Grand Traverse Herald, September 15, 1904

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Grand Traverse Herald, September 15, 1904


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



Tnrcnc Qty State Bank {



V«7 UM of 4MUI Mreko
onlj. ToBtb rw of inelleo.
Tosr pttroMsr ocdldM. U
Nf« Mntoe baUdl^ ndor K.
of P hall, on floor vKii Dockar
tft Undam -rollAf^ and ow
iliBCor oinrp.

i Cacm BuU« BvlBen Dmc


. 0m.v tttUAJLt •TOOa_Co*« —


Fair Day.
f)ld V'arm*r nacCB nt Hoccr
IT Fair.
______ — «ueil,« ibw
“Thai hor*.,’ hr aald <;ra» -Ea«le

Plat. Clw StMn Boll.. Mid ,


>UU8, •26,000

Tire Tnsurance!

Money to Loan on Improted Real EsUte Only.

wnil lak.- iti<- blsti«i iirljp

Room SIONwwSUte Bank Building.

Dui uur idd IkiUbiB look, ai veil.
Ill By eye,.
I. ii^ai fulkP


1 ran' WUexr HI Jim. ho« ai
r...,ld fv par th-tin.-av. ut tl.v .t
I, aork lur }«•-S.R ..rer to Im
•That alt. «••. ■ iraagvr" rhurklhv Bother.
-Atl.w IBn'l ha U-.-S rdurelvd I,
-IM you ...r ha
0»c. •

V a Mr <«•- and .Is rlpber*
1 •a> a r»y dream And Ibr raibit
.I 111.- Oi» ainna until tbe caalle mee
ma, ..ui U .iRhi amuoR tbe rtood*.
And >IIU think a BillMn dolUr*
mild l«- all y.m wrmld warn to make
uii rvally »ucre*a(ul. <tu you, ay ladT'
The,.- waa a .hade of doubt in tb^
Kiv a. the faihi-r apitke. bat tbr b^
a. Fiirv that iloUar. mr«n aerreaa in
m. ai.H.I
-Kvivil.idy aay. »«. Fohta
iiwedty. ili'i'
.top in a.k rnueb
U.ul a man e»re|.i whether hr baa a
II he haa the
f inline) .
rverylhiDR elec."
b.-. ibuiiRh'
Sow let'.

ye,-Ij:. lliia mii.b Uiu.;


cm allvwM w flw D9«ili.


“-raTTi*;5:tt=a=r‘'' **“ F-liOmST


. : 'r» a. »EX.sMn-. ahmw m ia«


I akd m WilM. Ukr«. Yntrar. a» .
ubMiMlanMUOatj vrn>.<r No

' CWNiai A«WM 1M. Offic* 406.
Mmi WMwto OtMfc..
On MmI




U,t».i:BW»««u*.«B,fcTc«r.Mk* <v»T»

about II
TTiv crmin waa all
In ibe liarn
A biab lay all

III. Salary

^ai'l kir. Hiisjt.-. -By Or.icnpli
I- J..-1 a. t.avl a e,.v


Ok SIw, Chat F1IU tb« moat Pr«acr»lt»Bt

?ihIC: ‘ 3
“n=s- i

TTylBa to do oae wbote weekli
ork today laactea and trlpa the work
r inday aod make, a bmb ef tamar>•
Ob- Id the g«,d nitea of ftml

nu. calm. .me-, .me tUciSIue
pusaJea U( IM fu,or« and taaraa Urn
fr.^ to haedir today's bardew. It M a
lie that 1. .ai. oalr lor tbe IMmhMu man t,. fuiw. ^d lor U^^lw
boeret adib him.vir But fur Um k
rrf lacak-ulable ...rth tIi, il!»
applkw aa w..|!
r„,r„ a. m wS



1.1, h.-l|-vl
b«- rnci.
I I. lUle,,
in.. l«.-k.
> milfai-n'

R I Ml lia.i^. I..I1 I »-.•

Ahowl yonr preccriplioni? H an, we want )our bnaineta, as we allow
only Rrfiitered Pharmacists to conl^oot.d preiaiptions H the Ke.1
Cro« Label is on your preacription ] ou are assiueil that it ni< c<«u.
pouixled by a rcfuiered phan^ist.

I.-! W.iu:. ... ciB.d a lien'
•r HI.CCB '■> IloEX.i ItriBik

1.1 niiiiUldi. ahii ci-.i
al.lrh hrv cut In <l.>
iir.ravar ,ilc| Hidh-i


.\» lale-r.

Traverse Ciiy. Mich.

i. ant lu I,
D,iRb<f a>
nr the rlnn.l iit

-Hu Sen Oan'I."
.1.1,1 uilem. ou 1
|.r...enlly -aa t»e




KasiattstTMk w Uicter Pelerlyl.



iliii .vni
be ha. been dlcRlaf
aay mi long In that rot that he baa
tile diwlrv for anydbloR elae
he had, bu muarlea are all allSened

p wIili rbeumail.m and hard work.

o, rnerwe. which ^
• tbr hlcbcal rmHe.
..—..enly ,tbr grade nt Ibe ootowl

Siiii-.aSiS;.'^-—The curd (ewi waa aSDUml

Deny Meeting He, Oelly.
SI. name i. Anltiim) Hua<. I am a
ami Il'v niil.-> and BIW aaray
. i.u 1 a liuii'i ill •lebi ahvn I llr.i
IIIIV.I ihi',.- my alfv and I. aud iiua
Iia.v m.l many liHelilmr., tUi.uRli


Criapbo.* 4

I lintnK

l.<ir>l tia.l <^T.i

Hare you ever tried the
oyml TlBrnr Tmmm mn«J CofYmma

al>iui au'.. I

Ikdii miild talk iinihlne i-i.
n,-ni diian Ui Ihv i.-ry eal<..t«dy Mil
afii-i HI- 'll S'i a Me nni- Nid>
a lull aiy
a l»,viii van unil.T»i»inl boa
amid asK nf (hal t.o, alid Ima .
-h- i-ai'li- a-vr.' ..-M iln- A,>i thine





Hml dgtr SSi:
They axe the beat



a and •Imi ali.-n

*» H» Ctfmt

Fi*»t aW

muted from

*“ •■••rihtSU

■‘••■fMttl • bf of m a day.


loR to lb* Four Track New? tha oaaaimlnR of lia flrwt railway. Ha llhtoDa
maradamlaml road fmW the OM to
■ he inii-rtor. and the coaalMlna rf
kh mlbw Of <anaU. a. S. STisJ
tVenphlfylB* uf the ' ' ' ‘
...............Lord Salt

nation aad <
InrludlBf the one

a wUh



;; z

Sold only by


a*» acmm* Wrone rnet-mmA

PhoAM: CKitcnt SI Bell 166.

A6erIbadreoet»e<ltiHaEeneylbrwoolUat<iUforooe ol the
Buten wool MBoCiamefA the ixntract waa esa-le to buiW
K at the abort kcatkai.

And tlii-a tbert- wa, anidbrr r
tie further up Ihe river wburr .
e, UTU-D paekod. ll wa. a beautiful
mi and >ei ibe money the farmer
id did Boi make him bappr- Polk,
ll not kTMiw mhai they wurp talktos
mill alien ibey rrvlial Ibla man
III-.' ili.-re bail hero a Km in tbal
III- had rplendid ability, and
iclii hale made bl. mark In tbe
aiirlil. liui Ihe father Rave him tnooey
'ahine'rT be naked for ll
A rooh
-n>p of wild OBI. raine up there, and
I...W Ihe Mm wa. a drunken aot. No
lindy knew arber.- be warn, nobody
ran-1 Biiieh. ea.-epi ihe brokenhearted
lather and mutber. Wbai raul wa.
Ibe. noley when ll lM\MRht iioibloK of
l,applne»K V
Imditle'. h.-ad beRin lu 1
why. faihe,. II you bad a
miilMii iliillar.. arvuld you’ and I be



avee u law. Ban tICBW By
................... Andrew Johaaoa
Hr •naxcled tm-..............
iDd.-nuok Uia uak for other aatloat
.n r-nerel. aad heraelf In partleator. of
-an lelr ll aouM h,- a Bl.lake to
wipljtt out a neaiury. if not aaraa aaabat you and I a.iuld be atn.nRer H
luriea. of iatalu (0 aad toMMcraa «f
nher men
U'e do nui know tbal
rmiUl In- Ai any mte. I would raibei f^lRn envoyi aad traralert
late my borne, and Ju.i tbe ei.-ry-day
uimfiwi- that ar imjoy. wltb mutber
A Car* Far* Lapra*)-.
Iiid my Imdille .than lu rtak Ibe rare
lYufeaMir Umb ll Berlin la assari1.1 a M.-a.Iy R.dnB n
Ul aiiyitilnR ni..rr Money I* Ibe poor meailnR with ralUmaaka taaoM aa a '
a.Il loadml
eel liiiBE III Ul- w.wld, Imddle. It eanleproay and be Iblalu he haa
i- a tnii.' fn.m low_.
• li—p any belter; il
n the apacifle foe oaa of th*
.,h._N. di.aaae, that hatoaa
,<i put ii there
Wc --- .. It heir to
mM haaaaeaad to
e u. • tbe real d'-iwmtlrallng U— Uie aaak* potao*
Urn blunder when will our* tbU plaxtt*
make Ibe world hap- would at uaee baeom* eommerelany
Happin-., I. what Ibr heart l>. valuable . Tha market Tain* of th*
II the bean I. rtrh, the Ban l> worth I..1WUI la about IIS per giachm. Prm
n.'llloii, and the bearl may be ricb i.-twir Umb ceU bit rautoaaaka taaif bill IIOI em-Hiey he In Ihe pocVel. iim from a man In (VUorado. who ktwpa
Take you an.l I n..w, fo, an eaample. — kea aa peta.
We haiec'i a duilarw. and we
ue,., a III ha,.- buT a. haie em:h olhTh* Say and tlM Haraa*.
■T a.- have a hum- we work lm>T who haa
pahehant far
a a pahehaat
fiBlIlnR bl> tea,
' 'laaal pro*o
m Ihe
oall.m oiiRbi I
.•e three or toar
me,-... fri-»he,i ii.iiir. the earth


Cor. Tenth &L and Lakr a«e

Af«nrcE{pB^of*ooloathenewBTtteiD|ilan-thalifto pay to
mmf wool aaOcr N tUi localitf the hi^Mt toanuiaetarcr’a caah price.


a.-o^ aaay

aa. Ill buy' snicvrl.ii an-l df*
I»j« Udi.r.' I ram.- Iiark. and. al«>i<
II. a iliiU tor niy yoiinK<'»t - ivilly



Freeh, Salt and Smoked Meats, Sausases, Etc.

*” Ihe-AW

" ™ ‘“f ro'iBiry adopird tbe adM"‘1
prvTKl dflUa-

-Well. I'd leam

c ihMiiab ihe world i

Jlmerican Drug Company



To a eertaJn SwUa chaaaa (antorr to

2N 6«f/ TfW0/ Stnft

i in atoek. Special wagons and sleighs
made to order, promptly. Only the-vety beat »aRM A
“'y guaioBteed in every reapecL
ue made' to oae as weU ai teU. They we
material, and fiveo a flaihy
the eye; bm are duraWe, eomfonaUe, aadMaL The cbeapeat on the market, qaakty conrhleied.
Owce'ofhd aad yon win buy DO other make.

““•* '• ‘‘I*
berath B«e

read In lb.- bouix'.

Th.- t.oy
il up


I itlih nj, anlBaU

flnv nvlRblaotioWd. tmi who ruuld bol
rail dr arlie a .InRlv word Hr tvHiIil
Ol ,-vi n elan III. nam. lo Im.lnewa pa
••r.. MU aa> ivdut<ell.-.l ll, Uttv MHBv

THOA A •MAeim A •OH.

on ,t„ MSa*af^a5kJ


Th' HalavK-k ullk-lewl aavea Ihe
irraem trf WlKvKiaiB ahme tShdABa •
..lOH- oii-rchant m Na.hilllv
'WIk*.!!' V-r J.-a.l riehi

MMle m-«blr.'

Ai4trnr E. OlOMS'SKV, Manager

Owe TMag «l . Tkim.
'tfWhy MMT M
inalltea I. ibw. eoWrohtrd’l^iS^be-

_l. hard
^blnR. II

P'rork* 0*rw««



bln) ilollaia.
nd the itiv-ti.r '
I .lam »J<' ihi- .


aeorge n. Jarois

,»e(t.-lkK-ki and
Rrlabi have «. ar*.i a elrth.
N<1 maid, like i i-To. Juai Ui a.Lair.
Iial they're worth
plow and Itnoil tn
'They r* pwl i
Von tdriMieer inill.-.* never Banr.
And Blaa.K mlmt
'rre' and 'haa
SoBe liilk. i>erha|e. Blehl think
I realli ahualiln I aani to eJiaeer-"

Make it unaate to keep
yenir money aboot the
iKMtae or <w your penon.
Place it in a nroog bank vherc i( will be aale, can be
drawn any day whhoat notice 'ami will be camiitK you
Depoaitf and witbdrawalt can be made by mail





an the Fenw.
I had a Blllkia doilan
-I thtekt I bate
like that befon-. bt Ii
•rodder. VHild y,Hj do with the Blllioe
duiUtra «r you had lt7~
And then Ibr IM. aliilea ek»e by
hi, faibe, >• the oM atooe wall, wharv
ihrv mold bink down all iwrr the akw
lartli brloa, alih lU buuaea end bam.
reualy lurked away behind a .betterOK Srmr. i.dd all be would do 11 be
ili.iuld by at


CWMP /mf

««*• tfrwef*.

rawiww* C»/. MM.

■mm 'he home
if a KKia .unt
bean .wi'lled.


Traverse City Manufacturing Co.

Wc have a •eoawdJund PlowfSr ^ dwap.

W. L.. BROWN, NImnmswr.


The Soccaea af Faiiur*.

nini ln.n i

We have Clothes Wringers, Washing Ma­


ik di- i

r.i-> I

Mr ir,.— He l.muM M„ ,o.,; Jo
Itiliu.l.i.n V. . ab-n tlie) were t
—ar.'-i. finPt.-'i tr.-alior ihem fa
—If ai.-l h- -a)- il.e, o'-ie, have ;
a Mvk «ai
Th. X .l„.a eier. lod
f!..- mimit.^ I,
ilHi, ,A. la.- I ,i
r...a) fuR i.f o-iry .

chines. Wash Boards. Tubs. Pails. Mop




Sticks. Measures. Baskets.

t'ears, aod Washing Machines are sold on trial,

It nil yonr iana'And v,.u t.-. alivad

so )‘ou don’t run any risk.

u work tar I: a •t -k CarpVLt.T*.
•k.tnlth., pwioi.-r-. and .urh mvn
fmm l: ti. Jlii. I--, day
If Du'l
- a eoud U.Uik^-p.T hv ivHild »n



and Ladles.

City b the place to buy your material. Shop
aod mill work dom
done on abort notice. Give us
a dunce
chance to figure on yoiir waotA

goods, call at cor. Front utd Cass.


' Ibe molb‘f
t.-i werv lamenllnc
I 'hanked beat.-O on

StraojT. did ^ti vvm mak. »J a
i' - mrtTily anki‘1 tbr old coaa


Jourth and half bushel Measures. Butter Bowls

If so, the South Sde Lumber Co. at Tfsverae

Side Cumber €e.


Mop Sticks four

feet long, painted red. only 10c.

a laet, ih" « work lb eljfbt
R'-r anlmaU wort-

■ Waa Stark

Wash Boards wc

have in zinc, brass and glass, single and double

Going to Build?

I J!,

Jr a. liiRl, a.--a. »2 a day —
Vv., r.i- umv» ibai I- nar-1 at niv wl’b opeo tBrvith
Yni: dun t kimw muvli al-Til

We guarantee our wringers from two lo five

face, from 20c to 35c each.


If you are interested in the above





OM Taato.
on Bhatiuefc of KollU ctolM
ib>- be*i t**th fid- a miB of bla
New Hamptbrie. If aot to
He I. alaaty-thrw
-ar. of a*r. —x.
...v ..
four WKdom Irelb, which were eaaried •■•leral yean 1(0, aad oae lowl
tun a Iny. be haa all bU teeth ie
■rferi n.nditUm
Iroeal deoUala toy
. I. lb- m...l remaikablr caae lh*y

-•» . . .

i-w Knalaml

...,„„ aure ,.f ^be’xel
Koit.nd T. . 1.1.01,.- <>, ,n Marlbor.,

Now ii ibe tinte triien you we iiiteretted in Kail Fanning
Toola, SAd «e have a good dock to select from ai prices
tei win iaurat >t». We have Com Entvei, Hoiking
Pna Potato Hooka, Pouio Forks, Vegetable Forks, etc.
Wheo in and of aBythiog in this line give us a call ami we

--------ON. .V* brWM n<^ ..WN.
Meat boract g*t too oraeb
a m.we pailetil animal win baditII u. And
He kind to the tamm aad
•urr ibai It uoderttanda what yoa
■I b*furr lieiriuniDC ho.imil*a

iv. bur I ran I livlii-v* Itl
>»r by «ldv(*abiin:•Tbai.
capltal yxM) atari with
A> a rivra imo I rt.uld U- drvwaM op.
work rtjtht ur luor hour, a day. aad
hat* as taeatEKi of rmm tl4 to 416
a wwh."
-Ude-t I ipU you all ibla. pur
worried tbr buy
-Whoop! So ye did. IMal. but Aeg1
soar sr If
' I cut
WBUcclr yli;
I west boar wHh tham. aM I tamd
the Bothrv morw obwilute ihM the



. ............ ............
4^ wnder bow

mopped when I beard Ibe rry for bei;
road, hardly loader than
aQafrrel, rhirp. Tbai',. Dolly. yoBder

o Jacob AM.W.
'h. A.t.d family If a eo(>a. lo any partleuUr iradcTa
Auanelai eutufiiioo or rr*dl( raaponilm. i.> him and be found the
.■.twiialble he would
I' tbe Mter. - -iinabl.
•d or •

.. .jd O K
•All Correct' The propie
weal, bowerer *fre to Sam
a tbe credit of oriRlnattot the

ri- ran alwaj, be aied
an end ruber aa a f»ai~m Call .In LtolWa

hi- picked 14 or » baabati. Oa*
!>K be islbered IT haakoU, th*
Ibe day befor* batoc fMtod
baa to dram• sued a haa.

tbal there I, a market b
rabbit haa probably aototoad Ch* daalh
knell of the
tbe bJB( k._^
_ _


width aaiing—I

In Germany .atraafe aa
to toreiciMn. ft may be laid that ah
amat aeeetoetohthi nf th* ahmhol pne
One of the otowt eotai la the wtwU. daeed i* obtateed from potaioea. On
amay nf th* tars* (ama oa* fladi po­
la to be raplaead by a femf-mark ^aea. tato dtotUkertoa Zhcaa ar* oader th*
eqatrakat to <mr Amartcaa Aollar. aa carefol comtral
the Srwmmik oDenr pdma
I to ha lo* haary._____ __

iaiaada of tha----- ff-----Mtta c«
6* at raped ap by Ih* «a**l amd a hwxaftoOBSlMd. The aaOrto hake thaai
to the (raaad. eaaHa« haada. wtoga
aad ia*i to Atop tot and Iwitoi «
Aatodr mnd Chat k «•* •«■« »
am totMi« toaS.
' - b.'g

Immt HcnM
___ . to
tVr acltaiio
Wimvj rtfom.
h«r« »latiwM uvi IS moauj u*v
Alov <hW ItM.

tM« ksr «BUrHr
«ttk met, ^hm
«ui« b»T»
to ikr ■totet 04 «to>«F or ibslr mpjnii------lulMtolo.
•UIM to tU> nloi^ tor*


wnb Ibtt tbowlas eade by tbtlaked «at«*-dlMaaee toinx ftror.Me .to Great Brllata-whai will to
Ibe tlwiwtn* of Ito Dallsd 8iti« whso

, (kc athm bud. ibm
U 0*« bdopisd •

laerctiult ead lb<.Bocira wni to eu
m waUtorr Prtavr U« M tbe Japu rU Ito Pui
UMMkM Ot «n (laM u4 (seal c4_

A wrllbnown Trnrmr^CIly c»Btk-



V. H. SBitb bwedBptatad

A ntber penillar
wlH be wHb (be Halted (BaUe. n*
artool eoBM aad ite reawit It
edeuiaae to vita tto UaUed ISatai u rroBt Mjwat la« wwefc Two ri(t
■rattfyliis at It tbowt that tto
today es Itx Wuperlorily of pedt were betas drtrea akas tto Mreet.
btr of acbooi chndrea ta tbe city Ibli
to IM Qreat.Brttaia tbe (root oae cofas at a (air rat* □(
tpeed wbea It BoddtoitT elarted ap year It U*7. u laoaaw of UJ orer
exported foodt to Jtpu a (be
kr attcBpted to rwlas UM year. Tbe total M year ww
e year tto|Tbe rit I* tto
of tllAOtBdd.
by Jott u the trww rta elarted a
eiporu oflto Uaitwd SUta
tbere wu a sale to erery ward ea
(rwrt (be wheel a»
were of tbe retoe of BIAM.aoa. la
U BP wUb tbe wheel a e«p( (be nm ud (bat one tbowed a
Itas Oreai Brtata exported is Japu
_________ ........................ .............. ................... i Tto «aJa to the a«
nodi ol tbe ralae of f(4.00o.<«i. ud
root (os. u eort .Ide. Tbe borae' ood'Wu dfteeo. to tbr Third thirty
(be Halted Biatet (oHowed ri, ely so
t balanred to thl. poelttoo aad allldre. to tbe Pounb iMny-foor aad la
her beeto with eiporU of lbs talw* of
rtforto eooM asi knu It aad be-jtbe FUlb forty-eishl. aaktos the US

I btwtas wu brtd OB tb* prtJtkB BU bad bla pocket picked a few days
Mary E. Looeka (or (to appotat- a«D. Ita wu too wla* to carry mark
meat of u admlnittntor ta tb* Bat­ cart, hi* (aad* tolac alJaoat entirely
Of depooH ta lb* Pto
ter <4 (be ««tal* <4 Baceod V. Dart*.
pic's brtacs Buk. ud altbowsh
lu were iak*a. It eaaaed him ao lost.
pMattas Heorr Elm«s*fBU a
Tto -Pupie* " Buk luuea certltoales


far uy amuuDl. pood oaly to'tb* per
' ..nler .« delnanf
r wtillam

peclally «b*n sarb u eadla
ta pnet- aad color cu be ta
bee's for any parpooa. even « aakP
etralxW hair cniw mrty. VbBldopoa
ihlak of tbaiT Thia puertal ««aH ,
(he -RioaUsaaer.- la hardy taohlai
alih Sirtma. kinky leedb, that reftaar.
. ly on daui|u-ncd hair will cnwnM
I II i.i kink also mee tto. Prtree oa


Hip I town, aluBlnam. enllaluld aad robber
uiirrlen adniinlsirnior.

e tbe home roold to releaeed from ‘ total sale.
---------po^iilse tto wb« I had to to takes I
By ward, the aaBber to each It u [ *to.
* la ths Irool Third. t*6, Fourth. 175. r.nwe,
Ps-eeio. ao- (1 Ask fur CcoS Buek
Death of Hn. H. WlMie.
-----------------------------Hn. HalcolBi Wlanle. wboee deelb
Ftotker et Ne-eMasrenU.
,hosk to her (rleadt For Uls by Ju Q. Jrtaaoa ud Bur
bM A Rotbonk
Tbe republlru county
‘ Wedneadti ayieraooo. wu Iwra la


ere Dot injured.

Holler, d.wewae-l

8ay* that (be wise mu i
by baylBC a good BBtowOi
bar* bla tocta by boytaf a

learned lur week ibtl Senator For
Madison. Ohio, drtyooe yean
tour ihrm tn rtortda. Mfaotulppl
r~< Tou. rwrlJs atao iBclndlBg V. eato caul, wblrk la to ctre ui ih.‘ .her ot Ohio wu at Ni-ah-ta-waa s
o>ami.d is Hr. Wlnnlr.
Laufmu an.! s.rn>nsed her
A yl-f
bu been n
•.toUtoro All <4 (bo
Halted Blalet (to derldtM tdrultee ■or a day .k iwo, and a morsBeac aas
UI tf'ernuxn wu spent ud In mem
health lor K-r.-ral yean, she wu
OTM (Jermuy and Uriail Britain. It a It owe Blade m wetore him for a pubon uf ihe visit Ibe cueau Ml a Itobd
A cmmlllee ct '
^rlllcally III for a week, dewtb
MM • U«tb» c<
triumph for Tbrodotr Rooastwit H :a Is Bui-Iln* here
some set of lUvIlud china |.laie>
B,,ehfi diaeaae
to bit flrmaem. dllllcenre ud rapacliy .IMIBC .4 Jurtce Moaroe, cUInnen nl'
Ic- rrvam ud rake were served
r taw (or all
ctl.Ki tbr Ptnania <aul will to
Mew Hanpahlr*
’ Jr.. I
Bore ibu Ui any ■■.an <>r u. aa>

A petitkm au Bl-d
(or Ibe determliiliix .-! t
estate uf Adoram la-ll
Howell, diss-ased.
An ..rdi
Hlebael 1
ChrlstUia My.-r, d.-eeued


Foot Fashions
l«v| liod* ih* fist solestron.,-

Cau la Carried Over.
Th. cu. of Ihe PeopJv 1*. Ihc Xa
Itnnal Grocer, of whk-b Ih.- Musselmu

luv, tto toiwd efl-wts still tisii.l

Rrucvr cumpuy ,4 Grud Haplds ani

body of Bea.
toiTM aad aiimlrlrAl otocsr*.


ss-nuor. O P Carrer mail
Death of s. H. Bnawn.
of Chlnco w.tii 10 Se
bv • Maadatory law lor prtnarr «>•«
M. UruwD dk-d el I SO a. ID Saiur. this mornlnc to etlitiri u
tka o( drloaalaa to (ba mlutlas
day Allbiracfa Mr. Hroait bu been II' tbe senator lu address a mevilox here iDlurd to her bom.' life, but afD(
liui B.ieh 111 Iheir reend Le wu nn ' wide ^rele of frleads.
to bM
muy Wends
tbli- lu d.i so. u he Is due la Uaroto
Tb.- fuaeraJ serrlees were hek
to op-.-n
Bniwn bu been III store tulJune hot Nel.mska, early nett wis-k
aiat« ttslLM wader 4>to(«Sob o( a
s'k 10
afternoon at ! o'clock from
e The eon, 1,,^
prtaartM. aad (bla li 0(«ii&>al wHli lb« It iru IbotMtbl that recorery w.iOld Ito- rtaHtolCTi In that
tut mllli'a au faaadsofflfmif cwMlllae. (Mber Mam bare olltoiately
Tveelted b) ,-,.rniln olBelaled ud muy aorrwwln*
apllwar »Mmrr atoeikie (or direct Ttauraday he'wat laki-n with a Ihe sr-naicir ao.1 apeal
fil.-ods caibered to pay ibeir lai
or two to bis nimpu; Tnverse Cllj
n Hie scnaior; ^ .1 .ifterlnu. tributes uf 1
if peoid.
wan caly. or eoaaly aad toeal oaecri. dioih wu •wily a matter of ilito
rsirdui welcome had It be«o poaslar t0va aad dly oAwra aad le«iaU'- be had lived ua«l DeceOtor Ih to',
' 'e yur blDi lu mak. a date here, ud :
ara. or iaclalatora osly. or of all oT would btvs been It years c4 ace
Samuel M. Brown was bora to Iwwa
e etpreesed cr.wt rccre< ai tolnc un•ean; aad (be optha la dUcr lor
Mdidalaa or for delesataa to bobI- souaiy. Wltooosto. ixs. ih, HUto. ills
aala caadtdalaa. or tor both: It la at falber, Henry Brown Is ........... sine, at
the adnared uv nf S4 and makes hlUailwat buildlat la a barmless tort
hooe with his daucbler. Mrs (I. S
weeaaty: aad tbe lawa are appUeahle •WIHmer tl Monnw fVnier. MIrl. r>r Pt'-rrls.'. Just now. and H has Bo
ID eanalB oIIMb or coaalloa. or to ea Mrs Hear) Browo died to July, isc; altere-ffeet.s. says ib.- (tadiUar
Cadillae has been ih<- lermlnus
Mr. Brown's eerly Iffe wu spent :n
tin atataa. oHber la (be naadaUiry
inuibera Wtoconsla ud bnrtbern lilt of ud a station on muy a nilwar
DoU on a ftrm. He tileoded the p«t> (bat has never been built, both steam
He tphools, aeoulrtac t *<>od xeneral and el.-cirk'. bot Cadillac aeema to sur­
education. In UCC his (aih.r mured vive Ihe thewk. all ripht. aad Is actual;

pradlnp uf wheal, ahlrb have biTsi Is
tue-i bv Ibe Hletalpaa Stale MlUcrs' a,
toriallun. are id special IBIen-st to ih'







whlir wtomt miisl welph W pooads by cnll.ul class .4
ciim-ni Jelly
on '
(be leslrr after beiuc cleaaed.
If tadae.1 appl.' Julc. rue suut all'l
whiwi teats Ode pound llphi we deduct
two rents to price or one pound ,ul reaemble rumni JrIH
No tesitouiay
flo'ir tn eirltonpe. -If whtwt -teats two was lairiMluci-d by ibv defeat*- aud
poinds llxbl wv deduct four ceals to Ibe r«se bu town rarri.d nier 10 lb.-

lesis l..ur luuiids lipb. a. d.-.lurt C
R.-» W 1. laufmaif I.reartied hi-!
.-vn'v In price nr (ve |s».ind» of roBlri.'*''
last ».-rmon In Tnverse Cll> Sun
IB eaebUKe
day .•lening
Th.-r.- wu no furnial
pound* iipbt a
farewell liul he delivensl the same
Ihe full price.
sertnun ihat to uve when hr Srsl
wheat iseitoK lower than lb'
came bere While to does not u ycl
the price ol
know wbtwe the eoofvrenee will send

him. he has a number of flne opeblnps
to vies ud to all pissslbniiy will be U
.per cen, .0 three ,s-r rr-n. a. d.nlurt
to Mb-blKU. lonilac <ia n fsnn in ly pn.wlnp every day. Now tbal the slued lo'.me of these.
Bee ci-nis le-r bu-hel In addition 10 all
(Innri TVtvene county, wL.t.- Mr siibji-'i of railways is tip for discusOlhef diHlii.-.liiiis Wheal mlv*-.! aiJh
Itrown usIsuhI his fsili.w I11 rlearine Sion a refcr.‘nre to ih.- must rereui
Oar Bbnifiil U ]
plso In this s.w(lon i4 Hlcblpan may
s admlrsbl) .
to.Mcn' only 01. -I—lal prii'e*
Dol to- out .4 order. Hhaek. 8' lamls tbal hr bad xlveii hts IKi- lu a
Ud Aims ar,' lo be c.lineeti-d by an cducaird In Karlham cillep.May Go Tn Chartewe.x.
rtfctrir nllway. ak.n* tto- »li1 line uf uniiersll.. Biuiloii universllt.
toMo coif tiatu by law. aad la
Tto- Kci ( V Si0.1i is n.aklDi; an
(hi- Anil Artur sl.-ani rsllwa.. If Ibe nip Xunhweatoni unlwTslii
«dfe» aowbera otate by rolaoUrT
.-(fur lo ,e--iu>' f-ir t'harli-vuls n.-vl
wat Kireii Ibe deprou of A li
•Mtr oHIdB. baa tbe full meal of
BOI nilsrsrry. Then. iBer awhile, the| ^
pfII ntorm dewaded la Mh-bl
Smi.lay srl....l
workers ahUla »a*
^l.u-lrlr line la to be extended Into Ihlsj
.ludl.-s (
•n bora. eMorwad; ud oaly la oar
hi-M this v.-ar at KlebA.-M Siirtngs. X
Cadillac, where It
rvpres.'nllnc i.
■Ptbara oU(e. Hlaaeaota. bai
say. II.- Jk-nllnel
Thl- rvof.-r
will nieui-the parliDp of the ways, and
High school.
MBCh baea (ruled aa ou iruiad by
enc*- was a.i.*D<I.-d t.) s.-v.-nl^hundr.-d
one I.rancb will be run to Travefa*
tbe auala bill paaaed la the laa I
p.-o|>le (r.ini sll pans .4 ili.- ixiuniry.
Cli> and one 10 Prknkforl. It I. |>ro 1m:T an.l sUieim y.-ars bi- has to-uo
tou letUlature aad re>c(ad by (be
ins.'d u> capllallte tbe nxppu) at a mlnlsii-r in eonf.-n-nre. for Ihi- pa-1 and leeiiir.-. und ad.lf.-ss-. s.-r-- -le
IM.ISV. a mil.'. »n whirb (vr per rent tb.-re years to-loe Ihe n-plsinr .4 tbe llv.T-sl I-V mauy .-mto.-ui m.-n u-l
, WlamaU wlU n
Mlchlpan i-oofendicH.- bulll ihifine (M.ISHI First M.-th.Hito church In
i l.<l■!lllX'■ln and mas one of ih.- oruab
' Iz.-rs of Ihc l-Jpwunh asn-ml.l} (her.-


iMirtm- Bad* It; bat boot ot lb.
«to« ruabltdu alalu of Peauyl
: auto, tadtaea. tlUaeda. Iowa aad Ku

Slnci- coDiiog to this rlij N.-v Mr.
Laufmnn has n-c.-lve,l nr. memtorv
on pn>l-aiion and lHn b> li-ii.-r maktox

toto aX «< ■’Urt bare prtmarT elor
dlaa lava, bu r>oe aearly ao (ar In
rafom a« the MIchIcu eceale



ftn aoBM o( vboB arw aow ooBdemaA. M. Brown.
«to tba rwpablbaa party (or lallare to
bM a^rhaary rwfora WII. bad ao( de- the lud ud cuIUritlnx (he (arm lor
In IBTT hr went
*nMR. Tbe repoblloM pbrt/H bo*
Hn. Alton Ilrvwn on Wt-sl FroDt
■mil Id lu ptaltora to pau a priaBTB Mlu Alin- M.
street.'the coolracitop parti.-* heinp
ranlow of ViTTOsa county. Uo.-*They E. Ik Milhous of lAfayeiie. Ind. u.l
Immediately rvinottu] to Huaibuldt.
Hiss Allli- Jam-tt of Tnvenu- Oii)
rbere they resided until IISI.
Hiss Funle Jam-U wu tbv bri.les
when they loeaicd tn Travorue City,
which bu Iwen their home ever tine-. man. Tbe maids of fa.mnr were Mlsa.-i
Tba TrtiMtob wf Raaaevalt.
They have but nne child, Elmer E.
MiBBle Brown. Apun Saycr. Benha
■any it bactaalac to awakes to
city, but Mr. Brown
Warner, Bcaale Jarett, Eva Jaqulsli.
at Ibe Paaana eaaal. learea a number at brothers ud tie

' ad It aot

aa to atorrlBC tbe dlp>»

V tf Ibe Claytoa-Bwlwer ireaty. wbicb
are bar Jolat ooatrol of (be aaaal,


•■I la tbe aatotllBUoa ot tbe Hay
Ibaaoefete traaiy. which m±iiow
Mead (be aole ud abeolute eoatral of
(to Dalled Blatea. aay* Ibe ClaclauH
OOtotoarclal Tribeae. Bat tbe dlplo■atle aoreaeat ol Oeratany b another
«dc(7. ud a atory that It aalBpottul.
Tba polat <4 real latereet It la tbe
adraa^ of tbe Paaaai eaaal will
■lee tfdbe Dalied Btaiai orer all aa-

tbaaa oat to OorBaay.

and beautiful
Hr MlIhiKiac is a promlaing y
haslnrsr man coBnecteiKfUh Ibe
the Brsi ward of Tnvene City.'
rag.. Indianapolis A Louisville
„ rr-cii-ci.-d this year to ibu f»>
wav. Miss JsrreiT Is one of the
Ir (bu tbeycaabe tiled ta tbe Ualied tltlon He was nomlaaied by arelamt
pv'p.ilar leacb.-rs of Cnnd Tn,and HeniK- rountles

Mtowlac urlaci tor tbe UaUed
•tatea. taUnc (be poru at Haiaburt

addition In hi* law and Juslire
aad of New York u tllBaUmlloei: biuln.-u he wu a eiockholdet u-1
Fm Raaboft to Haaffcoop. rlt
president c4 Ibt Traverse City
•an. Ito dtataace It Id^U (uutkal) UuufactuHnx Co.
In mierttol af­
Mlta; troto New Tort, ll.«dS aillee. fairs he was prnmtovDt as a member
Via Paaaaa (to HaBbars Berchui
the I. O. O F. aad tbe Uuderu
fUn BotbtoB. bat Ito New Tort ner- Woorttaea of America
ebut call
diataaee to
Hr. Brown wu a mu .4 abilliy ud
naMbiwip troei New Tort belac lete Inipsrliy. adding lu bu ihorougb
aaad to djst Mlleo. rroa Haabiirc. knowledg,- of ibv law good jodgmem.
wto Saat. to Hettaaroe. the dlMaaee
bla Justice wu always teeprrvd
la UpbfT BOoe; TroB New Tnrk. It.Biercy. He leaves a place apiHi
Wd WUIe HaBbwts wtn aria aothtairb of the losirr cum wbleb H
Ibf ia tbal dMaaca beeaue of tbe:
to- -diamt to BII. He had a fac­
Fautoa caaaL (to.toltiiai polalt «ot ulty of . making meads and kci-plng
(bot Now Tot wfU tare aboot t.OM
■ and be will be greatly a
MIec. (be dMaaea (na New Tort. by hU profeulnaal and baalnus aai.v
<Ha FauBa. betac radaeed to le.ltT clatm. vho kpprecUled bla vnrth u
citlxea Ud hit Bealal qullilfw as
•m (to Boot lBpi«ttBl Utaa of
■MlN li«a maUon It with r
BMW to Ito trade of Ja. J aad of




A houac. be starts with m Inip (nun.latlon. Jast so with (h* aueevss of
a gt»J phutu. the negative must to
iroe. then ibc reaull Is a peXcct trtto
Iic reprpilurilun c4 naiure's own haadlwurk
In dcslge and style It would
sarprls* the puMlc 10 know (bat Smith
A Price put (rat Bflj dlsUact rhrleile*

Bart'a. frpiga«m*4 ta slnttlBB vai
(uH llBMl bewu. aad tad Juat
For any aonb*n baby to go coU
thtaf to take bom*, or aand .u . wlBI*T when It Is knows that Votnilu.
trMta. BcootlfB] rtura <4 the ctob.
haneoa otaker. bu «oeh a etuhldi tehool aaB other bnwty spots u pkte Ita* at wutc taBb-s wool
voU M • ta^ atawlBiMl <4 taiBcr Ttay eeta* ta prtna ranctac troa

- V. .

U, »U ta. aad TO.

have you

' • <^pta.taUM at Mt Italic.
' r.

-4 zlutk-i*

s of tfie Tliroat RsaA
An Htmost infaliible remedy for <
Lungt. known and used the world over for almost a ccotiBy.
GET rr FKOM YOUR. taiucosT.

II is time for your

Ramstiiid and
mowing machinery

milwaukee $ Deering


f an adminis.raior in 'h.- 1

Dm*rim8T VAr^loal ^1^^ fMlow*r is especially
adapted for rough land. A very complete Machine.

pl.-asani. Inslnirllvv ud helpful ree
roalloc ats fr.-.- of ebarev

Like the running brook, the
red blood that flowi* through




aime from

Don’t forget us when you want a Carriage or Buggy. We carry
a complete line. We have received and sold about 6
carloads this spring and summer.

« Barney Jlnderson ^

The springs of red blood .ire
found in

the soft core of the

bones called llu- marrow and
some sav red bl.*)d al'-o comes
from llie s|ik'eti.


Healthy bone



are lull of tat.
Sc<'U s Knuil'itm m.ikcs new



matrnw and


the sjilei n


the ri. lu-st ..f all f.tts. ihe pure

I cod liver oil.
nil and desin-v Ms os*-futBe>s.
J'or ji.ile sch-i-’l ylrU .1: ■!
explanal km
wli.osLAufman has made many iinv.ilids nn.i I-t nli
friends to the cH.

She Is also a na !LKaid I'tbill .1.1,1 I'.ili


The Traverse City Business College


Has no superior in preparing ior business.

■ W1-. SKi.i. nil.

Studebaker, Ferris
and Smitb




students uvJ their empioywrt

of cards, la aixra from TtsxSks
11*14 lachca aad oae tbr acw <
boued date, irbich la a long ncrtlrJ



Ihirtox his stay Rv,. Mr Itoufman
has InanpiraieO s.-v.-nl pl.-utoK la
novations, the In-st ..f th.-s,- to-lnc a

; clpal that a minuter should not stay
i-bver four years al ihe longest In on.

M’BITE. itUNBAM SHOE CO.. Brockloos. h
>•“ b.isllu-s. h.-vi ■

linderB, Reapers,

Probate Cou.*t Mattceair il-sie roun Friday. Jiiilg. J

Rk-famond ud was e-luraied
I Himilsimi i>a •
.d iieii
Milhous an- laMh dev<il<v<l church
Indiana anlversliy
AMhough R.
I blocxl food.
If n-1 lul'v fiid*
aockenMr. lAufUu's leaving bu n-.- to
'■ '■^‘'ilhe bl'od-makmg organs bul
^Mr. ao.t Mr. win take tbe
announced publicly toforr th
ivn- Harq.ivlle iraln for Chicago.
gives them sirengih U. d,.
been known in ih.- church
cviBBecilBg with a spi-clal (rain fur the
. *1 their pio|)< r w.-rl.
afternoon ibi- ladies of al ItiiSalo lu which Mr.
■vision of Ih.- aM socMy lu
Mlihuus Is a 'drlegali'. ARer vltIUng
ber or alKiui iw.-niy call.-.!
(4her points uf toleres. to Ihc euv.
ibey will be al home lo their muy
mends to lAfa.veiie after On. li.

Improvemcat. Of Ut* styles a choice
Frota tb* WeqiH-lnag club. U tang u cu be bad of ora?, roaad. square, ot* to romrtBb*r*4. and u a BscmivBio of lotta Ud the doable Isrotaaded style
.. ------------ took over Ihe saltabi* for wedding photos. Prtee*
axqatall* aonvcalrt at bnaa

mmt Vara, an to ta ^ at this

Wc'si Mlssoi.n III III-'
s.-rviep on T.k-sdiy
Hr 81.1UI a.II fur-

fur the llo.OOb.inu' thank oBertnx fuiul
In l»nS Ihc confer.-nce wu cni.'naln---l
In this city. The church Itos pr.«
reseed preaily under his leadership

II be Is

reputation of toinx one at the but

'Cb«B- rrwB HaBtaerp to TobobaBa.
dia «aat. tto dMaaee U tt-Ctl mllee
Mew Tort. lUM Bitot. Vk

In llHii the parsonap.'
I alimisi I
His church b.-r.- nis.-d II..'e"'

The courae opened with 'he siudy of
Sheldon's xri-ai book. ' In Ills Slept'
mosvuni Sayer. llalsy ud In-na Ja .
Ith lien, le-m Wallace's
n, tn well kniiwn here. Tbcy are
UUlth. niece* of the bride.
i *"
Ulerplece. "Ben Hun " Ttaete lec
H. Brown and irmiam L. Brown
Rev. J. W Hiller wu th.- offlciallnp ' '
re» w.-re llluatnied with atereopll
Oils rlt) , Mrs W. J. Kent and Ray
mlnisler. Her. ud Mrs. Hueh Kenin
ihe eniln- expense was
Kent of Eierett. Wub , Hn. Seth
aedy were also preaeal. Ret KeaDedy ''
louldered hy (he mtotaier. only a
Osborne of W.tford. ud Mn. U. 8.
maklnx ihe rl.ialnp prayer
rolleelliKi betog taken ai each on>Otltociw of M.inroe Ceoler.
fifty cucsts were pr.-o-nr iw.-niy f
, Twcoty-fout lecl.iret were iflven
Hr. Brown wu t.llfe-loac republ-clDK from out c4 (be cliy.
ran aad tla-ai-s Int.-n-sioU himself 't>
Rev Mr Uufman bu not only hrt.l
Tb.- liHdt-'s cown wu fasbioned
(be old.T tui-mb.-rs hut galher.-d many
le suereai uf the iisrty. Oier twenty
chknipau'- cnlored
years ai fee wu rk'cli'd Justice of tbr
.iBcu wblch be held from
limiqu.-t was a shower of white car
tbe work'll
ODlil bis dewlli. Bum after
nallun* The bridesmaid was dress,-d
bullfytoc for the poamuo I.e roiu
in crean. silk mnll. Lvt bouquet to-lnx
meared the tludy of (aw. helnc admit
mbit.- daUl.-s
Tbe tnaids of honor
the bar to IK»S. and pn. tlrloc
wen- .In-ssed in whUe and carried
fnna (bti ilai.‘. Ills rlilef ttienilon.
dark n-d Bower*
Delicious refresn
hoat'ier. was d.-voied to Jusllrr work,
uu-ni- aeri- s<-m->l by Mrs Brown,
dv a sins-ial tiudj of It In all
.itier of ihi- brtdi-. and dainty Ujwocv
ar*ulrlnc tbe well deserted
iiy. the usuciatk.ns toinx

; Otrtoany. Ihubt to ito Boet eual.
aow bolda tbe adrutatr la dtatann
ato to abUUy to BII ordara aure auk-k-


\\ r aiw.iys c;irr> a gcHxl slock on l\and.

a loisl of fiia.

Md tbal wuld aow bare been i
, ,« tot aauoaed frieade of twtmary re-

Top-Round Shoes

prlc'. or two pooedt to .-sebant.'. If Olrrult rourt ablcl. cmene. S.-pi JK '
wbm teats three poonds lipbt «e dv
Tbumu Wilson is l.ulbllnp a u.-« i
dun seven cenu la prlc 1* three
nev. W. L. kaufman'a Farewell lee- •soand- id flour in .-vchanxe It wtowt a-levai'.r al Marl.-ii.- atib a ca|>tcI1>

d abeilabod. ndrr reBolmloB o

f'' m 9tU aaraiallTely la Jwar. aad will

All Ii*stuniui> .4 Ihe stale wa* In
Ibis Dorntoc ai t oOork. AssjslU'
State t'beiul-i Van Wonn.-r lesiiftnl
(bai from rb.-mi.-al analysts ibe sir

tay of a


Traiefwe Cliy. Mk-h . AuguM k. T*h(
Prof e R Oort*ray. Cliyi
D*u Blr—We wish 10 expreu our appreciailoe of the wort yon
are doing le your college We have had aeveeal of yoor stndeau In
our o«c* and aow have three. Thev are all perteciiy ssUsfaciory. n
fart we are aever able to get oae dlrm from school that wu able lo
lake op oar wort u readily u your sthdeou.
W* (ook a youg lady from ytmr eoUec* laat siwtag and she Is
aow able to budle the wort u well u tbe older «Bph>ye*.
W* tfwaya fan coaCdeat c4 getUag Jut what we wut when we
apply loyoD tor help.
To«» traly.
By W. L. DeWUl. V. P.





Agki mwiaoHtagtUWBkgimF TV
r Rev Tork;

«H Oat
k at Aovta ad ita Mtr Btaarr:
oMO «• •• aaU aC tfenMgb aiK
fictba. LC7B; MmOe taOM. Un;
be tad atonal Bto.
MMotr. »: foraaoe HaMir. *s «o*Hr. HUbr apoke at Mr. Bn
tatar. H: JataaBe bbdiapby. 1;
eanr bene (nta »Meb pcaren
W 4»r* M*« «IM>H »*M U1M
B»lb«r *bo tad'preeeM Urn aad
boa bar taflaawc bad Itacarta vltb
that be broofbt op Ui ova
Canlljr a> be bad baas taaght He
paM a trlbota to Mr. Bmra'a tqirUU cbDdrae. SM.
lift. taSlog bow be bad alvari ad-

IMn PM DtfiiT. tw grud «
pan ARIwr ku bwa pompa
TMV .M. 8wt- «*.


pet **»
atrala of bmtc} ao that » aboold
nb too ban) aa Uwa« that bad erred.
ot bb
BMtanr npM«d oad«r dsie ar jr«»^
aee to tbe eoBaraBltr aad of tbe
Mh (tai vTVTtUx b qM« M
IMMw. Th» miM. W MtM. have good be bad acnoplUbed bp bit
or Ibrbw.
HiTMWW. 0«ele vaa laH atrap to raat ta Oak«ral KiTomkli b mM u> be at Tb

: ::r.

datiac Ita ratiaat lovard Hokdaa
tta raporu Boa Makdaa tUi
IW alatc that tbe rala eaetlaaet.
Ptperta W tbe Baaataoi qoaiiared
abaat Hobdea are la daaper at atartatka. 7ba tepott that Oeaanl ZaMltiua aad tAOa Roaelaat bad been cap
land bp tbe Jipaaaae H dealed Ik oT-

Baa Praaeleeo. 8apt- It.—Tbe
BaUprtBaal at H-aablaptaa, after r»
celilac ibe report re^rdlai
'dtUoa Id (be boilen M tbe RaaelaB
arMaer Lena vblO to laping at
pvt. bat aBaooBn>«lbat.^.thlp It IB

Mr. Rickard amred (d tbe (dtp (bit
aneraooo troa Kalkaaka. tateadlac
to po boae vllh bit eoe HarTtaoe,
vbo vaa valUac for hiB ta a bu^.
Tbe old MOB M a vldover Bsd auket,
hit bone arlib hit ehlldm. bBrlBc|

he vaa Boeb (allcBcd aa
uwber had adected bln.
Uc bail B<4 been in tbe atloon kBp

luHea vere fatal to a nan of b
iM ita MK Ctaa. B. UtUadeH. ta tbe
peart, bovarer. tod death
•aaeadiT t Burtelfta. la tbe nird.
I a feu tatauln. BxaolaatkB
'iad UapeRpn Povnea is tbe Poorth dlackUH-d that be tk* tuSerlng froa
acnlp vouod, a cm on tbe back
le head, a pertloe of (he upper pan

potaiaaeni u ap lallare (o ri-a:er aaphnIloBt. I bellere ap dear

title bare Halted Ihii eoaBtrp ui
aaauaMd oaae*. aad (be taci l>
A ceofiaap baa bees orgaalaad
plalsed In ihit ear: When th<) n
CUbnabaa to explore ta i*«e Baota here the practice bat bnv lu a
Rita BtaOBtalaa. vbeev a aiine of v«irKdtBeaa 1a eaM to exln. The
aceordtac to leceod. vat ailed
■artb and roeka bp
t> tbep vere drlTeo out of tbe 'mho reallp hare tock plane. Once pm
the tag ' Fortuae Hualer" on a btue
dlatflcl. tbea ta the center of
baron or i •ptrtaed d<ike and hir
desert, vat iBfetied
ptaai are nilaed
boeden at Tarabaaan. Apaebet i
Although uaJot bare been nic In
trlbei. BObodp e<
the Nem Vock uodermwnd raplu iran
dared u> took te Ibe atae vUch. Ii
all road thi greni enginer-rlDK m-irk l>
al)M produced oret carrrtag *0 pet aoi pet b> UB> m*vn» anlabed
DM asd 40
B UcDonalrl. Ibe huilder. •
being qnaru
r. («Wr c
proacbed a lev Aa>a ago t.

One Night

da>a drooiht are being cared for hj
ABerfena wheat pita.—Atlanta

medical faculip at UUe. Frnaee. U ad
voeailog aa tatentatkmal oader
lag betveen pbpalelaai aad ib
Iboriiie* wberebp tbe former ca


Houghiua. Hancock. Caluiort and cam* opa_________ _________________
Matt' sill., Il - Cu!>ric-r
otbrr cvpprr coumr; rliit* vlll un lag aa liBBmii um^ at tm HOIV
g ranabsn. sith the tndactkin vortb}
Id * Sberinc-l. HolB.-s. banded orer (be Srpteabrr 1» anf M antrnala <be Us dog teara a fcMB m tbe kwt
Ineiliut.- uf Mining Bags- parch. "Horv. mp IIUU maa.-he iMd
l'i:i iu hl. rli rk, adding. -Tbe sender
and (br Briiuh irt* aad BtaM plaaaaitili. hot tomrvbat HwilT.
m-i-' lir s: irati aeren fi'.n tail—it
losttiut.., vbicb «tli meet tbrrt. Com —vbai make, pou let pear 4qg vqny
■.-•V Ct rtiitrat ar- bring npptUI [ihatcnir- ‘ A*. h*-a got a IMiMa
Inan the hesl to tbe heart '
ID -j;b town tbrongb vUcb (h« kin do aunblag be Vaatk.* AMeMgail

Professor JubannI, Or-t. Hir .-mi
m-ct 'IcTinan lAr.inan. h*- srri.rd ta
ibl, i-ounirp and during hi> •■*> vil
H.ll Iradtag fill,, la IL,- ■«>! and mid
«!• real, fir Orih i. i-bpsloan to th.
raperur of UM-man> */..! i> tl>u il.
brad of the ralt-rrsliT nf ll. rl:n bstoe receml.' takrn Itv chair kn it

11 >r v.’l ps,i on spsclal trains. | it r lad. potnttag to‘me at tbe eHp .Pta*
ibH * 'I' U- gives a rapsi vel . enrder', uHclal tag! m (ba 4mf9 mb

Cw« all Cnranle Oiaeates.
W*sfclcr.«- 'h- is<-r

roe sale W all t.rtt da** dranUta.

I-«tisn.s *is>
It;:,. ;tt
r.-..|.-r.i iru....».ii I

Soak tbd feet or hafl^ oa fdirif^
la a strooe. hot, creamr lather of i

ameURA SOAP. Dry, and I

Tnrp cur* ta tta, evrsd all Chraatc
Prices, Hut gpnnga Tablets. II.

■.......-fih- lUtsn,,
' r-Iahllnhlni: f.-r >a
liar'ii.i Ii'a ami hu- a)

Met Springs autek Ralla<

His* HalpiD gnvt pata snd nr>-reuin
plelelp healed. About two nonibs sc-i

Hot gpringt utarHt ewe*. 40 CMIm


Mot gpr ngs Seep. 10 cents.
Hot aprlng* Heating Oalve. » eeatta.
Met gpring* Com Curs. 10 vnto.


(r m

ranoTtd from brr bomr to ibe boi I®*'*
^tal. 8be nos- »uB<-r» srv-r- runvui. I Hamii’-u- I
tlous. reaemlillng ih.- tnaolimailoi:of rabies, sblli- Ibe mt-nlal ■

6uerp Wan Who
Huns a Tam

' ni' e ''

■br begun in show tignr nf cii-nlal dll. Im.':' ■
lurbsmr- Thr*r grrv IcmB-r and fln . a-ii"
slip her frli-nds had i br .viiung momau : nn





'> "

At. well as city residents, are always looking for tbe
best values at the iowest pricct. Quality couata
And that is the first consideration here. Neal cornea
the price. For eleven >rars we have led all otbefk
in lou-ness of prices on goods of QUALITY, aod
this season is no except inn.

A bud of Blioul r*k- CHiri.-. sbirft
landed ai Bill. Island
aider rarpslhi* a *«•
aeet bark in Ut.rpiKil


cto! Inqiiln- Ir r.'.. r.r.l
nigton siitboniii" lo i
haa been made li i, Ih-I




Makina Fn-ras fcvrr;

ud Ihai \V*,hi«gtim
decision of Ihr boan

$S0f000 is a Large Sum
But (hat is the amount of new tali gooda we oow
have ready for you. Wr bought iate, aod by BO
mg tecured much better prices on many thtofl.
W'c want your trade—our prices aod qualitia will

tbr deporiailoo vlll Ik- the Isr*—i .o
>e fala-kirp uf tbe Immlgrailnn tun-a-i
bout 40 of the gt-pii)- rhildr.-u ar.- In
bospltal ID Bruokhn ill of nu-arl—

takan vftb a atrake of apoplexp been loaned bp tbe senator lo 4ose setrral keeper* iniured. span-d itie lifichild Bi s circus In tVilliam.‘puri.
fell. Another optaton U (bat be barlag charge of Ibe arraagefneai
Ibe other nlgbi
While ninnlnc
vaa aelted vltb a paialpUc atroka.
•artaftbebrMniBpaldB.^ OBlp bp The Inftirr oo tbe back ot the bead birth of the repu
about 10 peart, fell under ibr sninia!
keal aptaken but bp oralcn o*
vaa auadent to eanae death if It
toga neat week, a a (be singing of ib«
raised foot
The rravd *rr.vm,-l
tbaal repattika frna ooulde
ade a tealare of the
dUU. ioeltad tc tbe polls.
Rlckard left aercral aona and «elebr*tkm
Sena w Platt sras quite -Queen." ibe elephant, stated iis (»■
«ta dtp, bawaae etaar aad tarttlnt be-:
ken Booa aad tbe totara. vbow

vltb It* irvinl bandcl 'h.- obii<
singer ta bis poo gger daps and often
d tbe Singing at Fremont nartlng*. nnlnjured to a keeper.—Phllaileipbi.
1 American.
Htaa Alice H Lace. one of tbe few
I. H. E. Remmert. ee rtiuie fmo
Americaa «
recelrlag rare hondHdldau. tbe daMRnta atatad to daa^Un are Hn. Free. UUladalei
Jnaforib. III. to Germanp. sUb he;
oBlrersUp, has
dddaea It balov the U.«M of IPOtt aad Mra. LoDta Hapaea aad Hr*. J. B.
bosband. jumped from a .Nev Ynri
reeanllp decided tc make ber penaaCentral express Irstn. .-Icbi mlleHaBBoed. Kalkaaka: Hr*. A B. Fai­
t borne In Oermanp. and sritb tbit
S IkUtag o«. To tbra aada (be lead rer. Saanalt Clip and one other dangfanortb if Poughkeepsie. V Y . aod va,
ta riev baa parebaied (be faBoni
Ml pot fonb erarp etaet. aapedallp tv In Brooklpa. N. Y. Tba bodp vlll
Tbe coroner *a)* Ihr
Willard School fv American Girls In
k tba cHea and large tevna.
dtled aulride. Her bushsnd «ap>
be lakea lo Harrtaon Rickard * boB* Berita. Tbe Kbool bat a record, bar
Mp rataast abovad that both pae
bad a nnmber of prominent Amer­
Ika M rada galaa ortr tbe ntactloa ml PM been made.
ican ftrla OB It* reeter during lit
01 IMd. n VM aaaa atao that tba
•dgbtean pear* of Its exlatence.
---------------ktaaerati had ontttilppad tba rapabvaa at tbe WlUard tcbcol that MrvI
Ncland. ibe British ira»-liUat of Jurarn.
autbor, bn* arrived ta Bosmn HTbe (ollevtag Jurors tv the Septan- Orenr aeretang spent tv» pears I

............... -


1 lit: husilinn store that saves you money,

Cbe Boston Store

While tba rarioaa coaatp eontaata
lara. Tba aoai arc: btatueep.
•are MUar and tafd fangbl. gaaeral Cedar Springs; Leri. Hintdala: Uktenat vaa diad la tbe probable fapetia. Klllluasburg; G. W. BtiUe
karnlltp ter Hr. Otab. (be repntaUeaa
Karriaoa. Wmiamabnrg. Tbe

bar tWB et coort. vMcb conreae*
Sept. W itarc been aeleeted bp JtuUra G. W. CunU aad A E. SH»,k.»
Fanaial at «. M. Braam
Sbertt n. 0. Chandler and CoiBtp
Tba impraaalra taaaanl aerrtae

•a tala R. M. Brova vara baW Hoe- CTark.Hobei^ Wnliar;
CamlcbaeL Grant tosraaftfcMOB at t o-etoek at
Ito Hathodiat ekareh
Qkaplnai ot tke Odd Fellovs lodge, of
*k* ortUa ba vaa a maaaber

(c .pap tbalr laK i
At 1:41 p. ta.. I

Omiftnde, Tblw

dkiC Trar-


*«hat U poor llfar- (oaad ta Ktagi
>. FuuKh *
1, Traverae
tniA Ha aaM pouag mn aad pnoai
MB taoktagoatoBlUa 'araapl
Wm. RliSkard*. Pirib vard. Travme
a dadalttaai aad (btak bav dU
ktaatlp tbap via
Ral^ Bate* Ann* lovnahtp.
at tba aad there la aetbtag to tbev
Om A. Brfgfaam .Blair lovtmblp
(M Hta that baa baae tired. Oaaeea
Fraak W. Bmlih. Bast Bap tovmblp
• and go. atUI tbe qaeatkn
Bvaaat Loop. Fife Lake tevasbip.
ke tmm% -What U lifer Tba
Prank Dons. GargHd tovaablp
altft aad tba chaage of Ufa U
Qmibc miep. QraM towMIp.
0. It ia IHa ItaaH. If a baUaf 1a
D. E CraaddL Otcea Lkke tovnaatartataad. Ufa vtUbc etanal ■blp.
ks vaat OB to daoerlbe bow ta
Waslep Oonklto. l^ng tmte tow*.
patrata Ufa Hr. Brava bad faith ta
b to gtta cotatat to tboa*
P«er Aaaa. Uapfield tovMhip.
Tbe ara left babtad. Bretpoae came
Wffl HUl. Paradise lovbahlp.
a raapeet bla abd bit conaell
Harrp ttasa. Peataanta towblp.
bkad bp all vbc kaew him.
■Waa like him ara reaUp aaadad to
gUaa CDona,- «U Mr.
Klagilep. Mich- BapL
mm Tboaa eoleaa ara tiwapa ralaad
letbodlat paraonage b«e was com

llterarp conrarsatkni with
nu* farmer. In tbe coarse of eoaver

I tap npoB bla eaa- pmelp dantroped bp Ore cf nakaova
Igto Batardap aftnrvoon. Tfce lea

Ink this tribola. Ibriagtoppqv
n ai a beotbor aad ■
eastp a» I jeda (Rib pen II
•tap. TWOodofallpaaee. tbcOodaf

blmtWM. OancoonmMtbabrtak
■oqfbvat gala, terd mart vm aa-

pou ever fcnov half a* murb as Wl
ftartaton doM poull know (wire i
raucb as poo do Bov."
Tbere vss gelinmant gahir* at

• r. Ml i-onani sai-r of Ladies' and Misses'


till M„r .o3lT3I’

H.l, N J. ...
Renirdi-r Hani-r. 'T»e-b*^

•r.i: him.In .] n-u
-n-n. ... rh.-t



abe aid. he had nir tvav fnim
snd vs* Ineorrigiuie •The iruib
Judge r.„, ,h-

V'- «•': I'l-I


' Kui:



Bindber ■ bsiltr ul iK,

Tucker and Preston eounilr.,


Vlrgtala. stands dui unique
not ride ■ borse and be ran hsnlip _.


«*«erip aeomded bp bU pesMBk
nake pavsni and raa ent bla
forked ungns. Bnl nobodp aeemed taettaed to aeeept the bancir of aartag

•d Jnat one boor of the u.e be vas !
doe at 8l George nine miles dlatasi t«MB> ^ iku.u

• v-r .MiKc:. :i,

. ■■

and b»;ht dihplays of

h.-'.m, .i,-l at price:, that will »aw- you money.

5?^' Outing Flannels I
Mr.: , ,m.t



Sc, 6i?. 8c anJ iCk:
FLEECED sunmos

ID.,W u -----------------Sume Urn. , pin-,'_____
___ __
I u=
ihU rather talormal I
>>e prenehed to the Dernisor.
inner ot graeUng nnd enrtad Umalf nebootbooe. on Loration ridge, near
When he nVUTT" *’
. oo the Ooor. There appoan to be the Praaum roonip line.
ali^t diteranee of optakm aa to
vbat folloved. Hoverer. tt **«ms that
(.ne of tbe member* made a motton to
aomeoee be delegated
of one to
loirader to withdraw. Tbe moUa

’ I '

Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Cloaks

aloeg aod marrj ><iur gin tf >.m vsni
to. I wont Inierteee •- Nev ^,vL |l,i

(rnm somt: of ihe best maV
iTudi; II)) in the very prcit

li-sh '-If'-t

$I.J5, $1.S1. s:. $:.50, J2.95, S35'I, $3.91, $4.25, H95. ElC.


benten ta a ten-mile rsce


1 hr nrw"-'-. and iiio'i cl--' r.,hl'. 't$les
and c'MiTrn:'. ar l"c. l.'v:,- I.'.r, !Sc.


Hijusi-kcciJtrk who Appreciate a aaving
.hould not (ail ir> *rr these Ulanketa.

j 60c

a much better
Blank-t and larger sige: oth­
ers s ili better and larger at

75c, 88c, $1,00, $1.25, $1.50*
$1.75, $2.00. etc.

the nnd wiibooi betluitar: '; tame b-atvas hr pc
and HTuck an Indian irat. -Uci, bnever brake dnnng ibv nlae miles Ai
tbe end of the hour be was l^u pelpit at St. George rradliig tbe*openlng

•>>*«'' a Lulta-soga,
------------ _ Jvto.-1-rusa.

hpmn of tb« aerrlre and I
IcnH alga eggatigne

another store in TfAv,
erM: City »l»oi*s ihe oew thines ifi Fancy
sM„ a, ,n„ ,.ore d-c. You Ko ihov; ihmp hon a, KOI a
e cities. ( ,
. ____________
you'll und this to be true by>- lakinij a look at our immense line.

Fancy Collais al 25c '•"ji" ^0,, n ih» pne a» muy

be eommutee-aad the dock
ttokad on. Tho* vara a tav pi
A than MIevsd a charge. ^

•(MB'S aoMaai kpM hit brw. Tfeo
calptaa ramalklkg vw to elwr i



stein bp hU moihef

Rermndi lalsBd*. vbo l. a HethodKI

»ok* eg haul*-raitod avqp iht
PwtaBcnd ta ke«tag tbe ara fram
n «M tamt 4aoA A rm
rhalr bad landed —ta.sif. ^ ^ ^





bla rirruli laklng Ir ibe
rougfeen tenic«. m the mounisin. id

attar snake tasllp •trailed tato the
a and hlisad a greedttg. Femtatoe
eeches pramptlp wafted eeUtag

NOTICE--This store will be closed all day next Monday, Sept. 19th, on
account of the Hebrew Holiday. “Day of Atonement.'*

proving Ibe l>blltp|itn» as Ibe H

Philip Behictitei. Hapteld lovaabip. aikm (be tarmer. vbe bnd no tutRan J .oaae. MapSeM tovaahip
b of the Sdtbor's IdeeUtp. quoted
r. JaSasnn. Profuaia u
some of Hr. CnrlMon's poema lo llluiMira Smith, of MC Main
uate tome potoi be vss trpm ta
Jamra Watson. Whlievaler lovo- rnnke. -Oh. (bars from Ckrletoor mp mother forbid, me lo
saM tbe poet, -and I never have been So I left borne snd vmi i
Smlibs" "Hiiv old
Fvealertoh A
in Uie babit of believing bait be said '
a»ked the n-eurdt-r. "Ov.
Tbe farmer eped him
--Well.' airaa-l
»•« ""i
-Then j
P .K tYjvkoop- First meg. Trav- what mmtamptuoual
else dtp.
w." be retorted tiovlp, "I dost k
Jamaa Ooavara.
M nor I don't vaat to be nsrlril. b marrp," ruled tbe r>-r»rder
Id vand. Trav.

I tWarad a praper aad tba choir
L -Hom OTfe Tbara.* ahar vhleb
». Uatmaa rtad tba
n aad the
A "I aa iba
me Clip.
Uk.’ Dr. O. A. HollMap H

. niu Carleuto while traveling race
r to a stagneoacb among tbe On
have (aim li

is Ibe Brilisb auiburllY on iRipIrvI ei>l
and has beer ..udpns (he
of the rolled Aiale, t.


paapar bp Mae. I. W. HlUer. tbe cor­
tege tetl tba booaa for tbe gaal obaegakaeikaebawli. tta«. W. U Uof-

------------------------ taok

fore her marrtage. Mias Imee la
graduate at Welloslep eollMi aad
among other honon baa received tbe
degree of doctor of phllqsophp (rom

------ ifj

» Ctnu.


Juatlce Clarke, is
I Nev Vork a few dapt ago. on tbe
appIleaUoo of ateor « HoSinan.
le* Fedenob. the defend
aepantlon auk brougbl
agalaat blB bp hla vlfe. Sophia, at
ebarget of-crueltp


are God s '


anoiat freely with CUTICURA
OIMMENT, the p*<At Sbin
Cure and purest of cmollknu.
or Lncn. For ftchin;, buminf,
and tcaliof errema, raahea, faflaoifflation, and chafme, for redDCS, roufhaem. crack*, and
ftsurca, with brink, ghaprJea
nails, this treatnmat is simply
a. .wonderful, frtqueotly curtof (a
ub one oigtL


lac bMh la klaiiim. tarn
tAv vnO ragntaied abrnba a

lore. BBio Caaaar the tbtaga vbtek
Caenar s aad unto Ood Ibe tklnga that


In lound. TfaU rtrer dried np In (be asked
-When ari- gou mns t.. pear 14«T aad tboaaandt peHabed i.T
Ibe drouth." tacb It tbe IntcrlpUoo on • Koim- (ime in 5epi<-ml»-r. *o~m r...i
a atone found ta the bed ol tbe Spree, lb>- cuatrac'or,
ta Genaanp. A almllarip tnacribed looked as IbcHigb b« «ani»l to >s
' *
■toae vaa found ta Rotenaee. omr
Madgeburg. the dale belag K31. Th«e hlmsHf br Inquiring:
atoaea ar.- called -haagrp atooef be
I pn«f tbai lnsaEi<> ms:
cauee hunger acerapaaied drouibi talll-d like hVdriU'llolils
rarlablp ta (be«> olden Uaiet. Noma

aa end to tbe lire* of patleau ander
log vltb locarable diaeaae* 11 lo re
ooe ear cut oK. bad lojutp <•
right hasL aad a coaualoa nader the qneated ta vriilag bp tbe pajlcap
rIMit epe.; Or. Bvaaloa vaa alao
Tbe erlflaal copp of "Tbe Freniaao-i
e la tora apMarr aa to
Glee Book.' owned bp Senatv T. C
« Id .fail dovB tbe auln.
Platt aad oaed bp bln a* a member oi
oplnloo of the ptapalrlaii U tba
tbe Freswai Glee dob ta IgSC. ha:

taaaed a

ee ta HHboane. be aaM bit i
V bed ebertabed tbe aataitoa (o
■V eMtat m a Meibodlst mta-'
addlBC: 'She serer cdI over ber

dartac tba tatatb aaJ

d(«led Him. FMemeD'e BOtloB fv i
d counael fee pending i
He vaa at oece picked ap aad ULna : trial of bar action. Hre Fedenen
legea (bat her buabaad. vbo U a-aau
up ttaJra. Id tbe aeaaile
I aage maker, baa on. mtop oeeaalona
Harrlton had come la. The
' amuaed blmaelf bp beating her with
ll.-WUh Wa.
tbe aged aan taken to tbe R-bltlng Ibe bologna aanaagea maoutaetnrml bj
him. 4>ealdem Ibreaieotag to kill ber
IMate for dDrenor. hotel
turning a water boae on her. and cbok.
He «ns ta a comatoae ttaie aad
OaunUeii. vaa aintakBad. HU la tag ber aad throvtag ber ta the door

avre tave tk

larpe caiberinf ta ooeaeinkiB vltb tbe :
ai neetiac <d (be Meibodltl no .

H: votaan. IM;
Ttare vare S nev

-Woe to pou, people, If (kit alone

Hr. Rickard U not a drtnUnc
ot aeneranp aadc Blla' aaMon hla
endqnarten where be voold rat aod
ii around and tatoke. teBeralJp oecu
Tl(«.Mr. SUa- oflte. Thia afteroApeaae la Bad reaarfced

befort be waa nodeed to (O to (be
lavatoTT in the rar vhirji it at tbe
of Ibe baaeotent ataln. Tbe
Wlaal and ot tepalrt nArliV about
U .(ar enough avap (nm (be
to aatapM^ben aad
la<a.^e t«i be per- edge of (be aiaJrvap ao that there la
no danger and there It a light bora
taUled U take
- TW Lena M exMed M' IkHUBned lag tbve. The old genUeman vat bm
Btalea torpedo bent Paal lonra of (he talwed aad notbiag vaa aoBgbi about
Oaloa Iroa
IroB Woikdf I^peaer
I^peaerBltp beot eonlng iBCk oaUI Anthoap
Hanali came loto (be bnaeBeBl aad
•arad ta Ba«Yraad«BPat tl
ataa var ret^vlllg^ioaBL
hiB IpiBg at (be fool ol tbe

' Tta ataedka

eblet loatiee
Bontb ABatrsUa. bu''
be tbtakt tfaai be nade a aiUtate Is.
(be eboloe or a enrecr. Addmatafa’

e dallp arenae ta tba raadta« rooa)
a ». Tbe tarpeet dallp outpnt vaa

irtat a( abeat S o'dock dalordap
ia( naeed bb deaib lea staalet
(V. Be fell dova (be Mept taadicd
> tbe baoeount of Ben ail*' aalooa.

left bit daocblen hi Kalkaaka lodaj

Hr*. W. neftarta*
, rd aataal
nip tve tanb a dap.*8ir Baaeei Vap la a barnaet aad

t UK.
g PC.U.

PHb. The enenUD. ol Makdes. I
mf. b M flAdanr adalilbL

•t roaa P»da to tbo
loMea. The «Maal «taff
I Iba rdnH Uat OeoanI
I adnadoi rrato TtedlreeKotbt to col of tbf Jop-

a vbo rtaltad tbe

'Phaea dta a


.■Ta ^

_itong wil
charge >ou-ioc to o(>c for. We do such a large
la/jr bdt besi*
ness that we can sell you newer styles and better values than other
other store
Stores. See ovspecial fines at 'J,>c and 50c.

Whatever is New. if Ifo Desirable. You’fJ Find at



The Store That'# Beilina Good Ooode Cheaper Than Other Storas.


bare baas paasU at Bates tt
Mr. Bricsa' paisata ratorpad flatardar
Mrs. K. Aateai of Wafttetta aad
Mra. Jabs Baabary of Nortbpon ha*«
aaoBU la ite eUy Cor aararal
Mn. rraak BrarMay aad
Oladyt. left Baturday Cot Fourfc to
tpoad iba day witk a pany od frtmda
Iron arriUckrlllr. coBSiMlas of Mr !
aad Mr.- Pnar 6«aa aad two daaeb '
ElU and Lotllr. Mr« Ja.- Mocr^aad aoe. Garl
(b* l«npU-. rutiias • de^P
la. Una Ocvaa ut Bata, im tbl*;
CMb ud arirt-rtsK SB aru^ and dea'
ilDR for ('ai>oa City, bHa* a dek-!
Hip ■ IHdbifal blov u irvll Tnapo- patc from iba Vbliad Brathren cbnrrb ;
Clude WUaer. vtw nvUn ftboai
risbi dUo> oar. u Fmh Bor.
nTl^> tniiuwd rrtdw tttmnun
a r>Hu1 »fT»p*r. Thr •luKlm startlos
!»*•«■ thrrv II orrr. n(riklli£

ratiua.d home FiBa/. ai.t»»pkw*d'
by ntUe Aria, who aspaeu Id make
kU kMwa with them for tba Deal year.
of Mr. sad Hn. Wm. Oaacr of m
A.O. Tosa«.wboaMmapoBlbaaa-!
Wen Ntstb Mreet. took a trip la Ckar- cankm from aoeUnra Mtektsaa. bsa|
boBSbl W aena of toad sa« aipoeia
lenAa. rataralBt tUi ncrata^.
Mr. SDd Mn. Win Hjdoe of KaMBO. to aaka Ihto part cd Iba atata bto
boawU tba fatara.
Bates eoestj. abo bias baea lb* cant
Cseaty Bamyer AUya ad Traearaa
ef Mrs. Joe BnUwra ierlbe pan ua CMJ did aarraytoc la tba
bood toat waak.
dan. tril for bone «kti nerBlaa.
Ham Walaoe baa nada a laa ImMlB Bom aebuner of Ssnaatl CItr
proramaai la tba appaaraara of bl.
arrired Ibii anenona for a abon Titli
by two aoal. of paint.
to Mr. aad Mn. Boberi Walian.
wn j
8. Ft»j and Hr*. Mary
Mn A Johoaoe o< Hanlonl, aho|Tboma. d Adam. V V . rUUad SI


Obarira Bron of Garbald
a w«*. rHarard boow lodaj.
R" M I> rarrrl who wml
Ml.sbis to bold qiiartiwH coo
mtcrday miiri.H.1 hJwir thi.


City Saiarday
'! Tba acfaool h
I pnireaaa no*

InaOr K I. A.bioo. who K rt
of B.Iaato1haa»IitialnniftTOicahald'«oad to bl. bad, U .lowly i


dpcMldaii were (w* “O.
iUi Hrrbdft W
•ho »a» a i!u»»l ihw. b«' dron- «*

ifaa latter plan-.

Mrv Sarah Falrlmak. ol

W' Th.-y left ihl. morala*
Mn. B 8. Rudd aad mile danefaterj T I». McManu. of the Famou. left ^
Marearel. who have baea ptKWU rrf'lhlr n>c,rolQR Ua tbr M. * S C
Bn-k of »St Wabater .treat I .teatr-r MlMOun f.w ThleaRo lo pUre i
■ week, returned lo bar bnma la ; bl. ord.T for h.dldar ttock. after *hlc.‘i
new Conun-cailonal ahurcb edlSc--.
B.pW. Ihl!> Li.irrti.l.
' be will taka a .bon tnp to
n Iba fair
Ibat «lliq>> neti Ml) b<’ i mval omy

^ rivod Burxelnla-Ddenl of <
A. W Wmi .-iiM-rt. tbe
.Tli'ir>rl»> a’ Uic laitBU ti
I •‘‘‘PP'’'

dlm.-ni.loa a
baa to CD t

rul nadUlon when the J '■‘*hi
maad. for the cnrrariliw of am abiiM-.
la pobllc alfaln. or lb.- Mi.-Ruardliut

CtllllBC. t
Hlckar-t havluR Ihe r«*irarl f.i

to rlsh'eaqd duileii Pi-ra lo our
laitona If near when ru.-b demand.
ean be irraiad llcbily The rapubUcao
party never doe.
ir.-ai them. It ■ -'a;
may not always more fast aBoufb
aalUty tba eacar apirlu of aoeie of i
bat II always moca. and doco. 1a t
Tiafal diroatioe. aad more, wttb t
care aad wiadum that Barer leave i

r and Mr. C
e lo topjre Ibl

.-rvtblDC iliuF far ha, I
II HaUinc >f l'..nt»)ltsula lefi ihlr
III,-'work lioinc ronim.-nrrd I
oKWhlnR afier s «e.-k f iIfIi with f V
ari..r A B %lthls I
WriRhi of :IT WasbinRinn riri-ei.
afli-r the cuBirarl war In abapv..
Mr*. Rsrl»ra Bculi s.1 fbl.m nty.

la fact, II woriti damaabty lu praeIts theory,
laaa not put power la tba baada of the,
fkajorfly of tba paopla. By mnltlplrtot
toadldataa aad eoataatos tba | '"
■tod. « straa oBea la tba awal I
triooa adraatlaer and campslcaar
Wtiralliy tbai may ba oely tan par caai
« Iba wboto Tou.
U doaa BBt ratoe tba standard of
- litoiki aarriea ta riaetorsl dtotrteu
tegw then tbeaa la wUeb arary
jitota to pantmally kbown la
iilebbafp. It baa dtoUoctly lowarel
IN STWata saallty of *aw mamben
fdroexrdsa la thla atata. h caca Mto■aa^olti a meyor, who baa oera bees
terietad of bribery aad who. paadlas
bto third trial, baa tba aadaeliy to ap
yaal to Iba psepto to trtodtoata Urn by
SStotaattito him to eowraaa asdar thia
a if tba recena of
tj:: In expatim.TnllnK wlih . and alrlesi lode- Puui In the city. |
In dimensions, wllh
abazun.' to malhod so radical
Uieor) ..t i.roi-edur,- iwo brtchl sk) lIpLIs aud «-lcht-t.-n
loward a roamoa aim. Ih.- aiiaintaeni windows, all tult i-»|«>sure. Tie- wood '■
to tba brat condlUoo. asd tb.- Rnwlr.1 work la In natural elm. whit-li liRbien* !

atomltM. By pouias a pmalom apon
•tekdty it baa laaapUd paarly erary
towtotoir to tbla atata to aanoi
SB army of eapdbtotai, la ordi

ly tolo tba


a of pelittcsl rUtoa-

“. .

VMy crmltan. The lattoipaad etiliiiilitl «f tba atata to dtocoatad with
. tk. Tba atata rf Orapm tell late K
teettoh tba ptwrtoM rtolimaiy toUy
to Os toltlBtlTa. Tbe tartaOtsato cltlsteMp of that mate to ttrsd to ii ba. Thkre!

tag but »lr Smith will roiurti In alw»'it
all toally acraa. Il has baoB i
aj:. to FH«n bit studio.
Wben as ctllaaa. of a
O J.iford passed throuch tbe chv '
try wa dIBer upon queatioes
•Kiralnc or hi. way to nl. bom.-1
to pabllc policy, aad wa esaoen fnlly
mmadlalaly aatabiUb Iba tkeoriea
G-roree Sbarlon anil wife and >lr«
appeal to ua. we do aot Iberefore
idoe our eotmtry and forswear our Frances H. Wortlen’o! Sulckbrldae.
. returned home Ibl. mi.rnliiR
allectonea. The Waldorf Artor- mav,
vi.lilnR friend, to tbr city.
we know ibat oowbere else may
8. A. H. Hoerard of A'a.ka and
miaa. aio sood be found. Jual so
«b. ..ard of lARow. Ind.. who
1km. vl.iilng Dr. J B. Mareln.
id aoy anrb hope



wira. Mlirhelt and Jobe Ilxen
-icaxattn* for the fuundatlon. c>(
i4y^. .ddltlua. lo tbrir Homer
Blurd ha. rorestl) eompli-ted a larpaddlllun and added a porrh in th<-

MeTl.ire aad bab>. secom
her naphes. Masier Ira Mr

HI. brother. E. E. Sion.- I. .-ilrtmiaij
III al Ihe lailer placMr. H, A. Stone v.slie.i ,b.- Haiev

Bar* of
Bonta Clau*. ,
or Small Aomo




226 E. Front St.
Trmni cm, Well

-•** * *« * « «♦« ♦,

Cbis Store lUm Be
Closed Jill Dav
on account ol Btbrew Day ol Rtoncnical.

i.sla, l..r Grand Rapid.
8umb«rp Bros. Store will be closed
si day Monday on account of Day of
.17 |i '


Pere Marquette
al Low Rate E.curalen t
'einta. Wednesday. Oct. Str
Rate to Toledo. KAKk

matt for Fall Openind!
Olc arc non unpacklna two car loads
ol new Ulcrcbandia*. s s « « «

Cbc 6lobe

huni.- In

lia eront Strcci

sb.. hii, les-n Hu- cu.-«T of Mrs J ti
Kopl .‘I Teni h sit.sw tor a wei-k r.
lurn.el h.imi- lhl> ninrnlnK

- Tra,.r.e CUj

h„me ai Spricc Lake today

One way. s«(»nd<laaa

Chippie of Kalkaska .
..-si.-rda. of hi. daughi.-r,
,f | Wllki.- A White We« Kiev

rompiim of rhe Whliln* left
World’s Fair, SL Louis.
Roiud trip tickcu al low rates, on
Mr and Mrs Zlck. »Ho have iwenjf..r Manlon ihl. morning.
tale ai all Ueket rtaUon.. Ask agenU
rasoriliiR hare during the »eas.>r. re !
MIk. aica Hiller left for tba Mlrhlfor rate., llmll of Ilcketa tod full par­
turned to Cblcagn last night on tbe can s.-minary at Kalamazoo tbi. morn- ticular.
nilnolr. Mr. Zlck (sucbi fourtaan | Ing. H.-r mmher. Mr. Arrhla Mlllw.
....................rba pa..enear dock yesterday | -tU acv.miwn, h.-r and then co on o


Wurxburg Block

reiurr.-.1 I..

. IBR.

Ulsa Bertha Wea,.-r .p.-ni ih- day I lowt. Tuscola c««uniy where
Mrs. Seteoa i-).>ns

• morning

•to dla<lain..d.

her nm. 'V'arr.-n 8aUb.-r)
bow plfctary reform
Mis. 'A-lla Smlih of Sasinaw
■ In Kant eooniy. b>r toalaaca. turned bom,' todat after being
r as tbr Bnaaclal laterrals of tba guest of Ml., iilaocbe Joyre.
s and elgh- borne In Di-irull today afier a

lornlng lo ihetr camp ihl. morning,
where they will remain a week longer
F GrlBnel and wife uf Vandalla.
who are making ihetr flm vUli to ibi.

Mctlot nt the counin' for slaleen
mniher. Mr. I year., and have been while here guest.

e. N. Pickard to Letoad wa. to i
sererol ihoacity today.
to dollon. wUtft cotild aw hay«
Tbomta Oeodwte to Delia. Ohio.
BBder the:
rUltIttg hU aMar. Mrs. Jamea Pa
Id coaeoa aad coareDtina plan.
laec. Also Uiri Knapp and
Vr do not mraa lo stale that the
BihH Knapp of Delta. Ohio.
give th* caadldam
free apace la goLa pablldty—ptoRIcal From MaDday'f RaeortL
oaptroala ahoold pay tba soritot price
Ml*, b. H. Brown to NoahriUe. wbo

left for a rlalt with friend, at Kes
wtek this morning
Hri. J HessheM and danghier .wc
Ue day ai the laa. Omeno.
Percy Daw. bookkeeper for tbe

IMIfc . '



I'alt goolds

ring d.iil).



242 FRONT 8T.

Don’t Br»ak Your Back


wschlne wS-si ...c -os -Aiwin Tbs r>-nuilv^ -pslra^MlUw hear. Usrwue si n .rr-so-.
ttsro-- iwao) Idoe < smraef w •Cee-itl—l .w
the luiriiu-e ..SJ l-ue Tie-bra sUel s bw I.
mak- l.glit drsM t'-e .sJ. l.j g I' f'-ee,.
QKIB. roa sal.h-T.ra..
.e,™,. u
13 srasm. I. .. s., .-I- Times r it,Al.g-KB-.e»
u itie CisiiUs. fsrrs Tbr— eora from
isSf'bSb^ "'bra', wiepb-w- -aiira-

gdl^'wtth isrr-Lsslra— Im-i
W plsM. rale rmras b-« lwl>. lsrr> SHI
JrubWr f.e bra ora f.n. Iran,- brara. crad
pra^wc.. sswr^ra-sd LAI., •sutdine-




wmi is Ore. risra ..wdroob

A les^r. a

WnM Fnat h Wl

Owiag m la. -------- -- lor psal Wsravto
Charles Umprtebt and tamlly, SeJ
DrOv-n and MIn Am.a. Warner drove out to Ibe borne Of tbs toller', faihr
Fred Warner, ai Vonh Mlltoo Banda:


at a price ihat cheap grades are nokl for.


I’roclaiiH' the opening of
ihe (all K-rm of school.
Viti' doubtless know
thdi ihis 'lore carries all
the kinds of Text Books,
'^laii-s. lableth. f'enciis.
iVncil Boxes, Pens, and
the like that are required.
We always want >-our
School districts
are requested to make
this their trading place
for Supplies, as we nuke
it a special objeci and
ui.:ir advantage
to buy here.
We give cash or liberal exchange for
Second Hand
1 Book'. uK'd in this vicinity
Mail Orders Carefully Filled.


oogo. who bai baee rtolling friand.
hare, retnnte ua the llllaola yeoter- Satorday. oecuc
Pray, wbo will spend Boadar’al her.S^. ssm hraw apd stolw.^iwi bS^
home al Hodge
to the
School eoamaDced ihU aomli
wllh MUa May BeboSeld as laoehar.
(nr thddr pohUdty (ha
A. Q. Palrimte to tern (rom Tra
cote aecth
escankm laa d
one CKy.
|«hRU II ntaind to do ts odrtrUae o«oaa thc^Vto Mra.
J. N.
to Che safely Depoolt n
Diteatn boa oroaptad • barb
PEM Wa tefea thte
acD. monaAitardv.
as (ha P. M. R. R.




ten day. .la, wnh (n.-nd. al
*^'»lrcMrs <■ C. Curr, ,rf Albion
II na. ^
I b.-T
been ipeniltoR Ih- niminer

Safety Oepoali VanK compoay to the
Chamhra to Commeree building. Chi

L Km. r. U UCtec. '


These are all hi|;h-(;rade goods. Wc have

8<ai.. a.-aib.-r b.irv aii i->-c--f



from Macklnar by Ui
ol her ilauRhter. Mr.
her mil- daughter Marion
isla) for .1
Mr. Jack ProlK-n j.-fi i.>

'to iheir con.ln, P. C. Gilbert, l-ft ihi- h»m.- toda,
s aad daughter of | moratog for Pnmnoa lo remain a f-s
Mr an.l Mr. W K
to WlaooalB ihl>|dayt wlih Mr GUIk-tv. faihet. J I! Itower. Harbor sere in nb.-fore RDtag i.. her Gilbert
' oiomlng lo aiiend ihe funeral
hoiui.V. W. Millard uf Grlnnell Brra I. ui of ihe lai.- John B. Rfrlerd
llBg to the NtobUahto adHra Jennie Roal
9 of Leland ,
Omens and Sutton. Ray today.
Ml.. Ague. Schulir went
TprUtlas rolM to tboae aewapapera It rlalilng to the city.
Mr. and Mrs. W H BbDer ieft ibit: Cli) l.ula,
i.i vi,ii frleod. I
Boat bare coat each coadWatc at least
Mrs. T. W. 8ite>«eld went to Wl
■noratiig for a two weeks' visll with ' week.
to eoeh paper for hit portrait and lOBabarg this attenooB for a tUU.
hit mother at Pontiac
Mrs. Rolwrt Ham. .if gout
wTltpdip of hit qualtflcallona one
Hr aad Mri C.mwge K Abbott .
Mm E. Hallett to Lake Ana. wbo' s-bo ba. been' tbe c-ft to M
ne. Snae of them ate more «a- Saginaw rotara.d home today otter
ba. beea JTtlltog al Ihe borne of Mrs. ' Morgan for a week. I.
for Macasm
tended apace than others aad others'
Ihe city with W N i A G Warner fur two srek.. returned Park to friend.
Mr. Hor^n .
several days to one eri
Beret th toreel.
! IbU eoralag
moiber Mrs J C Gtb.un.
WllbteverUtliig roiee
I Mm. H. D Alley sent
Mia. Uzzle O'Canaell j Cadillac. fnenit. Mn Mary Wilkinson who alao
^ Elk Rapida this aflerwcna tor a vl
bate Iieen eoienalned for a week, lef'
■ ' , J. Monroe, wbo la potttog In '
; Mamie, at Ibe otylom for some time, vesierdat for iheir borne
.oair al Lakeside
new bridge and dock line at the b
kA site, weni annh loday cm a b<
atm. trip.


I'lTIZENS T.-kpb.ine romimny
ltd- arrans.-m-ni. will; -be


W,««| an.l
oualy adroralln* the oUntlon of Far­
in l.lma.
b>. Ihl. momioc 1 M'ransky l.-tl ihl* momlnc lot ih-.r ; • .■ek . vl.i, wllh h.-r m.uher. Mria Iba Inlerrata of pure politics,
vlsiiinc h.-r siMi-T
d.-r In Ihe cli)
onoual .iuiIi.r ai l'an> lak-. «> Cradli
iwlahltoh throuRb Ferrto reform .ii
ink Wransk, wi-tu
Carp lake n,,,,. vpi <-amp a week.
Th.- Mi.u-s Gertrude anil l.abeue
the prtmarl,.. and to forarer obllteraic Ibis marnlnc abere be <
«|•.•lld »I V : J, E. Brown weni lu MtoUtee this 1 Bartbobimem of Su'loDs BS) pa.s.-d
1 -:a>s
Mondnv he
oe joined mnralDR to relailre. iso weeks. I tbr..iiRh loan today en rvuie for Gage
Roy Wood
ilr.. S S?alsh.-r»

Wrare dmiriK out at OKK I'OURTH
and ONK-HA1.F OFF about 4Wl pain of

somt- Kood Hires andean give you a shoe

MrF. Brew.tcr of Grand Rap
Frans ' id. r.-iiirn.-d lo b.-f borne after a

dumped laio the }>>ureallsllr miOeri If



born aad grand I
coarir. Corey aad wife, who haTejlornr.1 bom.- ibl. morolnc after a
ne, tod., reiurned, i,p„ coesl* of J B. Hawley, relumed I ihre.- a.-k , xbil ai-h b.-r daucbler.
fter vUliInc C W
c.^dwai.-r ihl. mom I Mrr» M R>.m.

Dubhelty of C
Of eourw those Urlrolt and Grand l>aa.Riore
Rapida newspaper, wblrb arr so rlcor


Call and inHj«-,-t them noH

their Iceland otlaC'. l.-ft l.rtav for h.une i|u- mnrnlnR lo prepare 1
vMirned to Mend.'ii ,
h.Moe lo Ml. HraaaBt.
j removal u. Ihls cliy lor p.-rms
a i.-n days'
>S Ulllao SparkllD of Deiroli -a j rraid.-oc- neit week
1, L.-S. Hall
j,|„ Helen Slool's gnesl.
Mrs Heler Milk, of KIngale)

prored that true la both state and nt
Unn. and we are Bto now soIbr Io reprat Il In eltbcr.

UekeU o«

Mlchlcan City. Ind.. are vt.liinc at the | »ire,-i
home of Oltci Thle*.

Mna. r T Grawn and son Car
baee been apecdlng a abort Umr be
the goesl. of Mr. and Mre. J. A Mon ' ub.. ba. b—o vi.itlng her br.nhe
tagoe. after pas.lBir the .ummer «t ■ HourIucu of Xlnlb slre«. reiu

Ellck Rf.lsw1s..r


Settlers' Pares to tha South and SouUw


lo M.-i-dos (hie znorntott
IS Jennie Swan of Martin
d hbme Ibl. m.irnlnc

aonsbt to do that, and bare
helped the democracy Into irtwer to Inc Mrs
hope of such cads, the nwulU hare
always baea dl-aatroua. Wc have

Graad Rapida
way iKWThati t
li boa prohobly


lUlph Thacker ao.l Niel M..n-lsoii
relurbed to Ollvel lhl« nooB.
Mi,s H U Bishop of Dairoti re

Mrs. Came Hos.-ll relumed lu

Oa tba other ilda tt baa diatlactly
nted tba standard of mamban of our
aWr eosMlI and ptalaty laada to keep
Is otea eossiy oBdala who ban
Mda a sood roeord. So tor. It ba
aamipttd tba Jadldary. tboapb Ue
toDdaacy to to keep to oSeea Indtaa
who are tororahly kbowii; bat wa do
•M knew whet wtU happae thto year.
B to as admlnbla tblap for dtotrieu
to email that saDdMalea are paraoaalUkaowntsTOtara. It prorea tba aler1^ rlTtaa <f Ua paepia by Imprortos
tba psbUr farriaa wbarwrar tba pobHc eas art btamssatly wdar IL

For a limited time

Alper relumed |

aararfly acatoal p.>a»lble abimea

aelactlBS eaadldataa for pubilr olBaa.
rvpubileaaa wa are miraibers of one
'tamed hum.- ihl. momlnc after .
family, barln* common InterraU aa-J From hVlday's Record.
William Kewmao went l.i Cedar |
o„,,ng ,,
mataal alma; and Ibe coBaaaaua of oar
un this morning on a business trip.
Leman PaiierHon. who has
dlffarlap rlewa as to laatbor of
ITol W. A. Stnllh und W. E. Wll,w-n j
h..r ,-„u,in,. Malcolm
talalan; thrae will auraly bo Iba wlae
enl to SI. Louie. Mleb., Ibis morn-j
reuirn.-d i.. her
safe ooncluHon on which we .ball

foremmeBt: and when we hare aome-

Farni- ir

____________ __________ ______ ______
Thera U .niuiy In tli.-

, c.veriUR II ..m her lone Ilia.-..
---------> White aad 81m.>os trom
> eteninc
Consiaaitoe are apeadlag a few day.
M'tlaoh of M.iutague with their broib'-r. Hr. Moyer and fam
Dome iiMay after a lea days' ‘>Fu
roi .1,. MU
of II- E^nk Sum.- of Kikhari. Ind , l. vi.
Mr., rbarie. mi., of 4i.
relailre. here and ai Hannah

impravements In MUliken Stora.
wbo.har ba.-n ihe toast of 8 H- Ham
The crest iBprovemaott that bave.°' B*‘« '“r tea day., tainrned lo her
Uwn RoiB* OB for aoma time a_l J. W.; home ihl- mornlac armtapaoled by
il.i HarsL who
Mllllkeii'h are further belB*‘aupple-j

ap well

axm tow. The Tribnaa aaya:
Wa baar that tba atala of Hie
to la daasar of banias lu Assara wttb
ja Sfyset emfsatioB tow. Wa inat that
ttp atata of Mlebl^ wUi aot act wUbte ffMaottoD. Wa aanssUy bet of It
to PtoAy tba piperieaee of other sutea
ttot ba*a msda tba oxparlmaet for ilaaH. aad Bol to aoapt tba baaty Jndc'toiDt of aaparflclal oMarran or nalalaraatad paaaeaA that tba tow worti


d to m>.-0
looklaK .. I:>orvir and Mrs A. Ilaruar.1
Mr sad Mr*' A Kln«ka, shu ha.*- i, ,i,inu.

aei of oScai. d1 •boH »“> '"rre
Prirate. eashler. IrtOkkeeper
Mesdamra Jam.
Haytira of Kalkaska, who ware i ^
anyl pi-nersl oBeoa. The aork to noder ■ J*'
to tntera.1 Is tba -dlaenaalon if tbe
ally SatunJa, by ibel
,praweBl Ulchtoan campalRii. Ho- ooml- Gi.' FiiiM'rrlFlon of roolraciin- A. t
of ib.-lr seed falher. John Ork-j '
’oalkm of candldala. by illr.-ci i.rlinarr Wall and whoa all eomplele with
large aridltioo
, ard. left for ih.-lr home in Kalkaska, j
Some of B.
Mllik.-n .-.pacts i.i cive a house warm-j wherv ili
ltd be adoptm al ‘•■rr. f-'f •
„ and nra flonddeni pf It. val
chaiiRe .d dress. The oOe,-will be i.i !al1-r', luim.cell. whl<B aeU-lniereei ..n ihe
h.-at, .isk panel work, wllh clas< io|i; Mluiiu- H Hal! lefi rbi. p.
r llidillerelinop lo dale In .-terr luinleular. visit wiih le-r m
im.-e cletc' Glbi-T.
On the s.-eooil floor th.- BntI work sister al Ol.wn. N. Y
ptinuadad of lu rnlui
Mr. S f. Hendall »t..i
Bl a iparlflr. nor m> iimarod of lb for Ihe complidloB of the new room
fraedotn from unda.trai.h- eouaequenc. over the new biiltflnc 1» abofft gier 'vUMIns h.-r brother. Frank
prcw-etcl mor. When Hnt«h.-.l li .111 Iw the brlchtevl , Easi Hay lb.- |uisi week, b-

a awaaplat primary elacalim
tow, aooada a sola of vanlns to HlebMaa aad admoaUbei tba retao of tbto
itoau to make baata alowly la the


Alao two paad ft

Waalhar plaoMBI

n- sblrh mairrUII) ad.laui-.- ..f hi. place.
L'happ,'! and Kubrn Hat
’ ■ rloat.n.
• built.
Mr.. Wldrl*. wb.i «a*
Jured ta.--i w-i-ak by In-ihs ihnimn (rom
day.' trli. lo ihe world', fair.

a l.iiss). I> cluwly Imimit inc.
.1 Mliolon lefi for I ■
Will Falrroan o
Bate, ,
i-> id lb. a>>l«ia. t.-T)
Manin.-.'. »h.-r, l>" le>i- .d
.juTd b.-r ISO sn-ka vamlbro
, J R IhellBe. paelur irf 1
KIWd rt*
It balh
Mr. aad Mrs. 1>. I). Ulckersuo left improvlnc
I'nlied KreibrvB eborrb nl Bslen. 1
morulnR for S.^
Hr and Mr,. X.-Imih Ihi.-ll hate
; f.w Iba SDniial roofereBee of I
sfa-<asaoiB wh.-r.- ibey will l-- ibe iurne.1 fri.m llaeln.
Th.-y iBiend

raully for rairesi. U will do so
Iba tosllar wtalnb otxuplea fir.i place

ra la the staia of

HOUSE fer MIC or tridc. an Elmwoo

iiimtel Ibl. moraine.
Bnde line now belnR
«,-»«•.. Martin Oraen. D. Wbliioc :
Then It will be ready for the
Beck of Bate, left ocar iba 0 I
trtmmia*. neai ;o ^ ^ , ,h„ aornloa for a Bfta..n

people are keenly reap.wi.ive i.. de^

I Hrt.' blK daukbier P
. returned

on Iba Uka Shore I

laplftolura. yet U- ------------------ —
eblaa of Qnnd Rapldi leleeted a lin- ^ »'•
Bdldaia fur each ooralnatlaa.

Grand Rapida
„ —

Moat Preeaad With Cara.

entartaiBlDR Mr. a

, Oeorpe F. Rib of Toledo for
Uia \
|, ^ brwbart



MoNb»a turm ani> vui.mtt

,.xlrftn. wmk

Park and Warii-'

Far tea.
Tba toad bakoadaf to tba Sarah
Baattaa aetata two mitoa «tt of Baadoa will ba nold at tba roan boiaia la
Traraiwe City Friday. 8ep< U at 1»
a. SL TbU It a food rbanca for am
oaa wl.blu. i» parrhaw * niar fanti

| after hi. aarara lajaria. ia a r

tlHH- proAnarnor rd llm.-aa pa««d ! I-} aod Uul" Holma. of Old Ml..lon ! camla* t
raarhad The : ,(,rouph loeo tod.i an r.iuti- for Alma.: formed a party of two wblrb will laka. ihr.-a an
took blit !«■.,
h.- I. ■ »-,-..od-,a.r Mudani at i Iq •>»'•«■ d.y. ol riebt «^n« ar the

on »troaU.
le- fiMDdatlon. «bleb

!a« ooe Id tba apaakalw.

ataiBbarp Sraa. Store will ba claacd
il day Motey on accaunt of Day af
w day.- :

aoad Miiii

Mr aad Mr. Cbarlv. tawrasre of; L*brw IMy.
•■I Soiitb Vnloo Mm-I .past SuBday
-------------lib Mr. aad Mn Frank Sailib al
MtoMW Man- Kaft. rry of Klap.-:

rapldlj ar pcM-iliK- loio lowo l.u« >h<'
pruf'iu- blvmllBE
ibv np<-n an»r)

!■» ftoteWa (bank at Haa^
te a Aae saw kaH la CMaaMJom. II wu raeaaUy dedleaiad wUh

A. w r

0ily Book Store.
Cnmw Cftr. mfc*.


J PO-CoS Stoves M Tiae »9«ia.



riMt la LWtr
Laaai rWoi C
I tb^a
tealrala aobedr haovt.
Am A Oota waraa
or tbal It U Vader autet
tba beattac. (doab* I*
Ma fafteM aa<.
Abna that la« arae atlshUr.
lac ad alaatrle vMac d iba b<.t pala rMBlu. Irrecolar
Imcolar IUdac mate>
fidaral btedlac batec aaoctad ot tba,
Ijomf lAka aad Cater Baa Ba
met of (1
biTrttebe or llria
of 8>aia and Caa* alraaU. tba
BlcbL bat (nrtbte re^erta trote tba \mj
• irnton a ba«) to n
oooat of tba ibrea coo'tana iroubU-. iir. Kloc'» Xf» I-lfe
. taraa oe tba paaiaBiU aad
pajrtoi tehool aad Coutr Onanboulrkb raadjoita tblr- lO cesll
bdac $SA«I.
r Oao. L. Criiv ti>da biaaetf n aad Borlb of tows rteort ao troa
fhi:y tic
At Jdii
.w -- ------ O
Tba canarmJ coalnrt 1* bald
10 ntppljr tbt doaaad. Tba 8^-1
OaoMa Praetura.
iUoTioa A a»!U of Toledo ted lb!. { H M.
Mftaol «Uli a food <d^t aoetfat;
Mra. W. J. Loeaard of Oedar Bm
111 Uataa tonihlp.aad alao No.j Ian tbU vote tor Noabte-andta cootrart lai raaiardor l» a aob-ror
A (lalaal.iir* Tou b««rd a •iraoc'
Cofiirarior Dawaus aipeeicrt
BWr toTBibip. aaotbiT atgbt u> apt*d a fa* dart «rltb bar mbar. tractthat .-<dbrd 1
auaclu irbaol. are u ret wttbasl Un. Kata Rraapa. vbo la laid vp vltb that Llord A Snltb of MaeUlaa ud
tba Bactaa* Tie aad Metal Plate bind ihr kil'-hcK .d
laaebm aad abooM bare fe
a doable fraeura of tba bate aad
compaalao vouM aaod la tboir blda.'
ted aekid. "jubn. n
bat Ibnacb ibalf tanUaru i» do eo
tbroa weofca a«o froa a tall, ate aot
ttala eftr boMa (ba larcral Md -id an>
daatah Na« Vaar.
rf«nilBC tba Mrtate coteltloa of bar
arer girae bera.
a JaWUb Naw Tear, wbieb la albate Mra. Kraopa roaored tba apliDU
The electric olrlB* ba> bean for |
a Croat boUdar. waa oboairad
a weak aco (barabr ndolac vbat aatbar tub-lai lo tba Palga Blertric com­
rdar br apodal aarrteaa ai
inra vaa kalttloc ak>«tr erleg to bar
pter for ItTi. Tba llgbilag will b-'
arnasoaa* oa
Park atreal. Sidaor
teTueod a«a. A pbrdelaB't aarrkea
dooe Id tbaowdiilt sr«lam ted bout-'
Ptaak dallTarliic tba apodal leetare
-are .^1. called ^ tba b»«
Boteda.n dectrlr lipM
. TwaBIr-Baa riaaon trod aoi
Tba raaoH I* aha la ini8arla« tott ea- _____
... ____ _
plant. - a bondrad Uchls i>( b
>vaa Tara pwata of tba Javiab
rat ambera. aaioBC (baa batoc rerelr-

CKMisiie I um

>IBbo of Maalatoa aad H- Praaar

coablalnc both aa> and alacincuy will

boib laaTlDc for base

n from In- **
biatlng wll ba i.) .taam
rcnatalr known ihai
polDta. Tbicb
Tba tted of tba Paaaoaar will oeear
all plan* for gini'raiDCBi Iniililloi:* ■t''
lad., ai a atartlag polel. aad oonalaUac
wate ma todcr asd be obearacd
drawn br oarlal nrablt>K-t> >1 Wn«b
of Bra tnlna of l»eetr-*la <»aebaa In
dar «ttb raollDOOua
ingloD and the local flrmi- c-nnrH-tiiis
aal sonb oa Tuatear oe ibc
Bcura on •uch •pacincailonr
llaa of tba O. B. A I.. tba raar
BHgOit Wootocn Proapa
guard aeelloo arrlTlng bera at i iO
gaam, »»o]
train irom
Bdwnrd Bood of Bta^,
yu, vadoeadoj.
Tba local tram
wild Aide For Ufa.
Inlac claim*: 1,^ lar ,,
abooiaraaragobovght tenlMCl^m*jbwa
at walloo
Walloo JaeeUoa
Jaactloo awaiting
ow.ltlng, him
In tba Mount Baker dlttrlct. Wa*hlU I,be firat (VO *0011001 Tnaedar aeralng 1,0 Ala *Sd • eon riding f« lit.- l«
toe. left over the G. E. 4 1. reatei-'
„ p. „. with ftva mtlae. lo cm i>r Kin*'. Nan niecv


cooebe*. two



bavlttg twenlr c<
• *pecJa] wat ecci
n-llaf and eiluo ciiri’d lum
tent mil
out tn
to the BKin.iUtet
main. •
"I now elaep nounill.. ctary
■[line at-3:*n Wadnaedar. ratnmlngl'
bora at 5-sn nlib the la«l lot ol llrvd:'
tba tola purpoee ol cosine ap 'bl»:
,,u ,«w*niu- tor i ^"^hrA.We «nd crip rm.-». m.
dlnriri. both gold and dilvar iMiloc on I
a,,. |„ ,bi..
oKrihi-rn ...................
tor *ii i|iri«< iml I
ir.mhliw. riinmniie-d Wi’i • :.»r_la tba qoarta. white it t
«f Inlerc*'
t"<-, *' '.I'liiiiuaia uinni. allbougb tba gold la nlj ’
iir.-, t= I
I V>w grade, pvt li b foaad In parlag'
Wairt Acv. H. K
tI»- quarlarl} conlarenca ol Ibf At



All are here in abundance. Our new cloak room is full of
these garments that are so much in the mind of woman juat
now. There are all styles of garments and a varied assortment
of fabrics. Mannish mixtures are very much in evidence, al­
though the showing of the plain colors in Broadcloths. Vene­
tians. etc., is very complete.
We feel safe in saying you have not seen such a selection In
many a day, nor will you see such a one outside of the larger
cities; and the price is in keeping with the goods*




na W. r. M. 8 of tboFlrat H.
^ ' ot the aerrlre* ol Baa. H. D Oarrel.
teurcb iH-ld' (be regular auetbly I
□ ; praaldlag elder cil ilic dlrirlct. waIneoa ataatlag B'adnemUr aftomr
' ZtelBf Kaoor ot Mayotte took ool Tba following nacar* ware alactod „{ paaaad aad hi* reinm rwqoeried. An
j taatuiloe wa* anesded to the paatiw
theauping ^r:
!of Ihc dJOrch. Rev. Hugh Kennedy.
M hi* allndteca to
Pretidaai. Mre M. II. tvilion.
Plrm Tloa praildaei. Mr*. J. Marrow. | 'crl'lo*

, Clrcaimon thl» week 2,876

Becond rtee praldent. Mr* F.
Ootambla took o lete of •
to Botern Harbor Batorter. *b«o
T win be 8IM with grooB eore for


Itr caaiilac faetorr.
•boot Bra bntered acroa of Bna aurkafaWa

oom batag

wfaich ba b held lor (ba work ba bat
I dona during bb paHoraia bare, a large
Third rkc pretidenl, Mrs. C. Dong-1
iDcreaia In lalarT wee granted biro
The iBcraotc mnkaa the AebnrTteutch
one nl tba beti tenrge* In (be dbtrict.

grown al

r. Mra. P. J. Tltut.
g sacratary. Mra. F

Hfiiabic I'odivkf ar

[m.tian li a: nn\

The foUowlog Bgurat. read al the
irrrlca* tail Snaday. thow what ha*
Roibate accmnplltbad under the leader


no Camalagt vat an hoar late 8at■rdar. owtag to a large aUpmeot of
toban bom Urn R. 8oaor of Bottote Bar. tbor Mtnc ahippod ala tba
iiMwoi* bom bare. Potato tUpmoau
haao boaa Botag oa tor aboot
•aaki. tbo haraaot bolag aarllor t£u

TbaalaeMa wiring of tbo



MBio llbrarr. vblah wat anb-lat br
lAJbor A UOr to tbo Palga Bocirle
Bpmpanr U bolac eom^otod ibla
vaok. Both tbo eetealBoteardlaatT
•Mag M la nia aad atttr baadaomo

j. Tbo teOBlea) reopoadod lo a atlll
n bat ao tbo tra waa otetnaath
laHaaabla work araa anpatteocod in
llBjOlahlat IL Tba Bro bad aal-




W.1KT proof as well .-i' romforialile ;in<l linrabl-' --ht-e-.
that (Aen

one 'iiuiil.l

to It



i ptirchas* li




n babil-

i ity i' a waii hworii
ComaM Worka Cl<
m Rapid*. MIcb. Sept li^-Tbc
Blk Rapid* Portland Camrnt compaav
ha* rioaed down mdaflotlaly. throwing
ahoot one bnndred man out of work.
A apeclal arelleg of tba aiockboldan
will ba bald In Paloakry Sept. U aad
on that data Ibr fnture of Ibr plant
win br datarmlnad.
About a weak ago pbnt for extan

live repair* Includteg tba re-llnlag of
(ha rouria* and the areetton of five
Panoer Trovwaa Ctty Mmi Dead.
lavaatyAra feet
J. L. BaUb of 4» Waa Blgbth.
ate a part of the
real reeelTed a lelegraa oa Friday {’’'*'**
gnynad at preaeni.
aaaoaaclBg the dteth ot bb ronagattl
al*o uBder contaai'
brother. J. C. Smith, ai bb borne In,

I Platton
BoBato, N. Y. The
......... ..... which would Increaie
imeliy ot the plant and leuen the
aoi kaowa a* It wma aaexpaeted by
of pndnettoo, to that conipeUUoB[
hb bratbar bare, wbo did
could be aueceaerully meU The low'
know ha waa m.
price of eeaeal aad the fact that cer­
i. C. Salih, ki
tain other racloriea ware aalllng ceat Jake Ballh about twrety«nr year*
aeal at a lowar price than It could be
rhea ba wa* la botbeat In Ibb
prodoead here, brought aatlart to a
eky. wni br rraieabered by aoaa of
focui and tbr plant b now idle.
« older reeldant* Jlelag here today.
The »lockholdar* of the enterpriaa
BeaMae bit brother here he leava
do ont feel blur over tbo outlook. The
two other brolhan and a abler, abo
rilreelon living In Elk Rapid* arc
wife to BaSak). K. T. One brotha'.
UBaaleont in the oplalon ibat the atu
D. J. Saltb. Ilvaa at KeaUag Sumall.
wui be
Pa... ate tba other brother. Oeorga
atad oadar will ba (he uomUod. WbA
Salih. ID KeaiDcky. The ebter. Mltv!
probably ba
Kate Smith, realdet oa the old bomi^
' much enlarged ted employ more man
(lead Bear Ronlatie. Pa.
Tba doting ot the ■catoeni lallL
The body waa takea lo Boalelta, I
while It throw* tba men ool Of wort
Pa_ for btirtal aad the fnnaral wa*!
time, dort not aaha the outlook
Moodai aflernooa. J. U Bmltb left
very gloomy at Blk Rapldi U not de­
Saturday ertalag fop Roalaltr
pendent on one Isdnatry for lu nbtrace. Daring the anmaer tbontaadi

Suits at $r.50 to $50
Coats at $5.00 to $50
Skirts at $3.75 to $25


f.ill .iiid

winter mdllill', so imicll ile-

tnnernl tarrlee wa* ai t o'cloek We.ioeeday afleraoon ai the boaa. Rev. D.
Cocblin d Ue CaagregailoBal ctaorcb

tta HkAlcaa 8larcb oooapaar.
toraad Wedoaater bom a taalaau
Philip Hoot, an old atridier. died
trtp tkioteh niianla. HlaoeociU aad
WMtiteli, Hatafi Thurtear lor New Snaday moralac of old age at hb
VUk iMj oa baUntoa wHh the auln borne Bear Acme. Hr leare* a wife
and oerwal tetldren.
The faoaal

We know that if you are sure that the quality is right, you
are willing to pay a fair price for It.
it’s not how poor an article we can sell you at any price, but
how good an article we can sell you at a right price.



tlurinn ilie ci-'niini;

Chik BpMla of Ktateler and MU*
‘ ■
.hip ot Bar. Mr. Keoaedyt
Lorooa Ball CrookbHe, bImi of KlegtDaatt Roll.
Churcb rabed and paid ii
lar waaa Mimed Salnrdar aflatnooo
WUIla, the IS-yearold too .rf Mr*, til purpoee. |3.1»li«.
Joitleo John Verier. Tbor
Joeeph Wllhelai. died 1 □nday after a
make tboir borne In Klacnlar. lanamg brbi lllntte. He wa* a bright boy and 1 year,
left n large nnMBer of friend*. The'

P»BBk Bsia of tba Bk Rapida
fcm at HapIMoa aaet a eollactloo of
Potbiii applaa to 8L Loeta Idoodar to
tte BgileBltnrBl ocUHi. roprM
tto prodoeu of tba ptolMola.
Bpploo aro tbo tpaat of Uat aarieir
•oao ta tUi aacUoo tUa roar.

In this Store
Quality Conics First

Tiaieisi City S'ale eank

\Vc h.ivtr ttsiablished a repiiiatioii

square dealing






lor honest shoes

pn/e\i-ry hiuii'y. ami


We are showing the new fall and winter Furs. Now is a
good time to buy them while assortment is as fine as
it is. All the new styles In are here.

s.-itisfa. iion-irivintf

shoes to all otir customers.

Of course we shall have fall am! wino-r ooo.l- .irrivuij’
every day for months to come bu; we


........... I


sortments of fall shoes in all departments.

We want to mention



iarly adapted to fall service

they are so pecul­

Lttaihers of wiiivli


shoes are made keep on the w.nt'r and are alwav- -oft
and pliable.

Prices only $ 1.50, $1.75, $2

And it is a good one.


■ I »0u * ftrlr.jr.ilof *

» m*«i» dellira.

of dollan a repalri bare been aada
Arwther Race Meat.
oa the Iron wort*. More money wat
Tbr claaalllcatkm of the bonei tor
•pent in Improvemnitt Ihta year than
■laia bank.
M> aailnee am in be given bare
m» ILTlt-UAW, tba largaot la tba hitapl.
andar the antplcae of tbr|
The proapeett
IWr of that bank. Tbo eamatat In- Travarar Chy Urlrlng Part auoda
(be furaaea aad
tlon ba* been ooaplatrd The daaaet


I. au -nio. M «ii.. b...

„ i •»'!“ •«

“• “7 “

a UJ. b«* .h» j
„ .b., Ui .!» b. »».. n..
“ “
- ••

-'----j bare ycacarday from Wa« So
l« Iba tarn*t la
horea. entered arc ownte by local
men and arc familiar (o Travaraa aiy
Tba Srat brtte wa* laU Mooday
la addition 10 the proapect of the
la tba aaw fadaral bwUlag. oonar
Bata ate Ctea atiwac Today, oa«
Ocib at It It tbc intention of tome'

Man of tba brtte
ia eoaowner. 10 lower ibe ml^ ^ their i

A tor the gray graalu wbk* la uo
war from Seetb CMUtelsr tba
a tba Srtl
Bear ate tba grade IIm.

Baal three It five, halt mile b«u.




here aad the brightening
bare thair aSert oa tba botlna

Rail room pfojad meat* with aa-

pBt of vood, that be bad prariooMy
b«w apIRtlag. Dr. Oanor. wbo wu
- potelBg U tbol oarty boor, wai tteM
la ate laate add# traa tba deop tete

Billy W„ ah. g. Howard WblUag. ,'

The best for tb.-

Feed, meal. Bran, middlinas.

Mid bv w-t'ioul a 'r(rig,r*tor tn« cf

Leonard Cieanabie Refrigerator
An* arr cbaelwtcix I

eorn and Oats

I, e> ccx'ea-n'T-t.'ii a

We buy nothin^; but the best





pure amcie.

Ice Cream Freezers


-e« (. a-a x tell (w* every Mwtn In Ow year
aoc tre

tet orar bt* Ml m ta fbUlog tbal ba
vaa aaMag (Roa corabral



fMl' ^


Buy a Freezer Now

F(» Wood Work aad Furaiture which haa becpiac cuarred
or own. vfacs coated wtth Jap.a-Uai- o reoewed an<1 Leautibed. For aowea*—BriHiaat Black Ja{>a*Lae tv^oogi the
life of wire doth, aad other colon n*^ on the francs makes
ftMiookat good ai aev. also cacsUeBl tr. brighten np
wnteer.pamittiin, Refrigeraun, I.inolenm. Oil Ooihi and

Btfdtlb Prtptrtd Ptiuls

-Trw WenOer- fneM' »• the teat te M Mrtat

e reavers e«r ttock Ac w« ar, .n.king tame gnat euta la aricoo.


P(v a oottefe « MRk pnaOBC.
ck. s.

S* maor telo»r leaa an

tfternoon gatnennte ,n4 even ng ncavtimt eaU «be loa onom

! real,, ewn t Iraeier

HoM Mate Matar Bkynia.
Headlight, br. g. H. a Myat. ovaar.
WaBor Paiga awda bl* dteat oa
Bad PbO. br. g. Oormataa Brae,
Tmalaj oa tba ltd boaa made aotor owaara.
cyda evw both la tU* dty. U raKata M. a m. Dr. Ootmaa. owaor.
•And aboot aU wotea work to bolM
Dogwood, te. g.. Jack Baaele. owter.
ted motet tba tea tegtaa wbkb It
Doc. g g-. Vada Broa. ewaert.
aoMBiteal la orarr parUealar. deaolCUMO
asteg aboot thirty mHaa n boor, the
Bmt thro* la 81% h« aDa baata.
btei apate cB aa erdlaary ridm vat
Bvm Hadoaaia. U. m. W. Uotam.
burnt over IwdmmDaaaa bow. 1**
«BBiM to mectai oa bl* own wbaoL
Noble, tr. g. Rlebard Bgyvold*.
doBaedte BOV eovdaa evaer.


iUcCati Give Vou

I are a* followt:

>. H. Akera. a farmer Ualag
ante-B Croaalag. wa; lonte by hM

Whilt n

• ,»»r. (htra arc •

Bot bow It coBgbt in a mratarr.


E. Wait « Sons
.-tl.- '

Hr. no Kn. Blnl QlMo *!«<■« •<
irtf OM tort «u4v^ ^ t. to. .

m Wtnm «M|[to Vnii«w

___ '. *to« to »M»to« rototlrto


Trar«r«r Cliy wHi l»r daeto' r. Hn

iL^n urf mil AtUMoa

'’'Bn"to Mr. n« Hto. Wn &
• dmUor. to»t. lito.
im amnU of L^mau. Hito- u
rWtlBC M hr* owir a.

“ f’«« ^loB lor tro«CBIAB arii
•topi. II
Mr aol Mra. Strrm of Trarenc
aty ton ntmwi bamc aftor vialtlac toalf too^iec. Mra- Wyakau*.
part t»o vcckt.
I of ladlana tIhIIkI i
ba'OhUM •tatcr acntoo la I*e«
Bkh-cr (be latter par _
rbor lor lb* Paat tom !'•«• Hn.
«no0 tor
H« took *>• ton

HmI itoato Tmatofa.
.Mi*a.«ffatanori---------- t a B. L. * Oa.'a Tto
Ftoanr KSpaOlto aad «t(a to ft m
varur. lata U «at 4«. Oto IMifetB:

fM* to T*m»eraeOtr WMacadar afur aafccrt too
U vHk her nmti bore.
Uia. miara rMta. M. .Mb. Ooe.
Harm-a -nwraaMP. W. Mllraa peat
Tboctoar Mar.
Abon to BobeBtaaa naar la (im
Akun PrMar rtoatos- Naarir aU
ova fanaa bar*.
Hr. aad Mra. Oao. Hama wtn to
ton MflBiUr aaltnc iBBttaa.


Mward ElMta aad «Ua lo >«aB
Cbarto MartoM Toaaabla.
nmt. aee. tt. tarn to. taaca II; «U.
Wa. UStMcbl aad aMa ts Prad fL
bat Hay Lasbar Oa. to Laa
Lavla. W *, Oiorar Park; MMCobb, tot Id. A^oaa Baaart; IIM.
, 8. U Otaar aad wUC to Paalto
Lae 8- Cobb to Btob B. Many, tot
kaa: H<am.
(roc. a-M irc
fan M
od Mt
noa a.
n. n
.lac HiMIral uaatacsi.
i b.m
fact of cM bd tf. Uoab
* I. P.
teer Barl««>B ■« wtib aa aed-ijrd add: r».
V... laat Tburadar. He cane la tn-,
(>BaJU>a A. Hoaroe to Carrie
It: tl
(act with bin (aibor-> ax. reeelcla* a j pi«c*. tot li.
a. Uocfc t. P H.'a IM a
'toad Dooclaaa aad a
daap ca«b la hU forcara. Dr Hlaeh »*ao
nod «BHa root «aad
T. »
Ma dmaod tbe oonad
Cbarlea. 8T
WHbalH. « al ■- Hrarr
Joba n<-eaa» baa r
t aad S. aa
. adcbtnrWillard Wcbaler aad Cbaa. Millard; g,ru„B. a
W !•»■
of ...
lot 7.. block A.
■lac o>rt. Ua tral la
lu Haalalot
;ih BdJ. tl.uto.
June* of Craad RAPldt
pbllanr B. TrarU to Fraak
aretred Salorday cTcnlnk for a cult junj lo, u. Omrr Park. »H
Tbe aannal eoaleecnee la ooeaertlnr
«Hb ber brotber, F. J Hopkian
p q,, ,
lib tbe aitanal caaip atectlad of tbe
boatlar vlto oaa of tba baai ma
bM a haatW
8e.,-nlb Day Ad.eaUtt. will t.' beld
Praak O ' nt Thread lake rro'c. near Flint, eotr.
A. M Boilb
le Tram-rtc fHijr
bAk ;. P. iBcnelnr SeplemUT !.'•
It eooilnu. Ratordar
Bind wa» blowlaK ao bruklr that H „ ,
Hiebva! CnnBihuloocr

Gohle to Klehard Hurltutt.
la puitli
hnlldlBiP from b

iSfaSSS ..?

- Sl'-i

rs s

•" ‘



a brtof WM toa imdlHn «< aa
dtar by aaato ct 1 J. Ilwi.
itoa. O. nir yean b. waa
4 wlU ktdaoy dtoana aad

CtoMF. bit *. Pito toK Ht^^toto ^
P. H.’a tad a«: tum


■aibMii’a Antoa Batoa. -•
Haa *arld.wlda torn «
im. h aarpatiaBa aay naan ann.



ea ito Ri^ to toaiilata raec
B«l oa torib tor Brer aad I
tmMea aad an toraa of ai------------------- --------------------------------------------- .
Oaly SOe fluaraa ble lor plica Cara naraalead Oaly
Drat Store. 8 K.
a' JobOKin'c Urac Blora. M &
r H Head*. Iirar Wan A Kno> and P H Haada. fln«-



0«-«BM OWM fM4k*CM

Q .KoSalDCer
Hr aad Mrv
d Mn. Waine Want.
Oblo arc clilllac ibdr «n and Uau*h-1 Ml Whlunaler crevk.
■' rold. ITlday. a non
aad olbrc frioadi at ihia place.
ouitc• dimcuK tn find bai 1 botuwi.
laai Tuea-l
ir acLiiol ramaieaec
Robert Wood
Mlaa Bcrtlc Uaru of Oblo !•
rtiaiB|»e>, parcel.
jwo dIIIIod Ala.ncanr
vtfli Hlaa l.aila Cart u teacher '
ter aaAbor and other reialirpt
and wife to O. E. Car ' tomiriiit pane* of d.t.i»-p-i. -So nc-.!
Mra. Stella Cbanc ba> iHurni
lb of Ibla placv. were qoiellT ter. |..t
Oak HriRbU. IS"*
•» Burdock Hloo.t lllti. r. rure. Ai |
Detroit where ahr ba> been a
to Tracer*.- Cll.r Saturday.
Adam Huff, by J Huff. rardUs. lo ! tai dm* More.
Haladay baa placed a larye Henr> S.-.-mllliw. lot t. bloek S. Para |----------------------------t'tllare till'
The rapldl> InrreaaUic lutHilalloo ..I]
U Aehlev C. Elder.' ,,
Pretadlni; Blder U t> BmwiiAm arenue
Irt N O. SkIcCT of Cedar laR TueMlav
j ADiiparh left I'rtday b
lunday with tbelr parent-. Carrel bad rharye of the tneeUar.
al TracetM Oty las SanirJ. F Dim of Ua Anielee. C-' “
• " - —
>. I. Sklrer.
m body will ba taken b
JT bwtot Totoday.
r ,4 education ■< haa an chiIIoo oo m
) Wbo ara an
dealrmhle Iota, ableh will douMleaa be
(suina i»;
Eelher Coalea
'' purebaeed
_____ Fltber. H. L N.ewa,
» Mr. and
Tripp »
I rialilnit her pareait. Mr and rMi
rM.. Wm I
L M. Bowarmaa. Mr. aad Hrt. J. VAodlior i>-n- rnl ii
ly rtmveBtloa at Uriaait no
a«y, Hr. aad Mn. J. M Woodward,
Elder llarnce iiroarhod hl> larewrll I
Uttle Fern.- tlofen la qulu- III
i> deli-cate< from here
. Sol Impoaelble lu be |ir>-pai
aad Hn. Pater Mato. Hr
VI' L. Dnian and
I w-rmon In Orant church lam Sunday
». Uary Deal, eleier of Mr*
.... Reb'-raerboen't
. Albert AuiilD aad Mr. and
I fir Tbooin*' Keb-eirle <11!
Sheridan, with whom ehe has been

STS Mra. U 8.ns,.



llvlnx tor toe paat fe» yc»j>. paaaed
awa> lam>. Her fuaeeal
wa» bald la the rbnreh at liurdlekille.
H<-r raaalae wete lioried healde ibi
- Ki'lloiu.
of her pareau Hr. and Mn.
ir ibe lam
Mn. Dial had be .
?r. aad Mra. S. I Lake are movlos tereoieen y-an and bi-IHdclen
Hn ierone Abbael b<
_. C. Uwli haa retticsed lo

ana. They ihlnk Vonhem MlrhixAB
a flB< plac'.
School lu dircnc .So. 11 b.'(aa b
Honda! wlih Ml>r Nellie TbompauB
.Ml— TboapaoD l< boardlny
will. Mr. I\ l< Dixon
Hurl.l.-b.rri-. ar.- quite (.Imilful
L.'Bcuora laai>!
Week and relumed wllh oii* bi.-hel.
aoOM'lliinc oulle utueual
■al. broiiabi
Allr.-d laole bar UMiabI a i ,m and
Wni Lake diwre oeer to Trarene
ilrlilni: lior.e ol Fred Duell. 1 . UBTia
a toad of Boodi for bli (a- over here leal Thicaday. Hli lather hue iK.iiEhi Ihe Cole larm an< ■ipeeu
r.aumed wicb bim lor a
uulld a
coaled hum.' Tburaday.
Hn OIU Horton aat
\fe are glad to wele
^Ma aad eblhlraB diw
r neiRhU.rbood
Ij Taaaday.
III RiEBar la lalUnp i>l a.
Bicwt onuuRBa
Bbmt Abbaa bare raatod Dab PralC

« Mr. Tbt._„------------X Allearil
Dwrawlac. toe prwewada
_. wbb
. ..
I atoM fid tor Ihe benalt of ibe achoola.
elpal and

Uella Sfaunk hare luir.-d
■rralward acalB. lu
y bne a poalllmi aa
a alao aetlDy aa drawln:

hmw never to rei
WUIard Kaab l<
Mr Tuilen I. able In (
Ito dtftrlel p« a well down
Ur. Whaal baa bolll i
OM day laat wwakjBder kla bourn- and bull a porch
- - -tad a few «
Hn. Oluter of CfaviM-a. UIcb.. I- <1: .1 Quarlerl) n
apaed Friday .
_ mar at h •. Sbunk'a
I da.< and Ode
hoMT of bar fdxuaDto birthday as; lull houae anWho Cl
hw wnwn
iTirwwy- atw
beaair Qb' ptetod 1<
■rad MM all raport
la enlertal
a. John llrlliTirb
da) btoldc (tolarber
ail! (Mill
Ida SbuDk I
Ruby Millar la qulu alto.
work Is Traver
Orpha Qualfa hu been r
Our tehool haa no) liecun >■
e are walilay antinuair (or
Mar^Tj llherini: hae liad ihcFii
■a over them nlreiy.
alrk }u*1 iM-fon- th.-» e
VM. Uwdtto «f Tnnat Chy wbi
Hn U. Clauaa and aoa Ruaaell and
Ulaa Slella Alwood and Mlaa Cariaoii
r beamllnl e-<iuage home b*-r<-.
up caltlai; on Hn. Bemar.1.
iiH *r.enl a .-oiipl.- of
A. Nelaon. who 1« <!oln« bualne-a
a)« *1 Trivcr*.' Clrv. iln- k"'-h >'f
Ba <.
la Cadillac, la hone on a rlall.
tr. and Mrs- T. Uoullon.
Joba Patertoa hat fakiail polaos In
lira. Thoms. Mouliou ifroic doeii

aatna a>d Mlaa Habbal
trd a»d taaally apeai bc
k to WlittoBtburB rlattb

5.^*1~ Bwtem^bBJbm
I. ac<Bt hara,
____________ j4b wan Weda ba Will tAMt bla old

• -I aseot
____ ___ _if y hu


I an tod uBiaarTtod mtr
oat erwr to Oraaa

« waa aone (mat here
■I but not enoufb to

Urw. Clerelaad of Traverae city
vlalllng her alaler. Mrs. E. Howard.
■*T^k BcMinand UtoOr and Archie
The Cbk-ki-n pie social held Frida)
y atovoe W«w to TmTeraa Oty Bator
Tcnlng wae a auceeas. Twenty dol4kr. TdUntoB bosto Snaday.
ira waa ralaol lo be paid the pastor.
MH. Oaa. rttgk MI aad hart ber
Ura. Champion hai beeu quite sick.
-toaerioualy Satarday.
She U a little baliar at this writing
Ur. aad Mrs. H Btondlih of Inlerloebrn visiied at Oren ?*riosra yemer-


SoDie oI the young pi-apk- ftvni h.-r,
went lo Copi-mlah last weak to the sol­
dier*' rminloB. They fepon a good

____ ilerJ.

‘lu Arbop

XSToaopbe.. _


At toe meetlag of the West I'nioo
Aid last we<-k the tnembert bad their
pletarv taken and also presented Mr.
Oarao* la ptoBarias tn build
aad Un. Baron with a pretlv quill,
which was aecepied wllh s few kind
la thmsb tbnahtog (or
• ad apptoprlsle remsrkr from '

BB atariad far Oaaada oa ,
le upper peolaiula.
- -s. Chaa. Morrell and daugbler
Myrtle of Benton Harbor are rlsluag

ik A/W. b
1.M (Ham

f, a VOkr and wUa bare k
* Hr. and Hre. C. Hobi

Stanley Burke of Ib-niloii st- a n
-r here laai wcwk
if Traverse t'Uy a
tl Frl.lB!.
linger and triend
- through los'D Si
Ml- Sarab Ihinn will leave Friday
3e Hi.aouri (or Chicago where -he
mill allend
high school
Miss t ir> E Baxter la t|H-ndlng a
le. week! at Maple City.
AllM-rt Welch and tamlly leave ibla
week lor Olsdatone. where the) eipeci
lo take up their resldeoee
We an- pi-a*<t<l to oote toai Mr*,
-w. who saa very III a few days
Iasi wv
of Glen Haven
aaed iIbrougb here Friiia.v aftsraoon.
Atlornev Tweddie ivf Empire ealled
on Mr. Helm (Saiurday
Fred Shorida of Glen Arltor aped
. .e. .i..'. in Town last W.w-k. visiting
Mr* Samuel Beal, died at the home
-ol her slater. Mrs I, F Sheridan, of
Glen Arbor. Uleh.. Wednesday. Scf
lember 7. IMH. Mrs. Beals has been a
great suff.-rer for almost Id year* and
waa willing lo go when her Maker
ealled her. She wa* one ol the ploneerv ol (hla aectlon ol the country

ft estimable woman,
wa)a real ly to lend a helping.
o those li need. For to* past i
rs Mrs. B .'bD haa been lotollv 1
Mach road aaktag baa been done blind and almost an Invalid during
that lime She has made her home'
wllh hvT sister. Mrs. Sheridah. ...
aearlj tea yew*, where she haa been
Hiss LbIu Maraball baa charge of rery leoderly cared lor. The (aneral
e acbool at dUtrici No I ''
*.Trte»w were bold at the U E. church
O. a Bald
• •
mother ud Mrs. at this place »lday at 1 o’clock p. m.
Iwla's Dicce are ritlilng them from
, AUccaa.
who waa aaalaud by Rev. i
Friday evening was enjoyed by aboui •'am*. Tb.- remalaa were I
twenty of our young people ai a in the Roar HIM eemeter)

t Liadtoy of tbe
M today (or
(< a tooath'a rUlt

■1 .pr<Miper
eo)o> a long we>lili-d
le iheir UI--I) aa.iim.-d r.-imiK.n> Tb.coulracilng panle. left W.alni-aday aI
leroooD on a short huaeymoon trip,
after which they will go lo Iheir nra
homr in Maple Clly.
Mr*. Fi-:i-r Wursburg is 111 al ihSa
"^PTO* Stanley Garthe ol Ihe manual,
iralnlng school ol Iron MousiaJn. sou
at Mr 1. Garthe of this place, wa* unit
od In marriage Iasi week lo Mlaa Nora ,
Hanson of Wilaon. Mich . si thai plarnMr. Oarthv I. a very popular young
man and ba. a large rircle ol lru-od»
here who viieml cungraiulailon*
Ur*. Walter Gordon I. >laltlng rrlallve* at Ihis place
Horn, lo Mr aad Mr* Franct* J
FTallek. Friilay. Sepi ). a daughiev
nrlan. imci of Mr. and Mrs. I i..


‘t* oldt'f one*

..................... rll.
tovlii-d mjuy«


Something Unusual
To be able to get you e Carpet or Linoleum this time of the year at a big cut price. Our
new stock of Carpets. Linoleums and Rugs is arriving daiiy. We have received 65 rolls
of carpet this week and we are crowded for room. We have a large assortment of rem­
nants and parts of rolls that we must dispose of to make room for our large fall stock.
Here are some of the prices:

Wriniii lu.schi- i.-fi
Mis. 1b-ll.- Lai-ki-! of
Mr Frvsl Ilwgo ol Noi
uhlted In marriage al tl
on Tuesday allertuiuQ
Rev. peel* nfllclailng. 1
tam.-fuMy deeoraied In

ISc Carpet lor


Our 25e &irpet for


Our 55C Carpet lor

- 2^

Our 40c Carpet for


mating «Mwt, Cm* Stsvet aad Haags*
Kaccplionalljr eauaorilinan- biK vxjoc* for early buyer* in llettiaf
Stove*. Coitk Stove* an>l Range*.

Wc Iiave juri receiveil a targe

full carloa.1 ol cook stove* ami range*, an-l we will make it an object
to thoae buving before the ru*h i>( the
Move teaaon begin*
A gooil ait light

Healer, heavy tieci

body (not the common toect iron), caal
part* of

leg*. Urge c*H aerew draft in fronl. large

Strictly All Wool

cover with nickel urn, cheap a( $2, now

e of the biggeM value* ever ofterevl, we hsit-e 7 or 8

ly Miss Heart Westen.
aliended by Mr
d HIM Sophia nag.
rall^ Lgckr!
Robert MclAUghllii
A reception
the bride's B.Kher I
nomluT of rvlame.
luwiiiKuI and useful
lam . ..
The eonln
Wlllobee did ..
Irid*! (or a trip lo Chicago, after
have be<-o done Ibit (all
vlaHlns at Men neraard'a yetienlay.
srlll<- ai Fort Oneld*
Tbe pr>-sldlDg elder. >1
r. Heaib
Jiton Peiersun la ilowly recovering. and quill- a niiuiber Irnui
friend- erienil eongralul*
lU, who
alter «ervlc<- down lo Mr* Chandler'
from ber boggy. Is gaining a
and admlnlaierv-d ib<- Lonl'a supper u
Mn. Uary Hyen of Olea Arbor
Mr*. Chandler. Sbt- ba* gol too firehle
lo allend cfaurch any more. Ur*. Oban
dler I* an year* ol age aod Intoll.-ct
home In LAWMnee. Kanaas
rally aa bright aa al iwepiv.
Me«rs F b>eel*nd and A. nrare .rf
Ilamey n( Angola. Ind., wllh
ere ritittog Un. Barnard.
Saginaw *|.eni a few days ol (hi* w<s-k
Mlaa Ufkle Jobnam. was' down c
In loan ih.- guest ol 0 fliebblns
Ing on Harr Inman and normce n
Mia. EKeela Thoma*. aceoinwnlevl
They h
nard Sunday.
by her brother Roy U-fi Monday (or
yi-ar*. and ihe^plsuure (hr! a
Ollvi-I Culli-ge
Ml*. Maude Burge, alatiu- of Mrs
Matlbewa, la leaching In Ihc kinderii-odi-0 rhiirrh lealerda)
^rtec. Ml*. Irtah baa aaaumetl Ihe
Tbe toreablng machlae wbiml
ro macblniw were heard every day
J Vanaiier apeni a t.-w da!* el
lai week. Oae la owned by W Ram
ry and tbe other by J. Keeardy ai
i>ib am dotog good work.
Tbe crop <4 euinpaay pmi are tut
ig out betier than iipecied. b
wheal aad oala are a light crop and
■•oor quality
Hr. Klddar'a ■leier-in-laB and ale
from Van. Boren euuniy ure vielih

•Iciigned low price arte-

. wedding wa. *j>li-mB
kiaa of Ibla place when iheir daughK-r
HI*. Myrtl.- waa unlie.1 In marriage i*
Mr. Hob.-n McLAUgbllu ol 111!. lUpi.l*
Her DeeU uaelallug Tbe ronirari
Ing panle. were atlendeO u> Mr an.
Mr« )>.-! Dago "I 1‘ort Oneida. i
day pterionw.-r<- marri'-d i:
lb<- bri.i' and gruiD ar<- well known n
(bla coiiDi- tbe bride having teslde<l
ni Northpori since her mlano
gratulaiUrn* and hearty gcM

r.en town and spent ihn day arnl night
I Mr>. W. Golden *
Ml*a Dnniel" irf Mi. Plraaanl will
nacb tbe Ugdensburg acbool tola
ear. eoamcnelng this murnlng. She
- hutoe wllh Mr.

denon •
nard Bnailay
IrA Kaui.

.Aim. ihc B.AKKRS

Monday i
Ing fnim lAwreoce. :
Mr. H. Darla ol P
gvie.i of Frank Davli

tolls of bcavT Ingrain, worth 46c,
L'ai|<l foi 49c.

for. ool) »Hc.

Some beautiful patient* in TipeWrj BrotocU tor

only 11.26.

It will not pay you to turn


Some beiDliful |<*ttems Id Velvel. with or without ba*<ler, for

out your cook glove for hettil^ pur-


Some beautiful paltemv in .Axmmsicr, worth u high ai $1.76,

(loaei when

bir onlv il U.'i.

In all these we luve a nice aasniimenl nf patirms to

you can gel a good little

heater al ihi* price.

agleti ftoni

16 ibffermt liiet an>1 Hyle*

id air

tight heater*, ranging right along from
$1 27>to $12.76.

Som« bifl cuts on Kugo, Oil eioms. Cin-

Sii itifferent Hyle*, four ri*e* to a Myk,

oloums. China and 3apan mattings. Cocoa

of Oak






fully nickeled, bum* either wooil or coal,

mattings, and all kind ot Tloor Coverings.

codniienang at $6 -*dl.
Kite iliiierent

Ttne tb pay if you wisb-

*t>le*, three tise* lo Ihe

Hyle, of aof( coal heater*.
Tliree ditlerent Hyle*, three *itet to Ihe

For Early Buye
good big diccooDt.

le Beil Blankets we


style, of hard roil heater*

g:.c )-nu a

ixll stock,

We have jott recei'c-l

good inducemenu to buy now.


We are HrictI) hearli|tuner* for all kiada


ol novel. Hove ].i|ve, suite board*

Kini is a large aasonment


slvow you the Urge*! aew'iinent and <|oale

wlea from, second a gtx>I big aaving in pnee.

vou tbe lowest (irice*
We also Offer yv^u the xamc a.ivimage in ConiiTwlen, Itcl

lATgc assortiseni ol Cook Stove*.

Spseadf anil Pillows, in tact all kin-1s of Bcrbling.

I’eBiniiilat Stove* for $fi.76.


A gOOil cook

We Still Have a 1C- OI Ih.rse aarujde
l.v It.


A goovl, well

:<-|neec suit

lor ool)

A Few Sample Siiaeboards jet
that we can save you a l.oi of laoney on.

wi'b my
• be kid

a«mn reworied lo Ikmn's Kidnej mil.


a $.16 sun lor fJT.7.'.

- (amllT

Ihoae orgaa. are loeaied I read alwul
and knew persons who had used
Doan'. Kldne) Fill, and -hi* induced
me to in them They straightened me
up In a shon time and the anion „l
tbe kidney aecrelbma was ren.ler.-Tl
Some lime aft.-r-

Suns to .lose


SIS 7-^ The same protrornon right aluog up to

easy manor ir> verb
Surely you eannot
proof than aueh eonrlu



solid oak



|iatlem<- mirror, w-orth $Ih7R, for $1*75.


A Few Sample Odd Dressers
I $6 76. $7 75. $h,7.'i in-1 up to .i beautiful $26 .Ireeser for $19 7-5

An Ononville baby eMdenily iikea



yuo! tietl






large encaaeil copper leaet-








liunt eithet wwa!

guarantee to


fur only

trom one-fourth lo one-half on.

lew of






aocdhing .ynip The other day I: awai-1
lowed a whole boitleful ol toe muff,
but. strange lo axj ihe effeei wa* any
thing bm toMbtog
It took a pbvai-;
elan several hours lo key the child ;
from going to sh-ep peTwtoneaily


r. will

Several Sample Iron
Beds that we can sate you

in aeed of * good kidney medicine.
Pbr sale b> all deab-r.. Fnc<cenls Foaier Mllbum I'.i. Buffalo


era] Id ' Ci, raoging iighl along from ihcm t.. a
!.eaui; $6ti i;.lcboarl lor W.l 77.,



Vv6tl for $4.76; worth

SKI for

$2.7.7.',, an.l



range nght




Range, JaH like cot, very elalioralelt

SeteraJ of out Beautiful

ntckele.l. others wool ',

hate to get $46 for, out



Tables u “ eaceixionally big
If you need "»»« Dining Chan or chair* of any de*criptioii.

Then we hate the celebrated

now a a goe»l tune to get toetn, as we have *eveal different syie*

Moore s Ran;;e. witli

thal we casly have from 1 lo 7 ot 8 chain of a nyie thai wc will etora.
need lor |i
Doan * Olnimeui
Caa'i harm hr most delicate al
any drug a re, 50 c«DU.


along $27.76, S2U.76 and $3.1

Voo can

eter c» oven .i.sor. aJio a Large

probably find ja« vhnl

line of iliat

It la (bene am' save at leas ooe-third on price.

best of all


raeger. the ijuick Meal

a the
aooto Taeeday brw«bt many from
Bnriea oouaiy u> risll friends

as. —a—., .g

Daridabarg. MM-h
Mrs T . .Headersua and son Karold tUlled a lew days
X switch Invnied by!
here They apeni the s<
ral Baal
ngtoe man.
Ba) aad iwioraed i<
mId.'Bt papUe will
V Ihiereated.
Ciud Rapid. Friday
‘ JWWy room mnj
mnst soon I
Leroy Huasa eateruleed hU teiber
to eapo^^a^i^U a Tew daya lam wwek.
switch to tJtal riiy.
jj^^^Owakhltn I. asmnxH, (, m.

"3.27.S;,''SuT- '*"


for (urty years Or. Pbsrtor'a Extract
SUBWbunr haa hwa eoriw
siTtotoer ceapiatoL dynmtorr. di.w.
boito Moody Bag. pato to toe am
•od tl AM masmr yqg (BBad ««4a


Wholesale and RetaiL


Oltojr* KlSa I

Reliable Home Furnisher
1^torwu|Stotonir$ltto, IMltoSa.



mim i


Rardvarc Oe. bat Ftoet atraac
eoaU alaae tkara ta a rarfeir la prtea
atUkaa^ Tfc« Bawlu iiM»* tnw $US la H-00. aad atao aaiBitiai^'mm mu u> mcmt um HIM mi oa rcata plorc. A (aU liae of a
■■■Mill itaB Iv. It (1 lUUd tk*i » llloa to CD la tka'reMf. taa.
aw Mnw fro* Um Tmc tbc turn
FMlaaar la irhal tka pabUe U looklac (or- Thai If «kat the FMwIeh.
rua. (Hiker aea'a toe aboea are.
wail aa tke J. HUt A Ca. kick eoi I Lapeer eoaatr thte Ml ibai
rreral reara paet-ke aea (all aad vlDHooebua's aew water ir
IB. ai Bd Iwaiaar'a
wberetir that eitr aeearaa water
III Oaloa cireeL See tfei^'
tke Ham MdkCd. will be la opera^ ujaftM tktt fatCMtfcfc** nv Ike viadenr aad rao will la«
cat flC kr CM Jm>»
D bnkaa for a

Tmi-Tmtomta aait m.nAeu.e.

Kind You Have
PM TheAlways


tk> tfrtl aathcrttlM at» ptmvIbi '

Proiaales Ditostian£k«tfulyOTllAHCOTlC.

depM will (ollow a
■ car elrtklac hn U ere with *
Ucfeied dear.
Owoeea tor had BoaelM aad tea
doe* lora (roa Hba while piartac (o«.

oBber of Ike atate'i aMat proaleeni IccaJ IlckU aad polUklaa* were
CBlbend le Ike k>bbr of tkP BaaeroR
booae al Bactaaw recoonllnc tke |n
a dar « Ml. aotk- dldaJ eonreBtloo proceedlac*- In ike
group was Joka J Canon of Pllat.
e tbaa aa
er of tbe kooae of repreMbia.
rocker to read ike eeralac caper In.
lice rwellBlac eoeek for Ike ereaaooae. Millar K Mom <d Bart
bad led fur eeveral boor* tl
ProBl rtreei bare a full liar of botk

li w tanw .edseed. Iksi aeHta aatoe

nras And Lobs o r Sleep.

Mrs. Rosa Adams,- niece of the late General
Roger Hanson, C. S.
wants every woman
to Know
know 01.
of. the wonders accomplished by
Er Pmldiain's V^ctable Compound.

that bare (net bean metrad by
.Mtai Hack are of aaeh aarlety tl
Itatoii Bade II dlMaH to ebooae bt-'
twdea tbe«L Ctae hare tke ataovriag
4tm or bay Ike paiteraa Tfet aetkod
aea# to oa tbe tamooe aeMaai traae
far paper aad eaa be aeed aa llaeo.
Ml Blaaa. cfelM and eeaa tor woa*


t .dalBtr laaafe to Ue abort
. A fese an or oyster aabd-

Ike OaHad Butaa BteH caeparaOem.
ctotrol of which tke Raefeafeltora had
raewnUf wiwtod (naa J. F. Mo
abouM nut be made Ike oUaci of grot-

Tb...... (tna 3S




o fMIhsKoe
.. KoualyHOc


'l“ ................ iVlif-j
J-'Kh A lAdlA

j‘af?.rp5Lw :

i.v liallh' Cr«-*>k llalli Journal
Kiida.i afienusm b<
cs iin>- nisil.»R >
inanavina edilor. 'ok hl« Rambler
.iii.ibil.- in Ihe all'-,, aiiai'lieil

ii-i-rsr;: S:

'MS:;:;,l‘.“,... ;

he rear aiU , and ran ihe tnaehlne
'he neve.




1M..MAS s. AIiliKV h.e..u.-

We Make and FH.
the Round Oak Fumaec (ugt m
carciullv and good as ar« do the
well known Round Oak Stove.
Economy of foel-durakility —
Ireincndout hcatin# power—
/Yr/i-gy central cf flu fin—
perfcci work-

mti vowity. im,



wood—art ihc tcaiu-ci that

Round Oak^^

tier, a b. lOM. a^ (tat iwCaBta wM bn


agent and learn1 all ah






r A. mmstoL. a r

I. Kftx pta li.imt


Trmis ta*.* Turwa. Otf iJO a w.. maD—ua, a< WaBta Im aw4.

a vtall to the pratadent .o learn;
mwaotam. aod rMtav
If aetloa oader the Sberman art would | cure tka pauw le wklek tae
be eoBtlBued nalll the I’alM Bute..................
coropontkm vat dltrolrca. It ti

(. Ibe Hiaiaer. X Ftaat BL

k; vlfTSe 3^''po^ d ^ ^

AdH.., Mlah.


prcaldeet: -Tberc will be war.•Tkea there will be war* tke tavM
mi exclaimed Tbe law akaU be no
by-word with lae"
It U aald that Vice FrtuUeBi Rog■•. aotae time aRer tbe Bog
mm todakm avlaat tbe Itotkcro
8r«arllMa comimay. delivered aa nllldam to the ptwaldeeL la tke i
ttc Btaadard 00 eompaky.


i-t. 'id ProbaSe. [
.u.iflra K S.wwiaa. I



fri S'



*001 UsM sL

a uess. lOreac. durshk-. (slTsolsnl Ua.
ArsMvU ly ik>. P.>uussi.t-U«bmsL
in of
b-t II


aaN. B9 Frowt atrwet.

' er


# —•

Ladies Only.

For Over
Iliin» fears

'I--:--'-' ■

and alao a Bee llae of dlnlkc Ublea.
0H4. TW twiMiilir ia chM ne of Hlcblc
MTtad tMa ate ■( Mdutn yoterdar
feat It la BM auiad la U<k dreln
b, ofpvctallr
r< oo Ike whole than Ike aim
tfeat Ranvatkla PThkatlr haa aot l»
CTHiTTOtlon. There were ax
mpoutid did for me. aul
laa^tlea a« to tbeir afeeraabuai
aapter aea tall tkat tke Jobuoa Draf
tbe ills peculiar to ibc ti-x. exueme la Miiuor sod that all gone
w aad parliBeirmartaD* u> i
sroold..■im BJ bed in the morninc leeliOg
coopaar an eelllac for (4 and JS
B'lre tired llisn
Ihsn win
Uog en'ire
n l°wet
F teal iban usually adorn >ii
to bed. I
■fore I had osed two bottles olit Lydia K. Pk
Pinklmm-s Vegea twekace. Alao Ike robber
table O
caibertnc*. Bu(. pardon me.
epoace* tber handle are droDcer ao.l berrafier you pile B) ebolm- of i
.............—____ I bsd ever
better ibaa Ihe ardtaarr kisd Verr
of enoventkio I deeirr lo pre«i
cu 1 heartilv reeomuseod iL
rial to aa ollr ekio. alao draw
II will lu- Ihe good otd-faelluuie-l
■ iliwaaa capita) of a Wacataa im
my truly. Maa Boss Ai.sue. spy inh .. UuiisrilW. K.voul black beada aad pliaplea.
(fea talaad <rf ftlaaidr. oac at Ike Xuwith leu brimanry and Br.Abj- wuraeB who nrr troahlesl with Ip.
worke of Ihe lawyer brand, but laUer
l«a map ta ifer aortfe at aad IwlaacrefBlar or painful tnenatmatJon, weaknde up of good, sensible, k
IM W iapaa. feiiaa WaacMn Iran
leucoirhtpn. displacement op Bleepbeaded fanaen. A cooreniloo
atioti of tbe wotaK tl»at benrtD^c _
e tecood boor o( Baroer
jral delecaiee for mlne.feeUllE. InllaBininilim of tin- ovaries, back-Arfaa, goicni cU-Mlily. iinil oervous pros,
Oeologlau end Binrraloloclet* ksve
le tacce rarteir uf top I■acr1e■'. given Ihe opinion ibsi Ibe
tratlon. sliould know ibi rc is <>ue tried
carriacee, pbaeiooe and ruad wecooi.
ajtd U-ue pomedy. l.jUla E- Pinkham'a
frrat* of llaktalng
of whlek, owlna lo ibe lateDeea of.
Veireubie CompouDd. Sc other luctlkiBo
farm of Prank Hnrd, oorlh of t’oloo
at oai ralca. R roa a/r eoi
ferwoBieB has pc-eelved Kiinli nide^preud
Mason be will Bake a cood ndiii-.
Indiceie tbe preerace of c
1 ailk roar aaakaod umiuallMesI Indorsement. No otliep
a <■ lu doer out for the rooilns
Blneral dcposlis. tad (be
feW at feam. Btrr H to tlw
medlelue has sueham-ord of female eures.
winter iiurk of slelche and riillen
tMa aad thar afll rvlani II trmk aM
• nrait felR* Ilwrnsw; —I sm rrrr pleased
are (kai a company wfll be formed
to rrr,.n..m. r.i Lvdla F-. Plokham's VeKc4Ma aad Milafactarr. TkU aollm l>
tabie CulnpouBd for womb sed ovsriso dieiunlBake inresilgailaci.. Pour bara. have
tm vfeai roa an> tafetac tor. Wri«ki
fU* erolred froa the ilmaad aw
lie* froDi I' lo. li 1 Love bei-ns sufferer for vesrs. It
been erected apoci anarly (be tame
the only toed.eine wtiiehwas
wt.iehwss Iat all binefli-ial.
IF EUtaheih Almond IbIb, will
file oo Mr Hurd's premlee*. and they
and selthio a wn-k aflrr
r J1 started to use n, i
111 la iklllful hands, remote that c
hate Iwen sucCeMteely elnick by llgbla.
A fecrfaet aawfec that caa fea Malgad as* to noBBoa lo maoy skins *
cacod of that IIIIF I softer
nnpsiest the mensiroal
la traair wUfeoat tka alUfeteai daaaar produce a aofl. Iresh, clear complesli
luirophles occuniac last week. Mr.
•dwith IhuM-dlstn
< «r fta Utt«c WMvan. tkar an vbai By making the akin bcallby o
paioo wim-hnfli[»n,.d me K. c« le Vd.and j LavS
Hurd has beee allrlbuUog the dbia.
' raa an looUa< tar. ttnUckt fere
lere lo Ihe mallgs Influence of a hcs.
I al
doo. bul tke ecleflUsl. hare reliev(<d
1 Bad that
fteiinr iti^. aod I net bare that tired
aMaa afeop aad an pnfartir aatJataceverr womao ought t.. uv tl.i’. g^nd n
laur la aa adacated taitc. R. W
C. nainral causes, m ' fcr ii s^Sld*^™'lu x ;lu Youra eery truly. Uim iitsie iJa.vro
Ihe surtace depoeliH I DaBolo BL. Memphis T<
To you lo hopw ibei oo Sainrdai
s vkinlly weri^
ext tbe LaOrelll Caedy Company w
Dota'tbaoltalc to wHte to Mnu PInkbam. She will iindeewtand
WMk ear aa* tan airaal bala to cate; bHI. lhal day oely, ihe legalar » ee
la tka laaw W ifea awat bwiidloaa frsli boa boot for leti reels. Asl>
from this eapeclal sale, they keep
tall line of fresh am rnfatf* Juai ihe
Tha taraal opeatag
iMng for Ihe holiday fruit cakes, soon
■0 be atade aad laid away for s.
g Invesilgailoaa p
lac aad nse at a laier day
inlerlur depnalu I
THE Bcrr NCitNca —
Will aerer ocear, to loeg as ym
top. WfeUa tkta ta aoi aiwan
itaakU. lamt la <ae «f thoa* gnaiao- menu froiB Broseb t clean, up^odate
It pertari lo cui tad brilliancy, aa
- tmt atahewilai at i. W. HltHkw-a. aad market, wkere la etaaka aloee yoo Bad FU a. rich in priamaUc fB«u. due'
pea woaT aead tbe aaaahlaa. Tbare an eadlea* yarlety. Juicy tender beef- ■ Ibc ileFp rolling of lotrloilr di.ip<,rk v.-*i i
wa two •rtaaa or lota. |1.M aad tt.M. eieakt. or lamb. real, pig pork. i
-,,ii ....
•Igoi. AtldF from our floe line of cm [ i
beih of aturttarWIrar or goM plaia Htklag of Ike terge raHety la other
kladt of frying meala Imrd ailll tell,
nd painted cbinn wire, froa fnili
lag at 10 eeaia.
McKamars. ihe real v.laie ........... |
plaiet. salad bowl*, to the anltUc tall
laakarda. Bi to grace Ibe sideboard of laa as gissl a lls' uf hense- fur salr,'
■ctortwamra. Umkattkaai.
aolssear of Sne an. OiRa caa all
U needed la the booee. now tbe tall |
lUHaeat begles creeping on. What
lhare better lo give boi air than
: Railroad avenue i
Mae alrtlghi befelera or tke hot Waal
Hiller of Holloway. Leaaweetand Slate
oral that can be had at ]
conoty. baa grown a record yield ufiHe also liti
wUh Ike kiat «dM. aorttora wlaler Raab’i alora on Bast Front iireeL To
for bit aertloD from a field of
alaMac roa la tka Bmu. Let aa i
tevcB aerea. The crop la ta buabela '
tkaae Bacte to yea. endaalrot]
that doea e« It
nearly W butbcli per acre.
kRer bavlDC sianed to 8l- Paul tii Keeps the •■pram.n'
■akea ibom cheaper lo you.
rry her lover, Mlaa Uayme Wolf. ■ more, one faa. i.n',> te s
Henaalnee. was pertoaded i
w Ceufity Con
lura aad marry a
the Hloac- I
Lataad. Hick, Bepl. «.-The repobyoung man Mlit Wolfe battal.
To tbe aouTaalrt we earrr la wood, IhBB ermaiy eoavnUon held
1 her alieiiUain between a youto lo hurl the i
afealta. poUaiT or burnt leather, to- aReraaon was karmoaloat la errry reaamrd Arthur While at Harm. ■
■aataltr prMr an iboae of tbe W«Ttaere was a eooieai on for Ike elle. and Harry QlMra of 8t. t»aill. Laa!, *kln min'. sh.~
Enatoac elab. Batan laaflac yoar Domlnalloa for probate Jadge
week akedeeirli-d to accept theofler uf i «<-at(ng st.. i.,
aberIB but only ooe haiW was a<
marriage made by Hr. QIbbs and start ' cei< har.t I'n.
taStoadka aad roalTto larprta^u eary for a tdeetloa. The (Ickri ta aa. «1 for 8l. Paul lAwrnlng of bee de |
-----Ifea aeefea tfearH Bl la at feome daring followt:
termination the olbor suitor boarded' G,»s>. Ijike ..
tfes ladosr Hta. ibe eotoag wtnier. Judge of probate 8. P. Oartks
the aame train at Marfoelle and per-] it,, xet-rmns r.t
TMw am hmr and eae l;r yoorwlt
Skerig. Martin Brown.
ttiaded her to return They were mao ,g,o Inlan'ry
Mfw Tort Tea Oa. BaM Ftaat Bl
Treasurer. Jamrs Kroboer
CouBiy clerk, X Htaihaw
Register of deeds. Cartoa Warner,
Prneecuilag aiiorney, C L. RayUB.
eOartt la Baag. mabogasy,
CIreuli conn OHoBlssImirr L. II
w aad efea^agae ae «
ter oaee ta B«l cbarai
Burreyor. John Porter
Sumeiimcs the hair is
Oonmers. t>r O W rraltck, Dr J. It !• Women
properly nourished. It suffers
Who Ltgbl Rrlga.le
F Bleplcka.
for food, starves. Then
Need Most Relief
out. lurns preipai-urcK
From Little Irri*
i >' ''
NM Afraid Ta Oo RIghL
Criy. Ayer's Hiir Viei>r i:
tatlDg Palos
Waablagtoo. Sept ^-That Preul
and Aches.
<H- rat.n
dent Rooaeveli defied tke Standard Oil
aotaBbie Umee ta what tfer paWta
•ay wbmi H H. Rogers, lu rlcWe do aol eipeet
Ibe half ebau la 8ep- oaleu Ihe iruat prasecntloDi
aleaka. bat afertag


Bears the



Ononr roota,
daetj earpel tkal ha* do
doir fo
I Ml fcr Cmaad rmladac U wU . brtcfel.
«Ml iMv U> IMPMI tk» BkHk iMi. ^Mrrfel lacrala. Upeatir
r relTet.
aartklnc to fall roar pv
( lo«i nefet 00 aar atrle or coalUr.
J. W. suierk. Tk* anriaater rela MM4«
tto J«pa»«M Mn
t* are exqnlaite Is deolca aad taoaar
depth aad bodr. Unk ikea
IM- oalr tlw ■wall aa4 i



Traia las.— Trann. C»y < ta D. la.. taata**i.r al WaiMa aunkataaawlL


RATE $6.00
■■ $5.00

'■vssrjiE?-" —- —
C I, LOCEWOOO, g Jp.*TiA..





mtt.N It. C. BATES. CerrOB.

bird! t* M sroat tbal Ih* doll
(aalbmd varaou oC lb*
ebroBlol*<l with ib«
Ibrougb It In ft
latead. Btar raad- lUtBegt. »*«. oae«*lf ub»**P»»n*i
witbool a bai at
*n rocalany >«»i (or.aewt
uf cnyeBBf pepp«'r *ed obp plat of via Tb* hair need* i
■ ♦
lo OOP peck of UMaatoPt. I'oub keep It beaUby.
Un row* yoa aiaijalMat,
To laaay ih*f« H toowthlaa b*«U
U- ta* bnatk o' Iba |Mr«a i
................................ .... gPtllM tool ■
tut la tk« f**alaril» bad faltblMlo**.
..atblaP oa IbP b*.r II will i
*r mat It Uka^
Itb whIcA lb* factor t*IU oT Ib* do
growa toBttoPt. tbowlng u^ng li to lie aormal color, aad Ve«
•aaplr l*ti*r:
no tlgn. of rtpealag. Cut arnw* oo* • „ „
„^„n.Pd U -ill aoi hon :
DW anril aa' Iba CM M’ tbc aau*
-A Irtier fro« Mlw Kale CoMi*
cif the Ipoglb U'low IbP t'pm j -p^.. Junbure will eooc w««r off
hall and SUi Nana P*i*r» l*H« '•? Cwn-fully rnrtwi lb* w-cd* and pulp! x,ru,g and euanlag ihe half cvi-r
man. tkt tUaa. aa’ llw hae . tbeir welfare. They arc .'.oppla* fur
ready a fliling coaipo»Kj of
not ooly keepe ll *we*l and rb-a.
aM to ton o- dt la a taOai^ aoal,
laterrak. In ibc Wblle
BiK-ly- chopped cabbage and ■»•■. nm |« *uod for tbe tc*lp
Tboy wTlIr In KlowlM part onpiai. abm chopped fin*, and,
Aa' to nak-H ekaa aa' aaw;

toa ««*l !»• yoa -ua a part o' t*mm
of tbr BoanUiB
tPatiMiPd lo ftp laaip with c*|pry aadj^ip
„ bealthy
At' Ikey 'a a pan •' yoa.

tbe lara* *«*d lb*j acv OerlrlaB from niuMard tPclt. pppppT anil Hugar. Ftljjaag , bcalib) .ralp lat
■be BO>oum Ux-n;.

i,,„ y,,
r id ft- ban
<m«i«iftra9tB avaapoar vkc«L

„,p ,,| ,iabi
ft a valk la a abated atnai.
(Aged eonttmcUnE iBetr amt la uo* <d rord. !.*( ihi-mangi-w 111-ovpr nlgbtj
la «ba i^ralB' UaM. tte eKnla' tiaa.
my orchard tree*. With faalticte atBelara tka doat aa' Uw boat.
(ten tke amllc o' Natora'r over you.
_ Aa' iha^aorld la aoal aa’ tweai.

ta «« Air. •
^rngf-ifiOtM- oat l> tk* »ir^ > I
StttlB-ott la tb. «lr;

iTwo Robust Women Who Owe Their Restored Health
and Usefulness to Pe-ru-na.

iwe* for wtater saa.

U ketehnp b made, atraia ft* lo_iau>. which baa baae rookad Aae. aad
add tplcee aad Tlneaar la lb« prapor-

Tswftrai WBBNM ws*
Itevt Scca owes Sy
Dr. nvtiWM’b rrtc

Bie* 81 „ buffalo, V.\!,wnw>:
• •( aeWrerW Hr twm ywar* a a*
limm, aad fTnuM cared mm wAbtaafi.eeda f caaete feff yaw
^ ^

b^'b anJmim
fo tbr amated ft afaajt a *rfceate frdeed. aad B-tey rb*
Berber ft ** fffled wM* werirti
tafvrbnn a

itac lariac aa' avaap o' all oat-

•Tbelf eollrc bub<
Ikai of what appoar*
utieruJ la a blgb key. and ap­
parently witboul any partlcuUt
•ilrrtai the alngrr'e bean,
•;Aa' 10 hoar ka' faal aa' aa*
wlnae. encioo* and yHbiw
TW )ur o' Iba irorid take* hold o'
lauwt B**lcre of uu
; fAa- a* Meatla' or Jap' la b».
bird*. Laier la tb* (mkh
4*ej alat ao aae o' alatry,
■ iBRt aaieaiblc In nmall f
' Aa’ Ifty alat ao aao o' vrcai«:
ir* .are to Sad tbe loeclon
^fcoyVt both jot dlaearta, aa'
ibal are ready lor e<
And bere are we
ik tbt tkam O' iWaft bolow
arapbt abowtat bon
tjfl rear aoal la bm with tb« world id tbe dolB«i of Lb*
■%'c bare bi-aid no
A*' Ilf* »Towt Ilka a too*.
orkdei BOW (or eumc H
bPie at I hi- iiaual
Tha hill* aa' ibc traa* to Bis on blab
pr> than appear aiini iipa>
Bla< oo* cwraal paala:
TbO'ftaai. wlda MtAai o' aartb aa' They bPican*ne, bu> .
iimapppared. I can ililek of ouly va>' for Ibp rbeigp'. and tbal !• a
-Ity of tbitr n-calar foud. Blnla
[Iiwni la large aai
tbplr food l> pleallful At. for Inttaacr,
^tmUbt Hnrar the aoal a baJm
Dblo. wbo*c farorlte food l« Ihe
ft. W o' blatata- orertewt.
ranb worn, it her* In large aombpn.
tSayk cladBaa* onoash to tpar*
lb* wonna being uoutnally plentiful.
'«• wrary metar beaeath tb* aun.
other locality, not far away, ran)
fthy rob yoaneir of a obaret
be receiving tbe rich lirni~>n of orldrtak yoor All la (he BanlB' tiai
live on lowanl ft- lati
I hear ftp *uU-i noi*» -f
w frooi grove and orrhanl.
Tbe uwp hardly
lor euBg. Cold wpBfti-r ami
tenter mat ao troah and
i-'e DMflotly
poeaeaaei at an) olber
:pT aeaaoe aleo Inrreaspt tbcir
aetlvliy, bat ibvy are not by any meant
tlow aad pro*) la ihi-lreiimmi-r mmeTberv It a donx-ellr Hat or
all IhU bird aay. and dop«
wbieb the pamun grtwllt cnioyt
tlagW.ppcin.i-u .4 .bir*d-beaded aoudixwker famlit HiK
week. He aa. domiciled In the targe
napici near ifar'Roaar
tVaterrlllc rimd. III. bal of brllltani
haanty of tbo Moemlag Irm.
red aorely mark* lum at a cardinal
In hOATOB. «• tkaak Theel
bird.. It roairaii* finely
_Bal^ Waldo fttereca.
wRh bit cltan lull uf bbtek and
Uke ararly aK ft* mpDibcrt of bl>
faiWy. be It a brvviy, outtllag f-lwoodpccki'f
rtag lo It. but ao ivmbltncv ol a tuog.
In By boyhood day* oa tbe old farm
Ateong all the tad tklngt aad
kM (kUigf that thraag Uw worldt red bei^'t forayi upoa tke ripe eberwtary wayA at tu way* are alwaya riet wae a Ihlag uf dally------ftiowte la otker daya at well at The abundance of fruit at ibi
V tha** 4aya. «nd ika atari** ot vhk tured (he bird
without aay being Dlued from
? SO ft* eodnaft ml tke dally papm.
aewatwyer «nA drltu lo U
Adnor’a say bhatr tUa week, which U
« ywrelatbia c( the way aewapapen
Wfil be printed la ftu aUkalal dw
tftaw ft* KlagdoB baa ectee on earth
d reepeeit the least
AB U It ib beertw. Tbe Chleago Reo
dpA-Horald la a twihel Inane bl
laru front r*eord> of *.«- and
t»^ loMI:
ili^kea.i, t<rf wn-ct* and dlaaei-r, ol
aad hale, to (br tweet nolei uf
- JPP ft caatiBl New 1
- aoag at lb* Bind la (hi
I. wbo. nallke blrdlaed.
«C bto prareatlon. pay* little
<e (be happenlagi « tbe world (ur*. I* It no( ladeed a blcaned change'
II aa) be ftal ftU will be read nadi t
fte dotagi of Be« aad women.
»sfe*a.BcaUy «d tb* Hrd* that Hr* Is lowering akin aad lu tb- cbili uf ftfaet coming aMuan llmr. but It Tl i
^StB>wea aronad blB.
*i -Tkli cbroalcler o< Ib* newt of bird plvataai tart-well to tumacr. In tat
i«Mt la ft* Her. i. B. WMu. of Part* ereat. aad a happy Iboughi to takMl. and be tore* fte feathered par Iniu tbe viBivr ilnyi aad iiorv up help
ful rumdon (ur .ommert to cutm.{ftlowta. He kaowa tbena all
and m>. wkat thetr <
MS tetetW and an aboat their A True and Tried Way to Preeerv*
jiftlng *«ere(a A abon tUae ago be
I***! ihv iKWcbc*. throw lag them iu
paUlalMd aa latereatl^ book abo
(o COM water (weighing ttacm fir>l uf
-AS bM Trteada.
all), tad liylag a alicv- ur two of Ivbi.
n* aeuiaamt od Part* Hill
on la (hr walpr to keep ftp fruit from
'■hO. tt la attnatad oa a pleaiean
Aawk telSt or mot* aontb of IfUca. becutalng discolored l-*ur ever) poaoJ
mt ItW faet aboro tb« tea levt of pewchi-> allow i pound of iiigar aud
a plat I.f Cidd wati-r, an>
'Three It a row o( dwdllact around
UBIb «at pBik, one nr two geacrtl a boll oTif ftp fin- la a prc-*prvleg
Mate* and a couple o( ebarolit* Tbe ketlh- Two or ibpc* keraol* from the
•aarnat mOroad it tbraa Btlee away fruit ma> b* ibruwu into thp tynip. or
pan may 1m- don* witboul ftp kPi-aclt.
aad B**eral baadred fact down
the latl half uf ftp fruit baring thU
ta ft* w«Bt. iwentySr* «lle« ■
Aawor. I,ay ftp pared pcacbet, a few .
Oateda lake tflBaar* la tbe tut
Tb* Ser. Mr. WIekt la netar of 8'.
dooppprg unrmbe elau puo la tao
SraTt ftlaaopal auireh. wbkb
rook undl w4t and leader, but m.i
laataad la im la aa oa cart.
maeb.v Do eiK placp hi (be tyrup at
^ tec* or tb* blrda. wbare be
■ bow they Bra. -abat he ibiaki of one Hut- more tbaa oaougb frail lo fill
ibrae qnan eaat Some of the fnilt
liT^iS- In Ut newt Mtarg
'BhMA'Uf balldlag ml a boaae and tbe may b* whole, tome lo ballet,
AMSg or a Urd-a Beat wlUi equal and any Imperfect fruit can be rut
•aii «M*fd that parbap* tbe bird g*i* into toiall pli-cct and Mewed In ibc
•ynip until toft. Place Ihe eofi frail |®"' "
naoce apana tbaa lb* boaae.
la gtaea prvtprre can*, fill to lb* loo '
Her* are tb* Ant Iwo pan
«ka Ant ebareh wma at Attaay. lor, pacfclai ftp fruit lanarefult) to
Salaiad aa ii i*. Put. Hm la aa old. to erntb It. tad ft*n fill np tb
•M ta e«itni Kew Tort, a. bound with tyrnp. tpallag at once a fp» . ft-cmr-I.e. to * dpgrcp that to at
Of fte Baal kcraeli ftrowa Into boil
*l>pcwr redhruioat. Ourtng the
lac water and blanched bb) be added |
ft' reign of Qarvn QlzdtSBtet. with
to BOB* of fte )an to lapror* ad tardan. partaker
Aavor. SaalU perfect peactaew Bay be
!> W ft* aaura at a park tbaa It
» «r ft* srerag* baaM. Ttaru
pand. fte water la wbieb
d arvmad It. aad while
waa laM to prereat It (rota betag file
eolared. wtlb fte lUmt and ttoaev.
(BB ail be eaek
Bate tau Mly. by fte aMlUiB at two
large applea to every
am* aad atoMa.

— ...........

aa aariT yea ar« alefc. We bate getib* h>m Bd i
Saa PMB* BAA t ana by fte baoh I The tM d( fte <Me boagbl B* <Ma
ftte y~ hnfi laa. Oarw It lav rtogm|ft*. Vbb\ ihte win of Am* t

Fiuo FutnymUCawefWl aaKetwbWnk.

TraveraeCity Branch. 168 E. Froat Bt-

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