Grand Traverse Herald, May 17, 1906

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Grand Traverse Herald, May 17, 1906


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


9 TRAvene
•chMl HmhtCeaatr Oefk WaJIct recHred RoUn
fYUayfraa UaNfierlBtaMleatflfpab.

Ofsad TravarM eovMr.

Tkc eout)

nMifM M4M. aad the eltr S24M
Tb« f«n««l^ U lb* spporUsaaMBi:

Tbe following oSIcera ware daddeJ
pen tua efteroaoa;
PiMttcBi. Das J. Albertsea.
Vke president, WlUlam W, Thlrtby.
Secretary. Wiliam H. Umlor.
Treasurer. AWou W, Baruk.
P. E. Roberts win hold an eaecutlro
>floe under the title of superlntead-


Thursday, may i

Weight Bv,' m..nths
auggesled that the subject be
olTcd. That the truancy ‘
should not Ic cniorred to tbe Ici

«" poi'Ud';.

W.'tgbt sU PHAths rdit.


maerse aty Slfte Bank

W.-fsht Bli.'tm lu.Hi'h

W.iiO:' i-:i n.-iuih- .u.l.


■ iKMUldr.

IL.1 .dd.


The rolf ha* c ■" t

. A. TRACY LAY, PrcaMcnt

iths oM. TiS. gall.' w.-^vh' t,. toe rmuitlni _ o!'i
Miss Shelly and Mr. Ruegsegger look
the ararmatire aide and Hr. Dago and
Mr. Barth ibe aegnilvc. Many good • Weight eight mimibs tdd.'Tdr. ga..,
points were brongbl oot and after Ihe
wXhT' nlne numlhs old. M", m.1. i "’w, .=b't i-..,ri.',w
'-.I t.
debate a lively general dlscussio
Icslnf. --...'U,

Tbe Her. A. A. Arlington gave
bb Ideas on the subdet at Ibis Unit',
aad (be teachers bearllly spprecUtcl
«ltea bdd.
bis romsrki and lotcrcei In (bclr work.
' A Hetad Artist.
After B rousing song senior the
With Ibe walla of (be boor, comer niicilag was closrvl. each tcarher
it Elmwood - arenue and Randnipti gnlag away wiib an Inrnlntluo and
siieei bung with colored rvproduc
red energy lu finlib (br ytwr'i
Ukcfl from the original painilnga by
tbe srdat'blmaelf. Oldricb Parsky. lb<'
Latter From Philio Krantx.
noted SobemUn ertlai of Chicago and

<4d anB'wa-s l.'.t vfh .1
"Ter bail

CAPITAL, •200A00


A CcBcral SfiBky« Buiaas Dmc



rhillp. son of Ur. and
Mrs. If.
known on two continenia waa found
morning by a repretcntailce of -Krantx erf US Ban PlT .s-oih strv'el
as In San PranclM'o during the re
Ihc RYPOlog Rocord.
mi earihqtiakc .Ilsa.'Oer. The lollom
Oldricb Paraky. whoac palnllnca
« li'iU'r was wrtiU'D t.y him May
have beep on cabIHtlon lu every promSsn Jose to bis mn'lier la this rlly
Ineol an gallery In thu ITnilvd Biaiea.
-I r.'eelved your l.'t tr yesler.tos
led Cble^ro icn daya ago and <
11.1 was glad to h. tr trom you I I.
mtnud (o loealv bla family In
M. I hail a lerrll.l.' .T.i«vi. neej
cKy. wbirb would iw a o-nlral polni
for hit wandering ibe ncx( two year awoke and got .ip to p'l a drink '
and bad Just sat down ■« tbe
while be studied landaeapc and Indlai


Id was slralghu nlng mv pillow
He will travel eilenalvely In the
I heard a tuuuy ruiul.ling nolr.'
upper peuloaula and alio make Cans'
dlan aborpa for new material to carry and tbe hotel sb'uddered an.l It iH'gsn
shake all at r>nr<'. It lliiew n
» bla workImhI and on tb>' R.M.r, I grnl.Ired ih.Mr. Paraky la a nohemlao by
dsiea.l l.'g an.l wws a'mosi thrown
and bla alujloa took him to I’arU. Ani■a^ ros vai wTYCked ■! ADgcI
l of my mom. Tli/ wall went .hi
. and Prang. Bohemia whin- '
dsr wralat. Ib* Mcldenl occurring
an.l the dresser llpwvr undwis.'^ i
•boul ilztr rod> Iron «be xntioB. nod studied under Botl(|ue, H. Alles a
caucht In .the cloth ckiM-t and th>- I
otber eelrbralod arilida of i
tbeotb Ibe tender and esclne left tbe
l.ocatlng lii Cblcagu. Mr wclg.-d lUs-lf then-.
truck tbe two coedice remelned '
"When It war uor I was on
poMUoa and no Wnrles cd an; kind PBisky opened a studio and fur
kmvs. hanging i.n to (hi- tosl. and
were reported.
1st In water an.l hoi si i
paintings whi
The eaoM o( (he accident U
Id hot and cold water Ihep'.
lenllon from both runllni-nis. Many
known, tbonsh U «aa tboughi
was two feet higher o
UMoe oo the irat^.t^at a kinked rail of Ihc cxtalltitluiu bare Ihh-o pntdunil
<tn the otb.T. I got t.i-i.h.'
esnaed Ibe (ronble. Tbr (min from
a luliceman kleked tl
WUllaMtbniT faade4 to Bk Raplda, step la any store, even In Travtcto
<uil. I roiild hear men and
(he tender wUh a idlM leadlnc. lol- Clly. and pick up a repnwlurlh.n from
lor help, ilinv'
the Chicago Art club of a -Parskylowed bj the enctne which draw
le.kllh'd In Ihe i‘hllll|>s
palnllDg. Hla work cove
two ccachea. Thta ta neceaaai
igc. tbe grand lllt-sised palntUi.:
that ttc run back an; be made wlihOencral Sherman haugltlg I
out tenlns aionad the cnsine.
ncrobai to do. and wbal 1 a
After tbe brakes bad been set for public library of Cblcago being
the library by Dr. I*. I* McKcnnK- never tell or Write you. 1
the etalloo al Anfel (hr tender andBranston. which he purebaM-d from Hninswlck and the Nerada l
dantp left the track and upeel entirely,
and take aBrv aii.r b.artl th.- |.v.|.1.
t|w obdae Conowing bB( no( upaelliai. tba artist to prearot to Chicago.
pBlnllngs which scrramlng for belp. We t'oulilti't .l» n
Ho »»ber of tbe crew Jumped and
bare found (heir way Into private II Ihiiig. We Iri.vl to lift Hie o-rf wlil.-li
the two coaebea remained o
was on lop hut we coul.liii
brarles are ~A Roman Beene.
On.- fellpw whos.'
Word was aeni lb thU city and (he ■chased by Oen. \Vo.Kll.urv «f IVnver.
gt.JOO. -A Jeweler." "Two Sli
wraeker eenl to tbe aoene
A local
the hand l.ui ct.iil.l in.i pi
dents- Heads," and -The Cardinal
hatsht easlae aad eabooae was
, I .11.1 not sleep l-.r ... tein
>m Bk Raplda Ud ihe pasaengen have beea secured by prumincm lot
■iirs and had OiUlilnK want.
of art from Ibe 8i. Louis. BuflalJ
were takee to ibeir deatlnstloa.
II Kri.lav night an.l then wh
oral tneasagea were phoned to the city and other art exblblltiAs.
last fall Mr. Karsky remain­
by metnia who were oo tbe derailed
ed In the Hlkuln Alles art studio.
Tbe wreck occurred eboni Bre nllca Instructor, but spent bis time largely
0 stills. Iwo uveroials
with sludonts iravomiig
tma WinUikabarf - and aUiy
lor outdoor tketrhlng and anti
Tbe artist has an lalcieiulng family.
MUlaUng of a wife, four ebrtdrcn.
A Spewdy •eat
Slava. Aldrich, Valasta and Mrs. Bea­ I«.k full «if gold gave me tii or I
Tbs Ttarwrae Clly Motor Boat
coulUn-t have f<-ni yon ihc Iclcgram:
tanr In nt present engaged on n beet trice Slepicka, Ihc toiler residing In
stayed In Holy Cross ccmcl. r) tin
the Chicago borne Hcenily vaeatei
for William Ball of the Bm of Lynch
ic following Thursday nighi an.l
by thefamlly lor Iheir northern loca
• Ball. Orand Raplda. which
wh.-n they would blow up whole hl.wki.
aaaltr be tbe fa«*s( craft oo 0i
tombstones would fsll o«.r siid
Traratw bay at least The boat wRl
women and children w'ltuld sci.-aiu
, lib aaaipped adih a twenty-borae Ter- and Russian, but finds great dlfAruIty
cry with fright- '
In mastering (be American tongue.
■matBHcaaban. motor.
went to Frisco tost Sunday an.l
. Tbe tinea af IB model aia so dean His walls arc also hung with portraits
my lathe In the shun was mclicd in
- and sharp that tbe craft will uadoobt- of promlneat artists who arc friends,
I have Slim.- money coming ni
wblle his entire work iiseU Is qukily
MHp cut throat the water I
lion Iron WivrVs and I think I

Rnperlaleadeot gtantoa, bow- budk la an upper room, the only pic
o to Ihe cliv tomorrow
tures down In the living rooms In-lug
4«U I should not go there any moev
VnsUmate of her probable speed but reproduclIoDs by llth.wrai'hlng flri
they might not have anuiher
^atatas that If abe doesat make at of tbe cast. The artist to anxious
hundnsl years
ClaaM eight miles an hour be wll
have had sixty five of Ibvm



^imaeh ilaappolated.
H The ptonfctBf win be of cypress flveSd^tbt Inch tblck and will be eutiroly
An Intsranting Meeting.
I copper fastened.
Tbe riba will be
Maple Clly Hicb . Hay In.—Alsmi
. vaced all inebea al centers end the twenty lenebers and several riilr.-iis
Ectera win he ronnd. Tbe Bnisb will o( Ihe eenira] pan erf Lertannu county
V be Ibe Dsual high grade of work put galberod ni Mnpl.- Oly Baturdny. Hay
by Ibe company. She to twenty- 6. to dtsenss Bulijcets of mutual tnur\fooT feel in leaftb with a four fool ali csl and Ineldcnlally to have a goo-1
^lach beam
* A eery bandaoma boat hna Just been
Owing hi the ahsence of tbe rami
..completed for Prod P. Bougbey and sinner who had the program In ehi
MW awaiting Ibe Instmlltog of her
H plan was foKowed. hut a »
' .engibe. Ilie boat to twenty-Bre feel rnibuslasilr
. loag with a Btc foot beam and will
iptu program was Indulged In.
B mrfllll-* with & Bftecs borne Ter10 a. m. Ihe meeling wa* opencl
maal A Hooshan engine. The flnish
luslc. after which Mr Blackwood


have plenty of nerve fort


the penalty.

Uoncsi htoes ai Brntsi Prices
M^Th llr^MiU-s- N.^cittc-

m-nes’ahd n.akcs the whole
system slf.m}:

W.' Iiaw l!." l-~l vuurii..:


Bovs’ Shoes
ill l:..' ••ity.


A>2 Will,. Im lllk.. Cilz. l‘l,..ii.' II"

Tl.i. -I. ii-. j

— It's MV..i;;lil


T'V ;i

•rK.W' cirv. .mk-h.

|viir of ti.. iii

and throat

Shoe Store, opf. Wbitinc IIu el

Uiles Medical Co.. Elkhart, Ind.


219 E. mu su or Phm T9«





»•«... t.c*..


Tire Insurance!
Plate Claes, Stoam Boiler and Accident insoranco.

Money to Loan on Improved Rea! Estate Only.

Order for



RoomSIONawdtateBank Build,sg.


With Us.
The SoulhSmeLumbeiCo.
.-.J.t I.'.k.-.\V.-.

t S;.i.:k <ktor< .1 yi.Tin- ilay
ordered. Odd
.Ityors and wiii.liHv "cr,-fii> in ilirec Jaj’s.
\V. jl -t-n-! ;


I t-o take ihe measurements

.liM's nii'i wt/i'l.iK



j Traverse City Mf?.



A Big Animal.
The sii'am.'r llUnols l•T»uglll tcity on Prl.toy Charles
liraniai. .-i


N.iilhp.'Tt with Ills orlr.' call, si
probably bolds the reowd ..f Hi, s

lor aeigbi and age. Hit' animal ha
luv-n luirrhSM-d l.y Jos.i.h /Inimermait
fur local
The calf is Bfuen months ol.
weighs lir.o pounds, ih.- averag.
trrtght of beef stock at that age I
under *mo rath.-r than over n
calf, which is llcrv^or.l
gra-bmother b.-lng Just an oolliian e
russlons of same.
The Brsi question. "To what extent cw In th.' dairy si.s-k ..f Chail.-«
man £ S-ui of Sorih|»>rt. w.-igh.-.l

age for ehlldTen to enter school" wa> I.:. pounds.
suhjrvl of Arthur Zimmerman's
Welglit ihnu- mon'hs old.
remarks. Miss IVUmg. Miss Fhmui U isiunris.
Weight four months old. tl", gain
and Miss Rhelly discussed the topic.

"Number work In Ihc primary grades.
R.i pounds.
The question as to whether leacbcrv
should be addressed hy their
was settled In Ihe affirmstlve In spile
of the obJiTUno raised by Mr. Ru.-gTbe primary ehjeet of the com segger. who ihnngbl In some rases
guy to (be pnrebase and bolding ol Ihe appellailon t>f -teaeh.'r" .soimdiv
serious to lie treaie-l by the right
The following illrort que«
water power altea. and Ibis meaiis
nieth'id, and the right ru-lh,sl tv
the nic of tbe best coogb care,
(TMI deal In Trareree Oty, as more Hobs were answered by the chairman
which to
aad ehaaper power will encourage end "What should a teacher do witb i>u|ilU
wumalate Induatrtervif all kinds and who pMwist In lalllingf"
the power gneiaud by tbe new grade should leebnlcat grammar be'
Ukea Bpr- and "Is II advisable -u'
paay-a pUat will he et tnlldent
This famous preparation cnrcv
ams to allow lit commercial ua
keep pupils al regular Uxt liook lcs-[
coughs, colds. riruDchnis. grip ar-t
r for the sons during neason. or abould oreaalor..
coassnptiun in lU first stages.
al nature and field lessons be givenT"
grogaaed gaper mill, whM
Irritation of the thrvat and br.,ccUal tabes IsimmediaielvTctnoved
lhal lanauUse or the orguiaatkm. Tbr
During (he aooo hour It wms decided
hy tbe use of Kemp's Bakvm.
few eMagaay will further the later to have an Impromptn debate In tbe
Sold hr all dealers at aye. aa.1 yoc.
tfiernocm, and stare the question of
cuts of tbe Mper mill as maeb m


Wh^t We Received
this time:


.'iSind 1" cent I Irjit i-.

Glass Lemon t\tratior I'V.; Irtui ai.-l
on Stiuee/ers

Iron ami GU'S

very m at and dtir.iM.-.

I siia.-.'.r



the eniL .-»> ihey la-v'.

\ inc;: jr

yo much


Httu!- -,
l- i!



l!i-tl. r'.

, f \V.; • r

P*ils, and hun,1n-t!s of oit;--r ;hin;;s '.t> '. I-'c*. frt-m.

aid CASS su.

:h-, l;iiil'!

lloi i

civ-ai-: •;


Tea and CclTte Ctioker<. Mill: .tii.l all -.r-



' •

• Ciij>" .iti.l S.iu'ci-r-. Ihtwl-. ;i!l - i -

l)i>h«is. v ry Mfony.'. higher



ea< h: MiiKitu Km---

5*.in. 1-rj'ftJJ

: - JM

1 |-it i•• i’o'.t\ Sc; f- i I'-c

r*l 'TlBwr T^mm Mncd OofT*Mfl

Konp’s Balsam

rompulsotr edocatUib bad excited so

F. J. MacNett
Wlltielm Bloclt
Travrarwo CHp


Kowland Dcufllass

writing for i am wrltiag ijils

health I remain.


A. J

board on nq- kaee.
"Hoping this finds you/all In

Naur MOAOB Company.
The orgaqixatloa «f a eompant
fomsir was handle.1 hy Mr. Btock Hsreb I. of tost v.-sr, ah.-n jus
• <»plul stock of B50JK* waa eomptot:, and aeverat others look psri month old. IfiO luumds .The f..II-twii.g
e genersi dlsrusslna. MIm Shelly ts the gain per month slue-;
of Solon then spoke on Ihe s-ubjec(
Weight on.: mdliih old. Hio is.uu.lWeight two .m..iilhs oM. :ir.. gal:,
Oaa J. AtbertaoB of Katomasoo and -The Recess period."
"The pcvpi-'
the fMlowlBg loeal gentlemen: V
ttom W. Thlrlby. A. W. Bartak. V
Bam H. Umlor. The objects of the
eorpiwalloB are for Ihe purpose of the
PBTchase, holding and sale of ret
tale and the puebase. bedding and
Mie ef wndbr power and water power
altea. The capital Muck has all been

It is nerve enerpv- that runs
tlie organs of your l-nly.
1 i.e
ytorage liattcry is the mrve
cells in llic brain and s;'iual
cord, and from tliis l..iUery
nerve force is sent out ijirottsli
tlic Kvstem of ncrtxs. T.> keiji
the body healthy you *.........

big trembU'. ati.l u<- hsv.' two or
.-very .Isyt. Thin is all hot al
you can -go l asi l.vr nothing.
"Well, mother you will exeiisi

c« the heat is of such high etnas as
of Letond was appointed chat
elicit mech praise.
Miss Ids Farrani of Cedar. fllU-d
M. R. naagerferd's new twenly-flvc Ihe iKwitIna of secieton Baeb leach
tool boat, which baa a fonr foot eight
aaa asked to stale the qiieailon hv
tnet -Uam. It rompleied. ;Tbe bMt
she wlrfaed discussed and these
will be equipped with a twohorsc were drasrn by others, who opene
Jachsoa eogliie.

5 per CcBl aJlovcd m nme DeposUs.

Your Nerve


T.i-ey axe l!x best



Csiwtd C«r»
sad SsImsB

S'-!.', 'wtly by




I H. Ortm.yvr. ma.-lcal erttleber cd tbime lu the labor nuke whj Ik-ssemer. till iron tiladstoBv a
day nomlDc arrivad In (be d'y UtTa a abort shopping trip.
Mrs. Braesi powd of Codar City pr usually support the rwnblican sum- ties from Klk IU|ild«.
BMaru from tbe »*rtoM« cpoatlei aftenioon over tbe Pare Mani»eHe and
Chatic Bai-» - f <!rsi>d Mlsm-. '
Jived in the city today for a vUit with
vill at oBce uka op tbeir residence
ti ifee fUU ralAtIre u tlx to(
Mrs. Bobeti Ooelet. Immensely rlrti oble«l "»«» In «< n-—-e i-ount;.. t» pr........
S17 Wayne street. Mr. Trattnrd .will Mrs. Fred Hyde.
tte i>r1s>r7 etertk* propotltlon
■Bd a lea<I.T lo Sew York soeleiy. has jbir the most avll • and har-ly ef'anyj
Tfie SCOSOn’S first COld
accept a poaltlon arllb (be Klisball
The Misses Eilna and Alice Shell:
kMB vary alow is bals( test u
.n th.- Shaw'boose. t»M.ehigsr. »'•'>''•'i nift V lie sHlllU-mft VVicM
of Kingsley are in (be city this ailer­ B pmdllve genius for making swreets j
saoeurr of aut# at Laa&ls*. Satnr- eorapany and begin vrork at once.
I i.iT.-r If.ui !;.r .laochier la«t
Mr. and Mra. A. L. Smith, accom­
on a shprt aboppUg and pleas'«ar. bowser. »UI ba tta time IlmK
s whirh she wr-lei "1 di> n.U
tar tba
of tba peitboM tor di- panied hr her mother and brother.
guUbed pr-rsottage has »ueceeil.-d In
landing, a lr-.<k m.!»! aim 5-‘[neXt Ci.'M will
liail^ OB
. Reri Keaeb of Boyne Falls
•act BOBisatloBf alfsad at tbe iaat Mr.. C. wmuina and J. U WlllUm.
bis partlciilsr field of endeavor, but
jaiis...w....I.t eon-: W a pr" i
- ji will 1>C ItlOie
n p.i’ie
di.- !• I- 1 biv- bal
Cadillac, paased through tbe
In tbe city this afternoon o
tr-1,.% ..f U.a'b. ill tbi. •
ta Trarerae CKy there waa a Urge this afternoon on their way to
. R. A I. and will visit at
Ut. ly" .kn.'in. . llr.s.kM v4
M)onir IB favor «< tbe propoalltao port, where they are calUtI to ai'end
«if her sister. Mrs. WUIlsm Toir»- di-lleious. Fnnu.ntly she senes
f,ls faciilti.
• tv. »b- hav eha*v
aad tba aase la tree in tbe cotiotj-. the funemi of a brother. J. R. Will bey of I'l-'p East >*r«nt sireeL
• .iS-i.-'.‘d a lUth. roib<-se and almllar dainties of her cam . mu-kal-l.. M:
whose death nceum-d Sunday
«hleb eottpriaea alio tbe Grand TrarAntoine Richard of Charl.-vo
wlitch r.-itii.'.l In a yleep Hi•emlpn at tea.
j Grand Islune :■
e age of 4S years. Tbe funeral Ihe city urfay. when be Is lisAIn- for
arae ropfaeaoiallve dlnrict. Tbe re­
Mr- I'arke..'.She BP-i
•Sonie of these amendm.'nts seemUear<
port Iron tbe ortee of tbe aectaUrr
Ihe purchase of a driving borsi-.
me to be very reekh«." >md SeuMrs. William TTicanas and son Wil
of state today aboaa that 6757 saoiea
Mr. and Mrr. Wyler of Manlfi-e aiiir lUle to Senamr Rpoom r when
la favor of the ptepoallJon In tbe lie of yermontvllle. arrived In the
■SM-.I Ibfough the eliy this mornin;
nsinsd'laiip imendm.-ni topenal.l
Ibis afternoon, where they will
nareeth eongre«looal dlalrlet.
on their way to Beaver Island, vii
inieestsi-’ trsrvr of ih- e«al nisJf ; |
up their jM'i-manent resldeaee.
u Y.uinp. 1
be«B twired by the aecreiary
Cbarb-voix. They will make thei
ilK-Jngread. "If iht-> K*-o|i on.''
state. Tbia la aafAdent U> carry Ibla
home on the Beavers this simimer.
pli.-,! s'lioont
Iv-Treig a
prapoalllon U tbla eongraaalooal dif
g law acalT
e and go ti
and Mrs. Frank Hamilion an.
trld. hot County aerU Robert
retnraetl to the eliy this aflei
spend nn Indennlle time with friend.
nil}- I.. ke.-p up will, ^

. ,-j.Mid. iit alO bad Uji.l
from a trip to Crsnd HnpMs.
Hiss Gertrude Xewhouse of Muir.
Is belnc made bare." i
and Mrs. A. E. Belllnuc r and
niece of Mr. nnd Mrs. B. F. Newhouse,
WlU be added to that number.
s, I-brie.orofa 'J;;—•,«;
There aretwoorthreemoreeounUen is In the eJly as a guest In the family daugbt't^of Maple Clly an- s|N-n.liiig
. Wasilihg'oi
eliy, where
whidi have not op lo today aubmli- of her uncle.
V alj eiarl .1
s, C. U lAihrop-and sister. Miss shopping expediiions are ennllnulng.
ted tbe returns, bat the tgurea
il ap|"-araiiee
Mrs. Anna llansl.-y of W
that s Urge majorlly favors the prop- Turner of Jackson, arrtve.1 In the eliy
relBtlv<-s have l«en nilstci.ei
Is spending the day in the
Ihls afiemruin after spending lh<
osltlaii. In tbe twenty-aeventb a
SrnJ A*- f>rf sumrvr.
Tb.. e»n
he Lru-jghi home a photoshe
In their sodthern home. They were
tortal district there will be Iron
graph of Mr. Ri»-s-ieb aiid bis sister
Clyd.- for a day's shopping
to 1.0W names more than Is absolute­
l*,no,me.HlJt a go..l Ilken.-ss nf l-r
Hiss Ethel Smith of Will
Pearl Sueet Lew i«rk
|..r li.em al IIJ
ly necessary.
where they spend their
Tbrnfore H la dedded that 1
■7 .b-U-rifUJells
was "wym*- dlfferi-nre," she etiiild nol'
Mrs. J. d: millngs, wbo for the past
arse Clly. Grand Traverae county,
.■.■mil}, ii.^ne.
tell jiisl whai
As a n-siill of numer
lidi this afternoon for his'mnibe
Tveniy-aevastb senatorial district and year and a half has l>een traveling
Ix-dsiae owing to a message staiiin:
the BUrentb eongrenlonnl dintrict tenslvely (brought the south and wi

PriiMry P^KIoii.


i-u. >he




ncccb>arj' lo lake chances ,-3,-,
i" onlhalsecondiine. Scon's fa-..-..
'* ‘:Kniulsitm is a jirevcniive ;
as well'as a cure. Take



Iscon’s EPLSianIgs^
''••• when colds alfim.]
you'll have no col.). Takcil i."^, matri.d I-,
wlicri ihe Colli iso HUiavICtl i::r«.d .
■■...and it checks, heals the !ni'inbraiic.s! r.til' the lliMal and Jun;rs!
-'•• •“
'“■■'land drives the cold OIIL

' '“’I,:

SCOIT t IWW.VE. Chemisu

relurned to Ihls city Ihls afiemnoo. that she had a seven- attack of i
wD) nominate repabllcan candh
to eultlvaie a full l-ird.
where she was greeted by a tiomber algla fli the heart. She had been
for tbe vartooi ofllees by dlrt««
fianmenilng on Ih-pjamln Frank­
Ing ill for a week pnsi, but the ne.imlinstead of by tbe ooovenlloo system of friends who met at tbe depot to
lin's kite exiM-rimetil wbleh proved
come her. Mrs. Billings was In ChiM baeetofcire.
. lx- .vixl hi- lllell
ibai lightning and eb-etrielly are Ibe
cago at the time nf the San Franclsm
fame a sel.-nilst says: "Ii was one
earthquake but aald, however, that
Killed by the Cara
of the most brilliant i-zampb-s of luck
while there she experienced s slight
Ulerleebeo. Mlefa, Hay II.—As
y. t reeonlod.
alienipl the .-xlracGeneral
eitra hufing (rain. U charge of Bnlion of lightning flasln-s a lowvr
John BumHi balancsi blm.self
Mrs. H. Whitney of Saglnsw arrived
glneer Odorge Haller and Condurtor
ing sky was altuosi suleldal. Even ai
day- 150 ft-el alsive tbe ground on
* H. ■- lunch, was mnnUg north on tbe In the city this aftimocm and later I. fi
■ bis late day liiiild |s-i.-.uis o'-nasion
chimney In Plilladelidila.
for Norihiion. where she will U- the
H. * N. a Tburediy night
scaffolding on wiileh he had U-*-u ally fiy lo feather Uvb'sit «iii tla'ss WOUhllll, w.u
o'etodi. the gUre of the hoadllghl re- guest <rf her daughter. Mrs. Whileoml.
b-rci',1 eliali. or find n-fiige in iubl~-r
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamilion and standing gave wav. All alieropis to
eenlad n mao lying tm the track about
iNrtH during thunder; storms. A
le him failed uiiiil J'».' Corl«-it,
Miss Bvs Hamllioo went to Grand
seventy feet ab^. Tbe engineer
tiilon of mnklin's- ix|xrimeni
i.w-ide jack," ellnilsvl up with i
dsnvoeed to stop the tinlo but ihe dU- Rapids yettordsy for a short slay
Is immdlaie Iniiiaror bis llfe."
ropo upon wbleb they- Indh slid lo tbe
tnnee was too abort and tbe mnn was
S.maior Uollivar of Iowa prid.-s l.imground.
killed. Just as tbe engine was about tvtiimisl lo lier home this at(emo>n.
i-ir on kvs-pliiK In eh.s.- loiieli wll
ter spending the day on a shopping
' to atrike him be raised himself on one
opular ouilibm In his slate. Ms cid mnehi-r In South Ikikota. has In
from there Is-ine luirbte.1 John Alexander Ikiwie lo esiale
Mrs. L. Bixby d Rollons Bay
Tbe man was Joseph FerUw of
A panb-ulprlv eharti
h|> a new- Elon on some of hIs lands. ilonsly larg.'.
West Bay Oty, whovU employed at rived in tbo cliy yesterday and re­
•rislie lelPT he r«-e.'lvi-.| a few da;
Ikiwle Is said «n eonslder ibe matter
tbe Interloekint lower at the H. A N. mained as the gu<-sl of her sister. Mrs.
so ivferre<l to some piii|mH.-l b-gisla
favorably, as he will bavJ- a g«o-l
B. and the Pere Manjoelle crossing. 11. Johnson until Ibis afientoon when
lion afft-eiing the Sinnilar.l Oil emak<. converts a
It U aald that be bad been drinking she relumed.
Mrs. Msry Thomss nnd little dsngh- rheroki-es. who will soon gel from
yaatarday but was tober Uit evening.
Grundy eviunty and ibN is pan of
■r Riinn of Nnrihport returned home Ihe Pnllcl Stales If.r.SS.lKS on claims
How be enme lo be lying on tbe tiaek
ter; 'IVm'l liev.-r forgei; my g.
allowed by the supreme court.
wiU probably never he known,
laior, that we. Hx- p.-o|de. are k.William MePberson Roaeb,. a
Tbe target was set giving tbe H. A gitest of Mrs. EmmMt Ingcfwull of
; our eye on this tiling down Ho
N. B. the ridit of way and the en- Trnlh street over night.
S.'lHe il if you ran, UiH for G.xI's ea
Mrs. Winism Cror-sser of Keswick
glneer bad wbUtled for tbe Urget
s.dH.' Il right. U.ii'l tlx It
and for the stniion. The time wai MMtnt the dsyjn the city'today, where
Is all over w.-, the iK.-pI-. i
lla as a bride. Mr. Roach met tlx
she esmv lo attend to shopning.
too abort after FerUw was
have loliei under which shell w-.- kI
Mrs. L. Sodergren of Suttons Bay captivating daugliter of Ihe Ilidalc
the track to whUtle again.
lo l.s.k for H,e g..«l.s,''
>ent the day In tbe city, when- she family- at a Imll and they weie mar
t)f all tbe.liM-a-,-. ku,m-n. vrith which
BbertK Johnson and Coroner Holdse aslonlshiiie fnel bay Just c
ried within B few- wii ks, Mr. Iloaeb
alllx-l.-.l. hxiii.-y
Hie female orgm
worth of Traverru) City wiTe nnllfle<l came In attend to spring shipping.
ghi Hiai •Pr.-le-.-vor Rlehai.l liar- is the uxn.t
fatal. Bii.l slaiisti.-x
,ds lo remove to Mexir-o. «
and tmmedutely arrived and Impan
disease isuo Uu- increase
Jlbrarlan or_ih<- KrlHyb mii-. uii
show Ural
ld<-nt l>laz has pnnuliusl
From Fridsy's Ri-eord.
i business opimrlimllles.
Mrs. Berry Warner of BIngbait
Bert Oaanett. W. J. SaxidU. OtU
B. Tam. of Qi^ah, Texi
rivwl In Ihe clly- this morning with her
PaUereoB. J. C. TlUpadgh.
of asindiigy. Even mor.- r
arranging for ihe efialdlshmoni
CHBpkm aad Theodore Hasbll. wbo illtip babe and will remain as
colony of American fanners in the Is Ibe cirounislanee .ihai I.
fefinr bearing tbe testimony of the eye guest of relatives until tomorrow
t Cbieagn an.l N-w Yoi
of Sinora, Mexico.
Mrs. David Core relumed Ihls n
■HbWlM. gave the following verdict
vn.siilKxl Mm regarding r
Tennesig from s short visit with her
*Th^ttae deceased, Joeeph Fortaw
Rrliisli and ..
Only those having resr
ms, Mr. and Mn>. Philip Helmfort!>
OiM to bU death from a enuse no
len also apiM-aUxI lo M
8be was accompanied flclent to nuimain them for a eoiiplknown to the Jury.”
of years while Ibe land Is Udng
I the city by Mrs. Heimforib.
It was found that the Injurloc nuw
pn»i<d. will Ik- aeeepliul as eoloulsi*.
Mrs. Hsnhn Uodley of Blogbtm
talned by tbe deceased w
h. W. J, Cromlhiie, metlleal superlnrived In tbo clly this morning, where
slve. both limbs having be
and munibs'' and from Chicago i
Intemleni of (be lejier seillement
-one am broken snd the face badly she will spend her Umc shopping
MobAal. Hawaii, who has devoid li'ilprs from men In the wbruit nit
many ycBra to the study of leprosy, si-eklng .lales (i>r rls.-s and (ally,
, la tooklng np tbe lime spent by
pnil.-syor k.-pl 1hi-u- soerr-ts sli
btu prevlOBS to bis deatb It was found strived this morning for the day,
be has discovered Hie germ of Ihe cuaivle.1 In 111.- bouw and II was
Mrs, E. Hler of Heimforlhs Is mskthat he bad been nomewbat Intoxi­
dlM-asi- In Ibe tnosquilo ami vermin, afi.r his death that he was know
cated as war bis custom when In that log a day's buslnes atrip In tbe city-1
t'niess .-arlv and .virn-et
r.oodhue was born at Halun-ka- hav.- IsHdi a raiiArni<:<l Ix-llev.-r li
CMidmoB. fell aileep. He i
, Quebec. Oct. 8, IWS. and Is tb
Mra. Blanche Wltkeskr of Hatches,
rted, bnt leaves a mother and sister
,^is. a-ei' (ssl.-tx.l
Spi-aker Caniioii sinrtbxl hi*
bo spent the morning in the city personal friend of Sir Wilfrid l.aurlei
at Baginaw. who were wired of the
lary last Sunday morning 1-y sa>
Ixirenz H. Riils-ns of Jamaica. 1., 1
(Nd aewa Tbey win arrive In the rliy trading, relumed again to her home.
•|bi«ley. i.i'y go lo' clein h. '
is being siH'd iH-eaiise bis vvife pr<
Uringatem. .wbo w-.
Ibli evening end tomorrow take the
rMsIsa to tbeir. borne where the called to this city a few davs ago on sentd him wilb Iriplels. He had 8i
account of (be IndlapoaUlon of be ranged for a physlrian's servlees u raniiim said be want.-d to bear . on*'-. ptirpove.
faaiml servieet will take place.
Wh.-n a W.ituaii i-troulded n-iih pain
caul Presbyi.-rlan preaching ibey |ir>- I
- IMe vemaltts were bronght to Trsv- daughter. Miss Haael Livingston, who JIK, but when Ihe bill eanie In at ».'s
orwriglit in I.•.II- l,aei<a. ix-. fr.-queiil.
ei-.'.lcif lo a i-hiirrh oT that detxu
he objected and Ihe e.mrla will hav
arm City this afternoon by Ralpfa An- Is employW In the dly sebools.
lion. Till- r.-giilar mtiitsur wato >U-rlde Ihe maib r.
detneo aad lie In the morgue awaiting turned home again
an un.-a-'. 1ir.-d f.-.-liiig ,x tlx
Miss Ailelalde Havetnever. daii^ite
Mrs. C. Richards and Mrs. J. Hock*lp»enlmo , r.-gi.*n of. H.e ^kMn.-,ev ..r^n-.ti--- a
pr«-aeIod an
of H. O. Havemeyvr. sugar mlllior eb-rgyman who
Bert Oaanett was appointed apecUl alead of Bingham are spending


licrcASine Amone Women. Bnt
Ssrrercrs Need Nol Despnir

I t MrjSmma Sul^j/er


admlnUlrator to look after bis watch day In the city, where they came
rooming jiist for a day of pleasure.
aad tbe dMk for bU labor.
Tbey were aeenmpaoled by Master
Carl Richards, who chaperoned them.
Flam noraday's Reecrd.
Mr. and Mra. Frank Erdr of
Mrs. Samuel OarUad, area
wk-k arc spending the day In the eliy,
to UUa Mamie Dunn, left for Chicago where they came this morning for bus.
pasterday for a ten days' v
Iness matters.
. aiy Bnglneer Caldwell and bride
Beri Caldwell and
Frank Ehrehrelnmed from Muskegon last evening lierger will leave romorrow- In an auto

alre. was find «7<> in Harrison. N. J
for fast auto driving. Rhe laed <h
alternative of going to jail iiniil
gsllaut stranger basi.-nd lo ban il.
niliUonalTe's child Ihe mTe>-ss#ry sul
to pay Ibe fine.

aad at« now at borne at Ui Sixth (or a two days- fishing ex|
the Platte.
III di-aih."
Tbe Misses Jennie and Maggie AnThe Rev. J. T>. Carter and wife as on Hie ihriv former occasion's.
,The M.nierial dav-«..iai
"Imsnn will leave tomorrow atterooon passed thnnigb Ihe city today while
Chief Quana Park.-r's *n.-s- (hr.(tor Nortbpon. where they will
on their way tu Maniuu. after ennduel <-ns In overihrow- the ■•nHi.- -y-i.-ni vard will t.- given h.v R.i-r
gMStt of Hiss Emms tViliHm
Ing a two wtTks' revival service at of trihal govornni.-n- wbleb a h-u
b-a.h-ra of the Coiuaneh.- Imliany have
Maple Clly in Ihe imercsi
kepi iniaci f..r half a eviuury
ThMrs. W. J. Chase relurned to Miy- Friends ebureb.
Mra John Mitchell passed Ihroiigh eblef himself may l«- .lethron.-l If lx
Srid today after spending the day In

le city this morning, from lUninr, Kurv-lyi's BDil a eivii war among ihhere she left to Join her buslHind al metnlx-rs Is threatemxl. While Eagb'.
»ne*ot the amldHnus Indiany in
Seiuier's camp, at Alba.
Ibe wesi. has loarne.l a va,t .l.-al of
Miss M. E Breliay li-ft
Ing for a visit-nt Sharon with her par- imlliics. II Is rumofsl iliat be will
sh.irily call an electi.m lo .l.-ihroti.- Mix-k,
--lUroii" Sl-ar ha. ix: .•
J. M. Thomas left on a thon l.iisl Parker and enthrone lilms.df.
IxH'u as>iBix-.i lo du-y. Owing i.,

ness (rip 10 CMar Run this morning
A.lo:|.» A. Weinman Is ibe winner in wai-oTi shoo fire tli.r.* ai' again ii,..-.
Ihe eompetlH.wi for a »1x...hi eonimi- >..1.-- than men ni the priom
ger on the 7;Sfl Pere Marquette which Sion to exeeab- a bronte slaiui- of Ma­
Wh.-n 111.- lumraiaMer arriv-i '•>
was wrecked ni Angt-I
jor General Ah'xan.ler Maeumh io 1. lake I..W1S J. Ohurrh •< SI Joyepl. i. Mr. and Mrs. John Hatton left
•oiwlng lor Dig Kapida. where they pbosed back to the etiy to Inform ber ereel.-d by the Naliona! Skwlely of Ih.' pixirli.WB.' he found the li.-rm.l
parents (hat she was unlnjuitd but I'nlled Slab's Daiigldery of U-I7. stale dea.i. Til- old tiiaii had llveid ih-i.•le culled on account of vbe llincst
tadty shaken ii|i bv il>.. ilemllmeiit.
of Michigan, no the Waxbingion l«mh- iti squalor for iw'.-niy- y.-ars and t.>Ibeir dtughier. Hiss May Oalleck.
Miss Blanche Harvey arrived In i
, vani, Iksroit.
Mrs. I. U. Shank and daughter
IxTv, liul eff.vrl w !I
Jam.'s E. BuTke. a Idaeksmiih. who He ha.l n
Almu of Rmpire six-ni yesterday In city (his ofiemoon from Bellaire an.1
,ime lu rhirago.
Is s.'ning Ms fourth term a* ma.vor of
lbs dly and returti.-d lo their home will visit for a short time at ibe h.
sister. Mrs. Bd Harvey <g
Buriingiun, will pnd.ably U- the .lemotbit aunrlng
iteeBth Bireel.
erailc nomlaiv for gmermu; of Ver- have eoniriliuted p. re-rcuyly to the
Mr. snd Mrs D. U Fmdord

Lv muiTI
5'.', lllv ' l.vli* y. l-mVi.4tn,.-m.|a-' .,,11 •.n.l-.-l.
wi.ntnx I ■ton,-I
,M., lug!,!'
lUI-.-rv.IX il-..!,
—\lr- Kx,„v.s.-....r
i -.


.......... R While and daughter P

ai^ved to the dly tbla altersouB

fund fi.r Sal, Fra,lie|yco i. Ii- f. Iiirlu4
he will have (be votes of a Urge nuiix ing Iftii from Bait Jordan. 1471 from
muni tbLs year and It Is <-vp.vied tba;

We have iiiovrid oiir stock uhich was in
ihit brick biiidine, IK-'i Stale sireci, lo ihc
Motyre luiilJinj!, I'J'.i-lin St.tle street. On
acrount of lack of room for man)' of nor
bulk)- (Tootls, \v<; arc olTcrint; Bugjjics.
\Va}>ons. Harrows, -Laixl Rollers, Plows,
etc. at a big discount. These ifooods are
movint' rai>idly at these cut |iriccs. Come
while the stock is complete.


our Jj^'nson Mowers and Hinders are
"standard " and at less price than the trust
sells them.



Iron AgeTool^

1 2B Front Street

JVM iu v-wUbvlv'UUV. L.-l-O.

'I'liL cliiMrcn’s friend—

Jayne’s T'onicVermifuge

west yesterday in the city and i
tanked to her borne tbU morning.
MUs Lena LJek returned to h
home In Klugsley this morning, whe
nbe will visit her parents a short (iB
C. J. Helm l«-av(« In the morning for
-a short bnalness trip lo Waterloo and
Toroato. Canada




tbe city wllb friends.
. Mlm Minnie Dowen of FUr Lake

Biankfort. whose household goods
rtve In the dly on tbe Missouri Mod.


.- .vf hi« h.-arv-r. • In- I wirh Lv.iia *K Pinkiiani'- V.-e.-ial,:.
,1', - ' t'.impoim-i. a- it muv be Un- m,an- .>1
, sarin.-!!•-•- i.f-.
Korpr..'f -ndniiat I.edia E 1'r.h
ham empoai

Amolne Valencia, an Italian lioi
was a stowaway on Uiar.l of a sieam-T li.-ar niy- hiislian.l pri-aeli.'
which arrive.! Ui Xew- York a few- days repliixl Ihe tpi-ak.-'r, "I si
ago. This was bis fourth ais-paranee no h.'siiation in saying'ih
l«nd can give iliat
back 10 Genoa, having In-en .lvix>n.-d spadi-y and Idg easiiio ai



M-- a i:;ii'.;iiiie.-.


tr'"ur m-rves and inuadcs..


To Cure a Cold in One Day



Pnrfeaaor Joaepb John TboBpaoB.
walHrtowB phyaifian, In an addreaa «
aH atodenia In th.' world, and ha haa
bad enpanenac with moat of lha».
(narteaai abow the Braaiaal
(y and eathmlaain, which be crodlia
f eoara^ at iha American untralllea. which leare lha atndraU
and anlhuaiaalle, while the Eo»n are. loiaUaetnally Urad.
arable report haa been mad<' by
the honae Inralld panalon aommlb
upon a bin to aram Oanaral W.
Dudley of Indiana a panaWi of lid par
nonlh. The banaflalary barama wld.'
>wn In (b« prealdantlal campalyc
M ibioBKta the "Idoafea of Bra
which ba Wtola. He loal a let
la Iba drll war. and thouati ha 1» ana
pracilalny law In Warblnylnn li i<
Ua bona la In Frankfort, wbare ha rialmad ibal ha ernnea nadar iba haa l
•aa Uk« yaatarday afleroooo. The
(BcMaM hapliawad at «;17 yaawr^y

iAjurM.M C*f«WiHh.
«tr» fwl«ht
(k<- ABB AfboT, toad Ma
tort n
IeM bT lk4> *b«rta an hBdb' fc»e T**terdar that aapBUikw
tnrrMarcbcB li • rarr bM*? nan.
«<4cblBA Bbool ni poonda aiX hla
arrtrtt ana tba ranaa erf (M
troBble. Hf h
Bt tb« depot and the train area pollltiR
paai about lamtr milea an hour.
Mdanroivd to board lha raar pUtforoi
of (ha cabooaa but (ha apaad waa I '
(mi anoiKh to throw him «mlo «
«apa and ha frit undar Iba whaala.
■ Ha waa lakaa to the ortea o( Dr.
I. Comrtl who oefftwBnd the atnpo-

RtfMla't Oowma.

81. Falarabut*. May lO.-Caar Midiolaa dellrarad hli addraas to
douma arrlTln* in the cKy at n«
the royal ynchl. TJiere ae«na<
ttfbe (be MllbWrfi'aliO of rlolenea.
Hm dalettlea MTChad ihrondh the
an^ta to Iba wlniar patoca and
ncaiad by cbeart.
The npanlOf of the douiaa. Buaata-i
Brat rapraaaalBtlta ronyreaa,
craaiad wRh-flna weather and waa
made a reneral holiday by (orerw -

•lata Newa.
Emiina N. Baleae of Moltoe. i
bar of the ht.u«a of repnwanlativ.
mu and 1**7. ba» annoanrad hi*


-I ly Hr. J

Sudden Deatia.

fK^ the .V
The «!,»•
.CT ... ..|>.mg tv <*(Mk
l.-r iUii.,u» h"

M.'.ii. -1^ r.i
!l.M re'lnw
ey<«. imd

Uffen of It* Kind to Be BoOt


111 IndlABA.

Oder rsTDaTED



or Kb
Kli-ltlOLN. (Le>i>

gake mlcklaao - O

ownls. .|w>w~d. ee.l ihel *11


Ihcr-jelve- 1
bUdyor «3ul

Jon I* bunding lo Indiana on tbeaborea ehlxlrvrd eucVrrI Iv a truferh
of Lake Uldilgan were laid before tbe the kidneva II vou ate fteling
director* of Ibe company ai tbe reg-1 eaiiiiixheiionii.t.ikclv
ntor quarterly meellng of tbe board I AwamF»KoBt. the rr'** ****7.
riw orhe, afmruoon. The new P>»“t •
hold urine and'cxldCO.I »T:..oaM«. I. to

lb .h-fil* .J


"Hj.r t .

•111 !• h»r-l
b-H •'.birt. .« ri..l»v,,
siweib'da. U Jeiw.. A 1> . HW.. *b.!.airn
dbi thr ■ibbribi iC Aiixbbl A b . irw ai •rol
■.'ek.'t lb
.A ,w.-h vl ■Iwbrdbjb J



• niul lisH been inatle amder fau peraunnl Mit>en L<ioo since Itatnlbiicy.
Allow no one twdecrive yam In tin*.
All Cniiiitcrrcils, Inillolioia* and “•1iie(o>-Eo<Ml*'»re but
...................lit* tlinl (rltlc w ith nod cudaitger the health of
luraiits nud Ctuldrcu—i:k|>cr>cii<y. ngaluat Experiment.


^lIUTVIAUK^AI.k-lMbtUI hirini Iwm. |

ludlana Sleel company,
»»r, a« :j -----------------'gwr
of. tbe..........
State* Steel eorportUon. formed
the pnrpoae of catrylne out the «
panya-pUn* for thi* new *teel pUni. (
:iotl disiiaumgi'xx
rleaxiW iv Ule »t« :
wbirb will he tbe Urgeit and tbo beat i Smtot R<
li'iv.ceni and one dc ■ I Wie-hl«*o, *bd rb. b-Jrn".«i( ”»•
equipped of It* kind lo ibe world. 71m i ^
^ Ih.b'nr. ..I III. Il'VW-r .A U..S .4 orai.d
pUm I* iwluc built Primarily lo aerve |
tbe wesim mniket. (rut II I* *u lucat- 1 muu'ondetlulii’rvdts
ed tbal It* pMdurt cau be marketed ea«try
nnda booi
ndvantageoualy In Ihe earn a* well ai ell* *n *'
hym»j|. AJdrtsxDt KiimetbCo. nc nnrt.1,1. .Al • Kldt ImAtViC, UH-rr I.
IB tbe week *ay* tbe New Turk Time*.
The rumai-e*. rolling mill* and olber Btngharnlor. N. Y. Whenwruinj mer.ilon .lr.d BiBhl.*-" ixjtor.«i>.l r.«ii
part* of the plaul Itaelf vrill eorer a reading this cetrervu* n<l«f in this r*rer.
Alienr/ -f< .4 nib -u U llAra. •- ar..>i.l.-i
any inistak*. bin ramernOcr f..» 111 «ud ni-rt»Ai[». .n-1 n- -«it ur |.l—-~.l
aquare mile, and In adding tbe comhA.ii.AlA^ in«ilBl»d t.. rrv.>'r
patiy own* thou*and» of acnn wbkb frs name. Swamp.Root. D-. Kilmer'* lnr*AiUa
M...Ar. - ■.--..r.'i l.y ^14 Ri.fTtgAi-v, .4 Act.
Bill be u«o»l for n town Bile, for va»t 8w«iq>-RtN».andihe vilrtt*. f A(hafnloB.
’’^utir/iTb.-r.—r ci'.-.i, IhAI hf Tirio, .4 til. '
railroad yarrU auj for olber farilllle* M.Y„cn every bed.
V.Mr.r.4Mk-r lA lUkl &i.4t(*g'. aiaI
BNUW lo Inaure Ibe ..(fesylve ojientUou of thU gigaolle, Afler tbe
iDihu gDryedbA IwM.
meetiuc Of ibe director* Judge E. It
Oary. rbnlrmin of tbe board of «U>
1 liil'i1|il,l-i„.47rA.--- .Hr.lbAtl-t.s iliri.lA...
rector*, after whom the Town triilch
. I - - Ih. l-lr.-nil
p.r 1I-- .-.
I* lo be built up nronnd tbi* newi »leel ktnii* mlllinry o'-adeiuy
lilnni.l TrA«..'-.'C>ei4 - n I I- M .
ptoni I* to Ire iuinK.d. aunouueed wome Point, 1« kn.iim Ilii..iiglihnl
, I.. M
MBlwt l-l.l. r, ll.. nr^;- . 4r--ril-«l
lln-».| lii-etcAr. --r
i.iueh'lh'T.irf u- 1
nfijnportion of Ibe rom|uiny'* pbiu*.
for u- fiili.l 1.V lertlueut
' I.. r.l^WAtr, l.> |>... th.* AU1.UA1 «.
wiil.h I" | . 4.1 -.
~' > (ilnnt win eon*l*t of n largeing- Ihe Ai-nl.e. Ill a party w
4' ...> »»«. , •m.uv. ri
tligllAkVAAt. Aril All I.
I r...l..o.,-»u-r vlUi
of bluet funmis... ojvn i-huled i-i'miliiini ufili-cr* ef
bearlti fumaera and lliilebing mill*, aiTBj- niAl navy she rereiitly lobl
iuV..;';-..u^'';t.T‘:;:;,’fi:; :r:i
|<V.Dii«i.< - > iF«t A.ali-e.n t.i ihr V,llAV>. kuw
bnl Ibe whole

..ITruite^-•'X.i >ll.-l,urAn.A.k'. '
d tluil II
w;ni lu Hie aoIIIIi. nlid a ii.lnn-.)
•Ingle pinut There are lo I-- flxCeen mliiuier <i( the .\|eili.«!!*l |K-r«mi*l<in
bum foroacea, rtgbty-frmr open beertb
pl.-nclliig nllh m- w lm wa* not •
JilUN •- fomaeee tod »l* BnlalilnB mill*. *ome
,i.-T of Hie n»-k.
Of which, ludividually. will U- Urger
nil. i!iy d.-ar ll|■.•Hler.‘ be Ugu.i'-. <1 IS
an nny of Uic aIngU mill, owned tiy •wh.i dnii'l you eouie «1lh me and Join
e Jllccl corpomllon. The mil mill, tbe nrmv of Ihe lairdr
r example, will be built at a cc*l of
d, army
•• -I .lime already Iwlcooil to de and win l>t <wpal>lr of roll­ «f de laird.' li»l*tc*l (lie
le iegru.
Einu.A. Anil
lb.'..AO.-'I.r MimFr.
ing tlioul Tri.im0 tooa of rail* a month.
t4AniAl>lAllinl. .-III. lh-lAU.1 I -.
u-nlAd. AD-i
lb, iik>il4-c- .4 II. n,bc-<The flr»l of the trig mil mill* con.tnwl.
DAm-l III >11 im.ii-1.A>i:.>i r„>4.1.>l dh4I
ed by tbe Steel corporalloii In tbe I’lHa
*mg»A«Alb-l »il lAi'd or AI|> X -'CIU* -t;
burg dUlticU Wbleb at the time wai
TAKE Kiini 'K Thai >.1- !.*• I— > U^lally
couldered a very Urge mill. co«l but
ria0,u(Ui>(..ii.>i-.c .I.u'rli4.l I.nO t..r ai.

Caatonn Is ti hamilcs* Mdr.(luitc for Ckwtor OU, PareID>ric, IJrops and HiMilhinj' Kyrupa. It in Iriconant.
* iicillicr Opium, Moridiln
idriire ■ r srtbcp Narcotic

And Klnlnlciicy. It aMiuilbiK-o Ilic I'ammI. nirtilnteu the
mill iiuiuml Hteejs.
It and Ihiwcls, pivini
The CbiMrciiN l>a
1—Tito Mutlaer'a rneud.


are being conridated ^ iba locail
mllllary company lo take the
plare of the Iroowood company racenl
ty muttered ou'. InnwoDd. howerer,
make a abowlng and get back
Into Iba rank*.
The Bailie Creek poller are looking
ito an odd linrgliry cate. Thlere*
eaeei lor (wardtas the ciarV wirier ilering 0. A. I-ucke* grocery *tn
palaea wbore ihe aeaatana are balm In Ihe ea*l end, p»«w-d by mooey
.. . »»h dCBwar and oiher valnaUI
,and limded op with (ace powder, «><
Saw Torh. May 10.—Tbarlea
Schwab, the ateal tnaicnala. aatlad for paale. complexion lollun* and lolle:
mp. Entrance wax eBeetad by a rear
Bur^ today to coofer with the
door and the (oolprini* look more
alan soteRlBasI In regard (□ a
Inina iban matrullnc
■ tdlltailoB of the ciar-B empire.
The are In iha Ingll* bio* a(
I Thurtdty wa* marked by aeveral
Oawral Naum.
Ifaer prrullar OK'Ulrenea*. When ihe
Mil phtUp Snotrdoo. wife aad a
______ wcheil the geaetBl ofB
relary of the Ubor member of l
Ibe IroQUOl* Cigar company ihe door
Brltlah parilamaot for BUckbum.
of the Urge el.ick wax forced open ‘
la almoai at eloqoam a ipeaker aa bar Ibe heal and Ihe braai rim on '
htabaad. whdaa paMMaal* teal for Iter tide looaened from Ibe gla**. A*
pac^reanlre democracy abe fully
dropped II caught abonil the plnlonr
iduuwa. Mra, Snowden U already
I which were attached Ibe band* of
tamttlar Bifure In the lobby, where ic clock, atupping iha timeplere
day by day abe may be aeen In watch jo mlnutaeofl. In the prtraie offl.-r
fg| aueodanee nptm herd hnabanJ.
ter W, C. Weill, a tool
Mr. Saowdea la hadl.* crippled and la Joining, hi* amall derk clock
|I*M] A.el lh,l til.- oadi rAlL-DtAl ,
beib oerroualy and phyMcally delicate atopped t( exactly the nme flgiire* tonuon.
hA, till, Ihrr.t-.IIII.I.T lAA .1—1 l»B.d tlu^i ■
Seme Idm of (he nmount of i
(or. Ao4 tOAt ,1 -II At, ..nlnw n.
n .-.ptn... ,
and hit wife aeeaa lo lira lo aaa that and wa* unmtrtied by the hem.
rial wbleb It will lake lo *npply tbrwe
AB.vUi.r.,4 At An. iin,, KiUlIb >IA lAUSlIl'
hit Bery apirit doet not wear oat bU top of Ihe bnlldlng the gracel roof
mllla 1* gained from the eompan.V* e».
trnn body.
rMied In a long, (tgxag ridge by a heal Omile tbat fully fi.tin0.000 ion* of Iron
Dorlog the *oHBg on am
maheDi * ,,v Tower For FIreL
exptntlon. Ibe ridge baylog a timlU' ore win be required by tbe plani annu­
eiic liuUdlug lu Kuiis;i«
pmpoaed to tbo railway rate bill In the appearance toJhe mound made by i ally. Tbla win Iw browrhl down fraki
aanate former Senator Pugh of
mole, excena lhat It WM abo;:. *<-vp- tbe eotupany* mlam lii tbe lAke Fii- Cliv' ido- U niiWii-J It will 1-- the
blgiieAl lire d.-iKirtinetil water lew«r
bhma entered Iba ehambar and look a
eight Inche* In height. WbIk perior region and will l>e Irrouglit In »« Id die world, aay. Ibe Cblengo Trib­
aaai NdilBd Senator Tlllnian
walrblng (he blaie M(*» Edith Park pany'i tiUal furtuee*. wbb* form
une An order wa* ptored (or Ibr cooBBkkIy Joloed by Sewaior Morgan of
relieved of bar pockellionk Am dIrUloa of tbe IndUna pUuL BtHunioo of a all lu.-b alcel water pliw
Alabaau and ihe two were ebaiiing by a plckpoekel. Har (athar. W
Tbit ore will be cooveried into ohonl from tl»c erounil lo the roof. *0 nr
DBitCttm'lo.V .1
togelber when Senator Patina of Ala Parkhumi. a dapuly *hPHfr. wa*
AOOO.OOO looa of I-lg iron, which ' ranged that four llue* of fire bow ^ay
be ollacbeil at Itw roof noxxUm. and
hamt Joined the gnrap. Tbeeombloe-I of (ha offlear* oo duly at the fire.
turn win produce from 2.soo.«»
Mcamem can .naal.l tbe elly e nter de­
2.700.000 tons of steel. Every (ou
acea of the three men U OS yean.
Helen. C.yearold daughter of
partment puiiiii* by toiqiUig the pli>e
Path tate.Ho(itaa«t and Petiua SS and Mr*. Waller BunHier of Ponilar tron ore need will cnll for tbe cotuump- at
Hie street .-oimcctloii. With firemen
th)D of at leaat aootber too of rod and
yemn old. “Theiw'a a Bne bunt'
bit her longue almo»l In I wo 1:
able to nand on i.q. of tb» foui
boya,- taU BeBator Bereridge.
middle by nnexpeetedly xtepplng
Tl» erection of the company'* pUnt atorv liiilldlng and throw four gn-al
youngeal taembar of the aenale. aa be (be aldewBik while walking backward win require a ta»t amount of alrue- atieam* of watiT It l« e«Iltiioli>d
David Young 1* a hennil who ba- tnml aieel. tbe production of wbirb Inanraae* rl*k« In Hh- Imniei'.Ute n
Jaitlce Holmea la owe of Ihe moat beee llflng much after (he Banner
of tbe company'* pre*. liorhhod will dtAiji mnterially. In
keep ai
QTATKiir HI.-Hl'tAR-Tti, Hn.l«l,.-4urlj _
any monlh*. A nnce inru have Iiecn t-alllug (or tl
peculiar Jndgea the auprwme i
wild baa*t» In the wood* ne»r Rud- eot mill* boey 1
•111 be emplo.ved roof »laodiil|4k. for yearn, but lb.- Ia>ng
a'—W4l‘.4.w4’<-.nin. fcrll at lb,
'-d*wr kwowB. Id order that
yard. He haa been rvdaeed lo a mere amrnll army of n
I.BU.IIBC U the tttwt 10 adopt the
pnaeire bla Wriod free from dlatrae- •kelelon aad wa* trapped and taken (Of two yearn or more lo Ibe
tloB of tbe pUnt. and wlwn It 1* com­ geAtlon
10 the counly Jail.
pleted It will give employmeot lo alwut
Hon that would Inpalr bt> efBclancy
The lale*t Inlerurtun
railway 15.000 men.
“ BBd wUdom.aa a Jnrlat be doe* o« alTbe locatloa *f tbe plant locladr* a
, low bImieU lo read the newaptpr
portion of tbe preMt bed of tbe Calu­
.-lAl, Al.atll- lielll
met river, tbe conrae of wbleb I* lo l>e
( Ose eroBlng nceotly be ehaoeed
witfa tbe I) I’. R. for Deiroli.
1 meet Seaaior Crane at a aocUI gath
Oor. Warner ha* accepleil
‘ log. “By the way." he taH to Crane, vKalien of W. N. Ferrit. of Rig Raptbe lake
d«, lo deliver an addrea* ai Ihe gmd- froo't and the ('alutnct river
natlng exercice* of the Ferria IndiiiIn addition lo tbr Elgin. JolicI and
; -Why. BO." repllod Crane, “he ha rUI ichool. on June t*.
EaMecn aud tbe other tailraads owned
, been elected goveroor." “Oreai Seed!
Cfcarie* Fergueod of Marahalt wa*
. melalmed Holme*, and Upaed Into
living witfa hi* hruber. who I* a mil- pfint will l«
Hair All Came Out and He Suffered
Ju4v-. ,( l'n.l4U.
ATlvauia. 1
1 deep apell erf m^luitoa,
in. at the time of (he earth­ rood fT»tem», the reunarii
Very Much—Under OoctorThree
.New York rentral. the Bait
; Beniior Seoii of
VirgInU had quake. The brmber writ.-* lhat when Ohio
and the Wabarii Tbe Eric al*o
Better-Perma,* a cudldtle for ofBe* In hi* oute and
returned from bl« ran he found paaero wlUiln ca‘>- couiiecilon of Uie
. pubed iBm vlgaraatly at the whpe hi* home In ruin* and hi* family ml«»- new plani. Tlie Steel .-ori.iration will
nently Cured at Expense of $2.
btmae. Tbe oppoBent* of Beotf.
owa vaai railroad yard* lo ibe w.-at
UlPT (meed (hem i
of Ihe pUnt, whleli will be eoniiected
dug BP tbe fact that he waa w
Joae. excepting Cbarle*. who c
with all Ibew ratlro.-id •y«ieniK.
exempUty a HilieB aa he mlgfal be be found.
The lake Shore and MlHilgan Sonlbaad bad a record. The praaldiml cac
“Dnke" Angtuid* Parmot
cro of the New York t’emral »>»iem.
DM Utlak of appotDilai •oeh a mac cUIm* (o be rf •cion of a noble French tbe Haltlmore end Ohio aud tbe Wnaad lold Scott no. Later the pceaMeni family, but who U now * farm 1
boab are eagaced In nliering tbelr line*
Ml lo Ihe nomltatlon of Ben IUbW* on the Robert Mllcliel! farm
111 Ibe nelgtilmrbood of the new pbmt
Mr. A. C. lliTTini. i>roprk-tor of •
of Arixoaa and wrote the famoua
Orchard lake, wa. taking a qule: M aa lo avoid all grade crosalnga mel (eneral More in Avael. Oklahoma,
ter excotlBg DanleU tor having been
(he track of the Air Line to make Ibem lit in liciter with the tell- in Hie f..ll..winR (rab-ful letter
Steel .-.inioraikiii'a aehenie of .-oiiAtni- how Culirurs run-d him and hi.« .ron
a-AlD.-srla tbe peBtteollary foe Mealing a mule when he
ScMt weol lo Ihe while hou» a
glneer. who Mopped hi* train Juti In lake Shore and Ml.-blgeii Southern will trftcrriUvectenia.-.;
BBid: "Mr. Frealdeot. yon rofuaed
rexema. Hi*
lime to aave the -duke,
have a union aUtloti in Hie town of head wa.- .me ».liJhod all over hi-,
appolBt my man. but ll aeema to
men loa»ed Oui Into a middle of water Gary, and (be l■•■nn■<}Ivanla
•ralp: hi- hair all ejuiie out. and he
that you did ll without proper iBve* bealde the track and then tried to Bale
will have *ep*raie Mution# of
ligation. Tor
make up lo*l time.
.jwn of Cary, which prliunrily j |S^°\hl'*he wa.^ no I.
hU trorih aad qukllBeatloiU." “Hoa
John McMann found aome "yellow
aor arted the piealdebt. -Why. you ;Moir while digging In hit back yacl will be the dwelling (Racp of tbe men I (vod that tb.- T.ii
employed lo Hm- m-w idaul. I* oxpecled : ha.l cur.-«l nic. and ;
have Bomlnated Ben DanleU. All wel
We»t Mala Mreet at Uar*hal1.
asd good, but my mao la twice a* wo^ looked like gold, and Dr. O. E. P
thy aa yoor man. DanleU waa in the riiemUt. and Jeweler Cs
penKaatUrr oaly cmee and my man
d It the "veal ihlag.
waa la twleo."
A quamlly baa been tent t
The IBdepeBdrol Order of B-rilh w (or ataay.
smte*. TtiU iiopuLiiloo ^oM make
A* tt»hL‘-own rise, Mr. Biniell *ay.: • b. r.5<>EiIii!'S.^n^ia*AirauV
j rtia,.f,-d siih .vi.-ms. a humiiig. ■
Abraham, wtatrii U bolding a o
Pre*McBl Samuel tlickl.- of Alhkm tbe town of Gary larger Hum Albany.
• •
ling, hreakitig out on my fa*.- l-r----------- —_-r-_---------- -.------- ---non la New York, to* voted I
Mdlege aadlhe Rev. William Hay n
re tlian n Mar. i t»A'treatni.tit
pMat a coMitMe which akemid take Ibe Albloe M. E chuieh bought “anil'
|Jiv-j.-iai> for H->rral nuinlli-.
atrpa toward organlxlng an Americaa
did n.. p-«l. 1 wa- ili-n
Prank Wochholt*'* saloon
ndU^-d’to tn-'''cul
FMemlMB of Jew* lo begiB Ihe
In lhat town five minute* later than
rix b.itU.e of ( ulirura
•tracUoD of a aaaitarium (or ilie alck Ihe law allowed ninon* to Ih> op>'n
u*k1 Culicurn
of (be order and lo make Ihe BaglUfa . and then had Ibe *aloon mao arrested tton* for the privilege of eMabUablng Inrfy evr-ry day. 1 b.gan .
of all kind* In (Us a«)n' alt.T starling to usc Ihcni, and
fir—r- (he nngual audlnm
He plesded guilty In the Circuit court. lank* and norci
expected lo grow up
I had taken the aix bolt!.-- »f
Kent couBty get* only fonyahrec around tbe Indlaua Steel rompanyl* when
the Kesolvent niv fnee bad teennw
delegairk to ihe republican
~ ~
atloii will aell dear, 1 had gnnd color, and all erup­
(weBly-tbrce less
bonding sites In tbe i< D of Gary, bat tion* bad k-ft me.
••IVv use Ou ruticum .‘tosp and
. so Hiat Ae
? of the large eely nnder t
the atteutlea of grown np i-eideri.
merly. Thh. I
Via «'or*4iwl a *_*. !*._
Steel Cl
ago. Tfai*
a BalUmore acbool teai^. Tkc au­
getieral u«-. and it ke«y«« our skin
eolt and hrallliv. 1 rhei-ifuily recotuthor la (aader (rf albietic* than of Brit not CBongh delegate* to goaroond and
cicnd the Cmirum R.-mcdi.-- for all
lag and praoder of ber iktil la Iracipg will catmc a Hvety coalcM la tbe oooBcawe ol rexema. (*i«nrd».-A. 0- Baf(hoa In tclIoB. She aaya tbat (
(y coBvCBlIoa.
4 '
-- _
TraUtf for t-AilarCit rand Prunwiat bw,, «
-Wbrn wb(« tbe king* o
■Ulrica aeem to be wriilcB la apllc
CbarJea Br*Imnt. aged tC. an Ibycbi- erownedr was (be qoeBriDB
iy.S**^r-*iAr*VtTa»d rrwvASMBtami
hernttf. (or abe doe* dm vlah to write <w. wa* caugbi In a nitiag
humoronaly. ber one grmi ambiitoi( (he Fletcher paper mill Bt Alpeaa an-l
J.r. JBUCB.Af*M.
HIM t» wrItB -TBiT
> hteflgMm


f Beats the Signauire of


a a o


a a





The Kind
You Haye Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.




a i











Til NOriCf



I inriiwMaUiui tli..u-wril am.-I.ui..l..,i M>l Bi,wkl-k

28 Iwhslt t* tha Aeri

,4Sr.-b4llrAn.l Tra,.-ri- t '.ianlrUi Hliw <T .4
111.4104.- ..l. 140 UC. I.V tl» MOvav*D«t

will »e the


4ll.~l 4u.|A».l








z'\zTi s.i'"vu".;..,,.
'rZ'' pjr 'iS;

I„|l..•lll4 Aulli-rtad ,i,n!lliA> .4.K>taniA> lb.-

__________ mllr-nl?-l irai.

.........................---------------- -

herald WA«T ad.

;‘,r: r



"a ?.'H;

"■W- .. Vhgt.HWAt.KKk.



• -VTi-HIS-,


J.t;:,: 'i




^ij ii.4t*<k-.-*».l*b..w—1 !•» Iaw a,a««-

R^al Estate, and Loans

12? Front St., flontagne Blk.,

Trirerse City. Midi.

Pere MarquetTe



Properly of All Kinds for Sale
and Exchange
will ;;.-t you sevcfi per cent i**rr annum .lor
your money and give you as security gilt edge
Trnvcrsc City real csiale t»r gilt edge farm* in
Grand Traverse County, Mich., where your
money will be absolutely safe.


Treeeeor City. Mich.. April ». lP«e
gotag to Bebaetererr day^ esB. Our
(tear Pivsidrni-I will write you a I
school win be out the CTlb d this
Bonlb. We have got a very good and note end seed 'cu oobm' Mav ff:.s-.-r>|
Klscaley. Hieh. April t7. l»dt
kied boanpd teacher. 8hr glres to sc piried. They are eelte thick thl> I
Dese Preatdeai-1 tboashl I would
rtd r:> l-.rpe
Bly I r.rthvr Wl. |
prises' at tiie end d e**h «a«th (nr
write a few Uaae lo yam I
spelling. Valentine ds- ►he bough- lard Is (oar voar< <rtrt and ran be )'il;.
sad bope you asd all of the Buaablaerr
crepe paper end ribbon and had u* thr Crs.lh' Hod furt tsv lisljy bn«Bri
are the eame. We had
•cholars all make vaJenilnes. Some Georgr irboti Ira menihs old ibr lih
a Wednesday. It horsed e bare
utdc in Ihe ahape of bears asd'of Mayr W|ll you please send them
of Kiecaley asd elmoei all o( tb«
the shape of feet aad thee tied a wd. Willard will bkeh Ihr klurnt
triepbosea la Kiaseky were burned
Tbe baby sill
Ibem with the ribboe. Her same is up and rtrlvr them
Our acbool wUl be oet
Mist Veea Bspee. I never bare wri'.. play po-ko-boD anri wave bis band at
from lodny. | bare my pkee learaeil
sftee I received my card for the us. Willard helped us plri thr Mav.
Well. I BUM clore for Ihl. lime,
cookie recipe to thank you for U. but flosvrs. We will clore.
Your Subahlners.
.wlU eead my thanks with this litirr.
Yopr SuaahlDer.
Margaret. IsaU-l and Wniar-I Wllk-.n
nofale Adah WbiUaaE
Your loving Sunsbiacr.
Ind.vd. the lliilr brrebers ran j.rtu
hope yoe will never kmc the pin yot

Ww m4
M»rmM 1»m§ /Wb


AlD« ai* Cimdte BoUJ All JW »">
(are to do l* U» *rtw »»d WU we
their BOBa end wa end i
Btoa thlBd tber >»«>


ramlMd to all roo thU wee!
my tUU a 8e«an«l-M»*»- Tlin:
Bher ~r— rw Ads Artwr. Midi
MM7 IMit tkta».
If I «i«r f.11 hi jfjrti* «• «•
ttM thtaM ) •" *Tn'. *>»

■Then then ii e eltf In« ibnl no «n<
IrUfalefi or hurt the nfolm'le Thr

*r tret preaidcni seat yiw

I eapect you had a very nice prv
erem (or ihe last day u( seb
■etnesec ii Ual the rent. '
ttfnl DqumU »re w twM thst the;
l.mla. Idaho. April 2
VUI tit oe the cnWBd vllhUi too or
Dear Prealdeei—1 will do
thra (eel of
sod tfisa lor
your letter wbiefa 1 was vei
While'I *w rUIUBS there <rc
get and I (hank you very
out OD the piBua sad UWed o
the pie. I will aend you Ihe
rsUlDi with e aui. end a aulrrcl
BddrrH* .d one of my (fiends wb»
hffai up ud cot It. and a llUle lau-r would like tn be a Suashlber
him teklBc suii (roa the heart uamr I. Hiss Carrie B. I.Hhrecht.
of an old scalhnnaB who Urod am Ronin sntdin;. Mnni Vale hlo
door asd who opesed the wlodow ao-l kane. Wash. We are living
reached out to the Ira Uaalcr 8«uir rmdrb now. We moved borne Ihe 2«lh
elulag M. U ihej ere hunjtry
H^. We areo'i golii« lo school

Asnle H.gyan

j the Credb. Roll and se are gUd t :.

Amtrew la Ihr llrst mrmiK-r o(|have thrm do so. Thr flowers srrv
rw Cradle Roll I hiu-e ih.-rr will U- lovely sort I ibaak yt.u lor them.
sod Ibatibcy sill all grow
up to be true Soflsblnrrs.
Utond. MIrh. April 1«. I»«.

I'.-dar. MI'-li. .Vpril 2.--. IS*":Ik-ar rrecldent-I sin In lb.-Keveiiit
grade and «rjr sebisil will n>'i Ic. lui'
till the IsJt «•( JniH- \V. Iisie Icii'.vl
(UB at .vcbiml Tli. r.ulnrt slvi.Kcbolarr In our cr-h-ol every >uy
yon Will •ili's-e M'tel me a evrd stid
iMillim I sill U- your ime Smohin-

Ihur Pivsldeot—I ibougbl I wobll
wrlie a letter lo yon today aad tc'l
you I am well and bope >"U are ibr'
same. 1 am going to schord r very dmy
BOS. I like my teacher very mnrti
Her name !• MUs Ina IVTiin. K«r Imy-.
Yours truly.
prU I have (our «lov«w sad se have »
Jis-l II It-rgM-oui.
emU (our days oirl
Wr- have gut (I'ui j
they will ell up a their htod le«> and
le sefatKd we • V guing to will
The raid aud bii'leu have I. . i, ,eni
borses and nine
Our h.wvr.-'
saew the ahali off. whllo hotdlaa ihr
Ibr Utb of this moBih. There
aam<b> are Hand. Mb. Rock and twi. lUd wc will all !•« cisd lo,.n.BUt la their little'front nawe.
going lo he a plmlr Ihr ls»l
>i>r ni'w ftuo'hlne tneml- r.
PaMwrt. Mebel lata.
ibcr think It nicer to me the aut (or sehnnl. Wr have part of our garden
FM Vke Froeideirt, CUa iMe^
a while tbej wlU nis alas the srooort ptantod. Wo have l-ern having very They arc very prrti)
Bvansioii. 111.. April
seeks of sefaool yri
■icend Via .FaeUeiit, Mrs. Iraw sod Asd a Bice eo(l place asd hide '
'(V-sr PiTsidenr -I will write and till
wealtarr here now and li
rhildien got t-'lnr I'ggs Irvin our
PwMayAhMdf. ,
Then they will acampdf back asais
oni'slued our loeuliaior. The one w.
doing (be gardens a gml dral
leacbi'r Thr'y wrrr all c-ilors I uv. iH
(oat a> they can run and uk (or ■
I....... .
and UTX '’cc.
good. Well. I must riose my leller.
Bunsfaiac riub. sn
Iber aalrrcl
caa not Ihlnk ol anything eire
please send me a eard aa.l l.ulto-i
■I number enrolled May t. IMd. will cone along and dig
only put lu slsviit a tivuidrisl anil ihiitv
rite. With love, 1 irmafn.
Hoping to rvc this In print, so gtsrJ.
BDd eat II. One of ny frieoda lold
at the nio.-t. The h'-al U so r.-gulat .
Your Buoshlner.



•I-e 'no .‘nf'sec- :tl,T :s. N It ir;

S K. Iraetl,.ii.v:
of !l.e, 3. T
fonie SI..1 io II. or wrtlc u» (or priref.

And Bunahlse la their dellsbl.
And when (hey creep lalo Baby'a eyca.
Why. there the asahesau are;
Asd w^htm they peep throoffb Act hmy

In (aroff slalca would wrtlc

Baat Bay, May
Suasblne Club-As the
all coBsIder ava an
friend and as 1 dearly love every
Her Isnsbter alsffi sesr asd far.
Asd one aayp "Pleaaer asd t'other Iff Ibem. 1 thought
me wbea I was s Mule boy at the
aaya •‘Do!Asd both toceiber aay "I love you!' age odour. That was neiriy U yr
So. Lemael Imusb 'and Bamael Bi^llc. ago in the etly o( Detroit. Tbere
a district acbool In a building ncu
Oome la. my dcare, aad tarry
door to our bouse. There was a board
partilion lielween Ibe two lota, but o
board was left out for lay aecomn
dalhm lo and Irom school. I was
grtel lover of broad wHh a spread
butler and -tosses.- aad every reci
my Uad Icacber would let mo go (or

uftener. (or Ihelf letters arc
citing lo us Michigan girls and boyi.
Win vou kindly send the niclure (or
our school* Well, as It 1. now lime
tor me (o retire. I will chisc my Idler.
As ever, sour Sonsbiaer.
Mary RogersYoiir school la the flrsi to rvpori rlnr day cscreUes and I am glad
send Ibe picture. I agree with you
Is nice lu bear from our fardvO
Du-iulN-ia anil we will Invite all iif
them Id wrilc iffica.

Cedar. Mich, R. F. 1). I. April II. UWC
Dear fTcsIdcot—I will fell you
l.goi mr card and t-ution and I
Btf customary loach,
they arc very nice. Well. I srtl
after lunch, would give my (acc a ctoso you that I have got a few (rlcndi
And'tbM he Uaiha-HBy youagaler
acaBBing to see It It was amcared,
> to Join (be Sunshine
nae occatloo t shall never (orgci.
Their names are RIbcl O'Drico.
“AAoHrparty of iHsttagulabod vUllors .
John and (tanevlevc O'Uricn. Bicpbcn
visiting fbe school. After, my- lunch and Adam Pleva. Laura aad Hike Matescaped usnotleed by
lowskc. Joe n<-va nnd Ray Mark, ani
Whsi a sight 1 preaeniod to the school all of their addresses are Cedar. Mich..
and viritots as I entered!
Nobody R. F n Hu. 1. and please send ihcfu
a tough. I was smeareJ all a card and hutiun. Well. I will tell
with lasses front ear to eat ..(ruin (ore111 wc have Ids of fuu playidj
brail lo rUn. I began lo cry and ibe
There are abunl
kind teacher gave my (ace a gool Simshln^K In our srbool. Well. 1 su,i
washing and enmbrd my hair, acitlng
other flunshtae girls have vl.vp
me ou her kace and saying. Thu Is log dolls. Iiui I think bIim; 1s nice. too.
my UlUr Charlie.- I was still crying and I like It so dearly. Well. I gues»
Tbe vluliors Imgan to give me pcnulcs my letter Is gelllag long etmiigli, so 1
Ungb. MUs Nolilc. my will rloKc (or this lime, ricane escusc
■eacber. was a large fleshy lady, and
iu>r wriling and mlsiakcs CisHl-byc
like her name, she was noUe Though
From yvur Sunshlncr.
uvalthy. she loved in l<c a teacher, aad
Ellen Lavamurc.

.;s«r ■

tic rUIrkens ar.' Pteaklug Ihn.utt'.
. Cedar. Hteb . April IT. ISPS
Ihi-lr shells.
Dear Prcsldeut-I will now sit damn
F.«ar:yvlll.'. Ha. April 33. I!""'
id lake 'he Kivat pleasure ol nrlliug
I'ear Pi-slil.'iil I r.-S'l y..:;i pltii "i
jii a few lines to let yon know that I
am well and bo|>e >uu and all ihv i^uu lb' Cia.ll.' R' II and think it iiiivr U ias
have ti'tt UTi. Utile br..ih.TK or *. ‘
shlBirs arc the same I am golug lo
win s.wd you Ih.- nviu. m iiiy Ic
schiail every .lay I can. Wc have 4
i-'.'s. H'T iiam.' is Able. Ihwlri."
lot uf Inn at sehoul. me play BaBirs
There are TS. srhidars vnr.dbvl lu I'.s.iNT and -her sa.- is nliiel-.'i
scboul. 1 have a frictHl that wihiM nuHi-lis. She has lolf .if ciitmllig way - 1
like to Join. Her Iiam. Is Hosallc Duwcnls. I vri'.l i.ll.vou M'mi'tMng
chincy. Please send it In ^y name.
She Is my scaimalc and-1 like her did the -ulp'r day. W-- hav.- a
, Lit!.- or... will, u •
very well. It Is ncaily two years slui-c
ciawi.-l Ibr-oiab ihe ,
I jidni-d and I have my card aud bit
My two bnuhen. arc mem
Mamma '
bets and Jithnnle woul.l Iik.' vrrv
mueh 'lo Join, too. I wviider il be I
enough to Join: he is only thn->'
rs old. Wh<'n<’vcr he get* oM
ugb would you pbas. s.nd Him a
card and bmion: I think I will have
to eloH' my |>i»r wrljlng («r this ilnu
so g.»sl hye
Kr.Mii your mic ttuiisliiuer.
Age 13
Alice IVm... r.
Johnnie ran Isiong lo the fredlc





taamhsD who wasM like to have ibH.*
^mhy stolen and brothers on the Bus

1 sm glad' lo Aanw that you nvv
goliig to have a pretty achool yard. I

■r Sunshine club.
Cedar Run. April i:.. 1»0«.
Dear President—I saw your Wee
rw pUa In this week's Herald, so I
will send my little brother s name la

a«Bcr . Cetldf.
Il.r sctrecc cf ri.dlir.
Oikriv h4i -W.7I pari -ra.
outrn.ri in>;-:'.ioo.,«l.(h. 'iVFt.iiRyls.rpari ,hi


unniC«HVUta.-)r.t, ,-e-


*,p»aviUv I'jr v|uv Mttltred
U..:tiui; sMLhtiDa.B cnadk
.-rw 3b--1 by .Ui

3fJT .-airveiU

Try a Herald Want Ad.


In- glad to liave him I'av-iini-'

.renc. MIrh. April IS. IP"-:


them In srhool, ... the scb.ilars are '
m now
Wcall wool to i

w.-edi to gather n.-wers and bad
splendid ilm-' and t.nind «iulie a f>
flower., I l.canl a Hub' dnve -to B-


I-'or -.ttvftny-ttvi:> :li-: v-'i-l < •

biri|ida>. III.' Kib >if April, a
the robins, miwrti.w larks s
lrd» V v.-ry morning We burn.-'
Kcbts'l rmuod an-l It Is nie.- ao <
I got a l.-ier liom Mynl.
gore ilfiin pleased.
Papa t« i.t .-f ibe '.
.preying IruP ir.-r-s I'slsy
arc most leaving .mi now



If llity wi:ft; pit .tv .1 a'nl


Iri^frjr.', iiit;r»: is

inofr rca'<iii for lii-jin ii> Lx; bri ibi. y ar.

L'i I’lv- ibcy

ar«; irilicr ui.iu cver.
If you are iliiiik

«*f b'i',in,; .i liiii'l'tr «r

Mcjwr t^o


The McCormick Line

Orville, one year and eight moiphs
He Is Just- lK-«lnnlng In talk and say
' inning things. He Itkcs to run away.'
llsn-y sa.vs be Is not a Imby. b.ii a'
Areal big man. for be wear* psiiri
' little lain roiodn-.
they are cute. Their nsmes are Hrearc VIc'cr and
Horteose Vl-tnrta
They have blark hair and blue eyes.
Tbe mile girl Is awtidly white; tbe
lliilctaty li darUr. Mamma has been

f irin.-r. .-iv wirll .IV tiP: farm- xv i.f ill- vv.rM, h is Ip i-n

:t..' plau- yotir i>r<Ji-r ii:i’.;l y -.i . '-ni-r i«» o-ir '.’tyre and vx-

the reft msnie Is. 'I will send «y liibrotbeiw' names t'>r the Cradi '
Their names ar. Harry, age I

and see H It will be the flrsi oo Ibe BSklog 'garden today . 1 m-jit rlnst'
His aarnff Is Andrew Morgan, ss i have wrltlrn entugh.
ureas Dell.
age S He Is eertalnlv a nlcec of tun
Wcardai y>vu all like to ssu Blean'r
shine In the htffae. He ean lean
verses tc say and pnog. a« easy anI l-ivi hers and the r inning liiilc
qnirt: ns an older pereoa. 1 haw bec-i

. tb. is:.b.gnd:.tli-. iade'

........................ u-i -V-

I will have to know the little broth: s Home before he Vns the Sue
sblne club
Elk Rapids. R F. it N-i. 1. April
Dear Presldeai—As 1 was rradlng
the little letters in the UcrshJ I
Ibougbl I wouM Uke to tw a nrember
of tbe Bmthlnr clnb. W'lll you plcar'seud me a card and tuillon.
Ever your little IrtcBil
nico Dese.
W'r are ven glad lo have Clea jolo


n .iet us p.
anil pie'eiiil II' --ry. ...... -•'b- - I. ' b :

I sm very glad lo be able to trti yon
W four of our Bonablnrrs have re.
fortad Athor day e:
esprelBCe at their
Sabin. Hh-h. April
jWhools. and I have sent the scbooli
pretty pictures, as 1 pRnnisrd to do
Doar Ptealdeei-As I have ikm wri’there are other srboDls that too fur some time. I wlU try aow.
to make their surround have liem going lo srfaool every day.
I like to go to srhool qilltr wHI
Vss pretty. If so. I hope
Write and tell the rest of ui
learhrr's namr Is Hits Yobug. I have
Ibtw. and I will aead them plctnres been mvaring my pin. but I'm afraid I
ilan. The aebools Ironed are at
osc It and there would t
•ahin. Letoad. Cedar R. F. D. Ho. I.
as Bln- as that, fur our
Bad lar-away Oberoa. North ttokola. president ga*r It lo me. Wc have
Too will eajoy reading the letters tellr Mayflowers nnarly every
tag abont them, but poo will have lo
girls went after floweas sad
wait one w««fc longer for them, as (he boys set out tsro trees. They arc
there are ao many letters ahesd of balsam and very nice. We have plas;
them. This week we have inters ask- ed some sunflowers aad other Ooweri
tag tor Cradle Roll membership, aarj I will CSOB
dose or m.v letter wUl And Ih-.
leRISg Ms e( eunnlag tiories sboul wastabatl
the dear little baby brethers and tot
rAtfs ti
Jessie Rouisoag.
(ere. Are (hare sot others of our


close wlih the besi witbes (or a happy
Your friend,
Annette Cntitnrler.

Ttor. n. ; .Iik .hu. th : :nKtk ilcsicptr. Her rtcser.

g«LtbcaunaUsli:.c. ', .at-romte. li,LKWfc.a( - ni*.:.

she raw

Some ef Ibe aamet Ellen sends gie
Prcs|'t--iit —I will wriic vou
already club a»>Bbers, but cards bsve few- lln-'s. a> I hav. j.i.t gu bom.' Iioi
been -sent to the oibcrs I would
g,.l li.m (..! It
school. I ai.' six eccK on Kasi. r. iiii.
I sou vonr prvlly slecidng iloll.
Iircaklast an.l three for illnii.'i
lure .'I llts'l' II I'ssll
two r."l Kasi.-r .-gns aud two pink of nil <ild p'.anl.b c
Piovcmnat. AdHI t:i. 19'
been lubal.l'.-'I 'lU''
-. au.l K-> .lid il.'Sirlcc
noir ITesIdcat-As we havr
my bIMhdny; I am nine y.-»rs "l.l i
rehoi.I today I will write you a le
have the measles. Th>' learher had
l>apa lakes Ihe Herald and I always
the Icilert. -My bniiher i
I'llke IK Join Ibe Sunshine
Will you plcwM. send us cards


•rark.'.l ih.-m i-B-H..-r a
■r Hi. ni and Is'icb-d a

each year on her birthday
Asd then be Jnmpt end toughs
holiday la ibe srboolnvom She would
supply UM with large baskets
Aad ihlal
d randy aad whal wc did not
rould divide up lor us to Uke
he tu-ver married, and died
And pays; "I only bad my bands:
the ripe old age of U. A (cw yet
—Montrose J. Hoses, la Bl. hyrbales
irr death I made her a vli
spoke tenderly of "bet rhll^
rrtdey. Hay s.
'drrB." as she railed her ppplls Maybe
Hew membera Jodolng alare last r
you may bear from me a^ln. Wlib
my brsi wUheii to Ibe Sunshine rlub.
mas. Oordoe and Imarrl aausr.
I shall always remain.
Your ohi friend,
BIto. Bbet and Albert nasaMiith.
Charlrs 1..
We are very lUad lo have Mr.
Margaret Aides. Ann Arbor.

bullonsT I am eighi years old
my hmlhet Is live years old. 1

13 W -117 7C W nm-»

John F. Ott Lumber Co.

In our lnn.l.aior that ibe ehlrkisi j
From your Sun’sbiucr.
come out two davs abi-sd id tlau'. We ;
Age 10.
Ole Itordcuhagcu
have had two lots alr.-sdy. TIfi- lliei’
The Easter e«s mu^t have liee.i
muniel.-r >hmbl uol c- al»*v«- cue hme ,
try prviny and I think jvu have a
dred aiid Ihr.-.- .................. . half.
Ind uarher.
eggs are tesUM wii.'ii they have Iss-i j
Elk Rapids. R F. D No 1. April ITih
day:, ill the llieubaloi. .11 lli'T'-[
Dear ITcsmeni I am a imic gin
nsl line.; Ip ii;c . ga 11 I- n'»«l. II•ven years old. Ay I have iioitiln* to
V are lei llm-s ihe vgg U ha-l
do Juri ne»- I thought I would writ'- When-the eblckeiis'eonie otil nj tl.e
L-w lines I am well and hope
tti.-y arc nut pretty a’ all. b-causthe same. I go lo sehotd every they are. wet, bdl when iliev get flri--1
day that 1 ran and I aui In the flr.i
thr- ■ate as |.t. Iiy a. you cmiM
My learher'K name U M.
Kb lor Wh.-n Ih-- chlek. u. -m.
Jones. I like him rial well. My mW
tbe ege Ibey are pin In ihi- broHl- t.
male Is Ethel Allen. Wi- hare lots ol wj.lrh Ik heal.-d like the In.-iluii":
fun playing at oonn ho-ws. Th.-re 1' a only Ih. b.-al x mu
Inlens.-. I .-an
creek right bark of our sehoolhonw
remember the nanu- «( Hu- l.s.l
boys liavc got a raft on It. 1
I wbirb they arc f'sl. TIu'»l. r
walk over a mile lo srIio>d
lllcd with chi»4K-d rlov.-r wiri.
Please send me a eard and btiluir
.. kind of grain Ui l>. At I .-an iiui
Address It vii Clare'Welch Elk lisp i.'iwiuls'r any m.'i.* l-i '.*U tlK-. liie"
F. I>. Ho. I. Itox «T. 4 will eliu.e
will rioie. I am.
for this lime, strgwvdhye.
Y.iur bapi'y 8uiil---sm.
From a Sunsiilncr.
Marion Itsni"
Clara Welch.
Marion's b-ti.-r is very lnier.-iiiv'.,
Whal fim you mio-t have playing bt and I know you will all wish y.u eo. i-l
le brook. I would like lo Join you.
Uk- wbcu Ih.' vJ.-ai »'




that (be soulrrcls would come up
grace R. Uanoss
fCNureery •on».
her lap And try to pry' her hand op. n
Wo are glwsy* gis<l >o hear (rom our
Oh. PelerklB Post end Oreforr Oioul
witb (heir liny pa<
ir«ff members and to have thrm
Are two Utile fOtillu black!
nuts, but Ibal they
md in new names.
Full on from my hoare I've driven
(ouch Ibem to pel tbem. The (art
Sabin. Mich- April :!7. IPod.
Ibem at.
the' they are ao lame In a bis. tirdsT
Ibsr Fresldcnl—As I have not v
But aomelKre (bey atlll oome bach
city, ahows whal our enuatry buys ant
rn you In a long lliur. I will nos
They clamber up to (he B^'a awuUi,
glria can do l( ibey will only tcacb ifa-'
was at school today and wc sc> n
And pull Ibe corners down;
soalrrida and birrti am lo i
couple o( trees In the yard. Wr
TJjay arrb alqa oo the Baby-a brow, Notblng reNWods m> aulckl
Mayfloserlng oosrly ever) norm.
And iwlal II Into(row^
le wild birds aad>Dlmala. Why
And ac uyi '^ball!'- asd C other BOI try It this Kummerl aod ne«l (all SKods are only a short way from
iKHise. and such bcaulilul flowaaya-Bba'a)!''
we wUJ have a ffne lliec Icllleg each
me of the most fragrant and del.
Asd eee aaya -Host!' and t' othe> other whal surreal we have had. 'Whal
mes 1 U-lIrve I ever saw. One
do yon aay to
neighbors Is qnltc sick at presOb. Peteihls Poet aad Oresorr GrouL
id anclher lady died lonigbi.
I pray you. sow. (k» my
Tbla week wc have an Interesting
rbind will be out the Slh «(
keep oat!
elter (itw osc o( our older irit-ads.
Hay aiMl »«■ arc preparing s
Bat bmuel Smile asd Usaeel Uush wbo la a SsBsbIner at boari. You will
I think your new idaii u( ihr Credlrall enjoy Hr. Pomlnc'a leucr. Idling
Are two illile (alrlea llffbl:
Roll Ik very nice and will In
I the funny limes be h
They're alwayi ready tor' fsa sad
i>l shea be was a little buy.


K. K vfds w 'VTdV-i; sr-i rv’s H.^ic'w- ^ri^rea.

And ih-vdiini; vv;l! a;-i-!y iri o;ir ()


\V-t;iriii'. [in[»'« fn' ntv, and Eih*. but nut


«>f. Hu/ffie*,


uur lio*: of

I larney-s, inatl.; by nnrv Ivt-v licrn; in vnr ulrirt'. which wc
know is the O. K. Hn-; of Harncdy.
Id all the Utcat <l(..(ii;uB Sat
isUciiou (puinDWtl.
rn. u.
luslic tails nil! Ltosi iiuUrovud inwchinerv.
• Ifficc
anil works :f21 liiiv'strict
<'itiai*o‘s phoDf Ko. «>i0,
A.V.JU K£BD.Tn*erMCli7

P,'. S;.T«' St. Trav.Tvi; Ci'y. Mich.

Citr. rhon'-SH


If Ct>r»t W«r* Her* TofilflMIf C»H.««rc her* lo»l*bl >«d «

, dsyr. It l» to lire Immured, bargod. Impoteot. all Gods worid rhiit
It Is to sit bHptcsB. defrauded.

e asparagus as la tbe aboee
roclpe. Wbeu leador. carMuIly dralu.
and add a bsoplag leasponoful « butof white pepper, a

« will ha (hiM or (o«
chintzes that coat only » or 1C
a yard.
ss beds,


and lac

grailag ot autweg. a teaspoearm of quered goods may be Improved wooBour and half a cupful of milk- Cook dertully by taking a soft rag. putting
IMUe scslng mnchlne ©II oa It aod
mil tbe misiure forms a.cream.v
then golDC oxer the hed or tllares.
sure, then turn Into a warm dish.
ull win remove fly specks aod
Asptragus Hollandalse. - Preparr


rnsevly and many are Ibe devleia
ve Its place, save the Sew Idea
an's Magailne. One woman with
be afraid to .
nd cook the asnaragus as before dl leave a luster.
M veral children has an oM li-dger
-tittle elbow grease:- But never t
nwted. Turn Into a dish and poor
, only one In ftwr leavew left In.
■^de ns follows: To ooe sorb things as oultms, leaona b
thotu- removed were eul with
ounce of butter add hsit a U-aspo
Kh aurgin to prevent the book
of »n. a dash ol peplwr. a grating of lye, whk-b will remove all Ih. Mcq-.i
fxlling to pieei-s
In this shi- pins or
or less. postuclngU coat i-t v
nutmeg anil hall a cupful of boiling
hastes the remnants and paiehre, so
When bi.mBg. add the beaten dicris If the anlcles li not cleaned
ihvj are kc|« flat and smooth lor
day or two after ibc Ucqoer
eggs and the Julee <d half

while your spirit siralas aad lugs at
Hatred «
' AAhair
lu fetters aad your sbouldvrs ache
(or the burdcD they sre di-olfd. the
nJBbeart of all lit tbrob- ■ Ubiful burden «.f Ishor. The s.elng
msn goes shout bui-lorss confldeiP
, b^l aehesad srif-d«i»cndc«n
lu an Instant ac­
,s dull rouB cident blinds him T e day is liltui. 4
-%t rhrt%^re •»« '»
Stir I
Night entelopeii til the vlslhle
« manjr sbadeui world- lU- Is forced to a pew titbit <>l
Idleness, which, like a canker, eobAspatapis I’-erbamel—Boll the Be
I u quite sure Its narrosr a|iare sumes tbe mind snd destroys Us boun psrssus. -Make a cupful <d white haoce.
tlfiil farultkV M- Bory eonfninis him
would Bblw.
ur •AsparaKUs on T<iisl." oolj
fpHWiidtc iBto ttorr arouBd Him. wUh his hllghled nsst. Amid the tmn
the Mil. aud add half a ica-|s».ii
gible miss of bis life as It pmtnlMsl tt.
r sugar and a grating of nu'meg
■ It Cbids. were here, I mlRbl Dol pra>Iw be grt-re* his pitiful w«> "
. nmrty son..- sllee, .
so long^
Sorb Is tbe tolilude rt the osn wb.i
on which arrange the cookeil
My pmyer *<»ld «>•*« sorb a HUIo Kits In darkness In the midst of light,
* of asparagui
war to go:
bapploess and life. Such Is the fat. pour the sauee.
TsrouM break loio a burst of bappy
of the msn for whom s woman .!.«
csbBut see. benr or s|ieak asks aid Itaat
So would tur )oy and gladnesa o»or
ruts may lie ItgMeoed and his Inti! small pieces, fover with boiling.
nay n<d d.tpalr. Such
Mi.rd water snd cor.k until tender
ooe who Is thriec th-sin carefully and put Ihe vegetable
bere tooWit. rd touch gentle ebarily
grievously affllcled- But there |,
........ s liking dish, snnad m-er It
Of Hli (air. ecam
ial.l.-sfs..nlul of butUT. and stand In
strange plea lor those wboi
sUDd complete
1 place.
Beat four eggs—yolks
bas Bot deprived oflbe teob==.
Id wboteaesa aod la u
and whiles logelh.-r-unlll light
-Of late our peHodlrala have been
s Mlispoimrul of salt, a dash of

rv-sd I hi- s’nr) •>(
n wbo madx' a d-ilclons roup
klonwcpicked mi h* ih- nmd
► l.le, ihriiugh Ih- simple i-Ms-dlent .*f
l..rro>lng h« wai.-r. a soup tsme. a
few vegetables. mM awl p-pp-r. from
» near by home, to -Mason " It. It Ir
anyoni- with a knack fncooking can emnun a palalalde s.hjp

that -Teddy's MtMi Jacket," w "N
ablie apron- are n-prviieot


6CW six and flfleen. Turning
nUces one may find Ibt- cl.
and while Biiods In ten weoods. Instead


iinrutllDg x>ne ndl afi'-r atiolher

Id.-C- iuig- It. and whst
neded erumpUd ,nnd ni-sM-d ai
very l.'M*«i
When. 111.- gm«ls
usetl up i>r the garmenl worn luii.
name Is marked off In the Index
the page taken for som'dbioc <
Her mtvtdlng t«»>k this m>man k«

from varl.ius Idis of vegetables I
the riit.lsiard from vesievdav's d
especially If Ihey use the wal
whleh today s l-UatiH-s. turnips or cab; IS the book eSM- with the •Xber
liagi- have lu-*ri csikt-.!. The follow­ times and It Is ready Insunll. for
ing reelne gives ingr.-dl-nis khl-h.
Am-lher eqttallv gotel housek.-l-r
recipe n.itwIHiriandlna. m^
uses old magaripes (or itslches. laklu
ound III "almcwi any larder.'
cb memtu-r of the family
the ptan may Iw rarrii-d out wlili
n Index. ,but keeping earl
wbaiever vi-getal.les really happen lu

Iw- on hand and with a little rare in person's l--l-nclngs separate makes i
8dcb wares of palo. to kaeel at His ailed wlUi depressing
pepper, anri a generous teasihc making and dalnllness In serving.
social erlla Q.ierolous critics
dear fed.
hulter broken Inlu l‘lf»This sx.mon IlKhlly sews the pltvvmlsiure over the asparagus
the bunks and keeps Ihe magazlntU'Oulst were bere (oalsbi. I’d tell
he dish In an oven of
Texas Soup-Kor n -xrelleni and lo a neat pile on ti.-r semliig Uhle. Fh•
heal until ibe egg» are set.
for which -The also has a hornemail- huii.wi box that
The load I carry (or tbe o
quirki) prvoari'd eo
rontenis of almost a 1- larder a III fur- .......................of her eXisteivee. she says.
ir eyes, ibc
Asparagus, srlth Satire 1
iboiigb ,1' Is only a flat l>ox with small
Tbe blladed oeea. wbe siope aod Wot
e four isblespoonfub
one cup each id ndd mash-d imUloes. ctimpanmt'ois (or dlffertmi kinds ol
aad (all.
our steps guided by Ihe light of lb■ which add an onb
Jiions. The different sizes are aorlTMIowlDC false rridea. nor ae^
spinach and canned or green peai
sun and
a pinch of powdered
I and It, Is a test nn-asure tu sew oa
It of waler, a bit nf slbv-l
Christ aberre.
Voices «nd music that earry the great
chervil -snil a Sitrlg of tarragon. Boll
dsslng buttons wlih.lbsi Itox Inwlde
onion amf a lew sprigs of iiarshest boon of human evvfellowshlp, a
ir Christ wore here! Ah? fallble
gently unill reduevil to one lablt«poonalmmer
prewe employing our Ood-given sens
fill of liquid, strain and cool
soul aad u^.
There are wavs and ways of mend
only 10 aecumulate In our hearts
ta Dot the Master ercr eloee
add two ounces of butter, the yolks
and most snirorei sre sure Ibe best
: In another sanrepan blend m
rest store of dlatruai of one nnolhcr?
of four eggs, a wlneglsssfol of
way eotiW t- dlscvered by watching
Ihe flri- a UbI-spoonfol eaeh of b
we using oar eytss bestowed
Diar Is tblM oar. that eaost oot be
water, aali. a dash of while p-pper
thern 'rarefulli
For table linen
and flour both well rounHed, a
bebold the beauty of nature only
and a grating of nutmeg. OxA.
Ins Is ■•eiier than patrbiBg. berai
when smooth add the pnree of v--j
see the mote In our brother's eye.
DUB Is IblDe ore. nil (ace that Cl
ring all the lime, over a gentle lire
isblre. seasoning to isste and thinning patch is very unsightly. With a
sratefa etertially for treachery, hypoc­
until the sauee thickens. Pour ov
vcl.qic full <if linen rnvelingB <
Ihe eonslslenrv of thin eream
risy and falsehood? Are we using our
a bunch of Imllod nsparagiis laid
Idecc nf new linen to suply Ihresds
I milk or eream. Ilss with I
Thr Christ Is bere, aad Berer I
oars wltf a-blcb heaven has endowed
thin slices of bull-red loasithe lask Is ntrt as dlfflcili as
dish of croutons made bv slicing
hat we might Ukr
Asparagus with Theese - Boil
bread hair an Inch thick, biiiieriiig. l.virs Imagine. Anyone who can dare
He eateied wllh thee wheo ih
cheer of compankutsblp. the debunrb of aspartgiif. drain, nnd put
syocklngs -ell. not pucker Ihe hoirt
earnest la:
UghI of nature's harmony, only to re­
_ baking dish. Poor over It this ssuc
shut, esn mend linen.
tUs strsagth «m thtoe through all the ceive Into our hearts the potson of
quick men.
Pm a t^lespoonful of butler In a
It Is Ihe zigzag rents In clothes lhai
Bean snd Celerv Soun-One pin' .
bosr day.
distrust? Are we uslug our powers ol
ssocepan. set over tbe lire. and. when
strike Icrrnr in the hearts and fingers
navy l.ans, two stalks of o liiy. <"
He knew thr aoed. He kept
articulale speech with which it was
melled. sllr
■limy mothers, and they
quart rd lieef stock. Srmk the iKtnns
pare from ala.
inicDded that we should locnwse the .......... ........
mixed smooth, add
ird to manage. || U better
(or rl hours, then simmer until ten­
human bapplneas and share
three gills of bin milk and stir until
The blesaad Christ U Is thy lUU;
piece of -mending eloth" In le
der, then add the celery- rut line aul
IS of education, an. science,
thlrkens. Take from Ihe Bre and add
dr such caves for It costs v. ry
kA tbe two fogriber for half an
y and religion, only t
a dasb of iiaprlha and a tabbHay. wore, tbe Christ HI
ml the tailor (rum whom yo..
ttir. Press ihotiigh a etdsnder. ad-l
iful of graicd cbeew. Sprinkle
- thy hwl;
le iHine and riK>k another |.'- nilu piirrlimM* 11 wilt show-'you how - it is
and diseased Ilierelun- which
ml lalilcsireinfii! ol |•bec«.- ovor
Tear aet. Ibo dawo srtll scatter dsrktiM-d
Will, a warm Iron and careful
Ihe tendency of the limes aud needIip. Bake brown.
Asparagus Soup—Wash two Inineh hacilDg the r« nt ran lut mended, not
of Ibe DUbllsber hbvc dubbed 'expos, mnk like new. but much beiler than
I of fresh asparagns and cni In small
HInta f<
and ibriM.
pieces, put io cook In a quart of boil­
Haa ibe light, colw- and music
When you Iron pul ialde the clolhea
ing water and cook until perfectly ten
w worid and Ihc blessing of hui
iBi need mending and aave an
der. when there should remain a pint
MBmunton combined only to con
of Uquor. Turn Into colander nnd nib sorting. If possible do the wc
day lime when It Is tasler on the eyes,
apcakably afflicted? Heaven aend that prosebing summer.
following It kn Ihreiiph. except the bard l.trtloo.
- your ev-eninga for enjoytbe day when we muat conrlnde that bints (or arranging summer bedrooms Season, and ndd ooe cup of er-am aod
ye pint of milk. Boll for
will not l» amiss In tbU connecllon:
• Deeper and deeper 1 as«i to see
Tbe smaller the U-droom the griwi
• Why aad wfaevetore It baa to be.
may betong deferred!
rr the nceeMlty for a bare Boor an-l
• Oaly afiar tbe dark, wet daya
KiUhen MiMa.
It Is not nfee to think thst the only rug. II Is ImooKsIbU' lo keep It clean skimmed l-ef stock turn a ■
• Dn we fully re)rice hi the aun’u
A timepiece and s pin cushion In ih
OCB—cannx-d. nr fresh
etcu of mind and pure of spirit
la any other any. If in an aparimi nf
britft rays.
lichen Bill sax.- msiiy useless slept.
tinsc wbo cannot sec nor hear their
• To oae wbo the aadaeta o* treeINi'aIn flarlngs dried In the ove
fellow ban. Let us rather think that

6am kaows, .
It like a house with as mat y halls
iSkc excellent kindlings fur the kltcli
our aenses are being employed for the
• tight teem the fetteia love may
I there are stories.
r-n rknge.
purposa for which Ood Intended
You cannot fill yttnr one thorough ar. and salt, pepper aiitl onbtii iiiicv ii

To wash anything lh»t Is greasy us
tale, itoil up once and x-rve
• Aad be wbo bas dwelt irHb hla
ire. therefore, with (uroltnre.aml you
m soda water The Alkali tarns lb
Ht-an Soup—Use the lutk-d Itean.
caoDOI clean your rerjiH withoul T

heart aloac,
grease Into s««p which will do Its ow
•n over. Take one oalua. smal
• Heart all tbe maak la (riend■■Into each life aome rain must fall," Ing yonr furniture somewhere.

Courrk-CmmH /Vu

fttflam Her Csra.
.....w eoDUnulDg the Ueatment a
iViKIvrrs. W ia, was a aaflerer fr.on
pelvic catarrh to such an eaienl sburt time longer. UtB.IUlser repuru
sberonldscavoclydoberownwurk. Jn her care, as follows:
- most drop yoa a line to let yrm
describing bar symptoms, she wrote:
V (hat I am wall bow and rated
-1 have such lerrtbU Itackacbes and
your medirlBe. -1 niBsi tbaak yua
patnt bdow my ahoulder blade*, way
down my liack and across my hips, and (or Ihe advtce you gave au.
oTbemsdletoeUeomeihlBg wanderai times psiBs in the psivte organs, so
that I am md able to He down or elsep. (bH 1 cannot pralae It enoagb lor (be
1 also here pstns ibroueb my left side good tt bos done (or me and I bopo
and am atcald I may be gettlBS bsart mwarotbemwUl bo Iroed from Iholt

tiielygooe, except
bn hard. The medicine he* done m- - am UkiBB rernna

tave adeleed others wbo sraswffei-

To every wxtman


d ManaliD. My bovab ate alae U
Ra«ised Formula-•'For a immls-r ••( v.arv re«i...-sis baxe come lo ms
from a mulillude
grateful friends, urilng ihai P-runa I* given a eligbt
laxa-lve quality
1 haxe l-vw . tiurlmenling with a laxative addition for
quite a length .d time, and now f.vl gra.lfl-d to ann.uinc.- to Ibe friend^,
na that I have Incrporaied aueh a qualiiy In ib- roedIHne wbleh. In
my tqilnlon. rati only tibaiicv- Its wfll-kiiown l•-nefl^lal cbararler..

rbene hre gmerally stuffed

with columYkittBFa(3ll!^J^«>*r<
s cd grat.-d chocolate and on.- pap<-r. or .-vt-n eaceJabu^iChd flneljr
hes|>lng taldespomful of cornstareh. tbreddnl corn burk*. a d.wp hem
ibe two square*
Boll all together until thk-k and pm..- iH'log iuino<l and
lii a mold. Serve with wgar and M-wid I<«eili<-r about thrno Inches
earn flavor.-d with vanilla.
Puff l•utldlng—Hiwt <uii eeg licbi.
Ir Into II a cup of milk and a le-ap
g iab|.*|i>s-nlin of fliMir Heat bar.-!

(i.mi Hi. .-dg-. idmwing Ibe mog BlllefcMuch lugenuttx

i* .ifien sbowa la

w.avlng Ih.- cane-f*. 'he warp betog
fancy design and tbu
I rill the Dilxiiire id lump*. Hake In
t-au-fully studied, lo tnaay
a de.-|i dish in a g-ri ox-n S-rv.- IntDi.-<lisicly will, aats-e. The puddlnc villages In lb.- ea.-l young wotneB
will t.uir up aiel U- boll-w In the mid- Diak.- a MsvIaJty of wtwving rags, nad
ariWIc work meet* with n de­
li, M>nii- of lb.- rii'bfisl tuuni-s la
Ihobling Fault-- S'lr a|*»ltfol
■nd. 'Thert- Is no n«w« vriir
of uur tnirihern HlrblcBn gtris
md work up a large b.isin—a
this line, the only requlsli.-s
(uls of xlu-'-gar. .UP- .< bqii.-r ptid .me
(or groufdng eolictip td Wigar. ^nacu- with a hall nu:- Is Ing an arllsllr
rcawKiBbly ainnig constllnlli*.
i>iilucfc which Is oeceuMcy If
tie rjBi,,.arch Pudding*.-On.
■rt .-.Tit'tan-li tubls-.! -iiwsSli In a lit-

lb- colli water Into a cup au'l a »n>r
of l..lllog water. Add Jw., .alde-iss*-'

pleres of lu-ef tor ham Is good)
Mattings tear easily, and ought
I a giwasy *
pour a-aler over and ctxok atsmi Ihre.
. be used In a room where a he
then wash a-llh ho
•: then rub through a colander
c made must l-e pulled out from the
Drop live sliver
.If milk tbp-.- tald-s|*..nlnlr «d
morning determined to gel all the sun wall. The bare llot.r Is not Injured by
lick sour milk ni
r. Ih.- will..-a of tlin-.- egg*. >ao
shine, spiritual, mental and malcrlaL ihe movlhg and Its scraicbcs can be
1 hour Take It
laid.-.i.stnfnl* of .x.riic'arrh (V at tbr
(bat the hours bold In store (nr us snd concealed by.a nig.
Quickly- Made Smut Riock—Take
and the rt-sull wi
lianilel)-, a.Id th-corn«tar.-h f
pass II on 1o those whom we
Floors mar !«• visined
»e and a half pounds of iwf cut Im
...II,-. sitr in a iiiH.- <
Hon of permanganate of potash, itie
■in slict* and tllce.| or put Ihnuigh
le-rnme dlMd.loi
China dish.*- efi
d pu. Ih.- -d W,.- mi
strength being tested
lent chopper, rover with one qiiait
en. hut this fault
proper shade. As ihit is oaly a nf cold w-B'cr. holl genii) twenty
Ing lb<- ii.p wi'li s'lipa.ddal hi
,av l»- rcniedl.-d by rub).ing the di» Htid .-.oustarch ■
Seldom ^ a maaaage come lo th>■ uAd except
r. It shniiltl not •■■
Slice a .a.r--, "urnlp and small on­
uii-s. lake (ram the Are. skim
For tbe next few weeks asparagus
>loie,l i«r'x wllli Wllnary whiiiiig
worM with treater force than Ibe onwmvd or on wood which la free
ion and pul tiu-m on a thm layer of
111 be at its best. The Delineator
r.ii.slass dtsh'-x'^liould be wash- d .-to
reresUy glren by blind, deaf and
H.-m.|<.- front 'tu- hr- ad
from varnish or grease. Grease
fot ,alt i-rl tn a baking pan. Pul In
. ( ream of tireen Pea Soup Is
1 wal.v only mo.l.yaie|x h-rt. l-cau-damb Haino Keller, who more Ihan gives some ways cd preparing Ibis de­
-.1 wb.t.s atid a.i.
.lu.|.|s-d .k
varnish, however, always can be
a nwv.sSiniul .< whole pepper rural
nice made of the rommon dried g
glass .s of different thlckt..-—. siratm-d liuu yu.
moat o( u baa reaaea to feel that ahe lirious spring vegetable which
ha..- on hand,
moved from old flot-rs or old •
and iaif s rt-f-n r|..*«, a few leaves
nd rtuttracs and expand, tlBxonnc fi lastbaa an exeaaa tor taking tbe fchiamy
IJn*- small cup
Arpiragus Plain-Cut (be tender with Ive. well washed tuii. and
.rf II..- pa.-l.-v. and II you have It, a
If trie.blrd with ant*, .pread als.trt
Me of IKe. Bhel out from all the
* with -irtp-. .d fin.-ly cut clu-r
Add a il'tb- water and lay
reed as with Ihc fresh or ennn.-d
worjd'a beamy and gladness Hev greet
lere* of paw-t s.wked in p.-PI’ermlid rt--. snr.-Hca, .>'r.Ui ..r IIk- -'nie <•! Is., leaf
rf a ralFs liver, bak11. The aiiis will disapw-ar Imniedi ls-1 from .irons- raarnialadc and *.-rx. u. IL. hx-r
lar to the ccmvenlloe receoil.v held lu short pleres.aod cook In boiling watei
alsu.. at. lu>ur and a half, and If a
New York etty tor ibe purpose of help uuill tender bul otil broken. Drain
Oatmeal Soup—A.
idati.v in Is-d "rf whlp|s-d .f.-am
is.f-, lutl.-- two btrtjrs, covering more
a q.jar. of
tag tbe blind lo positions of self-sup- add salt, a dash of a*Hc pepper, and
cold c.stke.1 oalni.-sl
fliler, depending on how muc
than half
'he Hate In elifaer case.
port Is B nmrvel of cheer, n song of a lump of butler the aixe of an Bngter; add a slice of onion..a quirti-p nf a
giain has lu-en raised.
IP. .I- -II. n. To make Ih- gravy poor
C«"eerni-9 Raq Carpeia.
flops In (be might. Tbe Delroll Jour­ I lish walnut. As soon as Ihe butter U
CII||(I1I of ehnj.ped celery, a lMix b-af. a
rubbed with
'Ill- lal away from Ihe (tan except
nal gives poriloai <d It, with the fol melted lurti into a warm disi
rounding tea*pmm(ul of salt lunle*.
(Inishi-d with shellac. The
fa-hu-n-d rax .arts-, i -in bisl- f
lowing edltorfnl eommeni;
le oatro.wl wa* sali.-d. ih-n add i
w-orsi of flttors can be treated Mirru*sAspatagiis on Toast-ib-move
■Hu) ..j. .Bid-- Ibt.High a sl.-xe wPh a |ce l-dr.suii .arisi. «i.-l fus-vt-I ieas|K>onriilt snd a Ml'spoonlul
ftilly if these Is- follnax-d.
lough portions from the stalks of
is....... .
and pul ba-k in itu (Mti
are a .Iifl.-ren* from ’'uA Mtwapt to All Msekiivd.
f pepiH-r. Cover and Itoil slowly
I Anv imlnier or earpeWt-r can supply
a lald.ispwmfnl of fl.--‘r.
biinehes of asparagus and sin
gfaiidmoro.-r- In that ilu e ■
.•n minute*; add. If >ou hate li
111 stain, or It van easily I-I d :i,„„| i,r„«n and slowix a.Id lediing
mad- to carry ..u' a
(swt and mninal dtalnist from Helen
Hare rrady'"uu-waier
it should lak» P*“*sign For inxiaii-. f-r a j-d
Ktiler. that gentle spirit which so In- until leader
the i-xtrart and use
ri-.u • This dish Is dellcl..u-. fay, Marioa
,h- car,-.
m-td- in
« bas shat off tron ter some slices of battered loasi. Take
Instead of witcr.
Press the whole
shellac over tbe Pain gives a
I .if white and -hs.I.-rt
»“•' HSriSDd.
all tangible eommonton with lU kind, up the asparagus
Ihrough a *leve; return it to th. fli
It a woodroua thing. A meaaage of the slices of toast. Rub a tablespoon- good polish aod makes a floor pri-sent- add halt a pint .rf good milk and wl
browns, or a i-xu.d-.l .'»z
? with mile or no trouble. It ran
hope. a soft rebuke to our cnw. Unpa- • fu1 td flour Into on.- of butter and sUr
This if ail .-in-lli-ni w
kept shilling after 1' has l-'-ii
;icm*els of BemRy.
Ueace and vanity from one who llx-e! 'li Into the Ilqtair In which ih.- aspara
for Invalids, and when scrx.ri to •i. .-in’.lb- In her peraoe
washed, by being nibbed with a nwrse
-r I
OB aweclly cocletrt tbeugb doomed tol gus was eook.-d. Add an equal
chfldn-n for luncheon, al
.i,-...d 'cauly. she mss'
>- a* gt'cl all <1- be burled alive In a raylesa. anundlesslof milk, half a le—porHiful d salt and
d p.rUab with a turf’ d-if'-r of l-wibtaking It from ih.- flr.- th. yolkr twenty-four relion of oil
wortd-thia anrely should mo.c ns tola very iliile p,-,q»T. When th.- sz
two eggs may be beaten with the half
U.>- at. ..Id paper*; Three
iroom draperk-* never should i
look again Into our heans and make; bolls, |KKir li over the asparagus,
?.-r<e-ciian cxr.-JI.-n' iti—-ti-idplni of milk Iw-for.- » Is added, l- ing
, lb- -km. Ibe teeth, aod
<il or any heavy stuff. You rau
sjire that all there la as we would
Asfaragus and Eggs-Cu. th.earvfut noi to lei It iKrtI after th.- .-gg Apphed llls-rally al«ut tb- ki'etu n
nice, block, the pupils .d
bunches of asparagus have things that will wash, unless i
V this remarkable blind girl see li.Uor parts of t>
has iM-en adrt.-.I.
your appcdoimt-Bls an- so snmptuo
c pnslding over a: Into half-tnch pieces.
Maik Twain.
Vegetable S.'up WMboui Meal—In-n
toeetJng of an aasocUthm organlied to ; water for twenty
Isrn quart* of cold water put no* small
silks ur embn.ldeied hangings. H
gromou tbe Inlercsu of the Wlnd.'from the Are and
rech. of fln.-ly rbopp-rt potatm-s.
road ttU fetixT from Helen KelU-i.; saucepan with halt a cupful .< butter. even then your taste might be qii.
-tan , Wuh thi- m mind it li- pi.sfiiii'carrots, emHin*. exMutg.- and turnips
Here Is a picture which In our head [ beat well together and pour Into
make a n sular pa”- ;n tn lUni-- 1
Jjft dip etuned,* In ■ caii of .u'
amiib. the rm*c. and the
Some of the T-eent flow.-nvi muslin* Simmer (or two hours, adding salt and
long imrsuli of ambltkio we mar weft'baking dish. Break six egg* over il
*opix>sc you :rj tbU r cornciiif I stores In th- larg-- cli|.-> -how l»-a'
, tasit. then add ..oe pin' -..l
re most rhsrming when ruffled fur
psiwe to eontemiflBte:
* >op- <!<■*< with salt aod pep|.er. add
sn of a>b-e|lal d-.lxn« in rag car;u-t» and nus- h-a-ti ’bre. !oax. .he hair, tb- boads.
one labk-spoitnful '■( raw
n-r aiul tb-i 1»ri>; -fhr.- short, the ears,
eunalDs and cover* or when irdmnie
-Try to ruallie whs. bllndne«l very little butler. Bake la a quit
b.dh the hou-- aod H
a good sired piece of butter. saturated wiih oil and uf
iai I lb*-f~-t. and th- te-th; threw aarlow,
a white cotton Imil fringe. Wit
IbOM whose Joyous acUriiy oven, taking it out as so.* as tl

• and a half or two bour* of Ibe
ilcbi th- mouth, the wal*t. nnd the inkle.
•wdlnary denim and doii.-d noslin c
eggs are .set.
and ge. a quick, aim- Arc.
|ty of Urge rs* carpet cusblus
Add water as needed
even with cheesecloih any bedrooi
s Bordelalse—Prepare ai

abip'a loae.
• Bo better aad better I comprehend
• How aorrow ever wonM be our


hut anrely. after reading 'bis our own
bnrdena will seem lighter, our carci
less hopeless, nnd a-e will wake each

—BU Wheeler Wilcox.

Xtmtm Mhr-ftMt



pretty Htllo Istand will nndouW*iIl}
New CMUgce at UtanS.
Unte crowds durtOR the seas.*,
' Pret C T. Craern. foiwrly of lhl«
nwnera of Unnrbes will hod It a
«Hy, bsl BOW at Mt. Pl<«aanl.
pteaant place lo lake lh«-lr frt<n.I,t
owat a deltehiful aumiBt.-r home a
Bendun. Ml.-h, May a-Mr aad Mr*
while many parilea will so out on Ih-r
taad. b plannlDK lo erect two
Charh-y, fterion spent Riinday In Joy
aer Cotembla. A lUare of Ibis
■wr L.ilUca OB bb resort prwperty
with faelllli-es for plrntes fa:
tbU aeaaoo. One be wHI oecupr
Ua temlly, white the other erlll rcadi Ions iMsm nee.!.-.! aH|l faptain Wei
Ir be rcniod hy rommer *l»tior» wh! Is the rishi hind of a iM-rtou to l«‘
are aiaklni eoonaol iBqiilrles ibiH m»- rharse. It le n«-<lb-Sh to add that tl
Alls* Mary lyal-s ret.iroed lo
l- Boor will !*• the altrartlon f.
BOB fur eoitaaee for the i.umii»r. Mri;rhi«] last Prlilay.
WoodbHdrc or lodbirn la also plan- many of the ynuncer ji«n.le.
ink Axli-lt bs:: Wn the fueai of
nh will tM- nisbei ibroURh on ti
BlBX to erect aDoiber roiiace at
Mias Kdl'h Snwy.'r nf tbir place
land, which from early IndlrwlkHiB.
ms.* atsmt the middle of June.
to see a aeaaoo of sreal proBl •
Q.iiie a niimiM'r frrni h.-re j
pteaaure. ___________________
th.‘ iMill came lo loterloebeo
Cteaed for Repairs.
•la and Jis- Iden.-k «-ni‘-r
The alan-h faetory fiulsh.-d srlndinc
Vertlet for PlabUff.
Satarday nlRhl and eb.sed down for s numl-r of their trieuds with
At 6;») BatuRtay evcvnIOK (be p
month <.r more. Durins that flbir. .-x
inlay eienlnsla the tra>pa«e eaae of Bdwln 8. PrwU
a niimlsT uf th< p~vle
traslve r.-|*irs wHI !"• made on 'he
ea. Nel» Bye relumed a eerdirt for
n IP-iISbn «enl up I. Inland Saturplant and prolwldy sIkwI |3.«Wi will
the plalBtlff for $<A damaee*. 'Hipy
W(7C cot abml tweoty nlautes. The
II. IMiris, piwsident of the ram
case wu brought by Ur. Pmit as adUr Iloyten of r.rawn was In In
panr. stau-d to a Record p-presenia
olnlsttalor oT the cataU o( E. Kent
this iDomlns that the hlsb prira Steliirday.
aad «ma (or the porpoee at dirU-rmlnSl.llliday of Lake Ann was
of coal was chip <rf the reyms for the
lac the amount or damacea eoituod ui
ctes<- down. -We ran'l mSke starch at Beudo.i eall.T rriday and Monday.
the aetata by the alteaed uUbk o( ma­
>. Han: .' Is putting >i|> a floe D
profit wlien raal Is at the pri-si-ul
larial for rwllroad tl<-e. the datnaae*
price.- said Mr., "apd II.
house (HI his farm.
balai placed at tioo. K. S. I'rati.
Mrs. Ih-ake Is ill with pneuteonte
pairs w.'tT very nec-sHary. It 1:
Oaear SImpeoo aod II. J. MorpaB apMr. an.l Mr*. I>an Mason w.-n. 1
most eranoDiteal-llinc for us lo shut
treated aa wiUeeaca for the pialntilT
I and therefore we dirt so. '
guPKts irf Ori.- t'aM- an.l wile Sal
White Irer Iveraon. who made tht
plant will lie atarti-rt apatn lust
and Cbarlee UcLaloe. who app
laU lex... is Is'lng onianlxe.1
>on as pnSBibte."
aa a wilBOie for the ijood diararter of
amonK Ihe Ih-ndon Imys.
Anthony Pohoial. who since Jai
the defendant. Nele Bye, oeeopled the
The M. K. ladhw' Aid gave an Ira
baa been aupeHniendeni iif the pi:
WltMS* stand for the' aald defendant.
-. am isirlal Tu--»day . v.iilng. May
today U-ndcrert bis reslsnailon to t
Ills s
In spile of Inrl'ment w.-ather llierc
not yet be*-n aeeiired. DurlnR Ibe lime was qolie a numiMT prcM'iit. I’nweeds
Un. Howard B. Olll of Nortfaport arHr. rt.horal has been eonneeici wlf
en- W in.
rlaed In the city on Honday, where
Charley PMaanls is on the sick
the iilaot both as fon-man and snpe
aha imme to meet bor hosband, who
Inleodent. be has made many friends
C. Worden Illumed Salurday from
weal to Cblcaso a week ayo tu purI arc sorrr to ishi him ■■•ave.
ilrand Baphls.
chare hia new stock of procerlea aod
Arihus Chrysile vislied In Shermai
not y« derided lust wbal he
dry Boods to ncain enter the buclnewi
do In the (mure.
the flrsi Id the ais-keompetitiba of Nortfaport. The dry
Charles Sceor. millwriRhl. has
Roods and grocery store of the late
realyned and has taken a iMHlllon
William Om of Nocthpurt was one
Nossent'iiy, May«~Mrs Ktta Heckthe Charlevoix siiBtr beet faet.iry. The
o( the oldcal stores la Northern MichRTcwter part of the force has been er irf Trsv.-i-se t'lty visited her larents
tcaa and hBar his death it Iwcame
r. and Mrs. Oscar Amey. Wedm-sday.
lal.1 off aod will remain off nnlil
the store of II. E. Olll. who test
Mr*. Saroh Jenkins was call
plant starts aRaln.
eteacd out the smeery aod dry soods
homiisonrille Saiunlay lo belp canEgg ThrwiHng Case it Ended.
>r her nepbew «rwte Smiili. who is
t and shoe department.
After ap«-ndln(! two lirnirs In
iry room Saturday afternoon th.
Osrar Itene of Wextorrt was rtlllng
in was made with a x-erdlrl
on (rlrads lier.' Sunday.
-(Oilliy as eharRcd" and the A
Mike Kon«»kl of Oronrt Rapids was
e bewt loesled of a
cSBtnjt case then rlisu-d Its doorn until
guest at ftevid Smith's Thursday.
Ibis monilni; at ID o'clock, when Jus­
Mrs. Josle Grlee left Friday for
New Resort an Ray.
Captain Charles A. Webb, man
«( the TflTRW np tine of alcaii
lefl tor Cbarieroli Moida) momii
enmpteta armnaemenU (or the ti
tea of a dock at Dick Bassett's Island.
The steamboat company has obialDC'l
cootra) of the tetend and will at
erect a paTlIten and bnlld a doc
•ammer ptenica and exctirslons.’
The parllten will be Iwb etoHes te
feelafat aod will bare a dlaloa nwm
aod kitchen below aad a dance Boor

tice Amil ¥. Nerilncer agah
vened 0»rt for the two rs-spondeols,
Herman and James Ui iiie.Sion. Vteeli youiiR Ud was s.-iitenee.l
lo pav a fine of »S, with a chU.-II a
laebmenl of li' apliT.- lor ex|H-m-e
Mrs. James UvlnRsinn paid at on.
for her son while Mr*. Itensieadt made
e fine. The

few days' visit with relatives at PHte
John S-intay hss gone lo Thompsou-

t of Nes
came la, rollonrd by a swarm of
loaded with the sm.s-ts of the
land, iinitl the boas.- ass full of Bees.
The UI.I.s RToaned iM-neaib their
WPlRht «.f d.dlHous l«si prepared for
s.ipper. Afier a sortel visit Lad.r
presented Mrs HeffeIBnErr
t luwutlfnl dl*he* and other

(verted and a great sh's-k to ibr daugh
'. 'The deceased was It* years of age
d leaves four aons ami four dsugh
A Peculiar Aocteeid
■s, her husband having died laent.
Utile three-.vear-otd Mary
srs ago. Tbe remain.* a III he tak.-u
ton daughter of J. A. Penn
the famlly.bome at !-ori Huron.
presents from the hlv.- and «old her Cedar, had a |>v-ullar aeeldi-ol Friday
bat they hoisd iheir loss In l.ndOR her evening
Tbe body of Ben Hamsn . mho dle.1
from their midsi wfhiM Iw her pain
very suddenly in Minora la 'Fridsi.
and tfasi nben'ver sb.- weoi she
hniOKhl to Ihi* eit
always hare the best wishes of every silver of shloKle She raiUd nm n
ease herself and her whole widch
Bee and every nedRfabor.
fanne by her flneer unlit her nudher
Elk Rapids. Mleh. May H.-Tho
IVlnnebago at Ibe Iron Co's
l.«k Sainr.lay .-veiiiog f..r the ilnil
Ime this season, with a cargo of Irnu
're from B-ranaU.
Molrtnney, Teaeberln 'be




asl week with Ihe families of C. B
Ackerman ad F. C. and Davlon Selby
llowanl Kenner bas purchased i
pbotogroph gallery at Capae. SI. Clali
roimiy, and will move there In (bv
car future.
1'be farmer* of this vtelnlly met an<
enjoyed a social aflernnoo Saturday

last Wedm-sday.
Mrs. L'has Oldh-y. nho bas been


lOltematlve given In earh
Eugene Mis of Tiaverse City ts vlr
ninety days at Ihe rtelrolt bou*.> of Ing Ills inreiUs here for a few days.
Air*, la-vl Riishaw of Wexford mad.
case of simple assull and batierr
biislnes* Iri|. TO town Saturday-.

ver oeeupied the ailivilten of (he
Mr... MORgie Bre»-er b-fl Thursday
rouris whteb attracted such wideir Krankfori.
Spri^ Interest from lte«( Itey an.l
Airs. Warren of Hastings te v(
by l^edynamo on hoard the Colum­
Acme dlslrirt and Traverse City as ing her daughter. Airs. Mary Erwa;
bia this seuon. The buUdlns will be
well for the Justice nwms of AmU K.
Tena Amev has gone lo Trov
eOxIM bad rrlll famUh amide acenm
ly to work.
bold (be Urge andirara.
David lllrkey vlslti-d al Tom
hwer part will be so arranged that In
loraey J, W. PatrhlB l■■fl no i
O'ia’ary's Thiii>day.
caaa c( rain plente partlea can cat
unluraed to obtain an aeqnliul for Ihe
Harold, the llitli- son of Mr. and Mrs
their teBCbea there lecnre from the
young lads who were aecused
Arthur Bolton, who hss been a great
egging a leaebcr because of his i
Bulferer will, rheiimsilsni, was taken
The dock vrlll be on the east aide
popularity. Tbeir ronvlellim ends the
tl..- hospital at Manistee, la*> Mon­
and will be we (e«( te length and

very III for Ihe.past ten days, te slight
ly linprov.-d at 'bis writing.
mnlber. Mrs R Mtielln ..f inye.-lh--n- Uking rare of her.
Airs, tirund. who has Iveen very ill
for Ihe past month, Is on Ihe road tc

shore. It will he Hshted with eleetrie tegpa, the power betea riimlahed

t«eaty-f<mr feet wide at the end.


approach twelve feet wide wUl lead :
H aad It arlll be auitabie for the lam
teg n( the bay line of boala and als

but the Individual senllmenl of Ihe
vlltegv^ Acme, and Us tearher has
reedvA wHespresd ontortely wbteb
liw can wipe out.

seph Haas, aod has stere die;!

fame and lifted h-r do«n Kortu
Iv the Anger aw* no. I.n4.en or .
rat.-d. but It was n>< to the I.Hieand John areompanlra. Ihe r.-nialn*
Dawson was tin- son of Airs Daw.-.o-i
Ihe flesh Imn-eni-d alimisl the length of
llie Bncer. The liniad gold ring bad of iRiag lAkv ,
givra peop.-r meilleal rare,
plorky liltle girl hardly whimpi-red

Mr* Lavlaa l>-ver, *g.-d W, wife nf
Alfr.-d Lever, died at h.v home In
Norrisville at P o'clock Thursday ulgh'.
r being the cause. Rbe leave* a

speot Saturday and Sunduring Ibe (tklnlul process.
ty at her home.
Mifs AmeUa Vm-gll has reslgn-d her
fausl«nd and three daughter* and thCray-Canllcid Wedding.
I».*lil..n In Ihe p..«iofflra. Tbi- varaery
funeral was on-Sunday moralng from
Hiss Eilllfa Jeanette Gray aad Guy
l-eing flll.'-d by AKn'.l Jotmaon.
Gr.-Illekvme ach.»>l (a charge o(
t^nveld were .iliU.-d III marriai
Last Sunday *rieni.«>u George Rus­
the W. K C
She was buried al
TiK-sday hy the R.-\. Willard Heath
sell and Hiss Maud Hnnt.-r a.vArthur (Neaon and Hervey Anthe borne of Ibe brtde'a (larrats.
.-d at the fiume -f Hu- brid. '
n preparral (be remain* for
. and Airs A. I*. Gray «f Chektntil
■Is one mile soiilb uf town.
Grove farm tn the jiresenra of Iblrly
Henry M.vvre r.-iiirned m his
i- winter r>-latlviw. The homi- wa* iM-aiitlfled by
St wra-k. after *p.-ndlng
• Eleanor Corey, widow of the
eteluroie deroroilon of white Illlei.
in.Hilhs In Florida.
late Spencer Coroy of Inlertorhen,
Tile miwllily nira-llng of the Cemepassed away Monday afternoon at
-rv association wa* hcl.t last Monday simply gowned in wtalle and rarrled
horn.-of her sun. James, where she
le carnations,
lernoon In the Odd Fellows baU.
11 111 Marrh from this city. D-aih
nmeiliati-ly following an infortnal
. due to ph.nmunla whieh aiiacke-l
•ption. raffee and caki- were »er
her only last l-'rlday. Mra. Eleanor
I. F. U. and Inifae afi«-rnoon at 2 o'clork
Corey was 62 vtar* oM al ihi- IIB
rlalsirati- wi-dding tllnniv was servral
ohr was quite 111 test w.v-k.
lealh and leavet (he following
A. F. Burning was in 'Traverse City and the wedding party lefl for Chicago
rent Jamew Corey. Inierloeben
jd Alonday and Tuesday.
oa a w.-dding trip and will lau-r take
l.e-wla. Corvy. New W.-xfurdt Mr*
1'he Bouib Manitoii mall U«t
up their ri-sld-nra at l*h|H-miog.
Ki-ed of Inlerloehea and W. II
. Empliv last Thunutey with sevetwl where the gnsvm I* a niemlMT of tbe
Corey of Ihla city. She was one »
[vasseiigrrs lo take Ihe train.
Cambria SIral company.'^
Ibe oldest <d Ibe Grand Traverse plo. H. Rhank and dangliK-r
s Anna Canfleld of Ishpemlag.
. having rame'to Ibe roiiniy fror
to Trov-ersi- City test Wednva- motber of the gnsxm. and Mra. A
Branch county in IKS7. Juit a yro
Ktlwanger of Ik-riamont. sister uf
•lay and teiurm-d Thur*day.
after her marriage -with Siienra
Anderson, sister of A. John liride, Btl-n.lod Ihe wedillDg.
Con-y. The funeral lurvieea will take
son, bas rvturne.1 (o Big tUiilds. afii-r
Miss Gray Is a young lady with m
plaee from Ihe town ball and Ihe o(friend* to wish her hapitlnes*.
•Islllng here slnra April
flnrteitng minister will be tbe Rev. E.
Henry Cteeys of Hart visited here
n I* a rielng young biislnes* x

In the K. O T. M. M. ball. An
cellent stipiier was seri.-d !•>
vine lo work.
Jerry TInildlek has moved his family ladies.
Wm Isvudon and Uiuls Aleadi
onto their farm one and n half mileScoitville wi-re in Empire on biislneis
northeast of town.
Myrta Rtehmeyer

Mwsage slated she died at Van
A'oor eorreepondent was In i
test week tn staling that Mr*. Akiater dervvlt. where she must have bran
waa 111 at South Manltou. Tho'wlek vtsliiag. Mrs wnimlx ba.1 not l-vn
d her death was caltrely nnei
woman was Mrs Haas, mother of Jo­

.•ondueis-Cainollr servin-s h<-re eve
Ihira wi-eks. has Iss-n ottllged ni
to the bosplml at Big Rapids to ha
:a growth removed from his IhroaiElnier, who has been <ployivl at TallcliiUh. lA,. lor the pas
Hvi- months, is exiwed borne t-

Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Lat'ore
day for me.llrat ireatHCnl.
Miss Julia Aniey U visiting friend* two grondeblldren. Marvin and Grair
gla May Ferris, arrived home Tu

name from ibe hermli who lived Ibetrmany years, making his living by Ssta-

•rideoec n( Baxseit's bal.ltai

Narrow Eacapti From Fire.
Owing to the present of mind and
bravery of Hr*. Kite Dyer, who neen

pie* the iiiipiT flisif of the resldenee a'
■llvoree to Hr*. CArollnc Bteffesa. wl
of Williara H. Slcffena on Uve chan
David Reilier and family, a serious fire
reme cruelty. Mr*. HieffPnw wi
which might have destroyed te.tli lo take fc.-r maiden hame
home* was avertral Monday evening at
I'arolin- iw.iivllle iind both parties
T o'clock. Tbe Are di-ii*nminl r|ail le*
sponded but uo Arc was found when
Fvb. r,, Ipn;. John t
they arrived.
wo* Mr*. Steffens' atliirney.
While rn-paring to bake a rake Mrs
An InJunetkHi prevluusly granted
the ease of Alarv K Blekle va John Dyer wuddoBly found her
the trouble lielng due It I*
Wade et al wa* ->■ m.dlfled that
Soppn»-d from a leakage In Ihe maga
not apply to the l.-gal .-xeinplloas of
With prt-tenra o( mind whirl,
the defendants. John A Wade. Ralph
-omen would have undra aurli
K. Jameson. Ellen R Wade nr F^nk
I) Wade and as <o the eredliors. Philip conditions, she lisik tbe apron ah.was wearing and wound It antund tbe
Knai-h. w;illlaln Yoiiker and J.idsou
burning stove, add Iboiigfa her hands
Cameron, Ihe Injunction doe* not
were l.urnlng from the flery liquid ahe
(erfere with the carryliiC out of any pleked Ihe Move up tmdily and ran
Isilng rantraci* with other cxtellng
ihpmgh the long ball of ber flat and
legal rights as 10 their -twn prnpmy
threw II out and away from the tear
A motion for security for cm
Irf the house Whiter unnlng ihrougt.
was siihoii'led by Smurttiwalie & .
the ball the flame* struck her face aod
way (n th- eats- of Wade BrMhers
hair and Ibe right side at her hair was
Daniel Dtke and war op|s«ed bv J.
Tweddle. The eourt gronli;|1 the mo- l.adlr burned, her rtgl^band also aerl
Oil- ly l.urned but UtP^eflOrt so bravely
tl-m. Seeurtty n:
aiiempied w-aa'sncDesiful and nothing
$1W on or befor.- the first|day of Ihe
In the rsims caught
next term (d rt'iirt or cause
stove was hurled Ihomgh the windowIn Hie Man Blrkle ease t
burning apron from b-r
im aeeure rasl* siilimlHed by- J J
Tweddle was denied. He wit. opposed

> Frankfort la*! ' d.-nsl.urg rfaiirck w hich •
Mr. aod Mr* Ed Brimmer visited at n. s |>row went
>hn MeGrtinis'S.mday,
'Thui*4ay In Mr. Biinilng's gasoline i fri.-nd* and mtuirn.-r.* f<w the *-ceaM-d
Mis*-Neill-Epani* home frt'm Wex-iyarhi to aiti-nd a Ala*ontc m.-etin? Ralph And.-raon had charge of tb-arThe Ovgl Wood Di*l. it-aro pUycl', where shi- la* t«s i. al work.
, Th*-y relnrned Friday.
poor ball, TIu- game was ptey<-d at Surprise panl. * seem to te-the or-'
i.a*: Thursday pighi atsup niblnigtH

Blackman. Coveil and While. Th.-y 'afternoon. Sh.- U going to move soon
willprobabty play with Grown mu, and was packing up. g.-iling

^t loos enoagb for pleasnre and Ibe


No finer fitiioj; Koodt
made — Everyone stayt.
“What a fine auonment
yoii show."

Youth’s Suits
$5.00. $6.00, $7.50,
$10. $12 $15
for younj; meo aecs
fifteen totwemy—up to
date in evt ry respect —
fit your young men out
here. without ; death of her mother, Mr* Hattie Will-,n the plant con, and

But lor th.'- tim.-lv dicroven- 'b-

I fifty c
three dollars. Every
one guaranteed. You
can get good hat val­
uer here and our as­
sortment is large.

No such line elsewhere.
All the new detira
leather trimmed goods,
tyiic to $l.-'iO- Splendid
values this season.

Splendid Cottonade
goods 75c to $1.2-5.
Wool Pants Sl-Vito $.1
that are har<l to beat
for fit and service—all
sixes, from !f2 to 50
waist measiirc.

Th". firs' regular *MpB»ent* '

froii !.v, c«l* which bad 1-0 ''•f •h'-''- W”- Robinson wa* .aU-d | p»ck.-d m each crate,
,,c ,h.. Janitor In a l.arr. I by wlr.-Mondayat to or|.u-k, tbThe oullnnk 1a bright f.w qulcfc sale*

del while ahe wa* talking with bn^ Ajba 1 i.arntst i» the gmund.

$r.5o, $10, $12.
SIS, $18. $20.

l-gin n-x' w.-.-k an-n ■*.. car i-mn,
mill I*.-jent 10 mari.-..
The wire<-nd |dlsh.'' as mai.ufac
i.,r.-d by the r..-« i.r.*^-*s are petf—'

Tbompaoovilb- and the l«-*t the Trnv- d,-r .4 the dav in (his l.walitv and alt.» i«rtv of ri iiirnitig fish, nn.-n di*
R.'blnson and little ,0 .pulloe and d-’ p In *ha|«Th->
erae CHy team eonbl get wa* thrv-ejof them have t-cn a grand sucres* covered a light in th- bas- ment .d Up- daughter Willow, wlf.-of W S R..btn ,rc Vlaa mad. In ..n-haU. .o..-. Iw.,.
runa while the Thomp*t.nvilb- uwm ' it we ever *aw anyone si.rprl*<-.Hi w-a* srh.s.Itmuro. l'i>on .nv.-stlgaibm th- son. pr,q.ri..-t.rr of'he Rohlnv.n h-is-,, ,b,„.
o,.. ( siwr*. Cia'lng I*
Mored eleven. The |.>cal ballery w-a« Mr*. IJr^le Heff.-lflnfer la*' Thiir>c'.ay urti prov.^ 10 t- a fit- which bad Honor, were pass-Bgcrs *.«'h y.-.'.T ^ ^op.- t.y girl* and Tin di,h<-* are

.when Grandma Simmon*, ealb-d ami 1 The ftrv
The island te Just eight miles north SoBtlBr.
«( Ttavetse dly and te one of the
Tbe Independents had Ibe worst luck ; *atd ahe ihougM *h- w,.-jld just drop p,„.
beaiily aptds
the bay. Tbc trip
iU-jin am

Men’s Suits

H. Kooos of Inland.

Circuit CovrL
From Tuesday'a Record.
Ibe ncKsloD of CircuU court he
morning Judge Mayne granted

Mrs. t'Biil Miller and son Frank day. after »|v>'U<llng the wiat--r
made a business trip to Tbompsoniil!* Klii>xvill>-. Tv-nn
ter the teonebeA. The apilrs are a
At S «.elock Monday aflemonn
An «-x1»'riemi- sortel was held Sat­ by Farm «' Ginofrt
: taadr onltend work will-be rushed.
Addition to Faetarv.
Denstiradl paid her son's Bm-.
The motion brough' by PartB C. Gil
BiTnlce Helmford of pellslon. who urday evrnldg In the K. O T. Al Al
realdent manager will be I
John S Ib-n-dlci. pn-s1dent .if vbhall hy th- Catholic tedl-s. Ea*h lad. ben la the Emma Brown ew. Artbiir
has l>e.-n staving with ber
charge of the place and Ihe pmperi
Loat Every Came.
new maniifaciurltiE plan', th- Am-r
ri-lati-d her -xi*'rii.-nra In earning a North i-as- b-r |K.-rmls*bnf for
Dwyer Ibe
The manager this season arlll be Jesse
Sunday was an off day for Ihe l«u*
plaintiff to fib- an
d.dlar lor th.- rburt-h
has reliinied home.
Tallerday ursCassopolU. a young
ill lesms of Traverse I'lly.
1 E Davlk. i""'
rurtaln js-l- factory building.
Thus. Voung of Trarerse City vis- lleularv. opiio—d
-•r Golden .onlerialn.-d several
well known la Ibe city. Mr. Tallerday
urn Huskers were di-fc-ated
I ha deter.' r'l’""’ Runday and Monday in >li.'
prlrats test wrak who eame on a Ash­ II.-.I over Sunday with his brothers. was greni-l will
formerly wheelrd on the Columlite and
Crown, the twal W.Mtd Irish team by
jelly where he overke.kcd ih.- n-w
John and Jnm-s Vuvitig of East Em- mlm-d
ing exeiirslon.
made many (rtends among the pattoov
Thnrapsonvllle and tl.e Itulepeodent:
In "he mal’i-r of the petition of IrCon ' b'**'"
Tom Jenkins of Wexford was call
of the line.
at t'oiiemlsh.
n and Henry Grand of Walloon ard R lloxo- o, varair a part oUthe '
IE on friends hen- Frldsv nlgbi
The tetei^ wtll be malntaine
The Corn Huskers started, nut Sun
• »'oroce
I Sonday nebool pirates lodges.
.te, of which the dImen
day for a proctira game with llrowc.
Hon was croniral. The lois vaealed
mother, who has lu>eo very 111.
tlaa and private partlea.
oxxo, and an addlH-in to
with only five men. They idck'sl
- Infant child of Mr. and Mi>. rare bl-wk 1. t". It. :o and :i with Ibe
Jol.n Hlrkey .rf 'Thompsnni le altC
If adjoining the ea*'-rt,
enough around the ell.v lo fill out
ValetiHue L-<- of tiler. Arbor dlid Frl
iKl on 1.1* iiareni*, Mr. and M .nivIdiV
plaee will be so maasged that n
Ti In sire Th'* f-on'rard
tram but still werv shy a plirhir. (
Hickey, here Sunday.
I day uud wa* hurl'd Samrday. l'nd*-rproper characters will be altewed. the
a f.-w days and hu.ldl'ig
son was prvssed Inin NTViee bill
'lara\aker Aekeman of tbir
place had
A very quIH w.siding loi
managers dsiriag only a good class of
The western addPP.D
Ihe end nf the sixth liming had throsc
1- Sarah A Zang. aged
bet.! charge.
Thursday eveiiim
patronage and will make every effort
the prr»periy adp/ibiiig
his arm out. He wa* k“pi in Ihe Mis* IVrry and Herts-rt Harart of
»r Frank Tang, a farmer residing
jd. y Htwen left «hls morning for
to st« that this rule is roalnutned.
game and Ihe IMiaio Iiigairs made Co|s-mish were unii.«l in marriage by ^ ipiyi.,- Ci'y tn visit hi* daugb1<-r. Hr*,
Ud pas*.-d awav Ra'arday
flnnlisd. charters can 1»- arranged and
over thirty hits.
Iksplu- this.
it fr.un a l.rl-f a"ark of
the Rev. Father Jam". Ce.lilen pi his | Cook, for a f'-w days,
nadnUve partlea bav.- the pteiw
(be teat Inning the fnrn llusk.-rs
Paving a’lustand. Iw.. lIHle l<jy;., ,y al) the ramaltilng portbm
T«-*idrn.<'. Tbc <*mpl-are wvll known,
pntm-r Richard* and, family of
ahead, losiog (be gam.- In (be la
The spur of track running from Ite.v
•i.t* ami f.Mir bn-ih-i* and a alsier
here amt have a l.o*i of ftlvnd* who. s,wth|s>rt arc vlfltlng Mrs. It.ehar.l-'
Dteh BasseU's island U Just north
nlng. Score * to r.
Noiwk wa
Xai.c was th<' eld.-*' of Ihe fam.iv .rrs-..i oh to th** d'K-k '..-log ..t.s..l-i..
of Marten tetend. Formerly
first Trover*.- rily man up an
Thomas Saunders, •Ill 1- dl.p-nsed will, and iioihiug tu.'
Artlitir Tkd'oD wi-ni to Alanlstce lojisr. ■' their horn- ..n.neparaied from Ibe Island by a ehsouel
lined it out over the fenra. r.-curlng atay over Sunday with hi* son Harold.! mil..* u..nb.<asi >4 man.
who fvsid.: at 'he Missl'm, wheo- Ml
deep enough for a ailbiN
iwo Uses. Knntpa also made i
nianufarnirlng addltpin wh
saunderr I* a FU-ceksful flah'-rmaii
who te In lb.' hosniial then-, being; Joseph Haa* of South Manitnn
through Imt lo late years an Isttunn.
ha*, hit liut Oil' l«ll didn't go m-er llie
Monday a’ will l»- .r.-ct.-d. wil: I-- u*.-d f-.r
D Injured'Th- fun-rat nerurr.-d o
treated for Th-'imaii«m
. town lakiug treait
baa formed so that (be fwo
fcnii'. ilaki-r. ihi- new mao on
I; o'clock, the Rw Mr. i a*.- official largii.g ite cajiacliy .x.-'usiv-1y <
Air*. Caseins an.l Mr*. Chart.-* Mix.limti.
neeted aud a potaon cm^^ walk dry
playe.l nil i-xeellent game and
gr.-aily Inrreas.- ite- plan' * <
' Bunting and j Ing. ihe *.-.*110. twmc h>
lUV Thomi-sonvlllc caller* Sunday, ' t-. n. Ackerman.
shod across. The tetend lakes

teg. flaslly getting married, spoiling
■ bis repnUtipB as a bermll and disap­
pearing from Ineal gate
(t is nid
that he te at prcs.-nt in Califonite
■omeRbete in the Los Angelees vwrinBy. The Island contains about three
•erea and a nnniber of fnjii trees brar


r. F

i S<arcb. the gen-ri.l manam-r state*

' ?>'*« Uroa May S i

& Huuter


Cnal Ttarcnc Bcr^d

brother. R. A. (filter, beg
yn a. follosa:
e SuWhereas, It baa yd<u<
reme AfcbHtet ct tte oalrene to
ir belored brother. R. A Wilber fi
bor OB earth to ererlasUBC retrahleflU in the Paradise of Ood- There­
fore be It
Xi»Hred. That so do bumbly
to tbe will of Him wbo doetb all things
well sad will reward w. according lo



c Nard of regenU bss a< .iJ«--dl , I’nd .tv J' llimr. ^ Mr ■ l;c.
•e Mieblaan Tcli-phoue r->nip*n> I hs. paid to C...iuty Tr- vA- It-i;'

ferred the nd doty o# drafting r^n-



io nmt fa oar tion «s4 dear f*e Umoat

w. w. deKn

Vir'TnP The World’s Greatest
Y1V1 Vf IV ffusicai Instrument.

Candidate for

Register of Deeds


SOD. s trtM and
we lender lo tbe be
■E'siia™. reared
wife, father. btoUur and neplr
W of our departed bmber our htan-


II sympalby^aadTriendablp. And U

■ tosnlafl
^ nt proven by tie fwa lh»t t
Mt «rf tb* twdec eDOiTC-iobAl «
■ trier* tB Ibe »UUf bA»c BW the Bee
MfT pelltlOBM. IB Bdillloo to iw.
olmr aeiiAlsrial «lt«ricU f»»oro<
VbUbk on tbe Beer Uw BBd («o repreMStAUTB 4l«rict. COIBbOBWl '
IbBB otw eoDBtr. Tbe time
HhBNMirtlM of IbMB petition, by tbe
h«gWr ef itBte doMd SbIoOb]
wsbt In coBIieedoB with tbl* It li
tuemttbg (o eWiMder tbe fws tbmi
tbe denwcfBie. YboH- i«Bt cry IM
vBi “primary reform" will you
ta (be matter In o^ly three aeiiBtorUl
4uuteu, tbe petinooe Ib tbe other
to esbmit tbe pfopodttae. Allhouy*
ibe demoereu .nbmlltod petlUo •*ec7 «lKriet except tbe Foori
bbt'B dB^ BWriel U there i
SeM oamber ot elcnen to ■>
t|M pce^MlUBB. ^
Ibe aenatorlBl dtotrleU in wbleb (be
teer la* win be aebmlUed by tbe
l^bliMbi are tboee repreaeated In tb<
•ceate by Semew Van AUn,
biMeBt aenate
ifchlbald J. Peek.
^ a Cook. C. U
L Olaago*. Waite
______ meiid A. my. BeU W
taka. Albert O. HriBe. A. W. Parr. O
C. lloBatt. In addlUoo to tbe« d'
trkta are those soMtoria] districts
Wayae. Kent and t
Mk* trill Boalnatc under tbclr
ta as craoted by tbe slate.
It la probable iff tie* of the
ff of peUlloot Bled, that about emotaofpetl

Rteolred. That tbe ehartor an l
gmal IlgbU of our lodge be dmiwl In
moumlog for the period of slxi)

Why Pay More

‘^rtber. That there reMiluilon. I-'
spread npoa the minutes of <Mir lieic*and that a copy rd »b« same be een.
to ibe bereatte family iul ibai ilie)
be printed In ite Cratrd Trat.-rw lUi

SI.HI- i.»ls> a

•> Hnssk-.



Tbe boys hare o^nlM.1 a ***^
club and nre looking tor g
all speak at oorw. X






I’iH-li:i.-it t'-«..-i S.H-.rt mi'l i'.tii-i'. l-t.i



First ti.te t»;i» ill ti»-’'”'
’■ -•___ ^
Ui,,,..!... i-v.-ry ]5c-t>ii!.!i.-iii tuA.-l jV,.
Nuw Sin til); f.Mirlh U-niij
«. S«,.-ni~,r fr-m. Tliiol W.M.jS'
Tnitvrit.' City. ati.! ('liuiriiiiiii
the H url.

Tf. SHles ba. been ai Trari'fw
City for a week aswixing W. U SUu-a
witb bis delivery of frail iree..
Tbe Cemoterr asaorlalliio bad
f the cemetery. They bav.'


Candidate for Kcpullican
Nomination (or


Sj*'l^tef and family will srrivo
' Ifatmt tbs middle of June and- will
taU doiteg tbe eatlre season. 1
..^ly wileh ooasim of a ym
fcnibtte and younger son ^ planning
i Bnmmer of qslet retrvat and enloyitat aad look forward to tbe laototloa
ii tbs cottage as most destrsbie for s
timmi-'r eaotJBa. Dr. aad Hrs. WIV
bBpaad Prof, and Hn. Bailey
jmkiifi Ib the UBlversIty nud It was
tbmgh Mr. Bailey that Dr. Wilber
taad (be eomlag Nortbport resort.
Or. Bailer aad family wlU tlao arrive
m oocnpy tbgdr eotu - -

talad at PerBt^oofc.
The WUsoa eottage..erected last
•bmmer by Mrs. Bita S. Wilson of
Oetroit. has been named Pen-den-w
ta Udlaa name meanlBg Quiver
|HiC TbU cottage will also be rented
fer the season and Mrs. Wilson U
dwklag amagemeBts far such.
Tomorrow evening nt the village
teaaetl, a peUllon signed by s majority
dj tbe piTBierly oween residing south
di thttbeslaess seetloo of tbe vlllsge.
fill be presented esklag that a tblrtyIbot highway or aneaue be opened
ghmg the west side of tbe T. C.. U A
•H. tneRextending rrom''8mlib avenue
Mi«b as (ar as ibe vuiage UmiU. Tbe
Rnperty opened will be plared cm ifie
tarfcet and will meaa much lo '
i^itber development of Konhport
tie eomlag summer resort. Tbe purtae c< tbe tetllloa cites that tbe avis
ta wUI follow the railroad on lu we.l.
m Umlt and contlnne through
WoUn esute, the Kefal Bros.' new
Ailslttoo cf Fern brook and lake


LC-Ue unnoticed .|...v^ nrev. l.-M;-r j-;

runs you do
makes you sn cu» vletlm Mr or
diseases. Burdock Blood Bluer. .
t Iho esuM—

............................I".' ................ .

> flrst ear of ibc Soulb Uen.l A
Soothent Michigan electric . Ilne
renched 8t Jowpb Sunday evt-nli.g.
thus connecting S(. J.k- wlih Nile.
South Bend and Coeb<-n.
Many Cblldrsn s



C,.y Opora Houtvo BIk.



II..unit, on vus>^l. f.n:..


You Can Digest The Fact


taeted three years ago by tbe
jin. Harr J. Wolfe, has been leased
IM the seaaoe by tbe Rev. Prends A.
jmer. D. D.. of Weslmlnster Honse.

Ksv..ritrt ..I II;.'


• M.-ti UI..I

OJM along II
Hay 111.


ANji uy.ywMnvM v..,. .-.v. i.-u- mi ti,u

IMiwio'. bouse where Roberi Oofa.on
Is living alnee tain bouse iMimed.
iotas newer I. g.iiln* slung fla-l,
wllh Peter MenonsWa new tern
J, W. Smith and wfCe.

taf tba r



lera for Uieh.

haa^^uartert et Oeirpil.

. Branch 153 E. Front St.. Traverse City

Sprayina time
111 : ;.it ! i-.ii li i l li'tl. r i'-t y.'ur w.iiil. in .Mfly in
.•f.l.-r tn il.'i ti.
u -r ill'.
\V,' . ..?!> f..r 1*111
I’.Im iC.vjiik-t KolDhtrUy.
,\r...'iil.'. l•^-rl.l.ll■... l-i... ''f Snli-iuir uu'l
I’.iris tl'.•11
II \. ;| nil! |i-.if. !i-i'‘. l!..-~- .•Iri;..I ii«. x.iii vill .vriiiiiily
11.•! ,;.i
is !■. .|ii:ilily. ..f I'fin..

$. e, Q)a\t $ Sons

Cra«r»c Cllv’s Ccading Drufl Slor«


••Doan’s Ointment eured m,- of ecema that bad annnyed me * inng
_mc. The core was permsneol."—
Hob. 6. M, MaUbews. CommlMlooir
LAbor Statistics, Auguria. He.
Mrs. J<*n B. Porter, wife of Cl'y
taessbr Porter, s well known tvi<u>>
llcan pollUeian of Saginaw, died at
Springfleld. Mass., where .be vs» vl.
King her sister. Mrs. U C. Hyde. Sl.e
been In detlcsle .besKli sooie
A OM«aln Ouro for Aching FoM

FOOTE & CODDINGTON r3.\V'‘''u'^:;,;Viw"'.-

Frank M. Hamlin
Of Monroe Center.
Blair Township.
15 years justice of the
Peace; 7 years Townshii.
“reasurer; present biiiperTI

5a!SSJ5:.-'Er..’?“ *f.T ReguUle* 'tbl- bowels
ui'. Hegulrt..

A.k .

druggist t.

Tbe petitions to |dtce the name «f
Charles H. Klmmerle on the democrat
Ic tlckcl s. eandidaie for He......
governor Is 7«« nsyuo. .bon of tli.required number. Vnira. that man:.
are received by May Js ibe n.nii
inalloo will go lo tbe ronventl.m.

ISfit .sr£


Nights 3

Monday, May 21

W.ObOVnDtim>s»l>«sMrhbu. Oc.

PEig Marquette
Petesiiey—RMs. 'glM.
Sunday. May 2D.
will leave Traverw CH.
S;W a. m. See poHer* or s»W sg■•nl^
for parilnilai
F Moeller. G. P

In a repertoire of the

latest Cfflinli Successes



tT I


ri-|-------------------------■------- rr-^-Ti—

Are You Going to Houseclean This Spring?
The FiislLinj .
n.nv ur.' v.)ur
x...U))o ;iv y jKi il p.T|-t nn.-'
^ Dll \vill lllltl W \l.i.
l’.\!'|-.k .11 Ijiir .’.tin-..
I k'vx ar-' yt'ir.C’ar! '

\Vc h.ivc ri'i "h.i'. ><’*'
How jr<- yiuir kiliii' :
and tliii;iii; ttiom I'l-irWhat .in-you v'oinu i‘> do «iih tln in ' i>iti )
slop to think how imi. h k-s work ii wouM !«• I'-r
il you had LINfU.k' MS on your thjjci' W-: li.r.’
just what you
Come and visit i iir store and <<invin'.'s that it's the plal ■; u trail'- If -.iv- ntuiK \.

".An Imprudent Youn;: Man"


Y%<i;r lu

Grand Rapids Furniture Co.


Mrs. A M. Wbeelock of n««r 1
. ..
Creek wa. left a widow with .1.
cured thoauadi of
dren six year, ago ^ her hu.baiid Stooi^ TrouUea. at
icoamlttlng aaleMe. Myr tbe seeosid
i 'Tb tbe W. H. Waideat nnd Bretbr
time alBoe tben she bs* )n.t been
c( Mast Bay Lodge Na M4. P. a
huTBed ouL Lass IS.Ote; small IbSold and rteomraeoded byJoHn«On OrtAfiT
%oy CO
0 whom was re- lunacr.

lullin' -1 print iplc that if yini "Imy
ii)du" >oii C.iii
liifhl," ainl
ihi' appiifs to iht- <Jl -\L11Y
• ai W'-ll ai tn tin;
iCri.’s ■ li l•; S T • I tftl. Bran.
’Mi.ldjiiifi. Ctirii aii'l Oais. Oual
'■■y ai’itl pri'.'.-' ar- aU^yi rii-ht.




R«re is an MsSorlmcnl of

mall Paper
fbat is inferesting

• .F'lrr,:'. r. M.-r. .

aotfer five mlnotr* with
ppiv Dr Tbnoiiui' Heter Prices; lOc. 20c, 30c.
c. Il arl. like magir
127 Skuib ufiuD Street
A pmllar and unlorluBBIe aecldnii
Weddl-vg St intcriachen.
unjuiHd near Cedar Ren tbl. week
Seat sale at luhnson Uruy;
lalerioeben. Mlrh. May H.—A qul.-.
Mr. EUvar. who has ranmlly per- wedding wa. releliraled Sa'ilnlav Co.
^ased Mr. Horgan's farm, was moving afifTDonn at the b)>mt- of Mn. II
Us boQsebold gnods In. nnd Mr. Hor- KIrvhner ntii-n her win Frank aaiin n*
united in marriage with lArllk- ful
llcoit. The bride war gnwmd
cream crUonil .Ilk nnd wa. aUendi-d
by HI.. lAure Hoahell, while Loul.
lUrrhner aeu-d a. hern man. Afu-r
■ qnsnilly of eMUb Ibe aervlce a reception wa. given
largely attended by ibelr
many frltnds.

s™™ tScjrJ'S.'cSSTr-',"”



rront 8L

rit- • Ui' d 'lyliih- 'A paU'.tn fiotii,
i: .1(1 >,,-L
mad'-, .irs'l hl.'V.i.Kt
r—till;; in I;- mt-rh-ra!'- pri"- v-iu'h wc
ur«.' r.itfhl. Tak'; ’ft.'
1«; and preUya 1ft of i-i'f ' 'r ns afft
.LtL'-ni-'’ iiiii'; you
d; -n town.
:: pi' .mirr.- t'l 'how tbt- hit-

0tv Book Store
tbt Bcbart Co.

traoont Citf, !Wc^.


Fortunate Hiaaeuriana.
“When 1
> a dn
d^uBei^t at l.l.ouji.
M..." «rti« T. J. Have:,
firayavilli-. Mn


Art«r schools Hinr Dnim,^^
$200,MO lirlllo b«4os thr priwli»I.

. mfioo

or.U-t a . illoK<-4 TiiroUr *>V
Juilsn M8)'D<' InI Ilb. r»»f .rf ilr». tr .S.-W l>i.-c....rj a sV.’t:
aioda.M- Halrell \>. Tbonii t1rnr>
Dalr.-U. Wb Of l/-1anan
aJiIoh wiir iH' tr!.«l at Um' J
UIORIT. >K»-A. Tr»rr 1^7*’"•
Cttx*. *•*- Ju*»» T. MmmY..
“■ nf 111.- Circuit conn fur l^-danan
taa4. H. C. LMn>, Atr/ tMUivi.
' wmniy. Twrn'y-flv dollars «a«
"II rinr;: ru!‘r
lo««l fur at'wiuy f.^ and II.'p
f.>.-a. Thr oun.tint baa
3 I*r ee« iltewetf 01 Time Depoitt* VI'IK-W.
yri Wn paid. I,*ann r. r.UI--n
B.-nat<tr Alger has nut-tii.l Si
Fr.-d I'rmti aiM-par a« atiomryn
tw iwni-.s iliat "h- Marlir Ir. pi
plainHE and d'-f< n'laai.
ii; nut t».
tr-m; U.s. jdt>
n,r iui.h> 'irl-nd. of Jlls. ftli'h Its;, ctiy as lis'l i--n re|"irii-l i
ifwAAiwllMM—toAdaui«, *ho «as fur a n.itnl- r <d y-ars Int-ti.l's!,
luacher In 'Inan imc HndiT«ar"‘n- »l»
tbrUnr i-.sliiun whirh has jii.l b.fB
nCerr-d b. r at thr YpsUantI State K.»rtnal whoul- Sllrr Adams,
ic kltnlrnarti»
tirtnui ll. itian, fur ilir pa i
SU-.n Ihf laisltlnn <>f buni! »a>« f.illMW thi ll u- i.uaniiris'Circulation Ihls week 2,825 Kwfhrr III thr Bmdiiatr kindr
IralnlnK school M.Y|«tllanti nllli clftlit
Th.> MarCbbceB <rf Old MUnlun
t.-arl.trr; uo'Icr h<-r. Ti
Jorfd « r^Ur old tMbloncd .lan<^'
)Tdr», iB-sinnli
■nd KPBcnl KOUd time tUiunlar cv. iiIDK IB tbdr Aall. Refri»hiocm
-tly un Tih-lay wi;il.- en t,.
(ood male mule the . v.-nint:
Wn!.hiBKton. Mar'in-ln b-'B. nil
..•turn h.une oft-r sis-odloB sum- Hm
ordi r* ComnianiltT-lu-Cblcf Tanner
-Ming where the .•lu_«at.-rw..n •
il..- li. A. IL oulUn.-« the proctant I
em,.loved the fltm t.. sing
riB*l proof In the hom«dmd
the national encampment, which c
loch w..|ls..nlbeotr.-uf,...,|»rt> ui.-:.
of Oeorpe W, Prinek- for • "n»ll veni's at Uinneapidis Aumsi Hbh. I
ritv by Ibe Ib'I.Iing -tat- Ibr
•Ittelld to SlUrcr Ldko. opixnllr >'nilik royTt; “On the evenlnR of Turwlay.
four wits sre inoi pres-n. but ih-t.
CBmplKdl's form. «»* hrforp AUKIIM Hlb. there will »«• a w
mainder will Is- as -o..n a« (s.CooBty CIrrk Wallor on M'xidar.
ncial mcciins 'o nwlve aiUi
slid-. The pnipetly li.-s h. Ihe vilU.PiiOKl.-1»« llYe<l oo >1“'
from slate and eitj ntflclals. from the
potl Dine room.
eommltto.- nf arrang. mems and ere.-:- snd contains .-nour.U ane-«« fo- iWf

Tilts itiiri- will Iw- cloai.l
.-ill ilaj. IVv,.ration Ikty.

S-n;l n* jrotty mail onL-ra.
Tiny w giv. n imyiniJl at-leUtiuU.

W.vln.-wU.v. SL.V :5Ulh.


Silks at 55c

Fancy Silks. 48c yd

\Vc havp on sale Eleven I’i. cc' 1-ancy Silk- in checks
,an.l stripes in the following colurs; Navy. Royal and
Alice Blue. Hiinux ami Keseila Gret-n. Wine. Tan.
Gray. Rostt. White and Black and Gun Mcial. A New
York jobCer bouiiht all the mill had and we ifOl in on
-this lot. Tl»(:Vri'<• if less'.ban thi:y cost tomamifac.lure; they arc actually worth Tijc. While ihf lo: lasi>
they are -'t-'ic.

This i> a If. of -;lks «-c picked u(. at iess than itie mar­
ket price. In lot then- is ch.tcke.l and strijH il
Lotiisi. nes. f;m.y 1 aifeias and plain Messalines ItMo
L'fi in. wltl.i, alsi. di.-ckc.l and stripetl lap Sijks that will
wash jii't the ihinj for sumiper ilresses. waists and
childrtrns .Iresses. This is a ure.-ft-silk opponimiiy.
.\of pieve in lot at |s. yd.

liiOdo/en Hiick Towds
Would be cheap at
I .Uk.'bm they jjo on si^le jg-fl for. a tlyix at..........,..^c

l.-Mi yards .\merican iVints in IH m JH yd lenuths.
at,.................................................................... ..-5c yard


H. J. OladB, a rosldenl of TraTi me
aip for (b« post fouKi^pn y<»r*. lias
taken charKe of tbc Hotel U^-Unau
a>4 will ber.«Iicr conduct tbc btdd
^laalf. No olh.Y choiiBe lia*

A fariner who IItps near the Hoard
man Rlrer Eleetrtc IJsbl & IHiw.-r
companr dam baa gotten flvr Urg.'
trout tblR aoason In a novel wag. He
takes a Irolling book, throws It In
tbe water, ailaches a Ilae In a sUke
aad toes aflcr bis cows. Scrornl (im.'«
GO bis retnm he bas found big Ash
(MCbt and yaterdag be bunlod a Ove
poaad nintxiw.

be eomiiowHl exclusively of flran.l
Army comrad.-s as pons, or Imnds.
d a marching flag. The
II not bi- mure than
^he dcpartmtml of lUinols, by right
seniority, will have Ihe right ..f th. j
le: other deparltnents will follow I
imler of s«-nlnrlty of date of char |
ivi. The pnierialoinc deimrimeiii I
dl take position .in the loft of ih. !
line, The eommamler In chief has oc.
iv|de.l Ihe pn.Ecr of Col.imhla post.
So. 7ue. deitarlment of Illinois, ns his
l»TSoual escort
•The huslness sessions of the en­
campment Bin begin on Thursilay.
Aug. He Bl » a. m. sharp.'

J. W. HllUkca of TrBTcrte City w* J. H.thes of Syracuse. N. Y. Tli.-y
ibe guewt of bOBor ami the siwBker of
hroihiTs and bsd nut met In
tbe evening pt tbe meeting «t thi twenly-lhr.'.- years.
Civic club at CadlUac Friday evening
Hr. Ullllken bad no set spmeh hut dr
City Markets
llvered a abort addiTss on civic Im
pr*vetnonU which was very well re
delved. Mr. HinikeD has <h-vole.l rooaUmaUe study to tbiswnhieri and bit
tomarha arc always tlincly and Inter-

....... si



I for vest or hip pocket oi
a hand bat;Wc loan tlioBp frw to any
two optiiiiig a nviu^ nv
count (ift one niul t1ro|i in
)x>ur DickU« and txtpiiors for
afvrirwwks; the n-siilt will
astonish yon.

Ladies’ Tailored Suits
We h.ive about tla Suits that we are uoinn to sell at
pi;r cent discouni. The reason is that ihe lino are
broken ami wc h.Yve not .nil sizes in any one loi. but
have all sizes in ihe lot.

l-ivc d../.-n'
Saii.i.- Skin, u 6»c .ach
that arc sold for more everywhere.

ilo/. Blk Tetticoats at $1. a saving to yooof iJoceat h

Shirt Waists
Wir are showinc the best line of Shin Waists we ever
tU.L there promises to be a iiy of desirable
waists later. We w ould advise you to make tourselctplele
lions n V while the line is complete.

50c to $8.50



12 Square SbQeBardains
at Frlcdricb’s
Winin's Sbees
Mmlt- of

Winn's Gifinis

i- a'"''"*


new.-st mill most
fashioniihli' styles.
A gt»»l she/' ill
S-JJiO for

Bits' Sbtis,





$1.19 te $1.65

WBmn's Shm

Women's Oifords

- Be|S' Seamless

M-'itlf of iri-nninc
kill, light ..r l.t-iny
\Vi; .-.msi.lor this nil «-\tr:.
goo.1 shof at Sl.-'tU

No1 t!"
Iw-sl I'f
..-iire.-; 1-m -/'x.!
.nnii-h b- slip on
f.-r ajiiM-li.uii: -•■•tl
ami .-.•iiiforulilc,



sill'll .1 lint.'of ilu-siO/vIs. Haml liirii.
.d •Itilivll.-s with
riililoT hf. ls.

Thig tn.-ai.. ll.tit
nm-1Sithotu tmams. tlu-re iBiiothinu- It-

$1.50. $t.7S

Strap Slippers

Sllgl SlippMS

.Ma.le of kill with

Forth- h.iiii.-iiii'l


tiinK.l sh--s nn, Ih.

ihore- is notiiiiiu
-•.-,1.- aii-1



25C to 50e

Sanpit Sheis

Men's Oitifds


Hyo'.i wear A small
size, wp i-.-ui lit yon
to a jwir of tin-*.sh.H's or oxfohls
aii-l savf yon from

iiotliiii/;ii'vr f «r a ■

.lust n-fiHii'l fniMi
am-ast.-ni linns, vt-ral l iin-lre.! i-'iirs
,.t •• U- '

du.w y-u l.i.euu.-s

‘' v“‘
|,r. “■c-

Muslin Underwear Sale.
, Beginningt "Wednesday
(ior the balance of the week
We will give a

Ton F>or Oor-it Disoount
On All Our Great Stock of^
Muslin Underwear.

Skirts Sell from 75c to $4
Gowns sell from 50c to $4.50
Corset Covers sell from 1 Oc to $ I
Drawers sell from 25c to $ 1
I rom the alr«;;t'lv rttmarkably lojy f-ricc' we will
^>ivt.- an additional '1 en I’cr Cent.
1 he sijlev ac«: so divcrsilied ami the trimminj's an; so dainty.
One of the kircatest stock.- you will sec for many a day.

This is a Sale that No One
Should Miss.

III/ t.- *11 till i;. -.1

50c to $1.00

$1.75 and $2


Wbea we buy a Baeqaiu iVu 6t1 tbe Beaefit at it.



Notional Bank

l.Hoii yards Rrinted Lawn at................................. -.'dc aad 5c

Were $12 to $25. Now $8.50 to $19

tail Slippits

I We have the latest ihinR
I in banks—the new ptKl
I nickkd, holds stiveral
I dollars
lars in
il coin, just righi

idiH yards Urcss <‘.ini;habis. the *^c Muality. at.. -5c y.ird

5 do/. Blk I'elticoats at S5c. a saving to yon of Vh each
luu do*zcD Children's Hose, the 10. kind,
at..................................................................................3,pair lor .*«


Nt’v.-r iiav.- w- li.iit

A Bank
in Your Pocket


lilO dozen Ladies’ Cotton Hose, the Rk: kind,
at................... -........................................................... pail lor 25c

My Hair is


John e. Santo, wbo ojoyv <■
iIgbU of lummcr life at Onicnn. If
preparing to build a owncvii diw-k at
bin landing Jowl oiwtb of tho r.-«irt
dock In the Oment hartmr. Two yi-nrs
•CD Iho heavy lev away In tbc
Bprlngbll of the Santti dock, aad aOcr
leaving the landing a year fti »t.>adr
Aoira. Mr Santo will again cnl.-r cmpvUlloo Bllli the nnrO.i-rn Ic- H.«-»
which are- a mroar.- to an>- Uglilwclght dot*. He fc-lR that ho ha.1
■wived Ibr problem with wdid comeni.

at.:..?................. Vt each

lOvlo/cn Towels. If.xHJ. at....................................ik each

e mmiD.aniler ln-cJdef
1- annual jmende. in cnneeilou d"ucl":k. Mbs v"tu t:aid.i. r-. Af- Hie naikmal encamiunrni, will
Mane nnd sink iTic.ite w.-tls.

Hicfa s<*ool track t.*m dclealud
iuajatee Hlgfa acbool Is.ys In tbe tlusl
meaet held la tbe driving jm* Safur
day. Jdaalstee taklag bni three find*
Sotta limms were in Ihe licst of con
dltion and detq^te the Midi wind which
A stranger walked Inin Ibe hardtnlorfurcd with the events wmu' <
ate Sinn- of tleorge Hnh.'s at Ha) |
lent reeorda were made, bui Hie
tly nnd purrbase.1 s.ime nails <rf the
aad dlstaaccs arc withhold at ifc
l.roprieior. He then staruwl a remver-'
qneat of tbe local management.

Misses Eliubetb Smd Mary Johnson
cf Beaver Islands, who arc working In
Ibe city. rewIved a dispatch Saiiirelay
morning staling that tbelr s
crlUcally-HI and they wot
atari borne by train wh.ui their brother
Peter and anothes
rived oa tbelr stoop, nut knowing tbelr
. wMA having
« days. Thr psriy
imed t^lMverr liIsland Saturday

rrU .lojcn Bath Tourels;


-I r

. - r

. ^

Grand Traverse Region.

s hMdlac potatcMM.................. ... _J8 movod his
Cssllr, vbin- b<- «HI IM'
r led




. Errin' »«»k
•livid IM IMi I
iMh Ihl Hirild

Mir than Timdar Min K
’W. If eiriMisindifrti *


I n* iniADt oBIrrr his b>»n miklEi * *• rk.
I »nD« bailBm
«.->.« lotar of't*': Mr. Bruce and famll
a la a Mtl-'Uleei'-n. M bnla-i >it'the riabtb .
_____ ____heir.
Utelr way m Son'
hate pastM".! a hiably sailMarrori
the mad.
Lee Wolf. Walter Cunnlashani and beat. wen. raueht 1
The life .-xamlnsu.i
Jcaae Smith have curae
Itom im- w.-« axle tii
upper ppDlnaala. where ther bite savluK cr. a from the nolt
sjtetu the winter.
'httn by lakine ibelr Im
Mrs. Jake Wolf had a tsmlly nsiber- beatb. The DIand mall m
!-• Sunday In homu' ut her mu i.«c..sieia U-blod
Of the
the ai
allrartltuis ttf which was .1
Mi. and Mn. |< H. Day
A. «r.-K'try Sundae.
dinner with "turker am!..............................
Mirw-s larrle Cadlmm. Jeanle
In's.' Those pns.t:ii '
dfs. Jaim
Arbor alh’ro^*«eTie Uv.k.-f Ilk
I Keyr.ii ' and Mr.
Ifv. Wolf.
iday. Ui- and In. Wt.lf startal
fur Puiind's mill. Tii-nurv. MIrli.
Mrs. AdlUel•ll>hsi^ <n Tr
City : e
,li Is rep.itleil ih
C.-orst' llluiati i
and Julia Ipicl.e a
IV. They bate the best w.soi-s «
any friends.
Mr*. John Winrhromh of Hu.Ip.- vl:
■T her tliurs hen- Siinda..

I he

llna of

nt> rrudall atan<-d bis lumlMtf
•I'lny her
I sisiei. Mrs. Sop
iphU lU-rman. for a fea
II Dyer
0». T bai D
from Troverw <'|iy
,....... I.aVwic-war laid to i. ri in the
ni. Ene Tonoani, eoler- , TaRi-r a-metert Sunday afiernistn.
i ulm^ Mr. Yuumus' filher add nuih
Miss Oartbc and Miss <S. Wesljuhnn
• *T o[ Otlar last Saiurda)-.
vUKcd Che Misses Utvn-ls Sunday.
Miss Mar^art^ McUirrr is pivparine
Mm. Annie tJIllis vblled her par
her pupils for an eJUirlaloiDenl lu tH' .oils ovt^r Sunday.
Bl>en JuiH- aib.
May in
The Man«lH<p hall baa been mueii
Iniiroved lu luuks tty recelvini: a neaMONROE CENTER. •
‘ mat of italiii.
Mrs IP nals ami sun Klu/ti weni i.i
Mr'. Jrnies rranrtall and rhihlnn
•ad Mr. ond Mrs. Krie Voiimani speal Kalkaska Saiunlay lui a rliur: »i-i'
niih i.'lBilr. a.
gandu) ni MoyOeld aliti Iriemla.
Mrs. Cora l*erMns of IVioskey. mitu
her lamlli. lari a.i'k .lslie.1 bet l.roUi<T, C. n. Dye and family; Miss Ib's-hie
niDilUK tliisn Inim Heloskey Saluntay
nlsht fur a visit over Sunday. They
.ap.'ct HI Stan for ili«-lr nea- Jiume In
Arvanus ibis week.
Mrs Ubble M’lKhtman and tb-nba
John Oltn has airen bis bouse a oe«
of Hurkle.r ailended the Aid at Mrs.
'"*?>anV*Ail!in*w It. burr pl»«ln«! ami
^'selsim'itsts^ has relorned from
dragaliME and experts lu plaoi
his vlsll to rniini Off.
(Ala »«*.
Mr. anil Mrs. J. Sladlebauer
JuF Srrion has boDyhl a nea
al Mr. Moyers yeslerday.
and a wupie *if >oun* pies.
Mr and'Mrs. Dye and Ittul and Mrs.
Charles Vlakonbll and John KralU
Feikins and daupbl.r vlsiti.d ai Jobn
were la Cedar Iasi galunlay.
Pranh Atkinson and Cllroena Talley i>issstii's Ksitirday.
Ira. Hoy IbTker vlslled al
went ID Traverse CUy last Wedntwdhy.
ndV yiiiii*rilay.
Mih. II. VIskurbll made a pleuaui
^1 on Mrs. Senuia Bandar afternoon.

Fred Alkinsoo Is troubled
irHlls and laiemli Bolnp lu Tra«i
isult an oculist.
Cltyl o eoni
The Udies' Aid lutneiy uu :. r.t H
I't... ean.
Stalda's hall antnrone of Mrs, (Je.trse Rarick Thui
■•II at'
day aflernuun.
Mplie the elecineal
Mrs. Julia Wilson of Traverse City
haa biu-D vlsillnp hit son. Harlin
”hlay 14.
Brown, and other relating In this


The c
will «lv
•hitrch ion:.'I row u
The rain »e roi
ilini ass wanicil m ,a.


to snrk a severe rase of Jaundice that
even mv flayer nails turneil yoilow;
wl'.-n nit thtrlor puM-rlbed Klem..initers. whlrh eurnt me and kept me
Well for tdeven years." Sate rnre for
•m.rtal .ennon wilt I-- .u. Sum!:.., Nst l.nhtiisness neuralyla. wiwkness anJ
all stomach, liver, kidney and hUdd. r
’T. al the Ciiacremlhtnal eieindi at .t.rxnsenients. A wonderful l.mlr. At

•PH. MeartvC A.

Murray past will ole'.-rt.- M.-moris


n.e Ann rtiBBrect,ikmali:J'

laiTu nia.le slid flaei ar.- vi i.. i-.....

•1 s|.nd »i:..t"-'e «m an rwUrmw'-nl
th. tr rbiirrh.
A UeitnUtc of CMd.

'httreh: t.r.«r*m ih.i •■■t ..................

............................................. .dlos wi
-Inl,:: ffj.
f.j' Mills
..kee. Site
made hi
Uliaaukii- and back I

ihat alt solilh-n and s.iitors


sens as pt’fell.le.'.-'pii'lolly ih.- .


H j:t>.l

If noihlnR hapn'i • this will la- the
inner year ft
fur Ira
luokW fine.
The funeral of il.e lai.- Mr< Frank
Kane will IH' held 'his alleinmai at
o'rl'a-k XI the rh'iivh. Two lill! •
Ik.)-:, lour and iwu an.ltx l ilf ymrold.nrelefi iiuiiheiIrs'.
Lew iUmlek lia> r-'tile I the I*


Inn his nnrh'. Wni. Carry, ilie last i>f.

day. Ttie

s th"i^.i:rH“;v to«Ti?;s.h":h“’

liKiked as a.II cxnil for ;

,.."1.,,;; f. rn:.'.-s oaren’s. Mr. and Mrs. I.I
Ctrales of Traver-e City.
May 14,

IS Lulu llnimes ii/sick siih
Marshall Is sivniHnc
days wlih her .laUEhier. .Mrs. !•:
Miss Hatlle Swane.r 1:' some i.i.i-r : „ ,h
than she has Itn-n. but Is far frutiil<„,
ClilTor.! Thimipkinr. is able to !»• iinl
iliKirs il.dny Uchl wtuk.



C. W. Fituia. postmaster at RI..TMr Eililort—As Ibe Herald I. tak. r. |
ton. to, nearly lost hla life and was
..t many of Ibr ramiwd. . ,.f ih. il. A robbed of atl nocordlnx to fals
a., 1 wish If e..rreei ih.- mulee «,t We

The Savings Bank Law
of .Mieiegun


very striio^nl .-iii.! iv.Mij.lete in ac.


The amount Wliiel. Jimy I-louml to iit.y one


Coal has b.iu, rniind ihri- mlhtiiilieasi ef Indian (liver and iipiloii.
ave hfi'o sermiil on nil 'he surround



. lli.<r..u dll. vi.itnil.(,l

'- stale Hsnl

d l«- had.

Stephen D-nn tvsumed hii duiii*«.
In the si.ifr
Monday, otier huvincl
mere, where Ih.y reeidw-d a
Mni. Roxy Jackaon hits had the oiD' Iteen laid up for ihe past ihni'
SOLON CENTER. and l.timd Mrs n.-..ree UttP. Gurndl Is lieiv th.inK Ren
Mrs C. W. I.entnri' and tUuKfater funuBU to lose her raw.
sey ne.trly ree... iie.|. fn.
pair work.
Mrs A. 8. Bareuni and Mrs.
Bather called os Mrs. C. Wblllttn
I parsTinc.
P. KellocE is In ic
Barnum sp.'ni last Tueiulay ni
Mrs. Wtti. WInslanley Sunday i
pxniiii. dlfl.'r.
eras- City and today the former
Captain Charles Morioii. su|s.
Hiss stile HalrernoB has rrlorned 10 spend the summer vIhIiIue annuiR
tendeni of the Iwelflh illsirlrt of life
her dinphii-rt'. sidnc Brat to QI
heme after apendlas the srlnleT'
I Lleiiienani 1
savine stations,
Slune, MIeh. She Is aeeum|uinled
South Hanitou teartilns school.
fiir the disiriei.
far as Fife Lake by her dauBht.T-lu- eer. Insis'Cti
Mr. and Mrs. Louts Halverson S
of InsiM'Ciioii.
here on a' to
'''"■'““"'""V. j. ■•mcNKf* ti.
dny>4 at Oood Harbor, retarninc bome
Messrs. Fi ik lloimiv and Tnieaz
d buslnesi In town one day (a.s'|M;-. and
Mra. O. Smith will Mart today for




s.fl a loll

al Nmiii and

AllCWffl PB

,k;=.. .

$195.75 Worth of Goods for $ 135.00
Four 'Rooms Furnished So Thoroughly that there is Nothing Left Tor
You to Do But Have Your Trunk Put in.

Not a single cheap article in the entire outfit. The furnishings for each room were selected with an idea of
"taste, harmony and style. If you wish to furnish your home throughout you now have an opportunity to do so and
save yourselves considerable money at the same time. If you are not familiar with furniture values bring some
friend with you who does know furniture. This outfit will bear the most expert inspection. Only Cbrce Ol tl)C$C tO

be sold at tbi$ price. Vou can pay for it at tbe rate of $8 per montb-

Sitting Room

Dining Room



IWIS T.pctry Brui«l. Rug. *vcrol pattema ................................................................................

1 solid oak. 0 ft. E.xinnsion T.ibic. rich d.irk
color, beautiful turned IcRs.................................


- G troldcn oak Uininy; Clwiirs. match table iktfecUy................................................................................


1 large SmjTna Moor Ruk....................................





I full set of Roger Bros.' triple plate silver
ware, the best................................................................



I double w.Tlled' Si*-i-l Range. aslrrMon pptk< d. .I thoroughly gii.vrantced hij;h gr;rd«'


Your choice of .1 gold, ii oak Kitchr n Cui.
board or an elegant Kitchen Cabinet........


22 pieces of Kittiien ami Laundry UteUMl*,
consi-ting nf tub. boiler, xvashi.nard, tr-aktule. fe.T|.i>t, ciiffce poi. ash pan. water
pail, rlippr r. frjing pan. mop. broom. <lu-ipan. dripping |.an. two cake tiii'. iW<> pie
tins, chopping kiiifrr. flour sifter, co'.kie
cutter and caki cun. ............................................




1 large, solid oUt. Cobbler Seat Arm Rockurt



Total........... .......... ..................— -

It Pays to Trade at


I cotton reversible Mattress, two parts..............




1 best all steel top spring.........................................


Carpet to cover door.................................................


I set of handsomely decorated Toilet Ware.
six pieces.........................................................................








Regular Price,
Our Price, =
(Ubaf you save


Headquarters for HighGrade Furniture

- -TTfiye-


:7yoO¥to1iM^ GREAT

marw. of i IrrtKhcr. S
:f.. TlilU-a
.;in*alcy ’wan farror.-iI
«*iasaT-ri! tbuiiRb Uic aane nf tbe cor-.
of Idti
-^dCBl b aol Prioted la the pa- male <?♦ Wodneaday «•» .
<• loam
week. The youag tn«-n of
ere ceicbratinp tbe Madb
Rice-a CORNEA*.


If You are Suffetiug wilh
Oo9S epes or
Deftrtiot Uisica

Brown waa In S'
da> a h

“lUS. Vn N'lS^S daiipfclcr O^'

We have pub'is-lieti testimoni­
als from many who have bt t n

»n«. Bcairte and Oooy, vta««
Wam-n> lan.1"r one- niphi la.r
Hin. Klro. «ho ha»
be? danpb.rr a. Blnpbara ibc------ - --MonH-d Saiurdajr• Hr.' a
r. Uf»
TMiod 1

P(«ae. wbu ha« t-'-n la
rharpe rrf Ihe min. will nriw oi«------W. |}uan « Billl to llnl!.h (hai ni'.
Ir Mnnn>' bn-> n1a<-"d a oumliii<yo la-’lrumenls biro and Itat-y

cored by wearinR our
ground lenses.

i iroiken,w)irMtyeB?
Dr. p. A. Wolfe, Prop.
413 414 WiUklm aifc.

Examination Frea.
Dr. B. L. Paulson, As>*f.
Cti. PUmic 3S<

7x - , , ,

Hl5a Vpfa Jrnnr of Aral reioraod i.
her bom<- yr-yrerday.
Re. A. A- AIIIBKIO* *•••' ‘he Blatoi
tube to k-o a
Tbe aortaa of naellap aoaed at ib
prlpafb rburrh Tbaraday ctrr-alaa.
Hn. Elva llbbr of Trarerao tnty I
vUdlinp frlt-oda In our eomtnuDily.
Mr. and
Mra. Andrew naber neeited a preaeat of a (ood cow one day
laat week.
Rcr. Zlmmennan and ana Aribor
wear to Perl Oeelda yealerrtay.
O. W. Kiwllck and wife. L'lia». H
a«l wire. D. A. Clcreur and wll
B. Bctllnper and wife. Frank
- a-------Brillnper,
A. .J.
8. •l-'rlli and F.
------------OIU»i.-*l, «.
Ob(u weat Irout flablnp
Mr. and Hra. S. R C...
tba bome «E Mr. and Mn. U. Flaber

sia-iirdn> l•\•-lllnR *om. l

e™ »™r KI1._
-blna Sehell w.
y rallTK Friday.
Urv. A. W. Orerboll

where tb.-y hav
.«aW. S.-IHI
Msrllti Mrlk.
end. kirk.i
nnlih. was
Overtrolt Jell yeslrrda!
Marqii.-l'e nud olber nortlie


tTarmera appn-rtiir Ibeae abowefu
■Xboul IhlM) frK-ndH Rare Hr. aad
Hip. T. O. Hoy a farewell aurprlw
*Mcmday evenloR. May 7. Mra. Hoy
left Friday for Northnori.
wM rtali a while. Mr. H .
Prankfori. BmhobU and other plawa


dre Ab-x"mi^r'ci:=in|.aipii-.. ai 1
-rr.- fit).
•iiday foi jiMiilrl.rTtiiili .f H" -Ml :
IrTr-titrt.vtniai Sia,.d:.i,
'H-pui„„ls I—. ...

r iimekimm loadvd a
Willis,n Forn

.lay ..f Hie
In-lBw St Alb-pan.
M ilan.I.urp.-r lia« ftovcl into Hie
frimi rtiomsrtthe Wynkoopliburk.
VBude Walker 1« tiM.vInp Ills familj
iMiM-biild BtrJ>l* here Inim Sul-

**«?’add Hra;- M. Newman and aon
JofeDBle eipect lo aUrt for Iowa 8al-

“ta’y H.



Tomorrow We Place on Sale



Zli, Madison ami K»l--rt
Nr-laoQ were unite.! in marrInR.- Uai
Pk nai'l
. 1
with 111*
yild. lU-v. A- I.. Tliural.m
offlt-Utlns. Almul fortv.tlv.-^t^ia
worn orew-nt m wl'to-a-- tlt<- (-.-reni.u.y
and to, partake o(...................
Hie t-'tast whtrli
■ 111 Mr t5otviia.H'a dltlliiK
om-' Tile newly marrle.1 e.»iti.U- n
celv.ll many nlr<- rlRa and hoY >"
take, pivat Inier.-st In msid T"i.lR
best wIslK-a of a larpe cIrrU- of friidid
. S|sml a Rrtwi
Mr*. Nel«.
tills ririntiy a
KelaoB bu ma ie Klnusley faU b


to (XenSE FOt CHAtRH

^ werat Case* Oa.cfcly Cured by Breatn
ing Hyomel. Cuarantrvd by
l; i
E. W'.l A' So-t.

«pJr«rJW!cr KTiT rsfsir. s
—'« Z 2IW i»
tdaiu M
n loriy
JllIlT lHlf.»l

'"rSe *apem^oratcal at the Arm
elnmg aehoolheuae laat kYIday e*«i
IBA waa wi4J ailewded. Rd IHillBRlII
prored lo be the beat tpellcr. There
will be aaolher eoaleat bVIday. May



h u-y UK
liy M.-iibtliL- ’•

,111-1.. I



I. B.r,n.t.ini:.K an




«-ii .............. ... f".

ObiriA Cool


UmllS -lark c.h.r-. Sht i. r.l dti.ks



n- r iv.'tl a nic.y 1<»'. of vutliiic. a
iivw hiisIks. with
ami withoi

doi*. a!

25c per yard

warm wt.aihcr.

l.inlii ami

i-iiru wliiu-.


SI.25 and SI.50




f >r

full ami Mt'li mill.-,

F-ac«» Volts

hill-; St!
F. I



\.mr chiHto for only

n.imb tITr.o .

“IrMrvv,-BiK M...

WHIks Ducic Caps

MisM S

I». st in


an.l Chil.lnii-

N- w M>l«-y.

li'y a’- ihfM- jirio s —

15c, 25c and 50c









* p',si«^!’ Mom? llJonctt _

bmpht a horse of S-il Ixiwr.
Semes sold a horse to Chat.
Hammond Ust wivk.
A Sunday sch.kd waa orsaalaed

BMa, Ihe younsesi sob nf Mr.
Mm. Qmnt llrooka. baa nuiveted fnmi
hit reeeai tllaesa.
Myron Klmiv 1* the prou.l nwne
m yoke of o»en He aold his leai
(■.oorp.. HlllH-rt and bwiabt Ihe .
aad iK^er. He hat also b.»icht
Tony aenw of land that lo
lOBR to MU tini-nmnn.
■ William EleRler Is ROlnR to I.
K^ aidaee at toon at be
iind a plan- i. ..
• Mr. Chaliwy I* InlendlnR 1
Imek on his farm lie bar lie.

e cauRhi cold and
. with

mnk Baau baa hum' worklm:
Fred Rulke a eoople of days last avk.
• Qeo, Peck and Crant Bns.ks
lo Traverse Clly on botinets Tbiirt
^Mir*. Mariba BhulU of Manl.ui
baa Uen tIrl'lBR her aisle
HnMa llarth nf Kaaaon (Vnu .
her bnslHT. Frank tlaau id Ibis plan
aeviTal ilayt last woidi
Bhe went u.
S<lcrwsier i« sop ber pareals Saliittia)
and Hkti *hr Akueeta to return to thP
plare no ber way bark home and vlali
• Mr. Hrtrirt and r.raol Dronka
ipoB Alva wont to P.-arl lake loda,
• iry their lurk flshlnR.
* Ml,, Ruby llinokt U dulte ilrl
prrami s-rPInR. She Is snSerins I
m ennpllrath.n nf dlressrs.
Mrs. Abble C-s* vltliud with Mr*.
Vnn Btati Sonday.

Boy ToturneJ from Char
; Mrs. Amo* B.
•lcvc:k Toeadas. wlifte rbe bad In-en

New Styles fd Voiinr Men



*"Harry Andivws boURbt a learn rt
rt,n MaaoD Ust we.-k.
rotiimbiis mrismier drove
erne Clly Tbursday.
Waller Wsisou miilo a Ir

Mr. liBiil oureba-iil a li.'s rov


''»imurt*S.i".'y^ ‘■wtlY
Rapid* vlalied her parent* her. 8uu-

Soihc how the young men turn our way when they
want to dress up. No reason why they should not—we pay
special attention to young men's wearables, giving them
the best there is. Coatsarecut longer this year, close fitting
in back, lull shoulders. Pants full at hips.

11 ailii'-


**"l^l1 Fairbanks of lOf. Itaplda
caller her.. Baturda;
i> •
and Uertle made a faroi. f
ih Werden

7. Mamie Earl: trMsurrT. Vera IHs- ^*M
; oTRanlat, Belle Kameey.
May H.





b a very paln*^^le Dlkoa met
I* while play
I aertdtml ladt .FVIday
...f ball at aebool. Fred
Fred KendaU waa
.battlac tbe ...ii
ball —j
aad —laacd
mlaacd It.
It. alriklBR
moulh. rutWtllle la Ihe aid- .. the —'
Inch kmR ooilirty
tUg a bole about
id knortted
I tala lip aad
e aad eutllBR his Rum as
maklBR a
- :. n. 8. Cornell
d^iwd the wtiund. ^
iK- eipeeliil
alotis at well aa coi
RD to aebool
but will aol be able
aicalB for a while.
Kpwortb Itwc at Oraal ehurrt.
elected oBleera last Snnday evenlnp a.
folbiwa: Prewldenl. Mra. Uouthwlek.
presldoil. Mra. IMvi : sbriiuii
vl«1 I"


Myl. 1. all

’f-cri-ln Hits »a.lo-ir tltn.-- n .Isv.


i Mt.
lea ron.le a t rip lo Trav .

some .if the iireiiicM

T|,. r.- i. ■■ .11- not 'If sllut". rl .'v

erne City '
h.n.Mary Mowera. aped ts yoam.
C'lint an
Traverse flty ^tnrday
died At Ibr borne of ber aon la Al­ ley droee
mira lownihip. Tocaday. Hay bib. 8ht rrti
dumlnR 8nmla>
waa bom la Steubca count*. N.
B. Fray mud., i bnsin.-ss trip I
fl...IMt. WboB about Ml ycara of ac«
Rapids •
and *111 U feiiori..
united with tbe Daptlat chnrrb. .u
uriRefa ahe was a tealoaa worher. TOe
i r. A - on’
Tiimmy lanj'.cri I
_______Jd waa 1 I widow of Hatibbu
O. N. Uiids.->- -Is linipInR this
n yebra
Howvn. who died a
‘"'naV VeVlar, Ihe n t. nin taroi hand
a«a. Two auDS. Jerry a
> lor msn-' yarn past b*-' w.irkv.l
m-lRliTire ber. Tbe fuavral wi
Travers.. City S
'mIuI^- t.i.-^b.Hl 'd '-uilns
J.ihu N. Cmirlade. U luicL at hU
Uad work* from
llllar. who wne
Mrs. Tbompsoti of Cacllllar.
IPR and be says when he can't sii
mll.ll hem on a« of the tdrkwss hi* sbiHi. in the stiow If* time to n"h.
of her dauRbl.-r, Mrs. W. U WalRtn. II.. Hi.-n takes a vacallnn. lUllInc In- ...................
■ homt
aiiill wn,
o Elk nap
tv-n KclUiRR la drl<
he sprtiia y..n wilt Ond bln, ul tinUirance RoRcr*' farm.
stand. Ihi.l Is d: >. _
n Traverse CIl:'
Hra. Bdd Ooonlnc Is oa the sick list
:j Iiiimlu.-, wb.
ml this wrttlBR
Saturday. ri U
crmiiK ol Vk,.i
1 of WlUlt
Tbe lee etwam aortal at C
- - 1 li.-lR..........................................
IP a barn for Sam iTiiuey.
«w^cd*1l«5o'’*lH-ta7'Vc aai^W
K. KlliR nu.l »lCe arrit et
rmlaud. Tbe Lmdlea' Aid wIMi to tbaak
Fred Bklanor tor furalabla# the
iRblurli.Kxl Saturday.
(or tbe aortal.
Archnbald of Elk lUpbl*
DurlBR the rtertrie tdeem Uat 8al.
urday eremlm* tbe phemo la Irwin
—.... anil wile of Kail
BrUbam-a tronae waa bdmed oat.
«-etv caller* here Sunday.
Mr. Harvey has a new ,fi-l «!■

UIHe Flora Eli



**\vm,"vr'Tavi.)r. a larne r llvlnp
about four mlli-y aouilKWkl <if here, tr
lor r-Bse
nn.llnR an racejl.-in marl
of lb.
f- r batrlilnp. HI# l"*>'
nar^^l Hlimoiilh llerk v
Tatlcr lia» <

Mill lb.. Sm.r.'iii.' .\iboi


Ibo Ai
Mr. 811.1 Mis H I'ai
Willie Forinn lor a f..* .lays from Ktnio-h.v lo-.e
wbh hlB pan-nis. Mr. an.l Mrs. Jerome sPbAlrF^eton
Mr*. CbarliT. I'mlor of OniuU Kan faiinii iw." -lai


Eat More

of the most nutritious of flour
foodt—Unewla Biscuit—the
only perfect soda cradeer. Then
you %rill be able to

Earn More

became a well-nouiiihed body
faai greeter productive cepecity.
Thm you vnll elu be eble to

Save More

becauie for value received Siere
b DO food w economical as
Uimada Biaeuit
/n a dost ftfb.
moitture prooffa



H.:- - ..-re

or Rain Coats

M. •

Cut very It nf. rain preef. n^ake a proper spring or
fall coat In place of the short top coat heretofore
worn. One of the most practical gafnients ever

Hamilton Clothing Co.
N. B.--We are carrying the best stock of ready
made Clothing of all kinds ever shown by us. Suits
from $6 00 up.
CopjT^.; 1906 bf Han Srka<M fS M*rt


man arrtvnl
dll work |nr
UM Hcmilar Bl*hl a
mok Billtruoib Uil»........ —Hlki Oi-nrude Chapin of T™»«t>c
Cl«> h worklB* at Kloyd Jaml.-»oii »

met D Barwm and wife. pi. tot* I and
block H. H., L. A Co.-a 1th add.
0. ..,- frwnvll anil wife lo Aogn.'a
Sleviws. kil 3, Mock 8. H., U * Oo«
Hammond and wile to W.T
r W Ikwn and wife Fr*nci~ l-aii-n
llobblnt.. nn>i of sw!*. ar-e. 31. lowu

MaWfn'Vmnli-. w *I !■» Franri.
*‘l^^^T^l«^laa BauDd.-ra of OI.I MlK lliil.l.ln... M al. Iia. !«. II. 13- ''lork
aloo wa» at Ihlt pUrr laklne «ao- «•
GrifllD A .Winnie', add.
bw Hick daupthter. Mm. Kraok Zanj;,
‘••cann-. K. Bobbin, and J.-mm- M.
1. Mii. to Waller W. Ib-*n and Wm.
"’l^TclwIrlr' alortn wc had Uat SalHatiiitioiid. lot. in. It. II. •''••I' I
iirday ovfdln*! dW ««»•■ dalBas^ ........................ Wliml-'s add.
anxinri hiwr. « ahork.d Mr. Jc-«
John S Horton and wife lo Saimie’
rhllairipbrr and ani. Harry, l«wWc*
K. Clark ami wll.-, nw fl. •» of ne H
damaslnK «hrtr booiu- on «b<- liwldo.
Tbr whole ratninunlly ara. libcjchH
10 lM»r «l tho deaih <fT Mra. Ki
moiir A. Kotind.. parcel, see.
Xanx la«t gaturdav Bfumnon.
S7. range II.
■booKh Mr. 7.anB wa, very .Irk- b
Eiaaiuc C SUb. at
were entertained lor her recovery io
Ibe laal. She b-ate. a hu.lanrt and H. Hare and wile, pi
M..14. wv
town IT. .-.
two anall rl.llrinti. aEc 3 and S ye
Crllla Carwio to Itn t Tnimase an
old. to moo™ her k>M. The U-tva
Kllrli Talmage. s’v "I
wt. t.
family have the aympaiby of ihe e
l-ot M-U. »*•. Id. loan If. rang
Domiy III Ibeir aoiTow. fqneral i


Tlec were held Monday aflemno*
Bev.'rha^''*if'old*'MI«l’o«i.^he burin!


friend. axalR and Inahins ber |•n•ul.
a Tl.U alM>.
Oeo- Jamlenoo I. w.whinx on. be
mad wlih a rn-w of nu n and naklna
a murh needed Improvement.
Pnyer moeHng Ibl* week Thumday

aflersooD with Mr*. Floreoee Wlllo-

V V'dker. Id al lo Thiima. J
SidHTaa. lot 13. Mock »». tiiati>.|ii|i •
ring lAke.
Perry N. Knagg.. id al. ,ln S ,1
Hlh. iiarm-l in rlllaRc ol Walloo. wi
IS, lown fi. range !>.
Jcteu pb U. Tiinillnsnn. giianllan. i
I). Mill., narcvl in village id Wa
I, Kd-. 3.3. iciwn !1. range a. L Clark and wile to L I
Ha.kin. and A C. Ib mrd. |«1ti I. w
, town Z't. miiBc ».
John Kelley and Ilmh II. Kelley i
H Ciirll.. lot* 33. 31. block 3, M_ I
Arehle A. Miller, guardian, in I- !
Curtis, lot 13. Keels Mok.-ia.
Chmrlc* n. SmW! i '
. IH and
II. Stiles, ea.l »• fe
I. block 4 II..
Kmma E Galiriel to Cor* I»arie,
lot ST, c%. w. Ill fidd. Oak Helghl. add.
, L. W. Ibadlfile lo Owar Simp
M.n, lol K, block n. H.. L. A Co.'s Mb
Rebecca Talomstein to Jacob Sara
sidm. loc «. blid-k B. H.. U A Oi.'s .Ih

Bom to Hr. and Hra. H. Caac. la
Friday, a dauebter.
Hra. Howera of Pearl Lake «a« la
U re«Un the Oreen Brier cemetery li
Tbut«day. Mr. Williams preaebvd t
.fnoeral aermoo at Ovlatl. Bbc kwv
ire ber loaa, ber hi
Q yeara ago. She w
Diha and 8 daya u
« eblldren banre the aympaihy of i
L.A Cti.V
Bari Gray waa <*llln* on
Tib add.
Ua Brighbor* Bwnday evening.
Jacob - SMibn abd wife lo Hiram
*Ux. nnd Hr*. Cari Uatoa
8. block B. of H.. L. 4
n»d Hra. Bafua Bale* drove - iBlaad Bandar lo ace Mr. and Mrs- .^o7lh aibl.
A. B. CtiriU.
Genera Ynuilg i
lit. Oak Helchis.
between Pearl U
John lUaard and wife lo G.v. III.
- and Long LAke tcanlted tn favor
Long Ube. and the game Uiwceii anI. n'ti of neii, *.v, 3. town 3d. Tang"

Pnri Lake and Almlm was id fneor of
iytnl* Swanson and wife to Osmr
Pewrl lake.
Swanson. * 3" arre*
Jnke Fowler of l•^.•te^\ llle la movli
onto hU farm In our vicinity.
iann'eii K. tSaifaiuu t» Jay J. BrowuSidney Bate* U moving onto I
farm after rcpalrlnc bla bouae.
”\''ll^nge of Kingsley to Jay 3. BrownCarl Baioa la movtnf Into one
Wm. Behnltea booaca aa be i* work"^ay^"llrowniion lo Village of King*
]e-. rvsfcels. sec. t>. lowo S3, ml
*"There*wflt be a Wg party held
Lettle Haiber to Mary A. I
Mr, and Mra. WIUIc Lakc'a on I
nti <>r K'Vl. nr. IS, to
evening of Ma.v 2Ctb. everybody
range Jl..
........ - .sattei—
to attend.
Leon* a Corkran
Daniel Prat
Pratt drive*
around In
' '
of se'i. »
lop buggy, aa doof alao George Barber.
drove over lo Tattle Lake lo *ec ineir
paresta laat Batur^y. returning home
wall. r. Smith an I wile to Alin- M.
Hr. and Mr*.
a. Byron
Warner dime
l**lnn-niiT. n*4 bit
V City
city Saiurday i
A Co s Wb.
, and NeUlr
B. 1). Hoff lo Knn
6 andblock F,
amring onto Ibelr new fi
Co. a.IiT
Leelanau county.
Mr. and Hr*. Aaa Palmer w.
gueati of Hr. and Mra. Calvin

A UMa BaUMf VdvIe* Will Hdp Many

mnarned and :
le delbate female ury
near by aad aomc time* dlaplai
them. This la Ibe irwe cause of m
beartng.down pains, lameoeaa. back­
ache. aldeauic. etc.
Urie polaonlng
alao cauaei headachet. diuy aiwIlK.
taagoor. nervouanc** and rbcumaUe
When inSerlng *o. try Conn's Kid­
ney Pllla. the remedy that eurw* alck
kidaen. You will get belter as the
kidaeya get better, and hrwllh will reinm when Ibe kidneys are aril. U'l
a Traveme Oiy woman tell you about
Doan'a Kidney Pllle.
Mrs. E. Dnnnlng of 113 Welwter
Bireer. aaya; 'Pain* aero** my hark
aad hip* were tapecUIly sev.te when
buty at work, I wa* nervoua and had
BlUrks of bendaehe. dlitiness
alDklng apidit. I knew Ii would n<
lo lot It go any longer, and 1-lng
le winter of V
prostrated In bod In the
I bad a pbyaletan
relief but vra* not a
- ie -----------Bcy Pill* and they belpevl me from t
Sry. I used four boses In all an<l >
TO weH pliaard wltb the resuK* insi

did *0 long.'
dcakis. ITIcc
F<or aalc
.Mllbum CU.. B’iSahi.
oenla. Foalcr-li.
Krw York, aote aguoU fur Ibo
RetnemlwT the name-lbwb's
no other.
Real Ealatc Tratfera.
David Ihmer to Hugh P. Hewlrtek*.
parrel. H.. L A
II. K. Brinkn
ss and 8H. Old Mission

Ever Heard of in this Section. We Place on Sale


Slaughter Sale eommences Friday morning, may IStb
Wonderful Value


Iron Bed. Sprin;: and Mattress for
$4.'.N. Strons: meia! betlsicad. woven
- ri
steel wire spring, good cotton top mat­
tress. Tile lied is a good design,
strongly constructed, ifnished in white,
green or blue enamel, site 4 fl. «< in..
ft. long. This bed omlit would or­
dinarily sell for fS.7.-.. Sale price $4
Iron Bed with brass rails
like cut.
This Beautiful



in. hw.

uftn] top.
oovt-ftsl with
iiiqmrtiil vi l-.ur; has <«k fr.iim- mronirly omatrucUvl. with spring tvlgc—a good
$10.n0 ii,

Siili- pri<v ftl.’.t'.

\ p»«l ST-'-O «s'ii.'h for 51 W*.


This Rocker

Parlor Stand

mc'-ts all it;qiiirements.
size, construction, com­
fort and price, all to Im;
appreciated. S a <1 <11 e
seat. Is inches between
arms, back 'J'' in. high
from scat, golden linish. Good for

Solid oak.^.Sil. Ex:
actly. like efft ; has J4
by 2i inch heavy rim
top, shelf is ir>xl') inch,
good design l-'rcnch
leg. with quarter sawed
top and sheU,' line
golden oak finish. $:i

Exactly like niil,
flits. Haannl






four 10 in.

tin< whei lR.


ho can la- •-.irriid wilbuot inking ap
mil' ll niom.

This 24 ill. top Parlor
• Stand OSc. can always be
appreciated at this price.
Strongly made, hard­
wood, golden finish, with
imt. quarter sawed top
and shelf, nicely turned
and finished legs, sale


lie down,

Sale price $1.98

Sale price $1.89



Sale price f I


ns low IIS

This large Ko.kcr. ex­
actly like cut, imt. leath­
er seat and bad?, good
finish, high back, bent
arms, sale price

2"" Koefcers


to select

Iloli’l Send Your Money to Catalogue Houses. We guarantee to undersell any catalogue house In the Furnllnre bnslne^

neecMify for the wclf.-in- of
Ibe family cirrlc. am] the fact


tbat a iniotl piano or oabinet
orean i« tbo beat itmatnieat
you can make, fur ineroAsiTii!
tbc joy anti pleasan' of home.
“ -










^|p^ml;. »a1‘-



vrant tin-

1a«l nt the right priw.

Tbf bfWV) me 'hi* >oo
-an IIM- taiMh si.l'ThI-



fl.~..<n> nialixeuii'
I.-.,-; n><k.^.-j:. v

I 1.98



35c Pair




want your ilullur* to ipv :ir ftir
aa iiasailiU-.


l.ri. .• I



ia evonomy peraoniliwl.


1'. ■>■1 I.I'H- •! ■

purebAst- of a


ISiS" .. ........... I'li'-- n

""" 9^97



c is in buying the wr*n^
^AM At RH7 prlM.

CMfl'-il . M-


in what you vet in it Kiuiluill
Piano, to aay nothing of


quiet joy nn«l auliafnction ihai



iiiherva in thf owii<-rEhi|> of
isooil aiul Inantiful (liinmibia niaktn Kimbull


Liiirvl.-mn. gi-miim' rark. tliv kind lliHl will

iry'i'i for tiiaiiy ywifs.

anJe price sq. yd

Wl.iu fvi"L. foil 'I'.ul'l' n.!!. ' .i.iii'm r I’ lp r. for .-i 'f'juhW roll


0«p tmmll F«/a>anf pimii main
Piano ia/inf aaaji.
...____ Itirben
Waller tl. Hamper I
Bwis-ney. loU 1. 3. fL t. «. 1». 11. 13.
bbiek M. Interlcirlii'n.
Wm.'A. Conner.
range t.
Ida H. npunett lo K. R. Smilh an-i
Mary J. Smith. wH of awV,. w
town t:>. range f.
Auditor tbmcral lo Wm OiVmnnr
trustee. wH dt wV
range f.
Andiior Ceneial
Pray, ne« of ael*. see. 2. see. 38. V«
a. anr. SC. nee S€. Iowa S*. mu
Jamc* W. UiUiker and wife


AA fAA 77Ia«a4W Af
from an overstocked manufacturer, bought at a Rreatdeal
^2yvVV VMQril/ Vl rMrnHUrv less than manufacturer’s first cost, also $1,900 worth of
Room Size Rugs. Fortiers. Couch Covers. Rope. Chenille and Tapestry Curtains, from one of the largest
wholesalers in the business at a discount of 33 per cent. The stock consists of all new and up-to-date
patterns of Odd Dressers. Odd Commodes. Chiffonieres. Buffets. Sideboards. Bedroom Suits. Book Cases.
China Closets and many other useful articles, too numerous to mention. This sale will be long remem­
bered by those who appreciate economy.

Consists Oniy
li biyinE the aniii{ piano
U aim price.

nine: days


ti'-.l i.itl.-rii„ Btiii.ii.l. f'vf-.: n ng r .-ms. Iv-lnxitiin. halls, ' i'R,ili pnw for li'. ri'i- r-'li ...................................................................................

ft, go<«l tpring roll' r. idl compk-te. reii.iy lo L uis.

Side pries-............................................................................................................................................................ OC
Moor 1 tilolotli. the

kind, aslc price, s-p >'l............................................................ . I 9c

l.v t.
.................... 5C

tiill I'.ip fs. wieral lirtti-is'.n.'- piit'TTts. very laP-st dcfsiriiv I'.’.i!-!'- r-.ils
Side IT..*


.Vtij-thiTig ym my. * iiit oi Wall I’iiper le re.


l.-.iv.-*t pfr'v-3 gaarSoUssl.

Velvet Carpets. BOW spring patterns, $1 2'. value, sale price [.t yd..................79c

H. B. HARNER. Prepr.
t24 Front Straal

Boston Store’s Old Stand

Traverse City, Michigan.

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