Grand Traverse Herald, June 09, 1904

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 09, 1904


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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";£rrF'..'w^' '

®iratirr«je EjerailJi.

JDr.W.3- diggins

Vtrj bad at dotal aarttea
ealy. Totb rear el ptaellea.
Tear vatroaace aaildled. la
Her Maan balUlas. nd«r K.
ef P, hall, oa Boor *Kh Dodrer

TtaroK aty Slate Bad



B ootntrr. uumuAM.

Tire Tssurance! ^

Moacy to Isai on Improrcd Real Estate Only.




MIRP1.U8, 920,000


1 cam BuUk kum Me

mraalilMtia rwMalu.

jumx b. ibo4

be. If Lo tets tbe K*mi Cera,
ebt barn baea b« tor the Jadst'a
act a Reb with Mr. Btolr.ratoc. aad at be BOW maaal “
le Irarr |flW lew of the MBri
Sim Ibe tboiicbl wao not eatlrrtr
of lb* as* aad M iwwaifllos U*
laeiorT. Wbat roiBC aaa <d

-nr«t.rat«'- be cmlM bock e
era wttb «*« loMaaaa. The aaU
as to take oecoad.bast wbee -Bm I didat SH lb* pt
are bnmgbl to ib* Ualled StaUa by
Tbea. by war «d ftrtat Ibe *1ai
thipMtdi aad are tblpptd mtnoa the
word- of hte eeniScaU a TtH
conilaeel lo tbe Mg builoa faedarta*.
o salt the sh
nied CD c
wipe, be added, 'Toa try tor It.
fruai which they laaoe ttnb la erery
<1 vtih dad.
har. whittled hit war laio lowa I’re ta Idea yoor cwMlSeatc will read caacMrable dealga. color, grad* aad
The mile rknsds that Ooaied
aad ap tbe aiatra lo the JodcCi oBee. t-etier ibaa mime. Thst’i the laM load claasISealloa d bailmi.
The Itwy
tboasbl were bits d wod:
where be made applkailoa for lb* from Ibe towb meadow, leal H'
plaai bat receally be«i ditnmwed la
. skr was blue ai V* '“dw. »»d piaee. aad nwderwewl a teareblaa esCamorala. but Ihe aal B prodacoi la
ealB and beasUfat.
aalaatlea oa tabnoll ptowiac. ntalu a lid title I. Cd lafcrlor gaaltir aad
The Rrabiem ef Ht* Weed LA
tloe d eropt. ear* d stock, pnmlag
Tr*v*rM City.
will BOI produce g<wM bnttema. It t*
Nww dad 1* at«e. aad Bother,
frnll tree*. Irlmmlaa erape rtact aad
believed, iboogb. wUh Ibe primer «altber lie ap
a dotee other braarbe* nf Ihe ariewee
llrailoa ibe fruli woaid be at valaabi*
I br tbal1 elonp
of popple I
of Bcrlcsltore.
at tbe Ceairal Amerteaa, If m, Ib*
beroa- tbe
old red nlll;
-Ob. be pal me ibniaab bit paem
growiag of buiioo* In Amerira waald
FVw Ttoe
- e hao bepi s<ree|dD- oa.
aa ladotiry d imporuaev
roe aad
Bd I are
are Bee.
Ibat anersonp on bit way home. -Ml
do with Ibe trra. aad we beat
Id Ultle Robbie Iblaks tbe ti
1 Irory nui (or mmeinUt
I aotw
cry eaergy ta Ibe direellea
porpo*** I. found on Ibe hanki of Ibe
that I was iblskla'
Bkla- ibes.
roylag them.
Now. bowevet.
Riser Hagdalrat. le tbe ITnlied Btalm
tame n
lo Ulb
oblem It bow lo do witboal theta, ef Colembla. where by tome li U
and aifbi. I CM tick
id ihit la leedold more terleat tbaa nailed (be Tamm palm. The frail
of It, bat I cuett ll’t terred
Ju,l J
phtae of the auhteet qyer form* a gluUilar brad abopi twiee (be
awpIlUa' «l*
Okhjefi avar, wnen uter vouin ue suer in :
•1 (urn. I could tee tbe <
tUe of a maa’t bead aad weigh, from
{rood bask ami be steadily earning inleroli
michtily Impretied ' wl
twrwiy to iweaiy^dgbl pisDdt
Oar preacher sayi ibat i laa sJntie bao
bead Is a kind of rlotier of balbt, aad
iL bui ret
We allow intercB c
MUlat from flfty m alny
s M
made. aader my bal.• iihln Ihe patl year mllllaat u
-INd you CM the piaee?' asked Rod.
ailowrd lo dry.
lars wonh of ralaable forMi laa
rather dUfmied at hU fHead'a
iMu-t stripped by the demon, ire Add
cell aad tblakiiu to aei twtr fn
rrdir well; 1 lived
ed in tbit we mutt remembee tbe Ibou
by drlrlaa oC. Oalr a Barrow atrip of
sands of mills
■le meadow remained bboM. and be
world * prodwrt <
Irory ouia. aad
ihnmgb ual
' Mealbt uf I'
meet In maar a mile,
TraverM City, Mioh.
-Well. I're at cood at u
laftctured ii
reer hone* oa Ihe aireet looked
»wa." wai the answer, -ibooch we
tad. It teemed lo me.
Idii'i elate ibe htrcalo. He told me
Tbere vi'n'l an tolls a-frlakln' t<
where by Aom who rut Ibelr timber
> come In Satardty. Well, cood-by.
■or lanbt. at I mold tee.
a with tbe site d (be
fuel, ajanr exerrlslag
Oeeai I’ll joa akna borne. It's
abnni Ibe mailer aare lo telect Ibe ol: <ci maaufacli
lured, (be aperalioat of
«n late lo cut any crata tedar.
flneat, moat Iteautlfnl Iree* for Ibe ax. msklag plot
ibere't aaoibi-r day ramlaa eruaa; bai If
pralrled west,
there he oae‘'prara«
It In Ua
may not l>e at pood at ihlt."
parked mr erip and lold Voi J liad
laad up
Rodney cniiM noi help enyinc nt I
pot enonah I cnessed!
anoiber and far more lerlooa aide, "pvperiat tir Met " Th* papmn bar
. ul 1.
l.oren only inuebed.
Of coarse. ihcreSi eltr rolks who beep
lag been patted ibrougb an lageafaMt
•Don’t croak.- br called after him. taowerer Nn maa ran beglB lo eail oxscblae Wbieb. ai regular iBlervata.
their fallb la Ood and aaa.
lyway. I’te done a cood day'* work Bute the daamjre (be coualry ha*
ae.xwdlag to Ibe tire of Ibe pin. plarh
loah if tber cured tbere all II
talaed In ibe iwelrevMmtb JflH patl.
for Loren up a fold aad prirka a bole U li
while I don't see bow Ibep oul
ibrough tiorm aad Sood Probabty
are ready lo nwvlte (M plat
a BO weather propb- ilmllar period la the atibm’a hM< .
Poe ihia porpoae tW* it aam
We're had oar trooble*. wife aad
ha* ever wUaeaaed uieh iremeodout
- crewled Rod. witbaciaaeri
rnwhiae. worked by iwo girt,
we burled little Dot:
devaMatioa by
ihera tky,
tky. where tbe cloudi
feed, (be plat, (be nsber ibe ,«(
I’poii ihal ilopp we Bade her aiave
plllac up one opoc aaoifaer in
flrat part of tbe autrblne It a
een aad suanr ip«:
>1 II larbe* bmg. ( Inrbet br
■ will aerer more to ue
'The real of the week waj "cateby
1 Inrhet dtep Tbe tniiim It c
•eeo terrible aad crlB.
P»md d lour small aouarc tu»l b
Blare I hare seee mr lliile kIH awall- wnther.- bad for bay tad the lemper rbaage In ellaatlc eoadlllaa
of (bote who Btake It
Banay morn hard lo be reefcoaed wUh I
up St Him.
iBRi. clouds by noon, tbnrp abowen we do not fear Ibe Ihlag wbirb w* caa Of (he pie fall ihrungh. but wot ibe
not tee face to far*, aad jm. tbe aaoM
Aad often BOW I come oni here nnd aad (tuit of wind, made btylac i
On Salarday Ibe Blair mta;
t la nature are lari*'
net me down i spell.
no roeditloa lo lenrr. but I*
one whleb tooebe* the
weal pan of (be b^om d^Ote IS
Where ratlin’ Irares nod warU'
hurried up to------- -------------It bteapbte a
foreata of oar aaliea U owe of ibem.
made lo detach liaelf as aooe a*
sraln seem whlsp'rln’ -All i>
AU regular eiiei in ntock. SpecUl wagon* and ileigfat
polniraent with Ibe Jodsc- He eetered
If Ibe work of latrlng down Ibe Iraea
H- row of pliit It compMe
of (be eoaniry keep* on. no) oaly will
Row after rr»w, at regular laterTal*.
I wlib Ibat all whn'd like to feel Ihe oflee wlib a britk aiep aad
fldeni air which, for aome i
Ibe farmt of tbe Hailed Statea be
dead are ufe fma harm
“ e*«y reipecL
taU* *
Conid eome oui here tad spend with: ■u-med in aai
ita who ati
tbe raady.pr1cked paper. By Ihe
to Mean well ai eeO. They are
me a Simdtr tl tbe fane.
lib papers.
-F I. RcNie la Ctairaan Herald.
maierul. tad given a llaah)’
"So. air. no, tJr! fre no bargala to
aedy to tbMr placm aad are
The theory that
lodlrldoal effen
fiBi* to caidt tbe eye; bm a» dniable, comfoti.
mtke with yon “ be exclaimed with a -an M*.r the progreti of llmbar de- prcaaed lalo them
By tbit mMhud
Loren BItir’t Ccrtlfleatt.
ware of bia htad before Loren bad tlrurikm ran not be maialalatd Hea two girit can la one day pul up many
able, abd Mat Tbe dteaped on tbe mirkeL qaality considered
> mowine narUDr drawn by
time to tay a word. ->’re read
rad ynar are ton mocb wrawed up In aelf. Tbey Ihoaaandt of paper* -Aaawrrt
bic boraet clicked lt> way ibroocb
Oace aaed and yen wtO boy no cither make.
retilflraie.BBd it won'i aatwer
T You’re
hold ibal tta land le which tbey boM
Ull craa> d ihe wniih meadow. I... not the maa fur tae "
line If iheir own. aad that (bey A FoKMul H*r«t Hale to a Fortwi*.
In* a heavy twaib of clorer and tim­
l>weo taxed at tbe Irate old 2ud«e.
atroaoe rate of Ihe bSmIIob of a
legally do wbat Ibey will with the
othy la It* wake. The taa-bamad fairly dumbfoaoded. ’-Read my 4t-:
forerii upon It. They •e uawllllBg la maa may bare (or a dumb brnle came
ate- he exclaimed. WhaietK,
What eould he Haiea in any dictalloe 1 to bowman
» light reeeaily ia Bt. tmnla. l|o,
le been pUylL.
rheu tbe will of Dr. Joba Qllwew Wat
e limber tber than cat
trick! Sarprited
ndmied. Tbe flrat elaoae d <b* la
bimtoir.. wbn kained upon I
tattr, he stood hi* grouad in spite of
irameni provided for a (raat (and
oeii the mad onlll balled wit
Ibe wave of dismltaal.
to be held la Ibe name of a
-Hello, there RodT Oreat
underataad." be aald.
iHbfuI old towte. Toey, whleb bad
Have you ever tricl the
for bar. lul l lir’
keep bU voice aieady.
erred tbe phywlritn roatlauomty fur
"Oreai’t no name for li
y certifleate
I didat they will do wlib them at tbey cbooac oearty » yean
The ctoote la tbe
I col flfty
was necetaary. If you’ve teen
be (beory nf Ibe rigbi of tbe owaw will was at tollowt:
mint not?"
a fonterr, and I out prove it
•la rate that my horae. Toay. whleb
> do a* be will wlib fait own. baa al­
W the
vont! give me (he chanre"
ee* Wo a rtacinatlBC one. aad not I have aaed for aearly ■ yaar*. tar
Hlln* ibl«
Tbe Judee bnked
■d up from the brief
!•} In nvenbrww.
rlret me. I order that fliAlW of my **
badb t oiorr Import am
birh he
working, tod ,
Tbere It a ttreng (eeUag growiag u:e be placed In tnitl at € per omi.
hr taw In Loren’s fare mad«
Blao Klatired
up Ibat (be aaiioo tbould own aad per aaaem. aad naid latareM atod for
ilrol Ihe fereett of the eonairy his food, theller aad'ear* to hmg at
They are tbe best Sold otUj by
tl U Just wbat It being done le be lire*, and after bit dmib Ibe told
te nf Ibe foreoKiat counlriet of (be .hall be dirlded amemg my lt«al
la Pruce. tbe repabllr brln.'-Tblrago Igier-Occaa.
logetbrr ia a way
BCmm* Wrara«
r nwu about twelve per
rimili had letraed
lYm T*a«pl
natloo't foreait. or about
You have a rertlflcaie. youa*
belpiBg to tale*
aani bouae
These foreil* tbe
n. be tatwered grimly, "and ll't gnard. and cam for. some te
lb- problem of hired help hi amay
foTKi T) . You wrote H younelf. and dred oBrert and more than three ae-uloot of (be eowalrr. If we ma
vad II retterdar afleraoon
If* • immd wetchmea belag employed band romfonable booses for oar
when Ibe tua tbinet.- and leave dreat.
•rliien all over yoor faiber't farm,
Ihe purpoee. T>e republic last haads where they caa bar* tbeir
up for rainy days aad Saadayt.
and Ifs no credit to .too. air. Sow. do
r appropriated a mlllloe doUart tor b< we. wl(b Ibelr wivea and thidr lU"Til. rather." l.*,reB Blair aetlled you undemaod?r ope*, aad iben pay Ibem enoagh
FbeBet: CKIaant 12. Bell 1Mpurrhaa* aad Impnvnaeau of Ua
hit lie cnoiplaeeatly aad flicked a dm
• So, said Lorea Blair dully. ”1
> Ibat Ibey caa lire nmforUblr. tW
from fait coat aleeve. "Abom at don-1 " Juai ,hm tbe oaly fact Ihal foreait. Tbce* lands bare ben ac
ter BBore apt to atay a
qulred by pardmae. bui ibe title alee!
Cnr. Tairth 6L and 4uka A«a
Jad*e RnaweU’a farm,
hr iindrnRood rlearly wat lha' be had runlralt the priraie foretu of Ihe yiari (ban (I
Id olbertrla*. J
Tbii’r tomeihln* to rt*k a load nr two
lost Ihe Riiawrii farm and Ibe Judge'* eonairy far emoagb to dictate
cd bay for. I lake li •
lop ninrli wage*.
wl-o hire, a^the ai
rinringt amy be amde. Every
an— teked Rod.;
Praace expeads raat
Inlerestnl *( onrr. Hr dropped the
snitlag a large gold watch, "that I can purpose of tuylag tbe
Farm Colmq’ for “i
rt Slopped hr "klk- to (he
spare you ]u*( Ire tniautes fur far
The Woman’* Nallona
Honal —
anilllaiy of
fairly begun Tbe ihrr explaaailoo. Yrtiwday afiemnoo lorest*. an, simply by g
K- Oppeabelmer Inttliaie
b aeMctag
istliBie it
bearing ' iW,

. _
ffnVwrtI ’fOT * •
the Iwwt In the
• war In ibe rain aad
roktay oa I^ag laland the tpplr of (he old iudee't Inikrd around
Your meadow wat lo
Horn of Bleobolltm,
U'l sh
Kwltterlaod are pamilag almllar poli.. ------------------ Pur Ibb pmpoae
ilr warns a man lo run It." said ihrrr I
a fuad of lIUMn b in b* nlmd. TW
•Monrr. wht.’s there no*- hat
Ihe Immyani.
ibiury to Ibat once a rtctlm bat be
Tbe lulled State* U
iKvield a place up nonh of Vemnor.
Yisur boe a It Iraaing against
The JudRr pays icp-noicb wacea—
.nning lo wake up tn ibe ImportaiMe gun to loare oS drink be baa a tar belaio Held. Tarrleti
I chaae* of Mfrctlag a p
more •hat. I ran make aorkln* no
Ibis suhject. tl I* blgb time we did
wiiilen wuti )i,ur
re wKh (be form work and
sh.vrr- fi.r faihrr—and I m Eotn* imo
. lor It eaa aol be denied Ibat If
. of aaiwre torrmindlng fe
Ihtngt go oa at Ibey are. it wUl only
Is Honor thai rm
1 jour r,
oklna for •
a few years before Ibe farming
dotiui boards missing A bai
Tl t Nyrmnldt and th. Clactrie UflbL
Iher do- atkrd
handful d nails would hi
Tbe darkaeai lhai bat perradad lb*
Wonrt repair from Are and flood —
■ m fast wh-n they fliwi c*
P.Mwmldi for ibouaanda of yoan H
Farm Journal.
so leninbs of fear* are d
w to be dlMwIled by Ibe etactrlr
'hr woods You neglected In pul them
K. Hotpero. (be dirertor «f (br no
up abon
ahrn you hnuled
hauled the
•y talranted with tbe preaer
Tmir gales
all mg
BgypUaa aailquliiet. hat
He would Im> srriouslt haadi hliigii '■..........
tad got Into (be
drag them Mioi
on tbe hlsiorlc temple d Kar
raped If Lnrea left him. for help wat ralbiT than lift
bit evenings;
n a lllile
k al Thebe. Bo socceeMal bat bam
rd to g»i Ihrrmgb baying and bar spr'.li. 'Slack.- SI
t bmughl In bit (be rMolt that (be Inner p«s..,f.. ...
•m no lodge
a farmer's bandwrltlng
tibt nf the greal Pyramid* are
There are other Hem*—i
One aftemnae bit fatber <
I be Ilgbled.-McCaJI't,
nest. In the *ppi> (ree*. yellowed him and asked bim If be bad ...
ire— In Ihe peach orchard, and
ugemeni for the erening The yoaag
The Larpett Room •* Earth.
■r rather cut up. b
Windmll soueallng for greaae—bui
largml room la tbe worU Mder
■omewhere, I gnet
A cbani
word wrliiea largeti In your ce
aad on broken by pUlan to *i
aoavcry diy
P<-iendmrg. li te alt headrad aad
the week, aad I propote • make tbe rale is -gelflih’ Tour father ha*
• Irk for Hi monibs aad needs you ■
most of it. A fellow nw.
mtMf tell* wbat (wimr feet loag tad oae boadrad tad
Wc invite >-our aitemion to our stock of
•nniethlng ly .vet you plan to leave him right _
Ai r fee( le brmtdtb. By flayllgbl ll 1*
10 blmtelfthe thick of hit wort because you’ve
•• All r
’•Ifi a good ebaace"
•Where thall I us si (.«• mOHary dteplayt. aad a whole
odtry Jen turned twenirone and feel that you
hlngt spoke tktwly at be aibetMl up
lietter youreelf Hare you no Idea
Ky night twenty ihonsaad wai
Ihe rHn* again. "A flnt ...
Colnmbto Haul
ommon Jullee* li tbe perpendlc.
T. make It bmotlfai Tie- roof te
—only—*ell. what a fellow <
tl balfMti teven: aad I wm (here.
pronoun the only word '
rtle artii of Iron
■elf l«n’i Biway* the Artt
When he appeared, be mid he warned
llih language* My advice
should sguare up But talk
young man. Is m go borne
In a VMeaM.
what you bare written as soon
Mile Japaaeae rllteeman,- be eiplataed
^ can. and write a belter certifleate
S (rom (be town
for Touraelf before ^on dare hope to fnr'h^**’ ""
-Sure.- aatwered young Blair lauet grrabetierpliee" He gUnced at hit
h may some day beeome acUre.
" ’She u ttaylag
II>. as hr started off wblstllnt a *ir*ie
waieb -Fire minutes, exactly
I h'd»rJltage. Irlag ala* buadrtf (oM
of "Strip*, and Bart."
I’re made tbe mailer plain —
■ tbe
of ib« Toksao, tbe wall*
ibougb! it Mranxe
Sealed on bU "rhariot of Induttry,"
Ikrren BUIr't fare was pal*
tt**p. It todie hu­
•Utdney drove the big boraet acrett from Ibe wreck of hit carHea* con have made Ibe appoli
ll the flew to the west woods, tblnklag ceil a Biaaller spirit rote dauntieatly Colambl* aader tboae
: I aald aotbtaig
rather enrlontly of Lswen s rbaare at
aad be aatwered with a ataady>oice
Amertcaa Ctrittralor.
•Wed. we went la. a
tbe Roawell farm If oaly be
ili^aiie p^.^ Judge Rotwen. Aad I
'wd with all doe (o
flrxl! la aaotfaer mom
nwntaer aad my alHcr.
P'nce to Parmer KrBiaa't eeph-H'mr muttered the Jodge at be
Tbe iiiuailoo tiracfc m* at faaay.
ew. who had wrilles that ’
lurned to bis work again -H m’ work ont_of doom or lote I
n< good grit, aaywty Shouldn’t
K;Oecqpytos taaraaefatoe
der If that Are mlnnlet wat
ai-rm. or turte*
My mother aad tiatn^
‘■•o* (hat
that df BL Petar* at
ipeaLRom*. Tb* tempi*
tempi* apace te a porfa
of giwal t-----------------Ibe vIHage street aad far aloag
M* lately- -Thea eouft* aad areeuet of tphlaxm.


. .








^awB'.jsrsiMsessA OF EVERY KIND. FROM Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, Sausages. Etc.

Q5Bj^saagm“-a= GET PRICES AT





lustetcsirMt. » Uictor Peterlyl.


oymt Tls«r *r«ais mn^ Ot^fTmmm





•r A Cww •//-rwM
A»arlbadiacai>wHluari>eytorwoaliantMl«aroBt «itbe
Irgrr rtiHim TiTTit—■ftrtnrm. tlr rnmnn tui made to Smld.
B lH«e btU rnnhotae at tlw ahm toeaUcB.


j .

MV diff^df wool oe the new qrtetnpUa-that BU pay to
.•awy wod teBei in ifai* locality tbe b«beM raaimfaetBret'a caih p^.





rrapMW Cr(y.«M.

Ko^al tiger

Caamtd Cam
ami Saimaa



Traverse City Manufacturing Co.

Otm Stparators,
Yoa««bltobM«a8cpMlorbeca»ett wilIa(»>|tay for
iiarif in the «aia anwnat ol oeam it wiO eitraet from the
DOkandcfMHlMthaapaMaBdbecaiBeu wiB save tbe
vdeatleMtoMLalToiawvwkartaking oi« of the milk.
to bty a -Rtdi*’ Separaur becaime they me
made of the venrbaM grade of th and an . very dinble.
baAaMtbe7are«b*t|>.becaaae they on U taken care of:
vlik leaa work ^ otben Separaton: aod beonse t




Seed £om
‘Pride of the north’
l>is»eariy dent com (hat will get ripe _
-in^bUcouDtn-. You will not regret it if
you tty some of it. We also have Buck-

. — — ..__ .___ . _

»J*n'n boy If I ca,
good btad. (baach. and yo
^ “r iroal^ In g«un, aaotber
to anyhody'SuVt>«
• u. 1


lisp ^TBMg 'BKBAID, ntOBSPAT, TOg % !>•*»

ItaUnrose HcnU.
-TAxineiiwHicaconscuw wj.

jPt art Ibe Cttdtoe Mto* *lm_



■f^STeTtb* I-----

e of tbe d*lk>to

«tldi I


■Mlt^ A«J Ihi^om of « l». *b*

SU^ uo-3^;2: V’i.w
■4^ be M eobaMma of a«feodi

ffiTlruS By oatorjtM tb* Uie. of


Bst Ibere li b polai beyoed *hkb
to wUbOBt do-

Ibe rtemt etoo n
-Olpry Uta."

Biblya M. Pe’t Inokrd ehenn> evrola* ai >iie tdrsoee>d to
.If the> MtL
tlexc end de'lrered
iwr, Tbe esinlal
eslnlelory to a
I lect to handle.
handle la an nr
dlffri 11 ful.iect
.'l3i-r (.rni.oo
(.rat.oo a wide
wlie rsate cf Mn> I*
v(W> meanlof rf the word, the t
er to r in eerula l>uuor1r
Pell bownrer. pul t (reibne«» Inio
Ibtl wat pl-Wtlnx.
Uto«> KUATlOh
IP ritl’t cf l»0l made a en»' reh-rthin when Jrm- Biilllvta wot xivnn
Ibe honor of drllrcrlne ih" rtatr <«a■ km. Ur. SiilllrtO tpnlii- ns "AiDeriran
Indanrlet" tnil hi* ' ftiU* th.- ved
thil he had cl'^'O the -lb>m ra-Ini
8'inie of ihe Kim hr id
(tared w.r- r.--.:lliy of a ttajrwmtn
eri.l thowo I a uind morerxani with
rrobicmi of today,
cijuw PHupiitnr


~ ?
P>*<ut« lu iwlee'ta' WatlnX tbe tick.
Jf yen are MrX. we oCIrr you a wty te
be —A. wen-tor. UUM' Ktrvlae.
TWe sedteiae It a •rteatlOe rwre f«
aerre dUertlem. saeb at KnTwIsla.


Daaee. StoUmey •

« oi tut bdbbbi n>svr4
RbpMs * iBdIbBb Bsnb !• oae o( tbe cobMHs
tbe PeDBsyleibbi

to to (beefreet lhal. ■ lAimbertOi
atkrni berlac ceeaed, tad there
praetkally ao other buetaee4.ta eisbl.
openUon of the MaStolre brwb.
tblrteea lallet loo*, will be ataaodooed
dortoc (he eonlDK year."
Tbe nraad Rapldi A ladlaoe Rellwiy to 0oely oar road ta Nkitaae.
we bare teen, a mail oae al
aad. at w
...... All tbe other roadt are Bufferla* ta tbe aaoie way. Taxet la erery
rate ntr aol bare lacreaaed proportkwalely at noeh at tbnae cf the

tee titutled Ifl other ttalet: bui
Tbe BeM tbx lew vei tbe ooico
cnbeieet all bare bad tbeir lax
et tbe lets Oor. Platreeb erneade.
deat bearlly laercaaed.
It It
«bs tbe rseelt et hta oubpsKb for sated that Ibe taxat ot the Ulehlcao
"eqtiil iBtiUcei." Before the new U« Ceatral•.................
for................ e »ir.............
tbao (or IMt brtacla* then up lo
ta bUebltsaWere eahjeel-----------1700,000. The aSDUol paid out to dlv|.
tbiee-lbal Js. they paid s eeiftblB dead! by the Ulehlcao Ceatral la the
txed peraeautie cf tbe'.recelple ot Ibelr tame year wat »74tA2Q. to that tbit
bBBlBMS T%e De« toetbod prorldee eoDfmy't enU (or taxet wax tlnotl xt
ter « biMemoDt of tbe property - Ixrce as lit payoieel ta dlrldeadi. In
Ibe cate of tbe Oraod Bapldi A
aot Ibe tax payneatt wore tnorr
Ihr dlrldpod paymeats. The Perr
j>s Rbllny Uartinede rallr
Oo. *e eball preseatly see. Ae a |n- 11*0,000 ta exe.
lltfBarr, bovrrer. It to well eaoatb offletato (hlok It--------------------------to mtot oat tbet. noMiielly. gmi
Tberc bat at yei been no deelcare wai eaerdeed Id Ibe eiecetloe of
• 'aria* uptbe aew lyetea. At leatt. eoaalderirloiii InaUe tine war epest Id owklac eateD'^re pad eipaeelTc cbleutotlose few
BUbi tbe TbiBbtloe of tbe roada A
lane aanber of nea aad enBe “eipertf were eawed tor the work. But
tbe opeelkn cf axliig.a apiten of Ux,«tlm le by BO neam aa ew otf^aM
^SSe or free fronpetd^rel**^ Tbe reader nay recall i
ib«|* «a oae ef tbe dbe aad bit
■etbodi etttalaly did aoi tead to iaitopetoBdwiw la the rnalu twaefaed.
Statei xoprene euort. oa tbe writ
tb jHto to Profeator Heary C Ad- of error sraotrd to rerlrw tbe proeedIlC^Prataaar Adam to tbe eUUa
itaUa ore
orr to eonpet tbe Oraod Rairidi A
0^ tbe lai
eats- lodlaoa - illwmy to r«di
It per Bik to SM
1 per
le itaic of Ulrhlhad banded
I to tbe CDB|iany-t toteotion. Tbit
deetoloo will here (he effect of ne-

If so, the South Side Lumber Co. at Traverse
City is the place to buy your material. Shop
and mill work done on short notice. Give ns
a chance to figure on your wants.

aurwsM cf tbe lalerual ereaae «

South Side Cumber CoCra««ra« Cily. Itticb.

qnmrp a

Il it aurpritlB* how onr trade It taklnx lo our

tclutllr rxtoird.
or wit uf Ihe klad ibit hun Ihe
fewItoRt of no one, yet tbe inrideaip
or Ihi Plat* roam, itiv faint aha<tow> o(
> indlccoslr-; erenlt were caufhl tod re­
I Ibelr
eled in pucb a manner a> m d'e
ehtrm In Ibe l»per.
Tlu- Uarine City lilube and
eoiiBcll have
Lwin 8leinbcr*'« rtlndletory war
■lit,.'0.1 In ■ clear voice that carried
It w-..rd« to erery part of Ibe bnute.
Hr. S elnbenTt farewell wat irmehed
In Itnpusse Ibaf conreyrRl M« thoushl
IB a e-)Bctoe tniBoer yet xeve ample
A Lex'ncon man bat bwnme dlt
room for the bean'let nl dictioD.
Mr. Slnlabcrg't urillon clottvl Ihe *alltn,-d wllh Ihe railed Stele* and
will mm- 11. Canada, wh.-re b.- *ayt
•hl*h l.a l* have ihre.- cherrl.w In
ih.-m .iB«l a man ton i barred IkInc a .i«-ctAlnr al a ditR ftrtl iNTWiite
A. {Urbonr uf ihe 8uie
al irhnni at Ypalltnll.
rSE I L-KIJI- eCHOOL ASD TUB rTTATKpMf ttorboar besaB with a poeilcal
allurlon In the fan ibai the tiaip did
Dot i-oarltt if l■ttllvme^If sod walls
•t nor hayt nor upon ih.- uBib-n-ixndlne ihal ih<- man
poru lo whkb were *rcai narlt* bui from Ihe Line crat tioie n.^ver thow
of men. men who knew ib.-lr Uiiilet 111! fn-i- III Ihe qiilel illlace of Alba
their rishit, Ihete eonMlliilc egalii
A t.rt.v band of flfleen pli-eet bat

He told how wlu-n Ibere,
Croat tirlke IB Cblcaso. as iH-en ..rc..iilr<<d al Coorianilae which
editor atked. "What are th. public
laylnjt itie u. He- Cmticlie'* and R.icer*' baiult,
acboolt .'olnBr'
nne.- r.-.-ll known m-.x Mlchlean and
rewpcmslblllty ol

It the Oraad Bapldt A Ii

&jttltade of boetillty to reUtoad laJMHb- Aay eaeb work la whkb be
Ajktd a part to Ml to be far fron
Hinelal br reeeea et that rerr facL
Ae plaa pwmed was that of harlBs
Meaor H. K Ca>4ey amrelae the
|*»iltoil pnnerty ot tbe raitroade aad
.eetfMBor Adam audee aa exaalaa-Itedf tbe tnaeUI eperatltmi aad b
cf the fraaebtoea. There
.M ebe a aoeaHed board cf rrrlew
■i)Ml«-ho4 of erode aod cloney de^JtaM.bieaited to aid (be Tax Omnle-ibaifi ta tbeir berealcu taek. Oe.WMlbfr (be woric wax doee ta e fair
kSHaaes. Bat erery lyeten matt be
.irtnd by lu raaulu aad that tbe
neibedi enptoyed ta thle Ittataacc
were faulty aad woikad crest tajatttoe-to- (be iDllmade to erld«l fnaa
■Obawenr auUrtal taewte ta tbe tax-atlao.ot tbe teadi whkb they hare


'torr~nr'tbe rkte. Tbe taw prorldee
f taxatloB to to be the
-ererrte- tax rote cf_______
t the eute. „


thn the ooonletke has do rlcht to
wnane that other property to sot aiaaaaad at lu tall eaab ralue.
etent at tbe lane tine opbeld
rtcM of the lectotatare to pan the
new law. Tbe lery beeee wai u tbe
tan (Die of nCAl per tl.000
New, let oe tea what bat beec tbe
oBeet cf tbe new taw ta the ease of
the OtaOd Rapidf A tadtaoa Hallwey
CBapany. Thle ecopaay wUl tanttoh
a CDod example of (be woiktac of tbe
new taw and ot tbe nethedi enployad
ht Ue Board of State Tax Ccmnlw
alOMrt. SB it to a rNMlrely aauU ayetan. Tbe Orand Baptdi A ladtaaa
ayetan eonprien tltocetber leai tbaa
Mi buDdrad loDaa of rand, wtib
pwtotac <ta tbe latsat rear) n____ _
ernr Dim oxer fo«r taimea doltort.
Md With act earatact. atler dedaetlv
■apiBjn. taxee aad reetato (bat act
bed ehaipet tor tatereet). of tan
IbDD *tOO.Oet. The propwtr of tbto

tax nte betas, ae alreby etatad. Iic.-

US: tbe Dieeienm bat bow beoD
. tertber taeteaeed to IU.000400 with
a^jbdeher tax rate. aanMy ItCAU

m polky toemt partkstarly
la (be caee of (bat ttata. ta
le etatCi etbaaiUoa of Ue Unber

b(^ t-rr
f.n- Ihr claaa. Ne aald h
(hUik .d
and with warmth of head aod a hlich
Her' ert Uontacue made the preaeoillon apeech. Il wat the aneoed
me tliai the bonor had been aeeord
I bln- and be aak-ad indulxenre If hr
thou’i' repeat aay, of hit Iasi year't
tpeech heeanae he hadiit ehaneed Ihe
tdeaa he hail rxpretaen Ihen. He mm,y had been mush
I come when the
acbolar had been nitnhat ready in *lre
np Hu- Behl hut bad cone aleadlly on
until tneeeatfid.
He concraiiiltled
aald lhal Ihe arecri an well IkRon
wooM nndonbtedly broaden out.

Sm win tbe nuroedi elooe be burl
by Ibte oradliion of tblast? Will not
the Dev polky reset dtoattniDtly op
OB tbe ttale loeir and ttt people? We
bare teen (bat. owtos to tbe dylas out
If eenala lodniutaa In tbe
eelal oeed of altm '
nd np and exieod
taetead of tatittac a oee
loBow (If eapluL the etale to pareotai
lhal mutt repel IL Ii,
tbe iDtelllseni people
- :t«eM teeon so muoa to <1
of tbe lUir to awake to a rcallxatlon
'tOQbtcb. la addlll
iko. tbe eourte ten> ot wbal tbe new leetolaltoa aad tbe
<b*-Board of State
le Tax OooiBitieloD- aew poUtkal taBuencfe which are
domiaaai 1a Ibe affair* cf the Mate
'efraasad power ta (be outt

• -Medtbat allowaoee would hare to
bta-Me tar the fact (bat
*Uah'-Mpeny to aol aeaec
•-TMl Woe. but at ooly a emale raryrTflr*Mpertlcn «f the mane. Tbe tax
rbMM had DO toDOtac lo taror ot (!
*eebfk hat with the Mea laeDllooed
"UM'll Axed tbe rale at llt.CS p_
■ tl^-XBtaaUoa. WIthoet allowaoee
ftr na oDdertBluatSoa of ordteair
property, the tale wmi tUAS par
•WOP. Id aa adbrn brooebt by the

DetlW Benf cf Bdoeathia acalntt
' tM" Tlx OonniBtloa. the Supreoe
OdMt-cf MkUcao. ta a deetoloo reattaref May I. IPU. held that the duty

hlflcp education. ei
Hied smernntent a
Tbe rolled SIslea baa i
aparinx In tbe aoppnrl of H
d puUepea. Tbe iDlereei In falefaer
edueation did OM ipring from the pri
and np but from (be ml
maty c
leademy. tbe teadeaiy In
le*c In
Ibe High
It to (he primary mdi
Did wlib a aolid baae.

( ri'.arlc"


6oihg to Build?

South Side Shoe Store .

D. IHcbelt. Ppwrtf«*r.


Well, ibey might, aa they are sbaolnlely rneatag an ritk and tar.
In- r.iie on eaeh lutirel.

Ii'« a »C OO flour w hicb we tell al



ar- sl*n agenia lor narkicnt Calf ihe oely tulialllule Cor aweei
milk, pnl lip In *0 Ih ttrka (orfl.iM.

We have Inat iwwlred a lot of

nic- yellow deal RMvl eom for whleh w» hare the teed houae’t won!
that by aeiiial itwi »n per cent will grow.

Aod Ihen anniber thins

W- wieilil like to rail your aiteoliun m and ibai It paint
the largeal Mock to ihe elly.
......... ..

We eanv

Ulted palnlc, white l.«d aa,l nil and al

whleh en*l .inly !5c roor.- per and fi.r Intide ihere

I. n.iHiInc Hml will exeell il.

Cnlt .01 ii» an,I a.- will aa«c y.i'i m,,ney

Ulilhelm, Barlak Company

National Dentists.
GIVE A spe:ciai,

P.-,inles* Extraction.............................................
Best Red Rubber Plate................................. -

Kemeuibet w

wakv IaMuc.


a Ihe teconil floor oil Ihe f

Building. Suit 3U7-2UK

-Mr btlT wws r.,mBK o«t ImtUy, t w«l
tlnm, ktru,. .6 r***l, It tlu, Ar«vW HAlr
u*a.a.u k



hslrfood. it feeds, nourishes.
The hiir stops Ftlling, erows
long ind heavy, sod lU dan­
druff disappears.

l>eAlcriik.b«h gtarleJGRANITK xnd MARBIy-p: MONUMKNT8
Mmehtwi-ta wnd
Utett nod Dewcfi deagnx.
Kim-cUxt wotteuMNIp ptanatecd.
Coping and Cut StOM lo crdcx.
321 Bay St. Traverse City. Mich. ClUxem’Phone oeo

prick on this work

ftlls I

Hair Vigor

Selling Farms, and my opportunities for
making quick and satisfactory sales are
unequalled. Property listed and full in­
formation furnished by my representa­
Wilhelm Block. Tiavtrse City. Mich., or
by addressing,



Sometimeg the hiir is not
properlyoourtshed. It suffers
for food, stirves. Then it


Crtam of Ulinnesota
Spring Wbtat Hour';




oaper or it ran .ptrkle and tela.
Illtoci' wllh rltta hilt that note the
nuen< r in rlnlblllty erea lho.ieb he !•
tiliitinled with the eharteierr
Ultr Huhy Cirperaer'f

•Ue US Ibflpeoee f.H l> tbe W IJr
SB orttabiT isspMer «bb. » K b»d

IBC earioBt la)iiT7 to I
BOd It vobM Been) si

Bceaut* rMbawlbtoeedtlbM
yet are loeMae tor. Bit baet
jutt what yea nual < ■ i t >

Blue Vitriol

U» .bor* fc«“

M^S^VcbKatM cf Uil

vMem. Nol hSTtn* b Totf tbe i*nnibd kbs DO TMoane csMpt Id db bpbMl to tbe wpm.j|Bd^lbe----------------



Be ture VKD are let of at the nitht

National Dental Parlors

n j.

Poor Hair

■ t-



Dbcm Idtos no tummer

If yon Mcd Besh •fid

Scott’s Emulsion
lommcre in winter.

Tblrty4hree brt*ht yonas P
—......... UKHr conne ta Ibe Trir•ebooit latt Tbsreday aod
yearn ipeot In earefni


Monday, June I3tli, 1904 %lvElii«r


Ladks Suits
^and Jackets
At greatly reduced pricer-. As we never
carry a garment over from one season to
another and only have another month to
clean up the stock, we have made such
sweeping' reduaions as will insureOhc
desired results.
4 Suits. 3 Tan Colored Home Spun and one
black Cheviot, they were $l&.00. to close ® *• • O



I iandics the full line of Osborne Goods. ■'Osborne " is the largest independent maker
place your
of grain and corn binders, Mowers and Keapers in the world,
order Ix-fon- seeing Osborne's new

Uertical Bar mower
one of their specialties.

machinery and Farm Implements
Remember chat we sell the

“miller” Baseline Engine,
The only GasAlinc Engine that a child
can start and handle without trouble in
cold weather. We have sold over forty
engines the last year out of Traverse
City, and the)- are giving the best of satisfaction. Before placing your order for
any make of Engines, call at our store
and see the Miller.

9 Suit
Suits. Venetians. Cheviot and Home Spun Eton
trimmed with Braid ttO RO
and fancy buttons, worth tn$l7.5H.
to $I7.5h. to dose vO«Ov
883 Suit^ all the very newest styles, well made and
liandtomely mramed. have been sell. ® 1 Q »T<C
ing right along for $25.<I0. to close
O*/ U
^les,^^Scotch 1 wceda. Broad Cloths and i^nglish
6 Ladies' Eton Jackets. 2 b!aS; and 4 tan. all wc have
kft, were sold up to $S£0. to

We have just received four car loads of the

Pao« Bra’a aito lb* OM4 earriaac Ca’a BaoBka

Splendid all wool raateri^V'

One of our superb

Walter A. Wood Mowers'
If yini arc a farmer call at our »torr any day between'
now and June I3ih, and look our tficomparable lim- of

Bifidefs, ItaMs. IKinfs. Sen lUnp Rakts,
SMC DcHniy Rakes. Ha; Tredders xM Htt liMn,
over and grt our I'KICKS on them, which are ILOW'
ERTHAN YOU EVER BOCJGHT FIRST CLASSM.XCHINES BEFORE and you will be given freeone ticket ^milling you to one chance on our

Wc arc taking this method to acquaint yoo with tbe
FEATURES possessed by machines and the
EXTREMELY LOW PRICES at which tve are scII-<
ing them. Get your FREE TICKET eariy and avoid,
the rush.

The finest ever shown in Traverse City. You can get just what yon are i(v4;iftg for
at Boughey's

£ Wilbel^

timr rmt

Cor. CaasIA State St.

Both Phonat 49.

Forris Imnlemoiit Co. L|| I



spMiiii rmMm Hi
EcmHhIi m

It it Mara.

___ _________•«■ writer It. l*laaaaMtU
SwM.«ri.H»awaM.»wOaira. 0*m r~r a

-TU'Tiits jr«xa z
with u

II te to ialM«. arte to ««rit<M


■ Mar to a( ■


After U

oar harf aad tan raUa «•» eaa tafelf

t asrteuHaral writera

Itr per-dar. or tC per eow per rear.
Aa ibla attiela la petUac ntber
leBpibr wlU tell vbai aad bow to feed
at anotber itaa.
Jai. Harrte.
IT DalfT fbrm.

Pmtaallf t toHert to a tpaelal par-

>te ibe raaden of Ibe acriealural coloauu oT tbe
Herald to bartac aa anicle fran Ur.

batter Ito Moot coaaaBkaJ ai well
Bf batter «aalitr. W» kart two cowt
vbkh tllMUaiOT tklt la pan. alUwosh
at cnarar. Jaat ear latlaarr mrw

daaea Harrta <a dalrrioc
Hit seiboda are wonb itudrlnp.
aad riewad rmi tbe aiaodpotot rf
are wane Icaliailat.
... _a a Babcock letter aad kaoaa
Ike eoalltr oT eaet cow'a Bilk. He
keepa a dallr reeord id ihe aaioul of
Bilk earti cow etraa. So he doe. not
keep a aUr boarder to bl« hara
Mr. HarrU pelt tbe price td a coWt
wp preiir blpb. t>M be ta rocreci la |
P poallloa tut Ibe feed ahould be
cooaied ai BUritel raiae. A row will
>r to praduoe !I0 poaada <d bailer
2( eaott per poaad to par her
ird. If Hr. Harri. bad a .Ho be
lid eoaw a lim. tea* ea.i of Vcop.

1 Jaraar^oMote. cirea
Bilk par 4ar. n pooitet
td *Mek oukaa 1 pouad of butter, oad
tto uataaaa 14 pooato at arala
**&M No. *.
.1 or «llh MaketTbOoud .
r a bicfear BelUac potai.aa
eohir. aad roatoBra I poato
B I aaad
VB praratl voflt

' faad u kaop tor la aaod
^ BM «MMi do bar boat ir I
Mlwted or too urn*.

I tBOCOleal
aaJib. aa a
te u alibar

Complete External and
Internal Treatment
Price One Dollar..
la tea treaMMt af tdttvlac. Half
Bttec. UeUac. acalr, Ctiteted. plia^r.
bleleto aad aceofaloM basora of tto


three dollars
are what
a horseman

“A string of

in the grey shades that


are so popular for

honestly made

will not show the

all sizes

dirt—checks—stripes and
plain oxfords.

>f Ckraa of lortortei



I, aad arm tto beat ptaf




all wool, fine cassimeres—well shaped and
tailored to stand the hard wear—our plain
oxford grey cassimere Pant in the three
dollar grade is the best pant to be had for
hard service—ask to see them

fasting Bffipin News....
Fpon tite More that te alkte^ at tbe boat with bu|aiai Uuu ai

Oat npidir inaeaaiag trade ae.l thoutapdi of uiiffied


Some lUngSv that may Interest you this Week
We offer )\>b anf and all of our prettf^Slreet
Kate, everyooe a beuiy, 6ne iiaalh)- Hrawt,
braidi and cfaitroBi, very nylixh asd by ter the
note becoming bau to atreet wear Ihil were
erer ocated.

Spccbls for
June nth.


For Salntdiy Only, 10 pci cent Discount
GtaiiddiipteyorChildreii-oBonDete,Oipi. Tamt. MaU Halt, etc.

Qosing Out Salt


to aummer wear, GOc. 76c....

Kai-Kai Widi SOkt to vaifU. eitn


fZ98 Skirts
r wrigfat Aiite tbu we wid lait
MMOB from $6 10 $10. Bettor come at OBoe.
No tOHc wbRi them are feme.

16c Bittetet ami DiinitCto Dimitto ...
8e Gtoghami ...
10c Giaghaiu..


. 5 .



M 1 L. L. 1 N E R Y

Ladies' two tone street M.ii!preiiy and attractive shirt

Ladies' iintrimmed Sirrei
Hats, made of J A
fancy braid, a 111 A



I jost at hand. Our
amk ii Mcond to none ia the city. The Hylei. too, ate the prettieit
ever pcodoeed While, of coone, te the ’nbii«," aad we have tone of
Ibe tacm bewHchiag coadtoaltox of India Linen. Lace*, Embroidetie..
tetown. We b^tn tbe price at


6Bc and run np fc $5.00


Children's l.eghom Hats,



Soiing Ladies' Dress Hats, frinimed
with two big bunches of
roses and mull. \S'oulc!
M II #%
be sold by exclusive milt|
liners for l.a'i. Sate price

Ladi< s' tailor made, sluri waist 1 lais. mad<-uf
imi>oned fancy braid-, ornamente.i with ro-<-ncs
and natural wheat, made to retail in U'-iroii for
sale price SI.and .
....................... ..

wo^ n(te"fml'^7:>r*saTe X M jj


Infants' fine embroidered
elaborately irimmnl ,n rib
bon and ruching
.'-iv is
what you would pay in a
miUiflery store, our price

Mowers in endless variety.
We place on sale aO do^.
fancy wreaths for children s
hats, in alt colors, each___


Bonnets for Infants.
made of a good quality lace
strii«d mull, fully v.orih 'J-k:.


■ V 1PI

11 ■ 1 11 RACKET
toU>vTlc.aHl$LM«altotteH«ate«ly. »•

. **....................... »I.O0


a a arieffy atyltefa, nobby and apUckdaie’
vht —


1 II M



liitth grade I’attcrn Hats, white, black and
colors, beautifully trimmed in -pangh-s, silk
IloweT-i. foliage, ornaments, etc , worth up to
S\sale price........ ......................... ............


Colonial shape ready-to-wear Hat».
trimmed in silk, military
braid and quills, a swell tJ 1* A
and rich looking design. ^M^a|
worth >.2:,. for . ...............UIIU

X" q,Q

Indies or Misses' Street Hats teith
broad oval crown, Jap
braid tnmmed in biiuons || U A
and ornaments, made to^^(|
retail for $2. sale.
..... 1^U||

*M 1111

I I"

A good showy Eninch of
Rose, with foil,

s'li, sr;. irtn
for this sale..



|b PM



Mill IMJ i*««
1 IS
Front St


I I:



0\K OR


Ladies Dress Hats, modestly trim'
med.goodshap«;s.large A
variety to select from. 1
A »


n Few 600<l Cflings Cell

«n«r' “‘IS
im il 1 iFl jrnmr


Ladies' and Misses' Sunbonnets, made of ipood

over tow, i,«

There are wbitai Hid cbl^ and aoU late year all the way bom 60c to SlJe. Waald not rceommend
UicmMHylWtbnaomeartbHiareiaMatdeHraUeat ihte aemoa'i make with the eacepiwm of the
rioevn. We have place] them in two Iota aad prietd them attheridicalnm low fiigiire<of 2&C and 39c


This Time it is

Double fold Silk Chiffon and GlaoSilk for hat trimming io




We bought the Surplus Stock of
R. IH. -MAGAUHI-eV «. GO., 170 Jefferson Ave.. Detroit. Michigan,
at less than 26c on the dollar. The backward season forced the above firm to sacri­
fice their surplus stock at a trifle of its actual cost rather than carry it over for another
season. The stock consists of Dress and Street Hats for Ladies* and Misses, Silk and
.Mull Bonnets. Silk and Mull Hats for Children, shapes and flowers. *fhi8 will be a
great Millinery event, a whirl of Millinery bargains. We place this stock on sale on
the basis at which we bought it, adding only a small profit, thus giving our patrons
prices never equalled at this time of the year.

la ow doak Dept, tbal yoa Hiaald
d overlook. Remly to wear fanaeati gobif
to IcM than tbe bwe « of materiaC ^

•ILOOvkhie*.. r#ff
S16.00 vahiet.. tIM
tlO.Mvaluea.. T.8t


Fer Saturday Only, i OFF

Ml trimmed Hau, and we have
•botrufriarelyjaHthehai yoa want it here-if it teD'i we am
' Dteke it to your order.



in fine wool cassimeres, oxford grey stripes
and checks, perfect fitting and guaranteed not
to rip—large assortment patterns : : : : :

Bilk craa^ MBDad bead, ateana.
MabaraodaraiTtefoTblMiB, acatf.
ptaaptraklB aad MBlptoBatB.trttb teat
at lafaaer aad iteUdbood. are

•-baa ........................... ..............
,rm ■
ralve cd tto toad lOld oB (he farm,
.ee I
trad U daby prodaci..
c pmdaru I

air aMH bare eoaa oT leoa
aa«%eiap tor 00 la a pnad. eteaa. Il«ht on Uic lara.
Md •all mutated ataUe.
OB td bolter aoei
DBiaaltiW eeata Id I
Mm aa io odm o( load, ve read or
r tor 4S.7S. enro :
I2.M. llBatbr
mm *to elalB ttor ooa toap eom
- br HO to $» par mr. I doat baItera a pood cow eaa
Mrir aood
d awk te tto
U Oraad.T>aTB Mr urne of U»( i n<i
e tor taaa UUB »«0 for feed
oloae. aad alio* aaarkat prieaa ter oar
Parmer, j br (.
fned. loatMd of Isartap n at csal of

mm It

special cut on overetock
of Rockrn.

every day wear and


aleea aad aarea trialaf froa BB Inpata

_____ CUtekiB
Ha tore aUarteud ateM« tto
naap. aad tba cotafon tber bara afrented woTMK “Tj;™
aad worrted paiaate.
Me. tjaraa eoateadu ibat ailape coal j J"™"
a few eeata_pee--------------------bg^a.^,pno.l.«
daj pir tc*d I;

te Ibe nr *e ^
ctoUncnteoar be«i^


would can

will not rip




at from

Shoe. .or.h„p,o $2^0,







le ya «a»^t iii




^SaL’wu'ltnM Ttoitad




'KViBt aad
retanMd m a
O. L. Alltooa ha* MM >Ma heaae aad
to O. A. Drighw.
n« «u>ii7 letMl*.
O. A. BrWka* «Bi e-ltod aat
•hntctaa «e*M TOTT aw to
Ian ereairg to **• a *M <ri Mmd.
heiai! uaaMe to aal ber titoad'
IMI7 Ute. •»« »w tw™ »*"
lb* ntarnnl to her boan lo g d It
about aUtr a ibHr Me«
I iau> aur kiaOred* a trbe ___
bad er.pped
la to bel* tl ■■ e
__ d to
Tnrpra* Ctty u4 tb<
___e thn- amal
. .
larr. Danctoc aad car* uT*
mUTT. ne
enatog aari all aajored
iMdmw ■*« ajavotlir a k
(ar toio i**. algbL
aMw« •» aov bw« baUr aaslfat Ugbl rarihMiU
«ere wrred aad
Hr. aod Mr*. H. Oamtortlle wml
ibu a tM ntetkw •oMMlmH br the
ftiTlelu. «bo 1> adM* thofiM.
lb. «»I4«K •>< «b« *4a«r a tb. aod erretal other rerr pirtiy dUbe*. ui. a *00
(tallr «ltt whom h* htroBM
Mr*. Bloom of Maple Oiy
last week wlto * nice twli
MU. Wboi. tb*rao»*. tb» «i
exninloa IfoB Pnoakey
f<r • ««o«»Up» a run k». b.M 'W»
A. P1»ber began bto a
•e «IT. Juae ilh. Mopprf *l ■Cbarle»
paaiM to lb* (Milv a»to dtoo
eantiierator la*t Wed
Mabel, uhleh to aa ttouaital oeci^ »y.eeaau*
Ibw to • hruktof jt ito.
June 1*1.
>UKuiteT.m»«ryt*iwie rti.«. i*
lee. TblHr-foar look ^ranlage a
Hto* Vlulel CnlltoK wa* a B-.
cMia* that oato ibew «bo bare had aad «mt lo Ibe cby.
a'abort lime ag-i.
eaeb en»He»e. earn ftIUf apvroaat.
irpe .\c»en aad tbe aalricK
2 U ^ toM WIU *M ri«t«—w1
Dr. Eboaaad b«M pualoe
DM ihbtr run OD to (ba IbM UUto eaale*.
r, wl-o bat b
H. C. Cardaar,
and Mr*. Keller, who w<-ocBmo a Trarerae C»r aad dnriaf ai lag to Trareree
e c;ir. rrtar
<ba r«an fTM im iiaUJ aow ho bM mday.
ink day td Jbb> wm. U to e'dnW
Maoltno Inn winter have mori-d o
bam 8B aaire aad falBBaUal verhai A. a. Piay to aroniid taktag ibe
. Richard Rawjer a
la bto arawtoa. He »ai a mao a'
loba RIddlemaa »r E
«»i, aoerkDoat. aire a blaaair.
g Arbor caller^ »-«t
emtdml to todc»«(. eaphatto to bU
K. Hogetood aad wUe. who tired
mamatoF a o^toa. b« aadertrta*
Cru* vniage the pan wlater. ‘—
ai vai a irmi bic laadar bean that la
retaiMd e»to aad are rtoltlng
atfer*] arhm other* aa««ad. aad



“Sf?....__ _

bar* Acme Soap .
..IJe m
.. tse lb
..isc n>

Greateat Dae of Hsml Rag* to
Xoribwa Hlcbigaa. tocludtog
FARIA" la 111 idses. fr«s tie


I r:

A. B. Pray aad fiially are lb. owaa oC a new raage.
Mr*, rba*. HsMBoad to on ib.

bl* baad oa the saw «alt. badly Fri­
day. He weal at noce to Trarerae
City where bl* baad wa» eared for by

■iMd br Tooag aad ad.
bow vbcn be baa «> oftaa alatotered. aad •!-« bto lywathy
^gealle ear* ban 4cw *o aaeb to aid
Wbea calM age* le act to oMela]
mgaeltr. aotabir a* aenber a the
aebml Iwgrd Cor a «
dUMired Iba aaibed an bto troik to
nca. He «ra* earatU to daaa aeqoatoUag btaaett tboroagbir «ltb
«bai wai aaadod to b* done, aad tbea
*« la bto eoarMioB a the daty
Ahean aa aatbaiUailc beUerar to
ttc poaalbmitoa a ibe Orud TrartcM rartoa ai a trsli gr
be bad. to tolar jura, eipari
gate eateaelrdy aad owaad
fr*lt Carat oa toe high toad adjototog
the air oB toe veeL
Meaear* la tbto baaliuaa iMtIm aad
*a» J»ilr prood a bto 0D««e*. Ian
yaar. to eoowaay *1to Hu. Perry
Heaiab sad B. J. Horgaa. be eaubitobed aa oiUaiire uaatof lagury
bars, vhteb to an iBdaatry a «ru(
e to toe aty

d Moeday lo allead I-

wbyion Baadv to am tbe Oo^a*
Ibrteti eieretoe*.
Big tell tee* la«l Bainrday and
Tbe public aebooU eloMd Friday
p^Ic to Bey. Haalale^^e
pracraa to ti
lha ereetag. The proeran t -01 aloog
Dlealr alll tbe i to iionii eaoie.
Boto. OB the tin
PMIUI. to'bear
Ibe epeaker and be bad to close bto
talk. Twice aoeb aa ekpeneac. ha*
tbe ps*t fe»r yeetn. It
wd oC a ball whne a
•bown woold nol dtouirb iba pr»
graa. %
F. R. Dael* to epeadtag bto tine to
Ibe Stale bank of tbb plaee. prertona
to galae to Ktwttaatay. ~
ayde Uorriaoe ba* l<
»e to Clarkslown.
bUia Ida Plehard aad I
rt TtoUtoe frleadi here
Dr. Kae«aad will be grcally Mleill dayi hMoc* i*aWag towa I
Fraak Wall bad a serlou* accident
aad hi* duth will be deeply regnUad
toroegboBi all Nartoara lUtolgaa.
Bto Ilf* waa u boaaet aad oprigbi BMked to kereaeee for a fu*e. HI* left
oaa. Rl* poaMloB
vea by bard eye wa* entirely blown oni. all tbe left
wwb. etote appnoatkat. aad talr aad ebeek bone mashed in a pumice. Ill*
Mr tom and burned, tbe
boaecabie ataaa*. Ha toaT** ta toe
left eye ctbcked. Uule
telly be lorai. and to toe fitea* to d*maga wai dene the ata^ A cedar
■boB be VM ahray* tru. a happy plag which he made lo gttag toe bole
to tbe etamp i* tbougtd to hare bit
MMT. aad Tiarene OUr deeply him
to toe face. Hto rsaorery to donbttaetotoetaaaaragoadaaaiada





orobablr bare bi
le-igth of liar. .
1* tiow doe* not u
week'* Herald. Ii


e.iatr imjioc taw hr ID*, le SOtWir
U2*S.--iBjii'W.-r.:] and besUMul uiM-JJat polde-

etc.- Pl««*e correct Ibe mUtake. as
tbe o>rres|M»denl wrote "Hr*. Eugene
Fliber and Hr. Prank SheMdan drore
to Empire, etc."
Riiila’pb Ruff and sao Alfred of Elk
Raplito ilKlted friends in town ifae
flr*i of 'he n-eek.
Ure Minnie Blarkwood and daugh­
ter Fannie »1.Ued friends lo town this

tbr ftoaBuuo. hr SMCOwt C<w tbr hrarUs H
amd prUtMu. and that ibr ani <d kin and
bMn at law or »d diii-l. ksd kU oUw
prroDO. lalrrMrd la raid <«alr. arr nowlU
.^Trs.iea- triy.aadab^ caM.If aay^b^
°Aod^l*f.'^c1kar ndand. Ihal wd prit
Uiwrf fit' nikior to iba pmioa toteromd la
aaW MWr m tbr piodiorr ^ sHd ladtcuo aad

r Wilks pmtoaa to aoM daj td bwnaa


Joe Tremaine and wife rd Usple
li.« nH-m Toesdsy to lown.
C L. Oaylon dime to Omena one
day th!« week.
Judg. CampbeU held probate conn

—*b>^ orOar at
roonar u( Orwad
■ dar of Joar. A
that dalr >rrr


^r-WSS' 0*5“ iT-o;:

aaM nainty. d.rvawl. aad that all eradltan cd

. Guthrie of
twoatr. for rxaBilaaSboi and ailowaacw. oa ,
rialtrd her tUIer. Mrs. t.1 Robin*
I ^ taw*rocii tSuiifi m toM
last Wedue
nr. McPball of Nortbpori was in
rlllsRe the last of the week.
.UOtiArr. A. 1>. Ira oVk>W ,a Ibr ^■■rr
laoun.d rorbid tbowdaya
G. H. Oordcs spent Bsturdar
Tiwcerse Plly.
Mir* Kate Mason atleodetl the fiineml o’ her enaala. the late Hto* Jnaeplilnt- Ihi Permnt. ak Pmvemnni L'-iiT:" SS:k"..s' izxjrs;
Ji-> Kruhner of Rasson o-as i
iBd caller lael week.
O Raasotu of Nonhpnrt ma>le i
•• Here Iasi Frida} .
Aycra at
re Msitto

Hr*. Bert Sro*-i
MI'S Kitaelind Ithe winter at Trai
Friday. accompnniea oy i
Orila Htoshaw. of Blngbam.
Mary Telestaul of Sotlons
Ml*. Joe SMskL who ha* beea
lied oi rerr.low with eoBaumpIloa tor tome week
Hki er Roy Jidmson of North Manltog?
***^tou I vlslilng bis g
with tbe family.
------ Taeetoy i
City ap.-ci'a .
___ .
eni*. Wm. Brown. 8r. and wife.
' Hiss Cora Paulus I* assisting it Ihe
Cattrrtt Cailnot be Carod
mgisier's oSce tbi* week.
Hr. Welnbart and family arrlred
this wet-L and are at Duek lake eabln


M SStlJliSSt.



.tiodi near ibe hlgbwa) know
tbe danger lo UiemaelTet and other*
last Tbiimday. Hr*. Steam*, arcom
Bc wraTBuPHiraioAg
pnniei br Mr*. Outu*. were comlec lo
tor Praknli Coon r*e tbr
tbe nwd fmoi ber fatfaer'i farm. **beo roytgQtOrsad.Trsrww^.
the) heird the report of ■ lun The
ball Jj«i passed Mrs. Bieam* and bit
Ibe tup nf Hr*. Oolui' haL Tbey were
ly frlibleoed- Had either of

r ESb Clow of Cealral Lake ha*


ewUofbwH. aae.*
U; m.
JartMBC Bpanldtas
fcteto. IWH m awii.
St, nag* U; «!».
Oaerge R. Alht- .
Bsadrleka. ewH Wt towa tf. raage U: *>W.
'Peter Wan'atl to Fyedlagai O.
tUaAd; UU.
noyd L. Smith aad wife to H .,
atta W. Sttlth. lota 1« aad IL tooek
g. P. R.'t tad aad; aUM.
RerMa W. Smlto aad *

Oa------ -

sadta#kamtlbmiU.I>y<amUgs «i»y *rf

‘^a. Vnibaaki td 7karrr*e City
a* fa tbe oeigbiKirbood oee day last


226 E. Front St.


«aa ^ wbee otben won glad. The
wrHar kaev Dr. Kaaalaad totbaatar
(or aU ibe (bMr roan a hli raal»ben

I Wtoh to announce to all who are iaterened
in raisioB sheep or handling wool that I ha*e
established a market here, aod will pay the
highest cash market price, according to grade
and Duality, l-ntil a permaneni location for
3 larRc warehouse is secured, 1 will be at my
old stand at Stcinbrrd Bros, establishment,
where I will be «lad to meet my old acquaint­
ances and shake hands with thcml

Dramted DIaaer Sett fbJi
ts.a. grtf caeh dowa to fSi
Kew Lace*. EmbroMerte* u
laacnlua* lo malch-bU a
Mtatewt to celect from.




Zht jacket Store


VaiL.^ Tow aaophagurM i* net an «

Only 2 Olceks more

^■Ir nn shn— nissnswIiBl
Slsrllikg doM on sOv«r.

Wc have aitl a Urge aoek ol Irnpnrtnl Chinawarc. Chatnlier !Ut*,
l.ui'ir, (llasfwarc. KnvncI Cmckcrr, also a Urge trltriKm nf ftte
(Bonf .litlm. In «ilet to make leltlctiteiu aiul wtixl up the alfain we
have cm the price* ahnr«t hi two.

4 'lot. mote of thou
SI.UM Janhnim lo
d.we at.............

I ChlcMo



111 «ii-piecc (leeortled Chamber Sri*.
while it



1(1 *et» of 1(1 pwee*
decoraleit in goit1,
*4 value, while they
UHloeloteat *2.4*
PUin while Uinner
PUles to dose, per
Plain white Oatmeal
I'bhei, 7(lc i-aloe,
|'CT''oi............ 4TC


Tumblen to dote
A lot Toy Go-Caitt,
valnet up to *1.26,
while they
a»...................... i9c
A lot of Imporied
fine Ureaed IMU,
*2value, ii,...TSC
All our White GOt
llinnef Ware mim
go at any price
Some more of those
RoiMer*, to dote
Rochettei Lamp
Oiimoeyi for «*nunl draA UmpA 16c
value, to dote ai Sc
A lot of Chin* Oi*h.
et. value* up to
$L26. to
...................... 4SC

H Beautiful Cine el

are in this store. AU new ones-every one—and marked at i prices ^
that cannot fail to please. Some
“striking things" in new colors

Hemimurgeyoatoeomeitooce. We mirn do»e o« the «or*
a* *ooo a* pomible lo aetiU op with the crwhiora. Now i* yoon the
^y opporiunily to get m * supply of Dishei u leto lhao manuftc-

and weaves that are ahead |of any
previous year's display. Y^u are
wise in buying early : : s : :

WJl trade nock for cjty pR}|«ny and will allow a diaeouot


Jl. J. Burge r-««. | gity Book Store

Am you In need of farwi
*1 hauacweric. aa* Th* mumpane* OMec." CHs. phene tM.
!»'i Frant SU Tmvara* city.

WnUf. film U Ml
' IB. - ingaadtr Hr^ BoildJaa.
A a(TKTl*

:ime:w f>rioe:s:

Peiry Haaash ta Frtaklto N. Sbarwood, lot* S and A btoek l. Perty:
teahb'a 4(h add; gbM.
TbMir H. Sberama aad wS*
Omar Simpmm. W H. btoto A Tr
eeaeOtr: n.
Ctetot Sly and wUle to Anita Sbn*«c. lA. town IL

These Are The Suits That Fit

d and wSe to
It )g and It.'
1st add; gas.
Oeaege TatUe aad wUg to %aOam
H. Raise, e H tel t«. ^lol n. block
A P. B.'i tad add:
Parr Maaaab lo

^tunning Spring styles
^ cheap but good. That
i; what we will sell you if
you will give us a chance.
Remember, we seli the best
suits in the city forthe mon­
ey. The only trouble with
our suits is they wear too
long. In fact, all of our
goods wear good. We have
made a practice of buying
nothing Sut good goods.
We are proud of the results.
Remember, when in need
of a Suit, pair of Pants.
Shirt. Hat. Cap. Neck Tie,
Underwear, Sox. Suspend­
ers. to

Mary U Otaae. axtentri*. lo Aadtow R. SlAtT. a*H cd aeM. aen. 1A
town ». mate g; gs».
Darld J. Toaker to Wm. LaRccdiA
tat It blodi It H. L. * Go's lad
add: Itse.
HiB. C. A. Da Mar to Oenge B.
teat. M n. block «. OaUag Beach:
lionlae Bamui to Fiaak aeretaad. lots |g and
Woe* *•
<> *
Oa.** tot add: tltoO.
a. A. Brigham and wife to Pkaah
Kabeefc. Iota U aad lA bkicfc IT. R.
L. * Ob.** dlh add: CLW4
Myrtle T. Ooadrtch to E. L. Ashton.
pareeL tee. A town n. raage 10; glM.
a. A. BrlMiam aad wHe to Rbodaey
H. Darla. aH of aebi -aad awU <d
BcH. aae. H. town 2S. raage U; gt.S«>
Oatria T. Wright to Marietu WightMa. W-4C tact tot IL block T. Trararat Qty. a P.: gLm
mtooia* HBritoasa 'I to Mark J.
Baimca.iM t aiM A B**
Oa.-a Sad add; gglA


Card *f Thate
Ta Oraad Tiaime* RmaW;
- r. and Mra a M. Sbote vtah to i
h tbair (rttoda sad acighbet* terl
k Uadiato atom daring the *** >'

Cor. Union and 8th Sts.



IB the city; aD the different eokwt and kmda. reguUr 60c, COr an.l ".V grade* marked down idainty but cheaper good*. regnUr 10c *n-l I2*c .pul.tic* a. 9C. an-l il«t« ,, not a inece c

29c. 35c and 39c. The
jiallcrn carricl mer fnoii Uh



“ F» "« « « ."I «1~ «o.. u 17.M.

^ tt the medmm aod n^nUtwo ore*.

Thi. rt, rtrt,rt, rto,!,.. .I]
N-d. Wl,. SrtT lrt,« o„ rtO
-T-«, brt,rt U.

V. I.,,,, ,,„|.g

A* « eaampU of our leailership vou can l,ui the.

$4.96 instead of S7.50.



better Uilate>l airti can be
little Udie* aad large wonwi, to
1 here at the tpedal price of

,1. I

rt, rt. rt rt rtrt rtrtH

rtkATC.Trtcrtrt.rtrtb,h.d. rtth 7fc,Ucrt)Mc. |

A great qmcial purchase enable* n* lo aeO the very newett and |nt.
tiect in girdlean.lcn>*hfilk bdti. *rori^C6q76e and86e«t_»Oo

as.OO SHtotott to*
Shoe* that have »nap, tone, and comlorL They are tlto very new.
tot Usi^ ui all the different *uc* and widdii. and iheyTI wear a* und
a* any S8 shoe you can boy. Here at__ f........................
Lnlici' Kid and Patent Uatber Sandal*. woRb $LM and »L7i.
•*■■■■....................................................... ......................•i.oe

mtoirt -Thao Olvao V.
■OM Moa* a.,d

for xoup Monay

>inb re BrotKioirs

AjiicTTTery,----a ie« aoitm wuwij
a dlaeerdaat feellag . .
eoml B>e.~ BgtiaJly rifectlre la etirlai:
aad It vat Barer tamlly tarLug aad Thraal triwblec. Cooend. Dr. Kaaeltad bad a p *
aliber tbe veek batorc e the vwk
BpiioB. PaewBU aad Grip. Oear^
sard fbr Ut atnlar partaar.
after tbe Cadinae tMet. i vtll probteed by Jobatoe't Drug State
Tba ■anaral praetlea ad MdletM la ably be Ike tecxntd vark U
H. Meait. Draggltir. Trial bo
•ev eoeatry la awieBpaalod by
r. regelar »L*e» SPevaad ll.o*.
away bardthlpa. Movi an daap aad
road* eabrokea or are Bare tnUi.
•ad U* »
of etboot diaiHei No. 4.
They had to tnrel oe bonatack lovBtblp Of
Oraat. for Booth eadlag
Ow MioaMa S*» MU
vhU vat 1 diteoairon to Dr. Kaea- yuH 3rd. IPW.
la^ yet be aarar failed to po ao auiBla. Tkla adTier BRralled
NuBber of dayt laocbt. IS.
tar bov far or Bear. Tbaa. too. be had
waek afo FWar be «aa tain
to get aloag vliboal neccetltlea la Ut ATeiBge-dally atteedeen. K.
AISM. aaeaavaBM b/ Mn. Kaatda...
NuBber pepUt eertMled. Bale IS;
e aad bad to retort to fertile resale
24: total 42.
ib^ aoB HaroU aa< Or. i. B. HartU.
(ftp b^ Bad* la a prirate
Pupilt not tardy dot ebeeat derlag
Mtay pagee of UMory of Ut M yMn
■ • • by U* Pb»
Urlag. Bi aa out of tbe vay place.
algbi .be vrtuea and there voald be le Boatb are Archie Cook. OrearUle
Beetle Brau. May Godard, Elrm cBoie frOB drlllcaUiB. a Uallr it
- laay payee of ingedr vUb aov gad
Oraat RaBtayaad Lena Raa- m drtree to de«i>eeailoe la cate of
j^a .nark of boBor to Hgbte. U. ,
eetdeat. retaltlag la Bunt, Can.
ToaBdt, Ulcer*, etc. Lay la a Apply
Throogh all Ibeee year, he hat beta ! Teacher. Maryverlie Bara.,
<d BMkIeB'a Arnica Stitr. h r tbe
factor aad force la Trarerae City
away. Tba people oC TBrera* Otj
e c«nh. 2Sc. at Jobotoa > Drag
aad adri
*ni ibar* tba crM ot the taBlIy la
and F. H. Headt. DruRlAt*
vat a Meed of educatloe aad at t i
UMir bwaaraanL
- B OH o( the (ridaal seabar of tba board of educatloe for i
lary tba tebool lyt •
a la Timrara* City,
City Mgrkgts.
tpirllad wat tloMly laiD ovet nneb . bla at a loyal tupporter aad frlead.
Oraag RapWaUmhagan.
largely throogh bit
rat tivayt a friead
Rtu. $
tbe yoBBg people. He bettered la
•iriidey, Jim Ittb.
Grand TrarerM regloa,
Traio vlll leare Traverse City i
aad poteibimiee. He trareled
e poMer*... or
r.i ofk tgea
Ktyi retimed vtth
fain f“''th^
It of railing |
I F Mt»ller. C
latarekl la tbe eaaalag
factor) tbov (J
He vat a Ban cd Stttltre' Farea te the goirth and Seiilhaad vbal eeiltted
bit loteretu dM to fa aa abeortiag
Oae vay. teeoad-elatt
Wbea bit Bind vat Btde up sale
at all ttaciou on Aral
of aich Booth. Atk ageaU
rigor. It vlll be at a fully pbyilrtaa Tueedaya
tbit be vill be Vnia Blt»et aod re- for panicBlart
Weritf-a Fair. gt. Laula.
BeBbered, too.
RodDd trip tiekeu at lov ratet. oa
tale at aU ticket ataUoat. Atk agnu
for met, Halt of tkkeu tad fell parUnilan.

Pere Marquette

Ariter thop to Ut Finnt eli
lie Barm

perlally klad lo cbildrea and eery da
ried 10 the Mr krhUd.
AnMhrr tide of U> life vat lo be
the r.
or of
...._____________IS73. and
iboagb teMba tpoke oc rellgloue
topic! van a man nf deep celJglou*

y M a heglk
Bead la U.
TMUa aad Neuia BaaMa wo
gVBBli eny Taaaday Borvlag to
«(tba daaU of tbair Bather. Th
ttaeke aU AIM le vitb a bretbi
J. W. topa of A



..................................... » daeotad
BDCb tiaa and aaargy to other tblaga.
Boie eepeclally tbe caltare of tnilt.
opoa vblcb be bad baeoae an author
kr. Latt year vitb Hoa. Perry Haaaah aad a J. Morgan be atuUlehed
the TtererM City Caaalag coapaay.
aa aalerpriie vbleb It etpeclally ralu
able lo tUt loealUy tad vUch bap al-

Death eaaaeg
All tAt it Bonal of Dr. C, J. KeeaMn. Unm NMB 4M at t o'etaA
tat FMAy. bar Saatb rea^lai fnn laad vat Ad la lA grnrr la Oakvood
«BM laMcMd by tba bantlag
- tie Ball ry lUi afteraoea. TA faneral
amrieca vere brid at tbe taally reel^AIM^eve*v^ ago Mn. Htai deaee aa State etreet. Ret. D. CoAUa,
------------ -—‘
. «M tataa ID VUb plaartty. Bar bn- paoter of
baad Mat a bat vatar bottle aad
TA (wetal vat attended b^ a sreat
pMHd b MStMt bar aMa la tba bad.
aba vat aeiaad trttb a riaUag apell tbraag of Iriaadt. tA rooas to tA
AeMy AHrvard agd preaaod tbe dvrlllag Alag far loo tBall to i
bottle eaBeealy u ber that It bantad raos tto tboM vho vlehed to IlHea to
tA eerrler. Chain vere placed opoti
tba porab. vhleh vat alto SIM.
There vrrr a large aaaber
iMlMt gbS tbM ii bMlm friends fraa rartooi parti at
beta the taan if her dead
ly. Baay eoBlag la rig* loog
. to to par tbtor Hat napeett to
Mead vho had ksova tbea la alAaad bcaiib Iw aiaiiy yean. Freoi
abroad vert E. A KaMlaad of MaasMp MgSMiM eosrt la tbe vkdalty fcalo. Hlaa- brotbrr of the doelw;
M tbt D. W. II eaaMagyk nUwgy oo Mn. E L. Rlckrrd, a tiator. of
t Ibg IHk if Begmnaa Uta. He vat doa. Ohio; O. F. Harana. a aej
MMMgea a hag. vtu Ut faet oa aa- aad vtfr of Rerenat. Ohio. i
atbB las. vbea tbe log apoo vhlA
Tbe attcadaaee froa the city labt bad bM faet rnnwBPH to rail elAed score* of tA oldra reeUeaU
wkb WBaadlatantbeeaebevat vA bad been IntlBataly ipsetoated.
MWag aa brake taeae. Befora be vitb deceased a great Baay ycon
eaUd sat an ef tba vay 4f tbra be ibe hxal Aytlriaat atleaded
•at eaogbt aad tkrava aad bad hit body.
fesad tanWy Island.
~ All bearer* vert wiectad fraa
Be raeatrad tva eata oa bit bead,
r oiddlae frieodt and raUbbora.
akPar aen ragaMu tt attebat to
tire bearen betas H. Mealagae,
tMae tba vaoad aad tbe atbar em
Bracken. E J. Morgan. L. Bobadaa regobed taegni etnAn. Hit eru. H. C. Dari* aad C. E Bock. TA
Mm vat alae kaOy aat. ~
Aaorary pall baarara vere A. E WOw Wl hwa aad bM i
aoB. J. W. Minikea. 0. P. dtrver, 0.
*wy Mrtoat bw V a
A. Jarrlt. C. F. Bead and E E Walt.
a tba bay vlll raeerar la a
Una. Or. B. a Mlu vat tom

BUaa froa ibere
and I...........
II It praraBod
that be ellber la­
leaded uklag the Iraki troB there or
Honor vbere bit vlfe
Coadoclor J. V. Mclnipdi vat
iiruck by tbe reaemblaaee of the Ban
to hte printed pktnree aad atodled bit
ttec clotrlT. Not only vere the feaaceordtaer vitb
vearlag a pecallarlr
thaped vateb ebaio and charm vblcb
detcrlbad liIn lA clieulan tent oui
dt police. Wbea tbr Baa
t at PI.
Platte Rirer. vAre tbe
change for Honor It
it tBade. Mr. He------- _ aArat eartala ao the ofSeart of Aaxia county vere noUAd
and alao Sheriff Cbaadler of Oraad
Deptny Sheriff Qaddee of Beaxle
eoaaiy vat aeat to Uoaor laiaadlately
aad althengb be hot been suUooed
there for the past fev day* Btereat
has failed (o sbov np. Lost veefc Dedrimire* vere la the riclalty
lAc bat falM to Sad uy trace
e much vaated Ban on vhote
there It a price to tWO.
L Stereni hat remarried, her
at preeeet Aiog Mr*. John
HltcAll. she Artag obtained a diTort* aad been Bartied vtalle Stereat
bat been doing Haw la Joliet. It ft
alleged (bat be hat made tbreati to
UII bar aad It h Altered that tbli li
hi* object la eomlag aorth.
ley. Ml^ J



the Bood ud I

Ion In Iti path.
I la the track to
vet* Injared or

Svollra by tA rereal
T lake vat full to vaic
rater. The lake
oalr (braeniurtert to
forty rods vide bnt It to
rery deep. AhlA tt bad draiard lato
It It Cedar take vblcb I* xBaller. Thl*
e to alao deep and w full lo alct tbe lop* to tbe Ank<
e* are about tvo and on<
in vest of KlngRley.
rhr lake* are tUualrd on an eleratioe Bbmii forty foci lAvr Ibe
raadvay. TA Anted daB alkived

bcauttal Oonl Aariagi, Baay
gwi aat piaer* brlag aaoag IhOB.
Mangy Peat, a A. a
Tbe terrier! vere aSecUag
Al a rasalar naariag af Marray M*r preeeel could aearcely reallte
Iket. ai Mapte Cky. Jaw tib. a rou tat only a Irv *bon week* ago the
M ibtata vaa. glraa to the leaeber. te they eane |o Boorn today vu
VNd Bago. aad (be lAoet of Maple Boag (be BMat anlre aad pi
Chr for tbab aealBUM pa MuotW
eplrlia In (be consualur
tSrSSmH**^ C. OObari^ior hM
Kaerieod and eapbaaltad
a vie alee ratad that tbe ai____ lA extent of tbe lott to tA dly aad
taettailA af Woolecy Pant of Nortb- aorronadlag eoaetry by rrfervaee* to dovB. SII the creek aad orerAv lu
bit earrrr of wblir apirtt Md aBefal- AaU. tveeplag avay tA road ud
vaahlog avay all bridge* ud maUag
It iBpoaalUe to eraat. Tree* vere
ibe My. Tbaea bon a dbtaaee
Ibiriag tbe serrlrkc tbe cAir,
aprooted and tA wire* of tA aUieu
aipaeicd to eowe the day befora.
log ofI V.
C. .a.
A. onctrncr.
jais* iiimw I li. TetephoH MBABy la that district
Drop la on aar tswiiiili ar Irirad MA Gray aad
If yo* tfte. befora raarUag Maple -And ElBdly*U^u" ^ioB*S«* W^ vent dova in a labgle. cotllag off telCKy or gaaitera vlD be antgaW
UAenuad- aad.'-Nearer My God to >Aalc cOBBRBicalias.
Wbat the loot to rauot at preteat
Th**.mLv aad eWawi ar* Urii..
I. -r
eeUiBted. Huy fnil; tree* vere
iraopeb to the ^
^ul ud sob* tana bulldlage.
to Beet vtth M. at alaa an aoMien
OA Milan a« BiBki of aar poet
or lea* damaged ud
^^^aaetlog la ib* MraaoM vlll be
today the peMlc var* cblAeae ud other poollry vere
called together again to BOara tA drovard. A. B. SiiBeoa'i fruH
hMi to we to the rtir* most pragree* oiebard vae badly daaaged ud *omc
n* afteraaBa «iH be daeotad
Ire dtlaeDt.iAt many buee bad beea to bit boUdlagi vere lajarad bn
la lotTov daring (be past fev moethi vbal hi! toe* to at preaeat caaaot A
and that lUt bone Ad been Biato- m prograB la m
bat vSlb
terad ortr by Ua for orer 20 yean.
Ib-. Knadead bat stood al tbe bedside
to dear one* to stay tA raragn to
•• A A to break tA aevs to lovA
Bagth to Hbb O. A. Brapa.
.... to Unm vA Ad paterd lo tbe
Bh. CagW A Ornea DM <b WA- bosH b^akd.
Dr. SaaeMad^ blrthplaA vas la tbe
eaten twerre to NoetAn Ohio,
Mitt A Ika eity. Bar. Oreea baa eea- ardy tauelgraau trea Nev Baglaad
MlBA tba
A OM MlaabB^ Jl COB* te tU* MaUty to itol aA • WAI auad tA SOB lo let go la
Bake tbelr koaea. Many to tA omb- not kaovs. At tt to roaorod tAt u
try's great aad aeetal aea Are coae atiapt vat bring Bade to lover tA ,
fraa this lastaa aad Baay Arc goto
TtoB*^ regalarty at OU UMaa.
vbew BtMBtB vm tire long. Dr.
OaoMaad vw to ygan I Bontba tod Kaeelaad vat a tnee aoa to tbto vrat- tA .itraeiare utU tA irMght of tA,.
, bilbPtiBatoUidaath. A vUa ^ era reaen*. He vat reared opoa a vairr forced h avay. TAdnatoi'
^ A* Mk. VtoddM, are !to( to Boara a fara Al Ut Bind toned to lA SeU rirtiBlIr at tA Booth to tA UA. Iti;
' ipoaeible at preeest to Bpse tAl<
to tA AM to
I toA ereaied la tA red by tA 1'
and agiilpped
yoan aad to aory vail kaeva la Uto
to a Uiyalelaa. Bood aad trarelm la thu dtrecUoa .!
Ari to tA Bate. WUI* be hat been
—-------- ------- aa but took a Are to make a loag detour.
M paw bMhk tor aoBo tiBa A vat oouTH at HltaB eoUege. OUo. voekk^MU Ua total Umb only lari |M A a Maltar of lA boildlag to pay
Uevay. Haro A vat vadcriAdtrao

Arriea to lor. Oaalal ika to HM Booth, a aoble ehaneter
Ite Othello DeVere. lUO. ovaM A
BMBMy at 1
af tA
tA Bottoai Bay Boew Braodlag A*.
*octBtloe.BdMA sold at pobUe aae-




K,rr„‘5E.T •

ban. Trartne Cliy. beslaatBg u 1:2* i

$12 and $15 Suits for.........................$ 8,76
■ $20 and $26 Suits for.........................$16.00
T hese two groups of suiu, (be best of the season's st)^.
Nothing old or out of date. .Only the best materials com­
bined with the highest class of workmanship make these
goa-ns of superior excellence. When you conuder ih^ quality
that always characterices our suits, this offer is the most , re­
markable of any made in the city thi* year.

Here is an offer on ladies' wool dresses—Shin waist and
skirt. Saves tmuUe hunting up dressmakers—trouble of
trying on. etc.
These are man tailoieti; each garment carefully planned
and cut. here are two interesting prictA:

Women'i FaiKx Stia|> Sippen


$1.00 $I.2S
Women'i Hoote Slippeia. one


Women'* Summer Shoe*, good

Women'* Plain Toe Comfort



$ 7.60


Wonens Serge Coreas Shoe*,


Wom»'.S«*e Slipper* only

e«npas Pootiptar


Children'. Canvw Oxford^

50c 60c
Cbildren't Mutbotne Strap Slippen,

$10.00 for $ 7.60
$12.00 for
$15.00 for $12.00

A Few Novelties in Pongee Coats.


Intuu- Daiatr Strap SUppeti

Mis»et' Carvaj Oxfiwds

Wnmen'* Cuvas


65c $se

Voulte’ Cuvai Oxfords.

Mittet' Strap Slippen, Kid and
Patent iMther,

Boy*' Cut-a* Oaforil*.



Men'* Cuvat Oxlml*.


You Want A Buggy

Children'* Cuvai Shoe*.

60c 75c
YootA' Curas Shoe*,

« vhkk^draia* Brevitar IUaS
It U o'clock today aad
4 aa aeatUag


Tilts group of bargains comprises so many good things (hat you cannot
hdp but hod something that you can use; for there is suitE skirts, aod
jackets. Every one of them is a bargain worthy of the name. Below you srill
find a list of ihe splendid reductions.



trale at CopeFrt^ Blgbl and vent u tar^



Women's Oxford*, aiybih and
eoaafonable, ver}- tpeetal val-

Uen’t Cuvai Shoe*,


$1.00 $l.2«
Cuvai Tennii Shoos and Ox>
lord* in aU site* of very befl
quality at lov price*.


Jllfrtd a. Triedricb

ttie^an GweVou
The best for the price in


Feed, meal, Bran, middiinas.
Com and Oats


Wo buy nothing but the best grain and you gei the
pure article.




Cbe Season el

eouabs and eolds
Js at hand—We have a preparation that
will fix them—Our own make—We know
it is good—Our personal ^gurantee goes
with it—Wait's White Pine and Spruce
Expectorant-Money back if it don't
•»elp you
: ,:




Th.« in Cnopi- Top. E««n,io„ Top. HiVe. erce.hioe ,ire. axl
you can tiavn any bind of upholMnry you ,anl. dihnr rubber, qnannr lealherorlulllna.hnr-anyeoloror «„id,-any „y|e „( „i„„inp,-a„, price
you .ant in pay. hpm S36J»k, »H0. and on, pric«
on, bup^in. evno■ ■me. II
don t have eaaaly >hal yon wwi ,e .ill gel It lor yon hi the
dioneat ponible time. W e guaianiee both onr
aod our prio.



Ttrr OBjoTiW* ■fierDooo 1 tLo
B Mn. JcJu Vlachomb In

fcrtjr patio* »f«


*e Mt. m mU. Job* BeekMod. Id
TnBw. Mmy «.
o. C. V«««« I* Ttottfll* r«bUr« ll
m. Hkh

‘*lSJ*atS.^‘!?Si«. - U-.
LirJ«« «»- •««*» ~'—“
hb Bin ■*fU-


H*«n. Jobonr MorrUbs. Archie
loonre sod Bhdse Pler« *ere TrsTmt City rWtot. M seek.
Haaste laloee >< back Iroin Uoo-

.Kesaoa. Dodar. AB. Tar three
H- DBB» apeol a tes dan td ymn.- the sritea. rl mdnnd toaeter.
)aMe pela tram iadipmtkm. rtnBirh
seek s«h hit temfir.
land bowel troobla. Oieth iiiBid to■ BBd Hrt..Albloe ...
cTttable sbea doctors asd all feaanpeei Sasday B Saliem Bay.
dies tolBd. Al Imrh I sea ladaesd
Mrs. TboBsaoB asd em arrl
to try Bntric BIRm aad the rasuR
bare Friday, lesrtac Baisiday m
na mlracnhma. I Impreired at oma
Hlnoorl for Cbleapo oB tbeir sai
tad aos ra ccmpletsly recoytrsd.
Mrt :s w
aad ererybody bad a pood tl»e. 1^
r> Deett dellrered the cBaa Fcr
For Urer. Ktdaey.
KMBey, Bfomacb
IMsnBI and BosM
la tbe only
at'SSS-i aTfS^y
kkd r. a
^H?*ard^n?*W«f*BBaB»T sad Mra. ■^l‘*OrS'lcft TkBfsday BoralB* ' M’rad.. Pntnriat,.
JobBMia npect Jto atari tor S' Loto* r Boyse Ctl;
tc 'Ik- fair next seek.
' 1' l> • hura ^ Lae
Thonaa' ErtnHr- J<*a Blnar atanetl Ba< Une■ “
Oil A rut? Lae Dr. Thomaa'
Bkiile Creek k* detepklc
al coarnilloe tor Hi---g| pradailax exer-. Bclertrtc on. At yoor drupplaia.
tfsd. Hn. <
I the town hall m
Tkrrsda7*er«“np"‘jw tad.“ The M- j
Adiilroe SirickBed '
be Wrllr Coooerape B.... — Orel*: Irto. Pearl Weaten. Edith cHebrattoo
day The fiiBwa) sa» held there aad Daau. P-sri Dame; -Soeceaa." HatOe
tke remaliia sere laid lo ml r
Woolao . cBai prophecy. Mlonle:
bla father la Oraat ceinrtery 1..U.. Peart DaBr; “Poser of »»»ce Bnrdoek Blood Bluets ni« It. •
bare ikr eoUre ayaipBihy of all
an Idenl - Mam Oarlhe; addreaa. i^sompOy. penaaneatly
aelebbors In tbeir irouHe asd a>
Rev Hkh, mualc. Mandolla club: pn- awl i-.n« tbe atomacb.
i«-niatloa !■( diplomat. Prof. Matbesi; ,
- - - - - - - - |
................Deeia. Tbe j
That Threbblnp Headache.


- —- —

< trs day* ot sartD seelber
It rain' bare narled ere
Hbi Mabel Uaddtl la id fBUsorth>4Mlt* PMatt waal t(
la elalilna ber a-'ot. Mr*. Ceorae thine to rrostne *o fa»l that se a
rohtel se bad a hacksard aprti .
tUrbor oo Wadi
• and Hrt. Clereland hare latuehl
Hr. AtUBaoe b
Hfs. Miebsel Rkeble aw) faally c(
wlileb ta IMdatItaar rseene City are ritlllac Mri. Rll- then a hoaae and kil In Trnrerae City
II tbeir old k
OB TrBTora# Bke. A Brfo iJe'a paresla. Ur. asd Mn. Laloae.
frs dir«
___ct pmu tran Cbleuo •>«
Qatte a suaiber ct eaaea tt Besalea
BlKxar aad Hr* Oortdard took
Is the nelebborbood..
ttee hare base Ibree aonslae the carir mla trosi Thoaipaonville
to WIeDd Ihe U O T M.
artlea (hi* seek. Ooe Wedaeadaj-itloo ■< IBtile Creek. Mrs Bly
Dlfbl lof 1^1*
kh^ FYMay olchl
lie trom Wexford
Sn BH Basdar aad «era Urltad
tor Hand MeBlaeken. Balorday nl«hl HIvr and Mra Ooddnr
froBi SViiaec
tor Roale UilODe.
"■tST fndi l«a. IS tbil •aeOoa •»
mmber from here *
A ni






Belle Iteeae aad Oriiaey HoIbm
hare maraed to their retpeetlee
Trareree aiy Tlall- hPBM la this place. They hare beee
atleadhic eebool la Ttaeerae Clly the
**Mr!mse of 8t. Loal* la apeadlo* a
IS dan OD hi* tana here.

a^aybag losdad a


SlrtckBad. who
1 sadly killed lo ihe (wiorr
He sna burled here la GraBi

ChlldiTB'i <


Klnp'* New Ufe Pllla Tbou.
auSeren haire preted their
,_______. merit for Sick aad Nerroui
sbo baa been Clerk Hradarbrr. Tbey make pure blood |
In^'iV* Butoneil'a atore tor lome time aad hulM up your health. Oaly :
S^T. ha. -endeny) ber realpnatk*. M.«r,. bnek If n« cured.
Mla. lliis. I. one of Northpon * mow Jobwoo. Drue Store aad P. H
“I'our Vo;.ne r.dTee nnd ha. made Mewl,. Ikueel.i*.
le.ti. friend* both Id bu*lne*» and to... into Vour Shorn
fireln. Before comlap to XorthShake
- R.'sebombertcut
of . Aiks'.
Aiks . V..e< fca,. .pesdre.
.pr.ud.e. ■■rsT.s.
■■ eor.s pwa
u n. MaartiB*. oare-B. r.«4 asd larrwsa
I for N
: mlk. .wl tsauaUr takn B. Mla* .si J

Once said we would have to SHOW HIM why the
KIMBALL PIANO was the best on the market.
We did Rand now he haea high-arade KIMBALL
in his home. We’ve shown hundreds of people,
not only from Missouri but ail over the world.
Come in and we’ll ’’show" you no matter where
you’re from. There’s no better piano made than
the superb Kimball—it’s built on lines <^f strength
and beauty and is sold under a guarantee that is
as good at gold. Factory prices and very gener­
ous terms. See the late styles

and HaiUe Woolaey
laaiefnlly derarsled If

W. W. Kimball Co.
N. E. STRONG. Mn^r.

129 Front St.
ri Lx mlaaed In the pu-nioo shlrb coh-r.y .scatioe.eslkra. asdboLiirad.arb
«be hn-* beld for i
MIddb-iuo. one e. bn. been ap {
leib-r. !«. Y
peopl.- of .«r '
MU Iva Gre
Trstertr City
The bii.lne*. i
<• F. mas held
The Ladle*' J
m-edt' ai 'he h<i

Some exceptionally

>r Mrs. C n<isi*R

'is kalMBiB a »es
BCLicve I
Bnaday Bdrate
.......... iBloB leipur sw sell nuend-1
£; asd-Mm Mctol speat Bosday BOrt
Mr. am Mio. MeaB ct thlf place
•2J;"n "'SJUmc m*heT^i*.‘ Mn , Whan Wal.-Koown Tenver* Cit, Fm |
at Taasit
atteeded Ur. Oreee'* raBeral laai
Paal WMka sbo hsa bead SOI
day at the Blmley ehoroh.
turd la leader neii Bunday ereBlM
pit Tall it be Plalaly.
. oa the ranroad hero. I* aos so
Mn Ubw kpeal last seek slib
Wh**® P’“>llr endoranmen' I. made
aa the asBlaa al lalertoAW.
MaMa Ik Oadar Boil
l>-axford sRh Mr*. Bane*.
I ^ ^ renreaeotatl'e clilim ol Tiai
" • -- ■
'• Tiaeetae City
:riiy, tbe proof l< potlllve Tou
iBBer sitk hi*
ll polQC to ipead
I ta-llere It. Reed tbl* tesllmonr
uacle al ibli plai
gnry Isrkaeh^ aaleier.
‘u^le^ ^ ratnrned from ibe
Tke UdM' Aid Bet taat Tbaraday
■t Detroit, thr plsno soman or rntni.
I ai BIc Bkpidi Impraved In
.SdiDX :
tUBcr. ht«
iruulilc sill (lad profii li
rtoS'^ith a picnie
:upp. 'll M7 E V'rno.
fall ftd >
Um fiaee as the bay adore Bit Prl. sa's: ”M> bark awl kidneys
day. TMy hid a Bae line, ai ttey al
r and Mr*. Mile* Gilmore ulll .... uesk f<s year* and di-nltr ail,
say. do at Tabs. Mia. Bi------■he hoct Dcxi Sundsy oa thalr in) knosledge of medlClDe* I sn* UD* '
a* teacher Based a rerr
say i» iJin St. Lnuts (str. Their may
1 Duan’a
sill lu. nliout ISO seek*.
R HsiTBca la balldlSB a bars.
Dell Fblrbenki aad'stfe of Elk RapTnny Zuuirk hn* the bsaamesi done Kldn."- pm a I r
' W. HaiilBsa' geaday ,jr <'w- tif Ibe alceal bare* oa ibc
Hr*. Tabbor at AMen li tIiHIbl
Ida TBIled at C.
C H. OsiMtr Id BOB bonshl
Pealnruln- He baa beca sorklnp (or tarsi they r M poaalbly help m«’.
9ise Bat s^
IS time scillB* ready (or this ..............
medlrhip* In.m other
Will Croat aad sUe seat lo Tnrmnnttfaeiureri gunraateed to Iw sure:
ree City tbe ZTib.
John Marahall duo
kldaey rooiplalni, alter fall i
Mr. and M
fBUford aad CIlatoB Pray seat lo bu*lc.'» In T aieaad asala.
Hy Spiurdsy.
' a* of my non: i
rSYerse Oty gsBdar.
he coneln
la (nlllnp fro< the nppl
Hb. Gilbert Pray In on tbe pata.
iwl If aotblnp ......
■e saa ti<> help ft
Hn. B. D. Pblrbaski of Trareme
•r a isiiod crop nt applea.
II. l! ecnalnl) I
mil cur.- mvseir.
aty. sbo ban beee^ rtaltliis la (be
B KIdi
Mr. tea. Ion a bo«a by MUlai la
‘tbarbaed tbe ta seek, returned awl Mrs Ooltoa scat out to Mr
brottfhl alnul th. much
• today.
BIrmlo . bmie ssd ailewled Rev. deslnsl result*."
Hr. Tlka la teWaf ^
a. Taylor ct WIltiBBabenf bsi Orecn'* f«aeraL TbC frtaeds of tbl*
ale l-r all denier*. Prior
Ike crocad tor bla aaS boast,
___ fltltlag at«. F. PiBjr'i tor a few pBto rxiead (heir htanlell aympathy
F.Hter-Mllbum Co . BuBalo. N.
Mn. Tot Brass baa ber ass «sae.
to tin- berearnd (amtly.
aseeis for the t’alied^is^.
Qraee BrosJ la sotklap
Mr and Mr*. Buixarri ipenl (taiurI— om^ Pray-k
BDed sitb boarders.
H. Hall sill pnt ap a shadaim tbis sw U
poorh- (WJ res days, boi I* feeHnp
Ev.4Vb.Hlv> lUble to lichlnt piles
Rich and poor, old and ynunp-terrll.l.Charley ChrtMopber and family
HIIIUb OanaoB aM site drore i polDX in nnve oa the Beheiierly p
. Ur. Skew kaa botwM bli sHe ibI TraTeise City tbe tttb.
cuV'”lban's ^Ointment AUmlul. U
eUUree a haadaotse drlrlac horse
*n(e: ranT (all.

Biir Values in anvthini: you want in your home. Our assortment is so larjjc that you can find anything you i

al jusi what you want to pay.

nn extra Carge
assortment of Couchcrtt. .-\t our sjH-cial price ymi can j-et a
bcamiftil couch for a v. ry little mom-y. Si-c that bfaiiiiful
conch, like cut, heavy base and legs, nicely can-ed. legs boiled


bark aad UMbt.

Oeaoe KBfe baa addadd baad
•as aprteU pMl» to tba stUB
of Keasoed tsacrt
F. A. OfMatr ct CbleaBe Jolaa
tally at bla raaott for iba boo
^ AHk nag hai ratt«t-«rom

■o *perir»i tbal Ihre
Ch.ilera infantum.
Frmak noimsii of LeBad apeoi Sun­
r Fosler's Et'raci
day In town.
School doaed Wedneaday (or the Wild Slrast-rr> n.’ter fall* to
immi-r vacation.
Pe'rr WurTbors apeat Moaday la
There sill be Bnsday acbool pte' regular Cblldrm'a Trayeise City.
W, K tTampbcll 1* takln* the ceaim l>-elauo losaahlp•.V Ira Greene arrlrad from Tray
Tiled to cane asd bare a gaod -tlBa
Roy fast mored Ml toBl^ to

Pear] HcUbMUb sal mt (or
abort ride y«ter4ay.
W. A. HbMB sai calM bame
orday by the serloua It



cl o» rma$ poagle altoadei
tbaUance at Ota neieday aipbl.
Doll ylMled ««lstlree In day ra ..._______
*^^ewSitnilP boarda bw at i
a Bunday. '
MUs Neva Peckhant eft Honda)
Narrost Jaae lit aad afread to «a
a visit with relailve* and fiends
•bent ll aesla« for Mn.
SB Ihe brldte stth a steel auapeael
Trsverse City
ederated saaclesUy lo alios the pa
Ranel FBber bad the atiafar
Train lime ehaapu li at Monday.
ago of ball. Thb bridap, repiaeea
arrlvlnp at
nos laaymp
CBt balH orer thtou »aan ago. sbfch
- oaly Bated tSo yean.
The Btramer Creseesi It nos Bak-1
U HcQuoer kMt a berae Bat s
Balph Doraey te BHlad ot
palara MoQeeer aad sUe rMied Inp her repular Hips In Traverae City. I
. ateaia teuaeb ready for attBBed
left 8at.|
Ur. -HcQaeeCi moO^ Buoday.

Less than 4 cents

Aa excurxloB sm» plvra to StiOon*
Bay Sonilay oa Ihe steamer rrrscent
Hiss Emma Kelson spent Friday In
BaUlraa of Blnpbaa apeei Traverse City.
Miss laiira Ltedley left Saturday
(or Si Luuli.
. ■ MlaU J. HIser (d QU Mtotloa
The dt>« •tore of r E lUrvey A
MIN Oarrte Bobbb of
Rblled m
Manda Mdhli place Co, It belnp pslaled.
to TtoltlaB her Baler. Mn.
Mr aal Ur*. Bert Wllbrim left
Hn. R. Haney called an Mn. Tbnrsclat for Traverse City.
**Ml'm Roee Lndlke <d Hoaertetf Winobea am day BM seek.'
Mrs W. Guyle* .pew F>l.lay In
apeat gatarSay aad goaday slib Mi^
Mr. SBl Mn. Rotoe of Riaphaa Traverse City.
Joa. ArBatrmc.
JBd m Ibair amdntos. iotoi Crtae.
Hr> Wilbur Steele ewerialaed on
B. W. DeTtraaax rtelled the
toat aatsHBy.
Wednesday al dlaaer. The pncais
icboali si TboBpamTille aad Wallto
sere Mrs. W. Gill. Mrs Robinson aad
and Roberta Bot««m Wta
Ra». Atoalle sHl leaye tor.lto b««
to Canada uiAow.
Bitas. toidiB
tajU he
be t
toapead a a
Walter ........ .
sai me of the
Seatle maaly dttalee to the Probl:Mloa omTesUce at UailBd


Cntnet when )x»u kaos
tliat your sill, mauraocc
polieica anti olhei valuable
].aiicn aie isTc nom low
and prj-iag cyca.

s se^ Tcnti a box in our
vaulla, larger than moat
fwoftle necil.
Private srilirrg room in
connect ion.


a t‘.) heai v coil springs, heavy canvas between sjuings and
' ig. covered in pretty patterns \'eloiir
(worth S*.Oil 1. our price .

Here is an
Vialr. Wbra it to opt* ll Bskss
ss II ha* ihP vary bM kprtspa.
Too raa drop oar tide and I BSkra ■ B bsd, or yam raa drop
tosh Sidra aad It msks* a i ivmfartkble H«tor M Ry throvlag a aprvsd over !• It n akes ai prrtty and oBifiutBills couch as )M star ss' Ji It rhsap saoupb in ps< la Umklicface or dlnlnp mm lu i
I. nr yuB ran IrtB li op tallh
Bicp pillorta asd aprsad sad It make,
parlor. Ton can apvn l> ap to two mlaatm asd ll Bake* ns
(oafortabis bod na you cm alcfia on. Srtap sB amde of
sicc] H Bill last a IKc Ham It arts oa raatara, ao vket
rioted you caa nia II (breopk any romana door. Tboy acU
(or |x H>, brt by a hrary purebaw I can nog Ibrth now lor

We Have
Ao ImBrasc rtork of bed ranm nrtiss. Of aovcral rtyW wo
have oaly oa* or nro .rf a rtylc and iboy taka ttp marb
raluablc room, to in order lo amve tol Ikras odd taK* and

tty \ clour.
t like cut covered in preii
deep fringe. Ill heav>- t il springs. I worth S7.75I. ■
for only.......



V i. Kv,' ■




Tlti* beautiful Couch, just like cut, heavj’ carved base and
.ranieed steel construction.
bolted on. best guaranteed
l'’gs. legs boltt
covered in bcauii
beautiful pattern Velour orr plus!
price only •
•xl or plain top, (cheap at Sl<"*^l.


S«-5" and STAi. _They
ge. beautiful
range right along up
just like cut. heavy carved legs and baw4’. leg* bolted on. best

gie THia encawR
ft to wrtl Bwl*, well tS'
(abed. 3 Urgr drum.
1*x80 irtral pint* mireor.
Just like rut. Tfarbedlhal
can with
falrh. wellI made, welt PoIshrd Tb . _____ __
oa* Inree drawer, t door*,
aplasbrr Imrk. well aad*
well tulabMl. Our prtto
on fbln Spirre taU. mil
<»rtrr*d, n>apMr. to
oa^y>tt.1% fOihert aroald
We do n<M atop iba-rr.
A Bfsrt. t«Md tok. 3ntoen
•ult. onl* IU.7J. wit
IMT7. nnl tIS.Tt. and
rich' aUnix up tn • (cud.
•olid oak. qaanrrHwirrd.
• '•rllfop drawera M lortb
drrasrrs and romsMdr.
Till. *ufi l« vortb
artrr I*
,jiy M
Nett prlrr 1. «
baanlUul cnidranuk

••». for

11 n I

And so on up «• •.>■!)* >g| I
Ike bluett Urolu* '
bldb’krad* two you ..
Imrg*. heavy imk >uu. auMtly all tlwnved. awi
ers >, .ns.*!. Brxe bevel French pB'e mirror I
.mr rloaev.,.' prtr.- Is ..............................

Extra Carat Htsrtinicrt rt

Odd Dressers


Do not Fail

Iheir aes beme to Henneay. Okla-


*“ Teet dull?

RCT. Oaoadcr pnacbed at the chapel Buaday moralop.
Mrs. Itorld VlaM and Bnle sept
Him ley Hortosa esWd to Hies Ito'
to Tnretge City laR Htmday.
Mis Ksna Sasdsy.
Bora, to Mr. aad Mn. Notes.
Oar aes blackamllk kaa bslll a
"ta Htiale and Mrk Ralph Wblto voodsorfc abop to nmaeetlaa slU hit
ta to TtoTBBO atr teat Moaday to
Kmi Haerial setrleaa.
Balklt* M baylap aa addb
Hwto^Mahatoa tiwi Itoaad RapMi tor a abort raeatlan.
Tbe ranread eompany hai a pa
•M* hen to BU to tbe Insile.
Mtos doaepbtoe Garpc«lar Bare a
party Bat Tskaday ancemea. May M.
la baser of bar atoler. Imara Carpeetar. aad taB WhRe. It betap tbrtr
hdrtb^. Benral alee praaeata

Hra. Erast aad daughter, Hra. Peeklaa,* hare
ib part of
o triaR Iheir old b
Mra. Da
touphier I
. _______ __
la^hmpn. Grand Raplda aad Ima i

Hrt. Lord and Hr*. Beldlap of Ctor |
lee sere vialitop si Rer. L. B. Csr '
paatcr’a tort swik.
TBe Bpsortb ttagiH batlDeaa smrtisp ssa keld St tbe etmrek Brt Hon
dsy CTcsIap to «leei sdkan for tbe
ant tlx moatha. They are at bdtosa;
PraaidtoL R. O. White: let rtoc prsrtta. Fraak Back: tod rice prartdeaL
Bnto Carptotrr: Srd rW preatdaal. e
4lh vice praatdeai. Jotalas OartoBter; aecseUry. Emma
WUIa; tnaiarsr. Ltoa Vaar;
Irt. Mra. Hlaa WhIU.
na U H. R. Mttad abaM BO mk TBs gsapto M-fHa iiBBiaHy had
(he pliari of Battotop to Mr*. Mary
thetr tecBl Batardar 'enalapC. mad of Drtralt ton Saadsy^
Boratof toa ta* M lorrtfk BtoBTT ^'htoTta shrklS saa
Basrd’te gWMaat Btostrtag aad.
__ Moas 1a HtoVto srBtoi the v«ht
to too ovualap aka tpofeo to the ^
Bsrto tota givtog tosB Rood ' ’

Dc fMT m*ats
Wurk ShM th*t if


steel spring construction, either plain top with rolled edge or
tufted top. (cheap at SlfiKil. our

s*m< Btoem

.t ccmfortablc Sltoc

He ilc'd-rvcs a litllc enm

fort wilh his fee;

BEWARL of the cheap constrociions as tbe will not
give satisfaaion.


206 Front Street

. N«(t door to Haaultoo Qo. Co.

i- « la<**a'(wanb


•I tLr<wxli Ati) «lre Uf «i)l* yrm a (• SI tort wba<

Here is Somelbing

his feet all day. )<-s. and 16 hours i

& Hoscoe

Bame benutiful ru*. 7 f~ - e iwbe.

ionally fine for a .little money. It will fomish
" other goods.
' pariWas much asS-Vl.'ki wonh of' any
mfonable fJivenport
Hivcnport (as
it makes a nice,
nice. comtonable
aho' in the cut tt
nice as you could
mild get
trei for
fur S:f(|.00l.
>:f(|.0(H. and
a_._ just by letting one or
both ends dow’n it makes an extra Urge, beautiful couch.
\Vc have a large assonmeni of them, well made, veil
— ...
finished, best guaranteed steel springr construciic_.
construction, the
rafcheis that adjust the ends are guaranteed to be perfect
___ ^__________
are covered in beautiful MUerns
patterns of Velour
and VerofiRb
and range in price from
$18*00 to $26*00

it's the man who i« obliKeit to be or

day too.

*wui* ae both *. .


r braoignl r
e brkuiKnl r

right through, also on leather couches. Ivd couchc*. I*cd
lounges and all upholstered fnmiture.

We dupe Tt
If any one


J- w. Sl-A-TER
Reliable Home Furnisher*

Wholesale and Retail--

' OI%jy. KISa i




For all Dtacases of Throat and Lwigg. Tho
Cur* that^ Qoubly CuarantMd: First by
th* ProprtMDf* and Moend by tbg Orucslgt

turn, mmtkwmt ot tkc TOlaM-a .
of Aacon sotf. Md Mr. KeKn is t»
- MX 1 aert** «d «a*»M«ls wW*
M fld taicrot to tk« fmcrs ot
MM. TMr aoM dlM for tome


tjSisrss ?*i=r<s:

imMM toter that
•- ttaungawhkhwmaaaaralaiyaEmto tot the amr

Baaaa. Jaaa t-A telegia- troai
'TeUB rapofta UMt aaoiher Com «
mjm 'it Jagaaeae IrMpe aad alair
goat hai beee laadad at Talks Aaa.
Tha Hiaiaaaa. aaj>a the idacrsM
f« hold the atflra ttae trim Ihad
Tmb Chan, to KaltriBC. th«,laUsr U
'■IlM MHithaast «r Nev Cfcwasg aad

« MUea aoatkaast c< Use Taag.
Oae haadrad ga^ *ltr thoanall
traogi t" nr— aloag this Uaa laa-

—Mlai tereee
betaeee Port
Kaiptag. la each eaae
aeca ea«p«11eno tera



of Yale


ID Staling to you that
confined me to my bed (or four weeks
I t
overy (or Conramptioo and it ciued m<
Three Hirers. Mich- June J.-A i
1 heartily rccotnniend it (or al( Lung
taec* is tepoctad to be worldBg
M asgaragai this sprlag. abeerrar
it geu retr warn aad the siu ahlBee.
la ai^eanaee it ii ootblng More or
ABB a eaMlI striped bog that so
I kaovB eeeBi lo bare lu btrtfaplace la the sMall bead of the stalk.
tbeo startiag dowa the leader stalk
It seeas to up it eaetlaoallr at ererr
step. (roB vbleh tbc Joke or aster
all! ooee oM aad the stalk alll 1.aiediateir aither and has ao aparaat
nulttr. lo fact, it is aorthlSM lor CnmeU anirafalty. Dr. Dtrlt R. Dew­
Had or use. This Is eeruialr a ey of Ihe Hatesebutettt latUUUe of
_.. addltloe to iBsect pesu aad it TWhnt^f end Dr. Heary OanieU ot
eertaUIr aorthr of a BMre exteaded
Called Riates geological torrer as
prcUl cmstnl
•dor of the o .
Hillsdtle rUizens wUI
Otaend Mean,
meUiudt of the tblrtremh o
jj-s of a street remirtl n<-*t week
e Realaekr departtae
giatcs. to bp lak
Alanag ntber eelebrlte*. Mnskesnn
d Arar of Ihe Hep
Ml a
as a man Tillne.1 Illlehlng who Is t
Oae portrait nf
■ Profeaior LeaJen whicb ttae
•r Aolebed. Tbi- ' The I'nion Mission chapel, valiicl
tacli begaa bo i
ren of II ll.ftOfl. bt* been given lo Ih.- Owns
V. M. C. A binding fun.l
Hnlland. who. lakluR a
lima has secured another lodusin
Lord artnlborpe. peer, cloekmakrr. tugcesied change la her costume, . the shape of a fflastle roofing plant
horeh restorer aad la oae tense Is- Rliarply rebuked tbe anlsl and or- whlrh cmploj nearly lOn men
ler of Ibe Biglltb bar. has loM eeleKuigbls of Pythb* o
rfOpoB the spirited arUsl replied;
raied bit eigbv-eighih Mrthdtr- It
tie a memlieriblp of
T majesty can eommaitd your
as as Mr. Bertrlt-DefiltoB that he
eet a new temple of II
eiibjmm. but I am a GertBan,"
croaraed bit tame at a oMbkinaker bj
oposllloa to i-recl a new engine
and took bis departi
I aad saperioK
lunslng at a com of fll.WKi
r America
The -poctlo kinc
ttraetloa of the great clock at Wo
1* Juae
Junius (5. Om«es, i
ailiHer. kaowe at “Big Bes.
rirms In ihe beti section of Kantat.
it Bol oaly one ot the largest
Quincy paper his csiigti the re
and aboee credit It good lor lIAO.noo
1 but a molt
form fever aad la urging tbe resldeols
the bank! bbt da>.
Booker T
> ado In Bl .
the pitee. to Pletn u
ttblngtua lelli tbc
t Jtooserell pay i
After gelling rl.l of a
c-Dillariea. Ionia Is
litgly wei
year Rroret produced ITl.OM boabels


kll Drueein'tt

0 Jewels of the nt the 6neai poUtoea—mo
e calheilr
' ‘ ' Ihrr one mao Is known
It own land.
bees canted away by tblevra.
EiaalCT Died lo relate the following
eaelalDed Hne. Paul. ^TM U. m. IjM D. S. of BraaeMadooBas any more ihaa funny ttorr; One day wh" '
cunvcndoc with a friendly
toaa. IB, ain^ itt boars oa Ue of prims 4____
■' tTBTels one of the chiefs pretJobs a McLtM, who
any wives be posr,
chief of the Ohio deoMta
iley replying <bal
vDl ghe tre ieetare is
ot Ih
pretoel ttood
m tha Mew- aaleet
tp like one mas and uniolmously etioun'Tln cot
lery. la whW. tu
“Wbat a tplcndld llarl''
be Bellg--------------------They Inieniely admired the sppare
aw. Her. t. H. OaoegB fresUeat of
bad. at Uu
Chbage TbeotagleAl Senlaair. alll art. hie gallsy at palDtlagi being one
peanh M the aoraMg. Ber.InLaad- of Iba neat Double la Wasblngton. thought, tried lo past off on them
etOu O. D. aaentary of the Bellgloas Mr. McLonn 4|ad> > »’■> sbttenrtoai wondrous traveler*' ule.
r pretrb'
life, bartag depMrmbly poor aigettkm.
Justice David J. Brewer
■iMmhh I* the aneraooa.
' PrcthyicrU
aad bit diet cooiUts mainly of mntb
the PUlb Are
d Hn. J._____
J. Bdvard aad uUk.
• the [-|tT| he aad
ehurrh. New York city, Sunday <
KMWa, HMddeat of AUmU ItadogIt U ptaaaed to glre Saater Thom­ log. “A Uwyer In tbe nlplt."
teal —Mirr. aOl ■
as ColHer PMU a graal oratta wfan tald ia
ia beginning his dl
dIteWbrw. '
Am- Id alll be dot
mlnlticr on
ha daparu tor Bnrope oo tha occasion
u out of place at
kM. Hat
of hU aereBty-BrEt birthday, inly IS. the bench, bat It
araaah u tha It It uaderatood that be will mam 10 bear more got I on Ibe beneb and
ot The i
H. 1, Oale cd before the Htloaal campaign geti Into
^pit II might be
calar aniapaH" pa»- Tbe teoaaea la lha ■funNon. tad la iba araaatm iBilatent that eltbar EUtao
M thws s« ha Bddiaiin Urea by Root or Joaeidi M. Choate mutt be got
r tor ■' -------—----------for goramor, of which the tenator't
triiads beUdre they will have tbe be­
. sdahagtfdkelMMlBratbreaWaf^ stowal.
aria gnaA la the moralag. Mra. L V.
OMdllhy Kidneys Make lapwe BleA.
The death taenntly of Jeiwme BbareVagban. Bald aamalaty of tha A. M.
ead. a mamber of iba SkMU tribe of
A- w« Mask la .tha tltamoee aad
All the Wood In your body ptsse* throogb
Mot. L r Lotaa. D. D- of Braaateara.
-D, «ai ayaak la M ereatag oa
'Weed FMaiat Mm tha tmad ot tha an asstaple
caled Indian. Tbe son of
Oabra aad the Paha-"
bo bad in tab day I
. Ib (he cnpiara of Bitting Ball. ..............
was adaealed at Ramptoe,
and oa
BWiMl «( lha 1
golBg barti to tbe mserratJon malnaaab taetan whk
IbM a Mcadly aultade toward fab
r. Ph, -O, nf Iowa wbUe nelgbbora. U spite at practical
otttaeltm by a pari of tbc tribe. He
a amre la tecartng tbe patthare
Ibe ladba pettawmao peatioa
MtC.«. PeMilee. O. D, of Han-

Over-Work Weakens
Your Kidneys.

**AaSrtl*w^ k^MMrinatrr Day.
—r. J. a. MUlB Id AMTtlla. Pa,

g notice In a Kent co-unty
week was “Connnlch teems Ui l>- further
Itt manitge I? u lottery
after all.
Several Ionia talooDk>s-|it-ni sere
fcetily taken tip charged with he.'pjg tbeir placet of boslnons open on
Sundty. Many of them htv.- refuted
to enter pleas of guilty stul i
(he matter out In the rimill
The latest conlribulloo from
per penlnioU Walton*
Ontonagon telling of a meek
of (hat place two of whose finger*
were lilileD off by a Urge pickerel
which be bad reeled '
Tbc fitb got away.
I’p Bear Mnlr fhe .
port was dmlaied
t>e«a born with tbre
t aenre bead aasot
lof a thrM-lecged freak. i
sards ascerulned that i
>urth leg which was I____
nillam H. Kye of Kalamo. take* Thle with the CbarloUe Trlbu
U Story of Ibe coldest winter U

they had bean trouble, beesute ibe hetn U
Ivdav Runag. D. O, nf Oak Pnoee. wrilM tmOcr dale af May 11
that Paul Rnger b la a veey comfort
able tule of benllb oontldMtng bis
I to be conamced that only urinary
hof^ the Mu ot hU metal as■
the kl
toaiid traaM at_ a mnmbar of the
and -atrangen“ cannot tee
Prat a PmdarStW^. D. D, btm. naleae by ehanee
Us S. win belag tht rasaHt «f Ui U tab garden or drtvec ont. He b old
J why I
Vida nasM aad study la lactarm oa aad tbera are obvtoue re
tndU* ettraordlatiy cjfea ol Of. Kilmer t
lotlty, t
Tha Wn» JaiMMi War" aad “Maw abouM^^im^gmity^the
Ihe many wl
Ltoht SB tha NoaehlM DatBia.“
Hayor R. M. Jma «d TMado. who voaM be glad to tee bim and talk wli
Urn. bnt be bat (<nnd the msidenc
Ikerc to be beneBcUl. Hb daughter
Mae. BoC. b Urlng with him and ' '
Bar. AHaa A. Tmmt. Isu pnaur ot ihonght ibtT will mom to H
ct. You mty have
tha dhmgmRatkmal itaRh of Wntm
**Tbe a«*«ir tbe bU V
eMw *BgL win UR
eatUyoaWe kidan or tdtdtor troaUt.
T—Hm la OramBa.''
Mention ptpar
wtWag Or. Kitatr
a J. Orlae of Cbrelnad. laon wblA attracted cootidemble at h Co, Btaghamten. N. I.
to. Vereatebagte left <o Ue beirt
Doe-1 nuto afy mMdta. bel tawicmbtr
ge M^I^Swainp-ltoot' Ik. KDraat'a
■g. tbe oth
. P. W. “




Melville, tbe 1
Yard, bat retired afti
carwlM «t over tUrty-os
tbc tiimiUn reennUy be was
ed wkb as addrtw and a rteck
sr tlO.POO.
. .
bar re­
ceived ordert Irtw acerlr all thr
ctewaed heads id Bnrope.
I VlJ^.
Secretory OotMytni bat
(MiToll D — ■ •
aad aatMt bar: Profsetor Walter F. Wilcox of



on every benit


Wc Sell ’Em

Bring Us
Your Heating


The UNIMENT that has been
the OLD STAND-BY for two
Sore Muscles,
Rhemnatism. Sdatica.
Neora^tia, Cuts, Burns,
Spraina. Braise*.—
any treaUe of body or musde
where there’s pain and InttaiBmatloo. KEEP IT IN REACH.





I *atiirWAp4ne I euiway of Juir. I ROd

Round Oak

lly mj
m*d< .nd kticd furns*. in
d c* soft
L tad AsU tkt /hr iu-1 like
.................... It is a Wrong. pow-cHu! bt^lcrtid wiU Uit s
nU timt vhcD mcTcclly iiisUlIcA Te oijL* lurase* bel­
ief plies lor oiwemtamai irre oi in«os« led kxjat in rvery
way_____ _____ ____ 1 p*ri.-c- lub. Cin oa the Round
Oak Fsmia tgtat. ...............
u the lunu« tad grl o-jr l.r.-i^
beak “Tinnlh md Coml<»<.
•esetaevw. a. WEcawiTM.
rwgog. LEE. mspaeor,

M. & i L THE CM


Hannah * Xef Mereantile
City. Mkh.

your Health and STRENGTH mth
• cluun. lOta*. m» peraoM toviiorUor for WOUtW.



«d »9N|to by Hn. MyiOe Kecm
ITMiiiMli R ~r-----------r-------------------




«n gin twn taetMW dnrtag Ihe ata^




The Kifld You Have
Always Soight


ertk at Von tha rts >Mtad tWraoB. U bss
eUlMad IbBt Boau asd CsMds UlsUaa
win M( star Mag Ucetbar aad lo Mr.
««• ■( La CU* To *otwom ttm HcKsa koi iMMi parattied u
Mm Tin «a< • aMfetan tmt «kM vlll aalUa the ■
‘ ■«>« MtaM4 wbU Mad two hMl*. •U tUae.
«• —Ml- vm d—»T drtm
L. C. BHUsborcfe dnire te
^^rtTn* JMMt* M M tega gnnuids WedBoadar and
the kapfir MUf to PortUi I la aa
c iB the
• Ckaa roa Jbm t—The lipaanr rillige ymt loag CDoegfa C
tew iBtrodaetioes.

ftM arrt*^ boa there, atalaa that
jawUr wanartga aad msaporU dla-


Ferris Implement Co. Ltd.

U ■r«l PH>. U. HH.
TraU Imvl^Trt-^

For Man

C^res anything that a good, peaetrating liniment can cure.
Soaks In! Stops Pain!
Allays InflammatkMil
Hea‘s Old Sores 1
One small bottle of HEXICAN MUS­
TANG LINIMENT will effect a care
when a gallon of the watery com­
pounds sold as liniment would have oo
result. It Is monQr thrown away to
buy them. -

or Beast.

A m, e^


Tiut Imvm Trtvvtw Oly t* A m. «sr

TrM tnSng^Mtm a* tolSp.m..
osy m fto p.m
Tb* tuft.—.tmvlag ■si_l.»>»tsiat

'issslJaSf —

c u boeewoco.*.

pERE Marquette



h tf- try aad R la a

a boar, or Data the deapb hat!'

Trarerae CUy. A|rtl ». ISflL'
Hn. Bate»-Aa I hare aerer
•ooU write yoa a lev Itoea.- I
I to yoa bMore, t th
•rd aad bottom yet. I thiak It to
write yoa a tew Dbh
precty. I go to aehoel arary day.
to oriMml rory moeb. t hare
rwpDleactoaot. TboBwtflewar
halfa mile to walk. I amia tbe Sooith
r temeher-s aai la Hlaa
. t hare Iota of fn^ I pam
Halrenoa. I like her rery mod
thto to all tor ibie time.
Ate 7.
Jaliof BeyacUf If reodtog a book to at eollttod
er. I k
•rer boapht.
Trarerae Oty. April It. ISflL aad Proad." There are tweaty-flre
many of my Weadt wwald foUow ato
Itoar Him. Bataa-Af 1 hare ao frholarf at aebool today. I am flntap
aad wtib-a Ikt of dlUea or twealy. Pmiletteted aad an CD
wrltim to yua for a toag lima
chaigtop eltbar by the hear^ work or Aad eke tiled each a
I tnewlag haH today. We
thowbl I waoM BOW. I hare peae b
by tbe pair of etcrklage. a bom
righleeo bead of cattle and
erery day
bocne daraer ooaM make a pretty
wdL t am to tbe fowrih trade. Tbere boruee. Tbrir naoNa are Kitty. Tum­
If tbe prMenod. the coaU take
id Billy. I hare oae fitter wbote
are iweatyelcht sebolan oa tbe rolUrob boaw: bat Ic waald pcababty
to Vklri tod one brother whose
aa aroragr dally ■neadiitcr of
a MtUactoiT to do H at the
le Harry. Fee oor toagaai
tyfMr. It to Btormlag rery bard oat
met. Now. I wcBder why asaac
We-bare three bon: tbrir hare to write a Moiy erery Hooday
u aot oiarted eoeb a ptoa bora.are Flore. Nellie aad Bob. aad aad Tocfday aad for Friday we
Aad It doea aeom worth tiyiap.—
bead ef caille atoo. I bare letter. Thto time oor teseber atked :
Farm aod Flrealde.
■re atoten aad octo brother. My old- er to write ooe to yoa Harry bai a '
9g. Hit same to Dixie. I hare one
taler If to Red Hlap. Htoo..
kitty. Her aai to Mlaale. We bare
og aebool. Bbe gradaatas fr
Are mtie chtekeef oae wek oM. Thrre
- thto apriag. My teoead old
p mare hlarii aad the other two
loe ici be ealUrated all oa cme
reet of ue chlldm go to aebool
laderd, It to hard to tell which Then, wtibeat briag atkod. they all
tr. truly, ,
mixed: -We
eieepi Alma, and abe to too tmalL
e tbe wont JarrlBg of tbe houaeWIU be rery hippy
y Moatoy aad Taeoday oor tea<^
hiHd temper, lateaaa* ta patUag tbe
Torrit Uke. Mkb.. April St. IWt.
adf Bf a ftcry and (be frilowiag
mealf oa tn the lable or tardlneat^
■a Doty Balf days we are to write what we remem­ Dear Mrs. Bates—At I bare not
igto eai them. It to dtocoaraplac
ber of It. Then we are to write a let- wrilien before I Ihoui
aae'f beat and aet forth a breakPi4day.JaaeS.lM4.
1 am Are yean old and go
ler erery Friday. We alao bare a aafaat pwfewt la erery detail, and hare
Aoni Patty eayt (ril ber bird ai ■■re ftody (or oar laagaagr. Bk
tehool. I am to the rban rlatt 1
fland tbcMt waillag for thto oae to flower Suabeame thai abe bopaa to r
teaeber'f name It Hr. Lower and I am
•me down and thal oae to de la. I their Iileiurea 10 them pretty aooe read eereral fairy talca and to
bow to tell lelteix I bare
sow a boy, with a boy-a aMtetlte.
There are eoeb a tot of you! Ptood." I like » rey maefa.. Two'of two ftoten aad one brother. Tbrir
wbo Site Ihroagh the kitchen a dotee
Ita-i II eke* Aaat Patty iblake «
« arc Lottie. Bote and Louie.
my atoterf aod I fotoed poor 8«i
timet while dlaaer to being prepared, Tbere are eereral Utile cooks o
I like to iota tbe Buafhtoe ri
wlib gnawing banger wrilien all orer rmembered too. all to good Ume
Mvotoler Imtile la writing lhl« ;
think of soy awre to write
leoooeed be to the taxi oae to
Perrowt. Vlrglala. AprU ST. 1M4.
Prom year UUIe friend,
Fyom yoor little rriead,
the Ubir. I kaow a man w
Dear Mn. Baie^ (booghl I woold
Bddie Btsdeibauer.
breakfatl ni * sharp, but after the write you a letter, at 1 bare aot writ
Toteb Lake. Hleh. April SC. I9W.
clock strfkee be walls to pan oae
nee for a tong time. It ta alee aad
TraVeree City, April 1*. 1M4.
Dear Hr*, tetes—I was very much
etallsaata, eo that the abeck to dleweed or tie cme more Tine. U It be la
Dear Hn. Baire-I iheeght I woald plsased wlih thal card and button, and
tummei^ir la Wlaler he tliwt to
bird* all wtotor aad tbe flnu flowere rile yon a letter, as I hare i
win try lo keep tbe rules. I saw n robbeadUaet in (be moralaf
D one cop of batter. Oradoally paper, and (be omelel talto. the eotee I taw were abool the flnt of March. ritlea CO yon before. I bare on
th* SMh of March. 1 like to read
haak batoaeee iu hooka
Mayflowert and arbutnt are mofi all T eletrea yean oU. 1 goese I
bew la oae cop of graaalated i
the Min* aad poems We have a
atfht. Why aot a bootebridr
roolt. and tbe griddle
goee now. They hare been btoUMaed
man learber. Hto oame Is Hr. Lawer.
Bo Ua pood odlto*. aad erea la bit oae cap of browB aopar (rolled -aad
i matter of haUi with qulie a while now. t bare two frfeods -II yon abool my peto. I ban
d doree and a dog named Dixie,
sU sludief at school. We bare
great pvturbaUoat be ibowe erldeace
both, with no touch of mallee.
Join the SuDfhtoe hare Are little chkkees. two a
large garden. Laat
A aoaadaeae
aUad. There to
On tbe other hand I know a'
Ima Oobne rigfaleeo bead of cattle.' two b
retoed eorn. popeorn. radtobe*. beans.
tom of boatefceepert who caa
wbo tolf an excelleal table for bemrd. and Mary Oobne. Will yoe pieSM tend
melted orer bot water; alao. alter
me coll. Their names ate Tommy,
pouioes aad cabbage.
eemf beyond a poaalbillty
aatoly. oae eop of cream aad milk for her aealt to be terred promptly. Ibein ■ card aad buKoor Bead Cbem Kitty aad Billy. I hare half a mile to Tbto to all I ton tblnk of.
(baV aad balf). fOor enpt ef altled Tbe food to abore eritletom. but (be aeparnie. Send them both to Per walk to aebool. My teaefaer's at
Prom your Bansblaer.
■toe. Hedleal Talk, hat beea to
rmri. Va. II to tiormy oat icalpbi. I Miss HalrersoB. I like her very much
Boor, tlfied apaie with oae lerel leaMile Btadelbaoer.
aa ihla grille. Harlai raeora
are tied to the A
to (W nric^ii mlnutex apenl In walt- like to read ihe Sonthtoe letter*. They
she Is rery kind to me. ■
P. B.-I aa*
me Mayflowers (be
BItie fiOB bit dMDihed neaUl
toU with kbor. Bailed U tbe Boor to epooa of ercam of Urtar. oee-haU
iDg briogt oa ao Irrluble frame of are very totemtiiig. Well, ibto to all
(weaty4re sebolars at aebo
2M of April.
Bimeal tbereoa be boMc forth at flay there, and ttkea up wiu great tpooD of eoda, one leaapooB each of Bind Id (bam- who are to Mt. Delay I ran ibink of (or iMt Mme, «o poodday. I am in Ihe alctb grade,
leltowA aad drat eueraaet to
raarlaeH of U>e Beak, b to
that *?““«
21. ifl*4.
alwayr balaacod by harry. Late
six weeks more of school.
really ■oodjdeai. eren tren
Btto »!*«■ ofeloret. Bake lb a large drlp- mealf alway« neon more or leaf
Dear Hre. Bate*-1 tboogfat I woul
Your tnio Buneliloe girl.
«r to reeding a book lo ua.
nah polat "it riew. He aeye:
0 the dirlally of pliip pan or two tube pant. Wbea fDflOD In the boatework. sad for tbete
write yoo a few llaet. I woald like i
Age 13.
Mary Inman.
•What to the nee of the pertodtoel btoUh. aad a'toiKwmklBp
a kborax
arraapeJola the Bonsblae dub. Picate sead
who moit catch tralot, open placet of Traver»e City. Route S, April 5t, 1904- reads to us a ehapter or two
eeaecaef hneaedeaBlacaaywayT Why Bwat ef the b^ bat m « of Bi bare Hartkmaltow FrotUag — Doll oae bnilneiif, or meet engagemeati
Dear Mm. Bales—IB teelap some of moralng and at nooo. 1 like it Tery me a card aad bnltao. I bare Are
aol beep the honee eleaa an.the
brother* and two sifter*. Errau. Ray.
d wm pRdmbly hare tbeM u and oarhaU enpt of brown aogar. and boutehold runt amootbly where (be the letlen In tbe Herald I thought I
much. I would like 16 Join tbe
whUef Why al
Id of tbe chapter. Bat erea ao. oerfcmrlh cop eaeb Of batter and boll- head ran tay. "t would like breakfatt
I.Mnard. Will. Jack. Bessie,and Alice.
rater abUI tbe mlxloiw caadlee and such a tloie.- and be has II on tbe rould like 10 be a Soathtoe girl. I shine elob. Please send me a
heee aad there, wallt to pat MCT.
naalble to eecape many of Uie
I wlU close for tbto lime, so goodbye
ceeted to cold water. Poor orer firoke of tbr-hour. Punctualhy U ooe bare fiuir bnubert and ooe ttoler. One and button. At Baslex I go! four
aentDfi eidiy. eepboarde deety. aad
• of bcmaecileaalag dme by do.
Age U.
Lena Morgan.
r hrmhen!' aamo to Tbeodore, aster egga, colored red. ornoge aod
half a poand of manbmaltowa i
earaere Kkhyt Why aot beep the
BauM Bte. Marie, Mich.. April SI.
of the llr«l quamiet to look (or to
r leod him a can] and botioa.
ue. My letter la gettlag prelly lo*
haaaa.elaaB an the tlater
Dear Aiiatie Bales—1 bare ealoyed
faired help.
I I will close with mueh lore.
. . The day wat wbea the oUdaafaloeed
»ld. Thto pour orer the eake.
tbe Mien la the Bonsblae departVlolri Drelibaopl.
, ipala were lacked to the floora,
m doae al ear boaae. to! tbeoe Tbto If a new and delietoBt esha.
menl more than ever sloce we are ao
Box CC
aiHr er elrew or paper eaderaealh,
yean, aad oar mea folk* po Btremed Bntire Wheat Puddtogfar away- Wednesday was Thenm's
aad H wat a sreot leh ta dies oet the
tkroagh the drMded period for the Sin cngeUier ooe cup eatlre wheat
birthday. He was tea yean old aad
. taid Its eerpeC It was aeeh a srtal
meet tin aiiMatbed,? aad cAeo on­ floor. oae^baK cap CWto floor, one
care a Bre o'elod:
tMk that oaee a yi wat aheet all
I reeelred m) nrd aad buiion about , for him and Inrlied fals Sabbath aebool
teatpona of aodn. and oee-hnU tea, paople ooald etaad.
IWO weeks ago. aod was rery mueli eless. There were Just teu to
I carii of eloree. etnasiaaB and
the Bodeia potlahedJtoor with
pleaaed with them and I think If all class. Bach oae rare a alee pres
. Ileal aa egg. add half
Don't bring worriat u tbe table,
L': partabie rasx auhaa an tbto ti aaof Ihe Sunshlnert
ttoat hrlagaagor. bate or acowlt:
unneg ibrm a hat and hall. (« mp
lid like lo live near «ome at Ibem.
ti wHh oae- eanaoi be used for dellcftely tto'ed
laiicer. ptote. book and some sooreo
a why the beaae abooM
anlrlet. Nothing else under the tan
j bui I have aerer read aay letlen ibal
In of Ihe Soo. Then ihe (venlnc was
topi tdtaa an the yiT Wby ahouM
Iroa New York stale except my
a cup each of cleoaed carrnaU
spent in gnmes tad Ihey had a
- ' .aol the wallt aad the eemas be kept
siRen ae^my own. I have wo
aad noaed raleloa. LeC Msam
The Ladles- Aid are getlleg op
otoaCt The rm ead the doon he
win parehase eaoogb eoa^rk
boltoa lo aebool mod some o
> and a half. Scree with bard
aa autograph quilt lo help pay (or the
•antoed treqeesUy eaoagh to prereet
- or any aance aultabto for plum for the purpose. It to used by taliorm
If yoa only fet tbe paae.
chureh bulldlag Tbe old oar to I
to^ MMatoiy ef hartitt a drapoM aad
to clren mta'i riotbes, and can he aeII Aunt Ptuy II
(her bare to eatoige It.
tUnwa bweae erecy
earod from any druggist.
jiobto the flnt of March, but did not
of toll rarieiy.
ihlBg sad. forget to kaell It:
like so moeb Ip have a Sun
^1 my be we are wroaf.
^ a flower uoill yeficrdsy. The rob- jjiipp
- : and Rhubarb Prea^co-Foor To prepare loapbark (or cleaning
thlBg hatcfal. oMck dtopel H
at U traai the ataadpotal of a
block. Eaeb one to to pay te
f welenme
waa who hat (roteeBUy eatared troto
cents and hare their aame put on tb
DOW there arc more than tbe
r ovoe S cents' worth and let li
drled Iga and two poaadt of ngsr.
here. Yesterday some o( tbe achool qsUL This Is a mission field, and
Chop Bgx sad riiBfaarii Into email boll gcDlly for two hoaru. At the end
BABOU) UBoy-Aesi ys
M ta aa ptrtecUy feaaible that I
boys worn laio the woods back of the
MsorMr.asdMrs.B.1.-- '
Ibis Ume strain II tbrougfa a ptece
uoin soft (aboot as
• and CM SOI "ilepsDakiad tbeogkta aad haggtag tern- boor aad a half). Add sugar and boll of cheese eloib and pal the liquor to
lending me ibelr names and len cents,
clean pall Hare ready a smooth For pets s hare Are eats. Theodorej llcaa.- I have two aunts aad qnitc
slowly untU all molftntv It gone. Thto
M la thetprtat. laat at tree fn
few cousins lhai live at Trnverse Qly. nod mamma win put Ibem on Ihe quill.
aad 1 am 13
^tUy wll] makn ten tfasMt.
sard of suitable site, aod lay each
to* wM ead eobwehe la the wtaiaf Bpeoeh that caatma others pato.
With lore to all. I mialn,
I ihere aboal three
PabUe worn aad grim dtoaatere.
Banee for Flsb—Two tabeapaaat cd ; piece or (he dress, which has
aa la the tolL
Erer your lorlng Sonshiner.
Y'our (rieod,
*•» •“<*
»•>««• l*o weeks.
d and bruabed, separately a
Crimes and wtoags and ilgbl't db- melted butter.
-Kow tUi to tbe way we we
Vera toex Jiraae.
May E. Brown, t” ****
' *1" 'el! her
eodt of pepper and salt aad the jolee
Pleaae address In Vera tore Jenoe,
Sabin. April 3fl, IMt.
•« n«. I often see my
he daeted etwy day. al le*
*f a leeMin. Mix well aad pour
Noae Id timm are to be mesUoaed
Sponge It thoroughly on botf side*,'
Bie Marie. MMi.
iwom that are aacd; the •oort awept
Wbea yoe rit yea flowa to eat
the Brit aner reenorlag U to i
fobbing enretully and eepedally polled
1. April 19, |M«.
wrilien to a tong time ! Iboughi ll"*-"'
«»<l •■•o Ralph
ato tha Mwi heatew eaee la a wUto, iaowiBg aometUBg faaay. uU It;
tpMs. After all tbe cloU has
Dear Friend—It bas been soi time
the etothlas aired.
Boeariktog aa^ loigM to karil U;
fled Applet—Peel eoUd. tar
Moaged. All a togge tub of water aad would write to you (onlghi. I am
since I bare written
*"* enough
•Bat thie to aot paHe eaoagh. Let
hatofal. qalek dtopri It pleu aad grate them. As each apple to rinse each piece of the fabric up aod quite well, now. One of my friends 1“^
at aappoae that la addlUoa u ihlt thp
Sunshloen the Sloiry Beach school. My leaober’s
At the table.
gtniej put It Into the aerrV dish and
I to II 10 as to reire all traere and 1 wool huattoc foi flowen We
niBip to Miss Dnnn I am to Ihe third
walk aad oeillapi aeed ctoaalai or
tprinkle with ati^ to keep the apple of the soapbarit. Wring Ihe pieces went waj- back to the woods aod we I
gnde We have about fony
Tnrerse CUy. April 16. I9M.
labhias or halBi or paper, or wheb
hut Rill we found quite
Lom.taralng dark. An excrikm ap- thrnogb tbe wringer, lay them to r
Dear Hn Bale*—I am gMag i In the school Will yoo please send
BTor aeede to be doae. Now why aot.
beary, clean eMbes haikec and wbai
me a pin and t card* 1 ga lo i
ae vtotly abeat U ead do K wl
a Sugar Cookies—
all are rinsed aad wrung out I
school tad am In tbe third grede
orerly every day We bare two
U aeodi to be doae. Mot pat It o« aaof tbe flower* i
butter, two cups of
preesltg Ihe flnl that was rolie.
d tllnemy teacher days of scfainl I am going lo JMn itae
Hl epriap. thro bare tbe whole |oh Usaas la growlag eblldrett ’
They are rery pretty. I,
me eop el milk, three teatpaeaa Iren ihem on the wrong side tUI they
rlul, We nre baring enmaaaa Icpatber. Bat at aay aeae
bare my pin and card yet and shall
M baking powder, oneself teaspoon are aleoost dry. theo fapng them
wiaat Hoar to best, hot a mists
panr this afienuna. An this Mter to
spring aad wiBtor wheat, witb a 1 _ vaallto, iMtr eoo^ to itil ooi easily. ckuhes hone lo air for al least iwelre try to keep them, t go to school now. sebolan oo the roll to our school. We geitlng long. I ma
of tbe apriag. aad with tbe Rota tbe butler and sugar togelfaer till houn. If the elMb to bung to a place My (earber's name Is Rlla Goernsey. here two bones, Frank aod HMIy.
I am so glad to see the IkwuGIuI flowmiddiiv to tbe Boar, makes praetl
smooth. Uhe cream; pot in free from dost It should h»k like
en and to hear tbe merry birds chirp and six bead of ralile Their
tally tbes
I II is pot away.
flour tor ifeoae wbo COB Ihe milk, then the eggd beatee togeUare Cherry. Rose Jack. Billy. Dolly
mat obtain (be Bret
after lacfa a long winter.
ligbily. tbee the flour (two ettpa),
There are four SansMaen besides my.:
Mo oao UrlBS to each a baaae wt
MhFor bread. Boar nhcmld be ell^tly
ahitee thk aart e( eleealap. Aad
raaMttod aad ef a rich yeltow oolar lag powder; thea the raailto. Take a Areid WHitkIea. Wash Faae Upuranl self in oar aebool Well, ns my letter
to geiung ioag I will close or (bis will
tbe hue woetd be at tboroosUy To NH II. take a hafedfai tt dry flewr
of 4be floogh aad pot oa a
r grandmoibcn used to dale the snrely find lis way Into he wame Imsoleaaed tathtowayattopatltotaa■ proM timly to lb* baad. If wbea board and see If It will •Ybll out period of their kiet glrlbood by
Opoo your baad K tails
tn mtoc aad thee dto oot an the «M
easily." If H will aot do s^ bat to OrM wrinkle, but the woman bas
■a K the fatoUy had beea
*ly aad to mlay. R to food bread anfi aad stk*y. put to a baadfnl
oowadays wbo would bare the
Jtoe hoodehaclu or beaM.-Vtoa la ao
Mary Rogen.
r. If II to white, paeh
tour, bat Just as llUie as wlU do. lor
MaMe City, April IS. 1»04
.wed of R at alL frea oar polat of taln.ibe.h4,ofUehaBdnfterpree tbeoe cooklee are better, the aafier oourage to aay that with her tni wrtaI ten j bear Hn. Bales—I nerer wrote i
nt*. II may be aeed for pastry aad (hey are
I gM Mder
cabas, bat *in ant make good bread.
The paper haaprr eoDU aaeak
I should like to be oae of Ibe sUaen
AvaU all Sour that bas a blnlih
Tbt ItIftereM Dan.
rule. Ill health to answer- Hoo. I am seres yean old aad
greyish list
wftheet dtotnrhUp Ibr dewMaUe
ee dUagreeable Hide toe*.;*rtie good yet. ao my older al
May. Oar rooM ooeU bo paliiled or »o Moke a peitort Mg, aj
the unlrMned woBUn-s elaru'
aetthsr and. indeed, wbea (bey are maay to *rUtog for i. I am aeadtag yoa
the door er oae rooM pottabed.
mooey. bat they aecas to have aegtoci- ■mber. ihey a
If a« Bare that itbt yeast
Id tb* flrst Hayflowen I saw this
m wbaierer that aeedt to be
sprtag. They are some I took to the
arely. a mile mmar win help It w ed one emtoeatly preetleal plBB. Why
doesn't toi oae turn lilaenat darahauae aod they all badded oat. I will
Hae.J* good yeaat dom aot reqttre err exeUlmed my arighbor. threwtog
.■■mm. wttboei iwoieetasa
Our factory sale to already a grmad,
half of tbe.. This to all (or gntlfylag sueeet*. We were deterR.
' Mpltoe or tatolly eoMfee
down a storiUag to qnM a fretful
yean before seeb a na
•ow. etthcr It tea bea —. baby.
number of
methods are
»*k*s the Her- mlaed that It sboaM be. (or It to abBgala oEered.
I like to read tbe Mtce*. Good- solmely aecsesary that we redoee oor
kmg. or too maefe jmat has bo*a add- ’Why." I bagaa beaitaatly. "I be> mmd. but as ao two skins
‘ ad Mr towlam aad e
sad we hare pat prices dawn to MANY FIANOB AT fllU. fllFS AND
If It fans aftar briflg pot ia ibe Here a ptoa baa been atoned to
Ihe lowen poaeitde potoL Th* Ptoaas
the bread wai too lighi aad tb* ■eadlng for
are worth bad Mtoold hrtog m oamldThere to a great deal to tbe way yoo
*M ippta. wbka eeoMi orery day.
loo cold.
Wahoo. Nrtraaka. April tS. 1904. ermbly more moaey. but we reaUx*
"Oh. yea. ihcyVe tahea rere af tfee asbyawbee. laRaad of *m*ta*
toea haadred aad elity4Ta daya
awalUag bayen ibto'week are to'goad
we cauld aevee hope to m
aar Hn. Ba«*-My *^i.
•ikre ihe beat btinad. amid
the yaar. to addMea to thto tbe aabachelor*, aad I aappoae they peed R.>y to a abort til oMam we M
Oook. Uhre the Herald Id I love 1
Ittkewwm poor lblagsl Bat whartdibe w.
every huadred do. U aboold be waah
Mea.el taBM the met cd tlWM. tbMr plalafmIIb.reol.a.dwb«
Mat flf water, halfa
tbe Soashtoe ieuesi. I woold IU
a aaertflcc heavily • them to I bteo em ef oor store. Thee w^hm
-motben af flve or more lively ebtl. P»ardx. aad geaiie frielltm gltmi
be ee aaaael fpaM, •* of iBlt aad
to be a Saaahtoer. ao ptoaa* sead i doee qaiek baytog.
stack ef dstalag like le pans moatjlkely to wriakle.
Pto aad card, w* are livtag ta Wa- THEM OUT WE MUEri
eak* dtoaotred to a qaartor eapfai
HAS. two. etc.-_____ ____ .
ihat to do c
Spreytag (be (nee vHb red bot «aaow.
----------sr. Stir In the Whole wbl Fared her h
-r at BlMil to Bood.
RtoE FIANOB AT 44 TO M or <1^ (waale^lteaBMeM of
*e lived to Fbllenoa. TTibiaila
m^ a halter thal wtll drop
The be« ptoa of sR to
Thto tai* ladadas both
body *Rk


ty aad Wke balf aa hoar toaper.
Bnad of whita doer to Made J1
aboce. except that after awklap the
oepe ad beatlap ft lor hre Mtoatee,
T1ii«Trr I*- —“* —
the door to atoke a doepb atoy be al
added, kaoaded. aad tbda pet to
•BIM n tto nitb. he MDl
raltr le a wana ptoee for three boare.
aad baked tre er tea aalaalM
thaa tbe whole lAeat bread.
le the roM «•■ red.
Tbo*e braadt. Btode with
meed yM aboaM be made la the
daytime, aa throe or fear
Thet an tUasf hare u
ceoepb tor Ihc wbid
The *Toa« way bcre I
ne made yeaat. brief ttower. reThe DreeaRhliii aky.
tbinc; If tbere w eMoye tnm tUi
paltat ihat the bread be eel
bat to otherwtoe made aa abore.
>We arc tpceJUas do* at a rr
Bread tbooM alwaya be cormod. while
fai dtotaaec tn» the eeeat Poi
Lh a warm, eleaa doth, or
That dalawd kto lore and he
year H hat already paaaod by. a i
flhand an the ior* they hadi
WhUe the parozyta . belter, with a Ho or woodeo I
; dared oo( trwt oondrea aad kept al aa erea lecbperatare of
71 depreee.
We fell omedree iaea
Aea from the ores It tboald
<d wrltlas fiwa aa lovartlal ilaadbe tarabd oot to cool patokly oo a
we hare auwtwha
tewsae he Ueed he amlM.
or 'etore. la a poalttoo where all
Aad did act loi* ahead
Lorered oor eqelllbrlBni. aad the
aroBBd eaeb loaf. Wbbo cool,
«Kh Wtumet or dread.
M alibUr aoasbt Ml had
pot away la a well alnd. eleaa. Ua
It tor tbe f
Aad people eallad bla Md
aoearaer. bat far eaoash away f(w aa- box aad keep la a light, dry etoeel.
Hold and net prow quickly la damp,
pitr betas atwaya Ctod
With each thtav at be had.
“W. do IKK ezaetty plead aor are dark plaoM; oaaablae to aa aaemy to
' Aad ^ek tMr^^ j^nfle
diaeaee. aad awld It a bread dtoeaae.
we hecrat for mmj. bet we are try
Bread oopbl to be kaoaded at eooo
at It II UphL but tometimet thto to ool
Ue to aaalyse thli daeettoa aad d
caa be Uti of Ihc- qaetUoo, toes throw la a haadtul«f
noor tor tbe yeatl Meat to grow
deoed. Hay be Did. bet ere are not laoa. koead It la. aad It may be tafely
e naan. MUtb dealiea. took oa eth- dlaad u> ftfc ep all hope. A
• er llree beeUee yoor owe. See ebtoa of aowethles Ike a *Heep left a Utile while toaper tor tbe thor
• Wito their troablea are aad hew * Qtan Cleb- floaU before oar iBUftD- oopb kaoadiBp. li 'it a pood piaa
• «hw are beta*. 0*of«e Bl
' atloCL Keep deae erery day. all day. beat tbe dough by tla^ap It dowa oa
: that aad tbe kaeadlag.
sect elaaa.
walU eleaa. oHlIasi eleab. Paieblas. ttrrieb tbe plaiea aad make It cIuUc.
-nrm JooraaL

pauyiDc. dooe la tou
here •m4 Umt* leodaciw «r
«taart«. dcMlac w. tmiiu
-ftr OMT
peere to
pMt opvl:Bee. The eretvUle cteerr
eed cheerlcf
dleeoM«tel. The roii>d«r 1 mml
tl«e te ■ tesrtHoo* eaelt. >od orofTUiv to atkkr «>U>
or ta^

wrmueve am


mitot Mhrrwtae be ^ea to raadta
Meally. my mlad to prowlap raity I
at to the prowtap trlphmiB •


MmmUkt eMte’sUUt.



demphl^ Teaa. to a rteeat tottor fi
TC AlalfUOf fUeel. tayfi
.sasodrtr w—
—------flsnw M oftea Mxsa M (fee adMaM *BM
Jrefe of rwef aod ferRflar MsaM. I

—....J w wfeew I M mr atoMgCfe


•ad feesfrfc.
SMaafee OMr.
PFnissUvIibcKiiao eqaalas aatree
lualc Slid vital li
aa. It yea fle
Bu* rcn-ive sll (lie ■■-nrilia fiwm paraae
(bat you rxieeicd, wrlu lo Dr..|Ija*

name It Frits. We like to play
wlibbim. I saw Boms roblat Ibe'feflth
of March. I saw. iwo robins BglHUg.
Tour friend.
Travbr CUy. Roflle I. April fld. IMd„'
Dear Mn ftotm-As H has bSN
mr time since I have wrliini lo yoa.
wUI do so now. Bebool 1s alaxM''
oDi. We have iwD more dayn of
school. We are going to have esiBee
eake and lev cream, and thee we
are gnlcig to gel our
I would like to Join e<
yoo please seod 1 • end aad ptoT
My ireefaer-s name to Mtot Dana. Bbe
to Ihe best leecber la tbe world. We
took a ChrlsiBias ride. We are Mtag
- fly'e moolbs vseeikm. f will
isre to say goodbye.
Vour lorlog Bnasblaer.
Bdea HaMklaa.
Hoame Ceaier. April M. IM«.'
Dear Mn. Batea-I thought I «oaU i
write to TOO. I would like to Jflla lb* v ’
Bsnshlne cleb. Pieaae send 1 a id'&
aad betWB. I go to aebool aad try to^
learn sll I can. I go lo Baaday aebool^
aad ebureb erery Bonday. Daele
Ihe Herald. 1 like to read tb* *aa>lf
shine Ipiten. My learher*i mms Is •'If
Mtos Ethel Williams. I like her. She *
to a good teacher. I will etooa. Tbto .'
to tbe firm time I have wrillMi to yoo.
isogood4iye. PYom
Age II
Resale RrawBina
SnWn. Mlcfa., April ft. IflH.
Dear Hn. Balee-~f Ifeoaght J would
write, as it has In-n a loag Hi xiarw
I bare wrilien lo you. My friemd.
Mary Rogert. aad I were e« afier
flowen Beinrday aad we (tread qilto
a few. TTiey «
- Beanlles My little brelher
Oeonbe Blood, would like to JMs tbe
Suoshtae club. I have beew gotog to
seboM <mi here (or about three weeks
I like lo go to school. • My treeber-s
name to Mtos Ella Ooeresey aad 1 Ilk*
her rery mneb. I am to (he slgtb
grade aad my slfldles ore arilfemstle.
physlologr. grammar.
gracrapbr and apenioi
I rorMved my card and bofloB a
gorsj wbiie ago and was very ataefe
pleased »l.b them. Thank yoa. vmy
moeb. for them. We ired from Matt
Boy April 4 over here. WeH. I will
ril (or Ibis time, hoidog to see iGto.
to print.
Vow b.rtog Suashiocr.
Maael L. I

Great News for Piano Buyers!

. Fine Pianos $150, $ir5, $200, Etc.-Uuquestionably
the Greatest Bargains Ever Offered.
CiimcM Bros*. Piam Facteiy Ealaitcmatt Sale Is a iHarrclOBS MobcjSaTlm (^portniiUy.

If yea want a Bae Pb
feM hare tba |-r' i a


^ yoor gala. Coi and see et aow*
We pmto* yoo a gner
ibaa you have ever hoped Io-im

nStatb^U ^

of imtto-

Oar repmailoa oT’b'vis^

e at « oare tor bar»to2?Si

tfela totoa 1 .

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