Grand Traverse Herald, October 29, 1904

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Grand Traverse Herald, October 29, 1904


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




^mnh ®irati^0^ MemW*

Pages 1 to 6



RefortaUtian'ln MicHlgan.
tf.e eburrit. AHhowrt _ hardly ta-f | . F*adli*fl in th* B«*y flewwn.
«aa Saakad i>r an oraanaiia) abab- robbing the father of the girt I hrre.|Jace hond bia bo«t ia a »iale of etmWlMtbo AMrwOrS*.
Tor many y..sro :he neri: of rriorest- irnmiha oM. he ta-already chief of tbf ; Vnu-a barw« are wwrktng hard duetideraoie peritwtmtkm. Smblag. h'>wnan'i *
«B tb*
u4 t|»rT. Tb* erwlB* «a irtaeld and Ihf Ifs—If# perfectly monsiTuus."
Cosaariis aad h* will kfaurtl; be am' <ag tbe ««rlr imrt of ibr mmaan. it
“It is eertaiaiy a tride awkward.' ever, was aald watll the meal was flfl- aikm has tBjw.e*e.i r.srif upoa
Mlnr Ugtil of Ua nnup mat a ra?m of
« KarMT la Ue «ood:
: uhed aad they bad rriired to.the l«. students of astur.' Ir. ail p^s of il>e pointail tu.ii rank ia th-rrguUr army', ’ is impurUat ibai th-y sbuald havtlarv'a a
M cdISm gk>.'» glaBoar npoa tbr acew. A* La commeeted George. wHb a smile.
Hit>- ar,- wuate of the gifu- -that have : enongh good fusl. and everyihlag potcijimiry, but it n- <mly rerent!y
-Aa kwardr* glaring at bU frteiw., hrary.
iralk«d br ter ald«- b« tbuagbt ht bad
ta-wn amt to the rrarowita; ;, stbk- be done to enable them to iui
r aaea bH- ioukisg ao lovHr. "It ta an^m. G«ri beBress, man!, "Moil .atraprdlaary thieg!" bum
Ob a
a mi#l cor«r. os ib« tOu
ifiwtb Mr Mertoa as toon as h.' ba: taken i-.p tin- maiH-r in a syaUaailr ' A cradle of autid gntd from tbe citj ! td- most bonefl: from its uar. &>me«-bec lhay had take* a coupla of tom* Think of It—a eoramon thief,"
a aea^ tend,
••i have always onderatood.- said, dosed tbe dour. “1 found iMs neck manner. MlcU-gaB I- oomu! the riauw <rf Mu»«iw. The top ta carved wi:h th j' uni.-s hur*-. soem to be alow «wSrr»
and from the terrara Ufy «U«a?na* (b« wBlBot Mia bar braaabn
George aorihlagly. “that tbe. boa.prodoriat Jt 'from his pneiet. u hieh are fS<!c*»* u. t- hal niiate brad rrf tb* MMSow. Op .acb af-Hihad give very Hale satisfactJiB when
peared laio tha «hm»rt»rtT.
teon a»d bar*.
“it U a |KTf«i ai«ht.“ be paid cn- breaking fraternity were the elite r.T;-onc of the stolea artleh-.-^. on my t'h-lr eshaa*t.i; I--';-', ns w-.J tiadcr ns thfu- i» a draped tmruia «>f gold b afj. put to hard wtwk. Sriae of them caO. ty fs«lm*'a M Ua foMteg la tte>
act et the lA*i logbldture iHb. Ma'.t- furwing u «in<mr f‘»r the hi-ad .4 thflieBougb. but they fafi to prom-riy masthe professloo."
j .Jree.log tabte ihlr asornlng. '
oM «*k‘a 10(1.
HendVy stopped dead. Hinted B.-re>} "Ves. I know.'" Said Dr. Wallace.
i f.»rt-;irj ci.Bimimbiu ta- making pro
Te.<. it la rcry plessaat," and abe
''Urate U.-ir fiwri, aafl are in «ubmAM te>? lor {Mlaii (anaxT.
Kr.m. III. aitsch«: uf Ox'.- Kti-mllo.,jBUbtPstloa. cUe aad
anllfst at hia raraesl
ly iwward bis friend, and agipnrtal as j “You Viuiw:~ wisimed Ur. Menon. grt-ra in the'wick. witb'rrriilis alrewdy
secn^ which have t-t.thuse-J lu mem the aoLie. and rbi- g^rd*. the cA*ru, prtumess.of cadlilun. la many can*
“Do yon rwaucala-r
If about to roiumii an assMlt. Tb>'« ’ aUriog in as
tbe tnounUla aide ia RcullaDd and be flung blmieif into a chair
|panlm>. "^Imt do you nieaa? You
wrt, has r.-ci-tved a cheat .rf sllv.-^ ,(-1* ta doe to a had state <rf th*
. rbarl.'-* W. Garfield, precident U •
4 Kitsstan diver m«.ri la s,.A ii.tie oi-ervatSoa a. to tbbo* we got eaugM in tbe SnAcb
“You—you're. laaiallzlnA' be prty:^mtlDlBt?“ he Bused. .
II aras nert* in my posse*. th- •sje; "T.he stale has l»-ria.«nd ram-d.,- w-ih-tl.i- way la wbk-ii arhurws masricaie* i;*
' {• "h
Tbopa** a i>i«*D> BpuB Ue Maa^oa’.
loraad onr lo the CUBIIUta>-iua ity: b-ad V-f iL- * -3T--4rf Iliiista Thi- L-sd, fis-d. logetber v iL an iaveulicalion trf
"Aad imu yon wrapped
“tt'hafs to bo.doDt-r‘ be asked <li--jalon
cbt«i id araner Sav'n:
yoor grrai ooei!" abe t-iclahaed. “Am ipairitigly a/tuf a momeafs »iU-aee•how—did—it—eolm- -there
boldines in tuu towashit* ^ tht
!| fh.- teeth themselves, ahi’jl.! StMB tell
urfeach plat.'.
BU Up fonau aad Up aaDara ar* I Ufcety to forget H* Wbat an oh)eet
so^hera part of
"Ah, that's better." nodded Ciurg?
“The thief pot it tberr."
■y (aj%»er whether or not Lta horse >
Th.- .-sao.wi'T has ree-i..d (he ^
I Boat hau looked!" And abe laughed with approval. “The hlgli irag.riy
known ax the suatheni rrnervt:. a-ad
-ularv reqstre aiiewtkm. II tbej do It
Aad <• hlROde and to bolle«, tkroacL maateally.
style is nut (im'lneirc to )-i< ar ibJnk
-Ye*, so-far aslherv iisany thief la hair a luwnobip In the nunh-jrn pan 'ip»ir*:.-ui ef gl..«»i.uii«i jn .g-.;.| tnAi
tb. -sou&de«i m-unomy t>. have some
am aU Ue Mtaty boura,
“Well. It waa iboa.“
the wailt-r. The fact Js ih - Jews-ta
c..mi>.icni man attend t«> them at unci*
ib.- *4 1*e- r.aha, he ha.
|K«rp«d Up raataiM dniBa of au
“Wbai was Ibeor* she aske<1 aitfi
■ he r>miL>-ru paxi of tVawfur.t
Ifs' tnTTuefa
priHuke a ruini., hare ue»<T iieea out of the h(‘u>e-"
III some esses horses rwl grain too
lama ratal
at he sUBped. leewilngly loai is
^ “N.ver iK-rti uni of the buns*: ta*rd.img ua Higgins take, which ta ci'.vi.l ibeir a‘VuiB:i.-v ettgravcl uja iian-bmcni all c-ryv-l-l and rvilniblntu grii-dily. and cm this arcouM fail t-.
O Ua ouva bold, tbatr araatlag in the rererie.
•terpo?< d Gwrge rais-1 erkii Mr M. rtou. "-1—dou't unde ^jiiiwD as the- nurtheril rev.-ru-.
get ifai- pnqM-r Uriefli lr»m it. nta
old ak'a top—
. That t Srst bwed you." he bnr»l inc bis hand depreeatlngly. "all that j stand.'
"In chaige of Ihe-c ATe frof. h'lliiii-lt a gn J* ai^l :a) larg;- lUai it v.-quires can ta- Munewhat eurdrcled In
A»d be! Ur ladiaa aunaMr.
krih. “I had But latewied to rpeak may safely be left to tbe iEiag.nstloii
-Tbe *.-xplaiuiti»u is rimpb-. . Yim KiJth «d the state imlMTsiiy. the for P-u.' laca toearry it. I'aruM.-i ■■ «»‘:i
a number uf simple wa-% la alt am h
(onisbL 1 hare no right: I am a poor Suppose wi- conAne oorselvc-s to tbc|an.> a Hit<*-p wall it. Mr. M'TIuq
>'Sl wpiien. while the practical work <i.n r <>ae side of il.- (imsultau >0 halt
At-mn)ing to 1li>- 'aw irf Ktinis th.- ea>.-/'th.-n- sh..-j|.l ta- a Urge bottMD
and be aatllud bliierly. “Btti
simple fads of the case. You fi- at ] have bidden tbe jeweta yourself,
is 0»;:e 1-, Kdhesicr Dradfi-Jd. a grad
to Hie oat Ui\. i.i that tfc- gralD wUl
lore yun. Oeraldlae; you are doampresent I ouly l.n:>w that you low- G -r : S}M-<i-tiless «iih amaremeiii.
lUle <4 Ibe kUle uu.WT.-dly and a mat! - .'ATiAa I* iu» -fuit ai all «t*/ ou.lae than my <>wa life. It you cduIiI aldlue Meriuii. ul-.lch abowa a putty M.rf-.:i» Imek bta t-l.alr aud • Lt> !ia* taken -is- -ial roarrex lu tor vjta. Sh- U permilU'd 1. «:ii.-r ati- li- sprrs.I .Hit i.itnD and the chaaces
few a great uwHiihful radoce.1. A good
wail, deeresi. till 1 am In a tsMdtiiin (u laile on your pan. ai.d that.Mr. Met .cared «i."-n-ii..«ibed at ih.•-•lO. Then ate atao fub-si ranger' Ii-tea. Ytie erarium has tai*a Ui ihai Ue obeataai aad ibe baaclnui Barry I would work baid to ma
I aecum-s yuii of (iimmiultta! a burg who d.Tcrili.ii bon h<- Lad k.-pt waiefa lU charge <if <-acii >4 tbe re-i-rvc* an-: habit vi luHaging ber fancy w..iyai.d plan is to place a aumber of smooth
put oa a rtPber bruva.
atami the sire erf a h.-n's rci in
InfOBc. Ant 1 asking too tnacb'
] are gaUaml ic Inpasabiaed roice usk to a low tone
Weil, the eiory U coon told.
taiui rewarded by s.i-ing him corn­ tias/ATv and siiiierviiK- all work in n>D timid plainl.r te-ar, Now abe lu^ing^th taittom 'Of the box. and In t'orslDg
a Sork
ibexc- uy «-r and SL-arahlDg amoog Ibem
with tbe HuBpleion of a tremor as he !>.-*» that during >bt.^ night some ual of hl> ^.edniom clad in a -dnierSng necHon with sai.i of liqylftT Vsbich are crarrait." add hta nur^ f-w a f.-w
Vten “naIlo«-lB41n«MrabM~
rash day, hi* a of for lb.- fc«l th- biMwe wi!l give hlmaclt
pot the Queetioo.
broke lab) tbe -MeH-jnla pIac •sisivn nod n«ct-nd the rialru to iW- top mad*-.
ton* op ber yHIo* gova.
ituMv time for chewing what
•^-tn cannot ask me tou rnUeb.'
aad made off wWi' JM.oixi worth r4 of tbe liou*.-. Dr. Wallacv had fol
lie plBiiiIngs thus far Lsv.
tVa U'« ttna to beap tbe fodder is aald sliaply, gta^g up at him with
h<- already has In hta mouth. AboUht
J.weta. A nice mil.- iraul. As I told 'owed-him and bad s(-en him take the b«vu lu iLl- ftorihirn n.-s.-ne; but wn
a pboch!
tbo lore light, shining In her hloe ^e:
way c4 reaching abuot the same r*
I had l-xAtinB
ne-'klac.- fo.m lu hidinR pis."-, arcl shall l•uUll a camp au,l plant >o lb<A.
O aotsiA-s <c bar vaalac, beid
He oaughi her tn hU breast and klss-.-d .Mi-rion Ibis i-->>'nlu!t in a«k Li- |»ier. Han r.-luni wirp ti to Lis rtKon.
.Htfix is to tawe a few iarge aitger
Munh n-s*r:-' next aiiriue In HiCbaili-s R. I.. lUkcr. a n-iTo, «rf S'
mrr la Up crap.
her lips agalB and again. Then eiralo- •ml bb-JslDR ia the mait.T of qerald• You—yiei don I ray so-" gasp.-d M.-. uurtbirn r>-wr we have a minter> fosepli. Mo., believi-s be baa au ic holes in Ibe taciiom of the boa. aad pu^
' Aad bo! Ur ladiaa aanaUr.
lag b<T to blm,-be wblspt-red: “Hy
Imaginc my surprise, ihen-forc. Uurton, aft.T a f.-w moBumu. wLt-n nmisifiiRg
-..-liinKt: atid ih»“K- vtmiloB that will revolutkmir-'tb to some pegs which will rrarh up^ii
darling, yi^have atade mo bappy.”
when a privab' d.-tc-ctivc chap caii.'d fat- had pariialiy n-eorertii falm«e]f.
wIR Ih- largely lhrnw*:->I uexi jp.-in.; heatlDg eynem of He- wmrid IB a fvl the grain two or three lachas.
"I will aw jonr father totnurruu-.
me about midday aad uiihoui
Young borw-s aomeuimes cd4w .u
"It ta a far: " the Mor by atiJiiJuuaJ plauiings:
li-arj;- Sump >cli>nliOc men wb» ha'e
dear." he said, a* they It," much eupbc-mlwi cbarg.-.l ni.- ultb lor. "The j.-A- ts are iJi a ebtwt In ih
••■fK- nursi-ry is f.n- tin- gruVtiig of -uen it declare that in a few yeai> ih-- from Ihr muretua's work tired «wt. aad
•PblladPlphla Pmaa.
boitae together.
'eommliilng ibe thrf>. loforming
-op attic. W.' ba-t bcli.' and r>-eut,-crgre.n im-* enfirely and ia the proclHcUcii <4 lii-ai t>> coBbuMion will wcwld nut cat a fair slsed meal la th*
that If I would return the Jewelry h.- -T "
young Miaci-v U>-*y mart Ih- carefiiUy he a thing of the past, ami that dn time of tbe ordinary noon reot. It
Tbt Idartan Myatary.
T.reciher tliey o.wnclc.1 io the larw bandied.. Twu mithods of pr.dectlao :mb. as Itnicruvem.-titK arc- niad.- npog especially Importaac la such case* that
There was consWemif rammotion ihottgbi no further sl-pj would "le
BkAard UiatOB. btaul of the ablp- in the Merton tomsebald on the foUow- taken Is the aiatUT. I need acareely back att^ uatil as a lumber rmwa. r.-.>m the dln-et rays erf thta s«ai are the ta\eatloa. dial and wood will no water, nut too cold, bw allowed befmsI
pfag Sm af ll«too a Co.. pwipered ing morning. A robbery bad been
when- they'fciinid the ^e»t of the Jew
fm ling. This will freshen np the
■3e Ulih slat frami-« nnd the longer U- ns<il fur heaiiag.
lU and when I rre-jvered my sp<-ecb eU in the blg'wteideD box.
■ad grav obese with hia good foHaa^.
imBfUiii during the.night.
uiher with brurh fltifflea oa tall ptxis.
inveaiion. has dememstratt 1 coil a great deal.
top MuSf— veetsard bad at leogih
•B/ heav«-ur nclaimed Mr. Me* where men rah work rtaarfiiig while that it will produce beat ♦BoutA t.>
Rlalag somuwlmi later than nsoal. 1 demauMri angrily what he muani by
mlBdaatM la a preteation* inaaMuo Hra. Neiioa dlacurercd that her Jewel stfcb laognage: 'ne long aad short lua a« he upon tht-m. "ynu if wn-diag. All plantings an- «.f two srarm a large balidlag ia St. Ji.wTh in
Reriiotia Rifle ena Kitfl.
ta tbe ThicsBu.aabBrb of Riebawod. cabinet had te-en rifled, it waa i-mpty vd'ii was ] lesra.i! thsl one of toy t^iT riehi. 1 have a -lim ri'c..)l. cta«in
yeati' growtli am! for ihis-r-g'-pp
Tbn-.' .4 Col. Cody's
-P-rl wealh.'. wilh.eit tfa- use <4
abere bs looked torvarS to apendiag. the whole eootenis were gone. Isi iln'ke. whicb I niis»>.ii tin* mcmlns.
jiut" he c.iEiina.'.i. patiirs his must piircbas- o-ir i-bihHngs for w-xi
wood. The ht-at ta p'rodocnl l.y lkU-» w.-n- n-cpnily flying at 4 bright
tbe reab or bis daye f& Modd coaieni' mediately abc bad cummunlcaied with .had been fimod on the n-;.-r of tiie bed­ han.l r.t ^ fnn-htsd. ''1 seem'to n xpriiut.
ii4 S.i-st feet above Bradford eahlb:•eat. li pteaaod blm to prurlde a HE- her husband. A hurried but frulUe.o room wbi-re the JeWidi. wn-e sRilei.. meu,lM-r n.ra: eooitr.g ht-r- for e«»a: . ."We favor lL>- white 8hd Korwsy
U'faeo Baker udd his frien-ls a ti -a : Gun. -ays the lyrndun Baprswa. Tteme
Tbai'a bow matters slasii at ('''s-tH- p*jf7k;s(’. bn: i can'i.ivcwll U: U-seC{ii
era! beapitamr aad to aumwad Idmrh bad taken ptAe. Iaquiri<
'pine Mf a-v arc the na'aral tlniW mivnibs awi that enough heat eouW- u-vttroc had no oeenpaata. bot * fourth
asif vitb good coapaay.
were made and the faeis were quickly Of eoane. t cannot asl: fi>r the has.! haiy and ini(i>tln«. Yea. theri-'s j frf Ihr !a-:U- Seedlinpv of th^-*- ai” pro.i-ic.-d by friciioD to ta-wt ib.- Ri -^aas xent np to ih.-m aioog * conawt.
Aaoat tbe etoerd of gneau oa UU kniiwo lo tbe aerranis of tbe bouHO- of Geraldine wbih< 1 II.- under ibls- Jonbt you ar- rij*t."
bard to obtain and for iVis rearoi: the JuBet-h mart houri- he was ta-JP-ve-1 'teg win-. It carrl-d s yoang Btan
er nnplciasant imputailoD."
parttcniar ereblng erae a young aiar. hold.
They lilu-d th.- lost nrtlrieji fn.m iviflnits.iiim La: dviunained to raidf io'be insane. But he bad b-n at work 1 named Bake*-, a we|l4iium ftaotball
-No—o." said George tboughtfClly. 'heir iTstiL'g |.:aee, and laden with ih<
Ull an^ Maaoalar. »itb a floslag nu»
Ho erldene* eoald be fonad of tbe
-it'own !.t-«-k.
.-ar* on a iketwy. H- bad ma.!.- n-i P^ay-r- A; a bright of l.MW feet the
iacboaad <miagatobed featurea. He­ mannrr ia whiA the thief bad entn.-l "Hint do|on neoiuoi fny the pr<-.*ci:ci t;vHl r«;uru-l to ibe library.
:i machitae.and had coaviaced
kite rarrylng Baker was saddenir
"igs-'i iprixig'i p'aciiogs eoail.Kii <rf
>f your cuff link in the risimf
bert HMHilay bad oirer yet Uken titr tbe hooae. Noae of tbe Alnduvs
"Is ihi.* lilt: >ulut!ua you exjH-ctwi. VetOri irti-s .and wc shall p«^lo as’ << lf ibst it could Im> done.
; twtat-d by a gust of wind, mas flung
“Dashed. If I know, exc.-pt—"
eery aertmaty. He bad tboughic of dpors appeand to bare been tampci
*skt-d Mr. ilertoa. alter th -y tnanx mil «priBF:ai*d more If we.can
Sinrw fl’<« Baker has huITt a ma- *>>4 tossed about, aad had both wings
ealering OM «( tbe prafaaiiooi. bat with, and alt the borglar precauiians
lia.l io-.dsed thnutgh lUe J'-wi!i7
aifl tiiem. If fir:-< are bi-pt c-it and ehini- that produews eno-irh heat by tor*, besides recelviag other daamge.
“Well, there's a posslliilliy wben I aecuuciod for all tip' supposed siolei,
apon wbl^ of late Mr. Merton bad
seedlhtgg are cuatinuiii. th-.Ti- is rricticn to wsm one <4 the largsvi Bakor. hoaever. managed to »alBtalq
Seed for
witl with Geraldine it might have jewelry,
beea Inritteai, were undistorbod.
qaeslbm of Ihe Uevi'opmxml of a- bulMingv In Si. Joseph. It iias bwn' bis bold, and the kites w«re*ev*BtaaIder tbe elrcumautiees It waa searecly dropped.”
r.-pIi».d':'T>r. Wallace. T< nianeraiivv crop of timlx-r. The (he bjwcruer.t <4 the Flrxi if aafcly hauled In, tbe passenger d*-.
"I see—dropped into the folds ol • You .ti-memU-r you told me that Ivi
to be woodered a
it;;aif!Rv and emiing « l limlH-r shutiC NaGunal Unk butijtng. and thousand* | rc-ndiag <m the roof of a bouse SOU
basaraad ncmbaat to bts present pi:
licr drefs, and abe carried it Into tb<
tome time past you had been worr^-lng l«-pin t;i alKTUt ihiri-yffve yv-tri. fc.-m c.f p<i.;.:«- lin.- wlicp«S4il 'its wuml(r-[ yards away.
Uw*. aM ba raoofbigPd the neoessliy and an uneasy feeling began to (kt- rttom and driKirited it unconsciously
the Kafcty of th*- Jcwerly. Yt>u: the time ri platitiag.
f-.i1 .work and hare ln-<-n forced to aJ-l
- of tafciag 4 ant* practical part In tbe radc tbe bourehold. Did they harbu: sij>oa ibe fltjor."
nrecauilons again*: borgll^' w.-re al'
* Wonflerful Watoh.'
aJtaira <1 Iba worlA
"The sarevse whicb is prumtaei fer eix tiat l..--has soiVA-d the probU-m of:
"It's the only way 1 can think of."
a thief In their mlJsi. sad wlu) wan It!
mailt- with this oid.-ct In view. I n>
hratieg witibat comhusGop.
. Tbcr.- live* in Clncinaaii the proud
He bbl atm the itertcnu at a bouse
Mr kirnon commuBlcaied wnb tt.
Heed ihsi your t-y.-a vjre a stolid
IlBk-fta lBveaii'»ne>xnfcist-‘ oTa tl'-ri : pa*m*sor of what is claimed tn Be tbe
party Ig BeDtlaad. aad bad gladly ar- police and called in tbe aid of -a pri­ malter?" aaktsi G^-orge. steadily pulf,lt> Ikr. IVa! Afui-n y.-ar* a;^. vii the
half-vacuni expreMion at tinie^ an.l l
,b. worlO. It iw*.cwptt^ SS laritatloa to renew tbe ac- vate detective. Th-e sutharlilej fa­ tg at his <lgar.
V'T? po.:r,-.-,| pii-tv of land which «ini I ml.. Ihr.-.
hoiit;h: it md unlik. ly that soraum
tloaiatai^p ea bis retora to tbe met' vored the aupp.tsllfon that the ro'.*
te* pirk-1 oni in Crgwfunl county. ,a,-r < h.n,bbr. uul ItsShbo- U,r inb. . .bv. b>.. ibbn oob.]uri*, of ao lod,
“1 iboogbl you wonidn'i mind act­
bultam might be the key to tbt- iafr
rogulla. He bad now been aereral bery had been peipelraied .by or by ing as a go-lnim-eii ud Rxplaiu the
Tt;-' RTuwib of theso ire -s is foUsid-i-- ‘ *....... ... -bl-r. -■■>- Ibbr foar Iriw::'^ ,h. fuo 1> tlxmX tb.
icry. I «af out ifllstaken ~
0,..^ of . Ito: -««. TO.
tiB<a to tba hOBSA and sraa tap
"I ruCarkable. i»ioe. »nem-’.« pli-- .bl.r ...Jb.b. ..J unoEU Unot .
the aid of some member of the boos- affair lo M«rt..n,''
“(>»nve.r my miwi siacen? refurts
-..jl .b.ri, TO. woofl™ nJln-U
ibrobtObO, Of Xbb. Ib.
tablisblag a rwpalaUoa as a eonstaai hold, but their Inqulrii-s failed to at­
a-l th.' gruwih fr..ui natairal
"Jtumt Tell him a i.r.**pectiv.- s.nand BiMiogtas to Mr. HendJe^'. -a:t-l .-x
,nH„, In b«m.ur .n,l il«. ln.W. of j.r.Mh ,f 1.,-b b.nd, H
air** >!u.*ii
tach dellnUe suspleiim to nay of the la-Uw ta srarrt-ly likely to rob hl- Mv/> :o h‘n'- my mb*'- «A»o-.t derir.0,. ,bl, Ib rtl.b I,
Tbe terrtsiHd drawing room was rcrvania.
nrospoctife laiLi>r-in'lan? EbT'
"«r.:r cami. i* lora:.‘d ia iL. nortberr
hat k- nil! n>« U-i this unf»r:i:aai
wall packed wlu a gay rompmay.
-*T—Lacg It ail. man!—U't
.--.lii-. At ib^n^>r Gi.- c-*' : 10 ,10,0,.,,,.
Then liie housemaiit made a disfs>v
There was ttotilag rolgar tUiai the ery. While altendiag to her dtities la
_____ -"- "-"-U"- X —,™,b or .b lb.0 U -bOb.
.■BitaMS' Hll^US: h.ti It, !h«
Voa. Dr. \Vai!h<.-. I trae jini m»r«.- li
MertdDa. sad tU the arranges
,b. i*n. T™'
■ ***
“‘"■■.'■h.. bObonJ, ... I. Arabl., ud u.
“Qniie suf but the ctilf link is «Btr
jii. whi;- p. IhMrs. Mertona room abe foend a n
the maliex ibau I can «.-!!. enpr.-.ti-ki>w-a a' a xjxiiJ <4 To. n-vuU,
were ewellaat.
.-I f-4 a laiile abii tta-' liusyr,
gulU euB link. It was passed front eyld^e. How.-rtr. much d.i>ends op^ ind If y.n will at'.*w the I >hsil e«
Huns it .will bvai wan r t-. a ietap.-r.v,
Herbert, with bU back lo the wall, band to band and acnitlplK-d elo
on the cirram*tana-s <tf ib... roblH-ry.
privij.-;.- lu*'s.jii-Vuli joTi x.;. und foddi.r. In Hi.- e.-UHn-w a
of IC, dbor... «
o,:.ii:.-. J,; " "b ' Jifc Bb.,, irapoM X.H.
was lisioMbS abtlraciodly lo the small Gmldlne gave a atari when it wa* ioaik here, Uerl: I won't - prouiii-e to
ir>. n, yoriu; taou Ironi tb.- state uaiJinoax
imoag my frit-nd.'.'"
Uju* ra'.- of .-in revuhiit'.tis ;j.-jm
. jtalk of a rlraclous. dapper >|UIe geu- shown to her.
-we yOii through, but i ll Inienie*
•i-si;.v and the B2.-ir-.;>iBral ctdlegc.
will, d asjHu- you. Mr. M«t;
brbdb.,.1 lb b„. *1.0,., fn,™
tlemaa weD past tbe prime of life.
a. ,hc u„ 1 ™ f..r

• h.j an- takiou xj.-'-itt! w.irii In f«> time Gi.'m*^-*,ill,, i-fiiwrfe.!, sn.M:: I*. “Why, it ta Just like HerlH-na-l
Hit altewBon was. In truth, dinatcl mean Mr. Headley's"—abe saKl btiirh
•i; v. 'i... < agec-'d by
<'i«i;a!N*loa It

lo the taribw rad of the nmm. where Ing. Suddenly realtring that ber wcml*
•ak.t a can-fill Min- , "of the focesl ra,.. ,4 a pumd XI mlnut..
’ The WhiaUitifl Toad.
-Itta portly. poBpoga Indlrldual was chnl- might euaniTt him with the robWry.
l--•,,rve,., aat| Gita Pc*-.-. ma:
th.Mai’.v mv-Linws'p-ta. .ha,-- i>»<«'3: . >ii tLi-islands Umre Is a
.LcvIiik III. rrimd. IH-, W.lin.- ii.A ■‘"“I*'
r. IsiiOT.b,,, -.i-.
IlmgMllh the cbaralng Oeraldlae.
umj. 'll. bi«.’.i):t*r:.»s:
she added quickly, -1101. of cunrse, it
iibk.rx iav.-tBton tiihu it if ..ev- oi '•*»« whi.tim. Thu cris»tBr* is
' -t^n it that MUt Mer- can't be hlf.“
".Ax il ty Bo,ing almui li u-uis iiuiis . lb.- m..:*t SPotvlc .-4,11 .H;/ vi.tld ' hae,^'««««»>'«»in/E"
tonr- he laqalred. iatermptlng hh
he IU.U
(ad a os.
cm.*- _«i,
. I.
The drtivUve said nothing, but gave Mr. kl<yf:i>n. n ih whom o
„ aBilcljm;siR.j;>
' ;riwg till- pbntVoB aw! ob^vst(ag vy<T »-i-n. mte;' pr.-llii that » wiffy *5* reii.h-al pranlcc m»«iiy at Wght.
nompaalon id tbe tveital of a scudal her a sharp pem-traUng glapce.
oal acquainiancv. ^'rom Mr. Mewios.
-asi'n Itc extra ti.-:i. is ir.u^ car.-.! ta--uai».rr.ra;iy u—-1 lu taai.imJMings.
IflllC-R .Vo I
iv» H.r pvrstm who tria* aw
otw atm?.
who rerelvtil him uakimily. he Icansli'!
Merton, wllb his mind latent on
:.r. -A slmriar cju... will i.-*
raiirx.m i cmrh.' and »tt.e-i
si'wj.Jn its vkinUy', Mae. Toad percb"Mb? Let me *oe.“ replied the da^ matter of the robbery, falh-d to i»»Ue»* the fall details of the affair. He wa.' ' "Ab! tbsi i* .il.r run.; of .malt.ok I
•1 -d ..n Om k..urit.-;a r«-.n<- m-vi
■•r »5id Mr.
"W.:ll. be I
0.1 their ibc-ory. all ttai will !>• n.U.-,
<4 a traorfern door I
per lliUe geatlBaaa. fumbtinc fur bis that she bad called Hendley by bis particularly sirdck
e sn>.f.^ j ,„„ty
,, . ,
i'rtns .4a ita- wit;--: ui.iy m- fun-?t- wulr.d w-bes thc'ir.,p|>iLtn'ta ins:^l.-I.' ytmi* wifa'ioR and bcglan ber teretmde.
eye glaaua. “Why. that is Modlmei ChriatiaB uame. and brr muther for that surrv-mdt-d the
-jeo ,.r Ih.-:..;.,
r at..l Tangt-'r r»{- nif.
il,.- .--<err<- wifi ta t'.hei.pii mpidU-d vrith wafer. Rbe
a rosplo of hnadrAd sUnthe wnaltby stock broker. Oa the oat' tbe first lime n'membetiii that she burglsr* Dorbg th- I'iiiTview h=■1 ibvyoeisi:.;. tl l- ^ L ;i. '
it (s Baker's Pica Utsi tbe manbicu .**: G-ii omlie th-ear dnim like ibus' .look fur a tecimd wife; be. be. ho!" had md yrt loM her h'jflumd of iii. srrntlalted narrouly' ihe-womt-whai
Mr. i4.-f:u:i d-.r ured
wa- m
“in'ihe nor-'fy ■ an- .-x,. onr.;!'- wiil finally dio away with oimbuxiion .
‘•'ruel-ri wlio have cwperleor«-d
And tbe old genllemaa cAti^led pleas- laterctaing matter which G.-raldiue immubUe featiim: of hi* companion.
.»cca*«-B ftr G:- Jv people to w;,H Inq with ih>' s;*ct r'-!t.'.x.j'‘.rf Califon f.'r a" !>’irisK«ii. exre|4 |x>*.4Lly Pmn<4 Ou whisillDg toad say
■ antliA few minutes uf rlb-c.i- J.dkrac
had .confliied to ber when retiring
•\nd i-xprr.tsed his laii>oiiiip of briutv
p ;r 4n{-i4i-I. .-imiiar r.V tfc-.- •',ry f-jraac-* atto .n bth.-r cn.*vs w here G-ai the only sra/ lo otaaln' a wink of
Hrrbwl froa ntil; the Joke waa nu rvsi on the previous night.
mlr. Merton's narraiire. aad tU-u D. ,
v j ' .
. hatalts; .4 iLl, Ur-, r -U' we itsvu ,f< ut heat ta rd<i-tin-fi.
t i:i> wh-n ot>cc Mm*. Toad tunes up
to bts ifktar
After |mktag exhaustive investtas- W.iim r,.r..rj
“FhJh-r ari;-:
^dGei- pr^' Ikjix f.4- il. to th.^rs! year «l
■ . -1. ■ , ;
'^ :i* to pot your k-a1 aadertbr piUow or ■
Afiar S while he managiri u> shake tlo*fl*^e detectlM- took bU^Irpait- made an audidoiis propuraL
i aUlnr, I
er J-.,«w"val ia-tiit
tmittripji'l an Hm. oHttr tkwitngt ., Snake Pe!«on.
' «'-.p'xp year e*r: with coilDtu
oB bit garrulous wmspaalon
'Mr. Menus. I am gtHag to tresim*expresslBB buoyant bnpcf of efliny aril r.
J Uy tfi-.;-*hTUllM-ry.
s R.-;.wih. Ojr nu.-“l^.
r..r a riiliy. .-\iii‘.cE au-i'proaiai/li------------------------pkbed bla way Un>Mb (be ibroag to­ feeUeg a speedy capture.
yoergood nature, "canyon put im
bid mut'...T.i.. ..j'uf-j!.' Siiv ‘*v* mat euBprlM- all klmta «rf
-.iti | pJjp-. (B.>5- .4 eanuna a iiva new,
' **<> Whips in Maaeaw.
ward Oeialdlac. A youDg girl of aame
for Che night? it ta tat., utd I mass
’f ywi illf X'« ‘lake her Jcv.eJty yen
w^ pin crir faith ieitefy' to rie; .kurxra'.ixa ind«.-4ry cun
There ta a C'.'alrie law la force fh
.» aumBers:. of modlnm bright, fair,
The warm, biratbless afternoon vs* think cut what yua have luld me. I
' piite. Mjtl.-: w.-r- th* aaritral It r.i .ci>ri!-nt:ti3, i> i.i the 'coUceUoa «>'>*< ^ 'ix:'
with riaar. liansparaBt eomplesioB. !mou a» sa ead. and in bis cuotfprt. believe ] pi-s^ets thedie lo the my- xre aiid.U:«-b< f-ul a daiigluvr."
Jtosrlaa towra Con­
“^1 her shc-bas mg.>u a w.i-'taJ!’." Wouu* <4 our ra,»-rt'c
or'cxku v.-n6m;'A:.xf-viance tka'. I'k oratug teirae*. Among tie carloosthe made a cbanirtag ptetnre at
able bacheior riuinbeTs at 'Lancasur tfty. but 1 niki:; lunko tunr.'
he repl!:-d s»!!*a;Jj. “i i,.j Rltitg b.:r
" rri^< strai'hm i, a 't,jg proL- radlnm, i» ia;o«i by tke grain.'and 1. '! :s=- that 4rr>wt the aileatioB oa ar­
Ush girihood. Her wtaffwteri aai iwrare. Wo« Rensingtim. Herbert
"Thanh go-odnevr!" ex.-laimcd Mr.
JrtC. aad r bi41pv.' Ve ar-. s-Htii-g it ia at live dt-nian.l by chttrULs. Three, ritleg in Moscow is tbe «eilra abman: '
SOMd-natured dlapoaiUun wtm ber a Headley was eaienalnlag bis frl^, Menon: “it vli! iin g celgU from my a rone"
Ym. he kiuo d her I.. -.,:; m. fe (haa a with Bn>«-s*ii*(act-y-y -ri-xuju. aud pur •periex—the .Path a-'di.-r. the.brown *4 whips among driven trf cab*, carhost uf frl.ada. of whom aut the lea-.t
George WaRace. who aat at bl. mind. CV.-tsioIy. You shall havk m. ai:>.ithrwti-gitmiBg.uf a‘wt^lc adder aad the tic r snake —rapply iht riage* and all sorm of vehicles. Thera '
‘ «M HeiVm HimdlM.
ease medtutively smolilak a cigar u4

Cio, „ ,L„ i
wMeh will cont'im.-Hi long » th.m- M yimuiu. a p»un<] <4 widrfe U-«aid t-i ta-' is a law prublbiij&g tkrir ase. ne.t "It Is tilfllag here. Would you pc-: Itatrnlag with an amntiil eapreasias
lU- :4 Mickisaa."
Uke lo take a tarn ud tbe totaec*" he
The rvfUltas ,mc»t V- H'<ve U not a siegie whip ip nae m
- Headley s reeiui.
asked when be laarbed her ride.
-cuirfat Rcliijii/cd. acii Jt goes without M-'-sc's*. The excellenl niodUtoB of
C-*rtt to Car's -Heir. '
'Thbak yoB. M u wana." Mie aa- young maa caciiedly pacing np «sl
raying that tta- ic iiircry the b'srwrx att«-*i» the boieflt of this
Tbi- csaruwlu. thr tiny brir to the siuersble knos'kAwe'ant' shtll in cap-; homasc isvr.. Noihiag can exceed 'be '
•tthridoaa tbe room. "Preposiemu! T.>
!fr;.m io.p»r:tie«. and it
(he ftu.brlin erowc. has been ehristeoed.
. He M bw IP the tense*, which
ICT-,. TlgBr-inarcb. ar. :hc-tarsi, fcr | beanty of the aletfc and well-grooawl
made vni a common thMf. a busgnlng down tn bnmkfari a
vi.'i':jily the air of
mwa- 1^11 win enmo hi* ro'tmn tfedlcMKm
BWIM 4 Titw of tbe rim 4«J
.they carry i»Qe! ,er.«m. Ssdkee ar-| hones szed in the oinlflse* of Mas.
, a booaetewaker, mad *eeused of trtfl*
the next Bwrnlnt Dr. Wai-j.^ia
*„fconi gflng thort-.;
ervw n printi-. head uT ihc 8.“3*y;airi riiii nuaK-rwM tn ibc Ausiraliaa bush. -oov.



■“ 'i‘?T........





vlitte cenatieM- The
• B0UV t* JwMriU*. WU^ groom wore the ecoreertk**! btoek
is Kortliport three with h hnttoo tKraqeel of while «*«•liou The bride«B*M wme *aw»«>
Mtbe eoB»tn»etlM
giMO io rr«*i» oolorrt ellk Irimaied l«
Ui bniUi«*-to l»». H K. 0111, leO '
Hcbt blue
gannter for boar rt* the (1. B. * - ■...—
—- silk OBd eortted plok <sim(ions. The
The be«
best nM w«w pipk <*«*5S\Uh«»e Ir le clo« pnwliDU.' Horn.
«. the depot ue doek*. oc«p>n»r tiooi U bU booUniler. The room w»»
f4 In tine* mud flow• the
of the oiaw Northpecl hotel,
the JtechMKe. ehd U e froet pnxtf ««, on one *We •
bo«r tn which the eerwimiiy ww
baUdlU t* a'wWe **H*. «>*’6 feel.
Md U 4e»l«8ed M » poUto
Atxmt twtmr-flre moortm wore hre»■ad H • moeb meedcd wquleltioB to
eirt mud the grewl namher of pmenw
port ihmt deel» #o tar»elr t* tnbtr*.
......... -to the hlEh
_ rcEmrd io whicfa
Hr. and Mr*. Co* are held. After the
Mr*, gmrmh Hndwm. wife of Rev. ofltvmony a i ----------- ----------------v-rvod
by tbe hostcas.
BpdaoB, m former Frtendi *lnl«er.
lodins Mrs. Pepper.

prepare for


.W»". J«-<|
Blled with a new stock
as they are »
of hamr-Mie*. In *M 4lj-k-»- A line b»-W :
istiw-k of blankets and robes it on the-,
way. .New d. partnwm of hsniwar. l

Oood Vaar Bor CanrAnp Factory.
Tho Traww* 0*if caanlaf fhcloo
■ado Its iaol no on com Sainrdar
■Bd win tlart on iguaah at o«ce. While'
the cold woather of tbe earlf cumraer.
mad tbe aBunoally early (ro*U ihU
'Ml have oot the crop to aboat dxiy
^ c«s( of what wM ABUcIpalel. the
tiBtory win bo able to ahow over »0.Md cahA a* Its peaeoa's riu of corn.
TO* amoiiau to Tio Iom. This year
BO attempt wae made to handle small
fndta. the hnllre forte being put on
ming beos and com. Of the forncr
in tteii were osod. the onipni being
a».0M aj». Tbe factory has been
eompelled to run day and night almotl
from Ihc heglnnlnf of the season
o^ to the rnah 4l work. The roc
00 sqUMh will not be nearly m heavy
M OB com and benns. bnt quite n large
^■ntlty wOJ be put up. Nearly all the
eon and beans used by the factory
Mme from tbe north baU of Grand
Traverae and the aouth haH of LcelaMB county. El
Mg an eapeclally good abowtng
i.«»u«»n and Pealnanla U Qran-1
Tva^rao. .

Death of Mr*. W. H. Crowell.
Word wae reocived on Baiurday
by Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Cortl* <rf the
di-aib of M«. W. H- Crowell at aeveThirteen years of ctmilnuous laun­
laed ID iBkeilde hosplUl. R’eda.-sday dry work ougbi 10 lie a suffirieut guar
noon, the funeral being held this
aatee tfct any artlt-:.' of clothing
Ing and the burial being
her old.
^ handled right. Ironed right
Warenrillc.. Qhlo.
Um j
^turned . at the right time,
Crowell bad a large number of friends j
Laundry. Look
In her former home at Maple City, a*
the Fsmplos of our linl.hcil work
well M Ifali. her home for the pMi and be the Judge of the daily output
alsteen yean, their residence being ut
It is always of the same quaUty ol
71J Monroe street, which they left tatl woritmansbip. in color, clianllacss ami
May In order that ahe might receive finish. Wright Bros.
medical treatment.
She was bora fa Tnunbell county. THEY SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES.
Ohio. iJ*t)--four year* ago. married to
That's what the boy's shoes l;< pf by
W. H. Crowell it the cl«»e of tbe was
Rowland W. Douglas sJways do. Made
In IKS and Is sanived by tbe hutbanO
and three children who were all with of medium weight calf. g»i>d rtrons
sole* and In good style, they riaiu!
her during ber Insl lllDea*. Arthur H,.
wear, no matter bow- bard tbe llitKwhose home Is at Jennings. La-: I>r.
bub is on his shoe Icatber. tbeyll hold
Wilbur 8-. whose home li In Cleve­
him all right. The best shu<* and price
land, and Emile L. who wm called
run only to $1.65. JnvesL
from ber studies at Oberiln college
Mrs. Crowell wm an netlre member
of Christ church and the W. R. C. of
A decade or so ago susam and boTraverse City and her true ChrUtlan
ide Ihe friondship best among wster beating was oonslden-d a rich
msn's luxury. Today-these meiluxls *r<those who knew her bust.
bring Introductsl inio the mon- uuniwl cottage homes, u many eoiicludMILUNERY ATTRACTION.
it I* a pan of wisdom to put their
U you want to know bow a mlUlnery
monepRno pM>d reliable beating aiipa•tore looks. Just Hep into the Wo«»d
ratug. Arma ft Cole Install oviTy mndSisters' parlors and see the new cre­
ern rtevlee for economlral heating
ations la fall bait from the plnlnest
knuwn to tbe plumber's arL
and nevercsi street type to the rich,
heavily draped dress hat In all styles
to suit all faces. Tbe bcauUful black
Ouns. great gun*, and siill more
bam are especially atguns. Is but a mild expression, in ref­
tracUve to young and old. m well
erence to the hunting stock kept b>
the exquisite blended styles In burnt
the S- F. Saxton Hardware company.
orange, brown, mahogany and even;
Not only are there guns gdlore, but a
tag shadea.
complele Block of ammunition ie kepi
M welt, fw all these guus. both In shot
and rifle make*. You can't mis*
There li no excuse for a woman
wearing a^Ust year's bat when surb
a varied aasortment can be bad at
Barney Anderson bM purchased a
Mts* Heck's millinery parlors. A full
new stock of hardw-are. Hove* an !
line of head gear from tbe plain
utensils which be had on di^
Jaunty little cap at SO cenu to ibc
etahorate dress bat of many round play at hla farm implement store. 115
Slate street. The stoves are the ( i>
dollared design.
given also to order work. Old velvet Inmbia make and of most modern di freabcDcd and bade -to look like new. slgns. the line consisting of hnr<l coal
heater, hot blast and air tight. Ixnih
the new department over.
Don't buy new atoves when thi
tame service can be bad from the
Bccond-band product with Icm than
We ship our ojaters direct frm.
half 6e cost. Tbe only difference be­ Baltimore so Uiat they are alway*
tween the old and tbe nek- Is in the fresh, and we sell them In any q ian
the purctaMcr. Creat coats tUy you wish. Served in any *iv:.Im .III k„p up!. .IU.OP1
door*, but for a rheery- borne and pro­ right, jee rream always on hand. Ja>.
tecting glow, sit by a piping bot stove, W. Jackson, H«C from 81. U»;li
air tight, hot hiMt or coal. Frank phones. 144.
lUub, 40J E. From street.

* eb. 1* the name of
• •tw Arm vhteli haa fuat tooen organImd to do bnsleea* In Traverae City
Htd the Oraad Traverae rcgloa. Tbe
flm will handle jhlaloe*. hay. crain
nnd toed and bas purcbMcd tbe old
Koasaf * ^^f^oaae Jut weet of
tho 0. B tl. depot.
Mm flUffi. the eenlor member of
the flm. it won known In and aiwiod
the ellr, havtag handled the L. Btark
A OB.t Mta» boslnea* hero for aom«
dM.* •,». lloCoy le a yoong Trav
tmalate man wKh a ©«na hnowladge ol ihe bnelBeu,
havtafl Mn «>med in ffimtlar Hoea
for ioewaJ yeara.
■Rie new Arm arKI conlinne to han­
dle the L. flurk fl Co.'s bulneat. re­
taining their wgrehoue nnd In nddltlOB to the two here has warehonaee
at WUUaamharc. Rapid City. Bates.
Oaotial Lake. Kingsley. Buomlt City,
Neithimrt. Buttons Bay. Keewtek and
Oodar City. Hay. grain and feed wilt
alK> be handled.
Tbe wnrebonae bonAl by tbe
pany has a basjmenk with a capacity
<E JI.OOO bashe^ Tbla wiU be used
for potatoes. ,Tbe fltark war«Kiu*c
hare also baa a capadiy of ahont 8,C0(>
baabela. The office* wUl be in tbe
r warehouse.

Home Frwm flUtc Federatlen.
Mr*. O. P. Carver, delegate to
•late Federation of WomenV Clubs
from the lAdles Uhrmry aasoeUUon.
and Mrs. W. D. Tumci-. delate from
. .Ule Traverse CU}' Womu's club, ro- tamed on PHday. uiw Walt Mid
Mra. Evans will rems.n some
' longm In the eutempartof tbestsK^.
vlalting relatives and friends. MrsGarrer . report* an escepilonalty
Joyable meeting. She b a member
from the Eleventh Ooagr<.>*<lonal
tHd of Ue library ronunltlcc. which
works In eoenectlon with the
bfary In organlrteg new llbmrtec. Tbe
eommlitec bt-ld a meeting at Bay City
and their report wns very fnvomhly
reoetved by tbe federailoo. Tbe locei
subcommlttco of the state library
oummlttec coMists of Mrs. Fred CurIfa. Mia. Wtanlc Wail and MUs CU-a


M Ulf.
r.ii. II... Oi 1. .
11-.. M-int'-uc Pftl“-r
•-'snil tvff' Iron fo
- lit.- -a Ililll'-’H *'•'! »

_ ooe photo to one bolding fimliyl till* .*1 Pa^Fkic* 'f
hb^s em.urb to beep Wm»-lf ano;
throe. Bmlih L Price.
ha. to keep.hlm»-if ni:..
•riebt»r* s>ii>|.li<-d with pica thi
Iff Ihrr.uch.

Nest w.-eh the larg.- di'i'lay ronm*
!*->lr *J"'{
^ ngn„.j Afidcrr<ni will nog with ib<- ■ The MunUioR Paper

Annual Election.
Tb, ».uu »«’!« "
atj- Cm compmnr wm» heW Im»t *eek r
i __________
and director* mmd o«eer* electel
fur the oomlbK year. Tbe old twmrd
needed in
Ffwlcdoil and ihf oBleere mlw).
every town. A store whur.- the yoimR
The officer* of the conipmmy are:
i buusekeciK-r can fled the full quota
preaidcDt. Wllftam I/iodon.
: begin on. No niQOlng aniund with In• Vice Premldt-Di. J. T. Hannah.

..•irucikm for tb.- pail two y'vsr* t'
*nd wlU vo<Jn bpai It opemtlon., flic et«p*ny will
mamifncturt- Unc .msalin flbflr pap> r.
hard mnplbloc**. to ruli<-. tile p-jlp for which will o,
of Hpruce
. t'odlUac eunom from tl»- ooire Il’Wsi.'aO

tr.'s.rrr:.r.r:—- * --

sitUags DOW while there
letsnrc to aUead U> U. and it wiU be
O' U> all eootwned.

mmntrT «« -»• »"•“
tdU. fell frtHD m chmlr mt b« borne In
Um. Ind.. Wedneedmy mad nmm^
Imjarim thmi nmy prove fmtmL
Mr*. AUoe Johiro of thi* rtty. •
tooChter o< Mt*. Hl)d*Wl, went to
1^ and mt her mother-*
boom the emne momini: ibmt the mccld«8t oeeorred. Ur* Hudm« ». m»
oped imdr mad wm« lemnios <n-er Imeinf
ho- *boe when ebe beesme «ve^
haMneml. Tbe u*Mei In her Itmci
veto torn.

V. Friedrich.
TyoMurer. Saraoe] Garland.

There U a young ftrmer tn

CMstmM U Uie smsoo

igoiKl atiendance and theacw-eomi'l-te
i bouse furaisblngi. can go in on ouv or
der. w lih nolhlng lack-lag. J. W. Sister.
(he House FnrnliOlor.

No'kiecd to have It as tho R<Aai
And still w-e say It again, that every­
thing In the house furniihing line ran cold tablets kept by the JobnsonVrCo. are guaranteed to bn-ak up a cold
fte had at our siur<-. East Front
An especially One lint- of blankets and on ibe start; or if hegl.i-i.-d at Br-i.
bedding I* in stock, to go with scli-ct 11.“? the Rexall rherrt oiiigh syrup ■ •
ion of lb line* of Iron beds In all style*, prices l*'««he the Irritsti
fa<*a!th. To atoll
and sixes. That new home can be C' [throat and
the h-asi expense-.! sUV and every cold wear a che-J | r*i
by trading w-itb .Millar ft Uurse.
j loctur.and tbe cold winds can bate iu>
pcoeiratlon whatever.
Spectacles arc no longer a novelty
Men have been arrested for working!,
with American j>enp!e, hut a ■nere-.-ltv
Sunday but a depusit In People'* Sav- i
tags bank work* Sunday and hollday«‘wry
earning Interest for It* owner.
' 1*“^*^*^
I 1 .
iBarnum ft Ear giv- a profess Dus
l™. tip •• r.r.m, .bra:
with a true b ii.'
The following, are the officer*- >sm are the one to receive It a* when ^ w-bich may U> used with or w'Hbou!
FrwldeeU Mr*. Lois K. Felker. Grand ; ywi arc the one to i>ay.

; bowswr rim-!, and In goM hli.d
Rapid*; 111*1 Tice
.1,1 -Tl. Pra
France* Wheeler SwIOi. Hm■iiS^Ui
pleV and sec l; grow.|
__________ •
baeond vle« president. Mrs. Lucy WitQUALITY WORTH CONSIDERING.
Uams. lApper: recording fecretarr.
Just the thing for cool cventag* an
competitor* «y thv line lino «>l
Mr*. Sarah Wearer. Charlotte: correSpondtag seereury. Mrs. C. J. Smith.- damp days, the characu-rirtic of
Pvl >oj
WMt Hay CfVy: iroa*urer. Mrs Flor- nortbora fall. Millar ft Morse Lave ‘
"> wai;! y.Fi
eaco MIIU,Kntan*tuo.
them from ll.Ji up apd for a l»^t.w!'1'
acquainted with o-jr fine ctoiv-.
wlnicr heater they als6 carry a fulli
meat* at e^vll a* the prievs that li!
Pr^ Fall Wedding.
line of hot htasi and bard coal stove*.:
**■ ***l>u.ln«s qtiahlj i«
A pretty weddtac *as •
also a good line of hratlng stoves.
comaderatlon. BtWh BrotLostg tmke at the retldence of Mr. and
Mr*. Edward I'cpper Wwtnowday co<m
when their dani^ier. Mbs Blanche Wearing a ring. l«u it ha* no ch..;c.'.‘ *'n»i's what thvNi-w Vori, Tea si..r.
Pefiper, wm ttnitod le marriago to You know what you like and what you . has of dainty litti,-•'hell Uke trfternona
Herman On by tbe Rev. J. W. Hiller. don't like. With the large Msortmcni uw cups and saucer/, in fanej u- rmar
Mia* Leu Pepper, sister td the bride. In ptaln and fancy- net. or band ring* rhinn. cold .:eci>ra;K.n on n foreground
WM bridomaid and Bcraard Richard kept hy R. W. ItasUU. your taste can'of pale green, canary yi-llow <fr pick
non WM best man. The bridge was be graOfled both in style and price. In lUvc U-en raid fdr
cents, but will;
daintily gowoed In eream colored allk ac8id guM ring* ibe prices ran as low ! the apucial rale of vase* at 1" cent triBunet with Uce and carried a M a diSlar.
^ ibeep will go nl lo cent* atao.

Tnverse Qty State Bank





CAPITAL. $200.0d0
SURPLUS. S26/>00

AGeacTfll BuUflcBflslievDwe


S per Ceal lUowca tn flflieSie^ls.


Tire Insurance!
Plate Clase.steam Boiler and Accident Insurance.

Money to Loan on Improved Ral Estate Only.

Very W-rt pf dvnral
Tenth yw. of prar-UC/’.
V-xir patronsge soTlriud Ic
Nvw Nim-rfm building, und.-r K
of 1* b#:i, OB Boor with lk«-krr
■ >'s BM-lnf-s* College acil ort-r


n o. oxi,**scm-a.'. ah
I • wsdKoli-iwr IB ebMiwrx
H.-B HiAl- lluk

Room 310 New State Bank BuHdirR.

Trovorso City.

Deorge fl. 3ar»ls

cm store Chat Fills the most Prescriptions

U).*-S. BoSh.'gbvMW «



tbe Move Statement
1» a fact which esnno: be dts;- itcirhy a-vyom-.



Tlierc arc good ica-


pot in lui.rtvnc- •


aons, and you will kn->w them il you id the Rc 1 t.'rois fill a presenj*-


tion for you.

219 East Trent Strutt

Jlniericati Drug Company

J W.


CilizMts phen* Tk. OKm'AOS.
New Wilhelm Block.
Travgra* City.


New Wilhelm Woek,

Ai.1:M I K. GIO



On Real EaUta.


Traveran City.




Imy a I>etro:i jewel front ilivinj; Iiase heater. This
stove is made rf the very l.'cst mau-riol.
K'ery jinni is
propnd {caid'ti'Uj hilo’, m.-T ry; it i-crfectly aJt tight.
As a fud saver ij has pA oj-.ul. mi l wc w-ill cuar.-intec it to
keep the room warm vriih one I' c for 'J4 hours. Thi* sUn c
is handsome tn design and I'mi.-ii, richly nickclctl, and the
handsomcsl wooilVpvc nianuGi turcd. Come in and kt
us show it to yon.

■ Not the old shodtiy. liut frcsli from
factory. Standard make
Chase. They are strong and cheap­
est at






Going to Build?
If io. the South Side Lumber Co. at Traverse
City is iho place lo buy your material. Shop
and mill work done oti short notice. Give us
a chance to tif,'ure on your wants.

South Side Cumber Co-

store Fronts-Flxtures, Sash, Doors, and Resi­
dence Interior Work.

Craoerst City, lllicb.

All Kinds Of Building Materials

We Want to Sell

Traverse City


C'jfiicr l.ike svr snii loth *1

W. L. BBUWN. Mgr.


Cilz. Pkon#32.

Every family in thi> t iitity on-- nr in-'p of t-',;r -*

Oil or Gasoline Cans

All regular sir« in «ock. Special wagons nadfleiphs
ro*.1eip crrler, pToraptly. Only thc-werybegl nu-


H'ra'csetl, xn<1 fully guAranleed m erery je^tacL
TliAt arc wade to use M well a* aelL They are


no: made of cheap materal, and -ginB t flashy
,;..e eye; hut are dnrable, oomfort

^Maybe we can’t do:h:u. but if you ar'- ir.'.ert-'t' il .,:ve
usn chance !‘j sStou you tiur .Never
can is yjuaraJJtced.

I uil Can.

Take it home auiI

not satisfactory, briny it

1 hi-

it; if i: is

back and yet your money.

There is m-thiny to yet om

of order- no funnel or ‘^lop, dri]'or waste, no b-ak or

h is very durable.

able, and ncaL

Tbe chcaj/cst on the tsatket, qaalhy eraiiidered.

Once used a.nd you »'il b*yr,o oshc: make.

■26 state Street, w Uictor Pcfcrtyl.

It works by air pres­

It is the best can in the world

We also have a few Dinner Se't>, composed ol "i'*

They are bargains at

Every day ani-

clev. nicely liecorated Cups. Eja'.es.' Howls. Ihtchers.
Meat I’iaucrs and Cake I'liUes.


Iln-.e you ever tried the

Royal Tie**'- "r-aaa and CoVVaaa

Bo^di tiger
Ti.ey arc ihc best



Cinmd Ctn
md SalmcB

--n:) ;<y



plod this afemooB with committee
work. Tbe eonmlttce on eoonty poor
la coaiuaeiion with the clerk and
U dralilng
able the board to employ two -count'
phyatetaas to take oar» of coanty
cases and oonlSRloua diseases Inston'l
of ooe. The county will be dlvldcl
Into dlatrlcU and earh wDI cover one.
The committee on flnanee. wnya and
-reported relative to the sol­
diers-relief oommlmiOB. A settlemert
had been made with the c

mm W<d»wtey t Record.
Tkn* iead t
« fortbe po>
pbrctciu for Uil*
ittlOB ct eon
« Dr». Arthor HoUITl«r
ter, B. B. iflsor
O. *. Chwe.
cr«re roferrod
« OB eocBif poor.
TSa BBWiBl «Pon of 0» ■■Perio
usdnu of ibe poor n» •abmlusd to
tke board aad ibelr report reeelred
BBd rtferred to
_____ j, varo red tDOWt. The report
m6t« Jbm M Bod Bboved tbei tbe
BSOBBto paid oat for Isiuteo of tbe
a prorUlDg ' thpt tbe
poor booM vere mm foUo*t;
ClntbiiK. tSC-fJ; food. SSOOJS; BMd board doc» not aUow the coon bon»e
Ids* BBd Mrae. S17.7S; traarpOTU to be naed for other than cooety par
Uoa. SS.M; iBooruee. flS.TS; repaln, poaea waa pataed.
The eonmluee on moatizatlon. tbo
I>ara)ueBl peopen onuWe
the .OBiinUice on flnancc, a-aya and means
poorSooM who were «lr»* temporary and the eomolttcc on county poor
aU in aeation the lime td soUn:
relKf. t44LS2: foBerml oKpeoMa. |M;
food. mM; tml $i7M; traeaportatioa. m^: feea. TLtO.
The report waa aldoed by the anperPlucky Lake Captain.
I. O. P. Oarrw. A. E. Pulrer
A sUgbt bine eyed w
in every respect, yet*whose erm mouth
and OiMrtm Eataa.
Barr M. iaM of MaySeid appeered ahowa that rte has an Iron disiwslllon.
bafote tha board In regard to tonnlng a woman for whom the storms of Lake
tba sew towsahip id Boardman.
Michigan have ao terror even though
nera were two remosatrwicea they be met and fought In a small
Igrr- tha peiiuoii aigned by a large boat, aacb Is Mrs. ITorcnee lUaa.
BBBber. Ob* waa from people Urlng Sonth' Manitou IslandIB Bast Bay towsahlp and the other
Mra Haas Is tbe daughier of Cap
from OarSeld townafaip.
tain RaJmo. who has sailed the Ore^i
Tba petition from Bait Bay town Laket In fair weather and foul, but
aUp aaid that the
mdy amall. that umde to thU cify
Iran people Hring in the propoeed
B«w towBahip wtMid hare to come
. orar rasda ranatng thnwgh Ban Bar
toarsahJp. and that tie taxei were alnady haary. They did not ob}ect.
hovarer. to eecUona > to 1$, M north
nage 10 weat being attached to Paradlae towsahlp, alio aereral other aecwhich were deacribed. They
fsnher aUted that those who signed
tha patUios had a ralaatloe of
white thost algsiag the remoosinnce

Ad a rsliiMteB-<d. IU.790.
The. realdentj from Garfleld who
^ed the resKmnraiiee
abend the eame argnmeat and to ap­
pended a etatestest «f the raloatlon
«r thoee who were In feror and thoae
agatsat. who lirod In OarSeld townahtp, and would by eaUbllsblag
Boaidsun be In thaL Tboec who
imted the sew towsahlp hare a raluStloB or H.0S0 aad thoae reisonatratlag agaiaat It hare a ralutUon of tl9.SW. It la aald that ooe man.
Urea la this cUy. has a ralnatlon of
tfwnt W.OOO of tb^,0M.
Tbe petltloaa were reoeired and re­
ferred to the oommtnee on towna.
A reaidntion waa preeented by the
e t& which
matter of leUlng the court bnlldlne
ont tor other porpoaea than wUt the
tedldiag was for and
I It be sot let o«t for any nher
t after this. T%e matter was
Itecotaed as the Record wet
Trem Tliandar^ Roaord.
At Um bosRl of taperrtaort meeUng
k was done today bealdea a great grin of o
grooM og.
The Soldlea' and.Ballora’ Commloaioa of thU eonaty made lu ananal re­
port asd stated that It bad on hand
Not. 1. IMl, >404J1. bat that U waa
sow la debt and had at the aame lime
been rery eooBonIcal In iu ezpeadltsrea. That It bad more caUa than
aamtl and that targe araodau bad to
be paid tor wood. U was asked that
sen year $«00 be allowed. The re­
port waa clgaed by R. B. Oeraer.
ohalmaa. and W. B. Smith, secretary.
Tbe mattn- waa referred to the oomBlUee on Inaaee, ways and means. .
Tbe lall Inspectors made their re­
port la which on September (when
they amde the report) there bad been
thirty-two eosSned la the lait since
the tan report. The following arc the
eaasee asd the whbImt glreo refers
to asalee snIoaB otherwise speeiSed;
fbrgsrjr. 1: larceay. 8: perjary, l; dlsMgeriy. l; diaposlng of mortgaged
property. 1? ladeoeot tangnage. l; annslt and battery. >: embeaslemenL l:
dnnka. 4; drvaka (te^e), 2; drnn):
aad dtaordniy. S: traaata. 2; Ueaau
(famate). 1; dcteatloa (female). 1:
taking ladeccat Ubartlee with a feaiaie
ehild. I: ladeeeat eapaeare. 1. At the
lime of tbe report there were atltl
la .tall awaltlBg trial.
Tbe report atao reomimended that
the Soor aad cella of tbe Srst Soor be
palsied and that aew bedding be parThe parttal r^ort of the commitJtee
oa etalBw nnd aeoonata was teerired
asd adopted.
The oonmltiar on towns roporte.l
against the peGUoa for the new town­
ship of Boardataa. However, tbe commBtss nU: *Tbe coamiuee would
oapeiltloa be preesatad to said board for the
formatloa of a aew towaahlp to compriae all the territory described la the
patRloa andsr
tbe north tier of eecHoas in town 2C
aorth of mage 10 wen. that probable
action be takee npoa such new peUOoa.”
As enlarged ptetare of the tale S. &I.
Brown was ordered for tbe supenriThM boart
I to 8
•Ytoek tomorrow-Btornlag for commit
too WOflt.
rnmlYMar-a Raeord.
Th» board of aupeivtaora la oc«a-

The Harbor Sprtagt RcpttWkaa ha^
-gone up the due." L. A. Clark. It*
«diior for many yearn, sold oil ro
months ago. and the new proprlt-....
seems to lave gotten In at the wrong
I time.
Manistee may havo an improved
Shylock: was
was tnc
the man
man who
^ bridge to span the river In that
of human ifity- «
a ...........................
Kalamacoo bridge - wanted a pound %«



__ .___.......t

*11 IV I |\ yotir Health and STRENGTH with

U I)

rv Ur WI

cmUMJI. m* hffiW-

yfgonter for WOMEN.
—cm h from ywm-Drtiggfc*__________ _cw>eo-y«wUTOl»'«.

Mlllnw fnr M

There ere
Shylocks now, the conk-ales*,ibe middle pier of th.
cent, the consumptive, the regulation rwing now in general U*v .
Sicily enno,
dtild, im:
the pele
,/tuu- young
known aa the Royal
wom?n, all want human
--------------flesh urrut-r
order tn
of Oskfl.
oak» Each Individual lodge
and Ihcv can cct it—take ! U known as a grove, and the Soo lodgtCw-. I
; ta of coarve Grove So. t. It It aa InScott S Emulsion.
Scott’s Emulsion is flesh! a Plymoulb boy. r..vears-old. it cvl-


nnd Wood, bone and n.u,^le
itfccds the nerves, strengthens (,p„ h„„p
h,d walked four miles
ihc digestive onnms and they'u-forc he was «oppe-d and taken m
1 ,r
111 .V,!..
' br farmers for the night,
lecd the whole bod\.
.luje-nts of the Alpenn high
For nearly thirty
years sebou] have organlicd what Is
known as tbe Alpena High School
Scott’s Emulsion has been the Scholarship Fund arroctailon. the oh-,
great giver ol human flesh.
i p-et o( which Is to aid graduates deI string «o flnUh their edueatloa In uniWe will scad you a coupte of
j verslUos.
ounces free.
I Elwcl Hoyt of Eau aaire Is a lover
of old curiosities, and baa gathered in.
SCOTT * BOWNE. Chomlata.
M.415 Pearl Street, Now YortL to a log cabin, built for the purpose. * ,
culleoiion of over I.wo articles, nearly
all relies of pioneer day*.
More modern buildings. Including
lumber bcsUt in tbe employ of B. J. business blocks, school buildings,
Morgan, bad inrent butinets on tlj«i eburrhe* and lodge quartet*, besides
mainland aad tiarted out with Mr*. the new city hall, have been erected
Haas. They were Ju«t about half way In Alpena this anmmer than in manv
serosa, when the man became frlghiprevious years.
cned. -Take me back." he said
Union City saloon* must close at 9
•Take me back and I will give you
ISOn." "Keep elill." said Mrs. Has*,
"and I'll land you on the other side for
Ofiy cents." that l>elng the regular
Mr*. Haas doe* not have to carry
the mall, she could remain quietly n:
home: ihe la not forced to take long
(rips across treacberoua Michigan, but
she lures the water and likes to know
Uiat no matter how high the waves
roll, she ran baOlc them with the skill
that lies in her handa. nerves and

We can.give you a BARGAIN
in a Second-Hand






' -

etate Newt.

' ' ,i

Mayor lanstng til.
Six Filipino aiudcnu In M.
■d football

who no* live* peacefully on a
"^F^er near WayUnd lost 24 sheep i nr5«J.l^ me..
baring forsaken the Inland seas,
buaband Is a South Manitou fanner
and when that It said, It egproascs
full measure of plenty, for ibe fsnn-jit Ypsilantl.
bee ft Roxburgh.
■ers of Sonih Manitou Irland aro the
Ttiouinnds hunhels apples wastlgc
mart prospenms^n the world.
In llrauch county.
Mrs. Haas Is 42 years of age and has
Rig mass meeting nnd ux nwst
lived on the Island since she was sev- Westphalia Thusday.


_ , D.vmmiaKkasr^sm!."


Cadies’ Suits

notions and Taney Jewelry
Sec our new fancy Cuff Pins.

lOci 16c and 25c

Courist Coats
W^c arc now showing the
most complete line of l-.'i*
dies’ and Misses’ ready-towear garments to be found
in Northern Michigan.
i.adies’ finely Tailored
Suits from

New Hand Ha^. fancy lining, v ith small change
«. pin cushion and bottle, wor
Small ones for the children

woph 75c.


We c.trry the famous Wayne knit line.
en for tit and wearing'qualities.

$15 Up

Can't be lieat-

15d 25c and 50c

Blankets i

The 2^Fool Boat That Mri. Hans Drives Through Ihe Storms
cn. She has always loved the water- ElertnicutloD may be used by\rand
and under her father'was an a|it ptipl) Rat>ld* pounilmartcr.
and learned to sail a boat in a man-' J. I). Labar. Battle Creek, cclebralrl
ncr that few men could Imitate. Nol ainely-scveiith Idrtbdsy.
mailer bow flercc the storm. Mr*.! Grand Rapids oil dealer fined for
Haas would nol hesitate If a trip was 'Citing short
Sister* have lawsuit In Grand Rap­
io be made. She would'go out when
men a-ouldut go and would sail her id* over father's erute.
boat when men refuaed to take their s
Company formetl at Milford to mauafa-rture
cement blocks.
from qheltcr.
Mr*. Has* ha* at present a tweatyOver
divorces granted la lagfivc foot boat *hlch haa been changed ham county 1)1 Ove years.
from a sail boat to a power boat by
Ten year-old boy. Grand Rapids, fell
the Insiallation pf a gasoline engine. from window, breaking leg.
Thrt-e time* a w«wk. no matter who'.'
After -h year* ahaence. George Abthe «Tatbcr. she and her lUile boat go falUT returns u> Westphalia.
from South Manlinu to Gkm Haven
Russell J. Slow. Grand Rapid*, died
and take the mall acnivs. The biMt while visiting sister In Ohio
a twotve horse puwer engine an<l
Separstbr fell on farm band near
Baa a *,>eod of twpive mlk-x an hot*
It la all deckel mer wi4
wl« tb
the .-x^prion ■
of the space Ju.*t forward ot the ma't-!
supcn.sors must para on
If a aca happens f. bn»k entirely over •“»*'«»* >>'Hs amounting to lin.fuv..
the boat. Mra. Huas dow not worry, j Food commisainner say, tovi-ral
Mr*. Haas lias been mail carrier for; aampli-s of Lanring milk watered,
nnmbcr of years, formerly taking ;i • Chrirtma* w*>rk elMss will be Mart.-,!
across in a salibotU In addition to: Iq- First Congregailonal church Sigibe mall carrying with tipr little boat.j inaw.
... trip to Green' Drinking and family trouJiles caused
Bay. Wisconsin, seventy mile* acrovi i Siiirgis farmer to "slitiffle off" bv rat
the take. Her son act*
engineer.t poistm route.
Ooe night, niter they had left Green i The Harrietta Herald, of Harric’ta.
Bay a abort diatanee. her atm ftinha* lieen dlaeontlnui-d. Mr* Mlnn.c
asleep and bis father also. Mr*. Haas j So-j-Jiwlck. Us eilltor. ba* stdd thcl
did not diftnrb them, but all alone. ■ plant and anbseriptSon list to the Ca-Ithroaghoot the night, she not only | iUae Globe,
piloted the boat safely across hat! A Baiile Creek rag picker.
looked after the endno. When the fa I cashing a check for $100 the other day.
ther and asd »on awakened they werej renacted that he made fn»m $3 to 8:
Jam entering Sooth Maaiioo barinr! 1 peff^y looking over and picking up
Last year, on a very siormy day. ai the refnae Ibrosra Into allcya.


Ui-i heavy ilcttccd IJIanket, tan, grey and
white. '*
11-4, grey only, very heavy blank|;t. Iimilct:l 00Q

Courist Coats from $10 up to $35
llic leading siore for ^fcnuinc bar-.;ain>.
m in. Black Taffeta
27 in. Black Taffeta
in. Black Taffeta, wear gyarantced




:f6 in. Black Pcau de Soic. a genuine Sl-i^
value, for............................................................
Lining Satins, all Colors,
V guaranteed to wear 1 AO
two seasons, :iG inches wide, at................. ..

Oiool Dress ffoods
San Juan Suiting for waists and evening
All Wool Cheviots. 36 inches wide.
da in. Black Sicilian. 7-5c quality,


36 in. all wool Venetian Cloth, black, navy and 00^
red. 50c value............................................................ 0570

Covering the form like a glove, y.’clding to every
motion of the body, yci always remaining in place, they
cost no more than the common kind that do not fit.


Oor. Wron-t ati-id
Lli-iiorv S-trso-ts.

the first fioor bat a regular store frooL
•wtnn-PcWM RAlMn.
rfabt on the alley with wide eotrence
Acm«. MKfc- 0«.
tad sd>oinlBg tbe inalD doorway s sti;?
teUb at Ae*e cUl«» Oi« bMwr tar
wider mrsaee where teanu css
kijsMlf for nUlM utf rr / HopR-r
Mre Into tbe bnilding sod reccire or
for dicciBg puuuMB. H)i>
inluad goods. Goods can be deUrerri
taltk'« POUIOM rtrM it* iHidKU per May Be Weak. One
rlgbt on the large cierstor from this
•era asd October TZ Ur. Hopper dm.
Person in Four Has •ntmnee, luc elevator reaching tbe
iMwd op. pitted «Bd corered 111
a Weak Heart.
bssencni and upper floor.
biHheik. Boiuier field, bucer dK
Oas to the nr««t atons to
The lop floor to lo be used ftw s dis­
*od bteaer rartetr. Anrone be»> btart to tboftoso to braath sflsr ............
IW.thU ttike* the buper.
Tour bsort Is net sbla to poato the play reoB for esrrisge*. Injggies and
Mood fSat eneuch te four luaga.
ligfai rigs sad slrvady there is s One
Tbe Kind Too Have A.'T.’ays BoosLt. and 'vrhleb has b«cto
Bona to tba other are>pt«ns to Bssrt lltplay eablbitcd.
MicMpeit Crop Report.
in u-se for over 30 years ban borne the nignatnre of
are: rains to lha BhJa. Bsto
The bssement bss a capacity of
LuilPK. MiBb. Oci. 16.-Tb.- on- Trenbto
> and ban been made rnidcr bin pc^
and SbenMsr; PStoUng or Weak gpeOs:
' «dBl enip report Ja*t iMBOd by Br-rrsboui twenty-five carloads of goods,
BonalsapcrvlsioQ ntnee IiiilnnincT.
UTf o( Stole Wonier «art ibBl Ibc
nils is to be used as a storage ruoia
Allow no one to deceive >-oa in thin.
Ke one on sSerd to sDow
tmpmtsre duria*
and for the general disposition ol
All Cotuilerfplts InalUHonB and •• Jn:;** are but
bean te go wllbeot medletoa.
Mt fBvoTBblc for cropi. lOMmoeb u sresk bssrt
Ex|K'rimenUt Umt triflo wltb ond ccdniicvr the Iirmlfli nf
torodatlen. sod heavy goods and parts of the many
«W. drr weather was needed l<> poor
Hoes of fsrwi Imptenents aud n;<'
lufouU aud Cbildrcn—Expo-icnce a^iu«t £xperimcnb
___ ,
r. Iddnsys. tic.
ripen com. beena bimI potntoei. Coticblnerf carried. A large supply will
Muy womea are denied
It therefor*, you euspset bssrt tyoobto.
eldembh- damace waa done bj froai to bsgto
Dr. Ultoe’ Kew Hasrt Curs. always be kept on hand so that any happiness of children through
«»pa on low Innda. where Uer kept Tbe Hesrt Cure wUl do fou good, so II to machine desired on short notice ear.
derangement of tbe goienrtive
CniwUta loaiend of natorinS- How- s splendid tonic for the Uoed and aerres. l>c
op Immediately and dellvrr>-<l
Contoria Js n harmleiw ’ antwtStule for Castor Oil, I*arcorgans. Mrs. Bejer advises
«ne, paainrea were InproTed. so ibsl aad will rariultoe fear eoUre efstcto.
Itfirie. Umpt) and Sootitln-z Kyruprt. It Ik l'l<-a*Miit. II
Ptosnr. remember. Dr. Miles- New wlibont delav.
all klBdaorilre clock are In a bealibf Bton Care to eoid under s guarsatea
The company has as One quarters^ women to use Lydia E Pink*
contains neither Oitium, .Alon’bbic uor oUier Nurt-otie
SM tbridea condition.
as any similar concern lo the north-: ham's Vegetrtile Compound.
that tbs ant botua wlD de you a«to.
Its ape U Its {rtiaxnntcc. It dotruys \V<>
If It deess-l—your mosier back.
The flaal eailaated field of wheat i*
ern pan of the stale and the reeog
and allays Feverisbnem. It cures Dlnrrli<ca and Wind
Mrs. PiFgBJtnr —1 suffered
Hgbt bosbds per acre for ibe aUU'.
nlted ability and popnlarliy of the with stc«i.<-h eompUinl ior yesrs. 1
Colic. It relieves Tetthiair Tronblea, cures Constipation
The dnaUtf li rerr poor and such of
members of the company assures a g-ot so bid that I could not carry niv
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Pood, rcjzulfltcH tiio
bet five jsoothri. then wki;M
U will he nnDi for Btllllna psrpoaea. It
growing and
I Bowels* rlviitc healthy and natural -Iccp.
dscarriage. The Ja.-:*.
}a.-d time 1
to dittcun to eatlmate (he loul crop
The building now occupied by F. I’. became nreCBUBt. my bnib-tod e«:t —
Tbe CbUdren’a Panacea—The Hotlier’a Prlcad.
Cor Ute fwar. since much <rf It waa
Boughey wUl be repaired and lease 1. to take Lydia F~ Pinkliatn s Vcirn* '
plowed op Uit spring, and some of It
table Compound. After taking il>o
fint bottle 1 was rclicrpd of the MckMen Are gtlll Missing.
ent for bar- A <
WIMiamsbdhg. Mich.. Oct. ir;.—On Dcss of stomach.aad betran to frv-l bet­
at the crop for IMM. bowerer. would
ter in every way. 1 eoo-.;aued it"
1 Bean tJxe Signarart
account of the fog on Rnuod lake laxt and wu caabl^ to carry my baby to
r hare a nice baby
The acreage eown this fall, as conievening nothing could be- accom„________________
; Ivl! r than I ev-T
TTtu piubed in tbe way of finding
pared with an arerage, U ff per cent,
could before. Ism like
bodies of the three men whu are supfor ibe eUle. The arerage date nf
las. Fbasb Brrru. ri s.bccusd bu,
posed to have been drowned Sunrta>. Meriden, Conn. — srocn farfrtt •' v-ttmi i-r
Bpwtag wheat waa
The eitlBated arerage field per
riraggiog the take has been given on. at€mIrttMTrnttaf ftrjinci-tKt^rmel M-rrtoiicva.
acre of oau to iblrtftbrwe bnabeto tor
all bopes of finding tbe bodies vllb
grappUng books having been aban­
the stale.
Don’t hcsll.-ttc to wTitc to Mr*.
doned. A cloae watch, however, will
The seweoo baa ben
Pinkbam. Kite will undervt:m<I
larf for tbe poor and be
| kept in event of their rising.
cora. and tbe field will be below the has a free d
yoarcAtos perfectly, ard will ireni
women's and girls' lunch and rert
arerage. Tbe gnallif of much of It
The chief of police of Cleveland. O . you witli Kindness. Her odvicc
women hu sent a description nf the Jam-4
wUI be poor, slace It failed to ripen
betere tbe froeis oune. Tbe caUnatH daily; Mosk^an equipped a cooking Sullivan In the party wbleb flu the Mom. No woman ever rctjrctteil
wriii<-n Iicr*ttD(l ttb« Itos
average field per acre to twenif-als school and gave twenty-four working ,man very eraclly. He left home :t havine
helped UiuitoomU.
girls free lessons: Ml. Pleasant esiab- ydhr
bwtato for tbe entire state.
and a half ago and bis father
lUbed a cireulaiiog library; Aims se­ In ignoranoo of his whereabouts.
The reslcKu' • »f a M. l>lrk>‘<>ti at !
paUtiMs aad tbe field now praalaei cured an antl-espectoraling ordinance. |
of the missing men was Jo-.U mn
In <b>' Olmdt i crar- for Uv
■ uonl, toUrnndTrsvma. iBchaBiarT.
to be shore ibe average. In M»ne lo- Twelve dub bonacs are owned out-1 xowne. he was a ne'er do well accoW John Jelly, on illcliisar. ax. nuc north.
Ulsuch* Ub.iu-h. .-nnipUiS r7 Cjru»
,q ,hp Muskegon Chronicle, which Bsltlc Cre-cl;. nn- coniu-rr. .1 w ith a prl
CRlHlea tbe ett^t ripened before Ibe right, valued at $llS,«Kh-and Buchan 1
Hmi i»Tuline IB Ibr I'lmut C«>,i for tbn
xos-ne was well known In vale triephopc. whirl, is ordinarily r
frvet cane, wblle lo other places dan- an to preparing lu build. Thlriy clubs 1 g,y,.
r.miity of
Tr«f»-r»r-. in els
a^ waa done. Tbe esUnated fleM
libraries aggregating CH.9WI vol-! Muskegon ibrough newspaper ix-!mu".» source of cnn^iderslile iv-iahlM>riy eoci Sk-'ttid be ciesi-av,*iutbireansrll s|ip«srtiic rmm bi
for tbe state to lOZ busbeto per acre.
I of bis appearance In police coiiri. He furl. Bui Montlay'atteniiH-n tiurim; a Elj’i Oreita Balm
flir that Ur- d-l-ndnat. Cyrui Hlourli. 1* not s
The annual address of Presided i
wiykin? harti ihiin'Kv etorm. lighuiing hi' ih.
Bewaa Bade a good growib tbit rear
ntodret to Uil>.tair.bat tr*Sd<MBt
' ibr dan-sd ora.‘-roirf,
t),**Utr of WilorsrJo. on noum <,f Anil p.
and ware in good ecadlttoa at harrct« Josephine M. Gould ofHj^sao recom- ] „„
wire «S(1 went Iritli w«yF. lesring >i
n rv mb taJ dr A .a
NnilBcvr..-ntBplBlnsar* Bcili.-|Tar.It i. order

iba Uh mu utomdanl ahaU .-bbs.. hl> als
tt»e. Moat fannert aeeured tbe crop
few rWnglta, off front IiirkrotiV hiiiir-* i i'.Vy t ®;d
to l« BBOred brrrUi, BitBln (our
la goad abape, iboqgb autne dainaae
. drgv congress to esUb- j t„uble ia the sawdust district and left
• - htbcii of sidlliK off Ji-lly e, Vhi
nomli.fomi tUr dati-o( thi« <BOrr. vri inrs**
‘ Crasm Itolm :f piarrd ta-.o tbs usOriJs, mrssAa to eon Biibearaur* ihBl b--.-aDB-bu uawer to
baa ban done faf tbe ralna where tbej Itob a department of education, lu !
city., a warrant to now‘out tor his bouse*.tried to catHi I
but It wa j
!■ r-«erUcd. EeiWttiai• Ullof .-oiBoUintt.'
BBdBropr IJier.of
•of to
tclx ~-r,i.|
o-rri.l -m mi
m U -too
tnn tote. Tba
I for tbe last Bight a ree^tOoB was given
fittiiup Iw hard.
I lE.dii-.rssiia'-jrtfoJww. Ii U oed
-jr. wiibln
lumir dsf* »nrr
‘ prodttcerm. Tj^r.
bnabela per acre.
Mato Is tbirti
secretory to be a caBlnet offlter. Yet-; Towdc's mother-livct In the ol.i
•rs-n.* ou bill, to u n,|>y of luud loll, a'ol UtoinE.(-. 10 crti-J b* MIL
Uiai in di-lBUlt till nrif.MUd
Tbe caUmnted field per acre of terday afternoon the Visitors were the jMicWgan house at Mlmli Mreci aiul
Nil U ukrn o. loBlrMnt t.r (bo i«lu non n*.
laelX dMeodant
guestt of tbe street railway comi>anyl(.,jj. ^,.cnuc.
ba^vbsM to aixtees biubeli.
Auilltl, rurfh.
■iarl: l,n-«
and last nli^i a reception was given
, IT dmyi- thi .Bid n <-Bu.*a nonroof
I till-oM.-r to t- iJUbliainsS III t/o ■inoid Tr*»
taste ill 'ill- nKirpiDc. if >'">r -vmil
Itoangi Cress at Grand Haven.
them in the Bldotio.
OrAd Bapiga. ftion.. Oct. H.—Saia
Mrs. Marie B. Fel^ of Lansing, in
That's the way one feels after diuj i.LtdirsIlon (•■ (..nUiiBKl thcr.- at I WM me* In
g OnM Ham dlspaicb to tbe Ri
an addrem to the fedenttlon lb the , lag at the Ultle Tavern, where every- made c-an>iie» rtich as ih- I--i fln-'-l
Candy rompsnv puli. i>iv>n ilu- market. |
One Bcirnlai tbla week there ap1 attack i
Hag ^
■r-rrrd on dBirl iioo rrsidi-ul dto>-tBanl.
1*1 n«T d
iiBi'- »'>->»- per
pyad apoB tbe top of Dewer bill. Ibe .po« Ui. wolih, p«wl. ol vidilol I
„.a „
orto, »» do Frery puiiml i« an endorsement Inr '
fU.-llt- B|
ippoatle Grand (or doB.Ua, fuad. to eall.,M ouUtdr;. (..j.
.^er to more, just af every tosti- is ati Itultin- !
OgoBUK w <vir

Harab.abagecn«a.wbleb, faetog tbe or «o O.U, .od fo cooamloo
Tbwii tall
AMit r.}—..................
the ead is nut yet.
i A 'I'*:, tr-cr. da-n':!!--. ctlvsnised l«xt.
1'onirJ^aBnl . Holiriior
(dif, wtabet a coaaplewoNi obfect
llonod Su. r llrOr... > bl, loci
A-.ipr jv.d ey l.h' l-u-tTaa*t»r-<'
Ibe akf line to tbe great aaad bill. Srm. She said that after denudlne
'"juVcT k“w^,Tkb.
.Sent 60 receipt Of SI.
tP-cMrr I;. I’haiK
> to the blllalde of the Hvet. the Saginaw valley and this portion af'
V *;r T-.urt;.. on b..i ItKlaJ-il
wbk* Is looallf baowa ai -Canada.’
tjvulocf .has Just
l a ii-h
state of Its salt and becoming:
viiluf more we wtUprepay
mj tbal for aenral dafs preceding wmltby. they made an endowment !<• j
Thcre are o many cheap and wortli- line of Kiehrict. Fox. Hilltel.-r ii,. ti r
tbe anetloa to tbe cross, atraage men. Cornell, an Eaiicrn unlvcraity. c
leas perfumes that It to hard to de­ fine shoe-s for fal! and *-ln'er it.-a:.
airabgtof gartod. arere to tba aalgb' considerable sum. and Ignored
Adrian, Mlah.
scribe a really good odor, unless a Welsh' juM the thins and tii-j style
borbood. aad that apoa tba spot arbare Untveralty of Mtcbigan. She declared j ‘
can't be bi-ai. They come In idi% esit
tbe croM BOW ataads. tost Tbarada.v
atiO cordovan, liuib riandard leailier-.
aad rrldsf sight ocenrred a BeeilUK and Michigan money for Michigan.
.a« r
by Mrs. K. U Bonner bare the deli­
to I'Ji
to than airaagan.
cate and refreshing fragrance of tbe
Attemptad Train Wrecking.
tlatu far Into the akoralng hours
p •*-r»l B Vi-ii.n
Fans Ccaaly Baak Bldg.. DBTBOIt
>■•*( ar<- b-ro-iii fuitlimir d<(USmI tba- cb--T*
Porto Rosa.
Ariznla Uiulrmi.
Han. Mich.. Oct. JS.-A desperate
Ibelr wairb Are wm bnntlag. No one
will U .nlrtDUtad
;u u>fmUr
mad t<i
lol-- li. y.«r
............... .. to_ ........
> tar as known atlmptad
latred^ attempt was made at 9 o'clock i*»i; ^ choose from.
ArlroU rimthat,
I tn* nduDtlou ..f a nnifK>*d amtobcm-ti
apea Ur wytterioui gatherlag. b>rt|Bigbt to wreck a Fere Manpictte pa»-‘ From nver in tbe HeiulerKon ...... XrhEOhi.FaiiU'tla.
DWiK.iTE N'-Tlct-Wmt.- of Ifirbiaar.. ' AMi'l-Four of tb-f.m.nintKu -f tl,i. >
10c. 3 for 25c.
J'‘c,:: 25c ”
m» a dtouaoe oouM be beard peeu lAoager train two miles miuth of Han. .^ip nelghiKirbood. around Hoxlevlli •
If rand Tra‘.*«*. a.,
Ut rrynmliBe N<«-iini, -Tx-nn »nrt« toaaid _
X'-tH-. 1- !..*• ;.? tnT.a. tliai liy as order to •■»<•. n-hi-b
kniiuili* llto. far ib- lnlnoit, C. W, Weaver's Facury Smoke',
"------- uada as If made by the enilre at Schafers gully. Throe unk
■ he potato crop to going licyond Ih
lb-Frida).( ir tli< i'osbIt of Urasd ‘‘iuc*"'-"
t-<h* m■ arh hosaeto«lu>l-ui*Iaiiira
5 cvnis sTaigbi.
Trarerm... oiad, on r)i.- Kih da> to K-i.i. A I>
In «nin>-i.. wh- 1 ban- h-retu «■ i bit
r Chaatlag a dirge. The aexi
broke into a factorv building al |
expmatlons of the growe-s Ibt 2 for 25c.
1» 4. f.ittr iii.iiiih-fn.tii tbai date wen-allownl
Trariww. c,t . finuto Tranw i'..un
IJtilc Weavers. Northern Queen.
iMg only ashes remained to ladl Han and stole tools with which lhcy;„j
f.* rrtoit.T. I., i-r..-nl ili.1T rialra. aniniU '' Ihl-I«H> da.v
h.-irtei,i!.-r. A 1>. I*X
^cato that than had hern a meelliig ........
5r. C for 25c. ltc«.t*o-,.fEa;M,.
pulled ...
the iplkes
from i.Q
two nIU
nils oa
on aj (Vcxionl cminiy. bni ii .-□n'l—lb.- 5 cents straishl,
t.. dr.-.-ai>.I. and i!.
all efwll*-r» -if (Old
upea Ihto. the highen^peak along a- sharp curve at
Rod Seal.
Red Scout,
,.||> .blob u im i
.......... I.. ,a„

Your Heart



Tie Kind You HaYfl Always Bought

Etankm Rutin
tkM.mur. Utulaaaat Uovssanr. Os
to ewi*:

4.1* lur U>* twi^ SSI
-------------- t*«r| lhj*Rlato.cmM*W'


.* l .^mly a
<;m»! T.mtoI7'*”i^j3*T*'to
»l>tnft.<asa (VjuIvCkrl, oaa ruoatr Tnwa
KiwitooT to Ikada. oar l>rwrMt>as
AilursiT. two Oin-aU Own t'swbmlMdiwT*
..a. i'.msli Uerraaor aiidiww t'oro^wa.
In wlMMio wWanad I harr lwr>« «M mr
bstalat Travrrmedlr.tinind *Tti- m rtuin

I..M|.biCan.IlD>l*il>da. to HMri'atto. A U


Rt.nff toOrmndT


(irand Trarerw. as.
Is (b> mstlto at tb* toUl* to OriMiaiia
M*.i-r. lai. -4 BstdronM.i, luilild.
Kutw. lah.-rrb; rvre. that is parsasar*


IBX. tlitoo will b* W.kl at poSbr vfias. tv
Ih' mchr-l Hddar. at tb* aorib (rsM dwir to
I la I'l.url Houar Is tb* Oly to Tist w flty.
in owjd ..Msty

Friday, tna asih davof Ootsbwr.
A. O. 1004,
avs*n (.'ba-k-ln tb* foiI'arioii to saM dM.all
ih* ricbi. IIIU and latorsn to owbltmwiSBi
Hrrar. d*orao*aj. Ill bad >0 lb* fnClBWlac <•*~-nl*d land, and grriatMs WlaaMd U tba
inweabiii (< Cntoi.-TTiinli to tirmad Tiavar**.
flat, to Mtriunr. b. wtl 7ha ■oatnwoai
• (oartrr.d tb* aiatbi-aat quarter to arietba
IB twm twnrty-ds (Ml aarta
• d raurviuB* 1», wial.firwad TrsTara* 0»a*

In Use For Over 30 Years.



Rural: -Tn^r^ai?: “y



n.-i-.Stj.trrTL';;;'' “s-

Mewi^tta'a^’Sy ^rr£raZy?% PwSC

.. ..
paaitlaa daly ran
. €if (ream B. Owea pnyt^amo^otbar

aaor** B.rrwaa.

' STS-"'*

Aad ^t*C*^^hrr «rdar*d. (hat

nti Mid


oUDtrtoOwif ...

"jsSui^ Tasi:
0"l!?UZ. ?SKStP3a;»SmSf

- . . --.:^;=t2XLsr!rr^f_____

lake Ailchlgaa akare.. Seven] moretag* Mier appeared tbe huge croaa.
Tba strange men-have disappeared.
Rwi apw the questkios ailM: Why tho
mretAgs In this peculiar pUee? Why
the alpange ebaailngr Doea the cross
Mgat^ anything?
The mariing in Uls place la tho
■aaalr adopted carries one hack
the fiiys of the Molly Maguires
Peaa^^lvaala aad to tbe Knigbu ef
the <Mden Circle la Souihere iBdlaui
aad IBAals. Has nume BOcieiy of aimBar Hnrarier to iheae been organtond
^ this oommanUy? Time probably
WIN toll

l~l a«p. TbUr .orb .u mab,.11 n,
5c. C for 25c.
6c, C for 25c.
Cronin Bros.' Choice,
b. Job. R«d. . H.U (.cto„ taa.llai„ bl. |,«.|...,
.ho bono.od a lanlcn.
5c. C for 25c.
banw awn Ibr iiacb anil .io|i|«U
All cigars union made. Manufscth. 11,1a la lime. 0(1, i»r«.n. mlabt | n,.
u,i. i,
,bo „ ■ lured by 11. E Weaver. Traverse L'lly.
bar, b... kiuml. Robbon: 1. lbo„,bl
luNslmlsiie Armor to wliliiig ti. adm'
' ihai the couniyY crop ihU heanm w:
fall liille
. iielow the avi-rag.


Boughey. William ll« and F. H.


’^Ithc party. s1( in number, had
meal InleresU of the three men ...
Bay City. Mich. Oct. IZ.-Mre. Csro ..maa .bl .11, m». . loo, ana «■
line Wright addressed tbe Stale Feil- tensive husineas. The cunpany U iocrathm of Wamca's Clubs yesterday eated In ihc fine new brick block
atlereaaa on the quesUon of relief tor Stall- street recently cumplutcd. which
ahop ^rti.
U tbe joint prop-jriv of the mtmlicrs
Mn. Wright (Itoeiused ib<vrihlu<
of the ctimpany. The large stork «.f
ahopplsg. She declared the sboiiper '.U!***'"• Ffacril larmluB
Wtd forre the merehaut elihcr In thej^cment.
, ^cmi
carrt^d by F. f Boughey
■taller of oariy closing or giving bet-1
corner of (’ass * amI State
IW wages. "Bcluae to buy sweatMtop streri. ha. been moved
^ofia.- ahe advised: “tefuie to buy 'n ! building where the Increased floor
Do you like your thin, routh,
*** Flw^a wh4e* emplorea are not de- apace allows n|>pnriunitr for ejaborshort hfiir? Of course you
oenlly ireatiA. l)u ymir chopping the ale dUpiay of Ibe niimcroua lines
don’t. Do you liU thick,
first ihlag ta the morning and the carried by the company.
hctTy, smooth hair? Of
merchaai win eauu be cloalng early
The building Is s;xl«;i feet in dimen
course you do. Then why
Ito aoae Saturday aliemoou and he sloDS. and conilsis of twu stories and
will give hU clerk* a half holiday.''
basomcaL Above the basement th Sarah Plait Decknr, nailoual weal hulldlng 1* so Irateed that there arc
deaL who was oa the platform, aprang no posts whatever io the .. display
to her feel as Mr>. Wright llaUbH, room*
not bcpicfised? Ayer’s H«ir
and cried: That Is good advice: ij The ground floor bi to In-devoted u
Visor mtkes beautiful beads
I ri-er,
In Mlehlgnn to re- the display of wagons .
hair, that’s the whole
Impiemems. In addition to
story. ^Id for 60 years.
Beportv rhow that Ibe pail year
abich I. located
hna been produrtlve at many ccsuin trance, wblle adjeintog the east dis
for the aUie ctuhs. Among (he more Play window U nn enclosed case. we:i
tangible rautu were the
»-^rV V*TSrK»4ULla.i T.
ilAled hy glou sides and the win
' of naolng Into the Chnrtotie schools dow. to be devoted tu tbe display of g
wtmM’n's Higss uf ihni r«r: larp' Hue of hare.-sses. Tbe n-ar id
Kninmnson's cluhs paved the aireei In the Or*i 8..0 has a regular illsjslay of
\ ptA*
their building; IJattlc CrwV a large line uf harueases. The rear to

Hair Vigor


Weak Hair


I.r.>.iu ihrtr elaim.
dal. <.-ou(l.althr. JJ-rofaata idt-a-.n
Trareraf ;t, f..r . »amma!lor and
,.rlto..ri- Ih- J«th day •li’.'MIC

Wa wbw________

•jr. ((WiiasiiUlMM.
f- ndanftiaittobl. anpr
or »*•(.,r* Sr* iroelba
aad that wiij


•-<i*iiuu-el •m.'.. ta n


;..(^ noon ..f

for Ms.waAta

A flPMt,
or» r<.r ( uB

^ 'ynda"'. Ihr Iriii

W. CUBm.

hto tboar .li

L WE cm



'll OS


of g raincoat
were simply
ply to
U shield the wearer
from rain there: wouldn't
be any •
;aring a Cloth- •
reason for your wearing
craft Raincoat in preference
But a rain proof garment tnuat
have style, fit and distinction
order to meet the requirements of I
^ modem civilization.
Clothcraft Raincoats ^embody /
every attribute of the^ailor's art. M
Note the style illustrated to the
perfection—the shoulders are
broad, the collar clings closely to the neck, the
back hangs gracefully,
Uy. the
Ih entire garment bears
the ear marks of the work of tailort who " know

'Hiat's the reason you shonid wears Clothif perfection in style an
and fit. and keeps you as dry
craft Raincoat, because it’s the acme of
as toast. The coat/to the right is the double-breqsted “ !Strand. " made of Fancy
lating. It
and Cassimerc overcoating.
It is an aristocrat in every uense of the word.
We carry a full line at 612 to $25. Sec them to-day. 1


IST"- ■::,-l:S ISS..
: Tnlna f.i. I'.Ur I Ilf •to P

'oTitsBA. a P. i

Ir. ee-rl - .(.':*T.

B. HM.

Tr»,.r» out '(—»i Uaaa« Wsl
• .(. *(ii, ^l•toh.,.4«.IIti.•.t0a,■.,Tl t»a.i>
Trair l-sr—Trar-r*. i Ul/<wiMeS4i,a M Wal
t..(. ,U. r>..r(i, aadvoitb, *Sip. »i
Tr««-f»* Oty for Jttrthftot to
T.Mo a>TiV.* fr-rto S I’lhpMii assan*. m.
1 '•>• MTi<«*(run c.aaaainaf aWa Ure IraiaB
T-»iE Mnro*|r-,m*qaaaetta«Bn(o iMM trama
at F I, p. Ri
frait afTir.. fn«. omasniac aam to* Mias

ctf. *1 ValPM fir Mth

c u Loenroou. a p. a t. a.

pERE Marquette


• •*.. I WJI, ■. .K Aif. m.
V. riOatWauia aad Pl«a^
*3>p ,

IhtlBtre tm

►».. aM

a , •ol(t5:’54TK.2S=r'“'


-Now. ytw meat know that no aai-1 He who wonld rather have a ama ^
•nagged." and the one wbe I* "K" u
week. Black walonta were not ripe U Tifc > have a Weyde ai»d a bora.?.
aal will eat of the bear or taste of hi*. «e loaf than naarei Bbom a greater
yet. hat that did bm make any differ- His name Is pick. I have got to stop quite sure he has von this time, with Uood. So when the Won reached the will always bring a bleeilBg ta
twin--------—--------------------------------- - ,
____ _
eoce to Laura: she Hked to creek going to school so as to pick np po of tbe body away von go and be h man be smelled the blood and wnial,hoine. eT,:a though oo silver U bahed
them and eat the snU. then carry the tatons. We baveegot ten acre* of po fnite disappointed
away, but as be did so hU foot scraped in tbe bread.-Reformed Mesmmgv,
green sbena la her porket. This time tatoes. I have got to stay-ooi tomor
There are only two other ruin to
she got the aialn of the noU all over ro» to busk mom. Mf achoolBtata ha*
It Makas Ns Matter.
her DOse and noaUi, and U wasn't tM got a nuk- btoe and white pony nnd s remember. No player can ma "borne' •ri.face.
i A Tovldeni of Philadelphia who took
»0Ut Mmi K0r>f•••*»•
r*. Tiie numUf ^ the time abe bad to return to her cart, lie takas (ft* rister to sebooL while he l» 5.* InC rharc*!. aaJ tbe play­
iebureb ■
"When the «"«n found that he wns: mto i,t, house as valet a Japascar buy.
$fU r*M/ fMt <«««*/••
actmol i> «H»irlct Ko. 8. W^tl. I bona in HndsoB. So ber Anbt Marla Our aetghboe. Mr. RaglnsU. bu er a-bo If "it ' murt-not tag tbe sam- nainjured be was so thankful that ue * utc tbe Youth's Cotnpanlob. was
la snccesrioa.
; iDuft ciow for (hla Une. for ny ietlar had ber wear a brown barege veil, busked ihlnirETe bushels of com. person twice
left ihi- blood to dry on bis face ar I: MimeWbai siartleJ the r.ther day by
j if Kc-tUa* loafc Cood-tje.
which looked odd to wear Into town Well. 1 ness 1 wUl stop writing to U. E Coy*rT,-w*«t Empieys Poasy CaU' never washed It ai all. but left U un-J the fraak eritlctem ol the sertanl.
Blaaclia 1. Stlie*.
inch u time of tbe year t that. night, BO good-bye.
walking abtn.:
p-ssy in the post of ; 'H Itjieelod
, Tbe genUemsa >
I wUI try te M M hJW ■
Frciat your ScnsUIno boy.
Traverv CKy. Mich, 6ct- tlb. IKM. Laora did not like It at all.
T^'trcai hi r wlth*^aU re-' "Wher*-the claw* of the lion rrra » j ibe ttwm'In hi* fcr.- is-ei when hr
flee ...
be s
Ora Bitter.
: I);*r Mr*. BMci-l reeelTed my card
1 hope you will bare a langb with
ii^^'^shrmay U' a riv.-rament em- rd It off there were marks that turned stubbed M* t.s- and mt.
the nai .
M f«r M I can.
and buUOB a few dayc ar>- I
■Ui Rapid*. Mich.. Oct. a. IWH
; brown in the* un. and where the bloc!, Whlh- the vaiei was imiUnc on hi*
I w«l try U b« lavin#. halpful
! you Ttry moch for ib.m. I no lo acboot bare seen Lanra. Sbe was so fond ol
lA-ar Mr*. Bate#-1 am g<»lng
valuabl« frcin tbe mailbag* i •tay.-d oa it »a» linhi.r Now all men mam.-r's' *ii«kltit. he happenel to
•M Mad to tvarybodr aad t«
i avt-ry day. My teaehefa name U Mr the smell of tbe green walnut shells. Urilo a few Unet to tbe Herald.
•vary llrlnB thloBWarB. r. He lire. In Old MUalon and
I ought to have written before an.i |
he took into ti e po«'.imce dt-panraen-i and scraiH-11 off III Mr.^ks when they I Bi nil.-tnau uiterv-.! a *harp cry of
H I avar faJ( la trylaftja do
be I* fifty y«ar» old. I am In the foonb thanked yoo for the card and button, j, lu m-ip PICK up poia,o<.8.
pocatos-8. 1I recehed
As our po«iat sterlce 1* h'Jtt or g,. to war '
, |.aln and
him i.. Inthaaa thinga. I «HH *Try, Xr/
sradc. Wa live on Ibe place abere
Hoping to hear that
The U.y vmil.ll. l.-l.-d ai> lali
«i ..M ud ...Id. .bid. I Udd.
Mn. HJMebrandt used to live- I «HI teh health, I remain.
very pretty. Pa I* going to town t.>- «Tcry reason to ts-lk « e that this fe
!hU master'* lare. aa<l vst-l
The Utile Leaf,
have to rioM for tbis lime as ! can­
Yours truly,
murrow to buy some potato forks an: lie. guardian of th- main 1* lodu*-; ,,,
"You grear Hg l>ab> '
not think of anythin* else.
Florence J. Garrettson.
I am getting sleepy. As It 1* getting
! -Whar. .hat- arke.1 the u „n
iriou* and satl»f*ct-.,r) It ceruin'y :«,
permuted the luv^rest!. of
Cedsr City. Mich, Oct. f. ISMM.
yaurs miiy.
laie,rl will Hose Tor this time.
well pahl. Some p..»in.a.'.Ts arc
city to come to hi. h.utse. and sa.d Ivhed g>'UiIemeu.
AKV k.
OUdya BJley.
•Dear Mm. Bates—I thought I woubl
From >»tir S-unshlnv l>oy,
"In my eouniry." went •■n llti !.:.! ■
lowed $«. a year f..r m<«i and nH'k;,h..n,. -Therv stands a crat'e>utl tj
write you. I would like to join
Traverse City. Mich.. Od. if. mi
l.8wrepce Winnie Ritter.
Japane*.'. •wIh-b Uahy h ;rl hllUK-lf.
f.w the pusite-. W. li f.d
“■•‘f bi.wd. Each .d eoti tak>- a loaf from
lAwr Mrs. Bales—1 received my card j Snnihine Club. Please send
likt.y ery. Hut u^.t ho ll\.- y«ut“, Ih»
I the ben moBsers. It Is raid. slnr..|,^
and button last Friday and was veryjeard and buutm 1 am in the four !.
or mar hur lumnlf. he say. It ir.the
L Winnie Bluer of BIk Rap41s | poorly fed ones lose their st-nse
....... .. ........r times •
studies are rnadliu;
lucb pleased with them and I thank grade.
lid mallei.'"
rends a few conundrums and riddle*
ini,.rci.t In work - ” ! The ehlldn-n at once surroatMled I'
you for them. 1 go to aehool every and sirnmng and numbtrs and pen^h^
wtll Theldtile Chronicle,
The a.lmiu.-.l the w./
Imskct. striving and quam-lliig t»
manshln. My teacher is very kind. I
day. 1 am In the Ofib gnulo.
ih.m «rf III.' arg'iw nt, l.iii pl.wdrJ that
e bread. I'Bch desired l» «
tcaeher'a name Is Mr. Wamor, He HIk nsnte I* Mr. For im-i*:
o,ai nnlu-s by
I..' wa* t... i.> nM.'itipi to aef| ilr\Why
RiaaMam. Mr*. M. e. C. Ettaa.
• Old
----- I
a rai, I bavi- two sUtem; Cora!I'viding and divides by i
Mission and....
U HD years
Japan«*M' <-<i>idnt>
-Ose<- an old Apache Indian. wb<'u:„( tbankr.
Fim Via* Fraaldant Mabal Rataa.
I like him very mneh. My papa Is three, yearn
No. 2—Always run*, never flio*. asked the qiie»il»n why hU petm^e^ only Franrirka. a rbao but iww'rly'
•aootid Vice FraaWant. Osra Datoc. lakoa the Herald<and t like to read the months old. We more o
I teadli-B*. wingless, with four eye*.
ited tbelr far. *, told Ibis llttH- b-g-' eU.i imu- girl, reinaloed wtandlng a< a ‘
*** etrai^t and Narrow Path.
Organind Oacamhar E im.
letters. Wi- came up her from Gosh­ last of This month. Well, a^ my letter
.-i-Whai I* hlghiT when ihcjlJ^j!
<11 luncv-. then nwk th>- Hinallesi of ili.- i Th.-re r.- |iarl* of K.'ulucky where
NMi*ar of maiiDara balonalAg Oct. en. Indiana. We live on tbe west wide 1* getting loiig.1 will el<»o, with love
soai.- of the inoaiiiaiiieers Lave never
"t»ng acd. Wh. li m.-.l w.r. w. :.k
i,-j( m Hu- bavkel. kl»«.-d I
«. 1«et, MRS.
iff Lung lake, when- Mrv. Hlldcbranili to Mr*. Bates,
Mv-n a loeomotuv One »f these BUMtn.
and animals wer.- l.lg and stning, a . hand Kiwiefiiity to the man. and w<
Age IS.
I.enorB llurdlek. |
gqusre: tell
used to live. Everybody wayi shee yas
lalniiT* who drffied lutu civiliaatlou
chief of Ihe red men who llv.'.l In Ihef.' quietly home
Elk HapUs R. F. D, No. 1. Oct. 2. iM p.,„
a real nice old lady. 1 never waw
w __.
■■iirounii-red a ralIroa<l train, anil itatk
mnantnins went out to get a .leer, fur; On the ni-it day tin- iliildreii 1
Dear Mrs. Bale*—I thought I would |
As my letter ii getilnC long cnuugli>^
FBr»U bertd
’people were hungry.
! eiiuallv ami Fran/iska ' lu flight dnwn tbe Iraek.
gaeas I will have (n close for this tIme.-J write a letter |p Ibe Herald, a* 1 hav-:
Tso is . Good Gsme
, wipauts of (Old.
"After walking all day hf »:iw a d.-r \ this time lia.l a hial »til.-li was si-ar.-.- I The rmtlD,-.r Kti.iiiMsl Hie Irato an J •
not wrllen to tl fur worne lime. My pa!
Yonrs truly.
8kHa m laralhg gray:
All boy* wild have played "lag will and shot at It. I.ul the arrow wusjly- b»K ns Urge a> tli.' ollt.r*: l.ii! ; raptured what li. lupptised wa* •
Is gtrlng to digging bis potaiiK-s this
Hortkwlnd boM.
Age W.
Alma Riley,
lesrn very easily how lo play "diidge luracd aside and wound.-d a iiii.iiniain I w lie:i she n-acbtsl and ber m»il>-! crar^mian. Finding him aanr. 'ihongta
we-ek. We bare got our buckwheat
BIbM of coW ■
nnniamsbarg. Mich.. Oct. 8. 1»U4.
tag." and will like this varlaiioD >>f Him. ‘which was also afUT tn<- d>' r !er lirok. ili.' bread ih.n- fell oui <|iille |,breathlrs*. the engtau^ In anger
- Days not far away;
Dear Mra. Bates—1 am very worry and porn cut and thirty-five bushel* <ii the old fav.irite
grl off lh«
When III.' Hon felt the Ming <<I ibe a.' 'a tiiimlM-r of new •llv.-r plea-r. Tbe j bint why lie did
And a lira seems all rUht.
to bear that you are not in better com husked. There is om- of our
The Dio»l liD|M>nant tiling to row be Jumped up and Uiundi-d after I molber was frightened, and mid. Uruik
la the altUe* room at Bight
health. I do b<^ yon will feel bel­ nelghbora. Mr. Hunt's family, qiiaraii ]
the man. who ran for bis Ilf.1-Tah.' Imtk ih.- l.rea.1 ni one. for I 1 '‘b'' off <»••• track!" nwrod
ter, as It Is lonewome lo be in poor
straight lin. farther than any given; "He was almost a;.-l. > eerialnly Into the l.n-ad by aeet mojuiaimvr, "II I'd e»«T look
health. I am glad you got Miss Mabel
: cii tance, «j
dlManct- <i)iial lo th.-1 when die leli his sipengili givluK awa-. I denr "
plowed land il.c thing woul^ -bavn
•aalben nod,
Emma Ritter.
Bates to send mo my card and bnuon:
length IM-Iween so and so; wbalever I he fell to Ibe gnmnd. railing im
TVanzIska did as she was bid. bid i caught me for Mure. "
By the wayalAe gay.
It U rest nice. 1 have another story.
Elk Rapids. Mich.. Ocl. 2. IMR. , you deslr.- It to I*.,
j pig i„.ar. who. yiiii know. Is the gniud- i the iK-nevolrnl man said li» her: “.No. I
-------- 1---------------Adtars brl^t.
It will be "Laura and the Black Wal­
pear Mr*. Bales—I Iboiigbi I would' A* Ihe one who Is "li" rom.-.v in.imher i f men, lo sa».' blip
ibo; H was not an arcldeni. 1 had the! How mauy of the ehildmi can
Are « sight
write to you. A ctnHde of our neigii-1 "tag " you. yv.u must dodge him
| "The big b.-ar heard the call auu I silver tiakewl In the amalleci loaf .aljirumpHy tell the number of toes found
(n tbelr Eoa array.
Laura and the Black Walmita.
Then* are 8vs lues on «ncb
Asd the pansy. IllUa dear,
ThU time Laura was visiting ho*.
WII* W aammg*. too. to hare. Uscle Bd and Aunt Maria fur Jusl w head of, cattle. I have got two pat | while yo.i will And yourself as siipp!,' j an qitinkly. lui In- Hcrairlu-d hi» fo il' l!v.-r n-maiii a» |H>are-lovlng and sat- ^ fool, and four on each bind fiwA.
calves and one pet cat and biT name,-; as an rid. Just as you are going to m laud sprlnkl.-d B"..v.-r the man ;"
|u!akliiB i-igliUs-ii In all.



ILu *e sigh,



Hopf and vry.
Thai tbo aaiamar'a paal?
Shall wa (ret,
IB a pet.
Draadlng wlaters blaatT
Never I! for don't you see.
All the rear la dear to toe.
—Atida SUdelbane-.

traverse city, iwiicmioan.

Fcr Vm. Liras MaiL
1 have simic god ndrlco (or you.
Mr-mmrj lIUls mgn.
Tis' this:' where'er ynnr lot la casL
O. do tbs best yon caal
And And tbs good In sveryUilBg.
No maiWr what or where:
ABd dost be always looking for
The hardsBt thlaga to bear.
O do Bot atand with idle hands.
And van for anmethlBg graad.
Whll.s pndotu BOBiMtti allp away
like sralaa iff ahinlng sand!
But do Uw dsty aearest you.
And do U Caltumijr;
For gteppl^ffwtoeM to greater Utlnc«
These IRUe deeda ahall be.
la this big world of oar*, my boy.
There's work tor all to do.
tjiut meaave by the golden rule
Thai irtiJeh is aet (or you;
ABd try R with the agwe of irnth
Afld with the Uaes of right;
> U STcry act and thought of yours.
OJwep your honor biltfit!


Nowaday, ihr: boy must be dressed as well and carefully as the man.
^olJ can't afford to let Dthcr boys li.ivc any advanta;;r- over year boy. It won't do. Ic handicaps him and
makes him feel an inferiority he sliouhln t e.rperience.
We make a specialty of Boys' Clothing, .md put a
^reat deal of our lime and brains into procuring the
Ij.-st. Come, see what we liave for the Boys.

This 'I'ear.





JuvSnile Overcoats, 2K
to 10 years, ail prices.
handsome, stylish and
serviceable—we make a
study of cl dthingboysof
all ages.







Here is a great bar­
gain. A Boy’s Suit
Overcoat, a
handsome combina­
tion, ail wool goods,
ages4 to 15, only

A Great Line of

Tour president gets g wee oi!:
streoger every rtaj'. and It Is imsslbl.
that ahe may be u>le to write a llitl. j
meaiagr to yon nest wtvk. She want.-!
Vice President Mai I Bate* tu tell yo 11
how ■neb ahe appreciate* the lovinpi
have lent b«T.

, 8 to 15 are very neat—
those below 8 have 'J
either style pants, while
those above 8 have the
regular straight pants.


It it the hustliog, bustling youngster that we like to
fit out in one of our two-piece, Knee.pant Suits and
We bad these buflt principally for the boy who is
never still—who wrestle with the dog and plays leap

Durlnl the rainy days of the pan
VMfc yoor president has bad real sun
ahine in her parior. andvyou otendl
gaeae how. la froat of tbs door, across
oa the ogpoaUe aide of the walk. Is s
big maple trha lOl the bright summer
days It grew la the sanshlnc and now
tt hr giving ^iB.yrhai it rccHved. it,
‘ laarca hare tuned a brilliant yellow,
and-lhla la tbe odd part of It-thc nv
BccUon sMtds a yeRow glow Into tb-dnrfc room, eo bright that any on*' aUndlng la tbe doorway casta a sha l
I wonder If onr Snaafainc buys an<!
girls are ap ehsery and happy on ib<
May, glooBiy tali days that they, toiv
■ah* farighlness Id itarti ccroeni. It liworth trying, dear Sunbeams, is It not r

ivnilamsbutg. Mich.. Oct ». ibut.
Dear Mrs. BatM—1 am a mue glri
■ years of age. My .ncbuul teacher .
MBu- b Hiss B. carpenter, aad she l■y Sunday nchuol teachrw al*». Mv
imga UkM tho HeraM aad ha* !>«';<
taking It for aany years. 1 like >raad 11 eery much. 1 like to go lu
^ooL ItcotDintiicedthcflnbof Sep
leMier. 1 wish to Join the SDnshlnchih. Wc llte on a farw. Our P. •.)
Ja Wmiantborg. I go u> tbe M."

Nothing is quite equal
to a Store Suit. Nothing
gives the children great­
er pleasure than a bran
new outfit.

Our Suits for Little Fel­
lows "Beat All.” The
• “Buster Browns” are
made in all colors.




Every mother admires
her boy in one of our
pretty little Overcoats.



The Two-piece Suit is
popular--always good.
Prices of suits from $2





" “^isENEvoud associahom
only a few words, aod. Indeed. 1 never ,

b die


to anuecuie a note of that kind^




Bub hinge* with a feather dipprd In
, ------------oil. aad they will not eruak.
Of AwertCB UK Pe^-M fGf AH
Beil three or four enlon* to a pint I
Catarrtial DlSeaSCS.
Rapid Etatlfts.
One at the most fruitful enu*rs cf 111
frames, and flirt wlil keep oflf
health and bad complerion* to the
habli cf rapid eating. It I* fvowtns
A spoonful of vinegar put Inin the '
more and mere pri-valeiu In tbit connwater
In vtfilcb meau or Towto are
We really bareni time to eat
pniperly, and we have very little lime Iwillvd make* them tender.
A mo* Cbarroal mlged
.I.S-P, y.-i we hop.- to r.-iain youth
si. r tiiniw-tt Into aelnk.wHI dto1na-ei
and beamy.
A woman may work ev. r su har>l and duodorixr It.
The odor tJ twee* peas to wo “i
and he under a great tension whlhworklng. I'ut if she will take dm': f.> flies that It will drive th.-m
:rf a sick room.
er.oogh 10 est la halt hour ai the
fev.IT patient can be made ««>::
l<>a*t. w-lih a half hc-tr rest a( noani,
and will sle.1. seven or eight hour* of and comfortable b; being frequenil)
the St. she will greatly locnase her sponged with wit.r In which a U'tl*sods ha* b.>en disaolvc.1
Btpial part* of turpentine an«! am
Will! the habit of rapid eating cwnei
an Incrv-ase In the amooDt of liquids mimia will r.-n»ove paint from clotiilng
taken during tlu-^m.-ato. F.»sl t?rop lu .-v.-o cas.- Baiurale (w.. or thr.-..-riy muticated ran be easily *wal- (Imes with the mixture, and wash oui
I..W.H1. hut If illy chewei It niiisl 1*.- In *<iap sii.toA i.-a*pih>i-fu1 of gtaiod herwcradlsh
washxl down wUh liquid. This. <■!
Cuuo.-, IcMSetis (he Bow of saliva, di- In a l>onfnl ..( mH.k will k.-.-p ii sw.s-i
luUw the gastric Juices and lot.-rfen-s l.u- a w.Hk.

.me'aad invertUation shows ni least one rubbed into the root* every hlgil-

>l« for ibr Sabbath school. Home «i

be agreeabla ; cordance and And that
believe that a bl. axxTll. :» It reads Urns: "1 hare
and I bare <
No hercoleaB struggle about It. the
containing n message of seen the wicked In great power. arC
little woman wys. Heats arc preaffecOon U often morei.preadlog himself like n green bay______________
pand the day before In the shap.highly prised than a gift
Chicken, veal or minced l.ctf
•Ah-ht!" I say to my aelgbUir,
The writer of these channiag Ih
baked betwom two ermrts or with l>u.
missives forgot to mention that b-rr! “there voa have H
one'. U twsily warmed in the over In a
promptnew In sendlng.out them lltile > like a green hay-tree.’
••It sounds fa- brief time: llkx-wlse scalhi;xd
notes and the delightful way In wMeh ; "ye*." ehe replies,
begging at
how U helps, !i • or salmon, which never
the mesaage was worded constliuted a ' mller. but 1 can’t

The manufectorat of Roytl
io mm .toui . I« l~t th» " j„ ,
Baldt^ Powder have had 40 X^rriJ'lw”
yean; of •cientific experience.
-—..i How.
bear of the Interest and wmpatby that

bread-indp-very method
when- the bay-leaf, Even potatoes may U- sliced <:r dircl
cake rsidiw haa been exhaua*
rivdy ctadwd in this country and so sflfxngrossed that they have; poublc. That It has a ixdIgrtH-. a fwai, when M»hed present ito ^usanl ft
neither thought nor time for any one, llnenge of It. own. . genuln. fmnlly: .l-ectsblo
vegcinbUs which, reduced to small
The retult is a perfixt prod- bat thenoelrw. It was the affecilon-i tree, and for n tree to be meailotiedp to
in plecvs, cannot b«- tboroaghly cw.koil
tKt in lioyal Bakii^ Powder. ate ibonghl of olber* materUllsed In; the Bible, Is like having your
: with thirty minutes’ hard Isilllnp
There is no subadtute for it. the little notes that drew friends byhhe Blue Book. I call toy neighbor'
whleb cannui
icore about the letter writer. They j ettunllon to this, and also to the fo>
The purity nnd efficiency of the
felt the Interest that she took In them portanee of thi- fact that as the green d«t for the week-da) dlnn r.
greatly with the process of dlge<t!.>n
Royal Bakins Powder have and reflected It back
IbajHree flouriKlx-s like the wicked-j a great variety of desst-ris can h
Those who hive trle.1 thorough mas
been commended by tlic highest Many people, women In particular, i even up ip dst.—there 1. no reason i«'J kepi on Ice for twenty.fonr hour*, ibl
comnUln of not having sympatbellc ' f«r that the supply
leaves will give resourceful cullntry t-conomUi tells tlcailon of ih.-ir! with no liquid,
authorities of the world.
at the end. or a lislf hour afl.-'’
These foots mean two ipipor- friends, one cannot expect to hnvo oat before she has acquired at least;**, m «,Ider weather, plum puddings | unh -al.
have that the fcHut
until one has developed In one's out-. She demands only
and she; and fnili pies hear warming wUhoj.'
taot things to all housekeepers: them
self loving, sympaiheilc and helpful I ncems Impelled m-.r. hy.curiosltj ihsu ■ detrtmeat to their pleafiag nualltle*. la--l:'3 better, the m.-a1 to Avr.-


8e«Uh Brwto.
A Bnilfh Imuh requiring mi tmu'
rail* for a quarK-r of a |vuun.l »f Anharl.-y noak.-d ov.-r night. Drain In thmerntog; add a half cupful of .«im.-al
.me onion ch«.piwd fine, and
oiu- turnip Slid uti.- ramii cut In d
without browning in a tat>li-*|«»*;
..f buit.-r. .me (ea^to.uf.l1 of **n
quan.T of a iea»i«wm .-f i«-pp«v
two quarts chi wat.-r Slmnu-r thI
gently (or three hour* slid servwith crouton*. Vegetables whirl, ar
Ir-n o\.-r from Hie prevtou* dlnn.-r . ji

ooallMes that are going to nitmet and lacquisltlvenee*. At ihU point my Hm steamed-over flg puddings never factory and Ih.- appulile Is api>.-a*.-d
bold the friandshlp of oihers,
i neighbor and I
each take down a book me. t with a shabby receyrtlon, A com- wUhOess food, ih.- digi-stiun to ai.b-d.
it Is by triflea such as lbc«*note*, from ihe library shelf, t hive an en- j non pracilr.- of our lafonni r I* i-t leaving one much mor“ c.mtonsb'than th.- hasiy meal. A few .Uy»' trial
nod any little deeds of kindness that; cyclnp^fll*"vlocti a cook book bake her ple<r I In ’'abelli (he da)
will onvince th.- mint skeptical, foi
before. It to l 1 a Alonie'
We delve Into
our friends flrsi i P attracted l
lly to d.
slewed fruit
and ehp
------ -............
MV iwracr aakca M
for they leU of the thoughtful, loving Finally s*e inierruirt* me la my pur nil these with --------Into (he «>v.'n with (be other wanning 1 crtii (rea(m<-ai- H .-*lH-ets it.
s-jit of kDowh>dge.
hoarl that prompted the act.
"Usien to ihto:" she demand*. "H, afl. r which a deilciou* finish- ii rVt-* It.
i; 1,1 luedlHlie and
One of (he grtate*! mtoiakcs of Ihi
Helpful ihouBhis for each day of the will give you an idea of Just whti I; touch to ndd.-l In th.- sliajH- of whli-|xJ
olilylh,I....v.n6. H,..-e
have to conicn.l with. Her*, for I'v-; cf^tn or the cusuimar)- meringue ‘if dg- to Hie rapid .ailug, and one .if Hu
week are these;
wssfdlly rvs*»r«»l.'*-llrnr»etta
ample, to a recipe; 'M.-li slowly ov.r ,c|ffened white* of egg* and sugar,
A bean fall of thankfulneta,
ih.- Are n plon- of butter nibbed up
or course, the eecn-i of the quit-!, IK-psla c
l.'iBieeaUrrh. HeraA iblmblDfnl of care;
A Dainty Curtain,
with floor: chcqi very fine some pan dlnmv to can-ful pr.-paraihin liefonsme as a sure cure tar
A soul of simple
dainty to-droom sash ruriain an I
invented For Women.
ley, ehlvos. a lAy-leaf—' -N’ow .lo you h,Bil. If one us.-s a wo.»l Arc. the ma Watei^roof ^
An early monrlng prayer:
that will launder nirel), to mart.'.-)>n>nipi sndaatlw
.ec? I can g>» no further, as 1 have leriato f.x starling should be n*ady i
Aust.-laji ha* desigiu-U
\ smile 10 grecM ihe morning wiih,
i-llow ch.wwe bunling aad a hand
a the «>« .,f ivruna,
EO hay-laaf in th.- house. Listen to ihto hand. Coal flre» must be toft In
a watenmnif hat for ladle* that
A kind word ni the key
I- old Isce curtain (hat has seen
1Uanman.s-Ivlttg a
To open Ihe door nnd greet the daj'.
belter day*. Hast, the |«n of the rurml of jour ease and he will
of pnriridge. a little thyme, a hay- scasor «.f a ga* range, foriunaiely, cu ivllulold in a sii.-rlsl manner, permu­
Whnte'er U bring to thee;
I containing the flowers or border
a-.-.t lo Slve you liU raiuabtoadleaf—' Do you *ee? Always the eommeace operations wllho;ii deiay.
ting of iu being woven Into Imitations
A patient trust In Providence,
th.; I..w.-r half .rf the bunting,
game obstacle. Here to another.
IntclUgent ufe of time *>Hin dh of (he must u.-llcate straw, and mo.1To sweeten all the way:
. l.r^ M.ri
to the hem, and with while work
eled Into the roost natural tlow.-n:ma»;KsniU
All these eomblacd wlih thoughtful ■Mlnct- one onion, parboil It with hut- count* the excuse of lack .if lime.
roiiun. appllqu.' the design neatly
^ter. n Hitic garllr. a bay-leaf—' Now
Tli.-se bn's are Ix-ing vom t<> a ci«
aim. M. a-c.BATBS. editor.
stdi rablc exteni In Ihto city and art
■ of -what use u. me. pray, arc any ol j
q^ikI Cake Reclpea.
Will make a bapp) day.
la(Mi away, and you have a-euriain
explBiiilng Hiki should they str^y, awr
jihesc wcccllom suggestions? lamj p^,jf.,,„„is_one cup trf gniniilui>.-.l Inipi-rriou* to Ih.- hi-avte.-i <
RmUm* Htart, Oont Worfy 8«.
daiaiy and »ervin-abl.-. Of course In
IH-n-.m flnditjg tb.-in wfll fliwi give
f„u,. .if rain.
Dtwr rrtUsw beort. lx still, don't fret Wllh each new day God sets for ytwUlmply halked In my domestic career!
lecHng the foundailUB. Hie cidor
them a good meal and ifaen bring iheoi
A fair clean png* to write anew
»•»'tablesp<w.nfuto m.-H-Hl hutter: i«a
and worry w;
.-.msldunlf Just discovered what Is wsiiUtg^.^,,
' i
„f un^fted flour; ad.iplid here Intlmalos high butt
Ood bntb a tbonsaad ways Hli tore The lesson blotted hitherto.
boots. Those stockings are worn with
O. n. i my progresa."
.if I
—Rev. Charles Gordon Am
sifted with tbre- (
aad help to abow;
j ■Jn ibnt ea-se." I reply, "the vlciory Ing powder: half icaspoonful <>f sail Oxford ties. ^ outlining the
Worth Of the Farm Bey.
Jaat irast. aad mat. and trust, until
Atl nights are sacred nlghia to make 11» already your*. Now littelt to me one of vanllls; add suOclvat Hour lo
Rnst for KetUa*.
HU will yon know.
Scimv f.dks flpire out what Die farm
confession and resolve and'while 1 read from my book. It to ran^ rolh, sugar while warm.
hhnd. .-- to the main color. Small, flat
Doar retUcu keart. be allll, for peace
they do UM seem U
once had burned a nice while |tor|ly the case that the Bible, the cookPi>rk Cake—Two cups of sugar, one Imitons an- atiscbtsl. and arc c-laln Un."l k.Htlc *.» badly'that It think that h.i
u God's owa smile:
worth H»‘ ratolng.
hook nad the encjrl.ip.'dla are on ol- cup of molasses, un.- cup .if >.i;;r milk. surtTK.mited by tw.. ey.-l.-is, with c.r I
All days are sacred day* to wake
Hut he to
K-.I riiin<-(l. and after washing it
BU lore can etrary srront and aorrov
Time-*gladness In the sunny air.
«jnr puun.l cf pork mln.-.vl fin.-, on-.II,- bntig th.- cinr* twice a .lay. the
M t aw ay Two
have U: The hsy-tn-c, si-lenilflr oam<‘. ponad of raisins, four cub.*, un.- tiui ,
Only n night from old i«> new. on
—---------------------(|i(. and gathers
found fthai
Juet Kxe. pud love, and tore, aad
Launw n<iblll*. It had great celebrity: meg. .me lenspoonful of m. la. one I
Bleep from nl^t t
l.urccd lay.-r cam.when wx ard all Hrtrd otrt from the
ramt- or' In
in washing
calmly wait awbile.
The new ’la but the old come irti(iI«mong the ancient*, laurel wreath- lablespuunful of cinnamon, .nr :•/
llos.iitaliiy to a bl.Kim of generosity wlihoiK the l«4st difllcuUy. Rinoe theniflhV'* woriiBach
Dear restleas baan. be brarr, don't
trnit cake. Warranted to k.-ep f.'r six „a whk-h the success of society doday be heir* the call.
alt granlle a* w.dl as itottvlal-ij Porty dmot
moan and totrow so:
p.-nd*. Ai n« oih.-r time Is a woman warq when burncl, with k.hmI rvsnlte. 'Johnny, run Id get -ihn Stammer or
s my neighbor.
Be baUi a meMlnt kind In ebUty
Soft Ginger Hr.-a.l—Half a cup ol mix.- caii:lvatinp than wb.-o ^he pi'-' —Kxchange.
An.1 he ruus.
Do you
winds that blow;
I my heart shall sigh i
say that the laur.d
m,.ias.H.-s; half cup H.l.-s at h. r ..wn tahle. ibv h.pp)
a word liark when
Jest bops, and hope, aad hope, nntll'
wreath nnd the hay-leaf are one ami ■
„.as,Kxro , arh of gl.; | ., ..I her h-mi.-h..1d: dispensing her
folk, call bln -Bub- and tril bln bow .
yon bfwrer ero«Fkir olden time and holier shore:
Ihe aame thing?'
cinnamon and rl..v.-s; tv.n tea ! xitenitun to h.-r gm-sls In a way tha*
Little Jap* Never Get Lett
•^o acrunni'l to.y* are.
"Certainly, one and the same."
, gpoon,
distolve.l In one cup ■.!' wins (heir hearts Although she may
II.- to a grejat. big sirnak itf snuOilae
]<- thing that every vtoliur to JaDear restless bean, repeee upon His God's love and blessing, then and
Then, in that case." queries
,».»ter; two and on.-hall cui.ibe far from being rich In earthly
UoHges to^he love of the iK-'iple wfai-rever iH-jgftcs all over the farm.

bean an boar:
the I v-,;...!.-.
h. r Uotm-has an inimliahir for rhlSrWD. Wid Hie uDi«i*rsal proc ROW. and here, and everywhere. ;elghbor. facetiously, “why not plnce ,
He kn. wsjwhcre all the b.iia, ases,
HU bean h ttresstb and llte. HU
—J. C. Wblulcr. the lay-leaf .
IKjei's brow andl,^j.,
i«,Kiiig. This to ex I air ..f ».!< cheer, and although locil-in gtVi-n the litito folk by every- sawr and .d^er farm tnols an-. Ro*nefawn U bloom and flower:
drop (he toitr.d
aih in the «»H*-i ofaeai,
T tood to- simple. It Is fcrvtd in siii-h «.m-. Thu niofj is told bow an A(ner- times i-t'.'p'u say bn kn-fw-s this be­
Jnst rest, aad rest, and rest, witbln
h. --rhttirs the loiri* spiund;
HU taadw power.
Ccrulnly the bay-leaf meniioned
wiib a Japanese mother noticed ihai liiil It Is not always sfl.
tnib Ihe blessing of peace al night.
hlrh costly vlan.!* r.tuld never
DnaryisUeu heart, be still, don’t toll Than to fritter the lime away
ilghily aad so familiarly in the «»«k- ,^ble*iKK.a* of sweet milk, on- ar-l
she a1low.-d her llltle children (o ram
He k.v-|i* ilhe rest of t» from get­
aad burry so:
book posacsses an historical slgniflc^p5 „f n„.jr
lal.U-siKiontil.- through Wic Ktr^'to at will and on. ting old. We Dun keep tblnklng If
With Angers Idle and white.
I great
Ood U (be aliaal One. forever calm For labor to God's good gift.
icance that enUilos It t
lay >ji.>k<- of It.
we answer the ibonsaAd aad oue qaer^
; fills baking iiow.U-r. on.- cup of nut*
and alow;
From early times bay-ieaves have or rai;lns. Bake In patty pan*
"Why." said the Japanese lail). ik«s he asks, aad we must answor
Though it be the curse of the fell:
i’ J.iilto d.'wn Hi.- hosles* It 1* Ihv
Jest wall, and wait, and wait, and And the bande-lhat struggle aad lift
l/Cen asaix-laiod with popular auperwtlIX-llcate Cake.—Thn V cups flour, amount of goi..i h.-art that 1* maoileat- • wlai h^m (an come of It ? Our chil- th-m Ilf die,: for h« must know,

work with Him below.
Hoos and usages. Along with other two of sugar, threr-fo-.irih* <-op ..t .-d ami not :l..- n.>miint of ostrctaH.iu.
irr-l, and no grown perIn shori. Ibe hoy brings hack two
Arc the noblest bands ef all.
evergreens, they have adorned bouses fwoet milk, whiles of six eggs. ha‘f cai.-nsining that makes hospitality a
wonl'i harm a efaUd.”
dollars wherw he cowU a cmiI. If rwi
Dear rectleei bcaif. be still, don't
Put oB being blue as long as yon and churches at Christmas: and In r-iip butter, leaspovei cn-ani tartar, ha.f
'Bat. " said iht- American lady. “(b>;ido not to.-llOTe it. Just wall till be to
etruHle to be tree;
id.'--i*:nc A women's life U hroadenetl
j gum- and *«f »h»t » bo*.4> It make* in
Ood-s life to IB your lll^-to Him yon
u-a*i>oon of soda Flavor w ith lemoc ap.l >w.t.;cncd b> Kociai i>bsor»anre». child might gel lost."
be blue—or won't bare time'.
ious deed sprigs of bay have been God and easily made.
That would make no tomhle.'' was; the runnltiK of th.- farm. Ito- Oil* a
may not flue;
worn in the bat or wn*aibed aroun-I
'h- .tmling r<i)]y; and vb<ti *he | gap that n<. aroouni of mrmey can fillJust pray, aad pnf. and pray. Ull you
Fruit Cak-e. On.- cap of Imtier: tw.i
How to Keep Voung.
The Lord be with (bee In the twilight the head- In ar.rleni timt*s there was
lB>(*-ad of flguiitig hoar much the
bare teltb^owaa.
cup* ef sugar, one cup 'd mola***'*.
Wotni-n wk" ar.- a-iking how to kw
a auiierstiilan that bay U'aves were an •me cup of enlfee. a d<'s-.n«iH»>nfu! of
■ar.-; ih'Ve w’.-re iii»--ne.t card* <'".i | lair cnOs. f think li to a grrai d.-al
-4dltb WIIIU Unn.
>ojBg w.cild .1.. »c:i to try the r.-cl[i
The sweet bome«omlng and the even-; aoddote against the .-ffecto of ihundcr.
1.1'mr.g th. :r liani- and a-Mr,---. and i to-ur i.r think l..,w much hi- sav--*.
each kind of spice, oce nmm<-p. lea- '.f an okl la.,y who. tbtjugh .he ha
'* »*rmn:
| It Is also worth while lo slate that spnnfiil uf saleratii*. Ad.l flour t-nough ?ivn M* )cjr*. iict.-r llnpre.«>-.-<l ..i,.- r
His dews upon thy ihlrstg aoul deQ,con held Iu spicy flavor in
• “Is tby emse of comfort CatlinK.
to make It a litH.- sHS.-r ihan jkiuu.1 to-lng oy. iK-Lao*.- h.T h.-art wo> . t'
'high esteem, and toiler Count Rum- cakv. This caUi- will kivp a long tffie

Rlao aad mre It with aBOtber,
young and *>ni;.3;*i-ilc. Wjjen a*!-Hla peace abide with thee, unto the,,„n, .ppm.-o.i u. Thus t. to seen that
A llltle cl!
• And tbron^ all the yean od faho« ^h" had ..-.-iir.-d such apiian-n'
t all through the history of the science , ,hroiigb ih.
youth In age. *b- iaid:
• ; of gastronomy (be bay-leaf has had It ' rants may b.- suhstiiuieii for |>art ol ' "I ktl«*» bow to forget .Hsasr.-eat-:.•
It shall aerre tbee aad thy

(hv ratoln.1.
kly neighbor tells me that all
“T neighbor mnisc
• Lore divine will flU tby ctore• i lrie.1 t.i ma-‘i. r Ihv an of -aylng
her domestic career she has been eon -' have unearthed about the cvj
fronted by the fact that she never can i i<^»f *hc will scarcely b.-grudge It th• Or thy handful etlll renew.
"I .
• Scanty .fare tor oee will often
• tolfro-r..-lalning a bay-leaf, ak presented by the modern time* accord It; and when she

Make a royal feast for tero."
•Dt- who giv,-:
..ti.i i -I k.-tn r
recognlxed auihorlile*. because *he acquire* ono.and has occasion to drop
;.-r •'-y<-!>Pow>;
has no hay-leaf In (he bouse. She al-' *> *«> ‘ho soup-koHlc or to use it in any
f. notices how
wave Intend to purchase a bay-leaf..of her amhlHou* cooking demoustra
"I iri.r. » And a
she never does. She cannot bo.-»'’< H-fleci an Instant upon eln.s lo wonder
hang.- In h.v lo ban.! foogenial.
a hsy-leaf. because. like herself.;'«» reduced fortunes, that no longvi appearance.
T r.-uiD-.1 !te lihisloi
<rf her neighbor* with whom she “ crown to the warrior and the poci
The Ixauilful poem wblch headVer.v few |.,.i -iSc have perfer
aad did not b. !u
-e,.content to do its humbh- duty in
tbU departmeat vai aem the bay to on borrowing term* ever has a Uy- “
and every woman sp.'.i
Chair by a sood friend who knew the leaf la the bou*^. Good iMcntloos re ■ Iwrf«M>> helpless and human way .
while th.- brow*
-1 .11.1 my to-si \; r--.:prUge o' ihe
vmes would carry a messase of hope garding the evarive and essential bay —Woman's Home Comioniun.
and cheer. Now they are passed alons
In my neighbor'* case much .
------------------------ioc an cxp^i-*^t.-Il far fn-m
. thtoed with 1
in tbs hope that they may be full of the same as her desire* respecting a
The Sunoay Oinixr.
Some eyebro«> have a way of icr
"la fact. I t;.,:
eoffifort to many renders of Home
with t cape, or an eiderdown
Possibly (hat nighty tonrideraiiua. mlaailng al.rupil). Instead of tapering! would be d.jn- i-\ '
lonnglag-robe. At the critical momentjtbe Sunday dinner, to responsible f.x off; and ibis to by no means attract |
_____ —
^cn she needs them she U fliled with ' more empty p.-w* on Sunday monitna Ive. a* it Imparu a look of tsr.incss
An ircn?hg
Those who mourn over the fact bkStlregret
aad dlsmty (hat mn ac-ljh*ji it i* given credit for. When the to an o-hcrwi.e pJcasaci toe- aad
! Wh. n c-o-xgl. d.-y
ethers have the love and esteem which qulred them when sbf
ih? did not neerl;
neerL Rewnd
Reverend Mr. Muebtried glances
not quite kind to the ownci
-.. tl;l^ melho.!.
they feel equally enilU«<l to. but neem thtim. in order to have them readyjfau sparsely seitied audience-room on
d;>n.- to Im
Im-i Itamp,A grx-at .leal may be d;>n.'
wrap !c a ck.(b
to Uek. wUl find food for thousht in when she doe* need them.
* heaven-tuned Sabbath morning, he iirove the c>e..i\iws. In the fir.-.: place,
»c'l pits into HuthU newspaper clipping:
The fact of the mailer to." she con- do(» not fear that the doctor's wife they can lx made smooth sad Bm- by
"A charming woman, who ntanbe-sI Oded to mo.
fa!l ... k ..f I'ii-- i........................
even know «ha<! or the deacon's maiden
riMer or..............
John- t^ie
i^e .daily use at a Hay hruih. and aie.-' Cvaporacon *.:i cause U
her friends by the legion, assures me a ha)'-lea( is like, 1 may have eaten j ay's mother to 111. He know* that the a floe small cemb.
-irs'iuls. Law- -..-r -1....1. .-t-.m. of I
(lamp-.'ced in iim<
that the secret of bar popnlartty lice puree* of things coniaining tt. hut; doctor, the deacon and Johnny miwt - A > friend of mine who has
mn*! bo lakc-n <bai (be we
In pen. ink and aotepap^, and her without knowing. If 1 were only fa-;bave their S-Jnday dinner, and (hat pair of eyebrows of which any gi
uh.-ti .voj a
■noagh to bur ntbe good*.
Im. la!
I..1 miliar with iu fla
free Me at the three. lay* a writer
or, so that I could i strenuoDs eltor:s are neceyvariW In- might be proud, possesses aad us-.-,
the New Turk World.
dinlngntoh It and deien It* presence,,volvi-d in the preparation’of thin^d, these tmail foik-t reqjtoiiei .-very da,
Baked Tomatoes.
"Whenever I hoar of anything pleai- I shouldn't mindfo much my owa dc-: ieciablc and reqatoite.
is regularly as *ht- dreist
fct-r hair. I Suit, • I'h boll.-d of stcamod cjrs.
ani happening to on* of my acquaint- .xdlciiou in not
_ (be-coacluFior.'
„ e-.cry girl and wo-1 cjt froi
having (me in the | We are lelt to draw
aad I would advise
(be ears and highly k.-a»..nv-l.
aneei." the says. "I atralghlway^ bouse when the*reetpe ha* It on ihcj Uiai vautibly the American Sunday; man to do likewise.
»easonabi(- jast now. Sprinkle
writ. . lou U.1
.a «,
i lUI. m... .. Bta tkto
pr«<.3™c. .w Am.,.
Ore..loMll, . v.kUm ... bo Ihe (opt with fine breadcrumb* ant
„ b.d u AbowUm aibiw «or.lJb. a, I, uld. bo.
uJ ,bU .bouU b. 3ob. .. do( w; h biu «*l bimer before placlr.g
.rbuble 1 vBWIbte.w.lfa tbra. uid 11 bv wtb. w. bAm. Tbe .bMw» at ib« i exm. Uwrt arc b> h- .onnd ocCMion.1: nichi. Tborc ohcc broos arc
F«ctoi7 ud C«»enJ Offices, Detroit.
in the oven. They are espeeially go.xl
•crer let any erent go fay without j hardcaf in my menage haa heeomv; bontehchls that ean aerompllsb the fair will And that the vaseline wtu with roast beef or beefsteak.







JImuHUtt etltti'ttMtk.


159 E. Front St

Traverse City.

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