Grand Traverse Herald, August 09, 1906

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Grand Traverse Herald, August 09, 1906


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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M*rvwi TIM at HMM.
Sottabow. wtMB baaii»>» hu • •«)]
• about tbli time of year.
My tboagkts uke tieir »a<*tjoo ba<*
aMoag the aeeooa oace Sear.
I atiay ftoat the barvoat IcMa where
hmt and tong am>
1 waUiied the cereal ocean in U» foMea ripplee Sow.
'While now and then upon acme blade
a tired reaper bore
The annbeanu Bashed and then went
Mt Uke Ibougbta- recalled do
■ ' .» wore.
■^As ralm as tolllnc echoes of a alKnal
far at aea.
■ The clink of Bcyfbea and wbetlock
come In rijytbmlc hamrao)';
Among the brooding kllln near by. in
erening abadowa dim.
- ^e would not atari to catch a^lmpac
of winging aempbim;
rargwecl ttac ways with UnMIng bella

Promptly at two. steta sounded
tbe Utile board
outride; but they
were not light atepa like t^e girls'
They pounded.
"Gocrineaa. ain't I llradi' ffby. Mis'
Dean, you don't mean to nay you'
got home hoick as this, an' your dress
changed, an' Ironin'!"
miura Bean turned slowly to face
Senthrilla Haggei. There was oa need
for her to "aay" anything. She wiu
grimly glkd of that.
-If you ain't the sprjest! 1 gucM
yon SCI back aomewheres. didn't you?
I had to set up front beenuae I'm nliA
sighted so. Well, i suppose you'r«
proud of Sallyr"Sally's a smart glcl." PhRata said
Biiffly. "I aoppcMU: the Lord ts willing
for raoibcre to be proud of thdi
daugbtm." ,
"(teodneas. yes! I'm proud of mine,
apd they're nothing bni sous! Tba*
^8 a nice sheor-loakin' dross Bally
had on"—sbe paused icotsilvoly. Phil
ure Bean changed irons, testing tbo
new one with n moistened forefinRerThe Bbnrp lililc hiss was her only an

tier eyes and dish up Ibe dlDuer. Tbe
girls would be loo excited to notice
that her eyes were red.
Nine years ago Philo Bean bad died
and left hiB wife with their four lltlie daughters to bring bp. He had not
Irit anything but debts, the nelgfaliors said. Pbllo had ne»er been very
forinnale In buriness: his bad been
too impulsive and iniatiag a nature to
eomiiete with life withmil being
worsted. So It had lieen from
Aral a Btrngglc for Phllura Bean, his
wlf«-. She had home every prlvaiino
tnei-kly ud with stolcri lollcnee. lav.
log out b<T meagre Utile ptena with
eareful. prayerful preeisinn. Tbe girls
Brat, then herself. Rral sbe miiiit cd
am mterii year-oH
liunifv down to ntne-year-old Sally,
and set them steadily ui«on their own
young feel. Sbe must dress them,
feed them, toll for litem untiringly, unlemltilugly. There would be no tlntc
In sll down alone with her greni sor
tow until afUT alt that' was done.
"Then I'll have time In m«dm for
IHillo." she said, listking ahead stead
Sally was the baby. She was "grdng
on" nineteen now. Just through schisil
herself, and engaged' to l<«ch srhiMil
another year. Rally was on her own
fee'i, it would sistn. Runlee was a
milliner In a near hy iown. doing well.
Stir had Hosed her little shop today to
Saily's graduation. The two
other girls bad come. ton. They wenboth "in iMiaioess'' now. and earning
their own living. Pour good, smart
gjrts Phllura Bean's glrlk were, the
oHgfabore aald. Pbllttfn'd ouglu to Isproud of tbem.
Phllura was proud of them. In her
heart rite knew that Philo would bave
bern. ami that was even better Sbe
knew he would be sallsfieil with what
sbe had done.
'But Itn pretty ilred.r PliHura saiil
gently. '•Sometimes I |eel about wore
Nine years' steady workin' and
eontrlvln' tuckers you rr>nslderat<le. If
It wiwa't for—that. 1 miild rvsl.".
But she went on working Tbe girls
eouipisined a llllle iu llii-tr eare-le's
way bi-fore they w«-ni liaek to their
work. The Iden of mother's kei^lng
with the washings and IrtMilngs.
now Sally wad out of ibe way! Wasn't
Hally Ibe last chirk In Ibe neat? For
i.-Aouldn'l lutitber stop and
her breath DOW?
I've gnt .to gel tny second wind."
mother smiled In h«T gulei fashion.
“There's something else 1 want lo d»
When that's dime, then maytie I'll




-WTiere? What?" be whispered.
“O for mercy, do keep your bead
sillL an' ni leU you! , Theyll think
you're a reTolria' ligfaihouae!" thU la
reference to tbe stiff red fringe lhat
defined his bald spot. '1t's rtllnni
Bean; she's in ayourain':"
In Phih. Bean’s pew. erect ' aad
daanlless.^sat the llllle woman wtes.
after aloe years' waiting, bad put on
the outward symbols of her grief for
him. A rirange look nf^xaltation aa*
u|«n bf-r tbia lillle face, and Itecame
it oddly. Her bard, brown little fin
gen la their Ught black glovea twist­
ed ber black-bordered haadkerebief
“I fiel aa If I was. goln' to cry." she
Iho’igh'i Itebllid Ibe ralm. >ae>l mask
oftier-firm lime fare. "It moat seema
as If PlilTo bad Just died, aad the mioister was goln' to preach hla funeral
senniin. and me sctiiu' here chief
mourner. 1 know ibcv're ail batkin';
I can feel Senthrilla Magget's eye*
through mv vHI. But. if it says wbst
I've iM-en wantin'-lo say these nine
year*. It'll.say. 'PBlIura Bean hived
Im’i busltsnd; Ib.-re cviuldu'l be anythjng black sud crapy enough to ex­
press the way she misses bint: but
sh.- s dooe the iK^st she craild There
ain'l a white Uting about her but the
middh- td hiT piwkel haiidketclilcf.'
If it says anything. I hope It'll say.
'How sbe muai've hived him!'"
Niue years—iialb'ot. hard, toIlHome
years—Pblinra Beau had walled to
sll hi re in Philo's pew as she was sil­
ling now. and pnive to the world her
standi, deep Ipve. To her simple mtnd
this was the only way lo do It. This
was hiT one sad, proud lillle luxury lu
tU'w a-eary nioc years.
"Heiilbrilla's eyes prick dreadfully,
but sbe can look! 1 didn't ailnt or
scrimp: everything will liear exam­
inin'. I walled long enough for (hat.
The mtnis-ier'B givln' out bis lexl•>h!" Rhe started a little under tbe
enveloping shnipd of le-r na|w veil.
For the mlnlrSer was reading solemniy. “For I will turn their mourning
Into Joy. and will ronifort (fai-m. and
rnake them rejoice from their sorrow."
"He means me. mv mournin' for
Philo." she IlKiugbl with a sob, in her
ihoai. "Turn mv mournin' Into Joy.
and nuke me rejolc- my Korrvr. It
u as If at last I waa goin' to be
The .TbahkKulvItig after that Sun
■lay the four girls came home. Tliey
planned to meet on/he way and eom>
toRcthcr. ail the IbinR in a pot, Rally
said. They- walkei up fb" snowy
Uurd walk In rath>W au imposing litlie prt»cesrion. they Ubt^pght. Mofher
would Ih- aMonUhr<i enough.
Bui' it was they who were ast<'mlsh<-d. They round niollicr silling in
Iter old place—but wasdl mother? The
lilB'-k setting of her widow's weeds
had oddly refined and Iwaullfied tbe
thin mile features <d Phll.ira Bean.
«s seureely strance lhat the four
gills stopped In the riistrway anj
gareil lt>. awe
It was loolher—but
mother. Rh:' ires In ni'iurniog.
e one srns dead. Tber had a
stAsnge fancy. PsiklnR at the liiUe
iwle. rap! face, that it wts molher.
Sallr llMere.1 B low stiand. fW-l
rooilu-r lurniul Her faee lighted with
the sudden Joy of weIrtime,
-Why. telly! Why. Eunice! why.
sll u- ynii! Why. I’m dreadful glatl
you've.all come home!'' Then, noc
ing their faces, ' yes. I m in minirnin'
lor yoirr father.” she added In ipil"'
•-xplanailon. "I pul II on as sotm as
rdVaml the money. I always meant
lo. Voii was llllle things at flrsl; I


t. isos.

SoAga Our FatAtca Swag.
Who wrote tbrio? What made (heat
popular? It Is (uicr to answer tbe
first question than the kMi. for they
were no doubt lasplred by the times,
or ao oernaioa. at a period when Ibe
emotions trf idea were new and enihusiaslle. and there was no falre seatimeal. 'They appealed to tbe heart
with a iwrsfold power, that of nrastc
nod poetry combined.
Out of (bat atmosphere grew like a
4rio of cberobim three heavenly
songs. "Home. Rweet H<iate." "The
Last Rone of Summep' and "Annie
Laurie"—three representative songs,
sung in court and la camp, lo peace
and in war. What would the lilerelure of song tie wilhO'il this tuneful
It is said II
ala-ays sung
eve of battle:.
"They sang of love, and not irf fame.
Forgot was Britain's glory.
Each heart rcralied a different name.
But all sang ‘Annie laurJe.' Patti, the sweetest living singer. In
vartehly gives one of Ihes.- songs foi
an ttorore. knowing well that she can
will greater applause by R than
most classlrsl imdody can produr

g has been a delight from that day The wideaprwding poad. and the mlU
. that atood by R.

Tbe bri^-MMustei^ wWn tfw
la I6C Dr. Thomas DuaB Eaiffishl
who Is a member of «he prcweal coagreaa, wrote the faaJIad of 'Dee Boll.':
which was flrwt published In a magaxlBC edited by S, P, Willis A few
year* later tbe ballad was eel to mu­
sic and at oner took (be popular fancy.
This aong was of a larcbrymoae order
and the searimenis, viewed by the
light of today, would easily recooclle
the most sympathetic to the early tak­
ing off of 2,'Swcet Alice." wboae BUare
mast have pariakea that of the kpaale|. or her poet has maligaed ber:
■Oh. do yrm remember sweet Alice.
Bea Bolt.
Rw.-ct Alke. whose hair was ao
Who wnpt with dellgbt.'Xriien you gave
her a a^lle.
And trrmjjfrd with fear at

The rot of my father. thi^Bkr hwna
-'e'ea Ibe rode bnekri Uni Mng
X ia tbe well.
rite OW oaken buricri. ibv Iroa-botarl
Tbe moasevtvered backH wU«
hang la tbe weQ.
The poet was temaet' Woodworib.
sad hu song of -The Did OnhM
BuckcC" sprang Into Immedtela gornlariiy. It waq one
tbe Inqiiwd
songs of a housebotd which can Mvwr
dte. because poasmuwd of tW vital
riiarfc of ^eavealy flame recncMteE** '
Cwrtewa Facta.
Tbrrw are eigbiy-alx annual hnlUpn
la Rttpsia
Over three handrnd plKite (taitera
are tnvetied te submarine esMes by
Great Hritala.
When (he teat <«Mu was taken
ther»- waa one horse for erary ikrea
persons In the Fnlted Steles.
In lime of war lUMte puts tio out •
of every l.noO of bar populatton In
tbe field. France 370 and Oermnay Silt.
Rlnre IMO the. world's prodncUon of
meat has Inrrteaed .Wty-aevna gar
rent and Ike prodncthxt of grate 4»
per cent
Tbe ground spun wVcA tbe Baah of
England stands U vnlcM al ITM a
square foal At that vataniten the.;
site is worth $3I.7?6.«|0
^ Tbr average laaB gvows hair almost .
fifty fret long, nails iweoiydhree feet
tong and ,tieard IwentySve feet kmg
every seventy years
In Mexlrh there 4i a Jail which oon
rials of aa oak tree with a cbala aegd

"Bull On. Silver Mood," Is one of tbe
songs our fatfaers loved, and which re
. Row pleasant then the jonraey home
talas Bs pupularliy. It posseuses all
along the.conntry road,
as thirty"Hast have enst as
Whara larkspur blooms beside the
While It has s>. iBwail and love It baifence tike knoU of lorers sevee cents a yard. I :
also a lament, lb" inRat effective feat
say they didn't see for Ibe life of them
ore at music In the «4dco tliw. when
' Mow listening to the wbipiwor-wlll how you could afford It.
The words .are ol
It Is s
R Its know that there it was wrillen
I don't, either, 'specially If ‘Iwaa as
^^d a darkling field.
was a real Annie Laurie, althitugb ah.- l-tegHsh ■rlglD sn<^ very old, and tbe
^ Or tarrying where l^e betr t tempt dear as fifty cents."
bas lain for a r^lory- dvM. aad that clrcumsIaacM of Ua maklag are ob­
She watted, studying the faded ml—a abower of wine ooogi
It.was her lover who wrote the ten' scure. Joseph -W. Turner, (be mu
And tong before wc reached the gale Ico pattern on Pblinra Bean’s hack,
slcst editor of the Waveriey Magazine,
"But there, some folks think iber»to bear the wat«h-dog'a bark,
of him is (hat lit* name was Douglas wrote the air lor It In 18(7. and struck
And nae the di^t wlndowt gleam alnt anything too good for Ihelt
lhat the fair Anule Jilted him In the keroulc of'public applause at the
daughters. Noturiy'll ever lie able to
lUc WoaaoBa of the dark.
favor of .1 Mr Ferguson, of ('ralgdar same time. Tb" whole beauty of ttesay you've'minted yours any. Mis
roch. It all hapiiened near the end aong Is concentTaied in the refrain;
It-seema so long alaee thoae old years Bean. I suppuac ytur knew' what you
the sixl<)rnlh century! lavdy AIIHa "Kull oa. silver moon, guide tbe Irav
—ao long Indeed, that
tout, of ijie present ceDiiiry, ct
nirpririn' to the nelghhoni. Plithi
Now wonder that a line could be
posed the iseel and (dalnlfVe air
Bean's dyin' Inrolved as he did.
withoni a nob or Hgh, •
which the wtirds are sung, and much
■And yet enough do I ncnll to row there, maybe be was Insured high
improved the original Rrntch verelon. For I never, never, mor
The small figure at the Iroalug-table
that In the en^
love will stray
-Whoa the no man and eremore In stiffened and riraigbieucd.
la Rtem Ibe high-born peraons walk
Ry the soft silver light (if tbe
"The UiH-i R.»e of Bommer ' sras
"Of eonrsc II must're been a great
death's twilight shall Mend^
srllb Ibe elbow JriBli turned Inward
writtea by Thomas Hoorer who refer
It woold attffk* to know that lift be- ivin' not gain' into mournin' Tbnl'»
Tbe musical waves (hat are alwajs aad (be ibambs outward.
to it frequently in his diary. Of a din
dreadful expensive. 1 had a ronsln
ywad the gathering gloam
la RuMla It te against .iba law In
ncr given lo (he poet at Derby, where beating on the shores of time bring us
Would really prove as care free a*— who paid fifteen dolUrs for n rrapibe made several speeches, he record- as their l>ci.t offerings this flotsam and marry more iban five times, and an oeBut there, shed have slv<'u
the harvest Una at home.
JetsBiD of the past, instead of tbe UvenaTteB may not marry.
this; ■
—Will T. Hale, in New York Times. twenty-five, whe set wueh store by hci
te said that Itoraea will bt gtvaw
"A ftarty of amaicure sung glees
husbaud. ThA makes all tbe dlSeipheaomrnal strength nnd midiirngga
occasionally between th
U led regateriy on dried curraaU.
sud one of their pcrfnri
A Patient Wslter.
Pfallun B<-an uttered a muffled cry.
Britete was conquered by Caaau In
Thai our lathers had good taste
The lABt Rniie of Rummer.' The
: Mrs. PhUo Sean set her cdoM iitw and sped oul of tbe room. Sbe was
ma.vnr. wh«> tat at my right hand, etm their selecUon of tbe toogs they made tbr year U B C. and the Roman oeon the stove, and flUod the handle to gone but a moment.
>. D
Bded *o me Jn a whisper bis regret immortal is not to be disputed. There
a hot one abseniiy. On the way bark
"I guess ahe burnt her finger pretty
srly five hnndred years.
(lull they sbonid choose sut-h dull was a virility about them which
to the IronUg-tsble abe sUgmad twice. had." sdlloqnised the caller. "Let's
things for such an cwrasiaBr —f-tvn -proved them In have been created for
She bad Msn>BdLUEta.«o<ng fcnd com­ see, where did she break me off? n
TbermonteUr mifi Wind.
the-needs of the hour. Take that splrhim I heartily agreed with him."
ing. for the last hour, once at the
moiiniln*. I di-clare. If I wa^
Many peraoat. U fi&Od aboot .1L
The air wmi an oid tuve. adapted by |te.t p<M>m of palrloiiara. 'The Star
dock, once nl the window.
Philo Bean. It would mortify me dreu'lMr. Moore for his song It became a- Spangled Banner." which, (bough set would say lhat the tbefteemeter is af.
“lyrics tan minules of ten." sb<- tiilly to have my wife wear colors
■•opiilar aud famous as even he could to a foreign air. aad cnmmemoratlax freted by Ibe wind, btfi tt-ia not. |f
aaM stood, “if they begin prompt, li's light along ever since 1 died!"
a single episode In (he history of you stand oat where tba wind enn
wish during lifetime. A tender
most lime. Sally'll be amoolbln' her'Won't yon have a fnn?" Phllura
Ulscencr- of Its power U the ringing America, has filled millions of Atner ifiow freely over you yod fbel the ofiM
aelf <rat tight now, and askin' some­ said, eomlng hack gulrtly. ''You look
it by Emma Abbott at the deathbed lean hearts with palrimtc emotlnos. much more than you do when slysl'
Whatever P was. it took time to do
body If her hair's right. Well, she real warm."
of a young man who was In the last An Inrldeal ermnecteti with that song terwd—say. by the corner of a bnlMoogfat to be thankful to come Aral, to
"Warm! I'ni heVu|s As soon ai. . Sbe kept light on ,wllb the Irou
ing: but It Is dIBereol vritb a tbar'<
stages of consumption.. As the sweet mss le* of interest now
gat It over wlUl.root riff I've got to l*e movin' again, iTigs and wsabincs. and'she even (nok
Francis Rood Key. who wrvi(e lb" mometer. Try It by hnagteg np tsso
ringer voiced the prophetic words, she
few boarders fni Hie summer sou
At the window .abe peered out Into
thonghi I'd lake this occasion t:>
srs. one la (he wtad and Ms
plucked one hr one the iielals from a wpivis. reimposed them oa tbe eve of
the glare of oaMikdad eonllghi eager­ make up Woi' rails. 1 suppose Rally'll son after telly had pme away. She
la a abeltered gteco oenr byfijM
contrived, and
ly. but Instanlly -'diww - hark again, be eonila' In noon. I'd enjoy seeln'
selfslevollrin. of ber act. Both llic This was on September It. IRI4. Key you irlll find that they mart the mmi
necks cf color t^ssomed In her thin, her dress nigh lo. She looked real pinched berwlf. Just the s.mie. Tlierr
singer and he who listened wi grate, was on board a little vessel Hilled tbe temperature, everytfalag else batnfi
bernmin'. didn't sbe? 'Talked loud, seeroi-d to be oo dlllerenec at 'all in
fully soon ^ssed from earth, lu'it the Meriden, wbirb wag anchored In right equal Wind Is merely air tat motion
**1 hope they Weten'i inohln* this
eould you bear all she said where her patient life., But she was wiirklnc
leave., of that Iasi rose of summer, of Fort ttcHendy. Tbe song was put and tbe motion does not make It any
way," she groaned nofily. "Anyway,
sal? That about nailin' oul An a str-adlly Kiward hii .end of her own.
plucked span in the ehamber of death, into type the next day by an sppreo colder. You feel the c(Hd fltore mmnot Benthrilla Haggei. Sealhrilla U a rough an' slorrav sea was splendlil. and she had never done Jhat iM-fore.
were gathered gnd savr-d as a coo Re ipV Imv In a printing ofAre. aad baad- slbly when exposed to it becauc Mb
dreadful <aae to suspIcloD things. But
■I II? I declaim It moat made ni'- Rhe had always worked inward the
i-d <uil to the crowds.
current of air takes beat away trap
crated memorial of that last song
. there. I forgtri: she's near-righted." In searirk!"
ehllilren's "ends."
"tt'ho knows a tune lor It?" shouted your body.
There was a strange light In Pbilara
her relief Mrs. Phlln Bean laughed out
The ateady monologue and the Iron­
Joint Howard the emwd
Tlie removal
•pontaneoualy. and the pleasant sound ing went nn for another lea. minutes. Bean's plain little fae<- IIm- day she got
Kingdom Ruled by a Bey.
vun'ry r*
Payne's dust to
the end. It was mu haiipiness, but
Sited the liny kitchen.
Then tbe caller rose. “Welt, 1 miiai
same apprentice who had set tbe lines ,fa distent AfricB ibere Js a ftmar
•ry and li
an Interest
It was scarrely sadness.—something
Tm thankful I remembetvd thnt. or
say Sally slo'l so smart as her raa!"
his song -will forcer remain inaep in the printing office, spoke up and little strip of cvaiDtry lo WbiM a hpy
lmtwe<«. that Imrniwetl from each, to
I should have worried all day. I ain't
she rasped disappointedly. "Here yonnf right arears of age la tbe kind- B"
arnidc. l*ayne was an American boro »-ald:
goltt' to have people ace me stay at got home this long ago. ali' got your the making of ismie'hine sadly sweet
"1 know a tuje." and he sung H In 'la called Kahaka. and bf te a lusty luat Kari Hampton. B I . and it boine from my own damHaler'a grad­
and dear.
workrireas on, an* went to ironin'- I
a desperate fit.of holneslrkness. when an old English air he had Y<-arned from ile fellow, altbougb be yri hardly Muatin'! It's bad aaough to stay." She can't wait any h«g«T If I'm goln' to
I!" sbe breathed. "Now every
derstaods what bis rt>yri'dDties are
starving in the.streets of Paris, that his lather. "Answoo In Heaven"
Bighed TnvoinnUrily. though abe bad call no Rmellue Balicock. But • I one will kn«>w I I<»v««d him.-,. Rhe was
li is only a few years since this l>oy
LJeui Col J H Sadler, who la Um
he wrote his pawuoohKly pathetic
htthmto denied hararif even that Hr
. that t*tiilo hlmsetf had always
ritould 'TO llk«l to see Sally with tb>poeni. "Home. Rw-i-et Home" The died M< an advsoreq age. having Eaglteb commissioaer lo.Ugaedn. tea
^ luxury. It cnB»e •HatBral" to Phll- nakt<d eye. Yon didn't say. did you? known.' Phil" had nndeista»d.
recent address said that tbe goofite of
swe>-t.voiced American woman who
tna Bens t6 deny handf little iux- Hurt ber,dr«-8s coat filly ceola—I tie
TliBi day she park'.-U ncaily away
sey<-tiiy years. In sp»-al>lng of this elr- I'ganda, whose trlbsl name te Bagausung the lender words of
dare. I tmnl remember wbai you little stuck of shaldry dresie-s. The
wax all explained In those few the reretnnnics of the removal of his CTTraslance shortly lieffire his death, ds, are far more adraaood Ihan onrIn the hot nitte hitchen the minutes lid'
lirown wr-ilding silk, the green rashhe aald:
rouoding tribes, and
for aamfi
words. In that niomraii mother wav remains from Tiirtn a few year*
ticked themnelves away slowly. Then
the old plaid, all her fade.1
Phllura Bean sq^led winirily. Sh>"t stood t»efore (be crowds and time past they have faM a oomamnd- ,
with a loud warning trhir the dork
w<<nt lo the door with her caller, and wrapper*. She b-fi noibing ou>. Iri never known lu-r le-fnre. as If theyiepy. and those w|.» were piyam de- sung "Oh. say. can jon »•••■.'■ as char Ing priritloe la ceaital Africaatrwek ten. The fl^re at the lioningtheir
beiiig rnirtriurcd lo Iter wheniclaie It to have Iss-n a mosi wolem.i ly and reatouriy as I have ever sung
laMr suned. The Iron slid nemss the tried to br'pnllte. But. when she ram>black dn-sse.-s and wraii
lit outher lean little hands toiand Impressive ser-ne
The( singing the dorology. and have been singing
sheet V> iU iTBi as of lu own accord. hark. her lean little fare was whiiv |s.-n>. and'st'rod Ijark In s<>f' rapines.'

CounUag a Million.
it SR iciv and man ttaese .eighty yeanthem in a-dIcoBir
jwa. an inspiration, and Mi«\ WoriliIf you have never glMB the matter
"Ifs time." munnoted Phllura Bean with palB.
admire them. There were ntrt s«.
\»ny 1' all, and went away! iugtoirs v«.ir«- ireniliW with feciiag.
.iritb as^ face. It was as If IlMentng
i-rlous I bought, pwbapa you may V»e
many of iheni; It was not that. But
Intently ahe could bear old Judge Cut­ grdilualin'; I let her.' I nen-r said a she had -wali’-d fdr them nitte weary wHhoiii^-v.-n saying 'Thank you.'' 'adding to the melody of fhh wonderful
lurprlaed to bear lhat It would take
As far l*ck as 18H. which takes ns you three days and tbiwa nlghU—sev­
ting "cnttln' off" her Sally. "Mliw -word, blit she thinks so. If it was years. Bhe had trudged rriward thetu telly, la'id when lliev were alone that song On" who was there wrote home
pearly in Hre days of our forefathen., enty-two hour* la all—to couat a mi:niglU
-W-never earett!"
i to America
eall.»“-laiid. no. 8arah-"Miiw Sarah wrong, the tarrd will iuive ic/fnrglvi- with so tin-d. btit
resolute, feet!I muldn'l sar: '*1 haven't lioeii
-fWe cart; now.'* Kuiitee groaned.' ' As the lender words tremulously there was an errallr printer who lived Hod. toantiag as taal aa you posslMy
Viola Benn"—or was It Miss S- VnolaT
■ for a single .moment had she
Ciiis. all that time she was waiting floated through and Alb:d the sacred on nnc nf the sid" aireetx which lead C'luld. This.will, give you some coolUkely. beeaunr now she enaemhered aonar tbett'; I never wi^t.a step lu
own little girl's praduiUn', I wavered.
place, hearts swelled. <-yes sirffused, from Broadway In New York-Duane treptlOB.of tb- dliiane* nfi the aaa from
for ihls! "
that Sally had dropped the final 'h'
Tbe sext day^as Runday. She had
I'reet, If the records are correct. One the earth. f«r It would take ^ 778
0nt, nnd then everything else excep> haven't lieen to anyihing extvpt nieei"But she
watted', that's what, and
alwa.vs meant tbe next day to be Sun burls!' telly cried •'While we were, "A ciiarm from the sky seemed to hal­ day. In the summer snlFtiee. he went
'the tmpltat B. 'Nowadays gIrU did la' since Pbllo died. I'm wattin' to g-'.
days and 279 nlgbtj to ooutt Ibe aumKor she wanted to go to meeting lielng worked and scrubbed for.
Into his bo>ise and drank a glat.a of j>er '< miles that sep^te lha* two
low us there "
thinga llha that.
flr.'l of all. to rii iu Philo s pew In and iroaed for. she was waiting. Anti
water. As be did so be r-marked:
Hark! "Hiaa 8. Viola Bion m-iti
wld■•That water i» not but what
w, never knew
We never t^k the' Another popular t
please come forward and deltver thr Rhe thinks I didn't love my biiKluind
would '! not give If I could take a drink
trtnilrie to find our. When we'd go'all'
aaloiatnry." It sounded ap)rodld-~ enough lo put on mnumln' for him—, v's weedF.
OltteM Man In England.
Just at this moment from the old oak
Senthrilla llaggei's pew was very we n-eded. we went away, as If (here' “A life on (be orean wiry.
•^lendld!, It didnl oeem posrihle old not love nUlo!" She bnike into low
Men who have llrad ta three cm
cn l.iicvci on father's farm "
sobbing, biding her face. In h^-r hands. i-ai. SeatbrUbi. sitting In It. weight­ , wa- nnibing else to d«."
* heuD" on the rolling dren.
Judge Cutting could wean Sally!
firles are beromteg tORce. but King
' Or nobody else. Just us." one of tb? ; Where the scattered sratrrs (five
the mile Sally that osed to nm bare­
was lerrible. terrilile. terrible? ily and Sunday-Solemn, made prompt
Edward t-sR a lively one to bte oldaat
And 'be winds their tcveU keep showing her sympathy:
ether glrlit murmured.
foot up and down the toad. acnSIlag All iheae years—nine yeara---slic had dlarnrery.
James McJ«.'ally entered i»V' My dear, that would make a fine
“Glrlf." tetiv swept them all in with ' There is a Story about It. too Epea
"OoodnesF. whaVs The malter with
up the dust naughtily! the one she borne It aad paiietitly wal'od. ,Bt»l
oo bis ntrth year on Feb. 18 He anjB
exelt-dnacd to apmd bread and butter for,
be doeeo i.feeJ a-year older than •».
I {l‘-ry. gating out on the sparkling wl
. ahe found herself, with courage ly. her prodding finge.r
in the ten to me! We're a t>ad • lot
__ .and mead aad scrub and acold! •
He baa aa exeelKmi menory. remewi
. crying like a little w.-ary chiW. flesh <d Mr, Senthilla Haggn berid.- wouldn't give miicli lor any one ol i ters >4 New York -harbor, and as be then drew np to a table, and began to b*rs the battles of Tratelgar and
' The lone moraing ended, and a
long afietirone began. Phllnra—|n th>- Sow—o. now she wanle.1 Pbllo! Hnw her. "WII you lo.* at Phllura *teap, Its! But. blessed I*", we've pry ).] watched the tomhllog eralt dlpptex writ.;
W>ierlon sad. of coorae. anjoya bla
"How will Ibis do?" he asked.-.sad
beginning K hnd been niurg, ^ore she yearged for bis great brown hand* Amtnl Hagget? She's all 16 eoal- chanor lo reform That Ilille black'and dancing on the waves,
pipe aad tobacco.
mother down stairs te going to is-- pored Ibe prettiest marine song the lead abrnd what b* had written:
nhe nnd Pbllo enme t<«cther. Then, oa her haads. drawing them gently black!"
Mr. SriHhrilla 1lagg.-t was calm and lovt-d." Her voire dropped (o tender-; world ever knew He showed if to bis
aowbow. beginning it with -Ph" hnd awB^from her wet face, and bis gresi
Mlateter (meeting a amnil boy on
of my rblldbond.
frirtid. rreorge P Moms, bimwif the
seemed to bring lu-r a little dJaer (t. loader voloe Baying. "Sho. sho. Umc|maKsire. with the Ruiidar .dmwsini-ss
Runday afterwoon earryteg a fttteg df
When food
"Aad reatjed-c-author of a popular song. "Wnodi
' ■
upon him. He wv not to be easily
a>e great brown fellow who began woman!ftsbt: "Jobony. J'ahnnyj do.tbeae be­
Spare that Tree." who tol# him lhat
"And taken care of—"
, with n "Ph." Since (ben It bad be«>
*rbe girls came la after a while.{startled oa any day: on Rundays It
H was a poem and not a soog. Then Tbe orchard, tbe meadow, the deep- long to yooT• And scrubbed and Ironed
PWlnm. Phllura Ironed on steadily. chattering and noisy. Sbe could hear [ was impossible. He turned bis baM
"T-evi. Blr. You seej thM^ wRfit
patteBliy. Between times she set dln- them going up tbe front suirs to take ' head poaderously from side to side In laughed Enniee through ber tears — he met Henry Russell, the composer.
And every loved spot whirit my In­ ibey got for ehariag wot«h ea Son»er gring. H wrmld be
o'rkirk off their finery, telly's gay voice wai. bewildered search for the cause of Annie Hamilton Donnell. In C. E*wbo took him to a music store ou
fancy knew.
iBrnadwa-. :.nd composed ihi Blr. Tb<World.
before the girls came home.
loudest of (fafm'all. She ninsi wip.-'Mrs. Renthrllls's et^liemi'nt. .



;r. ,


iagton street, daagfter. 2a»e 22. Bled


Tbe U)t% Ql Uw nttk •*rt ter-!
• VTKUtMd • »ew >lbl«tlc rtnb.


July 2.
Mr.~and Mr*. Roy BeoBeld. CIO Wet*.

Isnrr to go tn the P.-re Mvi’l’K Ii.

.'.shorn gad tgld him ibe retire story.

>a»>l-. to gel large pi"en* of brass 'and

Thefi it was ptonned to bav<> ibe iKiyr.

ho 0L-|sUK-d vrf llnnj.

take the |«as». hand li oyer to Mlnei.

Rev. Thoa. Cog Asks Chang*.
Afler filling tbe local pnipit for too

A wartanl was l-.stied f<r tbv

year*, the Rev. Thomas Co* will niH rest


C. Miner of »>: W. Eb-venUi

Th.- buys, it b-

SoUowlag oftoCTB iia*« t««it elect^;: Temb MreeL daughter. Ma^ry Rose, retnnrie Traverse City after tbe cow- strtVl h'lidav alleroiioa, fur employing .wid p-K a doUar a trip. khiU; Mine,
a liandwtui- rrefii.
ferrnre meeting wliieli will be held boys to steal brass lo.- hiiii. K<>r lb, iiij
Pr«s—WlllUm Unonlst.
, May 2?. Bled July 2.
lb- is nllee'il-lo. ba>e iH>j'r'*a*'ho,l
past few days 7t has beoit knonn .to
Mr. and Mre. MJItnn Bush. 129 Gar September
\*]ee Presidcnt-^rl Weatlond.
Hr. Cox announced hH dcHsion in fbe pnlire that mKiiHthinf oMIn- ktu.; ■•uo paTtirutar boy in an,> ndej,tor !-•
>-Tr®mi»F—S. - Sloape.
fleld avenue, boy, Harold. ApHi IS,
going <>n, hut it Is said ih<- .tnRi.
the offtelal board two weeks ago but
filed July 2.
OeUMor—Sd. ileodhckma.
Jnst renrhed a point wh<-i»-japi-■■-■•nslv so-^t-ssliR. ThejnUORh
Mr. and Mrs. James Jacobesn. t:< irlde from that it has mi been geaerTbe MV «inb vt» mi be la full
' lit.S l’\ <-i. ’
•vlBC nnill Sepl. Iec TtM-y have roomi West lOghlb street.-girl. Maod V. ally known. He does not say where Ibe* ceukl sue<-v»sfully laki- i
eo B. From aireel, and eapeM to equip
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H Nash. 32B the future.
an Bp-b>4aU club and i^tonaalum.
ne bon will have



South Spruce street. Iniy. Wllford L..

material on

band, win


tauu In all three branrhes.




Mr. Cox tame here from Grand Rap

B.vroo K.

Hall. 129

many friends who are H«>rry it>


West Twelfth street, boy, Herald l-kt.. leave.

■tbletlc dubs in the eitjr aoaic gomi June 2.1. filed July »
We,t Taclflh street; ilaughier. UiclUe,

In tbe place of tbe reauUr Sunda>




Juno .in. fikd July 2S.

S. S.'CMvaiHimt.
sefaoel lonr, Sanday

Death of John O'Rourke.

Mr. and Mrs. Jehu r. la.nle.v. 231

■; ,'wpon» can'be looked fur.


the death

was r>>oelve<l




this city

2 Mr. O Rourl*- was a P> re Mai

Hr. and Mrs. Josiah W. l.«De. 122

qiietle «Kiglm-er and bis home
eoavea- Monroe street. lK>y. Wlitford jbslah.
ii-rly in this rtty hut hir stuiie lime
Trar- July t. filed July 25.
Mr and Mrs. Wm. B Vlerre. U:. lie has IsK-ii li<ihg in Petoskey where

tioas are beiof; bold In Urand

erse ronnly. the flrt^i t>dna at Hoamr

Cealer, ooDdorted hy ibp Rev. Hueb West Tenth sfreet. boy. Raymond.
Kennadr aad Ibe Rev. R. N. Molsaple. July r,. filed July
Mr. and Mrs Ptail Weller.' GI9'Ser
tm Jbly 21. This laonlb there will
An*, t, WllllamaburK—Reva


filed July 27.
rs. Wro. Amber

: : Ooz. W. T. Woodbouse and R. N. Hof-

lie |eav<-;i ;■

«ile aii'l

some tiUK-. Ihi- l••s^. of the br.-vd

Auc. S. File l^e—Revs. Hush Kennedjr. U.B. Biatell and R. N. ItolMple.
Xns. 9. Old bhaakiD—Reva. t). CoebIlD Tboa. Coa and R. N..llolBaplc
Aus. H. ^t Bay and Blair aaaocl-

aell. D. Cocblla. B. U 8«ol< and R. N.

Thvlslon slrvH't. daiighler. Malymretlc
Velma. June 21. filed July l«.
Mr, and

Mrs, Tbeunas II. IV.bsou.

lirr, ».uth rnlon. Min. Ellon l>outs.
Ready for Uie*Cantpa%nwVlth tbe'wnrt of the sute ermreo: tlOM of the present week cunipit
MMtlcaB'a atatc


Mrs. Prank H. HHfrich.


Will Oe Some Shoaling.

work ia that dlreelioo will probably
be started ontil laic In


There wonld aeem to be



aeed «V aay sort of suie cstupslm in
WcUsati this year.

July 12. Bbtl July 21.
Horae Trueman. July !«. fib-d July 21.

, lonnally opeaed. altbonsh ao active


Mr. and Mrs. Janu-s Wheeler. Boyd

alioa—Revs. T. p. Ullom. L. B. Car-i sireet. son. May 2:-. filed July
Mr. and Mrs. H.irry Baker. 212 StuiHi
penler and tt N. liolaaple.
AoS-'lS. Cedar Run-Rera. U B. Bis-

was a

Mr. and Mrs. Hid-eri
Ilewett. ;>32 Traverse City aertr, So, .IM, Fraternal
Kast Fnmt stn-fl, M<n. Ridierl. Jiil) 2T.^ Order of Eagl4< .’"''I assislanee nas
In the fapilly by the lislge
mod July 2C.


Anale Oakic). the most

from the Michigan sporlKmen, to give

'l o k>-ei>





Tlte wib

R»*a Ijiid mil th.- oresint n«d
tern through the township.

She will be uccune

with Bulfalft Bills Wild West shoa;,
While abroad she gave eihlbUbrns Ik-

«-U, .i I.II

sliigf^sh. digestion ba.I. apiw-

...intMlo :


tA Indoreemmit It is sure to receive.

Her fnme is known ihrough








the whole

I tt."d tb;,- m-Hl

lioocst Shoes al nones! Prices

,'i,i M..II. )

Bard Pan Shots

Dr. Mllct* Heart Cure It sHd br
yeur drupglvt. who will quarantre that
thr «r»t awtllr win
If It (ails
will rctunO
j^Ues Medical Co., Elkhart. Ind


(•■mill, rs -It -• .ii'i ripti
il*6 .-il!


Is-st Sl'.’.'l



tbe rlvilircl


h .



Rsa’Iaud Doualass
Shoe Store, opp^ Wbliicg Il'ilcl



Keato lIokeMs came qear l>elna the match.

Itoring her foreign lotirs sh

was the guest of royally and evt-ry-




llie Mggesl er.iw.l .>f its liKiarv' nn I

tbe 2-year-otd daughter of Mrs. r

w-bere met an enthiiKla.-itir weleum.-. .'iilerlHliii'il I. sii well that iiolhin:-.
For years It was neeesaarr to pay Mil words of prai-e w-.ti- h.-anl for lli.bevch. lost her fooling and lay fac<- large admtosloo see the sbooi Iiar.l working eouiiiiill.s-s who hii.l
down in tbe wafer for several mlautiw tag pxhlMHons of Annie Oakley. The iK-eii liehind IhC project. There w.-r.before she was noticed.
Hnkin Mewme Cartridge company to no details nverlooked and nolhlie.; lisp
Bbervood. vbo was wading along ilie

Tbs UtUs girl acrompaoled
now bearing the entire exp>-nse wliirti jwlied lo mar the plresun- of lJuBMtbor on tbe plcnle of the Woinsn'a gives tn Iho puhlir a ehanee In share slon.
Missionary society
of ibe
hour's entertainment whieh tb'itiUnly a few years agi. Buekl.-y wn*
Flrat Methodist rtanreh and was ptoy- sands of people, in the past, have not Rtoughi of. It Is only a liitle whiiT ii« la and aboat tbe water by herself. traveled miles and paid much money
There were a number of ladles within lo see. .
^ few feet at her and. while she was

Ahnie Oakley

Is .stoioting


.mder a walchfol eje, no thought of

tbae ever and in addition In all id lu-t
Ubbisdtote danger preaenied Ksetf lo old rifle feats many new siKwiacutor

. -





MuOr^.iWM *t

.lari 'd .I'.-o-. ^ Im.I t--»s,i"iii'

uriu.-Kuui .I'li" i-!>

.'II S;------------------ ----

'tl-.-liihi.: tie- ir.


I, ,

..-iil'.'ii,. iiiniiiifi..-.liii» •!


----------------------------------- -

e-l''«rr.'.'I I


Dr. F.


SpMtoum «t EVE, EAR. NOSE





Wilitalni aiook

Trawre* City


2H'» WUli.-lm IHk,. Ciu. IMkwio 14S



The w.-aUi.-r




m« County Baak Bi-lg-. L'hTk'.nl

dcfealeil the etar's brother In a pigeon ideal for lh.‘ outdoor sports, gam.--

Scaae of a tragedy Augnat 1st. i


f.T e»--ry .lay

barv.-sl fesllval at n.ickh'} l.siiiy wii

AVIille in a great siier.-s*.



Itorls with tbe Btiffain BUi sliow- she acl.-d tils ls-*i an.l the tiny was nim.ii.'
Neariy a Tragedy.

t i.uJatH.\ AUores* a* tww''




Tit.' I -;! i , a..o.ii
w.-H, .-n e «-q p^oi' will


gl'KUB)- «tid «bprs*TiMig »h-.ui!i l«
1H» s«fl>-riT. O'KW.d Mf'i,....
■ fT.I lioju.. J( Is a ruisTb nrr\f rsiiurcr."
JCTCE /.('•on 8RKMVNV,
MsdLeii. Wi. -..r.ln.

Buckley Cel.
A.ig. M




■induriry 'snS i-iui*ho.-.l
kecff the

It .assists in generating nerve

s.^lr ltm.-‘



a1i.-li,| .I.-.1.I'--oi,M« MaVr twsL HuildiB*. Travsna tWK

.-Iton- "Ki >h- i**'i *1 tiM'.liii.r-

the pcn.ihy.

d th.- ofllr.- Id Itiw^^ship t


Ni !'

tiic poor, kidneys inactive, and

ml highway eommissiotuT and

Annie ftok-

trot the

; .t -u


not. Uie organs vvtirk
you have n
circiilalion is

was universallv res|iei-t«sl and hu' a' —.

behalf of stole intereals bas l>cen sue- for King khlward. tjueen' VIelorla, F.mcetfni. Not a word of fault has bccii peror Wilhelm and pracllcallj. every
found with any slate ofltrcr

Uluj. ij i- ti r.
ryi;;, f.i-t-■ briil..-..:.i
.sraM.,j-..w minaodia...... i.u.i


Annie Oakley wa* for many years mioiliei of ve.nrs was n'ls-ansHy eb-r*

Btcit Interest of the sialo

baa been snarded and ererv cBon In

1 per CcRl aitoved n T

' ;>
I> <"

Ih.-,. IA.SI b-;;--

.\n-adi.-.. "Mi-'h . ,\ur. -1.


f"' • vrv t'.'.v

regular shooter* on the I'. M. C. stall,

Sack a record veil deserves Ibe popti-


ti .al

Mldrigan In every respect as that
aay fDtrernor sinec Mleblsan became

the -iysirin r.f nerves,


Fire at Arcadia.

..«■ for in.-ii*




•lilSV 111'- -lo-

Andr.-w Rosa wait.a mm) «Vf sinmgj
psnied. as in the past, by her husband. ehoipelei and diirtog Ills's*-«i'itly live
Prank R. Ruilcr. who is one of Ihu year* of life ni.vde many friends. II

a state.


Hers wore again invadisl.

to Jut eompletlDc bU Brat term In

log exliildllnns.


I.a*i nl.ghi al inbiiiight Andrew

I* ihi'u king and there'was -




hi* paiwinc llu- i.-inl.* of (he


ilic brain anil.s]>inal


Rosa dicKi after a long jjim-ss :iiid with

road ihrougli the township
woman shot In the world, has reae lo ciwnpaliy wHh oilu-is who had eo
Miehlgan aflcr. rers-ated InvIialitMiH to wrest a home from the fotvsi. Mr.

Oovoroor Warner scvi-ral of her well-known rule sb<s>|.


nerve force is sent out ilifoiijrlt

nerves ami makes

earae to Almira township.

llr-n Hi-

al MilwaUVd' %»k

cells in

away until no* iherv me <kiI» i


A Ge^l Kiaki^BkslBcvs bwr.


p i.-.';hoi;,p ^

b. ir IbUi- r


Mrs. Prank R. Ridler. bcHiT Knnwi


hill a ti; tiiiM- will I-


one the ol the reglmi





i .j..,,


strong with l>r. Miles' Nervine.

Death of Andreur Ro*a.,



It/is nerve cncrc>' ll'it nins
tliC'or^ns <»f y«Ar Iks]y. 1 he

lake Ann. J^' h.. Aug. l.- t'iu- l.y



trip »l-i III- lai -i"'.-. f'-l '!i-;

have plenty of nerve force;



pUr«- some lil.u- all-i l.'-«

Yi6ur Nerve

A. GARLAND. C«Mil*e.


Tt* Evnlc* Coming ‘

. . U A

lire 1«o<lv

Mr. O Roiirke

►tort, July IT, filed July 2*


A. TRACY LAV. Pr*aid*nL

piib-s- ».t,- ir>-.

Karb-s a'oi theS^r f-1-1. ' - v. .11

the ramily

as .tlii, eliildn n


n l.rarf in hi- p"' -**sb».

.b finit-ly -vK

winner will i»- very ll«•nv^1y felt





five ehtldren and as lie lias h>sui III

ond stretH. boy. Julius Jiiseph. July 2.

Eve coBvesUona. as follows;


his di-alb oceiirred. being raiis,-d by


IravcRC City Slate Bank


parvd to •-ab-b Mr. M.ilrT wUb

ih..uah lb.- l;nV

ids. and during bis stay here has made

aad bBM ball teams, and ludRlnit from inly 2. filed July Id.

aa if. nmiiiuc ba-l liappre.d.

?ire Insurance!

- Plate Glass, Steam Bolter and AcebJunt Insurance.

Money to Loan on improved Rea! Estate Only.

Order lor



Hetorrt 310 New Stale Bunk Building.

Traverse CUy.

tbal tb.- r.-sidetils of ol.l Wexf.-r-l
IK-ver dreame.1 ol u N.-w W.-xf.>r.l tui' j
New Wexford ram.- and now' I]





posloffl.-e. ft

With Us.


with aj
roiln-iol j .«

(ricks have been Inirodiieod,
Tba water wa* only a fool or

^sep hot In some manner the baby fHI short iinercased V. M C. eanrirtgei.
•ni.- M. A N- I-:. exeurKl.m l.nuichl
and was unable to regain ber feet. splits cards, does oilier rifle f.-als an.l tlirei- rni'l.qirls of vtoitors thi- ni'Ci.
Her Bother saw ber after she bad sitows the
penetrailon of
Ibe lilg iUB whU.- hiindi.-ito .rf oih.-n .Irove In
probably lain a moment or Iwo
same eanridge* sneh as 3i> no. 1«r- and all roads b-ading to Buekh-.v.
waded Into tbe wa.ier. bringing her to

is-r-s manulaelurMl hy the I'nion M.'Tbe child was nneonsckMS lailie Cartridge etimiuin).
ud K took some IMlIe lime to bring
Hit lour
ini;lli.t<-s the -fol|..wlBs
tbe sbore.


ber niwud but bo aerioi)s resnlls are slop.:
lot*^ tor.

'I'll.- .lav npeii-d with ail ex<i-ll. ni
na.s f.dlow.-d will) a lall gsi:i<

Aug. 6. SanUStle. Marie; ,\ug

8. Ishpeming. Aug. 1«. Ilonghlon anJ

a-large ox was slowly roasici an ..pen fin-.

Ifi. Traverse {Mt>

Bottom Sinking.

brought t.» town in I..- si-rv.d t<-




which have Iteen given her by Bunt

Baud feet from the above metitlonhd

penn tnonairbs and bv (he firm* bu

hy the ll.>n

whom she has shot, as well as that

.laie fur cmci.-ss tr.>m llio ileventli

acrea In area.


What was lormerly a

bad aboal and a;bard place f.u- boats
pass to now OOP of tbe deepest part*

f of
"I Ibe Mlssloa hay.

All this has laki-u


modren ' type, the

ti.s'rge (5

el Remington shot guns


which' an-

used In making diffteidt fane.r whots^.'


Btie al»«

An interesling pri-grain was als>

Pine niiislr wa* fiinilshe.1 1-y

Pour hundred and elglil square nuU "f

hav.- .-v.-r


M.idek land
!?i honor of the nn-ashm. llu- Mor.and houses ao- dreoniled with (•unt

Among Ih.- t«rsl sll.'l-s ever aecuit ing and everyihiiig wT-srs a gay ■iii.'
Tbe residents of tBd Mlssiou are
Biicliam is pr.-si.Ii-n'
eeeklng an explanaii.ip for the oerur- pMsIted l.y Mr*. B-Jiter was the shts.l- festive air. <>.
renre and Mr. porter of that place liig of twenty-five sho(^ Into an or.ll .■f (Ik- 'lai will!.- VM. Mi.hlaueh iin>'


nary aee of spades in


without laaehing any p..rt|.ui

ion that disiurlmnees within »h«- een

of the r.ird except lh>- biark a.e.

ler of the earth are n-spnnsililc.

fuat has never Is-en dupllented.



Oscar She|««rd an- marshals.

'The rr

reptinii eommitl.s- is is>m|«r»s.-d ot WiI
lis..\t'lghlnmn. Thom** M.-Brid*-. ti. .1

The Traverse City exhlblti.m wi

taken place at Bowers Harbor alHHit

V held a< the (inn elnb gro-JUds e

Is-lu.s-ii I’.iiekI.y and th.- C.niwn Iti

fire yeato ago hut jio satisfarlory ex-

lug 1«at r^l'* r m

.!-1u-«d.-niK whieh ln a Uet.u.i

oeeurrenee ,1s

plaaatloo of It has ever been given



polA arouill iKi
wret hay.


For Secretory of State

few feet, but so tar as known nothing

P. J. DEVINE of Montcalm.
equal tn the Old Mission nceiirrrerr For State Treasurer—
has ever before barpeaod In this |«iri
of the rouDlTT.
For Attorney Cerreral—
‘JOHN YUELL of Otac«o.

•iftha in July.
During the montli irf July there wen

State Land Commlniener—

debtren births rtgtolerml al llu- rllt

Mr. and Hrw

They wi+e as follow*.
Charles Roaxell. Ifi2.i

Waabtoston aL-rei, daughter.


June U. filed July 2.

ELMER R. WESSTER of Oakland.
For Member of State Board of Educa­

Mr. and Mr*. James D. Burden. »]|

JAMES E. SULLIVAN of Muskeflon.

Waahlagton street. daugMer. Marret

For Chairman of State Central Com-

L-JunelR. filed July 2.


Mr. and Maa. Ed Barber. 1022 Wash


I'liopi-s. licll

Traverse City Mfg. C®.

('it/, oil'.


Cups and Saucers

JOHN T. WINSHIP pf Saginaw.

'J'liis in lilt'tliril <-.-illh for

Screen Doors and Window Screens

>r SI 01).

iiuiomg* f«»r SI 01).

i.-.'.i- I. .....r e-UMp|.-l.
; - 'll.- e;r.-;n.iit loir/Jiiii v


Thia ia not Hi.-

iiiii.-.i .|.s>r wiiit piiiii.*! fr.ttiH- lliai ia nxiwKy

I’iaiii. lU i oraiol. .Ximrrti m w.uc. Fn
Hcavv I lott I AV.irc, 1
.l.'iiuv' n ;i—, .,i!
b<; found in our < liin.i ili'i-;ii tin.-ni.

>H aiiit.........................................................

a .'III All .

II ■ rtiiu>I fr.xni.- aii.I it ixI p-iinh*l
lilaelw Atal one of Uk;.tr.-r»g<al
ig<al 'i'sirw (hihI.-.
fi.-m SI




Intvtr Jhti oiJtvl .lis.ra

A'ljuKUil.!.' win«l..w aercena fr>.(ii 2-'s;

\YIi.ii you w-aiil ntiytiling in lliin liDC givu iiiji i-.ili.

r. Iiavi*.

for Hockley l.y a eenn- id 21 lo 2. 1 liAl li.Kni lb" big larlK-eiie w-as ii.-Ii'

RUSH CULVER of Marquetto.

claimed lhai (hr boitom has sunken

Her*'* office.

wniiam J

For Lieutenant Governor,

«t i




game was f..r a SIS i>ur»e-

FVo«n time t.v lime water sisnils and
s of^rioWitor.s
of^arioaH'i^r.s are sivo

We'll send a man lo take the measurements.


Whea in a liuny. soo'l your or.1. r to n •

Swanson. Adrian Barr. N. E Corning

said to hav.-



Cot-II. .-aii-U

Cadlltoe and f.-rry P |•..w.•^s .d Ca.Iil

ward. i«HierilK«.l -'V«m are the l"-sl sho'

think* that under currents may have


Fred C Weitnon- of

iiitol.wdlng shot giiB; also d.uiMe bar

medal ptvsenled lo her by King K<l-

caused H wbUe others are of Ihi- ojilii

kiii-U .'f

held In the g

Remlngtm. rtlR'rirl. Hie Hon

place w-llhia a spare of seven m.mto*.
land have falh-D sixty f.-i-r or mr*h-.



This aflorn

Bock and about one hnndn-d fret froqi
and covers ahinit

■III np-.-'.t! w- rl. ill a

(ret our prio.ii.

takes her aimosi

The of gnld am!

pbenaacBa occurred about one thou

the ahore

We eiirry a

lliiiali y.cii

full line io obu-k .iiul are in sliajs- to

This m.>rt)iuc lie

The ro
Tb* bottom of the bay near Old His- Aug. 17. Peioskej-. Auf. IR. Charlevoix the hungry .-row.l al n.K>n.
With her OB her trip Annie Oakley
done Ik a liirp and all .-nj.iy.-.l i.
akm fiodi haa anok over fifty-five fret.
The water at Ibis place was formerly

You will 8<>.,>ii !*- r.-.'

F Slock doors d«?Uvercd same d.iy as ordered. Odd
doors and wimloiv screens in ihroc days.

addn-ss of w.-l.i'tn.- h> I*. H. W;ili.-n

Hanroek; Aug 1.1. Kseaaaba; Aug II. great animal wan e.m-fullj q.iarl.-r-it

three ^ dee* and U DO* sixty.


She shoots at fiiAng objects with 22 awake and up t» the minute eliio-nK.

A mong the ladies Do other roe»livint- has ever had sorironga l-llowing. Ksause. ex..x^.iing pure
and c*rr.--sc. H tollies..uree of
iTHirc beanttiul <
any uthet aigeacy. as

Lane’s Family
d e>a woman

.Sul.l by all ileafers at acc. and tac.

All kinds, dll pricv';
thing for cvciy pockclbot*k.



I >M 1‘ost/tincT Ilaildii.i',

\Vc I«;lievc lhat w<: suit in this lln- .

Have ym ever tricl the

Royal -riai»r Tooo and OoCroOd

/fop^/ tiger

CiBKtd Ctn


They «e tlie tot. SeJ,! -*ly l,y








Mra. W. R. Stone. Las Ix-tsi a

bas oMsiaed po*»c«d<m of tbe bidld- ’n«- board fence on the .-ast was com-; J. tlj ev.-r; ri.-.’r and tori in'^tfie'sbop.

Laura R. suriwl at........................6:U6:ll

very buay place lately. Ur. and Mm. Anns Tbi-rcsu. surted ui.............
Hr. and Mrs. Veni Snyder are tbe
Tbe AnKfa was;
Mn. Glcna Wood of Chkoco and W. J. BUa of Cblcago. Mr. and Mra.
MlM BtOTona of Detroit are fwsent ar- Cbaa. B. Abbott of Detroit. Hfeb.. Mlaa Udy May........................ 4T-.» elapsed time' happy parents of a bahy hoy.
Wm. HuUHe
Mar and Jeasle Mantore of Terre Anna Theresa..............30:30 elapsed ilimilvnit at Bdcowood.'
Tuesday for Wisconsin, where Aey
Mia. Jarwood of iaekaoa. Midi.. >• Hante, tad, are there/or the preaenL Laura E.......................... 39:«0 elapied ilm"
will make thtir home.
Mr. Htihble
BpendlRC a fe wveeka at Bdseoood.
Dr. C. W. Lefftogwell arrived on tbe Ledy Agnes .............. «i:0C elspMd. time
has Beetled a posKiun with a iumber.:
WllMlaa R«dln»or of ClnctimalJ. O- ateamer llUnda Wedneaday and win
«PD of Traverse Cl'y also started in Ing company.
paaoed tbroogh the cUr Hat ntcht on a^y tbe rent of the aeaaon.
Mr*. Dan Garrl-W). whd died hen
the races, but titutble with bis engine
her var to Omeiia. .
Oeoi^ Rinn and MJaa O'Brien left
Mnndiy. was taken to her last
Ur. and Ura. OraS of Cbampaicn. on Tuesday laai for Chicago, going by prevented him getting a place.
The Anish of this race mas very ex­ ri»tlng plaei' at Fn-eport y.,tenlay.
, lU, artfred at Kdgewood thia Mom- carriage U> Ne«b-ta-wenin. where they
Mr>. P. n*Uer urn! MmCari arrive!
citing. there being only a few secondx
lode the boat to Traverse City, w'bere
Clinton, wbeiv
first three home Monday fitun
Ura. 8«e Flk* of Ciadnnatl paaaed the-Iron burse gave them a fast rUe difference bdlifcen
ih<?}- have V>ecn visHInp fur some tltm .
ttm«h 4be dty reaterdar on her *aj
into the city.
Tbe same day Mr.
Wm, Johnson Is buiKllng an addi­
Tbe fourth weekly regatta will be
Monirase and Mr*. Rlnn. with Jackwhich will add'
t^xi Saturday and everyooe I* InvHoii tion on bis house,
Mia. Moon and too datuthtera of
apeni the day In Elk Rapid*, i.. ijie api>earaiice of tU* i»Uee
■ Dayton, o., are atopplna'at EdgAwood. going over on the Anna Therena. On to come and have a good lime. A spe­
Blanton U building a fine cotcial invitation is given to all iiwner->
Mra. Kircber of CtndnnaU. O.. la
recent business trip to Chicago, Mr.
>n the *bnr<- of Cii-en lake fof
(If sail dr power Isats to ceni<- and
t tbe CloTera.
etoppiac gat
Ane Victor
I^a^^^-^. who snwtemplaif
D the ringMia. W.. SnvennaB of Cfodanatl la
and be has some due
talking s
ssnrting a re.w>n here neii sumnu-r.
apeoding aooe Ume at Omena.
? greatly en>iycd.
records llial
Wie Bundsy scliisd h-dd »U
Hina K. Ryan panaed throogh the
Omena Point. Mkh, Auk- 1-—The
Tbe Pines
Latest arrivals
.am s.«4al at tbe of P
dty Uia morning on her way to Neconilnuc-d delightfiir «mihi-r lias madi
Miss Blanchard and Miss Townacm.l
Fummerli. l.I.laW .-r.-nliig fur tW- p'lr-,
possible anolber set-k of "good Ilmcx'
of Orand Rapid*.
{Kiu- lit riii-liiy uutuey foi Ihi- eburrii
ani'iug tbe yuung people of Omi-na
Mra. W. W. McKdan of Grand RapMist G." K.*Krelder of SpriogAelil. {*oiu'.
nr*(. a sailing parly from
Ida la at Wgawood.
Gen. CrieraoD's dock Includeil Missex.
Miaa Ui^oi of Ionia la apendlng a
iwn. Mleh.. Aiig. 3.-l..-f*. Fb-teV
turned l^c. Nothing abort ofV w<
Bessie Caps, Oerinide Ellis, Mary- Apfew wem at loala.
tniildinc sn a.ldllioii to 1d« ali'U*
H. C Meaklna of Jaelnoa panned ding would ever cause Mr*. Kretdvr pleyard. Margaret and Helen Carlile
Wb.-ti <-im|.b-te.l l-ew will turn h!
clwio her cottage so early and
and Messrs. Lloy.l Park. Gordon MoutbKMfh- the dty tbta

manufaciiire o:
bach to the Miy for the monrh of Au- gey. Alex. Hooker and Tom and Mor­ ait.ntitm
way to Northport.
guat. Tliere la a poaslblllty that the
John Barfcbart of Terre Haute lonV
in Carine.
s. Fr.,d Srcavi-s aii.l’
bride (a sister of Dr. Krelder) and
On am»ih<T day the same p.triy with
tbe CdaaUa for Neah-U-wanta tbia
of the state avwill make Old Mission
Miss Rhoda Wheeler ami Burr Irving
visliing U. ,W. R.-ymilds nn.l faniilthe stops on the trip.
adhed had a Jolly pienk at liisb-'
r. C. Reed Of Philadelphia Anlahed
rnm Tbundiur-* Record.

kia trip to Northport by «i
mid-week boat for a week in Chicago.
On the first moonlight evening
Fifteen aooth aide ladles spent tbe Loulie Henancr and Miss Hillman of "smoker" and marshmallow
Chicago accompanied her bome. The.r
day «i the uymd.
[lined was htdd on the Ueacli of
O. PPHeraey and wife of Baltimore have been gueals at San Snucl.
Morningidde' Tmrace.

■re louring tbe hay reaorU.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pasfleld spent

Mrt. W. H. Scott and Miaa BeUe last week at -MackinBr tainnd. reitirn» MlUer



Ne«b-u-wanU thhi

ing on Thursday.



of Decntar, IIL,

Crnm of Indianapolis. Ind., has<been

arrived at Qulic in In ber rooms at the Port.-r

diiy. Aiic.



A party

Mra. John

tiest place on the resort for the many

C, H. Corl'.i I* a


le.-.- .lays.

In the near future.

lys biislDOss is Inoming

the liay front In a dense gr.iv-

HIgglaa. Ura, A. E. Fay of Grand Rap- Mias Lefflngweil ba* b<K-n husicss sev­


Mabel Fby.

Fnrinera Gn-en.

Keyes. Crahej and Putnam w.-r
who still



Mra.'Waglv*. eral Ume* at bridge and other parties orable names in this region.
Tbe arrivals tit the Point this we<d;

Blaacbe Baonera. Ura. W. T. Roxburgh for the young people on the wort aou
and aoa Donald aponl tbe day on it^ boiels and It

of Richmond.
Is one of lite favorite ar> Mr. Hibbsrd

places wbere evorytme

has a Rood

Ti»ti they drew clav p, s«rre his sentence, nil within St

wish to take Uiis upiiorliinlty to thank The Northiiort .ih-.-irli hotel wa^
all ihoae wbp bcdpetl in'^y aay. <w- loiuied with Cbliu-se Isnternc fouii

Mra. C. R

Blake and son of

Lonla took the Columbia for NiHOi-tawaau thta Bwrnlng.
Oaenr Fox and wife spent the day
ai Neeh-ta-wania.


wen- a blare of iilumliiiititKi.

ppctally some of our own ^tple fn>m luxsemeni In the lips of the,
the city who are wlili ns far a making a spl.m.U.I lan.k effc!. Almost
Ume faring the summer, who did so ali the Oni.-na p.>iii|ers w.-re wllm-soii.-mal
1> to make the liaraar tire stieees* es of this M-priiduriloti of

Ixatity. going ov.'r in caixlag.-K an
Mrs. Frank Safford of Ft. Wayne it was.
on the d<w>rai.vl tasBriM-s ‘-Atcy'.m
George Brinkman and^tHsler. Mrs.
and -rm romlne." Antons th.- erat'
bm ^ to Leland. where she will Ella Atkinson of Itort Huron. Micii..
that w«-re s-pitially notixl wore t1
who are eotislns of H.
upend a few weeks.
f3isi row
tael -mann.xr by
an* ai Pine itaove faihn
for one
Mike Litney and wtfe went t
Bamc* and Miss GUMle. cotlau.
we«-k; also L. A. Uriiikraan of Chleago.
land this morning.
fioiu JarV*»nvilI<'.' ill., wtinli was
amt Mra. Pre.l Culver and two
Mra. Jmrie R BaMwio el CIneInnaU
sktiitully deeurat.-d with r.-.! and ypaaaed fkrou^ the city mi route for sons. Lorniae and Donald, of Saginaw.
low lights ihni Uie Is-hol.lers lik.-ne.I
FountalB Pidbt this nwrning.
ii to a floating bn] of tulips. Another
IVWti Smith of Springfiebl. Ill, ar­
Mr. and Mra. A. H. Webber. Mr. and
rowlsei was gracefully arched wiib
Mra. A. -Y. Und of CadUlac and Mr. rived cm TtRir*<lay la*t and will spend
garlands spangW
couple of weeks with Mrs. Smith
sad Mra. J. W. MiDiken of thta clty
tiny lant.-ras.
and the children ai (heir eotiagc.
apeat tbe day at Carp.Uke
A s\e serpent cff««t was imxlnc.xl by
Neurmaker aad HInklev of Oiksgn
a saury liitle Uuneb. haviug in
are balldlDg a large cottage on Carp guest of Mr*. Smiker al Vaughan «
siring of vari-coluied luMts fr.iio
lake neer Foneb.
Tbt^ also have tage and will stay about a month.
whlrh the
yell gfowW
It I*, indeed..a rare thing la hear
erected a boat boose and own
forth at fre«tix-Dl tniervalK.
A rsfi
any cricicl»m .of the wyter in
with Idg sails an.! masts, oT:lUn.-d b..
Mra. a M. Cnicheon of Orand Rap- bor of Old MIssioa. so beautiful in all
Ida b spending aome lime at Omens. Us mood*, but i» Saturday Iasi U..'i
.-wainst the dark sky.
day for the third weekly n-gat:a. the
Mra. C. R. Blake and Mrs. C.
in the Mt.lBl < f the f.-s1ivlty ah. bif
PsHke. Jr, passed tbronidi the city day dawned brigtii. chwr nad calm.j
sivAtmy Hllnols caau- with mi-asur.-..
tbia moralng on tbeir way to Ke-ab.U- But the vlsUora and owner* <4 sail I
went thitmgh the city this morning on

boats who came to eni.T the racevi‘»f"“>.if';
were irral.-d to an um-xp.-rt.-i

A party of about twelve soulh aid.* watM in vain for a breeze—a dea.l
ladiea are opewtlnc the day at

- Ik-sI

of ChleagD ara at tbe Park PUee. n.ey
wm mm leave for the Omena reson*
R. H. Weatherttead anfi wife <4 Cla


KvAerllng the wblleralled vesKt-1*
Like a mirror far bv-low."
Bm the beautiful weather, thg kin-1
> disappointing to the Miljaui ownT. Mem.-d to hi- just the kind want­

Fred R. CattheoB of St- Pan! and ed lor basebali. a very good gani<
being played liy Old Mlwrirm and Eik

Max H. CutebeoB of AppMoa. Wi«..

Rapidf loys. Ibe ganu.- being'wun by


thmgh the dtr thta Btoralng <m tbeiri lauoefa racH» also were all right.







way to Northport.

the Tiaillng team.



fair Luna

this occasion and ]< t ihe fairy ArcAf.-s
have an undtatuilM.-.l field against yh;
dark.-nt-d sky and calm Ua< k wa-e.\r b-agih the fascinating s nilns «
luirsir from thy h’>tc! liin-.i the atiia
l.-iir Y.-netisn* fnini tbeir gna.bda-; *the hnlHvvtin. whi-re .)th«T joy* com
Hcted a uxKt .IcligWful .-vontn!^

eral new laiiacht's are entering an.l
new one* booked for the next rare.

Old Mta^. Mich, Aug. d.-it may'

Tbe wei-kly regatta Is a source of

Mfriy be raid that rraort life at Old great eojoymeat for (he people and ' Hump is on tbe iJck list.
Dr, Shilllday wa* in low* ye«i>nlay.
MtaMoB to at Ita bright. The chiMrea rlritora.
■ay U to >1 comfr hete. aiid the
•Uer pMple echo the aeoUmeoL

Tbe toiuich race was considered the'
prettiest race yet.


Mayhew «4


wait in

This b the (tin.-; j town Monday.

The peopie from ibe elly are stfll l^y May. ataried at



HtUgraM. tho hara* of Mr. Lady Acnea. rianed SI


Mr* Bates, who was shot, is able to



^ ■


HI* foor eompAnloot each got

The l-"l> Of .\lf.ed Jarrandt Of TW-



take on

and he had B.'vlert.'d

ion, until !< was i.s. iaie.

The uui..n

bat affiiirs t.r'Ui<r h.-ail nluM






fnmmi.-nt ut tra.l-s tmitur fu!..*,
N'..f!i ,.>r Goiulrieb tjrf-a t.igl. hill of

Ili-.t.- :s

Bu reiy,

On Ol-- .«>! ' of th.- .■. •n.-te,. tbe-e is a hoar-t
nr.-, Wl.ii- tU) the WJn
i:i brush hu.! grown up.

.-1 lot ..f
-Ti..- .rtli.-;'

.-n-.-ipri'ing. eilii>-BK .thinking to

. -jiiHly-ihe,T« .net. ly, cm !h.



Tiiar iPyiil n Ih ivy wind el..iin
np. and -n- xi

-■•i.i.'i.t. saw





bn I

'e.Wll the whtd.- top i-f th- hill .-i:.

o nruAi.
>uar . .

busy m.v

Cliaricy Is a hiistb-r an-

^jEinc Weather much of the tiiric.
Fine Roads most of the tim4
Fine line of Buggies, Runabouts anJj Darncss
Here All -of the time. I
CrL-u s<-!cainii f-r -iiiick btiv-rs.
No us«: for us to try lo drscril>c ilicm, f »r wr have
too imliiy s‘ylc“. but h<;re arr a ^ow prices
to bri%; you iii lo luuk at tiicni.

If you irt poor your trectmen-» free. If you are discouro;,<..
md wse cJtn cure you. wc 'Atai'
or our pay until you are wtl'.
Come and see ua; this is you:
iast chance.
We live to do good, are honcr.
ail Forty-five
Forty.five yeat^’ csA-iih alL
terience free, This trip and tolay only-

Open Driving Buggies from $30 up.
Top Buggies from $35 up,'
So why is tlirn- any use for y<ju in s«.-nd yimr money
to the r.nuloyui- house wlmn yon e.nn sa\e from 10 to
•-‘5 jx-r o III by buyintf your hujj.'ies and harness rij{ht
here at home ?
We c:irry in sfoek a fiilf line of h«>r%e
sistiiif' of Harness of our own iiinke, Ilhuiki'-t'i. Coolers,
Vly Nets. etc.

Davis..Hu- ounlulants laid .low
Ihelr a:nia and .|ut1.


But Ikivis son



U oJ"

:t of Ik.- oc.te Pr, f.



.gain when Mrs, Fl.-lcher rei>|x,-;.r.-d e
the sc-iie an.^ti.ld Mr. OiitKlder if h. nut go away and b.*bfav- hiniM'

liii- LfiMlinj' Iniplemem and Harness Hc.-i!rr ii
« Tniverse Coiiniy.

rile would bit him a smash timt he

At any rale hn took

for it and went away a*

State Newt.'
Tlu- w.inis "J.->iiK snvi-s,"


lECMt «F t CtUT MESieraE
A Promlnanx Cinctnnad Woman Tell*
Bow Lyma E. Plnkbam'a Tagottbla
Compound Oamplmaly Curodiiv.
The great goi»! 1-ydia E. Plnkbam’*
Vegu-Uililc Coiiif*.
Coiiifx.tmri i» .b.inp
•iea >K Btlra-ling
tbe *
1 ..f A
ly of <ror b-a.iing
thinking people gcoi-r


rr.asiit,. strivl.

Ik-II I lt.iD1tl>iM.

Oil/, rix iM- fill.


__ - .


Wr have mov.-d our. stnfle \ in
ilie briek hindin;;. laii Siatr sircet.jlo the
Moore Imililin,:. I Jy-lS" Stale siretit.


nrcoimt pf lack of rt«un Jor many*iof our

r ri.'rt-l' is,

Lfilky um»ds,


are offering HoirKies.

Wilsons. Harrows, l„a’nd. Koll^rs, i’low«,
*-,i.*aitau.3i-I* i-r-

i-ic.. at a biu tliscoiint.

\zmm\xr Date r' r.:".


while the stock is cofnple'e• .




movin;' rapidly al ijiesc cut pric«»-

Ren onbcT

our Johnsou Mowers and Binders arc

Sato Crrrt MicHtcAN.

■•siaml.-ird" anil aT less price Ilian tlje trust


sells them.



is only one of
ic' whi.-h ar.- .
1 oflire. and f--kat J.yd-a
ham's Wgvtal-le C.m
rctm-dy of great riK-ril. .»t!:
CiniM j»p»i'i-e *in-b t


bam'* Vn;ci»bl. i'oiu[-vtrl. »&1
Jxxt Unwl--“. bKtw. ai:-1 aft«- takJx: Ii'U*U~of It .t K" n» ciiitfriy enr-d- ilL-i '
brurul^ j^«inx«l
{•Twd* ivgular and w
x-1- titxi*o--h a r<-« af
nu>nr.i->-('>r<(a:l tubrip'''‘'U
I smi-i
tcn^MouDml II n- all .uff-rinr ■
a Ea*tdd.Sir«rt,C
Hr-, .Saiw WtlMm 31
' '
hare Kupprecaed or painful
prri.xt'. nvakno-. of the (n.Huacb.
indiin-xUun. bio .ling. pcMr
i,uj. pTwtratx-o,
pnA. •-.lontHarw ■' and " want-s-UIcft-ahmr" l«r-liag. cxr.tablliiy. l«w-karlH- or tbe bliu-a. thex arc anrr iii-Teatxuit of fcu-alr w-rako.-^ or m.o;-d,-rnDgctacBl .jf ti.r org-aM-.. In •'H'i.
ea-,-s tlicrci-.-lx-trxaJuii-l Ira- r. m-.;- Lrdia L. i’:ukbMB a Vvgx-tabiv CouI





>. to W;00 p. m.'

'J'lic c!i1l(ircnV friend—

Ttr^;.rLv4i k‘t;^




Dear Mra. I-mkhaiu;-


ai.-Iy-drew' a veil over h.-r far.- f.-r

■onilag ett their way lo Omeoa.


Mt-nu of Iwatity. which ejleii.-d n>im>l.

ibe“trclt boiiMt of rom-etkm, and started

o juv-nre a worthy of the .s^a,

Aiifarmgh aeconling in calendra.

Bright in the tunsbine's glow.

riniiail passed through tbe elly (hi*

■ra u the Park Plaee.


of atfl.Inuse.

' taJand.
Dr. C. C. Boford. wife and children


il.rowt.ns I" .IA.i-ipIiiii- him. ass.-riing


ptanning and working fur. an.l tiicy



Hi-, .b-fciije Is said, to 'eIt

tiill, Miss llniliara I-owe nn.l Miss i
)lr. and Ura. W. C. Rankin and son fancy grtleles, souvtsnlra. etc-, wen- In
c-il letters now mlunis 111., entrance
mayni- Wo<kI. came over un the i
Hugh ot.CIndBnaU passed tbr^ngb tbe good demand. The hitzue-ma.le
•> SiubU's Inirl.-S.|in- tlieaire at. Grand
on sale was deilcioiiK.
Tite cnno.xi lumlila im Tnewlay.
city this morning on ihelr way
Rapl.L-. n-pbieing Ih.- wealber-beaUii
The last w.H-k of July wound
Fountain PoIdL
They were accomr -Sim that himn a' the salts)
pealed by tbe Miaeca Jeatic and Pallh place and -sold -well. Tbe Ice cream
ranc.) i.. th; buii.llnc,
lioolh came 1n for its shara <»f lair.ut sperlael.-s known as Vciit-tisn ulgh<
Arelaad of CUclnnatl.
tith.^naphs of T.miiii.-s in souniy attir.',
Tlie fragrant
pliiows NorihiKin luiy was the seen.- of ncii..ii.
Howard fUmban and wife of Indliin.
plBC-S 1
were eagerly purchased and a v.-ry an.l there ass<-mbled
apoHa arrived at Leland today.
bal III.’ will lx- .ip.-ned soou
loothsonie supiht was H’rve.1 in the night n wondi-rfRl fieet fnnn the s.v
A party eonalatlng of Ula.v Myrtle
viHi an ol-: lim.' r.-vlvai.
M.-ll Tr.x
dluing room. Theie wea* several ris- eral h.ariutrs of Grand Traverse l>a>
Qerdbicr, Mn. Bd. Walt. 6. R Wall
td the Cit.v Rraeiie Mission,
Imats. canofs an.
itora from Elk Rai.ids. Trav.-rse City |j'meb<-B
Mn. Fred Calver and Miaa Wait apeni
and Ne^tli-ta-wnnia. and the church I* skiffs, ail biHIlani with light an.l color
tbe day at the,Gardiner cottage
eeipi of a snug sum of money nn.l parsed in n-vl.-w umler the powerful
Carp lake.
will have the nice new- carisl Kcarcblighl liwate.1 on llic Per.- kfar
W. T. Bracken of Ft. Wayne passed the ladles of the cburcii have Ixn-n qiit-ne whose 1f>i. f,*-|
way to Leland.


thi- UDkm l.:-d.-ts U arcused of pr.r-,
tJk-wheel-; ..f jiadire mm.-d aalftly troii. ihi- Imy wh.. caw hi- Ilf- Irvine
-hasliig a h..: la a store a ernpir of , .j. wiKl.m-.
*1.0 rald-xl .h.- bir.‘.
be *tl|niUt-il lime
. In U.x-d'nrialk'

arvival of, the ..1.1 t./.-rau Kheriff. II

paaaed throu^ tbe diy thU morning

tbrangb the city this moralng on hi.

,raves again.

Mcfi of the fatres baVv ac-l,and down and pr« vrait a rep.'illion of ',30 days In the conaiy Jail.

.•cp.w.1 the .tnloiH^^ icrtna. but one of; -fcr s.-enety rtining;

Milo Oii.-l-lias .qs-n.-xl up the Waci;

icbeoD of St. Paul. Minn, Max

Wis, ani
A. O. Beadti and ^fly ot Tpallanil time. R( freehments are always serve.). Cntrh^ of Appleton,
Tbe bazaar held here on Wednesday Mis*»4 Fre.lin of ClnclnnaMl. gii.-sis at
on their way to Old Ulasion. where Inst fi>r ilie iK-nefit of the Cutigrega- 111. Dlnman cottage.
A party uf t.eirlsl* from Xe-sli
they will spend the remainder ^f
tiotuil ehurrh was a well paln>Blz<xl alfair and a very enjoyable one. The waiita. Inclii.lim; Mrs. Ch.-st.-r Hi



IB the De-^

Thomas M<m:i..ii/P. ImlHibC a An

are whispering of aliraeilre-fiincti.ins

liUie nocisl fanctlons enjoyed there. .-ntorprislng pl.meers. and they all had



■•f wi*rx.

a.Mifion co lh<- tyug.ior house smici
Mrs H. W. Rej-rndds anr| d:iughi.->

ehairs and hammork* making the pret­ of eedar, and idne.

eonaliUng of

wl'b four

Tbe neighbor* turn-! promptly taken hefone Recorder-Onas- •

and to ]«>- ihvir L-Ip tbe union rate four mil. * to put on top and hold the I hour*.


sit.d at «urkl. y ,\Ve.|ji.-Way.

of the music room, with Its many easy
riam Mday^ Record. buried and ibe saad bad blown | spv b.'ui* latt-t be was raptured ib a
..ff friSm the grat.-s so that the caakets '

rhi-lv;v-» at «; ••'dock In the evening,

A parly conalaUiig of Mn. Bert writing. But all the other guests a* Dan Bradley, have returmd from
smith shop al. Hlsard's old eland an
Bates. R. I. McDonaM and the Misses the hotels are all m-ell %q<I In posacs- eumping and Ashing cx|kn11IJoh. Tiie
relK'ris Wti'‘iB'-«s go>Mi.
» •
Mdoie; Morgan and HavUand. took the Sion of the good ap|>eilte TisUtrrs al- parran was .-lecusl coott. and his lirol!
. W. V. Ho.vlan w.-ni to Giun
boat for Omana this morning.
waya find wh«i they come to Old Ml* era were pronnuneeil as goisl
Ibil.iiis ami Allegan on a vMi Tu.
Miaa Rfdl J. Gsdey. Mina LeoreU Sion.
Oiher arrivals at the Porter sermon*.
.lay :imb says lie -will bring his wifFerguacm and Mrs. R. J. Mercer went House:.. Robert Frances Harper <f
F. B. Hooker of Evanston. Ill, wlin
to Norihporl lUa rnomlng
university and
Xyiula Is gnmmerlng at the point with
!U- Ik Iu(j
Mrs. H. M. Smith of MunSey. paaa­ Stewart of Lake PdVeal. HI.
family. I* telling phwtsant taks of the m-.-n two
there weeks.
- *
ed ibtough tbe dty tbia morning
Mrs. C. W. Lefflngwril on Tuesday Omena of twenty-five year* acti. whvit
.xl to be quite a little
Wbnt !.
ber way to Leland.
last enteruined the malrnns of the h.‘ was an active memV-r idilx- Shol. eli.-nii-ni
th.- Ktivx-is TiicMlay «-v
A. W. Brady of Aoderaon. tnd.
lung club of Chicago, which pltchi-d
ipsort m-ilh a thimble party. The
-n 1,'f. FI.'tch.T :in.I
rived at Leland this morning.
fair was held on 4be spacious pqirh its tents altout tbe broad low. hulbld.-r cam? m Mows. Only wUh th.

Bailey. Mra. J. M. tagrig. Mrs. 8. J.


meni* for the ston- keeper* to cloas.fand drew; the


■xl by the Re


The O-ntral l.abot rojon ha* been were |*W bare.

.ndear.irrag to secure written MTce-je,! i* n.-xt .lay with team* and wagop*‘;rhr»w ac.1 giv*« W days

at Grtiwii..

un a sandy sirr-lrh of shore near Ch.-r-

House, but Is some oasiiT at pret-eni

Omena today.



siuall subscription*..

bats with Grawu Diug.-r.; Sun

Smith have plichwl their pretty

Mrs. J. H. Cram, wife nf I>r. J. H. nkee t»dge. and the rippling waves

Mra. i. N. Und« and' Mra. B. M.

Misses Ruth Dittman


tug. raising ih.



Drivo out .


iic.-vci an^ wux-lcs.

To Cure a Cold in One Day


cm every



ay4« Thtk«r, th* 1J-y«i^oU
aMpM Ml) «r Clayton Tboefcor of two
MllM norOi of aatoo. took |wrio sioon
Mtwion 1! antf 12 «- m. Thtirotfay and
to In • prMrtOM condition. All that
oavod hla Ufa la tfio fast that ho
00 aMck that K o^ him to vaniUno.
Ho owollowod a Uaapoodful of the
dni| and waohod It down with a b>«**
The boy hao only boon with the fam;
tty a chart time, camlno there framl
SL joooah. Ho raeoivod only the vary
' boot troatmont and had an osccllent
homo aurrouAdod by Infhtoneoo only
for tMd. However. It to daelarad that
the bay dtoilkad to work and hattd to
da the few taaka that M woe aaked to
* - n to paid that yeetsfday he waa
aofcad to pull «p tha weeds in a amali
patch cf freund'and had act about H
very *nwlliii«9*».
r When he ftntohcd pullinp the weeds
j. Mr; Thaekor ashad him to ge wKh
^ him ta lead aoms eata before dinnar as
h ha waatad to pot thorn In. fooring
' rain. The bay aaid ho would and dlo\ appaaibd. returning In a ahert Ume
' very Mek. Mr. Thacker aeka him
what tfled Mm and tho boy mads no
raply, atorting to go with him but bo' eowitoi 00 ill that Mr. Thaokor carrtod
Mm Into tho houct. Tho lad than aaM
. ho had toktn parto greon.
fn r^rd to tho guoHae of tho dec■ tor ho aimply oald that ho took the
peioon with tho Intontlon of killing'
; hImooH. That woo this morning as
. lha boy waa In ouch a otato that ho
. eou^ Mt talk.
Tht (farto groen wat kspt at the
' Thacker home for tho purpoat of killIfif potato bugo and was in tho wood: -ahod on o high Mtoff «o that the chBd
had to iBOko eonsidtraWs effort to got
Ho natd that ho hod only tokon
t half 0 toaspnanful but tho ot-

Raj FUbor. v%o U.calatasad at J.
Slaicr'o bouoo 'fomteAta* «o«.
Ion tbU Boniliv for Oraad *Rapld»
wboro bo will opeod bio Taeatloo. He
was aeanapaaSed by bli alcter, Mloa
Celia Ftobor.- Wblle there Utey will
be cbe (uMa of Mr. and Mra. R. L.
Mrt. Ellto Piper of AtlasU. Oa.. U
▼toltiBg her paieaU. Mr. and Mrs. F.
Gardner of Serenih otreot.
Mrd. J^W. Oanaileu and Mils Kicbols are spoediOB a few days at Old
Hr. and Mrs. A. T. Morrow nad Hlao
Morrow are Is tite city the aueeu ot
and Mr«. Tom Sberman. Tbeywin spend some lime at Spring park.
A. S. Hobart left today for Bln RapMr. and Mr*. H. E. Chase of De.
Molaes. Iowa, are In tbe diy ibr
Ksests or Captain CbaA- and v:te.
Capt. Wm. Qoulers «il Wnlden. Msss..
to in the city, ihc goest of bis brtrther.
Captain llouters, ot thol ocsl Salvatinn
rom Friday's Ri-cord.
Mis/oenrude L-etson has been qdltr
sick, bm to slowly iraiiruving.
Mrs. Ira Woetdruff of Al4en to vIH'ig b(v (Isogtiier, Mrs. A. L- tlender'
jd of'onrfleld aveouo. this week.
C.sR Weller went to CadIRac on
business nip this morning.
Bl9 Olds Irfl for Cadlllsc this mom
Ing. where he will remain unill fall
Mra. A. W. Peek bon returned from
speoMng two weeks at. the ai>nhem
Mrs. George Ciillds of Grand Rapids
U vlslllng ni ibe home of Alton Grv
of Scvenib Btiwet.
. M. Leslie of Konhport Bearti
poised through the city today on hU
way lo ePtosbey.
Hortense- Martinek wil irelnm Sun
day from a trip to Chicago.
Hamid Webber of Codillae to visit
Ing J. W. Mflllken and tamRy at tbeir
Kast bay cottage.
Miss Rachael Rosenthal and Miss
Marion WIed of Peiaakey
gneals of JuHus Steinberg and family.
Mra. B. I. Dovto of Nlnlh street reiroed home today after o visit at
etoware mine. Her daugbter, Mrs.

1 ohowodthatho had *
; a largo teat
Tbd boy baa been at the Thacker
bone only slneo -Iitnc. Piavlous to
belag there be was at tbe borne of a
maa named Smith, living near Potoskey, nod was returned as unniisfaetory. He was iben giren another trial
wUb Mr. ‘niacker. Tbe boy to said to' Herman Kira
Horst went to I
be vety nnruly. silent nad never
fishing trip.
abowed a disppslliae to mind what
Ehnll J. Lederte. who has been alwas lold bim. He greaUy loved to
landing school at Ml. Pleasant, to to
read aad oeemed to be only happy
Ibe city vlailtog relatives. Ijiier he
wbea ba had a book in Ms bands.
wfU go to bis borne at Lelaml. Hr.
Lederte has completed his course at
pleasant and will lake an excel­
Flint. Aug. 2.—WllUnm H. Davis,
aged SI. of a prominent fnmny. was lent poidUon to the Sault Ste. Marie
drosmed In.a mill rare daring tho sehooto.
Fred and Will Belcher of Cliarlotie.
Bight. HU b«dK
who are going Ihroogta to Peioakejr iu
walk of Fire Si«gt. .
Pllnt. An*.
Pird bugi aet-rfro to their White sieaiuer, were in the city
the hotae of A. 3. Maiaey of Moniiwe today.
Mra. L. R Carricntn' left thtom omtawnahlp. Two bama were burned In
ing for the aoutbero part of the s
a atmllar manner two weeks ago..
Her motber-ln-taw. Mrs. S. A. CnrpenHobo HHd.
Detroil. Aug. 2.—A' bobo giving the
of Bdward M. Stohvs was
roated here under snaplckin of the
murder of Oondnetor Stone nt Lowell
tut nigbt. He enme from the west
on n frelgbt.
HaapKnl to Ineorpomta.
Jackaon. Atig. 2.-The City bOHilta!
to to be ineorporated which will enti­
tle gmduated nurses to practice in
dny cute and will also enable hoss in buy nicohwl
I osntoa galloo as provided in gbe new
f tow instead of 12.50
Jackson. Ang. 2.—Tbe big barn of
John CrooA of Summit
«lod with hay and 'farming Implemeala. wu burned tan night. It to
believed boys playing with mticbes
sdarted the Bra.

. Oancral News.
Charles E. Magoon. governor o(
ll. gone, will. It to said^ be
rlce-govemor«eaeral of
Philippines on Sept. I. and later
It to said that
goon wilt eventnally be made a mem­
ber of the oibinet. following the chan­
nel through which Secretary Taft

young ttUlionMre who does jkM be-■ lived on cbirity at an eapcndliuiT <
Ikrve in Joinlpg the ranks of the m:',3 cents s day. He died at the
rich, ^bto summer, therefore, he to TS. lesvlag $SO.VO(‘. His body
worktiig on the farm of Cbstlcs Me- . mariaied Uwi l! resembled ibst of
CoDsell. nmr Rlpon. Wto, as a hire.', taummj-. ,
Paul f^llipo ein Is ieuietibend s>
man. and takes bis share of what >s
eomlng without dodging. He -is I* lie Brilst who painted tbi iiv;orama
years old and a tindeni at the Fond of the battle of GefljsbKrR. !<>«g oi.
cihlblthM In Chiejgo and ■■"‘r bix
du Lae high school
cities. A lew dsys ago the tonTrowmart Inti for working girts
department stores has been opmedicure turn*-*! sp la Sh*> Hi
In -Sew York with' SO guests. The' ut:l Wk «« •'sh<blllon. It hid Uvvi e-it
arrummndsie 2tt«r. They musTjlnto rrrips rad w.-.. used s» a re«tsu
be I-eiWeeB IS and 35 and work In I rant ter: tt ijc «f the She
the city. Tbe chargtw art* $S a week, sboue reseri'
Vitctsnr I f Hic civil war e Ilyins
inelndiug breakfasts uud <Unners. The
Is equal to that af high now at i’?e rate of nw a d=y. a-vurdIng ta vetW'1% of the I'Bltp-d S'ali-s
:lau hotels. It was bniii by W.
otf-.-e. The tuonUity r< porto
H. Martin, nt a cost <if tSM.oOO. a.
a liruad pbilanihropy on a biislni^ss fin- severai months |ia»t hive slmwii
Uie ilMith rate amoogghe i>1.i sii!i)|i-ni
the ru-tolibnrhiN»l of
Aa alarmlag percentage ,<if the | to
fMi»ltiii bifici- oBirlslM who
young men of the cities <>f tin- snuibi
libyslcsllr unfli tp enter the nmiy. have waielii'd the agoi^o closi ly qni
owing lo etgnri-tle smoking, tote boars, known till- ti-nilew-y of the dirath i-S'e
and other l>ad habits, scevrding ih cn- of Hie opiubin that ihi- nuiiils-; of
Ueut. W. E. BfUBrti, Jr., iu ebarge elnl war iw-asiouers lia.« ii-arli-ri the
of the New Orleans reerulling afflee. maximum and that hereafu-i earji si;.-Out of a total of 1«C applicants in July eeyvllnc month will show .n derresFe.
years ago Wsber F. Ilsviy
«Vly 29 nere arceptotl. Out of tin•if Shennudosh. aged 2.5 yivirs. was a'l^umber Of. apiilicsuls In any nf
i.vrV'ivI b) a e.range i.iulaily .nhlili
s- Slater,v 'I nf the V
r la Mlrbigan. Ubio. Indtonu. or ranreil the jolnio ufilito b-xo to bat<lKentucky, ibe nniiiber ot eiill.-t- en. renderlnc him Itelpl--#* as n lialf.
Hia illseitoi- atri<el4‘<l his fIbIiI aliil be
menis would have bc<-n a.« high
beenm«> blind, siifferiifg terrlbb- p-->ln
tlitie. He WHS broucht ’■>
Puntohment by - death
mended by the July grand Jury a» ! Shemindiab frein his par. i.l»
Chicago as ibe maximum penalty|lii Aitonin. <!a.. with the h«rpc
atlacks-on women. Chans«ui In ex jilibig tohiR tlone. bn* ilu- l».......
,.............. pnnIsliDicii*
for assailants of rlilldrt^ were slsa
rerotuniendetl by ibe luquisllors. The



Seutatlonal trials of amy offlcer.i
of higb rank, tbe revelsHon of exten­
sive lines of *'grafi" Ineluillng the
syslemiillc iiadding of iiayrolls. Hie
mamifaeiiin-. at govi nmient expi-nve. j
of Brilrles, of funilliin- mil of valii j
for lUsiribuilon
“where they would dn most paid.
tor Instanre. among ofOcials of
the government In an nut ot cimgress.
iDM> of the promises as a resitlT
sweeping Investigation nos on

to Ibe Pfamppl

Ibe sorreatry of war. Half a ihwen
ofAcers have bi-eu orx-don-d to Manila,
two of them, It to said, to face courts
America to rapidly lieeoming a beerdrinking luillaa. as during the
Aseal yesr It consumed 54.C51.d3C Imrreto. which is iwi.ikto.noil gallons morr
beer than it drank during any other
year In Its htoiory. TTils to a nlncrease of two BSllotis for ex.-ry man.
wunun and child In the I'uited Sutx-.-.
The consuropiion of whiskey Increased
T.OOO.niH) gallons. A gain is nto.i
shown In cigars, elgamtes and riiewing tobacco.
IWward 1‘ekarz. under sentence iiT'.

Would Scratch and Tear the Flesh
Unless Hands Were Tied-Wasled
ioaSWetoo—Awful Suffering for
Oirer a YearMSrew Worse Under
Doctors—Skin Now Clear.

“My little son. wlu-n about a r<«
BBd s liiai old. toguu to hax-e s.ri-s
cons «ut cm bis fsre. i h»a s pi.ySiaan treat him,
but llie »>r.~ gr.w
Tl.-ti i!-T


1, Ihi-n i-n
iitii.-r p:irto <-f l.i'i
.'^camo bn his fh.-r-t.

he grfwwotsr. At
of about syxiir sr«l a half of^.-riur


s food because it stands to eni.
phaiicany for |ieriect nairkion.
.And yet in the tmlucr <rf rcxioriag appetite, ©(i-giviag new
: $::ength to the tissues, especially
to the nerves, iia-aciion U llial
of 3 medicine.


The Kind too
II Have
Always BoQ|r!it,
; use for over 30
lms lx,me ftie
- uu<l tins Ikx*!! iiiudfanScT Ink {iwr.
Mipertiston since .X.
Allow i..Mmx-I.Mlrt-.Hveyonlo Huh.
All 4*<>iinf<*rl('it:x, liHitali..i>« miA “ Ju»t-«e-so™l urn Imic
i'xixcrinietitH tb.-.t Iritlo with ntxletMlsuwrr tiin Lr-ailb «r
JiifuiiU luid Cluklrcn-nvpcyieiica ‘a«uliix4. Llx|MTimeaL

ixiwIScmt, N.-sV
)mc.«s4L«; ^*xu;riu».

aud l.••.uellant sUsii- •
pannu-ni had i.n-n I'li^Tay--! in nllariiic for anil pt.r-ha-l-.-j r. . .
Tiey ha.! spi-oi ;iiKi-':t S5.'
.-sun J.. rain 8nd-neP’l.,.-t im.i ..t, ..
.ri-lto. "Sbsnf." vabl,li.«^“v,-Ii.

Cavtorm Is a lunnl.-sH stil.--tUntc for Cit-ior Oil. I*arrRi.ri4-, ]>n.|>a mul .'mh.iIiIu;; Nxchh.. It U i‘im-ainl. ll
(HiniamH u.-itlr.T OpHim, 5I.,.-,.|„m.x u„r oIIht
MilmlaiM-e. It, njre in it,
It tlmrint.vN Wommh
»ml ailajH l-Vvrrl-fm.-a. U « iic.-i IHarriiirb and M mhI
t.'ulir. It mllfteH TiuHliinj; Tn.itl.lcw. c-ursHi C'amHilpaIttiii
Kud l-'Litiilvm-.v. It at^iu.ilau-. lU,. K.mhI. n-tfiiUU'H llie
Ktoilini-I. uinl .ItuwrU. gUiui; iM-allliy mid tialunil
The Oiiltlivii'H
l*iiiiiux’a—The >t«>tli«-r's
Motli.-r's tlra-mL
H l*«ii;uva-The

a».-.iMlly teHil* iji IT'

ne I «vut hr 5 mit;i. *i,i MMI, -I. ;;
lan rlib- borne?.......| hax. o'; u -i;.
en:." •'•- jmiv-jed. "X.-xv t ml.
Shanw." tdtbl lt.»i>.\v.-lt; -I'-. ,.1...
I lMpi»-u tlh»t ia>> iiniilie M-rxai
»p. ltd 2T •eei.uiio and xh* tint box'-- .-x
fare In Ito-ir pi>el.el> lo 1-i
the!il*.-lxi-« Wllir.'
William l.xi.iurd, a farnnv livi
linr . Fix mil.-,X ' V.
r Hi.- riiyyh'iy . mimiiiniliiiB •
■tl'-arns'St'XOee Ilf ii-iglili-en ol
. l-antol.A^f..i

} Bears th,e Signature of

I. llxeii. t

The Kind You Haye Always Bought

!,«. fwn.l.i,.

•I ;.ya-

It chlel..
pk:;--d in nil ii.i


■ i-k.-ii

ail >!jier .

In Use For Over 30 Years.

fiiljI:,. rnpiuiv.!

.-'i.i.-Un auxi .:.-VMur.Hl It.
N.a'totil foii«i.-.ii i*a!h<tlic f..i'

li.iU-liliC a !■

:i-:ti' in a Klahto.

S-toterK of ll;-

t'-narji-.’ who hart" l,<-rxi



QTATK t.V'jttc lli.iAX- IV- I I-.
C» l.,r iti- t-.-uulx
Hra-l Til-.

hat- i-’iahltoh.-,

J 'staid.- j.uui.-il l.y Mi .




fr..n. lb.
ft e».-ll
■■*!--. .-ai-l -L-v— . '
QTATK 4>r HP-IIPIAS' 11". IV.-lwl. 4-.K.M




-.Tk -T ^

-atU will*
1«4< .4h-ir. Iu lli.'.rtu >4 ‘I'rsviVM- "'at. is

. re_________

IS- 'Vy •« fr.
«i ... l>
A It.
<n.' »>i •-U..
l-i ^1 r-Art "I
It-T-iul- f, A |<
.- V

. Mu> y'fwl U. W.Ikrv.Jadc- .4 Ph.


'■-....•u-lliV. .
W.i.ix'.i IL-Xx hixlnc r
!>• Ct't
r.-i -.ul -a.
. ! .1 fcl •li-sii'a.i.
tc ;;.i..r:ilil.vvl.
Pi„ i,

Arvf quostloti afix'r murdering bis
landlady iu New- York was ' How
ran t dle2" He had to wab
months few n trial. Ho tried to p'eari
guilty, but had to stand trial. He
was Gaally senieneoil to die on Aug
was happy tinlll he learned
miuilh's ,
that be bad iMH-n granted
enee nf ’
n-prleVe. owing to the liifliienee
friends. He says he to gelling dis-'•
A new submarine tout Just launch­
ed at Kiel has a radiuix of action of
3.1^ miles, a surface speed of 12
knirts and a si>ei'd of nine knots Is*loa- tbe surface. Her engines are driv­
en by electric motors and she will car­
ry a crew Ilf from 12 in 10 men.
Ao extraiwillnary miser w:uv *Father" Aeby. xxho died «be other day at
Ileme. Swttxrriaiid. known as “Hie
luu«t miseralde miser in RumiH'."
Since iweniy years of age he had

• tle-fl'-sh.
. - .
smati hingthesixri-santl..n-antig
He gut to be a lu.-T.ton, am
U1.T.' ski1.
was htmily al.le to xxalk. My AmH
sdvUed me to trr Cuti- tira .S'.-ip ami
OiiiUif nt S<1 gn-al tviss luT faitii in
ft lluil i-lw gave me a small pa----- "f
Suap lo m' uml a little of tin- l>iNt>

Jt sj«med to dry up H
.- a litlln.
it bct s

"i sent to tlie .Img sUirr nod p.t a
cake of llie Ssqi at.d a box of tl:e
Ointment and followi-d the directions,
and at the cad of alxiul two us.iiUui
the sores were all well. He liat
bcvcr had any rorrs <if any kind nn.
“He is now Hrong .ami healthy,
snd 1 can ancccL-ly -say that only f»r
ye.ur roost w.mtbrfii! reni.ili-« my
pnvious rliild would haxe di.-d fr.-ui
tti-M terrible sores. 1 u->vvl only utso
rake of sioap and about Uirvv buv-s
erf Oiutmi-iit.
(-ipu-dl -Mrs. r.6bert Slix-ldon. K. V. U.. Ko. I, MoodviUe. Cxmi,. Aiu^il '-m. ia05."

Hat MiHlw »io*lr.-’'.’“.'J'!'. ! " ’*'■

CO.-r .*,**•‘•'*- H-m

r.u.: t.V

tr... K

in til' r>txr uor


nin. huadn-d jfurtownnr

gT.x;r..u v;-i(iNA>' 7!;^
u.t o|!,.'.it,.urB..uttli'rr.«u
1-t.i .Is. .4 Jnix. A. It. iV. hsxx I—n »]
..a f.v - r>J:l.o lu t—-V." tluvr rthl» •
t- CX.A '.'ir* U* v-xoiBlii
Iivi«'»|n'«luHV...-.lA Ih»« uII'-ruiliiur” .if


rrvxdu.wouw. jods.4.'

* 'it'rvoi-,.. U .. .mlvT'.! >tia> 1 roUx. in'--------—»-• —
fUr vf Aucu.t. A f. U -r -;,'xt. sT l)to'.d.«-S
lulbrmr.o'.-o.M-a-M.-K-.l l-r.lU- lu«rink--4 QTATA ’f VI
■old p.vii;--n. *n.|
t,a .li-xr* ot
O l-r-tli.-r -AM -l..-„...l 04-; alt -xl.'r
r.-,r»aujr.*‘o.»-. t-i..1—f al o
-f •ai-l
t-.Ui.n m tb' l-.-xd*.t.- .TfaT.m- f.l.. aml.-‘. -a ■------ud-. IT any ll'.r. . I'r
- -K..
«.! lb' la :>inai-.r >l>ui,ld, l't-4



4 IHin-

\m. ikij.

v:. m Kf-RD. Traverse Oiy

•’ •••

. ------------------ l.-.ol'litl-..
QTATg t.V MK-moAK-TUK PBtxHATK ,t U-0 t-m*..t-e.^•
o x.-.urt l.» ll,-l-..j.UT-4 t.r.nd 1»»4.v«.. . iler.-m«-t«—Aonx.1 tin- .«rt f.«- mhI ; It iu-a«.-'4-a .tho: •!. I.t1 c-o. ..'.Ao.-t, •


ir- l-r.J.aX'

■ I'j^'>nm^/. .n w^.’jTTt Va C


4*»Vt ..


.'wdi- .

4-viaiKtt«.4'pri«.t. AT.*is n

XiTr iH.iiua V> It.IDt«vx-tai .o >uhI
n-Tf tAiMVil j.x . ma' B.->l • . -xi-. - >A.,t i
.-■■->) .,f Tta- 't - .
.rfi l.r'-tol'-.r It.'iao>.i.-..'y .4 »ulil luHlOiu., anil 111. I'-tni-n l •... .n.- th-.' '!'• u-x
... , r. • a-lai
dam, A. It Btlh-wi-ny ibir.-r. I.t ».xi.-ni: a '■sit r,f ili'» ,.a».| ima'inx*.!.-; t-. C.
la't-l • i aun.i-. it.i . -..i .• .t la.-J .-.I-.c that Ih' aoSI-lord'f
.Kil-liah'.l :ti tb.-lirai.fl Tn..-t-a-.iirl--.1. !> r-v.
ii a i.t» . M .4 tb»
H.vaI.Ls r'X.aj



. -,1-r L-.

, .


i. ;:tr.


hx h-.'. |h.Uf
1.V Tr«... - I" :1c. m.‘.3.0 1,,


otd. ar

.-.I -I.— 140- HtvWVToix.v.-' Il'oki. m
4.r: -u.T.Uii-r





At. !S- i- >ia»' I .:' • *1-.-' I' lA-ol-.
Ar ■ a.l.lU'
Ar.iirvi.-l ltoyi-1- aV.|.i,.

I-JT.-. Tt.V. .-4. 4daily mt - |. lu . .Iml.y • . -•
H-. .. i-B -T» ..;i II1UB », r.
|.» <•>' p 11. .U.Ij

Unreal Natural Teeth


T.. p-xmluxv til'll. tiB* e-ppiir-.l a to.-re*:

is lUf ..ialf.ial-x.1 mbuhll.x-y ai' iiia.l' 'i.-l
IK'.iii.... ai..l iilti.-; I- niak' lii'u. k-.k i- --' ••
.i-iitiato .li-»«-rvf jK<|-iiljm)- t-.c till::
•xutk.arr iM-ai-w^iliy. my pati. n-- u:
it- X.I my motltarr
a itial. Arran;:- I....... ..
yutir -

DR. T. A. WILHELM, cit, op.™


14 ij Sonhac utx]--rx.1

IW-.4UW4-B .1-r vut-!ir2o-A

.hi«..ei-r.l<.r i.irv»-.ii.v-..Kivv w.. X« ncv'.n. I
.. -ant .Ur ul l..»nu4.-. 10 tb. 4inuul Tt.x.t--i ‘
H.:nx|.|, .
I«-.nt~l miU

^ •****'

John V. Parley. Jr- of Kew
chellc. N- Y.. a 12-fearoM lad to abort
trousers, ls>ruonlng bis father's livery
business while tbe laiter~is In a hos­
pital. “Say. Barge." said young Fary. to Police Sergeant "1 Mcnt
doxen teams oni this afternoon.
■n»ey haven't any lights, so If yon
them, ahoo Ibem around the back
Yon know 1 ain't got »3
fur anes."' The ofBcer promto
ibe;'bnsiness to going along swim­
rrom Tbnraday-s Record.
Mtod Kvs Prichard df SprIngBeld. til. mingly.
Jbhn'J’. Crosby of Chicago to t*e
to vtottlBg at tba 1mm of C. H. Juhnaoa. 402 West Blevtmtb otreot.
Miss Vora Carter, who bu been
taking a trained nurse course In 8i
Mary's bupitoi. IMroli. U bom« oa a
ten days’ vacation.
■bw To Plad Owt.
H. U Cnrier returaod tost evenini
Fill s bottle or comSKm glas* with you:
Stef sud let it sUnd lxremy-ioi{r liours
' fronts business trip through the upper
Itarrle Olds nf Wauwalosa. Wis
and George Olds, his brother, of Bara. boo. Wla.. are vtoltlng their mother ot
WMt Seveotb atrvA.
Mtos AMlae Kulgn arri^ oa the
nuwita this afternoon to be tbe guest
of Mia. Cbartoa OomalM and her
bcotbew. Dell Bnalgn. She yfha nrlo conviseing proof that tlie kiduejs
eompnntod by her frienda. Mlas Walsh,
are 4Mt of otUer.
”*-»! To
of Chicago. They will tgmaln three
There is camforC ia
. .
fbar weoba.
ofun expressed, that l>r. K.h.wr
ivu Moore of Wllltamsburg to visit- S*amp-R«*. the great kidney cenwxlx.
in coring rliesmatism.
tog Mr. and Mrs. Ray Thacker
State street.
Mtos OeoiglaTEly of Olivet, paai
and scalding pain in passing it, or to
Utrougb the «Hty today on her way
eSerti followingnse'of l.quor.-wiue
BoUand. Bb'e bu been apendlag a few beer, and ox-m^fxae% that unjdca«ot ti
go oft.
weeks at ibt- aonliem Hlcblgan re­
ig tto bx', awl to get up nunx
Umes dnnng the night. The miW awl
Mtos CarrI.- Bennett returned to ber the cxtinord.i ry^ect of S
home In Honor this,morning.
TIM Mesdames Prank Ilorken. Elsie
n«a>l a merUcioe
Carroll rjtd Uirbaid Johnsac
y'Juatonid have tbi best. Soldbydrag
Veaford ibis morning where they will Kisu iu fifty<etit snd ooedoltor
* —
.U tvUTL
dpead tbe week.
hoxtk____- The Hisses Blanch Brimmer
Statberliu-dJIiie went to Nraaen CUy
this moTBlni’.
h-tmoo.N.Y. \Vb*
Mr and Mrs Ed Reynolds reti
r and xlOut
writing mention U
to tenlre this momlngg.
make any mutske. 4mix
Mrs. Josephine Gorv of Old Htoston name. Ito. Kiimrr s ^aarop-Rxiut, aad
tbesddrcsx, Bingbamtou, N. V.
;|i tbs CMSl sC Jin. r.ML
U. Maads.

Ttmiili Rin IMief
4mU< III Rent Siueet it

AVe like best to call

Pere Marquette


Real Estate and Loans
127 r-roiil SI., fli-nia'iit lii:...

Trjversc City, Micb.


Properly of All Kinds for Sale
and Exchange

Mxdl-.:.r*-'' • ••
XV 7 Ev.\;..
U y.

You have had some r.\iv ri.-iicc in tinV«’U
like to forBct. If you would u>e H. xi L. Co.\

M. & K. E. TiMt C1F.0

U’t: wiilK't >oii

veil j.f rs-'ni j.- r .ir.i: .in for

your money aiitl ^ive you a

Flour. ’‘Michufan’s Best.” the ph asi n* of iho }him nt
would make you forut'i the tlisayrt-t-abh- ihi«';'-« i-f the
past. Ask your dealt r for the •'lil'lS IV



uirfiy ndt edK'^ ;

S,. |, r.. 4

Travurie City leal e---:.i:i' or oilf t iL4 farnHi m

JlAn-W .

Gran4l Traver-xi: Co jiity. ,Mi. h.. wh’-ro your
money will l*f alAMili! lely>.d.:
-... -Uttvo.';; o'

mh - -it fli:

al.a Ll - tniP. •rrix-'l5 .ii.. iw sbd t v- p t

» a xUTxAtaia. u r o


i t JS.S-AL-. A«-SL

w/2^de: sros.



:t rsh-s. and at home.—well i had the chicks and was happy, whew
Boris of fan Ibsi two iHtlr girls couhi
shake of mother s head-jmeans aoi tbc morber hen Interfered and took
off-pttag uartcr her own wing. AOuc'day. when Bca’rtce.^bad been than a dosen 'musin'ts.' Seems n pit
there ncarijr a woHc. Bally aald: > I.OT cut bare bis own way half the lor the rhlrks. Ihcr don t knew whir
Is hemc. their uiolhui'-- eix-,t .-r Jlu
"Wb^. Bea. you've nerer seen aj lae. and do poaething be likes.:
u,.--kc».“Going to tbe city this .aon
•room yet. Don't you like to maVi
The rat ha« raised many tirrsids K
Tear asked Itaclc Thed. from toe
duct plesT'
mad do TOO tblok tbcr itopprd to look
bicktns. When she had kittens
DuM ptesr asked Beatrice, a little adjotalng room.
IhfmU rmm§ f»lh Ut
BBd »ondt?r? Not a bit of «:• Thej purslnl. ”Mamaa itave
-Why. of coorac," answered Tom ;iilv 211 it was Ihmighi she would lose
The killinR pttwrr ff l aria (‘nKm variet »cebn3t0|; to the pro­
ran JnM tu fast •« thcf could fo. aa-1 clean sand once to make aiDd pies' promptly.
fil inicr.-.t It) her feaUu.TV*l pTOti
WA ABdrvw Hormutb. ibc Btiardi
portion of araonic wUreli it cotiUios.. Wo hire a Uwxttl tliAt h
1*111 whin three chirks wen- batched
should ihiak dost would be
“Going acroas tbc roamow?"
llnmiaD. and be lowered tbc lamp
ietH-11'i} they wore turned orer to hejof fttll aUmlanl alrenath a i-l whieli *'.• u»>Afantee to U- ^ Iwhi
“Yes. sir; always do " ,
dirty. I don't tblok I'd like It.”
I «•! ttr «• k* w A
let the Mule Witl free. Ob. bow alad
‘*bh. hut a> dost la nice and elran.
"I wish you'd noijn- Itaosc young and she made them vi*ry comfortable.
pmle on till* mnrktd. Cotnc in ami Krt.onr pri«’.
tbe-babj- apamw waa. and ob. bow laiiBbed Emily. ”Coibe down to a> lrv*-s they'»-e U-en (citing out the last
One liionang the r»ld hen got dis
Klad were tbe papa and mttnaia spa'- papa's shop, and Til show 'you
or two. There's something rather citimgcil wJhn none of the other eggs
row! Of. off. they flew, no tbankfui loreilesi sawilust pies you ever saw- •j-.iecr. It teems to me. Of coiirac the tinder her hafrh.-d- She ainrted
■M klMk t>

that tbe cblldnn bad known what
tecs will die sotnu-r or taler, ati-l on the warpath, and when she fouii!
all kinds."
mmnr IMuf thki*.
So Bfnll.v ran to fell her nnithcr *aher* will be ncedctl. but—weii. you h<-r ihov hhlcks with the cat a I
H I Mr tan Ml tf7M *• *•
royal resltlteil. which ended when Mr.
ju-f t>h.«cne them rather carefully,
whei'e they- w-«-re gotog, and
KlmW. MW... a. IMM
HMM tMiVA I wU T*r. trr
Swtth ...iiaraifd the combatants and
•tesrril'C their appearance, iiiitts
Dear PrenWrnl—I ihoiiRbt ibat I
gave thi rhieks to the hen. '
would write asaln- I !<»( niy card aoj where Rally's faih'-r had his idnura
For s<-ifii of the nine yi-ars irf the
What about those trees. Tom?"
button a few week* aeo. Pleaac. wnd store. Inside, there -were all kinds «l
It's life she has as.-i*lcd In ih.- chii 1.
a eard and button acaln. I will not picture <m the w-ulis.Bn<r In all kinds aske-l rncU- Thed Aur lea. as the.v
I lalsiuE business She staniH Ir
fraaes—some In »mk. some frain»M It c:p the piaitxa.
pul It on my hat atnln. It I* aummer
tour of her . kitieils w.-rdsik.
somi“Why, ihiyro alt tight: lot* a Hi
aeain. and the er<H>* are very nler
Ilf ciamiied. to be- sure. .-mlpiM.vl ahor; -trowmsl .She -'ole Tour chicks Iron
They are beKlnidnit to cut wheat to gold.'
n«>p. She catvtl l«i theta so w. 1
Reairice lot^ piciiiirs. and wn
1 have a doK and one eat an.
tiff on lop. and tied up to |s*Ie8. snu*
have liked tj'star snd io<* at them,
^ soimiiiiB ^
nil please, every Identical twig «» that she was allowrsl to k.yp lb< tr
uBill thi-v weCi' old ••notich to slitfi r.i
Emily was Irapatleat. and said
i; but that's as It should 1*
*nl this year and
themsi-lifs. She wim'i i«l <Iiicl.--ti
rar«-le»ly. -Oh. we ran see them
make llit-ui «b'lp-«hapr. don't you
we have got some com and oaia
and^eotne potaioiw out. Wild rasp­ lime. Coar. 1
They can't grow- crooked if Ibt-y po icatur how It Is cooked
la CLAU BATtfl. unow
berry lime Is here, anil there are a lot what a luvt-ly playhotise I have iip' would. Thcyll make as hand
Deg Sbsitered Squirrel. From Snow.
r>f thca. As I cannot think of- any- rtnlrs,''
m'e.< as yiHi ever saw. one of.tftes.iliiddliHl togi-iher under a lilaiiki-t •.!
Emily's lather up from hi* days. ,llavc-n'i vou jnMlei«d the trees «ntiw wen- found eailv llie olh. i
tlvlOK more I *01 riose for this lime.
desk, as they passed, to smile and say In Mr. Benson's yiird.—tall and t
niornlng ni-ar the mounted t*olle«- sla­
.John Miller.
"Raking day again. Emni.r?’
gly and, bicaus.- iPiy
in Ceolrsl laik. N-w y.-rt, i
They ran up the narrow staircase a' w«-r<- left 111 grow as Jhey p.rwsisl? Th>- rrlii|>l<--l siilrirrel and Sh<-i'. n collie
■or new card and buffon hare
/ x’l’i’i/fJ/ip.iH /ih //J.w
been sent. Imt I a msurc you didn't the bark of the store, uid went into i city father*, now. diHi'i pw|>-.>fe to run Thnmgh Ihe lone hours of tb.- iilgli
Orffanlaed Daaambar A
fnntei to be a Sunshine Jxiy. evoiT' big. light workroom where ihs ie wer- any risks—''
liltle crtpide had l-i-n pou-sx) 'i :tr
//:riT iitcir for
Kb you did not have the card aad plles of boanls. and long strips of pic­ —But 1 wonder how- the In-es fe* 1 from the cold ,liy the shaggy e.sii of
i /wia- of thnr motr Jot $if<
ture-molding. and stacks of glas: alsmi the must and niiistn'l." re- Shep, who nesibvl -ao cluai- to hi
button to remind you.
There were other things, too. hut Bea­ markt-d I'licli Ttu-d. drily.
charge that ihe bi’ler was kept wnrni
Oberoo. N. Itnkota. July 23. 1906.
trice hardly hail time yt sec them all.
Kali Tom. wlsiiing he had on' said Wh--ii the two animal* were foiiti.
imlnll f Iruuii
Cotnt* ii .Itul MV till- lU'W Kimld
Dear PrealdcBt—Jla I hare not writ­
quite so milHi on Hie sul>ji-rl of Iits.-*
iliogaiiy CMm... Thiaia
“Good morning. Mr. Schals. this
ten to yon lor a Icag time. 1 think I my cousin Htwiriee." said Bmll>' in —and buy.'.—Buiiitay Afternuou.
tin- tint ahuwii in ItiL* vilj'
What ■ LIRta'OM Heard.
snowflakes, bnj the eye* of Hie i^mi
write. 1 bare my card and but the gray-hatied man with big st>ociaI iiM ran away to tbc bultermp lot.
sen- eloM-ii In sle«-p Tlie^sqiilrrIon yeC I hare tome little turkeys cles. who was working at a nearly fluWba naama told me I bad i•ette^
China'a First Groat Railway.
carrli-d Iniii the police siallon nu
and chickens. »iy little brother Mar­
tabed pleliire frnac.
The first rsBwAy [ii mivcix- a Imic
dog followe.l, growling approva
vin would like to join the Sunshine
“Hare you some nice Sour for m" iisianct- In the a-h-sllal Empire
And a IllUe brown Wrdle. np In a tree.
The smaller animal was siifferinc
Cradle mK Will you please aend him
today. Mr. Mlllcr?“
Aa true aa you live, k^ a-aaylnc 'o
nearly (Winplelei road ln-l»«-< n rel.-liis tim tin Injaied leg, 'wlib b had pncard? We hare elEhiy llitte chick­
.M. IL llnnicr, Tfctp.
M from l••achlI>K *li<|ii‘r. A
Hr.iSchatx lookeil ovi-r his sisi-iaens and forty-four little tnrkeys. We
••Nangh-tec Un’. ran nwny!"
of 734 4 miles. \ Trains, iodeud. ate iiandag-- was ptaeid sl*0>M the squii
hare Arc turkey bens and one KObhicr. cles at the two little girls, and hlM
Tfll I didn’t know wbat to do.
iwlDklcd. fVes. I ^vc sum.- running, but gt'ii^I 'W'cl Is not yet •I's Uf and li was inaile a- romfoi
and nine hens and one rooster. Well.
Now ho* do jDtt ■’poae be knew? .
_ atili- UK isisstlde.
I guess this Is all I ran think of far very good fluiir tmlay, ma'am. What tacouragiri.
Tbe long bridge ovit the Yellow
kind ih> you waniT'
And once we went U» Ibc meadow this lime, so (tood-bye.
Why Asbs«oa-WIII Not Burn.
-ril aoe flrsi what 1 hare.” an- river, tbe principal difficulty of ronProm your loriog llitle girl.
brook, '
- ,
We heard a l*o) say, the mh.-r d
swri-red Emily. So she look Beatrir*- iniellon. is not yet flnisheJ. though
Alta Hollis.
ioale and me. with a fliblng book;
t Is oiK-n to train*. It ta lu.k??' feet lhal he didn't undi-t*-atid whv, an .-iM-j
And tbe Tcry aamc blidle aang asHn.
We are glad to bear from Alia again,
l-.stiie - tagi- ctirtaln tii a Ih'-aler woid-l long, wlih |i>2 spans- and I* 1
.There Hb'- hud
Orer and over. Jital ns plaUt.
aren't wc. Sunbeams? And how we
e the water. The river In floo.1 (lot mini, as it Imiks in.e elolh «:f soul--1
“NaoBh-tee May! ran away!”
wonM all like to nee those little ebick- Idg wooden Imx for a tabic, with i
other low liox for a si-ut. and Ibero lime, however, may rise ilitrteen fi-et kind. || wm tuft, bnr.i bi-canse It Is a
Aad JoaJc abe beard him. too.
efla and tarkoys! ,
mtnerai. Tbe name o' Hu- rolm nil is
was a sbHf with sumo tumblers and alKive its'ordinary lev.-l. Ihiuigh'
hornlilende. which.split* Uji irtlo long
miles wide at the plaei- whenJoalc nbc ne«aea what I
Oberon. N, Dakota. Joly 23.19A6.
wldo-moiilbe.1 fcotlles. Baeli glass held
lirldge U. .Moreovor. the forty f-x-t .bllrale fl»-r?. or, tlireads, miirh lik.’
Waa )nat ay coaadenw
Dear Prealdeni—I ibonghi I would a dlffervnt colored '•llniir." The
HiO«e of flax Tln-se threads are
write to you. as I hare never written
from some woods was a lM-ai«lful
iwiy and to yoo before. I would very much Ilk-* yellow. Tbe »-U>ny. black walnut an-l
01 by any n><-ans i*.-nelrale lo lh> wem-n Into eloth. -md lh-Vli»th Is flr-"
Ba (M water looked
lo M‘c-uro a liamiscmc ict of
to }o(n the Sunshine Flmdle roll. Will other dark woods gave what Emily rock through the river silt. Then- proof. Tlu- pixiple of iwrly llim-s knewWe lank' bold at baada and ran ilff
yon please send me a little card? Wc called 'Trull cake flour." There was fore the solidliy and pi-rmanenei- o about It. and som|-'lmes in-eil ll to
hare a nice little eolt: It It two weeks reddish (lavrdasi from the sweet-smell­ tbe structure are matu-rs of some wrap up the Isidles of the d*-»d wln-n
ihey w-rv hunn-il isi a fnf'r"’ h"''
And bR the war tre beard It say,
oM. Papa named her Fly. F»r pets ing cedar, and then- were other col- doubt.
(h:P Hi-- ash- -if Ihe I-hIP-i mi-.:lii
Trains an- rm from I’l-king to Han­
•Tlat It the beat thin* to do.”
1 hare two ki'icoB and noc old -cat.
And maaaa Mte tatd ao, ton.
The kitties' names are Barker and
(fn a tu-cond shelf. Emily had he: kow in 36 hours. :iiid the noreliy of Im- ki-pl s4-paia-<- from tin- a*l:*-««‘ Hi-'
—Bally Huntlnfflon Miller. Blney, '^le old eal's name is Tiger. mixing dish, with its spo-ni, anil soin- night travel will Ih- liilnNl-ieisI. 1»v w-rMsI.
I bare «t IlMIc turkc>y and one ol.|
111 tin dishes, ninnd and heart geiher with lonce or twice a weik*
The Durability of Wood.
at tlu! very lowest
Wo have alMHit One Hundining car* and sli-epiug cars. Ti-'v
:<me. I hare some ilitic chlckelts. Ual shaped and scallopnl.
•aylng Oraee.
«-\|n-rini'-ni to t-—l tb>- durnl-iHij
There arc so many I cannot eoui
WbM we're ai grwndpa’a hMac
They played for some time, mixliic graph and leleplwuie a-e iimmI In oi*-itlriul aiuJ I'oriy Sets li;fi ihat wc arc ifoing to close out
aiiiig the nad. The construction has of diffei.-m hind? ol wo-*| was mad-them. Ooml-byc.
the rlean. pretty sawdust with
at thi: Miiall sum of
lime aa--. as
proc.-eileil with can- and thoroughness
From yonr loving little Snnshlner.
He looks-aboal with sober Tare,
water until it was “just right"
Marvin E. Hollis.
Then cUapa hla bapda and abuts hta
111 the tiny baking dlshe*. then turning French Is ihe- language of the tlmi- tnadc of «llffoti-nt w-opts, earli iw.* fe-t
In leiigHi and nn ini-h and a hsil
Written by Alta Hmiis.
thi* “pies" carefully out on a slab oC lafdiJ. Hu- metric 1* the syslem
Aad sister says he's "aylng grace."
How -nice It Is to get a U-iter from glass before the window, where the weight*, nnd the Mexican do'tar til - square, w-tv <!rin-n into tin- gnumi
He says Mg words that I doa'L know— Marvin, even though Iw
sun wotrid bake them. It was lots ol la-sis'of ran-f. Twn rents for Ihrpc- with mil* half an inch proirmllng. It
'Ihcse dit-hes arc tin- fammi-t PRI'^S-CUT ulass and
found, after five y-i.-acs. that all ll-e
I'm oaly foor yre-t oM.—but the*
enongh to write II himself. He will fun. 1*elt«T than sand pies. Ih-atric- flfihs of a inite is the first<-tass fare,
I kmr* two words he always aiiys.
decided. iK-cnuiH’ you eoiild make so and oiu- rent and one-lwn-himdrcdths stjeks m.ule of isih. --liu. ash. Hr. *-r>
arc made up of a Ix-amiful doign.
lie liefpre very long, and then he
of a cent the w-ciind and llilhl elass lushogiitiy an t nearly - very vnrinv of
A»d lae ta "Thanks" and <ac “Amen." hare i^Mthor card and a ballon, and
il‘ kind*. They “wenl
wi'ie wholly- rotli'd. Hard jiliu-.
ral'-s for the same dislanei-, *o ihal to
wc will be gtad to hear from him mill'* for some more corn meal—a
MTMIe walking In my grandpa's woods.
. and teak wi-r*- uiiu-.| on Hiyellow- that they travel even over IhU unique nad one
'We saw a aqnlrrel. big and gray.
does not li<'*d n vert fai poekellsiok. nuisi'le only, while aenrla. wlHi ih-- excake with It.
He held a am between hta paw*.
WHItamsbun;. Mh-h.. Suly 2T. l9i>C.
of l-eliig sllghily atiark---! --u
HuAt last Bca aald. “Now. let's make i
Bol dM net eat H right away.
Dear President—I thought .It must lovely dark woldlng cake In that IHii* lolal tib-rnei- ,itf advertising slgn-i Ilie olllsl le. W8.‘ s'Mitid. Hard Itiuli-g
H« (Med hta mile ahlBlng eyes.
U* about time for me lo wriic.
any and ec-dar of lal-tiitiiu wen- In
tln box: well pul In all the dark klmk along the wav.
. Ills hands raised just «hc grandpa's. well and hope you arc. too. I read
The new railnad is of Hu- hlghe*t Initly goii'I c-ondliloii. but Vtri-.iniii *'•for spier, and some of the light fo.
the Sunshine paper HH B was my bed­ ginger. We ought to have si
va* i>err'-i-ily snuinl.
InilHirisnce. It is th<- h-iig entering
I taM. O Bister, keep-real still.
time. 1 will M-nd yoo-ta hollyhock, a raisins for It. loo."
wiHtge of w-i-sterli riviiiulioil. Av
r Ilt-1iHl«!'. Funiilurc Sbirc,
He's saying 'Thank you" nad -Amen.'' doll, a pansy and a nasturtium. Th*'
A-imala a-d Rain.
army of ciaqm-ring tiew |di-as wHi
“Oh. I know." exclaimed Emily
—Laura E. Armltage. In Good Uealih.
make the doll Is to pull all
ride Into rhlna on ihe bark of tiu
MiH-l; IS snimal* .lirllk. ruin, ii-ui-nerc-r thouglil of them Is-fore." !
poials off except one and leave that ran over IP a table and li>ml>-<I alsuit Iron
-iivi- Ibi- :qi.l:ii'l ii-iild tn- :uhoc*.- — f'hrtdtan End<wvo:
. Aug. X
dren*. then I lake aad pull the for a minute tn the lirawei. then
M stirlier- lo .k<-i-p ii off Mou
New members joining alace last r place thsi has tbe seeds «m. I hope
pi-i Hiclr- backs nasilni-t -r-e
liarit with a paper
round dark-brown
TraTcne aiy. Mickldi
127 Sontb Uoioa Street.
all the Rnnshlnere nre well and eii- acs-ds. "Mamma forgot them- and lep
.* iis a iirvtfcti-m Ironi -Irtviu-:
Hen Hcipt-Buiid a Hota'ital.
lUyinoodRaighl. Charlevoik.
bi-1 juv.-r luaki a proi-cilve b«.|
joying iberasclrcs during vacation. them hen- one itay. We'll play they
T(-o-y«?ai-obt .\1uiul Ilallau. o| Water
H. V. F. SwMhiM Owb credit Roll: Wril. I guess Ibis U all for ibis time,
X eomnioii sight fo *iv a dn-ni-lu-i:
Ion. Is., and her is-l heir ar<- building
V the plums "
Marrtn B- Hollis, agej six years. (bmd-byr.
a new hospital for 'hat ciiy. Wlihin li.-ni of cam.- huil-lled uifi.-iliiT i-n
So lino the rake they weni.
Obenm. North Dakota. Name sent b»
Ftom y-iror Sunshioer.
the enursi- of a w-eek they have raisi-'t 411111 >'x|Ki»-d i-ontmoii III a -iowtipiiu
Bill they had madi- so many <■.
Alta UoOta.
Vera Vlntoti.
several him-ireil (Wtars. Th-- iiims if rain wh--u liny havi n*> choir.and pli-s by this itiiie Ihsi there
ilu- orauu
The holirhnek doll loiiks just like no room for the wedding raV<- on Hiejcetil child will furnish a soliiiloii for •hancr ot sh*-li*-i But
Thls week ymir i
which l.iiiHs a small si--.-pm;
the ones I iiseil tn make when I s
glass slab lliai iield the nut of 1lie;lhe mr.nev-raislng task w-hirh Kas puz
story for yon that n •By. truly hap -little girl. Di> you ever make ptn'P'"
finanrier* of that plan
I get L
peoed. It Is about i i baby sparrow teapots?
i» inuUi cheaper feeU. and }
"l.ef* lake It home and iuike li iin- ■ The Ivappy resuii mm*-* fn-m a si-lrihat Wrsd tn Traverse niy. He was
d«-r Tbe llr.h- lo-e in the eorni-r." s.vl-1 It of wlf-«ari-ifle*- dls|dByi-d l-y llit-!i•aad ■«>ay ftar ffwT Di
Charlevoix. July 3o. I9iw.
a running little fellow, ndih fut*>
OfOraaa TaoNareTa*
Emily, ''and th*-n. this aflrrooon. we Maink Early last spring her moHiei
Ik*ar PicsJi
hrwwn feathers, aad quick. Irrighl
Bat vou don't ert ail vot;r cows prodneo br^
will take the pa|*ci dolls and hitvigave h<-r an ecc lo s*-t with other* be
«ycs. Ufl hta msmtna and papaa iwere log some Ilf the Runshlne tellers on? wedding there."
a'Uii'rdiu a hail unless v..u uaeaSeparatoc.^
|neaifa,a hen. This wa< hatchni. aii-l
Tbe miiirovrd Irtciiastlea*
very fond of him. When he got big of the Herald to- rue today, and I
But whHc they wnc eating dinner, the chirk<-n. ever sine- it was In the
OBowch-lo fly they foilowodjblm from
Hi>' pinoti tOhlAe*. atdl tanghf him all tbe shine club, If you will pli-ase send
tMngs that sparrows ought to know. a card and biittoo. Last week wc
Vdtea ail tlie cream out o! Hie milk and takes it out a
,f ’ll- way of ji. which vo-i
little Wixldlng cake that had In-on so; Sii jggltng abtng ui si-cuyt funds for
aooii a.1 vim want it.
t day when be wm flying were out eamplog on tbe.shore
caivfully turned mit from itf iln and the hospital Hie manageraeni found i«m--Ri.<-r as a p'ltr-W—hl| locMaff for Wimetblag to eat. Lake Michigan when- papa has a la’h
Coa» !■ mm* Sm Hm Un.Eaidw
Dm« H. ^
left to "liake" In the sunshine—well, succor in this child. Her symiiatbcHr Iriendt-: Siipin>:-i- a wMow.-r i
a Mg
Mong and
marry; th.- failie; niairi
that wedding cake just molted. The: tiaiuri-wa* touclie>l. and she wani.xi ulittle sister Ruby was sick, and we bad
dsHgh'er ..fa widow. *ii! Ho- S'driving
lo emne beme. I think 1 have writ­

floar " and the sawdil*! spires all and sold it to her mother f-r *3 c* ni*
Cm4 egtaten ce dear potai on ta raidaas bsuw hwswsUaeta OMk
and where flo yoo suppose he sent? ten enough, so I win close. Gi»d-byr.
•niibg fa'h*-i :n-iaw i-- l.i- apart, and some of the "idutiis'' sank Tlu- st---.- af her dc-'*t care*From your little friend.
RMK tntd the big glass lamp tha:
into the soft earth
' ear# of other*. A traveling
Raymond Knlgbt
bangs on tbe eomer of Front and
* M* fn'her-. sou—h‘rif.-ll.
Yoo mu« have had a delightful lime
Cass street* But when be got Inside
taler, some IHHe plants peepe*! np. 'bough' the hi-r for ll'-. and ihen die
he tbowgbt be was la a cage, and so out camping. Isn't the water prctij
and. before tbe summer was gone, a nateil the fowl lo the hospital a*--*oriabe wm more and more frigbtened and And It Is soCh fun 10 go In wading.
hit of purplewnd-w-htic ahd rilmson- Hon. Since th».ti It has been sold and
cnwHnT nee tbe war to gel out. His
aad-pliik morning-glories hlo«m>med .'.otiaieil several times, imtll there has
A Queer Wedding Cake.
TtaP* nad mamma flek' about on the
Beairtcf bad come to rlsli her by tbe fence corner wh.-r*- the doll's i., cn accumulated si-viTal hundred doltwtsMe. aad ealied. and erie4 and
wedding cake had ;-(H-n —Row Sielye In:-.
scolded, but tbe more they tried to cousin Bmll.r. The two little girl* had
Miller. In New Idea Woman'* MaasThe rbtcki-n's price I- grailualiy in . Fepsoidsenre the worst {(
ofDriu nnantiin>ftbepur«trrts:naE.J<Aberex. or woman now bas tbe owporttnity o<
tril him. tbe more frightewed be be­ not aeea reeb other since they wer->
creasing and B strife has aristdi amone ^psia and all other Acute
came. Pretty mm the people oa the "too little to refflcmber." bin nnr ibe.v

'different orgaaizailocts as to who sha:
jttle ooao
an abaolote
ab^lote raaremeelo
rnaratitee to •aresk rtoacb^ are
the atomieb and deilrovs centaa bortle
atreet mv um. aad wondered V there were each “six and a half, going on
W'r m.:i aMlH I
“Muw" ard "MuMnt"
waaaT soww way to help Mm. You aereii." as Bmlly said,
you bare
before, bapp?^ _
_ not osclPeptoids
- _ taeta what itmUx
"A fellow can't have an'
niey bsd lorriy time* playing in the
!, tbe percale were worried becaus.
tbesaeee^nl i _
aot a patect nu-dicioe,
growh-d I'om. 'It's Just •m»*i' and
H was almow time tor the elreirie cor j big yard and Md-fasbloncd gard,
ao a» to enjoy tbe
Oldman s^ has yonr a
Cat Fights for Chicki.
a full aued bottle. You do be« there is in life. Try Pepa«Ada t»^y.
n n'limtne ilH ntshi.
rent to be tnro^ oo. and then the III \ Emily's, There was a swing under hm-is
orwrif to pars (Will. All we jprice only soceals a beetle at
dm aunt
it obligateyottrsriftopara
would be killed. So the Uie oak tree, with a seat so wide they j must iio this, you rouM leant that: or , tleorgr Smith, of West Orange. N. ottoestomacn iicostmore

p(«|fle jnta Mood Mill, and bioki-d. fonld both swing at once. They played : yon mnrtn'i to there: you mq«in'i *a? J.. ha* a rat which. In arjdtiion
prodnee Pepaoidx than any simitar prrps- benefited yott it, that roo recoamend ^ Ac M^ealD2«»»«
and wowdered what to do. After a II- paper dolls In a cnbby-liouse nmlcr ujihsi: anJ vno muMn'i do the other bringing up two kliien-. .« trying
tauooootbeiarkeLowiMto the large Pepaouis tc your Inends^^K.r^man V.o_Cb_etm^_ Lo.. Oucago, IlL
12S C. Front SL
tto whUe aom chUdrew came along.l biff btxah tn ow comer. They bad all^ihlnff. At schca.l you'n- Just lU-d righ* rais.- a l.ronil of yinrag chicks. Sh**

Paris Green
Chat Kills



Cravrrsc City's Ctading Drufl mors


Slaughter Sale

Second-hand Organs
lakep in eidiange foi Pianos




68 cervts a Se't


Grand Rapids Furniture Co.




Empire Cream Separater, TrnstsaCIta.Mft.




bottom of each dlah. The syrup and
Cnnecmlng Cucumbers.
Cucumbers wlU soon: be plottlful the cake turulsh almoal all'the aweetmay be allced and conked In
ad are among the best liked of |dek- enlng needed. Aay other flavor may
«. The following from the Portland Iw used, but Ihe maple b deilctew and this rrnlt Juke instead of using waihc
Transcript cooiaios aome excelteol blenda srttb the cream pertecuy. Mac­
aroon eruma mixed In the same way be used In mincemeat, tn fruit eakut
Inu as to their preparatkm.
- boiled puddinim.
To make good picktea seems to bo with w9:ipi-d cream make a dalaly
FruU shouM ni-ver be placed on the
1 an. The fir.4 misinkc many house­ dessert. In this case, flavor Ihc eream
•e Glad.
[I i>c« Out tbe tether
keepers make Is In washing thi-m. Yes. with altDoad. and do not use much aug- frinni of (be ruage- and Slewed Ukc a
rgcmblc. IIS Brat appearance Is
Be sleS Ot Hfe with llx ehwrei'^to !*■ TMd ever eo)- mu before hkvi
ih^ roust lie washed. i>ut must Is ar
Bananas mashed tffa paste will mix much more aitracHvc if il ts kept as
A knive uid k cheerful toller of carUi dear home and temllyr Indeed, be
handled with tbe gnwtcat rare, so affitire as pnsrihlc. Apples and pi-ar*
nmidn't gel off to bod unUI he bad
With • little ptey
bruise ihv UiUe ptoluberaneei
aald It. Thia )v what 1 mean by 'ris^ Mixed Id by the «ey.
upon them, for If you do
will hav ran te* uied merrt) as llavortng If pre- should be cut into quarters or eighths,
In ihia case, line the serving and laid In the saucepan carefully
Make Mherx glad for the day of your
aoR pickles.
:bem nearly of a size dUh with lady-flngera which have very liltte sralcr or fruit Juice added
boconiDR ao temlllar with ibein that
Sort them so they will be. for a small been slightly sprinkled *th sherry, and Ihe cover kept 6a the sancepan
Be gted of life vltb Ua chaDcea <<i fear and dread of them are unknown:
ptekle diM-s not need as stroBg brine and thc-n All In with ibe cream mix all the time they arc Being cooked.
then dldlke will vanlah. Of conrae
to remain In the bnne as lung us
The Cor
Of the best thlnsB, the bright, the
Bail will not alwayi be
1‘lneapple Juice U another deUrt..nn
a larger sme. Pul small oui-s In a
.The blMlsew-lfe nuy know h»w
good, the true;
ealm. There will, ewen la ibe beat
wdak brine for six or eight boiim. flavoring In u*«- In whlpiwd eri-nm.
Then dlmb to the hlgbU
li-el proper food for her family
laaagod houacholdt. eome black Moahea line your krllle with waVhe.i This win te- f.siiid wpiih trying w1ih
lotul, that win build up and make
Of the apol's drilghU.
lya. Who Tucadaya, dreary Wedneagrupe leav« and put Ik vinegar and the cake crums. Mix en-am an.l
subng bodk*. says a writer in Medi­
And peek and Snd all there waiting daya. rainy 'niiiradayii. horrible Frlwater In equal paru to cover yoar cruras exaetiv as . directed for ib<
for you.
and lerrtblo Baturdaya. but with
pickli-s. Do not scald too many at maple cream, but flavor with plmappl- cal Talk
may know Aow lo select at th*
colon nylDg you -will aall Into p^t
In another veasel have some Instead, and have allces or hits of pine­
..-^Se fdad tjfMfe with «ta chweea t. calmly and triumphantly on Sundaly.
mark.-l the best meats, the most
gocst strong vinegar beating. Reroov? apple at ific iMlIom of the- dish
holesomc fnills and vegetaWea,
iip.’foiir of plain aspic Jelif- and
aim of llrlns shoaid be har­
hot pM(l(-s tn your Jars, and In also on top.
fit* a wHI SIIed Aeon to the heart.
She maj; know how to dcti-ct the
iwpoon of gelatin dlssolve.1 In half
mony; Ibe fcouBekenrlna. tbe plain un­
to a quart jar put one tabk-siKKmfiil tff - fake Is too rich lo serVe w|ih .l.-sIn »c«d
Jeasi Ulnt In butter or milk,
adorned melody, the home-making, the a cup of water. Place all on Ice un- sugar, one teasisxuirul each of black sens, such as IbeM-. Daint) t
And with ntch kind act
ber'temlly la prutldwl wilh only that
iH-aullfiil d->et; ibe oui- 111 partly cfaillisl. then b<-ai until Arm. ■nd w-blu- fflusiani sohI ami eeien wafers ar<- piefornliic.
which is pure.
'aJo” *
ei-ed. and n small piece of ginger rm.i
To pmre you are truly n friend In
most cleverly adulterated foodnet It on Ice to harilen. When reoily
Plcklino Hlote.
and tbe aoclal and
All up the Jar with hot vinegar anSYSTEMIC CATARRH.
may not (*ca^ h.-r vigilant eye, an-l
serve turn out and garnish with seal Immediately.
Seven pirandk of fruit. Ihnv i
inrcw. the grand flgalc: the whole
y those
making a perfeef harmony of living. wbippuil cream.
if short of Jans um- wl<U-miniib<sl
Mr*. Viola Marsliall. Ml* Rost Jackboh
Cooperation bi-lween members of th­
Cbtckm Turnover—Put a good- iKslllos. and seal by pouring melli-d
an street, Springfield, III., wntec
. nm after she has exercised all Ibis
in all the Iniritate work­ slxod young chicken in enough wait r
-rwe mont/T$ ago when / aomgM
For IoHbx Ir living on mountain ti
pleee of new muslin iis ill manner of sW«h-i pIckMog. . Tbe splc
rare in tbe seh-cHon of fond, she may ytmr m^ kt. an^ you taU me Oat I
ings la ahtglulely esaenllal. The home
-over, and boll until t<-nder enough the l<H> of the Jar. tying tlghUy with a Ing may be vart.-d to suit the las'
Where the air 1* Hear—
wa3 aafferiogfrotB tyttemk eaurrlt. .
111 her own honw- caus.- ihai fotsi '
the mother s kingdom; tbe eons and
1-n fruits wbich aic <>
dip the tames tcpm <he meal: acs- siring, and over Ibis placing a pu-cc
Heoven'e attnoapbere—
I had gotten to had that I eoaU mot
her loving, loyal siibjcci
with salt. pe)iiM>r and a little cti- ’ ndton liatiiiig and another pleei- of used for pickles must have a sailing iM-mme contaminaied and more urn
And brenibiag and being a pure do-:
bear the /oil of o alklag aad tmd to th
for human use than the very wnr
; lake a light shortcake In a rir- iiislln. I have-Di ver lost any pul up
doo mmoU,
"1 t*-gsn II
hours; eilbiT In a brim- made of i that could te- found la the market —Ophelia O. Burrougba. prime minister, and tben.^lf they ronn- enlar pan: split the cake, butler the In this way.
I f.-rt llk.-a
■ *
ad together wisely and well, happy lower half, and arrange the chicken
I. gave ii|> putting spin-s In my pick- cupful of salt to a gillon-of water, oi
Ju»t as
Sbi- win slorc this fond dway In
*Hl be that ■household."
I a salt pack.
ihkken Ihc gravy-<.lih a
li-s years ago. and have found Ibis way
ing anyfi
Ra.Ilsh pud* make spicy little pick liantTy that Is unvenlllated. unllghli
flour, add w talilesiMxmriil of rich much liked, amt also much easier. If
hreo IslIU'
• Tte happleaubeart that ever beat
Seme Chicken Redpea.
cream and a lump of butter, pou
large ones an- liked put down In
• ' Waa Is anme gulet brtsaat.
One of Ibe most popular ■
Itfa a hot brine made of one quart of wtml. A damp idace, a moldy plaiu-.
-hicken on tbe lower crust
Strang brine that w1U tear an egg. In
• That found tbe common daylight
leals In the city, where It Is ermsl.l- place the top Bretioo of tbe eaki
an m-sm.-lllDB place. And Ibe foul adviev."
stone Jars or sniall kegs. When wiini- water and a cup of salt. Cover an.

Hvlcmle catarrh claim* many victims
ered la the llidii of luxury, and in iho II.
will absorb all th.- noxteua gases
' ,
cd, soak over night in fnah Wider and rave ovrr night; then drain. Add .
bnaDM-Uilsdisawac |* nol alwsya un- • And left to Heaven the it«t.
Miimiry. where It must of noccoslty
stick cinnamon, wholr muatar.1 iM-conie aliNiluiely iinfll lo be used as
Miiryland Cbleken-Thls is really us.- this same formula for pH-kling
dcrst.sid, and Utarefor.- not rarrmly

John Cheney.
frequenlly take the place of other
He most spitetixiiig form possible of them; or. If spiced plekli-s ate llkiil. .-i-d ami a ru|i irf sugar, lo enough
tiKwis. is chicken, ft Is a pity that It
Or she will V It It awav In * refrIg ''w'l’aii* n.v.d.41* aa tnlernsl catarrh
soiiihero fried chicken. IJress. cU*an I»our over ihosi- you wtsh to prepare Inegsr lo rover them. Boll these toIs almost Invariably .served in one of
dlffen-nl articles of rem.-dv which exerte a l.-atlsg effrai
;rth.T, i>our over tin- po.te, boHlc and
and cut up a young fowl, sprinkle with a strong spiced vinegar. "
on Hu- roocn* i^.-mtiran-s of Ibe eaUr*
three ways. sK;wed. roasted or fried,
fisHi together, and Hie flqvur of
(Kqiper and salt and roll in flour. Dip
During the siason do not tell
good as these arc. when there
linpartisl in alj Hm- rest *^^ch a ivm-sly I* ‘Kerona. ,Tte slaCreole pick:.* are d.-llcl.ius. For
n a beaten egg to which has been up some allced cucumte-r*. fix i
cerc Icllcf* of Itewc »>■•- l.*»e espemany delirious methods o fpreparing
bmu r. the frul
best- take two dozen large cucomte-rs
iddcd two labb-spoonfuls ot water. It wmild for the table, but not wia
ncucrdtl* tenefli* h» .itch ra^ are
Those who
must ceonomixe
Ihe vcgftBliIes. will all have the
There has never been a Irtier word
Is not possible to egg ehieken by lay­ salt waler. HII up the Jara with cold rut In haltrs, a pi-ek of green toma►
apeken than that by « writer tn the Blrengih and lime irill And a number ing it In the egg; Insti-ad, hold eael. vinegar.
lom cut In quarters, and half a perk IH-cuIlar flavor.
A can-1.-sh b.msiwlfi- will shnn-llmi-*
tad las' Home Jourual. who urges t?f simple, yet unusual recipes gb
lnJiiK-4 lb. skin, making U
pli-ec In the hand, turning It even'
A nice meal reliab can te- m:idi- of
U-ave f.sid lu a n-frig.-iaior nr cup rtHigh and wuir-H-. Iqil .alimul.'wblch
every ose to get the very best out of iMdow. while tbiTc arc others which
1 ran te- thoroughly wet. an-l jrhiqqNil rurnmte-rs and small slices nl Ciimlier* and liinial.a-s In si rang brine
Ufa by rising aliovc Its eares. Blie will afford variety for the must clali- imur the mixture over B with a spoon limlim. fecason with salt and pepper
for three days, and skin the onions, tearil nr puntry unlit It nfloite ti I I* fully as . .fli-«rlni|s for • I.-anUm-ss.
speaks from her own wealth of ex- orate eomiany dinner.
sprinkling them wIlli half a rupful of iishod liack in n corai-r wh.-re it a1>
s Hu- slln |.ni..jdh'wtHi a vi-K.-i
Then lay In flnely sifitil bread rrurabs taste, put In^sealing-Jars and fill
pertenee. and beeause abc docs ao.
Chicken With RIee—Joint a year^dd and rover ihonnighly with them. Ar- with cold vinegar.
ishle salt.' PlHcr half a gallon of H- solulirly nits, and .all the n«< of lb|.•.•lh.B.
she appeals to every heart, and brings chicken in as many pJoees as possible
.Icr vinegar in a targe granite satice- fiKKi .is lalnied by the tnilrefyliig vi-e
^ Immediate iisi- take sllci-d <
I. ..)Hj.HMi.j(i> (be MS.- of this Is
_ige' Ihe pji-ces of chicken In a drip­
a message of rlui import. Rarb day slier- a large onion finely, and fry In ping pan. so that as much surtere at ctimlM-rs, si-aMu with salt. p<-ppcr. on- l*n. adding 'fhrtv ounc«-s of whh
fail tiinl 1^- ngimeal h-fl In .(he
biinga aome care, anme abxleiy to I lablespoonful of drippings; when possible will In- J-Xpoeed to tbe heat lablesiKKinful of sugar, vinegar lo eov- musiard net d. one pimec of, ground
liaslii will olisiim i the |i>i<csaiHlcansc
■•antry where food is kt-i Initilib- fUb ilv’ (liliiinbing arrangeneariy all of us. but It la not Acces- ifcdy browned put In the ehlckrui. add
In a boi oven. When it ba>
then add Ihiek en-aiu. It I-* mustard, iw-o pounds of bntwn siigai.
aary to make It the most prominent wall and pepper, and fry until niecly Iw-en In for five minutes pour ov«T It dcIlcloiiK if care ic taken lo put In lb - line oiinr.- mch of ci-lcrv seed and lu should hr ilrv and clean and wv-Il-w.i
IS. To avidd Hilt, a iiunter id
thing la onr line ot vlalon. By steadilwgs an- »;hH-ji an- lua.le lif
onc-qtiarter of a cup of butter. Iieing' sugar N-fore tile vinegar or cn«m mrrlcr and » talileKpoonfiil of scraja-d
from dtist.or crumbs. The r
teatly bolding thoughts of cheer and water trl cover Iho ebleken: ami i
-A.-I-S.'ll.uli, atet'll tplll illeli..* sqlisre.
mrefnl to liasle each pleei-. Twenty Have IlM- vln.-g.-ir seant in roverli.e homeradlsb; bring slowly to the tetlllore ft is posaiblc to pnl even great oniH licrfeeily lender. Arrange plain Biltiutes will cixik It If Ihe oven Is h<K ibi-m. and lei the ctrani b<- as a lop- Ing i«>lni and slmnirr on<- hour. Piuir frlg.-mtor should te' fn-qm-ntly wash.
hiitclii >1 nrii.I. eii l^e iiiarjiiu.-. Hist
. S'.. criinH.* sli.iiibl scruiiii
griefs temporarily 1h tbe background, liolb-d rice around ihc- r-rlges of a plat i-Jmugh: each pli-ce will Iw liirloM-l di-esslng - Si-i iiism ic- till reiidy f.-r iH.llIng hoi over Hie drsitird cnriinii-«y.rni-rs. m. Pesl te- allow.
. pour Ihc pr»-iiar.-<i rhlckeu In the In a crisp brown rriist. Lay Ihe
and every aucA moment helps in light '
I half lull wiib oii'iiu-al. Hie ends
Ik-i-s. tomato.* and onions, seal and
Ml Ibe bnrdcm for tbe next moment,
<1 up Mild Hi. n laid away to uae
c made of <1
M-i in a cool place.
Di-llcloits pickles
chicken-on a platter and make a
Chicken With Pork—Cut op Int.
and evcai emuae the Icsaer carer to cn-qiiln-d. I'c. iliitm as a apongi-.
Green encumber pickle that doe* keep it eli-an and sweet.
mre. using the melted butler ihings Iwsirtes riicumte-rs—chi-rriii
knqw how to at-bvi only Hi
fliely dlMppear. Tbe pnasllHllty lies pieces a chicken which is too large «i In the dripping pan for a foundation. plums, Reckel pears and w ild crab a) not hav.. to te- eo.iki-d and the viiieiniri*t and miwt whtil.-snme f.ssls h
wttbli Ibe reach of earb one of us. fry. and put the pieces in s luiking
I lop of the stove and allow pies. For these scald iiliUI fhe ski garooi <-vi-n h<-aie.1 I* sliiipli- lo make,
of klMiwInlge that any woiumj
and the rcanlt wU^make not only nur pan; add-a few sllcca of fresh pork. 11m- Imtier to Ixitome biasing hot. then
s. Ihi-n remove wlili a penknif. and wh.m mad" I* eri*p and hrittle.
te proud lo ptU"'e''s. but H.l
aall ond |iepiKT. pour boil­ aild two tablespoons of flour and a lib­ {lack In Jars, ami pour in.-r incm
•wn Uvea, but tboac of all around ns.
It Is eallrd Virginia pickle. In a threeveil worth tbe Hving and bring Inio ing wauy around them, cover the pan ra! seasoning of iio|iper and salt. well sw<i-'i-neil vinegar, cs.k.-d wilh gallon Jar mix on.- galbui of strong knowbilge will roiint for Hub- In th<in-lfss or Ignontni
tbe bemte the true spirit of .love, and put In the oven; when Ibi- pleees When sUrref^ smooth pour In one rilD iplci's. W^l.-rmelnn liml sh.iul.l te- vinegar, .mi -half pint i>f salt, ihnlo wbal is r<-<| (•> keep this I
which will make the "kingdom come ate broirned on one ride, tnrn them
IHiiipds nf brown sugar, two oum-i"
im. Ib-ai till wr; smorib wiili iu 111.- IIkI. Panpun- and unratitamlnaii-il from
when done, take out lire meal,
cm enrth nvU la In heaven." 8are4he
- whisk, then siiain over ili<- Inin liuig piiee*.’ cook In wal.-r miHl i-acli i»f black pe|i|>er. lirowii ginget
maik.i unlll i
and make a gravy by browning a rhlcken. Garnlkh with parstey.
mustard *<-i-d. mace
lender, then remove tn the sw.-.-l<-n
I.ISC.-.I ii|H.n the tab!.-.
ifiil of flour In the imn. pourcloves. hmsi-'radlKh and nllsplr.-. on.'
Chicken in Jelly—Draw and rii-an a spicid viBegHr. an.l e.s>k iiAitl it
Tbe true ari cC litrlng well U to rise
Th.-n- nisv te- some exenw fu
sweet milk and stirring mill b ehteken and cm it up with the c-xn-p. It should (Il VI |M ,awki-.l in sail half l*ix of griumd iii.istani, a littlabove our dally can-t and trmihles.
woman wh'. d.s* nnl kietw how In
il p«'PI"’r
"ii^-hBlf dozen jM-pp.-r
llon of Iho breast, which should Ne water for a few fan
ft' ibU 1 do not mean in neglect our Is of the right consistency.
Jirtcy Js-e(«iealy a l.-iiJ.-r rr
sis, pi-el lhn-<- dozen onion* ami
rhlck«-n Pie—The Ctrrrle ersrks net l«-fl whole. Put the pleei-s In a sle»
’ AuUea. It la oely by doing them dalv.-gi-labl.* or .rterfw. fruit,
It Hi'-m wlHi flesh.eucuinhers. Ju*
: ly that we ever get them dune. It iK^ for their ilelleate ebleken pl<- iuu> with the liver, heart and glssard
Whipped Crei
ran te- un shadow of exciiw for
>m thi- vine, wa*hi*l and wiped dry
tnmeUmea lake* Ibe magnifying Tbe following recipe Is nn«- long tried idd two iKiy l•■av<•^. a sniall liuncli of
r Ihnm- who an- so foriimali- as 1..
oiiimi .who store* her fo<id away
KI Hie Spln-d vinegar, using enough
of Imagination to And It, but It is only and approved by those qiM-ens of th parsley nnd thyme, anil half of
pliTity of civam oar nf lh<- h»iis*a dampctnscl
rty iMinry
Bweeler when U Is found. When t •ulsino: One chicken, one onlott. ou' lemon: po ir in water to euv.T,
kis-|Htr'B chU-f prcdili-nis Is i-asilv ruriimlH-rs to flll the Jar. Agitate Hi<
11 siui'lhng n-frlgeiaior
waa a little giri and hadrio wash the abimpowifni of flour, one sprig eaei to taste with salt and pepper, and boil milKil. Tiirn- an- many rxc-i-dingly pickles i-very olher niornlug for »•'»
nihs Iff unlit nail wiaih.T
diabea I arranged tbe knives and forks rrf thyme, parsley an<^ hay leaf.’pi the chlckeir very g.fltly until lender. dmplr di-s-scrts which can te- pn-iarcd
HMiactMid Notea.
liaslo. Clean, cut the chicken -shrd IFhen euoki-d take li out of the liquor, quickly.and with almost no .-(fon. Th- n.mi-s. Tb.-li' a.Id liHiti- sugar
almg the Uble like the keys of
Always Ii.-Bl m-w iron.' kiirh
a pmno. and It was not little Mary paste. Clean, cut. season ihe chicken cut 'the meat off the lurast In four DrsIgniT tells of some of them as fnl- the pickle*'have a pl.-aHalil tasO
•ly gtadiiaily- at flrai. as t
Brown who washed the cups and'ui With salt and p<-pper. Chop Ibe onion long strliis. anil cut Ihe reniiiinder of
will pr.-vi-ni rracking. '
the meal Into srosll plen-s. Put Ihr
tm. but It arms Jonny Lind who war- floe, pnl a lablespoonful of lard
Th« Ceoking of FnilL
Have \-iiiir CTi-ani |s-rfi-cHy • sw u-t
Wlirii making gingitr snai.* add
Med such benrenly airs and played Ihe kettle and when It Is hot add th- l>on<-s luu-k In the caucepan w1ih luit< mid raid. Plan- liv a coM Ik.wI and
A iianigrapli wlilch has hc-n gohii t.-a>p>Mmfiil of vinegar and *<-.■ wl
ber own accompaniments upon the onion. U-i II brown slightly and add A ounce of gelatine that has Is-en dli
VI- te-Ml.-r cold alwi. Always, whip he rounds yalh. r exii-nslvely. say an liiiprov.-mivil li will mak.-.
Candidate for Renomination
solved In a small (|uaaliiy of walei
knlvea aad forks. It was not Mute
informs th. hrt.isewlf.
■am te-foie pufllng In flavoring or What to
on the Republican
mixiutv brown, then -add t
Mai^ Brown wbo dried the plates so
gar For simple dessert which may hat a llnle smlii isalctetuKl >< . ... ___ a llitle salt add.-l. It
Ticket for
minutes longer. Siruin Ihe llqwir te fixed in oni- large dtrh or In Indi
rarefuliy and iben tripped gsyly back rbirken. later the herbs and when
. te-ing cooked I
ii-w-iil fnilT wh.'
brown prnjr over It three cups
and forth to the cupboard with them*:
through a Ji-lly lag and sufficient tldlial illshcs or cups take sllri* of lesM-ns ih<- quant
*ligir required j ^
It was Fhnay Elsster charming an unKimnge cakt- or lady-flngers one <ir
sweeten It..
I water with .whieh wlmh
l\'h<-n tbe J<-lly has s.-l, arning.' days ohl Ifn-sh ones will nut
. seen andtenee with a new. graceful Imfl. season again and cover, letting
While this I* in
it Is equally 'he
,, ,q|,
; dance. When, as Man^ Brown grew It simmer until It Isjendcr. Make a nn Ihc lop nf It a devire tn bard bolli-d pise- them in teitiom »( dish apd far. that the ateiunpllsh.-s H.I-] .^o reuKiv. match marks from a
from the Grand Travcfie
older aad scAool Ufe weighed bcavily crust ot four cups of siried flour, on- rggs. put the largest slice of chicken moisten with fruit Juice. Thi-ii pul
rcs.i1t by d.*iroying th- aeWIty of th.-;
surface, first rub with a cut
County Uiiirict.
pound of hullcr or half butter ‘and In Ihe center of the dish, arrange tutniupon ber. It waa Luatea Ateotl's '
a apnonfiil of strawberry or raspterry
I rag dipiiKd^ln ch-ahalf
who recorded ber walls of dca
r>f Hie other slices arnimd ii. |siiir 11 Jam. On this heap the whipp<-d
flavor ail.-, to an exte,n injured,
cup of tee one egg. Bake the iDOlher layer of Ihe Jelly, and h ave i
in the Uttle diary earb nighi.
prev-rw to which wsla hi\ te-cn'ad.!
i. mad.- by grtn-Iii
flavori'.i family U1i|i vanilla
for Republican
indw crust flrsl. then pour in the until set- Then pul in the rematnde
even -last wlater when It began
rrm*..-! ,s.
mond. Pm one nr two drofu of Jam ,d U rather flat and --b't'j
Nomination lor
chicken and hake until Ihe uppi-r crust Of the pleei-s of ni<«t, arrange tb.-ln
snow noon after the weekly «
on top of cream. Hi.-n m-i away ou lev cimpati-d with on.- whieh b made -ti
was npea the line, and the tired girl is brown.
tastefully, pour the n-raainder of
.intll V.TV CObi.
iirowp shin removed.
came to me to see what a
Chicken Fri'lers—Heat a pint of Jdly carefully over, and pm it In a
The wise and Iriily cvimomlcal' Wa’. r should P«-ver !}•* 'te-d "n
When ra.n- flesh rasplH-rrt.-s are not
dcM about It. "It was no more I that milk w|ih.a slice or two of oaten: (mwi cold place. When the jelly Is firm dip s* larc-^ir as nire av they steuild U-,
-wlf- will not 'd.-siroy the
burning oil. as It Rpreads the flame,
dish in warm water, wipe It and jiui them In a Imw! an<l mash thor
did it" than Pant. They had to b< logciher the yolks of Jhrec eggs and
li.iil' and -pl.-ssing < llsh of • Dry sand shiaild is- osed, «s this
I the ronienis over cm a dl*h
brought In wet. edd and with mnti three tablespnonfals of flour with milk
■>1 Ir.i;t in ordi.-r’'to i-ff.-ct s suv- tlng.ilslii* the flat*!- immediately.
isighly. Add p:ilviriz.d -i:gar and k't
despair hanging over their vartou; eimugh to make a sraiailh |>asle: jroiii which is a folded napkin, garnish with;,„,.hne. wm,,
D very, very small.
Alaays m“tr a little ladling war.-,
phyaSognomica, and for that day and the hot milk «m this mixture, and
few sprigs uf parslreracid. such Ss cr«n- into the mixing pan and .ozver it tor a
slightly When n.-arlv sHTf.
Chop SiH-y—For those who wish lo' tioitr in your fruit aa.l te-si all up t.s
night must adorn their ironing-rack, alrain Into Ihe douldo Isdieri cook tin
irraiiTs. g.K.*.-te rrii-s. few minui.* The steam will w.fte,,
ebalr-haeks. and riolbos llnca. But It
twelve minutes, add a little mus­ experiment with a typical chinefedlsh gether. When tboroiichly mixed, turn.
.will cal! for less
it win readily wash
was Ralph Waldo BmetM who In tard and salt, a lump nr two of hnil;-r
■ (ollowing roclp.- il. given; Cut the
a a cold glass dish and pu> on m- 't'tec II 'hey ar.- pr.-pared in 'h. fob;off.
at froai a half chicken into strips
spirit hung tbeatr rIoibM to dr.r. and and a pint of cold l•o^ed rbtek<-n
11 ready to serve.
j lowing manne;: Af’ei washlos the|- puriag ,p,.suing ..irn-iver
chopped flne: pour <wt inlrr a pai
inch brag; slice « Urge onten thin;
duty and b*uty were eombiaed.
Another deliclons d.-ssen has cake-jlrult. llx"'' " ‘t »n agate k<i’ may te washed in a te.w1 sod
**0001 yen think I felt repnid for gi-l cold, then rnl ont into si
soak a han.iful uf dried isiishroonif for
Wilh ck-sr wild wa'-r.. .Set tli- dib-d by wrapping ih.-m around a
lm|»na(it tnxrv-dicnt.
i In water, ihc.i remove th- Small rpraige cak-s teMigh' at tbe lia- ketib OV.T the (Ire qnd bring thi- epn- gloss fruit -Jar, prr-;-slng luch littitmy effort to do it pteaanntly and squares, dip in beaien egg. roll In
stems; cm a stalk of celery in'o inch ker s for « pt-nny apiece, or lady-fli:chhe'rtnily when my own dear little crumbs. sndTry in deep tei
qulckly Id the teilllng point; point while wet
Pall-*—Remove skin from lengths: wash and slice six Chfnesc
r kissed mC good night and
off the wafer, and then set the
are best, as they dry quicki-r. If
A syrup made of grannlatod sugar
r* Slowthe chicken tmill done,
said. ‘Mamma, you're not
cold chicken and chop fine, .adding a potatnes.
ike d«e* not cram Jn*i right, put Vrtlle where 'he fnih
and hot wuier will te- foimd an Imyou* Ton're just like a
When Rule salt. Prsmire a
hut not brosn: add (he sliced onion*
the oven, broken In piece*, andl’y In th- usual way’; a.rdlng only .pnovcnieet on Just >he plain Sugar for
iwn bufier. adding
and cook fur live mimitea: add the
mV (my, taller than !. came to me tu rich drawl
while o
. . '
can te crumbled as small a.<
\ ei
enough water i hecjtrthc fnii'- ftc
»wei>'im,mg l«»d tea. in which
talk ever the momemous subject of
ms, then sHr in enongh Cbi- desired. Kei-p these crums on a dry | burning. Add s *r stiffieP-ni to uia
often d.»es not mgli
uce' tu make the fugredieni* dish. Then whip cream—not vcr,.-, the preseiv. pa raUIi-. »nn df* not ad««Mte at school. *Resolved: That win­ flne. a iitiie chopped parsley and the
Do not lay-ifie acrobblng brush wilh
Add a tittle water and s.ew Cliff—flavor It with a liberal quanMt.v 'the sugar rmill M ‘he (nill
ter is pteaaaater than summer.' >t BM!Bi df the cfaickcB. this mlxinre
,the hrlrtles upward. The water Is simlnmse. Put itvsdbe ceterr. of maple syrup. Then pour In the'removed from the fire, sn-e l.-»*
waa aach a good Ume to talk over almost boll. Have ready sorae pafe
jnio the wooden par
WbUUer's 'Baowbouad' aad bunt out pans of rich paste baked ready for use then tbe potatoes. Cook (or a fern cake cnim* Thi* win make the mU n-jolred than'when the sweetening U
britoles xtry soon beinDia few cfxtracis from It. Wh«a tbe ba­ Remove covers with edge of knife, fill minute*'and thicken with a lltib- lure BO stiff that you may nm te able rooked with the fruit.
'.loose. AUways place it with tbe bri*
by of the homehold put her soft Ht- with tbe mixture and arrangi. on a Ik floured waler. Serve with boiled rice. to finish the beating with the whip-' The JuiCe or safer thi' wa. pourtsfl
Ue arms abont my eeck aad laid ber pbttfr. in hnklog the crust ahelli Chinese potatoes are t*ot tmllke the per. In ihU ease use a silver *pK«offthe first can hr made very.-----------------------HtUe brown bead npo«.«iy ahonMer put a square of state bread insMe. American variety, hot the Chinese and sUf Tlgorously. When thorooghiv cold, sweetened with sugar and served j ^
For Btimmw SathlrvQ.
aad said. ‘MaauM. lean yonr bead on wbteh nay be removed when ei
sance am only lie dutdteaied by mix­ nixed, put inio separate gla*
Sevenj Years
Ia«* disbe*
labe* a* •
a drink: It
it may ai-o
sl-o tete usen
used ut.
In. DnrtBg the-heated term, t B rough .oevwai
lestra Kenrtoe
.-*i fiver as
«o Ckrrk.
my ahoaUer aad tel me tore you'— are teoeened. Replace covers aPer ing tcmMher a Uute of every “botTn- or cup*. Put a small bit of tan Jejiy place of water or milk for the foonda-’j^ly and August, frequent bathing i«j Trwaurpr flix! ^ppmfor of
m royally
rayaRy I was tevod!
loved! And iConMn'i fllllng plates.
gredleol tu be ftuind in I1m> pantry.
—crab apple If good for fW*,-ln ib- tion ofa pudding sauce, a little sugar hot only desirable, but aecesaary. Too
Lone Lake Townabip.
frted Oiirken—Clean and dUjoInt a
lender chicken, and soak la aall water
(or two bcMin. Roll each piece in
dit in beaten egg. thea roll in
cracker erumba and drop In boiling
Fry antli browned on boU aides.
Berve on a flat platter garnltbed wlib
sprigs of parBlcy. Pour most of tat
from frying pan. thicken the temalnwltb brown flour, add to It'a cup
of boiling water or milk. *
Cblckea Conaomme—Coc^ a fowl In
auffkifnt water to have one quart trf
broth: cool the broth, remove the tel
and clarity.' Cook two ublespoanfuls
of line tapioca until transparent:
to tbe broth, with half a icospoc
celery salt, a dash of onion til
sired), and suffk-ieii’ sail and pepiHT
I season. When ready In j»erve. add
cupful of hot cream.
Jcllkvi Chicken—Cut Inio small
plRces tbe meal of a boiled rhlckeu.

Hmmi Itt amtr't UMi

James H. Monroe


Member of tbe


Sylvester Brown


Mm HHp N««Std.

Tbe aaout or mmJl hanrlM at tbe
local poitorSce ba. Increue4 lo aoeb
an eziast that another derk U hadir
Deeded and Poaimaater Carver baa
Bade aiipiieaiiao to tbe forernmenl
for aao^r emldore but wbetber tbla
«in be alloved'or not la not hoova.
At preeent the force la working abortbanded and there la fome ddar lo
dlBtrlbMlnc the Vtall. apedallr (be
aaeond eiaaa natter. Id a abort Une.
\ this will be remedied and
everrihlnc wMI be idutIds ahms Saely.

bin la tab dutiea.
An Every Day Stage.
lie Old Hlaakm at
driver, aurted (hit
a weeAnaklDE
weeinnaklDE trips
erery day after aeveral moatba of
tbiwe Irlpa a*week only. Thia
looked opoo vety favorably by fann­
ers. especially thoae U«ns
Mlaaloa IS the atnee roirte girea them
______,, their tradlnE
ibrouEh Mr. Parker and does sway
with the kmc drive to (own.
- The stage Is roomy and will accomtnoiUie a larte number of
rge mount c
beatdea a tnirwiaingly large
tratKht of which ther« U a ^30d deal
handled. espedaUy In the small fruit
seaaon. The trip Ukea about three
bonrff and If a very beautiful drive
• akmg tbe bay to Bowen Harbo/ and
then aerasa country to Old Mlaston.
Tor the Camp Meoting.
Northpon. Mich.. Aug. 7.—Preparattea are now preeUcnlly completed
tor Ihe great Indian camp meeting
which opens hm Friday. The Rev. 2.
* Tt. Oeefa has received a letter from
Mwi. F. C. l^enpp. United Blatca eomRlaslotter of Indian aSaln of WasifIngton. D. C.. that he will arrive Fri­
day evening and remain over until
Saturday afternoon. Mr. Leupp has
charge of all the Indiana in tbe Unltod
Stales and Ibom of the best aniboriUes
on Indian aSaln In the country. He It
a w^I known magaalne writer and U
I In'all matters pertaln^g to the Indiana. He will atop
h^ on hla way back frdm Seattle.
Mr. Deeta Is also In receipt of a
letter from tbl Rev.
Thomas .of Odena. Wls.. a native
se-nf -mwoi force and ability.
knowB ■nwBg tbe Indians aa Nata-baynay-aab. Hk Is a unverirtty graduate,
a hymn writer. Interflreter and translator. Ha Will have charge of the
Snbday morning the Rt. Rev. BIsbop
AtwdI wlll'ooiulnet the service and In

Tefaldea of all aorta from aev busc>»
to rieket)' old tonber vaaoaa.
Bverrbodr «aa bap|>r and bot. verr
bou Tbe band played and the aniall
bora ran around (be drde of tnnalciaaa while their bin atalera chewed
rum to tbe mualc. The procram waa
in the hands of aereral commltieea. mil
of which were under the direction of
G. A. Biirham. There waa not a bitch
in anything and ifac evenU wore pulled
off aa adverUaed.
The earoralon tmln which atartW
from this riiy was packed when It
pulled up lo the neat brick depot at
Buckley and ibe visitora were met by
the recepUon committee with a large
o drawn by oxen and somounted
by a cage in which were eeellDed tome
of tbe *ild animali found in the Wesfnrd woBis. namely a large Newfound­
land dofc and «ome bantam cbickcna.
In front df the poslofflce D. D. Walton
lied th« wagon and welcomed Ihe
^Nople to Buckley. Mr. Walton said
but a year ago there waa mrthing there while now there is a pivs>B village with more Indtisiriea id
aigbi. .
Tbe athletic events were hotly con­
tested and tbo ball games drew large
In the morning (be Grawn aeconcl
team and tbe Buckley team crossi-d
baU. the victory going lo Buckley by
score of 21 lo 3. The gam.- was full
of Interest though too one sided to be
fast. The Grawn battery waa. Saxton.
Morford and l4lerson while Voli
Hasa did battery g|ork for Bi
In tbe dftb Inning. Harry Clark,
tbe Grawn dm baseman, fell In
eonvulalon and was forced to leave (be
After tbe ball game the crowd hur­
ried to tbe grove wberc the ox which
bad been roasted whole, was bejng cut
farm of Irving Brigham the di^beforcand ffnlsbed In tbo village Sat­
urday morning. The meat was free to
alt and tbe'erowd walked around for
nearty an bbur with faces smeared
with the fat of tbe ox and their mouths
full of the lootbaome meat
The flnrt evmit after dinner was the
free-for-all horse race In which James
Lemcool's Billy took two oftbe (hrtv
bmin by - a neck over Frank Mid
daugfa'E bay. Ivan Ktdlngg got in fof
a straightaway track and attraded possibly more atl.-nlion iban
did any other ol lb.- eveats.
After the races the grove exercises
were held. Two siK-akers were pres­
ent. Hon. Ferry K Power* and lluu.
Fred C. Weiuore of Cadillar. «li.
Powers made a .very forceful address
dwelling on the characlerbtllr Araersm which pervaded (be stir and
predicting a brilltanl fuluit for Buck-

Ullled. Thu Bnlsbed the sewing until
the last iDBlug when Heinlyre swatted
one out over iliird and circled the
Imaes for a home i4n on error*.
Boifa pitebera were in execUent oondiiloo. Stover and McIntyre each pul­
ling away four men wbiltf the former
lei two walk and gave six Uia while
"Mac” gave only five.
Kruupa made the only two-base bit
of the game failed to score.
Pierce's Com Hnskers played at
Honor yesterday and were defeated
scon-of S lo 8.' Gibson and Rosel
• the local battery and dyring tbe
e Howard and Gustan IsMb of Ihe
two-base hits. Tbe
local team duos not (••ol satUfliM with
reatnent received and leets a*
Ibuugb the game should bare been
The Bast Day team has a hard luck
story also. They went lo Elk Kaplds
yesterday Id a lug-tnd stale that not
of Ibe Elk Ratilds team came
down to see If (hey arrived. MoroIhi-y say they ha<l to i>lsy the
umpire, tmn of (be cement euiui>any's
team and part of the Iron comisuiy's
Tlie game resiilie<l in n score
of S lo 3 In fsvor of Elk Rapids. 1>e
Bast Bay boys say that what bun
them most was tbe fael that the ladle*
wlio aceom|iank-d (he team'and sat in
(be grand stand, were nut well in^att^.
Will Use Blackberries.

Tlie Traverse City Canning eompany
1 preparing to preserve wild blaeliberiies-un a large scale and are in Hie
market for all the wild blaekberrb-s
that are offered. The crop this year Is
be very large and tbe canning
:y furnishes an cxcelli-nl
•niey art
kel for tbeso b
se of slxli-eu
ferlDg 00 cents
pruponiunale price
pound delivertvl al Hu- factory. This
about a hunilre.1 bi-ro’ pickers
secthm of the state. Heretofore the
only market has been through the
shi|>ping agents and iimited local
trade. In case of shlpiting. lielng
iwrlsbable berry, the pituliicl is olion
seriously damaged beftire coarlilug
tbe buisidu markets, this limlllng tbe
price and tbe demand. Tbis
celleot opportunity for l«-rry pickers
tfarvugboul (his section of ibe state
and doubtless the (mportiinliy will

Tbe prodiicis of the local canning
fsciory are in great demand and Gnind
Traverse cnniM-<I fnili* are Im-Iiie re­
ceived with favor all over the country
This Industrv has proved to )>e one
great value lovtbts section.

MarWat QuiM.
Tblegs are very dead on (be local
market and nothing but old oau and
mtie bay are being brought into tbe
city. Oats are bringing about » eeota.
; The cherries and betrie* are pracJeally all gone and what few berries
ire broogbl to the dly are dIsposeJ
of at local siores’or residences. Tbe
Duchess apples will be tbe next nop
and they promi to be y cry pleatUnL
•ilver Wedding.

. and Mrs. Ariln#on fitltes of
Washington street eelebraiod their
silver wedding anniversary Augast
Twenty-five vears ago Mr. and
Mrs. Siliea were united In marriage al
Williamsburg . by the Bev. Hr. Scoield who wasVrchchlng (here at that
Ime. For nineteen years they resided
near AcnH-^ six years ago moving lo
bis c^iy. where they have since im
sid<-d. Both Hr. and Mr*. Stitts have
host of friends and received many
eongratiilalluns'on the event. In the
evening (hey eutertslned s eompany
•out ibirty-five' in honor of the snnlversar)'.
Cbarle* Farkee Hurt.

W'blle working on the Pere Mar­
quette raRroad Mouday luoralug Cbas.
Parker was thrown to the ground,
striking bis head on a prying frog,
and cutting a deep ga*b.. A slight cuno r.i^lle.1. A*
eussion of tbe brain also
the (ime of the aerident Mr. Parker
was working with Ibe section gang
was handling the lining l>ar. an
insirumeiii which is used to straighten
I- track. A train coming along jiiv
this time struck (be luir, whirling
atoitod and hilling Mr. Parker.
He Is g.*lllng along nicely and t
pt-cis to- be at work w'lthin a f«
Badly Hurt.

Fred Tivai. son of Mrs. Moille Treat
trf Maple slroei, was. on We.lnes<lay
klcked in (be forehead by a horse and
now lies in a serious condition,
accident baplieiied on Hie farm of
Janies Kilbride iust we«t of the city,
where the Itoy was working. He was
silling In a liuggv reading when he dis­
covered (hat one of the horses had
broken out of the barn nnd it wu lo
his endeavor lb catch him that be
ceived Ibe kick in tbe bead.
Tbe horse’s bv>el struck his fore
beail and a splliilered Jwnc Is
picsslng on the brain. An operation
tie performed lo n-mnve this l>one.
The liuv hufferisi gre.ttly but was ennS.-IOIIS for tlic gnaicr purt id tho time

iMp and advice. One ton waa killed
iwo yean ago by llghtalng.
The fuoeral will be beld Tburaday
morning from tbe Bingham church,
be Rev. Maakstead at Suitooa Bay
afficiating. Tbe arrangements are'In
charge of W. S. Anderson.

country was matriculated from ooe at
(be (Jerman universities. After bis
return lo America be ealAred tbe Untversliy of Mkblgaii as a student and
-1867 wgs fdccttd to tbe profesaorSblp of history and EBgUsb Hteralnte
la that insHtuiion
His first pulliiral isastiioa

HU* n'lnnilred Banlect of Fraepoct.
wbo has iM-e vUliln* her couwlb. Mr*.
Ben Gbering (or a wblle. returned
borne last Tbnradsr
Roy Hoq»er to vtslllag wllb Ma
W. W. BeMIng, who Is^-wartElBg
here, spent Bunday a-lth hi* famfly M

For Y. M. C. A.
sbon vuit to Bast Bay wUb'Mr. and .
P. A. GarrisitD of Grand Rapids was New York, wbkii iwsillon be held for Mr* Jame* U Brorli at ttaal pBee.
Dumber-id year*. During tbe (wo
, the city a fep hour* Tuesday In
Julius Maraball Vtolied with tala
three years ftdkiwiag (he aenatorial
Ro) Hooper, (or a lew day*
the Interest* of the Y. M.
GarriBoa U working lu the northern term (be work lo Hie founding at Cor- Um wc'k
attenmrl of (be state and came here from
liun that ibeie was little chance (or
From bis standpoint Traverse City political efforts. At one time be was
r 10 «:
a place when- a Y. M. C. A. buUd- also allarhe l» Ibe United Stale* le­
ng is needed as much as anywhere in gation al Si. PtHersburg and. a few
shioa and »
tbe stale and in Sepiemiter an-l Oc­
> M se>4. >
tober Hr. Garrison will cover tbe
w; 8M
Smith Kealiy Co.
). to Benjamin
TUri;n>und IbuitMgbly. If proper support in reply to Wm. H. Rusttell's "Amery. I.f( 31. blocfc 2. Fmiwood
given this movement. It Is probable Ican-lNary." in lk£7 be become pites
Ident of Cun.ell univentliy which be
Uial sebapter will be
Ulrney J. Morgan and wUe lo E
The last (wo weeks in
2C, range I
September* will be given over
anixailon and tbe next month will whip of bbwSry until I'm. In that
anlah T «wan. pareeU: ...
devoted to a systematic canvass j-iwr be resigned and two years later
T. G Ffirslnmuut. «( al. to Blgto
lidtiwed Ibe neW srboid.
Ilf tbe city fur raising of funds.
Lewis, lots 7i and 7«. block 3. BayIn iwenly-tMjfr days Detroit ralset boiiiM- was catled Ihe President Whit? aide; ll«t
Marta UavU to Adam tMxon. parrels,
HiNi.AiMi anti there Is nearly a million
31. town 2S. range n . 8300 .
Willi his bisiorirBi lU.rary. etmslsilog
dolUrs worth of new -buildings
Mary Jane Fraser to Prancl* Tknrof Sii.iNHt volumes and Itl.huo pamphlets (ell. 44 leel off w sMe lol 7. block 1C.
under construcllun in the sL
O. P., T. C . 8htx>
Jackson rt*cenily dedicated a beaullfnl and iiianuNcrlpla.
Elia M Tisdale lo Benjamin ThlriDuring the following years be i
atiiieiure. while many more will Im*
by. hMs 31 and 33.
3 block 3. Fernwoodi
>e of the commlssion<*rs sent
eomplHed in the e^ing year. One
pnimlDeDt feature which I* working study the desIraUUty Of annexing
Ii.-Wiu C. TbumpMm and wife to
wav into (he new chapter* is the Santo Domingo, was chairman of tbe Arthur Lee Ibierbaeher. lots 34 and
bhiek 7. fl.. L. d Co * Mb: HAM.
mitnries In connection srilb the JuiT of public InRtntetkm at the Cen­ 3S.CllnioD
Copland and wife to NHCto
buildings. Taken willi (be parlors and tennial exisMlHon and honorary com- Pollock. na<w of neM. sec 2. lown S6.
reading room*, tbe building* make luiswkHier to the Paris exiiosilion. In range 12: 8760.
Tracy H Gllils and wife to Queen
beautiful horni** for yoimg\nicn, and IhM I'n-sideut Hays appointed him as
Elerlric Li^l B Power 4\i. wifi
nlted Biate* tnlnUier to (kenuany City
everywhere are lltierally patrcinixed.
of neL. aec Iff. luwn 2C. range Id;
A number of local business men ar and while Hiero Mr. While became ae- 81.00.
Fraiu'ls laitman and wHfe lo Lanrs
deeply Interested in Hio tuovement duainicd with many of tbe mewt prom
ivareel. *ec 31. town 27. rang#
have Apretpud their I'ntt-nilon of Inent men In that country, among
helping tbe- ibing shmg financially whom was lltoioarrk. Prom 1892 until
Fred F. Hedden and wife I
Dipt he wa.-. the United Stales minis Rpar
when once It is slarteil. There
irting. w 3ti feet lot 11. hlork I. H.
several sUes w'lilcb could be obtained ter lo (h-rmany and In ItffiC wax ap- 1. * Co’« 7th;; *Smt.
Wbliebmh and wife ro
-dman T. While...............
r(ii|!ibly. which are near the down poinied a ni<-tuU-r <iT the eommlasloo
Elenora S. Clark. parcM*. II, I..
Investigate the VenexuelanGulana «•«.'»
rn district and iileai places (or lo­
9lh; 81.200
iKiundary line. Following • tbU
cating a Y. M. C. A. hullding.
C. Happy to Smith Reattj
Tbi 3i. block 2. Fbrowimd IlM.
There are cnougb young men Vitb- again became minister to Germany
„iltk* L. JobnBon to Bmitl Reaitr
oui homes In the city and have
(fme.serv-lng fonr year*. In 1899
Co., parrels. H . U * Co.’* Hth: 11.60*.
places of refinement wbaiever
s-as apiiulnied a* member of (be
thich to spen4 their evenlogs, wbo peso- oonfi-ience at (be Hague and
who would welcdme something ot
made presltleni of Ibe Amertean
Gnd send and (here wemid delegation. *
doubt in regard to tho manner
In addition 1
In which .It would be supported When lltk-al and et
White has done much' wriUng and at
Ibe present lime devotes almost
Death of Mrs. JosapKTiii ‘Fatfir” entire time to literary work.
The following tioile<* of (be death of
Mrs. JoM-phlne Pagr. is taken from (he
Downey. CallfornlB, Dispatch.
From Tuesday’s Record:
Page will be well renieniliei^ In Lee
Miss Elllun of Grand Rapids Is the
Innau eounly as the daughter of Mr. guest trf Mrs. A G. Crfriden.
and Mrs. Joseph Deerwood, who were
Miss Esther Newhoiise of Muir I*
pioneers nt Rutlons Bay:
le gue»t of Miss Gertrude-Newboiise
• Ml*. Josi-pblue Loots.* Pago passed
of Union street.
away Tuesday. July 24. after an Hlnes!»rn Mrintonh left yesterday for
of six w«<eks. iM-iDg a siitferer from
short trip to Chicago and Hillsdale.
lyphoid (ever.
Mr. bnd Mrs. Blrnev Packbard of
"Two of her children, Millard and
I,eUnd and ibeir guests. Mr. and Mrs.
Susie, were sick at ih
Morse of Grand Rapids are in Ibe city
Willi tbe same malaily.

- Mrs. Page was l>orn at Sutton-*
Bay. Mich., in ikCa and in 1878 *be
married C. S- l*aBe of ih.* wama cliyThe ladle*' Aid gave ao ice r
For nlneieen year* they made their snelal at their church last Tuesday
s'x* w>-ll attended lor
bonie in Colorado, until about ihreo felling wh
of year They made
ils busy (
years ago when rhey came 10 Calif<*rula. 'Downey- ba* bvs*o faer home for
MIhs Leila Rol**rts of Maple City U
working fur Mrs. David Elman
twe .vears of that (ime.
"She has b<-en a kind and thought­
got tbe* Dew pbune* pul In
ful moiber and wife, and the memory
Mrs Ellen Elman of Traverse (Tiy
of her brautlful life will be forever reiurufd home Tliursdav after
(tig (rk-nda and n-latlve* at (bis
chcrisbed by her loved one*.
"The funeral service was conducted
by the Rev. C. S. Tanner In-lbe Pre»byterlan ehurch al I" u. m. Wednes
day. Many l>eaiiiirui. h.-ipfiii and coosoling thoughts were presented by

Death Rail.
Mrs. Sophia Nash, a resident of tbe
Grand Traverse region f.ii fifty years
preach. Mabf Indians wHParri«:e Fri­
The Grange Rally.

died al Ihe Itome of her son l.y»rln at
day and Sstnrtay nnd there will be v
Tbe anniul farmers’ picnic i
Monroe Center Tuesday of cerebral
' Urge gathering at the Sunday service.
grange rallv under (be auspices
nna grange will be held In this
Owing lo lack of time Mr. Wetmore
Mrs. Nash was born in EngUnd and
made no address bul extended his Itesi eity on Ralurday. Ailg. 2S. IVrmisiriun moveil to this country with her par
been granted bv (he biard of e<t
Artimr C. Loomla, manager of the wishes toward the town and Its ioenis wbi-n liiit a girl seiiMng lu Wls
Grand opera houae, and Mias Bva Mae habiunia.
ucallOO for the use of Ibe Central
eunsin. In 18.14 Hie famllv moved t<
'lla-wen united In marringe by the
The crowd th«vi proceeded In Ihe school grounds for this purpose. This Hie country near the bead of tbe bay
Rev. ^enas Coehlln of tbe Oongrega- ball park where Kingsley met and de Ik-rmlaslon is ■nwily nppr.'elnied l»
but did not like It, and went back. Two
UMSl ttiurcb Saturday evenlntf at rested (he Buckley team by a score of
naoageiiieni of (be farmer's plrnie
vears later, however, they settled
- 7:M. Tbe jreddlng Emk pUce at the
he arrangements will be belter
Barrel! was in the box (<ir
pannoage and the bride and groom Buckley while Shearer twirled for the than those of last year when the pic
In I8C1 she moved, with her bus
were unattended. Tbe happy ovent visitors. Both Pilchers Ihtew good nic was held on the driving i«rk
land, to HonriM- ('enter and has since
came as a surprise to the m
tbe Kingsley team work
llvevt there, her busliand dying shortly
trtends of tbe bride and groom, a
the city that
far superior to that of thefrt
afterward. Five sons, Ixirin, Frank
waa totally unexpected. A few
in the first inning. Judge Fred H. cunvenlence. e*i>eelaliy to those wlio Bert! John and Willard and one daugb
their more UUmatS friends bad
ime into Ihe rily by train.
Walker of this city was slnick
ter. Mrs. Jacob Stailelbaner. .survive
teklinff that the
Aa this oerasion Is one of trading
tbe right eye by a foul Ull and se­
her. Mrs. Nash had always been
r. but not for a tnonUi or more.
tor the fanners, as well as a reunion
verely braised.
good health aud was oniy wick a few
The young people will not Uri^e for
verj- detlraliie tbauth
The farmers’ race was won by Wllldays before Iter death. The fimera
a trip ht preaeai. as the groom’s busl- Ura Sanford, wJille Carl Eaat ramo In be held as nrar the busineae serilon a*
was held Ironi Ihe Wright sehoo
nem vlU not permit him to leave the seeond. ’The trot went lo Silver possible, and the presep' arrangement
house at 2 o'clock Thursday, Ihe
cKy Just yet. They will probably ukc Exeunt, owned by Caleb lla'iupion of Is wholly salisfaeloo'. I> otivlate* the
J. W-’Miller officiating.
a ootuge at ^t Bay and remain Slicnnan. and Dr. A. A. McManus with ev;ieasp of bus hire lo those whofoutu
pathetic Incident in
there neveral weeks and later Uke
it tieceesary to ride to the fair gi nunds
Red Deer came In
wilh the ease Is the fact tbit befon
"Hany beauilfiit floral offering* were
The following wen*- the results of and makes it possible for all of the death she roquesied (hat Ralph Amter
»Wle' be baa only been
the field day program;
son have charge of the arrangeniem given as tokens of klod remembrance
here since April 12. coming here from
tK'heelbarraw Race—Frank Mid- tion io do (heir trading without Inter as he had cared for two other mem by the manv friends of the family.
Jnekson. hna made many friends In tbe
fering with their other pienic pleas'■’The remains
. .. daugb. first; George Singleton.
bers of the family/
cRy. As mattNier of the Grand opera
Evergreen eenu-lerv. Los Arfgele*.
Barrel Race—George Slngleion,
bonne, he came In conuct with many
This jmthering is not confined to
•Tlit-re remaiti* to memri her deflrat; Homer Middaugh. second.
William i.yon died at tbe fi
people, nnd ail who Icntiw him regard
grange members.-as every farmer In
S ^ge. and
Rare for Hen GO Years Old or Oi-cr
year* al lii* home. 431 West Tent
him highly Under bU effleient
five children. Mr*. Harry Rawlor of
—H. Middaugb, first: A. S. East, sec- the Grand Traverse region, together street. Tuesday.
agement, tbe Grand bns become one
witb bla family. Is invited to atietul
Los Angeles. Aaron. Russell. Millard
of Ibe leading houses of tbo i
Men's Race—Wtlltam Monoid, first Ihe reunion. A <v>rdlal inviiatioii Is stae. movink here a number of years and Susie.
Tbe bride U the pretty daughter of
"The Di*|>airh Joins ibeIr many
Frank Middaugb. kecond. THIS Is Mtd- also extended to the business melt ago and selUIng near Long Lake. He
William lien, nnd waa born in Trav­
and clilxena generally of Traverse
daugb’s first defeat.
-wa* verv snocessfiil in liiislne** and a friends and extend to the sorrowing
erse City. She la easll.r one of (be
Boys’ Race—Homer lilddaugh. first City to attend and meet with the farm­ few yea-s ago gave up bis (arming family ihWr heanfeU'Rympatfay "
moat dtannlng girls of the city and
ers on that date, Th«-y art- tnvUed to
John Smith, second.
and moving to the city.
her friends are many. Nothing but
bring their baskets and laljc dinner
A Oisbngutahed CucsL
Girts’ Race—Eva Williams, first:
Theru will Ur s> prayer at the house
on the school grviiinOs and c-njoy the
Ik, Andr>-a D. White, (oimer presi
Carrie Middaugh. second.
morning at l« and the Inieftheir Start In Ufe.
dinil (il Cornell university and minis­
Tug of War—Wexford.
ter to Cr-rmany. has rented one of
Indian Chyusc Game—Buckley won
o. >h.
*11. I* ,
Miss l4Jcy C. lewis' largest cotlageis
Mora About tho Bueklor Cclo^ratien. from Grawn.
the principal -speaker and prominent j
at Cdgewood and Is-expected to ar­
"I Hke to OM a catbering pf Ibis
After tour inning* without sroi
" also]
rive next Friday to remain fur the
klod. There la aomotblBg cbaracterlsAn ekrelleni P«»-| ,ti* corning al C o'clock of cancer of balance of the summer. He will be
tle about It that Is dIstiDcily Ameri­ pul Koenig’s boys away by a score of
ha* been prepared and It goes;,he liver after an illness of two
by- bis wife and daughter
can.- .said PetTT F. Powers of CaUll- 5 to 1 yestenlay at Btiwers Harbor.
without saying ibai iheie will l>e a Mr. Hockstead leaves a family of nine Another married daughter and her two
Ine in bis address at the Buckley Har­
Tlie men came up and went down
great feast fur (be farmers ami their boy* besides bis wife lo mourn hi*|ehiidren will also be In the party Mr*
vest Carnival Satnrdsy.
In almost ime. two. ihttie order for the
city friends on that date. The ’Trat- l(«s
has been at Edgewnod
Mr. hwtTs' statemeal described tbe
Clty band has been engaged* fur
He was born In Sianek. Norway.Jfor some time and will also remain
coHbratlon a* nottalag elae could. failing to reach first base while sev­
year* ago aud came
I (or the rest of ibq summer.
AMertcan pniple they wero who at- eral limes the ladependenls landed a the occasion, and Trave.w* City people:
Dr. tYbiie is one of America’s foretamded. and their pastimes were Atner- man on the sack where be dk-d. lu win assist In their way lo make «[ country when he was 27 year* of age.
most statesmen. He siunt bis boybood
the Oftb tbe factory boy s bived their pleaxani (or the viUiors from ibe{s^,,j„g „
B pastimes. Tbe
Jyear* and ih«i moved to Bingham. at "Military Traci." p setiiemeot on
try emptied Ksrif into tbe tough bul (lr« score and two Innings later the Munttyof tbe Susquehanna
I where he ba* bad charge of the lumgrowIMi town and a crowd of neariy balloon wen I up. Tbe wind was very
CapUlD Alexander Simpson of thejbering operailons of variou* firms tor After spending some time at school la
1.000 people, a big crowd tor Bnckley. hifdi and tbla caused oonfuston and
coUecled before noon while tbe num­ amotig the Independent*. Franklin Aberdeeh liner Morat-ian baa just c -la number of years. Mr. Horkstead {tbe Syracuae academy he entered
Yale university and a fgw years later
e of the 1
ber kapi M Ibe Increase all the after- and Buff Rokp* colliding and ruiling pleted bis seventy-first voyage, having
, notm. Flirmers diove in with (beir (be tatter's ifp- In the mix up two traveled 2.00O.0M mUe* wfthont a mis­ of LeHanao county and be will be; graduated from that instltutloa. After
families and tied their h..r»e* among men crossed the platter and before hap. a feat *ui>posed lo he unparalleled sadt.T mls.sed in public tff^r* aside this Mr. White spent some time irav
from tbe many wbo nought bis (riend- eling in Europe and while In that
tbs trOM until tbe woods were toll of the end of the Inning two Bore hail^ in BriUsb marine circlea

FfiED H. mW



Candidate for Republi­
can nomination for.

at the primaries
Sept. 4th.


Are tbe only kind we oBTry in
fito(*. We Imlieve il poor
poliLY to fiell uy bot PifiBOi
of biKh clianeter—isfitnimenta that will give a life­
time of perfect aatisfaotioo
and aervice.
When yon buy a Piano of
tu yon gel Goaranteed Qual­
ity—tbe Gnar-iiitee of thin
Big< Rkliablu. Beqionaible
Among our many llo<s «*f planr«
hlgli grade makes: '

fear wwa *a

BARNES, MENOELSSOHN-each representing valw.
outside wr stores.
Our terms are exceedingly lll*ral: o


invariably fair awl honorable under all Circumatanera.
■ Lai us prove the merits of our Inxtrument* sad (be
vantages of dealing with os. A call will be appreciated-

Pluo Factorr and Genet*] Offices: letroit

Traverse Gty Branch: 159 East Fnnt Street



paTmcrse IcraW

'n>anA*r «l Ti»t«im Qly.


»oa)ii tk*v« b«eo oomet If a dlraetlr
oppoRliu daelaratioii M been made.
The trtKh If tbet a deercdbe of one
per dar lor Mrh tomafe «aa de1 oD at the reeent meetlac: t«ferred to. a aavtM *o the Mate of more
bat) tlK.ono. and Ibis cut is Ibe coat


- fllr.-and Ifra.'Jawper Udell of Mill
Creek are here ylsIUna the latter's
parents. Ur. and Mrs. Wm. Cray.
Tbe Hanlon ball
team will piay
Ktaiesley here tn a return name Aap.
letb. ‘This will be a dt?clslTe aame
and much tmeresi will be manifested.
A^ber InterestlnR
played '


t a altnilar cut made bf the

're«a.'i:iK3vi;i*a.'iit*a.'i:iKi.' Ht!. WHf!»
Mrs. J. H. MeiBBis ad family have
retmned lo Glen Hayen
pytaR ibeir
Un. Ttmley and sows of Chicaco arrived on the llltnois Saturday tor a
Tifll at tbe home of Oias. Robinson
snrtma No. 1 of the SleeplBR Bea'

boyen by. tbe discount which would

John BumRardner. who baa txf u lu
twara ooe year ago. The total Harliie
John Houck went to Biillalo yester­ he employ of D. H. Day for a numlK-r
the taipayem of the stale ibrough day and expects to reinm Friday ac­ of years, has Iwen appointed fort
>9e tau reducnlona will be noart; companied kv his wife and children.
Mrs. Lipion and son
Robert and
$40.<MXl. Corertfor Warper ia-a mem­ They will make tills their home.
Hiss Earle of Cbicafto have arrived
A, J. Alkrlahi of Summit City U lo
ber of Ibe lolDi asylum board and ba!«
and sre ocriipvinR Mi>. Upton's coitown today.
been iDSueniUl In urj^ln* economy,
lane. Wtidwood Park.
A. Hieronymus and Robert Rreckeiibut the credit for the; reduelloti In ilieh.. Is aKSlsiine
In J. Auspach's
ridse of ChlcSRO airlveri on tbe iHi
aayliita expcBKe brlongs aa well to
nuis Saturday (or Idle-a-Whlle.
Mr. and Mrs. !.<rits Mahieold
the tuembers of the aryliim board*
Mr. Fowler of CIikwro is
ness.-.! the luill R*uie Sunday txHwifD
and to the arylun manaccmenia
palnitns In town. He' nas ]usi
ilM- O. W. It.'s and KoenlR S Indeix-udpleted Wm. BeniKUi's boiiM'. n-papeienta at Bower’S Hariuir,
Sttte C.ainad a Peine
inR and inlnlinR flic'sr^uolhom-e and
Mr and Mrs.' Sovder id Atlienv have
Will iwini the M«.re and other buildAnotbej- point was paiiHsl in the
iHffj vIsItlOR Mr. and Mrs. J. O. r
ln*s for IJ- H. Uiy.
staie-s iMdwH recently, ihroutdt •’ tl*^
Hl«s neshl.- E. Farfbnt of East Eni
liaylun Schell exhlkl'id a sialk of
rislon by the Knpreme court that
plre called to town Saiurda
bar CTtSled axalnst the nillerlton of .jrn Uxl Week wlilrii measutvd nine
feel and
Inclie* in l.nrHi.
the four millloe dollars In bark
II number
AUE- 7.
will .rem|>n their from Aiisn~
rUimed lo be dite from the MIrhiican
n llth.
I.,i>iid and water drill:
Centrul railitAd. by, renson of the lime
EAflf BAY.
win Ih- Rlv< n 'tally. Ikilly mail ser
Sunday Raymond Evans went lo
that had flaiiaod since the taxes were
lice for ib:i< linx' lias l.if-n <sta|i.
Keystone to vieit his uncle and aunt.
ltslH>d iMHwf'li ti'-ie anil He- islalu:
clairnt^ to be due. Tbe |>osmuD take*
Mr. and Mis Ilexier Moiilroie.
and Ihe mull l>oai Reliance will niak'
by the rrailmad curaptny was ihsi
Ed lJu Tour of Tneierw f'ilj was
Mrs. two or tlirei' trips daily, ranyltiR mail
staters Itsrred by the statute of liml the Riiest over Sunday of Mr..and
ami paHsiwRers who »isn to Ro to and
totloBs. Tills claim was
from tbe island.
ad Urs. Wlltism Fonim and
AiiR. C.
the Supreme courl. Wbeilier or not family of Tmvhrse
were Hie
the Mate will Anally siUcn-d in Its ef­ Ruests over SilDday of Mr. and Mrs.
Farmers, ims-hanlcs. railroader
fort to oolleci the seveital million dol­ Joseph Fonon.
iKirers rely on 1>r. Tminias' Ea-lecinc
lars thniiRlil to be due from Ibe MIChlTakes Hie silne
out of
Traverse fitv wer»- ihe r:
bums OI bruises at oik-p
t’alii canmil
Ran (Vbiral railmad H Is quite evident
Sunday of .Mr. ami Mis. .
where-H U used.
tlial-cvery nvtUlsble tvsniirce of the

be Clyen on that day.

law will is- aKRreiisively made use of

Editor and Manasor
»ah 'Hhuia Ne. a



Tha Farmeitf Picnic.
Trayeme, City' with all lis natural
bMisiica la an ideal place io cmtenalc

A lar^e ctbwd

\l» city and tlw-re la nu airaln on Ha

Traycra* City

tbe aanotiDdinK terrilorr to do


that It can to nttraci the people here
ud after Ibey are Jiw. lo cmterialn
them aa irell ax posAlde.
The proposed farmura* picnic wtml.l
be an excelleni lblti« for the riiy and
for all who aiiend

There would tor

BO holiday, ail tbej atorca would be
open and those that desired to do ao

The merebanta would bene-

tt by tbe Increased




Irade and





In that dlifcllOB.

larpe crowds this year allbouitb e
•Iw boalncss haa


It 1* luterexIinR to

recall in this monerlion that tlimtiRh.

the stale campaiRn of two years

ItVmrtb was not celebralnd and a nrcal aRO H was doclar.'d b ytlielr deimirrst
anOQht of nioqey was loot to the city
its that the pmseol republlcaii
tMooKb that. lAltor day will not
admlnisiraiioB would Im con
oelMirated. the MacoalXH' meetinR Is

trolled Jry ihe raliroads and would tw

at Cadillac, and hundn-ds liave Rime fuTorwble lo hil fwllrtmd schemes and
out of town on cxcniiiloiis to jeave purposes.
With ihst deelaralion tn
mind the history of MlcblRa iiatfairs


Setilfiw’ picnic


sinew the flrst <lny of January. I9tij.

almoH a thousand TUiiora and

the will U‘ InlerestlBR for review purpoM's
farmers- picnic sboold brln* as many durlDR the eominRwldie camitalRn.
I. business
Miles Hall, aped M. one of the old­
apd dtisep should pul faU shoulder I
est men bv^be mountains of Kentucky,
the trbeel end pusb.
died Tuesday nlRbt at Bi-aver Creek.
Vole foi'.County Poor Houee Bonds.

In the little hut where be had lived

Oa tbe (oartb day of ftepiembcr. the for eiphty years. He leaves
He was the father
lasimrera of Grand Tmeeme county of descendaniA
wffll be called upon i«. roale at r’spe- of elRbteen rhlldn-n. had 230 graiiddni election lo raise 112,000 by bondtacforlbe purpose of bulldleR a poor
Bonee on tbe county poor farm

chlldrep. llbi Rreal-Rradcblldren and
ibout too Rretl cretl-ErandrtaMren.


Prank O'Brien Is lisxlns his cullaRi’
^rrlaola. This proposition is one of painted.
I). P. Hoxde ad family arc hariOR
ater importance, than may appear
their stmiw'r onllUR at tbe resort
^ fleet tboeRht. The present county
Bcbool district No. I In-Id a s|N>rlal
r boone is
meiiinK Bnlurday evenInR. Aur. 4Hi,
persons, and the biilld- and voliil Ih have a new. schoolhoiise
and are very tnade- III Acme, which Is much iM-wled.
H F. SlHei, Is lakinR Ibe
foi; the purpose. There a
froniMbe cement liiidRC at Acme and
tenes'mflmmt esieuBS
belnc it looks miich'lM-iit-r.
malntaipefl by Grand Travnw <
Mr. Champn^-. com
hlRhways starts
tf: thebe are s
hridRe at Yuba this
la Astrtm county end several Hr KalThe Acme
b«mmty. iho
will bold a meellBR Friday. Aiip. If
Roy BulW and Johnnb- Pnletpher
fMiVad tmm the county poor fund of
took In the excursion to lirad Rapid*
*W»d Traverse county.
Sunday sod reimri a Rood Hmc,
* the proposed county poor house will
The Acme n-R<ilars placed the E. R.
lip provided with eVery conyealence Cement Co. team at Acme RTOUiids
4M MUty tor (he moM economics] Saturday. Aiir. 4ih. it was a Rood hoi
Mipbrt of tbe county poor and the Rsmr for thirteen InnlURS and noUsly-s same until the end. Score by
mitl&s ef these bonds u subsoquem;
itnRH as follows:
of Ibe new poor house will
R. ..0 u 2 0 <1 5 n I II n 0 0 I—
n anmi savlOR to the county, prob-^ Acme ..IMI.i 2 2 1 ft 2 0 n II 0 2-ltl
Time, two hours.
^ly adrs thu the tniereot on the In-

aWUy purchased hy tbe board of an-



Tbe mntter sboold be mven
n Sept. 4th. hy

the TOten of tbe couniy and li is Ibe
nptnloB of the Record aa writ as the
hiMinca people of the. cAnniy senerMly wdlarineth


well, that H would

be • conree of vrlsdom lo vole these

ddpliM-. Hannii and Schmitt
Acme boys exjnici to |ilay ih.- Grawn
irday. Ahr.
Independents at Acme. Satiiri
b Elk
IlHi, and a reium Rann- with
Ids Aur. IBih.
The White hlaeb's Inlendisl to play
at Blimley Siiuday. but just a* ibey
were about In start H
lalnInR and they RBveB-up,

Abr. 7.
Tlte Ukt Navy.



John Carlisle \V«Hlm-sdny aliercKin
was thrown fn'Ui his limss- be was
ridinc liorseback and the imrse pav
a sudden lurch smi be was Hiuisn vio
lenlly tn the Rnmiid
sever* ly
He la eunfliien to bis lesl
from Mk Injurb-s.
ThiitMlsy afternoon Mrs. Fred Do[ntne of East Head recidved a lidetinone
uie>L<uiRe siatinR ihal lier sister. Mrs
Mallei Wotl. was quHt- Jow ai the resi
denie of’lier pamils.
Thursday riaiid Wllsle while I.kuIiR hay RUI one of Ids horses' fo-d
tilRht belWM-n two plank In fronl di
le barn
The horse nearly imllisl a
hisd off a bind

sister, .Mi-s.
...... Forton.
Mrs. Elmer VanWas-mer Is visilim;
>r a few ilavK wHb tier sister, i'
Jolin N. Courlade.
Mrs. C
l>omllle Wednesday eveiilnr
elork that eame ntjar l^TralllaHn^: fn
tally.’ Her son <K-iave was n-tunilns
from town, where be bad s>dd a -oa I
Ilf bay am] on
StnpiMSl liefim- Ibe residence «d U-parents ad eiinverseil with his muHiad'Was lelllng her that she hud
get Into the waRun and go alum:
Willi lilm
lilm as Ihe iielshls
liig to ciijiiy a wiiter
Ihimine. lietiiR of a Jovial disposi'ion
di io> lier llceise.
she winild nntsb
,! Is- »Hl,i
work and nit nci
lid us slihim tn less than
running towar>lx ihe hou:
struck a leaning hlicblnR post which
a largi* staple ad Iron nng
end. striking herself full lore
lower pan uf llie eln-sf. Jler li
hand. C. I.. Uomlne, was t-ii the waj
with oib'vs. among whom were Elmer
Ihuu-h. Oclave haal cone but a slierl
distance wh'Vi Eltner called his i
Hon to Ills inoHier. wlm was lyli ..
■ be ground. The whole pariy hastene.1
liMck to find Mrs. Uomine neaiiv
rtuiseions and leaning over her
tiatblug her fme In cold water was her
i^eee. Mrs. Elmer Beach, who was to
a^mpany her to the i>arty in Hic
eveninc Had Mrs 'tkimlue siriick ihe
post a few lnc.h<-s low'cr Ihe acold'-n'
wniild have had a fatal endlnK.
tyetave Ikimliie was iujureil Thurs­
day ttiuminR In allctuplInK to make a
io George Wilson’s wagon,
ras helping in bis hayiiiR.
Tbe liorsim were going qtiHe fast and
he niisse«l his foolItiR and fell iioiler

—The scientific, rKonstructed



El'-rlors of

ta flxTtv—djfirrrat 40 pwckiOR. Mere p.Uu!-ir-__________,
H*d« 4iUhr pats;
fi-w ud brii4
Iht NuriMl Bociul CacBuan.
a BsdenHod only byp It



Some ItloreBidBardains


the County


have^)een1 marvelously enhanced.
—^The new method of protection by which all dust, dirt
and moisture are completely excluded from the package
and the freshness and goodness of its contents are care­
fully preserved.
This is the trade mark which ap^ieais
in red and white cn each end
package as an absolute pledge both;
of the quality of the baking and the
purity of tbe packing.


pEgE Marquette


Grand Traveise
N'oHee is hereby

key—R.ite, S1.00.
Svi-day. Aaq. 12.
i will
-Iru-.. . -• <•;

Riven. Hint .pur-

until In a resolution tuissed by tl.-*

We iinve just
■- * r i u :i d

|t«eivei1 .t





Board of 8upi-r\Jsiirs of the aahl roiii


ly of Grand Traverse at

Cotnimalca nod Cumbina-

a meetine

lion Im-ort-ra tbnl »e are

held on the sourday of Jnne. A
l9t>C. there will U- submilted Ip the






-nu-; at a siiwclal eb-rHon lo 1m- held


in Hu- aeveral townships and wardsaid cMiunly

on the fourlli day ot

raising twelve tbouKand dollars t$l^


tVip) by loan, for llte purpose of build
In? a piMir Iumisc Jor said ciuiiiir



ly In till- i.iwnidjlp of Oarn.-bl, at n
Cheap for .-aril.


to- ImsuimI In liiviomina-

iloiiB of $2.<M>n »-acb. t»ayabli' as ful

tills sttvL

at a



- ill Hti -a CeTiHi Itolialia e.inri--:eiili'-iii.'

Til. * »dl proIJil-U

III! the iiohiiiialiou ai;aui>> Colt;:!-'

ami that Uiiioe voilng for such loan

lait Je.4.-:e Ov.rslre.-i, i-'pulienn.

L.-tu of



will be behl at



In the elty «>f

Traverse called lo*id--r by E, F. ll.d.i.'n
ler |k-\Yjlt was • h-.-Ic.I |ir.-.--i>b-til, Cuiy


City: at Hie S<>eoiid waol bull it

Si<eond wani: .at Hie South Sble pri

Malii'ii Viee pi-si-b-ni and J..M, Ciaip-


«-|- s.-rri-lary


eomer Teiiib

a'ld l;-<-:isi.4'-i-.

rmoh stns-ls in Ibe ThinI woni:

Ciaijs i

tbe Fourth »aid engine house In

l.!isi- k-ill l••am.

Fourth ward: and at the Fifth war-l



was. .-h-i-iisl Miaii»-u'-r id Hi-Tile I'uiii i-laj:. Ell;

Kapid,: al EaSl'ila* ii. \1 Sunday

hall In the Fifth ward i>f said city.
Italnl this thini day of AiiRUsI, I
D. iftOC,

ll* Wind. BWiar.


Walter W.,
M-veri'ly ihai
**7«. is-.
Chairman Ikiord of 9u|iervlsors.
mie by Mr. n'llson In bln wagon. He
111 Ik- laid up for some time.
Rolifrt E- Waller.
Mr. anil Mr* Iwvid Bimau a-l KasClerk
In Itr Rov of Old Mlxrion were tbi-'gue»-ls
rer Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Jami-x ang 44f
I). Hearh.
Mr. and Mrs. Octave hoiii.usia.i -vi
ine. Satiinlay, Aug. 4. a daugliter.
Mr. and Mrs. Hetiry It
r«aponalbl« for ohannaa tn pricoa
Thomas Holes.
Mr. and Mr*. .
Buying Rate* of Travera City Oealar*
Wheat ........................................... 76
er7-e Cfly drove u
Com. per bushel...............................
isitaioes, per bushel
* '"
i'MHl Siraigbi is 'be maiiaRer of the



Traverse City Markets

BiiMer. I

Wf will |»ay '•ixty crnls j>cr case
of --i\n-i:n quarts, or a propor­
tionate price per |M>imd, for ail
WacklMtrrifs tlelivcred' at our fac­
tory in any qu.mtity. Thecropy
Of wild berries is large, and thU
is a giKid opportunity to,,
advam.niie of it.

Traverse City Canning; Co.



Egg*. PIT dozen....
Buckwheat ...................
Clilekena. aprlng...
Hens .................................


CatOo ..................
Steer* ..................
Euey heifers ....
Ctiwa ...................
Calve* ...-..........
Hugs ................ .
Loiba............. .
Turkeys ............. .•V.'.V.”!!!!


........ St!

Tallow .................:......................
No. 1—Cured bidet...................
So. 2—Cured Hides..............
Green hides ................................... .
Selling Price.
, per barrel...........
coned at for duly. Tbe prestmee of
CMir Uiv* out of IHieen games auuii fur home, iml wi-re dlsap|s>iiii---l Clear iwrk. per pound...........
lu learn ihai the boat
had bioken
the other ships and the KupervlsioD of
John Itowil.ui and Harrison S|>cer down u' I’l-tuskey. Ihirt of them went
sMbar offleers U a exe.-lleni thing
wen- flummll CH> callers In town,
to EiHidrt- 10 lake the train, while
R>e flour. H. 1. £ Co's Rt-'t.
and with the liallallon logelher, it Is lerday.
i> :'t Weill on Hie Illinois Kaiur-lav
poMble to carry out .fiyrmailun drills
Hr. and Mis. Wendell Ramson
Mi<: slentl and
Mi*, fi.-rb.-r and MeoL U. I. A Co.'s Beet...........
le pnuid parents of a baby girl who dauRtiier Ksnatn. who have tieen vis Peed. II. I., t Co 's Beat...........
and proctlee n-pellinR actual attacks
rrlv«-d last week.
liins a- Idle-c-Whlle. left Sal-.irday fo; Krb*. per doten................................
Jbe cnilse this year wlU be mon
Mrs. Wm Wiirr.burR. who bM> becji tb- ir home in Mllwaiik.-e.
CodOsh. per pound..........................
Tfliaable than a doren years of tpuis vlNilinR her mother In E
A 1-ar.rr- en-w-ri of resor-«-r* arrlvixl lArd. per pound................................
imi-il home Thurwlay V
li^ by tndirldual shl|>s.
on tbe IHitiols Saliirdav ninhl: Mr* Butter, per pound...........................
The Infai ebild of Mr and Mrs t>-v •WoHhinaton and liauchters. the Mls.-^ Creamery butler, per pound..
is still ouiie rick
e< Barbara and Kloi.-e-. and Masier Ki Cheese, per pound................
Decrwoccd. Not I
. Clare Bnwiks U veryauch Impruvisl w ill. all ol Oak Park, h r Ui.-gory's re­ Oni». p«-r bushel.............................
etatnpenis made In s^-ra1 newv
In beailb.
sort: for Kepwoort. Mrs. Fosl ie-h New potatoes, per bushel....
piyien. last wea-k. that tbe ensi uf tbe
iiighler arrived hi the home of loau f,f |‘f;or,-inn. III., and severgi
atflla of provIdlBR for the inmates </ Mr. and
Ml Mrs. Arthur'Sloekflaeb la^i ,ahei-.. Mrs. E V. Ik>m and s»n Jack Salt, per barrel........................
Bra. per UW..............J.................
larriv d for Gh-n Kav.
thk oereral Mkbigu asyliims for Hi*- w«>>-k.
Profeosir Eiiuan. moHu-r.and
Poultry ..................................................
Robert Ketaon ta aumbered amoui '
tauiie bad be<ut Mcreoted 4»« cent
Spring Chicken.................................
the slrk.
pdr ay for s-ach paiieni, at the reoeut
Clorer Seefl-........................................
iTioMthy seed...................................
Joint meeUng of asylum boards here.


Ii2 '



No maMHi' wliai kind
you arc in ni?*:<l i»f wc
have thum for tWtfirl. tlif dinin,; roi'.m ^irl.
Ihc Lictory nirl. tho
ll": Iwtiscwife. ChiUlrcn's a|>r«»ns,
wrap|>er apions ' with
sleevrs). lariff sjy.-s.
h will in fai;i br a bard
customer lo j>lcas»* if wr
canooi Suit ihttm, with
our present sljb s. si/es.
colors and pric--s. Our
prices—I'lc. -13c. - for^.'->c
and upwards. ,

Ymi should always


iy}u.-il)y lowpricf-B.

■ ^ l’J7 Sou h L'nidn Street

A ni-stliir;^
election plaet-n In th» iuwiiRlii|>s of Kasl Bay AlhMir ^liih.
' said county, and at Gmnge halt. In the was held a few .-v.-nlnKS aa-i, Is-lm-;*
Firri ward


Tin- Kelb-y l.ujiilier A Sbiiiale e>»iiil>aii> emplo,\.-s havi-


Grand Rapids Furniture Co.


“AgalnBi Ihe Loan."

several lownslilp Uall.s or other usual


V«iur Ui-li;il»l*' I•■t1milur«l Store,

hallots "For the Ixian" and ihoso vtil

Suit now...............................................'................... ...
Suit now...................................'....................................

\vit)i sli.-i|stl
li;i|st! I
>j* KrtKret.di Ucvvl Phite IhriaN-r SAlul

sball have written or printed on their
Ing aRBinst the lo-nn shall have wrii


Soiui t»;ik .•'UH. njiuiur >111, uuw................. ........................ ■.................... .tlSXX)



nfl'-r until >aid IhuuIs arl- fully paid;


aru al>h-to

l{<-,-iil:ir $-lH.Siiit .....................................................................................

<-8i on nil t-«nds r--iiinlnliii; miiuiid on
Ibe llrsl of Jniiiiary of isieli >'--ar Hierr


Jidin .Miirhell. Hie lalmr lead.-r.
II- riihdid.ile of ill-' il'-iius-i-aiie b-:




lit re are only a few of

t2.f>M Jannni-y i«t. 1!»«. with ae-



We have pnrehord

32 1

,.<■ want lo bn* nil kinds <11 e;..|
and w-OHo-ha lom wi-ap iroa and will
I-:i' bieli-SI ea 'll price. Tiavi-ri*- Ciiv

unpai-I..nnd J2.o<hi ■with acrnu-'l Inter




thnii factory'prieefl.

eniili llii'-revt oCi nlj Inui-Is raiiuiitilng



pul them out netually less


Kbadj l.nk.k, I

City II '.F. p. No. 4.


rale <if not Ici «-j;e.-e,I five p--r ctH- I» r
annum, and



cijualed anywhere

the piiur funii DOB <iwn'->l 4>y lhi-.e»iifi-

for. ritid Uynls lo Iw-ar Interest at The




lante Iniaim-oa we

Ri< r enaliltM


I. ami
Tti-k. ’

iNindK of Hie eoimly lie 1STUu-.t then--


htivf Wn doing thin aum■


eori not lo .-xc-.-.l *l2.fti.ii; and that



•leciors of said coiintv of Grand Trav

idcmlM-r. A. P. ISliC. the qnesHoB of
V days.

Joe Holdcrofi was In townI from
Mnyflelil TiK-sdav of laai wi-ek.
A new hlRh- lioard fence rtbih-s Ihe
aUnlum is a eRcHItmt IWdr. Here
KinRsb y bawliall diamond. The bi>ys
tofore. the crplses of these naval rear«' uiaklUR \arimiH huproyeinenis in
sprves haa been looVoU upon as a their RTuiinils.
entlBC and as a good tijne but this as
Miss Josie Allen is visillns her :
■•mMy ad Its attendant drills will t>e ter. Mrs. Ann Kenta.
HiiiiibiirRer of New York
Jut tbe practical experience ibe uuivlNltinR her si)B. H. Hamburger of this
tar pea Sxhiers need.
Mrs. ilamhurger
Tbe dnUy pragrams at South Mani­ spindInB s«mie time vIkIHdr at Alan
la nro fun or hard work for Ihe blur son and is areompanied hy her son
-she Crain was
of Mr. and Mr*. C.
JnekOU ad from i-arly mornlnR until
John MeCarthy is borne from the I'
Aug- 6
Into At nli^H, they are fore«l to keep of M. He wu acrumpated home py
at IL Tbe-’drills Rone throuRh with
friend, who w01 spend some itime
ore the ones that tench them the nri
Mrs. Weaver of IMrt On-d-U
Miss Vers Wrnkocp of Traver-e
i«n Monday. '
. The KlRnai
'in Its miMlern f<i
City U spi'ndtne a few days with Mis
iicli, whooe litikl-aiid
Mrs. F. C.iK-rt-ii
drill 1
norene.’ Cmtser.
for Mr. iV>v.
Ike majority of the men wire profl
J. C. Tease is In Trsverse City iisla:
dent in this viwy nwiisary hranrb oh imslness.
Mrs. Wm Morris of Empire w.
There was a Roodly represenln'lon caliir her.- one da.v l.nsi week.
but those Bburri ooe ship were eqHvfllDRsley at lluckij-y Satmday. Tberf Kli
Business was praeiteally wispend—1
ly InckiBg. , Had the Essex betn tn
islon was Hie first omilvi-rsarv of Pridav to allow all to attend Hie < ’ '
oeltan ad unable to rynd or retiim lliickley's Idith and was iwlebraied by SetHers' plonir; the Alice J. Day m
tbe olgnala. H Is almost a eeriainty RIUDCS, sne>‘che.^ and a borbeeue. The
excursions from the mill
ball game In the aflemoon beiwe
the groiinils
that abe ud her men would imve been
Buekley ad Kincsicy resiilleil In
Ijiwrence B. Dav of Deimii arriw-'l
slim out. seore 14 to n In favor of the Saturday eveuing on the Illinois for
r mane
latter I'wm.- Bnekb-v’s laUerv wai two wi-t-ks’ slay at Ixmdel lodR'-.
Iluriell and Haas: Kingsley's. Sbeai
tOM ore ndilied
their volleys
UblllKd of

The Weseoli hiade.i wiib l-ark fi
er and Mavhew,
Milwaukee SaCiiriiav.
shot ad shell and the men an- In
The Kincsley team went to Grawn
A laic-- pariv of lesorters and 1'. dOBCPC. they are leamhiR Ihings lhaS Funday and defeated Grawn by
M. aluilenls fnini the survevor''
«UI tie VBlimliU' to them if th«v
2, Tht* makes tblrte<-n games gather-sl here Friday to take Hie Mi
forces of the Rrrat lakes at South


___ Fenton Is quite

willi tilt-

Bast Ball Beads
The season for this popular spori if
nt»w .'H its h'-ik’hi-and our slock of Mil*.
ILnis. Halls and Cliibs is a c<»mpleie tone. ’
Call h'-re for anything mtcded. Weji s
at tht; Spalding net prices.

Gt^ Book St0^
the Bfibirt Cp., Prfips.
traverse Cil9» muh.


InvilatioDs have gone
for tbe
The barge John Schroder of ManloA Biarrtaee )k«nse bftx t>eec issued
iee Is unloadlag lamW at Ih^ cpy
lo Wesley A. THple aad Miss Noni weddiBi; of HIM AltreoB
dflVBtaler of City Tressurer J. M. dock. The «tgo is consigned lo the J.
Rose Harl, bath of InteilocbcB.
lluHImanlcl. to George Joscfifa ilor- E. Grellick Co. The lumber la ajl
l^lc Bosh of OvfleM seeDlle is Mek ninih. The ceremony wlll occor Thurs- anil was brought here frum Cblcagu.
wBh lypiyild f«.nrer. He Is doing nice* day moaning, Aug. IS, at 9 o'clock at It was not many, years ago that
. $3M** ly and II Is •apcctcd viR sooi ' BL rrancls church. At » o'clock that was I-eing shipped from heie.
aronnd asaln.
it is v«-ry sesree. ouly' very s
evening a receptioo will be- ti-nciired
the happy cuiiMe at Hf East Nintli quant'ik-s iR'iiig availaMe at one itme.
Mtt>. J. G. Johnson has prwailed street.
The Schroder will take a tvluru.cargtj
Ibe ytxing men’s, BlUe Hass of the
to Chicago.
OiaOTDSB-A T™t Ur, B.
Kirst ConsreieaMonal rhorch wiib a
la honor of their iweniy-fICth
OUrnk. Sin. JsHa* T. 8a ' ~
pietnre. The daw has
ding aDolvcrBary. Mr. and Mrs. Arhiig* tad. B. C. bans. Amy
Calvcaten't Sea Watt
of lls own and the picture will
Makes Jlfe now as safe in ib.H clli '
StiU-s (91'enalned Ihlrty-lvc
add grt;plly to RS appearance.
friends at their home Friday evening. as on the higher uplands. E. W. <!*>odloe. who resld<-s on Huio-n sH-s l. in
The parlor was decorated wiili aspar Wacii. Texas, meds no sea wall lor
John F. Ou left Saturday «
Bgua and Ibe sitting room with (enis. saf. ty. He writes: "I .have nsi-d Ur.
tended trip west. Before r
:3o Ice cream and assorted nske.-. King's New niscivuiv for Vonstmip
vill visit Spokane. Brillsh Coliiml.ta.
tiou the juts' live rear.- arid n I»s'|K.
' serv(-fl. The guests til! had
' Weil anil sale, llefme ihai time I
Portland and other coast poinis.
very pleasant time and Mr. ami Mrs.
d a uuugh which lor years bad Ihvu
OU Is taklDR the tyip partly for pleav Silies reci-lved many pretty pn-sa-ni
owing worttr. Nti» it 's p«ie.'
hot Ik also Inokine up cxlenslre
china and sliver. The house wa-. Cures chronic cmiglis. la gi lpp;', croup.
Inmiter claims. He will return about Ilghltd with JB|iam-so ianteriis.
wtKwpliig cough and iireveuls ituelintoiila. I‘l<-iisitnl to luke. Kvery Irm.
Sept. 15.
Once mufr the shislh' of t|ie Comet, lb- gnarnntee-1 at JoIniA-u Itriig t'o.'u.
dyiinmitSeventI men i
A: linglR-e lirug n. 's
ownul by llodolpb Grellick. Is. beat ! F H. Meads,
drug sloirti. Price aoeaiid fl.'Ne Trial
trout In a crock near Hfe Tj*e
the Iwy. ihe lioat having Us n
bonle IOC.
Thursday TIm-to were three men In mied and put info cammUslon.
Ibe parry and It is reported that they day. a party of six was taken
from CadiUac. They gave the of- irolling and had
rs eunslderahlc trouble in arrest gelling a fine Macklna*- rroni weigh­
lin yesurvlay au<i h-fi at P Abai-gR
lag them. The trial has not yctiakcn ing (ronr five to twelve |siun<ts each
tin's fntit store. The fniti Is of lUplace bW Will .n the course of a fe» The ladles were taken along lu the i-arty Hliig slime variety tint is hyehly
RKiming and they iironghi luck iis t(i« eolort-il and of b'ixx) slxe.
men went out In the atiernuou and
JF. C. Miner, who la accused of tak­ never got a airlke, '
A Myatery Solved.
ing brass from Die railroad company.
“Iloa- In k<si> off is ri.stii- attacks of
arraigned before Judge Umlor
Socrelary- Alley of the* Traverse hllionsnivs and hnldlnnl c«nsil|>allnii
and the time of bis examination
City- Rod anti Gun club lius reeeive.1 WHS a mvsli-rv Ihai lir. King's N-w
I.lfe Pills solved for me." wtlle.s John
for Monday. Atig. 2«. He was
notice from Ihe United .Slates flsii N. Pleasaiti of Magnolia. Iiid. Tlie
Icaaed'oD isno l•all. I*, f*- tUllK-n has ci'fflmisatoii that wjihin sixty duys «
only pills Hull an- giinn>ui>-<-<l to v
iKwn scenred to defend hlm.
■ante shipment of liraek Ivass fry will IR-tfi-el sn'islaetion In everyloly
Mlner a^peara conlldeal of his ac- be sent here. The ,eoinmni>l'a'hni
does not aav how m.any but insirueis
Urag I’o.'s ilriig siori-s.
the dub to have enough rereplai-les
Several Ml. I’ltwaant p<vq>lc.
Ihe stalloii to bold ninety gallons
of them teachers In the Central Mich­ water. K Is probable thm the gr.-ater,
igan Stale Normal, are having a house poHloo of this fry will 1r- plaiileil
jmrty In Prof. G. T. Crawn'a cottago Boanlman lake as the club deslies
at LHand. Miss Woldt, head of the atock this body of water.
bioicqty department, and Miss Wake­
field of Maplewood. N. J.. piims] the
Frauk Uoe, an employe of Hie
party today. Prof. E. C. Rowe aii.d wood dluh factory, fell fmui
wife are already there nod others will whi-el last Friday, breaking his
ai... ..II__ ...
Join lalcr.
the cIIriw and
Lee was riding near liis home Iti Ibsia
James laidlow. Jr., was ofioratcit vllle and going at a fair rale of s|R-ed
upon again Monday for decaying Iwme. when Ihe fcuni ahw-l stnick a nsil.
Several months ago Mr. Uildlaw had throwing him to the ground. Air. la-e
Ills leg amputated Just. nbuvo the has had Mcveral aeeidenis of late and
knee. The wound did not heal |>rnp HilK last one (xiniing Just at this llna
erly and it was opened aiHl Ibe
Is ivartlcularly uiifortmiaie for bln'.
scraped. Today another uiN-ralhin was Hu Is getting along nicely aud the t'nInches ntorc Iwlnp Jiiry will not lay him up for any
taken off from Hie leg. No nerltms i
luBElIt of lime.
,Tbe HetnM Ia Indebted to Mrs. 6. A suits are looked for..
nk« of Cedar Riiu tor a masnlflccnt
A large niimlH-r of w'atl-^lI■l'1on^
bbo««wi of gladioli.
In the ease of Jonathan Martin A were stolciv fritm a tVre Mui<|iielie
Sons vs. W. 8. Gregory the inJiiDciiAn freight ear anil warraiils hi
A. B. Beliinger of Maple City has
rain Martin from
issiini for the arresi of II. ll.'lUwley.
p«r«baaed the antomobiJe bciangliig
work on a hotel owned by Gregory lias Sam Klllolt and Modest Klehanrs. emW the late Dr. Holliday.
Itcen dtssolvcil and work will continue pluyes at Uie Pen- ManiiieMe rutind
as osnal. MafHn was lo receive
house. The theft liRik piaec Bison
dlePter Math of Summit City Aug
July- 15. A shortage was Hrsl repnrlisi
^t and killed a large l>car. the eertsin amount at the
talmal weighing about two hundred the. fo'imdatlon. Gregory claimed the to Tralnnuister Jaua-s KcIi'h-, who tn>pOOBda He met It near the county work waa not sallsfartory and h<-hee tiOiRl the isdiei-. -Tia- IViv Munpieii.
the lujuiictlon. Tlie case Is sellled private deu-ellvt-s were also iiottflivrlly to both parties.
and arrlvisl yestciday; and worki--i oi,
ease In company with the IiM-a!
IKdlce forceoMlag Banday moping, twelve bap. nounccs bis'eandidacy for the repute
tiaed and twenty admitted into full ■lean nomination for prosucuilDg a'toruey of Grand Travem.; .coiiniy
memberahlp of the church.
the primaries to Im- held Sept. 1.
While worfcUg at one of the saws at Pratt is widely known throiigboui
Wllliama'-min Bnrt Conrtn had the
nit BMoniey. one o[
inty as
two middle angers of his left hand the Arm of Prail A Davis of this rlii
Sells Rood shoes
badly caL The woond U not aerlons He serv«<d Ibe eounly as prosecutor
but gavs Mr. Corwin oonsidcralilc from im to ms. two terms, having
gala and It will be a number of days been iwice ek-cK-d lo that office.
More be can wtvit again.
The work of pCMding bark on
Ji 8L Laula touring automobile loniagne ftirm on the peulnsiila has
owned' by. Homer Sly Aug. I made
a record mn frtyn Elk Rapids Ui Old
Mtaloo. doing the distance in an even
e tinilK'i
fWD hoora. Hr. and Hra. V. O. Whythcliarh
laad and the Misses Jessie and Bew
Whyland. all of Chicago, were also
aitons which will be carried on t!
the car.
winter. The timber ou the farm
very fine, the mapie bctiig eiceediugt>
•Inat as every liouaevife trina bnnl not to carry over to to­
a collection good.
A. Poboraliias c
morrow fooil tlidl was preptiriRl toiliiy; jiiat .ts rvi-ry farmer
acency and Insurance office In
to market hi* (Tops when tliey are ntisol. just so we make
lft. «*er the Hmnmtrn Ctathlng com­
Miss Dertha Bauman eniortalnel
it a point never tn carryover one year's sliocs into the ne\l.
pany. Mr. Pohoral will make all kinds ■me of her girl friends at a marai,
Some line* wc bouiiitt too tioavily of. otiier lities have ix-en soM
of eonecUoas and will also continue mallow roBKi on the. wciA ahore of adl beatth and accident Insurance. bay Frlilav ereiiiug. The affair
out all I tut u few pairs, and to close Itiesc out liie
Mt. Pohoral is an experienced nnd of- given as a fan-well to Miss lUr.el I’.-.
t colleHor and will u
trlii^ who haslM-cn in the elty for tin
ayke good wlih bla agacy.
]>ast few weeks. A large IsmAre
hum near the lav shore which i
Harry Decker and Miss May Pifarrk formed Into a pile of gh>«'lug nal.-.
ware anietly united In marriage by the making an exeelh-nt pare for mandi.
Rav. fr. Sheehan Angus) 1st. Both mallow roasting. All pn-sent had
f people hare bosU of friends roost enjoyable time.
WOMEN’S OXFORDS-I’aunt Uaih.-r. Ki.1 at.'l Tun.
' wko wUh them well In Iheir married
mti'le ill llio very lalesl styles ainl to wear.
/ C/1
IHe. Mr. Decker was a member of
most of them r2 mid
oxfonla. for.............. ^ i >0\J
Company M and U employed' In the
pMmblng departmcnretibc Hannah A
WOMEN’S SHOES-CiiantnU-cO to ;
Lay Mertanlile company.


I nr M mm4 M uw DOMits

Tailored Suits
Covert Goats


I’eoplc responded >o quicklj- when wctold them they
could have Suits and Coven Coats at half price that our
stock is very much depleted, but there arc still some
excellent bargains left and wo feci that wc cannot urge
you too strongly to buy now. This means a saving that
ydu should not pass by. You are not urged lo buy an>-thing old or out of date, but new, clean goods, the lioesi
garments offered in tljc markets.
This otTer is not good any time, but only a short
iline now. Can you afford to miss it?

Suits Half Price
Covert Coats Half Price

Clrculition this week SjOOO

J\, U. Frlearicb


Price l)a$ Been 0ut

Co Ce$$ Cban Cost

S. W. Case, a praciiral stage
ager of Jaiktai. has takeu a position
at the GmiL Mr. Cas»- hsi. Iwx-n wKli
PHum A laomls tor the ps»' elgli'
years and baa had.'expcnence in i
the large booset. The addition of
practical stage manager to Uu; force
wUl make the handling of the larger
-praduHioas moHi easier and better for
all concerned.


J. Roacoe of Norwalk. O. la In the
Hty vWttag his bmtber. twclna. ol
BaMtani A Row«e. This Is the flrsi
tlate tliai they have seen each other
tn foorteen y<«rs. When ^ Koscoe
last visited his brother at Norwalk he
waa forced to leave him la the midst
of a aertous lllnew and never expected
to aee him akalB. He recovered, howenr, but >-ean> passed before ihe.v
woald' meet once mtiie. Mr. Plsher.
IbsgwUle lain Air a mitnlior of days.

Weak Lungs
For over sixty yetrs doctors
hive ehdorsed Ayer’s Cherry
Pectoral for coughs, colds,
veak lungs, bronchitis, con­
sumption. You can trust a
medicine the best doctors ap­
prove. 'Then mist this the next
time you have a hard cough,
wills? K4SW-:-«77':/“.’vKJ
a*.* S ra«k.-~aiM M. MgTga*.



MEN’S SHOES- I’.itcnl Colu Ki.i and Calf, made
or h- avv soh«
lllnclier or rrnjiilar styles, in either iiirht
lit these at $::.00 and S:i.‘lO.
You can't beat


Women's Patent aiel Kid. $2..yi shoe*.......................... $1.98
Women's ouo strap Slippers, hand mmcl........................ 85c
Children's Oxfonls. extonsion soles.................................... 69c
Children's Shoe*,-■> to N cwl wearing.............................. 58c

nsk 8b«ut Our Shots lor gulHoalina

Beaytiful Upholstered Furniture
The linest that is displayed in the city. Wc look, to the quality first—price is ;
secondary ccuisideration.
deration. That’s
l liat s wliy
why y
II cvcr>Thing you buy hci



The newest patterns in veloui^. tapes­
tries. car plush .md velvet, and the prices

"That are so stylish and so comfortable,
livery house should .have one. Prices



......... $9-50

Nothing so line has ever Ivvin seen here.
Wc arc selling many
any ol
of them 'Hiey
I hey aare
in mahogany and
nnd silk velour. Iteaiilifiil
goods. I’ri :s for the three ftieces are
$7:1. $70






The chair that is’so comfortable. Wc
have so many styles, every one a beauty.

You need them .everywhere, and these
arc the swcllcst ever displayed. New
shapes and the finest upholstery—$'24.

$lS.7.j,$l.*..77j. SI-L-%.

...... «$6.00

Beautiful Dining Furniture
Tile diiiinn room ihouli! lie as handsomely .ipd conveniemly furnished as any room
in the houie. You are there .'ai thousand time-, a yea- Wc hclj)
y*Mi with
'‘*the finest furniture: tthat is manufa



That most useful article for your fancy
china, silverware, mble linen and
glass. Wc have some l»caiiiiful
il go
rier-sawcd oak and
at iinesf finish.
Sell, at Sir,. $:}:). 5:5",
SlS-j'* a.*it!............................... ^

Such a display and ibc linesi goods that
money can buy and, quality consideVed,
they are ihcchcarwst.
c sold insms' of six for
Sis, g4,25
$1-’, Sin. $.7..VJ and.................


You want and
id yo
you want them good. We
chrr>- ail grades to please all people''
The round with the heavy center pedesfive heavy legs, the
tal. the sfjuare
r ior>s. I’ri-.


That arc such an ornament toi any dining
roorp. and aid you so much1 in
m serving
your meals, just now we have three of
the finest on the market and
sell lor $:-5,
$21-75 and.,


SI2, lUand..



6rand Traverse Region.
Mias Maggie Elstncr of Trarerse
City went to Grand Rapids Sunday to
stay a week vislitng (nenus and rclaUves,
Aug. «.

1 ajd H. <'■ rate
attended Post mccllng at Hbple City
.. B. Cate and W. O. IHcitcnnaji
lendod the Uaceabee .vv-lew at Maple
Aug. C.
Saiarday OTentna.
r neighborhood was well repre>UNTY LIME.
rente.1 at ihe Old SeUlera’ picnic al
I elect •
Burdlckvtlli' lai< Frlda.v.
illty last Fridav aP
Fall grain is all aaenrad and aiime
bare their peat in: oats arc nearly tit noun, followed by heavy vind i
rain. Ur. Colvin's bam was struck
Rachael Herrington relumed Salui by lighinli
day from Mt. Pleaaani. where she has jraoil 10 the ground.
The MIsves Llzlu and Hulda Bra
been attending ibe State Normal.
who have been visiting Mrs.' AI
Etnna for the |»ast week, have p-Mr, and Mm. WHI.All«|re dime up
tiimcd lo Trnverse City.
to Bib • •
■ •
Ice cream social al the FlamMr. and Mr*. B. U-wta drove to
sey srhoolbouse last Fridav cveuiu-.;
KiDcaley Saturday, for a few days' »
ti with friends and r^latlvo^.
___ ...
A jolly load of yoan* folka fn
Ildren. In
and Mrs. iMvann- of New York
and Gordon, are siwodlng a few da
Islilng Tbtir daughter. Mrs. Will
, Andrew Umlor-s a week ajto Saturday with relailves In Petoskey.
and Snoday.
Frank lionnor left for Reed City 8
The whistle of the Ibrrsbing mnCbarlle Ellloti has an aunt from
i}- to altcnd the camp meeting Si
chine can be heard In this nelghbortiayerae
Oty rlaittaK htmaolf and
,........... aty
ly. He w
• ,
Me for a few diys.t>
W. H. DUon aceompunied bla niolbs^'Mra Will Alltilre waapn BIk Rap- cd camp mtetlDg at Htfed aty last
cr to Brown Cliv last Monday, wher-r
Mt callor Saiarday.
week. .
- d Mra. C. DIkrtt went So Traverse
Mr. and Mrs.' Rogers cnicrUlned she has
Oty lut Friday.
friends from Traverse City on Sunda). Mra. Wll
. L. Cbrry and aUtar Ula called on
‘ SO Wm
gancea and Florence Cleet last
struck by lightning
ground. They diav
took*^od In spile of the all the farm Implements,
piements. hm
hni all this
min storm of two weeks aao.
wheat .Mad about 200
Farmcn arc all oMMh done eutiini;
czeepl oats and the threshL- auspieos of the Congn-ipi•|B( machine la bcslnolng to wblstle.
AUg. 6.
groat siiecesv. Much credit mus
d Mrs. Wheat weni lo Bliig- given lo Ihe lourisis of this plate.
hani to visit ihdr daiigbior. Mrs. G. In cunirlbuling and purchasing
clcs and in Itelpinc iri oihor ways,
Con.-. Iasi Saturday.
Mra. B. Rice iTiiimi-d home last Sal- society made qiilie a lillle over a liiiii.ThresKlnK will soon beicln. Tatter liiday from Traverse. City, where she drad dollars, larl of wliioh they
Invest in a carpet for
Broa. intend to start this week. Adum has been wilh her daugfator. Mra. planning
hM booicht a new 18-hoiwc power trac­ I.ulv. who was verv sick.
Clara Miner of Traver.-e niv l«
tion ctutinc and will make tbingi bum
spending a few days with her m'lrcnts
this fall.
' Wartvn Tilton. Mart Conklin and
Mr. 8hRw-o( CbloaBo. son-in-law of
Twelve frtnn' this t
Flank Hockeborn went to Pearl lake
Ur. aad-Mra. Warren of this place,
fiahins Snaday and broughl
came In ouf harlsir l§si wi-ek
- of- -Imaa and
tnd pie!
very fine gasoline launch for
days' visit.
Mrs. Ur. Oaunllcll of Traverse fity
writing: the had a light stroke
in this
Twenty from ihia niHghborbi
er^i rtfe J-akr laxl rrtday.
lumlKT from here aitctiileil
dolDps ai
ai Buckicj.
the ikid da}- dolnm
Me. and Uni. E A. Boai
Is Avr lo TraverscCIt}- w*
C#rse Gray. 8r., U on the •Ick lisi.
lUCMi Uate Fbnel and Kate RawtkiM rbliwl Ulti Tin^ HOCfllB Of
Etnialey Guaday.

her grandmother. Mrs. Mary J. Rlra-t1>e End of the Wortd
I John Crw-rt.' a Summit fa^i
Ing. vhited in Prtoski-r a riuiple ..J
number from this place atieodis.
le camp meeting at Kewahin Sunda>. Uiltcra. He wrile*: 'Two >.ars ago,l»*rB. grain and all his farm im',;
Aug. C.
kidnc}- ttnnblc emm-d m. erv* »uf were di9!n>>ed by Ire, r^ianglag an
fcvlBg. which I woaW BW.T liav. son his |dan-.
idan-. the U
Insarin^w Bring but flu.
lived had 1 not 1ak«n. Ehv'ric nil '
age brih-ved iw.i-.CEDAR.
Thej also curod nw .g gco.-a.' n«»y«
«-r- and
—" mairho
Uore te Mr. and Mra. jaBies C
y." Bare cure for all st.imarh. n sitonsiWc.
Je>. Jiilv r*nh. a dangltiei. .
A good d.-a1 «< exctn-Bt.wn
caUM-il the othiT dav liv tb. ns
1‘rl.-.Charlie Paroh's boutie caichtog Brv
fnini the simeplp.-. The tlrv waj, «-xluuch damage
Iwlng done.
J. SnlUtau’s new gasoline launch
Mrs. E Ik K<«erw of I^•'ratl1l,. m%,
has arrivi-il. li is cenalnly a tine one.
stricken with paralysis ou
Miss Htdva Giwveaor ol Fl'-ids.
. . Bert;
she gr.-ei.-d her son. E, A. R.'g-rs
visiting hcl,«niui.
nim. and Is HkHy lo die
h a The W»maa s Home Mi»^l.1IUlTy »
ilbr and'ek-ty held ibelr ntguhir liiislut M. me.
*r*->'‘s visited the UgtUioulMnunds. ;' Ing
log last Wtvln.-sdav in the ehurrh ai
reports hlg crop ihK'MiMOi
a picnic dinner on
a! the following officers
wit.- vivci.d pu
r». Flnh of Grand« R4lds ipeni -..........................
. -........................
davs at Orohanl Home, the guest , the coming jear: I’reMdCul.
of Miss fCitlle Golden
1 mn fult.-r; vice presW.-nv Mi>. John
Mrs. John Smith was qolte l.iisy ex-'suin: secretary and ln«usuter
iraollng honey al John Holmes'.
I.E C'fUwr.
. Wn. Marshall haa licen qtiiie- Mr. and Mrs Ellsworth Biilmi
-lili sn Btisc-ss ill her side. hn. j lack Irom ili.-lr wtvldlug trip aj
Ing licilei.
Igetllng settled In their new hon
. Skelcbi-r of Grand Raiilds Is ea-; Mrs, Orimvenof lefi Saturday
p.-«e.1 tomorrow in sp>-nil a few .Ines , ing for a vlsii lo *iei sun ai rh. iil.
the home of Mr ami Mrs W. Gold-' Hoirtlman
j Mra. Charles Ulllntiin en<<T'alii.-'i
Aug. fi
Mrs, Sliliwell and Mra Pafc«-nicre
! mile kiiQ u( ik-HaIre tills w.-ek.
Mrs. M. Culver is eUtertainlng

Rev. Bcrch of Tpallanll preached In
the CDUgregatkinat charab Sanday
f: C. R<mk nrtamc-d.last Tbnrndmjr tBomlug.
IMSI Sunday as Godfrey Oherlng.
from Ml. PIcManl. wbcfe he has
and a voung man who works for Hr.
Cbertag were driving a roll hildted
eart-by The Pln«-s. a
‘Wine one aljtht last week.
. r. Shi.-^an and famli) risited-with
Mr. ilnnk's lolka Haioruay i-venlng.
The evening was spent la eating lee
th<yiunig ntau qulie
Ang. C.
Wm. Wine and wife and Mr. Sbeabau and wife went to Hack lake flsliOGDENSBUR^
dav last week and reporn-d s'
Mr Vanlinit of Snitoar ISay i
Bne catrh.
Miss Myrile Cotion visited wim lUnit bla daughter here.
Mli-.v« l-otile Powers Jl St. (Tiarli
Miss Saloma Waircn Sunday sfteie of weeks tl
noun, reluming borne Monday momtended ^nrrb at OnivD Snndnr ev«i-


.1 D..~«

Ir number' of Ihe Certari
tn T™-r«. .■»> Tli.n.1.,.
The Misses Malu-I Ua.iell and Jessl. attended ilie Old Sottiera' picnic
U-nw'ii visited fri.-uds in North Mil- Uurdlrkvillc liisi kViday and all
Ihsi week.
Win Ritter and rbildron
Mtv. Emi-line. Purjaiiigton. of tliiMr. Aixl Mrs. Wni Hunt and daiigtit.-r Mary, Mr. and Mra, E. O Wtmii.-. I’ocklitigron hot.-I, is ihe Ihlrsl I
Mrs- Millie! Rijili-y and I'cL-il Winnie „n,nrlclor
111 Uuudis- wllliib,
III the I’oardiiiaii Weilm-- I tim
. e niuu'lis. ili-i liii.-iianil died April I
drove r
and ie|nirtlng a verv fine 'Imel.irwn nev Ni-wsoit ol C.idiilar is vi.-iJiis at Wm. (lav's this wis-k.
The ke rreani ' social'a' Ar-liPCnmnhi-tl'.s was well aiu ndisl ami all'
enjc-c.i a flno lime. A r»ili..-tion oi
h.- n*iA-vsign.«l. ksr- known W. J
tn wa.s laken.
r-rthi- Ust
yi-«r«. anct twlowrhini
Mr< Mnhel Ittpl.-y n-ltiniisl lo Tniv
stsl finnri-ullr
"ir abk
•ilk tto"Tmt7 otTi^
eiM- Cily Satuiiliiy. where she has a.- linns,
rawti- tw his arm.
«-|.:isl a potiltloii In me atyliim as ui eMiotion
Wauiisu. Kiss aw a 1
1- Itruecists. Tohd'
'uri- Is taken intsmsl



! ;


For the past two
weeks this)sale has
Ben in progress and will continue until all furniture and house furnishings that have been used as samples onr our sales floors have been sold.

;bis scasow, mere than ccer before, tjcople are taKinn adoantaac of our annual sale bt Sample FurnHurc.



Ch« Unparatltlcd Rctlnctlsiis on Rish erad*. Fancy and Staple Seeds Cbreuaheul the Entire Sfere is proving a stimulus in this usually dull se^on that
riake^ur store a busy place. Figuring the matter in dollars and cents there is nothing in many of the sales we are making for us. but from an advertising
standpoint it is a decided success, for it is making our store'the most talked of place of business in the Grand Traverse region.

Como and Oa't Yours

Oil eiolbs
In floor covering*, of courac
we have no amples. but all
and small
rona wH; go et smpla eala
Several piecoa of arpet con­
taining onon^'tor any ordinary
■laed room, tn all gredea.
One extra havy piece, good
lagrelB. worth 68e. now *9cOne piece ell wool Ingrain,
worth «e. now 4Se.
Thn-c idece* extra heavy batlonnct carpel, regular price tOe.

talnlng from. 8 to IS yards,
a per ent SiaesiinL
Sevx-ral pieces of that salting
left SI 7Vtt per yard.



morris Chairs
Our I
twice the sitK-k
chairs that any otliir store iu
this vlclnUy ahows. will' give
you some Idea of the number itf
SBplcr we have In this Tine.
Rockers that have’ sold a

In thl* dcparttijem aside from
all sample*, we are cloalug
all small tola at our umpic aale

»Fora -tHo Best: Bargains are Oona.

of furniliin- ihriuiKluiul the
entire st-ire that has lici-n used
as a .sami’li- on our su!'-.-- (1i»rs
w ill bi'rliisi-d nil' al moiu-y sav­
ing iiriivs. ^

*1. «S. gS-DO and >6 now sell for
*2X0. *2.75, »3A0, *1.75 and »«.
IVmt nils* ibis.
pic I* marked.

Every s and
Cook Jlround

and Shades
Tlii-n- ill! Iinii'li--'l- "f pii-ci-'
o| liiouhlllig Jii'i 111'-:- '
|.-r imv »ni •Hum sin •) (Iram..
Tlii-.-u- we will mal:i- iijiiur li-stliaiiC'iM.

Wi alweliavc an
Mx«-K ••! Tram*-- ainl •
winilov. >liuili'* iliAl w

» Chairs
and Porch


All Portirw*. where one ol
them has been used as aampic,
at 25 per cent dlaceant
Sevtrwl jttli rope porilere*
that havd hung onj)ur wall# for
a short gme at alwviit H their
actual vatne.
l>o»-uh B»l down* of odd lace
curtains, punlercs sod rope por­
tiere* at less than actual cost.


Is just as good during this saie as though we were charging
regular price. Come in and select what you want. You don't
need the money. There fs no red tape in our credit systemjust tell the salesman to charge it-


and Parlor
All hig pl.-r.-A ol
:,.-.| iMrillCrt- with G.<- ..
; mar or scralrti haa li."i
• 111- quick.

SH pair extra heavy Notting­
ham Curtain*, sold a< 83-tiO |>cr
pair, now gEJNL
3 pair good fish net Curtains,
regular *1.00 grade*, now *!
And hundreds of other* equal­
ly as good that lack of space
furbld* mcDilon.


«■. Viiul t ruV.'fl '

An cli-traiH aulH i«.k dmlug
«a-.vr: li-g*.,
rltoh'ly mnpk'iil wl.-r- an.ftbar ha» k .:>. --■ '‘•U "1. oM'.
T-s'iiar i.r:-- Jl--'-. ««>» imly
A k-a-iilfui all ly-id atoel c

a;, arm i-h-Ar-. and n-veptr-.n
rliura.. with a *:lxM
sr.atr-i; (.ft tfw-ni wime plar<->. at
25 per cent diacounL.

l♦ll^inK -h;' Van aB jA.-th and
lawn rhalr*. •ran- ii.’l r- I.-rwlir m. ai rami.U-’is»!i- luic-n, |i
r.i;; pay joj t:. ftuik.up now*.

I.. -’ ^ra.i. ulour. framt- aUghtly mar:-.-I. sold for MM. now

jV.TWti* of parlor stand* with
ha:'}!} nniiriealdc scar* where
ha>- lioeB Mood unc on top
i.: au»ihi‘r. al a dlkCirdn' ut 25
per cenL '
Oon'i tall jto look these ov.'i

■ i



Jhe way they cocie is a sure sign that the people are realizing what a saving:

It matters not how small your purchase may be you ars sure to save something, no matter in what department it may be, whether it's Dry 6»Mlr,
Sboss. BUnasiy. Fanittiirt, e«rptts erUall Paper. The variety in each department is large, for in addition to the San Francisco purchase we havei^
eluded our regular stock and have puMhe hnift Into CPtry dollar’s ipertb Of mtrebandlsc tbreuabout the bouse.

It’s an opportunity that may not present itself again lorytars to come.

IMOX XOO I.AXE: IMONAif for the Best Values are Now in Order.


i^ston store Old stand

Sole Agents for "New Idea," best lOc Patterns on the market.

AfK. &p|Unie«r ta tlw irarektier ot
a naw Buiomolillo.
Bert Siowe of
viaKed at
Totten's yaiterdtjr.
M|B, Btoom ekpects te^nm to her
kooia In LudliiKtaa tomorrow after
vlaJUnB her aon Chaa. and tanllr

Iloo convenes here loniomtw, There
are sereral well knuwu siteakers uu
the procram and an iDieresilnx day
■nd evening Is promlseil. There Is lu
be dinner ai the chureh and everyone
wbo goes will no iluabi have no cause
here to an exceedingly large erowd.
* M^ud Mra. R. iNaher were Trar- lo feel diMppointed.
‘1>n Nights In a Bar-Room" played
and everyone reporia '
than pleased with the perfurmanee.
are Ibe coebu uf Mr. and Mi



Isabelle ViUh-v went to Loland FriM to visit a school friend.
There wore ihlrty-cu;c tickets sold
for the Bimday eacutaloo to Manlstn'
ton came over laat^okdar asd It waa from this place.
Mra. Albert Heuas of Traverse Clly
too rouch to retara no ahe mi Into
Ike rl*v and
Slnee Bucene and
Clinton Fteber visiied
Mlu Lena Druenip left Iasi week
dtedBod the rtrwr and drove pile* on
. eac^clde, U sinkea a J^e barbor fur for an indefinite Slav lo Ohlu.
Messrs. Hi
Mra. Hayiwa. wbo has been here ibU morning
srttb ber danAiter, Mra. Oonibriile. for
We* failed to chronicle a sarprlan
aboet two indDtha. returned laat week
parly on WilUe Oauthler laat week, it
to her bone In Tpalbuitl.
being hit birthday.
The Old -SetUaaC.
<«■ <*«'
A long felt want bat been aupplled
waa wen attended A amaJI ahower
nr rsln diatnrbed/or a HlQe time, but —a new barber alga la fruoi of ’Ur.
off to UBie for Ibe apoakins Graham's atore.
aad'blnirtnK. wbleb waa floe. Wm.
BeeMo cave a ahon. able nnd InstnieUee apeecb. He waa eleeied president
for ■met year.
The danelog party lir Ray's hall Frl■’ itay «v«4flnff area well attended. The

Kenwood and ionr
of. their
gwaau Bade Ormndma flaber a very
pMnaant can last week Wedoeaday.
There waa preaeblnd In the tbiireb
evefs evenlni! liol one laM week.
Me, Nossen bas a brother from De­
troit and a lady friend aa cnesta.
An». 6.

Tbe Carrie Parmer brought ai

1 Lcland yesterday.


The aaw mill la sbui down for ihe
Hr. Brelt and (aBliy and MIm Han- preaent. having flnitfaed the
exeepi some -dead hoaita." which
-nail enloTed a Sunday vlali with Mr.
Boat and tnally of Mateheu and at­ will bo sawed at a later date.
The Ladles' Aid auelety met at the
tended cbnich at
Blaeknaa In tbe
Holliday bourne Thursday afteniuoti.
Mrs. Marik Hcdiart baa been Malt
Aarai Bov Mrv Amos Bos. Mrs.
Charlie Dos. Mrs. BreU and their vls- ing Mayfleldifrlenda . Friday anemoon
• (ton. Mra. Prank Bos of Detndi and she weal to Traverse City. Mrs. Ho­
Mlaa Hannah of North Dakou. drove bart Is a niece of Mrs. Della Gibbs
to Traverse City last Thursday, re- and hoMt tbe poaHion ot mklron In an
Old lAdlea' home at Rockford. III.
tnrwlns the aame day.
Mlas^BdHb Gibbs of Traverse City
C. Barratt. Bam HollelL Byron HulIfFtt. John HoaeU. -Bdward
Kroko. la apmidlng Ibe week with relatives
Taylor. U
Henry bet«.
She Is soon to start fur Spo­
Knapp. Orto Low ngfl ibMr wiven ami kane. Wanb.. whnv she bas a posiilud
chndrMi wepl to.e«ckley last lliars- in the public acboolv
day and enjaferf 'lbe'ffiiid day celebn
Mr. and Mrv Burr James and Mra.
Platt Bamurn were at Traverse City
Mym Taylor's baby.' who
Thursday laat.
Renben Stiteil broke a finger while
Mrs Sarnh Ti9>or. who hni bee« In playing ball Salurdav afternoon.
Bmdiley for the pasttthree weeks, reThe lasocial given by the Young
iimied to her borne Mat Tueaday. Her People's aocleiy at .George Rarlrk's
datMhker tda^aeooapaated her home Friday evening was a decided
und spent a lew days vlaiihis friends In spite of the rain In the aftemi
and relatlvea.
She mums
home Portm and grove were hung with JapsThursday.
lanlerns and presented a very
A program of music,
Jv Luce went to'Ftfe Lake Friday. pretty, scene.
readings and rectiaiibnu Was giveti,
using the porch as a slape. "A Girl’s
................. - akotv who
I vtsiilDi: rrlatlvea here, re- Good-Bye." presented hv the Mis*e« her '
Marlon Glblii and Veda Van Dervon.
being panlcularly - enjoyed.
i>e<Hite from Kingsley and Hodge
In attendance,
aiiendan^. and all had a royal
Henry Barker was agreeably i
good lime. The socieiy's tteasnry w as
. Thnraday.
Aus« *. that day
enriched by »7JS.
beinff hU Slat birthday. Ills two sons.
Mias IjKxie Clendennlag risited lu
WHIIam-and Estes Barker and their
town tbe last of the week She U now
families, and bis dansbier. Mrs. A. C.
Mrs. Blaekaua's ThOBWiMn and damllv. aii <,t Qk Rajy
Mra. Dyke of Travenu- City is ear­
Uv were preneni. Refreshmeuts were
ing for her daughter. Mrs. Pepler. who
aerfed on tbe Uwn lu ibe shade of
was not ao well for a few days pasL
Ibe old maple tree, where ibe ttUe
Bimey Biitea’ bouaebold goods a
waa prettily- decorated with Oosrers
rived Saturday and they will anon l>e
:>nd fairly gronned with its load
aettled at housekeeping lu rvnms in
clalnUea, A photocrapfa was taken
the “old store."
the ffroup by W. T. Wauph.
Mrs. Addle Qlbbt apem Monday t
Mrs. Itpsal Hobbs left Thursday for
le cnuniv ae*t.
a three weeks' visit with hw parents
-• •'1. J.dms.■Mich.
____ _________
piWfiaraUnnK a
d for another week.

Miss Clara Weldner is visiting
Ster. Mrs. J. iloaglaod. St Mamon.

Trhvenie Ctly
Iasi week for
Mra. V. Faleit.rff Wsvland s
>. W. H- Ayers of tbU pisw.
HersJrt suffered the loss of
«M of bis horses last Sunday. It had
(otten loose In tbe alabt and evidently
hM choked MilbR feed.
There Is a cement block factory In
tosm. operated by
Hugo Will and nick the past week. Is
Floyd Fov They ran torn out an avBari Jeor left for
I Rapiiis
rrafe of about
bloeka in a dav ana Thursday.
al^y bare acrerai orders ahead.
'Mr. and Mra. Chas. Wood of Trar
Bobart Slurkweli left Sunday' for erne City came down Suiurcav.
Wood returned lu tbe ciiv. but Mia.
o his liking Wood Will sfiend a week or nu-n- witli
ber parents. Ur. and Mrv hYank Dean.

I' ^Tr«.

'MIsB Margery Ppekr. who box Ik-<i
nl Nc-ah-l.v-walita
for a
<*fiii|ih- u
weeks, reiiirae)] home Iasi Friday-.
for the Mui
Mtoa esie Hlplwa Is vlslllng frlcad
in Bieuben coaniy, Ind.
Hr. and Mrv -W. K. fjiycnek of Mi.
PVaasant are the gueais of Mr. and
M(B. Robert Wiley.

Nltes thunk l-ll lliosi'will-Ik'IiiiiI lb-li:
t|lii"Ui:li till- j-ii-hni'.'-K and •li'iiih |nr
Why Traverse City People Should F«l- ‘ ih<-ii kimlnrs-.
All ihosi' l•wllinl: kSs nr having any
lew This Valuable Advice.
lelatlvrn nr frleinb- liuri>-<l In tin* W'-sl
Ib-eauxi- lb-' i-roof Is
Almira e<>inel-’ry
rertUa-Kii-d to
Aiir. Hlh o bii|i
Vim can easily Inv^-silgali- It.
TIn-n- ■will Ih- a baskel
.Nul neeersaiy In <-X|iei .melll
liimh- held in Mi . Ilayli'i- on-har,!.
Wilh suiiie nntriml n-nnily.
Itoin. to Ml. ntiiJ Mrs.
s. Sidney
I’nftt by 111.- ek|H-rienre ol a ml July 2K. a sfn,
Mrs. KImer Abliy and YUda drote
Ur. C. E. rintip of !i37 B. From over <o iln-ir nii'tlier's '.-it laike Ann.
i-t. savs:
”Mv hack im-l kidney- She is Miiitewhal Ix-tter at tills wrliing.
Mis. Calvin Pi»>ks
t cainiiiK
in health very nipldly.

A. K. I'lilver.
TbWe was quite HO exrlilng
near i!'<' eimoiv line south of her"
laat Wedneada/. whim a liirge Mack
bear was x-c-n la John Wiley's fleld
and the news was soon
rimilaie the nelghluirhisid anil men
> perfurnied linlf whiit lliey pinip
women, children and iiUtca were »«»
I Hoy niikht.. IS'»Ml>ly
on the itwck of ilic
Gusnlfm 1 lUbi:
were xialioned to watch the woisli- After Hying '
mamilaeinrr-ra gunraitlenl to be’hoinknd the d«djs *enand
befure l’<-ie. nires for ki'lii>\\ iiimplaiut. slier fail
iiit o'.Mi:
Moth. Who waa wnlchfnR on the conn- lug aiih |ir<-|>uta'UHii- of
ty line road about oiw-balf
If mile from wbvti I had almost come m the eonhelp for m--,
where the bear was find seen, sa* I'liisliiii lltere was no
him clioihlbg over a Iur.
Mi Miiib when 1 roiilil not run- myself. H Tor
bad a shot gun loadeil wiib huckshoi. tnluly speaks m-ll lor Ikiuii’s JvidiH-,
liniiighi ahuur^JeThe first shot knocked llie inwr over Pills when ihev
but Mr. HiUh fired Ihree shots to inueli alesiri'd resulls."
For sale by all de.-il,-ni. Price *0
make stire he wmild liol gel iiwny.
Berry plckern art- scarce in
those eeiiiv Fosler-Mllliiirn ' Co..
New York, sole agiuis for the t:iilieo
H--iiienil,ei till- iiame- lk-aii :- - liioi
i.-ike no other.

III.- gain

ihltik that plh-B can't ls-^^r.•.^
ml-, i.f rd-sliiiale
ras.-s ha*.ittvsl Ii* IkMil's t.llntue-iil

lllll.ei'* F.-.-i h.-avy afl.o- dinner?
Toii*i..--.-.iai.-.l? Ilili.-r taste? Com
' |d.-xiiiii .-.-id.iw* l.iviT nei-di waking
^ ip
l ull's Kegitlrls nir.- Mlimia wlr>-nls at any drag Mure.
. I'titl.d’a lloffmvi of Maatalee
II 111 India i(h missionary.

■' f

The ball gttiie l«-lw.vii Ibe Ib-ndou
team and Lake .Ann Saiurdav h-hiiIi
ert in a seen- t.l 111 to Sk In favm -I
laike Aim.

Avoid the Knife

Biiiuiy ilalleii had bks hand hurt
•pdie hndly eiPi-hlTig liali. ,^1.......... .
Kd Itninkr drove over lo Travel
Cll-’ w‘lli a I'jd «if
for tbe can
nlng factory at that place lust wii-k
Mr. II. U’arnir alwi took a la-id.

Call and ste PkotOErtpIls.of m-im- i>f tlinse wlion- i-vea VP hgra
straighu-ii.s.l liy tin- tiBP of our Sfyei'int (iroiiinl L<-iiae«.

• Mrs. Jess.- Halleii was im- liieky
pei-son ibiil drew the lnm|. at the pie
•1*- K Htrrdlekvllli}. Aug. 3nl. premml
rd by M<-ssr> lliirke and llronk.-. Miss
Minnie P.'iiiiiiigion of IKlaii was He
on-- thnt .11.« til. wasli
l-iwl an-:’
Mra. Hank Ihit.- .if l.ak.- Ann' iCEDAR RUN.
vislilm; will) li.-i' iiiiel.' a'uU ri-mi. n's >
h--r tii..ilu-r iij |..» and mi|n-r. for a
Quite n niinil>rr fnim here allende I
A niiiiihei of ^iipie fy>ni this plate li-wikiys.
the plcnlr al iliinilckvllle Friday.
alteiiilitl the tllil Betlli-rs' |ilriiie ni
CHIT..:.I fa -.- was ov.-i- 'o Milwatik--*
Ibirdirkvllle lari Finlay.
chapel Auv IS.
Ail an- Invin-d
la-1 nn ibv ex<-..rsi..i.. Jle
come anti bring ihi’lr liaskcis full.
reporlK a nice iline,
Mrv Kale Bliorier anil daiishiir. vKitlnc n-laiivr-s iitnl frleinls in Goo.1
Mr Jf.hns.iri and daiignt.-r of Hun
trMl*. Haich’of Traverwo Cliy, atu-iidt-d
Cagii.' It"- her.- ylidllng hts daiigli'.-iw
tiiltiud .home.
M.ts. Jsi-k and Calvin h\iw-l.-r. Ii.- is
Prank C. Ikigp and f-'imilv and Mrs. s iniewhal lak.-n up aul, th.- r-ounlry
nilly. F.
ar.'ml the
Atel Is ihlnkhi-.: ..f hiivii.g h.Te.
i' lodge ill Trat iTse City last Tues­ vlsl'inu n-latlti» at this id.iee.
IlkirkI;. ri I. s ar.' ii.m g.-lliug npe.
Mr. ami Mrs. Atiioay Rsolssla.ol
day night.
Tom immi.- Ih m>i fivflng ni w.-i.
Frankie Norris of Foinkfori Is hi t- Cedar niy vi.yi-i-.l with Toni K-dd-T- I!.' was at p.-ail l.;ik.- last Mon
hmiie nml fniiint Bmnlnv.
vlaiilng her grandma, and other n-l
day. BMiing hi-, l.-g • l,rol..-n
Clms. Viskoehll and Miss Sophia P. I liandirng ingTlagivweni to llie South Maiillou'lsi-l
1.1‘wla Lamar is doing enrpenh
and uida:
work In Inierloehen tbe past weeR.
r. am! 'Mrs. Clias. Illoom. Mr. and'
Ross llran)-ou
iiaintltiK Fivil
......... __ . ..t J.
. I
Coin's boi
:'il.'. also-Mrs. HI.Kim of Lud-j
The tall game here Sunday between
iiigioti vlsli.-.! with Jno. Dago ami I
Cednr Run and West Almira r.‘Rii1ted
funiily Siinduy.
In a score of y to 2! in favor of-l’tsiu.
Mra. M. >?. Uiiseh was a Travli
RonBatteries—Cedar Hun, IWwell
lie .-alb-r l.tst «r.-ek:
and Neuman: West Almira, rase ami
Miss ttllM- I.. Dago. *wh» has lus'n
CaraoD, The game lietweeii West Al­
visiting Iri-'ii.lx an.l r.-lail\.‘- In kl;*'
mira ami the Cr-dar Run tteeoiul nluo
pl.' Cl'.v. n home
was T to n In favor'.of Weal Almira.
Ang. n.
• Mfsi Nina Mvera Jias qiill work for
Mra. A. C. Wynkoop and hns gone ii.
West Almira lo visit Misa Reka Wil­
son aud other friemls.
Mrs. Fannie Norris was a Travera.’

No Medicine. Knives or Prism
art- titixl in our Origi na1 Mt-tlial.
HEADACHES a>v cnumvl liy tlip oye« uiinK'Ynon M-ire
viLnlily Uiati is iult-ni)i*l for llii-ir oiitrimuDL '
By the Aid of

our Lenses ve makA tbr I

iioirmn!, lliiii rttmovintj
tlio eausti of llii- li«aiUch<*r vhirJi

Pdrfsci Readme and UtUal VivIob Ib nr SpecitI Crtitd LesMfl.

OR. P. k. WOLFE, Prop.
413 414 WUbelm Blk.

Tnvcr$c aiy

OL Phne 354

To Clear Out Quick
Hvcrytliinn In the Cloak Drpi. that'was bought for this season’s
business wc will place on salt:


Summer i« Beat Seaxo" to Curt Caric Wag
- Lake Ann ealkiTi
TuesdBv evening.
Mlaa .Mim.l Shugart of Grand Raptils m>cni Sunday as a guesi of Ic.Summ. r
whoU- y.-ar f.-r lit-- treami.-ni ..f’
Miss Nevia Shugart
of ninghaiii ‘arrhal ln-:il>l.-s. an.l .< K. Walt
spent Sunday as
guest of Grari-' twins >irg<- ev.-ry rm-i.-i of the M> rai l
-lo ns.- llyoim-i now and l.,' p.-riiian.-ir
Tiicsilay. Aug. Hlh, l.« the dav fc.—| ly eii:ed.
I rh-ni) up the Almira cem.'lery. J,.: i
I'nllke ihe «tdim.ry tr.-aiim-nt f.w
.all that are In anv way liil.-rest.*11 eatairh. th.-iv i« no stomaHi .losing
turn out and help, fur Ihe ceme'. ry |.; when using Hyoiuel
The ivinedj' is
In bad shape. Bring year dlimt-r and breatlKsl through a mat
|K«-ket inbelp all liar. •
haliT that o.-dk-s in .-.i-ry ouiQt. and
Mr. and Mrs- Alvin Noffslnger ol In Us liabamii- li.-nlliig ;,|r I's-imiiau-s in
terlocben have move.1 Inio the Jolins-ihe most r.-mot. r-aris of th, ’ m.-i-.
Norris l^ae. Mr. NuSsInger is moik-:!hroai aud lungs. seaieh--< oin tiu-l''

Kfiig hi* aunt* nnd uncles. Mr. nnd , and h<-Hla.any Irrliaiien there may b<Mra. Mnirrman and Mr. and Mr*. Mike' in ihi- nmcou* mi-mluam .
Hyoniri L act aiou.- Hu- oiiiv tia'Mr. and
Mit T. C. Shugart andiunil iivaimeni for eatarrh. I.ut ii U
grandson called on Mr. and Mrxi T. H. Ihe only one wt-il uiul. r an al.Mdnie
Moorman Sundav.
' guaramee lu icfimd Ihe Jiumey nnk-iTager* are all ready to start oiiilll pies satlsfueiion. H kills all dlwith one ol Ibeir threshing luaehmes ease g.-rqgs and resior.-s iliP muctius
soon as the weather eleara iip.
ofAh'e llir.-al.
Mrs. Thoraburg ami .latiglii.-r Po,
IVarl' lungs to iH.-a«cil> !..«lih.' e<>m1iiion.
. Maple City rallcl
Mr and Mrs
Mrs i TJu- Atmiiilrte Hyoni-; outfli cr-i.
Will Wblnneo Sundav.
, bttt J l.*s\ .Mra isUtb-.. .-die S. B WaiMrs. Tom Whtfibery ami daughter ^ * SonsI' H.voniei uuil.-r an alis.ilitf
Vesta ol Traverse City are'visiting' guarani.v to i.-iim.i tm-> if It
Mr. and Mrs. Will Wbtnn. r>'.
j <loes not glv.- >atisfa--tioiL
Von rim
jHcah Strait and sons visit.s! bis' no risk at all In l.avlng ibi.« -iiar:m•ugbter over Sundav n.-ar Bingham. Iee.1 i+mi-de.
Mis* Flora lAsinaid of Old Misriotii
--------------------------------reniined home <fjay after a w.vk -:
with hiT aunt. Mr». KaU- ■
Andr.-w llo«.i of l.ak.- Ana di-sl
* laid Ii
am aad little danghter H. l.-n are vi-]the Gr>s*n Hrl. r r. im-.-ry Sun.lav. .Mr.
Ring Mrs. Ilirlier's slsti r. Mr*. A. C.'Ralieork pr-'ark.-.l -he funeral sermon
I am! O. N. Segar eon.lm-t.-l tbe fam-ra!
Aug. C
I The pail l-earers
w--re lb<- Mew-rv-

for' ;
Mis. Ilabcwk anil Mmuie. tiii.-lltuan
les. ia'c-ke.1 amUliiou.'I>I. Mr. SeUneid.-r aud Mr. SinrUn.
Ha-t -deb Iteadaebei
. all I HU iloWa. Rut The organist w;t- Katie tk-'k-i
Hd-M'k Rieud Bitters made me a w.-ll le.n«-» a wife am! daughleis to totiurr
woman."—Mra. Oban. Vrwiioy. Moosup. his lot.- Th.-y have the he*titel' »vni
piUty Ol the caicuiuimy.
The ivla-

Beaiiiiful sl> Ics and some of ihis season's choicest yarments witrih
at these ridiculoiraly low prices.

lo $30.(MJ.

.Suit* worth




W„nh f.'.M


to $s. will be closed out as follows:




W.mli 5‘i.tKi
iitni $>'. :ii

■*'hk7k^^ woru!**^ :gl''nc .


Worth Sl-J
^ nii-l Sl'i lit


.* Uol LADIES- ttlllTE SaiRI WAIStS. all a r lir^iitifal Btyleg, worth up to |20U.
ej only.....................,.................................


You’ll lind hmuln:.Is of other bir,,'.ains just as dcsirabh’ al the
Great Store for Satisfaction,




Wade Bros.
Real Estate
and Loans
127 Front St.
Traverse City,* Mich'.
The same sun shines on all prop­
erty. The same advantages surround
the-propeny adjoining ours that ap-' ‘
pliesto ours. |\^en «e say ours we
mean all property we have for sale.]
So3h)u sec it is impossible for us to
coDstmet an ad. and place before you
Reader, that will apply to only our­
selves. And if we could wo have no
desire to do sor^'or this "reason we
make a specialty of



Rial Estate
We know that you know it. We al*o
know that if you wish to sell you will
come to us to find you a customer,
and we will find him or her, wbich'*• ever it may be, and we srill seil them
the, property, provided you make us a
price that is, reasonable. So .you see,
neighbor, while in a way we may apr pear liberal in the use of printer's ink,
>' it is really a selfish motive, as we expect
at some time in the future to have
your property in'this office for sale.
So ^ not waste a second’s time sfbndering and figuring bow we can afford
to do jt. Leave that to the Editor and
ourselves, but believe what we say.
look up what we state and see if it
cannot be verified.
This is what we state:
Traverse City“is practically ^e ge­
ographical center of the State of Mich­
Traverse City is climatically the
. ^healthiest city in the State of Michi^.
Traverse City has more and better
public improvements than any city of .
its population in the State of Michigan.
Traverse City has more and better
educational institutions than any city
oh equal population in the State of
•"Traverse City has more doilars’
worth of church property than any city
of double its population in the State of
Traverse City has the finest natural
harbor of any ci^ on the Great Lakes.

Wade Bros.
Real Estate
and Loans
127 Fronts!.
Traverse City, Mich.


hcrald. tmumdav. auou»t

•. ^

A full ijage ad. for y6ur health, Wade?.
Not on your tintype, Neighbor; for your money. ,
- Readers? Yes, in a way; and yet this ad. is as much a
benefit for you as for ourselves.

Wade Bros.

Real Estate ;
and loans

Real Estate and the
Real Estate Business
isidifferent from almost any other trade. Why? Because you
cannot call the attention of the public to the advantages sur­
rounding your property; the condition of soil, climate and mar­
kets without having it apply to your neighbor’s property as
well as your own.

127 Front St.
Traverse City, Mich.
Traverse City is fast becoming the
whohtile headquarters for the norih,ern half of the Lower I'eninsula and a
, large portion of the Upper Peninsula.
Traverse City has more money
on de|>osit in its three banks than any
oity of equal or double population in
the State of Michigan.
Traverse City has the ^aigest .man­
ufacturing plant of its kind in the
world, and they are now investing
about one hundred thousand dollars
additional in new buildings and ma­
chinery to increase their capacity.

Choice Business Lots
Modern Residences
Improved Farms


Timber J^and
Close-in Suburban Property
Hotels, Liyery and Sales Barns
All kinds of Real Estate
All kinds of Business

Every foot of gronnd oh wieU shpre the city.. What is now oonsidend fine
of the PeDingula will be oceu|Hei1 by ri*- farms will have Uvii cut up into tix'e and
'lorU of all kinds and wbnl is now consid- Urn acre fruit and ganlen lots, each one
*ered rongb, hilly land west of the dty srill -produving as many dollars as the average
liave passed through the bands ot the eit^ty ocre farm of the present tini.-.
artistic retnodtder of nuture and ha^-e do.
That, iwighhor. will be Traverse City
vek^ into the moat beantirnl reaklenoe and the GraiKlTaixTse Begun ten y.«ra
portion of the cHy. * Properly that is now from today.
coDsklerGd at high prices will hara advanoed to a price that if mentioned at the
DonH Wieve it, eh? Hot air. is if:
preaeot time woold brawl a man as a joel keep this >1. whek yon esn find it
mooutebank or a fool. Property that can ten )ean from today, and so* Ijow morii
now be pnrcliaaed at from one hnndrtxl to we have oi*erdrawp.
five hnndred doUatt per foot front will
In'the meantime if yon .have money
have adrancod to one thousand to five
thousand dollars par'foot front Snbarfaan to invest look toward Traverse City and
land that can now ho pnivfaaaed at from the Grand Traverse Region. Throw tlie
one to three hundred dollars per acre will gold brick literalnrc in the form of expen.
. have advanced to one thousand to Qiree sivv descripUoos of irrigsted laud cooipagold and sihvr mines, cup.
thousand doUars po^ acre. Farming land niee. oil
will have doubled and trebled io value. per mines, etc., into the stove or waste
Farmers will be aUe to live iu the ci^ IwdLet. Binety-nine per cent are skin
and pass by electric ear at any time of day games and the other one per cent is a
at a uominri sum to the farm and beak ta game that has been akinne.1.


Hemember that the agricuUnral pro­
ductions of the Pnih-il Slates lor the yi-ar
ltiO.5 amounted to more dollars than all
the gold diet has been mined in the world
in the past two thousand years. Agricul­
ture is the true sourte of s^tb. The city
that is 8arrotmd«-d by improved brpis that
nm iiraluce all kinds of grain and fniiu
is assored of a steady, healthy growth,
and io addition all the other udvantage» as
We have staU-d them good harbor, trunk
line K.B. boat lines, etc. -ia .ertainly a
good town U> Ue to.

IriTcrs* CUT Is me city aii4
me Graod Traverse Re{ioo Is me
terrlliry ii which Io livesi •yoor
money. Look ns op In me cUssUled
colnmnslor mis paper.

Traverse City has ever forty dif­
ferent manufacturing plants,* employ­
ing each from ten to five hundr^
Traverse City has about double<i
ittf^ fiopulation in the past five veari,
something no ,otber city in the State
has done.
Traverse City "lias developed in
the past live years from a .semwny.
mu<idy street; broken plank sidewalk •
proposition to a modem, up-to-date
, brick and bitulithic paved street, cement *
sidewalk,.clean street city, with almost
every, portion of every street lined
with modern residences, large blocks
of business houses, several of which
would be creditable to a city of a mil­
lion population.'
That is Traverse City of the past
five years.
This is Traverse City of the next
ten years:
A canal from the bay to Boardman Lake, through which the laigest
boaui can pass.
Boardman .Lake
lined with large wood-working and
iron-working machinery plants, a street
car line and suburban lines reaching
to Old Mission. Northporf and intermedian* points; Elk Rapids. Charle­
voix. Petoskey and intermediate points;
Cad.illnc, Big Rapids, Grand Rapids,
Detroit and intermediate points; Em­
pire. Frankfort, Manistee, Ludingion,
Muskegon and imcrm>-diate points.

Wade Bros.
Real Estate
and Leans
127 Frail St.
Fnnrae Gily, Mick.

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