Grand Traverse Herald, July 19, 1906

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Grand Traverse Herald, July 19, 1906


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Th« AWM^ Mm.
tt teems almoot i
Tht ATWMC IMB It Um BM of tlw thtt the two old peoirie eould be
wmebed. each crroBeoualy thinking it
Tlw BM «r tte »mHer. or bm ol Oit, was tor the ukc of the other, but
It waa, and tbe unhappy condlUon of
bn. '
tlw BU Bt Uw tbrotue. the bu
affair* might bare gtmc oa iirdefi'
aitcly, but for the growth of the teed
TW BBB wlib Ub tvBt or bit loU on of jualtrasy which It baa been uid Is
In every «onian‘t heart.
hU brow.
Wbo Most lalo Mng tbe draoBt of
tt cannot be mid what caused Its
tb« few.
growth in the bean of Sarah Platt
Who workt for blBMtf, tiuf for me tomeni an’d baraas her In addition
Btid for roo.
Uw Borrows of wcnlita which sbe al­
Tbora U Bot a porpoae. a project or ready bore. Wliy sbe waa icalous. of
wboiD. or of wbat. abc did
Bet reeu oa tbe Btrensth of tbe
It may have l>een from a Joking re­
mark made one day by Mrs. Daglulsh
It may ht*re been because John very
The Kiowth of a city, the Bicbl of
rarely came Into tbe parlor for
with her: U nuy have been for any
■ Depmd OB ibe trait at the toil of hit
reaoon or for no reason: but the fact
remains that a iluy se<d of Jralouay
The raad. or the wall, or the foill,
look root, and from It t>prang a alt
tbe Btrt.
der stalk of suBpIcloa and mlurust.
Gao daOr to him that be fnralab bit
And one day dbance bt-l|>ed her and
ber where- John I'latl siienl so
The pride of the mat and the hope
mneb of bU Umc. Sbe and Mrs. Dagor the low.
The toll of tbe tide at It ebht to and Iciah.drove to Broadway to have Mrs.
Dnglciah'a watch re|>nirrd. While site
in the Mere and Mrs. Platt was
The reach of the rallt and the connidly wailing In ibe carriage and waicbtriea they tpan
TeU what tt the iratt In the aeence iDg the passers-by. she saw her hus­
band turn Into a large office building
the other tide of the Klreet. He
The Baa who. perehaw
did not nollr« tbe carriage or her.
bore ak»c.
and sbo. ennsumed with cuHorliv as
Tha aua wbo ataadt
made DO sign. Neither did
hoval and throfaa.
she say anything to Mrs. Uaglelsu
The maa who cleat fredy bit brain when that ltd}- n^Julned her. nnd Kh«^
and hit brawn
only mentJoned raBudly at dinner Uiai
to the .Ban that the world hat been cvenina that the bad beo%on Broad

way. Bhc watcher her hUBbandh face
The dang <> the haaiBer,r, tbe tweep rloficty aa the apokj^ and to her ex
of the taw,
be aecnied unraas
The Saab of tbe force-tbey hare and desirous of changing ibe subject.
tbe law.
But she bad made up ber mind, and
They hare rebnUi the rralw that the tho next day she only walled lor Mrs.
wart of et itn.
Uagicisb to retire to ber room for her.
Thpy hare tfaown « the wtmh of tbe afternoon sleep to aun cityward. Sb.arerace Ban.
wtmt by the elevated, and was soon
The building sbe had seen her hus­
So hera't to the arerace a
band enter. Sbe asked Ibe Jaullor U
Who hat. labored nnknown on tbe Mr. Platt bad an office there.
a sueb name In the place,
ma'am." be replied. VU may be Ibe
queer old party whose name t don't
know, who comes In at odd limes. He's
got an office in No. IS. on the lop
floor, but, so far as one can see. bidoos nothing. He never has no Ic;nor telegrams, nor Vlsllors. and
his office Is never cleaned, for be
(»'t let DO one inside the door."
In Ibe lorefrMt of ptogrett, tfnee
“Is be hero nowr asked Mrs. Ptalt,
Rere’t a healUi and a hall to the t
her heart healing wildly, for sbo tell
she was on tbe brink of some db«ovand, although sbe bated bcrsell
for being where sbe was and her
•eelety MMHt.
Ith rery alee being to rich. John, aoD ^or being there, she dclcrmlnuJ
to finish what she bad U-gun.
don't yon think aor
Tbe woBBU epoke tn n tenttUrc
“I couldn't aay fur certain, ma'am,
way, aa if the were nd ture whether at 1 think be eame in aioul tian an
rfehea were na wnalxed bletalng or hour ago. Ill Ukc you up In tbe elenot. ^ the Ban replied, with ercry
. If you like, ma'am.”

taakt he bat done.
Who hat net at they ease all the
ptbhiMit of life,
Wbo hat helped tu to trtn In the etreta,
and the etrlfe.
He bat bent to hit toll. ihlnliBK
ndther of tone
Nor e< mbit, ntr I
r pijte.

“toe, n't rery niee. Btrah: none of
that tcrlaiping and taring we had at
B tn the old dayt. Why,
ton hadn't a aitk drew to your back
then, old woman', nnd now yoo've—
how Blknyr' She tmlled falntlv. but
did not answer, and be conUnued:
“Tea, It wu a Ineky day tor iw when
Unde Peter died oat In Colorado and
left at hU awney, and It was a fine
day tor nt triien we left Lnrender
Pam ud poreny for a ooaUy dty
' home and ererylblag we want'’
Sarah Platt sighed softly. Now that
«S« llnl noreltr and exdtenent of
potaemlng a forione hgd wont o8. the
, and ahe had
atkfd the qaeaUqs. to tee If her hue
band fell the tame. How could the
know (hat hit cheery answer was only
for her benefit: that he. loo longed
for tbe days of porerty and freedom,
and found the puBscBaion of a taUaUal
hooee asd hoot of ecrraait weariaomc
la the extrcBC? But he bellered that
hit wife en>^ It all. and he would
not fur worlds hare dtaturbod wbat be
iBagtoed wu her raaduton of ploawd
Ac a Batter at tact, tbe oh) couple's
away o*ar the buotc and terranu was
only Boaninal. A year ago. when ibc
. of their
wealth fihmc to them, they had been
Uring quietly aad poorly oa a tiny
Pennaytraala fara. aad, when the)
Bwred from It to the Betropnlls. they
realised that they were unfit to rope
ibaMed with thdr altered drenni'
The wealthy nerer
frtenda. and ao many frlendt aadt
their appearance that old John Platt

And In a moment or two Sarah
Platt was standing ouialde tbe doo<>rked “IS. " behind which abe fri
lay all she'wanted to know.

a pock eff uerranu wbo eat tbelr
off and do nothing, but I knew you
liked It” oM wife, and ao I didn't
you know.
"But I bad to find some outlet, and
so 1 bought this furniiure from Jackson. who rented the farm, and I had
tbU room copied from tbe old kitchen,
and when Park Lane U more than
con sund. and I’m aching for the old
dirs when you and I were able
what we wanted, I come down here
fur a |>lpe In peace. I sit here, look­
ing SI you—" he pointed to a large
photograph of his wife banging over
the mantel-"and 1 wish. I wishHe sti>]>ped ibort. for tears wi
Mrcamlng down his wife's face a
her arms were around blit neck. C«
were her suspicions, her mislnist. her
groundless. Insrikulate fears. He and
she had each bad their eyes covered
as-with s veil: be and she bad both
Im-cii enveloped In mtsundcrstandlng
heart each bad had the
c. while each, for Ibe sake of the
other, bad acted a |>nrt.
Db. John. 1 wish it, tcu—I 'wish it
she cried. "I wish wc were back
l.avedder Farm."
• You wiBh it." his voice waa full of
amarement; "hut I thougbl you liked
being Ibe fine lady."
John. dear, don't you under­
stand* Can't you unilersland? I bute
all this show and grandeur! I thought
you liked
llket It, and so I pretended I did
just^ pteaac
you. But I'm tired of it
^Ttie old man laughed suddenly, a
loud, hearty laugh, which woiibl hav.'
shocked Mrs. Dakleish and drawn a
reproving look fran Mr. Hmchlnaon.
Ill which rejoiced hla wife's heart.
"We've been a coupU- of bllnil foola.~
he said. “We've not pleased each
other, and wcv»- not <.k-asod ourselreB. and we've s!Ui|dy apen< our
e on a lot of people wbo sneer
diehind our backs. We’ll give
Hutchinson and Mrs. Dagiclah the
grand bounce: wc'll give up the city
bouse and go buck lu the farm. Jackson will be only too glad to let me
bare It again, and well Just live In
the wav we both like. What do you
ly tu that. Sarab?"
"I should like It better thaif any­
thing.'' she dectarod. "111 have a
good strung maid and see to the cook­
ing myself, and you’ll be able to see
■TTPr'tW'tim again: Jacksun never
undiTEiood It."
Wc'll give all. the money we don't
need to-charities." said John Platl,
"and now. Sarah. I tifo-n make a cup
Ilf tea bore of an alivrooon. Will you
miiko It todayr'
llladly rhe nmnicd. and with a
iiwel pinncfi ovt r ber ityliab- dresa'
abo buBiIcd about and
l>er ready, a aupiier worth eating, for
John went out to buy delicacies fur It.
"It's sometblns like aujiiK-r.'—be
dirlared. “1 hale IbuBC suppers we
had up there"—lie Jerked hU ii-aspoou
with a dlsiiarnglng gesture in tbe di­
rection of hli. metropolllan residence
-"the cu|i!. so liny you're airnid of
swallowing them along with the tea.
and Ibe slices of bread and butler I
could pul in the cortn-r of ray eye."
Hla wife beamed upon him as she
aipped her
he talked of what they would do when
they got back to the farm.
Suddenly tbe clock chimed seven,
and she siaried to ber feel wlib an
of dismay. Her new stale
ol freedom was still strange. "Johii.
hark lo the time! What will Mrs. lUgletsh say? We can never gel there*
In time for dinner. She will be angry
and diaagrceuble. and so wUl Mr.
But John had crown very Uibl
"We aren’t going back for dinner
lonigfai." be said, cheerfully. "I know
niee litHe place near where we can
have anything we like wliboui any
wairblng every lumnbful. Well
liave a good htwny mrai. too:
ir mouthfuls of fish, mid Vine with
taste. Wbai. do vou say to triiK*
and oDiousT It doesn't maiicr wbat
any one saya or thinks. Mrs. Dagli-lsb and Hutehinson aren't our ket-iv
ers and lemorro* fll w ihem and
rervants off. and put the bouse
in ih(- agent's band, and Ihen. very
"—and he IomovI bis hnt In ih*alr and she clapped ber hands—"and
then ho for l.4)veuder IVrm ajid lil^
eny!“—N. V W«\kly.


G. E
be token u inie.
Hr Hall has but mently returned Africa U*came a ^bimerm^r tb«><l
lu BoniJua after two years spent In venturous and avararlou/mlffitr^ Ihr
delving Into the rains of what la aupI
Freak mlnlni have been tbe Uly Of Ophlr
were organlced to form exof nibliral limes. His reacarcbca have pedilionB for the discovery of tbe
settled lu |ke aaiisfacilon of all sclen- mines: stories came abroad of young
ilflc men lamlllar with bis work the BngllsbtDen and others who started
question of tbe eiUlence of tbe Blocs out from the nearest onipoM of civof King Solomon and the wealth at llltotloD lo bum for the tost mines.
tbe kingdom over wblcb rnlcd the Rider Haggard discovered them, lxbeautiful qae-en ot Sbeba.
tween the cover* of a novel; the enue
EVr two years be and hi* African of Solomon's gold and the lusl
asalstaniB bare labored in tbe laoUted mines was In the air.
Camp Havilab. In Ibe heart of the
But ail was largely a matter of con
Great F.lrabaliwe. n|K>o the behalf of Jcctnrr until Mr Hall went into Zim
Sir William Milton. adralaiMralor
babwv- nnd delve<l fur tw<i vi-ars. Now
llbod<-t>ia. Tbe Zimbabwe rviiatry
II is firmly esialilishni thal Ihe ciiy of
lorsb-d in south Hashnnaland. lo
gold dW exln. and lls loralloo is defln-gton of aaad and Jungles, hoadreds dl'ely delermlned'
of miles from the outposts of civlliThe clrrnmslanre-s under which
xailon. litre Mr. Hall has lived with these mines of incaiculabk- wealth
scarrely the sight of a while face. were discovereil by 8<iloinon are* and
l*ortugut-sc Ivory prolialily ever will U- a myslery. There
‘slave trader wbo finds bis way
is one theory that the early Thoenithe Innennusl revesses of the dark cians knew of them ihousands of yi-ars
coDiiiieut. ex<UU*atiug and discovering before Solomon's time, and that tbi-y
ruins until now his life work is prac passed from them into llie Iiaiids of
lically cum|ileted and the si-cre-l ot tbe early Egyptian dyiiaslk-s. and so
Sulcroou's unlimlteil wr-alih is no down to Solomon. Again, il is pul
l<mt:eT a secret.
forth that Solomon, delving Into tbe
In the ruins of ibe old rily Mr. Hall traditions of bis people and s«‘arcblnc
found evidenc<-s of a wealth of gold ■he writings of Ihe day In his quctil for
-riti iM-yond the dreams of the many wiwlom. m-ty have come upon the se
vlio have Wt life or reason on the crel of Oidilr.
Wore It nui that Solomon In his
sands of Sahara and in the jungles ot
Mnshonaland searching fur the gold btiildingii dis|>lBV4>d eridi*Dm ol Ibe
I Ophlr. -Appiivnily. gold was Ibe posseiision of vasi stores of gold be
the qiMH-n of Sh<-ba came
io)A comnjuti thing in Ibis city, f
The floocs of tbe hn-jsun were bull! on Ibe Ibrone with him. It would biof It. Ibe utensils of the home. Cook­ poHsIble that she brougbl tu him the
ing pots, drinking cups, food bowls Bi<cn!i of Ibe mines, as Saba, of which
knives wen- all made of the pre- Ophlr is supposrel to have been a rolK meiat. All the ornaments found ony. was first under her rt’le.
But tt was Solomon who developed
in the ruins of the buiidlugs are ol
gt.ld and of excellent design and the mines to In- one of the woodera
of th>' world and made the wealth of
bis kingdom proverbial. Under bl«
When the maiden of ancient Ofibir sway tbe city of Oubir was built to
wished to I
the magnificence of which the ruins
she twineil ro|H-» of gtdden tn-ads
leslify. With the liosuiiful Sbeba and
atioul h«-r neck, she wore a girdle til
tbe ull-wisc SuluDum on tbe throne
the solid melo], and hiT hair was Ibe kingdom grew to unlaiunded
ught up In combs of gold of
wealth and glory.
The yuimg warrior of the ctmnII is ilerlared that at times SoWitry Ktudd>*<l'biK shield with lacks oi
mon dlspa'cheil hundreds of slave* lo
gold, bis sword was oraomenied wlib
disiani Opliir for their loads ot gold.
generouKl) as the Anierlrao In­
How'he managed lo keep the location
dian ornaments bis' tomahawk with of his treasure so almoluie a secret
aad yellow ochre. If there had
that out'ewa bis moal. truslcd mJa-.
licen stoves and sloroplpcs in Ophlr
tsirr* knew P is one of tbe
certain that papa In the moving
i:olomou lina band<-4
days would have got upon the chair
down the ages. The men In charge of
and swtire when he disnivereil that
the pild expeilltbins were men whom
llic gold wire of the hoiisebobi was all
Solomon bad sworn to seen-cy. and
for arnong the iliscoverieH m
the Kitv. s wlio lain- the gold‘bark lo
In ihe ruins of the houses an- tl
Ihcir ^esiiiiasands of pleet's of llilii gtdd. wire,
liou and return by such devious routefart, for every purpose where men
Ibai to reirace ibeir way would have
and brass and cupper twlay.
been an iupussildllty.
cillre-ns of Oiiblr used pure gold.
Tbe band of Solomon Is alB»abowTi
Zimbabwe is Udleved lo be s
In Ibe buildings of. Ibe ruined rJiy.
is loft t>f a colony of the ancient
Tbe ruins are e»m|iohi-d of threwpirr of Snlia tShebal. over which the groups ol ifiinples and forts, and enbeautiful queen of Sheba ruled
com)>ass a total area of about IW(>
•sriy days ibai Solomon ruled in the miles. From re-re-nl discoverle* II Is
U-Qipte iK-fore tin y met and loved.
iH iieved IliHl the original buildings
in III. liny the gtdd purveyor of • xt« nd«-d umch farther. The mo>:
Ibe world. To its Uinlers came cara imiMislnc Kiructiire* of all is an elllpil
vanaatles from the far off shores of ral temple, a massive pile bulli en
ancient Greece, and from the empire I in ly of small sntnlie blocks maof Solomon to laeuTV ibe
Bone<l carefully together.
sluff with whk-b tbe colony
The oldest iKirtlon of the walls are
plied to hailety.
la feet wide al Ihe liase and 8 feet
The coloDy flourished and -8heha was across th« ioi>. Despite the wear and
Ibe richest queen in Ihc world. Ophlr. tear of r<-dlurl<-s Ihe walls stood now
ihc head city of the colony grew lo from 2d to ni feel in belchl. The en
wealih unlielievabtr. Ib>wn
irmnccs lo the lempb- are ail narrow
desert and Jungle of what I? now Bho^ and defended wlib buliresse*. The
■leal* a city .qining up whose* iBK-rlor Is dlvldul ialo liirlosures oi
of arrhlteetui" and consiruellon are eoarts, and In one of Ihese stands a
irvels III Ibis day. Temples of a solid pile of' masonry .In fed high,
lieaut^ and grandeur approaching the evbk-iilly a shriu* ol worship
In Jerusalem; palaces, monoliths.
Thi- Int.Tior of ibis lemide has bfwn
hiiiiseK wh<tM- equals were few. rliar-il of the woii wbirh for hiinin>se In Ibe wilderness, conjured into iliivls <if years had covered it, an*!
-slvlence by Ibe most powi-rfni force n.iw Ihe old fl'svrs are visible Thes.n Ihe world—gold. Around It all there fiisin- are Inlaid wl'li gold ornami-nts.
irowe a Uhll of granite, biiildret ao{
n Ibe dirt rxravglis] from Hosolidly and well ilia' today Mr. Halt | ruin veie found Vhe oB<t golden ar
k aide lo uneover It prsrtlrally iinthat h<'l|> Milve (he mvsiery of
loiiclKtl by the sands and elements of;
.si min. s —Chicago Tribune

8S'heo Ibe writer was attending
certain universliy in the slate, there
was a OK-mtNT of the facuiiy thal was
noted for his tudk-rous mistakes. On
one (Kcaslon. he and his wile were
invited to a fashionable recepikia:
when the predesaor came from bis
work in the evening, his wife was all
ready to go: ao. socio as be girt his
supiK-r. be hurried off opMalrs lo
change bU cloihes; l.iil Instead of doa
nlng his dress sull he went to bed.
tblDklog that he bad undnoaed fui
that purpose His wife waited alxiul
an hour, grew imptiieni. went to the
bedroom and found him alecplng
soundly. She made him get up ao.l
dress, and take her u the reception

fashionable home in town, where Ihe
boKless wore a dress from the wai
robe of the qiirvn ofNaples, and line
os and Jewels were* everywheredisplayed I wore my while wedding
s. <S'ilb slipprio. glovr**, and all
Ibe acrwsHortes in keeping, and for Ibe
w-ennd lime in my life lell "dresaed
The evening |UU>M-d very plea*
anily until I went to the dreaslng-room
don my wraps for- departure-', wbt-u
my cnnMemation I found that my'
l, black, rul.lnf ovcrshiM** needed
no putting on. for they had nev«-r Ikw-o
taken iM|. I bad wuni Ibem tbe wboh-venlng.
and .Mr*. Wright, a dear old
couple, were on their way to attend
till- Slate aast^lalitm. and. aa they hail
ivel all Digbl. a iH-rtb In a sleepiT
bad l«.i-u engaged. Mr. Wright wa*
eul.ji<cl lo severe altoeks of headache,
aud. after they were* nlei-ly acUk<d U.
their iH-rlh for the uigbl. told bis wife
■ bat he bad a U-rrtble biadacbe. The
only relief that be could find *
plan* a mustard plaster on tbe bark
of his neck. Mrs. Wright proenrod a
amall |«cUgc of mustard from the
aaicbel. and went lo the rear of the
car lo Ihe water lank to mix the pla»tu-. When the piaster was ready iu
put on, she went hack and put>
she suppoaeii. on Mr Wrigbt'a
After watting a few minutes lo see
wlieiher II .would relieve him she
heard the fultowing; "O mine father
land, mine bead Isl on fire. fire, fire!"
Tbe fM.rter was hurrying to the Uer
and assured him that ererylhlug
was all right. He was leaving ifae
car when a faint volei. from iM-blnd a
curtain rolled out, “Mr. Porter, will
you please show me tu U-rth number

A Cbrlsiraas gift from my rousl
a young lady sraa tbe cause of the
funniest mistake thal I ever beard of
Un ChrlMtmas eve a rosellnted pack­
age arrived in the 7:30 mail. An hour
laier. 1 net my rerusln In ifae ball, and
noticed Id one hand a package at
wbteh 1 glanced ■IgnUlcanily. Chrtatlornlng early, I hiard my grand
faiher'a volra railing
hastened lo bis room. I'pon the table
lay a heap of rnishi>d. roM- tlnled pa­
per. which had be<ti hasiliy lorn from
a iini. which grandpa hHd
band, and upon the ronfeii's of w-hk-h
he was gaxlng In dismay. As Ihsparkling ra>> fttim a diamond n*-ek
Ian- flashed iM-for*- m> r yes, the r««ni
ratic with pc-als of laughter. Grandpa,
a few daj> belore. Iiad st-iit his spi of
falw- litnb lo Hu- cliy t*i have Ibe
plate reltalrisl: Ihe necklace and IhI.s-Ih had amvi-d in the same mall,
the iiackages so nearly resembllnx
• arb other tbit Jn bla bast^ my couslo
had pieix-d up the wrong one.
nialksl Ihe iivt^^o Ibe lady, <gblbfhe m-chlari- bad lieen rarrlisl
grand|>a's room.'

parent that the tM has ffrealiy tncreased la depth aa compared to aadent limes.
Formerly a bridge 3.«e toef\Mmg
united Leurode lo Ihe coeiinrai. Tts
day it i* sufaBerged. but the fouadaHoas of the work were discovered II
feci iH-nealh ihe surface It may
therefore be ennc)ud<*d that aface the
cG«slnirllne of the bridge tbe aea has
Isen al this pnlni over ntae feet.
At lira, la Ibe bay of AmphlsM
tbere baa been ntaerred a sole that
Is alau over nine feel beiiealb the anr(ace. At Rbenee there has bera found
a completely submerged dark, evP
denity of Roman constrartlon, th«
depth of tbe aea above the dork at
place* being fully nine feel
From all ihesc fart* onr may «*•
elude that there ha* taken place aa
In Ibe sra sine*
Ihe Roman period, the Mediterranean
having rtsen at Irast mne led tp 2.
oou yran. —lalcr Ocean.

certain faffious Uwyrv to
I who devote* all of hi*
leisure lime lu the perpetration at
elaborate and solemn jokes. Nobody
is Um> august for him to tackle.
He was In Igmdon last summer. Oaf
morning be wool Into a resuurani.
aiih his most dignified air. aad pr«rexHted to order breakfast.
“I want iwo eggs." he said to ihff
waiter. “I want one tried oa one itdq.
and the other fried un the ulhor akte.**
The waiter nodded and witbdrov. ^
mile later be relumed.
“Ih-g panlon. sir." uId he. “bul |
am afraid I didn't quite rairta yta^
order. Would you mind repeating IlFt
"Not at att.''aBld the Anieriran sol•mnly. "I want two eggs, one ol thcB
fried on one side, and the ol^ OB
ibe other side "
“Thaab you, Mr." Mid the waHhr.
'1 ihouglit that waa what you laM.
It 1 aren't quite sure, air."
Five minutes later Ihe apologetle
waiter returned agnin to Ibe Ammican's elbow.
"1 beg pardon. Mr." he mid. Twt
the cook and.1 have had aoBe nordu.
Would you mind baring uiom eggs
scrambled, slrT”
WofMit 171 Yawn OhL
Tbe CanodtoD Oasctle tolla of a i«markablc case of ktogevlty—that at a
tlilDesc woman wbo passed through
Montreal recently. The sroaaa claimed
to be one hundred and i
She bad nothlag tn-prav*
her ag(^ only ibe word of ber frlentla
added lu her own. but her appearane*
most eloquent and certainly land­
ed lo confirm her remarkable Malawi
t. As an official put II. she acaaied
ac If she had been dug out of tbe great
wall ot China, buill some five them
aand years ago. 8bc was on ber way
home from Drracrare In China, to or­
der lo make her last resilng place la
the Celestial .kingdom, becauae she fearevi she hod ^ may, more ysara
ve. 8be waT bent tiAirty^lyble. , •
and her face loMied like erlokled yellow parohmeat. H appears that she
left China wbi-ti seventy years old.
and hat resided tn Demerara for tho
laM one hundred yean.

moment sbe thought site had
better go homo In Ignoram-e. but then
she remembered how Uri-d she was of
her ptesent mode of life, of the hol­
low pleasure wealth had brought ber.
and she JTuew ibai. foolish, groundless,
altogether unworthy ax her anspiclons
Cuban Bigto aa ffmaJI aa ffama Amartwere, she could never bare peace or
can Fliaa.
they were kllli-d,
The smallesi bird in Ibe world H
the more idea made her sblrer—lustitold to Im- the pajaro nosca. or fif
Any barrier, any secret, between
bird, of Cuba. It la of Ihe hoamlngJohn and herself would render still
bird family, but U no larger than a
harder ber laak of
dragon flv.
wealih had brought her Joy.
Tbe only twlr that have been knowa
Sbe lapped timidly: the door fiew
iiv live In captivity were exhibited to
open: her husband stood belorc her.
New York Thete liny birds fly with
Barahl Yon here! ^liai has bap
such Ivrollble swiflDtaa thal 1(
peni>d? What is H?” His rudily face
practically Impokslblc to catch them,
waa whltv with apprebenahm and sur­
but a lalHirer happened to find this
paid in Ibe nest while they aUll s
Bm his wife could not explaii
fledgllngM. and was able lo ae<
brough the open door she saw the
them by covering them over. ■
room, and the idghl killed her rolcc.
•ttrrtDless cage uolll they
A part) of friends were relating In
Before lief was no ordinary office, nu
e old i-noogh t
Funny Miaukea.
.I1UIC.S of absent-mlndedness One,
The existence of 'bis wonderful eiir,
office at all, bul her own dearly lor«M.
ihi-lr tare-nis. Fed with honey dilulai
I young lady artist, comributed ibis
he following stories conirlbutod
with water, they polaod thcaartvea
Golden lluk- till of funny mlctokme: "Wblli- studying
Paris I
first known in I5I». In that year the
•ndcr Farm, 'nie diamond imnetl winover ifa<- dish on vibrating wtoga.
thelr friend
luiie a lung dlstonce to walk from
Arab gold. Ivory and slave traders' madi- Irv Ihe wnlers
dow had pink geraniums lu it: ibe old
while ih*-v ibruM tbelr lung Mils late
found their way into ibis region and; Tb*- din-dlor In m liphool district he s'lidiu to ray Isiarding plsre- One
oak chairs she bad so'often poIUhi
the food.
iTOughl back lab-s which the early] hart birvd Miss Meflvale from N'-w lay. as we s'udent* weti leaving Ibe
stood along the wall on t'ne side: ■
Hjdlo. it Is'gaii to rain, to lb'- diIk.rtugues4- htanl of ami gain- to tbe Y..rk to tcacb lot tb.- sumi
the other was her dresser decked
K)t>j;^ec!ward Own* Many CanM.
world. Then Ihc rains were KtlH|She bearded with Mrs itogi-r*. a wb! of thal w.-n- not poAid.-d
with her plates and cups and saucei>.
King IViward has at least l.OM
standing nearly Iniarl, bot no white'ow, who kept a cow R<-'urnltig from | onibrellar Fortunalel). I had brought
‘J(An.” she gasped, as she stumbled
mnn ever penelrali-d into the country iechool one day. the teacbiT f<Minil]one wub me; mi. congratulaiinu Bi) walking Kiick* and most hate eurtou*
Into the room aud almost fell into he
to gaxe ui>on Ibi-m In thta state. FromjMr* RoBcn- rufferlnc with i.lrk-b<a(l-| self <>n my unmonu-rt ■bouchilulni-ss. axsocla'lonr. For years Ihe "pcruiiaal
B Ux-n a folWng Mich. Sir
accustomed scat in tbe enroer of the
then the rain* wen-lost sight of untl'lache, and said kindiv. I H mitk ih.-:l malkv-d l.rlHkIy botm-wardr I
Ktoo Sokenon's Mines.
I! y>lmuml riantiD. for laatonce. offartog
ro. -John,in 18S*. wht-n Adam Rcnrieri. an In--row for you. aud eat bread amt milk rememle-r noticing that la-opic it
The mines of King Bnlomon. i
,!hU mtj«-M» one which bad be*
nnd told of In nsalm and storv. have 'irejdd elephant hitnlcr. following httllor rnpper," Mrs. R>«ers Ihnugbt It, met >iar<-d at me more than urual.
■fi'l mtnotoiy carved with hit
As her agiutlon ti
I. John rc- been fonnd at last. The country «
Ivc hunter far into the eoDGaenl.! so «irange that a city girl bad Itartn-dll.................................
gav<- n lli'ie though’
si 'In ilnx-irel^bing
gained bis self-posBc
reaching my
my iKard'ng
mardlng plac-.
plac-. imagine
Ima— iOne «ff tbe klM’s stick*.
tiuned in the Bible a.- itn- Ijind of ■ri-discoveivd them. Bv this time Ihe to milk that abc looked from the win-i
"Sarah, old woman. ' he said. “I Uphir. where the gold was so plenti­ sand* Id the desert, carried by the down a* the tcach.-r went down ih..-;my d.stnav to find that I hart b«,B! •‘•Ich U-lMged
*>*“- '* *■“* *"*■ • hraaen at IM
atlred. Brcwiually—bow. they hardly wouldn't have told you for the world, ful that Solrunon. when the imperial {winds of hundreds of years, had swept path i 'he little pasture. Sbe rall*-d. careluily bolding up my umbn-lla, all
ray. furled."
; famous Boscobcl dWt. Queen Vfctorta
and I eaal think how you foand ma treasury ran low or there wav a Bt-w|<ln«ii upon them aad burled them.'"Come, bo-s." and the gentle old r
jalwa)-a used It. but. sbjeeiiag fo tbo
out. hceatue you like living in fine temple to be drcorati-d. bad but lo or-'The descriptions given by Render*'came to the place where she wt* ac-1
! round knob of Sinart's period. hM U
Irtibloned iben. and where they never style, and being rich as we are pleases der the captain of the palare- guards j were vague, hut even then the theory . euMomed to be milked
Europe ia tinking. _
toll nt hootc, and ibey aad It were yon. 1 know, but I’m sick of It. I waa
take an army of slaves’and brUig|*as adtranrexl that the nlns were- the
Then Miss Merlvale s« tbe pall! , The pbeoomi-noo of lb* changes It •*t little . Indian Idol, |
such wealth Im Ihe temple a* | re-mnanis of the fcty of Ophlr. where; wider the cow. sieppi-d back thre*e or! ihc level of the sea Is om which i« I of the
al Berllgaptam. -nt- nu.
Mder the ahaolute control of Mrm. tired of it very soon, this paying for
Rockefclt-T or Morgan : were- located the mines of King Solo-lfo-xr feel, and, folding ber arms, wali-j well s*>own in the case of the Mcdl-1
' "
ttokMA and Mr. Hutchinson. ' The diBwrs and panle* for folk wbo don't j never
' cd psliontlT for the cow to §11 It."; lemnt-an. M. Ph. Ni-gn*. tn a recent | Crovrs. el^rkAbU. Mavera aad baeu
^Srat was lira. PUtt'a companloi
«ai^ for ns a bit. but imlv lor wba* idnami-ii of, lies in iLe nnnhi-ro part |mci
'emaM-Hr. Platt's seereury; ther they *k**t om Ilf us—that young cox-|uf Kbodi-sU, to the eouniry of the | From ibm «u the Idea that the After five or ten ItlnQU-s sbe »eemed ■ brochure presented to the Aeadetty jpot to dcati or banish such t
comb, Hutchtoswi, and your dragon ofigrest Zimbabwe, if the ggncrally tc-jb.m'ds wherefrom Snloown dr-w the to frar that someiblnc was wrong,'"f*. fornUhe* interesttog ln-{ot tbelr commuiUea aa are toty or
^a Mra. Dakieisk I'm tired of keeping cre-dt.ed rapcrta of R. W. Hall. F. R.|vs<i wealth with, which he surrounded and. crorlns hack to the hodso. aaMjlnniuiiloB-im this point. It lolag ap^.wldttto.

ru the father of ntae ehiUren
portion or tho penMwH. w»ve entile
and owe aoB waa at U« nMe wheu
C. A. onnMlt of Detroit, one of tbc mblns it now an aeltee latfattry.
UnUrthli TMir that part of Mlebl- dotih look iriace.«nn at Orinnea BraUier*. tfealere Is
KMlenI RooSf. wen in tbc ritr Tbtin Ban al<ovc tbc otnUit potcoaed of
Mra. Enina G. Hanwo. aaoiher la4*r TlHito* the Joml branrh of which cruaier nn-a of unoccupied goremmatc of thc'aaylum. dl*-d very audJ. W. ailTe >■ mankstT- Mr. Grinncll
dcnly of apopk-sy at l:.t" Thurada}
foimS eher>-thlB); In ir^llent »faBp<wa« Oft) «c«ra «)<l and leaver
very well is4»«'d
•bowlni: nude by tbc local atore. tl( year omminlcd lu aptirvallnalely (fin.- ibr<-c ebUdm In Dis Rapid*.
left for PHoak. ) this monUiw. where
Harry E. IIIducII of Mari i, Ohio!
be will vlclt tbc braarb iborc. Tbipassed away In Green luke town*
Badly Hurt.
Snn'a beadqiurtrrw arc in tArlroll but
a> the home of Alexander Hai
Joticph hlortand was lbto«-n fion
acMtered throoebonl Mhhinii there
Mr Hlns-il
wanon at the asylum Thursday aB«
are Bftecn aiorra.
noon tUorily before :• o'rloeh and wan Paine north for the third lilae llilr.ariDDcIl it a friend of
iniminet thinking that tlf elimate
Snllh of the City Ichonl <if Muilc and l>lrl,cd Up unrtmsclous. It was at flnil
do him g-Ksi hilt -H
all to
Thuraday crculng a rental was Klrcn •hmiaht his Injuries were »er)
valt. He was onl • 2;* j< ars oln
lous but on cxanilnaiinn ti was
in hla honor at the aindln of Profeaaor
and k-sves 3 wile and thn-. ebiMn n.
6mttb. It wait an inrllatlon offair ano found that he had sustaitKsI only a His wife and the tddest Iso ui n- pn i
a npBbcr of the local IiubIucs* bh-u l.roKcn rib.
when di*alh enMied.
Mr. Moiiand was baullnc some lioxes
an diheIr wives were present and lis­
td was sltllm: on one of heia. The
tened to a very cn)oytbk? proRrain
Mrs. Alevatid'-r llorlua ilhsl at the
ne.. sll|>ped. striking Hie lioraes
roideiiri of h'-r :<-D. FMnaid Horioti.
given by Professor Smith's ptipll*.
frlsrhieulnc them. Thiy sianoil
WfH'siet -ir-s-i. .rf viiUular d|s. iisMr. GriDBcll was railed upon ai
le- ll•'arl r..:jii Thu,-d:i} iiioriiini:
Ml very qiilrklj and he wa> Ihrowii
gave a very InlorcatinR address •
■ leaves thri-e hrnlliers,
the ground.
civic eteilnUncaa. He was one of the,
,- vllll
Ill Inc III the <ilJ lioiiii >l<-;ul a' Kriii,
Detroit cltlaen* who wore Inslrui
Two Pleoecra Cone.
Maeomh r>eml>, Mjehicau
lal In cleaning up Woodward avenue
Two more pioneer* of Grand Trat
Ik-.-.-aM-.l was Imii-u -tug. IT., IRni, a'
and be explained bow this was done, rae cotiniy. one of this city nod one Krln. Msninili w.unly. near the shonhow tho coutnittces wen> appointed <if Blair iownshii'. answered
of l«tk<- SI. flair, and was a
1 of Hie .
and how the work was finally ^an- tnons of Ihe death anc<-l and hive
pllabed. The Ulk eras very Iniarvstlng |>a*s(.il into lb<- great
and wta lUtencd to with done atu.-nThe
le-auAkMtsn Totten tuissed asray a' his
home in Blair July II at the age »f r-n tifiil M-rmnu. loiirliiiiK iiput tin
litary ehrisilau III*- of i|ie t|.-e.-a-.-.l
years. He leave* a wife and elgli'
I her di-vcuimi to her large fanilk
To Improve River.
of rhlliln-n. All that'wa-.; tnoii. Contractor John Monroe Is prepaf
Mrs. Virginia. Fonon died at Hu- "lirandnia.' lu. *hi- wat. 3ff«eiioiiliet .-ki-.-Nir.or;aler‘.
lag plana and apeclflcailOBs for an home uf her inu Iklwin at h:s Webat the falhoii.,- .--in.opening In the dam across the Board
street at 5;3« July mb at the being followed ky n l.irge <-otit- -i,r
, van river at the John P. Oil Utinber
of <S years and lu monib-. Mt. nlallte* and fiieml'company mill. This dam eausod much Furioa was the nnither ut eleven ehil
; much dlscuMloo laat season and a* dren. nine of whom are stlM living.
.MMn Krai'*. Ih. U year-r id son q
It one time the board of supervisors or­
Win—1 Krallz of Maple «'uy. w;i
buried from the ci.-vcUnJ lowa-Ti
dered H removed, but when II we*
Man Arrested.
'aihclic i-hiirch Sai-irday
•era the hardship It would work upon
Ever since tbc breaking of a win •n." liiHe troy didI Tlinn.rtay
the Ott Co. the BcUon was recioded. dow In the grricerj sUin- of J. ftmV^ an.l Icav.-s Hx I-roMi«-i* ami n
Now Mr. Monroe comes forward with on East Eighth klreei several day* api
• set of plans which he claims will be there has-been a w-arrani out for ih<
Fred -Duryca pa**d av.ay ai
aatlafactory to Hr. Olt and ennbl-' arrest of Eugene F>y of this i-itj- who
the opening to be made. Uls plans was FUKpected of throwing the mis asylum Friday ai Hn- -gc 'U a-,
after baring ix-cn an Inmate of iIm- in
U to make the opening twelve fetrt in xiles which did the damage. Po' ha* nHtuHon fur only iwcniy-fuir day;
wldlt splllDC lo be put In for some been leadlngsAhe officent a chase Iti The Isidy was *hip;ie.l by 1h>- And.-r;.-n
■■ompany to his former home *n i'lalr<-.
diatnoce op stream. The entire work. and about the Hty but through the
wli-uv the funeral will be held l-mioiMr. Mraroe thinks, will not occupy forts of Chief of police Ashton v
£ over two days' lime. «Tn n si'cn yes? terday afternoon rcgnrding the prof pnud plans, Mr. Dit expressed himselt
9. »a enUreb’ willing to rarry them out
w.«n(M«d they are not a detriment
... to hU boBlneas. No one Is me
' Ions than be that the launch
'*^fii6a)d be dtile to pasa'Ibe dam. and he
• wjPI Bpe that Ihe company does all In
lU 'power, consistent with buidne-.;*.
tfi bring the piupured ehange aliout
The notion is mtirely voluntary on
Mr. Otfa part.
Not many people reiiUxe what -thii.
change would mean to the lanneh owuera
the city. Tbc-j could ruu the
boaU a pas far as, the linlon street
bridge, from which point It U only
fhv minutes rua to the bay. If an
opaalng sbonid be made In the dam
then vottl4 •ocmbajbBxiriied
la tbe number of boats. Hast season
vrhai the question was being agitated
there was. a great deal of talk about
newriub and boat boirae at Ibe foot of
Wadfworth street. If present piani
.am carried out the boat bouse might
be bnllt in aaoilier year. At Ibe pres. .rat tlm Mr. Mraroc is In Leland. lie
win return in a few dsv^ when some
* deflalte nnoouncwmeni will uodoubt

Marquette. Mich- July 13—TPe
United SUtes government still has
«■ €>f uDocrupled
buds in the sute of Hlchtgan.
Tbe annual report
tbe Mar
qnett bind office nhows that at the
cloee of the fiscal vear ended June
30. tbc public diynaln. wllbtu thu
borders of tbc Wolverine cummoii
srealth. exclusive id swamp, agri' cnltnra] college and primary school*.
Unds owmed by the state, amounted
to 306,fk& nerra. almost evenlj- di­
vided between the tw-o peninsulas. '
or the teiTltory lu wiiicb the gov
eramnil still hold* title Ui:.2iil acre*
are iorated lo the fifiren eotintleii of
tbe upper peninsula, and If-J.Sif acres
; Be In twenty-six conniics At the area
: below- the strait* of Mackinac.
In Ihe region nbnie the straits,
Chippewa connty has 47.826 acres ol
raoccupfod government land*. In this
respect ranking first: MarquMtr coira
ty is second with 22.K6C acre*, and
Bcboolcran third with 2f>l2n
Lncr has 14.MF acres and Kew
where Important cupper discoveries
have been made the past year, has
12.S66. Gogebic comilv has onl\
^gfaiy acres id goverameni land.
Houghton bot-AiS acres.
Oscoda leads thy lower MlrUgan
counties with 4"«7 acre*; losoi ha*
87.281; Mnwtmorcncy. iK,7lt; ITesqu., iiMMb.-MX8. rad Ahmia. 9.«ll.
. win. ha* only .8611 acres of guverDmeu;
land, and Arenac. Now-avgo. Wexford.
Antrim and Menrata ivmntics ov<-ii
■'’l^nS^aereqfe tbaa that.
e deerrase in the acroam- of the
public- <domain ha* i>ui-n yinlfonn for
the part flic year*, m.oiio .irrcs being
taken by wtHec* last yi-av. which is
abont the ratio maintained rini-e
Arri-aec in the up|s-r |M-muMila
talalug hnrdwnud and bemlnrk Hmtu r
'har"tiocn nuicriaTly deleted. Of the
sa.finq aero taken ifn during the pa*'
year 13.htt0 acre* wero seleeird In the
worthy trf
nnie that ijrarly all of this terriiory
wa* seenred for eraring purposes, tht*
In the wratrrn

located at the Garland farm on i
lieninsula where he has been picking
rberrie*. July 12th about g n’clork
lyepiity Sheriff Taylor and Officer Jen­
nings drove In the farm and arrested
their man. arriving In Ihe city with
some three hours later. He is at
present In the rounty Jail awaiting
Annual Meeting.
The annual meeilng of the trustees
of the Kniihern Michigan asylum for
insane was held July lllta and <s>s the elecHua of oIliM-rw. nothing
routine biihincx* was transacted.
Gen. G. A. Mart of HaniSti« was n.
el«-cied president of Ihe isjpnl and lb.
A. 8. Rowley secretary.
The asylum at present has the greatif Dumber of patirais in its history
and tbc question of accoinmodallon it>
anUtg to be a serious one:
woman's secHoo is entirety filled,
paiient being admliicd w hile the board
was in session, and on tli<‘ men's side
then- are only a few voeanefes.
total number of paiienis Is now ijiti*.
Tbc board has not yet derided what it
will ask for at the next meeilng of the

Kinei-ley. Mich.. Jul* 14.->li;. Jull i
l.iMf, ag«-d SI year*, ditsi at 1" o'-b"-'.
yi-!-i,-rday umining. She lean-: on
iliuichU-r and i\
Mrt;. Warre Taylor
I Blackmoo' chnrHi Suinloy a
u'cliK-k. She c.Tnic 111 y-iuiniil
niut-ti'cD vears as<>.


3 »er Cest aUnred M nme DepHlti.


Mua U esnad M tba ^Mrttorara M 4M>

DuriiiK that trvinR prrio<J
vviiich women so ufien mHT.t
from nervousness, hack.iclu-,
sick hcarir.elic, or other pains,
there K n-tthiiif; ran c'|--ial
Miles' .•\mi-E’aiii
They slop the pains, soothe the
. atbl give to

“'business cards.


the relief ”s«i much desired. If
taken on first imiicatijwhi or misery, they will allay
the irrit.ilile ortidition <>t the
■ncrvo*v an-l save you further
suffering. 'I'liosi^-dviny use ihiyn
at regul
e<J to dread these jktunIs. They
contain no harmful drugs, and
:a\V no elTorl tipnn Use licari
r .stoniarh if t.ikvii as ilirecied.

-- in .-gn.-w hUtr Hast IkilMihd


lIoBct*i ^fcocs ai noBcbi Prices

- .1- -. Je-'-i ilr':i teir|s-.-'ly t
ly^iiNBV Ti^r'AN nn llwnewt
- -tM .1. , l -In- -Iroj*. i-:i
I 'r.
-•* Hill Id il.u .iai.i'l:-. -e-v ci'; ■ *» ('^••'uml'rylw. Boom PO. Mb Lsr
-- • I H..I'..-*-, di I
. ....... t;i:-lit. m.:'. ii;i-v. ii -i.- •.il'-'---I .. "ll. .i.o ,
mv.wii fyi

Dress Shoes
for men

rr --fnBi--sd ll* tii f "■ prr..»li • p*in*.'
Wias liKa.l;V n NK. tk .utron.a
Dr. Hllev- Antl-Pa.n Pills ar* Mid by-,
vour droqgist, ~So w.ll guarantee that
the first pachaee uoll benelit. If it
falls, he wSb return your money,
a ttewas. a cents. Never mW in bulk. .

MU«s Mediul Co.. Elkbart, Ind

. 1st.


Or. Fe J. MacNeti

r' 'V

epMtnllnt «r


Wlltratm Slook


Rowland Douglass


Shoe Store, opr. WbiiiDg Ilnicl



Tei.r*n.e lrt.«r«sh s.

•bi'J Wilhelm Hlk .Citz. I1)OBe-14S''
ti5.\\ j:usk riTV. MICH.



W«r»e C-K-ety Bank Ib-'g . lyWTKOiT

Tire Insurance!
Plate Glass, Stoam EoHer and Accldunt Insurance.

Order idr

Money to loan oo Improved Rea! Estate Only.

Many a l..Bc>somc and expensive !
trip to Florida. California or tbc 2
Adip.n.Utks has beca saved by j

Kemp’s Balsam!
theVulcoagh cure. Ifthttureat
remedy will not ettre the congb. e
medicine will, and then all hope
nsU in a change of cilmaie—b-Jt
try Kraip's Baisam first.
Soldbyalldeialeixatafc. aadsoe.

buiuua. TisewM Oly.

•' j Mleh.

Struck by Lightning,
r A. ilammond'.^ Iionn- in Ka:-< Oa.
fli'ld wan RlTii' k i-v tighlntng Frnl;i..-Utng and
nu-*-r iirnn
ayi-d by the bolt '—tore ii llnalh I.!
ic h-Hi'c. No one was inj-tr.-.I i-n-!
■ h a nominal ainoiini of daniat-.c w;i

to Ih.- ground \Vhi!<- ilbums are nil s.-\.-re on.-*, Ih.-y arill surfais- I'um* and ii i- .-xi**-i- -!
Iial he wrill rei-ovor In llni.-.
The Athletic Club.
Tile areldeut iiappi'n<-.I a< 4 n.-li.--l.
Tbe Traicrsc City Athletic club, ■ eslerday. one mile sotilh of Moor.*
w-bicti is local.d on the siifind floor <>l C-nier.
the Bnuchey biilldiog I* doing much tv
foster the aihU-He spliit in the elt>
The club's Ia4c:.i nunx- c. lb.- artiiugc
mem of sw-lramiug race*, which ii b
ii.rDa.Io-Wf.vk.Hl nud finalit
Uoiicd can Iw pulled off in H-c near
future. So place for the ran s has >• t rlis! through Hi.- air a .............. i I
f.-ei. l-i ll-- dtopiic-! on u pi>. of f
been decided upon but Hiai part of the
bay iyliig Is-lwecn t*-e cikiI and pa: rail*. Hi'niiati A ll.ri--it, t---nii-I
sciigcr dock* *eem* to Ik- Ihe mo 1 lloTn<-*>. MirhI* now m si. M;

; ,-Jak^-L^-^ itateaut-; .

A Geaen] Baakiir B«^es» Dmc


ranks with Carp. U>ng and Si1\
lakes a* a Hshing gruifnd.

Death Roll.
J<*n Dderei died at the asyjam
Thursday of organic brain trouble
the age of 69 year*. He wa» one of tbe
oldest residents of Maocclocta and bad
been in ihe asylum but a lew y>-ani.

Traverse Qty State Baik

lo be ralM
I he rauM*.
'Tin re Is a ca- at Uie Sherman.
e-'wis' at Saginaw Thai has al»»*i hit |
! A. TRACY LAY. PsraHraL
man In-llnn* and i- an --viv-tlrn’
I111» .
r.imiHx a- w* it n-- s --ifn'
I u-t mean ablnn \VIh« it i* xme
o r him to •#!. Le will waiHi ibe ebs k
In H.-- IM'-t .dfP’- and whet, i- *(nkej
I-.- -r r. oebsl. will imnidi*'. It make
,.n «aihj! lo-■!, ire. ho Umurt: Thi*


ihmuch a w in-low.
roof but *ts-iti--.l lo follow u Jiamrbi
from the norili and wMilh wiii<l->»
whieb wen- oi»-n. Mi-s. Iliinmion-I
as«o *evco-ly Khockml that sin- fell
1 her knee*.
Conlinulng. it sirin-k lb- b-xl w-li<-i.
In Hic hltvd niiin wra< *Hs-|.luj: bill tiwpd n-il injiiixv!. A rug w;i* next y|*
ilcU au-1 tom up II nexi made .i li-il<
Id Ihe rari*-t ami pa**—I Miioiicli tlilloor down stairs when- ll t-ir» Hu- <-or.
fniui the casing. N<u a sign of n
liotc cxlsl«-d in Ihe fluoi where i'
passed thloiigh. F-ilbmliig the i-asin:
it w-cTil ouisidi- inio Hb ground Tlodnmacc dnm- tinij .amnuiils to liciw-iH-ti
12:. and 8.70,
The hlosl ninn. Ctiri* Caliri'-I. wn:.
prove the fishing in Boardman lake. o-Wpiog ill .HI Irou Is-il bill
At the preu-ni Hnio ihcrc an- muiv ilijiirj, altboiigli in- say* ihe on>- ex
pickerel and perch caught than any IM-rietiis- wa.s pli-niy tor him.
^ber fish and ft i* the desire of those
Andn-w Ctari.. agi-ti 1-7. sou cf }Jani
.................... tnaki- ihb. litile lake one
iiel Clark, was siniek jii*i Iwek ol i! Id the iK-sl liass fishing ground* in this
car Kriday afienio..ii by a
part of the country, a few viar* ago iiing iK.ll and was iiikhum-I.ius t-',
- time, not fully n-cov.-rlnt: um.'
'Kri-d Ourti* put In a large numiK-r uf iuali-r 7 o'rluek Saturday lii.eiun.;
wallc-yt-d pike fry. By Hils ttmy ihev The same 8lm4:o alsu knis-ki-il hi- (a
shuuld bi- good sired fish bm so far a* Ihe rs.-naeles* and dami hi* mothknown only one has i~vn raiiglii. tun they readily i . covi-mhI.
About eight years ago some ixirkland
salmon wore planicil >>> j \V. Millikcn als.itl len f-s-l away. Wlien iln- lade i-veu Hm- liom-s wi-ie ibn-wn Mbut there ha* bi-en nii evidence what
grituad. The l»iy wa- <-ii i-ip
ever to *how that they lived. Arthur
load and wa.'n'l inir*<-d niiiil InH. McManus ba* planted a great man) laiher saw smoke ecnilug Im-iii lbhas* ID Hie lake and they *ivm Mliavi hay and uia.b- an iii\<-*ilgaiion. Tldone the Iw-st of any. The bos* fl»h- Isiy was found witli IH* c|..ihc> .in liting is coDsianily impruvlng and it H- bail l»s-n siruck sii>lar.-l\ ............
may not Im- lung before tiie Itoardmaii till- t-ar, lb.- iMili Xollouiog In- ii.* :.

likclv niaci'. In the Isi-s' ra<-*-> la--'
Kysclkn and l.^>n Shilxm did the Ih-*I
work <m,.tbc FVnieh of July, tiiv
Wc-quetong had no cDiric* in that
i.v-i- wnd umlonhicdly would In Hu­
mming events.
In ihco|tcn races Kenneth Pmiih a|>prars to have the Insldi- track.
1.U.-IU* I’alchiU a close si-mnd. Those
inler<-;.ie<| In liic i-an-s or wUliitig
enter can get fnforrastinn fmm Alben
Kyscika or at tin- Ki-cqrd office.

boMUl at Detroit, with r';aa«—; fci
nr—-ry. Seraklng cl hi; i ,x-r‘-nillcrien ■»)>; “All of a tfUibiea .oim- ll-iwo ovw by ite ;alin' siuriu. I
thing hit UH- I didn'i khow wtixt c wa* th-- only fHT.--H lia ;iy bun
^a* and didn'i
h-Mir Tb<-n they draret-d nn1 inarrid. au-1
and found tny l-ack was Itrok-n.
Tti<- funny thing wlioirt tornaduo i*
thai you Icr-I m> lleln aud nlc- wbii-j

Room Stb NewSfftto Bank BullriInR.

Travorso City.

With Us.
L:ikt .\vf. Tnivt-ret.- CHy
Miiki- Uit-kiinl ih.-H liliguiir
h-i>rs :m'l viinluws .-it 1«-hI
I nil klitil«
pri■ if litiiMin-: iMut< lirt
'ii-fS ;itnl ct-tmi-l- r .>iir sl-'i-k
Ih-fi.rt- luijiti;;.
ftinii»li.--l 1 liir
I’rio-s. Dfj Sli*k. rrmtija
Lk Hvi-r)',
I’iio-ii iCili
hi-ii ::


We’H send a man to take the mca^trroi^iitsl

i Traverse City Mfg. Co.


in Cobacco
Style* chati;;(.- ill '.ob.iceti. ri:i.ii!-,
of a certain kin-i .in-l take up >fMiicthiu_; lu vv.
suit is we l.iul a ft;w otlt!* .-in l eii'l' "ti
lit order to uet ritl of them we tvi'l •-.tvriii,-- ■
*2 rcgidar -’k:
' 1*'-'.' Simih -:ig fur
2regii!ar-’'t paika;;<-> <»t>bbl*r Smtikini: f.-r -J regular -tc packagr* I'obtr Bf-ir S'lmkiii;; fm .
1 regular 10c cui> Let Go chewin-g for.................
regular lOc cuts Claw Haimr.i-T thewin-g f'>r. .
Come early before th'-y arc all sfM i-ir.


; Stock doors delivered same day as ordered. Odd
duors and srinduiv screciih ju .three days.

c$n. ROirr


tad CASS su.


yine ami Uarvetliog
RU|)piy j-tiiir w.inU in h-tyi
■ li«ls. Wi-li.ivr It si-yliji-Ml kI.--if t
Wi, havi- a Rooil stiatli
alit--'l ill i-t<-ry «ity. f->r $1
Kiiki-s from 10- up.
Wi- also liavo ««ylbe
for till-i-r.t'Hi-s. liimlff twine t-lr
b.iK-s. Ibijr forks
Wii«-ti t-.ii t-mn t'. I’uri'- <ir-*-ii vnur |KitaloeS yon <

Up- UtH-hral- ''
.....I-litv an-l’iiiont y l>y
r.iji.-r with the ' Knot
Kno. Kl<*g'
.Multi (-'jiiipn-ss.'I .\ir Spr.iji-r
I'll- l>jr4t.'Aux mixture with
It s. Ils for l-'i.'J'i.
tins «tpr.

I I'oBl-ilL-e liuil'li!,-'

Have yon ever trie ! the

Royal TIk^v

■'»«* CofVooo

Jiopdl tiger

CM«rJ Ctn
t«i Silmtt

Tney are the bert. SoW raJy by


■ 4,8



Hon. A.B. Darragh

of Traverse City, Sorthpori,
bospliuble people, enterprising,
Suttons Bay and Omens and daring
VM Ikantej^ Bwar«.
bis remarks very adroiUy suggeried cordial and friendly and those of TravOnlr m tvm yew e*o the tlrdr dty
possessed young orae City who did not uke advaatage
not OD the map *o ter regard she U well snppltod and has
ter u • jMfftlcular knovledse et the a most prosperous future before ber. women of exceptional falrneti who of ihU excursion missed one of the CaiWiUate fer Reoominat.^ lev Con
with adequate water power might Interest some of tbe gallant most pleasant "things mat they could
grass in ElevwvUt Oiatriet.
pte^ wu oOBcenied. to the people «K
(here are greai poeidblllties for In- young men from Traverse City. H<* possibly experience. Traverae aty
Tnrene Clircreare of ber manufarturtne establish­ also suggested that a view of the owes Manlstlque a debt, which win
•vor, there hi •
eOMopUaB of Manlettene. her bo«lne« ments.
You have the satisfaction of know-inii: that your CAR*
fered splendid opponunlilvs for the use the opjiortunily.
'MB ud her ittfts of prx*i«e and
The Sanquet.
RIAGE or HARNESS is eAxotbing that is consider­
vbotaaome enterprise. About 200 peo­
The banquet which was serred to young men of Msnlrtlque. Fitbc
When tbe boat left Manlstlque a: 12
ple from Traverse CU7, Noribpori. the guests was scheduled at tbe the- Corcoran's speech was one te bapp
At thf eanivst Wbliatlon u( a large
ed GOOD. Quality and service are never overlooked,
iiniU-r of r'-pie-s-Btallve ciiii--n'
f and Snitons Bsj took advan- star at 6:30 o'clock and It la to the thoughts and eloquently lenJered and last night the l-oard of tiade commii
tee Mt off a large quantify ol Brv
but we like to have our
ttepe oC the excanilon 00 the T. C. L. * credit at l.he managemeat of the af­
frun every eimutv in the t:ii-\rmh
iphasired. One of the more prac­ works, which w«Te watched from the C.Kicresstons! dis'rlci, Cnnaressnuin
hL. and ManUrtJqoe ear ferry yester­ fair that the guests were 00 time and
day. They returned today with noth- the toastmaster rnlled the me<-tlng to tical subjects discussed was Trarto shore by tbe people there to se*.- the
Darragh bas consen-<vl to b., Traverse-City people off The boat
teg but the most enthusiastic espres- order pronpily at tbe bojir set. To and Transponailnn" by M
a cauoidsie for r'-nomlnB'lon
«i~- of the pleasure enjoyed at the tboae familiar with the dlfBrnltles of decs, general manager of the H:>nuah rived at Sertbpon nt 6 o clock thi« The |s»j|ile of this district «re liegiiibands or the hospitable people of the preparing a feast of this kind, this A 1-sy Metrantlle company. Mr. 8an mr.rninp. a large nimib--r taking hrtAlc- niugio lealu-e BS ne'er Ix-lore il.v i.r
Uic Northpen Beach hotel,
just as tine as can be had for the money. Won't you
.«tty acms the atnita. The trip
is In Itself somcifalng to be commend- decs gave some valuable ihongbis
l«iruue<' of eonlih'ting a eonsv'-ssmati
•a Ideal one aad the weather In keep­
Tbe hall was brilUantly illuml- upon the importance or profcs-»ivo Captain Robensoo'a Korlfaent hotel Id offin- more than one or two lermr.
being filled to Its rapacliy. Jun
naied with colored Incandescents. trade relattons betw-een Traverse City
ing with the spirit of the
Hi- influeii.-. on l.-.•is^attoB aud b:..
(oie lamlUig this roorclng Captain
strung from the chandelier Ir
efflcbuicy iniT>o»s- will, l.-iicih ol iut
Tbmt was aome eoahislon In the as- ter to tbe side, Interwoven with them h«- spoke of trade and transportaUon RoK-rlson ea'’=i-d a fin- drill to t>c U<v, Tbe exc-H'-n^ lo ru.-.- which Mr
t of berths last erealag. but iMing .svreafcera of red white and In a general wav Mr. Sanders' a-ldr-ss given wliho:it notice on ibe car ferry liarragh b»s n-n-lereil bi-- r'distliuei.:.
throogfa the efforts of Captain Roberi blue bunting Sihlle the walls of the was one of nuMSlcal Ideas and h< The men .vrieil pp>mptly. and in an In has rreai—: a g-ni-rr.l <!--mand I'lr himade valusbl/Siggesli.ins for the Iwliseveral stresni-" ol water wen
aoo of the ear ferry tbe difaculiles
1 ini-iion whi.- aan-her ciowd It nominatltti.
were aarDOuated so ter as was poast- American flags andvpetrlotlc pirtur.y. eflt of both cities.
Mi. I-att.-Bli IS a firm te-’i- «er in ib.
lowered the life l-ortr. snowing h"
Manufactories on firm Basis. .
hie' to do SO- The ladies were all Covers were lahl for telly 300, and ih.i.'.ea iht' ;r.t i-.-.n.l- .-U-.-iid niie. It
rapidly and effertfv,iy this could I
taken care o(. bat aome of tbe
laJdes presented a hrilUant aspect, j—Om- Inducirtes and Our Needs,"
'» Jit bis '•e-rav-'l:-!. Ilial the rwere compelled to use cois which being decorated with cut flowers sad wc' the subjeci of a yen' fine ad<lr«u»s ( in caw of emi-rgcary.
iblican craicrt-s.slonal eo-j.-itilte.- ti»iwere provided. The conlnslon was marguerites iq. large vases. The ban­ by Benjamin Gero of the
- nt-ci's.sary oetiim to*.ar.l serurin-.
SUte News.
ffvtag to a misi
quet was served by the ladles,of the Uxht and Power compan.v. Mr. Gcro, * Miss Jennl'- Post «if Memimln'-e is
the pd^ nod the-captain as in tbe chnrches of Uanlstlque. and 1t U not diiring Us remarks, nmiinvd 'tbe ail- 0 lu- marrii'd to Chsrl'-. ibirki.. a priisaunattons from Traverse City,
saying ioo«iucb tbit while Traverse aniages of Manl-uiqn- a< a.manufac v.vli- In llie-rnUe<i S'n'i-s army «:ibdag onderstood that Traverae City City has bad the plettsure of pn>iiar- luring center and il.-scrilx-d what was iuni-il at Fort L avi-nworib. Kan. Tbe
waa to have at least ei^ty aleepimc •lug a great many very extensive ban needed ter further d.-vebipmenl. Mr wodl.iiig will lx- rath'-T a nimantic ntplaced. Before Traverse City people qiipts, the people of Ibis city never at-' ____ presented slatiflicf. of the maui» indlber paiw had ev. r .-<s-n lliMMfred the boat, however, there had tended one which was Is iu-r hanilled ufaciuring establl»hment.« of Manl* «5’iii-r. alihoiigb ihi-y had exikanx'-i
baaa a number of beriha reaerved by
which the service was more ef- lique Id which it was shown that n.-;ir photoarapl..- nnd bad coiresimacli-d i'-:
favor us with a call? More si;l up finished VEHICLES
others, which limited the number at flclent and prompt than that dispUyed
|•Tn<■ lime. Parks wur ordered to the
to show you than any other retail store in thtt State—
tbe dlapoaal of tbe people from here. in Manlstlque. Tbe ladles did them wages to the working people of Manis PlilUlipliK-s shotlly «f:. r they Ix-canie
_ail styles, all cradbs, all prices.
Tbia InsUnce did not mar the spirits selves proud, and -the young ladles tique In tbe mnuufnctiirlng plants Il<gave detailed figures that were sur­ S'-c|unlni>-<i and has Jusi n-iuined t‘
Bf tbe crowd nor lateitere with Uielr 4ho waited upon the guests did
his old station at Fort Leaveiiwor h
plenanre In Manlstlque. On board the with cbaracleristic cotirtesy and cheer- prising not only to tbe people of Trav- As he had Ixn-n Injim-d While In the
‘ boat. Pyofeaaor Horsfa orchestra and fiilDcsa. The Bimospbere of the Imlld- eiW City but to some of tb<- Munisislands.'end must suliml* to an operv
the Ti •raq City q
Ing waa <me of good cheer, and be­ ilqiie |K-op1e as w-. n His address . m- i^n. be decided to send for h|s
. A great many took tween the Manlstlque people and their phaslxed the fact that wllh the firm

lanehea but a moat esecllent
Tteverse City friends wi.s made the teundatloD upon which t1i<- business
The GrlmSstiine Cllv live gives thi'
Interests of M.inistique are alr»
aurved on board, altbough owing to
pirassnt relationship and one
.-u-coiini of B • Idiiw. "Tlie wiml l.i- *
Headquarters for ih«t O. K. Line of McCormick Har
l.idli and with the charaeierisllc
the teiga crowd and the limited ca- that is sure to bo )gsilRg.
slichilj 01. Tm-s‘lay, I'lalri.- nvi-ie.-le
vesting Machinery. Carriages, Wagons, Imple­
pndfr of the dining room, tbe service
Musical Program.
he business men*of ttiat city, its fu- *-lilch firlmn:i!ly ran '-ssi and wc>'
was DM as prompt as it would have
The Manlstlque liand rendered a se­ ure grow-ib and greatness are as- was thrown around and now- nm)
ments; Harness made to order: Repair­
been U the dining room bad been lection at the Ireglnnlng of the feast
e a ^deasant tslker north ;md s<iutli. It wns eatBy ls:n; il
ing promptly done.
terser. .This, however, was anild- tellowitl hy several selections by Prof.
several plac-s. due to roniapl «i'<
paled and little U any dleappolniment Horst's orchestra. The orchestra re­
makes him a very iuli-resiing s|x-aker te'-o- iH'Sts. nnil aiw>-it Hire.- roji: v.<-:->
vaa experienced.
i:h> Stale Street.
Tmviw Cily. Midi.
Citi, PliDoe
ceived enthusiastic applause and was upon an oeca&iun of this liintl.
blown to Lake Mil. It wasjsiak-'
teat With Tup.
forced to several encores. Interspersed
One of tbe n-freshlng Mis of humor ■Iowa hy Jiid.K<- Cuniiiff and now- .it, U was a mort delightful trip yostcr- between the- toasts were ...........
several se- of Ibe program was eontln'ied by YV duty as the main sm>*-i."
day attenoon aeroee the lake
"jeicilons of a musical ch.irarter. among
Wm. F'llsk'-y of Ann Arbor w-: ■ h.- I-:!, \--mh ills'riei by dlr«*ci
vten about three mlica from Muis thorn being u vteUn solo by Prof. K. E, CamplK-Il. iHlIior of the lA-a'Ier n
n.nxl 3r..i:. by J-.sric.- I>o:v :or tldln
i|i.» a- It. 2'l his olliclal lie's h‘- ha: ,
ttqne the log boat OlBord steamed\^ ^ Horst, which oncorod several NorthiHiTt. Mr. Campl-ell talkoil upon
"Norihimn anil Her Futnr<- Great JI.S Kh. on Hie slrlew.iTV.s. but he wa l:.!x>i.-a M.U'ly In l!:-_ Intel.of thi
with a oatete of whiailes, having
limes. The Traverse City quartet,
.He ai.ned that Nonhpnct was nnl requi|t-d to go down In Ms ow: No ram>.'es.v-jnan lit Mich.gan
Board Htyor N. 'W. Pt«, ihe head of eonslsllng of C. A. Skeleber. Henry
iMM-k-'is lor 111- money "Y'lU owv tt,'
has h.s-n a icon- faiihful guanlian '
tbe reception committee of Manls- King. l>r. J. A Snycer and C. F. the hub aroiind which Tr-iva trill'- of f!1," lie toll! the jiinieIn n—!•|.d»M|.hl» I m»-b->vxur». !.
He 'r 'n'etvsls
llqme. The mayor boarded the car Hunter also eontrlbiiled to the enter- and Manlstlque revolved iind that that
«>r- m.:: I liaVr r.intri'.-l.-t
delightful resort village was in<lUp<-n' —jnst take .ibr- ............ . 'if ihs' and
Th'-se an.- sonis of Mr. Uarrach'*
ferry and immediately eought
Utnmeni and wen- n-peaiedly encored, sable to botb. Ho spoke of I.H.* gr»>al give me Ihe ohang<-.'' Tiie Jitstlee ha,
Id--1,1. still Um •■lli.-r lull I l-r all I),. l-jwi-v vra.i.
px-w iUi SOT of III.-r-. in Ilu- Vi.ll.'-I •‘tol— T a 1 «•" -nr” *f 2“
heard of trade exeentlre
was rendered by An- posslbilllics as a resort of the future forgotten alt alKHit tli<- debt. I.nt il I
«M l<--..unr-ev«-ry
atlag of Prank Hamilton, Georgv drew N’tack which was also greftly
la-DHin.-y aS.wduityunwiU try
vour R a-k- fnao nrar ub. W.viI has
an<l tbe many advantages offered in ; saiil that he paid up like a man
W. Lardle. WUIUm Loudon. H. A.
desire terhiH ivnuminitirm:
ed. One of the I>est muafcal that ple.'iMnt village. -His t.vik
•uirf-t I- r-tu.- Biiil i-»r-r>l-irty o-rtn-t-l»-b»ii|ir kTl-r cHtlnc thiirprv*
Fu-d Sbowi'nr.:in ol S'-w- York oily
His im>wi-rTiiie d-votluu in hi!- con
r Moaateman, M. TFIanle. President Hatt- numbers on the how<>
atul.u.ii t ,-ra-l
1. .'b.-ll'c.-f.KI »n- Jdj. r, nlxl tb- (...ol t--wbU J Ul
piinciuB'ed by. lilts of wit an.1 humor
* tings and Socreuty Hannen. Tbe
.‘tit-4«'iiis, Alw'uv-* adv««-:.nlnu •h-lbeautiful solo by Miss Undgron
Arls,.-. u-.ut DsMiiv 'vixi AI I'.ii’i :>
eommlttee srns informed that tbe peo­ of Manlstlque. one of the talented rhlehioiind r<>ad.' appr'-eiaiion In ih<'
-n sis l>v voir,- und by
>11vi-r InKi- ih<- 'sht-i day an*i p---'
730-732 E. Front S1r«et
K-.ih l7.«-n.*-Ju.' rail be llx nan*
ple of Maniatlque were upon tbe dock young musicians of that elly who Is
l!i>- iM'slI'.iin weil un on <b> ■■'iinmit
ill.’,. niad<‘ on- ut 'be iimsi '-xiiensivCemplimeoted
waiting to give their visitors a cordial great favor in social and musical r
- ..f ■■Ih.-iofflr-.s .m-l i'.vl Hi'Bds.-.
rateh'-s of the f.-aiain. They- eBiisbt i>n•The
reeepUoa. A view along the water clc*. Miss IJnOgrea has a splendid
one (if't-.- mosi ltn|H»r*ant e.-iTf.t-it'l-oiir little siiti li.-dx that pmhBid
frtmt prured the truth of Mayor Pox'a soprano voice and her singing was City and Manlstlque," was the subject
bating iq rhurce »l.‘- '•noriii'i:.-' ai>of the loakt resnonilc.l to by ex-Sla’e :«ighed eight oiin—-s nnd th*- loili.v.
BtateuMUt. Tbe ahorea srere lined with loudly ap^uded and enenred.
j.rt.i.H.n'..ii of »l:'>. His ;,.:slSenator J. W. Mllliken. Mr. Millik'-n ig is It e<»si tia'ni to mak-- the
' Men. women mad chUdren In holiday
tion <in Tlu- ■•:)inniii"s aii-l "idt- aiTbe banquet was preslde.1 o'
apture; Railrtiad t.-ire. S":-;, luilinows.
eompUattire. The bnalneat men andSflty
■I'laiu'amv have enj.lilisl bin. iiJ Bi-\ B. Thomas, who served as
lunch and
menied the people of Manlstlque of tl.r,(i; .-inmciut lait.
UcUis wore reception commlttee
ciiuTtiliih tor bis .Si.-'.rli-t In -.-eitilng
aster. Mr. Thomas presided wiib Ihe great sueeoss ef ihelr receptlim «f minnow w-au-r, r.r-c: tsai hire. $]
badges. also tbe prondnent ladles of
-xt-n.-ii.ii of til- rura! f;.-e d-liv. ry
the grace and dignity which Is eharac- the people of Travi-r;-.e City an.l as total. Iii'i". Allowing iliat th«-'
the tosra who aailxted the gentlemen;
"I.3I has- n a.-.-utTiplIsh'-d by bu'
tertatic of Ihe gentletaen of Mauls- 8-irod ihem-that the |>eopU- of Trav.
la the entertabuBent. When the boat
t--" other congfi-«-ir!* u in the fnitis
ilquc and interspersed with the re­ <tse City appivciaUH! their '-fforis' he w-oiilii Ih' wio-tli at tb<- rote
reached the dock, the Traverae Chy
^ra:. s r.»:r >-ars ago wb.-ii Mr liar
sponses and toasts were many little the Splendid evidences of good fel­
.20 |H-r iiound.
cOctelB etmaUting of Aldenncn Lar
•ULti too'.; offln- thin- -ser.- bii. nln.
wHtlcisms and klndl;- remarks b.v the lowship that were shown nponj'very
die. Winale, Mooa. Palmer aad .Gllleiu
lura: roii-.-s in :he dl-iiiii, N"v
lallier. After tbe good things hand. Ho emphasiw-d the importanc'
Supervisor Carver and Sheriff Jobo:ii.-re nr.- lu'* an.l .-vit.v e'mPiy ilianpon -the tables vrere disposed of of the establishment of close iran^Boa, County Treasurer srawn and W.
ecTiies i»i(!.iti the law- has, complib
President Hastings or the Traverse I-ortalion farilities iK-twei-o the iw-r.
0.-Ptole. member at the board of edn,-iuiiiiy di !iv<-ry.
City board of trade caused^ to be pte- rlli'-s and predirinl Ihiil ibis Imtogether with the board
H- lias :-< ciir'sl bi.-gi aiit..i.|iriaiinn
senlod to every lady in tl
pro'emeni woul.l ri--iill in gre.vt bi'n<‘- IT IS MTIUFS tl>B«l«6 Tt WOSH
trade oMclala. were Introduced to the
f'd- tl.e i.t;l‘niVem'-IiT of 1:1-11.1 voir
sonvenlr box of choice^ candles from ffls lo liolh cltii-s loth in a s.wlal and
receptkm committee* on the pier, the
the teelory of Stranb Broibers t Aml- bnsln.-ss wcy. and a.ssu'red the Man;.-.aMMber of whk* wwllncd up preH- l-'S s..-.,r.-d illwriil a|i|iro[iria
Wc hive moved our slock which was in
.uc. Traverse City. The address of Ilqtie p.-ople that Traverse rily w-o-.ibi
pared to extend a most cordial gree'
FfiUui-. V.g.Ublc C.BP0.X.
'ion- for Il:e- llidi::n su-i.'-»d to Ml
.eleome was delivered hy the Hon. do her share In mblniainlng the pU-asteg to Traverse dty.
the brick buiding, i:{5 State street, to the
N. W. Fox. mayor of Manlstlque.
ani n-latloasbip aireody iM-giin.
as though tnt l«ck veonld I"- a,-a:.t.
Drwwe About CHy.
!• was do- to h.s -•'ir. ssitig UlvW'.BM-n ntu-r thi-M.- w-onl»
F.ix voiced the H-niimenis of the peo­
Invited to Traverse City.
After as pgsaible the Traverae City
lin. but "inlinne to
Moore building, rjy-i:W State street. On
~-(-ure :
ple of Miuiistlqne which were alread)
J, W. Hannen, secreiary »>f the over and over agairerwiU. Bchestn the 1! fitii'ji-.idi; buiidint
MCpie and bnalaeaa men were Introdrag along and suff.
to the committee aad tbe whole pisinlv apparent. He welcomed the hoard of trade, exiendi-d a eonlia] In- small of Uie lack. puio low
account of lack of room for many of our .
pevylc of Traverse City with the vtU-iliou to the p<-<ipb of Manislique.
'pKty Immediately went to the busl(.till .V (vibb- b'lilt fj'-iii .-t: Jam*-,- If
greatevi cordiality and predicted that Includlug their tiiy officialf and liifibulky goods, wc arc offering Buggies,
Ms aeetlon of the city and the hotels
T\ at a e.-- .tf F
this gathering would Inaugurate tl-*’
n nod ladle.j and children te
la the meaaUme Manlstiqne-^plendld
.-f t-o l!.f .-;.i --.Idor
of fric-ndrfalp and goo<l fellowship l.eTraverse City and iMscomi- ac
Wagons. H.irrows, Land Rfdlrrs, Plows,
cornet band In attractive white nnllw--.. Ihe two cities whirh would .1.' quainted w-iih our ix-opi.-. He assurml
■tertaa fnrniohed some moat excellent
lasting and beneficial. Cr. Fox's a.I Them of the most bnspliable wvlcoimetc., at a big discount. These gooods are
mnale. The Manlstlqne Udles Immedi­
dp-ss was a wholesome welcome by a nud eor<ll:>l enierininment
ately took charge of tbe ladies from
conrt.<<uui gentleman In bebaU of p.v. sentimi-nt deroonstraii-«i was ffiaT
moving rapidly at these cut prices. Come
TAiverae City and eaeorted them
enlen'rislng people,
Mouis'lque would *»-l7e the opportbe Offmmakee hotel where they w.
while the stock is complete. Remember
were made In a happy vein which was tnnl'y to fetiirn the visit of the Travcordially entertained. Tbe gentlemen
City people. T.*nre Is no qm-swere taken la charge by Mayor FOx followed ibTOitghoiit the evening. Tbv
our Johnson Mowers and Binders are
itsponse to the address of welcome tlcn whatever hut 'hat they f.di that
mad the dty ofSdals and buslaeas men
was- made hy ex-Mayor Frank Humll- Travers'- City- would '• 10 th<-u;
aad earriagea were placed Is commis"standard” and at less price than the trust
ter of Traverse City. Hr. Hamiliob the most cordial reception that is with­
- oten ter drives about the city- Visils
emphasixed the importance of a closer in III'- ]>ower of the hospitable Travwere made to the water works, electric
sells them.
light pteat. mlitt. lime plant, chemical relationship between the. two ct.les •.«e City Tvtq>'e to ex'^rcUe.
now united by a railroad and car ferry
The last numlwr on the program
works aad Iron fenndryt these being
the prta'elpal points of interest, ai- and showed Iho value of the inter­ as the respons«.
there were many others which change of Ideas and the iK-neflis Is»die«." hy Ur. Svtier. Ur. Saill.’rl.
gained by the study of the conditions marie a most oyeellent .uddress, oil'- »if.
the lack of time prevented the visitors
with and humor,
Thev do not rraiire that the hr-V Ufrom vlalllng. Tbe Traverse City of- by the people In the other,
Reaplutien Adeoted. .
! »•>'■ miinspr-ng of vvo^.rs orgau.Mn.
were partlcnlarly Interested In tonched upon the
the dwirte light plant which iv on.of moat excellent equipment which the eity upon tbe enterprise displayed in tion eumpHtni-niinc the IH-OM'.e of Man-iki.larv*. and that the acM-s and
r—, l*ics wiil conunoi: until the cause U
people of Manlstlque point to win. ihem and by ihc bitriness men gener­ is'lqne upon the <-ordiall'y ef
cep,ion ext'-nded to -ben:, the I'U-tne.s^
j, Pinkhnm s Vei^-table C.vmgrmt pride. Their water power was
mun and cfflrial and par(ie ila.l> t
Toasts of Evnning.
■ nonce of Interaat to the bnslness mt
:n.'.: one and on..
President HaMlngs of the board of
tram the lower pentasaU also. The
J.‘ sin-vdily rares f.-maic ami
tie department was also visited and trade respondedjo tbe t<«t. 'Xjl'jecls. cxiTted in lN*hatf "f their visiters, also
,1. -»r..
this offered air Intert^ng exhibit to I’lBuence amt Purpose of'the Board of
*ofl«vl wltn fm^k- w«obW* fra
Traverae City orBctels. The Are teams trade." Mr. Hastings desrtibed tbe Conmbs. and Captain rjcln-rson of thr,
Ogives ro?.y checks and active health to p.ile, sickly children?®
u.t«^ i«m ra.-b
were exhibited and their worit showed (floris made by the TTavcrwe City
is pKid for. thi:ir elders, bxj.
larak. aa^l'foh
; careful training whUe tbe deparimeet board of trade In seenring new indus- Vico TvadiTeJ ter tho |xcan-lon.
TbP bangari rln-od ov tho singing of orarthatldklDntanrt
*" atlood t-'
A^k voiir drugc'ist for iL
V Itaelt displayed the greatest care and trii-v and along other lines, and bis
adotvss gave opportnnity for reflec:
>.5 -h.
au ....r' eMdeacy. The streets which
; ot.
I wouU have sk»ffiia> njcfau. l*d dMRt' uxl
mately fomwi upoa aa almost con- on the part of the people of &
DM TbrittMlve* ProuO.
ttenout bed of limestone have been who are tbemseive* aoeking the dovelTboro I Pine an b«w!» or more to --w, c-ocwuluriani'MfainiJvphvo'SaB.wbo
ncenUy tnraed np for water mates «• "'out of their city by organlii.-d eland sewers so that they were not In a fort. One of tbe nmsi eloqueu’ and Sparc before the time of leaving,
-aiaiQlDC ......................
t<aai that I coukl kbep smt rat
good shape for inspection, but to men timely toast* of tbe evening was the fvmmiufcr d'jiot'-d
ther vO- better than 1 had dooa for m-xiUM W rtlun
«f experience la street work, -grent response to the toast. "Our Gm-sts." um. .1 ib. ;r Ul.n...I -O I -nh., «.
fp»o l»ck*ct» <w I>ajn *-Ui» Maud*
as tho lime- by the Rev. Fr. Oorcoran. Tbe Rev, UTI*lna*«U of their giK-sts. H can
excepliooM<jnaM^^dWAMj^aplendid Gorooran naM brilllaai tribute to tb<
TiaiUng tadtes. and to the sallaat genI the Rceiile of Maals-,**
teteottel <or asMiteu stieeta.









Whai is ^ackache?


Jaync’,s Xonic 'Wnnifude

To Core a Cold in One Day




im«n MotM.
)oal •botii Ihli tlM o( tlie r««r
e^mt iI PEl
fEln to
o( Retlliui

The Cause ot Many
Sudden Deaths.

t* to replace In a hirgr tneanirr th?
present consular comi.

fingers In the ehoira of ihc granlt*

J'-idge Wit-! state.

Bey it from St. U>uis.


Cornelius Vanderbilt, in the name o£



In the choir rt


h.- 'ts.

Die Cnnsrega

Donal rhtueb at O^ebrook. begianlnR

------------bis father, and Alfre.1 G., in the name' wlien bnt a Iwy of Id, with
liecs' .. .
his iDotbec, made appllcatbio for.hardly formod.
bnt alrcmlv giving
Man V Midden t
" insrf memberahlp In iht Rbtxli- Island So| pioniiso of the deep baritone whic.’i
by it—bean <Ut- dety of the Cincinnati as the tepre-; ha> resoundod ihroagb the chunh for
tentative of the
Vanderhlli family.' aWoft every Sunday diirinR I'l" many

At Blivbwoad ikcre bu not ben no
aiaeb btrildlnc tlUs renr as uanl.
dnlre CnrtJi and Bert HaTiland'i cottm»e beJn« ike oi«j' new one. Tbej- win
sne tbU ne • dlDliv raom end bare
enctna le«U vhlcb tber will uae for
Heefrinx porpoaca.

The ’isx-iely

decided ^Diat

Cermdliis y.-ais lit- has les-n eonn.T v ! ».ih it-

Scott'S Emulsion
summer as in

as eleeied with BOeen others.


Princess VlclorU. the kiU.r's ..iili

Sir William Howard Rns»-;i. u -i.-r, daughter. 1* mw a well-grown up siri

his elglily-wvenib

Interest in inllitar;- tactics-

Do- rstnlialgn eh*-0

lie be'ame iiunly

aml siniptv the wsi rorres|s»nin-iii ' .
the <-iitl .if biv ni-Iive csiic-.-.,
tilr Wyke lUyUss. the

gave to hin piildisliei' only a w>v4. lx
lot.- his dentil Die MS. i,r o volume oi ,





fi-w years even nKire than It hns In tbe
(if Cincinnati


IhroiiRh Ihe Hljs^nday on her way to
Norihjton Point.' Miss Ilanh of Diia
here and

will also

s|>ond some lime at the point.
John C. IhtviK and Miss Nellie A.
Davis of riDCinaaii arc slopping at the
Clovers. Omena.
■.•'cnian retarne.1 to

Pi. Wayne, Itul.. after

IlHR a few weeks at l-^eland.


■ccumpanled tiy Miss A. H. Habcrkcl.

QiHH'n Mnrgherlia








before going In Venice to tnke the

That means anxious hours for

tbe poUre.

When Ihe qmH'ti starte.:

tbelr way lo Nortbpori Scarb.
Hr. anti Mra. Bamud WolfsielD of
Cincinnati. O. are npendlnx a few
weeks nt tbe Clovers. Otnena.
Mias ttncbel Bond nnd Mlat Mae
Laada. boU of Chleaco. are apeadlng
tbe summer at Noribport Beach hotel.
1 Mrs. H. Cnshman, Helen
a. Clef I
r. all I.X-1J

off last year In her great Inuring <ar

Mr. and Mrs. Perry Darker and son.
Bari Sorriek. and Mrs. T. J. Barker.
•R of Grand Rapids, spent last nlthi
at the ParkRIace, leavtcg thla mornIbr fer Omenn and Nortbpori.

Pope Plita X probably reerlres more

with mUhaps of all sons ami

She was aloned by Ihe

silly populace in one vdflage and the
ended hy a real



»a>ca man of c-msid.-iaM.- luiiunr an-*!
siii.iio-i<-d Dint Ills I'lM.k will Ik- foil I


one thilic.



All a«t':aiiitatn-<-. by ili- j


s«:in-t. j



these experiences failed lo scare her

theyfrieiidc of

■prjnce F<-rdinaiiil of llitlRarla


bis kmiwb'dRC ifl Die sek'nc- of bint*
is e.uinle.n>> very-Tew In KiiroiHilev.iles a gooil .leal of llmi- lo Du uml Is a iiii-iiiticr of the Oniillicc
lugl.-al -Soclely of Vienna.
Tlir emperor of A'lsiria



tiolliiiig Kilt |itoiid
fleah. J su!I.-nvl nil.
first royally to bnvd^ itew-si>ap<-r sjn-l^d t'cotiies for four veura. uiid Iriivl
eially cuailenfied eii.l written out f«r
duf.-n-id I'FiV'I'-iaiis and ull kiiid-of oinl his priviite rea'llng.- Tins wu:.
iis-Ml«. Iniuld w :dk Hilly-wit benil ( III-..
It ia .-Jxlecn iiioiiilLa ago since 1 licguii
fcome thirl}' year> ago. .Nisliiiiu wiib li
liMig I’liiirura Suip and Oinlniclit t»r
ennn-rns him. wh'Hier |> ot ih.'
iiiy liitil. nnd bs.i.
The fir»i l«.’
-vexse. Is oniltir-d.
tn'Mlha the Cutii ura RcmcUi-- did not
aivi.i to work, but I kn>t on u-iuR t Is-ru
The -en of the late Marshal Ilazaiiie
biiDi. InlwoiMa-k.aiiflor«urd'I vn-. a
of Fratiee Is an officer in the Siunis’i
dung.- in my liiiili. Tls-n 1 Ugun n-;:i«
army. He will soon publish ti Ikio!.
Cntii-iiru S.i:i|i and tliiiitneiit Attn- .i-iiing iti&duv and kc|>l it up lor -a-wui
Inund(-d to vlmllcaie hi-= father's nu-ii:
inontb'. wfH-n niv lindi «:■> lnvde.1 up
ory mill show- that Maiidial lla.-uiiie
juM tli.- saim- :i> if I lia.l Iroidile.
old not act as u trailiu' and i->
•'It «a eiRlit irioiillu- li-ic -iniv- A
In surrendeiins kleig i.i the G.-riiui.!-atoppe.! u-iiiig fiiti-t-ia R.-iucIh--, tlsbi-sl CcaJ'-s (-aDh.
! an- B.-ii.iiu:
In IK711.
•at the prcai-nt .hiv, after li'c v.-an
In old Trinity cliiiirb. New Y-<;k,
of -i-l'.-ting, .'n:,-' os.t of r,.-i,„i.
t iinlincnl ' and .S.;ip M;i. ■’•dv M,;
Ilish.ip Givi-r advaiu-.-il six d.-uciin •-1"
bill sIm- .ba-tors’ l.ilN «i-ie nion- lik.the R|dscii|>al prii-sihiMHi. anioni: ih.-i.i
9fin0. You can puldi'li my nans- im.l
iM-inR Kiiliis.W. Frost, ror UiHliy .v<-ais
ref. r any one to write In me
ntBiniRcr of the linniiwar' he­
CiiI.ritni Ib-nsHls-i. 1 will iin-mr r ull
ld. Th.‘ Instaneo is said to lu- iiiii<|iio I letter:^ if piwliigc Ucix'liscl. Jo!i:i M.
t Uovd.Tins. .An-h Avc.,Alliance,t-Him,
In Ihe Kpianipal church. So far as ir
June 27. lOOi.”
k-nown there is no .iDicr hotel ke.-p.T '
-----------. 1:0..1.1 .as ta.-a.l -Tr-Wiaaa.
•a.. I-|...|.;.. I- ■w-a..,; Ihi,"
cli t-gyinan in D-e 1'nlHd Stai.-s.

majesty, who took them all good na-

O.'onit- A. Gleasiiii <if ri>1ebf>-'iU. N.

turodty.' But her motoring keeps dt*- H-. is pr.ibal.1} the of all living
leellvea well employed.


Til-U.CM. l:kx..-l h-~l m.x-r*.-

ruler In the world,


property still stands the old mission
biilll alxiiii I.S7.
nilllp Sousa, the eondiirlor.
Uon publlqiir- of France.

tin* — -'.




itvT ct



III nil tin- let st .i.xt-«-is




w.'tks''"^;!2l IbiT «tr«vtl
< tii.'-nV plioiK- Nil. Ijlio.






: n .1.0..I h-sro.r.i-

fU'iin '

•'Sjf:— _

1. J* f-iTih.-r ncl-i-l t;i»T I u'tu- tioiuw
1h-rru( l-r iv:‘i r.o..., .4 «
t.i'tli'-- *ti >- - -IC.. *><-k* n-*-. I- n.
. -vas'l Ua'v'.i
Uay .4 h-sr.i.,;. m tli-i.twl Trxwj^--■
H-ral>. a ni'

A. w. Rl KHRD. Traversed!)

ll'A'nitK- Sl*l--f
W-..III. Jiuls-i*l ('ll

Bao.l'W-i- 1-1—.................. ...........................................
!.»unl-a t-.-m.n...
- v-. r -.'fcl ...... - I.
i-: o— ,i,.-l r
.......... Ikia ard IV '
Sill in I'ltruii ...tin fer the
-.i i ■ .■, laU—l
•.mo'r ..I lirHisl Tr»*.r-». in .-hiii.--rr. at having fll-'i O' -ws- r-w. I- -i
Trav-CM iViv. lliH.-san. <-i III. !:ub*ta} of ini:»hi.|l,-...t..iat..«ait..c .t M...J --ii--- t-, ................ - l--w«.. irivm Aal
n-d n.h. r».J; ..i
-Hi.-i -..lan:- i-v i|..'oii i„.
ill. i«i;
iiiic 4a, .4
.'4 Ji.n-.-n
,1. ... all.c^l f rr..lil.4. to iMv^t iMr
^KU-'v »l.-.'lK.rv.c,mi.Uinant, ..
t. X or.l.rv.t III.I tx.
•• Ai ti-',
..camu ai-l K.--,a..H In add vuurtfar
-• . ,, and adi-jaim.-nl. and that all
'i*thl-‘.Vuo''iV'M4carin« that th.-, .l-f.-n-l A. It t.ii ..-.I... -1
a>l-l I rol.a-. .-f:i -. t- a. :
Iwol- v:-,lnt.-J . r.-.l.l-.--..f .a-1 .1—a-al ar.
,1 1. n.. a c-i.l.-ct -I lhi--tat-lut r.-*i.l.«i 1-.1-I
- r4t,..,rrIa-”.'«o.oit U. |4wl«ta
F..rt Kri-. ...........
..t . ... via. Ih-r-liu.
It I. Ii.HI- • .,ci—. t;,..- t> I.n.
in ihv «'iiT
Iravnr-- I'uv. in .al4
.......... H.r.1.
U-11—I. —li-u..f I.
thvc-*.1 Im fiiTi-fi l-y I -ji' 1 -^T. V. . f . .4 - .-..itn*., «ki
.. f.o.- ih- ICDi day .4 i1r*otaT.


• -'


i'"r»rn IJun.

Ui-rall. . 11 •*i«n-r i.tuii..l fu-li.'...l »i..i
-imilai. .1 Ili .A1-!---rtn-v at.-l tt.a* *a:<l i.ul-li
.-a-i-n i>- •Hml.iiii-.t ili-r.ui <.ii-.- in .wch

amwimi ot «iiIiMan.-»-to rujkciboii 'iioi
Si CH TKITII kl'Ml lKi; the -.iiiA

ili”‘.,’iS'^ t-’- !.'• il-i-''..lii
.III *a:4 l-K. .-< .l.f.vulai.t al b—I
■U.- lc:.4v U--im." aUoi-<.i.-i.-Ml> t

The ..(wratioiiv that niy tmi. nt-

tlieni aiiii-Mts lo :>-iid th.-ir li icn-i«.

A oi

A It ttac..

Silt. i-M.l.alJta
-.I.n.- 1. ....... . ...r. l o.i n. 1"-.^ -4 J "miyi


Clly-Opora House Bik.

;.. tav.i--•.■ ■4-air..: ......
..rxiI.'.K 1. . I UTI-

Ihal Ihc i»i.I.t.

n„.4.4. .4 Uii. .K.I.i.ninJ Ibol nlihlu
la.i.i. .1*1. COD,lUtaai'i 'anx- tide ovderp.

GRAND RAPIDS & INDIANA R'V,..*S»artaS5?r,.ii.»
^ herald want ad,

has received ibis deeuration.

In the Pantries

S4.. It.-I !• f «-.r.
.fi.ldr.- T.X..

1 Ar »' *•.. 1
a .-I
A- M.. --.v. > i',.
1- 11

laled hy his maj.-sty five years ago


who has Just


of Altoona.


passed his sevenll.-th

Pennsylvania railroad and was
placed upon the pension list.

He <*n-

leml the servin' oc the company in
1K54. at the same ilror that Andrew

of tlic most criiic.vT f.nniilii'-.
club houses, Iioicis an.l

‘Best” Flour


SI.-.Tnfi I.- . n I. .— Ml;
l-w'll-r -.1 1 1- I .1. - .
Tm-n. ,rr-..

•li',: I.

Ileal Estate and Leans

• Mnm* PMday'a Record.

Carnegie and Holierl Pitcairn did. He
BCarp lake resorts are feeling the has ronipletpd llfty-two
years ond
iw tmpetns of the summer business three'months' service, with the un1^ the taoiri at Ftwnlain point now

•orrt of never having missed
B day from ihe pay roll.

httltls first i-I.TLp. Will
you not yivi; if a'r
Ask your groc'-r for a

'Pere Marquette

12r Front St^, Honlasuc BIh..

Traverse City, Mich.

& Lelatkd eoiuges are Amog rapidly

Rudyard KiplinR says'lbat one day
K la no ibrongltoul ibl* nectloa of the when he was rv'visInR some proofs Ills
2nnn eouBltr and It will not be long HiHe daughter Klsic was slifing near
Ipfore tbe reaort

managera will be

Presonily he began to sing "On

<|M*&lalDing tor lack «(

the Road to Mandalay."

Hi's .laugh­

4mmodaie the crowds.

ter looked up In surprise.

Her father

M. Cntcbeon of 'Omena was In
4# dty yenerday and met Mrs. Fred

kept on sinRlng.


the girl

Interrupted Kipling, saying:


^icbeoo of 81. Patti and Mra. George didn't you write that sonef "
■Iter (X Detroit, retornlog to the re- was tbe reply. “Well, it awns to me
Ami this morning via tbe Columbia.
yon should Imow the tone l»elicr.'' she


L Borcrimeher and son L

■ra. ta Taylor and two

Preaton H.

pending the day ml Baasett'a laDnd.
'-Mr. mitd Mrs. II. M. Atkinson of In-

Rohinson, a


cilixen of Plain City. O, at times expcrlenres an unconirollalde di-sIn- to

dlsnapoHa atr- at the Park Place. Uier live the life of a common tramp. lie |
tkey may visit the Omena and Nunh was arresied at Logansport. Ind., a.
port rtuoils.

few days ago for si.>allng a ride on a!

Mrs. Ford B. Cuieheoa of 8i. Paul
ament lau

nigbi at


fivdRht train and

the Park Place, Jail term.



Is now aervlng a|

When taken Into custody,

Omen:;, he had in his posseasbm a prid w aieh. |

where Mte will spend Ih

a dran for SITS

j. T. WUmon- an# wife of Denver. checks.



Robinson, who Is Ml

blank |

Mr. and Mra. John C,atet nod family

Judge Lebbous R

Paris Green
Chat Kills
Tlie killing powt'r ut IWis Ure«i VArio* «cc«,nlif)C to tlie pnporlion of nrei'uic nrliich it A'onlain*. Wc linx'j'a bnunl tlial ia J
of fnll ntaoilGnl ntmogtl* ®t"i *’bi.-li wv gpnnbibv lo U- iljc U;sl
gratlf oa the market CoQie io ami gid our prici-.


OoU ate tbicndlag a abOD lime at the old. owns lyopcny worth more tbaa
Park Place.


Wilfler. attornev

tf CiaHniuiti juased through tbe dty RCneral of the Pbiliiqiino Islands. Iia>
IkU morulHK on Ibelr wsr lo NeOh-la- ls<en apisdnied to Ibe Judgi-ship of Die
mnta. wkare tMy wUk^ad tbe stun- Lnlied SUtes #«« la China, which

$vE. CUait$$ons
Cravtrst eitv's Ctading Drug Sl«r«

Property of All 1(111(15 for Sale
and Exchange'
M. & N. E. r.ME CIRD

Wi: will ,'ft you M;v«:n pt-r c« nr j/'-r .-mmiin for
your money anil give you a-, n-curity gilt edge
Traverse Ciiy i:st.v.<- or «ilt ftlite farms in-''


Grand Travec*e touuty. Mich., where your


money '.vill be .Tl>-oliitirly »afe.

.i Av^kfact
.'adilUc. . .
Ann AHxw

: :.i


j Tiwl-.- 1-c. — lav I u, a*vl Pr>.rcf.u.nt im'r at
iTraa:-- f..—- T.*la.- ■


»dJ iTvcttaail azvlv.

■Kj.. i"i *tiar-?.a»-n..-'l- .0 a aa and < «F

r A tilt'tssuA., u r. A
‘ 4. r JkXKs. Afixa.




how- i.> b-ngtlicn the lit- ol -u- li l.-cth.

He Is the only American who

Mrlhday. has retired from the service

IDs a Dumber of summer Rucsts whili

* l« 'iT'^n'lcr.^.

1 'PtriUTrawr.

ci'ily and •luitkly from l.ick of jirop-r

palms and roteite of the French

W. H. Dewey, Wichita. Kanias: Fred
l^lum. Oak Park. lit.

Pr..'.i»t-' '

In Ih-malUr./l
Ut. ot x>Mx.anf} .v.-.r.—l
..H.rlx. ti.KIlK
nl.4 .1- -w-l -iirt
til. I -iiul.a...ri aHJii-ii.-.-nscil Orf-n.ilm teh-- w-..- *i It..- toix. .K h>.
K.ath th. l-r>l h..r> ..r >nlU
I sv-l.r
o .-n-:il >>i«n- ..I ^IiMimo-.
t aI- i.>.r.|. — uii.i tb.-ia-cn- iiir«t -r a>.i'.
M .-n . '.l--. ui liix h.r-OHI.WI
..ri-> .h a-.ti. h- r.*-. ai-i-int .1
fwrli.-i-i'-i--*-U 1. rn-ih.r ur-lxi..i


This dis­

asitUi. O. D. Smith. Rvansvllfe. Ind.:
Homer A.

I' UbS lT.d K VVnlX.c.aud^' ,.l lin-

fx tW niAU-r id <>.. ■* »!• .d Wlllc
Sl-oiti.ill-r.a M-.u'-r
hsvinff 1.I.-1 in *v.-1 c-ftI
r. IX._c
bi.Or-I s.ihuAl i, . -i.n ... nua-.l-sr uf --o.l
i-n>: .ngl-r Ui.-alh-a
,,l V.-!n.» KHl*.

has been gaxeiifs] •'officer de l insinie-

member ot the Royal Vietorian
Rnaaell Ttaompnoo; Orand RapMs; C. Order of Bnglanit. baving tsTn deeo-

a Schaefer. Cbleai^. Ill :

-ni. I'n.tB
-X.M .-..Ull. In : I nt
.mill.-, in ih-nl< ..t •tr.v.j-™- i'il.,in
cHiui,., ...I Ihlilt; liar ‘-I •l.'lr

house In which John 8<-rgeaiii llve.1.

Mlaa M. Edith Dell. Columbus. O.; J.


At II-a-aali.ii.r-al-l .-I'.Trl! ix-la'at t!
la th.-.'.l> -J irav.<w>'ii'.
.-f.niltr^ .») llix Iwr-lt,.. a .-.-lilt <1bz -1

lN-lu.r ...lAin !»Il-.

ills thirty-flve sec­

retaries have dally some 2MtM> or 52.

tinction gives Mr. Sousa the Rolden

Mrs. 0.


c TATi: I IF MI. ;H lU AS - Th.- I'nS -At.

leliera and newspapers than any other

S. W. M'oodward of

4red Ziegler. Maaler Marcos Ziegler.


J Ibe side of mv
iff ftxiiu tlie iiille
k»ui toIlK- li.vl. and th.-|diy>irivii
wiiiiliadchiirp-.'f iimw:u<irviiqrl.. «•« up
tIs'M.V ol iiiy b-d,
but with no MS'.v—1.
\Mien Ih- fiuin.l » it
lluit wouldn't
Ill- la-gull iry'inr t"
Is-.d Hu- woni'd »ilb
cUkimU.1(01111 iiient,
•s.iiiililal lu.'t lov iiliolo

Kir Wyke .vs be a.'l

very dlsliwpiishetl

owner of the historic old Dsvid Dudley

1. Ziegler. Mni. C. J. Ziegler. Miss Mll-

For Over
Thirty Years


of MuUiir Kik ',

biniM'lf In the last cal.>fT'»r>.

Field cfiUte on Eden hill. Ha.s>isrhii
where they will resort for a
setU. la to creel a One colonial house
-. O. A. Wan] and daughter Carrie of on Ihe site ot the old honm. On ili-

Omena. Mich.. JnD 14.—Arrivals at

Robert E. Walter

Whole Foot Nothing But Proud Hesh
— Tried OifTerent Physicians and
All Kinds of Ointments—Could
Walk Only With Crutches—Ohio
Man Si^s:

kninvbsig.-d tbe liif.-rru s- Dial be v..-

« to deal wIDk

TBp Cioven the past week tadfpde J.
s V. Uaniafay. Mias Joaetdilne ^aby.

Bears the




Whistler nml p.s,,ile'"**»tf'm. Impm,-1


Miss Rugenia


jiut.:ish.-H III Die auiii.mi.

hiRli In bis praise of Traverse (Hty and

her home In


thi- Royal .S<K-b-ly or illiilKli Arl:-l .

Piles" d.-sorilMSl w'iDi uiiy nonclialeiii-.J

many chanRcs in the resnDs.


It made puhl


aw.- ..f h.r sire nnd irn'i

The n'-

the (’riiiica ami Imm tl.c -.K-sinniur. -f

ez|ieeis lo sdc It devedop in the next



on owe oecnsbin the H. 11. A. as e.>;i j

Ur. Oates has come to the Orand



w-as that at Si li<- sus artliiu R.<

of "The Gentle Ar

yc-am and ilnrinR that lime lia* nofrtj^



special r«-|irtiw lUailve «.l ib.-1 in.*-:' In

iJslillR of "WhlstbT.



conibimsl with it nion- than a ki-t-u


mistake. Int mnetnIwrUit- nun
Rout. l>r. Kilmer's SwainieKo.
address, iiinghiimlun. N. Y..

Tmvorse rciuirts' for Ihe

a few da;*: lark-'

he was bit* a yoiilli ‘ sprighlllnes*.

Apropos of WhlKtb-r. ibnt the r.ulli'ir,

eaiMiala of Riiro|M> In an aiHoniolille

lagjon Ibi
. ^r. Wai
•1 4pd I, \<
ir la the rf
of ClMflnnall.
amending a few weedts at ih<- Udsnd
kotel. Omeaa.


Bom in

when he took i« JouniaU“Ui eanieidl. I s^ndf In


S'" p

. B. B. Brown nnd Mm. H. A.

Mr. and

The JCinil^ Have
<^ways Boflghi

I" r age and umom

Russell, of the Ixindno Time,. enier>-1; monly pUn in i.-aliire. but w hat -litbe Madder, or Uie kiduevi
break down and wase awav cel) l.v cell.
BlailJer trooUes allnosl aluavs result
om a clcninKctnem of llw kWiicys and
cure is olMaineO onickest by a jirojicr
treatment of tbe kidnevs. If vuuarcUx-ling laidly you
you can make
' • - •

lakinRilr. Kilmer'
np-Koot. tli;
rat kMliiey. livc-r and Idu.l
ii.U-r u-lite.i..
It corrects iiulnlily to ln>
alditit; {KUn in {sssiue it. and overttnoes tluit unjiiramnt mx.i-«MU of IwiiiK
coinpclleil K> go often tliroupb the day.
ami UiRct up tnanv times .lurviiK ll>c
night. The mild ami tbe cxirmnliturv
eflectctf Swamp-Root is soou realiznf.
It sunds the highest for its wxmdctful
ires of the most distressing cases.
Risanip-Kuut is tdensanl to Ukc and is
mill liv ail linjggisu in liftyx-cnl and
enloilor size lutilc*. Yon may tiave a
niiic bottle of Ibis womlurful ni-w di>aml-a book that tclU all aUiut it.
■ sentfreebyuuit. A.Mr

General Newra.

ClBcianaU. O.;

For Infants and CmMrwu



wu the |m>|e-i ^t•p^^-^^nlatu«- and be ehoi.'.

known In ihl* connlr.r as "But! Uun" Slie*l« tat! 1-u
br ibe Mlau-s AoUctuid. ba« alread*
keen opened for ihe acnaon. while Juat
nooth of ihl* roown (be Taylor eoiU<e, DOW oeeii{>ied .br Nellie BInxham.
Ida e. l-artrtni and their friend. Hia«
Klelfibekael of HoIUad. Ur. and Mr«
Taylor will come oiii lujse time In
Dr. Jarvis and Mrs. MeColI
___ ... ... WhltinsTenia I
haa, for llie atwann.
popular as eratapea a* eas< lih]
•Id Jabraiia U-iDs ihe Imcnl
Tlie l.*uu eoTta;e. owIdr
Hie illnean of Mr. Lyon, has n<a
been olMtif*. hut prolmlily will he an
J. I(. MiOoiich anil Dan Ixeidoii :
•111 ipaifnti iblnxa ready lor ibo »
Hr. MeOuuxh rxpecu lo biing
tala boat around loDtoiruw.
The Rd
Athlon rullace baa been aold 10 W. W.
Parr of ihe Botiili Side Lnmliei com­
pany and bar. already U-cn n[M>nm. Mr.
ai^ Mra. if. I., riah and 1). K. Wynkoop and famllv tiave movetl out for
the aetMin. bin the culligiea of Gi-orpe
Lather. Jiid Cameron nnd C. W. Aataton are ailll vaoini. Inii aome crpeci
t0 com# oul In a few wi-eaa.
O. P. Carver haa UmixM r enttnee
and will move out In a conjilf of
1 The mtmlier tif caniaura which paas
BIrehwoud ev'-ry day and eaiMTlall)
Dundaya Ii a cireat nnliuinei- lo ibe
nworteni. The mad dm-a n»^ beInnR
la Ha preaeni poaltinn. In fart It now
over privax- pmiM'rt.r. The runri
»ally hfhmn liark of ihe Inia and ibe
aRrrbwood tXHiplc are maktns all law■lilc endeariira in hate't ni'ive-l iherr
^ Jnat aoiith of Blrchwooil la Die pm]i«Pr platted by L. O. Ilrtani. C. J.
Bmer and Ulas Mary Pohoral bore
both eiwiel new cotiaRM here Ibli
year, while Oreen Oahlea, J. W. Mtlllken’a eodage. baa rceenny wn palm­
ed And new laitlcc work pul In.
i Kexia Mokcen.
At Kerle Hoken the aettaon haa
iwi Piocly atnHed. Tbe families nf IS.
^ CRIifium and CnorKe Lurdlo hove
both moved out for the aeason. Mr.
Pulphnin haa rcceniiy overhaulnl the
kept. BnEahi. and now has it In One
working order.
WlldiMD will not be mil thia
|Hkr. tUHr eMtaite belnr oceupled by
S3n Bbtiiaailn and family.
J. M. Battle and wife of Nortbpori
rwaort apent yeaterday In tbe city.
Mra. Alfred Oallhlct and Mrs. T. C.


IMstase Uics no summer
I L-acalion.
If you need OcA and
"ength use


kvmc HEtUOA, THUmOAV. 4VLV It. ItOt.

MtimM rtmg f»lk* Smktm*
I «rfH »ry. MVOT «• w*trf w
I wai try to t* M Itowy m I

Her thaaka cut

lond «T woodr’


-Oh. >c." told Tom. «■ tbr nimr of
;c moment.

Krn luick to l>0 prtniod. (bal you would

mm, ih.-

-How do you hnowr nnked Nvd ii

••urhvd f.'Urv.


]u«t cbnncr plnco wilb

I wlU try to b* tovli« Iwtotal
Mto Wito to •ywitoXy m4 to
•vtoy llvtof thin*.
If I •vw toll III try h
it to to
Umm UiliifA I wW ‘^•y. try


(bis our list of otlrw
will read:




lUii-i. \Vll
Sccoi'id Mw Frestdeot. Mrs. livoc
I’omcmy Shlcldr.




near ihe mounlalns!
drop ber work


At snptKi-

Ihe HoUrv



«f ffraaa!
These are the nlsu tbbt ApriiMI Is
. b*e.

bnilerfiko flit, and

helps me very mu(|h


prbca cattle etaod under the nbady

1 think

Frank Howard.

If we kf«p our pledpe we canW

What doea it ncu when Ibe crickets

Dear Presidvni—I aai


.Ion', ktii-w.'' .'t..s..|vd S.hI.

—M. B. N. Hathaway.

Tbere'a n Utile band of alngera

Bvery evcfflng ooptee and llagera
Kefftb the winW of my cotiage la
the tren:
Atad wUh dark they





kfvj.ins the

l-uin as they n>ll in oi

the rriuadiDg.

why the I.Kini is wbi'-

nukes tb.'

you know.


blnl and one gold Ato and iwv> poll)--

'■h.- .I-’I'
i.p- l!

111. 'saii-is.' 91.;;

water as It breaks on Hie Ikai b se's|
-ome of (bis air (ns-

they ram.-



iliis-i' biil.ll"' it: a ’nr-.< u:.:k- wha;
V',. .':iU l. JIll-

Tb.' wlmt:-s-'-.l 'hr

f'Vlu is due I.I 'be lliAulisiirla.S's |U<va'nllsi



• ue!' a way as I" pnsliiee oii •
the M-Btuiil(ui Ilf Sktii...



•->■ -

Tbv t»*m »l

. .'.-ry liquid, ev.-n of ltd , Is vUe- . th.
oufy il".-. linatr.-ii h-itm -I"'

t" U'''-

p.i:;ii').: ol 'b< iiia't-.i !:-lu in ^;IsJ«-I
..i-u- l.j Ibe liiai


..|.•ltuti-rll ot pe
h lU *1! riv ill:-


who !i lb' ' tl ii'-ati


:.,nT!ow. r -


Tom?" asked Mr. Marlin, siiddvuly.

■Pepsoid* cure the wrf. forms of I>vr. 'inr.nli'.yelthc'purva P.'paoar.'i.-tbcrcs.
prpsia atPl ail other A-ratr or Chrome twunve .in.-s c.vrh wUet eonUtr.*. (see
5l.niuchl>is.rdcTsl.vtv:s.mogUM.w.«n. f.o^niu! ion l-uilc.l PrT"“-i-Hare «.M at so
■ ‘
siomach and ■Ir-tri-vs ceotsa l.-ttic ou an alksdote guarsi'-.txtu
guaraiittx to
i-ivcy ECUUUeil.
«.t will semi
e-1 cure, or
have not used IVnsni'Ubriore.
this way never retnri'is. Pepsuid . i* you. if y
So<cnl buttle l•■R^E; mcrclv send u*
patrnt me- rinc. t
Oi.lmaa who imv v.mraame and aiVIrrsa, ami v.« wiil rejircscTipti'v'i of
mdt of rase* of Chrome cv.veprotni'llv a full sued U.Uie-You do
Stotnacli Tri
ask after i>e^>uU baverarclorj^^.v
the Slmnich It o>-i tn-we
that V..U rctoiairnd'.i- ler.ri;'lcJ vQOi
ic your
Tour incud*. Kvery n»aa
) tbvlat^,-c I'e|i»oi‘ls ic
Bmmcnseu by

Who could



or woman now ha*
ach. Will y^o grasp »i
la ffuiery.
.weak sloinacUs are aim
.........................._ . .
happy by giving Uiem whst
IciidislevrTyODcshnoldpiwwm as
ami healthy ston^^ so as to rojo
Is-a there i» tn life. Ti? Pepw^ t*
Or too may bare a full sued bottle ff*^
wniiiig thr McIu-1 rvparloi. ol ofTto
Vio Chemical Co , Ontogo. «L
12S E. Front fl


T wllb.iui 11(1 ing his e.ves.

Mich.. June 7V. IPUC.

Try a Herald Want Ad.

^LEARANCE Tbrcc wore Prices of Suits
Sale Made tpday on some choice


u'l.iil-r --I

wbleli Kliirt all the rays »( Imb'

From a Sunshlncr.
Tom's hand cretit ncrvou-I-' acne,
Gladys Brown.
the tabh-. kli.s-klng
Too must hav.- had a alee time dur­ things iH-foty. be otilld re.ueb the pel
ing yoor visit. UUdys. Write again.
• cruet, which he haiul.-d to his tii

Dear Praaldc-ut—J will write you and

Trarerse Oly. Mick.

lilltd wj'h air. ri.d a cirat raanx -fi



you baud me

aim lu coming

lo lb.' s'-irtsiv'il forms lltib- bul-M-'i.


vbo ra-igbt

laiis bav-'

A bubble, lbvK( Isa (lltu ot wal.-r;


Th.. l-oys still Icokfd down.

tloic. so puHl-bye.

air. Pb*B« 751


Well. Ibe agliuii--u .d tb-',^^^

i»be picks up all her *o.ul lu the (oi

1 went to school nine muolhs

. rroDl S».

IH'W l»rop;

p. rbap.' .vou js.,slug

uiBui. k.vpiug well


This Is all I rao think of for iliN

ilie:.e...l .< ;■


deiv-d about wUhoul .■iij.>>meiii umll

looked very iw.rl.uisly a' iliein tor


Dealers in Up^te>tdaU Tarm Ittaebinerf


la White.

Why TOi

l-Maliy a' luy .ir giilI has

th. y w.-ut home to .lliiner.

Ml you- what owr sebori did Arbor

the breeie.

and .\l!o

rd. parllvularlv when they Ibouglil .d

an.I was aoi laic a day nor tardy a

While the gathering nl^t rejoice*.
' Apfl the Icwvee Jola la tbe.cborwa with

And m

suan.l at ibe waslioi.

ebaoxed quite a lltth-.

The Che

’ tn ..(T- : t'O”! !

-And ll:.-y lieter .ti'l ki..m, -C-hk-agu

moment, but
noihim;. .M dinu-i
We bad some
aud cake In the (>iw.» liall he Mill In bis wife:
■nc'se ateer?
• While l mas at
More Ihu
brban applea are tolUag and nuts ere y.-icrday. I must cbme.
mun ra'me In'
James Dam.-.
kmklng tor Mrs Morris,
Hy raid he
I am glad yoq are keeping il
Tbeac arc the aigna (bat autumn
pledge. You arc a rent Bonshlnc boy. bad lieoB toM to pul a loa.l of woikI fti
la here.
ter yard and to i-ome lo the riorv for
July :i. 19UC
bis iia-r."
KtoM tloto It Mean when the toyn «rv
Dear Presidvut-How arc you gtl.
Tom and Ned I.K.k)^d int.tnly iufj
(tng abmg?
Aiv y.,.i well?
their plates aud dl.l Hot mu- the qili s
gon« and
< When lewvea
aud hope 111..*., few liu.-s will OuU you gisucp Ibcli falher guvrAtheni as hbrooka are all dumb?
my papa
When cmuBelda are white with the
and mamma aud brother a while this
"Mrs. Moms InsisUul that sb<- ha-l
drlfUag aaowa?
-Bmmer. 1 will Itdl you the |«.-i:
DOT ordered any wihhI and that shTheae are the algaa that wtater baa
ny mamma has got, four cats :
had n.i tuoney lu pay for it. She sayv
Abfl ^(o the Mutblaad the wild

H-lb'S t.I.[ I .

Pally NeW'.




■‘irti.vl to N--d and said.

n.rt -paanlng ouf as ih. v bad espi-ei

load and Ml>. Moirls' bourn

Nortbport. July 1. Itod.

Queen Ot? Implement O-!l lint arjiDma''i' ..

This is ilif'la'i-st imj-rovrd andinosi k'***!*
uraliv UM'fiil sprayer on the market. I’rt:verlt h!ii;ht and povilivdy kill-, every bug
on :he vines. It is one <»I iht* ino't uscitil
machines on the farm -a necessity on all
farms where successful potato cuUure is
tiesired; r.tpid and i!t.irmu;h in iis work,
; r..U'taink ihir rava«e> of llie dread |H>talo beetle; makkin Ik tier crops la.yerjjield
and as'uriojj belter »jiuiil>. Ity one at
our e.\peii-e. Sold anti giiaranleed by the

in ;l... c!a:.'. a

crept away to the wiyuls

help belM happy, i am sure you are
are the alcna that atimmer
Sunbeam. Howard.


la -.'-arhli.


• liUk.- fcer - u;tch ;

iltb'.-n. wbea Mrs. Morris <wme mlgh- Itke to have . simple .-s.ilau* ................
Water eomaltif some all. a=,tl.. t.-v
home, wiml would she My?
Th.y ll.-o.

Your friend.


up la a

When 'll., b-jys wer.- lu Is-d Tom

■‘■Thankj-. lllHe marsler*: tile Amos

I will try to

ill night .\!lk t'.T .l Is- til. ic'jHi•till lb'll.

“Ned. "lo «*iu I’ iuk talhT ksewT

I J*

i3ie fn.m

,p.-:i -liiiii. ir-n; leb!:id.t rl.'.-.


tpr l-trib. r qoiif i'ioa^

H.. rilmiK-d with dlfllculiy Iniu hi*


I- It


I 4<n t


li ili- wsrfc k...p-- tb'vn out ol

sactly." said »he old

"I wu* gain' right lo the s'o'

The boys walrli.-<l the Im-dI old Dg

Ilitfe Sunbeam-

been bom?

II." rvnisrked

l.-ll the tvsim fur 1hs|.

Grlnnell. la.. June It, itrtS.
re as (he wapm w.ii’ creaking
Dear Presldenl—I IbiMUtlK I would wards town- S«a«>bow the l.tu wa^



itgirond ter know

Joined the Sunshine eluti.

WtuU done n mean whet berries aie


iiidir-. and


Ars! picked.




t .l.-ar..f t«!.eh;. f. - b.; r. pIle-1.
"Hat will suit

all In bbiarpw and as fresh ns wbeu


1 -a'

i; -• 111- i.

Wt.a they r

\-l eiv to work all r* .vt-e.

the state of WashlnKioo. from Fhy. wagon, aud then. un<-o«erlng hla
Ralph and Louie Hariuun. They
rid head, be Mid:

wrilp a

.\mr I

tcMi'ti Inqn «d

tin III h.T hitidua.l afiei ite l-oys hail

Mohrls. a litth-. old lady wMb


' Wb«m vktoiB peep tbrooi* theses


“It II- qui-er how anaio'is T.-m ami

She Is pretty sur.- lu be ihcr.. -


celved. wbicb came all (be way from

Over ibe blUa. albKlni aweet and


I- W2.. ♦u.-b ;• t.ry ol-l t!..;i.:ht i

"“Well cal every sUrk of it.' .n d

buy some sugar nnd rolfw with the

Wbnt doto It mwn wbe« the pildAscb


.. ti< i:.i« t.j'e,;: t,. t.:!! .yni lo-w

.-onl-l u

At la*;

black drcM and a whli- s.uob..rtiu e



Ami so |i was »-cil.-d.

yiwi write, uddreas your letters i<»

BtauUful pansies



•he Tlii-iojgbiy f.-iuntaii' Uiy>


Traverse City. Mlvb

tol. 1M«.4SM.

p;»y t.-a.| tlu- d-dlr bow •» .;e-

•b.y nil

The two l«» laiighed quietly at

ber four tbouaand Suushlnen.. Wltcn


Iron JRqe Tour J{ow Spraper

my h..ase a: i put wl'li n:y rtoli
There end «r w 1,1 hat.- a >i.ellias s.h'sd a;i


:;id ba>.. It c!it ami pm .vway foi

.m«- porchaws.

Drive to Ihe store rod ask f»;



Mr. Xlariln

l.uiii <-f weed ••v..ry

Sunday, had walk...! Into town lo make

rare fun they were having.

Miss Clara Bales.

to k.-r playmai. and

■■.Mile, .vou I'fii.g your dolU ovi-r *


after lur yard nicely

•She mu.-; have gout- into t.rwi:. np

H. Y,

ahour it ?


.km— f.V Mrs. Moms if Mr.'«url:i

1 no aii:ra. r. luiwcv. r. tor the v

You will nil love your new pmddeui




lai Mr. Stem.- had .igt—vl t.- buy a

dearly. Jtisl as'she loves cti-n one tit


'W.-ye lu-l a g-,.ri


Anil h.iw do

.d to I.. em u»U> •

Tom said:

•MMto Vico ffranltowt. Mm. I
ftofforoy tbWto.

mind' i.i iry ai

its. m.vh.-r,'

■n>eyll Wo-p. bill Mr-'

Thru he

knocked rei>ea t.,llf for some oo

She U oot roIbb
B the rinb. *

though Bbc is no lul



(rpi all that is
to you from your
IMJtalo liul.l. Mak« ili«t crop and quality
liner an«l b'/iicr and the ^^uter by sprayHii? at intervals wii!i the

m'- '

won!' ruht .luiing the t>rm. and ‘.u>tl:



pi. riy Ilf nr:i«

... out and give him Ills pay. Thciv

estiDK'tttuxx your <lr»l
will write about fn.m ber new horn-



pri.-.. .ltd l-co .df.-re.y lo th.- Ib-lr eia." wh.. soriW ih.

I tranivd i»

only fun ».. ve hail '—lay.

and wHb much lal-or ibrew th.

And Jus.1 think what lois of Inter

.,-.. v.ry d.-ar friean.,

Jolin an-1

your father ohp-rtxsl.

raid Tom.

Ttc old mnn lurn.vl his loam lo the

)u« ai. II bias befon-.

--miaihy. as sh.. in-^ ti.-m s;


“Just drive up nu<l

to the ibsir of

will And (bai vverylhlng will pu ou

I.Y. F.


<y _you niUsed ItV*

bcaty wood in;.> lli>- yard.

Ui«' olb«*T prcsldcnl docs,



thn»w It over in the cornvr of th«.


r..,-y g.r.' K. tk- .am. -dar s-h"d

tag ev|Rdlt|»n slQce M' opelHil.


bcljM^ witb our .^.•l•arllIH•n^, and sb«loves cvPO »nr of you Jtisi as much

*! B^::iitrj village.

•end I'T you. as it was the Arvt niiii

“Rtght over there." said Tom. point.

Spray ter Prolit!

I-lilc girt*, who liv. .1

J3U ar.-v». th. way irtmi . ae an*>;j- :


.-aid the n«bT. wph

with ih'-m after nuts .

I put It?" asked the old man. dellgbi-

Ing to the house.


you Ml to g« yoi\ to go to the woods

d at S.I i^dy a aale

ci. r.

he. dn.T. "I am so enrrj

Ned smiled a llUle doobtfullv. but

Pnwlditit. Hiss Clara Datfs.

ptivty. lirigH

Fled Bales came a lew mlD'Ocs after

id not object.
vwiinr dOes she Mb and whar mus'


Alik- liair and LelU- Crane »• i. t*

boys u. fther gratliuu.

Tirrl ksd acl.ic;:



-I don1.- naid Tom. -but won't I
fun lo MV bim lake ail bln w<-od off
nficr UikiDB It o\«f
and r>»“n'«8
knd ibon have .to lead It bark
wkal (o do, II bu lieifn drrldud Ibal

MffeTMl «MV


ca;. sc undcservef.

-Old Un. Morris wmnt»

KPl dlHcouTmm^ wmlilBB for

MIm Clim Bnlo l» lo to- pre*ldc«l


they frit

a low voice.

of !!>♦■ ii. V. F. SunnbUMf dub. nod

A Oril-s Spriliog ScKooi.

• kindle my (Ires for a long lla>e“

**Kln yon IHI toe anybody tot wuiU

tb.- ol :

u such .a ent.-l trick?" ashed Mr

TukWe sot out ireea and gardens. Martin, wliu miieh Iti'.-rc-'t.
and Mery Vanderboi. iny iv.uslu and ear.-. Ned." uhe exelaimid. "you an
ipsetllng your milk."
Well. I faitvo

TWff the (wlaUtag atara ctwH
To enjoy the merry ro«.

a list of names (or yvMi tbut would like
to jrin (be

And the flrefliew tonilafa light.

Slone, age


"He did not say-' rvpll.ul yjr


A.ldl-t (iu.~OBly Ibal It waa.aou..-oik-iba’ b'
1. sau near Ibe house, aud '|s>ke as if h" |


11. Bendon. R. F. D.

That they read their ^es aright— Mary Vanderhof. age !«. Hendon. R. F. kuem. He was ul«m lo co lack 1' ^
Tie katydid, (be cricket nod the fro*. D. 1; Waldo Bridge, age R. Imerl.s-h- bring bis wood into town when Mt
en: Heary Han. age U. Bendon: Ran Slone, the MOKkOCpcT. Ivvling suit'
AS (be night I bev them aiiiglBc.
(uld him for it. sayiu: ilia
Die Hart, age 9. Ik-ndou: B.1db Hart,
. 'nuvngb my htwd their tuaei
doubl Mr». Moiri' liiv.l.age IS. Beadon;^es Zdetiek. age
'-'^trains of muaic atinl^i from Mother

karek. age

Ph>m the deep of yon^ thicket;

at jrooder

drunea bis pa>l>

Please seu.t our school a


Writ, good-bye

. of Ills hair,

Jesse Tiiller


We show in plain figures a saving to the buyer of from $3 to $5 on each suit. A
clearing up shower. Takethein.

Tom's race Hush'd t.i th



Nellb'T oiuld swallow


The plrtun- has liem scot yvui. fo.-

the lew-ring the school.

mist and tog;

I am sure Ihe new irtvs


and Ibe gar.len must hstk very pretty

Then (be mirth Is at Its belgfal.





hirself and il Is useli-s>
(t is. I Iri.t bi-r I would have V ri <

i And they glorify the night —

Into stove wood (or ber this afteninoh

The katydid, the cricket and 'the (rug

She tiudp.Tl away as hapt'.v a* tli*- ol;

Their Fun.
It was Sainrvhiy morning, and Tom


and Ned Marlin had a whole dav .u
Friday. July lA

: New members Jolalag »iu .• last tv
Henry. Ronnie nad lidna Hart, ih-u

“They hare been hard at work In


Charles and




Zdvwrit. Jerry

Mmale and Mike Pekatrit. Bcudou
m. F. D. No. 1.

Bamca nent by J<


waadarad (hr full length of the vil­

iBlo a rauntry

nttle at
ahonld do.

When she Amt ptonaed

told. "No mailer bow

luisy I am.



loss a»

to what

0 long for Vice Preeident Clara
0 send her nil the letters an

have her answer ihem and mad lb



it. bat

was overflowics wiUi


came er«-epltig she

by two lean, half-grown auei-i..


OB them, aai oa the load of
I the wagoB

[stopped in froot of (be

Cbrto Ud butiniu mad si-nd the ki ‘poIHriy;


and asfci-d


• N.'



old lock wor t arhe from siooping

!'■; of l.adurs' 1 Int" t*» * •<
Children's -'/X Caps. ll.iU !'r. •

to S': ,ui.-, now S.''.<1

Children’s Wash Suits
S1.50 Sui-s. now «2. S2.jO Sli-t*. now SI
now 3N:. S-5 5h Suits, now S2'yi

>*c Suit',

i 1' ?'• w»: -vavc to
l’f‘' • .

A lot of

Men’s 2-Piece Summer Suits
Hall pric"
add S1/-J.
Si.7-'). Sec'.h'se.

SI" S-ji-.-. 51:.

$7-Vl Suit^


|iirk up Ftlrks in ifll' fon'Sl-"
The Uiv» rak.d up and l-naithi


were Iviir.

aruUBj wh.'tv ibv wood was cai.
' An-1 chips, icwv?'
<sl old wt.msB

Sires ;ilo -

nice llril.' gentli-OKU-"

that the pil.'s «f ekip* that

roatBlDed. driving

Boys’ and Children’s Hals

Buster Browns



Men’s Straw Hats
< )n*: lot half pric-. n" a 2 " ati'i '< >• 'd- :i ' liu'-' Strairs.
lo -Sl.'/t -.a-.':'! i>a

Out; lo; Jk and
«oo<3', n
ilic I'tirchas' T from
x*> */>• wei.

along tbe road a rickety ran drawn nice ati-l dry and hanily. pn.l aiv pv;

buca. from the mBay patches sewo


not only

•^Two such


,*l will


Window full.

f"f th-n;

Joining (be bvose.


work.- but you



imckvd It sway in the little she.1 a i

oM colored man in sarnkmts of direi

dears. II


the hoys

stood a for' they

The boys sat

oan never give up my dear SuasbiOx


down ua a log across tbe wwy fi

Biss Mabel Batvs. will be Mrs. C. C
^ an tar away from Traverse aiy she

i trifle."

bc^a to straggle earrylng tn the Iasi aimlut of wius:.

road. *there

who lived alone.

■*r. and her came. Instend of being

' But it will take tulf of yvHir ti's -

M-lv--'." wai.1 Hr- Munin.

lage street in aearrh of

small bouse, the borne of a poof
blent will be its her new home In Den

have ou

«v and call borrow aiio'tk-r '

and ^iin. but found Boae All tbe other compel ibem."
About vliisk Tom
buys seemed to be -at work.
where tbe street

D.v the time you read this your prv>


Boys’ Two-Piece Suits
Bath plain and Norfolk s:>Ic>.
l-o'.s to tl-ise.
now $J 7-7. $4 to S4.-VI Suits, now
$.j and Sr..
$7 .‘di Suits, new S-'.-Vi

•; "lot Ihem have plenty of vnjo;-'. day." oluveted the mother. ' Your I..
her ran hire acraie one t.. rni it l< r
lent on Saiurdoy.*'
On this pafticri'U' Btuming the boys


-I.CI us vui It. pap"er«-d ili.' boy
- they stailtsi up,

"fun" before (hem.
school all the w.wk." said iheir moiU

Wa^ Bridge, laterlorbcu.


SI0.S50, $14.50

Martin did not l-II them -ha

D. I: Mike Fekan-k. age IP. Bendon. niher Mipplin had liovu addol by hi


Is'UBbi .

F. O, I; Jerry Pe- little sugar aud wvin ou his wav ,
F. D. 1. eeedlngly graU-ltil "

' By and by the moua appcdrs.
' ^ad ber amlles dls|iel

Upon these Suits we show you a saving of former prices of
fr6m $2 to $5. New goods, all right in every way.

12. Bendon. R

Johnato 1‘okareCage S. iknd.w. R. F.
F. II. 1.

As the mMnlghi hour nrera.

The old (vilow

It DetwioB. R. F. I). 1: Frank Z.l.-aek.
age 111. Beadon. R

Nature'a benr^;
Bow (he katydid and cricket.
Then the cronUag

$8.50 AND SIT.50

ber frieud. Addi.' Stone.

the aqutrrela range ttaemartyeb



-1 taav.-n'l bad ehip*


Ifotmd very hand la stOAtakg the checham floor aUted wHh hnlf n capfnl of
Slip Inio the eavtUes ktt by the
wbeie wheat floor. Mix well. benUag
with a flat wooden ^non. and then greatly enhanced by slightly coofctag. stenew biu of ^kgllsh walaal
tin? whole fliberts, the skin of the
stir in a capful cf hnekleberrleB. bnk-^
- is this irats bring tret removed by rubbing
ing ia rather flat cakes la a moderate
ddlng. Make a 'eircie «f the
L. When cooked, tear tightly of tbe subacid varieUca.
Cherry Cream and yuuket—Stem heart tanves of teuuce and pile or
apart and butter. aUttag over a little
and stone a pint <rf dtcirtea. sprinkle thcae the staffed cherrim. Pour over
we can always hear the right word.'
Kmp. th« »rl9ht Sid* Oirt.
Huckleberry Chess Cakes—Pare and wit ha cup of fugai and stand nstde' the pile thM mnyoBiMtse dressing
says thU aame phUoso^r. The rest grate one small coroanat; boil one ...
The SOB Bar
><■ troubles.
as lor the lima bean or rtal.>
least ah hour for syrup to form.
and «nlet of the night shnl out the pound of sugar in two-thirds of a pint T>en let them simmer slowly untU ol
But It keeps Uie bright side eat;
cr serve with the salad k'renc.';
T1»e lark aar hare mUglrtaga.
of water for fifteen minutes, then stir the consistency of a puree; remcm- dresslag made after the re(lowt^re<
les over the apirit which «
But sbe hues a*a» her doubt:
and aerved is a airenzaie <du>h.
In the coconnut and boil ten minutes frwm tbe Are. and when cold add v
• to listen and cntch the
Poets prklse tie ana for shlalng
er: remove frmn the Are. and cup of stiffly beaten erv-am. sweeien*-!
word which will solve the problem.
ABd Ike lark for never plBlBg—
while BtUi warm add half a pint of and Savoreil wlib a few uivpe of rwe spcuntnl of sal^.^ half a taltspo.*:
-I know very well that occasions
Maa has Joys from Wrd «>«
huekleberTtes. a few dn^ of lemon citrwet. Prepare tbe janket by kiat- (al of white pepper In a howl, and Mi.
alBce they -keep the bright side
gredoally. using a silver fork, three
juice and yolks of two eggs. Turn ing a Pin' of milk to one' hundred dekeeper when riic Is so ‘worked oot’
the mixture into small crimped patty gn-es. and adding In the order mi>n- tabh-spaonfuls of ^Ive oil and oec
tkat things wear and vex thai^ would
pans that have been tlned with r>cb tlooed a teaspoon of powdered sugar, tabk-spoonfu! of best doer vtm-gar.
The orchard ptiik with bJoasoms
be Jtaaacd by witboal friction If her
five drops of slmood flavoring and one
Gladly poU lu bright aide out;
spiriis were in tune. The thing to do
quirk oven; when cold, garniKb Junket tablet: pour Immediately Into
The lilacs have no trootde
nest Is to gel into tunc, llaybe a quiet
each with swoctenod whipped ertsm. sherbet glasses, flltlng them half full,
Jam are slowly taking the place «:
'That they ever grtere about.
hour all alone will be the remedy. II
Huckleberry Mink Claev—Cover a and set dlrvetly on tbe Ice: when
tbe elaborate jelliea and preserves op
And the world ta prooc to treasure
I would have It though the heavBHently firm, fill up the remainder of n which IB olden days the roputatioi<
sraUp In reatembranccs of pleasure
fall, Bo to Bt>cak. When this dan­
and bring slowly to boil, mashing tbe glass with the cherry cream, deco­ r a booacwlfe largely depended, bte
In the name of Him who ever tries gerous aUle Is on It should bsrt- as
ttae fruit, as It becomes tender, with rating 'uacb portion with glare cher­ ihleh nevertbetaia com far m«»r.
to “keep the bright aide out."
prompt treatment as a fainting lit.
a wooden spoon; remove from the ries.
trouble than they were wonh.
—8. E. Kiser, in the Chicago Becord“Wltb Ihe spirit Id tunc snd a |•rar
Cherry Psirfali—Beat tbe whites of
flit- ami strain tbro-jgh a fine sieve,
Jami are made with less sugar thatHerald.
cal ikUasopby of life. Joined to gno<l
adding a ropful t>f sugar to every pin: four eggs wltb two tablespoons pow­ preaervea. and are more wl'-Iescvie.
irnmon sense, each soul may work
offrull juice and stirring until the
i well as more Irully In fl*rer.
out its own growiug solution of ibiLet In the Minihlnc! There are rays always40-be-lDcl-wilh. *Wbal Wonlu sugar is entirely dlKwlvcd. Turn Into water and by di-gre-es pour io a
If yoa |K»sse-*B a psod. cool, dry Moi
the freexer. and when half froien of cream, stirring until well thick­
of healing.
You Do Ifr gatbcrlDg from the
in a large cupful ef meringue ened: n-move from the Ore and add ing place, there l» no reason why yo Ahd light, nnd love. nwnlU^ en- pcrlcnee erf others nnd giving (rf iu
flavored with a little lime juiee; fA-ex>- two Ubiespoons of honey. tK'bcn Ibor- abouid not make larger quanliik*
trance fair: >
own. eneh n little light in the wurlii
SB It will keep lor yeara. an i
bard; line a rbllled ornamental mold u-jghly cold, lure Into the freezer
Open your window to their bright spand all uniting to make up the great
•bout two inrbus in depth with tbr* getber with half a pint of whipped so nut bwve u. make every kind ea-;.
sum of hurnsn netlrU) and endeavor
faueklebMTT glace and fill the ct-nier vam anif freere 'o the conslsteot
And they wiU banish fretting, gloom
in the proeerses by which God molds
First—Svv that the fruit la dry.
with stimv beaten sweeteni-d erwim. .lUsh. ihe^ add a heaplog cup of
and enre.
S"-iiDd—It should be free from du
ivored witb mint. Adjust the cover Kweeieni-d cherry pulp; coaitnuc the
Why ahonid the dolor of tomorrows
seeurel. and bury in ice and n>Ck-«alt frtvzing until smooth and firm, repack ind not over or under ripe.
Tblrd-ll is at its beat U gather. .!
a mold^ so that it may Im- Served in
If there Is one fruit more than an for at least two hours to rhill an-l
Haunt this hour's pnthwny with lu
(I slices: tbtse'tsb'uild be amngeii arly in the moralag.

other which the Grand Traverse re­ ripen.
Fourth—K.vp the fruit tn a
dessert plat<-s resting on lace papa.-'
lluckltberry Rlc- Cops—Doll In
Let the glnd annshlne. flooding ssoc gion can Justly claim as Us
if it eannot be boiled at once.
sllgblly salted water for tweniy'mln doilies, each decorated witb a sUr of
the dclicioua huckleberries <
nnd meadow.
Fitih—Then h- no ceunomy In pw
ute> a cupful of washed rice, then adit, wbipprd cream aud a few scarlet cher­
Pour on today IU full beautltodc.
chasing ehca|. sugar. tWimon sugar
particalsrly toriunate a scant pint of ripe huckleberriex. a ries.
Cherry and Macanam Toast—Cut lb s|siil the flavor, and by the quanll'.'
Hlght bath lU heavlncaa nnd dews < in that we can always secure ihw, copful Bf granulated sugar and a dust
'tag of gnie-d nutmeg. conliDuin^ Iho halves, after removing the pits and ft scum they throw up much Jam is
fresbiy picked buries, and so <
ciKikiDg'until the rice is icmler. Re stems, a pint of oxhrort cherries, ^sled.
have them with all the delicacy
Sixtb-A.copper presva^lng pan i>
s from the fire and when almost .sprinkle with powdered sugar; and ar­
flavor that brioogs to fruit which has
' strength we win,
cold stir In^ cupful of whipped cream range on oblongs of toasted wboi-.- the best to na-; laillng liiai. a easBat Joy will wing iU way
do: been Jarred by king railroad Jourbcilen with the yolk of one egg and wheat bread: plan.' the toast in a mud- iron enaUM-kvl stewpan will answ- r
wlUed by days of travel.
lableapoonfuls of cbnppf^d
t this:
Tinned lans should be avoided, .vs
Deal tu a stiff froth the whites
year, owing to life spring frosts, there meats. Pour Into small cups or tim­
they are apt to spoil tbe color of lloof two eggs.'adding two Ublesixs
bale molds and place directly on
will be a few on the market.
fruit and sugar.
chill and harden. At sertlng of pulverized sugar, a dustlug
*rbc following recipes ate from The
Seventh—if two kinds of fruit an
time turn out in stuak sherbet glasses,
« Let Unoottow take care of tumrDesisgner and from other soureea;
ol mararouD crumbs and a iiiile lem mixed together, put the hardest klu.i
Hneklcberry Drink—To one qoart pouring over each a cold fruit sauce.
Juire. Press Ibnnigb a tmttry bag in OtBL
• Short nnd dark aa oar lUe may
of berries put In a cup of sIcwH rbn
—Remove a'u scum as it
each pii-ce of toast in tbe form

A Jdly Chaptar.
barb, cut rather fine, and use a cop of
rises, and stir getiity but thomugblv
• We may make It stIU darker by
Table Talk comes to the rescue of a coue. and reinm to the oven
sugar to a quart of berries. It makes
;w and tbcfi.

disirvsscil Jelly makers with the fol­ brown slightly; arrange on an on
delicious drink by straining out
Ninth-Tbe Ume of boHing depends
menu! chop planer and serve with

Blill almrier by folly and tenr.
berriCB and osing cold water, about lowing clear descripllon of ways and
I the quamlty. It sbonid boil fast,
cherry syrup thickened with arrow
• Half mtr Iroahlse are half mr lameans;
half and half. Try this.
as sluw cooking will spoil tbe color o(

Huckleberry Podding—One cup of
Although Table Talk has given
fruit. Boil all kinds till, if
• And bow often from blessings
igar creamed with butter sire of an many directions to its readers of the
sjiooiirul is pul on a cold pUle. it Jel­

eonfemd '
egg; add one egg well beaten. "liow" and ''why” in Jelly making.
Isjunge or plain luul cake arc best) lies when cold.
• Hare we shrank in -the wild apone cup of milk: then two Interest and ImporUtiec of the sub­
turn itiiu a mixing liowl and add
Tenth—To moxt frui.s and ti
cups of flour, in which has been ject would seem to allow a reminder
well beaten egg.' Uirw tai>ies|Kniiis <»f acid kinds, ullus- i-qual quanlllie
Of cvlU that never occarred?
sUted two even tcaspoonfuU c
uBcb year.
sugar, a lablesi>oon')>f milted butter, Iriiit ahd augur
1. Dissolve oue even teaxpoonThe voung matron is searching for ball u cup ot rich milk snd suflicicni
Eleventh-Some |ie.H>le put fruit
ful soda in a lilUc hot water and helps, as this may be ber first trial,
flour silted with a leasimoD of baking and sugar In the kettle together, bu
ly mix In dough. Lastly, three and tbe older housekeeper may haw
powder to form a stio cake batter. It ts safer io put the fruit in firs
cups or a quart of huckleberries and lM?en dtsappoloted last season and
Arrange lu tbe luliom of an eartheu- lirbig it to a boll, and then add ih
bake about an hour in a moderate wants to know why her Jelly "did not
waie iiuddlDg dish to about the depth
•xeept when you wish ui ke<
oven,'using a driving pan to bake Jell," nnd wbat she shall do to makeof three Inches, a layer of pitted cher­ the fruit whole, ax in apneol or rhi
In. t^*heu done cut lu squares and it congeal, and why her Jellies become
Tribune brings weekly I
ries sprinkled with a scant cup of I,rrb. when the sugar should first Iw
moiildly, ctcriera.
hundreds of booiM. speaks belpfnily serve with a sauce.
brown sugar; carefully- |K»ur on this liulled. and then tbe fruit pul in
Yaokee Huckleberry Uread—This is
of the llUle emergencies of dally life
PecUw Is the basis of vegetable Jel- the piididng mixture Place In a mod­
It is said that If the fruit U btj
excellent for a warm lunchuon bread.
as follows:
lita; it gives to ibe juice of fruit tin- erately quick oven and luike about l>cl'ire iR-lng adde<l to tbe sugar,
Bake it In a shallow tin. and break off
The great enx
property of gelatinizing. When ihi-^ Ifalrly minutes; serve In tile puddinq jam will never ferment, even ihoUKU
the pleeus rather than cut IL Beat
ly; the teaser ones often, and espefruit Is overripe, or wbenevj.-r the jiisb, with hard sauee flavored wllh al­ Ibe fruit wa. ovurrliw or damp.
and one-halt cupful of sugai
^mity do they come to the house­
Juice is cooked too lung. It seems lu mond extract.
Often, however carefully th<- yam I..
logothcr. add three-fourths of a cuih
keeper. But everyday trials
lose Us gelatlnizlug proi«erty.
nade. If Ihe fruit wax sligtilly
lul of sweet milk, alt and two cup­
pcotrfe what the elements In nature, in
Cherries for CanniAg.
rils' and pul on to l>oil wltb ih.' sugar,
Wc often see this when we attempt
fuls of flour sifted with two teas|K»uthoir rougher moods, are
Cherr.v Conserve—TIiLs may
It will iermi-nt.
fuls of baking powder: add lai;' oue I make jelly from over ripe fruit: the
tion. They give strength and fibre.
ibhianre will become tbirk and made of canned sour cherries or i
Twelfth-It ix a good jdant to Mightcupful of floured berries.
The things that hurt arc often the
gummy with long cooking, but will frv-sh om-f. If the canoed are u.-ed
ly butter the bottom of your ki-fle.
things that help. U a thing can be
will require one n'lari. Kof ihe fre
It rongcal.
Isliould there lie any thin place In i:
quarts. Ad dio the ebeirics this will pivv«*ni Ihe jam from stick
helped, figure out a way to help it; eggs, two cups of milk, ouebslf cup
moiasBcs. wltb u heaping leaspoonfui
It It cannot, bear It phiiosopliically.
the juice and tbiu yellow rind of tour ig and getting ■•urnt.
soda in It, one loastiouDful ult, six ripe or a Utile under ripe. fresbIy ■irutiges and four ituiinds of sugar and
“The habit of looking on the bright
Thirt.-enih—II your fin 1* fiei
coin: of flour even full, one quart ol picked and of good quality.
cook together until thick and tender
Bide of things helps oat In the every
>ur kettle thin. It lx well lo
The small. Juicy berries, sueb as cur­
huckleberries, washed and drained ami
iKfore removing from the fire
day emergency. Often It Is our attiyour kettle on a Hive) on the fire
rolled in two cops of the m«asurcd rants, lilarklKTries, rasplierries. etc..
on<-half pound English
' '
tnde of mind thnt makes a thing a
Jam easily hnni.-, so an-ai cai
be healed slowly in a preserving
flour. Steam two and one-half hours.
meats. This is delirious and so rich
bleasing or a harden. Por InsUncc.
lu-'ded. .
Frozen Huckleberry Shrub—Ht-at kci'le. and masheil well with a wutden that a little goes a long way.
most people think money and leisnro
laddie. First look over the trait
F.;urteunlh—INnir tin- Jam
Cherries ntv-d proni^ attention, at
two of the mom desIraMc things In slowly two quarts of huckleiietTies f'lllv. remove all leave* or Injun-il
Stour ohei clean, dry jatx. and rover wbeti
.the world. They arc the best things (without water), squet-ze the fruit Irult. Strain the juice into clean jelly they are very larisliabk
Fifl.vii'li—K.vqi in a csil.
cbor-eii lur canning Ot win
and the srorst things. Give a young through a cheesecloth bag. ad<llug a bags, wbteh are iiest.made of chis-selet's u»e. To each po;md ol fnill al­ place.
person his time and plenty of muney thinly sliced cucumber, a small cii|>- rlulb that has been welt boiksl
Til- lollowitig table wi'l give
low' one-third of a iHtiind of sugar. I'm
nad If be nmotmts to anything It will ful of mwdered sugar and a teas|>ooii
^ he becauae he has enough surplus of ful of/gelatin (llssolted iu a little lim the bag llirw roreered. to let all th>-' ihe Migar in tbe kettle wi'h ■ half pin' >oui. Pica when the Ilioxl ■irdiliar.
good native strength to rise above the water; wiver dosely. allowing It to re- drip tall from one end. Always drip >i| water lo three poun-ls of sugar. Jamx are Ih-i made, al-o tlie ipi.iu
' main until almost cold, then sMm out
Stir It until It is dissolve-1: when Isiil t|iy et wui'T and xucar. liu: ItempUtJons to selflsh Idleness.
the eaeumU-r and any seeds, turning he Juiee. never squeeze the fruit ing. adtl the clu-rries and rook time
“Give a child evemhing It wants
.at onee into chilled InH-ser. Turn the .When such fruit as apples. |K'iii-s. minutt-s. then seal rarefiill),
And It will approciaie nothing,
crank tor al>out five mlnuu-s and tlieu
Preserved cherries.—Both sour au<l
must learn value by doing tblngs.
Mir tn a euoful of unck cream beat.-n and then rut them Into small pieces. stttvl cherries arv cnml tor-.lhi- nc
earning things. Alto.
.V. /,<!' all or a i>a:i
wit hihne tabIesp<M)iifuIs of sugar and >>ar<'ly cover with wbut ami rtsik presirves. made with or wsttinul witiv
la congenial work Is to be happy. If
he whipped w hite of «me, egg. Wb- n gently until the frail looks
t«- U- used iurticulsriy a> an acw: the Wii'er, .
one Is not happy in his work somofrozen suBIclenlly. rvitark tn a melon ck-ar; 11 will take an hour, al least, sorv to ice rreara and ;o lu- mixivl la
Ihlag ts out of joint. Maybe he Is not
lor Ibis process.
mold, and at serving lime immnld
salads. Ho nut break t*'eK large pe.doing Us woik well. William Morris
Alter ihe-jiiiee is strained, measure fe”l clieirk-s I" remove tbe sioii-s. piili- tliK year, tnil tb» diri-clfoii.Uyt-r of spon;(c cake resting oi
expres^ jm eternal truth in the
round crystal platter, and garolshed carerfully: then allow Utii'e-fourth- o( yiake a rirb zvnip of a (•oiind ef suiar he found U'vTul iiiimlur f-u-oi,—
words, 'tile without iodusiry Is guilt
with sprigs of Iri sh rrystalllzcd mint.
to a nuind of trait. ad,i tbe whub- rhiiadeljtliia I^xlcer.
Industry without beauty is bnitalUy.'
Cuban Huckleii-rry Pudding—Cnim- julc-e. Bring Ihi- juln- to the bollinu Irui'. eiMik caretully i<> avoid breaking
“Mrs. Garfield was obliged to be her ble together half a pound of maca- polul and cinuii twenty minute's
the skin.
own hoosetnald in ber early marrl(-<l riMHif with two sUce> of s'ale cake. gentle boiling: l«i- careful in sk
In Canniitg Time.
Cherrii- are p-jt up v<-r> easily,
days. She was pbilosopbical and
We roak. little eercoioiiv of
labk-tp.w>nfuls ot uilng U-t ijie sugar be healing during alter stuniuc sour ones, by soakins
aodM. If I must make my own bread
boiling of the juice by spn-adlng them lu enough vinegar to cover the
L am going tu make beautiful bread.' lightly with
on platters and sr-iting In a wanu Irak Next dav. drain off the vinegar xajx a b'-ux'keepi r. Th" msiii 'I
And she aucceedsd not only in maklug oughlv blended, and' then
oven: at Oi<"end of twenty minutes' and save It, either for another quan­ lx n. hav»- thim.^ln
beautiful bread but In being very cupful of botitng hot cream, sweetened, tmiling add the sugar quickly, stir
tity of cherries, or lo lu- boiled and we pick them a* 'hey ri|M H. p-i H
teppy In doing ii. Work was thus with lo.vf sugar and flavored with j 111 ft again reaches the tmiiing point sw-«eteDid lor a ri-fiesiimg drink, ai- into jar-, pour Ixubng -'ri.p of x
IlfM out of drodgeiy into an art sim­ few Oroi»s of lemon Juice. Stir untii and then pour at once into hretril ^ lowing several sivHvnfuis '<• a glass of au.I water ov«t them, seal and .-ei
ply by the attitude of mind of the one cold and smooth and then fold in the glasses. !.et tbe siinslilne finish th*- iced water. The drelnisl eherri'-* are Jar.- in a l-di-r ol hot water. l.-M.tiz
Vbodld H.
tiHfly beaten whll«V-of two eggs. But­ work. requiring from one hour to pu; in a jar. allowinc two iit'-hes of H»-m -tamt till ro,,l . Tigbiei,
“So we sw that work brings appre- ler a pudding mold and fill with al­ iwenty-four In time. Covi-r the stass- eheiTies. then one iorh of s'lgar. imii! fc.p- ol ih‘ Jars. If ii"-'..,ar«. aai
ctnUon cf the results of work, and that ternate lay«-i-s of fresh berries iind Uie es with fine netting «*lk- standing Jars are filkvi. $rrvw on the to|s-r .zh, m iu a c-ol. dark pls'e
F;ve or xlx large clean n:a
H brings happiness, it brings a train puddlng halter, steaming for aiHinl
<. IK-D.
aw-gy to ii|K-n for two months,
A- mixture of fruH Juices makes a wiihoni coi.king. They are siipirllne diop:-.'! into the keti e w*--re tn
Cf other things that contribute to J
hour snd a halt. Ture out on a
c«.Rjkizic wil' prevent bjrnl.-ij on
Tlie wealthy Idler has tbe money
platter and serve immediately, accom­ I pleasant variety. Always add to cur- tor pleS cr fancy desserts.
!x.:tom <rf the U-Tlli-. The msrt.:.~
bay tbe moaUdabmale banqnet. 1
tant jolrt- ontMhird part of red rasppanied k.v.n loamy lemon sauce.
Lrv- k'pt in moitoD
the irdiicg
Cherry and Wainvt Salad.
nU the mosey In the world cannot buy
Huckleberry Tea Cakes—Use for | berry Juice. Wild plum Juice gives
Tins b* worth Irvine with jam
S.-lert for this dish tbe Urge
an appeUle. Work alone wU) do that. this one pint of etahiiered sour cream, i r«»ior end taimw e-* the’ flavor of crabTo be atrfe to enjoy a erns: may be th-.; tnto which is stirred a leasisronful irfi apple Jelly, (’ndrr-rtpe gnipes of the heart eherri«4; the efl'-e; will be pn-i- catsup.
Heat Ibe ruWu-rx IMw pnitinz
baking soda, adding hair a icaspoooful blue variety will make jelly of a color lier it tbe red and white eberrtrx
CttaM^ luxurr“BnersDS sayn: 'When you do no> of salt, two tablespnonfnls of m<s[ltke claret wine and of mow delicate I mingled. Remove the stones l.y rot tt'-m r-n yimr Jan- ol pre*ervev |f yoi,
wsa; to avoid any danger cf tb-lr giv
know wbat to do. wan.' Many a
Jasscs, a. heaping Mblespoonrul of flavor.
! ting a sHt in one side and presriag
While mirftrd paraffine Is rommooly the pit carefnlly so as tmt to •nr the SW.-CTS an flaplexlAg problem will aomebow clear- mtrfied hnttpr. two ubiewpoonfiils trf
i-.aed to cover Jetly.
jihe skta, A silver nut pick will be
MM em night. *U we listen lowly tirowB sugar ami a lante cupful of

t fe

Jlminr ttt etUtr't OMi


LOT 182
LOT 183
LOT 184
LOT 188
LOT 230
Lots 235. 236. 237 as advertised are now sold

LOT 196
LOt 203
LOT 211

LOT 212
LOT 213
LOT 214

These are all early selections and are tbe_^ „

Handsomest Lots in Oak Hetsbts
the most charming addition to Traverse City. This
addition is now iarj^ely built over, and j;ood lots are
not easily obtainable. These lots will be sold »epa*
rately, cxccplinj; IS'J, 183, 184, which must be sold to*
reeihcr. All must l'O
cash, and the prices
will be

The whole bunch of

if sold at one time and for cash down, would be

As tlie^klce would be made accordinyly and to allow
for holdinj; as an investment. Come quick for choice
of lots.

Also One Acre Let
in Birchwend
FronlinK East Bay 8 rods and running' back 20 rods,
less a strip two rods wideon north side for street. A
very desirable lot io this beautiful suburban spot.

123 Front Street



Papes Tti 12

vou xi.vm.


with the atnrerrst good wlohea tor a | the program will occupy the major ladles in tbe etty take an neUva JaBatca-Wiiliama.
tcentb aod cast on Tlilrtccolb street; land in ihc back of the Winnie prop*
Vnd. r the iui»lk'<w <>f the sonthtami life time of nothing but happlncas fol-1 portion of it,' but It is thought that terwst la (be work aad last night each
Bt. block.
on.Park alrcet for alley purposes
iber who wm present pleScml her1C goidrn
tfcfc will be time tor tbe vtaltori
while the »..Jt strains of a sUInged or­ low ber to ber new home In the
Tlie dlacosakin started o»er thcla-as referred to tbe committee on
to try and bring five new mem­
chestra blended with the aok-mnlly of west Mias Bates'friers are npr'M- lake a boat ride on tbe bay. It this
qi«-*tloo whether the mains abonld be rtreeU and
is poaslble. Unnebes trill be provided bers to tbe next meeting.
ihm. Miss MaU-l Bales, daugh­ fined to Traversi^ Clty/tat-eaiend ■
eztcndeil to P'ouneenih oinet
ter r.f Hon. Thiw. T. Bau-s. andaifford
e state.
tbe newspaper and Ihe governor, state otEciaia an^ planne.] to bold war
and this brought the quesUon of laying ing pevmiasiun to operate an automatic rarleiirti Williams of IK-nver. Col,
arouse added Intneai.
of»the sintf; she was honored visltora Uken for a least a short trif^
mains on Washlngoo rireet again to peanut roaster and tora popper on ibt
-rr tiuiKd in marriage at Ihe bome b> being elected tbe president Of the
The following Is the program for Many member* spoke of the bad ee»the front. Mr. Moon hoMIng that those strtM-ts was referred to the commitu-c
ditKw into whkb the alleys are again
(he brulo's father. 413 Waahingtoi. Michigan Press Women’s assoriatiun.
litis should be laid ihls year betautse on Birceis and wniks oo Mr. Lardlc a birei.-l. tbe ofCrUiilBS mlnisivT being in church work as well, she was suc­
Tbe mceUng will be called to order getting and unkws there Js an Im
of ibe.tear that they would settle ‘f motion.
the Rev. Ik-mas Coclilln of the FIral cessful and ha* been Junior, supertn- by Hon. G. A. Hart, president of the provement la tUt matter anollMT
Ou Mr. Urdle's motltm D. E- War- Congregailanal ehnreli Tbr ecremon}
they were laid the same time as the
u-ndem of tbe Stale Christian En­ board of the Northern Michigan asy­ dren-np may be Beccsaaiy. The meet­
pavement. Mr. Gillctt stated that ner was given permisstun to pile ms- took place at : o'clock Saturday aftor- deavor association. Miss. Dates was lum.' at 10 o'clock a. m.
ing adjourned auhjeet to the cdU of
there was no more fear of the ground tc-rtsl in the street ten feet from the no<iu. the hiauUful nbg service being assistant business manager of the
Approval of minutes of the meet­ tbe president.
-setiling on Washington street than
Grand Traverse Herald and treasurer' ing held at tbe state asylum, Jan. 1$.
there was on Csss. Freat atroct or as; r<-bidoncc cm W;
The bride
of the Herald and Bocord company. I9U6.
D*Mh of Mre. Thwnas Famar.
I petition from A W.
other street which bad been paved a«
tended, Isdug acconifianie*! simply bj- Even' day there were callCrs at the
2. Consideration of unflniabed bust
Bmidre. Mieh.. Jnly IK.—Word has
almost without csccptlon. the mains
thi- ribbon Ikan-rs. liUle Mbs Cailiei office to see her. Visllors from out of
lieen received here <rf tbe death tff
bad been laid Just previous to the pav- s'ne' and to pile material In (be
Moffali and Parker liotib*. The the city, country people and the chll
3. Presenutioa and cnosideratlon o( Mrs Tboma* Foater of South Hanllou
ing, Ho thougbi It was more of a boa- Mreet. war. granted on Mr. I’almers
dren and even friendf down town commnnlretionB from inistees.
isUnd. who iiBsoed away July 1$ at lb
Hnskell expinloed that be bad not Incss proposition to lay the mains motion and ten t«t of the street wen
would stop In Cur a chat and no malttv
Trustee Osborne of Mlehlgan asy p m si Gret-n Bay. Win., where ah*
wished tbe matter to come In the light where the peo|>le were not taken care allovfr-.! for that puniose.
bow busy she was, s^e always found 1am board will present a itaper enlilhd was nvelvlng trrelmcnl at (be braA communicallon from the txmrd of
of a surprise bat the poslticm had been
time to visit with them.
Contagious IMscase* In Ihiblk insil- pital Mrs. Ptrster was (he eldest
public works recommending the bnUdUpon the deaiti of her mother tOu- tuikms."
tendered him without any aolldtation where none existed. Mr. Moon re|ilku1
daughter of Mr. nnd Mr*. Albert Raythat (be city could N>rnin ihe neees-l ihg of twenty fei't of walk in front of
took up two depnmnents of the Grand
or endeaTor on his pnri and with
I’re-sc-matlon and consideration of
r Hit-0 Haven ni^ leaves a lamtly
the Larkins property on Wtrst Front
Traverse Herald, tbe Sunshine and
knowledge that It was to be
iiunlcatlons from the mcdiral su
..!nip cbildren.
Mr*. Foater
•street was granted on Mr. OUk-lfs moHome departmi-m»
The former ]>erintendenis
He stated that he didn't wish
>■>1 • u.iiit.0 yeara poetmlaireni at
brought her tu Hose (oueh with thou
appear aagratcful bat bdlered that bis
Hr. A. I Noble of (he Michigan South Manliou Wand and- was very
Cemmlttee Reperia.
Is of eliildren all over tuc slate aud Asylum for lUe Intanc will preoent a highly regarded In this aeclion of lha
- teaigaalkm. nndcr the elreaatstaiices.
The eommiitee on seweas recomnany iiarts of the country. Tbe IWIKT entilled "Eight Hour Schedule
. where she w*b well known. She
mi-ndcd the liiilldiug of n sewer Ikeliildren l»>ok a droo luterest in her ofr Asylum Nurae*."
To Opan UnlOfi Etrect.
a slster-lo law of the late Hon. W.
glnnlng on Sotiib Cedar atn-et and anwedding
and one of the vmst charming
till Dr, A M. Barretl. will pronenl a H. Foster of Traverse Cllv.
Alderman MnnSiie Inangorated a
«her beginning on Bmw.xid avece
of the many affairs tendered the bride pajK-r entiihd ••The ISychopalhie
Ycry Important movement with a mo­
■The (uB<-ral was held at (be home of
ad Spruce street. On Mr GlIlcU's moprevious to the ceremony this after- Wanl and (he State Asylums."
e of three be api-r sister, Mr*. George Carier. today
tion that a c
Ibis report was accepted nnd
us- the shower given her b>
Id Re|»rt of (be Northern MIchl- at 2 p. B.. IMcrmenl In Wagler rameflMnled to confer with J. C. Morgan
sdcjxed and the city aiiorecy InsiniciMooro<- Center Sunshine club
and the Hannah A l»j company In re­
lery. Mrs. Foster wu about $0 yeara
C.1 to draft resolutions for special aseompo-«ed of lioys and girls. In the
Id I Kepori of tbe
gard Q> opening Union street to the
of age.
CongrcxsHonal eburob. Hiss Bales was isylurn. Dr. E A. Christian.
bsy. 7110 motion prevailed and later,
The commiikH- on claims nnd acfaithful and efilch-ni worker. In the
(.-) Report of (he State asrlom. Dr.
the mayor appointed Messra. Murchit.
-ityntB rtnioricd bills aggregating $3.primary dyiarimeol she was for. t ) IL Ixvng
Palmer and qillctC 'TTicro haa been s
r.3S.S<l. which were ordered paid on
BumU-r of .vear. an assistant and or
Willis E . Ihe $-m<mtha«1d boy of
KetMirt of Ihe
•amber od cltUcna talking about open­
Mr. Gillett's motion.
I. aod Mrs. Edgar B. Koblnaoa of
. E. II
Hospital f<v Ihe Insani-.
ing UeTon atroct to the bay." aald Mr.
On Mr. Winnie's nMHion I’lc mayo:
The groom, aifford C'arhMoB Will­ Campl<ell.
Carver sireei. died Saturday at mMMurchle. "and In Oder to do so It
and clerk were nulhorlxetl to borrow
iams. was formerly a well-known
I Rejiori of the Michigan Asylum nlght of acute indigesHon Tbe funorel
would be necBMry to purchase thu
AlO.OM which will go to the credit
win be held from the home tomorrow
Michigan newspaioT man. hi* laM for the Insane. Dr. A. I. Noble.
J, C. Morgan properUy and move
the various fuulr.
nnd Ihe arrangemeuts an- In rharga of
3. Re|»rtB of comtnitleee.
oold storage «arelionBe cast. It Is a
Tlic clerk was authunxed to transfer
Grand Kaplds I’ress. wht-re he was
II. L. Carier.
tat Commliiee on psycl
good plsn to buy the land no«
»1.'j97.aR from the
■state editor. U*vlng Grand Raplda ward, Tnislit- C. F- Cook, chali
Mias M«ue< Bs>a
•ever again will It be aa cheap as it U
credit of tbe arltms fitg'ls.
two years ago lie went to Denver,
Another pioneer of Grand Traveraa
Id Report of finance
DOW as pn^criy values are constantly
The lillls of SuiH-rvtsors ClevcUnd.
where ho again tw.k up newspa|s-t '. Cook, clulirmanr D. E. Frail. G. A. couDiy passed awny at Blair Sundnf
Inctvsaslng." Tbe committee will roMyron E. Haakall.
HaVsba nnd IK-an for nrvlrcs on the bride was t^aruiliig in white batiste, work. U-lng altached to Ihc IVwt
morning. Jom-ph Hunt died at hU,
. port at Bome future meeting.
sary money to put in the mains on board of review and tanking special made princess style, with trimming id Leaving tills, he became IdenltOed Hart. J. W. Belknap. Otto Fowlo.
home Just a* the churoh bells were
td| Commlllee relative to "Pi
haby Irish an>l VaK-ncuumes
He^l May Uneate Hare.
asse^smenu amounting to (11. $10 a
with the Colorado state lioard of trade Cases for Asylum Treatment." Truaiec ringing after living over eighty yaard.
yoke of hju> made laeo. She carried
'Mayor Friedrich, biasi Hicb us then- IH respectively were n-fem-d to I
Dr. Leruff Dewls of Bay Clly
serving as assisUni scerolary. A A. J. Mills, chairman.
He had been a resident of th* eotmty.
.liiiwer iKiiKiiK-l uf swaiusonin.
committee on elsims nnd accounts.
preaeat together with a number ol -ns luacUcally no pl|ie on hand.
present he Is editor and manager of
6. Fixing of rate of malnienanee (or for ihlrty-dght years and Havre a
The re rLiuiiiiy was iM rfonmvl iff the
local physidana and at the Inrltatlon omended that Uu- matte - be laid
The bill of the city scavenger
the Scientific J=^rroer. a monthly pub patients for Ihe ensuing year.
wife and three ehlldran. all marrtad. to
of the mayor addrema^ the meeting In
amounting to |9.5o fur varlons stTvlces
licalloD devoted to the Interests of the
mourn bis lore.
T. Hiecellanrous buslneaa.
ime. wilieli was hiiukeil with
regard to moving hia boepital to this moved Ibsi ibe rei>ort fm placed
farmers of the so^alled "arid regions'
city. He atated that he mutt leave le. Carried.
of the west- He is also socfclao' <*T
claims an dacconnts.
Edward Martin, tbe 4-daya-old non of ,
dert>ra<ioiis also conforming
ThU did not end the water main
Bay City becanae of the general health
On Mr. Gllloti's motion the width of
Scientific Farming
ir. and Hr*. Edwin Martin of ItS Michigan Asylum fur the Insane—
Mr. Moon stated Seventh and Eighth sirecU was flxeU Idea, Su.--iK.-ud«d irom ihe archway .
rly the Campbell Svalcm Farm­
of hit wife. He bad three places In
West Tenlb atreel. died Snnday and
und<-r whleh the couple stood was
thirty-two feel and the wldihsof the
ing aaMX-iaiion and which. altl|Ot|sh
slow aad had opened
buried In tbe finSMaoS. Tta Rev.
wedding Ikll of mistleto.- and lilk-s. romiKiratively a new- organlMllon, lioroe. Columbinville: Peter oVorhels.
with tboiJurlogJSPclred a favorable engineer haring previously said that tidier'Btrecta aouth was nXerred
T. r. Ullom officiated and Ibe amafa.,
Iluriug Hie vi remoiiy. Hu- orchestra
reply fm Travsrae City logcther with (here wag not enough to provide (ur « Hie ward commltU'es for adjusimenb
iiuinbcrs Us inenibeFs among the thou iWiar; I). Roy Waterhury, Highland: ment* were In the band* of B. L.
eunitiosed of H W. Stewart and F. U.
lainds In the central western atates. E. H. Murphy. Pontiac.
an invilmtlon to meet tbe board of block, should be iRaced under Union This la necessary liecause of (he south
Nlehols, violins; C A. Skek-her. liaaso.
Upper Peninsla Hospllal for the Inaud is developing tbe farming
trade. He thought that a commlUec street so Ibal the Hannah t Lay mill
Dion atrcel (Mivliig In oid.T that It
and Frtd llarig. clariom-i, played "Banr
Kane—Otto 'Fowle. Saule 8te. Marie:
industry of (be Uulted States In
from the couadi ahould be p'rcaent at could connect with U and place
may he known where to si-l tbe curb.
The funeral of Mn. Bridimt Me- .
iM-anis. ' by It. A, Kais« r. very *ofU>
I). S. Morgan. Republic: Perry t<elgb'
hliberio undre*me<l of way.
the racing In order that they might sUndpIpc in the mill.
.Coandil Ihcn adjourned sine die b
Garry was held from 8(. Francis
"LobeuEngineer Caldwell said he bad talked it is probable that a S|>ecial mee-llns
Ion. NewlKMty: -F. P. Hohn. M. D.
report back. He sUlod t.hat be bud
churoh We<inrsday and wu aHended
N<-wlH-rry; F. 8. Cn>K!. Hunisilig: J.
New C. 8. P. S. Hall.
camfOTrad with a number of local pby- with W. W. Smith and told him that will be- called for next Mondiiy night
Urge number of fri^t> The
.\(l< r the een ninny a dainty lunchArohitorl Jen* C. I’elersuo I* pre H. I-arkB, Crystal Falls.
aldaha and that they agreed that the things were unsDiik-d and that it could name Mr. Haskell's siicressor.
pall bearers were all of Mrs. Mty
<■<>11 wa- si-rvi'd under lee old
Stale Asylum—J. W. Belknap. Grecnparing a w.H of plans for the new C. 81
dty ahooia have aomcthlng that could oot be done before Sejit.
Garry's nephews and tntemieiit took

E- M. llopkln*. Detroit; F. H.
I*. S hall wbkh will lx- located on the
be called public. He said farther Usai Smith bad auted that tuis a
place in Oakwood.
The Traverse City canning factory , roar of tie- house wlierl- Ihe bride had northeast comer of Front and Oak Wnshbum. Beldlng.
In order to make progress in adencc. be In time as no reduced Insurance
Her husband. Tbomaa McGorvy. U
will atari Saturday on wha' promises siH-nt *o many happy lioiirs making It Ktreets. The new sinieiure will l»e
Nurtbem Michigan Asylum—O. A.
pfardcUaa mast hare access to a well could be obtained.
nearly overcome by the aboefc and aa
lie- of tbi- i.msi iK-auilfnl plHces in
to be the biggest year it has yet iiad.
modern in every piirtlctilar nnd g fine
' equipped laboratorr which
be Is HC years old. friend# regard hU
he city. Tlie gie sls were sealt-d at
addlliou to the eiiy's hiiildings. it
aaawd. He slated that he would pre^
recovery as doubUuI.
some time bt|l'if laid aeruvs the dam first, iiegnn coming In Monday and are •mall lalik-:;. Hie briili'» table being will eonskl of a iiawmenl. main floor F. Temple. Muskegon: W. W. Mllcheil.
fer to amo his wife to tbU>clty
the improvement would be pennauent. now moving rapidly and itiere- will wreallieil nrotiiid wllb a w<-allb ot and a gallery, the first floor Ix-lng L'adlllac; M. F. Qualnianro. Petoskey.
U Petoakey.
Mr. Moon again bixwigbl up the Wash­ soon bo work (or .'•Wi women and girls, :'rimsoii liamliUr com-b with a eenler- ►even (<-it aliove H;i- ground. TlxK<-sMe the governor, several other
A Horea Burned.
A beiMtal U needed here but it
ington street matter and Mr. Gillett or 2W more than were used last year. piec<- of l.nde'B rosi-s *lill.- feMooUB ol
and south sides will he eompos<H| slate officer* will be present
What appears Jlke a amall boy's
AouM be secured through tbe coiillax wi:-e , itendeut from the
TItc capnelty of the factory has liecn
replied jo him. On Mr. tardie
wo harniuulouk sbadim of red
recklerenees oauUed-^a fit*. Friday
operatloa of the physldans. the counhranclu-s
tion the connecllons will not be ufade increased alioni i:.»too cans for every
afternoon In the rrer
pressed liiick.
eU aad tbe board of trade ao that
hours by the Installing of a sani­ table. At Hie liible were sealwl.
under Union street.
Son's grocery which
In lh<- lasemeiil will Ik- the dining
rt and right could b«
tary canner. This mabbinc does away ami Mrs. WilHams, Mr. Bales. Miss ■ora fioxSo feel in ske with a hllchin
Front Street Alley.
The Woman's Civic Improvement a* sbedt valued at 1200 bdooglng to J.
tad. There abonld he a public depart­
A petition from Julius Steinberg with all solder slxiuc the cans, the Clara tou-s. Mr. aud Mrs. George O.
■ntaitilng the latest impruvemvnta In Koclailan met last evening at Umlor A M .GiUeM. damaged a bara acroaa tk«
ment mninUlned by the dty.
asking that his name be removed Irom cover being pressed on automatically Ihit.-s.
Underwood's Uw office. The m.-vtlng_ alley owned by Thomas Young and deplace lor the Indigent poor. He pro
Miss Rboda Hatienbury was Is culinary lines.
A new bean shed i« licing ere-e1e»l
petiUon giving a strip of land off
was (or all ladl.-s In the city wbo.are *troye<l feed «t«red there which will
r of the li
ooeded to eaplain bow jbe diy mid
tbe north end of bU lot for alley pur­ a the north side of the luiildlng for charge ot tbe limcheon and the wrvlng U- humtetl a men'* clul. room where Interested In ih<- work, but probaUy probably amount to $300 and burned
liave beda there free of charge by the
done by nine young ladles,
poses was reXerre-d to the city attor- (he aecommodaiion of t><e
a dellvr-ry borae owned by William
all kinds <rf games may U- playnd. Tbe through a mlsnnd.-rsiandlng only.
cfsopention ct a board of lady auxinThc petition suited (bat a peri- lieans which taw been -cuiitroried (oi friends of Hie bride ^ They '
TiaM-ment also contains complete toilet f.-w onlsldi- ih<- executive committee Foolc valued at $150ariea who would reise Ihc necesaary
Misses Imog.'lie and Margan-l Ci
Uou haA been circulated and fri'el;
an acreage 100 gcrua In extent.
wi n- pn-s.-nt. Th<- mec'tng was called
At 2:30 o'eloiA aotee ehHdren
aud lavainry srrangi meni*.
agMaat by aodaU. snbscrlpUonB or
signed and that the owners of tbe
After the iHaim are ck-aued up. Ihe rou. Grace Smith. Nila Rnglwv. Aim
ran Into the grocery store and
other means. Two paUenU who went
pixfperty were wililiig to make the raODing of corn will he taken up nnd. Wait. Madg<- Wriulii. »hel Gibbs. N.H Ih-jr. Th.s I* TTxr.7 feet In alxe be Paichln, aft<T which the treasurer's lol dtbat a boy who Uvea nrer (b*
.-ijlhere through charity would also be
transfer but the city hadn't done any­ if the fruit l» ohlalualde. iK-aehe» will Ijndie and Klon-utv KatienUury. Th- ride* the stage which is 18x57 feet n-jKiri was given, showing a total of store with hti VEKmi* bad act lb#
tree tram any ailgma or dlagrace as
thing with tin- matter He wanted hi* follow. The la*! thing to be handkiJ nieiKi wa^'
larn afire. Ilorter Doughty. U» dellvniere an also two large dressing lie 33 w hich had In-en n-c-Ued.
they would not be known.
llo-< I’lintdl.
property tree from any rvatrictiuus
will lie apple* which have not lieeu
<'X|K-niM- of I3I< 7<>. having a balance
rushed ool of donra aWl at­
room, jiist 1-aek id the stage,
Tbe tnstitutlan it Incorporated by that If he dcalred he could dispose ol canned hero (or two vears.
Salle.1 Nuts.
lailie. Iiarlor 37x33 fei-t in site. Is ««< hand uf $33.53. At (be time of (ho tempted to enter the bunting building^
the stale and is lecognbeed by the
Bri.b ami C.nMtm Cakes,
All of last year's stork has U-t-n
and get the bora* hut but (be flamre'
ioftlK- nlc. leanire* of the building.
United Stales govereraent. It Is well
t'lsviamii I'uBs.
Mr. Gillett sute.1 that ho tmderstood up and everything Is in readi
ItIiU room will Ik- nicely furnished and for having the rubbish hauli-d away drove him back aad he «a* compelled
equipped, wdl organised and well
that unless something was done h)
for the work to bi-gln asi'U- from
The w<-ddiuc was a simple, home I fined <KH In Hu- u.-st ixissihlc manner. and Hi.- association was empe^ to t., .....d and (.ear the pitiful crtaa of
Ubllabed. The patienis arc not <
the dty. that the new hank, whleh (he female help whleh will uudouliti--! ceremony and iu h«-<-plng with this the ! Just l-ack <»( the parlor I* Hie smokins Bfaud ilie exiM-i^. amounting lo'about -i.c iijiTui'-.: uu.mal.
, Bned to any one location but
would Im? erected-on the Kueeland ly Ih.' plentiful, alihuucli it is pnrhatde
- limtu'd to Hie family
The alarm was tamed In from box $«
and »|K'iilDg off from this several $39. Th.- ladid* voted to become mcm- drawn from all over.
properly, iniendid to uHliTc all tbe Ibal no one af'er w«iik will In- turned relalix-i
.- club, of girls
iK-rs of iheNatlonal Woman's Civic Im­ and the- department soon had three
In .exunecUaa with the hosfdtal lanif available for their building, thus
'> siM-i-ial friends includ­
■ gallery ha? ^ siating capaclly provement a.-.)>orlaHaD. for which a $Z Mrcams pUrlng on lie btau. The
there Is a co1U-ge department
blocking (hat end of tbe
ing •The Six." "Th. Suiprise Club.'
lerexsary. This will keep fire* fighting waa, however, handi­
al«>ut 3ISI and Hi.- main r«»>m sliout -f.
nurses and the money- received from thuughl tjie matter should be looked
Swimmieg Race.
the ’O It. C cliili " and Hie "niddie*'
I. cKlng B lo'sl M-sting capacity ol | Hi< m In touch with the work
capped by low pressura caused by lha
the students goes to Ibe diarity fund. after.
The date for .the swimming rac<-» aud th. lr hii.ltfin'l.- Tli.- only
1.1KS. The ci-lling
.. will 1* joili-r aswK-laHon* in all i«art* of tbe uBc of so much water on Uwna about
Tbe members of the tiuard of physlha.bwn
th.- city ga<-B!s ,wi- G.-oig..-GFetitiona and O
ij,,, r.K.( IK-Ing suppom-d bylcounTy
,|„. j-tty. The "out" whistle aoundta
Ctana deliver lorturvs to the students.
InOn Mr Lardie's motiim the.matter
l.i.iHivr ot the bnand wife of Chi-1
„i,.[ ',nish*> Un<- of the l-esi; Th.-building ol the bath boose* was m .bout foriy minuiea after the alarm
Dr. U. 1). Garner was called upon of a dock eommiitee was referred
iweoa the passenger and <roil <!ocl. c.-igo, Fran!; loiyi'.. •uslu td the bndv. [
auditorium and gal-1 rtiKcnKs«-d with much interest. An ee- j ^sd* U-* n turned in Tbe iclepboo*
and Btnted that It was hard
nnd from pres< nt ipdiratiuns will Ik and w if; of Chlcag- Mrs. Fre.1 Hoovtri ^
the commtltiv ou ordliianres.
ibol'ther*- will Ik- no: timst.- r.f the coat of building bad been jj,.. ciHa-on line which waa
mate tte value of a hospital to a etty
A petition for a sidewalk on the the most luiercsllDK ev«-nls ever p:ilh-«l i Cl'.>. S
and Mrs. C K-’
,rom A. W. Wan. which.,ea-1
over the shed was meltM In
RXXY the city grows, tbe south side of East hlighlb street be- ell in the City. TTk- races are- lieldl
..f MotiivK- t'.nUT and Mias Be*Tin- main floor will also be used fot ’ r<-.-ded Ihe amouni on hand. This plan:
wire* << the Brerdman
-worse it is needed. But the matter twivn Gram and Bates streets was
*up|K-r so that everyotu- nia>jj.j,. |-,-kh,. oi P.-tonke
gymnasium puriKtse* and later a wt called for conitrucHon of the cheapElectric Ughi and Power eomtaould be wdl conaldered, it should ferrvd to the commltu-e on street* ana i get 1 chance to see them. If t;
Mrs Wjiliams were the ro- of lockers put In The building will eri form and would accommodaie only also damaged ao that tha
not be dedded In a moment. It is a walk* on Mr. Evcroif* motion.
| pic take ItiU-iv.Ht in these ratvs and clpi.-nis of mall' iKau'iful pn-ae-nts uf cost $t"/«*" and when completed will a »mall number of Oioik.- desiring bath-, curr«-nt was cut off snd tbe wires
Wg uUdertaklug and meant the exW. 11. Abbott, the only member of-tiini ou* in good numlK-rs, they will cut glass, --u'vr. linen and a Urge
pcBdlture of DO lacoosiderablc araouut he old fire and water committee, roc- undoubtedly K- h.-Id at frequent inUT- nutnlK-rol r<;a- inlir;iiiC'-Mrom (nends.,: l;e on.- of the flnesJ Itslge buildings in Ing prtvll.ges- In view of these facta ^
th.- ladles unanimously decided to In-1
the bieexe was light or (hs
fld money. It Is a bu^ness deal and umni.-nded that the'bill of (be Game.
should the attendance be Among th-- pri-s.-n:s Irom tnt family'
.lefloltcly |os'|ioni- their ereciioa.
flight have sprred (orther thfi»
•boulfi be gone into rerefnlly.
, valuable l.loou of stock in Hit:
well Fire Alarm system for apparatus . small there will in- u.i swimming,
Other civic improvements were dis ' merely across tbe alley and deutrefOi
Mr. GUIcit moved that Htc mayor ap- and ro]>airs ordi-rcd*»ome time ago! cbni«-»t* hcl diu Traverx-City.
| H.-ratd and K<-cor-i ■•i;!:tuiny fr.
The joint meeting tif all the asylum; cussed, am./ng them being the beautibouse* oo Ftfth streeC
polat a committee of three to eonfei and amounting to $2i' in all. ho al-j Great interest c»-titor» around the• 1,^^,.-,! lathor. imtni-dla:ely afu-r the,
e. twiher with the tying of Uoardman river be-tweeq the; n uier developed that two small boyp.
wtth the board <rf trade. * Mayor FHed- lowed adopted on Mr. Iklmor's mo-jfree'-for-all race in which Kenneth ^ |un(.h<.-on the bride and grooia k-ft (oi,
’’board of corrections and chart-: Fr««ii and Eighth street bridges. and;j,„,g^ Jarrett and Otto Alrre <
rleh tapMntcd MeMra. Moon. Winnie »■»Tb.-r -m ..o,.

V. .bi.
'•'■i -I--•-'« »b "I
K, K»r.
,,,b ...bbb.
U» bo,«-.
Ud Goodrich.
A»«nio.I«-.lbU-™i«w.Tl»-5l.-|bbW cob,Bo,b .Tb c.n<-n ,bcv bbr.. .o bbd -V'”-'--'!--'
C K. A I d„ob,, ,b.
« of them m a matdi. boldbibi bi Ibe IbU-mbilm or CbUB ud | .wldiiiH-n ud . b-nlJudbi bb.iK-j, „„
i.b. »,I1 1- -I boiu blii-ri W
„ bduldi dbUI «
' Waur Mahta.
!' Boardman avenue nmning south tOjlookeiJ for. Albert Kyselka has gen-: Aug. 1 ai .'■23 Oilp:n street,
~ *».«•»»••
i. m, be let it drop la tbe hay
The mster of water malm
ItK-cied that at k-am a hundred t>Kc-<‘
people more
Intoreat i"
in «»>..
the- usneiaHooreSta)1 fingers
Eighth street and tast on Eighth lo'ctal
charge of the affair d..,..
and b.1: .►
is Ubu
due CoJ.
rai cnarge
_ .*iiibchere Including filtv officials auxiliary club wa. Ulked of. the a»i^
otuS tmmedlato•rotmd work for a liberal <
and straw. Tbe
Tbe light
*-ly to bis efforts that the race* are. The bride if easily one <rf the mo*t,
,pu„«* Cvernor md tf- War-lnual doe* of which Would be tScepU.j,, blaaed np and the boy* watched R
last evening. The eommiitee on waUr Wellington street idgeed by Mrs. F i «*-ly
All entries
admire,! and beloved young ladi-s
^Is official ca-tKoG.lag definite waa done about
Ik pulled off. 'AH
enmes muM be;
lane* ol >j^
aboot IhU,
IhU,' burn,
reallxinc what wnt happenIt the board of pobtle M. Round and otbere was referred to toa iK
burn. 1

works and the water works raperin
ing until It was too late to ^areai
' however.
A petition signed by W. W. Smith aftcro'xm. No name* will he taken which en.leat?d herself to alL geniune P*
toofiant he Instrected to lay mnlas
that all damage.
The m.-etlnrouly laM* rme day and; The ladies
that lime.
Irvgret that she should ienve. eonpled
Cnaa and Twelfth atreeU ts TUr-< and otkere (or a sufficiest amnont eg
At ibo moetlOE oC the
lut «m)DK. Itast bof>onbl« boif was
CSr«D a goauiae aorpriae br (be readlAK or tbe naleuUon of CUr Treas■rer H..B. Haskdl. Ttoc rcalgnatkm
aimply alalcd that Mr. Haakcll had
been offered a beUer poalOoii aad for
that rcoaoD he wished U> realgo Imacdfately. Mr. Lardle Bovod that the
rcslgnatloB be recetred aod placed on
Ele bat when Mr. Haskell explaloM
that he bad beeo offered tbe poaltkm
<Y aaalftaiit p(»tiaaster. a place which
paid about #160 a year more and would
^ for four yeara whereas his preaent place was only good tor nine
BBBtbs Bore, on Mr. Glllctt's mt





TraTcrsc Haald

*. H.

J. CiueweU, mat

wife of Ohio,

^sed thmicli Uw cltjr reMenUr on

mrr Ihante) •> Tram** Otf. their war >o Oiehi
P. J. Cha^MUi
ini; ibe Kunuoar at Omena.



herald and record


E. Brandi and danitbier of Detndi are »p«idlM aime ,Up» at the
Park plare and later will leo to Nfrtb>n and Omena.


Mr. and Hn. W. II. Nirbols of Cbi
caso «Pral

**ot algbl at the


Ther will It'ave today for

by re^orlt^
Mrr. H. E

Wheeler of Chlcngo U

onpidc at Ibe Park Plare.
Mr. and Mr*. F. M. Cunig of Ctncln-

ti OD la Adra laAdra
........ SrlsAdra

nati peaaeil tbrmiKli Ibe city Itaie nrtlrn
riD Ibidr way u» NorUijwn Polui
Mr. nod Mrs. F, M. Ilydeo of*Tiasi

The appirintmeni of H. B- llaKkell.
city ueaaaiwr. to the otAre ol deput)
maiaaater by Poatmasler t.'arver. wlU






larsc fnajority of the j>atmns of the

OraDge. N.

are spending eome lime

I Norihport Poini.
A psriy of thirty yonttg people from

Pere Marquette

Death or Mra. Aleaander Porter.
Mrt. AlPxabder Fi>rf>n dir.I ol vab •
Wlltam A. ,Ta.vIor. ■
nlar dlseasw-uf ibe h<-art at the iw j
party for Hirblgan. wiU deore of her son Eumuod. SiS Vfeh ]
delfver an address lo the City opera Bter street. Trivrrw t'Mv. Tbnrsda) '
Slie wo*
bouse Saturday evening.
No admis­ mbrning at S:3« o'clock
Muskegon. Rats' S240.
sion will be cbargi-d and v vcrvbndv Is
near tbe shores <>f l^ke 6<. flair, A<'-'
Grand Raptda. Rate i2.0a
iguM lilh. ltd. ih'inB,nearly 7fi year*
Hr. Tavlur la a forceful s|H-aker and jold. Sbe bas two brutber* older and
Train will leave TtiverM- fi'> ai
ib deeply In earni-st. He comes with a im- yiirmE-r w)io :iii- silM llvltig at
a. m
}L,. pn.lent or ask iiit.-ii t
[Ibe old home in l!riii.
Fh- «»;• <b<
number of Oatieriag lodorscmenia.
{mother of eleven childru.
l-i : * ter |<arti.'ulai*.
lahd four sifb. Tliii^ ibai stirviv- t.. r
:t ;i
H F M.vii. r, t; i»-.\
{are Chr!>-ui|iher. Jerem'-. It* Dry. Mr*.
<•. I„ tkmiiDc au t Mrs. Jotepli Fomm
ati nti
of Ka-t Bar and Fdmnnd, Frank a«i-l
-Piursd^.y/uly 26. 1M6.
[William of Traterw
She I.H
Ol, ahete djVli.-K- ac-t,,.. :l the
graiiOclnldi-u and
gi.-.d ftraiid
I’.r- Marumf. w,il '.I, n.irii.l M i|i
r^iitd reti.
ti. l.IM
lago. Side.- Ilia: time sin !i;is mad. Allant'C City. Cape May. Ocean City.
Sea tale City
'tier bote, witb her rliil.mii
Sh - »*'
: a a!es<-cndaiii of ilie earit Fi> licb *e|. Al .A'r.-niely l..«i la,- - . I*a-«-iic-rjtlcis <.f MkhlWlll.
J|;. pli .\!lir. S. rvrd in the war of IM.'
'Th. .r.^■ra^.•.| We*
j.-tU', i.l..a*aid
ladf\ well Ilk.vl !■> all. Ciaii.lmti
kin.l hearted and the lit'l. cln


U lanUllar with ffce^HCricaic deinlla ol
the work of the office.

II He III sivive- <d Hi-i long a
•- hiiliaii-. vi- :<'
otiid Sle w-a. hi.f
Krato .-. > piiri-ti SvUiMiu,
l>.;:o o'lPs'k.
Ill his Ivili
tlTP-l *i«d.<- of
ol I'h- .

Due largely

to the frigid

that tw<^ held to within past few

Altbouab the weeks






offie* is muds larger than when be

driven lo sm-k Ihelr collages a^ ihls

was postmaster, the konwiedm- whtefa



Ihlngs aniiRually


Tbe mile resort

wmiarn A. Taylcr.




juses Is used enlirel) lit local per>- among tle-m islng onr from Famuel
as trenanrer of Traverae CUy and has pb> and many uf them gti and cot
llirkie. pmidttil
ol Albiou
been an etfideni and faithful oftlrial. ihninghoul the stiminer. spending
wbo has kn.iwn him lor the iiasi iwen
Mr. Haakell Is serving bis second lerm

Hn will mpply in ibe uffti^e of |•ul<tma8'

few dats ai


lake during a ti

ty years.

Aliiotig •n!n r* jire .-ye. Il.-ti'

ter the aame care and seal whit-h has

I and then eomlng lo tbelr botne*.

Itotii-e* from tile Kac.iiii.l-usi t.a.vtt.

Cbnracteiited ,hU sonlce for the clly

Ibe clly whi-n ibe heal

lla'Ile i'luek


Mr. Haakell baa for a great mao)


This eoqdillon give

years been a good elllzen in Traverse ibe plaee a free and easy. n>slfol al


where families

win be held

vlmant confidence.


very pleasing‘that be should rerelvc
' the nppointment whtrb Hr. Can er bat
tnndeted him.




nie elubs are


UKual and eapoeially la Ibis irue uii
surrounding Travers- Kiindny. when the tm-wbors drive out

■nd banket pienir in this rlty.
for the

snnnnl galhertng ibis

bnve been started.

for the liny onl.t

lirelll.Ie t.i Ibe

I'.unty ton».nii-.n




village of in-llair- in tlie upplira



been drawing


wa-: eanbsJ a'


the isill


month to IhouI [i>r
for rat.
ThiTc ing tilid slrenglhening
It has been Ruggeid(.-d, however. Ibai
ality who Itxik the trip yesillage lighting plant
if the C. S. A I. property between icrday omralng and this moralng'i
the power hoiire aud lor
State and Praal streets near tbe rail load of passengers was by no mean*
inst.-illing a sysletn of waierv.ork;--.
road could be secured aud Is found
I'jtal of lU-.'k*"'.
bn nvnllable, it would in some res|ierls.
E. White and family and Mr.
The dt—islon was not verycomple <
bn.lBore MUstnetory tbnn tbc fair White's brother. N. N. tvblto. spent
Id dp'all. Iieing ivndered early a:, tie
crooidt. Being nearer tbe city Ibore the day nt tbe IMand.
judge Stau-d in eoncluiling an that tie
wonld be a larger gathering and It
A party coDBlsilng of Mr. and Mrj.
•mire rafe might at ine e 1h- revii wi*
WORM be nneb mote convenient lor Vlclor Pelenyl. HUa Ixillle IVteOyl.
ly the Bupienio e»uri.
tboM who come to tbe cHy lu do their of Ibis idly. MIsMbi laitile. Ruth and
Tlie judge bax-d Ills •bvisiuo uo lb<
aiding nnd meel old friends than Katherine Meckel and Mr*.
A. f«.-t that tiwugli the village Itad ju*
at the fair grouods. which is too dis
, of t'bleapi. look the trip up ol.i.viiosl plans and sissitleuUom- «!>•
Uht for convenleDCG.
esliniai.-d «-o-'i from eiii-i-tier*. H
Besides, being located nearer ilo
thin Rouitd ami cbildren lei: /eqatn-d lij, Ian. ihe reisui tif ll......... ..
a, nwtiE
AhaTraverse CUy peo- for Ne^ah-tn-wanu this moratng. “ '
gineiTS had not Ihsu aeci-pled‘by lh>pis oonld boiler hvall Ibomsetres ul
The HlKMw Ida Larkina, AUre Turn­ <v-jiiril oflii-iallv *(.■ a* 1i> appear
. the oppononliy to meet their fanner er, Louise Howard. Ouaatc Secoro and
n—ord ns a' preliminary to the stile
Menda and Uke dinner with them.
Vera Kleinhezcl of Holland, made up quent action of presenting the pn»|s>si
I that there be
pally who spent Ibe vlnv at the I.
Hon for tin- acHiin of Hie p«'0|''''
>* Day" Ibis year, ni
ih-J pcllr.
that the fhraers from alt parts of the
The Rev. Tbos. Cok. wife nnd so
Henry Richardl. who ha* sinp|H-d
■ be Invlled to meet here, if the! Clyde, went up tbe bay this morning.
tempuijpilly Ihe pitiji—l for the villugi
n. W. Gulick went to Old Hissivu
insulling a system id wain work:- o
wonld be one of tbe biggest days of via Nisab-ta-wanta this morning
Ibeli own. l> Hie pmprielor of Hie Ik l
ths ynar.
Arrangements oonld
Wllllain* returned t<> his home
lain- Water Supply company,
Bade lo give Uc peopln from the In New ih-dford. Mas*., yesterday
■iw-ns the present sysiim in ili*- iHag<
wytry nutontfibiM Hdes nnd rides
spending a few days in tbe city
*•“ *--^-1 unnebes of which there, with bis daughter. Mn>. Thomas Cox. Thill ayaiem has long txsn o'ganlm
a:: luadfdlliate lo the village nissi*.
it many. A few owners
Uisa Lucy Brown, of Lansing, pyas
Tbc vilhic.e owns its .iwn eloclrl'
•* and tannebes have been
I through Ibe city un her way to
lighting .svsiem and has made iv
oiled aboql the matter and
Uanisiee Ibis morning.
paying Itnsinieni from the lH-giniiliig
rU^-conaiderable favor.
Janjes and A1vlo Barnes left foi
_ good time DOW llo lake tbe iihicatbis morning.
ThoTninilelh Ceniury eliili was
■\p and bring It to ai
Mrs. James S5c<>ii of Provemoot pass­
TorlaliiiHl Tll■l^^<lay night by Mis* Kll.<
ULB&airmers' day lo Tn
Traverse Clly ed through the oily this morning on
Smith of Wvi Eighth sln-l. A *hoii
. ’^ponj^e a good thing fort
for the farmers her way lo HanUtec.
business nienlng iKViipii-iI the
people, ft wonld oEer
Mrs. D. g. Mlnar went to Lake Ann
]>an of I'lH- I'Vening. afli-r whnli H:>■*
'fib® an opportunit.v to n
mingle with this morning.
menitier* wn-e . nii rtilie-d with niiish
other, renew old
A. Riacbari returned to hei
games, etc.. Dnntig the evi-iiing llshi
Traverae City
Scniiville this morning alie
refreshments were mtvisI.
rh- i li
be glad to eoofx-r.iie with tbe
Home Umc in the ctiy with
i:; planning fur n party wniri, Ho y l
farmers and make the plan a huge (riendy:.
tend lo give someHm, m the near f
B. r. Bcolt and wUe of Canton. O.
turc- T!ir nevi iiieeihi.g will b-- be
^eie in the city last night, leaving ihl:
wiih Ml'* .Miu3
M-iO's uf
morning for Northpori Point resort.
ftom Monday's Record
Mrs. Alfred tialibcr and Mra. John
Samnci Foster and wife of ancinnaU passed through the city Ibis mum Alleu of t'lBclonail. O.. are stoppim:
William J. has tswii iN-ikiat tbc i'ark Flare and will leave later
their way lo Omena. wher
for a In-'lire at Hiidxin •Mriug lie
for Nuribpori and Omena.
they will spend a lew weeks.
eomiiic M-a-Hiu
Thi^ uill I— his lir?
8. A. Kmlib.of Ncaliia-wanl* wa>
Mra, Fred Dykema of tiraad Rapids
.Vppi’arance in Mictiicuii
lu Ihe city yOKtrday.
Is apending some lime at Norihport
onlon was held at Ibe fair ground^


large rrowds out on the bay.

R. N. Clinrii and wife. Duncan L
Miss Edith Voigfal of Cincinnati nrrlved In the rity

this imwnlng.


will MOO leave (ur several weeks' stay
nt Omena.
A. L. Horwood and elWer of Crand
RnpMs nrrlred here Saturday


Clinch and Margaret much, all


cago aiv slopping al Hie Part. FUi e.

t -i

leave ludat

Mrs. F. C. Seen- and


of Kansa

J. Parker of State sin—l.

fUpids are

Uric nnd wife uf tirand
spending- st«H

Traverse City


aud i.urrouudiug


FiTK-hazfca's family
fats vacation al


will spend stune afoe at

ibe Umtma

and NorthptHI rewort*
From Tnesday's


Mrs IT J. F. Suker «d Chicago and
Mra. A.



way to Old kli**l>ni.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Uebowls. chll.
Open and niald <tf Cbirasu arrived at

AIW-—"b" •w-'l
In lb.'

ll —The

INsjItty ................................................
Fprliig chIcKen................................

'*’iww*».n It U ..olered ttswt Frvtny. th

Clover i«.xd ...........................

ww-l r—tll.isi, wiut ISwl Uw brtra wi laTImoiliy -•—•d ....................................
j.4 -niH .1.—-ne.l lin.1 wll^ ^her j..—as- .it in **14 "niwi*. wre r.-5u>reit luwiBuying Rate* of Traverae Clly Oealeraj
Corn, per bn-hcl..............................
roi.'Pn^. pi r liuslnl.................


I " And fr^fuiV!i.-r.H.ler.*1,'liwl -wsl isniew

, .

ifc.wnnr ih.»..rf. It ra.—ng • "no .J th' t.i I- fil‘-U.»l..I — Ih.- tital‘1 Trns.1 .M. iwM, w
i.nnP«l an.l .-.r. nlat. •
in fWl.l r—ami. .hr— -i.-.-HT. »e.t. IHiK.u.n.»Kld.yof;H-.M"r




jisig. Ill rt.£wu.

Fancy heUers.................
CoWB ....................................
ratv-ei ...................................
Sheep .....................................
Lamlis ...................................


Turkey* ..................'....
pneka ....................................
Geese ....................................
Tallow ...................................
M. 1—rnredTtl.les..,
:«i. "—Cured Hide*..
;recn bide* .T-------


f^.lTKTt- Th.- hl»b l.o-d T..Hllitc > r
In T VV W vrtll*lnn.l U«ndn.. rnUsi
•<nltir.U» .1 .»+we.h,.lnr.n« July.wi
In.‘l A •••'.I;'- br^ ■••ni_ pM-t!.- »r|.*.ng •— Thi. b.HW •
It Ll ewli-. Pi



^TATKcF MIcniOAX Th. PmlwteOMiri
tnUl.. HwUir I. tlor
t>«. d^eni"!
NnlW*e lahefeltT Alien tliwt f-li' n-i >nl l| fr..-'
Ih.-lsih .lA.T "t Julj.A la
P.wot f.H rreilll-r- In |«.—nt lle.r . I> In
Again.1 at’d d—rse-l T-an-l .--i:r- t.e . <aim .
WVeHS and .vlineimenf. wnal tFat al*
Mst .1-eea-ed WT* r.-lWir-.l 1—H
eUim. team I r-sirt at <be -r-lui'e
«hr CoI"« Trnrme.'iti. in -set ••
.H-bef-.e -he -Xilh da. "T N-l- iilieH. .<
an.t iSwl wwi.l rUia- uill I- h.wi-1
r,mn en Tnr-twT. tb«'ynli -la. .•' %■
A II liaw. al tranrk*-h in t'le |.irn--.n
tlwtwdJulf mb. A l> I».
Mndcrad Pr-l-




a:.<l not to

.if tl in-js

Lik.-- i nr--

Klmliall Pianos
Ar.' ill.’ |iri*lii.’l of M."*l fii'alerial.


Your KoliaUe Fumiliire Store.

Grand Rapids Furnilure Co.
12< Sgoth Union Street.

TraTcrse aiy, Hlcbicfia



.-rs of Kitiil'.li i’laii-proliLvIiI.'


lix'ujjllt lo

lo."kr,m! it


r-nl.-rs for



makiie/ tli:.;i

lo ill'-............................... .







Try a Herald Want Ad.

vorkiiiaii*l)i|i :i’nl





Vou mvir spent
a nickel lo better
adpantase ....

Gur Selling Plan
1 I...


I - •. -I V I-

UV^ilwv hnvv



jmJ I- .fuhir

I- •-,*


lOc Paper Bound Books






II aT j i-t e;.:T< tiy

IS mark.'!


if .!-.sih-i.

fa -t'

our -x-llititf pi HI
i t»- ■■


Beys’ Summer Waists
in tlrtrt an.l



i’ c fsi<’ii.

• Mil'

sfyl.-s of plniios 1




I’iiyiia-nln f-'i




New {^»aS iirrivini: Jaily.
CitixtaniAone 12->.

Kimball Music
.!/. !l il.nnrr. rr.,\

BSHe A»d tVWWlm* »b- IVni ri. a-Hl tWnIm. "
W>.-«a <Vme *1 UO .waiisiuaiiaM They fiwi. r


iiitenticinB |>l.iy

.iir Uwt fri. ^.!

L-jne Corit te


Powder* tor


\Vc have

>v>1ors al

MothnrCraX '• Swi



olll.T iiiaki


gnest of Mrw. Philip Roach of W


b. mere /on

liiTL'.’ jvirt always



John A. Edo* <4 Walton was a Trav­


of It8.’lf.



ly of .Alma student*.



68 cen-ts a Sa't

Arm<iraploCorm-l for stout

erse City visitor yeetenlay.



The |sroV’ i-


Uie niam*-





inter. ■St.

fri.’iiil in




ivc arc K‘M»»K

at till' yiti ill -iitn «if


your eHUrtn
<v.Ms. rvc ilic

.•■nJiiiL' lo




imy a |itaiio


(bivugli tbe rtly- y«.>sl«-rxla.v on hU- way



in'tvv.vii tliilii:.


drcil ami Forty iveis irfi ili a

are m.Ttfe up of a br^amifnl dcsi;,'!!.

f.-n litriT iiiarkn tin* .iilT- n'tioi-

Ut tile Al-I.-S

Mr*. J. Urals of Elk Rapid- L



Tbc puriionc for wlii.-h

lirblac. lIPnd. Kkvatinr. rrntrniiin* IVI-1 ni...
PiuAin.uwre n"«Wiaxl t.. refun-l
m eii
W li If 1
• (V.XTHCXT CwlU ti

'..TUBA ll iiulsumu icl of

These ellshcs arF the

Read This

V*An<V|.INF. KXOIKK for -vie « H r. ••■•
:LJ i.;ar «rh~-l.
nwetr-allr n-v
Ifn •
;liiv ll.evl r.a.1 maelnn.' «dl hewi4.1 - Parwi.
.1 it wani.d
K M GiMe. w.lm Mw-r •••*
e-iwie Sn-nmiK-iiy.K > I> X- I
' :i'

II I- claiBKvl that AMen wil


ul ihc vry lowest i-rj.'-.


S. N Spring and ?rife of KIk Rap
ids a.e visiting Mr*. J. E, Wsgley on Twks I.AXvTIV'R ttniiHo ow'—ne TwSlei*
llnicr'o--fnn.: m-m ' IMi fn'Ia te rare K
Wastatiigion street.
W aU"Vy7naa£nwtar.:M«a*wehb.ii Ar.
Sam'k Anderson of Omena. passed


..lie tlenlHIiKl ainr bwndrs-1

*Fi«rat. FrminWalliw. Jodtetd IV Imie
tan mvat- ut ll-.a».

'•-.^ii-l oil a <•'

have been tbe gur«l* of E. S. Jucc*
U. K. Ver Kamp and Mlws for the past lew daya.

Viw Kamp. all ad CiocInnaU. arr

Music House

111. r.TlT«it»dt|l”.4 th. t.-iili.m. rein.d, .< K i: i:ii4->. neni.m-iia'-H nt >ai’i f..»li..i.—I- —ll the inN—-,4 -..-I .
in «-rtwi« lent O.TWP- Her—

Hr. Unk's hnnii

Edward O. Babbitt and chlld/^

IJ.-Jirf I HtrttiV. i


Mr. Froi-hazka's cot­

where be has lieen camping nub a par­



Travcr,M; Cily Slorc: 159 East Front Street.

-It r.H I


home fiom Mullet Lake, near Ib'twkry



Grinnell Bros.

that NKVKK l.r, ..k- -in

Itavis <if Seattle |>as.H‘i

amt -mlr of


of .MioliiL.Tii



Itryaiii h'l.P

'thronfh the city Ibi:. morning on their

*a..- sere.*.I-



iiiiy n.lJri-s* i»>


Mr. nnd Mr* G. R. KrlUridge il Cfai tage at f'arp Lake
engn are at Ihe FnA Flare and la'er is In St. liOiiU.


ai'IMii- q'v.vlii

weP they

•I • 11 '• , • ■ Murv ev.w'
ll ..•mil" ri.t It tell tiighiv. and I., siaiid luick

per barrel.................................
liran. per l" i.......................................

Gustave A. Uiik. bnelier-ln-law ol
tTiarles Frorbatka, )r.. I* visiting Mr.

'ogli tei.-.- Fisuo.

,. i, “the vdext home Piaec,"

.bi-:i hai. ajipr-lui. i •

vany |j:iyiiH'u^<.

nt 2-V i-a.'ii

City are viriitug her inotber. Mrs. W

Oiartcs S



r.-»*-on!it.‘.-H.-is tn

laranir.-. ulmli v».- will gu. m additkiii'lu

Siiihroer itinllfs. coovl values

Lafbr they may gu to Omena.



: Co

leal. II L. S- Co.-I. I
■ v<l. M. I. A- C.i.'s 1
If- per dozen------ih1|I*|,. |ht pound..
• ril. i*rr i»mnd....
P-r. i—r pound
vfiery 1,tiller. |
•. jiof po'iud
iH-r hiish.'l..
t'oluliw-s. IMT hil;’Jed..............


Ky, nro stepping at ihe I'ark Flare


Sterlisc Piancdi mr noki on

•cliuol Hoard of wbk-h Chail.-. II. Co;


WANO. wh.-r.-ver

pli-n-111'- amt alira'llve f.-a

. but

iii'T..ue, l.i.v-b

m tsMib

1.1- mimei .P-istt<l,i''il;


From Wednesday's R*>rord.

J. O. While and wife td l..eilDg1oti.

•e an

Traverse City Markets

i* preshleui. voml Jass nlsbi lo pm n
eblldrrn ol Cincinnati passed through .1 niisP-rn tip-'oMat- sieam to alln:
the c|iy this mornloE on ihrir way «
oiaii' ill Hu scIhsiI htiiMing :ii tin
the Clovers,


I.- a liifi.

Thin report Is mad^u^otv W^neit

Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Zelglcr and



i.i’i- lo

A C*rtqjiv Cure for Aching Fr«l
Al ' s> S'l—• Kw. a ts'S.e.r. . ..So. Tmd lion.'.l l.y H;.A>l..n(.»»H>t...r. S<r‘>l.-n I..I K.nisb-»nl
ri>Re.als-H«i. p1.-.4
t Ka«' no-osrr t'.irn
l-•■l. a l-ss-im.—' .VJI'-O (i Mlt*
vt*l.4.rlwO. s
K «i

nnd ntw stopping at the l>atk l-laiv.
They will

I* inei'-ftsT.s a* tu.' i.ii|» rtorliy

.1-1 I-.-.BI. - WH.- srjietT.ily kn-iwn

Thursday, July 26. 1906.

Beat BulMing.
Aldeli. Mich- July

;it.- in use lu ibis

•• M>. -. stinti ING FrAN'tys and ih.- evpor-.
rqj ' .111 .......... .


Mayue has n-iide>v<l a <le.-isioii ;i;;aiu*

umrtiial waterwiirk* sj .iem.

The bright summer moraingB have,

I<* iiMbuisMurv-r- have 1,

f.nnio nml ‘■i-.vii- f..r upward of


v'li and graiid<-blldr<-n p
ervici', .A laid- ivdjeour
> :iiid Ineiids
main/ and all Ihni vras
graudni.v wn- at r*-si In i


in ll..- Falva-r-n .Vriiit

to r> drain ibe'issue of loads for
From WednesdI'y'B Record.


Last year the re-


of Henry Ru-liardi lor an iiijiinr

11 has

beeone pepoUr. nod ibe preliminaries

11 .1 rlu

B Tp. *i.|.--pr»-aii aii'1 ,

No Water Works.

palronited .i;-

Ebr the past few years Ibe farmers
Urn regkip



’ Ibe building done this year,

aty have beU an annual gathering

lin-r' bUMsf-vH ■» hi every ST^g.lNQ

k agoiilr (or ’..ill iinmiiil'ir.i;i
II F M- lhT. G. I'

iiall Men.lav atierniKiti July iv.. wlieti r«wi«nslOle foe ohangwa m p
One new roiiaj^ was erected by F
Setting Prie
ivninly lickel will be piaet-d ill
r pork. p«-r tarn !..
I. Bsrnum Jiisi north of the Kvllcy
f j">rk. per pound..
nriinge and this makes up ibe exteat^

Per a ‘Parmcra’ Day."

J.miodi and

Tills ni.-.'IIIIG Is a

inospherc whirh Is nol found in plarea

the people of the dly have placed


ITvIh viie Oareiie.

City, one of rdlablUly and in whom

Thru- i* ••.tlrGiug" wuishand- Ft. i-



bn gained da^ng bU term of ofQre will farp lake ibis season.
•nrve him In good sicnd at this tlm.

One of the Many
Excellent Pianos soldby

the south side spent the day at the

Mr. Hpeken W nerved aa poai

Blaster to this rlty in former yeara and



121 From St

r yur choi"; an<I :Ii'ry arc all bran'f new bookn. loo.

Better Burry!

City Booh Store
CN bcttii Cc.

Crjvrne Ci^ ffikS.




i Judgment suit of Fesrlle F. Car-1 raising podtiT- They wm make tbclr
penter Tm. Or* Carpenter tor $SSJW home In S’ori*iport coinc *
•nd omU o( too bai been

A Tf»eie FlmtK



.««... o„.

OrWCKM-^. Tl«<» iMT. rnwiam
nerd au»b. Tt»^ieW»e»; «M«*f
flrinil back an.'! Rirlklns lili right arsi.
aa4.o^lOT. y
No boms «Tw broken but . the Injurj
DIUCmiCAoA- Traer W- >was verr'palDlui.
OMh. Hn. J«a»» T Heai-b. Bmiii.*
iMd. H. C. De»»fc J«»7 Bnlllraa. *»«• ^•
The plat of the Ar*t addition to tbi’
rniage of Acme was Aled in the court
S W CMHIWU Oi TUlK B«Ma« bnuB<- Tuesday by Lcoaanl S. Hoxie.
The plat was varsit-d Mme time ago
A. g Hilisa aU OJhetlBM sad Oortw
and now cnmalDs forty lots, pan ot
which fare on the bay. making a beanllfol place for summer homes and the
»AfWS asftan asak-BssMaf is sU land U also very good for farming pura. Some rtf the loU have air
fr.jPwniiM «■■■
been disposed of.
s.Ce.—B«ral> rocr<Auct<

Clroutition this week 2,950
A narriacc Ucense baa been grantiMt
(o wnuam Hnbbell and FaUe Sumnier•tdd.
Duriw tbe past week there were
tMS7.«00 callons of wautr pamped at
tb« dtf water woika.

John R. Burkholder and Mra. Mlnub
riaeh. both of nie Law.
' Work of exearaUng for tb
MBt d the Bartak buUdliiK.
the Hotel Wbitlnc. t
Wedneadar momlnf,
OgM warning recklesa autoUu
bare been placed on the Bdgewood
mad tdling the drirers to run alow
and glee auffident warning.

ons farmer of stitcher to close the wuQnd.
t Bedel, I
llring near Qrawa, fell from the top of
Fred C. Wetmore a Candidate.
a toad -of bay and fiactured his collar
CadllUe. Mich.. July J7.—Fred C.
bone. Mr. Rede! U a man 65 yearn of
Wetmore of this city, at present prose,
age and tbe Injury may give him
trouble than It would a yoonger man. enting attorney and city attorney, one
of the ablest and best-known men In
0 Marion political and fraternal circles In the
Hereafter, the e
a candidate
I on the ateamer OolnmbU will state, has declde.1 to
mn to the island on Tnc^ay. Thurs­ fur sute senator In the Twenty.sev«'nih
day and Sunday evenings, tbe Saturiiorlsl district, composed of Wex,■ day night trip being omitted. Horn's ford. Grand Traverse. Leelanau. Kal­
orchestra sriU accompany the boat ss kaska. Antrim and Charlevoix coun­
ties. and represented in the la« legis­
lature by Senator O. C. MuSait of
Traverse City.
A very happy sunmse by tbe Trav.
erae Bay hire and neigtaberra
Death «r a Pioneer.
given at the borne of Mrs. 3. J. Brerina
Mra. Bridget McGarry. a pioneer of
Friday night In honor of Mrs. C. U
Shngart. who left for Boyne City Sun­ this region, died at her home at the
day morning. Tbe guests presented corner of Front street and GarAeld
her trlU a beautiful china plaw. Cake Bvenu. at 9:» Monday of dropsy.
She was Kt jvar* old and beKl.h-s her
and lee egenm were served.
husband, who is f>6 yeans old and very
Wlllsm Fraads Hubbell and Miss feeble, ahe leaves Are ebiidn^n. three
' Katie Blliabeth Summerdeld. both of sins. Oda and Thomas itf this city and
Intertoofien. were maiticd Tuesday Mike of Wisconsin. The two daugh­
aftenooB by the Itfv. C. T. Stont, rer- ters are Mrs. Peter Lardte and Kate
tor of Grace church at- his reddepce. who is In Colorado.
Mr. and Mrs. Peti-r McGarry came to
Ihe Iwlde and groom were attended
^ Bert Miller of Stevens Point. WU.. this region forty-Ave years ago and
(.and Mra. Marie Hatch of inu>rk>ehcil. cleared tip a farm near Long Lake.
They had been married over alzty^ve
Martin Bailey was tRe virmn_oJ _ yeaxa.
very patafni aoeldont Monday, the
acddeni happened nhile he was work
Nerthport Wedding.
lag la the Bingham mill and resuUfd
Northport. Mich.. July IK.—Miss
In bandly Injuring aeverol Augers of Pearl Dame and William Vole- were
,,.^ri^thaad. Mr. Bailey was under united in marriage at the home of Mr.
tbe laSnence of chloro'orm for over and XIrs. John Kennedy at 3 o'clock
an hour while the wounds were being yesterday afieraoon. vhe ceremony
IK-Ing jterformed by the Rw. J, U.
Div'ts and the full Rpiscopalian s.'rvico
Tbe Oennant who met a^-F. G. Heu tiring us«<l. Only a few immeiliai-’
mann't store Ssturdsy nit^t hsve de­ friends of tbe bride and groom were
cided to call the organUailon
present. The bride looV.'d charming
Grand Traverse Sanger Bund. The so­ in a gown of pale t.luc silk. The hrid.'
ciety la to be <qten to all Germans In is the dsigthier of Mrs. Cla Dame an.l
this pari of the naie and will be In has a large number of The
the nalnic of a aingtcig club. All those groom is a p<ipnlar and promising
desiring to Join are requested to Iravc young business man. being engaged In
their aames with F. G. Heumann. 'j
other meeting will be held at Mr. H
mapa's store Wednesday evening.

Frank Kratochvll launched his new
boat, tbo Eagle. Tuesday afternutw.
T%e boat was designed a^ bttllt by
Mr. RntoriiTll and certainly is a
benoty In every respect. She is
twenty feet long, with m four and onehalf feet beam. A ihreedrorw power
engine win propel the craft. Tbe boat
U eaUrely AnUhod Is qtiarter-eawed
oak with
arood the aides. A trial apin was
moralng and every-

«.>B on business S!;rt to look over rome, Ontg Co's. F H M.-ad-. C. A Us-

he wrote to hit wife, tolling her hej
^ g, Ra obow
wss not well and
oi,^t him. The
s„ i
n iMogram arriv.-d yes.otday nen ami 1
.be letter canH-l««nlgbt
^ Waskincton str.,-. and Mr
«r. .Melnalswas.1-vr-..^oManiL.^,,, 1,,,
l.-ates a WHO au'l four small,chlMrou. j
He w,^ a moa.t.-r .,f thv Kmir-r. lo-Jg.-,
of 0.1,. Fellows and had many fre-n,N. |

r»-€ail} '< igb« ineho. long. w. igUo.
and' tbti‘'^luart'r p emd-; and
• ••
will U- completed In - •*-'
n i.y Wit.
to'ufi’ iwiniy-Ave min'iies |K-for«- I.
. ro and then all will l>e ready for
f;»m tbe wa*er
the layfhg of the brick. Tbe eemmt
. Ur; Smith is tri
r ufllu- Ibdmixer lias proven to he a great time
The Imys of :lie UayAnaer eliib wit!
s-linh ut<- owne-I
siver. about iwlcr- n« much work have a ratepmg trip the Am ul b' Vt (on! Miin<- o-ia*
by K Wal^l; of rhicawi.
being aeeompllfhed as ond<T the cild wisk. This eieurrlon Ims eesnv !<■. l>________________
system. The machine is now on irtsi dn annual alTatr. Iiui hireittfotv H ha-1
and the city has ibv privilege to buy
.„ 0.1. 0.0
.„.„,oo. T.,1- ! „
J'S,.'5 ,;,H.
sr.'Nnvri wiir. from a torpid livci and
I b-.w.[
awakin ih-tn to thc:rj
s trh a short time t-othe Kev. li. Coeb'
Mrs. W. Cary Hull. Mrs. J. \V. lin has plannesl a thr<H-sisy tri|i. Dutk (.coper nelUui e.,.h Hr. King's New
Patebin. Mrs. Prank W. Carver and IMilni on &si liay has lieen roh'' ed as
MfS. H. D.'Alley were invliwt-ttf the a ramping plue»*. .M;! Corhbli will :>ct
home of Mrs. Towne of Rlk Rapids to as chef and IW' l-oys will no douh'.
attend a house ptny. They left live on the fal of the laud.
Wednesday in Mr. Huts touring car.
While there they were entertalne*!
by taking a trip through the Iteautlful
ebnin of laker, starting from Rlk RapTbey will be gone In ali three oi
four days.

Robert Slack, a 3-year-<4d txiy. foR
on the cemont sidewalk near liU home,
, of medical i
~ hare boen filed In the eouatr derkv CIO West Eleventh sfree;. Tuewtaj
dhoB, pertaining Man? Doracr Hnr- afternoon and InflirttHl a s.-vere gasn
the left side ^his jaw. A [Ri­
dnm and Myron Stephen Gregorr. both
cian was called ^d dressed ibeTcut
Of thU city, to pradlcc medicine.
which rcnnlred several xiilches.
C. J. Ebneris Sunday achooi claaa of
' the Congregatiemal ebureb has secured
Mary Sladek. a llt-year<»lil girl llvCol. C. a French to present tali Illus­
g on Bay street, stepped on a pi«>ee
trated leclnres here July 80-31 and of ghiBss while wading In the l>ay
Aug. 1-t The snblect of bU IMi
Wednesday and eat the bottom of ucr
hare not yet been announced.
left fool severely. It look a number

Herbert Stem of Summit City and
Mtaa Dorm Otfmus of Clare connty
were united in marriage Tuesday even­
ing Bv Justice E. E Brown. ThlwU
Mr. Ttrawn's Arst nuirriage eeremony
and he performed It in a most aatisfaelory manner. It will be rememln rel
that be agreed to unile tbe Arst couplwho aboold apply to him enliitdy free
of riiarge and^ao last night made good
hU promise. In addtUcm he also gave
them an elegant wedding preaenL

:!dJ.T IhW 1kf irypnai u^llai th.-- • Tl-:-- .Jc-T. rs arv., an ».;• tr. .!!<• Ol
T.-: »<•««
h!. .!l,L.)Kdart- :h. ••
ialacitnatl^r. canr,.! h- a teeg-’
tpr c' ».,r h<. bad mail' ,»

My Hd/r
Ban Away
Doo’i have a faliing out with
your hair. It miebt leave you!
Tfaeo wbat? That would mean
thin, tcratcly» uneven, rough
hair. Keep your bair at home 1
Fasten it dgbtly to your acalp!
You can easBydo it vitb Ayer's
Hair Vi(or. It ia somethinc
more than a timple hair dresaiof. It is a hair medicine, a
bair tonic, a hair food.
TWberiktndolatsiitmBaisl**aoM tor eror slaty yMra.'

Six ReasoDS Why We Invite Your
Banking Patronage



AW)1 uU> safeiy for
is .-igsurttl.
We provide pruiupt. painBlnkiotf tiervico.
We arc iu a iKwitioii to nuwl ewr>'reisonablo ciH witiiiu the line of Innkint;.
We are loi-atetl in our new tire-pruof linil.Iini:, rfml our vautt e«|iupmeiit U-inu uioilern
in ev. rj' respeel. BlTorth the grealiwl possiUe aecuiity.
The operations of this Iniik are nmlcr the
inspection of the State Bankim: lA'part
It is also reijuiTcl to make its (v>ii(iitiou public, thus .issoriui: llie depositora
every possible saf.-.Tianl.
We limit our invi-stmciits tr> seeuritieg of
tlie most 6ul(6tantlal kind. Sbclt eeeoritu-s
as arc easily convi>ctrvI into cash and frtv
from speculative inUDeoccs.

The Year of White
Everything that’s^hite Sells
It's white tjowns. while suits, white coals, shirt waists and skirts, white hats,
white ho.vicry, filovcs and white oxfords, and to make the outht complete needs
only the white pard'o!. for you would hardly think of L-jrryin^ a black or col­
ored parasol with a while costume.
We especially want you to see this jine bi'fore pjrchasinir: it's a particulArly
strong line- Take the linen ones, they are as dainty and charmini; as you would
wish to M-e.
There are the plain ones, somi: that have wide hemstitchint!. others daiotily
trimmed with embroidery; some of them are painted in softly blending colors,
making a most choic«* selection.. Moderately priced, too.—

89c to $2.50
One thing we nearly forgot, and that is a white leather hand bag—another
1- ise of where black would lx? out of place. They are so inexpensive that nearly
every’ one can afford onr. We have them from


50c to $3.00

We tender yon onr servicOB in ail matters
within the imiigo of scoml and conservative



Summer necessities in


Jit Uery Cow Prices.
Cadits' Oxiordc

Canvas floods
ChilJrcn’s Cuiiv.-ip*. isfotds

yy ...It.- tha.i —


... ih-m.

Mi«c- <Kl„r.k.


75C to $1.15
Women's Osfonls.

got to $2.00

Cadits' Oxisrds

T>it*t. ..n,.- -n all




Youths’ C.invas Shoes.


Cadits' Sandals
With »tra[. amJ U.w. liaml turn.-.1 »..l.- I^rry 1,;',.
\.ni hav (■..1.1 $1 X5 K.r i... U-Urr
■ ■nrs.


Uoy.' Canvas Shoes,

Men’s Canvas Shoes.

$1.00 to $1.50
mtn's Drtss Shots

• 1 a UgM .!r-»*y Ki.l

Easy Slippers................. 50c
Serge Slippers.............. 28c
Serge Shoes. Cong.


•will.; Iv-:.


you’rt losing a lot of IHe's haprintss by
not wearing eomforfabU footwear ihtst
warm days.

We Sell the Pianos
That pive the best of satisfaction; that have records
back ul them; that can be sold on their merits. We
want to talk buvin«:ss wirh you. If yon cannot come to
iis let us know and we will come to you. We treat 'you '
fairly, squarely and you get the finest pianos made. ’



is all that is necessary to say.
The m.alerial. the workmanship,
the wearing ability an«l tone
quality are the very best kryown.
Through eight administrations
in the White Houvi is enough
recommendation. W c have
never had -i dissatisfied cus­

is a piano that for richness of
tone, depth of vibration *aod
workmanship has few equals.
We want you to be sure and see
this piano. We know you will

f Henning
One of the rinest medium-priced
pianos on the market. One
that has proved most satisfac­
tory wherever it has been
placed. No trouble to show our
beautiful pianos and explain
fully all their many good quali­
ties. ShoaUl b<i i>leas*;d to s*w
you in our I’jano Rmjm in the
at any time.

like it, and the price is most

'Stands for the very best organ
that is made. 'J'he 'sweetest
Uonc. the finest materials, the
l^cs: workmanship. There '^.rc
many who prefer organs, and
churhes and young ixroole's
societies shouldt see and hear
ifiis Ixtautiful organ.' The price
pbuxses all. You should own
one of them.

We sell piano and orgab stools, both single and
double, and the finest of piano scarfs.




"ISrand Traverse Region.
PrldAr to tUa rclAilvM
' O»lYl0^ Uf te MM. AH wmMoeM i W. A.
_______i rMeh Hi*
nrtiClty Mond«).
U -C. lUckrrt aad wlfo {tar.farter thav Taaadar neon________________
of aaeli
mna •• t-------- ri—1~ t~ - fall to «(i01 tumrd fToai Adrian, whfi* ihf} f
'ttvaira Ri. they may ba aaaaraE tMI ft i»oii vl*li!n« trlarlrt

aama tfiar tima.


MIm IJIa Curry: U'hclpine Mrs. J.
C. Cams of Elk lUpids a fr» ‘‘-llils «<4d(.
Mina Maud Rn>oin*>Mirl 1r tUIiIuc
frirada hiYK l»-rurv aolne to Kulkaska.
Whrrr ahf f*prci» to atlrnd arhool.
Frank Bours Is alowly rt«ovrrlns
.from hU re«rni lIlDraa. <>ui is noi yfabk- lo liT mt.
Ruirtri Cams *pcai Sumlar with hU
. QwirE'- Curry Ik tm
Carry of KIk Ilapl'ln this a
July IG.

Ctdip Foster or Marflold Is vork)nc for lr«’iD Kawllucs diirluK liayluy.
MiMm Vida Shutlor an.l Tina Wori.
man spent a few dkyi last wwk vi»liinc Utelr parenta.
Mm. TorallllBor and danitlitof liavr
miimed to their liome In Ann Arlior
alli r a lew wort;*' visit hen-.
Inrin Ra«rllnp< Itaa
purehatied a
apw htirte.
The danw Riven In Thw HanMUi'a
new ham Satunlay i venlnK wa* *i'H
attended and a Ro<i>l lime Is reported
fay all.
Ve» Dnaner wna calllnR on Irlends
In this vicinity liisi week.
• Hr. anfTMrs, OMo Iflityke of marknan rialleri Mr. and Mm. G. C. BawilDBs last Sunday.
July J6.

Mr. rttlllps of Ohio la TlaillnR reintive* here.
Tom and Clint Pray went to Po
iOAkey ftiiarday to play ball.
Oram Hadlev made a trip to Trav%rm> Cliy Saturday, relnmliis Monday
Cfaaa. Hammond went to Trav«*rse
pty Monday to the ebon.
■ ColtimhuB Bolamier went lo Trave City Monday.
d la buUdinx a new

City, were Roeau of Wm. Brlcbt and
family last Sunday.
numl>er went lo Trmvcrwe
City today to «ee tne cireua. ,
Mrt. Ctias. Rinehan and cblWren.
wbo have been Rueou of Mra. J. M*.
RIartiarl. rwuroed to SrotlTlRe las: l
Mtas Orpba Rinehart vHited other
relailves ever Sunday onu reliirucil ti.'
Semlvtlie toda>.
Jol> ic.


July Ifi.

T. O. Roy o! Rlk Hapids. bitt (»r. leily ol IliU |iUr>'. waa tii ilih u*'lRhinrtiOo<l me day iaal week.
Henry aiul Mary D<-wIiir ap<«t Suiidnv at the tioiae id Ihi'ir uncle. I,. II.
a., E. PetlInRill was lo Traversc


^rr. Jennh; .A. Daris of fined Rao
ids asks Ih.- ts.or! lo dismits the
l..r divor.-. OW t v h.-r h'irl«ad aPe.
f..riy.«wt> T.-ai-s i-r ti>3iTi<-.l li*e.
off.-rv «> mum to him it he wQI atop

Framds lltnin. Mis* Rekah Wilson
Prod Wilson .tnd Cllffur.rCase attend
ed chuich »vrvlee^ at Otlaii Sunday
K. H. lywls and family spent Sun
day with their eon. itav I.>-wIk anu
II. C. Pettiiielll nnri wife niM-nt Sun
day afKruisni with tlratu l‘-<t||ie|ii


” :;zs;'
i\ln“ with It. r si -i -s htsd

-.tudila-:i:!iUT. Mrs. <
lien Jidmsi.ii calleit on Ciaiii t!i«Mil:s
..iidiK y Hat. s l.;.s up a
Siindiy. also on .Mrs. Jens <.n luielJuly It;.
Mm. M. G. {imnks.spent Siinua/
with tier famll.y. Slit- is helping Mrs.
Rva WIleriD.lo more. Mre Wile»n is
RolnR to move into Ih.-'lMur.ilnR h.iU.4*
:il liiirdirkville.
Oavhl Peck cut hay one dav last
w<s k iucnrant IIiookH
• Mr. Itne.ks and
Mrs. C. KellnRi:
w.-rit Mdjile City niul Crular laile.'S
Jeaut Cook and fninliy vislie<l with
her lather Bnnday.
The Ijillei Day
Kaliils nre still
holdine meeiines at their ehurrli.
Mis Kslly Price
around the
Blie was so kinlliai Isxh Drs. Frallek an.! nueRS4.'Ki(er


Only e VOM OH.
s stolen (sum ifcr
la tfar Urawa | (ram (rleeda n
mains were iald n
• I am enly K year* oW and dgnt
j It* ba«e the
hardware al.orc ef Bearie • To'.dn ai
a when I set lo be real <d.|
ntwts ; friendr.
We stlti notice a few: empty
lonR a
as ‘! c
Tuesday .
A number of ibe men (rrmi l .is- a: Ptmilac.- and the thief wa* carry in* It I" feel that wayr as Ion*
at the Rlcr achoolh.sise o
.*1 ns Bit teode.1 the Lara rairine a' H.irr;«.n it ■oinp praver me-uioRs.
.r,sf the jali when 'vc h.ard fL:<r.>Rh
them sp.
> f»>t SatnrdaT.
a* ytnms
Miss 51a and Dell Muhk hare reA dance was h-ld at the e.
, .
‘ and makes the weak a* sinm* aa this
tertied le the Peolnauia to pick clter-iSam llulletl la-t 8.-)iJi.tsy
itm.c tced.ela.v 1>> spep»l*. dorih-s.
Thiu.' who utt.tulisl ly ioH-a r.s.i a iac*»a»e by U-H>h-‘=v a'-’-it the ,
lukl-rt- H.’ laid ih. 'I.sir
soi • Pld 1‘ver, .nflamed ki.In. ys or ehnml.July :i.
'eon»tiyuh.n are unknown oTer Ukins
---------------r am! i^sewssL
■ Gleciric Blti.TS a
1 C.iiarametsl by Johnson Diu* Co.. F. H.
Snn''; Meads'C A tiueboe Dm* Cu. dn^
. Rlsts. Prtee SOc.
..... . Usnj^l;^-pen.l
t hi.
Wickham's ‘’’•f.h”"I wa< a I.uwr in a twciiiv »ar lal

John and Dave ll-imi.'ap.lniT
fui.iiH.-v Ms-nt Sun.lay at llie iiaix.iwUuiiiii* and lishiiiE.
J Jly tt.



II then- very onieli.
Miat. i>-la Rains h.-i- c|-j|i.- work f.>i

Rutik alteii.l.ul
s’'->)'iut at Diss'!i S'inih.p.
Mr. Kiiil ai.d Inmily weni hu> k|e
la-rryina last Tlmrsilay. Teintniiii; I'rl'
diiv with R nice lot nf In-irii--.

la-uis Pel‘k.-.n. Myrrh- P.-HKau. -M.Fr.-.l Ib-ver. .Mr »n-l Mrs. Jor-Ltn a. .:
Mr-. .!. V Ktw. Cuol .1

Tin- |j.ti.~- AM sill in. •I with V
Mina Chmcli Tioirxlny
All. I iw.. v.-j.ts «.l s iff. rhic wl'h :

;:.rr :rs;


titii'.- a
r fr«.m hcr«' aiic-ud.
«ii« li.-l.I Sniur.lav a- Nieih I'm''
Tho (ollowinK In-..- r.-cisi. a- da

Katin .-uni H.II

' t..,.,. , „

.................. S* v. Veik wh.-ti :■ i-l.iM.;
luu to imnoif *1,.-, • -In- --«„i.-,l ;ln-.t.i.t. rs el M-u-.M'l,u ;.i-ev l.ure In tii- yea................
Jnlv u:
lud viih h.-r imslninl ami oia- rhild


lul.v i;.
Mrs. Anna (itir.lner .if Cleveland.
Ohio, rant.- home Iasi Tuesday to car.lor her mother. Mrs. A. Pnu-mun, who
Is Mill very sirk.
Mis* Maroare^ Hilton is
frienda In the neishlaxhotsl.
The annual schtni meellne volbtl
seven monllis school, atso to build a
new woodshiM.
Mrs. Winters and son. Err* Wlniers.
also Miss (iraee Malm of Traverse

ain't* ond hop............................................
«m Im- Is-Ii r I

elilMren, i'

. . .....

...... Si;,

.»,■ c.r ....... ol.l

Mr. Al.,n..


-u • Sr.,.l.,






this stasen, more than eoer before, people are taUina adoantage e! our annual sale of Sample Furnllure. ^°;k*^®^,is'’fare hM
been in progress and will continue until all furniture and house furnishings that have been used as samples on our sales floors have been sold.
CbrUnparalUlcd Reductions On Rlgh erade* Fancy and Staple Roods Chrouflbout tbe entire Store is proving a stimulus in this usually dull %eason that
makes our store a busy place. Figuring the matter in dollars and cents there Is nothing in many of the sales wc are making for us. but from an adverting
standpoint It is a decided success, for it Is making our store the most talked of place of business in the Grand Traverse region.

'Come aiSd Oeti Yours Before the Best Bargains are Oone-

Oil eiotbs
In Boor covcrlne*. ef eour»e
«• have no


but all

ranDonto. abort i*idB and amall
rolls will CO




Sm-orol ploeee of carpel

Incinln. wnrtb Sic. nowv 35c.




'If furnii';:.


y..;i suite- hl.ui ..f th.- nenili. r i..'
.-jmi.i.-s'w.' have In till- lile-.

.. .................

»G I1..W .. ;i f.u

•I- i- ni.nrk.'.l.



Some in and
Cook Jlround


and Parlor


til ..'I
I.- V.




arc niakii.c ih«- I.
All hlK

M !«■

>1'.! I .iiilliii.. With 111-


' iii-.i or ncratcL ha-i I....... . >

J‘i pair «*xtra hi«vy N'.iMiiic-

' >h< uuirk.


pair, now S2JKL

3 pair pood fl*h net Ciirtaln-.
And liuti.lrvcl* nt olher.. i-eually •» *<H>.i that

lark uf


All IVrtlere*.' whi-re «:

It 25 per cent dlMOunL

tnnurf rariHA. regular price tiir.

vicinity vh«w».

hun't mlu' ihi-.


hem ha* Ixeu iis.*l as

no* 30c.


all unull hii* at »<ii Minple osle

fitildtls meutktfi

Thtre pieces extra bravy bnl


sl.wk ’ uf

and Shades

Rnrk.-rf tlial havi- «u!d at ('

reRiilar It."" srade*. h'>*' 65e.
One extra heavy piece, gooil


S3AM. 42.75. S3.S0. $3.75 and S*

tolnliiR enough for any 'ortlatry
ilioJ room, in nil gradn;


U. ..

ham l'iiriain«. n.ld ai

Our reieilalhm


chali* Hial .my olH. r su-ie in

III thi- .lepartni.-nt «>lih'
nil Miniples. we nre t-losiii*

nampl* Hie


Rock«rs and
morris Chairs








All 'l.-saii-




nu •' '







Is just as good during this sale as though we wore chai t^m;:;
regular price. Come in and select what you want. You d'on’l
need the money. There is no red tape In our credit system-just tell the salesman to charge it.

. |..r F.

n.rt. $6.75.




.. v ir. frame slisha i.i fjiairs and rcc'-i'ii'ci



A,: - i..r $1250. n..w


tbai bav.' huns (di .lar wait; for
* Rbon lime at otioul
taiiilns imm K le li yanU. i

artiia] valce.

20 per cent iliacounL
' IVix.-iis and iln.'.-ns of <*1.1 lai*e
Several plc'.-v of that maillni;
left at 7’ ;5 per yard.

r «at diScoukL

Ib. lr

riirtuliiK |*ir'ier«.s ami r.»|>e p'>ril.T.-* at h'.'. than actual co--’

' tarlor atand- wit‘i
1 -al.t- wear*' *h«-r


I’lrliir iMi rAl<- a!:


i"-it» :.t.-i n.


HM ii .nurd

<Hi t

at s .liacniui of

V 'I r. . at --|T.( |l*-til- J-ri/-.'
*.,) IJ. .van fi ......... .. UV 11.1

C OT.-f


I. I^nik aiitn (pent Batorttr
Kr*nc TbomiMKm.
ehall and tponii ara the pn-HitB aoKwa ibc roumi
Carrie Hl»e» of Kcj-Hooe baa
b«<a vliiUng ra; McK«a«r.
Mn. J. L. Olbfaa, Mr. aaci Mr«. thirr
Janea autf Mr. aod Nra. Plan Barabn aticaded ibe twcoiloUi
aanlvf-raarr »( ' Mr. aed Hra.
lOacalcy ai ibelr inaac vi-ai of Booi'
Brit cm, Krlday cveulnR, July 13Ui.
8y1vcal.-r Uoancy baa l>cca r«lllos
«V fDoBda lp>n-. havluK )i>a( raUiruad
Bm Trenar)-. uji|mt |MnlB»ula.
Mr. aad ^ra. Lee OUilw via
trletida ai lb(a pUco Monday. T
•r«- incertain y« arbi-ni U*er
Bake tbclr howe aiiKa- ibHr rrtur#
Nlchol. ot Kaakal
HI . l« vUmuB hn hlaler. Mrt. Frank
nf ihla ijiace.
a July 17.



■ , P. DMn Ipai a valuable rr>li SaluritLy ntonilaiL (i goi bdn mj bad by
nnuinit l« a Iwrb wire- h urt Friday
- etebi lha< II tad lu be kilbtl tbe neat
' w'mins.
Frank llta-kleburn and
wife o
* Long l.4ik<- eallod ai Will Allglrc a
• .wc**k MO laai i-vminK.
Mlaa WllheliDinB Sbam- and u lady
Iriruil fniin Travtiw City tImKi
r da)n

laal week,
liairy reiurtilOK

a baa been bone via. Mr. and Mra. M
I few daya
Bbe will
Inrp to IvoOB Uke today.
Frmacla Ocea la worhlng for Will


Ha^ Allaire la well aaaln.
Sva KaliHT railed on Nellie a
tie Cleea laat Monday.

Mrrtle Uulukf Is vlaltlua
Mra. Clam Copeland did abopploa
in Traserae Cliy laat W<
J. If. Monroe
Monroe was calling u

here laat week.
Mr. and Mn. C. R Oyc and Pnnl
dnHe In Traverse City taai Saturday
and atlendod ibe
wedding of MIm
• aUbel BaU<a.
J. BUdlcUauer and J. II. Monroe
6 Buckley last Wedtieaday an t
d( In. Uic alghu.
Friday, wbllc Ur. CUrk aod Andy
were Id Ibe Eeld hauling liay. iighi
inrnlng blm quilo
' !ss a
Idly and knoeked blm aenaelcss
Boeklng Mr. Clark
' down. Mrs.
waa In the field ai
drs. Clurk
the time bot reed red
no lujurloa.
'AiBy lay senaeloaa for aevermi boura.
Mrs. Prank Rid .
la Tliltlng at the home of Mra. Dye
and Mn.
». Albert


aad Mrs. Moee Bowers, died of eiiet-l

moUM-r. rdsler*
era tafantum Monday Bomiiic. ThCi
contla of
lUrald CantHius aad lamilr e< met. «i I>ratur. 111., arr.t.ti os
Itercaved parents hate .... sincere
------------- ------------------Mrs.
--- --------- - _. ------- -fl a vlsli. Grand Rapids have eotne for a lew iliiiteu tor til-a lUt Saturday
CSV tif
Two tadh-s from Indiana are ai th^^- weeU’ outing at Oak Hale.
»■"! F.->iirni. wife and
ryrwmthy S'iiieir____
.frieudi. The]
funeral wUI he held Wednewday
lake. They preached at the Friend!.
Mi... IJnlefleld and Mr. and Mra. J Fu-^.iirkvjie tni<
m.-d at Ibe tM-i:-.- in
... Fanant
________ S*iii-rd.ji.
Bapilai e-*iureb.
ehwtch today. A number of Traverse W. cildden and IsmU Cnmellns am! At.iui
nvrti-r If vlsl'lng nHa-jCI:y pt'Ople are here alM)
lamlly are at Oak Hah: lor a lew i
Porter It.
mi r <1 Chwaso arrtvn) oti
| • One of Carl Coxs horses was badly weeks-stay
> S
friends In TrtverM^^ CUy.
!Bm- has filled up i
rtii <>n a wire lenec.
Harry Hlashae- is viMnding a f«-w .I. - s WbiU.
rooms of the Wynkoop block and hav
Mrr. lUcbrrdMiD was in Trarcm-' ds's si Ti iverM- Cii'
Mis. Hamlin n. !.'.u <1lltrrlutrth- !
his oBlec there.
City u lew days rgo and whih- to!
Jdr. I H. Mobl» oi KaM Jtirdon l^
ltd ».4
Mrs. Canfield U visiting at tbu Mor­ Wall's ding store her horse was hail- ih.- pii.-si of -Mn. N Paulus and Mf>
ago v iv an
1y sraml Uy an aulomoMUThe ii|. lati Miller of this r|iy
1- - f.r.r
gan home west of Mayfield.
Miss l4-na Miller Is owslsllag In J. shot of the thing was a broken buggy. . ilfv, l>si„v lltyant
a-sHlIng MiS'
Ansriurh's sinre during the abnenn- and Mis- Richardson had to gel a f.iiry ai 11 Hiusbaw s .liirlug hi-, ah
i:.*-t Fnip
. . borne In.
u. Miss f'aveloge.
and bisj
The Friind^- ijuarierly meeting «HI
are. I C.immlsslouer
Mils (korgla J’aiil-is l-is re'iirm-'i .\rt-j.
tatw lute Just Unlsbed
.Jobofil.e bi-ld In 1'raveTM- Cllv Saturday i.i her Isime at l^-'aau iile-r a sltoit r
A gtsidiy uoulier
grading and graveling on Collage and and Sunday
visit at East Jordan.
go from here.
Cimerd Mllbr has ref.-rmd from a
.ii ■Miss Mamlo Blieridaa visited friends - Uovd Earl U here ft
smilliernj xidt a* kitsi Jnrtlin
i'l-r t
In Travenu- City yt-sli-rdsy.
tan w
with bis
liMle daugle I
Mr, It. rn tiultine ha-. reKirntsI front'
Tbey Will spend X lew weeks-fnui a visit wti*i r.l:,ii»e« at Hartsii .H.l v
Rile Bt-ll. who has been confined to
his hoini- fur some time, is able t.
Siiriugs. aen>m|am.-.i
Huh t
East and wife aud daughter
out ngnln.
T. J. Henderson made a short call are vlsinue ai Carl Cox's today.
July |k.
Charley Wllllsirn and
Miss Mar) •l•-tUEb1l-T spent Sunday alienwou wMh
rrlage last her rncMfcer.
r will ranJuly 13
W.'-r«tH bwij.-il wpb sbib- and;
;.bark I.U Mllwtntk.. iV- w.Vl..
Mrs. B J
K<tcar ('
CarH'ii an.i .lauglii.-r itlanrh.t-ani|de-ll .If Ih'Kalb. HI., an- visit
• If IVtndi
vl -t. the Ml-snjil
Ing the former's daughter, Mn. Cbrs
Friday lor a v
I a- l41|l lei Liuige
Vis II H. I
till.I daugliteis .xll'-e;
.r» oM
Eub Rtigers was eight
and l*M.-lli- w.-te in <3!.;n .\ritor To.
living Minor lias mntisl inio Ad- liay Ian.
last Sslurday and In bomir of Ui.
invll<-d. a iiiiinlaT of hi-r Utile Itilv Mariliit-ati'i. bouse.
Mil. lliiiriiii .Siil'ivnn of V|isi:u:i’;
trua Vauwagum-r ..f Tratrise City arrlv.-d ou lit.- Mi'M>ii!i I'lbtay on
frieniln to a|M-iid tin- afiorniKm wllli
nta wt-n- i>la>e<l. iificr whirii I' vislling with her iim-ie nlid.auiii. V.4. lo Ma|il> -Clly
Mrs. C. I. Frank -f |-|,ba,
n and rake wert- M-rreil llir Mr. and .Mrs. John N. i.'otirlade.
Jarni-s llopkliis ol Travels.- Clly Is
v.-s in thl. '
Bula waa the
receln-r ol
helplUR Alb.'i't I'inir.ade with bis liav
I lUrdrm ba.
hi. n--»
r liotn- '
nany nln- aud uaeful idflr.
r. s.l» t..r .*Tti»xin<-v . •
The a|>ell of out dPHilb mi-tna l*i lug.
Miss Fraiirei Knauff Is hard lu iM.-t)
. Motif* uml Wm F5-k'.r
Miss II
be bmkrn.
picking eherrles. Shr- plrktil one day
in. .Ill-' .i:iy la'',v..el. toMi
John Boi-RinMIer tvtiinie.1 from Clil15 eraleM.
At :lti. eenin
a rrale II
iBu Saturday evenina. John waa iiii
mude bet $1.50 for ht r iltiy'e plrktng
ttb‘ to Hland the work he waa doiug,
Iws' Bundiv aliemLNHi n game ot
laiisa.-'i-.l biisim-ss
V<> will n-main al home for a while.
ba!4'liwll was pl:i>e<| al Keystone IsT,;.- uiilvais iiu tli.--Illinuiss t
Satf.i ;a.
ni l..r
ween iBe
Ketl.'V l.umis-r Co.'s liiutl
i> :il:iE tor Ki ll
his sinter Alihir'. who has in-euI vis
Ibe Tritverw City Ibiek Co.
I ltd lb(
ih-luii ami w'li.. Mr. Tt.y h>i- nml
lug ndo
dallves In that elty.
liloe. Ibe score being H to T In fav.i
cro'iml fo:
l.s c.«.k. all of n.;eu.c,
. July ZK. South ikwni of the Kelley Lumber Co nine. Tli
On Kai
1 vuid
Mis. Itu.ilii'k .d Sou’ll Maiiiirm i.Mik i
- a field day. s' whleh
Is.ys were well pleased wilh tbi- eitt.-i
. l.iul.i.nIllinois fur
lusementH will be ludil
taliiDieni they rerelveil fiom tin- lo.-'
RouOi Ikisrrimau will at Kc-ysinne. A game is lo Is- pUvt.l
Hr O. M. Sinip">ii ol IXsIc- Cliv, ‘
lliBi rs-easlun. a piirs.- next Ruii.lay Utwis-u ih, Kelley Luniof llo will la- glvt-u Iho wiiintiig
l«-r Co s tilm- and the Aeiue nine.
Henry Swgmlller It. eul.-rtitlnliig hta
AI the scliotd
hrolbfsr Cluulle from lleloli. Wit
-Mrs. Kva Iwforesl mas ei.S'iiHl assi s.
Hr. and Mrs Webslei w.-re call
sor In the East Head disirU-l
In lit.
to Grand Rapids Baiunlay by the se­ Blark dlstrln AIIm-ti
Coiinude wasj
rious llltiesx of the former's mother. el.-eletl moderator ami .it ilii- C.imurge Bammoos was
over frt>m lade dlslriel JoM-pli Cimilide was ri­
Monroe Center Salnnlay.
el, elisl aasessoi.
Mrs. Muleblusun n«i>pp..Hl hi re <■ few
H.-v. CanHiilt-r ..1
1 ravers.- Clly
.lays with
he^ slM.-r. Mrs. W. H. beld rcllghuis st-rvli'.-w at ibe fourThayer, whil.- nli her way i.» her honu ta.Ie ai-hi»lbmise Friday evening.
Ixiweli, Khe Itad Invn employed tu
J. M. Coupi-r. s>f|H-rlnleud<-u( of ib-.
Traverse City.
Kelley Lumber Co., has pioebaseti a
Wm. Wrlghi
nnrehasisl the fine r.yi*ar-ol(l eidi Whii-b he Is train­
Helinrr building andi will open a meat ing MS a driver It Is a flue speelnien
sbnp there.
of hursf(li-.-.b. w.-lgliliig Il'tai |kiuu.Is
July 17.
and was purehased eoiilli of Grand
A. L. Istvejo) Ilf Traverse City lui*
nio.e.1 Inl.i Irving Minor's house at
East Head.
John KeuDoly spent a few days
Mr-and Mra. Piette .. .......Is)'
this week at Elk Rapids.
the eervir.-, at tbe Si. Frau
Mr. ami Mra. PeU-r Wurxborg have
returned from a trip to Sauli Ste el* rburrh. Travels.- City.
w >1 i t I* I
Those |>an-niB having ehlldivn <d.l
rnongh to help In pida'o digging are
Rev. Wilbur oeeupl.vl the imlpll

ill;: civaai!« litlnl liy Dr I*.titlo»n at 1>r. Wolfe'o olBef,

1 it...

Invu Iroul)!..! willi h.wilnrlies or .Irf.vlive
.Miao Ktb. Uetka. IkiU-w. Mich.'

c arc hUiny; iwo-lhirds of ihc kUsscs lilted in Trs
erse City Today.

Defective Eyes
are Our SpcclaUj.
\VK linvr tin- ntily lip to.Inie



uortii .>r I'-gilillae.


DR. P. * WOLFF, Prop.

travcrbC aiy

413 414 Wilhelm Klfc.

Qt Pheoc 3S4

Try a Herald Want Ad.


The very Newest Things, and just \vhat’s wanted for this weather, marked Way Under Price.



The Tiwrcrse City ball team aufyered a romplele abut-out in Ibe game
here Sunday.
resultlag 'score
■ was S to 0. the Nelson boys running
la the two Mwroa for Kingsley.
Mrs. Frank Hopkins returned Sun
day from a vbli with telailve* and
. Meads In Wexford.
Ckas. Carl was over from Wexford

• am) had to

on aecnni of my ey.'v. l»ut ntn T^vamvl u> wy that


TiIct! j!

The PIseher^aafiy-ManUtold camp­
night from
ing party telurwed Pri '
a week at Reanie lake.
Several from
attended the
. Cole Bros, rlmis In Trmrerse Cii.v

For Tt'AF* 1 hnve Invti Imqltl.*! with k

;a ■

dlssaltsfl.xl with tbe new selu*il law
O. McHanai lost a ralnahle honie Ibe M. K. ehurch on Bumtav evonln
O, i.. Coulter ot Travenw Clly siK.‘nt eoniiM-IlIng th.-ni to si-n<l th.-lr m-ed.-d
laat week.
b.dp lo sebuol iliirliig tbe mouth o'
Tntsslay In town.
C. A. MoruB haa a alaior from InMrs. 1,. D. Buss, .wbo has been III. OetolH-r. It mak.'s It dlsagro-vlde f.n
a i.wcher to l«-clu a term in the sii.
la etmvalcweenl.
Mr. Havis, .if Pnlo. Iowa, nrrlvetl try month of Angus;, iben be obllg.-./
’’erai-CIly •
Tuwailay and Is the guest of his sou. lo lalo- a vaeailoii In Oc-ioIhi-. ,\ pro
Uat Friday.
Vlso ill lilt- s.-b."d law should have
. ... Wood returned to bei Frsnk llBVis.
Mra. C
Miss Bessie Myers has returned t» li.-vii ptiss.-.l by till- leylslaitir.- for ll..n Cbicagpi today after a few
-hoBie In
Hies.- ebliat Hart. MIrb.. after >qM-nd inial diatileis, ullowtiig
visit with her father. U. K.
lug a few tlays In town the guest of diet! old euough to help to l-i- exempt
from allentliiig seboul during Oi-i.s
Mlsa Laura Thomas.
Tbv aeliool iniild go on wdh Hi •
Bruliani and itaugblrr, <
who has been vlslilag her parenia,
lure of thijller srholsrs.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wllsev. returned
Thi- s<hool eoul.l tl.en lu-gli
to her home last TUnnday.
D. Deets ts vliflllng Irlonds or Boeoml Mnml.-iy tn Sepu
Jdin Bowden was quite iwiafnlly
the IHMi- seludars
cenli^l l.ake.
! Injured by a falling Umber at a barn
Mesdumes M'llbiir and la-wts. who *ehaol during Ibe iM-auiiful
raising at Uan SeeBnlUtT'i laat Mon
have bi«D gncpla of .Mr. and Mrs. Uclober.
While aadatlag In placing t
c. L. Domlii.' MomiBv an.-rntmn
Charlmt WrUley and famil.v fur
blghty .lelighlcd !■>
recelv.- a .
l«si few days, have rettirued to i
froai lux .dd-llmv frieml. P Pail;
home In Chariovolx.
Id leg.
Mra. Byron la-slie enlertnlnis] lav Tinv.-rst- f'llv, who twenty vears
be la getUng along igi right.
tu run a saw mill lu llils to
rlday In himor of her lilrihdny.
Hr. and Hn. D. C. Ktugslev spent
l>v hi;- xi*
Mra. C. Schroeder sik-ui Tuettdny In
one of the bapplcii erculngs of iheit
Mra. Ellu.lH-ib Urayman ol Fort
;ltves last Prlday nlghl.-^whiia tbclr Travcise City.
Mrs. H. E. GUI sveni Siinthiy with waxir. I
Urge roomy house was
filled with
Baiunlay. July 14ih. to Ml.
^aboul one hundred and fifty of their
and Mrs John Cailixle. a daughi. i.
Lfricads and relallves. the
occaaltw Monda».
TTic mnuv trlen.lx ..f P.-i.-i PrmauMr. Holdbrook aod son of Hnlmi
being the twentieth anniversary of
ehcr. who r.xvmly relumed from ilu' their marriage.
It waa the largest City win give a serli* of slertsuitieoti
xinleof Washington. asseml.b-.l at Hi.l<>eiiires
;saiherlag ever bold In thb vicinity
n'shlene.; of his parems. Mr. aii.l Mra.
^od any
similar ooeathm.
Oavltl l*ro\ancber. Salimlay e.inlns
lo givel Peter.
tiraiidma Fortoii dl.-d of .a'vuUr
has llis-n
received of Hit
diwlh of Rev. C. F. VanAuken. the diavaM- of Ihc lieaii at Ibe jv-si.l.-iii.
K<lward. xrk
igellsl, who held apeelal services of ht-r
- farm on which the* now live. Poor
Tiav.-iM- C!ly, Tiiitis.iay i,ir>ru
cblldrea hie^teca bom m them, nil hero last winter.
|.iin.-«l Imm t|..Mrs. R K CatupiM-n sin-nt Tuesday
of whcHB arcSrlng 'After a program
I P;u" Saluid.iv
‘ot ndtatlqps. speeches, songs snd In Traverse CUV
Tbe I, O. T »l. W-V servtsl
'Biisle. refreshments of
Ice eivani.
irly Suiulay morning os Ait i:.a
mhe and cherries were served. There per lu their ball on Friday ev.-ulng.
...-a were many valuable and nm-fiil pres- wbit'h was B suet-ess ts>tb Mtelally aod ham. wbo Is u
Tbi.iUBs Hales, was d»liiu .-lioi.-~ be
eats 1< ' . with wishes that tbey may finaitrlslly. The tuhitw wen- lasleftllly
iiv(-n-d Mrs Hates' hmis.- wits on
live m
many yean ^o enkty the fnili id ileeoralivl and a Isnililions sup|>cr wa*
A iil.-i.liom- call t>.„ ma.b- I..-'
after whleh the tvgulji
Uielr bard toil and lalsir. An original
and th.- iK-iclilxirs iuut-,1 .iu>
Ing t.r the Itslge was held.
by th.-lr .-Boils th.- I...-TS. «as
Mr. ami Mrs. A. Ib-ers of KasI
Thdan. who s|H-ui a few davs at ib<- xavisl imm t.dal .l.-Miucilou
h..nii- of lb..|r duiighu-r. Mrs. C. B. building was aomewhal
Kchl. have nuuraed itt tbclr borne In the l•(llIditlg had lio.-n d<-siio>. I u
July 16.
woubl huvi- b.vii a creai
a- .Vli-.
Mr. ami Mrs. n. Mason, who hav- iluies eaiiir^ uu insuintt.uii ili.*
been guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Ban
Deri Geiger returned
to Chirsgii lell. have itHurned lu Ibelr home In
duly i«.
TiKwday notm of last
after Traverse City.
apAidlng a sboit time with relatlvw
Mrs. J. H. Tavhrr is visiting friends
and friends here.
at Cleveland
UmiIb IJek Is hife from Bast Airdan
vislling his parents.
Kidney Oit-aaea ara tee Oangerou*
Mra. Ida Hall of Kirkland. III., an-l htHDi- In lown.
for Traverae City People
Mivs Allee Grass of SycaBore. III., are
U J. Bpangle n mtw hkrto Neglect;
visiting relallves In Mils vlelullv.
-r I'b.ilr to his shop, eolnplel.- with
Mrs. SUuson sp>'i<i a few days of
-last week with Ui. and Mn. Prank
WTlRon at llii'lr siiubit eoiiagc at
J Bay.
Aailk :
i> last
Miss Belle Cavclage
evening for a two wivks' visit with
bee na^-nts s' Fort Jennings. Ohio
Mra. D. U Baalcn and Mrs. U-land
. Trtpn enjoved a day’a outing at Ren

Left School, Eyes Were so Weak

great -intig.-r i-I kl-iii.-v in.util.-s
I luiHlein liu|in>vetmusis
A m-w briilge has liwn Ixilll from lx that Ibey get a firm bold ;|i.
iiBerer iv«-.-Riil7.-s il.t-m.
ie ear ferry dtirk to lliv .l«-|sii.
rad'ially unileiiniu; -1. Bai-kae!;.-. ■ a-!
Mrs. IV-ek ot Bntioiis Bay s|s tn a
j b.. nc-A.eisn.-s.-.. laiuen. -s
lew days of this wwk In towu the
guest of Mrs Kelsey.
MUs Maud Hoimforih rettirued lo lr..i.xy, dlubei.-s and Hrighl's
.dlow in nn-rcl!e»s s;irc.-ssi.-i» i»oii':
ber hi»me at
Helmforth's Croaalng
C-::.- th. ki-l
Monday, after spending several weoks nigliTt your kbiuty*
neyx with the eerlalu aii.l sate r. mwith relatives and friends In town.
Waller Kels.-v and wife trf Giaml idy. Ibwus Khlney Pilb. has
Rapids are visiting rt tatlvea . aud emv-d iK-o|dr right b.-r»- lu Travers.
trii-nds lo iiisii.
Mrs. H t). Campbell of It:* Paiv
Tin- excursion to Maulsti
liqiie was
derldtsl suecess.
"I find Ikuiii's Kldue.
iht*»- hu
dred pts)i>le fmm Traverse City at
Pills an' an
r. m. !> f-si
dlfferml parts
s Ilf
of the
tbe county
count - took a
weaki-n.Hl or ov.-r.-xrit.-d kbne.x
•I ihriu .TI iniervaU tor sc.
raniaae of the occasion, the boat leav-1 have
^ b
I.liev.- .he ,s>lr. u;
li':3u. with every prospcci
pl.-asani trip.
TJush- was luram! are very sin-yeiheiilns
nlohed by Hie tdlBerem bands.
iii-d 1.1
orehextra aud the Traverse
e ns.-d other;
, r.-s.!ri I.. IVaa, Kitlnev niu
ity male quanme. The ferry was
lei by a tug and neanily weleom.-d
b.uT time, ih.-a .i.sAonllnue tb.i.
1 Manlxiique. A pntgram of*R
when they hav.- brought ai.>n; >bIrc.t roxnllw"

I. mn.xic. etc, was given, after which Id.-xired
bavunleoiix teaxi wax serve.!
Fc: sale
Mis* Ro«- Thoma* returned bom-'tvutx.
ITwi.-CililburD Co
from tbe Soo on Thursday.
>New York, sole agents for-tbe l'titu~
Mrw. Hemmax and son
.rf Bi.
D >rf

1. th« Infant daniAtcr of Mr.i'^nfv 16.

Beautiful Lace Hose;

Corset Covers

Bill] othor folora ii.. well ua Blirk. viorlii Ll'.'c

tii'-k.s!..i ■. nl vivy ajtts-iai w’ni.a,

•MisN-s or CiilMr.'n.


3 Pair for......................


I‘». 2'.iati<l


Ladies’ Muslin Drawers

tl-.-oi ;iii.l Sin.' Ii'>w-

imt. It

U-tUT lltey I

See the Handkerchiefs here al 2. 3. 5 and 9c





if vm. !<*>k 1.. re.

W.-’v, jtiM mtii.. k.*! OVKH A HrXlJKKI) WHITE IN-

IH.AN HKAD SKI ItTS—Fifty of tli.-s. jir.-SHflKT LK.SGTIlS. m. Mtirinif :> it.t-lii-«.
tlittrn lo !I2 iiictien.

Vuu'JI titi.l Slii.rt Skirtu if you i-‘ iil.-nly of Ui.-m in

......... ..............


it .-Ut#.

iDcbffi.,;» indioi, iHc.-


Wniat muenum

up W 31

i.25,1.50,.1.75,2.50. etc.

Don’t fail to see the White Waists at
White, Black and Colors
Km1irui.1< ri-.l

Long and biiorl sleeves,
awfully clever s'yles, at

50c, 65c, 98c, 1.25


fntnl t»r Ki.'k




nliort docvia.

tltoni |»«-tlior

lli^ii iii-.H vviii«t« S'.H tit .d' .-r sior-i, it'. 41 '*).
Tin y'r- I1--W .-.ii'l <iii!y ............................. .......................................


Lilfot"'® White and Tan Shirt Waist Suits
Bought al much under priec
will be sold as follow s..................

S[.45, $1.98, S2.50,S2.98, S3.50,a00and $5.00

The Finest Men’s Suits

Business Suits
V. ry C'r.l M.! -x .1.1 1 aii-ta llr«t w'.tiM eiv-<s.ltk^. ti

YoiinE Hen's Soils 1',:;;
Knee Pant'Suits

S2.98. S3.98, S5. $6.50 and $8.75
Ti;.- km ! tliui w;ii ■lUl.-l |i
that w,;l !-«A Ik-hI. m-rsl'y »

19. $ 1.69. $ 1.98. $2.93 ar.dI $&
$3 195 i
WASHSUrrS f.r iitu.




? I ,‘d)


Sight Gowns ^

»rir:tiK-nt III 8p>-<

Meet your fritmls in-!

■T tiie Bsr.;atn8 Knr-’ii'-r—m

Brownie Overalls



bin;. ' ;;i ..*1. . .4C

It-, ik’yrsnt2)C

pria s

50c, (5c, $1, $1.50, cic.
•i'll fiQ'l tilia an ideal trmlioR pU>«.

ii!r«»-lvi^ at iiooi'-




d it here, Jpddac by the ePTlroD' beM la the Itttte s
Wllb Imr ImpiYuin •erric*. tS«
It today TOO peed a chircb la this boA they had |
MW FMnMntb StTMl M«lbodlBl kocatioD. (The elms CBp?o»ca were _ bad erected tbe bcaitital charch which
rerr baay oaitldc.) I trtisT Ihtt th<’‘was dedicated yieUTcay.
spirit of the ercriastlBE God will
The -8Wer Chprth.Ute pl«uur« ud ntlifacUoB o( vlt- btood OTcr this c':‘irch.Bad bciutzc It
Tbe pu:or of the siater cbaitb. thiMoatBt tti« cntBlBaUon.of tbelr bopcj wlib lore and hope." Tbc speaker eoa Kcv. Hagh Kcaaedy. thca apt>i.c of be
u dairimles And eodcaTon. Tbo
pastorw:* la tbc ebureb and coapared
•peaker M ib« dar «u
R^H. God D«fcr bankniiued a Pito. that ald- the two cburcbcs. He spoke of lbPmu. U. tX, o( Detroit and be iBc him never pieclpilated a eciaBriai|luTrilory eadb had to cover bbu
preached u
wd iDtplrlap crash hot rather eoairary rwaauus.
that It was aboal the same la
BenDoa to (be Borolng bot waa naU..T. 0..
II. cl^
abte to aiqMor at tbc other acrTleea. an aiipcnl to all to be liUiTal la Cbcii i larce
work and God bless ber la ibe
Altbonsb Dr. PMU U totall/ deaf, be pludses and Boutioat.
woik.' be said tn conclusion.
rrcsldlDc Bder FergBsoa tbco took
a /orecful.
Tbe last speaker of tbe afu-moon
eharpe of the ralsbiB of the sabscrlp
held hla eansrogaiioo Tory chwelr.
Prcsidlns Elder FerguMO. who
Tbe Stwt acrvtce waa at C a. dl. a UoBs, siatlaK that as be looked aboni said that be was not sure about it
e'-ercb be felt that It was sll that |
SBBiiae prarer aad praiae aerrlee. At
10:30 the Boralng aervtee waa held It sbouhl be aad that he could not sax-1
love (cast and
sayiblBA faitbi-r. It Is plalo bu*
I 3 p. B. a uBlon I
, be said, simple as the pespet ver>- pruBtablv service. He then spoke
Blcbt the iwcaiar erenlos aerrlcc was
of the Itllowehip that liiv member.;
bare in bearing the. burden <rf
The aJUr vt tbe well anUKed and
debt and t**en called for Ibv blickpeat Dew cbardi was pretUi; dcoorboard and more subscripUons were
Evening Service,
morolag Borrlce opcoed with aD orpab
u flnal dediesUon H'rvice oceorred
eoluDiaiT (ollowod br the coDsrvsa
T;:ii las; eveniag. Dr. Polls, wbo
UoB BlDS)ns. "Holr. Holf. Hcrir." aad
«u to have ilellvc-red the sem>on.
the recilles of tbe ApoaUes creed la
wa?; absent on aeciiuui of sickness,
and the Rev. A. J. K!dre-1 and PK-sIdN*nO«Al USOTIT COMrAUr
Tbe Rot. A. T. FergnaoB.
tac Ekler KerguMiu iiieaehi-il. After a
elder of (bis district, tbea prayed for
selection by the quartet aud a solo b^
tbe aew church, the
A«* Eldred. both Of which were mura
pnstor and ibo people of Traverse City
apprulnted. Hev. A. J. Eldrv*d spokA
genemUy. thanking the Croa;or for tbe
tew word*. He bald lU part: "I did
Be wbonae where HU name woulA be
t expect to be bore thto'cveulng and
Skuator...J(la-l of .\.vc V..rk has
worshipped and tbe prayer chMcd wilb
the Best I had only hope.1 to greet far riTover.d fc!- m-ailh as to lake
>!.) '.i; v.,1'
pU iwpeaUBg the Lord's prayer.
IJr. l*clts. I had no thought of surh up ht> rvsidi'tic*' -at tli«- Macbairan
J-iy 17
Alter an anthem. "O. Rejoice and
arecmplUbmeni av the en-etion id Oearh htrtel. when; In former y<-arPraise tbe Lord.*' by tbc tdiolr. tbe
this ebnicb. but Ciid never falls, even
■ras wont tn h<iM isoDday cuniei
Real Estate TraaMcn.
twnnty^ourtb paalm. "Tbe earth U the
though aian may. We ere now In the
-s w|ib bis (oilltkai irielids. It I.Lord's and the fullness thereof.'
•d Mullatol and l.-al--Ila •■ubbu-s. I
midst oi an atna-lng achk-vemen'.
L-r.ltr>d that t!o''t' fuDous "Suii•Ha.l dvspr-psia •
md. responiivcly followed by ibe
The Rev. L. B. Carpenter.
i.rhmi ola:r<.<' will be rt;r-uaed
which stands for the honor of Christ,
No apptx'o- aw>l wbai I dM
alngiag of tbe OlorU PatrL
•-at dl-iri-wr<-<) roi la-rrllii). Dnrdork
young aud'old. He slated that the anti bis kingdom, t have seen the
The cnstoinary
isiost Itim-r* «-gt>-d ar.^—3 H. Wal
cengrcga'.ieu wa: nut rlcb in tauney
$1.>A., Hanbnry. (Riki
Bpde, Ipcluding
uding tbe fact that tbe flrat;
was rlcb iu fBilb. rlcb In experi- atildemess. Formerly we worshiin-.:
d help I,. \
J to K-i. : .Mrr.. li Woresn t„ iJ-oj
B In tbc new cbnieb would
rich ln,Dol>le courage, rich in tbe In sebtml houst-s ant] even in bams,
I’M 2f block K. H- I- A «
Um’i bd th»' t-aby snter fltmi re
mllv do.
be neat SQBdny. and MUs HaU-l Kpiril of roBsecratioo and with these for the early setilvmeut of Michlgaul
H ir.a, tx.n* or an* HthlBg oC the
Siv.ral tivm Acme atteil'kd
i: <:.::Tin !;• s<-i.hta J>klt> Ih>an'« <i|i:’RH-nl gives insiaal
Greeno snag sweetly. "Just as I An.’ rlcbes as n capital stuck, they hare was laegely InAdel. I hope the tin
rnrrs qnk-kl}
t’••r^^■r•rt^ sal*■
tbe Rev. Hugh Kennedy being the venturetl iatu tbc building. A black­
eliurrh on Foiiteentb stnvd. Tr
>«ar. and all | fo, . hIJdrt-n ^11 «!ruesuts sell
Jamen w.f. wHI sallslk-d V
lilt bnnnrald. I
board with a nwber of flgurcs on It impulalloo of Sn.itoo chrisitou iwople t’i:y. Sundaj-.
Til.- rrown princ- of Geeatanr U
Tbe Rev. Dr. Potts was Intiodaccd was brought funb and before tbe ser­ and that I may Io3k down from hcaveii
Jay j. nr;vn-on and wi>.- to
Tb.- !.inn.T> ta Hus twmnty should |
kauHV who U
by Preatdlng Elder Ferguson, who vice closed there bud been raised upon it.” At Ibis point Mr. Eldtvd
►bin <■('lr-. juirrr-ls:
concluded hto remarkr. giving place to
stated that be was a nun who was tn pli-dges amounting to many dollars.
Rev. Mr. FerBfson. Refore Mr
toneb with more lletbodlsts than any
• ■'..'ll veu. H.. h'U wtih until; f-s n r..n.m.« In tb.- Prwsstan royal
Aftameon Service.
'gusuD began his sermon.
l.mbilu--:; an- bbiwu iliiwn
y<«i umily Iw «s-nturirs.
«lber innn In Hlcbb^. As Dr. Potts
Tbe original plan for the afternoon
ns tn- a. snm.- did last yi-nr. bn’ profit
ds totally deaf be was greeted with service was to bare Dr. Potts speak, Arthur HoHidpy rcnderi-0 a vora! wilo.
,X.^ Store Ul end -a.« 7 to 2 In favor . Giay and wif.-. .-fc^f »
d .af'. r.
-illiBiliMi rauw* hrwdarbe. waathe ChantauQug salute and all
bat owing to the excessive beat and "Abide With Me." Mr. Fi-rguson saW
I s.-a. dlr/lnrws. tangtHir. heart palpll*he bad hoped to listen lo Dr. Potts.
the cbui^. tbe white bandkerd
tiresome trip be was unable to do
llra-'.lit pLtsK'.s gripe, steken.
N. v.r tan t-!! wli. n v.«H roasl.
preach himself. He took bis
nnmber of tbe local ainlsters
text from John xiv:C "Jesus sallli
spoke at Ibe service.
Or. J. H. Potta.
Tbe cwigregaiioD «-as led In prayer
LumlH-r Co. team of East Uav At lb. Wtikix ^ Ilavtiand s add: Si.
•«. when ytw get home, anyone asks
-.pii. kl. ter. .- tl,.- w...>Nd
end the score stood k to >■ in favor
tbc Rev. -Hugh Kennedy after tbc life."
you to repeat my text" «dd Dr. Potts,
“Chrlsitonlly cenlcni In Christ." said
“Too win be unable tn do ao as It Is a which the Rev. T. P. LTlom read the
be. “Religion Is not simply a yretsl
tone and hard one. It Is tbc benedte- one hundred and third psalm
UoB with which Paul cloten hU letter scripture lessoo. Alter a vocal solo
living, pi-rsonat frieun In Christ. 1
to tbe Romant. aevcral verses of It-" by Dr. Arthur Holliday, Mr. Carpenter
don’t like ihe exptv-^sioo. getilns nAfter reading tbe verses of bis text. said that as they all belonged
llgioo. We don't got tvUgiim. We g*-'
Dr. Potts Stated that Paul preachc army of salvation tac IhimgUt it Citing
a iovtag friend in Christ, it -Is-no:
tbc gospel not as a myatery but as
easy for us lo form a cuncepllon of
rwvdalkm. Nineteen eenlnries of eon- should be tbe ea'ptaln of tbe Salvaliim
Cod. so he came to us In the ftcrsoi.
•tant praacUsg of tbe gospel, ho said, Army and Captain Douli
addressed tbe people. He spoke of bU of His son. Many people say lo ihvii
have Bade It ao plain that It can
hearts. 'Ob, how far away God is ’ Thi
. longer be caHed a nystcry. Unbelief pleasure at Mr. Carpenter’s words
name feeling of distance to God Is ti.
hdpa nobody to aolve a Bysicry.
all parts ot the world. Pllgrlma
SdenUats add to rather than unfold Army and said that be tmstod they all
made and saeriace Is held to gel
happy to be here and
nByalerlea. The more prying into
Him. ifut Ibe only way Is lo
tblnga is dMe. the Boro things arc dis­ Joicc wHb tbc residents of Fernwood
covered to pry Into. Tbe wort dwill In tbelr beautiful structure. I hope
Mum Be in Livea.
never be free from Bysteriea but the it may be the startlm; point «f
gospel le no ton^ a Bvstery. The viral which may not only aflect FeruChrist must be in all our lives fur
CQspd U God trying to save tbe world wood but spread throughout tbc whole hi- Is the way lo all tbal is g'o.»l.
and it man doesn't believe It his duty
me say to you tliat are living pur.
to accept this and make it known, then and that It shall be done." bo «nid.
lives, (bat if you are making that Ih.
' Pastor of “Mother Church."
no duly can be Incnteaied In
ground for >y>ur aeevptanre to Go-;
Tbe next minister to speak was
In tbe text, the srord -'according."
you are wrong. You can not suind oi.
said tbe speaker, occurs three lines, Rev. Tbomas Cox of the First M. E. any funDdatlun that does not bav.
tbe Bnt being "neeordlng to my goe- ebureh. who spoke (rf himself
Christ for Its main plank.
pel.” *'80 Bmny pc<q>le apeak of the resenting the mother church. "The
•The way Into God’s family imother rhnrch to a g-ood old Indy." said
Christian church as -tbelr church.'
tbrough Christ. TTie doeirlnv ihm
said Dr. Potta, "but I'd have them say Ur. Cxix, "bni 1 wish that she bad as
evenbody Is a rtalld of God has don.
•my Chun*.’" Be went on to say that nire an appearance as Ibis bulldlDi;
Hoys' BU. k Hatine Sbirto
luch barm. The salvation is kasi'i
Pan] did Ml ase tbc yord "my" In tbo has. it is a credit to the eongrcgatlon
upon rt-ilemi’iloii. not cieation. t'brisense of antfaorgblp of tbe gospel but and to tbe pastor anti 1 wish you llans arv n»: luaile by some priestly
:fc>ys' and Youtfi'ti Temiit
as an Indication of passesstvences. be lany things yet to come."
WoHi KlitrU. mvlo o( heavy twill, donlde
niliJU-v. J. W. Milk-r was t'hen right. We cumc Info God's tamlly !>.bad ciKwen It tor bln Tbe beauty ot
K-re<iie« for-..
upon to sm-ak an<l told of tbe being bora Into It. We mu.l U- bori;
this posaeislon to that It doesn't dtsagain.
possess uynne'etoc. there to enough struggle that tbe Floi church had bad
when he find came hero. Of Ibe' fact o( God will He turn any of ns away:
10 1.0. Sl.-n'fi N-vliu'c* SSliirt*.
J Jy-T
for all men.
This is not a qiie.-^lion of our living bi
w-ortli fryor ■*> to r-'a-, wrliO.- lli.-y lant fiJteCe
Ninety yoars ago. a band of rbrlA- tbai there were only two male mem­
ereaiures but of unr relailon>bip i<
tlans went to aoAe totoads In tbc Pa­ bers In tbe rungregatioD .-ind a heavy
him. and we can eonie Into bir famil
thcific. Tbe natives were benighted Im-.
f.-r Mikv>‘ and
only ihroagb new blrili. What health
they were taught the gospel and today peo|)lo had at times become faint
Cliil-irin's SIk.-s,
Is to the NhIj- llullueSi l» lo the soul.
tbe Sandwieb Islands are a part cd tbc he»rt«-.l bnt In the end had-triamphed
lUc liest In evetyihing !■'
low- tbe mother ehurrl> was the
United Stoden. The gospel accomill ourselves. We can gel this throiigli
i of two Inmy rlilldren.
plliibed tkla In the old Roman emworif, fnrni $1 GO
I2hj BatisU- in striii.'S ami Uijnfeir^ir
tbe Lord Jesus Cbrirt. He Ik lh<bring i.>u gietliligs froa
pfre. srben the gospM was first
1.1 f J 2-.
‘ of all w'r-il S(^.;e bwI I’aoapri, o p-r yd ..
to holy life. We Kometiwes mx
preached, there were over two bnnt. worth Jt-Clij.
pie who do not l-elievi lu a fuiim- lit-.
G.S.1 Apron lnm;liara. ll»- Te tiiiO.
4lre4 dlBerunt rvllgioni that hul tbelr
Satin r.-iir
bui the most of them do. This
L.-i.iios' liox CViits. .v>llarlew. made of SviP h
followers. , Today oat of this great
Dn s^ Slh-ti for
be a sail world If Immortainy
■ Mixtari-a, Ir.mmwl wiili
^ JT
number tb« to not one in exMonee.
A 7c l*n!ile,-jelj. ,1 rSbwlin;;
Life is a failure If lb> re is
•ven their nwBcs ttv forgoHvn. The
tug bevund. Tlierv an.- no triumphal
rmpet was what tbe people waaUHl
deaths exrept to those who are r'l]ll^
Man Bade ntllgtons hive tbelr fol­
lowers bnt not one has been Invented
Over *2.800 Raised.
by a fauBan being wherein there ha^
been a Savior. Sclentlsu talk of the
Alter Mr. FergiiMm c!os<-d his s«-r.
lYlval of tbe fitteaU ehristtonliy has
on bome tlm<- was devoted lo raising
sarvlved all others, aen have sense
money. Itoring tbe ev«-nlns al-im
Lar.:- .Ann K.- kir.
L,-ir.rv 2-liin Kii.-’j.-n
SMUgb to choose tbc best.
JII3 was subscribed while th.- tot
in. l.wdl LoM -VI p.,.ir.ds
8 -at. •!< ui>!«- r lA- «piii :I.-s.
WondMful Vitality.
subseriptluu for (be day was ov
$1.00. for
It has wondeAul vlumy. Many
tempts bare been made to crush It
The dixllrallon iwTvtces weri- e<i
Pj the prv <liling elder . >'
bot trlibont avail. It was beyond
1 limit.
Mrt Kinu<xl>. I-Iarli tvad
hnnan power. It arrayed Itself against Church of Cbtisl Ditclples. " said the
wicked aen and consequently wicked Rev. T. IV Vilum. wdio next arose.
passage from the Rilile. itfier
A -V U.ule of Carter's
men hated It. Tbc speaker then told sp<Ac (d tbe lime wbi-n a gtvai de which Mr. Bii>o-|i< rt rhnirliian el
I*sl2 liranit'- Hu.-*, l''
$! .*i0. fur
-pati. TOs iii.d Lr..*.;v;.rl.iv
tbe story of Saul's coovcrslon.
war was in'progress and lioard of trusiees. prxc«-ni»-<l lli'
Tbc speaker then touched on tbe la- of the dose unity of the churches tie eburcta kejs to the presiding el.b-t
worth $10. for U»40
FVrgusoa read the artnal didieapotemey of rlcbrs, telling bow
day. Mr. ninm then gave tbe mnaUlrtod wHh the leprosy bad ©tered grvga'ioa his beet wishes toward their
ff, *lvliw
d to(he »
*5.000.000 for a , cure but none was welfare and surevrs in ridding Ibcmselvv* (raoi debt at an early day.
s excelkat mii-ir
Is a Hwwa.
At all the s
The Rev. n. Cochlln was then Intro­
“Tou have bulll this little church, so duced and said "The qui-stlen to be wes furnished lig the choir which eon
far uo well, but you want It lo stand first answered in any community U sisted of SokjiDun Biiscben, P
not only as a aonaaent to youraeivew •Is there worli Ui be doocT' U a San- Miss Maud Young, rtij.ranc; Mi>'
MabM Greeno. alto and Arch Eldreii
bnl as a boae for your cblidre* aad day aeboot cr iastur Is needed it o
Sole agent for the New Idea lOc Patterns.
children's ebUdmn." wJd Dr. to be therq." ] He then spoke of (be basso. Miss Sadie Hoagfaey tr
irb'had #r«' been orgaatoL
Uiile »e«ln(*
Potts, "i think yob. did wisely

In the Name of Sense,

dial good common sense
of which all
us have a'
share, how can you
to buy ordinary soda crackers,
stak and dusty as th^ must
be, wdien for ^ you can get

Uneeda Biscuit
fresh from the oven, protected
from dirt by a package Ae
very beauty of wdiich makes
you hungry.

« A

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Traverse City, Mich.

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