- rbaping events, uf. meas­
ures DOW nnder aciUe discii.ssioii,
aud of iD<alv<« which an- aovuin
li.tilier and funning furt-iiTn pnll-


Boston RyMieiB

Beautlful prommetws free on re­
2$ cts. a eppy. $100 a year.
1M Fifth Av*.. New Voric.





Cut Price Sale Wmi Did y<ft Torget
saasanu tuBBimi BuiaBrMiBanu tuaBinu

TlieHne Sup COh Detroit

...IS STIl^L ON...

We are making spedal reduction on Ladies’
Warm Slippers, the kind that makes a nice gift for
your wife, daughter or sweetheart.



We also have Men's Sippers of all kinds, going at
this Cot Price Sale. Your friend. Mr. -----, needs a
pair. Buy him a pair for bis Christmas Gift. We also
have a large line of

Legjgangs and Overgaiters
For Men, Women and Children. Call and get
prices. Remember we make j-our feet glad.

;Ur*- irr«


Saccesw to Frans FriedrWi a Co.; Traverse «lj.


Hut there must haveien iome good friend Ui« £>•
taped notice on the.^stmas day list of giftE ’


If so. -\ew Ycai^ay is just os ruiuble a rime for
gift giving and forgfeo oaes can well be

•c*err>oM^rrf.«rtromT.*i tlM«r ant iiu««-

W.boe a Hvt iJ 'JarSeld i-TuneaAp.
Armelu4rr«n\ae-«iitA-ArMi>iiiT OarSr’ul aad


Alfred Grdlick& Co

Jl Tfknd?

I^ABM -------------------M U>e OtDftaa f*na.
>. Ttan- mild*
City. V ralb- from mbcnl
U<ai. oiyter mafa new of
o eSuv^ew
•q*iT>t»l for BtarOf* nrdi-aing.


Some very cho* gifts for this occMon can be
found at the

RrwetJ TmlSr


W. H._Tvv«oiw


0itV look Store
i, Pnpt. Crmnt Off, idte


, -- - > ^

_ ««{• «r Graa« Bi»i*. «te


IM »Mk 2A00
WMn k a. Klk xAM »<

-^A lUd MiAc a tray at arpwalrc
( plaa tnm tba
at S.
I * Co. eahmUy. Tbe Maalry

liwai ta ibc dir awml ^vm. *P- •bir IWallr.' T»e wsuded
^2ur. RtBraod fiWB 0»| luaii. La- a mf)Ut>4u d^
to tkr ialelr •£!«■ (te rtowias A»>rmiiam
«0e «r litu inirniw Ineu d ItnbEr
ted.4Med 14^ MTO oC lg*B lfldj*ti««kkk»ee«<>(«faieM(B>a«ni«
pto#nMimlpi!»W*fedU>thc*cfc.aa.:jUroUwrb»**eaW»f««h«oe»i. AbraIke oU»er 70.WU acm of tariwood. bam had baoa la aa «ayhmi bat
•kHe «k. bldvrr. «U, nuiu alwsi raleaaod acaac Use ago.
fed t« Ibc acre, kjt Seafe kft
Tlie wMow at -StoovwalT Jaekaoa
VateMdar tor Cbkacu, wtrara h« U greats dd^kted viUi the appotiKekaaea Uie <>e»l «Ub C. A. Dmsl>7. Beat d her (inly staadeoa to a eatet’
tb« pcrchmr
teip la Wen Mat. The athtoth
Mlow la BBT at ediud
Mr. and Mn. A. C. Wrakeop d Atlaau aad in puraatea bU siwUea
Cdar «oa cBjejad a faaiiir ranikM wttb the aaai tbat charaaerteed hla'
Mr. aad Mra. a K. WraaMlIr. Mr. aad Un. r. H.
In New York meeniiy a i«p»tor
aad Mr. aad Mrs. W. H.
UBior oC tikta dlj attaodlae. At utO
nerpoat Morsaa'. both ai hta oBce
dl^ vaa nned. ai
He waa lausrrleartnc aavH^ acreoiaca eoreta More laid aad
other &aaati«r and. iacldntaliy. case'
tolloviac UiM a boaatiral Chridmaa
iato poMBftloe of the Uilor'i card.
tree ladaa «Ub cKU aad a really
tbet 40iag lu Morgan's
Saata Claaa proTldad eaJoyBaW for
ce. neat In hla owa can! la
buU Um alter aa well aa tka roaegT.^
ly with that of the baaoclar.
BiMtteia at the party.
Tbe Ttiae wu uocuMn] and be wu
•hown Into Mwua'a gtaaeafe. Wbec
the reporter bad atatad bis leuoii
The aaaaal ^aatallatkB of oOare for the -call tbe dnaade- aald: "Op
aad party at the three todgea of (be yee know, yoong aao. that at toaai
Maaooie order of tUa city wu held teo Teporterm bare tried to aee bo to­
Tneeday ercnlm.lB the Mamie hall day with reforeaee to ibis ^eeattoc?
aadfnllySMaeBbere aadd ibelrgneaU I bare dedlbf* u aee all of thea."
iatborad la tbe
IMe reportor tBltod aad lulled:
-Toe. sir: I kaow that, ter I wu tbe
whole tOB." He got bli tnterrlew.
Bdward Ray of Konh Carollaa.. to­
Other aoelal (eatnrM of the creab
The toonu were Boat artlaUeally bo- tally UMd ud Tory poor. U Bakinc
berote Aoru to aecaro a Barter's de­
aeked for the oooaalun, the laalo
gree fioB Ilamrd aaireralty. After
•d a rovyear conrre In the
thaal eokira, hnag froB the ecaier
b'nIrerMty of North Carvliu. outof the ooUlag with loopa of baallas
■irlpplBg all faU eBasroatea. be apeo: {
oaagbt at (be ooraefa.
Tbe ptotarea that adorn tbe walli a year u tator. It «u with tfcc I
•re aot fargDUen, at aprayi aad Bboey oaiud lo thto way that be u|
branchoe of belly added their bright oadearorlDg to win bte way to Har----- - .. ^ niBlbiir thM CbrUtaua vaitl. KB cbhf diftoalty U ibc Bdc of
at baad, aad the eaowy aaptext booka proaerib-d fur bul
perlag oa the apaoloaa dialag raom
irsea. Me hu edt enougb Boney |
tabloB waa a fllUag baacgrmid to ibe
have these iraascrlbcd latu tbr
dark graon of badly Maroe aad bright
raised alphabet, so be bu to hire a
grain of lu benian.
'ua>|A<r »1
at 7• vuwa
e'Uotdc inv
tbe taBuuiB*
laMalla- siadcnt to read Uica to him.
Uon Of
of the iMtoiag
'------ •
oSeen at the
Uurross prosIduK as rbBrthroe
e todgoe,lliMl%e.
P. and A. M..
«. A.
a. M.
a. aad
. . oowdi.
Iter. M
R....aad aaa at tbe table la the prisUegn and
- M-tank iteod bebtod etoaed dooce
rvoiB. where tbe
d ihla reviiar matan belag orer at Baoot bearing la la pn>greas. U Is
r’Moaktbe Bepte. wbleb waa the algaal tor trtpplag (be itfit tbataaUc. »o saovt among the frequenterB* at
toogna aM tbM wu kqH ap at pertods ibat end of the capHul that the UwUrtWi ««• lalonpertad wlib mdiatonuon aCalfa Is i»t of
Omu aad iperinl Baaloal anaiber wUl
> be prinlM In fnll b.r
I «yioek thin Boratag. .Derlng tbeie
' a aoetol;

to pnued
raht for loodL He
who wu aititng at atoUc to fbepnb-lj
€d eyai^
-My boy.- saw tbe aeuwr. piny^iUly.
-•by do yoB iwl thusr Odngs?
you know that Ow oyater )a a s«*«w-]
gpf? If yoinwt biB be ta.tltody to;
maki- yap aick.- “teaator," «u thretort »oa Us yooag frtood, "I woaW
rather eat a bnsted of oyatBy thaa rB
at that feasl yoo bare uiwUlts «wr>
day." The ebahaua passed on.

I Araual PTcinvcntory Sale ' Off
eorcfT for Oormwapttoa, wiU
- • • wMb tbdr (iwa
_ _ tarlier by
it not ended
b total tcrRcad What T. K. Beall of
Bean. Mias., bu to aay: "Lut tsfl
By wife had every aavptoni of OMiKM took Or. King's New
after ereiYtbloR else
failed. Imimiri-roi-nl came at <«ce i
foor bottles antlrcty carort her." Oaarnateed by iohirsoa Drug Co.. 8. E.
Watt A Sons and P. H. Meads. Drag
Trial hUgtoU. ITlee We aad
tico free.
CoagmunBO J. J. Bach, of Laemse.
^B., bu, anainuiccd bis candiitooy for
CUted auto somtor tu succeed BenatorQiBHce.
A CeaUy MBUkt. '
UInnd«-rs are eoUK-iinies scry expo.]
sive. OeeaatotBlIr IHc lUetf ts tbe

Drag Co.'e. S. K. Wslt A
I. M«ds’ Drug Btores.


gneau and Btor after, acreral
Sanec BUBbers. WIIIBb Molhen
dtad -Vagaboete- to tbe enjoraom

: Atelph WJete^ torBirty Of Ibis

•god by a H.-Pope. wu onjoyef:
Gold cblekoa.
Bye broad and hatter aandwlehun.
PiKato uBd.
•bib, tna AMIUb. Cat Mr.Wtadonn.
hla toil wiujud hB danghtofa «
During Ibe tantoeoa bonra Mia, A.
& Bowlay ngaln uve a atuaber. ‘The
:^';'lMgaat atlBtiy toally orchnMiu la Rom la the Oardeo." aad WUilam Yl.
Stotas Uren played bU eosposlUon.

'PtortlU.- whlcb wu a Boaleal treat
n coaHnaiUoa aad arUatk reedortag.
OOTlBg the erealag Baer E. While
debated tbe coBpany with two wdl
readered aolee. ‘Teuing’' and -Won’ ar If Yoani Alwaya Call Me Honor."
YV Sul Bualeal nanber tor the
oRr. a braUwr nf A. W. WMtoeft.
BltoBnn. aad hB tamUy are aow glr-

ItoMt of towlb Maytrid h»A

bright. eaUby pdka by Arhocskel.
Aa tbe boan of 8L John's day owed
•d a new day had long twen nabered
la IlghU were BwerB) aail tbe goeeu
tepanod with tboagbu tUt partook
of ChilsiBBa cheer U a loacBbruee
kMgto be idalscd.

4wth toa Bat of the week while MUng of aik Raplda. J. N. Crnso and wUc «
Ineo. Ou wilt Jnat u It wu aboot
. to fail, ntriktog blB In Its denoeaL
«M fortaaatolr thrown tewa by tbe
aide of n log which reeelTOl tbe great: oM Weight of the tree, bat be had to
They Are acallmt-ntal in the smbU. ha dag uat froa aader It.
at the United BUIra and kuk afauid
,T»a paiahicBA, (A the.Nprtbera eilhtonlfe and calculatUg irj i s. wbldi
•Vchlua ItooUry pad t>et Stock aaao- stoiOBeat Is borne out by #k> fact
WUtor. a RepubUcan
f, «UIM have bach ttiBfid and Be la tbu
a of the soerotary. P. W. Wil*.n. wboac name B u .»« woctak-d by the
• be had by dggMoaim. The sergoant at arBs. has flksi (m the seal
boMs Ito aWOMtioB Ju. of OBUnoey Miicbctl Depew. claiming
s eiiy nad toe fhrBors' la- It u Us own IB tbe ercat that Mr.
be held here at tbelr eaBC Uepew sbati nut win fur aauiber icnn
JUi Rorbe, Ibe maa who sauggled
(goclal apeakw frm Upaing
ore wd lecture OB iho talalng a torpedo dctirojnr ooi of lUglauH
iato the aBTrlce of itoaaia. is a ama uT i
varied ud cxcltlnc experience. He)
bu led a revolutioB to Sonih Anier-I
Ira, Us had a toBbaumc emed toj
!wbu« la nurtbcra Rnrope. j
siOod U a aw«d (te tbe Bie
John MSlaB, aUnto oU la a
work on
at oae time wu aa ally of
tonesi Tutab Hnoley. tbe mtb
AfHcaa pnHDOter.
ting anddenly tonaae whOeat
the brealctaat tahB wttb bU brother
ud toolf Bother. AbiahaB Cbapkowskr. «f Kt-a V>irk. tn<J 0\e sboisa’


nant in ^e store has been pulled out^ of the tbelyes.
np and marked'" I
at ONETHiRD OFF from the regular prke aad placed on tables in tbe cen­
' all stort lengths table linen, towelings, <Nitiog flannels, oottofls, tpo^iams, idieet' ings, flannels, eiderdosms. flannelettes, sUkoUnes. tapestry, velvets, silia.,dress '
- trimmings, broken lines of hosiery, gloves, underwear, tarns, belts, ribbons,

Selectman Bank
Yuar saeceas B butlneaa (to
prnilK lsn»‘lr upoo baviog ihr
rtght bank back of you. This
bank Is always rrady lu aon
mudaic ils dcpusliors, wiibla
tb<- limiis of date wd ruasertall«- taantonx.
M'c pay 3 iKT out lairrwi
tIuH- diiioKits and savbigs arr<iuDts. Issne terclgn ilnf<s at
citrrcnt iai<n. poyabK' la
< <i( tli««-uria.
..........«H»x in our Are proof

araistt. starts, coats and uvcrything in tbe store tfatt comes under this head. AH
tailor made suits at half price until inventorv time. Don't miss this opportunity
to supply your wants before the assortment is broken, lo sales of this kind the
most desirable goods always go first.


Annual Prcinrentoiy Sale Off



Winter Footwear
' Ftilweir F«r Grasdina
Uppera arc nude of cloth.
woTcn. Iloud oltb extra
henry wool Beeee. The warmest,
toot con-ring made, and agords
relief to augurws from rhwuuUsm
fOe. StAS. gl.75.


Qo all remnaDts, broken lines, short teagthk. odds and eodi, etc. Epeiy rem­


wafiaA •pwax^ilb the^rUagsBoko
a^to^kat drifted Bally Urouto M»

—ite anerntory ud

One-Third Off
ter of the store to be sold. Waist lengths, skirt lengths and full dress panems,

» alraai. lie aarvtoca i

M.-O. UcoBBon. wboac task of prortdtag the nodal peo«p«a wu anply
rngaM hy too folhartog ddtohtfal
iBiheia that ooudoaolly brvko tbe
MBhuiuay of twooteps and Bade ibe
riMitiff.T***” one tong to be
- - HdBy. Inbteli



>*<di Wd BcavL-r Huue Slip­
pers. kds of coaifon. She.
Felt, tor ulaiBed Julleta, TSfe
Pelt JWleu. tor trimmed, the
prottieat otyles: black, trown.
blur, groeo. red and fancy. uQly

Vvlvot EBbratoved Sllppcri.
VeiTtfl 8tipt>crs. btentitoliy
embroidered, siwcBl ralaea. Me
and 7te
Leather Sllppera. alee siylce.
Mt. ItM. tl-tS.
Leather Sllppera. ftaest kM
and bos caU. kid lined: ihu
nicest alippen of the aeasua.
Pell suppers. Me. «5c. Me.
Pelt Jallcit. very warm auJ
neat atyleo, •IgO.

Bed Pelt SlippBs. felt aoiea.
2te Me.
^IwB- Red Pell Slipper*.
ChlMcra's Red Jnllels.. far
trinimed. leatber aolcs, very
dainty. Ate. Uc.
Missea' n<-d JuUeta same
atylta u ehildren's. TSe, Me.

Chlldn-n's Wool Jersey Leg­
gings. knee length. Me. Ste
Mlasco’ M’'>ol Jersey Leg­
gings. hnee length. Me. 75c.


Christmas Day is Passed
But the gift giving season is not over, nor arill it be. for there a«e rrrrssinni ^
tbe time for beautiful gifts and nooe^more so than FURNITURE. We have nukoy
- most appropriate -articles.

That are the finest ever shown here, 'nume who want **someAing ftiSercat'*
and tbe best that is made, will be pleased.

In the oldest i>attenis—no two styles alike—made in mabogeoy aad golden
oak-^jtst What you want for reception hall, parior, libra^ or den,

Something so needed in the parlor or sitting room. You always wadt a place
.-to put your handsome vases and pretty bric-a-brac, so it srill be perfectly safe.

You surely will bu> when you see thcK handsome new goods. No stock north
of Grand Rapids compare with them.

Always so comfortable when you ccMue home tired; ^ kinds ol woods and all
coiois of \xlour. and tbe cushions we guaraoiee to be ^^oioe hair. Prices $6.75
and op.

Should be in every home. The most durable and comfonabtC ^atr rtitfts
made. Wc have them in all grades of feathers and the largest stodeto select from
in this region.

Arc the pride of a book lover's heart. You thu can know just where each
book TS, safe and away from the dust—then h-. is such an ornament. You can own
just as large a case as your books call for—can boy additional sections at any time.
\\ e want you to see these at once.

sings, extra Icsgtb. «
M(w> Tm Buiioa
OTergaitcra. Bte Tte



Something c
member this when selecting ssfts. We have
them in oak. birch, cherry and mahogany.

Men's Caavu LeCkagB. Ste


M<« conveniMt chair ever made for the drewing taUe. with bach only four
inches above the seau

Tffi NMil^ & UY MERCANTU m
*rM4kvacsttSK otnrvr.


otMMTiiAwnM ftbuaATNunbAV.^KeatBEn

^4-tkat ttaaa.’ ^

was thH ptere a bUsMa ^ .

Vf»rtm TVtor •&« v»e wd-4: Lm Arbor, srrived ftUirdap er<
«nt MW to ^Radnrd tut aatwdar. stoii with bli pareets.
CteriM M* «« BC^ FWto to Vtos Anae OVetllr «r a
Tfsitinx bw pUT«s for • tmw-t—
Mr. wd Mia. Otortw Ksvp, .
Mra. ABMa Barr and ctdldm «tat
to Cbarierota to tpgmi CbrtotoBai.
Gootca Mariect apeei Clutetaaa*
vilb his tiM«T. Mrs. C. Boom.
Mn. Sum' panaU.
Oskora Md eUMm C%rixn—
Mr. Md ‘Ur*, tfeiirg* Tkrlw rMCT^
■NMd Uelr cktMrcB ob QilHtiiM
aboai flnr or ohrlr i
Mra P. Poaslac and dat*^ Marl*
HaUT HnJrti »«arlr »oal Us IHr-lan
Wadaaadar. He was eauiaa logs acJ
ta (UUag a trw U split vp ud came:
«owB oa Ua>. He tad ta ba d«a oat, Tbtirttar fn a a short star at Milfroa aader tte tree. Had te art faM-!
L. Hiaahaw apMt a tear daja at
ea tv tbe aide o( a rotiea k»s he atwld
Trawrse Clir this week.
have kxt bU life.
Mn.<K.'I‘«aae to rtoUla* at Traversa
The Cbrtatxaas eaeretoes at the
Cltr this week.
!^«da^ a (tae piociaia ms atsen.! Ben Browa aod soa Hotter were at
be tree was an oraanaW. the boose AcBie a short tine the fist of the
as tsiiefolr deeorWed aad aU eaCorars made a bnilBea* trip
>ve<t itaeaiaHt'es.
le «t«Kiaa at the Matetatt School (Mteago
Mtoaes Ctea) aad NetUe Paalos are
Duon of Kle~—
t: baulluc <
« vest awsT.


was a Nor

Ben to O. McAUtoter aad wife. Dee.
WteStoM M Amdto. MI^.M4s
SB.a gin
« ndatives aad trieate • phtohMM . ^
A eery prettr .mddlai toMi ptoee
Onr setoaer twirtira. Mr. Perry, has can Kcewtiy. .
■ --'J
at tte hone e( Mr. and Mrs. BairtH goee to bis kott* at ftoaM Blaw to
AH iha spare mm aad u
rotag to CMar City ta lad
ShecMr «( TeaeMse Ctty w Mmday.
Tito CStotranlag partfUos were Mr. A.
lalaasasd Mtoi
itos Ida Plekarc both Waltooa Lake are vtodttog Bev. U
%v. _
toe the pmjr (tee
There was a Chrtounas tree at the whbstraeaad
d to c
ebn.'eh last Satarday creatag.for (be er aM pagBs t
Bands.' sebMl aad m sbewt mans
Mtes Jeanie Baae to boatc tf>r. the Honai Wark. A datetr____________ ■ was glrea by the sAolara. At ihb ttto* am to (aafctes praparaUoaa.
served alter Ike oanMoo) . The happy dose of tha
The toaaslra hm bam ««ite pran.

Miss Carrie Chaihaja fs ehldac to roople acre tha redplento of incBr to behalf oT ths yveag Mw. presealed lest here M Into.
Tbe CbrtotMS casgetofs at the OcrbeattUfol and valaaMe preseaia The
paater; Her. L. B Carpi-Btcr. a
aaa Unheiaa thMCto.aranr a ptoaaapt
oat-of-town ruewto were Mrs. Pirkani Ine fur aeercoat.
aad Mrs .Foster o( K=tt Jotdaa. Mra.
8wBM> of the old friends ed Mr. aad a*air. aad as ter as «c htera. ew>ayad
Seaatoas. Mr and Miai. Daaeas. Mra. Mra WnitoB Oitop wetrt to thetr hoase by all praaaaL.
was arst mag on CbrtottBai Hon. Mra. Van De Walker. Mrs. B.! last PvMay aAersoon. The oacapany
______ 1. Jt to a dear aoudtos bell J. Peck aad Hr. Edwin Peek M Swt- took their s«tv**
'hM. It was a
*T had a raaatog. tirhlag I
aad wtn be appreciated br all. eepvci- tons Bny. Mtos Annie Cadhnni M
cuDpleia wrpctoa !"r Otott.
dar. Mr. aad Mrs. Gray of PeatoauU.
. y leg lafered sortunw. tlnaa’i
Ber. u- a. Carvewter sod taadly Oisittsat tank away tha borMM hhd
and Mr<. Uavis. Hr. «ad Mra. MMI_______- left last Maa-l^j^^ ^
HIM Mary tsaJacnasW
MWdtotan cf Northnt laM Monday with '
dtrhlng tastaatly. ^
abe wpect.
raperts ta i
Detroit where ahc
wT* Mra. PraU. o€ Traverse <
spend tic winter.
or Mllwaakea.*hef
Mtos Annie Calbam la 'rtsliinj i
TtfVwV a abort Uine. The
friends darltis the toaUdara. '.
| were aroTmualod by Mr. SeSatons
ring for Iowa. wh»-r
P<aate bayers have d
B*a the mile ewWs .UiM ipew tote i
e win lire wlitoher lister. Bbc has
Mg aoMs: the tog ooMs that ciM tot. <
w isMiny.
! been a resided or tbU place for a nwnratosampiioB and draih. B'atth the
B Satar I
<ff vara and her many trleodi era
Dr. Wood’s Nonray Mae
; sorry to see ber leave.
of Travrrae City

------- --------

[Tiii we^ marks the close of the most successful j’ears' bupmess wc have ever enjoyed. Coinpetkion has provfM our best advertisetnent, for it has given the earful bu>'cr an 0|3;portunity $o look around,
! reauit«mt the com^soo bis 'strragthened tht conhdeoce of the pe^le in our. goods, prices, terms and business methods. Wc i^ipreciate the grand )>ear’s trade the people have given us. aod for this
we o?er some.'*HAPPY NEW YEAR” bargains that wiU be of mutualbene6t to both buyer and seller. You will save from ten to twent> -fivc per cent, pn every purchase made at
ory. lilts redaction from our r^ular low prices will enable you to make a nice saving on any article
:i b atore for c^e week, while we save the expenss of handling the goods.pvcr several times daring
thdAouse famishing line that you may need and have been doing without. These special discount prices on our entire stock are not-quoted because wemeed the ready mone>', it is simply to save the expense
^ f handling ai^ to make this last week of tne >’car just hum with business.



Beanti&l air tight ;nst Ska m,
sciUd cast top and top feed, mm.'
Sive cast front feed that wiU ^
extra, largo chunks, cast akin bmc.
nicUesoew drain, akhte fcmips
and naaie plale, with haadi

Why be without this ^mos: ecoveirat aad oom*
ibruble {»ece of fonutore wben we Me offertog
.oae jnit tike cot, solid oak frame, good
steel qvingi, body and bead opbelstcrcd in good
(joality velour, several patterns,

We offer n benutifbl three*
piece bedroom nit. thit
renr* desip. weU Bude.%



ti«i bfui in., «ir.........e,7B
Sue «C£ nUMW bmi Am


......................... a7B


Ahotber. nOu^ 'jimk. eoUd
oak. three-piece Mh. FTchch
bevel plate' miirar, regular
price }19, worth more than
that at other dealos,

Only $14.75

Sma aov. nhM tat M


Only $1275

What we are dotog in the w^ of
reducing pricey
a few of these
solid wood ediain.
back, brace amt,
two - rows
Like col, S8 indies
wide, 15 inches long,
saddle neat, boot
; ^ibottt drawer,
posts a^ spin. only.................$1.45
turned Same table wuh

Compare this cut with anything
in itsline yen may have teen.
We are offering a reed rocker
just Cite cut, an round reed,
turned qnodlet; a solid, cioiely
woven reed roQ estendmg
trooud entire chair.

Tor ealy $2.60

Buy itRcw
A besvy, missive oik storey body made
of polished iteol, henvy erat fire pot
with movnUe gnu, roonqr nA pin,
screw drafts, double frost feed docn,
win tike Isigc dmaks, barn eaythu^
sad hold fire from 21 to 18 faout^
suodi 5 ft 8 in. high with 1C in. fire pot.
Danag our inventory ale ^

Only $16.00

KKcl)*n Cattle



fl*b**tos Sad 1r»|i

Air tight iM Iftc
ewt; body polMtod
■teri,cat eerew sir
tight draft, eat 1^
krp top leed, wil
take 16 iuch wood.

Ben OB ttx mufcet, do Koiebed
hnids. Tetoiiu heat kthger thaD' aay

o»'r............. SI.7Sperset

Could you UM an extra
bed? Ifte'do.notbBto
take advanup of the redocteUaim oo thelvgest
B«ireneot ol boo bed,.
4m sbora in this dty.
One jnit like
tfM, wrath K this w«k only........................... .................. J2.75

cetaer'll- -gr

Our Entire House Furnishing Line
Is included in this saie—nothing reserved. Everything at a big reduction.
Now is the time to stock up with household necessities and save a big per­
centage over pric^ asked by smaller dealers. Don't let the fact that the holi­
days have taken your ready money interfere with your purchases. You may
have just whatyou want in any quantities and pay for it just whea you can.

■Wouir mttlittbitt Marram W*a


sins, wtBnrade. good gnshty tki. lor

s «t TravwrM City, Elk R«|

Is •nq^ompsonvuis. Mich.

By buyii« one at thae
bcnutifti] ranges.
Body £
aede of henry eted with
abestoe ttoing; grat^ fire
bos aad bB eatings «sta
benvy; Ugk doaet and
nmneb, e perfem bekra,
burw eitfaer coal or wood.


r- ni

M« «f a«K MC S4. «m ». ftoMtao CM nw to *to aei»— .
boottoMmkfeoBitaK. TtorkaRto
«Mtoa«o*-tkfao aaaaa.
aitaMo Htotta ato LmM Hon maf
toTtomaeCtorTkorto^ _
mtrr I latirfrrf boacto a tee
„ «lto<lAltoMlii*A>eiAv«7-----I M.MilMtl.Wk.a.lLUrCi.'i
4 to better U kb
r t«tliadi: IIJW.
eoo. W. Botoctt to BIM T. Mctor. ni ton. U B. Pn/cC Btotairr

or awH, Me M. rltoutf latotoTM MK for a few kart
hto tototo. '
I fan to. toafi 12: fM.
Mia. aitote Piar is oa tM alek Uti.
CiMB O. OOm to ton. K D«lor.
Tbi Btol Ttoto>ia» Oa tottalT ' '
r ttWM. tale 9 aad «. Wk. 4. P. H.'t 4fk
'bWai &aa otofak to tM aa«
aM.: «1«.

Tvaai Ibaae to AitlMr I. Smo. beato'toto
Joha Moiaa or Kalkatoa rfaUto a:
»a«tott4.bik.K.aL.ft Od.*s 9tk Mr. C DolnafK-j «ae 4ar >*« mto
aM.: IL
Bear! vt Bmptrriman to MaitoMt
Boaeia. tau •. t» moa ll. Mk. 21. la,
lirto^: tlM.
mmk A. Ort- to Kf21e Hart, tmrc^
! aee. at ton
- ton Bane Dagu b apeadiag thf
coo Horf. par- baOdara vtoh bar Mbar. ton Laakto.
. iBTitattoai an oai for tb« aaaaal
tot MC. XI. tom tt. nasi 12.
ball aad totogoat of (be toaaoeic todge.
• aM «ttk Mi Itft tas
to be beM Dee. ntb. Tbe baagaet
' - TtallgbU
.. botoe tor tbe arlater.
beusto bair at iM a
TM acbeoli bare eloaed for • iw>
b toatoto tt fmk «r age '
weeka' ratoUoa.
ikiBtokto antral to AM eoaatrr «
Mr. aad ton Will Datrow arrlTci
■toklag to Wtoitoii totobar M & C Ike prtea paU far Ue as- Saurdar erealag to aptod tbe boti
'ara wttb Mta. Darrow*a pareata. Mr
totoltowato^liaatoCM- blbka waa aboat »7a.aae.
ton Oao. Daaa
Anar a fhtolr «eaml tM btor of
• aMM ibki Miralac M wa»
SUM OagaoB Mt Satitfdar am
ton. Jaatoa Aaaiew* «r MeWSUan^ lax tor Oraad BapUBto apnd a le*
WUeap ODWr. Ala., waa fboM In M dan with bto bntbar, Fraak Mabaai
Wilbur om Mtaraed la bb benbotoi^^ tkreat cat fraai ear to eai
Bar batoiaPa bodj tor aa iba loar la Harbor Bprlaga TTUar aaocalag.
ton DarW Seott baa Mae to Joaaa.
7 toto toto aatoito klaltot let arilb aararal reroKar toboada to li. eiUe. Wla_ to apead iba fctaldan wttl:
A ftod aetbar at Bar Cltj w<
bta tootber. Jtn. Wto. OBI, aad- atatcr
Oeo. BMm.
ItaMtaCMtotoClirvaBaato- kepptag tM otbar dar. pttoMala< Mr Mn
WUtaid Wanbarg tan Batardar to>
■to or roato aaaa that aba wtMld aae Onnd
. - . t tow tat aae to ba«M to- aaau cues aad anaaaa to bar« bbe
I aa aiMatotito win piab- talas »»• datorad ton. am
aWtotoT altbeagh aa «foH, anU. kkM PMiitoa retoraed
few dart with Menda.
toetotoKM. JUbebadae
Tbe foltowlng oOcen wen etabte;
■ bp tolaaer aoot. aad at tM aaaod eleettaa to tM Mtotoli
_ j«r ptoet to gi ka wti 1
Iba aaw wall paper la tba aaraory bad todge Ian Taeadap a)ght: W. to. D
Mrenl betaa. wb«e tonaerlr a atore- H. Scott; 8. B', J. H. Kaaaedr: A W.
pipe aterad a aow Hoaad tolMaar Oeorge Huuaeb: a D.. Otto StOtaw
D. a J. fleott: Bee., a B. Flood,
Dae. tk-PBr tba Daring tbe abaaaee of tbelr aotae toe J.eaa..
J. Scott.
#Mb' «B Wa pnawl toar of tM UU had txad tblaga aa that Saab
Mn roltvi Brace aad little aiact
r too ddka to toaatoaator
•odd ban ao uouMe gtottog tbn>o^ Ruth Brown, ten Saiurdap nwrnlai
Tmt Uke to apad Cbitatoua. .
7 to Ua MitoiBBB trip. Aa
m cMuar.
ton Jobn Baaberry went to Trae
a oa aa AH Artor ooltage
A tneotar Ibnogh tba drj dtalito< crae cup SatnrHr to apaad a fen i
a pfiiHM Janat tbd Mttad tor- to PraagM lata «aac apoa a HU wbo dapaBar. Wm. Hnlbot. Kraier paato
waa earrrlat a pan of water boue
Ciugregattooal ebureh ai
troM a won two toltaa dtotaat. “Wbr thta the
pincc. but aow of Ofclabosta. ha:
dMl poo dig a wdl oT pour owar be aoeepted the call to retora here am
atoad. ‘Wdl. im tall poo. atraager. I win be here a week (rou Soadap.
BIreaU and Hop Tbouat oT OUre^
•add bare to go put aa far
ooltage mrrired bone Baturdap erea
aa tM other, aM pnder walktog to lag to apeod tbe holldapa.
Da rn baow Ibap w*
WtaBMiu Time •Primeaux com bow
hT Be «H aadar a tolb
Or. Wdingt or tbe Battle Cieto
Baturdar tor tbe bolidan.
tor. aad Mn Frank Darla apHi
• «bM toar ooarH bM m
IMdi caK aoau atartltag aUU
.^BgM to aa, ‘WaM ballar aai OB tebaeeo baton the Tooag Meo'i
todiaa.' bat i «ld. Ta jatog «
abowlag tbal ________ _____ _____ _____ Baturda:
^ '^a'Ba I caa.' I bad bigt I.mAMAn dgan aad A«4IA7A«M eeeaiag. tM ooeastoa Mtag tbeir 2SU
iaarTlage aanlrertory. br about a
■ «M abeai toa HIT aa
to tbefr Meade, wbo caue with__
I'toBtoM tor aato a bHt. Bo. ihia oaaatrp. iMtaad to decraatoag. kau
ladea with good tbiagt to eat aad
AH f aai. I aa Bba t
aad asofnl pitoaet i
jroatot-a goto pltoto
Waawa Ibe death to Prtafi tot Me
laup—to be ligbtod bp electrieUp
'ep to tobaeeo niber tbaa the ai
TM eTOblng waa pleanatlp apeni Ir
ila-s btotat Be atao totod tM oai
Male aad gaaea.
aeou Onat wbo toad Hon a terrible
ac WUI om:
a* iBsUu e to be heIC
Miklat that M Md
ir to tM threat, eaaaed It aatok
bare B'edaeadap. Jin. 4i
Mtoi Blaaebe Irish todt Satardap i
aaa H • iKtta tm la a are which
> speM a taw daps at Mount Ptoasbaatp at tM pa anatb to tM coal aat baftae galag to her boau at Cedar
r’tmaa to laad at itea to tM BeeacHatatocad Brte -togMs to apaM Mr eacattaa.
Mr. Hd Mn. Matbewe and Mte
laade Bwdge tan flatardap for PVe
Lake, where tbep will meod tM boil^ wUb Mn MatMw-s pareata. Mr.
tad HHiy Glban. were ao badtp oeer
mt that their moYerp la aot pet as- “c. .
aurelag. aner ....
•s with bto teunp.
Bar. J. A. MartlB. a Lalte Dap nlat . Mr. Chartea Ntotoo apeat Fridap In
retortotat tno ladiaaa. has been rciM- TraTerea City.
Mr. and Mn James Budd eatertainlag neaUHe >a tbe ooaatrp aear BMi
ed a party to Meads at tbeir .bouM- a
He It a very Inprestire sMrt dittaaw from town. TM oereaad baa ande auap cdaretts.
spent In gaioee aod noslc,
■ad tberebr baage a talc: Last (all Hr after wbicb a faoaateous lancheoo was
waa stotaa freu IM clalbaa to C J sMYcd. Nr. Budd furatobed the teaios
TMe to W. H. Oas. M C*. OM






FOtaOto. a larw MM. There wu ao
due to tM Mtar bat aner a paitleaarly eaaMUnlag addresa bp the Ber.
dartla. aoneoaeb eoaaetaaee treubtad
a each aa eneat tMt tM next
woratog a son to Mr. Ttoson a an
riopta found tie oa tbe woodpile
mmed la a piece to aewepaper.
weighed dam bp a etlefc to wood, aad
addreeaed to Mr. Ftosoex. The pg waa
te latereet. That evealac Hr. Fotaoai
aaaanaeed at iM ebareb atorlee tbal
ha wotod retare tM extn |C to tbe
aM wM hM Wt tM tooaay. but ao
etalanat cubm Itaward. Tbea Fotaou
to ra««lct PKiiatad Mr. Mania Mtb »d. saplag
nt to pear work tMt baa reatored to
toe top IH. BurelpIraaaBardtoglTe
pm H to It.- Mr. MarUBb
oaght to be la great danaad.

rr n.’t
w H. ts. u


Abb Betotoare and CHBord Prop.
^lag at Alba, came
ono car aattodar.
Jum Wateto 1a ■alablag og bb
Hr«. Hetoa B'atacm. Mn C. H Pnr.
n Matotocad Waisoa aad Mte aiMs
wsu to Trerene dtp tbe
Uak Inekar aM Orita Prop drore
to Trererae CBy tM a»d.
UnM Bkau aM wife bare »otM



^ IVre'ii m ipedfic (or
eoouBVtnto. Frm aar» ex-

taofU are feriat bmT it Bood
9 Fran IMK itoHOtoand ifae
docton tomribed cod Irer
d for COBiBHpeioB. Of
amne dd pdSkat oadd not
like il ie b oU Imm. hence
ieddatoyidetnod. Tliey

■ Porker to Tnra«M were la tM i
•oak soallag hte-


To Core a CoM in One Day


and toierate it (or a Icng
line. . There is bo od, not
cxcqSiBg fciSler. so eas^
JiUJled aad dMorhed by die
mtoBas cod kver <al in the
iorm of Scon's EnakiaD.
and dial is the reason it is so
h(^ in coonimplm where
itp ase must be coodnaoBs.
f We will send yoa a
• Be Mt IM thb




day for Oreea\px. Wls.. te a Ttolt
wttb retotlrea.
TM progns rlrea at the CoaMHe
Joul obnreh Christaws ere:
Bediattaa. Ftod Lcalle.
RecliaiJoD. Dontbr Siceta.
Roelutlon. Harry Taplor.
Radtalioo. Martoa KeU.
MoUh Soag. Primarp Ctosa.
Bedtattaa. HaroU KekL
. Bacitatloo. Aatela BtfSett
Bolo. Leaore CampbriL
Becltatloa. Mn Flood.
Bedtatloo. Julias HowdL '
Heettatioa. Gup Barare.
Bxeretoe and Ubleau. - Tbe WoiU^
Awakeatag.- bp leo iltita girls.
B. eburefa Christmas oxer
r MM at tM ball oo Satardap
TM prognai eoaslsted of a

and BEST VALUES ever offered in the
city. Both LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S
COATS. Let us show you these before
you buy.

127-13 r suite Street

Traversa City, Mich.


ladte, it m* ooe to tbe most pin
lag dtoepttoras teagtaabta aad bad <1
amt latricate Bgorea worked oi
-TM on Maids' Cbrtotaias- was
ate mtla plot to thrre oM a
^__ readered sane rerp prettp r
tsttaos end songs.
Bbtteea poang
gtrto gare a veir pleaalag chorus aud
dtol drtn. TM Iasi od tbe prograia
was a drill especlaUp prepared for
this oecasioB. with ose large Baats
CtaDs aod tweire satali oof-s.
Mn Ktos^ and (atoilp len Salura>morali - “

Jayne’s 1905


• Up MmM.


E cannot talk
about our



__ wrrrrr

Bcantiflii SUks
Newest Patterns
Best Values

-‘jssssrssrtsui 25ct8 -to $1.50

>y tosHito Ohriattoto
aM Mta to LatoM ttoBM ttBBbtot Itepto iHt week.
- Hd to atoaad tar a woakl reea
TM toaehm; Hr, Bmcb. hat
to TKKna to apoM hto ram-

to tbto oecitaa Mn lamwi W Baa teas Utoe. TM aauaae' tor (be
aaetora toetarp aian anoH wdl be
Hk ertotorthaa that ef thta pear.
farm ,pnpert} and taapletacata. ,
TM llarhor Ikm TMn tops: -ni
lIsTTp arkwart bad Uany Bwh;.
•be potoroger ^tueber •• tbe nto
and n aad IS n»Mnirtop. wm arShu-rid OrtUH la I
tacJW here and rsMa wm Bw«to
to Jaibaaa bp Bauta Ota* toBoulh Karca. Tbcp wvrv- btirae^ bp aod oiberwtee cbHwd un- a year and
order to tbe rtrealt esorf.
drlaktag nattr p« to iM Uab« uo Mtos.wbos
aader fate pe»
Koiwnhstaadlag (M tael that aB toauaiy 1 dad Jute I eatojiwar. tbe
toctos. They 8K aBHod to la**
to M **doWB
teged tM Mtoe to Bxalied Bate O.
I. tM lagran Conaiy !»««*«*
tomato lammee On. to! Itopceto fm tM Htete en,!*ooaatderiag tM Matter of ' nted la IM tbaub for tba paM m- ««F *• • iwnbrrtoilp card, wbleb IM7
1 to oWataiag a
laawiBX tMto aliiBg with other prop-; soa todtaate that tl
ertp. At least o*e torater btooogincjprodiable reataito
TM Tu Bam ooHly odtam m
taatfd tM CMtatpaa halbtopa w
aa expeoalec bootoe. (be favl e
Bixtiag of <4er«a ulckie4B.|be«tal ■

Haa^tim aodung Co.

•> vr ker* a See line of Cntterc Rol«. Bbeketi
and Stogb BeHiL If yon ontieipatt buying a Biigg, not u-ting. nenr is the timb <e
get one nasnnabfe as «lave o eomplett li* on Ae door.

415 .mrrMrrm


J •■4 1» » #«*««,*««* »<•


iidtm. iff«u«tarM:

I« Mfcr *ke «wortki«w»l
ibcre tavtaK bM u sMttkM
tW«Kr-ite« br «b« i»t' biwuHfee^
fbrtvr ovrlM .ihlrtM •Mw'
amUM br linrukba:
14t cieeb^ rvU*. Srya bwl 1S»,
uttw UK ■bpottlobMBt *'fom to
mebtou** ptMtor pf -mm for



h to lb* MtoftotoM* «( MbiaMlac. Mleb, Dec r.-Artoact^
- tMtob. Dee, 3X-—A irlcpaM rraa
. fbbto aaya h to «itMniaeo4 Uwl tha wata tar ibe tobasani «rratm‘.i
bmlgrt gtoi ArtiBK Laaatas. Jaa. » are w>* piatii
It to aUled tbal QoreraurtovM Ibb JtoMtoaa rrm lba<
aleet Wtfaer pcefet* a auaple aaU la
K aorth k «ieuu ^toe
m1*c cerevoar aad for ihU rcathb'tombw. Tbe J>|MototoM tbc-toS and alao cap- ttaa tt to aoi Ukrtj tbal tbe Otan.t Rapbto batUOifa at Ibe ttau uoopc «ii: !k
• betobt
pmMt aa cspectad.
;31a«u Vwtoc.
; aaeont to die toet (bat the bull
V dtalMnblvbbaWDrefibarcbuaod dar tates to tbe raUraadt «ni Mt-. be
■lii^rr, BiaaMlai nacvatd.. b la iom H ia expactad Ibat a laosa
to peUUetoaa (rim alio;ii tte
Ma ab V a aabcablntad atibak tm
lie wilt be bm to attaafl tbe Seaa&
(k« Raaatoa SaHle
lp.;cUea. n baa ben arraaged OaI
^ >—mtto Dae. tJ-—Aa astl- t'ticf JwUce Moara to tbe auiaibir
ir ftot «w aiHtod todajr Igr «om acun wUl adalatater tbe etk to tine*?
I toe t»»m k P—Ibwa. Haarlrca aad that be vlU sake a ebert addrcaa.
There wiu be ao otber epeeebc>. Ua
libaawaiitob.«ba bbd baa ■

--^era^ « tba towa ball **■ wnale wfB be prvtUte.
be Vktefl Siatw aemauRS aad «r
rebto (MB tttor btottnta
«b««k"Ue Boraraon at the elate artR be in -m^!

t «(* atkba la <bair bba* nd
4antoTflfa(«aaa. TbeOakbtoa etste dfeemtoeet at the r<’^rtloa ia
I tbaf Amc tbe <ie ereatog.


a artMi la totarailcate ttc
p toa Jtotokb BdUc fleet t
a off Dub-

I toaad debd br tbe niaddde retterdar. He wae drirlog to bto
tars boBM mat it to rteo^t' be died
tram heart dtocaar. tolltag from .hto
•Mgh. He waa dt rear* oM
iearaa a widow aad om child.

Dctreiu Mloh., Dee. St.»Whllc etn?'
tag a flraaialle ^artiMce traa «ac
1 to aaatber to ber bom oa Pliw
Mreet tbto totoeaoaa tt exploded •killtog Mn. JTtoMa Itomas. aa*d tt. la^
Her bedr wax tarrfUr neiiiI. Kfbleetlir «be airacb the cart­
ridge agatoat tbe door Jaaib.
idaea. Mich.. Dee.
«n. aged 16. wax bulanUr kilted
to a naadU at PrattriUc thto emtag
br taatog eaoghl to a poUcr aad voaaal
anmd Um Dac abalt. Hto bodr van
Mghlftolr oraihfd.

ItaM* or Uv TcotUm,
• to k
WBcta ao tfattMot cm rmr Moom wttk

DR. KlltoPS


Mertb Vakeia aad Wagb^ WMI to'tUet.dK. bMdaai
ta. Ufli-a dacreace to ddl.

Bar atjr. Micb.. Dac. 14.—Tbe Waat
*Bar CItj ^t to the Matiobgl Oblekeomimar waa deatrared br Bre
UOa mendbg wHh tboaaaad* to pooadx
to Aalahed prodoct, caatoag a toul
to •U.flN. parti/ eoweicd b/ isMMtt.

%be MIeU «<*« dtoMod aa taUawa

. mm

. ntjn
.. tt.iK

KaM raeaiTbd orer all l.T4fl.(«K
K IMar Uttm la Om
Stolcf bad MtMfl mon (baa aU
pthr» aaadUataa aad HMH toorc
■ aizito.
. '
Ibe eeta IBr ItoaiaTalt »aa 4«^
to thaa ter MtoUaicr. while that
Parker vaa 1.ITT.TTI lea* tbaa tor

daa. MairMad.
Haw Batopahlre. Kerth
Vd^mtoa. 0aaih Oartolaa. Teaaaaaaa.
toto TItgMa. Roocartot get
tbaa McXlBlair la tha other
I to Detooare. Oaorgto. Miatoi. Mew JatMg. Mew Tort, Rbode
h 'OBPoUaa aad Mtoat Vtr. wbtta Bfraa got aoro tbaa
r to tba RgHtotog thtnpocTea

■ iMrtm. Tba tatal mlaa to tbe RaMklleabi wwo 7tt.fl«l aad tb* total

... ..........

kim aad tbe taul loaae*

Parto. Doe. Z(.—Twd^ iH.-nunt
ere killed aod forto ia|arad ia a
wreck at UUe hmt algbi. - The Lllir
B*a eraabod tato aa exptwaa tron
Eoalogac aad both trala* wet* deaollabcd. Tbe ddad laciode the cek-braiOd ebemtot. Bcnholoc aad a aoa to the
Prooeh ooaator. Curiato.

attcbCMOa mttto cai aaiCaogartMo toaoHM oT *


CMWlNi to kH» or Mcy m

gOtmtm ftor OMdar Ok, PBfO>
Symifa. It la Pleoairtt. It

mbarim la • Mms]

flm« Om tartclMr.


caauiag CASTORIA AtwaYa
r Bm» tiM agBEtkn. 4f

S. E.lait & SflDS Ml Johisoi Drag Co.
A ^w happT BBSgaalloBa are eoo-{ Id Uic aclllog to (he Aribur V;icht»l
taleod la tbe (otknriag fruo one to > (ana la Palai.rra luwaabip. Lf nawt*
orer aridemwake eoBBtr/ pubitoh-j cmair. >(• Ocorge L. Tbeupan .A
soggesliou to get the deUBquvai. rbraoB*. Kaa.. aia tod toed pract Bp
cribera to pa/ op. Take a Civ«l ored. Ur. MHeheU faad.'Uied <a Ihv
dollar, let It drop oo tbe WWe aad j tod tarm II /«*r* aod tbe MbJ lor
/oe will Otoe a riag. Wnr Uk ring] mail/ became tbe poareaaloo to U«
rouratof or glee It to a (rind; acod. ^er. Wmi._ MUebeQ. Octto*-r 9. U3S.
the dollar to M aad we will aptor ii I wtaea Aodrew Jaefcm toaoed th:;
Aooihto alec
i ta tahlBg a two
dtotor IHII aad toMtag It aercral
timea. Ttea unluld It aad /ou wUI
auUcc U laereaae*. Uae tbe crease*
lor poor Sunday imacra aod aend



a we will chqcrfull/:'
imt/oaOBtoa tober Kreal acbcBc.
Tbe dr/ wuaitior'baa forcul
mnikrBla to beeome an caa/ pre
tbe hunter* a»d arappera. The r«ia
go to (he oorsflaldt tor (ond aod to
the crocka for waterr a* the awanin I
whict they onoelly tohaUi are dr/.

j miibaiiiotor

Tbe aow 'proprietor to ibc U*lh-i.
Maalla. Dec ts.—Maflvew anbAK-d Uni RqmUkau baa ebaoeed (he I
wd kilW at Didure*, Samar. at/le to Ibe paper and bow lubU-dier '
In Ihv rc^olklioa elsbl-iwau. .U
J>irty-*orea oaltotod aa-a to Uie
fcm. M'hat U OMto-. he W
roigbth eoMumay to Mitrw enmia.
priaiiag It dll at boar, her mg tvrvea .
tnoa to Dabire* aod fba elioatlua ta
gl. UoDtoaaat Ahbait to ta,eenWlKlam ISimolakI aped SI. wa. arI to tbe eceaia bad baa redecatrmlgned la (he polhu ouurt at Bay City
charge to neallag as overcoat.
NarU Adaau. Mick, Dt*. It.-Barg- Complalai waa made by bla moiber.
larc. who wet* ia aoed to Cbrtotams who aa/n that the caopol aland him
bmeer. aa he aimtia
itond tte
1 be can Iny hla hand* <
eariT (hi* aMratog. Tbep *bk-« the
mie with dmaita abd MM to attoa- and «oIU It for drink. Tbe dtoendant
f bo aiteaqK to dew/ blj nilt.
OBeon are anireblag the carrooadlni Oomstrr bat tbar bare ao ud (be coon aald; “gW or ibn*
0 to aaUcItmted
It wW abonlr he
made to ibe amiriaga to Ktog Alfano
aad PHaeeaa Wterto. daaghtar to tbe
lake to Ooaaa^t. Klag Edward *
brotber. Tbe wtodlag. it to aaU. will
It to oadoiwlood that
tbe prtaeeaa wlU iwoooac* tbe Pruteateat ftoU airi Mo tbeCalhoUe toiatch.



The, Kind
Ton Hare Always Bought
In U For Over 30 Yearo, ^ .

a«*a»» I .

—— —
L.- j£tobm>«t tawmc lOto la •


•n srarmi^m


. ^£ys55


-mamuaiOrar ■jS'*^"'totoH pt




Uk Want Vmi to Kaow Wt an Offering

One bay pony
One chestnut pony mare, weisht SOO.
a good one, price
A fine biack pony mare. 6 years old,
weight 900, fine driver, price '
Plug bay horse, weight 1100. $40.00
Lots of other horses, weight from 1200
to 1700.




(Not already reduced)

TiaiaetmtMarCTiy wto rn.—eto lm,e 0$


. Ar.dEna,Apwtt.


h means somclhiou toortli i-unKMurifi}' when you
get a reduction like that oa first-class, uuarantued suits

Tm cm hmttr 8*4 • kMM
vfclrtvt ltd Ayer’g Cbcrry
Pectoral. PareaiB koovvlMi
k doca lor dUMno: bfcaka



The Lucky Numbers on tin; premtumH are as fol­
The Bedroom Suite. No. U i>41)
The Parlor Suite. M 4!lo
Hold your coupons. If the lu^y number is not
presented within 90 days the seeond drawing srill be
considered the leek) nomberv Vogr chance is good
till tbe pretnlums arc claimed. l\ccp )-our rYMyons
and watch our ads.



on all Clothing
Gks Wttk to Htduct Stotk Btfort

rwaUawif pnwvaaa

’ laMtitfliirii?-am*-M.M$t.

The more Mggaxme* there arc, the more
indtfpencaUe is Tbe Review of Revtgyg
- ladiepnsabk.'■* Tbe <x
,'0(W •adma be" ^ '•
me wmt m die yAresama beam baa, amto
c«ml UterMurc.'—dm,
who Rwd t*r Rnenr el Ri-rwen. Ike wore
*-te ato ih*
iTiri 1 nr-r"--------*°------ *---------- '—J—
i. ia ^ d> »d« aapensel ■■■Um el fl« -wU. Smb ■ Wc ked *1
p^iadcai htoM
rwk my dm Wa a* er./ to Ug. •/
* bm fmd ^ IbeirwU Hewem. EmHjmcr aad Aemdm «r«w*r.
>m •adtmd bmaors ■mrnl mmwmd Mmramas flmi aab wapntomd
tbe Ml tmtly aad ii|inwaw aetKla prod ■ ecy •eabU*.

I—- -a. i~™
itiloBi carm Eve aawdoMlAmd ya a Attctmt
Mb ■ jrtCe Ha.
m^to W Cearew. maimba

IS Acam naae. Vow Yoak



iferSSr'r: /


2im'SS^WTr^. M CM Mk-

Wk «. Bl ovnn hM * itM^
JSSm jrvMv •!•«. w to *«^
^Kto' MM mac Nto.


CfcrtolMw. at ' ■




Tr. oS Mrt. p CtoiM toi;^
Mead* CtorlftiM

w««t AlMra to
Urm* W««
« tor
(or llia.4-Mtow.
Mn.4- SkivM’.
•%«, rttl IN a wal A mertlo* t»rt4


f%r*-**T* «ltk tbalr pamu. Mr.
"wri pH^bw apaat )a*i
vHh Mr*. ~

Our Uaw (hat uok mack oC U«
«t hu takw a ooM aiM( «

ton «to»a to^W««l^,
I Vtovana atr fa

*Ml^i£l'Sa'ama ta^enr IM
l^.to hi. htoito la
■laal. A «hrto(»M ow. - «aM MfttMl af Anila. lad. w
fc MMtftl arwaata. «m latmWaMaMap watrarttaa eedar
a ioBw to banUag too tor L«w
__ vtMMtorAto«tod toraadHhe
_ -vMMtorA^mrr —

dLtte Bigw& tofteraw aad
a Dnaraatpal
toy,Jobaaea Drag ©o, *- K. Walt A
ftnsn aM P. H. Metoe. Draggteia
_____ Mite Mate TOM* deecm*
mtee a* ahe knd ewtirt ebarge of
The knak hteldteg at Meuaon
iTWte* and aae
ahe ceady wrofted .fey bargtor* bae boon
the ofoarate of the lewtet
toghly tefenlNd aml'a wow srrM
pteced thrnHn.
»*>» >«**•*»
n'hoBia.''' •
OM netsbDeath AM Wfti
■ a> who
ilag Hhe na.1 down tee ».iret«.
knew her.
duinptea the arrnpanib nr a hnndn'.i
■IT ovory day ----•dr(
T (o hare
aalre handy, aad ihere'*
IWeki^nY Arnlex
fMr*. tell
tee fend
ma and!
It nU with
tee I
sear qnlektv endc-r Hs]
______aa only
w. fie at Jtemmii lhws|
flonM Bhe knew the l. .
K. fl i
Mcnte' Ortuf Bture*.

^■•“* JR iSwiSTr


alieg, .galtelk -pa^sMa .teidda




!a tb. Itorato iait wM f«e^tor
thamatftoatlMi «#a
4v tM ««aat]r. ftahM agitato thr
--- -- tt to *M. aag «e h^


UrttWag htoggftott hm H«ga«

Si arm pTMcb agate toaight.


teM to MCI feer Tteete detib «»W
aerer ■epataie tfeete again.
tMTMi beatee her telldren. ■ aumlior
iT^ttree and friend* who will aad httHbcr; aim fur the l••allllrl>l
MornhertoM. The toncral rerv^ ■ sea.
Mr. and Mr*.. Henry
veto held te Cfaat ehareh. The e<to
and ChIMr.'-a.
aoa wan gretebed by the pa*tor in
ebarge. Elder George, aad the rejanlt
Tha Secret of Suet
were laid at re« te Gtani eccoeiery.
Pony mttllpo lumien i
Flower aold'in the L'ai
And the t
wooda about three mile* ba<* of the'
In a Qcatrd coodltlea. a ’gnV abowlag of'suceeia. Oont Is
thnrnch aa*erlag fro* coM and tern- (wove that Angtitt Flower has had aa
unfailing saeeeu In (he care of Indi­
ger. He had
and dyspepsia—the two great■eniwh of food and nbrlter. HI* name gestion
e*t oaemkw of healih and happtetaa?
to lappoaed to he Origte. bni noihtes Dona it not afford the
(he bb
Uwt evUeace
can be toamod n* to where be mbt that AacBsl Flowrr to a «
all rioniaeh and tnieMitial dtoorfron or who hla relatives are. About tor al...............................
dei«?-<hM It has pmved lisWf the
a year av> heVent lato the wood# Si
mllM and built a log cwblo and lived
on what he could kill and dig freo Ibe tWrty-Bve year* In cuilng (he aUlng
gnwnd. He waa erldeaily freten oM mlSiobt ef thuae diatraaslng eomIffainta-a aoceaaa that I* beoomlag
and Slatted tor dHItoatton. He bas Wider In lu aeope erevy
. day.
lay. at h«
been taken to the hoapliai. but li nr _____
aa tec fame of August
Flower fprvads. Trial hottles, Ur;
yet Kotele to tell bto story oo aa
ngutar site. 76c. Ftor sale by S. E.
lof hto suffering. Me nppara m
wau A Boaa.
aann or myniery.
The claims of Briilte Sshermeo
agateat Oiissia fer the Kortta tea bom
faardmeai aggregtie ISOO.MO.

The (haw of teat WMk atopped ail
loBberiBg UU we get eaow agates
The ChitotBat tree at Gnat u
hall wwt very uueb ealoyed by ail
who atieaded H.
. J. RMaedy aad K. Davie are t
dohw^BbertBi loto for BMlej

JSfeflftite ik


Mtoi.Daaa, teacher Id Dtowite'Ko.
, to baTtog a •
it (ricoda te eopih- Only
TbaOMBte te Our fiMWklie.
t M. UaM epwii
Ma Paul and wife ^tolled ai Hr
The Trneerae Oty Teadcr to asked
Oe»rai»^ ftiaday.
ftiy tereatigate the followiBto thaw bbe dasaged tb« Oeee^ of the yoau P^to heri.- Ing. TUac
can ftedlly be done, for the
Made BMH-the lake.
Ctrletaiaa i
. WilMB*. I
- ptth
Mb. lOtetekM habr to very bM
'wUI only he i<
llteed I

ftH lrto«lM Meaft at Otea Artar.
Mr. aad Ma. Mndttb ageat Ohrtot-

mar. LgaeM----------------------- a ft«t tiBe btena CkrtolBae br^W



S!£ !:?s;fr£rsM




M MMmb waat te Mnatoiee Satar
» aae hto lhtber.aBd etotcr. He
Md aeea Ua Mter tor three
ftrgy bte a aew teas ef bora
ft Maiea' Job to «Bi gcMg <

1* eatupped withal mudent It

Arv ihuro.igh. )>;x qalA:. Wf do not iix ilrHpin.fulxi* drags. I>ul
haveoarown otidmil ntettevl of n tovniR ih' a
|ir>.|>>rly moasuring (be r<Vracilv^.amV.imi ol th«- ryp*.
A WRITTEN GUARANTEE Blire With evei} petr *f gUsMH.


DR. P. A. WOLFE. 0]Mometrist.
Suite 41S4I4 WniH

Thea Leacsol U atteodteg }nry te
Troveme CItT ibto wrM^
- •; Meddangk'ot Wenlord whlh
te Daketo telll Tuanlng the


hto thttab__
The hard tete of tea aKtet took
nearly all (he anow away. Baking the

A atarlet (Over cedbMtee to rmidBi; fa
ABeteary. Mata, «e casoe harteg ^
Mn. MBCr Btekcct'a toM Vedneeday.
‘ -ET.


One divoreto to crery Sre marriage*
to the record la 8i. Ctelr eooaty thl.<
year np lo -date. During the deres
end a half nontea 479 BarrUge D
eensM were tosned afed nlaetrUiree
dhorcei gratated.
Half (be ills that aua to heir to
come from Indlgevtion Dnrdock Woo-I
Billers atrengtheai and toaea the
Btomarh: makes lodigcstloa impoasl-

Curaa all Chreole DtoeaoM.
1AM Trav
Far sale by all Aral t
They evre te etey enretf all teranto




Hal Bpr4nai Ttetete. SL
Hal •priAga Outek RalM lUntewnl)
Hat Springa aaterte eura. M emte.
Hat Springs Saag. IS ecfite.
Hal Sprtega HaaUitg Sahta.ft eante.
H« springa Care Ctire, Ml caMa.

Far aale at S. e Wall 4 Saw, Amaricaa Dreg .|
Dreg Ca. Hannph 4 Lay MareairtHa Ga, titotrihultea j


Beldinf It having a rerlral of tec
roller akating craic, »d a new rink
will be built there saaa.


PcaftTStifep flak I

■ -..1 '





teiUf.r, R fr T>’


C. A. Bugbee Drug Co., Offer
To the preple of Traverse City who sure Sulferii^ from
h “run down” condition of the system.
tf you are "ail worn out'* with no appetite, extreme nervousness,
inability, to digest ybur food, come to our store and let us explain
VITONA. the wonderful tonic and blood purifier.






..pate............ ».

................................... ...........................................hM


hto day......bento



of VITONA fer whtolir

To be taken for............ ..........................

H purchaoer tails tia VITONA has failed to beacSt him wo horfty


iree to refand the moMy paid mb



AceMeata .................. ... .............. _
to him tr the writer reelly suffers from tilaga. sprains. I>r. Thomai' ncfe-cirlF
the annoying oonsequenee which al­ Oil rellevvf (he pain lostaaily. . Ncv^t
ways atuadi iaacilre or weakeaed kid- aafe without tt.

BiBhire at M> ftait* aad flleadr
arbe praaeated blB with a alee Mr
aaat aad eaa wbicb abowe te t mfiliic. OriBa pf Mitchell street. Cadi:aie how bto trinid. apprretoie hto her brothm Leonard and Waller
tag the hcdldar vaeatloa.
loing between Cadillac ao-l
Chaa. Rarick has Bored Into (hv Trareree.Ctty. nays: “My addree* to
JobB Cook hooM.
P. O. boa Ml. and I win aniwer any
*• rxMWied ikr< Prank Qaou. at teller sent to me by one who rea'ly
‘fW cbBKb wa» fell Mt erealag tr the teaetton. and Lee Wolf, mm ot. wishes lu know If Duan'* Kidney PilU
haar the doe progtaa aad wtuen the rwB. are III with eauiltpoc.
• ■
deUgbt ef the ehlldiea wbea raaeiriag
Earl SbIiIi to guile iBdtorxuH a.
This to my erriteirne*tbter preaoatt titea the CbitotMu the hoardlog home, bui Or. BrowoiioB 1 hnye been rmllroadine for twenty
pmaouBced bto IIIneM ferer and oild. years and alway* w
eh>oyo<l Uiv be>i <>(
Tbaftradlft gaMay.aeMol toteatofr
two year* ng<t when
benlib antH nbont r
atw harteg Ibotr Cbrteaaa* tree
"^r^'r^ra. Alec Sayer*. ran cf
- la the.............................
town. celebfUed tbdr twento-ari.i
waddlag aBBlmnaiy Chrtotoiai da>-.
Aboat twenty retoUree Raiherol to
extent that I was quiti
eoioy the happy erem with iheoi. reilread engineer who bad 4
ABOBg. tboee preeimt were lira. Rlrb- KiSnev HIto advised me U .
(Mt Jotoiraad'with tbeB tor a rtol<
* Milk* of tlodge. mother ot 3SM The (reatmeni reUeved are. I stopped
wtth tbter puaatt.
It. the trouble r«unie«l, and 1 rusorle '
Sayen. and Mr. Bayer*' (aiher,
Maatotcc Paul Beyera of Trareeac City, both ol to the pills again for a fen dayr.. a:
Ma. ltaMa hb. goae
wbon were oveP etobty year* of agej cither relapse followed, when Anally
Mra. hHlhbWi to hoow tnB her tobB Cady aad family ig Trarenw rity Meelded to ink* a thorongfe coitree.
alAi Leonard Cnnniri;- I used six bottle*. Since (hen. ami
ban and taihUv and Mr. and Ufa. tbis It iwo mcicnis ago, I have ncx
mskSayertofthtoptope. Thr happ; nteleed a slngie iwciirrence of symt^
ample received a numlier of nice pro;
beea guUe M. la
lyfal ooca
«aU a* remtedeo of the ioyf‘
.................................... Co., IViffaln. N
OMt Walker to abte to be aa aga)ti.
sole ageau f<w the United
iifd suitBu^
There baa beea atnae
(tnae nice ftatlnj; Y..
M. Ooek to on theniek Hal.
OB Ibe alii pobd BBteat Hogyhaek Remember the name. Doan's. Bad
Mra. ftaak Ptoher to Mbo tnB tkc
no other.
Snatk ManltoB. It to Wo cold there
tor her good heetth. Mcr ftnftiei Mly hold good.
Maaie te eUil oe the totoad wUh her
NeIHe TbAagpeaB I* bnrtliK n week
or VBMtioa froa her eebool near WezMr. Braoer and Bageae Fiaber ford.
*peat eereral daye laM week at the
Onr. laaeker. Mto« Aay Weidamn.
Iran work* tn Trarerae CItT geUny to epeodlng -n two week*' racailoB
aoBe aarhiaery made for Mr. Bra»- with her pareaia at Lake City.
er'a ariR Mr. Bramer doer eoi Iwther
A Chrlataa* tree wna heM
teM at thr
^nreh BaUrday ereoteg.
What meres
ter Oman:
tiwB Trare
Oty here In a Utile endetag new bandiled
(or at
_____ m. Mr. Ftober tbiakt
titer he tahee the ride arlUreiurnlng Tneidav.
or sister, :
BBfted Dee. Itth.
breakneek M>eed overA* roogb
. OaHBateedTtreaaMwaattaraowa«. wttk erooke and tor*, where
. elctgh weet oa owe ruBoer. be wHI Dec. lach. a>tea. aad oaebatf pound
.. **MIm Lottie Bnoka iwodlfWi a alee get Ineared.
Harold and Marten GIbhc are hoax
; '^gpa fiOB her tether tor a ~ '
from aehoo; at Trarerae City tor the
holiday vneatloB.
oee mb. C. P.
^SteManStotta wM the aaeteed'
'"'^a Mtca Bmday; alao Mtoa:

•siOMT IB pmctLeai.


T» Cura a C«W in Oon Day


^M. Bte Ma. MMteK ageai Cbrtoi-

Fff*g*ib OwTtm.

HsoMm On, a*.

By the genaoally o.* Pnaldeut and
Mra. nooMvelt. every papll 4n the
a. MavereoB bad ibe adetortmie to Core NetSi. U U imWlc school, which
gal hto face gaite bediy Melded yrlth waa ferBcriy attonded by *enie of ike'
MB. Vaa Noatraai ««(t te Ma^ hot eoMe oee day laat wnk.'
Perry aad Leula KMder are cld( yoonger children of l^c prealdeat.
OM McMay to rtolt bw daMtor'reeeireda------------------■TBoateO. •QteHtoi^to ««ry bed a
veh fret two bamt* df"Stnd}
tun Ula wniBg eft raae
Mto. Batle 8cM to boBe ftwro Krhool hoDfie.
t. oehool ageedtag her
.. great - Hto* Rllbia. the
“**•» ihTi CMM of the eeter^

Why in eye tpeoialto’ |
hate,a thar^tahly lviuII
uBre'ta praperiyvnai
ry>-> and hc.w iiriicirtani




VITONA does not simply digest the food but buUds up the tissues
of the stomach and purifies the blAod. If you are sick it is your duty to
give VITONA A TRIAL. It costs you- nothing if it does not cure you.
C. A. Bugbee Drug Co., know VITONA WILL cure you and will be
glad tflTCUARANTEE it. Ask for Vitona Booklet.



A. J. \A/IL.I-IEL..M



i^^^tihuing for 30 days, we will place on special sale our entire stonck of Dry^ Goods and Clothing at prices to
move fast. AVe want to reduce our stock before invoicing, and to do it we make the following pHces.
l^ing will be strictly as advertised and it will be a rare chance to buy the best goods the market affords—*fi
r^eirvalue« This sale will be for to ASM OMUY. Do not askfor credit. Come early while the i
laiid bring this bill to compare prices.






hlor •••■■.......4.75
» apti|y to black and Colored «nodi.


Dcloug Hooks abd Eyes .......... ...............$ OB.
5c Hooks M,d Eye.....................
lOcOydSkuTBindins:. —...............
6c Pearl Bottoos............ .
•10c Pearl Buttons
AH Leather (kinds. Purses knd Shoppins
GOcdamask ...a..;............. .......................... 52
Bags..............................ONE-FOURTH OFF
75cdamasko......o.............U.;.....a..- P lOcItres,Shields.,...........----------------------- JB
85cda'mask....... ..a.....................
.75 1215c dressshidds
......... .
« 15cdressshieMs ....................
20c dress shield. . .............. ............m .15
$1.00damask.................................. .
•JOc d ress dtields....... ....:. .V,....... .........
Napkins.......................TEN PER.CENT OFF GoodToilctSoap,3bara

................. ........


Fruit of the Loom .


lOc Oalmca.................... ............

I ■

6c Outings..............................
10 per cent off on all wide Sbee^^ and
Pillow Tobioe.
.................... ..'
12^c Hannelettes.a.a



..... ........................



iMlies' Cloak.s to :dose #1
(A...................... .


........ ............

2achosieiy ................... ............... ...........
36c hosiery..........................................
....... —...............••••.........
76c hosier). .....................................................




........... .4:20



lOc crash ............................

^“'lr..:....i........ 3f96'
d MuRs at... -ONE-FOURTH OFF



I8c crash .............



3T. in. BlackTaOeta. $1.75 quality .................. IW
$1.25 quality.................................................. 1.10
27 inch.wordt 76c, for ............................., .00
22 iocb, worth 75c,guaranty ..............

29 75c kind.........i.
^V>****.......... *.'*»*^
■« SSekind .....i;
25Sl^OkifKl....... ............1........ ..............V
$125 idod...i fi.

Vcslsand Paots...........i$ 21
Sik vests and pants
................ .29
•*i0c vests, pants and union suits.. ..a....«a. .. .42
75c vests, paots and union suits.'........ .<3
$1.00 vests, pants and union suits............ 59
Buckskin vests an.I pants, worth $1.25.......... 1J)0
Mumon suits............................,................1.26
$2.00 uniou suits................... ...................
$;«u„iou suits
........................... 2.%
$2.50 union suits ......... ...............................2.85:
These prices arc for cotton and wool garments :


O«*sloiirib on OB aU Cict'eiirttins md
Cantstry DniMr|ts

OOcJapSilk....... ...................... ................... $ .40
85c Taffeta, all colors......... ............................ JB$
One lot of Fancy SiUts, suinble for waista
aod shirt waist suits, worth from 76c to

10 per cent off on all Orcss Linings during this

i« a* a


$1.75 kind


Oleoten Bumkels
$.‘1XW quality.......................a.
$4XK) quality.......
$600 quality...
$600 quaKtyti.

i... ,i t j'v.... - 426

$0.00 quaEty
, .j - f...... $28

$700quality ,....^c.;...n...iW........:,. *“►
All Ladies’ Waists^..;. . .‘.(WFFOURTH^OFF

$9.00 quality.



ire line of Clothing and Furnishing Goods will be included in this sale. Now is your time to buy first-claSs
Clothing and Furnishing Goods at unheard of prices.

men's Suits


5SSSSS! ISSS;:::::::::


I's Overcoats
at $5.

Coats worth $ 1 sOO at..............
Coa^worth 1.50 at.........
Coats worth 2.50 at ............
Coats worth 2.75 at .............
Corduroy Coate worth $4, at.
All wool Pea Jackets at. ..........


.. .75

M rsc. ■



.\n our $3J)0 Sweaters at $2Jj0.
All our 2,90 Sweaters at Ua.
AH our J 50 Sweaters at L16.
One lot of .Sweaters worth $1.00 at 50.
One lot of Boys' Sweaters at 45c.
One lot of Boys'Sweaters at 75.
One lot of Boys'Sweaters at $1.25.
One lot of Wool Underwear worth $1,00 at 6Sc.
-%U lleeced, the 50c kind, at 3Sc.
Stiff Mats, the latest style, worth $3.00. at $2.25.
$3JI0. at $1.00,
Ifypuhavca big head, come here. We have
lots of big caps; wc can fit you; sizes up to 7^.
H«c IS where you get »he best l ur Ckttts and
rur Caps.
Over 200 pairs of the McMillen Pants in stock,
yet they are bargains at $2JjO. $2.75 aod 13.(l0.
Wc can fit you -all sizes~32 to 4S waist. ’

^otifl)$* Suits

The hem liue iybmhy-SSmu ever Irad;. ««,

ht. Just like the men's suits. They are
class from some of the latest fabrics. It will 4o
you good to sec them.

ebildrsn’s SuHs

McMillen's suits, ages 7 to 10. at $8^; ages 11
to 16, at $4JX). These suits are worth $5.00. The
whole line of children's suits will be matked down.
Boys' odd Pants, the 50h at 3Sc; the $I kind at 80c

eMMren’s Rsders

W-OOldad.......................................5.:.......... 3.76


i3M kin#................................................... -...2.25
Long belted Overcoats, worth $&fi0, at $5410.
Othersht $4.50 and $3.75. .No shoddy. AH dean
goods and cheap. A few boys' uiders at half iHiee

eWMrsn's Undcipsar


You srill fiiul a nice dean stock to
Onrg^^are dtc~1ciadI that

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