Grand Traverse Herald, April 26, 1906

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Grand Traverse Herald, April 26, 1906


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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t Mte it tber Uk* R-Mns I
iawoMibcrdo • • *
It MHt <Kl cpod U> tasn the srood
Iksd IMl rwimeU tuai op otrmUlU
like tbel—
fle ellE IB Ike «fddle-«»d thon
broBcS Bt mm.
■( bomb* thei MT*. B~n
tkpt iMBd Bud'btoir,
AM OB tkeee filo«p ^mrm IhM Sot.


ailvo. iV) you know that the nrawge
•M there I. m> amm ocr* «i oor dU- have the land lllled by a W of people
r our cuunttos was
powl which can help » nxire than who are bpnad to fall aad tore broken
ll.twu of property,
T *«« for.*
the loreM to present oad to reMore hearted bkek to the ellles, or Is It ta-lds were taxed over
Uirlfly forest. Uie oaly
the bnntp of oor etaie aad the fcrtll
*100 for och *1.000 of actual value?
tip at oor lud. mad ihu* live up to safe crop on auefa lands, make a baadreturn of a mair’rlal which Is xe U this tAailoo or eonOsaikm? Sup­
the DBlverMl moral oblUstiOB of l«wvpose you havB a iwaiymerc
iBsIfaeeouDirx at least a» poorer ibau nrcessan' as wheat H»elf. and prodnebe asaessor would
iMvIdg Ibis world tui Ing a net income equal to even to that
obtained on good farm toad? Are not bang around nalll ifiTbeets are ripe
worae for o4r harlos U*n hcre.
(be town, county and stole better oB and Ibe figure: The laad 1
MkbUiao uses s rooDd J.OOO lulIlloB
arre. and the crop
In the toUer case? A good farmer
feet of Inmlier tloiber. LoUdos BoIs worth *« more, so that tWs prepgood land Is a blessing and Is t
wood. Prices of lltaher have goac up
.rty will stand al *I6o. What
of evt-o stole; a poor m
llh a )omp aad tbreatca eoIbs "P
say? But Ibe assosor who ;
ociv Is a detriment, and
Plarv blm there Is a puUle mUtoke

We. the people of UIcblhaD. Import
ami rwtomiiy.
Umber aad lonber. Yoor root Is eu>liul this U forestry, a new and niicred with shlniltw which come from irli-d eipeiWmi. Forestry In eiuirel
Bot «b«B roo thiak of ell the roots the Padfle coast; your Bolshins tun enrols- U a thousand years -Id and
from the oontb. yiwr BKdd- grew up side l» side wllb otbei
tber diop,
Ae ■oek Bt boUcM Bi there ia on lon from CallforoU: Uie oak In your
: agriculliire.
Today over oo<- fauodnd mitlion
WM per arload lor the
a to eortli
of forests la Buropifrelcfai alone
aad air
IMa a reSeeUoD U tha water there.
la lOO Ihe Inmber Industry Inrolvcd
Wbeo the «IM SIU tbeai, eod
cr«i b«Me bend.

I rmee they tike to sUad sUll U the
Aad lost braatbe oat aad la. aad feel

about 1*5 mllUon doltora
wood and Umber from forests plan-ed
nished good market fur labor and pro­
Id atol for by the band <rf man
duce to ftoosaads of our fenne-rs. ToYe:^, hut an this be done lo o
Imll of Uiis Immcaei! aplisl

.the eAol wp Twa;
has loft the slate and U used to malvo
Aad tike te foel Uie rata roB Uutmsh
and labor lor oibcr people,
their hair
leariac doxens of our rllUges and
ikM aUde ^owa to the n»ta aad aattowns idle and srasie. Uo we
tla thare.
foresls? Can Uteri- be any qneslk.0?
Bat I think they like wlad
le the state of Hlchlcao In the yeer
From Uw Uctat toDA
IBM leu than half of all the land
not KU the learea wUeper aad
nelUed by rarmera, and more Uian half
khm BO Boch.
wild, unsettled laud. In ilie
• To the root awlBiiaK. toartas, Sylac
year loss than onc-third of our
.vcd toad. The same census
AM all tkc Ume so sUf aad atraof
titi In the northern half ol
Ibe stale, not merely Ibe upper penlo.
AM Ika bit vMa that poll. aM
sola, hot a large part of the lower pea■aka them feel
How loos their roots are. aad Ui«
aarth bow Hal!

ale? Why not? Trees, like co
and wheat, grow In our country In the
same way aa they do abroad. Plant

tnsnto included, about 96 per
unimproved and

and let them grow Is nil
s*ry anywhere In our si
nature has arried oa foratry here for
I and evidently bad no ditBeullles. Bnl yon an not bur
your forest crop nod suecoed any
than you could succeed In farming
you to bum up your farm crcH>*
can not aSord this for seolli
Perfectly tight. Twenty-flvo
years ago Ibe farmers

In southern

Michigan raised Ibis very polm
an ncK altonl wo«U: we wadi
flelds." Why did they keep the woods?
They have them no«: there is more

per cent not even settled!
Aocordlog to the Auditor (
ofliee there bnvi- been for years a)>ou( real foral In Washtenaw eouniy than
In RoacomoKm eoun-y. Why did Ih.-v
of Bery Bis million acres of land which the
keep themf Becajtsc they could i
held for BoR-payt
afford KI be wfibout. The farmer
and which art- makini:
AM (roH trees. Pd torEottoa.
Iowa planted forest on land brili-r
pcadUaro of money for the mate In the
than the best In our stole. Why? Be
I tow down way of advertising and clerk hire. Ibis
1 te be I
ause he an belter afford lo do wllb
expenditure In Bve >-cars amounlloe i
a few acres less of corn than lo haul
over *8004100.
coal Bve or ten mlla and pay cash for
Six million acres, or oue-sixlh <
every slick of wood or tiulier. The
the (•Bllre stole. In aoak for uxa!
slate of Wuriemberg has about 4UO.OW
FlUhart Roth, SUU Foraai Warden
acres of woods belongiag to Ibe slate
of MlehtouA naiwers Umi o»»il«> >«
Itself. Those woode are <-n
Ika JHAIfaa TiMeamaa B a claar
lands and pri «ic i«tpl<- gv«
oMobHmwv, ILwUfvaren'oae suElcMai tndlaUon.
rollllon dollars a yar fr.mi these forto read the foUasrtac artlela entetnlly burnvd^ver pinery. dewAate. flri-.ebai
esis. Five ilollare a sear
Treea beaatuy year home: a fei red elump.wasic, which has nut crown
OTW slnee ibe lun-st was dtwlroyisl There in not a farm In counlv
pood shade trees add tUO to the cuh
I* routed al ilial figure for
has lain aad Ik-s now Idle and
ealoe of a town loL aad they add
waste. Involving a loss of more than a any liuB'li of ilrai-. The forest
tbaa 1600 to ymir hema.
mally bale the farm lor a.nil In.
iltlhm dollars every yar.
Trees ManUfy the bichway. An btSevere! mllllcm acri-s of similar on onHiiary lands anil wheretcr
eaae of larte thriRy ample aad elai
ber Is aecealblc and has s reasonable
treea add to the esab vnlne of yoor toads sre held by private panlr<.
These pcoide an- walling lo see what price. Hul this Is not all; Y’our forest
tarn aad the taraa of yoar
be done wllb ibese lands and alls for a sawmill, for planing mni.
Trooa-iR-eltet jour bolldlnss. yoor
eunperage sluH>. P"'l' mill and olliiT
Srenads aad yoar stock asalnst ihc stomi ready lo do the rich! thing as
liiiliistrles. nil of which
make biis|.
ion as a chance 1s eivea.
a«BiMeT*a heat aad Uie wlater-s wlBd.
nuke up the farmer-s mo»<
*-601 these lends will all be settled."
A coed weedM makee you tndeImportant home market. OoM It ps'’
BeBdaai of the coal aad wood yard, aad you will say. The same thiug was said
net Is we can nol afford f>
thua amket you as resalar an laeoaie ifly jvwrs ago In New Bngtonil
Ding Ibousands of families. lie wllboat II.
as aay elber pan of your farm,
To ln«ln with Ihe Unlte.D a Ihinl of Ihe toed tilled
good woodM U bolter than moapy la
AM O Ihe MoaaoBsl AM Uie wild
needs hMt!
AM )ewdM amrtyrtom

ns Ihe people of Mlrhlgan. have
laotls and we have the need for
ber. and It Is useless tp laffleal and
SSJ-. W'by doa not Mr.
skinned off thU toad and who U now
skinning the tonds of
Oregon and
Wntdilngtoo. conic tmek and help us?
Tie d«» BOI and can mit.

Siales goveniroeot has sei asid.
given up and abandoned li
the hank. It crews aad the taplial aad
hundred mllllou acres of tot
totereat are rtcht btdore yoor eyon fore the year IBOOI Do yon think, i
nun can hiiy all Ibe sand be forest reserves, ait aivn iiarly
aad a little cKort can donWe Ihe
large as n1! Mlrlilesu,
Coanreileut. Uassachi
term. The woode caa aae the poore#
devoUKl lo raising timber. New York
and New Jere.-y at a drilsr an
part of yoer land which you
r laada will b<- much In rie- has over a niilllun arnrs and«s buying
tarmlnc at a loas. Your woods an

aad they saakiyoor lead w«th tio an
acre more than If yonr nclcfabortiari
There bare.
The fortou are the oaly oUafBetor:
BOBS of prmaunc Soods. aM la this


PeuBsylvanla is huytne all

ninslosn lauds and !«>► up to 16
,nrre for them; she m.-mus I" r.Mse limtx-r. Connecileiit and Massarhiiseiis

niv doing the same thing and at
ling plenty of lends at from »1
doned. Into a garden spot? tot
reasonable; self deecpllon Is about IKT mere, tonds which wer.- -all farm
land" before Mlrhlgan wss a
the worst of nil. tot ns expeci
soils to do jusl wbat similar sblU are Our oulgbtor. Wisconsin, has sei

ring elsewhere, tod us hope lhai •II h«-r slate laadi as fore-sl rtwrvc.
inch of this land Is good and will tie Minnesota has furol rvw-rves. and tlisettled, and also let us be etoar and good work Is ealendlng c
Be) Blllloiia.'of dollars evory year.
The forests caa etore water aad DOl expeci Ibnt all will be sel'tled any Califonito and Waablogton. which
stale, forests
We In Hichlgau
l>eansylvaBU. New
thereby assure a rieady tow In i«mhave made the merest iK-glnnlng. we
■ Bor.whlefa la worth MlUouefdoIUrt York and other older stale
be cl«r and nnderetaad that Uiore
la ear elate to proride power for
large areas of land on which bu laar« ought to be al (he front.
iadastrlea. The loiesla an aav<
To begin with, the pcofth- of Fame.
aaay a «*op acalari drylas winds conid be paid are cull and that Uiey
Germany. Bandlnavia and Austria
which otherwine would ure out a
" form the pan which will be a lo

ani imitori prices for lilnlx-r or build
i|i our fim-sts. make this land pay us

roe settling.
Bnl. aside from the wild lands,

have in this suu- over three milll
of farm waodhMa, where I
iKre la HlehlcaB bIom over LOM milBoa feet per year. The foresu for- good nenae of the farmer prefers
keep woods In spite of alt the sro
wish the raw aaterial for
gcatest ladnstry. aad U mir forests argnmcnl of greater pay In BcM a

hnve large expanses of
saurty Uttds. 'rtey have

■laud to axtoalahlM "RHetwvw we
at. " said W. K. Ftaher. who dlreetd the espcdJUoB. “we were trvw to
wairb and towrn, aad were tori ad hr
MnU It was a areri taachtog and
uniqne eiperleoce and oM which tooseastaia all too forcibly ibe alUiad-t
of wild rratora which have ari yri
iamed (bal maa to usnaliy aa eae^
y wild bllds a
dorks were here sBllrely docile, and
would allow ibemselva to be uroked
like pei« Tbe albatross would come
op lo the m«i and'make frteads with
them. Inuklng Inqulrtagty Into their
fares ae If to find oul why the eapedl-tlon was tbrre.'aad arefnily eaamlB.
lag the aBMva. etc.
The dlffereai bird eoltmire each
have Ibelr own lerriiory aad do ari
itvwpaM OB one aaotber'a reserves.
Tto whole Istoad to slmfrfy crowdeJ
I birds, and they bulM their aeris
above another, bagtanlng with the
petrels, which burrow ohder the
lod—suggesting the modon city.
Ida of penph- Itring In Unto.
Rutting It Otrt.
bapp.-ned in a IHHe (own up In
irthwesl. the lari time I was up
there." remarked Arthur ('annlngkam.
tody ome down frooi npstoirs and
:ed Ibi- manager of Ibe bofel It she
ltd get a drink of water.
--------- .
■Rliy. certolal). madaau' said Ibe
nager, filUag up a gtaa from (be
yraler cooler.
"Two mlaula later she warn bark to

Ihe ufflra again.
“•I doB-l Hke lo trouble yon.' rite
The boys siampeil Ibe earth firrol' etb It ihegroundr Do not etpeeltoo
alioul the last lll'le tree they ha; reueb nor look for to., quirk returns •aid. 'hut conid I gel aaulber glass erf
plametl. and then stood walling for fa
“■Ko trouble at all. madam.' taM
clined." and a eoatom or Iwo of go™!
iher lo ,go oo. They knew
K- manager, bandlag aaotber i^s.
that tb*r were getting voUd (nets (bnl
cannot make up for a lifetime q{
•Two mlaula
she appeared
pet. Do not follow years ol
ought nerve Uiem when life bad differDouUngs In ibcm
■' ■Certainly, randam.’ said Ibt^MIp.'
exj«-lathms.-l’ I'. Iledrlek. Ilortlrnl

But Ihe lands aiv here and ne. as
n the lM-aittir>i1 things of Naturv- taal Dt-psiimenl. MIebIgsn
|HM»de. are her.-, ali.l we linve the
made for Htmiethitic. ititd Itr
small rhob-e «>f letting Ibliiss drift Ihing mine and toller than lo
Saurec of Amber,
down and t.» 'be bad and pay exnrhl- e..lne.l into gold. Imyr. The tree*

isaager. 'hut eoald


lieen well known, to-ing used lo form
log ornamair for roynl nerklaees
medieines. wllrhrafl-nnd Inler


Inquire what'

00 ai^ iloliig wllb so mttrt waterT
you1l Jttsl Bcrsom e
lell'yim.' arid the lady: Tm trying h
put out a fire la my room'Ssi

flnwers, and all the ihiDgs we
mrs.i striking example <rf
we so w-ell. have a dlnvl mission ■itieln of a suhetnnr.- In everyday
tolng obscure to m le- fmiad In amber
For four Ihousand jars ambei

i renl, anil iirovide a rbe»|K-r ^>«ne to srork Oitl lo Ihe lives and chaaeiers
.apply of material.
There is silll another thing lo be only open bis bean and mind, and (ei
goo.1 and helpful .............. ..
«ld. 1'bls nialUT Is not ou<- of great

Fraarlaro Chomlele.
Ua of Urn •ample.
lavHiBg man's
wM a sample raaimmer of l*0f
r.-rialo sort of marlnn

Save the money which Is Ibelr wink In bis hart, he will lie
liClIer rillr.en lor H. We gel somelhlDg Ibe’mouthpieces of arlons Instruwork to Rusvla aad one to Japan. No
with us from the farm,
roenls. though Ita exact origin has
Inrtber ordeni ramlng to Ibe firm tin
matter where we go or what we hilen l never been traced
> pmim these lauds and the
The most tbsl an be nid of
lo do In afl»v-llfe.“
will largely come
ii't It
! be bebelrf Ibe Russton
'.Some elly Mlks say we get hayseed
It is similar lo tbe vege
thing will pay haudsomely In the- «id.
purchase, t ited aad anaalahle, and
our hair, and aHnuses tin ont rains, and Is In all probabimy de
The saeriliee yon make in solving Ihls
o one But the Jspbanas. lo carry with us." I’ele said rived from varfons exUprt
pruhlem Ihe right way Is less Ibi
anese piece bs did not Bad. «Titt be
while It differsjfrfim olber res
"Makes me mad lo h-ar tbak kind ol
wbk-h you now siteud In doing
did find la a navy yard ol Japan. w». a
lolbe '
wniag way.
large number of similar mtelilnes hurt altv ^le. I’ele induced hy Ibe fossUlred condition.
built hy lb* Japanese.
pruvlde foi the ttroO-eH.
specia of insects and plants. Ibougb
property as we provide for
Nriv Dspeatu of MapUia.
such miij |■olal to, while not Indtoaliitber pni|>ert>; prevent e.iullM-aili>n say stieh things. We gel what
The Journal Kaspb calls Ihe allen■ ban hnyseed ao-l sore <■
tog. its nriual
A epeetoe rrf tlon of throe Interested to the fart that
inder Ihe guise vf IixbIIoo: slop for.'rv bar. I<een es'ahn«be.l pSovtok*.
og its i«or stole lands on Ihe market, bauds We get ronnbond, and ro
deisHtlie <rf napibn bare been discov­
eounls for more than doilars anJ ally as the ainto-r yielding tree, but
•nd go ahead with a gowl exnmple
ered oar Sianlrs, Russia, wbicb nr*
Troliably w<- will rut a
IS lieen shown thal taany tree* n
■Is iiwvi lands, and losu-ad of holding
as (hove al Rakn and Groiny.
of grass along
■ve }i>.-i-|i-d (he eitiilsthm. and tbthem In, a waste toud roudliioo. prts
xn to nsily iblrty-nlne mllm from
Ii-rl them and grow Itmber. When ihto
the-BInck 8*0. wbence the napfbs can
Is done Uie private man will lake
be toospurti-d at a co’-t of M eat per
cirn nr .«ls. hut think of what we
It to oMsIned In th" grates! qu
h-aii awl do the rest.
tblrtyrit pounds, wbtic from Baku and
nani trees, take are of your wood- gain! tfe will enjoy sitting <« Ibe tlik-s ehiefl} from llte coasts of
Groxny It cosU J cento par thirty-eix


wakted on ndverilsemi-ui and
elerk blreTbr Ihe tax lantls, aa<l

atoae yoa caa are MleUcaB (yon aad

The foreaU are the aooree of
MUlBc Umber, of which we i

he paeffir.
Tbe twomanta of the Urda on this

through the bard school of work and
The visitor al bla farm would

fiad there nofblng to relieve Ibe eye or would be to brief a. follows:
lute the orebard with the pansatisfy Ibe.tos'e for liaaty: all was
,w. For (bhi wuilf you nved men
ileutoted to serve Ihe useful, aad thal
es the limber as part of the rol mate
of apviieoee.
Too many noailed
and assesses (be same crop of timber
prnners are tree bulebere. Tbeir.
The hots of the farm ujioh whkh
yar after ywar docs |<nei«ely
xeal to rnneb greater than Ibelr kaowl
H- tre.-s were U-ing set out. hJ)al
He ascesses land and crop for
edg--. Tbe ooly absolute rule iO'pan
iier of a woodinl and luresl, their faUier, as most ta»s are w
lag IbBt can be laid down is to rut <
l father wronfay id loyallj. look
uhile r.ii *11 oilM T fnrnieis In- o«psma
, all dead wood.
Branebrx (ba( i
■ml) Ol.- land. To a««-ss any onllnary up the cudgel In bU iM-half.
lly Injured, dlseawd. cronred
farm at more'tbaa *10 oo the *1.000
“Clsd 1 ain't (hat mao's Imy."
thal from wak rrolebes sbouid be
heie in Mloblgka Is to lake part
lid when (be nel^lmr was well
moved, after which some aniaU llmb.v
man s wages. Treat Ihe farmc
of beartog.
1 oni and If Ibe tree top is
ralM-s timber «ke tb-. farmri
I'd dig oul quieker-n you n-rry tbh-k there riiould be a jndlrtons
raises corn and as; shall beat i»i
cottM say -lack Koblasoa!'
thinning of large branche.. Uv tbe
ibunl this taxallM of forests, especial­
pruning extend through (wo or three
simnded quickly.
ly so If Ibe stole fiults shirking sad
But Ihe father ssW. quleily. “Qb. aeastois rather ibao one.
Narly all old orchards
well, our nrtghbnr U a gtmd
-Why should wv fnnuen
bis must be broken up—ahaolateit
boys. He baa done firslate <
Iretter the iblBgs which others spoiled
,_usl If sucecM to to be nilalnml Warl
■uney, and
by It?" There
Ito cBlHalloB and keep It going Plow
aside for old age. The ooly liouble
several things' to be said. The inma good dressing of stolile
be has Uh-u making the farm, am) Ml
to rmsn who cut the ploo made busiplow and lha harrow In a good
letting the farm make him."
reliwsys. bum lowos, a
Jim staightened up, and though' dmring of lertlllterx rich In potoah
nmrker.for labor. Ipr produce and
pbospboric add. 4n the words of
ibont It a minute
"Doni just see
iilsbe.1 us cheap Inmlier to buHil.
Ibe parelHeor tbe barrea fig treo. "Dig
wbBt tfcnl meiin*, fnlher."
be pioneer farmer who
altonl it and dnng It."
“I think Ibe farm may bare a
buni<-d up the walnirt logs In Wasli^
short handle hoe w-'snme
ol lo do with the man's rbaacu-r.
l.-naw and Ls-naw.v, He wasi.-d and
kind of a liox vermper rcmcive tbe olil
Jlm^bat is. if be will aUow I
spulkd iblogs nol lK«ause he wm
' men are so Intent on making rough bark, which staellon Ipnnmer.
sirurilie. hut beause be could
everything lua Into moitej that they Able inseets and fungi and then nprey
help himself and sHil-do business. He
while the trea are lo tl
have no time lo see Ihe beauty
added as much as anybody, except the
dormant csm.liiion. with copper imlgoodness of anything else on Ibt- fat
mer. to biilldlng up Mlrhlgan. and
pbate at til.- ale of one punad to
There are into of spleodld Ihing. als
does not di-setve all Ihi- crhlslctn
of watttr.
Ibe farm aside ftom what we on i
which now Is so frt'-l) bestowed
Hake tip yonr mind to fiv-d. prone,
oul erf li Id tbe way of ftiod and do!him. His methods were bad and the
loy. M.w. cover crops and eulUate
tore. They don't count for moeb.
nhould hnve chnaged Hu* and
way- All dollars an- good for to to tbe orehar.1 fur Ibe i«.-malnder t
helped this Industry inlu right ways
Ilf.-. If the ..rebsrd falls to appredaln
of doing.
the tratairul outlined^bove. cot It
U-r and happier and do a mile t
bygone. Today
down and plant anew. “Why enmbertor (be reel of the world."

What la Faretotorr

And do you suppose, because
protect yoar nieep UM aad keep this
toad from *nllyio» aad korp li fertile a few Inlereslud men shout. “All t»
farm land.' tbai Ibis will make a Ja
Yoor woodlot aad Uie woodlou
which already hundreds
poor Brickbors are boobc ibe chief
feiate of beuty of ytisr aetchborhood famllla have tried and have aban

oner B white." And the oBoHea nbauld keep richt oa to
Tbere to a IllUe totoM three mllM
! oor port lo brip etben to ana tkat
aeigbitv •«>' «•- •»•»«** '•>' ““
are bero to aurve sM ooi hr be loog to the Paclhc nhori MB mlMn
Vbo finds Joy •»<! pr«» *■ "“t"
of Rawoli aM brioogHc u> the
thaa those wbtrb on be area or nold aerved.Tbey all stood arooM the tori tree. l-atied Stolvw. CBlIwd Uayxoa. aM nnUi
o tm OB with the work ri
a govemmai egpedltkm of veiewUsts
: bM sqalwed down (be Uae to nre
sefilng oot hi. pretty IWHe mapk*.
vlslled It totel) It has probahly never
The first speaker repres«*'» ■
ten V toiled by baman betogs. It to
toss, the rtoas ri uilllUrtoas wbu bouse —Farm and FIreride.
bretotog place for myriads of Mrtto.
wort, hard lo fare everjlklag to anoie
bkh mlgrele thither fro* all paru of
partial account. Hr had c«ne up


fires and are doing It now. They In- j
meni if one acre lo in,(too ppis lonebed ;
by fire lo any one yar. The man wbo

Iw. >.ln Ibe Michigan Forestry nsso- IKtrch of tbf ohl home and looking Baltir K«-a. where It Ir ra.-* ®P i'y
along the where tbe
action of the w-aves. espeefally afic.rlathm and gi-t your telghlwr
their -Jrad.tws
Ktery ye
Ihe same. Read forestry books,
note their frowih as ihey
will be givx-n you free of ebargrPlant Trees.
forcsiry and let yonr represeolailvev lltde bigbi-r and >prad iheli hanch<->

tree" of India arc clothed wllb

know that you underetand this matter, Is laile fuahi-r oul
that you bellt-te in It and want the

fiovr-rtinr llanly of Indisua. In pro' simging hairs, aumewbat Ilka tbe com­
son whlspeni|cUlmiDg April ?l and OrIqlH-r W ns mon nettle, bul of a far more vlrnlest
when the wind lilow"
through UieiriArhor day* for the pnUllr seh'srfs T aature. When touched, the seanalloo
matter arried lain <-Sec(.
>v i that stare, made tbe following vbry ap- liHt to a. of being boa with rvd-brrt
Do U DOW. and write to Sceivtoty leaves. The first htids
Iraa, Ibe pain extending over o'be'
T kl Sawyer, of I,n<1lngiou. for any will amkt- our bans glad, and when i propriate tetnarks
them In the fall we wlll| -The planting of fre«s I- a pohUc lans of tbe bod), nod Inrilng sevcoi
lurlber help oi Uirormation.
The Farwt a-d «w Man.
I It lak.-s time nu'l -work to M

say. that the ............. of Hlebtgao an oul thi tree* "
"I know ihnL Tba' Is the way w|l
tv-Oeets Mritiusly on Uibnnvvlv aad aitacliy of this Inwridd- most irf th<- good things we have I

sympnihire with them beause wlnterlixaiefxciloo. maoMK-ver Irfnnts «i
etrfnlng. The home will be darerjaiakes the .».nh more habitable aad
happh-r place in which 'o dsrtdL and;
OW Rumlsn Loeereotlvts.
to VIS for every tree and flqwer
tberthy earns tbe gateful paisa of.
A tkrman sto-li-iil flnito one of lb*

coming ganerellons
j rinsas of tbe ItiaUllty of lb* Russian
kind of a mjriery
»< Ightoir . wbi-n you said that other
“B-lh-vlng Ibnt syrieniaiic and per | rallrooil; lo handle ibrtr taffto to tba
Stoleni effort will reiRare le roim-'ani.lqnlty of tPHr lixomrtives. Tb*i
folks would gel wiait- good out of
Hnve we the iaad for lurvsls? Yes.j tog
Bost taare the aUta. aM U« farmer
.ure the all but Int-xhn’jslilito nn-I; nnotber rrf th- ve s«vma in tobfaUa
.hm'i you tliink the Irees
Fon-slry and fire g.' together, like
kwes aa lawotuat part of hto home and we shall alvayn have It. Mlehicovererl iiruportloD t' hr- loirie, for oul rrf II.p-sl d.-al of the valne of
"It to ITTH-. though. JttD We may not I iimiih-w forest wl
can to loaled well; she can and must, j farming and fin . or like city buildings ; lake
Miket. bealda briag placed
rrf fba!??C IrToBSOll S no less Ibau r-Al9 are
do! soli from the anh around them? always room- It. but all the work wer,i,e larger imolon of tbn
■mey of the importer for what he
v-altb. bat srbicta Is now gpa<. ifrom iwcaiy- ui to forty-six yarn oMTheiv Will to- a wide strip aluiig the do to make our borne brtgbter and
waeds in thla line.
slop ; row ttaal m-UI lar Rule or -notblDg— more bauUful will spur somobody else I berr-bv proctnlm tfarwe days to be ole!
But to II not better If setih-d lo body oo hand to prevent i
The forests caa omhe m o* our la
eerved throughout tbe stare by ibe, Dashaway
la I excr-pl Ibi- trees, of coarse."
up to do the same. I wouldn'l be
farior leads: they eaa pWnce Sn fnplanting of irves and shrubs npoo ib«]lo tb* ermac
>u will I
"That may be so. too. Still I ex- ut afraid to l>e( a cent ibnt even o
grater properiyl and
to nearly every slate and eountrycooe large eaengli logmy ooi
atorul all publicbuildings old chap? Did afae accept yon?
taaa from the leads which have here wbere a struggle to msde to make have no tnmble.
baby."' the trees and enjoying their towUy what ae said here this morning unlU puhllr Insiiiutlons. and upon the puh-| Btni
Btnffer^ don't
crops, and) Foratry U no “sugar
meruac to (he stale beaaae they poor land produce good
'than the tittle I might gW from Ih - he. too. will sei out a iree or two'lie highways. a» well a, upon groiiodvasked her mippvr
-were eoaridered too poor or srorthiees where In ten or twenty years lhe|a» so many are trying lo ma^e It
soli vnej
they l«svlake up inuei
somewbere. Ik
If he
doa wui,
not. somebody
nbopi p.
^ an
ei-x-. am
.i then, rsiuvriueie.
uv users
wwis lee./ j| iiieipv
iiuiu uwim
- - for tbt-ir ndoa-jTlt-Blu.
straggle ends In complete failure, the' Fomls
an |my
|«y ux«-s
taxes ns
as wetl
wt^ as
as an.v | roo
le pay tane oa them.
property. The forests of th-^ i*all not le in my enjoyment,cUe may. and no the. world will bejment aad liauUficri
. The torasu are the oaly crop ri Boncage to foeecloned and this farm.'
are cone oor woodataklnc Industries

d Worid pay taxes; New Yolk paya;«rf
the trees I fancy that tbe proplej balped a HlUe."
By so dolag we- i
“Jnml*. I wish yon
“This belplag tbe
we who have ocostoa to pass by will find
oome to seburf wHh your
r and to our own euUaa nnd «
ate some happiness in driving under their good maay folks don't seem < o think I
ri thnt wny. Wbnt weald
her 1 shade and forilng oa thetr banly.“
much about, do they, fatherr
you ay If I enme to acfaool with aolled
honest bnalness.
Ann ATbpr now bni an electric Man- bandar T woaldnt say anythlMT
le are trying to do tbe flscntloB. And our present ayriem rrf ] get out of my land along the rod. Yoa be BBSwered. That maka it all the
w^ was tba prompt ropiy. “T4 b* too pe- .
taxing foreri lands In mat parts of 1 may take the beaniy If you prefer H. more necasary that tboae of us who dry. Witk okA aUn or
Mlebl^n to not tnxatioo bu to etmfis-lbai 1 imagiae you may find it preUy do nee the aae »t waking not nil lor there to thrown to n tbcOl.

a grave <rf human happlnos. to rady
wUck we are entate tki
pradooad catlsfactortly oa mUltons of
•eres. of our lighter aaady laada.

0 oof stole.
•Mis them

Tkc for-loll

MlM lU* trecM haUtnMe tor man.i better

onghi to do the san
lands. But forestry


OftANO THAveme hekalo. thubsoay, apail a». r

Tnraerse dtj Slate BaA

teatber Hsrtto Clltott
a A. BII
comb of Tubs. Chnitos of Tabs. Kay
A few Booib* after! rrlda> at bU borne la Union
wife dltM an.l j ship- He w*.-is years of ase and Us of TrdvBs- dry. Dimry. Frank nnd
I gcsiiTwl nneinla.
i ftrace *1 hotov U J iluC of ibU rii> i
............................. »
tniloi: SCTS-Id la the civil war | Is n grand-.m. Tbr.v. lirotL.-r* are lefi.
UUk CMT Ph*™ te WBlB ^nu.
Theae fuad. o»er and abore tbe
T«M*B dt»« Bfler hi* *«i leOer ^ UtooKh t iBlead to ooco. aloaf *Ub a trlboitoas of food. ctotbloB. and eop- dansbter toaner so. although alaxiw j nnd .as a n.rtnbrr of Fife iBlu.- pow. in. S. of Itay fiiy. Sllns ut Itradtor-l.
, ptoneer of Uoloti I Ihu. an.) »! \V. of Ttnvers.- OJiy.
To. party eoaflaeite by a soldo la the
pllee were made to laal nader Ute eare> eiSbiy year* old and rrlpplod. be b fi
evnlas. Al*o to ibc too. totaled
t* K *e»««io<l by *« »«
fal adBlalatratloB of a aoctoty of ettft* *f»r btecM th. dty OeldoB Oate pai*, Ttea I aowr t
twlaslng suit to roeuver hU home.
I.lghi >«><. In ndditton to hto *«r. '
latnlas Market etiaet. tbe gmt toeiu till Ibe doee of ibe jear 1«7«.
Ik- have* •‘ight teilJri-s
•alMMBHeMe. Hr. tayler-* Mti>r
Teatporary hmea piotMed by
H Ml «( teWBrt • *n of ite
Iheee funds f<w fully
Btmeka and ahrUer bouaee were
cea»-.l was a nit!«r*.if !■
d^s with the wooderfal eahlWt* «d
erected. workMcn soppUed wllb tool*,
of BWtiboodtoe. aad aapete
woaea provided wlib
nwle* na
e Dmunadc af beaatlfol I
ii.,,mr3ti-r),vlng*t U....u».Obi.
---------------I la pertaet towlase. la ayVMetry telaea; Ihe dek we:e earrd for; i
dead were burii^l. while ihe work
v->,ar. m.n;.d u. Uur.l... S. V ,and sracc. euulalte: In po« and s**rebuildlas the dly w*» accompIUbed
s If. l.-'rmuju <-onB.y lU.rl.c tall
lure, la feature and eipmalon of coou.
jKi;3. Ift- MltleJ in Hk n .<rt,lr tor.!, ;
--------------m BlMOft BDperbaaaa. *o ibai wllb a
tin a fe« OOm froo My poM
e. the work ■
IM-.i................... . ..
vto« white to at doee l«BS«
;i-.-iug IIUTV. ..util hit dt-e.:*
B la tbe Blare of ibe etoelrie before Ue clnden uv-n- cold an
eearae Mople who wtoh to ba
atlon eewBod to sell, n. w ambllii. wtt.... 0.vunr fleud,
During that trving period in ‘
IlSbt ooe. tavdonlBty sraspa for tbe
,aU poatod 00 »W"*« h**l a«tlr.
(toa aad reacwcU cnirgy fru» the
1„miti.d in inairlmuay t-i S.;i
which women so oitcti stiflor :
rlB of tall tel. Oae bas to BO tbroosh
fcao* that the beet way to do that to u>
In tk--i. .urvivr, t,i« ...
' from nervousness, backaclic. i
maoalac proceaa before be can reo
take aooto tool tewapafton. the Ban
yiek headache, or other pains. '
-.-.In-r.111. live .hlldren. EllraV
er bran enoosh to ataad oquarely
-- ------------- cbraatoto. tor Uutaaee. Or.
....rreutm,, sabre,-tond. L. .
there is nothing that can c.|tial
froel of ibea aad osto tbeai to I
Elk Rapids. Mich.. Ajwl! r"- K. fiDr. Miles’ Antt-Pain
Knnsvill.-. T.nn. Mr. l.-.rrtt Y-.
beart e eoateat. Wbn I set U«d of
Nobie has '■••en omployed as book
They stop the pains, soothe the
.Uk Hrid..., Travv-rv- Ul,,.
aU Ible 1 imead ft poll up aiake* and
keeper for the Cemcat company.
Dcrv'es. and give to
ValUy «f ft...,eio«tt and Mrv, Mar,. P, *2;.,
Bore oB by way of Belt Lake, aad
The cbemlMry studenis of the Travbo aawtas tala newapaper Hterature
then oa to Cotoiado Bprias*. aa J
erse Cllv High *eUo6» visited the Inin
IfT----- - aad wterywhere. ta Los
•tn.-n-l ^.-rvl. .-» a. tv .v.n.l*l•l.^l .1 mkI>.
teen ea |o Dearer and then, on
compan.v. fumne,- and chemle.1 work^
ABselea hi* smt Hoe prees could be
MS.V,; .■in.m,. IT.-v.-m...... Apr.l .
the relief so much desired. If
TraTerac Cliy and to Balca B>
Saturday for the purpose of sin.lyiog
•eaa tferoath tbe plate tMae wiadowa
w bambte. Ibcro e no ptoeo tike
taken on first indication of
the manufacture of
as BroMway orery Balortay okwalas.
liiic. iui'i
pain or misery, they will allay,,
MowartM oat tbe paper* Bhe hose
the irriulile condition of the
htmber barge. Sarah M. TbomF
niBlabre aad aaot aa b*t. while tbe
nerves, and »ve you further,
asaar MHns a*I awrar wnrylas
ll suffering, lltose who use thenr
Auiai.-iir l.inula’v cnU-ftvl t
evening with :;«.'Wtl fvx-l of
•twM pwa-a, asalaat tbe -lodow
urday cvi
at regular intervals have ceas­
w.i.- >i.,n- 1-f ri., T. tft-.w Ul
It’K tint iKivtus.- C‘f tilir
pMo aa tbe oatelde aaeatod to war
lumber oa board.
ed to dread these periods. Tlicy,.
t-anvii.g. atxay a iuiiiiIh r ol
tba wateeital tootelao tl»oat eaFred Vlean left SatiirJny lor M
contain no harmful drugs, and'li'i
amt n-v.-lvc
of Ibe earth, or perhai*. of even w
IWUC to lake LlH pmtli.di as eliici
dowad with bamaa tolelllseaee '
leave no effect upon the heart
ckleadeU earth putoailom, la
ba« ateet. Hoi ooly are the
ginocr on the City of Ueriln
or stomach if taken as directed.
, paper fona* waftos tbelr eoateat tor Bortfaem part of Japan there an
0 Almr soclviy of il»- Sar
^ «M Elrt—" CHr.

Ob A^ t.
H- ■»••'■
MP tea PnoeUco. A (w

____ .ti«t
.*1* la Ite *Ma or
mar aarteip Itet .arer aoatad.

1** d«y baW baB«l«E tew, »■ •*<■**
, rtral tte teplM at WateloEfc*.
,01 I bareDt ben to CAlaatowa roc.

Thto tea abont ODe-teUteBer:

loaey coatrUnitoa fioa
Kitia* aad abroad.............4
a EI a a d' * eoalrlbadan


lu that be and
tbroush tbelr life.


: AGoKnlBuklRca«shie»0«K


, i 3 per CcBt aUdvei w nw OcomUb.




1 rborch met Wcdnv-sday al
leri-------- r hat aiaeb toore the railway rioda when there are at lean Iwo
shocks a day on the avetase.
St tb<' home << Mrs. ft. F. Lv ach.
, klM* aad Btoau aad awiartee
The STWI eartbpoahot of ib» world,
t bSM M Uto eaaat made bare tbelr
and Miv. John Kcwlimise left
' arae to aoaflet. Tbe reaalt to solas like thoac of Calabria aad Llaboa. took \Ve.lnesday for Maultow.n; I.) lake ih.
In rasloM which arc not
ftrwt and vecoud cook* tv
; •» ba boater railway fadIHlee for the
nor In conjoartteo wHh voicnnie nwllvvl} on Ih.- City of Bertiu.
crew of lotn arc bi»y al work «:i
duck, setting tli
to place atoas tbe coast already rcry
Argaadne Republic. Utnaled al i
sood. A atraas loeuai of eoBpe
bol.t In readiness to oaload a cargo of
Mriato ban la napaet to tba umrisi toot of a Ttdcnin. waa destroyed
which It I* eapivtiil
taMtSHa as asalaat Ite Ode of travel IMl by aa aartbaunke. lU.VM lateb Winncl^go will bring Iroai Escauab,
dan tte Bortt ate <ut towsrda Flori­ Itanl* bSag klUed.
before the nrut of May.
list—City of CooecptloB dcsliwyed.
da ate tba Waat ladies, ereaaoooUE«1 Mantoll wa» la Ib-llalrc Tucs
Calhedral aad rnwy other i.ublfc baild- day of la.1 wc»;k a* a .iclcgatc fn.ui
taw belBE tbrewa dowa.
While tba itowet nr* aiw a
the K. O. T. M. M. of Ibis place to Hnan. an tolaad of Sicily, tes
Bii-------------ptopatotonauly here aa la
Hr baa al*»
Lob Aasatoa the faeillUsB tor seulas ord of OTor elshiy eruiittoas. amung elcetcd a drtesate lu tbe Mate cuiiveli
thcB tbe foUowlas; lies A. D,
trtm tlae» to place and eapednUy
lion at lAidInslon in June.
was deatroyed. wllb 16.UOO
of Interest tostiansera, a
Tbe dance bIvc" by the K. O. T.
pefWBt -barled ,1a tbe ruin*.
I«». M. al tbe opera house Muaday even
erupUba lor forty dny*. kllUng
was torscly attended ai>d enfuyed l-<
rraeea. ISM. eruption and carlh- 111 prcscBI.
■nbe. M.OW Uvea tost.
Ml. Petoe. Maitlntooe, W.-st Indies
•gared la four ernpUasts. causing ter

Death M John D. Howell.
Koritapon. April 19-John U. Iftiw.-il

rtble dtoaalMs. the following being tbe
daiw? i;«i, IMl. nnd tbemoi

tic of the el.lest .If not Iho obli-M '
te pkineers of LtvIanau couuiy d
looday afternoon, doalh being atirib

oam. Hny «. IWC. »hen tbe
dealniyvd. klUl
ly SObOO people.
ecddw Onto pawate to aarrew
Aufusl 30. im. a soeoDd viocanir
waetote bat eae* laside there to ptoaiy
eruptton deatroyed Mowc Roage aaj
«C wato ate peritoet swnrlly.
dlen, and 24tM persons.
Sn Dtopo baa an aaallaai harbor
Ilnly. visited by an earth
ate may of aatranec. erea la Uan
«( atorw. bat U to too tor fnm the qaakc. October. ItTU. .
UaboB. Portnsal. destroyed by an
dtotribatlac aad talMM focus aad
0.«Wi city nearly

uicd to old age.
John Howell was ao Englander bv
birth, having been bom In Englaiil
elgbty-three year* ago n>-xl June, and
Whne In the BriUKb Isle, married Mbs
EllBbcIb Eaatebrook. the couple ar
rivlag in this coonlry and setillng In
Leelanau coanly where a large family
of cblldrco terc bom. thoac ailll llvlns

•M*MW pBit once and la Its opper a UbuUled report of the toiwes, bmb
tuMBs apeot a eouple of ei
I lUc and eoBtotvcUI hwsea;
Dial hM* of life from exboors HaIcBisf lo aose Importaat
cases lathe Uallcd Stales coart. Also
postire and bumJag..........
1 was oat to the Piwddio wberw arc Total Bomber boDdlagi do.
tl|r aoUlers' bairatea and tbe batte;^
atroyed ....................................
lea ef caaaoa. gnat and sman. plaei- Number people rendered
rd aleag tbe aoaih bank of tte Gold
a ...:......................
s« Oate. Borne of tbe sima. r^d
Total loM la valuatlun. e>lag to elraa fma tbe deck of a boatllr
tlmated at .............................I198,000.000
telp orary llvlag tblag ta alght. PeraoBBl loaaea In the geaeral tosses estimated al.» U.710.000
ate <Bt (be riggtas to |A
largar calibre enee. eomc cd theca that Bundlngs destroyed, valbaaio retoad trhea Ortag and lowned ' iloa pueed at.....................$ SS.000.000
Me ^is while kBdlBE that could


pric- tii'i' us It oliaiuv
provo it.

Rowland Douglass

S‘S3is“.ssr'«iTsrs ^

MUes MedicslCe, ElkbaiL^r

ShseSlore, opp. Wbltlnj: Hole!

|dr F. J. BacNett
2(12 Willmlm IHk.. CiU. I’lmue I Ih[ -^^Aeve, ear. nose
WUftotm aieck
Travwrwo OHy



DR. W, J. fflGGIKS
239 E.FroB(St.. at nmm




llasuraacc on loul tosses. .9 SS.Cl.tC

Tire Insurance!

BtOOK CoaiFANica.


If you tbiak rou have heart dis­
ease <ma arc only oae of a rauotlcss
onraM Ihsd are deceived by iodigenioo into beUeviag tbe bean U

Lane’s Family
tbe toaic4a»aliv«. will get your
■tomacb hack into good coadnioo.
and tbua tb* chaacea are ten lo<me
that yoo vHU have ao more aympM<ii*on>eandBeaK.
Sold bf all ^le» at 3$r. aad yoc.


Plate Glass, StMm Boiler and Accident Inaurancs. '

Money to Lthn on ImproTCf Rea! Estate Only.

is oil with a nub—awl again
we call yonr attention to
onr groat line of

Room SlONsw State Bank Building.


Howell. ]

ctivtty back to C. A. D„ when
r (urrouBdlng dUes were dam- Kehl. Norlhiion; Henry Howell. Maoased. Other dates arc; Pompeii. 79 ton; Mrs- Robert Probat, Mrs. George
A. a; HeteatoneuB. 1036, 1779. 1793 Bugeluw. both erf Northport; Edwanl

at tbs OoUea 0«e. where were to be
Hoaell, asbington. and PblUlp
saaa tte seals at a abort dislaaee away IMl. IM7. IMO, ItSi. I«7. 1873. U7S.
Lewis of Northport.
piQbw oa the rocks ate la tbe water. ISSO. IStS and 190H.
Tbe fuaeml scnlccs took place
1873—VlUase* of Baa SobaaUaao
Tte sobo baths
tenlsy morolDg al 10 u'clm-k from
ul Haaac dl Somma desiroyed.
m tolBoailBi BasnBB and tbe day I
Congregational cburcb. the Rev.
ww aat tte paaeefal ftodte was oa
Hulbeit ofBcUtlag. Tbe aged wifetsar ate bow ihoae slippery tooklag
Oraat Dtoatiera.
Tbo most notable disaster lu tbe bis who has been aa invalid tor tbe ps*i
BMli mid Utas to tbe sUmrr looVthree year*, was brought to ilic ehurcli
lam.roefes waa Bore Ibaa I could lory of Ibe Ualted Blatea wsi
■ iBlIial wttb tbe fartoas waves
to of Cblingo. the Urscat of from the home of her daughter.
Umc*. occurring from the aim Kohl, dlrcrtly across ibe etroci- Uuriil
new ate tbea watetos over tbcB.
was la the Nurtbporl ceoicicry.
WM aeroaa the ^7 to BerUey where
ovvruinilas of a lamp al 9 o'clock
In Ibc creniBg. Sunday. October 8.
To Set Aside Deed.
1871. It eonllBucd IhruugU Ibal nlgUt
William Diirga. aged 79. Ihrongh hl^
aad Uic greater part of the
atturoc}-. J- W. Patteln. j-csierday
Upping up great blocks uf bonac*. the
bruughi suit to cbanccry to i»t aside
greater part of white were
a deed which eouveyt-d eighty acre,
cd ol wood. Goapowder. used as an
of land near Actnu to his daugbici
Harriet Scetey. and her huxlmml
aafle cd about foriy-Bve degreea where standlBg la a line soutb ut the Bra,
Cbanncey. lliu land Is value,] s'
I bad a aaoat woaderful Utdscyc view Anally tewked the muuatcr cooBagraabout K.oon.
at the tMn of Berkley aad Oablaa-J Uoa. a* all north <d Ibc Bre
A y,-ar ago UM KovemI«r, whilr
•tCh tte wbrte etieai of tbe sagaii- (Ibc had been devaored by Ibc ilamen.
working to the wood*. Uurga was Ip
cau harbor spread aat to view wtth
burned was a* tollow*:
Jiired by a tolling tree. HU log ws,
lla abipplaf and aaBcnras ferries Weal. 194 acre*; eoulh. (CO acres:
%a badly fract^ that amputailoi
aaklBc n tlTcly aad the great city of north. I(7u acre*. amouaUag to three
was nerwmsry.
After Ihe acriilroi
am Fraadaeo oa tbr other sMc BOil aad a half square nllrr, about 4 miles
' I>urim was taken lo taU own bnrni-.
If «avsloprti la BBoke.
tn Icagih and from unc to oac and
where he stayed until ampulatlua
II baa lakca «e two or three day*
width. The city as a city uf
lirrlded npno and the day Ivfore the
gM.eoO popuUtlon. was balblvd largely
operation he was taken lu hU daugli
aieat as hard: mate harder on
i alntclum.. white la Ute
tefs home. He bad lo stay li
tbaa tte diBb to Ibe lop of Mt. Urwe. Bcrcc wiada and draugbU caused non
naUl last June when he was si
- white was TBsUy hlsber. but easier, aicr lumada to l« carried aa added danget up again. Wliile 111 to bed. he al­
fbr a pBlh was das oat. and tbea I grr and from Ihcae there waa no pro
leges that he gave th,- dee.1. undue iu
^ took n mare Boderair. and beddes I tecUoa. The fire dcpsrtmeui. ibough
IM-Ing used and furlhermon
W had very plvwnai coBiBay oa Hi. Urge and effiricat. bad Juit bece ex
be cUlma that he did not know whs<
Lowe. Then I have been Ihruugb bauMcd by aa uauioaily Urge con
tbe paper* neant whea be slgnetl
tea U. & ariat irhere I saw IbcB mak- (UgraUoa the Saturday beforr and tb«
tag twealy dottor pdaeea by the boabel.
UBca outran even their earliest etII isemeJ very aasaiMylag lo ace
•Mat rttee* BO near and yet ao far.
ThCM- were the mala coBdiilaaa of
Ttea 1 have been to ibe
■be Chlragu Bre, and tbe foIlowUg U

... 'y.iu...
■;nn ..............
■ •r lU'iiil olntyciii will g<-t tiu'

Wsya* OauBiy Bssb Bldg.. DBTBOre

Vaauvtai. the srcaleat active v
easo. noted for dcsirueOvrtieaa. dsi

CM baaaa ea the eaaat


MIS. } hsvr n.

|Wu-fc Your IS/IOIMEY /tn Our
sand Windows.
Lumber. Lath. Shingles. Dooreai
Porch Columns, Porch Rails. Spii
ets, Stair Work, Interior Finish,, Stork <ir S{).-<-ii,l


Flooring, Siding. Ceilinjf. Stair Work, Mouidiags,
etc, made from selected woods.
Our Prices will save money for you. Our prompt
deliveries will save time.
Let us have your business.

’ntlrnis. Store Frontaun,! Fixtur,-* utiO any id
irmill work you are iu



Dry luuil«T alwiivs iu stick,

s furaisbeil by phone or lotti-r.

South Side Cumber £o.
Cit. Pliooe 30^. bell :f.O

Seed Oal$ and
Field Peas
Don't ilclay. Get your >eed oats while llnry last.
Webave only about lhre«- huntirctl bushvls lift, llf
you want to exchaiiKe oats we wijl be pleasv ,i
These oats arc clean .indwell worth l'*c ]>cr bushel:
(that is our price.I
Come and see what we have.
We especially mcniion the held iwa*. whkh are
always short stock. We have rjuitc a lot of them this
year, so we can supply your wants.
Garden seeds are moving fast. We can supply
(subject to being sold* beans, banas. beeis, t.ibbage.
carrots, corn, cucumbers, parsnips, pumpkins. r;idishcs.
salsify, summer and winter sqaasiics, lettuce, melons,
onions, peas, tomatoes, etc. Wc will send any seeds
that you-want by mail; Come yourself if youean. and
pick out what you want.
Bid CASS Sti.

Traverse City Mfg. Co.

Tr-iv.-rtsc City. MiHi


We '^-•11 the celebr.iied .Xjrf.x Dyiiainiie.



stones, try th<







slumps or

It saves you some


Old I’oelolfiue Buihliu,:.

Have yoo ev« tried the

mmyml Tl*ter "Tmmm and OofVtetes

1{of^a1 tiger
' They wc the besL


Cs0Mt4 On

Sold tely by


mm KbbW teron* m*amrnm.





Wdl. I wlU bring thU letter to a dom
PioB yow Saacblae boy.
Anhur Leroy Newmareh.
It will be M. of ton to go after a
butM aad I w« be very ^ad to have'
a hneb of K.

while they are going to have tve a

Kiagdey. E. F. a 2. Boa C2. March 2*.
oaeeto two waeka allar acboU
Uille Koooaa.
*r Prealdcni-1 thought I would
I. out. Wo hare ooly two wcefca left
BaWdra UlUe'a lalerratlug letter
write a few Uaea to you. 1 am well
Mol BOW. We are golog to ehoeae
he aendt a caaalag pocial rard with
hope thU letter wDI Sad yoi
ae tar our cli^ toaorrow pl^L
the (hetore of a little girl ridiag oa •
I am ao glad that aprtag ha.
We wHI**rc a plcafc the loai day of
-burro " How auay of you know what
_____again and the other moralag I
A. Vo an, luat harlBg exaBlaathat U? ‘
beard the aweet UUIe robla. dag. It
tloo IB geapraphy now aad wo wlU

1 wm tn •«>•» • *"»*>' •
M PlliMt
- • ■ .
I wM toy «i M

bare oaaialaotloo la ariibBCtk toBor- It too bad that poor gruodpa conld Dot
8o wc have to atody hard aow. have lived to aec ibl. apriag. but I am
that be ha. gone lu a bettor
Wa did BOI bare asy aoclal on SC Pathome. My grandpa waa t>S year.. 2
rick', day beeau» aow ih
lh» aod 11 day. old wheo be died.
play eoaU aot oasa. I i
Qraudpa-. cadet w.t buauUtol cov­
aa By letter b. getUog bag. ao g»dered with Sowem. We four moie
'JO. .
week* of Kbuol. I have lod aoiae of
rroB your Suaiihloer..
hoolmalca. There 1. Maggie
Bleu C Jobawo.
D-jrkb^ and JcdiBoic DurkhorM au-I
J am tcry glad to lean of yrmr dab
Eua Borkbora and Bady. alt of that
Odd hope you will all cajoy the
tomlJy. and all the Kaan family aad
all the Edward, f.mlly and aivu tb<-

, |«Mtoyto*«toM»*MNM
Md hM to •PtoyMy «to to
«Mry Itotoff thta»
to I «Mr;teii !• toytof to d*
ffew Ihto* 1 >H *Tty. toy

Good Harbor, Ulch- April 1. I
Dtwr Pre.ld<-Bi—Wc
.i-Wc prgalii
r M.rt^ We
Hub the
hare a Bcetlog once crery week and

KlchmoadL WeU. 1 dua-l knew v
ore to write. k> 1 will brlag my
•r to a clOM.Y'our 8uB.Uac girl.

alter aehool I. out we are to barjr 11
once In two woeka. Alma Ro^ra
waa elected pmIdeBl. Agne. KohBke
elaeted rice preiMcBi aod
im wa. cleeiod necretatr.
Yuba. Mkb, R. F. D. 1. March sn. IWid
hare obly two woeka left of acbont
r Prealdcnl—A. It I. evening
We did BOI bare auy mlal beand I bare nothlog to du. I thought I
aoBe that took part la Ibe play.
might a. well sit down and wriic .vou
Bm come. We are golBg to bare
few lines. I am arell and hope yon
April A INI. 4221.
■c the UBM>. I did Dot gu to ivcbunl
aehool. I am at aeboot now. We t
ly tbl. week for t did not have any
golBg to hBee a pteale the la.l day
PMMq.V «>r MMt.
mbbenu. bnl hope lu go next week.
There are SI Mfaolari In
Tber're ad »«uUb' h*toto» up.
Wc have got a Ume bra that bar Uoo
I aow. We Juat BolMied with
AB' sola- IC totac Vb o«tr ItoV HUr.
lame quite a long time, but w>
ttloa today la geography; toa
Oa ether teikeV deor-hiiDiiB. ‘eBOi
not know what is the malter with her
re are m>lng to have oxamlnal
TrHBBnnni be the tr« of Haj'.
leg. She eaaaot wwlk at all'oB It. bu;
la ariibBctic. We bare to .tudy ban)
They mtotet let ito help a Ut. ,
in Sop around. We have been
now. Oood-byc.
JKrmmti I'b obIi MU-paft (ear,
taking her out In the sun the tost few
Sne Johomo.
^ l-ai a«DU- la sake cbc. uw.
dayt; we pOt her on Mrac .iraw that
hope all the dab BoBbor. will r
AS- haat OB OiaMB'a kltebea doer.
ha. board, around It. We lake her lu
mcBber that Ibc club Beetlaga arc
the beaeocqi every nlgbl and put her
Mr (toaBBB'i Bleer-B aaj one:
only a part of what It mcaa. to be
big barrel that ba. hay In H. m
She Bake, toe toetkybltly pie..
Stuahlaer. It I. balQg a Saanblncr alt
It not able to .it oa Ibe roo*i..
Aa- ercr- alacto haUa' day
the time, at bofne. at Khool. at play.
have eteveA ben. and two toosiA.4oaihBal BBB aitb eurraat eyra,
At eouats Bori.
One of our tooncr. t. . nice big
Aa- vhM ah* rail* «W cooky doagh
flehowtoerg. Mich., March 1*. ISd
Plymoiitb Rock and tbe other I. my
Sh* leto »* Uke the pepper top
nlee big yellow pel, BuSle. 1 think
Dear Pre.ldeM-1 tboaght I woul
Aa- eat mmt i*eoty«*»r <»«».
lot. of him. Some of my Khoolmalej
wrlia a few llaea aad tell you that
Aa* aerer aay* tor «c to eu>p.
d to loin Ibe Sunshine club, m
am well, asd hope you are the um
’Moat all the plaks aa' daflodll.
I am golBg to aehool every day. I Uko
lead In their name.: Beralcc
FM Vie* Fr«*id*M. Citr* BMto

ha-. Sac*, ttie JoU»to lilldfca * «ot; to go to achOoL Weareharlag
Bet Urare-a a heap d|f bouereopi •
Bloc wlater. Wa have twragrdbrae
AdTowjB- tB OBT paatnre tot
aeholar* la .qbooi today. I i
TbeyVe Jtot a*
eaa be,
tee every moralag before I go to
I dost car* ^ & yotber* Mr:
ooL 1 am la the fourth
in eraai bb' jaa By taakei lull
foortoea yaais oU aad

and Cladyt

Pulcipber. Bk


Mich.. R. F. D. No. I. Bo. C»;
Ethel Newcomb. Elk Rapids. Mich.,



tanguage and

uttoa. bceanw I broke my pto? < «■» IHefc. I will riose fer mis tlBr lleare
rad a two eewi riaBp,. 1 wlil not ue>d rad me a-racd and IHillon.
Your mile friend.
raid iboogh.
Virginia TUlcy.
Your BunshlDcr.

Ballard. Warii.. March SI. -llMC.
Dear Preuldeei—I have not wriiie*
for a.IoBg lUo*. I trad a leturr la tht
Herald from » aad IhoogM I

I hare wees Virginia'# kitty and he;
cenaialy Is a nlw one and a eWe pe.,.
Cedar. Mich. B. F D l. April 4. »h)C ,
Dear Prvrideni—1 thought 1 wouMj
write vou a tew lines to let you know j
Umi I am vrell and ht^w you and all i
the Suusblneni are the same. I am

ay rard-and buliun and think they {
are y.-rj nice. 1 ibeuk you very much .
would write aUu. We had nice -wrath
tor them. Tbeiv to one
m> friend*
till about thiv-e day. ago and It bthat wUto-. to Join ihe Buaahinc rlob.
o to rain. I do not like tbe rain m
-■O pi.-a.« send her a ckJ. and button
. It 1. «> amoky and cloudy tbsHrr name to Kiik- Wlikuw'skl. C«lar.
ytlcb- R- F. U. No. 1. and her lilU'
now. Ml. Ralalrv t. vO'itb of u«: It Ir
*Wer. Joaepbloe Wiil.ow.kl 1 f-irgol
ihejtoKsade range Tbe main laai^to tell. .MU llial Elk-a i'eiiow»ke;.
of tbe cawade. are
HI. Baklr
'* to j.dii III.' S’llishliie rlub. K-'-.
I. aorth; It U at the .uber end of th.-n pieaiv ..-nil lu-i r i-xrd and Iniito'i
ratwadew Tbe Olympic monatalns
Her addror* to C.-iar. Mit h. It. F. I>
a the wetf. Ftower. et dlSeren'
No, I. I will elow thi* Hm.-.
an- blooming out door, benFrom your friend.
It to.ioo ran. lor ratio..
■\ge K.
Isato-ll Lamle.
■It ftiiv.n na the belrli nllfa three
glrlv last night. The wind vra.
blowing and we ditln'i havtt much fun
Fugtv Soiiud It only thn-e Uochh frvMn

BBd the dear oM giaa^then
Kn*awthon who ware mf bey. aert
Ctrl., all dW It wheo they were Ju.i
aa Mg to m ara, Bad Ufod -back
mmr whaa JttoWcaa .waa aai
atate, aad wa* eonred wUh toreat.
wtth oaly ladlaaa aad wild anlBiali
htlBg where yoor hWT bomca are «o

much. I r-Ti-ived tuv car.I and b;i'
•on. I thank yon v.-ry mu. h 1 <hluk
they are very pijny. Tlieiv aie IMiy-

I have a llill'- nephew who wuul-I
Ilk.- to JolB the 8iin«blue <

bo}*8 of IS and 15 who
complaio that you don't have enough spending

iwu scholar* enn>l!.-d. -iiula.. Tbe
wenito r to .ni;.- iilr.-, bu( 11 to kind tH

You bo>*t who can “do things.'* who want to

make money, who want to learn how to do businau!

men - good bu^.n.-s* racn. Soma of out boy* make B15 00 a .week.
Thinkof what you enuU du with SiJ-ooa week! ll wouliln'i uk« you
long to get Ibal camera, or tocvcto, or hor..r. or even a booM and lol.
We give the firs'. > jpply of POSTS free - so Ui.t n cost* you Bolhlf«
to ki*rt.^ Tbere «< many prirca be*.Jr* 1'
if ;liB boys w5iu mean 1* socered in life we wir

t.'ednr. VIch.. R. F. t>. No 1. xnd Ihel.Well. a. I can't think of any more, llllli- hrulto-r. Han.r. would Ilk.- to
will close, with love to all. 1 remain J:iln, too. so ploa*c wnd thrm a rarjj
Your Sun*liltier
and bulliui 80 w.iuM Mada ('uiilurb-i
Be*rie.DuelI like lu Join Ifai: Bunslila.' cliili. Plva*-

Tbe Cnrii. Pukliskiaf Coopsap. ITS Arch Sk. FU


Fn.m your s.rakhine girl.

Klngsb-y. R. F. II J. Wit h. April ?.
Dear Pre.ldeni—1 Ihuuglii I won
write a few lim.-* to yon. I am wi

of 1.1. n. up.*" .xndrew farnegle'ar>
-.iK-.lal to to- bHd on' May
I.a whlrh da. Mr I'arti.-gtr will rtoli
Moi.irv-al to nildiv-si

that date. All aohscrihrra t^^lhe
Herald who■ tfraire to ava.i the-n-

-niaak you tor the prctiy flower, you *.-nd him n card and buil.m. Hto u.lIt once. 8»r
where n
enclosed In your letlrr. The 8-m drea* 1. C.vlar, Mi-h.-R. F I) Nc. I.
ahtnere will nil eniny yuur dcK-riplIon Well. I giiCJiM win rl.,*.- for ll.i* (Im.' Balltr.1.
hoping to *.* «hU in I'rini G.KHl b.--------------------------------------------------------------------

, Tnwsi City Riilfoad CMpa»y

of Mtnifvat has
■'aiy degrra

yiriiiii 1
.................. .. —. .


.urn offer sf Farm and wi:ih th* Grand Traverwe
Herald will i-e withdrawn May tat.





j T-I to-*.. K:.«w. ssA to th- Ort.t .eowawv
■ Moot io*1 allis.-r-H I# ibr toad Ww»»n*o--r.lsH.awi.
«r ■widagi*.
BUO-H IS *11 ..odl—haraiH e—irdsd^aMrl
Baf**i.dwui>i ssia iawd ce say md«am et

Mary 1-avaniurc
smti-E To Btvk'KHnl.t'FKS
TbB.k you tor .be nlc l«g llri^ |
w mcBberv. TTi.t.- mutl
.b a pwo Uto.-iH.a.4 wr™ dirv.-i-»•
f-r ih-w. ,?“•**'
my memlwra la school a
TboBis. A. Jisgxf. Jr.pratomutr oft
geology »■ tl..-M.-..eli:.r.ri*toHMul.

i>Eik-fiipn»!c »r L.Kti

aehool today. The weather U
been quHc alek. but ahe I. a lot bel­
rito a few line* to you. a. I have Out
today and the anow I. mellins ter today. Our Mbool cloaed today on writ'ea befoiv. 1 am well and bope;
lhai. The auB U .blalng bright
of the fuaeral of Mrw Fife of you are the aame. I have ooi- brathe.-i
and the raada are all muddy,
Yuba. We have rame little chicken,
sister. Mv brother , name i«
bitched today. Spring 1. hi
eight altten nad three brother, aad
Donald and my .l.-diT'* name I. Lor-'

latoug your>rlve». could yon aolT

where ibere w«r* aick people or
r. VI., March M. IMS.
tolka. With' a HUle Mip uf l>aP<^r lucked
Dear Prealdrai—I would like to )oln
ta. iMUai wbPB they wcap tor.
the Suaahiac cluh. Will you >vad me
they would.fcpotM . toudly aad ran
aid aad boUoo. My aarae I.
watch and bkle. Wboo the
irl Kelley, i read ibc letter. In the
cBBe to aapwer the kaoek. all ibe.r Uiwald. My xehool I. cIomM. 1 am
couW iBd wviU bc.lbr awe«t Ulllc
Oraadma KeBcy's. I go la i
haaket o( Sowar^ looklog aa ibougfa fourth grade. My icwebrr't aaoto I.
aoBw good.talcT told pot It there aod Mrw TerriU. She I. very alee. I like
quickly Bows awvher very much. I bare a Muer.
to-otB-t that taa? Aod wouldn-i
to a yearn sM. Her name to Bla Lyaett

the Bowera grow, l auppocr ifai

hope tbU win tad yon the
When I ivfi you that I am folag to r hope yon will exruiie me for not writhave a mile raealtaa of a couple of lag to you iNfoR BOW. I ■»> B.r bnlwcwfc. 1 know you will all be paUcat toa aad rard aad I Ibaak yo.
Caabram. aad waH to bare ymar lelI. 1 go to aehool every day. W«
tet* Elated aad get yoor card, aad have oae mile to walk. My papa 1. out
boudo. after 1 get back Dorn Chicago.
Sehomberg. MIeh.. April t. ttO«.
and by I wM acad yen a bnac
waa edaeted praaideai. Aga*. HcAake
«laa. I bar* a Ihtle. alnrr
was e'ered Tk» prcaldas aad I «
* she U gotog to rabcul with
ideeied «<rauryJ_ We_^ going
this tvrlag. She U Ste yean


' ' sssri s

.- t»oU tiixl liiU-Et impwvivl mvi-liin.-rv.
Oflie,«m1 works ;I2I Iliiv'alre.-t
ritiyjdi'* plKHif \o. I'ittri.

A.W.R1 EERO.TraTerseCliy

lir^- r*Bil TrwrM-II^S.

you have my boa of Bowera. Ml*.
Halea DU they wilt? You chould ao.?
bllU «ow borauw they
covered with yellow Sower.. Tbctv
are black-oyed Suraa. and
pt^ples aud the yellow violet, that 1
M-at yoo. lu my box. There are quite

r KHU.iitaED.
V^rgdTia.e.** Uuaevy.

rw kUuk of blue Bowera aad ih>
Mue-eyv. and blue-bell, and la

have i«M you abont my .ble d
be a taeoly way for ear Sawhloers
KMley. My brollMr }MbbI the Sun- bavcu'i I? TbiKc I. a IJlIe girt h
eeirbtaie lha Sni day of Hayf y.
mnebed In eyi-. ouL
Ulae club aad received hit ran
thlak how happy h would arakv yoor butloa. They had au eoierulUBi
IC a garvlea now it school
dear Bulher. who^ia mi Urod
and we bare In It radlshe., and
the church. I wa. a page aiu
tiBKS. or the old lady or ifai; little diraaed la boy', ckwho.
ihea at aehuol tor our Inurh. and
I c
hO( who Urea oril door aod wfa< Ihlnk of aay mote m> I will clcnc with have .wrvt pea., enruBbera. bc<
cMMot gat out la the beautirul wood' love.
liiruIpL letluee aad parsnip*.
thia aprtoc. las'! II worth trytag?
Uitt<w will you pliuec send me
Age a.
Bala Kelley
a Mule girl that would aetil
Wc are glad to bare another mem­
Be a box M MtoUgas flower, when
ber from Vermont. Biila Bust tell u.
out? 1 have beard of arbutoi>.
MMaellBC If rte lire* near the
fal a
bepauca. aud wild blue violets and a
tala*, and If «o. what ib4 loot
had pIcMaat eall. Iron Ortee Mel
lady altppera. I hair beard of iIiv-m.tor ibci* are none IB Michigan.
ehm of Ulapd and Joe LcHler and
I have aever seen them. I noulil
brathra cf Balqs. aad tW braaght her
send this IIUlv girl a box ot our floabouquet. Of pink, while and Woe Hay' Souen. which were much tppm
ihto Idler at rahuol for my
write a few iiara to voo. I am well

Dear tVeuMlt-We oigaaln^ our
club lati TucaSif aad Alma Ro^rt

‘Stoo.oo 0 year rent.

HIv brother cold. Tbe sirow is alnio-t al: g.iie
r'l old enough it. )oln.
II pla.ii.c!
One of IU> i«buol friend* wa* work
Ing In the cordage factory and gut hi* HiHe frtvncto thai would like .n J-So 1
hand caught in one of the maehlnr. the Snnsbtne rl.ib Th.-lr nanx-< ar.
and all of hto Anger, were cut oft. We AUnk- Sbouper..'. Sadi.- Sh..up-'IT -.

they are all nvlag. I go to Mhool now.
and 1 can soou gather Bowera.
'. Kraak. moved away tort I
like my teacher eery
u-ill be glad when S.hing time coax-. Woloead.y. Well. I will el.we tor ibto
I can go Sahlng. Wc gel quite
ime I. MU. SophU Petri Dago. She
lime, mi gotid-bjcfew eggs Dowtdayt. I gucu 1 w
E.rl Divto,
laat of April ibc hay* aad glria wooH
goe*. I win tell yon that we haven't have to clou, for thi. b .11 1 can Iblak;
We are always glad t<i hear fn.ui'
get lumber aod toake preuy lin)more thaa two wceka .of aehool of. Good-bye.
ir Snntbinr buy Earl.
liaMieU or Wrah hath pr colored paper,
FruB your Soashtoer,
Well. 1 dool fciiow of any
Traverse City. Mich., .kpm 3. l»i«wllb iwlated or braided haadle., an:!
Age IS.
Lyan Alk-u.
each too a. that to«*>d have, irylog to write. IB I will eloae for tbl. time.
l>-ar Pn.-*lrifDl—I Ibuogbt I would ;
Will the little cUckra. let you bold
rite lu the Herald and a*k u> join .
to aec which d»aU aake ihc oewc.! Oood-bye.
iliem aad feed ibcB traa your baud? the Sunshine tdub. 1 g.. to school e.ei.'- '
Prom yonr Snn.hlner,
aad prelUeat Uad!
May Day they
JulU KrlMm.
.Perrto. CaU March t». ito*.
day and am in the ibird grad. . My ;
traaU go out »D tk* tiood. and pick
You and your ddert aad brother,
Dear Pn-sideat—i will wrllo a It.ludle. are arlihmcttc. reading, draw-.
the dalalr liuto May Sower, aad Bll
laat have lota of ton tugether. You Hue. today. I thought that 1 worn
Ibo baakc wtMi Ihaa. aod in ibe du.k
eouM have a good-at.cil club
bey would g<
OU about the rain
which hi



.Be ia Uewclyn OlOen.

..f:Terhm.los>. I-** la'bkl I... Xa|.l.«
am gUd yoit are au kind to ll
lirt-v- week. more.
to lnv.-*tlgai.t.i..-uom.'oa -.f ih.laa:r hen. Bring kind to bird, and aul- can't think of anvililng moiv lo wil
eruption of M..oni VrruMi:*. H-w.-t,'
1 am giBl you arc aueh a bdptor mat. to oae of the moat Important' loil.y .c good-l.y..
to Marvlnly-x< on the lllkl.- whou Uo..pan.
aathlac girl la the borne.

I.x>ralne navi*.
Sehomberg. HIcb.. March tt. l»oe.
Yuha. Mkh.. Hairii 3V. ItoK.
I ewKvl >on will have lots of f.iii j
Dear Proaldent—I have not writien
Dear PreaUeai—I thought I woolil
when vaeailup ronu-a.
write aad toll you that I would like to
I you In quite a while, ao I Ihoaghi
ida the SoBahlae dub. I am at Kbool I would write. Tbe snow U going
Klnksley. K- F. II. t. Mich.. April
Tbere an thlrty-oae aebot.n at avray pretty fast now. My mt
Dear Pre.ldcui—1 .bought I would |

rar two or thraa daya during thi

.duor kaob. of

yearold boy made enough money

going io .eti.K.l .-v.-ry da>
We ha.-gut ano'tier l.-.?hrr;- h'T nvnie lMalUda l.avaniuri'. 1 Ilk- in-r .<-ry

She to Si-tf r. but wa.

fteri.-d b

Anna Aadi-riKW.

aad'^ri*. and the
who are their totken aod Bioiberi.

Within eight months this eight

Think about this you

Your true frteatl.

to h^ Deal kBetr.bovr ------IlaUBMd I *111 tell you how the boy.

w* yearsoldancilivesir.aGeorsia
town of less than 15.000 people.

write v-oB a few lim-* lo h-l ywi knew
tbai I am 'w.-ll and h.q-e ynu aii-I sii
the 8au«hlti'-v* ar.- the *ame
1 am

friend, and 1 are gt’Ing. We will ha.'.a very alee lime
.oung wbotMaiaioof Bt'ne


Cedar. Mieli.. R F I) N • I. .Vi fil ^
IV-ar Pfe*Mea!—I tbuiight 1 woul.l

iir botme; we can
it quite plain
am going out for a lauucb ride to
uriow alglii. Some of my yoaus

n. P. D. Na I. Woald you pteaim aeuJ
them .11 a card and balioa; I win and am boplug you are the same.
my letter tor tbl. time. GoodMhool every day. t am in t
to )ela the Suaahlae dub. I -tmmt
third reader %pw;, J .wept Ji^ It 1.
ihlBk of aay more to write tor thU
Monday. There are wven seUolani
Ethel .Mk-n.
(iBK. ao good-bye.
■Onr «diiK.l will -uwu to- u

arar hia« tiar haaaUT U you har’ aerer doae aa. tkl* trill be a good year


gotag to school .-very day aud bavr{
Iota of luB playing baU. 1 i.eeli.'d

The Brat grade', reading to­
day to about a dMl-pan
I wlU tril
yuo what I had for my laaguagc yes­
I bad about January, FebnieB. AprU. Hay. -June. Jnly.
August. SrpicBber. October. Novem­

b*.« --a -^T^'^rriykj^

Saturday, toe ifliw day or Junq,


ber and DeccBber
Every Buntlog the boy. and giri*
bring Sowers to aMwol.
whra wc wera wnlkiag hoi
giww imd red atripet.
At Ibe gold Bine they Bv- gotag 1
have a BvewtaBp mill aad after


rwy t-.- S-

ICNALO. THUlWPfcY. APntL «. iwa
4»r- The stmcl of «prlns cXuIbs li
rn- i>n«rBi vlib
Tbir mi ns indc la l» latcasliT

of pictares.
Tbe backs it pictursa sM mirrors
aboold be dnslM srHb a broab.
The carpet sboald be takea up. mad.
It rtuaaed
.Now. all ar;lcles of faraUnrr sbonH
be cleaned, ready to be torrW lack
after tbe room bus been cleaned.
good furoliore pMUb can be made
of one part turpeallne sM two parts
: sjvply with a Aannel. ai> I
rnb dry wliBa cleaa one until a puli -n
Is obulaed.

PIBBO beys can be predated ftoa tk bat Bito aM battor Mded. hi
laralag yellow by Iravtog Ibe tostro- tin light, pat bMfc to tbeir sfctaa. laM
aM r^cated for naotber meal.
mrat open on clear days aM tcrmllItog tbe SUB to sUae oa tbem.

m oa Md maUlM. Tbo

mlal. whkfe wonM rems
<Me tuna. HalUags i
Ufe coold boU tor sacb s atMasa i
a makn ft wvto atOto
rruB lbs dall)^ rouUae of houM
tbree-lourths water. aM apply with
aM pal oa 10(1 of tbe rrwsba. gpriaUe
-I italDk mr sraodawlber's sajr
mmtors wlib a few drops nt anTwo pans a
vsfT SOOd
I vmarea. bopiac
HM OMd Thlnga.
loa Jnlre aad a spoaelnl of aogar.
. mslie s HR ibnosb fblcb • UCUe
OtFVer dosety wito a layer «f brrad
llSbi Blsbi cOBC. '
'U'bat was ur' sbe srii«d osgerlr:
r'lanebeoa bread. Mis Iaoi a loefc works stiffly, All toe of asclted batter. Bake la a bM
"If tbsre is so ossj- way to Msao bouse
TN EVERY Receipt that caUs for cream
barrel of tbe key with oU and [
or ffriren mlaaies mad metre boi In toe
I ibaBM like to know IL"
X cf tartar, aoda, or biking powder, uie
Into Ibe toek
taaktag dtoh.
-Well. B7 srsadDtotber us*-d to say
Baked ^egs—Pu> geaerotsi pieces of
isi (bciv wouM be au Deed of tbsi
the Royal Baking Powder. Better results
togs—even while and pale shades— lUrr Into todirldaa} pauy
ssnusl UTTM. spring clusnlne. U all
tlr water aM sweet milk to make a
will be obuined because of the absolute
an be tbonwgbly rkaned wllb lAatomes would do ms sbe did.- I leplkd.
tbln batter. 81^ la three sour imlii
sMs sklB dipped to powdered pumlre
that have bera peefcd amd cwl lalo
pori^ and great leavening strength of the
<»e plot boiled, soft water: mix. add- tone.
iblBsltora Bake la a ohalkiar Ua to V
cslkd dirty, sbe cleatMd ll."
RoyaL It will make the food lighter,
When ehuinlag wall paptf,
lag tor water when eoM. shake well
Bui sbe look her csrpeU up <
Bodpvate ovea tbr Ihlrty-Ava odaatra.
sprlns. dldn-1 sheT" loierroptid my IL- aad do
Pv alrasM aM dale gema gUr toe
sweeter, of finer flavor, more digestible and
Belore applying wash Ibc artlrles
well beaus yolks of <aa agp Into s
toiKsied lldearr.
Bgg Stew—Three or fonr guod-aUed plot U swe« tollk bM add a tcaapouoaoda w in dm tojore rite papi r and t
with weak rtnegar aad wattwholesome. It is always reliable and uni­
potatorw and two ooioos are allecd.
Clean the glass of mirrors aif dlreet- work will be done more quickly.
sali oM threw capfaU of A^f
form. in its work.
AfUT tbe Jolrc has been squtv
eaongfa water Is Mded to vook
d below tor window gtoM.
Ibc line on a clear, frosty day
alto a tiaapanlirnl of baking
Ibem. Pour to one qaart of mUk. M powder. Then Md a capful of dales
midwinter: aad I alvo bare seen o
out ftam>w mny be cleaned with Iran lemons do not throw away
Alum and phosphate baking powders—
peel. This to exeelleot for cleaning
me to a tMI. aaiag baiter as for vM aUsnads to equal propMtioas
taking a sun bmb In tbe middle of cold srater and ball IU qnanUly
tome of them sold at the same p^ce and
braas anlclrs of all kinds. Dip the an ojatcr «ew. Break four eggs, aM -bopped very fine Pold In tbe allffir
August. When things were dirty my sar. Apply with a soft brush.
clenned \bem. re­ Warm water la wblcb an onkin bas peel tn salt an<l Ane bath farick and
tbea. and pour Into tbe stew, beaten wUliea <d tbe eggs aM bake la
some of them cheaper—will make neither
gardless of cold or heat. By thus been bulled will restore Ibe gliding to tub briskly over toe article.
oa to taste.
ell buttered gem tins.
dainty nor wholesome food.
Rngs, mats rfr carpMs ca
cleanlDg ooc thing aim time, tbe anx- frames; dry quickly with a rlean cIMh.
To make tppie gems have reodr
Marble oniameois may be cleaned
HalpAd Mara for Ctoantog Ttono.
four large aonr apples peeted aM
Inns worry of a yrarly upset was avoldIf only soiled Irom dnsl by washing ling them with yellow commeal
To dean a eomfoner that Is nt mlnred. With them mU a qaarter qf
cupful of .molassea. an egg beaten
f windows In n certain room wllb a strong soap-rads: rinse to bas been well dsmitmied In clean sos.s ladly solled. says a correspoMeat :
u. saMMS eowMB co i
e blniTCd and utudgbtly they were warm watre and dry wllb a soti rioib. Ids or wenk nmmonU water. Sweep ,ibe Chicago News, sdeet a hot. wiady
I respeetalilc
Brass can be cleaoed and glvea a r to a. few miDOIes.
‘day, put up n airong ctolbes line and
ely put
Woodwork that has becume yellow |dn comforter on single with dMbca
cordltlon. If a closet ss all -bclte.- brflllant polish by washing with alum
IT was forth' boiled to strung lye. in proportluo of r U badly stained may be eluaai-d plus about Arc Incbea ^rt. Prop it
skelter.' as toe called
lib a mixture of a
taking powder. Stir to enough sweet
Mte ounce alum lo one pint tye.
with straightened out. No dirt
up sell and (beti. wltbonl fnrther
Qd two UbiiwpoMiruls of pulverised mony. lura the bose on II. Tbe a
milk 10 make a (bla batter oM take In
ever allowed to accumulate, and
Gas Ayutfi may be teUroni
urax Use a roaiwe ckilb and soai>
my grandmother nevA seemed In a mixing bmie i>owder with any
fordng Ibrougb Ibe cMtoo, will carry bnuerod gcra Has.
hurry or worry. Her work did
iiarcnt vanitsb and appivtog wMh a
with It even bit ut dust and dir.
drive ber as It does tbe more method­ brush.
R’bea Ibe comforter U dry
a rocipe lew tarallnre poltob
The polisbed'purtlons of swvrs mi Rub Ibe woodwork well and w plenty as Auffy and clrau os when Aral madr.
di«Mw were picked from ifae ical woman who makes a practice of
fine and will dm Injure toe
nes Uirndl.
of fresh, dean water to rinse.
Do not wring or sqoeege.
and In just one minute b) ibe cleaning her whole house In a week, be pgplceied frum rust by mnklng
id. To foar tablespanotnls
O for lbs gift of a pair of wlDgs
Dingy ollclMh may be brlgbtcoed by wringing ihol mats tbe cMtoa and
pnsie of fresh lime and water and a
I Ibe room was at least presect- and then often has a At of slcki
add four of d
Th Ixwr me Mrt of ike rsMb <a
bill ssaresuR. II
plylag a thick, cotttog. with a bros being washed with rlean wnler with
makes It bard. Wbeti they arc soiled
alifaouicb It would reflulre ball and a doctor's
I of leOKM Juke and tea
way of cleaning bouse
over the .surface requiring proserva- mile borax dlsaMved to It: wipe
tried this
around tbe edges lake a soft br
■ur or so, later, to put It I
f bosaMiold ammonia. 8bak'
Thloss to bay. mad Iblags to l»ke.
d It la reMy. CMrr mnsi bn
'IhlBst to mend, sad iblass to make, maculaie order. The backward glance much easier It is to rlean tbiags as
kd>t to an empty buum-. tree from dipped into milk and then wring as edges Iniorc giving Ibe sbower faalb.
nuast to measure and toluss to and Ibe seeing eye are as aecessary
dry as iiusBibIc.
go along than It Is to allow such rust, for months, by itaU method.
Down puffs and pillows
aU parts of tbe boosekeeping a
PoUKx water to exeelli-ni fur brigbi- cleaned to tbe same way.
imqum of dirt tn acendn
Wash willow furoliurt- wilh w
borne-making as they were In thU lapolish Is Impunaat lu insare madcal
TblBSB to dam and tblnss to paicb:
I next ID an ImpOMSiblltly
water and casillc soap: wipe very dry
To sweep a dusty carpel without
TUasa la Ibe garrel at Iasi to meel. staaee. and If ifac babli is one
must first be weU beaten and shaken: raising dusi over walls aM celling, rvsnl's. Two ur three chubs are ahwith a soil cloth, then dry I
quired. It.arlli mskc all (be difference tbrongb if without a breakdo
XaM away for the laoiVs iu cal.
(hen (Ske half a dozen good sited po- clear and dost down ibe room, and gv> solntely beevasary. CbeeoeclMb Is rx"But it seems to me Ihal on
or near a Are.
slatteraly and run '
The wblle are loll, at we did before.
eeilrot. Apply with No, 1 ratll the
.-rer would be done by Ibis melbod.
Leather which U ilnll and nlatnrd uioes and scrape them as finely
one-balf of tbe carpi
md seems lo have abeorbed Mora
To an their ptoeea srnk Tblngs some
smelbing would always need clean can often be restored by aplilytog oil powibic Into a bucket ball full
good carpel sweeper. When all tbe
ready for unexpected company,
(be mixinre: then rab briskly wlU
warm water. Strain, wring a do
and vinegar well mixed.
dirt has beea taken op Ibat can be re
coming Into n room or Into the yard tng. and Ibc routine of drudgery
>. : aad finlidi wllb No. t. Keep
.llosa, ond bona, oad citaking doors.
wllb tbe glance of a slranshaking the pcrilsb while natog.
give Ifae carpel a good nib all on
omiulng. of.course, lace eui
lABBdry wrlageri and hard-wood
toe onswepi half. Then treat
e bow the sight will sffort skeptical compsniuo.
other half to Ibe same manner,
yon. You will be surprised to see In­
If one uses a wet rhamoto ski
j and then sweep the Aoor
laee to wash wKk uanatuial skill,
using Ifae sweeper, aad tbeo
H R Imranger od Fital sM Robert
numerable.tUUe ihings wbkh far up­ le opposite." 1 replied. ~
dusting furnlinre. n furniture pollsfa broom. In tbis ny must of the dirt O. Hart of nnablaf
lak to padi so u wfU BM splH.
ask for a Crav
on yotubot wblcb you haee become easier to siralghien out a c
ARer tbe dust bas settled. Ibe walls will DM be needed. Take a soft
bas been lakra np in the sweeper, and rhlse for a thr IlgbtiAtlira^plaBi.
d to by ds>a and month-* few sreeks than It is to vrade Ibrougb
a Isbyrtotb of duu and clulle
rtaoiild be wiped down ailb a chan, mols skin from iwelve to elgbie-m yet Ibe room has had m Ibonxigb They I ■puao to nilUze m'- Oeaeacc
of ftmlltoriiy that >mi bare :
dry doth, and when It iKevimes itoiied iDCfaes square, wet It In warm i
mllU dam al fllal aM tbe Hart mllU
sweeping. 1 do nM recon
glren them a thought until now. Many discourages you from Ibe start,
—never hot—and wring It out Bi
dows that are wlpt-d wllb a
change II lor a citan one; rvib dodam at nnshtog. Ibc priBclpal slalhm
Icnves or aaytblag wet.
t can Is- adlusied with only
as posslhle. Use (bis a- you wo
ever} Inch of siare, tocliiding 1
IX- all rigb' to experieoced bands, bu' to be locaicd il the lailcr place.
Others bare serred tbeir time elulh and brlgU'ened with a <Ii.
dust doth II DM only remove
Ih" novice ran do a great deal of damand may be removed enUrely. Still oer> lime you sweep a room seldom doors and pll wood Anish: the KipO. let me See to the glaaet Mata.
dust, but Anger-marks also, and leaves
lxdustOr elie to oae of tbe racaat alara. others need more time, lint evi------- age of rugs, carpels need no loager be
DO lint. This I learned from an
be Improved npon lempoi
la omiply apaces to wander free
The Rsim shonld the* be rleaned. ployee to s Isnre pUno siore. A wet
msdc to wall a more oonvi
Wllb aotfclag to worry about but tac!
chamois used to window cleaning
hour for compieie repair or ebange. easily taken care of. a room at a lime. beglunlng with the windows,
The chief reason why so man;
Tbea. after a decade or two of this
wood-work around them should be after a wet cloth has removed the pie fall In rtnanlng fornlture covers equally In fact. 1 think Ibal even a ayMi
PrimeraL sUaple. and sylraa bliss.
rough din. obvlativ fnrtber poltohlng.
worker will aoon And that my grand- ricaord Aral, and then thi- glass;
j of the
ingx, etc-'is that they are too ec
--WlUi ualct nerces and a reeled brain
mMher's way Is an excellent one
If Ibi- siats of cane chairs have be­ leal In tbe u»e of aaplba. H mi
the glass Bofteu Ibe waU-r with
come beck to Tbinsi. and bcfln
folkiw..mtmla and use no soap: use a sponge come limp and sircicfaed. so Ibal tbc> ■■rally be poured on to In- al all cffoclsM garden ibis spring wlib the
-I'm going IU try It; nnd I'm golns for wmsblng. anti dry wllb a cliau. dry sink In Ibe center, the)' may be
Ive. If tbe rhalr nr soU to be cicaarel
—Mary B. AUbrl^t lb ChrisUaa Bo- lent eye of n stranger sad see If there > begin lomorrow.- exclaimed my
as good as m-w If none of the strips Is pisnvl in <bv lireeze—out «( doom
not many little things which
clot band |sdlsb with another.
deaeor World.
be done to belter Ibem. Wonders ran
If soap and water be usvsl fur rlian. of cane anr broken by wasblng them or by an open window—(be a
tog toe Anlsh. the soap sbouhl Is- add­ well to hill water and then placing will f'vs(iorate very qatckly and eveiy
Spring Ho a Cleanliig.
nails, a can of palm and a l-rtish.
ed lo tbi. water, and never rabbed dl them In a current or air (•■ dry. This vcsllge of miNlis will U- dealro}
Vor iboM- who
causes the cane to tighten up, i
sad this U work which <locs n<
the nrilcle- ar^ be led iu Ibc 1
The wiary bousesrUc slaads.
to follow Ibe advice given lu the pre­ rcelly on the finish, unless iu case of when dry ibe scat mUI U- qulle fiat
quire Ibe strong right arm of a
they may ls-«top|n-d In sbvcis tigbilv
With scmbblas brusbes. dampci
ceding nrilcle the following hints from rely olwllnaie s|>ols Mi painted snr- when Aral woven. /
II Is light arorfc and amnething every the Ladleil' World mill Is- of value:
plnnisl around (b*-m. This kn-ps
sromnn can .du- lA'hen you have arThere
anouat of the oilur in Ibe fur
AM sndi tblnss In her bands.
Cold tea is much ii-*-il for rli-anlng
There is a proiKT way to clean
and strength wllb saniliiaper lo
quited the faihll of the ‘ hacl
AM to a raaptog tone abc glees
uUuri- for a lung time and renders
bonsr. as there Is a piopcr way to do varnished wood, and ki-rosoDe Is a
The hired girl eomamada
-.loubly -afe.
good for chantng ellher varnished
aU Mber work.
InsUneUvely. and going siralgkl to the It should be supenlsod In a
be aashni off so much vasler. Use oneIt canon) lie'Ksi siremgly em^s
painted finl-h. Turn a llille keros<
A ng h woOBd aroood her besd
point every (lq>r. with do loss of time
sized Ibal no light of any kIM----lo cause as llllk- dlscomfon as pos­ In a bowl, motsien the cleaning cluUi half a cup of washing imla. we
To beep her bair In pUce:
or nDDucesann- expenditure of wnergy
. with II and rnb the finish |rrll. ebang- niiirle lo to- n-varntofarel. or i«lnlc-l. lie taken Inlo'the rooms while tb"
Bke has tbp bed tdoibes wildly pllcil If this method Is fMlowi-d out. tbe sible.
Upiba ebau'-d artldca, rvwraliy Au
Upoa tbe dresatog case—
spring bonseeleanlng wUI be found
Ished. arc there. Tbe lufiammable aa
Her Mae U aklDaed and Uwnr aru bare loel half Its tenors and ibc work cleaning means a griioral upheaval of as li iH-romvB discolored: wipe off wllb
the article wllli eliar water and lure of naiHbB vapor make It <-zc<v-<i
ilm wbede house, aoi even exempting a rlcati, dry clolhwUI bo lightescd by half.
get -tborouehly dry Ix-forej pul
one RMo for fbe romlon of ibc fam­ Carc should be exerrlHsI to clean
Brawn slrsaks acreas her face,
in .the jialnl.
the dust and dirt (borougkiy from out
Oisbloos. carpels. aM wo-.l draper
nom room to room sbe makea ber
The Ann (hlnp-4s
of every crack, crevlci- and cornet
le>. ma} ufely be eboaM In ibt> wa>.
Ouickly Prepared Ulshaa.
hralib of Ibe elcaner and Ibat of (be omlliing to open Ihe doors and dean
Rli-i- and Satisagv-s—-Slightly l>ruw:i anil all that Is niwesury I- lo throw
tbe lops and edges of Ibese. and ihi
Oar out Ihe foars and doubU Ibal
The wim: housekeeper will not at- part of the casings around IM doors ilire- Bcaht labb-spoonfuls of sausage all drai-erlea over a line lo Ihe yard,
grimly surt
■.pen Ihe windows, remove ibe
tempt house cleaning until Ibe wraiher nM exposed (o view when tbe door- fat from a is-rviotnv eookiag or
Uke ghaslf wliua the mind'a dim. l>reamr* wi
lard or liiKK-r. Add sight well pricked ping Irom ibe furailure. and let the
To ran Ute world's nSsirs.
are closed.
bannted rooBu
AM sadly sraadera home at olghl
stole to sit In rooms without artlSctol
When cleaning Ibc wlndow-ivsb. link ransages. cover and coMl sloaiy breeze have a fufl sweep, i hrougb tbe
To sleep upon tbe atalrs.
rooms for a day (w two, Tfacn iberei
to. la bouses warned by Ibe window should Ue lUted and the
Brash out Ibe eobwebs that yeur Bai­
wash thoroughly half a ponnd -of rice will lie oo offeaslve smell, aai
itovra—even If sbe Is- obliged
tneipoaed portion cleaned.
lee wrougbt:
furallnre amy Is- used with perffict
Rooms finished with bardvrood and parbnO 1< >» s^Oghily railed w
AM sweep away tbe gnidses tbal dure tbe hardship of being Ibe last d
safety so far as danger froa ire to
for len mlnnies. Add Ibis to Ibe
brr neighbors to liegln ^ring clean- should be gone over, after eica
yon bear:
• The pcMcal momeot Is Ulrtaely
with an oUed cloth, as It will resior- sagev with one plot of strained
Rrl>lace eaMi petty and angraclout tagnod lomato. cov«-r and draw to

Tbe rooms lo br cleaned Arm
lt» vy,uth and freshness.
• TbepnooBtdatyUtbyHaHers
Waablng WinMnra.
After Ibe fi%lsb has bc-en ctcaued side wher<- l( mill cook sloii!}.
A’itb one that Is forgivUg. true and those at the most dlstaai |mn M
Windows should be washed

one. or talce with a fork and Ip fif
boose; for If lhe\*l>e left until
and all olbcr washable |>urlloQs of
• Oh. aboo who loBgost for some
clear day, Ihe ones farthest froc
ii-.-n minuK-- add salt and pepper
rooms around Ibrnn have been rloani-d, mom. scrub ibc Auur: and wblle i
AM when the task Is Aaisbed. yon when
Aral and gradually work­

aoMe work.
is drying sponge the soiled plncn
will And
ing arouBd unlll all esa be w
• Do^ tbta boor thy glees, task
will get into the rlean rooms, panlm- Ibe carpet wiih ammonia. After th- all Hquiri Is atuiorfaed and toe rice
wltoont tbe sun striking them duiiag
That bapidDesa U drallaed to rt
lariy those Ibrougb which Ibe furnl carpet bas been re-laid, the rotors cj
• AM ibMi sbalt Bad. though amall ' Wllhln tbe aenlit rooms of heart and turv Is earried out.
(be process, else streaky windows
Meal C'ak«'—Mince any cold Uef
be greatly revived by wiping vrilb
at Srst It aeeiBcd. '
Isvfsieak.-and mix It with an equal sure to result anil the work will
One room only tomild br under Ibe cloth wrung out of warm water
And know your wortt has not
have to be done over. The best
• It la Ue work of whleta thou on '
cleantog process at Ifac same rime, wblcb a small qaanilty-nf ox-gall has weight of bread crumbs: add a
done In ruin.
very An.-ly chopped onbio and parsley, to polish glass afier It is cliaoed and

hast draamed.
and Ibis should be Anished and
been addivl. Tbe windows M

—ADBa Tcnple. '
—Rcynale Smith nckwliig. thing pm back to order l>eforr heglu- n>om shouhl Is- ois-n during this pro a mile slock, seasooing. and a well- dried Is to sprinkle wblUng thickly
Isaien egg roon Into a cake, and over a piece of damp rbamoi- skin and
nlng to rlean another.
cess, and uniU all trace of ticeni
fry In dripping laboul an ounce will mb ft well over all parts of the
Oaanlng Madt Easy.
Tbe Am thing to do when cleanlun nmoved.
A writer in Table Talk has solvi-d Ih- a room Is to rid everything from due*,
The oulsid*- of tbe windows of the t*e sufficti-ni >. ThU may be arrved dow glass, tbeo poltob with a
JTimM «( edlWsOMt vexlDg
dry ebamuis skin. As ibe inside of
with or mliboul brown sauce
qurallon of bouse chwning
the tnrntiuie. plriures.
wbule house should be finished a<
A dl-b wblcb may br made "Itber Ibe windows are apt lo be dirtier toaa
a most saltofactory manner. Sbe (clU etc., as well as tbe room, before rlraq- cleaning after all tbe rooms itave
rrlisbabb- or abollr nnfil lo-offiT Is toe onislde. It Is s good plaa <o fr.the story as follows:
Ing aBythlng.
cleaned. A long-hMdlcd window I
corned bvs f hash. U»e equal qiiaMl-1 bale winter. >«( I
Tbe furniture sheold be carried
III be reqalred.
lies nt the cold l>akcd or bMled i-i
fj spring.- Tbe speaker's
of-doors and thoroughly dusted. Includ­ Lare ctirtalni. draperies, etc. I
and rbuppi-d beef, removing all
a Mi opru. toowinsi disconicsied look aliogetber out of ing tbe iK-d If Ibe rtwm contain- one. tbe rooms of Ihe bouse, should be
Tla^re are bo bottea girta or
i stale of disorder to tbe rarlrikeeplai with ber pretty bene It SM the mattress and all bedding rlrened together at «me time, also grlsile: <ivcr this grate half of a modbraoeg to stub jtnz toeg or boop.
Ta Brighton Matttofi.
itog lost at a gDoat of tbe family seemed ralbrr incongruous, loo. for a should be thoroughly aired. Uphol­ blankets and article- lu be ’ pockH rate sized onion and season with pep­
roar boral.
Bsperlenced boosewIveB a
sd Ibrougb tbe hall. Her aual | person to dread tbe very thlag whicn stered furaliore should br brnsbed away during ibr summer. DIreetloot per and salt. Put to the frying pan a
Pricea bw, tioalit/ rigbL-fM tbe
spoonful of butter, and when It sail and water are ibe beat and safesi rirer-going.ereriBgUw. gBl*wii*ed
veved tbe weeping giri to the.was golag to liberate ber trok tbe with a wbtsk tooom: this iaclndea toe for cleaning these will be given later.
nenewt to bultole add tbe hash. agenu for cleaning aM
■Ust Bt Ihe eonfoaiaa
ihialdum of winter.
4eel Aemwtor, and tbe trowed
"Why do you dread Ibe springr' I
In Ctoaalng Tiine.
a practical leason. She bM her a«nd
Tbe store. If Abe room eontatos one.
ripod tower.
for from ten to Afieea mtomea.
al Ihe door aM give a sweeping iriam quealloDed
The colore in the can<et can b
should be token dovra aniT prepare-l
t^goo wont A AqBBR dcBl, Write
In omelette shape, {dace poacbe-l
at the ronm to nee m-bat tbiags looked
"Oh. becanse <ff house cleantog. It for safe keeping If stored at borne.
Ived by a weak lolutluD of alum or
the taorsL Then with a few quk-k Is almays tbe gbost al my fenat. It
“ 0HA8. WILL,
Plctnrew. mirrors, draperies, eunolaof waier. Wriag (b« dMb slawa
lonehas th« bed was ihroma open, the glares at me through my grimy win­ polrt. wiadew-shadto aM oihaaMBts
Nails Iret driven Into a
Wmiuubarg. '
sM rnb toe malUag briskly, the
' Aramt fir ^ Aennotor line o(
vrtodow opeaad. burwan drawers etoaed dows and marks me with r^tery whirl should be carried out aM Iboroaghly will nM spill delicate w
wltoadryaoto. It is am a good Mra riBanOlg, poaipe. tuks, etc.
MtU a coBrendcmt time for arraagtog of ditsi tbe broom raises on ssreeping freed from dun.

Dainty Foods
Demand It

sad I cuold DM help


Aennotor Tnissii
Tripod Towo'


New and Novel

r«css ti 12

Caaada Gives 6108400
working twolrty hours a day *i>d
W. R. HOaret. U400: (Merge OeuW.
Ottawa. April 21-—Tbe doaiaiaa
. gone day* wtthert raaL CMharal
Mra. Collla Huntington. 06400; ChaHet
Schwab. 0S400rClarenee Mackey. Ben- Funaton hat had no praeodant to Mi- Cuvrrwaseat baa voted 6IM4M for-lbr
Btor Clark. Mrm. W. K. -Vanderbilt. lew. but hit judgemant hat been M«K- vanbqaalie aad fire acBofon fa Baa
Thomat F. Ryan, each $S40a Other
Mewey site Record Safe.
urge eontrihotofa are Auguat BeL
OaklADd. C^l.. April 20.—At a Steeii. H. a Ottle, H. £. ISan Franciace. April 21.—Tlta first
Fmui Prfday'a Rw-ord.
iDc of banker* ikUnurpteg, Mr Uyneb
Knighte of Calumbua and the DeBy Hcartt Newt Service.
of tbe Plrel Natlooal bask reported
trait board of commerce, each $10400:
■tions arrived here today.
New York. April 20—ChMf Operator Beaton and nearby towne, $100400:
rumralilee had rxBBlard all the
bask aad xaft drpoait nulls Id Sbb
Wijdmaa wired Mr. Barclay of tha Andrew Carnegie, 060000: Loe AnSan Diego, April 21—Fourteen thou­ Kraseiaeo and found ibem all lataet.
PoatM-Telegraph eompanySfram Oak­ gclaa fund. $60000; Tacama. $31400:
Morgan E Co. $26400; Chicago sand four hundred doilsra were raisad This makes It eenaln that tbe money
land ferry haute at 10:20 a. m. aa falera for suttcring San Franciaca.
and {taper* on depeait are ail sate. It
$26400: peo­
lawt: “General Funalan M giving out
also reported that the books and
». clticent e
ple of 1.
tcfrta and it doing avery- field. Nev. and ten othera. 6300000 ;
Denver. April 21.—Reports frem raeorda te tbe Ban PranclMo Hall of

ThM H*r«M rMtfii*

leave that day far »

. If Che

the diy the InteiMkd the wn
6ut of the city three d»y« before the
nmeite iMt «mA,
tk» Ally •'■ppct.


iMNy Uka up
th. nm

M^atehM flvNi *" l*«t wmKY Hervid,
mm pIvlAQ • PompMP hMery of tiM
■Ntal calMiNriw ttwt ha* l>M Sm

New York dieiwtehe. **y that the
flee hM reeehed Knob hill abeee the

thing paaaible te relieve the auflering.

PnnelMo In nflrm.

“People eeeking aafety In the^ark*
elletltv-New York. April 1»—An
Fnn Thwedw’i Eeeoed.
e fairiy eomfenable but heavy fag
The MlpnloE ie a tummary of the Oakland epeelal aaya; “Fir, englnea and dew at night are caueing great dw<e returning from ftan Franciace.
MnrtltieM Ih Callfefnia at neon todeyi
. Tent of theucande of refugeea
he whale ally la doomed."
.flocking ta Osklard and .other
MAY BE 10400 DEAD.
tawna acroaa the bay from San Franporueh wiped eat and reeMent aeetiefi
Famine and peaMleoee are added
They have been wlthaut food
btfdlng. EsttmatadthatatteMMAie tarrere to the great fire now threat­
er water tince the outbreak of th* fire.;

Scattic. April 20—The reitaf fund Rsllaton. N. M- state that CapuHn
ere is rapidly growing and $1,060
active again. Lava It
cash will be at th* dispoaal of Uw San pouring down Its side*.
At Mol
Francieco committee today.
Springs. Colorado, the aulphur tprtagt
Lo* Angel**. April 20.—Subeeripin dograes and are get­
tions te date to the San Pranetace tut- ting hotter. The roeidentt are fleeing
$117,673 and they wiil be fee their livaa. The yolMwateno goy
greatly increased today.
Grand Rapid*. Mich. April 20.—Five



and Indicated the deatnietion of the
of life reported; mtpprty Mae heavy.
ter front on Van Nat* Ave and
Stockton— Santa Fa bridge aaSMd buMnaa* diatrIcL
of there. Tha main fire hat reached
Outalde the city great ainka four ta
Oetavia alreeL The Ferry building*
alx faet deep extend for mile* along present a fearful scene. Men. women
Buleun MUa and r. half at rnlli
traek punk from three to ala feet: the nllread which haa dropped oaver. and ehlldran ore trvlng to leave the
Madad peneanWr train
nearly an- at f**L Near Monterey, mud geyaer* c«y by any crafi they can board.
have bean cacitad Inte aetMn.
New York. AnrM 20.—It wae
Every available building in Berkley nounced that the Standard Oil

RalMIvaa in San Pranetace.
Mr. Lou (S)le i>f U4 line strrri is
■ry ■DUch arorrled. Iter brother and
bit wile left Sealtle for Ssn fYanriego
and Lo* Angrie* rn route to Bis RarM* Just te time lo reach Ban ms-

amiting lava and rd8 rlara at the lime of tbe dlsasier. Ur<.
Cole also haa three nephews te
Pranclaeo. They kept a'lempenner
irmil. tbe Puritan'* Real on Mar
» York, April 21—Tho f<
tree!. She baa heard noi
tetrgram haa been received her* dated
at the San Franciace ferry house. 8:49
m. New York time: -The fira that
Into th* ruin* reveal* a tea* ol
Hriad ut during th* night by aprlnggreater than th* effieial llsL A
g up at timet may get away from the
aervatlve aatimatt Is 3400 Up t<
emen at any time and .andangai
>cn 600 unclaimed bedia* had
crylhinj along the water front. How
been buried and cremated.

thousand deiurt have already been
All th* bakerita in adjacent place* are
Bubecribed for the California wiflcrora.
being worked to their utmeet capacity.
Kansas City. April 20-—In responbe
Th* people In th# city are living on
, an appeal this city will tomorraw
bat canned atulf they can abuin with
send.twenty far* ef preritiens, other
thaueand dead
limited number of ereekera.
Santa Haea -Entire town in ruin* and frem three thauund to twenty
cars being added at Lawrence and To­
“Chinamen, whau mettlement wa*
peka Seventeen thaueand dollar* was
and bamins Pram 100 la 1i» dead. thaueand injured and property laca
raised un to noon today.
Hwdrada tnjW Mare than 10400 frem twa ta five hundrad fflillianA
Nathing ta cat can be had exc^t
haniileaa. The'preperly Mae la at
tha outlying dWricU and the buratkig
regular meeting ef the
the first best te get to a pMee of aafe­
leaM 01400400.
of the malna hac ahul off thr water ty. The ocene in the extreme vmat Knight* of Pythias in thi* city laat gar ef a larger fire. The wind hat
waa coriributed for the diad down and aeveral tug* and war
ippiyend of the city, where thouaanda are
any in rvina. TWe hilled. Property
^ In the vacant lets and th- rallef of th* sufferers.
ahipt are pouring water fram the bey
law aatimalad at upward of 12400,00(1,
Tha fira la raging far five milaa and
vrlli be frightful whan the fire
the flame*.. Th* superintendent
paaMWy ae bifh aa •n40040a
along the water front thara waa na
M faat approaching that aactMi
Honolulu. April 20—People here
>e ferry heuae new pronounces
•an Mae All the buHdtaige are
light except the glere of tha tUnec. drives them out of the shelter they
era thrown in a panic by *n earth- aafar
b^y ahattared and mmr wrecked.
Ncariy a quertrr of the papuietian of have there."
Mke shock lasting fully aix mlnuUi.
Fif^ are dead and the property Mae
tha city hae fled ta tha hille and arc
There waa liUI* damsgt ao far.
Washington. April 21—Protte
upward of 0140040a
hamelees. MaKlel law hac been preLoe Angel^a. April 20.—News hai
Reascvell hat aaksd th* tentto to apAgnewa Ineana aaylum wraekad,
cMImod and nearty 4,000 aoldlere are boon roectved here of the terrible con.
Trinidad. Colo.. April 2(L—Mount prapriata for San Francisco on* •
tarsi number of pattanta la the rulna.
patrrtllng the streete.
diliona at Agnew where the state aay- Capulin, an extinct volcarvo eight miles ena-hair inttead of a million dollars.
prMHBIy Rfly dead, the yemoinder are
thr insane li located. The from Felaom. U emitting smoke and
roaming abort U*a oewntry.
Oakland—It Ie Impotelble U exag- building wae derrvolithrd and today
There were two distinct shocks
kaapar and hie entire family killad.
New York. April 21—Saeretery Tall
^rate tha horrora of the aituaticn in
completed. Up to this morning, it has not been in erup­
BanFranclaea Oile morning. Dynamite
yesterday. 10$ bodies were taken tion for many year*. The hert from will ask congress for an additional
Many el the rescued the opening la melting the enow on lop million today and there i* net the
echael brtidins. Elko hall, Maaenlt tam- or fire had deatrayed evary building j
riighteat doubt about granting the re­
Mantgcmtry or Second 81. and will net turviv*. Some padded cells of the mountain.
pie, armory, ally halL K. of P. bulWIng
quest.. William Waldorf
th* Chranlel* building wa* allll atand- were opened and the patienu releaaad
given 6100400
ing but wa* badly damaged.
tied, to treee to prevent self deManila. April 20—Twenty minutes
The 1100^ today voted the addHienal
Oakland the aight wai awful and there ctruetion and herm to other*. There
after the earthquake in San Franeiseo
mmed to be no hope for th* doomed is no other means of earing for them.
Oakland<-Bulldlnga badly cracked,
tyaaipa caliapead. CiHle Ifeuae awept
SuMctln, Oakland. 6 a. m.. Pacific
Now York.- April 21—The theater
San Franciace. April ».—All offorts
Irta theoea: «ve kUMd. '
Mrs. Lucie Buchanan, a eister of E.
flm*.—The fir* I* epraading every.
manager* ef this city will give
lill* of East Eighth etreat and 4
. Thera ar* > cheek th* ipraad of the fUnte* at
during Uw coming
’innes* avenue by blowing up a mile
nils of Cld Mission resides In
now ten aqudra mile* in flamei or ah
f bulWInga have fallen. The fire ha^ Francrtce at 621 Devuoadra frtot
raady devattatad.
apraad acres* the avenue and from th* nothing haa been heard from her.
Qhaul* began cwarmlng the devasatroyMl na Baatha reported. Pmpart;
present Indications the entire western
tted diatrlcte today but the federal
Battle Creek April 21.—Trw Muncil
oddltion eontelning the homes of the
roeeived in this city a
tccope and police were aidered
Mbnteray Chimney fell
wealthier class Is now doomed. The day* ago by Mr*. J. W. Hilliker fram voted 6600 for the suflerar* thla >
davm the thieve*. Already four
rrtf Utflng Wide and groom and
The bank* opened publie aobof this section completes Mrs, Margaret Murray, mother of
been executed. The OccWental
scriptiena and carieoda ef food iocludle dtvatUtlon of the entire cily.
, the Cracker National W
breakfatt foods and cleUilng art
that she would remain at San Franeiting and ImmenM Ocmilit bill
ready for ahipmtnL
San Francleeo, April 20—It It re­ ce. where she was vitiling her
in flame*.
port that the number of dead it 14*0
April 20 when she would
Pram ehoftly after midnight until
and th* property lots will reach over As today I* the 20th. or day set for her
New York. April 21—Report reaehod
5 e'eloek tWo morning no perten had
S28I400400. The damage at Le* An­ leaving the fated city grave fears are here last evening that fourtaan man
frem San Franciace. The
na (ana of life rapartad: preparty Mot
gela* wet very allghL
killed by the teldtars guarding
being had by many frienda
ferric* are In charge of the militia.
her safety. Mr*. Murray is a member th* mint at San Franciart. Pelleaman
New York. April 20. ID a. m
Myera waa bayonried ai|d klUad a solMePheraon corps pnd has
York. 7 a. m.—New York n
a aa Mea of life raparted; prepfollowing haa Jott been received: The friends In this cUv who w
r over a disaut*. The men rt the
hao a diraei vrire te San FrancM
fire, vrhich hrd croaaod araund
e killad f
with anxiety tame sign of her safety.
The latrat InfermatMn atate that I
of Telegraph hill and left a
wraekad: na Mae of Ufa rapartad; la atm burning. It rjachod Twenty heuaea atandlng, haa worked back
t, Davit of Northpert
Second and Michigan ttreats.
prtparty Mae heavy.
now devouring them.
San Frandsdo. April 21—At lea
ceived a telegram today fram hit
epreading In all din
MrttMai—Bank eallepead, No Mae
INM M«e bMi. teat. PrebaMy 200,000 ening total deatruetlen to the ehy.

ar« hanwteae and EOOD injured.

Records also eacapnl artlous Injury.

men as wall a* man are aha
vIolsUBg martial law. A woman

bank are te be ceeirt martialod.

ck it pregretaing rapidly on all
the water malna and four day* will ae*
th* city wall aupplied. Th* pcatofflca
It in full working order today and the
market it cleared of nibblah.

The CUR heuae was only damaged
the extent of 6500 and the magnificent
ly urteamagod.
Washington, April 23—Tho follow­
ing official anrwuneement wa* tent


from San Franciaco by Funaton: “Sevtelagram* hay* bean fteelvtd
hero requeating U^wviiatlon a* to an
mic ef eontegiout diaeate. There

Oakland. April 23—Th* coal t
era north of tho ferry houa* ara on fire
again this mornlnB and Ora Dips

Pitnalon as commander of (be 3.000

“Oarid Sterr Jordam’


Sutra bath* also escaped comporanve-

day of the great disaater dawnod with
flames still burning, (iolden

ka* aent a cabM Of aympathy te Preai- 610000; Mie. Phoebe Heafrt, 66400; Ganaral aite Mr*. Funaton, safen I

$7.50, $10

Oakland, April 23—Chaotic experl

Ban Ftancliux). April 24.—MaJ. Qen.

Other Extra
Good Values
are Our

A. W. Gralcy has tupereedod Qaneral

troop* at Ibis post. Funaton la lower
authoritle* are burying t
park reteinbled a mushroom
bedlet in trench**, putting fifteen
In rank and will act under Oraley's
where th* flames cast thoir glare over
a time and cannot catimat* t
ordCTK. More iban nine btmdr<4 Uxtlc5
that place. Fully 200.000 people
,d. The oatimale ef an army officer
have been recuvered from the
camped there. Rich and poor are ahar.
1400 dead. Thirty-five men
ha* been pteaaed Into aervice
psny had duplicaled John O. Roeketcl'
and buried.
■ng the same let and the men who
It by the trocp* for trying t
hoapltal and the dead and wounded ora lee's gin of $100400 for relief of '
were mercharit princes a few days age
Three atesmerx sank In Pscifir
auflering in Ssn Franctsco.
Mid out on the floor aid* by aide and
now share the IsbereFt leL
babies were born in th* refuge* camp*. sraters as tbe reaoll of Ibe earthquake
j Columbus. 0.. April 20.—About *16^
tha weundad given aueh attention at
Na fUamMs fupeHad. Property k
They were tile City of Pueblo, Ibe
jooe was raised for Ssn Frai
waiblc. Many cf the bodiot of the
Ftgurcs on the number of dea
London. April 21—A telegram from Mexican and Ibe Columbian.
' ferer*.
etimo ar* net yat identified.
,shingun. April 20—President only guess work. The police place th* Rome otatet that in Tuscany thirteen
Laland SUnford anlvareity building*
Many people are aick with inieumo
vmaekad. N* faUIKM*. Preper^ laa*
list aa lew as 1400 but an *•
acriere all wrcched and the atudenta are
nia as tbe reafliad tbe rold ralna.
fer tha relief fund.
Isays that 10400 would be i
and damaged buildings. The pt>
returning to their home*.
Legal busteesx was retomed today
ryiMB Thnnday** Record.
New York. April 20—In rcapentc to raet. About five t|jousand are Injured. pie are in a panic and are fiaaing U
Many Insane.
Andrew Carnegie's nReaige aending
placet of aafty.
Tfwr* were no light* Mat night
6160400 to the auflerars. the following
A detcalioo hotplial ettaUldied ir
College Almost a Wreck.'
which brought on freah <
Looting grows and with the irriUtetegram wst received this oRcrnoen
■e basement of the Barred liesri
Sterratni-nto. April 21.—Tbe fono*
rod glare of the fira tl
s the Wen beien of burning
from San Francisco:. “The chamber
rhapci Is CHed with peoiile driven lu
Impatlent ef the loetere tec Kicnnl rtaiemptit. furnished to thr
Oaim left Ban Francleca with him. ahadowa acraea the worn and panic ef commerce has raised 6160400 addi­
me by terror. Army officers are ai
and law braahere. The theoting of Axaoriaied rrr^is b.r Prasidroc Jordan
brth hartng traveled from Lea AnsaHa atricken facca of the homeleee. who
tion! jl"
ork on, a temporary camp fur ih,
the atrecte or slept on
men actually engaged in looting bat of Leland Stanford Jubior university
ta Baa Pruneima tegathar, but upon
hlaeoc. The goveramebt gives 4,(Hh>
become more and more common. Life
Maving Mr. Dunn wert te a vMagt
New York. April 20—Late thi* after­
is cheap now for theae who do net reasem’ milt* diatant from SaH
noon manager* of the New York ofRelief Measure Bignad.
Refugee* from San Franciaco this
tpect military rule on the edge* <rf the to tbe liulldlncs of Stanford ublTersliv.
' y. wbIM Mr. UHy left far Michigan
fieea ef the fira insurance companies
Albany. ,N. Y„ April 24.—Ooveraor
ng aay
Only tvo llvps were tost, one, a sluburning burning hell.
involved in the San Francisco dii
uarard J. A. Hanna, of Bradford. liigglu at noon (oday idgned lb.
H. jS Ward, gwa «r Mrs. J. 0. MwiFIREMEN
will hold a meeting. Speedy setUeliri measure for IfiMl.ono from
Pa. and a firman. Hans Birnh. ElRht
abn. la *n SM
Five firemen were killed fighUng the
"I be considered. About SIQOtreasury. Only lourteen hours elapsed
m Bruno rood and the coast between
BindeoiB were injorrd. none aeriousl}iw** takau a paalUon a* dark at the
Seventy-five bod
thc total lest falls or
,n Frsnerteo and San Jotc.
Tbr bulldlnsK wracked are tbe Memo­ from the time It wa* entered.
BL Frwicl* kutal. th* aacend largeet
taken out .of a three-atory lodging
eign companies.
Fortune for Blngor.
rial cborrb. (hr new llbraryfl the gymhatai In th* city. No word hac been
house at Fifth arte Mrtnet straet* to­
London. April 24,-Mis. MItly Burke,
iSMived frem him.
day and fifty more bodies are in eigM
vaudevllk- ateger at tbe Coliseum
rthquakc did not extend te Sacrabower bouse. Many bulldlnga of tbe
A brother of C. 4. and W. H..Ebn*r
At ieaai one hundrad were hilled
o'clock Admiral McCalta wired
M aMe ta th* dly and nelhlng hat
the water frant hat escaped dcstrve- th* CeamepoMUn hotel and 150 in the
aged, aa well as luiraa of Ibe abope. leg her title to 663S.OOO under ibe will
Baan heard P«m him.
e navy department tugs arc Breitewleh betelWallace Sawyer, a Ban Francisco
London. April 16.—King Edward »u
-bemtetry building. Faetea ball
fighting the fire atong the
ordered a eabla maaaage tent to Proi
and tbe loner quadrangle, ara prac- victim.
Washington. Apnl 21—Commiaaarr
South Dakota and California
Ucalty nntejorad. Tbr damage will apGeneral
t anchor at the UnMn
the Ban Franciaco colamlty.
cold vrind apfwng up through
Mbnh ratgu*. At • o'dack thla
prcrzlmate 64400400. Tbe 1
works have received Inlury.
4 tug ^ fram Sail Franciace today: “Bottled
las th* fire wa* atlll bundng and
and apparatui are BM greatly night and th* plight of the ampere,
load of pravisiona frpm Mara H and water .nrt needed. The water
Paris. April It—Measagm of eond
tbaugh finwnan art saorWag th* antll*
damaged. TbU metesgr. togetber with evectalty the wmnen ond ehlldran,
are being repaired and eoitaid*
Mnea have been cabMd to the United has been sent to the city.
aSy la dawMd.
400 private mcatages from the unlvar- wto pitiable In th* extreme.
everything, aflaiia are in a goad
BUtaa by Praaldint Falliaras and Pre­
aily eomunity. are aent from BacnNew Verk. April 20—Among the dittan."
Among the Michigon people llotod
eaatal Dak* raoalvod a postal card mier Sardian.
toanta as all telegraphic cammualeaKAISEirS
«M* awralhg from M* wifo. Th* peaPRAISE FOR FUNSTON.
'ak> Ado -aad all arouiid tbe ta the Imporltod distrtet ie tlw pute
farita. April II—Emperor Wilhcln^ American fund arc J. Henry Smith.
til wa* awBod at San Pranetaao April
Univeraal prata* la taprataad
•ishar of the Pori Huron Timoo and
bar I* OQt of commlaalon.
M aad atalM that ah* Intended I

Boys’ Long
Pant Suits

eiw* of tho people of San Franciace

tag the entire otiweture.



A Jr

Pram Tuesday'* Uacord.

were killed


Mttlc te five aeldicra behind
broken auto and was thoL


■ranty men


thet for bulldleg a fire In htr h
after being ordered net te by th* aeldiora. A grocer and hi* wif* were
for extorting men^ for naceaoltiet
refuting te obey the offieor*.
men caught breaking into the National

rtatttoen by a failing briqjc wall at U
The message stated t$Bt the was sate,
although a shock had been felt there vegetable markec Th* fiame* thi
W them.
San Franciace. April 21—The third

ter at Ocean Park, near Let Ang

Extra Good
Values Just
Now in
Men’s Suits

wtfo who art now OB a wartatsi

OveraUs 50c
Black or blueDOQ^ belter.

Work sum 50c
Black Sateen lad fan­
cy pattemt — larjre

Dress SUm
50c and Sl.OO
No better assortment
values than these
elsewhere -


Kvery pair guaranreed. Look us up
when in the dry.

& Hunter





mMB AM M00» «ft



WM 0* Om*


im» u» tk* mmoi «>d
Sib*gr»bt7 tor »i»«lOi.' W* • H«»
iuACtot r«T>e«. *^ot Id ibe tone
fc» ttey •rtlb* for tbe poblk tooi.'

rerie* »»k“ *

llHliiMT— CdwmUod* Bbr M
StobMU but tbe
#f« bMltbfal DM ax
|Id or tbit eoDBirx «
Ibr tb«
« u bbMlDMj Dee

df' ther DlUlB
»I7. Tll•*D^> bbU MDrtr
at eeDUeoer

la raapMoa le tba aall taaaad br!
Uarer A. V. FWedrIeh Sainrtaj-.a bom
«r ditaeaa «aa beM ta Ibe
<ooadl rooma at 8 ocloek BalordM
10 eoaiUer BaaMTaa to talao
____ fer tbe Saa Praadaco aoBerera.
Oe aeoooal of IM naeUa* beM oo
Satartar olcht. Ibe auoodaaee
Bot torte bot-^all preeeat were
■neb la earaeat aed ibe seneral aplrii
of Ibe' Bweilot wa» that (be
■boBld uke part bI tbe moreBeet.
U U SiereoMD wai elected ai
urr iad Maror FHMrtch ataied
obbwta of tbe seeUDK- After a
dlaemtoo. It was dadded that ibe
tbiee boaba of ibe dtr. tbe Etonte*
RBsrd aad ibe Datir Basle afBeaa be
Bade plaeea abere foods eoold be
left br ibode «bo desired to do
BoUoo. Wadecadar was flaed as ibe
dar oa wbteb tbe various aoUdtora
aboold atari out aad make a tborousta
caovass of tbe bualDeas bootee and
taetoriea of (he dir vHt
wtll be rccetved all week.
a ptoo as


WbOe trrlns to aical a rUe oo lop
Of a^ssenser car. mil brinRhaai of
Bar Cilr was swept oS aad later fmad
> (be track near Owoaaa. badly


The otomlum eflw of Farm and
FlreaWc with the Oratd Trsveres
Harnid wtll he withdraw* May 1st.
No a»U“Sl«n can be had beyond
that dstr. All subtertberm to the
HereM who deatre lb evall themsalves of thU preat efltr mirW do
so et c-ee. See sdveniameni else­
where ir this itsuf of ths Hemic.

A lodfe of the Rnlghis of Col.imbn* ; '
hasWn ortiaalsed al St. Joseph wl:i i :
slaty charter memUrc*. Il will l>c J
callPrt Ibe Twlu^iy counrll.

Traverse City Markets



SprMoe. Dr- J. I
TU^ SABoel Oarlaad aad C. A. UaB^
Ibe ekectiUve coBBitiae met
once of Tboa. T. Bate* at ::»» Tester,
dar afieraoon and the followlns ofdeers elected:
Cbaimae. H. 8. Holt.



ireasarer. Samort Cartaad.
Maror Frtedfteh preaewad * i
TkliJle Uicbtli Jlcylur. the plonccr
aunteailoB froB Ooremor Warner,
Bleriuary surgeon. 1« dead ai Uoalns
eochwlos bU pmeUBii
from ihe oBcci tif a sk-k boiw faltlne
Bid from Ibe people o
him lasr fsU, rrusblng his chesi.
ibo California enferr;
tkuia were decided upon. The j*
of tbe eborebes were asked to
after ooBlribollons from rnch bearse;
and the chief ofteen of each fraierni
soeletr were aaked to lake ebanf
anMcrlpllons tren tbeir societies
each OfdBBisailon to report Inunedh
aielr to tbe eieeiitlve coramlner

The martdoiir VICTOR, with, ns rndkM fund of entertalBBenL
Is wlihin rary rrs.-h «if pv,-ry liomr. N.i family need he dented H*
pli-asurt". un-1 .-.l-H-aihutsI loaiurri while a rouI VICTOR aisy he
U.ughi fur .ml} *tr, and Hwxrds a-; low as SSe earh.


Hull. Samuel Garland. U»n F.
appeloted who la tora v
J. W. Mllllken and I. II. Ollbert wnt
^ Mir out when II U bellered that
appolnied to look after the trrrtioi
Ub OMOrtMUr tM MMlIV b«w inBilUttfiW will eaavaaa Ihe bosliiaas aed Ibe eireiilailn* of the sslisrri
a# |D« U
to sa »«or be. dMHet aad the factortee. each one Ilea lists and provlrilna for the earre;
tin la tbU eooDtrjr bea there been havlDp a cacteln dlairtei to eovar.
las oot of tbe plaa aa omllne.1 br
rabBM for tba DamreDO.
On Boiloa. Mayor Friedrich then rieeullve comBlitee.
■BUlma e«atl la »oeb diraetloaa
SulecoBBlllces auil lerrllorr
appointed the followiBg executive
imlitw to bare charge of ibe vari­
ous details sad perfcM the plsns: ‘
STATE SANK EuTlDINO—E. W-Hasllng and J. M. Biskeslec.
ntbar aad motbar of Mri. M. O. Jomi
fbsr Blta aootb of tba dar. celebrmt.
WILHELM BLOCK—L R. BsnIC and J. W. Fnlehin.
8i ttlr raan of waddad life at tbair
HANNAH A LAY MERCANTILE CO—K. Menteput and H. a Holley.
llmifil boma Suadar.
ABYLUM—Or. Miner. Measia Frau. Bums, ArmlUpe and tht Missesdbott foatr cblMdor ffaadebUdreD,
HtaUraa aad Tidad^ present aad a FintM and Lawn.
FERE MARQUETTE YAR08-M*asra. Kehoa and Evans,
a a A I. a R. YARDB-C. t Murrey. ^
M. A N. a YARCB-C. C. Jsnks.
COMMIBSION MEN Maaare. Oaarsa Lardle and t E. Hibbard.
Mr. CtaBarmaa la fO ysara of age
OVAL WOOD OIPM CO. MaMra. w. C. Hull and Fred Lonpneeker.
pad hU wtfB la n. ‘ +M»tr-ali TM"
a^ they »o?ad to Orwid Treverte
W. E. WlLUAMt COMFAHV—1_ OeXate.
Mwntr fraa nsar CtadaaaU. Ohio,
ibd tbar bars dace coaUnuoual
Mad oa tbe farm tber aow occupy
Pbatb«ribadty. FUtj Mare MO last
AMar they wrea MnW «ad *w
Assn, now Brndata of aUbt rhlldnu
ted twaatp creadcMdraa. Mr. Md
Sn. TlBBimr^t— a larpe dreie nf
filaate «ha baartOy wte them i
ariat of
ter eoiHitardaltinp.
A tdapbMS aaaaat <waa raesivad
«■ Tbaadv br BbertB Jubaton from
tevtr. MaOtt Uiat two of Trayerre
mr» iiBifwHi. wb. t. sebDiti. no
BARBER BHOFt ANO BARBERS—lud Camaron. Oell Bpulres and W.
Marth Hapla kUaal, pad A. K. Lalap.
illkb rear c( «Pk pad ■aiteib atreait,
Jahraus. F. a Bhwtar and F. a Johnson.
Mare aader Bifaat at that place
teil»td nrttb tba jaaaft of eoant^
FRlKTERP-R. a Thnabar sad F. 0. Tlitbbam,
>Ht Maajaa^ tba cairylni of bnrHai
k Crew, F. aihjrm and A T.‘



Grihnell Bros.


Music House,

Michigan Dlslributcrs.
gs:,?!?*.. .. .
The premium offer of Farm and
Fireside with the Grind Traverse
Meretd will re withdrawn May 1st.
No ratensien can h' hid beyond
thit Lite. All subscribers (e the
Herald w'o desire to avail them­
selves of this prest offer musi oo
so at once. See advertisement else­
where in this issue of the Herald.


M Orsee. dsugbier of Hr. sad Mrs. D.
F. SkuU Dt 862 Stele street, was nailed
WllllDB Heavy Satfka
at tbeir boare by tbe Rev. 1„ B. Blasell.
Ilie ootele were Dtleadod by Miso
AlBa Sbraaile sad Loyd L. Skati. Tbe Maalstlose road starts In Traversp
City and uses a short track to ibe U,
wedding was lu tbe preseoee of
E N. E. (racks (o Haicbes Crenslo^
of Abe family,
where Its own Hbe begisa and rote'
of Cbirtes Solfks of Chicago.
tlDuasat Nortbpon. At Nortbport. (he
brMa was attired to ligbt tan
car ferry conaeeis It with the M. A B.
oresB. Dbd witb tbe h
rted esresUoBs. Tbe riag service was to Nortbpon. At Nortbport, tbe car
used. ’The couple sill take up h
ferry coaaecu U with the U. 4 N. B.
! Other misailoo against the mac
keeping oa a farm ai East Bay.
and Mrs. Saifka have a Urge dreie of | ren settled aad it U tboucbi



If Yon Arc Suffering with

€f*s or
Dtfectlot WshB

Nortbport. MIcIl, April IS—The ear
ferry Maolstiquc arrived last aigbl a^
11 o'clock from Milwaukee, where ' *
went ten days ago te eater Ibe
dock for repairs of tbe rodder. Th»
morning a lUrty-car toad was p’Aced
board and Ibe regular trips agslB bo>
gun betweei) this port and MaaUii<|ne.
Though tbe G. R. 4 I- held shlpmenu
duriog her absenee. beiween to uid Ml
can are still awalllDg trensportai loo.
The return will be made ibis eieolag.
The fouadailon wsils of (be Dew I.
O. O. F. ball, which wIU he erected
nrxi to the loarn ball, are bdog laid,
Ihe bail vfa« dnUhed being ooe of
!the bem lodge balls In the coun:>. ibc
depth being Tfl and Ihe width aboul

Headuuarters al DetrolU

Traverse City Store 159 E. Front SL

Sprayitifl Cime
It. near at fiAnd and you lia>l lietter gi-t yonr wants in early in
(iitlcr to get till* Uat uinternla.
\V<- (dsrry for tliis |>ur]> rei- Utne Vitrioi (Co|^r Snlphate),
.\rBeiiic. Furmnlin. Liv. r <if Sulpliitr an.1 Lavenlmrg’s Pare
Paris (iiiv-n.
if you will piircliaai'lhv*L'urlifl.aof us. yon will certainly
not gi> «Rwg us to ijiinlily or price.

$. e. lUait $ Soiw "
Crsvcrs, eily’t Ctsding Drag Stsr,

Wt; have publisheil testimoni­
als from many who have btten
cured by wearing our special
ground lenses.
If Others,'vky not 70S?
Examination Free.

I Dr; P. A. Wolfe, Prop.
•'#13-414 WirnelmBlfc

Dr. B. L. Paulson, Ass’t

at. pbose 354.



There Was a Reason
anil A time wfien many jieopV n.iglil liefitate to vi»J a ilrnlist.
Wlial tlic ir friends told was tuflicienl to Iteep them i^ny.
Proerm U denUsuy his retfneed I
Ihat fimr of pain is al*olutely owlraa
Attention your te.*th nee*l, is n conlinunl Invitation to iiiuny
things which in later life are not to be desired.
___ ___ -T kind One proof that my oprmtii.ns are the satii
that .liuse frivuds
tey paMMt are ueliRhUvl
uelighbvl to uiak.- sLvte
to coaie ID and want the sami- kind of honest work. ^

city opera House BIk,

Are You Going to Houseclean This Spring?
Tbe First Tbinr

patepaaed hy Mr. Bcbnlis.
Tba measace from SberIB Ridder.
■rated that about *60 worth of the
tree Bteey was tMiPd.WB tbe two
wbM arrested. It is oadersteod that
ProaacatlBC Attorney Cross slates that
tlw alletod coonterfeftlaf caonot hr
Suit Apalnat T. CL, L. E M.
MBBlly mUM MBBierfalitep as ibe
Leland. Mlcb„ April Ji.—The Colon
^MMels" were net made to rei
Trust coBpaBy of Detroit has begun
BlebsU aaaepl as to alne and welpbt.
(be local ClrtsUi coon agalasl
iw paepMa btdop tlBply to operete
Ibe T. C. L. 4 M, for
tbe mortgage held by Ibe truu
lany wbo advancod tbe Bsaey to
band the road.
The irtM BOOteaay aika that an tnA Frette WBMIap.
A very qolel pretty weddtec tote BdlOB -ta Maoed, ihai a reedter bo
jbMa at Id'iMi Ibis Boralac wbea Bib- ppoisted aad that (bey be gjvea the


«<li<- fiw ealsbiciieK SI»I all Inl.irmalhui.
I'lifeisn 1

IMte MM as -Kiekpd lato here preFOPTOFPICS—A. E. Qlteard and Claod Puleer.
WiMIbtaraMlacdata. SberlC JobnNOATH Plot OF FROMT PTfllKT—C. A. Hamme
W wWiad tbe borne of tbe fotBer. W.
f. aemu. where be tcraad e wife end F. Carvar.
POUTM PIDE OP FRONT PTREET-~A. U Baehant J. W. Hannan and,
bte. ten. tebalta bad la bar poateaahB some M tba alleted eounterfrti J. W. MllinMA.
MBey wbMb artdMtly bad besa
te>a salTMIsM boa. B raMBbM
STATE STREET Barway Anderson, aad W. bk. Fairchild. .
PMBBab plDM iron waabart ai
bMa toifMiMani to aiebain. Tba alRANDOLPH AND BAY STREETfr-Chas H
Itert Boaey ted bacili naad at lianey
M raa alol aiaeUnes and tbe arrest of
FIFTH WARD—E. J. HacM. tea two alleied MMiarfalicrt

: J, M. I
to Jobs A. Qrinib of Oraod
Forks, B. C. Mrs. OrtfSth is a realIhla city but (wo years ago
Seattle, where abe baa a
made her home. Her marriage
eurred there April II. and ibe bappr
couple will Bake tbeir home at Oreo,I
Forks. B. C-. where Ur. OrtffiUi l>
proBlneniTy conneeied with tbe amett
lag works. The brtde has a bod of
friends in thU eliy wbo mill wish her
IB her new boeK. While
here she was an aellve Beaber of theL. C. a A. and lefi a large eireb- of
Maads Bpoo her removal west.

Here’s a Splendid Offer
A eoniidolo oiiiflt. cnnslriliif «f Our VICTOR msehlne. operaled hy
nolM-l.-ns Rprloc Holnr: Itmss |t, U llnm;
Needles and OKR
,iw*n F.'teetlon,

mkais^ ta-'iOtm.

Mrt. Beteltt Btatad that her baband Mft^oBe tear or eve dan ape
ted tee espactad bla boow Saturday
Md bad*bei»Be praaUr worrM over
bh pna apiifaniirt Mr. SebuIU. by
IwMBtea. U a llaeaan, aad when be
Idfl teme be look with blm. hli wife
alatod to Mr. Johaaia. a brace aad bit.
Bbd a lAir of coanarton which be add
lip lataaded to are la plrte Ua trade
whea be tand mptoyBeat He tnrtber laiaaded to aeod for tbe renulnppr MWi taata If be fomd i
•A rWt at tba boBC of Mr. La1b«
tooBd tbe wife away aad It is andersteed that tee bad pone to her butbaad. Upon larcstlsnllBt in tbe city
pool rooBi. Mr. iohasen foond censMereble evMcfiee ibni alopplBC Ibe
aioi Bweblnes in this city bad beea
panned tor sosne tlma aad a haadtul
of tbe IroB alnps were foond
Um billiard baU which bad been
tteM eat of tbatr sM Bnehlne.
4lr. BMnlU was lorrnmj employed
ta Millard balls le the cHy. harinc at
OM time worked for Harry Heeree.
wbo. too. bad been employed In
bbidware dapartBeat of the Hn


a Genuine
For Every Purse

Hou are your walls?
Do they need papering?
You will (mil WALL
I’AI’KR at our store.
How are your Carpets ?
We have just what you
How are your kitchen
and dining room lluorti?
What are you going to do with them ? Did you evrr
stop to think how much less work it would be for you
if-j-ouhad LINOLEUMS on your lloors? We have
just what you wan.t.


S^e of our friends may ask “How
do you know Hannah & Lay Co.'s
‘BEST’ is satisfactory?"
answer is easy'......................................

Customers TELL us so.


How Cbat Spring ^
Ts Really Rere,
IhcJlASE BALL season is with us.
loo. Every lover of this great na­
tional game knows that the


Base Ball Boods
are um xcclled for all kinds of wear,
and wear is all that's needed. Strialjr
guaranle^. ttniform in price every­
where and conforming to the league

Come and visit our store and convince your­
selves that it's the place to trade to save money.
The premium offsr

YoorTtidiaWe FnroiUirt* Klnre,

Grand Rapids Furniture
I2T State UaiSD Strdcl
t of tfM Herald.

City Book Store
tnvtn* atf, mkk.

ALD, THUK>DAV.'»Hifl.iW.^<ei.



i-*, tner Uy.^l|^»fcy
[I^D^ *irrr fcaif-. 0~- »•

S|er c»liBm4 N Tiae Depwtia

in thl» »wfc 2,775

m. Reuben o( Keystooe, wtsro te»Arthur o( CAheiton. Tcsm; Herbert for Ktosaley. where abe will apea-1
•r« lor Beanaba today, where
Chlewo. The two Uuer w« fwHaakr wnhrirn aad H. 8. Donglai they win loeate. havlag sold Urif
aertr enplared oo the toree of the
rishty-aere farm at Keystone to
Becle IB thie dtr. both el preMiit etlU are apeadlng the day at Wilhelm eolCharles £vtna of Ula city.
:lDg ie oewipeper wort. Herbert tage. Umg Lhkc.
Mrs. Hattie Scott and daughter.
Hl» rau BIU left for a trip to
betas oa the Chleoco Stock JoutsbI
Ce=a rtsturned from Sauons Ite)' to­
Wd Arthur ee e adwigeper to OelTee- Oraad Rarida thte awratng.
J. D. Hatton left for Korthport to­ day aflrr rlaltlBgojer^uBday.
loB. Tek»». The fasmt oeeurred 7«»Frank Sm^-f^thii morning for a
terrlar aneiwaoB.
isiness trip a Unslag. Grand Rap-|
Mn. Dsnhel Add! of tbU ettf to
Ids and Detroit.
Pram Hoadaya llaesrd.
Mrs. Anna Bargy rotnrned
Jlr. WhHe'a Ceaditiea.
- _
by L
The »Bipou«t«i of Ue rlghi Umb be- boate at Fife Lake Uli morning after
bkxMl In the borne of J. W.
racD the enkte Md ibe keee ww per- vliUlag friends In Us city.
wmiarni. a well known merchant of
The Rev. and Mrs. J- D. Carter -<
fonned upoo Bmer B.WhlU Thorodaj
preerrMfod. .ererel phy- Haalon spent a short lime In the cllv
lungs.’ and waa near deaU wb<
wbM I beand returned to tbelr borne i
•leteBi betas la BlteodBoee dnrta
ing. Hr. and Mrs. Carter expect gaa Wking Dr._^g^
1 have re.
10 be listed In the mUrionary _______
4 cares
giren at 10:20 and al 12 o'clock
the trat mcoaage mna the borne tent Belds of Africa under Ue auspices of llim^ages, Chronic Coughs. SettlM
CoMe aod Bronchitis, and Is Ue only
aaiunioMd that the patleai i
kODwn cure for Weak Lungs. Every
t. j. j. Sheehsn and slslias out from the anicrtbeUc
lioUh- iniarantced by Johnson Drug
dlW Margaret Sheehan, left
Co. F. II. Meads, and C. A. BugW
Drug Cq, druggists. 50 cents and $1
1 that during tbe touU this morning. Ue foi
Trial Bottle 10 cenu.
(be McratloD. which laaled one hour, going to Grand Rapids and the li
> her home at Bay City.
the pulae icmalDcd atrong, the anacanr. Nathan West, the f. at M
Mrs. Bla Canfteld of Kingsley ar­
tbrile being gtreo half mn hour mad
rived In the elly this morning, where oldesi living gradnaie. eelehrated hlv
ihe remalalng Umr, IM padent
eigbty-secund birthday In WastilogloQ.
under the ahieatbcllc with she uier In tbe anenioon
1). C. Salurdt}- Ur. Went..................
good pulae. For a brK-f time after Bingham to rialt rriatlvea.
Mrs. J. S. Baum and three children degree In l«iC.
iesrlag Ibc table the pulse eontlnoe-l
to wMkes but at 3 o'clock ibc patient returned to their home In ShgUaw
day after spending some time wlU hc.waa rallring and the taiesl


Hr. aSid




O'Keal. oo SInU gircc:.
Mrs. J. D. Uodslay and two cblldreo
Vt'htle's coodltion U still serious, bu:
Bvalloa and Herbert, apent Sitoday In
with fair proapecls of recoveo-.
Grand Rapids wlU Mrt. LIndilsy. wh->
off UaJoo etreei. woei, atoag (he
has a local run Uen- on the Perc Marb^ ct the rtrer.
Moulague. sccreUry-trcauurci qacilc.
Mr*. W. n. Thomas of Ik-llaiiv.
win be and general manager of ifac Hannah £
spent the la:;t wrvk In the city wllli
aerrjr to taww tfeet hti eaodlthni IA7 Mereanllle compaDy received yesb>T uBiiBhirr. -Mrs- Ik-n Murcao. anl
lerdar one of thu Bnest auto’s
(here b praet
to Her boicc this afiernoon.
apecdod on the alreets of this city. The
for hb leuweiy.
Mrr. Jennie MeiAughMn spent Sun­
oDter is a While ilcamcr with
day in the city with her iirtert,
Mesdaroes A. Huff and Jennie Linds
caaioB demands to from tblrty to forty, Icy. and tvlunird home agiln IbU
this always belag a rescrae power
ready for any emergency. The nwpower of the White Is atoam. the
>*wUeh blietaf pel la the T. C, L. boiler brins designed to carry the
A «.*n»d «t iht dtf water wort*, water above aad the steam bchiw.
die rtdetochbellit ^tka Me o^the while the are U eoWroUed by an
tMub ft iMr warrtoMO Jeat oaat matte gauge. tMs being prlmarfly sou

Robert Hewitt and family will 'rf-sve
tnlsy for Pellston. Hlcb.. lu male

returaod to htr home this aPeraiam
trolled by an aatomatic tcmpei '
after visiting In the family cf Mr. and
device, Oaaollne is used In genei
Mra. Joltfi Dili for Ue past two srecks.
Oee. L, iilMUar «t dhtcMo. «ko beat bat ao perfeei la the patent for
Mrs. Frank Perkins of St. Johns ha>
geoerallog power from the bent of
been spending a short time In ih
Su leto a test
steam that the Vt*hUo whole motf
totcada maklolli
^U> tbeatp p
power U holsriciaa and the largo tour- city iriU her daughter. Miss Florence
1‘crklns. teacher at Doardman av
forytttPu w
sUool. and leaves In the morning for
in midair. Hatty of the cliluaa
In the past two days onloyed drlvaa Priosker. where she win spend
(Jerblii at Orawa- waa arooBd the city.
TwMce 0. W. Cutia
warraat charsSoya Arrasted.
TiolaUoD of the lienor
lerman Ocnsiadt aad Jamei Uv|i
April . .a, agad'19'and 17. w«e broaghl i
huh Jnitiee Amll -F. Nerllnger today
upon a complaint charging assau'
,t of the time bring too battery upon Ue peraon of Uc teacher
Tare Ibc program draired. of Ibc Acme school. Manrtea A. Bj-ao,
lit Trawtoatj awaWani bare po»iWhile walking ahmg a highway

A Lucky Postmlatroai
1:1 Mrs Alexanrtrr, of Carey. Me.,
has found nr. King * New U/e Pi
be the best romeily she ever trie
keeping the Stomach. Liver Md
els In perfect order.
Youll i
WlU her If vou iry these pal
purlBera that Infuse now life. Cu
• -1 bv Johnson Prug C**- »• Hand c. A- Kugbce D.-vig Co,
drnggis-ls. Prlpo 23e.

The premium offer'of Farm nnd
Firealde with the Grand Traverse
Herald urill h* withdrawn May 1*L
No eirtenalen can hr h-d beyond
that date. AM eubser.i—* n the
Herald who dwlre to avail themtelvee of this 0''mI offer mutt da
to at once. See advertisement risewnere In this latue of the Herlld.

ibclr fiflarc home.
From Tuesday'* Record.
Mlvs Emma dolinchack of Pi-un-kc-y

«S the jyplBs eUUea.

tbort tiise.
Mrt. james^ Turk ef Lake Ann
making a visll nl her moUer's. M

anOMOit Nil 1st. 1503

Mr*. M- A. Kroupa .tf .PeUntoa retnnied to her heme this morning after
spending a short lime In the city with

mlag. A very tne proiwaa asaaullad arllb a bombardmeat Jt
I will be gIvM and the eilra ttoe
'■goM- eggs the alleged aaaauKcra
U ckgaddad ia brtafUg this to a
briag cooeealed In nWrby shrubbery.
The eggs, ao It U aUeg«l. did net v stand Urir air passage Urougb
Crheeoaf^ of & & WblU
and ao partially erpended tbelr
ehOMd far the hatter tUa
la oa the bnahea before reach-


teg Ibrir marh. Howevar. rireoi
MM a M*rt
^_4hJkiWsdcllrtMi ia'KMewhat ahaiad. Ual evldewee cansed the warn
attoadiag phyaidaa. be laanod and Sheriff Chariea Johnson
ir. Swaaioa. a
this aflensooB that the ray of found Ue two young boys SatoctUy
at Harrison Palripber's.
held oBt BOW waa brighter than


where they were employed and they
weie lodged in Jail over Sunday. John
^ Har4 B. Hllkr. foroterly resldlat la W. tratcbla appearad In court in their
|bli ritr at W Vhlley atraat, dM al
It artenoM at 2 o'cloek. Ue
« adjoarwed nniil 1 o'clock
Oie Hartae bosplui at PorMouOb

gay time atoee the operwitos.

*a. on Satnrday from M dttart of
l^laal mpalaglUA
The deeeaaod

Mrs. Lewis Manlgold and llllle s
Alberiut. returned to thrir home
Kingsley today after a virii in the cii>
with Mrs. 8. Ryon.
Hr. and Mrs. J^nll Andoreon at

In two yonrs.'wv’ingsDepw-itswere

Itt less tiui \bnt jtan aprt

I9B6.) SgTlsp IHpoiltt

■ hy August I.
a A. B. ahd Walter Blngbam.
B wcwl to Chicago iwo werits a«o
aertoua iUiiess of a
»ere tbero only lo
at he paaacd twity
foarral took plaee

|r«dBeedqy. The daeeased was C
Iffmrs oU aad B twldent of Chlempi
fut h^ teBU to«h pUee at QuIbo. lU..
*hete he bad gow hM Ue barial aUo
(bokpiao. The hroUwa hnvc BM yet
mitfBed from thea Bd trip.

at the family home AprU tPU afier
hoadltioB of semNavBUdtam tesiteg

For Thin,
You CBB irupt t nediefne
tested flO yetrs I Sixty yetrs
tii experience, ibiak of cbstl
BxperkBce vM Ayor's Strstptrillt; the oritfntl Sires*
psrfils; tbestroagett Sarsspo*

tar Bboct Bve monUi. death beUg d«c
H old age.
' Kt*. Meady Was br mnny-yMn ew
dr ii« bevt kaown of the e«r:y realiHii of UU city hB^ CBM W Trap■ae nty Id tii'wlk'BtHra
TenpMrs age Ue family removed
{hgc. wheee they have alacc resMed.
dy, Chleac



An Elaborate Showing of What’s Right
Buying as we do in such quantities with only a few of each model has ffiven
the Cloak aod Suit department the most extensive showing it ever had. The fact
that there are but few of each model and that we are constantly receiving new styles
is an assurance that the dewgns will not become commonplace. The woman who
likes some particular model, but does not care to have every one have one like it, is
assured of this here; not only that, but she is auured of a much greater variety than
can be found dsewbere.
Buying in the quantities we do we are able to secure lower prices than » the
dealer who biys only a few garments during the season, and we buy only from man­
ufacturers that we know by experience make garments that arc worthy to be offered


to our customers, with the result that
we have the best Coat aod Suit trade
of any store in tbu-part of Michigan.
We have ibis trade because we
merit it. People would not come here
year after year unless we could “deliver
tbe goods."
We KNOW it s to your advantage
to at least see our line before making
your purchases.

Coats and Jackets from $S to $25
Excinsirc Models in Sails
$10 to $50

.\tt- 'Wiif tliiUani in tbe al->vrC li
taka liui oiu- ..t then. «■» suri *'■

TraraseClty StiteBii*

D« You Wear

Olork Shoes?

Item kedfea a Bmiher. Hn. 8.
]hliliyi*teltt- t«» alalcra, Ura. B. C
and Him Mabel HUler. From Salnrday'a Record.
% ydnag hcMber. Win. Tho young
The family at Milton Bush. \Z» G« \
■an was In the Unllad Siiiet uvy. BeU avenue, are rcjoldng over U.-1
The body.'wU he tewaght acre.
afiiva] of a baby boy.
Hlu H. B. Rlehlor of Ludlngtou
O. A. Slater of Ponilac passed
rtved 111 the city Uia afternoon to
tteeogh Ue city this moniliis on hU
al* for an IndeBnlle lime.
ttay to Honor and Bnplre. where be
Mr*. J- W. Dlekcnnan of Solon
ttin al once attend to Ue eroetloa of
rtved in Ihe city this aneroooti to
B honk buildings for D. H. Power
tod to the regular grange mccilb.;
t PooUte, tbe bank buildlaga being
is bring held this afternoon.
imllar in arMIteetural deiigii. thrir
BWpbsn tAuUer of Colon I* on the
elag 2d by M and M c<mg w«h aloae front. Tbe coat of dty ttreets today while attending l.
h w«I be »4A«- Hr. Slaler cxHits Beulab Douglai left laet nIgM
s to have the baUdtngs In iMdl-

Suits and Coats of Beauty
and Character

Tl« tiral Ssivi..^.^Deposit wa.

J. W. Kidder on Graui street-

April IS to lake the evening train tor
Traverte City. It la alleged. Mr. Ryan

OBBt of tbe
I4y BBd Ihe


sUlcr of (he deeee^

If not. yourtlon't i;el the comfort, case and wear that
you miitht have in your cvery-day shoes.
These hand-made ^liocs of ours are strictly
band made. The same as if made to your own order
by a custom shoemaker. They are shaped to fit the
foot easily and loosely, but without wrinkljfiKThe leather is the best stock—made to resist
water and wear, and yet slay soft and pliable.
The prices are lower, perhaps, than you Have
been paying for ordinary shoes not as good.

digb and Em Cut,

$I.7S, $2.00, $2.50,

WhatTradeWcHavc We’ll Hold
And what we haven’t got. we’re after. These ads. are an indication
of what we have. If we haven't got what you srant we will get it
for you I. ..................................We go more than half way.

The greatest stock tn this part of the sutc/ Nifw goods unpul^
ways in touch with the \-ery newest jroods made—Dining Chain;^
Sid.-board8. Buffets. Parlor Suites. Turkish Rockers. Moms Chairs. Leather
Couches. Davenports, Fancy Rockers. Greatest assortment, awcUest designs,
lowest prices.

Sewing by Machine

GHINE? h is the most complete machine in even-detail

and sells for $40. The
style with five drawers and patent drop head sells for $35. f you cannot come to
us. drop us a line and we will have our special salesman call and explain our most
liberal terms.

Ironing Boards
Has nice oval end for ironing shirts.

, You Have a Friend '
avc you a picturc-that i The picture ii b^riful and you
Who gave
framed-chat's your businesi. You bring it to us to have it framed-<hat s
our business,
and a good hustling business it is, too. Busy at it all the time. Cau»c
why ? Keep the newest mouldings and mat bo^s and do the finest work. We
have: unpacked
somee ucautuui
h^amiriil iuwuiuu>||s
mnulriincni jw.
lust the stvles and' colors vou want. Alunp

0 shhow our beautiful goods.
ways a pleasure




Grand Traverse Region.

Parmen are all very busy gettb
tbe gpoond ready for aprtag grain.
' TbHw waa a toremll party at U
Miat lAora PeteraoB '

eottaaa oa tba bank of Laka MlditNOnCI TO CORRUPONOCNTa.
S*wy ««Mk MrTMpondae* i« r»
Ma tB uw. All eorfM^Mtd- -*^etar Hoeft to .
MMmM fM6b tha
Mt bow to lowB and wIU
Otto HawU
Bt call tioo Jedin
Wa teto F
a cf tbe UcUaae.
Ter Sayder. «
toat week.
Tbe ateaJBW Ledatum will aukc b^
jw trip betwcaa Lelaad and Fooeb
Mr>. Boaae haa monad t« bcr **aaa. AndarMD drove out to tb
iry BsBday.
bona tn thia place alter a loaelb'a rlall la WUeonaliL
Ml*. MlBcr waat moat oT laet ««ek
t^Tneerae Otr rUlUiic Her da«r>HatBBtar U balldlBs a boaae oa
■■ C' Beat Wllaon oT Traeaiae aif bto are
fann and will work (ho
S bar pareau, Ur. aatf Ur*. 8. & ramfalher'i
oo abam.
I. «r tUa place laal «ae'
Adam Cbappal
■to vorklat for Otto
1, a loraar rcaldacii
by tbe aieaU
DOW. aa lirnipte of
a' Hobo at Onad Raplda, apoot ford'i ram. bai n Med oa Jobe TU-,
• -a bare laat week.
Olda of BumiDli City bat m
m Ureo, aaalaUBt aaiflBaer do
met Wlte'f (am and will a
3 tba car ferriea at LadlarOB.
feCBa to racerar Inm qalta
e tnam eanaed br belns polUw heme of Hr. and Urs. Orla
tat Tfaoiwday erralog aod en• boat baa
>oyed a maple augar and l«* cream aoC at tbp dock all day
eUl given bv Ibe ladica of tbe Blackbaavy wtoda.
tl —
maa Sunday' acbool. Among
-------- ttSbapard baa kobo to CUea«D to from
,r. and Hiw. I
t Hn. Lee Qlbba
Itaga of Haa
OriB Lone Bsd family dmve over 1
Heir (am Bear Hodge Friday.


Mr. and Hn HcLaoe and danshler
a^IMa ot OBena atCoDdad the SoBday

Hn. Bcrwis and Hn. Atk
been «B»yiBg the Dae wcpi.
PBat week by taking aevcral drlvea
throngb tbe awntry.
lOa Hattie Paoloa rWted bv aia- Fred Alktoaon teavea on Thundw*
ter, Mlaa HetUa, who to taaeblBK at to BlleBd the coBVCBtlon of the A^ S. of
Vet't Bay.
Mra. Lao Winer apMit Monday In ^A*d2re^ wadding twptlao
given laat Saturday evening by Hr.
• -In. John Ulknla In bo •r of Hr.
aM Mra. Hau ADderaon i
In. Cbaa. HIknIa. who
from tbe Bontb HaDitou I
Bay Tbunday laaL
ITaBk ABderaoD of Omeoa rlaltod large nomber of frlenda ai
goeata were pretent and i
UInmeat waa voted a sDccei
Albert 6«od
- d Tialtod
wEatioaa Bay on EBalar. . f
Pled Kanteau of gullolw Dby called *hX and Hn. Alklaaon we
Arbor laat Wedocadty to riak tbc for­
Ib town Friday.
Tbe Crawo eottaia to procreaatna mer'* enter, Hn. P. B. Flahcr.
Prof. Jacoby I* vtolUog at the TinviBcly.
Tbc SoBday acbool ceayeolloD wa» nc Lake reaort.
bald bare BaUrday la the U. B. JcdiB Kncen, we tegret to say. will
move to Traveraa City, wbvro be bu
ehoreb. It waa lai^y atiendcd.
bought a beautiful retUeBcc.
Tbe (amen are aU bnay gclUag
ready to aow .
April M. .

_______ ,_____ _
2;M o'clock. weal toto tbc Hw. badly itccraiiDg
Standard time. Tbe mtototer* and hi* thumb aad lore Bngsr. Dr. Shaut
Free Helhodlsto atternale. AU are toa pan of the Bager.
Clyde Hathaway 1* borne again
Hr*. Oia Carpenlea purehaoed
spendlag the past wtaier la Awl___
bona cd Fnnk Bock tod weMt.
Tbe Ladle*' Aid society had t
Wash. He haa rented hb tolherk
eburtb tepapered toat weeb. Hr. Hi
tam tt Hoaroc Center. .
of Tnveraa CUv did the work.
Our school if progreaalag Boely
HU* Sadie Smettaer at teacher.
April 21.
__________ Snaday.
Hr. and Mn. Taylor of Haatoe vlsItad bi* brelber, Sam Taylor, over
Hlu lilaache Davis 1* the happy
Mr. DrrU Botfe to deiltrartac fruit Msessor of a new KImtmll piano.
Tbe Bocial given by tbc Ladles'

... 1^, Wednesday even.
In the

J. H. Byer waa to Travene CRy laat
Saiaiday l>r


Ray Bnigb was bera belpiag hto
brother Glean a few day* toat week.
Sttale KUwy. obo kfl for Chicago
The tarmer* la this vicinity are baay
r that Btoetrfc HOsra care Ratdaiday. A good Ume wa* had by all.
repaitng their oat ground.
Guy Beoaoa waat to Travsne City
-Hary OtooD baa goae to Lelaad
aturday afienraen where be espeeu Fever. Janadl^ Oyinpito. OtnlMde,
work (Or Hn Swaru.
TotpU Uver. Ktoaey cemptolM <M«Hn. & Natooa visited wHb Hn
> move bU family aooo.
RBrtsbato ooa day last weeh.
Hits Uxxie Rest, who has heen eral DeMllty aad Female ...................
Otova AodaraoB ha* goae Ho Travbripiag her aunL Hr*. Aia Palmer, Uaeqaalled as a gswral Ttmic aad
«na aty to work (or Hn. Dongla*.
ext^s lo go to her .home la Britolre
Hr. and Hn. Jobnaoo west to Oleo
ill week.
rbor today to attend tbe foneral of
Cha*. FotlM begsB baying potatoes
«o. Sheridan.
: Penrltowo last week.
P. O. Peteraoo drove to SuttoBi Bay
xyai on, druggtota. Priee w4y Me.
April 23.
ad back toat Satnntoy.
U Ovarby called on P.' Crtaataea
SberiS Aalhuay Patereoa aU Hitt
lied to «tt aad the o
a (>fur »4. J. K. Kcnn
Wot. WlarliaxI hi* bouse pIsMered
Mary McColman of Alpena were m4^
.. _.«!■
n McGarry .w
Joba Baacb baa bought a raluable last
week. O
of Travenv' bought Ibe quilt.
Tied Taasday alghL
I thank the llterarv aoelety (or ibetr
Clly did tbe nlatieriag.
Hri. B. PeteraoB rlailcd with Hn: Prentto* Wine has began to
kindness In fanilsblog tbc program for
P. OrtMaea Hooday to*l.
the evening.
IT brkk yard.
Fireside with the C'and Traverse
C Hhaan baa returned borne again
Mrs. Cbamplott and dangler Anna
Ur*. R. Warren called oe i............
Herald will be withdrawn May let.
after betag la Bingham all wtolor.
tab and Ur*. Kerstater one day last nd BOO Dale spent pan of iasi week
No axtanslon can be had beyond
April n.
I Traverse City.
eubocriber* te the nice Salve, sad toat Ibaa a box pemaSeveral men and trams from here that dste he All
Tbcf^wlll Ik' pnvcrmeetlnn *« the
daeire te av*ll them- Dcatly cured an. wrltei L. S. Napier,
Herald w
Rlcc scboolbouse every Tuesday night cm to New Wexford thU moralug
thii great n«ar rmitt do
Ilte*. and wife and HMt Hiv at T;30 o'clock. All arc cordlany In­ after cement for the new cbureli. Ex­ etivee of !. 8*e advarttoeiwem el«e- of Huglcu. Ky. Heali aU weaada. haras
and tore* like Dmgto. 2to at Jabaaea
cavating for Ibe basement bas Ix-gun.
Ouire of Elk Rapid* vliii
vl.itod over Sua- vited to aitead.
of the Herald. ! Dreg Oe.. F. H. Heada, aM Bagba*
Hlu Tborats had a «hort program
I bas sold bU fam
dapat WilliamJtovlfon i
I Drug On., drngglsta.
last Friday alu-rnooa to ioteresi the to a gentk-mai) framD Van Buren coonnoRoUrs. AfuT the Kpeaklag the ty. Mr. Schemerhom eni
been vtoltlng relative* here
teacher aod ht-r scholars went' after here for a while and then go
It week.
Ur*. George Haren Is lo Canada.
«* B. Hanunood of Kalkaska May^flwrn.
H. Warren attended ’ srbere she was railed b> tbc aicknei-s
caller here one day la*i work.
It,» niee .-hnolhouse ' ,nd death of her mother.
Boaner of Elk Rapid* ha* Sunday vcbool
MU* Ada WUeon to woiklng lu Ibe
bought tbe Dell Blekerd (am and
at Wexford.
loved oa It la»i weehMr*. Merril aod grandson of ThompCllnt and Tom Pny drove to Tnt
Shunk helprv! Wm. Rrakel on Konville visited Mrs. J.. Howard pan
enc City Saturday, returning Sunday.
trf last week.
Hn. Chaney baa moved lu tbc W. C. III* b»rn a few day* Iasi week.
The Gleaner* Inllltivd six meml"T.
Mr*. Bert Ka.h' aud daughlgr Oraee
JediDMO bouae.
Hr. and Hn. H. A. Ballar of Tny- vUlicd with Mr nud Mra. E. Rlee Sun- last Saturday evening and there U «
clau of one buodred lu be laltlatud lu
rrsa Ctly are spending a few day*
''V- Warren and W. H. Wheat
with relative* here.
line fence put in.
i“ c"^H. Drake virilcd relatives tier.- , L. Lackey wont to Kal_.. . ami Ml** Salona '
.. ________
hiad of apple* one day
! over
rea«Uend«d Mrs. Clough's fnncral Ia«l
ml of the school girl* wvui
gatberiag arbutus Saturday.
Lisle ..
spent —..........
— Help Band met witb Mra. Dart*
nitb Mr*. Whiik-}.
«t week.
C. .Mmlo of loirrinrhcn made a li
April 23.
Cha*. OIcndcBl
'>* tH|i through bore last Friday
Interaat Paw on Oepeait* C
Clly lad week.
April 23.





Deposits Received
Loaas Hade
Sifetr Deposit Boxes to Reat

Brown and family

miin Boardmaa. Hi- ha* aold u.» is:

eumpan}'* output o
Prcsliin. a

Hew* ThtaT
We ngre Owe Buodreil DnIUrv bewsrd tnr

lere a f
lo> Hr.
Hi Hoyt of Htbel.
pf bl* bii
The third ouartcriy meeting 1* to
nid here thi* sreek. Friday. April ...
elder. Rev. FVrpniirfio,
aebooner Mary A. Gregory U
present tbc dock loading with poiaioew.
AU are
Mr. Hamilton of Beaton Harbor
There will be a pi
picnic dine
here buying a shipload
Invlled to atiend.
■|r. HatbnwBT met wit a'very pain. Hsirs CsUrrh C-aivkmS^BWewsU
Hn. E. L. ScoflclA went lo Old Ui<lon but Saturday to sla; a few days
accident tbis moi
llh ber daughter.
aging III'' gullies, on
There will be acrvlrc*
his wreneh slipped iDd hi* hand) Tak*Ball'*FimllyPHI*forcaMtp*t)<

H.8. HnU.PT,«.
^ ^A. Fri.*lrich._CI^ Wittelm

'All a.

$105.75 Worth of Goods for $135-00
Four Rooms Furnished So Thoroughly that there is Nothing Left for
You to Do But Have Ypur Trunk Put in.
*1I 'Not a single cheap article in the entire outfit. The furnishings, for each room were selected with an idea of
teste, harmony and ^yle. If you wish to furnish your home throughout you now have an opportunity to do so and
save yoiirselves considerable money at the same time. If you are not familiar with furniture values bring some
toiend with you who does know furniture. This outfit will bear the most expert inspectiory Only Cbrcl *1 Ibcsf fo

Resold at tbUin1c«: Vou can pay for it at tbe rate of $$ per month-

I Sitting Room
l Steel Constructed Couch, massive hard! wood frame, finished in rich dark solden
voyc, upholstered in best grade velour.....



1 Pxl2 Tapestry Srosaels Rug, several pat*
terns ............. ..................................................

I 34x34 inch [top, qaaner-sawed, golden oak

Total................................................... .

It Pays to TrSde at

1 solid oak, Ti ft. Extension Tabic, rich dark
color, beautiful turned legs..........................
6 ^Idcn oak Diniiig Chain, match tabic per8.50

RHcben fe
1 dnubk walled Steel Range, asbestos pack­
ed. .T thoroughly guaranteed high grade
range ................................................................
Your choice of a golden oak Kitchen Cup­
board or an elegant Kitchen Cabinet........




1 golden oak Bddiroom Suite, consistinu of
dresser, commode and bed, a handsome
suite.............................'.................................. ..
1 cotton reversible Mattress, two parts...........
I best all steel top spring................................
Carpet to cover door........................ ..............
1 set of handsomely decorated Toilet Ware,
six pieces..................................................

Regular Price,
Our Price, lUbat you save









32 pieces of Kitchen and Laundry Utensils,
consisting of tub. boiler, washboard, tea­
kettle. teapot, coffee pot, ash pan, water
pail, dipper, frying pan, mop. broom, dust1^, dripfung pan. two cake tins, two pie
tins, chopping knife, dour sifter, cookie
cutter and cake cutter....................................


1 large, quarter
quarter-sawed oak Arm Rocker/
hand polished *
1 targe, solid oak. Cobbler Seat Arm Rocker.

Dining Room
1 large Smyrna Floor Rug ............................
1 100-picce Set Dishes, good ware, beauti­
fully decorated . .............................................
1 full set of Roger Bros.' triple* plate silver
ware, the best..w...........................................
Yo^ir choice of a solid oak Sideboard or a
&autiful quarter sawed oak BulTct........

1 ypair extra heavy Lace Curtains, either
white or ecru .i..............................................



- 135.00

Headquarters for HighGrade Furniture


TiMriar iTiAliw (IM iniu
««•« « «MMM (WMO.

atao bailor b. U. Day of Detroit a
dae log Moose, aieiiblag Us other
Misa Fiaacea TremUcy Ml r«»torbadhHav of the same Uad u his tot. du fot Dalath, where she win make
Mn. Vlebob sput Taesday to
BMek «w lbs. J. A. CatSagua is eWtlaa la baf home with a sister sail Bttead ntcrae CKr.
-TBUam .......................
Mt «(»• OeUr'tUswMh.
*'‘mia. Cbapmu aad p. O. Whhhim 'Beulah Doaglam of Trarerse
tiaToU^MBMmsa, did bustasM CHy
was tee gasM of Meads here s
log was V
BaiT Oeumntf'
and cake w............ —
J. ABspsea left yesterday mornlag
beu dotag earpuler work---------Mr. Perry of Cadillac was In town
the past ^0^ ratarasd home Batar- for Deiroli aad QerdaU u a biisl- TiAnday In the taicnats of (he K. O.

Mb JotaM Mf JM camvit

^r?ud Mrs' M. W. Farraat sput
Baaday with Mr. FhfTUl'i par.

of the SoMlenr
Mo^ Is vliAc Mtmiat aM nMlf*!


^nT«I5*S&». O. ItehB nt C«^r Btr

OkEN Al------Mr. lardle is at nahsr't deck boylag potatou for a-Trarerae CUy droi.
e( OMi HBTeo
sir. aad. Mrs. Selby of Baplgs were
«nii«B 8aur4ar bate OM day last week TtHUag
Bague Fisher has bonglit a aew


eago arrired Thursday
*‘hm Xarj T«^ N ««ffcl>c lor Isnglhr tMi with her paiutt.
Mra. McMIUatd sad two ehllM
**llf??“Ara«rBUe vest two 6*r»
lies Johasu of Trererse CUy
fa am Arher with ■UUsor; cod4l
____ i last eruUig to atiud the
faaerai of Oeerge Shertdaa. whieb will
be hHd tomorrow afieraeon.


Mis. T. B. WWle ww^o Hsple Otr

CeterOtr last etcAc on baali

were eoTored with uow and large
------m of saow u tU grouad. U(
ue before a

Ml» LUile in«ahleT U w...
lor NtB. T- B. White at pramn.
- UtiijMtte Fowler...........
r Id MaiilatSB
varenua aweU an rslsn-

lu <D Bixeu. .
TU lemalns of Oeo. Sheridan of
tea Arbor, who died tost Friday, will
! law to rest today la the Port
Bdda cometary at 3 oiiock.
wowamm nnnwwn.
Mr. aad Mn. Chas. Mikola of the
Bln. to Hr. had Mrs. Wm. DoUa. Buth MaUton island, who were reually married, gave a daaelng parly
*ASSmuTi^*J^iedt Wedoewday to
their Mends at the Utter's Ume
to wath on the geraraaMit boat thla u Bntnrday erulng. All report a good
time. We wish them a long ud happy
Ahftonao Tyrar, Sr, was home a fe
days this Bt emak ffwm 8daU Ft
Him. Fred Wilien of Ardiie made a aboBt any of Ibeir Meads wU e
Id Mr. Dago
Dsgo oT hto all..._____
sUty *
■ short Tlstt with her daofhter. Mrs. to romtnd
birthday. The ereolng was speoi In
FUda Kiwnaa, laac Taaaday.
-----aimclng. Aboot
HIM Myrtle UtUrteb Is boma froBi
Treroree Oty for.h tMI with bar par*
a Jolly good time was had
Mr. aad Mrs. Jamas D. Beadi of
Mam Bay Tialtad their daachter. Mrs.
psTld B. Bmaa. 'tor a tew days last
Robert Loanla has twtaraed (lem
rhu will Travorot Ctty Fscpls,
Lurn tea Importansw of Itl
lose his ea...r last _Buaday alght.
Baekache to ealy a rimpie thing at
Mr. aad Mrs. Freak Steraas Utc
takes a girl fitaa the CoUwatar aebool
tor tttal. II soiled they wDI adopt Ur *Thit wbeaiyoa know Ha from Uc
as tbdr owB.
Hr. aad Mn. Aadrew OUsiore of ------sertoas kidney ireuMes follow;
dtobetaa. Bright’s disease may
Haptatu apmi Baaday with Mrs. Usbe the total ud.
Too will Adly profit by the follow.
**l£LtakHcankey U oa the ritk
Ing axperleaee.
^■aamber of lU yem« Meeds of Tto tbe atatemut of a Tvavene
Him Hailarto Obariag uthered at her aty eltlsu.
Monroe Morse, of 733 West Bevulh
home tael Satarday aftaraeoa. the
Trent betas her ststh Urthday. Be- ttreet.^aays; “Doaa’a Kldaev PlHi
treehmeus o( lee owam add eahe aU
my life. This soems s doobUal
-_._aut lo make. Wt I am wllllag
the pahllc tboold Judge from tbe facta
I WU under a pbvsietu's trealment
for four weeks, gave np hope of life
Prayer maetlag this week at Mil
three Urnee. and whu I commenced
OOmorCB. Hr. Oobich will load.
Dnu's KMaey FilU. was so weak that
J had te be tod aeroes tbe floor. Fmfive or elz
‘ coaunuced the
I mua of tte
pare blood, ud before I used one box
> MTlai
they were deer ud regnUr. I thr
ead even If
the but hooM.__________ ...
to a lecurreate. I -esn eooacletiaho« heK a mile ap tU Uoro uaior lere
Sliljhii Bear petat. to atord bettar Bosly say Dou'a Kidney Pills cured
troable ud esved my Ute."
ah^. Whu due tU large 3Mooc «
FDr tale by all dtnlets. Price U
Bfebdst win U aut for It.
Wti BesNe Farraat of tost Empire mu. FDster.Mllburo Qo. Buffalo.
%U IBU TMUag with Meads aad rH- New Tvk. aole aguts for the L'l
•UnSta towB ter tU past w<
Remember tho aari^Dou’stake wo other.
stsgheh Dau pepped U a rusty
Most dtofigarlag skin erupitoi
aaO Bhtaiday sad la cehtaqneace wtu
croftila, pimries. tasbea etc., are d
probably be aaahls to work ‘
o Impure Wood. Botdock Blood BitAnbta Ftortlae has mored Uic from
Otaa Arbar aad w« work la tU mill
•hiw raaeon.
TU sttaiaer lUtaoia made her trst
eeseon. laadlag here ThareCard e# Thanha
Deep beartfell tbuks are extended
to the young men of Moorae Cuter
aad Grawn. and their Meads who
uve for the papertag of the
**>[£) QMegSeu.*Wu'^M*MB
at CrawB. Aa a reel...........their giving:
lag eewttg la towa Uw paet*'
ebeerittl home ..In
weeks, retarau to her home la BarglekTlBe Bataidsy.
Lu Oodmu of TraTeiee CKy dl
bastaMsJB Iowa Wedaetday last.
W. Tt. Hot mored bis temliy and
Mra. Wh. FhrraBt of Best Aplr boaaehold goods to Keystoae last
calM u tetaUres la town lai Wedasedny. where be wilt hare em^ovmeat to the brttft yards,
kte M. RamhoiBer ealled to Huton


Starodymes' eottage u Oten lake. M Onee Frwtota aad chlldre
BUBg a large porch to tU hnnu sad laatoa aij^ a few days tost v

rriand u Satarday.
Kehl Bras. Uve made aeretal totirovemcais on their dock.
Clarence Scott spent a few days of
tost week at bis borne In this ptoce.
Work u the residence of O. M. U
Bcctig to progtesrieg raptdlv.
Sills Gagnon Is vltlilng at his borne
I tbit pure.
Tbe steamer Uurouri called at uhis

The soda cracker is an
.ideal food. Uneeda
B'iscuit are the ideal
soda crackers. Indeed,

Oil! spent Monday and Tneaday to Traronc CUy.

Traverse City.
M. U Gagnon is iti at Ibis- wgiilng
C. Tekurde spent Sundsv at bis
papered and palaled.
Ume In this place.
presuu a neat appeanacc.
Lawyer Pratt of Trarerse City
fednesda la town.
Miss Nellie MMdlelu to ssSering
' retorned tram from u attack of laeislet.
uitus Bay Wedaesdsy.
Or. McPball and wUc of Travr
Doiiiriaas WUsu bad Uie ■
City- are spending a fi-w days In ic
to break bU arm ooe day this week.
George Lataade Is vtomag at
George Leslie spent Wednesday in home in iUs.otoce.
. R. KliebvD *U huhern III.
kcao. wU has been III.
ards and family _______ __
Messrs, Kennedy and Gartbv Uvtthe home of William Vok-mill.
start od. nilI the pUnlng
. E^srorib
. Pattu
Ust Baiurday at Ike German Lu- dime Mctol and
‘bloni-d a
> of Mr.
craa nsraonage. Rev Habaeberj; pro... town Ull u Wedi. _
ynneed the words tbsl made maa a«J
lag. tee cream aad cake win be
wWe Mr. Cbristlao Meng dod Hiss
Blanche Fox, both well known vming
people of thU section. A Imrge circle
Mr and Mra. F. R DavL s|m-bi Sa>of friends wish them naboanded !ls^ GUARANTEED BY S. E. WAIT
orday in Tranroe City.
plaets ibrougb life.
April a.
A. W. Overboil made a bosloesv trip
to Maatoo Sauirdsy.
Mrs. 3. A. Bryaal of Fromool. Mich,
lie Way to Cura Catarrh by Hyeis the goesi of her soo, A. E Doani
____ _ 0 Tisit Us par. He expeeu to retera Tharaday.
..r. aad Mrs. CUs. BtaaaeB depar'ed Friday noon for Chester. Idaho,
where they will make their tatare
home. They have a su at tUI place.
D. L. Ensign was In ScedrUle. Hick.,
a lew days last week, looking orer tht
water worka system at tUt place.
U D. Adams Us arrired to lake
charge of tU Klagsler Cbecae Co.'s
factory the coialog seaau. The c
paay expi'cta a good roa this year.
Mrs. P. HutcblDsoo o{ Lowell. Ml
Tlsltlag her sister. Mrs. W.

goM IM to SooUi
Mrs. Lee. wto weat to MUwaukoe
iBf to-her boae lasc FtMar- Her two moatU ago. TMorar
Mrs. Smith, iwtoned with her ago with a seru-weeki
Both mother aad ofaUd Uto
. tiaee their retiiia.
Oeoege Bberidaa. who hat 1
peels to have a rDeeting at East Pars
poor hsalth orer a year aad -------- dise scbMlbUBe Wednesdsy, May 2.
eatlrely belpleM for serenl sreeks.
kick everybody U cordially ' '
HsehToiir. Wo wlU~ har
pasted away urty SaUrdsy moralag.
there.' Moat all «r as wOt miet her ms wUe. wU has M tenderly eared
eery »a«h.
-for him daring hto lUaess. Is aearty.
NUj^ Oood re^ to
r has been Issued to tho people of
SU Of Mr. aU Mrs. B. B. Bberidan.
U vlclntlv to be printed In the locsl
Hs was bora here U yaan ago last
BeSSrtlr ha^ ratamd for as
per. Kingsley clUsens Uve slways
Jaasary and Us Heed here nearly all
ken pride lo besuUfyln rieblg rdlo
......... - e war
• — ~
Ren .rride
pride In beauilfylns
besutlfylng their
mrty throe yean ago. HU strveiL
trvelB wllh
. _ treea,
. . , and we knoi
wife, father, mother, two batf-broChera. hearty
rty response to the govemors cell
iiter, one brother aad three
Hr*rRmam Bile rMted Mr*. C W. one Ulf stater,
be made.
rimers an left to mura their lega A
re being made by the
large circle cCMends sympath'
old soldlen of Kingsley for the propCi
them Id their bur of sorrow.
M-rrance of Memorial day. bat on
April 23.
x)unt of Ibeir small number and lo
llity Ibrougb disease and age. b4W
Mr..aU Mrs. Ji mee D. Beat* are
glttoa Is being elrenlaled to shift all
ttys with tUIr
•poBsIblliiy 'and prepantlus to oihMn. Hand Bmaa, of the
and Tounger shoulders. A meeting
Vm. Wbeelor la at Solu o
-.11 be beld at tbe engine bouse next
Oo^e Domlae has
Wednebday. and It is hoped thi
BOW home o« the M a
Uof nSk Wlkla.
Wtdiu Waleh Us awrad to hU
their halt lea^ Ibis year. The
Ole Olaara had tU mtofortune '
■aw home oa lU M a
ss men are Interested and sh
> two Taluble 'eowt last week.
is Mb Carllala.
-. Erilon of BardlekTUIe was pa- wiUlDgness to assist In every way pos­
KrA Uarrey Martla and Un. Fred
sible. There will donbUeaa be ne
De4Mit*ar HMaT 'HUd tialtad Nat
^nges In lU team from tost yea
MoSday with griadm lira. C U
U there are any they will be ai
— jDcod Id a few days.
tiwt jMday C. 1> Domtae Tialtad
Ihe Kingsley grist mill is making a
good run Ud has a good pstroosge.
and Mr. and------------------------------ both la Kingslev ud nearby fardluuu
OllTC Dago of M^^Jy sput^eatm both In Kingsley ud other o
■ood time was us.
day evulag and Baaday at the tot-,
tar’s home la this pinee.
Baaday school started au>n yester­
SUiRti. Thar uy they had a TOO'an- day with the foltowlag oBleen: Ftoryoyahic time. Mr. aad Mra. Conroy anee Axiell. top^taadanl: Olo
wr. aad Florence K
ars-eacr baaptUMa aU



except the calsrrbal germs __ ..
present in the nose, throat and lungs
hsve first been kill '
Direct local treat . .
Hyomel througb tbe pocket inUler
Ibst comes wilb every outfit. U abso­
lutely aeeestary to kill ihe eaurrbal
germs and prevent tbeir groa-th
The. soothing air of Hyomel heals
he smarting
ud n
• • pasKSges In
igs. kills off tbe catarriinl genus
ud rid the system of tbe last
of catarrh.
The romi
impicle Hyoarcl outfit e<i»'isl>
rd rubber inhaler slik-h
bo carried in llie purse or vest porkei.
a medicine dropper, and n boitU- of
HiTimel. ud eosU Uly ue dollar,
while extra boUIes cu be obinini-d
for su cenU, thus making it tbe most
economical intalmcni fur the cure oI
catarrh, as mell as tbe most tvHsble
A Bus positively guar______ ____ when Hyomel Is used Ui
accorduce wllh the simple dirocllons
on the package, or they will retiifl
the money. Ihls certainly shows their
fslih and belief in the virtues of H>omel.
Don’t Jet the baby suffer from ce
sens, sores or soy llchlng of the skin
Doan's Ointmrni gives Inslaot relief.

soda crackers rightly
made in the first place,
rightly protected first,
last and all the time.
Bjt U a iut tithl.
mauun fncfpaduitt.
NA'noNAi Biscurr compamv



In which to secure a Dinner Set Free.

We’re Going to Give Dish Tickets Untii May i2,



Es This Beautiful

6 fND 1
. BtTTEn^

Dinner Set



For 99 Of eiir new Dish tickets.
We sive a Dish ticket wltb e?e
50c porchase. Good until

128 Front Street


To Investigate is to Invest
H you qucbtion it. come
in — wc'II knock your
doubu into smithereens.
We like the trade of peo­
ple who feel that money
is not made to be squan­
dered — who insist that
every penny must do its
work. We arc neither
too busy, too vain nor loo
independent to acknowl­
edge the existence of
competition; but when you compare our qualities and
our prices with those OiTered you elsewhere, we are
benefited and you gain.
Is it a Buggy or a Har­
ness you are thinking of?
Don’t wail until you act-f'
ually need them. *Come
in and look over our line.
We have them in all va­
rieties and at prices to
fit your pocketbmk. As
to catalogue house oBers,
bring in your catalogues.
We will meet or beat their prices. Here you see whaii
you buy before you put up your money. We are here
to right every wrong and they are nou Investigate—
and that includes a visit to our establishment.

Wm. Hoolihan & Co.
133 State Street, io the new Iwidt etOR, fotmerljr oooapinl by
The Farmers Sn^ily.po.
AUemto of Vehicles for an aorta of use. HarneM made to order
•by John Kemiava, focneriy with Wilbdm. Bartak
Co. for thirteen years.

CIlFS £.5

Now in





'fcHo Holeh’t of TKoir Olery

Sircngchentng and spreading the spirit of favor that ftbaracterc toward
great* *—■
trading center.
izes public auitude
*-------' this------—‘—
Here you find the new styles—ihc best varieiies -ilic most satisfactory mercliandisc to buy
^ without
the necessity of paying fanc^' prices for it. Not only
that, but ;; arc giving away to customers

Beautiful Forty-three Piece Dinner Sets Free
- - We've decided lo continue this grand offer until May 12i This still givd you
I'f days in which to secure enough tickets for one of the above 43 piece Dinner Sets,
Arm Quo^ins Sp«ol«l
in all ^inaa les

Sp.-<:LaI Sale of Wliitc
Silks at
25c, 4Sc Kd 69e

Sprs-ial in I.a<]icV
I»ng CoaU,
25.09. e.SC. 7S8.
10.00. 12.00

«ixv:ia1 in B 1 a k
Silks, yarl wnic. al
89c and 81.00
in Tal.1.
Linens nt
39c, 50c acd S9c
La<-i- ('urt.-iiim nt
69c, 89c. 81.25
•ad 1.50

Sp>v;L-J in
Wttiflto. at
liful Floral Designs.
iJoto iitkI Fiirnroa.
(ioo-ls that l.vjk like
silk, at
12k. 18C, 25cbb4 3^
iSc.iutifnl Suitings for
-lai'ki-ls. Skirts or
Tailor-mo'lu Suits, at

SOCv 75c, $1.00,
1.25, 1.50


Sp.v;ibl in Wliitc I’n-/
rlorskina. M n s I i a'
(■'•orna, etc., at
KtusciMl in Mtam* ainl
Chihfrua'a BaU awl, at
25c, 5«c. $|.M.

Special ia Men's Suits, $8.95, $11.50 and $13 50
SpecUl 111 Kocf Pant Suits, 51.45, 51.95 and 52.7$
Calicoes at 4c. Dress Ginshams at 5c, Percales at 6ic

Steinberg Bros
Traverse City, Mich.

Boanr O. Bro*n ct al. '
L: Hoaacr O.

Mm JI«ow. AD 0(Up* t«d (Mb.
........... »« ftlj. »ml


«l tfce

a!.; Ho«»er O. Browa et al. v*. Fenlt
D&ad Laotbar. }r_ et al.; Homer R.
Brown et al. »f. Emaouel WllheUa ct
aL-: Homer C. Brown ct aL vs. E. S.

Kklner yropMe.

wm IkTf wuttn *B Mwloi* of R
y. «ofi«i

The Cough Habit

al. vs. WUHbb G. Cutier <h



mtth Jen hl» •tth A UBtttrtfl -oo*.

Ixrenio W. Dncll and wife t»

la^ifTTi rrooi tbe itiuo.
fen IB wlUi B nmrrr
tMTli of boyi who pro«*^o< *«
Ma atxmmd. U !■ mllesM to
■mx b> Ibe CUT- TWi ■DrBla* the
fti eUa. »o be HBlrt lo (be (•Me*.
««efce IB the 0»*l WM Dirt f»e«rT
wm • bBltered bob* BOd mlBot - rthUlBK befort'ltolM. *Ue w«b sItis
^Nbber W«*rmr BrtpteTM.,
MRM of PbHoO ABhtoo befUl
<4^ BBidrel the Blctaft debtoeh
M toesled Bn«r-^b fOBRh tb*
Bca «bo ftc
l^uir of IbV Ive rouBg
to Iko cKBpadc. ,ytdi
itrtBMtieoal cbB»e around -ibe bloek
teUBK oo Went Proot Bud Unlos
#Mt wB. bad br both ablet AibtoB

*'lUdney imuUe bai
beceew ae pterakol
il tils sal uneeranmn
a HUH to be ben
Bemd wtth weak Idd’aflbemd...............
if tht child
oayi. Kthi____
. uite.
aim lee eflcu. U t


■to.,. todI M


Cbaa. H. ...........................................
Creaiy and
*. P. H.'a S
J. H. O'-

lo a

M ofB«r WlBflB bifore o« of Urn
oea. who bad been warned orer

W. Dlak.»l<>- to Susan It-r
lell. $paieel. sec. 1«. loan 36. range tl
Pei.. knefcels and wife to peir
dcratm. cH of eH of nw>4. se
loma s:. range II.
Tbooisr H Robcrlson
i of kcH. see
1 iV nnge 13.
A. HolK-r.soD aii.l wUi'
H. Robcnaoo.sViof ae‘o.

MrtM «r«B<.1l IB il»B«o«. with
•!» ,«0B»BMs d» the fir'rticb th* SSiSrf ErfiSSrkSTttorftod
owner brou»bt from the l»Und
rtr- He bad. boworer. apeat eoaBld


enble derta* ibe erealat aad bad
«]ao Wrtd tb# ri« whleb the orowd
naad. tbia belag hired at nrodbaira'a
haroa. Ptotber darelapBcata of tb-

Pua’naaba mr mlwrti, bat lem.
aunt. Swamp-Root. ». »

.. ilrondnav in Thomas II. Iltdi.
ertson, parcels ace. 15. to»-n 2i. range

caae abewed that' Ibe OIIbwb
duBpad flOB tbc riK oBtildc of
HIT. bul bow be reicbcd Ibe Oral CHUtoolIrm of Attorm-jvi Palchin and
Dfah fartorjr la not kK*B.
Anilersnn Is that there were suHi
toKalBriUrs In tbc proceedings that
Suit for bBC-COa
tbe aale is Iberchy invalldaictl.
An cfecleent aalt of mor
pccUlly aa to tbe plabitura In tbc ossc
dlBBT Unoreti iBToh-lBg follr M«.®oe as they vi rc miners. If ao. ibey
«aa bvBB la CtreoU Court Tocadar b> Ibea alleged lo lie cnilltcd lo Ihe IndlflloncTB John W. PalchlB and Her viriull share represented by Iwo >f
vey H. AndcraoB who rcptoacni th«. the four heirs, the two sons who acre





**A"d^ ^General lo Trisugli' l-vnd
0, lot 1.
K. !'•'» 7*- "“SO ^Trtangle Und To
lo Wm. E.
Cbanry. lot 1, tee. S3. Uiwo 3*. range
bloek 3. P. H.'x 4ih.
Anna Und Bayles. n
S. Shober. lots 10. 11 1
CrlSIn * Winnie s add.
Fnmk B Gaant
BiKtnu. IMS 16. 17. IS. 19, 30 and 21.


i TboBaiCoUerw^goecdtheoldeal
Wldeau u( iblt city, where be kept
fiotH. kaowa Brat aa the OoUer bouau
told later as Uie uanalab bouse upon
lixs known as 7 and 10 taHnsIve. the
Ihw WlibHm block now oeenpylag tbe
■ite. Tbc CuUer paopmty. boweve.*.
Sncupled nil land caletoing from Etni<
io noQl streets, wont sUe of Dnlon.
jlnd ninalBg bock lOS fcH.
d the property In
« aftrr erected the bold

Unlrf GliTi OMiiate Cm oT
tntorf-liwSiiSimim RUM
md fam «» Were a »«st
<y Tortrtf Sores-GrateM
Mother Saj«:


. L., rf.


itriuti-; turn



moii.u w. ADOWj^

Bud Rnii biifwsnt



Swvonttv Oa* Of July. A-D.



cH of acS. 1"
36. range 1
tiuu s-iy eibi r—re*son? f.« jl«,
IjjuIs Springer of lln.lysr.1
rauglil one of the Wrgr»i .log wolf*
ever neon In Ihe upper penii
was six feet seven Inehra In lenglh
and hlv hide alone wrlshi-.! Iwrlre
pnand*. Springer s1*o caugbl



wlldcai Ibe past wlaicr.
"In Mpi; to your
my exparmwe. and you ni
LsDl year.

£rhlto naud two stortei tnmtage. with
4 throeutory rrar portion, owing to the
^ which was a poitlou of Uie sHe.
Tbe banding was a landmark here
yaiU after tbe purchase H the proptoty by Uc late Jnlina T. Hanaab
totoe lea yean or ao ago.
Thomas Cotier left IbC dty in 167^
•ad took ap Ua realditote la Texas.
Uliiecc be died la the village of Teml
to ms. WIUi lilB death tbe prcqMriy
«ccraed to fonr soM-er tbHr dweeadtwta. Oetoge, Tbomaa. William, tntolltoHy known na Tod.- and John
Dto who -ft etui residing to tbe Hly.
tleotge. bowever. died Uavtog
tontoter. Birtle Sybil, since married
D WiUlam a BrakH of SUvor Ukc.

giso died. Iwvtog one
. tangbier. Hra. Alice Brown, wbo to
Inra died,
leavtog two
Rlatoto. need 16. and Qladyu. nged 11
-^Mtu. both now being raaUenu wftb
tour biber. WllUam A. Brown of Lel^to. Il la tbnae minor bHra. Mr*.
-WrahH. Homer and Oladyn Biowto who
•pprtv aa ptalauta to tbe anlt agalaat
ibe other two belra. WiniaB aad JHm.
•toHr naedea. aad the prcvtouUy aamed
After tbe toatb of Thomas Cutler,
•r, la Itol. Henry D. CampbHl
«Pto>totod •daUal«ator of tbe ea
i«nd ns odBlHstrater he curtd
property to be aoW lo iellna T. Honpab ter n SUB •pproxtBoilng I

SSSisSSsrcStolss'ndim tor toH and lin>to umc eover^
wHb naming sons InabmaaiwKks

and Ihe bead of a 'tee n«l ncir Prmi
deneo Spring. Is In Ihe po«esR
Cnrpenlor past. R. A. Ik. si VpriUni!
Ibrongb Ibe courtesy of Itoli* MeOr*
goo. Providence spring one da> iiiiral
ftirih (rum Ihe ground when tlv
oner* were

wHb Mtoo osk. and in «s.«aly-lour
bomtlStoods and nnot woe a mam
and snso wHb llw Culirarn itoap. and
naomted tbm avtfa tbe Cuiicura OioiBBd. sad then esra him Ihe Colkura
RbHvubL In tooui tbrn uecto ton
onto bnbd up: ar> ae tore
m for Icdiw gralHul (or Ito


nearly prwlraieO


easv. beamiful ar
wllboiii griping,
for them. 3Sc.

i-XMWiw.w •;»

SII ill A)ni> btsf Bqiii
■ >.i[ -uii^! |irf\ li.rfkc,>

Pere Marquette


r.-r............... .....

w orf.....«!.

Orawl K-.-.d.


Real Estate and Loans







V fa* < wVsr .*.(} sM Piav^uvV Irwfv a


Properly of All Kinds for Sale
and Exchange
Wu will J’:1 you sfcven per o.-nt |*t;r anfiun (or

FAJ ^ T-.r.-~

..... -'ll

tovoots*. farma of Stomach Disorders one* enrol a................... ia ihu wsv never returns.

w »:


your money- aod give you as security gilt edge
Traverse City real estsic or gilt edge lima in
'Grand Traverse County. Mich., where your
money srill be absolutely safe.

lUe FK

- u JohnMn Druai Oo:'’!. V

Traverse CUy, kictL



12? From SI., BonUfue Blk„

r’“' i'il.

, - : tasv a»
^rao« lo
in -ftsHri.v *•«
ri mnr.ii..* orbrewVw-------------- hi.
_. oi
atbaehe or nain cif burn or scs.d In
r ,wVllamb--srtiotfc,roiaw.’«u»rfr
five nlnulc; honrwenes*. one,
. ! Tl., .-SAinms’Mrf, WI1 1>
B>“•ra muselesrbe, two bonrs: sor. Ibrusl.
.1. .
!■■ r»l»-:s Hi
warn iwelve honrw—Pr. Thomt*- EHretri'
jou. Boaxrch over pale.


nitu g wai>:H!.
Ja-lf •>< l-'.'l-w-.*


--------- —
bra »v
am .
s vHu^ i
hooHiHd ataodbr.
UHng aa
we do .of Byron Judd erf ponilac f..r over a .
by. Uring
twHve miks fiooi a dorter, and whera ; yetr. married Judd lasi Mooday J>i*l ijJiyKSS

A notod pbyaeiaa of I^Usburg,
a rc«c« letter to Dr. Ovdmaa says;
abonl •<.«». which U la (anm-r »ri
teged wasattowed by Proton eonrt to t
tATor ct Jrtn a Ollier aad afterward
•ailgomi by Mm to Jnllns T. Hanash
tor atioraey fees, taxes and other
BHlt. vrbirt had been the
ton «r. Rgntt to the cMain. to pay
up Ihe InvlHumaena of Ibe eaiale. Tbe

. ling piles provoke ontfanlu. I.v
profanity whdT cure Ihem.
Otn’mcni eure* Itching. l.lee-nDe a
protruding pllei afler years of svfi.i
Ing. At nay drag »ion-.. gavel. Ibe liandle of wlileh I- niadr
fnitn an Anderaonvine sloehs.le lug.


ole, was Bade la Jane. im. and ibr

•<•0101 <>t Ui” I*'"'
latriuti-; luin a
liiiVT over
the p),
|di>. Mill
. tlienroiirk bd<1 iinlions.
Historians liavc been coutcnlixl losiiiipiv r(><onl
fnet. teavirg
wore or lew unsoUt«1.
Hot liu- u yatery is at an
Ltribiito. 10
end vri;eii
music ito rigtitfal inwi
of (niciiiii;; liub tiie p neof

lirimric „

nareel see. II. town 37. range 11.
A. E. Rickard and wife lo Oeo. Bon­
ner. awl* of ne>4. sec. 13, town 37.
D mnk WQ


riiilosoitliera liavi- nlwnya
InvnutiiioM If’ explain tin-

and lovilu:, lll'l••i'>l; nS a bet­
ter <iii7.:i. « b.-ttcr s«n or
.isu”l.UT. Tiit-rv can I’c no
■jneatiou about tbi’ imlifnlneas of lliia alnti-moDt.

a Qlea Laa-

• I.}.

Good Herne Envlronn-enls

.. k Co.-s

'*R**^llorlbut and wife

Il'-r. 0.0111}
el'-rl of’
>;;-*T,m. KuM.p.
and vvervmsnivJ]

Music Talks to
' Fathers
and Mothers

Mirfnce tlio very l»»t llrore is
in uiiin or vremM’. miiVim: na
more |ntriotic. norc lovable

Hevtard Wliltln? and
UBdemsa. pircel. see.



Vnlreraallsl Resort As'ccis;!on li>
Hoary J. Webb. toll. 3 and 3. block 1.

■blM. let 7. block'd. Ik.

YVtow iCacmdsioM Jortttth
tosa told Loss or SltfP.

S, E. Wait & Sons and C. A. Bngbee.

Cbaoeey I- Seeley and w Ifr ii* TVoi
. Durgu. wli of nwV.. re-. S). town




Avers. t>M of BfU


For Over
Thirty Years

todsy shs Is woU ud stronff.''

Tbe suli It embraced In tbe Sve f'

ireiaa. IIK. leurlag property which

imonnUag to S4.«M the only residue
being tbe nmaU aBonnt of S17JS.
wUdi wns to have Wen paid
the bdra artlPf whkb-ltra. BrakH ninsed to aoeopt. ^ luH now hHag of
beeertlty «.cj**6iseat anlt owing w
-toe lapM «f il»e. Sve yeara, which
& law rAacnlaed la aoeh anlU perAaialag to mlaon aa tbe limit for 8u^ court proeeedlagn. Tbe hit-^oftheeaae dnieabatotoihe early
^a of thla city 'end U

by My Wl'ircto

”*ksrl T). Allsms sn.l wire i
HenoB. tols tl an.l 45. Miwl
Sarah Jan.swti, -see. 31, 1'
sad wile, sa
37. ranao 11.
SHionI ranrirl X«. 3. fira.llH-, l><
U. K. Wrnknop. parei-l,.
Hannah *

O-'V’' ' **•
ftollb. lot 30. block I. H I- k Co.*

SilBoru. Mra. wmiam Brakel. aged :« deecasod.
ycBra. of Sliver Lake, and Homer ant
After Ibo pajmcnls of Ihe dc'iTs,
Oladja Brown of Lelaad, aged 16 an-l there n-nialnod hot 6IT.S5 due <mcb of
II roara toapcetlrelr. beliu of tbe lal- tbe heirs and tbU amouai Mrs. Hrakrt
Tbomaa Cotier. Ibe eolt la w»«*tloe
refused lo acecpi. Il remaining In the
.belag brought agalaat Mfu. BWe K bands of tbe admlolatralor. where I'.
HaBDBh and Samuel Oarland. eracn
baa never been paid over. Ur. CscipBmb of tbe catale of the toie Jnllua T. brll wc: also her gnardtan and npM
Hanaab. aad'BBaaQel Wllbdn. Perdibis death the money baa remained nasand baalner. )r.- B. K. Hoblo. Willacecpteil.
Il It further alated that
«BB H. CuUer, John D. Cnller. aons Mr, Hannah roon after hit pMscasioa
«{ Tbomaa CuUer. and tbe three ten- of Uie estaie propeny. aoW a portion
Mta, WUUaa H. Trootwlae. P. IL H Ibe ettaie for Sli/WO. or leas than
BinWe aadMB ErttoebeD.
ODcMrth of the vnliiatkm. which
Tbe atUi U Ue outcome of ibe placed approaUnmlcly al tCO.OOO
•ale of the oataU loft by tbe Uie
♦ II'.OI)*.
Tbomaa CuUer. wbo died at Terral.

Bears the


** R"“ui>Mb lo Smith Reil.y
0 . lot H. block 16. Traverse Cl'y.
Cbaa 8. Jobnsoa, nheriS. lo CaibHar A. Cmmpb.-II, wl4 of nw^, rwe
lown ST range ».
fi ^Dd 1». bl K^
J. Yoiil

pboBC. WB. eaathi.. Upon W«
penoo Ibe podirtbook of <be ro«B«

IThe Knd Ym Rave
Always Boa^


luu* and wife
Hungertord. 1« It. AdHf* add.
Jamea H. Monroe and wire lo Jnn.
W. Holmes, ctfc cl w’j of neti. ■«. 16.
lown *5. range 11.
Anton Singes and wife t«. Ino. w.
Holmes, eti of w»4 of net*, aci W.

are nuda mb-'


to nan daafWMS to 7«u ur« than ttas 4rtak,eoMla«
or morpUM taUts, for It soon BBds to Cenaaptleii.
PBMUBOBto Hi DMtk. SBT8 jomM to«a Umm
BwfBl r«tilto of CoBglu and Colds, by tsklaf


«M tko* ud «o kpC «• BnlTOl «s
■to ell, tot W«Ui »llb‘. b«.tb o<


I. *wwt. M. tm


7&W/ Coughs

I raetUa* i

I «rtH • ItMr (a Ik*
«7t^ U «M
M ««II«
««li« tk* BMl
anal tklat
prfMtt wko CUM *wt tB Vrtic tack

tattr. Wdl. fcta I wrlim W
tta tlM t Bkoow taT» kBM sarc to
Mm 4*Mi apM tke <t«n«ki* of a 0>Hfaniia wtBWr a«M M>*e». •n t rtatalBM rraa
M« tlutt uMkar pkMk of CkWonUi
We U* detelepta !• (ta« « tke cmi
dimur ai Baa m»el»> ata Ttcia
ilr, tkat 11 Klfkl be aCialeiaat la r<w
t» boar frtMB las AaeMaa. kitkowk
JOB et eearaa hate loac a«D kaC a faU
•ceoBat or Ike »tm terrible trial Celltonila^ erer baaa ealM opcw le
Tfcaiadar. *»Hl )*,
bare as a tar a( o«patbr a>d beM «>
Ike aeyeren k«eMdbw to tka (mala.
OMUta <rf tke foteraor. Traloi walk
aaat wfnh: ata itaar. Ike Mib. all
aia bear «atua( aawlMa ta aas4 asUl
Ike iraiae froai tka ^ aaa k«w
I bate Barer battae wltneeaed aaeh
of iBteaaa oaelta»aBi.
oalr hare iba tallow Ceallac aad
^(kr (or .the Banker* aSareta
treat bet ii aaem ae tkoach tka
pie ct this attr are la a valilst atil.
tilde kalUac (or thar bardlr kaoar
w^ .ftkeob are eloMd r>t lodtr.
Iba atacol tbUdraa belu asked each
- to brlBf a bok
Yklata do not eaaa ai
fwiwc ahMM aaoaaud la a raote
Wkaa ft raealTe* a allfht
akoct MM rasterdarThe cantlMs keep o«

A ticknas in tbe thitwt;
. btenk itfittttk tt, tbiie
are featured of a throat
coo(|h. Tliey’rcTWT de­
ceptive and a cough ma­
ture won’t, care them.
. Yon wantwota^ that
( WiU ktal tte tn£med
aambcBoea, enrich the
■ blood and tone up the
i fljratem

and Bourkhidg power,
ftdoovea the cause of
the cm^h and the whole
ayatem it given new
atteogth and vigor

Stmt, Mr* Tt'k

or ibe binlaea BenioB It baraed aad
all of Uia ettr «rsatlr daaiagad br tke
abork. CIV 1* "»<>" martial law.
Oauad Biatee troopt are pattoUat:
tkar sar ora- I.OIIO dead. Berfceler
nurerad teaat.’'
C. 1. Wd W. H. Bbner bare reeelrH
telaeiM bam Ibeir brolber at Su
tarlsi Uiai be wae aare, .
lira. Arrflla OardBer. CUad Baker's
■pUiar. raealred a inter aad posial
fram him Batordar wbleh wa» writtea
Iketaar bom Baa Fraacleca He
attaeta. lot aeaw ttiae. TWe boMa paeted to laara for Nerada bol dip
■koeb (tty. pmtniMr. Mil tka taoek
tkea and abe le coaslderaMr 1
omr IMlad a latmd ar iwa 1 tbeoU
bamuea sbe beHerad ibat be wat
tklakta Baa FlBkclieo ai ibe time of Uie dieEartenara are raeUif fron kero to
tkUr bOMa IB BBsk Mtabara tta'
tWMi aiwld Mare«r ka Usoad (eat
akooik «k(B Iha trM eteUemBt W
tta MfB was atIB ew. Baotaltke paaataisUa) aaa^ te lael estiala tkat lUe
Ckr mm Mtow tka.Ma of lu i'
tmm. , Thora ie etfu that laaaltr, of
(itllat sad aa aatroManr kai predialad iHtkar vake lo eom at boob
Udar. rat, I aoppoae It U sore it
skBCk ar what has kappeata tkaa
rtal tear tkat b pmadlaa tke eltr..
The wtallMr rtklardar aad todar

»—|tak- a aaddea boaad to
|i ^tadSbi what hai baaa r*tbei
wal SMl'^ Hse n eta. at Dm
Claws at*aUkdIaiakoanha kail*- f‘6^Bl%ta^lilwt^^»r^MToefc.
Ua board*, at taarse. aad Um 1
e< the aawsbon.aslllBc Uie eatrae
Btamad atawi mataaaliic as tke.r
Bwrar ttaata Ipr a awtatat naill Uls
■Malta tta tboaUat has beoom less.
Eraiylklta laaha brifkt aad baautlM lAtar aad we all trast aad bdlwre
(hat OHlfmta wOl swsrn
tatm WBlellaa bapefat far a praoperata fataim
Mar E Shank.
Lae kaial**. Otl, AprUlk. IWC


TkHr kem was at tlT Baeoad araaoc.
Mra. OaHU was larmrlr Hie. Sielie


wool, wArmKD

ThrIrHvd StrugsU Mad« EuKr_ Lady, in Boston
imntt by a Yogi«

bebwt owatamwML Mmd
me. 1sm. ud I » w* I «
wiihww w iWbias .» amiw m m. fmed amrw Tbm I m mr. w y«
taw... «r I—14.m.e e*d r« »y m*. eta ts mm-(. me w-m*. rm wm
mmomrmtamaysBwm try W. tme—yw Bmta (nm BW m W.S ta*
WarM tad •mfitadr wem-mtataswyedWeSWtustMSrtirVt- '(Vma
.oea«l|«we.tae It.ltaiyw-Jtata, .flw. Bmlim e-U Bwtal I *-

Wataeeta Pram T<ma.
BMaer karat o( tke Chnran. Otaeaa.;
and Ons in NMhviUs.T«nn.
bo epern the wlaier la Tease, was s.
loesl risllor todsr sad be repeats pro.- i
peeU (or ibe coaUac seatoa as beb>s|
parilealsrir brt^L -I bare beta (arm
lac U tkU wlBiar." Hr. Kerei tall.
-rawat lelioi*. radlakea. itmb peat,
sad M (SCI all Kwt of tardea twubtea." Hr. Keree aUied that be
ta Ware. Teas, tke week of Jsn. »
sod vtHled bli sMIer, Mrs. Csfolloe
(UehsrdHie. forwerlr s rveldeat
Nonbpon. sad while there be plaated
a canleB which, darlai ibe two moath*
of We eiar rMded absadsailr e( the
erlta ■prlDf.tardea tmek eo rell.beil j
br raetdeait wbeiber la Tea. or Mlcb- j
laaa Hi. peas, be said, were retd/ lo
*l»e up Iheir plump oderlea. wlihlnj
a dew dsn of bis deponnre but owlus [
or (be borne aSaIn;
at UkiBK tbdr flr.ij
IsateortheBL Howerer. Iber broufhl
d m* Hnp SBd maM hardly drag
borne with Iktm aa abuDdanee of ihe! All eremea woric: some ta tbeir
hot komes. loam la cboreh. asd mwc lo
Uie whirl of sonetr. And is .Uiree, Plakham• VmMahl.Osn|inml ead tu my
1 allU Bod .hop. teas of tboomads are


Scotfs Emulsim
■ k

tkc frtnda kata
km o(
fl( Hr. and Hri. 8.1
of eaa maaMM ara|
valilBf aem frow ikea.

Jorat-Orarn, tke parV krtaa Jolae.!
Uier at BUrar OV. New Meslco. br
Ura. Glare*' two brother., Charle.
Cole*. Boob after ibeIr arrlcal.
Ur*. Here* becaaM 111 and Hr. Keret
led (or there, remorloa her lo a
pital la B Pata Tesa*. where they
remata-d far aereial week., ibeir Huai
<Rop belaa made with hi. »Wer

their dally bread.
Him Pearl Arker*.ofS??KorUi KomAll are BubM to the eaar Bbyaleal
Uwsi all sofrer alike from the ease BWr btreel. .VaabrUl*. Teaa.. writm:
..I—,------ .aadtbe aetoreof DwrHr*. Pmkfaeui:___ duUea.
drift, them
kiod* of
I nr Unoblr srai. .ce—rnwy
ilceraUca. fsIUr« and dUplaoe-

They eepecislly reouire an loTigorBt- tad 1 Mkitaw frar my tatalldy pmwta.'
iap. eaeuiBiBB m^leioe whicb will
Lydia E. Pinkbaa's Vegetable Com­
Btrsaftbee the female oegaoiun and pound
i. Ibe uuf.iliaf run. tor all Ui*m
enable tbcB lo bear eaidty the fat igue*
It sternglbra. the prupr'
of the day. to sleep well at aichl, and trouble*.
mnaclev and dUplacemeut with all U*
to rise rafresked au ebcerfot.
borror* will no more erueb you.
The Uodeni'Haccal>ees of Si.
Hew dlstisKlta to see a womaa
eouatr hare formed a rouolr aeKoola- stnifVllta ta cam a lleelibood or per­ Backache, dlulaem. (sin^
IIOB. with I. J. McCormick of RmllUN
aad head are ' '
Qvek a* eommaader aad BudolpL
ptom. of tbe ooe esum—will
Kreaaar of Pon Hufoa a* record keep­
be ^ui^kl.r dUpelled. aad it will makt
JlSf ^To?
"‘dS^'w yonstraugand well.
er. rUleea delecate* were elcded
deraac^t of the female or- You can tell the .lory of your tafIbe areal ewap rerlew.
'rings lo a woman, and trcelec belpTbe Coranha c^liaell hae luformeri
Him P. Oraer. of It WarreatOB Rteeet. tul 2rlet free of coat. Addtsm Hru.
(be Owesso k Coraaaa Electric ~
Borton. telle wameo how to arold Back Plnkbrna. Lynn. Masa Tb* prctant
that ii. francblee will be esteadeil saOeriagi .be writca
Mr*, i'inkham U tbe daugfater-ln-Uw
of Lydia B. Pinkbam aad lor twcalyaair 00 pariaeai. aanuallr. of a c
DmrHraPlBktaam:.- .
6r» rear, she baa. under ber ditBelioa
(ala sum towarde tbe mslnienanee
JhS My
and .ince her decenee. been adrlMta
McCardr park. It 1* the chief benel-i.. ^
ii.d.rhw .ick women free of chargefldarr of Ibe park, anyway.
SwBiii Who* Mn M.
Salt hae becna 10 recorer (n
E RobloeoB, uncle aad surely I
E Aldrli* of Jeekeoo. allexed defaullHie* Mabel Robene. for eercral
Ita treasurer to the exieat of 1111,000 years s laacber In tbe public M-bo-il
W tta Excelsior Building k Uiaa as- tt Flint, went uc.l for a irtp iwo
week, ago wiihoiit aaBniinclog hrr
soeltilon. Aldrich dlwppeared
purpoee. Now ber friends team ihf
a year .aca and II now appear.
the ws* Bisrrlod in rw. Msinier
nucb'.hsum at Chlckiuiw. I. T.

ll’s SurprisliiK How Moeb Yon Can Save in Onr

Cash Furniture Dept.

' - hih-Eeh »m rm.
The itS-tistk ua. Ihe Pare Ma^
qwtu was aansnally large Wedaeudsr.
to (wo apoow ear. whieb
tara talak tafcaa aortk. Tb* state
■gk titaHtialnaan- oar.akd a pasMiB» tad taaeh eanrlM Iblrty-Mtrae
btat gowara of OMha, Msb.. who
«•!« ta revia la tka baU Belda of
MitbnB MMiliom. ASM* ftam the
spsalal. casta s apscia) baggage
Habbaid. masacer <
ta E Sl. Bsk
■mm Hltalfsa Sagar cempi
Chariceels. the pan* brts* aa
ta E E Bttata- BeMams id tbi

Whether the huabind, wife or child doa the buying of furniture, they always fc« l
latis&ed they have
bought for the lowest price, as every. article
■ ' . is marked
" mpf- ;
'tomers up with long price*, until we lind they
figures. We do not hold our customers
posted, then begin
Below shows a few useful
useful;articles with prices far below competition;


ish. lack SX inebea
high frciD best, IS
i incbfs Ix-twrcn
arms. Yoni cluaii
of Wtber cobfih r
a.'uhlh- Sa-.1l fi<r


. psay. The boot grawars wai« a

« also in tbep ary.
laeostraciod I
this tassoa^ eatpst. ike'wead belag <
(Holy imported Oonssa aeed. Tl
Mtag (be M aosaos tta oateome w
M awaited with laiarett by ietetesi.
«d farmera all ever the state.
The mala (eHtatrioai of tta beet
groweta was talHIre. AMeo. Will
ban ssd CbartoToix. the (tmlMe*
taosrd the Pere Hargaeile beliig
tatad fer tbwe rarlaa. pHata.
|Tta stale Bah emalssMa car tram
c Pirta --tatta«tlm wat d
lake isoat fry all atoag tbe a

Srealat Record that an a

Heard Prem Prianda.
C. L. WMtaer has leeHred a postal
rrom. bU aea. CUranee, who is emgdeyed as etectrteal mglaeer (or
HaMe HsantseiuriBg eompsay. Bsa
taaarUrn Tke poeial was written
Owm Berk^. at t p. m.. April 1*. tta
dta of tta great earUuiBake.
WWIBcy wHtai: -Tkl* Is )eM 1
W Ici yea kaww we are safe siUl rraai
tta oarthvaaha. ft was anM.
tb Baa naadaaa iMa ■arMag; most

B«‘nl Ami

Rocker, just like cut
(ioodgoiden nnk fin­


Cnpfaoaid like cat,
with gia» doors for
(Uahea St top. lifetH.
8*ncb« high. :»io.
wide, two dnwers and


730-7SI B. Proot Btr*«
mta P(tam-i.-« .*1J r-iW mita

We hkve moved our ytock which wki in
the brick buiding, 135 State street, to the
Moore building, l:!9-i:i3 State Hreetr^ On
account of lack of room for many of our'
bulky goods, we are offering Buggies,
Wagons, Harrows, Land Kollert, Hows,
etc, at a big discount. These, gooods are
moving rapidly at these cut prices. Come
while the stock is complete.


our Johnson Mowers and Bindm are
"siandard" and at les» price than the tniai
sells them.




The Herald and
Farm and Fireside
Both One
Year for $1.00

wili-be withdrawn May 1st. If you would like this premium, please attend to the
mailer before that date. No extension beyond May 1st.
Farm and Fireside is issued twice a month, 24 times a year, and has from 24
to Hs |iag».s each issue. It is profusely illustrated withJialf tone and color pictures.
It is the bc>i farm and home journal in America. Thousands of d Jlar* are expend­
ed annually foe expert advice for the fanner, dairyman, sto.k-raiser. poultrymaB,
fruit-grower and gardener. It has departments for the housewife, fashion page*,
pailerns. pood stories, puzzles. It has wit and humor columns and a Young Peoples’


many iot
ruil at
wc have for vou. Ur.ieo rail
:.t lien-1
fw. henry
pillar, l.^h heo.l ^
Woven Wit* Botl StBinas. Cloae
wenve»iiv.hardw.mlU.ll.>Uruii<>. $ OS
tor wood or irtm bml...................... i tZO
GMl ^nga,vi(b'.«t>'nip.(m]Bl..-l ^

Mattnssn of all kindo with pticoo that will iateieat yon A ROOil whi'e cnllin p Mnttri... any
aiar, ms China Maltiog'.k-a yard. Hemp Carpet *.ic a yMd.


This vreat pajmr is given absolutely free for one full year to every subscriber,
new and okl, to the Herald, who has paid for the Herald in full to Jan. 1, 1907. -

Jayne'S Tbnic \fermifu^
*gi\cb r<»sy checks and active health to pale, sickly children^*
And it is good for their cldcn>, Ux>.
Ask )'our druggist for it

To Cure a CoM in One Day


aKAHB nuvsmc kbiuld.

W«- Are ehowins the
Neweet CrectSons <n
Weeh Silks. Everythlns


thumoav. apwl m.

Eve'-ythlngln the nsturai colored Unens for
SuHs^hlrt WAlsta^hHd
ren‘s Dresses. . Boys'




Fix your prtoe where
you will and we wUl flnS
the Boods you want at
your price. : : s ; :


^9% HE BEAUTY of the Wash Goods this year surpasses all other scasoos, some of the mercerised fabnes
are so clever that they wiU defy detection a short distance away. Many a fine frock fit to grace any occa*
W sion,can be made from the rich offering of these summer fabrics. A great many of these designs are exelusive with its and cannot be duplicated elsewhere; they were bought months ago while stocks of the wholesaler
were complete with every pattern.
The authoritative position that thisstore holds in supplj mg correct wearing apparel to the people of 1 ravene
City and %-icinity makes this showing of summer fabrics of more than ordinary interest—this fact that people do
look to us to bring forth the newest and best things has only encouraged us this season to secure only what we
consider and what is considered by style critics and designers to be the best things the market affords.
As a result nowhere in this part of the state can you find such a slock to choose from. As many of these
patterns arc exclusive with u< and are already sold out by the manufacturers, it behooves the woman who likes
to have these dainty exclusive things, to buy early, especially as later in the season drtssmakers will be rushed,
white now they can give you more careful consideration. By careful comparison our prices will be found to be
lower than you irill be asked to pay for the more common designs elsewhere. Whether you intend to purchase
or not we wiH be glad to show tliest exquisite fabric creations.

Galaica Clolh

Imprimcc Oisanilic

This cloth is not new as
a fabric, but we are offer­
ing some of the most beau­
tiful designs that we have
ttver seen; designs that
were never offered us be­
fore. as we were not so.
ivored. For Shin Waist
iuits. Wash Skirts, Sailor
Suits, Children’s Suits, and
similar purposes, there is

This Organdie is abso­
lutely exclusive, and never
'^coroes common-because
only a limited quantity is
made, which is sold to a
comparatively few retail­
ers. Beautiful silk stripe
with fine floral effect* For
daintiness and fine sheer
effects, no fabric approach­
es this in excel- ROp
ence, per yard

Imported Mercerized
Taflcta Cliecks
A mercerized fabric, an
excellent imitation of the
fine taffeta checks and
much superior to taffeta
because of the perfect
laundry qualities. The col­
or combinations embrace
the very finest and newest
colorjngs, and wiil prove
veiy popular for dashy
Summer Gowns. Children’s
Dresses, etc., per QRp

Silk Poplins
Here is the newest adap­
tion of one of the most pop­
ular fabrics, and we believe
will prove most oopular for
dainty Shirt Waist Suits.
Fanev Waists, and such
uses for the Spring season.
This is really a mercerized
fabric, but it is what is
known as yarn dyed mer­
cerized. which means that
the silky appearance is per­
manent. regardless of how
often laundered. The Silk
Poplins come in solid colors
only, and include the verjnewest and most popular
For up-to-daie,
substantial, yet rich ap­
pearing garments, Silk
Poplins are decidedly in-



Silk Spot Eolienne

Silk Malls
Silk Seersucker Stripe Mulls, plain grounds with
Sccrsuckci stripe in a lighter tone .which makes^ ^ry
rich handsome cloth for party or
evening gowns............. .................


Wool Challl.a In iKHfa PmUn and the small
Canrnnbmal ■lealiwa In both cream an.l
dark sraunda, ibis needa BO (nrnmeat. a>

Primed Panamas, M Inebea wide, rev) rioaa.
ly n-wnblea ihe blflb priced wuul fiiodit.

Ileneley St r«r. medium wel«hl. a eUnrer Im.
lUilun of (be all no»l niltinfla. very dealt
able (or Shin Walai Snlla. Will wash and
k«*-p lu finlsb; cream, tan and itre) with
hair line airipea and checks, per J-Qq
Mercerized Unen Slatiafls, these are not
•inly flood for nulta but are desirable (or
8hlr1 Waists. Children's Suits. OR/s
Kary. Alice and Grey...............
Grey Silk Warp Brocades In aelf- CrW".
colored flfliires ......................... tJwVe
niarit and While nrenandlne. alto all black.
These are always good; per AtZ.f>
yard -SB and ............................... ‘rOG
Primed Silk Warp Huna. while .ertninds:

.-Tr.-..’” 60c
pTaln Silk Mulls. Hue la very enmpleie and
la always a favorile, launders 2^0
Dotted Silk Mulls In all Ibe eaten: this i>


Arnold Taffeta
This we are sure will
prove a very popular fabric
at this price, as it is daintv,
and as beautiful as the silk
Pongees, and comes in a
wider range of colorings.
The grounds are plain,
with neat designs, making
an ideal combination for
serviceable wash dresses.
We have a few special tiesigns in this cloth that we
a.-^ you to see. We have
this in both the light and
dark grounds, and it is es­
pecially desirable for both
ladies' and Children's
dresses. I


This fabric is made of pure silk warp, with the very
finest mercerized filling. In appearance it equals any
cloth of this class, and is much more serviceable than a
pure wlk fabric. For Fancy Bodices. Dressv Waists,
Evening or Reception Gowns. Coming in all the dmnty,
delicate shades, it appeals to every lover of such fabrics.
Is parueularly
particularly adapted to artistic draping, and retains
tVi.. drape,
.Irano whe
tvh.>n silk Of Similar fabrics bef\:
comes frumpy, We are showing a large *’^1
V.^ V>
assortment of v sry desirable designs, pr yd

Tbese arc Good
Read Them

Mcm-rirod Panamas In cbeeka and alripet.
eolnr ranm- la enmplete. Ibis la
nmr and a flood one. per^^.
Bunealo Silk NovHiy WalxilBR VamT''Mp'.
cerized, lb black and wblie,
plaids and ebecka, per yard___ OV/ke
Zi lack Imported Zephyr Olnghama la the
iiaiiv imiierns. also In poiiemt saliable
for Udlea- and mlaaaa' dreasM. 25Q
M. rcerized UBcn SultlnRs. eaportally flood
for cbtldrea'e rtreanea, abirt waists. iKry's
waists, etc. These are In blues CFV'
oaly. - Per yard .........................
Fancy Drees Unens In colors of gray, blues
and Idscka. Plain grounds with QR/%
colors In stripes and checks___ OwVe
M.TcerUed Voiles, Is a new weave ibis
season and Is a very prcUy one. We carry
Ibis in a full line of colors
Price pry yird ......................... ..

Hercr-rized Fiflurr-d Cn-pc. a very handsome
tabric. In all ibc most dnnhle col-


iFloral Silk Organdie
This is a cotton warp,
silk filled Organdie, with
white ground and floral de­
sign. Comes in the newesj
and most exclusive color
combinations and should
be seen to be appreciatetl.
It's a new design this sea­
son and promises to be ex­
tremely popular. We es­
pecially want you to see
this fabric. It is very good
for semi dress where some­
thing inexpensive is de­
sired. We strongly recom­
mend ii. Per

White nimliiea. These are not iacladed In
colored floods, bul they are no good thii
we a-BBl to mention ihem at Ifi. 25C
Warp Well Pldues. very good for while
siriis. tejvs' Bailor aaUa. etc.
Ptlce. p-r yard. Zic. 40e and..
Merrerii.-d Waistln^. a most bca.imulllne
*4ry"l^ *'pw yard. ZB.*^ and 50C
r>dt.-d SwIsiob; ibeac promise to l.e excep-



pendaa Lawn: these are also
cradDstloa dtesaes-ZOe. »
French l.awna. This Is a beanllfoMlae
erf floode. We have Ibcai at ZiC
® 1
Ungerte lAWBi, a beaatiful arrft flaU mereerized cloth: launders very ACeB
mce^^ Per yard. SSc to......... UtJLe
A special tel of Printed Law*, ptaly of
good colors to choose from, patterns are


At 25c a yard '
mrdPil Silk
Mae. pink
embmldcivd silk
very haodMmp fahrir.

_(be pr«mnt enaifcms of the

Q'ad to have you send us
your mall Orders, we are
prepared to give them
P'ompt attention.

nmtoc BUk. (acrrvrixed
yara. rra*li ireawi. vbaaROihlo
rilecls. vwy cbarwlacPrlniad Htdra* Oalh. very
dMirable for ibtn nlnt. mn,'*
aUrt* aad boys' vaWa.
EnbmMmd Xephrra, lUtbl

At 35c a yard

At 10c a yard

At 15c a yard

CUw Shado* Cbv«k.. very
popular niPrr«4tiv silk fsbrir
with rilk spot. rOBPy In all «!!••
be« solting colors, .vlilcji in­
cludes Alice and Beseda.

811k Gauze, a very sheer fab­
ric.'In a choice aeWlIrn of eolora fur a cheap dress, vill psake
np t-ery srell Indeed.

American Beau'.r Batiste, one
of the
Ubrici made, to
sell at 1> iM-r )srd. coaitii« In
all the «ia|>le eoiora. and eaptrially sniiab'e for rbesper aaah
-diesacs. In tbit ve have a non.
I«r of exeliislve lailierns lhal
trill he Bi-rreclBied later In ibe
Unen PinI'bed Chanbiay.
BTruybodj- kt
that Chambray is the finest of mb fabrtca,
and the erlsD. ciean eSeeU erf a
Chambray Boll makei II a moat
dealrabU- addlUon to the aardrobs for tooflb and ready aaar.
Comes In uausnally fine color
comblnatioiia. «lib aovon fls-

Mnlod BoHeimes. oae of ib-'
wosl beaatltul fabrics brouebt
OBt IMS aeasoD. Peralaa and
floral eireels la 4>lBk. b’nc. bcitotrope and vblie.
mile srdc Faoial.ic. Panama
•CAve. self colored cbccks. sebd
aclehi. comes in era}>. inn«.
AUcc and reseda.
Hmerited Boorene. sno«flake efleel. eery flood. Uflbt
blo^Jtaby bine and tray.

Prlaiod Ortandle In a full Hn*
of eolnra In lisht and darl:
■flTonnds »tib |»elir floral ef­
fects. This la also a pttpuUr
fabric in the cheaper enul«.
Plain Chaabrar Glnflbamenese are alaaya flood for Shirt
Waists. Shirt Waiit 8uiis and
Children's' dresses. We have
theoe la a full Una of colara.
Plain Oraandie, those *hn
prefer the plain colors this Is an
exrepiianaHy flood doth, a faU
line of the popular colon.

Barred printed Orfluidie in all
the most desirhble colorlmn.
Colored Dotted flviasea la all
the best seianc nrfon sad pal-



M pieces Dress Gingham, flood paitenu and
extra rood values. All regular
«c per yard, for per yard.........
We cany the moat complete Une of Dre**
Ginghams ia the eliy. Bvery wanted |Ot
tbms is here and every grted R 1 O
sellini; color. Per yd.. lOc, lll^c v-Z 1 Ve
Maaehaater Pmwate. oae of the best ma^:
fine, soft •siab, eieellem to »esr. We
bare l< In all eoiora and a com
plet* line of paitems. per yard J*1V

Send for samples of any
of these fabrics: you will
be more than pleased
with them.

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