Grand Traverse Herald, September 13, 1906

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Grand Traverse Herald, September 13, 1906


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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'^y. -^*^T7;^ -’r^^is?^j!yi‘'^r~r



Fares 1 to 6


the whole of Qraai Brib ■
ore*, and i
-xiKTlraem was highly
No less lhan jil offln-rs of the Brit- cessfui manufaciur-i
whether fto df«M h*» hair in ihr Cad ji<d and 1 put a»a> the wc-ddJoe droM
Ited State* Stud carporaturoace working well
b army bare quallfled as tnterpn-ters fme »>f th»- caus.-s w«s the Impossjhll
was nevOBM bf^. as Mnilc Jones »-ore,H, • chal
......- '•• ’“•
----- "
last year «.4W.ST1 toaa .
iiy u>f kittling a sufflcleni sn»ck «rf and prodiKlng an Increased yield o(
sol.Dp over her head Ilk'
>t 5.U4.101 tou la Gnat
charrnal on hand id k«et> the lorge, m<-lBl. s-birb «as taken to the flbarun of siM-1.
stylish PaUeraoD irtris at the tvnter; Jean bent forward iuxl laid ber young belong to the Indian s.-rvlce.
Ive at castings. He MW
I like the world and like Ihe plan tl»e
Over I3.4sui.ooO persons are enrolled ninnlng. The cbarcdal la ibos,. days. Iron Work* and tbero tonverled talo Brilale
and wha she IlghU-d her lamp she arms about the little woman.
all Imrned or charred ia pits ! bar Iron sad nilU of a very supdriw
Raler runs II bri
didn't bring you here to cry >o in the Sunday schools of this c<wntr>
rave a tliilae-pour at the maicb and
‘Tber’e mebl«e droo^lf neason
lie .urollment In Ibe public school Such a thing as aicharcoal kiln of quality .
tossed It carelessly away—another you." said Hiss Juliana, wiping away
^’hai I
brick <ir stone was oiiktiowa. Th.-u.
in Bonc fair und fartnln’ apot,
l6.o<ui,iu«n. or only S.ium.wui moi
The w-eoad Uai lo^ was also
habit of hers. The next momt^nt Mat
■lelgh that held a ala
again, ibi- hauling to
slKire of ihe brought 111 Kharviiiile. but haring
While a «renk od too •« weatoer
Farm iuU>n'-rs In Mexico may be
as ever and
that she bad done. The still The material Is as
UktfiU another. like as not:
lake was eipinrive. and Ibe unjoad- H-b Inteiideil lo U- b-fi at the CUy
will bleach white. Y->u s*-e tb- pk>y<-d at from IS. to JO r.mis a
Maxing match liad fallen on the clitf1 elgbttun ton* was ouosUtanll lor j-ulage ov^.toe ipiacv. ou-ned by Ibe Sharoa Iran
- .But 1 00 lore i-artfs rose-K that , the
bough In many iiarts ol (he iwiuntry
(on frill of Jean's wedding dres-i. A hklrt Is long and lull and the sleeve i
y's haul!—Extracted
rapids was also ex|»msUe. fly the o.. was n-iuTvied and used at that eslitde thorns don't hurt.
like balloons-lbai was Uie fash­ hey are suarc- and unreliable.
draught was )j'“»lns across It from
I articie in Americao iDddsIbe bloom iron had rrwcbel Pitts- taUlkhmeui
Aa’ life 10 i«H- Is sotnetbln' wore than
Tbl- I2.HJ,JOT worth of irtsllnui
-the open windo*. and. Is-for.- horrin>-.d ion tlien—ao tliai there will Is- pb-niy
■xirac]iH| til Ibe (k>rotlapidalsl:l db burg It eOHl IJo« JUT ton (o make,
dmdserr and dirt;
first pig Iron ptxxlueed la the
Hattie <s)uld *H>eii bi-T Ups to ut'er a o make over You i.mM take ibi.
Ood turtM'd my taste to swceli
irl<1 uf Russia last year ■ praCllcaJly
ButK-rlor region was made m
plercinK sbri-k. the frail, dainty ihin^ IreSs. Jenn. !■> be marrii-d In."
As Others flee Ua
lime was »7o per loB. It began to 1*511 by Siepbt-n K. Gay. whu'leased
I BbUR the bitter lees.
-cjh: drar Miss Juliana." erb-d J.«a Ihe world's 8up|dy uf that melal.
niass of twisting flames.
said the Engllahmaa. as
dawn on the pioneera Ibal the mil
And Bnd to nsurh of honey rm a-robAuKtralla has mrire churebra
forge of the Collins lion Co., and
Milman reached the S|ian- lenderly. "I couldu t. Why. It would
business of Ibe lumlnsnU was the eonieritd It In two day* at an expense hi* hi ■ts handtri an lor and a bit of
of the bees.
capiia than any other cninlry.
room first, to nee Mattie striving to
know you a
slilpplng of the <rre liMir to Ihe lower of S: into a mluaiurv- blast fu/n^
terruide. I Miss Ji has J10 churches m every 1<>
'far RndUh languag* la thte
A baw>y life's dependent not on Ramp- miolher the Are *1lh a towel.
This operation was also aitendi> think Ibst pco»le Ktigland has Ut and Russia
forge of the Cidlins Iroa Co was
She snatched Ihf tlown romhtrter liana, "I
but I wasn't five sloutat ol

wlib gr>-ai difficulty. Nothing but the third jo tu- esiaMIsbed In the Lakr
g any saeriflre In elviiiu
I discovered bow dlfrrom the (isd of the l>e<l mid In a I aln m:
B., W ih. iiM. pWlMO|*r 1
Iiiillau trail extiuiiled from the SuiK-ricr couoto'. having been bull'
Swl.Hs walcln-s. according to
a Just indul
twinkling the lire was out and lie- you this
your tongue, bow hard U woa
sbon- of the lake to the mlue The in IkSt by Geo. R. Russel and others.
usi pubUsb.-d, ary becoming
Vve always want.
to make 'myaeir understood,
!. l ain't dePTtn' Sorrow'i danger o*er. Jum ok Jean came run whim of
The two which had pix-teded It wen» wtirn by a bride—that
ning luy She raw Mattie crjdng and MS- this
simple matiet*. tad I'm still
stalkin' tbrou^ the lan^.
heap Ibroiigb the forest would
forges of the Jackron and Har.s made for IVi take tl
what I
iralng her hllsien-d ljatids. she
Bnt her Natcr. Joy, U wHb b*. an'
support su weighty a subsiano' as qucile Iron cotgfmBles. The pig iron recelvl ig revelailans."
U seems to me Ibai it
r mtUher sUndIng itaW an<l l
■ponded the hostess, aa^
a-boidln' oC her hand.
The cuiinlrk-s wllh (tu- largest isipil on- In the summer lime. The sum uroduevd by Mr Gay was. of courae.
hta- ey -brows BMUBed the latarroga'
8o writ* IDO down at hawy. In the
iailoti tf'hina. India .ind Ruratal are liter lime, was ibi-n-fore ,devoted lo purely experimental. The first blast
ww cm the bed a heap of ebarn-d Ibev will all bbissoni for you It y.
:lvh ar h.
snnraibf. sprtns or tell.
by no mean.-. Hu- elruug:isl Stales, eilh miulug lb- ore.itid the winter lo haul
iraace In the Lake Superior region
(hat had oore Is-ou bet weddlnK
"The first dissimilarity ol eapreaA»* even atorms o' winter doesn't lee
er Imlu.^trlully. commercially, or in lag it la xb'igiu. ,ui the shore of the was bulb by the Lake Superior Iron
encountered al the pier.
any utber way.
abai U now the clly of Segxi isked
•Molhlv!" she'cried.
porter to summon me a cab.
8o I )eat keep on a hnntln' In tbo fra
It was called Ihe pioneer furThe desire to know Uie number of The slciglis held about a ton each.
fore, be brosgbt me a ear•ranee or Uie fiMte.
I want a rah." 1 said to the'
An' I end no nneh of hootgr l*w a Milman. helplessly. "This Is what
nmro than one trip a 'lay. The rf-cords gun in June, ikyT.
was finished
that child's vanity and tmrehimmts motberr- said J.wn Ibnl tiigbr. as sli - one. Hiiv-uili. an expert llalUn
m the box 'Have pa no cate
. . robbln' of Ibe bees.
of the nevelaiid Iron Mining
FiHinian'. IS51-. Mr.'E. 0. Rungei
re come to. To lie.suro, 1 suppose showed the daintj. obl-lai;hiotied g.iWh tislieian, eslinialcd In ICTS Ibe wo
Well, what do yoti think thU
—R.-F. Ojeene. In Youths' Companion
elpbiiKVi ton* were hauled foni was the agent', and Rl-plien R
-rni B;ibani.-.l
total luipulatlou at l.■luu.l»lO.»^M) s
•ought to be thankful It wa:
H fellow impudenUy answered.
. The Slniploti tunnel, tin- loigp-si in one day. wbieh. addefi the agent, “u Gay. superinteDdent.
think how
house- InsKstd of only n dress.
tm<4 wagoo" I didn't wish to saMRn Jnilana'a Waddln« Orraa.
said that ahe didn't know anythlug the world. Is to be cumpb-ted in I'ilK. llw biggest day >ei.'' lf>|jr springThe fltsi slack of the Plonor Iron
argument with the maa,
But Just then Jean did no: fei-l that
- * Jeaa wha waklni: her‘ weddUnt dre,
about Ibe sarnsliiesH of a weJdiii-g The ev.mi will be ce1vbrai>ul al Milan. lime a stuck pile of l.niiA tons had ac- Co. went into blast In April. m«. ood
■gaged him to drive tee to U»
J a Iblni of floe sbeer while or«andy
dress! Bui 1 .shall never think of be. Ibe nearest imporiani Italian city euwulsi.-d on the dock. U was aeeoum- the second in May. 1859. The aDnual
He stopped In troai of a Very
’ and cobweb lace, just auch a dress a> She broke into tears and lied to her
ed a large amount. .
by. an luiemationa] exposition.
prying gossip again "

report issued In Seidember. 1*51*. slat
:raace to the buildlug. bat it
hhe bad dreamed of batin* erer #mc-'8 the lovrtlest thing In the llmJapanese dwellings are usually <i ; la 1K5J the Iron comuani.t berau ed that liesklea Ibe capital fully |UUd
to me that It waioT where
the day that Martin Reed bad pul thr ful fragments Of (lie gn»n •‘he had of material ibai I ever i>ul my eyci but one floor. They are divided lnt< tlie Ctpsirucilon ..f a plank mad to
I125.**0», a floaiizig debt of S9S.
were. Spme fellows Ui LoaHlUe rlai. with Its three blue tut made wllh BocJi prt'le anil delight.
said Hit. Milman jiraetlcallv Ibe uuDJls-r of tu-droums the owiu-r the mine*. It sa* ut IhU time that
Id uerumulated and tbai the com­
made me acqaaluted with (ha
n^aea. on her slender brown llnser.
the s.-wlng oif it Is Wuliful -n-quiri-s by paper sbuliers which Dt Feicr White wrote the bill of lading pany was los'iDg money on every lot
ilfis wiTc extrrmeiy preva wouldn't
. The dreas stood for a *ood deal of
It does aeem a isisltlve shame to Ihlnk inio gnuvi-s. These pariltions can be
uf tht/earllesi sbipmetiis of ere of iron turavil out. The quality of Iti
America, so I asked the driver
riage at all.
♦xtra economy and a Wl of tt?lf sacculling li up lo make over"
ol-the Uke guiierlor country. U eon charcoal iron, however, wa* abovi
remove<l at will.
the lift eniraaee.
Jean cried aU night and moped all
rtflceontbepartoftlfe tether and
Molherr. I have an Insidralion.
■Isted <d six liarrels. coaalgnsd tr
lumlMT of other furnace*
ooked at me (or a momsnt.'No.'
'mother. Jean Anew this and knew le next day. The Ullnun house’iM-l cried Jean, -niere s ttolssly coming
S 1. Webb, ivimlt. who was at tbaHIOBeer. hetac lo-stert
Iron in Mlehioan.
that the love ao woven Into fabric and was a rather gloomy one at that time.
married except Martin's
Three-fourths of all the pig Iron lime secretary of the Jack--oo Ir
«sa was la Itaeir the flneai and most Mattie. lietweeB burned liands and re­ family and Miss Julltha.—so I’ll do that Ik now pnxlgevd In the Ualn d
The or- ws* sUlppe-1 to Su'iU-.
It advantagi-b for the manutect
biy kn ■wledge ut things American, ao
Vnetwu of teldal adoramenU.
Her morse. .wms*nlnxwt hrari-broken
Sutea^ls made «ui of l.ake Superior Ste. Marie on the steamer BalUmore
roil, one Im-aiiog g. tx-lt
IS to drive me lo ihe lift entold

heart saiif with Joy na abo bemme-J poor Mrs. Milman was. as she expryss"If you wmildn't mind Idling a luuly ore. The indiisirlal supremacy of the Trior to this time It was n-pniied lhai bard wood, another near a llinesione
trance •What the —' he started U>
• the froth^lke rnfUes. and no blni of ed II to Juliana, “quite upKiu and
w-hat you dieiiu to do?"Bmlb-d
oe five ton* bad gone forward i< quanr, a. third near an ore deposit, say. 1 111 broke off hU
Vnlleil 8lal.-s Jii 'lbe matfilfacture of
the fioom of (be aulamn day crept In lied to death." She had rim over after mother, and Ji-an did.
1. Crawford at Newessilu. Hu it and a fourili to secure the In-nellt ot
drove down the aire
potfr out tim’ cfismal story to
to shadow II. To Jena, the world
Ulus Juliana wondered a little wbui will proluhly exi-ts-d during the pres• tell of Ifcij'aboul I5« ton* of Irou
•r privilege.
few pi cet. He bad baited betere srbal
MlHs JuUai^.
Joan meant to make over her wed hUI year the tsmiblm-d oiirpuls of
all apriBcUme.
re K«-nt forwaVil by the CIvteland
I be the luggage (oom. I
The furnace history ot the upper
Mrs. Milman, paaalnc-4>y«stopped
tSreal Britain. Germany and France, Iron Mining Co. to the furtiaci
peninsula, however, has been one of mnai :ed Abe (act. but
for onee.was not forward with
her, Inil Jean thanked ber kindly
the Jackson Iron Co., at Sharon.wheiHdue eiitin.-ly to iho purity,
t^e Pioneer bi
When Mrs. Milman bad gone and said It wasn't neeessan'. Miss Ju­ and cboapness of (ransportaiion of (be It was tested In tbo blast furnace,
“Drary me. isn't H pretty r
utrance to tea lift eff the
Ing the onty one of ttu- early furnace*
cm to the Reeds'. Hiss JuHana threw i liana fell a little hart : hut on.lfae wed­ tires of Ibe 1.ake 8iip>-ri<ir emu
made a siiis-riup grade of Iron, hut it
lice J know of.'
to have sun ived. One van wander in
.hawl over her head and - htirrle- ding day. when Ji-an came down Into Till- premier posit Pin wtiirli Ihe I
suceesistuff conkhit be meant for wnarins
(o,i)ie wiUb-r portions of ibe Marr ade my way untlmai.eiy to tte
fully M. far as ite- Mast furna
sny more than moonahtne. I'm real
■d .males now liolds n-sis uiu'
quell- range t<4a> wKb a feeliac that
r the fsubllshmcnt. As I regbomc'.ttcnil. She found J.-an <-urIi-.l tip her yowog bridegroo'm. Miss Ji:
• (in
i-ry flrr
Sind Ye
out to maaa«e It. Youi
no out- bus evi-r pciieualed tbul (xirI spoke of my eapertence with
the sofa, wllh her Jact- lii.p pillow. undentoiMi. For i)u- wi-ddlng dress
bad sbai--. However. Its quality
•leposlls Ir.- exhausK-il.
fWher'thCMsht at Brat It was kind of
iluii ot the wilderness and suddenly
Tlagt- driver, but the booMag
Miss Juliana sal down bc.vhle her anJ which Jean wore nnib-r her snowy
iiidei-il. could they Ik- s.-n«ihlj wa* uuiioubied. Slid the Iron compan- come u|H>n tbeTeiuaias of an old rbarfooilab to spend money on n white
i-emed In some measure of
pul her arm over the girl's sbotihlers. bridal veil
i-nordmn when mimey was so scarce and
coBl furnace ylib Hs batiery of ruiui-d doubt himself when I mentioned tbs
■fv'p heard al>oiii It. Jean," si
she had t ik«-n from, the riilnlr-eovci
ll■')Klsll* disciivi-red clsi-wbere. oud Into a strap railroad Meanwhll- kilns, embankments and rosdwaysyon needed so many other things. Bui
‘Have you no iitts
lift 4411
c;l chest. uualtor<-d In any res|H-ci
ill kMiniP}i»K lo ibe liirnaeev -onsirueiiun had ts-guii on ihe canal
>T atood Brm- I iwmetnbcr when I whispered, "and I'm so sorry. B
tvstimonlals of caniCKt but
here! iuild I. rvmarklng tbe expr^
-n iR-autifully blearhcd and ll|>y travel along a blgiiway wtiose It Saiili Ste. .Marie. Ihiergb-s Were
was married I aranted a while drera. drnik cry any more. I'leaw o*a
sard(-d effort.
Klim. 'Lifts?' aaiwered the man. and
my bouse for a mlmite. I ba­ done up. and fliK-d Jean's slender fig­ i-iiitioniy of lrans|K>riailon Is.
. too; hot they t« aald It was auch fool«-nt t-i compl-te Ihe strap railroad
reriew of Peter Whiles' life would be lodked strangely at me: then as
ure Iicrfeclly. No bride cmild Imve equaleil anywheie In ibe world.
ng lo show you."
Kfore lb.- canal should lie o(jen*-.L
I gave it np and was mar1 revlirw of tho history of ihq Lake thoug a light had suddenly dawned
looked fcweeler and fairer, and Mis
Jean wiped away her leant
. rted in my brown silk. But do you
i-normouK has Ihe ore trade «f .ut as the strap cpllroad was not com*
him. he leaned forward
Juliana wept tcara of happiness i the !.she SuiH-rioreontiiry grown.
pl.-ted unill Novemb.T. 1*55. the canal KuiuTloc couiitn'. His life comptuses
Jena. t‘*e bad a hankering for went. Somehow, she did not r
'Front, give ibU gentleman n ,
■11 that I* modern in the hlsti
while dtw* ever since. So 1 wa: Mliw jDllana's meddling in the matter. her eorner.
.inrre.llbl.- that it sh.Hiiii was actualiy finished several months list prineely territory-the richest
:h bi* aaiehcl.' For reasons Ot
How lovely of you." slu- wUlslK'n-d
' 4e(ermlMd you should have yours. VYhen they reached tlio latter's
r of the |iasi 5ft yeara mere­
n I preferred to carry my own
It aeamM to me that It wolld kaUsfy
The find shipment ol ore tbrnugb
ly, Yet .’lU yi-sr* ago tbo i-jpbl* of
p. 'Oh. that's til right,' mU
discovered. 'The change* since he ripay own wish, to see yon marked In
stairs. Before the door «>f the galile lilt sorry lo ihlnk of the ilr.isu In
Mary's liri-r aclecl as an iiisii|>era the canal was on the big Columbia mi
-rk. 'he'll lug your baggage
sod off
up and made over, luil I didn't
•white dress. Dearj- me. then's Miss room she paused.
Mi-'lmcrb-r to ronimerre wliJi Igiki- Bu August IT. 1S5.S, and conslsteil uf 132 Cleveland mine lo 1M9 have been
ly enough.' I don't yet'know
1- otluT way If you wi-iv lo wi-a
Jihlana coming acroas the field. Mat
• Tve never Uken anyone In her-rior. Tills great on- trade i* iio»- tons, sbi| l.y the Cleveland Iron
le lueunt.
The blow alierr-d lUe face of
I was bound you should. Ob. Jean
*16. run » the front door and bring her before. Jean." aho said tremulously.
to'lb.handled with . mi-Ii ridiculous • ase
ilnent, Insi.-ad of a stubborn and
end tbe boy led me to ih*
la that way. t wouldn't have her nee -VoD won't tell anyhudy about It. will
anil •silh <-qnlpinent In the shaiu- ot 4'k-v<-land Irun Miiiiiig company, lu
ijfit, 4nd i was astonished to discover
retK.illous mule hanlliig a fonr-um
the back porch, all lliered up as it Is you? I ronidn't Ixar to have It talk-' bsi«P>!"
ship* and iKuibs that ran r--adily adatd IKiiiil of fact, all tbe ore ibul left tli bey. were cMied elevators. I
on a little strap railroad, there are
'So aai I." wblspi-reil Jiwn. with
arlU excelilor. tor the world.’
pi-tiin*ula that >-*-■). 1.449 ton*, wa*
IlHclf tu itiiciiiaibiiis from one to
compelled te adopt many of
now plying to this scitsamv range
Mush and a »ly glann-- ut Martin.—
Maltie flew to the front door wbHe
million tons pi-r month, iliiii a inuh shlpiK-d by the Cleveland Iron Min­ mmc'of the most powerful locomo­
She unlocked Ihe door and leil J.«n New Idea Woman's MagBxllie..
ual t-xpressloDS as I find.
ing company. Ibe other two cumJean hurriedly gathered np
ful nn-llal of the time when' an i
I by the hand, like a chtM, It wai.
____ ______ _ ______ word elevator is
tives Over constructed, sod the old them
paiiies. the Jackson anil the Lak<- Su
al stock pile of l.‘«ni tons at t
-Bea. .
yqimg girl's room—qualul.neat. very
Curious Facts.
roa/llw-d Is among Ihe hravlest In the to pet ufiar ss appUed to an appnratoa
IH-ri<ir. D<« iK-Ing prr-pared to ship
"Mother, help me gel these «
old-fashioned, wllh frille.1 white mus­
In l»ndon ih«ne Is imi- llcenwvl lake iKirt* was niiiKiden-d a goodly
world Instead of a I'Mi-toti Kchoom- which mis'yoo up. I becaate involved
any on- at all.' This old strap railroad
■Ight. Mlsa Jnllana mustn't •
lin curtains at the window, a whh<^ drinking plan- ,i<> every tJf. Inbabl amoiini ln-coni*-s extremely inienargument ibis montiiig with a
rr-c-ivlng It* cargo of ore iiiion a gang­
l•■•l a tery sir>-nuous life. Indeed, for
• te
an old gOMlp and ranched bed. and a high, shining
guvHi at the hotel over tbo
plank there 1i
iBo yi-ars The motive power was
pry. It wemid be talked over in every ehesl of drawers, lopiw'd
HiU.t Wlilfv. now 111.* leading e.
me loaded by nu-an* of a trestb- dock
g in the meaning of the word,
In Colombto not .ute^arier <*
uililes, and ilu- can- held ab«>ul
hoiiae la Brightwood hi a week and I framed mirror.
makes it wrong to use in tha:
land is sellied or owned by Individ
. mhocu feei Htat like a desecration gtrnuh kniek-knacks and b
I bos in snipping lops each. The iiiiil.-* could mak<
ran. assisti-il
but be didn't seem to graap
ilmt- Gian it uwk to load the niue
ly line irip a day. Tb«- grades
And she'd poke U abool with her lit neatly kep' and spix-bles-s of dust, but
(he first irur
poloi I aougbt to make: said that
schouuer and all romiiix tioi
tie ctews aad peer Into the stitches." •videnily king unused by any biimau
bill of lading of one «f the t-ailiesi
•rise' would be a belter ‘
same deposfls.
birds cwily l-l'i are n-sld.-m Ml 4h'
If not the first i!hi|iment of ori—only I limes ran ana;, mangling tbe n
The white dress was safely ool of hand.
If any change were
;h oesrly O and Jnmplng the track at the first ' To be exact, Ihe great sleamer,
and that anyhow, most of them
the way before Miss JolUna
“This was my room long .ago. when
j Augustus B Wolvm, has Joaded 10.
II New Jersey bob years havt
HeniBii II. Ely bad begui
I- then, he Is
Perhaps she suspected aometfaing. for was a youiig girl." said Hiss Julistia.
more like 'booeu' than anyI
In this great Iron r
ber sharp black eyre Aid not tell to "in-e never used It since-since I pot
•Ise. I couldn't fully m>d«nd wb-.n congn-s* jmsseil' Sorth-n dock*. Atlouez Bay. b
Iron ore was first discovensl lu thi |""*
.Mtlee a snip of orgsndy on the carpet glrlboiKl behind me foreve
tiim. but be atJd he'd send It
Dine thousand lonx of
Hnr)«»s. giraffes and ostriches hare upper peninsiila m MU-higaii by Mr.
■<'> ’« ilroiilai- lb- rohsiructioni minutes.
■ad a white thread eltnging to Jesn;s
Hut I've alwtys kept
;b. and then I'd find the Uugh.
on In 34 minute*, and
:lie iron rompiinles,made ina-i
dress. But she ^d oot.blng about (Ised lo Ik-. And nobody but myself the largesi eyes of land animals: cut iVm. A. Burt. I'nilcI Slai.-s, .lepul) | **I
Al amazed to find yon Amers a’ dock a total perlo-J
> consullduie ih^ir strap
, It, although she prolonged h*
tgever been,In It since then. "
1 dies rail such functioBi as ibU
nnrearaoaWy and talked gossip untfl
OrdiTK have rcc-ntly tu'cn excciil.-.l Ing the upjier i--omsula. Bort was:
vben no tea is served, when ices
Miss JullaoB went to tie- chini
Jean almost lost her pxUence.
the refrcahmenis. it's
I Japan for- a supply of fishing nr-i* lb.- invemoT of the solar i-omiiassj
ered cM-si under the window
b•e..In^.llves used iip-Jpui .A 1.449 ton*, there 1* an average
un.1 tbe Pies.-iire of tile mineral .,c-j »n<l ll'e Ac
he sure, poor JuUmna's gossip
opened it- A sweet, faint, spielnes* ■r Alaska valiitsi ut 83i‘.«“«‘.
*11* rliscmered by Ihe vioU-nt
ways harmlesa enough; but Jfloated up Into the roof as she Hfle.1
i'tcated all go«ip.
out a dress—a drees of mhlle embroid­
War on HoUl Soap.
' Bo Mlm Juliana bad to go home ered muslin, Ivory-llnie
bull b,,h,N...
»-i<itiMBc mwllcai authorities are
WIUMMI bavtog been taken Int.. Jean'
wiw «o soap; that is. aoBp '
II will rake five year*'lo A-build i!
Jersey Machine and
Loeomotlve *3 to ICJiC ptr ion. irom Marqueit.■ iiariy to **arrb alwiut
was in ikCC. there 11
"Thlis" iwW Mis* Juliana. >«.rftly
e of VeultK- The uew lower] |
commonly used, tbe cakes
Patterson. N. J. The.~e lo-, to Ohio pWnw.
the? could discover. They jiad^ Works,
"It wouldn't have hurt her
•nhls was to have weddinc Dill probably have ra elevator.
were callable of hauling jU the pr«-K»nl trip to trip rate of 7i | of u el soap for proBlacuous use
no Ir.iuUe Dbaiex.-r In dlscovertiii:'
abowed me her things." wliis|>en-d drt'ssf Jran. Lung ago 1 was engaged
which wa* leruied. cetut. a conirati rate over a urm of, hare
The Japanese have discovered a j
as she turn to a young *«a captain. Malcolm Ix-n jmshoil'of producing artificial pearl*' ore. for a meiv rip of the s.oil ri-vral-: I--'"* *'
cd ihe mineral. The • surveyors ap-i "• the newsi^pers of the ax
Med aboot to unlock her door, bUndei mix. When he weni
-ter White said in 'Wash- - Sew
which 00 ime ran u-ll from the g>-n- r«-areJ to have made no effort to profit i avalanche ol ore."
by nwson of a few stinging tram \- voyage 1 prnmiM-d to marry him wM-o ulne article.
Ing'.iii; the iron trad- vf the I'niied were lade rv-ceotly in tests of soap
by their discoveir. mi*rely rerorrliug' Ii Is Iriie.-eirttng lo recall that Hi'
' her eyes than by the telling dusk
came hack, i got all of 119 rliliig
The bird'* nest.-i «ise.l for soups ar- Ibe finding* iu their fl-trt oolm. They .fcriiare m-m of the early days hac 8:au-* IS a mighty *ok-mn fu-i. H laket from a number of New York he•Tve been (ood at Jean ever since n-ady and (hen I mmle my wcldin.
S** lified a people *o the. veiV apex

diros«e. ba-Herla were
■he was a baNr aafl I've been In and dn*** from a roll ot muvilo my uncle little gelallnp<i* ibltigs male up priii : luentioned the exUtence of Iron 10 great dlfflcolty with Lake 8-ipenoi ol inJustrtsl K'lpTctnao among tbe
.rarly ever, sample. The
vipally from tbi- .lallva
tiny birds. l*,ou Xoian. a half-Jireed. living at ore* in the furnace The hla*t fur
out over there almoat every 4ay of had given m.-. He wa* a sea captain,
thi ihlrd-clasa hoteU wo*
of China.
Aaulie Sie. Marie. Mich, and at In ha-e^ cf tho*c day l*yre lime relsti-m»''• ■'"O'
my life. They needn't treat me like a loo, and' he.had broitglil II home from
ban that found ia tbe AenpWiijiin
After tweniy year*' service abrtmd d'lan chief. Madjicijlg. wfiose wigwam to the blast furnaces of today. It hai
■tranger. I do hate for fonts tu be so India. lx>»k at it. Jran: lt*was fit for
hi-en related that about iSo ton. of »'
‘H«ribu.ed the^blcss- er ho^telrira.
a qm-en-so fiae volt mlghDhate al 11**“
Staffonlshlro Reel- .a* at the mouth of the Cai
________ ihlDoed to Sharon bv the *"8* of wealth aiming a greater num
most drawn the whole Web through a I
arrlri^ •* * S'-or or two pnor t.. this i
snipped to snaroB u.
^ mdivldnal famm« In the I'nltBut neilhhr Miss JoRaha IT anym
_■ .
-‘iiw»er |e'ntnsiila was liievally ov.t- flereland Iron MHilag Co. In 1852. ..
nation can
in *Brtgbtwood was destinedI to s
PriijeeM Charles <ff' Denmark
torSTtbough II be
that white dreas of Jean's. On the flnMicd It. i brard vole* In thcklich-! In South Africa the .Hite aril* harun with*i«-iora searching for wa*
with ber fingsTD. and one
en below.‘I ten ouito the landing and been found ro dcsintcrive to wooden ri>Plwr,aud other
pr«rious metals, canal to ^ron.
first b^kmd ^ •
Bay that It was finished Je«a laid II
of her bobbles la tbe maktBS of ttetb'Marks' voice. He tie* (tml ««•! has neerasartly be^
«« had hitherto heard uf iron.
Ized old JocT
carefnlly on the ' spare-room'
fan . Before her 1
The ploneers.rrf the iroh mine* were “5®^
il- was telling mother that the Annie adopted.
and (hat
MatDavid Agnvw i„n makers tn the beginning, saw a to tei ilon quite a nunteor ot these
Ue went Into the apare-room *lo cnrilRay had been tort with aU on board., uto ran be sustained for sometblag *» P«*e«aed with the Wra that-the
the frathers of tbe SandrtngI Tbe Annie Ray was Maicom's
Malcom's ship.
ship, »ke
like »
M) days on water alone; with but praiosum
Henlosula •"
waa ‘“v
the logrcai
logical p.«Rplac«- .ur
lor wr«
--r -.
h«r hair lov pvnyw- ■eetlng.
raeocks. and tall (hem nt ha­
inclined tn be ahsenl-^ran. my youth and bM>Plae«s dle.1 a'„ food one «>uld live but a quarter
ViK Inm. They *11 aitemifi-! Tbe atr wa* used In the funtace w.ih Lake
eJ il. but the obstacles agalnrt Us sue- partly Mone and portly with native pr.riace Ian year more steel than zaars ter ehartbea.
She waa pondering deeydy then. 1 erra> hack here bnteen-hrart- of that tltne.

I uk« th* wrtithw «i*r. «• > »>«' **'®




cmnected tip on the barbed wire on
their fences. Prom this grew the
and steadily grow­
ing system. The constrnctlon is flnt
claM In every respect
The deal with the Bell company Is
cagb deal for tbe moat part, wlib
mortgage or other arrangement

preatdwd Saturday, the tbej' * p. m.—Patriotic s
Th* K. P.-# RIs Oath*rtfi».
Plano and that concerted plants be B»v. J. I. Bu^l, D .D. and the Cottier-j by tbe Rer. Jeremiah J. jAm Iv)- oI
OM «f th* toiswrt wd tiwt mwiClaimants society will bare ajcMcago.
made to ralae money for that parpoae.
iLp irf tbe jt^Tot Tr»»er»e CllyJodse.
7:30 p. m —Anniversary «t the
.jnoiher-auggeatlon 1s that the open t&eeilng In the evening. addresM.-d by
no. n, KnIshU of PjrtlUM.
sionar}' society. Address l>> tlir- K< v
inteiestlng speakers.
k the >od*e roonuiThawd*y stsbt »n-l
r. H. Sheets, f). U. of Chlcsga

Sunday a program Is as follows;
n}wUfe«te<9 In the comlnt;
There will he three nyatdons «f llu
1 but when all are welco
-* a. m.—Conference love least. Ie.1
ooirono nnk eb«nnd kMlse» Md
1$ the Rev. J. K. Surk. chaplain &il-‘ conferenev on Mtmday. llu- rloslny
to llstM to the excri
Mpbeal •Iresdr deiw«»tr»te* th*t
II fee.
a small
I thus everyone may become iSers- home. Gfnnd Raplda.
ttte comJii* euie piihertBi: of Pjrtbtana
q by Bishop J. F. i
Jflrlfl a. n
•eouainted and the ne
A this city s huc« aBoeess U
lire It has le^-ii nihiomar;
hers feel at home.
i Berry, I-l*. U Ordination of dcwcons.
It SspMtds entlrsly upon the T«ver»-«
Merc. Co. improvemeirta.
Tbe program tor tbo afternoon was
2;30 p. m.—Ordination of eldt-rs and ■for Ann Arlwr higli Beleml «ii.l.-nis :
aty Pythtona. The lodge la in r»I
The Hannah A Lay Mercantile com­
simply n istfi at fcchoo) at i.-i itaili.i
Shape flosBclallr and it was ibe unan- pany baa for some time been eonsSdI that the entire ea- ering malerUl Improvementa and-conPlano solo. Marguerite Evans.
ywaa ot «uenainlag the grand lodgi venlences In the big building which
Vocal solo. Mrs. N. B. l>gan.
pad tmltorm rank should he main has been a landmark In lu present
Reading. Katherine Martin.
talaed by the
form' for ove^ twbniy-bve y
Vocal solo. Miss Carrie Earl,
id;from the bualTbe directors and aiockholders in
fjght lefrHsbiuentB were served by
asN men and others of Traverse City. mslderlng Travcnie City fell that the committee.
Already merabera have subacrlbcd
as the store Is the plollecr
about SSeO; It Is expected Ibal tbe e
Water All Right.
store of this district ond tbe original
••Waler all right," wlre.1 Stale Chem­
department store of Michigan, that
This aMOOt tbe nenbers viU prompt.
: could advertise Traverse City ist F. W. Robertson of lAnirtng iithan having I the structure Deputy Food Commlrsioner Haine at
Tbe aeeortog of the aUtc meeting lu hrtmghi up to dale and modernised Noribpnrt.
this dly Is a source ot pride to local attractively. When U was UnlU it was ferred lu five simple iif 'Traverwe City
PytUans and they parpoae to
ahead of the limes, but since that lime water lhal had bec-n iu-nt to LAiisiug
one of the red tetter eveota la Trav aa the city has grown. Traverse ttity by Health Otilcer Martin, one fn>in
ana City's fraternal history. Chan has advanced much beyond the store, 1.2S0 feel out In the bay. anolber front
Plat* Glass, Steam Bollsr and Accident I
artesian well on the (U?ntral
aelkir Commander Weller recently though the institution Itself U well
ewied the upper peitinsula. wbire
known throughout the eommerclal school grounds ami the others from
various caps about the city. This
bonthat ats£iig the npper peninsula world.
that the typliold germs which
jUUid degree teams was held.
The company lias felt that bringing
to the membera that the dra the riore up to date was another step have been working so freely In the
Tork exeeuted. was the ilocat he forwlrO. for Jt would In that way ben­ city for the past few weeks come from
had-avar aceo and the vinnlng team efit the oommunlly as well as Itself.
other sources than the .-ommon drlukRoom 810 NSW Stats Bank ButldlnRTrav*bs* City.
waa aUnoot absolutely perfect. Tbe
SufOclmit funds have been author- log water.
a of the Bed Cross lodge of Sault Ued
Big Trains.
( atm. Marie worn In tbe npper peninsui.x bnve a atodem store in every partteuThe materials are on the way
and theI prise will be c
Pcrc Marquette train So. in. wfilrh
With Umt
» by tbe Uam of Talley and the wwk will begin Just as
leaves hero at »;!0p. m. was eleven
CUT Mga of Grand RapMs. which la
,e.ars In length Thursday night, one ol
M b^ MW of tbe beet In tbe
Manager'Sanders aiaiea lliat^re the cats being Gen. Maunger William
n wtchont anytng that will he an eniltel/ new ftoht of about CotlCT-s "Delroil." Mr. Cotter luithM Mtaat. whkh wtU be put on th» 2S5 feet. All the stores will be coo- been among the uonhem resorts wlHi
'mono M the oty epm bowse <» the neeied by suitable openings, both
hU family during the summer raoullis
Ont. *. win be--------'
the drst and second flours so that pat- and they were returning last evening.
Yon will goon be mad)- to fiuisb yonr hiiuso.
Wc carry a
arlll have fr« and ready acceaa
Division Superinlendeul Tlieodore
foil line in atock and arc in eliapir to jret out apt-cinl >ork in a
to Ibe <9itire More. Both the Ural and Ensel of Grand Raplda. was again In
in stock.
I win be other prigea awarded •Mood flotws win be devoted lb aalgp
busideparimenu. the general offlee located
d other eonieota.
a. When Interviewed
Wben in a linrry, tend your i>nl.T to-ui
[ It la aapeeted that the ooming t
n«entative he bad nothing to sav
g wlU be one of the boat. If not th? nlng at once will cootiaiw until com-,
regard to the wreck at Bendoii
i^eTtfhMdlnUieatateof MIebigan. pleted but will not l□lerfe^e In any aside from roenctooing that he w<
y InformaUon has been received way with the comfori of
carry on the ufflrial investigdiion a;
t indicates a very large attend- ail times. 'The entrances and exiu Grand Rnpids as soon aa Englcper Mr
PIIOO.-S. Bell hliO; Citz. SOS.
The eommltteei are now get- will be abaolutely safe.
Robfris. who is rapidly tvotiverlnr.
The arrangemeol of the Interior and was able.
C buy and while there Is lets that
h In which to do the woik. It ts depnrUnent will be arrived at as the
in speaking oT tho summer.passe-;Id that everything wUI be In
ger traffic] Hr. Ensel Htaied that II
The wot* 1» In charge of P. E bad been heavier this year than evr>
Moore, the' local arcJiltPcu and TravU-fore.
Clly labor and material
_* a«nbera were greatly enthused
t Uat Blot's gathering where the as obUinable will be ui>ed In the work.
The Michigan' Con
The third floor and ImBement will
jrthclpat tbente at the tenquet tablo
The annual Michigan c
bo uUllted aa stock rooms, and a rest
hu tha grand lodge aeeUng.
tho Methodist I^scopal cbiirrh wii:
F ru hanqnel waa held afier the con- room, which will U- aptireclaied by
be held ot Cadillac Sept. 13 lo l>
ItMTlBC ot Ute third rank upon two many, will be Installed.
The plate glass settings of the front BiKbop Joseph F. Herr>-. D. I>. l_ 1.1.
u>d it waa one of the finest
D. presiding. This is tho seveBly-nrs'
.^nsda ever Uid In the Pythian din- re of the very latest design, bavins session. The first day will open wi'U
lag rooB. It vas given under the di- bees paleoled last May. and there arc a devotional service addresred by
none other like them at preaimt In
'neUon of CM a 8. Cavls. aariated
Bishop Berry whieh will Irameilialelv
by Wa. Woodgood and Mr. Chaao. MIohlgan. Show windows will, also b«
be followed by the first n-gular «•:
,«ook of tbe City reaiaurant. Prof. I. placed on Union sueet.
skin of the eoBferrmce and In the even
Mr. Sanders stales that there Is
B. ODbeit. oTBcial toaalmaater of the
p board of church extension w’lil
reason why Traverse City should not
MBA Stmided. Several vtolia aoloa
la anniversary addresaed by tbc
take first place aa a commt trial cen­
wwe readerMi by Uoyd Benus In
ter. Tbe coBUDuntly has^changed In Rev. T. C. Illir of Philadelphia.
eery eatertalnlng wanner, and a
Berry will again address the
-inst ms contributed
to an Industrial and agricultural com- ministers at the devotional ser.-lr.'
hr B. Taraay Lagg. who rang ueveral
muBliy and Is rich In possibllllles.
Thuptday monilug ond one session of
popular Bonga. and
the eonference will be held
Harry Hanw presldnd a*
Beilaira Electricity.
day while four onniversaries will Is'thh plaw>. Addremia were wade by
Bellalre, Sept. C.—Charlevoix Is now
Pirw C. QUhert CuNIa Aluray. Chan- lighted by ejedric current generated observed. Tho Woman's Home iiiIkeMM CMBWMder C B. Weller and In Bellalre. Ibe ligtaia being innied on slonan- soHWy. the Women's Foreign
C 8 .Cavia, waatw of finaace. A last evening. Henry Rlcbardrs plant, Mlsaloniry society, the Sunday scIi.k.I
'trpiml IndiaB nodg waa rendered by which utmtee tbe water power former­ union and the Frfedi
Southern Missionary society. All tin'
, > B. MlUer.
ly used b turning Ibe wheel auf tbe anniversary meetings will U
Aa atated before, tbe principal
lenware factories, is a modem In- dn-Bsed by well-known sp.-akers.
these of Ue addreeaes waa the grand atallaUon In every respeei. Tbe
Tbe afternoun of the third day will
'‘lodge seeUng and each of tbe speak- Leffel waterwheels are directly
<ere Impreaned upon the wembera tho nected to a 37S K. W. Bullock throe- be devoted to anniversary meetings as
will the erming. The Hrolherluxsl of
=Uaportaace of sainuintng the repuSt.
Paul and the Temperance socleiy
.Stlon of Traverae aty for hospitality
Ask Ajrenis for particulars as to time of trains, limit of
wlll observe tho day during the after­
and sore eapedally the repuUtloa
noon and In the evening ibe Ivard of
lickcts, etc., or sec small bills.
■whidt has already been attained by
ad eloctric lighting plant, the vil­
be addressed by Sanm°l
’the Tra'verte etty lodge of Pythlans. lage also operatingsystem ot iu
It waa about 1 o'clock when tbe gnthlhai Is of modern style and ci.npresident
■rtag dtoperaed. When the wembera MructloD and of sufficient capacity
The semi-criatennlal sermon will ]>c
departed It was with tho delermhiaipply the village for many years
«fin to gM buay and keep busy from
«ne. The two plants are In no wise
now naUt the date of the grand lodge
innerled with 'each other.
- Tbe Weman'a Club.
Traverae Ray Telcpha
Tbe Woman's club held Its first
Bellalre. Sept T.—The
meeting sluce tbe summer vacation
Bay* Telephone company, unofficially Friday afternoon In the Cliy lihrair
'^raken of aa the "farmers' line." '
club room*. The afternoon took tbe
iooj»t the exchanges of the Michigan form of a mnslcal and social meeting.
H you are in this condition,
Btote Telepbooe company at Central One of tbe Interesting features was
your nerve force is weak—the
l*kn an dthla place. ;The JieH
the excellent prr-sldeni's message
power is giving out, the or­
^■ay retaina their thrangh wires
glien by the dost president for tho
of vour body have
Slip it over the horses' head and feed them aliywherc.
■pim toll hnstness on them.
y.-ar. Mrs. J. F, Oilleaple.
"sJowed up.” and do their work
i The farmen' line had * strong exMrs. Gillespie spoke of the confi­
No time lost in putting up your team anil no ^oney to
imperfectly. This failure to
'change at Central Lake, and with the dence she fell in the local club
pay out for stable rent.
The saving in lime ami mon­
f^hoaea added from tbe Bell they now bers, feeling that each will take u|2 do the -work required, clogs
ftave about M 'phonea connected with the year's work wltb a determination the system and brin^ disirc
ey will pay for the bags in a short time. They will last
She nwiibboard. Tbe work of cutting to make thU the mos\ helpful year and disease. WTien the nerves
are weak the heart is unable
Mer waa completed today.
that the club has known. She stated
* At this place tbe farmera' company tbat the Wotpan's. club today Is the to force the life-giving blood
^d'been'at work less than a year, but , unircrslly extension for (he w-omen through your veins: the sioinhad ever too 'phones connected. Wiib who are out of active college life. ach fails to digest food:^the
( from tbe Bell exchange, which Clubs do treble duty: Uicy make liel- kidneys bek power to filter
impurities from the blood, and
IS soon a« ntble and
ciilzens of women who in turn
;e it possible for the children lo the poisonous waste remains in
Get a nice lunch box
It is now excursion time,
the svstem to breed disease.
become i>etter clllxens; they make betKerveenens:>' must be restored.
for your trip.
citizens of the wen because the
Dr. Miles- Nervine will do it.
The farmers* liaes Anuch all the standard of the home U regulated by
because it stret^hens the
tovao tn the county and free service ibe standard of each IndtvlduM
nerves; it is a nerve medicine
a^er all lines Is given subscribers. Tbe
Beil unbscribere ukra on by tbis deal
Some of tbe befiefits of Ibe club and tonic, that rebuilds the
entire nervous system.
thill share in this advantage of free were pointed out as heli^ul as*
"Screral yrars .go 1 w«. bH brekra
Alwajs h jnciy; we have lliem at every price.
taika over all Um-s owned by
Uon. exchanging views, seeing things doirn.
I waa nmiiua, w<irn-o-Jt. vocld
ooBiiNmr. Wltb
from otliers' points of view, coming
r added the company has Into touch with those who think beau­
tDf. 1 brean liJUnz r*r JUl-*'
I 'pbanes In the county,
tiful thoughts and* pass them on t.i
Nm-lne. and used allogcihrr eight
a tbe Bell through lines tbe 8wnv- others.
arty. Citizens' and other
Mrs. Gillespie would suggest for the
m BUaw..
nirth Ave., AU*CI>'''’V- IW.
coming year that tbe club reorganize
Of. Mlire' Nareli*. If
. Tho rarwen' eeapany <
the classes In hpus^ld economics!

Irarcrsc City Stale Bank

.r». tkoa ghlng them fcs:edom l-iweeo Classes. Snpt. illau-..l; > r,T.«l .
says that upon tompletlou -d tl« hew
Mu.!.-m. wd: lb-ire.i
a) TRACY LAY, FrealdenL
to put In lehnr.- huur^ tii ;l,.
timUr iht-ell.iri.-e <»f h»,-Vi>vi .'. arherv
8. OARumerCathlre..
CAPITAL. 8200.000
SURPLUS. <30.000

GcEcral Easktig B«slaes Baae





Tire Insurance!

Money to Loan on improred Real Estate Only.





Fer the last four ye.’irs out
filt'iids.' Tl-i' U-ys likiIhi iil U;.';iU6.' ll- y lit U---1.
l...k jltvcaiul will stai.d ll..hard'kii-ke.
If \«.ii li'jy one |*iir \
sure 111 <r;ii,t’iuiulbi'f {lUi'jiiht
lilvi; llii-iii.

s|‘f* ..'VK s


RottilaRd Douglass
i I. 1. i : . Ml.w


Da. F. J. MacNett


wntietm Biaok




J4IIINSOX liKI'l. 111.
Jtien isii l%iM»-a*.zrtBCf ■



, iwC



Wajnf Csoaly BanI BUg.. DBTBOtX

Indestructible Roofing

Annual Excursion

, Wears as long as the




a on»

/■'or .‘<r/ri /-I’

Tuesday, October, 2d, 1906

Traverse City Mfg. Co.
Cor. Ullh and Lake Ave.

Citizens. ti>;






Hose Bags
Ciincb Boxes

Dinner Pails


fioar yeara ago la the aortheni pari and dumestic ncltdice which was aoi
of the coupiy by a gtoop of tanaera posidble last year. 8be also sugge.iM
tbrtr booses by *pba(icj that outside the regular work tbe club

wiu refund j-nor money.

UilM Medical Co., Elkhart. Ind

Small Tam Ws
it will j«y you to <--Jl awl
;ui'l oMiiiiitie our -b>ck and
ir.-t oiir )iri<'< s. WE SAVE

Corn Knives.
Husking Pins.
Potato Forks.
Pot^o Hooks,
Vegetable Forks,
Kraut Cutters, Etc.
Jtsk ter Ibi "Olstaa" falala Back.

Old roitoScelluildli.L’.

Have you ever tned the
Bl '

J^opal tiger
They are the betu

J. J.

Ctnatd C«#«
and Saimaa

Sold rally by




Mr. nad


M«. F. .8.

wllbout any lights whatever and

Soolro*. two

this should be i>endsted In. dinslcrs

dMBbtos. Fred Clhner nad wtfc nc

TtefPdw^ B«onl.


»Dd prebahty toss of life is flkeiy (o'
'C *. BrowpeB vetnnei to hU Bt«c tallied to Uiclr botu«> In Milan tbli
Is EMOft Cntk thta

toomlo* oftcr

TMUac (b« loBlIr V W. H. Brownell.






borne in Cedar Run this morning.
Hh tuaUr >■ «tlll ^CK.
Hro. June. Btringrr *na dnoshlef
Mrs.- Alice Uiasell went to Milan ibla
Crert. »re |W*U «< W.
aira. T. Bobcrte

gtren Frank, Seth and Claredce

the dw

Ashton at the home of Brayton Rice.

Mrs. Hattie Gilbert of Pomona and S19 Park atrcel- The gurais.arrivcl
Mrs. Mary Garrison of Grand Raiilds. at 8. dressed in unainl eoKlum.
who have been ririUng friends and of which were wTy beautiful. About

foundai^ion of



Tbnrada^ evening a farewell party

H. aornlng.

Of tkOUe Creek. *re ^Boert* of W. H.

5T0P, WOriAN!

Farewati Party.


lelallviw In the cliy. left for IHrarona
lirougbt liy ilic
Miu Sflulree rMsmed to LaiwUiR tbia morning.
young ladles of Ibe comiiany and
tfata otonani;. She wkr
O. A. WhliloeJi and wife refurtied to sisliug of sandwlobes. cake and citoni
by JU* Nettle ChUlendcin.
I.dke Ann afinr spci-dlng a ebon rime
wcr.' served by .Miss Winifred
Mra. W. B. Btcbanle. IWM Wa»hlnKIn the eify.
Baker and Miss Flort^nce Rice.
That in addressng Mrs. KnVhamyoi
atreec and
nant. ^ra.
Mrs. James Moody has gone b. Cbal- Isrys presented Frank and Seth each are cnolidiiig your private ills to a womal
Laatbeor. went U, Fife lAke thie
—a womao who* rxprrienee with wa
laniioga. Tcnn, where rtie will enter with a iieaulifol founialu pen. Those
men'a diseases oovrrs twetity-five years
nonilnK wh.-n- tUcy will rJelt rolal
the omiifoy of Charies Bi.wotbal as present were Ilulb Roland. Marpari t
The present Mrs. Pinkham Is Ih
tree (or a few daya.
general cashier in his large store.
Woffatt. Lucy Kelley. l.uctn.' HoUWay. daughter-in-law of Lydia B. inokham

W. A. DeWlM. Mt*. W. R. Brain and
sad for maoy rears under hgt^ircctioo
Mrs. W’lll Halne reterned lo Chaiia l^nUrt- and Rcssie Sniiirthwaite. Nel
and since herdecviase.her advice has beet
MUa RctU WtW left for MuakcBon
nouga today aRer spending the sum lie Wilhelm, l,rf)«l<' Shane. Ilertha Mil
freely giren to sick women.
tbU oorntns.
ler, Ib-Ksie llannen. Ituoald Mclniosb.
mer In Ure city.
Many women suffer in silence and dri
F. Baaton went »o Klnwley
Rcdiert Shiver of Woisder. Ohio, M- nry TTiiH. Heno' Hobbs. 8p«-nc.'r from l»d lo worse, knowing fnU well U
buelnoM trip tbU Bi.aalnif.
liassed Ihrough lUo city this morning Eliuikc. Uni Hnlllclay. Uiwrence Wnrd. ought tnharr immediate
U L. Sterenaon and wife ten <
modesty impeU
them toslirink
on his way to 1.«ke Ann.
Tli«-o. Ward, Harry Holliday. Riirv.
to the <|nrst>ons an<l probable eaa
iniaols till! »onilns fnr a ten day’s
A. opps nnd wHe of Chi Hoblw, Myer Hyman. Don Jarvis.
of even Ihrir family phrsiciao.
It is ti
amotion In Chlcayo and other polula.
eagu. iwstod tlitnugh' the cliy thlK
Music, dancing and gnioes fumi'li* d Withoot moo^ or^pi^ you ca - .
Mra. F. E. Do<'d of Fremont, who
il experirore
tuurnlDK en route for IxHand- Tliey atiiusemuni for the evening.
baa been flajtlne ber'nier«-. Mm. R, A'.
by Miss A. Tvmpte
BeMInx. left !«« n*l*l
Tns Ouitcan Releafed'
C K. Edwards and wife wtnrmM te
Women suffering from any form of fern
train forXVdar to viall her f»n. Frank
N<>rthp>»rt. Bd>i. b.- Thc luirgi- J.
e Invited to promptly eoto
Ithara this morning after spending
m at Lynn.
Lrnn. Ma«,
Mbns. All Icttera
Diitii-on was raised Frilu> nlgnl au<]
opeued. read and an»«-ered by wome
Mrs. Carlton Wh<-eler id Olenwoo.1.
now tl'-d up at the Xor.hpiwi dock.
resloy ami wife relumed
woman can frvelv talk of l--r private i
Iowa, twin Bister of C. A. Uuabce. la
I.AI>eer this morning.
woman; Uiu> luu Iw-en CKlaldisfard Ut
" ta the
city rtsUhis
Mr. BosIktc's
eight hour shifts and have -rejialcvrl
Mrs. C. B. Chalker miuroed lo 1
of America which has never Wn brok.
ni«> damage <ldno I.V Hie colllsiuu.
home In Bancroft this momInK.
i of tbe vast trolome of experience win
Mra. Hattie Clibort of Pomnn;'.
cofferdam was erucl<-<l alasit the I
Mrs. itolieri Wiley of Blnghnib «
i has to draw fn>m, it U more than p»s
anrtved'la the cKy Wodnesday evenlaud that is being n ni..v» ri Halay.
that she baa gained the very knowli-d
in Ihe city today.
Imt to Kpend a few days vUIUne tier
that will hrlpyuur case. -Sbe aides noth- ^
work under waler wav eiirtl-il cm ’
E. U Ashton and lhr«-e tu
Inc in rvtnrn exrept .voor good-will, and Jr,.
AUdran at tke bomca of 8. A. and M>
I twi-lvc i»umd batmm-r.
left lor tvilliamston. Va.. tills nejmlng
her advice has relieved lliou'wnils. Sorely / J
O. Gilbert, site
Dr. Ashton and BeU will foUowvMonanv woman, rich or poor,
r. isvery fiKilisb
foolish if
Mra. Mary Garrison of southern Mlrhl
_________fOiUpenshi- does not take advantage
tance.—Lvdia B. I’iuk*
TIk- roxirl
<it I’JO: Ik ilrawtiiK
Kosantb Harks and W. A. WIldc of
to a cloM' and it Ik' wllhmil IhIiikHc..' b«m Medicine Co, Lynn. Mm
Farewell to Rev. and Mrs. Cox.
Chicago, are gneaU of Mr. and Mra. U
to M-v. ral pmsiHTOii* and iduaKam
One of (be most pU-as^iut sorlal
•• At eno know, I wrow-vrai that ifiydrotre
FollowlQK arc ptihllsh two let1. Marks at Snnset Cottage.
cnjoynl by tiui mcmlmfs smmmcrs dial (lld 'Ml«4nn Iiuk known
era from a woninn who sccc|»- Nii'l 1 niurt I.B1" Bti"|-rrit'«i-cl ■■ouW ».-«
Mraa Ucey and daughter. Mlssj'
live 1 tliivi Bdevou. l.-lling tiiv nil(heir frteuds of the First Metlio- to Kay that this year Iisk brought Wini'c icd tbU InritAtlon. Koto
I_f.ilk«.-I '».'ir^*Klvhv'«ii-l^iiiij r«f
♦Nova, of Homer, ore vlritlng the
was Uie Kill prise parl> pUnKiin- and happiness In nn>re |"'r- reiiiiU:
ltr»-ly well I
lamUy of W. M. Kellogg of Waablngarb.'oraialn.
I lain, aisl 1 ••••■ no- hi.
Firri letter.
(ondered the Rev. and Mr*. I'm Fn K..ns than any jirr-n-ditig year, tiic
to l.vdia ft. |■lnkh«ll^.\^1:rtllbl.
day ••vrminB In the cinircli parlore by
I wob r
and Mrs. Clanmce- Kelley of
ilu.-of winIn-lng thiumil ont t^bk ev.^- iwuitk
the Ladles' Aid soridy ol Ihe Church. in Old 'MlAltm
Mrv Mary
^ are the goeaU of F. A.
nlmiit as quicki.v as the iK«i>lc fnitii
bUTvU, UadiThe pallors wore pmilly docnradtl
. Bari nnd family.
the cilie* riiKlu-d in when
the ho;
with many festoons of wondldm-.
Mra. Neva Banaaaa nnd a<m naytdn
weather csuieon. lliit when the
rich green of the foliage relieved and
IVhVn a medirineliaalK rmsarceshfiil
from Stanley returned hwe today
wi'-alher ruoled' wiiiibl have KtayiKl
accentuated lij cluKicrs of bright re<I
in n-Ntiiring fo heallli »
nfier rlshlng ber brother, i. Holmes,
longer had they had
heavy S„, remmS. MU. uU E. C^UU BU-E
inuui.v w ’
mounialn ash betrieB. giving a luust
and F. Ryan.
vou cannot well sav. wit bout trying it.
Kiiaa-lK and fiir lln.-.! etwiK. Hni now M'ai^ltigton, l> C.
pleasing auiiiiun effect to the roum.
-Idonot lirli-;veit viillbelp tuc.” If
Mr. and Mra- A. U Peteraon, proaagain the air Bcims juri right—early
U.gviaU.tDmr Mis. llnkhaTn:—
. .
re ill, di.n't br-Ualc U»|
Tbe BurirrlKO as plaimctl was com­
perous farmcn of CMnieo
autumn with Its bright warm days and
s Veg<-tnl.;c
uf Lydia K I’inUIium'B
MMUgaa. are vlaitlng friends and rel- plete. Mr. arid Mra. Cox had l»« n lii- .-.wl nights, nyikes It the Ih-kI time of
undvvrileMrs I'inkni|>inind at or
aUves In the city for a few days. Mra. viiod to a meciing of the LbcHi-s’ Aid
. -ial ad»i
- to rest nnd resort, and some ol
oJr?rtU-«'nwv krow tW ham. l-.vun. Ma>s., fur siB-.-ia
aiwaya helpful.
Peteraon was formerly Mrs. F. Meng. Bociety and atiended liimxnut of lbri

new ufrivals will stay until late
also an acUve member of the local fact that n large nuhilH-r of ihHr fall drives' them to shelter In ilw trig
frirnilK were In readinc**-to grtsd
Cbureb of CbrisL
Mra. Caraon Warner and Mrs. Wil­ tbem for a pleasant soclai' cvi-nmg.
stretch made KoiiK- of tbe I
A- Firth. Mr. and Mrs M.
liam Dalton o( Lelaad were in the Everything went toward making the Newbury offiiand Rapids, and Mrs IB.ith.n reel BR of they wtnild liiiv
Wylie, MhJi.i^.'lit- *•-Wis- I'- 8«nievening one of- eap^al ddightfiil
dty today.

nerfleld Is on the sick list.
S, J. Cox of KIk lUpWs are guiails Ik- ealhefb whclbv-r they wanted I
aoelation to nil.
Mr. atni Mis. who w«-r«of Miss GoldiUi for a few days.-

tfar pu|>uL-xr opinion that it knovB bjp some
as ill-lock De^lectioK yonr toetli .

... /St4 MISTAKE . . .
that will caouc the ueverrat kind
iD Inrk.
A hridgc will offini "make l*ooJ" for liv-ii.
that have luHii lout by ilccay. thus avriilmo
the nccetsily of .-i plab\
Anycausoto complain about workmiinship is »otiH-Uiiii« tmosnal umem« n >
|xiti.-nt.s. I’riiv*are sticli that iU> not intrtc
you think of, unfair {WotiU.

Cl.11 -,i-.

--------------WM. HOOLIHAN & CO.

Carriage 1{epositor^
The finest and largest
assortment in the State.

Mn. PlokhAin’d StAndin^ InTiti


Jl^ng the evening a liandsome onk
Id leaibcr roeker waa presented to
Mias Silva

Htdeome sod Gprinide


to their



Milan today.

A. J. White vrent to Maple Clly -lo-

Mr. and Mrs. Cox by mcmlier* of the

W. D.

WasJ^btira and

r have rlosisl'lhelr ctUtages and re

suites of namts iiji stairs for

by Or. Arthur HuUlday who spoke In

iirniri home.


Mra. Dell

Joooi returned

In MRan

to licr

this monilng


hrcBdlng a short,Udm )n tbe city.


lie said that


Mr. and

Mr*. fWn>.

Chlcapi. are reevni

arriviils at


Calluway of Chicago,

rivoil on Thurwlay last

weeks’ viBil at the lines, while Jack



If that in jmsslblc bin


a ,

iwople will most gladly welcome him cagu, wIki bit two wii-ks ngo,
.'.JlMMd throogh the city this moraiug
liack. He b.'llevea Oiai If a church
Saturday lari lu eat one ornri
■ tm her way to Gedal Run.
plan -whom It can honor and day dinner ul the IlncR.

Mra. P. Kalin and MIti Hattie I..Mhlove there Is wi reason for a change.
Mr. Kenneth Raiisonio of St. Josop’n
tee reteraed to ihclr homes In Chicego
If they are tji possession of any gmsl
, nt roitage Ikai Uuhe. arriving oi
.after a noath'a rIaU.
Ibey idiould keep It. Tbe church, hc Ihe Sumlay ■•oat. and will make a le:
^ Mra. John* lABback la
aaid. il ready to eisoivnac with Mr. days' viRll m-llb his iKUvnis. Major an
MHenda at Empire.
Cox and his work should he ectirrn.
Mrs- Raliwinie. Ml.‘RaiiKopn' has no
f Mn. P. D. Heminrod. aerumpanlrd^
Mr. Cox le»led the rocker and re- vUllerl-Old HiKSion in firieeii yean
- ^y her father and mother. Mr.
stansdivl In a plrastug way. telling o7 anil he sa.vs Ihe place has a sw<-ell>
! &ra. J. B. Manway, went to Lulu this
with Ills peofamiliar look, and he hojs
|ile since' be has been In Travers?
he has lutii si-elng.
L- of, it than
f Miss Ida Vemiattr retnrad lo her
he older iwviple on the n-wil-I hi- &ome In Aina this morning.
Mra. Cox’s. Sunday school class coming briu-gB lo uiiml u idmire of
T Tbe Hesdanres K. A. and O. Carver
rs-rved Ihe giieKts to plnram}e lee and
SBUtll iKiy. middling his caiiiM- In
^ Angote. Ind. are guests at the boinwafi-iA from a long Uible altractively Ihe hartsir at Old Mission. The cbiks "
yt O. P. Carver,
ducorated In the bright red IicitIob of Whi-re Is 11? Tlie boy Is—Mr. Ran
lira. A. Mk-hael of
Mm. Maod Brown of Coldwaler. aod
gweaU ot A. T. Peck and family ol

The number ol young people pres




the love


which Mr.'and Mrs. Cox are held by


Mr. and Mrs. Lhiyd Cbristman

of the rbitrrh.


IWri. on

i-w- t.-urhiT.

01 Ihe

■-erk by way of Ntnuurii tali.-^.

l.iHi l.^.Mv- d.-i iurc Hi. V

Jc«- is the pri-s. ni iw-irl-

E.'h.Md ct.niuiem-ed T.u-s.lny with a


Frank Dunn. wli.> has Is-cti workin.;

n.-ss fut a l.-w days thb- wei-k.


Tb- inl-.n.

ro.y If. riKlIing at J. M

Mn. R. F .Wllfloo went to Durand II Is KtaliHl In the riiinmimIraUoD that
there aiv many instani-cs of gross vio­
this morning.
lation of the iBws^d regolatioDs and
R. Swire aad wife have returned to
from now on the customs office
(hedr hmne in Bmplre after spending
Grand Haven Intends to take such artime In the city.
(iiin as U ueccssary lo enforce the
Dr. F. 6. Honnan. wife and son p
law to the b-iter la cases where viola

.f j




si.uilM.-rn MIrhIgiiii.

-wn W.slui--sJay.
»HI Califonita
a'. .s wher.

inniFd to their home In Aon Arbor tloDs take place.
tfier apendlBfe some time in'nttd about
Mr. Cmaf Is directed lo t<i>or1
ae dty.
rioiatioi) In this sectfnn. It wn
Mra. A. 8. Hobart went to Newhda- aeen by this. Ihal tl t» very impurtaat
wania this morning


necessary for owners .»f


A. C. Gannett and wife have gene to cnfl to pnivlde thetnsclvc* • itu ll.c
Ann At
Arbor, wbera they vrin makc!nres4reiT
li^ts. There a ?, ■ small
. tefdr futnre
|hoatx runpfng epnstantiy oii the bay

I .'^•Id bv all dealer* ai

ihe brick buidin;;; 1115 Stale street, to the
Moore buihiinn. I’-'.MTl Slate street.


account of lack of room for many of our
bulky t:oods. wo arc offering - llujfBics,
. Wajfons. I larrows. Land Rollers, I’tows,
etc., at a bij; discount.

These Booods arc



Mowi.ts. and binders arc

I— .. ........


irv irti hi; fi;-M lti-il). V-"-!


sells tlvjm.

biiiiiii-i »..ufi..Mi



.isliio:ii-( Will'

anil other
n- Ii'i'ii 'own luyor.-n <>0 lio. -

- tia-k. S'ssuTiuani'st l>) Jos --v.!Ti|.ai-ti
J.dui nr.n.1,s .d <riW-'vVi,..rii v.-r tjo- isvyiv i;,- .


FASMEtS’ SllPPiy to.
i;’.:* STATE ST


Klva Jb.-.iI.k and Mrs. llnlsl

Sch--ok«l o' this tdsr. . -They w.-iv <m
111.- tTBin.Vlilrh «-diid*"l wiili the flyci
ii''""’- Roy

night ami w. re Kllglitly


Is .'tiocialniiig



Try a Heralil Waat Ad

Mrs, Frank Mel..-lUm *'• i! liiicrl.K-h.-r; Visitors Tiii-sria>,



was la Travel—. CUj

To Cure a Cold in One Day

j Tuesday.

.Mr: and Mrs El Hngvu of Wyii- nr-

'sending a few .lays wl-h Fraiil. .Mr

b TwoBqw.

; I..elUti and family

Lane’s Family
-i:i do ibe work quickly and pteas-

Wc-liHvc inuved-our'stock which was in

’■blandart!” and at less price xbaii l le trust

was it.,;

i.mcv at.- v, H.i-ir Rf-'lfl-i.iugC-g.
icr-. Mr.


h«- ha- M« lit the pas’•

Mi. ai..| 'Mrs

Citz. Phone W.

while the slock is comiilete.


Mo<ip nnd fandly ar.- -ni. Hainiog
fora White of

];!-» SUl-> Slttet.

moviiij: rapidly at these cut prices. Come

I t-ailrir. ■


Sunday with Wintiifrtsl Jtrnlz-'.

Giawn.-Mich., yipi. -i- Mi. Mrln

Wlieti what j-uu
makes v-ou
cur- rafoniblc :i iyii.mK >i-ii very
litUe gouil turely kev-ping aliv-e. lJigv«iv« tabk-ls are
v«-orse than «.*ics-s fiir they w lU in
time deprive Ihv riumach of all
iK»w-erlo digest food; Tbestomav-h

The herb ton;

llial- I


l••.lay .aft* i .in

Lura Majiuiiil r. nirm-d li-'ini-Ta.-s- ' and

muie Itottso for a couple of wiv-ks


............ . Nr dl.s! ai : |i. :u
i I


of hulls Sind tioHcTK at Grand Haven.



Sin- had I—-n a i-ir.-i.r

In 111.- roiind house at Travers<- t'llv, plii-i In Maiiisb-*'
»u., kV-iitsy.
h.r the I*. M. K- U.
jihi- Is si’rvlvid' l;y h.-r luiBbaml. thi-«
H. C. Run was ealb-d away .
S.UIS )u'i.! .H>.- dunu':-i r.

ibuiion. S.-IU.

\We have jusi added a full line of Shelf Hardware
lo our alrc.iily laryje line of Vehicles, Harncsg and
linplcmcnis'of all kinds.

Manisiis-. wli-n- .-‘ri- was rak.-i:-


teuabee, 431 vC’est Seventh street


W.-s.) ii;i-

.•II the lacliun. has aec«-id«->l a |s»--ili..u

cm Mirbigan,

Lytm of



Mi-. Hjii.-v .(1. .1 ia tk.- M.-rr> l.o. r. ia1

r.iil aii.-ndiim-i-,

mother and .abet ri-latlv.-s fn»m -oiiih !



Mr-. Jos. |.ti Iki'cv of M.'iii.H' I'siil-T.

sary inlimaii'Ki from the Inspectors




Death!, at Kinggiey.
Kingsley. Ml>-b

dir-played. they can. receive the noeca-

Blen M.

util Ial.)

Mini, of III.- I.Uu-'lr. s .rf (’.•IJ.

when they all tvliimivl to Knoxville

U never oiicneij again,
thriw day
gain! for







iii'ish ;ir<- .-•iiii.-raiilaliiig a i:lp I'l N>-_w
T<!ll|MUgli hb> .-I l•rollll-1- in

go elscwlier.-.

W.^nevlay last

If you are
thinking of ituyin^ a vehicle within the
year il will pay you lo come and rcI our

w|lh 111.--]

t.i-i-ii I............ if ’l.c .il.-;iili of

•or Monroe Center, where she will ers who have narrtns^- averted
ro-sji. who lias br«v) vitKlng Ms faiuil'
tench the coming year in (hr Kennedy nlhg down imialt craft ^ndllmnt Itghts.
'fur sonn- time Ift^
to lil
Mr. Cross is asked to make an Investwork in the soutli l*arj of Jhc stale a:
Wiaa )^anrtic Barnum will leave
gatlou and report to the min offlo
carriage {lailtltiT.
reorrow night for Mi-plen. Mo., wbirre sttrh vMdailons as may be.<llsr^<-r<H.
Septeml'cV cam
abe has aenurted a Bne |»KlUan In K the own^ BiaMers ur proprti ioi>
ixins w
‘ ;u,
irdljg colirwe as insiruciur on violin. of Kuch boat's are lu doubt
lUtory of music nod harmony.
size and kind of 11^ Ibat riiouM lie


Mr.-. D. Siiiiiiii.-ilb I'l :.ii'l Mrs THM-

home ot

Bvt htrt toe arei
We are readf
for a clean sweep in vchich s.

Mr ^

n- w-i-tl

aiid sa.v-s lha' h- w1M la-. ]■ tin- ii. w


of lassenger and trvtglu steam­


!urtis III cuniiunu.l and ibu N-li-.Iiii'

SrIimUi. Jr.

Mrs. I’almer is the widow of the once

of complaints have been mailc by


arrival and try,him I’n-torc he I.Us him

The afficial riali-s that n nululM-r Gov. I'aimer ot llltlnds.

Mias Florence RIre left UiU mmilug


signed a new- piii-her to his ntn-

Iheii iincJe. Juilgi- Ibda-ris; They
Must Carry Lighta.
George II. Crtrss. ■ dcpiity odhs-tur say they would never f<i*l the
I the Old.MiKof enslums for Traverse City, has r<'- quin- compb-te
JHch- are here ftw a wevlt's vlirit with
n trip.
reived a etmimnalcalluQ from the chlil
tiMir daughter. Dr. Sara Chare, at 221
Mrs. W. J. mark, Mrs. G- Hialnard
of the I'nltcd Slates ctiMoiua oflliv at
West Bighlh street.
Ohive siste
Grand llareD. calling special alientlon
Mrs. Park Bamber of Cm-Hon, N. T.
the law which compels lannclies. of KpringfiHd. 111., aiv at Iho RnsL-

'FraoB Saturday’s Record.

Itevnolds i Corbii have Is'eU tmsil-

nianag<-r of ih<-Gr.ivvn IMlulo I

Dr. and Mra. M. Chaati of OI<

'carry lights laUweco sunset und


We nmlwrslnnd (h.-it Dave ('at

The la-ftlligw-Vdl cottage Hiocd lls

IJ.M'ors tiav.-

g Ihe wiNxI these days and It looks

II arrived

iht! IX’l
:-itcr w« like
about vehicle
: ititolIiBcnl

, . is t he easiest man for
us to
Wc canmn know in advance
o please.
just what all our cosmmrrs will want


vv'l'.om ili.-y will vi-it a f-’W day- an-l

(’biesgo aie making lh«dr annual vis-

M Thritteg ber airier, Mra. B. R. Ho- other power craft and row tsat:


fail Kislier is In lldug iii IVnn's.lriig

The whool grounds have Ihs-ii Im-

wood avenne.

. **»(•


pi. '- iii.

hl.j..' ol liis l.-ov.-iv,

which was a luuclr uit-dcd tnipiiiv

of Iraac W. Bowen aod family of ram-


.-.,;s Tin-S.le.. Hie .V tlPMudlll of


l>ruv-e<! with lenn-nt walks ami grading

Monis Thomas and his two ^ms of

children of ladlanapolls are the gutvis


- If they had enough lo ritipply (lie

lhe,>T>unger as well as older tuembers


mn and Harry Itolst.T of Chi- eoiiniy for this winter.

Miss Bertie lievla of Byron. Ohio.

'Mr. Clare Graves of Quincy, art


.leatli Bi

Irahil hay. etc.


of- cinirt* that


WliandlMthe nieiTll

the nature Of a farewell for It was the
mlgbl iclurs. D.-|M.iii.'. wlio-uas by

Tliete will Ik-

•xlcmW to their general stm k <d

Riehanlson of

l>UMer IlmiBi-.

gathering -was not to be considered In

ing tuxim. two sloiies.

tbi mm p0u know

■111 ir lioiiii- ill I’Mi.-aco M>vi»!uy.

rontpleii-d It will niaki- ibeni a liiilM

The families uf D--WH Smith.

Intion bring made hi a happy maimer

family i

aipeBdlng a few days at Cedar Run.


Mr. Arthur Pasfield nnd I.<iiiis4l. Min

particular irf the love and esteem In

ri-siim1ig on Gre«-n Ipike. ri-liinie.1 In

Js of sprlngfleld ptvmle the last few an arldliloR to their propert.v- Whni I’

church and congregatimi. the ptvseii-

which the pastor and bis wife are held

1). W. Reynolds and wm arc l.ulldlng

niere has. been a aniall-alzed exo-


Miss SaWTtT ri-tiimr-d Muuday . vcr.
Soliool b«g-ao Tuesday wi V quite- c
Biiml^r ot iMipUs . BiollPd.


H. r. Gore wa-v In town tbe fiisr .»(
the w-eek.

Hazel Alien returned Monday frmii

j Alrlen. where she ha* t-v-n spending
collide ot week*.




M e Ctl4rcti.
a«ntfM M. E. cwrctv





Koaos. present pastor.
As a (diureb we tori
groaOy blessad of Ood In the serrl<»
of them much beloved pastors. Vrinmea sight be written ol the toll and
aacrfScea lor.lhe ca^ of Christ by
.the UlBoraot In the early seiUement
or this regkw. Their Uhors wore as
tmly Blastonarr as tboae who bare
goMtotorrign taodL There were no
boM SrinrioMiy or aid ooclnUM badt
of the onrty lUnernnl. The early setUer bad no nsoney. They case to us
In om great need. They tbared our
They bropgtt the cup of
noDs^tton la our sorrows, and tuda}«e «*erish their senwry.
Rev. L. W. Calkins of the Michigan
Goofeemce piOMbed the Brat sermon
(Mraahip ol Inland. In I8C3.
pMtag thtnngh this paK of the
tiT, Sainrday night fonnd him i
tog eabln of Dan Bbertntn. the
•etUer of the township, who. o
Invited him to bold religious
eeiTlee the neat day. Word, was seat
out and the few seiilcrt came togeth­
er. DO doubt some of tbem hungry for
the "Bread of Ufe.'
sraa the infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
Sackett. now . ot ' Drawn.
Mich, who sent to 4oyBetd. Benzie
Reounty. for a minuter, there befi
a none nearer, who kindly came wl
|flMl consotoOons of the goBjrot
[natUemeat of ihU region sumi
-^^cnlty was eaperlencvd. at sueb times.
ilB oblalnlag proper aervieei.
vurrtier has been Informed In one In.nUnee thp doctor that attended n sick
itoan. on bis death made the cofBn
.-and alto performed tbe burial rltea,
: no mlnhrter being available.

fortxa arc threatening ■Plaar def Rio

Raiding paniea


Sault Sic. Marie. Sept. T—Thv skeUv
force Is now close to tbe city with Um of a man wax fnuud under tb-r
of 4amcs
than one thousand men. Gucg-lBoor of the biirnod e
_____ alth 1.5W or S.uOO. is morcblng; 4snc*. a homcstPS'l* r
le was a man oi ,
towards Havina. The rebel forces de- [ suicide a year ago.
fcau-d the government forces near, education and abUlty and a mysUTy



and ^ve malntaliHcl
public worship constantly riiher in
depot. prlvKie
hall or school
" te bouse,
house. Id the present day. We bare
now decided to arise and build,
wimesaeib these loundatlons
TbU has been made possil c largecaraful
ly by Ihc keen
planning i<g the Ladies' Aid society
of Bendon aod also tbe very generous
jiboKe ontside tbe church,
elp frt
wim have been so ready and earnest

by tbe United States.


There was an

del eiublcia o: u lator orgsnixation found

Hie railroads

are British properly and owing to com-

Calun-i-i. Sept.
r,t', an illustrator, who received

with Tbomas Naat
plicallona between the Vnlled Su'ea. fais ear^ tralniog
and Cubs the Briilsli goveraneni will and claimed to be a relative of Maxinak. the former for protection of prop­ mtliian of Meileo, aras found di-ad In
bed today.
, '
. Death Due to Intoyeatien.
Ha«-aoa. Bep;. li.—The InaurrecUcm
Calumei. S*'pl. 7.-^»*bn Matheso.i
in -Cuba-Is Btesdlly sprxtadlng and not
laid doun cm the south shore track
only are Ibe leaders of it gsiulng re-

gar Infantn lad ChiMrsm

The Kind Yen Have
^ys Boughi
I of

FremfcsD^esSoikCiEnfiilHESSard BestCtalAiiB ndOtcr
OpuntMofpUne nor >£aciaL

For Over
Thirty Years




:= [monumentc

'try froru the stale of Wash- Thursday the lortner Just two men
killed and Imd founi-eii wounded, whit''

> of the most dealraUe Introduo-

sU killed


twenty wounded.

It la

The dispatch'adds that more government troops dcscrinl to the Insur­


gents today from CJeufuegos.

DB of fruit daring late yotra.

it grows from seed and ripens

crop the same year.

Tbe berries

The altitude of (he liberals. Ihc In­

are Jet black, four limes the size of creasing slrongtb

of tbe Insurgents

It Is fine for and the question of loyaUy of many of

ordinao’ bncklebcr^.



thenght to 11





rccjtilis has caused

Tlie litti!'


-ached lils'K-g now, however, i

(wing fnstejied rm al night when needr lu l>ad weather.

tell him (hat the ballet cause,!

inenis iM-kiw

has time enough now to submit to tin

I>eddlnp, els.

Seized with hemorrhage of the limg=
while watching the firemen's touroa

tlio managers of some of the I.-irgc

I Ils'planted the same as UhiuIocs. In

liurincss Inicresls to caWe to the for­ hied to death tn three mlnuK-r,.

t St. Charles. Ik-rt

SI. John

a box or pan. and when danger of eign heads of their compank-s their

Inpure milk Is held resjKHirlble h.'

belief that the government of Presi­

the Battle Creek health uulhoritles for

Jet dent Palnu alii be unable to eope with

l.ioH) cases of stomarh trtnihle in iliai
city in

(be Insurreclioa.

should Iw Bicwod tbiriy minutes and

Lieutenant Colonel aewa. wltli ISO

made very sweet,

cn and two machine guns and

it la declared to l>r





nine wts'ks.



of the milk dellveml l»- farmer-

pd by Gen. Pedro Wax. chalr- and classified It as "rotten.'' He found
jams. Jellies, pics. sanccE and for eau- man of the Plnar del Rio defi-nKc eom- that some farmers were storing vegtning.
mlitee. Ktarted this afternoon for thv iskles in milk ceUan,. He Isfciicd
belter than the wild huckleberry

Tbe new berry la insect proof and city 61 Wnar del Rio by H>ecU] train. ilers for radical improvements In the
contrary to tbe history of olher fruits
Two bridges' on tbe Weaicrn rail­ nionner of conducting their ilplrles.
a little frost improves It. Samples of way between I'inar dri Rio and San aud threatened am-si If his advice It
tbe fruit have been left at Ibe Herald

Luis were blown

ofBoe andVbJie it Is not pleasant


pasnges read as tonows:

up with dynamite

A force of men sent to rc-

brldgcs. which were of eoncrcle and steel; was stopped iiy a hody
of rebels numbering at least 5oo men.
A train froth Havana for San Juan v










lit followed.

I effect Jnm. fl.
Trwiw. bmr,- Tr»n-rr- a '
provisions. faritewgis 0'ir»i:, -ilu..|T..a,
eu>a m...'.a-p •,» li t.m w


Centfenaetl Tslasrama.



Zeicler.Hie a-lopteil




Itov BtriTt

Xo. fititj.

A. W. Ml KE8P. Tfarerhe CUy




: OTAT* "f Rb'’"“*b-TbeIT

!-.-l»Xev oad Dor


,. lUlUirs. i-8oi

of the leaking

|M>wder magnate. Is to n-e,dv<- aismt
riuj.ooii.tkm troin the e»tu:--.

W. T KVANS. A.-sat trsr. n.
r.MOffbLKK. U-n. I


BOJSrimmt. Md llaat aU

• , «>BA ibeir eUiBia to oaad rrmri. o> the
- -nire. in the r-lIT «t v rarrcie tan. W wM
cuunlv .«ic.rK-f.-rslheai.l rtavoflhoBwW.
. A 1> IBCL and that oaM rloisw wH taibrafd


who vo-jg]il to bleak Ihe will have r.ccivi-,1 $2.2.'.0.o'"i.

YtHjiig ZiHgler. who

ngi-d T4. will hiive an annual
tie of ni-arl.v a million.

M. & K. E. TME GUO

JU-tgrof P

He proposes

s|H-nd must of this In financing ex-'
iMsHHons lo Ihc north |«de.

Ttimifs Hate Kidief'
Tiiille lid Hera Sispect it.

How To Piad Ootl
Fill a Udtlc or coumion gkis- w itli yom
water and let it staioi tw eiil\ -four bouf-s
pi-nau-Ddi-m of the Pontiac achooU to
.i-ciiinent otM-t
succeed James H. Harris, who bts-omes
unlieaUhv «-ouassistant sui»erlntendenl of the MInne
aiMtlis schools.
Elmer K Richmond.
m->s; ii'nstai
graduate of the l*on!iac High schtsil
voiir linen it
and of the fulverslty, of Michigan,
;-VI-ieuci- of k:
will Hicri-ed klr. Ibiek as princiiial of
-Frank P. Burk has bwn eiocie,! su-

W Is

TVia Oopsii*M
. .. ,...
Ann Artec.................


• ha«r <»IBr» lu Ihe tlty of tZanW Olv tB oald


____________ Bod hi*
»,>n»for thealS-sr»B«s
lUnrawas thsovrg.
• Weptrioter.

2 a-; sasl iwrdwo olSr*.. te oBd Is WHi
ill a&




o4 A *■ p. Bt

|T^,4 h.Bt-mg. I--IB- Oroed ^tmirtoa
• H«lw, s newpal-i r iiri/.WsI
iirii.Ws] andci
andcircalalwl IB

Dr. C. J. Carson and a eumpanlon o(
Marshall, while hunting duekv at Por-


On Ort. It at Wasbiagton the mili­ three weeks,
It was annuuneed at the stale do
in memory of Geo.

tary mooumeni



PoDilac public schools have alien,1-:


sr;: ‘ ' '
that kiio-eas-iiit iic,, , and ovc:e<
ntwllcl 1-, g', "fttit
ccseity of l-ems ll
lilt- day
■i (O'."''';'--Q
-l :
lies d-ar-.:ig tile v:.:gU-_ ’Hr
i-cr,'iitarvc!ti.v; --f ^wamp-HoM
luglK'’foT its Koii-U-rtcl r-ar,--«•: t-'-v m—'shi'-,;:.l li.«vc Ibe U-'l.

S . 1: '

.llvirig from s pier at Silver Beach


Carl Snub. Brockton. Mass_ s pro- at Taagter.

Tiien; iscomfurt i^Uic kliowle-lginften expressed, that Dr. Kiitiwr s
till great fci-iiicv ritm i,
fulfills Ct-cry wts! I in cu;

.hoi,k-. Ihu'l
't.'lls al
Iiv tuail. ,\il«:e>sl': ,
Kilmer ft Co., iliiigbamtoa.N. V- tVhell
writing meniion tin* jatwr an
ma'tc «uv niftslie. luii t.-mem
Dr.K'.Ioict's s-wainu-K-r
was killed at St- Joseph Tuesday from the a-idii-S'. Uingliaiiaoh. .S'. V.

been amuM-roeat park. He dived Into shal
low water and his head struck (be bo:
mender of the Army of tbe Polomac. taken on behalf of tbe receiver of the
tom. breaking bb neck.
Clditi was;
will be unveiled. The general’s widoa- Mllwankce Avenue Stale bank for ihe
roeotery o< tbe H2.0O0 which Stens- Just learning to awlm and wanted to^
U now 71.
Und has on deposit In the French bank practice In shallow water.


also coiivmcnig pr.srf that (he ksluc>-E
and bladder arc outof order.



It Is said thqt apparently he snffers ance of
Over l.'kto barrels of pears shipped
>2f> feet from a baltoon at the Maine great remorse and ccnsequenily the
fear Is entertained that he mxy at-| from South Haten In one day.
Sellconfrued burglar SobIobw,
' lay afternoon and received Injuries tempi suicide before he reaebes the
cigarettes fur dosnfall.
—............................... - ------------ ---------------------------- , rfbleh will probably result to his death
hand, there is some fear that Stens-j
Ba-Mayor Weaiberwax. of Jackson,
liuoot dryaiz-C'-w
It. Osear ..
land's depression of spirit Is nw-imcil.fell from a plom tre,-. fraciurisg leg.
trapeze attached iI••■lls Weeklee.
and that he may Lave In coiin-mida-;
l•alr^ck McKamara. ot Lapeer. wh-> tte.orhyatel! Ttiolsae. •.i>ceO».
«. Mi-L^nahL Elfle Hoy. Jos. Hodge

Real Estate and Loans

I2t Fronl Sf., PlontaEue BUi.,

Traverse City. Mich,

Property of All Kinds for Sale
and ExcHange
We will n«it you j«vcn'j>*.*r c* tn |ht aiimim for '
your money and khvc >xu as sreurity L'i\t cdRc
Traverse City real estate '>r cili edae farms in
Grand Travcr-ic (>untj(. Mich., where yourmoney wiirbc absolutely safe.’

fesstonal aeronauL fell a drstanc* of

Our records prove that lor and he toll

[tton a pwslblo method of escape.

into first train into that City, to dead.

-.isLisz' .-wo-


' 1!
UZUbw (»r • lojolrung an-lalUroniwsal.lar
II »• turtluT orrterert that pi
M *i«en by iMilitiraiSB, nf qe<a>X *"

the High school.
Stensland Safe.
TangU-r. Sept. 8—Acting tinder ttie

lake. were caught in a bog. Sink­
ttU 1»00. a period of twelve years.
CbrislisD Endeavor Is a provldeotlal Paul O. Siemdand was today irons- ing up to their cam before nunlei'.
Tbe building of the West Michigan movement, and Is promoted by socleferrod to the custody of Harry Olsen who heard their cries aud-went lo
■ raOroad thi ^
- —- - ttea composed largely of young people
their rescue.
and James Kelly, assistant
brangbt ch
of both sezea. found In every land and
primary e:i»rtlon Tuesday
loruey of Chicago and the reporter of
Id to?» formation of new classes
in every seciton of the evangelical
the Trllmntc. lb the pn^sentw pf Hoff- there w^re only f.m vot,-s cast ti
Bandog and Uter at
Uterloehen, churches.
Its movement tor active
Washlenaw'cuiiui.v.' This was owin
tan Philip, consul general of
vlrhtok nbaorbed tbo Grocn Lake class,
members demands fairtli In Christ,
nited States. This practically ptacca lo the fact that tkere we.,- no cor
t «hnt was left: some bad moved away:
bnt tew remain ol those two oldest open ncknowledgmeni of Christ, ser him Id the hands of the illUioIs bn- tests. In Ann Artxir township the,
i eto'mei. Many have been removed by vice for Christ, and loyaHy to Christ's
was not B single vole tas:. "rhe Re
thorlilcs' death and others have been scattered church. Its nctlvltles are as wide as
OlsoD and Keriey will be held rv publican mcmticrof ih,- clecHon l>0!ir
^ntotwd as wero Uie disciples of old.
the needs of mankind, are directed by
\ta carry the goapri to other-parts and
sponsible henceforth for the sale refused lo vote .saying that If he dl.
htoban hava ben ralaed up to take
guardtng of the prisoner. They will the eleclltwi blanks wouPl have to b
thnir ptocM. A few were llvint
are an Integra] (art, and are eairled
be )termHied lo make their oati ar- filled out. To save troillde he did m>
BndimsAo had formerly held
hmhlp lo one of tbe old elaasca. and
rangemems for the feturn of 8tcn-> exercise his right am! the blank.iy
embracing all the membera.
who vara qukdt to tee nnd feel the
land and It Is said they have under blanks were ivturni>d blank .
lU Btrenpb lies In tbo vedunur?
of ehsrth nnd Bnndny school
............. ...
Baldwin is likely in suffer from
faerricea In thy new tosrn Just then Obligation of Its eov-enant pU^lge, and
name of which has not been divulge-ll milk famine unless some one comes
• springing np. nnd Mrs. Alice W. 1> ils adaptability of all clasaes and conTbe naval refrigeration ship Glacier, the rescue. The tmly dairyman there
(raonUy ooecuvu.i
deceased) nii
wr, trsoeauy
_____ her houa tor the organlu'
ow cn rome home from Manila, is has sold hi» cows tor fchlpmeni
lU Ideals are splrituslily. sanity, en<a the drat Sunday school. .She
the only government vessel that will Bualo market and Is going out
------------------------- ‘TtaBdeat, and held >
thnslaam. toyalty. fellowsbip. thorough
be available (or many weeks and ab'e tni-ss
Mly six yean,
yean. ^e
She sooo
cMce eonUnoMsly
organisailoa and consecrated devc
Milton UJdin tif South Bend. Ind.
will not reach Tangier tor at least
after wrote RaOwny Supi. Agi

George B. McClellan,


atnl latest



o|ieration for Its removal.

said to bo the ctiual of any other frul!

black the bero' ■■ ready tor use and



The wnson i,

fiff (llEhc*.



Pere Marquette

deep In Its consinictlon. with cnipan

all of his various ••dlseaws" and he

the goreromcni



lik.- a K-slden.-.-, iitid llie

siik-s qie of window screening, esnwis

sbtwiy traveling toward his Iriiii

plea. Jams. Jellies, etc., lor which H Is

feet apart

III :ill tlie lati-at •liwipov Sgtisf.ietioii (•tiamiilmvl.

wiHsh-n ro d. the ea-lling-of wfiicli

minded him of ils prcsilire-

___ d that it win outylrid any berry

off the vine. It is ^oat excellent
Tyler. Charies Duriewon and a limo
tor cooking and cannt^ purposes.
inter Baebael DeFreea. Mr, and Mrs,
Thytor, Bpancer Corey and wife. An­
drew DeFrcee.
V. F. 8. C- E,
Bro. Henry Brown wns appolDied
New York. Sept 8-—The i;iilU«d So
lender of this class In ises ahd be nnd
clely of CbrlsUan Endeavor has Issued
hto devoted wife weed pillars In the
new dcBnlllon and description of
.. chnreb. and we find fits name as lead­
er until 188S. 20 years. In that time
r Christian Endeavor movement,
nnd since tbe claai has passed ibrougb drawn up by its founder and president,
many changes in
the Rev. Dr. F. E. CUrit. lu principal

d wife.


IN some conditions tile
■ Clin from the use
Emulsion is
very rapid, for fhis
reason we put up a
fifty-cent size, whi^ b
enou^ for an ordinary
cou^or cold or useful
as a trial for babies
andchitdrexv In other
cotMfitions the gain b
slower—health cannot
be built up in a day.
In such cases Scott's
Emulsion must be taken
,as nourishment; a food
rather than a medicine,
tt's a food for tired and
weak digestions.

but government troops are deserting iraln.
Cooked to Death.
and Jolnlog the losurgcnt forces.
Detroit. Sept. 7—John Mvlkc. aged
church. Beudon. Mlcb.. A^. 31. 190C.
The situation has become so alarm
by Mrs. Susan KenOey. to. fell into a tank of boiling water'in
E. M. Koons, Pastor.
'ng that tbe heads of large bitsloess iiithe engine rrwm of the iUilwuy Steel
leresu in ibe Island have cabled to the
Works. He was lilerally
o’Pnld'^WWe' mat. Mich. Conf.
foreign managers of their companies
Apofrrt Remedy rorCtttSfip»*
cotriicd. There la no hojK- for bis re­
that the government will nut ■« able
Tbs Leelanau Caunty Fair.
cope with rcbPlIlon and that it !x
Boy-Burrted to Death.
Tba managemant of the Leelanau iheir belief It ts only a question of
oesyindLOSSOf SEBEF.
Cheboygan. Sept. 7.—The home- of
cooBly fair U busy preparing for the time when the Unlttid Stales will have
4osc|>h CadicBu was burned ibis
TatStosle sifn^
annusl exhibit 4o be>beld at Buttons
■s. Mitry Porlii.-,. aged *r-. die,!
under the Platt ametidment.
A 4-year-old ls>j- poiisbe.1
Bay Sept. U. II and r. The Leelanau Tbe efforts for peace do not promisc
irm near Pontiac, where sbi- bad
diesu was
liadly burned,
county people have made a gteat auty
lived :si, yi--4ni.
bring about (be desired object. 4other injuries.
ceai of these fairs during the past Ihoogh President Palma lias Issacd un
G<-»rge liupkinx. living near |V>wfew yean and the pernnanent locailon armtsqc«> for the period of ten days.
Cainmet. Sept. K.-^uhn Maekle
nglac. |Mid dcK-iors in bis M years' of
at Snltona Bay la an Ideal one for tbr
Pino Guerra. It becam'e known 1st'' shot lliroiigh the right mils allh t
-Xtolcm-i-. Just *3.
This year tbe committees
yesterdsy, has formally notified Gener­ v«dver by Ik*n Heudricluion ihlh m
bare ezpended umisnal energy and
al Menocal's emisanries that be will Ing and may not live. Tbo rtiorltf and
S'at»- t<»id rtHmuWiniuT iqu'S b's-,
promise some excclleni cshlblu.
hanhonr pi-r et-irt »f WM-ulk-d maple
not accept the armistice and that be hi., dc|>uiics are Mcarching the wts>d>Travena City bUBlncss men bnve
h.-avllv Kjruji Is pure pnMu<-I.
wlirnoiify the revolutlogary commit­
always found these fntrs n good place
Hriirtrickson. who
is heavily
tee In Havana that he will not ccasi'
to meet their friends from Leelanau
Two JapnncEc. M-veral Filipinos, a
hoslllitles until the gm-crqmenl prom- arnu*d.
county, and to make dIspUys, and
Porto KIran and native irf San lk>
annul the elections <>f DqeemoveiTbody In Traverse City la sure lo
Ionia. Sept, k.—The resignation •>< lulngo will alHiid SI. A. C. this .vear.
ber last. In apU of this derision of tbe
be well entertained by visiting the
Insurgent commander another ^mmitWhile visiting friends in
tba above dates. Tbe l^eelatce is going to Pinar del Rio tomorrow the lonta prison, has been arcoptc*
ro. Henrj- Trotiton, ag<-d tlT. Hvlng
nau county people deserve great
Jerome B. Walker apituinied.
■ar Fowlenille. wem. violently in
1 an endeavor to persuade Guerra to
couragement for the energetic eSorts;
Walker has Itecn connected with Ihc
Juni-SS.I*«. k'lfW IB-.grct.
unc to Havana nnd treat for peace.
they have ntade la devctaplng the re-:
iiiriitgilon twenty years as hail
Late (bis afieraoaa
It was ansources of that county. U is ooe of
Mr. and Mrs. T. \V. Glllwrt of ital- Ar.Wsli-w
. .IIAIUDI :sism :.a< u b
nounred (hat the liberal loaders de­
......... aw,pin SX.SSI
tbe rleheat ooantiea In the stale and
e Creek aie preparing for a year’s Ar.C,V-.Aer
Ar. Mw-klnsw CIIt < g.ii in II aii m v.->-t>n
clined to Bttoiiil any further meelingr
.. .. iiaipin
the thrifty farmers who are building:
tcailoa. which will iw s|s-ni
In a AcCwlaUc
to ronslder peace, owing to the action
he bad lumbag<i.
making ihc
ither nniisuqJ mantM-r.
They will
of the government to nrrc*Hng promlconnty one of Uit garden s|wU of
iidicitia fttr forty U-ave.Ihe rit.e'«illriii rwo Vri-k.-i In a
rlii-iiniailani a
nit liberals wMIe the negoilailuus
I^^Chlgan. Traverse City |>ooplc will
years Marcus Coif of tlwosao has s|«cclallv rauistniCKvl wagon for uiv
Train l>sns Trsr, r-c
ero in progress.
at SO) a IB; doUr • >.
do well to visit this fair and they are
lieridctl to have removed a rebel bul­ wherc-lii-i>aitieii1ar. cv|s-ctthg, even!, tally
Hkcp:BZ-wraa tram on
oiTirliicst sj-t
A dispatch from Cienfiicgos, prov let whieb fie has hud In his IhkIv al! ually to sis-nd two or three months in •WTiag at taipBi uailr.
ante to profit by It.
T,rc at ■inro-rBrt' s*,a n
ince of Santa Clara, today says that lo these years. Coif was luii busy fight­ Ye»<.w-,tuii.- l>erk.
The Glliiert rig
I lUllv; I -JS i-B.-irrot sbibUc.
ivr-_t^ N-.nlirK.r: !uioaBi,.<i
the cngx^TneDt lictwecn government ing at Htlshurg Landing In 18U3 tu consisis otmt torse wagon. htUli mil
A New FnilL
r fruit koosm as the garden Iroopn and Insnrgcms near ralmiru blither with the bullet which entered al.(«cther unlike an ie,- wagon. II lin.'

two to four

who vary wflibkgly
_. granted
(be Me
dist -pao^e -of Bendon the use of the
at the new depot

i tor
a Ull as more suitable
place could be seenred. Tbe first prayur-roeecing was hrid in the Hratl
boarding bonse. Rev. A. N. Heme was
was then pastor. The servh^ began
with a good religious Interest and not
ioDg before there was conversions.
We raa find no date of the organltation of Hip first class, _



Rio sod Lueta have been dynamited. bpelde the Bkele;'
Was an Asaoc
U la belkvod Ibis srill result In anion

froat is over should be set out from
He was c
n yowh of about IS years, - sr
■uwngiy bright young Christian,
home balag In Groan Lake towni
■I the Uma. he later beuame a memi
flf M. Inland claaa by eonversloo.
tow years since he sent kind rcm<
bnnee to a former teacher for tbe
llglous instruction received in
youth. Green Lake class was orgaan April, m?
toed by 4. j..................................................

-r. with membe
Brown. 4ul
as Mtows;

and that this watchfalnef

moTcmcot all along (be llna and rebel, wAl be malnUlned throughout the enand

the insurgeuu had
«r and leader of claaa till oonfereacc
dent 4. J. UlHcb d>e follosrlng year.
Tha organised members of thU clast
were; O. W'. .Youker. Henry Yonker.
Hanry Helm. SopbU Helm..Mr. and
Mia. Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. Kimball.
Mrs. Beulab A. aradshaw. Mr. and
Mra. Herron. Th« preaebing services
were held at the residence of Bro.
Pbllllpe. as a h« biiUdlng located
_e Larman
Case eaute.
what U BOW tbe
fMI ........ t inland riaas has been
greatly bnoored In fnraJshlng to tbe
Methodist church one D. D. in tbe pe^


c had not been left alo
General Aabcrt, has begoh a forward mbmeiit

Ploar del Rio. a|soat Clenfuegoa. Tu-o)*uirouuU* the affair.

V. q. ftornton »as P. K. when t
Brat daas
diaat was organized
organized In this c
cull, ^y years

lemalned two years, followed nest by
O- U Ollbcn. one year; I.ysaoder Ken­
ney two years; C. W. wmiams. two
years; John Hull, one »-ear: D. R. Lattbam. two years; O. S. Whitman, two
years; 4. N. Staley, one year; 4. W.
Amey. one year: E. O. Stevens, two
years: Willard Heath, one year: U
Kenney, throe years; E. W. Woods,,
two yasra; A. -4. Morris, one year:
A. N. Heme, one »eaf: D. A. Green,
throe years; O. D Watkins, two
M. O. Rlgga. (WO years

isderstood here that

<t>e M. B. eh’irrb
ihc l«4lDi m4 mo«t .i*-

N«w1y Bfiy-ODc 7^ M"
RTCtflve ehutt* Id the honodj of ihl?:
sou 8u«U- «u aenl l>y tbe
rstiorUllr (rue IB (be eartler'
.CTiDference 1o tbe Or*nd I ravem- «ll»;l
of (be region. The enrlj-;
trtet M premilJi* elder,
the dUt^ iMnemnt often went mUa Into tb-!,
(bcD enteodlDK from Mnnmtw lo »ne.
lo reach aose diitant ect•iml^ ot Mackinaw. He wma >«- u^r u> learn tbeir apltiiual eondlUon
......................... .... ' J
and Wwda. at tinea followlo* a Uat.
' on (he (reea i> sunnier and in winter
■ wading the deep snows. A >oun* lau
■ omb. O. W. Shertnan. K. U at <»c appoldUncm. aeelna hU pw^[. I
I. D.
O. (iuTOl and A- T. Fur- (or a great need, made and preaentod
goaon. our pnseitt K E, *b«ac mm- bln a flne pair of mow shoes whlrb
ItiraUon we enjoy today, twelve in gresUy hriped "hitn. That young
the flrirt convert at that appolnl-



MmU rtmg FMt imikm
I *UI tr> M«w a» -Mty •r
im shwit sprtMM^
4 wRI try to B* s« fcSMV •• •
M isr M I MS.
I «»ia i»y to kt tovtoto MipM
-sss kiito to Mtoyks^r as« to
Mwy Hvli>0tMaB.

K I «VM tell Is tO'tol to to
OtMS thlSEB I «RH *ri)(. tnr

Klagaiey. HIcb.. gept 1,1)1
IVsar Prealdent—1 ihoogbi I Aould
write a few line* to you. I am well
and hope yon are the same.
•obool started two weeks ego. I here
not gone yet. 1 *aw Blena nad Bernice
ttoll'i letter* In the Hereld today. It
rained Ihia momlBg. Well. I tauai
dose foF cbU time, eo good by.'
From your Simthlaer.
Loralae Derfa
Do you lUre to go to eebool* I wooder If Btenn and Bernice go to (be
aaine *ehuol you do.
Kingsley. MIcb.. Sept. 1. 'OC.
Dear President—t ibongbi t would
write a few lines to you. I am well
end hope you are the same. For pet*
1 bare e dog. Papa works over at
Twenty Two Creek. Wc hare three 61g
ducks. 1 am four year* old. We have
two calyes. Well. I will clotw for this
lime, so good by.

atto CLARA SATtS. UnsB
BrMUMrt~4larR BMss.

Ban Daria.
lou^ like to see Iboae three big
. Have you a place where they

Ntowy Bhtotes.

It bed been such a Jorely day. the
chlldrM agTMd. It badnl beeiuaunabiny out of door*; It badel mined
aofUr. so (hsi the gentle petter wooed
Em's Bank.
and ATooed one to eome out awd be
n tnl on (b« mnntslptoM.
mleed on: In fact the -lorely dayNor tttse of pstatod tin:
had been one of Ibe alonnlMt of tb«
Jt'lMUm't any teney slot
•eaaon. Tbe wind blew nhnrpiy
To drop tke pmnlM In—
aroond the corner* as though driving
Oh. Ml BM-t tank it disawi:
nn InrUtMe boat to an inrlaible deIt tedda n rtcbar ntora
•traetloo: tbe sHver fingem at the
• ThiU srowt la »nlo^ Mory yesr..
min soonded ei they beat nlnscwt as
And ytoldt Un owner not*.
Ibou^ eorered with iron mell.
Beany befnn to 111 hU lank
The ‘-lorellnesa- then bad been In
When he was rery •Ball;
the bMrt of tbe family.
• He s«hM otod at knoeka or bumpn
Mother had long wanted to took
Or whlotpered at a fall:
rer the “pleoe-haga.- Tommy end
, And to ha laid up erery day.
Jamm. as well a* Kate and
* Bose eolM of Ooorage ibern,
and Jane, all enjoyed -piece Img*.' TUI soE. if be hat need of it.
Tbe bags were nerer takea down tor
There'* ptynty and to apan.
a geneml orerhaullng save upon days
Then BMRy iMraad to store np Troth. whM tbe storm am* such a* to pre­
dude tbe llkullbpod of -oompnay.' OBadlence. JuMlee. loa
Tbe esim fomlture beloogtng to tbe
kitebea went -rlsIUng" In the dining
How hit deppaUa srewl
room end Tommy and Kate bron^t
j \par after year the aust enlaised.
TbeM begs
A bank aoetrant indeed.
dies of left-over plecda, outgrown
Which Beany draws upon at wOl
doUtlag. things thet -might eom«
r Wbeaerer he ha* need.
haedy." and rarteas other things.
go when onr Benny U a sea.
Mother overlooked ererythlng. Tbe
. He wlU he good and tnie.
--.Oenerou* aad.iMl to erery one.
rlpppd; an oh. ibe eodleu delight
*Tna tondt vtn nam break, but still
of tiring to decide Just which two
WHh wealth lilt Itfs endow—
k gowns would combine to make
Hare you e bash like Wuy'a? No?
new .one. After the . larger work
.Well, why not start oae nowT •
waa done came tbe untold Joy.of-teittlAi piece*.
A Weed.
-I'd like.- aaid Kate, *lo make a big
: A word
quilt and have Just ptecM of onr own
A^ It fell like a
things in It.htord.
1dk« BOtbeFer- asked Genertere.
AMI nad baaru taoh Aip the tweto re*'Tes: 1 tore to look at mother's
qnilt tad see what kind of dre
That llghtotod thetr
tbe bad when Mie waa mile, and then
eased ibe& pala.
’ Frowns were
fros the au- there's Cncle Nat's waim*. and Aunt
Jane's things."
tons brow.
-Oh. my. whnt a lot of thlap a
Upa that wse poattog are ssUlng
psteb-worh quill would make us re­
1 M the dew ‘nMtb member!" Mid Oenevicve.
' the sen.
-I want n quill, too." Mid Tommy.
Ami life grew brighter for ereryoae.
A ehUd. la tu gentle, lorl'ag way.'
"So do I." said James.
Itod hpeken a pleanaai word that
■Well, we'll make qullu for
It mar take yMm, but whea yoc’re
Trlday. Sept. 7. ISM.
re Joining tines latt re. ported:
Catherine Tates. Sid Woodward
Aee., DeuML
Cetnd*l>age. Long Uha.
The other day )
about a mile ftM^yM^old boy who
MW a enniMua tall oe the carpet. He
Mid, “Uok. sasma. at the llute yel
lowMrdr Hlt.awiber Mid. “Caa you
rwirb U. WMlerr He aniwered.
cannot wlib my bgsd*, but i can wlib
i my hMrt.- And IttUe Waller dldm
' know about our Buothlnt dob. either!
Bat that I* whtt we all want u
! 1M1 It? Store up In oar heart* all
: the nunrtilne of thene heautirul. bright
dayt. to that wben the cold, giay ekie*
are orerbead we ran make the day*
all »Bnay again, with our happy hopn*
UM n* try It. erery owe M at I
Here are four leiier* for u* ti
And two new eamea for n
We are gle dhat CettaeUne and Cor- ret waa^to be Sanrtitoera.


DeOfWt, ^iCh.. Aug. 2t. '0
near preetdMt—Aunty Want
here ai my honse. and *be hae been
lelllng me nbonl Ibe Buntbine Club.
Hraie M-nd me a button and a card,
H«ve you got any membera Id DetroK?
I «B* eight yraia old laM Mareb.
Hoping I will bear frea yon km.
CatbedM Yale*.
I am glad Aunty Wnrd loM yon
* nbonl the a.nithlpe^Clnh. for we ni*
' glad to hare you Join with ua. Ibere
:U only one oita<T Sunbeam In Detroit
. Klngvley. Mlrh.. gepi. «. D*.
, Dear Prealdeni—I iboagbt I would
.write to you. It ha* been a look time
. since i wrote, it I* raining lontgbL
. Weil. I will close fw tbi* time.
Gooi by.
' Alice Moigen.
It In alee to hear from you again.

older you'll take delight In thlnhlng
of tbe good timet you bad when you
wore Hucb a dreas or aprd&'or walst."
-We'll make liltle square ^docka.Mld Kate, ~beeeu*e ibey're eaer; even
little Jane can make them. Tben if we
make them amall It will lake eo many
that we sball get ao many more kinds
Of piece* in ibe quilt chan If we only
bare one block of a kind.
"We'll get a pretty gn
day." aald mother, -there are *o many
pieces. Tommy shall gm (be bundles,
Kate will unUe and select tbe pieces:
If any need
prcH tbesa wlib a flat Iron, and Jane
and Genevieve will calcb tbe four
pieces designed for a block together
so that they will nut gel apan.The piece* that came Erst were all
well kno^. but a* they OMrw
bottom of one bag there teemed
a good many not
I've tboughi of a game." dald rwuher; -we wOl play forfeits, and when
we are through we srtll redeem tb
-Ob. what fun!" anid Tommy.
-But bow do you pUy It?" asked
-A* tbe bundle* are taken out. each
will uke a turn at telling wbat (bey
were. If the Me whose turn U is connoi tell, a forfeit must be .given."
The dm bundle Kale knew. The
*e«iad Genevlere gnensed -at.
gueesed right. Tbe third bundle Tom­
my wa* sure was left from a waist
be bad bad. He bsd to gire a torfeli
James ^sald the bundle waa like a
dreas little Jane had once bad. but he
WM wrong. Kate knew the piece*,
however. They were Aunt Grace'*
breity pdDk dress m w^tch abe used
go walking with I’acle George before
they were married. So the game wcni
merrily on. Byqtbe time the piecebag* were empty there was a good cotiectlon of forfeiu.
When done Tommy aald. "Lefa bur­
ry and pul these old tbiog* away.-

-Waft a mlnoto: we-U redeem the
fbrfetu. irat." said amtber.
They drew lots and Jamei was btdd-,
•r of Ihe'terf.
the'forfeii*. moth^ to pronounce,
• penalty.
over your
held Tomly's knife.
-nae or nperfine' " askee motbei
In true forfeit fsabtoa
•Fine." receded Ji
The owner thereof may gather up
Hi the knil-uaderwear pieces and put
lato-lbe ttrlped-ti^ng bug.' Tommy
took bis knife aud began to work.
The seoBod forfeit proved to be
Kate's. She was told to get five paste­
board hoses and pat tbe euioai blocks
la ibem- Tbi* look some lime, but
Ibe forfeits went merrily on. Gene­
vieve had to pick op Ibe bundles like
tbe clotblng in common use and put
(hem In a cretonne.bag. IJiile by lliUe debris was cleared away^ happily
and cheerfully. Jame* found bUnself
usIag'B broom and dust pan. taking up
tbe bH* of elolh. Tommy and Oene•vlere drew out (he table for supiier
Kate's forfeli foHowed next. »he laid
tbe cloth and plates. Little Jane piit
the knives and forks around, liy the
time tbe forfeits were Mhausted tbe
room was tidy and the table Aid ter
Mother put * some flntablng
touche* to U. and a great gust of wind
tbe door announced the return of
“My. wbst a day we’ve bad!" said
tatbef. cheerily.
"A perfectly lovely day." said Kate,
-We've learned a new game." said
Tben they *1! tedd bow K was pla.v-

“Numbar One."
“He U a Number Oag boy." said
grandmother, proudly. “A great hoy
lor bU books. Indeed, be would rathread than play, and that U saying
a good deal for a boy of lea."
It Is, certainly." reutrned Tnele
bn: "but whai a pily (bat be is
Btlndt" escisimed grandmoiber.
And (be Number One bey looked’ up.
u. in wonder. .
-Yea. b{lnd. and a little deaf. also. I
fear." answered I’acle John.
head?" asked grandmother,
"Wby.tbe Nnmi'er One boy. hlra■If," said L'acle John. “He has I•ee4]
oeciip.vlng (he onp easr chair In Ibe
all tbe fonmuuii. never ik-etoi;
you nor bia mother wben «he came'
In fora few minute*'rest.' Then when
your glasses were mislaid, and you
had to climb upstairs to iB>k for tbeni.
he neiiher saw nor heuni anyihlng
II was going on ."
Oh. he Is so lutsy n-vuUng." apologUeil
'That ■ is not a very grvhl excuse,
mother.*' replied I'ncli- John, smilbig
'If .Number One is not lillnd nor deaf.
>e must bo very selfish. Indeevl. to oc­
cupy the best Mitt In the ruoo. and
let older pi>ople run up and ilowti
stairs while he tskes his ease."
"Nolxidy Dsked me to give up my
•at nor to run 6n errand*." said Num­
ber One.
‘Thut should not hsve' lieen nece*
sary." urged Itnrie John. '.’Wha: are
Isiy's eyes and rurs for. If not
keep him (•osiod on wliui is suing
aruund him? I am glad to see you
fiHid of buuks: but if a pretty storymake* you fonfel all thlngu exr«>pl
amiislng Nnmlier One. bettor run out
and play with other boyii, and let
her enjoy the comrorl of her
yeker in quI«.”—Church Progreas.

A Tnir Bto-y.
Nita M. Dddcp. in the Christian En­
deavor Wortd. **>*;
Years ago my fatfaey owned a hlgbsplrlred and vlcions horue, Billy. One
t)T hU bad habits wat to stsn at the
top of a bll: ami run to.the bunom.
id no power t«n eai lb conld stop hint.
At tbe .Sme of w^b I write there
wu'a.two-y««r«>d child livlag In-the
honse which my.father occupied. One
day the ebthi's older brother. Fred.
ny mother bad been out with
Hiily. WbiD tliey reached (ho. top of
the bill at the loot'.if whichtbey lived.
Billy atarted to'nir.
A* they the ho3>.-. IfthKsihie ran o-t «. meet them. Kr.-t
sap her editing and tr|*-l w-ih a ! bl»
strength 'o
tb.- hor-y-. Ijii )u val'.i.
Much mcr, 'q'iiek!y than ’ ran :• H :t
they rearht-c! the foot of ih, 'hill. tb<
child In the path, when -llii:;. dr.^p.«!
hl« head and ^—l witiju- r i.,u ..|
the child and
ifii-re bv.klug a<
Inourt-m and gcn'le a* if I*, bail m 1
an evil tboqghi In hS wiekid
horwi hriiln

We cant play It very often." aald
IIKIe Jane, regretfully: ‘Ttlece-bags
don't eome more than once a year."
-We can play It nay time." respond­
ed Jamaa, quickly. "You «ee wben
tiare onr playthings scat'iered all
around, we'll play forfeits and get
Two Remarkable Hens.
them put away Just like fun."
From Seigersvllle. Pa., comes
Just like fun." said Atbee. iouk- haps the m»M remarkable potain
ing at mother and smiling.—New Idea Hlory of the season, and]
Woman's Magariue.
lion. Just a* remarkable a rhlrken
story, Several days ago. b is slBiotl. a
A ParrM Story.
farmer of that vicinity, while work
Ben Lu*Ue. who tor fifteen years lug in a *fi
■field, discorerwl a hen which
was one of tbe greateai foalnres of was selilt
several eggs. iDVe.lI.
Barouffi's elrciig In the rapacity i>f gallon showed that the nest was noth
-lightning ticket-seller." had a wonder­ lug more nor less than a large pota
ful parrot, which bad l>wn presented lu which the fowl had |>cck(Hl hol­
him by one of the canvas-men of low. laid four i-gg* In, and then ivegan
tbe show, wbo was at one time a sali- lu hatch the eggs,
o a steamer plying between BmSomething unnstuil In (be line of
tou and Peraandtno, In (be Bahamas natural history neciirred at the home
Lusble used to have a way of quiet- of J. F. Barton, who lives a evmple o
miles oust from Regan. Tex., the oth'day. A hen which had been mlnslng
by saying: Ttenl be In a hurry, gen­ frvHn the fowl yard three week* madi
tlemen": “Tbore'# plenty of lime;" her appeateneei msrKhallng ii little
"Don't crowd each other:" “One at a covey of nine nea'ly hatchni qiiiiil.
tlhie. gentlemen." and such Uke ex- It 1* supposed that she found a
Tbe parrot, which
quail's nest in the wwl* near-ilie
perched upon the Mfe in the wagon. house, and after ejecting the mother
Jn« back of Lnsbie. got to learn ibese bird. nnderlouW tbe batching out pne
little speeches after a season's
ce*B herself—at any rale. »he I* now
and often broke out In a idercing •mutherinR" »1ih tbe r,*usl eshibi
squawk with One of them,
tlon of hen prlfle and solirliailnn tbe
Lusble's amusement.
illtle biooal <i( wild came blnis.
The parrot, which waa quite a tittle
. broke loose from her fet

beard a vast racket, i
Hastening to the
scene they found iioor Poll clinging a*
heal she could to the limb of a dead
of crows. The |«m>t had only
or three tall feolber* left, and the
hostile crows were striking, pocking,
and plucking her right and left. Hang­
ing on as best she cquld. the pamu
sraa shrilly arreapdiig: “One at a time'
gentlemen!" "DonT «rowd there!
"Take your time!" “There's pkjity
more left."

.Miss Rros'n wa« teuchlng her rlas:
to read, spell, anil define the woid
soul. As she talked to the Illtle one*
Of (he soul, its worth. Its immortali­
ty. earnest eyes looking Into her>made the teacher unusually eloquent
I finished, she fi-li
asRiired that every child within
sound of her volei'. eoiihi use ihe wnrd
Intelligently, ti was (he teacher's eus
tom it) call for volnnKa-r* to form sen­
tences. in which were a selected fa­
miliar word, and the new one. “Who
can give a sentence containing
word* more and soul?" qoerietl Mb*
Drown. Inste.-id of the thirty or more
tiplined hand* expected, imxzled lo.iki
preeied the teacher; she , wa* Jii*i
ationt to conclude that her eloquent
explanation had Ikh-u a (allure, phen
Jennie Young indlcaicil hir wish io|
speak. —Well. Jeonle. we will hear
you," Mid Ml«* Brown, eneotiraglngly.
"I soul some mote ouiun*," resp«*nded
the pupil lOoklug iriiimphanily uronm!
her Ie*K brilliant clasKmatessingle crumb nf enmfnrt eatue in ih
teacher, in the Fboiit of laugbie
whirh ftdiowed.

He Liked to Ride.
Nti’ long uuo u pertain man in
IroU. wluMe name i* a hou>(-IniUI w
Ixinght a dtnikey for hi* yotiug
^ and by tbe lad w.-aried of it
him oown street in the lioure
of a friend. On arrival ih.- tlouLu)
decided ihst riiling was tmsier iban
walking and ibst h>- hmln'l ha I
enough. Ml he refused to stir from
the pbiKonii nf ihi- druy. The drayman
nnavod ill vain. AliempiR-io lit' iilin
• nil-; by kirks. Irfu-s and mu!
racMns Jirays. The whole nelgjilrf.;-Iiwsl tunied i>':i }t> vie* iU<anee. and Mr. Itonkey wa* IliLilly
liushed tiff the dray with n ir. fimt
The Hiss of Hot Iron.
Wliy dooR hot Iron ronUe a Itisving
ind whin thrust Into war.-i? Thai
I* one ol the t-ommi-ii iliingt. .ibut :
majority of (leuple. old a* wh-II a.
young, do not htnp to think about
The exjdaiiaUori u quite Simple
The hot Iron rvinverl*_ loio wi-nn
the watW-flSnlel*-* with wlilrh I
Ao«e<< III contact, and as Ihe steam
file* upward* in •-keeping. It |>a>.Ke;
other wajiT-tiiirllrli'ii noi yi-t <-vapo
rateil. The million thus cans«-<l priL
duct-.s Vi ry lajud' vibration*
sir. and thoM- vibrations make tlh'
hUsing nulM‘.

SUN im

•Vety Pdrt*.
lu Japan when the xhool children
■re called to ICMOiu. A> the bell if
rang, tbe .Mas* asrailK the arrival ol
the teacher (Hiistde the door, range.'
In line. The leacber buws sr b-r- nk
pot'slhle; v be i<'tp!i* tioa sriil kiWer.
(h«i eater ite roten. laking then
place* tpiii- >’y and *(BBd:ag ciil. Trteacher ih. n lx*w» fniiii aer place at
h(T '.lekk; the girls !«>• Jjalh an.'.
take the.r '••-‘t-. Ai thi .\if

mlniitie* a tnaa walk* through the ^
Titan clapping a pair of wooileo cUppera. The teacbi-T aris«*. hews to
the.fCbntirw. who bow^agaUkjltf »n4
mareb out of the door, range to|g»
»el«.-s ta oTd*T >ud wai: for their
tearher. She walks nut. bows again,
while.' (bey make thrir tareweil ukudsano- and qulefy dlsp.rvu- for the Iffntinad rec-.-* whfrb J<-lk.w» each 50niiiiiib- rvvSisUiB.' To-- wbolv (hlug Is
veiy I'rvtiy

lyou) is

Your Jyorst Ti> aale’i h<

tuii! keep them ia wmlilion

pains to kivp a full liiiu of
m vlicini-s.of all LiixU


You gtt ftSuU* froiii Hors.- |,ut up
Duratorv'. If you linvi yoi:r own ft-eeipt I.-I us put it Up.
We wil!

if risbf -tti'l at small tits'B**'.

Wait’s Drug Store

somcihinjr et I rybody needs, but cannot at*
ays.alTv'hd- ‘ We have iusi received a swell
ew line of thcMt that we can put WITHIN
lODY aiprics
that will surprise you. Any design or color
, yoQ arc looking for you ran surely -lindl here,
' as there are so many beautiful patterns to
r select from. Now is your chance to get THK
100 pilv.' seU that Iiiive alwayssol.l for }l2.tX) imw ............. fS 75
UK) pinvv SL-U that imvo always sold for10..'iUiiov ............ 7 25
lUU pIvTd acts that haw always sold forB.tA) ti»w i.................i'> 5U
100 pii-eu w ts that haw alu-.ive aoKl fo’F7.50 now.....................4 75
.VI pifou set. nvular $!*.tX) vHlun. iiovr
.VI pii-evfft. ngtilar '^(K) v.-iliie, now ..........................!............. 4.75
.V! piiiv act. rv.a«lar 7.00 value, iww ........................................ Il'-'-i
Lots of others at equally low prices.
also have a lot of broken sets—odd plates,
bowl* tea sets. etc., that we wish lo gel *id of
in order to make room for the full sets. Come,
in and look them over—tvO will make it
worth your while.

Toilet Sets, one week only.
rc'4iular $'J.’_*.j'for...............................


Your Reliable Furnituro Store,

Earsiooked as if They Would Drop
Off—Body Entirely Covered —
Face Mass of Sores — Three
Doctors Could Not Cure—Child
Grew Worse-Face and Btrfy
Now Clear

Grand Rapids Furniture Co.



Mp«. Oeonff- J. Sleivu-. of 701 robiini
Bu, Ako.N. Obio. I-11- m N>'' follewing
ktter of aiiutlu-r of tb-i-n riyiiarkidJo
riir.-« of t.irturiiiK.
vb-Iiguriiig’Aiu liti*
i.r- vliiily iiiuila
iiv Ciilinira .S.aji,
»•>)<>-vl l>y Cutii lira

il-e bnei faib-vl; “1
f.-i-I itmydiitytc>iy\.
, r*-iit* of vrtb<-T i«. -r
’■ri rviffi-ring Iiabl'-vdialCuli<|..n» f'lf
- with a
............ ntnl vre ii«e«1 <•
Bom* Funny Stories.
niemkyJ. but without rc'ult-.
The DIftereqee—Teacher; ••Of oonrae
In three <kH-t..r<, lb<-y aU<liiinnxi li.- y
you iintlrrrismFiha tllfftirnre between
ciuiij help Iii-r....................
livr. but -be coiinnu-vl
copniiu-il to
liking and lovlngj-TSmll; -Yes,
pr..w w.-r-i- . II.
..- r l»»dy
[-•dy wa
lirr little fare w m- 1. ing
Auarm. 1 likely father and muiber,
: h-r
but I love pier
Would lirvipoff. S'. igl
A New-G(udy—Martha bad gon^ off
t-.g-t Cutieura .■i.ap -atid»llfllni
to loarp a
|m f.ire I bad II—<1 half of ti..'
Ni.vp.-vmI b-'CnfOiiitnii nt vie -i
er. mituing her InqijiMtr ’Tnirrv'*
all lii-ab-d. :>ud I'uv hill-' oie '
Martbar “O." jilllied Jamie, -she'.
Uxly w.thi' a= i b-ar a- -i m-w-t.
Id her ronm studying forgoi^^.
1 vvnljlii net t)C Wilbolll 11
.Dag Save* Sailors.
'AD OriglUl Definiiton^iv-d
The barking of a pet viog in the ra'u- mit«. v.luili ev all It <n't n- t - ■-ure
preparing a speUIng-ln^, when he
.ciiir liaby. after »|»-mbtig mat y il*
came to tbVword "a^ln. " He dldn' lu n( the yiirliT Michigan savv-d it.e on d-- t..r- an.I ii..ilaino vvali-.u; any
know what It'«t*tVso he hwkcvl |t lives «>( Skipper IVuHhine. theYnlllloil- Uti.-bl -•hauvfi.’'
— r.i.-i«i ksi !-•.«**] Twoun <• f»
jalri- water-power magnate, of Souih
up in (be dtcllonaifi^^d found
e-v iVi«w-,--.-.v.a.e..-.■ o */«.
Inrt„ and Edward-Carlin, "
meant "to keep ^w*y from," so Ij^jBend.
wrote: "1 will abstain the bov from!
"I August 77
(he dog."
I'" a heavy ciorm, the .vachi bmk.
What He Had I.earned-SivTeBr.
H* mooring* and driftcl
old D.inald. wdb had been in wcbool a
among (he piling
tew day*, wa* i^ed by ^ member id'®' '‘‘f Bratiani & Morton .lork. Bn-li
the temlly wbst Iivlearned, jn-1-nio-hane and Mate Carlin w.-rsound aKleep. and did n«t1:now nl liu
isnUy selxlng
dangi-r till the .l>oai elnirk ibe dix-k
placint it In a ,>t.
and the dog si;l up a howl of dauaer i60 *c,j to
•'There, I've learned that, ’The C
—Tr»‘ s I*-*
When (he Kailor* lidi (he yaeh-. it war
in a hai.'
Simple Practlon-rX Tittle *lx-yeae rapidly sinking. VVe ut.iy In- preii:rure nothing on earth is loo gia>I to.
old. while
I Ri Wniua Canada
that dog now.
frartton* by
this question
r -.•
nThe Limit ef Vtaton.
and three
Do any at our S:m*Mner« knu-nmay *eo anoih-.iOood Time* tor
■ way. what pan would run away?" how far away
.......... etv Canada.
I..*». »r.ll
iDsiantly she answered. "‘tYby their -eron a flat plain? Five mfles If
feel, of course, mamma."
the ilmlt. with ail 'he condition*
Should be • MlsU'i'."—Jn-a'scbool a vorable! a clear a(mos|>liere. ggo>t
little girl wKtold
trorbrr that ion and light enough to produce an tt- we*. l!<»

tbe MlssIxsipn^X^r was called the image of tbe man. The curvature ... w.u.»
“Father L^-^lerOSfte asked the the eanh's surface i> about 7 Inches
leaciiei/^Wby do theX«tU « Miss.
la height msy be seen 13 mUes awAv- I

I:J7 South Union Street

Used at H.iy View .Assembly this season.


, At Factory Co$l While TlieytasL ■

A'..I./ i.'/i.i/
.M. 15.

Tiiui:!; i: Cj.’I. Mini.

Ik-.-ir Sir--1 wish t<> expreaa thu sutiafaction T huve
hail in tin- tisu uf the Kimh.'ill Pianos you have fumihliwl
for the |utst nine years for Buy View' ose.

I have

bl«>(il It siiiii-ners bt-rv anil in that time have as«l oth
initkea of pianos, hut none have given .the satisfaetioe
that til.' Kiiiilatll Ims. The |iiirchasing piildie will make
no iiili-lake in m« nring tiie Kioiliall.
Vov rs r Pp’etr.iily.
' C. C. Casi.. Director of Chorus.

Kimball Music House
M 11. Ilarner, Prop.

......... -



i.«- n-.“.'.7;r..£ss?''*"“‘

>o ,b, «ii.,. A ii,i„ b..«..... ■ ,c. 1. lautier, aerquette, lich.

You have hail >onu: • .!,<.ri( n *r in ihi: past you would
liki; lo forgft. li jo:: woiiM u>-c H. & L. Co.’s

Floilr. "Michigan's B»;st." the pleasure of the presefil
would make you forget the disagreeable thirgs of ihc
past. Ask your dealer for tbe "BEST.”





rams. 24 cupu floor. 2 teaspoons bak­

wlth an oM piocr of box.- placed tigbl

ing powiftr. pBcb of salt, and s|dee ly In an augur bole. This was couilnto taste.' illx well and steam for 2 u«d through the outer box. sad cai^
bonra. steadily without lifilng cover. tied away the water from the melted
The epnee between Oie two boxes

\lnemu- Saoee—l enp brown-or ma­

ple sugar. 14 cups wa-er, pinch of salt was stuffed as full as could be packe.l
S ubiupoonfuls butter, a few dropa of with old oewsptperaand a cover made
iMDon essence, 2 tablespotuu-vinegar I far each box. Tbe Ice was put Iti one
of toll, but |ta reical waaier. Baklus <or I

Wynkyn V«ld«m«r»

whatever I do yield lia beat fnilu/

Ai I Ml «-*lnstBg. •-•tDiitng. A*!!!*-

"To dt«nlfr Ubor U to do it better
than It haa ever been done before, aod
A« I Ml a-BlacIng beneaib By b«ecSla a maimer that will make it more
ii«od irc^
detdrable lo be done by aomecne elae."
Tbe wUi4 bkw tbrougli tbe gnea
wbteb broogbt



To acatter Joy'an dcheer.





“The Kitchen Floor—Thcte !•< noth-,
eight minutes. Take out of auier tu ing beuer thaualianlwMMl flcMirforth^
Here Is a earamel custard racipc cool, cut off cub. edeao a jar leanhral kitchen. Tbe nioid satisfactory. flnUh'

hlci makrx a desiicrt that is Intend­ as large as you want

Everyone earvea thee—


will be o( help In this respect:

All the world will bk-wt thee.


tbe box .set a few inches above ihi?

How 10 Keep Corn Green—Pick the floor to admit of clrcul-atlng sir un-.
irn when full and tender^ husk, siu. der it. •

desirable to have aametbimt srhlch can

Tbe water from the Ice wu<

carried away fay a piece of tiling, ami
In Corn Time.

Catarrh aod Catarrhal
Diseases Make In­
valids or More
WflNMii Than Afl
OUNTAnments Con

fuilowing redpee. from the (Milo Farm- and cook until milk Is sel. or about,

> araiier' bW.



heated by ateamlng.

dinners Is always a veaed one. It ia

Tbe wortd la tall of aadncwi.
It neoda a little Rladneae

Lot. the water both then outer end of tbe piece of hose a fine
add the other Ingredients. Both the wire nelUug or piece of cheese cloih
tied to prev^t in*eM« crawllns
sauce and pudding can be quickly re­

The queitloD of deaserta tor fiimday


ihoBKbt tbai auBDBr day lo me.

syrup end of the Inner box and the articU-i
be kept cool placed about the lev.

Mara 'blno

purchased at your grocer’s, nd I UbW tbe lid* closed, and the box kept in a
kitchen. Over tb<'
spoon rinegari and one ublespooa;

• 'Oeaaaria for Sunday Olnna-.

Like roiee of one th4» Md rrte***-,
• TwM tbot


ftxim a bottle of Marachlno cherries


(I use a &iml-

liniu-eil oil.

Pul the oil In a

ed lo Is- served cold. Ibcrefiwe din be


,e the pa-st jean. Put a layer of kritio, |dace over thtRflre. and heat uii
lade the day befute; Best the yolks ssh halt an Inch thick on bottom of til it bubble*
T.-ikc out a mile iii a
then a layer of rara two inches time and apply lu the floor hot. A|e
r & egKs and add a leaspoonful of


brouKbl youni Wynkyn



In well.
I stigaf- mixing
licit the white* in a stiff froth. Pul 4

-Keep not all. thy laoBhlDR .
ftor\by h»ppy borne;

thick, and so on until the Jar is full,

ply with a small soft cbilb foaleneil lu

flnlkhlng with’a layer ol salt. 'He a

the kitchen mop.

After'the flimr bss

cupful while arsnulated sugar Into a cloth over tbe jar. pat the lid oa.
grunlie saucepau. aud stir conKtantly

Wherever thou mayat n.aoi.

•r ibe fln- unHl ihe sugar mHt* ami

l>ee]i gM«P ovvr.faston a larg<- woolen
for wiutcr use In a cuiil place. cloth in the mop and wipe v>ll all ih\Micli yon want tp use It. take out the surface oil. Rub hsM until the floo:

i»5 fdlghtly. then add I point of amount you want for a meal, put in a is smooth- The floor sfaouM lie clean
of liasin, pour cold water over It. and perfectly dry when the nil i* u|>mllfc*l<i the melted tugxr. stir careful
to dissolve the salt, pour through plied. Vliis Inwlmi-nl once in tbnv
To meet defeat with smllea ao brlRhl— ly HDiil well mixed and the milk In
hm. luit In Uic («g». stir for a mo- a ralauilcr. I*ul mane colil water on It
hs will kcei> the fl<«ir In exrellen'
To luni about tbe foe lo rout.
^mem. Uke from toe flie. and adtl act on l>ark of stove to get warm, then condition.
And quickly i«it the unaurprr out—
Teach riebt to ««ht Baliiat wroo* and

Warming Ovcn--T<> make llti* oven
1>al Blfhly deapot. floonpr BadneMf quickly the beaten while*. Torn Into tlralu. I•ul oil more water, and'when
llUle cupK or ro»kli> and leave until fresh onough put In yonr cooking ve- take II Ivix aliom three leel kup.. on<
ready to kiVve.
If Hkt-d, tbe wlilios sel with a sixnuiliil ut sugar, a lltlb- foot high, and one fjirt d*-<i>; reou;v.
-need not U: mixod In the cuHiariL but p.-pper. buiti-r sue of at) egg. and a li'
the lop end fasten the box lo the wall
-Thia the aoDB my beech-tree aaoK.
maye lie sweetened and t>oiired on top He milk. Bid on Move notil it xiarti
.loveidiw. alMinl two fe.-:
Who Mill uBunm Ibe Ibonc of tllad

With lla qulH unheard voice;

arier the euslnrd has b«‘n poured Into

While the abbey cblnica Mill ram:.
BlddiBK all


the CUlw.

luul rejoice.

Tbe«i I took ay qolden harp.


CbeeriQf. Boothlng taBlne aharp.


pint of milk. Into a iloul.le boiler^


Corn Fritters—Take on* ducen eats
[ young corn, cut the grains down





Bnt I am one.


Tills custanl can also be made spocmful to each fritter.
One can vary this by

But I can do nomethlng.
And what I ought to do. -

I win try to do."

pints of water.

after removing from the molds.

the cob. allow iliree
Put the ram and


ter on to boll and as soon as the grains

Bonk 4 box of gelatine In 4

lender have ready two ounces of





cupful of cold water for half ao hour.

JhHuHItt eSMw’sCsSfc
Mi truer words were ever written
than the ftdiowing by a reecsit writer

good butler nixed

T^ere is no tabor tbal cannot be
dignifled. DO oceopatloo so low onbumble that <mn rob one of aett-rfapect
and prmier qeK-eMeem; aod It la pos­
sible to perform one's allottrt work In
‘ such a way as to derate and dignify
There are some who

refuse to do ibis or that because they


.though by doing eo humble or m«
a task they woald be nnilned for blglier work. Borne would rather be dc
pendent upon others for aM. and alt
In Idleness waiting

what they eon

alder snltable occupation, than worK.
with those below ihdr station or do'
what tb(T consider undlgnlflol labor,
^h a position only shows tbe true
Aaraeter and lack of common i
and foiethougbi.
hand finds to do.'

To 'do




Strengthens one la character and In

thus enabling


to do tbe next thing better, and fits

him for something higher. II Is right
0 astdre to e
beat suited for and tm do the'best
sad it Is also well to seek the occuiw
Uon one enjoys the moet. whether It
be lowly Or otherwise.
what we msBe It.

Our worii Is

We may elevate It

and make It desirable by tbe way we
do It and the character we give It.
Cbrtat. our example, not only dignified
Ubor. tmt He glorified It.
"Mrs. jamee A. Garfield found tbe
secret of using labor tor her own ad* eancement. and by so doing she dig­
nified II.

wllh 1 enpful of sitgar.


1 will 1« her tell >-ou hoe-

tn'her own beaotUui wny. as she did
In a letter to her husband.

It U


aumtw jush ended. I have risen up to
a victory; that silence



sinew you have hewn away, has won
for my spirit a trtnmph.

I read some,

tbittg like this the other day; There
la no healthy thought without Ubor.
an thought stakes tbe Ubor happy.'
perhaps this Is the way I have been
aMe to climb up higher,
me this morning when I was making



iH-fore iho soup is taken nut ul the

water; when dissolved, add It to

pot beat np un egg and stir Into II

peach pulp, mix and

Balt and pepper to ta-sie.—exchange.


Ways of Oonklitfl fiabbafle.

diwllng In such thing*.

Do not. how

counter or “ten-ccni Moiv’* kind*,


knives or wheel* of such lire iisii
slly luadc'of Iron and nmsi sssm g<
the scrap pile.
An apple-|iarvr costs alioiil flfly l<
seveiily-flv.- cents, and is of st-rrice l<

pies, piidditigs. diiuipiittc*.


Mrs. J. A. Baker, Ml Loeuslarwaw,
Mrs. W. J. Rryantun, SIO Nhtrman
Mias May
llTIltb sUeeLBrookAmsterdam. N*. Y.,wnl>e*:
stre<-i,^nniM>o, Ohio, write*;
tyn.N. Y..1
■ I frei It uiy duty to wriiaand Ml
*■1 fulluwed tbe directions v-.m b.ladly
••For iitore than flve
It IVruna ba«d<
gave me and now 1 find inyseir eatlrely from rlK-utoatf |uHns
, UistalltbuBewboa
cured. I tbibk your PiTuna is tbv best
trvAiUed aal vaa
damp or stormy
oiay And tbe aauia speedy ci
uiediein.-in the world.”
obliged to Slay il
or years ago 1 lost
It my
‘•Mtriblno seemed to lie of no n
that I waS unable o apeak abere a
Ul I sUrled Usiug IVruna.
wb>s|wr fur oevr-n weeks. Oar family
hliMi JeMie S. Dword.S Houth Street.
••1 look Iw .-tve l-.tHe* iii all. altlKMigh ]
doctor couM do Bulbing for me.
I*a*sale.?!.J.. writes:
it is six month* ago since I sippiird.
•■After seven Week* aaffering, 1 rwM
••I u«fc P.Tnns a* yon directed. 1
“lhaTeha.lnoretnroofrayMdc..m- »,me cln-ular* in regard to Perona.
balladry ciugb and after usisg two
..j bonght a botUe at onroaM M* «
iMiillMot Peruna, I found relief. You plaint. In spUeof Uie fact that I have
U-cn out in all .sirb of weaUier dnnsg m u-a*p.«.nlul dosee every hutu. and IB
have my luartfell thanks.”
[ twoday* I co*Ud talk. 1 wlU never be
A cough is eauaed by a ralarrhal cun- the aevere w inter."

Hanrtfalt Thank^Ite Bnlitf Fonad

No better n-imriy waa Wer devised U.”
dltlonnf tbe throat and broneblal tulws.
Kemtive the entarrb and inv cough dis- Iiy the tii.-di.-al pT-feul-.n f..r F«r free medical adrtea, vrlle to Be.
api>ear., PernnalsUie remedy fy Dll ■nlHgaiionof ail cliuiatlu aiUucuU tbau H. It. Hartniau. Prr*iiieDl ofTbeHaTO
, I'eruuk
j luau .'■auitaiiuui, tk/lumbii*. Oiuo.

■s are in onler.-Kansa* Fanner.

Some fleasonabic Recipe*.
•vmpntgum <>f some of the best

rat^s in Obarloltp wa* held recently

r an.I aiUI some bit* of buKor.

the i.miuli.i-s

liiixiur.' .VII i


Crabapplc Jelljr.

Cover an.I lak*' ««"• h'lur.

to try-

I - 2”

pretly dessert, and ivnii will 1
terested In tbe making of It because
it Is pleasant to sec It grow.
Apple Compnii>—Pare,
ire nice sour apple*.


lb(-ra with boiling water, tu which ad.

,plea are lender, but nM so rbat ibc.
pieces. Carefully lift them out

il of white sugar.
linking powder, ml* all well and fry
saliepoonful of celery wilt, and black brown in hot /at.
pepper and salt to Uste. Moisten
' Cold Slaw—Mix one cup of *w
teaapoonful of flour with a little vine­ nr sour cream with om^half Cup


1111 u



leApllIg tea,-


s|M>onfiit .1 vofn s’anli '■-vqr uie •frill.; I
.lit ai
make a Is'-i.* *wm'k •
. -ill !
Ml ..If I'liu- r in cv.::> .

the touiat.*'* elii^' i.e;eilier in' a ituk-

and then imur It over the salad.

right coasistency.
IJko Oliver ing dish, w'.'tl l.ipt.-rc-rt, afi.t t-ak-'
TbU salad is lu-M when Twist, you win say. • More pl.-a«e
half an iuttir. Tiie;-.- m:ik.- u tib i- ea.- soenr .o.-r tbe i.,|, jn,
served .very- cold.
ni«h lot roast «u ri.-ak. ,
i.v.fn- ,ti-f'.
Rakeii Green Tomatoe*—Wash
Stuffed Tonul.iet.-.'S.'bri .-ten ,>.-V
11 in half, the round way. em
W'lHi a fork.

Suet Pudding that can be made on

!t was a very prim



cups ol'eltber brown or maple suimr.

t one that

joM now to have become folly mine

1 cup BWeM milk. 1 rup suet c^o|>ped

iner box was raised

n inch



Cloth Col« Without ice.

Ill c* - «< f-v. r or-weakness a cold -

■ I,..; '.'leili -u< H-4 r-ioliead, face
:-.t IL*



bratu is tqx' of the mcMa


jloriiiig ihiiih-* In (He .world. , In ib>>
I tropical

Wash w'.-ll and c-u a.;>ic-



b>>.iliiiats mnfi

Wbere lo-'1*

Take out the sc-d* and lay half the

Iti'screving the H I;- <«I rU-- mill -i'’-’..-- itl*
necesaary l» to^.-t .
from Ih.- »lem cn i of .-ach
Ib-tp.i'.the pulp aii.l Juipe and *pr-nM.- ibe»,-)are. by h.-i.llne a pie.-.- ol san.liaii-r; a l-iici chith, wave K to and fro In the '

parts, skin ride down, in


amount will Just raver a puihUn* dish

Cover with a drvsring



Idace the remaining

halves oo

wHh Mil an<l


Chop in iii«- lu.iid It i.rev.-iit- and «tr. fM-l li and, place R on the pnlicat.

an onion wr..- fim-’a-v: mix it CTnTRflejars can I*' waU-d .ii;kHy.


bread erumb^ mlx.-d with two or thre.

y a small box Inside chcqiped onions and eea-son to taste
ro sites larger. The! with butler, pepper and salt.

and Ihle troth, aid a* creation, seem'

Thi, saoM- can Isi

f.ihi irt"-* during n windtd egs, |st„-n. n.av i-~'.:t-i! in'this way^

pulp an-l All the* with t.-ti-i.-r
w’lHi balt.r. salt and pepi-T

green, tomatoe.v «o that


-1--I- . -

S.-onp cut th.-

y.iung eorti rut fmm th- cob.

vinegar and ew-eetea 10 lasi.- with
Cook nH together, stirring CTDnuIated sugar, add .-nmtgh flt.-lconsvanily until tbe dressing thicken*, chopped or shreddf.1 ciibliac.- tojiiak-



cut off the *:-m .-n-It


a gaol ^y and kept until Biraday

thM I Med sot ha the ah^king slave flue 4 enp raisins, 4 enp dried cur-* ati-I

ni-'liiiii.'siz"-d louiutc"''.

gar and add to I'he egg and vin

of the syrop: then boil the syrup un­
Kitchen Cenvenleneea.
like an tnsplraUon. and tbe whole of til It nearly hairs. Pour It over Ihe ap­
An Ice-Box—Where one do.-s ii<
ple* and sel them aside to cool,
my'Ufe grew brighter. "The very
keep a Tefrigcraiov. yet would like 1
ahine seem flowing down tbroogh my the cavities with some kind of jelly keep Ice. here Is a bome-nnlc
and serve with cream.
aplrtt talo tbe Vhlte loavea. and
d by a farm wHc in The
with belter bread than ever before:

nsuropiion. Most of them arr- in
•■xpeDKive, aud cao l>c h.-ul a'l any siiir.

Cottddan Pe-n-uthe BaM Hedldsfi Fflmaaeat Bumtit FoUovM Use of H-n-n Used For Thmt TmUA
• InUmWorUL

half an limir
appb-*. . >io1. Imk.' in a :«.w ..v.-n
r.-moTc aH
whil.' you are wafting These nn*i I-.' b..i and may iw
For til.- ,h,. iiiosMim .nd. I'nt them In a k«1Cabbage Rolls—Put large cabbag:
'or tomaloe* lo ri|s-ii. A little aiitmr 3CcumiMiii.-.| wHh a
mold, and leave until sol.
Goo.1 Cheer department of the
tlejidulDg cold'w.iier until II can be
whip the crenm. It should be cimie.1 leaves In Imillng water and allow Tribune, and the following rc*uli i* eprinklcl on tin- tomato lialve* licfor.' aanco m<*l< out- laid.-i>ui>uful ol bin
and n.l.l It t«. on.- Jabl.-'iHSiriful
Mi-n around ihi- fruit. Slmra.-r anlli
on Ice. then beaten to a froth with an them to siaod for fltiocn minutes.- In passt'd along to n-iid.-r* of Honiv- aivsrilig i* allur'd improves U.
Hour, stirring until i>i"wi< an.I snus
time, make a filling of equal
Hi«- apple* are pulpy, stirring freqix-Blegg healer, removing the froth as
Chcer with the asKuraiiec that coming
i>i.-u- ail.I llir>-.-4<eiiy!i >d a .'iipful pf ly. Hralii ybrcragli a l«g of mosquito
of iMiiled rice, bread crnmle.
forms lo a separate dish.
from Buch u .wiiircc iliey are
Th.- following r.ciiM- lia*lMs-(i f.mnd slot-k. .Ik- juice :.n-l
ii.'i without «q»vexing and strain the
Scoudi Baked Apples is a simple and tomato pulp and a little raid choi* worth trying.
«-ry satlhfact.iry; Afc yo.i gnth.-r Hi-- one iabl.-*|Hitji>rul <>l fli.t-Iy . boiip.”! ;iii.v- a<l<llug a little waier If ih<- jolce
dessert, easily prephyed. Peel, halve ju'd meat. seesonMl with salt and in-pCiv»-n corn I* U-ticr if |iicke.l Ju*t
■itriinibi-r*. pin Hi-ni im« a
brin- gr.-eu |«-piier. oiu- l.-xsiHsmful of .inr*'
Take the leaves and ' spreai’
•Hsflis v.-ry ihlek. H.-ajlure ami allow
core Red Asirskans or any good
before n»ing. When vnimg and i.-iider
iiaib- in ih>- pr.>t».ni<ui ol on.- ciHif.if hil.-.- anil a sprinkb-<»i *a» - tHmin.-i j ,|,„H-4|UBrt.'r* of a pound of sugar.
baking apples available
there I* no Im-Hit way to cook than On
rf salt to .•uvii gnlloti .ifiwat.T, Tli.*v for flfi.' I. miniil.-e- t^i sm.lii
jelly'ls ..r on.- |Kxfnd
the ccniers with butter and
sogar and roll them up. Place In a sauce- tbe rah. By scoring th.- ••ars with a
I...... i.l .-oak III Ih.' briiie not l^s Hiai.
Civol. S.IUP - ScjM :tu.l Hu'jj,-,^
jgk*. T with Imillng wuter.
creamed Uigelher In proiwiiloo of 4
sbarp knife, afi.r <-uuking. the hiiiU
WL-ek will 11.U hurl ib. m. skid* froNi .-ixht •»ui«
t«dl the juk» for .flve mlnuta*.
cotik for half an hour. To three tablecupmi sugar to 4 cupful butter.
will stay on tbe rail ami only ilu- .11
diaw* out Hi'- slriing flav..i to.-*. Fiars- th.-ni in a *nuts- ,aii wi'h a,^i,| ,|t.- sogar sn boil the jelly «m«
Ing a few very thin slice* of lemon
gestible pan Im- cuieii.
the rueutnl-er* an.1 gi-l* them liii<»:
liUlhT. two rlove*.
peel for flavor (candled peel is espec­
pro|MT ramllli.rti for jili-klinit
Ih»of linnamon. a rose geranium leafially good. iBnwb over the apples fnls of flour, then add two cupfuls
from a dozen ears .if trebh green t
w.Iy.' 1 t-as|Msinful p.iw.loivd al'jm In of galili-1- ndderi I..-a wal.^v pulp. or a bice sHc of lemMi may
with a syrup made of sugar and' water, milk. ^Ir until smooth Add ono-hab’ II Is well to cm nut luor.- than
ry quail of water ^ll■.•<led lo cover t'lVok for half an hour. R.-mnve tlic plang.-d imo each gla** a» Ihe jeily
sprinkle them with.bread crumbs, icaspooaful ol salt and pour over th<- half the depth of H«- kern.-I ami then
runiiiib.-rs; alum pivvrat* fhriv.-l- seeds from flve r.-d lai.ierx. tcvirtlvin liai.l.-n*.. giviRg a decliled flavor to
browned In hot buiter-.bake. and serve cabbage rolls just before serving.
*cra|>o out Ibe puip, or 10 score the
Hln»<- the cucmiiis-i>i In -fresh* in ssH.'-l 'Wai.-r diiHI M>f< iin.l th'-u appb->-ily, whieb I* a trifle insipM.
Piccalilli—Chop spparaiely a peck 'com and then scrape it out. Tiiis
cold, nth or without custard
.■r: then |.lac«- tu a porcdaln or rub I.l a ifus;..- with a wo.i.l>'-n
Ftilbiw Ihi* nil.- for pendMu. and
of green tomatoo*. a large hesij
gtv.-* an added .iHiracy to any ram
agiile ph'kiing k.iib-. al'eriinlliig tay- Rub th.' tAiiiaio mivtnrc tbroiisb a q.dlic's.
ibbage. D doreu gr«>en pt'PP^rs. half tireparalion. and U •■specially diudrFruU and Nut Jeny-m»k« a deli
of cuciimtaT* wl'h graiw l••ave«. *li-ve. r.-larti it to th.- *an^ii;<u and
doxen red ones, and a doien faa able If the corn U a Hiile old. Pu'
clouB dessert. The.Prenrti roll such
The gnip.- l.'pv.-* glv.' a/r<-*M. gtv«'u sinimer it nnill it nH-ssiHs * a
lum Mxrd'onions. Mix all together into a baking dish. M-ason to taste,
dessert mscedMne.. Soak 4 box '<
color to Ihi- piekb-s. I’.mr Ih*- alim. pint, "nu-ii ad.l i. «pi«n ft fi—-f -tock
Apple Chutney.
gelatine I9 one-half cupful cold water and put layers in a ckNh. sprinkling cover wiih enwm niid hake In a niixl•iv.T.ili.-m aii.l lir;ng to scaluii.a and Hi.' le-iqx-i'witb sa!'
each layer, well with sail. Tic up and erale ov.‘n for a half luMir.
Tfil* Is a .l.'iicb...* salt.-.- for «*»
dor half an hour, then dissolve by poui
If ........
lh.-u<sb..W' lo III.’ l..vk ..I Hu:
hang over night -to drain: thXui ha* no cream, milk
with fr.-'h nusii*
lire aiut g.mrier
lag on It one cupful of boiling wsier
tpay I*- u«-il
atxl b-l slan.l Aoscly eow-r.-.l b.i
large.- sroir, apple*, an-f
cupful sugqr. apd stir until dis­ sqiicexe as,much of the jnic<-s
with a good Keasonlng of liqiti-r.
.O'trsliralli out aiul put into.
Plum Ree.pey.
Cover with cold, dllul«-«1 very .Icllcioii* diah.
rb<n. floe T.weih.-r with two greeo
solved;-add I cuirfnl of lemon
very raid wnt.-r-lcc water Is best.
I' /•H>- Tak. buif a galldn .il
t;eJus-r*, whieb .lb- seed have
ange or any fruit juice preferreil; (heu vinegar, allow to stand six hours* thea
Fritsl Coro—Cut The
To mak,- Ho- Fickle ■ Vlnecar—Foi |iu.lf-ri|M- pluni*. pu’ ti.Ti in a ports
b«eu n-lii.iv.-d .u.e t.-aciii/iil of stoned
Mralk Fill a dish or mold oniMjuaru-; drain aod squeeze as before. Add
the cob. being careful to cut the grain
very quart of vinegar nee.b-l to w.--!*«in k.'.tl.-. .s.v.-r wi.!; wst.-r and bpound or sugar 10 sntflclent viccgpr
raisins, an-l
full with tbe gelatine. If yos c
half through, then scraiM- Ihe mill,
F'.iir «iff Hi.
r til.- pirkfe*. UM- 2 i.-a*p.->nfuls oijlsiH t'-n luiiMii.
> a poreeiniii keti& a pan of icc. the hardening of the to cover the mixture, and cook all from it; put a tal/WiKiobtul of biiit. r
, J jelly t«=. a.i-‘,
cinnamon. 2*. I of ntare. I ..f;and rit.ln it.:,
• ill. ..... -i-ia." .rf apple vinegar;
jelly will be hMtcned. Harden ihb logcther for halt an hour, then .-idd
in a skillet and lei it get hoc-IrvThi c.-b ry seed, a liiH.- of hof»era'> 1 fwu- pomi.t ..r »
-ogai to .-m h pint
tw.i tiours. Add two i.-acuilayer just enough to support a layer ol scant teacupful of mustard seed, three corn until brown; season to taste;
.ti'il IL will harditi
t.-a«t»H«.f-il imi*»ard *e.-d. 'ijol Juiiv ami I-uxnr. ami
mfuls of ground allspice, and
fmlt—dmgrtered .peaches, stewed
wDtcb It as it hums easily.
Ilu- V.II1 tvniuKC
.•at-p.* Ida. k fH-Hx-r. a liny ).;neh ;'wh.>n. ral 1'
pipfuls of horseradish.'
pre I
pics, quartered oranges or berrie
Oysters—One dozen
«ir« of rtsi l-PI-T aluj 1 cnijful ..|■suga-•-:'wratv- to tti'rtv n,i.,.-.e* l«H.n« ■ -j'^'CV.-d '.^«t- m..*rar.l sc-.I
you Uke.Ooe may mix In luc nuts sriili viously mixed together. Cook ail foi Ilf corn. gKiled, Tile- egg. one talde•IMum : Sa-K-e -Ikrt}
« «^k Willi.- J,.- .
<pic.-s lMcv|h-T div. ;iU:t
Mix si! '
ten RitMiies and can white Iwi.
the Trait, or. make a separate
B|KH>nful rntdie.!
four table
quart.,'of h'iiri'.rijB'''ptijui. Cl.-. 1. •Bi.n'--'!
- with a llitl.- vinegar
Add a liule mure geiaime. lei
Delicious Ralid-Chop fine thfve- spoonsful flour, one-half 'leasi*ionfuT
till-*, rvl. tlirough a ctilaiid*'* :.-.'•'1
___ ________________
tie il. a ninslih bau. He;.t, ih- vitiega
this harden so a-s to stick the fruit
quaricra of a cupful of tender white pepper, one iahl«>poonlul sai:. n:ii
to l*>iling i>»int.s put in Hu- luig u
the Isy^ of Jelly, then when this
Baked Green Peart.
cabbage: rub two cupfuls of mashed well logethei and di«»p by the tab).'
*pii-.> Jill! the sugar, itun for b
potatoes through a colander; mince spoodTuI lnt«. iKit biiM.-r or lard; Ir;
aud eofe green p—ars.
r. half a
miiiu'e*. Iirain the pickle* .m' «f tli.
from floating, pour on enough gelailni
o tiblespoonfuls of gherkin pickles; brown. Add a leav|>oonfu] .of bakin
Ku'. iu .V baking dish, cover with *iiic.- wat; r. put imo yonr pickb ;ar. an. cl»v--. mate aii/j eii.nani'.n
the fruit and make an aikli
ish the yolk of a. hard-bcdled egg liowder'iv the flowt-r
.-a, and wst.T
Have He- tviv.-r of ib”
uv.-t : I'lac*. t«i 'll- Hr- aifi i-'i! b-r t,
Jemr ih- .ttn'gar. slightly c.«d-si. uv.llanal depth of jelly eqaal io the first and mix all logethcr. Heat
Potato Pancakee-Take .-lehi Isrg.
and bake ina pear*
—Cxchiitig.;I one. then lot It harden. Proi-ced as be^ cupful of vinegar to boiling, stir taiio Iioiatocs. Peel and gra'c add two . ggs
-bfwiy for ndv.-ral *iotir» They sboubl
je.iol. .lark i.Ib—
fore nnill tbe dish is full. TbU roaket'laii] be a very- d^ri; .*.!.» wlMm done
one-hall enp flour t-lfie.1 with fasiwui
Seme Tomato BeeipM.
Plum ............rst-'-aiiH
whipped to a atlff froth. Pour Into

psrfeM bread I can make?' It se

I beUeve that my table Is furnished


the hoiita-wifc iitl the year round, no

Dissolve ■■oil leh or fifteen niinuu-* liinger. Jiisi

few- wripK of the yellow outer rind
compelled by an HievUsMc nccessltj. or a lem<m. and I teaspoonful of sugar
to make oar bread this summer. «Ti)' to.each apple. Simmer tinill the apand make It ao. by trying lo see what


only in "apple-l.utl.-r Hnie.- lint w-b.-n

bread. 1 aald to myself;

DM cmsldcr It



Stir the buli^ and

the gelatine by selling the dish in hot


10 almost noccssilU-s wlieiv

fnilt Is used or put up for faiii-

ttiinr iUIO the cum and water and let It

thicken, then add one <iloi of cream

In the Kanaas Parmer:


until you have a qtutrt of pptp. aweel-



me of the 'ch.-ap.'' tiargsln-

Corn Smi>—To each quart of young
ini cm from

Thdroughiy mash very ripe peaches' spuonfnl of flour.



o. a breakfast dish, and may be

fnilt around the putiding on the pU(es


fruit nr jelly |m-*s.
dipper art!

Fry in bull­

ing lard, and *<-nd to table hut.

ed Into the molds, or by serving the

• -What I can do I ought lo do,


An w(q>le-rarer. a cherry

or peaches lo the mixture as It is pour­ preiiaroil the night l-Worc.

I oannot do everything.

tbe work Itaelf.

light hread.

Allow Ottp lalilc-

IHwr a soft

adding cooked apples or ripe berries

I •




uals warm it is nneqiiuli.-d for raisin.g

tbe center, and scrape all the corn off

move from the cup* by turning them the cob. Bilr lo graihially iwo tablebeeebdree' bottom side np. and If necessary, rim­ Hjiounfuls of flour, tbrve eggs beaten
Valde- ming them out with a very limber liglil. sail and iicpper to is

You wMI Im surprise>1 to

wluil n warai place this makes,


the day before.
1 am but one.

win exclude Ihe IIUs but not

aides being excHh-nt for koeiduk

—The Wonian’a Tribune.

mau-rinl. - sum.-'

It Is similar to fried oysters.


molds, and when ready to -Borve,



In 4 cupful sugar and

spoonful vanilla. Ipm Into


halt cup of swi-ct milk; one la

whites of 2 eggs. Fli.vor with 1


pipe. Over thb hang a rurisin of.

Tea. all the world will Wess me,


side of the Imx must far.- the s

blespotrttful of flour; fo’ In a sklHW
In butler. TbU makes a nice lilsti.

and near.



has euilrely nbauebed Ihe milk

Beaiter golden coin bright, fllni Ik far



curu: (diup fine, then take one

ami cook until the sago Is clear and

top of Hu- store. O
Inslilo and mu with oilcbuli.


egg (lieairal add pt>pj<er and salt tci

II thiough city.
Poverty I pity—

'Htis H a Ikt

Hi hi-cp corn.

n <)jm-lci-Tal.c

Wash 4


With *ay ’

U.II ami sme ma.
feet *a>


cupful sago in raid water: put, with

dessert, good scrveil cidd.

And 1 paaa fi;pm land to land.


Serve in Ihe cups.

Cream pago Pudding la


I one end and. the towgr.end flttwd cut aide down; pour Ip a cup of hot

an-l od.-hsn ciitfiifs oi tirrad cnimli*.! niHlh.*l
Cut 11 thin riire «f 1«ct.n Into v.-ry, Jar*
small ciiLes

ami mid io the

crumbs, reserving thtev- tits ul

Jh- rim. ' llav-ajatbijrcloth ready, waring It to

may be us-d b. niiseal Hi-'.s«id fro Jqgf before aiiplrtuff.

. K*s p y«ur -t.-irs an-i win.hjw' <


whlh- filling

ihejibuB av.dding draft* an.I

bacon for tbe top of each uimxio/FlU wtH he rare.

iiave a more cralttflil

last- '

pre*.-rvlijg jor-.-ms rauiife** iban ib.iv made SO by
breDkagr-sjihe extre^ raid, sasnetime* rolled
.ilmrainfl col^'o' "

Faces 7ti 12


OAttiAS lU-df.
The Knlsbt.
liftViBK to cb*r»!«- the prepwiloft* tor
IA« cniMl lodse toa uniform r»nk encmpmmt to be hrH b'^re on Oct.
#. 4 »re K6U1IV rrrr binr ond ihe
ptesB *re protTc*»lo*
(wtorr Dwsoer. U l8 espeetea that
tbore vlU be in U>c ndKbborbooa, of
a tbOBsmna vlultoni ftom vaHoui porthma of the nUlp at thl» time, am]
fuaaiorh u the hotel acoammodntlwt wlU bo rwjr Inadequate, the commilUie on arraiiReauHiia have deddoi
to aA the l>eopUr of Tjavetw City who
have roomi to spare to help tbe
FTthlaa. oot by aocommodatlii* aa
maiT^ the deleimtes as possible dur­
ing the arand lodice meeiloB. It can
be said of the deiegalea.vbo vltl be
preseal that they will be among the
moat pronlneot In Pythian work In
th.e state and U will be a pleasure to
everyone to assist In entertaining
then. A price qf 75 e«ls per nlghl
has been fliod and those wbo can arare sMted tp natlfy J. H. Blakesloe.
Chatman of the eommlitee on arrangemeniB. as early as possible so
that the eommlllec will know how
Many arc to be cared for onlsldc of
jUie boteU.
This will be an opportunity for Tm^
erne City to dUpUr Us hospItalUy an
demoastinio that we can Uke care of
a large cnjprd wllbout incooreDlence.
‘Tb^rlce abot-e fs for lodgings only:
the delegates arranging for meals at
hotels and reataumnts. This gather; lag wlU be one of the largest of a fnleraal character that Travemo Clly
has ever had Md It goes wllhoul
tag that the delegates will be well
cared for.
During the slate O. A. *R. enlampmcot there was no dlfflculiy In securifig nccoBDOdatlons tv
the dele<

Death of James Sullivan.
After live weeks of pAoful suffering
with typhoid fever of the most ma­
lignant form yet noted In tbe city.
Janes Sullivan of the Ann of Sunek
A Sullivan, pioprieiom of Ihe wellknown meal market Kiiccuwlmd at
2:15 Tuesday morotng at his home.
Mil West Ninth street.
. Sullivan was. a man of perfect
heeltbup to the tlini* ofhis last Illness
Ihe diseaiu.' took a very sertoue
form fnim the very ftrsl. with high
-mrMW.ure ami hemorrhages, and
though the vciy ls>i.t of care and niedleal nltcMloq was rvcelved the dl»ew made rapid htatdway.

W. B. C. Convention.
Prom Monday's Record
The district coorontkio of the W. R.
C. fs bolding a two days* session at
Cmngc hall. There l« a very goitJ
I Ilf attendance today and
many will come in during the after,nooo and tomorrow.
The dlMTict ofBcoru present are:
President. Mrs. Hsule .l*Bdden. Trsv;
City; aecrttary. Mrs.' Pboebe Cur­
tis. Traverse Clly; Ir.-asun-r. Mr<.
Burdick. Boyne City. There are
two Btau- orOr.-ni prMU-ol. fitnte Presi­
dent Kate Rednar of Uowaglac ami
Siato Ihitrloilc insinjetor Mr*. HemstroH of Ik-llaJre. Mrs. Moore, tiu. liaUoual delegate, of Big Rapids Is al»r>
e deceased leaves a wife and two
children, litih of which are nt preseut
There are thirty-two corps In ilm
iffeiHng with the <n>=<tiee. One'cblld
district and the reisirls of Ihe dele
<-..iivale»ctdit bill the oliiM in still
gales from the districts will be given
•ry 111. TiHi wolh'er has iHi n isitleut
this nfeiniooo. olso
III tender (hniugl) it Al. her lime and
lenllon sivcp In Hie most hClf««Tlf will «
fii in|; manner.
through the ritual, excniplifylngit t<
Hnollhan. a sister of the dile vlBlIltiK delepallon.
Sonte of the delygali's pn-w-nt an- Cea:nil. la Aso^sufferiiig with lypiKdd
BulliviD wa.H u young man of 3K
;Ae Rednar, Uowagtac: Anna Bin
dick. Boyne Clly: Mrr. Bacon. B.iym yearn. Ho was m good business
Is line tind tvry highly o-ganlcj
City; Mra.-I..e8llc. .Norlli|«rt; Mn*.
Ilanios, NorihiKui: Mm. OunRinrk. by all who knew him. He will l«
Northport; Bni. Hcaj.<lr«-i. Henaim; mourned by a wide dirle of sluccir
Mrs. i'brd; Big Rapids: Mrs Uoim’. friends.
Big Rapids.
Tlie fiineral, Under directioli of H

Triad to Suicide.
"See here." said Uells Ouryes to her
father. James Avery. Monday, ns
ptiurd about a tesspoonfal of
turydralne pi'llets Into her meulb and
swallowed a glass of water. Tbe glri
then went out of doors and spit nine
of the lalueis upon the ground. 'The..'
s<> ii'.ticr that I couldn't swallow
." she said.
e girl i«-eived a'Idler in Salur: morning mail aud left hotne
urdHj- uight. rojurning for a4ew
mi nts y.-aterdaj-.. This morning she
wtui again gone and r.iurt^ eariy
• I the afternoon. Miss Dur>ca U‘a*o
licking up her things pr.’parBlory
■ailiig. whili her father, wtio w
a ImiI. Is-gau roiiriuiandlng
er for hiT ooudurt. Rite stepped into
II adjoining room and ni.pearfd with
le Isiltli. of poison which had lieco It
se ak horsa* nxilitiae.
Mr. Aiery hurried to a neigbbor'i
bouse and they nollfled Cliief of Police
Ashton, who Lurrhil lo Hie house. 424
N.inh Spi-oce rdr.’el.'willi a physician:
Al flrsl tb" girl resisted medical aid.
saving that she waiiieil to dl>’. as her
father and l.rutln’r were so tuea
Iter. An inject ion was admUilsteinl
ind H is 4biumhi Hint she will imll
hni.igh all right.
The girl sw.-ars that she took
'great big swallow " of riic stuff but
this is aithongh U is probabl'
she di.l swallow sonif <.f it.


Death of Frederick RevetdL
M. and Mrs. Stitos lajurwd.
The Bridpe Duildarv.
Sutums Bay. Sept. 12.—FI
Tbe Bridge Builders, young ladles' ; Williamsburg, Sept- II.—WhUe Mr.
foreign roisslonao sodety of the and Mrs. Kittsuth SHUw were driving Revoldt of Keewick. one of the ptoassra
county, died at ibe home
Conffregal tonal church, held their aannal. thank offering n<eting in tbe last evening lu aiicad the Beellag at of his daughter. Mrs. Uennla. at Sotchurch i-unimitiee rooms Tuewlay the residence of tbe Rev. Tost, they tons Bay. at lb;45 Jan night of oU
met with a serious aeddeat. It was age.- The dectois^ ^M
The rooms were ptetiny decorated quite dark and their horse beeame age and came' to this «
In red and whit.-, festoons being used frightened at a bicycle being ridden by j three years ago. locating In Leelanau
effeclivel). w'liile red rugs and shades the sou of John Boyd Tbe horvejeounty thlrty-swveo yeara ago. Had
carried out -tbe cwlur scheme. The reared and turu.-d Into the sWe of^he lived anotoer month he
annnsj reports given show a flourish- the road, the buggy being overturned, have been married fifty-three years,
lition of tbe society. Tbe Mrs. antes was severely injured Inter-! He was tbe father of twelve children,
sucicty has tak.-o np some work the nally and it is believed that one or fl.v of whom furvlre him In addlUoa
ribs were'broken. Mr. 8tltes was tp hu widow. :Ttae children are: Mist
past year in home toisshuis wfaicu ^
they feel lias Um id much beneflt j struck on the^ietd In being throwi Lena Rcvold lof Traverse CRy. Mra.
in-lgn woik. Tile ir.'asur iout nnd was unconscious for some Minnie Misenqr of Allegan. Mra, Tlllto
ibiiwtd an amount on hand time. The horse broke loose from the R rvnnln of bnttwis Bay. Mra. Rose
K. Pierre of ^rnverto City and John
after luyi^c fsr«> of th. buggy nnd ran hemi
A pliyslclau was calli-d and tbe in­ J. Retold of Traverse City. Tan
SKsMst annual pleoge to the Amertcan
juries of both Mr and Mrs. antes grandchildren I survive him. also hti
tended to. and she wsa taken brother. Charles of Keswick.
Mr». E, L. Wwaids report.-U for the
Tbe funer^ will be held from tho
nominating comtulitee. offleers for the home ou a stretcher carried by four
later In the evening. This morn­ Congregatlondl church at Suitoas Bay
coming years as (olluss:
was somewhat improved but on Friday at |l0 a. m. and the hartal
Pr.-sld.-nl. Mrs. 3. \V. Pilchln.
be in Keswick cemetery. Mr. Reatilt In a very serious condilloa. Mr.
Vl.-e Pti’sldenl. Mrs. J. Sherman.
Silies'< injury wawcpalnful but It Is void was well known -in Leelanan
Becivtary. Miss Ruth Rumsey.
county and wha very highly ragardefi>.eri0UB onc.e
Treasurer. Mrs H. I. Edwards.
Tbe report was acce|rt4>d and the ofMTS uuanltuuu>ly cleci.-iL .
Miss I'arri.’ Earl sung a beau
solo, - Th.- Prlnc-ss. "
The wilijecl for th.- CT.-ning was the
work of Robert and Mary Moffnii
yho 111.1 such eff.’cHve work In Africi
Moffull reci'ived his inspirytiun
for Hh- work through a ^nosier i
missiimary conveniloii hi London.
Pitch member of the soch-iy gave a
ptrrtlon of the history of Ihis eminent
issltmary's Hf.-.
Afliw th.- program, ail wen- scrv.ul
from It-af garnished wooden dishes
American fruits, bananas, plums, and
A social lime was then
Jnyed: •

Michigan Confarsnea.
The ^ith Ride Lumber company is
OdIIlac. Sept. If.—For two days
tmpravei paai every inromlfig train has been
enis ibai wilt emidoy a considerable
fllb'.! with clergymen coming to
ad-llltonal fore of working peopl- attend the «.jveniy flrst aeaston ut Ibe
They have purebn*. .1 a long strip. . Michigan aratual conference of Ibe
land, fourteen lots,' locaFed on th MettacHlIst Episcopal <*urch which be­
ktarquelle railroad, upon which gan Us n-gular scfsiuDs this morning
. Carter was held from Si. Krancb
th.y .-xpeci to csiablUb InmbAr yards
ne opera bouse., the Uetbodlat
From TOesdar's Roconl.
iiitfch this niomlng.
and a saw mill. 'The buslnesa of the church not being large enough to ac­
The work ««f ejpllfyliig tli. rliiral
eompany ha-s grown to anch an cxient commodate tho great gathering. The
wait Uken up at the dUtrlt i
A Mill Acciderrt.
A Peoscrous Year.
thM their yard capacity la entirely Rev. Blsbop J. F. Berry , D. D, LU D,
M'ith-the g«nernors out t.f order, the
thin or the WotJinii's H.-llel Conw this
’ll ices at the AvUury M. K. englm- in t\ W. WilMiii's Jhlugle mill
Inadequai.- for their needs. In addl- of Buffalo, N. Y- who proaldes at tha
nuimtng. The work llllcd iln- einiire
to this they are securing large conference, arrived laat erenJng and
nuirnlug sestdun. The- afieniouii loci-i eJiim-h Suiidsy tlie rourermil.'h .a^t Ilf Kingsl.-y. raced a
ro'year of the ehurcli. Hii.v aKo double Hi.- uo.nial s|»i-d il.mduy
quaiitiiles of lumber from tho upper this mortitog opened the cooferanee IS
log was devoted to <‘h-otioii of offleors
irk.ll year of the Rev
peninsula which will Incroase their
ry Impresalve mannrr. making the
and place of next meeting. Imitations
iffait culminating in tin- l.ursline
output. Tfai- company expects to cut
• received from llariior Springs. Hugh K.-niu-dy's pisloraie. whieli Iia;
piHl.-y ami Injitr). t.i two of the
must satisfact.iry ouu for Isnh
large amiwnt of small timber
Big Rapids And Kalkaska, ihe place
listened u> In rapt atu-ntlon by tho
ils city, who
ministers pniseni.
chosen U-lng lliirUir Spiiiigs.
Prank Janii-.son .
A New BoaL
oiigboiil wliich has gone to sllghify d.-af. was acting as engineer
consld.-raUc quantity.
The oflloem eUtled arc us follows:
Hurry Hlu.-s has purchased am
Bishop Berry Is a very conspicaoua
■ biilbllng up of Hie churct
1'h.' plant 111 now eufiploylng about figure la the Methodist church, haring
Hru. Muria 11. .WoolpiTl. KalkasUn,
HI X ..'.lock sonielhina Hie flm- m.gor Ituais buili by the
tiuth in meplnrsliip and fluau^iully
uevctiiy bands sieadHy and this Im- lieen for yrara assistant editor of
dUlricI presidenl.
.illi Hi.’ g.o.-ruor. Th'- lut
,Ts<’ City Motor Boat tjo.. ar
i^kir vice president. Mm. Bernice and biuughi ahoiii a plea-sanl fclih:
immtilkiii-ly Ix-gan to rac
-raft hi- has lusiallvd a four and
tho MichIffD Christian A<rocato.
good will and prosperity In al
Bacon. Boyne City.
ig Mls) alsml the boiU-rs. Ml sne-bair h. p. four cycb’ engine built much larger force.
afterwards being elected editor of the
.. It look jnst fmty mlantea for the
Junlon vIco president. Mrs. Arvlll.t bruiiehcs of Ihc ehurcli work.
Jameson .liil not wi- aiiyihiiig wrong by Jiims.-ir. H.‘ has one of the finest
Epworth Herald to which position «M
'Those Yellow Jackets.
city cotmcn io get nwky with the bus­ Oardm r. Traveme Clly.
Preceding the sermon Mr. Kenn.-dy and had he l>vi-n able to hear the 1
pl.-asuPe craft on the bay and
addedrslx years aM>. that of secretary
Tbe yellow jackets that have
iness that ea^c up at tbe special meet
Treasutcr, Jennie A. Wooden,
IV.’ a f.’W im.-rcsliiig slatlstlrs show cr.wsliig bnm niail^ iiy the r« volvli
which is cxjHwU-d l.> be at the head of
of the Epitvnb Leagues. Two years
making iblugs lively at tbe Methodist
,lng Monday erttlng.
lm|H'iidlug the rtuidlthm of lli.- elitirch w-ver
her class.
ago at the general conference held In
A communication from Ihe board of
ChnpIAn, Prances E. Snow. Harbor y.wm ago «im|uir«il with Its ii.cseiii iiig danger, could have iircv.-iiieil i
. Hines has Un>to-exporlm<>ntlng
Los Angelas -he was elected to tho
move. Monday evening their nest w
.health aaklng that the meat and milk gprings;.
One of III.' larg.-st Im-Us. Iieiug
, The total amount raiseil
w-lHi au engine of hU own design for
locnt.ll under the walk and by carefu bishopric. I He ts a member ot tho
'■Bed In the dly be twoperiy Inspected
St^reiary api>olnt«l by the presJ- by the chorch last year was 5:.9St.SC. able i.i stand the Kiraln. broke anil Im
lime and has finally gotten‘It
Michigan conference nnd feels more at
maninvont was dislodged «nd Imrned
was referred to the ordinance cot
dune ,
Seven rears ago there w«Te eighty mediately afH-rwards the pulley, about jurfecuil. Tb.- prlndpU- of the motor
home among Ibe preachers of this cootee with InstmrtkmsHo report at the
but the bees'were undounled by .thi
Raeoamended for national delcgali
ibem. there are now XU. all which It bad U-CTi -rnnniDK. fl.'w Into Is said U> IH' arvatly slmplifl.'O ai
fert-nce ilinii In any uthor. Tho tttiexp'-rlenc''
Carrie Hemstn>el. Bcflalri-.
resident . mr mbom.
This inep ase ph-o's. One iiart caught O. J Pilcher,
<iert have! waited wItE reelings of deflro
The aoMb Side tsmber company
Alu-xiuite. Alm.^iSaillli. Bciir.onii.
tbe saw-y.-r ami sn|M>rinlc-n.lent ii
Isrgely through o-viv
Ilghi his coming among them.
mor.. coog.'Jilal quarters. Tm-wlay
naked that they be anowed to r
logs. The chiijch has m>dv.-d by index lingi-r of’Hie righMlian<I. tc
Th.’ preijonrerence work eonslsled of
they carae in swarms across the sti.-e?
jdde track from the Pen Marquette
1h>- th'Sli .>|H-n cirnr i» lb.- lip. A1.-X
Eastern Star Surprise.
conversion C<;3 members and
and craftily cni.-red Mrs. Ed Wall's the examinhtton of the young men who
tracks np tbe weA Ade of Lake aveThe offleers of tbe Order of Easb
tor has road.'
pastoral calls. The MalHiews is (iroliahly nut M-rtously
indlddH-s for the ministry and an
summer kitchen through a broken
■oe to property lying between Twelfth Star. Jogelhcr with s^versl oiil-oMown iK-nevolent coilcciions during Hi' jur.ll. nllliough Hie bkiw came with
hcrurn. and tempte.1 by the presen-es address on Tuesday evening to the
•Dd Foarueath streets, which tRe
Another Venetian Night
ids. surprUirl Mm. M. Utnoy. who seven years hav.* Increawd fn.m $4: leiTlIlc foree. Tli.Te are eight eniEpworth Leagues by tbe Rev. E M.
CMhpany has reccnUjxpnrchmscd. They
as iH-en decided by the Wc that the housewife waa cooking gnd
soon leave town, ut the home of to $iM>. and $4.54.7 has lH-en |.aid. m ploya-cs in tb.' mill nnd mnrly all of
D. D.. general secretory of
will nee the land for a lumber yani
them .’ante near Is-ing slnick with the que-toug dull lo liav.- another Vunc- sllirlng on the gas stove, surrounded
huliding Improveni. Ills.
rs. 8. C. Iicspres Monday alii
leagueti. to a large audience at the
and drove her to an ignumlntoos
and npect to soon erect a saw
night slmflar to that of a few
MNI. The guests enjoyed Ihemseir
Mr. Ketiiwdy has mnrrleil K.; living lde«i-s.
Vcireai. The doors are now dosed opera bouse.
tfeera. tbe proposed side track to be
> the lawn and a very pleaMani tio
couples, r^flelaled al Ilf! funerals. Ii.ip
-The undl-rgraduatet of the confer■sad to get tbe legs to the mlHe.
th.' culh UK-mlHT Band ih.-ir guesis. against them and the church mouse
Circuit Ceur. Jurors Drawn.
as spent by tbe twenty present. TI
tired Tf. children atid 152 adults.
■Ts of motor iHiais are In- has ehen seen lo have finished ib' cnee courdc of study number ebMt
' A petUkw aaklng that an arc light diowing luncheon was eervisl:
The jurors fot 1l|e coming ten
The sermon lexl Was tak.'n froni
fifly young men wbo are required lo
ruins of their former home, so it
be placed at tbe corner of Front and
Pruli Cocktails.
klatl xxMli:lS. ' Al! |•nw^T Is glv.-'i
iborough examination in a
Monroe atraeta. was referred ti
The. are: ChsrU’s Manvillo. Garfl. ld: evening display, and Ihc succeiu! of ih. question what the Intrepid little leJTomsin Salad.
onto roe In heaven .inti etnhe Mr.
course of study that quallDes them tu
former occasion a-ssun* a still greaie; lows will do next.
eommatee on lifting.
cold Ham.
Cold Tongue.
Kennedy slated that t« iin.; unfamiliar nigger, (Irani: E. K. lUmi
perform tbe arduous labors of Metho­
njccss this tlme.
n Lak.-; Jos.-ph Burga. Iv
' Tbe board Of iniAeeu of the FourPoUlo Ciiips.
wllh the scriplun-s Hies.’ words would
Sudden Death.
Tbe eoutye of alndy
Aii urcliesita will Ik. provided and i
: John \V. Siiiiili.. P*ninM
.taenth Street Methodist ehnreh and
Orawn. Sept. lo.—Dwight Brewer of
Ilul Rolls and UutU-r Pals.
Im' asiouniilng hut t.o one who had
pap with the DeA theologidu
sm-ial .lane- will to- glv«-n later In Ih. fals place did his chores la usual good
P'laiik Mack.-y. Mayfi.-I.l: 0.i>rge
: BOvoral other P^wood realdenta peColTiv and Cn-im.
limde a study Df Hi.' U‘oi.1 Hi.'y are
oiling. Several litilidnil {H-upIc er bi-alHi last eveulng. Some time dur­ e.'mlnaries and all candidates for tbe
tniOMd that a cement walk be laid Pineapple Ice.
Assorted Cakes, more readily iinderslnod. Mr. Kenilsiry. whether college and eemlrnioii: Joseph Taylor. Acm*-: Saniiie th'' lonuor V.-noHaii night and ing the nJgbl Ids son' came home and
on Pine ttreet from Bfeventn lb Fouriiody spoke first of iPmI's ts’wer as
y gradiiales or nou moA take the
m. Lliney. who will soon hi
that fmi donionslrai.'s that the next foun him drad In bed. The deceased
ramOh Mteet In o.rder that tbe church
manlf.-sied In nature, sjoaking of Hi.’ tVeaver. HIsItt Ohart.-s
cxaralnatlon or show eqAvaleni work.
oot determined exactly where
P:. j. Batirrofl, Fife !.Ake; Iton one will IM- v.-ry iHipulai.
menbma could traverse the street
IM.wer of Ihe cycloiu' and tlie iteuii-ii.lwill^. but most likely her destlnm
Egch member is enlllU-d to Invite though tbe.exBcl cause of Ihe death Is Study for |he-esaaiinatloDs Is done at
I with ntore ease, it was referred to.
lurries. Harfleld: William Auy.T.
|K>w-er nf Niaeara falls, lie h-id
'will be Wllliamsborg. Va. Tbe gatlia friend and family l«i enjoy.the hos- not known at this time It Is supposed
Grant; James Samson. Gnkm Laktiw AreeU and wnlka eommlttee.
i-iing was all ihc more a|>pr<-cl^ed as from Ibis iHiw-er that'ii'i'id.-may >t
P'n'd KIngduii. lomg luk.'; Rodtii’y piialiiy of the club fur this oci-asion. to have te-eu h'-art failure. Mr. Brewdily ill nalur.-' to the nior.- snMI
* as a complete surprh • to Mrs.
navis. Msyfl.’ld; Alcxan.l.-r Car
r wuk on.' of ihi' <dd pioneers of this
r.minsuia; Watson Ra;.y. rnloii
Tho l-Kwl lliifti sctHS'l team will i-gloii and w.'H knowtvaround the
other lives, thus trMisfonalng them
mtcrning. after tbe addreei by
A. Tracy Lay. tbs president, to replace
Into His owii likeness. His Inflnii W. Wait. Plrst wani; W. M. IM.ling. 0|s-n th.' foolball season In this cil' county..
Bishop Berry, the dtocipllnary queeS.vnn.1
- the wooden Are eacapes on Park Place
a w.K-k from Saturday with a garni
Miss Mary Hendricks and Mr.
if li>v>> is shout, for iiiBiikind
Death of a
tloQs for ^he annual conference were
ward; Gwrge Su-ward. P'ourlh
'wttb Iron <mm. It was placed on flic. Arthur Kealc were marric.1 Saturday In ihe fad that He did at Hie mariyi
Willi the R...1J nty .‘I.'v.ii, The boy:
ihn Hulctt.:
Nearly three bnndred mintl Vog.-!. P'iflh ward.
will play till oth'-r game More Hdi .'led Tuesday night «>f old ise at '
A twdbiullOD regarding the proposcil venlng at the homo of the hiidi-'s stake that ili.-y migln U- sav.-.l. Th
n-sponded to roll call. Many
astrle from Hie ncrltumages with ibi h.uii. of his. son' .
weal nlde aeww was adoptol. The lutrents. 241 Wushirtjrton sin'et. the rlusinu Ihoiighi wn.. Hie w.ind. rfiil ou
rin roiui- Id during the day and
scrub t.-am aud Hie gam.- will br-v. U B. BISS.-U ofnciallng.
sewer will start at tbe asylum cre«-k In
llial Christ , has pi.w.’r to .-iteii H.
Mr. HulHi came to this region
iwhen there will be preeent
'V. lii>urg<' Ijockhurl. who wai.-lierl wiih gnat ifiteri'St as It wi!
The c<niple wen’ uMcndnI by Ihe il. mnl wiirld and give .lernal life.
the rrar eff lots 6 sad C. Mock 1. lUnIMii uml while his age is not poslHve- four hundred of them. Tbe vartoua
pr.-ached by Intllalion at Hie liaplis’
Ihe first played lii this City unde Iv known. It is certain-that he
«sh. Lay A Co.‘s alntb addltlao. run- brother and sister of the bride. A
Th.' twrinon was fnll of li.'lpfiil chim-h yesicrday. nia.le a very favor-,
veereiirleii were elected and the stand­
h'vImiI ruli-s.
• nlng weal la tbe nliqr to Elmwood bountiful wedding sup|M>r was pro­ thought and seniimi-nt.
ing committees appointed. Communi­
more than iw> years old.
able impr.'»slou upon the congrega-.
aveane. and then in the alley in block vided. Mr. Neale is B tioslal carrier
states that he was vHbei
cations from the church boards were
•ii.ii. lit- d.-llra-nsl his .--criuon wllhoul roach Itavls Ik
3 of Hannah, Uxy A Co.'s ninth nddl- on rm^ route No. 2. Both have many
them ihriiugh
of north rea>l and some prellmtnarT conference
Afler Twenty Yearn.
noi.-s lu a cl.or ati.l pu-nsing roaiin-T. s-v.-r.* Jiracti.
tfcm from Ihe south line of lots 11 and friends who will extend oongratula
work wasinrtjusted Ater which,they
Traverru'lkty t.iit. 1.-..:, K. f*. T. M. his s<ai; Is'.ing «t>ncisc .iiiI
Hots and best wishes for their fulure
Things h»>k.i1,r
to north to connect with tbe cast i
adj.iurti.'diuBill tomorrow. Tbe blsbop
happiness. They will Iw at home ai cvh' their tw.'iilt.'ih annlv.TFury h-giral.
wsat urwer. The estimated cost
ing <>f school
and trapiTOg. He wa* well knowi and Li- nibinet. which oonslsw A Ibe
fast .-vening'ina, rather iinusiiai .wu>
Mr. UH-khacl is :■ Massarhusi-lts tal.i-ti but a bii Ch of last > .-ar'il, men ' ^
i f4«i.7C.
214 West Ninth sins't.
It ii was mu In Hi.' natiir.- <.f a stfr man hut a graduate ..f Kalamazoo «■»>;• have show'll ui this week and now I* ! ^ hroughout the counlv as .•one of H jpiders. wiH go Into nesslon
jiris.- to nil.the 5lr knights ii was it lego, uud Is partial to Hi.- west. Ho hwks'-as if Tt v. rse t'iiv would hc ; J .Ul.-Kt fdouc-rl He was, Diarri.' this afteracam when tbe work A aeCamp Flea.
To Clean the Streets.
wie,’. hU ..Idefi son. Jobu'HuJ.-0. 1» slgulng thy- ministers to their Chargee
ini.-rM-hola.-4Mi- s.-ries,; -till living of his flrsi fantlly nnd <i for the n>'at year will be begun. This
PTre Chief klurrey has Is'en trying SOTO.-, .tr s.,1 th.-y clalni mtay, in cas- has ha.l u .ill! from a si>^.-nUiil church
The camp Are beU
the Woman'
that .iiv.wet- prociilings an- tak.-n up ip'MasiachiiM’lts hut would prefer lothe local |K»'S startRelief Corps at Grange hall Monday an «>xperiim-at today along the llpc of
three evening there-will ts- an address by the .
If >»M ask one ini‘nib.T alH.iii the pro i-alitic in th.' w.-M.
> algbt was a pleasant allslr not only for rUsinlng lh.<. slroeis which wifi proh
J ill
.1 tbrougli hard U-'k ,
„,rvivc I.
R.-v, T. C 111. D. D„ A Philadelphia,
ably do away with n gn-at d.-al of gram h.‘ snillss and r.'f.-r.s wou.i.i an ■■ Mr. laK-kbart's sulj.’ct yesterday both times hav.'.lost vui early in the
■ «r tbe forpa bat fur
one of the secretory A tbe church ex­
game hut U is c-naiD that after they,
Ww of itie O. A. R. aud others as well. Fprinkling and also ko.-i. Hi.' streets
Empire. Sept, i-i.—Yesterday a .sai tension board Dr. lliff will be remem­
lo be that afttT 111.' rrgiilur lodge w.-ni oil to show- that pi the time of sre in shape the't.-am will he capable
'The aUeadane* was good and a very much rtcancr.
irted at P.-»tI lake Ii bered as one of the aggreMtve opp»
work, .ns Hie gentlemen w.-rr ahsorto-d i'hri-('.'- ministry on .-arih H<- was al­ of •is'd.iling the goods throughout thl* A noMic has been rigg.-d up <oi
ftnv prograiB was givea.
which Earl Huff. IS y.ars of age «m sews of Mormoniim in L'toh. He la
ill a s.k-iSl game of cards Ihev Inoke.! ways |iors.inalIy pr.-seni, His presence pan of the roimlrv at least
A luclnl lime preceded the progiwtn sprinkling cart a.. Hull it can b.' movtHl
<if Isaac Huff, was drowned. Th , All- of thecal men A Methodism.
up and tH-lH-ld an aivay of fair ladle.s was foil In Ibe tiiidsi nf His disi-iplcs.
at which many were glad to meet the about and p.rltiK'd In anv direclion.
,g man waa In bathing with w-v j t'lmorMw . In addUloa to the routlDB,
iH-ckoriiiig them to the ma-.y dance.. af:.-r a« will a." U-'or.’ the r.-sun-efWiMsBchuild.
delegites and atale offleerg present. Tills gives force enoiigh to Hie water
other Isivs and It Is suppf.tod h i conference work there will be a meThe ladi.-s prov'il to Ih’ ,«iiu.« of Hi.!', iou 'Mr Izickbart stated that, the
Tbe loss of tbe Fjaplre Lumber wmwash thMrs. Kate Redner. the state departrtal sedvlce for deceased nUntstern
caught with a cramp and went
wives ..r sonm ..f the knights, hut sUsJ •r.-.-nre .rf Je« slmuh! U- f.’It
lutnxV i>lahi which was tiunxi] Aug
Btent president, when tsked aboni the Ulead oC merely wotting .It and Hi
a in .pep wai-r. He went down Cf*d.i,-te.l'by the Rev, F. A. Cbapmaa. ..
'he-.'ly today hy the the church 21. was saiisfacturily adjusted Satur■ Work done by the W. R. C. spoke en-! wagon can In- .irlveri .-l.e..- lo th.’ curl. olh.T wlv.-s w.-r.' l.iisil} rhiiug tbei
third with an address by the Her. Dr. J. R..
Insurance was carried tu the twice hut before gulng d..w
kub'' nnd kn-w wuli j jud the tmllvl.lttal but commercial liai d«v
ters washed as welL It
tbutlasHcall} of the work at AnderT Jtothro|i of Grand Rapida: the anshallow .
>. R. Santo Innirance agenev iikthis . time he i IS dniw-ii
:,n extent rrow.led IHni
- aonvllle prtaon which Is now tbe prop- sprinkling. Ihe dirt U w«-t for a fe« Ing about It until at a late hwir when
the Woman's Home Mis­
said gentleman api»'arcj .with w|lt.-.1 j ,„^.ghBrl .u~.n this Hx-m.’of i cliy. )
i :ind taken ashore,
.^eriy of the W. R. C. A pavilion has mumonit and when it dries off I«gir.i
collar lu- w.vsol'ligo.1 to "'Jess ui’" that 1 the pit laid.' lack .»f th.- Savior in uiany j The work of clearing up the wreck ! thing In their power t.o save th<- yroung sionary society with an address by
■ been emned over Providence spring
blow about again. In the nes
lives and als.. si>oke of Hu- un-,' wi.l U-gin at once, aud plans are in Ud's life but he was. practically ei the Rev. J T. LsGear at Jackson: tha
thud It ii washeil into the n''wersi •k «»» a rai-h.T «-arm niglii for Cane-;
'«»d beadsiimes plscs-d at the graven of
Ing. Of coiirs.- he didn't enn* a rap, iKtir-u'r-'s Ideas «f the tvsurru-tion proprees for rebuilding entirely. A hausted and .Upd wl-.hln a few , mo- anniversary A the Woman's Porelga
12A«r Boldiers buried there. The W. and tb<- pavement left clean and when
nSoiil it himself but Masevrich's or-1 „d the fal.-. grounds for ihHr bclirrt. i complete new equipment will be put in : meni», Had Htere been anyone pres- Missionary society with an address by
. R. C. is niao trying to make other It drtys there will l■e4l.HhlBg to form
chestra 'was alluring and the todies | ur. Lockhart usul fin.- and forceful O-'and the mill will be one of the finest In eoi who knew just whai ro de and the Hl&s Anna AWtAi A Godbra. IndIn:
pMcea historic by care m preaervs- any amount of dust tor severnl hours
uigc.v to lit' "'»-r ro.’astmus No,: lustraitans ibrtvughoui his discoursei th« stale when finished, in the mean- procedure common to revive drowning the anniversary of the Sunday SchoA
lion. Appomsitox is a site which they
he Jnst eoiil.ln'i be so nngal- i .ari more than pl.'esed ih«- large amll- < time it will require n small army oCimcsepB it is bt llev.-d that the life A Union wl'b an address by the Rev.
To make the work more iherough reall.v.
, hope to own and ptvaerve. The study
law as to n-fubot
i ence that heard him both morning and | men to clear up the wreckage and « 'he young man cool<J have beert saved. Charles Roads A PhlladelphU. Is the
r. Murray will arrange the tank so
of pairlmlsm In the schools, Mrs. Redevening the anniversary A the FreedUefreehmenia
of W- .'ream and oake! . vening.
} win not be tong before tbe mil) will be | TJte parenu ot the ywtng
ner deelared, Is not a smalt |wrt of that air pressure can be hroiighi to
s In BenxJe county. fxien's AM .noeJety with tS address by
tho grand work being do^e.
hear upon the water and hv this w.-ren'i f.. be wiok.-d at either. Late''! Miss rancor of Albion sang a bcatiH-' in operation ngnin. employing »• full
[ mlle.s lr>»m ibis jda.-e. over the Rev in-. M- C 3. MaSAl A OnTbe mertibg ctowed by all slaglng mrans the stroam will be made strong Oh. veo, but It couldn't very.well belful aolo in the moroine an.l Mis* Mar |force,
I tbs coaniy line.
j garot Hooker sank in the evening. ,j The total lo«wa.saS-out$TW»'dI enough to «coar the pavement.



Grand Traverse Boald

party, whlcti and wounding two.
U froB mar <
This morttlng the terrorists re»llement sniwmd an inquiry as
'miked ot rerr merlMmlr for mpemker
whether say of tbe foreign goverp- iated by beginning a massacre of pnjf ibe hoome.
Wo iKfllere Ihmt he will he rwelecied menu whose emtens' Interests were Oeenen and soldiers pairoling ib-[
at noon the Infuriate.’,
»«.iiy and we mre'cODrlBCed ibmt It suffering from the depredations of the street, and



o( tbe

l«cinUture *i>d

mill la- f<»r ihe l>«*l Inierertm of the

Cuban Insurgents had called npon the

troops attacked

United SUtes government to step In

of Sledloe. destroying tbe houses and'

anf preserve the peace.

it Is reiuirted that over one hundn^l

Jlrtricc to K-Dd blB bmek to LmnmlDC-

Another interesting suiemeni from
the mouth of the river wlib careful Inquiry bad satlsfled the ad
j having it plied, have eiam- ministration that none *f the greal

Eefltor And Managor


stream enters the bay. and art- unanl- expressed a desin- for tbe Inlerveniloa
In their oplulua (hat tbe work of Ibis governmenl under Ibe terms of

A regiment

eat yam to ell 4bc KpU-ndld claim'
end proofi adranced in bohair ot ilio

ieve iliat thin work should be.done as

Idly aa haa the Increate of waiP'R. And

right and

tUa aaawer'tt not true.


.Most trf tbe

hut ilial


ihi* Improvement

country are now paylnc are ta-lny paid

The Heeor i 1* informed thji o stig

la evefT cooiKty In Buroja-. and In the

flush tile jAVed Rin-els of tlie
city, with one of the sire*u sprinklers.

lean aUUaUca ataow that the average

in(brder to more .-eetually eh-ar away

eoat of tbe neceeaarlea of life have In

be accumulation of rt-fuw- and din.

ereaaad a third lees than the average

It U propor-ed to sMarh sn appUauc-

But better proof than

sprinkler for

that aa to earning* and cost of llvlt|R

heavy stream

la the (act that tbe savings deporiu

sired end.

or tbe wage earners of lUcblgan baw

is gratifying to know tbsl Hie ctwinrii

«hat ta true or Michigan U tn»e of al

vrlU lake stejis to r.‘m<-dy tbe evil.

Ibe auggeslkm

quale. then


tbe strods

the Are hose, wtiicli has also bei-ci

New York tor last week, alates Hiat


the eoantry !■ now atcrlng upon

"in in case of ne.i! aud be al lb
n*|R>HilloD of tbe American

the nice ft.r the republican camlida


for county suiVeyor. E. H. Allyn .at


nominated over B.






IwrtnKuii.'bui U Is known tlini-the am

-ounienanced the selling of loot,

hitiun of the general Imard Is lo kee|

oral goveroor. Engikr. took no steps



absolutely no orders yet from ihi- piws
idenl or secretary of'war.

Tbe Indi

vldual offleer* rmponsihle for cam
paign work are iiierety making n-ad;

0 li-avi' Ihe town.

C. A. Gdgeomb for nherlff.

the ri‘-t-leellou

oalTO «***«"« conalderailon from tbu

Harriaon Pulclfihcr for clerk.

T. .('abb of Rockland by a plurality ot

Joseph Schwlndl lor treasurer.

less-than tt.otiO. against nearly 2<).d0t


Mr. Bryan does not tell >

from He- Rlu-Uatid iflsu.i
diuveu. in He- UsviA- is'.B’wl--. • tm-r
il. in Ic-inid. Friim



of railroad and
In Blocks and

ncr bow he will adjust tbe dlf- for ccroner.
roads paying
B. H. Allyn for surveyor.
good dlTldends and those paying


■ovfirnor in oriter the trno|is to ccar*- lHif-.i to I-Irliig. hut the coveniiit;.iepIJe.! that
he citizen* imisl deliver up their lendrs and the iwolnlionlsts or iitln rwi--'

the labor elemetit. headnl hy Samue

(weneea arialng from
dlrtdmids at all.

This is not the drat

which Mr. Bryan

<5om|iet*..|ire»lileni of Ibe Americat
Federation of Laluir. has made a ho

R. B. Reynold* NomloMad.


.. mass convention of tbe leglsU-

shown hlg'locnli^ty as a anancler.

tive dlatrlct composed <jt Benzie pnd

<!oilgresitfiian Eilwin C. Btirh-lgh o'

and Congrvssnian


While‘MDearnaental ownership ap Leelanau counties was held at Leland I'owers of Hoiilton .are re-eli«cte<l h>
yesterday afternoon « 8:o" oclock plnniilitles o( BlKint :.tWHt. ami tbi
pears a%rl^l >n theory and
erentaally-'become a good thing, tbe Tweniy-thrtu- delegate* came from present Indicailons are that Amos L^
dUBoiaM IB bringing about
Allen of Alfred bss again ti^eji
ehango wortd bd enormous.


Ilewar and the remainder were from

dlaU ehaago o< ownerihlp of railroads

■niere were forty-seven votes cast ahil

he dw not My-

R. ll. Reynolds of Benzie county was safe margin, alihoiigh the pariv s roa
nominated to stand for ropre*eniailve Jority 111 the two limiiu-s will Im- c.
agalDst A. F. Bunting o( Knipin-.

The voters of the

prseaed with tbe fact that Mr. Bryan

of' Leelanau


n in till

fill in riiernngr.

Mr. Bryan -viRdd go about an Imme-

oonnUy, however, who have been Im-


first diklrici.

pnrideBt In 1M8 would like to know
wooid go about it.

However, this

All are Reiiublleiiiis-

Tbe leglslalure Is iU-publicaii . liy i

win be the democratic candidate for ' large number of the delegates iuvseni
In tbe meaDtlme Just how Mr. Bryan

Tbe campatfln in the stale Itinieil pi

were portiiblllonlrt* and there wa*

the prohlliitory atnendmtmt to ih<
sprinkling of dlssstlaaed- n‘puhlicaa* Male ronstilulton. isdopttNl In 1*M
and a few tlemotstais.
The latter, The l**l legislature passeil the Stiirgh

makes the hovrever. did nor approve of the tioml- hill, providing for the sirici Inforoe
key-note in hU great apoech. is con­ nation of a tvpul.ncan. Tlie p..iiiloii* mi-nt i>i the law. and It has since
demned tn the aoutbera stales and tor the convention were sigiieil by
more effective than in the jast.
Mr. Reynolds is an ex-memlK-i of Ihe llepiihUcan* adopteil a plktfi.rm re
Mr. Brynn will never be president of
Ibeory which Mr. Bryan

tbe United SUtes naa demoerailc can
dldale hecaaae

the south will

was miceevdcd
It I* not

There U already a reaction follow­ cepl the liumlnallun or hfil.


are being severely crillelted smuug

Ship* to Cubs.
Washington. Sept. IS--The United

tbe itok and aie of mnuenUal deiu.^ Stale* enilscr Dimver has
«au Ihroughonl the country.

I. w-hile Ibe Democrat * stood foi



It Is suted that there


forty-awven pereons


compoaed of prohibitionists, a few dh



^ oaUaSed republicans and some demo


Russian Tretibles.

siloiUoe eonlinne.


and o|ien«'d


of the

tnin use and many liuildiligs wn-cknl

flelals in the slate, navy and war

and people burir.1 In the ruins. Forty

If will Is- hardly nocui-

movemeni In Cub* ami is in eon- thousands wuundril.
Stedtui-. Russian l\iland. Sept
it communleailon by wlu- with the

was a moinbiT of Ibe convimiion which

Je.'. I’t tbe a.lniitiUirnHviii at

nominated Mr. Bunting

* ll. g<> ot the faciis

Even though

Mr. Reynolds should

allow bis name tu go <m tbe ticket, hi



at S o'clock SalUrtiay night,
afterward - Uic troops

lkbk.ll the Jews.
AH loda) the ndilim have attacked

ulotly is it .leaired lo know the prccliw ciriU.'>us, c|irl>lbins or Jews, robhlttg
muideitug ilirm Iwllhooi dlscrlml
stn-ngth of the revolutlonar.v *.nll

entitles him lo tbe aertou* eunsldera-


It is the purjHisc of the adrainisl.-a

S tton of the voter* of the entire district. Hon to proceed wiili BT.-at


It i.< repozird that'drunken resen

start.-d the



Mt Bunting has done some excellent Hon lo desUng with the Cuban quec- have surci.iind.-d th.*' city and refuse

t work for the district and de

tt ieglalatlve pronylun- and coodlHons the TelM-lllon assumed the proportions diers euanllng a guVeromeut alcohol
la tbe state will z^e him a still mure
TSluad . Ui4^r! .lui^g

III.- second

Mr. Bunilug stands Ugh with

a geneml cdnfiagrallon
It «* tnnher staled that lh>*ti- had


] suuv at Sicdhie.
l-trv ruwhcd

A deiachlueiii of ip

up and fir.-d

appUcaiiun for inierwaii-'iil ialo the crowd. kllUng two persons

Prntr^aa PiIm.


^ ^

I .. . .....^____;


"Traverse City Markets


llmisi-. Iti-ii'l and
The co:i<--rti ha- a 1


Selling Prie*.

Clear pork, per barrel....


rUi.-Mder-truOir* •ur.-wMv. w~i>.p>v.l.nw

Clcsr p-iik. P'-r pound-----Shiirl cut iKwk..........................

MT will pleas.- you.
Tin* K.-ODomy Sifn»-

•t'b- l->moiu,'

Condensed Tev

Kbeii. I*. 1. i- f.,'. 1;.


jlr. T. I». Hancfofi of H-nv'

Fiilz fell

4 loiifbig till- eii-i ill an -'ffi.rt


lor ft'-i- lu-OKK lor !«•

the coal mine a.i ........... tl Va j


laskl. -niu feet, early today..



Itanciirfl l.a>



will. John Iln.s-n amI a Im'^'

New York. Sept. 10—F'rank HaH-


.iualtil;tiie.- >».Hi Abraliaiu l-tii.To f-'tile an-l di
• njoy 111-,
the greal.-


J., Sept. Ki—A
eli-cirlc loail sma-lnil
i„ one pl.o- -i.:

Crotdlu-n. an dec


cu„g foR RILR8
KliBd. iUMdlar.

: K.MI rr~> R WaJkw-. Jadgm ut

Our Ladles' Overskirt* si 12 M «n.l


of School


ih.- theT 1


will fl«»m lie lit-i

New York, .‘tept, 12—The balllesUiP
iium-ctlcm will l-e taken «wit ot



Why not j»f* iBiro fuir h ID .RclrAiicc. as >)■<'


IihAb ii.i-.lti’l tiro

I going into '-nunnilsstonj
------------- - '

iniform tbroDglioul tl'C


Sept. 16.

i S-'pt
Tangier. Si-pt. 12.—Patil R- Su-ns-j
land was taken on Isurd the HamUurct




Hrintr in y'lur S-oowliHRiK) HotAa an<l we

The Citt S-leed of M-i



Tangier. .«hpi,

will hny tin- limla lluit ar^ ulalrh-.
A most ebboreti;

:3o this morning in the custody of

an-l ail of

Bl-s-'k of TaUeUt- I’ent'ils
Si^pIieB are liens.

tl —Paul O. St.-ns

land made an unsuee.-t-.lul alt. ni|g l-

Cify Book Store

pol«in himself im'ay an-l. U sciln!e.!v
under a jieavy gtotd.
He U .expeeti-.! lo salt fomorfow i-o
tbe Prince Ad«-lbertNew

York. S«-vt

tht Bobtrt CD.,
Crspers* C//f,

12—Bert, Kr-ni.-

aged 21. a young Cornea gradua'
railroad tunnel

WaM*. s. pi. lo-.T.-rrori*t« Saiur

venthui hy the United State* unles. dav .-v.-tiihg sliot anil kllli'd

ft first term and bis

Northwest; and
a, ,.-.-o||,| ela,.:

charge ot Migineering on the IN-an-

,Hon and It was aald uu the blghe<;

0 election. He did good work during hie authority Uiai there srould be no loicr-


;m>T of

he troubles there bare somi-whal .sub







:: r

ToJtow .......... ...................................
I--Ciired hide*.........................
J-Oured HI.U*........................
nlOA bldM

A-d. nceiils hiT gurtir-ilars lb- jiv-tuiir

Assistant Secreury Ol.-sou of Chicago.

liundreds df iicrsun*
cannot defeat Mr. Bimtiag whoM- rec­ mem in Cuba and the relsHve powers natioti.
ord as a member of the house of rep of the government and tbe insursents i.Uleit of wiiiinded. 'tliier sireeli
reaentaUre* la Lansing U one which

ls now

In the nav.v yard and pat to tesisrpn-•

A masmere of ladice and soldiers lie

Colarada Sprinp*. SepL 1«1.

was brought

Thq presidont at Oyster pi>ople were kllli'd SatnriUy night,

sarT tor Mr. Binning to worry over th-' officialH here, who indeed an* e»
R. B. Reynolds, who wa* n-ceipt of d.iai.rd instruction*
nominated at the mass convention,
o what they shall do.


»jiii-iat'i.-ti of, ibe fil­

Ri-IMirts from Siedl-K- Imlici.ic

death of Samuel

In Ikmiscs

Bay 1* ki-eplag In chise loueli with pons indicate that with casuaithifled with the suggestion to munlnate
ry .levelopmeni eff the revoluilon- Simtlay Son Jews had, been~killed and
first ballot.

The feeling aguUist



Very low latiwlo colr^do oil ^


■Coin" Harvyy. »

The iwllce ami soldiers tire


The democrats were diHsatls-

a repubnean and withdrew after the


Ipiiig ail in ihidr power to leirify ilic'





Wm. t'-i-o'n.

F?.r Iji.m '•
Kiiumuiv St..T‘-.

bc Jews is lik.-Iy to lake form in a


Indkaied bv the acjlvilv

•bli-r ,.rf ai'd


into a trelD of four ears, caiii-iug the

;i disadvantage aillllerj

1'. -X


Mas-aclin-telis Gr.-ni K- --p. r ..f ,\V;Hiiiin. eb-v-11 jeair. ai.'r-'.-l-rt.-l ,

n iho parade gromi.l. ami e»ci.|Mhl,

Infuriated Jews i

exclusion of all oih.T foreign lopby




*lt.)i f.d.mel

revolutionists ptirsu.-d by linoim. took
Wlu-n Hie soldiers saw- they were

•“tlva to oppoae Hon. A. F. Bunting of


.iloJedeOlT. Chi.-f Id police, at Gnsllll,


on lliisd.s, IlMn.iis,. sU jc;in. gr.Ml


Kaits.vs. Gn-al

''' *■

ilHMiks. niiiioh. tli.-ili A\1I

Seiit, 11.—An


PaMTliri(e« .

I'-r- il;i.qu.ti- .-V''iav

Slagi.ra FsH

F;inar. , Ihniifyl'inilu.



-rdereil Hie‘Tlismis<;.l .. ................. .

Qatlle ...................
sumn .........
I'.-ro .Mii.-py"--, ■v-tvi.,1,. Tt.


tt.-nlor Saganior.-: t;...r«e B

*hntling-off Hie gas lunl Jlicn l-ll lu

go*, by direction ot Hie president.

■_depe»d«it candidate for represent*

aml the ward.'ii!-.



family by making his way to a meter.

Santo Domingo. l.i ludeted lo Ui.-nlue
ishingtun. 8i*i>t. 18-—The critical


f Is-liig a terrorist, idiowi-d henu-lf

vote* In favor of liiu Ik-mo-

been or­

boat MarletU. now at Monte tTirtsU),
There was a mass meeting held at

LrtoBd last night to nominate ait 1*

i-nirtil detention prison on sns|>ieiun
he window of her c.-ll and was

of Jersey City saved the uves of n

dlslrlcl*. the q»th-s

C. \V. Kish.-r. engineer.

l-l.•cl.•d Ibe foll.iwltig .i(fl.v-is;. W. A

■ea.l by sentries. The prlKiincrs ivvull-

SpringileM. HI..




on a rock.


lilmnl eitv. fell el-o.-n'

til- doing a diliicult ami bar-;
Teet whilardoiis |iii-c-



‘. per Idozerf....

Or.b.-r of I1.-.1 M-m at

The strength of the Pro

dered to Havana. Cuba, and the gun­

BnntlntTa Opposltian.

Mile. Si'ntonova, a student In the

•re is crilieal.

Ir.'pi-r iioiini!..
Mu-hwhcai ...................
'a. ns. ttpring ..

Buffalo, acpl. 12. • nm lnd.-|H-nflei.


man (aially

Ivte tlll-i

tk-pt. 12, 'Twit Ti. ight iM-lor.

-uady beim i-xi-cnieil by Kusslao |'.ol-



Rwt'Ina Rate* ot Travwra* City Oanisra

II. r. M.«il-r.

I ei'l, has iM-en Ki-nif-in---! I.> :i ■ euiT


lan. per 100........................

Tie- .-til'..- l" U'S ex-

-tii.-iu nani--*-- “f whi.m ai-

nartlsl to lie hangi-d. aud one lia.s nl :


4 •i,-,-ijt''. f..; I dl p. . -I -1
•11- U. M-- 'I--;

iHiiis:^. 1 . Wtill.-hi-ad, .Miiidtiri.w. «tf
II. Sh'-ltoii, .l.rnl..-maii.
AHniiia: ’

Si. I'eiershurc. R-'i'l,


iiiiH-ihy B.H1I ;.............. ...
liall. |ier Imller..............................

I....-r siivl ........................................

RKI'UHN' jriMIT 1" 1

Clement, .-hglnfer. .4 Al

of Alhiius:

leave the city.



Atintila. (Is

six levsolis.

tiy of the Inhahllants are perniliied


Ji rt. fM't pouUjk..........................
i;nii.-r. p.-r fmiin.i ............. ..
SB-St .
r.-«im-.j Rutter. p.r pound.. 80
-lieese, per pfitllKl.......................................II
iJals. 2I.W baidiel .............................

trains .-rnsti., i into ^-aeli citli.T near
KIn-ggohl. Ha . this nioininc. killing

<t* lUlve arrived here from W;irs;iw


blhitina rote was found tn lie in thr

return from abnad and his remarks


ipd that they nnisl bearn-sled l.efon-

for Its conllnncd enrorce

lu ap]M-aI.

ing the arsi enthusiasm of Mr. Bryan's

affirming their belief

BUIed wlielher Mr. Rej-nolds will


state legislature, and

be, by' Mr. Bunting last session.


hike Nicholas, tiflei att invcsilgt.lliiii

fight, has a plurlty of almut l.r.twi.


i- :'o i.-«'t.ilid

A delegation'of citizens n'VrtUrthi

Carl V.'Moody for register ot deeds. two years ago over the same oj»|ioneni
Curtis D. Alway for proaecutiug at­ Cyms W. IJavIs of Wateiville.
CJ'artes E. Ulllefield or Roiklud
Janies B. Martin and 8. M. Ktngsley against whose re-election tn ctingresi



.i.liry ............................
hih-.g gbli-k.-n ..................... ■'

The wd-

of Governor Willlati

i.a • '

-.1, II 1., « 0.1.'* Beat...........
••.■.,4. p.-r dn7«-ii........

S’. w' i-rtatts--. |Hf


- wRI 1.
I'jtt . •.nii-sloe. K-rl;

1I..1iru\. N.

laordlnary l.rutalltv.

lied In a victor'
for the Republican^ aliliuugli theli.
The democratic caurtidat.-s are us plurulilies of two years ago have beet
aliiiiist wi|H-il o-it.
Hotiiro-' iti<Ilc;il'



IS.V-.1 i-u'-l.- lo Jeelim-I l«

Th- refugees

inue to crowd Ihe stations.

Maine Election.
Me.. S.-pl, 10.—Maine'

too vlalonaiy and ImpracUcal.le to i



i IVio Ml

luthorltles usw'il that Sri--rn tenor


ea-r b-

:ier* are drnnk iind Is-havlng w;!th ex-

the Herald the day following the prl

Who reaUu the magniuidc of such


♦siiunji'rt-in! o;-gJhiz

he city would l>e Isinibariesl.

given In the ofOclal report printi-d in

—Kmp he wm anance the transfer of



The telegraph off|c.-« are Hinsil and

Fur ft* part, Ihu army I* pn-imrlay

r ticket. Tbe total numbernfdeia


r> prevent Ihe outrage.

force tlul might l>e n-qiilred In Cuba

'^afproflta will be obliged to jolo the
The imsr.l of county canvasser* fir
dlvtdeBd procetalon and give theli Ishtul their work this morning and
Stoehholdera aome share of the e
figures regarding the repiihllcan
try's protpertiy.
are BubsU&Uany the name

The army

» HK'Ai:i)

will, h*'l<- I
the ••ii:i-ir'riieii of

watches and

voltlKly U allowed on the sMvet

m.-dlalely from the ports any iiaiwi

P- Waterman by

oenitlc votes cast for this office wa*

"They ai

S-al'l-, S--P'. I;'.



This mean* also

only a temporary egect.


fact I* carefully conciwled at tin- de

been laggarda In the matter of dlvid-

. the utterancoa of Mr. Bryan wUI have

Not it soldier was killeil.

were parading

tn-el.H si'lling pillaged

•leal. II I. A C...-S Beat..;.,

'<--;.1--li, |u-r |u<iii»l........... ..

Yesienlay nioraing squads iir.wd-

*lf the mivj- is nuking ready In oihei

that corporate properties who have-

In f»»»-neBting opoo William Jen


resiieciM forconllngi-Drtes in rubs, thr

to answer uiiy call ilioiigh there an

bnamen acUnty.

There are


qillle as effeclive a* a buttbwhlp.




’.H Ji-w-s have iM-en aihl l.ts'O

with a main battery of sK-iiicIi gu

difflcnliy in

Pere Marquette

As n result of Hie general

■ Uiigliier.Ji is estimaiisl tint

B eus'ory. a great many or wliotn ni-e

the majority of one vote on the .lemo

benTy harvests guarantecH continued



and it is Ix-lieved that there will he a<

»!..« OBoal at tbU dale, which will



the ship* In a slate 6f prepan-dliexr





■Oemocrwtic CandidaW*.
ix>spile the.fact lhat Iic.IohI out 1

Traverse City Store; 159 East Front Street

The ih-struction wa«

ouly Ilf r..l<s> ton* dtiptacement hnd

other cities to irood udvnulagge.

Tho money tasente. however, U Ugbler


Warsaw and

-anils of Jews.

ship will be at Havana to serve a* a

She is Bill n formidable craft.



.trt-ets. which weie InUahited hy tltou

period « nnnsnal trade aellviu- and
the crope will be largo In alt sections.


Four liatleriew

III .liie'pn-senl cnnfllct in Cuba.

done In



-nl*i>inn tu use the artillery.

rTnm..iil toward one side or the oihe




flenonil Skallon iHograpIn'd for per

>ny iiarllalily by the American gov


flushed once or talei- each week with

of id?iiKlil.r all

early hour y«»l«-.da.v. win-n Got.ninr

went of the rie* Moij|^-s of sliowlny


Thp weekly review of dnaftelel and

Is being


for the duty Intimdert she wUI



tnde eoBdltkma by Henry Clras of


oat any


Vours vt.ry

the Jew* on eveiy hand and

Tliere 1* no Intention In this Wove

The gulli-cs in some

ft SB yon Bc riel.Iy

They began mur.ii-rius

night, all day Sunday, and iiulll an

sprinkler aagoti'does not-prove ad.'I Tr*le Activity.


Ihe work

Any citizen will realize

places afu In a fli'by condliion. .ind ii


stniined fury.

from the dcparltncnt of stale.

be need of a flushing process tor ««ir

goeont yeaia. and ibe Increase Is no*
grtiw-oo more rapidly than ever. And


Imneslinicly carry

to accumplisb ibe de­

paved street*.


with the navy department, propaied f

an es|>edally

Incmaed by nlUloiu of dcdlara during

ncMt every state In the Union.


wailing there. Ca

gestlou has betvi made by ibe aide-.

Bat tbe most reliable Amer-

sort of wagea.

that they might remain undist«rt"-J.



or i.ri*i‘.
1 fHS is "| > 1 li;
l;;,oui,) n-y foniier pisno for
rto’.ol vriir ■•wn mni i-. win
'bn h will U- ttiy II i»t Itvasurtzi i*«ves.
1 nnU <vi'sl:>iit
o/.-n in ^.-w Yutk.
I loje ai.iii
ol.'HT gtiMt iliit'i;* of your «-xix>lli-tit
piano in tin- lonr
at •! 1 uisli y>.*ii nil lUi-suc-

advance to hang- out clieir raomi so

IJbaii rt-glmenl broke torth tn imrc-


1. .2s> i;i .1in
.,i.iil.,l in u
tom-, b in h .-iml
qnalil (f.l-v i

Sunday was can-fnlly

.tllb-d two soldier* and Itien-upon the


----- ..


«ctivtM«.l li nt it

ing ^11 or the Christian population In

• In clo«'

latter there haa tea no locreaM In

11 well iiiowu lie.Ve which I oodsuL
t II *•- Miinh-r
\Vlicii yoor own mak.
tf-piolio VIS J^tl" _«1
ll.f- iijiiUl
rewWyuT»Hlja it ai*)
have wi.Ul.jil iis vi it’piis III e\j r siucw.. I haUi^heBu- tinnly

pianned beforehand, the soldier* warn­



piape*. J pulelii-ia

Sledloe. Poland. S«'pt- ll.—­
Saturday and

m Uikiiig w nil me fur try |>nvato n*<-.
r cprt-fully tiwlioK all ilie JeaiHiii;

Se'otei >cnb

biTe sty psnic.ftrickin

the ties Moln'-s will l>e als'Ul

sill he of gr<-ai sanitary lieneBt.

hlcher pricet which confumera In ibU


pi-rmaueat.^ There is

iivttii; fo' tki-enit l!v


ish massacre which to.»k plan- )>»'.■

to wairani such

possible and ibal tl b<- <lone

of riTlnp haa Increaaod an rap



the city.

the Platt amendme

come«p U-fore the council nest Mon- ward to Key W'-si with the iiltimatc
lay nlgbl when esHmuie* of the cosi
xirpose of proceeding to H'lvan* if de
if the work will Is- presented. We lie- velopments wilhin the next two day^

_____________,.liey of proOfciloiH U that


Alarming reports are b*-lng i-lrt uUt<--i!

The. development uf the day was the
necessity of doing someihlJig to !m- admission that tbe American cruiser
prove tbe aanttsry eondlilons of the
Jen Moines, which sailed yesterday
river at that point. The matter will lasllty from Norfolk, bad guiie south

the only mnawer made In re­

of Infsniry

1 bn\.- juRl j.t;i. 1.11

The Jews

miuee was also Impressed with the

Protmctlen to Wmse Earner.

ftwad Bis ti>tter tu Srinnell Bras.:

ibai tbe town Is In flames.
ml from DeiU to Siedhu- to restore

Ined the river in the vicinity of tbe American capiulists interested
We-qu4"Umg dob grounds wh*Te ilie ban nlaniadons and properlies

sted should be done.

A Grinnell Bros. Piano

ihr Jewish qiianer^

rrnoRs were killed or wcginded si»i

offleial sources was to the elfeei Ihst


When G. Arthur Depew Went to New York Ho
Took with Him, for His Own Use.



H* died id St, Jidinr hoiv

ills home is In Colnmbur. Ohio



MMtTO****-*iCUack. tftm. Jollo. T Hwuiah. 6M»e«4
UbA. B. e Oa«i>. Jt«7
0«. W.

ijM'ir nc-w homf

f W«IE
A^IMuIl ha» alvavB
<*liv Biin iisK Imn
Hri-o»>-four y<-iin* in miisHTUll'il«] iirsHIcc lii-ii', uuil hin rviDuval
D ilu- Hty Is a
oi en-al i«Kn'i ici ill* tuaiiy friiii^s. 'Hii' pKxl
wIhIios <»r i*3iT>l"a'y *|11 foli«)« Of.
Aabl^'s'fauiM)- in ilivir ut-«' hoatv.

II- Tb*' fai-m liam
■Ha7j<>li>|i of Bouldi-r. r/oln_ |i«fi UiiajriAOk |»ail.Ts.m iiiamiirnlnt^ f<K- Mlrlfiaair jKdiii.-. A f<-« | bnimd S-in.lax
day* alii
41 it*'fair lu Orand' ""»N aud i««. hnr*
Mr. »|zlc-|.m Bill'-i-vd
home 41^ IJoilldrr.

Tbc- yiaiiild «hll<l of E'riink
}fif Cartii-hl iDWnKlilii; ixaiiy
Mfinilay Diehl l.y 33*all..a-hij;'


Sisnlns-fn.:ii Nr* yiek JSjiainlaj
four of «h- fliii-sl rniiw^i- in .il*- \m<*;
I‘fi.i.sylvaKb ati.l M-.-jlaiid,

From W*iln»»«la> V
Miss ritM-Mioi- Mill*-! b«s hf«m*-l

f«il«i<u n> |iaiM-r. -nM' hlnir

.1 Mr.,. raJIas of Oran*!
«=" <=>"=saurrr and vltiilu r<a«li «rf th- <hlld.
l.|i;!ily of V II- ' o.*!*"'’*- hm T»**v l;sv.' a dlSi-n n! I;
llif paiHf ainl Oh h ilrsTik
■lio|!'-l,v;SUi1 fi'.- that l.-.f U ll,. .
<i»' vatiT in ahIfliTi ».a» Mil.imitei- :. I'bapiu.
.ui.i f-luri..
iiJ Un- irl|> f* Hi!.f»Ha;. *-!;a li |
A pU.vaiciaii »as simiiiiouf.l Irotn lAl.*"■
.’.-1':"^ S'l'"- '" 'i
\VI.-laiH. aiifl .iBHEiii.* Bi.- S.T
fliy and ilic iliile llfu »awul..
' '■■M
t.i f.m Snil.t A. I. ,
. . ■
,i„.c ,ui ...................I,.,.....

-«* " .
Prom HoBilay'a R<«ard.

A |>ii'l.v roRslatliiK of E'- Ei

................ .
i.'ailxsi 111. r.' fmui
nioii.l and will- of MnKk*'pui. Mr. C. |
fteicarri "if Ja'-k’-on ■v'lm
Norih itf Klkharl. Mrs. K. 1^ .K-la-aiyi*^
T.9. l.i M III'^V ii M'-.i
AMatim Br» - >»s- fall *al«V'
ami Mrs. John OUlis ai- nl Hie 6ai al | wljbi'esilss-n vl-ilini: >t E;: WiitUii
.-no ;;niil»tii .\nsn-t
abjl.-' s. v.-t.
Ibis i-ii)'. is-liiiiKtl-to liit biHii-'ji
1 Oimfia.
iulbi oft T.lanurilur mtI In tb.-.tiU-bii.A. e:. WlllanI of Kuildi.' ninH' «n> i j'-i'day;.
>he’(;ilil »r I'BUIlH-rbe.
. Travtrss' City j.'si.-iilu} <in iW cv' Mi6« f KlorUMv, rtel-oel.r wWb..i
1, .Ttdliui? hiradjd. Slrv Ks'y-M
nirHimi Iralli.
• Torture by Savages.
“^‘Ti^'MoROLdciCAl. REPORT. '
■ be',Oiu.’ar«; ntiini' d >o.ri»t I
lo wbirli
Mis. John llaiilJr «r IVii Haiid. Mir1i„
Otaarralim T4k>« la- ^
lor tbs
J-.' ■tliis
aJi.. \.'oni....t tl... sss-.e-.t.l . s !., lb.' fhd
•h.Kiii . lu'i'awiiii-k.

pisriimi Tvroly-tosr Boar*.
who has isiMi visiilne N. >l< rtis niS'l
>-H4.iie s s.ijj.ei tl..-ir *'.i|rm<-s. ii-iomdi
famll}. lias Kliiniitl hoiw. -Mi^i,
son Bial daushiri iil
Beaulifot ;Applia.
lli'nius. Mich., k'fi Tor hoim Ka'iirduy
Far tb* aona of A^«1. m.
i.. J.TiisiI.o- Ilf Mouiim- iVtilel
». H. Hori an*l rhildriti of l lil- i.-fi a) >iie ui-iaU .ijTi.r' .J,
, ,
l.-n Iasi nieirt otit Hii- IVtr Mal--

3 rcr ccn HIWUMIUK sepKUs


Is a; ^
N . S




»i m fteoAr BB


' ■


s *°_

TO to
n ID



_ 2 Rr i:: i i
i|£4H riirialT > "
n > U Fair


!; s Ri; r

Circulation this week 3.000
I Dr. R.-tloldavorUi hats moved bU
Men from lUanah &. Lay block
Johnilun'a dme alorc.
1 Bmcat Kront Toat Ibe ll{> of the ersi
ioRcr OB bit riAbl hand wbllt- at vori*
im^om Toeody.
I Loni* Maanu, a yonue imii 27 years
liM. d
•atrvi.A Rrtday nlebl ol conMlI Boae
. ipinipnoB. __________ '


a n.-w vanity. .Ar.,-firm ..'M'lt*-,
V- *ehl. ami m-rym
Mr. and Mr*, \-lcl.a- IVliTiyl. s;..
I; roler'sl. ;'iiiHBdb-s^.iiiii*sl i.n>l l.-.i -b-isl leTiIiii C-iaraio.'-. to Hniim-n
Sevtn’b imd, Itivlidim sin-eU.
C. V. Slater* of 4. W. Stal.'i's boii-e Tb.-v hale aliraer.*.! u v'/od 3l"iilat I

fiirnisbinR- sHhv baa ndHrm-d fioai i.-nimu
n rtr..;'.i
.^*-1.' H-a.l, .lb'.-' is-am
Detroit, wh.'itebe ban bi-i-n lor Ht. -11.!}. aiM iarRi•.slikiiiti i-l' Ml-. Jam.-s MeMiilan.
IKist Wi*ek.
Mr;-toi,IeV'U.’si h-li' wiii. I
l.biw ..f Ihi- la’.- S. Mr Miilan,
Herb and Jernf SutlHaii ,of t'.-dar
imjju.-' .
•hl*st.r it.V'S.. B-IS ’l«.’lesl ot
1. ,-mVi
is^y la
liassivl ibrtiUAli HA; city tiHla.v'ob ibeli
: $'>'hmi w.irili of b-w-diy S..t«r.U-.y > iruay buDie afier u 'tuvi w.n ks'visit in
;.mfwhile 'be Rnmlly
e soiHliem |»iirt Of He- s'liti-,
AijH'itj.!A-r;,' t« --T.rt*"•■Ml':-**'*'.::,
.linn, r:
tViltInui Wille lia* n-lanu-d fnmi
Wexfonk where It.- w.u; to n itair »i uRiil til.^ts fuu:id.-Jlt-.i<l 111 l.s>^f.u!'|


unrd f«uliie> aiilo.
ijarry H. Hamer will sielid tJds
witik in IS'toskey ini |iri>f< sslmial biislio'WB. and ]il<«siire.
.Miss Mof.^.- of Hie.KtnilMil
Biosie store Is iu Unui.l Rapidi'on n
Mtss ESfi. (•nsM y..if Hariv.r Hipinr.
Is visUilis Mlsg EMna Aikbisoii. 4t<
West T.*nlh wrecd.
Ixsiii and Disk l-^islen wvni lo V.asi
Jor.lBii today for u 1«‘W W'e«d>s' vlsii.
Miss Alileen Rurlicti uud' Miss May
Walsh lefl Kalunlay for Cliicauo iiy
tray of Mllwaukiw.
s James I’rmiuelier and lw»»t.r.nbeis.
Dave ami Oliver, the lalt. r of rJiels.yKsii. left IIilB moinbric f«r Moiiireal I..;
Walt thedr miHher and brother wiion^
Tor tbiny ;
Ihi'j fiiive
Tl.i-y will inake n m.Hub’s visit. sfi
idliR al qiirlKs- and ItiebniOnd .

j Joiwph While was brouRUt to Jus; tleo Nr-rllnsefs curt for esaiiilnallon
and bound over li. Ihr ClrviiH .
under »i’»* liad. The ufr. nM- eliarseJ
: k BtcaliDR harness from Chail.-s Cor
belt aTGrauii. The ball «-as uui forth-

eomlits. '
As the n-sort seai-Hi is m-jrrlnR Irs
, close. Ibe Steamer r..bimbb will
make rcpnlar iri|is m Xorihpon afier
’ 9Ub enwk. Captain AV.-l.b sint.-s
the business of Ibr line ha? l.s u fairly
Rind Uls warum. panirnUrly iiu- Ma, rtoa iBland ckcuiutous. m.:.' aions have iHtxtme qnlie isri.u'ar :tin(
will romitine as Iona'as tin- w. intirr
t'apialn MVbb is Rri-ail<.
pbaaod wtib ihe^mannet in wht.-h
. ChePe exrurwbws air aimreetaied- and
tiana n.-xt y.*ar to make the attne, tlun Btm more favoralitc. .
i Norman Newman of Kasaon. cnlerlUined sixteen or his friend* ut hi*
f borne Sumlty In honor of hi* loriy
-.brat biHbdny. Tbe day was very
Flimiauily *pem by

To Cleveland. O. and BuRalo, N. Y.
l.ik.' ithiiri' ai'j
............ iilln-ni II'

SiHvlal al s:2«
III. ruimliiK HmriRi:
witboiil I'baiiRe.
Fare from Craml Kapbls m Cleve
latnl an.l reluru. S>i.Trr; to lliilfiilo am
Tiek.'is c<v»l '"i 2<i
days. I’iir.ieiila.s Imm lirk.’-i uri'iiIIM b.v wrUiBR In U \V IIUO-. Vns.
A«t . «5r.iud Uapiiis. Hieh.
Sc-iii. i-.-ir.-2".

It duiets
the Cough
This fsone reason M-hy Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral is so valua­
ble in consumption. It stops
the Bear and tsar oT useless
couching. But it does more
—it controls the inflammation.
,Bi«s .he fever, «,MhBS,«nd
heats. Sold for 60 years.

, entirt* conpaii} wer«* seaUd at ll-e
■ hnee dlnlmi toom lal.le »«<i en}o>r*i
an excHleol dinner. Mr. Newman wt<>
' pmrented with a fine nmokhiai; rablaet aa a tok<*n of his fiinds' .-strem
A. Wbeeloek and wife of tbU city

1>ariieal!|t|-.i*r ^iti..~ in. yt-l l.-jiii-.V


I*..., II.,,.-.
......... .-Wiliiain
1--------Fran:.. u(j-rl .27; a Hran'l Trunk
i|i>ii f.<rr*n^<i. wa- l.ilii.hal the haUwiiy s-iiilbiti ninuel irt i; ..Vl.rrk. D«!i;
leRs wer<- hfokcn an.l Ills skull crn.dn -I. I
ilie man wiu> niarrb'd.

l*..n iiiil.'B. .<* i>.
,;,. j :i;

, ,v.„


From Tneadsy * Heeord;
y \ Ray Andros baa realeni'd tils i>osi'
Mr. aud Mrs. E' I mlor. who livV
^mi M, BnlBUini entlneer on lha woulli of Ibe riiy. eul.Tlalmtl Sir. and
f^ombla. fWi btcUuuald will lake Mrs- Jowldi Dobm of SI. Jos,-,>|i amV
‘ »• FlACC•
Ur. nnil Mrs. T. 'j. Vmlnr of TnnvTs..
Wly. veiy |>k-asalill> last ecenliiy.
*I Juna Kaniinky. lufani daiichter of
Miss ISolilie n.iB-anl i.-ft Ibis iiiomSr. and Mrs. Jow>f>h Kanhisky. <U
Oarfleld avenue, dlde Muuday. aeiil. biR for a few wifki*’ vlsillii Mu -kea.m
tJrarid Hi.|dds.
T moaiba and J2 days. '
,e Kev. J. I». Dm-ls of Nonl'|s»n
The BUieinnl of ihc SiaK' liaiik.
liassiil ibroiiRh Ibe I'ily loilay nli Ills
aituiber eulunui. ntakea a atmue and
111 Hie Molhodi.-t i-onferenee al
•ubstantlal sboalne. lire (oollties fa.Iillae.
c MRR*«t.&Ml.r.37.£.7. Mure tban'a I
t'barli-.s F. IHinbani nn.i MV.Anna
' Uoa aad a baU.
tienham. wln> were :i> I'.vlar
SprlnRS on .Aiir. 2k. bare ivki-ii n|i
' -A eohmy of yeHo* jacki-ia made
tbiHr resideJioi' in Traverse I'uy.
. tbemarivea al home under Hie tnard
IT.-Uri Al.t^lf. wile and diiiiRlii.-r.
VBik leadins
the slo|» of ilir E1rsi
Metbodiat chureii diirine the |iasi wi<(< v.Aiii havi- l«vn visttiiii; al llucj^.'liii- «4
Jrm.-s I'onv.TM* ami family ib.' mad Sunday iheV made h b.n
fett-tlays. l.-ll yi-slenlay fur tli.ii
. ohureb Roera. Reverul Sunday arlH«>i
borne III l4i!li]Hs-k. I'al.
ti-achers were badly atmii:.
Tbe Standard oli atatlon In lids rliy
-VbldiftMbeon in chance of li. J. Mor
Fan for arrefal year*, n lll on 'the firs',
of OetolMT he taken m er by a recular
ain^ni of ibe comi»ny who will ioeaie
bore. The el>anK.^s doe In the lance
birn-aae Inihe liuBlneaa in Ibis city

A Seientific WoodtJ
1 ' Th.' eui... ili.e siatid n» its er.-.til
.-----•• ;iiii»l.<- lluc-klen'-- .Xinii'a Salve a si-i. n
Fie. Man... Se,U. l7.,-;Tbeb.,.^^-^,,........
k H. M..U.-r„
.lord s-ftioii of Uail. x<es 3 ;.ml 12 *.; ' J.-i.icof.n Hi- 1’ .il Hii.-bamh,
.be t-aimdlan Fai itir .-.d.I.U-l Al A.*ll Aya, Fa ef » '-'r-*.-lia. .
................ .-i.' 7 "'■•'•e-l' :*"!?;
m.v-r^s. i-u.s. w.-umi-. el.l!
leominc. . thyrK-i, |-r^ma,; ,.,oirM ,i..i.l -' .1....... ouh
Itmb iralfis wen* r’lMUiiic In tin.-.-s* e,--. lAafuiati' i'.tit. fU-n.. Jbu;l-i-.''s Dm;;
.I,ns.„i Hum
i^ S. K. AA’-.u A.-Wm,s.
was jnakbiR a -Idtinj ui-<». a- M-ctibu .

of Hull. io. 2 enu^snl Anb. 't R;dl* Ht’V
Kv.imimy Sti.i.', 2'-i- . a.-li.
mad jstrj.' ttU.-;.... W.'

You Know It

by Sli-riff; T.mi M-*.TIm- Jilt.' tnb aie ni.'int..-.(:ib-rv .. 'liiMiio

F"n T*

nii't jti.iitli is ;-iiii
N. A’.

E’.iH Wn

j ‘

lUben Vou Do Your Fall Olorh
You UMII Ulant a Pair oi

and We Know It

6ood Work
.. Shoes

King of Hats

You Olant Shoes Chat UMII
Dard Ulear.
Out Dirt
Keep Out
I Stay Soit
and Keep
t^omforfable to the End.
UVt Ix’li.
l.vU«:r shi1^-.

tluH il wr-.tld lit: iiupor-iiiU: lu iii;ii:c
fiitr lini- Ilf

ni any yri. <• than

Dand-IDade Olork Shoes
you ;:ct from '.hem aii that \n:: nyr*'.'.: fri ni a ;.'Co(l t-f

$1.75 to $2.75 tor Cow Cuts
2.50 to 4.00 tor Digh Cuts

that "The Knox" istte

All the newest Fall styles are here. We never
had such a display and it is attracting univer­
sal attention. No matter if you are tall or
short, have a full face or ,thin, we can fit
........... you perfectly..............

M'tn’s )|obb) fall attire
is just coinpleic if

'The Brown Derby,


1 he Black Derby.

wear a ‘ Kuon. ” aiifl wu
offer you

The Brewn Fedora.

the uruptest

stock to select from and
thi; |.rice is j'j>:


The Black I 'cdura,
-too matb a too Btdetrti >-wr hxt b cHIWr unbucnmfag «
inonred in Jtrl*. Tb* nukine af gcrad
h4b b 1 raxtiB oi mull d<UiU xad
e&ecti. VhcD you buy «

You select your size
and the universal price is


1 in.Tr\ a rc-r*.ot> for it —
they're w-.>rlh it.

The Pearl Gray Fe­


for any sivle.

I'yw kmiwthat If b enrfCCt IU cTcry dcUii-Bnd
Kxx‘.n-4 H.n-. IhiltbvtpuBtrbMfix*



prte«* J


HANNAH & IAY[“J|,8 Bjg Store”
MERCANTILE C0.i„„i.e,s ,«





'. «KAiro Tiwvcmc moiAtA. THunoAv. •errEMBcn u. net.

A- Neumafm'a Tbrttmi a
• j ^ .
af a MamlianL
- .1 jm-Tdun: o| Stwmgn.
Mra. Amanda Kfehmond wn*
, : H. r. Cote is hat miboinN- patat
Y.. J. A. Johnson. n)s; '-Several
Sept. lt>.
rick last Friday and died imlay i
gt-*. .
iyixirs ago I eOBtracied a rvnxh
cvnxt which
the age ul G6 yesni.
Mra. J. MuniO is viaittng her danghh.-hc.e«aift3,
Jtvea neven
da'Jgbier.: ,..r
f -ajll;-’ ai Charlevoix Ibis
, hardly side lo move a^iDu. ] t
little eblldieo
eblldieo of
of M
Mr. and Mrs.jweek.
ceeviaatly and antblng- relk
Retr. Maaksled Is boldiBft rcIlRlous aaivnce Dean. wh«r have.b.-en tei) ; o^,™. to Mr. and Mrs ];areey Sm..’.
i.-rrih'.-- --affertag
--affertag tinifl I tj
•if Trav- ’•-rrih'."
MTVlm at the n*sldciicc of Ole Peter­
Kina's N-w Itiscotety. Uetorv I hi)d
son, this forenoon.
dat • iunmgh
Tb<«<e on the sh-k H-i lUls weik a.-Miss AaelU Kn>f>r of Chicago, who
CiMitog «wm 1- t
Mi.^. F. Sargent. Mr. and Mry. Wm rljdt her paienu. John U \V. Sbii ofl rUnt and Tom plByi,-d l-It at Trav ___
has lieeo vIsIUdr here for
W.o.lward'« |liUi- girl. Rmh. am! Mi Angell.
; ■T't' f:«y Sunday.
. nwwpeke. rtHnmed this a. m.
and M.Ts. D. Sergmitlers yiuinr.e.d
Mr*. Uen, Mimro m*SatnitUy ' Mr am? Mr*. ,W. I! Wur nn aut eti-- Sr-m- a I plaun'iig I
Baerstaller I# putting In a well child.
H«iry Kl»ln. - Se.-euijMhree
nlgbfand S-tmlay in FJfc Rapli.
! lenamlng nlatlr.V fmm tthk. U... IW-it.'
down, and plenty of water.
Hr. ::>dMrs. S It; i%ar |ii • l.inx j g. Sons drotglst*, Tri'.i! bottle frw.
Charlie Korft and wife of Chleajp>. the aBnua!
Mliabi.Micii.. a l-w iiju* o.iiing on f-ti.
. ------- -J------------which , was held
who spent two weeks' outing Jiere.
■ rs. J.
turned hotni- this a. m.

Grand Traverse Region.
CM*y w—k earrttpon*
Mlvetf t»o lat* ta
)nuct_n*eti Uie Herald omec nal
T than Tyaaday noon of each wook,
•ltd If corraapondeirta fall la find
Mira In.
In, they may be ataurcd that >l
•MB* Bfiar
tar tim^


Millard BrrsR har rrhi" In
CJIy U> visit Lie mothtr. Mn-. Wl’l
DoukIhsk. From Uiprc he will Rti i
lx>» Anptiw. Call.
S •OK 13|J>«II‘
p.LJn.-;ai*>o3 tooqaR
Uil Mtindav. with Mint
of WllllaBi.l.-rr*. an •.•i-liw.
Vlmo;t boards wHb W. H. OixmjY
Kara Ronnrtft baby Is very nirk «t
IhlH wriiiiiR.
Wltlln Bniilhwirk has scil.I his fniw
to enil nnsoBliriilitP. They raiieri i«*
Ro aonlh iK'lere wtnlcr. They *111 !'•'
lultacd BO mtich In thW nrlshh--'!>0'.»''
Frank BhiTlff her mnrec inlo
Is known ;'s tlin Keoilall k< .■.•0 nn;I is
wnrklnR tha: foilB.
Mlu Bather Cot i-s frotii MtiuUlnR.
haa.hecn eUitinit her parthis. Wm.
Elder HHlmes, fwatnr on Wrrtortl
eban^. allebdcd coulcrcno' at CadM1st this week.
Mr. oBd Mra. Uoorge Paekard
Ikuadne. Mich, were KnMta of ihclr
'nephew.. E. &k Fackard.
last week.
F •
Mrs. E. E. Rinehart and Mrs. Uzzlr
IhHote or Cedar. H1ch„ are ai.J. W.
fUaebart's today.
II. E. RuceseRRcf was a delesatc to
the cotmty 8. 8. convention at Bmidrc
and «ave a Tcr> Inicresilng report
Sunday mumlnc.
The extreme heat of tbe past week
^ contlm
and in hruaklng over to the ground.
J. W. Rinehart bad a torse Bcrioiisly
Injured while plowing new land. He
feared dt would prove fatal, but tbe
animal la Improvliig w It «

Farmers who so<m to knew say JWenterta!olug*_ e<
latoea will be Italf a en>p1 only.
iirsion. 1
; tnomt- HCTtnan Kmpp's new Buffalo plus
i. Ml. a
inir aibreshlng machine Is giting universal Mrs. M. 6. Cox. Mr. and Mm.
^ttlsfaetion. The firmerB arc dellght- Winch. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. F.'.
ul a-ith the work It does.
Mr. iuid Mr*. F. Miilh,1. Mi and1 Mrs.;
. Freight oondiicior laektr on th'i!-; AM. « N. E. has the tleep.-s. syi:i|ialb>it. Mr.I
ofUic community in his sjul hereav*-Ang'lR Kropp. the Froreraont l.lark
smith, was a cal'er here yesiertlay.
Rev .chamlwrlln has been «eBl hero
by tbe O. 8, Methodist conleo-nre as
pastor cf the rhiireh here, and Sunday
-■ ut;3‘i III OJonring ami
7;3H‘ o'clock In the eveulng. Ever}

Se|>t, 1".

Henry McC' tviml i
mda- lu vl
}• Iasi Ssimdav
returned Monday
Chai lie Fife Is on the idrk 11s'SepL 1(1.
Mlss Ltd* Thacker hms taken
school at luterloebcii.
Miss tlrac. Fiilcipher W irachliig
Monroy again ihb. year.
Mrs. Hollmmiv vIsIKb] her folks
Biinflay 4n Traverse Cliy.
Sunday ai
The cemeai bridg*- 1* finislml and
with Roy
ei, uiiu i/wi*
V.. ...- a good Job <1
of Baxter.
logs In the lake, when ~
Earl .................................iHipney
thought O. U Chanii
be would swim from the loga In illTlir'weather comiunes dry
ixiom tc? the raiistan
I, .hoiicln
VoiaUH-s m il! 1m- a I'alil* erop
.... ^,d wfo
“"*■ •
ot WBlir. Help! St-id. V.
was called and John Olx-ary dovci
—--------after him. He had Iteen tu the walvr |
hour sad flfte.-n inlo.iu-i. fr..n. i^
lime1 he was drowntMi,
county. Wls.. vislUnu her.
«l otcr him for.......
nmir m.i (
.W-ll*' **:• veil
could not rerlfle bim. The riec.»s...l
was abodi 1R >-cars old and leaves a
father and motber.. two sister* and,
,ro M.I
hlB loss.
“ii"";;..,Small prvBClK«d bis last ser-'^^
neniuif. ate-UslilNa
ide ol Ovlalt last 8ilu-i,,,„
Traverse riiy
He ex|K s to return ii» Olterihi;
I«'l »"*'•jhas l-H-B visiting h-i- ntoiher. M:.-.
Harry Fi'U9nRlll tnd faitilly andjwiii raiix lU- nast fe'v weeks and reCba*. Foster ami wife calU-sl at L. T. ,„n,ed home tesicrtlav.


Mra. O. M. RrlRfat lif at home after
a su.
f several mnntbs In Tpledo,
Warren Washburn and famil
Illy - ,----------y. J-- M I

-syth.Miss liiiih Fori
> visit
Mr*. L. D. Spafford called on Mrs.lka Saturday

.1* th. iru-i-^T^^N^i’W.


A Lively Twaael.
„..ij .11



,-----------I and Houard tliowii d.i--..
Tr.iters,. Cliy Saturday.
Ssnlw-I S<'-1'-)
S.s-ley of Elk RapidJohn Lcbm- rrtiirtuxl Imip'' fFuu
Eimsdale not much Improv-J I.t a calki- hei.e Stindaj
WHY in itliolierty<!f|>«it ynttr fimila wiUi lu tlira
to CMiry r>r liiilr
Frank ’Thl'd of tlraiid R«plds Is »-,••«•
liiillding a house for Irts faltu-r. A.
A ^ HKCAI'SK with us tlifjr Aru uliV'liiti'l)' nfc. «iti)c
W. I,. WaiMUi and C K, Fray
1-hlcl. of this place.
I Elk lUpiUs Saturday.

rm yt^iir |x r»'ii nr in lii.linR Uny mm
Andrew Miller ami Joe KiMimaiia are
Ml. Jaino II. llammonil of Kalkask.: ' A
. \nT
hulldln: a barn for John Luce.
w:.. In the m-ighliorlinod Sutula*
n;my a iiffJ'.ia Itcvii l<«t aronsii i«YpFvn Mchhis- vl.iie.1 al Wmiaii^
.\. Siom*-r'. .Shi
' ii4i money nliotitUo. Uouk* or on llie
l)av<4ik's a lewulav-. last w.ek.
• Til- ball game luui- Siindav lietw.rn
the While Cups of Son'll SoI.ej an'1 1. «• noisml'-r wem iii Tranix- <'i<;
the SiaiA <)l Codar B'ln rtwillm! in ^-Momlay.,
llKi.'Al SK wiiJi It* joitr fuixls tuny U- earoingA
score of I't U. r. Ill tiivoi of the
jI ■ Cotuii'isVloni'v .t''T« is trying «o e
A .
• ni«»i.-fAli- iiitereal for you inabml of
! niuve t'.e toa-U in this Belsh'«nh<“'1
Siwrl.- everv<me Is l<m!y <-’btdi-r
lyifiE ••lie.
hot days.
Sept. i». ,
,K. Ne*-miiu ha.s Isnight a oi-W crcsiu
Ri.lp:i Knapp of Traterse Cltv !, do
fng Mime canM-nier a-ork and i>ain<i|ig
fur K. I rnkTmxpecl'cn
Finncls N.dU.- and IjoMle n.s-«, -f
of State
*1 krj. Itapidfi, are visiting in the
of MittuDf.
fj.*>rse FiMde Htiil daiicli'ei. >!:.<
Ktiviiu r<diirn<Hl home irvlay ln.i:i li.<
hos|iil:il In Traverw- Cilj.
Hr.;<l FiMiie reliirW'd In scliool a'
Traierse City.




i>«ANK .V





Bright'a I
Sept. 10.



Mr:. l1evih.?..n 'ls.r-^«.-,'. ;
--h Mis.- 8:trtt of Tmver*e : - V*. O. S Undef.
da»s fii -TtaterTe h
wr^k Tner-Ui
'Taei“li»‘ a.
t,, isM-n ,,, „.l/.da.-. io>,ed 4
‘danc|«cjNlnv m ij. it
la Cm
WM'o 1» ruen uv I
- rity
r- Asylu
..................... Ai In asMtaj's life li
rjri-n.:e.i :„mn ».l.ugg.F«d.,»
andjhU Vw No .foci..r
game* tdavwl until
late, ho^r
I ihliikinc " I
Mr RMs-rl Cbiw
IS' llS.i
S. pt !•

p-tonnber Discoun't Ssle on



Ten per cent saved is
much bener than money
in the bank......

Hoating S-toves
a~XUR UNDERTAKING to distribute throughout the Grand Traverse region the
greatest number of stoves ever attempted by any retailer in the past, compels
us to offer Inducements to prospective stove buyers such as they have never
received before. JusW whom Lhoy wont a stovo. Realizing that
nothing but an exceedingly low price would move these stoves we have marked them
at a figure that makes competitors complain that we are offering the.m at lefs
than a Uving profit.



You only have to se­
lect your stove a week
or so before you need
it in order to save ten
per cent.............

Ten Per Cen-t Disooun-t Dciririg September
■f'HIS 10 per cent. \ym be deducted from our extreemly low prices and this liberal, heretofore unheard of offer right in the beginning of the stove
season, offers you an opportunity'to secure your winter stove at a price far below what you expected, or, are willing to pay.
Thl« dls-


oouna luisaa ahrouKh SspLomber only.





DEMEMBER wo are the original complete home furnishers in your vicinity, and through us you can supply yourselves With all the homo nocossitks
^ 0<nuxuries that go to make the home the most pleasent place on earth.





places the possession of a perfect home within the reach of all. Our years of experience in the home furnishing business has taught us that the
people are, not only to be trusted, but that they appreciate the privilege of an unlirriited credit.
It is true that the advantages of an unlimited credit
system are enjoyed by the dealer as well as the buyer because it almost doubles the volume of business. We would rather have the goods in your
home knowing that they would be paid for in the future, then to have them left on our salesf loors unsold.

On Xhursday, Sep-tember 20th - 3ll dsy
1N front of our store we wiV give a demonstration of the only stove that will burn hard coal, soft coal. coke, wood or rubbish and burn same without
• the least particle of dust, dirt or smoke. Don’t fail to see this wonderful stove in actual operation, doing just what we claim for it. REMEMBER



Your reliable
home furnisher.


The Store that meets
your every home want.

:. ..i.,■:■.■ W,l in-i..f...


A .jia ..Lt. ki;--,.-siuMAaiarifl




Nr. and Mra. Nick Nelaon are apendHANNAH.
. Tbe ArlMlim h*U
iSHr aunkl tng a few dar* la Trmverae CI17.
. Dan Pralt drove to
Vlcaic at ihclr hall laal WetloMday.
rre abc
Mr. and Mra,
Ira, B. O.
r, aod Mr*. Dave }Hammrr of Clbbam RD U) achool.
..Je gnodav.
Mra. J. Abby baa aetumed to her
Mr. and Mri. John fUart, of Wear«rd. vWted the fonner's BOlhar Bun- hoate here afier apending aeverat
weaka ai Lake AM with her atner.
JJra. Shernaa Rva* of SauUe 8te. Mra. Prank Sinclair and Mra. Gama
Marie, wax the gaeM at Mr*. Ba*Hac» l.,ake.
ideraiand ttaar Mra. Col. Lake
toet week..
ta no better. She la «t CaOtllae.
Mall KoMce) baa abU bti farn
Mr. Shiftier will leach at Uke Ant
l>e Oibba.
alao Mlaa Benlamlne.
Sept. 10.,
Mia. Archie Smith relumed to her
home at MavSeIri Iasi Thuradar.
Mra. H. R. Batca accompanied h. i
Llrjde Miller, who bas been aaalat
Trareree CItj
tax Mra. Alkiitaon wtib her bouae
work durinu the abianaer. waa calM
heme on acnnnt of the IIIol-mii uf her
Emory Halleii accoinpanleil bv Mra.
Hiram Hsilell. drove «o Trav.-nir- City
Dr. Fibber of Chlraso. ia apendhlx
a eonple «>f weeV* al Traverae !.akr
reeon. ettioflna the Sabine and nthe We<lnesday. .
mislle uf ibe ibreshinB ms
tOcaanrea of ooaatrr life.
chine is board once n>ore In our vl
Will Atklnaoo at Traverae C»>
clnliy. The Tag^n machine,.
Tiie l«ll game belwcco Maple City
IS mill IT la favui
(■line ladlea relumed lo Clthnca
•if C«-dsr Ron. Hurry up. Ma]ilc.e al l.^k<Then- will be a ball game
I. Iieiween
na next Sauinlay. Sopt.
rilh hia paronta..
the Uke Atm Mg nine and W«wl Al
Ira lilile nine. Come one and
There will be a parly at Hull
Sept. iS.
lary t h
The math l^c of cnnveraailnn lo
the localiiy la tbe tntenaV warm wealh•r and tbe abaence uf.raJn..
Mra. Mvron Culver la quite alch of
Mlaa Fannie Heweii. wlio has licen
facial ervalpelaa.
vislllng ai Harbor Springs since ihiHr. and Mra. Ellawartb
IM of July, la home again.
apflU Sandar.lD

If Bar,
Mrs. A. D. Hewitt ami son Gny viail
Tbe woman'a borne mlaalonaiT tr>-J-for a few daya with Mrs. Hcwlit'r
Tcletr wilt give a aupper next Saturday
brother. Ernest DeGraw, of Maplelun
evening at tbe borne of J. SiilUvan.
William Edwards baa the Job uf
Mra. Arllo Jobnaion left here Monbmiding a new bouse for Peter Rusho
May for Big Rapida 10 attend tbe FerTbe dimensions of Ibe house will lie a;
ri* innlitiu.
follows: Upright
12 G. post:
School began here the tih of Sep­
wing. 11x24. The building ia lu M
tember, with
4 in three weeks.
a. principle.--------Gi?a nomine ia the Hal
cpe an prlmarr leacber.
a flowing well un bla plsce. In driving
Mlaa Agnca Mabn baa acecpled
for a well he succeeded in gening an
pnriilon aa leacber in .Cbteago and
artesian well. There are others who
,»ofi for that place Thuraday.
hare good flowing wells In this pan uf
Mr. Snd Mra. Bright are borne from
the town. James I). Beach. Ernest J.
Detroit, wbare they hare been vialttag
Taylor and Forrest D. Taylor nre
during Mr.,Brlgbf
nong the number.
Jerrr Bifllivan.
Next Monday ML and Mra. A. W.
Ilvan nre vtaiiin
Tyler lake possesstoo of tbe Valley
RapMa at prenenL
Lumber Co. IsiardlBg house at East
Tbe Clipper look tbe lodge
For a good many years the
tbrir famlliea up the lake lo Novalh'a
house was ke|rt bv Hr. and Mra. John
Manding for a picnic laai SandBy. which
Dickerson, it waa a well kept house,
waa reported n veer plenannt affair.
as Mra. INckt-rsoD is a good cook. Mrs.
Mra. L«thrc^> did abopping is TravDickerson's health U sucb that
erne CUr Monday.
will go back on their farm ic
Mra. Bnebaher and little aon. feMmed Monday fraoi Detroit, where again.
The vote al the primaries 'on the
they hare been vUIUng frtenda the
moosltion to bond the county
lain two weeka.
Hf.OOO wi lor by the following v.
The C. B. aociety diabaoded
» G.r. 4B,*_......... Tbe majority of
Mirinff. hot Till meet next Bunday
ay believe that
TvcTlBff at aeves o'dofk to raorg— people of Bast Bay
less tbtn eighty act . p-ould I
make improvements o the at
Mra. Otto gad family
Bay. and Mn. Kennedy and famUy of $l2<i>oo.
John Carlisle Thurwlay
of Long Lake, vlilted their parent!.
the horses of his work team badly in­
Mr. nnd Mra. Henry Uahn.lift Su^ay.
jured. - They were In the pasture and
iMgnn kicking one another, one kick­
ing the other so badly that ihe aerTices .of Veterinary Getmnn ol Trav.
Wm. f .
erae City were
.tied ta lown Friday.obliged to use 40 atltcboa to dose the
Mra. D. il. Day and daughter
d Baielle. were Gmplre calle
Many of oamotgbbora attended the
Mte Own SUaona of BurdicHvllle, fnneral Sunday afternoon of Louis
Malson. a former rcsldenl of East
panabd through tom Wedneaday on
Bay. l,ouls dlwl of consumption. H.
her way to South ManUou. where ahe
was 25 year* of age. He died at th»
. will apend aotne Ume.
home of. bis widowed mother. Mrs
Henry Walker.
Grand Hav.
here tialtlog bla brother Cnpt. Walker, Henry- P. Forttm. of Traverae City. H«
waa an only son. Mrs. FbMon has ihof Bleeping Bear life earing auUon.
aytnpalby of all In her sad iMTcaveMr*. R. H. Day. daughter. Mrw. Pear' non. and arm Robin, who have been ment.
Ab. Andrus, a former resident of
apending the nummer nl their eoiinge.
East Baf. writes from Toeomn, Wash.,
Lorelei Lodge. IMi Monday for their
that wages are good: from *2 to I2.2.1
Mnnea In DMrolt.
The WencoU Haded Imnber for Mil- for mill hands and steady work the
year round. He aays the weather has
vankeo ooe day tbia .week.
been hot and dry. He IP soon to go
Mra. Stmmona and non Gerald ar­
Oregon, aa be says he don't like il
the Hiiaouri Friday tor Ken­
seven weeks of aleadv rain during
wood. from'Macklnac.
He pn-fer* 1)
Mlv BeU F. Cook, of Olen Arbor, WoablDglon winter.
apani part of the paaiI week with tl.r snows of Oregon.
David Provancher and James Pro, Mlaata AUoa and Bva
have lieen
Mr. and Mra. A. Hleronymua. and
entertaining a brother. Oliver, whon.
daagbler Meta. Mra. C. Zetlnela
they had not aetm lo over *n years.
-danghlM- Iragarde and acn-anu.
His home ti in Chobovgan. Afle
have been apending the aiunni<-r
IdHa-Wblte cottage, left Friday on the brothers had been
three weeks, the three brothers left
, lUaaoari tor ChHaga.
Hr. and Mra. R. P. Kelley, of Chl- Monday (or Monin-at. Canada. 10 visit
their agcsl
mother and
cagn. arrived on tbe Illinois Satunlay
youngest brother, who has the care of
:' evening, lo apend a few daya at Crdnr
the mother.
We can Imagine the
^Mr'and*Mm, P, Becker called at delight and pleasure ibe ii)otb<-r will
tbe home of Mra. J. H. Mrinnia Sun- have in visiting ber tons, who as Can­
ada boys of 1C years, left their homes
^ day.
to become good and true rltixi-iis ol
Mra. W. H. Morria of BaU
the V. S-. the land of the brave and
I and HIM Rotabel Hamsmen
Franciaeo. who have been vialUng Hr. inie- The brother they will visit is
and Mra. Wm. Farrant. of Bast Empire now 3fi years old and when they left


left eat the Mliaoart Friday for Cbica-

irib tnntog of tbe game between ih8. W -a and B. J.'s. Tbe former lad
not baring time to Mud.v base Ui
rales, could not be etmvlnced-by ibe
decisions of the amplre.




Mr. and Mra. G^-org*- RoM:i*on vl*Sunday with Hr. and Mr*. F.
Eaatr and family.
Mis* Rosa KiHlogg is m Hi

pBjwrentliieJ 'Vhlkltes-;. ti-. Ho
ol the WertO." by Mr*. E A. Vo‘
of Empire. Hl*n**edbv
map, Mra. O. Sberwfs'1 ati'l I\- I -.
Sept. 10.
summer for' White,
James Kearni;. unifl they w.-n'
MHa Mary Scofleld «-as home from to Ireland on a visit, when she went u
Reliort. ef the dUmi3b’'.>. / .
hilt brother John's to help care (or ihe
le penlnaula over Sunday.
two oldest children in their absence . ;ee <-aH. d for am! ai-'-.-iUe 1 a-- :• •
Mr. and Mra. F. C- Buck are v
Mov.-i: h;- Reb . y.imt.t rman
While working at the laller plaf.
log their son Miles at Gladstone.
was taken slri^. but did not give Mr. J Willi ie a del-;-.i'c-.1'1,1
•Born. Sunday. Sept ». IWri, to
ju 1 '-t(or abmii a meek after, and by:
anff Mra. Brace HeraM. a wu.
Mot.*! thtl’ Mls-O, a Aek'tm
time tbe fever got qiilie a start.'
Mr, and Mrr. Reynold* and gn
-ikdegai' lo the •late
I>r. J. Reiigseggar l« doctoring her .-d.
daughter. l>Hila Conklin, of Harifi
prr-sent. and has some doubt* ol h--; ,
ng at -the CouMln home b
Mev-d au.l seerj'';..! ihal ':!
ever gelling Will, so tbi writer its*
, Mav of Bellair.- and Mr*.
P^ ol.tJn-n/nv.uiiion i-i iiiiirnbeen Infortned.
.. KixOQ of Hilltdale spent Son'll
Mr. and Mr*. Mik- Payuieot -pent
lughter. daughter an*
with Iheii daugl
Vei- of^thauk* ulM-r. t-v _ii,
r»f day* al Bmpiri- aiieadlng soqie
. Mr*. Charles Eaicn,
iiholic meetings whik-ihin-•iie.1 with Mis*
Mr*. Frank Dimn
A.ric-En;i'ir'-Gifl'r ij -. •
Mr- and Mr*. G. Hteok*
wen: :o
Sooliia Vlmtin over Sunda;
Oku AtUir one day U't wi-k.
In spile of the extreme')wan
Wi*th»T. the social givcii fiii :lu- pxi
l*re.kleii-,' J
Some iMirik'* in tki- nrtghl)orhi«-rt
and his family laH FrtiUy ereiiln
tlier ilijukttii(-m!i<lve* »< rj smart, nr and it'g.-atpif.
1 well atieii.lMl. nmi was a snece.*
Souk- •*•• c-st'tur *U[-iri:i!e-ld, tit. .MiI mi»cbl
iir.*-i I'f;
ip-.-nman'-i plae*Charte* Rali.n wa<i in B<-IIain- o
• to let Mr Hn«d..
b'i'biaei. .
buslneas last W*-*]iifSiliiy
rhestcr l,o«-ks' la.-ftitie--. ait 1
Mrs. Will Pray it-turutd
Milk- five Rusl.f-U of <01* ofibeni. 1i
home III Traverse CHv Sii'unlay. alt*
'i-.e;.i,j..,not i-rioucb for th'-in in <'••.(•!<•
an extended vl>-lt wl'h h<r |ur<-ni;
' grairi ill ha!f once, but must hare
Mr. and Mrs K. Stlifs.
ite some one •'Ne lii’.’ide I' agam
QulTe a iiiimis-r from tierr aiieuded
one that cioild loll us sirklv .1
the pleiiie ai Charlevulx Iu*i
as Mr, i'riailw Mad trv lo
1-*. r» gellini; pre'iylow
<- iM’side*.
heurtili- wish tlu-m mucli
.tsuie of sncii a iiirie mlnil'a* ‘ha’
grain did not go ven- far. arid ;i
Joseph Hermann and l>roili>T Floft
• they slide II mmi. all they ii-- !
n madP-a trip tu Clilrago, reulinlng
do Is to let u* kmiw uml we wi:
home laai WiNtnesday.
;e up a snbwriplloii for them. Al'-’
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. H. Ranke


If 0 Hers. Why K4 Ym ?
Cvltir Kon. Mich . Aittf M«>;.
1 h-ne is-i 11 ir. tilil'O wiili lioHilacliee for over W j-eara.
i;-t\e i.-.kvti m''i;riiiii I'l.n*. wt iil.l stop It for
It.-. 11 ire !.- I»'«.
liv i;'aaa*-* funiieliivL at
-i'.v Dr

!'..iil*..w. tiiun Ly all the ui-iH' itie 1

rir ■ riiiri n

DR. P. & WOlFf. Prop.
4t J 4M WilUtlai BIk.

working for Mrs.
Mrs. Ells Gwnl
1. Bankey.
and Mrs. O. R.
.. ......................
.. riayr
daughter Alice, visllivl Mr imd I
Frank Dazell Sundtiv afternoon.
Mr. and Mr*. kYank R. Elll* *
entertained 1u' Mr. nod Mr*. Joseph
AmisliUCliler Stiiidav.
Ml*s Esther IpITIer enlertalneil
number of her young friend* with
uariy Sunday afternoon In 'honor of
her 12lb birthday.
Several went from here lo Keswiek
iod«T to sMcnd the (inieral of Mrs!
C. Revolt.

IB years old. He leaves parents, broth
er «ind slaieta and relativea to mourn
bla loss. The beretviMl bare the ln-art.
•Il Srmpathy of the aurroundlnr
Mra. C, P. Bates was the taK-ri tif
her daugbier-lo-law, Mrs. Hank Bate:
for the past week.
Earl Grey and Mlaa Ulllan Gray
•ere up to Traverse Citv on biiatoesa
ar day last week.
There was quite
ad H« Tuc
mhoa and Mias Mary Canute.





le baggy over were thrown
« bORg}'. The horse t>ec:ime f
I and ran away, liirolog ihr baggy
rer and breoking it quite badly. No
met were broken.
Mn. Maad
Wilson wd
3aUh. Mr*. Cari Bates, -were the
tnesta uf Mrs. I.. B. Bales last Turslay from Inland.
Fred Wilson will fake In the fair

tfter peaches Salurdtr.
Mr. and Mrs. Asa Palmer dove
Traverse City Saiurdav
e '^eiaa Swec
radine. staying to the
'Mart show.
Mr. and Mrs. Sldnev
Bales and
T and
^Ud. Mr. and Mra. Asa Painter
•bildren. Mr. and Mrs Jesse Hallett.
»"rier Rales and Joe Jonea were nil
wUing CO Mr. and Mrs. Rnfua Bair
The g»l«i mm at Ijke Ann la run
line foil tdaai now.
Viri. SpalTool will go to Grand Rap
»da u; lit- I
- '

n i i^


OR. B I ?mm, Asl.
Trartirse atf

CU. I'heBC 354

d parties most have go' li'ingn f< 1
milk, as l-Hb'Mr. Uuati' ciw* and MBriHxks' have keen rt-ci-ul'.y mllke.l.
G.-.H-ge Kellogg is building a kiictu-1
nil) hi* house, making It ma<1i iiicir

h'Ui-M- oil bis farm. Tbe-u ,.hl tio e.
biirifeil several year* tiao ;.i:d ti;
fauillv have *Hu-.--r<-.-lded al Ik-grat

Siil't- f.______________
Leelanau Ceahly Sunday SehoeT Cbo


Joe Hermann ia building a ctsiern,
•»l*o a foundation under the pump, for
Wm, Winsunley.
Illy Sunilav
l,n-1atiaii Comity
W. Ansorge gave a large jiarty
land ni.imiB
.social km. I
hia new granary Sunduy.
Oin-iiing s<-**ioTi I*-.! Iiy till- Re
Rudolph IJiutner Is again laid
Zlmuii'niiait <if Maple City.
with one of Joii's eomfoliera.
, l•a*lo.
K. Gauthier *|kmii Sunday in Trav­
I*. A. SmiiH of Kmpin'..
erse City,
ea|»lise. bv tile Rev. A. -A. Ailllf;
Mr. and Mr*. A: S. Smi'h euiertaiiiol Maple City.
ed company from* l,etnnd
Ihe past
liy Miss Mary S
ndny ScIusm
enlllleii "A Simdi
Sept. 10.
Worker's Preiia.
A i«aiK-r eiitliteil -ihlmary Woil.
the Fih-Ild* ciiitrch of Wapie tWj
-. and Mrs.
l>lseii*s«-d hv Rev. AIMnctim and llev
dniisbtcr .
Siipg No. l‘H front
Pcuiacrct 1!
Hvmn* No. Ti.
Mrs. Bernie Stiles is visiting 'lier
I'api'r eiilitled "I’rlvili gis an-l 1» ;
parent* at Traverse City.
tii-s of the S .8. ofneers and
Mra. Wa^e Mnnlgnld Is entr
by llie Keswick S. S.
ing her sister and niece from
l*;i:>*T from Ihe Mapk- Citv Ciui.Chicago.
S. S. ewlfled "If you would will H-IKUS." tMscii**UiU liy Kev. Smell alid
Ibhs'* this week.
--.C- Baker.
Mlaa Marian Gibbs
Roil call. ■ '* “*
Dviau Monday to .begin her second
The fcdlowlng schoofs resp-oi'te.i 10
year of work at the <-oUt |
roll eail: Empfre, Ovlan. Ea*i Kas'"u
Mls> I.vdl* Pi-ph-r N
Mapli Cit. Coiig.. Maple l'ti> f'lk'lid .
week vlKl'lnc ber brother. Tom Pep- I'or Oneida. <}■**!
ler. In tbe Cliaiidler nelghliorhood.
Sohm tlcrman Zion, lir.-ihekville. It:.Married- at the M E parsonage, at View, IliiigliBUi. K-.-wiel;, S. Enipiie
Kingsley. Mich.. Sepl. 2nd. 1000. by the t'nion SpIii»iI. DisU .No.
E. W. Wo<k1. Mis* l,1x7ie Clen
Heiiifllriion—Itw. /luimerman
ning and Mr. Bert Bnnnon. Thcy
Bvafiinq Scaaion.
siitpping at present at the honu
OTieninq *i-s*kiu le<rM>v Rev. .A. \
Mr. Blackman imlll they can -ae>
qiiarier* for housekeeping.
i'salm. fidl'iwed by
|iruyer ai..i
The hall player* of iliia place 1
praise service.
Sunday to play against the State T
Flag sons by lb<- giiis of the Enipin
Mr*. L*'D Halliduy ia repomsi sirk.
** Ik-dlatnalion.
The ijidle.-- Aid aoeleiy will resume
Life." bv t»*rar Amtvlm,-b1er.
their meetings Thiirsdav afienioon.
Soiic by the Rmidn-Girb. Qiiarn-ti.
They expect to mm with Mrs. HalilI’»p«-r eiilltled "lniprc*?.iou* I tC'lved flt tbi' State Conyeoltiin." l-i
Mias Nellie Sw'Blisun of Cixt'l Hailii'i
g days *lnce
____ _____ „ .n the room ti
. water tank fell unexiK-cuHi;
JackM-n. Nov. i:: to 1.-.. I'lO.;.
Five minutes talk on "If you wmi!-l
baa sold Ills ni;
lie a gi**! Ii-arher." was cii'H-b> H< •A. A. Allillgtnll of Maple Cll.v.
Mr*. Francis Thonii
A4<-W' wot'lK of love and d' lrtiiiinn
atK-ndecI the funeral uf
were given 1i> lit*- Ret. Mr. Zini
at Kingsley Monday afternoon.
OITering amnulHi-d i« I2>2
Mr, and Mr*. Will nia»e are.1^11-;
Song. ••Sl.-pping ill the Liitbl." stm-t
taming Mr*. ('liaM 's bioiliei and wil<
b> font young ni
Sept. II.
A, A. Albug.iui.

Friday Morning.
• -a lo ih' Ri"
JVvoiionai r
n. G. Shorter of Traverse City
seen In our midst Moiidny.
G«H>rge'Shorter of luillsiia 1* visit­
and a aafe voyage.
ing bis brother. D. G. Shorter, of Ti
Isa BlomvoUa of Pht«burg erse Cllv, also B.-n Allman and St
rs. Louii
Mr. Pike uf this place.
. _.. la vlBlU
Their Unceasing Work Keeps U-.
and Mrs. Ms
The ball game hi-re Siindav U-tw
The Isvje of the Old MIsalon I
Strong and Healthy.
r.Hlar Run Hustler* an.J Maple City
ball team eertalnly know how to
resuluil in a'score of if. to 1'
All the bl.ssl In the Imd'
P 's-ball. AfUT defeating the While
favor of Cedar Run HuMlers.
ihrontb ih'- kidm-ys one.- e'.-r? itmSondav. they defeattri '
Iinitery for C>-<lar Run. Marsh
mllniu-s. The ki-tn.-ys lili<|r tbe i'h*. .
The old- saying
"nier.>'8 1
Neumann. Case and Wils<iii; for Map> Tliey woi-k
night ami datWien
City. Hilton «nd Hilton.
In aiihy they remoV'- iilmuf r.'“- giain> cause uf tbe pulling <
Srliool eommi-nci-il al
Gnu-n ■d linpiire matter diiily.
AVfo ;i
eIlrlsr Mondav with Miss Vena E*|>a a* beuiih) M»ni.- iiaii of Ibis impui. mi’
teacher. Tlii* 1-t Ml** Espa's si>eon.l ter i' left in the ido.*l. Tin. I.i;tvg* < -i
tt'Tin iiere.
many <li*»-i.*i’* and symiuomk—pain n
Mr. and Mr*, fb-o. Burkett drove Ihe I>m k. he.iii.iche. m r'!'i;-n'l‘e'
over to t)*liorn Monday.
drv skin, rlo-nmansm. goa;. gru'-l
New la the Time to Get Rid of Your
Hairy Routson^ friom Sttbin is vi
dlMi;-!ii« of the <->e...ighl and he.viiiu.
Caurrh by Using Hyemcl.
lllng «t Frank llogers' while ri-cov<
.Il7jine*-i. irregillai
rr>- attack of apiH-<>'
dip'wsim-**. .Iropsy, d.-|H>*U*
in i!-'
Every one who la afnict«l with
urine. .-le. - nm if keep the tiHi--larrh abould take advaalage of ......................
riglii you will bate no ipiiil.i- wi i;
warm weather to get rid <if this tttxnuyMrs. George GrlflUh and daucht.
lag and dUtresalng rttsease. for the Bessie of Van Wert county. Olilh. 8i
yo-ar kldn'-y*.
If til'ler (
right treatment in August and hep- visiting h*T son Will Griffith
Mr*. Sarab S. Ha
lember will give iR-nefll mncli men- daughter. Mr*.
Mcriuiv am
M4ih.. say*- -if an
quickly than in the wltSu-r and early frieaii* the i>a*t ten d.iy*.
Quit.IS, heaiiacla-. a
nnmU-r took In the ten-day .-xcur*i
with kidney M-cn"
attack* of dir.ine
Tbe germ kllllnit and health giving
Mis* Ro.-w Ijpham 1* ver>- sick
11-;. I 1;..a II !
ktdecy <*iTn|daini.
Hyomel when bteaibetl In the autnmei this writing.
„ o
v emonths baa an even more beneficia;
Mr*. Fank Haw-y of South Kasson twenty year*, not *•*> iiad 'Inrlnc 1
earl.r |icrii-.ii of iliM >l
action than when used in the colder ,n<! slater
weather. It 1* Nature's own remedy
CraIn Thtirsdav
have ben iinabli’ to v;
for the cure of catarrh. It goo* to
Mrs. George Griffith and dauglti
c-oaipilk’d 'It w'-a
moat remote air cell* in Ihe nose. H,-s*ie. Mr*. lh-a*ir Giiffl|h.
UH-n ci'.ifinr.l to j
throat and lung*, killing and ;lriv«iig McTIitre atui children caJbol
from the system the catarrh germt.
nia llimej Iand OilSe Kohn Suiiirday
Hyomel 1* tbe almptesL most idi-.itt- afiernmin
iwycf and hi* tn-Uher *p<'U'- ley Bills
8. H. U<
have I
Frid.Tv at the home of Henry Ca*. and
sold bv S- E Walt A Son* under 1 fatiUiv ,.f West Almia guarantee m refumi the m<mey If
Mrs. George WII!ol>ee'* son and wUdoes not give complete salisfactioo.
, Mr and Mr*. Washburn and .lliii- iroiibk' which tl;.
Al this season of Ihe year, the Arst child from Indiana are vlsitlnc them. take a ikrao Cl IV.'.• Ihe ef|<-ei
day's US4- of Hyomel will snow a de­
Mias Ora Shi-ffer of
KendxIBIll'- fail to ward off .no aiiark. .-ii
ckled lmi>roTeniem In health and iii a liid.. I* vlalHng'hrr sifter. Mr*. Sfevi one to m.- and I wiil coa'iie

The weather is likely to turn cold almost any day
now, and when it dt>cs'you’II want-more clothing.
There’s many.a hew turn in Fall Fashions. Our
stock is arriving daily. ............................................

THE coats this ywar
are cut good
length and form
fitting at the
waist line^ \yith
fulness over the
hips. Ihs lapels
are long.

The Fabrics





J hid Dave good l.y

Mr. Karl H-iff was dniwned In P<«il
Inkc 8unda<^ tcrcooon by io">8 >•’
the Capaioo t
awlm from o

li»»v ••wr Inieu.'
M u.t U ;itTSt:v



tin.-, but hvv.Dr. WoUe'd nfiici!


PLMDS and rich
mixed patterns
nre the favorites.
hi-ff. t>forO wc i-hart
^^^lw ;i ur.-u vaiirtiy


Him Ikian'* Kidn-y Bdl' cun-"
Khort lime then- sill be no further
For sab- l>y ai! deal-r*.
trrnible from catarrh.
Will Simpson and sjvn Cherllr
Co.. . i’- tfa! ■
You lake no risk in biivlng Hynmei.' of llaviland. Ohio, are visiting Iter
New York. S'dc'ag-at' b'r Hi.- Cii.o
tsimplelr ouifll eoaia but tl.B
, ler. Mew Frank Hhivey and ojher 1
im bollle* 5ue. and if after using. .viM|t|v<«. I'liarley will remain h> le ami Slatu-.'-lkan’; -^ai.
gay it ha* not hel|>nl you. S. R. Wall work this coming wiiilei.
*j. U'-iiiemle-r the
A Sous will reiura your muiic:.|
gvpt. n.
[take no utuer.



ji.iUcrn<. J


For the young m-?;Vwho w.ant
the latest kink*i w/e sJ'iow many
of the best makes. . . . . .

For tho middle-aged we always
have the more quiet patterns.


OUllwr—M»». M*ry Revold. wlfe

Mr* W. 11. Jtdmiuut Saturdayod In
Tiaverse City.
' Mr. and Miw. I. L. Dame nod son
arersnping on Cat Head point.
Mr. .Ptnale Broseh reiiiroed Salutdsy to hU booie in Louisville, after
•fending a few w-eek* the gucRl of
Edward Raasom.
Mr*. G<-orge Dame and daugbier.
Edith, returned home Saturday from
Trareriie City, where they have be.
Linlen. speadingethe pa*t two week* w)
Mr*. Wm. Darrow.
Mr*. Wniels reinrneil to her home
fa JntirKVille. Wl« . Friday afteitioon.
wa* laid at real in Kvergreen eeme- after bsvlog spent the pa*t Tew we.
the cuesi of-Mr. and Mrs. H. K. C
icry. St+t. 10,
George H. Brown, aged 7fi years,
and a plor«fer o( this aeriinn. covering
Real Estate Tranafero.
a phriod o
"• iblrtr-nevea year*

of 'Cbao. Bmrold, p*s(ed avar Samr- decedent Itwvex
4ar art«rtMcm at 2 o'chiek at their three sister* and two brothers. The
funeral will take place ipninirow. and
Imbc iM«r Batumi Bay. at i
the remiilDM will be laid at revl in Ev­
7A jreara. 4 moothi ami » d
ReroM bad bees to failinx health (or ergreen reniPtery.
Little Forreai Limeh. aged out- jt-ar.
a Baatben of r««n. but wan eonflaed
V monlbs. nineteen day*, died ISal-

of «bleh she wat aYenlar aiiendaoi.
leave* a aorroolna buibaod. a *0!i
Pred RcTold, t»o dauirtiler*. Mr*. C.
H. KJn* of Webhertllle. Wkh.. and
Mr*. A. W. Meben of Ke»*lck. ouv

Craad child and a niece.
y Sunday morning. He had
Befan. DOW of Detroit, who alway.<
made her bame with Mr*. Re^-old. Ireen sick Mliutii two.weeks. The fun­
beetde* a large number of n-lalive* eral wa* held from the home today.
and friend* who mourn her departure ■ be Rev. A. L Thurston officiating.
The funeral, whk* wa* largely at a**lslod by th" Rev. A. J. Plait, ihe
tended, waa held from the Evangelical Rev. Wm. .Nickerson, and the Rev. E.
dinrch Monday fofenoon. the Rev. W tv. Wood. Perh'gp* the rooM lourhlng
Shelly ofllclallng. The funeral wa: ■•an of the w-rviee* ,were the tribiili-s
In charge of John Oft of Sutton* Bay. paid the d<-ceawd bv the Rev. A. I..
Tboee who attended from n dlHtance TIitirKUHi Aiiil the Rev. Wm. NickerAlthough'past W year* of age.
«ero C. H. King. Webliervilie. Mr.

lied very Hearreealle
and Mra. On*.
Heady the Rev. Niekruum
Behm. Tmverae Clty.^Mrt. H. Spinnihen nnd Hr. and Mra. A|ben SaiiUirn.
of Elmwood. Mlaa Ida Dchm of IV- Brown. Thi- service *'as very largely
Btiended. es|M-clally by the pioneers
of ihl* section. The rcnuiins were liiid
...^eerla, Prnnk Amtahiiebler. Sietrben at rest in Evergreen'ceau-tery. IV-cennd Fnnk
Lnntner rof Splon,
deni leavi-s-a wife and inrc*- son* to
outer* from SuiUms Bay and liingham. inoiirn their Ions. The «ums are Rob­
ert and J. R. «if Kliigslev and Win. of

Sept. II.
Ontonagon county.
At present ihc apple market here
very ssteady, a Urge amoiuil of iFieni
A. McQueer of Cedar wa* In c
Inge iodav.
Mr*. Ortamore ii enjoying i
Mr*. l'ark<T Is ntinilHTtsI amoiic the
lag at Peto»key.
ick this ■
Mr*. Hetiaa visited Ian we
larknl the la*i game sif
Traverse Olty.
the si-nson for the Kingsh v inse i>ali
Mr. 4md Mrs. Sebaub. acmmpsnleil team, when they score.1 a victory over
by Hr. and Mra. Scott and Mrt niui
rrieila team by Ihc deci»lvc
Mra. Deimp. went yesterday to spend
e of 9
the day with Mrs. Sebaub * father. "
ihedomenal suceexs
i> ha*
being hi* birthday. They gave falir
tbl* seasni
season. A total of 22 games hav<Bice willow rocker to remember hi*
70ih milestone.
The addition to the convent 1* com­ agcof.Kn. DuHng
ahilside teams
hey have gl'
pleted and school becan tbi* morning
five shutlouts.
largest l>cing il
Buckley. H and A.
of the game «
kDdcwnlkcr returned
Mrs. E. C.
bia iBBlIy at Cedar.

n the farm.
A pleasure party stcnmetl t

Hr. and Mra. Derrup and family lei
in Ohio. belD



has lieelf visiting friei
Married, at the Baptist
on Thiirsilav evening, Sept. fi, by the
Rev. -J. E. Platt. Me. lUy Baldwin of
Kingsley, nnd Miss Effle lUglrea. of
Summit City, They were attended by
Mr. J. Herltorl KHzgerald of Summit
City, and MIRS Grae*' Wlllsey, of Hud-

Traverae City
, Valle

who have Iteen vlaliing here.
Mrs. KIsbeih '
father from the aonih.

Mr. and Mrs. Bil Tenii n tiirneil
their home lit Jlatilc Crerti ihl* mo
Ing. after haTlng spent a week the
guesi-s of Mrs. Guyles and Miss Emmi
Roy left this morning for
lllvet. where he will liogin hi* thlnl
ear In eolleg**.
C. tt. Kehl Jtnd niece. MIrr Clara





hranrhes and tninks^of tree* api-ear

They stood looVins at

lie spk-n.lid monnnK-nr.' when Adams

la other place* ;rtnark«-d:

“ThlR is the

wher-- Warren fell."



“Ah." replied Ihe

Th.> soli is ter- Eng'l-hman. evid.-nlty nut v<-ry famll

alter a liltlc digging.

iiil H 1* only ebinll all to twcH-- lar wfli .Amerlcar history, •'Waa he




Ihiitigh ntiuusly hart by hi* fair'

everything there ,wa» o:ice p<-:rilled
nod covered with la.ver* .4 soil.

am* bstked at

Mr. Ad­



Aside sat<l h.-. "He wa» killnl. *ir."

ydu have really never
eaten a true soda cracker
until you have eaten


from ilK-»e peiriB.-l tree* 1 found vart- i:i-J.-d." the Eneli-broan repne.1. atlll
i ml'i.-rwlR,


being an eiper*

aiK.h things. I -would not und-'rtdke
say what

kind of min.-raU

’y.'in; the mnouinent' and



-nsg to eomptiu- it- height In hi* Owt



.<51. Uii:;* seolosl-tR say tln-y
> not familiar with

---WoU. t should think h.- mlgh-

-•17 II. .-a—falliag *o far."


The-Haw-aiiaD Rt-publirau H-rritorial


coamy niiaral wonders and some of, 'env.ntton held on the Island of MituI,

the sperizhen* Mr. V-oebera brmigh:
L. W. Hul.bell and wITe to Walton
with him nuxxlcd them.
CranlM-rry Co., part-el*. Ilfitrt.
L. P. Haskins et al. to Walton Cran-'
Hu- new- cnmman-i-T in chief of 'he
Iwrry Ca. iiare.-lR. roc, 32. T. 22 R.
Inmd Army of the Bepiibiie. G«-n.
erat Robert It. Brown, I* a native of
e Walton CrwnI,. P. Haakin*. c
:13. T.
R. tt. Ohio iiid .11 years ol-I He hn* u spb-n '■
iM-iry Co., iiai-eeU,

Thomas Wimams to I.. P. Ilaskin*.
I'wreclR. sec. 33. T. 2.V Ri ft. $l.>*1.
Etlgar E, Hiase, »n.l wif.- ... I»nls
Cb meni. lot 2t. blk. E, H. I- & f*. *
Till. VM.
J. H. MnurTM. ami wlf.- to hNlle E.
H«iiistoek. parcels
wm. Uent<>u Tompkins w al. to Mr«.
M. B. M.iiiro.-, lot It. blk. 2. 1*. II. IM
James Kellogg-aml wife In Rsicr
Conine. parrels. *«*•. .3i:. T. 23. It. 12
Elmer E. Cliamphtn nnd wife in Al
»*•« J. Iiarv4.y. e. al. n 3d acn-s o
nw«i of *eU see. 21. T. 23. R. 12
G»*)rgo n, Evan* to Alice May Evan:
ntt <tf Hcti see, 22, T.23. R. 12, $1.<ld.
Jnm.-s M. Ciaiulall and w lf.- to Mr*
Matilda J Ciilv.-r. luirri t*. ITnd.
WllUs K Allen In Philli.. Miller. nH
of wi4 r.f IK'I. S.-C 23, T. 23. R, 11.
Hannah iJly S C.> lo John Hoolihan,
w 23 ft. I.g Ifi. blk. 3.
P. T. C.

1iunk.T Hill.

and saake* can be veto wbil;
passing la u wwgon.

n-eurd as :■ r.ddl.T

He remain.-d


ai)mlnai<--1 Jotu*

ar.i'].-. for n-.-IeeHi-a a»




Till- *>'Oi--are of .tea’ll lupoi-e.l ui*ia
Z-liuide Knn.ipliaiiikovii. the girt s'
araasstnai.-d Gin. Min

The only soda cf4cl^*«S'
-which is all good and
always good, protected
from strange lumds by a
dust tight, moisture
proof package.


Pe-.-rhof, who SB* con-h-mued on A:

four iintsy by e-.uirt martial to
yeat*. waK K.a.-i’- iy wi><l whih- it. *-il! !m- earri.-.! oat M-o.lsy tifgbl.
Ur. KuiH. j-'i-chK. ihr. p
a'eil'.a lH-f.>re Atlorna. Ala., and-v<f.--*..p
Hei.l.UMa ni.ilal »l fui disiiagi»I*ll.-<t and nurli-iriou'*- rviee. Gen- uiily>-i*lty, hns t'-iir.-.1 on Ibe ground

till-'sr-ivlce iitr

uiori- ibau

i-cal Briiwn w.-is Hu- r.ninJi-r of Uie of HI heallh.
N.-l-raaka ha* a vonng woman nomi
Sailor*' liooie at

Olilo Sol.II.-r* and

Sandusky sm.i M-rv—t iw.-ly.- year* airiisKH- Ilf that iti>-tliiiiiaii.

Is id ioi|w>*ing

Be.- for the ot*le.- .if ei.aMv aitoru.-y

Hi- i* an In Hie iKTHUi of Mis* E! Mae Da\1*on
of Umg Pine.


|Mtrs-mal a-i


p«»rane<-, I* tlill.- at»l •■tu-rgetle in bis

liny tu-uil--.--' i>t

!u»t /.-or'*

For many y.-ar* thueral «ro*-f. fr.-.-limiiu ela*- at Y..I.- hud h.-nti iliha* iM-en the roai.acing editor of the ea*e was on-- id i1-c ma-b'
ZanesOlI- ('*>iiri.'i- II. Is a proTuim-til by. I)ir.-.-ter Wtiliatu G. Ainl.'oou of





l-i- -!*-al.*-nti.l wrll.-s Willi i-U’lal



old. aiiil w.-II kn.inn all ov.-r souThera
H-- glv.-s
Illinois funy year* agi> as •ti- of the Ibiriv y.-ars ago.
|Mil|)li orator*., lias ju*i ha.I i--Tiil»n III III* urri.i fliiaii.'i affair*
plaetsi oil a gtaiihoplHUi.- rt-eonfa iM-n- .

Talking al>oul





Ete-lj^.'PftVK'h. ib-rtuaii up.i

of a- S|*li .bi-l--

his fatlit.r'i' iiiiilK'. iitngiie..

lliiyiiu Pall*.
-llabMi.dla Khun, rtu* aaii-i-r of-.5f
(».-r I.o-n t*’»l>><' mad.- ill hr imgjoiiiisti.'n. bii* .-Of 1‘l.ti-rabi.- uo-tute.'
- ,
tiirul >kill nn.l I* iaid ti> il.-*lgu lii- imtv milk ill Batll.-'<'r«.k. •
..»tu Itilae.-*, ^..u. :'^ii.i mart.l.' .-..’i.'r
ll.-iiioi. tlarlK.r poor maslcT bad no
birg.-ly iiK.t Hi-ir .v.iistractl.Mi
and upp-l.'uiioii* for iK-lp ilutlug August.

l-iiot anif l-ai'^abl oi i. Iil--l>
. Herman W. Smith ami wife to Reni.’
t hull ntJ.iiura.-lur»-r In Basle ClTy.^'*’
Thirlbv ft al. parrel*.- sec. 10. T.
uii-l >i.-w .b-piiiy miiyoi- .h Mab’
a., has a gual wi.rkiiig km>wl.-dci
ba* a**i*’t-.l In H..
Klx langiiag-K Im-1.1.-* English,
Faivn.-n..Siipuly Co. m Trar. City
.d IU-. 1
Mfg Co.. 1pareels. H L. & Co. s Pent fat hi-r is a Kr.-lieli seholar and iniigH j
imeBis liuve lioiion-fl hitii
wvKul sub. fllv.
Iter the language; her m<ub.-r. whj> i-i own.' whii-li -ronfei
of Geramii ili-sei-Dt. liiisniried
Thirlby e
cliil.Ciii the tongue of tin- faili- ilaii.l
1st. $27iNI.
lilciiaid l’<-arson li.-l>*»ti.
Swedish nor*.- eanies .hi her
. Ashley C. Elder ail.l

-I--eial1i Ii.;iu.itiirl'*i*.il it. Kuroi*- for' ri.-H I.r l■llllslb'M hnd luirn« barna-d.
tht.'. AlgliJU, eoiiit. yneji.iliug i-b’i .r.--' ' a*irolm:.-r aaya emr «iT
ligbi*^ piiiut.* and .lie . pbiuingniplRUMila Will Ik- kilb-aJ lo' 1-trab It. IWfi.
The nuoi i'* imnli'o* jiro oti a -.^tr
IbltU- ('r.'--k moiorniaii iosi *lght of

4 in.-l<

Ham Groesser. lots 2<> a
H. H
icy tp
Rnw-mai neU.oT sw’4 f

:i'.l Slut.-* iipiy aii't wlio*.
oumtimtiieail.iii with ilu- iiny charg.- of tb.' I’nii.-.l

. ,4. T. :
n Rildidpli

Floyd I.. Smith c
ttnedoefT. lot 4. blk.
SUi. $12111.
Rallle Raff to G.-o W. Raft, i
27-28. Wk. 1. H. L. & Co's. 1st. $:non,
Richard Hiirlb.m and wife to Rob:.
R. Walter, part of lots 2. 3 ntiil 4. blk.

S<-aadinavian rtiab-ci. ft. ad.iitliiu
hi*, aimibei .s.-iy:iiil liii* drilk-4lftttT>iu


pr.-KM-«l a

Iwn lad :lt the iron fouiidiy

■ Im- naval ciuniissl.m.

learhliig Iter S]uini*li.

Is i

A Ru**iait

l*auHtiil tilings

S.-o’i* •«•»(■.' ;.ii.r«h'M>.l.i--riil.-r-uhii- M

Tli. imtiry «fi

the mitiiuily in H... bou.-e |* ggainsi
liugi- navy, whlli- Mr. 11»li*<m is j
.'iiro.'*1 ndv.x-aie of InereaiMitg it.


formed aboard

a, tug




T'be ni'*i w.uuini (la.'O.r ei.-r

lie lH-:iutiful


who .b--,

.et as fur away a* |K.-»ible friitu h--:

thing would tend tn ri mliirl her of tij.
Senator P. C. Knox i>-iiirn.'-l from
Aski-d for his opln

lun on Mr. Bryan'* advocacy of gm
ernmeet ownership of isllrnad*. tli

• Giuud Raiibl* MibniK d.-dd.-t urrom





o! tb. Jolm W. -1.-> fen.



of wrtMWll*


im iKWfhejtfcl Vnb*

City. '
Grow-'i- of


n.-w iiunid.1.' l.-ft :b.- R-.uan

ia sUlc air-


nhh'h. *he wav l-tougbl ity.. win-ii

II jib-, n vUnl ..woik

■kolR iK-hiR e


||.Gi..',U*i f inur.bT.-r.

of H

H. :

-1 lu-ar So. tw boat .

................... Ill I t'-O'u'-

$-'•"< to 10

■\ .•aiii-l.i-.

East Window.

New Fall Waists
ever shown in Traverse City.

Over 50 Different Styles
in White Waisis. Hlack Waists. Coinr. tl
Warats anti braiitiful I’laKis.

A Special Price on Every-Waist. Ranging from Sl.25 to $10


AntJ they arc swi-II, they’re really *w»-ll.
yoti’ll say so when yim

A Great Display of

A Great Display of

New Fall Skirts

New Fall Coats

7 «v-v\'

Strictly tailored made, from the *eason’s most
fashionable materials ami offered at prict-s
which are irresistably aitract^'e—

for Ladies, Misses anti-Children. A crand jrath*
eriii}' of practical and elaborate styles, all marked

at Special Prices

$3.98 to $12.00
An Impressive
Display>of . . .


Ital.lwiii lace*

f.iung ’4'i.k.w. who ba* br->n^

.y-i-ar* .'if «g.-. pi.-fertlui.

I 1^
lo tndi'co early hiiying.

AH the newest
Weaves and Colorinifs.

.An A']oi]ii'-tt>.-t f tie:- , f-.r 3’rtll iH»l Wiiih-r dr-.
-nKJiHil iiiapei-iisin
i.U-.-i <»f ili»--d.- >}i' un-1 .-liarai-tI.f 111.-*.- fall g.H*is '•It. i"- .d»L'i u.-d only
Hitidisl--. Lr-bd.-lotlII. t’anania, W.wil
Tlx-sclt-ctiou iueio-lcs Mil'll
li ij..........................
li.-sirHl.i- (til.iicstie
................ ....... .
. H'-ic

TalfcUii. Sert>c. I’ranellu. KiichBli Worsi.*!

have opene.l,hU mouth an-l put hi'

The New Autumn Silks ““

ftiot In h.

Effects for waists, in the genuine Scotch Clans.

senator sai.i:

young lamhti.


1 A c MDpl.-u- and i-ouipn-lietisiv.- aswtm.-nt of lit-

sordid tasi.-R of'the world.
Enrope Tuesday.

Mi.'y-'fYtl.-r fari^ yuiils and carry off .

Look Into That Window !

liilf of Alextco. this Iwinc lh- idea .

fornter Rurmtindlng*. .wliere

Hi-ai> .so Imlil lo Gladwiu county

guKiu.I* H- >'Ct>aoi-liHaril>-'i>rillia>il.'

t.-ri-.k-l elbun-h in Hiwt

Charli-s PianeiR A.Iani* *-a* ••**

See the

Charlevoix last
Several He Ift-ed with the miners aud w.v
from the surTOunding country making Ihelr ronsiani eompanion.
The Xorth|«ori ban.I aelem. They report a vi-ry
Cure* liaby-R croup. Willi.-'* -lail
It* and bttilses. mania'* -ore .hr.ia’
Tln-maattend the M. E. confereneiEleeirie t>il—thi- gn-ai--st Ii..ii*.-li.i5i
The Misses Mary and
Jacf.biwm left ihl* morning for IVlroll
General Newt.
spending Ihe past ten .lays with
Renouncing a hnndsnme formne an-i
Mr*. Bullock, who has
the possesRlcin of one of Ih.- fin.-*i «•*
guest of Mr and Mra. Max Sehrooder
: in Plaquemines Parish.
Mile past week, retnrne.1 vesierday '
Florence Elston, a lovely Ik-11.- of
Mis* Mary Cloos-flopped off
?r huti’e in Rhode iRlan.L
HiKlagfler last Mrldav evening, earonie
Fred Kaumlx'rger and family have loninwn. La., bai. ^H-regardt-d
from her home at Lawrepcevllle, pa
roiiirned to their home in South Rend, prorislons of the will of hi-r gran-:
to Iptertoehen. where she w-IH teach
after having speDi the siimmi-i mother an.l numle.1 iho min of n-aehool ihU vear.
I Traverse City
O. E. Wm.ur left Thiirsday f.u choice, .kn.l the wtHidIng was

. ..e by |Ki|-4>ui>iiN Hy gi-llhig ta optic.

liigl.l (be .liiplay -d flr.-wiwl.* in hi-1

iix- i*-rai.ii ..r Mr*. Nellie A. il. bl. o

nicstle sen-ant liu* tanglii h.-r a e

Greatest'Display of

***Mnu^Iph^ Miller sraa a Provemonl visitor the flnit of the week.
W. P. Chapman of Chicago did hu*lne» la town Wednesday.
Mra. George Lawrence and •later,
Penaejrf Tisver** City, are the guests
of Bav Pen»e and family.
Bertha Cordc* I* at Traverso for a
few day* this week.
Sept. 9.

'For H.i..l llm.' Ill eight years W. B.

]ii*l anij.-.I hi. Roiiih Maii.-b.-'i.-r 'iii

to have n

deal of the erar'* native longue.


e..|itaiii' many

'diaijM of a i-li'isrb in

1* assur. .1,

Yiddish into lies*!.'* brain and a


Go to Steinberg Bros., Look into that


rr.e.t i.u.cb«l |K.taioi-* aad coni at

edieiion which h.- ha* ur.hI f.u mor-- ». hi«d*. the .d.-an of Caii'.-ilmry .said
I'nlvci-salbu Resort tissnen. to rtar•niy- y-.-ars In el.e.1iig *.-rmoii-:. hi- oue.- had t- o da** of m
ence PriAe. lot 4 blk. d. .Neahiawanla.
It Ik hi* that the lu-ui-.!inio.i I’ll.] water *)> >(.i.-k wlili salt that
liilrr would. 'I.H1.I iiprl.-tlf lit It aii-1
Mrs. Elmer Kiblv to CbrLsiiau Ik- reprtHluoiiI hy the graplioi.lioiK- al
it did nu' .Io him am bu
erdl et at., lot 1. Idk. D, H.. L, & Co's his fimeral.
7ih. $150.
Ik-*sli- Doy-h'. the 4-yi>ar*.1il elitUl of ' .lai-quAs lk'nim>‘la.-”.


ig an EtigAsh (fIi-iiJ alKiui Bb-i
2. P. H'b. Slid. $11.30.
They w.-..- vi.-wiuu ib-- <lif|.-r.-iit
l-aura Minor
Rutli B. M. rritl un.l f.n:il|.
ThnmaR. left Thursilay morning for Tlioi-n lot J.3. Idk 7, GiKUIrleh i
lajvetand. Col,
Mr. Kehl will spend
Wb, Koftpler of Port Austin Is vie- some lime in the mountain* and tl;i- and lot 29. blk. K. H. L. &■ Co's
surroiinding country iWnre returning.
.................. B.. >.
Miss Thomas will *i>cnd the winie- Weaver. se>» of nw«4 wr. 3(1. T
wlth her aunt. Mr*. N. E. DeGolicr.
R. 11. I2dd,
A very pretty wedding look t'laee
'Samuel 8
Bay called tm
lyde Peck of SnttoB*
in the C«mgfcgitlonal church Siiiur- Whitlag, nw
friend* Inst Sunday
day afternoon.
The rontrncilng parof nwVi see.17. T. 27. R. 11. $20n.
Prof. Grmwn nnd family . - .
lie*. Mr. Seymour tif Clevelatid. O.,
Mrs. MatlUlii J. Cuh.T lo Jbiik-r V
ing their cottage for nfew weeks after and MIsr Olive Lemerly of Unslng.
Cramlall. sw'i of sw-Vi see. 33. T. 27.
The ehnrch wa* prettily deeorauul in
Bari DenoU of l>e* Gav spent Sun­
golden tort and mountain ash.
The R. 11. $1100.
day in town.
ceremony was pcrformeil by Rt-v. Can
*Dr. Lester T. SmUb of Chicago 1* non and was w-itaesRed by Ibi- brUle>
h! lirhl Ilrht—Seratrti: Seraieb
•t the Ledannu for a ahon atny.
family and a few friend*. The Eidseo- Scratch' The more v.m wraleh tbHUt Laura Cury left Soadayfor
e than Itch. ■ Tty Dam * OIn'
pnl ling service was used In.full. Tlnfew days' vlali with her pareota :
. 1i cures piles, eereraa. nuy skill
brlde wore a tiavy blue traveling atUt.
Immediately after the eetvratmy the KcTilag. All dniegist* sell It.
Mlsa Madge Hariing. who went
bridal iiaity lefrou the 3 o'cioek train
irieroix. returaed ho ie Saturday.
WIIHnm C. Wliiiney. Jr. of Ne«
______ ____________ _____ ■ and daugh­ for Cleveland, where they will make
York, nephew cif the bite William (
ter Hattie left Monday for a short vis- their future home.
KobiTt Budd left this morning to re­ Whitney, has
Just compU-letl
II at Batd Jordan.
Cha*. Anderson Jr_ I* vltdting rela­ sume bis college work at Granyllle. month*'
experience a* a
Ohio. •
tives at Lee* Bay this week.
Sciiool Iiogan last Tuesday, with mineral Qnapiiw. In.tian Territory, li
Rev. U C. Bently of IndlanopoH*.
P. I------------Mathew* -.................
a* tearher-of
nnd bit mother. Mr*. S. Murdoch, of Prof. J. F.
high achfinl.
achtiol. Mrs. F,
F. R Hwvis of the *ouii-IOuiKa* iea.l and zlne fields aa<
Muroeb, IIU are at Oak Dale for
____ imar deptdept- Mts*
Mis* Julia
Julia GGrant, the has gone to Ellzahelb, N. J.. to iiuirr.
Jiilis M
Miller, the
Chaa. Hnnna of Port Wayne, lad.. I*
laud Ilurdge In onler to aeqnlie praeilral ex|K.Ti
second primary ami Mis* Man
at Riverside Inn for an extended------once In condueling the Gulv. ra iiiiii'
Mr*, t... 8. Woolbridge and ft
the llm primary.
4i Qua|>aw. of which his father an
The Mareabees will Rorve a tege
left Tnenday for their home a
uncle are the owner--, he forsook He
dianapolia. aPer spending the summer
In their pretty cottnge the Edgewaier.
ways of polite soelt-ty nine luonlle
Cha*> MeOlanI* of Bay City «|ioni a
ago and laliored dMIp in the pri>i*ai v
30k adv.-iniage i.

U R. Peek*

SUte Ntwa.
le.- faralm- at Ahumose.

..r .1^ - - ho I* iKiuoily ma_*i.i -oi


d and Mi»*DeLonga« it

her home In Charlevoix. afleV spend"mUs’u-^c fiiwv Jr Ihe new rlerV
a week with »lrs. Cha* Wrl*lev
In M. Hamburger* sinro. Ml** Adah
Thayer, who fortBerly held that poai. .IR Wm. Key* of Oinena, sixw
tkm. ha* gone lo Grand Rapid*.
dav with her danghter. Mr*. I’«
The second nine def.-ated the lllnek- Smith.
min nine last 8iia.l*y bv a sent
Mra. Doubledee of Ludington. and
Mrs. Gaike of Chlraiin. who have l>e.-u
The ^rmer* Triephone Co. nr
the guests of their aunt. Mra. MargalabHshiag their eeni'ml In the
tet Stnv.T. for the past l«.i *.>eks.
d««oe of Bert Schell
ret.iroed to their home* this morning.
Herman Schoetile left Sundm
Charlie Berrr has aeeepied a i«tsl
Salat Louis. Mo., where he will
Hon with the G. R. ft |. at Walloon
Unae hla aindles for the ministry.
Lake, near Peioskev..
The HlRse* Braun and Kaumeyer
Rev, Cannon and family left
lefl for their home* in JackKon. Mleh. ihler homo this morning in CrtiDTlIIe.
Wm. Wilson anil H.vior Siebbln* re.
Harry Gray .... —
turned to Pox Island 'ihJ* morning.
move hla shingle mill ftt.nt CoW*
Mr, and Mra. K. Kuiid»«n are spend
JaaMion to Kingsley, where he will Ins a coiipb- of w-ivis with idven an extended rnn of shingle*
at norm- City.
toeuiont. Hairy employ* twelve men
Mra. GUR Tate of Paducah. Ky.. is
and It I* probable that power win be
■ iHle. a'
isiilug her sUter.
otilailied from the Kingsley fUriler
>e Ran
Ml** Emma Bordeaux ha* aceepve.1
a gtosllion in Wm. Tboma*' store.

To him

11 1- Ilk.' :.,'in..ib.T i.-ngti'-

i.cvl I*. iliWioii. ii.rm.r tiee i>r.-*l-

Rev, Oaiil-I B, U-neh ..f Bone Oat.
ill., a

- I.iui u< the age of 3*:

III.- Vail- g.viiiiiasium.

ntenilH-r of Hi.- Vtiiun Vel.-raii

"Mr. Bryan apiu-ar* t.>

« hare a great .l.-Kire to *e-

An Extra SpeciaUi^s^ciSrlJ’!,
-eda aiul Brown worth $1.2o for

Ihe full effect of Bryan's »pi-ech .-u
the American |>eople."
Eilwarii' Vneli<-ra sa.v* Kk-l. Momiles south .d St. L<ni>s. is imdKibiy


Another Special


Stiiiin^s. uls.. I’l

tn.-‘i Bti.-k TuffeU. silk al '■
■tb ai-yt'iiut; y»ii eau tirol a*.



mad.- of Silks au-1 Cr.-jj.- .1.- Clieoei
floral 'iRsigiiB.


white. LU--k

light blue. pick, silver «r.-y. .-t--

pi tin aBd

98c. to $3;

the <wly neighItorhooil In tliat state aleast'where the nod* for mib-s an-'
mile* ar.' made

of i>eftifi.-d


While on the farm ol Ids father lu-lsv .
Henry U’bmeyer. Mr. Vo»HUt* pick- I

up a number of Rpeeintens of wha: b-—_______ ______ death came
lielleve* to Ih- iw'trifted wood aii-I
a severe aboek to hi* many frlepd*. a*
MIsi Clara Holton w-fll teach
well liked having been a
petrified SBake* and plant*. H.- sayHowdek school this winter.
. of thla Tillage for several
the eoontry all around is rich in sorb
7WW. rwmoving here from ladlaas.
speelmens- ffta many blara-*." Mr.
his parents the past week.
Tte beat of madical aid was procured

h4ioat;b of tiieso Uck.-ts

will wwuiv

'^onuiul IVilslca.i. a Sul of Disites, aud miioy >>ther tbiptfti
a Whiu- K


V.- civini! li

a pretty rn.k-rskirt,

■r>‘ -V)c purcba» -

SlJ^inberg Bros.


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