Grand Traverse Herald, June 14, 1906

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 14, 1906


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




j sisien. Mr. Wyae has always been
•r that was sorpHslas.
Lula Praoae ea. WIWaM Prwiae,
ae Beer lare a history t the; wcU ibougbi Ql hj all who 1 B"w Urn
Wailla. Mteb, June
_ __
land was a member of
l.odse Bmlih vlrtled at ihs home <
IrlBdt Dalaall trs. TboMas Haary elMi aas ctf the achDol.
followed by a solo auac by WO. SS. I. O. O. P. The umliy bav- H. Muriln In ThOKp>o.ivl!le,
Otte Powere.
tbe aympathy of all »
Mrs. SeU »ye.
hM came Ibe clast prophecy by la iboir doable affllet
tm Kortbport PgiBt a>d oalj
Clare E. Hand. Clare said one eeed j of iKph faiher and Jiro
beoM Is visible. Hw Dbb<*d collided
ninty court on ibe ebanie of break- Ini as she waa standlns by her win-! a Hme. The f-merei
v»b tbe lisbisli f the Anchor Usr Of aad enlerta* the borne of Mrs. duw kwUas out at the storat a band \ a/lernorm ai : o clork si il-,. bume r|
larris Ilrothirton. Tbe le-rroou wb<
It pviiily
laid «
Mary McKercber. He was released on
Mor ihe Tsam Ire dense loc
UBsci.n, loiirtuent 1:.
by tlw
ad becbcaied. b
roballoB. i M. Harrinitton bein* the
e'elaek peMerdar taoninf.
of Cndei
R-aaiier eemelerj, I
r irevelt she s
ffieer. The younp man appeared be
Br the eomslon tbe IMacu't bow
taker C. U .Ackerm
ire Jnd^ Mayae asaln at tbit term
. was tedtr (tore la mad abe ai
I enun bar tbla iliue with a cloaa
. ..ibel Av<Till. a teacher
xrord. In fact a model yonn« man,
Made for Kortbpon
le was releaaod from probaiiuB.
mdMd Ibe point «bere ah
Nora Tarrell bad labertled a ereal
baaebed and AUed rapidir- Atler abe
fortune aad was engaced to marry t
Resorts ra.
AM (be boat slipped hack Into deep
With Ibe sudden advent of warm Bubleman. Alice finura was faeEd saleslady In a
valer and la no* In a poilik* where jeatber tbe Aral arrivals for ibe st«larae ivisMltfaDent.
abe wfti be dinmlt to talae. Tbe U- son are bx-clnnlns to reach
Irene Beers was a cheinis'.
blfb aeeoapanied bpr (o tbla port and Today Ocnerml and Mrs. Ri
Urae<' Kramer wax Mlchlpan's ereal
party of JsckaonvIUe. Ill who
after aeelst thet abe vna all rlirbt.
Omena. arrived aud
immer at C
vent on ber war. Tbe Ublfb wax
a short time previous to leavlnp
!<o. it will inl«Tc*t V. :i to
Her by n large r
Ucbt aad bcwnd dowa. She etrldonily
Hida on;- wii ll•aehllla Ulcraiure ■■Vrmv that it can lie '-..-fl-ctl
MewUmex Rulnon, Mina Rose
snaUlMd BO Injartea. Tbe Dnaeas wax
with Dr..MiU-t-Anti-1'nirt IMi-;
PMler of Peloskey. «hi> made up a
the pruplie'v. Hilda fHliy
laadad wub coal aad was booad from
party of live at the E. A. Koster
and without any had .afti:if Hie vslip' Ilf mile ilHnas
derelaad to Milwaukee. 8be was 3M
at Silver Ukc tlilx week, s|
cffects. and this whlioi-.t dan­
:i\end the vtledktorv aJr
lime In the clly today Urtor.feet la taaitb and waa built in I»1
ger of forrriiiff a dfUiT haUt or
urugron rlo**Hl »iik ihe
Ebe was a wooden boat asd tbe Leblgh lurolBC borne.
having wtir gtoniavlil <■Mr. aad Mrs. J. B Allen, who '
lered ai
Valparaiso. Ind., pai
ranKu-tl. ’They jAxsiiivi'Ty cnarourt Ibe city today on their s
tain no oi-ittm. mor^ihinc. cw
•r trip In Bast Jordan.
Empire, Midi.. June
cainc. chlorai. other or vhetntMrs. A. C. Adair of Flint was n r
I of Manlxii-r- was hfre last Turform in anv form. Dr. .Milos
In the Hiy n shnri time while eo r.
Tbe crm Wt for MUwaukee
- t View for the nummer.
Anti-Pain 'Pills tcHcvc' vain,
MOralac ea (be ear fenr. ibe car ferrr
____ Georpe Weaver and daiiahier
and U-av c only a sense of Toliof.
^iBc there for a rodder.
The reason for this is cxvlaine.l
l.«nilnx and Mrs. H. E. Weaver - erse City (be find of isM seek.
bv the fact that headache conu-s
Cleveland. Ohio, paaxed tbrouab I
Mrs. W. P. IleyiPilils enlerta
Dentb af Adam Umlor.
dr way to Aldcn Parti, i
from tired, irrilahle. ttirbulrnt.
city on
^Ist Pearl Kaadolpb of Munor
AdsM OMior. oae of Qnad Tiar den, wht
over-taxed brain m-rves. AiitiS6o» at Honest fnen
«ne oesMlr'a rideat ptonwra
Mr. and Mr*. T. il
Pain I’ills soothe and strcnrrthp; M. Wseek.
Iiabv vlltnl hen- Sunday at Ihe I
puAiaalT at ifap bene of bla aoi
en these nerves, thus rcnibvin,;:
freight wreck above Barker Creek
dfww UMtor. U Whitewater towiublp __ Ibe Pere Har«uelte at 6 o'clock of Wllllatn MorrlA
W. H. Sieen- and son of Northimr
when t.'.ken .-is directed.
Thureday evenlag delayed frelehi trele here iMiyinR pulalm-x.
^Mr^Sator bad been In the
Mr* M, Avlexwurlh. who spent I
about fourteen hour* and the pasnod bMllh aad retired to Ills ro
n Chicago. I* experu-d boiD'
mink thui ti.i-rv i- ti.xiniu; »;.i
aengeri were traosferred lo the sceobed tiae sad tbe famllr snppose
te be aMeep but ibis Moralaf whea of tbe wrMk.
Mr. am] Mrs.
Uw.1. br lu n v-TT l. w^tnlnutre. 1
(ber webt to all tain tbe llftiem bodr
\i»! ing
Bmrs freight No. 1R0 -'doubled'- In
Traverse Clly ary I
Th.>. ilii.-sHi. iimd.- .-f.ii..'
was Irlac dressed aeroea tbe bed order lo make tbe rleep grwde at ibai
lelt daughter. Mrs. Dai
vbM« It bad prohablr fallea aevera point and the rear end was k-tl withl‘e"er o
Clayton Jackxun.
pivci-i.t I .il!:i-r. Tbnt'B vvhy
boars before.

out a flagman, so It is said. Bnglni- Beulah.
eyiah. U
till y 1 aiiT riji. .Inal tin- l-iii'l
'Mr. Cnlor was W reen old
151 on Ihe Slone run from CharievoU
Mr. and .
aaa to ibb ndaltr la lUt wilt
to Newaygo rounded Ibe curve ]usi
Sunday wl
y.ii vv.iiil fur rvi-rjtlay Wiar.
bfolbdre. Ther each took up cl
Glen At
below The gredc and runalng fast In
H.x.U.ilfd U-ath.T.
about oeroB miles west of wfaet Is
Chartle Gidley's
ring horec
ordre to climb Ihe hill, crashed In'
TMVerM CUT and whai ~ th
tbe caboose of ihe frelgbl. smashing
hliiil hT Sai
qiiile liadly
IV bv
Into kiBdIing wood and dsmaalng il
h gelling Into a wire fence.
a eatll cb rude booses of i
next three care. Fireman Rllleii ami
> could be xgostnieted.
■wa lolav vUltltiB wilh Ihe family o
Bagineer Priest Jumped InKorc the
so monibs a«o 1
crash and the laiter was rather liadly Ills bruilier. Elmer Atkinson.
UU^^^^Co.. Elkhart. Ind
I fdr several yei
John au'l James Ibjsen have oiM-ncI aliboiigh not s.-rlniialy InwHb bla sea. Andrew. <n Bast Pron
fruit sliire and bazaar in the Iron
Jnred. The big engine
■tiaet bat at that Ume traded tho eli) the dildi and lay on its side.
>ora ol Ibe bulbliiig occupied by .Mi:
prepertr for tbe fana and mored
I called fro
Gnind on Front Mrtei.
Tbe steam wrecker
through, ti
-. Hunting and M. F. Hor.-n ue:-.
Uplds ai
,-clock t:
land toilBy in allend clirul
■ul t. o-cl.

AMOUa Coleman. Caroline Tblel, At
cleared the track In a few 1
htmMHtp M MaeetU Seeor or tliti
school teaebers left Rfller.r,v
nising ear for ii
twl^M^ree sous. Joha of Oram
ag tor Ihvlr nsmetlve hoiii '
Baptto aad Bupene mad Aadrew o( thl
Diiucan Ul Siiiiona Day: Kui'
- edqr are .ML . The fuaeioJ aros
Wliwler, Ml. Pleasaiil: Or.tee Kie '
Te Mvke Brtck.
BU bare
An industry Is alsjiii lo be promiil Kenwooil. and Orure Becker. Dexie
Oraduaiing exercises for the eluhil.
■led In this city, which If Indlcallun*
criterion, will be rcragnlxod at and eU venlh .gredeK were belli III II'"
are a criii
K. O, T. M. M. liall Friday eveniim.
a leading Industry ni
An enlerlalniDcnl* was given by I.:r
lufnciurlng Iniern .IS,
Latead. Mleb, Jna* T.-Tfcp ease
ecenlly the propR l>. at Bast Day primary and inierine.uaii
• Raxi
- xion Thursday
led by Freak Saitun of■ the
Banaa Rymta t*. Joseph Kirt, an
t- wo^ .dolu’ by
proud of
aaaiiMinll salt oyer a note for |l.H(i
largely of clay. A sample w
b aUll OB le Olimit court bet* ifler C. W. Raymond A Co. of L
a touT days- bard ioughi battle. Ptait where the brick devrti.p..,! ■
Plato Clasp. Stoom Bo'ior and Avtcldont insuranco.
echt at 1
ft Davis repMaiit the ptalntlK and nanal value owing lo the On. _
xn UM Tbiirsday,
Ills mi
J. W. Pat^ta tbe defendaat The do- duet belag of Ibe tmiixunl red variety.
II have charge of hla farm i
Hr Raymond arrived la tbe ciiy yes­
feeae ebiMs that the aole was civen terday and at once maile a visit to
Tbe funeral of Mrs. Jorejih Pay"
reh. 4. 1P04 aad Ihe pbloUff Hareb 4 the property In the capacity ol
leni who died May 2k,
' " '
Oi May M. iM. it is claimed tbat A ■mple will be forunrded to
Ihe I'niholie church here
again for furiber tests and la
KM gave HyMaa a note for I5«.
day. Rev. I'alhir
now planned an organlcathm
Jlacast be took up tbe tSOO BMC and
Room 310 Now State Bank Building.
Travorso City.
I'M) otflrlating.
MUs Annie Martin of Platte is h- ie
' aoeaiwd I5M auwe. giving a note tor
staying with her sist.-r. Mrs. t'h;.:
brick mannfacluring plant.
Glilley. wltn has liei-ii ill f. l the p:el
buildings, eqtlpm
aplul. the buildings,
lachlaerv will Iw
Manft 4 be got 1500 arore and look up machl..........................................
Hr. Shank of Rutplre and Dr. F.l
tbo Alftaa note, oe It Is mUegrt. A about $M,000, while the
moadx of Honor tx-iiiovetl an e«e I-u
aota waa then given for 5LI40. portion of the eaiiltnllxBlinn
Isaac Raymo of Glen Haven. Saiurdn)

Throogh (lUa deal, Hytaan charged a utilUed as a working capital.
H. Raymond staled to a represen- Mr Raymo was Injured about a w.-k
ftiMWHiltP m oa tbe flrat tSO#: $50
«a Ibe aecood. $7$ on the third and _..e of the Record today that ibis ago and waa In daiigt-r of bloi>d pm
AIM oa tbo toartb. tbe loiereai and ■as Ihe only Lnoan bed of red clay mniiig.
F. E- Morse Is painting Ihe resi
While he was ant prepared to slate, lienee of WllMam Morris on Niagara
A lihrrh has reei-mly l»-n
aald that Uiere were an olher nd sin-ei
tlJM. The court refnaed lo reeog
Try re,• l ily
-=kniaa oltber tbe lutrreat or commta- clay deposlu in Michigan, so far aildvil to the house nnd when romBoae had been unrovered and the cla> pleKsl win begone of Ihe |irelilesl


: Tmcisc etly Statc-^^
' 1 A. TRACY LAV, PrrelJaitL

m .1 viuT-;;

Ull', Vm h'I.
CAPITAL. •200.000
SuhPLUH. *27.000 .

A Ceaeral BukUf Bitiieu Dm

Head Ache

) fti Ccal AlloweO aa noRbeoMts.



Seamitss Shoes


Rowland Douglass

Shoe Store, orr. Wbitine Hole!


t'.tnri; i,:. ... • -,fv »l. Nu-V . .^



. . t I-MITM U*


•..:*' >1,.! iMilidinx- Ix-inr,

J. McPHAILip-r*7*uTir*rr„™i
■sn wiiii.-im Hik.. oit*. riionp 1 ihjMe::.



F-uo R 1ST
ALL BlKDfi OF OUT FUl»ltIl8 |

^ dental work
E. FroM St. OL Pkm rn





WtrxtGKsti k«a< Biiig. lEIROIT

Tire Insurance!

issijxjrs usssrj


Money lo Loan on Improved Rea! Eslalc Only.

The Sooth Side lombetCo,

"^ibow iMt iba note eooldn-i have
beoB given on tbe day cUImed. Kin
■wore tbat oa March 4,1P04. be c
lo Trwveree City wkb a load cd
wUt* be endavorM to nell at a
bM tbv refnaed II because It waa
Ho tben took It to Prokop Kyeelka'a.
whore be disposed of it. It being d '
mbn be got It unloaded aod aUi
boas. Mr. Kyaelkn'e books were
alUM as evUeoce. -

found upon ihl* proiHTti' was ul m
than ordinary liueresi aside from
being of Ibe red clay varieiy. He c
sidered tbe clay of a glacier deiiosli.

of drill material II woiiM he of
If of
and whai mak<-r
rellum variety, an
■ he Sira
allll further value
re of any alkali
alkali or lime. 1
majority of clay eonlalns lime
: It overshadows Ibe I:
deposit which I.
red sppearr.nre afier baking.
Tbe ease of
among Ibe more valuable outpuis Ihs
WeatJobD was
^mocas of tbe prlaelpd wltac

The Fraii'klort nttd Empire bas^i-alf
teams eiiox.-.! Itats on the Empire
muml Siiiiilay aflertuxti). The g
::ili«\l in a mmiJeie vleiorv lui


Mrs. klaythe Haller of Rust Empd
s reitollisi to le- s--r|niisly ill a
cheaper kind Is found the brick ft«
luiiie of her
reoiber. '•
backing walls, and In the face brick
are also found sever*! grades. SbUtr.o. was Quite Ml Itis
Mrs.' F
walk brick, sewer brick. Are brick l«ev. re cvilil and billon
Ing made from lire clay, the latter noi
luund In Michigan.
The funeral
The orgauliatkm of the prerenl
dav»"W>'> »»» *«■»"*
East Emi
mpire »
go 08 aospeeded eentene*. He pro­ company will lie by tbe Eleeirical A
ibidie etiiireh here. Hwith
Fivtl t'o- Call
duced a diploma from a Vcrmonl coi­ Lanil Ueveknimeiti Co.,
e City ij
Rolierts, promoter. .
ls Mleblgan
elalmad U bare gradusied tram
bat Imd aotUng to ahow for It.
J-ihn \Vvsi', who has Is-umi ill for
Prank AUor pleaded guilty to vkilatRIk Rapids. Mich.. June f.-Thiir*
p.-is eleven weeks at the horn-- of
lBg;tbe liquor laws and was floed $50. day moruinj; ibr seniors
sister. Mrs. Harris Bmlherton.
Tbe ease of Charles Hoebradle vlo- class dav exercises
H- opera bouse jlaiiirilay aliernoon at :■ o'elmk.
lalkm of tbe Uqaor Uw. was coalloued.
le proeram v«a.<
AI 10 o'rlock
.-easrel was Isirn In Caiiavla. Nm.
Tbe care of Zelma LaUraff. charge.1 opened bv an own * by (be RIk Hap
ik-.T. eoatlng to Mleblgan wlili
and battery, was coniln- Ids occbeslra.
nan'ti's wbrei quite a small U-v.
Folltrelni was the Invocatluo by bax resideil in this vtrinliy for a s
Tbe care
Rev. Milo N. Wood.
oianv vears. exeent for a yi-ar in
Then Nor* B. TarrlH „..................
neistta. HI- wile di-i four y-irs
; story addrosa aad esay. "In the Be­ the ;Srd cf thi* mi-iitb. r.-o! a
mnlgbteu a
I* a
to Nocbel's land. Tbe nit
She fpoke of the vnlue of n grmd l>eBinnlng and how great things oTien
Tb« rere of James D. Bryan vs. spnng fivim a vcD simple tM'cinnlnc.
Freak Taakee. appaal. Is also ready as a small, delicate stem with two
for trtaL
leaves at ihr top may In time dew-lop
The CAM df Andrew Robrbaclier el Into a Urge tr.s- and possibly furnish
■ gl. re. Hrery Anlhooy. which iras lumber to build a humble home or a
taken to LreMnan coauiy from Grand schflolhonse. inside of which Ihe roindv
Treverse bereure of prejudice ignlnst of Ihe young may be eiiUliaied.
was aellled out of
Mabel H. Averill told In a clear*
sweet voice of Ihe life of Snsan Broreunomitonable «
y->: w r •
e of Wesley Cnilard v
well Anthony.
liUle g-ssl br)yind_buRlv'ke<-yun.;
Then Samuel GoUfarb delivered "A
Pie* for the Foreati' He told of the
worse t!-.ancse;es.-. f.-r they " .11 in
value of Ihe forest, not only flnaelally.
time deprive tbe Stomach of all
WhlUng vs Freak Kretocbrfl
hut for Its eflecis upon the climate and
powcrtodlgextfood. Tbestnmavb
omiM by a JMEMnl being awarded value of the land.
msS be tuoed up—strungtheued.
the NamUB by detaalL
ThU w»» followed by a solo sung
T!:c herb tvvoivluxali-v.
la Iba garampslt rere of Mar„
by Miss Clare J. HuDler^ Mlaa Hunter
Bniamln va..Ajlhur Brtgga. aasumpMt. yndgmoil was given by deCaoll.
about to take her seat the second
Probaltal cfAcer DeeU reported (bat time llltle HIMred llanet stepped oolo
nrerytblBg was well vltb Mt ebargr.
AAaaOohn. He wna appolned tor auwlUdotlie work quaklyand plea*I. Sour* ■ d the slory ■


Lane’s Family
&.Jdbyalldeatereatrec.aad soc.

Don’t Delay
lln; buy yip.-iys you .1 fiii: -.'i.t

on --i
hay shtiiiltl be |iut in th'- birii



\V<- aKo liave T-S in* ii
Mi.nill.T Koi..;; not ihit ini.x-j -r ,ni< a- .m)--!
the best,

liei our |>rio;

Also hav<; a full Im-- nl
Think of your
fr-otl. anti you will SI I'

Order lor

I Siock



game day

■ iDors and wimfow
We ll



With Ds.






three da>’$.

man to lake the measurementa

[Traverse City Mfg. Co.

ThD ir*b^‘BM
Empire lioys this aiimmer.

Xnllln Gritier mol Mr H
Blagg son
rliHl Bund

■ Tbe case cf Ibe people va. William
arttfltb waa dIamUsed because the
eomplalBaat. Hlaale Breaker, bad
otoee married.
Tbe case of tbe people va. Henr.
Pupta. ebaiged with practicing medl-






: ::p:p :


b* '-.



f* rl:


Builders’ Hardware
.11. I u-el our pnoeo.
I :ill-l I'XUIlli
r l(H:k« uii.j i.ii..l.» .1 r.-.'l tl.e iiiaiiufocliirera
•III lNil..:y..u V.ry ! 'a |>rj..-s, \Vp ftl|r> viali ti.
y.-iir :tlt.-iili..ii I-. - t I'-iini Diwir KoIIt-ru
.r'w.ll .................
.-IT li" ir.i-k w-iU) Ui<»« rr>l)i-ra and .
y w ill'•.•irry till-)i-.1 .--St 'l‘*>r w itli i-aso,
W.- can
’y.-ii lli.-w--'ll. :i|x r lli.-iii j.iu can a.-nd away
ib- iii :it. l V..I1 - .III

S' "l"'t y«u uro buyiiiu

-i.-etl rup- - ant) i .i'i!r li--'.
chick, ns anil n-'t i!i. to , liick
i->r yiuit'i-if

lo-f m.itiy chickens if you


ff-tl i3u-m




It is so fiaiural for the liiilu[,*vv- ihai ih- n-




<■;.? l^xsl.,ID«; BaiMit*.-



iht-r>> 1was a ;;,‘'i‘l man "*i'i

'U --



I’aris (.ir*.-*-ii is hi_;h iht- year'" Oursi' o-rm-.
as you can gt I

Laveiibur;,' lire-

wht n- vi-r \ott
I'ouniJ- I'ari- lir«

I -.<■ .a ba.; of

land jilastcr



we have,

increase yuiir crvip of poiatoc

Have you ever teel the


111'-- bau- olf -ir-'l
Uriii;; your o.v.- iiid

exchange wi'.h tis.



isil CASS Sts.

cm. MICH.

Reyml Tl^^r -Tmmm mr%^

I^opal tiger
TJiey are the beB.



C»B»ei C#n»
»m4 Stimpa

Sokl riely by





. Utaaa. Mh*, J«»* t-UlMifl. OH.


W. t

arc known better than Ibe Her-I Mr. Uaralma. Port Wayne

Dbcmtalu* M Mnmr
wmt tdk md

Wclnhart of Cblcago. loca'«<
aummer bomea at Lclan I
the Lake Uichifaut WuBa. aontfa of the and oceopy them darins the entire acaTllUde. The Wdnbardt family wUI aon. Mr. Uitell baa a broiber who

aUmalaU their «ra«th (o the U^eal

Hoe next wc^

Catfar Rapida Crowd.
perfeeUoa pooriUe.
Hennas Cnahmas. C. H. Chandler,
MMCkof Uw lanrtlnc «i»M. li i
uaer Le^awa pilea beta-ec*
Tbc beaaiUul Woodbrldee eotuec
■MMtIr lonM CM tbe buki of
I rrarenoot Md> day. luk- and E. E. Chanlder are already InaUllcd
roapeetlvo cotiaam. lor the
catnpletcd fodny. Tbla la loewicd
etiooa «fth (he M. * N.
liba: t('« Ideal lecsUoa in the <b
while W. II. Dnoaiicc arrtvcdljoat north ol the viltone. otcHookInB
MtctIcaB (iTee tbc rceonen Ualiui at Preremoiit. aad wllb tbc
Micblsan. aad la flniahrd within
the b»e>5clil Me fron Ui »«7 eo»' jetase Vac (bat nuu benreea SuUona
semr ( POWKC. Cbi im, ^
wooda, ohi Flemlah. a
ProvenooL eonneednp
aad ie*lsorailDf bnneca. add lu eloee Bay aad
prcdoalnallni;. Prof C
fiDKona Bay with (be C. R. * I- mlu.
iralaUy 1o Carp l»»c.

Crwwn a cotupc aianda a nenr nclehUeUoaa. fleee lbo» a a»W»C vbkb nakea K TCry eonvenlcB
Iwr. but on the audden rtre
to. reach here.
aped aaaqaalod by aoy te thU eeetkn
' aheer Mnlta. The U aia t;rt»bWna'coti. W. l*atehln retomid laai evrnioi!
. dapaneea Cottage.
c« the ooodtry. aad a. a mauer of
bcins Juirt »«4th 'iiliace U Inraied on Lake Micblsan and from apendiUB thn-o diva ai Udai.rt
tact, the DnHed Btatea. lu niial earE. E. Chandler eojoya tbc dlstjncLcland on ihr ten knoi ol a monM< r' Mr. and Mrr. Gml'bio and family are while lu aiteudance a' the June term
ro«adlB«a fonUb all the rtcb and tkn of barlDp the only eotta«r
lake dune or bill, where fnim the aerie ! now at Uiand awaltloy tia cnmpletton.
aaartAlBC food coMO»dlilca ao dearly
kill, the Mow la m»i rnmmandini: .<f' Mr. GroWnn rveenil* had an accident
aBjoyad by tbaae who have been tIc- Tbc atmeture
thlrty^»ofe^n aonarc,
the lake Itaelf. and the undulailni-- while In hi* lauiK-h, which but for blr
Saturday's Record
(IM of (be beef paeken’ Irrcpilani-- (bree atorten biRb and at the top la
and Mrs P. W Hock of Cadiltar
laadacaiie Ktntrhins awar In the di*. leaplMc Irom ihe boat Into the 1
aad (heir eareleaaiieaa la baodllas
vetT apaeloia balcony, while a preii
Unce, MUs Jc^ste Cenanl of t>al. mlghl have Wn acrioui. While ae retnmed lo tbelr home this nioniii
veranda adoraa the lower aiory. It
Park, III. also has a dellRhtful -sum- tetaptlns to ll|:h_^a match ibe sul- after »p.-odl0g two we-ek* in th.- rl
allnated on tbe^ banka of Carp Uko.
B)cr borne.
I'hnr end Bow and 'land.d down near It Itie bom. of friends and relailtes.
, aarrotindlB* eoobtry alao pr«- niaklns’lt conapleooua from aU polnia
U-lud aecms to be a firorlte with the onplne. causlnc --eanins Eipoltue
Mrs. Fermin "He)Bolds and ihr
aoae rery aUracUre (catores of the town.
rhlldTOi 4if DItighani are sp.-ndluc i
The Chandler boat worka which
troa thoac perloaaly ctated. Id
day Is IV- nl,i with trh-iids.
n aceaery. lu maay acret ol were deatrrtyed by Are a abort time
Mbs Janr Akers <if UitiKham arrived
a »tth flower la tbelr wild aad< aim. will bo iuccoeded by an Indiiatrv

Scott’s Emulsion
immre in winter.

lo ihc'cHy ihi* monilnit where she
viai'log with ivlatlve..

ChMf. sparkllns known aa the Welnnd Electric Ughi

Mr and Mr.'. J. F Jlaihear ..I .VertIt
p r.

parte-J IhtoitsI' the



lat'.. l..3U!r they will pi to Canadu
vlrll hl^ tuoiher Mr'. J-dn* Math- »s


Ml'... -Mary llnml-arh and daughfr
II. He was lurc-ed li. Jumii
Pauline aio! l.o'ilse. ol Elmw.wBl.
I' into the lake to save hlmst-lf ar
c-*p.-d v.itliaK’ihlni; men- wrlous ihai. slKH-lIng ilie day lu Hie cily '
I Mup-.! lyebrowj.
Mif. P 1. Stall id Sonhtsirt arrte.ll
Ib 111-' city loilay lor u short May wliil

New Deck Asaored.
C. It. nianilh-r will build a iM-w
juakliic gissl the wliM
uU- of Ihi J<unlii tTi Michluan
which will lu- . ua'lded lo *Ki|. al Is‘
land. C. II. Cbniirtli'r b aba mafcine
lirepara'inn* to sink antn<-»lan wc-l
111 the Chandler paik. Man< I'oiiii.

'Wf '

Busineaa Improvementa.
No itHir.- substantial imprm.-nu-n
anLtiuut-ci! Mian the enlargliiB oi th•icl M-nli-e. The Ilitesl.l.- Inn i


and Power ComiMuny. It will Install
dynamo large enough lo supply lights
aad valley
vtih Um merty aoasa of the blrda for fte Tillage, and will furnish |
tcverwl mliW around this
that tbrems theae tpota. lends an
ehnstment that the vhdtor seldom lor-


!. A ilamt's and liats'of Nortl

port oa-ii-d ihruuKh the city
mornlhg on her way to Maiitmi. whei
she will visit.
MUs lli-nnetia (’a
well id Mai.lou arconiiuini.ll li. r l>ai
alt.-r vbiilhg al l'orih|sin with lici.
Mist Carrl.' Ik Vail Is s|u-nding In
timu at iires. nt in Clilrago with h.
mother. Mr


Mr . C H Iliehardw.n »l*trr irf fi. .
K.y.s .if -Th.' Ch.vpra.-,art1ved i
iiy ihl- morning afl.-r a pb-asat
Vl-Ml with Mr Keyes and family. Mf
lUrhardsoii. wh.isc h.injr Is In T. li

le of the rliamilop r- si snot* *if lb
north. IIS wide and l.r.-t-re »we|ii v.-r

aadas. coid halls, and rcM rtsmis ttiaki
•eta.« over. And when the time comes ptopoalUon to run a amall tredicy line
(nr tbelr depnrtniw, maay resoriera aroand the banks of the iwo lake* and
Many famine* (be-ler i
h«va a tisfa and bcfta
eiicod Into the country for tbc
will sis'Od hi-r r.imtn.v'111 this .'liy
I summer home nnilcr the ho*|4taI roo
Some Uland Scenea.
aauBB had )ail betnn aad tfaea kmga of the rural peopU'. This new fcslnrc
bur .la.ighler, Mrv O.xM-ge Hat
!.il J. Schwartr to ratitaKe Hie.
far the time when they may return i
will be warmly welcomed by boih
Illiools realdenla. Prof. tV. K. llrtdg
........... .........
tUs happy, bmdthfal ploaaare spot.
Meats and resoriera alike,
Lake Forest.
HI., E, Rogers.
ciri-ei has iweii i-nlarBe'd to
The people of Lelaad seem to have
The plans lor the new Cedar Baplrta Sycamore. Ill,, III'. l>inB...f Toiiloii. Ill,,',,
ihrei'-Morv building and
vrHh tte meRT aoes*
club house, who punuise to erect a Prof. Ueoberger, CbicBBu. Theodore ^
profl|,i,le trade.
caasbt the reeotUas Idea fully. Bcorta modem
to accommodate Jnergeus, Chirago, all owning
L-elaaau'a Orileial Paper.
ct pretly eoUAcea have been built and about 100 of tbelr members, arc here
ebaraiing roiregeu sra'iercd
eaeily faralabed. dexeai of sasollne and the work will be begun upon that
abandon along tbc lake Irpni.
manehaa and other craft bare been
loug oMiclal paper Tb.- En­
on as esrpenters can be attained.
Indiana Repreaentad.
oaetraeled asUI the Lcland river am Several Traverwe aiy carpenter* nre
IVhlle lllinoU has ferreted oat the terprise. aa.l the lioan- of Its ctllor.
arrtlnf these two tokae- iwmlada tbc bring employed here at tbk time sn.I
______ W. C. SCI.WD Is oq.. of .he me
tbc Attlei I’lib village
traveler of the activity <d Tenk*.
acoiiHl. llghiful resld.-nccs In North.-rn
few more could be used to good ' tiona. Indiana Is
where water tadliUa are utilised for
l.eaiion IH-Itig ’ia-'sl.
Harry | o
Frank Blarkicdge. I
bath.ODmacretal. aad pleasure parov.-rliKJkluu I,nk.- MIclilgati.
Indc, Fon Wayne, Frank Ball. For.
rw. Ailer Berrysm.
lalch slrlug always
Wayne, of Mason Iralt ran fame, au-.i and
At this wrKlaB. several
IS.- IIM .< fmuds ol the gi-nlal
hla bmiher. Kd Ball. Joseiib Utlell.' ihe
to Ldasd-a already Urac
It la a ercat
Fon Wayne. Mr. McPhall, Fori Wayuejedli.
■ aaiivlactiiia (.>r a
enttacoa arc bdas ballt. Walter T.
ibem being a cannlDg fMon'.
Best. prafesaSoBally knowa aa Maim
led by ttae LecUnau Canning
I that slicanw-rilc
the prince of aude. U balldins
Co- which will tbla year begin
to irllinp
tape which wbea completed will cost InllUl work. Henna, corn aad apples
1 ber ihu m-nt pnvaleau.l .■-.□ti<l.-nla the nelshborbood of W.OOO. Ii U to will be handled and if the onllying
' Hal d.-iails alsnit
he built of Ooonda plac tbrougboai. acreage prorea Hi alandard. a work­
her illnrv,. and
beaotlfully Balahed asd
ing force of belwera 31 and 40 nlll bo
.ktinw that her 1.1jternill livMi-nby
ealar plan <d artAHectirrc It Is nlaety- employod.
aevea feet kmc and tti clrcolar featThe Jol
ere U a aovdty here la resort bandnlcai-siif f.-iualr
a capacity cd 50,000 per day. the
. IW. He will alao balld three amaller
Pelerw lumber mill, wllh lla caparlc
Hr*. Plukham ev.-r.v vrar. >
’. cottagea to be need la the catcrialhof 15.000 feet per day. and only a sum
penonallv. otii.-i- l-viua.I. Mnwl
, aiBi of tall maay (rienda.
bamUtbedaaghter-iQ lawof l.ydi
mcr ran. and the John Ihrter* bo* fat
New Cottapsa.
Fiokham and fu
lory, employing ten men. are Indu.
Prat OmwB. formerly anpcrintcadtrie* of no email value for a vHligc
sM ef the Traverse Oty achoola, U al­
of the Stic of Leland. The box factory
so ereetlai a anmmerhuatcherc.whidi
began Saturday will!
. ’ wfD Md rnoch to the attraeUreoesa of
for It'.ooo caac* lor
canning faeLaland'i aummer dwelUnBr. 8- mb'
e ao veith
ii-vt of Hir
tale's eottasc U also Bearing compldA abort lime ago. Mr. Pvtcra. while
tloa aad will look very cosy when





pMed. Lewis Orabben. a former retldest <t LdBDd. but aow of Hilwaokea. has again prorea IrrealatabW
- smM the pharma of Leland asd has

in Ibe ibingic mill,
accident. mDitlog In


ahonlder, broken arm and lajartes
Itbe back.

You haix heard -Joel Chandler's stor>- of the little
chap who went rabbit hunting? He tramped all over
Br'cr Rabbit who had
cunningly seated himself
on the gun stock. There
is ao need for you to hunt
all over the country for
your Vehicles. Harness
or Ii
Its—no reasfor going to the next
town, or letting the cata­
logue house deludi- you
with cleverly worded Hccephions. Right here at home
is to be found what you need—a stock suited in every
particular to the re.|uirujnents oi this section, selected
by people who kk..w
our folks and their
needs, .md sold at
jirices a* low as tan be
obtained a n y \v here.
Our offerings for llHNl
trade includes the new­
est of the new. with all
the late features and
touches which increase
the iisefflni'ss or sightliness. Our line i'v full of desiral)le things -goods that will please a discriminating
p>ckec. .-Ml wc ask is a show. Comi in and 4|teiid a
(juarter of an hour and look our stock of vehidtrs and
implements over, and see how wc make our harness,
then buy wherever your money goes farthest.

Soli* the Ikat VohirloA. ItiipleinonU aiul lUroesa.
j:fi Sialo Sir.«i.

TtaTcrao City. Mich.

Cite. Phone Iti.

wool- WANTED
I iusill)i<wnlsiHlsnwvl hsv. II M-wylv
Is IV...m asU l*.<ladrl|.l>U I Iws-I-.i«lr^U
Ot. nii'l I hsvrmnir««»drtiip»-j~ai»l»,eibi-.—.. «nw*rf.a
l4.p<l,Mllbr .sIkt mdl (sr slIHs Insi.I era*— l-ss .(rt.aBd
^'1 lul-si iMSa* Vrwl mf t«Vi. urt Ikmum—
*>-«4*i»l J-S. will :rf 1.. Ismwa. ».par Ibwk. frw
.un-1 1- "-.I. s«l . vivy1.rt, — V, br sia-y sflra arivi
anlUon I I.T.-rt 1...1HS. II .lla I-ifn-yaa asr aluv. aail tl
730-732 E. Front Stroot


Wc have moved our stock which was io
the brick buiding, 135 State street, to the
Moore building, l'23-133 Stale street. .On
account of lack of room fbr many of oar
bulk^.'‘■goods, wc are offering Buggies,
Wagons. Harrows, Land Rollers, Plows,

{.! 3



etc., at a big discount. These gooods are


moving rapidly at these cui prices. Come
while ijic stock is complele.


our Johnson Mouers and Binders are
- CoresvuHi of Ibe vlllat-s .
spenl t.slay lu Ihe clly ai
turn.ll lo .V.irtbpon.
Mr. au.1
Mr,.. Saniu.-I.
Northpi.n '

of (irand II

III.- Church

rail <u lop* he ba»

"standard" and at less price than the trust
sells them.

Trumi,- ul, O.


gwHiMil a piece of tend adjoining Cettagaa SeatUrod-Klong the Shore.
To enter the village of Lriaad
LaelaiBand Is erteUng a mod­
mnn Friday'* K<-ci«vl.
like enlertag an laland house, for ismem cottage on It. C L iMyum. proecvery side, or Dearly
.. , hvGlovirsviUe. X
eceUag ettecMy for -Leclaaao cooniy. Lake Leelanau presents broad, white siH-iid (WO w.-eks
(th hi* m.«t>.'
rtntpe.1 y.-<terdav
Harry Ham.-r
baa the pinna ter the erecUoo of a new aborea and-pMenl plnerlra. native foruslness trip lo LooMlagc that wOl favorably compare
of maple and becrii. ready to pro- from a (our day*'
it son of Frankfort a
with the otbo- ootUgea here. Lriand's
rest and rccreaUoo tor i
'*c!'a. C.«k and w-ife of G
home of Mrs. F
two botela. the Rlveralde Un and
desire ibe waving pineries or dlgnlBed were in the cliy y.-sierday.
Ib* day she
Mr. and Mrs, J. ('. S|.
Iprianan bonae. have both been
lorests as a summer's teat, while Ciif hive and the siwda!
omted and repainted. New tnralah- the other hand lAkc Michigan, with tta Copemisb wetv in ihn city
V the lad,.-*
a pr.-ai *urprisand tvuirned thb moraiins.
Ingi have bem ttsatnlM throu^oot. rxpanae of shore line, walte. wide,
Mr*. F. B. Waht'Bel.1 uf l*4*!. | a ho <li DO. I now <rf L< :
,1 f..ur ehll'na_ who ha* loin »|..>n.Hiip vonn'i
llsti S Ila.ber
and the resortcra who nre a« ao for- rising In places Into ptvcipirv
Mt. VerooB.
tanate aa to have coUagee or able lo ledge*, and again sloping amootbly Ume In the city and viclnKy rauiaed i;?,n le
will rei
to her home tbU morning.
obtain them. wBl Bad every comfort in bark to the pretty shade trees that
Mrs. John ro..;urio_r_of^Bk_Rn!dd»I nonthv as th.- auesi of
theae qviartera here, aad at prices that nod and whlalle with the InvlgDrai- paased thtwirt (he city this morning Mr*. Vauee.
h.- lilt
grandmother nnd
: has neve
an ceoeomkaL A very novel
Ing bteesea, all these are but awall- on her wav to Provemont.
n brigb; spot "
Mrs. EIlu K.'iiavure went .1(9 Dcarjihe meet
has been w^rled oat la the way of an iog aa appieriaiJve eye to devriop posthe fsmry HI.aatlrely eacloaed Bah pond. A apot of flblUUea graaler with each year's apThe Rev. aad Mr*. A. J Bnftschol of
Ive aerm has beea dammed up aad praacb. However theae beauty spots
- rl(v Ihl*
morning. '
j Siiuuus Bny nrrlvsd In
lih friends.
Henry Contler went to ManUlcc mornlBB for a day's stay
the waten of the brook, which Is do nM all go unclaimed, for a bright
Tb* Rev . J. D. EBg*ma: I of Sutlons
nhoat right teet wide and tbree-qnar- portico, a roof, a ptwUy cupola arc tMs BKvralng.
Ub) I* MieadlBf
-ding the day In the cl-y
C. V. tVrtgbt nad Inmlly «*at i
levs a< a mile towg. sapptles 1
here and there evidence that rovtagea
c«n> lak.' this Btoraing lo spend th
•matle dwriletw with pkwny ed
abound. Of ihoae whoee doors
Day and family of Gl*n Harm
day IlKhinF.
"f.i* a( ih* Park Fine* today.
freaktag water and omac la order
opeaed aanBally for a sammer home.
B. Thafker l*fl yesterday L




Elsie J1*<* ali-1 i.. i.h.-w, lol-' ariTeriug IfOTanr form of fema;.-, ■
If v7.„«e sick write Mr*
foradvtoa. It is tree and always holp-



I'hc chiidrciTs friend—

Jaync’-s TonicVermifuge
Drives out blood iinpuritic . Make-, .strong ncn'cs and muscle
(jivca tone, vitality and nap.
n vtwl .L-vEgii:

To Core a Cold in One Day



•Utto Orwk. AM- JoM «.—>
aow tortM kMTM. fwm and bi - 1*n nlabi. The koM ef Aloato WatUna aad WUlart flajrdar vara vredtcj

taralns from the Doa Moittei maatinx
t PretbyiarUo searial aBaemblr.
be annsaal apartance ctf barias
s Chicaso. the -luioaiiar part
HbUbwer lama were Icealed. I^l- not being In the loalns of money in
■Ins Btwdi Haihall Hotne at BatUe Chicaso. bni In the fact tbai Uk
money wai found lor him after he left
Chicaso. He mlaaed the money
il. UM, Ju
nacoo oa the train, then
baM BU bouta. Djn—
sraphle Inflalry ana cent to Cbiragu
■p and aeraral idacea alraek br
■ be Tcanit that the sarbage l«r>f Ibe BIM.r-lblrd sttaat station
•uo is tbe Famera- Malnal.
of the MIchlsan Canrral vaa dumped,
Fan Mun*. June I,—The moat «
and Tom Cramer, bassaseman. fonnil
acre rkictrie atom erer aaoa bare t

•ay City Woo Out
Lanaini. Mich.. Jane 8—Bi.
won onl eeatarday In tbo eoateat cucr

KMi caat by the ddasalea. FUnl ns
celred tc vota. Kalamaaoo 10 and
Twewe aty 1. The eleeUoa of of
Been Kanltad aa follova;
t PiaaHent—Fred N. BoaaaTilla, EkaalacItecrelafT-W. L. Leckic. Dovaslar.
Ttaaiarar—C. F. Balbrlek. Battle
flersaant at Araa-Daiilcl TbatMia.
. P. WadtboS, BW

Ommond C. Hove, laapeetor r
late dairy and food departmeni
made compUlnt asalnal Harrer Bail­
ey. Joe Keener and Frank Smilfa. dmw
log milk to tbe Ovid cbeeae taelnry.
He cbtrsea Ibal the milk dcHren.-d b>
Ibom baa lu-en robbed of part of the
and doea not aUnd the te*t
The defentinnu pleaded not snlliy.
For three yeara pnat Ladlnston bar
bad DO FtJorth of July eelebratloo. but
thii year It la propoaed to hare a dem
nnrivaled magaltudi.

CItisena aad boalneea men nre taklpg
bold et the project with xreai enihi
asm aad moner U belax relted to pro­
*Trnloa-W. H. Bo]tm. Oraad Rapvide the blggni kind of aa altraetion.
rareloBs will be ran te Ludington
■be Fmmb of July from all tmlnti
Bt. Panl. jdoe 7.—A tWMdn f«m>t wUbta a redlns cf IM mllet.
Jobe Sdinelff a prosperon* GcTtnaa
patu «( la Crnaae, Moaroa and Ver■M cenattea, Wlaeonala. and Hona- farmer of near Vaaaar. provided for
wrecking great wedding reception SiUidny t(
Sonetta of hounea and bana and kllUng hla dangbter. Hlaa Hni? Behnell, and
•M perwon and lajurtns abonl twenty Hatblaa Weber. Two big tents were
feet at the railroad bridge erected to aeeomrnodalc tbe 300 guetU
#imr boea crank arar Stoddard. Wia.. and (faerc waa two breaa baada. 90
ena btowa away. The -Oayllsbt Urn- kex* of t>ccr, 900 pounds of aauaagr
Had." BartlMtoa fast train from Chl- and other tblnga to help liven things.
«Mo. erith.teo pataenserm. wmi aaTCd
Charlo. KUmmer. aged 9. of Port
by betas baK an boar late. Joba HIV Huron, wna drowned in Black rive.'
ler. B-tar*er. atopped the train within while playing In the mar of Kera t



.tea feet et the break.

From Satardaye Bmord.
- • Prat. W. H. BtaBcaa of Beat 1/
. nnlrad la tboslly tomy tooeeapy hla

among them i
tdlan'M'inE on a ress-rtaUoa. In
OaUKo la called -Bill rriMv." kaThere U a ilisrere lewaillog
inae wbea King Bda«rd. fibea prince
WalesI vlaltod Caaau many yvare
m Bin tan aleogaUe the osrtMs.;
Id shook bands with tha fatare,._

Sudden Desths.

“The borne of Hr. and Hre. Charlca
pomilM-aa orsaalpt at Orm ehureh B. Bairtlett eo Aabury avcoi
waa on Friday night the scene
gnlB occaalon. three crcnii beins
Hn. Bibei MlahaBO of Kalatortb'a

Ornaatag. ia aptmdlns the day la tbe Miebreted at one and the ame time.
Pridny. la-Ur. and Hre. Bartlett 's
tut. while dbbt«W«
Iwesty-aflh weddlag annlversarr.lbelr
■tbai- baftnaaa ^(tera.
-ktoater IMiart MoreUe. who apent daughter L^'a twentr-Bret birthday
Pridar'evealng the daughU-r was
the paal week wttta bit aant. Hra. Fred
married to Alfred W. Oaie of Waiet
given In boaor
Pratratka ,of the three
Btf.te ofBccri have received blanks
la tbe monilns for Oread RapUi
and Datralt. where Hre. Pratrefka trill from a Detroll erganlatinn tntrreslod Ip the rerUlon of ibe eonatllniion
Mter retain with -her aelee.
Hr. nad Mn. W. M. Hank left thU asking for their rleata aa to the deslret a BOD-partlaao plan Tor the
selection of adegaten to the eonvet.delegate^
ptaaaaaii'aiMa* arWe at the depot (lon. aod also whether
Mr. and Hra. nadartek

■worine is <h. O-r >I tkaist (« (W
snse h<w sSMaro raj
.Kahsri Si>s.,.t'Wk.w'.
-SI-. Istf I. s^esawlW


It wm be an American sepixm lajJI
Loadon. Mrs. John Jarol> Aetnr
at last obtained n London house, whicl.!
sbe will open the latter part of Hai'.
■ alktseiltosksncv
Tbe advent o( thc-lr eomiaairlol tvUJ |
1.1 bb..i s::; sia (lafvr among ibt- Amc.lrei.}^^^'^^.;^
urjjsns. rsnvii:- rslurrii U
eocillncrnt as well as la the dove roles
tlic kiJneir tliruiKives
ef Hayfair. for Mrs. Aa’ot Is Immraa- - btrsk rkiwu : iwarlcawsy ro.U-i evil.
ly popuUr In l»ndns tock-ty. Hre. . mailrr u
......... ... ili-i-jn^enic-ul of Ibiaiul
Nannie langburnc Shaw, non Hre. nr. . isobisiiiel imickeid *«• u pri-iwr
Waldorf Aator, will also be In UaiIoo. trvaiment of tbe Ibltiei s. 1/ y mi an- frelthere are aevree <d debntantra tui; lioJIv loll can tiij'.e i:o rnsUi-e bv
tatiiield. Ki)i.;ir'. Swaiap-B
these shores sbu will .go uv«r,
“vrat ablm-i. i;i>r sivi
: bhoping lo be nreseuied at court,
1; eiimvtv iua'uhty tu Ii -i.1 u
Hlsv Cbrlsilnc U Uarreqiw. at-w »
rui^ tla?li.ui.Wstii;t tiivessity
tars old. who has Is .-i. btind since ci'iii|s-‘lisi to po often lhfimi;li
te waa a baby. It t> lawyer. She was aivltoavt Cti tiiaai- tmir* .It:
cradiialtsi at lh>' bead tif a law etsK- uiclr.. nic niiklcii.1 Uie extra
CalirnraU law srhocil and has iiKviof Swaaijeltoot U :-'U
It ►la:idr Uie Ir-iUe:'. btf il.- «
Ixwn admitted >0 the bar in that stale. cure-i of Uie uim-t «i»tri-»-ni;: n
IS La BatTaqiie It a remaritnUe
Swaiiin-Um.l i> |*ea»
tog woman. Sbe it a grnduatv td tokl bv al! JrvKgirts l:>H.'vllt i.ll-i
onerlollar H/e Litllo. tiiuisu; lute a
' I'nivenlir of CalUornla. a Inishlingalat. an arnampltahed rpuet- evserv snil a luok llu.: U-llsall alasit it.
irtrune and-a musleino. She Is now to both twill five bv null. A-iUrres. iJr. KiiYork eliy ectnptetlng her miitl- aiiT.Si t. •.. I;iii«luJnb»i. N. Y. When
wntinu' iin-ntnm reaiiicg tins gvtivrvu>
cal edncaitlon. Realizing that n bllnt.. •fler in lln- |n|sy. larn't pukr any
in can hanlly precUcc suret-sa mtslnki-.imirvtni-Tnlicetliensinc.h'satiipfully, ehe has deeldiai lo mate her liv­ Kuot. lb. Kilmrr's >wsni|>-R.>A. aii<l thv
a-Mress. ritiKbamtou. N. Y.. no eiwry
ing out of music.

brewerr. Phil Ford, n colored boy.
working on Ibe ferry Conger, which
tied up nerosa the stream. Jump­
ed In and awarn acres
the boy.
again and again until eompletely
bathed, but was naabb
and tbe
body. It was recovered a half hour
Utar with greppUng



kehify'^HJItle U

and tuM hewQ tnad« amder lus per.
*w-.s—Address Lv-l.-r,lf.A

Ail ConnterfrilN Imltatio


as fund of dc pump of mUltartsm; II
as a suiirec uf great ph-.-furc to the
itle iirliiee that •euilnels bad lo pre•nt arms l.i him—so inorli no. Indw.l.
lai he fonieilmes dtd nm wait till be
fully dtvsscd, tint hasteaed ib mn Inf.
court to receive tbe military honwUeb he loved an well. Oreal was
aurpriie tHii- day when the aentl

p Bean the Higaiinre ai

, VU'.viint Kiaeasil.-, Lird H
rey. Banin
Ban.; ItunmiitT bar arilvetl
eye whea Mr. Cation, after glanelor Borton 1..
eouien’b.n of thiad 'be cu
a slip of papeV on li's dei-b. saM^ Oirt:.
'be gentleman from New Y°-k. Hr . Imdy Viol. I MuiTaj. wh.i baWaldo." Tbe eoneu-ssmau nka asiou retlve iian In ibe wvrk of ibv Selvo
Ir'v 111 f^gland and ihnmch who--.'
•Cortv a ehureh of the fa’th wa. . 'tcb
f-ihed m Manchester, bad pn-eeti I
him anu sill also K- In aiiendanci- e<
from New York ask for recognlllpn nu rlu-
;even:li i-i
bill number so and so?- Tbea Hr. i.f uL-.i' I ,
Wnido remembered that he had, an-1 of seme tihte
It is'relatel li. ihi .-a: I o'Varnrouih
aiiragi- age of ihv i.iiii <
mid so. but nafonnnalvly he hail not
■ yaehltiu nulv".
supreme roun of it.a copy of tbe measure with hlnC The
took a greai II hi; io au «id >i
■allor sitt
I- a liac.b.n over C.:'speaker glowered at him. Bahi-d out a
•bo«- i.rincliial
. ... thai,„o
o belag tr, cae 7n. m:.- =19. .
copy of the proposed leglslatiuq and
palnl •■MT.'t
llrel-elaf. I u:-.- ......................... ... ..
s a Kl •■< 1 IT. Jiistlee Brown rt-'ire» at 7o
Uanded It over lo the clerk, saying
Taft sucried.. him at 19 'be avirags
"The gentleman from New Ynri
ag" will b..' loniiTliai n-il'ired. but 11
:es the present conslderelloa e
w’.il Li- u|< lu avolrdv|>ol<.
the following bill.- Then It was revu
TLi yearly Inronic of Beriba Krupp.
on.- oBCfi
m iatnaU-a
■•Co bar;.

D <br CMtar on. Pwe.
; U PlBMUiU it
r oUmw Hanmtie
M gmrvitf«. It dratrsrn Wonms
i. It rurra IManto* Md Wl>d

Just after the house ha-l cfrtit-ned
tbe other day a numU-r cf mrmbeis
striving to ealeb tbe Mr akor

ring one more iUualrailon
iBg upvtu dale.



The Kind
You Hare
In Use For Over 30 Years.
f.-.-ily 1-1
i.l livviy


ai E: M-i.. (ivrau:
u.vl In 1!“C
i-r. Ki'jpp ma
lies with n nar
as.-s h'-r rr. " |i:
H. r b-.t»lniw» i> .zl*li
I rail , r .'I Iho-e di p-n
ir i tuidiiymein and sii
s lally
T.i pi


i^eioe -uniw .girest.vw aiwiuo eblfb awrtmm mw.

dvM sad doIla.e sad hwtr-sdae

2S •itkritlttlMAin'vw^ .si.

»»np TItId If atnl

appi-nr a' ivnit wear
l'..e,l at IbJlft.'-H..


ucis took abaolalcly no mire nf him.
nurnlng with indignailun, be rashml
father aod icid him this ierrl•I with the utmost ekbltCBimlHIs falhcr listened with srmieiby'hn.l
then asked ta a tone clearly
of doubt: “Your drers Is
order. I hoi>i-, bilnix- you show
yournclf la publlcT' WliUaiu aiiiiWerv I

.5? e?{?

-.r Trar.ew otr.len the aUi lUy .d May.
'll) th. oDv
nm. bendnO

,°y.- rssic-sis ElS'


Sndler.. .
N raud. " aS'I luU
1 cardiac r4r..v.c
■ rBt.'i;tZ3S.icraiu

hr. friikda who aeeompaaM them should be elected by districts <
large. Although a Bon-paritaan
desirable by
■Mssage master Rlbkerd of the 0. R.
Major General O. O Howard <d 'h.
•1 of the state offlecra. It Is beJlevei!
' • t- who baa baca aetlag la the capaeDion army and Lle-Jlenan< fiep.-inl
said sMluce. as.l tixt ika t-vr- at .as i
bo doubtful U the tegisUturt
ky m mwdaeuir dartag the
week!.' abranee of Alpboaso Pc<*. the provide for such a method of clcetin„- forces arc eoiisldviing the posail
of their eollaborellon In ih.- wrlui.
cetena coadaetor, takes bla reenlar the delegates.
a bUlory of the civil war. Tliese iwn
5r wkr t^^aylvol U.s i»t:tK«rr
•poaltloB Monday, and Mt. Peek
in Tuttle, a Baltic Creek Icam men are the surviving army cumnandacila beslB hla daika.
m. at tbe-snmmll of a load ol ere of the niwth and eoii'h. rvap.Ti
Ively, were classmat.-s at West polii:
Tbs BeV. WUlam Sehweppe of tbe
> In driving under an arrh. Sec and graduat.-.! logrlher in ISJl. Th.->
Lalbirea ehandi kA this moratag for
hat Ms head was In danger he have never cea..vl 10 Ik- warm per­
Boyae Qly. Bast Jordan aad Petoakgy
over and hla bark was eaugh' sonal Irii-nda. wen when tw-nriuc arms
“1 received j-oiir .
- where be wttl eoadart aerrleea
The horses pulled, ihcrc was a eraach- In hostile forres.
Tbe king of Portugal is a man >.l infi.nj.atiini about u.-ing tlie Lu'icura
- two days. Hla ^arge will >e cared lag and the eases were cni»h«-d under
IbAC'uf rroLwV
R.-tiHvlk-. 1 uwvl tl-in f..r .eienia.
many aeeompllshmenis—splendid eb..i
tor tomorrow by tbe Hey. M
the driver. When the lalicr recoven-.! rzpellent awimmer, ex|K-ri f.-no-r ami TIk- d.K't.T said il «x. the nwret oae
be ever -a». It wa.« .ut Isitli lunla..
'• Imeeke ef CadUlae. who will preach at,
ilonsncaa be waa luuud t<
•iiihualaftlc anglei. On the otraMon
fiv.m the Linv- In the -vi.U.-v. t'e
I S:M p. at.
waaearrely Injnicd.
triv-l .•xcninii< the «in<-ti'r Ws li,
cbatilng with a iv.yal hi.>: »bd 1 bul the Cuticurn KriiieJi.-- did the
Hr. and Hre. Jbm Boot left this
what bad iinnri-->.s.-d him mo.-: .illrlll^ mn>: good. I wxa nldifivl t- In- wilh
merntas for Haaton. where they will
il. visit. Hi. majv.-iy replie.l ;hin:g!.i
mv iin.l.i lugber than my In-a.i. lor the
Oenarel Nawa.
etalt ibeir aepbew. John Lake, tor two
-W.n. 1 think
the ISikHs'- roiTi nw 90 ti-rriUc 1 .'.■ dJ n-K wilt.
Tbomas P. Johnson, 91 years rt.l.
bi-ef i» v.-ry deligtnlnl ' 'Ob ' I 1 auflcir.1 unl.fd agnni.-. i>ne limb
the oldest oepro iavryrr In Arkanea*. Uugbed hU royal Lichnet.. but sur. - waded anav a greai iU-aJ sio .ller than
InipnI the otbcf, ili-re n.a* so mu.h di-ndtaffm
died recently after thlrt..-als ycarr'
majesty as wcllT' -Alil”
I from it- 1 found th.-, Item.Twentydnr ekndraa in twealy-Sre aetiTc nractlec of law.
Hr waa HIcallv teplii-d the kinr. "i
,cdic5 very .-«tmng, and I -i.U keep ttam
rears it (be iweord of Mr. aad Hri. ceased as aa aitoracy by AssorlaO'
• -• the hou.«e- I am very tbaiiUul to
treeaderi Oan. Hollaadere. wbo
jm cured.
eur^ and yon uni pule
Jnstlre Bowen of the Arkansas s'lI earr that I am
ta Oread Raplda tweaty-flyc rears ago, premc eouri In July of 1870. He was a
D ..f lidi ihi. statement if,
hr-: I tbe Cuticora Bcmedies
Itcmedies all llial you say
am after their marrtase. There are slave and balcngea In a planter 1u
cllr miner lo rec-lv.- a Carneg
i-lnl: ...................
iliey arc. ! hivpe that vc'i
vci niay
may Iho
tUrlcaa bora aad elcyen glrla.
Desha roanty In Arkancat.
yvai-m make tl*=- <’ nieui
(or heroism and
Irom '
: pareau are each about it yaart of
On Sept. 3. 15«'4. ihi-re wt.-. an Renn-die- for the Is-nilit of perviiM" •The pople of Crimssy. an Island In
..f lli-i lerimt Innn the icnure nf' akui
Oe. Oom U aa expremman.
(he Arctic drelc near Iceland, have de
SU.I. aa I had. I f:
Albert Keren, motormaa on tbe elsreU tbe bllbday of the laie Prof­
ni*hed onl
essor Willard Fisk a wrorinelal holi­
.....................e_ a- Ihe
..r hottom
of th. ‘ Si^da.'iuu'.-'e. 19"'- *
r where Ihe euiloslon oeciirr.- ■
[ ^ared br bU ear r
day. Professor Flske by his will left
tl the ImiKlnent nerl! nf hi
{ 'ihe> bill aad smaahlbg
smaahlai Into tbe Hlchl- a trest fond ef 818.090. ihv ineemr to
.gta Oealral depot at Ann Arbor, hat be used for bctirring the cnadlilnns
dampi and
b»aa »«wdad a reidlet ef
nf tbe IsUndcn. of whom there are
ic th/*threc men, hair carrylnc one
v^iiTiW aioui three yrers. T 'rnr.Bi'ae- rvw--..
waa Bwartad 89.W0 al tbe flnt trial, only eighty.

Oblieed to Lie With Limbs Higher
Than Head - SufTered Untold
Agonies and Could Not WalkDoctor Said It Was tne Worst
Case be Ever Saw,

^ CaruvlUs Co.'





bat tbe compaay appeaM the case

loward Gonid baa Imported bsat 2
m of the Bnest cows be could fln.l
England. Tbe anlmala arrived -v
Tbe aebool at Read City will gnulafew days ago aad ate now nt Mi
ala a Heat et aigbt this yaar—fonr
Oonld's Lonft Island csuic. Randboys and font glrU. Tbe program bw
Polni. On the way over they furnish­
ed the paiaengan with delielons milk
wbirh waa served with
rvery meal. Tbe cowt are from the
were at tbe «pm boure Friday
tamoua herds of the Duke of Richlag. Prof. Paul P. Hason. who has
baas at tbe bead df the school for Are
There Is
. yean, goes to CastopoUs nezl year.
male aad lemilc
I Indies .
All are blacks oi
Hre. Hyre Crrwa of KaUmaioo oi
mulaiioei. and they are eogeriy aongb'
morel That was her name once
aad ^an (rial waa asked.

lore, bat aha aaeared a divvnre ft
ally (be West Indiana have sneb i
C M. Cnaa aad married C. H. F
almmoiu. She saya niz was aot v
Gagllsh areent aa to be the envy
prerttent and iba had te look oat tor their employers. Also they bare o
bersHt largelr. Sbe Ukre Flu, b« edneaUon and better maapers t
Amrrienn nrgrocw, from whom t
tba m*mwT‘«f Creas' mon

^em Who was badly bun.
P“jL ‘V,.-'^I^lfenm , F^r^^ia'-z^-i'"-ii,
Prretdem Roo'cveli is ir» have a. used ncsirly two rakes .4 lU.'< uiiei^
IWB aamert afti-r him
It H to l-l Soap, and mv hands were eompictcly ' yor Main*-— lAi«:orve ainl
one'of ^ towns ui U- .-siabUshed m cunJ «ed lure nwx-r_ tmulW rat
CamaBcHt county. Oklshotca. Th-|ainec. I aUo took the i i-imra l^,».tvi«key.:xa«.ii-v.for tbe camping fr.nw
Rootevcll during his i
Okirhema and wfll be
■ " Tbo story goes
Btgtue is to be belli
spot where Ihe pri-«ldeii'
and that H will be e.
Wlehlta mountain granii,
of a double h:
Bfiv feet high,
Proba!'!-' the m..s: ecn'»d*'ifc'ene'e«;er impored by a-cmufiwg mw ^ Ksi.
sas wa« ordered la
the eisof Joe Trnn-ler, VTio'’«ii‘b&orr 1'.*
lire Jniigi- Heir on th.> rbarg- f l- ‘ns
drunk. T:


that be be ecnAoeil
week. Marshal Horai
home aa* put him In
The Duke ef Ovnaamdit. RRif Rd prtfs family was ln«truei
the eonn If Trabali-r shoe
wrifrired ibEI lTMl"d <•
dlwireed wnrd's brnther. bekmev in the
tinai to ^enve
Flumaf ia
wiraot Oreaa by Jtelloo* Indians cdfHnada. Mr is the
only while man to receive soch diaCharles A. Murray.
rMre of a very racesi mArriage.




Iwt-iyT.--tB tbr e.ivcf TrAverav vV-r ,

IBS'. ■






_J!SSiSE5!i1. u WAi.k'ia;
JaKrrof l-rul va

li.'SaJwJ^Ay', mmiaia


Real Estate and loans
12? Freni St., moniaEuc BU.,

Traverse City, Mien.

Properly of All Kinds for Sale
and Exchange
W<: will ;;f;t you sevcD ptir f"'

ani^um for

your money snd give you if -'.-curity gilt edge
Traverse City real c-'-aK.- nr gilt edge farott in
Grand Travene County. Mkh.. where your
money will be absolutely safe.


tore the bor X girl wbo brio
.^ar'he fSBM. ada to ktms«» be
dded: -U K aa loriorn as Wat fx me the foordeaf rtorx, and with
tupii and r gUd cry holds « ap f
be pox bhbyr and made a
pc to Iwk ai
1 knuw that that >bb little red book.
X ibi Is looking for bapptace*. a
Btnbeik anpped apalalra
wfU And W. Everybody doe* «
-Please. Mrs; LaM.~ she said, -may really took* for It.
dl. Her name L
like tbe boy X glri wbo knows tbe
bare a big. Ug piece X old while
Brooks. Weban'abaaiwmtloehlcktea X all Ibe irse* and fliwer*
eu aad WW bare a ben setting cm two ckubT Ahd may r go
n plants sad grasae*. You n,
ore and bay some colored eraytmar
dock eggs. We hare two Mire
t ooe wbo dM know Ibem ibai
UBBCd ■torr.BBd I knew rou *111 *uit Urtr name* are Jim and John.
Mr*. Lane found
bappier on ibA farm than any(b» Tfeundv* te bnnr ■». w »>•<
white cloth and. gently parting 19>iProm your SnnaUnx
Mkere else la 'he world- N<" mau>
cu •>« bo* it eoBM oiU. U»k for Aga II.
tbeth's bnd. banded It to kor.
Bnby Brooka.
gel as much Joy out X the farm
the flnt iBitalioMU nrxt
Is tb»
-You're ibe beat , child
Wbat a fanny slgbl U *ni be to a
if we understood It* life bet)our*etf;" the kindly bouartteeper said
the d«^ wlU a ben for a maaua
admiringly: and fben EHsabelh
What win abe do when they go le
Ibe farax tair who L
io tbe bllchlog post nnd set
the *at*r^' The Xber flowed yoi seed
ashamed to go rloun lato the Urnyaiv
k to make herself a doll,
la « natefacaa. Tlxik yon reij much
and put hit arm* right around the
U M 7M too* I r« ■» «*rd SBd bui
took her a long lime to carry
rx t^
to*. 1 -tbtnk IbFi arc TCrr itlc* aod
plan, but she Baisbed al last. taJ eerii of the cos and talk to her a
7D0 ever NO ameb lor ibem. '
Asn Arbor Jane S
then burried Inio Ihe bouse, hrtmful of would to bit sweethesri. That >
Dear Presldeni-Thank you rery laughter, locall Mrs Lane. That ladt boy I* one uhr. uill go up into
BBi'Blad ron had locb s Bke U«k
ru«r TiNit. 1 wOBld like to Ncc tbc
maefa fx the caX and bnitna and th
la a state X gresl.excMemenl. met be' stable and visit the horses by
hour. A man can no' do thi* nlihou'
hlot letteti bat came elih them. I an In tVe bill.
coming out a heiiet mnn and'a man
glad to be a member X ibe H V. F.
-ElltalMtb." she eielttmed. “I

JTcMtf rtmt
I «M %r M>»

"Mfr »

t W»M»»w»

.1WW trr *•*•« <i«*r *■'
tm MA MM ■■■iy^» Mp0
M kind <• dW|*i*r
tri dvkr tan In trylnf t* *
IMM tbla«i, I »IB ‘Tfr. tty

lowxt aM I bad a bonk to task a(
ad I pramed ibMc Boateni in It that
itf X»d to >oa. There la one III;
nd !*• Burte bads. Irut I don't kooe.
what Ibe other Is. I bare a baby al»
WOBld like bn nal

■cbocri »»M »»rrr d*7 b«C onr »cbow
la^ut BMt »cck. Mr mile br*ibJr-|

Bantbtae club and I ibtak ti.e.plr.lg. *ometblng 'Imp^ani
gni bntton will belp me a good deal.
TesteXay l took a lorely loag
and she want* me to 1
QUi to a heaaiKul frnli farm *b<r.i. tbi* minute and I'm gulng
Roy and Brace Buell tire
(pril hlN o*B BBW and IBJ- BBioe a
Iheir docks and chicken*. Tbe du. k
your xbrr iacket. qslrk! I've *ei
lou or oiher *arda. We boih like
a dMk mXb.T; ihelr moiber wort to tbe docix—and we will go oi
apeak pleeea Pleoae, najr be )oIb i
dear old gray ben and she la
Ihe back way . It's nearer the car."
Cradle rdlT W* b«»e a lo. of lUUe pood lo them. You know Ann A
Anrt so they burired off. and BMr
dokooa. Wrtl.1piod.bye.
s a college town: the ualrcraltr
in her n-Jolclog never gave a
Beulib Hooo.
If fbe latgest la tbe weft, and ibe
tbougbl to tbe new and umisnal
Tea. iBdeeni. the llllle brotber may iblrd liigew In the fnlied Btale*. an.| doll tbit ahe had left standing at the
)rtB Ibe Cradle toll. I voald like I
■bare are nearly iOqO .iiident*. Oi. rurb|i««e before the door.
Saintday pight we went onl to see ihe
bear hla apeM pleeea.
A* Dr. Kent drove toward home ibal
if Emcft Moon:,be l« *
He MBf 10 Bieel ne ererr alfbr
1 ooae from NcbiBd. He c


. BaMMl VIM BfBBlMtit. Mr*. Ir
trnrnm EbirtdB. •
. 0««mM BMMMr 1.1IM.

cap burning, and it was so preuy. A
great tig bonP.e **» built down In
Sixpy Hollow and Ihe people win
looking on aai tll around
Wrtle today. I *OBld like lo )oli
surroandlag the bollo*. and (be
Clab. «e» aewl BM a card aai
eollege men marefaed down with their
loft. I bar* plaoied a balaan ti*e by
band playlag. Then there Were speecbibooHenao.
so lo acbool
day. My nodlea arP rortlog. lawaaie e*. and music from the Glee club and
atiibwMIe. foosraphj. opelllos . bad Ue Mandolla'club and then Ue freMi
I yatr's afidents. danced
laadorc. MIcb.. May mb. 1»M.

NitfiMr of mmbor* btlOMBM« A

M, twt, «m
TIM bMia •( tbf ChBrn.



The ■oa-i BBiMbtM bmod:
Too MB wil thai •uOf «DmiBb
Bj- lb» BWlBlMflT*WBNbMr MBW
M^hB IN Nl lb* bBBdlB.

It ■

around the ire and burned their fresh­
men Mpa lo show Ibal they are aopbome. We pUy ball at reeoaa When
n>. Then they all mircbed
let borne Iron xbool 1 help to du
^10 tbe campua (ihal la the grouud
area. I help
Ibe unlveiyliy) and aang col­
reed Ibe piga. boraea. eaille ax
CbBcl OIBS! CbBs!
lage aongt and bad more speeches. It
Mina erery moniag and erenlng. Ms
iaaT abe aeariy doM?
all out X doort and warn so preiiy.
Otp MBtlaBrty takBB.a peep ai
lelbar la dragglDg today. I SBtaa
IB Arbor Is a rery beaullful city
III elaae fx Ula <lme.
and Ibe peoidc here lire oX X door*
To BM if tbe batter bM coaae.
Toots tnily.
Paul A. Plla.
You man be a Terr busy boy. with a great deal In 'he summer lime.
I was down ai Charkilie Ust we
1X0 lla crMMy dapiba
> many chore* le do.
and taw the nrelly garden aad bl
Mitblag loMar Ha *Mti*Mb
itadore. Mkb.. May Iblh. IMS.
homes at Mrt. PerTj * IhM you tc
Den t>reMdeat—I thought I woalri about Bfix you came back from C
Baeopt a lUOa By.
WTlIe ID you. aa I bare aerer wrIUet xgo. There are three famlllea
aba plebf II ap vttb eare.
I. t «ouM like 10 kd
wrens and the: hare the dearest
Aad BkBpa K t« Ibe Boer:
Hub and be a Sanahlaer. I bare He bouse Oh a long pole and they rtii
abe rtxta tbe corar 4b*b *1th a baa
•d a balaam tree by Ibe aelMOl oat to stag erery few minute*. They
Akd reanaea bar taafc «oe man.
I go <0 school enry day. I an are *o little tbu you wonder where
la tbe third frade. My leaMx'a oaoir all the aonr comes from,
apdrtcBrtr. spllakeriy. apteab!
Mlaa Anaa Haoaoa. We bate - birds bare their boose on
. Tbe BOMd baa ebaagod. my d(*r:
mile eblekena. I always feed lb
Ibe barn and there are mote tdrd*
t eery x>od imbm lor ibai.
borne from school,
ihaa I erer saw before. They like
.Tbe bufter la alBaat.bore.
bare two dolls. I will chme my leiier come to Mrs. Perry's because she
We tamlas ennk baa Moppdfd.
tor ihli lime. Prom
kaows all about them and what lo do
Vge It.
Magdalen Ola.
lx them. When I gel big I am golnc
What are Ihe doHle.- names* I tu
to bare a garden just like that and
pon you bare loia of tua pUylog wltk hope you will come and see me in I
Lovingly, your' friend.
Hantnrel II. Alden.
Bcadoa. Mieb. May 30. IMC.
Tha BalMlna at tha Naat.
Too win all be Interested In Ms
Daar Prertdeot-1 wliritr to wrh
Warn come cmia 10 tbe apfia traogarei's AXIx. Don't you wish yi
• SoblB and aU tba retl—
eouM hare been at tbe cap burntagr
alaee I hare written lo you. t
WbM ibe oRbard hraoebea are
tnow U Is qulle a busy Ume on
(n see.
Ellga^eth-a Oall.
aprlDg X the year. an>
iB tbe BOO* <d tbe bloasou dreat;
It was net really a doll and I
And tbe preltIcM lUnc la tbe *orU golDg to xbool now and am
BRh grade. Our aUool will be onl lb not really Elltabeth's. but "ElltalH-ib'*
doll- is wbat Dr. Andre* Kent call* f
ypih X June. Our teacher's name
« B( tbe neaL
Borlba Sharp. I like her rery moeh,; to thia day.
U >eil, BO raoad and trim.
happened one spring mornini
aad we are gXag lo have a plcuie the
MIo*las It *1«b tanj-t
last day X school. I batea Hltle bSby Ellxabetb was aummoned hastily from
tBbdv too fir away fx blm.
biniber and bis name U Willie Dewey Ibe KCboolroom and driven acroi
MotbiK lor her too fair.—
o hx Uncle Andrew's: her own
Wilson. He la my balf-hrXher. My
aa-efiey H aXe to tbe lopmosl limb.
trunk *1* on Ibe Urk X
Grandma Dxnaaa It here riallliig os
Tbrtr coaile lo Us air.
ige. and aa ibey rode Ellrabeih'*
BO* and my uncle. Chester Brnanan.
here laal Sunday rUItlag. H> ffiXber espUined tbit she was ^eil
Abl moUer Urd. yxiTI ban weary
f town for a lew day*, a^d^ai
mamma and gtaartaia were rislilDK
my sifter. Mrs. Mabel Bales, of West EHxabetb waa to auir with Uncle An­
■Wbeo Ibe esfi are aader poor I
Almira, yesterday. It U rainy today dre* and be very, rxy good.
Aa^ tbadova may darken the dancinc
Then Ellrabeih and the lIlHe trunk
trailoa day and I am
ere tafi at Ur. Kent *, with * hurrle.1
rainy tx it will be ImU
Vbea tbe wn.oaea lean the oeal;
good-by. and molhx rode away to
to decorate the graves.
Bw tbeyil Bnd tbrtr winga la a gU
Itch bx train.
RUiabelh felt qulle dated a* she «a:
Ood wUI see to tbe real album;
watching her Uxle Andrew's hoiise-When this mortal life It ended.


h a tenderer h<wrt.
lo«e im- latm hoy or cirl wbo ht,
the lime and Hie nurtl/ .d heart to

and laugh, while


Surely such a faitehlng post
as seen before: H had been
formed Into a rag doll X giant propot
The f Iron framework wa*
swathed In the white elxh reertred
from Mr*. Lane, nnd then attired In ■dliXty dres* X Ellrabeih'a. with
empty alxres dangling lieliib-*«ly: thlound white brad bad brllltanily colored cheeks, lip* and eye*, shaded by
enqmo-4* tuab&mist of Mrs.

8. H X 8 R M X Sec. 1*. T fT, N. R. » W.-48 actwa.
N. H X N F.. Ik X Sec. tf. T. tt, S'. H. 9 W -M acre*.

'W. H X R W. H of 8x. I. T 3f N R S W —*f xrea.
K. % of 9. W. u X See. 11. T.
N. K. 9 W —»0 xrea
-t \v.—57 M IM acrea.
« 4 of 9 E >. nf ;See. 51. T •;*, S It. 15 \V —I
N H. 13 W -10 acrea.
V. E. ■« X S W t. X See. :.t. T
f. E. fraettunal

lore the ftm Imy or gill ub,
, to the right.> time
5X I live. >h<- mure sun- 1 am ,
nxfatag eire eounl* In this wxld
xpi truth.
lie the boy* aud girl*' I k

A Jolly Cant*.
Aa eren nutnU-r X piay.-rs may laCIpan in this game On.--hair X Ih.-m
must be blladrulded and reated *mb
racani ehalr at the right band of each.
Tbe players who aiv ooi blludfold-l
then take iinsllloo In Ihe mliljle X lb-.-

Jolin F. Ott Lumber Co.
Travrraa City. Mkh.

One Lot White Waists
MaiJf* rtf Shrur I.awii wiih hntulsnme
Hambiirj; Inseriion. A $l.Oli vaUie,

While Waists

ad plaiwrs and n'Sl
The ohjxi X llf
Ibe bItaXulttal ^
his light hand, and
it. that i/Vilita/
to enab|'fi|^<> .1.1 Ibis Hie irad'-r
all ring.

Choice This WeeK 13.87
10 Covert Coats
1 h« fitted siyli—full sIpi ve and all
silk lined. S5.0(> and ?C..(iO values—

Choice of This tot $2.95
12 Hi^h-grade Covert Coats'
Satin lined f'lll sleeve, Pony style.
«sfiO and $1000 values

To Close ThisUt,$3,g7
Ladies' Tailor-made Suits at One-hatf Price
$10 Suits at $5 $20 Suits at $10
$30 Suits at $15

—and Thai ibat the,next time
tor Rues'lng. and that bavlng
come to see him you won't lie n-dure-d
. Ibe rbanges. If any.


prueiv-ds a» at llrsi.

The Snow Flowsr.
rather a pity." she added seriousl), “in
rar.-ler In Sil..-rla icll* u* al
irke It to pie!-es"'—Hannah C.
•on.ierfiil plan, Icmnd In the niirthetn
nald. tn |V>llmwtor.
par: X Ibai comitry, sliere the g
perpet uity cov»-red with a ci
Dumb Patience.
As many persoqs may play
ccavenlently seated in a clr
midle of the room. Plac*- I
with Hie hack* Inward and lu-tweeu
two X them leave enough spar.- lor
IM-rson to pass ihrougb. All the pla

X frost ami snow. It sboXs out
(roten soil on Ibe Br-i day of Hi. y.-ar
atlBlnr. a height X Hire.- I-.
Hilnl clays It hluonis i.-iiulniiii:
1 lot only i*eiil>-fuur hour* Th.-ii

stem. Ihe leaves aud the B
ronven-X liiiii sons ; In
wrir.!*. the plant g.*-« Imck to it. ert are seated exceol one. wbo
called the director.
Inside Ihe ctrcli- Is a ehalr. un wbli
Dumb Patlenc.- *lts. She I* dumb XI
r I* -iir *i,ai«X. On il»- H,i
ihro'jgh Hu- Knme, of as Inn
day H:.. apiM-arr. nrIS she 1* paih-ni but sbe may laugh
I speck' a|,|T^ ,m Ih.'
nr cry. nr make any souud that is i
I X ih- 1-avf. Th.-> a
Hrc X It,,' b.-a-l «I a p

No*. th<- director's business l<
*ateb Patience and announce to i
playxs. wbo all bare their backs
were gathi'tcl one,- and lak- ti I
ae lo tbe liee wlU all yoer train And iboae paUa are trod no mote.
kxpx unpack her trunk-It was XI so
sbe Is Otilng from lime
IM-r-.burg. •h-r.- ibcy •i-re Imii.X
spddxi. Then, as the last little gnrWbeo the aphta-MoMoam b)o«:
Mar yoar nme to gold be wtliles
Hmc. and then the player, bare to li
;n a i-l X -m,*
Th- BrM X tl„- !■
mniNgh tba April ablmaer Of BI
meoi wa* lifted out. Ellrabeih made a
Ob Ibe eeertasllng sbote.'
Ic-uliig '-ar 111.- plHX bur»i, l..r-t, a:
laiG her.
Well. I will hare in cloee tor Ibis dlacorety.
Riippose she laughs: the direcirti blu..n,.X. JU'’ a, it .lo-s-hu Sll-ns
r». Lane." *h«dxle<l. with quaver
Go fiylag lo and fro:
Ills out. '-|•aIlence sirs laugh;"
That K-ad- like a Ialr\ ’sl-.
And Blac to oar beaita aa *e waicb

\ng mice, "moiber didn't pack
II the players must laugh. Suildeuiy
Mildred Smith.
Mrs. Lane did nX seem to fxl the sbe stops, and begins lo *e*. or i
> bare you write wh-i
tbrougfa the motion of sewing:
Th. Stalwar. Ameren.
ill boreor X the situation.
says I'ailxice uy* s
I.' m-n X ’hi- iviunirv have a p
• you're only going to slay With us a
Bendoa. Mich. May ». 1M«
I- iilayers imivi quickly
right ti. Islalsari
Dear Prealdeqt-I thought that
your moibe. laughing anil Imitate her. Wblle iblsaid comfOTiahly.
FrUay, Jane g.
would write lo yon. aa M baa been
Ke* members Jotaliig alaee last re­
tong Ume stare 1 wrote you.. 1 re­
Then Patience legms to cx. au 1 I.-'- lucli..., X an itaXi-hmai, '
she remembered, your
ceived my Mrt and butttm and tbank
the director sly*. Patk-uce savs cr/!' s .pch-*; and o( a Frcnchuian '
HagdalM aad Paul nis. laadore.
you lx them. 1 am going to seboo'
the p.aver* begin to cry. an-l 4 lu.-n.-v Th- dlB-r.xc- .. -1 i. Mamie Orontt. Wimansburg.
Our school will be oui the -Sib
keep It up until Patience lieclos sud- iu rllinn'-. aiul parti; lo l,al-,l> ,
pretty paper dXlles.*
- N. V, r. Bunahtaa Club CraXe flXI:
day X June, aad we are gXng to hare
dcnlv to make the moti.ins of idating
■ MiimX Mona, age f years. BeadOB.
plealc the last day X school. I
• hen at a *ord fom lb,
Kaaw seat by Beulah Moon
Bavordar we were over io see my
•llrecur. all Hie play.-rs stop crying
Jeonie Biwoki. Maple City. R. F. D.
Hx name is Mabel Bales,
great: Mr*. Lane wa* kind but busy anu move their banda altoui a' it otx
:. Name m» by Raby Brook,
as your name Is. She lire* In
a ntono.
and nr. Kent, though the lollleri unri,
West Almira. It's raining here
Patience mar A do anvtfatac shin the wxid. was no* much comfort
Every week your pcealdenl think*
ruuM be a good day lo go flshta,:.
beranse he wa* at home so lliilr plcaeet. and ibe player*, wbo X- iXd
Ibxe are lif BOtag to be many letters
1 bare to gu to school. My Grand EHabrtb tried to be conieated. Mt X ll'by the illrecior. mmn begin X
fx oar departmeat. bm (bey
Brannan is here visiting fr
sbe did loag for a real doll lo talk ic once to imitate her.
day by day. aad »be hope* that
South Boardmna. The Fonnfa X J
When she gelt tired X giving the
Ob the third morning of hx star a
will be some every week tbU aai
ill soon le- here. 1 will be glad
. plsyers different things In do sbe
:tbe big boute. Ellcabeib wa* standlni
Write and tell na abort tbe picntos
like to help celebrate Ihe Fourth,
Jumps un from her chair, and. passing '
the hltrhlag post, feeding tamps
and good limn yon bare and X ibe
will hare to ckiee for this time to
sugar to Uacle Andn w's black horse, out X thg circle. Itegins to run arwund
pretty plaer* yoa ga (o.
to KbOd.
cbXr*. All tbe pla»er* must grx'
whan ah idea strwck her—aa Idea so
From your
bright that it brougbl smiles out all up and fnltaw her uniil sbe Sits down,
:. SutWblle you are all haring aacb good
Archie Smith,
when Hk-y all do likewise, etcepi oa».
rx her face.
rafactioo fpianint-xl. Pn.-otime* that you rannx xep to wrWe
leei your Mals-d
i wouM like to
*bo Is left wliho-ut a cbal'
"Uncle; ah. Undei- sbe cried, a*
malic toola ainl luti-st im­
many Iriletu we are goiag lo bare
Rate*. I used to 1 lOW Bllil MKHbl-v
to *11 la. and tha’ player 'h.-n b<-coiDe<
r. Kent ran down Ibe step
proved tnacbiaerv'.
Offir.apodal treat, beginning neit' wee
one by Ibe aanta aa
sprang Into Ihe carriage. -May I nla.;
aiwl work* 112! Bay atrewL
Owr friend. Hr*, niialietb Ray. wbo
Ciligon'* pbooe No. tvn
e aiy. ^ F. D. J. June I. t»t with the faUchlBg-poatT'
Fs'rt Bcy» •"< Cirta.
Jorry. the black horse, started off
, fBrtbe grownwp r.wder* X the
ar FmMept-1 tbooghl I wonid
Lx mr make a IIIU- ptamre X w
aid. baa wriltea ore- espeelally fx tbe
- a lew Itata to you. W’beo 1 wav at a ran. bet Dr. Krai leaned back u
ware a hand to bla Uttlo ataco. -Tee: at lb. (arm bcff* Md stria I tore.
Bnaablae boy* and girU. it U a


at 69c

An assorirtd lot of the hanilsomest
prodnetiors of ihr season. Made of
White Lint;cric Lawn, Ajl-over Nett
anil B'tistw. trimincil with liaby Irish.
French and Giirnun \'a1*.. al'U* iincvl
Swiss Embroidery. $ri and $<■ value*,

mum. and watch the U-ad.-r
nal that he will glr<- qnleijy. When he
given the tlgaal they
tbe racant rbaire iM-ride

there it a pluuu
sboiilil play
When tbe dxtor could draw a lonu tbe singing sb,
or course Ibe faltadfelded pUyeri
liTMlb be ealle.1 a little boy to hold
not stag, for ad lh<-lr rOurts
Jerry witlle he divested the hitching
post X It* mrange apparel. Then be must be ci>a7cnireiiy1 on trying
went Into tbe hourc and lelephoned
cues* who 11 is that Is singing neat
bum. The singers may disguise tbek
EllBBbelb'R mxhx.
Eliabetb herself wUb nil her do
.ulces If they cboofe.
When a blIndlUded ptayer makx
gathered about her. wondered ml
mxbx fownd BO amuslog at t
conert gutss a* to hta nelRbbur h
e must be removed, and IhWhen the eonversaikin wa*
a-bose nano- he guessed lakes
her miither. s'lli smlllnR. said. "1
111* place. Under nu uiber cireiiui
tH-lh, Unrlr Andn-w wanca ta* '•
leased. The leadev tIo|>s tbe soii>you <hat be bawtdaxed a drtl-^a
whenever be ibioks the IJme has eum.siipert'ir. weM-dre»>ed doll, fie

to playlag with the blichlng-posi;
"Ohl" exrltimed Ellr.alMdh. I hud
forgotten Ihe litirblng iioall It wa-

X See. 3, T 57. S. R

wtth fatbx and moifcer. ■■ uill b
,- betuic they will have a
Iher and motW. when iho-=e no* v

uw of a great ho*i X o
afiernnon, be wondered why so
tequBlnlinres smled broadly ns they men land uomi-ni who |jve them
—The Farm Journal
nodded to him.
As he neared hla door he saw a enona Bgare in a Buttering blue froek
anding motkmleas at the, curbaloat
Ji-rry toned bis bead nenoasly.
the dxtor urged him clover siill—and
then, on beholding tbe unique tgurv.
leaned back In tbe carriage to laugh



Try a Herald Want Ad.










It will do YOU good to fee them. They arc fplmifiif niwiiiict of

Modern Harvesting Macliines,
aod BK MncRiraW in cucutiaK the work for whkh they are nadg.

-12B Front Street


or aay oahablc padding diah.
Spriakle «gar orer tbe topiaca; tbea
this pat a quart cf ntee ripe ■
berriea. lagar and iba rest of tbe
io^ Fill the dish wttb watcft wblcb
sbould eoter tbe (aploea tbottt s qu|r.
ter of aa larh. Bake ta a moderately
bot oren until It lotriu clear. Bat eold
With ibc.loacUeat of flowera.
etesB or eaiard. U nut <
o me la lay weaharts. eBOugb add Bum sagar at tba table.
" ' baking It seems too dry. add.
Tbey eoafort ee la ay.e
Aad BU ae with bope ai groteM
bcg>e* that eoaei after prayer.
a for WMav Uaa.

Ite earied. aad Ibe Hamburg uage or
carnM.rootcd parsley, tbe Iasi being
calUvayed for lu
rooU, wbirt am
Qsed in soups and stew*. Tbe borllcnllurisu bare Mace added aevosal las■prored kinds of paasley, in those
aa (be femJeaved, mess, aad

Allbougb .the s'
Tbey aalle for ay »y tUt lireth.
les In be a ilgbl cae rbls year, botucTbo' tbey will aot wom> fur ay dead
ke^r| will try to pet up ni least a
Bat polw with tbelr engen ablnlag
few eaas of ibis ravorlle Grand TravTo the blue iky orerbead.
Id BoeioD Idear. etae fruit. The New Idea Woman's
Hacaxloe givas some practical recipe,
trawberriea for June Tsbiea.
for canning and preaervlng strawberUD Strawberry naloty-To
of atrawberrlni add ooe cupful
Sun-Pteaerred Berries—Select large

feathery kno's n
the different dUbc* 1
palaiablu with ti

My Qeed Angtl.
VfTT (Irnple Are asy (dcamre*
O coq4 ucel, tuj vHb me.
WUle I BQiaber »hit (bey be.
Buy ’lU to eooat By treuere^
Buy *Ue-Uiey are not muy:
Friende for lore and eoanaay.
O icood easel cr*a( U> ae:
Btreoetb to wort: asd I* (here aay.
Mob or womu. eeU aoHns
jrjnr4»ny walk aad way.
Oraal.% fd>e «« l!nc» •<> P»r
> FOf^a le^pcrfeet betas,


cxtra-niried apcctes.
b'o Jordan, wbetbm H be large or
mU. U complete wUbout a row; of
ponley. aa okme lor decorative pnrpoqei, altboagh there are few o<b<
with whkb one caa ga
effertlvely as with the pmi

Spring Fever Is Spring Catarrh—Nothing Robs One
of Strength Like Spring Catarrh.

4*0 (olgraMy foe aod ae.
80 w<<iotckiy ehall asree;

wbltei of four eggs. Tarn Into
iriace In order to eninre Its keeping.
battered cups mad steam
Canned Sirawbenies. No. !.—Place
1 hour. Turn out, roll In powder.'d cleaned and bulled berries in cans
igtr and aerre with
SCI them In inter U In the above .
BlrawKFrry Btuce—Cmm together
without sugar; let'he water
tblrri or a nip of butler and
in the pan coroe 10 boiling, but as the
of powdered sugar, flavor with vanilla Juice Is extracted from the berries
Ulaly bu tbe BMrit of almplldty aad
(be aigtnre gradually
turn off carefully Into a kettle, leav­
U worth trylas the oolt time the
cop of berriea.
ing the strawberries In the
oMmy laket ni auwaroa. Ske a>
Omelet^Mt the yolks
tbla jnlce. using one pound «d
Here la a good cheer rtclpe that ha.
of foor a
sugar for cairit pound of Juice obtained
ba«i tboroestaly tcOlpd ud It *uaraaar until light, add a little of the grated ,from the berries. Take berries frtmt
toad a lore care Mr tbe “Moea.'
hod aad two Ublespaoai of orange two cans and pul Into ooe, as they will
the “dnnua" or «ay other of
juice, then carefully coBblne wlib (be
thote paalHeroa# ^at. lu tbe otaUatyt
fUBIy beaian whites of four eggs Fry do on by the lime tbe juice Is exlnct«t oae-t dally uaaqalUty.
la botlqr aa any omelet, spraad with ed. Trim In ibe Jalce; tee ib
Taka a abaat of alce.whlie paper.
bcaieo atrawberry jam or preserve, the air bubbles are out and seal se­
wMI abarpemad gaaeU and an odd qur fold aad tera oot on a bot dlab and curely. This reripc has never
tqr of an hour. Tb« write oat ofery
d sugar. Garalib
grtaeaiiec. .worry'ood allomt yoa can
with a rlag of fresh t
pomUy tmoeelre of u to pertalDlag
aad slightly baaled.
to your wimbqsooe adf. Aa laugluiT
oae and onohalf cups piece of cheetoclolb. To racb plat
«aiT eatry, taHlas of cook's ddtadouble ereOB add one and abebair allow one pound of swr. bringing the
qoaadea. the ehlldiwis aaashUaaas.
cups strawberry pulp and
juice flrsi to the boiling point ami
Jack's eoldneaa. mothar'a dtirafi ' '
d and'slnlned boUIng for fifteen a
year froetlom and pieaiote. 01
—Ibe juice of bait a lemon and Ibtee- sugar and stir ontil II Is dIsMired;
oibcr of yogr batpa poin. will 1
quartera cap of sugar. Beat with a boll Ibe whole for Bve minutes longor.
^laat Or yoB May write a letter to
Dover egg bealer oatil thick to Ibe then try It by putung a little on a
yaor «w8daata. taUlas ber of your
bottom of (be bowl, then turn Into a saucer and stand oa ki'i II It forms a
tbe suefaee I; Is of the neces­
qnari mold paHly barhsf la eqoal
ptMUoa in yotir haabaad's family, tbe.
measures of salt and ire.
sary canslsleney tnd Is rrady for Ihe
.•aatlp you have board abemt
mold to overflow, s.nread
lumblera. Stand where tbe dast wilt
or the way you are gAUag fal. Again,
above, press Ibe cover down over the
drop on to it and, whefl cool, cover
« you are literary, yoie may ifrite h
paper and flnlsb packing In' lee.wod with two Ihicknetses of It:
Mmri story wbtmc heroine has troubles
salt. Tbe mooaae can be rei
alooboliypul Ibe lops
like yooia. or a aheleh pirturing Um
much more readily from the mol
on and set In a cool, dry place In order
cnel oobdmooa of your life and batbe lined with .oaper. Let stand
a Arm, crisp jelly may be formed.
s Ue against reteatlcM <?l fate..
If the alcohol Is not unod. mcli paraffin
three boars.
Do yOQ koow what wRl happen when
run over the ion of (he jelly
Duapllngi—Oae egg. one cup milk.
me Uiroughf A Paris bat to a
When removing ihc paraffin from the
peanut tbal yog will bnnl onl Uugbjelly, loosen ll by running a k
taf ai yon baven't done tor days. That
around Ihe edge of and beneath
artalgBamai of your family aad
(ban for griddle cakes, Bulibr cops, paraffin.
.A wiltOT^ la Oooi Hotaeboepini
tleea k uarteUaa oe tba (rid pdrlce l<
qaeat our laerclea whidi abe deciarea
It a Bare cure for (be bluea. it cer.

and drop a spoonful of hatter In each.
On tbla lay three or four Urge straw­
oaae before tbe bar of your own
wea aeaao. all la coM blaek and while. berries aod cover with the batter.
clear ibe air like a Ibuader sttrrm. Btenm hair so hour. Serve with cn-am
To« pet egaapofallooi wUI dlaririve
.Mure your cywa, your -vaporf

A Letter ol Pr*i»e.
Ml.. N.i;ifr..iid,ui.ijOtUi Aieuw. Ilroukljn. N. V. |
-J eOMider Frrwim Mr Maof iprtaff Msec.
••Fmttepaar Aecywon iMvw MkM lr«f (Ui (far
aftHeywarsLarf flisrf fbnf if laaMrgam »a indiirw ibe
aarMlr a enrOrrof (M apv^Mrf (He uylog HMf of

Tbe planta arv easy of culture sq4
tbe seeds may be sown la the ground
at aay tlnir' during ibc gardi niog i>ea.
April until Sepu-ml-H.
Wbc« wan'cd for early sammer us>.
the seed* musi be sown In cold frann-*
wlndosrJjUies Ix-fore li t» warm
caongh tucauulour idanilag.
Tarsley seed gernilnaleH von' slosr. For ouidour towing nlway* pre­
pare Ibe Socil by ulsriog It In hot war, 10 soak for iwmiy-fnur hours, in
warm plaei-. Sow In drills one fnoi
apart, in rich ircl'.;w soil made tree
from lumps and sionc*. When one
iww Inches high ihl.i out (he plants

al luoar: aiaata. and when the 1
-uii. rinse and hull; then la.v
U dlaaolrod prea Ibe juice through platter and sprinkle with sagar.
eheeae«lpib. Add aa equal amoiiDt of
pound to a pound of.jrutl: eovfr
I. and aore niur If ncodetl.
glass sAd SCI In the sun's botteei:
Prme In three paru lee and one
. AfUT sundown
g Mako^^eart. I pray, of Madoen
V and set where It Is dry. Segt
^S»!^ya foil, at elood. of eboe^pa;
Strawberry lee Cresa — To
net out again, and by the end o|
Jt. >*ldfci ay oarul eyu froa Idlad quart of at rawlierrlea add ooe quart
days' exposure. H very hot ooes.
thiB etuaa and two cuotulc of s
Mie trull kbould be transparent. Uf:
jMkold ace (he eaa aad Sowera.
litetl auBir bulled to a eyrup wlib oae- exeb berry carefully and place In jelly
fcalf cupful of wotcr. Mix wcM, and
SnP^ptoUoa pny detlrer;
aUtin aad frocie. Pack In a fancj
(lien strain and <
Inches apart la tbe ruwr. T
' Aad. BDod angd. groat to ae
dPBiUr mold wlib a ilKhi Curer
when eool seal' tlahily.
plrnls which are thinned out may
Thai ay boorl M stoiefol erer.
let etaod for two bmrra. Romnre from ^Canned Strawberries—Selert peiTocl itansplanlrd into other l<e<1< nr l«
. ^
Bereta all ay atklnst be.
.Ull; nil cans, which have been Ibt
-Alice Cory, the mold, and fill Ibe center with
ders. and 1 made use nf.

' '* 1 suawberrles earefulle washed c-ughly cleansed, with the fririt. sddli
Parsley may be used as a bor.ler
as much r.imldJng hot wai<-r m they
bed uf pervnnUI herlo. and M fdiuuU
• We labe-otir tbara of freltlag.
always bo grown near the i»TPtinla.______ .._______ ^Iter Ihea sti
pul covers loosely on: Ihen
• Of siterlag aad fortMUng:
will not be disturbed wlib Ibe
;cupfBl powd' re<rsurAr..add six targ- sianti cans,In a thn-.o pan
• Tbe paiba are often rough aad
Spring lining of the r«.<i.<d the t
licrrics one at a time, raMar. Ibomugh
barleg several
thlrkncves ut
It is a biennial and hardy
ly with the hiiticr aad
I In the bottom ■<> prevent the
• Aad beedleia fad aiay bllloralilles, U i< be given a :di
the sddltinas. Pour lat
from coDiIng In conn
• Bat yet tbedayi are-cheery.
rlkiD of boughs nr lesM-s dnrln.Senre with dumplltu.'. heat (ri the steve. The
• Aad aigbt briaga ntt wbea weary.
(be W'lnler lu ave il frum Ihe r-xtreoi"
'• Aad aoedMrw lUa old pluet li a > or aay hot sirtsberry pudding.
within three toches
Snowflakes with Strawberry Ssoo- tfiliecabs. Set tbe pan'on thp stove,
good old world
Plants, raisr-d from sthxIs row
-Combine as la mlxtag cake half
and when ibe water Is absolutely
Aftar all.
September will live twn wlnler>
of butter, a cup of suear. bait
—Margaret B. Baapter.
Ing the l>erTica have been co
through Ihe third anmaM-r If ihe
of Bilk, two euni of lour, a h-v
..nougb. Put rubbers on and soo
ev slalks an- ean-fully pr>
of baking powder and the curely. Place the fruit In a dark, cool during the growlDg. seasnns. Sprite
drut a larscr lisbi. mod better.

Pe-ru-na Is a Firw Tonic For a
Wcaiy Woman.

llasy drikdout use* mar be to
for strawbr-rrie*. from the thick yams
favored by our Brlilsh eoualu
hrvakfast IQ ib<- vtriim* (ruK
which reach tbelr perfeeihm tr
own couniry. The honsekeeper *
not neglect to "pul down" a‘goodly
supply of this fruit for use

PwonssiT.u.l- ihi m.wi peumpf aad permaneal reUri
B aU cas4w Kl nurvuu. pru.tratloe, caaaad by syslamlo
mmzTb, ns veriB.d by many cuiw

Mlmm KeUte Ooadom.

Gamed Ei^teen Pounds.
s. lUm.' ilan.ltioo, U. l'M>.2.K|wrls. Ky,. wrNra:
hsie taken IWU butUvs uf Peruns aod mmineoetM
e (bird .me. but II
-esouther boitlc.
•■/Juiwalo'ayi nrigHetf fftt ,_________________
_ „
fan ttklmt fV/won / w«(rH ftV pounds for (hr tint
Uate In ai$ oty life, and I am mow 33 years oW.
“Vaur mrdiciite has aorety dome me a great deat at
good aod I brer raeommeadad * ta aeswraf oU
wtto tmre begun taking h.
-My BoilM T, w
years old. bad grown suw
she eodld -u-src.-ly v slk.
-tthe bx.k ;t>u hiisihs uf Pee^aa and ts fleshier
Miw. AteWw I

planu usuaUy dh' during ihe
second ^ winter.
plants are also tbe belter for potilog
winter culiniv. Parsley will
a lemperature of a few desrixv
above fleeting If II be given a simm
window. The attic or lutsi'ineni fur
Bishe* good winter qairter* fnr bom.

PwcwMn Ciwtatoi Ha lumttoH.
v«. iDilgorsie i:;e braia,
la qoshiies Is tacyood all
1 Tale thiansandr of tellers

ealiure of ibis ptani
ith many peaple tbe fondness for
parsley is an arqolred taste, like tba;

“A friend odvlwd me to try Peruaa.
I l.tusl.i B l.xilFsnd wrote to y.xi
sdvlci-. K.'( 1 hsd taken one ■•rttle. l.-UeT so I eoneladed to
give It fun her Inal.

, why Peenna has l.iuadp^
Bianeot nse In BO many botnee Is that It
oBtalns BO nsrcotle* of any kind.
Prrnna Is pcrtsctly haraUas*. If takea
accordlag to the dlrsctloas oa each
botUe. Bo nn^ It can b* takea aay
length of Urns vIUmM aeqatrUf a
drag hWlOL
It has no tad effect npoa tbe ayaleia,

■ -I f.diowed yonr dlr«»t»on* as closely moving (hr oanse uf rutarrh.
as iMSsthle. sad (hanks 10 you and
Peruna has M nsed off-smLoa tor
IVnina. I sm a well w..msa U-ds<
from the housekeeper's standpoint
'Vue'h Bathing eoald wet be pasMUe
Frequ.'nily when a |ier|al..*eil h«u«c'
"P..t y.*f* I suffered with caurrb of
If IVruna eoautned aay drag* at a
keeper taxes her Lrslli (or an appa'Hr
thi. aucl Ir.mrhtsi lalivs.
11 Uken In time.
.(.■dress I>r. 'Hartman. Pn-aidsBIut
-I .l.wl.H-.xl »ul.dilT>'reni|<
Ing dish for breakfart. luncheon tat
(be liartman HaBiiarium. 1 k>lumbim,Gtea, one Ihal Is ines|»-n«lve and n- bui k.-pi gviuog worse aU Uu> ume.
quir.w taut llllle lime l.i pr..pare, pars
ley will yiehl an efl.x-iiial aid A plain
goisCMhed gteawberrtM
famoilb was almosl neecMiy <0
ev..Dluj: If iho wcatb.r l> bot
dish of warmardH.ver poiaioe* will *c
Th.i~. Shu like a verj rich pnwrrv.', J bralib. Bya a wrtier In Good Hoaw
qnire a fesilve appearance is well St and dry this nmnih. ■•> k.x-pibcm Bowwi-n, Tl... fiwilltiv of Ibe noli or bi-rries for garnishing, rbould try | kee|dag. Klnc I bare folkiwrd tbla
a drllcloot flavor by adding a IHili'
sopmnki-il sirawlierri<x>. Wbat-Ti.b.; tiraummi I have n>-v>r bad a alck ent
flnely mlnm! pstsh-y and then a«ai liiish.'s thsi bqv.. hixm estab
j nor oar tbal had flu
An acqualal: a few of Ibe wbol.' haves over ii-li.-d for linu- will U- renewed glv« ibc fiJlowhig rvriiie:
F«ir suncuuk.xl .trawlsTrie. try ihl., aore wbe
It s».l a.-lie. ar.. .oiiri d iiilo II. liuoiof tomatoes and olives, but when oneillahed II Is a very lisrlo) eiic

lay the ns<- laf parsley, elthei
ctKaiap...! snd us.xl in cnmiiliia
is a saltd <ar ss a ganil.h i.a itndlshcF.SyaxKi salaals ar.- slwtjs incana
ph-ie wllhoul a .l*«h .af psr-b 5 aia.l all
rooked r. gi'iahle arc
gcni plaai. Again, in Boiip. sod
of Isiih ai.-al ami v.>- parslc

I soil ifti. k inulrh.-r <d well roliixl
l•■tr|llz■•r lr..m cow-lalN U «!-.
I ful 111.- imrisK..
|l l> a g.eel
I I.. van Ih.' (.Ttillrf-rii. » ll
iha< ar.. Mi-sn r» u- g<»l.
-ll. an.l ill small iisanri'ie
ai-.-e qnan

rwlim; Tn urn- qnan .f t»-rrn» tak-}mark«l 1
oae iilni uf ssgar an-l i.n.. half pint of 'uialiisiay.'' lie conld keep his dogn
msT.T. Ihiil the s'lcar and water na ^In petfivi faealih iwblle gnrwlagl to
111 It dreio Iiir lb.. -ISSIII like jelly, nom.her was
ll t. Ullcr aoi to gtrq
Itn-Ii pill the Urri..- In and cook flve^a puppy nr klllen much raw meal.
platler (>r|Mlni- n.-vir wire givtoi any 1 UWpf
I.- berrli.s III
j.quare ■«!...

.m kill- II - I'lay. until ihe -vrup 1. like HI*.. !'-■
luo. n-heu. Ihe l-xrlc. ll... put them
imo gh.-'..-cold
S.W1 .he t.q„ -I.n

Imptrt? s flavor ih’ai no wiw eiwk will
Fin.-ly mined parrl.T mls«xl
slib B Hill.- rii-BcIi saltd dies«ii
maV.w dellcloiu saodwichc*
dish of the rr.-shly-giili<r.vl liranch.-s
placed na the luncheon or ic* lablc. .-1
be dipped in salt and eaten with bieail

Iimraflin. Th.- Urge, will-he firm,
hr appMiir a
.uniruli Ul
I|„.ir .hniw and le- iI.IKIihk ll.
Tl Ore may Is- mt
iiiiul- Those . Baviir |s> mu ir.- In dn Ilian 0 ;i.> Ihmsiog a labl
.iip>r Inin ll
And 11 <<wy lisr.l in manage
— •

end butter, will lurnisb a hygienic a
pHlrer a simple aieai iliai no cai
(ullr pn-paicd sw.x.ini.-xi, or ev.
liUiraie cont.xtlon, pmvt.l.-.

>■ to barn tirlghtly

A ph«w nf rtarenat pwi taro tbe pul
I ulth b..miig onions will abmirb asto

Reaches and mhse PmIs.
I'd <be odors.
Th. qii. -iki-.d k.x-i-itig all Mod. of
Ic-moo* ran be he|d almoM todrt1..1V Slid rvi^li.-r ..Ml >d till-h.nio-ha. I’tOely und'u- atots that Is light aad
l.-n wl.lel) .11-ni.s.xI In all -ois ..f'alrOgbl,

fb-r .«e- ond.T a golJel aad

.1 |.lhli’
Care of Roues.
June Is tbe motiih ef rir*.^. a!
(oniinaie Is the bome florist *h<
hssn'i .IOC or more bushes In ib.- ya.
nr garden covered with fragrant l.h.■oms. Othei flowers make their at
pesrance this month to Ik- *or.- lei'

rfferlual '
» 1U..I-I hici*.-(.x-j*v «-l
laig.'lv I V| at

If 'he latni. i* upsel aad the oil

* u. hav- lul"^ fi" 'hrow fimit .m H. Walur Is
IBS fouml *or~v HiB*i mchlug
A rag or qtolt .
snsiih.r 11 .lut.
an.l sure,may

(ul of nit aod four leaaimoDft
baking powder together Iwlee,
the f.illuwiug an qliwdui.
Into thU with the tips of tbe Anger*
'• wav ..f ili-jioring >it tie- p.-r'»- Take 1 T.< li
lablespoonfnl of butter; ml*
' a iaig.- hr..-ii ami a qusotlty ..f r„r ; g-t fr..
soft dough wlib Ihre^onrlbs of a cup­
bltaslagi <mo by oae. tike
’Ij.-ii.U.. sn.l ,t..,...-rr.«che...roth.rjl't'«:h
. For tbe Herb Bed.
.padlt Items, wbea Bine
Many, perhaps the majority
’lime* bsv.
imKrt.-n th •
Aoured board, knead sligbtly. divide^
im: June row—everyUnly\ lavurl.
MM. But this setting dov
K-i.-c.Bi1, M»..l.l th- I JV'
pic. consider lamley "too fine an.l
dough Into equal pari*, and pai
felmgreaablm la the opposite column
flower. The prixM-nc- nf the'.- fl.iwet.
IC hours — a day
-r Ih.- a>me I
good for human naiare* dally fn.*l
^ wren more ofTkacieoa It shows
and roll eat* plrre "*
•" 'o** This I* a very mlsiakvn Idea. Whll-. :iu Ihe gaHen, In varving shade* ani
shapes, their frsumoc.- l|.■llchlfIll -.
Mk plaOM In onr armor erf conceit thlckaeaa to lit a cIreuUr or square
!,. off r-’i’.t,""^
add* a dainty t.iuch to dlsb.x. .in
cake pan. Place one jdeco in a but­
peituniine Ihc tlnic~i*etv-. makce mi;.
feawa In oor aggrieved enimate
which ll it used as a gtifflsh. Isml
tered pan. and braah the lop over with
that ihelr fri-shness woiihl la-,
tftm a»d thlaga, and folly In our hea<
Is something which can be .lone
BMlted bnller: lay the remaining piece
Hearts and dulled beads that we nev
, 1 [--I- au4 rugs merr twriling b.d water
moment's noiicv and transforms forever and wonder if theg- Irn 1 w>mon top aad hake In a bl*eali«ren Of
-dreamed of. Sometime* It reveals
af keeping 'he v.wng flow.w-pr..
I a plain platter of bash Inio .1
teen mlaules. KeMove from the oven.
viuclng shoots growing ihrittlly ml'.care lor aome old aore, aome wor
dalniy enough to set before uox
tbal we tbonirtt Irremediable, la ibe iBverl the <ake on a bot platter, lift
the flrsi glorious I..iiliur«i ol tdoswimexpected comptnvi Us value as a fla­
Floral Notes.
off the bottom Uyer twbWh it now the
d way. Bometlmi
WhlU- a perpetual l.hioiiilnR m*c |ei-h '
voring In SOUKS and spictxl rtlsbv*
Ic- for Table Use.
bartoqalB of humor will pop on to the lop), spread wtih buiier. and add a
makes It wonh a place Hi every kltchrli.-ul.l !•
page wbea we least taped It. and pro layer <rf berries prepared as directed
. Ibe litoomtng [wriod can
i -ialn.< may l»- v. n' ; - --a' - .•npiMad
below. Sift geaerausly with powdered
greatly prolonged hy- csrefii! man
If carv It taken to prrHecl aod cula -hOe-u;' ......
ar. replace tbe r<
. This Includes rin'in* b
ate the seedlings..H srtn renew
i-vs- bag I.. I..S
peat tbe above praMisa. aad cover wlib
good mnirhing with msniir.-. no'
ttself from year 10 year, aod It will
f.,r |..-.mJing II
iwer -ten. ,h..iil.l
r-i' i.ark
- [ce ami S
whipped cream sweewned and llavorw viewpeUnt—Al
and glvea m
fresh, and tefaiing Insert [-ns
flourish eqtMlI.vjvetl on the (arm. In a
.-xcelleot frr-.I.rer lo; d-..r»i.r\. :
l deliretaly with orange extract and
b srnmea. Needless
cestful Hue growers do net wal
n erring aa
liny city dooryard. or even as a pot
plants or iwit.-l |,lsm« 1- .«
ered ibrengh a pasiry-lag. nslag
Ibe flrsi crop of flnwert to lade before
to aay. (he diary Is a. ■r kept the le'plant. In the totter form 1 have
, ,il an-w
c oMry never olcmilng hack th.- hushes Klowres wl*h liquW mature. ma,|.- t.y Icm-Wng wat.
■ee tube.
It* curled, tealhen l.wriw bsve served
..Id pudding hag and
stems are em In generous quan through manm,lowed many boara of Ufe. Bat they
ns a cenierplee.. to the dining (ahie
nh Ibe heavy rad of
quart. : .-f a ismn.l <•( ofd.nsrv _
. It a single Urge hrsarfa. vir
have eerred tbe best of all paipoee* quaris nf atrawberriee. hull, and r
In the family of one Home ChcT read­
aixnlen potato masl
U they bsve lifted at oat of tbe elouga
C,,.,. ta
berry In half. Prepare a syrup er for neveral wtnterw. and vtsliov* In stroag shoot trom tbe m*. is oot .rf
Til. r. -iili aas quite as saiisfsr
makes an esc.-ne0' apra) f.d the . r
rlt. will btop tohlonm
of despimd lato that <alm. oabni
by boiling tMber oneJiaK eupful of sviabty coametit on It* beautv.
iphit Ibai aitack* swe.-i pea*.
owy a- -I
hmi used th-- apermrn
blihio B foot of Ibe ground,
aaaffrtfbted atameiMare ae vital to ef- water aad one and <mf-faaU rupfnls of
Thu ftolowlng If from 1
fresh shoots will often have carve.i
for four
household DMtgazIne:
from n before the flowers on oth.'
wbUe hot over tbe berries, and
Parsley, which U known la the
hy the rt.Mfa. and fbe blui IT wmek-i., .
: have faded. On besllby bush^ will furnish bbKim- uut.l fro-i and
daad aa boor or more bMoro botanical wqrld at Pelronel
hrougfa Ibi- (xmiub-r d
bogs. II seems, are ever prwuent glrv cut'Ing* for bo-.-qu
ailag. Do aot cook tbe berriea.
vam. it a aatlve of fierape. but Ibe
lair summer
imval ime might do.
I lo a purilBg word to bis reatott lha
and have lo Iw nicked off by hal
Are radiatil angdt three
Dalaty—SttawberTT uplaca padding nse sad culiure,af this plaai have beI '-'Iring proprietor trf the fkdlsh papsr
A ptnlally shaii-sl »poi U a guo-'i
-. )
do lh<‘ caterpillars that eai the leaves.
la dayll^t, and dawa aad dartneaa
Bakes adriirioBS deaaert. Tbe follow- CDBK- *0 general In all pans of the
Gormiatoirk says itol daring tba tvw
Suinbu* fur Cata.
A spray of Mrosig soapsuds. luHarci place for bouw- ..lant* In tbe sammer. j
Who walk the world with me.
I years of the paper's egtoSMce Ihu rm
tag Is a good recipe for it: Soak m
world Ibai recall&g lU aa
water or hellcborv may be oaed on Uual aeflecv 10 saier them; but do| i ju*i flve very haodwxne r
' lapuBsibie •dltors Have tpeal four aad
aeeast aow almoat sapiTdou
Bight a Jarge teacafrfal at U(deca
Hffhtn my hardest burdeu.
•rf I a half years Ta priaoa. wblto SS.W
ollire laseets that lofcsl aad mole*, mu giie an abundanee irf wnier la.ipn-1 ftornct tbal a piece <rf n
There were termeriy tbr
water: to tbe aMwalag pat baU o!
celbss brea paid to ■oca.
brigbtsB my itrtest bonrt.
d Uffowdered tulpbor glte
the ptoaia. Tbe rotes will oeed watci these ptoats BwhUns rest.
.varieUca. tbe coBM qr Bl
U ta a.bBUercd yellow sraie b
iat aeaner my bleakem pathways

T:' V\


"> ...... . •"


rates; to 14


WoB HsBdWf BMord
MUr cMnpMifl m lang a> M teuU to
tlio talo «r hto bo«
mmnat hi Ui. I« w««- ol Grand Trav
an. bar. ahoirtlns doaparataly far he;p
Mil Ma valea wat too woak to carry
l^tha ahara wWila plain aight only
Hiraa quarttn of a mllo away. Herbert
IMntagHe waa fareed ta ralaaae Me
hold and the body of Robert Chaee
. sank te Haa no mart.
At 2 a'aloek yaeurday aftafnaan. the
h»a bora In Herbart Mantar-'* aaH-

and kept up hie ahautlng which the lady of Uir mss.
«aa a line north wind blowing and the had not caaaodAlnae the Price launch
Mh fluirin* McCsnn. s nawyir. hwat pleasant after the pareed. “I aimed my voice at the hill.
iMU-il ibr Krali'rbvll bn-s-ery. sbrn
ynllrd as loud *>d hieh
thrastenlng morning. Thera wa
Mill flraok oBiddrrsbly, it Is slh-cvd.,
thaa^ of danger, the owner of the could.- he said. After four long hours
Tlx-y Ic-fi early to Ibe ori-ntog to sslk
r ley .wsler he heard wHh .be­
boat ama the M at a aallor am
the city sod were abi ui half army
two bays had anjayad soma aateilant numbed Bcnees the epo'each of the
Carter crosj-tog when the toot of
beat a"d redoubl'd his nflerti to
ursbKi irsto was
c himsrif hnard a-d at last when
-rm. get oil
Briggt lifted him into the row boat he
IIIinirk. ib<- into I* eomtoK." 'I
JO far genc-that but a few moThtaa hours later their craft
»isj rigbl ben-. I
1 mere Of thr awful etruggle and
wrack and they ware being buffeted
dii.' UrCaon enil-avored f>
afaatrtbythawBvaa. Sbahad^ltad he. too, weald have given un a-d the
ilrjg bis rompaalon fri«n ih<- nils hui
ansa but they rightad her end get bay wou'd h-vr d-'m-d two vlctime
Doable In rlear the npld mmiDs
■beard. Twtea mare tha wind------- Instead of One.
1 and the man mss siruck bUIj
taraad them and. tha third tim
While the lau'ihee were dragging
frigbllul foree
on ibe bead
cold and aipaours bad dena-thair work the bay a party consieting of Ben Mon
dropM-d In his in-ks.. Jle lay on hiand Rabart Chara «rae
fai-v not fnrihiT ihao «l|Aii<*'ti Inelie;'.
a managed to gfaep h
and Abe Buckram, personal friend* el
tnim the nil . his rlebt arm doul.le.1
o came ta the surface and get the dead boy. wert out 1- Mr. Mantaup iiader his luolr and Ibi- I'-fl bent
back bite the bM himteir. Beth aallt gue-s aulomebile and carefully pa­
hark over hlu i.hoaldi-r*. Wonl wa-s
arara gone and there was nothing
trolled the beach In the vain hope Out
phoned to Coroner Cage and later l'<
da but to drift and to call for help.
boy would be eas. up by the
II- U Caner. sbo drm- to Ibe pUc-ePour hours Istcr in a aaml-canade
re. Thry relu*ncd ti
and hninghl ibe remains to hU es'abcondRion Herbart Montague Siuat lifted about 2 o'clock thi. momini
Ilshmeal. srhi-rr iliey lay all nlehu
fr«M Ma boat by W. H. Brigga and
This morning, when Robert Price
thi- eoroiw-r'* Imi'H's' H **'
carrM to>rs. Harriot O. Newcomb'*
ae coming from hi. celtagc
found thal Hall's pan-nis llvisl al Hns
pattago where he was given medical
unch. he picked up 0.e ill fated ell and they sere noiifli-d It also de
attantloA. Ha was mlvad wHhout dHinoe alrmut I- frpnt H Mlaa Lewis' velnped thal Hie man had made ibiflautty and this merrlog was resting eolUge at Edg-wood. H- towod
rlr*- that If ho was ev«r
and tied It up te the doek at Oie LalH- killed it sronid be by a train.
rop cstuge. It had rot hee- sighted
Tbe Jury’s \erdlel was that death
by the launches last night.
was due to Ms U'log BerhIeMsIll
-MT. ^
The father with hi* yacht Gem.
atmek hy pass<-ng<-r inln So. :i of tbe
animal In dlstrsas but
sailing ycatC'day afle-noon. He
M. A N. f:. and BO blame U laid ob the
felt aure that
with him George H. Croas. R. J. I
nllmtd.being in need of aid. Mrs.
cer. J. C. Morgan and hie eon. Cera.a
Tbe deceased was a veleran of Ibe
I. navy,
Mentoguc. Near the lils'd they caw Tblrty-flfih MIrfalgaB volunteers, Spaa
Slartad for tha Brigga homo, tha naan
the amall best coming a-^d ctorM off iKh'Amerieas war. and had a good
aal plaaa wfwra there wu a boat. Mr.
te hall thorn.
•Hgga and hla sen Charles at one
“There wps JuM a good sailing
aM with thair boat. Mr. Montague
mm found standing in hla boat about brsace for my beaL‘ aald ths father,
IVao Quorlore or a haH mile from •but It waa too much for the email
boatataoro and about a mite couth of the
Bhortly before 9 o'clock Hr. Monta­
Aa aeon aa M waa taken into the gue became ansioua
the club house. The esnoe wae not in
bouse Hr. Montague wai wrapped '
ns plaee snd he then srent to Grelllckwarm blankata and revived. Me
I had said thst he might
covorod from the ofleett of the '
aeaura. raapanding readily to treat­
ment but the fate or hla eompani
wotghad upon Ma mind that ft wat net
until early this morning that slaap
eamata hMoyaa. Hla mathar ramali
with hhn all night srul thia mam
about S e'eleek he was bmught to
heme in thIa cl^r in H. Mentoguat

go there and stay aboard the yacht.
He was nM there and Mr. Mont
what had happened,
telephoned home snd then learned of

Boat meettBg and tbe following offleers were eleeled;
rresldent. Rtcbard W. Bagoi. i:i>.
Seeretary. C, H. Estes.
Treasurer, Lostdl Sour*.
HlatorUB. W S. Anderson.
This la Mr.
fourieenih ennsi-e

the accident

tivc eleelhto to the same office ani
ir. Soon haa served as Ires
The aheck wat a tarrlblc one to Mrs.
.-er sloec the onsanlaatlon of the a.-^
Chase as Robert wse her only rsmainsoclailoB
iwcBly-lbrec ymrs ago.
Ing aen. Mra. A. W. Pock telephorwd
The rice ptesldenls are as follows:
her that there had been *n accident
Antrim. J. J. McLaugblln.
te the boat but had not told her wha.
Gnnd Traverse. B. L- Spngiic.
had occurred. The heart of a methec
Charh-vola. H. J. Stockman.
ever alive to that whieh it hidden from

Lying In bed at the Naweemb
.others felt the g-svity of
-tOmm this aftamoon Hertwrt Monta­ renca ae when tha Rev. and Mrs. C. T.
gue taW the ato-y of hie awful fight •tout called te Impart the sad tidings
wUh wave and wind In the prmenei al
However, the theai was so i
gas taM hew aftir sailing about a tialf the attention of a phyelcian
, Brito from the laUnd toward the cHy ■ary. She was rsathlg e
psruM th# wStor.'Me Jammed the tiller
hard dowe a»d then he and
sprang ffnto the windward c

Old BstUen' Meeting.
At Ibe meeting on Wedoesdsy Elk
Raidde wae acleeted by Ihe Old 8«tlen’ asaoctolion as Ihe ptacc of Ibe

aguiH o*"**! "I*"
baatod farther and farther ever until
the fMI was 1' the water. I
mamant In thia paoltien and than grad­
ually flllad and aattlad bettem aide up.
Tha bays kkkad tha spars loa
with dmcuily rtghtad toe beab
In abaut flftoan minutes th« boat
.T warn over again whlcl. was the firm of

Mrs. J. A. Mo'toguc wat calm but
id not Meep all night and had net
eaten anything this morning.
Robert H. Chase wa* bom July «.
1iS4. and waa the only living con of
Mrs. Mary Loiriae Chaee. Mrs. Chaee

It vms about IMe time
Uuneh of Robert Prtoo »m*
putting out from Bowses Ha

lb- prv lltaisary d. tolls i f Ibe buslniw*
irf Ihe rvot.n-lcn atul the opening of
Ibe M-.-o-Hm was d-laied ts-yemd ib.-

Tbe roli rail st ih- aT-rsota ssu.

Ilm<- fp.Tifl-1

Ill lo
t'beboygu. OtNWu. flurUdie, liar
•.Grand Itopids. ikiroii. Kslsma
Hbars. .tllib'n. Vann.- I’lty. Ps.
. Alms. lArilngt-n. All-csn. Man
-. rmssopolh. I'sdillse. e-alsad.


D-ath of Cew-tos R. Buck.
7 orhs-l. y.-*i. rdav rooming I’bi
urk pssx-d awa> at hj» horn- ..
r Eiehtb str.-i
II- p.-ar.lu1lIHI ashs-i. afl.v a nite w—ks lUn—
lliN-k's tlln.'iu. wa- at fit-i lypli-i!
r but Uler this ................ ... to- Itrislii's dir-sM- aad !••» lb.- ps-i I-*

had tes-n to a w-ml<omat.n- iwn
.a lar .be irost iw.. days but to -

on w.ib a Klnklnc *|wll and d-..:.
o*. 1 l.uir houra lal.-t

faihor. FTanii. M Itoek. U-tog prln-i
pal id a whnni to Brooklyn
moHo-r. U'.ilre |•rtB^e Ibori,. was Isiin

Bw-kb. I.l, Maine, snd



away. He was lak-o hy bt< grand
faib.-r snd KjM-ni bU U.yliwul in Hark
a--ld, l--lni: .diirBte.1 to IIk- Hurklh'ld
m-Ikw>I*. Hi- Edward Utile •arsd-oi:
al l/-w hrio:i. Maine, and Bat-* eolh-g'
aiM. a' U-vri.'oB
Beth Pioneers.

Mr. Estes Is
rotary ef the Organigatlen.

fsHe-r. to Ksnlisa wbi-re to- took
a toim.-eli-ad In lluHer manly. IIenlh-d the- ni-<-iliig to nnh-r al !•' eirotrarled
aft. r
Travi-r*e rvglon.
L. Souif
snd wan rooipi'IU'<l to come es.i
sisaw. Ii<- eaid. «-ri- Ih- n
The up.-i,i.,r, of rr.->.id.-nt
1- tiriglnaiors ol itla lIGi Mr. Bnrk came to Trssenv
• Grand Bm«n s.-r- loMos.-.! by prayvr hy the f'liy. «ber<- he has slan* mutlDonusI]
resided. He fltst west lo irork fof thHBBBsh A lAy mmpsBy and tn 1S»:
In parin-rablp with PrcAop Kys.-lk:
Al Ihir i-iul tVi;l !« .Vti-ierson. Hi- • »<Ie<.iii-.
Into the gme-ry busln.-s* In IhhlMorisD. i.-a.l lM> |.s,KT
1 i-'—-- '• hai-'
’ ..'isf and eh.
■m From and f’ses sln-eis. Ih
Mr. Itau- ntu- a. thi« 'i-i.e nodi-n
-............ -•
O--™”" <’•; ".Mr n-nisined In thal hui-iii-rs len y.wr
sdd.-d the Iiiim.- of <• K Ihiek, n n.-srlrttorae...... . »..rk and -If «i. rlti.-d In l«99. Ib- |■^•->enl Ikitoiij ImphIrh-nil. i.ion.-1-r and f-r .ix yars a.-.-o I
l■f•-ld.•I.r llmwn ras,..ndr.l to Mr.
-ni company ws* organlnii
Ill aii"n<l-|t!i’l-ri e addrxs.i as fidlowr:
Ilrb evmeent to has licu ld<-ntlBi-d
.1 n »-r.l to| -Mr Gill.r, lA.IIos arid Genthmeo
Is-ar les'lBKm} id lio- sn s' Ion- ubleb (and llrothi-r l-Tnm. n—As |ir-sldi-iit «I
In June. IK74. Mr. Burk was tiBII-d
marriage to MUs Mary Knirefc. To

l> nnha three wena tiiiaricl. Meksrs. SK-l-h.'t and Mum -.if srieomi- to tin- kI’haih-s I’.. lAwn-nc*- K. and
er. Mi-ses Ev.-r.-ii ami Gray, snd Mtv.;,„M me ,yon tl
-- P. The mnlKT pBiued sway
K. 8 ITaii's iwn-r lollos.,1
This! h. r of Hus asi-K-lailon sppr-rtoies the
pniK-r Is ulveti In f' ll 'di
i tug-.-.'
Imm- »- liii.>- r-ei-ix d. A f< s
Jannsn . 1>«4. hr wa, married
Thi- Sii'oics lljy dell Salem war no ‘ hoiim .ng-- we arrlv.-l In yoor l>rsui!Anns Pike .rf Buckfl-ld. Me , w
iv.-h him. In to the wlfEmmet, H. O. note.
l.a-1 iNH-n » lit own ai 1'• «ubom uiild.- or enmi-a-s. hut oiit
ihnv- children he l-avrs iwr
Kalkaska. George Carlyle.
o’chs-k s.- Hie I rain nrihiiiu fi-m l.-e ,
, had li.vnlly t.-ielied -I .•_Ji.i.idtshle
iinM—, Kitnliall N. l*rinr.- and Cltorle.
The opening of the Old Settlers’ as
Innau eonniy
ti.« tak- on a sin | ..ui irf Traver-.- i’,- I- f tT- w- s.-r.
•rinre of Burkfl.-ld and two aaniF
soeUlloB oa Wednesday at Porester
gh- ims-.-..g.r ;,i S-u .m- Kay nnd In-•tbai we ............ ... no
Mary H Prince Hall and Ml«i
one of Ihe most ausph-lou
terni-dlale 1S*UI' -'. The liiHi- Isiiid ■ f„- n eomia-1 -ind ilm' all giihh >
Its II. Pnu—, toUh of IhirkDMd.
oeoislon lor the plom-ers ol
arriv.d on t).- m-Mai nnil discinrsrsl j
j,,,. ,-ven .............. a-kiuiAtH
ind Tnverve region slnee thi
ir »!• Gillv-n .s.rrs with
d Ibe day.
ritili and for eJ-v-ral y.-ar'
ganlsailon In ISU. KnII Too visitor
».,rd- of w--t-om.- wlileti r
ws. Hi. ».vri-<nry
H* atwi wtv.*I on.
had arrived and tbe hall was erewdeil
s Association.
■ tatic- T- within
» i-iin
State Firem
lb- l.i^'td odocali.*.
I ii|-ti..i|i;ti
• u:h hJ
h_ I- a
Trav-r-s Cii.i
rresld.-m J. H. Monnw was In Hu
L- fri-f
fr|- M.- •
■«1 wiailiir Irlmlr and ealind the meeliog 'n onler.
Ku-ue II - J- "
I- Mi-hiuaii S.;
er whieh Frank Hsmilinn, to Imhal!
the mayor. A. V Frioilrirh. who Is
absent from the elly. wMr..mpd Hie
nl.t-d.r d

Mamilion said, he. a* mayor, had ihph-asure of esienrtlng to the assoria
Hon words of wolmme sn-d ihe sanih.-arty welromi- was icvtoy.

ISO an old w-itlet. having at :

fmm the bottom of tha boat snd s

sere isir-im-l> hi:-> In looktog after

■ 1

thraa ^ avers. After tha boat h
baan rlgbfd far the fourth tlrrw
wa all that either of the almeit i
-.•sinee then." h- said, "you
beu-d them wBi drawn the
haasd bays oeuld do to climb In. With
wnndrtvd anmnrt and laM y.-sr you \
s»d the he—t wsi
thair added weigM. tha rail waa from
Ilf.-rl.-d s desire to again visit "<•'j
thought ef the enl.v ecn. R
al^ Aa twelve Inchm «r-der
so liMsy we hold out our handcared with a grsst Isvc and tendemem
•ad M water togged bert kept
-We are glad to have
lag Ram MdttaaMs. first ana rail pre- for the Invalid irtother s.nd litter.
k.’ If again v»u tram.After compictl-g thi local High
trudtog from tha water and then the
a. away w- will again be glad
acheol in 19M. where Robert Chase
J.” Mr-Haniilton stsK-d that
English preparatory
s Jeweler. R. W. RaeMII. where I

bouv ftu- busloes* Ibl* morntog.
Pmhleet r.ruwn and Swrviary LASe

r ^ 11 1

bi- hy a sperial art of Ibe haprutnre
Tke n>uimlll«-e reported thal a rvoi
Blttre be appolnird to tak- tbe seee>
sary sl>^ for Irclslallrr ensclmeul or
Mberwlse If pusslbh- for Ibo Ineorpu:
■tloD m a sirk and areldeni. tosaranri
roinpany for fln-UH-n Tbe maliir of
andlllng ib- ^-•el.s of Ibe asweialkKi
war n-JJ-rvvvI to a ■-'UnBlttrv-

IliMotsh-. t*eaiss1'r.
Iloilsod SB I
Man, m-u.- sere ei
pee'i-d lo report dorinc ih- sn-niiam

le the widow of the late Dr. George M.
HChase. w“o p»*o*d away in this city ac'd visitors and Ifaelr frU-n<l*
raid thal he desired to ezprer* Ihe
fivo years ago following by
pleasure which the rll> fill to .M.*nddeath of tht e
George, who was stricken with typhoid Inc a welnime. 8is yi-nrs ago. Mr
and died after a lingering lincts. The
dea|h of the father e-d
e the little family circle
e-e left to mourc s-d Ihe Mee



Struck by Train.
|*»«t .he pa*, of xh- prcai chanp.-*.
While smlkla* M. A N E.lfirt>-«wo jrvr si» ytsierday he
Sunday Blgb.stSo-eloek-Herm'Hall.]lDUd.^l ai Xorihpur. and rame
lantaguc. who had baan holding out
»,.«• n. In sirt'
ail bognn ta giva I*. ‘Bab- lot oa aged 4«. lomcr Biebtvatebman fori no., da.v. Ntd
la hold H the bow and floated ta the the Albyaa Dowd idiingle Bin between j and he landed s. s »lsl. dork and
a&d Tuba, ws* e.rwk by the to- bs-ki-d for the city. Mr MeLauBbIta
lam where hla *omoan>an anturhicd
s brief rkrteb of hl» -arl> IHe to
la finger In hla hair and kept him eoqitBg czenrskH) train and Insisnil.
killed, the Injuries being-cnllrely .o! Anirim coup./, there to-tos two famllloat ter aema time.
bomd where the lerrifle Itopsr. of , Ho. Md-ctn .her. and Harbor Spring.
“Then I bege- to hare epelle of unBtm car steps eru.h.-d to hi. skull I s« 'hev didn’. goarrel. b. mM. eneelomneai,- he aald, “and I would
ekjced hy mring that there
tcspaitm-d bU
■ah wMcr In m/ faca ta keep myaoH
rceilOB. The ir-malns p«-rc removed' dsf In all the year wbieb biwaka."
fors-ard to wUL such pli-ssure
After the deemed young man had to the unitortaklDR mum* of H. L Car-:
St 9 o'clock and Pen- lHi<*l out Old SeiOer*' associsUoB of the Gnnd
sunk beneath the aurtaca Mr. MenUgue
. dm-p poiH of blood shich iltdoged
etill atungwith bull dag tenacity ta the

ved lo lass.




‘ ^
tu-mo:-.- ..

v.. [I a- iiii-O'uhl"




l.ian. 1 r,i-r~ niy.
ta...... lUi'i-l.


to-,,,,.. .a, fo. . J.„u-..m-H,.

wgi. r, Ail.i.w.. Or.--n-. a
T’j>n-< w-rc!.i;v v

•ul by the blindlog sun on tha wator.



Th- Id U- f«..-<al h

id a-rid-ti'
William H. N-*aiaO. pt'
ir to Ibl* til- N-e Vurk r-mrs:. ihl,
rli-ru-sioa Ihi n-orrt Pm- dmeinn-bip,
miM-*- ap ■ <*-i-bip,
H- r. ptc*cms ib- Vaedtvravir,.
y.-gt. rrtay
ai that tim.- r-i-m-d to the'.‘.lit* to Pid rorporaUtm,. Frederick
11 ir-iln at th- Perv toUo'-d
,i,,. ,
lat the ar-wiai.iin eannoi eito-; I’, prerldcBt of Ibe Eile rrtod.
Marqucito depot and tbe Qncen City
insurane. burin-,.’ wiibeut in-' I-- a«x«uJ Id ibe ll.t with aerciity-lwo

Bre d.-.antr.i.
pi.-asant f

in tuaUn.:

a el..*p and raf, iL-uiane- fur

d W. K. Vauderbltl
u> by >o«yioc be could look hack Jjir jmm

imiil D

Make your neat pur­
chase from us and set
how well pleased you'll

Icn rt-e.d-d uw'li l"il I' »i
to- fa-M Friday

Ai ia>' j-ar

plaee fer choir or church matters.

Wc Show
A Fine
Vaiucs in

^ ,

bert of Phoonla. Afit. brother of Mrs.
M ralaod Chase, a-d Louis S. Chase of Niles,
thair vmeaatn Bhoula for htip as it ap- brpther of the father. Dr. Chase.
what they lost during their abs.-oe-. j variou- h...-!-. n.M i-lc.g h-*-■ I
would be hard W eoncrlvc
prsaehad. Th* lauitoh patMd toe far
I bear men saying Traverse Cl-y | ,hMr enf ria:um. n- w!.,;. to n
to laawrard. however, and tha umvlng cleaner in hie daily life. hsbIU and
»>*»•: on»’ l u-m-. I.on-• .
theughto thap Robert Chase.. Dn April 11. going backward I
ears and half aunkan eanoe wore

iricgTsi*. rallmml. school,, cbarche,.,
.- vUilil.-;
t' every thing cofffWn'd i
a member snd ever a
time haa been easily the meet faithful | pragre,,. He gave an cxicn.ivc tt“;
of all tbe young peoole
of that organi-|
organ!- ,umc 6f |.ro.p.-rtHe* of Travetse City.;
a ef
zatton. Every Sunday
Haj. J- J- McLaughlin of Antrio.
y he was in hiti




nec remained —eat faithful and t
►ou.h To. .-toy .-V -dmt l.t.-.el,' van- .
work In the work eheteti wa* both at
sure Bi Him- I. a rirtog mid lom-.r .i.-l-cal--, nevr. .-Jliii.- aRi d fifivfi.i
eeauful and paInMaking.
Aside from th« mother and slate-*. row." said the ,p.-ak-r. -there awaii, an.l tin Trav-rY<'.’> Und.--.”'b-,
wUli t’huf M.irr*.' and hi, a..-irrai.i,
Clara, two uncles are left. Dr. 8. Gil­

it wm then that ‘Bob’’ gav* up. HU
lags r«m*d to hold him and he sank
to the bottom ef th« beat heedlam

$5.50, S7.50,
$9, $12

.,Hats, Caps,

I- i-cai.-a that
I-1-1 ward t .
..I- and those

■t Th'onu Murray. .*-.-i't j ^
a.v. H - hm-m-n ol
. vid-in"-• I ■ miutnh-*. ti.;,^,..

than we are giriDg
on our broken gizes at

a provtolon would i timrth with wleiyArr.

& Uunter
2M EJST Fumr ST.



Gml Tia?cnc HcnU


Tk« aes «IK> bevcd • elemrie( lixe
tfea wUdenMM. (be aea who built the
tbemes «bo
' aaE prirmtlau of the loos mo «iid tho
VOM9 vbo at their Tire* asd dantth'ten ahved la UeK> hardebipa and
irintlaaa. Jon had aorrowi when the
Oiaad Tra»erBc coaniry vaa Tooa*.
vara with na ihla •«!« and »e were
. dad to ortend Trarerac Oir'a lamed
beapitalltr (raHr (o (hem.
la the Eatberlntn today the presenl
t. of amaodary Importance while the
part ralaa aaprame. It'a the old timed
that are dUataaed. the time of the


s.ri »•

Pewe Marquette

odsv she has the Brnirh drnn to arromidlah wbs<
r.;3“ a. m. S-v po-lers or .t
o do and she Intended
for parilnilars.
II K Morll. r, C
II. F MiH'ller. <

If >..nt I’t.iu..r :..tjcistiii.-nt of aliy kiixl. U*t
nw.l.ilh, work t'.ir In. ,I,ins mt.l l.d.v nf vX|w-m ah- n-.l
I itinl.-I ••ulsnli-Ilf tin- Inrt.-.1 I'l.iii.. I''.ii-|<.rn-w
1‘liiv «• tia OIkI
I nii.l ei:l-iMl .-gLu.-M..

lA-Iand. Mleh . June g.—The Jury i
the Herman Hyman vb. John Kin rat
brought In a verdict of no caiisr ft
aeilon. This case was a suit ox-r ■
note and Involved originally
recognize c-er.


June 18

I miS!*: IlOUSO.

Willard Mack
Maude Leone
<.c>..fw t.e,ruf



Kitfh ClA'S PUya.
t very PJay a LiterAty Treat.
.S-iit Siile


I/nl e-s FKKK

In tlie Pantries

Fri'iiiy :it

.....loj- tii-^'lil
1-1 - Ilf mi>->t ( I ilii -it f.imilirs,


• li!>




•Up York State.
Se-;il S;ile .l.itms .ii


‘Best” Flour



nruyr O'

lipit (>l.nx*.



noi ijivc it a trial i*


yojjr Kroccr for a




Avoid the Knife
.>f tlms.- «li.«i- i-y.s «e
li:i\v ttr.-itulilii! by tin-use »f our S( i-eial l•r^>tlu■l Ia-iiwb.

Spraying Ciiiie

No Medicine. Knives or Prism
ure- U3iil in niirOriditial


I-: lic.r :it linii.| .111 1 y-iii Ira.l U-tt- r ;-ct


ohn-r til K<’t ll"' i*‘’f

Dr. P. A. Wolfe, Prop.

Dr. B. L. Paulsoo, Ass’t.


.\rR-iiii-. F•■rtlKl!iM. Line iif t>ul|iliur ami
413 414 Wilhflm BUc.

Tteverve Cily

Cll. Phme 354


\Vi-i-.-irry f-vr iLia jiiinikk- Kltii-Vitriol fCoppur Kalpliato), j
Ijkvculnifg’e I’urr j

t’;irin (ijii-ii.


If\ .1 will |>iireli;ia<‘tlii-N'nriielid of ii*.you will nvUinly i
*r..i'K n- I - -iiiHlily Ilf |iritv.

$. E. (Uait $ Sons

IS STI-ALISG SLEEP .uu) eiij"v;.l.!-- Iioiirs. will U-n’. -i:.
»,-t L. life If .1 ra .,..1 r.-iie.vxl,
Tluil tii.w.-l.-ir..- r.-iexti.u, »,.[
H.. k-ldHW.iy. ify.mwill e:.r.- f.,r Hull l-e.'l,
tin- -.-ly
Bli;;l.l...t:.i.m.y:.'.e.-,.n,ei.U .l6.-lf,

Cranrte etly:* Ccading Drug Store

IT WILL CREATE r..iil-iiiitl.-nl Ik.tuir.- tli>‘ l"-dli v.,H r, i,


TTie trespaKa ease of Norh'
Bight farored tbe direri Scott Is now belnE heard. TTii
Butler. |HT |K«Hid.
oac more Jury case yet to U- I
Brown rs. Yankee and Ibis will
rotad against the di
pleto Ifae calendar.
Delaad. Mich., June *.-Clreull court
for Ihc Gonal.r of Leelanau rloaed yes ISd.t.»-s. ,«-r bushel.................
Spragne. B. McNamara. J. B Martin lerday afternoon until the next
Oeorge B. Bloc. J. N. Manlnok. M. W Ur term, tbe third Monday In October,
V^vrteod. Jeaeph Sleder.
or Get. IS. The care of Emil NiK-hel
ra John Seolt of Northporl, who
rhargol with ireapaasing upon
rlgbla of the pUInlUT when cxerrisins
bis anlborllv as highway eotnmlsslitnrolalncs. PIT bushel..................
man. /state aesalor. ledMaliw
er was eoncloded b> the Jury rendcreooBly oncora there were 43
iog a verdict In full for IIS for II
ter ssd 3 sgslsai wbUe Ibcre wc
plaintiff. Tbe eve was*of Inieirsi '
rotea for repobllcas city offlrer* and the township of Leelanau as being
3 sgalsrt.
road esue, and grew out of lh<- elTiirts
The detegstaa to tbe eounly
of tbe pUtnllD. Hr Nocbi-I. afln
Uoo ore: A. W. Rlckerd. fi. C. Dar tdtaalDg the Col. Barnes proptTi., D<-ar


It m -M"m ll'-'.l -'V I'nU'i'tluiv.- e.-niH- I.l1 ni&li tlii-y
tin-y ti;i
t.;i.l ir- n- 1.. nii.dlu-r
t..-l nn.-i.rly li"lii.
ll■■llI. 1-1 talk " illi I'.ti nU-nl
I.-- l!i.
III .-I.rly


City Op.yr.i Wouso Ull,.

Try t Herald Want Ad.




Wi-li;i\. I'll Imii-1 tl- lici.-M
..f Cnlllll.nil.I



V.-rnii:, \,l.,i.r,.-te,

\\V .,f-

-Idli'i-) t" r.vlll'" lii:-- III:
ni'-llSi- SI.H-k to lllik- f'-l';
{iir ••lliiT U'*-ls ulin-ti.irc nr

For June

"W -HZ; " >•«
I ,'iy Vi'ti I'l • nil iiinl SI.


Omena. to atralghlen his highway
fence. Jobn Bcotl. tbe highway
ts,., ...... .................................
mlaalooer, It was alleg'd, look
the fence and the farmer then hrought

fl;:f rhiiia '!> lartmcilt i- lilk.d v.iih
K.iifl-finf I'iftU'ih »i arr

lliTO riro .1 fi'W nf ill.- r.iu Ikiru-iilis Wi -Tr- '-IT' rinu y-- ;



Il M-Il-'lioll Ilf


Traverse City Markets

Factory and HcadiiuartCTS Dclrol


-'^lil.U-.rlxi l.v Itn- IJKSTCTIM
1‘ASY.rf Si.e-k


Jy_______ ___________

I- x;- :l r UI.TS n-i 1 m.k.-;■ sji-.-iiiilv <.f line
„..rk ...I Sl'KIMVAl ...el
e.ilit |«if-.'t T'liine.: - r 1
it... d. I'Miliptly «l"He, i.l
r,-as.,u:il.l.-raU-s Iri
U - •.•uar.inlx--:il,sro,-li.wi

(INI-: \VI;!-:k.' u;.itii-.i:

f-n.i iit rm*ri..\K


5t,',U:-> Me-


Palrhin of Traveeae City represented
fenilant and I’calt A llavl
le defonil
le ease eonllnued


$lV. (•..ii.liiiowrx






K-.i.l.r ?1-J c..i,.k

t-> C.,.i. 1.

K.-,«ular SI-

K-ifiil.r Jl-'. f.nn-:

n..-v HI

« fli’
u-.x J


w. .lilihi: g:i(i>.


alw.iys MihaUlc


Scis. Vaics,





U. ."ilnr

U.-;.tl.r JiU.di- !■ .1 .w i.: V-

Stiki.irfh. ami
$ •
t .iriii'>;

Ln .invr-n-f
rs, faiity tii-xhc'

f.iil •-'> [.lease. .\ti inspcctiun

iltc like that

means a selection.

Wt alw II s welcome a tomparisuii of |>riccs.


In Traverae City,
Tbe Honirw
tamtiy u* l euiia, im.,| —
nvu-ixjre- laniiiy
, K.W.«
arrived satnrdav to occupy Ibeir rid-iS J w
• Eu
tagr for the aiimmcr. which le the
Br.i railage filled ihta
Traverre City «nic
■art week to apend Ihe anmmer'tn bU ai wJStan«-ibwtnra': l hadU-bi.hMt

Watner. in.
Kelley. IIT.
a cf (be city
OCteen there were IIT rotea (or aad ^mT BreV“'.£r-rerera, d.yv m ^ ^ ™
two against aad <m tbe other ^opo.
■ttkas there were lit rotea for and
»m d»l»at

In tie Sgniinn



M ter Iteoteaant gorernor: \
It II bad remained tangled In tho barbridsa K. Ferria, democrntlc <
Dcaa Mre. EHlcMt wonld ccrUinly bandata ter corenor. reeelrar 33 rotea In received aeriona If aot fatal injtiries.
tbe eity.
Aa H waa. abc was gulte badly rut and
Tbe rota by warda fallows:
broiled about the head, but aftc
borae waa caught abc drorc Into town
and attended (be meeting while tbe
Grand Raolc.’t. Rate 62JK).
Kaliar. il.
barncaa wai being repaired. Mrs. El- Batctiall at Grand Rapide. Grand Rap
Tm rote on tbe direct nomiaalloa

low. Frank Ooodricb. Frank Sladek
Joaepfe Klasaeo. W. O. Foote. A. P
Hobart. A. H. Bennett. C. W. Mr
Wothy, Frank Trade. E. E. Chaae. B
W. HartlDga.
Fh^rti reeclred
direct nomination of gormnar and
Beateaaal gorernor. reprereolallre to
State leglaUlare and county otSecr*
there were 40 rotea for.
Tbe damoernllc eandidaiea to
eosaty coareatloo am
W. H. Vmior. Augual Bauman,
Uam Ha.rden. Rlcbard Hcrkner. T, n
HcHaan, Frank Stepaa. Joaeph Sber.



The rote cm the rariooi propoaltlona
re gnindcblldren an- al>v h-lt
■lood 47 for congreaaman. Mate h
(iineral was helil (tiiiidsv allot tor and eonnty ofEclalaa. with n
_____oe Center.
against. Repreaenlallre and city
ihpk place Willi ib>
•clala teceired 46 rota for and n
alatr-lald to rest t. . year!- se"
«IC».J. W. Miller w ! olHrtni.- aud tl
The delegated to the emin'y cone
S. Amlortoii.
lurUI 111 charge uf
no am
J, A. MoDtasJic, Thomas
hsne. Fred Irtrdle. A. J. PcliTlyl.
F. Hanba.
Bight dcmocrallpr vote* were e;

olea (or and none ngalon. The dele
watm fcmlabed plenty of water,
weak aM mall waa aot a girml baadl- gates to the repubiknn rouoty conrmk.V.
cag. hot aberc all the people of tbe ttoo arc: W. E. Moon. L. K. OerMttla hamlel were one sreat lamOy land. E. C. Hogan. M. I>. Morgan. Wil
LAdiea' Aid.
the hairin— oC <me waa tbe bappi- lUm Hendricka. Ben liozalc, E. J.
be- Uilnl lAdles' AM soehHv eon
Hans. D G. Chandler. D. G. ghoner.
■SM a amtber. the taara cd ooe
ion will Lc held at lk-od>« Jiuie
A. A. McCoy. A. S. Dobson.
Mad by the DtriEbbor. laeoareab
The Ueniitio Aid will ojn-n the pro
Three democratic rotes were ensi,
tbara ware of coDcae bol tbe atroac
^rawn. Intcrkx-hen, W.-si • Union.
baoita that bad faced tbe wllderneaa. all being (or Ferria.
and Munru- (Wnlei sooletleotragiM wtth It and ana eoald not let
wlH caeb lurolab releclloos appp-prrMrs. CIliett Waa Plucky.
. tbaaa worry (hem. Btardy spirits
Mrs. WTIIism Elliot, who Uvea near alc for the occmslon.
We rcque-si vaeb lady i» briagsopic’
Hatches Croialng. had a m-y na:
siiggfidinn to advance the aid soele-os
Today tbelr beadi are gray and
escape from death while drlvioE
Interest, also siiggestlons to llEtatru|
tbatr worli vorv banda are si
town yesterday to attend the
ready to lay down tbelr burdesa bot
Be'tlera* meeting. Her horse became
tbatr beans are llgtai aad they are ests Ihe eleeil.
rrtgbtened at ao automobile driven b>
Krmeml>er t
date. June 3i>. *1^"1
loylag the apirtt of relroipe
William Arms and before anything Ibe pIcDie dlnn
Sirs. OiiliiEer. Pre*.,
coold be dc»e to atop
It. barked
RsOoK at Frimarr Elaetlen.
against a lelepbcrac pole. Mrs. Bllloil.
Tbe role at the primary election wbo waa alone tn tbe rig, pluckity
Twaaday. deapllc lia.imporunee.
held on to the lines until they uroke.
wary Ugkl. bat 374 rotea treing
throwing her rltdently over llie dash­
IMlwz. PrMTWdIni. PlUOf (beoa. Fred M. Warner rweelred board. The boine at tbe same ilm-.'
ikx'issd lo rWoad
7m rotea tar iba repoWcan eaadldt
freed Itself from ibe harocp* and ran
ter gorernor and Patrick H. Kellay a long diatance before II wu caught

rapreaeotatlre la congreaa. rtaie
aawaior. eonnty and cUy afBcere stood
«T tor aad 1 acaUwL Tbe rote cm ibe
propoolUon lb nomtaalo aUlc IcglaU'
tor by dJrael role 'was (3 for and 1
■i>nhiit '
The delegalaa to (be coonty eonven.
Uoa ore: a J. Mor^. J. W. Hilli.
kea. Kal^ Hastings. C. Raymond
WnlU Robert E. Waller. Leon F. Tlioa
•diarfaart Hcmtngne. lUlcolm WlonUUnrry D. Allay, Vie C. Palmer. P. P
Lawtaa. J. M. Thomas. W. O. Ha
H. S. HWI. C. E. Hnrray. F. W.

PIANO—{k-enml I

Ig lov.'
reatloa and the rote reaalied aa telre, U|'
P. C. Qllbart. 1*0; F. H. Prau; «:
.! We aeed te each this little tack:
James Herbert had a
W. J. Rennie, 73: Oaear BImpaen. <3:
,"i;;t’w;^“b:ri,'g;;'GIi:m^‘z'P'«—*“''rr area or bring It back. '
«mi.m Jt.d-..n ,< Gran.! i
Oeorge Hoyt. K; W. W. Bmitb. 78:
I With aa ma-y eenu aa vou are eW—
preM-len: ot |be N:
to Pox. 73; J. H. Monnie. 70.
Adrlas Oole. S3: U Roscoe. 75: C. K.
■ T::id.--!n. N*
Dockreay.tS; B. P. Newbouac. U: R.
larrtmaa. K; Oaorge C. Corell^
Harcabee Memorial scrrlce* will b
To Mothers In (his Tow n
k. D. Cunts. S3: Frank Shuter.
rid In the Congrecailoeal eburr.
rxt Biinday mornlnK. I>r. Warn33: UimlDC K. Glhba. 3»: ioaepb il.
MeOoagh. tt: Jay M Blakealee. S3: prearhInE the memorial n-rmon
The Czmgi'ftatlotial irbihlrcrii'a da
Roland N, Holwple. 33: William K oervlces have l.■-.-u lai.liKim-J uni
wniiama. 33; Charles Procbaika, 37;
ne 11.
Cbarlea B. Cirta. to; taaae M Win­
birthday oartr."
nie. 33: Judson B. Cameron. ST: Rob­
ert K. McKenzie, 31: W While 1.
FCrrls gcM len rotes nod all 'en
whlow of the late Cyrus Crain, the
flrsi hlacksmlih of the Grand Tiav.-i>.'
of gorernor and lieutenant govc-rour. r<-Eion. pastuil away at the hame of
her son, Albert Crain. Ini: Wub-t.r :
nate leglalaior and eounly offlerre.
t at II u'cltx-k k'rlclay iii'/ru:iic .
E. B. Wilhelm. E. P. Wilhelm. J.
M. WUbdm; Ben Wilhelm. A. Poborai.
J. «. lagrtg. Normap Ulll. William
followUiE rhlMo-n ai>- leli to
irn the Ions of a mother. Byron
- POtteTB wa&O
Crain, roElneer lor Crandall's at I»nE
Warner. 43.
•: AlU-rt, al>i> an engineer, aud
wife of H, H Crain of ktoiinw
Kelley. 3S.

' lev aao when the bi( jdaea wared
and alshad and the weekly ateamtMU
waa the enly commonkatlon with the
eottfda world. There were ao eleclrte
IlSbta then, no raUreada. ao water
worha. DO Uaaebea on the bay. n-i
ad Fctrri* got 6. The delegates
gnat IraU farmi. hot happlneaa waa
le eounly ronrentloo arc A. V. Frie lProfussoi llinaldo Isulirop |•elhm
laiaaal Jnat an mneh u U ti today.
Thoaa at thla geoeratloo woader bow rich. T. G. Shilann. O. C. lagrig. J. M. '•he of Ihi- musi seledspv men of liii
too. ai the age of hii lliej. a siuinli tie
luellmsntol. George Tsrbuck.
tbne jleeaera mtWad wtiboot tbe
amall attic niom :nirruuiiilcil t'
laawlaa wUefa tbay wrw resard aa aehis bouke.
Warner. 63.
Bat It waa rery ala
Kelley. 63.
alaetrieWy fa aet a aeceealty alll
Ask for Allan's Pooi-Pasa
B la a great eearenlewee. the hay sad



e pUnnlog to eel-'


!<• -.liar j JT. I'arlnr Suite ti

Yuur lU-liablo Funiifih- .S|.m-,

Grand Rapids Furniture Co.


127 Srutb Union Street

City Book store
Ci^e dobMrt Cc.

Cnoene Off, ttlkb.



Ml»* Kitty Randall of Tn
rai aewlns for Mr*. A.

nUCTuH»-A. Tnrt Uj. *•
Ld. k c Di«*.


mring the Pla*.
too. D. C.. tp*f)l ibe BiKbt U ibr Park UUt Aseet Haha. teaser ta tl
o<ir FOldirrs wt-Di to Cuba
Plan and leTt thU nonUtc for Old Boamu aretiue ecbpol.
nnipldne*, b'-alib wa* ibe
Doriaa' eootl<t.-ralkin. WlUis
HlaaioB. *hrt» ih»r *111
Mr*. H. C. Gore left yiwterday f mo<t imporiaa'
T. Morwan. rr'ln-d
Plfe Lake, where the t
- ' ».. .rf R|
Clana Voa Haha, of Sdimi Bar. vareolt. Hr. and Hr*. Joba Siraban.■jfa?“*-N.'
padaed tbroQcb ibr rlir <bl* aorali for a abort time.
.'in Cuba ami la.. year* In
Sunday In ■ i.ler« am! 1 eln$
oo bi« «far «o Bar CUr. *>«* >1* »'l', Pet-r MeBecart
it.ihok r>r. KICR-*
TifJt. Mra. V»B Oblan alto arrirrd Grand Rapldt vltlilDR frl.-Bdt.


Mr*. J n than and Ur*
Ciiiry aitended ib.- mis«loti*l, .....
Hor.. 9-.
Mitt 1--Iurener Oms
Cliy is vltlilns relailr*-*
I Mr. and Mr* WlllUm C.-e
■ Tnur'iao rilj «m- .Inr last w
I A numWr Irom thif iilire ai'eai'.'
' Pomona Grance e> Okf Mlsiion 1a<'
Wednesday tad Thnr*day.
'Horn. ir. Mr. and Mr*. Prai.k'.
Baiiirday. dime nth. a slrl.
Clair Morrison leG las' fsai'irilnr
for Mlnm-amdlf. Minn.. «h.-i- h.pert* to a.irk d'lriiie ihc »iiiliai<-r.
June 11

1 ^ d at anoirta «i Tine DepMtts



, E,";

*li™R <
»t '-c. 1



crtilne n^iAvarai and In.- ».-belar»
»-n* In G
- !i-i*lner

CInailallon this week 2 900

T,:"s;vS'fc 1; Sl.x,"

..... .

jobB B. aaolo baa b*«BB Ihr buildlot of Cbc coiDPardaek at bli tamaiof



Mr*. Cmithler *,.-m rlaiuMay In thr

We have f.uiite«-n hnnilrevi .md lifiy yards .of Cabot
liIe.Tchf d cotton in l(;!ii;th' t.f In to :«1 yards, regiilarly
soldfor iHc a jard

"’r"anr;i‘:^vrn';r-.n ti,*.

Ob aeeouBl <9>bc inbllU? of ihr
eftr of Drtrolb lo bandit tbr rrpulIMb aui« eoDTrotlcn on Aua. 8. (he
dcdlr*>l'!H .If ..............
.4*8 orttlaallr art. Chtinran DlffcPma and win lake to Ihc Obl Bfl'b-rr. at*
baa aral out BolIn* that ibr dale «l!l
|va* i>e! m' ii rr
...I -I-- '"^'11,’^
bfobBBfwI. ‘tl It p« ihal II «lll elation lomorrow.
Mira Time Tr en«in nf Siilt'mi Ha,- nerir ore h*
be Jolr SI. Ibroush ibe titrlbi*
j,r. ,,,4 Sti
|*raf. M- p. Menlek aud *lft of Aim for- J.nainroa.
Arbor pataed Ibroueh ilio citr IhU
The Mesidtmes Mtirbrlead of !Uor-j«m ami f*»
wnlBK OB roou- for airn Lake.
'-'’-'rUd S
p.;,.,1 In bsi: ^n....n. w,ll tiar«ben tbor *«1 JMka rradr ««■ 'h' dart- trip. Tiimomw .her tcav for
elM* of over Iftr OBflBtrr* «bo trill Nnrtbport In rum|<aBy with an iin.-ic
Mr*, fr. Cook Is nud-liRR iin- m-: a maitn «t foNor} In l.#ntlnc.
COBe Borib for Ihirtr auaiwr work U A. Slerebr. nf fb-lniU. who I* vl*.
'■Tbe wtm'l elr.M-d for ihi* i.-at las' |
tbr unU-ertltr neat vock. Praait IllBf! at Ulnsliain.
Hanld Pn»li. of im.Bham patted
June 11.
•aalst la ihr praparailcot.
ijiRh tlH- ell) till* imirnlnB on HrLAUTNCn NCtCHBORHOOD.
- to Batn. where he will vltll faU
CapL II. C. Plun hat bonibi Ut
Po'aio r.Unllnc Is the order of th'
altler. Mrt. Wtmn Ix-lier.
new. {kime a'<- r.rnrlv don.' idanratwaor Cmroai of ibe Webb oaiaK .
Mr. and Mr*. E. B. Wnml, manap-r Infi and *ome haven'r licRiin yrc.
•ad will ma ber brtweea Charloroli
\SV- iaaat- Time CertiBcnle*.
l» trowlne *l.-.w.
aad Northpori. cooaeclln* a' tbo lat­
Ml** E.I* lie.'.I r.a* merrW laH.
IjMiptUi) ou i1i-man.l. If
ter plBO^wUh Ihc Coluobla for TravI’edneulay "1 Mr. ll■•l-kv <i( iowa
yon holil Ui'-^e Cortiliiatiw
oraa Cltr and tbr bar ntsorii. aart ihe tpopdinR a -pleataiil lime at ne*I*
Mr. and Mrs Neal tVorm nf Essl
Cbarterola Beatlpel. Tbe Creanal It of Mr. and Hr*. Will Hall of (hU cliy. ay *l*llcd Mr*. WorafR |i*r.mi« Soi:-.
for i» (lerioil of lime i"*t
Samuel Porter of Korthport paued ay and clsn Blien-h*l ilu- danei- S.-11• good beat, aad Captalo Plua. It well
ahorter ilisn aii un.iilh*.
rdar nielil In Kduor.l l.-iutner'* n-» '
taowa OB Ibe room. Then It ao rei- IbrouRh Ibe city ihl* ninmlni!
Um. There was s wrar i-n.».l al ll:- linr loofcp-r than Inelvc
ay 10 LudlBKtnn on a baalBCta trip.
aea wbr abe jboeM aot do weU.
■ »nd ever>U*dy bad a '
tiioiiltis. they wfl! Ik-nr in
Uiiiner i. havlnp hi-'
Hit. Edward Plther and two ehll
palnte-l. Mr. Knaji|i e
A Wedding.
iu-roBl at therAleof
roa of DlORbun are In ibe city loday Tr«Ter*e CP''«• i* dolre i:
Allbe eoaatry rotaeBee of Mrt.,C. > spend their lime shnppin*
Seretal from
niii-nd.-il ibr
H. Maaer oeenrrod al 10 .o'clock
fnnemi of Adam Cmlor lost s»mr.!a<
jayln* Ibe aWtt*.
ierdw toreaeoa the laarrtajw of ber
Joe sehwlnd Jr. was I'ooe Iruin
Bif» Oldt of Uils elly returned fr.':-i lincham Sumlay.
Ilmm ihr;.Uie of il» •t-I-'-'ll
daaihter. Carrie, W Uord W. Kaautt
John«e ha* tnme lo the Tr:
of Ula ellf. The oeroioooy wai “ a abort boelncu .trip (o Nnrthport r»e
Cliv nanlisritim for lreacan-nt.
It* momlnis.
weaaed hr the iBioedlBio reUilf
OBOfa. Tbe bride asd room wer
tamded br Hlii Bute Wlotoo aed short butine* trip to MarqueUe.
Mr. and Hr*. W. O. Adama a
narit Kaatst Tbe Her. R. N. HolEXTRA NOTICE
' Inple oneUted. DBlBC the Hoc M dauebter. Sophia, left tbla morel
tor Bt. Isnaee. where Ihey will take
«lee. Mr. and Mrs, Kaa«a after
ataoH wcddln* irlp lo Drtrolu wlU be their fuiuro rnidenre. Mr. Ada
ha* been employed al St. Imaec for Ih-forr dlspor-ln: nf your wool
W boBe CO ihelr maar friend* at '
MW rcaMeaec «a Cau aimt.





and worth that, but while this lot lasts «e arc going to
sell for

1—' '-r-1::.

7ic yard ^
by the I.iecc. You ean buy .is small a piece or ns
l.irKc as we have at this price. This brand of cotton
ii too well known to need spi-ciai mention,, and the
condition of the cotton market is too well known to
neiHl comment. We will only say that if you need
cotton, (and what housewife Joes not?) now it your

They Bear Inltresl

Hire* Pei Cem


Tiaversc Clly
Slate Bank



jri.lCS STElNIlEIin.
Can- SrelnlierB Pro*. Oir. I’hom- II:’

Hfa. Q. U. Berbwt of BeaxonU 1
Itred In tbe eltr reaterdar aficraoon
SPd later Ml for Old MUtkw where
^ will ritli tor a week wlih relative*.
Mlu Mora Boyd of WllUaintbai
tired In Ue city tbU afttwcia for a rltit wlib Mra. Tbomaa BroOkaiGrer.
< Mra. V. 8. CaapbeU aad (Uachie.Upore Id Nonbport paaaed tbronib
(he ctly yeaterUay aflemeon. while on
JM way to Ceatral Uke where ahe
.'^l nail retatlta aad frienda.
Mra. 0. A. Chandler and danj
Oayle of BcoaoaU. M for ber 1
Ihb afternoon after apendln* a abort
Uwe aa tbe caeA of Hr. aad Hr*.
W. W. SBUth.
].t. IlubeU of MaaMee waa la the

Summer Tootwear
Cbe most eomtorlablo
and Economical
Can be Had at Our Store


Something we couldn’t let pass. Values
no Traverse City father or mother should
overlook. Thursday we start the record
sale of Boys’ Clothing of the season which
includes one and two piece suits and
sailor suits.

Ilitn'* Canvas Shat*
arc cool.
ami economic d
nnd near better than leather shoes.
'1 hey cost a urcat di:al Ics-^. too.

Mtr reworday.
Mia. L. 8. Roablow Mt tor lake
^ tbiB wwiwlaf.
- Mra. Q. B. Hof** «* «»>l»
failed to Praak-fort hy tbe eertoiu U
nen at ber brdtber. M. B. Tburetoa.
- Hin Sawite Btnoka remraed from
ba aUeaded trip taut tbe weeiem
Btalae for a rtali with her BOtber, Hr*.
TbaMaa Biooka of QrlaU.
..lobB FVMl IHt for Ueatek

Boys’ ClotMng Extra!

nenriy two y< ar» In Ihe emplm
C. T
Reed, and move* that tho family nia
be tosethcr.
Lawtenee W. Mahn. a^sisianl proh
tloa ofScer of the Juvenile couri. ClnelBBaU. 0„ pwik-d tbr.-.nch ihe city Ihi^
mmnltu: after spnndlnis a w.vk at
old home. Cedar t^iy. where he vl
<n1 bis parent*. Mr. and Mr*, lie
UahtL He wa* areompanksl by
mile dauehler. CaUterlne. who
■TliOl at OlK-rlln. Ol-lo, with her RTan.i
. parent*. Mr, Mahn 1* the bnkhor

$1.00, $1.25, fl.3S, $1.50
vcral .loi.-n pair* "f Jmili'W'
i S.‘vc
.'jiieni Li-atlior or Kid OxA i\i
fi.hlB, imuil-io Hluelu-r style.
Ii puh'Dl lips, will U- b*4d
1 apii-ini prie.-.
wimrin;:. stylish 'l»f"hla.
mnd.- <if Kid. i;;»ii Is- I'.nl al
our store (01 $1.00.

ni..r.- eo-n(..rl ti-un Hi. r:.mry m

My Hair is
Extra Long

Wea.- 5c11i i: .njrc.ul ni-iiiv Caiiva- Osfo'dilui.-c.*’They
ciiie iin ^c\.:rld
.... ladn-h
:• ..V
Thi-y cine
ih* MI il.i\.-i.
white, black,
nrjy- uray. |H.-arl, .-ic

fr.oc. $f.2S. $, fiso

Feed your heir; nourish U;
five h somwhinf to live oc.
Then it will stop rellioc. »><)
viU trow loot end heevy.
Ayer’s Heir Vigor U ihe only
heir-food you cen buy. For
00 yeers It hes been, doing
just whet we delm if will do.
If wiU not diseppoint you.
Mra. Uerl 8oi«a kft ihia inomli
far Saetnaw. where as Senior Vice *
bM b scat U Ibe SUle Caareplloa
tbe W. R. CQ. & LBcley aad (kHd of Toledo.
Ohio, aad Ml*. A. a Deoaur uf Waab-

ebildrcn’s Slippers
We have a> larjje a variety of the
we have in our
»!• j-iriimiii—
Patent Lt aihcr. Kid and Canvas in
Black, Tan and White—


S' Siiiti
S.’*11 Suits sHiin;;
T -Vi Suits si'llinu
i; -*ii Suits sidling
•J.lN) Suits Milling
L110 Suits M-lling
.-.OO Suns selling
l.r»n Suits s'-lling
:;.V' Suits sidling
:! i«i Suits-Mdlmg
J i»i Suits -riling
1 .'>1 Suits selling



fur.......................... ............................ 5-.“
for......... ................
for -'........................
for.......................... ...................................................................................... ■'
for.......................... ......................................................................................■ -*
for.......................... .......................................... i«i


............. :--1”
.................. « «'
....... ...........'
.................. f"’

This remarkable sale is for Thursday,
Friday and Saturday only. No one will
dispute the fact that these are the best
prices ever made on Boys’ Clothing at
this time of the season and should sell
every suit we have long before the
time is up.

SOC, 7SC* $1*00 to $i.$o





S£U£F Of aooo SHOeS


Grand Traverse Re^on.

MUs Rose KeOacs baa sooe u
tor Mrs. Jases Kern, of Baxt


Um HtnUm

Mn K

BUT b* «i>r«d tM H

Un. lAcker. vbe hw beca ■pcadt&( aemc Une vltb b«r du«hl«r. Mrs.
-►. A. Dmo. bM reinnied to b*r ^-------

CalberiM ilthed

ABd mu« dBBcbIcr
Al “■-

dv bMwm IMC LAke bad ' Maple
CIJ -mi • IB It to toror of 1ab«
C.' a Berry “d Mn. J. T. Tolten wen^rene CKy rUlloni Thmrm-

mad Urm. Baddey «
« troB

Joe Siaiser bas beea buy deUrer
toe i-ad.’-BrTaaii.
Bd ClMer aad Oeorge Kamiserer of
CblUfO OK B-eaU at tbe BlleiBere.
Prod AtVtoaoD left thU Boratoi tar
CUea«o to attead the eeoTeetfaa of
the A. S. of E.
A. B, Hobbm of Braattoa. III. a^
rimed ^Ibe AtMam ruott lait Prfd»
a^ Q
Ctoi«r»m'«ahliii os ElCM
Saiordiy nA <Md>t atoe food alaed
black &am.
P. lE Preaell ratamd to Cbleafo
MR Ifa^r aad expeeii to totoni

Clyde HoDle of Mi
Pearl aad Cbarite Maks of Trarerme
City are mpe^toc a se^ -Itb reU- bb pareata. Mr. aad Mrs. I
ale. lor a few days tbia -«
tleei here.
Bert Merrill of Cran a
Parsers are bectoatog lo eospUU
at tbe droo^l.' Hay -HI be a Uort day and Sosdaj -lib bit
other frieodt at Acme.
a Tra.ertie City rR Mur
A. Z. Green drirea n I
tired b
| ‘ it,
Boreu to Ur aad Mn. Joe Ratroerwto Hjeti and Mr. Jerdan trf
Ttleb. a soo, the oaly brother to fire
lent for Mi
Ttaeerae Cliy ipetn Suaday with Mr
ie a few daya.
aad Mra. Thoma. lAnaln.
Peoebaeker. ongoing miu.b-.n
J. W. Rinehart recelred a lele•. Rran'i aebool cloaed Uai
pyank Zani reiamed lari Monday; anAfrica, gaee aa Interesringg
cram Priday alkhi beoHok tbe aad _
and tbe arbolan aurpriaed
<alk nn Ibe work to that farawax
sewm of Ibe sudden death of 1 rr matfa- Ry«, by preaenilne him wiih a nne


left tol allk umbrella aa ao bumble cSori iuj|g
Hr. aad I
a train Salorday. thow ihelr apprscUtlop for bit eflona ■
la Ihelr behalf.
In Tm\. t—
Rkpid* Iran
Mlu Manrte Walker la borne asaln.
eeinni<.d nomr
- *•» ■
Sbe baa been worklns ai tbe Uannli
day errentos.
itaipn anil ttensr Worden
evoraeu at.eed-"
W. C. Aabley expecia to paper ihe bouao,
ouio, Kmika.ka.
Kmlka-aka. b
MIcb. '
the Craare .niertalnment a:
efeureb Ihla week.
" Priri Johaaon relumed home Friday ;.l'm Iasi »e.k
aturday. June 1
Aivble Newman -aa a caller lo the
from Chicago.
Tan and nin. Pray pUye.1 Iwll ai
e at end ol gam
neUfabortood Sooday.
of Acme. Tbei
Ralph McCloakey and Cbri. Deii Copeml.b oumlay
Howard Dntl case base oo aceoani
riemdt returned home Satnrday from' * ** »*7>
sam- at
at setllna a loc rolled on Ui foR and
eighteen that went to the Ml
Barker Creek, wh.-rv ilf-y have been Ccii-nii.h nunday.
.km to Mr Brinkman'. Uuneb and a
rlalted reUllvu here last week.
Hr and Mr. Cidumbn* Tkxnnler
report a eery enjoyable time, inrlui
Jane U.
»Ua HaierGote of Tr.eerw City: made a trip to . Trarerwe Cliy U.t
Ing boat ride, ball imnie and fine dii
ner aereed at the Porter bouse.
.... _
Aid of Og
June IS.
Bom. io Mr. and Mra. Guy Parker,

me.‘t Wednesday
afiemc n with Mr».jda.e.
one 7. a cIrL
Mr;. II. A. King
Mr. and Mra. Geo. Roblofon rlalled
Prayer m<eilng Ibl. wi'ck will br qnlie sirk. la .iowlr Improting
1 Frankfort t
Ir. and Mra. Prank Baalx E
ai Milton Gori's.
( 'A 11 Fa '
We are aorry lo learn of
MiM Hazel Zoulek wlll enTertaln ber* mori of the
Panneal’t atekneat. A good
■as.-rsi' I'ltv Saturday.
c friend at a
party Tn.-aday
oar old telilera are paailby i
his old position in ihe company's mill,
The li.Iie. of Ibis Plaev ptvs,
■eiug her sixth birthday.
all be gone. :
which he bas nccnpii.l for five ><ar..
tpring. Soon they •..................
Ti. O. P. SK.'vens apgot Mrs R. it llniwn. wbirse house
e all beroea I
aecmi sad. aa iber
He came direct frdta Woodrow. W.n
.li-stioxid by fire this spring, a
ly «itb
a way. camInK here
silk tjulli.
and Mrs. Miles Gi!m<
tor tbe youni
Dumbr lie and MrA
eat and
Mr. and Mrs, Du
Mrs. (Seo. W. Bunker has a ^
Sunday a' Uride McCTnsk. v'
Hay. atk-nt lereral
veral da
Tbe Neabtowanla hotel
xisltiug her from |•.•^o^kt•y.
We Tsayet their golnR with Mr. Dumbrille'
Dumbrille'a mother
Mrs. Uqal Sctiti of Trav*-me Clf
111. bnt -fe boosRIy b<«>c
toM <
Vtsliisl her pareifts. Mr and Mn Ja
e a borne -bleb they will '*Mra”“J:«*ford at South Frankfort June n.


was the gueat of her sister. Mrs. Clin­
ton Fisher nnd famll -'. >sl week.
iklilU- Mias French was so r< ry 111
her housekeeper, Mm. Thomloo, beraelf not being well, could
eonld not give her
lied care,
rare, ao last Monday idie
the needed
was token to the home of her nephew.
Alra Brooka apeni Sunday with his Carl Walker. MIrs. Walker Ix-lnc a
tnat. Mra. Jeaate BrotUa of Almln. fine nurse. Miss Freieh Is.ImprotIn,:
Tbsrc will be a danec Saturday
night nt the bowery on the Old SetHr. Howe, who baa been filer In i
ttort^ picnic gronnda Brsrybody to- company's mill alnee It Rarte.1 ii

tied ber nnde. Prank Daalt. one <
_______d -beat are tbrirtog sledy
to^ipltt d tbe rcceat o<dd ipeU-



High acbooi at Trarstae CMy. U haac
^ mar aad a
• to ladla M a
Marrar fta R uS^ty n
tw bla aummiT racackm.
cotopaay'r atore. ..
h u. Par
be C A. a hall oo Mooday. Ju
a N. Pickard made a Rtatocs
«f^ro0B where ibHr g
o nmke owt iwhera and rraaan
at Traverae City ibU week.
ahd.«stiirss are
It waa
klectrw- BHIerw: the gtsal
Mr.. F Holl^rt of Ncrlbport b
galibed. bat net before >e aide of <1
RmMB '
; fore the peat aad alao to hear ibe re-i reaioratter medtriae. R wbtrh S. A.
atore atoend thal
Mr and Mr*. G. C. Pray at I^Und ! porta of comsHtee. oo Mem..rtal day Brown, of Bewnett.riBe. 8. C. awa.
aeorcbed and btackeni'd. Tbe crrai
fur waa That tbe wlodoe eo-jld break r.r, in Tmrvrae Cl'y ooe daj la.' It appaara ih« all did ibeir gan well.,-They twuwed my wUe to ps^
i *, mere waa no kick, pralae, bealib. after yoar. R
and Ibe Are get to tbe gaaoltne. wfaee
Marcus lice, RSuttoU Bay waa in
T, City I
it would hate bem almoii Impoealble
ure It. Mr. Cook aad famllv were
for hi. able sddreu aad ibe maaBer,aB4 (,«er. maJarta. bUlimaaen. lama
R deliiertag It; old p.->n:e eouM die ,
ktonry TtwobMw and Madder •
BHwbac frigbieai-d. aa rbey Ibed


spring, will leave wirh bis wife
Bast Jordan. They will l>e miuted
they were so helpful In the Snnduy

The mail boal beiwixen North Mini
tou Islud and l^'Und Is now making
three trips a week. Monday. W.di
day and Fridav.
Mrs. U J. Groble-n nnd daughl-.Maude ofUllvauke.' are la L-dand for



(Bmagbi i: doien flagsFnld Mr. I*ai<-h1n . eapeaaes
Bought cBe.- for dinner.
Tipped the prewebed for bl> or
lev. all through and hare a lli'h- un.

irra, Co. dfOgglRa PilreWr
-------------------- —

.hi. yaar a aegre woMa
. who it Jtmi RceiTtog ber diploma.
e*Rh Frwm Lsciijsw
x. xer totiuws SB lajary dnaasd
b M'l. kkw's AnU* Salve Its aall

J w, nw,™. « V

Aboer. Hoskl^ a
I-lae- .< Ibe agUe« s
man. was strock b> ligbtatos wUe he
Cwres ewTs. wottda. bwfws
was Rmndtog newr bl. i.lepbone. It- ,
wrre. i
?> >1 JokaMS Jlr^ Cu s.
isctoo. for ao obur bol may • y h Me«d>.
B^tew Drag Co'S
[dr-;g .'ute,.

! sssnss




Deposited with us earn more




L. J. Smith of Tnverss- City npeiii
Tuesday In U-land
C. H. Chandler and family

at BMplta- He bai b
Cheiler Umeka U peritog hark I
week praetidac si tbe Cedar banit.
F. Baatx.
Jobs pri«bt -III ba»e hie boue
Jim Colmu and wife called <
Bom. to Mr- and Mrs Oscar Price,
Hd;-. CatafTtifWfvS-Uk-e lauewdiy, aau
a. I. .lirsrtly ■« tb- IA»1 usi isBr.«. •urtaiM
raWiiB oe«r tie UR of the -eric. Urn. Baau Snnday.
Salurdat Iasi, a girl,
urthri-rBlrBi dead be WIlsHMlsh. frse.
Plorian PRrofiky. vitfc the auU
Hn. Cora Hetrick ritited with Mr. m o'elork 1
irtay 111^1,i,
n, Piaae left for Traverse City ibt>
r i.iiiK.sgy a tzi ,TuiRs.<

roihed lo Ihe plai > where a fire hail
to doiag tbe tiaRlns.
Hn. D. M. Brigbi <ame boa


mpnrtrd that ibey bad aRIcUed fund.,
Irom Kaaatm. Soloo and Cleeetoad and




WrwlinsrtHS'hgxt ten days place on sale at the lowest possible selling prices the greatest array of beautiful and
useful home furnishing goods at the

Just think of iti If there is anything lacking in the home NOW is the time to secure it and in such a manner that you will never miss the purchase price.

You are taking no chances on the goods you buy this way because

Such an opportunity to possess yourself of anything you may want to add either beauty or convenience lo the home has never been offered before.

For $16

pnly $6.50

$13 Buys

torH beantttal law am ro^er,
«RilR«d gMdea oak. band pM-

An etegant aolld oak aldeboard.
rich dark «oldea flnlab, large
beveled French plate mirror,
‘nua board woold be coBildercd
a bargain at tlS.

nak eomblnatlnn bookcase witb
large, roomy —riling desk, full

Only SIM Deem.

Only SIM Down.

labA tall Ktll icat. Bvery Jolat
•Cfwod aad boltodwt well aa

Worth nneh more.

L ' Oeir HjW Doum.

$5.75 Buys
gHdw Mk Entailed library
tablR hfindaoDc trimmed l«ci
mek. S4xW toeb


Ton ran get a han<tsomr snlid

For a

French plate mirror ncroaa en­
tire top. adjunable ahclvct.

stand, JixSi inch top. Fritieli
sbaiied leg. It you can duplieaie
Ibis stand for this price, bring

dark golden oak.
piece. •

For $13.75

A high giwde

Briiror: a genntoe bennty and
eReaper than the cheapest at

Only $6.50
copboard. BnUbed to dark gold­
en oak. bandaomely fiolsfaed
Smaller dealera would nak M-OO
tor tblB.

Only StM OovMi.


roomy four-door
polished parlor

II back.

We are maklag a great drcaaer

tkto price.

Ig and iHlI slrik. «, i’rle.- Ibi.x


are ofiering a high grade
-••-. I eonMrtiel.-d eoueb, up

Only *1J» Dmivn.

Only %l.00 Down.

At $10.

$7.50 will buy

Vou ran get a fini-, large ward­
robe. MxK: In., well eouipped
with both celling
and side
books; large drawer in Idck.
dark golden uak Gnisb. A rare

The very Ikw, ail haril wl.i'.-

Only StM Down.

At $6.50

Only $7.50

At $12.50

p-balrs. cpjiibti 'Cl', niii'h. lw<
,‘r--p<be'. a’l arceiiwl.
I.'tuliful Is.lp.b.d


For a family Mac refrigerator.
Iine.1 tbmilgbaBt with heavy
line Ikr ineb air ebamlmr all
aruuad. lit own aavlngi will
make ibe paymems on ft.

riihl) iipbol.'iTi't nie- ia>' par
a-;<>:. Would Mil •a-ilx I«r I:'

We are sidling a large Uorrichalr, solid quarlirx-d cpsk. >—II
.apljuslable. tu-t s'cl Hglhg
sea', handsome liitiexl d<>»l'"

Only tIM Down.

Just $12

At $9.75

$12.50 Buys
A bi j'juf'il ali-^i'.l car kill.

Only tl.OO Oewn.

Only $5.50

$19 Gets
A btodsome china Heaet. nlld
gtoaa front aad ends, large bevel

Only SIM Oown.

<mar—A tlrictly ooUd oak dreaaer with a >4x30 toch bevel plate

length glast donr and bevel
French plate rolrror. Others
ask tIS.OO for this case.

Only $7
• a lieaiitlfiil. large, em.niriil
ly mantel etock. S e-dumns
h side of dial, linth en!he,|rai



are idfering tbe best bafcl
offered Ton for the money;
«Ud oua:
IPtarrer sawed oak. band
.dlAed —
pbee -jt foraltore.
ORy SIM Dewak

Only $7.75

eabim', is.,
draaers. t*.. bin. are riiU.I-d.
I«th meal and kmadiiig i»arxl*.
lU-mi-ml-T. iLe «erv b.-.-i.

$7.50 Will buy

For $12.75

-neb anugey on U,- mark...
r-iarann.-r) for
Iiav.- nianj iMler r|,-a|»r gra.;..

Voa ran get a beaRUnl wruogbt
in* bed. any eotor. b«-M ail
k«i.-l woven wire spring*. I»
eiird rapport and high grade All

Only SIM Oowm.

Only SIM Down.


Only SIM Oewn.

ORy SIM Oewn.


thinkthismattarover—come to our store and look it over. Our offer may seem hard to realize, but come and see for yourself--be your own judge~don't
wait till it’s too late. Salt Caala 10 Daya Oaly—Bcoianing Friday, ]nac M i« lOib, inclusiv*.

The store that Trusts
the People.


The store the People
Have Learned to Trust


Tbc KeOy Lumber Co. lecealjy p«ir. and Mrs. J. &. Hurtoa and L
rialied at Warren HortoB'a 8nl- ebased sis teams td rolls. lamriag In
age from four ta six years. They
rove to Sherman Baaday.
_ foserel of Mrs. Crain was eery ; boogbt
bongt at Ligonler. lad. They are
Hiaa JoBle AlHa to naatoUas
largely atteoded. .yesterOM.
terday. ^Tbe fam-.Utse and fine spectment of bors^esb.
Bebo oBIce now.
BMtrtee GoauB. wbo baa been I
cor »bUO.
_c srmpa'by of t
Cbaa. Crmpo of UsaccHoa to t
sd Mra. BbboB and
.day OB boaiaeca.
Tbe Ladlei- Beaedt lodcty parr a
born ol Buckley Tlslicd rclalltes bert.L. Btera. of Bertba. Hlaa,
n>«eat tea at tba borne of Mr. aad
Sunday___ ________ __
(oeal of bl« nephew. J. Aanpa
Ira. Kasdaon on PiMay erenlat

......... ............. — • - weeka.
A apedal CtaOdrcn’i day pro
_ _
erytmdy Is torited U>;tnre Iasi summer on tbiir fUchm.m'l
Dona expects to nart b
attend '
!eb<TTT .rir-»« hs»r lost them
o H^
Mr*. UlB KBUbt,
Mrs. Monroe and Mrs. Stewart dlil;iioM poln' >0 s coo.1 rrop of late c-bt 1
If cypniea atroek li
Mrapptng In Traveiae Oty oe Frida>.; ries. Sirawberri>t. ibousb Uto. mill
joae Kill. __________ .
JOB n.
B. Dye was to Trarerse City I
crop- Tb. re will not be mao.
oBlce baa an eleelrle mot
ore of the preciam will be the ProceaSaturday
aloaal. slTeo br all claaaea irf Boadar tor laslaned lo nn tbe pteetca.
Willie Furino
Trmrerse City '
June 1
- I h BBrtOBiJT^II^
led br tbr cbolr. AH arc seewith his parvo
lied over 8ui. ..
dlallr iBiited to atlmd Ihia aerrlcc.
Mr. aad Mr, Jerome Foiton.
Henry Hoodeeli of Glib Pier apent
IU« trteada at Wexford BandarMany
here alleoded St Fra
A allcbl froai ibis moraine.
ATMlriM la n
rlalUnc brr fa- Baiardar la lowa.
tra. ATMireatf
Traterse Cry Sunday '
tome of Ihe yoimg folks attended cfs ebnr
N. W. Herrinxtoa went to the
Hra. W. H. Koribal
•s of first eo:
ball game between Long Lake wliaest Ike e>-remnnlrs
k to knk
. pan of the coonty last n
frienda In Lebad.
I Maple Citr Iasi Saturday. All re^
after Coldwstcr eblMreo.
Hr. and Hia. Fred Bi_____ _
r a fine lime. The game was In were among ibe number from here
S. B, Cate went to Buttons Bay Sat­
rlred at ihelr old borne la tbia place
or of Lons Uke.
rvreire first enmmuntun.
urday to belp rerlse the coonty fair
I* Sunday aebool........................
who fur f,
'BomTw Hr. and Hra. D. HcUacbea. .renium list.
bar aoBL Hr*. W. 8. SaxiOB. f
en's day,
weeks nuna-d Ml»» Ids fuiinsd.-. I
Saab Bdole baa a bare ralsloR
Toeadar. Har t«ib. a eon.
a few <of the a
Trov.rsr C;'v, Sirs. I
cb baa retom
Hlaa Ibura Partpeb
tended tbe
M. C.'Cate and Aaole are expected
were Hr. mad Hra. Adam Be^
berbfwlgTrawle City
— after ti
tsBioa last we
home Ibis afternoon.
Hlaa Uxxle Hort. Hra. Hac^ I
There sill be an lee cream soeial at | quite weak.
Cedar and Solon kids played ball
**!tori*To''Hr. and Hra. Irrlac RanHra. Palieo and (amilr and Hra.
,|| ,>i„i
jjrs j.
C. A. Hannaford'a Saturday afternoon Long Lake Grange hall for tbe L-oefii j
rr, Pridar. June lai. a dauictalc
has 1
4 C Qoloaey ino family bate of the grange. Salnrday. Jone l«lb.|„^n of East H-.d
Uorrb Lealle and tamllr
her »erio-js lltaeft.
nored Into tbelr eotla«e.
Jane 11.
Forton i* working I
Irs. V. e. «
Roland of Traverse CU«
liuss Imughi
:hi a Jeriuy
Frank Uio
jMtos Llilse ^Rerneke of Treverw
priae partr on Vlotor BpaBord laat
Dexter BkKuin la buHdlo( an addi­
f Toot Oarl
________ -Tra..,
tion to hU bonre.
Their Uoeeaaing wortt Ketps
Barton the owner
1 beantlfnl rAd wait
daaee at ihe ball Ba^
n the nciribiOJ-t eoStrong and Healthy.
'*^m. kclncfce of Chicago Is vtslllns
seliisilbons.-. writ'
relsilret here for a few meeks.
All Ihe blood In the body passe* Domloe That he b farming
Dr- J. W. Preatlce of Aldm calli
d Mia. R. Smith of Sutioni ihiuugh Ihr kidnejs nnee e»ei
r Hat week.
res I).-iiui-, H- i-ays oal1 tats BOD Win abd wife. Tburaday.
It Sonday here.
mlniiri-s. The kidneys filler iti
nilieral.lo. If* lem 'o wet Ifaai
Mr. aad Mr*. Br»e Youmaa
Laura and Rebecca Shell: They work night and day.
had 111 Im- r'-uUnii'd
He sit'
ilaed Mr. aad Mm. Harry H<
were home Irom Ihetr schools Satut to-alihr they remove Bboot 500 grain'
of Wlxom and B. A. Trarerae CHy
Is- surprlsesl If you a-e Tom Is
liy one day last
1a«t week.
day and Sunday. returaInK Monday
ol Impure mauer daily, when - lore long nuking hi* future home 011
Hra. Heary Helau apcni
Hn. C. LoeBler. Urs. John Amts, healthy some pan of ibis Impure»ibilaa------------- ----------------wllb Hf. aad Hra. buchler. Will
the eornerw.
ter is left In Ibe blood. This brings
WUaoa. Tbey retnraed to ttelr homei
r. aad Mrs, Winstaaley ou maov diseases and sympriimi
r aebool cloned Prida:
Thaver Hating
‘f’' of Solon attended quanerly meetli
pain In the bark, headache, oervo
Harry PettHBfU aad tamDr apent
last Tuesday night he received a
« here Be '
ness. hot. dry skin, rbeumaUsm. gout. graph ilispatrh from Diiblin, M
Soaday at U T. BaU-a.
1. .j"^o Groemer returned Friday : gravel, disorders of the eyesight nii.l
D. Q. Jilaar. wife and aM Raaael
osaUted of drills.
■ling they should ome at one«'. Nr
Reed .......................................................... b<«r1og. ditiini-ss. Irregular heart,
ipeat a couple U darn wtU Mebda
I. dlalosocs. duels on
engage.; as eduk.*
le weddlBS of be
blll'y. drowsiness, dropsy, deposits
• Haser
Ibe’o^n. by’Maude
at --Birdie
a litmlmr camp of
men si s >ut
RcT. E., Welaa ( Reed City b.
Bui It you '
Jasa 11.
Ballc and Wiona and Mary Crandall;
. y of »« a month. They .rlie'.b.
lere Salnrday a
will •
are-pIrasanlU- b<ral"<I. Mr. an.t Nrvoiir
prcaeatatloB of
Tlmyer will »e miviusl In this ewn
A anmW rt yoonc people from here
UcGarry, Maude
Ibi-y were jovial and iiie
llch.. says; "If
Whales, wbo Rraduwent to tbe OoraeU cboreh Hat <
pliable and'
I'among our most eMeem<SOLON CENTER.
'."n‘d1 body.
kmled feet, ukb
from tbe eighth frade. The aay
tac to tRa Chndraa'a day axen.
..Ikiwlng attended quarterly
They report tbe procram aa very In- the aebolare were drilled showed that meatlng at Keswick Sunday; Mr. and trouble with kidnr
’"^e'dince and supper at Adam Mil
anarks of- dlxxtoess,
Hlaa UcGarry had worked bard
lieri's was well aiieDdivI amt all n
Mrs. Wm. Wlnalauley. Wm. Meereis
rmptoms of kidney eompllint. ihep purl having had a very cnjujablo linii.
'*w!“i5rthwia and 0. Haren both lakea sreat pains to have the e
nd slater Bwma. Mrs. Comely Leulhad It for twenty years, not so bad
had tbe HUtortoae to kwe a borne (
talameat a auceeat. The bouse
Mr. aad Mr.. C L, Domlne. Mr. am
er and Mra. Minnie i
early portion of that
• ealoyed It and
Mrs Gus Domlne. Jerome Forton. Illi
day hat week.
crowded and et
Hlaa Krtlie \Yhlie eo
but Igrowing wiirwe as time paascil by. nc-y Forton nnd Prank DeFer all vl>
______ber labor
was not in raia.
Tbe eoraenloae of the new cboreh felt that
uy Sanday.
'0 I hsve been unable 10 rtre from ll.-d Stmday with Mr. nnd Mrs. Or'av.
will be laid aezl Wedaeadar. Rev.
Her neboHia all hope lo hare ber back
Mra. LnU H •
hatr. was eompelled to wear loo«e Domlne.
D of
< school.
Kenoedr will dellrer tbe addreaa i
ery atek. Is a
rloihlng aad lioen
liocn confined to my be 1
aaaHi la tbe aerKeea.
:hre<>- or four divs at t time. Over • laiigl-ter Dnivitby fell
jwo Tears ago I first leirniHi alsiui Ktort Head 1
Doan s Kidney Pills and ummI them
ale. Crma
of Cbarlerelx Uy at
le lug UsniB
Harper hba‘^erttaae b............
fora tow
1 I have kept them tonsiani
^las Alice Bayne vlalieu her a
lock Wi
Murray Peat Pieoic.
tbey win apend nme Uate there t
Mr*. T. R. While and Mrs. Ella
bouse and I
find on th.
ly In
irray l*o*- id Maple t1t> will Iml
It Friday and Saturday.
symptom of rerurrenri- 01 a baskei nlenir at their hall, June 2u
Hr^'Hra. WUaeo aad danfhter tow contaloed about 200.000 feeL
The auction inie al Joe Polaska's
rouble whirh they cuivJ, HKHl.
An Invilallcw Is extendetl ii
Ada add Mr. aad Hrn. not a Tcry great stieces*. most when I take a dotuC. A. Cook and daufhler Rets of
Ibe elliTis Mcl'her.on Dost and all old soldleilo Ttneerae City yeater
towD Tuesday
erylblag going eery low and quite never fall to wardI off
Qlea Arbor
an tnaek.
nark. Send and ilu ir laniilb-s of lAelanaii eotmli
number of articles were not sold
ivinee them to rame and sltend Uie day with u*.
anyone to me and I' will con'd Miw.
. Ur. ud
Mrw. Polaaka a
will me
Dr. Bbaak of Bvplt ealied li
that Doan's
Unan'> Kidney I
By order of Ihe eommliKT.
neiP taa baw4 ffay borne atrayBan Jordan
Ian In a few days
all d<
For sale
J. W. DIrkerman Adji.
lac amM tte aal^borbood laat week.
Mrs. Henry Bankey leii
D. H. Day aad daugbFo*
tuTui M Batarday 8. BtrkkHod
To feel strong, have good api-'lli
fork, sole agents
sdy evening for Ooekama to ristaraad It la bb paalnre.
and dlg.-siton. *br-p houndly and eii
11 iwHilTet. returning Sunday evening.
W. t». AH BWt Hat Tbnraday wllh
Joy me. niirdoek Hlood Hitter*
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Swanson and
Hn. WlUe Borrowa. Oar aerl meettW F. Larson, keeper of Booth Hanl- Hiss Kellie Swanson passed through
the siial sysiem luiiie and biiibler.
Ha wH be with Hra. WUno. Juoe «. tea light, was orer one «Hy Ibis week.
re Irom Good Harbor Monday.
Jana IL
W. H, Steele and soa Morgan ol
Mr, and Mrs. H. Bankey bad a new
Northpoit took Ihe mall boat for Be
IDO put in Satnrday last.
Haallon oac day Ibla week- Tbey
The presiding elder. Her. Etler,
their pouw loten
Oarda are oat lor tbeweddlay of looking after tbelr
preached at tbit pHce last Wednraday
mim Anna Cadham of Tneerae City there.
inia, who baa been
Hra. Fiabk
site til, U In .
D. H. Day recHred
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cun■orad oat of town.
Mr. and Hr*. Irrla, who baye beeo
: IbU tbe Northern Hlcbli
Mr.*ud Mr*. Ben LcBaron. a daughto his herd.
The flag pole at I
atalion waa
^ £ Feantagtaa
baa located
Platt Barnum'a
etday aigbt.
Qraad RapMs. where he expeds
Recelptat *5e.
lod utile
more hU fbatliy H tbe near fniore. ;
Mr. and Mrs.
a improriag finely.
;y Thursr of Glen Art-------oa
TMtloa at North”
Tba Womaa's
„ large crowd ealoyed —
etatyJBM at tbe lAareh tUs week.
OUMraa'i day was appropriately ob- Ulameai glrea Sainrdar ereniiig al
If we told tbe ohlinary
achoolhouae by J. G. Holiday of
•iisl tbe ebareb Boadv crMiHg. Che aehoolbouae
kiatl.of Uoya' Clothing w.____r Lake. The eoienaiameai t
• program wf'
Mated of tongs, grapbapbooe ■»«
aureaee Ha__ .
couldn't f'xpool parents to
ter of CMiH are rtslUBg bU
conic any diatanoe to 6t out
of Glen Ai
_______ _ J this place at praecal.
tbeir Iwya. The (act that
Hbto Mary Btevana of Trarens City vent Sunday with her graadpare
] Saturday
Hr. aad Hra. Peter HsnaeB of
to trlHUag at Mr. Tbomaa Goods.'
MS of Hr*. Platt Baraum and H
lliDjr do come from all dirtsbfUc sBd groom i

Hr. a>d Hra. ioha Marrt «cat SaBtmr with m. i. BMcroft-B.
W« C. OiiiMiniei- wmi IB E

To Be Frank
you have really never
eaten a true soda cracker
until you have eaten









The only soda cracker
■which is all good and
always good, protected
from strange hsmds by a
dust tight, moisture
proof package.




or any form of t'broiiie l>ia<-aaf Cl'KKI) _
Without I'n'u. Oppratioii or In-li-iitioii (foni Ba*tn><aa.

•M Sint.- Strv.-t. iMroit. Mieli. will Wat

Tmerse aiT. Wfitilst Hotet. Sitnrtay »sfi Sssday. Jsie Ifi-IT
And ma, he consulted in oeraon free ol charge.
W. si., n wiliter. -s.mian'ee In .-..ry ra*.- trialed Age. wt. or
ruiii-,:i. II. I.iii.l til rupi-iii- or liii.e i-upi-tr-il. bo hlndranre l.i Uvatmenl

Ctirec oaiKnU Iw -eariv everv town of lit* alale.
Read what Mr. A. L. Jayne, of Sis Lakes. MeotMlvn Cauoly. Mkh.
has to uy of oar trratme-i:
1.. kVh.illl M Mar tViOrc-lji;
TI.1-. Ir II. I-. IIU, Ibai I have bivn niri-d of riip'nre.d iwenly y«ar«
.luielJiii: l.> lb. Mat. Il ‘liiiiiiiri- Coitiian.. I ha-l iisi-d several kinds of
Inn g-i no
and was adv .x-d that ih<-iv rtvuld mil Ih- an,
help sithetil an onera.ien. and a* I was hOi llnaiielally able to |ay liir
Ihe ui- railiin. I ha.1 m U«.k M>iiieslii-ri- t-l-.- for help, I saw Hie ad of
Ibi- ManA Rupture tM, lo Ibe Edmoie pa|M-r and welil lu my Irlend.
Wm. A. Wo<h1. the dniRgirt. and he told m.- m co and ssaanU wllh Ih"
aliore named rnmiianv. and II they ibougbl ther.- was a rhanoe for
their ir.'uini<-nt to li.dp nie to go ahia.l and be woubl (unilsh the lunds.
I Aid as r.-uo-sti-.! and ililnk it the l«-»i Investment I .-vc-r
i-vc-r made,
made. as t_
eoocei-ned._ I give this
am now a nrll man as far as the rvipiure Is eoncerned.
Staieinem Ihlukiuc It may I.- the tneviis of lofln.-nring aad helidng my
f.-llim men to try He- iri-aimeiii. a* I am sun- ib.H thev cure pi-rmniiilv. I nm now wuikini-my farm nnd doing all kind* id work.
iSlenMi —
This Is lo ccrTlfy that the above It a tree ■uui-menl, as I remcm\VM. A. WOOD. Drugglal
-r 'he facta.

Satisfaction complete and permanent has distinguished our
Boys’ and Children’s Clothing throughout its entire history."»“£Sa?t5r/"^-^’'-



‘*'jMie 11.

.... Hke.
Tuesday a band of gvpsles pa
through this place, telling fort
Uia. J. i. Tripp. Hra. L. B. Tripp
will be closed for
and J. C T mat went to Haatoa TWurslong vaeailon Friday next.
ft brother, John Pewlsaa
MblB iUort aad U ecoeUag a shoe
" lbs Hoohs. who has 1
Hits Bdaa Schell wae la Trarerae
te M. A. C. during the
Hy yeatarday.
Born to Hr. mad Hra. Bdd Green year, bai
at W. FtoM«t Oila'^JSk!* lY^S^bere
Saturday, a daugbier. and lo Mr. and
be iDteada to go to Tbomimobvllle ‘
A. Smith aad Iltllc aon StsnHra. Oscar Hllka. a dsugbeer. on
wWt bis aoB Hallle.
ley of Chicago passed Ihrough this
A party of yooag people gate O
city today enroule to tbe
th home of ber
IHanlRguiB a snrprlae Saturday algtat
Mr. and Hra. J.W.
Hohl of
u given Friday evening In pateais. ..................................
Xnaa tt.
and Mrw. J. H. Monroe Mayfield.-where she will spend

Bebomberg aad Mr. and Hra. Keeaedy

*"0. H. Dame arrteed H»e oa
day ereBlng.
Mn. NIebols morgnd lo her borne


Bing waa spent la maaic
ns, the hand playing a *
er of aelectlOBS. ADer the pct«ram
bouDllful Bopper waa aerved.
Hr. and

Adolph Anspacb

B. E. Walt A Sobs bare an nnunial
offer to make to our readers, one
111 be of the greateal value to many.
For some yeara 8. E, Wall & Son*
»ve been watching the results from
le 0*0 of Hvomel. a treatmeo
itarrb that cores by breathing :
>ted air. absolulely wlihonl any
omacb dosing.
Tbe results have
beeo MI ualveraally successful 1
tbay feel Juliflnd lo maUng a pu
offer to treat the worst case of
larvh in Traverae CHy wlt^ Ihe undcrliag that U Hyomel does noi
treatment will cost absolutely
People who have spent large sun
with catarrh speclallsU, deriving bbeaefit, or tbe many who ba'

Calbona visited frienda
8<Hlh^ losrdman a few days last
r la TrtvJ. Case and wife
L ours stole with a I
- •
a Friday and Saturday,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Alien of Wexford
to the Beech hotel is apeal Soaday with tbelr danghier.
gbly appre. Mm. 0. U Fealoo.
d enjoyed Ry the psopte of
Hlaa Maude Calhoua waa quietly
married la Traveiwe City Wednesday
evealag to Hlltoa Rose al tbe gvoomY
^ giWp^'lJk?f.^ad*Mi
hmae. Maude had apeat a number of
Kingsley and her
"?r *id Mrs. Sladse sad family are
... .ere 1- oeeapytoc tbelr cottage at Cedar happy married
Imdge, where tbey wUI apend tbe aamChildren's du.....................
the U. B. chnrcb next Soaday with aa
u'ra. iewreaea Oagaon and babe revain hope of coring atarrb, have
rimed ^me tram Treeerae CMy Priperieaced almost Immediate relief
Ibe nse of Hyomel, while Ibe
frteada H Traverse fniy.
A rewptkn wilt be gfm to tbe delenned treatment for a short time,
B, F. Saylor left Snoflay
gaiee «< tbe C. E. eearenUon on Toee- PMS trip lo Toledo. Oblo.
has iwanRed In a complete and UsUus
Me Brnckeafaury U riaiUBg retoe regnUr Hyomel oolfil costs
Uves and frienda beve.
A chins abower was gten la bom
f»iy one dodsr. aad coostou of a neat
Hr. and Mrw. D. L. I
of HUB Bdaa Braawa at ibe borne » celvad a fine pUno.
pocket Inhaler tbal caa he carried la
Mtoe Wbte OoBtaS on Friday erenTbe baaeball game Satantoy. tbe tbe parse or ve« pocket, a medl^-Hg.
Omrteen goetu were preeeat flrat of tbe acnaoe. belweea Rtegsley dropper, and a bottle of Hyomel.
this to not eaaaMi for a core, extra
M^Ofairo.^wn» a^ha^^sa^ ‘
bottle* of Hyomat caa be obtained for
diMB i«aT "the ead of thegame. wbea M eenla.
& E. Wall A Sons poalUvely guaranRlBgriey obtaliiml tbe scores ttel
Sovor gIfK rtbboa beorera aad pHead ber abaad of ber ospo^i. "rae
s core. If Hyomel is used la arsaee wtth dlrecUoai. or tbey will
g bMiwr. aa aiHe bHag made vriib SmI reaoU wm i to 4. Next Tbnraday
Its ribbon aad tba oaramnoy par- Klagaley pHys Haaten bm.

**?Mm^^l™»ISgold 1

iitatioD as eellcra of

Clolliing and offer onr trade
tbe very beat raloea

ing it dilTen-nlly and duing

to be

liad anywbi-re.

il ItotU-r.


Everybody wants a suit of black clothes.


always io good taste, appropriate on all occasions
and becoming to everybody.
We have

some extra good values in

suits in Clay Worsteds, Unfinished


So we a*fi -ap tbe

aame liigil fitMidartl for Boya’

tions giwa to prove we’re do­


....................... - -k of 1-------------Clt^H^TlanHg relailrea and frienda

We know that a fpeat dead
ia .-xpectevl (tom onr Boys’
Clntbing liocmaae of oar rep-


Worsteds and


$8.50 to $25


I arf? atiracting a great
Our suits for young
deal of attention.
They are in double and single breasted styles;
new lai'-iis and de*-p center or side vents. Plain
Grays, Gray Stripes and Gray Plaids arc very pop­
ular patterns.

$15 to $25





gathered CofletbCT Once Jiflaln

HaklBi aweet muafr te the aooj
1 to
or Ada flprarue aod Martha Cram " | rentr on lb- lack of

fr the aaaela coa-paay Topoibor ♦l-bout haTln*{pbOBy to Port Barwia aad Pon linroe.



(rf'lto ranteiwhUi. ojetie. podro rr auae other.It waa a dao trip aod otor to U- re
i ;om of aatiroBoni I .* • : «lat to ray! tooaberod li> tbo few nl u« left, for Will A. Anderiaa Madt Annoal napart
tarloa.'a Rame of enrda wa> o-er. to my;..ui of the nirt, lavii.-d Inrlndlaa
aa Ht Haa Oane ler the Paal
(ttiBtod|l a<>* lwlae. pliee-l 't Tiar.-nw riiy i bride and enwa oal« three
Ten Veara.
ICT of drw wo motU) wore what w- | Idsow i
■ lllte a'-ssB.-b old capialu ala. parrrd
Edward E. Miller. ploD-er ilruppM
lb * IA,--r bniniintl-oiire Chr:o* all Utow rail, yeare.
brouRbl with ■*, bw If wo waated to
and i!m iddasi pMnrer uf Hraad Trartbe "'-pv* su^r - away years apo.
Mr. IlaoBab'it fa<
Tbo tnllnwlQ* paio r waa retd by
aako a now pown we oon*ullo<l Peo rerae cv-ialy. and la all pndinbllHy ih*
f-MBps S.-.0 frooiieotly rlsited and
Chrirtiras Tiro*,
l.iMonau uf il.o at I
aon'a Maauinc for tbo atjlot.
oldest lit lay roald-nl of ike Qranl
«ie tallwlu rrrj
loo. anil It le por’tl'lo ‘•o«' or i *o are ibow r.'
>lu> did Btii po tii J-rIrho’
.-tv- hr-l aondoifdl '<'lirl>:mas trooe •oriationI
Flrat Party.
Cltr, n* ■dfto«iBdl«»» *»<
Trayr-ror Kpioa la p>>'ai of yynr'A reeprrccot who will rrinrmbor the rtof weal ilsiaerre lo ibe --us3t:iii:> nil
eianulnc all ahniit ni tbe year
r. ivn-sld-iii Fib-mU sad riuniirf|
! Urnee. I. In altendaner today sf tM
•MMr o?*r lorxr r»n no «•< ra«d
•The llrM party bold afUT I oanic IBR learhcr who wujJd .ay.wlib prea’ inre to bay- a pnpd ilm- wbor-u-r It - '(.-jnd. b-ii the evomny <.f ib>- fitb o!
Anoili-r «-at bat roll-i] aiosaiJ and I
Inid Be ih's- BiaorlattoD, srhore all
wa* apoo ibo ovoaias of ay arrival otnpliaaJf. 'Suw. all aari'inl u|i' aa br sns. for Ibo virv i-vsnr lliat w- car 'ikweaiU-r would fla.1 -• rrowdod int.j
br Mn. B.>S. Piait
an allsis- prutldotiie ha< |<r;uil'ti-d|
I biUKi- dee bim as Ibo ea|BNM«i of pim.
and I warn too ilrx-d >n aliond. ft waa J1«uri«l.r<l lilt hraw bsiiiii ntirt run 'be r-’liwiifaus. UiHpiiallly was iM-iV
~1 bBTB bm atked to s47 «»
arhnni ho— wifa .is half
of us lo m—'. bn- In ib.- Quo a
a Ibo uaBalaboil Herald liulMlDP. Al- i-rab- iB.tu dll’ lo birh -f I have al wb-ro Wb-ri- the aasoke of a rblnitu-) ,|„r-n konnun- lauip'. rn-l a iro<- all
1 be-r life U -alon-led bIm.
tblac of Boeur In Tr«»pr»e CK» to
■if ih- S-rtb to tliroa asl.:- thbort Bam waa oao cit oar Uailaoar «a)i> wacib-K-d whv li wa> IW with railed and iry aa we micht there was;at1ow with Id's «r eanli-s and ilor-1
Edward F.. MIHor waa bera al 014
Mrir dar*- It iraaW !)• diromU
t.usla-ss rans <if life and spi-mt a f-w !
mrn and owaeJ Ibo oalj- horroa n^ii Ir. such a.lvaii'ac-s I ti'-v-r lerame « BO surh tblBps ■' fcseatatlap an lari-;
cpctk at a thtSK *blrl) did am n
I Missloa. Noyomber S«. IMf. Ut falbPr
ami ui- «rf l.riebt
lUirs in s»-UI rdlormont
euaaianl nor. .Tboy nor- a rpad o[ alnpn. but ronirSj'.ii 1 i-irap-d.
tma tberr *aa cMlalolr Mlblat *b
lailoA Tho old r-oolTed the eroaios; j,i„. -n.i n
i.«.. ib. . t»-i of It
To me and I think I vole- iLmi lu'iu* al tbe tfme a fur Itmdoi ni'h
eoold ha?e avwan-d lo that aamc
ouasldrralkin and llw youns ibo klml-',.„,fj.| ..rf, altiilii a ra.ll-« ■.{
nirnis of all. itale aa-etinp td lU-. uiu. * lb- Indiaas. who oomprisrd the entire
All Reed-ra.
lb* '1M.- ama* of th*. *flenw»0B wo would ror.-lvo i
______ I i. biiiaihdi of nonheiyi Mloblpaa. Wuh
OKI iiirnilun. onr r-i-ni family ■
frl-ads and nolphlors
'•Then- w* rr randy null-, and
dwkr daniol* of Ibo wlswam« ami > readlai;: 'Tho hou'oo «f linidalr and
taaMidtoi dayshbo h-Bdquarti-ri tonurrty al HarU
oorn partloa. Wc wero all n-ador* a- wo wore d-poBdout u|in;i -aoU olh-i i ..iriidlon. Tlio l-ibj with a pair ul preo'iny* Is one <d Ih
the braroa of lb* foreWa aual baTc|s|M«oo will pica** bold Ihomiolves
I nae. wb-— l.-wia Miller married Calkaid ovorylsidy found baiiplnrss In' ,or a ralil- Ibi- m
of Ibo whnio yi-ar.
well as wvirkora and Hie larr-i numl-'
b»n Indaded: hot thrre were aocUl In readlaoai to lako a aJelahrlde toK-!ly la 1£4i. Ike family Bnally
nf adult wntnon w. r-—S' will ts «us
<adnoKs In <vinn-nl«n wlili ib- it^i-.n biealod at the "Missbin.* tabere Ike
One V— injnyal-k- -i.-ni oreuned] t*l-.
of Ibo men—rsniillueli aril infiirnirfaiL-r oonilBiied to deni la lura. II
-\i-itpna all cum-n- lapln. WiHi ibr dial wlib pr-4t ri-.y ilarlt- iliirlnp a few ( -'Huit-r «
ibw tbe Hdewt ehIM. Havy
11,at durliir tb< oa-! v-ar mon- of ,_,ur
monibs of th- year. V.I.rDjtb- «:djtlv- but »l
-Cl the laid rir.iirr.b-J
old and
r-«ooclcd pLaosers have
iroadins mati-r Iwr alway pn»j)-ll. r Alleph-ny-s wlilstlo was j
Idlnl a
Mnaed IBID the loHor land than over
rye marUi I liarki-l la Hi'- h-ai.i In III- vlelBliy of Marlun l•l:tldl foi 'hoit-nitie
I otnild i-tl cf many IHii*« «if
Id^oiv in any oao y-ar la Ib- blatory
n pn-u-BpleJ by All-H Uannn and :
poslofflei-l. What orn- had. w- all had
of the Oran.l Trai-r.r Old K-t b-r.
uK'lailiiB -I.-SF Ilian one iwiDih at-t

TrMWfM CHr ow HM omrvi th»

’l b-B »oiir pardoa for waodorinij I P"'*''"'
“f" '•’**awar float mr inbjott. a. to ibo atat j ‘ W-had daorias lartl,-.


wo laid lo r-H mi- of uv °>o*'
Stauarh ao.1 hlphly r-»ito.Uod raoml«os
if Ibis asvk-latloa. on- who has been
jci-i-ri-d snd inflinntlal In 'be opbuin:np and d-.-ka.m-nt of Ihit re
thin for alnutsi half a r-niiiry. I refer
ir friend and bmib-r A. I). Hr
Rao whos., poolil smil- and hearty
band rbako will bo aadly ml.sej bote
today. 1 shall not
h- nami-s and pimJ dords nf all


ibou- who hare paaani talo the preat
beyond dnriap tbo past year, let
surBeloni lo say that ibis la uely one
of Ibe many.
Perhaps, my dear frirnda.
yon are not aware that ibla aaaarUllon
has b-en In oxlsiopee almost a quarter
of a emluiy. tbU bolaf the twMlIy- Oldrwt Fhmeer la Ortnd Travaeae
fourtb annual piiborinp since we Brwt
Coaaiy. Bom H ThM Coaly la
urpanUed In Elk Rapids la m2. Hark
HIT and Ured Here Qmilnnonaly.

Blphl.- and a( t o-rfoek a lonp alelpb
boa with straw eororod bollom would
appear at our door with possibly one
orrnpania bosido* Hr.
would po. My. what i
waa! The sIolpMap pood, ai
and brarioR atm younp blood flowiap
throiipb our vela# kept ui warm,
D. CampI oil liad a houeokoopor at bit
of toribwa bad found ennelre* In
firm ai Bilvrr lake and wo wi
mile bsmiet at the bead of Qran-I
oflon drive np ihore. itklnp our «
Tntcrae bay. tad. after the Brat bU
orstor* aad bapt of crackers
of fcoaMlekncH wore off we liked It—
tba kaaUet. and tbe Uy. and each with US.
Br« real danolnp parly
other. wUeb waa cortalnly r
tended was on WashlnRton * blMbday
tnaato—bat tboa yon aa* we
»*ry food eorf. of.)»oide-« Jeait that of IMP. Mr. Bacon took a load of al*
was ear ntlmaia of each other, and (Includlap blmscIO with hit sMph
BO WO preeefl^id fe have Jnat as pood and ponloa and we reached Elk Rapa lima aa poailbic uader lb* cireum- Ilia la time for dinner. Tlio parly
■laaaoe. We had plenty to eal tbouih to bo hold at the Siorklap house
wc ilrovo dlrocll! there. I roiaonibor
tbe Thriety was decidedly limlird.

I. helBK the tpl whIU
eblld to be bom la Ibe fSraad TrBVeiaa
regtoB. iBd Uter the apeoBd eUM. B4ward, aaw ib* light uf day at that .
bamble forrel heme. Durtag hitriilld-

Judge Jamea J. I
Elk Rapid*.

Mra. Arvilla Sinith Pewers.

flf., Ilarwdnri r
Vpen thoaomlnpct'jun- It. I«t?. j mlsslonarr. The llt.lo eolony of flf-j
• lu...nsouIslatu!rdtinrth«l*b«Jsnoc]
> upon I

EH: Rapid*, k—idiip tbe

bood. Bdward alicadsd Ih* tUnataa
irbool Uugbi by tbe Ra«. Peter

mUsloasr;.'- lauilly
Iin.ivr ihe | rehoiil I a!ndant- lo.Iav
■ r mlKSi-il un-' since
s.-ii- 'llioase.

, . «*orB-:M 2"‘
wh-re a missionary, t
. Btnlih, aii.l blsdndlsu ebi>is-s .
k. ,r,
i-l-et-d a lioim- In tii- y. i!.l-m-s.t. ■ lamiU . l•.•.•lod buMai I =- w-vha-M.v

III- mcaniro'icn was ■•Iforteii.
Laura MeLaughlln-Vaung.
Laura MrUueblla-yoiiop. of HiK
that waa all rUhl for ererybody bad. tbe btindiac well tor a small i
Tbe-cWldren tit qaesUon -ree a dwelTfr and tb...
cliy. la celebrailnp two datea laday.
»6e aa«e tiii5i.‘Ct^J waa*' npon the top orerlooWap
I Seitirra' aBaocUlloo
broad eipanic of Bast Bay and the
bMf..aan potlraBd freab flab.
.“Ctooe a weak the eempaoy wooJd proprlolor called It bis •purpalory.'
ba«a OM of tbeir old osan killed and but of coarse wc all knew he meat
June IS.
WTwybady eoald boy a piece and that
whowasacronipanylnBlbeml.srlimarvii-iurni-d lioni I
Mrs. Younp was bom at Sanatnek.
woold ^ by aa aone Oba For aevnortbem wilderness Of th-j uuetilly lu-ramo Hie wile of Josepb
lai niemi
niemor-l voir-. July t. 1*-' k-,... o.-w -mi. A-m ist 22. !M9. BD« waa a babe -f ibe mitib-rs that
wral yaara we had only core oyatera
: nfleen souls who arrliisL'Iiai
Void-.! ten momlis when her parenu took from our ranks!
; Ohio moriilns. th-v- llihv abme s-r ^ i-rs-n w-.u- urnn ..
inter ! that n>< morahle v.ivac- '0 Ihe Riand -All that tri ad Ibj vivo and are In ait-;<' ai ihe OM 1 who tbroiiph n-s
ij-!snati eo-(u |TriM 1', r-Blon,
Are bul a handful i > Ibe tribe*
Me-| venini time nv,l
' sBlIInc Thai tluml-ST In Hi bosom."
>1 forty
iLa'illhlln. Elk Rapids, ait J.hls sisier. iy, ihe first l•..•t>l■•
, 1. i3-li family liikitip
Should I- that ore permllM to
Mrs, Idiiim Me|jiiiali1:n ynua*. of •, Isbt y-ars aoi - ■>C >'IM lUTiipb-'l b)
^ |,„lay la Ibi'- braallfal rlty
.1 Smlili. H- lialv if ilir mlasliin |
-> Mis Arvlll.v I'lsa
Tiaverre Cliy,. and Mrs. Arvlltn Fiiw ' Ht- »lt-. »l-<i :« ti
lAura Meloiikliltn. of I! e Indian | no, u.. ibankful l«
all wise proti^■rs. N-rlh|ior1.
aer. and Mina fase. HiI U- ha* diwli nith ns so
t, uf rblMreiil'■ ■■Twlar this lIiUo I
*■ I kindlr In the year* that have pnne by.
III- v-ar* hav -|
Judgr J. J. MeLa-ughiin.
•are silvery liali-l at
;:a:i,i .1 i!;rm.
There arr eomriara' f-w
ndlml on iinill ili->
M,. Y.-inc -s a iilitri.-r -f l,.-lanaa.|
n.guia who *<— h-y fifty year«
J ftel.aiu:l tin wa«
id-rk of III- with h
lh- Bienial harl.or

h iri

n-’l I

sail and

oldest -f '

'"'“"'i April 2. IK., aMm. Posrers Old-*l Leelanau Pioneer, wh-r- ib- nar-n:

ALiiirii. KallJiska uii.1 cnti-l Trar-r*el,p^ Th- oldi-r nw* are .ptadually
lolap b
,-„-:ii,l-.. Iiavlui- a. on- nm- or aii-l p,Mlnp from the seen-of aril.m learI1- s*l.|. .r.. N.
i„ eomplerlon the work they ha t
Alb-pa- ........... u-Jd-.| in -a-h . f -b- aforesaid
arrival J

Of the lilo. Mrs. IVwirs I* tb-iibl ''-‘’"nty •'''■a '
ewt living plon-i-r «f l>--!anaii riiuM'. ■ a bal! ; -ars ,
Mareh ' Xuribp n a i
30. IKS. bul wl-h hi r pa:- remorr.l ; w-as ma t-, *1
from tbeer to tin- Hla-k lliv.-v tesetva , K'k flnpl.l--. tloa. where bet lai Iht was i > 1-eela his l as run- n ;a!
Ubors Id the -lunarv r-bl*. Tb-'
n.3:i,,-.i '
family ivmain-il at lllsek lllver until llav. :li.-li • M
IS«», yrhmli was d-rideil tiv mm-the y-af ac- at
enllro aemi mruil lo the Omad Trav- away la YT
n-Elun, previously vltiied by th-^vili liviap. :


live that
n-welcome to have; and all *-r- wlii-d Wand No. I". liberal aubscriker. lo the p.-rtoUlcal> -st for ib-dock t«
_____ bW we lodniged aparinply for
•Mlebtel Cay of Elk Rapids and J.
"'.'i n lrtu.-- all n-w
imr of apoUlag ore already eulilva'cd B- Qrelllck *bo accompanleil mir
Uate tor ibe core oyaierw. AVlies I jisriy, inpelber wllh his *i«tir. no*
think of tome of tbe coffee we pni Mr*. Frank Brosch, pUyed the rbv
Iboae war Bmea I can but think
large bin,*.*.-1,1 and th....... -sir- for
whtl a ftnanae a Postum man could Ibe besi music I bare ev er beard al
iDlolllgem compaalonsb-p was niix.ul
bava made. We brel to uke
WI anil illsc-irseil what we y*,i ".d'au
poMbm from tbe tin can* of '
“It was almoil momiap whea w v
always Wllh a k-vu Inl-i-.t la th. minWet *-..M lia-ttn ...
mere* bot our berries such os
Ifred bul *- were up -arlj ami olf
-m-nt. -f Ih- kn-at o:--..!. wprM
tu". 'f. -' .........
becriea. rospberrlm and blackberries a rid* about tbe Illlle bamlei. Aft-r
so full «if wnt an-l stnf.-. O-r f.-w -ol/ wm drtleloiu and w* pot them up dlnarlv Mr. Baeon took some of
fo winter la lujm with amtlag wax bis farm acrosa Elk Uke. Th- Ire
oa tbe 00*4 for «be a*« aeoler hod crashed omlBortlv and creai cracks
reptmeni. 9,-irne.-. an. inv-ntion-. ns Kk.-u II. 1- fani-... : »3not come IGIO use them. Grand Trav. yawn-d In all directions bal it did bcm
eme bMt tbe worH thm *» bow la ibaaanre of poulo* oad aeany (Crery learaed that tbe tee all leT the lak
tnaBy kept a co4 BO yt» con tee wnext day.
We danced a sbor"
AM pot laek for pOod Ulngi to ml tlie that erenlcK luii soon l
Tba propeller AUepbeBy brooptai la
patber about a hupc fire and lisicn
mn all neceasary tuppUe* fur the Beat
ttorles ftWB fh- lip* of Mr Wa.l
«b: tab-* of iieniOBal adv-n'ur
,‘IB the wirlii* we did Bol have iv
d hair hresdlh etmiut told as only |
knk at Ibe dally paper to aee If Ibe
- rould tell them.
te* was breaking la Ike bar. It ased
-It was near Sundav memlax befor. '
to atari from Ibe shore with a pood we seiired. hot we —rv- up In Umc |
atoat tOBik wiad and Ibea we would
Kwr a pood Methodist sermon at I
(o and *11 opoa tbe beach and
arbool boose.
After diaaer r.-i
h aa U drifted away oat Into Lake aUried borne, takinp Hr. Wadsworth
HteUgam I bow recall a bit of pm-lry
W and MopplBg at bis store. l-> ;
Him. Dales made when ahe and I m
cated at Fetobaro Uke ft wm* a M*.;
oltttBp gaxing out apoa
th- l-l
iwwaiory log buRdUp. the lower pa: i
•auvr*. tf K had hoes made pabllc
used a* a bciatdlag boare fer bl. mec I
aBtcbt 'tbiak Teonysioa bad rwad
Ibe upper for s more lo fnmlsh '
Wbca he wrote bU Soap of the Sea, supplies. He bad a snull aasortmen'
hot I-BOW preaeal It to the paUlc lor of trinkets and the boys bought soavetre rweb of tbe girU 1 hare
the list Ume•Break. break, break.
- jet. We Tracked borne last at

Agatari tfe«oU*aekoam

teifc a Urad hot happy owwd.


Hr. MIIUt used tbe iadtaa loagas m
readily as be did Ua owa laMB48*.
aad today be xiill iMaiaa bU kMtedge of the Otlawi laagaaga oad M
able to coarerre fliieally with Ihe ladlant who roaUaiially rtsli hb drag
. .
Hr. HUlef ««a tmUad U Btarrlage
NeremU-r 2. IS7!:^odliu*.Ran* B«dle of Deiroli, tad the yonag coBgla
tmmedUtcly began doasestU IK* la
bum- Wbeit- be hat alae* eeBtlaued to
Uvr. lie located In Trtren* CHy
forty years ago. and enierwd the 8rat
drag tiore of ibe vllUge. (hat of U Wifubbell A CO. wbicta was knited ytm
■outb of Ibe Breach Bmat rearbei. la
1X72 Mr. Miller cveaed a drug store al
the tame auad where be coBHakes to
dispense drugs to a Urge a
Urea bar* beep hora
, aoa. Bert Hiller of
daocbler, HUa rwa madeat M tbe O*-ore Miller,

Ib.-laiBil' twi'-l •- Ml
Cliaili i fov. Alii a and Fva. at - ,n^,ors hare mad- this b-a.iilfnl
juiUi- KrlJiiiclilin l•..n,Tb- -al:. :n.
i, w»-1 o„ort Traverse r-Ploe wbai It Is to-- troll CoaMevaiorT. .
Hr Hllk-r oc-v-r dabbled U pBtIUsa.
.......... ..
I..J..--.-.IW. -> .1.-1
I.ordmai. iak...
.e snd the peoem.lon, to'
Jt waa always a iiralgbi Jimumt.
;.................. . . ‘
Mu 'b- tll'v l.iurth aniMr. fK*fy of
anb Ibtl tame
It b- was at one IIbm- elected riiy
,u Ciiai!— -Ivineliv
-i V-rriH a X.inbi»wi. ''■n-- u-i- rmladilon <ii make a name for this
(i.vs-40-:,.,f -I.- HI. S-Jk:. a—Uilon.
tla. m*v alwaj* lU-aod slPBl- ebry and rerved but iBe oae term.
«.n*id-.1ng a le-rt to retire ghea bl*
on-lop-.t rhllde-na-. ..................... v-i ac and H-m-i
onlr ibo~- ihlncs *brb are or.btest
Uar. Iv Wi n fr-sb sod no other momdiich..r. Ml-r Alivu
,:i r. ;i,< n.

as soon aa poasibie and by terra or
half pant tbe dance begun.

Dmiihrny. s noU* mtsib
fr-TA* tathar.
arrired In I*S». Lalre'^
Lewis, was appointed povetameBl IBlerpreler tad ifae child life of the tit­
tle setiiesu-ni was one of ail hardsblp*
aad BO praspreia While U his ywolh

- vi-ar- pass—I no I rtlol
lb was raiPsl Thi- Mulita
S—t-.v sod c'ssi l.T-rsrhi -hl.-oplr. — ! ' l-l l-liin-s-i da> s liu

when tby

tamJpms Ur uf tbal pollikal party foUawad feU

To >>lD Ib- laBumerabie earavaa.
Tbai Bwires in ibai myslerloos revim.
When- -arb shall lake hU ck
Ihe sil-ni balls <d ri-aifa.
-ou po ool a* rbe quarry
Scourg-d to bis duageoa

Mrs FId-IU B'llaos. dauglif r of Ikw
1st. Jli-v R KlrfcUad. It proMWy the
i.M.w- pkmeer of B-nrle cMBly. f-w

But sastalB-d and sootbed i
fall-ring trust.
Approoeb tby grave
tJke on- who wraps tb- dn

l-r attivBl wllh b-r faiber was U
J,:a<-IM-.2 «nu iBr Umlly were HJoa
I'ld-lU BBd her aisire. Mr*. George

Aad ll'-s down ii
,1 Blade woud-rtul pi

Smith td lt«»-«t-*d, Mrs r S-II J
Ran f«e*n. Cal, wfco arrii. 1 in l!-a
'steward <jf 'hi

haudsome by two
t.rlrk l-Pwl- aod fin- —I),t'll-s-an-lilty paved

v-rv uf seyea'y-sdgM

,.-T V
>' riaaUuft from thn
streets U-1
ti., I! iCa.u »'d many bad pUoamt
tumlnat-l a< ulgLi t.j.electric Ugfelt.i
-I.. Ill IPii-- eoaaiy aad rlHnlD.l a great n imber of boraeiesa car j
„m- a
|>r.r*pecMim.' WlltUm
is:— rtiat HerU-rt Htatagse. ehsir-|
of I’-nrunla write* Ibe Ramord.
vau of the evmmiltee OB eater-ala ,
n f-iuK ao reaie ftam Fraaktari
,-ni hsi. pUaaesl ea pirlag yuu o'-le' > piled ap Ih* river m Umta
ees a ride IB arwaad ibis Ques-a < i‘:
our good*.f tb- North after ibis buslom* aiev-t :
W'Usoa oad family rs^de oa
vg rluse*. '
Happy Valley Farm' hwaisd oa
This, my -lear friends. Is an ar- 'ha- ]
hurv-r << tlrysul Lake. tU- reday of ut Sboald b» prood ’i t-.«e In
d-of. Uiag 4 fiat-rtoo-botm* Of lha
TbaakiBC rou for r-eir kind a't-n
fsBilr the daughitT Barbel Is aitewBloo I repem Iha' 'bis catb-rlng of ubl
Isr B-azoaU colleg- while a am. Kbl
... -lai-l oir ten ceo's lo go Inu Ume frWads and -vwoeen I. the bap
U Montaaa, while Ar^lo
; iho* ti at which wfial I eon.. piert day uf Oh- wbol- j-ar lo me
aad Clifford are ol home.
4 a wLlle 0* Ike boats to rk-u
Mrs WlUoa u aot m att—liari H
H. G Hewd-esr* aged 2fi. fiwmet
-a, iniux wuod-r of tbe age.
Ibe Old Sritlerw' aiaariaUna wwlat to
r wiwk at 2 o'clock aad to
Rirfamvmd. wa» dn»*r*ed While mat— Impaired heaKh. as O# has bad rw
wiik utbet Udi-s aad (bnr bu.<- log la Ralamaioo Uke. asut Saoga
-CjSLtiaeJ op Fags U »


TMORWHY. Jtmt t*. me.

Mrs. M-Mfs
»b«f« tbs ntsi Nsttoobl iMk I
- hi
ICoottnoed Frwt Pmc 12.)
csic4. bbe vb«r« Sutoo'i hartTOie
; '^rWo*
*)ws te.» be*nr C e'cieek
■tsaes wu B bmU bmub* bMTM«WM CHy as I First ttm It
“jB*t sner ibe am tiwoFS ■
wbara Baraom k ten's

•SBt oat froM B«nb«rs HlebtsBB.
Haad where Mr. Kyaelha's store siaad.
Mbsr Bsd t aecMBBBBM By bnlbcr.
we bad a scry aloe scaetablc parden.
K. U SpTBeue. sbo bad bM to
that part of the lot harias bcea ei.
BbpUi and Tfarans d'T
rlebed by many load, of be.r soil.
rtstf. »ent lo CWcBSo.
Dr. Coodah'r rerldcnce was a
tiMS (be remato* et Sicphes A
a dwclllop
bu tor to state. Attcr a alay tberr «
brrnse. dorim's ollre aad pustafbee.
tblity-ada boats we isbk baasare
(be boose orrunled as s
boaM H propener AOe*t»a •. owacs
sad IB
by Haoaab. Lay * Co.. w«b Ccorse
Boyatob lor eaptala. Ocorec BaMwto later rears aildvd to ami used i
trot Mate aad Bl Cc-a rerood r - hotel bearias tbe Halt 1} nsme *rf I
bouse. Today ac m-t tbe prooad
AlUr a rtdc ol thirty hours with
MIAlsaB oo ber eery brX bebartor. roeered by a •vewtorj bu.Wiap. Tbere
au bouse near the Lti lsaan c
we reaped this {port at 7 o ehai «o
lo- eaerpi oo tbe cottier of
tbeiaoralaeoljoacio. IWI. '
Etmooud Albert Haron OoBed li
« perfect daya
.mill doelUos bo irc and
C3. bum a snii
by tbc poet LoweM becaioe so r
Iltd the idaec I.lnroinvilie. Comtop
Aa (be prod old emptala palled

™’' I ’ Bmer J. Tbamprra aa l wite to Bio‘:=S«r Ueatoa. parrel..
a Bristol, et al.. lo Vm. Lood^
err** la seS.. ace. 2. (own to.


,■ ltrh*-.<^-rsiri,' S-tsi-y.


j tap


Ifynch.t. »• i-ii ih-Suit* ll.j' S*.-iiiU-fH Urus.’ h*V.' b'.ii -tUinp ui

tl.,t I*
of .-.St

of iI-.-..iiHiniil t'li'.'n5«‘t1—‘riftt.'

*^o^tloii. -AdThw." ?.du.-. t.'pRrrlla\l.-li. -PapaV I.elier.' KId"

* choMTt



imi at-------

at a ih'i.l
own {'fici.


lots of new Utiris that wc wcurrd at

ina.l.ol r.nam.-.SicilUo,. Noml io". ..c:

wenh jd. at-.-




In buying the wrong #ann
It Mf price.


noi-eoaily for tile w. lfatv of

Our Furniture Department

the fuinil}' eiri ie. »i"l ill*' f-td
lli.ll a ifcssi I'iiiio »r
oruan is ilie ls.«t

imvanu- i.'.

an Mill..-, for


till- j -y Me! Jil. iiSlir.- .,f Imtiie.
i!... only


. ,..1I,K-W.-i


niAke i* in luiiiiii; lii" WTOB j
RUM At «B7

-t ,'i n'-vr, iip-to-tlj-.: s:o «l-i. i» run un ih ■ sami bi*i<ai our other d-pt*.




(UireliSB.-of 4

J-:v ry ari'c *' m-irk-d with {>t« n li.;ur<i—na

Tti.»: iT.i- .I'sv

is .wnomy |)>

i.f |.|| I w




I’iano. to wy nothinc of tlx(|uiel joy no.1 aaliaf.ietiiui tlmt
the ..wia-raliii) of

ps>l 811.1 Iwvitltiflll tliiopthis miikpa Kiiuboli


trat bkrgBiBS.

Ow »m,tt

11 itn;


\Y«; p-»hiiiv.-ly can >avc you biji muney on

pitf mail

I Ids sol <1 . ak

is g .-rt. r.'.l *awe.l Pack ai..1 v-*t. .-wra y.fod

.... iiiiish:



|w»st ♦-.\.tndma

f««^ arm

i. wki-r, iii.kinL' II v.-ry durable.

K B. HARNER. Propr.

y I first saw Tra.cem.- Cl




a«Tr-l B

Jsi,* r< Prv

“ *” '*



$: .v),fl-..«j r-.sU 1.1
o-llylik.:'...!,. U«- l;r,«
at ti-M-l mmI f.-t.
III) iii. li-s l.iL'Ii ••III'

I 'ill. r In.n



Lilh s^njinru BO tb.-y J

Sf»riti>.*a. abw-l
ill n.A Mp any

a™:..., .i»


fori.v-Bve years apn.
Th# Cemetery.
-Tb.we is one thine more I wish
spewk of—ibai Is out cemelety. When
I came ihe.oaly bitrias plave
l‘'Aodwi*A'Bt.iTS i.. Adnl-,h N.d*o*.
the bank of the Boardmaq rii
;SBd wile, lot
hljck K.
of the Carnegie library, and about
r'^G^*‘tts*'rk nnd wife I.. P M H.:
the (outhtost oonw of Front *»« wbore the park Is siipiioscd
I de:.Tzn.i soJ win . nwi«__o( si-iu v
park street*, where stool tbe small
dwdllnp to be seen In many respects
uBebanp«d todt.e. Tbe small bondtoe
tatek of M BOW a Weyel* sepalrobop.


1.1ft:.' roll M-at Rocker f.-*a.:i1y like wi


s. nllcur!*.! eza-Ui-.r. k-o.*! liek.any

»n an^ s


I'hn wam.'.u.vMis with the same price to you a*

1, VII*.:. 1--1I any latJoKu.r house in th.. furniture busioesv

is what yoa pi in » KiinUill



Ptana ba/ing aal/

l>mer )


all new. np .lyle..

Ytni t.ui i alT'.rd to j a*s iius-: bar>:aios and huoHmU of others equally an tetnptioi;.

iswt lit t!i.'rii:lit pri'f.


.r n.ore t.nH.r i-rio-.


Consists Only

UK jioasililf.


as kecMninlly killed hy
-t hare no doubt that toridrnt c*rc

.\.tv ««m

‘M'ty'i.- brdiiti.s. ar*- .lulu r-iirlv trim-

11 Alin- I'-lur. t.i« y. Navy and IMaik.

s,..„.s.:,wi,,,...,^. 57,50

want your .l.'llnra to p- .i

Jryhn W Morse
lo dwelUiiE In tba’ dlrvciloi: AIklliMt.^|a-r.b,
nearer than where Hr. lUtuu.m
livca. That was Bohemia town, where
MaBsiovskv. I.ils
voiuip lads resided ma
speeicd business men <d today. This S-Ik do. "i bl'"-l; 1, tl,. I

the npsr Rrminii ws* Jrdia Hopper, who

"hi m ; i*ain

A Craod Opporlunily to Buy ladic,’ aol Misses’ Skirts


— ».



..Wniil K loTOM.Al.lKS M IlS IM-llVK TIlDMe-OX SUirS-Sw.ll
,1)1... V..-II1. giw cn
Si)l.-.lurKlrl-. in N.vy. AA

1 ary
fiirriiatr llr-m .H U"-s>’
r J.tiy I -l.iy ami

Rrelialtnu. -The Girl Who Sitill.-.
Ira Hutteti
Ri-ritallon. fnvlpl* lla.-n-Pucr. Mm Martlti and

Oraod Traverse lU-rald offlee ami il
-Ae I snld before, the boure* were liolled Slates land ofllees occupied
an Bpoa the sooth Mde of the street.
small botldlnp Jiisl north upon Bay
Btotonlap at tbc <mst end was a unaU
and Mr. (b-rmal'ic'rcalde-1 Just
part of wbat has of tote been called
of that. Aside (tom t
<CuUa^ iloDiv' bet was Ibeo
'sary onlbulldlngr and bants
praadnt -bdel. ownto and named
'have reealhHl every siruetiirv nea*
tbe proprieior "rhe Guaton House.
Traverw: City. H wa, all ww.ds soinh



ihr^.f.T.- ir.-|s.r..l to i-I-wsf...,T» rest. t:i-r. ...I*! wH-H
i.«r l.-ut cr-Lv ,.l
r.. t!
,,-r .l.«..a..niHl l!i. .lonis


Resl Ettst. TmeMerw


!• V. n ill..' ..f thf-f M:it* h.T\-«' U • n markr.l iluwn n» 5!-'' T5'« >'t«*
t!i»-m.—-. 1.1 i-.'t't'.w in ih.-citv

rbnmic dj.A lazy liter leads
pepsin and COOrHp*lb»> -weaVeu s'Sleni. Doan's Hecnl-di
eeuts PIT liozt eorn-ci the liter,
the Btomseb. eon^ilpslton-

des tbpre-

li.' .tn.l il’-'i yirii shi.iilif « «.mr

ki.-l. HsiSy ... slws.vuti.s-

nasa. btnkee and blsebcrry brush,
bare many tlBKs ricked dttsris of ber-

-Morpns Bilet was J«tt nreettop

Mowd Peel s 1. bHot*.
we will B 1 MSB a ».<*« WUc FKEE.
S-Mn*. ir name and sAdmn and yoa
«Dd bottle.
sJl ,| ,*r*,„ prottp.,

Difrcrm,! OpiBloDS

PtoSJi i^ittIww. bv seven tss.
-Jobany wUl *rew «> tttoFaad Jobna)
-Homeward Bound "
4M liww to them aad we hare prown,
'Addn-s*. Ho riaii
in bare a lepsl right lo cur name of
LPwtII Soura.
Song by scboid. -Vood B*. '
dty nad-tDorc than tbai we ate praod Treasurer of the Old Si tOers' Assoctoto be cked tbe ■Queen CHy of (be
The Miirhelt Sundav s--hi«
tlon SlBce Its Orpanlratlon.
,i.dd CMIdren's day
Norib.' I will acknoaledpe that (eelySunday.
Irc renn spo It took a snat atretrh
* Itaen a.« now 'd.-aKTs
of the ImapliiaUon to see m-.idi of a
I'pcB the b-fl was au
city beiB- AU of tbc north aide
e and Hanaab. Lay A
rrrmt sued waa prown no to w;

Oardpi. Oosm Town.


A Great Sale of ladies’. Suits

knd aHnaied oa tho.Mlehipaa Cealral I
tdaoldldnofexpert a srrrlnrpe 1

^ Rs fdle.


All dmppists


Reeltalinn. Erwin Hnllili
nans .w. iTtfw hy four hovs
"A Song ler Ihe Hionc Land." h>





towa. and ihnl a elllape wllb cbnrehes |

ewnto by H- D- Campbell and A. A*.
Baecio. Nezt was a hotel tun by Wm.
rowle aad callfd The h-owle Heme.
AUrto Friedrich's block stands upon




was a store with a slock of pood*

I (ns of Sumarh Disnedets
, 10 Ibis way Beret irtuns.

ramte ». t


sible enrioos of It. The hottsc and
chimney was loni down a tew we.
Hr. Dominick Dunn Heed it
John iiulletl U errs >.l
small house west o( tbe totter s and bemes are entertatoel tor
Hr. Knlsck oeniolcd a vn
. neat of that one. t<
betop nsed as a shoe shop. Awiy ool
nprley a_. .
Washlnpioo street stood a small rblhlren's dsy ezrrT-ls.-« si Ihe HlackibooUionsc tost Sunday.
r dwtdllnp painted white and oeen
.. . I'hllriren'r dsy ei.-.-cIsrr wa.
[ded by Morpnn Bates. It Is the op
Rrtiid »ucee*.* ih e«er.- way The pn
ricbl part of Mrs. Lorin Roberts'
IS wHI preiorol and rhowe
bouse. A low school bouse (used as
____ ___ Ibe pan'of the IiwrhiTs Th
botise diirtnp sessloa of ClieitU room wis v.wy pn tiny de-^.r»ied
Han. dbame H. Maasaa.
creal iDSne wen- oliUpod to slnod cr
deaC'of tbe Old Settlers' Assu- court) stood where Park nsee
aeeouni Of not hs.ins rents en.iiisti
sundv There bad been upon the pub­
. elation.
e order was nr-rliTi. .Iiuwins
lic sqnarc two bnlldloss known
•ery «ne wa* enj*"ltie
The adilri-ss
speetlrely as conn bouse aad JsH
rat cBtoyed
by all. A
mecatoB ud today tal.'* ibrec of the ■be former was burned a short lime
(an are llelap.
The botme
btoorc 1 cnnrn here and the toll was of uwlap to the proprami
.^b«a tte Hotal WbttiBc wow ataadi iptte ualno.
CinaalBi the wooden
Sloplnp br the school
: am tbe botme we srerp lo oeetui]
Hsrrhtnp by ihe llitu- on**.
Wdpe at North Front strei -------------Onward. Chrl-tton Soldier* "
where Bantam k Earl's lenelry
upon the liBht a twixior
8-Tlp'urc readme In roueiTt.
tt. Mr. Smith Barnes' wUe w
buUdiikc oeenpied by Hannah. Lay A
Pm«er by Rpt Flstl.
aad ksray lor Ucatmcnl. Mr. E
Words of welcome, by Mrs U'lcsuDOrinli-nAeni.
boatoed at Uie doctor's and wli
Responsive Scrln"iiv rradiiiz I**'
nswi deatre to make the womea folks
by Mrs. Rouse, ss-slstrm snporinl-ti.l
RIactnp bv cebiml.
RccHatloe. The Ws- of a Boy.
Artie Hill
Beeliaik-i . "M» Orsudirn,- Uhr.Ja
lap * aelphbaily cnU.
I 8-«K t>y Ih* choir.
Wa Nat n City.
1 Cla*-* i-terrl*e* I-.' fbrrr nirfs.
-I wtob I cooM make you are Tmr’ Peeitsikni, "Ouly Snull B-iyr," Mil
ersn aty to I saw H tbbl beautifnl |
lerd Bowem
ReeiUtlcii. "IKt l>reaD-" Ic-nrena
moestop. I bad eerey Heed la MU «r

-Mr. Oanion's daupbier. Mr*' B J.

«s-» rem Pi, "


, . , |.L:, .V. t. i.

i’'iTa t. a lietl'h) rlima'e b'U a^l
pasaad ibroacb tbe base plac k>s> but it had bad Bern b
msaeer >d a>'<-ss(-i bare b--ea broupbi
Tbea we sraded ibrooab the saa
aadc over ncm
Ur. Itannsb . ouhjiDlH DOW cur I’liy ol tke lu-id I'
aawdaat to Dr. Oeodalc-s boom, where
toUspe was s pan td Ibe evtlspe no*
*e wera to board naUI we eooM pe i
occupied by Mr ■ WelEsna
, hooaekeopias. That aioraliis bepsa
wtb were some old bs> rhertt. ih.ii
. frteadahip between the too familln
Iht.ehall tsm - ibsi la. Iu.les '(•
jiie srsoc rude dwrillops usini by ibe
broken ont.* as death has aercted ibo
who'i- town of Tieu3i-r-1tB—sr.- rv-dc
Itoba Ten ale bnakrast (here (bat
lap becaaie o( the aecef'sb'e b> B-»
Blab Cjft.
fen (lonuiaz if Tikon^ha el ibe
-Tbe kxamy on Bay street was
to Ibe rn.ubrie:lua eburrb Ih* :.
(OWB as 'Slab City' sad all Ibe bouses
eat were loealed In -Uapdsd.’ There Mr. !>unnDg Is catebet rf Ibe Tekoa
d U hiphl.- r
STBS a cvrlato jealousy eilstlap be
I these loeallilea and I atsays
autiicried the Slab Cliyllcs (ell

• - tw

...ttral ewl

, B. ood Mary



‘ iftmn. has lirvd erallnuonily i^np
beriteef half a ccaiury upon tie one
btaek. wllb the ezeepdon of a icmpotnty reeldcnee upon the neat bloc*
while the new bouse wn> hclOR ronutrueted. There was a small Iramt
dwemng Just aonlh ol the hotel,
was an old lop bonne where Mis*
Helen Ooodnle (now Mm T. A. HUchcaeb) imopbt tbe Bret school, bnt then
nsed ms a dwelllag by Oaslsirci Brown.
No other bulldlnp until we reached

A noted r-bywHan of rHtdmtp. Pa., in •
0-. 1-naa mys:'
ateenit letter t.
iceewLs iw

I ri-srb*> F.

Bad BB Ota) Hoar Dili about
the doeb be was irrreied by Ibe
Perry lUaaab (ibeo ooty SB year, oldl whete tbe Inb-rwetlon of North dirt
lion and Front street Is.
who Bood'wHb haads rvaHy to
* Uy bad an old nnpalBtthe man pooebea while he
1 Boer mil! near (belt raw mill. The
•MMty for the lalest war aews
; St the I
m™. M. O. campboll.
-Tbere seemed a Sabbatb rtlltacs.
Tratene City Lumimr eoDiiany's mll'-jwbo Came Herr From the Beaters In
la (be air tarokca only by Ibe bMmooly U Isllkelbe msn's kiMf--he »an(
i i*jo,
(be boat and (be dreamy bazalax
be bad t'wacd a I'<b: lime
tbe aaws al the oae mill as U

d ihey cMl H a eliyr,
9 rdly aeem«d such a misMomer. but tbc men' who para the
name mnsl bare bad the laltb o
mother who always makes her boy's
dotbee too lantc for him and when
Inienlewed npon tbe sublret replied


la airs',, of ael4. sec. K. towa IT, raapej

flM^orr bsHetns ortee an Ibe o

•f .-x-wbiof


Elastic Cotton Felt Matlreises
r. ■'"‘•i' !• '."1 :■ w.™
l.s-.Hj i-'vry iiiAlln-AS Iha*. il will nod


Ih.-y willd..-.e.,me..fl isouf Uwt

mat .P*wn of p l


. 21s M iu top. a»«4f
!'.\KU»R ST.\M' ■■ totl.v I'k'- ■
iwlow li-il-in . 2 in i.xviy tufiK*! kifiimitatioo .,aarti-r-aawMl oak. ptWwl fjiiisb. Ut...


:..t>!e arti.-lea o.««le.t 'Tery tUy ami the
an i t.w of wlnl we ''tu *»'.■ yon i.y buy■furi."»I*'ii



The Boston Store's Old Stand



I puit k

Silks and Dress Goods



IOO dozen Handkerchiefs, worth 16c, for


19 in. Silks in fancy Taffeta, fancy Louisienne.
fanc^^ Japs and Habuiais, regular 00Q


20 in. fancy Lonisieone. full range of RRp
color*, worih 75c. now..........................

T'HIS will be one of tho bestsales ever known in Traverse City, for the prices
here quoted are in every case lower than the goods can be bought for at
wholesale. Rather than wait until the season is over and people are through
wanting this class of merchandise before reducing the price, we are going to
do it now while you need these goods anch we’ll get our stcck reduced at the
same time. In every case goods are clean and new. Everything bought this
season. Our trouble Is we have too many goods, but you are the gainer if you
take advantage of this sale.

19in.oUin Taffeta Silkr, our regu- AQn
lar 75c and 85c quality, for 09c and ^
86 in. Chiffon Taffeta, soft finish, changeable
effect, our regular $1 50 silk and the pretti­
est silk we ever had for the money, but on
account of the failure of the selling agents
we were able to buy a lot at our price.
‘ They are yours while they last

27^in. Black Taffeta Silk, our regu-


86 In. Black Taffeu, one of our $I *70/2
numbers, at................................................. ’ ^
86 in. Black Taffeta, our $1.15 line and the
best silk at the price on the mar- 1 AQ
ket, during the sale............................
86 in. Black Taffeta, one ol our 1 50 1 1 Q
hues, for...................................................... A-iC?
Money-Bak Silks not included in this sale, as
we arc under contract not to break the prite.

Here is a suit opporliintty that will interest YOU. Every one of them is this season’s models and
are all up to the Milliken standard of exci Hence. Wc have only six weeks in which to dispose of
one hundred suits and the prices we have placed on them should dean them up in half that time.

$10 Soils for $7.75 $12 Soils fur $8.75 $15 Suits fdr $10.75 $18 Soils for $12.50
$25 Soils for $ 16 50 $35 Soils for $25 $d0 Suits for $29.50 $50 Soils for $35

In Every Case Alterations will bo Charged for.

... I I. I . . wo .,1..
Ql^l n«j>Q
kiiswof notliioit l«eltw vou c»n buy lliAri tli«> .Xefoli'
nn- IJ.I1
n*i« ofTerini;
OlNIrS 10 you
33.1, Per Cent Discount. Thor '

.............. _
(test concemi. on rieht l'n<-« «f u'oocl initerinls. .inil macic riglit.
most dt-airalili*
colors. Them
an- aUnil
in the lot aii.l a* lli.-r.- is only om-of iiich. you
Thi-rvnnalroiil one
rtii.- huii-fti-il
liuii-ftid niul
and tweotr-.-iKlil
iw.iot*.. .i;i______
I.. . ...
oan rondily
sec wbat
nii nssirlmont you I.In
liavo to et.ra.o,.
from Kvcrv
fcvnry ».JIM III call rejdeiiisU her wanlroh- nt a ereat
ne a spleii'lid <h-sii:tr. Si/.ca am from
saving m-w ireular priw-s Uctncniher tlii-sc »n' this si'.i*»irs ukiris.
toa« in waist ami
U) 42 in leuBiU. R-„'ular price $.'.00 tofl'I'lO
•clling them from................. -..............................................................................

Big line 60c dress goods for................. 38c
Big line 76c dress goods for................. 62c
Big line SI -OO dress goods for...........78c
Big line S1 -25 dress goods for.........1 .OO
Big line $ 1.50 dress goods for.........1.19

. , $3.50 to $ I 1.50


lie*. «.««««»,
*naniom v-ntcKs-----Plaids. Broadcloths. Craveneues and Gray
Fancy Mixtures. No old undesirable stuff m
the lot, but all new. bright, prisp goods, in all

fCOoi-orU for If.50
$s Coi-orts for *5.00
*1.5 Coverts for *0.75
$30 Coverts fi r *f2-00

Hi Coverts for *5.75^ *120oi-erUfor»7.75
$2a Coverts for 5/5.00

New York milU ebccls. 72x110, torn ntul homoHd, worth "-Tc. for 55C
hlxPO. worth «h-. for...................................................................................60c
.7 iloz. homilitdicl pillow slip*.
worth 23c. for t-icli...........I 6c




Beautiful fancy bee hose, iic-r p.iir -

Bmsscls Rugs, size
27x51. rcguUr 1 .W Bug

Fine .Inpanose
Bugs. MixTS. at



»; iuHi Hemp CoTput.
good colors. p<.-r yanl.

China Straw MuUiug.
20«' kiud. nt. pi-r yd.




CUaml«-r Kuil*. 1-bqHIK-sc MutliiiL' Kuls. BI/J.'
t'.x'.i. worth

•<). yd for heavy Lino­
leum—about eight good
patterns to close out.


Let ua figure oo your



E.\Tll.\ S1’E<1.\L



10 in. nccordian pleated flounce, cut full and
made of a line quality satinc. You
have paid $l for no better................. •
BLACK PETTICOATS -Made of fine qual
iiy mercerized satinc. 18 in. box pleated
flounce, four rows of tucking on bottom of
llouncc, three stitched bands around top of
tiounce holds the box pl^t* in place-^tlm
Is something new

her for this sale.


Our work and quality guaranteed



ONIi CASE Cabot btoaehed Cotton. This brand ia too woll
known to m«>l eoincneoL It shoukl In- sokl today for lOi-, bat
while this lot bsU fhcfe’s * feast for you), only, per yd............. 7*C

Beautiful Hue silk petticonU at................................4.75 to-$|5.00

Velvet and Brtissek Carpets

in our Carpet Department. All odds and ends are gotten out and marked for quick
selling. This has been a very busy season in this department, consequently we have
a great many short ends and broken lines to close out.

O.U paiia, one. two or three of a kind, going at
a low price.



All the white waists at S1.25 will
be marked for this sale.........L...95C
All the $2 waists will be sold at ■ - ■ 1.50
All the $3.00 waists for.......................... 2.26
All the $3.50 waists for...........................2.75
All the $4.00 waists for...........................3.25


Remnants, Remnants

Made npxtf abort ends of honlers, at cat pricea...

l.'i pieces 20c India Linun

20 pieces white striped and checked 1 O/s
Dimity, were 15c. at..............................
82 pieces all wool Challies. in the licauiilul
lloral. IVrsian and Dresden designs, also
dots and siripc-s. 32 in. wide, sold APIa
al MIC. 00c. Ooc. for....................................-XUA*
One lot White Mercerized Wahl- 1 Qa
•ing5.8oldai2rK. now............................. X<7k/
Aiiulher lot that was 35c.

One lot etandard American Indigo Blue Print*, per

fiOdoi. chiUren’s bUek hoec. loughl lo •ell fit 12Jc. now. pi-r i«ir 9c
•V. do/. l«li«- bhek bo«. nvular IP- -.nality. J for.............25c
BOX HOSIERY FOR LADIES, pul up four pairs in hoi. pi-r h.x .50c
luirs in 1lu.x. mguLir hXL«li«’ black hose, pul up three i«aifs



10 pieces India Linon, were 25c. re- 1

EDBN CI/JTIl—Looks like an all wool teeiib flannel. It’* fine
for»’ and im-a’* ahirb and ladiea’ blouww. also for night
shirts and gown*. Was ir«, now......................................................lOc
20 xproads, 72x8J. weight 2J Hfl. reaular prii-o P}.-, for................. 75C


25 pieces :i.5c wash goods

PreUy drw» (iinghams that are 12Jcl.oc,^ for, pw jrd .... 1 6c

pmp'linen, hem«Ut^ hack towels 21x48, extra

Many ahort ends of OarpeU ami Linolenm* on
band to doao out cheap.


25 pieces 25c colored wash goods. In 1 Qa
a variety of tayle>. reduced to.......... XW




lo piCOT primed Oruandiet. 15c

2-5 pieces TiOc wash uoods. in a variety
ol styles aixl l.ig range of colors, at ^

27 in. plain and changeable Taffeta. ftOn
worth 85c. for..................................... ..


•_*0 pieces printed l-awn
at :t>ic and............................................

Come in these sizes: 4x8. 6x8, SxS, 10x8. 12x8
90c and up. Sure, we’ll hang them!

C'ti . (imss Miiltiiigiiiid

nalliDg. a yd. 45c
Rufs. 48c and up


pair fnr Whil<- iinl
.Arabian Lin- rurtnin*
worth u]> to $1.50,

1‘ iD<ii Stair C‘«rjA-t.!,

- 25c
Evil for Ingrain farpi t Sanipkw on* vbpI
Sifoare. worth to 7i>-.

Mnfty drop patterns in tlicac gooils that we
f.iiall not la- able to buy agaia. sotiie half fneces
and Bonie h-aa. how- v.T f-ni.iiglj for room size
rugs, S..IM.1 n-mnanis alr.-wly m»h- np to fit
small nsiuis. all goin^^lt spi-oinl |.ri-x-s.

Rugs, Rugs, Ru^s
Wo havi- pullii<l out of our n-giilar lii.i- about a
do»-ti rugs in ’.'xI2 siiu-s. that wo will sell at
sjieoial |.ri.-te- N->1 that they are liail patterns
ur s<.-ri.ll.'l Blicki rs. We do thin simply to
k>-c|i the rng Irasiniss moving for the lialancw



Made up of Minnesota grass. Wears better
than anything else.
All sizes, from Isxitfi to 9x12. Sec these.

About 140 yards to close oat at $1.15 a yard.
Made and laid at above price.
Worth today SI 35

Couch Covers $1 and up.
Door Panels 25c and up.
Rope Portieres $ I and up.
Special Lace Curtains $ 1 a Pair.
See that Linoleum at 50c square yard.

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