Grand Traverse Herald, June 21, 1906

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 21, 1906


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text







-irnaniBg fraui a gash la Mr 1
i sB-t grawias wisker

rwehsi to wblrb the mona
a of tbe deparud toy was ere
red la Juar flower*, while
br Htaa Bdlth Aadreoa. vbo irwHed
I was -*•—■ with tbeir railage
•nu a patbelle atorf of an old retfnltoved br aa aBeorr of the
« apIrtlBoo*
to oo- ClJ
♦an. *a» docMed Ikofllr Indore
*-Ultie IlBlDir Malden and the Babto areoU eourt todaf with «bo
blioc Brook.- Both rrere beanilr eaAtolBi et a rartlet of -»ot aulliT cored. The report of the oDcora oar who read the iwBsty4hlrd psalm
iticr a ibon retlreareac Tb. drtmre read by Bacrefary C. H. Eetea aa fol- pcsnlons of the twenty lecenf chapter
Ipt op rebwiai iratloMar and dooM loa-i:
of Bevelalious. begtnnlag -'And I saw
toranoMir aaiUai Hqoer (or ■ barerbeaten and a new rerib for the
The paM year oraa alren aa the tDom
rbetable of any year Mace the or- flrst heaven and the flr*t eanb were
maltatloB, erer SMI aeBtben being IBSsed away and there waa no more
sea.- Prayer ms then said by Mr.
enrolled. Out of tbeae orer one
ytoa of (rtwh *bo teetlfcd
coehlln and M. S. Bowley sane whb
dr<d bad not glreo jbeir plan- c
-TLere l« lllrreed
•ood bahartor.
rival and dale of blob, which le only
.roar dh-crrea «are Kianiad
confortnIOR to the rule* <d the organ lidme Beyud^l* lAu.1 of Our*. '
MlevtBf. Martha K. Dorat ra. Fn4 ItatluD. Thro meetings c< the eiec
tpeakiug 'lie (>w word* of rom
flerat. Adolph Ralwn ra. Analla Kal- mire cotsiniite.- had beeu held, on*- »■
■uU eulorv tor th- rtf ili.rraak M. Etoler m. Maude Ba­ Beioski-y to audit Mils, and tbe oiM-r derea'ed Hie !|ev Mr
fV>e|ihD r--


ira-nl i<->i-l<-nre.

- arly in iL<

mt>rtiinc to spin f- ie-

Trraerse Oly State Bank

H. aM-*ran~ bf .«>
ar.*i..u* aad fcurtv-..
Wl-.r.- he St*r«4
b«iL-! htmalm-es
•'..uh-'t's aa ba.1 *:rwel.
•r.(l.etltic a .:.*w
is-mi .... .i.i.t.:b' ..I
-tdlt f'M- -s'-wd



vlt-aed hi' larlr effipit- lo ihl« eii«
ihiny-flve year* arn wh*n he arrivii
thru wtih heart f-Jil of her*- nnd a body fnit
of energy.
Tfcn*- b---ln-rhangiwere rwlewerl. the la:-i lieiiia the (ae
lory where he *iii-c<'<«fii1lv laleirrd fn

. Patabln aod Fred Pratt reepew-

Dk Bapida would be moai approprk.
|:M K. to. yenerday and the roUowlag
ate. as It would be the iwealy-Otib
U of the easee was aanooBeed:
nireraary or ibe twealy-SIth taefl
of the asauelatlon.
I iota Moaroe et al. ra. RIekox. Mull
k HUl Do, aaaumpalt, dlaeontinaed:

■MTia or raiTr

ig A Co. and Heary C. Bnrt,
aotloa tor contlBtiaBce:
T O. Brown K al. rs. Dale K.
t. deetDoBl. ready for trial;
B *. RIcbasoBd ra John Storey
d Rathaa W. Storey. Ireapaai ease,
ir the tem: Hoaier 0. Brown et al.
1. K. Culler, ejeettoenl. ready;
[. 0. Browa et al, ra. F. lAulner.
ady: F. H. Barnota ra. J.

Adolph Ratoer ea. AmUb Kalaer.
ilearea, ready: Mabel B. DeWItl wi.
Wmu A. DeWlrt. orer Ibe im:
Barys ktottwha-dg Ad. ra. Cbaa. D.
Ctodaad, Intooetloa. agreed on ereiletoeat: Buitot« anna re. Henry E.

ItM oprislog for len .v.-ar'mnn- al'
ihe*e lime*.'' etinllhued Mr. CoetiHn,
Mr Rnrk wa* a high ■plrited rlilx-in
lie gave hImxU to the p.ihUr
and no matter ahai the e*ll It
life of Travern.- Ci-y he *i
mdy lo serve. The Imp-vuenieols alia,



roDteoK-d than when wlih
J. J. McLaughlin. 68 year*, oldest eel'How beautiful ihlng* are here.' I.
ller of Antrim county: Mr*. M*ry
would say. It I* good lo live h.-nOapelnad. M yenr*. oldeet eettlef KalNature gave blm renewed vigor c"
kaidta eouBly: M. B. Stockman. 4»
mlud, and freeilom from rare.
11year*. olde*t BMiler Charh
was one who could b»k oul and se
ty: E. R Miller, 8» year*.
thing* not for which *re were wort!
Oread Traverae coonty: Mr*. Ac
hut ralhev for whlrb they rould In
rilla Piiweia. 67 year*. oMret acliler
spire, and It.was a pleaaiire to be wU!
Leelaaan coonty; Hri. Martha Babh.
blm- la oiitdmir life, 1 loved lo tall
Nnrthpori. re ye*r«: Mr*. L.
with blm n* he was abb- to w-e ibing
ger. Northport. 60 years: Mre. John
aa tbewwere aud appid them."
In rioatng he aald -We come h.-r.
lam am. Nortbport. 61 yean: Oeorge

a IlMie child. Me always llvi-d for tbil
which was lw*l in Ilf.-."
AaKMg Ihe rlBlture from out of ibe
ily wwre Bsrerel Ottawa Indian* who
are prswedenee In rcsldenee. Gabriel •'Depth* of M-rey
The si-rvlces al
*hahu of Pahsbatown. haring been
faa ^led and tbe
raMswt of the niitniy far a eonllnu- charge of lh<- old iitm- fin Thn-touts tad a plea of not guilty entered: ons period of C5 yes re, while Itorld T. llBK'* and Jam.'s w Milllkin. w
♦a reae at tbe People ra. WIlHs Pen- Aguas of Omens has
lived here cared for ih.- frl.-in!' who nrrH--1
♦sgton was taken np yesterday aftci sevsDty-flre ysnrs.
pay Uielr lli-ni irii.iiii- to a Id- le
taOR U being the tret on the criminal
A. B. fUarkman of Charlevelx repn- frl.-nd, the loill li.-ar.-r* l»-lng M--*sr*
a .caw at rtolailo
•nted Charlevoix a* Ihe trids*! r«a>- R J. FulRhum. K. W Ilastllic*. W
* llqacir tow. Tbe ease of tbe Pnople
deul- Wednesday, baring been Ibere for Smith. 8, M. McMIcha.-!. P. K>--lka
k Oeotgs Pleree and Hannah Olaru.
re«Meoee for afly*la and J A. Montague Ilurla] look plard vUh adultery, ms. npon
born lo
H of the eomplalnanl. Ibe husband
Derla. Lorwine conniv. Ohio, Feb. 18.
k Ibe moan, diamlared. Attorney J.
Pretty Northport Wedding.
1*33. and Mri. Cbariolle A. Btork
V. Patt^ln appearing In behalf of the
Mr. and Mre. Norman Tboma* - .
hla wife, was born a monlb and a
Ibe city o
after la Euelld, Cuyhoga coouty, Ohio, N'lirtlipon In
fWUllam Force was In court, aged
aod they were married In 1*54 at Co'- Fri.lay from Surth|«r:. where iti.-.
4 daerepK. and the charge of selling
lingwtmd. Ohio. She wms Ibe flrst were marrl.-<l Tuesday ev.-nlng at *.">
a to mlocra. In ihia case being
leucber In Cberievolx eoaoiy. When
6 elder, ms taken ap yrelerday
u ten yroiw old be came in Mich­ Oharl.-6 llraman. pan-uis uf ib>- hri-lA prirale tnlerrlew with
igan. in 1*43. and slopped al Thun Jbe home was chatmlnplv deewaus resulted In a plea of gnllly
n-.-n aod white in boiiur of ili'
Island and olhera where hi* fa
C entered and the seateere '
flabed. They -Hved a n.HBBdie oecathm and the marriage \ w. r.
d m abeyanre antU the oeat term
life, and In l*ST he rum.- m rharievotv plighted by the Rev. Mr, Ildrlhur:,
of ih.- rongregatiuiwl.ehorch at
ity. where he ha* re*ld-'l ronlln.iOeorge

. . ,

CAI'ITAU *200.000


I per Cfltf flltflwu w ntoc DeFflOtR


R.sss HMrti*.cck Wedd ■■

n you 3 e ih this coiuiitiort.
{..-rcc is



that plan- la the pntenet- of slit,
IKTl be weal Into the hardware goesis. The bride was gown.*) I:.
simple cream mull aud carried whit-carnation*, while Mis* Dvt-«ta Tbum
a* wbo altendt-.! Ii.-r was piwoe.l i.i

ontiy except when In war.

while nlbatro* and carried pink cam:.lioD*.
Cbaile* Berry was Innsi man whil-

nerving two yi-ars with signal hrav.-ry Mis* l.lbhle C.isiaff plan-.l the w.-.*
and Bdelily. Phot his first d.i-r wh. n ding mareh. Follnwinc the r.-r>-mrm.
twelve years old and his last wh.
1. After he .rame to Charlevoix
SWdleorss cose or Emms J. Otosu
in 1*CT with Seth V Mason. decens<-d
ra. lAwrance J. Olreon was tak<
built the first log mbin In the
county. In the spring of llil* they
Mdue were beard and ocenplod mt
tbs Urns this morning.

murrloronsyeu-andtbe pumut (or
thras nontba. The «rarre of &lher
R Qmikta* ra Oeorge R OmUtoa
waa atao beard.
A decree granted March 3. IMS.'In
tbrndlrarre salt <d UbUe A. Smti
BOW Galtogar. and Bdwla SalUi. was
toodtSud to the ntent that Smith
wunU be rsUsTud id lbs aupport of
two ehlMreu after they hare siialaed
tbs ngs of IS ysara.

sis;, sss

, Eli;

tans. Ji.m-.

Honehl StiOis ai Honest Friccs

Seamless Shoes

nerves: it U 3 ncf^'e nte-luinc
an.! l.>nif. that rdiuiKls
cniire s' .-ti-m.


d-iwTTi r:rrr.:;,'


, .

jl I I- •

ii,..- •
: - I

till \ ........I r {>

..{ ......

Tl:..r :

>' !.>





.irj \v.ii...|m ii:k, Ciu ...........

■ . »>«.4l..-.H |J~Ni

'i tiw i;u>K rnv. MH H

.1 II.I l.M I ll.ll



i, ,ib.-r

F. M. PAiNE.

Rowland Douglass
Mto MUSrcZElkh.n. InJ

Shoe Store, opp. Vbltinc Uulel

DR. W. J. fflCGlRS




TMOS. •.-•WWACttE A now.



»'*••• CevelT Sret Uif < >'9

Tire Insurance! «•
Plata Clasa, StWAcn Bollwr and Accident Insurawcw.

Order lor

Money to Loan on Improvci Real Estate Only.
Room SlONowStato Sartk Building.


Travorso City.

With Ds.
The South Side lumber Co.

Stock tloor* dclivcri-il same day aa ordered. Odd
diM>r* aud windriw screrRs in three day*.
W<-'ll v-nd a man to take the measuremeotfl

Traverse City Mfg. Co.

-if liiiiMiiij i;



Don’t Delay
Km buy ycuir salt to S|.rinkl<- your h-i> tviiii ;u .'lu'liays ytJii ,i bi;; \}r.T Lt-ni on


-•:n.ill an inv.-sim< n:

hay slioiilrl bf put in iht- b.trn ivithnu: h.-in^ *:il:( <!
Wc.-ilsohavc Tv







.-\|sO h.av.- a full Im.' <.l -.-.h.-r *i. ■ .1 r.-i-.-. .md

. ,ii,

K,r> y..iir-.i-r1,„.- .(Mfr.tng w.- *Mt to
.J, t-. till- It • L.-sK-r Lompr.-X8.-d Air
-.f .-Old ll,- -Kant
Ti..- spr.u-- *:,ui ...T
.\ xl.uLl i.r.4,, ..f tiM' iiinhiI. sLi
itNi.-!tl.. .j.r.yHl-i..
I’-.t tl..- -KAfil
k|>r.iyi-r. It Ibrow*
Iklr.aiii It bi'vet‘ I'v’*
Then.- K|.roj.t
'.•imll harei
si S|.r.ij.
I aiel -

r-.c:.,.] 'l-td>' -bt: 'l-r


Manill.i Koi"-: not ih.; mix-'d ..r -u-: .a.ih.-bfst.

It w-ili Won Is- l;.'i.. 1-.

Spray Your Potatoes


trill.' < iiick-::)* .m.l C'-i ’.h'in ■ iiuk
Think of y
it-.- I .r
ih.iL you "til not
loM- many chickiios if you f.-«-.! ih-.-m '.hi* th:,k l-.-.I.
n<-lhli is so paiural for th.- iutl.- f-ll.."> :ha: ;h.-r.

tail r -II*
I. : •
-I- r >! •-


'““KrfiTttad t.„d iWr i- no, ..,,.,1 ta


Inst seven voter*, of which he
the to»t. They were H.-dad
Tbompron. John Miller. Samuel lii.r
ton. M. B. Stockman. Seth F. Masoo.
Holmes O. Deree and JeWn S. Olxon.
Stockman wa* electod tbe flr«
regisier cf doeds of Charlevoix county

Pwnaral of C. K. Ruck.
The beanUful borne at tbe laic C. K
Buck was flUed to the doors with
Caweluiltn sf OM Srttlsrw tosstliig. rowing friends and uclghbors who
Thsrs were sixty toembean added, gathered there to pay thair last tokea
fiwty tosn aad twenty wotosn.
«« oa Friday lor owe who was
^ afisreom cxerdses of tbs OU,
uddanly takaa from tbtor mldal.

A wcU-kaown R-wherter U-ly ‘
my*. "IsU'-rd tnlbv Ailm-n.ta.k*. |
> away from frico.1* as.

as you can f t


«r.. n




b. *:

whenevof you -tt it
‘Jto'J'j poiintls Paris iirt-i-n to .1of tin.-:;n.un.l
land plaster such a> w«- havr-. will k.-< (.:h<- bu^* oH -in'l

Kemp’S Balsam

I cvTtild scb.lue the coogh that me awav ( borne an.1
iwemed likvljr to nev-er aUowr me
tohretbcreinwialer.Kemp'* Balsam will cure any
meta that can be cured by any |


"■tl-f- ■•• to««tw«vr

'.111 M I..1 r- • - '-rj.l ly 'v.-;.r,


business, where be n-inaln.-d
^ when be retire.) and bn*
taken life easy, spending bis sum
In Charlevoix and bis winters In
Kto. In ISC he enlen-d tbe Fill

A Ccseral Bagiiac aikiaot tme

Tba case of tbe People rs. Anton
Manila. rMattoB of tbe Uqoor law.

n Frida.v-s Record.
^At noon today Clreult curt was adtowwed unUl Jaly ».
*Tbe case of Homer 0. Brom
toben rs. Dale R. Hannah and others
regarding aome property betoaglng
tie old Caller reUls waa taken tn
tbe Jury by the court and boU nut

-••In public life Mr. ll.iek icaw h

ilfiil thing*, the
of »tr
which the ratlin- aouhi hring,
there wa* wlihln blm «u elevai-rt i
for higher life. " Husk and liooki
leeted for Ihelr Mlerar) valoe i
pioneer* erer uthered
spoken of Iry the speaker as apM*
sloos Old Sefllere- aseetlng. The rt«y lo him Id his hnme. for the. bn.uch;
dawned beautiful, clear
fonb tbe beat In him. "He wni
eoongh to make the trip from the *nrmsB of Impulses.- M- -mM. -but li
TOBdlBOg ronmlre one of pleirere
■ belmpulnrp wblrb draw os Inooe
the old anj feeble who arrived by
Olber, If the ImpiilM-H te- rightly
tbe hundred during tbe morning and
reeied.met and Masped the bands of old-time
Mr. Coehlln pasr«l to the great ‘
friends at FOreriery hall where
of naiore wblrb the cleeesoed alway
headquarters was held. Among thoeexnn-smd.
IK- raid, "lie
thefollowlngsrllb Ibedaieofartree*. Bowers and loved to I
rival: The Hon H. O. Rore. M yrer*
great oiildwirs, 1 never »as
oldeet nelller of Emmet ronoiy: Judge

lids nfiernonn feeling a d*-ep sep.e
loss aod eeparoilon for we knew bin
uol only as a nelghUir but as a frl.-n.l.
ill- had Riiiwn inu. our life. HI.* lir
qnallriea Id muKic hroiichi blm In rloi
communion and while he did m
claim to CXC.-1 In mnaie we clrp. nrt.-d
upon him In the rbpreh lo n
Itaia Important hnineh of work.
Mr. Coehlln then eonlurteil l.y speakWtRin ra. Manleirtiaba. dlroree.
CharierM*. 60 ytrnre; r
g in len.ler words of the el.edng
ready; Baaan Hollli y*. Hiram Holtu. aearvaler. 43 years; Mre E. B. Preit,
dirarea. ready: James A. Haolllan ra 46 year*; A. M. Smith, Tuba, 44 year*: ■ he life Jusl passed lu-yond when
Oora O. RamUttto. dlriwee. ready.
tfpaall Harrison. 4* yean; John Wall. said that afi.-r Xpeerh was gone
pressure Ilf the band eommunlraie.'
hl.i il.-slre for prayer. -[ y.annoi he lp
' nraa eaaes were entered fay Lymai
OM*. Ibey belai; Mark A. Chapman foHowIng: J. H. Mile*. Fife Uke. fe.-ling that here wa* a man wIk
ya. Ada M. Chapman, ready; Miehnel John P. TIIIoisod and wife. Summit every Impulse of the heart wa* ihai
•hrIMton man aud jiisi a Mw r
I. ObtIb tb. Haaaak-alarm, ready City; O. K. Ourr. Antrim emaly: Mr.
-IjMttiaB A. WeiH ya George Welin and Mrs. Isaac Ourtber. Northport: m.-nt* ago 1 heard of hi* lender
gaMy: Frank H. Dsler ra Maude
and Mrs. Phillip Baterolgbi. memhiaiiee lu a muih.-r who had 1by



of this city Inti-rested him'.

«lbbA dlretee, ready lor an adjaaraad aeaataa; Haiy'K. Blekle ra. J.
A. Wade « al. ready: Wlaato K. Hill*
*a. Aaapb B. HlUa. pal orer aaottare
torto rririto alHooBy bapi up by defend Crnher. II yean: Joaeph Krnbner. URat; Abret J. Horae Tn.BdwioB Merer. land. 6Ck yean. 7 months: Hrr. J.
DTOrae. read; a. 0. OerMl and 0. B.
Treveree City. 49 yean: H, 8
a ra. L H. Wlanie. bill for parll- raiie. Dk RapU*. 63 vean; WillUm
H. Dfe. Tuba. 63 year*: Hr*. J. a.
A RoagerCord. dlrtave. ready;
Tnreree City. 4< years:
•ha'K. Dont rs. Frederick Doret, dl- Hit* A. C Ooedale. Traverae City, 61
Wa. ready: Addle Fitagli
years: Mn. Albert W. Becoa.
tranito FtfiglbboB. not ready: R H yrara: tbe lloa. Arehibald Buiian.


tract lav,

Im f


tor aod Addle fltaitlbbOBa ra WlllUm at ibl* city to arrange for this
Tbla aftarsooa the aieeuaaet .
The ireaaurer'e report
it Rosmt O. BrovD H al. ra Dale K.
We-aah at at rrao (akea op. the caaa
tedhg oae of loDf atandlna aad inrotrAmoQBt colleeted ............
&f torta propanr holdhiga. todated
■bare the WllbehB blortt and other
RdJMatoc propenlea BO« ntand. H. H



home- at ■■-IS West Pe«eolb stCee;.; y,..r-.d.I ,!• ..I ».>ha Coiim-r. a ho Ij.. ■
after Juae if-- Mr. ThOBUts will cakei*:.
loao-hlp Br.- mi’w
the ps-uiloo of lelemaph .«r-iat« at .* ,-,n .
If. A 1. riKl make lkl^ rll> hi- '
Tl.,- nvios maa Lad *lare.| <i-ii

increi-af your crop of potaic-s.

Brioj your oat*


eschan;;'-with us.

»« CASS Sts.



Have tne! "be

e>y»l *riK*r



J^opal tiger

C»mat4 C0rm
and Sahmati .



alcht when
Mm Oapp. a 7s-year«ld ladlaa Btplaaked wbHeAeh aupper
At the eOBcla<b« aM»
It'e Ulaad at i ocloek, f»c, lag at LeUnd. waa Udted by
nraseB * MaodaOm, Dela tbe notaacb Friday night aad died
treH «M d>OM> w tb< D(st awrtlaa whleb m plain were laid.
Colombia made three Monday Bigbt from tbe liGiirle*
Hmm ud tb« WtowiB* eflker. were
le was buried from Ibe latrttn to tbe lalaad darias the afier■imii; *
ilon cbaicb at Kortbport
I. one at 2 o'clock, another at 4
rreMwt, Ctatw r.
o'eloek and the tart at 7 o’eloek. Wedaeaday. Ibe Rev. Deeli offIctoUng.
luves riwo aoiu, two daagblera
ira. WlMmaa. Oeorsc Uiidlc. C. EFint TM pwldBt H. B. Nftt.
a wife. MU ton John if a
Mamy, Jamea A. Doyle. E. W. HaelAMIas.
ber of Ibe Indian ebolr.
tiaaa with baebeU of Tlaadi, lodi
Boooed Tice piwIdflBt. Th«»M MBr-iierixp Samlosa cbipa prepared at home
WiUUm Ware*, aged 70 year*, died
by the baey boueewlTee of tbe geoUeme ISth at bit borne at Long Lake
wbo had tbe matter la charge,
after a two we^s' illneu. The funi-ral
taken la C. B Uurray'e I
xtk ' place Friday
aJeog wtih Blxtythree wblleSib
o'clock frem the houae and 2 o'clock
and plump from the cold walvre
Hobert«», bay. The adraoev party look poaaoat the Umg Uke church, the Rot.
E. U
akm of the letaad aad la eboner time
Meoie to the Mrtlo~l Flr«»«-. than It Ukea to tell It, built
Hugbe* had charge of Ibe fuaeral.
«Md*tk>a at Bou<*e/Va. M. B. bonfire, laid picnic, tablee. burrlcdlT

*■». TraTcne CUT-

TMrt Tice praOdeet. Bdnrd B»(eA

»Oru. LwuliiKCaiaptelo. Ike B«. Bdwi





•n olkete.
Preeldeat rubteck,
Ike doolac e( tke cnTOBlIoB *»*«
■kort talk eolocuias tbe helpful fi
tai«a at tke mmUbc.
Tke fan amoout of the fitodl
feOBd ware reported me ttZUA
At the Bomlag mmIoo. reaolulk
AIpnMlac tbenke for the rarlous
aourtealea extended by ibe TrarCTec
Cttr dtlMSf were paaied. The rci
tatkai will be puMlebed tomorrow.
The irwt baetaew of tbe doalaf aoeMen wai a idesiam to Hayet Fttxpatrtak
tke death c( George W. Batee, prealdeal of the 8t. J<
t\ Brown appololed tbe fol-


added cnoesb board walk to make
Marlon Uland afccaelblc by Coot
b«aa (he tcraml gala eupper
ea|oyed-fay Traverec City
Tbo iriaaka ihlrty^wo In number,
were healed a* boi an an orer (ben tbo
flsfa were wired, two tor cacb plank
lad ibe whole atnud before the piptiu;
bod of coal, where Ibeir bahUiB
but a queeilun cf outdoor bmilog. A
eeeoBd bonfire provided tbe blaae for
making colfuc and lucb aiaticr coffee
excelled la any dornmUr
borne. Saratoga chipc. atcaming gold­
en brofled wbltcfleta. rye and while
bread, plcklci. cream loaf eugi
ud a lot of accenor
picnic aupper Ideal
loaded uiarn tbe long t^lca while ibo
baadred guusli of Traventc City land­
ed from tbe Colombia and rampaged
la wild abaadoti over both Ulandi
of tbe party making a complete
r of Marion Uland and rvluratiig
with appetite* wbelied to a crucUl
It of Marrailon. Bireb bark t
(nffered'frum the dvlUtcd knife, while
and corner of the thrvo-

i AdloT, WallU and Flupst- acrc Island leased for Ihii summer
tramped over by Ibe
rtCk. Tbe deoenaod waa n years old
iaaA ted nerred aa chM otrer thirty happy erowA
At i:30 tbe baked wUleAsh.
Tonm. .
Ing bot coffee and all the other ao
The motion ftriklng the topic
piled apan Ibe UUc*
. tlra to taxing tbe oaoTentlon city KO
tram tbe iwmda waa yecoaaldered tbU by the happy chela, who. working
beavers, bad evolved supper a full half
boor earlier ibsn the scbedolcd proAt C o'clock
tr the Arst
cnlloD of BasieU’* tsUnd resort was

■Bowed (10 (or relmiraraomeii
work and tbe motion that tbe
Tbe BaamU island resort has been
tary aad treaauior file boadi witb possible Ihroogb tbe leasing by CapL
pTMldent Brown within Iblriy dn/e Cbarlfs Webb of tbe island composed
attar aUcUoa prcTatled.
of Jsat thfcc acre*. Tbe dock, spacious
Tba oommKtoe on locatloo. tbroagb CBOugb for large steamers, was '
Ctelrw H. J. TOHIney. reported
by John H. Monroe of Bast Jordan and
TllaUana tnim Detroit. Ulron^ Mayor the pavilion. 40x80 foci larger
Oadd: ImdlngUm. tbroagb the board any dance ball in TVaveroe Oly.
at bode, and Omad RapCda. the latter bulU by A. W. Walt. On the cast side
dty seadlng
la.lUtloua from
le pavilion a kitchen has been
jpnror, board of trade and police aad
provided with an acclyllnr cook­
ing Btovc. and lighting plant of the
ime mannfactured gas.' Tbe stove la
by Oay Norihrapt of that dly wbl
>orth lU weight in utlllly and clean­
Praaldeat HaU aptUe la bebsU
ness for Ibe beat Is perfect and
Omad RspMA and tbe Ladlagtoa I
ItbcT from odor or smoke.
wlUUim sraa withdmwa la favor of tbe
two ether dtlea
Tbe baBot reesited
trait. 72: KaUmaanr

Big Pythian Gatberinp.
C. A. Palmer of Manlsiee. grand
chancellor of.the sUte of Michigan.
Curtis of Bsttic Creek, great
Daring tba praeaedi
keeper of records and seals and W.
Loomis of Grend Rapids, brigadier
came qaJU eloqmt aqd waa greetud geocrsl cf the uniform rank,
wtt^a booqaet tciwi tbe gaHery
the dly conferring srith the executive
tbe^peof a lady's shoe.
Dmillee of the local lodge Knights
The eubjoct of adding p half day
Pythias last week In regard-

tke guem of Mr aad Mra. Herbert
Monugwe. where an ezcecdugly pko»
Ime was enjoyed, left IbU mornlag for ber Detroit btwr. Mr. Bassett
left Salufday. it being rumored that be
cot afoew. U ao. then Mr*. Bassett
til reacb boae Amt.

Tke bOBdoet teadetad Ibe visiting
■laaaaa aad the local delegates to tbe
eoavtutloB at Foreoters hall last
lag was a very pUasoot Affair. I
■M unill morning bad begun that the
affair waa adjourned and the guests
were ibctt rtioctant to leave the
The viands were aerrea by the City
laetauroot and were prepared In c
crtleni ityle. Tbe foUoWlag was 0

•corr*a rmuttom

MiM May Celllek. daOghier of Mr..
Jedin D. Ilallcm of iblt city. iuumH
ly at Nortbiwrt Saturday momlng
. 7:3I>. She wa> buried from the
Caihollc chureb at Petoak.-j Sunday
MU> Gelllck wa. 21 yewr* oW
graduated from Mercy btnpUal at
Rapid, two yean ago and Immediately

short lime.
e<pil|im«iil of r
Mr. John^W. Simms baa gt.Bc
biwan nuralng In which proft*.lon shTb.- Illnt-s* of Howard,
wa* cxceiillonaly skillful
Tbe Utter Teorla. Ill, wbere sbe will attend the
graduating eiercUra of the Uradle) non of K. t' Eweo of Smiinsw. baffle*
Polylccplc Bcbuul where her son Fred m.-dlral *k11l.
For flfte.-t. day.
hoy lias la-i-n unmnieioii* bov.-nng
that t'lme oo has In-ea confined to bi-r
helw.s-n llle sod li.-alh,
l«d of suffering.
For the last five
moutbs her aigbl has been Impam-d dent fi^tbls city, returned to bis borne lion W the I.rain, .-ous-d
and all efforts to overcome the blind- ihU rooming at Holland, after a pka4- Mrmorisl .lay tniin Ih.1 Ibl* city with frientls.
veranda «d the Kw.-u I
ness have failed. Besides ber mutlur
Tie fNiller left this uiornlng st.n.e flo..r. A *is-.-lali*t :
and su-ptatber she leaves two sIsK-r*
w.s-ks' visit at l*roveQiitnl was unable to rreiure o
with friends and relative*.
liraeilcall) no noiin>li
Fr^H Matures Slowly.
Jay Grinnell of Hetroii, who wsi'
Hallty I* r.Hi.ldeiv.1
0 rain and cold weather arc boMwith Grlonell Bros.' local branch last, maikable.
baek tbe crops In the ylrlnlty of
spring. Is again in Ibe city. Mr*. Grin
ben a Flint undertsk.-r wa* o
cHy. The pcniitirula fruit to
'll Is expected In a sbort lime
mill* from tb.- T«-mpleiou r
blossomed well and Ibeir apiKarai
L. 11. Shank of Empire was In the
•e In Swart* 1're. k Tih sUai nli
iBdlcales a big crop of cherries
ly yesterday.
re be hu.l jg*t pr.-|Mir.-.l the l«
lyucfaesa apples allbough Ibe green
F. 8. Hook of Boyne Falls Iran*
lf>. Ell7al"-ih Tenipteii.n, ng'-rt t>.
apple* arc oot gitnring any on account
■led business In the city v.->tentay
liiirlal. h.Che dry^calher. The eour cherry
Henry Homstock of Kingsley Is lu
a* ill* *>ui. riareiii-e. ag.vl 31.
■cs aevin to W more limdcd than dt
ihe city on a boslne** trip
Slav |ui**.-.l away. Hath had
the sweet ones and it is to these Ibai
Dam of Norihport wa* In the
eoU*um..ltoD- A double tulieral
e attcntloo Is paid because the)
city yesterday, r
better keepers and bring blgbei
'. J. Ayres irf.MinlKiw wa* a guos
I. Maria IIUIik.-r .rf Dlebiun Im.
prices while the eour chi-rry tree* art
Park Idace yesterday.
awar.l.xl a Judgin.-nl lor (I.'"*'
more hardy than the other*. Nolhlnr
. Alfred Moore and, l/■>llls llelge*
irr. a
Is ceruin about prices as vet but II
home from Ann Arbor for the suniNov*
thought that they will be fairly- good
r vacation. Trix TIckham and Al- hu'iiKe*-|wr. and He ir iKmilrim n,
The Duebetu apple* are making i
t Kduelka will b,- home Saiurdav -a..*.- Harlan Hllllker. her smi
much better showing than they dli
night but T-vl Southard will not return -..P|..r1, w-n* shot and klll.-d_^ ?C...
last year when the crop was rathe
until after coiuroeiu.-emeni a* hi- grad- llkH, hy Muley SiK-arvr. when IkUI.
lU-s ihl* year.
>eie un.ler Ihe Infim-ui-.- of Mduor.
. Coro and poUloes are coming ahmg
J. N. Kasterbrook .if Uuslng.
Bh-arer wa* aniultt.d .if munlei.
nicely although a frost In Ibe vicinity
ford Fslrebild and llartey lUnsom
Prof E 1>. Walhlu*. foui y^wr.
of Bowers Itsrbor nipped
spending two day* flrblog n<
siiiH-riniend.-m of the w-lu.d* at lih
sligliily but not enough
ha* re.lgn.-.] to a't.'iid Ihe 1'. ol
growing plsnls.
New iwtstoes mil!
Mr and Hi* Daniel Horokohl
.•*1 year.
I In ifeir a
Mulslee. who have beeJi atteodlng
plarea they are neailT ready
the firemen's eonvenllod. returned
dig at present. May I* repurted to be
lelr borne this momlng.
doing well back of tbe city ud at thU
Thooisw Seolt returoeil to hts borne
end of Ibe peolnsnla but near Old HIsI Manistee this morning.
on II will be a very short crop.
Mr, and Mrs. A. S llotart
Taking the country on the whole
Ig at Caro lake.
the (arms' arc looking as well
Miss Gerlnnle
spring and possibly b.-ti.-r tbu
through Ihe city iiii h>-r wav b
before. Uuj new orchards have been
Empire after suendlng whool
set ouL

0 Ills home
From Friday's Record.
Mrs James Stewart of Flint Is rtsllIng her molber, Mrs. Joeephine Tttnii,
on Webster street.


stiMued Ihe flame*. When terrill- 1
m.-nd* reached her shir and
why *h>- hail fied, *ln- *..i
was not 111.' I.*s-t hit alarni.-.!
I Just eunilnued lu play ’ T
was eausT-d by an .-xplorh... ol
At a ni.-.-ilng of the i'..l
M-b.sil biutrd a few days ago. it '
cl.led not to h..ld graduating .v
of dipliHieria.
owing t.> the .
Tbnrsday the rla** of
iregjeiii r
vliailon* for com

O. S. Spaikii. U aged (arm ba
who has been *cni to the pi..r hnns.
at Kalamaaoo because td Infirmities
could not rest contented because hr
did not know «bai had beenme of hit
do*, hi* taUhful frieni He arose

' You have heard Joel Chandler s sior>* of the little
cha() who went rabbit hunting;? He cramped all over
searchinn everywhere for
Brer Rabbit who had
cunningly seated himself
on the iftin stock. There
is no need for you tp hunt
all over the country for
your Vehicles, Harness
or Implements—oo reas­
on for Hoiny: to the next
town, or Ictiinyi the catalonue house delude >'OU
with cleverly worded ileceptiona. Right here at home
is to be found what you need—a slock suited in every
particular to the requirements ot this section, selected
by people who hsow
our folks and ihcir
needs, and sold at
jiriccs as low as can be
obtained anywhere.
Our offerings for 15>06
trade includes the new­
est of the new. with all
the late features and
touches which increase
the usefelness or sightliness. Our line is full^of desir­
able things—goods that will please a Jiscrimioating
pocket. All we ask is a -show. Come in and spend a
quaner of an hour and look our stock of vehicles and
implements over, and see how we make our harness,
then buy wherever your m6ney goes farthest.

Sells the Host Vehicles, Int|^H-nt^«iuI Hsrarai.
IXi Slab-Stnttt.

Trav.-rte City. Micb.

Cita. PiioDe W.

wool- WANTED
,M„ . ,.l; ss. ot Ih* Mgo*.
.* .h- I'sMrt KUt.* Tb-n I .. «*v ir yre
d.« l U.I.-* ... .*r
.uia P« n„ ,VK~ .04 IS..QOCT- (« ItornuBd. y>« .-ID
..*1 y.m iry-l" to*..-- j^mir fi.*-k- r*>a
.10 W..4 bo*
.i.n..d 'i,.
.n.l .-.vr' «*-«. t-l. h.M.y .Ii.v rrtt..ig ilos*
.ml d...'t tww. t..-.vti. 11 > lb. I*rpv t.m mv .r.-v, sod lb- xtmU W wtel J m£t

llulb P1io»..-Js*l rMI for Ibv m
dm. aainh KsUon at Dnvar. Color
Bearer of Urn Womub Bellof Carpa.
•sods Ttenka to Mrs. Pinktaa.


Tbe following
letter vrs* written
by Mr*. K.-ilogg
1 of iwa Lincoln
I Ave., De over
lco]..toMr* Pink
I hamXvnn Mai..
DvarMn I-inkbsi.t
-For Birymr*.
tumor, wbirii key*


Try a Herald Want Ad.

We have moved our stock which was in
the brjek buiding. 135 State street, to the

"i: T

Moore building. 12i'-!S:{ State street. On


account of lack of room for many of'our
bulky goods, we are offeriDg Buggies,
Wagons. HaTrows, 1-and Rollers, Flows,

WhvD womsB sre troubled will, irreg-

etc-, at a big discount. These gooods are


moving rapidly at these cut griccs. Come
while the slock is complete.

Lydis E. I'lDkbam. W-g.-tsh:. ....... .

to.............. ........... —............................
to-lsw-of L\dia E. PiDktioiu
twvnlT-fivr y.her dirv.-iM.o
sod xipcv hvr m-rrs*v u
odviMOg Kick womvD free o
She hs» guided thouxSDdx V
Addr***. LVOB. Ms*..
- Bemember tbsl it i* Lcdls
ham .YegeiablcCompouDd Ik
iagwomen. sad don't sllowi
(e *cll jaa saftbiog else ii


our Johnson Mowers and Binders are


"standard" and at less price than the tnfst
S.-IU them.



Jaync’rS Tbnic \fermifu^

tain If II cuntu Iw u*>-.l lor *uch pi
poses, and In a roe**uve lake the pis. •
tif pine. If k 1* d.monsiraiedjh*'
eu la-, a new InmUr In alm.wi i
limited supply Wiu the* U- *vallah>
(or manufactorerv wfa» u*e Inmber
their bnsiness. Tbe tU|ieIo now at t
wagon work* ha* Uw-n In the k
slnre May 51.



prie*i spent M'veral days at Lansliis
Mrs. R. N. Holssple and children
have returned from u extended
gaged board at the home of Edwarl
in New York stale.
. who InlrnduriKl
« |.a.oni.U
- m.-rrhanl*. of whom be bought ^Stcmy bomv^
F. W. Wilson relumed from Arkan­
___ ___
I wo* rc«finrd lord*. * t.. T
sas Springs Wednesday night and re­ large hills of He also largalinmt my si«v4it.- n.v mursg- si.l .111
sumed bis official duties y-csterday.
•• 1 renif ti.'t l.or lo ihink c4 si<
sad in DO .li*tm»I tnr.1 r\rr\ mo-l. .taKb
-Mr. Wilson has lost twenty pound,
1 Uraglit oouhl lo ct SDV no- Ir no. uri
and feels much U'nefi'ed by Ibe
nudu^r^v^t^of^Ly.Us E Pinlhsnr*
mom received.
Mr. and' Mrs. Fred Ellis and Mrs. tious purchases and ba* departed.
While tbe Find llartlsl rloirrfa
Wllll Bruce of Sk Bapjds were TravSagluw was on fire.
Ml** Cr:
erse City rtsllors yesterday.
* pra.'iM'iiig
Mrs. G. Shenfaerd went to FoucU Ulug. organl*!.

while on hi* way to IVtoskey. ud
later lo Horton'* Bay. wbere be
lb<- Kvangellcal ebureb over Sunday
In place of the Rev G. A- Helller.
btehop of iliit dlsirin. who Is unable
to attend.
Mr. and Mr*. Ed Sharp left this citytoday (or Richmond. Ind- where they
will lake op thler lu-rmurat r
dv-nee. Mr. SbariTi parents hhrtnf
'%ke Anal eateitalnoHal, provided; 8. Cart*. J. E. Cameron. H. J. Mercer. sld.-d ihCTv for many yrar*.
Mrs Frank Yoomans led this me
by the dty of Trarcisc CWy tbroagb Fred Curila. Tbe commlure fro.
Ig for Key stone, where she wW '
UDlform rank la: Capl. J. V. Mclnlorti.
It her win Erwin for a week.
man: S. R. MeCtoy. J. M. BMI
Mrs. H. L. Bassett, who bos been

tee. W. D. C. Oensatee.


dale's oack boy military wmiauy
naried for tbe uiiual eiiraupm>-nt.
year at Ckar Uke. Iqd
Tb- >
bU home tbU mof^Bg.
-ht-Il overland and mil nhu-li Clear
Mrs, WlllUm Kelley and dawiiter Uke today. Tlie I*>>* ii.llow
Mary 'are now at Albion where they regutetlnos. with rtrular drill*
will yjslk relntltes and friends fur

to Ik! held at ih.Tbe sehod auihorltl.-s havi- not *i
The grand lodge seasons ore. u( son of Webster sireet.
tloneii the action <d the cl*>*.
Wllllam Priest ot Wv-x(ord Is
course, accrel nod during the meeting
In <iiu- of Ibe big dry kiln* at
Ing hi* three sister* in Traverse City
offieers will be elected and nlso
Ionia wagon work* an iBietvMlug
porianl IcglsIaUuo and other business (or a few dsvs.
Messrs. John liavdon and Tony 1"-Timent I* br-Ing carried on at p
will be acted upon.
Bariak are tbl* week in Dayton. Ol.lii eni by an olflecr .if tin-
Prcvloos to the Traverse City
log. there win be a number «if eompeti- where they went two days ago with dartment of the Vnli>-I Slat.-* ilepwri
tlve cxempllfiration* of Ibe third do- two barrel* of the Saxton else for meni of agrlrulture. It ba* i» do wi'li
tbe rapidly decr.taslng *uppl>
by various degree teams In the test*. They will U- absent al-o.
days, ud opon Ibeir retorn tbe formal (or muufarturing purpose*. In ihi*
ud a proens ol cllmlnaiv
kiln I* drying a carhad >d luis-lu lum
Btllnicd. The bust of these In tbe pre­ organlulkm will take place.
U-r. TniK-lo I* a eommon wood In it.Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Silver of .
liminaries will be selected for thle
city and the gtud lodge baa at>pro- left for Sand Lake this morning wbere aouthem state*, especially along the
prlilod a prise of fI2S for the best. they will )oio tblr son. Ben. wItb ibe gulf of Mexico. andSa* Inen
This price is aside from the Il33t> ap­ Silver Family, who are now playing lor some time for light box w.iod, In­
side finish, etr.. hut never lor gen.-i
an t-ngagemeot there.
propriated by tbe local lodge.
The Rev W. A. Shelly of Keswick, tnanofartiiring purpo*.-* TTie purjvi
The competitive drills of the uni­
form rank compuieff will be the big loascd Ihrougb tbe city ihU morning ot the prcseni exiierlm.-nt Is i.> a*n

Toong Oatona
feature of the stasou ao tar a
BraOed Saimaa Traot SpanUh Sanep public Is concerned a* they srill be
held at the driving park grounds
the aftrnwou <rf Tuesday. Oel. 3. That
teUed Ham
Book Be
evening the eaempllAeatioos will be
A*m*ed PotatiM* Baiatc«a Chh
ImM sod the grud lodge roarems :
Potato Salad
a two days' session on Wednesday.
Strawberry SherUake
e membevs of tbe vieeutlve com­
While Bread
Rye Bread
mittee of the euUwdlnate lodge are.
Churellor C. B. Weller, chairmu: C,

Smu nMr*Mmu' aSmasT vsur

Mr* Wm. B. Cmy and mile ran^rr Mime, kfl thU morning for t
at Fife luke with Mrs. Cray's pa­
rent*. Mr. and Mr* A M. Sparry.
Dr. S. Qay Tndd left tbu morelas
sem a ajuTM.,
for a slay at Cbehoygan. where he t
cate for a short time.
Hcodame. Wesley Uuno aad J.
Huarue left this morning for tbi'lr
lomc at Kingsley.
from a .Icllicd i<
Mr*. J. E. HendcriKiB of CadiUar and
sister. MIm Robins raltoD. a iralocd
. of Toledo. Ohio, spent a
Tbe -Mlrbigu skirmishers.

lbs iwsalar two days' seasioD w
cumTog grand lodge meeting sn-I
opaned sad a motloa mode wbid Aae field day exercises which will t>e held
amended to a thtwoAay aeulaa. the In this city OcL 2. 3 and 4.
addlUoaal time being lor tbe purpow
This meeting will be one of the big
of bartni a haU-day exhibit. Tbe fol- events of tbe history of Traverse City.
knrlBS eommUiee on exblMU waa
pointed: Tbomaa ShUeoa. Ttav<
vening and ao appropriation of *I33U
aty; F. Nowtoa. 81. UmiIs; John raa oude. Ibe greater portion of yrelerdajOrnMa. HlBadale.
ADcr much 1
Krank Lamb went to Cnperoieh
rhlch Is for prises fur the eampcilllve
Aanaal dtecaaaloo n was moved that
drills In the nnllonn rank. These lenlay.
coMamee of IbrM be appointed
J, J. Barnard I* in Copcrolah
prises will be Ibe largest ever offereJ
draft by-lawt and amend tbe const l- by Michigan Knlgfals of Pyihlas. (
Mr*. A E. Wilson left { r Frank
tstton to three days, to report In the two hundred repivseotalires trf
fort yesterday, wbere she
grand lodge will attend
besides after business loleresls.
Charles Vader and family are spend­
f4gblccn eompanics of the ns
ing a short time In Chicago.
rank which will make over one
Mrs. John Ihu-scb went to Co|.eml*h
land visitors and In addition
lo rlsll reUlIrcv.
lodges In the nortbern lOM o
aaeat gratifying, abowlng ao cxpeaie state have slgoibctl Ibeir Intention of
Mrs. It. A. Foote of Mucelona came
ter tke year of tKAS and reccipU ol atii-nding in a body which wil
IU7.7S. having a baUnce of (440.W.
was tbe goes! of Mr*. Waller L.
terlBlIy sircll Ibe crowd.
The aaaoeUtlop and Ha prenldcnl
ware tbeg earprlMsd by a beautiful
Serai aSdriog from eomv Isdlee presem. the lediee oot being allowed
take pari la tke eeaaioo but takli
thm method of taklog pun in tbe pro-

Mother’s Ear

^ives rosy chock* .in<l active health to pale, sickly cliildrcn^®
And it i*. gim<i for their elders, Uro.
A.bk your druygist for iL


To Cure a Cold in One Day

I Tdte Laxative Brc»iio |
I SaireMMnifc*—skMteffa^lff^o*^


WwKf fc E. CW1A>W>.
Koftkpart. JiD«
•Mtas bdBi tlM laM ■e*«hie oC ike
e«Mtr C. B. tocitij omteatioo tkBwr. T. P. Oik*™ rf tr«m»e CUr 4eIttwwl • pinreTfoI adArra up* "The
Power of a Patpoae" la wtlci hv
ataicE fhal crerj- man waa a ptan of
Ood aM ererr ponKne had Ita ort«ln
ta Uw heart of man. Some are. he
aatd. colas '‘aoBcwbcre* and other*
sra •oteR -aaTWbere.- A r«W! »»»
Mat feel Ibe thrill of Ibe Olrlne l«pafatlee. ‘I can, I »nat, I -111" before
be aecoopllabe. moch. Mr. Ullom te
pealed the alorj- of hu aaeeat of Pike-,
Paak. alter the aeomid trial belna
able te aaceei and rctani and be
dOMd hr aayinii tlod nerer helpa the
aan who onir ajr* *1 wish.' bet aa
aaea aa be tar* -I «»)*
pMeare la at bU roaiBaod.-


. captatB of tbe champion baaket
mm of the Yanktoi. college. At
tennis she Is admilled lo b- tbe rhamanman player of South Dakota.
Drersed to a natty blue suit and tbnrt
lAeiue, -Ith ber -ealib of ball

AkeaR* ■( tbe C


lucked ta-neilh a cap. she Ik an InBptrfng sight on the bar- ball rtlamon l
e —bo do It. rerKWeat ef­
aad, -hat Is more, as ao urntdre she forts to dcterl tbow -ho -nuU doknovs her huslness. Wlih ihf mum-y fruod tbe garmiini-ot bare l*ren to-'
oarncl as an umnirc MIs.- worded lij tbe almotu total eitlnetloo
Clcmrnl say* she «1ll be able to oolfl'
efforts hove arullcil lUllJ against tbs'
heraelf for the oext year In cofkgc
tmreler al*OMd e.lio piirpo»«-I} conT—n. plclorcs by a 8i. LouU sign
onii'k* i>r *-ali:e sluiply («—, rj
pslnli-r bare been acrcpiecl by and tbe tun of -ginlUR olund" of Ibe eor-, ^
huiig cwBspIcuonsly to Hie PanK
I b-j„|,Wr
■It. The arllsl Ih lininav Wolff,
Tlir envemnn-m deti-iUlecs pot aniog-' *a,-.T—•
IU four elasw-s. Tbe tint fi> tlwlan.
-D lb SI Louis as the bead of a
company for dccutaitog bIlUarardK aod CinoBbllns acioggler; tbe second, IbC Cn-.:!..isl.uiol trpeeli r «vbi. tri-s In smug- f"^
gle; tiH- Silrl. the imifessioiial «b-uC-i
gl.-r, and lire fourUi. tbusc wb» smug-" hldoe



For Infants sod Children.


. iiii>.-leemli cemiir



tsc Ok b uaacas aod botvcL.
lo'oni-tlv riifiiiKl. o
L-:i-c. aliidi 1* Hi
, Swamp-Koot 1>


The Kind You Have
Always Soaghi
Bears, the

Damn Komurs. -ho -as the mlkn

The gipofeiwlonal smuggler La* long
ainre tvoi-sl to ireiil-le th- f«Ieral of- .m's and
aTlon«l}-. nie isld* ogaln«t Mm g-r-ovl i»'c
great timt lie has titmrf M.h |n-'ss-ei-il art-oi e. .m-tit
rntulLv to some wtfre mrtbod of dU-,
Wtllc-s-nl Irie :.v n ,-.;.^ii->a l...kteil- ;
Tlir lust, the smiiggoT for ftm. Is a
m, .„
I sually tin- duly he I. at- .;,„i..„u,-v,mhniv
tempting to save Is hanlly inoudi lo
pay for the Iroqble of del.-eilnii, Wliul, i-onenniKetfi-r iii tli>J. W. Sayers lif PhllsilelMbla has peogile smuggle covers ererj thing that, ,sm«>.»bil>r. Kilnsr^^i^^
Apofeef Rctintly forfonslipk'
toea rcelfeii-d rhoiilsln o| llie
lion. Sour Sl.iiMch.I)iarTt»oca.
“»«* J'-"''''*
Graml Army of the Heiiiihllc in IVnn\Vorm.-i.Con\nlsuiis tovwish,t of aw*tieT tor Ihta featorc '.ylranla. ihjs lieing bis thlrty-flfHi con- grritcr part of tbe dutiable Prop^'
ons jndLossorSLEEP.
•clsed by the 1-u.tonis idll.vr*. Ilo^g,
Wciitlre term la tbaf pualUoc. He
fo— professlnoal smiiggl.r. onlme
r,.meoilNT Hici|i
toiSittik StCostutr of
r palrtoUc addroaaea.
In th. served -llh comiiany II of Ibi fine
themselves to dimnoniU. Tlie uuiag-,
gii, Kil'nuT s Sw.imp l'
a there -HI br a gmod parade Hundred and T-eBtyweccnid f'eiinsyl Cler for fun Is as npt to try to g-t lu a ,,,,1 ,).v .uUrev.; raugb-miioii. N. V
a and lanncbea and onneroBs
ilB volnnlvers during the civil -or pair of glove*, n Mt of la.v. drag, or
t attfaetMia. A ball snBc
_____ .-r------ rt=s
and partlclpaled i||dmaiiy baitles wlili exprasire .-i-metk*. Lore. *m; :md ,
hits of lirle-a-bnir find tlielr way Into
a Maple City and Bnidre -iU
ibe irtny of the Potomac.
out of tbe wny idnee* In tli» iratik« >ir ^
e Mewj.
rflor «4d a aide. All rlaltora -111
The prince of Monaco, ackto-li-dcid
grii- of tbe oeraslunal tra.Mrrs wlwl * mr
■ Meh Ik u,: Day, .
«rly erceUnga. 1 be the greaH-Ki liring aolhorily ini
tlitnk If pcrfi-ctly jusKfluWe to avoid i^.„
Ilinrlago-und A
ccaiHU!raph.v.has decided to l•sIlbnK!l
Cendaawd Talcgratna.
wcrh.-iai IViulii.
In I’arls an Inailinilon for » a-be I rta evi-ry Di.r.d*i'a“

Hieb.. June H.-Frank
iKiarch and -III .-ndo- II wlih tome clly know of every f.or
[liaai:.' -iri-.i-. !■
1 milIII of Ibla place -U drtr-ned
IblBR like II.ofMi.iKHi, He has sis nt ■ or costly cloth destined for this eo-intl2 Hnalatee rfrer Ifal* BomiDK -I
before Ibe |>'.:r<lias'-t!
in- «
great deal of raonev to si-archliir
ftAinc. Be wna wlih a iBrty bet 1
rrarhe* this aide of tbe Atbintie lits; ,.ri.iK r,i,
It the tccrela of tbe sea. Kis id>l''<>
same, 'address and Ibe exact iitumtliy
f«»>- A ih« Use. He teTes a a
did yacht Prlocea* Alice Is Atlcii up
one child.
srllb fine laliotalorie* and photograph bands of tbe olUcors oil this side. IIu.1 '
failure to oieiitlon an nrtlrle of ilis
iotnr. June tC-A remarluiblo M»Bllgtitrat caloe Immediately liriugs Mu.; ’ ‘''i' • '
m altired
tdOcal and lopacrapbteal nonu
to Uw altenllou of till-lusiH-elors, audi ^
bM lust been dlacoreiod In the lidn- simple yelluv silk go—n. the idiln- he Is fortimate to esesiir wUb no! .................I
oP which -as relieved
Ity of the eoHadoiD. It la an altar ael
severe pnnishinent Cbnn the tt>nO«ea-iwa, ii i;n
rvt-l !>n M" 'lil-Hi-' -'n-C.V.etSftt >i'h 1 v-f-s.ln.
ntog* on the bodice and sleevr-s. Bon of the dnllal.le property.
ki...!, nr
up at the eroMlnc of l-o thoroofihIlcrle-ils eonslsed of ,a dUinimd
To deteii Ibe auuticur smugglers re-|.„
(HCa. one of -bleb -aa naaed VIena
and a diamond necklace. qnlreo keen detcetlce wort on tbe |rio;
Benta Matrta.
The altar la bciallHer pervonality favorably Impresso l of the local costom* olTieera. An eu-i
fuSy omaBeniod -lih wreatha and
pecbjlly quiet tooklpg m:i.. Who ar-j' ’'*'
ercrybody. More than once the n
bthachce of lanrd aad eooUlna Ibt.'
rived o few mbnlbs ago bad oouivaied, • '■'-'1'
IS passed as the beameil ug
piM e< the four ntreet maflal
a lieaotlfol dlamoml In th» l.i-nrl of a.l e ei
guests. -Ho- Uke Teddy'
lumgi of tolaceo. nie eusioms oBleer. Ig.lcv
amlle'' It Is probably no cxaggcralkm
bad 1*01 this passi*nsiT down a*! j.,
o say that tbe functlnns u!
of the bonesl Iravcbr*. bud hls.:,„,i,
^•aahlactoA Jene l*-Oo». Oen. -o nlgbls cvsl Mr. Reid his >i«rty. tos|iU-1un aroused when be s;.w Iilni;,. ,
make u rpulle grab fur n iialf [.l<n:
Jmea r. Saaltb of the Pbtllpptnoa.
that be bad aieljenlali.v dnqi- ' “
vBd la now In WaaUarn-. detdares clcly note:
ped. Hefore the pnssengc
“the nallre Fmiplaoi bare a
Mrs. E. II. Conger, -He of the for
tbe lolacco U
Bihl dealie tor independence a
«r Btolater lo China, bas lost dls- foot npon it ami of c
ddf. but the Inlelllsent claeae* do not rloaed lo her old friends to iK-s
wttu It jwi BD«. They leAUe that Moines, bo-, -bile living In I'eklu.
uiD wbo bad
A nm>rtl.r d
they aie KM prepared tor U. and tfaal
ased a rag for »0 -bleb boon abroad for
f« Ibe summer llujiuil so i
I gTA-ra or MlrlllUAI
they -iU not be ptopared tor II (or
Mr. Conger declared -oold not be palufully as she raim- down liw gang- i
fn.ui the steamer llml the customs;
low lime to eoKo. 1 hate repeatedly
duty required to land it in
officer —bo had been driailed lo in-gn-i-t'
naked ihas U they vtabed tbe Uolte t America. Wmin, three -eeks Mr*
ber luegare was mo.e.1 to ask If she'
SutM forerhOieat and fleela and In- Conger had sold the rag to a -.-altby
bad onff.Tr'd an nc-ldeul on tbe way'
W.lkT. Jodwi-t Pri.l-l- I;
,f in. ..^>1.' ’.s liKii'aii,
Btlnaena lo pat* ap and aaO a-ay. f»Ieagn nan for HT.tWO, ami he d.replied Uiat she liad. He-^
aad -Hboot eaceptba. ihey bare
clared It the Om-sl irtoec at -ork be fore be completed the esamlnathm .-f
ifrotv of tranks In- l«d cveiised.
vend to tbe negaUre."
seen. With the money Mr'
lelf. K-ot iiuolbcr olllrer on 1-iacd j
Ckmgcr Is building a new home In t.'alund lenrnisj from the giursi r H e
Iforoto which la going to 1
an had uol limped at I>,
her inslc."
iimrulug. She was askml to ne
doeenenl room at tbe bapllol, baa
Tbe Prince Monaco acl.uowle<lg.uI company one of ill* woineu lusgi- tors ,
mrretoua Bewy. He ia-famUlar
u iirtvnte eianilnatlon room, where
to lie the grealc::! living auihorl:;
via an tbe tonnUeaa Ulto aad
magnin.viit ring o n* found In th* ‘
on oceaBogrnpby. has dcrlrtetl lo es
IDOBta terJMny ataaloiia back and can
tabllsh to Part* an lostllinlmi f.. toe of her boot,
gM tbe deMred one at any time withtniniiloo I
scabred research end —III tnrto- 1
ooasalltos ladcxeu or flie llau.
fwlentl deiiTlIres to Ibelr SPEEDILY CURED BY
-Ufa somelhtog like tl,i>oii.oo». Il<
The only member of the Onlted
as spent a great deal of money li
. i
Mates aenatc frora.lhe south -bo la
L-arehliig out the secret* <if Hie sea
A eerUln lady wt... n
t« huv* !
rated as a nllllonalre, aceording to the
Us splendid yacht. Princi-ss Alice, |
«"'i '
Koe fnn at tbe .-ms-us- -f „ii .-.iMil ■
“I wt.h t- iui-rIII V'ld l!;.V yenr n. *.. I . n. . -.-. i-r
who bad omintc* suHrlied lirr t. ni- qron.v nul ruiu-ur.i
tied up nllh line latirauirh-s un
sure hiwlf and fmail,., ask.'.l him -ii
twelve vraf* of Il.iphutngraph room*.
one occasion if he wunld liisur.- tlu- —»
Alexander Dowlc says lie -i
to tbe cirll »ar and made bl> money
Tbe ngeni. to the n*ii«ilshini-m .mil
rrtuni to earth alcr dvaih ami flnlwuall aimisi-tiuvH -f s-ime fri.-,
to lambcr and banking enterprises.
IB work as "Klilah. the KerlonT.
proinplly offi-ri-J to do »■•. id'vl
The Empress Bogenle has Just glrcn
Diamond merchants lu Malden l.ane paid the fit*t |ir«-iii.tmi Jooii.
to tb» B-Iss canton of Tburgau llie
c« York, have l-t.-D s-llnlled mil o lady, still iblukmg lo I
O •HI. und
Ijnp.iMki -Orth of gems, llitouch i. pres-ed ber wllllugm-**
in paased aereral years of bis youth
quests of stones to matob oihtr placed a slillllng -it the tiinie. me
Ilortense. on the fall of the
a chain for a pronilneoi banker.' Bgi-nt quickly (Ir.slunvl a |m*po<al.
am cmporc. Bed to 8-llaerUnd. am'
•n the diamonds are obtsiiied I’o':
.1- 'gg'-u.l I-. A' ..--..1
-bile those piraetit v
• Hg-:K« U-ir ii
to mt purrbaaed the oialle. -blrh Is
Dtr |iB-m-d. am! then tbe <i»n‘-r l
to fulI- ;r .1
cipeetamy ns to
drtUlltfallr situated on tbe shore of
ilH'IUd to redeem or low- Ilieie
Liko CooBlaote. In the easlle are
It U-.;:d g-t
• bankrapled Brtn has caus.-.' Hi'
Sow. madam, with your pormissliji
i•SI of a mau nrcuse*l of playing tli' may I sn- the i-atr
1.1.-.1 l.a':iy

•Vertalnly.'' she replied, at the sia
,i. h.irt.
Dame Komura. wb-' -a* the’
A CUcagoaa -hen In Umdon reI'B cbli-f irpn-M-otallte at Hiv
ently noticed the signs "keep to
ronferenee to I’ortsmoiilb. 1. i
left" on BtiW comers and a» Ibh
Viscoui llayaahl as Jug
from all iin-seiii. hut to Ibeir dNii.iy
monliton -a* exactly opposite w
isaadrr tu London. The I
tbe ogeol turned. Iw—ed p.dt- Ij. ul the
«)*. generally observed betv he
-Oie .U-t.-r tnl I
rklniied liiH- mau has an air .
fame ItOle pu-king ug> lb.- slilKn:.:. aud
(Mrally tatm-icd
IK- accosli
uess and SjH-aks In a lo­
potlcenaa on crosstog doty, taj
bra lUni cat dh-s, madam, kindly
-Otlder. may I ssk srhy in London
it onr office and etoiiii ilie :>i«urbe has a ilii'n.iigh kno-le
•WTtbtog goes to tbe left
meney. Hood iiijrn!i.g.''-la.uaon
jn-ni —— *
• J till' - I'
bobby gtond M him for a
bra I
b-n.glh it-*' 't;.'
ratoed hla band lo Mop a rab and
hud.i-.ltl„Ex-Mayor Isaac Slhlcy, t
mU: *ft<Cy Ibe dickens a%6u1dta‘l it
V...- 1 c" j' i:ii|g—-I
n I'l-lk.
Tbe mo*t tmi-wtiint v-~
fire were
ell. Seputy Sheriff Urabam.
Mr. LakaaMe grinned bU approval
taught hy fire ns.-lf. As Us- I.rtoiltive
and Mr. llurk-aie of Alltbe ratort aa be handed over "1
mau stood Bear the fl.iiiie* of t'j- 1-uni-

Eme’rw Wil< Cele»-B»e.
Bmplre, Mich.. June U.-Ban'lre
wfll celebrmte the aforioee Pourih In
aihat atyle thia year- A Trareree City
tenaa land -ill lumlah Boalc alt day
«»e a Berea-pieee orebeatra from Trarene Clly -111 play for a big dance


»> rblef Aiireseatallre at the i—ci
COPtirOBpe in l*cirt*moutb, ts ti> sur
coed Visertaai Iloyasbl ok Jaiismambassador lo Ismdon. The brn-o
skioned little man lias an air iif nerers and si—ks to fl slow. Imltlnu
rt. Ibongb as a matter of fact he
Iborough k«i)Wledg</nf BokIIkIi


For Over
Thirty Years


i'.: A intyKiSi!!,;:',


■i' 'S.'SrDd


. ■







Screamed with P.rn — Suffering
Neariy Broke Parent's Heart —
Twelve Years of Misery—Doclor


.^vettmoEJy arjts»»y.*-o-

.:.i .fc. i.'.i

.■... I- • .—1 Id Ik- o-r' -*."





Real Estate and Loans

Pere Marquette

OM aqtmre miles m Umber Und and Is
the largBM o*ner to his own right at
mivaya to British ^ortb America.
iU he drives aboul OlUws In as Md
taabtoned buggy and almply
fee -ooM be taken for a comf'
Tarmer rather than a prlncv of
try. Ho-cver. the clnse observ
^MOl toU to look a fecend lime
►>fi^^orcertt artfiniam afed cneiretlc
eoghicnancr -bk-b Itx-k* out from
«feArr the «*>ft left bat.
Amanda Clemcnl ef Yankton. S. I>
' -bee rbc Is a rtadenl. Is a
nslltrt' *1 l<t**KalI games ang}
qiifetly offlrlate* In ihai hapii
MM Otnimi % Jurt IT rear* oia
•BQd to look aL airnag and

Ing tr>v nuO f-li Un-lr |.le.i*aui alow be
ra''"thv*' Uk' ^"•"
leanu-d that Ure Uiu.> add to Isulily
tn.-ii. 7 SHtnVr
comfort, and whra U*.- Uaiuo* *«vgpi
X. Y.. Atini
Uireugb a fi>r>-st and ovi-rlook a -hi-r
aud lakcd it hr h-an.-sl ih-H tire u:rat
linoek hlrt:;be used to Imiiro.- the .gnalii
ibittgs tor f
The hint was uot lost. tie icnk
off npon our beads Unally li-jrkw»l',
______ Jug ticra lo bis can- or l.nt r.n t
long pole and the r
stood a. a k»g dlstaore nndthre. sia.OB..HATT yiiTgui-eTATr -V >t;-li:
d. Tbe air -as loll of slabs i.-ji
u-, uu«-omfort for the
snake Inracd hl» head and ftiCNl^j.^
saruiUi and for US' ;E.-art l-r tL- .-.i-aal- L< i.-.-his tongue. It —K suKcesled tha:
of tbe tooUiaomcueis of U*e cook- Trs.ef— laal- es to- '.............
>• ’
X D ;a-.. !- :r
t'.s: -eu- --inro-nell climb the m-c and pvll il>‘ 'ed meala. After a time a bole was
r«l I... i-r-dll.w- "A
.1-1 tL-ir '••» - •
„ ,,...11... 'g A. -y

Traverse Cily. Mich.

Property of All Kinds for Sale
and Exchange


prteC ami walked away.
t. tL Booth, the oumflan railway
ngTTi'- and tomber king, began life
as a mlllband. Now be puucssra €.-

I2r l-roni St-. .'noDiai'uc Bl'...

-a* -e wen- m-alklag a

a siuhlen -e looked n.n a
s a huge siiakc crawling > :


.-uakrahlp came tumbling
to .the
grtrabd. and -as s.«i hnrl-d bcn-a;h
cord 111 -O.M.


’entire bowTthe
fireplare and Ibe beta la




•“---------- *

a that If -* should aay that vs.'.-v-r *. jx >
a ■ at firwl r—pK
‘f "s-ir Wovra -a '■'GJT^iiYy^,,' a i.. is* ^

y City r .-il • '•i.'f
Graml TraviT'<- Ci -i'
money' will I*' ..Ir-Qi'-'' 4

l^-f'TrstJ^ '
s'? ..--••are.

..................•• -;2re*S;gS~

He -a* over fl' •• uie root waa tbe chimney.

n agato to make
If* the tow Ume I cccr
snake crawl straight op a uvc.

yii'j M'.vtin f

yiHit .'m»mry ami

>* •


W- will

Prar.c-isl l-atv s;



..iii.iim for

ini') x-ilT uHge
farms in
h. wh'-ru your

I, THUmOAV. JUMC *1. tiM.



mm mmn. M-na nm*

If tbe dar lookt Wader Woomy
AB’ roar cbanre* Wader dlta:
•1 vkatcd ia brlag m mam cold.’' be
If tbe dtnaiioa'a pimUn'.
Ab' tbe prooiMCi airinl
WHb • diBb <ii U* «mm Bttte cbMk.
nn all hope U oearir ftoae.
bad • ibake Ot bU Umm* »UB«r.
•Mon ibe nlBbo* b»d twM .mx- Ju*' hrtatle up. aad ptit yoor teelb.
AB' keep OB keeplo' ob
1 cIlabBl u> Ibe lao of the bill tod*)'.
To dl« for Ibe pot of BM»y.
Ponla' Dvrer wb» a Bpfat •
Ab’ freilln' nerer par»;
*1 ported tbe siaioea tboi tSimm OB Ibe
There alB'l no pood la broodin’ la
Then peMlBlaUe war*—
Abd doc oad dn tadi a deep. dMp
ISvile JBK’ WBder ehreerfBlIr
When hope I* iMortr pooe.
AO’ hri«le up. pad Rrit your teeth.
An- keep oa keepla’ on.

be palot Next apoape w1
eiulb wet with mrp«*UD«- Wbv-B aU
the palai hax bees yemored rub dry
praanlied tamr. aae^aart of va
wllh a ck«a ttotb. ’The Bareb i> oeed
, few uu of onope peel: boP
to prereni cpreadlap of turpeoUae.
petber bfteea mlaate*: atnin aad
color ba> bees sSected stuape
jBlce of ooh oeaape. ooc pni«l
Bhb rfalorotnrm.
plaeapplc, aad eorne e«dd water
Seek white lace bD Blcbt iB milk
mu] niece for ooe boor: ttrala.
Id auBp *u.|>. rime la cold w;
tad add one plot of cncked ke.
lueece BBd wbmi Bearly dry Ur
gtnwterTTade—Jiaih aad beat oae
nan ripe atnwberriea: add oae quart Sally on folded aheela. pianlBx d
ater. «ir oatll well mined; »w.
Rusty black lace ihould be rinsed
> laite with white aaor: Bmio aa<!
erre. All Wade of herrin aad fruit* In a cup of water Vlth a ubb spooBlul
of borax and
alcohol. Then wind
lay be need ihn*.
around a bottle and pin down acaUaps.
Frull Puach-Tbe Juice of oo.For blood fttalB* aolhlnp to brtte
r piae^plet: Julo- of ill lemoa«
three o^aape.; and a plot of ptwrved Ibao cold snap auiU to wfakb keroieoe bus beeo added.
Macblae oU or ratellne wash
Buap and cold wal-r.
CburoUTv or eotoa. soap ibkkiy
laate. Keep la ■ cool plaee.
Woeappleade-Mla cm pouad

aad riare In warm wa'er
Wlwn Oftiim* sec Odariesa.

here amt no Bte la pnnrUa’
An< pruBtriln’ all Ibe time
w M tired aad bot prMtr Whea Duiac’i rlaplap ereo'Vbere.

I KOTO op ifTlof to and 11.
i daaT moeb Iblak. after all-do roof
tl. atofjr tbey told «e eaa be flolle

Some Ooed Hot Weather Orifikx.
Fruit Punch—Boil a pouad of snpai
with a quart of Water ualll dtosolred:

•Vbr look wbat I gaibend and brousfat strain Into a deep Itowl. and add
fOQ iBalead.'
quart can each of pineapple, strawWttb a divide la twb nand ebet
berry, red raspberry aad cfaerTT Juice;
Ibe Juke of four letphn* and foor or
BBsea. Set oo lee until ready to serru
Ibea pour Into a punch bowl Slled wlU
cracked Ice. Slices of aiiawlierrieii
and candled tberrle* may be added
gire a bit of ralor.
BO poured tbe pay IiIqmowb out o»er

re ao fair la ay
NttvoaM I fin OM of Us botu

Tea—Hake .the tea ext
sad set it away to cool. J«
before aerrlac, Sll slender glasses
with chipped Ice aad pour o
If liked, a Ublespoanfa] of sugar
and a slice of lemoa may be added.
Iced coffee, aerred with sugar, bnt
wilhoui cream, Is eqoally refreahlag.

n be fried nr bndled or
baked, or roasted or grilled or bmlled.
accordlog to abeiher It be vegetabU-s
To fry meal or to fry rege.
taWea is fu-rbaps the most unwbole
aomV-aad Indigestible way of prepar­
ing Ibi-m.
A good, mealy, well-baked polalo to
healibful, Douriablag food. But a
led pdaio, saiurnt<4 wllb fat. be>me* la Ibe slomacb an tadlgeMihlo.
unwbolewuni- mass that w-ts up dys­
pepsia la a nbort time. So It to with
an vegetables and fniUs—frying largly destroys their miirm(e value and
places a heavy Usk upon the digestive
organs. ’The same may t>
fried meats, fried steak, fri.-d bacon,
fried sausage.
Splendid ariielcs of
food, full of Diiirillous Jplres and
sue bnlldlog flber, bot .rendered ealirely Inert by tbe process of frylqg.
Baked, roasted, or bcdled food to
great deal more wholesome than frie.1
food. Rm baked or roasted tood to
cRcn dry and tasteless, and
food to robbed of Its nulritloDs Julres
wbicb are extracted from tbe

How many -tfmes has t-very s
entered hto home oaly to cry oui
dIsguB liecauae the odor of the oc
or niroip or ssimeiblns els. lias i
united lb.- entirs- six or *ev.-n root
"Let's stop bating surh things
dinner." he suggests to hto ^u
ewti). It's marllfjing to Invite s frb-i.d
dine when one knows this t>
simtMiphere to going to kn.u-k
down BS soon as he eaters the .
a matter of fart, there
n<t4 for excluding the ualuo or-Uh'
otbi-r uffs-ndlag caiabliw. Tlie siai
pb-sl way In the world to solv
diffkulty 1s this; lUw the e»>k put
Into the rooklag v.-s«el with votir on.
Just a piece of stale bnad about
: as your fist. Somrbow or other
the lin-ad sbsoriK Ibe odors, and you
don’t know onloas are on your m.-nu
until you sll down at the table.

• ., I
them abide.
• M for tbeir bdp or eben to do

thy part:
• , To boar tbe -muale at baaiaa-


for Are mlogtes ooe poaad of at
quart of water. Add

• Ba set too hosy. O Ibon «wmW ‘


To bear «bat frteadt an aayla* ■
• .
at thy aide;

To kaow If caret or Joyu with

icwelhr-r new Idea, to every advance that cat
e in Ibe art of preparing nolrltiout. health-giving food. They
greted rlods of two lemoas and i
clever and keen-witted eocmgb to see
onages. and contlaoe bolUng for
Ibat tbe health, and. therefore, tbe
mtaolei longer.
Strain ibe «
haRtlnets of the hoiisehnld depend In
throngb cheesewkrth and add
large measure upon the quality and
quart of cold water. . Bstnet the Juice the prepanllnn nf the food they serve
from the lemoas and onngea, Brain, to tbeir families.
aad mix wllh two doxen grapes col
Food becomes a part of as and large.'
baU and seeded, two sliced Tsngertnc ly makes ns whxl we are, both physi­
foar dkes of pineapple, one cally and mentally. Foorly selected
Tbe habit of fnsaliw aver wbat can’t
cut Into slices, saf
food, cooked In an Indigestible maiibe cured aad mart be eodoretPto
boulc of Uaraacblno cberrim wlib
I responsible for many ao III-bilteMI ta wbtcb aloe out ef entry t<
ibrtr liquor, tbe eberries being haired.
fansbaad. and for the cross and
btiMiArmimt aoaaer nr W(ot bow
Bern rery cold.
fretful children, ^^’ben women awaken


»HUMl m eih$r*9 Ukk

pineapple Iremonade—Boll a cupful
• sugar and a pint of water together
baataae banieBi to bare beet
ir ten mlnolea. Add the Juice from
talaed la tbe bftcbcm aad to b
can of plaaappk to tbe syrup. Ihea
W monlBS dnas. It takei a
Id a quart of bbmag water and the
'Qeou UlUe womao to seal benelf in
Juice of three lemons. Cool and pour
fctubas part aad to ^ee herartC np
glasses partly Uled with shared
the UMsnn of eatertalalap ber caller.
Calls an aftea spoliri beeanie the

Any womao can faWe aad f»«
. abent ber tnmblea aad make cadleas
Mcoaea to the eUler wbe deefat
e ofiea spoiled
s wbe Is

ashsxaed. chagriaed,

the awal. aoi ook pormltUag herself
m ba mlsersbto, bat awfclng the guest
with hlmaell a baadred miles away.
K takes a teaeroas. oofdlal boat
- W«s to alt down to a meal which a
knows Is aoi ap to tbe staadard aad to
perre It wllb the eeee aad grace sad
boapltalHr wHb which she wonld

Any woman <aa (ret and fass all
fhnngh tbe meal aatll boib she and
bw saeet are la danger of ladlgestlon
trdto toad ratra aader a atrala.
At boose rteaalBg time, when
be eotertalned la ebslrs tbal are oorerod wtib caaras aad ore aot erea In
plac*. bot boddled la ooe corner. It
takes a gentle woman to toss oS Ibe

the lltii-n, wbieh to apt to to- injure-l
liy the oxallr arid. Javeb- water Is
eellent for almost any white gmsto.
be made at home or bought .it ii
ilruggisl’s. For wine stains sprinkle

Peraons Vlho
Beets Cared.
Hr. J. Blylcr, Uto Uhtu street. He* Hotae*. U,
“1 wish to stats my sppreeiaUon of yoBi eaeeUrnl
rsmedv-1 hive always enjoyed exrelleai health, except
trwqneai and psialul allaek. of bladder trouble,
which durwn (ailed to relieve or rnre.
-Vpam rrfnmmrnitottow I wsed Pefmm to B|y
-- aot
—■ Ass-lax
■— *Bf had
Jtfd am aamek BWir
ira.”-A Sfyter.

atnrrh of'
Kidneys Canoed
Mach Snflering.

OMfereus KMney Diseases

awe. If tbe wwtl mtgbl bare beei
Ur then U abojiM bare been b

cwmmiarws. then ao oeasea are a
K-bea eoadllkma canad be betlere'l
there It bat oae Ihlag to do. and ibat

Hr. lxsq.dd
Ixsqsdd llraadl. rtii
1 Ilrooklye.N.Y. writes:
»«« J
"I was Uck Ihn-V rnooi
kulnr)< and lance. 1 wae Irealcd l>y my and relieved to eomr ratoaL Imt
»ficr I h»d w-rked again (or two week*, my old
*o«. rlnc-»<*ek»chc and palas la the ngbl lasgtrlnrncd. The dr> sdful rough which lutbeeed me day
and ntglil la>b-d ala muniha and Bonne runld help me.
"I tried three dlfferrat pwleal medicine*, wtlhoul
avail. I could «rarcely eat aaythtag and slept only a
(t'W hnnraeach BichL
I fihmliiilif till 1 fxli rxcM IMmmmitrn
aMaodAsymygppcrtrrAadMtgrorcA /Soot a (SBiimeathf oT Pmmm every hoar, my aad sHM. fine
arwewaeta Now t harm Ukta thrm haOtn. lam
aalcwnnrOAirra-BpaopfeaadaaaM* an sJaep welt
•■XVbelwver 1 raretaslck peraoB. I advise him to take
Peruna. I thank yua a thmuand tltaoe lor your a '
riae. a> (I was the oolf remedy that aavwd me.
eontlane to keep It la rar (■mily.'’—Leopold RraBd

V[rnBN the kidney* bceome aSeetrd
W liy eStarrb.ellbvr from cold*, over­
work, or *ii rab-atiua ufraiarrh (ram
*»mr other ornn. they tall to pvrfuetn
thetr Durmal (udciiods.
rarPeIt to the work of the kidneys to exFtxrr.'Mt.’
. birriii
ling, Kyn
erelr front the iiloud many of Ibe polsoBs writ**:
Which aecumuUle ta the body«■
■■I have suffered with kklaey and
I( the kidney* (*11 la their work, the bladder Irunldr fur ten years past.
-Last Msreb 1 coinmeared using y«r
Perutsa snd eonlin"ed Jor three monibi
-1 have nut used it since. Dor have
Prrnaa. by reUevlng the ktdaeys u fell * psln.
•■IheOere Ihallaai wtUmaiHhmrt~
their coDgrsUsl and catarrltol condi
liuBs, leaves Uivm tree to act In 1 torm gh e my Ughett commeamtioa to
the curative aualltlet a! JVrwaa. ”
; Xecb-.-i.-.l --slarrli •-( lb- kidn.-y-to
li also sireQgibeBS tbe action nf tbe apt 1-devrlop IntJ' Itrisbi’s Ibo
bearl.i-qualltiug tin-rirculaiu-u u
I* alUMMt aa Im
.lial»-le-. whvo a *11
blusd ta all part* o( tbe system.

s l>robably quite Irue. For
u|i wllb unions, toilli Inside
iUld Im- <-lii»iKh rertalaly •»
any «.-lf-re«i«-cilog cold —

es ^Tu-l*

Th* Fiphi Apsinat Dirt.
Wash »llk hose qj- verts In snap
suds; do not rub soap on them, but
dip up and down la Ihe snd*. Rinse
glaas of tee water.
cl«r warm water, partly dry. pull
Lemon Shrub—Take fresh lemons,
Into shape t'iid Iron with a moderaiely
lueexe oat the Joke, aad Bral:
hot Iron, having a tuft dath-iiader ibej
each plat add one pound of whit
ar. and bring to a boll; pour luio Jar*,
If steel buckles rurt. soak Ihe
seal. BBd set asMe to uae In Ire water.
keroseee and then rub with fiaaael
Orange Bhrab-Hade like lei
ad powdered unslseked lime.
Cherrlcw. btockbmiea. laspbervie*
Jet U easily brightened by spoagin.g
grapes may be prepared atter a ,
Ith wann water and akobol aad pol
liar taahka.
ihiag with ^ael.
Sherbet-Botl la three plats of
To remove imint from
a dress
water sU or eight large stalks of (resb
Plead a ring of dry siareh around the
rbnimrb aad a quarter at a poor
an stained. ITten wet the stain with
chopped fit* aad ratolas. After

to to rise aboee tbMi.
Tbe wotaaa who can rise abore dtooomtort makes ber gnest cnmtortabk
aad k««pa beeseir eooag.
Tbe wsmaa wbe la spite of lamalt
Obd aaesMl disorder sad lack of prep
anttaa. caa make a guest (eel that be lag for thirty mtaote* stiala the Juke
with a teaHnoef
e wbalerer to breog or oat
Icooa or oraage gyrap » wRb Uw dau edge at a

II ki- Ibe oore gtvra b»ru.
caa give oar rvadev* oaly a slight
gllmpm-ot the vsat array «t uBaallcilad

received «*
letters u( thank* as I»r. Rartmaa (i
Addreu l>r. K. R. llartmaB. Prcidd^
t.rtbe MarlmanSaJiltarlum.l'ulambU
I >biu, for Irte meilteal advice.
All eorn-poadeaw held .irlelly ea

To ntH the entor at priat drvaaee.
use the pasirv board for Ibis ptire. as ihe crumbs wtll make il aimk them la tcry but brine, let them
ch. Soft breail eriimbs an- gtssi remain ontll the water to eoH and
k.-d in milk (or grldle eakes, stale then w-ring oot and wmah. ia Ibe BftM)

ak can Is- utillved for a puddinc
. should Im tak. II iiol <o us.- a pare of l.n-arl which is tuimldy or fiom
Mildewed Clethtu.
with salt, moisten miih b
oaf wlilel! lias niovlib--l.
Evil a eareful Iiouh, kts-per will
. and then pour to.illiic wnt/r
som-ilm-s have irmibli- wiih mildew
througb until the stain .llsaiOK-ars
Twe Ceeacberry Rccipca.
and will IH- clad in kn-is of a safe and
stains. Itoe edd water first,
o-ny I’u-lding-l-'lll a
fill, r.-medy, Cninc. long since, lo
soap' and water. Hot wai<-r s.-!,-.
eh or craliiteware liakliiE dish nearlv
full cd >i-nimisl l-<»s- to-rrios and add
distress over a Imskvi of cloih.-s. maa>
For seoreh. hang or spngd lb"
Ibis fact they will give a great deal
MIEUI-Iih'ii'y of il--siid a llllli- biilIII
e In Ibe sunshine.

>re attention to cooking than
;i>-r en-l -'ir In Hour i-nouEh
mak-had <lam|H-nisI ih.- clo'lu-s
For mildew, lemon Juic- aud
adorning of themselves and tbeir
I a lialier -lilt .-toHiEh in spnwd Mu-.ih
shine, or If obsllaati-. dl'Sulve niie ■light so ns to have them r.-aily for llv ot.-i til.- IniM: bake In a moderauhomes.
iabk-s|H>onrill of ehluriJe of lime In ItsminB early Tin-s.lay aionimc. 1‘U'
As said before, Ibere arc
qiians of cold water, and aoak
meo who bsv.- given this subj.el
much thought, and iiracllcsl lest. Foiel tln>,snicle unlit mlbb-w disappears.

experience-Medical Talk.


Pe-ro>aa Is Invaluable in Sack

cooked by sicwm has been fonnd to l>e Rinse vi-ry tlinmualil> to avoid any
.. rioset *
cbemlral aelion upon ilie linen.
Ornpe Nerter—Dlssolre Are ouoees more nltofactory than ■
h,- ie,ull was Iba. wl--h -he gol ; '
Fur peach stains, a s><-ak siduilon of
of Urtarlc add la Iwo qnarU of wa­ other method. Steam does not .Irj out
••t.-rythiDE s|«.llod.,
-faloride of ilme rtimhini-d wllb in. UM ..................roasilni:
ter. Pour It orer twrtre pounds of Ibe fond like l>aklDc or
1C she ilBiiiElii. by mildew. I'said j'
grapos wbkfa bare been palled
Neither does It sap sway all Ibe nu- luUe iiatb-nce. l^ng soaking Is an
Never nmid
trillvc juices like boiling iloes. The i-SM-ntlal.
tbe sterna ARer aUndlng for
Meam Insidiously p.rnieales ev-rv
eight hours, equeete through a
iilry Aiarcti
bag and add a plat of sugar to crery part of the m.-st or the vegnalile, 'ream ia{iar and w
pint and a half of Juke. Bolik and rooking it thoroughiv lentler, aad ye;
Much Virtue i" an Onion,
set away In a cool place. BTien want­ leaving It sueeulent sad wholesome.
e Irlea of an onion cure may
ed for use add three plots of Ice water Blle.1 with Its own Jukes, and redolerf.
i- Ihe fancy of Ito- a*-slhetk: 1
to a plat of the aecUr and. If desired. wllh Its nsiiiral lUvor.
Ihe rxiH-rienc- (if lb....... who hat e
We believe i-verv wni
it to IhBI il wnrkt wonib-r*
Currant 8hrab-To one plat of
bead of a household ahoubi acquaint
wTlnEinc. -i'i-*-l ih- ni on
resiorlna an old racked syneni lo
not Juke add a pound of whiles u
herself wllh the different methods
-l-rinkl'-l I'le mll'l'
normal state again. There au' ih
gcBlly, for lea mlaules and
cooking. Cel out of the oW rut
aside to cod. I’ae la ke water for a
or boiling everyihlng sad •
plcanai add drink.
If rbto new bUw of steam rooking
Pineapple Shrub—Pare one large, not a good one. Various devices have
ripe pineapple, chop flUe. saeetea to been tavented that render steam cook­
l#«e. add one gallon of water. Let It ing very prnciial nad •-asy, and th.-r.I Is claimed t-y tho«- who l-h-te
stand la a temperature of aloety de­ Is liiiJc excuse for a woman refusing
Ihe onion run- lhai a bad rol-l
grees Fahrenheit for three dayrto give at least a fair trial to anyihius
broken up if ihc- |iaii"ni will
uaUI It beglas K ferment: boiile. and
St promises, In fact, has been proven
.Kms and tesi on a lilu-ral die
as a bererage. perbe a very wholesocne sad nutritious
uae la ke wal
ons. It m-tvl not In- an exelu
■oafuli tn one glass. manner of pn-paring food.
baps I'
Stale Bread.
bill a litieral on.For Ins-a
Strawberry Shrub—Over six pooail;
Did you ev.-r eat a dtoh of weameJ
Ev.-ry bon-ke.-iH i -hieibl I--'
oslon-cun- breakfast Indiel.
of crasbed berries pour oae qoan of rice, or aieam<-<l vegetables cd
h- bri-ad jar .-f-iy mon.^iimached egg on i.mst. ihi.-.- lald.elder liaegar aad ooe quart of kind, or steam cooked meal? If
siionnfiito nf (ri.-.1 onion an.I a eiip of
water; Ipt It stand twenty-four h
you have «>mlng to you a yen' I

Any woman can squirm and Adgel
tor an bear aboal the untldtaees of ber boll and MralB. Toemy plat of Julee
pint of gt
tomw end spoil Ite rtolt beesnae thiIB for five minutes; strata, ana put
to naatof to lies aboee ber sarroandaeir-acallng pint Jars. 1
or in-o ublespoonfals
Tbe babtl at tuadag ia sarriy a Ud


sialB disappears rinse well; we
stain with amamnla to coualerac
aeld remaining. Then rlnc- thorough­
ly again. This will many llmsw


Back^he, a Waraii
of Kidaey Trouble.

To Rsmev* Btsina.
Ibe Prsii Institute's "waitritos
course’’ the ftrtlowlng dln-cilons wen
given lor removing stains from linen
For fresh ng and eoff.-.- stains, ustmillBg waliT. Place lh<- linen
a Urge bowl and pour ihnmgh
Ixdling warer from the i.-ak.-iile, he

Iced Frolt Juke—Slew slowly one
cap of rhabarb cut floe with oait qua<-t
a height to Insure fore.-.
of blaeberries aad two cup* of water.
Old tro and ruffw Mains whli
H'bfB well Juiced add a cup and
ive lieronie "lu-r’ should he
In which II to boiled.
cold wtiiT firwi. ih.-n Imllinc.
ef aagar. Cool sail Brain. Pb
' One of the problems of the house
For rhocolate slainn. use fold wa
the Icebox and,dilute with Iced water wife U ao to cook food that It will lie
when ready la uie. New and refresh- palatable and appetising aad still rr- first, then liolling watsT from the i
ils* nourishing and streaglb-gir- krttle.
AFor toralJds—For a refreshing terer lag qoalltles. Some women go oo lu
Fruit stains will usually yield
drihk the Juke of a grated plnripple Ibe same old way that tbeir mothers bojllng water; but if not, oxalic ari.l
and ooe or two otanges. airaiaed orer did. frying and boiling and never onct
be US.-.1, allow ing tlir.s- «i
le erysial to on.-, jiim • of .
sbaTincs of Ice, upoo which a amall giving any Inlelllgetil thought to tie
the stain with the solution, place
illly of jwwdered sogir has been
-leace of 'cooklnc.
Hill there an

' for a pot nmalBi orer with a



• ,,

Bqiial l«rt» t#’aBlBSaRAPi«'**“
of tonteailne will lake paiaT AB at
chith. no matter how hard or dry R’

To wash iMopee silk »ueee«*ftllly to
n simple undertaking. Wa«h thor­
oughly. rinse and hang wllbout wriaglug on a Uae to drip dry. Wbao Iba
carment to thoroughly dried, preoa
wllh a aot
loo hut IroA Never
Always remove atatax brtore artl■. I. h an pul la Ihe wash or lo aoak. or
: ito- .lamage may he fixed through the
Fruit stalBi may
reduced by

Visi will need less laundry >«ap If
you liiMiie that I' I- ito-muglily diM
to-fore using
F«o this lule it In aueh
a way as lo I-'*'' "pen M>are« between
A Sootiest CiosrL
ti- ri.-iti r-iipiH.3fito and .-lii'.etv.
s'Hi.-r in ih.< l.adi— W.iHd. '

ly X, r.-a-lilj and "loe* more effactwork

1 painl. l.-aittiE i

i Te Cixjn Hard Paint Pram Brwahet
I-I .
.-a. It brush In a soluHon of
' -.1,- i-ait wa-liing srsla In ihr.e part*

, K.tcKe- Osvtcnffi’C, Lunch.-on of sandwlch.-a.
Dorton brown hrea.l liuitered and
Fahrenbelli when Mie dried palBt wM!
filled with finely chopiwd raw onions.
be W. snCi-n-1 that II esa be tmxUy
ir.iif iKi-iili-.: Wk j
Flann.-I- n- -l *-*•
srasone.1 with sqlt and i.epp.'r. make-.
wa.herl ..ui with soap Bad walar.
f«.ir M-.uil'il- oflloucl..-! w.M
■ he second meal an the scbinlul.-. Fo:
Ilnisbet lhai have beeaaaa hard as
lo U-- [Stnr I'll ( -l-.b-supper, tbe onion* may I—
as f..r can Ic- resiortq by Utia pro
breakfast and eaten with a rhop and
,h.. tnm. ■b.'i.-s'.h .................. .
lAked potato.
h'llil-b- U.E.ib. r, A iaiil- -l»'.*"l'il o
The strange efficaev of onkms to
- labb-.|inonIiil d fiotir wi’h Icmr I lo a leiiliOE "f «l i
well kirawn to ibe singer* of llaly and
Eat what yno like la mOdacBtloB aad
L gra-liially j. r«-a».- ib- Ir «
Spain, who eat them every day to Im­
I'l.r-a keep your misd Ur away from
,r>iqiion III Vinegar an
prove tfie qnalily of their voices and laio Ibis un'il 11 iblek.-B--,
,^„|yiKir nomaefa duriag «fea pnieaaa of
' I.T Is efficacious In restoring 'be C
ler the tiiOM.-.t bt. ad.
keep them smooth. Onion plaster* are
; diaertlon. ff ram thoi«hts are pl«WDb-.caahe'o(
bard roughs
„,,,jaBtly emptoyed yoa wHl torsat you
sed for drr-*sii'C lo siiin fowls with. I Rinse in .-..(T-e, ihen Iron whip- dt
|They are made of frI.-d onloas placed
beiwetui two piece* of old muslin. Th- or may I-- ptaciMl on a Mr In a warm j wllh h piece or flannel laid over II
, beuu'lfu'j A wide aiid -hallrm "ea kettle 1I., , ^ Tia cans can be girea a ceotlag at
plaster It kept quite hot onlil the pa
until fio.'.l Eoisl Iblos lo hate in Ihe fciirben. I, glue and ibvfi rolled la aasd which
tleai it nnagly in >*-d. when ii to
placed cm the cheti to nay over ntgbi- an.I then k.oi in a box or glass Jar to ' bolls wau-r Is a hurry,
use in place of cTUrk.T cniml « lor' Ihit a lru«B<»>iulIFri'dr-red l»rax
Oaion syrap It a dose that ca
fning oysier* and making croquette, , IB yonr eoM March; II give*
boogbt at any dragetst at a cure
T thUB bt Band aa sBownrpac
Be anre to toll them uatU fihe. aad do|tt





Tb« repaWIcm «w»ty cmivckUob
WM <slM U> order M t:l& Hoodsy
•ftoTMOo IB Ibe Gm»d op«» honw by
Hsa. Jbi. H. Wonroe. ck*lnn«n «
couly eOBiBilnec. Hr. Monw rt«d
tbe «»I1 for ibe nwrcBtk* «lild
ter (be perpouc at elocUiw nlnv drleCBtM lo the BUtc eoDTeoilon «•> I*
held ei Dutioll Joly 31. the dale bartec been chnos^ troB Ani. t c
C0oat of naothcr UtportBat co
Urn to be bdd 1b Detroit on (bat date.
Mr Monroe rolled P. C. Ofibert
prroide aa tonporaiT chalnnaa i
WiuiBB Rennie wai eboron tempofj T aecrotary.
On motion the foUoarlng coinin

of BnalMW-^U 8. -Waller. PHo Lake:

Geo. L Crtep. Whitewater.
Ralph Case. PatadUe.
A. D. BUnson. Pamdite.
Wm. Selkirk. Aeo<'.
Malcolm Winnie. Flral ward,
a O. Ladd. Peninsula
The following Coiiaty coniml'le*'
Acme—Jobn llnssle.
lilalr—P. M. Iltmlln.
Basi IUy-I)avld Housh.
Fife lAki—L fi. Waller
Garfield—Wm. Grant.
Grant—John J. Ctrl.
Green Lake—Cbae. B. Dye.
Umn Lake—Sylvester Down.
Mayfield-Wm. K Clone.
Paradise—A. B. Sllnsoii. A E. PulPoalatoU. F. U Johnson.
Unlon-J. M. Myera.
WbllDWalcr. Ralph D. While.
First Ward-F. W. Carver.
Seeond Ward—£. W. Ilssllngs.
Third Ward-W. W. Sndth.
Fourth Ward—W. F. Ilarsha.

In iLe Hue of athletics here on the;
Fmirtbbas iKi-D lakeo uphyifceTra.v.l

A. A. McCoy. A. 8. Dolpon.
Unkm-g. M. Myeci, J. M. SaSord.

SS«: against, is.
WhUewster-H. K. Beecham. R. I
For dlreci nomlnallon of Ib-.nenanl
White. A. 8. Prar. Lowell Sour*. K governor, .'.mi; agniost, 13.
T. Pray. F. K^VInlon. rpaall Hobbs.
For rvi>ri-».-nutlve In congress. SJP:
The report was aetepii-d an.l adojil. agalnsi. IS.
For Kl.iesenalur.STR: against. IS


evrals will

bcaln near

tbo 'of Manlsi.v. fire w.Tk.i !,'

1 of gpvt-rnoc.

r.lar ™. ••.

which will mak'- up a hHiw-r
U- pulk-d ta and ribbons
o U- given 1<


the rondldacy of Hon. V

clly lo Ihe more u.i-lli.-rn |.„lnis T):,
following lariy arriv.-.l In ih. ni. Sat
.. i.K.k diun. r .-1 l-ai k na.-.- a...
done io Ihe e.,tlai;»
.] Mission. wh.T.- lli.-y have s|i- t,
K.-veral eon-e.-iitlK- siioitii.-rs: Mr
Mrs. 0.s.i-ce N. lllaek ..f Spr.n;
(lelil. 111., Ml. l!.s.i-ge I' Sirleker sinl
Hir.-e, Mis-e. Mo-sl,. a;..'

in. l,.-.•nvit^c•, 111., nu.l Mn- Jn.. N
J.-well na.l Mr. and Mrs Jo.,:;!. M
H..E. rs of Chicago.

Ik .-viMylcil In
Konn wiM, r, i.i|nx-m of l,«..i I..11K or ..............................
for Ihe

Haimah A Uy


agalnsl, 1.

foot lor SI



‘Best” Flour

i.-r’. nl8> ai
Mr., r'e-iinatl'- Iia,1 Isi-ii ill 1*‘T .hr* •
ini'j.- will. '"I........
I.iii wi­
le.-.T.uit i.u.ri d.rr.n; r|e- i.uiSIIl-r In..ih.r ili- :

••a -..... .... '•-iiii.p-;.-. "i n-r UR.) ...II- .
Ill- iirl;hl.-~i ra... of iiin-liin, In ll
Co.iil.-i.;.- iioiii.- UP.; Iks n .lui!..iml.
Mrs. l-:ii;-n Jane ll-iuw:-;. .
Mo- II..RI. .-1 l.i-r gmii-i'l.'i-l'l'-

Mu. I*!.ri»-i.-1, was s:: ; - ;.f . r
f..r(h,-M.I Hire .M-urs. Sh.-w.
Pi T..r..iii"i. I un-ida,
Sli.- ... ..r i-icl-i rhll'lr^-ti. five of


first place.



Bive it a trial ?

Ask your yrocer for a


.•very IwougLi Inio Ik.
I.. -I-;.
:>o ions, lb- iire-vioUK luft,-. l-...-;
it.itmghi In la-< summer I-: M,e samctimiony and conslKUiig -f nl -.;.i T""
loiiK.' The liarge Is on- of M., laiv
Jake boats of an Imm. n.-w- cafKi.-ii,.
and rigged with s’eam hoisiing apparaiiis which eaal.k.s vor. lanlrt huiidUug of tbc cargo.
T.-mporarv Wns have l*en rr.^-td

Special Offer

June 21st

For June

Men’s Suits
in lots of from
one to three sire*,*all new and worth

ar- siill llviRg.

$7-50 to $15, soiDg
this week at

Our China department is filled with

). oil nil )e , l.'SV ill:* .1 <l.l> 'li.l I*.|I|r:. i'liviilil



handsome pieces that are always suitable

niiirri, I

for wedding
Sugars and




Creamers,'fancy dishes and

J5.50, $?.50, $9, $12

Sets. Vases,
the like that
Make a special

Ilirnian Aiidn-..
an. I
hmd. and ll. n Kalii-aiik-.
Cla.v, w, .,- urr- -i,-l -ii ,i


ell all:i; Id,-..;- ■

We alwij's welcome a comparison of prices.


fail to please. An inspection

means a selection.

effort to see these
and you'll buy
one of them.

0i(V Book Store

Big Cut
ill MissL-’ an«! Ciiildrtii's





in lilt)



traotrst Off,

Cde Hobart Ca.

Try a Herald Want Ad.

Ail new. fresh -oods.




Others ;u


l-'C anil

Ne each.

Sale on Handkerchiefs.




10c Ladies' Hinbroidttrcd Hamlkcrthii-ls
l.'ic l.aiii.-s Hinljmi.^iTcd

Special offer

June 21st

lo liny ; , (io/cn

Wo kii.i* you will
.11.- ll;
fgireaain. *v ar.-..ff.-nii'd 111 n.ii6.
W.- tllere-

Halidk' rthi.-fs

Sale on Ladies' Hand Bags

while a larg.- immlH-r, ;o liin..i;l. ili,

-ubHcans of the governor. T: ngalnKi.
cmnty. beartll) and rordlally iadorac
rat oreroitniB
the rondldary eg Hr. Smith and ca
hundred an.! »evimty<-lgbt reproas the hope ibat tbe aule eonven- publlrons drelared tbi«i»el«v*
tlro will Uke action In Ibis b»RM.~
favor of Fred M. Wanx-r. for governor
Tbs following tellers were appoint and es democrats declared in favor of
- Md:
W. N. mrlA
K. O. L«dd. Pealusula: Sylreater
For Ilcutea^t governor, 333 toptib-j<wi Ihe »C‘t id the'K
Brown. Long lAke: II. I>. Alley. Firat llront selected Patrick H. Kelh-y. nnd|dock and tb.- reml will b,- rt.-p...!'.-,ward: Wm. Cram. Garfield.
ed Charles H. Kim- 'h''"-- The- shipment last year, wl.- a
Tbc dcMCBles to the aisle oonvei mcrlro.
) P»ed on the dock, made a small nto;mUon were eleeti-d as follows;
jiain of eoal. but this si:|,uneni wii: Ik. W. W. Bmitb, Third ward.
Plans for Fourth of Jnly.
| aroriy half agalu as big h> the amuuC
ViMk R. Gonodrlrh. Keerstd want.
In' dumped on the dock can res.lU.
; P.COHbcrt. Third ward.


|U»s.-iim liiroiigh Ih.- cliy , a-i- .lay i.i

TbiK is the !aw*l 8hl|.nM ... "t e .u




Ml - rour.a.1.- dh-d al the honeof 1,-r fail'.-r. IIi-nr> r-..una.h-. ai Ku '

Is vii|.-s -li.- faiL'i-.

Big Cargo of Coal.

n of liuulenanl


■'.'"Ud an.l A T. rrimuiln.*.

wm Rebuild Church.
m.i'UUK of s)'V<'ia| cbiircb eominli' The fiiii«i:il sill Im- I d I'n'ls. ti
of Ihe l-^rsl M.'tliudirl eliiirrh lian In; .11 I" 1.'. lo.-l, fre-iti Si. Kr;in'I called fur Ttiursdu;.. ereiiiay .<h;.ri-li In 'hi. in;
?rti.-s r.imta'le h.i.I n;;iTi' .
when t^-plan:: lor reliiilldInE <be
th.- .-iu who wCl .8-lly nils- .1,.- o
rhiirefa .s lll IM-diseiissoil.

63: agalnsl, 1

T: agalnsl. 1

, <5^

of the most critical f.Tmilics,

Ilibl-.III- *111 1"' award'd'
T!" eoti-niiii-e iu rln-j:.- ron.-l>i; ..r W J .\. I. Gi.-aM-ii, Ji.l.-i
irk uuil fl-ld

mtued the fonowlng rrsolutlon wh
-(k-UevIng thU the almost uns
moss svntlmeal of thr republicans of
Gtaad Traverae coonty is favcwable lo

In the Pantries

will IM. Bi-vi-o .rf tbem. ln-;|.lu>- lall wi-h th- (Vip.n-h-h Gra: .rl'iillUR ilashrs, lonser rar.-s and a ' and R pn-al earn--I.-■•iisvI'hI

rrlndM'lss Jane;h« GilMt',',,
Fivr .s.uuly officers. STr.; against. 1


KiKhtb idreel l.ridu.-, Tb.- list of;'h.- villa;.-, pamr . -p-ris and rac
s not >et U-en eompl.-to-l ' K-s-ei;'- In.l. i» iiili-nlh ot IIi.n eilv w 'I

Mr*. William MeUinEblln of Spiln; '
Harry D. Alley, Vic C, Palmer. F. P. orchestra elosed Ihe program.
Tlic coIlatIr.Ti was served by Mr. and vHh- is vhdting her ntnili.-r. Mrs. Spin '
Lawton. J. M. Thomas, W. 0. Holden.
H. 8. HuU. C B. Mnrray. Prank JV. Mrs. Andrew Kebi aod they an
serving of speetal praise for Ihe ad­
John Moran of Chicago in.
Is home W.-doe-vdar. He was accnni-'
Second Ward—A. W. Rh«erd. 8. C. mirable manner lo which ibis frolore
I carried out. The following
panled l.y tils unci.-. Ml.-ha.-l King.
Owing lo the I'lilln.-al. of m-;iiI. :
Sladek. Joropb Klaasen. W. O. Foote.
■ver alt ehureli M-rvl.-i-s were ?n:
A- a Hobart. A. H. Beanott. G. W.
|i>.-iii|.-d Suudsy.
MeWMhy. Frank Trade, a K Cbaac.
-s Marp-.are' M.-v.-r h-l' last »,-i,
R. W.-JMsllngs.
Cold Boiled Ham.
Third Ward—P. C. Gilbert. F. II.
ptnlL W. J. Rennie, Oaror’ BImpson.
PMato and Cabbage Salad.
W. W. Smith. Adrian Oole. U Roueoe,
C a DockW. B. F. Newbonac. R H.
Vanlla ice Cream,
Harrlmsn. Geo. O. Covell. A B. CorUs,
George Hoyt. Ahmto Foa. J.H. Mon­
ummer by lb>- railrmvls on Jim.
rwutt Ward-J. A. Montague. Tom
■hgge. Fred lardle. A. J. Pelertyl W.
Ip. BanhB. F. D. Marrl
their work Tiiesilay oenlug on
PUlb wnrd-W. E. Moon. U K vole cast al thep rlmnry eh-ciiiin June
Cleveland. B. C. Hogan. H. D. Morgan. 13. The folloulug Is ibe summary of
Will Hradricki. Bee Hbxle. E. J.
Hnns. D. 0. CbahdIer. D. 0. SboKer. Will Celrtrste.
i. arrauslr.; fur .-i

City Athktlr eluh and a r-n:’!. "1 Ji:l.« r.M lu ;h- c :

r. M. ilamlin. Blair; H. K. Brcebam.
ReaMnUoaa—I. H. Monroe. Yblrd
Fifth Wani—1. K. HeveUnd.
wd;' i. M. Myers. Union.
After the stUuuniiDi-ni of Ihe r
The eammiUee on ercdenllals
probable ihai ilu- work .rf nveiitlon lb<- new rvmuiy eommltu-r'
ported m delesata elected and nprehi cm and sIhiui
eleelcd Ibe fullowlne ofOi-ers.
aented u followa:
Cbalnaan, J. It. Monroe; scrn'iary. f|<i.«»ii will J.robalily Is- pul
uar cv OBMoaTB)
lirox-tuelils. The mool favoivd |.Uli Ik
hax- Ihe slruriure tA sum.- or brick
Htnale. B. P. SUles. Jtdm Hoxfie.
■K-er which will make a iK-anilful
Hope Pbllllpa.
buildins. Tbc InterU.r wlU Iw re
Alumoi Ba>ouet at Northpert.
Bteir—P. M. Hamlin. M. HargraTn. In pripponlon an.l pnArtblj a
a A. Benliuton. C. M. Watson. C. H.
pl|M- orRBD In.'ialled.
nual alumni
Monroe.. .
The preteni slruriure- bar done serIbkI ev.-nlnc and was 'a very pleasant
bat Bay—Louis K. Atnzilr. David
■e.' lor many y.ars, U was n-nnsl.-le1
and sucoessful affair. The banqucl
Bonak. Joaepti Cotmade. Jobn Cbandoin a iDiirh smaller e.llflee ok.ui
opened with a march play.-d by ihe
fifleeu year:- ano.
Nlebols orebcsira of Traverse City,
PKe Lake—W W. Brower. Matens
which furnished the music for the.
DavU. Ralpb Hlcka.U 8. Walter. P. T.
The Urol Marwet.
evening and the neii uiimbcr wts Ihe;
P. Benatelne. W. A. Kent.
Things arc extivmr-ly .lend on
address of welnime by Mrs. R. R.
Omat—dobn G. Br^ty. Cbae. Cairal marki-l al pre-K-ent and Ih.-r
Flood. Mrs. Waller Ilraham harInR
Mie. i. Scbril. J. Carl. B. H. Burrows.
nothing at all doing for ihTmu>i
irnin for Ibis niimlK-r
Oar«eld-J. H. Bodl. E. L Ranaom
of ihc I.uvctk althoiigli one or i».i
but owing lo mness was unablo lo bo
' Robert Barney. Wm. F. Oibsl Pialey
h.ddlng uul nller a f.-w huudr-.| n
prrecnl. In a few well rhon-n words
Hammond. Tbeodoro Petorson.
bUKh-Is Ilf spuds. II will |ir..lial-li
Mrs. Flood welromni Ihe class of IPOC
Green Lafce-John Andoraan. Cbai.
ml three or l.tiir wert;s l..•fluv ihe
ber address wss follnwcl by a
a Dye. Willis Pemilnclan, W. 3. 8us erup tN-giiiB lo come in ntlli.mch
tdeasliiR and aceeptalde solo by
ton. Jama Starbnek.
• polalrirs aiv reporu-d In U- growHaretle Cartlio. Tbc resiwnse
Loos lAke—Letter Wells. 8ylvcttcr
i wi'H. Ch.-rriCR will probably Is'gin
le address of weirnne was de
Brown. J. H. a MUIt. Ok' Bogge.
come lo ln-«b<»:l two wn-ks.
llvered l.y Edward Itaosom of the
Mayfidd—B. a Gibbs. Irwin Raw)an J. Albertson of Kainmacuo. W.
ass of IPOA.
linga. Vine pease. Lorln Davit. W. E.
C<K>k and ill.lney Wallen; and asTlie response was foll.iwed l.y a
sIstaniB and All.-ii Smilh of Traverse
PenlninU-a O. Ladd. P. F. Lanllc, duet by the Misses Prorl and Edith
nil leave In ihe mni-iilng for the
Jobn tjudle. Jobn Dohm. W. B. Gray. Dame- and Ifac clans blsiury by Miss Manistee rive r tciAK-gln ihe survey for
J. J. Lardte. Henry Dohm. P. L John- Hlnato Brovra came nrol. This wa. the Elerlrtc, l.dii.1 an.l D.'velopmeu;
futkiwod by a solo by Mrs. E. D.
company. The Inslnimtnl will Iw in
Johnsluii. I.-1'lierH from al^senl memelmrge of Mr. Srollb.
then read, ihere bWTtjrtbO'.'
A. B. I
OverboIU U. Bpeor. U J. Todi
Rapids, Mlrh., Jim.- is—MrPrank Don. Jobn Bowden. Jobn 8parIn Cndlllae. and UUs Myrtle Johns of Kmile Orihl lell Tiiurs.lay for r.-lcs
Ung. D. M. Skidmore.
V. where she Is receiving
The loving cop was thee passed anI
riiol Ward—B. J. Morgan. J. W.
number of atiproprlate quoiellun
Miss Harrli-! I. Farn-ll lvliirne.1 i,
MlUtken, Balpb Hastlaga. C. Rnymoid
r li.ime Friday afi.-r ain-n.ling nln
Walt. Robert E. Walter. Leon F. Titus. gtren by roeb recipient as It wen
.Diks In Alma rolh-ge.
Horbort Monlagnc. Malcolm Winnie. along ibe tioard. A number by ibe

ranomamv WV. AUMES BMITB
Tha eommlllee on n-reduilubs s


TRAVfiJtse C4TV, 4WANO («*«<



Youths’ Long
Pant Suits
In lots of one to


Willard Mack






b<-.iuufu;iy hm-.l.











worth $5 to $12.


\v- have loo many, so now is sour opportunity.

SilK Sale Continued This Week
Bf'i Bar;;ai;i'" ar.r to be fouii'l here.
.''i-inth Lancy ' Loui'ienne Silks ' in g-iod

three sizes,


styles ;

an>J going this
week at

$3.75, $1.50, $5.
$5,50, $r.50, $9.00

liis;eaii of <-’’C
ineh Lla.k

Talfeta. the


You can't afford

M^aiide Leone
ipinrti.ll.y tn, UKSTCOSI
\NVof SI.. K .-.ctors ever of
f,r,-l at Ih.lTL.U: I'KICKn
in a 6.-!-..foi, of



of >1

to let this oppor­

rii'einch lilaek Taffeta
This is J high erade

value at





‘7-iiith I’lain and Changeable 'I .ilf-ttas.
all goo.! color-, choice




That Live

tunity pass.

cunsi.I.-n t!

iir,;.-- eomparisoi,.

& Hunter

Front Street


Grand Opera House



Gnnd Tnrcisc Hoali

The lK>rt> of William Ucaeo. the 15- Tsk* l-AXSTITR lUaiHO uel-ns* T.HM*.
yuarold pupil of Ihc Ulchlran Schoi-1
the Wind, who was drowoed In
Grand river, has 1-een found acvoiai
miles down ibe si ream.



r i -t \A/i n s!


PERE Marquette

Wm. Cdcoan. aped 5T. a cdoml
iani'or at the stale raiiliul. mas f
_______,U. Rstc
dead by bis srtfe. Mr was »tandln= BastLatl St Grand Rapids. Crai
up leanlDC aplfnst the Anr It

Sinilile and GnpiiliiFliam. Iiarlipo
at t?I Sooth Gnion lOrtvi, aleh to an
Wl tho are not !n the (run
barlicrIOE si the name oK




Nil extra rharnr t

omci IS FunHT «n«T.


hr State Saviiir-. hank of Turner
oar rotiiitr, .-a].i'al
a aiilhiirtr.-.l i-i tr.iuoKci bii.lners
the ::ialr iiunl.iiiF C. iiartiiji n’
A 9emne of PrelR.
e UiAB '
---------------«vr« AdiM to Uh- pnNliK«n aod <«DCOBora at lb« Uollod Slates last
ami tfcalr eomiin did noi lo any d.tna dlilorb Ibe wt«os paid to Anier-



leaa labor. Wltat voold have bcea Ihe
TdMit M tlK products or ibc labor ut
tUa ETOoi armjr of ciplpaiils been
•Sipped to (bis country fruD forrlpu

- — ---

i Had a policy wbleh VDConraKcd surh
i .Mpwaals been In existence here there
vonid bare been lllOe or no desire on
tbo part of Ibe forcleners lo come lo
Africa. Their coBlng U a far
sraater aouree of profit lo all Hees of
ABarkan Indutiry tbaa could be so. eared lhitiq,b the ablpment berc of
. ; tbep rodocta <K tbelr poorly paid Ubor
traB oar oonnlry's eoapeUtors la
trade and cotDBcree.

Mra. Catherlae Clencos retoraed t<
*108100 aner eWlIng trtonds in lb
Praak Palae. who bai beea apendloi
a te* days la ibe city, returned i<
Xoasiac this moraine.



Ask fur Alien a Foot-Fa-...




James H. Mojrocj^i£S^----


HlB jDUa unnseton of Suilons


Buying Rates of Traverse City Oealert

Mre. r. 8 Bun of Nonhport paused
tbreoib tbe city this mornlDK o
vay to Oraad Rapids.


A. C Smith ed CbleaRD. *bo has
hMB apendlac a abort time at Northfrom
port retnraed today.'


Croaotni la In the city today.

Mn. E. 6.



la tbe dty.
Hrt. E R. Totes of this ciiy who
has baoB TisUlOK In tbe rlrlnlly of




<^.Cdbcy.left for Empire
this Boralog, where she will visit rcl
Mra. WllllBB Atexander of Bust
Jotdaa possed thraugb tbe dty todsy
«■ her wayte Loke Ann.
WUHam Needham spent the dty at




Mra. a. r. HtrUn. acooBpanled
boBo for a Bootb's visit.
Dr. r. W. Holdsworib will leave for
Chicago Monday There be will take i
coorae <B tbe eye, ear. ncae and
Ibreat ia the Chle^ College of Poly
4 cUolea.
Hra. P. E L. Carl retoraed it
I home lo Moolsier-thU morelnK.
Mia Della GIliett hu returned
\ Champaign. III., where ahe allended
[ the Ooltrersily of Illinois.
Hlaa Bunlee KeUey bos rdurnrd
, tmi a dill Id Uma. III. and
Daytoo Shelby of Bmplre wi
' Roeet at tbe WbUlng yeaU-rday.
D. t.. Bnaign of Kingsley was in Ibr
dty yesterday taoklog after busloess
Bait Xhgell of Aldeo was le
H. H, rWler of Baal Jordan v
gowt at Park Plaee yesterday.
Augotl Field of Uanittee iraosaded
baaloeaa lo the city yrHcnlay.

8. Bowen of Bellalre was In the rit»

- This birthday party la given ter you.


Member of ibc



Y.« u.l'


•I't to lili- if iv is tint ronuiv,
)l awiiy.
It ki'pl
Hwtiy. if you wiil
•si iinupyjimviinupyjimv |it
|iri-H-iiU i'.solf.
1r WILL CREATE contantmont bcwiw
the tooth will
avMoui thnt
tlint my }x>lk'iita
tlDOc to be of acrvii'o tu ynti. it ia avliloui
have canoe to niah they luitl koiio — auoilii-r ilonliat.
iiiuet you at an1 fprly
early hour, to talk with you nliout your t.rth


Traverse City Store: 159 East Front Street.



of the Giant Clothing Co.’s Stock

city Opora Kouoo BIk.

iluiiglit fri/in ibe Cue i;f. (


coim-s IT) I’gli! in ilic h,; ■>(

Paris 0r«cn
that Kills

,1. ■.• )!)■



-1,1-wi .iiiil . -bu|i|K-rs



li' ir

fiow.ida^*i. a^L this,_«a1e

lii.n-uunh uf |i:ly you should inakeCTift^kore

your sh.,|,]iing cuiicr.

It Will Pay You to Borrow Money

The killinj! po«Yr of I’aria (ifeon variiT licoohliDC to the pr<i-

and laki' .;.lv.«iuge of I'-i- '-ili'. f'T ii- vi-r 1m-'.,p- v

portirw of uncnic whiob it eontaios.

ment will giv.: you soan- -<--a b--w . :.r su r--

Wv have a brand that it

. 1



■> '-.-r-.iiii^^offerol

,t> - .lii " w


i'- in -r -o from each d«|iarc-

b lurgaiii-

of full staoilanl sttvui;th ami whi< !i w«> (ftiaranlee to U- the lical
grade on the ui.-irket.

C-oiiie ia and •.•et our price

l;;'.■!-.«, rs,
j. -).| ■ - _). .. ............-

;.*i ,b-7.i-n Miiin I-rii'l

$. €. Olait $ Sons

II f.,r JI aud $IJ.-i 49c

CrsMrsc eity's Ctadlng Drug Store

- -

.• - ,1-'ll-i'
.n-a ,if*
1, US «I-*.* -I...T..l.-lv
1 ,r-:! -.iill, s i;., .-lull.,!!, i' ■».
1* 1
.. 1 rill.


il'-;'-':'''’' '■ 9c

.urnmef imtbTns.

Tli.-w- auiw


For One Week Only
Wo are offeriiii;





S,l. |)-i-


. .



IV. .(•


1 *1

s<uil.-. tS'il. Iicilil
vest 1.. lll,.l.-ll. I 00



'^'v -1!


' ' Sc




the I'iilL'r'Sl

barKaina in

;u,-: flo' I
Si..;.-s, ,.si--r-S .-a

ov.-r kiK-wn in lint eity.




i-iiormoua stock of Imii Ik^ls

Id Addilion lo Our UnniatcbaMe Bargain^;. V.’c are Offering Somcihink' New.

Diiiat U' rtvluo'l in order u>
make room for iwoifg arrivini.'

Life Size Oil Paintings of Your Family or Friends

It ntll piy'-ynu to purehase


and diteard your old or

Here iit.- a few of the many bartfttini wo are (luotiui; yi'ii
Iron licd>. (ii'l sire I'i, rejulaT $3. now- •




We b.n .

ami f-ot. now..........................................................................................SJ

Come io aod see ibe iir;e assn-tmeot
yoQ bare lo select from

Yoot Reliable Furniture Store.

Grand Rapids Furniture Co.



Regular S-:!-'>0. with hcavv angle rail at hea<l

. And the Junlara will tunilsh a mullcat
Ths BeeMy with graatinga meat



•••niiii.iris.'rii ifel

Piano Manulacturers and Dealers. Faciory at Detroit.

Regular S5H0. with fancy post, .ol in. high

Tewn Hall. Baturdiy, June «Mi. IKM
Carda will be taken at ths deer.

t I


Grinnell Bros.’ Music House



In,I I—ri'iw'hMin...............
Traverse i se. i-< iueri Hides............
:<•.«« bui« .............................

Regular $7.nn. ijl In. high, with bra'S rai

Pad aura you will seme te peer ewr
Mrthday osrty."



......... ...

Regular $4.<ifl, fancy, with bras- knobs................

We premise the numbM^ shall never
The Ladles' AM will furnish cream
and cake.


I i' T.IK liKSr-



today looking aRce business lnier«-sis
Mlai Harieo Parkard of Ann <
was trylDg on her cxmiinenr.gown when sbe reeelvud ibo m>teUIng of tbe death of her father, ifa.
nosblog hanker.___________


(-• ;t

jraitl.' .................................................

Mra. E C Packard retoraed to her
home lo Beosonia this moralog after
vtalUog reUilTce to this city.
W. W.
tat Mayfldd today.
OarltB Lordle Is la tbe dty vldtlne
Mra. Tbooias Runolpg of 317 West
NImtk Ob«et rduraed last evening
froM OotbuL, Wti. where abc wont
Jon* 7 OR AMOunt of Ibc death of her
Bother, Hra. Johoion. Her slcler.



1 ;g5gsms,

Hlcban of llelofonb*

Hra. L. CUik of lldnferlbs CrosatBf li spending the day wltb relaUvw

-I M
..1. l•->




Bay B vtsiUni at AcBc.


Recent Purchasers of GrinnoU BroN.’ t'-m
at Our Traverse City Brarich:

Candidate for Rcnominaiioii!,.”*^^.,...........................i;;;";"'.


l! .

!:!; I:!: ■’


TioV.ihr^ed' .

.1- ui,.

lf'it^fll'ieliKIN.\KI,!‘."' j-|.\Nn i. . ,.i- f., ■V!li..ti It< iirrs,
nil-; i.lilXNKI.I. UK •
e - I wlieli >,'iiii|-i t
• t

Hra. Joba Conwood df Slistau n
la the city tjdsy.


I .-

h i.
,11-s -f




Traverse City Markets

il.-y III Jaekson. Innuerli
This rooort is mset*. uti on W>dnesOsr of each week 1H«raid is not
a- iK-e-i
responsible tor manaas m pricos



Te Mothers In this Town

lar SouUi Coum Street


famtu.' OiieiJ I'.,;
have U-en .- -bi',:lomnv-TT'.




1)1 t1)' •

' 'ra i
l.,n. r,l".

I.IT .


M.Kii'h'V. K',..-.
f iirKH’- -tr;-'.

• .


• •



".r ,

.A!;S< II.1

i r.l.'i

1 i<Ki.


. <.-,r.lir _• u>


The Globe Department Store
The Boston Store Old Stand.


jobsBeftaleien F«d»r fprEaftand.
'WU. «hete be bax ui esteoxiire luoberlac eoBlraeC HU eonpleic Turn
berlDC onlBl van sblppcd ao ai U
basdle ibe buMneiu wltb the ktmu«i
I30MM poantblr faellKr. ' -

. wjm

Oj matnal cos xml the eitr cnnncil
ba* tiered |l«> reirard Tor ib
fOVCTT of tbr body of Robert Cha>e.
■raa drownci] lb the bay SoDdii}
evebtBE- So fir. U»' youBR <aas'« coat
lat are ihc aaly (race* that harc
beea dlfcorered.

> fs cm iikinr •• tux DoMi

Clfcuittten thl» week 2,900

or.:. .S'. H .

IW. Mich.
Mr*. R. L. Mclnijre and Util.-

Ta-o carlosd* of pavi« brAck arrited In ibe cltj Monday Irom Can­
ton. O, the brick belns MwropoUtan
block which will be used In pavli Eighth
Sooth TTnkm and Ca*» aireeta. TI
llrw. A.varnworth el Ik-..,..
will arrire now dally, two
In the cli} fr.f a ihn-.- w-.k«' vlr" '
three a day.
W.B. William W. will arrivI
County Herk Walter on Friday i
Mn. R, I RniiniT n
eeired a tnedal from the St. l»uU '
poalllon for the exhibit ot apiiles made night I 1 Cfcieago and Gran.l Its;- j



r..-w . '.*10. ry. Tie- enpi a
suli-.<.ib«l l.v local taini.rr. is j.tjesi
At-le- M-vtal .I..C.U.0 Ibrnday th. to for lb'
’lunm..- i.f bull- l«K a tnurii. ;.ul wiiei
»..-k. ra.-it.-d i.y r. ta- ■ raaj..;-i'y
Tie- i-rof i-l:.on .o i-.t- 1i..r lUc
p.n»>-< hf •.:r.-usi|-.--ntiig -t.-- dam
Ibe mnniriiuil lighting i.Iont and el.
s. Wlllinni Parks ..f Maiic-loua. largmi; lie- jitwer b'.-;-e al". earri-l
h.-.s iMs-n visiting trl. n-U at Suiluns Hay passH ihrouchahi city ihii
mnrtilfigson her was home
K. CHamberllii and wif. of Chiea- ■oeu'.l l-.s.'is ai
cho bave l«-.-n sp.'Uding a rhor;
lime at Cedar Ixslge, Nnrthp>in.
lassnl through the elty ibis mornint:

W FE ARE adding new items of interest every day—
%/m/ values that are 'extra good and the qualities of the
^ *
best. If you have not been to the store since this
sale began, we most urgently request you to do so,
as it means a goodly saving to you. We give below a few of
the many items. Some of these we told you about last week,
but they will bear repeating:


Children’s Osy at Qithge.

Mra. R. L. McIntyre and Utile
Harold and Kenneth, arrlTed in the
dty yesterday from Grand Rapida.
They will Tiait tor a abort Ume at the
hose of Hn. Mctntyreb paicntx. Mr.
and Mra. John H. Flaher, of BtS Baat
SIShth itr^eL___________

Children's day will be observed at
iheGrangohsllJiily Tth. All grangera
heir families are expeei«l
and bring bineh liaskets ;
those who can ilo so are asked to furnUh Ice cream. All are InvUeil to
prepared to enjoy the day will
children. A line program has
Tfea towtrahlp of Pandite will aoon
inged, Mrs. Day. ss Worthy Fkira.
hare a new town ball. It wUl i
has charge of the exercises at in a. m.
brick atraatirre ZlxM and will b
cated In Rlngaley. Tbe tewnsbii
Mrs. S. J


Invoied William Atdeii.
arrived al Pountaln I’nlnt for the
The delegates to III., state conven
iiid the hotel Is now ready
ter guesiB. The party hare Jti»t
returned from a trip aUrnail and
spend Ihe season al the Fountain
Point hotel, where Mrs. Whillleld
entertain many old friopcis and o
" Martin Browtl was el.'-rte-l
patrons during tbe . summer.
Point Is as popuUr as ever and will l>e
favorite resort thU season as In Ih-t


by a

H. K. Beeeham. member of the board
of supervisors for several years and a
TO WOOL OWN6R6resident of Wbllewaier township has
Defore disposing of yniir woil it will
addnunecd his eandidaev for
tie Inleresilng m knoo that I can pay
republican nominal Ion for county
blgbest prlc- of any local dealer,
clerk. Mr. Deeehara's entry Inti
sure to brlnE ymir wind to
Bold will make a tbreoeonicred llRhl
of the county clerk contest. Present Can- gielnlK-rg Ilros. CIti. Phone 112
>ty Clerk Rob»t B. Walter
UTlsor Sylvester Brown ol Long
lukc bavIliE alrrady made thel
looneemcnts as candidates for the
The f^ecntlre eommlltce o
cramy Sunday school union n
,e Presbyterian church Tuesday
fteniiKtn and transacted consideratik
iistneFs. The most Important ae'.lri:
ikrn wan Ihe decision In nol hnld :h‘Sunday school tour this year. Th-s have been bold for tbe las
years and have been vegy suco'srfu'
Insiead ef the lour, tbe various
Hbips will hold conventions an
turalsteni of ihe cUy will sp«ik i
ms meetings.

WhDe^iSrng ta tbe victalty of J.
V. Jeaooe’a nets ta East bay £
day ^t. a aun by the aame of Nelaoe - oftared a atorgeon t
watgbgd l<0 pouadi before It
dl|MU and waa between nine and ten
fwnoRg. Nelson waa In a tow boat
ba; Bumaged ta airtke tbe flab ioai
righPop at to kUl It and prmrent a bad

“T- _______

e steamer Columbia will |
regular schedule next Monday, lenvi.i:
here at S:A(I a. m. Tht-re will l>e five
ato]>s this year, Marlon Island being
Ibe first, and picnic panics leavlnc
Lett- In Ibe morning pan ha'
wbolc day there giups will al
made at Se* Omena.
Northpon and Xorthpon lYilnt.
Kortbpon caaneeliDns wm le i
srllh the Crescent which runs on
through to Charlevoix. The Columl 'n
will r«ch Xonhport nt
;5 and start
on the return tnp at lJ:Ut' tvachuin
Tba Rer. Tfaonas Cox and ibc Rer. this city at 4:K<.
Bngb Kennedy left early Monday
morning tor Albion. Hr. Cox
pointed (tae ot two trustees ot
fiDllage from tbe Michigan confen-ace
last tall and attended tar meeting of
the hoard of trnstees to be held there
Tuesday afternoon. Wednesday even­
ing he eoodaeted a wedding of two
yenag people ef his former congregatk» in Grand Rapids who Iraraed that
o be there and
tacAr pUns that be btlght raarn' them., There is one ibine that will
;Mr. Keanedr will take aomc work at|
»tfmmill memorta] itay was held at
(W Miattao Sunday afternoon.
kaUhit and ladles met at the hall and
marched in a body to tbe Cengregatloiial chnrcb where tbe Rer. Dr.
ren gave a splendid address on tbe ancleat story of the order. After the serelee at the dmreb they went l'
denabnrg cemetery where the graret
o( tbe ere knights nhd one lady Maccabee who have died si Old Uisipon

For that


S.vvtvl front J'oiii
earn will t-auao you not
inconvonu-iH-e, atul iLisj
nt n-v'ularly
■v'ularly ilppoeilep
ihtl illri thtf^ Saviniis ■'
Ii-nt of tliis
till: BiinkJ
make you eooifort-,
nhli- in til
lime. If you arc tr
alnuiily a


mvitatioD tobe<-oaieoQc.J

r Every tlollar you deposit X
Lwill draw thm- per ocnt{
F interest compooDiled tt
[tiy.tar -*


r. W. WfUoB, county re^er of’
deeds, will put a force of mca at work
Be tbe ereetloe of a summer home on
■wt Bay this week and expects ta
have the bouse ready for occupaney
about June U. Mr. Wilson has twco(r-Ree acrea of fine farmtag land alMut
a adle north of Birdiwood and overlooktac the bay. where the bouse Is ta'
be bunt. But a few nxmis will be
•alahed this year but U will be so
ooasuaeted that an addliloa can easily
be pal ou which will probaUy be done'
aeittpriac. The feature of tbe bouse I
wtn be the broad circular veraudal

cure it—Ayer’s H»ir Vigor.
It is I resulfir scalp-medicine.
It quickly destrtjys the..cerms
which cause this disease.
The unhesithy scalp becomes
besithy. Tbe dandruff disap­
pears, bad to disappear. A
bealdiyscalp means a greatdeil
to you—bealthy hair, no dandniff,D0 pimples, DO eruptions.


G4-in. Half Bleached, all I'm,
Damask. We get 0-V for
it. Now........................................



•25 pieces Table Oilcloth. 48 in. wjdc. all
colors in trood patterns for the .
e.vtraordinary price of.

the yard.................................. | UC

60 doz. Chil'ireji's Fast Black. Ribbed
Cotton Hose.
• 12^0 quality for....................
50doz. Udics' Fast Dye Cotton fttHose. U pairs for........................... Z9C
One lot Frinued Bedspreads TiixtK).
extra good quality, ^ood patterns. » Whit. Spread.
,oi„h. 2«K».
weiith iMbs. 7 oz . re^^ilEr
This IS a rcifular 00c
price $150. for........................ wlsZ3
quality for...............
. i'.ry s/^dalf>ri(fs orf idne mitcif dmine this
month in idh the OmIc and Carfift mom.
Tht-rt ii no difiarlment bnt what offtr> moh
than tJu ’usual amounj oj sf^cial value.,.

This Store Will be Closed All Day July 4th

Tiaveise Oly
State Bank

every Day Finds new

*'>o apohe
p aUo made apprtv

Is of More Than Usual Interest

lOdo/. All Linen (when we say Al.i. wai
mean alll iluck Towels, the
0 I |l
bi’st towel you ever saw for....... Z I V

"Per Cent


a aeeooa cai^date It
«i4heriB CbandlerVrlng

at Jo1m-m

by clilrcJis of Grand TraTcrac com
I ma.sauc maebinr will lx- in
The medal l» a general premium
the whrtc county trad la In addition Mailed In her parlws.
Miss B.-s»le Basehl of Sonh(»k'
to the oedpla received by the eshlbas In the city today.
llora themnelvea.
Mrs. J l.liiiey of this city r.-lnrned
e tug J, H, Martin awoke ib-' ' her h-M.- ihlii moniine afi.-r visit­
>s flf the bay again on Sslitrtlay ing frl.-nds In tbe viPlDiiy o( S?uItous

Its siren whistle. The Marlln
had lon.nim feet of tlmU-r in low
Oil company which was picked
np at Nocthport, Omena, and
A trip win be nude Into
that they nre going to have another.
tala Bflernuon and a raft plek<>d
The Steamer CoinmUa made a trip np from Yuba and WIUow Point. Afbringlng
ibl, raft to the elty
to Torch Lake Friday, bringing
Mt.000 Bhlnglet for the Hannah * Lay lug will return to Cbariernlx.
ManunUle Co. cd tbU city.

Twaaly-Sre ponndt of dynamite
were eipMed In tbe bay on Tnenday
H tbe petal where Robert Cbaae'e
body aank bnt wltboni ayall.
dmaalte waa In flveiioaad eana nod
Ire neparalF ebargea were exploded
bat aethtag waa laUed egeept a

w Hamp
uch>. elds. Iironet.ij

Real Bargains


JH Our Stare In Reliable

Summer Footwear

h will surely be .t red htiier day for someone,
for they can get jui-t the curtain they want for
the smallest .amount ever paid for these
. . . hi^h quality goexjs . . .

Ole new Have an tbe Bargain Cables

A bi auiiful/l,ace Curtain, most suitable for bedroom, forOoc per pair.
A 'lainty .Wabian Curtain for Sjc per pair.
A dainty Cottage Curtain for $1 25 per pair.

r. stylisli


We Stand Behind everything We Sell

Easy Slippers

J.ay. plain ^ Uipper., .«.! «d.I nxllol when po.t


We not onK offer yon These splendid bargains, but
<liere will be a 'special' on every pair of our mammoth
Slock of Lace Curtains, loverinu nearly
of Lace Curtain.
We have a splen.tid stock of curtain net for
sa-'h curtains, and all kind ^ash rods lace
curtain rods (ectendinu lu 7^ inches), ex­
tension brackets, sulid brass rods (any
ienmh up to 12 feet), curtain loops, drapery
pins, lix'.ures of all kinds.

We Supply Your Every
Curtain Need

many Others-eame and See tvr Wursell





ISE MERAtO. TH0R60AY. JU»<E t". 'W.

iprand Travel^ Ftegion.
MMtMlatotouM. AtlcMinpc
•w* BMt rweh tlw Htrald
iMar UhWi TvMMy noan of «Mti M
•Ad If «crnfand»H tail to )
tbalta In. th«r may M Hdtaff tM

Dick Rider reUc^eJ tq^UaJtPine U
Elkbsn. Ind.. Uuedav. V '
Henry FolMimi- of 'Travi-r.-ta Cli.
ai In oar rtcUmy latt week op busi
Mrs, Dan I'rali of Travi-rre Cftv I

Mrs. Pflt. of Traverve Ot, U
was rhlldrea's day at'
IDR her slsi.-r. Mrs. llaUs.
-tl:.- M- !•. ch.rrh. Tl.-r had a One prrv ■
T. Letscord had a new «Indmil! piT ' vrsm. li %*s w II vuri.-l
in a
DP one .tav Ubt ae-ek.
t^tll hoose-. Ttr Csy wve til that
Mias Hatt!.- Seh' ll's school Is nut , ‘ . d.-kir.d.

Don Hnatlon of Cvalral Lake
«.n i
te Aoichborhoud.
days. W. are .............. ....
h.r.ArLllIni; H..iie
lacrcfc.- I
CllfonI Pray, who baa been worklnc /a^,
It MrCpnr.I.i had
ad a loynna
lo-nna he-iar.
hr.- ;
Mis. Kva Thacker e>.,-■ h
In Orand Hnplda, rctutwed boae Snn.'ho iwn bcBt'lhis lor eairhUn: n.i: 'rri.iay afteraw
day eeenins for a thon Malt
' et br>
Clint Pray dreve to Traverai
Tiiirk.-r at •
hotae IroB Tra»er»-- (
has t.
idrew Pd)' wont to the coaveatlaa
i> mix lot li
ravrrH- Clry Monday.
wH*btu* a notiiid airt.'c.-, '
Hoiaia. CraBdal! aiul
Pork.'i' of
O.ynre Hart, a has purchased


BUnrfa BnKip closed her sebnri
There was a danelDK parlr at B
Aon Beonetfa Fridar crcolns.
Ura. SloenB and slsicr. Miss Uantt.
Vtelied ridaUroa In IbU rlcinll}- last
Wb. SparllBX la on i
dauitbtcr. Hra. Armstr
ktao bis sister from Iteti
■'Wnile Wilson vlslied bU brother
BnbT Snndar.
j^Tberr was a danrini: paoObristopber's Satunlar

wa« ea-To-l otrt i

free-ne IhTU-rs



t.. .lti« tri.T.d- aa-l

t'has my sir.' to pertoK
. . years of .-ilf.-rlat; wtin
aad a eb.-.*ieally torpU

a.tb Eta

l^.'Rs <is nc ^tur.iav alt. r \

.... ..


rr,,;,, ,d a'l vin .

. workliie la tb.- tao.-i;Pip trih . f July.
Lens Bberiun erf Trare
City is Ibc Rudst of Lowell
II Sours 1
liBlly (his week.
There was no Sunday arbool here
Sondsr, a nuBher fruB here attendV nrav was tm- cuest oi,».
tbe exereises at Vuba.
Ijik. Suuua:-.
■■ •'nisby t- havine 111.-timbers III- toatlub'iutty u. :h.,»
r«r(ic- rorry. who has br-en workIt Will soon In- ready day.
ItiR at Prank Meriirs. rr-tiiroed home
i^lfs Ma;--- '!-Iv.--.Saotnlay.
■ '
Wiu.daV:|.” Vail T
rr'-.vni "■lel
ixe ball la« Prltla
liratly ailepjid. Tbe
. 1 .
:i pnaerjm winch was v
Mias L<pl>i>' Carroll
Saiurdav irum Yit-llaml.
H.W. -.f Manist.e ii
Isfir a'lendlnc whool
M'. N-.lle H. rritat.ti • i.j
Is. Mnrii- Hlshlaiid of Flk Bapld.p
i-ialhes liere.
Vlsltluc 1.-1
'1 if <7 'I'D' -*!flUrDOOd Sbtlsnn aad Oeurite John
MIsi. Uyla C.irry Is wnrkias for Mrs
•on of TrsTen-e Oty spent several
T. Sherman <if Travi'
r™! i V.’,!’ ba. °.-'’>T J.''nv.”
dars at the Traverse Uke mscot la.:
Miss Soar- at i| I.osier liiiit*
-week. enJoylOR flthlnc- <
z on.l lloarriluwere q’jlitly nuirrltNl 3SI Wedm-mlaWill Prolusny of Cbicaso Is a (west
of tlo- bridi 1
................... the r. p
»■ tb. r|,i
at tbe Traverse Lake resort Cor a few evoDluc tit ■■
m re Vl-ltliij
Saridu.- .-..uinK. J n
-naple of this place
r loM-Dis. Mr .'.a I Mt.. .\. It. Sb.
r,- ;;-”''..
,J. o'. nnllitU) (tave a well attended
tt-lsblns tliem huree.s
enlertalnBont at Shetland on ThursThr'l'.iv-lcr ^A'vr-v"ar-e
- la
^!!tlr.':"r^irnueii life.
Juno 1«.
'•'Hra. a Vlahorhil fttleliraled hot
ttrthdar last Tuesday, nnd was ssreeatdr aurprtood hy fifty of her frletuls.
A lante part of the evenln* was tleMod to danelne and at midnlKht a
•ae anpper was served. Many pmty
airwaesU went received by Mrs. \’isteehil as BCBealoes of the orraslon.
Profesaor Jacoby Is spending a l.y
daja la Traverse City.
Mrs. I.
• Hra. nocker end Mr. ami Mrs. S*T- I vl.-iltni: wl
•OB were fniesla at Mrs. AUlnson's
her Kist.
sfsra i.r ..'ll.*, .'iTV *.r
vim., .
Inat week.
I BOUie b.-tt«-u the In.lIsnt;ThuiMtSv
la.flj ntt.:id..l an 11


... .

• ;;s

t ris**





. “s,:

rti Dcrc'TrvDo
-. i; mi, i•-l•slfl•Il^ »iv, I W.v.! JIihIi


ii:«lof, Piivil-ut iJifui-iud C
] fi. <’roia.T. t'.ia. A- t-niiior. Kinpslt7.
I.uuilx r ainl TimU-r iKuo'.a.
Ww. Louilim. laiLiwi-ll .V Ik.ihIoii. l‘ri«i<I.-ni Bontil.
mal. Ki'.-r KItclii.- LiitUl A'Post r Co.
II, 'niirlln'. Tr~v.-ise L ay 1t»}ii Wuriia.
C. A •'isl. C.iiliiitr.

..... ........ ........................... .............

Thete will h.- a big ct-l.diralU.n at; i.r. armn ■i.-i.-iniiiat: wiiti m.Kle M 'l . l

o and Tod P

Irk Rider «
s Zadia Kc<

Travetae City Snnday.
Hr. and Hra. Davison and Ale
drove to TraTerse City 1
Hr. and Hra. Sam Chanocy wci
Traverse City Tburaday.




mu^ lor and a lonRllfootbapplnesB. hand and rnveral SCSI re.-liallott,. aiwlih.. 01.1 S-uIrrs', imeilng niol (t-jt
. Millie Paired is rtsltlw wUo the pr.Kirani elore.1 with a half lunr s oi,.:mdd.u. soon
nd Mrs Carl lUles
ri.nreri bv Hie Imad. There was »\ Charll,- Fll. Is rath.r ,.s.riy laf-l Mr^an
and Mrs. William Hales w.r.- tady .IrpnH there Irt.m Hay f..y ai,.;i Ml.. Ilrar.- !■,;!, Ipli. : Cmsh. I h.
c-jestr of Mr. and Mrs. Asa Pnl-lli. Hie .t.iilnK u IMb.-k.ih I.M:-,.- war- .rhotil .at Motir...lad l .n'.,:.
.i-auir-.l »iHi lorty-hve lO. mb.-rK.
tn ; l.a.. ...ern.:.l l;..i, .



Six biDing Cbatrs

Full Set Dtncis

A Good Coucb

Picture Frames

Only $7.75

Now $8.25

Only $9

Actual Cost

$28.50 Parlor Suite

Solid Ook Morris Cbalr

Four Dhiiug Chairs

NOW $4.75


Matting 7i cts Yard

Lace Curtains

■ All remnants and small rolls afB di.scoiint that will
put them on your floors for less money than you
will ever be able to do so a$>ain. Our price on
one piece extra heavy Ingrain, good
pattern, only.............................. ...............

To clf.Yn''iHi: our short rnd^ an*l rctniniH- hi mat­
ting we aie HOC only wiilmi' lo sacriticr protii. but
a portion of first!- Sou art- not limi'ftl to one
pattern at T'rC. We have several of them.

On ;iil -amplfs an.l' wh- n- w.- h.ivi- only one
or two (jair- <>( a kind we will -tv a iliscount of
:v; .j.- rceni. A lot of odd cunairi'at betier ihjn
D<i |HT cem.

filulug Tables

Broken Lots of binior

Iron Beds

Rope Ponicres

All i ouches



■X, -iim.-y 1.. 1, .,1.1.^^

if enamel knocked off; an
lull a panlcl.'.
You eai
.ne now at a big tutrlne
iiM' bundrvsl to ebuos.' fr.

|uy Now,
Pay l_aH:«r


Ibey’re aU Cheap Now


we’ll ohare«

laired bv vour eorrespcm-leii;
Wlliaa Bramen la III at thU wri'lng. c
planted July 41b.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Thomas ar- meni
On Wtdueadsy Ur. and Mrr. Adlonrived from Traverae Ci'v Saiurday
Martlntmn and family dcotc oiu to
•end Snnday In this pis
spaBding i-oug Lake id vtati with Mi». Martin
Rev. Uurtbui and wife
a few days at Cenxonla.
,en;'« tarctit*. Mr. ai.S Mr*. Caniimn.
Mra. Bailey and sons of Sutton* Bay' Mr Itn.wti the Traverse Ctiy Baberspcnl a lew daya of tnis week In town man. passed ibruugh U>« town TbursBev. Alllnglon and wile of Maple uay
City spent Tut-sday and Wednesday,
At the printary Hast Ttay
In town.
curporal'r guaril
,1 vote
vole .11
iil IJ ftu
cast a c
.) and Is
Mrs. E. Peck and daugh'cr of Sni- larmers
ton* lU) spent a few osyi uf ibis week ] Imen-rt

rtsltlng n laiives and Irten.l.v i polittca.
to ^llu
Ibe lain did b.i! of
Ray Mr:
lu* of Trater*.- Oil: I
I growing ertrp.
!’ was
spent Tbui____ly in towt0.
build an addition' and ali may yet have n .lie Caw.rabk
8 W Porterr will bui
____ ______ Improv, ments to an-: ] empa than first aaH.-ifui
bis cottage.
{''rs <il appke will l-e kIu'
-. Lllom el Traverse City spent liilu-a’iou. point to a 1
Tuesday and Weduesdat tu town In ui-.
U >i high* J> ci.a.i:.l-.*i
I t.glu tb.'worii til esp. r
lendlQCe at the
C. I
•irg of Traver..- I’-J : ai.iin'piuikm. S»
MUs Nellie Wui
Tb-ji-ds.- lot a'n-'i in tLv U;r:

]h Ae Name (rf Sense,
that good common sense
<d n^ich all of us have a
diare, bow can -you continue
to buy Oldinary soda crackers^
stale and dusty as Aey must*
be, udien for ^ you can get

Uneeda Biscuit

.Uy r
the . h.r.- a.i.-noi-J te.
K!k ^.lu.lay a
III tie eir-.r.iim


We Offer You
The woMw of Ttaverse City people
our ability aud

Travers. r,;v

Hrm. D. H. Day and fUngblera Alice
■ad Eatelle w^ QIvtt Arbor callera
^'jSdrew Burdick of South Mamtnu
^land htonght his wife over on thb
^ teat Friday and look berdo Etc“.,1RK fCr medkal treatment.
' ' Mr. Oncicombi *nd wHe andyHrs.
Ihitxter arrived on the llliams Satur­
day night on ibeir way to South MaullocHaUnd. The Reliance met them
the name night.
Hra. R. 8. Knrko and Ilitle aon Ben
' •rrlved on the Illinois Saturday and
win make thdr home here in the futuf«. Mr. Burke having been here
•ame tin as operator in the telegraph
Hr. and Mrs. D. H. Day and family
called' In Empire Sunday.
C. A. Rowe, drnliat. paased through
«»w« Friday on bis way to Son'b Manltot Mand.
;^aaw8 Kellie of the SleeplBg Bear
. Ufe saving slallon. left tor Chicago <m.
the Missouri Friday last.
Mr. and Hra. M. W. Farrant ami
family wera Empire callera Sunday.
Misa Denny of Chicago arrived on
the UllBols Saturday on her way to
Platte (o vlsU
- - -Hra.
BIleo Sheridan
..FiBiMd in Olen Arbor S

Orandgia Nash has been very ,lrk
the past week, hot Is berier at this

tiaa.loetoml <v<nsi<lenl>!y. utid aliout

DR. B. L. PAELSON. Assislanl.

Cam)i<laic for

The State

of Gli-n lia.... H.-ii- .11 I.-V.L ..n
visilliig rdlailve* at Maniiiii.
last w. ck
Mr*. A. Quinn
Whtt.' &
mad. T"-'
oui.wMs iiBy
.Ml" -"vn kiilier at lb* rr.'ame r la.t ».,■
Mis* Edna Uramaii suil Mi. .Normri. I
|, itn.ib. rnuV un.l Ml
Thoina* were united lu marriage o.i I „„„
Wcdntu.dsy twcalng at lln h.mie ni
■ be bride. Her. Hurll.iil .illiciatliid .
wiiinl, S.mivsn h-j.. r..
The bridal party enlercd I-,. Ibe strains
Men.ielimhuu's weuiling march.;
llnn.-jch-lo l -1. d-.
Miss l.ibbic GiisinlT
TtuBlion.ied by MiMi Elvfita'
y.. ximiie—u m
l,Mr. Charles tb-rry and siturtsv and'siundav «. l..n',-1.
•lug g..wncd 111 while silk
cam.-.! while cariiatjnns aini gu,.,,,, ^
lu wbit.- alluiu.: jilnk cariitlloiis")
After I
•nion> ice CP am »"'■ ,’.'k. e.,.,v. t
r.-t. Ikeli l.c'.le and ao.lW. due:
• p,ipi.|*r young peopk- .
ils plan- auil have a lioi.l of trieuil
bo join In U-1,1 wisbes
ippy wedded HI.-.
■loin. Salurda... June fib. (o Mr. al.d
Died. Jiiiic ISIb. lb.' inla
Mrs. J. Calhoun, a sun.
I Mrs II. rl> Oirk. art
Noggic. of Tuslln. HIrh.
J. Taylor look a Iris to Mil
uiFtlie car ferry.
l1rSnd% C
Hiss HacISD Gibb* arrived Monday
Tile coal barge J»nn I'lin.-an. Ihviii I
'enlng from Olivet, where she ■--allendwl collcgi- 'hr p»M yi-sr.
for MUwauUe. laden wlih coal, waThe UiU*-s’ Aid soeleiy will
struck l.y the fi.-lghler Lehigh las;
Friday m.inilng leu miles oR Catli.-a.l
carpet rags for Mra. Wayne Manli
Tbe haige was hea.led tor this kailKf.
Thiiredav afiernonn.
'be hemlock logs banked here
IS In-acUed alniiii a tiundred fis t
. purled now and the mill will l>r
lar liodge
The erv-w eseaiie.l.
sawing again soon.
Mlu Carrie Himes of K<-y»iuoe Is in
e barge 1* a wr.-ck. Many aruf cloihiug. etc, were kit i-i.
Mr*. Lunk.-y. daughter and gifin.ldaughter of Uniiing are oecupyiag Ih.
Henry llaimnurk of South Baard- Berry cottage.
Mr*. S. J. Dame and children of
lan bas tradevl business with J 11.
III., will nitive Tliurwiay in
Monroe and will moduci a corapleiv
hardware huafnes* here. Mr. and Mr*.
Monroe I«>ave for ibuir new borne to- Ml* E. F Uaroe
Mra. 8 A. Campbell Is the guesi of
E. CamplH-ll
’Hlas Adah Thayer l> clerking In M.
inok a trip In Mllwwukiv
on the car ferry
Lena Mnier.
Mra. A. Mllllkeo aud son are vlsl'Mamie Sheridan went lo Cadillac
Tuesday of lain week, where she ex. tng ivlativea at Fort Wame.
pert* to visll reislivca for two wi*'
Quite B numlwr from here atten
■he Old Seltlerr' asauciatton In Ti
Mr. and Mrs Henry E C
erse Cliy w.slnusday of last week
Mr*. Maggie Cook and son S'erl are Ihe giieat* ov. r Sun.lay
•¥ Alliligloli Stll.-a
here lo spend a couple (if w>-<'ks wtih
Lumber C
Mrs Murpby In iho ahiu-ncc of
Mr. and Mrr. C. I>. Swift U-fl yralerday for a vl-^lt with n-Iatlve* ah-i
friimds In Edmore and Lake View l*-le 17.1 r..rds tor Jo*.-|d
iie going lo Ml. Pleaxanl.
JOo (* lur l*.rry Iloym
Miss Carrie Heins of Keyslon.
. Uir Jo*<-pli F.irton il
vIslllDg her mother. Mrs Oscar


Grand Traverse

1 ..-li.-v.Lnaily
H SCI! il.

Has liwH in (jr.ini! TravoriL' cmintv f- )xars.
H.imhi’s* i> farmtOL’. Acibe

' T.^

I T, llrirtac
t T 1 H- III. y
1 II llaIMt

a fr-viatcl {irim.-iry >:
fs a MipiHvn.-r of W
Alflcii Smith for th
United Staicu Sunute.



fourth of July Celebrations
Create a demand


en.loyald.' vlill with Mri
til.- L.-ner luiy* ;>-ui ti
(.. Wdlismsburg tberw IlUiih Lit! Ibe luiy* ..!ien
..a blcyck-s 11- ■


Robert llmid ar-iv.d In U'wn ll
rertt to foend the summer at I

Mrt“ Mal-I WoH.'v
wtvks ii-ltiug wiib
er slater. M-.
.; DniTiln.- of'Easi
VB- lUiP-ntS.
t Fllcliis
.Mrs Henry E. Carllsl.' sp, n
ny* vtsMiug with b.-i daugbt.
lus Ik.mlne <d East II.-ad
A. I.lnion sn-l (Isngbt.-r. Ml
'orl.u: of Traverse nii.
I'rlnes.lay with Mr. and Mrs

oinanir.d a lasei.all .
U-gan practlrli.g Th-iis-inv.
IW.CI a Cballeua. sia.n it -m
'* nine of l-hi*t Uay
1. Martin. V 8 matl 11
c ah ofiict*! .••Il*. p- on.. ic. iovefilgati- ID i.-card
itapetlng w-l-1. r S. mall
rs. Oir. mb., fta- is .-d ti II.
Ida ('nartadr, hS' Mi
l*M tppoinim. nt
Mr.-. Fatrt
Tbe palato planum: I»-v .
R'.ojcti wWf wci; at’.enrti-d at
one- bushels of w.-r.Id thrtv hour*.
Jobu N". Ckairtadc u n
fin. guvw
pit on Ibis
Many wm wl
itltig f

for clothing, especially

I Bji tb.-lr pniatc
k. while others, a?

the right kind.

The ri;;ht col'il
in Siii'.-- ihi* '•-d
uTc; i-Ti ih«j (

Plain Gravs,
Kbcchs, efc.
VVr jrc showirn; .i m'r. ';v-- !tn.- nf .

Miss Mary Li. i. r and MrJ.-i.-r mail, a call W.-da. s.iay
Mr. nna Mrs. Kcndeii-r an.l i
'' Maces bc<y. <
r aatl France.. vli't'.-d \
ls.-n-ed Klncsley Indusmsl Hive
E.lltb Tt
Kersieier’a sister,
vfthslo ■
erls. S-undaj.
er <if Summl
Iss AIIUPrayhr meetings at the R *• scm«.’Hcrnlce Silt
hoise are srtH pragresnng. Tbe a\
I ■’nnstr and famllr eaterli
It has been about
out :i. iand we an-1 Dr. and Mrs Suv.ier and Mi. and
" boklng for a larger attrn>laBn-|’Wm. Cm:-.. It,i Sunday,
prayer m.-eting and Sundav school. | D.-.: Met.’ar by Is home from
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wine and Mrs. ArNu.
o Duck lake fish-)
end they report a pood catch of
bndn.-.-s eailehs la
Trav* rse
Cliv Mon.lay.
Mr.- F. HIc- is upending.a few days Ktcgslev
with hi-r dausbUT Bda.
hall game last ThiKfdav wi’b - - . .
of S U>
■ y pliy* Kalkaaka
next Thurc.iay
a g.ud gl

le tuDimer vacation from
n. whi-rr »be ha* attended


ili'w y.'ara apo hail oy.-s lilti ll H-til gl .wa. Twn pairs wi-re pn-s- nUel. mu-for
;iii l <nii- for i-kmc wurit,
Ily kiv; inc lic r «■>.-* ■! !itu*1 « illi atropine, win.-it wm. ,-tlsn pr. wtilwvl. alt.- was .lUe 'to t»* tho
gfiisM I, lint as r. '.n fi* l!|.' .iii.>p;; <- wor>- away the gl i**«s won:.I li'u' ai..l «lie nui'.l ihX wiwr thorn.
Her vision .-oiitimii'.l ir. gr-.w U-.VT*.-miiil *L.-. oiiU l.ii.lly i.*-.e p.«s a r#nm Jar. 17, 1905, I
tMt h»'t* Ur. VwpHw'g Off'lfw. Plk’fe Ik'r
«'r<-t'tUvl l>> l>r i'aiilson
'ri'" l<
br»"i ebaa.-isl m-u-nil tiiia s. i ach rlinnue iiiaLinj tier v sioii a lilll,' U-tli-r. oiili] now a!ie aiu-a pef •
I aUatUD
f,eilv -it li..- ili-Uer.- lunt < at. n ml llie siiialliAt l« |»- w it!i oiiiy one tsnr .if glia*
H T hemWl.t. aii-ai*. .-tirt'l an> ttouU
. iitin- c W-.

David G. Chandler

*'Sr*Burrell and family attcnti-d the
_____ _______________ ____ ________ .....
Children's diy cxurcUv'c at Monnw-jF. J. Hopkins drove lo TrarcrM- Cliy
Cemur Snndsv.
j Sunday to witn.-s* a ball game.
Mrs. Wm Totten has beec quite III.; N Sorenw.n leaves tomorrow tor
bat U l-uiter at Ihl" writing.
iMlIwsule,' i<i attend a millers oni
Mr. BOd Mrs. 11 Warrvn ViiMn, u. l-.- held ihetv
Sunday school and ehureb at Ihe Hen.!
Howard Huiiii r»-luni<-d Ssiurdev
■le sch»ilbuM,e Sunday. je.emnu in.m KalsmsrcKi, wheiv be
Mr. and Mr*. J Runk and daughter has Wn a'tendlng schovd.
LiMa ami two ehlldivn Tlxllod with Mr.'
Mir* loot Farnsworifa was In TravRahk's sen ln-lsw. 'Mr. l>cnpod aa.i enu- Clie veM.Tday on business,
bmily, anniUy.
w. Dunn's mill Iw-gan robnlng Mon• A kmd of young folks of fk-Hner ; day.
caned on Hr. Hunk’s (oiks one nlghi |
AllrvU tb.m rs and famllv mnx-d onlast week.
!i., ibelr firm ^o•,,tb of low-p Saiurday.
Mra. Whaley ami two danshiera. Id^i Chudren .. .Is was olMk.-rt<d ai the
■nd Floronc- eslksl on Mrs. JI, War McibodM
bodM .
Sunday <
m imc day last we-,-k
Tlie |ir..cram eo >IMed of
Onra Wheat 1> s|N-ndinc a few d( s-lallonr ami ni’isl.-. a
With her parents. Mr aii.I Mrs Who . i mary Has.- 1k-i::i: u-jm
HMse* Ida WhaU-y am! Sahuni W -Idiied

|'•>l• and lolllc 6r in.lle of
the fis

Mi i...\iril I'.*. VM,.

Sii:c« having tb.' spiniil m-'iilu(;iiiiiiy ilau(;hi<-r Lavina
has stifTarwl with extnuiu' m rvaiisin*R aiul |w».r vision.

ball Kani-s
The dull hnuBU on BasseU’s island
taune up qnlio
frcmi the ehoro.
Tbc Udirs' Aid met with Mrs. Oco.
HSMI Wednesday.
The rtirry-ircos begin to show th,
crop of fnill. which Is goliiR to'be;
large In placet
H''- nreed has Ins-n btopiiltir at
.Mis* Horse will soon be here to cue Ilalllday
Hallldaj house rnloylns
rnloylng ihr iroui
Ing In tlil.s vldnlly. H,. wan ai-rom
copy her collagi' for the suinnrr.
paniod by a friend,
Mrs. Chandler Is unusually well.
Sunday <\enlng the S. S. Cblldrcn's
Fteciaan KHchon bns cleared fonr
held at lln- rbiircb.
Acrot of new land and Is now putting
when a ph-aslng program
It Into potatoes.
and ihe
; ,ij A good
Iter. I’Ult oijfiiigsU'.'-.
' Hay Wiu jc a abort emo If
. share rain soon and plumy.
friends wen- made glad Sunday by
John Holmes’ brother is bdog beneIhe arrival of her parenla. Mr. and
Rtted by the cbsnge cd rllnate.
Mrs. Sargiwnl. from Vrldowa. Cieigsaeral hcallh Is licllur.
,.^^Mr*. Johp Punch and Mrs. John eia. w-hri have roine lo spend another
BmM win tak« dinner with Mrs. F. lummcr si MayBrId. They were acrxmranlej ky 'heir dnuRhier-lii-law.
Mni. Henry Sargesni. and Mias Clara
The Haecabcea met yesterday at t
and Emily Sargeant. wbo will rcmahi
cemetery with a talk to the Ilrlnc
■jmll July.
nuBKMT of the dead.
Mr*. Huit Jamt-f sod alaicr. Mrs
Jahe 18.
turdsv b<
d aunt, h
rl U rs.. CheeM-hre •

Ona Jofanano (non Crugury'a retbri
to* the MIsaouri for Chicago Friday

t.|Kalv Ir.-ni fAi-ericncc.


DR. P. A. WOIFE. Prnprielor.



Ig the Records of Our Successes in tho Past.

Tb.y give
Ati.-r the gran.! man-b play..I
a.he-re-r«1erene.' a
E<Ulb Dame, lb.- g.ii-sl
.nit Mrs- I'.ds-tn litar’K
roun.l lb.- tiannuel liuur.l
Mrs.Ji.i.u N t’u.iiii'llwas rendered b) niuslelan
KuaufT oii.t Mr.. <')ias
i-nM' Ctl». The rla*r ol 'ut
ily Wvlccmii-d by Mrv Eva W'uriburg fouru
and respoiiileJ to b.. Edwani Kan,...;., i llapid- aie wlilna ailli ilvtiry t u
4‘ijtin-lv <!i -.ipi*ar.vl.
In f1. Ii.-r g,-neral lieaitl. i* liotl.-r tli.m il
Solo. w.Te reii.leri.-<1 by the Ml*.*.--* 1'
Kdytheand P<-arl Danic and M-UeiPm.
Wl't Ida Co.iria.-. i-. .tilt.- In*
..I music renS. T.-d by the oirhestra. I ' Viren.lnia Fort..;. ... a-;a;r. coolfj.-.!
La-Iters were read from the absen. !-.. Iwl. b.-ilLg l.j.l a ii-iap;.. .
iTK-mlt-n,. Mrr. U Williams Calimr '
The "ar-'m 'Vi; lia-u :-He. Ssi.
Ilia: Ml.-o- lai lie Se;-ei! fad lilac, an-i 'l.ty
i’. ”
: at:, a .. . ai.l
Mias Mynk- John. Grand lUplil--. Th- re..
tin..- wa'
Ssiiio •; ’.14 w.iiicim biacU
follow trig menu was gii.ii
.Si.u|i. .-a Earl iii.oi
»a- t-'..r-i'.ti;i He
cumlu-rs, rndislK-s. waius. u..-ais. ihe .Ijoc .i; .-empany w. ii >;»-* J-s=
chicken, ham; Jellies; saliul. |«);ale. au.l Mhf «a;;
eaUiagc; trull, oiangc;-. lialiana. van ..acme, tin-«-s bcc;iui.- iinnianage j .
' srfaool for lh« tiast t
S.-.-II1IC-. r,
Ilia tec cnam, rak., cviB.
Win JarkhOiv of 1'
plaor hai
.ke ad.l ib. j
banquet a sbeirt liine wse i
' ccDlly taken a positi
* skyem,
Bs)cre Tbomtii^-aii.I dancing in the litwer balk
l.iVlng-ltlL ,e . '
II. E GUI rclurii.-d hnau- this w.v;
!«•«><■" -i-m W«ln.-«Uay Us> In
Mr*. F. Stall is visiting lr..-nds i
Hag da.1 the nMlonal adnrs ——
Traverse Cliy.
Tbe e. E. <n;;ili'y cviite'DIl'in la-;
! dli^la^cd npjin^ia^iirlvatu n-rld
-r<- was well atl. ii.led and ihc MAPLC
'rlday the Mayfluld school riowd lugs very Interesllng anil belplul.
I n.p,. iiu'ip tj'^v
Plckorii si'ciii a lew .‘ays .
the Kunmer tar
t* week In niwn.
im ws" jrivrn a
rnam ■
B-e ..1,
ler .1
Her, Ueel* au.l ua-jgbUT siwt
l>-» Ha

fatsh (rocn die oven, protected
&om dirt by a package the
very beauty of v^^iicb makes
you hungry*

Tbvre was nti churcli on
the qnartnlr mci-ilnK ni Arrhlo.

- «• hai K
Vt to sound t wcck. wlih Mr. aid
Mrs. Hill, parent* of Mrs. Chaw, anil

The Most Reliable Guarantee of Our Ability


men's and
Vounfl men’s
Suits from

$10*00 to $22*00
Can't Celebrate
mitbout a new Suit.

See Ours

l^amilton Clotblnd €o.

K. Holnple. -Oaaa Or*anltalkie” wee Ptriaakl coonty. Kenlockr.
1S«. Uepxjlcd tbla Ule
taken np b< W. B. WItbinston.
lied In
DUrnriiion by Mtn I. L Thoinaa. the iwic, accJl year*. Shew
Ber. Hash Kennedy aod K. D. Ta.vlor. Hamasc June lOib. 1!W2. lo Harry K
Tbe rci»rt nf tbe tr- ot/-tblr>l q--ir- Walea. To tbla happy uni on was Lora
Hrly eonrcoiloD was iben real l.» the I one elillJ. I.uella Liizauw
[ Wnllc sbe was not a aifaiher of any
Af'tr iHnner abd aocia hour. ih. Jehurch. yet duBnn '
ari'-moje murlrn OBcncd It i::n bytiiK-d a coBsiMini C
jsdng "SofUy and Tcbduyly Ji-sua Iili;cg." •
ney fmm tbe ...
........................ lee wn* eondecud
:eanpd>-. after wSlrb that she had rew faul'u end l.e
eotlectloB of »u: was n-ceiie.l.' . fills us with an overwhelming griel
"I* a ci;r.7in comi-r bclicr Umn that Ik only made bearabie by tbe
liyins 10 fearh In eonnerilna wlib i‘ic blesM.-: aesuraoce that nbe preci'.bs
Bale acbontr fWen br Grace tV‘11 III to (be bear beyond. Uurlcg ber
s’lfii risl uutold ag»Dv.
a.”-, was d‘-<Tl!«-<l by tlx Rer. H- :;,
' •: and ch«T.
Kennedy. Mrs Wheat. Hr. WIHi'nit- yet sbe bore
fully, never •
ton. F. O. Taylor.aod J. C. Bunk
An eserrlsc was then siren by Hra deaib was au
lafs Sunday------Sunday sefaool elasn.
- ^ Mold Church.- Mary Don- diuBlit- r. »m

ItMt OtM N«M.
ttol ao eoBBKDkaUoDa arc aeeepicd
kr (b« Hwmld imlen accoDpantcd br
tbe Bane ot- U>e writer. Brcrr week
•rtfclM are n^-Jred Iha; we wobW be
■W to aae. but there U Bothlog (o Is4taate rraiB whoa Uter caioe. One l<
rceeieed thli week Irum ibe oelghbor.hood or Wexford Ibii would be aceep.
able If It had tbe writer'a dbdc, oM
that the aame would be uaed. but wc
BBt know IroB wboa evlRltburhoed eorrcapoDdeoce cornea incaw;
bear tblf la tolsd faenatier.


k and dansbter. Mra
la Wash., la vlalUDS
- p tod f ••
Hr. and Hn. Brve Yonmaua went lo
Cedar Wedoewday. rcloming Friday.
Hr*, wni Frcnlice coicrtalbed Hra.
Coaorer and Hra. Bert CantieU of Interieeben Friday.

^Jaaea Crandall'a lember tnlll duard
Sows Tnaaday nlsbt. -He wlU atari
tbe aUasle nill lo a few daya
Tbe aiMlier of Hra Hays la very 1
«t thU writlnt wllk bean irtmble.
■ oupa. Jr,
Hra _________ arrived here I
Satntday to apend tbe attinncr w
ber bmband. - wbc
Mena (an.
Hoiae la expeetod here
Hlaa Anele Hor>e
apend tbe auinmer.
Al^onao Tyrer
rer and Hr. Burnaw and
l«ed here
SOB et Soaib FOx laland
Bandar aneroaon for a elilt.
It. They
borao -- ‘
MNd OB Hr. Tyrer-s fan.
Mn. Bea O' '
SByi iB Travi..
Hn. T. OIU
aoBkay, Hra
lAUdran. lira. Ben Oherins and Hra
Tbonaa aberfns and Jaro ehlldren all
BlUaded tbe coaTenUon at Areble
A BBBbor (ns here attended the
Maeeabee melBorlnl aerrlces ni
dnndi nt Old Mlaalen Inal Btnday.
Hlaa Amanda Douglau of Tiati...
CKy U Tialtios relaUvea mi IhU place
(or a few daya
Jobs UolBiat U ddnk aome floo
iBBd work OB tbe roedi and Hr. 0«u.
JBMieaDn baa alao sM
at work.

Clareoee L. Greillek
rights! ele.. oil I
th A Lay Co., wi
37. range 11.
parcels In «
Greillek, gdn.. to Ilai
nab A Lay Co.
37. range 11.
en A. Clirk to Unrion P. Clark,
parrels. Hfr I-akc.
John W. Hiller to Janes C. Chancy.
paiTcli. Garfield townablp.
Clarence N. Aldrich to Hary E
Aldrich, lots II and 13. block 3, P. H.’>
Ilinhnrd lliirlbot end wife to Anson
B. Haunnford. parcels. Oak Heigbis:
Myrtle T. Gondrlrb lo Pauline Car
ver. lot d. Iilork 3, Blrchwoml, tl.
C. A. Hammond and wile lo Davi I
Russell, krt 17. block 7. P. H.'s -u.i


a to UvB.
Aid wUl meet next
j with Hra. Uxxtc t
Baa Rlekner la worttlag (or George
S. G. Shorter of Trevmwe Cl<
bere on boaincai today.
Bora. Friday, to Mr. and Hra. Bosa
'onuadMluyori atarted tor
Warn. Ohio.
Ohio, ‘Tbursday, to apead
:r with bor atm Sam and I


9sB PayBc apcnl'
aeBTCily. the gneal c


Latest and Newest Case
Designs. Renaissance.
L'Art Nouveau, Colon­
and Inexpensive
Cottage Uprights.


The snunesi Belts at SOc

Silk Ribbons

SMidiy Bebeet Cm
Report at tbe twraly-founb qaart>
ly ooavratloa at Bast Bay and BU

As oar praaMent. Bev. R I
mph could not be wltb as. Hr.
led tbe deratkmal *mric« Cy i
a part of tbe sixteenth cbapler of
Word* at welcome by
instim. we« rrapooded
*Tb* Craaa I* not ORBier” was Utra
*OwlBs to tbe abPMce at (be Ber. R

Are met here quickly, salisfactorily. and at iolereslinr money-saTinfs, and. after
all's said and done, what greater iodneements coold be offered? Here are tbe
goods-splendld In quality, finish and style- Here yon find a vast variety-larger
and more complete iban ever before shown in Traverse. And here are Steinberg
Bros.' priccs-the keynote that appeals to tbe purse. The Items mentioned speak
volumes for quality and low price.

ini-bco wiile. all rolors.


Embroidered Tnm-Overs,
worth lOc. at 5c

We have pianos here to
match the furnishings
of mansion or cottage;'
pianos of the highest
class; pianos that arc ar­
tistic from every view­
point; pianos that the
world's great mustcians
say are the best.
At our wBroTooms jron have
spWudicl facilities for trating
eBcfa iostniDtent in liomeUkc coiuiitioDS.
Our moilcm syst n of pi>aeh inBno KlliuK' tnarkiiii; caeli
BlrootoBt in iilain fignrcaou
smallcat [lossible margin cciisisicnt vitli legitimate bust.
lytcli ensil*. ui
lomcr greater sceiirit;
•ity for
foil ralno than the (pltl way
of making the priuv';■ maUli
tbe podietbook.

Bargains in SliM Used
tnanos and Oigans
Ihis Week.
Term. caUi or *5 to lil
cubaoU $.5, ST to SIO p.‘r
BODtl) buys any .upright
Our Sutali
tmakts buying rosy.

Kimball Music
M. /!. Hamer. Prof-.

Ladies’ Vcsls-Spccial
Wi’ will M-ll Ul..«- white
• VratuB.,.1 .liort *loew>
yrali. With oiMoruyi lilL lui-rtuTi/.vl aiul <x>lp>n tajae*’ auil • rottiuiming; in ov«ry t«.
upi’.-t tir»l-clas».iiL-i!iiy; b.uglll
.cheap Ikxwd*<> of ;i miBloki-of
till' ouinafactuD-re iii'nol mak.
ing liii-m with all «Uk trimming,
values iL'b'to IHc. will t
gi. .It. ccu-li..................... ll/C'-

Extra Value in Cool

A Great Clean Up in the Cloak Department
Suits, Skirts, Jackets, and Long Coats at Much Less than Manufacturer’s Cost!
Tremendous stocks are involved in this clearing movement—such prices as we are now quoting are bound to
create a sensation in the first place and those who have already bought will surelytell their friends to share In
these great savings.


*10.00. *11.00 and *12.00 Suits

In l“..iiy Sul,' Dn Sty!.-', Ii;df-litud mid liltoi
btyl> 0—many of tli>-ue -dk liiMvI. Wo have marked
them all down. .Inst think of ill— ^ A A
r.50.*'50 and *10 gsmi.nts all letill
dncci to only............................................. VaW
Twenty fivo long gariiu'iils. were *H,-''>0, 7 50 awl S..50.
lioos.’ Tourist stylo*. Prince Chap styles.
tsellim '

Mits>«' d.ickcu. w-orp

and *:i.50.

-on. $r. mid »:.50.

A Sale of Wash Goods
Prelfy Ciinllii* and Lawns

Ladies’ Skirts

Ladies’ JacKets

Ladies’ Suits

Fifty picocB of Calico al.

e will be an all day meeting i
ipel July. 4tb. All nro InvKed i
dinner. Th«
come and^ bring your dinner,
wilt bare a piralc dinner In the
Pole Daeto. Asa Harvey and Charley
day have gone over near EmpI
peel bark for A. C. Wynkoop.’
Hlaa Laura Ooln sprat Saturday
Bight aod Sunday at borne.
Hn. Jane Tucker U working foi
Lets Btmera.
Hra. Fkanle Norrit ap<mi n coupli
at day* of last week In Trarerwe CKy.
Hra. Lewis Lamar was a Trw
Chy ralkr Wednesday laai.
Lew Balterfleld and Frank. Tucker
are peeling tiark lor Charlie Davl
Artsts Hrerv lost a cow Salt
BishL Tte rape with wbldi she
tied became twisted around
» death. T. .
a lost by aceldraL

Your Summer Wants

NfUsy Of ihem worthSOcai 2$c
Some worth 25c at I5c
Others wonb iSc at 9c

Mulls. IMain Whitn Sliwr (iouds. Iliu-ki-.
ludiiin Hiwl. India Linon. ami M'-ritrixo.1 Lingerie—nil at gnally r<’>lui.i>I

Payae'of Traverae

DupIc of days
_____________ ______ se City.
Hra. Oeorwe Edgell was a Trat
etty caller Thuraday last.
- Kenbedy. Hr. "
QrieUb sprat Sail
pan at Sunday fiahlng
Tbey report a |
S. H UWyer_________
to Cedar Senday aRcreoan.
Oaear Money aod family have
WrrM to Bear Creek. Hr. Honey
work OB tbe nactloB.
George Clay. Alva Payne and Pete
Bgler hiTe goee to 8i. Ignace

The Busy Store of Traverse City!

$I2..W. $15.00 and fls.OO SuiU




Hcn-'a a lino of Bella that
(ill make yon womJer bow it'a
such protty
cbeap—all np-todate.

S2;{.00. $3!5.00 and $:!0.00 Suits


.<u.i<ibw>tr.u4 XU will I. I...W

Drun'ii lit c lit Is t
wlllioul griping. Buus
.•ulna ed.vl .\. k j

White Bells, surer Belts. GU t BeUs

4 and


f e-wrlv ft V.

w< r< widely rt ad A u
iKTame ill aud >-tnt to
her- at IMy'tiu. vS-re
«] «;
b till- ol
I il.e Cinclunail iiOlct

Belts Up-To-Date

Real Ettate Tranafera.
AndiTW Aulxrg to 0«e*r N'-lson, In'
I, block K. II. L. A Co s TIh.
Harr A. R. R..K.rf» K. Win. and
Lucy TIbblls. parrel, see. 3. town JT.
inge HI.
Julius R. Paige, el al.. lo Mo: can
. fnice. lo'« 13 and 13. Work .t, H
U A Co.’s Sib.
Frank Scbmoekal-and wife to Amon
Cavlicb. sH of tieVi of sc«*. sec. 3T.
fi. rann’ 11.
AlmoD Kimball.
F. E. WTitb
, .
Anna B. Bonner losfli
e. block 3, 11H. 1..
end wife,
Ife. lots
CO.-S Mb.
Louie U Johniuin in '
aer and wife, lots IS nn
Oak Park
Hannah W. Bocanlus
in, neH of uc’.;. m-c.
■ 9.

iss (hsi IW M-w«

'■ Vusifk


bv IMT Iwo niecea of Lelaod. are
Mbs ftlCBda aed relatlvea here.
■Has Oarda CariaoB of Lelaod la
Mbs ber eiuter. Mra Bd Fiaber.
Cbaa. Haber of GleoI Art
and .
saaoUoe lanncb ElU of Usbte Hills t. Ibe Poor'aouw,'
po^t took a^nerrr crowd (tra Myrtle nemw.
Owing lo the abacnee of Jo'^'tili
Death ef Well-Known Fisherman.
partr conalaled of Hi. and
Hcorr Thomas. 'Holding Atlendane-'—" wnr
Friends lu Ixviauau eimu.i Lave n
F. n.
WrtshL Mra Bordeaut Hr. aod Mra dlscusM-d by W E. Wliblnc'un.
celviil new»|>a|.e'r aotios <>| >he deail
Taylor. Rev, Hueh Kenuody.
-Fower for the Work"
Work- was dlseuKsed
tmed tb tbe erenlag after apcndlns
,1 4:30 the eonrentlon closed, erenr,
tbe day eerj pleaiaBUy.
present fei-flng l» a good and i.nd
]^. Haber made a boalBesi tr
t^asd today.
■INI Hansanit HcQarrr baa becu
Bpaadias a few daya lo Trarerae City.
Oanie Udma left for Klagaley for a
bw daya' vlalt wltb frieoda and rvla-


tn:e a|.p.-2rs


l..»lie^ SkirU « «*1 aml*5,


tlcl .fackcls
I.MW. ti..v,- all iur-n nxhio.

LadicB' Skirts ware *i'i ami *7Ji0.



Hear in mind ih.u. cvcr>' one of the gar­
ments advertised is this season's style and upto-date in every’ res[>crt.


India Liiion, worth 121c.
Thin wash goods in dainty designs and
oolc rings. B|>ccisl vnlucs iit

8c, 10c and 12c
All 'Ck goods. incluiUng MeD-erizi’.l
Lingi‘rie. Merwriwl V.•sting ami
Silk Mulls, rtdtictil to
Double F..ld,Whitc Gools. similar to
Indinii neail. worth Iv.
| ^1/-.
at only.................................... iJb lK-'

Special Prices on Wool Dress
Goods, Silks, etc.
in. Molrcse. in brown, navy
and red. worth aV.nt...........
4'' mid 50 incli Mohairs in navy. rid.
brow. ^vn and bhu k.

""" ""silks

im-h White Habutoi Wash
Silk, worth 75e. tp-ciid .... v v
Kolitv this is one yard wide.

Oiir prici-s can't be beiil and we cor­
dially invite coinpirisou. .See our .’ft
inch Dla.’k Taffetas at

74c, $ 1 and $ 1.15

Huii'lnvls of In-autifa1 White waists.
Wutlii $l.-'p(). ggjj Woftli *2.00. I ^

Woril. *:J00. 2 45
SILK W.UST.S. w..rtb $.5,


Shirt Waist Speciais

There i> nothing that one has to replcni'h SO often as -toi kings, unless
they are very handy with the darning needle.
No inati«;r how many
handkerchiefs you hav.-you can always lind use for moro.
Ifcre.^is a
novel wray of introducing what we believ^to be two of the best llfer-s in
the city. Go whiTo you will, vou’ll iimf c^o better hose at l"c.
. 15c.
•2.)C and r/ic-you II Imd no prettier or better h.atidketchi. Is anywhere else
at 2c. 4c, .-.c. I'c. l -’,'.-c, I'i., 250. -or and ■'-kc.

Beginning Tomorrow and Conlinuing Until July tbe 4lh
WE WILL G1V1-; FK1-:E a while hemstii: hed handkerchief with every
sale of two l air- of h. 'e at P'c a pair or over.
WE WILL GIVE an embroidered corner or pure linen hemstitched
h indkerchief free with every sale of three pairs of hose at 2->c or
WE WILL GIVE a very cute embroidered or lace-trimmed handkerchie'. sold by many store'at
our price 2-'n. but in thi' ca-e
free xvi;ii every sa'ejjf four pairs of 5"c stocking'.

Maybe You Like Pretty Laces?
Here is a sale of I-aces that everybody will
like. Twenty-liv
als. w
■ ->v
■ to ‘■c. at only
designs—tile very kind that's
Hundreds of very dainu paiierns, all
used so muc'n this season—I-aces. Edges. Insertions. Beading- etc., al
about one-third less than actual value, are here at .>c, <lc, v, Bk. iJj-ic,
I5c. etc., up to SI per yard. The greatest variety of All-Overs at 2-ic to



at 1.15,1.50,1.75 and 2.5&WHITE SRIKT WAIST SUITS

at 3.98. 4.95 and 6.50
Soaps lo Muslin Ubderwear
While .Muuiin SJ.rrtfrf'ir Little
: '/Illy
.Mu.tin I'iUits at: W ,.isu for
L>'l»-»' <’<V-.v<.-fs. worth
i'*:. at....................... ..
L'uliis'Muslin Iiruwera, worth ORp
Lidic-s Gowns worth



li aiiiifill >Lirt8,

vurth H.2'-. 93q

li,e great big U,wcls we .-.r


patterns in

S^l per yard.


Lvllra N.-glig.'-Kliirts.
Ttiey’n ibc-real thing, only *

:it ’.'3- and -----LACE CURTAINS.
»' I' r l••>'f........


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