Grand Traverse Herald, February 08, 1906

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Grand Traverse Herald, February 08, 1906


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



'Owrg»<%iibMt»allrai«botaarlwOTld *«bo« aad funiWilAc •
.WAlHR.M»h.m.t^W. H. S«ltk|«rr«U«MAcr»<Mmx. nertoofti tlBU tbo dcoltod I

Inverse Qty State Bank

appaol tc trtTj vnt
Bortborn irip tbo wmtetf saciafT-.
;ho«toektat for soinm^ boaica.
Tbr Banber of lUBCbet <rbl:b bar-* nation to partiHpair in it. SpoeU
PIctaroKnelr. ifap loeailn U per- suddmlr noorpvd Into life on Grand rureiona orrr land and aater *l<r
no chin Ibover bold in honor or reel aa btpII at bpallbfui. for nature Trareiao bar can bi- accoastodaied brine tbo tL-IiUie dpimtioes.
d i
TPI7 pie0UBi {hai dealt UrliUr vltb the tarrOBOdat th* eroand* br aj
Whee pritarp poraoni Banapp prt-

MoaAar to tbc Joeob S«An tord.
iUm out or tova.

«M Br* •!«*• 4* no


A TRACY LAV. Fraald«iiL

< Min R U )l1U«r
Him. Mnk br*r «n ti tmem tCtlr.
Hiner aaa U>e recipient: Inea.
Oear ninnlne
CKrMwAv, ” * boantlfnl lot « efaoiee daccrmte.l l fountain bradi llo In

4 o( ■note bp tbo taoebor Obd
brrthor omue oad Min roMor of

breokt abose rtee lasncb dock abieb all! bP built at rtte prupenv, ihv natirnl tblnjt_____
dpop Iw colrt!.oon at the trawo peroittr n«n: ibl* it to manaev it In tbo Inttwt .rf the
jeprfBCB run tfiraneb Ibe erererePn ;doek tauBChP* bearl*i: tehint. boattee; priratp todlrtdual. bat aben people o< Peoona were ndtr , Itndi ahllp ’he bor Ittrtf prorldpt j aad • troUlng panlpo can s an and i pmt»pnr It nstnaged. the natotal ibins
Ao^ed MoBdap oe burUg of the enontb reenatioo. In the deep aatPr; b5>arir tript made be aeen Cedtr 'aaaln foUoae.
ceddon deub or Mra. Benrr Smltb of IWi and Macklnaa trout <*ieajU!«e reson the nel*bbrt>lu, „„
a In <be laterett of ibe general public
Watford towBiblp. a tomer reoldeet i tldin Ita torfacc for a Donenl atthln t J«tt aeroaa ibe ihreeoalle ttrbieh

,0*tbla»ldnllr. Tbo aaa a member of | tight of ibe teraada Itaelf. The Pthll-i Xortbport biv.
S- m anlib aRd Boeilla POaler tbc FOaoaa graaee aad aereral rram arattug teereailoa of trolllag
r tieved a
tt Hoeor btitadod iba pter « tbe bote
- —
..>lded ahicb anroee may
■at t lOTlng alfeand mother and ' adopt In. Beyond tbo broad ahee; of jaigbt. the ipoetaelr u
AseodlyDBmborofp'iplltarebelDr a kind
'l.lue, elrtvlng the
d aad aOeeiloBaia
aOeeilcsaia Mead.
Moad. She
tbo arch of
irf ,ctoar
clear tkv.i'-ng
tky.i'-ng ll•.cera'la
llngera la tbe n,.___
repw«ed>y n,.. -p..,-her to (he vii.ioi Iutm a.hwbaad. two tou end one rant a long, dark gAen'ana, known; 'nnomeed for tbe Xonhpan

A 6ARLAM0. CaMtr.

■ and*.,
He ha. been a»»u-lmn ...h th-



b.-in.-*. a**n.-la-...«:, „..t



t;„ ,L-..

3 ter OeBt«Ugve« SB nsM A

“! Yourself

the htl! la.,


lliai i- ju>: v.hal voii are

.... ...............

I C'Ss: Sai:


Thompii-inilll'- uv. r Snn^by.


AIlK-r< W.p.r..... who frar...n d h!.|
II OO. porbni. .m.ilBatnMaj a.i.t

SURPLUS, S27,000

it j-our business to sleep.


w lb. ^rarWiMi

.......... .-..v-'..- -u ,

Wh.u..|.., .ihirbl.- .-n-' :
•■c^ran U-for. ir7.-.» fr ti. Pi« a.»
• !->a aiqdlraUi-B


E,,!lj£K'r.3""4SSC ESt


- b*. t*<5)ln-vkonr
Klge frn-'fttrtv cn.-,-;...


»a, tvc,-»;ly , InvtallC.t fo: .hU."!-,:-y.
first j«-ar, Mr. Mllr.n -1. ii.-»i:y
y. ar., >1.1 and d-srlnk all llj.i lur- I,,.
IUIP..-.I 1..U p.A..n m.,-!ug.
• U-kn—V.



Seatb BewdMaa. Miek. Peb. I.—
Ma Bsd Mta 0(*m drore to ftnsew Tuaaday to tWt ibair daugbipr.
Ml*. Hoatar.



BUneled on Ibe Narrow LeelaBtu PestnaU Where Cod Brerzes ConUnoally Blow.

a«r. Onadta of tbe Bwedlah BapUit dtaghUtr.andabottof olherrelallvetj.i, Nortbport Polir. wblrli. like, r, ; lo.d foi July S*.-w ih< la.«t wr.k
and Wendt to moura their loti.
[ protecting arm. complMw the mef' j„l,. For tbit beamlf.u .Itrirfay>
ebuefa or Cbdlllae preadtad to tbe
The W. C T. tJ. will hold another j perfect and safe barboron^be Wlcb Ijuncli. si.'ambua.. cano.-. .aiLtig craf.
BMUct dmreb Monday nl«fcL
Wb. OnabolB wat m CadRlu tllver medal contest Jn the neir fujigana shores. Storms may'rage and sm; eventhe land gupsis'and villager,
the waters of Grand Traverte Ut ti . msclves will be'pro.l.lrd
nanday op hnalnoea.
youngladlei and It will be tomeihing rise la huge billowa wlthonu bm Ihe^ Itajernt when the .-nalng
Jeaepb AnderiKm wat in CadUIae
harbor aa/ely protocU the frailest of' glvea mer to a display ••
nsnday and FViday on buelBeta for
IsuDcbet which may vesture on its, rt|ual a night In tli.. Hay of .\ai>l.'«.
tbo A. r. AnderaoB Lamber Co.


' OKN-ris-r
502 WilWlm nik.. Ci,z. l-i,™,. U^ citv. micu.



p. M. PAINE.

Pws* Caroty B*^ Bldg, DRSOIt

MUa Medical Co^ Elkhart. Itid

'The e. lcl.raiinn ' will further the in
The simple magic of tbe eoaHaaed!
Arcadia. Mieb., Feb. 2.—The regular'bay breetes, weighted with rertnous
leetlng of tbe Lndlea-Aid society will pine odors are a cnre^ll for tired
ttr. Parka aad Hr. Juny of the Anb held at Mrs. Matteson's.'on Wed- nerves which will become Invlgorale-I
tita Iroe Co. ware bore tbe Ant of
netday, Feb. 7th. ai 2 p. m. All mem-1 and the weary senses keyed up to ontbe week inapwtinc tbe A P. Aaderbera are requested to be present.
j joy tbe pleasures which the hotel man
aoB toBber
Word eras roecleed early Monday , agement will provide In many way*,
Mr. iai Hn. Brlot are in Lattelag
morning by phone from Honor that ■ One of the first Improvemenie ir> I.,-'
^ tbit week eiaiung tbdr daughter.
Fl^ Uttle. late a reiidetii of Ar | Inaugurated by klanager C. E. Bond .Uoyd nonat of CUeve It tbe
endU township, bad been killed lateltbis season will lu? tbe bmidiog of a:
BS« eeoK at WetlmaB'e car .
tbe pvTlons Saturday night while, aU-foot walk from Ibe bote] m Ho him Dende Heiat It uiitUag at
loadlDg logs on esre. Mr. Lltile wat|vllltge. providing easy aertws'to il,-'
BlfBM' botoL
dose relaGve of the Enos. Fields 'llnie town betides connecting i]«‘
Mb Bealer, the bUekamltb. li
ordoD tnd Conklin families of Ar-]depot and docka. erpcclaHy insklns
SdU m at bit borne.
idia and had bo«s of friend* In and: easy a trip to the large sieanic.-. lill
Aboot twenty of the tUgb edtool
wand the village. His funeral was’noi, and Mlrtourl, and it Is .aid th •
atadentj «f Kalkuka eniored a
Sid Toetday at Honor. Many of hi*; magniflceot tleamer ManKou
aMchrlde to Boardmaa Monday nldti
rriaUvu sod friends went by rigs aad ; make bi-weekly sto|.s ae the villagBbd m entertatbed at tbe hotel by
train to Honor to pay tbc.iMt Irlbntelwharvef.‘
Mr. and Mn. Bnnea.
nairndlei.- Aid udely i


Mn. PerMbt next Wedneeday, Fbb.-4.
■wrrbody bvlted.


X w.=;r

-F-l-O R13 X

239 E FrsBI su at PhBBC rn


Tire Insurance!

Plat* Claes. Steam Boiler and Accldsnt InsurancA

Money to lean on Improrcd Seal E^ic Only.

BosMbody polwoed a valuble dog
of ttr. Kaihardt tbe drd of tbe aredi

fair held br U>c
Imdlu* Aid society at the Maccabce|gf


«. ’flrm.

^ g
llrt. Arthur Tracy, who bat been
hall on BMurday. Feb. to,' .
I ch.^ ,p^k.
tbPl^selves and
ooBfaed to b«r bad for tbe put
Deputy (Bberlff Fred Pleldt of Man-1
mendaUon. while
al veeka, la Imprortag tbnrly.
Ittea wat in town Tuesday.
! for a iirhier snort lanni.
...i i
Ckaday .JobnaoB wai in Fife Imke
l*waday. eeaUag lumbar fw the A.
fore iotllce Btoekman Monday for
placet tor milder exercise. The e
fnelng to eomply with the truancy U«.
tie wat fined.IS and cotta or ten days

Room SI ONsw Stato Bank Buildinc.

Traversa City.


county baatUe
ble in a hall room «xSn wl-hom pillar
Neeeen Oily. Midi.. Feb. A-^ngNe
Mr.^mid Mr*. An.hony Anderaon of
J „„
Mix of Traveme City altlted hit par­
TtfUlng Bl
ents here over Runday
fjdtd, J’.elglcr.vho has hem sick
T*-e ho-el Is *tn f.e’ iM-ngrt- «•(.
le..w-. here,.., Feu.


-• ' 'r-n-/.v


r.„, ,u-l cl.-nu -y


f .If -; U. ."M -r-Fc yt-.., ,i I- y,..r..■
*lf r;.nm, i.e.-puo-i

Monday fn.iu a vbll win, frirnd. u, j n



Roller Ml Friday .for Okie
Bor. Fr, Oolden left Monday for
TlMl Vtth frteadt la CUeaga


.'..r. < .,i-If

................ .


,i .„y ,.tl„-f ki,,,! ,.f si>op

.Drj- li,niU-r uimujsiti

Itin.isliKl bj iu-ur Utter

..•d -


‘ ■'


»«-11 rilKi

Nerthpert Beach Heul.
the long level stretch

W. L. tirewn ManaxM.

T.,,v.-rw.. City, M t-li.

mu,: lu- gl.-u sir Krilg'-i.< Hlchley
" ""
«'"> prlvarAdam* and. Ftoldt for the .,iet»da'n i
*■' *'
»>>haand Ml oiu-n
war they mnniged tbe supper.
«“'■ «»« «'ld tunning mater
------------------------------I snd a long dirtance phone system mill

Crayersc eily mffl. €o.

Soulb Side Cumber eo.

The mrpe, was'. "

: it.r. e..iu| ■
Harry Cnl-lkell and wlf.- of Trav-|t.,-i „■ .u.-e.-.:
eene t.ny were ctlling nn-moM. iirv-, «,
„r igi,,.

Maple, Hemlock, Ash,
Basswood Pine.
Cedar Shingle Timber.

F»iJt Vour IVIOIMEV In Our

,'rbrr.CamMM.e-..n,n.;- ' -

It^ in Thomp^uiuii- Saturday.


j 'f malnlalncd In every room In'liWrl. The upper litv-ir room* arc e.

*ArOoy HTd* U tbe peeeteenr of a: white sand* which roll up from tbc’l^^'IJ' *'<’'1 arrangcl with large trap
aa« PortlaBd antler. Hr. Hyde bet
roeatved tbe aBBOtkaMac of rural mall
g county aji'!
•artlar aad nU eommeace bU dntlet port Beach bote], the finest rewr i wntera tlretctalng awnv In' the db
bolal on the Iblrtymlle bar. wec(el''“e«- The entire finith of the hot.:
Mra. Barak Jeaktae and ioha Smith
10® by Arthur H. Leslie, editor 0/ '•
«irly birch, a hard wood Unit:,
aad ««• ef TbompsoavUle wnr,
Farm Implemeat Newt of Chicago at a
P«nt beauty and the entire »all«
snaMa of tkair panata Hr. aad
IIO.OOC but wbicb will be; or® plaetered wlib at mach care abd
David Hickey. Banday.
optaed Jane to und« the bntlne** <>®ioll as iboagh preparaUon wer>'
■Mard Brimmer rUlled bit t
lanagement of C. P. Bendy of Chi “o^®
»winter re«ldcnc«-. Evp«UI
Lacy OMgg. at PnaMma. over Bui
rly beautiful It the long dining room
Lee Bicker. «ke hat bnen la WaahThe Itt-rOom ttneiure with (U 2»o.; and It. coty open drepUce where ihIngtoe aad CaUtonla the paat year, te
■et frontage facing the ean. it Ideallv !
®f '*>® evening may be oTcrrome.
loealed. for It fares tbe hoy which »=*^ «“*et e=*y curnert mainialned by
rtptrfe* atanost to ibe wide itretch of
*ho desire It* cimfon.
tbe veranda which raclrciet the hotel: To step into the pariora and other
frtmt and sides. To the wc« and Immn B<mr n»om» will iw like entering
CoBMlih auaaded chatcb h^latl north stretdirs a dCBM grove of ever-'Into an old-Ome Ucwtelty where th.•oaday.

whose subtle balm 1* conUn-l smoke from many centuries'have darkttally manlteited
V the earning cnej the hoavy bolted furnltorv. unil!
no^; aualned it,e n>lnr ig the smoke
Pomona. MkSu F». 2.-Jobn BUter wbOe suit farther away, pertaps two I *elf, fee Ularion furniture,
It taking cam of a fekm on hit
miles went and north, lie the deep! invention of the faroiigre designer.
U L. Dagy u Un owner of n flna
Md cooltng water* of grasd old Lake: ba> been purchased bv Hr. Bendy.
Artrlag ten*. vblMi
Michigan, which wind around via Cat bog oak andfumetfoak vicing with the
Moadar of 0. A Lake o( Bbermaa.
Head pelnl and merge from It* north heavy Mission design for comfort >r
Mn. Alfred BIgulI bat bees qnlta

the ba.v.
—........................ office and pa'rlotB.
aUt. bw le rapectod better at tbla
two aJmoM enelrcUag the beauUful
The long and spacious veranda
Loelanin peninsula wbere the tammer, wjierc every honr of the day. not ipent
The W. C T. D. had a eery pMae- reaort It loeaied.
ijn ,i-j,aoor recrcatlnn. will be tpesi bv
aat meatlag Taeaday aRanNoa. TM
Jtnt fouih tg the bote) within a;ute guestN will he provided wPh five
praallaat gave a abort ahait driu aad
abort walking dhiaaea is Ihe village mnmmotb setlc-swings. filled «i:fa in-:
*km (ha oahlect. -Phynlaal CnKnra.Nmthport, with 111 raUraad. hank. 1 aomerablc cnihlun* abd fanned wtO
«« taksa oa Mra. Mrs Bead bad
---------^ ..vniMit
Menmboat lasc-.
land-, inc
the oreese
breese* from land and shore. Tbit
- charBO «f Ike program aad It was very l«», making poatlble at all Umes an: in Itself i
' the one fealare of the
lateramiag at wMl at bcneficUI.
gtfared connecting Unk with the bnt.vj Nonhpjri Beach hotel whit* shooIJ,


Is hereby notified that we have just received a lot of

Ba»k Cr«h Sanitarium Co. goods
Ureakfast Toast. Graham Crackers. Zwieback. Coco
Sticks, no Coffee, Corn Toast Flakes and some other
things. They are excellent :hin«5 to cal for anyone
who wants something extra for little money. In case
you don’t feel just right^iry stooie of these easily di­
gested Corn Flakes or Toast with a swallow of uofermented gript Juice. In most cases it will please your
stpmach and rob the doctor of his job. Telephone us.
or you’d better come yourself and see what we have
for you.

iBfi CASS Sts.


cm mra.


Pruning Cods
\Vi- iiivii.' to i-ai! fiii-1 w.-imitiifour slock. Wo have
tLc- smull Laii<l imiiii TB, tin: moliain »mj the extra long
haii-lli- i>runii)L' sli.-ars.
Wy l;;,vc tin- ivunmoa priming
1. tin-iluiililc ,vlu.-ai,.I alMi liiif Tiittlo trjoUi i


(t is iiisde of
it>vl. Cuinc iu

Oil] I'oslofficc BuiMing.

Have yoo ever tried the

Royal Tlc*r

and Oofr«*a

Ho^al tiger

Caaati Cara
aad Maiaa

They arc the best -Sold -mly by




Trartrae Cl<r caUed ea old triaode



rr.r„rs-f.s All 1^ Down

I dace John D-^tockefellcr to giro up

Haaor. j<kk. Ju. IL-mn CWUw ben laat Thnradar.
UanliAll Fhrraal of Bordlekrllle
o( B«aiu «M to uxnt to*t rtM»r.
iraowetod boAloeie to town one der
Kn. O«ont EprtiDM. •!« >
bMB rMUDg iwr paresui «t tlili pUec. laat week.
11$ is I common expresTtorceooa Health to the Oeetit Source et a week if Raescb would eat fi-.* that
PeonloglOB was eoDBoed t.
ratani«4 lo hrr bo»* to Ke«r*dl» ta«
length of tine. Rseseh was w> rager
ooae eeronl dan >»*« week wl
1 Id win aennvcTt to h!» thwry that be
Hr. and Hr*. H«rd«» o» BewtrnlB bllloBA attack.
of them

UnlcSsUlCR D
John While and 8. B. Cato of SoIob
•JMI BuaflAr *ltl> ‘krtr a«B«bi*r.
uSele hu aald - Wha^r I am and IChrlstmu and had lost flfly PouikK:
the enn.
wen here on boetoeat tost Priday.
' Hn. A. B. Omb of an ptr..........................
buneh of.*®™* '"S*™* iroUBra. “W vOIP
_____ _____ sa I bare atlaiacd in
Ror Haanatord to baultof ton for J.
»wllUl»«»eo«Tbo Robot orcbntto
world 1 owe all to a* wife. From
(iition can doidyficss be remedied.
oBAi ehoreh n«« Bolllrao and boarding to town.
c(it U ibe CoDgrofttloii-*
___day I Snt knew ber alie has town
U 4h.AU...
Re». J. Penniagtoa of Trarene City an lupiration. and toe gnateat help- ■fr-: The luRiIps.rCol. Sriler. PraU.' „
rKEor WIM. FW* *•
r wnr.- shipped >o MUs
velt' by a
p. Bcpaoblit of Bnpir*
to town Tlfhed retotlres to town last Seitir
: mier of Ihe «ll IB Kansas, who says Da ^ot doSC VOUrsdf wHh lO
toto PHdtr Bod Botnrdar
i.K. ..*
iw«!ad farrr.-M
of It.l.
iMs etiimirv
e In from CeBarry The
gUiel Armitraaf vent to TrBT'
shall not l-e oiiidoa.- by thr jea. h-rs. lUflOS OT adVCrwetl remedies—
«t*» Cnj toll Pttow, Bbero »he ex- dar Rod Saturday.
and ihai -to*T are wnrVIng hard lo
opinjpiY. More than lihelv
Ten coBplM of yoting ppople aatein'
to tp»4 A tow dATA
yro.lur-'ih<-1.. S! iHVrsli.le CTo»ih-toi« *
nortl Utlto or tbl* ptoee »el wrtb A bled In the ball abo»e the drag wore
will! whlel. to s’lwk li-r edlar yoU need a Concentrated lat food
paritowtolAl Aoeucet SAtordAy while loAdlng
whe-T she beeumes Mr>. Loi.ewoRb. ^
j ^
ton OB to* H.- A
^ fAllwAr. only

llTtoc A tow boon After Mtoc bort.



tog orer the Inventors- toboratory'of K^'iee'b. He U a printer had e*a
»h. n a eurlou* lu-oklng afodel nught. set np his l.'«« ems in very ma>d
his -ye. It looked like a cradle with ‘ time
some kind «if teiepboolc attarhmeai,
Piineew Boa of ftoiieoberg. whdhas
nTiai on MRb Is tha:r inquired the 'rejnrit-d to Become engaged to the
vlslmr. T bepr to make my tonune^ king ^ Spala. U the only royal «hUd
fnvts-loo." >sid B.U»nn grave -1 ■B ia ScDiUnd f
i« a moiur ■» run by miud. >-ar>'-dhai
H. slncv Ibe
Vou ailaeh It 1*'a endle anil the
t'bart*^ I lo IWn.

skm we hcjy on every !

• PIT/

The dABWinil leoreA a wife And a boot
of frUBdi to moon h

(Oor Mgbi Outl. P. J- Drlgbi wa«
n for president and Elmer Bill-

Gorier BtohArdAoe.
8UU Uiiabcr Co. tAtoP, woi eerlooUr
tttored BAturtAr wbOe lo^tog Ion
He ww AeBt to the bOApf(Al at Big
Frank Skillet of Uaple City passetl
iroogh town, taklnc bis iwoehildn-n
> Harrletta, wbere (bey will remain
BRitotB. HkA.. M. SI.—Rob He- wllh ratotlres. Mrs. SklUot Is unable
rs for (hem and will go i
Cormtok ef Wemfewd epeat oerMAJ
of ber Bister for medical
dan iB town lilt week.
Mr. toArito cr Beanir. WAib. Atrind; ment and care.
In spite of the sofl weather and lack
here TbbrBdar olgbt oo a Tlitt to too
’ snow, the logging business Is boonv
mother, Un. PBHrreoa.
RapldA for treAtmeeL

fill- way from 8,>u:h Da-, lip the system.

Trie, ibe faster the era.He

torih of

tom F.ilpe Pardo, the new mUlMfr
, tcjth«T *g toe pnisl-

.-n: of that eouBtrr and bto apixdnt3091 u laken u an todintlon of toe
ncessli) ef tavlnc St Wasblagtoti an
toe eighth ilm.- become a toaedlct.
iThi-. ........... slanting. »i-w* t« hi*: Mhs Klirn I'oll.wh ha» the disilne,ri!,e,a,.n at Lnwjon. t>k . f..r the; Hon .< t elng tberuily woman pulltieni

- o- r.-uicio. the tam<>u« Apaeb.-war
: rUw. Ts .wars ..f a*e. tile i*w
, |i..i,,anie. has for

> r:--

i«forn;.-d of his wvKilng , Two Rglsmikm ngs-iit In Ihe L'aiied KingC. ronlinoV rev. uih wife d*'>m. lOu-to aenwtaey nf the Simo.l


a-nl .Inr.- Ih<-n h- has he.n.'e.m-’'Uto-eBl anrha-llval ar-^Klatlon and Is
^,r:, .i a».l
a ThriMlsn '-H.s aceW (er.tho rarir iu ft,, lewuogh 0»
irl,le wa.- M:r. Mayy U*.-. sn ib- Siraud. .
Apsrl.e wW..«


The w.-.l.iii;-:,;

t-iuag.-d by a eptnkrag. Willis Hat-


The first prjcilcal O’llcume of Lord
• iKT-ir! 1 i1i;,!efc- the Chrt.'n:B> li-.; -ynn. T r.wrs'old, the .mi sif John Hat; n-.lirr:,*’ apival t-w nailoul cffleleBr)-;
; :n the UM' of the rifle to ibe rnriDs:!n!i'
'Ky,, to..i'snd
killed hH
iof the Nonliern CouD'lOf IndiiMrisIP:l.»r I^u,s .,f na(..;5to-rr has a...' 0.0.1;,..-. Wto-n the l-.y rcall.ed hto
, Rifle leariie. In oiwwllnc Ihe fir.*l cm--,
O.I..T dto.lnnio.. t..-id.-. .iMi- M tav crinn- I,.- .brew bln.«-lf upon .he hody
(iml'inn Ilf the U-ajBie in Si. (i-virs-'r |
i'l-.: paid a ■l•'n^l•n
lor ibr fillifn; amt .iu|-l,,ie>r In-r
s|e«k to him.
To be neb
a ncoesstcl
fol wife,
wife. to rr- ball. Newrastltvoc-Tyue. ihu lionor-j
tab the
liratiou of her
able Aikra Rou-r.t. ' dabgh ;i,jurt such8foodIRibbcst fomt
bosbsnd. to inifpire him lo make the
most of himself, abould be a woman'! u r. show.-.! Iii-w inm h she had lakazi i
hrr father s doririne to hear by sror-jH Will OUlId Up the WcaKeneO
If a woman finds that hrr energies
I are flagging, tost she get* euily tire*,
dark shadows appear under her eves,
Tiie raukh riii.-n< arc lo bay a wed)iother foods fg!] fo nourish.
abe hu haekaebe. beadarhea. bearing<’tiic |.rie,-m tor ifiss Allca Eoosetel-,
or the bluew. abe abould
Tin- »ecrwar>- i:f the Tishomingo
to build up her
ionic with
•dia E. Pink- ' disti lcni:oryj aatocUHoa bu slants^d.
, toe BtirenieiiL ID toe leuero aeiu lo
** pubUKh by request a . Tc niberi of the faia-jus Spanlsh-Amer^ttertem^^wg wife .
r.glnii -i. xpl-jmiry dooiiiUiii '


Scott’s Emulsion
of God Liver Oil


g nod work is plentiful. All ibe
lAb Reed wu to Trareree Qtr
Loardtog bouses are fllled and many
an an boarding to priraie families.
Mn. Bert Lewis and children are
Adalbett Read Ml Pridar tor Water yltltlug retollrei la Trarene City.
John MTIIer bad the mlsforiiine to ^^"^Brsr
rlM. where he wUI epeod the wtoter
R. Artowortb bee retonied from break his leg while working on a rollCahAda. where be bee ipeot the paat way tor the Dewey Stare Co. He Is
doing nicely under the care of Dr. Frnr«Af.


K. Below and wife were to u


cBOd^y bom 1 hsre nif- ' c.r»- a-l..-il sn.1 f ii fiiSKf*." I Iba.

you are run down or emaciated,
^e it a trial: it cannot hurt
you. It is essentially the best
possible nourishment for delicate


<•-. ■ >«— m-r « »—”■


U , ie.-e oi Kllvor, eml>ell[>b<-d wi.Ji th-We vill md you a sample free.
.glmnitai <'mb1cai. for S1I*.* Alirc.
Ilaroa Hon-n. ib<-Russian au:l,a«v?Iiu rDC-iitly cbatieral i
ia Ix-IU-r ailoateil tbiu
thls co', n i>r.3.iiliient
Be tart (hal (hh pichn
ben Pridar and Saiordar nlghia
■a the farm ola ItbtItiM
p.lhllr ry .luring .In
Hr. aad MTA U. H. Dnke wen It
ler's Hill were In town last seek,
' to supply liie IrkIp.
ihc VTtpptroft>tr>'bMtk
cosifi-fonvc In Tprismunlli and'
cure Blottscbtoe Is III at this s
gneato of Jake Bbeafcel and famUr o
«l CiauUioa yev biiy.
\V« maketkea
La;. toTomo’vfuy p>,:..ilar
What Lrdla E. Pinkham's V.-gcUble '
CaopoUDd did for Mrs. Ain^Ir.r it will ;in WarUngiPu. Ih-mucrail,- In man;
Mfu tlertrude Owen of Cedsr 1
from tbrtn from the liestOAK TAKNKi^ STOCK obtoinaUa.
do for every alck and ailing woman.
a degm-. hu to a.lovel- t.f t bo,
Is rislllng ber eousln. Miss Luclla
If you hare symptoms you don't uuChemirt.
W« <1o n>pniring also. Hive us a call.
tbbt work.
dentand write to Mrs. I'inkbam. life. ln>4«rlal:I:-- affaire an.t to hanlly'
' dWrtarlStatlNtwYsrt.
»-efr wlibiivJ a.cJgar in hto nueiih.
■. T. A. Wilhelm wms In Maple daughter-in-law of Lydia E Pinkham. <
We am seiluix nn INDKPES'DKN'T line of OlW^STS. Bnwa toas la towa the Brat of
City Hondar. aerrlng bit denul i>ai- at Lrnn. Maas. Uer adriee is free aad -The taron.-ss Is a great social fsvnrilc
the wnfc toektog aftn boslawa.
' SO&eadN. AU Oruttixt
Blwayi bclpfnL
: too ('appal.
llcA.Vtotor Bartos had HUIe ana
TRUST. J. nalfo.lrr a blind Kan-.SM.
JuUna Paige, an eleeirieiao from
rlrad Toeidar fmat aMibeia Mlehlprice betero Mr. Dcwlll dl.-d. Tl,-' city roufb of
to a musical
gaa. wbwa Mra. Saitoa has riteeo Trarerse City, was to town Mooday.
We airry a romiilete line of Wagoat, IiuK{p(«. CiiU>-ts,
siii-vior..'n calb’.l, U.emJelve.. lo Iheii
D. Duncan, commissioner of order for her was ma,!el‘'f ahlll'.r, some of Lto worl; bavins
apndlag the wlanr,
diMlctoitol.,-1 clavt.nate by a roun'
Sleiglis. Holies. BlAiiki-te. Fur OobU. Wood-wwiny; Machinery
Bevim maeUan an fa prngren at schools for Leelanau eouniy. rititnl today by J..dge Watoer and .h- dv*wl t'<-en p.:Utol..-d.
.- Itolfour. -..bill hi-aib-.l by Y(.n Hanslelu whlel,
ir schools Tuesday,
anti (iiiaoliiw Huirines.
the latoBd chartto. Llcmarei. ..ui Ills'* l>IRh<la.v
Mn. Reuben HcQueer Is rislllng
. R. C Welleo at Mtukesoa was to
April 1. Bi'd ri'c-iieJ a iilegr.vpbl'
fends to Trarerse City this week.
Miiiblnailonv B lime In biv !fkaow1..iv ment tofor,- all the *Mlu .
Mrs. D. M. Bright of Kasson Is vlsCtMtmtoaloaer Daaet was la town
nili.d. Me I...I hi- vigil. lUix.igh nr.'
liJne ir. town toll week.
Csneral News.
Ci.rlou:ly' etmugh. V,ni HanMcin b.gocldi-m
Atihough Senaior iJtFuUeite of
A. E. Johii-nn of Nea- Yuri;, who has' i-i.mne.'.i eianieni was mad,- e.islodlan
and Sunday wllh hit parents in Hsple WItconyIn Is t... stranger In WaHliIng
1 oen created a kaiBbl of Ibe Royal Or' i.t tin- buicer reply Which lUsmarrl.
H. H. Deake to OB the side UAL
having aerv«-d -ibrre terms lii th.'
lit toe Dattnelirng by Ibe king of ei'iil. as il wllh bupwbslip.- ihai bJ. Panek of Traverse Cll}- Is visiting house of repreiicniallves. bis pbrurcal
Di-osiarli. Ir the nV rer of iwD Sai-db*;. i w-nubl survive toe mhers and Bl: too boaoe of Cbu. Horiiratlel.
appeaiMc- eoniin.u s to slirar- air.--..
PHe LBhA Mtob, Jab. *l.-Pna
ue»-Bpap-rr. in ih*' I'liiivil S;aie»—tov| mar.-U i,»i.
Tltore w-Ul be a pover^ social la (he
The seflnu.r Is tl .to‘,R. noiud
In ills 0.7.1 nulr-i way Tbonias A
Jodktoa bw rataraed Irom a vlalt ai dmrito Friday erening. Erorylindr is
Ip-nian of Pltiladelplihi slid ib,
wllh a greal bca.l. Ills iKidy is
Tartona potou lo aontberD HieUgaD.
eii- IMlsoti to I. PiKer.l Not long aro ’
rngoMtnd to loara oB Iheir finery or long, but-hto legs are sbon. Ween lie lleniblidr-t o( rhleayo. He
t K. Bonaall baa panbuad the else they will be eipeeied to pay a
■oys Ihe dHlnci:>iii of to-iiig n knight; mt.g.iriio <-Iii..r fri/iid of hto «-a» li»ikIs silling.O.rwn be Juok.* lo la- neaHj'
retMABBt properiy ef Mra. Robt. Clark.
o fthe Sue.iito Orger i.f WsKa.
ris fe*'l toll, but whi n .h'- stonds b<bow oeenpipd br Wm. Banei.
II to 'said that .. Priur.-, l.n.ito Na
number from hpro attended ihimueli.n.orl ilian fiie f.-e: sK..
Mn. Jt A. Klhtoe of Tnrene Cllr sreddlug of Joseph Skipski end Miss
ilc .-n, now In to-. li.i-,-iaii r. rvie,- as
n Muclci.i (If Rhal.e-pcaii- ami
was to town last week.
goeeoiur (n-n.Tal of to-- I'au. a-,.!!,.
Hary nels at Isadora Monday.
toe only Tog. larian in ib>- n-nuie.
Hr. and
Mra. W. A. White and
nbjeclod I«.liiivl!ig vo!-!i-. r» firDr. 6. 3- Smith wu In bis office
toe eurn nt congress ere sewn
daachlar Onna rtoUad frleada ben hero Tuesday.
•unamtsl mid s . f wnrkm-ii. Ii ;
lUi week.
l.lnle.l bIvo ton- mure man ..ii,- R.i
J. Samraa wu ill tor an-eral days
"Looest-irc lesgito.” each In-lns
Ita 0. B. Dohertr VtoUnd bar broth­ tut week, but It able to be out again.
slan eftnd dui.,- has iwiiVe.l his rot.
(he ooly.reprcsentailve la^tl.e iialiosier at Kalkaska UM week.
school debating eliih
leglriattir.' of |.riifiio.Uin <ir mltslnn lljro.iRh fi-ar of'l•"'iIlg o; il> ii :
Hn. C. B. Dowatog of Hanton
qji'll disririams-r in the ebl (..Up
will meet Thursday evening. Feb. 1 business. R.-naior pcrlfinn of ('elif >rdoT elyb ,
a bBttoeat Ttoltor In Iowa the falter at the wefaoelhowe to discuss the ques­
whali-f. C.'iigii-^m.nn Mlchapart of the weMt.
WilNam I.-atqur'. a pbolograi.lier of
tion, "Resolved. Thai practical eduea- lek of Cliicauo i» a gnuM-.-, CoiigRevJoplin, Mo.. Iu iK-Ile-ed lo t>- tbe oiil.
Htoi Beaale Leddr of Rail
flea Is ef more benefit than book lurnGunlner of Sliflilgaii is a el.-rgy
epfbi Bundar with her mother.
siirvior, of the Iruiijo- whlcti pla>* '
Speakera on ibe affirmative side:
Ik-lega.o Jonah Kuhio KalaniaiiNrA Roberl Clark and aon Ned of Ira* Hall. CUndc Latorap and Albert
ole of Hawaii to a iiriiico, fon.tJ.-•• • will. Wtik-s tl-Kilh jitoi pnn lo.ts lo H"'
liv.-a>-liia!ioii Ilf i.ineolii. Mr. IdPeKi
CadlUac risited hen last week.
PenalDgtun. NrgatWe: OiU Penning­
I Hunt of Mto.-ouri to.a vioiii-c'iiHr. and Mn. Ptaak CanaU bare re- ton. Angus Campbell. Betmle McFall
cherMi.-s a pr .granim- (rf Iktoih's Ibm
Congn-fsmui Minor of WIseonsin
Innied ftom a elih at Trarene CItr
apl' in St. Louis,
H L. Nesten of Glen Arbor pass<.d
llcenteil master of 'stmim ve»ieto
and RU: Raplda.
e Iasi of Ih- nUietc-n ciassmaietbrongfa tosrn Tuesday eveaing. Roto-rtf.ui of Isnii**if Iltomarck v.-he graduated with him
Bar Pratt b** nureed from Sharon.
Dr. Scott, veterinary surgean of lana ts a college pr.;fi-s.;;ir.
Hn. Newcomb ed Bk Rapldt to rls- TrarerM Oty. trantaeled btuia*-*! to
from to- gjUiBarlum In Berlin in ibR<ipr<seniuiive WllUg .T PJ.llailelKing her pannta. Hr. aad Mrs. H. A.
-.pilng of IKdi has juvl di,-'l in il.;ii
iwn yesierday.
phllt hu intrnd.irod aUirin the- Penneliy. A simple cUrg>l!iin. Von Ha:,
Church Netea.
sylrania legtolainra'^’taderlng (h mHe canattng. Hendar. Oari. the
siein by name, he gave Fhor.l> Ui forRer. A. A. Alllngton. pastor.
liianla of n'Rtoiraiiop fin each votinu
roamegt cblld of Adolph Nelaon. nti
bis death an <'b'qneiii de-UTl|iili>n of
Sabteet ter nest Sunday's i
Jirccinet to haV)^ every vuu-r plnnoInto a barbed-wm feaen. enitlng
Itlsmarck tb* toi}—''hiiipv. biioya!i'.
'The Traitor's Curse.” All i
Each plioiojrdph wtl
gash la Us cbeek whlrii requited It
able and popular." Si\i: ihnn- y.s;r
dUI) Invlied.
polled In tbc R‘g;>:ta!iiin I o.ik with
sMtetaea to etoee.
after their graduaiion toe li,,- n'h r
Topic for nest Sondsy’s Itedraror
voK-r's di-srrijuioa anil to to- esR P. HnAiror of Kalkaska was to
rrrice* ' "New work we mty do
emlned ou election day to .preven:
town on boalnets the drat of the w«k. Christ and the church." Leader. S
Un. Leri Wllltoms ot WUlon wu woRh Billmaa.
Crnrer Cleveland and -Senator TLo«.
to tonw the totter put of the wnk.
Tta C. E. abeiely and (he Sabbath
Hr*. RUph Semark of Dublin Is the Bchoel will UBlte In giving a supper P. Cradf-of New York have made up
after twenly-tore,- y,-ar*' of enml y.
gitost of Hra. A. J. Dolloff.
and social time in Ibe huemeni uf
I’arm and Fireside is issued twice a month, 24 times a year, and has from 24
Udne; Trouble Hakes Tm Hlserahle.
Dr. Knauff. toe reiertaafr of Cadil- the church nest Friday erentns. Priec When they shook hands In Albany
Senator GrO'Jy remarki-d that ifc.-y ta-'
toe. was is town am piofeuloatl tmsi- of-supper. 10 and IS ceau.
each issue.
It is profusely illustrated with half tone and color pictures.’
mol Wfere and the - ej.-rto-»ld.ii
Prayer meeting wu held a
smiled. It was in to>3 that Gm.
It is the best farm and home journal in America.
Thousands of dollars are expend­
Mn. F, C. Tabbeiwr was
rate of Mr. and Mrs. Johnston.
Cleveland wimIc
Ki-llj ol
TlsIUir tost week.
C. B. busineas session and clecilos
ed annually for expert advice for the farmer, dairyrnan, stock-raiser, pouhryman,
I Tammany Hall; ~l< will be. iu ili,
John OoS of HaroHtna has be<
of oSleers for toe coning ye
ptTaooal tvimfOR
the jn>v*-raor le
hen tor teteral days with a view
lunuay eveaiag.
evealag. t
ome i*riy.
. •
fruit-jH'ower and gardener.
It has depanments for the housewife, fashion pages,
buyfag a farm.
.rh«l U .l.niw 1. .b- i 'TT
patterns, good stories, puzzles.
It has wit and humor columns and a Young f^ples'
Mist Joatobtos Battendeld rltlied
new year with a vim and spirit thaij
hero w
W. Sweet and Chas. Miller of Mil­

JTSA'SS.VESk.*'-"'.... ...





The Herald and
Farm and Fireside
Both One
Year for



u Pridar-

Cadillac the laUer pan of toe week.
Mn. Frank Perrigo of South Boanlnaa ts rialtl^ her par«ato. Mr. and
Tlua Loddy hu reluraed from Axln.
B. Sbatlpr of Trarerse City
Ion for a two wteke' stay. -V
Bora. MOBday. Jan. t9. to lA
Mrs;. Aribar SpBritog. a son.
Louis Stotlng. who has be
Praak Cardthen- ter aereeal weeka
' has retuTaed to hto home a: Kalkaska.

promises much for the future.
The pamor wishes to any that he air
preeUftra the work of J? cbolr. X\V
aro looking forward
to .be addl-

UiM R-vtiachild of ' LoaCoo. Ckg.: erarycaie a tpedai ara=t»-.<r; has

whlcfa be tad made of a bu a:. laa-J. to prepsriag u. read at hto ..wa j

BcodnaforflOO to 8.C. r.urke <>.' nen jcspeate. :oo pope facil'io t., Ca-iada.j „„pie bonks lenttora by rr-afi. al43a'‘b3ok
coraploli'd liv Ihe 7!,;ta-| F.fiy uf Ihcra wilt leave Feb. 1'. emf lelling tac« about Swamp-Roel and kre to
D. auelle ef Maple Oty
rtraaa a Burn could dol U-ftmad there the eibcra will !-■ scat over a* ft", u- findoutUyoutavskitoyerbla^trtro
Trarerse City Tneaday.
a acfil. who w
EUiabelh SuKtran Is eonSned to tbi
hoBso with c snrere cold.
r. W. KIR was a Tnrerae Cliy call­ jbe full aaiuuat of the sale had (,vcb
Iiald 10 ifac alck man. For this raaer Tburadaj.
Angns Campbell has batn qnitc ill. sen. (be widow Almire bav hecn forced
;to 41c a peililoB in Probate conrt
fak Is able to be ooi again.

“-'=~-33="'pss^ j

JallSB ADora came tram Tnr
City Thnnday.
Hr. and Hra. CUat



This great paper is given absolutely free for one full year to every subscriber,new and old. to the Herald, who has paid for the Herald in full to Jan. i, li#07.


the standard cough and cold cure for over

ad. which later esutej-bia doato. a
Cedar. Hleh.. Peb. E.—Hr. and Hra

““ ““

Cher-kcr. which
«itikm.a.e tooa)-,
AHanlic ril.', X. J_ tal* bo-n
bar'?kuitiev. I
lioa of, a rcrnci aolo. to be lo the
ej a gold medal and »,:.5isi by ike; btaancBrigh: s fc.;
haada of Hr. T. Field, which wUI add'
n r.=t r«greatly .to tbc raeellcnce of the cboir Craegie ben. f..r.,l ..mmtorion.
!««-a of
of toe
iVf. crew
peto a silver m-.ia''-j,„„,4j,aedfstertrc:b:agfcgttfvouhivckldwort.
tanJ jr.iift., Tk-mngey Is h.-M
held iu !ni*f ■ nay. bve.-ct tUiesr iroJiSeii will'beliusd^
Tbfijr Fund Typheld Fevtr.
!for a
Hiu-'. Cap:. Csfiiv'.J-. ■•in ,.--------------------, ,

,fcr appaialmrat as adtalnliifatcr la
0t4er to glee lbs deed lo tbc pir-l»> faaii:*-* will t<.
ar wbo bad paid ibc purcbasel Cr. IK-maa E3irto.--wbo triej

ry C/v*

75 years now comes also in a
t («TfBieiit 1*.<a/Ty with juo, Doa'I
g g
■L >..ur dfuggut.
y Ai.MAb'sc rut
torw A sm. pinii 1,1,,

To Cure a Cold in One Day

Shocking PaUlHy.
models and exposed to pii
rlow, Tbe pttneess probably do
home or Gnol Siecmrt. c Utnrer. de- nor fanry Ibis pnblleltv, but being
>tn>7«d the boBce. bnnied to 4eau princess sb« has very Iliikt to si
fltenrt, hi* S-roar-oId dkngbter nod about tbe matter aud mnst submK
« treek-old iafant- The Invalid motber orders. Fsr different U It irttb H
«UI prabnbir die v( exposare.
Indepeadeni American girl, Fbr Miss
VOBM tmelled ibe emuklas lamp aa-1
lUormed her husband. As bo vent
flx-U the bunp explodod and eorered
him witli burning oil. The moiber
tried to reseqe the cblldren but wt
too weak. Sfae dragged henelT to
aeigbbor's for assistance. ,Tfae neigb.hers found the bouse and Ibe lomates
Death .at Kingsley.
Klngiley, MIeb.. Feb. tTaylor, after a continuous residence!
of fort^ years upon tbe aame farm,

ItoONerelt some srondiTfol silk has
hetfl woven in New Jersej. tbr patiero
destroyed and ihe wearer gl'
callon with enough .money to enjoy It.
tbit no one may Interview him
out Ibe beauty of tbe di-slgn, Tbe

great camp m Pen Huron will be ded.

Martin Clapp of Kalamauo. aged
I*, who refuM-d tu longer bubmlt
Ibe loneliness of ten: III


Clapp 1
d lived I

iFdrobe of ibe president's daocbier.
lyabic to walk at erst. bui -H
to be kbpt a secret from everron
possible. Only tbe^ntme of b<' long until he waa carrylnc I
mixllsie became known by aeeldeni
tif water and wood and «
• no ihoughi about a j l*> Tow a boat lo tbt- si.,r.. for, bis
Ibe le-sni.v of the I groet.'rles. He remaJiied ily.-v durlnc
’ the winter
came be tiled of Ibe life, said J;.'.
Mtehigao Infantry Gene.
. loiK-some' and refused In lir.. lo
Thousands of clvl-l
olaiktn. s.«n after lib. r*.
window to

all mlloa souib of Kingsley, died y.-slerday aftenioon at l o'elo^ lea<
a wife, one daughter and Ibree^a
. liana watched Ibo soldiers of tbe Finn |
“ house his eondiiion W
moor bit loss.
' Infantry march away from Fort Wayne;
Hie deeeasod was born In 8ul
wblle the regimental band plajfd I dining. He refusec
let'ini I'l I)
rcnce eoonly. New Voik. seventy
•-Cood by. Utile Girl. Good-by,
!|ako. a'aling ihai be was Imppy i
ngo. later In life moving u> llflools.
home. He rr-roalneii rh<*rfni tu rj
from Where be moved In Igcc'lo the wlvr-s. moiht-rt and fathers, who dung end and In bis Iasi mom-nis Vaid I

Ulehigan farm wberc death overlook to ibi> l<oys In blue even after the train was glad to Ix' home from ibe lake.

began lo pull slowly away. Oi
A. R. Esreltyn ot wn< ' a
The faneral aervlcoa will be
march from (he barracks tu tbe
most worn to a shadow'lbe w<.n
Sunday afternoon at I o'rloek from lh> young women and pretty girls held the over a acriu* of -Ulnck Hamr. l.-.iui
hands of Ibe soldier boys and kept be has recslnsl. One day last
the Blackmgn cemetery.
sl<g> with them.
message came by mall informing );Ii
Col. Walter Duggan was la com­ that he had bwn. giyt-n seven da>
Apgisa fee Peraign Markat.
mand. The departing regiment a«Thia a-as followed'.by other
Barlln, Tub. 2.—American shippers
slsted of no* men and fifteen officers. | calling
altemkm t

Of apples to this eounlry hereafter will
sead only Ufe smaller varieties of the
fruit to this market. A New York
een recently met with leas o
choice Bbipment of large apples
Ingnlrsd here as le the cause,
reply returned waa as follows;

Core Yoof Cough

Icated. Ms^ Boynton aapt a special
train has been arranged for to carry
Ibe great camp officers «ross Ui-'
state to Lod ingum In Hme for tbe blmnlai review.

The regimental band headed the pro- tmly >.ix. ih.-n five, and floallr oi

ttop yoop Lung Irritation, relieve your Sore Throat
and drive out your Chronic Cold, with the only cer^taln.and strietly scienil&c. Cure for Coughs and Colds:

rnisy.tS. ...


:i> i: WAiai
ju.'-t' or 11


, .





AlmoNt in Despair.
^•JOqp littledan^ter was (riven by two physicians

..rr-IV, *. tUV-V.:

1—J MUw.ShiW.SS

In despair, when our druggist recommended Dr. King s
New Discovery, After thklng four bottles she was

•r-Kl-.-HiuSk .
■ nut! •’

Price, soc and Si,oo




& «• E. TWE MRO
fcKsmS'; ■■ aiis,.'

MCcOMuenekD, cuanaMTeto

S. E, Wait & Sons and C. A. Bogbee.

SS* -

■■■ ■“"



retsloa. f.dlowi-d by the colora and,one day mure remained. Ai la.vt i
five companies.
I day of fate came, an.) whh It a lei

Rounil Jaku, .viid ii;. tliithr:-.'. ir. .
The train will go over (he New York stating that th.- last dav had <-«i
• rs of Chk-ag", ■-.■nic k-'i*- aud |,;.
Central line Io'n.-w York. There the and that |l wa. now time; fyr him
a laigu amiMH!. storing P mi it,
reglfflent will embark on the inin«port purcliBse a ceruln brand of ii
caul Ainsllu pruj-iij. j,i,i Igiuk-H
for tbe long journey In ibe Philippines.
in.niag- now .«,viid-.! bv WilW.
“We could not lake your largest ap­
They will go by the Suer ouial and'iT
Tb<‘ Kalamatoo council drmniids SI. tju ry *virn, Th-> lu cun frelgliili
ples. fOr a peculiar rsaaca. Apples
possible they will slop off at China. 0011 a mile fraiicblsc feu from twi. ti-t
n-w;to Ci icago in the MTiiig. i.v
are sold lo Oennan by wcigbl. When
They win sail under scakd orders.
eleciHc lines which tm-k to i
tiicj«ch.N.ior i:. M-.-Siaiuou. lull all. ;
a German laborer buys a few pounds
Ueulenani and Mrs. Roland BmtghTin- Kalamazni. jjku Shore
t *!rsrg'., - hud g.-i'e oiii. a bar bu
Of apples he wants to get more ih
n of Traverse City left with
I Southern Tracikm t
int'oih of the Tiler, ard ittwo or three, especially U they have
■iwenty-two miles of el.«trlc railway
be dlstrtboted In a family of six

'■ |Su;K¥iv?£H'l3S


; _i< O rir,j..T '-o-. r-u thmt ,s.MJe lK.Orr '

up to the city limits and ereenng u ‘ During
station there. The company sava il form-d
kllct,trail off ilM
Waahlngton. Feb. 1-—The president
will never come Inlo ibe heart of the '—!iv.»ii S.
u aem In tbe ncmlnaiions of Jai
so luig
the cmincil demaii.Ii
Smith £i|;,- V’adll’ac l'.';:,
sronid prefer the medium ^plet."
. Smith of Callfomla to be governor
that It pay. Till- Kalaoicroo. KlkLan Iterinni. hai’c aciiniieil'?Iil.';,i i-,. i>k
general of the I’hlllpidne*: John C.
Chanco for Heme Bull^rs.
A South Bend Traciion Co.'alfo seekw suiilicH Joes ink.- TiJjatuiwu'iK-,
Dates, lo be lieutenant gnvemor; A.
New York. Feb. Z.-Vany men
and wi'll imilj a*ntiliin rh- vdeinitv ..i
Oreely lo be major general; Col.
tUi section of tbe country, -wbo are
l>ou TMIman, agcl J« >-ears. of Midland. i-.-.;!i(iing'ot: i.,
James Allen to lu? rhlef signal oflleur
close ttudenla of the
FVanklln. U deail as the result of be-iMarrh.. i; has Ix-ea'doaservmlv. iy • .
with tbe rank of brigadier general.
lugs and loao movement, believe that
Ing accidentally shot with a 33-ealllxT'
*d' •'^otl'h * St4pl»f:.-ui
before many yean have passed ibc
rifle Sunday while playing in ih-’l
!'• twenty mll'hin feci of-lbr.State News.
eight persons. He wonid fetf belter
aatisfled if be got one forwscb m
ber oC hit family and ontssIgtHatly

majAlty of these assoclaUons must
'be river, and llu*.,. siili i.t:;. ,
Five realdenls of Ann Arbor have woods with a chum named l,.'athot
.land tbelr money to home getlen at •old tbelr hslf Inieresi In the Dry Tho boys jvito shooting al a mark!'’"'-T ktiiv utrir M-haU’l. u..!
-flat fire per cent latciea^ If ibey wish Creek placer mine In Missouri couniy. when a shell got siuck In the breech; i“'Hi marjy .t n ,i.‘-.v.-. • ■
to eontlBoe acUve and lo grow. These Montann. at a profit of tmo.tNxi. j , Leather started m iiound'thc tarrel' Thr^’nlun‘t\.nAr r.,i!;;iai;, of t’a-'
i rtfer
H. Ortmao located the mine and let! when the shell explo<led and and the j ‘Hue is lo t-‘-nvirpaniii'il \.jfl in c r,
and New Jersey.
“u’* 'lo'-scs-k
i< ly.,
.Arbor and five Mnmana, ball enten-d Tollman's ►tnnacb.
la Oplnmbus.^ 0^. M
tho Urges! franriiL-e f.-.-s [ ’ r-H -t f-.- • :i* . r.i i=lp1ra!-.t4 ' . 1.
on the deal, each taking:
are abont lo redjjc dlsUends to
one^enlh 4 tbe stock. The other Ann I ever paid the state has just been M-ni [busUo.i-. Tlir'pUhi ;• one i,;
per esnt and are ooly awaltliig acUen Arbor men are Oeo. Spaibelf. C. H. ;iiy the Wabash Railroad Co. , Th.-’be, Urg»: la .IH-.
as.!; ilu-cby tbe aavlngi banks that bare In Cady. Louis Schleicher and Dr.
amouni Is
represeniihg an in-l wjl! l e Irfui.-a- U.:
(*.■• 1
view a ibrep per csot dividend. Tbit Hall.
crease of capUpl of the e«na*raHon ..tjHUc «nd n:;iy r.'i-uH;in ii.- , ..i.u-g.
Maas that Colombna borne getters
jw-nt of t|.._, fue'itr-'. whi'b u u> .
Deputy Game Warden Flsbor baa
will pay five per cent Inlcrett for tbelr
Frank J. Stolnkraus of Alhlon
•“j"''’'’'* fTr m
again been foiled In fals ailt-nini

Flea at Bellalre.
OellBlre. lUeb. Feb. 3.—DellaJre
rlalied by a tbUfi costly fire wlihln
Urea axmiha lait evening. Tbe warebonne bek^glng lo Fred O. Flye'i hard­
ware atere was destroyed by flee with
a loai of abont I6J100. Insui
•Bonnting lo about twodhirda.
. Tbe warehouse was sKnalcd aerota
'tbe alley In the rear of the hardware

" ’•'"■•’H'■ r’-P’ ="■'■1
••-i”Blleged vIoUlcr out of Alpena spearing fl»h and s.'..Ing a big stick.Tl
h.-a,:.rt lowartl the l«al he let driv.-:““''
'?"■ bn.-os. m.-u of Itat-;.
eouniy 'for trial. Dnvld Lincoln
K pm-i..;-, i
arrested and was en route It. Kay City with-bb.HH-ar.ll..hadsinirk'»mj*’"''''
week ago. when a writ of habea. and inl«iiL hut the fish wav swim-1I”
dug S.. fast that It sil.i rich! m
corpus saved falm. On Wednerday.
liitdJe of tbe spear aud fell Inioltb-' tr.. t-:.!ing i.:w,.'et
James Cleary, master of a Lincoln fish have t;alP-d
mg. was arrested, but he was rescui-d
5’llrtHb-r ,.r th..,'|!M',5i
In tbe aame manner. Fisher cUlfiis
Insuranre CommUsloncr Harry will
cinih-a. and Urt. a 'l
lie has no chance In Alpena rniimy a*
ils wo.-k allMid a mreiliig iu nj
I > ir.-.
Ihe tiroide s)TU|>aihlre with tin- fish- rag,, of Insurance. coiniulM.ium-r-. g.«.

Biiey coip
Would Scffllfh a'd Tc*' iV ?i::h
Utless Hr.ds WercTic j --tf.uti.-i
tC3 Skcd-lrdi-Awfal iur
- O’.'er 2 Y-:ar—Git'-w Vr'o.'ct I'Lvcr
Occtors—Snr- I'.ciA'Ciea'-


tarair,-.-. • ptsaVesi-: s Ihe qui-siJim of unifcim 1
The physicUns of Menominee have
store aad/was filled with vehlelea and
di.natltie the it
• insur
implenenia. aaah and door aiock. Ilt- Intlorsed the Blleged tbeorjes of prof,
aIr.QK Hi-- n>9i), and u
ler of Baltimore with regard tu
Ungt for Implomenlj and plptw. paint
all persons'who have
and oO stock, etc., and a mini
reached the age of
batT^a of keronene and gasoline. of Sagloaw.,Mi.h, have soM
luiloD to that eir.vt was pasiMil at the
baUdIng was Wxint feel in sixe
f MeKeliile ttmix-r litiiiflu the
mt^lag of the Menominee
atoriea'and baaement and cost'11,000
Giiirglaii bay disiiirl to llMi|^LumIt lg said
when bum sU years ago. |t could
,lK-r.Co ,d Chlcapo. for
Ihe assoclairbo
........................ ......
sot be replaced for any such tom now
This limit contains alsiui iqn.niHi.iusi
wHh tbe preraiUng prices of Ininber. Ing consider the new law proiios..d lu
f<-el of s’andlng ilmh.-r. In ikp.; this
The fire broke out al « o’clock with Ohio of doing away with all Ineurahlo
llmh was bought by the D,dra’!.iim1»-r
a puff of flame on the south aide and'
Co, of l>..imii, of Hoilgoil A tirav,-.
wilhiB twemy aecoods tbe wfible
Elijah C. and Franc.-s R. Toacbou-'
OI liiiffaln. for gsi-Vrsve. son:.- limb.-r
terlor was a roUIng mass of flame sere marri.M at Jiisilce HuWmb's i.f.i
w-a» cut and it ma.s >..!d to Pxldv aWith Bellairea omul good luck iu flee at l>oniand W«slii.i«lay night, and i
Glynn for »3t.r,.s.., i, u a c'lrioii- Me
cases of fire there waa no wind and iberi-b.v hangs a nimancc. Thr.v years!
tncidi-nce and shows the luci-.sise ni
BO grefit danger to the bualneos places ago Ihe couple were dlvorctsl at Al-i
■ he value .,f |dm> limlM. iha' Hellaml
aerosa the alley. Tbe fire department hloo. The w'..tnan was rerv-ntly re-1
A- Graves vniuld have |>abl half n mil­
1-a.ed from the Trav.-rsi- City asylum '
‘ ■
d while
bulldlag conid not be
and aympaihy for hU former wile mi lion In rash for Ihe tracl had pot th,HoM l.iimlxT Co., .wtirh Ciqi,-.! thflanra cheeked the fire was dcadem-d her misfortune liroughi back the tdil'
•leal. had a prior option. Bddy a vrynu
down quickly ai soon as Ihe building
Iwe,-.;;.iy irf.-.-.-r,*
';|o-:V ...s .
Htnii No. n: in ihifell The oirpecicr shop owned bj
The marriage of kVed aged c.i.rglan bai din
J. B, Cot* wlihln n yard of ih«- wareland t-as-jt-aiJr'tb*. and Mamr.-t Hanna. asW .I*, of' tim r..«ni liu. .
of slanilins.tlinlH-.hopae on ihe north waa saved from
l-H.-ar- -!,e ladi ,.r .j.-',
.ar Mason, was the eultnination of
av.IIi,. ^
iif .Menumlm-.. Mich
any damage.
' line x.-wp. -Tbe «>' pr-.\wir.ii whai they claim to have b.v-n m.-rt-ly;,,,,. e.tnsid. ratio
I h.-lng
B. R, BtlUweir. who a year ago had
Joke, Two days after the license! Thi- marrias•>r Norman \T. Mil
opened a machine and repair shop
was wured-ibe groom n,ked Coumyiiart an emrto.
of Siaanard''n-is.
tae coreer of the warehouse, waa - Clerk JewMl- m*t to putdlsb ihelr: Hardware Co i
r ivtioi!.-anj; j|;«s
haavy lowr. He had recently Inven­
*- ,t‘;-,ap.d.,.B-' .iji', -.
since It was ail a J.ik.- am' Syhjn Johnssm
t.-f Ann Arlkir. t...;:
toried hla tools wlib the Idea of geit.i^.r.s
‘“’•■■‘"’'“'■•irlac- ThursJay a* the. horut-.of Th,
tlng them Insured, bat had not done to. Laiiu- In the iw,-nlng. howi-v.-r, they
m's luii.i
Mrr.'fha.-:,-HIk lou was about gSM, Mr. Flye. In •ere married by-Rev. a. F. While of MllUrd
1 horlui
addition 10 hu regular stock of goods
stored In the waruhous.'. lost a gaso­
Whll." wedding gnerts revelled ami' Milianl hi.m.uioad uisjo re:
line IsBDch purebaaed this fall for nse
iI-a-Keu! .'■>rT>';!..y.-.wali,(T'. ..
daaced at a Polish wedidng feast at ribe grootn-s par.-hi* in ordtT
next summer.
At.*.^,<-«!.I-;iar-i m-.. J
W residence of Thoma.« Llmicr. ai up a tradition sa’X.
The origin of the fire Is not known ^y City. ld-},wrv.ld l*eier
ilschow- grandfarber ao.t, Bran-lmc.ih--r w-r, '
The wtrehouse had been locked for
iak of Portsmouth township in the eamf house --ixty-av e’'
the night some three boiira before the ■yin on tbe sldewlak and w
caiTteil; years ago.
- ■
fire broke dot.
Inio the bouse pnwiimabl.v ti
Mealed, f Waller Cooper, who ekqMd from Rig "k

■” >—

He was found
dead nu
nn Iiinir
hour isier.
•“atrick Cahill of Port Huron,

J:!' r."


ue» •Ilhin-K'Mut.InM-rl, n
slo] tLsre •III
al VI
.-islBs I-. fL. l.;,-j.-st I vtd-v...
3Gth^dayof March,




.A.-I il.-etrar-




“1 •wi'.so
l: tv- .as Mir

Hateil .'.Ill.ara Ok. IWK
•.vj.cHw*d> a ui



Real Estate and Loans
I2t From St., Momatne Blk..

Trarerse City. Mich.

Property of All Kinds for Sale
and Exchange
- W.rikvill jr.nj'oa sevfiii p*tr c«:nt per annum for



ked, about in the world j judgmv^,
WBA rvnderod In ib.- ciicalt r Ceveri. Van Biitvn co-amy. wa* swn'te
today are Miss Alice Ro.»e«.|t and | court In
favor of the .widow of Dan; teheed ro from six menthi v<i live ,h
Princemi Ena ot Battenburg Both are GteaMin,

5 ST-i canr.:-'


k •iiBdnesiel reis'de lo
-IrM Tbirt, Siv Mid xl Iu. d.dlwrv itia.m, ud

B .II.-OS- tM Ih, „s-»



r, Jobi 1.
n'-fff Ojs F:r-i r ,

to the Acre

--rilrt -.•rii r
.--5 a;i l-'..r

| napijs-w;llh Mn. . itertba Riuel.-i,'

rendettil himself to ibe khertlf to sac- Rhodes was allowt-d Ifigo od »-a»pea--- ’^
TCit on Feb. i: and the princess on
sent.race. U b.-lng s.hown that hc-!«,
Slay IT. Both of course are greatly Ini*Mdy Boynton »ayh that the next ■ bukl«nd had Begl«-i,u lo supp-n be- ' T
tcrested lo (hi-D inKii-seaoa but the _
Area, camp MaccaUie Male* will Iw • The winter
isTy.^ twenty^iih. ' e.
melbods of the making of their bridal' hrid
finery arc wide and far apart. So that' diim a
decides difierenily. The date U.ent winter. Lnke Michigan «
tbs pBblk may see jnst wbal the to.!June 13. s«
ft b
by the laws Of tl
I waiter, and 1
tors bride of the king of Spain Is lolji
U^:ii the iwnty-fifth «tniver-j scarcity of icc. About the middle «

TweRfy-fiye BUSHELS

"M-,n. 1
•: rbe-. 1
timj ..
ebl. fi -.
.come tu'.'.-iiLi: li... J 1.

' n- o™.i„- ...

Two PamMn


eAljr-I.e.tU h


Dj'l iTeua ibim

your money anti give you as security gilt ed«c
I r.-t-.-er<e City real estate fr yil:
money will be absolutely safe.


•"•'IfPlieAle.rf the pies. ^

glisevrysi. : T-'-ir - .;-■.tl-..tyso-L *
WAtvwhusti.:^* Taa

farms in

Grand Travers County. Midi:, where your

wade: e


III ii 11<
XM fMt. tkWM 1


“1............ «


H . M- I n
f«M tonh «ad ns

cMt*^ H »Q« bMRMB'iaictkai
tlMM 1 Mtf t
^ tbCM MM "
n iMt. tllMM
in 44 ^
CMMMdnt n IMt MOUI Ud m IMt «Wt Of W*/
aoM bMVMB Mctkoo 1 tad I. tboBM mmU in
IMt, IBOMO eoM M foM, UtcttM north 110 iMt.


m .«


0< 1 «4
01 1 n
or 1 n







1 00


.1 IS





1 00


in ' M
3 to

1 00
1 00
1 n
1 00

od iaO Addliloo.

1 00
1 »

|S tS.Vi;.-w'.u-'






1 M
1 34
1 35

1 00
1 OO

1 35

.. IS
S! !S

NoRh Fife Ukr.



IS 1IS35



S» ! its 12
“• ”• ” ”“!!s
IS .i’......

14 n

2.” Wo;::::

1 00

■■ F«» lAke LtumbofTo.VAddakiB**

.h u s Is
BOM ond Anlheov-i Adidtihn.





I n

AMerooB-. Addlilea.




S00 !S
1 00




1 n
1 00
1 00


tlnMRHWHhc n loi£«Mth ud m IMt M of 14
. fOM liMVOOB ntfa> 1 B>4 I. th«M MMlb ICO
not, thOBM t*M n fcM. tbmeo north in tret.

I 40
14 M


2 IS

. Pun) of iMd ooaaoBolw tt Com woth aad m
Tm OMt o( 44 BOM bOtlTMB MOtlOM 1 Ud I.
“■“tt MMth in lOM. tbOM OOM M ICM. IbnCR.
— icM.
" "eot to Mflh*'
Bflcth in

1 00

S !S
.=Dl !S
1 00

tboBOO CBM OB north line or aoid block to Ur
BorUooot ecrarr or told block, ibraer omU■*««
of nld blott to BUM


Oencrol Ne««.
G«Bero) rrad D. Gnat U M (be bMd
of e morrarat la .S'rv Torb for Ur
' foralas ot ea utacUlloa to perprt-.
, urr tbe araoT.T cf Robert relion.
' 'bo' larceicr of the steeaboai. It Ik
;.rofw*rd (0 da tbl* bf prrctlBf: • ana
Iimrat lo roet aboni |«i>0.0<i0 ral>rd b;
rtcpuUr tubM-rlpikm.
A rUlB vBi OBfr plierd la ihr
hand* of Jsdp.- Prtrrr ct BonK-tr. Ur...
t for coUrrtioe. A BOdrr »e« »rai a '
' tho debtor, vbo relied aal ptuBlard
’ ■'> pBr ib.> fnllotrtaR Sotardei. The !
KBld: "Now. doon M]r ;nu will |
'pay Sa'mday eisbi ualr«< ^nu
• .. J >! i*l.-o a tfw daye ar.r- and ».• ,
-Uir. See }r>4 *111 pey n-,- w.-dnr. |
riay.- -All riBbt.- raid Ihr man. -|i •
I lit.' imt‘: nrar Wrdareday I sill pa> i
i!;at bill.-' Wrdoreday ceatr. b.ii tuil
man appeared to triilr ibr bill, ehrrr ;
upon ibe jodgr nnwr <wl a eo;l.--i- or!

'■ t ■

To Be Frank
you hare really never
eaten a true soda cracker
until you have eaten

The only soda cracker
which is all good and
always good, protected
from strange h^ds by a
dust tight, moisture
proof package.

dally papr-r. Ttir oral day iltr bUI!
■ j ee. rriil.-,].
S^tar THImaa Ik Ibr Ulret addi■ lia In tb> riau <if -'vrrplni; saS'
!eior».' He l.rcl.-c doe'o and aolibrd
. aloud as hr rnorindrd his aprccb In
; Ihr araair cn Ur rear of Mr*. Mor
rlj. *bo »as rjmri from Ibr whlir
, h»u«r. Si-naiur Tbursiun vrpi mber
Mw inadr hit «prcrh im ruban rrrlpm.] ll.r. bol thr priM' • areji-T" of Ihrta all
j U SiHjaior Teilrr nf Cfdiirado. AI ih.
■ b«■^l b1« vnirr 1* tearful, lull of laiiI OhrlKoptH-r K Connd. smr of ibe.'nayum. wna Mrarnntird ta Mltta' yrara hr hae tuu-n BitlpK way
I Oldcsi Iirraiau
raiBU r-ildeals
r-sWeais iai Adrian, waka. InJ. while irtaalBR a liBbI
' ferlluef aad ah‘-a
V ••IrrtHr llRhi raapBBy lo il
)iU scb}r-i hr sbr]* tear* aud bl> dUsi ai the aim'of TP >.-ar«. F..r llfiy I
viilru Is rhu>.rd alili sobs an'd rmn years tw p-sid-d in Ihe biiildlnp which die.
as a lavem.
tkjn. The ls«' Srnaior Ultrhrll n!
The botrt of aiaie oadllora hare apOrrg.m wa* al-o In Ifu- wfeplnc rlarTbe nim.m W.Kden MiUs are run ,,„.pruird $K.o*l for R-bulldln, the
of runatori.
alnK part U ihe.r plam four nichis « .Ihr of ihe Normal achoM
H. E. >liiaiias:ua is proparlns
per w.e-s in order lo rh
orders , „ MirRne.<e, which waa destroyed by
j I's ablUb a pmnaami Indian rvhibi
Rilmln r. rkins. a lumier reKldi nl of file.
I lino In smiihrrn t'allfonila. It
j haw' a eroap «f rrrrj irllu.' nf ladlaot
I In Niirih America p'-rmaiK'eHy ■
I iiT.'d ihcTP. besides an ari nllery . _
jiiiniaK InciUn pIioi.iirni|*i. TJi.- Indlaiu will live In ihrfr priralilre hsbliaihWK. rlolhr.1 In tbMr naih.- dress.

"S “S M IS





5!S iS S IS


» 'I : IH
, “J



s a is

llsl 1tali
rinf ttonok’o iBd Addtdoo.


112 12 S iS
S8 IS 2 12

10 .................... I
PertT HohBBk'e trd AMIUob.
Lot 10 had 044 of lot
LMTu.............. 4 31
100 If
SteOBAh. Ut A Oo. IM AddiliOB.







- "


a=i..ajij ii

JQ i i

£533SS:;:.“ Ottwood*£AMHICB.





1 M
1 00

1 00
1 00

s a !s






I 00
1 00

51 IS
I 00




—‘■“'“ -ii
“■ ..........

= -

naks. 1

1 n

'S 1! IS
North AdditSoB.



A. E. Green, a farmer of FannlnR'oa. was hi'.pinL.' break a rnl' when
tbe animal rcM'<-<l. his from fit” sink.
I ini: Gr*-en, on ibe heart and slmulder.
j He is in a erifiral condition.

1 00

1 W

J 53










LbU IB a»4 30 .



Broadhagen’s Barn

. Wikh a carload of No. 1 good lodiana Hones

t-EO 80L_0IVI0IM

How You Can Plow More Land
In Less Time and With Fewer Horses.


LOU 35. 87, M. SI. 4®'^
d 43 .................. 3


X 00

orMtuercuilw lued.
a be UBad esi el the
'ft m'. Knud.^.-wWa l«bM« (be draft
No Medics. Peru la BmeM eiuw end Im-

ThiaNo. n.Stdky

i&’lMaSLuiy eu4


I Tl

Tore MIBea OlloM PlMvela Um


3 K
1 II
3 53
4 Ot. 1 04
5 S3




rittl of way of G. B. A I. R-y. Ueece slenc east
Uec «f aald risbl cr way to (be nottb line of asld
«44 ef aeU. theaee Mat alobg aald lies to plate
of bniBBlBR .......
1 03

1 00
1 00
I 0«
1 00
1 OO
1 06

1 00

Lou 5 and IS....... 50 10 33
3 58


I 00

Unk 3bb44............. X'
Lo( 4 ........................3


1 00

I 48





2 S !S isi£s^=


caa tat eu| ebeJs lor las mooertl WiU For Tea

I fW

land beRlnnloR ml Ibe DbiUenst eoraer
sc me WM or ae4>. aec. 33-354. ihOBce aoMb aloBR
«•« ItM Of Mid w4b oC aeta. i< rods to land

IS ,n 11 12
FM niaty«bdMMeB M OBkwcod.

etite Now*.
Anna Menellaad of Renton Harbor,
ihr s >-.-ars,l,l *lrl mho was searehed
' f'»r all day and all alphi by farmers
and sheriff's depiilles sooth of Kiwn.
I vas foiioil a' the home of a cousin
j wh.Te she t^t oa Holiday wiihoui
I lelllni: her nXihrr.


5101 IS
] 00

”5 IS ■“ is

HMMOh. Ur A 00.*B <nd AddlUOB.


1 00
1 00


M. Fonieres. ibr new prwddrni uf
Kranor, has B larer. round faer. Ills
hair is while, profuse and InHInrd lo
riirl. He has fur (hlrty yrars worn a
rrami <d ihe same paiirm—namely
dark Mu.- with nblle spots. He In­
variably mnies an nmhrelia—even
dorlos Bar weaibor He Is an earij
riser, cwilng up nanally l-efnre 7
o'rluek and pen.-mlly pnw lo bed ai
I". He is fond of domestic life.

Ul4 3. 3. 4. I. A 1.1,
I. 10. II. It. II BBd

03 I 00
03 Xtt

■ EV.VV' “ ifj^.

^ I'm- A NUMBER OF HER.ALl) SUBSCRIBERS have asked if ihc premA«
ium offer of the Herald and Farm and Fireside cannot be extended for a
short lime, and we are y)ad to announce that we have made satisfactory arraoee'
mems with the publwhers of Farm and Fireside and are therefore able to continue
this offer for the preoent.
The time, however, will have to be somewhat limited, and we would ask tbooe
wio desire to avail th.;mselves of this offer to make remittance at as early a date
as possible.
Please bear this in mind that every Herald subscriber who has paid for the Hei*.
a’d in full to Jan. 1. liM)7. will receive Farm and Fireside one year abs^utely free.


Nelson. Bsfthu
Johnson and I were tointf. I will
tor ihto time, boplac lo see thli
in print. S3 enwd-byr. From
Ace 10.
BSIc JohnaoB.
Your Ctoliimaa czeretoes most bate
been eeir prstty, aad lots ef tan n*
UdcoIo. of wbom we are alt eo prood.
woaM Bot bare doae aa naktad-tblac
te aayme, aad ba waa aa klad aad torKlncsley. Mich. Jnc. 17. IP06.
Prtsldsnl—Tbto to Ibe flrsi
toe to mile, belplen aatnala aa be
time 'bat I base wruten
I win tell
waa to iwople.


m m4 mtu
M teraa I M

I «ili trr to M to*to» MpM
•M Wiri to
M to
rrlMl^ thM*.
tr I
faU to trrim to «a
ttaaa tUtofi, I «MI *liy, tty

icu* Bower plant. Afire
After I bad aouraour-| )ot. .*3! U. I.. ,isr j F. I
ished Ifcc idant I rank Into Ibe ftoiind the.---selected
and pamed ahme bsck to the sea-"
my old bcmie. and acain was taken
up by itejcreai sun as van» aod be^’
' came pww a fleecy dead, and I hopt
ibst w£eti^ fall upon tbe carA acain
I win ctoiden aomc heart by restor

Jr Mr

lug to life some wltherinc treoanre.
r:ro, u-hieh fl ,«-,ro0 rr. a.-ri
So I kyep c^c all >be lime without
any ram. -Bn; belptBK'otbrix I ,aci, K3-ul!f-I!e :r. -t- r-.tfen- a.
brer.- .t-:lt*.l ,n it.,- .-lallchl ..f thr
amply repaid for all mv work. But
It were no', for ibc secs and other we:.l r.h.-o bv bid pi.e,- end
lU’.-airlcd fr.-..3i H* b..toe ret-!h: bodtoa of,water, tbe people wo Jld
!bv .nm:Ululy pc^ fur want ot water to wa
pei.i ra and kiedare* .-1
ter their crop*. And there would be' "'*•

tia Ibc flm pace of Ibla week’* Her- yon wbai I fh tor Chritimas. 1 got a
pencil, a pretty pkttarc
aid t oo win Sad aonelblac aboet Uacola's gfe. aad 1 hope yt» will an read •ad a nlw book aad a box of dominoes.
pets I bass a dcs and a cat. Hy
It. aad aee bow eotblac
hlD^ bat Ibal tbc ereader tbe dilieaU- ■Izters' naraet ere Millie and Nina;
no prone *>«en and xreru press and le* Ibe more be detemlaed to rise . . brolbet* are Glen and ClUford.
tbe bexailfiil irecs wofid not bavej*'^''
[«re tbem. and la tbe ead be coo- After I cet home from schdol I have
rr afford
sered them. Jon aa you ou> eoaqser to feed tbc Plea aad tie and feed ibe
y chUdtvii. So people
cows and cet the hay down for tbc
HU trtaU today.
d drearlsotne
bone*. Well. I rannot think of any

SciamU City. Htcfa.. Jan. K. IPOS.
Daar preaWW—I am well aad hope
ID are tba aame. I p>l a work bor
Id a aiory book. I aDS Id tbe am;
srade aad 1 study arttimrtir and spellioe and laanaee. I drew a rtalr. Tfals
laaUtM 1 COB iblDk of for Ibis Ume.
5 cood-bye. From
Ace C.
Brma Kelaob
I world like to see tbe cbalr y
rew. t expect It was pretty nice.
Praaltwit, Habal Batoa.
Menroe Ceater. Mleb„ Jaa. 16. IM6.
IHito ViM PrwWwa Clara Bataa
Dear Frealdeal^ iboacht I would
•aeand Vlea Pftaldawt. ton. Irara write you a few lines to let you
1 am sUll a mamber of tbe Suu-

iblnc tonre. « will sa>- «»o--bje !
From'yonr friend.
Ase Ifl.
Willis W11.0D.
wmi* to certainly reinembe.-lus that j
he U asunshlner when be bvtpi tak'.-:
kln.1 f. tbe cnlmal. i
cTory nIchL


'' "

in ^

a ,^;-.uuy «■
lI tyi- SU.I tsn 1

,, tS.tscJn avJ liar-liii
Ti-. -.- V-,- , -V.,
n-?'.? •?,- - .
»r •:

..a ,

I w«iM

'4--v.-a h.u. a.v


It i* snowinc ouidocri^

Summit City Hleh Jah. 17. I9«E.
>«' » '* »"* ''"f
We.jatrei- an.l «uitu.-i ax a n;oth.r
Dear Preildeni-We
are all
all well
well and
and ., bare tome nice weaibor f-u- Jan-tirj.
1-r >■„ r l.,!.-, l.,m-.m --.-j-;..-,'.
•e are
ime, I *,.!b»ver-twe?-l
hope y*a arc
the same.
*nl a cun'wr?- I like to trad :bc laur»j
ii* is)r . ia::-.:bl i!j! Ills-.-! Th'.-’ri 1
and raucer and a slorv lumk for CbrNI'be Suasblae deparimem.
TTilr -'l < 5 11
mas presenu I am at school now. M- ;
M:,l,were driii'sms.
teacher's namo to.UzzIc Kile
We.“f"* A

have IB scholar* In arbool today. Mv>
crendpa has coi a horse and she will i
'be*^' '«
ahlDC dab. I bare lost the piD, but
‘hat I call I)
,iii‘"Brhi . person if ,vo« I h.rallt.x t. r tbefr n-*-,card and I fo by tbe rule* kick up and sUnd on her front feel.,

latloBs of tbe clnb. I wonid nsocraphy.premmar.spelllnB, pbyriel-i'’^‘'b vour t-.-l
at him.
like yon to send me anotber pin, and
.This Is all that I can tbmk of \
also <me for ay brother. He Is
for Ibis time. Ic c^d-bye.
years ot ace: I am H years of t
>ame to Clarence llaekey.
Age 12.
Anson Kelnm.
to Alooso Hackey. 1 wUl h
time. Cood-bye.
O. cmt Uncoln! Tb# prtto «*
to eloae tor ibis Ume. buplnc te h
From yiiur Siimblai-r.
Tky mem-ory to bean erer dear,
1 Age II.
Lynn All.
Betored aad kaova Id all atattoo
I would like to see that funny n
Summit City. Hleh.. Jan. IK. I»»6.
<-r. Yen uiuti have lots of s)s>ri
Tky aaae Is allll beard tor aad a>
Aloiao Uackey.
Dear President—I am ■well and hope him.
Onr yoolb la tbe Uad erer tore tbee,
lolir tbe clnb’ wc are su
you are the same. I col a pwlr df sus
And lean of thy deed* ever fan.
King*Iey. R F. II I. Mt.-h. Jan
There «ere tune <n Ihlt bread ^irli posed te be members as lone as wC' penders aad a story book tar Christ
llear President—As It bs< tov
re. I am glad Alonso remembt-ra
Uy brolbers. Anson
abore dtee.
iBl. aad tfloa fo keep tbu rules.
and Ctoreace. played ilddeldy-wtnk!.. long time since 1 wrote to you. I will
Tby neta^ null ever eadore.
Abmib beat three ranies. This to all
SammlL City. BIcIl. Jan. 1C. im.
I can think of tor this Ume. s-j cuod- ten y.-l an.l think they an- v.-rj nice.
Tea. well lore thee lorerer and are.
Dear PresldeDt~l am well aud bopc
I go to school nearly every day. I
re. From
Bleaaad tar at waa that Mnb day.
you are tbe same. 1 cot a cup aod
have not missed a day sinre N.-w
Ace 10.
Howard Nelson.
Wbteh (are to tbto creataat or natloai
raneer and a story book aad a pair of
Which do you think to tbe mosi fun.'s. Our teacher 1* Mi>s
Great Lliieotn, we boaor today.
akatea for Cbrtolmas preaeata
She to very kind tu us. I study
checkers or tlddk-*]e-wink*?
teacher’s name is Mre. Uilre Kile. I
btoinry. g.«grapbf, gram
UaeolA-a •IrtMay.
study readtac. spelUnc and aritbmeUc. Elk Rapids. B. F. D. 1. Jsn. IP.
m^r and spelling It U very rainy hurv
TU spleodld to tire aa staadly
Hear Prealdeni-As I have norhlDE i.'-lay: ratisi all «>f the field, sre Irtie
Hy brother and two sisters did not so
TItot hmc after joa are coee.
to idioel Honday. Anson and my pa to do Just now. I ihnURhl I would wi
I JUKt got hiiroe friwn Buiiilsy srh-ud.
Tbe Ihlnga poa did are remoinbered.
am wefl and fao|>e There were no’ many ihere. the roa.!<
and I played eheck-ers last nlsbt. It yon a tew fines.
Aad rceoaaied Doder |be soa;
was aaaty yesterday. srasD'l It? An- yon arc the same. I go lo school every
r Sunday ><bo
1X> lire so brareljr a^ purely.
I can. and have only mined
■oa and I cat a pair of rubbers. Hy
Hollis TsbbeoT.
That a oaikm eto^ oe tu way.
My icwt*cr's her vi^.pijich.
pa aad Hr. Hocnm are etiulnc loci to- two days thU term.
Aad tnoe a Mr. witb bauar aad
Hy brother Howard fs drawing
Hr. Jemra. I like him real colder
I thiiiid. red
ta Tbto la all that I ran Uilnk well: I am to Ibe fllih craile. M» and llgfait-ned a Hill.-,
Kaejw Ua IboushU et year oalal
sindica are rendlDK. ariibmeilr. geoc all I ranwhitiktaf now-, so I will close
of tar Ibis Udc^ 80 cood-bye. From
Ace 14.

Ctorenre Nelscs).
rttoby. wrlUiut. laneuige and .-rpeJIlne
Tour Sunshine Isiy,
bare Iota of fun at scbonl during
Wbat a happy thins It to for broth\V.-sl,-J Millra aod alaters all to belonc to the
a hour. Par a pet V.bave a nice
W'u are always sUil to hear
Bansblne club Oo yon not And Ihnl blc raosier that I (cot from a nelRblmr.
ir old Sirai-blae uh-iuIhts and lioj-yon hare better times toceibrr be- B’bra be was mile he would sli-ep Wesley <
anse you try to keep tbe rules in with tbe eats and when they wuul.l
Summer and flowers are tor away;
leave him be would cry. Hy brother
ukc sack other happy?
Glooar old Winter it klac today:
Tbe 8ey Lincoln.
and I found a squirrel's nest in Ibe
Bods will not blow, and ran will n
Summit City. HIdi.. Jaa. if. iPnc.
red Itfick eourlhou*!- w'lieh
woods tod we pul an ear of core at
. .
Dear PrealdcDi—I am won and hope
Ibe bottom of Ibe tree, which be took ha> lieon a central r.gure lii the p-ildkWhU aball I do for a raleatlne?
on arc Ibe tame. I sot a work box
after we went away. As I canoo; aquare of Ilumt III.-, lu.l. sinet- th­
od a fur to pul around ray neck, i
is being |iullt-il down i..
IVaaenreMd tba card cm aU throosh
iblak of any more I will close, with
B In readme and ariibraclle aad !
II the Sunsbiners. so gusl.
a In a laocoace class. I gol a story
etuie of mod'i-ii ar.-lilt.-.-tan-,
<nk tor a Cbrlsiraas present. This;
Bat bltto are atl««p. nsd blonsom
his brings u> lumO niiuilier ts.iin ic of Ibe Utile Sunshlnere.
to all that I can IhlDk of for this Urae.
uoeu siandiiig iui
ibis -lU-..
Aire li>.
»hel U Atl.-n.
so cood-bye. rrom
Afi tbc snow beau down s* my poor
Whsl s bapiiy thought It was to dve
reaiall..wkw«r.Iyou.h..d-MiuvJj '
Ace *Ada Nelson.
seooelhe I.1..I .rf 1.1, nation u,e.I j
ihe squlm-to the core. That was ebowWliat a Dio- Cbrlstmas you bad.
Be. Utile tovelleat lady mine.
Hie .-to ;
Ing the true Sunshine spirii.
ou most bare been clad wbeo 1:
Here U uy heart for your yaleellne.
Kingsley. R. F. D. :. Mich. Jsn. IP. q-jcnce. rude or otherw.s.-. uf jud,-.-, I


............. ratue.

lau«b.-.l »•


t ha%>- rung in m> r

—Unra B. Richards.



Honest Siots at


no Shoddy


I brve taught

LOT 23
Lots 235. 2:«i. 237 as adverliycd arc now sold

LOT 196
LOT 203
LOT 212
LOT 213
LOT 214
These arc a!I earlj' selections and arc ihe

Dear Presidenl—A* I have nre writ­
KlncBley. Hicb.. Jan. 17.
ten for a long time. I now take |ilrasnear President—I thoucfal 1 would ure In writing to the Herald
I go le
srrile a few lines to lei you know tbit
K'hisil ev<-ri day. I am In ihi- eigtii'i
I am srrtl aud-Tope ihts iciler will fled
• ill hi* haii-ls iiuHi lie lua. hed- "
grade. M> siuilitw eoiu-lsi* o| btoiur.i.
you tlKt same 1 tecelvol my card and
ariilimeUe, grammar, rivll govrre-i
buttOB. My UUIe brother Arthur has
One of Lii.i-..!if* <ibl nt-lthl-’f-s ,u:d:
rreelred hU card bul did not tent
Iqr. CHy. R. F. a 4.
;raphy. unhograpUy and wpelllng. 'Th.-tos. tlni.-J *.s-l Abe Uiiruh. h- Baby and Nellie pCdpa. Bmpire R. button: It did not oomn at all. IWar Mytracher to Hiss I^ihl Mantgold.
leal, esewse me tar not wrlllns
F. D. 1.
r. I had a itroadful cold but I
Hand Wearer, Port Oneida.
better miw. We have two d
Vora I. BancroR. Annie Siever, Clara
me yellow cat. ) rail my
and Lllllaa Kelly. Hnnnr. R. F. II. I.
one was -fhnatm*,."
KMe ami he knows fato uaun. Hy i
Uoyd Peart, dly. R. F. D, 4.
le ether was -WasIiiacl.Hl's n.ilM ettuld a-»viin.l hi- I. :• cl.-an it.iiu>| He
• are Jack aad Rorer. Our
Blla lautner. BttelU AUcIn-. City.
IBS Surprise.- The Ttren-nte 1 gtu f..r crilter.'
Smerdne has a'Lls neck aad we
. B. F. D. 3.
I.Hslmas wnre ihm- hB0tlki-rrbic4*.
tola of fun with Mine Ro«er. Have
Ida Beck. KtoQley.
pair lY rflihou*, s sill money purse,
When Lincoln WSs S Child.
nice larce doll with a nlc- cap.-,
Baby BIccs. Maple OV. B. P. D. 1.
Wssbiagion and tfncoln wre.- tsuh
must tell you that we are all
CArizitnas card frun my trachcr. l*s|Krbruory ItsHes—preitr eocid tar ih»
Ten Jnst onflht lo soe that Bunahtne alone the week leas. Mamma ha* all sides ktls of anu snd caudy. Iwllll,to„^,
tatter box on your prttodeari doak!
scbd you a Stocy tor the Herald. Thr.f„j,e q,,, ,er.- not
much silM.
t eow lo feed aad all the
It to no foil of leUers tbto week that
name of It to -The Travel* of a lum- oeorge was borh In old-Virgin,a. and
HtoaptUlnsalloywrtfaeaaMe. Wbai cblckt-Bs and all the wood In spill aad drop.- toM as If the raindrop w„ .ice j ITta.her and mother h.,1 a comfort
nra we nine to do abeot It? 1 ibtnk all the water to carry to the bare bi'
We haro
yoo will al fral lust as I do. and be sides all tbe bousewrork.
Igftille insimers. w hile nld Tom Uii
■e orxali. I know quite a lot "T^'i .1^^**°**^'
Clad that-ao many ot our Iwys and
k-rem your friend.
, g,«qv>atur.-,I
tor.le n.-s
Rlfto are wriilnc Interaallns toilers ot piret-s. and If voii bate a preliy
Ulliau SMiley.
wli.i would rather go linntUig i.-,sti
•n4 be wlllinc to wait your Inni Idoce idcase m-ud me on.- rw two aad
Thanh you tar tour pretty and w.-ll-l»
b„,,. ,
wilt all l» prtniod before eery thee I will in to Irani to |iliv ibera. wiim-n story. It will lntcre,t all our;w„jg
kac aad ntier this week's Mien are Well. I win bflnc tbto letter lo a einep.

iihrongh Hie hole* In the n-tf of Uto
takra ont there will be lou of room as It to bodUme wow. so guod nlsbt.
Tba Travels of s Rsindrop.
' Uig cabin. His mtuhre dlt«l when Abv
la the bn tor toora. Wc caa never dear prraideni. , Fram
am a mib- ralnUroi.. My tomie; wis tra- a child. Then- to m. ,;^
Mcllran Mar Nowmarcb.
base too many, can we. dran? if you
1 uBce to the wea, Tlie sea to a:t» show what »he kiokr.i like, or buv.-‘
am sorry Atthnr did pot cei hi*
do not nee youra in tbc paper ihl^
she rin-ssed
If her to.y hHlo-d ilue
week. Joti waieb tar next week's pa­ )Pln. and base sent him anotber. It
many Bsh and other water, her sbe wa* not a tweuty: and if shper aad It win bo pretty sure to be "'musl keep you busy belidns mamran
Bui one hot summer day I had no better clothes than T.>m l-n-'
while she Is akne.
prtoled then.
suddsoly found myself rising in ih.-iCtdn ewid girt her rh.- had no tiyk
Good Hsrbnr. Mich.. Jan. IT.
•Ir. drawn up by the power of the *un-| iwi she laut have been "all al-rioii<
Btooie you KH aezl week'* paper
near Prcsidfal-I will wriic n few
beam# 1 then became part of a cloud.; wlUiln. ' like the Uiip'- daught-r ato.ntwo npedal bolldays will hare paased., lines to yon and let you know that I One day I beard the farmer* nay lb<-t , whom tbs Bhie l••1to u*. lor shu knev
Uncotn-s birthday, oa Feb. t»th. and am well and hope yon — »- wanted It to nla no their crop* woul.1: brer lo make tbai lliile br.' .4 h.-„ ra
ValeaUae day. I hope you will all hnre II you wbai I cot for ChrisiI ihoucbt I would like lo bcli- dustriou* when his iath.-r wa* hlto.
>1 to celebrate UnI cot a dell and a act of dtob» them 8o one liar the cloud became studhso* wbea bis fa'h.-r wa, Isneranr.
eoto'* birthday, abd i»
a boz of luttonerr. I am la tbe very dark and hrary and the resuinand to t-c baaewt and kituilv asd pirrsi
i or tan on Vnisot
-■ townh ende
My stndlct are reada c«*d ram storm. I fcltoinlnded tike bereelf
She read the'
raber. denr 8nn»hlnat«. ibnt a
I- Inc. wrlUn*. artihmetic. ceacrephy. span a wirhered plant and It relsea' Bible to blnx and uugbt him t-i p-av
ttine msrabre will aevwt scad an oa-|lMwnace and spelliac
Hy iracber’s
It* drooptog leavea and looked freab i Before elm died she calh-d Iliilc ,MW
UM vnloclne to any one. for our j name Is Miss 8. P. Oaco. I bare a nous,
' bright. It crew and i-tassorawl, to her budilito and said in him: t
rains tmy we win be kind and lovtnff In. Anns Dnhira. who wanu to Md tbe and
the blouoms were very bcauUlur am gotag away from yua. Abrabata.
anfl try to make Mfeer people happy. Snnaktoe clnb: ptoaae aend her a card Vd
Tbe owBorot tbe (Hast j snd abAU.aM reiure, I kaow that
I bad lo^was very mneb pleaaed when she’
>e a ptod boy; mat you wtB
■» Sarah and lo .-«ur fi

LOT 184
LOT 188

ill FO^SALE!

PWda)'. Febnuri' tsu
Xrw meraben JolnlDs since last rc' ttortod:
>-|oyd Call. Utaor.
Bnth and HirJory Peart. Clara Um-

OM happy to cet an unkind valnitne. ilac
-----» thU acme
m that- Blla
_... Johnson
i I wrote >
^ .. so
rv bripbi
w.aiwM and
MIU fre*h
.rv*B «nd
aUO ibanke.1
Id ItT Ik w oar great prralflenL .*afl then we knd Bnatt Onns mad my^tbe Unto raindrop for saving

LOT 183

lu an



ua It eenalaly -woald not make any'aadpto. ..Iwaaiwafflatocue.

LOT 110
LOT 182

Pre*ld.<..-l have not wHtieu

j write f> you.

II..-:.;;, slid :w- .-tt.Tr


Rentlsnil Douglas*


SiQf. orr. ^hNn*-Hotel

Handsomest Lots in Oak Heights
the mosr charming addition to Traverse City. This
addition is now largely built ovep^ and gootl lots are
not easi'y obtainable. Thi-sr; lois will oe sold sepa­
rately. e.xccpting 1S2. l?Cf. I'*l.
i ii imisl bn sold to­
gether. All must go for »;ioi cadi, aod the prices
will be

I'he whole bunch uF

if void al one lime anti for cash down, would be

As th'.; price would be made accordingly .and to allow
for holding as an investment. Come quick for choice
of lots.

Also One Acre Lot
I ronting Hast Hay S rods and



20 rods,

less a strip two rods wide on northl side ifor «trec
vcr>’ doirable lot in this beautiful snb-jrban spot


123 From street



Does your baking: powder
contain alum ? Look upon
the label. Use only a powder
whose label shows it to be
made with cream of tartar.
NOTE—Safety lies in buying
ody the Royal Baking Powder,
tdrich is the best cream of tartar
baking powder diat can be had.


piBees were Indicated, they nil
I- kettle with a sianmer 1
seated their hearts to the SKitber of
Che mUe bowless.
polnra acconllne i
butler to the friewssee. tun Into a hot
hsana. iDac. tbe emblem of k>vc. disli. sprinkle with cAocaed parsley
stood tor lea: ted. el^t: white, five,
ad arrant the steamed bread on
while buck counted noly one polni
Tbe boy and gtrl who tecttred ibe
Parmip Souffle—Pan medium-sized
blghesi number of potau
reccired imrsnlps. steam or b<dl unUl tender,
a grab-bag of red oil tsdlco made in priies of Urge hean-Aaped boxes of and rob through a siere. Season with
heart thape. Inside of ellher. accord- candy, while all the others were pi»>
a tenspooo of sail, w duMIng .<
o your own choice, hate l&gUsfa semed wKb ronsoUtion prizes. ihv>e
•er and cif nutmeg, bri-dc- with
ff the Kiaie of Wiscaosla, bum
walnuu with tbe kerorU remored, being is<- tiBles* buar-matV whli-.
Iew»|«oDs of flour.'
Mis thoreach walnut tied with ted ribbon mad paper boxes ili .-oraied in c<T a.-id •• . •iiixhly. then fold In Ihe stiffly beaten
Hr has need Pvraaa In hb own family
safely locked Inside a little folded pa­ ver hearts au-l Oiled will Ui-lo cand. whlii-s Id four eggs. Turn into a bniwith the most graUfyiag resalb.
per, on which the fortune of the reclp. Wns.'
flrt-i.riiof serrlng dish! place It
lent Is wrtlien In rhyme
Various games werv Indulged lit
pan of hot water and run Into a a* so effleachau* ewurrh remedy.
rhymes are bom«''made,
among them the -cloihcs-piti te»i.- moOeraie ovea. Bake to a delicate
It IsjBSt sneh tseumuay a* this which
supposed to be "poetry''—Just rttyme. Two caniains were cboOTU. and the
ha* given Prrant «nrb a high stwadard
After ererytme has secured a walnut chiMreo divid.d Into parties. Bach
tbe eelimauon of tbe Ameneau
Cahbage Sough'—Shred (tMirs.-Ir .
the forlnocs are read aloud
At a side lined up. tbe captains at the head
solid, well hlaocbed head of cabbage
t* no possible way to galassr
party which I
with len clothes-pins each. These and rook In an abundance of salted ' There

•ueb frank and gconloe testtmooT.
Ibe fortuDe re
were passed singly down ibe lines. water until tender
tVnln and plare
Thr only way to arrouni for sneh SesHe'll
Jusi as rapidi,- as iHiwsIble wiibuu
buiu-red dl»h in lavers, w l; h . a t iimoay
imoay is (he fact that Peraaa' reaUy
(If be be n
dropping ihom. As soon as all ih- slieht sprinkling of grated r
IS claimed for It.
b short tad
pins are In his or her hand*, the on.
It rrliere* catarrh. It clear.
at Ihe end of each l‘ne must rui butter I id flour, add a rup of rich
to re-aasrft
down the line, and returo them to ih<
I iM-aien egg yolks and a saltMaiden. If you wish blm rail.
captain of that side without droppine
rb of sa't and nsnstard, stirHell be short!
forees ol
Caumi RcBMdj
The side which accomplishes
______________________ Ibe body wad Ihu.
Those Ibiags ndver come at all.
feat Orst is the winner, and may
the liewteii wbitrt ol Ibe c-gg' , rid the system of a great many dlflsreni,
As they on |!|
,1‘oiir Ibis over the cabbage and lake chronicdiseaaM.
She who wishew for blue eyea.
! their 1
all an hour.
{ Caurrb u the stronghold of ilegeriag
Gets them brown— .


taken, and the young w
voted the most derer In
and DtuairailoB may be glreo a prtae
emblematic of Uie day.
When this U Bnlahed trad the guest
Into a darkened room where fonuncs
grow.- Hare aa Immense red heart
of pasteboard with a lop that.lifts, or


Uses Peosoi Is llis Oss
Fssdiy ss a Cstanli



i home cheer.


KIM HAKl •ATU, (om»

Cupid turns all lorow' stgfas.
Upside down.

folks wi-n- aow i
the dlBlag-room.' In place of

Cabbage with Ham—Melt a table ;
XMO of buii.-r. and when bot turn In I

once rid tbe system of raurrb
” very dlffleuli indeed for dl
b> linger very long.


"Other Remedies Failed
—Pe-ru-na Efficacious." '

tree pints of white cnbbnge »hai<-<l
Do not look upon this reiwemafctitg
long, low one bad
Cover tightly and simmer
rMBweff BT. Hartioaffa AMaa.
Boa. tbs.. W, floner. Naitonsi Chapsk as bopelcas. Vou'd be anrprtsed been made from rarpeniers'
lack of the range until the eablrag.
Ur. Jebn C. Nelson, Dtytoa. Tenn_ lalB V. V. I'.. Kx-Chaplaio tth Wlwon)w easy It is to make rhymes when and lone boards. These wore
turn* yellow. Sprinkle with a lea- geologist wad mining engineer, while n slnOaealrv, Ki Tresaarernuirof Wis.
tee yo'j get started. If yuu cannot with a silencer, over which red Ossuednnng -'.'nrin and Kx-ifuarlermaster rtaaera]
iffsxin of sjli. a few gratas of cayenne, I'apUlB in the y.'edaral An
ibe taulu and follies of men wlib the originate your own wtyle gel the _
oftbeu- Miteof T'xi. U. A. U.. writes froai
paper was sinvad. Sratierrd
Qd a rup of minceil ruld Imllcd bam. ihei'irll War.cootractcda a
flowen of lure. Lore others and you verset of the old jlngtes and weave | surface
ITiio First St,. N. W..Washingua. ft, 4',
small gill
and sihi-r
dd ooe-iounb cup of wine vinegar.
win spread the delict of yooth orer' jour own words.
Thi* maladp wa* eon.lsal and per: hoarl*. while at each plan- a glliletl or
It hapiNMd iB ihU way. lore, aa fon
Ir well, cover and cook slowly for
all you meet, and In doing eo you
sisteal, IndoriSg the deerlopmeal of
silvered wishbone held a aame card
remeaiber. too.
lO iHM'rs.
oUier ailments, wbirh also Iwegme
lire Intensely: for you will lire wilhlo InneheoB with grape fruit. Then sene
wlih a valemliie gyecliilg. From the
I wrote a tender lay. lore, and aoat
lleiilellK-rg Cablmge—Quarter a Bm- ehrooir. After ukiag a <xinr*e uf
not only jroor own life, but nlso the ‘TroBCh
with peas and pouioos chandelier was suspended a dull ar­
it airal^ to fm>.
•ad of cabbage, cut out the lancr Pernov Cajd. Nelson vrile*:
llres of all whom yen bless by loro
.me dainty form. Of courae have rayed as a cupId. and bearing aloft a
alk and shred the cabbage very fine
••Seme meatben
my 0wm turn"ttavlBg been palnMlIy afllcM with
II warn a valeeilnc. lore. In wbldi I Tbai Is the bent religion, the life
Ihe Jelly and the other dainties, salt blood-red fatan pierced with a goMen
y have irieff * wftfl meet gretKySprinkle It with a lerel labl.-spoon <rf chnioir rbeuraaUsm and the adjuortire
Christ, tbe veo- life of God. 'That
traly aald
«d almonds and ollrra <ui ihu ubie I arrow. The Iliilc folks wen- ik-Ilgbit-d
'•Is. yjelt half a cup of tfomplieati..ii' for many years, and after
ODc vitb Him whose ami
Uakaa yoo would bo olnc, loro. I
would not make the liiile liuicheoii
decorallom.. as well as
buti.T 111 a s1<-W|aii. put lu tbe cab- having riseivrd many general and
kindlea the uniri-rw'. whose loye. mo
would, alia, be dead.
formal in any way—Jiisi .lainty. Th.o simitl.- menu of ereamod rbickiw
only temporary
liag"- and let it sininu.' uuill soft aad
Ing In the spring, U the beauty that
•f. I read yonr seienliUc treatise r
lad sorted on bleached lettuce,
‘. boiri'sbap.-d
bn-ad-and buiter yellow
miiiiiKw Is'fore s.-rvI pialaod In erery line. loro, your lencbanti our seusc* and bean, and
lee cnam in heart shapi- and in
iilw'iebe*. beart-shaptsJ tmildr m Ing dnslge 111 a ij-iarter uf a cup of
sweet and iierfect way*.
1. I. Hewitt, J.P. West llerlia,Vl.,
|inspl». our soul."
"At my request, ysa prescribe,
red, If posollde. It Iheiv are brides
Jelly Wiili meringue on loji. margiier Hour, silrrtng It while rooking.
And plaeed you In ay abrtno. loro.
me a •penal rour*«. of the I’eruna reme­
Uut gto lrtK- tote spirit always Im- engaged girls luesent It would be,
tics and milk or bm coevts.
Cnametl I'ablNige loi T.«si—Cue a dies, wbl.'h I elusely followed, and an
wolwhip all ay daya
pllcr actiuo. and action brings Its own
urul to serve Uielr l«- in hearts
fter nuciiber rlmiile gam<- or twai small eabbag«- In quarters and stand happy lo report that my ThramaiisiT
I paid that rotes red. lore, were in reward In grrwier ct|iaclly (or loving vk-rced with arrows, leaving ibe lee
little folks went home with Joyaad complicated atimenu are .nisiusd water for ah buMr,
serriug. The aecood writer
your eboeka ad^looa;
and 1 feel young agala at tbe age oi
remeniliraua.-s of llieir "very best
a saure-imii with an abiiai
louebes upon this as follows;
lended* placed lH.(ure Ibe Wber young
Toorr eye* were ata^ I a
I ami reu.k for len mlnatcs. Take •laiy-nine years.
isrtheu-k-my Wife with
-Perform a kind ncHon. and you Had nKDea. heart whole. Then chme with;
your brtaib a awW pr
•■Reamw wflf accepf ywrrelBBritaa kind feeling growing In youraoU. non boos, bean shapcri. and Ibe eofftoaof <m/TAaf«acasgs ns acfeatMi and my daugbi-r with a i
Prrity Valtniine Hints.
i tniiiueiii', then return li tu ibe
Tour roloe was aoale lire, lore: your eren If It was not there before. Aa
aafffnw. mad tbe Penaa regrefffca tu They were l->th eared.
With Bumi- water-roliir paper, a box saiuviisn with pk-iiiy.irf bulllug wa
"i am willing t>. stale II
araoo a dairy's own:
you Incresae the number o. objects
If you serve at 5 I think I woul.l of palui*. w.inego^'nnd silver palm,
taken la tbe Iwctaaiag. w
salt and iwu table.
AM that yoar wealth or hair. lore. of your kind and cbnrliable Inu-rovt, have the menu even more simple. y\ir
worst e..ld la St loot boBiB.'
vnleniines can be fash^n.-.! nt home sisMtns of buii.u-. Ia-i it rnok rapidly
like goldeB sunshlue abaoc.
you had ibat the more y<
appetizer st-rvo aa oyster eocktail quite as pretty as tboke on sni,. in the
r iw.miy minuit-s. add a '
them the more you love them. Keno -you can get tbe tomato sauce al­
I piaolaed to be true. lora. and crer
and w ill Is- ireasured far tnonking suila an.I ^sik ten
For Cupid's FsasL
otherw, not Decause they an- Interett- ready prtvan-d. yuu know, and it U
by tho rvcipieiil.
to adoe:
'blekeli l‘ates~<*u( eidd
•re. I>ra>ii it In a sjeve: arraugei
IBS, not iM-fause they an- grwieful absolutely on trouble. Tlieu i
A pretty banging pin euslikuj I* u
All this 1 said to yon. lore, la kmppy
me bun.-vil luast on a h<ff 4luh. Into sniBlV Mis liib. one i.-asp<
day* of yore. .
duster of small )o-aris of red sntlii
' the i-alii«i!e u|sm It and |u>ur over
(•asputn eoruslar
• .11 ». llh .Mie half e-upful of ngar.
serre them when they are ungrateful, bran ahapr. Vt'Hh this liavtstn-pi-nded from rlld».us id .llffen-ui
by hrailag two ,-uiw of batter »u.| i-ornsian Ji. Ill ihlri
-• F.ibl in II,e ■.iiffij Mai.-n whilirt of
And now. though jUata have Sown.
■ becsusc Ibe.v ar Ibe
plcklmi, sailed nuts. Jelly- (which h-agih*.
h- r.-si .of a b-lnoii and a run eream. ||iai en-ain Wh.-ii
1 i iwo
an.I beaii ii|H>n Hu- lake.
lore, our hearu arc atiU as young drew of your l-'allier. nod iben.fiiri.- are might U- seni-d iudirhlualiy
Cunning little |*>ors ale hi-ail.1 tlJek.-t,
i-nliig wuli II iibl.s iblek.iis an.I Is-nmo-s ........... ... ad-l the'
Aa when at Cupid'a throue, lore, our
bean shapei. sud let ibe coffiv conie sbaiKVl baskets made of red erv|H- pa­
our I Iden
-ndi-d w:th one of ,-lileki-n and a bau.llul of ehop|s-d si u - l-aklug i»wi|er wiib o>ni milk or
•rM gtad aongi were aung.
And Uni ihe fenoal hoarl keeps lime with Ibis courm.-—ur chocolale, if you
per. twisiog Into n cortl nud sewn to s t.Hlier; after csv.kinc n.lDUVe the bay mood mroi.s
dasw-s. but Mr*. Uti^ilu has used
with the cbarilible hands.
Have also Saratoga chips. heari-sbaped foundation. A baaiUe
Ih.- mlxiure i rea.Iy to. the shells. I i.
That ratetlM e( yore, tore, 1 now iw
fnqu.-tiily and with lacedtent reThen l.ring on your Itwa. cake and made of the tw isle.1 paper over a re
In the Juice uf
Cuidd |.Bie abedls—Make pnff past.-,'.
The work] is full of gUdnes*.
■ be soda camboo boils.
V, and i«|H-r riowers are tied
■he cabbage.
With ptalaes eren more. lore. U»n
.11 .Kit andFju, int.. round*. Plaee:wu.wl with tb* arid la «... „... ,,
Tho world Is full of song,
ISIS rlitiuoe a verse appm the linodle. These are flilnl wiib bonRakrtl Uni
arheo I wrote the lay.
f.iiir r..iu,a* on top of ,*cb -'h.T. anffh—nr* prodare Ihe .Jraired
be mists may rise above us.
prtate for each girl and write Ibe loasl
thick slice* large while aatoa*.
«Ith a small h.wrt-*hai-.d run.-, cm ■ .mount .ff g.., and a .mail amoant of
They will pot tarry hng.
I thought I iored yon then, lore;
on her place card. L« It bt- known
r a valenilDe iiari
boll in pleaty of salu-d water, drali balf-waj through III.. Pil.. S-i tn the; taking ,..w.l..r ta addition lo (be
know t lore you now;
(hat these toasts atv not i
rhanitdiers. pielurvs oi
Thla world is what we makv II.
well.' arrange In a buttered bakinj
g-ddea browB gi,..„ amount of bl-cArbooalt- of soda
To you I kneel again. lore, and giaater
uaill tho time for toasUi
and doors w ith beans
Then let na all be glad:
dish, dot with bits of Uilier and Imki Tak.- from th- <>i 0 «ird carefully r
will inake Ibe dough lighter.
lore avow.
Then let «-ach young womai
Tbero's bosuiy all around n«.
until soft and a pale veUow. Sprinkle
t'-W.eaide* sfaoubl U- i-isik.d IB BS
(oast which the botless has allotted
Vnlque invlinilons for n vnli-mloe with sail and pi-iim-r and rov
Why, then, aboold w-e be aadT '
Toa'ra dearer erery way. tore, more
■ >..1,. _k....__ .....
To llluairaie the choosing of
^ beautUnl and tweet
wav I, I., steam ih' in 8<i much of (ha
l^ugfa eiuuda may gather o'er nt.
Inasls for the dlffcn-at y'oung
id cut henn-shnpe. Two pieces
thickly dredgi-d with grated riit-cwr
- sM-il, I
*henVhee ibat CuNd’e day. lore, al­
vabiabk- salt* are wasbed otil by bid],
And'tronblea Ml like rain,
I, take, for instance, this .
Return to the oven'long eouogb
lowed me to entreat
ug 111 i.s> oiucii wat.e,
he sun will Aiae above ibem
which serve* for your deanwi frk
llh baby rlbUm. On the Inside Is melt the cl«^n-<..
It to fill. Wh.-ii Ih.. sw,
And all be bright sgalo.
Nero's to ibu prettiest.
*911 lug.-tabb*
l••ft• over ran Im .
rre loaad you are dlrlue, lore, yoor
wriiien Ihe nsffle.daie and hour. Thr.wdy r,.|uuve lliv lop from II
Carrots with Fine Herbs — I
Here's to tbe wittiest.
waiaii-.l again, i-iiher in a rnsam
purtty and worth
* are di-eoratt-d with whole
I. flit Ihe reilItT wHh II
cic-amul carrots In Julienne .irJp», Put
Well cheer tho bcavy-hoarlad.
Here's to the truest of all who broken beans pierced with tiny
put ru a double holler and
Kar^ made tbit heme of nine. lire, a
e top an
And raise tbe fallen oav;
are irvc.
haarea eo the earth.
Utile more huuer.
hof*ail II
lump Iff buTti-r and a slight dusting of
Well labor for ibe Haticr.
Mere's lu the sweetesl one.
Irat*. Salad—laiy e..f.-rr.
A hrolh Biad-yfrom while Uanc 1*
xud b-t Ibem strain hi their own
TUI all our work la donv.
So phee thla raleatinc. lore, betide
Here's to the uealest one.
lev to ert*p. U|ii-U grapse and take j ntssL wbir- a wfall.- S.ork is nquirisl.
Cnroroen Growths of Mother Carth. Juice until leud.-r. adding a wry lltthe oae of yore.
Here's to them all tn oue.
terefoliy. wuak
And MI me you aia mine. lore, as
Here's lo you.
It", cup of quamr.-d grBF-* and"’*'''! ’Unit', drain and add freah waler
Olgas of DO longer relishing the hubi iipflnkU. a duning of flour oier them
eweelly at before.
For the girl wbu is known to
up* .if r..|ery,* up ahh *" 'U*' niMralng—ihive ptula at water
ble squash. l*wt. rorn.t. luralp and
firi.,-n minute* U-C(->- dishing for
Toa ai* my aweeibuart yei. lore, and
Ural*,- dresring, sd.l ..nouxb r,-dj'” ” k'l.' »f Man,—nnk gruily uatil
rabUge. try
seniag tbe nunmun
table siirJokI- Ibem with mb
1 aflcntaoB valentine i
yoor true lore an I.
ch. irie* In ihak- Ifae salad pn ity aa-l!U it 1* lo be used as a siurk.
growth In iffhiT.ways. nays a wriu-r iwr-l.'y. a pinch ol elove* ami ti.e
ehe's beautiful. Ihcrgfore lo be
And we wUI Bot forget, lore, to be ao
eri»p t.-lluev Mar
I s'ra^O withiiul maablng ib.- Man*.
In Good Hou*ekee|ilng
r a i-iann. ifa,-n M.-rre.
It It really very difficult to find anyt'upld c k.~—One cop .rf sugar..g«-’
UrfI »*g». ..n. r it,“ ,-gge
Squash Pull—Free* dry
Carroi* au Jus—Slmmi-r ‘n IsiiUng
ttalng new for ralenltn^ enlcrraln- Ibe't a woman, therefore to Iw woo."
-H. C. Dnlge. In Oil.
air eup ••! l.uii.T fsranii.*iwo egg*. '**'h cold waler lit a s»a.-,.|an, place'
luash through a sieve: t.i a halt gilni
meni*. bui an idea comes lo me wblcii
This bit .ff Shakeeitenre. I believe,
rie eu|. of milk. tai. rup* ,ff 0.wr.
Ore, an-i w-h*ii ihe waier .
■r carrots.
Slowly rook a quart.
Id tw.i tablespoons,ot I,..tier,
have never seen lesled— and Ihe
hate qnuled corri
V.. i.w*i»,oD> of lakmg iMiwder.
l*,iiing iwlni tho agga
quarter of a eup of milk. »ea~mmg .u
proof of the pudding is lu the eating,
• Thy lore shall ebaat It* o
r lirirp a spumfu] of ih.‘ bun.-r Into e*'" 'b"riwlly i-i«db.-d. n-move al (mu '
»aU and pep|s,-r. and I*.. iH-aien egg
you know—but which presemts iim-ir
ti. art shai*-! tin and'try.
If n..i'hnd ih-ivc, '
yidk*. Mix ihonuighly. fold In two brown grav y ..r sau.-e, one u-a»i*>..n
a* plausible for a mile gathering of
• After
A Children's Valentine Party.
. own llft-workliig.
bealni egg whlieti. and turn Into a but .;hopp.wl iwrsle. and tl..- drainr'd r<i
Klita who know each other

Cbildreh ranging from six to iwelre
>1*. and simm.-r he flfu-en min...... *
pan of hot waie
eatlnc's day. of rourse. It essrallanv will greatly enjoy a iiarir such a* was
ThBrot Poitey.
• Set on thy tlgblag llpa than make
tiirtiip* with VelMw fiaurt—Par.'
and lake in the oven until the rente
Ihe day of -vertes- and bvaris ahd given last year by a liitip miss of
A ib*"..' wa, called to vlaU a boy '
thee glbd;
1* ftnu
Serve turned from Ihe mol.
nd die.-'...'fib-ieni uirtilps to fill a
iw.dw* .dd . As be MUcrad Ibe
• A poor maa aerved by ther Aall ■
A week bdore Saint Valen and aeriuBiianled by a Meh rn-am
SImpl.. <(•- I'r-am—Oii>rmn measure
I'.H.k in Imlllng waPlace an easel lu one
line's Osy- nou-s of iavltaiiun were sauce

Bake lhe« rich;
vam. on., g.sart vf milk. Im.. eup, of bmis.. It,.' in.liber ligik blm aside add
one lablespotm
-r. *'lghli> .-balr.-l. .inta leuil.-r. drain
large.1 roomt. On this place
• A alek BOb helped by thee shall • ugar. two lras.*«.n* vanilla, ibiwq 1I.-I.I bii/i .he reaild not gel h. r boy to
sent out. Tiny gilt and silver hearts ' iff flour and buner wli:i a cup of seald
boar dihe site of a guod-slzed
take an. m-.l)elBe . xccpf abv dMWiwd
make thee autnig:
were glued here mtd ibere un thejnJ cream or ri.-b milk and s*As«
inee. two iabb-*p.*>ov ..t wbli.'s Iff . ggs Mwi.-n Ki a .un frnUi.
plcinre. Thai llghily lack as many
• Thou Aall he sened thyself by '
note*, and another pasted ouu' ihejof sali.
rejery salt
an.I a
of flour. Enough for il,r<,- quarts ol mam
layer* td anitl'j drawing pnjw'r; In

every aettse
the covebipe an«r
. ".Well, lliiui," said ilrt- oMor. “I shall
Lrwf Cak —To .wiiameni ihosid.-.:
II 'll. v..|k» Iff Iwoejjg.., »,asoi|.
This ran b.- l«kod In Individual tim­
while, of course, as ihen. an- t
• Of serrtee which thou ronderost. '
bale Diolils If dt-slnd.
ing of iw-pj. r and saTi. and |a>ur un n .•f a loaf rake for a valentl«<. suiquT.I "''' ire him any. He t* <dd euougli
you might eren allow a for
r.asiAiul wilt:."
\k'hi-a the llllle giio«1* arrivi,!. th.-v

—Mra. Browning.'
Squash ao-l Almond Croqu..’U-v—
...... lurtili. wal.;r C«>k f.,r fbasie m.r I- while .he Icing is *.ff- ' ’
s for possible nitsiakt-s.
found the n«ms prettily fextooned. Riimrie ih.- *wds from a lliibliani
w'li' to jlii- l*,y. and. afti-f au
iiiu'. -. *.|.i Ihe turnip
ii. *.
eaierraltanent vixwuUry there with ciergrecn wn-alhs. dniiml at in!>•—» ihoiaah lit., rcui.-r rff (he rake '''’h>''di‘aiicui. >atd to Um: "My li”b
aml-lgi'Ai- ill eonveiii.-oi-slzisl pi.e
ihr.sish :b'.|.. ici.i;. and s'.,-pw in a'ii'..
Attuld»Bch iLKik as permliwlblc terials alib small btarls. rivl au-l
•lick a i.,i.g wissl skewer, -he f.p gar:
*■" v<-,y Ul.-and >■*. mu-'
then nm the pulp Ihnuigh a ne.-mltiakes. Then give ev.-ry young i
gold aurl sllwy.
'f wbb ti ha.- I-. |, rar.folly w-iiir,.; '**•■'s-iO." upwlleiae. It will la-Je U-leaeii pint -a-I.I two Ubli>»»e.
February, (be monib trf vaienliniw.
slip of ,.|u.r ,.n which y
A Ksna, Bimrd.
rvrner was eurtslued olflry a' ineluvl li'.iiir, a iMWien egg. a i.
mb I'vl nl.te.i,
„ g.n.u «ff r.i. •
f”' a liUie While, and iliea I • swhen Ihe UlUo god of Love Is aap. have written four rhyming wonls
, Mail! ||•r•^“•k., [.-r- I aril ,
«.n win, mai.,. neq,. anil und..
r-.-i'-r' ■' wilt. n»kc yon f.-. l leni'er '
sbeei, upon which-ere fastrood large! uaepoon
poaed to reign supreme. I> a good
seOKwres. For
.- imer. -1. I 111 a iin:. insri
•aeb III.I fasi.n w,in.a bu of ti,t,e. «
Tl.e .picior prcimr'-; ib* uiedi-in-lilack letter, forming the wortl • r.vsi.jblaochi-d. rht.j.|ie'd and iwtmd.-d
muDlh in which 10 put into j.racUce ziante:
su'ly h-ari. I.<: -.n.e .ff ig,, ,\r,. ani ifau teiyr link gi like a maa. wi'bidrio,.rhibl found a val-jraomls. Fr.nn Into rn-pteites. egg
more than ibe mero aeadlag iff dainty
noibiiig mor......................... ............. bean.
e*, is-arh n.-ar,.
<ti. Pa*; i.-spi*!,... and b<-wuuM
Tht-so w.w' ennui, ihiiu iwiee and fry in
taoHrlmmed missives. There K n->i
...................................... CupiJ.
v,-uiquaint and 'original.-anwi of ih.inlfgt'.
ake «ii»-.r. -I... .‘-I fg'l ................. .......... lake rrom fci-' ii...'b. r anyUng that
better time than the present in wl^rh
l|le..|} rov.-n-d
-•n-ral times wi'l.
i ibo gffiysJHal, '.ad ;.re*iTlbe«J. but bB
being of home raanufneiare. 8..m.-| Pnrsmi,
to remdre macw to be a Utile kinder,
If Ih. lal.:. Is .|s,.,ra-,-g
ping, would lak- i. .'I-ia: . i*- from htw.
link time was . |dv«*anijy spebi In j homely dish ha* u.m-righilv d
a llllle more ktrlag and geotle In woni [
Girt- these to the young women w ith
eaolnti tiaunef <.r a pb-re ol
low.-t* je. Ihe nm-iti ao-i .ar..!).-* be;iibe ba-l
..f'-n <l"s-e|i*-d him. asd
c. no two of which j i-«iiici. Cat la narrow fl^«i
Bad deed lo all with whom
uie -rauct that a val.-minv be wm-;
ranr.i] n-a-Iy whi|i|a-.| ahitig '
.ink.—fse-t.,1- .v.a*
• [tobitiii:
>s- good''wbcfl'ibt-gave
{picked ,mrk. fry llghllv. covwr
anything to do. Two writer* bare pul ten. ailing in the bUnk line* and each
Wb.-n ihl* i- am>b-l.
------------------------- —
, him .. .................. la' he .(rouM not trngt
then dlstrlbulH rnmi'lralllog water aad simme-r aa
thU thought Inio wards, one touching
sentence ending with Ihe wv.-d on ihe
as you wn-jid for-a pMi
Hinu to NevsekMpara.
an.'l ,•.-*!- sg-.T Bat bw imw at
~ directing each iteiF I then add f.uir parsnips ttu h
B from tbe splritiml. the thought aide,
weveral slips of paper. When this Is
iitm aii-!. of cisunc, a* larg.
To mak.- an Indian i«pluca pud-ling
’i-''-'l'*-'or was Mllag blm
ictit to look at somw givro place about H«und iff p<>'k< whirl,
which muii come before notion, and
done, send the young woman bearing
wiwi one euTduI or lao'Aiea ta a plat
»"’i be trusted him: be
the other aanylag it otn la a matertalI tb.- slip numben-d ere lo the rnsel Ibe nmms. aueh as "under the rard-.imred anrl e... r
quarters, and wa;..-i
I ihr..wi butirmboie
the hail,'.' or "on the north
tit waie" II.. - night
In the moremg
when t.. i>*.k ibe blt-'erdiaagfat
. Sayatha
• the panmlps
W'hen ih:*
[and revest that she Mlustratr her Window »m in the library." etc. At the
the bcullng poiiH Ibrns In an
“PoarfOrthalltteodor.oolor.c*.rmjinltmtln;._____ ... ..... ................................

place indicated each would And a itay:
rasure of pared egg-siie.1 po
M bappUtena ym hare to all yourijnsl written. You might
nsk thnt
heart with ahoiber place named there-:
« Iff .|eep and solema Impof
the trssrd and pres-la your hearts, diaa mital. Ad.] a cupful of molaxse- >'
11 in haU. a leaspoMi of salt
Maadn. to yoor loas. u> yo«r dnlly each raJeniiae be dedleatad to tome
This cootlaued tor some little!
-Honraty' wlth.ohUdrea. aa
that amount of white peeper. coatect m the dlniag-roomaway from j the lapiaea m,d a small M-o- of bu-' '*
.~"»-*»'-l“~'»f«l>eerowd. and this will give an
the kitchen heat. The handy Umrdjter
Wbe- thoroughly m.z-1 add . »
b all othnv. aad In all cfes
—........... being kept busy • When the p.«atoe* crumble, drata off
tlm mypu. .M um proaperoua Cb«o|n|vpor.u«l,y for tbe bringing In of
should L
,b— b«n.. .l-b.. „ ,„|,b,
-ff every wrtl-regsi- pint oftuld'milk and Ul.- ai*>u: twoire
. -is the boat policy.-—
-The DeaMmr.
Valantliw to My WIfa.
The ye^ base eUpped away. I

and older are have grovB
Hmo oa a Cupid'a day. lore, my b'
to yoo was abovii.

the world by lore. Brighit-n darkened
lire*. BoTteo tbe nide. make a auntbine of peace In siomy places, ctner


un we die.

Jfmmf Its eShr't CiMt

.- f.eisj

®rat»«r)Sie E^iralti.


P«CS 9 te 14



SattsM B»r. MhE. m. E—
PtekwA or LaUBd wm to town WodMdar on bwtaen.
mak DnWi €WiBP up OB the O. R. B
t. from Jiflfitporl T«~l«y I<ut and
drora to LoUad.
Mn. CUw Eahia dM at the
or b«r daefktar. Mn. WIDIaa Krapp.
at OoDd Harbor, last Moadar. at the
ac* «r 7B Tcan. 8b« l«a*ot '
daagbiora. two soaa and tblrtr Ennda>lldm. all IItIbs Ib tbi* eooori
t>ad llTfMl la ibta eoaotp foH
pran. Tbe ftmcral waa brU a
Dr. SMtdeka at Ulaad was j
boro Tharsdar.
Min Blaach BAwaiU. wbo I
indiBc acbool bere. w«at to bar bomr
at DMaad to apead a tew daps wUb
bar parents.
Oadertakar OU drore to Nortbport
last Fridar and directed tbe roBeral cd
daeob Wagbo.
Chet AUbouae made a bnslaeai
toLMaad last Vbeadar.
Joba Wabl. wbo Urea aboot »
aDe aetibwest or town, cut ene Mb
tree and aoM Ibe lo^ here, wbk
Betted bln tdlUW.
Her. A. /.-Bansehot aad fatal
apeat all oMaat week at Kortbport.
Bbemaa. Mich, ;F«b. E-^r. aad
Mn. Oar Atbler ara tbe [wood
anta at a gtrl. wbo arrlTed last i
Mr. aad Mn. Tleecot Wall an bapPT orer tbe arrlral nt a IllUe sod at
their bean last Moadar.
Uttle l<eoM LrM, wbo baa been
coaBaad to her boos OB aceoai
tbe ehlokeapox. U able |to be mt

Mlae tenia anrdiU Is rery 01 at
TV lAdlea* AM aodetr <« the Coo, gejaMcsiel <BnnA beU a retolar
naatow at the boBe ot Mn. Bstber
OMrk Mdar afteraooa.' Tbe afterboon WBB epent la suklnc socks for
Ibe toA aadal to V fires eoo
tbe CbHstSaa BadeaTeewra.
Tbe Ladlee- Aid society ot tbe ConSmatloniT Aoreh will eerre a OeOTge
WwbtwtcB aappnt at tbe bo^e ot
CbaA Mar dU' bla partner. 0. tobason ot MaatoB. were la town a tew
dara ago aad ptrebaaed a lot la Oleagurr- A balldMt le ta be completed
as soon as poaslUa. Ther eipect
oecnpr It br tbe flrwt at Mar wllb
ibeir miooa.
Tba anion ftrlral ^Uaga
procreaalac rery tmpldlr latelr. J
we^ tbnEwme bMd la tbe Metbodiat
ebareh. Tble week Uier will be held
la tba Oenr««aUcaBl ebondL
While at work^Mat Tueedar at TindaTa cuap. B. M Aahley had tbe bIbtoelBse la get hte foot serereir MbBad aad win be laM ap for aoae tk
la eoaaeqoeoee.
Mn. Hinr OMaaon of Ctateago
bone «ar a while to rlalt hfer pareate.
Mr. and Mrs. r. M. WaU. .
' There li to be a maagaerade tell
Klrea la tbe Srlua hall at Moeick.
Fbh. a.
teplre, HlMi. Feb. E—di
. BowdBjefi Wedawdar tor WNw___
where be will work tbe teat ot the
Mr. and Mn. H. MHaaaagb Mailed
la Fraaktert tbe flrsi of laat we
D. W. RernoMs o< Onwa was la
tows' troB TaciBdar iwUI Thnrsdar
InoMng after Us drag Imalaeas here.
MMs Lain Umbkla at Mlamler U
Malttog tbe tbaUr of her brotber John
-cd thte place.
Tba Btock made a Mail at tbe boBe
at Mr. aad Mn. Jbba bte. Jr.. last
Taeadar and left them a little daagbWm bBwUa Arieawortb. daa^ter
<« Oee. P. Arleewonb. wbo baa beea
werr 111 with paeoBoala for tbe laal
two woeiks. la iBproMag.
Mrs. Atblaaon aad soaa WllBor aad
Bmar ruued at Port Oneida tbe Ont
- WVa week.
B«h MltteeO of Praaklert droTe
weU beta for George Brotbertoe last
R. M.'Ylona waa la Honor mrohi
dare Iasi we« on bastacaa.
A. J. BHMt at Orand Rapids was
la tows last wete. aeittag adrenlaiac
space ta tbe new regMen wHh which
tbe two loenl hotolf wfO soon b<
TniHe Andnia. Thelma Sbeeman
mad tbe four BBS of MOUB Bodge are
01 with tbe Beatles.
There wai so aAool la the prlaaty
room Tbarsdar aad Prtdar on ao
cd the lUaem at (be teecber, Mlae
- Becker.
A mleet daadag partr wOl be ghen
la the K. o. T. M. M. hall bere mdar ereatBL Peb. t. Eteborate praparatlou are bMag Bade tor the ,
■ Hahn's ORhestm of Trarene Clir wfil

Peter Hammea and Cbartea HumiRtwloa Is klag- be mid. *Wd It
werw poor to they retarasd^oBO. The
Tbe new store will be kpowa
The Mlt^wlsg dffleers were clectod: ice booea WiU be flllrt) In ton days,
Olobe Store, a name wbite to favor­ Is this alone which bss nude thhf mell vs. Charles B. Johasun. aasampPresident. C. U. Bates.
taking la all I.Ote tons of ice. Mean.
ably known all over this seelion. Mr. wonderful frail belt passible. Lnad. mt. iCoveil £ Cross. Pratt £ DavU.I
la tbe matter of tbe L^ura Crala es­ Vice preshhat. J. W. Crete.
(Hear Dame. Edgar Sleblaa. Henry
Roseathal will begin at once to clean before tbe groposlltoa of IrMgaUoa
Secretary. Mra. Doona Monroe.
Swataab. Kent Uottars, Cbartea Jebaa
up tbe atote of the Globe Stose in Its became a tsetur. sold for froB >10 to tate. appeal from dertoiva of conunto
Treaiiirer. )>ank Boric.
and Sidney Purkisa drove through
pTPseol localkm and will lake posses­ >i: and acre while today fraU land sluoi-rt OB claims and arcuunls IT»Superintendent of tbe borne depart­ from Noribjnrt Suoday wllb the outsion of the new building Just as soon with frail bearing iraw* now sells for baie eoun il*ratt £ Davis. Cotell £
as the mock la tbe old stope ran be tl.few an acre, the crop aloae bring Ctoss.i
lag from >5fi0 lo t:.eoo an acta la tbe
doserl oat.
gross. In fael.
Many new departmeols
John Wade >•( al. vs. Daniel Dake. ment. Mrs. Lowell Sown.
Boperutcsdcsi of teateera' trainadded la tbe new Globe Store and j tualUea of IfTigaihin tha
Botlun for serarity for costs oa the
large etockt of fresh goods wHl be' eruaragant to nuke ,
part Of the defendant. (J. J. Tweddle. log. George L. Criip.
A coUecGoa of S3.M was taken for
placed on the shelves throaUmul ibeji
SmurthwaHe £ Alway I
which can be seen. When
Tbe Interior of
Btroe)- J. Morgan, admr. L C. t. the support cf the work. The next
asked tbe cost ijf Irflmlion. Mr. CIblis King £ Co., motloa to quash. iPratt coaventlua wUl be held April SI at
lag will be remodHed to suit tbe
of the new jiroprMor and new dreora.. aald be thought >«■■ sn acre wvald £ Davis. J. W. PatrhlB-l
provide ibe flumes, elr.. aeoessary for
Micfalgan Baggy Co vs. Perris Im
]0 (o 40 feet k>ug; fffleaB
lo-i irrfgailoa and ibsl Newlnso lake in' lemi-ot 0», aotlun tor leavq to flle
dale la hto bnstness prartiees and it j Wasbiagtoa to now tapped for a
amended dswlaralfon and amended bill
Is his detennlnaiiao tomak«tbeGlol>e|a(Te trset for Irrigstlon. opealag
toJ. E. Gr«ili<A Oo'anw
ff partieulars. (Farm C. (iilbert. W. P.
Ston- a favorite iradtog place of the i one of the great frail bells of Wash- Crwscr.)
aan of Nwlhpurt. arrived in the rity
people of the Oiaad Traverse tegkm.j Ingtoo- The rains and snows of winEast Jordan Loinber Co. vs. Danl-1 on Friday to male ready for (be
Thls to a big venlare for a young ter fill up the lake wbM Is lowereJ Uako, ntuiftta for ranUaoaoce. (Pratt annual eut of le,- for the Nurtbera
during Ibe dry season about eight feet £ HavU. Farm C. UllU-rt.)
Mlcbigaa asylum wfaleb was begun
) there is an e r ending auutre of
has fully d
Muiiilay morning oa Cedar lake l.icai'
Non Han vs. Humphrey Hart, dl- ed Jusl weM of CrviHekvnte. Mr. Puroeeatloa and it to a foregoae ec
voree. (Pairn C Gilbert. CoveO i kiss bas parked'the sammer lee for
rboii. Tboi. W. Suuo...
Tote Iqy Tr^
sIoR that success will foilow him la his
:hr asylum for tbintH-n years and last
Cross. 1
W. W. Fairchilds, wbo staled
larger qitariers. In a degree equal
la the matter «f the p.-iliian of w«-k brought tils ereje h.-re but tbe
the Herald Monday that be rruased
that of Ibe last fra yean.
ie<James U Bradley, aadllor general of
the Uke from South ManHoo
Mrs. 0. Morrell tote the evenlpg train
the sute of Michigan, (or and In ULineolcvCIub^ Banquet.
few weeks ago when Ibe west
lie for Walton. Salarday even­
half of said state for the sale of cei
Arangemenu tor tbe compleiloa of was so mild that be Uy on (be upper Uln lands (or the taxes a^se-l
ing. for a abort visit with their psrdeck
(he organIzatioB of the Ortnd Travthereon (lor (be year 1W)3 and pre .
c- Uncom club and the big banqu and slept the sleep of the jusl. aga>u Mous yearst. (George IL Crosa)
and Mn. Glintore Cook arc irj
left at noon Monday for Glen Arbor.
follow on Friday evening. Feb.
C over Abe arrival of an eight
Herve MeComb et. al. vs. Chari.-!
t progressing In a rery gratUMac Where be expected to ouch the litito D. Copeland, iojaneiioo, (John W. |
gill Mother and cfaUd are doing well.
iaaoUne bi«l capialaed by Mrs. Flor­ Pstcblu, Prali £ Davis.)
Mias Mabel Hyde, wbo went to
)ae of tbe InlerestiBg aanonace- ence Haas aad take la a genuine winQraad Rsidds oa a visit, your eorreAdolf Kais.T vs. Amelia Kaiser, dl \
nu made ns ibal Judge Alfred ler trl|i across (he twelve mile ebaa- vorce, tJohn W. J'atcbln, Amelia
apoadent has learned . tbroogh ber
parenU here.'that she has Jolaed Mr. Wolrolt of Grand Rapids. Judge of nol at night. Dnrtng Ibe mild weather, Kaiser.)
the trip to enjoyable hut If any per­
Waller Grera, an esteemed geatlemsn
Hiram S !>s>nard vs Edward 0
son in Traverse City enMes Hr. Fblr- Hamilton ei al.. to set aside dec-d and
of the fo-naer place. In wedlock. Tbeir accepted an iavltstltm to addresi
many frieads Jois la wtoblag them club at tbe banquet, his subject being chUd bis tHp at Ibis time of the year contrael. (J. W. Patrbia, Pratt £
If it is inconvenient or it
they should noiHy him. cooaldertng DiMal
bapplaan on tbe seas <d married life. ••Present Day atUenshlp."
. can
- -still javi-every
01 ourwioo aamiruiienh 5
sou von
have evi-ry aovannige
A Illerary eodety baa been orgao- Judge Wokott to one ot tbo most Ibe conditions under which be takes John A. MUIer et al. vs. Henry l.edhigh grade goods and low prices bv sending to us
mail for 4
ed la tb^ district school with sue- IsUngutohed circuit Judges In. Michi- hto trips lo a gasoline boat, as 1
onythiiig wanted. We give this deparlment onr bc«l attention ^
erle. (Brown £ Farley. Covcil £
ati; a most ezedlcnt speaker and s unablu to ride fn the cajilu or under Cross.)
laa and a good program arranged.
l>y mail the benefit of every barg
lan wbo to very bigbly regarded all shelter at all, owing to becoming very
the store. Fnilber. if at any 1
Albert J. Morse vs. Edwins Morse,
Fbmen’ Questton'^a.
111 jasollD divorce, (Amll F. Nerlinger. Pratt £
ver tbe slate, not only among tbe
I gcssls furnished do not eiitin ly please you, return them and 1
Bereral Gmes we .have asked tbv
borts carry as an adjunct to
to an nihernihei
we will
refttod the money or exchange the goods for tomcUiiug ^
irmen to ase more freely tbe eol legal fraternltr. but among tbe people wtse comfortable makeup. According­ Davis.l
ebf. as you msy directOtto Kysclka admr. vs, Jobn Pnrtsrli
umna at tbe Herald for ibe ezetenge generally. Tbe acceptance ot Judge ly Ur. Pairrhllds will take his sund
I al, bill to cane.-l deed. (Farm C.
of views and ezperioaces in tbeir spo.
of Ibe long and narrow- GilU-rt. Vnderwood £ I’mlor.l
speaking program, and wllb Goveenor up on
clal Mae of work. This request bas
cablncd beat whore every gust of bit­
Dot met with very ready response. Warner. State Supedntendenl of Pub­
Chaneery Pro Cenfatae.
ing wind wiU search (or his ma
Perliaps it bas been because the tarm- lic lastracilon Patrick H. KeUey and
May MrQue.*n vs. N.-Ison McQueen,
bone* and tbe frozen spray will slap
en are ao busy that they have Dot ez-Senator J. 0. Murfln of Uvlrolt. a
divorce. (I'oderwuad £ I'mior.l
time to give tbe atlentloo (bey would One array of dislingulabed talent will hto face without Inierferr-nce.
O. Nye vs. Adelaide D. Kye.
Fairchilds stated (hat be tote a
like to give to Ibe matter. Mr. J. W.
t was decided that the bnslBeas liar trip oa another occasion when be dlwircf. tUnd.-rwoud £ L'mior.l
Slater, wbo to laipely lalereeled In
imes McCrary vs. Cora McCrary,
was stretched aeross the narrow cabB of the
ig and Is tnaklag a specialty of;
wiih hU feet bung orer one side dlvoro-. (Amll F. .S> rilng.T.)
lock on bis place a few miles ganiratinn ot tbe club will be bold
Edward Saunilers \». Oertrndr
tile ho bung on the edge of the tiUiof town, asks ns to (Ty again, n Sletbberg'n Grand opera bouse at
slde. and-as the little boat lurched Saunil.Ts, dlvorre. (I’rw(y£ DaMs.)
!:S0 In tbe afternoon. A reeeplion lo
and we gladly do so.
Sii-an Hullls vs. Hlr^ Hums, dlfrom side to side bo received Srsl a
Mr. Slater asks "Wbat kind of
ducking with bis feet, then a ducking srre. i Pratt £ Davis.)
Valentiae day on the 14th.
clover to tbonght Ibe best for soil that
James A. Hamilton vs. Cora D. Hamblock from 6 to T beloek la Ibo even- with both bands and the merry whirl
U Uack. sandy, sravelly loamr
lllon, divorce^ (lya;! £ Davis.) itinued the entire distanee.
I some fanm-rs wbo have had ez- Sapper will be si-rved at T promptly.
Emella A- Adams vs. William
All the new valentines here.
perieaee In this maieer kindly answer Biewarl £ Steffens- full orebestra bas ' FEBRUARY TERM OF COURT.
tbroogh Uio columns of tbe Herald: been ramiged to furnish ihstrnmental
Thomas A. Clli-s vs. Ella B. Ollte
There are (btny-nine cases on the
I are' there not olbe> fanuerz mnslc for Ibe banquet and tbe male
docket of the February term of Clr- dlvoro', (I'mi £ IMvto )
Largest assortment in town.
would like to make inquiries or
Mary E. ThBmpsun vs. John Thomp
ourt which conriuies Monday. Of
The^ponses from ticket annaancethere arc but three criminal SOD. divurce, (Prau £ Davis.)
» have been nnmerous, and al
Andrew- J. liOomto ts. Mary T
while there arc fourteen tasues
InEverything that's new.*'
Mr. Slater well says:
Loomis, divorce. (PraU £ DavU.)
large and represcoiatire gathering of fael. four motions, eight rbanccry
“I have ihooght a great dual about
ten chaneery pro eonfesso.
Sunday Bcteol Coitvcntlen.
why the farmers did not ezebaage t disllngulsbed republicaus from all Twelve dlvorcv cases appear on tbe
Novelties that please.
Mess tbroogh the local papers. We ver the northern portion uf the stale.
The Acme aad Wbliewaier Sunday
Covemor Warner w ill arrive on tbe calendar.
School aaaoclaUoa held their first
ezperlences with one thins
The criminal cues are: The Peo­ quarterly convention for 190C at Tuba
aad aaolber; some that pdf aad some toon iimin on Friday. Arrangements
ple vs. Ray McOarry. burglan' iCeorge Jan. :T. The morpiag session opened
1 ake our advice and hnrry.
’ that do not pay. By
H. Cross. J. J. TwedSle): (be People
a large attendance which was In­
tbrougfa the paper we conld show each governor to take lunc
■nibers of the vs. William Stafford, violation nf the creased in Ibe aftcnioon to a full
In eompany with
other what i>a1d and what did not pay
liquor law Kitorge H. Crossl. and the
house. Great interc-vt was manifested
and tba-tey give our friends the ad­
People ve. Anton Mlknla. violation of la all the dlSeroat departments of tin
A receptluB to the gov^Tnur
vantage of our eipertrnce without
the liquor Jaw.
Sunday seboed work.
their ^ing lo the ezpense <if trying tako place in the old Blfcs* hall la tbe
The other cases are as follows:
Nothing wanting in the line.
County pivtldcnt. the Rev. R. N.
them. BzpeiieBee to a dear teacher; City opera honse block from 6 to * iu
bat what we beaeOt by others' ezperi- (he evening, the organiuliqn of tbe
Holsaple and Mrt T. D. Hobbs of
Wilbt-lm-IUnsk eenipany vs. C. A Traverse City gave talks wbleb added
Lincoln club being pi-rfected In Stein.
nce to clear gain.'
Lasrrran-. dtuoluHon of attachment
' Everybody is talking about them.
We should be glad to bear from any In-rg's Grand opera hoilt-e In the afterappeal. IP. C. Gilbert. J. J. Tweddle l ventlan. AH (be talks and papers
farmer. Tbe Herald colaaBs are glad­
W^ was Tuesday from C ' Clark H. Gleason vs. John Neacomb were ezeeptionally well given and all
ly opened lo aueh communleaUuna
S uitable valentines tor young and old.
A. Palmer of Manlsi.v that lie had ac­ and Ellis Vandraenier. acliuB oa Judg­
Boston Btera la Leaned.
cepted Ihv .lavitailan of the rlub to ment. iGIeasun £ Is-e. J. W, Patchln
Tbe Boston Store buUdiag. erected preside as toastmaster al the ban­ for John Neweumb.l
several years ago by Charles Rosen- quet. Mr. _____
Andrew Rohrabarker vs. Henry An­
has a^_______
perolUr adapIbal. and operated os a large depart- >J" ^
thony >'( at. assump.«U. (J.W. I>aichln
eat Store, bas U-en leased for a term beUer selection could have been made, Smurthwaitu £ Alway.i
of years by Arthur Rosenllial. pix^ri-1 i,o i, ,el! known lo Traverse City as
John Alinas vs. Kelly Lumber and
Mn. Bernle MDIer ot dec Haren
rWted over Soadar at Hotel LaRae
M. F. Horen made a buslaesi trip to
Qlen Haren Oaii^dar.
Arcbie Ames. <he plerea-jearMO
» of Wni. ABCS of Anl. to at
Hotel LaRue reoMMag Bedleal treat, from I^. Shank for an Injary
wfalct be lecMred aoac tine ago
while sliding down bill.
Berale Miller, wbo was for a lime
«/■«!>- agent at Bmplre Juactloa. has
gone to Haaistce In quest of eaplorlenL
Chris Seller pad Ott Howard were
I Tnreree City tbe Uni of tbe week
I a borsa tiadlag trip.
About twthty-flre of Mlu Beule
ibnaoa's frhBdt helped ber celebrate
her ihlneenib birthday saalveraary
Monday eronlog. Jan. ».
D. C. King of East Bmptre to buildlag a poultry boose, ICxt4 tceL Mr.
KUig espeels to go In Ue poaltry
ratolBg business on a'large scale.
wUI raise Plymouth Rocks and Btwn
Legfaores esclusively.


White Oak Legs

Traverse City
Motor Boat Co.

trade l^ere

BV mail e e

€. m\t $ $on$


"r-'." •/



luat ue ts to M*rve as loaiimasier wi.t I "


s .■v. ac srs»;

il and opened tor bualAeos Just aati^
! *“<>• E. Bingham and Walter Bing>n as the present stock ib Ibe Globe!
-----------------------‘ ham vs. Elmer C. Cteiplon; assumpsit.!
Store can bo closed out at velalL
H®*te from Far Weak
,p„;t 4
J. W. Pttchin.)
TJte deal was closed Monday afater
H-U Olbbs of the firm of Gibbs £; (korge Lather vs. J. Lane, garnishee
nook by wire, negotiations having | Son returned last week from »; appeal iP. C. Gilbert. J. J, Tweddie.t:
been pending tor several moafht.
1 three months trip through the wild: wilhelm. Bartak £ Co. vs. J. W.:
The Boston Store was originally de-I«nd woolly weat and states that the
g^t,tce ^tpeal tP. C. Gilbert,
department store, and Is [trip was most Instruetive In many re- j j Twiddle.)
one of tbe largest la nortbera Mlchl-: spects. -I drove over a stage route
Michigan Buggy Co. va. Ferris Im
fan. It it lecatef in the heart of the : (or Ud miles making in one day. start- tdemeat Co., asntmptlt. (P. C. Gilbert.
bualneas aectite of Tnverwe CUy on | ing at C o'clock la tbe morning and W. P. Crotoer.)
Fnml street, and to admirably adapted ' stopping at 3 o'clock Ibe next
Jacob Portach vt. J. W. Lane, garfor the purpow. Arthur Rosenthal j lug, a bmidred mile drive. Horses j
*ppe,i, ,p.
Gilbert, J. J.
Traverse CHy twelee yenrsjwcre teanged three times aad the,
ago and (or the greater portion otllri* was fine, if we had the spirit of; East Jordan Lumber Co. vs. Danlei
that time ham been engaged in bufl-|ibe west bere, we would soon have
aasumpsll (P. C. Ollhert. W. P
nets tor himself. That he has been ■ street ears on our street. Eveiywhere. crotsec. 1
Is demonstrated ! In the west tbe cars are bring placed.*: juy Dunn vs. J. W. Miniken. tretby Ibe fort that bU preaeal store qur-| Mr. Gibbs stated that be spent tbc’jn^g on the case, t Prat: £ Davis, Jobn
the Worzborg block have (or > greater pan cf bis time in Ceetnl a. Lorwager.)
three ywa been entirely In-jOregon prospet^lng for yrilow pine Lee Hmsby vz. Walter C. Benton
I adequate for bis inerenslag trade. He | (hough he spent two weeks in Port- rcplcria. (Underwood £ Umlor. Pratt
aad’land. several days la Spoteae and a £ Davis.)
^aed the confideBoe of bis patrons,!day or ss at Seattle, the furthers: Samuel R. Harsh vt. Rasoell Brown,
!»•« -rav.
jtepievin. <P. C. Gilbert. Praii £
both la tbe ciir aad tbe sarToaadlarlpoint
The l-eautifo) fruit region of foe-Davto.)
Hr. RoaesUial to a young man of ex-l
ex-j Wenatchee valley,
valley. Washington, srasi
sras! Thomas
Tbomss Tlodle et al. vs. Danlyl
ecpdool boslness ability, untiring eo-ivislted and a mammoth red anale'iHfce assampaft (Halstead £ Hal
ergy aad a pecnliar adaptabUliy to hto j taken as a soavenlr. though Mr. Gibbs | stead. P. C. Gilbert.)
partlealar line of business. baring'saU some apples measurod seteoteea; George Mills Rogers vs.
bant op a soceeaMul trade Iqr honor- - laches in diameter or
e as .large!,wu
• the case. (p. C ,1
d Bp4»4SlS B«aM>dB.
a a man's hoL
GUIIbert. Pratt £ Davis.)

Our Sale CoDtioucs

Ccatfing Drug Siwrt

City Book Store

tbt Bphart C«.

trwtnt Oty, mith.

Only UnUl Sntnrtay Niebt
This il your ebnotv to buy
Fine China and Japaacac
Ware at only 70c and dOc on
the dollar.


A few doge onts at 50c 00
the dollar.

Has Opened Offices in tbe State Bank BnlkUnc

Uaoy other goods at IS per
cent to 30 per -cent off. and
10 p>-r off fn» regular prioga
•on tbe balance of onr atock.


Tfaoee who are iamiliar
with ourCoiform Low Fnoea
will of oooree know that thU
imydica a bargain on every
r this aale doMe
Saturday night


Of Aenu.- and Chronic Ehei
Arthritei Defonnaas,
Gont. Sprains, Sciatica, Myalgia, Kroiritia, Nennlgia, Vuioose,
Llcers. Piles. Uric Acid Diatbesia and other distarfaanom of
MetebolUm. General and Local Infection. Skin Ditwnw, liver.
Stomach and Bowel timiUea. Long tnniUea, Kidney and Blad­
der diffit-nltiea, Kervoaa Exhanatiw, Keanstbesua, Diseeaea of
tbe Female IMvic Oigana, Pbralysis and Canoere. If yon are
suffering with any diaeaae and have been
to get the de­
wed raalu by drag treatinait, call and see tbe Doetor. CooanltalioD Free.



Gnid Inrenc flcnid

TO eum A boLo m onb day

Tfae Loren Catter Co. od Orand!
Rapida WM organised last week to to

re a. Batw ad Create. pehUaher
1 Potftry JsniMi, tor
laivnt totoir. any oee
rartety. U thettr abeeU ha a tto'the
one herlBf the Ktoetaat sanber «d
polBla for prtoea will be the wlnear.
Thto Duct be eoDpeted for by Damben oely ead meet be won three
Umaa before beconlac (be property od


The iBcorporatota


Albma* H,

l*erl.ham and Robert J. Fto

{irand Rapids and H. Algemoa l^ck
ham uf Isjsell

of let-Ke boure rwri;



7. block e. H, L. A Oo-'a 6th.
Jacob Letber and wife to Mike IM-

•( Am bcceoe
«ra^ ol U>« <
ijr ^tldcot



Whitney Biaati and wife to BeaJ.
F. Stllea. wH of neU of awH.
>wn U, range 10.
Clara Oage to Pam C Ollhert.' bH

Ideal .ad the Herald and Record Co.,
baen the dtottneUoe of belax the

OthCR Have Bcca Cured, Wiy Not Yon?


Read ttlbat Our Patients Say

• 41


ahow. the eaeoetatlon baring been orgaatoedia Traverte City Feb. 12. itM.
aiace wUeh time It bai alwayt bew


Bald w.^kl. -an- >ai.>np.

0-al» IB and a».

In by BOOB et that day. All alotdi
Honduras Feb. 8.—The CoOperaahipped to tbe aaMclatioa will
Ure Tropleal FYull company, which
eared for and aeora eaidc mailed
and operates estenslve banana
tbe ownera. The exblbllora, bewerer.
•lions here. hM Just completed
toeat daratob the eoopa
arrangemeBts with Brooker T, WMhilie. » inebec high. U Inchee deep Ington by wbIMi the company agrees
ead of any eoeree^t ieagth orer and
> transport to their lO.OOOdcre plapebora II taehea. ,
itloo 6.000 southern D^mes.
Blrdi to win Atat prUe muat
•0 aed erea^a brokw feather
bed to Ue Judge mad wlU be acored
egaleat Solid eOlored Urda in
pedttoe wKb



The question of transporting negroes
to HonduTM to work on the ptanUtlooa hM long been under oonslderatlon by the northern tnteresu Identlied wltb Ibe fnill growing Industry.

Two Stores

^lillI For Gash Buyers

Wo will


There ere wonderful poaalbUltlm tn
a pen for a prise eompetlUon m two
The latest" sign thTTliamre wu
prises are given tor the pen luelf. and
three prltei: Ant. aecond anA third fooled by the uie sprlngdlke wlaler
<« tbe cork, tbe cockerel, tbe hen and ti that a hen owned by Chas Begole,
tbe pullet: tbe Brat befog gi ufo a
vrtbboB while Afty and twoity^re
Aenia ate gtoca tor the aeooad and
thN prtoea.
The epectol preaUnm Itot to


R. C. Uanderlip,

Boi W8,



Traverse City

Since having the spinal meningitis
eight >*ean* ago, my daughter, Lavina
has suffered with headachesT^^rvousness and poor vision. She bat been
doctoring continually and about three
years'ago had her e>'es fitted whb
glasses. Two pairs were pr..scribed.
one for distance and one for cIok work.
Qy keeping the pupils dilated with
atropine, which was also prescribed,
she was able to .use the glasses, but as
soon as the atropine R^jv off ihecenid
not wear them; her visit^-'*i«ilr worse
gradually until she could hardly see
across the room.
.lau IT.lUOa.ItookhntoDr.WoUe'sofioe.
wliiw Lcr vjiw wi-je 6Ued by Dr. Pantoon.
Th<- l>-u«4vi have 1ir«(i oiiangcd ■mrel Uaea
iiit'l ilu- vikinii improvixl vacb line, nntil now
«h<- mil n ltd Uit) amalleat prini atwl faat pgg.
fx t distant viMu, all in one pair o' '
and nervous troub'es have «t«w eatiretydisaptnanxl: lier geueral lioallli hM inmoTMl
tintil It IB now better tboB it baa btoa in
yiiira. Wi- are iiion- titan pkaaed with (he



The Triversc City Eye Speclallstt

next week

iflm Blotk.....................................Tmverse City

Not QUmm.
Ton Want

Elgin G. Lewis.




SUM at Mitodfu. Oouty al C

2M E. rnnt St. 201 So. DbIm


Every new and old aubacrlbar to the Herald, who
has paid In full to Jan. I.
1907, will receive a great
tnagazine paper. Farm and
Fires'de, absolutely free
forafull year. Farm and
Fireside is from 24 to 38
pages, twice a month. 24
times a year. See the
offer elsewhere In this

Great Sensational Cloak Sale

tnn CHi Fin hivaci Cnfnj,
1300,000 nuh capioO. write.

Farmers' Insurance

y policy Un«S by tk. “Vowb Oiy u
M by (b. Stu. or BMiUl l>*koU.
anus bAac dA«aud witb th. !

•- »:'I




be handleepped one pout, wbito birds

Numerous expeiiments have been
without wdgbl wUl alto be hand!- made wltb both white and native help,
eet»«d oee polat.
but both proved absolutely ansatlsIf two or more exhibition p«ms Ue factory. On one or tsro oecMioas the
on Arst prise, tbe birds nearest stand­ negro hM beee worked and be seiemed
ard weight toell reoeire the Aral prise. in every way belter adapted to the
While spectmens who hare come from,
of labor yeqnlred.
a distanre ahall be given tbe advan' tage of a tlhle real and a full feed
befoiw weighing.

My (J-iu^jhier, Nina, who has always
been iit>ul>i«td with weak eyes and
bSiirinj; visi >n. has bcCn «rowing worse
ibt; past t.v(j years and bat suffered
conti-iu illy with headaches, stomach
in tibK-! :;nti «*xTcmrt nervousness. On
1 took her to Dr. Wolfe's
oflicc, whue her eyes were fitted by
Ur. Paulson. Inside of one week her.
headaches were entirely cured and
since that time her stomach trouble
and nervousness have gradually disap­
peared. Slit is also enjoying perfect
vision. Tbe change in her is so no­
ticeable that our fricmls remark about
it. and wc arc pleased to tell them that
the glassps alone brought about the
change in her. as no medical treat­
ments were used.

fTihl^h more

Auditor Oeneral to J. a Delbridge.
it 1. see. 27, town 26, range 12.

Coedermd TelegrmM.
aeUre. ■'Bqiiaie dealing to air to tbe
shlagtan. FYb. 6.—Mias Roose­
moOe of tbe eaeoctoilon whhto teada|
velt hu reeelred m a preaent a _
to make the snbjeet of bigb grade
geoua butterfly shaped fan trMi a Jappoaltry ot Intereat to the public, end
aneae prlncen on which wu inaertbed
by holding mnnoal exhIMta of pore
■■Glad he aim no doke.”
fared poaltry adTaacee lha pmltry
toreeu od
Michigan along corr
Rome, N. Y. Feb. 6.—Nottbeni New
York WM swept today by a ecJd ware,
AH eatry blankc muM be la the
registering 40 degreei below sero-ai
haada ot the aecreury wlih the eaCtomden.
Unusual bardsbip wm In
treaco feee not later than lo o’clock
rolred becanae of (he warmlh preced.
fhb. 27 ead the hall oe Front
tng Ibe cold ware.
will be opes at that time for the rteeptiOB Od
Win Tranfoert Neproea.


■■ ■'i- i

Judea utPrahau:

Wm. Hayden. « al. to Alfred lenter ett of aetti eee. It. lown 27. range

aaeeelaHee waa bHd Honday erealag
Hannah. Lay * Oo. lo Peter Cet whU time all duee were eolleeted.
Tha aaeoclitloB leaned their ctBetol Doerr. Ma 17 and 46, block «. H.. L. A
..premlaa Un toil week in booklet Co.-» 2ndJ. B. Delbridge and wife to Edjrin
tana, tbe whole being of neat and
taaty makeep of aareBir-two page* W. Gregory, lot 1, sec 37. towo 2
range 12.
ead to a complete cuienent od all
David Mclatoah to 8. Alexander,
praalnma. mlec and regnlatlona. raitotlea and brslnew of laterett to the al. lot 1. aec. 27. town 26. range 12.
Auditor Oeneral to J. B- Delbridge.
/ eghlbltore. Tbe ponllry exhibit will
1. sec. 27. (own 26. range 12.
bo held la tbto city Feb. 27. 26 and
Auditor Oeneial to J. B. Delbridge.
March 1 with }. U. Kalgbt ot thto city
aa ledge. Tbto li the fourth anaul lot 1. sec. 27. 1^ 26. range I2.

mrs. Sage Ryon
42 W, 8tb SU Traverse City.

Traverse City Markets '

The regolar meetlag ot the Northere lOehl^ Poaliry end Pet scoto

Cbt Blsrds si Crwirsc City Ptspls
as Prssi el Our Hbilily.


E. 21. rang*
lartoat ead beet tune, both la alie
end drcalaUee. of any poaltry macaThia rwooptls meoo up oa Wednes­
Phoebe Siaait Calboune to Whit­ day or eecn weeK. Tna Herald is net
riaa in the world. There ere \|K
rMponalMo for rhanwea in prioea.'
ney Slaela. wtt of nett ot swtt. see.
pefaala the atonber. and tlto elrcnla.
S8. town 28, range 10.
The aratadae tc a
ttee to 60.000.
Victor Scoflcld to tt-hltney SUMS.
, from frontJemoM
wH of nett of swtt. tec. 3S. town ».
tloa or a pair
Henry'WItkop aad wUe
aerred Ptymoath Roek birdi in color
Williams. M 20. Walton.
and the paaputlae li deroted lartHy
Philander Paito to Lunle H. Parta.
to profonely tllnetrated
artidea oa
parcel. Oak Helgbu.
' Barred PtyBoeth Rocha, wriuen by
Henry a Fikllass and wife lo Oeo.
the Doet proeUaaet poultry ratoen la;
H. Brown, parcel, aec. 4.
the eoeatiy. The Uloatreiioaa. which
.lange 8.
enaer on aearty erery
Jno. J. Rodgera to Clark Hand, pa^
nataly ad tamMu Urdi ot thli apedec.
eel, aec. 18. town 26. range 12.
to eddUioa to the ralnable.arUelea
Carletoo A. Hammond lo AdeUide
the nbleet od poaltry there are codGilbert, lot 116. Oak Helgbu.
plate ead deuoed wrUe-ape
Janet M. Haire, et al, by sherlB.
BNat OtfceBD and New York poultrr
The BeMw * Kalbrook P^ier Co. par^
abowe, bald durinc the pan raonth,
cels. Oak Helgbu.
the Chleaco ahow being the laal week
Oeo. C Rowae and wife to Otaa. H.
Barrau, sett ot awU. aec. n, lown
IS, range n.
Flana for RMitry Bhew.

We Offer You


bolt. et al. parcel.
Fiord L. Smith and wife to Miko
DIebolt et al-. parcel.

ae headl«d
leeM aot i
of awK ot nett. eac. 2
d dollui od reaehlBi the three
27. range 11.
bitBaB total. There hM beea aa aeermet D. Barae. and wife
eta aBBoal laereeae m oar forelca
W. Kllliker aad wife, lot 16t Oak
ODBMTM ed more thas oee hoadred
Btiniae doDan dartac cech ot (be peat
8. O. Baithcad aad wife
tra yean, aed ta the iaon(h of DeeneB. Hannatord and wife, lots 3i. 32. 33.
kw the aalea ad Aeterieae fooda to
block 2. Oak Park.
larelKB eoaeiriaa -aBoniUed to two
J. B. OreUlck Oo. to Jacob Biakel.
beedred miniee donara. aarpoaaliut
lou 23 and 24. block 6. P. H.'c 2rd.
aey ibRDer Boeth'f aala In oar entire
Winifred B. Batey and wife to Wm.
btaunr- Thera to nathlac la theca flr
K. Chupp. patcelA tec. 26. town 27.
sraa (a aaftent a cbanpeot polley ee&
eeaery oe the pert cf the United'
•on R. Hannaford and wife tn
BtatM la order to hold lla (orelxn
South Side toiBber Co. parcels.
J. e. Orellk^ Ca to Alonao U Land,
parcel, aec. 10. town 27. range II.
Raaefo Breatcleg Number.
Blniey J. Mor^n lo J. C. Upde- aalnarfau al the peadfoeT M aald paUUao
The Febrearr tacne of the Atnerltrore, parcels.
eea Poeltry Joomal ot Cbleeco. owned
Mary A. Cbaae to Frank Sargcol.
aed edited by Oeo. 0. Balea. vice prea-



>n(mrb wr.4:
J- nnd
.. .. _____ •“ e^Memag am
ly-four buns egrh day, with twn shift:

(be wtaner.
Real Uate TraMfera.


Dleg^imon of PartnorUi^


zrz St'.

at cadlltar.

Henry BteSea to Mat SteBec. lot
sad tMDeulplaaork case Bsd> ua
td.Mtoe U Mnbr glTPO DM <•
21. bledr t. Broweaea-a pial cd Panebgjoeyor Mer.4
a a Springer,
■re. Nellie Torkei to Jno. Buffer eleeled bead of the Kokoi
okomo. lad.. Na.|ji5t‘eSifJ'..“‘rUl3SS.t 22. Uoek 1. Peiediae. E
tloaal bank, wm once a bometos.
bomelen waif
and hts Am wdfk wm that of subl<- uetajuiur Ooen far UraM TraP.neC.Floyd U ftmlth and wife to Mike
Slreht. w 46 feel ot eonth 100 feel lol

ww ntotad u
we. •»« IMI

•a mae M Ontecy hare organ j

engage lo Ibe manaforlure of stelgbr. poehing the town to tbe fixei
and cutters and 1s enpUnllted at |TI.
The MItcbHI-Dtggtn. Into Qt.
ouo. of whieb 611.0M bu been paid In.'


Beginning Saturday morning. Feb. I Olh, at So'clocli, lliis entire
stock of LADIES' CLOAKS will be divided into three
lots and sold as follows:
For choice of al] NEW
CLOAKS, no matter
what the price was—$15.
$•25—now only S''95.




For medium and long
.ts. ail good,new styles,
ments that
$6 50. $7 r/j. St and $». choice
only $a.yo.

For new medium and long coats,
beautiful styles that'sold readily
at $10. $12 and -$15, choice, now

only $0.95.
One-only one-Udies J ur Coat 1 Q RA
left, was $35. now........................ .iSJ.OU

Infants'. Misses'and Children's Cloaks, in many cases marked down to less
H.'ALF PRICE. New garments at 7.5c. $1.50, $2.60, $.T.50, etc.

formerly owner of the Little Tavern has purchased the

131 E Front Street

where he will be pleased to meet his old freinds and
patrons and welcome new ones.

We say HURRY because the size you want is here today--but
It may be gone tomorrow.

Dry Goods, Cloaks. CloUiing

Traverse CHy. Mich.

’:r'■ V-




3 per COM tUnred tt TteK DnwtU*

Jobllaa CaMwatlon.
■braarr 1«U) at Ibc Grnon eborofa
be bold a lltrraty cai.-rtalnBiOTt.
iDtcraperKd wilb t-ocal aod latUuDMital muolc
At rioae of progiaia
BoTtfiBic »hldi rwtrd upon ibo
chore* aad paradna««- win be bomod.
Qmx one aod all aod abam In thu
Jubilee on the ereolM! of Si. Valeitlne-a day. AdntUelon I6c. Proceeds
to be applied <*
paator * ealary
At eloae of cbtcrtalBtoent a free iuerb
IwlU be aenred. A apeeUl lorltatioo
to tboae wbo ao hiadlr belpod
Fourth of July dlonrr and eupper
loaklas the cancetins of Ibc mon


Ibls time of the eompany'i.
ipany'V ydsas
|dsBs lor
R» Mothwr
season. There has not yet been
enough time to delrrmlnc wbo would

of Ibe line, by vinne of her ilxe
Uriah appointment. itUposai^e that I


there wni be a promotion of tbe cap-; Tts, Muskegon Vnllty FamlinreifactalDs of this line, wbUrb U In ha-moBj ; xaty U running aV fall capaeiiy. cmWl'h Its estabUshed practice.

] ploying about lof men.

DetUi Roll.
Mrs. Mary Ann1 Schlie.
Bcniir. aged
yutrs. paaaed away at
son. Frank Schlie.

»I ;

morning after a continuous resbK-ne-'! tog and bluing from ibv lungs
In Solon for forty years. The doesaw-dj 1 ■•we my


rlrcd Id Ihe rliy a week an® «
ot Kugene Maes. wh.i,.»- death «ir
ihniKi! lire
aalDcd Btiesta of Mr. andjlrv.
■ninvd at Miirkep'n a f.-V days ago.
Mi.ild bandsom.wbo allemled ihelr weildini; at l.uilirr were held from the latnily l>oine I'n an- |ir.-|«r1ng
.large xt:i\
hllrk warcboil.-es
ibree wir.ks aco. Or. 7>eiizc i> a res KInih slri-ei Sunday
afo-rnoon a»
Idml of Slduey. Australia, l.ui n r:S«>.
crived bis odtieiilou In BdlnfaiirEli
birr taklne itonlitradiiaie vtirk ii
ABvrico. He left bone six years am

QuIU a tmabar of Honld auaKriband aenod Ihrounli the Doer war
•ra havo aakad If tho promlum offar of
later aeliliOE In Younculown. fHiiii
tho Hofoltf and Farm and Flmaidc
e he met bia bride. They an irrvrnt t
eaimot ba oxtandad for a abort time,
retumlns In bis bmne w-here i
and «n ar« glad to anneunoa tbi
royal welrnme awaits tbcB li>- bli
bava mada aatlafaelery arrangan
w^ bale a newly fiimlsbed
aritb tha publlahara of Farm and Flraborne ready for tfacir oceniiooey.
oMa and aro tbara^ra aWa to
Death of Flenear.
IfaHW Ibta otfar for tha prcaant.
Mrs. Mary P. Gardner passed a
Tl« lima, boawvar, will hava t
Kuimet Roiisb. wm of Alliert Roush
aamawhot llmitad. and wo would aak OB Toeaday at *;Ui of paenmo
of i*7 North t'edar strcvl. pas^cul
biT death ocrurrlne ■< the bom<
away on Monday at 3 o'Hiu* at iba at at' Sidney Slieffera in Solon, where s
Traverse bo»|>llal. wheiv h<vIsIlltiE. Mrs. Oardi
aarir a daU aa
wMe of Charles Gardner, who died underwent an op<TBtlon one we<-k ago
PHlay fur appcudlcllls. 111. eondllioi.
Ifainy.yean aco.
aM aubacHbar wba hat paW far
of operalhui war eiin me
Mrs. GaniDi-r was bom In Montcom
Narald In full to dan. 1, IfCE, will raT. New York, innrlnc to DeSanre. ly erlUcal aa an unusually large ap
oaloa Farm airf Firoalda ona yt
Obtp. wbcB Kbc wax 9 years of ace ■•endlcular abscess whs found, wlilb'
atliitaly froa.
.From Uefltncr- she rame to J-JImwood a gi-neral cuiiditi'ui iir-ppriloiilllK had
also sei In. After Ihe oiKvailon lie
Tbare will ba a danee B Archie Frit WnahJp. I.ecl8nai. county, in

day Bight. Fbb. bib. trader
------------------- piny By
wli wiili her husband. Only one ann. miutlniii-d to Improve until Sunday
Cbarics F.. tturriTes ber. She wua afiemoun when a suilden rhange f»r
81 years of age at tbe time of bef ifae worse set In, mulling In death
Monday. Asbie from bis iiareuts, one
Tha dodcf. wblcb aonnally eo
brotbiT, Howard, agr.1 13. is left. Mar
tha rlTcr about tbia Unta of yet
Mm. Gardner was a member of Ihe
a^D Bad attract ibe aiual ntuas United Hrelbren eh.irch for year* but ter Rmmet was in year* old and n
bar of lataraatad apecutnn.
later united wllh the MctbodltU be TnemluT of the Sixth grmie of lh>
cause there was no church of her faith Elmwood avenue acboot. where he wa>
Tha lYBrerae Bay Sewtap circle
NUived by pupils and leaehers. lb
near. The fuuotal was held Tbun.Ml abjoyaur aaianainad at
was taken ill two weeks ago ihUl
day nortilDe al the Ringbam church.
bemt of WlIHam Touker near the city
morning at school ami remaintsi
Ihe corlegc leaving (he homo at 5:3
Ealorday araillBc. About thirty mcm.
bomu a trek before an opcrailun i
Hm. Gardner wu writ known and bi
bah drove out aod apeat a very plenamany frk-Dits throughout the region.
mat aaealag.
Dalaiy refreah:

Every now and old sub­
scriber to tho Herald, who
has paid in full to Jan. t.
1907, will receive a KTOAt
masAzinepaper.Fartn end
Fireside, absoluloiy
for a full year.

hanor eoapla ian at n o-clock for pe’rallre.
' Qraad Rapida
The UanRuo
Tba reealpu a tbe local postofflce
far tha BMath ef January were :
aae.^ agalaM
for the sa
•OBlb laat year, or an Incrttsa
M44J. Tba receipts for last December

Is almost the only

earner In exlioenro 111 for ibi- service
:-r new owners Inti-nd her for. She
ns in fact, designed and luiUl for
isl Ibis Henlct> under'Ibc flag of n
val tranxportallnn eomiiany. Fur n
umber of years she tan compi-K^ In

some extent with the Nonhem Michl
gan Biesm.Ts. so ibal li.-r purehaw
laereaM of «WJ.O«. November. IMS.
not only adds a magnlfleent eratl lo
Aowed a alight dactwaae over 1P04,
Ibe line, but wipes oul the most seri
^ -batag tt.«7A6i agaMiat tS.lSS.SO
northern pa»eiiceri
Tba will of tbe laic HicliaH He
JTbe Uanllou I. one of the Imndsoin
Oany of Keyatone wax Bled In l-m
bate coorf Tneaday by Chax, T, fedtr. d\ steamers on the gn-al lakes. Her
her length, -7»
- atoa of Keyatoae, ibe aame beinc wl» gnisa tonnage is
aaaaad by bUTEam McCarry. also of feet, beam it fei-t. and 4eplb of hold
:u Rt-t. She wa. built on ■•caulirul
Kayataie. Tbe decumunl, la
lines and has always law-u kouwn as a
‘ brM In detail aad cirei tbe e
very H|u-vdy craft,
aatala. coatlsUac of really, to ooc
Mrem.T llllnoi.' length Is ::b'.
■I the Missouri, hiT larg.-r si*,
alsml midway iie<w>.-n ilir
aad lb.- Uanltou. Th.- ..wm-r
tba hdre being: Mr*. Anna Campeau.
Mary A. Sweany. Hargarel Nelm. ship «>f theae thre.- able mud swifi ship- :
the Nonh.-rii Michigan Ih.-'ls-sl
Kata Phley. Stephen MeOarry. Ji
i-d line on Imke miehlgan. Its
MeGarry, Odie McGairy and Mk*aul
rouh-1* also unique, as It is iiraeileally
HlehBN MeGarry. Jr., tbe remaining
bein boleg allowed the lawfol lowest
amoant of If, lo iasure Its Uwfnlaeiui.

Sttea far Olvorca.
Married at tbe tendre age of is
years and after Bre yeans of malrimoMal storms during wblcb time two
UtUe tees were blown Into Ibe family
port Mm. Kyle UlUa ct

Why Refer

Miw Hills was Miss Kyle Gomlpell
uT MaytMd before marriage and wbih'
bat a yoitag girl tn ber leois. became
the wife of Asaph Mill*, who fur a
time preached as a local pnmeher in
aad aroaad his (onacr home at Hay- i



Mrs. UlUa claims Ibal ber huxban-l
same time ago asaanlied her and again
a week age last Wedaeaday Inflicted.
hodUy tajnry npoa.her. knocking ber
down. Tbe followlag oorelng. It is
atated by her. tbe huabaad look the
two Utile ehndrea. Jay Bugeec. aged
4 mra. aad Gleaa David. IS moothi.
. aad placed them with bis mtMher. Mr*.
Jails Hlll*. of 6i: East Front street.
Sunday tbe youag wife left for Kingtttr. where two days later the bnbaatl
tsUmred. wberenpoa tbe mother le^
taraed wHbeoi hlx knowledge aad this
USM taok poasetalea of tbe little tols.i

to Doctors
BecauK ve nuke tnediciiies
for them. We five them the
forffluU for Ayer’s Cherry
Pectoral, aod they prescribe it
for conefas, colds, bronchitis,
consumption. They trua It.
Then you can afford to mia
it. Sold for over 60 yeara.


Farm and









' Issue.

Of one doUnr ami npwuTtls

Saving or


■Iraw tlirce pur coot intorust
at this biink.

15 Per Cent
Disconnt on
AU Winter

Don’t Wait,

UntU tbe sizes are broken, bo It today.

IS Per Cent
AU Winter

Snvinps (lt |>os-

ita made OB or

I-lmvo at mv farm ti Doable
tanilanl. I'oUluI
Durham bull,
r^uleivd ip botii the
Durliam and Sliortboro Henl l>nokR.
li til 800 tlie stock infpruvtxl
ibrouyjbonl tlio coiintr,v so i will
ohnrtfc only $1..V) for Feus, .^uy
polled calf is w.irth t2 extra, nul
sayiou nnytliinir rilwut tie tbor-



fiftli day of the moitth draw
iDli n«l






Craoerse Eify
State Bank


During Ibe IDontb of^


of (laci) y«»r it is Ibc mU- of this Imuse (•• •1is|s>s.'
of every fnir of Warm Slux*. Sliprs-rs.
am! o>lil jiiiirs nf limki'ii iim«.
Tin- (iri.x- k'o s
Itowii lo llic bolUun l^.•l.-ll. TBIs year wi: havi-

This sprint; or make any alterations in your bouse? If so it is o()t too early to
plan now. The most modern improvements arc necessary. Our services are
alwaj's at your disposal. Expert workmen in every line.

Want Plumbing Done?

Let us rfivc
nothing—it will show you how cheaply the work II be done, in a j;uaramccd
lir»t-class manner.

many l■^•«'|llionslly Kuo>l lianfaiiis. ami tliv rariy
■•miKTS p-l
p-i ilu' U-si iunniius.

ni< Slill Cost meaty
If we carry oiir sUu-k of winl.-r a’oculs <iut iinlil
next season.
That’s lln- n-asuti wv im- olT.-rinc
.vl siirli low Iiriii-S.
Wiuii.ui a warm uboi-s allth.'Se

7SC, SSC, we, $1.25
II Seu eemc Our Olay
Stop nml 1<x>k at uiir wimlow. W<-have a sjav-iat
(lisiilay of somi-oftlios.- kwls.
Don’t (Link U ■■ausc tlii'y'n- aaiti'<l low that tli<- <|iiality isn't
Uiere- w<'•lon't allow wliodclj
in our ston-.
For Women:

a unU today la Circuit
tor a divorce from her liege luid.
AMph Hint, whom ahe charges with

15 i>cr cent discount on all Winter Umltirwear. Mr. tiround-hoy went back
in his hole yesterday to stay six sveeks. I'hal means lots of Underwear weather
Now in the face of these facts it tieems to us Hiat this is a (food proposilT|^.
.\11 around we have too much underwear; we rather have the money. You neetl the
underwear and can have 15 per cent on all kinds of underarear, pants and vests and
union suits. Cotton. baU*srool. all wool, silk and cotton, silk and wool, all silk.
.Mso Boys' and Girls' I'nderwcar- -the largest and finest stock in Michigan to
choose from and your money back if the jtoods arc not satisfactory.

pages, twice a month, 24

15 Per Cent
Dlsceut M
AU Winter

BiR Sale of Winter

Fireside is from 24 to 38

tween tbe Nonhem MIeUgan Transportailun company and Ibe Maolton
FantMd Oaorse TT Cnrtls anlied la
company have resulK-rt lb
. ■arriace ou Baturday la his bridal the sale of the steamer Maottou to the
etaaiabar in the State Bank bulldlac. Northern Midhigan company. For a
AJeria Snell of BubbII City and Mlu year the Nurtbern Mlchgan cumpan;Stfbalaa Jolly .of Walton Junction.
beon looking far a chance lo a.Tbuy urata waattanded and b
quire a third steel ship, as Its annual
Aaaa (Mapball and Ora Speaear la- business baa Increased In volume so
gally ^UteaMd tha cctcnxBy. The that greater tonnage bad liceomo im-

15 Percent
AU Winter


Lucklcat Man In Arksnsaa.
*ui Ibe luekiost
lucaiess man
luau in Arkansas."
of llnino, •'►Ini-e

iwov«-ry for Consumpthin. which I
Lonr Wadding -rrip.
„jtiw lo«n «iperU'n<x- will cure <-<ui
{>r. Anbnr Zelixc and brMe
Evang<-Ilral church al S»I<m Snodayfsnnipilon It taken in time
My wtr.
Mlu Kmma Corey, a ulster of Mm.
morning al 11 o'ciock. \Y. S. Ande^ | iinij^o<ri with fii
Pbllllp Roach of r.W West Moth
d Ibt- fiinerel airange
alroH. left this atumlua
Journey. Sidney. AjtMroIla. beinx their
deallaatlob. Dr.'Ze-llre and br
TTie last services out Ihe niualiir

ClrdiTition this week 2,975


- -

command Ibe Maslion.
will doubtless be eonsii

Cadies* Dress Shoes


Wilfn. UnsK

Kc .

first Cot $1.09 Second Cot $1.9$
JIhout Rubbers
tlnco] tbe priors of many lines. Tbi-se arcsanijili-s:


No Store in Michigan
carpenter or mechanic. We aim to carry nothing but the best of goods in
every line, that can be found in the great markets of the world, and sell them
at the lowest possible price.


Only fi-w .if c;i-lt kiii-l. but wortli us much as if
h.vil bumlrcls.
Wi- Lave put tliosc In two h'ls.
Every jxiir of tin- first lot is w..rtli moit' th-m ti—
■•f till- 8t«.n.i Int mop. than f2.-’i0.


W-ITlt *3
Again you need our services. Wc can sell
<* rUl UaV-wa you the best heating furnace, and set it up
for you with a positive guarantee of the best of satisfaction. Prices vary be­
cause of the variety of healing apparatus. Prices wc will give you when we
tn.vke the siicciticaiions.



Onr FebTBsrjr Prices Mske il Eipenslre lo B«y Elsewheft.

T ifTiA ll^ir
other materials for foundations,
LClUtDl, MUlCg adli and sold as cheaply as at any slprc in this
region. We want you to try the “Every Wood Fibre Plaster,”
and easiest to handle and U-st plaster that is on the markci. It is put in
eighty pound sacks and so is very easy to handle.
Oils Wc carry a complete line of Heath and Milligan's
idUU3 dilU
Celebrated Paints. We guarantee them in every
way. We sell "Luxeberry" genuine har<i oil, “Sapolin,” best floor suin,
' “Nueresco," the great wall Paint. Enamels of all colors.. All kinds of wood
fillers, wood stains, dry paints and varnishes. We are here to sell you goods
on their merits, and we want a chance to tell them.

- *T.tS <W«TT7 PMsnl V, • HMsUl tM




sd to M. tthkb trm be ossd toA«A1_
pboaes la tbHr booam
irebaslBc an arillelal band tor •N. K. Hathaway waa In'Tsa'
Miss Mabel
' M Mrs. Brve
rbo Wat Us arm last Noeem- City several days of last week
called ean Umeir parents Baaday.
his sister. Mrs. Crater, srho Is very in.
Mr. aad
------ BapIMt eburr^ BaMtr. On,
of BeetiM Btler
in mis neighborhood Mcmday.
" ‘
Tnew car loads of bark were ebtaaed say*
“ *"“■* ~ ■
aead Id maaktad. St cunsd meaTHdl*
Henry Bparilag U borne .tor a Ibw from Beftaer to week.
NOnCK TO CeilRCtMNOONTS. tebool and It at Mr. Moaroe'a
Charley Palmer b sick.
hark, aiir Jolab. aad eempleu phywThe L. A. 8. trill meet ibl
Grandma Bancroft, who was 111 last ^? MUks was a Klagaley caller Monleal collapse. I wss so Mk tt took
MtvM tM !«• to not. All oom*.
PHdat with Mrs. Ireae Saau
Mias Mary Sehlehtel It worUag for
me bsif sa hoar lo walk a mlM. Twa
. MO IMMI (Moil tM HofM offieo net
The mill b shut down for a few
bottles ol Beetrte BIttan har* Mda
Mr*. A. seegalller and efaUdrea la Traverse City to week
l•lortflwt Tnoodar noM or owh wook.
The 1, O. O. T. dJMfict lodce whkh Irt. Albert Kttntte.
Liule Wsi Marion Rawlings Is on days..
>e» pan
to week^wim her rnom-^ Geo. Heim had a alee alf killed bv
and W corroi^iidoiito rallto~
was to bare been beld bere Iasi '
Bile* la S^LoM^s^fMl^aaSp
urday vas poatpenad aaltl Sate:
tho<f« M. thof may ha MMrtd «
me^ to Wodnemuy.
'llr^Dd Mrs. Geo. Grsr have re­ pottB tor a
lag throe nmre tfs mads a aw ma
Feb. lOih. OB aecoonl jf bad road*,
aaiaa altar tima.
Feb. 6me.- Greatest umidj Mr waakD. Masco of islandd rliHed bis tli lumed frtai a two weeks rialt with
Feb. 5.
Ifrlendt In Scollrllle and Maalstec.
and all stomach. Hwer aad kitewr
Mist Uxtlc Ftisel Is on tbe sick
[dalBl*. Sold aadee gaataat
The pedro parir sireo at ilie borne
Mrs. Geo. Crglg returned to ber
tsoo Drug Co.’s. F. H. Heada.
«r Mr. and Hn. Fred AUtlam on
Mbs Hanmrei Murrisoii of RapM
bom*- at Jelrwys. Wl... today, alter a
genutoe uortb Mlchlpui wlBler two BKWtfas- visit with b
the ted vei crcallr ea)ored by ail
MABElCity speat Sainrdsy and Sunday with
«ba atteoded.
k us U*( Wednesday night aad Mm D. SeegmlUer. aad o
__muej Chaney made a ti
leral of Mrs. .Philip Homrlch rebtlves at tbb place.
Bue* yrt siradlly growing odder lives near Kingsley.
L B. Vlikocbil did abopptne In Trai'crsc City Taesday.
e from St. Mart a CsmMic! C. F. Carson was a Travertu City
null carrier dM not get mnmidi
Over iS««ia«s> cant booh* aad msre
— A Wonkm ft tbe owner of mroe cbercb Monday. Jan. «, and was. TtsUor one day last week.
A KMgb load of the L. O. T .M,’*
Vida Warner of Bk Rapids Saturday on accouat or Uie Uusard. from bere attended tbe surp '
ibaa CJioo dtSSreat klad of baadle*.
UrgelT atiended^despite
the condlUmi
which wa* realiv too had for a horse at Mr. aad Mrs B. A- Sid
borne PrUUr nWit I
B. J. Hoyt ttmded for a new
■aoms^ mops. etc. are Maao.
to bo out in fer a Iweniy-flve
trim hU parrolH.
last weak.

-Hull Kllnay of Good I
An eaiertslnment was glten al the
has_a a-itens tele
The mrlal which
About forty of the ladv friends of; facturej dally by 8. A- WHmaa M
vnrfcl&s at Leals Larsee'sjtnltl.
j’rtio Rinehart. Jr_ who ha*
! residence of o. -O. Kammond for the' bone In bis residence.
Hr*. J. A. Davidson spent tbe aTer-l
Mr. and Mrs. V. Vlskc^l vU.
beneSi of the Calhollr eburefa at Dar­ Clarence Workman I
nr Wm. Saltier,
day evealng wa
noon with her to Friday, Anyone 1
the raailles of Frank asdUobn I
ker Creek Sstorday crenlBg k
of the storm.
who ever atieaded such a party knows
ra las! Wednesdsy.
Ic^ ent.
Dell lUckerd drove to Bk Rapids
Grange will be beld Saturday aflerwhat the eniertalnmrnt was. 1 never!
s Blanche Gleb has reiunied
igar uooK. a pioneer of KavMio
2 o’eloek on aeeonnt^ the
her home In Caledonia.
ithip. passed away at bis home
Mrs. A. S. Pny made a trip to TrarFob. 5
Hr. and Mrs. Jotan Brodriek we
Frt«Mfolly ■
Thursday momlag al S o'clock
erte City Wednesday, raiumlng Thurs­
W. Moore I
Doumonia. He was buried SaturTbe O- A W, Thum Co., of Gvaad
had bit
lo ihp West Kassoo cemetery,
George Seeley Is on the wUk list
Drug Co- Trsterse City, was ii
aa else.
Rapids, plan* to cre« coorreie build
, Fcimtary came to like a lion. W
vlclnliy bst week.
Bockleo t
: hope n trill not last six naaks.
Mr. and Mrs. Bd TItoir are p
Isaac Kewmarch. anil.
. Saxtr V. Owing to the terrible storm which logs St a cost of gso.ano on a idity- sun the usual result, -a qalek and'
A good number stlCBded me tugi
There was an eniortaiomcDt In U
. re lumbering
acre tract recently acquired. They perfect esre " Greatest hesler <■ earth
sec'lon seven f. raged Sll dsy. few people could
oeboolhoure lart Friday nlptal for tt ; beet meeting al Williamsburg Tue
Ward Bros.
tend. 1The ralnb
o was to preacb will eonslsl of twflning buildings for
beaallt of LmU Uller. srbo Wat
Bom. to Hr. and Mrs. Arthur Spar- the set
get there. Scr­ the purpose of exirscflng oil from cashand In a corn sbreddar last fall.
ting. Jan. 29. a von.
N^. C. A. Bugbes Drag cck, dragied by.
The sick ones arc Improrlnc. a
txans aad storage bonsr*
Mrs. W. J. Cleeland, wbo
been Rer. C- W.
ibo has bemi
viriilag relatives the Usi two months, a widow, threw
ileoiT Oheniog refnr
at Kalamaxon. rctnraed ‘tomTbli^ who have ibe m
ersc City last Tuesday a
have lieen la Kanaas tbe paa't
a few days al home.
of all II
« I < t I t « • > I s t I I I I • i t t I t 1.1 • •
Mr. Deenctl commenced lumbering
Mrs. David
Dosrds Bros, etarlcd their ablDgle moaibs. muraed last Friday and
make Ibis Ifaclr borne bemafter. 1
with her parei.............
mill Iasi »aek.
itbter of Hr. Grady. D. Beach, of IMsI Bay.
Uv are coming la at Mr. Al
Mrs. J. B. Binsn stayed at the home
Tbe big fence wearing toom In (be
mill agalD .slocc tbe last snow.
’ David BIman last week
The LddWs’ Aid met trim Mrs. Vannew factoo' of the Creene-Ennl* Fence
Mr. and Mr*. Ed Emory of ih;v vnees of
dcreater last Thursday.
U Rsadlng Is bring placed. The
place aad Mr and Mrs. . O’Brien of McManns _
r William Sellclrii.
Bdna Kolgh' was laliiatod
other macblncrr 1* all set but it will ~ a few moDtlia ago aaiO “I am ihreogb oarrjring mjr awos^t willi *
Hlu Lury Conani Is m<
e spent iarl Saturday e
nclent Order of Gleaners al Pros- be nearly two miinihs brtore every,
nomer enasttag accident.
home of Willard Kltehc
"me-aBrlnysrifodon'twaiitit about tbebeoM. lanReioglo”
Ping a badly sprained a
thing is in working order.
Mrs. Hill It on me sick Jlsl. Mrs. mb wa* caught
• leave it witli yoa aod *give c6ccka when I want to pay say. «
It Iwiween
the sled and
The Ladles’ Aid met aim Mrs. Jcu
Bermoor of Oratm Is caring lor her.
badly injured she will Christopher tbb wyjck.
• thing." Be liked the plan Ml weU he ha* oaoUntwd it ever «.
Nad Leggett, wbo got bis fooi 3 unable to alk for several days.
Mr. and Mrv. O'Brien
braised vuie si trork in the voods is
A number ..
m the spending a few davs with Mr. and Mr*.
•. I J. Ncwmandi Is no bciu-r at
” einec. Many otheis are doing Uio same.

able to be at trork again.
Pleasant Qrovc nelghb
this writing.
and Ed Emory
Mr. Siewan sad bob of Franlcfori
. ... and
Joseph and Ralph Kltehen vctiimea
R. A. Wilson, who has been seri
• n yon have not done so luiretofon-, give tbe plan A trisl sad •
and Hr. and Mrs. Baird of Nets Wex.
Blorey last Friday night isi Wednesday from Hatch’s Cmtv jsly ill. is on the gala.

-ford- are
_B at
al C. II. HoBToa's. called
ig, where tbi'.' have been working.
Mr*. NvUli- Ni-wmarcfa and w It At -------------lofsl twwlirevit |>roaoBBr*dlllsesr
mere by me serious
Mr*. HcHIcbael nnd daoghler and lur called on Jnmes Sunday. < •hu Is
•• Iho money by you.

n and I
(Iss Lydia Douglass of Traverse City Vick.
second qaarterly meeting of rolumtNl last Tnesday after spemUng
Miss Jessie Seegmiller l> working
.'Mrs, me U. B. church will be held In Bales a few days with George Kitchen and •r M'S. W 8 Saxton
4reb. lOlb and Iim, Rev. J. 8. Beers of irolly.
John Newmarch made a buslne>» •0 drop* i*‘* tremooBfuL It sets dtrretly ns
friends of A- J- Stewart Spann. Mleb„ In charge.
There will be a musical and IltcrarT trip to Klagaley Monday.
«mi be a
I Warren Leitcr i
tieriainmeni at the Ogdenslnirg M
Mrs. Jennie Clelaad and son Waller
better at this writing
. chnreb Tuesday evening. Fob, IS relumed home from ebr south part of
veTTbody invited to attend.
•|e Elate Tuesday.
$•'!«11«t s I •;
evening's proceeds,
Mr. Honor and Mr. MgMaaus have

Grand Traverse Region.







It took years of close application to the house furnishing business for us to reach the state of perfection we now enjoy. Our SUCCESSES and LOSSES
of the past have been utilized to the BEST ADVANTAGE and are built Into an IMPREGNABLE WALL OF EXPERIENCE that YOU GET THE BENEFIT OF.
We know where to buy, what to buy, and how to buy, so that our customers enjoy a closer price than smaller and less expefienbed dealers can afford to offer.
B^\ne able to buy in full car lots gives us a leverage on low prices that is the envy of all competition.

Tour Room Outfit


Che Cittle Cbings
9x12 in. Drippirfe Pans..........................


Milk Strainers.............................................

Silting Room

9x 14 in. Dripping Pans....... ................


I lb. Butter Prints...................................

One Couch upholstered in velour, one 24x24 oak
Parlor Stand, one cobbler seat Arm Rocker, one
cane »eat Arm Rocker, one cobbler seat Sewing'
Rocker. Carpet to cover floor and one pair Lace

10x14 in. Dripping Pans......................


Loaf Tins...................................................


Dining Room
One Golden Oak Suite complete, consistiug of
full size Bed, one Dre^r, one Commode, one
Mattress, one pair Spring, one € piece Toilet Set,
and one bedroom Chair. '

One Cook Stove, one Kitchen Tabic, IS pieces of
kitchen utensils, consisting of the following: ope
tub, I boiler, 1 washboard. I mop. 1 broom, 1 dustpan. 1 te^cule. 1 teapot, 1 coffee pot. 1 fry pan.
1 stew Icettle, 1 water pail, 1 dipper. 1 dish pan, i
pie tins, 2 cake tins.

Same Oitim* mltb Solid Oak Sideboard, SU.OO*
You can pay for this at the rate of

$4,00 ptr monlb

We are the originators of the easy payaeot plan
in Northern Michigan,—the plan wherd>y half the
homes in your vicinity have been furnished. Then:
is ro red tape about our method of doing busi­
12c ness, no security asked other than the goods you
purchase. I'he whole proposition summed up in
lOc a nutshell is this: ■

For housekeeping conveoienccf are as diligently looked after by us as the larger pieces of furniture,
and the prices on same are correspondingly low.

This outfit U ail up to date goods and coobists of
the following articles:

One 6 ft. Extenuon Table, fi golden oak Dining
Chairs, 100 piece Set Dishes, 6 Knives and Fork?.
6 Teaspoons, 3 Tablespoons and one art square
Rug for floor.

Our Credit System

Cookie Cutters.........

;.. 2c

Fried Cake Cutters...................................


Pint Dippers..........................


I Oqt. Dish Pans................................
I4qt. Dish Pans........................................
Bracket Lamps-....................................
10x 14 Mirror, Framed..........................
Salt and Pepper Shakes.....................

Heavy Galvanized Dippers..................... 6c
Nutmeg Graters.........................................


Meat Forks...................................... .......... ;


Basting Spoons....... ................................... 3c
Double Bladed Chopping Knives......... 6c


The necessity of doing without until you can save
the money is done away with here. Our liberal
easy terms place a comfortable home within the
reach of all.

Dust Pans.......................................................
lOqt. PaUs................................................


Our main Store

Fire Shovels..................................................

6c In Traverse City consists of four la^ flcKMS, each
Towel Rollere................................................
5c floor crowded full of the market's dimeest housefurnishing goods. From Sudi an assortment as
Sewing Machine Oil, per bottle- - • • • •
we carry it is impossible to fail in finding just
what you wanu We handle everything to furnish
the home complete.

Picture Traming

Bring us your keepsakes in the way of pictures, photographs, marriage certificates, diploma.*, etc.,
let us put them in a nice, neat frame, where they will be protected from damage by dirt or wear.
You will find they will enliven the.appearance of the home far in excess of the small cost. Our
frames are made by an cxpeit. ALL WORK GUARANTEED.

J. w.


Ole Crust Vou


Our Salesmen
are polite and courteous, and will take as mach
pains with you if you are not a buyer as though
you were, aod iriH enjoy showing you through the
entire store.

Ole Tnuite Inspection

We wai pay car fare for Outfit Buyers,


Hr*. UseUir <
■MM lAk* «r
AM <.---------------•M UBk dMHT vta W. 3. AMe
Mt HmMa
W* nMwwnd iMt Leri BnMM «T
NMM 09 «M kUM kr (ke cm*.
vhMi MraO Um, kaocfclM Ut* TRm
tka tfMk.
MMTlk Pr»tt MBI to BordlMIc
. marvitic satartar
-M whh a
MW or Hr.
Weal Alain ami
s or In:
--- at 1...
to l»n*«ort
Coyka 0*1a* di
Haaan. Hcerr Brxnka. CUsic



*111 ba praaeblM at <■>(
■ue fW). U. Evarrbadr la-

'^ICri. AlU L& waa'eaUllBg <a Hn.
Cart Bata* ttNadar.
Mr*. Lann Baiaa aad
Mr*. Can
BtlM *era orer to Hr*. H. Omo'i
u por
>r ibal

ptoDcm or PaotiU* to«a*Up. panad
an; Ftlday at (be faallr boae aftet
a Hanrtac Ulan* or dtopay. a «»*
eae ■*«-**'■— aad (oar aoni aarrlre
him. Oaorga Tajior eaae here (ran
miBola asdaenied Ob the (am ■tbia 000*9 vaa deaae (oraat an
naaroat tradlai polai «aa Tnemr
09. where be odea traveled both
«ar* OB foot to get prorUkai* (or bU

*Mr!* Ta^? ^ »«3I aad farorablr
kno«B aad alwar* had a klad arord
for all. He baa boeo a
Hetbodlat ebnreh (or
where be alwapa look aa aeUre part
whea bi* heaHh «eald pemlt. Hi*
cblldreo, Mynat. Warren. Hlnm. Dan
and Ida. vet* at b}* bedaMe at tb*
laat. The taaarai wai held at (be
Badesaa KbaWbooBe laat 8nday.
Her, TboretoB *** tb* offleitUM atlnIMer. aeeMed by Rer. Wood. A1tboMta it n* a yaiy atonay day
waa a large «>eted at tb« hot*
eeboolhoaa*. Tba dioIrMJig-N._
Hy Ood U Tb**." "Jeana Uirer of
My Soal" aad ~<Jood Ni^c" The remaiat were laid at reel Id the Black-

_jaar*. W. CampbeU sad Max
~Peek* Bad B»r «*• ^aaMtad to
(airly good boeae Satarday alght Bchrosder retaraed from Grhad "
The.cMrweUr or Sebnlu was piayad vea Saiorday.
1. Tueida}
' porer9 norial will be give* at
perbapa tbe best cT any. Little (oor>
yaarMd L«ee eatanalned tbe aodk
Ollb Pier whoolbOBae os 8alu>
‘Mweaw aeu with aWglng i
were attended by bit wife, (riead* and; *:
f. healdea taklag the part
an n^ibu’^eoBdaeted by the
Klogaley acbool* bnm^i the acbool
.. Unifeem Text Book Law.
For tbe Herald.
la a Mat earn to M tareelf teftbeMboolroom.
After macb experlmeatlag ;
many cbaagcs, arodoetire ot few
aalta, Htcblgaa bai ao*- a eatBpuiao9
*. Joe l>Dlaaka la *i|D T*9 low. sebool bw wbleb la efleetive.
aWboagb ** hope (or ber apeody re-ne couaty and city truant offleerx,
armod with all the eotboHiy
‘ '
MU. Uxxle Wlaxiaaley rial
law. have xwept Into tbe pobll
alater. Hr*. O. a Claypool. t:
- mi
( ehrunlr
a* well aa many. vb<
who. havl
The lltile d*oghWr ot Mr. aad Mr*. school under tbe legal age.
O. a Claypool. mBd baa ben very gaged in proAiable eoiiluyDi..............—
alek tbe pan wert. b aim ao betim-. emptioaa which proved but loophole*
Hotel White b qalie a place (or
the evaxioa of the old bw* have
for U
alek. tbe baby having laAaaHBtilot
been Hoxed up. .No merey ba» be«-o
I enforce ‘
tbe ear: alto Hra. a. Clark, who Ik *bo*n In Ibe endea<
1* tbe <1
qnlle krw. Mb* Ud‘ —
prlDHple Thai educt
rived ibb monlng
bw pot only xnv* that
Hra. Clark.
The (oaenl of Hr*. Sly waa held
iweea cectain age*
at the Solon ehiireb Sunday. Quite
suead acbotrf. but that
aamber braved tbe alarm lo pay (be
wllh^rriper liook^ '
bat reapect* lo the departed.
ibi* pruvluon. mtH^.
The T. P. A. Sunday evening wax Jnsllce muM leeeaxartly tx- don*.
lad by Joe Amtabocbler. with a eebe- der our prexeiil law*
Kan) to I
iliy. So
tloa of reading by Jiillin Amiaburbler
'im«hlp can
and Wlllbai Haerela
9 (wo dIxtrlHa In anv lownyhlp
Hr. and Mr*. Wm. Winttanley
be found using (hr aame
Travere* CUy cal leva Moadty.
b the ncbml* of thb
HU* Uzxie Wbatanley and abler. COBD9 (Grand Traverxei can lxHra. O. a. Claypool. called on Hr*. found White*. Wslab*. Milne*. Har
W. Laatner on Tueaday laat.
per-* and other lextHiooke of arlihPianda Cleaa baa taken Harry mstie. -nor* sr* Harper*. Tb* Nat
Wade’a ^aee driving '
- White.

HnnuUi. Lav
. A
- .CD. to
IIH H I'burcb
Mn B^fleld wax a rvstdeni ofTrav j Jam** R. Vernier aad wife m
er*e Clij for many ynai*. but l-nj P^Jt^wm and wife, n ju aers. of
ss. h. U A Co a Pe-w
Pe-nwood sab
». mug*-: diT.
there lo go to CslirbraU In teajrta -fl awl* of awM.
b^ifa. where h- tmvel.-d for :*o|9.
Hlea 'J. Adams, guardian, to Ibn
: years.'but failed to iweslvs permaiieel j
Beaj. P. Camrn and wife to
ni»«i D. Bara* aim wife, lot itt, uak
beaegi. Me returned from the *e«i, Jrtmson, parcH. tee. ». town •*.
about a year ago and ba* slnec re-i9.
•hibald W. Monro and wife tnj
sided In peaiwater. He Mve* a wife
Slid two daughters. Mr* l_ W. Hyd. ' '
of Cleveland. Obbi. and Mrs. Kdrm»n'
Neveiral of Grand Rapid*. Mktta. lo-- J W, INIbrs nod wif.- u.
twnier. TIi- J'-hii'sin, |ians-|. eer. g. town rt.
foacral service*
.ee o.
Jno V-ving and wIf. to Sarntx-I R
the Hasonlc ur.ler. of which
_ ............ .............
than ibirty ' H*tr-h. aarw-l^.
Knwed A Browr-. and wife to S. R
Hr Seholleld wax birii la Ontario Hlv«h. nm L of *e«4. sec. U. town IT.
IM:. ledUK *1 the linwroT hi> dt«th f*"xe 9
I years, 7 mouib* add It day* of; l-«Hn Roberts to Man' A. S. Hoh
;e. He wss a blarkstBllb by (mie:
1*'* <1 and
biurk U. Tratvtv-


I ” • *• *

JdnJt SUn.


hieb he had patent-1
BIwar.t Levall. ft al.
liy his cl
the cuunt9 lo*.-. ajSntl'b.
sec. J5.
No dang.-r.Hi*
dangerous dnig«
iv alcdioll.
o luraer J
il riilren and a generoii*
generous friend' 'leo. Rvan and
- tronroeilou* an- lak.and
^••!*eh when llnmiet 1. UM-.t
range s.
, |tlinm*h the _____
_ 111.bal»anje'
John tlllils and wif
' ; healing of llyiunei

lo He
• Morgan, net, irf »*-*«.
1: Thurston .0 G, I.. r.m..u..
HlsMCity CKbent Have
Learned It.
Ihststead Co. to Esther
'''••* t-fl''"'" ■■"!
If you suffer from backache.
r7.».bhK-kS.Ft-rl.-OOd.l' „,-om.-i I, the simp..,,, m,„. pl.*There I* only one wav i» cure It.
Frank'Vug] to E7H IVTou--. c
nni and the only gnrBni.-.-d .'.irt- 1uThe perfect way Is lu cure the kl.llot CL <bk liHghls.
Glen A. Brighaoi ud wife to ll.«h'-'
-.f..mpl.-le .sitfi'. II,tut; ,-ttia b..li1e, i
A bad hack mean* slek kidneys.
II. Hill*. nS of u»>., MV. Zo. town
Neglect It. urtnarv Iroiibles follow.
Itann's Kidne y mu are made loi
Wm G. Campl»-ll and wife
kidney* only.
W. Matibew*.m, lot SI.
K. II.'
Mrs. K W
L« Co's Tib
es. Uleb.. »ay*:
inie« H. Ciill.-,.
Ciill.-ii -and wife to
PmaecuUng Alt.irti^ Wetmor* *
for koJney
y di,.-a>.'
illM-ais' a loog
looi time Itefure der Sho">k. par<-.-ls. ».-.••« is and Ik.'Wexford county
I itegan taking Doan's Kidney PHI*, town Si.
Fellirws, who 1* charxe.
and while the dtviors agreed that my
the UJU
murder <d
h...-e. ii. .. U|
, e
kidn<-ys Wi-re disordered, (or some
reasoa they 0.11110 not hHp me. One u{ aiidnSor«-L.
U. town SC. raiisel“^»""‘«" f‘"S anumlr. may n.*t le
them said 1 Imd Rrighi'* disease. My
back aebed all the time nad H I caught
Olive A Iln.wn to David Smlib. set.,
cold it
so tame that I M__________
of 8Wl4.
IS. town Sik range Hi.
I) get around to attend to my house­
r A. Haniuund and wife to j. K.
work. Nights i was gi
greatly botl.ere.1 Gn-lllek Co., parrel, sec. 13. tn«ji St,
• lib ptlnt In my l«ek
dige I It.
rere they pren-ni.-d
e from i-le.-,e|
Ibvid Stolih and wife lo 1.; K. Glbh*.
______ ptoiir*
dlsordere.1 Vldney*. 1 pro-j
Emmci Seiiili. el al. lo Ibvid Smiil
imgu.- cm
iced Doaa's Kidney Pills and IheyjncU <rf .wb and at-j €>(*.■«.
p.i-xluo i
«n drove the barkarhi- away as well | los-n SK, range in.
I the other ►ymiiioms. I am of the:
Mike IHeboli aad wife to Min
opinion that Iher.- Is lui .dbor kWqey j gi-Hord. |wrcvl.

"K O.

are bare (or the m

I qnlie a
tb# prea.........................k htal* waa given op to .
Hra. Ray b a capital
ih the name* of relefartte* w
them which the pinnad on the back
.. each one no that the company
read, bat the lady heraeK muai
by Ibe bueatlona naked her wb<
wax 10 reprexent. It canted macb
rlmeal. Tbeo her pnxxle picture* rethe name tbe anchor* ol the

aoBM tliM. baa latarsed.
^ There waa no BaiKlay aAool laat ptotaare enjoved made the ■ftereoMi
Inoday oa aceeaat of tbe fnaetal.
--------; Bbort.
Ml*. /nUa Uwe U goHe alek.
tetary club wai opeoed^FYI.
.Hr. and Hi*. T. Oeaa of SobibU
iniBimai, quettio
leadlagt and
■IngiDg. Then
maaced tbe da


Mr*. Joba Baely and lUUe daaght
of Wexford are rtalUag Mr Boibt
Hra. macea ThoapaM aad (aiallr.
HUa Mabel OIbb* of TnTeree Oty
apMI laat wMk rMUag MtMa bare.
Wedaeaday U» niAtfay
m delayed bare '

Jas B. Stable* lo Charlotte E. Hur­
ley. lot 1M. Oak He«ns.
Wm. M. Dexter and wife to AdoU
Xak. et al. parcsts. Bee. 7. town ZA

tor the aegailvp. All made aome good
potau (or.lbelr aide, bat the ladle*
won Ibe battle. Two gentlemen and
oae lady were the Judges, and Ibey
decided (or tbe aUtnaBtlve. Tbe next
’-Retolred. Thai
:bouM have self gore
next Priday nli^l. Feb. c.
Repert of Interioc

e ermlag. Paaaeager* and
we takaa to WalicB JnaeUon
eight eaglae aad oabooea.
d irom bate
Those presMl every day were
e«( Conover. Wayne Tbompsoa. O
7%ompB0e, John Conover. Beaale .
----------. ~-------- -.TloydHaahell.

^h* awatlag ct tbe IMM- Aid so
eH9 at Hra. FTaak Sayera' did ooi
takOiiae* Thanday laat on bmoohi
or bid waatber. U baa been poaipaMd UH naraday. Phb. IStb.
8bU- Cook, a foraier reaMeai bare,
called on old frleada Wedaeaday

Improvement i
other' method* ana Rr*t*m*.
imi* tbe subjeri in a diirereni i
ra*r. lending lo create cunfuxlot
Ibe mind* of learber aud pupil. In
tabiory and grammar only, b ih*n•ling uniformity,
lac* In f
achoob—tnci me xeiection i
!y left to them—(be book* wli
they are best acquainted. Change* are
often made. and. dexpite the effuni
our county conn)l*Ktoner.>. ihr i
fu«lon grow* wor»e
The Inliullcc fall* mo*i hettllv .
OB thofe least able lo lx»r It, The la­
boring clnaae*. whose residence are
often trantleni and depend upon ibelr
employment, are compelled to bu)
w book* at each removal. Arrexc
ve been made and flae* Impttaed for
failure to provide iKwk*. when the
lld vra* well supplied w
ter than those la mo- at
llcubr place where be
Thb coadllioD of aRali*
beneflHal to the publlxhlng
a the
houses: but
poor. And I
I* UDDccsatary.
Tbeo the merebaot who bandies
text-hooka 1* compelled to keep m
band a Urge aitwk of book* (or a com­
paratively amall trade. Evmi iijfo.
he I* onable to supply all lb
Vmandi. No wonder that many
> baadle sebool Ixioki at all.
Tbere I* only one aolitllon of
problem which eonfrool* ihedeschem
and sebool iiatron* of Michigan, and
that Ilea In a uniform «v»iem of text­
books tkrougboul tbe state. There is
(iBilger of aiagaatioa or lark of
greas should a Ublfortn vyxtem be
adc^ed. No progressive teacher will
fail to read other texts than tbe one*
in dally u»e. Then, yming teartaer*.
being (amllbr wltb tbe Uiok from
which they learb. should do l>Hler
than when compelled to lake up I
book at each chtnge in loca
tlca. .
Why can BO reform be made? Tieanbjem baa en
engaged the aiteailon -d
glslaiurea for year* wltbThe writer cannot believe
Ihe influenee of piibllshliiK
Irta stand* in tbe way ol
a much needed reform. Yet. xurli.
'Uid be (he DBiuiwI Inference.
I* It not lime for Ihe vtrioti* tearh
and .educatloiMl
-oiighoiil (be state to wake up:
rough reaolution* and persons!
the prosiiectlie

>'..r «l,


A l.ot}' voiil tbia au.! h
Terj- ItOBT atp'.
\Vc caanot
be pusUsloii all tbii^nrutUM]
oa—loo busy.
tliiTv tiA! ibinira vi- treed lo
know. In-tlie nintb r uf parciiosiDi: y..ur piano yon are
Un Imay to shop aruuiHl and
k-oL tlie uiattet Up.
Tiltaiu|>l.-*t way it tbe KIM­
BALL WAY. llaairAtilMi

•Wtowsg Msl t*
•I sad nniMdartk'.

. 1-. ,V.» . «...


ssiXWT,,,.'':’........ .

Thlofs Y«a Need to Know

. nH irfi'
*'">'*>er indu.i(y In the Bag
Plenty more proof
X town K, range II.-Inaw vall.-y made an eieelleiit shoa
Traverse City peopl.'. Call
S' JuhBSon.Mng in tsudi. Then-was mured to mar
A Co.'s drug store nod ask
customer* report.
Bies H. 'and^Sfe to Trar-i*'"
SaF*'"* h.
sale, hr all deal.-r*.
Cllr ManufaHurlog Co . lot u*.; n* during the y«ir. si.sii; ear
F.^er-Mllhum Cu.. Huff,
IhMiJs of liimU-r produe;*. Artraxiii-.:
New York.
agent* for
or tbe Untied
Isabelle Mead* to Minnie A. Minor.i IK.tstM
InU S and «. Idnc-k St. H.. 1_ A Co.'* dlh. ol a* a fair riverage. (1 gives a total
111.- namiA-noaa's—and,
Aiinah A Manln to Prank A. G00-.
The lumis-r In
.ler. paim-ls.
s nod 17. town S« of SM.10S.IW feet.
dusiry last year may l>- ItHefly *nm think that plb-sean
marir.ed; Output of ike n.111*. Ilt7.
Thousands of id. stlnale I
911.717 f<hu: lecrlved 1,5 water. UK.
ciire.1 hy li.
eaaia at any dntg
Morgan to Rli» a. Cnmp'•> *at-r. ;',ao.
Is'll. w»4
K. U. K. bhtek. II.. I. A
f"*'': sblpie-.! by nil. Ssi.lns.iss.
Tbrmer*. mechanir*. rallmailer
tVi.V 7ih.
feet: log* haiih-d by Michigan I'.-n

Thonia*' EcJeeirlr
mark Hand ;
feet, -nie for.-n.lir
Take* the vtlng out of nitv. Rbter. narm-b,
i or lirulfin. t I ouee. i-ain raniioi
"* n<ri illeliKle the r.-,|*r |s>*t*. He
Slav where It is ■
Thoms* Johii-iui Biol wife to K. I.
I"”''" li*ndl.-.l; tip- lM-nil<K-k l«r«

Simply tliia;—('at ont ibe
above coopon aotl mail it lo
os. will wi-’ll soDd yitiLJJAeliJ
piano information that ypn
can look uver and study in

IT own bw
> know abont
n-putnlitm and weariDi; (iohIity: yon want to ktmw almat
till- {liiiiio that is Iwt anilRl
for tbia panirular clituate,
aloiit tbe ifoanulseaoil wbal
it menus.
You want to know
about our '■liitle pnytnttt
plan tliBt.nwkeaiHatiolHiyina
e«ay.“ uwl aboTo «rhl beyouii
all you want to 'kaw ;«boul

M*4en Sr»ten of Piuo
Sellisr Wklch Safes
Too He&ey...
Drop in any day and bear
tbe Urent-KimltaU Pianoplayer. Fi e eooeiwta ilaily.

n. 8. HARNHR. lYow.


MMcbett I............................
i^Ughly enjoyable erebing xpeni by

O’. Hra. Aaguat Oraai,



ax«i sisie UI Mwaigwn. wnirn uuii*ie
A. U. I.etlle of RvabatOD. HI. w
of tbs aapsrlnriiy of It* higher laatliwn thb werit oa boxlaesa.
tntloas of learning and tbe excellene<'
Tbe Ladle*- elob will m*«l at tbe
uf llx publtr schools, should not fail
home of Hr*. Hatibewt thb week.
in Ihl* mailer, lo take lU pro|>er place
Or. Payne ot Solloni Bay apeat
among the more progressive state.,
A- II. Speer.

iBprored la baallb at pmeal.
Joba C wolgast baa auved hi*
(aally here fram Oadlllac. They will
.................................. < Hra. 8. I.

lU YtagllBC aad B
y teat callers Wed
Irr. Cook or Tnreree City *

Tbe groBBd hog •

at HaydHd eaiorday aad Boaday.
Tbe yocogeat child oT W. N. Hoy
Uoyd UcDoaaM was la Tnfetwe
09 pWlerday.
Bon. Snaday, to Hr. aad
Wayas Maalgald, a daughter.


Children’s Goods are going and the prices move them. : : :
Visit our Children’s Department and note the discounts we
are making on many lines of goods.

?15* (or

DtvU Hoetta or ttab place aM Mlea
Adella* Ua of Haaorer. ^tarlo.
were auried laat weax at Ibe btter DO Prlday’evenlM M 5e^"^l blol
place. Hr. aad Hra. RoMlii are here
trlaning relallrea. They expeci to re- "hUs Carrie Ckdham retaraed
er borne Friday.
The Gave9 eluh held^heir dancing
Tbe G. R. * I. dapM la arirM tor *T9 os Wedaeaday evealag. which
•leetHc ligbta.
aaa a highly eejoyabte oecaaioa.
Chat. Smith Ml 8aaMy for a tMi __ Hr. Pnrhlaa aad party returned i
with rHatlve* la Poatlae. HI* place "
' Ly thb week to eui ke.
la the baak I* Uled by a Hr. Ahlier.
------------- 1* pee tac(09 l» progre*
Ranrey Tripp called I* TMTerae
Caiy Satarday.
‘^I'^nb ot Omeaa spent WedaesBev. A. U Th«moa it III.
All arToordblly lavlted'to attead
Ibe social dvee by tb* U a T. H. <
Mf*. Can dme eter (rnb Wexford FfUay evealag.
MM Lewom Campbell eMertalaed
umber of bbe frleada oa Satarday
neraaoB. The lla>e waa plasmnUy
MBt la games. aRer wkleb caody


of Life

i quilting party no Friday afteri. Twelve gueala were terved lo
niBleoo* dinner and a pleaaant
wax xpeat by all. The gnetix
• Hetdamea O. Voice. C. Brueo.
Icon, A. Voice. E. Datne. N. Mor­
gan. W. Sleele and the Uitaea Funle
aad Nellie Sieeie and Mesxi*. W. No On* Can b* Strung With a Weak
Sleele. K. Morgan and Bben Sleele.
StomacN—A. E. Walt A Sens Tell
-Tbe Story of Ibe Plak RoteHsw tt May be Strsnglhetted.
- and will be give
:lven next
The stomach ia the ra*ln*prinp <■(
When Ii It xirong and act* tier- j
kr at the old home nonb of town and (ectly. (hen the whole aysiem Is rlxh: !■
a fully equipped for tbe bnalneas. H^ sssimilailoa is perfect, and body and'
ha* fumlthed room* la tbe borne,
rain are tburougbly nouHshed.
wbteb are ready for oecupancy and
One may perhaps gel.iempomry nwhere be will be
rt from stomach trouble* by using
triMldt after Peb. Hlh.
Many Im- pepsin, or some other dlgeslant. H
*111 be made
does not reach (he scat of Ibe irouhlplace daring (he coning t>.
ifdce I* one of Northj^-*
How much iH-tier lo use ill-o-na,
bleb restores lost funciluns of Un-;
whole dIgSfllve system, revive* flag I
*‘*’* '“
Tbe W R. C. held (belr regobr RaHon oTmw'
meeting on Saturday. Feb. S.
-o-na b a pleasant rersedy m
Tbs Ladles' Aid nciety wfll meet
. and benedt b seen from almoK:
hb weM at (be home of Mr*. U See tbe Artt day's treaiment. It restorv*
the torpid glands and slimubie* He ,
‘‘t. KelcAeman retnraed from t
aatnial digestive secretion*. H check. I
(bit week.
aiailon. stops germ

Interest in our February Sale was manifest from the start—
the sudden cold weather brought us unexpected results. The
sale of Overcoats and Suits has been satisfactory—Boys’ and

pains, furred tongue, sleeplosne*.-,
aerTbusnest. and general debllUy.
•are caused by imperfect dlge>It U Ibe only remedy that I* *o nn(omly aucee**fu1 In the cure of iion:'
disease* that S. R Walt A Son.
vHIIng lo give a guazanlee with
T M cent box of Ml-o-na tablet*
tbnl the remedy will cost nothing un­
less It cures. Tbev have so mocttaltb in Ml-otia that they are willing
•y take all the rbk.
TlA>eral9 deblllutsd (or vearw.!
Had aick haadaebea. lacked aad>l(loo.'
was worn-out and all/un-down
dock Bk»d Bitters atade me a wen
-™n*B.-_Hra. Chaa. Frslloy- Moos-

Will be a good day to come.

Special offerings.



The deal that has beeii pending for months past has just been closed, and we have been successful in leasing our new quarters for a term of years at our .own price

We Have

wn fliir PrA$flni flilRrtPrfi
success U due to our untiring efforts to please the public, having built up a successful trade by honorable and up-to-date methods, and at
_ IWII UUI I IDOolll yilQIlulUs all times outstripping competition. Our aim now is not to move one dollar's worth of merchandise. Our present stock MUST BK
Oi.O»KI® ^UT, as we intend to open up in TMK BOSTON STORK BUI^OINO with a complete new stock. We begin at once to close out the stock of the Glebe Store.
as we must take
......... iR within SO DATS.
It will be a most stuiwndous undertaking to close out our mammoth stock at retail in 20 days, but the prices we have put
the goods will
; them out rapiilly.
Every dollar’.s worth of merchandise will be marked down—nothing reserved. This will be by fa> the


of merchandise that has ever taken place in this region. Cost an.l profit have been thrown to the wind. Come and bring your family.
your future needs for the next six months.

». -«i urn u.



Ills Store wUI be Closed all Day Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 12 and 13. lo'makc final preparations for Ibis jrat eyent
Efcat Remoral Sale

Tht party who r«nt«
te taka poM

Wednesday Morning, Feb. 14, at 8 o’clock A. M.

76 UdlM' Sklru. naie off
It wool BcMob Blitun-.
proof aulMns; (rtaioM to
>trap«. plalti and butiono;
•old eatlre ataaoa for ft Do
and $5.00. reiiKml atle price
S1.M aiNf $2.S».

mack Ftir Scarft.


Entire Clothing Stock must be converted into cash. Men’^
and Boys’ Clothing to be sacrificed.

7a pieces of Tors, copslsl.
Inc of Opossnm. Rassisn
Boar. Squirrel. Flo*. DJended
Mink at SOt an Uw dollar.

75 Cblldren's Cloaks, beauttfolly trlBmed vUh bnld.
plalu and bueklet; worth $5.
reBorat aale price $2.41.





greater nanofaeiurers

drets goods, remaanta ol linens.


woHfa leas than
15c. chotre



7S Ladles- SklrUi. made of
Broadctolh. Serees. Pana■aam SIIIcUb^ etc.: not a
akin »«lh*leas than $5 and
«»iie as hlfh' as $7.50. reBoral sale price t$A



ginphas. aaneelette.
prtnu and laees.
etc., at laaa than
He on the tfelUr

M 0 n’s and Boy's
Duck Goats, blank­
et lined, remoial
nlo price, 69c

Small aizee Men's
they laat. close out
this aale

100 Men’s Suits in
Uack and fancies,
not a suit worth
less than $.5.00 and
as liigb as |l!.50.
Senovnl sale price
2,98 and 3.48

A lot of Men’s awl
Voudia’ Dress
Pants to dose out.

150 Boys' snits in
B n B t c r Browus,
Norfolk and double
breastul style,
some with knicker.
bockw trousers, not
(1 suit Wurth lees
Uinn $:t.00. Bemov.
al sale price 1.98

•52 in. Long Over­
coats. lined with
fine Venetian lin­
ing, sold early in
the acason f<>r $15.
Removal male
price... $10.98

Every pair worth

A lot of M.'it'a Short
and Long f Ivoroxtla. liigbly tai­
lor^, iiiieil^ with
scri;,-a, wool k»T8oy.
inetlon and fri««oa.

Odd lot of B..J-0’
School Suits,
donlih- breastaxl
style, reuioviil sale

.50 Men's Suite; this
lot OODMStS ot oU


Boys’ St-faool Suits,
double brvasUkI
style, sold regnlsr.
ly for $2 and 2.2:..
Ki-moviJ sale

A .52 inch Men's
liong < >verooat, box
back, cheap at 7.-50.
Bemovd aale

new uud up i
patloms. ihi$ sosaon'a gooda. niiuliof all wool fime-y
. ( !i<-viota. <-tr. TLceo
enite are mode with
and arewor
and $1.0. I
•i.lo lirive.

Boj-s’ Conluroy KmJ
Pants, ages up to
14, a .50c cjuidity.
for................. 24c

$8.7Sand $9.97

worsteds, worth
Sale Price $5.98

Men's lln-iis i'unte in
fancy wontods and
cosuinitTvs, sold
this aeasoD
2.50 and $:i, ren>ov.
al s.-ile price.
|t.4«. $1.69, $1,98



r yard

mark and ‘Bomti M.'Uon
SiililUK*: 4 5ur ck.lh, sale
pricr. per yard 2Sc.


lono yards Taff-ia Bilks,
ofi Anlsb. In wlili.-. black,
•rown, yeiloa and nary,
a.5«r eimliiy. remor- «.
al irtce'.-^..............Z4C
All w.»l
colors: aorth

35c, remor

aale price per yard Ste.

Short pieces of Dress
Onuls. cocslstlng of plsin
aoct fancy Uobairs. all wool
Graoites. Scolcb Ulxiurea
and Tvoeds; DWblug aiirtli
b-ss than 50c. and some as
high as ;sc. sale pHc- 3$e.


h.ary, Marscll
les patKTns. unhemmed:
regularly sold $I.M
to $!-'.«. sale
pHcp SI&


This fair, lalcT!i slyk-s cap»
aud Ums. for,ta­
dies and Biases,
aiBd funnerly fur
EOc aud 75c. to
riose out for 2Sc
attd 38c.

wrappers for less
than you can I.iit
the chub. Bpeclal price


gle Baoe no Ceaders-Eoery JIHicle irt Ibe Store Ras Been Cun and Cut Deep.

Amerfos Su­
perior |>ear] hot.
lona. worib 5c
aod 7c, all aiiea:
per dtaen 2c.

Gold Bye Need­
les. ail,site*, per
package, le.

Superior me
Ing pins. : I.
for le.

Dry Goods ond Staples
aad ladles- drets-

Standard Prlols, Indigo blues, grays
and shining stylet: a Cc doth fur


nasilng ihread.
2 sjsiuts for 1c.

K goo.1 heavy
:eni sen^.lng



Doya’ and Vouths' Bac-kl« Aroti.-s. goo>1 -Tersey Cloth U>i>. worth 1 2rt. sale |irii-e...........

i jfLf





Men . AMiarhan l«rk warm lined
CI..1C -: >rj|cl lor 3r.e, sale prlre


Slis;.:'::::’’ 98c

ri.ltdren-s fancy Wi«i! Pm.-aiers:
111. le-M '.IK- si.-aihef .'Ver nhown. sale

t)ur entin- stock of 55'oinen's Kelt
Shoes mid JiilielU-a. for trimmi-d.
kill fnxid. not a shoe worth k-?s
tbun $1 .50. .and some os high as
$2. Hcmovul sale price


Boy's percale
walsi. In dark
light ptilerris: sold Jiy
coapetltors lor
7r.s; sale price

;V and
m-.val sale

Fcmr In Hand Ties, He-

Men's L-amel flair, Naiitral Wool.
extra Ix-Bvy rlui«-<l. fleece lined
rnderm.-ar: eiinsid.rrd cheap at 50c.
thU .ale. |HT garm.-nl

Oor entire stock
of Men's light
and heavy­
weight Bnckic
Arctics, regular
price 1.50. sale

cent raJoe, while li lasts, per yard

Stocking Capa, to
dote ool tor ISc
Male akin lined
wriat. add for
tsc. for this sale
OOJJ, per pair

ilren's fanry kn
they Iasi 15c.



Wonn-ii'a hieh Buc kle Arotios, fine -Ter-cc y
clotli, worth
Itcmoral sale iiric-...........

Shoes in patent .v.U skin. Blucher

I slyles, tail

Ijdl.-.- While
hi-ni.'liciied linen


,,er »,.„l
a-ic: 4 limii.

One halo dark outing, abort lengths,
worth Cc and 7c. sale price.
. Ladkt- rwteni
Leather and Uercerlsad BBbroldared Behs: srorth

Il-lding I. sal.- |iric--

Nnilngbatn Blearbed Lace Cnnalns.
all lo Batch: per pair


M i 8 s e s' seal
grain. .WaU-r
solid us a rock,
worth l.:i5, for
this side.. .79c

^Icn'a 4 Buckle An-lics.
hwivy aolit. Retnovu!
wle price.........$ I .48

1.50 pairs ileu s factory c'aecki-d
Shues in |iatent colt skin, liox calf,
velour .-aJf, vici kid. lao-. coiigToss
anil Blucher Klyles, not a shot- in
the lot worth l<«s than 2..5U. Mxme
worth $:i and It.nO, Re- #
moval sale price........... 1 b>fII


Men’s Vici Kid
Shoes, made on
uew spring
1 a E L correct
shiipis. sale
priiv... :$1.29

CbUdn n’s Rubl>ere. sizes '5's
to s's. r.dlc.1
edge, worth
•2.V, for... 19c

The r«l.-i,iated M.inarch and Peerk-se III.-,, Shin,, In while and colors.
*ale prirv


lilaek: .«le price



Seoii's r-orabin.-d Keek and EVir
Wool Muffler; sold by all ag'-u's for



l.-'iO. sale pne>-....98c

Ouf Entire Stock' to he Dislrihuteil into the Homes of the People for Less than Actoal Cost of Raw Material.

Our estin stock of M^'s and Boya' Hats, alt etdors.
riiapes and styles, ledooed in price

..' 4c

Twenty-five dozen Ladies' Fine Cambric Covers, elaborately trimmed with four and
five rows of real Valenciennes lace and iahertion..al50 beadiniv, worth from :i5c to
75c. for this sale. SSo

Be. I5e. 1«e.
Knilr.- line «f
W-riHi Iiigs an<'
Pix-keibuoks at
SOe or s dollar.
Men's 4-ply Ji
n Collars, n

Womon's fleece lined Vcl and Panta. vlaatic
rihtel. l^ ily a«e.-«l. sold ih.- world over J

an^ i«.»hort ^gt^not a yd worth


118 F-roi-i-t S-tr««-t

en's and bo
inter Caps II
-rw sold tor J

Trmvors« Ci-ty, MioK.

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