Grand Traverse Herald, November 01, 1906

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Grand Traverse Herald, November 01, 1906


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text






vou XLvm.

the pBlut .will flake off in spots. I A iiasguge masli'r whu was colieil
(irce of |s>ti< rs ami JaulturK aoJ char'umui i» ki-ep them clean: bn' ticviw- _jd ih- livn w.l! rust. So. once in sciutino to decide -orbeilMT a fortetoe
iteh-»> lu- fiiuh it lu'ci-sMiry to < mploy often, rneb- ttaui lays In a snpply of | that was bidug taken home by a
gallcms cd pain
-xm bi ll’ < vi i-> iHiw-gud tbi-ti to give
is Dot an <-«sy pd' cans- under ih. hiwd «>f aaimals i^hat
I gem-ral oierhanlliig and .trsicl yuu like to oandor aimlet
A Sons «r Avtumn.
II. deiigbtlol about Ibc eountr.v? Uvii'l j-oo ifa
She uil(cd -faki.
Woe a aona «T auiomn. vbM tbe bnat> from those
ltd 1 s
yon are csimhl.- ot better ihlops^
irlpplDg fashion.
er wind! bis bon.
mlghi kn
"You are In soraetblufi of a predlcaAo« the fielda are g(d<l«i yallw witli
Ml write oik' mywlf
, pl.w.--.
'Then why doO'i «ou ir> to hnpruvi
leni." xald Hu- trtransiT.
ripeoed can of com.
“Yes. but I tmst jou do uoi mean your Hmi-. ln»iwi<J «>f foollshlj wa»i Till- roail is k moth and eb.wr. iiud Ir
And the farmer wblaUIng ch«*o,
ijon'i jiik<- m> Iml a iniunli- or two.'
to lake udraniaK*' of ■>». We will pay but it ?••
maltni hamc to more and bln.
could ivfO~‘ lb'
a fair price and iktLupj. a llUle
Tbc rk*. atwndant har»eat before
bad thrust the n-hiK Into her hands.
tomelhiuK extra if Uie aork Is done over. U tills ilic lumr
-Jack P'rwrt." »«s In.
Uie lunied aud louk> him. IHs
well, but we do not Intend t.. |k< lin.
- t lold you 1 woulbl lv> you knor.
sms a aong of autumn, when the l>osed npou. My<other Ik a Judge and when yoj} n-artu-d It.
-«• wus is-rf'Cly wtloiiK and h<- was
crapea arehanglDK bfgb.
I will have to deal wllh l.lui.”
) •’You a’rc- very good, wins. No oili­ feeliug 111 his isicki-l' fur a >1ip of
U loaekiu* putplts. swocUwii benoaiii
■Yck. tnIsK.’ the KirauBcr said. i| er lalkiil to mi like that befoite. ’
infessury.' she said. n_Ud a
ibc ba*r akf. .
iJilnk yoifll And me boiieHi. nils*. 1
Sill- luokol al him uuickly.
And tbc awde bwishs are beodlnc be­ don't want aiiyitaing ibat Isn't right. serious guri- was flxetl u|ion Un- bor.-i- siiddeu d«-slre m laugh, was almcM
neath Ibeir roay load.
too,much for her.
> •
Do I uudersumd that you wIkIi me to e-K. liiK fore iN-irayert no einolinn,
And Ibc nuU are faUlng aoni>- aloos drive ihtr roovlne wagon. wIbk?'
Bni be only shook lii>- head as he In•Tl urlev*> me," site said, "to sot; a
Mriiniklv Kcrildib-il on ihe slip of
•Yes, Have you ever driven one?" Ktntiii: and lieiiliby young man wastiiic
ilKT nirh o stubby ikUCII. wllh hi-Well. 1 won t say that I have rv< r hl» lull-ills and his em-rgle- in siirli iRing a Bong of auiumii. (bu bo
ii-e for :i desk.
driven one Jus! like UiIk But I vo liopelc-M fasliJon. Vou are stiong and
conba flow o’er.
I’leM-nily he l(Hike>l up
driven billies, miss—and a baamee hvtllli.v. aren’t your’
Wth fweetneea goMen noctar.
a-agon, and I’lu fuuniiar with horses,

bnay bee'a rich More,
flathered In atunmer aeaaon from
aasr a Sower that grew,
la wild and bacraat glorr. refreshed
with heaven's bright dew.
Slog a song of autumn, when the twi­
light early falls.
And the forest gloom is startled with
the cat bird's plakUvc cslls.
Deyood yon distant mountain the red
atm alDlu away.
TtaiiiBg stream and fotmuin and the
pUee of new mows hay.
Ring a aosg of autumn, whes
cattle homeward boond.
Beat a mufAcd tattoo upon the
airewn ground.
With many a halt aud lo*r1ug.
roach the barnyard, where
The harvest moon Is showing
makers walUng there.



Not yet.


mysr-ll .-it M-hool. but ! iieviT attempt

euuriu-. It doesn’t ihaUer In


"You use fairly good language and

And very pniileni ii is. miss."




Thpii ilieri- was aiiMtn-i sjsrll of si­

w-iie has Usd

I- pu|sr- •Klralgbleii-


• fond f.-tnak


tlilny feci


neuri'st poiut of ordinary

lilies- i.r Hies.
\Vn»hlwgti.u, Blon.-. wh
iiundings call for
kss-p Hiem pr.-M-ai.


'The idea was humorous, mles."

roudifay as -hi- dared. Iiiit

-Oh. I'Dt glad you .have a Wnw- of

bill a Kiiiall tnargbi for ilu- miin in tin




lUiar wUb the waj'.’'


8bc tamed quickly.

"George -wouldu’i luiv«- seui yuu If
he budn'i ibuught you comiieicnt.




"Take your Him-." said the mail li
e van.

streteb.-d uiil

The driver,

man In the lan.


Bill at

III.- sain.- Iiuimelii

pmchawl she warcE her haadM a

He looked at bier. »he had duiioetl ;

-Well doiWf »iv man. "




The hist car bi.-J liiially |asK<--l

n-cHoti and stared al

He carefully arrangt^l a hlaiikei o

The girl wailed a

Tbi-ii He olferetl hi


hand to assist h<-r. bui siie wail u|i

younger man.

IHile for him


aud kicking aside the stone iliat hlock-

sud pHeh our clingy tciiis, aud'l.ilne

cd Uie wb«-e! quickly cfamU-ml H> t


the fryiiig imiis .-miJ Hi'-






giay-halred lady who apisaied lu the] mlsa."wald the slraugi-r. ’ If you weijdoorway.
gy|»sy. of course yon would Ic9l for■Goodby. dear." nnd Ihey bad vmrt-j,•
"Mother remaliis

here ♦with

She divw back a lithe.' '
^i,.- said. "I know


maid." the young woman inforoied the
wraagvr. -and father will


j^ung fortnno.


them in the afternoon ’
-Ye». luiss."

I'er rases at Un.- euds of Ihiir fliigi-






A recent census of the natives I
the Transvaal wav tak.n with lu-ad>

but be d.H-sii'i do much of thix. slnci-

Ench h.'damtn was furnish.-.) with
iptnlxT <rf bivilK of dtffen-ol eolors


stugle wodtaii over 15 )v-ar< old.



find that
pi.-]>ara<l»UK, oil
W'.'iv just alsiui IS dirty wb.-n hi
ihroucli 11' wb< It In- ln-c:jii. Some
|s-opl>- said ih'-y ought to^.shiy dirty,
Iliat Hie grim- i.f ages was Hacre<l:
but riicli- Bam di.l mu agree with
theiB. nnally ->a.i III- genius came akmg
"UgO-St.sJ Hk' t

; of t he


If you huv.- .-v.-r livr-d in Hie Wi-st.

-Mls,x Rnicry* "
Tli.-se are


Enii ly's

".Kt b-ast a tart of K
yonmey and

Wllh his foot .* the brake be wasj,j^, , ,igh. haired Wan w
rsrefully guMIpg the borwes dowi ***<’imy path. Then ilu-re wsi
-lupiiig lane to the highway. ]i wa> i

yon will liav.- iiotici-<l the work of the

T he regular man natural siihd-blasl; or. if ytni h:iv.WAK drunk and ihb EIncry's luati had ever vtsiie.1 .1 glass farlory, you will
is- (aiiilliar wllh that of Hi.' artineli
hotisi'i.old efTi-ciK.


Tli.'.v ur.- Hi- -same to a

praclicsil fiiienis.

he rescue?'
A Kiuillnc taiv sudd, i
iruiiii.l thi- liooil of the

Ill nalme Hiu wind

picks up Hi.-

y htce. ibougli pohiewhai flush-j .'ear. uiiiil fin;.’!,'
> by tire c

111 Il.e tartory ,


Bel are >t»u sure

He hesitated a moment.
-May 1 ask what has become of ihe
rogular driverr

"No. iBisw.


The girt slightly shuddered.
“He Is grossly drank


And then yon asked me Ifl


Ml from the porch Just as he was
■alahlng (be load and hart bts arm.
and be thougbi he'd better ace a onr
sooa and so be w,-m over to Biaocraiv.nnd aoUAc'd wend the fiiwi man
he Bwt that sc-Bu-d competMii. berOMwe we mnn get the bad in'e i

"I am glad of

"YcK. miss. '

; am glad, that Is

"And jnu have no auiblHoiis?"


Do we turn her.-?’

I will tell Vi.4 wh.-n- i» f-i






Cbaug Chllf-tuag Ita^ ordernl, Hte
:ew t.-slauient lu be iulrodvced Iptq
'll the M-bouIk (rf the Hupeb and Htt>an provincea over which bu.ruicw .



Juat ~ Uqped '

makes th- niHsiian Sunday a

New Rival af Pgimma Canal..
fVhile evugrrab auil the •dflBlRMtfSlioD have iM.'ii iryiiMtaa And out what
slml <d a cunal Ihtv aiu goluR to rUg
at ranania. the MhaMflu govargaMM
laa iM-eo quietly pUlUnff the
.HU-bi-K upuu au i-DtsriWiac fur lauwrafllr vblch.-Mda fojr to bw
.' a v.'ry 1
chuM-n roul»..-wjftes Bepe
llacbe in Technical World Maeaxino
for Seplemb.'r.
This fall it will open fur bualnvw. a
rallrua.1 ranuiiif; acroaajbr Uthmssof
TebuaoU-piT from the port of Coatsa
Coalow .« Ihe Gulf of Mexico lo 4MCrux «m th.' PadOc. Great harbun*
doeka have heeu. bull) at liotl.
Till- Tebi


nion»|Hily.; iiiueli of Hu- w


■itis. in felt4i>v«-rt-d tiS'k"Is w|.!i-ly

bouse- wlAch 1--s»e|.< and

Stopped Train for Water.






Suli l^e rallrtiad was stojqwd ncottly by

pmspecror. in Ihe middle of

Ho -Mojat. dewri. by Oasrins i’ wl'b


1 b ba'
r-vidi IK.-,-

and !.iim, -

v.4-.ire waliT for hlm'o-lf

irniii crew rupidi.-rf

Hieiii all b.v rb. buck-Hui as qulcll)


pr»siU' aii-l Marb'd the Hmltm oo Its

It. old .'^•'>.1.14 law. whU'Ji alluwc '
:.-v<:ct irjiv.-Iers who are lu dhnrrs!.
V -•op 'ifitiK and demand watew aud
'-l.iptis t-witi crew's rr) provide ibe

Od of a

look -tr ,1

• crack

ii. 111.- PaM.


The saia,' mrlbod was|

ev.-ry appli,-.! to Hi' of the Navy DeiHi I-j way,


opeii-.l on





.. *KJ--d T-fr, vhnM-titv.

Twb irisb Swie».
lawyer .up.g-.l a "’.ai,4,i„i„et bini





.'.I prw-peetof ko-w it. so did tb'- cif


eTavpl.-d'ih.-cuiiiry. si,-i i.ii'l

Cmpcror Gives Name!>-! Ih. crn-uiony in whkb Reriba KiuH> wu, t.> wed Dr. von Buhlvn
uiKl llHibueli. Emperor Wlllfani P-Dfiihoi'-d ih- iiam.- of tlb- liridignM/o].
i-nih1iitg bltu to be kuown hi-rafur
Well. Vitcle Ham atso has to cUK.i-i Far oth<Twl-<- w«, th.- ucibod usCdicr. whlshlT' said Paddy, m an undi
house ootf In so ofieu.
He lias an' in cleaning the Capitol dome, which,; tunc: “I am only d*-av|ng the hasp as Krupp von Bohltm nml Hattmeb enqrawus nmnb. r of public, buildings I fair as it is agaiuM a blue sky, U not i 1 11 just bang
‘htok y-T 111 order that the name Krapp may he '
—ronK-Hilug like iwo hundr,-d sod: Koin-. baf iron, paint................... Couc-!out. pud tJieo hc1l cut np the hill like 'perixtuaicd. lIvrealUT tbr 'uri«- luaj
. ..ddreM,..-o a
«ateh-l .qr-fully.Joitf .<,-raich—»<-'• If t- .Jmi'i '
... .fifty in all—:iD'l l-» ha> an enormoiiv' niu-n'.y I’
.oad. ^'•un whi.-b th.

.Jitii ol

id tnoH.-'rs thr>



<>m.- Ik.itai luday.

leriv.-s ih.-;iik.-l} to find I'

, .nffl.'gff.-ciiugth. vbaiT lilies id the carvitiK

when tl

i stand whoi yoti
•t». yc«. miw. I am etaHfylng o V j.voti really think 1 am not to be misted
Of thvm BOW."
11 wli) climb rigtai down, miss—and it
•By drtvta* a luovmg van?"
I won't cost you a cent."
-Vcs. mlM.

ibotit one huudred four yeani ago.lo

r iKjri of 1;|k tnciim- from It- The

be i>

cult to ombTsi

la (UK-.- or twin.-

iany harm done. miss?".
she |ir,-*eni >’j
"I was u little hasty, that Is


his provltHV for th.- new gu.erqmmt

Und lb.- m

alt ,.(••• 'll- IP. I n iJir

Ibe y.-ar should n


,rv yon s;msn.-rf wftp u„. nf.. y
1 to be leading?'

I a whlb- ...........


You said. "Tills is th--

could drive a ruoviiie van.

somewhere over there In the bushes.
And George, onr man of all

I was standing m Hie

wlieu you called to me—and lieckunisl
I to Rle. tUlsK.

In Ibe t'hlll pn.tluci- In or.

to pn-pan- the young |>euple of

iHiW. whirh is uatlicn.I'on iki- mi'.iiii-


JJrcrvUidy/ha' '

that you were s.-ni to usT’
highway admiring your h,>me.

than b.iaai priiiur; and Mwondm-IkxiIk

"jl-iuud: II 1

M. TO-rrilv a. he llulsbiil. j
The girt watche.1 him cloudy. There I but Ihe girl slightly Irowned.

-Wott i .voo li.We a seal iii'ra.v warr'Bk -an anxkm* look ou her fac.
How was George when
acaln. "Come right op.’
jwi. Miss Ein-.ry?" he cRi'.l.
ihe heavy vehicle H, cuciiui ' nini?" she coldly askt-ilrHe walked op tlie path w-lth his bat
road Is p.-rl,<.-H^ slraubt. the captain ;
aged the horaes with a word nr tw.
ia his band and the girl wailed for
ke|ii the brake under quirk conirul.
"Otir man of all w-ork.
Hhe shook b. i b-a.l smllingiy
and the heavy wagon passetl luu. Ib<
w ho sent yon to our home.’'
' . '
“So glad you’ve come. ’ she Mid

' The caj.liiln i> oUr gues'l. .hWlor.
smooth highway with ucarcely a JaP.
H,- shook his head.
. ho drow near. "George uid he^d send
o d.---e ri him ,o..»
“You drive well," said ihi- girt.
the Erst man he could semn"I (lou'i know the iK-mm." b.- said 1
"Thank you. miss, i ihiok I apiu-eShe wru an attnictlvr girl wii
She frowni-,! again.
ite Hie TwponKlbillty, " H.- sH-adied
"Dldn l George send y^m?
UghUul voice and the young wan bur.spoke ami drew them
"No. misf."
a decidedly pleased expression as he
> Hie right -This I tilt- ivrail.
looked Up at l^er.
Bhe bii her lip.
Uncle Sam’s I
"Is tbU Miss AllenT' be asked.
• Didn't you give m,- to. undcrstau.l

ymi can drive a movliig van?"



own AHoutic port* and the ortcnl;
Ml for Ibe trade between Kuw Ytirt:
a small whin- one for a girl.
Female l>arb>-n>. nutuerous in' Au and San Frauclhcu. and bcttrc-D Euro­
.tralbin cith-s an alwuys compcil
pean purls aud th- orlrst—In a word,
fur all of lb- traffic Ibat 1* now mov­
ing around Cu|m- Horn over oar tran»
iiig busiU.-K*. to d
lal railroada. and UiroDgta tbiiiy in Bhaviog. ImliseuHliig aud hair
Hue/ <
Ak roiiiparerf with Panama, the avirIll lloh.'mia cMirtHhips ar.- tibmirnially.loiig. in iliai e.wnny .-ngaps ngi Mt log of disUuice U> all potnis la
mnitK fri.-qti-iiHy bo-i foaii nfii-.ii i«. EiiroiK- and mi our AHanlic cooat la no
b-SK than |j:5<i mib-a. An ordlnaix.
11'} >ei
wllh bb fi.-lghi Kl.-aiiH r travels at th- rwti- irf
Japanese ever
leu tuih-s an boiir. or :&<• mib-s a day;
li.-a.| '.. Hi.- liorlU. • Tbih Is beij
re always bort.-d so that Hhe wiMjiil aov.' fire days'
Hi.- de.el In'Japan
by sbipplDg h- r cargo via the Tebuanwllh tb.-ir lieods in that ixmllioD.
t.')u-e isihnius. HuppoalDg that tiloe i<
lb.- sl.epllig Itamis
ingrain of worth to li.-r |V» a day. thU repreptivsie IIOUS.-S ami hi
a saving of I2.5>K» lu 0>qn^,_
iK |-)Ste'!,
Auoibcr advantagi. of the TeRlwntc
tlVellPWp«-e roiiie. Ik that p is out of the rogimi
. of Sicily
<iT calms am! tariabb bm-ii-s. Saillitg .

•Thla is Jsilse Aik*’

'•Vi-K.’ sbe said. "I will 1,11 j
when lo iiirn. " Them they dr,.,,- mi
Klleiice-! The young man's
fix,-,! on the team, stud the .voting «
man's cy,,, wandi'n-d about aimless
with occurional glances at,her eo


an Rhih Hal. Uie bsillug Viceroy
of till- .-mpln'. has alr.-aily .-staldlidierf

U |s-ni,v u,

think I see good Ittek abca.l.'

bm be guhled ihoui with a min- hand.

it’s all right.


.mall y-ellow- bead stood for a ig.y ao<

wash H.I.-I

-No. • Mmr Kineiy ik with me, Slit>5


luarrii-d woman, aud u w hIU; head i

:hirhh.' Ills big Mom buildlugw Hie slow


Uo look off his hat.

' Yes. I’m Miss Allen,

iire titer.- e'vei

Bod iHtrasuls are by


H.- paints Jh.-m wh.-n itn-y need it:

- And the gpllai


- pe.haps I eoul.l till my ..

eurpetw an* lak.di up,

showing me the «ay

.Mid she latigbiil again.


and IIm.- Blaaetw bollfa wear long s

uewadays. Kor many year.' he used

■tVlKii mure iiaitiral titan to sm- tbgoing a gy psying. Un<- could luiaKim
Heil In ihe aeai before'hi- could luoeh tills was out home rumbling iM-hInd us. pliant Caiii- JlnsKcn In the- vanl" And
her hand. He gathertsl up iht- reins and that piescully We would allg^ he laushi-d again
-lliii you are not


sometimes alUiu a lc&cU> of IS InctaM

fit that ti

elosins lb.- .«itsiil.'-s of h|k bulldingii.

gcssl d.-u! like a iiiovlug

•an, doe.vjil It?" In- Mild


The nails of tb<- ChlUeM- nubility

lie Hme r.quirctl

do not u.-i-il paint: aud hi- cleans jtd twiiii- on which to Ki'riug fbrni. A
’Grwil Scoti:" he crl<-d. them Hiunntghly. Soin.- of ihe'doulls big black Is-ad n-iinwenu-d an adult nativ.-. :i- big yellow bt-ad
of hlk work are v. ry ini.-UT.Hug.
Hailieulaily striking b the way Id grown up siugb- tuan. a big blue b.-Jnl

wllh the lightness of a bird

-Goodby imiiber.- she called

lo n-iurn to Paris'.

most of Iibi hlffMiupj are of slODO. and

"P reili.lnlv dcH-s.'

Tlien shr softly langhiHl.

••Keally." she said, ••ihis M-i-ms like

seat beside her. Slid leokeal nroiniil

Xoi atmul iwohuu

The stout'man kiidd.-nly Mured a

w hat

Hc guided Hn- Ibipm-k in Hit- ui-w dl- hand.
•'ll bulks
ihi-ni stuliilly.

"1 am ivady, Henry.'•

leave load and the lane was narrow,

"This Is (he place.- d e cried.

wash.d at


What UateVn
know- jgm niv quit.- right. I've made •Ifs fapi. Ku«M-rl’
theie. captain?"
up luy wluU to turn t>ver a new
Tile captain gravpi d the .loiil
"You luru bei-.-." hiii.l ihc girl.

with a gny veil.

the high SMil.


Bloul iiiHll as In- caiiK- III Hn- rescuer'i

Ihluking - of

slng the crime ami Kiying he Ik about

an- oil takiii out lulu i

and the horse- was

writleii .k-namly lu lin- police confiw-

man In the tan slip|K-il ii> th^ ground h.qd of Ih.' dlvlKlmi think, they ueerf autboritliw hi mmiy village*.«f
Tyrol, as they have iM-cn foiiml to irby the head II. All'lliik Is d<.ti.-_ by iiieii.
Al Imig.-r imenaik still. Vucle Bam ritau- Hu- graxiug catH-

’ If y«ni know- i

Mtld." he tiresenlly reiuark>-d. “i

long dust cMit and a big Kiihinier liai

Prosestly he came In sight of a
pretty summer borne with a lawn
aloptag down to ibc toad and a huge
wtodsdlt ml the back.
• The young man pausi-d.
"This must be Clcarvlow." be said.
"Yea, there are the three oaks.'
half loraed and looked Jo the north.
"And there im the lake Just showing
between the trees. Charming place.
But what is that at the side porch'
It was a moving ran and it aeeincd
IP be gmte run.
-Moving back to town, by Jove,*
maltCTOd the stronger U mne perplaaRy- "Wonder what I'd beuer do?
I mnatat bother them now. Yet I
ptnmlaed the Jndge I’d cevtalnly eaU."
He had eome eat into the highway
sod VOS tooUmi np at Ibe bocse as H
undeeWed what to do. And then be
rcoUred that scKwm was ealUng
'Urn. It was a yonng woman «a th

Paris twenty flve ye-ars a|p> has Just

iiriug He- semPaiii

rauugli lo ii.'.'.l P. or lo make pintle

loud aud eiumlaed Us faKU*nI|gs.

A man who ouiimltioil a mui-der lu

111 prnii-ci the uafls. If they are long

' wiilcbi^l the borsi-s for a

"Yes. miss."

brought i» irbil within fifl^-cu years

lu tiiel .-1. r.i'iiiig :-wi pi mill gsralwh- N-Ilev.' Hiii they
III.' v.u.ioWK. which ;ii-e tbey arr- d.«I

timi- to lo!H-.'‘

••Everything soems nil light. Hen

di'Hcovnrcd and

iu iiKiie or le
they do al h«un
al huus. c'leaiilii
which Is uJ»ii

cxirridorK. (h.

simpihsl a'lMl lb.- burs.- gave a

|■asK aloug.

Th.-re is no punisliDH-nt In Erance If
lb.- miiid.-t.i- fs not

bi-ui.n. aii.^imt down again, «ml tbi-

and Ill-Id liiiD firmly.

right of way.

the ebild.

a giuiera

desks moi,-.i 111. Th.- ,-l.Tks come hack

and i-aiigbt*bliii quickly



This U iloiu- lu oTfiev hours

ruply .lesk.s. w-liriv Hi.
pi'nii-ily emply

.^iid ilivo soiueilihit:

kuow- Ibol the loadiwl vehlclo-bus

He ran around ilif'

by Ibe, motli.-r. In timl caw- two lamps

leaned uve-t

111'- '-an

thing about the rub's ol the road

the from wheels was blocked wllh

es for aiiuilisr niim.- thaU Ibat m-l.vd.E

e-l ibi- Mruggle.


a heavy stwie.


Willi ifls loot uii tile wli.s-I watch



chatige in her whole aiiitude Kiword

The discarded fiir- twelv.- days ojp and nsuallv by th.’
Kui|t^l'uieK the falh.-r wish­

nliimry ofll(-<‘.

Dial, but w-iili Ihib- kocctws.

team. He looked to the liumoKs. and
booked on the dangling Iraces.

a 'stout

wan with a while mustache, was do-

111 Iron aud eoal prod or-





M'hll.- China has not madr

:lon as has the I'ulb-d RUI.-k. she ha.s
mail.- a

A biiby is nsmed wh.'ii It is

-le ytaiii gives bis

Till- iiiBU

-tc Jaimn.

such advwiic

Curious FseU Alteut Cunswa Things.

It il.s Kii t bring very inueli —


any other nstiuli on .'arlb. not exceiie-

em eliillxaiton

•niply rar.<.

was auotlpr yi-bicle liBited

-Ther.- is plenty of room." said


Emb-avor World

iiMi view, h> a lung line of

nuMv and ni<>r<- Impaih-in as the train

ditch?- he cried.


I.I l.iiui: very much—but ui->- place<l -iivi-r Ibe two names, and
and Hie. nann- over which tb.' lamp
-vi-ry liMIe e..i!iils. yon know.
About oiici- . t. iy till.'-. inimihsVti 1iuiVs.Hn- l.rlghtcsl Is the tilte g

drawn by a spirileti burse Hiat pyw-

"lii you w-aiii 10 crowd me into



luornliig ill.- clerks pn- busno adjoining olfin-s to

Tiieiv Is iib-iily of nicni;

you ar.‘ not th.- only cine


Tlius he i-

lii-ie Ik.loingli of it. Ihell ll-lK sold

iug bik liesi to soothe- Hif iiervoiiii alii;

He brlKkly slopiteil nruntld Ibe |Kin-li
coruin- aud

8o .wm


-.-ws during the last fiv.- yi-ar* than

liiiiie is pikd «ip in a Moivroom until

the homes as he spoke and held them

"Henry, niitw.".


tlu- long siring of Iniuiiiiiig ears wt-m

the diy llmlia.

"By the way, wliui Is yvur tialiii-?'

1.1 had Io-Ih- r.'iilac<-d.

It OIKS', as be would have to do uudi'V

gates, a light

It III China.
Th.'Chilli s.-havi-niade

All sev.-n of the’lightning rods

■I her w.'iv romiilel.'ly fiiseil away,

I by ih.- c-hars

Tinii 1 can take a cor. qOli-l. "Go nhead."
But we must get that load under shel­
Tho HtuBl anUimolHIlsl was luo
ter tonight."
try to take this advle.-

in tha Van.
Tha leaves nttled mcrrlty bcucaih
the sdraaefng feet of the young man
who was coming up the dusty high­
way. He was a ult and somewhat
K. man. and be
waikOd with a vigorous tread. H
eajoyed the walk, be enjoyed tbc rui
tic of the leaves, be enjoyed the char
nnd bracing October air. His clothes
were dnsiy and bis bat and shoes were
oaJto gray, but be liked the dual. ...
*Aad be whittled merrily as he sUlked

«me thing she bor.- the liuirks ..1lUg.

uto bis |M>ckei for « l.ig lump

Here. Ill stop for yon. " He dn-w b

•Tea. miss. I'm unlit- iead>."



need.d a washing pn-tly |«dly

the safely gala* und s4'ooi| l|i<-l>- wlllli-


She knit her fair brows.

or Iibk

my uHii r system.

and bis puffy face was wruailied with

Will have to ride with )ou—at least to

but that (here aiiitual Is

U'W-;iIk. aud <1n>-> mil bate li> f 0

The vau lioi-rwn vh-Wiil


•tugs and squim U hi eag.^ Ik .lutpt,

ilway> s|H-mIiiig iiioie or b'ss on n-



.louo. It is evi.|.tti (hat Ih.' f«»l- and p»‘K fr.'.' "

wciik a day—pt.ity good


He callixl

The slariuli .«niVy.-f .lpok<d a; the •nr-

When It Is iiiowii ilmi this work cost

he big piiblir buildings


di«* luiv' iX'iy: liul .b--.«
Ill tb’ ciBKalhration erf .too.

lour hundml dollars Ho- last iime it


•nimplul ihi- silt

le man in the van gave him u side
the gfanco. He was a xioni yoiiug man

-I’m tramping, MIkb.''


bu' cbei

'Del.' Sam—-anil even the Gmldess of

As she K|M>k< a fiv-iglii eitgilu- pul


It etiiu.

giviug the Goddess a hath tolae. "TIk
w-urtii wat.T Bird emsllb- soap imiiiqitly., -l>ugs U diigw!^n!E raiag s

who siiffers from JioUM-cU-aliing Even


men. au^

'th niv.-r hail

III Ibi- biiHl

with luioihei.

Hieni wlllKHit alarm aud idoddeil up lu

-Whai <h> you
I am iiui fa- by inking up Hi - whuh-

"One moment, miiw.

work of- Heanlug con


HiTe 1 K ilie rtillw-ay

fotc. but

more ihau a iiumlnsl slrok>>« .iT llghl-


Ills d.-cision.

r declib- .at wan av thim tblugs tw-

iiaisler. who was aU.i an

lu- w-orkshOiu iliat at-.- nilarhed to all


h<: gavi

pl.-o- OI duuno "

1 good bonn-."


pay. for much was b-ft to 'he Sim­


I deal .of work

is I’uele Sam's aim i.* l.-A-p bls

luugb. hui ( liokt-d it liuck.


a |H>Kiolfiee c» euKiolu-biiuse

) lioin



lu fact,
obligoil i<
and pass cautiously.
cautiously, ii was .aideni
lid not like ihli/ .^s be slowly,
be did
wl them ills fa^ wus red with
ange■r. He shook n Osf-»i Hie mnn on

time to siatt." she said. 'You
have a slx-mlle drive."


cliaiwom.n In
r. .iln- big pub

ic-iiiy dollars a-iuouih for x


lid gi-eatiy apprecin'

ww« bnikcn by u famlllur


Tho Young tvuniaii

illolding iKd'.'d tip plbc' by

l•llOua<' Ibnibling

whirling urw-arils them lu a liille cluinl luoki-il lip at the writer.
Kpesi k
Tbe young woniun sllgliity frowned or dusf.
fri'-iid.'- she said. .'
iQd looked al him Intemly.
The man In tin- van guided Ids K«i
"IVe knowi
"BTiy did you inugb Juki now ? "
. cloM- to the right of ibe UiiiTow

lOe side porch.

jioaeh uiid has to Im tvached by t.

«ii liuiidr.-d or



I-. l-sir'o^ Ibe

mon lu'tis.- of the baggag.

clothed' 1 saad-finisb.M

i.-iid i.i I'v.-ry-

Hut hui

T beg .vour pardon, ruls.s "

ilffliV. nilss.-


will i|iid--i-siaiitl wht i.liis


llki- «i( w'll.-ii b.- hko

his pas''.'Sp. ln«r.

s built

liiire In g.sul eoudlUou. When a
He is houesi and fairly Intel­
ligent and bus no n-nlly tail habits. desk oi a i-lialr or ;i Cbi|k--i or ii wl*
ilow«bad<- gets wsiiii. he n-placos it
He has roami-d alvui

sound, the "linnk-bunk- of a eoiulng



iwcniy fo>-t high, and wt-lghs niiH-lceii

imi try io kiralghtcn


He bs4..-.1 si th-

lo-v.-r MW-u b-(..t.. ami

but the statue I'

lo go
the another thing. The Goddeits of Late cas.', Tiv- .ml) rak- n. hnj
oTty.’whicb It reprekentt-. 'Is laiui-- by was Ibe one ihai Mbi dogs mu*t .



'Sirniglit aiirod.-



iT.-at.ori-. Hie

from scaffulilings.

. Hie ile'ks—any man

ihiag I'lke.

11...1 to M> * ..mall a-hHll..aaI fc-! as
dogs did.

All cxo'pl

Th.y ,

sition. and answers loGhe name of

To I


-But I don’t think you'll run away




d ill the us-ual way

age. in good besiili and of Uliid disptv
« naiU'ring. nil's

Then be simlgbtcncd bis face Just as



, Hie .hmie proi- i-.

up the iwts i>

le U«.nn r 01 lllis i; r* yo-irK of

could raatb- yourself qolie preMitt-

alKila ati'l K«

work in

who lak. pOKM-ssiiiu the juol

- iis>k the Slip and r>-ad lu coie

Ordbinrily we reguliy'

wllb the load.’’

lirv <>l biK dally

III eteiy rnm-.l RiuIk~ building

i.nbiUK M. ainWHoim.half aloud


The d-'Uik I

. IK eiupliiye-d a force of ebSTWo^

. t.hai? I used III write •-wiim-k for

• "Some, niUk."


"Then you urc u siratiger iu

called to him.

You «-ein icrbsn; ijoni*


have found It . very comforting

* Ring a aoag of aotamn. when the seaaoo'B work Is done.
;Ne more eager watching each mor.
row'g coming inn.
Thu crops have alt been gaiborcd.
the flotda from end to end.
'Then atng a aoag of autnmn. and
otag It to the end.

• Then-.- lie said, "w-hal do yon say

Ibis is till- liim?"

You. bavt-n’t aii> ^refiTvnw*. have


1 »upiUL.c

"I must admit It. inlsK.

I've no doubt you’ll do"
Thank )-oii. iiils>'


Ring a song of the auUimn.wben dark
er grows the night. ,
Tbc Ere Is banUng brightly, itae lampk
are all allgbt.
The bouse It warm and cheerful, and
happy voicea EU
TV rooms where mmr daaecrs come
^ gp at will.

This U the ptocr.

Paces 1 to 6


.hi>t bad bl..wv; tar wli-n !■ P>.U"I '.f


'■'ail'v'l »{ie wall-'a •!uli;hill. an.l Hi.- Irisl; d.-w- .
all l Hr-. .pair,!?!'u—‘. ii. "Wl.jt are you




unto talnoclf a wife who waa ((utalag
over a past) IW ruUis hniB. VI cnbita
vMc aad «o\ wed wUli pilch tn><lde aad
and much ••tnbarlaaaul he ixwd ii aaaln witJr Ok- xanuicaulL Uflln* bU eye* in a»toolab-,
l^tbp dab. tke oocMkm Mdr Ike a
e produced a Urge number of unique
r?OR thaw
-M> brethren. UiU
viial seetlOMn'a gucM. erenlni!in Gold and Silver, iw nen, women
r an4
an. iitteragring
finest creatioiu
AuqMl waa ■ tca<lend to the club Is (be flnx lime I over lend (hi* Id the
the fir
and chiUi^ Thcae aititnc pie
aoBben and ibHr inieau and the tRblo. but 1 iiccop( It on evidence of
of (he detigner’a art and■ the
higheK type of »kiIW ........................
They include all the diSercnt artidet of jcwcln-. and offer an
tsbte* ««c ArnDWad In a hollow the saying ibal "We are wonderfully
cxcetwional opportunity to combiae Quality ami Kconomy. Wc
aqMro. waklnr a any (dcaalng ap^ t)d
will be pleased to send catak^c and descriptions on request.
"And yet. wbeie would (b>- world he
today If It were nol for u*7 llowvir
dDWa bea« dnkpaU with yellow er«iw rays 'Eartb's noblest (biug Is woneo
lupoaTcat-pisMuNn MtacnsvTi-cOLnrwiiHt tiLvti«vnTn>
PMH- wWte
bawtlfttl laarea of perfietcd.' In i6ls day of adranooOKlilOiT: lto-144 Woodward .\v«. PARIS: 24-K Ruedo Prtio HowU
Utau Is
itedea aad IlgM aiMl ment there Is not an avenue whIcb-U
hoary eptom wore ananfod rwy clnoed to women. In the profesalonis.
aneefaUy and anIaUcally about the In bssInesH. nowhere have we found
inwinnouDiable bar to our proa- evvryihliiK Ivliig mvaui Includliis har­ will, have ample ground ou which
fowo. Tho club timer, (be ramaI. To us ere doe the lirtnglBs ness shops. laHor sho|w. moniimeut base Ibelr rlaiius ihm Traverse- City
tkna. WM oa the piano and an the
taWoa la pretty bosqueto wUle (be abODi the much needed reform In works. He.
can care for ibe convention in a way
in pure foods, dean n»*ai and
taMoa aboQC with prcUy
Mr. Tucker is also rcqulr« to In­ highly salUfai-ior}- to oil.
and boaqoMs. Tb« decorattaan on (be
spect stores and In rv-gsrd to jiU InA fan- of
ror'lhe nmnd iidi
white IMen were leroen fere learca today- Anil ihraugh our U»sal clubs, sptTilup of Tnivi-rsi- (ily
bas Iswu arraiigivl fivm this eliy and
while *Wu- aad yellow eareatiooa our fed<-rai3oti nn«wlii«s. oor bl<-niitol.
* hr said that tb.- city quite a liunib-r of local people will at­
inBoence Is bruuebt «o iKur up<m should “is: proud of Its-T<lorc«. lo tend .the eoiiveuilou. The delegates
; MonVa (breo- our IokIsIbiIvc pogt-ni for the itenerel tbuar ahw be fuuitd (but (be conditions will iwy for their iMilvrtaluim-nl
upll'i,aiid iIk- lK-itsnii«-m of mankind.
bat could Ih.- dc*lrcd.
Hie rate of II a day Md a fee- of I.'.
"Ixmg may lb* Woniau's club moveafMr the guoata wore weated at the
will lie ebut-ged for n-glstratioii
Paaaing of the 'White Fialil
taMw. the preemn opened with an icBi live In the Imid: long may onr
wbk-h wilt,Include a Isnlgi- and pro­
yrttw neloectoa. TkU waa
lowad hr aawBedMnUy tendered ttatl
lak«-s BTC paiudng ss mpblly from exTlu- eonvouttuu ibis yi-ur will bo
hearty wdeomr."
Mto. *The MlttMa of the Wind." (H.
Utcticc as did .the mlljlons of bison*
different, from othi ra inv<moeii as i:
which ai onu lime swartni-d the Am­
BehaMtel by Mlaa Beaale Hooker.
The piocrani sts ilieit rotitlnocd erican prairies 1* an mi.llspolabl- W'lll be a tegular sebuol of Inslrueliuu
> Pwitdiatta Addrean of Woloome.
fad. says tb<* nrlroli News Tribune, with four leaders of natloual repmaMraaJ. r. OUleaple then eapreded a aa fpllows;
\iolln duet. rrof. Horst and Miss land wIili Ilu- ix-alizaibm thui with ib<- Uon la ebaree. These K-ai
"«aarty welcome and lowting to the
Mostdh' Ik-nnelt.
detariurc- of tin- white flsb Indusir.v Wllltetn
sMata. voaktne aa fMk>w.:
Heading. "As 'the Moon Koss." Mist: the I'nilcd SUteH govcriinifiit loshf- Uoui-ner Allen of Ttiledo. O.. Iflss Olen
"IC«ban of the WOmetTa Cinb. Our
oiA- ut Its most n-m<m<-nailv<- litilus- of C'bicugo. a rvturoi-d
OenttaMiPiWadaand Lady Guestar Wllhelmlua Slinue.
freni India and the Her C. V
It te with great pleasure I again -^•orel solo, "OonBbij Uet<ds." Her­ tries. nn.l also om- of ilu- mow vain
of Chicago.
(oae befiore you with words of wcl- bert Hootagne.
abb- fooil piwlucis bn the market. It
Heading. "Sully Aratn's Kap>rk'nce.' k xruugly urged that some n-med:May Crnne’Hsrx.
.-We. as tdnb BMnben. look forward ■rs. J. I. BaReyU udupi>-d at once.
Sung. "The Night Hoa.a Thousaati
Tlieiv Is every Indication
A matt protujuently connected with
fram year to year to the oecaston fA
UIU' of the govenniM-nt flsli hatcheries llapHsi Slate eonvi-ntiun will
oar •anUamaa gneaU* evotlng. count- Eyes." Iadl<-s' quartet.
and wlio Is well Inlomssl on
li; Ibis city lu I9u7. .
lag tt ov bigheat prtrUegc to exlead
Oiebestra music.
The ehiireli has exietiili-d
qni-stien. siau-d to The News Ibal
ym the ^ad band of welcome, when
Hit' bamiDit was vxLtdb-nily eiiiuye-I one anil only successful remedy I
iinuii' InvIiaHon to the aiWK-iatli
. are «aa open onr doom and extend you
anil (bo cveurng iuiksmI og In the pruniplly incrense Hu- cii|iaclly of (h Tra'eiwe fity and t
ext possible mniiniT.
Tbi- v.-irloui haicberii-s .
will Is- .•o'cr^^tteally urgol «s
g tv^lb two of our club
"Till' govi-niUHUi should lx- wli:- Hm rmlli-ailobs all isdni to the sebv.
the other day. they re- ■mow nappery. the Sowerp and dccoraataiM. V only the men more fnlly Uons. tbe ladles in their pretty dresses Ini: lu Itpeiitl ten times tbe amount Hub of the Qmvii City of Hu- Sorib
aipraeliaid your cOorts to be uice and Uie goullemen in thtdr somber of money It nqw^ doi-B on Ilu- pro|« as the 1907 eonveutlon cilj.
Tills eonvitilioli is one <rf lLi-Jarge»t
to pa.aad noce of ju dhl not have to gaiii all made a picture which uws gallon of the while Bsli." said tbe
be Cawed eat no nnwillbigly. bow pleaHlne to ibi- eyx-. while ibc prugreiu hniehery man. "because Hie wblK-nsh KlemnuinaHoiial gatberiugH of the yeai.
was'plentdiig to ihc ear and mind. is'ibe most valuable freah
Two years ago an Nfon was made to
; . «oii4i kh>v >t
in.' B
TIktc were atwui wvciity-four tnv-s known, and even efft^s (he value bring Ibe eotivenlion to Traverae City
dHPe avar taw a time «bcn you men
Ibis was muMeceasfiil. Jaekren
of salmoa »60 per Ion In the easiem
' - hm not bow rated by vomeu fina
Tbe biuiquel was Bcrvv-d In «br cir­ markets, while imisiderable
b.‘lus Hie rival Hi0 won out. alHiougli
’ tho Uaw wbqa Mother Btc ano gf the
Tniwtve City n;i« Ihi- eboka- of many
paid out yi-arly for Ihi- Vat
tejWaaw fruit to. Adam (e the present cular ruutu. (be ladliii preparing II
Uii- bulldlug. The dub now has an bateberire."
of the deb-gale- :uij eaiiie very ni-arly
excellent outIH of cooking ul<-t>siU and
• And thill, loo." In- eonlluncd. “30. gelHm! 11.
•Thwfcaray aays In Us eaUmale of dlsbtis und at iKiuqmn' Itnie* it is necThis year Ilie ruiiveiKiuii nie) nl
V mure wbiteflsb egks can be band’
' wetoaa, ^baro arc more cierer wooiqt
ry to bring but few things from Ictl In the same spacn- taken by salmon Haginaw Uet. i:: 10 IT nnil e>- ry effort
to the world today thas men think for
tbe homes.
Is now- Is-lng made bj Hie iiK-al elnireli
Oar bablt la to despise them; we beTo IMusinite tbe (s-rbiusm-ss of Hi" and lt*s niimeroii- oiwatilraiioiis '•> iiri: •lim they «I» not think beunusc they
A Finc ahpwing.
while flsb cH-sInietinn Hu' v:iil .111 Hie .sililniin.s- oti idue.- :<iid
. do Mt kentradlet ua and arc weak From Saturday 's RecviU. '
IblbiWtng flgutvs. which niv eorivei program to IhIuUIk .vniveiitlou here.
, bdwwa ihw do aot riae dp ajalost ua
Every factory in Tnivt-ns; City (► it>
The eonv-Mlitot would jinmbly
,-very- Itpnanee. wen- given ool foA'toaa daly beglna to know women ai flue sliapc suiil W. S. Tdc^cr.
brillH tboto
di-legutOK lo the elly
' . - be grave old, and tor my part my opln- factory tiispoc-lor to u rt-pn-sentaUve publleailon.
Till- i-aleli of white flsb in Miebi- lu nddltbiP to a nuiuls-r of vialtora.
• ten of O^r dorareeoa rlrea erery day.' of tov Evening Kcccinl this uiuruing.
lu in IWI was R.197.«fK> pounds. niin'ber of the b-adbtg ministers of
Hc'suld that the uuiulx-r pf hilNirlng
'"Toe aw a Aonre looking
Willie in IW't It Ml nil «o I.IST.'W tin- Baptist ditimulnatloii In Hu- n.iiHi"\ Ddthtal to hoOM Mila and shirt but­ Pi-oplc la the cHy was 2.2«.
poriloli of (be sUl' Kirdngly favor
isiumls. In IJtke Erie the catch fe:‘Tills number shows un lurreasi- of
tons. obidunt to her lord and anxlouH
n.avu.obo pounds, and in TrawrseCIty uirO Hiey are using .-very
to pleaw him In all tbines: Mleni on abnul 30 per c«nt over the report last ms> It came U. S.lW.dOO potitids. means’to-bring ih«tr wish iilioui.
. poitttea and literature, and If referred year." nald Mr. Tucker, "and ihl.-. I'roni l«»3 lo 1905 the catch In On­
lu Ibe cobveutloiis.'Hie leading men
t^ witag irith a siUle of humility. Bbould certabily bo very naUsfactory 1-4 tario d.-creaited from T.noo.dW iwtiiids
the di-nomlniitUm take |iart In Hie
' *^! .eronm are not Jndgee upon sueb the people of the city n* It shows ;i lo 2 lrt*5.Wrt pound*..
ptwram which eoiiHiiui-s four days.
■Utan: wo tea«e leaning to the BubMaodal growth."
The loial catch of wblie flsb in He- At Hie rfoso of the conv.ntlon mvipc'.
, : maa.- -Tea,*’aaya Jonea. "aitena
great lakes on liolh Hm Aaicriemi the laymen's banquet Is bebl. Hie Bais
the heSM. my dear, and leave the under wliicb tbe employt-s work urv ami Canadian sides hi 1904 exceeded Hst laymen of tbe Kttite Iwtng organ----- -----------Blnigbted idiot! SbBtgf Ibc beat. Caudldly. 1 n-ginl Travai^Miii.iion flsb. Bvcrnglng two and one- ir«-d for aggressive rliristian work In
*haa loag ago token your moaaure: abelmwu City Uw best town uurtb of Grand 1 'half jHiiinds tn welghi. and the loss of much the same manix-r bs |h.- iiahtoi*
a U)4 mlnUtcra HapIdB. Improvement sceBiH to be Hie icggs coiilaiiied in Ihesi- flsli cxcecdeil
d an annual nieeling is always held
imtoaB la wtboupand artful
irtful waya. She general order here and I am very well ^^.wn.OOn. In 190-*. the combim-d
Hit elow- of the state eonveuiluu.
kbtiwq roar obatinate. potato, and plcauud regarding (bis limpecllun.'
h^Hteerii-s of the ruMitl Slates am- ^ Till- cunventlou o|ieus Monduv und
In rvgard 10 Ibe employment uf ^tilrenly projiagatcd the eggs
marebM aroaad them with the mout
Hmi day and Tuesday of cunveniion
-gg» froiiji
ettitoai are and patience, aa yon win minors. Mr. Tucker said Ibal he found IHM* than lo.OOn fl»h. which1 Ik alto w«-k are alw-uvB given over
aw aa ant oo a journey turn around Ibe town very cle-un in (hat gvguril. geiher iDaib-qnale to overcome Hi< nnal paatork' conferonceaa otaUtde.'
I lu comparison wiUio tber towns. Trav grtvrnrss of eggs deslroyed by Ihe
Thr manifold mlvaniag.-s <rf Trav
i ersc- City Is remarkiUily fr«v from
eunv.-ntiou eiiy ar
“A. dear oM-faabloncd preacher
era.- City u
i/ed morv and -niun- an>
■UBdtoc before bla poopk oneu Sunday
Sunday | cblld
ch< labor. 'There has been a g«<ueral
l..ako Mtehlgun alone in I9»t g»v-'
his Btbte
over tbe state and Mr.
a, , ■aip''tri-t>meDl
convention 01 big niwibig
nji l.Stm.tHW flsb. and tl Is safe i<>
to read from the Old Teaiamcitt the' Tackvr stated
say that Ijiko Erie |iravidi-d l.l*K(.mil> any kind eniertaiaed here is sure
Bomlag leaton. which happened to be 1 Iniaiicy law wws in the main rvsponsl- of Hie finny trilic. no «o orcreefiue this bring otli.-ra as Iheiv arv- no m.
wian tom were aome mlaalag Icarei. )'le fur ibis.
loss the easB of fully 73,WW *Bh atmulJ hospliaWe l•«»Ille In the state ilimi In
Hi r«ad aad eommented as followst ! In ibis city, ibere are flfty-two faci- Ik- propagated each year.
Travers*- City. Net ouly an eoiiv.-ti
•Wkm Noah -waa 120 years old he totA • orU-s altogether, by the term laetoricB
A iliree-pound whin- flsb .rielUssivci
- TM .WWMRY Ciob.
The iDOOs oC tke WanAD’x Hub. In
Ike aiy HtemiT b*Odlti«. n«^cr UwlwE
trratUer Mum Uter <iU Fiidoj iUsbi Md

I Artistic Designs in Jewelry





B! Grinimll Bros.

litoil SiNto el the Hi|hest Irtistic beellinK,
Uaequilcdgi lu price and UnexceUed by ANY
make oI Piano at any PRICK.

The Greitest Piano

Value in the World!

Sold direct to llic u«r end under an


t.aBi year iliv Amoriran ond CnnBdlan hatclierk-s propagated h-as tbaa
200.WO.twO fry. while the uumte-r of
.-ggs In Asb Btughi was S5.0UO.tW«.Ami.
rty yeara ago the Caleb of whit-,
lisfa in ilplrolt river on ibe American f
side alone excei-dW l.otw.twfl pounds 1
aunnaiiy. while In Inter yrafs the com !
blnud enieh of Iwih H- Ai
and Canadian sId. s only .............
3r..isv pound*.

Srnotll im' Sifh TlrM.


A. TRACY LAY. PraalBrnt.




Tire Insurance!

SURPLUS. $30,000

Platv ClaM. steam Boiler and Accident ineurance.

Money to Loan on Impfored Rea! Estate Only.
TraVeree City.

Room 310 New State Bank Building.

3 per CcBi tUtveff aa TIbc Dc»«tu.

I AUratkiBUMiMwab

You will acsin be n-ml)' lo tiiiiab your booac.



We carry a

full Hoc ia stuck anti aro in eliapo to g'et out spuciai work io. a

Get our prices.

All kimla of ilry Inmlicr in stork.

Wlifm in a burry, soutl yoor orvler lo us.

•'ll-'* l,al.c Av.-iiue

rinm*. IL-il V."'; I'it/.. 30s.

Have you ever tried llie

MoyMl *riK**” "T'mmm and CoiPf**s

^ ‘

Tlicy are tlic besL

Canatd Cen
and Saimaa

SoU' ‘inly by


Krato« a i.ijKl w.-li-oiii'-. bill dm
tag tin- sluj of 111.- .i. k-gat.'s 'll Hie
city, .v.ryilitn-.: jsvM-ibl.- is .loii.- to
elilt-riain Hmni. P.m lliiii rv-a--«m.
those will! com.- l.-avv Hi.- city with
rcRTVl and ar- ulwiiv- willing t.i come
liaek again.



On. F. J. MacNett

f PcraenalB.'
From Kridaj'* Record.
>. n.' L. Mrlti'vr.- ai..| lit*l..
K-.-nii.-'h, i.-tm-ii. .1 i.. Hi-1.’ l»*m.
Grand Kitplils Hils luonilitB For
past two week* they bnv.- iK-cti rfbt- Vara. CMaatr Baak Bide. DETBOIX
giiosu of Mr. and Mrs John H. Fisbei
92k East ElgliHi stivi-i,
.Mrs, Jam.'* K.-lio.- Iins goii.’ lo Ann
Arlwr 1.1 visit li.T diiiicliier. H*vlH-rln.
ho is :■ Stu<le.(^i III Hi. I'. »f M.
Ben Montag.1.- will nlln.-ss Ih.
Micbigaii-IIIImil- anili.- at. .\mi. Arbo.
Mrs. II. Hurkli.'l.b i «n l-al.- City re
turiie.1 III lit-r linni. Hil- m.iriiilig ofiu
visiting in Ibe
Miss Mniide i<
eelv.-d II conmiissl.iii :.v noun ypublh-


The Fanner’s Store
Befpre you buy your heating stove come
in and see the

De-troi-t Jowol

A poiritiYe CATARRH


Ell's Cnan Bill
■WEV A C*i|d in

_____ Ad—aa


Ti»r BB.l S1D.-II. rulUi«-.'d)vK.*l Drug.
gi-iA or bv m»il: Trisl Sue 10 pt-. b>

Front Diving Fine Base Heater
Thf liandsomest wdod healer made. This stove \*
very economical in"fiicl anti ive will guarantee it to
hold lire "■'! hours. It has a'largc feed door, bailed ash
pail, heavy cast linings and is by far the
Wc aKo have ihe round stoves, aoo.1 airtighls, cheap
airtighis. in fan anything you -.ant in the stove line at
SEE frlo**


F’rarilc Xrudto.,
Old IWowt O'fncg raulldlrvg.

Rowland nsualaBS


For Feeding your Horses.

Your Nerve

Ji is oenre energy inai runs
organs of Jisur botly. llie
stora(^ Ivglterv is ihc nefve
in ibe brain and .spmat
cord, and from this battery
nerve forct is sent out through
the system of nervqs. To keep
the body healthy you murt
Will Try far C E. Ctnvcntici.
have plenty of nerve force: u
Tlnio Is a prot-lH-ei llial f'.i :
rou havx not, the organs_work
ate euHvvatlon of ibe Mlebigan 'imperfcetlv. the circulation js
Cbrlsilan Endeavor iiiiltm. whleh will slugtisfi. digestion bad. appe__ «--j__ ...
be Ip'Ul.1 to IW'S. will
eiwn- ....................
lo this city Ijte poor,
kidneys --------- d*dcgat< from here to tin-com I aches, pains and mtsefy
reuHon at Unsing- which will to- held
Kor. 1. 2. 2 and. i will go wKh the Inli.-uHuii of liriuglng the big meeting li>
fTruverae City. Tbo year* ago plans, It assists
• - in generating nen c
matle for lh«- conveniton Vo be
it strengthens the
energ)'; it
li.-re, but Laustog was the forlu- nerves and makes the whole
. U.» and Hu- Travenu- City *lcle- system st^g and vigorou:^
g-),-- dbl uul ai-euDipllsli Ibelr pur►s... n Is ilMHiglil that 111* IV will W
tuim si-veu l» i-igbl bunilry<l d*legal0'>
pi.-sent Ibis v.}ar and all Uk>m- del'"
gal. s !«) Ibelr own c-niertotomcnt.
awwr th*
nigtllS BB<
Vo ikm Hie convAiHon will be very d«:-tiable.
BiKi hope. It U a ruperl. nerve reThe great sucevss Travie»eCiiy bad
Vt'iih the Btate KnlBbiB of Pythbu
aiivttng w-ni have a great beartog on
bringing (be convenUon here aad the
rntertalumcnL qt the aiMe Saaday
aebool eoavootten teat yeot to not yet
forgotten ao that the local delegatoe



by the Maoufacturcra

Traram City Store
BE. Front St.

3H.OOO egg*, bul of these only »■» pe
eqpi liBtcb. and only four frf ibCB'
carli maturity—that K foor year


Mail MfSial Cs. ausit, Ind

A Nose Bace
is the proper iliGig. It i> a eaiivas bag with a leather
bottom. You place the oats in the boiiom^irap the
bag ov«:r ihe horse s head and he eats. Used in the
big cities because it saves stable rent, time and trouble

Every Farmer Shoufd Have One
The Beauty
of our haodmado sLovs for
men ia the way they nrc
made. Gocri solid Iciitlier
eoloi arc ptit onco'-'li jviir by
skilled workmen.

The Result
is your work sboa aie com­
fortable and more durable.

$2 anyi2.50
Shoe Store 0pp.WUiUir Bold

fTer Uons Dsrlc Drives
Other kinds as well. Some wc sell for 00c. >omc SOc;
‘.«r>c .nnd the ones with the copper from arc $1.38.

Wc Believe that we eao Please Yon


r- ;



■ But* T«Mhai«' AMwiation.
V %tde«rMk. ilMi. OeL


UmOitn of Mkktfaa pre biuerir- <vpo«^ to tbo wpount of
krm by pbyrtthtll** WM> book* of
to^BkMboI «tUt loIjMK^
; TwunUr tlwM teolton ot
Vilk ib« trmiuu bnke ooi »p«»unr.
«iu)r In tbo *»Ai« u»ai«*r»' pob*m»: I


. Dr, W. >. Omburi of Aoa Arbor.
mifw «M>r» (Umage tban eood i« rtlaMtag tron im-boolu oaAtoorUi of
^hikb arc Ervoind to anUoteotaal paj
7 O^rttatbinMit. b« «ail Indnco* chti
ImG to take ap itM oppodte aide of
^ jquoMbM. It is four, be aaM. for
boohs to branA tobacco as saeb
llagastlng thins when a rbHd Boe*
fcaR> aad
bis beloved parent
a^lns r^larly.
.• Ii| the school board soctloD. ihr d{sIrUMtloB af tbr money rreelred tram
1^' parment rtf drilnqueni mnnmd
taxsa wtui dlncvaaod., Lawtoo
nomaoi. of Uasoo. eoanscled asalan
divanlDS (be tnonnr from the pnmsrjirbqol fund, btit 8«pt. 8. O. HartaeU
«f Kaiawaaoo bollerod It sbootd so
j^rt^ily to lamasing mv-bers'
ftlaa and partlallr to improvins build♦So large was resterday'H altoodance.
tor 7^ being ptesent from outside
to^ttr. (<at the B. D. A. tnbemaclc
bwE^lo abare lia naMlngi wiUi Pnt
A^roMw worn first dellvmd
ifir the theater after wbkb tbe speak^jtook aarriagef to tbe taben
^■repoa^ their talks to the other
V 1w first adfirasa
latmst was de■ llratod by Pnaldeot B. O. Laocosier
at OUret eoHoge. apoa *Xducatloiii
kcMa of Miebigati.’- * As President

Gone to awRato.
oolr reeenUy removed »o diver who made tbe Insneetlon of thelcan^ « »- ThU does no panieoiar! Rorh. which has been in Josi^ <?ur-1
.b-«r W.i-«•- y
........... ju.
ai.o«. tj™.. t..u«i The eiecutlve
r of the
B. J. Fulghum and wife left for Chi­
kUehlgaa fitwi Pennsylvania bis views uiuk.
Brenlng Ree-'
Hugbee said , farther that the time tbe jury agrevlae that there wn. ^ Orud Traverse oouniy Sunday robool cago Thursday. From there they
re IntetTsting.
' Inuike ifipe bolag above ground made no cause (or action, bst. be«>n .tppealekl assoHaUob of which J. \V. MilUken is will go to Buffalo, where Mr PultAum
-At least two years." he said, “coold ord represenutlse this af
th>-Circuit couri.
the Imahe from a de,>0. «l «'cb and bold tbe rnbbisb which
chalrtaan. met Friday and appoint, will engage in the lumber busineiw for
be saved In the grades
eri a vtib-ettecurive eoratnUi^ ronKlai- tm- winter iit le.vst He has sold on'
the proper HtnlUtioos and iatmsta of Of seven feel to tbe crib and f<»t>d 1
Ur. Hugbes has been In the buslnew-------------- ^^
ins of the Rev. L. B. BisseU. chair bis int« i>-»i tn rtie Traverse c; Iron
each stage of child development. Arlth- tl^t tbe pipe was all rfebt wUhsUie
man: 1.. Rosooe. C. H. E-ni!> and the Work*, in which rmicern he K'l; been
sbbuld not be_Uoghl before tbe Ageeption of tme leak in a depth of for fifteen ytsirs and Is an vgpert. He)])Q YOtJ GET UP
... ____________
Rev. R. N.^iolsaple.
thlrieoBlb year. JJlghl or.ten I* young inbout twenty-four leet of water. Tpi* charges tSf a day for his sen iees ami;
intere«i«'.l for vnaie time.
SIO a day wbea he U detained by
oegin toe wamiui
> was repairco. ,

«. « t
{' sa» al*o .leeldeal to eoniinue the
Two -.iMi-ra «if Mr, Fulgt" i-’ who
thcuorkof iheelghtbgntdeerouldbej Mr. Ilogbes followed the Intake fori
These prices .re nwBie.i. a-,
I HlscniHe. : Ate«claii<.n Ecboe* for amMher qusr lijve t--.* \i>IiJng him rt'tin:.;U to
done in four year*.
about l.PW feet nut and tben pursued
rxrr-.Uylv „horrsdsil.enew- ' 'er hilt 'iinl*-*« siifficfevit funds art* their
They mere Mr«; l\ Uad-Hygiene and sanitation are nwrelw. laves^lgaiionB about JSO or 3« «5"r anl espenses for diving for a hml),
, ^
rul-^ to pay the cost of isaiilne the k-v rof riiieai;-* .vad Mn. Mallard ef It
Important than geography and arltb-|fori farther. He dlseovcrt-d that be-'*" \'*««nslti- He reeovrr..t li ai.rr
___ ^
,n.j, by p,. ' paper It »ll| be diseontlnuckl.
.inamdi'metlc. The manual iralnlnf move-1 yoM the crib, there were no obstrue
m,..i U-Tb-oiaim. .h.uvcr l,«. .U. .h. boUon, f
"-I”.' -m
."l'; (J
H J"
K taiiration trained pari of the head, thej«.* fierfemly dear so that the pipe 1 f*a>
^ it iVlhegronisn*-’
1 be estei
■ Krom ibe crib inshore. 1 f.emrt rub- •
A Darkgsreus Stare,
ninetromh evututv ;
blah of all kinds," jjii.l Sir. Hughes." i Ai «:l<» [•. tn. Suiurtiay. smoke* was
There were old logs. rope*. srlre».!<li»eover»'d IsKUinK front the up^'airs,
..___ .
up manual training.
•Our nnlverslty. the rdueatlonal limb* of ire.-s. stumps. lu)rk and saw-'of the ramiibeil house, cornet Slvfil fl.
stKcaltM.'Jnd':f womK-ni
pride of Michigan, should receive far diiM in rcptlar piles. There wercj.and fnion sire-'ia. The fire
old shoes, old clothes and In thejnieni made a fast run and got
better flnaneial support. It shonld
have |I.85<».W)b « keep papscoop shovel. In places the bottom I ihe damase being principally by water,
with letidlng state universlilos. '
showed while and elear. but in other-.; The fire etldenily cniigfat from the
At the business meeting-, officer*
the «vldles and under eurreoiK hadikltchcnsiovensliwasneartheeliiniwere Heeled as foHows: President.
r.*pAiT ifi -T rlonbl
ooped up the sawdust in
ill large heaps,
heaps.;t ncy on the second floor In
H. M. SIswsoo. Ann Aibor: first vice
lere «wg sawdust everywheri'.
where there were a Oiimber of pap«'i !i fo-!l
‘ivn :r>tcii io so m-a> w.i
president. Bnpi. 8. O. Hartwell. Kala.
Blrat—It'a more husineu for ut.
■ work, iiad in pranicc. an.;
"When the wind blows from ihe It is though) Hiai a t>eri;ou
mnzoo: second vice presldcni. S. J.
FloohiijZ, SIiiBglca,
( proved sosBCcvsstul »ii every case lb:
ehimaey- fell
Onyer. Hllli«iale; secretary. 8upt. E. north like it is today the surface of
Mill Work aod Bnildinj: SfaUTitJs for you.
The eoftteni-' of she lioit
n. Palmer, 8t. Johns; tpoasnier. the water comes inMiore but tbe
WVnot only irUi'ilv civ** yon onr iIruppb. bat eliotr you
George McOee. Caditlsr; member erocllu* qn.Blity
inlity o
of cacli article inclniloil in onr i-siiiiuitp.
'>v mall. .11
wtlve rommitice (loag tertnj. E. W. undertow caiehd all the loose ruh- 'iltnaie his loss. The family were all
Yost. Detroit; mpmber to fill vacancy. blsb and carries it toward Uie mouth {iu the nfOee at the ime and never findonlifvogbi-.-cki.lncvorMr..i.leTirr«v
Cedar Wood, $1.26 a Load
of tbe pipe. As It fiOr-s out a lot of It I knew iif the Are uiull a p.As»erhy in­ Idc. WhCT vmUnKni«ittt>nrttU)ugt
Prof. T. I... Keeler of lit «enaani.
»“ gMiei'maofferinthispaiwrandiOTuyi
is siiHied in.
j lonned them. Had it gotten a start in
The ostimated tUendanee yesterd
• .i.ldress to Dr, Kilmer
•I amready loguarame.. thui iherej'hf worsjen buildings alot»g there.
nfiemoon was between 7.000 a
n leak in the intake now. The 1by the norihwesi gald the flrr-j Jv Co..
--- _w? ,*e,i.r;
g.iHVl. eiplalnaUle by the fact that thU
found I cm fully ca.tlke.1 up and, n.'’" *ould have had the fl^i of thrtr |
aud one-^^
was the first state msollng for which
Corner I-ak«? Ave. anti Tenth St.
• ' ' •h-' ht's' I .lolW sir* i-AOes are
any portion ofj'ive.
it is t
Michigan schools bars abut down
Citirens phone 'll!
Beil phone lOitl
aUowed their teaobm full pay.
...,v m'iMahe. loll remeiulrer ll
W. L. BROWN. Manager
as tbe end of your finger. The soiith-i
Swamp-Root. Pr. Kilmer's Sv..itup-R.>
and the address. liinchamlon. N. V
Came Appealed.
luist comer of the crib Is tom up asi
11 every-hoUIt.
.e of Thotnas Sniit
though tbe anchor of some bout ba.!|

In Asking

Lumber and





Tliese are strenuous
days in the Cloak De­

«lur ti'Miory• hiiyi-r
tell*;us she lias
good or IjoHur v«ht.-s
r. regard
t-opt of yarn. ThatX
■ inly doD<- by lookiiiu
idiead .md Wing ahhlouse large•iimntiii'**

For the next 10 days
we offer


Fleeces at toc
op to 50c
Wool at 25c to $1

Seasonable Merchandise!

mori- aWtii *il i
ho*i>*ry rouiib-r.

Taffeta Silk, Black

Priced to get your trade, backed

No. I—Ladios* 50 inch Coats m

Faiww ICxtuTea, in tui dilTorent utvlm. SIS
talQcs. all for
fQ qQ

3 Dieces 36 in. Black P I (in
Taffeta Silk at ........... dliUU

by your money back if the goods
are not right in every particular.


Tiiifi t. nw ttio u.utii kia.1 y-m
SI. It’s v.-ry omcli WUer. W«‘ ran
a- roM u big sale on bkek *ilk wben 111
New Vork. nud this U one of the^l
tlitogs w.' goi. Ask Tor tbit *ilk and <•«w-et 10 seo th.- it'a! one you ever saw
for $1. ami >vm will not be di»piwintcl. .
Only Utree ptec«j».

No. 3—Ladies' 50 inch Coate in

nUek end Fancy Mixture*. Our $25 valoM. Ohoioe of .'tO^garmenU 1Q
Donotfifl to invwtieite thU («(*r.
It’fi money *av«l for you.

Wc a1*o handle Moneylnk Blnek
Konnet Taffeta ami Skinner Taffet-i.
Notbrog on the market ns goo<l.

Ladies’ Suits

........ I9J0

80 raita that would tdH in a n*gf/]
nUrwnyfortlW. for ..............<i aOU
Every one of them the vwy’lateat model and
neweet dotba, and auiU are very good tbia fall.

Children’s Coats
M-50. SW.


Dress Goods
• -Inst now wears making *ome very low
prices on some very fine iuiijortcil novcltH* that
we control --cannot !<*• fouml io my other store
Altout 2-5 stvles rani'iiig 111 pn-’c
from $2.-5n to $;i '-'5. aU at. per yd..
• V
-ipiec^ 41 inch -lark Fancy MixtVf?*, goo<l.
mad'- to Bell^'At $1. The mill was clnsiog
tiie Hni- on invoont of tome of tbe 'olors
Ik ing sold out. We got a feuat. per yarl...............................................
Tbeyur<-«hitaWe for suits and skirls.

Pants and Vests

$5 and $5.95

Plenty 6f OtherS“l’an;'m.i. W’ik>1
T8ffeta7W.ol I'.ati
Voiles. S- rg"*, Henrietla. Creia-liue. MeilroS).
rofdiii. l'oj)liD'-tte.-\U«tro**. Satin, I’niiieUa,
Broadcloths. Crav«-n.-ihw Cli'-vi'-ts. etc. Wo
an-willing to show you Uni il is to your lu^lvauL'ige to see this line.

L.\1JIKS‘. 2SC. 29c. 50c up

If yon have asy idea ef getting a BUk ^irt do
sot tul to Bee tbeae two uumhen. They are
^ priccvl at a laving of S.00.

I'NItfs Sr?T.-5. 50c up to $ 10

Children's Underwear

Finer numbers at $ 10 and $ 12

Satine Petticoats

36 inches wide

This is underwear weather
and we advise you, whether
you buy here or elsewhere,
10 buy ROW. Later the Uncs
win be brokenaod we can­
not fct deliveries on reor­
ders. There is a scarcity of
nnderwear io all lines this fall

We sever had neb a lis-i* of Ohildron'K ('oati
and tbe value* were seven’ eo good.

■ H.M,

$1.50 and $2 a yard


Asento* ininplen. tl5 tuita that would wU in a

Pants OU'I VcBU. 9C WP l'> 75C.
1 ition'Jiuit*. 50c to S 1 -50\Vi- wiriy th«* Han-nul Mills
.-■oil th<- Mentor underwear.


Ju*t sow we have ou sale ten dozen Skirt* mode
of a 6sc qnnli^ Satine. cut full, -finely
tailored and prosonnoed by nil of our 0 j
cuBtomen a* greet value at....................fiP •>
Tbe lieet value that money oml skill ns. ptoeve, at

$1.50, $2. $2.50. $3.50

Ladies’ Tailored Hats
ni or SU-$2J0 aid » street bats. 1.95
AU orttiet«.seui<i tuts fors.oo
Alter Uietio and $12 Imported
Patters Bats. 7.50

Plaid Ribbons
vorr popular. Mlirt
a flu.- lit).-.. ......................:r.r)or..-

.Also rtufle* In fVrFian ami Pra.fivr
l•altcrTl* at...................... i5e to »1 yd
2*. pir««*a No 1«> SaUo Rib
hon* at..................................2Se»yd
• Full lit).- of coi.ii>.


All full size. 15-'- sure to look at llie sir*'
you bnv HlankeU. There’s a diff*-ronoe tti
til'- .lU.-Ilily and weight as >*•-!! as IIh.- ii*-.
are ’.nlling i" show you.

I'r-Mv V. ilia;.. ..25e to 50:
aa-l lisK. a' 25e up to BE
r;.ncy Hair OraaniMit* :i».i Touil,ai .
15c to V.75








S9 e«s. ’to SIO
Musios carefully bought-•!'any other line
io the store We
«e<ionina«don't have tW
tu»- kinu
kind _tl»at
jost as goc/i. b-at wc ha:o the l.-si then- is t«...
»uvr kiijij
.nhd it •' Rite yon no more llmu the •otbtr
5c. 7c. 8c. lOc. ! Ic. ■’
' ’ of
.-hoi'v pdltems Uj pick from.


ORAND TRAVERSE HCTALp. THUR^V-JEOVEMRER T <ffS'"'[hia men to bring two homes and after

f)ie txpgriflncB of a Corporal

11 bnd bMQ beinchM tor anna was 4nt
!0n my wny to beadqnaHer*.


I the ceneml mart the dispatch he
some cussiDK alioat Pembermn’s ocnpWlty and then wired me If l-hod had
any supper.

WiitM fn The iHiH hr 1.1Jao{iiorJq[.

1 told him I had not and

be said ‘"Ton He down here then and
I wlU have my Imy brtop yon aome-.

I bclonscd to fompony 'K, Ttcb- quarters.


IntutiT. of tiic' First bHniTe. Meoad
dtrtskM. tblrtoraUi ara>- corps.
ISsrir in ibr sprfn* of 1K2 ewr di
Ttnlon m-f-IrPd ontcn;

Here I waa ordered out oa

;h(ne to cat.’
cs he left the room I aicMe

the Jarkaon road to Owoeral CraatV

sad l<mt one of the stars from his

which I did not reach nnill I o-rtock.

UMm-te. wUcb sUr I oUll bare In my

The news of the capture aid the dia-

r«4on and the Initials «re on the





Of'ncv- paich had been dlsensted at headquar­ star.
After i ha<l handed joho«aD’>. dUU. ters long before I reached there with


Rphoflrtrt to report u) Geoemi

a sharp at'aek of eout In the knee.
whWi has roaarellfd him to postpone
the Fraatim; of audience*. ifM-TurtlDR
one thr.t hart been arranped for Baron

Trchirsky. German minlricr of



whom.' hoicet.v. hi<

holiness is to rereivE* t c fore he leave,

Abbo.ish the jiope Buffer* *e.

vere pain bi« ptiyrielan* say the trttack Is not slarmins.
it Is ret>orted that ht* hollnoes. dUenrsinc 'he foeiuatloo of a" new min's

hart patch to Pemberton to General Grant in In Kf-f V. .aW that events ih.-r
and he h:j!l read It I toltl him I had
Br. Te f.x: more pslafal to him ihsti hi*
After anotherJ>ridence of hnvinr hei« to the pht. real suffering.
duke/lllnrman, Vnn^t^ r.Brt 1*rlw. he had been questioned sharply by rtdml ettmp aad produced the star. Re
BOt'cliaslnp us. andjiieornl Dtilny it was doeided In send look irrehd handed It srotmd and said
Ha Found It.
wbco they
--------------to ri<1e
*.(,1, the tllspatsh to Johnsiotfs “This ii my espMilfam ntwl i ought to
now to bnvc a rbaaro
Frank BookwolM-r. a Sprlnsfteld'. O
fi. Onuir Bo»r 'ncl:sl.iinL Mbm,

Wr the priaooer who. by the war,

Wl bw*n mafTbiBK^over MIskhiH


Art»nii»B nil wIniM-. rhasinr Martna-

irtveB Ms name aa James Wflllams of
Company t. Slrieenih Oaonla.

ramp and learn bow mnny men he bare the star." but I told him that mlllionalrr. went hi.rk to Auka. Ind.
Joiinincm had five more and if he want- where Ps .1 small hoy he areurauhiie.".
atfBner wna a ttdief anil « novel e*- hnrt. etc.
When I had donned the reliel tmi- ei1 them he would better no nnd ret sintm bnHses aad rcmiDlsrene.-A. ||.
poriener lo.manr of our wen. When
rewUert the m;.rcltlBR order we forni and received »y orders to re­ them.
didn"t visit the old swiramlDB Irtih'. oi



on the deek of a MiHslwilppi

were at 0»rk. Wo,, twelve wlieM noalh

General Grant's Malf and a nnmher

port to Jbhnatoa -f was sure that If

the reboid where lu^ used «u whiltl

of other officers were siimdtne shoot the desks or lh<- store where he kim
I .•houM hate been miirh narier in my end there was a kiuch In which the hlN start In Ufe by xweeplnp out
RprlRKk. en^—I itive the rotid for the mind, t had nn nnl-r from |V>mber. wmcrsl Joined teillns me I could keep immeillaieu- hiked fFw the old homeste.vl. Axrivlnc theiv he dlrtn"; wsrie
hmeni «if nnj «»l<! comrade who may ton to pass alt eonfi'rternte suards and the star.
This story wonld not have licen told r.ny time .ireamliiR luii tmployixi a
be famUlnr wfib the raote.
a similar one from General Grant htii
rmn HprinirtleW-

W« Wlowod


••Old VIek” had neter heeai founded

Oladtttai valley m«d Uy Snlrm Uk«

DiirlnK the yearn of
there which, after I bad passed our lines. J
wax olwnyn aomeihiBB to do for the was oHIaod to desiroy while on my
man who mred to lw« hiiny .ntid an I way Itark wlih a rebel uniform oo I
nn-or llliod dl*tcli>ilnU>K aay too wfdl

hut for ilie reunion at Minneapolis. At

man with a'crowUir to


luu-k th-

lirlrnde reiinkm over which Gea.

sliine steps so li<- could seciire a

John r. Blat* preflded the aiory wax

dime he lost there >l*:y.^e yejirs 1“-

I in Bel rid of remleHon^a order tohl and It so btteresirri R. W. Ibirfey
Of Vieksburr ihni be wanted me
Ihal my hnmeeomlnp was

fore. He proliahty waillA lh:ii dine
Itefore any more Inier-.ft aec'iniiihil'N!

I ftlwaya maosffod to he detonod for
write hliti an aerount of the capture,
MttiUni;. or any duly ihal would take casJL After paxslne our lines I gave
which I did. r.nd he published it In the
.BA away fnim eapiatan. Ilrutnonntn up flip horse to one of the Fourth WiSr
Mrs. Conover's Death.
eavalrymen and
started oo Vlckahtin: Herald. The editor of the
Od daUior uenrmliy. and eapoelally If roualu
Mis. -Vnnle fenovrr.
Coofedetnie Vetercu read the aeeomii
woman of hilerloelten. wife
there w*a any abooUHK salnx on. The
and wrote to hare me send .him the
day before we broke canp on this oeOoiK.ver
of lijTihoi.
away and tlii.x U where my troublps star as he was a member of JbhnsKm’s fever, need
eirJoa I went to Ccdonel BertreW
ye»is. 1 munili'
oommr.nd. but I sent him a phatoeraph
really hejmn. Ii was neeesaan- to pet
himd<iuanc« and isalncd permUaion i
of It Inst.-ad ninne with that of -ihe! «'-ajs.
be our cxtresie odvaDce eoarO for the ciror around to the rear of Johnuon's
behind Che «o."
Ih vJ-les her huslsmd she tea^-. ,.v
wbble dIBUllee of TM tnllen to RoUo. forces find come in ihrmiRh hlx ejtilfe
.-h-Mr;... the oldest p dnttsl
ahd ho fare me un order to whom It comtnand In order lo oouot his men
11. A. Uinrworthy.
| yr;i-‘o»d alto Is Just cetilne
eoBCcraod to ftimUh the men tor the and In do this I hnd lo mnke a detour
ICodW. there was much lo ho deae €» of ive or aU mites to pet clear of hia
ebon notice—the mca lo detail, ra-

plekelB and scouts or l>e •‘picked"

ttona to draw. amnuBlUon to eolleet

I wanted to Ite In position to he Inkm

Traveree City Beat Cadillac.

\V. \V. Fnirrhihl and sou Bi ll''

C'adniac went down to defeat Fri­

ar nftentoon before the Traverse
BBd tone eooklnR to he done^ Keariy the whole lensih of the relrel eomAfier Icavinp the raad the f’Uy football team by a score of 16
It rained nil afternoon and ibe
tMn for the marMi the fbllowins Bmm- country was on«' almost In'
clay field cave the players elephant
The marrh to Kollo oceapled Junple of canodimkes—the kind from
feet and oauseil them to slip and slide
cti^(d9)s. Hollo at that time
I aplte of their hesi efforts.
close topetber that a bird could
wt«teni'ienbiiiiii of what is now the
I^e Cndlltnc players, while accaaed
aendiera I^eifie rBlIroad.
Ilm* we not n>- tbrouah. it waa dork when
of annte tanirs are bot lo be ree­
^dod oitr entnp eqiilpaite on flat e»rs renebed the river .mil swam across to
ded hut were escuacd on ae5d waned for 8i. tfHda where we a rand alone yie other side. TbU
•nt'tber w.
wr>t« huntled aboard the atMBier “War road I vowed not to leave if l mn the
nouneed lo be a
aifle'- to null for Vickntmrf. Mias. whole relwl army.
nnod. square hiineh and the Traverse
I {oUowrd the rond dnan the river
We landed at MilUken*a bend and
Ctty team was well ph*ased wHhVthe
aarched aeroea Tonng’a polat. K>em. unlit t came lo anothtr mad leadine
treatuem tverivtd.
hkrkcd <m twa\d the aiaaian' Ituth, iway from the river where J found. a»
m the nrnt half hut mie tonehdown
maard the river to WaiTouttai. whore I bad feared, a squad of the enemy"
as landed .md the half ein|e.l with
I waa eommanded to halt
fMr minCBt look iu poatUoa U line cavalry.
te score 5 to d in favor of Trjwrse.
«r faMUe to help drive Gewetwl Pern- nod the oflleer in charpe questioned
City. In th.- second h.nlf Traverse ftiy
me whereupon I told him I had
lirtoa’a foreds Into the
nej!ei|^ii''l two more loui-b dnu-ns and
tlckahnrs. or *ei whipped nad that from Vickabure and a dispatch for
Uie'ffnal seoiv was Ifi tn 0.
General JoUoaloo. He ordered one of
Moore trieil to drtqi kirtes and foiled

• kair tlM^ nishi wan spent in propani'

:ir Johnson. Jante,, Kt.rney and
lodley arriVMl In the city Thurs.U
mill has stmt
rt-paire and win ii


l•nlfeEJta^ P.iisBles refete.s! the

InlhBto nxMl ChOdem-Esperlenee ocathat Bxpataaemt.



CaRtona U A banaless anbaUtnte fbr Castor OO, P»»*

warn Vk lad that
Idskhl pnimeniisg
iit. I h.-.a
set rial slnMnrx
«iilas.shn« li»e. ao
Ismsllk 1 •vYii lo
tlw lse|tiiali wliera
1 wa* Uid up for
twn inni'ha.
alniumt hejenti
lemBitiiion. llatk
Uaod fiowvd out ef wotuxb in msnv
Marea, and 1 wa* h<> dobrsrtmed that
1 Uwufdit Huriy my hwa riante «»»
dJowlv Ivaking me.
A* ilw f<«)» <lsl
»vr, veil pan
not imnnn'p,
e_ readily
how I Wu I a a. aimidy OiqnWPd
- of
. lifelife. 11 Mr.«J ihU p^
which wus dreadful, for m
and during Ihi* time 1 ws*
«mr a sbm aud nm stir to wsirk.
-Stuup OOP sjiol;e lo trsp alsout (\ili.
^nwxiiJiurrti u w I tougfat^
liempdips of
of my frirod* who wa-* a dn*dnq;1 gave after
gitd, and the ptai*
liskn i- lievond
the rerend oppli
■wl a rni^atlr.
dpser^iou ;
KrmPdiP* took
Ihp riifir .
nis-ihrll the foM
effert ime«aUMcl.v
with ihp Guliniri Smp IsTfore .*}i(dWng
theOintiiiPtil uiid i i<r4: llie Hreid'
imp. .ViPTt*Y««Tpfc*.'ireor.VlPTl*e«Tpfc«'
.......................... rmil V.U-' U-nlpsf
IVoplp who hael wen r
illitaM and wlio lime
eup, can hardly U-ltetp i^r.iuneyes.''

Rorie, I>ivtps and Hoothins 8yrui>x.





and aibiTt* PeverfehnetMt.


The CBUdreu'u fhinnvea—'The Mother’s hYicnd.


f Bears the Signaiure of


Tlie Kind Yon Have Always Boujjlit
In Use For Over 30 Years.




. , '



Holt poiila**!ri**3i-1 ir-Bit t-.r th.


2d.-Mn<. Alie.sevd- 4U.
. of iitikn<'v."ii
r.lS Hc;ii;liiaii
r elmhrs In i
Wins t'- t'

........ --

a A I. L IKtHi-


llllam’ eondliloii is prilieal.
•rmitn A- Thiekner of this phy

. ."’ll«

___ :ri'
I lection notice.

i-vairife tor I '-tii;.l»sn»nl. .Wslra... "Ira*.**.- •.'.Ir. Mm-lslcsa.^

• tiiiih-el ill initrrLitSf i.' " ofl'S-'.
TIniimihsy sifts liiYwin tit tin

11 tsi


Tia foi
fairaMiaM *



•>f itis- H- v. T. I* rn-'iii

,. Musv.r
lK.T.-nw■arttate. I


-■«—s-w r—-s. —



l)ti‘»iiTU^T ssr Ttir IxTt ttim.
lAad V :i- -s- at AlaTsivtt*. hirj
tropt. Jl. It**".



,bv /'t-.>*l.'rT»V>'w_Hsr^.
Ili-.SBSI Tras-rw Bsrald. a nvv.esp-.
.laud. i-aMiafairi awl crewlailas >a mal PAltM • •
oral*. oaH■•ubliratMa t-.b-.-ootiaupil

numl. ibo actions of the crowd were


*tp''uart<n^ro AO.*'
is*!ll ,m‘D!««-Ilr»trt-'- '_____

rsS^s£5 ittdhSSjySIjiiSt'lft’


Claims Indemnity.



p‘E ?:ii"SiaTKst;«sr^ 1

players were sailsfiM with tbrir

Wn-diiiision. Oei.

It assinitUti-* the P.s-U rrffutotrs ibe

blonmrh and Itowclx, alvinff lieAllliy and natorul nlttp.

Of rho.ik-d

i not so plensInBBBbibmtWm. In order that othrrw.imw
aSietod in UM aamo txray may ho

It cure* DbigrhAtoWiUl

It rHIevtmi Tcetlilajr Tro«iblrs. oures C<mnif«UM

and FTatnlenry.

Iliac team Itecanse of the crowd


Itx age U lUi minrajitee. . It destroyn W«»W wmS-orWfr..iiEir..>sarfH<isEs)is>i I'loro I Yrs.U xa.lfkK^

l*eHtB eninrsed,

ye^arvered and the shloale
Whi r.- II will I-

In the second half It was nec's-

ting- onto the Brounds.

It U Pleasaat.

ntniains i>eUii<-r Opiiimt .Morphine nor other I^rrditte

Aug. 21.190.1.
Xp» Isitgh, .'y.
>ua u.e...rb.»- IS.
r.»—.re ar-.Ole..
«.«. J.... s.. u..aV s .«.w
s-' . >0.
I. 'ie.‘ ' r ott P-v.-rSom

Harris I Uf.vnohU of lloyii. KalK

sary several time to peoalixe the Cad

d** are bat

All Cotinterfeits, Imltalions a_____________ ___ ,
ET|Mwlnietii« tluit trifle with and endanffrr the faraltb of

IVonk rtumot »5»3k highlr enough
tor the t'uticurn llvaiedwx. I am now

wotk Is acain

ehim-ry will be slilpped to ihU city


It Mada WaQ by X«dia B. Plnk"a O

WrtMa OtauftA^Mra. Flnkhaak

^ and W hdwan wAsAentHW hia ner.


twlre the number of BbinBlex in a rtuy
The linlMinE I*

ever. were iieeldetUy watlnst him
and h-tlf and a Cadillae man the first

THe Kiiwi ¥oQ Bare Ahnys Boo^btr mod whJcK bM keem
ia RM fbr orer 30 yewra, has bocme the glgnataM «f

suiiiisl Will l>e aide to put oi|i ;<l

The RiaanilK. how­





From Dreadful Fains From Wound
on Foot—System All Hun Down
Alter Sir Uoolks' Afony-Not
Able to Wort-Coosilletoly Cored
in Two Weeks

from Sooth Maultou Island. O.J. Mor-

nnrt also fulled to kirk ynal on two of
the io<ieh<lowns.



vlcdh ftoiti floine «av that ih.‘ author!-

S iSE ■■■'’ 51;; »S lH

Uea of Hie llouinn riitholle ehiireh
tare nskinB Kt-iihmem of sheir Culsin
claim* by Ihe I'nlied Slates imvemnwei


Tils' itdvlec s state that iromertiafter




TUI iRTrjtioB.

. t ,

•('''•'i-v wt^). .'iiil.."lU *' ;>*'

& as


ItnHod Rtnies in Cnhan affairs was dotennlned nprrn aits! on

and Gan. John-

•um- Travmv-p Clly ••

armcsl fsirte,

Itles tokened uepotiailoiis wllh offieial-',

I.-ilf— '^Tramarrival

at Wasbincton. sn-klnB to obinln from!
•wn* n trick hart to play on the TwcotlMh Wlscooiln.
The sklnnlahlns

the Ameftwm

tatted four days when the rebeU ffavc

CnthoIlP ehiirrh fn.-u Ih- Cuhaii gov-"


the pay j


aU about the seven htlU of ITcks-

The cl.iims «< Hw'rhitreh in Culia •


are three kinds.

Our Itrinade. conipoae.1 of Ihe Twen­ TAnlaClnbofChiea^ Sbevt
Iowa, P^>^f1a»am.'-|^^.........

tieth" BTscoman.

Hlnety-fourth minois. and thro sls-ynn

t'ortt pcs-toon,
position on

“1 wMd msay


w.ik, jadaa.WPr.AsU



..O St* :tl - ht- < '..s-l. ^ralMIt'e



which were

eomiulh d to

K-Ove the '

Uloiisl. ;.ml the Hitnl elaim is loscil

the liiel

*hat some


^1 TflbtTSAnd vban yon wanr aotberaft

Mgcant emue to me with an order
^rMdsto*^.sui !chitms'd by the eiiurrh wo. ►■•li'isl hy —on yon OhonM for yonr oO'B
American govermuent.'and is
‘ ufii cd

from CMoDri tlertiwa to pirk out
bad aad uat «<
___ ni_i_i
hanej. of the t
good men and three eorporals and rvro ‘,'2^5‘jSJS’ml^sto.v. ! dm dteUnctlon of yonr clotbea.
port ni brigade headquarters.


Vo other medicine ha.* tuchn record i

ronbleamshma Lydia!

--------------------------------New Alarm Goset.

mutant oot or In.

We went

tbM With the inieatlcm of obeying
ortort but

ahoot i o'clock

a man came out.

Tho distinctiva



quaUtko am


'J“'! tailored U, by tbofongbty
— ^s—
I fsf th.‘
or nieeratioo.
of el'
ih.-r el
y one ol ibi '.._________.•__ .__ ----------------- ■Mtoeed to


In the

^Tien <»c

Hannah d Lay Brin mlli.
the numi~-r.* :

The follow-

li ;o.-ails>n> <’f'

of any but ^•woolfabrfcs


the new liOxesT





ty—Haii>L.Th t l-nv j
abemptsd to swallow something which
to benUh. Her exppriraw
Gibbons- made him coueh a”p and is *mi trenC and she gives the tonefit
wbicta prortsd to be a small rilver h^

o . .w>r-l that *p tod.^

I thcre-ffot thara by tba very
beat designers and ciittara: tbey
Friiiar inxtoninu five new hr.-^ there to stay—bnltt In,

Oder Murray

a gap belween the KlnMecmh Iowa
>...________ who mretrouWed ^h I»in-‘,„.sv
and the river that ho wanted well
ireardcd and he did not want us to 1«

TraTPr—< 1«r itoadaymlj

T^aam.raa. Wfavprar 0>ty Pradar only

Id durinc m* j
props-ny |ire»lmi» lo nml
^o» i^etp eotldnt thd
.Vratrirtii sieeiiifeiUin: another
•tylo-the cut—the ..............
eerns ilie Spanirii relislous ooler*.!

On JSSS?\-«U3^o5S5rt

the night cd June 5. 1S62. our orderly Mss.

The first 1* for eopi-:

pepsatlon for dam .kP .Vme to ehureh | 01$t|nClIVe

lefi of the line and our reirlment «bla houn. hat no^ smmrt m
«t the ilBht of the briiade.


meat of the insIeraniiW etalmed by the;

War. toUlnr back into the trenches In


*)^»(e*a!rilT'aat 1
nf uraea
Ora.Ts1 ^V.-rr;-n
.--nty rsr

the islansl. the vSlic.-vn iiiithor-

^daeghter-iB-law ol
that Hcparated in the middle and In Lvdia B. Pinkham and for twenty five
has been addling sick wmnea
T^Yn li
tbo ball was a tUspaleh from OeoernlI vMYn
Addreu. Lyna. Maaa.
PcBbertcm to Oeprnil Johnston which f»to of charge.

46—Coni-T - fu«*




A, I. Wilhelm

There is No Magic
in thn actomplishmema of our

“Best” Flour

••VlPksburg, Silas, June 4. 1Ri
To Geo. Joseph K. Johnston.



'Xtomiuandlne C. 3. Farces oo
tug Blaek. Mix*.:

In ;;li Uit- IstiSl desiuns. Sal-

-General-ITeaN' tond by hearer all

itftK'tioii gtiiininl***!.

the pereusaioo caps yon can spare.
We are 'drfirt on cops.
-OmtcuaniUnB ’ S. Forres. VlekshnrE.
I look the pritoner to brigade beadqurtcra and the eotooH sent me with
Maud ibedlmmlch lOdlrlatOB hud-*

One Day





Pni n-




It is madf- from carcfullv selccictl
firand Travfrrsp wheat, in a good
mill by a roo** miUer. Kvery
sack -^'uaranteed.



Ikiv strixt

< itiva-nV |>lif>ui- Nn. OHi.

A. W. R1 KEItO. TnTerge CKy



Lay Co.

««ANe T«AVCRftC MCftAUO. tH0M8AV. NOVCMMft 1.1

0<OIDOO>»»OOOOW»^»»Ot /

book then after a week »v wrote li.
{tome D( the pupils didn't bar- It.
Eroa the third grade srrgte H. Well.
I win !«y ggodti}.
rium your Sansblni-T.
Vers VimoD.
The fuiry siorj ii. a p:%tiy one. an i
bdU !«e« ftsA IvaVn tOBUlDg arouiid 1 eajoyed II eecr so much. Have soy
Y0m>t M»
UlcUbor. How rowr KwWent dW of the Saasbloers read It before?
H» arms were goft and flabby.
tauKh: And «h,.bow «bc wUbed «n
the Arbutus Craw in Michigan,
He didn’t bave a strong muscle in Us
man Hvol In
ice .ujum
Utj. W«il. tbc mcu b«>t tldac i»
entire body.IliUe hut by » river. This river wan
IBC lh<w sesd sub alee )«tM to her.
(lOM* most or ibe time. HU «re wa*
Horc are arvca. The pa*—n has
The physidan %rfao had attended
cisriy ont when be thought be would
a good nanr limes tWs week,
go and get some wood to (ced h with.
the fenuly for thirty years preacribed
He was dr»«st.d io warm (or., l.m
M IM » •MM'
■hen*h« bad gone quite a wa>-r
8agth MaalUN Island, hUcb..
he was quite Urwl and eidd. Tiiuii
Oct. «. i*et
,r PrMMeat—1 vtO wtKe to }oa
I <m -Trr. «nr
for the trst tl—^. I would Ilka U> joio sat In bU mtle taut
coal* led In the groplace. when som.
To fed tbat boy’s ann yon
tb« 8«MbiP« Club,
to the door. He weoi lolhv
rard and batton. For pet* I hare two
' would think be was apptnnticed to n
tittle kliien* anfl a 4o«. The don’* door and there Mood a lady with o
Is Chip. Oor'schopl will start
Hit down and tell blni who Mithe tfth ut Korembe;. We expect Bit
She eaiuc In and sat down in a
oldest sister hoiMs she Is In Mltwauk«e. WelU 1 «lll Oow) (or this time. chair. Then "be lobl bim that sli.(airy aad every |Uoc >hc open­
I goodbr.

Touts truly.
that it btougbt (orib rain. Th-n Me
Esther Burets*.
■Mh CUHW MTta, e
wanted to know wbo be was. *o he
\Vh) is tb.- Jell
I aoi dad that you vaot to itdn our
told her that every ilnK.- he took oS for a «k«f woittaj
■ very fine thIwK.' s-O'l l-aps- *« !•
saaklBB Onb. Is Oeoree. who Joined
lug l« hlai-elt. : .\ud-1:'", a floe thing
his hat tbat It brought (on h cold her bear.
weather. Thl* (airy wa* dressed In
lur a man l<> •>*» u Ui>« wLo hs* th""!
Why Is bn«d llk.vtl^
GiBWB. hlieh. Oct. i!V. UC
hr>i-»—s. 11*.- and :t big .h-*rt <o bad.
white lObe. her sllpiiers were —do
• In-n It rl»i-s
Ue«r Praalikiit—I srIU write to yt
lilies, her bead was decorated wleh
WUeli was it^igrm-si island
as I abmU Hke oBce more to he with raiHag aibatns aad bt-r hair was
lore Aiis'raUa was il)eeov*-r,-cl7
on la the yotuig folks- SaBshlae aab. Icng that it touched the groood. TUea tralia.

Bamtme Envtloots.
bdoBged to the (dab wtaeo kiln Ms- he wanted to know about bow su i
What uniiual travds wlHl ilAnniM
tkHu< o! our *o!dlers ill II I- rhlltsel Dates was prcaidimt. I think » ftowcTs came here. Tboa she tol. and which Wllh tti'- Ivitst Iu6n.s--:
lliidiiig >u\eIO|>e« hard to g--'.
was at kloBToe Ccater. bat t do not him that her breath was mo >
The elepl.ant with »V mort.Jbccauw
ii'hig (Kdiiiw- .ioilili, of taiiulxx
l*wa*«r •( mamh— hHanalni l*«. betoug ln (hat district new. I have that It i»ve Hie ftowers a "W«-et odor he never travel* vlthntil hUi Ininli t
LalxHii a m»i lung. Till- knot cIon x
lost aiy battan. pteaae aeod cm (or Then she said: -Kveir place I iki* my Tbe (ox and thu cork the
Ion- •lid. and •-< "ill tbiiisi through
layseU and one (or my ilitk- hal(«U- (ect tiwlling arbutus grows."
i lie- o'Ik r iH-al* i> sufficiently. U Ui'--y
tor. AlbanU Cmbsbl 8be la now
' have iHX ni«*<-i>ag<' to gum a label
years old. I aball have some pew.
How the Stortia Helped.
ihi‘V i-iii ihi- a*hire~i- with tln-lr ktil*
yoc soon afioat ooe «( yoar Smi'
RoBBy WbiM'a 9
1 tblak wc ars^all a little inriy tUa
ABd the aurIcM shy hanga daU
ahiBcrs. but not now. Good by (or this we have no Storks In this eouniry—
All tlx- iM-ople In tbe Tillage
tbo big wfaite bird, witb its kwc. red
non a light gicnms out with a ruddy
bill, and long red legs.tliat U knuw:- alKial IHMe J<-ssle Grci-li. Age II.
U-(a M. aiuven*. aiHl kned all over Europe. Tbe stork . "She must 0> mil ridlna."—litai
The ahadovs pats and
of tbe birds tbe llible tells n' bit new doctor's order. "Flriit
We arv all curioas to know whs:
glirca way,
‘•nihigisi ha.s ua<h
ly. very slowly.]
Uefa's BOWS is. aren't wr? I hope she of. and now. as (ben. It makes its
When Bty hoy ecaaet
neat In the tops of tall ins-s; >ani.- and mirx-fully: thili the hoi-w- inn*' lalsirloa* ta 1. «f lu'-esuru-g the -ii
wt|| tell ns aaOB.
tii.iiMoii* r>r laiti ilmp*.
U-- flie!*
tUnca. lou. it ba'ilds in church spire,
Kingsley. Micb. Oct. i-O. OC
or on tbo roufs or ebiinneys of house*. lie'muM trot. Hh- most get th.' air aii-l ^ahat rh- lar-.-.-*i ;l. ai»>u’ on.-sdxth -i
- High the aoM^ad. dear as a bl
Dear Prealdeni—I will write you
Aad It Is tUoujrbI n sign ••( good lurk the ex. rei*e. otherwis.- she eanoot g.-i j n.i Ineh; .-la-t »lu- uniBlb-M i-:'»"h rd an
lU'-h In •llamel-r. Th< • an- larger jn
■ McH»w and mod «a • (pUb'o triU. Icjlv (u Iho trsl Umo since I Joiuel when.a stork taakt-s Us
"tVi-n; " said the villas-- peopu . I .-Iinimer ihall In wliif-r. and birg,-r in
•iM asreet aa the taae tron the aky- the H. Y. r. Snaabiac dub. I have house.
^ two liablet to Joln-the H. T.
Once when unr C<inituo.lort.- l-orter Well: how IS Mrs. (Snei-tt gidug to; h,.f iluin In «*>M elimat*'*. Tlii-Mj:-«•(
lark’a throat.
Ciadie BdL (heir names are Thelma was tlviog (of a tiuie In the (ar-awar hire a luir«e? ll'.-< ns nnieh n.* sin- call | ih.- ilrop whi-ii It rtayh-*. tb>; earth
CtaartBg its way throogh the
cll.*' of CniiMuuUoo|>k-. a stork iHiii' do to |ijy the doeioi-'s bill. If J'sse-j .K-jM-nd*. on lli- hi islit Ir-na whicli
and :i days, and Olive Pern
has to ia> out rhiius. w'ny dis-sii't- ili, ; hn- r:i1e-n
its nest on hi* ehiiim.-y. wliieh
As my boy come* whlatHw h
(our moBibm S3 dai-s. i am la the vety tall, wllh A flat tup.
•hielor lake li-r hlins. lf. InsKwd of.
Or-*'ra«4lmc*' or aoBaoh halUd
hfib grade at school. My 'Mudlcs
ner gn-aMy enjoyed telling tbe poor mmlier Hull |i'* th<-Nigtit Ca-w in Ireland.
as, follows: arithmetic, reading, spell- watrhing the stork family, and more only tfaing to 1.. -Ion. ? '

in intnl
phy-slohiey. geogiaphy, writing Min w-b« the old birds began
n —ttera BOi'iHmt the theme may
llol.Uy White was mneb «»' ,
language. My teacher's
teach tbe awkward, long leggnd litlk about the matter.
.^e s,..r.Ml^ Jeonlngt. I like her very much. •lorfca to By. Hut one day a nu) acek
{ wHIi mlartief. o
"JesKleUm-n lias jii.t got U. go out
„f hat* The i.-a-a>n 1There are about 43 aebdam
tU-ni bappcDwl to s yiwiig storit. One riding." be ", Iterounlodall.lK-',,,^,
ih. r.- w, :,:v a nM„
It carries lu neaaagc straight to room, aad almut IS In the fiDb grade. of tbe Commodore's dog*, who knew l■•■«ilte^ If I
Miviiis (or.;
:,!ioii!dn I Ih--; 7
Wc had aa assistant (dicher ^
belter than to l>c *o nanghty. caught ('111 MniB*. Iin t Chri-.iioss was ‘
dwoiv *a» ihi.i the h--ail *ltoii!!l l*
room fur a week past, bearing uom- It by the wing, and hurt it so <be bird Imig way off.
j|>roU*i>d :ii jegh' as Well Oh utl • .
or the classes. We have little hooka could not fly.
vuuugh to hir*.- a bill.— aiui eariuia-. iwrm of !k>I>'•
(or repm cards this year. Thrt-e ot
But wLeu the Cootmuilun- (ontid He |iiit on-iil'N-ap uiiil was going
-K it .Is-i-aii*. U*Ha»d B uraUlng. I
my caasins at« staying bor%>. I nii
tluit the wins was not broken, lie run 0-1' und g*k th- liveryman it hej
hi' t-i-auitiu; '
dose (Of this time.
would no) let hiiu Imve a Itnr*, i-Mbound H up and "bat tbe stork In
And «g BBsttlaed aoal
tiBt Stmshine boy.
latgi' cage by night, bo It would U ones- wiihoui t»>‘tig.'when h*'
Penny's Worth of Wc<Ai,>t.
. .
Glyna K. Rial.
«a(e. aad put it out lu the day to fee,L memlM-ml llia'
said He ]
mar r*“f vodd amother the roUcking
y ung a-iith-iiian oI ,aii aeq<tutir
ras pteaoud to get your nice K-t- Thu father and tnotber nlorks. aud. liveryman was slitiio- and that
la,. JII-.T i./iii-h
He- av.Write again aome time.
the uthor young oue were full of sym- imiuima would not let him dilte
a wither the happy
w-;iiling wllh !•!'
palli)-: ihe.v stayed near it all da.v. and if b<- did K-i a b'li-m- for milhlns. A(Bat Biy boy cornea whlsUlmg bwae
• Kurwood. Mich. Ocl. 2t. IWK.
ruMway Marina.
Ml tm It wpa put In the cage would
ibat he wiiit over 'n the front
Dear PrcatdCBt—( Jiave moved lu
s. BBTor sraa maale that could eomihtp- go to Uielr nest on the chluin-y window in the sluing' n«.m»ain1
lunetilu* .'H'- 8*kv-l bU Hint-.
Norwood and It faaa kept mo bfiay.
iliouglit und the.-jghl and iboush'
I -tDJin n^-:lotis
bare been going lo school,
n«U wbi* Ibe hurt Morh gr.-w l»-(ter
When n lioy Hiiiiks aud ihiitl.s aud; /_,‘‘
bariag a good Umo here. [>apa hashe was still afraid to fly up but a lli- thlnls. he Is sure to Hiittk of rouie- “ ' "
Mbt thOBdar of orgaa. aor dmir i
hi* I* ipo- iiuiV, i»- w. igb-*i
bou^t a mill down here. Ruby I* ile way. and It came ilax- (or all Hie Hdug; anyway tha, I.* bo* I. wa- with
With tkU. as my boy. with bit heart
im{*->tair ialek. I went to Ct
Moi-ks to fly away Sooth for th- win­ Robl.v While
and 1 bad a very alec time. My brothei ter. And first foar old slorks cauiv i*>'
To hi* Biothcr eamea whtsUlap
Frank is la Wyomlag. and m.v brother ace tbe bun bird, as If to talk wlHv ^•■1 luv..- I'!" eried Hu- jirhho—.
. .-rSaadarSduMl TUncs Harry i* In Chicago, and my tdaliT bim about golBg. Th<-n at lust. wb<-n room In a wild Mate « delight.;
Bessie lain Boyne aty. W^U am getflocks bod all gaib<n>-<1. with a
tlag alCTtiy. so will ctoec for this time. ^•al clattering ll»-y flew- high -up -Jessie is going riding every day of;...................... ................ ........
IfT life uu'il she gels w-»-II. Oh. why
Tlioro was oocc a HtUo school ma o
above ihelr vro-oedi-d mate.
Muiik’ didnl the ihietor i>nk-r her to g» out
had thla eaxfous way
[ \ Who ha
cam<- down >o s*:e lilui. bu! he ridiog b- Ion-?"
H.i n*kc a Fair bkii> •
Rayotoad' Kulgbt.
Of driiUag la aahlfhcUon
yf OtdrUUaa
buve told thvm bi- could not gu
UM**y CmI.
Wlitn Roliby pui mi bis «-a|. this
It*la alee to bear front you agalu. yet. for with a long. strvMig flight, ihey time he ruu out of tbe Ih*u»»On evwy atomy day.
ay-maad. Do yoa like Norwood bet- all started off. cxceiit two wbo siayi-d Hie.Mrd he stoppl'd aad whisried. and
aaWroet aopteasaat things,
r (ban Charlinoix?
behind with tbo hurt oar.
tberv sprang arouiul the hous< II
ddefhl damps aad pain.
I at Ism he wj* able to fly to shaggy dw;
Mmtoc Coated. Mich. Ocu ». TiC.
aaU she. -yoall glad^ ac:
Ibe old nest oo the high cUimuvy.
Dear Presidcot—I tboagkt t w-ould
1'nmr ou. .tun d*-ar old.
That pleasant things iwam^."
claiier^■erloui Motherhood write to you aod tell you about the
you!" eriei* Robl.j
lag of red blU*. which ineant that iln.-y
The canary birds fly aronad
The iiropl.' iu lln- vOlap- said tlia:
too. wen- goiag liy leave, aud all i.hoar
n—y. Oct M. im.
J<*sie Creeii would never have c«.;
tn-Olde round ran out to *ee tb>l
well rn>ni her king sickm.-s* if it h;id
New members Johdog s—e last n a mUc canaiy bird. Tbvro arc qnlte
OB Hiey went. Mraight So-itb.
a few yvUowbanimer blrde arouod
the Sew of MarmoTw. which "preail* Isen for Unliby Wlill- am! hi* g<«-!.
herv. Please iimd me a card lad
■stlww Bargasa. South Maaitoa^
Wore th- eity lh<; on- who had tn-i-ii h<-rs.-<kn;; Kvr-ry day the Ihw and
dim tiirti'-d In to Mrs. Cr.en'* and
AlbortIa Or—m. Grawa. name set ton. t win clew.
tronnded In twi-,-«i the two ulH-rs. Dut
From your Simsblncr.
by Lda M. SttriWaa.
be could not kc-p so lilgb in the air as came out in posgeasiun of J<-ssit.. K>jbUeask- Ctork.
Beadc CUrtc. Kttnroc Center.
I'kiuiai. ■XL-I>ai'*r>iiis—tbthey and a* Ibuse wIn> w-i^- waieliiiig by holding hvv catvfully ou rbr. back m
ihn gimd horw»Kloe. At first lin-y
I am voiy much latemated to the
hit" "Ink lower, aad began :
r slowly up and down ih«*vil' H.V P. ftunMiiiw Club Cradle Ron. lurd.* j-ou Uav4- www. tleasle. Ton will afraid thal he would fall lut<> tbe
water, th-y saw ont- cf the strongTlwd— Jane RJaU age two years,
storks tirme uixli-r him. take him on against Hobby's aim*: then lie y w. nt
three moBlha. Si days. Olivo Fcra spriag. I know.
i- HtlU- fast--r. and !a*» ti( a'l 'h'-r loit-'
I* tbo I*~l i rei-'twtie»f..'l..:
Rial, age four months K days. Klngv
Moaroe Ceaicr. Mich. Oei. K. -wC. bl* back, and tear him hmh lu H..-'
led rval fa*', and Jessit's Jo’Iy UuchBir
to: another Mgbl.
lor. Bso— Mt by Qlcun F. Rial.
Dear Prct.Wcot-^ will write and tell
n they went •Mi< of sigh', nil <lie In.; wa* tUi- *w« il'inc ilir' «oiif
HtWa Mair Oarii. age ooe mad a you my mtle slsler's name. Her name
r. ORy-tiilie (light .-lerns* the wat-r;
half yoara. Moaroe Ccnler. name wnl Is Hlftbi Mary Clark. Rhe b a yvai
-Iso'i it n fill- IliinL'. ivfa. "
by Roaa Oart.
half oM. Please can she Join It. but Uie.' wli. :aw (hem ku. w- thal Ike llubi-y Willie, -fo' a I'oy i- "*'• ;•
T. F. Cradle R»II? r-Vr |hhs wl- have strong stork.* »-!"• hud stayed to care
How tbe lew re* hate tumbled off two killt-Dis and a ttog. We have Ihivi- for nail heft* their woamhtl mate,
Uio trwa. this wee*. Dowo they tome, w-4-ek* of Taeatlon now for potato dig would not d-st.Tl bim till h>- wra. *afl> across
like tbobdOBda of brigbt-wlugrd bird*, gins. I hatv two sisters
and. with a Butter aad M-otry. away brother. There are qall* a few eaaary
they go before the wind:
the old Urd* around her,.. They slog jo "weet
o Indii
tnioa don't mlad. They away gently ly every taoraiog. There are, lots of
k b'vaoA
I nvter went. "
back and forth and ruck .the UUJi- blue jay* nround her*, too. My. I like
the time to iltink
diink of Retting you fences.
BCW bods Umt holds the baby leaves to n«d tbe Wterw In ihc Herald! thi-ro. tVhat Iiiul^/.\»Btch
barns, house ami floors fixed up for win',t«;r. Y<m
What U the lon^M won) in tile Bi-;
for next year, rtfbapi If »c uadcr- With lor'c to all the Sunshlncr*.
» tk-cOuw lb.-r«-;
Kllsb >1
slood treodonguaeo and wiad-langaagc
Roaa Ctarfc.
mil<- biiwtv* nm-Ai4b find i
Wo woold hear n griidlo song. But oh.
Yvb. tbu Itlrdti »ing very sweetly letUT.
or wall Imibh. varnibh or sum -rerhap* only a
bow prat(.v the old Imivos arc! And
They arv on their long jouroey south,
Why should wy^deverAokf a uap ot.
littiL—that is when'we cm help you—no miner
bnn It fun to pUy in them? One ds.r by Ibis time.
(hb week, eome of tbo Stmahlne buys
how little you want wc cao sell it you-you know
WllllamBburg. Mich. uctaT. ttf.
and girb came to yoor prtaUent. and
that when you get paint or varnish of us it is the
qalUaakod If they couldn’t play la her yard.
VERY BEST. Wc have sold it for twenty years
8o abe gave them a rake, und what a while stnoc 1 wrote a letter to yon
and over.
good U— they-dld hare, ^ng op a dlow arc you? 1 hope well. We an
groat haap. then running and Jumplag having potato vacatioB. | will mmi
a fairy- story that I wrote auwett
Into tbe middle of It. One of the boys
I sot qaite bartod up la Urn pUo. and ‘Wc had to write It la schooL At Bret
t.'neher r.-!»cl Ihir elort .mh.-d


*TJ«i'Cr^ to


A Borton icIiQQfcBy
weak Mid tkUr.




‘ •;




Rght Now!

Wait’s Drug' Store


Tn,e hnrn 'jjy. oti;:lil i-!*v tiiiLiiowii lo n
Hrar na- l>ut wi.u yoa'll lb- lo
Evert tod. com* t. and t-yiu- so pure.
Kings a;.d <Jcr'-rt no iB-ttercaii {iroautv.
I tin'you net. no patieoci' iri<*l.

_ V tbf
All will find Datlif most
U.WI comph-U’
comph-Ur ati'l art hate rt-taderinl itna hli-8*iiit: to Kinn.-iiiitj-.
Ffiv^teii' e you hate uoi«l u,e pint.
L.-t nollinu slop'yomni jvur any
Atteotl till- coif-aiis. which iirefroi-1 - atl
toe iTKit :<t ■■
UI oDy-'V
■ ■■"
■ Houw|.
Ivei) iLi-auii y->u
not tnv<«l
Sight well you’ll ieani lluit I’oi Un-1"-»«

The Kimball Piano Player
Ib’J FruBt Sm.-i.


Traverse City. Mieh.

Couches! Couches!
Couches !
\Vc have in stock an imineti>c Um: «»l Couches, I’arlor
Suites an.l Odd i’irlor pieces that we wish to reduce
in ortlcr to make room for our fall goods. To enable
5 to do this wc are going lo place them
time at
bcfibre tile public for a1 shori

25 per cent Off
Beiicr see us at once, a-s ihis oiler only lasts a few
days.’and the swoBcr you tome tlu: belter vunely you
will have to select from.
, .
If it's the money you arc thinking of. don flot tiiat
stop you. You can p.iy later.

Your Credit ts Always Good
Your K;;liab!e I-urni:urc Store.

Grand Rapids Furniture Co.
l'J7 South Union Street


Real Estate and Loans
Triiverse City, Mich.
127 Front St.
Cit. phone 1219
I will pm
whLin i*-- f-.If-,"
1. b.^Y SHnUK

...... . .........................avKNl
ihf irortlt. Ul'IM'JN fiTUKfrT

.iml .M.\i>l>
MU 11- Fcst
the a-nilli. i»r"|>-"lv ntbeii'u' iti v.-jloc fro.-ii...............................
IJOM. 'Il's up. ;:«.l Wil! -.-f -1"
to lit*- aiwint t»f TW'"N iF'I.L.Ut'' bl >i» iicnuaf
vnh)-, and will |ki>(t ih.-Siiti,. .XI :-'<-fi'1l'-wiulMcrc:s- '
H,-jii!.-tr ii '.'i f'lrii. c.-n:rB,-t. isib.-nil nt ai.v p r cctii per
I'lllltr:ily, pf>t..-lJMl < n or
. l>-frm-'l'-o j«ira fi
•Mil ■ •■■ r.l.-;-ri pr-'ifc-yty W I-c ;,|>i>li<»l "-i rwitra- t



:u cu’Jbl tuimia p'jyiM. Mlj •JUT jwu^
Uo idwayw inw cLmht;
bLUlnah. C:tj IV.,. fU'.
. IV.j.ri. wl Forma it.
(^1 Tra'.vTw K.viou



I2r Front St.
Iriversc City. HIch.
Citizens phone 1210.

eonttnercial Printing
Jin Kinds



Berald and Retard Co.





-------------- ---

Hunting and Fishing Recipes. ' THE OLD FOLKS kl HOME

The pressed ehtoken. though neatly
I rat into oral leave*, bore no dlrttnct


jrcsemUance. but tasted ns qpod as
j possible.

The apple and out salad was



tbe Insldrw‘from

off the lop.

I! Are Never Without Pe-ni-na in the Home
for Catarrhal Diseases.

Contrilntri h Grud Ttmtst Stotsnm.


ebeeked apples, after csrefuHy slleingj
Apple, celer.r and

Tbe folloaiiip ri-e.|K-s are glwn by ami «o.-hnlf cup cl cobl ervam. Mir
Bilk auQ bcsiea ccrs 00 table and nyeatb were cbt'pped rather fine, wil­
stove, dropping fruit and vegetable ed with a good, cooked salad .dress­ ••Cnclc Dau•• ttTilpplo. to years gou-- this wistnn- Into ibe saure. aod afu
parings wbore they bad no right to be. ing. and placwl to'the apph- shells, hy. .me of ih. nioBi nrominem -route K.-i:icv ha- toVD heated to boiling p»iu:
Tncto pf.ii, iw.niv niitmt.-* k.ncei. mIRIus
and soiling many more dishes, crodu. after which tbe top* were tied on ami luinlersof Ihe pr-wt w.-t.
tbo and spoons than necessary- After the ogato wlUi red riblKWs. and tbe saUd
I," as. ha^ toxii uft.ui mo(iiloiii<: air lb. IIW*

Th* Crown of Glofy.

A *ioir i# OB Uie torest wd * story on
Tli« swseow



nhortenlas «Uy« o'orfUl*.
Beal was over It was a bard task to
thesi; .ol'imnso'le of 'be
ed on plat*-* garnished wliti
All the cotom ofihe T*lnbow»re paint­ pul the kltthen to order. She never
'guld(•^ UU lire wolli.-j.i; I. tteniojit • %
antuuin leaves.
. .
ed oo tbr leave*
tried (0 save work tbouph sbe matoThe Je-lHe* wete r«-Warkshly pri-ttv. pedittoo which erosMtl Ihe pUins in
ARd a tliai»as4 golden snuteU arc re- lalnrd great ihoreughness to doing It.
the eariy lorileii in.d Lrlaz«-d the wa;
The clear, red carraut jelly wa» cut
Seetod man tAe treei.
“Tbe other was careful not to make
for the tulllluiis who liave since fi.:in «ni»ll maple shaped leaves, and
It U Katnre’a fading crown of gSorj- oanuccssary work.
Wbeu sweeping
served ou * cut glasc plant. tosieaJ lowiM In hto fbolMrt.
and E humer!
Sbe first covered stands, tables, plsno.
ludiaa Aghler tM
of a jelly dish.
A lOoi' la on man*a forehead and a
Hock.v Uouulato
aiul Iiaiu-.r to
books, etc.. Ibi-n with a broom dipped
The yelloi^ l•m)6lI.Kdly was laid In
yrsrs. utu rwTud |
wsrm water and lightly shaken
Aa be now. a noWc victor, graapa Uiiperfect 00k shaped haves on a .|dat<
to the tlvll i
mor tbe Inickrt. she swept with short
palm and 40IU tbe race.
of the same kind.
War. wher,- he jmssed the r.-4ulroil c
shsn> stroke*. koe|ilng her lirooiu
And above that face lllttiniiictl bj- the
My hostess :i«sur*d Bit- that
limit, although far iH.u It to aethe floor so that v«vy little dust
light of Ufe dlvtoe.
ICH- she rut h<Tself very uaslly
After this bad settled
luul years.
He ha* mad-- hi- home
Beats a crown of rarer radiance than
ig a umalt. shsn> knife.
ill lirand Ti.iterse utu] l>->’lannu cooiisbi- carefully removed the coverings
tbe workBJanablp of Umo—
Tlie brtld. Iiaw. K-lltos and eblckeu lles for a niiiiilM-r ttf years, and a!
tbe furniture one piece at a
It i* Oodb unfading crown of tfory.
ere flrsi sliced and then trlmm«-d In- l^ough he U luC .wars <»id. hi* e.w-s
time, gaibertag them logoihcr to hold
I loBVOs: likewise the Icc cream, ir,- as dear and hU step as uniirln^
the desL and sliook them out of doors.

A PM of eou'iMon.

I^ee.. of Milt

which was

EMt and Want Hame'a BaaL
The ana’B rim dipa. the weat ahows
The i«« ktne take tbeir evening way

ridge, and ralibll.

Idea'ol hi- dsill>

Two kinds of cream, n-d and
made ihe nioKt





yeais. whlb- ut


tog to ilu-

the food was prepared for tbe
on as they were unpUed. thus

mtb faltering foot and alow, pass by.

oaring herself a great deal of work

more to afterward.

Both women were conald'

ered good bonsckeepecs. but tbe one
Home of my God, my Pather'a borne


IM «a direct my steps toward the*.



without a



leaf aud bund palut«-d to petfecily


family and friends."




> the souvenir* of the plctanant

Oeasiaad weaL banw'ebeatr

Autumn Loaves.

n in Good Words.

Tbe time Is nl


wbva tbosc

who bavc been enteriained at nnmer-

Care of Pillows.

ous Runtmer parties nre beginning W
wonder what they can do that

Whichever way the wind doth



Ibis lime of veair tbe diligent

boust-keept-r to-gliis to rtm w her sofa

bb pretty and novel, to the way of


turulog the

Boom boart la gtod to have it


Than blow it cast,


pillow* Tor the winKr M-ason. Afier
have the feathers buv.. toi-u washed an<l


been showered upon them.


is beat

Frank Corvei.


--I find that tniny es»e IV-ir.*,WB
Bern boildei. I am o -w si w rk t verr
dsy.sUd bsvelslaeil
.10 ei.ngTttuislr y-m on ymir
irn pcdud*.
I took
. Feruna. 1 have 1—-n a sutyunr l*eioi>a scrord10 IDS. IN
-.-rrwilb caurtli of tbe Moonrh lor
tog toUirseliont.sml- ,
r lwo>e*i>. l-ut sln.-e I have <-om
the reeaU ws> mote
------------------------- nwni-vd !«• tskv vour
irmoly l-b*vrl»eti Ibsn I espeeled,
tssatbe with rets, kud
steadily improving
UDUl>uw I can -steiy also mv rough >• stop|>ed. I bsd It l<>r
is mdBItsbrfcfel took down WtUi tbe
say 1 feel no mote ut
L .Minnespoll*. Minn.-WtUe*:


Caaking Trout.
eu-au the fish, season with p.-p}s-


ud salt and plac-"* thin slice of lui

this fall

•II inside. Blip a forked stsk.- ihrougli
hold to-fore the camp

I'roo-cd as befor.*. but skewer ihe
-h together with a toothpick. Ptoce

mv old trunl-b . and a* a matter of
cuorse. 1 will always bare s good word
for Pereas.

I 11 pan and fry in bacon drippings.
Clean sDd season tbe



around li bravy wrapping paper that

■*I recutDW,nd 11 to aL my ft>«nd-.''

aiolsicot-d. Itory under camto
Err roals, aod bake.
Ilairy Wait.


Venlaan Staw.
Tile first, most necessary and some­

with n generous pl.-e*.- »if suit



water and

uuill thoroughly don--.

medicine cnougb end 1 recommend 11 ■


T 1. MsiKland, a well-kn-wr. bn-

Many parboil

venison, pouring off the



house­ Uen and


simplest luncheons tbu

ever attended.

Us simplicity and freedom from os­




Indeed. lU charm w

when wriled. laundered, and told away


with tho bed llueu.


The obwrvauc-

dBreace In the two metboda

one woman's house a sweet wiioleThe -lui^beon wn* given In bonor of some plac«- to visit, and theii dl-r<-

Tbe se­

cret of It aU lies back of the work

a • brido;ito-bc." and three o'clock In

gard causes the

lt* the Die of forethought:

tbe sr(cro<jbn «-a* the hour.

odor of another's, Fi-athers are.sutd

were plain wblte^apcd like

the careCnl planning wbicb can save
gtppA not only IB the
but to every branch of


The In-



juloe is tost.



to absorb odors almost as n-iidily

arranged, and

the appoloied Ume.

t-agcrlj- went


be al-:

lowvd to bottime o
remedy for u cold—«-*|K>cially
y a

The day was-a clear, crisp out- laic in Ihe huoil.

It must

body should be well coverv-d

(even thoogh this means rtrtng

was dellght/ul.

c<‘piaclc for the water should be dot>i>

lire bnrned brightly In the open

TU<- iKiih-nr

preferably narreiw. fur the high­

flrcpiucc of Uie spaciobs dining room er the water resches up ihe calves of

A heaping tea
for getting to towto with the beat that which was isvlsbly decorated with the legs the iM-tier.
me baa to store for the da.v. When lovely autuntn leaves. They were tack­ siioonful of mustard should to- added,
one grts *nn tune with the toflnltc’’ ed to groups uptn the walls, nod on and the feet should go Into wwier aOn tbe back

bright wreath, and instead of the

Work, no matter bow nsoal ribbon to designate each place
bard, U .doB* with a spirit of cheer. at the table, the pretty leave*
tbe tboagbt.

Of poaoe and love, tee* ywt eeem like fastened in


streams fn«J Use

a task, sad at the c«d of the day the ebandettcr to -tbe



bath cools.






The whole process sliould

last :t< mtotiu-s to half an hour, and
during this lime 11 glass of hut water
lemonade should be slowly slpp<-(j.


When the fret are rem'ored from the,

body wQl have reaponded to tbe la- there by a green chestnut burr, which

water five mlnuu-s' attention Is need­

bad a folded tiny paper


IS can be borne, fresh hot waiei


ed from a second person, us it Is mo-i

aad will ant be half as tired as it otb- which was written
vrwlae would.

U It not worth trylag.



your ing aloud of these little verses made ably in bed.




Bana-.* Diahea.
Tbe table was


lenger be drndgery.




wood, aad had a square ubie piece

Says the writer:

to Ihe center, embroidered wllh gay

"I onee knew two good bousekeepe

autumn leavi^.

‘who porsaed widely different methods

The 0

Around tbe edge of the table piece

them went at it as thoogh that

of real

the only piece of work she ever In-;
If It was sweeping a








room she wielded ihe broom so rig- against ibi- durk table.
Tbe viands were delightfully
otoBSly that cloud* of dost arose, al­
most choidiif her.

Sbe was not very

careful shout keeping tbe floors clean
bcflauM tbsy had to be swept twice
a day. aayhow.'

way wblob sent half the dust flytog
thrOQgb the air to settle once
Presently she was

after it again, wtmdering where
moeh dust cane from.


Her washtogs

were alVAye large aa Mu- to<A no partioator pains to keep either UbIe lines
or ckithtot from heoomtog staled, rath­
er priding herself upon her -big white
“to prepartog a meal she went at It
wHh a nmb. acaitoring flour aad sugar
nil floor aad pau'vy



and carried out (he "leaF' Idea

like erouqui-iu--.

skin Is removi-d and they anstand upright.

They *iv (hi o rolled In

flour and frie.1 in bol lai to a di-lic.-ii'

Tb.-y *h.>ult1 to- -civ.-d. with

a currant jelly sauce mad.- by .itliiiin;.thf j.Hly with boiling water, aud gdd
lug to It s few bluDcbod almond* choppt*d







}. can iw -.^om r

is bi'U.'i- fm- the lung Miioklug.



o,.T il"- .,..1, "1 111"
uiiin W.1I iloiie.

U -llchllr isllii.


Du not

l'-*sl to l••tlluv.- gr. iw fniii. di«h..'.
hpir cup of listbr with one cup of
Biipir. iwuHing; until very light. Melt

tliiw-ar.'. and


<'htoiii.-.VH wlilcli



liuve iM-cumt- dingy

slaltied by suul.e it has no i-qiiid

KiiM.-ii and


Illlli- Msis "HI



Th.-u scrub


..n.-n tile caM.' whei

to' rl.-.m*.-.i

to'iug liOll.-.!. if II Is enl up and

Wm. Ih'iipei

will! vHtiT moat.

by a vlgoroii* M-oiiiliii:

with Mxia and a damp

Dear Cub Steaks.
long strip- and

■ Meak I


• fn:





ynough "> h.*l


ike and



jureal like hour *U-ak. ami runk.'d In

fire.^nnd 1

Hnep, a

the lanie way.

mil!* the 1



and i» r<di-hl.-r.-.l quite a dellcai-y by

talile*pi*raif'il *rf Msla In 11






For -uuhurn nothing wilt pve n-

• i:«ie1e llatt ' Wliipple.

Fried Venison CotieU. Csmp Style.
I'ut Into a Trying i>tn pivmy


I ouij much of the dough |

one ilni.'.

In *hU|w and bake h


Wall rs-Lcream one . ujilnl

of bint.'i

ninj two copfubi of.gTBnii-

liii.l Migsr. .tidd ibre.-


iigbl. and -Hrliii . nough lemon Jol«Add


us thin as powslWc. *

rui IBl.i itnind* and Imke
Ikitile illnt^i



-.'ueh of l.rowiil sugar, lurd aud luida*Hie

wswp Ming- ir.-si.-.!

Ill tbe .am,' way. c-a»- to to- iMlnfid



- r ot au inrii thick. Uo so

IOU.-.1 ..111,

pant.- wllh water an I

M'lume trull anil tea -ihIji- on labk'

it I* one <if. the mo-l

i>r l«Miig iHiwdcr. Now add
ntur.- flour car^fnlly until *0 stiff as to

floor to luaK.j a dough that cun l«


For Maid* aud burn* H 'I* Itivtilii

Fo'I.i niotottiord wllh -w.-. i imfk wil'

delicate nu-ji- .-l the wc-torn plalii-i

tuede un­

wal.r III which Ihey are jd.iCHl.

that the ni.'iit will li-an over the eaiup-

Antelope Sli-ak—Thi- -bi-iild I- |>r. -


by pulling a iniicli of soda liilo-lh.-

alDlo«l a* soon a* Ito- paM. t- applbsl

Thi- iK-il day iiy thread ih.-m 'ini a -tender stick.
UP end oil ihi- -lick In the ground,

In lard. Iik<- any -teak.

tuble-iwuiuf' of wai.-r

paMry dour -ifiod wiili two l.-vel lea-

to flavor .lellr^tely

geitor aii-l



til MiHsjth; adij to the IniHer. one cup

tloH.'i- uia.i to- kei>i for a long tliii-

able: inak.- a

" spot left In il.


;i mwl. ral.' ..ij ii.

iK-ccuie dl.-.'i»liirvi! on the HiMde in.i:

Veiii-on is s.-ldoni cewked until


of <-IiopiM-.I ral-llie and two cups ol

gone and they do not n-(iiiii aff.-r j

only -oup I* iiwl.

ruv.-r It with sliced ontous.
.-ook another half


rounding (abK-spoons ot Mupir In .


Alter hair'an hour turn.the
and salt.


i-mnlii 111

twenty iiiintit.,-I. and pn-<i>‘

Teapot* niid nilT..- |k>I* whirh l.sV'


Ihtjp by tea-

mi- on haii.-r.-d lins. aboat two

kitchen knivc*. for iHilishliig -llvei or

. Wlto

6n-. »r Imll-i lli'""mail
il.".*. Ilk'
should always to- rooked imill there

hiHI. pul in a loul w-fh sell iiu.I *|>rlngt

r ha* tot® mixed,


the meat will not stick to

,<-nv.-r again aud

Mice* and hung over nlglii. or. to tter ^


itowarr. and tdok*. th.- .-Heel Is a!
most magical, for -rourlng table tmd

Pf v.-niHon t„. put

Il is very j.iio.1, afu-r



im-nl will .IT.vriialli eim

floor pul

» ■''"■--'I' ■''« I”- "■
a.v,-. .llh w...-r. p«.
a lop of

hour, using pie
il.-mjJ of

j.-b-a-oii lito-rally w1ih

Hear St.-ah-Thl* should to- vut to


Ih-f mon- quickly than .fn-queni wash

s.'-. uni- tiihl.-*i*>oDf.d of Imking Hods
■ItosoliV'd In V cup of Isdllng wslcv;
om- tsbh-*|u(4ful <d



moil, .'loves aiid-BllKpii-.'. luixotl. flour
lo make B. ihli dough Miff .-nougb to
roll nui

}tull| very thin aud bak.- in

a m.Bl.-rai.- ovfii
tTioculut.. 0^*le--»eai to u .u.wra
on.rhalf rtipfiil;«r butlei and one lalAA
*l«onf.rt of la^ri.

fJrndually best Inl.i

this one ruidni of sugar,
oti.-qosri.w 0a-i«oiiful of

th.® add
salt, 'one

ilig In u Mrong *»Ii)H-<u of soda: when

'ii'a-i*Biufui mj einnaxDon. and fwo
you wish to cl.'»n hair brush.- ant:
.U1K-. - -d r toMijlaie melted. Now add
tile ruilet* in it. turning ib-ni i-omb- dl**olv.' a *|*siljul ot soda iti :> j .n.' wi'll to' egg. une-hulf leu •
FlUci ilit..-i' l.ani'liig. ' Slid -I'paral..bowl of worm wat.'i, dip in the roiu’.j
issiDful of *0^8 dissolved In two ia>
Ihe niiiii.m flH.-l- from the targe on.'*. quickly. *<> tbe> will to- M-arvO on boO.
t.. prevent
.li-Miounral* of soar milk, and «tlr lu
SS.'ii^i Hie ailet.s wiiU silt and ts-ppor kid.--. Turn In-quemly
.... ............
'h- browh brtMP'u with the imnd;
burning, until
dom-. o
A -a------------srave
■ isiui two and one-lihir cupful* <rf
am] Hieii .Up ih.-ui in ;i niliMire
Iblckening the riiualninglof
bmsh. rlnsv aud
Roll thill and cut Into n.und
-l-tlng <tf n:ie lidii.--pt*Mif:jl /If .-hopmeal juic with flour an-l'tn the Sup to -iry.
A taUI.-*p.*mfu',’cal,<», toik. ID a quick ov.'u f.’se as
p'.-d p,->r»l'-». iiue inlile-iHMiifnl oJ
' '
bowl of
WUPjlinl- n<.iir B* pOBSible.

niak.'s u r.'fr. »bing baih. atid remuu
Venison fltew. .
Matgip'iile;—Heat the whio - "I 1
Hie odor of exc-**iv.
. uu- \. ry Miff' stir In p,n>tl<-ri.l -tignc
If ih.' far- look* r.-l anil shiny’ 1
picjii- Id wal.r; -.'j-oning f 'o m-i.
■ iiipil li Hiiek enough for fro-'tor. 'Ii'«i'
warm bathe P In warm wai.
When dot).. -Hr in comMi-od lultl
add :■ cupful «jf! hiel-r,.
to which ha* to^-n added B tLa-|*ceniml>*. Frv ib,--. In iwdliiig hu> fat which ha* tovii iliiiimU lu th-- prop-r
Endl-h wslunt m.'S'. mj.-h-i;! '-ip'd;
Hi;i4.-'ii • IHi; “1" .** “
■ w iHi V
Tir laige fillet* will i-ook'iu--K tu;li'|
.rhoppi-d an‘J on-'-c 'p enopp."!^

trail*.'- th>- .veld- which *
..n.-» in lour. F. iihto'.l yalslu*.
8pr.'jid on »af< 1 • nhkt-i**
f.* aial Muall
ai-outid th- tc'.h an
■ry*hy: wit
irtshaui. 1 ci.iini *ui;.-e.
^an.l pine.' In t|n 01. o <i:ml ;■ .o-ilcaW
jv.-nt* ih-i. d-^-a.vipg
F I. Alley I
! brown
To cl.-an lamp l>iira.:r.« liAil 4u w*l.-r'
Fillets of Psrtridge.








,w'hleh -tola b«- toi-n 4I-M>lved;!
The Value of Sod*.
wllh J soft doth O!.
* know aiiil I
plwc or old flannel.
' 11- (uii
of Iiuhcti privl
'he olivte oil eur.-.
lire oMly a Jew of fh- piir-! »houb'
cording to siz.-. sprinkle with a little imo il sauce 1*111 mri heat to a er- an.l
ol !h- i'a-- .-xj»nMv. nnd mo
apple and walnut salad, lee cream,
higliiy recxMimende.i '
ir which ikia-uaeful article <>,!whicfi
salt, lemon Jaiee and alUplci-. then dlp^ then ihr.-.; lev.l labie-iM»on:ul‘j
-l-'nMI.l- arHciew in kilch. n u*
fancy cake*, bonbons, cocoa and cofhare learned to apprty
adapl'Ml; many others will suggest'io iho-e
into beaten egg.
♦. composed the menu.
.lodi-stoi of oil to salad*
crumbs, bread or wheat biscuit,
Add ten to-wc rotn*. a -ml! | (or loilc |.orpo-eThe bread was served on
, 1* /- and purest olive oil
fry a nice brown Hi d.-vp hot fut. Serve piece of mac. a-mall Mire 1>( rarrui.:
Ar-.i truli-. «m1i a- tiso-h.-ni.
bread and bmter plate* and cut wllh
oiiuiiipid. and oue (uasimunffif
> aecompeniment to m.-at.
half an onion, and u plat of wtnie! plani-. rhoto-.rt.. and ctanWi •.«*' 1
a cookie cotter Into distinct tearca
Hms -. djy Ila the dove of 'ib./
A Few CooViev.
To make banana toosi. chop some nock. Tic tog.'th.-r a bay l.j.1, iw..iuuir.- an slmo-i uiilimli.d smonni of
The while rbead was a loog, oval leaf,
ilgUr anaemia, or .llto
-in, of r,. atolgUi
Coltoge Waferw—Tak.- two egs-.uiu .
the brown a maple. One of each and very ripe banana* very fine, n-ing a sprigs of parah y and <me thy me. ami i-eoar ninch of-which can to -av«4
n.TVei in a tanny to to. curt-dj
yellow leaf of boner was on each silver knife, season with a little salt,
OHierwi-e. il to recommended that tli^
add sugar and lemon juice to suit the othiT Ingredtont*. Siiauicr for iwen-i lii’to -oda—atom a half H-aspounful rolled’ oats, one tabb-spoonfnl of m- K ]
eh ealtivatrj by the aiil
Four a Util.* hot cream over tv ralnnte-. then strain, and pm ovei jto a quart ot fruit. A IHH.- soda put «d baiter, one teaspoonful of haklns'
The cold ham was ent (o represa-nt taste.
rtition of a vi-n- IIHI.' >0 the salad one-half cup of. int,. tjt.' water io which yo.i iKdl your powder. «me teaspoonful of aliuomf;
red maple leaves, and the ^Uer wai tiM- slices ud toast or awiback; spread the fire again.
yo;k*j'-“b.-u once oii twice a day. to which
Beat while* Vtiff.
garalsbvd with green sprigs of pars1 .< vin-^r may t
•and torsi again
Afl-I -ti-.:ai
n. nt Tivs.-»h-i 'h- vtot- .If f.iiii
. far a* pMaible.



brown and white bread. ^Ith butter,

cold bam.

As dusted with

foatbet brash, flicking it about to

oa the fnnllore.


Bananas are -omctlmcs s.-n.
dessert frtt-d

two. leaving squur.- .-nds. so they will

huge bunch of chestnut burr*, half

Whatever the worit to be done one of opened, and stuck in a bright red rase.

iCBded doing.


erery a happy oommencemem of the innch-


possible way, and then work with
light heart, and the work


person to sll at that place. The read­ diately cov«»re«l up viiy warm, iireter-


By sQ means nse method


the feci

couplet, bringing In tho name of the qnlckly dried and the patimi imme­

dear, tired woman who reads


I hour.
liiriiM u -tieh thismgh it and itia.. ...


to September, and our oDtreace Into given to to- effi-ciive.

they will go with an ease which U of the chair of the guest of honor w-ns

• "P'"

and w;


weaHur 11

Pm WcO.v ot


.....I'-loal. «1W.

I.I ,11m., ,„ii. ,.mv ...r «., ml


the warm bouse from the frosty air

k.uu Wood burn Avt:.. sr I’

th.- pnx-.--

IfgreuH.' *■*>■- apix-ai on ih.' kilrheii


ov,..|l"r'I. I'oA P™'.' o,

,.cm.1."mllv mu... Ptoi.m .,™u 1; root,s.
Siupk.m^Ppp or

camp An- tor four

The Het Footbath.
Ihe hot footbath should uc

trst thing to the morning. If poaslblv

tbe dainty lace curtains.


Then- hang i. over th.' smoU-- of

of every one that time be taken tbe

minutes earlier than is nreesssn' tor

Pan Cooked Ventoen.

'to. ' «»»»

m.ko in ....... t™.'".. ...""'lie


yond. even the

todiattoo given by tho cheery spirit,


hfHttii ov.-r iilghi in sail


horsli thes.^^

Instead skim off care-

liar.' ready veiilsoti steaks <-iii

______ _ ___

and aired vigorously and frequciiily.



miprlstog to those who arc

-plntl like

mlik does, and they should to.- ctcuuM-d


thing, bowercr, atJII further back, be­

before entering npon the dty'e duties,


oak leaf, and written by tbe host.

the m-lc'j

on.- .'lid in

>l;ike. to-Ulg ruriful ihar


la order that she may have Ume for autumn leaves."
1 wondered what my clever frii-ud
reel and aotU-growth. There Is some­

the beginning ^ the routine work)



work. *I%e bnMer the woman, tbe more Thursday at throe, and you will per­
need that she eyatomatlae her work, ceive a luncheon compo*ed of guy

It Is an ahaolate esaeoUal to tbe life



of such simple. cU-anly rules make-

who reads It wiU appredate tbe dif- tentation.


f rit- t!. • viodlt t,>out rr.. ilrU m«l;
It. jriiie. I'efu

Ill this way much tif the best of the
I'lalnsmoir- Rre«<l—Make o

Amunf <*c enter’* C*Mt

tide eomplet*.


-I wirli tu thank y-rti foi alt the rued
Priuus bs-d-mr m». 1 amealuelylteo
IruBilhecungb who-b UK-fl to totber me
.-A rondl-

or falling iWs, Iriicoii or ham can b-

Uncle Dan Whipple.

tusitMo* as

ara perfectly healthy. -


dough by mliliic -alar*t,ii- wiili wan-i lully all of the blood ihaijias risen
beautiful autumn foltogo that may to- deulm cover, the iilllpw will he ;■
■ III top when tbe meat Is about half
waur.noiir and ' i tl emir.uiull P
bad for the laktog. No prelUer deco^•'■1 add slio-d oiiluns and
doubly refreshing addition to yliui makes a -ofi. binbbli-y rmi-s. Then |
retlous can bo found, and s bouse may pretty couch.
hard dough by mldilig iiMr-r«h.n nearly tvady i.i sen.
Jlephyr ginghaiu
l>e made begutiful with bat HlUe et- .cheeks of dark blue ouil white or in fluiy and two .»r tl„„. >-a-|, a thirk.-ntog ..f flour niid wute r, -eSMHi
The refresbments are decidedly
... II wllli iM-piK-r and -all and cov.-r
plain delft blm- Is i< d>-*lnible iiiau-r- of -ularaiiw. Il this do.-- iio' rai-iagain. 'lIu-stew should be very llglit.
novel, and at tbe some Ume most dc- lal for sofa pillows that an- to con­
more. Wllh vfiui uxe. hew a
A writer In the New Southwest licioas.
stant use. Make the slips wiih but­
iboui four fis. long, and twoi»
»» ‘h-- «'»<• l»
A woman of faahkm to Aaraioga tons and bnlion holy-, ond huv<> a inches- snimre. share
gives a vivid picture of two methods
.. ........... ... N..ich!
the lust add n v.-re little vinegar.
Erased In boaa^eaping. the latter Springs lam fall gave one of tho pret- supply of them so tUt-y cun be changed lhelo|Uili.-r ndlliig I hi hn-;id In a lolly ; '*« gi'.- n slightly isri flavoi.
keeper that Rome Ctoeer gives the

TLrooe ' MikkelMiO.

This done, cut up enough steak-

to small pieces 10 satisfy the appetite
■of a Immer and pm thi-m Into a i-it

Carouse A. Maaoa.

SMsalng to moefa to

1 sm's-'i-i
attend to Biy ivoik end

-I thank yon very mu<h for your adVi.-e I can -tiely -sv ibsi Peruns aad
Mausltn have -sved uy litr.

Ing vrnlson stew |& (o get your veni­

’••Mook noothyrmedltia* »-ei ivrena
ind It arrompliihcd all. Tou tnd me
in your firri Iriier ibst Petans would

Mrs. Msiidalr os t\-bklei. Routs 4.
n<--tmiB*let, Mil . wriie».

••Whea 1 wrote luyonlbe llt*i lime,
asking Tour sdvii-*. mv •-omliiinn «s-

times the niusi difflculi thing to mak

aired thoroughly to their idalu sll|.s of

leaf party, told of to this article
white domesUc, oiten oiie eml and si-w
Is especlallT fitted for Home Cheer to a long. soft, slender sachet of orris
readers, who arc ao fortunate as to root. iKJwdorcd. Then, when you put
Uve to-a country wbicb abounds to oti the saltn or silk, or eretomie or

blow It


Tba wind that btowa. that wind

you wooUl crtniueltis


Dainty china pin Irays. shaped like
roprCBCUt the


Drop into deep, hot Isnl. and fry a-



ftviloner. but lbet> conid Iw prvpaivd

books, and enjoy the society of her


re to cook.

fenther duMw. or mop to her bund:

Where all Is thnmed. there all abonid the other bad time to rest, read good

Cm .low 1.


imh hall Into two ..r thre.- plec--

the fish and

leave* of every color and shape, and

These bonlxw were made by a

the back

the ^tn- itoie tlu-y


The l>onlion-i were preiUly maik- In
served to green chlnn tray*.

.« .t.

Fried B*«*.
n.-ati and >k1n the B-h

to-oeni of those who coni.-mplute

They were cut with a eookio

cutter, baked and frosntl re«1. yellow,

and green, and maib- u most attracther pantry and kitchen clean and sbe Ivc nppesrupce deftly
on 'a
always washed tbe vos-scls to which snowy. Mded napkin.


fare for many

-kept going" «bfv<

ILil|ib llastlng-

•big cdBje.- an-l are offered for

or course the cakes were uoi dlfIlculi.


lee hie practical for auy kUchlgmv liuuter
of toduy, with the eBciptlon of thl*


I'm the k.-iil. .

tin- fln- al olghl. and ^k all th
moniiog. This Is a delicious su w, 1

during Ills life on the tdalns. and give

cream plates.

C««'er wllh wat

aud M-a-tm to last.'.

The ri-eliH's

in wiis to progress.


tbe flrsi woman, althougli her famlly

O east and weaU bame’a beat!

Not here, my heart, not

as most imu of«<-».‘uty,

of doors aud she jrtm through.

My life's aun aiAka. nlgbt-falls and I.


nd cut by tbe maid while the hinrh- Civen. below aye iltos.- which h.- used

Wboae aUrta have all but loat tbrir was larger; hut ench memiter was
tougtat to he earefut of both clothtog
and uhle linen, a habit wbicb win be
Alar tbe abepberd gatbm In
beneSl to them all tbeir lives.
^ ais scattered Sodt. and homeward
“By nstog a littie thought and
wingOod'a feaOiered aongaim to their when cooking she managed to keep

Barth's traveler. *000


wiped up the rest, sltook the cloth out
waabing* were not so large as those of

Slowly aloBg tbe darkening world

frozen to


pork «>r lacoii.

whalev.-r game yoa wish; ducks. |ai

Rtocr in bli

Neil she look a soft cloth and gently

to krtile te^m.- poiat.s»

• Ihiiv .mion*. pi.v<-» *>f hard la.-k

pressed chleken. idmolss,

orange jK-el.

To fry hanaiias. mvl and cm each

banana into two or tbrvv sirips.

Seehatnel Creani flauee.

To br u»--d w-iili Filleis ol Faniinge.,






Bwlft's beef aad muttoa houa—. where
they MW animals dre—ed. Libby. Mc­
Neil and Ubby'a plan -was next
there they —w the canned prodocts
. MUTma WIU. K HBlA THERE being made. Tbe Morrta plan wua tbe
last and (here they I—med bow cattle


After sotog (hrouab the aiockyarda
Will AM* CtntbnM EM«r«ay Momlnfl a atop was aiade at tbe Saddle and 8irW AlteflMMI^IrtfltlllR
Mn dab where loncb waa eerred.
No«M «c Lht VlllAO*.
After thia the party broke up. aoBc atletHliag to buslneaii while others vlaUed tbe rarlons ahows.
The tompany provided berths tor
SpacMl (o .die Br«idas Record.
Bowr. Mksh, Nor. l.—Tb^ Bouie thOM who desired to make their home
Teteban mbocMUob to to be bald et oo the b—t and a Bomber arallcd
Heoor rrldey evcotos ud Setantoy, (bem—Ives of this privOen.
KovcMber ^ aad X Procraa u totFun Bo0sn.
At 1 o'clock Soaday atorntac the
Wfmy Ev«ilfi».
Mtoaoori left oo the tone trip north,
« p. B.—i.MtBi«-br C T. OnwB ot nimlag into (he teeth ot the northwMt blow. Her first stop waa MantoSaturday MereInf.
teo and by the Ume this port
Seat MrTlee. raached practtoally all the passeo
KAtan 8(ttdy»lbto Ho^dna. Ben- were In a state where they dWoT care
Xoala. Dtoeiutoo tod by Absa Sasltb. whether they lived or died. As the
boat left the breakwater to the Chi­
r Meotegor. cago harbor, abe ran Into a big wave
Beotob. Dtoewton led by Peeri At- that gave thr whole craft a jar and
brt^t. Lake Asm.
made tbe people aboard think that she
SMwtdey R. M.
had tried to ram a hole to the bottom
Taunt- In High Sebool—K. E. of the lake. The wave* were ao large
Wood. TboBpeooTUle. Dtocn-loi
that spray was breaktog conUnually
by O. R. OoUoe. Benaoato. ,
over the bow of the boat- and striking
Sebool Bynoe-J—. Suibbe, Sooth agatoat the windows of the atateFrukftvl. Dtociaatoci led by O: O. mns.
There were a number o( board who
' Onirtt—Mn. NotUnc- Peaio—a
would |lhed to bare looked at tbe
•epae but tbey lacked the ''amblah'’
nvk K. Smith, e—htor for the O. P.
to get up and canRcquently missed the
C Oo, retsmed trea a tew day^ vtott.
sight of old Lake Michigan when
with hto paicau at Immoa Lake last
waa to an angry mood and had one of
PMay eveotot.
her tantrams. The —a was ao heavy
Jaaew MaxweU. eaperUt—deat of that even two of tbe waiters, who
acento tor the Home E H-pItol a» Maimed to be salt water men. had to
^eoetolfta of Qrand Raptda. hae beea be carried to their bunks.
dotaf the (own tor a tew days la the'
Oroheotra Way Under.
taU—ot e^tbe eo—pany.
The orchestra, which was eonipoaed
The lepobUeaa rally at M. W’. A.
[ D. W. Stewart. JuUiu MarUnek,
baO vae a dandy. Tbe ban
crowded aafl tbe ap—kera. Sx-Senator Pl*d Hcrrig, James Martinck, Chartea
SavU Bvnt e< Beatoh. Hon. Aitblbald SkMcEcr. Andy Hormuih and W. QurBoattat at Anpli*. aad K B. Bari, rongha of Frankfort -wont down and
oot without d^. D. W. Stewurt was
atnte Uikny coBBlirtoaer. '
Hataged to wttk auriied attentkm. the deepest to and thought he never
Tbe Wtr dram oorpa and Hooor Comet would come oul. TVtaen he hit tbe
Bnod «—dared oKeeflet aioalc tor the; dock at Manlatcc be* woodeted by the
—Mob Thebcxl eonaty clerk. New. buUdlBCB were all rocking ao when the
t— mr. ofSedated — ebaiman aad In- day was ao eahn. Cbartea Skclcber
sUn sick this momUEMd while
be was tetltog of the pi—sores of the
Mr. paMt it BayBoar. Pedc E Co.. trip had two erne—ency calls. Jam—
. however, proved hlmacir a
Cbicaso. to is warn for a few daya.



Altar a BIp Vu mbkle aleep ot
—rcsol doya. tbe teoaortol Baalpolator
baa avabeoed aad to doUig bnatoen
Aaaa, tbe ttttto, two-yea^ dao^tar ot Mr. opd Mn. Jaa. TrnBpewar.
bad tbe nlafeataae to be eerabedy
boned by tbe orerturalng of a taap
laat Tband^r cnnlas. She to on tbe
WMtoy Oorey and Ml— RatUe Abb—'yiotted teat Soaday with Mtoa Abbeyb Bother la Lake Aaa.
Tbe MW mill etarted jup Mooday
. BO—toe lor a awoth'-e rna.'
AS BOBbera of Honor Camp. No.
are reqneoted to be
y er—lac. Nor. X A
nvs—B coBalaUag ot speakliis. tecll.
tkma. carda' aad beM of all. Iimeb.
Let wrerr Woodsaa tom oot.
WbooplBS eoagh nl— the too n at

I M. B.
Hamer aemned to be the liveUcst and
coastonby telling the other paaaeagen to forget It. so they planed a
OP hU beck telling the ship that
be waa a doctor. Bren I. G. Bums,
toeal ag—t of the company, tbongfai
the little old hotu—t—d dowa on the
dock looked pretty good to him.
J. A. Montogne. one qf those who
stock to the ship and —me around ito
bora, arriving in a snow atom, wi
a— sick but —me borne with a couple
ot Btredt —r Unnsferu. havlug forgotbp bad transfers, then absentmindedly paying bis passage.
Only two ^ the pasaengera showed
up for breakfast, the Ural moraing
and only three got np yesterday Borotag in tlBW to —t
Lewered in Bisnkst.

BTto the wind houllng a tvrrlfie
—Ic oul of tbe Borthwest. the house at
the —nwr ot Bt^ and Casa, owned
by Ml— Mary Itohoral and occupied
tbe Cbtoafs Eaeuruleu.
by Harry Aodrews. aaulatont superinTbb Trg—r— aty
who waBt to Chleugoas goeaU of the (—dent Of tbe Metropolitan life Insnraooo agency In toU cliy. caught fire
an exploding lamp —rty Mon
t kmd to their pratow of fr—t
day Bwraittg and tbe occupants
the ooBpaay and tbMr tr—tanit but made (hrir cs—pe from windows,
they were cut off from the kisTr
to ragard to ridtof to a atnog n
.•w—tNrtod they ha— not ao bmE to
nay. Oa aocounl cf the roogk to—tber.
the Bajertty of the party ahand
the alarm Mr. Andrews was almost
the H—BW at Manistee and eaaie on overcome by smoke and his IS-year-old
to this city ov— the M. E N. B. ar- •— WUUe waa lowered from a window
TtvtaE — the emrskm last evening, by-a blanket as a last resort to bring
whlto the bataaee traaafen«d to. the aid. During the night Mr. Andresrs
lllteato and r—^ed the cMy at 1:«S had been awakened by noia— down
tola BturBoon.
stain but tboaght nothing of It a*
Tha Northern Michigan TranaporU- mold bad expected to be out rather
tkm eoBpaay Ml aothlag undone for late and had informed the family of
toe flwaaia of their gueata. the party It. He called to her. however, but
hatog aeeompunled by Steu-arfa seven- eetved no answer but caught the smell
pie— umhaatiA On the way over, of amtdee. He sprang out ot U-d and
betve— here aad Frankfort, the raabed into tbe ball which was then
grtutor'number of eacurulonlita. In- filled with the fumes. Thinking that
Madtav the aajerity of tbe orebeetru. tbe fire was opstalra aad toward tbe
CM sick but after 1—vlng Frankfort r—r of tbe building he made his way
the wsBtoer waa an right wnd Thurs­ to tbe ground floor' and opened the
day light a daa— was bHd to the din- Mtiing room do— where fbe phone is
tag room of the IDtocds. tola butog a lo—ted. Al tbe door swung open
clood of b—vy smoke and flames
britoed from tbe room, envrioping and
Mat by Band.
rendering him almost npeoaaclous. Mr.
On ihetr arrival the eacumtoulatt
Andrews then crawled upsiains and
toe— greetud by tbe Chtoago OomBMr
got hU ton out of bed. The three peo­
Mai aaeoetatl— aad repres—taUr— ot ple parttaSy dressed and In the meantoe packara wUh a brass tmad.
ttoie kept calltog for beip.
srho deoired to do so. got aboard tonyLowered S«y in Blanket.
be eoBChea and wwrr token to the La­
Salle street autkm aad thea to the
None came and. as a last r—ort. a
atodvarda where they were al
Manket was aaatebed from tbe bed.
over tbe various planta. The Irat tied ander tbe arms ot the boy and he
glaw Tiidtod was the Armour patotog eras lowered lo the ground. TBe lad
hBO— -where toe pony nw toe bog made a run for the home of BowlaiMl
Dougtoas. who llv— two doMu e—t oT
^ M|B plaat where T.WiO people >
oHnyed. They weni from toertthe burned building, calling to him to
othen pa— aeratr bad an totroduc-

Paces 7 M 12
NO. 44.

- ,, =

at large. During bis pastorate here he
F be Pill I i> shape ao that ubooi ih«r distance ont and this )
made many frti«d« and their pood tile mill rooUl Ik cHwrated as before
fuil of rpbhlsh (hdvthwr coaid
wirbe* and prajuxs will follow him in It could b. flx.-d so that it wuuM be hardly lui it. ii»- rubbish hartog bt—i
the new work lo whirh he betlevo be sa'isfacion t<> •-v. rjom- ami could hr curried mit by the oadrrinw Mow far
has l>een —Jh-d b) God.
opeiieil uh' n rite mill wa> not running. out It would tip n<-crs—ry to go In
TUrooRh bts effort* Mr. niom lias Mr. Fried, 1.-1, a*k.-d Mr. OU tl h.- order U< keep Ib—e object* from ciaa
mad.- the Church
thiHighi ..1.11
Christ w%one of -e-,
the ...-'.■n-..
that H.mld .k*
b<- .xai
all ,,*11
right and log into ib<- Iniaki- woold (n a prob
city and ihe UamlfuMlf hr did he ^hould nimr.up l
new church home v. iii stand as
roiiDCll and pn-seat his claim. This
Two or Ibrt-,- Slavs before tbe direr '
ument to hl-‘ worth nn-I energy in tbe Sv-emi-iJ ti> Ih KUtisfsr'.ury to Mr. Oil. arrived oa a pertvcllr dear day. Mr ,
years to come.
Mr, Friedrich then »tati.d tbnt be Caldwfll had rowed oTrr Mu- oourte
had railed 6p the Evening Reewd and of the iDtake aod tound that tbero .
Narrow Eacape.
the Eagle offices and asked them lo be
rpng evfrrent to the west bat
.Meunder Math-wb of t’aradibe
sun* and *e>- Mr On aud get bis ride evi.fcntly'
ireedrtJ i
township had a narrow‘ •'sraiM- from of the story so that be wonid oot b<"
U-tog killed by a Wtochi-Mer'sbot gnu mfsrv-prcs—ted in any way. The
Nat Taat foe fi—rap;.
n-tx-mly. a youns man by ihe mini’- m.-iy»r did nto f<-vl ihnt Mr Oit was
Mr. Friedrich aaggewted that tbe »ei
doing any Oior- than anvon*- clsa- test In- used lor sewage, that It to5«m enferod In^.he Mluwlug
would If they owued Ihe dam'
povervsl w ith rfii-rse elolb or uetDCmanner. S. Putman, hes, nm..: the
Itaug it Up the
After the eonvrnukiion he had with thitig of tbe hind. Mr. t.'aldwell naid
groom, the bridesmaid, tbe rtug bear­
dihriiargod. the liMd missing Ur. Uli to regard to the matter (be
er and lastly tto- itride leaning
that that could be done up ontU abpqt
Mathews about ten itch—.
mayor was much surprised to *<v tbe fifty feet ot water. Mr. FrtedrWt ibrB
arm of her father.
The \ouug men were membr-rw of
km fn>m Mr. Ott lu itai- gave the diver's tbron (hat tbe doHt,
After the roremooy ffbe bride and
F. W. Wllkon's Hblngle rnw and were urdH.v's Eagle. s.hl<'h stated (hat he
was holding bark Ibe rnfuae, etc.
groom leceivi-d the hearty
boarding at the hnmi- of Mr. Wllkun'r would have It, sm- the cU.v. us it had
lions of aboul fifty guests. An elabwhich criieetisl atong tbe pip,' *ml as
brother. It.
tvilson. The shot gun bt<-n understood that (be mayor and
the totukr ouly exioBded out atosM
orale dlom-r was serveil to tfitkflintog
was beuglDc up aod they bad taken the eouoril werv willing to do what
four hundred feet farther tbao tbe ew<l
room where the aulumn lea^
It down and worke<l tfar lever aevrral was ricbi
Hr. lYledricb waid that of th,' duck. lbl« w— probably wbat
used ns- decorations. The Ikblc waa
times not ihlnktag that tht-iv was an>- cm- nf Ihe mill men bud told him (hat cuuM'd the sawdust to come too, Ibe
beautifully decorated with ^arautlons
Ihlng In the g-an, MTieu Murray wetn with lour UH'li a gate could Is- fixed to matuv.
am' ferns
half S nay.
Mr t'aidweli suid that the latiar
The weildtog pivsentb
and the trigger—ugbt on a nail.
Mr. Frit-dricb said further liuit be­ would cost h-ss ihuD half (f the kstil iieanti.ful. Iiirludlng
The shot went thrnugb tip’wall Into fore the bourn W4VU lura out. (be city waa used to Uytog tbe Intake.
glHs>' and silver
the floor, tearing a large hole through engineer bad Bade meaauremenia unil
Mr. lardie moved that tbe wuler
Mr. and .Mrv. Fuxch huviiif lived to
both. The accident was wiincuol by tbe Intentiourwiu i» t—r oot tbe dam
(ximuilitce and lie city eoctmsn^ eou
this region all iheir tires have many
H uumlM-i of men nnd .ill pr^nt were fiuui tbe north where It would In' very
stiiute a cvrtnmliin- to look up Ibe coat
frlends to wish them liappinoss) They
s—red very iit'lly indeed t-irt fortu- hurd to fix. The mayor advtaed that of exundlog the Inuke and also to
make their home on the fjmm's
nalely none werv iiijnre<1.
tmly a short sect ton be removed a« vrstigate the theory of the diver aad
farm nt Cari« lake,
that a gate could be put In and all the rt-jiort at some future meeUac. Tbe
betkm of the boenl of public works motion —fried.
he special m«-t-ltog of The city
Miss EUiel Rillesand Ralph .Monroe
taken with lliat end In view, "M>
WsBr Aa^lyala.
council Muiida> evening il was decided
er<- marrie,! Monday afu-nifioa at
position." sail! Ihe iqpyor, "la (bat we
Tie typhoid fever sltualloa recHved
to hove an'analysis of the city water
n«> at the borne of the bride's tuiclo
take IIO act loo' deiriateatoi (u a mill coosid.-raMe altooUon al ihU petot.
made once <\eiy two w-tvks and also
rner i-nipki.vlng labor."
and aunt. Mr. aud Mrs. K. C. Stiles,
Ih, board of health slated
have samples of well walt-r -UM-d by
SI» North Blmwood avenue, the Il.-v.
The nwy or t-xpresaet] blmsHf ai sdr- that h- tn-ll.-vi-d (hat aortace welU to
IHtople suffering from typhoid fever
prisul that Ml Ott didn't wail lo ace ibv- ci'y becalB,- crmtanuT^ulrd be—oae
a* Cochiin offielailnp. The couple
unalyr.ed. Ihe board of b—l(h beiug iuwhat the mayoi .-md council would do. of the numerous vault .Mayor Frtodwere at(eodv<d by Miss Pora Uair of
slroeture to have (bis done. The Olt
Mr. Winnie nnive-d and Mr. Murctaie rich >i-C(gnmeudnd
uiwouvilie au<l Clureuc- Slilen of
sslysl. af tie
boom mailer came ui> and a roinniliee
aupporicd that the onumunl—tio
C^dllUc. a brother of tli'e bride. Tlie
city water. Mr. WiiBiis mov>d 'thai
of tliHs- waa atfliutmetl to confer with
Ott Ih-Yecelvi-it and placed on
bride was becomingly attired to ■
the couiMlI toitruct (be board of bnaltb
Mr. UH ilesplie the lalttT's desire to
Tto- motion —rrb-d with no disaei
to toak<- an vruintoaUon of' Ibe differ­
have the matter s>1tkd at onnt. The
ent wHls Wh.W this, ivml (mad
mailer of vaolts also reeeUed coasidwere used In the deeoratlous. After
typOrid fev,f. Imre aa an ^rda Bia4r
eratlun and It Is probable that at tbe
Ui'tbo tovitaluKTlo expnws bla vl
tbe e<.-remony a wedding dinner was
«h,-n Ibey were aailafiod tbbt Ibe (*next meeting all those who cam do so
bcrvod to (he n-lntlvos and few intiBiaW lliat he bad nothing to nay.
lU-ot hud iH-en driaklng tbe wai-n- and
will be onlen-d to coniieol with the
mu'e friends prcscui.
have an analywia of tbe efjy wattr
city sewers at omv. C. R. Dockvtav
Mr. and Mrr. Monitx- left t»> the
L-Uer in the meettug. Mr. Wtonle mude eren' two weeks. Mr. Lantto
wus Bpix>ini<-d mt at and milk Inapcrimoved Uiat a committee of three be Bupporied.
:55 train for l^c^eU. WbbIi.. where
or aud his sulary mill probably be $3
they will remain for a short Ume. their
appriuled to emfer with Mr. OU
Mr. Mono objected, staitog (iat lie
a day.
An tovliailon was al» cxlegsrd to (h<- matter and report at the uldn't believe to creattog s otrisg that
umuaU deutluatiOD belug Bverauu.
tendeJ to the slate lUptisi aaroelailtmWash., when- Ibey will wake their
belt DiMUlog. Mr. GlllHt "suppurled *»u< on.- oHild puli to a ffaiok, aaylaff
tlou to int-vi b<-r<- ne»t year.
(he motion.
home If surroundlugp prove conge
(hat he liuil three eaa— of typhoid
The on Boom.
Mr. Ott siiiiisl that (bui action which didn't origiuata (o the rily at
Mr. and Mrti. 6arit Smiih of Kalknska
TI.I Ull boeiii —no-up In Ihe follciwwere tbe out of town giifsiv.
would delay tbe uialier onUI sti.x ail. lie ihoughl thrrd wiim on need tu
Ing cunmuiiiesliou:
Nuv. i: Itoch year, he —id. lb,
tbe water oattwa a romaaUtfe
"To tbe Honorable. Mayor and Com­
Farewell Reception.
boyers of the company ar<- started oot from tlx- board of b—Ith 4|aeovvr«d
mon Council of The city of TtUTcrae
U<-twe>'D five aod six bondrod pcoon that dau- and be said ibe companj that tbe patient d»d been drinking
f were prew-ut TuoMlay night at the
couidu'l go ah—d until they knea and waUT from a wrtl. He wanted lie
farewell rerepUoii at the Church of '•'GenUemen—Through your acHooa they had to know hy Thunulay
U«rd to be Burr- the paU—l bad
Christ to honor of (he Rev. T. 1*. of Sept, l^rtli and Oct. iSth. a portion Ing
typhoid after tlriuklng well sraier
Cllom. who 1—ves Uib cUy for the of our boom has Uvn destroyed, there­
Mr. Moon objected very forcibly lo
He said (aribrr that all canaea most •
evangriibUc field after* six years of
Mr, (fit's atUlude. stoUng that
be looki-d lo. In tme (ownabip of the
n-markubly successtol work in thbnot nt-ed to take such u view of the stale H waa found th— the va'er.aupbusiue-ss. and we now Justly complain
matter. He waa not ye-l ready lo ]
was ail right hut that a creek was
Frank Wilglit acted as ebairmun uf ugaiuM said actions, and liereby uMifj logs to IbP river and he could see
eoutamtoaled. Dairy cows bad dnrak
the meetlDg lust uventug aud the first you that we —11 upon you to repair reason why Mr. Ott should end—vor the waU-r from tbISABd tbe dis—oc
number was the "glory song" by the
to try ami make tbe coaodl act before had Hprtwd (bruugb the milk
^lulr. This is a ><>eela1 favorite of same to be reconstruciod in a safe and Nov I. He did not tblnk Mr. Ott
Mi. Wtool,' said his motlM dldal
w-orkumnlike maimer. The work l<>
Buckler. Mlcb,. Oci. tl'—Th.- luuetwf Mr. I'llum's as well as the eougroga- be done to our entire satisfactiun’b> using Ihe council fairly although tbe make It iK-eiwury for tbe b—rd lo
(ouDcil bad used Mr. Oft fairly
aenicc of Calvio Cobitotz waa held
have .-wry well In the city aaalyaad
this afternoon at
from ihi- cburcb. solo by Miss iBlsy Strong which was uiaK-rial us will make our boom just believed that If tbe council wau given tnit (hat only tie wella
lime that tbe miitter would be fixed was suppoaej lo come from.
the I. O. O. F. bring to charge. His IlsU-ncd to with great enjoyment,
as was previous to Its desiracUuu
death ocenrrad Ssinnlay-from typhoid a r«-w- well chosen words Mr. Thomas this boom to b<- rv-plactd to tbe idr-n- saUsfactori)}
Tbe molioD flnaJly —rrhd.
Mr. Wtonle atoted that bU object
teref. He has been to ill health for then bid farewell to tbe pastor to be­ tl—l spot whcn'tlliHi portion was tocn
half of (be Sundav school,
lu having a con
some time.
Mr. LArdle nmvrd that tbe diy derh
out. and withou’l any expense to us
thuf they didn't want to stop Mr. Ott find lh>- M-wer dielricU made mm.
Mr. Cobitotz was a very promlneut followed by Frank WriglK. who said whatever.
from doing bualo—a and that (be
dtizen. being clerk of-the township at goodbye to Mr. L'liom in behalf of (he
"Unless is done by Nov. eounell was not goiug U> do anylblng lime ago and r>-port on tbein .at tire
the time of bis death, lie was born sunlor Christian Qiduavor sociely
wp shall begin uciioes against (P-irimeoial to his huato—s. The com next mw-tiog ao that eouacil rould
to Mationtog county. Ohio. Feb. 11. pior the Inlerniedlate Christian En
tbe city of Traverse City through tbe mi'Ks- woold report next Moiriay night tak*- anion forcing (xmnecthios. Tie
1SS4. In ISSS be moved with bU par- deavor woricty Mrs. i
courts lo recover dumog<-s to our bu»l- and Mr Ott wouldn't be siopiu-d frim, motion —rri.-d.
and Miss Lillton Flue
cots in the vlcltoty of Wexford, where iK-half of the Juniors.
•vir Ai.tsAt 'bought It wrmld to w.-l»
doing huslu<-s-.
his father lo—ted their homeatead on
for Ih.- elij englnts-r lo open «tte dead
Miss Nellld Ulngbam then gave
• Yours rv-speclfullj.
.Mr. Wiuiip 's DPtiKUi carri'-d aud the end.-* ill th. waM r matos. Hayo^ Fried- ,
section SS, Garfield township. Hv fre­
very acceptable n-ce|rtka) and she was
"Juhu F. Oil Lumber Compau.v.
quently held offices of his trust and followed by Miss Olive Dobson, who
ri<h s-at.-d that b. had be— toatriicr"By John F Oti. Fresldent :>Bd Tr*ns- Shotef aud Moon to th,- •s.ti-uilii.-'-.
his riiaraclcr was beyood reproach. Hr
- .J to <to M> and wool-l aa mm as the
favored the audittoct with a voeal solo.
Invitation tn Saptiau.
leaves a father. .■> wife, four ebildren.
...t.T had finished
Mrs. Hattie Strong then spoke hr'e-fly
Mayocs Statement
iJn Mr. iArdie'h motion, a Toimal in
three brothers and iwu t4^lv^r.
Meal and MtUi Inapceterfor the Chrittian Worajin's nnani of
Mjjor FnMin li th-n uiad, a sUte- vttaiurti wu* extnndeu to *b*- nttiU
Mr Fri—lrteb staled that Dr ftbum
Mlsrious and Miss Flossie Csmpbdl mettl in r> gsr<! i» ih>- -Puailon saying Itaptl-ts' a»M>etatli»u lo in*-.- iu thf>
Tha Dig Storm.
way had lold l.iu Jt wu not neccesary
gave a well r—dcred rtritotlon
that (h<- bcr.t of piiiilb' works had elii next year
With apray dashing uploUiv veran­
lo (hiv. a veterinary sargaoa as meat
At this print the Rev. L. B. Ulss.-H. been ..rdvre-J lo coJ th- .lam If Mr.
da. the ni-w br—kwater in front of ih>- |«slor of Die Fitvl rresbyttiiOa
What Diver Fauna.
aud milk iui-,H«<or (mt aouKOb,- who
; Oil did no! do -■> *o Mr Shane, wlio
WtHioe-tong club house Sntaeday church eipre»s<'d ihe regret the Pft«liM.j teYve enougli In make >be people
<-■('.« Eugiiie,x Caldwell
withstood the siorw al! right alihongh toj!' assoclatiua felt a» s-«iug Mr ;
dean. He therefore rectaameM
aii'l 8~k—1 him If he ............ r<-gard to th'- iB-pt-ctlon toad.-;
the conttoooos iwuodto- of the wave* rihun leave- .Amd Gilto-rt Fowllwm. i
Mr Fr.vlricli said he b, lb-: diver. He said tbai I." w.-n. I *-> <■ « Dock.-rw, and tl..- appolmwashed the launch dock awa\ aud Ihe uIdeM member of the church..
.!tu-nt *a» e«a,flrg,e.l ,
. Lnirdie s
! would Ilk.- i,. talk lo Mr- On. Mr (b,- •-ntiri- lengib of tto- intake pt|iei’
flung it highup on the b—cb.
spoke for the oongm=itio:i and
1 gba,,,.
V city UBd aud found om- suspiciout i.a.
If the storm had been due north iu- with What rtgrei s.1,1 v.hat <Jt«d,
r Tridn,,,.U-ii talk H
to;cu-K-l \ which be marked. )!•.- ala» fouu.J tbs'
stead of northwest Saturday and ye»- wlsho Mr. rilom went onl liiio l.i
Oraud Rate
lo'get 0-" iti iiijimr.ion to slop llit Un ar..-hfir had —.jgh* to th.- rr.rf .d'
terdav morning, it Is very probable n,?w- field of labor. Ai the coucluslon
iiiidy lb* milk tospeOKm 'heru.
woik aOi|
tb-r. to-’di tt.Ik oijthe crib an.] slizblly -ihume-.! tba'.
that the water front of the elly wouM of his address Mr. Fowiisou pn-senud
Wtonl.- m.fV..-,i that he to- allowed
__ parties
Fpillug the fi^cr. Th-j Th*- e^t'iw., days h.- w,!.,n
have suffered !-evere3y. as H w
-Mr. UnoB with a purse eoDtatotog;
aod pe«
doWB Inti OB Fnday ti* m
ooly damuge vtactlcally being
l.-sk H.
»'5«»aore for foor days. Ttomon,-.v wUh which to :niy a study table,
arly j examination and found'i
club bomn-. Scar the rod and gun and a hoi>k-se when Mr niom again
' <ittir-. will Ito nx*'d at i!.e ■t.-x* tm-.y
I aiyo investigai.-d l..etwe,-ti t«-..
club, the wave* raced entirely-over thr nved.-,] surh BrticU-*. This was to’-'
.,-^.Ior^; Mr. Ot; «all.d up'ihr.-,h.indred ft-«-t i-yond
point and yesterday the river cbannel low.-,: !,v a TO—i srio bv W. W. WU- ' x,r Frudrlefc au.l ask-.-d him If b, ; of the mtake
m.akrs „ippip- and fo-md 'hat i'
choked with sand. “
Itoms. whleh was much ehjoye,l.
..f p.iWic work.- w.- wa-Vl-ti
.sV-lcati and fr«fr«- from o.,vii ,.i«ne • Mayrr Ffledftrt. alat— that UOC«
beach now presents a mlseelli
Mr. rilom tv-spooded to all Ih- r,"
aiong th" iniake 4,lpe he found : ri*.-.'•» where vtotog siaeblaa* are
tnaking an .Hx-niug to 'I*
collection uf flualsam and -jetsui
gr.ts and good wi«hes in hi- u--da’ Fri.-,Jrirh
that he -dl-J and that i rubbish, showing that «L.-r. was B.xJtod 'hr,.- ,;liiploT,-„ are prorMsd for
means another cl—nlng up.
alncv-re manDer and spoke ef ibe work the board wa- -Impl.r —rrytor out tic j vtrong eurreni and
I- as tl,»-r*-: *nd r»,,iaetl may fly aa nuiny itMO,
tt-htle tbe storm was at its height he had done heir i)t'(h> last siv yearorder* of Ibt coubctI. Later. Mr. Otti were no baht, a': foreign objerls i-mm*-; 'hey .Pr-m fl,.
*l* f .«r were
the waves woold wash envirely
j and what be inteaded to arttuniplish —lied and said that bic property waa[ into ibc plpr- through the nKKi»N
all tba’ were K-tieved to to. B»««aafy.
ibe breakwater and as a result carried hn tbe fotnre. Al the conclu-ion of
:«i'l': Most of th- .,i,;,-et. -s.-T- .... tb*- «e-t ;.«toe«.yr wll! act aa etork. « datnaz,-d and tlw' I:>away a portion of tbe hiwx aad < •!his remarks "Coronalloo" ' i sung
< ur-' win -ovraic the machine, oik- art ti
—me from ai.-ou' Gr. i!:rk'r i.iiil., efcairman of tl.<- towrd and owe aa
s where lunch wa< sand.
nnd Ibv dam pot back he would bring iRe(9.o.-e- th.-,r.- w-re t,., obj-.-ci.. farther' gal.^veper.
Tbe damage this year was very [at long uUk-s drcmuteii in a vy'fr
OUL be judgvj 'bat 'b*- curr.-tjt wa-^
Mr. Moou assislrd i.y tto ejly H.
light in compartaoo with last year; pleasing manner. Refreshments of asThe mayor then trid b.m that there atroug vaough to carry tb-.-m past.
; »oni,7. mrre.-d tl»i tha woncll order
when tbe docks were torn up. the; sorted cake, wafers and cocoa were
n>««'>r lew .
dUpoiitlon on the pan of thc l The intake was In a* giK*j sbap*- as, the Atoirii voting Bmchlp.- to be n
lawns covered with sand and the club' served by the young ladles of the' coonctl to injure Mr. Oil's bualne**! wben left by the diver last j—r but, at the n—t gMK-ral ctartloB (o ito-*
houae ttaetf all toit unitermtoed.
, aod U be would only dn^p Itto id—of! during tbe swry Saiurday sawdust • five ward* ri tbe city and that the
" maink routtL
■ w^tat^^w^Mr^ntom I—v— | damages and going lo tow. Mr. Fried- j was pumped. Some of Ibe men at the j ctei* provide the MMsary furattsra
The home of Mr. mid Mre. J. M-1 ,ho ciir ^Hh the tow and respect of! rich woold tnke the mamr op alih,w«er works pot oot a ne. abuot four.^ «prip««il (or the ore of (beW
Stanch of RmwcHl towb-dilp was 'he'm,:
.,'VM> ;m.l the pedde''he eooncll on.l the wool-l on^ hundred f«..i w«i of the in<ab. and ciitort..
turn to thi- alarm. Whea under the
window of Mr. Douglast,' bedroom the
Manket —ogbt sod tbe boy MI
the gnwnd. His erk-s bad been beard,
howeverf and the alarm was teleiditHWd In- When Mr. and Mru. An­
drews heard their son telltoR
Douglass to leleMume. they made i
way to tbe r—r of the house and
crawled to a shed roof.
Mads Owidc Run.
"it seemed almost Impossiblt-." said
Mr. Andrews to as Evening Record
reporter Ibis morning. '11111 as soon
we were on the roof Ifav fire apparatus
pulled up al Ihc side of the house."
Mr. Douglass also spoke of the quick
run. saying that as soon as be i>eot lu
the alarm to- puUed ou a pair ol'
trousers and went oaidoors where b<aaw ibc flremeu running Into thr yard.
Jumped Into Chiefs AmiA
Someone yelled to Chief Murray that
there was a woman in tbe house and
before any hose had been laid the
chief ordered u ladder placed on the
Bide of the building and started up.
When be bad gom- up a few feet bl«
attention was called to Mrs. .luilrows
tbe abed -roof. Mr. Andrews had
jumped to tor gronud but could not
prenti upon his wife to follow him
allbougb be assured her that he could
Itch her and break the fall. Tt%eo
the chief stood on the ground below
howcTcr, Mrs. Andrews Jumped
and waa caught by Mr. Murray, who
carried her to a place of Kofety.
Two lines of hose weiv quickly laid
and the battle with tbe flames began
Tbe work was rapid and effective and
there is not a sign of a place where
the Arc broke through the roof aside
from two places whi-rc It w-iu never—O' to cot tbroogh the b—rdr. to get
at the blase. The (Ire was soon under
eonlrol and w-u ronflned to tbe r—r
part of the lower floor. A gr—t dekl
of the fornlturL- was dosiroyctl as well
— the clotbtog which was dowirstairs
but tfOO insurance was carried ou the
former which will cover the kwa.
Mr. Andrews and ftnily were aheltored at Mr. Douglass’ homo and a
Muaidan aummooud to look after
them. Mr. Andtvws himself was to a
seriotu condition due to the smoke bat
la able to be op and about today.
Tbe family —cue lo the city to June.
Chief Moryay oude an Insuectjon
and found that the lanip which had
on a table had probably exploded
and burued o bole in the Boor. Tlio
Barnes then spread on the —rp<i end
bad a big start beton- discaver.-iT.
From Defective Chimney.
An inspection of the CtmpU-II n-stourant waa made by (ho chief Ibis
morning and it w-as found that the
blare ortglaated from a defect Ivc-chimIt nu under (hr floor and be­
tween wwlls. making a had pbee to
work to but the damage was vety
slight oobsldertog the start and hwaHoo of tbe blaze. The building ir
owned by Charles Procbazkn. jr.

oc—eof a pretty wedding Wednesday
morning, tbeir daughter Sophia briug
united to marriage with WilUam Pouch
of Fbnch. The offlclaiing clergymau
was the Rev. Uemas Cochiin and the
ilug rerewony was used. Tlie iiarlor
was (a.-auilfntlr deeoruied wMh fc-rns
and autuuin lejie* and the bride aas
gowuod in a dainty c-rcailon uf cream
silk and —rrie<l a booquet of bride's
ro».-s. The bridesmaid. Miss Rose
Btaovk. sister of the bride, wore a
gown of crvftot nun's velliug aad eat-:
iMI pink
Staiiek. ajiuther »l«er of tbe bride,
was the* ring bearer and wure white.


THrosc BeraM

cra»r is v^utac froK ail orer tb« sUte
aad (li« MUiutlMai wiMtlfawtWI Id fal->
(.- H li (air to cspact that
Uere b« a pwd tanont at tbe pels*
ana «reff rapabUeaa Aoald make H a
poiBt U» cadona tbe dmiBlatraOoa br
(o Tota.

W. E. Wilaen.
W. E. Wilson, ep old pioneer of Lainad died on bU (arm near tbe cempaay'-a orebard Tnmdnr a. m. He
hwvm n wife end two eons and bad
served tn (be civil war. The fooeral
wui be held at Inland.

Mary-C. •«4itli»ertii.
Maatins Waa tJeom
Mnrf-C. eootbworth of Unaan cutoila apita of tbo preaaacc to the citf
or the dtoecfatlc candidate for *o*er- IV diede at tbe asvlnin Mooday after
ner aod the daBOciaUe nUr to the BOOB of npoplev at (be ape of cr Sh-.-;
had beea an inmate of (be ituUtntioD
Cair opera baaae. the
ins la U»a Of»6 cJpara booaa waa ex- fur neariy three yi-aia. A soa-in-la'
vlsiled bor yesterday but rctnrped to
eepUaaaUy vaU auaoded.
alao. as (hie la aa oC rear, and Uie Us bomb brforc death took place. He
wtil retain to Hie ettytbU evealne an !
paopla of tbe «i
; tbe attsotl- romplcte arraopemeol*.
petUJinsLaenard Dyer.
Tboae who beard Ooremor Warper
bnaurd. ibc IC-yenr-old mmi of Hr.
last year purt bare bees pratiflad
bear bim a^a last alpht. Tbe norer- sad Mrs. Tbesnas Uyer. died at ]*;4i
aa Illnee* of a year
nor Is not an orator and does Dot tnoe tbe Ufapr«Tea»«Di be has more, the eaniu- of •le.nih belnp tumor
of the bralB. For tbe pa»f two or
aeqBh*i the past year as a ^
maker was vastly- ootlceaWe last nipbl.! three moDtb# he haa been recei»-lae
___ ________ ____
tmunent at Ann Arbor and had just
lie ueu re l««i l-™«l'i
PtMMI bis aodi------- ---------------------ame last evenlnp.
laUve to sute tneUtetlMS and Ue ail-.
mlaMiatleb of stale aflalm. were so*
before tbe people.'
Alberi Koush died at tbe bom.tbat loralta eaaaet but be patHytap^ bis brother David west of this city
at Ue prtli acsl Tuesday.
-1 f o'doch Monday moralnp after a fi
Tbe arpiBeBt beinc made by.the weeks' illMM with typhoid fever,
isiwrraH that tte eost of malDtentndav Is
a son 14 years old. who U very
ace at Mate^iasOtattons
tow wMb the dl-e-«.
ptsater than tt was foarteeo
pandfaUnrr. Ceorpe «ourt.
Is oae of tbe smdiest abBurdlty.
, I Bin. Koush died St.-pt.
at tbe
to lie the
a-blle they hwt a soft last FebU WIHaHT if liPMnad. tbe demoeraOp opportUon. It Is
,iwy. A father, three btxKhcrs oud
well known fact that witb tbe eoonii- Itari^ sisters arc left.
iHw taereaae In attendance al our stale
Or. Cat
led a> lt<>
ntandard, ntusl neee»«aflly demand
the tannery in Eioiwow!
morn biouey. The dwnocrau low ,p,.ashlp at 2 o ckwk Monday momlust
sl^t of Ibc (bcL however, that la ,i
74 y»ars.
tL % wmimt.
spile of tbe (ncipnsed esptmdltnres
hj, dauphler. Mr*. Loulac Phnnneuschmldi. hud been on the excundon l<>
enm per capita In the stale is very ^
relnmed bv nil. frutn
Boeb leas than It was darlai the ad- MsnMee last eveUni;. arriving to the
Blntotratian of dovoroor Wlnaas.',,..
* o'clock thU mortOng. liewhich la betog beM op as an enable
daughter in this city a
hy Candidate Kirnmerle and bl* as-jcharleB. is left to Chicago.
Mdates. No toteUlgent dtUen can
The fuDcnl will l>e held Wednesday
(aD to be Impreesed with the excdlent J^emoon Dvm the Bone of Mrx.
eowdltleii of oor state tostllnttoos and pbaBneoacbinidt. comer Front and
toe rapid Increare of tbelr Influenre
jp charge of W. S. Anderwuii.


Rpal EnMta Tipnsfsrs.


John Seboo^ aad wUv to Augustus ;
y^^^Barratl. lot Tl.. bIk. 3, fOagslcy.,

Edward D. F .tnste'i and wif.- t-»
Gen. A. Austeit and wUe. aH fo aw ti
ao- 14. T rs. R te. »l.d*.
Gee. A. Anatett and wHe to Srwjird
V. r. AuMett and wlfe_ cH of eeti
f*e U<. T li, R 111. llJdi.
Carivlun A. Hanunoml and vlfd* to
•trt-. Smith, lot lb. bik. 4. Oakwoud.

Them %

John Bebon* and wile to &rt J.
Case, tot ;e. bik. 2. Ktngsi«9'. IffS.
Alice X. PalmeBter to John F. Haden. nt» lot l». Wk. 2. H. L. A Co'* ’
Busk- M. x'aiker
Auumda M. Crahjo: u> Harieti F.
Robey, rail but 2:
w 1. bik. X.

BOttorand Mutgr

It s imliy w.tfnJrriul mbst bemiafdl
;r. irK-»pencrK.-*J pefwm cun'
rukr «iTh •CMbM'B Cr^ hpCTe
O'w rujrt-ri-aar Aowen SDXgWtol ym
inugtiie thvi; f-Tigrxnce ; Gitk^t»
I drimm . ]->ni. xiiJ Csadk Sb^es.
Curtaiiu, rtmw* Pot Covesa, Ic*
C'lp*. UnwB.,n Uorr. Wa«w Mad,
ht»k H.4Jcr. Hau. sml Cmnitwas,
.irJ crtiilesx <iilicr r>e ^ielieho.

T 25. R ... .. .
A. R. Hiiunaford to X'. X. White
parc-ls Oak Ht-igtatt. «11«t
Dlwcrd A. KIkb-e aad wife lo Smith
Realty C'o.. tK-'» .d Dw>.* scc. 21. T 2T
R tv. IS—

Traverse City Markets


PB4WK-. hu-., the mittral; and
■t*< »uch a see the bemslifur ctearaxii eartririgMeni
botah. Wo luve •aetan7%«pt
Piper in cictr pUn color and tmt;
in tlic vrT)- latest decorstire

SSIKISSSS:::-;::*'Rye Dour. H. L. A Co.’s Best

(ingiun I
4 e«i of

I'ti (iHwe u-ho are doubtful of their
own nbiltt}'. wr give. RUX. s cotnplae
boob trf itrstioction emitled **Alt M|

, ii.'j

'Hiv best of rrrryTfaing in wjuuMaiy
t* here at the nght price.

City Book Store


* i« Co.
,0 x/L w..'*Moore, lots 2. 4.
and 21. jfik. 2. H.ITlrno.liy


White ,0 A. B. HairnMoM. Trmmra. Cttr Oealer.
l- .rael... ».T. F. T 2». R M. •I211II
ICId.r appl.-F. I« r rwi-----.20
B. F. Hokwmb i.> Wm. M. Vmlorlwbent . ..:...........................V.

> 2. 4. .
L A Co'A lllh. $«<vi.
Win. H. Bmilh smd wife
town, lot 6. 32. Iniert.
suit- or



Sv-,*! ...............
jSall. per bailer.

The Hobart Co.. Prop.

• •* ’••.Cloicr i-dod ___

J. Beacb to
w>,of *1,0
of n‘i of n
K If. Ilytt.


per puim'd..
EegF. per doieu___


OoveraorWramer'a attitude oward.
y grati­
le ipolronds has been especially
fying to the people of toe stale duriog
bis term of offtce. fwo yeais
ily declared by the demoernts
tbU ^ would be tbe tool of the big
doing bitsinesB to the
state, cialms-ftadebyihen
at tbnt UBie have been (uUy vtoilicated
by tbe course whkdi Governor Warner
bas pnraned toward every




Edwin 1. Lyon died M his homo. W3
Bute, street Tueaday night at S p. m.
after-memths of soDertng with Briglil's
disease. Deceased was C3 years of
His wife, a son. Waller, and tl.tev
dougbters. Mr*. Allen Smith. Mr*.
Gemiu lAckey and Miss Mattlv L;oii
nttninj hl« toss besides several grand
ddldr^i. Mr. Idon fans been a lesl

ef tUa dty dbotdd be
iNiyyikttUac to tba paople at tbe

Cttr ttc« «h todtatrlw and dednios
ftat liamr ta tba atate makaa a bettar iMOIte ttaa-tMa. It U pwttfralao. tbat there baa beesi
•ptMAMeofM peroent is tbe workIB (bo dty orer teat y««r.
ntolMMeot wtU beonrprtatai
r labortn# t.,_
ntber'lhaa^ In-

• .It IS
. Trpv
.4m.OMTh*ionrifT ream tobeprood
iTfcfO-fWCWia. end If crerr dtten
....................r to the
■psPBBl la hit

A , very pleamal wel
ti« was tonderad tbe ftev. FranVHn
MnrwTlIh and tbe Rev. Mary Moon
Meredith at tbe Friends Hiareb Tues­
day nighi. Despite the fact that there
warn a Urge number of other attrac
ttons. ttere was a large waaber pres­
ent and toe new paatora were given
very hearty greeting.
After a very plcutog piticran
matde and reeltatlans tbe pastors waa eseeUent address deUvared

The firemen at tbe Cnra Ftr.-et eugine bouse bsvc just received a loi of
douMe-breaiited. Uoo llanud overRblrts which they will use to keeping
Jack Prosi away during fh<* evuninu


Houses claiming to be Leadersof Fashion and showing Coau
40 and 42 Inches long and claiming them to be bargains at
SI2.50 or $15.00are displaying either last years’ goods or
else goods that havfe been made up wrong for this season. The
correct lengthTs either 48, 50 or 52 inches and these are the
garments we advertise. Most of our garments are SO to 52 In.
long and in some cases 54 inches. You can find no prettier
garments at the prices anywhere in America than the ones we
are showing right now at

and coffee wera eerre*.
Mr. sad Mrr Merndlth bafto their
wnrtt to this elty
fnl to

MMMMitratlM bae baea
«• mtoMlitMU to tba Boat-eritkal

umrtim^n «tlm MMa m Ms

Tbe Wtowtag ^ the program:


Totol aeto. Arte
d^MM^in ii sMag tbe vM ratoMatidaMa and galtar aeleciloas.
■Ml ■MMMiHin ■•< it Is M to nay BaxamMston.
Badtatlai. Miss Brawn.
Daat. Ulsaea Grace Wrlgfai
Marie WUMana.
Violto aole. Mr. BaardMoy.
Addrws at wMeoae. lobs Tramsta).
Otordtfto'Wtover wm be bme this
Banartes. tbe Ber. aad Uru- Mary
Ur. Reliey and Hon. Meredffb.
fT*t 0. INttoora. taadtOato (Or auto
' Miss Btttols.
tolBtor *1 (Wt dlaulct. and all torw
•Mitolltni aaormsi it the meMlng
to tftn- OrMid •!»»• boaae. Tbere
'iDoeat Reason, a ptonaer <)( TravsbMM be a tntl hoam to greet this
crae City, died at hit boCM. 131 North
Itoruee street al 5:M Mooday afterbdw lB Bdml4he dMdiMiiilir eg get- noon of bann trouble at tbe age uf
tlaggto to CnJImMa at tbe oumtog 4*ee- ; ymrs.
Mr. Neaaon was taken saddenly m
(MBBwaak(TIMtoday. Ittagatta
Sunday nlgM and rapMly grew worse
aatll death took place. He Imre-,
torse soot aad (our daa^ten. hi*
wUe baring died to May. He bas lived
to toe etty about thirty yeara nufl
persbd In tbe ralon army daring the
rtrU way. Ha wtU ba bnrtad from the
AShoty Mattedtat dun^ tomnnow at
1:W. the aervtoM being to charge ui
to thM Mate to aa eff year.
HW tram the rae«pilna (be got-

toe G . A. B.

SIO, $12.50, SIS, 111 anf 122.50
These Garments are Leaders in- every

Waists, Too

and $5.00.

You’ll lind here ooe of the greatest ilispJays of pretty waJsts ever shown by any
house. New onc.s received almost every day. Vel^ clever styles at $ I .$ 1.26.

$ 1.50. $2.00 and $2.50. Elegant Silk and Net Waists at $2.98. $3.98
Beautiful Plaid Silk Waists in a variety of colorings atonly $5.00

Golf Gloves in Regular or Elbow Lengths, all colors and sizes.
A big line of the regulation lengths with nice long
wrists, made of best yarn.that arc
warm and (it the hand nice, at....


We sell at....................................


VJoderwoar and IHosiory

OR. BNYDER. wlto haa bMO ill for
tha laat twa mpnUia with typhoid
ai^ Mr tad Mrt. Mere- (ever, wiahea to annmmea to tht pub­
lic that he capaeta to be <n hia effics.
to reeMme praetiee Mender, Nev. &.

I bis rutolac

tllVl V.nMlwr.



iW tbe Bnnday attoodl.
TTWmalns'B srords were UMorad


.«3H '-----------------------

‘Tallow .:....

sthlements' were so deer ntn Store at lUc comer of Wrtllngtou eni:
proved ^ ptolnly as to leave no roon Frotu which his son now operaif*.
for wtioteisy or nd>-ens> argumcni sms an tdd and mneh resp<^ed n>, tn
Mr. Webster obio dddrestfod Hr licr of the First Methodist church and
leaves many friends to sjmpathiiv
■eettog tost night and dclKored 1
with the famliv.
qttobdld speedi. He reviewed tbe eon,
dUtons to tbe stote and gave conaWcfl
Went Ashore.
aUe detail not touched upon by the
The launch Itoltoto. usaud by J. W I
goretTOT. which was especially totcr- MlUIV-cn. George W. lArdle and E. .1
esUv and of value for tbe consldera- Fulgbum kc-iit nsboro at East Ita; lit
tloB of voter* at the ootnlng election
the hea\-y storm Baturduy Ugbt. For
The meeting wa.* a s-plondid snccess tunatcLv. tbe boat Oiled wKb water sai!
and tbe governor left this momlitg sand almost at one- and was not mnleaving a muck slmager tatpreaston tcrially damaged, the heavy »elrtii*|
DpOD toe people than b* dM two ywars keeping It from pounding.
ago. having by Useourae to tbe exccu-' The liuinch bad been at tie ai
live chair Inspired a conUdeitce v
ingF for some time and the chain
tbe people wUl ebeerfoUy repose to fouled In the anchor, causing h
hint for another two ycaw.
drag. The Williams launch was also
anchor but rode out tbe suimi
wliboui any damage..






Traverse City

Everything that's good in Underwear and Hosiery you'll find here at satisfactory prices

Silks! Silks! Silks!

Lay Ifw Foundation
of yoor future

:i9 c«riy forminit Ih- r.i.l,ii
to nre hotne of }'9ur ti-m

'“wiffill issist In
with A Blue 8sTingt Boot,
on whioh we trill pay <( per
cent iatentot. compotmaed
tyrice a yeBr,
Or will i«Bue a
Oerti&Hto al Demil
drswuig «une rate uio-:
mat. if desirtkl.
All depoaita io thiabask
XT pot-al^on DEHAKD.

Trarerse Qly
SUtc Bank
Thu OUtiM. Lamest aod
8tnxig*at Beak in Xorthera Micbisna-

Black Dress Goods.

This is one of the most oamplete
Some extraordinary values i roin; departments in the store with all the
ihb department that will pay ymi
latest popular weaves and every
piece tliis seasons purchase. We
27 inch genuine Imported Mabutai 1 only memion one or two numbers
Wash Silk. The regular
QQ 4-NUhat arc tixira good.
E.xtra special
36 inch Fine Black Armuse
Blue. Yellow,
in Pink.
t inK. Diuc.
icHww, Green. G.-irdi-j WoriL T-Y «HHs. at............. r.
nal; also Cream and White.
20 Inch Slack Taffeta Sljk
Pure silk, briffhi lustre, soft KQ^;
finish, wonh *:«.our special
cloth*, al! cx< cptioiial values.
19 inch Colored Taffeta
Special -.

Yard Wlde Black Taffeta
' uirwt rcUsl:4e brAod<.
[1 we aek ie e cliasa-

Colored Dress Gooijs.

icao ouutfo.
FBEcynavrm '
Fiacy OevlBto...
iBrWMePtolte ..
aedBts (NaiB cbIbtsi
3A lack PtolB Bshtin
M lack All wBd Sergn


46llnch Rainproof Suitins
85 cent value for......... 75c
54 Inch Shadow Plaids
$1.25 values for.................$1.00
60 Inch Fancy Clcsakings
Extra heavy: nobby utf\ee $1.75
Astrachan and Bearskin
For Children's Coats
Yard Wide Lining Satin
Guaranteed for - two seasons. ^

Traverse Gity, Michigan.

vMch hu be«n la OM OB

2Sii _

fta tm oMd # tM
wmr oad
eJ»il Mr
«ad IlU
Iiu oew •Ctool •MTk*.
tM$jm It ^ *«!■ preMrr«d *&d Ib good worktBfforter. Mr. Waliw to oolte B fBTM• '
Ue maMt tt* old ooldtoi* of FWe Itoke
u wM u etoowbero in Ibe oountr.
haring doUrrrod •wf«l Momoriol *d-

.'flonettato m Ow sMr tutaro the
BWh whocd ehorw will pot *<m
t. The dwniB now
Bdghty TOlCCB nod i«
rwdha of Mtoa Hooker
le Bueeew with the
■re ww being held on «n
id *n»M Ye the Fnth
ei-hy-C. ». ftm and “Otoria" from
Memaere TwriRb' Maa
A LMtiKh fUperlanoe.
Areble Oilleit hnd aa expertnoe
with Wi- Uuneh yesierday after
which nearly real him n rold diieklng


d/mmimM I

'^obn Ryan a well-todo farmer, lies
D at b!s euSB
of an«#et as Ute retwo miles
anil of inning, from an apple tree andi}^f^J^,w'



James DomlBC. one of the best! *^
kndwo Keiiaad resMcats of Miekigaii. “ “
aad one of Uic largest cetery growero
pf Kalamacoo. died Mooday night
aged «£ pears
Prank Allen of fllraingbam. aged
a it«i B. wdkOT'. Jadav •
7& was stricken with paralysis Mon­
day. He was a laborer and imusiislrong. ReeeoUy tour goneratioas
■.porpOTliiwmbrlMls-1 will ssd
of bis family were employed on ibe
.cotxtoV «Md. »o*r<w 01eta< <d
same Job.
MtaiM.4 w> Pt-aatr. sad tkgi th*
rsika of isld •sia>- !• grSBUd In
With ttvc out of seven of their pillar
bolee llllod gf> feet with water and the
other (WO in immlneot danger of col­
lapse. doDtnetors in x^barge of the
fnundatioB of the Pord skysrraper ar
Detroit believe they have struck an
underground lake. The water, which
secBSs to he about the same height
In alt the htdra. can only he pumped
the surface by mariiinery lowered
Prod A. Rodgers, newly elected
into the caissons, and even (ben it Is
grand maiuer of tbe 1.
O. F- and
tq- no meting eertnln tbe pumps will
^ts. Olive Earing, newly elected pressraric fast enoogb In keep hack tbe
Mem of the Dunghiers of Rebeknh.
(Me. or (bat the wails will not care
are both members of the fMadIng
In once more ns they did Saturday
night- Contractor Duibodi eoofegsed lodger. Mr. Rodgers resldln^b‘ro(bat ut^iesa the powerful Battle Creek- ThlB is the first time that i» heads
pumps which have been seal for re­ of iwth bronebes of tbe orier have


"■’KSlK.'S.'SfSS .


Mis. Vmak Me^ li > In JerkM With tgph^ «mr ud her ktubuid Mh fw that ottr thU fDoniag.
Lwtea l>uehla w«tt hoattac Bntordar. Be didn’t bare noeh tack with
tlH tdrda tiM an thtrsear iMck idekod

W. W. mtoeklM toft dor BooU Maab
ton Uiakd todar vbhre'llr. ftMdk)
wl» )o^ dfter-S. S. Horgu'a timber^
IV tBtdrMrts. Thev ia dUlI ewdA
work te keep the atll knar natfl isae..
The w«kliietT^ the-«»d plant of
the Ovsl Wood'ottb dmipaar-----toned- o«T today preparatory
etartlng loagrrew ■teniae tor J5caenaod’a ran. WMe the oU mm will
atart teeoWPi. the «ew pint will ant
be nafr' hefon Ab. i;
' ~
ead Mtoa onbert
R.O. We»w
were salted 1« attfrlece Bmday momleg et a auoek- at the Biaa«eUeal
poreeaase by the BerjK. N. HOtadide:
The bpatami.wai Oarar Core .and
J, i. Hu&au. dr., of HaaUtee. worn
to Mtoltoe Mooday to take cOtarge of
the ierrey or .Oaa i. djbcctaoa.
Aiberun ms ooopMied to take his
mee off tbo work oe eoeosat id the
etaatoaetioe of two large pepor
la wtben Miehom ead fa
wblelt be wm

per Bushel

. for Vinter Apples
All Varieties except
Sweets and Snow



s era voi^ a]^ briakly'
MvMik»t-dm« •«« «foraafr
;y loeda aday for this week.
) to raaglBt from 27
be ipetm^aan-far aMpptnK
lag the atoA op ta the
It ^ Ue city mad ihrougboot

I tenth grade lyceon eieetad ofgTiWBdey aftenooB at the etoac
*001 rrtw wm pnaide orer the
■ I for: the neat foor weeks
:presldnX Boland
. Alfred IMaao;

Silty Waks to 11.15

Istakro interwaUr.asd
—■ —‘morounortaeM

matter of sabsortblng for Use Youth'-*
Companion. Tbe publtobcrs otter
send to erery ira* aubscriber for 1*07
-at oBoe wnliF tbo subscriptloB
price. »i.76. all the issues for the
malning weeks of 1M6 free.
TYie IssiiA will emtiain nwrly sn
ompiote Btorira. besides the bpeoiog
chapters of Hamlin Carlnnd'a serial.
-The Long Troll"—all In addlllon
tbe 88 Wmes of 1P07.
Whatever your age. tdx. sixteen
sUty. you wiU tod The oompanlon to
be your paper. It touches every
intemt la life—every Intereat
promotes eheerfulneu. develops
ebarnUar. enlarges tbe naderatandlag
and instil) Ideas of true patriotism.
Poll fllostrated aaimineemnit
Tbe Companion for IM? will he sent
any address free with aa
tbe paper.
•w subacribera will receive a gin
of Tbe Ompanton's PbarLraf, llangi^ Calendar for )»07. liihograpbi
tMve colors and gold'.
Subscribers who get new aubacrlpUoos wUI -raeelve >l«.S»(kM la
and many other mnelal awarda Bead
tor InfonnaUon.
114 Bericeley Street,
Bostoa. Maat.

issued to

to tbe report of
for tbe pomoftoe departs
year tmdlng Jane M. l»0C.
free bcIheTy po»iottlce»
Trav^ City, tbo rceetpU In iSfC
re*.tt4-MJ: while la JSM they were
f2^{}C. an hiereaae Of tl.hkSOntilta
l «7^1 1
Manistee from $12X34 to S!0.
loskey from ttis.isb 10 Ifi.flci.
U vM be BotloEd that Tiaseise~CI(>
.(be BUTToundlng.cIttoo In (aRat'i
M «|elpii


hnvo made County a«^


Rag Cirpet



h) Colder Weather
Warmer Footwear
You Win Buy

Wlcre You Can Buy The Cheapest

We can Prove to You
That This Store is That Place


39c a yard




CorkLinoieuni Straw Mattiag finiasBis Rags

22 cent ({uality at

Fine Patterns.


SOcasq.yd. I5c a yard

Sell You the Finest Quality of

Hard Coal
You should order NOW and have il delivered. Then you .will have it ubeo needed
and no danger of running out. We can handle all orders now^ but cannot
answer for them a little later. Come and see us. or telephone your
order, and we will look carefully after your interests,
3i)d you will have nothing to regret.

Stoves and Coal

Kew JapaaeaeVare

Are .he most eeonomicel and eaUy



Men’s H in. Leather Top with Soiled Edge .Snap 0^7 OC
5roof Robber.....................................................................
Women's Felt Shoes. Leather Soles, with leather
Women’s All Fell Stines, jnat what you nc.xl to
slip OB sroood the hoate.
Wonxm's Warm Slippera. leniher. soles.
I- Cbildmi's Felt Shoes, leotber solos.
*ies8to6................... .....................................................

Our 7<cw an<I

CiTSlal Glassware
(Jim Received^
Is of moa> nttiwetlve design In
cxiru hravy wetohl, yet of t
surpnaaitig brilliancy, and wtU
l>0 sure lo capture your admins
tlon^ wliOc odr low prices make
it rosy to bny then.



We sell
a Branil of Rubbers that
We can stand Behind


Coal Heaters

Base Burners
Air-Tight Heaters

|> Ht'o'a Wort: Shoes, made of ben^. good wear- ^ 1
ing leather, in either gram nr (mlf........................ • / «7

Kotbing more popular for Hol­
iday clfta than'a nice piece of
Ko mlBinke wit) be made lu
b^C Ibeso sooils early thU
* j^r. owing to the imnsiial d*-U tor them.


Go togetlier. We are truly the Stove Some ol the best you will hod lo the city
Headquarters, having the greatest stock and the j^atest stock to sdea from,
of stoves, biggest assortment of sizes These cost you from $14 to $86.
and prices that will attract instant at­


All we ask is that you come to the store
and talk it over with us

H«»’» Lumber AreUc* with heel aniY roUed edge- 01
h in. wnherproof «inras top..............^................... np 1 •§ vf



Crax firass

35c a yard.

special until sold.
feet wide.

Ingrain carpet, pretty Matting. 50 cent kind.
pattern. WorthA&c

Good Qmality^

They most Ite good-sized,

ScUlr/r Of JGCD 3nC£o

Don't you want a new carpet, or linoleum, or per­
haps just a matting to make your home more some­
what more cheerful for the long wintei days, it
not only helps out in appearance but mafcas<!^^.
the floor warmer for the little ones to play
on. See what a little money will do
just now. -

wiiidfaBp or eider nppka.

PM tbe Aidrty-foorth (tone A poo■Mil L, Sannk PiAier. who Itvea
at tl diy. w)lt soon atart out for tbe
■p^ tenlnaak after d^. Mr.
la • yeara ^d and tor tfilny-fow

Joraasa^w^re atoo

Hov About Your Floois?

■oimd BtXik aod free from

‘ 'Jhaw be attended the endbete.’ Inifc end eaeoeHHon. Tbirre w«ee
tha uteajaMa and the effalr was
eoeafol In the history "f


The tat. which is a alxleen-footer.
was lying in the river onr the Wetptetong clnb and Mr. omett wanted
to-take It neross the bay to the
Fb«e where there is a good anchorage. There was only about sU feel o(
(haanel left hut he managed to make
thnt golBg oot. Alter he bad crossed
the her be altempied Id awing the
boat around and bead for the west
aboro 'but' the wave* and wind made
t)ito almost Impossible and be wi
acorly to the Oral Wood Dish «
jmnya dock before he vns able
tan craond., Mr. OtUett then beaded
duce the wnter at once, tbe scheme of.
for tbe month of the rirer and smooth
basing tbe fouodatiao on cement pilThe boat atrock the bar
tars may have to be nbnndoned.
iteWtag. gtond, aasd
eral ttDM but kept right side up sod
MS afeerrd tato ibe river again.
Forty piipllH in Unslng school have pSpyytlCDfT (s
Swdnaw Bogar '|•eel factories ftoml<-J with beets,
Prom Tuesdays Becord.
San Jose scale (hrealcns peach in­
Mra. Bm|na Slevefls returned
dustry of state.
V. M. r. A. at I.aBRing JApogci lo
ICslamam tbts awning aHer visiting
rrieads in this vielnity.
Mr. and Mrs. Josrpb Ebicrt. for 40
Mrs. George Priest and daughter, years resideais rtf Montcalm county.
who have been vtolUag relatives la tbe ....... iroied golden wedding anniverrity. left for their home In pellston
this monlng.
Mrs. George p. Knowles left for Pi.
wmteBHMSBuda. where abe win Join
Amasa Frosi. ooce wcIMovio man,
died 4n Rt. Clair eonnly house, aged
Mrs. M. HoUsnd of MnnlMlqnc. ,CT years.
pasoed tbropgh Oie city on her way to
Loiber this mwnlng where sbe will
h\iptisi el
deliv^ at onrfactory.
viMt frienda



•Uto Mm
»b Blewrama. aged n. a pioreiddeat of Ottawvdibd Mostday
Mrs. Snsaa Marfcee. of Port Haroa,
aged M. went badt to bed after gelung ber buabaad's breakfM Toeoday.
and MS fonad dead aome Ume later,

The finest Hqc of Base Burner Coal

Cook Stoves

**Oak" Heaters

It will be bard to find a better assortment
You know there is but ONE "Round —all the newest improvements. You can
these frpni $14 to $:<0.
Oak" and we are the sole agents for this
celebrated stove. Everj' j’ear our sales
increase and «e want you toonn one.
.N’ou’ll never regret it. These sell from
“Mejestic*' Range*
$1H to $:io.
j •
Are the tried kind that stand the tesu
------4----- -P •
No.hoiisewife should be without a "Ma­
jestic” Range. So much time is saved.
Square Wood Heaters
You can keep house better. Wc have
-That are such "Warmers.” There are all manner of styles and they sell from
$2s to $68.
several sizes and sell from $7 to $’26.

S™ ‘A’fTkllil! am”
JnCKviAIlilLC LU. I dealers in everything.

• j

. I


Grand TYaverse Region.


HMifB IM. they My b* ■

Mrs. Jobs Thoresoo and danshter
have. rrtnrtied
_ _
home after a two
woekr nalt
Tt»u with Mr*.
------ Thoreaob'a
------- daoxhtar. Mr*. R. K«wnui. of TritwoCltr.
Oct. M.

Mr*. Now bis foOB to mnkfort
for •ever*) woHu' vUll with oM ltn«
' GUbm Womor hu Roae to ManU
too to TiaU hi* BoUier Md other r«UMveo.
Rtnrert OUrer wd ftkilly bare awr«d bare fron Port Onalda, and arooceupyfsc the Moore hooM.
nuk TolOe and faBiliy bare morod
from the farm to their bon*« in towr
for the winter to be near the achoo).
The Koiaen Co. taat week lold aer
wn apaii
*p*n <M
of ovnM-a
boraea wlOi
wiui tbHr
uinr uameiHM»,
«lao aU their cnaaplns ontfit. to Mr.
Balllran. a* they arc cIoelnK up tbelr
Intnberlnjt bualnc** hefe.
The farmer* are Improrln* thia

looka Ap if winter had come In

4M FrWap nML Oct. SC. She was
taken to Baldwin today to be bnrted.
Ins. 11 bel&c b«r «lKbte«ath I
Mbs. Coonover was well Uked by all
A fla« H«» » cxpecte^.
who knew her.
Hr. u»d Hr*. OrU hut* wi
*1^ suve ffliO Ant down last week
H. RSrehner and family wUl------1 Brane City the ttrst t next n
Hex Rice te on the si...t list.
spend the erenlns with
Mm. Dfll-s grandfatber. N. P.
tbonph the party bad been ptenned by
been eteltlng her. Mr. Pierce will
-'aekmen 8. 6. '
celehrate hta 98ih birthd-»' Nov. i.
family bad not beard one i
He is veryraeiive and will make hte
which made the part^ a complete
priae. Oamea were jaayed. Eefteah- home la Manistee with another danghmenta were served, and nil on departOct. ».
Ine expressed ibcmaelve* as hnvinR

a. Pray.
Onr teartier. Hr Marsh, commented
aehool this morolag. after two weeks'
Mina Hammond, who has be« warktng at Onany this summer, r
home a few day* ago.
• •
is bn
ballding a
Ora Phlrbanka of Traverse City
In the neighborhood a few days ago.
Mr. Hall.........................
1. the H. 4-L. Merc- Co. n
was he
aecount of the severe illues* of their
dangbter. Mn>. Loyal Scott. .
Tom Pray drove to Traverse City
cne day lan week.
A. G. Fairbanks made a trip lo Traverne City Saturday
Art Boismer I*( heme again <m
One of Ed Pray'* kne bound pups
run OUT by «hc P.


i V.

Most of the farmer* of this neighbor
1 be greatly missed. 'hood are ihnragb digging ptAstoer.
The crop ha* turned out better
and Mrs. Luoe have was expected at Hrat.
. . Shorter Is movto* bsck to take been reJdwia of MatchcU artybborMtes Rsxie-Vinton spent Satnrdayl
charse of his store. Mr. Shorter has bood for clahieeo yean and will move snd Sunday with her parenU at WUbeen in Travevae City three yeora. to their new borne In Fife Lake town­ liansburg.
and hU old friends nre very glad ao ship this week. Many coed wi<Aes
BtejdtMt Bigger te buDdlng a new adknow be M coming back.
follow them.
dltkui to hte house.
Grant Badley has gone to the lum­
1, 4.
r- •
Oeorgo Burkert.
3. Pwas In Lake
Calvin Coblenz died at.tate home
o«. ».
Ann on busiaess Monday.
i*ir Wexford last Saturday night of ber woods to work Ibis wlatcr.
Oci. JJ.
- .
and son Cart drove to
•phold fever. The family have the
Traverse City on buslnraa one dsy Ust
sympaiby of ib»lr many Mends In
their sorrow.
Charley Tucker U movln* back os
Peart Cook, who has been so 111 for
visited hero o^c
Mrs. 8.
Peek is borne frora Keyhis fsrm thU week.
is a Uitle better
■ past two weeks,
day Inst wertt.
•. where isbe has been caring for
, this writing.
Little Johnny Uchuky
ky Rt.
cot hi* hack
The enUre crop of applra though some of Ur. Wale's chlldrea. some of
broke near tbe shoulder by beioc (hte locality was lost by the hard frost whom have been sick with dipbiberla
of South KasMm.
Grant Brooks moved Tuesday
shoved off a bulldlnc.
Roy Beeman was i
three weeks ago
SdtoM begins Monday, Nov. 5. with ofOet.
. Mrs. S, U Peck's farm.
Mr. and Mrs.B.L.Ne«aen and bU caller Tharsday.
29Ur. und Mrs. George Peck and chil­
Miss .Mary Holton as teacher. Miss
k Ulpshlre
lire and
Bd Bla
brother Adolph of Smplre Mt yeati
Clara Hulton Is-gins her school at the
dren visited her mother. Mrs. Sutton
; Ing
g Bcr
her uaimMmt,
datachier. mi
Mri. Will Oee.
Vy to attead the celebraCoti of t
Hoiidak OKtri' t the same day.
Thursday at Ovlati.
ly of Sooth BasBon over Snnday.
' Frank
" '; SourarhalatB^nM^.
' ttinetecmb anniversary of tbe n
Wade Smith vtslfcd hte father
Tbe ground frorc hard last nlghl to Cedar Rim for Ben Johnson Friday
Hiss Keiia MTid George Brown i
the pa«
pan few ----Mrs. Oaenr Hooey and chlldrea O
Um Tor tbe
. rlace of their brotber. 3. O. Ne»a« .
and wtn stop potato digging for a few
• 'ItlOB o
OB dsy last w.-ek.
visilinK her- today.
Mr. Johnson has a new addition
Mrs. Pilters has been <ulte Ock tar
and wife, which will be held today, Dear Creek visited relatives
Mr. and Mr*. Svis Olson were vUll- dsy*.
ibe past week, but is some better at
in tbelr own beamifut homo In Maolti- frlendR here isst week.
U no school this week.
Joe Wxon is moving from Twin
his old house
Mrs. Elmer Crain and dauchter Inc J. Holton's today.
We hear Wm. Algulre ha* sold bte this
Hiss Florence Bernard was calling Mountain to Wexford.
ed and will have It aU «ntebed up.
E. C. Mors retoroed last week from
MHa Ida Nosarn. who te toaebinit ladle Ai
t Fred Horn's Sunday.
Mr. Beck will begin plartering Geo farm. Sorry to have Mr. Algulre leave Detroit.
ded ' , .
the Miller HQl. school, la bovloc a
Hi*. Root
n's little child I : Cast Kaasoa Sun
Oct. 29.
iat Mike Kovartk'a.
al of C. CoU^
Mrs. 8. 1- Peck came homo Friday
bat been visiting
School begin* In tbe Canada and night to move some of her goods to
borne Prtday.
MrK Pillars, reiarrasl
lato Selds.
Ramaey sehoote this morning after a make more room for the Brook* fhmSuttons Bay today oo account
Chat, Baum of WO<
Mr. and jirt.
A girts* sewlDK ejab wss formed
two weeks' vatatlon given ^ ebUdren
Mr*. Wm.
(t at Li
Un days am> and bad th«dr drat meet­
ilnder and will
Hike Kovarik la siding his granary
Gray*ing with Mias ReU Cook- Their awlie*' Aid of West Union wtll Woodss In
with peewed brick.
- the vicinity before returo-i ville.Mo.. "three of
ond mwUng was
serve dinner al G. Warren's on aleciverse
----ntly cured
lelUo Wostcott,
botb' meeuags are retloo day. Bverytme come and in
tlon on hli bouse.
Diseoveo'Aarf at*
! Wednesday evening. Oct. Jl. to brtp,
«*d as having been grently enjoyed.
;'s New
Fred Anderton. who has been III warm dinner ond help the ladles
Kttpng today.' One was trying to raise tome “<»*T to pay «» the M.
Mr*. JamM 0*Wl*M -et-Maple City
monoy for the new cbtmrch/
m-U bl* property and move to Ariaona. E. paraonay-at Ekjtaplds.
enlled on some erf............................
her old Mends
Mr. and Mr*. Ramsey returtie(a home
L Anderson is III al-es-.-i.- .n —. .at. week
but afiiT nslng New DiscovcTy a abort
last week.
Mr*. Nancy DUtAmaa
last week from southern
W. Clelanrt nnd A. Brnst h*ve pur- lime hr found It unn<<ct-ssary to do soMr*. D. A. CUraUe of Maple City ■rsc City vlslced Mends here a few
Mias Julia,and Chicago. Mr. Ramsey
itamplOD iptato digger, 1 regard Br. King's New Dlseoverr a •
chast'd a newr Chat
was hero la*t
- * with
-*• a flne
it week
■ lastd week, returning to her home
I found no better place In their jraveU
eh and sM John and the looM wonderlul nu>dlclbe In ctl
id's tod
I. J. Newmareh
of mtllinery.
Inal Friday.
Adam Secgmlllcr drovpMO Fife lAke lence." Surest cough and cold cut
Utxle and Louisa Johnson' than Grand Traverse county.
Mrs. Bstella Creglow. from Caasop(Bd Lnke Michigan was petfacUy
In the m ac ratio (hat iba
I Oet. 29.
nod Throat and laing hraler. Onaran- decrca:<e
• use of Dr^Kjng*B
................................ tlvos In this neli
neigh- made trip (0 Northpoft today.
ftwiana last night, mad* ao by a ter­
New Ufe PUla InMr. and Mrs. Reuben Wilson went to
d by Hannah )>nig 8ton\ 8. F
rible northwest wind, leaped over the
errase*. They save yon from dangra
Traverse City Ssturdsy night.
docks with ease and threw^the spray
The Ladies* Aid wore very plenant_ Sons. Uui^s City IHug
rfuick and painless fMeaite
Mix* Mabel CIcland roromed to her Soc ani »l. Tiftl lioules fn-e.
clear over FlahePs warebouae. No ly entertained at tbe home of Mliw
the Ills growtag
;hool near Monroe Center Bunday.
Mr*. Bert Gannett
a at Anna Martlh Thn
It of It. Strength and vigor al«W»
Mr. ond Mrs. J. Crannell ore vtelHng
^ w.« . sej.
Mrs. J. Little
d wind atOI After tying a com
Wends and reUtIves in Joyfleld.
aerrod the Indira to peanuU. applas
umrnMrs. I. J. Newmareh Is on the sick
and homemade candles, which v
TravM^ 'city\
St this week.
greally enjoyed hy thoee present.
) neatly
Mrs. Frink of North Milton te vlsit. Invitations are out for a lurprlBc *”ite.*Oonnover. who ha* had typhoid'TlBlllng bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. * ' Oct. 29.
nis at 01
School bepan MondayAtter a week**
tlon to KlTo «hr ohlMren a chance


Awarded First Grand Prize at the St. Louis Exposition


••Quick Meal”

A Range Is not bought every day. A dollar more or less does not determine^ wh^er a
cheap or dear. You want the best: that is the first consideration. The ^STING quali^ is
the main thing. Other points to be considered are--Hbw much fuei dj»s it require?
Is any part liabie to give out, to crack, break or warp? Does it utilize all the
boat your fuel produces and is it a perfect baker? Read below a few of
the strong points of a "QUICK MEAL" and you will readily see why
this perfect all steel range is the peer of ranges.
Is made ot

Th« Body
Hoo-t CIroulo'tlon

J miH wimn r^wm$


«f tea/ /ten* a* #*•

"Quick Meal"

walls of 16 gauge polished blue steel surrounding the Araars/ asbestos board built in ff«v range, thus giving ii

the grcn/cs/ strength aod heat retaining qualities possible.
'■"The hiari. drawn nrnfy acroK the ai/ir,- top of oi-en, down the back, then across the bottom; this gives the oven a circnlanon of hot air all aroond it leaving rr rrj- spot aid corner rr-ii!r heated This perfect heat circulation around the rnfrre
oven inside the asbestos packed trails gives the 'QUICK MEAL" a baiting power equalled by vu other range.
'"is one^ifTSre of cold rolledsteei pressed into ihape,-this/>rr/rr/oven formation leaves seams »r joints to work loose
and allow cold air or dust to get into the oven, or let the hot air escape. Its construction is such that it
or turn out of shape,retaining its perfectly level bottom.
Is extra long with sectional rxfitiasim fire front and back that lifts out without removing a s<»y/c bolt or screw. Guuifl mart
equipped with wood extension that will allow the entrance of a 22 inch stick of wood, if necessaiy. patent duplex grates for
either wood or hard or soft coal. cv/trrA free from u//rivets, screws or bolts to either bum out. or burn in so tight that the

THo' Ovor*



Quick IVIeal Steel Range

« tvfmi.

MPSP fa stfMW vftt

bljtb Cl

*TH« Wlrm Box
Tho Roaorvoir

NIoKlod Rorfco

parts cannot be removed.
Is so/U co^Jer. rxtra taJie. is heat^ by douil drum contact and is so adjusted tliat it requires no attenuon. No dampers to
confuse you or interfere with the draft of the range. They are attached so that they ru/r/t the heat without interferiog with
the yfr,- Joj-. mn, or top. With a "Quick Meal" range you can heat the top of the stove, the oven and the reservoir altax once
You don’t have to cool one to heat the otber.

........... .
■There is no cheap nickled cast iron in a "Quick Meal'. ctvry pie« '» i«" oickled rto/ that wUI mf tarnish, rust or peel.
----'An"QnTck Mral"'are now equipped with the very /.i/rw improved oven thermometers that work A-r/V//v.and aaaralr-

Ovon Thormomo'to *" If register the rxarl heat of the oven, doing away vtith the old system of guessing.
GraceW Md symmetrietd iith just .■.luvf/t highly polished nickied parts to give ,t the /,/y/, grade appearance that has done so
Oonorol Appooraino •much toward giving the "Quick Meal" its cm iable reputation.


Sold on the Very Easiest Kind of Easy Payments.
nt tidier *tmlmtdtmdmf n -I
/rafa/ mi /arfMow M*
tf mmmf” ^

iness proves is appreciated by the buying public.

You’re Trying the Goods all the Time You’re Buying Them.

ft is Mtn- U
/^«f aiMgMrf
mkkU fk«« fa *«7 #Am

‘•Quick Meal”
sums Hr m ttmth
bust in afar#


"Quick Meal"
TH* ««oir. kK-\lUl-K— *h. fo.-—lor.

oV -

Morv,. f-o—Ibl..


You Arc to Blame
IfTra AreSafforinewIth
Cnn Etcs ar
DcfccU,Te VUM
W« hsTC poUldial HttiiiiODid^
from maay wbo bare been cond
hf veering oar epeoiel groond

Ifothere. vb^Dotyoa?

I Dr. P. A. Wolfe. Pr«.
I .413414 WaiidnBU.

Ewminetinn Free.

Dr. E. L. Pa«lMB» Ass*t


qvlriclr br the well trained crew, bowTiM temm an bBAKnic Uw4r pou- orer. 9300 damage war dace. The
loss Is covered br Inturaace.
toM«m the put te« dara.
Tom KaMcmeiiM tBSdp • buioMK
Oci. 23.
' trip to Tnmu CUr oar day lut
MlM Dcdle CarrUgc w bow rlerklag
n M. Haaibame ,
WllUaa neber U okrfclnf ia the
Ip riiiMA^Ir pareeta, Mr. aad Xra.
lorec - - (koTKe Liar tor a wmE. Tbor ntarsMm.
oe to itelr home te Tramop CItr m. but u KtiaiBic.
WodModar Uat.
Two o( Ed Orm'K eldest children
Bob Olirar and euaSr ban moved are eonflned to the boose with dkiekea
to olea Arbor.
PMor Bnrfteiid loot a raloabie borsr ^Siua MatT Parr oC Trarewe CUr
laM Mondar.
as Ibe guest of Miss nomoe CmOle Olam______
w Ssurdar sad Suadar.
the paai vwb. bot I
Mr. sad Mrs. A. W. Ormboit of Trav­
erse Citr were gnesCa of Mr. pod Mia.
> Oct. a.
J. O.Crotaeronr Bandar.
Miss Bernice SUason was a gnest
SoBinlt atr friends Sands}-.
»kla beuaratthia
O. W. Paiber was la Kalaniato.
___ __
Wtw baa been aateHer latter part of last week on boslM
fraei a toothache the poet wedc.
Oscar Slmpota was Is town rrom
aehool bvm thip Aorahic. after a Traverse Otr tee Utter mr of the
two veehc raeetkie.
we«h on a basUeas trip. ^
Mrm.BankU atariasTitbherdangbJohn Sebooe U bavt _ _________
ter. Bn. Pearod. betplaK eve ter Mr. smith abop moved from iu old location
fverad. who It verr aick at thla vTit- n Blair Mreet to hU aewlr puichasd prt^rtr on Browason aveoae.
**fter. Wood of Oravs bosea rertrsl
A partr of Indiana people hare .eell■ee^^lm at the ftSee aehooi bow Jed on what U taadliartr kaowa as
the old LUnan plaoe. TheT hare made
iatproremmts on the bouse both laaide and oot
thia MlthborboodL and the jieU
Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. Hoedln. wbo left
BOiDo tilde la September for Soutbera
A. Aiftbap or Mantoa. stared all CalUonta. retnraed Moodar to Kings. Btsht vllh to* dMtator, Mr«. H. War- ter. Tb^ stated that tber liked the
reo. boe alpht 3t veek.
onoBtiT. but that labor eoadUions
Bucb teat Cbaries, wbo U a ma
could not obUIn emplormeai ualesi
was a unloe man. and, not bdag oae,
Ted SK-------- tber would ncH alio# bln to Joli
Beta tail FrMap. . ^ .
Charies thinks that Michigan U go
n«d flanoSlMe of North Manitoe. Aooneb for plm at least thla wlni. .
I A teir boon Id teVn Wedi
but be ears that be likes the west,
and Intcnda to return in the future.
d Alfred Ki4aoa
GubematorUl esndidate Cbariea
iap eAool at Travene Kimmerte. and Coni^esaloiuil candi­
e ter a fev
w dan' raca- date Arthur J. Lacr. addressed a ttnall
crowd at the town ball this afternoon.
Mn, Bert Brotra. wbo baa been tdtt Potitical heat baa not beon at high
tensloo la this secUou this fall, which
tact undoubtedlr accoonu for the
the Wvser hooee sod vfll ocenpp u SBiaU audiences which greet candl■ ta tee near fMere.
dates of Bit political tsiths in the
HlN iena Light. «bo apent the present esmpiUga.
' \ oMMer ie towe. maned to her hocae
Oct. ».
Flor was a Ledand

MiidtemaDeUmg Is regMered at
theXselaaia tor a tew weoka.
tUcMe Cederle took la the exeoraloa
to OAeua.

vun BtD
. ____________a at Ent.
riglatean thto week,
s Ogotel) of Travsne Citr
of Bor Pease and temUr.
■mn DsmUoTKeswIeh apent Sun­
s'««h ericads In town.
a. OMte Of Norteport prMcbed
a on Suadar test.
A< Camphe"

jtaeptW hU son
fansHy toe past
ta hb home la Petoaker Friday mom*“?Ua.; MacDimM Petarned to her
hocM Ip Dsv^t Tbnradar morraag.

Mia. »vlM^ MIm Bmma Wilson.
wh» Ml the nen moralng to spend
msaUbUe OnstaS arrived home toMlht am a,srerii'a rialt at Trarerse

It i* almost like work to pass coal on
tbe Illinois, where ho has boon work­
ing for shoot six weeks. Johnnie
made on trip to Cbieagn In the same
Oct, 20.

Wenn- Cbering Is on the sick MB.
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Bosch rt^
turned borne after spending a few days
with tbrir daughter Mrw. Dsrid
Fred Johnson, w-ho has kefs store
to ran the bust dock (or a number of
years at Ibis nlaoe. closed tbe deal
Friday wHb Tony and Charles Kroona.
”Te sn- alt very sorry to see Mr. John« leave hr-re. i«ii wt »-liih htm every
wcoss in tbe fnlnre.
Miss Anna Morse reibrnod bonil'’
rricaonvillr. IIL after spending
ag oi an mecinc light iwe«a
e^r rottage
rotiaee beyri
w~k at W
I gnMaa under eontrall Mrs. Elmer Rtonn


Good Clothing Sense
Oon’t let the cold u'eather chill your'CLOTiiiSG
|t’i)GMr\T. You must have warm weather judg■ment when you buy cold weather clothes. Have
-a-dear eye for STYLE, FIT and WORKMANSHIP.

In Other Words
Suppose-yon drop in and loojc over the Fall
Clothes wc have secured for the critical men of
this city and select one that is especially adapted
to you. OURS is a clean, handsome stock of
lings to worry you in your selection.

UnTonk'sConpiiiM ia HK


MHs Kste. Robinson and M. N«
were milted ia marriage at the t
of E. McCreadr. Jn.4eof the Sepi----omiri. at Vaneonrer. WsMl Mr. KeV
MO U engaged In the lasaber batlama.
Mr. and Mrs. Nrison wlQ reside in
The tneoiance claims, at the resalt of the reoeni Are. tl&MO. has been

Tberc is a rumor afloat that the new
buUdlng being erected on the property
of Tbos. Smith, north of town. Is to be
used as a saloon. This town has nev­
er had such a place of buslacu in the
forty or more years of Us existence
and it is slnceroly hoped that this
rumor is false.
Miss lUtiie NicboU of Kankakee,
ni.. wbo bas speat tbe past
omoths with her sister. Mrs. 1
ilbbs. starts f

Pumpkin Pis Supptr.
The cost OarfleM staging school wlU
give a pumpkin p»* supper Friday
evening at tbe borne of Bd. Btack.
Bast Bay-township. Evniyhody cor­
Mrs. Hohsrt Stochweil left PrMaj dially Invited.
jrand Ledge, to lola her husband.
ee be t

. . . . .
Card of Thanks.
and wbm tber wni maho their future
Wexford. Vteh.. Oct. 33. 1906.
borne. Tbelr many friends bore irgrel
Tfl our frieds one and all:—
very much to lose Mr. and Mrs. StockWe thank you lor your tnaay acts
wHi from their midst, but wish them
of klndncHS and sympathy, earing for
I tneccas In tbelr new home.
Miss Korn Oreeasmyre wbo «bas and burial of our busbaad aad father.
Mrs. Nellie Coblemx and funUy.
bees tpeadlag the summer si Peios‘
key «ras the guest of friendi: and rela- lX-1,
Uses bAe last week.
Long Lake aad Oarfleld Sunday
M. L. OIUIsplo expects
...'bool conroatlon wUI be held at tbe
-imlly Into raoi
Howard school bouse Saturday. Nor.
bouse this week.
The Woman's Bmbraldcrr Clnb. at in. ai in o'clock a. m.
the esplratioD of their flrat year of
cinbbood. elected tee foUowlag new
ofScers: Prm.. Mra. V. B. Hobbs:
Tice pres.. Mrs. Chas. Eaton: Secre­
The Tonth's Cot
tary. Mra B- I>- White; Treasurer.
among the attnettoas of Hs S3 lasuvn
Mis. Ed naatley.
Mr. Uls. wbo comes from (be ooate- In 1307.
e state, is vlslliint
TVss Huntfrnd
. H. Aym this week.
Jobs Qtady's team of colta, whMi meUcal papers, nervlceahle to youag
ir way to make In
was hlKhed la frost of the
too world, belpfnl In their tnsistea
thing and brake away and ran borne. on worihy tdeols In every reUtion
They left toe boggy on a tree -near
Vic Soodeld'B. but did no very serious life, naeful In tbe home—pari leularly
tbe tegular series. *Tni the Doctor
sepb Oal«. who was fomerty
tlon boss hero, but Is now stationed
Two Hundred and PHty
at Spans, was up aftor tals bonsebold
c^ial stories—bumorous
goods last week.
Ooorge Parksr, night opmator here character storlea. siorles of life no tee
and Ring Beeeham nlMit epeiwor
farm, ta the groat cities.
Brightly, hare liera exchanged a
King is home once ture.
Ocl. 23.
be Fire Serial Stories by flve Com-

Miss wSiale Oagaan -reftmied to
.MU U still
Traverse CUr this nbralag. after havTtbbitts Is better.
lag qtett Suadar with her pareau,
Robert Doboon Is re^^ low; apper
Mv. aad Mrs. Bam OagDea.
Mr. and Mra. Oenrge Dame qmt entlr losing strength every day.
Elba aark baa moved from Mast
SvBdar.ln Trareiae Citr.
ay. moring into the PhlUlp Tlbbett's
The SPoama't Qub wlQ amt with
Mia^R Kehl on Tnewlar afternoon.
Leon Brnckrit Is buying potatoes
Mli^MunM' Wrisler entertained
WjMfetle girls Pri^ evealag. the at the dock for Mr. Btackmaa. ^rlee
b belag her Mrthdsr. After a bolds at SO eeota Potatoes are moviw as pool
. better.
sari}- eremme has their poti____
-Thomaa arrived to- B|(^ «9e a toon star with Im pa^ dog but Joe Schmidt, wbo has about
2S acres ycl la the ground.
Tbe Dowd broteers are loading tbelr
^ Mia.»Sa* Wwter returned tonltel
froea a- two weeks- sUy at Trarerue shingle mill on thb ears. TT»e»- are
to locate
«tr. '
mn. wnilam Thomas

B Trarerae CHy.
• diww-Kt
• ■
s betel.
BQIr are oat anaoumring a dance
.to be gtren Hanowa'ee BlghL In the
town ban.
Fred Anderson«.who Mm near Hotwj^cnener. it rerr alrit with snieadl-


attar spcodlag eight or tea days is Cmpoalna't Pour-Leaf Hsnglag Cal­ stebograplier at Pttnttac. U also aotne- *"««
teHorte 'OW Red Hoose"
Tmrcne with her daughter. Mrs. endar ter 1397. UthogToptwd In tsrrire thing of an taveator. His latost pro-1« Loogmuadow, Haaa, which was,
colors and gold.
dncUoa U a njekvHii-tbc skil —«*«— hnilt 171 ynon sen. and has praaenM j
w aboea.
Tbe enataoief'
l>*tilt by Staton CoUdo. j ,
Mrs. D. P. TayW it galatog slowly. lions win receive SK,33a.oa la cash pote hlH tool la poritlun. drops a nick' '
‘Ji" Freoch and .Indlsu
Miss Lana Uck Is home from Trar- aad many- other speclsl awards. Send •llateesl«BndtbeMrtesofhnnbas;»«W‘«Dont nradect te achtag hate.
orse City. risRlag her parwte. Mr.'sad for intervatkm.
^ pad begin to revolve and o«lilstp.; *»»
" WlU get hrorSe'every
eve ysor.
Mrs. A. Lick.
.tag U applied by the macMae,
Braddoa. tbe popular noveiw.
Barlarhe Is n4uy k
kldsey Btes.
and au ortUnarx- shoo quickly
celebrated her seventieth birth
111 Berkeley street. Bottoa, MasA
To eura the
t sad uncle. Mr. and
rtettod 1
hlite polish. The device Is propetl‘>7 lan*!** her Aitywaeood hook, tbe hldgey*.
Mrs. B. Oibbs. a few days toA i
If you don't, ^her kldae}- Ilis M
od by an eleeirie motor. It is bow na,
312 50 for Vr best -known
ftbe attended tee pony at the I
An oU portrait of DaaM Goodwia. exhihitirm fa s Detroit rafe.
of Orta Unx last Tbursdsy Asaing.
**'■*«• ''LeOf Audley s Seerel “ Since
Ray Mathews and his brother ar a justice of tbe note supreme court,
then roval'ie» have been paid
from 1343 to lEK. has been rceeired
vlslitog their sister. -Mrs. Havens.
Osnsral News.
ion over s millioo eopie.. Miss Brau^ [ * Travetwe t ly eitlrea tells y«vs
the state eatdtnl and will be hung
Miss ardic Stankle te enterulnlnc

ro girl friODds from Hodges.
Voting maeblnes thrown o« by Sag­ tag-43etw and one of New T«rt'sbMt;“i
Mr*. W. A. M^rret. Cl W,-b«er
Mrs, Creglon- (row CnssopoKs
visiting her porcait. Mr. snd Mrs. inaw eouAclL
Jubn llaloK. and Ust Sunday Ur. and
Orer 1.003 children aader one year atlons and prominent in philanteiop.r.l ^Ize when a few davs ago she eootrib
iodn.-y troSi- 1
Mrs. Huleit entertained all of tbelr
Mr. MtllR is 8i.
] m.-a ll*-. from U-. 37.Vk>0..«.> i- ^swine wewk. ntwos aad deprew^.
ritOdren. About twenty-five were pres- of age died ia slate ia September.

ethaiMrsr. and Mrs. Hakes of Eekterd.
. . ____
. _
of her sis­ -iled within day- of each other of ly- \1rjjBia Foiyxeehnic Instltnip
ters and brother. Mrs. Crtsglow was rholrt fever.
RlarkrlMirs. Va_ b.-is been placed on ral-' ; iioaD s ivioBey nus.
married before her youngest sj«er was
nn the
pint- —
adjoining the pcseaf, _v,- 0 publir stat^menl regsrdlag
—- ,-win be a day that
State health department taresilgnt- the retired list as a peosloaer of the.-—'« doimeffreteil by I the owe
iwe of
« Doaa's
.. ................
d by all of the fam­ lag oonse of a large sumher of ,dea<i orioiic
II. 1, u,.
e> pills
..... ate —
at this time am
ily. Those present were: C. Barratl. flte I'oiiDd in Grand River.
I docatnr from Vtiginbi to reeeive tbri fi A
*^Iliir«»ed to rmdorse It.''
llulett, D. Pender, John Tllfont.
Henry Hu

The oldest riergyman ta ftngUnd
y,„ ai,,. ^
ftiee 6*
Revival la B^lst church. Saginaw distinrtiem.
... V
LuU. Eddie Cruko, tbelr sire*
Dr. James W. Bright »r the John# who still Is to'he br-arri from the pal leeols. Poster MfibuRl Co. BuSaio.
tondrvm and Mrs. Creglow.
Flta* wm use Tottag machine for
..Its. Bogart was called to Charlevoix
HmUiIns university- ha# completed an pit Is Rev. Thomas l.,ird. the dean of Newjrork. soW- ageaw for tbe Uolwd
by the severe Illness of her son first Ume at Noreaber vIocUea.
.edition of the go«p.'l of St. Idlke in tec BagliKh r.w
A. L..r™w. 0.0,1,.,
,, j,,,
■a ma
take DOtal
™.ir Pl»~r. AIM .1
« !S mr. .i,
« Kk., o. U...
„l t# Northamptonshire, wh-re he. siieni
o. Mn. d. Ho.1 Ibr n „.n.
,h. ,™,1, wbibrr. H, o .1.. „ mrl, hi# eariy life, and P is tniere«tl«g m
Cteplaln Raadall of Jackson prison inn several ruber volumes,
note that be presehed in one day two
party at the borne of HIM
re-eo part
From Wednesday^ BM«r
sty* bU “partahlooers“ gave over' The sbah of Persia finds relaxattou w-rmooM In a UtUe eburch of whieb
Ooldle lUlIlday.
Mrw. C. PhtlUprltleft for NaskvtBc to
Irw. Neat. Jamlseo .left Saturday ll.OAfl for ^erolenoas durlui: 1'^unm the affairs of state hi tee use of bs had bee* pastor seventy yr«r«.
for a two weeks' visit to relatives
the knitting needle. HeJ# said to he
Pestmastar Robbed.
Mrs. Nritie- Beljcnap aad 3tary Ote>
Camplatat has been mart-- a.-.t, :i„-'aolever knitter and is e>-ldi-ntly proud
C. W. Foul*, potimaster at River­
SelM^ bas resnmed after a vacation prosecuting aatonier o^lkin Il'ii. c,
tee aceanpllshmem. for srhen be ton. to-, aearty Wiu fa^s life and was left f.>r IVloskey today to lepfesrat
of two week* to acoommodate potato that ihp fish la Btack river ate eii i
was in England hr presented a pair of robbed of nil comfort, oceording to tee lorol W. C. T. r ladle* ta tbulr
Mr. aad Mrs. Warren Foster and tag kUled off as a rasuK of the refuse jMIk workings of hU own making to I bad chrome liver eomplsiai. which
.n. %..
nrifim j-it
tee prince
of tX-ibhbc
by b^.
tl Cro» I lh»
Mss. P. T. Petor«« wont to Fife
dsugfaler, Mrs. Fitzpatrick, have ar­ dumpod into the stream
led to such a sert-tv ease of jaundlr.rived from the stole of Now Totk aad srell Sugar Co, Deputy Game
Lake ladoy.
ihat even my finger nails turned
'C besn vUiling Mrs. Foster’s broth­ Henry Avery bag utki
Judge W. II. itmlor went to 3UBer. Prank Sayers. Ur. Foster bas come
isi.'e this mornUig where be wtU traawith tbe Idea of invesUac In a fane lip. and If ooodltioDs are te repre­ teii etmlilrj. Hhe was sent here by
sented a prnsocutioa of the tempany his gov.-rament of Fwmowa. Wben he
and making his borne Is this region.
>. Neuralgia. Wrak- sari l.uKlnes*.
Mr. abd Mrs. Blackaian moved to will be wtertod for vinlatkinjof tee goes hoate be is to eKtnhli«h n gi<
Route Boardmaa the last of tbe week. state Uwt. iCt to said that
oduratloonl Instituilon mo<U-h-d
rhewpist areldent
Opal HalUday was quite sick Friday.
Tbotnt#' Eieelrfe Oil. fliops the p
Addison McKearge Is today moviag by the tboosands are being
lliiginf's City Dro;; and heals the wound. AU drasE
is family into the house of Praah
man of gpringfletd. Mass., has pure- |
Waller M. Reason, clreiil
Ssym. vacated by Mr. Blackman.
Mrs. Thompson and Percy Thomp­
son returned home from Bnckley Satt”
nrday. They were
Mrs.'Seeley of that place.
Miss Eva Sieares. who h
snmmer here at the home of her friend

Hae Knapp. Ralph Barbonr. Once
Richmond and Holman F. Day. 'Tbm
will be a series, also, based upon Inci­
dents In Ameri^ history, musUnlive
of life aad lime In America from tbe
first coknlal pUniing to tbe close of
the riril war.
Om Thousand
short notes giving concisely, clearly
aad acenratcly the tmponant news
of the times la poMIr affairs, snd
the fields of scleace and Industry.
Thros Hundred
coBiribulors giving tasuranre teat
every need and every taste among
Companion raaders wUl be ssilsfled.
Governor Folk of Missouri. Edward
Everott Hale. Matgaret Delaod. Col.
T. V. nigglnson. Commander
Booth of the Solvation Army. Grn. A.
W. Croely and Ion Perdlc.-irts
among them.
Two Thousand.
oao-mlnute stories, anecdote#, bits ofj
humor—sketches which take not more
than a mlnate to read. They arc al-|
ways new. always wrti tola and Inj
grent quest by preacherk and after-dtaarr speakers. ’
A full aanouncoacnl of tbe new rol-:
umr will be sent with ample ooples'
of the paper to any addrras on re-!
quest. The new snbscrlW lof 1307,
who scads 31.75 for the new volnme at
once will reccire free alt tbe remain­
ing Issues for JSOC. Inclndlag the
doable bflilday Bombers; also Tbo

Sack Suits

In cheviots, cassimers and worst^s—coat
shaped to the waist, with the new deep center
vent. The lapels are wider this season, and the
general effect is very becoming to most men.

The overcoats share in change of cut,, shaped
to the figure, lapels heaiT and deep c-mer vent.
1 he popular materials are Melton. Frieze. Moulaise and Kerseys.

S7,50r$l0, $12, $15, $18,
$20 to $25


r o n -t S«r<

M^.WOVCMSM 1. mb.

tk« ekM«t kttaqttoa-«1 tbe Cntad


«Hva to crlpiAe tMi

Tm tti «l» thM» WM« ao____
forKbe feeblo miaM at Lajioar, mw
thwo *r*


la OtAe* aeetlona of the atate where
the MMa taea Moi itttaawd.
,aiM«M(!tat |0M ap Mt aat the j
'Kr-7*m ago in Qnaid -Tt«v
taal jw-th*
'TMWna Civ^ Omth.
Ttaaeiaaai thenmk«p the(Toat
srowih af Trawm Qt; l»

: tSafeattnaoB.


Mid (be Sje-akcr.
heeauee we have with
meerlnr. the wan who
ban been Boverntwof Mlrblpai forlhe
last two veers and who wUl le povmar for *e aett two.- tApplaase.i
. It.,


Pormo^^nd Hta. T-d r. WM«or.>
wmTn 1
**36 dauy.
»SM«M wir- -la 1»(M thei* were
invrmor. Wr. W«b»(er.
Mr. Wahar atalad that hla orponeDi 2J«t BMI mptoFcd. wenw
readinr a telesmm wf sood wlshei.^taM that th» Mdlonr Homo at dai^ or »14U.dOA wnH)-. an
f.-om Mr, tV-iworeHe then IntroOraad BapU* «m 4».ta0 more under of ^,000 in Trtvpfw CU} a
dumrt tltde Wehater. who v-as the
firvl rr>etl-er otthe-eVei
>aaTu ago. Itat rear, the «o*t of
Uek U tana«r iM atat# lax.

.ttaiuaee of the hme wa» tiw.OM. TlM.Borec«tDrott«tnm* lion for




net coat lo the date. tVtfitK) whita
apread on the tat roil b»mii* about
three and oaehalf conu « the ttionaand TaMtlaa.

The corenar didn't bcUevc that aa>'
I .imid I dOtoa reuMttwl
wmer apeoi for
»Ul -«il ilic 4MK #W« >f*T. I would
.wyUm «l?toS^lta«boineforoWwdUler..
V-tY«tt lo * )H>-,Mil>p tawy«n Mjr.
t Big I
ImmM' or Mr iwidwR nwi U^tsnd
Toiw«Mr«Kntr wbo dill «kA *0(0 for
Tlio BOVPfmor Mslo.l that Iho or
w»» MW-4MI tl|i> MMAOdaiDUlTatiOO
r ow-l roorr ihon tho fVlMM
nation foaribee roor* tteo. Ho
hrUe*«d I


By I

the «
abow that the actnal costa

I gcjtw.WM.
WOT dill.
■at'the t

a not fair to ehanpt
i wlih an to1 stale taxes

a tad aothtaa whalnrer to do. The 48b0>io« Is not prOd
by prapertr on tboetex Ust ten Ai>ais
_ nUorttr
aao But by Mw prepertr thar has
.. flnu iMjMitr of («,«».
________ boHcvo Ihoro in » d—orrot pome inio cnriMcaco alnoe then.
MM. laoicht who wo«»d mr iMi a
WM tad oWattr «re« foatteeo
Ten yoara a
nnrter free trade, there wm M92
lonen and 414
of theM wc*t> I
' , ml tiom *• noeb a* the elgbtr. eoold There hpnre* are Ukoo from the labor
ran Hut lOO aerea, for tbo «»* -ox- bureau and nte therefore aecunie. In
' iMdiare a* ho m hit elgMr. n
l»o there were lOl.OOO men ompKiyM
at nn oTcrnpe dally wane of $1.92. In
IS06. there w«*re 7.Sie faetorlos nnd
•SS.OM men men enipteycd at an averf
^dM j»
for axe dally wape of «.7S. The anm of
(J‘ fatal UooatdurinB the Wlnansadmltt- $9(wf,0M more Is .tally paid out
' Mtra!Mi. H would
prove that the ten years apo. Tlita incronxc of
d 4^1“
--------------■=^-tBrf«taniib« to haw Mta faptorles not only lowered the> xtni*
le Kovwior.
tax bnt tnnde the taxes In ibo-acricullural dtstriels teas.
In Cass county, where the dcmoeraimnrtidnie halls from, it was found
re noi i
uil'tha state tnxca had nctnally pone
Mr. Warner dowa la Bedtars and crals and had dcOCB llAflC creaaed 44.006 In the laai tea yoara.
Ton eHles in MMilpao paid the fa>
eraase and aUowed Mssiy. coubUm »
. the gat tan yearx^ mr*
pay Kws and nerar waa.Cbera n-year
■ yeartfaiio there were »«d atndeota In when the people aonld pay »bclr lanes
Today there are 9.400. easier than this year, s
thlilr-two eoMJiy aermaU
Primary Scheei Monay.
eotaty UBWnala are aenoaThe primary acbool ftmd comes from
In the atate ibei« are
railroad taxes. TVn years apo tfi.127
was distributed ovit (’.rand Trnvoiuo
«ad /l»r thoac .....................................
ronnly. Last yenr IJO.WS was sent
Not only the normals but the
hiwe and this year between the first
well art! kept busy
__ tenth
_ _ a
$7C.Sf» will ta
of Novambnr
dlwribntad among
the Oran.l TravI
craa eonoty i .....................trteta.
ymrs ago the CnlTenaty
ilVsia and VbP
had MM atodenti. Now
aou 9C«.nB more than It
ii paid
____Dvar 4iM. Ten rearn a«o
ware ealy IM atodeau at the
■ flMlege. now ihw are .
aad. Tea yMia ago the ina taken up.

MatdB Uiat


Clyde Webster.

bv the m,,.
....... boowov. He i«
inc bi« firw lerm
when the apeal
e of theme
M. Warner war oae

inaW* 1
: tile ,b^.ie

we ;
*^r Pivem^

be apphmsr'«-mn hina and »nud.
cdmlnioration ha- horn busi-.
te Bad

r:«^omle«l. He b^ al -


Vbe Mt^iaan! Hardm-Mi

will noi rdfn«- Ihi. !
Railway raetv




; «e#.too in the liiriara of Pari. Plaro

li tall U«'u cbsnte.! ibai th. pot. hotel.
were .
wonid be .he tool and friend ot' promt. Inrlndlatt three from the Wta
tu!. riuit
which i« eoauld„ lomm la rtUlway

ioroiu..* He has lieen ?itsll«aed ns
to he.xr the repona

on gradlac..^ tM
bo spere present in the bouse
roBialtitw on iM aaaifcet c^Hktas. .
advtsine theeo vouns tor« in
met ycsieclay
iirtn- bluster.
rd the
..............bluster. The Interests
rd the The
15^ ;.-j;;^”rtt-JB.y
Jn favor .d ■’'bes,- tw,
their tents lo the ft
"fOf Mlchicnn hsvc^nljm^eo^a^
Tlte milloadstenrri.M the af.e.neon,
aad not of the dead.
re has iw-en no .ll*cft«inatIon I-'- ,
■In Hie Rra.tins eojuTnltWs report were
“This Is n pn-nliar camnalen." said
FO ih.- o.e.1 oonerful eorpiirstiun' , .=iied tht lower oosm. Ooe side tart
Mr. Wel.ner.
“Ii is oowerfuily ilif- or tin
he ,«<e. buTTNe ci»taen. His Hfe .niim-ncrs
' j"'?
wwrkliia for mlllMis for
from IWH. 'T'ou
rriuember Is an insp’ttuion to enu-y yo
The oiartcr cojidltloa e
their cil.-nis tinrt al fe.-* for ibeial.ow. after a hard ami excltlnc sinic- who ba« nnihinx ivirv of him ♦ rnt Mfl-)
,.,0 thi- other the Hiaie hart ponr-dihat iher.. taaarB«4ty«faaaaj'
In Travert* City.
ale the rcpaldlean party catno tntn <«iy when be makes hbt start *"
Ih.- attorney p'B'tal worklhR fo. a ro-iLera hardwo
d absolute rontsol
In this city In IIH5 the denoaits
The speaker then ursod that every |,iiBr|ple.
Tim railroads puM over h:r.l TnsrU'.
Wt:ie $237.0ac.7e and ia IMS. «&««».vUiv rtn Ibelr dm V Iiy BOtntt to the polls nine millifeo dollars this yeor and
*8C.92, an Incraaae for the past ten
erlrtorslnc Fred M. Warner and' c.-ry yuartbey will pay oae and threecometeM. Miehlimii hnd w
years of $1.USA»1.1&.
seelni: th.n their'friend- so and do|qiinriee million
.hdlaps mote
- ('r Ike oU lau.
Mr. Warner tbeti showed lliai while
the state tax Increased $«M^inft the and In the nate and nailna there
Tlu- a. iion to tal. :i»ay the Mlchlproaneriiv and pcaee.
Tbere was'
Senatera By Direct VoU.
rate want down and ahowed why. Itari
SBin t'cniral ebnrii-r Iwoueht a six
nie lepobUcan party had a plaJlk in ,
year the counties o( Wayn^ Kent and jiionir of u-ork- for the Uhorews. aomi I
suit, TTlis hns
irluBied $249.AM.M<0 of jpiera for the farmer anil taerebant.l ,hr>ir ptatform i« elrei lumators hy the]
tb>' i->opk‘.
itoopk'. Oovernor
Oovernor ^ ^71.. «dsJ«Jri
\ deernr
nroaerty not in ettatenee -when We- Aclcor cui niilt.irte nealnsr tmfi ehar- dirtwt vote of Ih.'
V.ortb n* byottna*
neterirert fbe stale and nation."
tVanter uppolxert r^eiane
i« the
the «’ »«
a deernr
driftiane to
Klnlay was (naupuratrd. o.rrier fixenmi of tonoil ii-e to
there conid
Pcamlaet Kept.
j Iowa conveoiloo to see if ibeie
Mr. Warner closed by statinc
Uiul. r ihr alii law Ihe railroad had him. Hr Ims' a
a sTsUered
spiUered practice,
practice, aud
ameodnMuit to ihe United
tinoe be bad boon sanwiftht It
' rvdiuls Itc takes se.eral
. d
deiar- when

reixirf their elock. etc., to
b.K'n his pleMans m mix with the peo. .1.
mine the taxation rate.
It «s
I.’pv>ns with hl4.
if ebv »f bl*
Railway Taxation.
pic of Midtiaan to a presicr extent CTMS. m.cKloDlns the railroad rate
U nledlriue
-covepsl thai they w«t' nutklnR.
p-i|leul> IlCtxts
than ever lieforc nnd that be was .ic- Wit. ih.> pure food lawvth.' meat InThe matter of railway taxation was
reports to the «ate nnd
Wlllf- < i aWwcririloa. aad i.y
llptdrd with fho opportunity end the spcclton art ami tht-n jar-cl lo state _ext dlscnssetl. the .peaker ""ytuc ^j,p,
-nic *i_.,
p-.-nns rtf ibe Writa rwpintnb. « I
more Im>. exercised H Itm Weber and IcglalMlon. niealiOBiax the railway that lb.- tew usd lieen held cotwtl^;,^,
i.y Urb. nnd will was
Here kn a#*l«anf s*i« the ,
highar hV MSMtad thewfftoe of-pov- taxation kuK. the v.-tofac of the son,.,tlonalUniler thU taw all prt»ta«tr. hMugi,, m incham eouMj'. The rail--------- •
lax BCi. the eaforring
oraor and the aaore sacred the i>oslWIN
bi the state Is divided into two clawe...
Iut.ubI.1 Ut a demurrer and the' nv-e-uce. pretwroe
tb»p..^ rn-itat ata
"It moans hard woH; and re
that which heloucs to the cn-poraiton'. ...-o w.-ui to the Smiromcroort which itpt^lHne. If. nnml*spouBibUlty .- he sold, “and «t ttm time TUllKtads and other,
aud that whirl, does urn. .'Vftcr th.
court 'and th-l hta;' « psiht.t. tta .irwtor lUinU be
Is the tcorerenr free-from the ret
cordlar 'to their valur.
rmc of taxation has neen d"Clded upon
came liack to Ingham ciuiniv. rill he trenlrisl later <>u In Ihe day.
to V
- every promise and every
the property that doe* not ludonc i<» The rallitwds had the prtxrfs of ihta In, he --mpli b iv«w
plgcok with whirii
glair and ttailon had hoe:
the rori»raeions. the riirooraUcms ao^
pasw-Ksion namrally iw ,-ji. i.e . stmt
fiwn this hlch oface. whether It i». - Two years ago Oovei
111 the same ratio. This year
ii*«e-aed II
>ni to them.
next Jnnnnry or two yaars from ib«-«- Miif that be would
Ihe raliioads of .he state paid Imo the . passed a special act which tTngowertvi
onr iblap I ludeem the hlabesi, that I bv any man nr nay ernup <
T fixe
fixe aud........................................*"
ireas.irv over
t.nmhalf milat.t.n..'v cen.'tal to go Into the
rtatmed Teas, "yow
hope that I will no. retire with the did no. .Wire to hecoroe
lion dollars In t«ck taxes and tnieresl.' ra|,rq,,rt
oflle.-. and
If ytm douT ..o
ooaAdeocw and sespeol of ea<- aMUina laloc nr petilteal 'him. hn
-and over lUi'c- oikI nn--Iuilf tnHIIoii ^
or^ one party, hut with the iwnect be the w-rvani of the p.<»il
.Thai jrtu wrut. irt far it.’
and good will of all the parties aad nn
was eleetr»i covernor the affali
the people."
would he turned over
Psrm C. Gilbert. Chairman.
The last legislature passed tlie tor- jj ,jj,I .mirt inacw the suit the road i ask fait-’ ’
ise lux bill. Itat Is It «p>y*ific '
„( living tmlj on tbirlyi
*ni.t ll.V I.Vt: if Ksktxtg a Biaa far
A„.r.,. -ve-n™'
Uaml. ro.iBly<'hairittan-Monroe intro-'Bpv<
lie .m x-essfU,
Oovernor 'Varner,
of track *s itat wns il.«4r ortg an cgexi' vi;i i
dacod Farm C. OObori as Aalrtnan of 2'"';Warner ha. given .l.em the lie, 1
,1" ">ls .he first step
^ ' i„a! bolding prevtoa* to taio.
;■. s
ttamesilmr Mr. om>cn ttaaked. the
peotilc have come -o know
>..rnl.xB to K^-rifie Uxat^p for rnllwax
companies also rofu^ I ,
.t ,,
fthairtaan for die honor and hdUed tb:t

know him. there ha*-' to pax and H.eir Msi'S bp- talne b fi
11 warn apicataro as welljor him u>
Btatc Expente*.
alone iinili tlm klnfflur anions in ihei
Bddrrws tha'-nieerinE.
He said that
tack of Is.-U.
the , are decided.
Jit rci.v.fs muVtwxrC'


MIWMI <u«r



houaoMd aaid that the rmUkaaa oC
taw. He
The wtwker tbM tnat;«» MMiffwi's Ola BUtrtet eooM nuaiR hr retowtn*
mwr aaw fh«voted fijr the Bteaaore to uke the i pride, the rnlvecdlir of Mleldcan. In Hoa.^ a Damah.
wr the
the attV
Unrtac the maeUaf the Oawpbril B
Miehisan Ceoiral rttarter a« from ! ih.-Ian rtwr
emamlitee. be vwtod tar the rallriwd : eievea per cost, the tantwa taewaae BfctlelfcT band tvalAed eneOent
taxaOaa. thU tratcia mBibr the roll-: ff dO-v inatitwki^n^e
«■'’, rawie which wn* waeh enjoyed. The
fwada pay iaxe« ea tbefr ytwpen.v the;like the aawll hoy that awakened la Mwd
'lb. -m.»c lb «bfl. bla«-lf . U.l.f.™

arouwtiva tx^tor aMwod
h-biir year# Utar. under
the Clevoland. admlnietniton
rrmne nnir.
was I9».- for

Aftw Blna yMM
nile under McKlnley
awd ttaaaewJI. thoro were $9«.«M.«
iBcrcuse or $!«.««.
OB detMMdt or an Ic
AO*, ahont A tnimBo nnd a half a month
for tdnn

tons of hnppinesp nt helnR pres-


It I.,"""'"’, 'It""™ is


si r's :o *1s.cfjri.(vo. that of ladaiul
„nve hcep forced to take up ,
Why Changer
With his strcmtih nnd couraee. tnilh ,
p,a„or of expenac., saying •
Tl..; work has onl
only Just IwRiwi. tie I
lo i-'tsl Jt txvi.-e aa Oiuclu
and hop''»''>Pt^Pie of Mlchlganl
nreiu-ni admlnUi ration costlctared the spenk.-r
Ki-r aud he advised ti e ann. 'I l•lslx'll|. oT at k^ai four of
have come lo love and resfuvt blm^,^
Wlnan*'foflrt.*en acaiiisi
.\n*ej!.‘au upljvrrsliles have
• |ia«
as did Ills nelphlmrs down In Oal '-"-*
I time*. The governor tar
rh- irm-..;. .ta’In
nii:i*.. nnd the t
.......................... ..................
........... ... .................
attorney gea;:"1 ryofixilinwe tf • d-ttra Mhct*'
• e tn-i
stale niu'le ihH n.'c-KMry. while lernl and Ills anions should
Fred M. Warner'a Record.
other wnv and after two year* we look
fromrate. iH-ciiiiM- of Ibis sume growth.: d<>ru«d
Taire he represenied l.'s dl'ttic-l
Ixixck and know we voted for a nan
racK-d ha* iM'en r-tliicri. The s|waker llii't.
h<* slate senate. There lie
when wp voted for Hon. Fred M. WerChat
sever gave fleur.-s sltowlng the growih i.r.i
1 tsu.nectlon wlih
from t|(c the .'.lucation ;ind nrtnsslnc8llrtii:il hi- Townsemrs I
tl.M. Ihum's l(«+uhu -reH.-ytri aad
siifugthenrd i/:e-bowels, mo that the.r


began to fenr that the Oihe.
fellow w-ouid get more vote* than h• hat
> this cMy and after i
peoplo t

I Michigan was lo the city last Uicl.l.

ihe sniale 1..' xi't.'rt for li.e sl.eplng Tamnnee I.

IW peer



- si........





Itaxlr. tirociT. it.ilphor ripriogs, Tex.

Traverse City,


r-’cull«f ••xer »ln--e,"-A. B.

Ibiwt Bars Sunt

1)4 Prdtensd. but Quality and Ualud iu tb$
e;iotl)«s Ole fiandl$
I^ANY men prefer
the tnrec-quartcr
lengtii Overcoa^:
the cut of these
coals this jear folloini an
'extreme full back to
close form litting back.
This length pi coat
many prefer for an al!
year round coat good lor .
eight months in ihe year.
The price range is a
long one.

The tang
te«rc04p-l - •

OY'S- Overcoats in
Imidiuni length lorm
fitting, single breasted

WHlCmost com|foriablc
\ coat a man jean wear:
' 1 Kis year ihty .arc cut
with Ics-s fullness in the back
(another freak of h^ont. but
for riding, even i|atking in
this climate a Ungj coat is a
roost de.sirablc gajrment; we
have them in heavy wool ma*
tcrials. for lined, doth lined,
e.vtra wel! made aod bound
to give good wean. We are
carrying a good lint of Men'*
Fur Coats this year from

$3.50 to $10.

S6.0I), $7.50,
$10.00, $12.00


And as hjj;h as


Ouriine of Uxer^if
H'so tstemtive ihat'^ery
one can find about m hat
they ▼ant.

Men's > Long F'ivfeM a
coat* from $10.00 ojp.

. -X-.


___ - -c.


g.Rrtl flt'iafatgr^lB»
Sb4m h cBtta a uaa>iita e
B UwJiBar
taro tod BB |di ««rpBM.
OW «rB4r. War ■»«•*. wtan ttanira rxunM for rtdttlta W arln >°<>

m ttrnwr km>
has «i» widow Alla oorod UM» tbe
W F«ft». Bor trartad tad
Mt Mro aoc pnfatr ood • foodJr
KB oTIfc iBOvua-kiid at t
aho taoao « BaVsadir.
I • gut ata tad
ra a • wlAvBkd a'K «tdow ad ■
fsvor. 'Ae dror* tard fawpdM oad
tadaDitr. iftarad^aUtctKt
a tta d«r ad
dilo Kt tPTotad-tta «M «d ita low
ad acSiDBd a oaaa tto tad aJwijw te a «w«ta of BlDcr dlacMl


■ ■

twecD rmctaad tadnrw roB. ta
Bade a -protat to ta tta Bat «a.«oi
and tta caiMia wa plaoad ad Ugbiod.
Tta roag nMrBani wat to Ua taaid
tog haaa «ad to hB town, and aU ta
tad to do araa all.
The wia roM ata Bo rtoa fell mare
hnillr. aa ta wa Mtotod at ita
ihwBit that noa or tta rlUagw*
would ta on tta otzastB
3MW0K BldBigbt and 1 o’riwA HhBbm waM atort. Wha Be alarw
wua gtaow poapB eadU mtr tns out
and look tm wfUi Coldad atna. Freuefa
waB to tad at tha aal hour,
left aotUng to Banco. He lar ttaiv
taor after ta« thInkBg. ototoa ami
tt waa doaa apoti aktoiiBt
wha hla attar aeiltoBa to tta riMM.
4 and ar
and leotat. The aa alt an-


After a uaitoi od a hour tta mrr
■nMSdtar taMk tas»ttar ad made a diant arooe and linrriedlr tafan to
droM..' Bo WM pto tacK ata (reoi- ita TBtai or staDM taaM
bkag and {rtgbteoad. - Re frtt blBoelf
tkfw gaanl oBra Ttai wh i
a retateal and benndod tafore tbr
werw. BatampliT bHW eowr. br
oCtto jtande. Ibfa
not taro Bl^ ta ftreog to Bto aeeia] enplortad at ole«f tta B«r- Btot tta wtdew ABa ariglit trlnaipti
and ta toitat too tta OM ta tad
Ita wMow ADa ad taa oMicK u lamed to tore, tat ta wooid are tta
aS»«wo*«r-lt ttewntaofc '
tta att ad to at ora tao pB
r a ale ad
Tta wita wi
B Bnt aothw atotv. Not tait>( a
tta nia eealta m toeeia wbeu be
A ad AlMId B «IT tta •toppod f»OB Be doa and ra througb
the and naaom to tta otoro. Not
t OoBta «taB% wte tad tor canadogwatafttat. ta ta reu ta
prttad that ta altat not ta toe Utr.
WHh Bihiag aadataiaaerted ita her
Rmotaiad tataad
in tta door aad poBod It open. Ttam
r waW'Mtaao. tat tao wa m abB od anake. Striking ■
• Ba a^r aar taa Batch, he Bade hla ««r to tta doeet.
Tta oandie tad ha* Uowa at boure
■go. It tad net bomad talf -an loota.
WKh a BOW fear at ble beart tta nuu
ngaiiit awer ata Ugtated a Bmp and
Baato’oa tta conater w tbiok. He
taaid tta metle to ganneMe and
toetotope. apd Ml^. Wanto came «n
to tta darhneoe and otood tafore him
I A «Md
Aa ttaaltaw umiH a Uo Badlas
tara Bta
aoM ttlk
s' Bi*«« ad ta ta Btav tar aMi.
tao M<MttaaaB»taolai Tor« ttae.

hard-to Beo min. bntH to tartar to
face cowaBKM. Spatoidar a law.Tor
«w™r to aeo Bottar. fie teki ber
a to tta tail* tea lst«e e>
tale. Be tenant pnpoca>l
alga. «8d wtthto a Motb ota wUi toito


-Weur qnertoi ftnaB. M-ta wlpe.^
hla bMW gad tokta sroBBd tta otorc.
**Toa sraM to gtre ne aoli<* aitd
to«« rear jdane at the and of tho
Too Wtn go. of conrie. but I
bopo PK will taBOBbor that 1 come
badtto oaen-ita oBaa. I waniod tbr
toramaco Booer. but nr coiucieocv
woUdat M mo be a crimlnst.''
“IBoiBbt Bat If roo wanted lo Ukr
toatortaer'■‘Sm wham can 1 Sad oneV
'ir ron-rK waatad to uke to a
panhto and pap
Be notes end hr
door to Bat weenan knotber wouk)
gira aae tta Bonap. and"Staaw ber to ber borne Broogb tta
anrai and darknea. and ta did not
lealtoe Bat tta wind blew or the rain
Ml or Bat ta bad to Uck hto ote;)*
wntp Bathe bald ber band
and-ttaft ta bad been easnd from bU
oBer eeir. Hi* etgn reads -'Gtargr
FraMb." b« there I* a altot partuer
.wIBBlffl aad betatod Un aad dsllr
BWfttat'U.B tbof-- ---------------- insataiog. Ta
fat drialta BB*Spkiat<TT'
on not BMtUd a tta dM
Tfi'the little toon to «— lived thrso
• or* da 1 taon '
AuMm alstar* bp <be ume of Paige.
> .weiw, moat.” A* Be rmagem
In tta otoefc ad pBt i
II. hi its moot acesutmted fonu.
tot tar tar taoidor.
tadattatta taar rrswa bright and-eUalag Bark for tta
tiMt ta wa ratod in tool prank* that ^-ontli seem* lo orlgintto
eatd nM pv tar tta tair for Its sronisn. Ouc da;' Ibr front
gale ptrolied troai It* wonted place
w Kb tta OMlRtanre of two aaall neJgbtaeo; ibcncoiRWA rtprlmaad fton eoeb
eaaaito oajneacotnplatottotta inreiffs
to Ita offcsalen.
At tta UUe that

Two of the leadiog'Cioak and Fur Manufacturem 6f New York Citj? being overstocked, have consigned to us their surplus stock to be dwjiosed
. ..
of at what it will •bring. They are all this Fad's
Fad’s production, madb
madfe tor
for bne
tine retail trade, of latest
materials, all new ideas, that onlv Fasttrn Manu­
facturers are capable of producing.
will place the stock on sale and will follow their instructions.

Dispose of these Garments at a Great -Deal
Less Than What They Can be Made for.
In order to make this sale more attractive we have marked down every dollar's worth of goods in our Cloak
. ............................
......... If
.. in aeed of a
Cloak. Skirt or Fur. for yo^nclf or child, now is your time, as $1.00 will almost Oo double duty.
Remember, this stock will only be 1 iih
day*, and NO MORE. The prices which we place: o^t
oir\tlu?se seasonable garments cannot help but bring ihe i
..n- m\\.s^.\o UKTTER


lioa' Toata.
Rpleniltdl n:td<- of
faitcy* il ini'oil a I
mVy anixlurua,
<lecld<led baigaiii at
CouaiKiimept Ball' Price


Jim. with a erto. -I oolp aald Tnce
*0. Page ae.'and Page dOr an' thep i,vi
ni«d at it."
Tad criOiBt atobt of pa'a twitching
mttoclee and added. -Gee. bat iLcjwto luet tapPln'.'*
“tTcll don't let It happen again.'
■Dewrred pa. a* ta basn^ attacked a
plcto of apDlepte.—Savanuab News

•rtiiia- AO ta Mod do wa« to tor*
cawta ABoa tta Kmr a
Tiown w>otb on aetne of the rail­
aiurirar atiM-ta wat toia
ata^. BTBldBiBaratitoQrBBr roads tta tnla* ran ao «towlp that
atgbt get out aad
tta flM* bttDdlng tmdd ta in Sabm
wttkBo jMONbUHT ot aBtUa taB« wIBeot mneb danger of talas left-"
“U’» wjtoo Ban that galag op some
aarai. Ska widow Alto atoc Bight
‘—Bdrr Mb. Um ape vunid taa a to tta gradea In Goierado. -tTbp. ont
ttato-Ri* tta ragalar dntp to tta brakeThd aateluat dttotol^ idea with Baa to get oat while tta tnln* are go­
ing at ftain beM apMl had-agMi*
ttaBtf GB tm Bota tatee ta adept-•d K. Tn tta AWT he a«T n) ala aaoagh troot to sappir tta dining
--Chleugn RerotdJlmbl
; lAft ta sw> IfMthto. km tie


SoChilJr n'e Ceuta
up to 1-1 Uenta of
mad© V)f good
ifuality Mfcitou.
uwiflytri tamed.
I'heiip at^.OO.









Imitation Chincbillu Far .Scarf,
satin lined, tri;nmedwitL'daspond
ailk fringe. Shown
elsewhere for
Bale Priec,

in. kmg, douUc
i-ollsr and c tiffs
Sa mo
sLowii i-isewbiTe
$s .V->. Sh!.price

27 <J iris' (.Vxila.
wadi* of /ajioy
cloakiup. full loose
hnck.- trim mod
with fancy bmiil
nud liutlnqs. In
lirroii. H<*1 aod
Brown. Worth
Cr.nsigntr.ent Sj!.- I'riee.





to Ladice' <iray
and black WuUiug skirto.trinuiHsd
with buttong and
atnippiiig made of
9(1 i|u^ty
). $3.00 vnloe for

•-.0 Ulnck Fut
Soar fa. trimmixl
wnth aix tails and
chain. Conaignmcnl Sale price



Far Coat, lined


S<{uinvl Fur Neck
Pi(?<T-e. satin lined,
trimmed willi fur
lieails anil onianii'uts Worth $li.
ConbiKiiiis-ia Sale



$ 14.38

118 Drinii{ Coats in laiiias,$9.98

$'3.50 Coats lot Jalies. $7.97

made of beat quality black Aatrachan.
Entire garment
and altavcsimed with
Bkinnor Batin Btriotly water-proof.
For warmth equal to any far garment

iiii.Muies. Colion
AsCrachan rr inlaid velvet.
Fancy btiUoit?. ailk l.miil trimming- -

Ladies Fur Sets. Double tip scarf with Saddle
.Muff. Shown elsewhere for ^.50. Consignment

^p\e Price.

Ladic-s' $12.IX> Coats made of best American
Woolen Mills Kency
Trimmed with velvet
and silk braid, strap back. Cunt^mncnl Price.


# U

iui-h box Coat from inay plaid
iugcHoahoud i-lTticl. fall sleeves
I putcli (lOckeU. H»ly :md sleevca
eatin'liii.d ....................................................

Children's $2.00 Fur'Sets satin lined, made of
line white Angora fur. Consignmem Sale
Itlegant Tailored Skirts made of Chiffon. Pan-

Silk Cord.

Women's liandsonu'
model coats. 00 inebes
long, falling in

Consignment Sale Price.................................................................


Nobby long bo.\ Coat from fancy Gra\ Cloaking—Fly front—Coat Collar
Worth SliWa Consigifmeni Sale Price
-------------------- --

ripples to bottom. Hnd(>



t««ll design.

In uvMy





iO inches

Vdvet'-iijiaitff oHar and
(v.olAmcricjm M..i K

Unusual Sale of Rich Waists


cltv«'h(irp .

W-'fiM-ni’S Semi-Fit-

long - vf G'.c


tan Kersoy. Fnail, back


ting C.«(P


of, pure wool, black oinl


so 50 value. Consatninent Sale Prtce .....

${>.50 Genuine Oppossum Double StaVfs. Trimmed >viih s Martin 'i ail« .-1011



■ I..


Everything Just as Advertise





Bale price


White Poplin Waists. Fi'tll (
broidch^frunt. Staves and
yoke lui*k«T.-r Wintli $2..
LVusIgnmdit Bole Price ..


I dM .TOO sap to tbcnir deotordta di—d ttoe ad Uar atoin.
B ttaar
e waa tamed out ta
I a tta inwancc
BaB wooM pajr
widow AUt*-:
•nd’RNto Ub aBBrtSia B start
.. k«n
--I iloeoil troB tUn Mm «t
StttTttat u tta Biattae u proothtg
atufeeprofiertto dnau lattaind.
TtIBc -Tr«Si^ totad aroODd Ur


Ror Nine Days Only!

I hare beto waMlng foe




-)ir. Freata. I btor the candle oat
1 tog. taagtiaMogo.”
Tcn-iroB fooad and blew-it outr'

■aata «tat tatatat iB rid of tadi
CtoB ad taBeo tttati wtB BW.
Hotatutatataodtar Is llilt. aUM-Tea.'
IwatBdtaotacadottar food ra“To par Ita notes dt>e that woman
otaA Oa ta Bo saaa Bot ta dU ta tortr dare and tore BrMlvtrani
at «Bo «a -dtat ta odsirMl ita
BBirtMi dirt. SoaB Sfoftar. ito
wwatuawHaiAWidtarl oooMa't da n. l ttomgM I
rtaBv BNrn. ad lo
WBKat to-bM 1 case tare to
falBWdWt tta.caadta and mto Be elerr.
dm a nttaod laaii. but I aa not a
■ tata^ U tar In • bradrrd -wots, crtatlaai exeopt to tetont.*’
' ad’Stata iBd B«Sa a ^rd. Tta
BtaVtanai^Bar. ita
BBStata WWIMIBU a ri^ to uk
w JStm cHMatal tar
a tarpoBL Tta


Cbucks aad Famy Flanr*'
Consign nicul
Price .......


Ludiua' Silk Waists mude uf good •I'lulity T.,f
' slu.-x-s



lAulies' BriUiantine WaisU. neeUy
lockod. folly worth $2. Consignmeiit





EilirogariiK-nt riniriied with vel> othiug.


'“•Iter shown slsea'bcrc



meul Hole Pii<


$5.00 and $6.00
Coostgiiment Sale t3.9T
Aladoof all wool Betgca.Cinv.
L*y Pan­
eiK?lieBoitinsBaiid fane;
amas. Circular gored, tneied
and trumned around botioni
will) straps and buttons. Id
Browns. Blm* and Grays—


$7.00 and $8.00
Ladies and Misses
CavlsBmeBl Sale Prk>e $4.4$

'‘ '/jOU'Prices

Mud<-of rain proof |ctoUi in
Oxford aad Ton. Loose aud
■cmi-ffttieg backs


Baltic «r ■
K«f f«p from »t. ‘nioDua. a maKfraf


paHlani • barMir«d rulb^ «raa fiMsbt
Ibe nunt voudarrul lutvaMiauio la ell
UalotT- Tbe l>Qtc1i admiral d^n-taO
fte bletiu^lUii clob la tTashiagI Itta cnem.y la tb» mrlji nionilud.
' Ibe lien tmt .i«cit«<1 >rlili a UiWi; mlna.
aad hb sues ojieaed iltv ot we yriib1 a «-ril known eiimlual U«7«'
out waniliv. Tl>e (in- iras returtted waa raDlnded .of a furloua iwae in
«Ub fntenvi. tb<’ iK-cen falrt; uuIvttUdiBlood tome year* ago.
j lac with quMUK caum.'O l>> tk« vWb
“At that- Utoe." aid the lawyer,
• of fteatiRil dlwUarsii. S^inriiovc qr •about the nioat prumiuent pLysiriau
other the ettemy'a uisulK. ulifeb »mud
ed like a luuilianlnieDi. seeued t'» fall latmd and i
■hart or go wide of the nark, for not
ereo a afilaab of n lall wan tieani. aud the porpoaer of.iLi* siorsthe iMJich ahipa reiualuettl UB*;aibo<l.
cp to refer to IJiu as Irr. Moreau.
Oil the other hautl the IiuUh roald out
••Now. I>r. Morgan one nioruiuc «.
arc the terrible erevUlhw tlieir nuts colred a rtalt from a roimc friend.
were dolac until uearijr ihe midille of Tery reeeoll.r entered upon hi' pnic-tlrr
Ibe fdmoon. wlien tbe fog lifieU.
before tbe Imr of Blrbinotnl. who bail
realliic to their aatoulnbed car* u-.i ibe joat beea reUlned In bln drat imiiortaM
rraaeln of the coem.v. but a cre 1 rock
Nattimlly bi- waa rery anxious
alaodinc out of the sea. Tbcr bad ’>«e3 10 win in bla sialOen idTorL aul it wan
Srlnsat It forflte buura. and iV round
of the return shot* tbef beard v.a* tbe
>• of biK
eebo from the aolid wmU of granite.
Tber Daiui<d tbe pla<v Itedooda, wbleta
lueana mol rolled or drli en baric, and doctor that Im- «an greatly perph-sed.
Bedouda It Is to Ihln dar.
It waa a poisoning cue. and tbe youth
{ul attome.v bad-becu retained to de­

Om •( the |.'ABstlr.
fend the priaooer. a young wunlka of
James heymour. tbe nnlsi. was bom
he bad no doubt.
In Loodon lo l^KL
He displarcd a
. however, the lawyer explained,
fondness for drawing and t•a■n(mc In
an easy thing lo prove tbe girt
boyhood and snbsequently gained ce­
lies* of tbe atuGc.
lebrity by bU afcill in designing bonua.
n eaeily be
Once tbe proml Pnkv of Romerset etu
ssslfDOJ for Uk> crime by the itroseruployed Seymour to paint a rooiu at his tion.' aaM the lawyer. Tor tbe leasoo
seat in Sussex, wijb Ibepurinits of bl* that tier bmdiaod. tbe aiOB^cnd mai
runniBg boraea. Having admitted the
artist to bla UUe. be one day drank to degree that nude t
1 burden
blni. saying:
Moreorer. the srife In 1 ' only brir.
fARMEBS. lay in your wintar aup“Cousta Seymoor. y<mr lieallb."
Now. lb
n to tbe
ply of mHI prodiicta from tba Travtna
Tbe painter reidicd. "My 1^ I rudlOty Mllliny Co.’a mill.
Thoy art ly b«Ueve that I bsve tbe honor of be
lag of your grace a famllj-."
IDEAL in quality aa woll aa name.
This bnrt the pride of the dake Bo
niucb that be rose from the table and
ordered his siewsrd to pay Keymonr
Charlen I'niDcl* ' Adams waa
aud distnls* lUiu. rkull-jg. bowemr.
' •PosItiTCly.* w
t lawyer's
coning an Knglhli frleud abonl Ros- that no one in Baglaud conld complete reply. The girl I* Iddw'M
Imt tbe
Tlify were rlewlng Ibe differeat tbe pkturea begun, be ci
evidence I* oeer • •
I faxor of
obiecte of attraction and came bDally send for his conrin. Tbe painter
tbe state. It irtU be eaay t«i>rove
to Rimkrr Hill, ■nwy si'sud looking ^>onded to tbe message in IbcM! word*; tbe pair lived tmUapidly. tbsXit
"My lord, t will now prove that I *s
at marriage aud tbst tbe
III* nplendhl aioonmnit. wfaea
of your gnu:*'* family, for I won't
fooud In the old

Spread the World's Taiie
alnny enrf fine of kiagitaide from
North to Soudi; every paralU of
faKt-rte from East to West; pfle
thereon die foods of every dhne and


«dl surpass them an in die dements
vrUdi mahe a perfect vrarfd-feod.
Im a Out Htkt.




I any dlah whkh bad tj t«e>
d It tanty. ejatllMo^ indigeitiK si
«?y of tblnklng. i
bUty aad. to OIK
tiM|ii waa nif* to take with the
,ano etdenn. Aad If be were nnable
lo node tt coatly any other way be
srould aDl powdend precloua stoim or
yoWdoat. Nero dined on one occasion
fpon a pnmrt wbleb was aprin
^th dltiBOOd dt»L and aparimM
ttat bird dreaatd with foM or srltb

A diefc of parrota* tongoea
wha a vent daUcacy. Bat a dlah of
parrots’ taagun whirii bad tmro capatto, srbea In Ib^ proper place, of
ftamliK seerda waa of almori ioca]
d In a dl-

wM* the Bonaa eplcnre waa In tbe
haw of payliir faboloiia priem waa
IM^heMcoptflS. ifbicb U bellered to
han hcM the ptayKlgan. It had tta
haow to the neat nortberiy porta of
SeotlaBd aad Norway, aad aa tbia
' made It bart to yet at tbe Bomana appae^ied It all tbe mwe aod put 1^ la
the nne task with eatrirhea, buaaarda aad peaca^s. Tbe toaysea of
.tbeae Urdn were aperiatly prepared, tpyoter with the bnlas. aad took tba
plaee wblih a bon d’oeun* wonld bow

The Waeda oo a Clear ben.
Wbat naaa Ibo amrioua word* wUeb
. An Btasped ob tba Ud and aidea of a
dyar boat Tbaaa are sot mere fancy
aanea, but tttiat aetaally deacriptire
•r tbe elyar. On Ibe lid l« tbe name of
Ibe dyar. Tbe front of the box deaoBwa tbe Aape and eHe. an •’conehaa,*’ *Tctaa.*' “rcyajiaa'' whieb aute
Iba obape, and ••partecto Infmatea."
• whfeb atfulfy tbe elae.

1 atato
both abape and atae.

At the hack «T

the, baa. wbna tbe kf4 tonu orer. la
---------- m IA« TSaUty of tbe eigar-*wii•Ybb.- “flor." •wopertor- ^nd
tB," May tbe tarma in the delUW acalB. Tba color of Ibe dgar
la MBred on tbe right band side or
end of the box. -Ctaro’'flgnlRes ibe
^ ^

nyblBBt eolonC ’volorado dan" rath«daft, -Tolorada- dark. -Tolapido to*
dun" darter, •■madoro" rtry dark.
■•coeBnr otranriy dart, -negro’' dart.

“.\hr- tTjilled the ki
deotly aol xrry familiar with Ameri­
can bisiury. *TVa* be scrkrtisly bml
by his fanr-




Vlt-nnrse ••u-geon.


dam In a medical



Nild that a

H—iBfif bMvs, tteMlUr tp.
DIM. bretk the h»rde« rock.
CsagUBg, dtr iher diy, itrs
•Bfl tetrs the thrott and Iun(s
Mdi tbe healthy dames give
viy^ Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral
••HpydKooufhiiic. and heals
M aoTB membranes.




log tlu- bouvwrtu III* meager wilai
gave awa.v all lie bad."
Rlx htiiKlreil famine* of weavers of


"Tbe case looked like a hud o; e.
Morgan was rery quiet and llxoagbtfui
Domeal*. Then he said:-Tbe
Xpert* will imxbaMy iirudoce
In (wartibe gla** tobc* lontaining tbe
You mxtst ask them xvbetbcr
they tested the tube* for arseni-' i**rut«
they experimented with the fiuiJ«.'
• *I aee tbe potut,* ragcri.v interrupted
the youttafnl lawyer.
-Aod If they
abooU adult that they neglected to
make that teriV
yoD will (im your qiiiBiUoa
la ihia form: 'T* not ana-uU' nacxl la
tbe manofaenrs of aoue kind* of
ft* tor'
•The lawyer ac-tert ou Ibc doeioi'a
Sofgc*tioD. Tbe iirioclpa] medix-al

finally admitted, after *ome iiea......
about tbe bosh, tlwt lie bad not lr*ie.l
tbe tube* for araenlc. He was also
THE HEW MILL buy* all kinda of :lBdDc*d to coDcod* that arsenic was
tmed in cortaiu kind* of
bito a gUsR. dipped one of bi* flugers grain. bMita. hay and atraw.. Doe*
into tt aud licked it off: srteroupo
Tbe young couuae', having obiaio.
’ grinding a apeeialty. Best flour, feed
d tbeae ,two answer*. wa» clever
' and mill peedxieU In the city.
Bottgb to ewaae' hi*
at ibat polni.
WWi a broad
grin tbe surgeon
lortsd at them aod nahl: "You have
TYhai are tbe shops going to d» If
a^oiMl the tirsi test brilliantly. Not so
Iblllty that tbe arsenic bad l>een
tbe aci-ond. for none of you obscrxid tbe ragx' for fancy bandkerchlef* kcer»s
sweated' ont of tl>e gtasa ami aaid
that I dipped my first fingar Into tha
i anJ the designer*, who r
tbe neglect of tbe expx-rts to
IS* batt licked tbe second."
tlppiyiiig thrin wHli patteru*
tube* abeukl certainly Ik- considered
Ibrir cambric- aquares. sell ibemselve* aa vitiating to a large degree, if nut
Wsll UsM
t Meliiuia. in Japan, tliere Is a won- out of k!e*a that sro nnite “dlffy
wholly, tbe medical testimony.
"Wen. tbe youog woman waa
well. XX bleb afford* the garrison aa
Variety and brillUnry seem movt to quitted. As tbe other evh)ea<«
al-niHL-tnl water supply. Sol ouly do«n be desired tbl* fait, and the enlored pmely cireumsunlial. tbe acqnitting
g.*Wl line tbe well but It is al*e bandkerohlef ba* many adudyer*. "Wo vsodlct waa given maialyTiecanae the
ra*hioned ISto Iw© great
guldHO had DO Ideo tlut our vUKiomer* wonld Jangereas force of the medical teatb
dolphin* xxbirli glitter on Ibe (ti*iI* last to the colored bandkeivbkf at mony had been weakened by tbe oU
'Thi-se dolphins are ceptn.Tsv •II." said the salesman in an exclusive doctor's Ingenloo* aoggr*tton."-New
oM. and one of tuem was wire ta'-ioa shop to a t-naloiner.
"So wlicu Afe fork Qenkl.
doxx-n rtud *ent for exhibition to Vb-n- lannclied Ibem tbl* Kumuicr wc ItXU B
rare example ot antique Juiu-ip. big cflc- tJwi of those xvlib narrow
A C«nn«r Maxsat*-* Way.
He tbcB ponred a





The females at tbe fauion* bokpire In
lbs Alps had (•eriidied In Ibe work of
rescue, tootinnes In



thraugb more cfaaniMdt than the sbag-

The Jar of


and* be niuat b^a good obaerver.

years ago to save the breni



free froai any ttiMleuc} towanTnauaee,

Beroatsl ixbirh sx-a* introduced nlnetr

at a blyfe tenriou. He la on edye.
tpoBA. Sorb a atrain long nmUnoed
reaalla IneriUbly Id a nanous break'


are ropbrinl to l«- *e.-k
log oW lo cn''gr:ilc to Auiirir-ao ••oun-

naving d«fa from extinx-tiou. after all

Bat It is

IVwil.^^ OTlynn.

doctor needed two ^ft»—be must bo

ml ba wrauy la lo ake|i if poaalple a*
iauy f» aoy lu'UnaUon for It cxiata.
- Tbe crroaeoni clew on thin anhieet is
bst whta

Blart BBOO after awakeulag.

Tbe Rex.

New York City,

>lr. Adam* touked at bU frieod. thexl wbat t»- vrx.'aihed. .VvUle
“Hnrtr said be, “why. bewa* killed,
vslnnhlc libirry glve-i to Ibi- I'anlld
slr.Kaibers Im- bn* U-ft no dlsx-oxcrablC
-Ab. Indeed." Ibe En^islunan
esUtc—no mono In Iwnt. no niuiicy
plJcd. rtl.l eying ibe mvoimieni and lu the tvciorj^ “Hr died an !»or ns
coBuncueing to cowput ii* beigtit la lixe prove rhial ■ bnrrh moose." says bis
his own mind. "tVelL 1 should think 8»«l*iat!f. I'.nUiw Corrlgum "What lit
be might have been killed—falUn
th- lusuninec he tarridl will Isircl?
far."—Borimi Herald.
cfix-cr the fnncnil expense*. Hr never

tiaira'a Needle Ixefell tbe dolpt-iu.
Tbe Wief ttiai tbe ta-jnrs of sleep the khin OB wUlrh if wa« sank, aud
kbotfd be ortllrla'Jy notricied 1* cod- the oriiai.ieat remsined for many yci ta
tniy to ordinary pood sc-dac.
If ibe at the bottom of Ibe sea. N'nmen.n*
baiaan body don not need aleep for atiemtu* were iiiudc to raise It and at
Ust one was svKsvwful. and ttegobltm
tbBMpbuUdlny of ita tlssiiea It will
iMpIdn was (cinatated In lu plsL-e.
call tor It. A rale oMiealth which i__

On iba dCbar faaaA tba man wtao la
usdar a mental atnln
Sto «r atx boon at at.

man'a body after a si

“Tbla is tbe filace. air, wbne Wap
MU fell..


t*,Iored bauds alwut tlieir edp-s tbit
were of mosl aulMltied tnne*.,*u.-b at
l«b- blur and violet, trd Jtist showed
a few haiidkeivbiels with brilllknt

Mile* rinlen. the rich Montana cop


farther and fartbw to the left, this
dlcate* that the atonn I* working
and from tbe 'oeucb show vlew-jejlnt the right or to the left, and It may
till* cx.k)r la -llie mark ot Cain.*
« around yon. But If you >ce U all
Baby Banotirul. awaided tbs Bally­
time getting
hoo Bey cmi for belug tbe iKott .tnier
irtgbler and briifiiter. why. that Irdllean-tirod dog. male oi; fetnale. of any brigbi
eatss that If# coming straight toward
breed at (be yereot B'esiuiinst
•bonkt Ik- lemon,


nelclnhahow. gave birth a fx-tx-mnitb* -™"‘V'*^
you want to make for boiue or get In
a Mart and nliite puiqir. aud
VOLT aall aad make everTthlng anng till
with it Its pre**' owner. Ml*. .Knua
Ibe stonn paaaea over."—Exchange.
MnrtR of Sound Riwch. rxmn . ha* decidi-d In founti a new tyj*-.
Sue has
•nie BBaaai
loi-ated B female of rtic same m*rtAn Iriahtnan once defined tbe bum*;
tng*. Ft. OoVbarxl ha* been suggxwM
bead ns "a
lo Mis* Mark* •« tb*- prmwr name foi
dal qaa to many aa a peg tor banglnc
tba breod-^'Conutry Life la America.
a bat oe. aa a barber's blort for atqx
pactlBff wlgk as a urgri for rtooting
at when raodered ronapimoos 1^ a
alilalBg bdneL as a aouffbox or a ebattsrbox. u a machine for flliiug Into-a
hattor or gnillotloe. aa a receptacle for
tnoka. furic-L (olUro. paasluos. preju
dices. prodnc-Uon»-tor anything, la
fbert hot brain*."



"I'PDliabiy If#

However. I I! tell It.

-lu ihif ma*l’« rrrl pieci- the come
diajL a man frem Newnrk.



Beiiic rrepavart

Whieh '

teudeil uviT the eulire uortbera bemi
--|ilK-re; nny- a WasbiUCton •lis>atrt lo
the New York Ulol*-.
Maie. an- iww bring iwepored for one
■y Ibe forevsntem tif 1b-- xot'eriiineut
wbii'li will ioclode Irkntnk. Tviovl: ami
Rksterltdinrg. In Kiberia.^ln addiuoo.
lb.- “Keiaudiv Im>w." wbl.-l* tm-aua the
of k»s

winter barometer

north -Mlaat:.'. will soon begin maklag
leportn by cable.

Prica 25c 60c 6*100
^ \i Price

/ Soldby&nDM.Iers
[■SkwisTTmtiM OnThtHont'SaS Avt
Addrea Dr.Etri aSloM.Borton.MMS.

-n>e-opening of rabl<

will make ihU i»niihle.
Already tbe wcettier bureau teceives


report* from western Runqie. Imluil
ing l^otxlau. raii*. lUuilpurg todelialf ■>• Asa Be aa lacvalr. as Ba«*y a«
doaeu points in Ureal Britain. Kvety
A &r<eeu-rc«r-old U-ll boy waa ar­
morning a cable from.tbe .vzntw
rested In Clcx-tdand f«*r Ni.nliug S8
era •■Oudiliim* in die south AtUiilh- re­ Wbco naked 'n court why I*,- mole, be
gion. incladlng Usbon. and
BStd. "Iteeauw' tbe worM owes me a
meui* ar.'
lirlug." No duubl ibc youth lud Ixeard
daily re|s>rts frooi tbe - Retiuc Kea
iny iluiv* from older lip*.
Low". Ixsrjoietric area, la tbe knuiiiieri
■t DUUilier <if people seeui 10
(be Well Indies n-giou la iblnk that xkgj and tbs xvorid are an.
der great c
well ret>o;ied.
BroiUly speaUng. tbe uonbcni beui tbe world
vjilieiv will after Nov. 1 rrtxort daily any tvtoro M-rxi,-<' fr-KU Hm-ui. Not
on Hr weaibi-r cuDdiUoas lo tbe weath long ago I heiird a youog woman Kxy
at Wa*hiiigU«- Tbcre will that sbe did u»t <-<>ii*klvr that *br owed
still lie large gspi. aa. for tnstauce. Ibe w'btU aiiyiblug. ylui abr wo* ibroBt
lU- Ahullaii iidaud i-taala'from .lliska iuto it wltboui le-iog tRnisulie>l, that
acr<A:« to Kilwria. which will tuive to she propoKOd to K>-< out or It wbat
be •-uver-il taler by gurerunseot* for ■■otUd. w^ a* littl.- eff<n a* ixttstbl*.
srtr’Icj* n*j»oris or ftc reports from and ibat *U- dl<l n.n feri uudor tim
atenniddps ,ro*idng the raclfle by Hh- allgtateat olxligaluni i- •!>.• |asl.
“grL-ai ••" roate.
Nome. Alaska.
Bw did you ueri-r ihiak. my idle
xviU for Hh- Il:ue liritig be the extreme friend, wbat you roally owe tbe world
rep.>ri from .American tcrriloiT to tbe
privilege of li’lug ill tiV Hid
Ibluk that idl fbe
far norilix.-*!.
As eoou a
wbicli iiH-ans wtieu ebsW'
globe have Is-x-u working for
engaged—repjrt* from interinr .Vlanka
will he *e«.-jred.
rot loomenf and that you are reaping
the barx'cat of nil th- hard working,
.And Iwyumt tbi*. lu ‘the not
int future. Ibecp will be an inlerna- aacrifli iUK. suffering, drudging aowera
UMial weather repovtlug arraugciuenl. that bR'-c pcveeilcd you? tixn you look
SR tben- I* uow an Inieniatlonal the woriers of the worhl In tbe face
postal agrc-uu-ai. by which tbe world's and tell them Uiat you ioiead to have
weather roolitioD* trill be reported In
eo-operattou. and forecast* will
made rox ertng long periods of Hue.
g anything t
"But bow longV waa naked of CT'lef
Korecssier (Urriott at tbe weather bnBvcryibiiig tliai ba* g>>oc befxne you
enter* into ynur life ai*l liuic.
enjoy tl>e *nm ««f oil the past every uio
raent <>r your life Think of ih<- mitnlil
Ad Koglitb observer says that Se IhciU'-aii-li wh-> h.T'c iRi-l ,l«xvn their
finds Ibc .Xmerlt-an atiroad both '-Ivll lire.* t-> make |m»«ili|c i)i,. ,-.u-feri«.
and genial: "1 -Unilied to the lo)i of the blevsinga n»d the liornuultleR yon
Think of tbe river# of
Xo'rc Dffiu* In l*arl« and fxnod there now enjij.
a party from a'-rosx tbe Atlanile eujoy- hlood that iteve been qdlL of tbe tbo«.
aandi who liave perished or lived In the
TLh- day xra* hot. and
lalaery of iirl«on and diyageon lo puryoung nini U> tbe group offcreil me
refreRiiitic drink,
tt lb* to)> of ti»e ebaae the llbiTUes of sp<>etdi aod free­
LiLvno"k in tuatbb- xvldeh la tbe s|rire dom of a<-1loti whioli you enjoy today.
,>r MllRii cntbedrnl throe Lnglisb speak­ How many live* bnxe l»en lix-ed in
ing (net! met no-tdentaliy-an Aiueri- solUxsle anil mlRFVy lu order to dcx-el >p
rn»:*!i rlergymau and myself, science* wpirh are today lieacnn tlgt-l*
tie wlK, hailed from tUe land of tbe of Ibc world;
Itara and stripe# offered ni* hi* fieldglai:*: the other illit no; even retnru
gjwl luonilng
beer ^rdeu at Lucerne 1 followed tbe
custom of :1k- continent and asked pertuis*lon before sitilng at a table of
llnwe slreodv »eate,i Uicrr. The on'Iy
ODC who did nol ratoe bl* Hat nud
lu make
young innii wlm iweflxetf hl» words
with I goes*.'

ran tiuii-at i' lb* kkiu of aheap or
other animals prepared in alH-eU to
rxmd'T them fit for being written u{>od.

Ki*.t languid, wj-ak, run
HxiadaclieT Stomacli "off"?—Jaist a
piBiu caiacaM- of law
Blooil Bitter* lunct. llx-er and atomach.
proDioi'-s- digestion. purlflcA the blood-

Senator TIRBian
pouticnl leaded ..f
Brtltrary ireit^s.



-He goes Inj car." nld the Mwator.
"Hr I* like a njilttla mptain tbty usA-fi
to liave In Tourord.
-Tbl* man <iuie to t'ooeord with a
war record and. got a captaln'a appulnl
lent in the mliltia.
"ile was a liurtlnet. Tbe first dB.*i- reviewed bl* cea«i«ay. he oxaui
led every faatt on »beir beads, every
billion «ti Ihelf cuata.
derl fur Ibeoi.
"Oti Ibe wbBle tbe i-aplaln. was
pbeiMsI with bb ln«pertlxiO. t)0e Iblnr
diM-atsstWai him. IlMMUrt- His men att
bnd eleau •liax'iii Upper tip*Mome .
hail lihle whisker*, aome had luoTtim
Hiop*. some bml kMtee*. some bad
pairiidh chin beSLtda. There was nui
MW wlio bsd a mnstacbe.
•Tbe loidRln^cnatplInteuled ill* euniIMiny ill a short apiesHi and ronclodxsl
by saying:
-- -Ouly one tbliff la lacklug te make
a itwi-k. uuiril*l liwklng cinipany of
iral*«> a niuaur^.'
• A1 lid* .ipilef the men iookrd at «w
•nothcr. and a juang farmer, airfiphtg
from tlie ranks. aaliKed and said'
-■Wlisi «o|.ir will you have tbaai.
sir'-' "-Xi-w V*rk Trtbone. .
Tbe pfl»#ei.p|r^llh the skull eap.seHng a lomOku- native
sUodlng on tb«
slaliw plaipini. aiMreased him.
"KsniierR artibnd here aecm to hare
liccii --utting « {good dcBl of bay Utto
mon-liig." lie saihl.
• V— «ir.~ iinijwfted the native.
•Tie x're tnkine ri«kv
think It luuk* 1 Le ralnr
"Kitt o-.“Whal do yor aupiKm- Ukt wUI «o
If It xlxes nilnr
"I mkoti
^D Idh
lea* pbottplxorna; than that of B f
of avevage meifial powar.
SisrtiivR iichllK akin. Heals cuts or
butii* wilbout [a
Cures bUbs.
theum, any
druggist sell*
Douu'k Uluinieni Yxmt drogg*



No Need of it When Kyomci is Uaao
to Core CaUfvh.
l'h>riti«nh and »ci"ni|5tN agtx- th#


muTh of I

13;3t).' “—New

York Tribnae.
coiatnoD-F.-ns'- iTtaimeitx. uroath“Bet don't the teiKVlr* <*a your
bualiug balsam* of H.voinci and I:
toiaohllc .-ost y«-u a great deal?"
a f<-*- dax's vo;i w ill notice rt-llvf. a:i:
dcvcni conrln4wx."
"Nc." he leplicd. a* be peru-ed hi* It* conUnned n*e will rtwnlt In a «>il
pl-to aod laatine cure.
eipenw bo.->k: The fa.-l I* Ibe lw« of
StdblvS. E. Wait fc Son* haw >«u »•—There goes the Kentucky could not bring ns mneb bapplni-n to
tb-.‘ reiiair* H nothing eowpaml wUb many cures made by Hvo«e| amongT'
coiuut I.
Mrs. LoeU Wilke, of Caroline. WU_
(be coat of luutlns »he macblm- I.
ibeir cnstoiavr*. fevera: of them cascF
i‘euD —1 sbxmld >«y *0.
as did one 3Sc box of Buefclea’s Arnica
roiialr shop."
wberv all bopL' of relief had boen gi'
ex t-ii ride*
en Dp. that tbey give an sbsolntc guar
IF VOU WANTjpiMity and uniform- antee of cure, or monev wfl! tn- refuml
IDEAL biandad fleor la a winner In
tty In nxill producta uoa IDEAL- ’n»*r* ed. with evt-ry outfit they *ell.
purity, atrongth. cotar and wnHor
The compb
iplcte Hvoraei
Hvoraei outfit coal

is none bettor.- West Front atrooL
Both phew as.


aervicc to Iceland, ro-eatly aunouaced.

(ion of a few Joke* of t,i« own- a few tb:.i H>ou.-ri i* rvsxmimended^ by l.^ai.
__ physiclnDs throughout
•pigs.' a* they are ca!i»,i
o;li<r raLirrbai M-ctiomi.
"Rirt Hut author wa* borriflcd al
Wh-n ll'.ia inainicnt Ui u.-ct u: ci'
tdtrt of any -uch i*m|>»r.i-g with
lanhoJ tn-ublv*. Ikcr' il no
xvork. aud In * aentle but linu way ha d(-riiig. for th- iii'-ilicin* i* lal:i-i. t:'
t..*rd Ibc Xewaric camedlau
wtih th- o‘r >on l.r-:,lj^iv. and go-ri^ht to Iht tp'Al whi-rc Ihc caturrhl
-•My dror l«.x.' be i-aid. 'l>e good gortc* arc prtfcnt. hcaiing the Inflao:
.-d and IrriUtxrf orocoos raeuiLram
enough not t« gap pleas.'
Spe-jk my
killing !h.‘ dif*-8«- gx-rroii. and t ni.-rinr
Unfs and wait fur the laugh.'
ih- bloo.1 wiib ibf oxygen, driving a"
i- synew
-.\U riglii ■ aald tbe comediac. -ouly caiarrhal germs
goes at


li^iiiuiug Nc\. I Ibe t'nlied Slnle'
w;-otlMT uup «HI prai-l'i'»Uy be ex-

brighten up tCt pan win, tb» uilrndue-

mv last train

earcuktionStiiiiuhted 1
d the Muscles alnd deints
ubricated by using

Artsanee— tmeraswa Weather >a*n

tag ocvst-iurally ro-juir-,!

-'Tliorc'* ii Uttk

him." said Mr


s> Pmolltnes HnnvM Wt^L la<

Clyde Fitch was dlacnaalng a play­
wright wboac head had been tnrned ■>*


Varinen Will «eon he AM* tn f


Tbe graot marklogs. wbleb

He that wa* never aeqnainiad with
•dver.liy ba* seen ibe wOrid but one
side and is ignoraiK of iMif.tbe ac
of nature.—Benera.

soiuc relatixes lo


bravler parchment,
I* made from akint of
Bay I'ltx. Mieh.. recently. Hr attended
aervU-cR in an oM wooden -dinr-b. and asM-e. oMer lolves, wolrea and goats.
herders ami
To '
•rtille Ihero a ralxislorai raine up.
kr.rprise Ukt scriited to 'catch skin, being freed from tbe bair. i>
roof le.aked and sonic water fell
nml uow tbe tiest. dressed wor
pISLT-d iu a lluie pit to cleanse It from
Finlen's neck. After the aerxiiv* bad
aiaoug our cn*t->uicni can't
fat. Tbe pelt U tb.n airaP-bed upon
endeil be asked uoe of the ."burcb of­
gvt tbsm too bright or to > blurrx-.
frame, care being taken that ib<ficials: “Why In bbir.c* don't joii givo aurfaLC K free frem wrinkles,
Ni-w York Pro**.
peojile a decent pinec to worship inT* fle^t Is then pared off with a dr-ul*-“1 snapeef it's lievause wc haven't
knife. It is then molatened and wbrt
•-On the water." said a piaaJed (dd money." was the suggestive repl.v. lag spread orer It. Tbe woaVman Ibes
Next afternoon luatcrial for a new with a large pumice atone rub# Ibe
baymen who Hood lunokiag
cob and surveying the bay the other roof liegan to arrlx-e in trout of Ibr skin. 'Be nett roes orer It with an
Iroe instrument and rob* It •■arofnlly
day. "Whan you see a thunder atom; Chun* ami tlnlen walked Into
rtalng you want to keep an eye on the pastor's atudy with a check for *730. with potnli-e stone, xvlfhoul cbalk. Tts-Fix mi your oW roof," is aJ'
skin I* grsduallv dried, ligllltn.iig Ikatriking down I

per miner, visited

Great Achicvemeots of tbe Got-

tf,n.-cd«*!. t

Now isthe Time

For you to join the precession
that is headed for the Wm. HoUIihan Co.,
tobuy Carriagest Harness. Hardware and
Our stock of carriaucs is the largest lo the city aod
the best assortment to make your selectiio from. Wc
have no SPENDTHRIFT VEHICLES.! That is tbe
nkme for some makes, spend most of their days in the
repair shop costing more in the end thauf a good sty*
lish dependable carriage would cost. 0ur goods arc
■ at pricch that arc fair to you and^ to us.

rllways Glad to Show Them aod Explain Tbeir
Good Parts
We are making special prices on vehicles at this
time to reduce our large stock. If you ari: thiolung of
buying give us a call and we will save you money.

Remember the Place

Carriages, Wagons, Harness, Hardware
and Implements.
m State Street.
Cite. Phone 09.

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