Grand Traverse Herald, May 31, 1906

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Grand Traverse Herald, May 31, 1906


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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• lodudc. I dee!"
A atory U told of a »ri7 pon
gcatlemaa eroaatOB Ihr .icna,
blnatlf aloof fttna hi* fellow pea•YJeh. tblo. 1l» BuppoelB' I on je'Te
la a way dearly lodkatlog
ber UdjBblp'B ova atllodaiii —
that be did oot care u. have anything
••Wdl.“ on Bbe. '•J mn aenied berc.
bat not exsetlr like the teit of th^•

rU M» ted te tkU r»d d'
te*> Ihlod naniB- like • Ctene
It telrir don me riod to tbink
or ho* ni aerei- Bleep ■ w»«k
Berate U» Boot Wrd e onllnl lino
Ttal «d* ne toll—when I set time.
BM jed’ ol preoeal-soodnen ne!
I-TO sot to Blop Bii- er«Ub the treoa
IBot UoueB onr aa' far awar
jU* bear the blrda that Blag all dag.
r*e s»l to paoao aa’ w*t«* the an
A4«lakUe- *bere the walera nia.
I kanr (bU mte- -B»oal a erliaa.
lU atop ll-aooo aa 1 gU tlaie.

ly." aea abc.
declare one a liaga
-Arrab now. alanoab. 'tU the aln an'
dlgnllled gt
lane to wmaler yodr lovely eharrama haughty and
on a Binber ay yoar own net Saw wlabed In aay Ibai I
I. bag." He
lovely bll cralbor lolke ye wa.
■ furious with
„je rooat tlllga^t gloilcmana ■
general laughter because be
[•nion that Irer wan."
but ’tw
afraid joo're loo UU-.‘ an
“I ve almdy agreed to be a comptnlao bugs and a rag!"
a. |l.-r at one of BoMon'
of the klad roe apeak of." railway
deal noti"Acb. acuahla. Ito terrible dIMhrte
Bed I an to bear av U! But maybev pluaacd one day »!>• u a Udy wh
yc’TD put no Bhiampa (p your agay poared p.TfcclIy sane a-alki-d t
r. and. Uylng down a doUar
mini, an' In that <aae av euone ye

Wtna Ood •Maaa la Hea'e Fa
wadnt be afiber IfainklD- II blndln-." bin. B«id.
O an aide plaew. tar Iron (erenius
-Glv^c two trains to Hyde Park,
tbin’ to Ihl*. eaecp' to
‘ tovoal ..
borat Into (be hearty laugbln-. whleb plcaat-."
Oital ehlalas eaaa! pin fonau;
trains, madam? I don’t under­
iDded for an the world hrike allvcr
stand you. no you mean two lIcketaT'
bella tinklln-.
■Why, ceriainly. cennlnly: Dear
The able wa« beIwUl u«, bad anan
am I talking abniitr’
> It; If It hadnt
br-gorra. I’d
Another lady walked up to the ticket
have beea afiber ktaaln’^er where ehe
Tlcc at Ihe North Station, and. lay
Btud, an’ falx 1 believe abed have en­
koaa! siTO ne im
joyed It! Bot }aat aa I waa gelUn' Ing ^oa-n a quarter, said lively.
aad air!
"A tIcEct for Helrom Blghlandf,
mdy to go roond to her ibe kitchen
Trm IbiasB aad
an' lii walk! Bridget. Whin
be w<« colleen alandln'

O <M <d fmdan aad of Joroaa


men who could be or
) Ibe cnotrary In any
The prisoner went htt-k to Ibe
ventunna Nofaenan landed upon (be
doa rrowd
He looked n
ud lohoppliabl.. ahorea o( New guard boose and thr arionel went to
sign or tl
Prrwldenl, lo Uncolo. who was
Bnxtand a Urge population dwell in
who look at It oa
the hot valleys of the y-ar Soulbweat. great because be knew the hearts of
an Indlrailon oT progres* B IntellMtFrom the noUd -oek with primitive
ofthemu.lnon.Q«.k«'-to"IIl^of «»«>- The founderl’s Mra A. J tt»n- UBI lines at least, for many If m* mori
touU of atooc, lU-y cat dlictaea and
of the great mm <d hiiiory have heeo
hi-wi-d the hlocka for many<hambered hto religion, the Mtldler -ho reused to
men below the medium height. Onota
Oghl. who deBed pain and taugbed at
Ittlac-ee. whlrti they cteeted ip
the Great waa a singular^ small moa.
a place of busIneM.
deat-rt or on the lime atone ledgoa o( the fear of death,
Napoleon waa undeniably short. Ne»Uneoln listened and bsjked.relieved.
experieoees .oa had no tuight et which be eonid
“Why. that U iilaln enough." be ans
TbAe volcelesa rains, older
and Ibe grwt Coode seas hardly
suggi'sled. the line <d wori
wered. “Tht-re Is only one thing «o
Ibe memory oT many eenturU*.
-Prvdes I mure than Are feeC tall. HHdteronri—
up. She would be railed
loving do. Trump up some t-xruse and send
her cant {Gregory \1I —the grvateat o( aU Um
I Friend Id Need," bi
:ffl home. You can t kill a to.y
and aemleuliarod people, roneernlng
quite a
i; "Service* In Case o4
lat. you know. The eftantry needs
wbwe.fBie history brings us no word,
xlgur was short; so was Pop*. *»
I her brave men wherever they
these iialan-a and In many miles
rrooked thing that oaked qMw
"My hnslne** requires a person fa­
end him bone"
read the
s» was Dryden. and an a«a
miliar with all sides of till-, the de­
So Ibe Quaker went hack to lb
»t.wy nr another Egyp'-a people toil
ls of custom, the nsagi-s aad re- Srarron. who allnded to bimarit os
Und. io life and duly as be saw il
in-bT the btirolng
vs of New York, and above all. "an abrtdgrmew of hamna mlMrioa."
ert. w.earily and painfully cxeeuilng and bis children tell the story -Up- Judgment." Is thi- way she puts It
no neeount of bi* short diminra ate Ui
the commands of an American Pbar- plDCOlt's.
“I get a dinner It rompany comes I bralth.
hunt Bats, 1 take charge of a bouse or
tbe tenolbto Surlw.
Ouilot Blta.
Cnmlng down to a period less
family In case of sudden Illness and
Our friends of the pieiurv-sque
mou- and only slightly leas Inlereal) rairh a
Ing. IsVhe Orsl page of modem Amcf- tames and rustoms who dwell within esMry. I Uke care ot coovaleseeol pa

Inaghln- fonlnal me phe conn-a for­ ticket seller.
••Ftor Melrose HIgh-O. 1
ward an' PCX 10 her;
“Beg pardon, ne lady, this la mo luirdon: I mean Melrose H

Iran history. Here. In Ihe sixteenth
eenturj. Coronartti. the Orat great
American eiiiloivr. awci« op
Grande valley and Journeyed
north as Kansas. In New Mexico be

-fn the tinware departm«il trf
s wld bP

wwa-ra aotblBC (nr yon today. ”
now, bavnnT ye. me lligiat


avSTpaanr aai 1.


The Unruly Mdmbcr.
Mr. Andrew D. White In blr

large store, and asked.
"Have yon porn-copp« rs!“

“Birr said the allebdanl.
vleresUng aulidilography gives
“1 mean, have you popeornrrs? i
Dunl of a New Y’ork stale political
no. what I rrally want Is a rn.pporOBvenllon be atleaded as a delegate.

Ihe shadow of>lhe Alps are
level hroded folk, says thr Housekeep
CT. Wblh- In n sense Isolated frocn
Ihe busy world and living a llfr almost
Arraitlan In Its rimpllrlly. the Swiss

are by no means laggnrds In tbe mareh
found a pasloial rare dwelling
if progress. We delight
pueblos and prartlHng the p-nlle
pnhllr srhool system, hill tbe (dnof Irrigation aa their forefathers.
ta-rhPiin aa far hack as in Ibe days td ralton glvfiv to the erhools of Switzer­
Abraham. Certalniy their agricultur­ land is In many respects more rompreand practical than that vtal mt-lhi-lB as-re In no wise dlBeren’.
onr eurrieoliims. The giris.
frrrtn lbt-»r whirh pn-valbsl In the

da.s o? Ibe ponthels. Even onto this
roibcr DenaiP Ibal 1 (ould
da> their grain to galbered In great
Thr (an tookeu forth Iron all hopin' I PB yell be able to give birr,
willow t^skels. Is threshed by the
the elerks.
the lalBan’f idaec.’
“Have you a ropy of ‘Ht-u Bit
Oeh. och. orb *1
Than wDI be roon aaoash U award-Do you mean 'lien IlurT’-asked
koewed Id opened me Booth an’ pul
te narta:
ne (ot In It wld a vingeance. Hero the clerk.
Brael Thee anood an aad the
aim prodaring crops each year,
-Why, of eoorar. of eoiinte."
afther nakln’ luvr to me lady
nme ot Ibese Iboiighls came
T&r aalema w <doaat with abel henlir, an’ now-well. 1 waa albnick
Ihoeramvst englnisrs aa they
and the And qirest Indicated that her
iPvbelePB all at wanee. Hut begorra
thele line o( btels In Ibe valley
the ndgbl port me lady ibtHigbts were rather wide kllelf. ftnof Sail River In Ariionn. and
she said lo Ihe attendant.
wai. for abe aex to BflOKW, sei pbc;
propor task
-WeU. Bridget. I’ve Juat been havin’
WMa Deoala
grealetrt narion on earth lo
a little eonveraatton with your brother
erwoa (he lerrtMe bad iaefc I d been
these groat rmsoa of v.-idnre which
DennU, and I think be la (ar loo clever dt«r. dear! what am I talking nboui?
haeta- (or eoan idne. wld ao work
; but I’ll
a young B
ha had at all at alt whia I got a I
Iasi quarter of a eenDuring
appendix or nrtes explaining Ibe play?
(bar tttm ne sMer Bridget, who b at- apeak to Sir Cbariea abotti him. an
a rronj^rinrlng area xif in.I have a dear friend very 111 with npperhaps we Bay U able to give him
(bar beta' hLiaiwaild U a graa' hi
pradleiUa. nnd,l was thinking of her iHMi.onO arrei^ nr another HUie of
aliuatloB in which hU nbllltles wl
when ! i«id 'appendk-li la'. Instead of Massachusetts, has lu-eii wrrol«'d Irotn
have gttaler scope for exercbe.’’
the desert.
Irrigalloo canals
Wbda i glU to Glanow I had a
Thin she loma to me an’ sCa. amoll appendix.’ How absurd ol me lo ask
• “ the ttoar. I
tar la a oo*oo h
hook with an appendlHIla! How oiimigh to *i>au the earth Iwio
In' all over;
to P
Par* rtma.
representing an outlay of $»«.t>im.«W
tua I wiat atralght to
•tioodby. Mr. nannlgan. 1 shall be oBc's longue will misbehave.
-Ml built. Evory y-ear
tha (otae houae where
SDI« lo tell my htiahand what a pleaaa harvest valued at n
ant coapanloa yon have (wen ibU
kMP. and 2.»M.000 imople dwH
WhIa I riaga (be bril a w

tema «> thlm. «|MU the dore.
Sna bs to m M qnlck aa tolgblnln’

a short time ago the wilderness
I’uelf Ram Is fslay the largest .
- of Ihe great Amertran d'-iu-ri.

(or Instance, are taught not only
nod and write and si-dl. hot to m
sew. In addition to lielng

to nee.

U all that me alater

Mdgol wrllQS home la ber leucra Is

I nbiopa Umide an’he thuU Ibe dure
an' Uken me Uroogh a gran’ ptssagt
wM «tetr aa’ UbiM la It.
Bridget waa alltlag W a table beold.
tho Are. having her braokteal.
“Oeh. -Us driolgfaUd t am to aee yv
Dennla. me dear!* aw aha.

TUb abe

pnU on the (ryln’ pan.
I wat Jnat at me loarth egg whta I

n ton yean oM. (be ag«- bring aattents. Km well (or a hospital hod to>
III to work. And I bunt up all klndi eerulneri hy Ihr site aad aaribor of
of Informallon Mr peoph- living oiil/rf the layers uf tbe whalebooe. wbkb lavOM yearly.
town. Not hmg ago 1 ronpled a whole
An Insianrr of tbe progteos of Japan
page from a rwferenrr bur* In l.«niiox
to abowo hy tbejart that tbe raoritte
library Mr a Baa oat In Beniile.
•'Th.'fi I give advice So many people, from ber sUic (oriau tor tlmbor, Ararood,
bamhon. ate olhv prodneta rasa
want odv lee. I Me so Bisrb rd sor
in IBM to llJMJIM la
I have saved many a girl from i
I»os. aa tormue of II.PTk.eaO.
irophe or from needlrns expew
The east ecoM of Bora^ to the
inveitlgaltng pneltlrma that have
worst Insecl-InfeMtte neigbborbood ta
.■n-red lo out of Iowa women N
the world- At pertain stawtas tt \te
knrvws belli-r than I what II «)>
year tbe streams of that rogtea ara palive in New York and whal It m<
aavlgahle heranee of (be rlotes of la-

trained for (he duties t< home^maklng
earh girl Is (angbl
useful trade. Most of Ihe pupHs

Wasn’t Aftt- A-ythl»g to tat
At Moniival the advertlalng ma:
T of Ihe Canadian 1‘ariAr to a a
are daughter* of rirb parents and
tm<q Ham. and the city lirkei nf
Iherr Is lllil- likriihtssl <4 their erer
?e I. in rhar*e rrf a mao named
having lo earn their own living. Iml
be two are fast Irtends ate II
(be paternal giweroiw-nt take* the happr-n to tM- out of town at on
rlew that every memt--r .d oorlely quirt.-* for Ham and Kgga are fre*honH proses* the ability l» be "clf- Queol
Hy a rqlnridenl both report
an ..rnrlal named Bacon. whoM
shy lo exercise that ability shouM
chief clerk Is named Brown Reeenl
er arise, hjo expense ha* been spared
tm and Egg were both In Ba
equipping Ihe sehool* of Rwllier- nm's ofBc- The telepbnsie rang ate

seet* which Ail the air ate make Ufa
Why an OU Jehe to Bnbbad a


In The Brohte Sword.* ma old
melodrama hr wmlam nilloa. CapL
Xarlv to Mr ever U-IUng Ibe a. e
Joke*, with vartolloas. He waa leulag ahoni noe of hla explolte cooOMled with a rorklrsw, wbee Pablo cor­
rects him: "A ehaalnvt tree, yon maaa.

In." -Bab!" replied the
(earfalDg of rhin
y a cork iroe!"
“A cbeatnul
Brown answered
Me caniAl an In
qulry for tbe Canadian PariBc afAce tree!" Inststs Fable. ’’1 mast know
Th- hoys. lorv. have aol been neg- and said:
Iter than you.- saM tbe capUla.
lerKvl In Ibe a—lss system uf edU'
was a rort tree * “A eheotanl.*
•TbI* IB It."
l>hy*lral rnlliire and mam
persisted Pablo
T have haard m
“WhoT-tbls talklagr artte ti
tell tbe Joke 17 llmee. and I am aura
mrrieulura. and every hoy on leavli
ta a ebestnot - AM the phrana
•This Is Browa. Oo yon want *
Ibe public srhool 1* equipped to e*
hi on ate to eyn popptor tohla own living. Fbito and (rUU-a
It toron. brown or
“.No. I don’t f
luid for tbe

absrmi from the Sale* *ehor>1s. T
harlb-sd-'l laximy.ri want to s
d-Riaad that the ediiratlon for whirl
thr-y t«y shall h.- prartlcal and usefu
In after me, Are they rot right?

lubt hi-eause II was not considered
worth stealing. For many yeara the
“I (Vss you mean a - propeonner, sentiment ha* hc-n growing tbs
Curieus Pacta.
don't jTwr- said the attendant. aa<l (Snv.-rnmeni sbruild make hablialde
A Wicshideti lan.l1ord
vast empire which Is so great arlhm In Ihc Oheriand.-rgerteht (the
they b«h Imnghed until '
.ilally.-Mk-blgan Trad.-wman.
would-be pnrrhaH-r could conlrol
url irf appcalsl for .lamage* caused
tongue aufflelenlly lo make It aa
his prop.'rty by Beas alleged l« hav.
-I want a corn popper."
VII Ininriured into the building by
The Lake Champlain Quaker.
jDiaglne Ihe .-minrrasament of the
The people who love II will ih-fy ym the icram's NcwMiiudland dog.
minister who wanted to make the a" to And a morv beautiful lake any
Ill the gathering of erWraiee n-gard
“We will now sing ihnt
ig the d.-sInicHoo of anog birds H
where; and. siiy way. If the voyagv-ri
Bne old
hymn. ’When conquertn:; to the New W.irld hml dl«rvivervNl
as been foiinit that one Wnshlncton
kings their titles lake.'" but who said nothing elM. It would have ber-n i
market «dd In one month ?.««> roblm
venllon had opened, and cried
Instead. "We will now sing 'When all Ihe irruihle they took coming
for (uod while the numlxw of hotodlnks
the top of hla voice;
klnkerlng eongs their titles Ukc!'
•cn ran high. <»nly
Big and grarJous. anil cunmamllng
■Mr. Chairman, t more yon. air. that
It to said that the tale Tom Reed as some dear prlne<-5». It sweeiw
stringent Icglslntion radically
Ibe Honorable ’Pot natter’ be
was food of telling of the w
enforced ran saw cur birds and
the northern bordj-r. and the mo
prealdent of Ihto eoaveollon!"
wbirb hU own lougue played him tains range tbemw-lves oo eliber side,
Another v«y aBUslng story Udd by
false when/he waa making
watching and adoring.
A Philadelphia ih-ale/ In >-wt-ls
Mr. While retere not so much lo Ihe
appearance on the jtetlonn.
The largest Island In the lake
■ays pearls are In gissf hcalili Ibis
longue-a playing Its owner false a
needbaa (n add that w
long and wiile. and has several town summer, "prarl* ai-- panleularl) lla
a young orator's Ignoraoec of the
Heed waa vrry young- .hips of It* own. Somewhere ..........
hi- to dlseaiu-." h- said. Totnmvrreel ptonunriallon of Ihe Freoeh Ian-'
(as but Avt- yrwrs old. and the
nss a family of Quakr-rs r*m
< ially Ihc health of a pearl refer* to Us
guage. Mr. While gives an account w
Ml was a srhvMl cxhlblllon.
ne snmb and found thr-place,
lusin-. tknd when It brcrim.-s dull you
a debale before one of the debaline
Reed waa lo declaim that anrient elassnd," they said, "has led u* inio ways
poputor thirty or forty yeoru
wvI Is the tonic that * kti.twn (I
thU particular meellBg (bi•1
hh'sslng of lliavi-n
sr-s. and I
queatlon under cooildt
And pat him on the head
They lalsitvrl al th>
in.-* f.»r set
“Was (he British goverament JnstlaeU
Smbarrossmeni and sell-rotiM-ious.
la Its treatment of Napob-on Hont
„ eaiiaed by the unusiial |«<siti
whrdesomr- tbmisMs. Sun and storm
parier’ One fervid young orator
Irh be found himse'f caused
siiereed*-d sun and slorm,
ekiaed an Impoastoned and bluer dia­
I'd lo berome m good deal “Italled yrars passed, and they found
tribe against the great emperor In
and he said, as he Iwtoti-d
t Ibe Ihinl g-neraiion
these words: “The British govern
was Jusiltled. and If for no other of the brass buttons oo Ills lIMb- Jaekin l*«l, when the sineken country

’An’ whoa your
The Atat duty of the
taUer now. If I meigbi ax (be qnea
10 elect a president, and U bad been
ttdM? 111 the fran’-ndTeiJleemeDt
decided Ibal ibe Honorable PUlt
y«n he (or him Intolrely. Are ye alter of Schenectady ehould be cbostn
thar aleepln’ la thlm dotbes wld the
(or this oAlee. When the coovc
hmaaoDverdcaaontUmt Tbeyttye
been colled to order, n certain
lolke a gloTa. me
. nmany RopabHcan." wtoblag
“Ton Impanat (allow?* net ihe erw
make himadf eonaplcuons aad gain
ttar5»“tf y«i *mt mam on 111 coll
recognlUoa as well aa applause by
somlngtlag Mr. Platt Potter for prcal*1 ocMi^’t help tonghV at him. no I
dent. Jumped up ibe moment the eon

•thrae me the ppllamea are ’
Mods In this darty onM 01
“Hwh!" paym the Mt crathur. lolke
ateah. “Am yoo Bridget naaalgan’a

fascs 1 ti6

CuiBdlao l*ariBe irfAtHal*-"
“Will, will Ham and Egg
They’re liothJterc'
“I don't want any of them!
iral. swlteh that rbrap bask
off (bis wlre."~rttnaba News.
A City bi Pawn.
Wismar. a port o( Ik.ono people oo

Is believed tlMtf OaOtoo.mnte.tba
thermomrier teont
It lias an Instrumrmi of gtoM. omriri
ing Of m bulb from wbleb a atoteee
Iibe depended. «vca at lu lower ete.
and there plunged Into a vaae eootalatomr colored HqnM. tocA aa vte-

the Baitte. situated -In the German
conialncd air cooled ate rmnlraetod.
bekmgtng iRgaltr to Sweden, hn
cently become a German elly. aay* the (be BuH lo the upright Ihernsoaeo^
tube rose to a higher levH. Thto eUSpie and primitive aforota* to conriaat'
. ly nsade nse of oa the toctnre table
he king of Sweden having failed to re
deem II within the renlnry. II ba* Dowedeye -hen mome nlmple deiaoM
iirm of the town •( heel to to be
the Doke of Merklenbutg
It wa» pledged
lustav IV for a loan of »l .non.ttoO. and

Srhw-fTiD, from wboee
s borrowed.

ancestor the
In the early
A aieteter Pleb.
part of the eighleMib eentury Den
Wbet would yoe Utek If yee mw a
murk, the most wtecrfnt enemy of
Sweden, nftcr Ibe destruction of the Aafa 7fi froi loag? Ttat aay tabaHlani
great wsirrs abosiM grow
HanMailc Icagw-. a kind rd trade uklon .-Stahlishcd liy r.-naln German
f..r safely and crmimctrlal

almost lorredlble. but the whale-teaffc
iRfalneodoo lypleusl. ortctaally dtoW'
tsis.e, cspiurrq WUmar. and rs
th- MrilBrm'ions.
AU-nrard p<.-are ered at Ihc Caoe of Good Hope, bto
was rl—lared and th- rUv,revefled to DOW known In Jnpan. India, ■nrih
Swr-drq. but alih fh- provistod that America. Panama. California ate «la»
sh- should not rrtiulld Hm- forilBca where, e apedmen baring raeaaUr
obinined In FlorMa. to onto W
■ Ions. Th- plac- th.i. lo-t Its *tr.-ngthl
and Imjeinanc- and

.me iBsieai altnle a l-nrh ri 7n (ori._ ate

lit groat sea trade
ruined and Us Inland trade kaU


tof all Ashes, th* largeel rd all tmld: wooded animals, ate ladoed. tbe tos«rit ell lIvlDg aalmale eaeepl e few
Coitid Talk Ccpileb.
a> a ship from Holland was kinds of whalee.
wiih the Anger* td on- hand, and t-rled for nu-u to save h<-c. the note of
The f..iii-ieetiifi cuiitiry armor wa*.
tale the wlicben eeaam the panieai
ramc to ihc Island and the gn-ai ;
'hr-*', tliat many s..ldl-rs ■•olv thlr-: Icing
murder of the 'Duck de Enslne. ' l Iwe
Seuece of th, Awato Meet
r~woe eolleea! Iver seen.
on Trav-l-r TTi- Immlgranis
grandson ol the Brsi Quaker was draft tj jeaf old w-r- d.dormed — perms
Sir Norman Idickyer, sevewal yeara
had passed along th*- line iedor<- iha-Qtlv disabled by Ms weight.
Tbe longue, that unrvilv mt-mlu-r,
hack, fcsied la (be spectra a aew llae.
iiw." lie said. '11
A camr-r pik-on Aylng with a strong ; Inspcellr.n
And iK-ad him on the ps
la played lu owner false sunv a
h- dceldef wa» due 10 ID* prooMy mo'hcr taught jwlnd rover* l.finri yards per utinuic.
; ir-rrogaicd
Conscious that he had ldnndei<“l.
“Thank you," act abe. apakin’-lolke Ume when II idioubl have been true n
r-i roan, abew!
ycarslence in th- *un of. nn unknown M
ts her n-liginn aad;
Wichita roiin'y. Kansas, presents. A short, •'
be slarted In agaili. and IhU time
the wee (ella srU the bultosis. but him and thereby have saved him from
n.-lnt-rp'e«.y:ei»(l whkb h- ehris-ned
ny (atber's. and (heir ta'lx rs'. I shall the nirloos apecaclcrt a cmnty with {old. appear-d In turn
Mwv: *’t won't aH dosra. I thought
„ ... I).Itch. wHh.iui I Twenty year* Isier Sir William Ramcult pauprra: Th.-r- Is no i-s.r farm..a-sk“d him
-Br—I like to see a Utile brad.
.ever raise my hand >n kill anyoae "
public apeaker has hen “tripped up"
a.k.-d him Iff G-y :way dlsecrt-rM hrituro b»r* oo «»nh.
Brtignt was bere.’
Aad pat him on the dog."
Th- rroruilinc nIBrvr Kok little no­
-Sbn la hot.* aos I. * Waa av thlm by hla treacherous lodguc
- ThM*. Ihouxb 'be son Is neorty Irii..ufc'C-lmaD. r-ill'h. Slavish. aPli
when he was at the climax
baih iwalwd ye to ttnrt afther ringln’
■> another interpre-K r
- of th- ictor" nt an anuual salnrv
lofty Bight of oratory. Sylla he made a third Btleiu|9 to Itegln righ’
In spoak with eennlely
aa' aS abe wiU. aayla’ ber ladyahtp
liof. H.- ofBclal dull— cm'.ls' In ; who •"wri by. lo
and Ibis lime he said.
c regim-ni went to Wasblncoti -<t

- and ranwo of that groat
wanted ber.*
car- -< himself, end hi- swlsr.v i in 'h- Imiln tonxu.
"Er—1 like In head a linle pat.
the Quaker lev drill-d pleridiy taking
post'd, thereby making mere halder“Are yon ber brethmr nex the .
provide* bis maintenance
| “d 'h- same qu-sti
And see him on the d-« "
end shot straigh'
-But I shall n
one-a best eBorts along Hh
Uea. amollla’ aa awato as ye pUie.
It eilsl-pce.
-If i were m give ym an orang'. tan. Sianish. and
With a Anal despairing effort be Bgbl." he rollcra.ed.
oratory. Sensitive persom
*1 am.* MS L *w no wan e
railed, and r
lid Judge Foo— of Topeka to D «> | anoih-r lu'crpr.-iei
rni liark lo Ihe beginning, and said
•n ToremI with confusloD h>BllaaM be tbe day t toft BelUat an’
A Atenoff* Tna.
Mefrav. "1 -VHiM simply say. 'I gt.-lwa* trt-l tn all the Arabic irmgu^
I a tfartui and choking volet-.
icu'e«anl, M
Tbe licuteani
ihe irlrks iteyed upon them
Kuivia ba* probably the mori eatnk (be atramcr Ibnlt nflher bringln'
should »b- irens- Syrian and Turkish Th<- accumulated
me. say-rick all the tolme. to be entvd hy their longues In ordinary rMiversa
ICI. tax In 'be World
II ts cotM
devised fiw re ' artsm to- intrusted to n lawyer to pot j Ini-rprct-r*. hy this time f'tor or Bv*
I like In pal a little sec.
by the right o( tbe Invelleat cxdleen
ig ar the "amusement tax." aad waa Inatf.
And dog him on ih- b-ad
fractorr soldi-r. was visited on hin. in writing, h- would adopt thb
[in nnmb-r. stood around
aiiat toted a year ago to Mute an inriilnthat Iver was. an' tbafa yonralK now!" honor at an atierooon riTeollim was
Hi- went thnuteh them without flinch
I hcroby give, grant and ronvy '".ihis Immlgraw^and
Thcti he fled -roping to his
•Pm afraU you're a drandtnl teUer- apprciarbed by a very dignited appear­
kind tkm few the poor
The tna t* told
Ing. and 'h-ro was only one thinr ' you all my intercio, right, title and md-i H all m-wot, ■*
er. Mr. FlaaaUan.’ sex the. abtlU ing gentleman whom abe had met a
ib-ft He was ut-n before the crtlon-l | vantage of and In sal,d orange, togrih r of broke out
pmeUlB' la a curloaa sray. “Is yonr year op two before.
Iteion Pleat to Iroipete.
“W'hat Oik's tbl- mean?' denand-dier with Its nnd. skin, luiee, pnlp and I in
“I sraader If you remember me." he
heme aayarbere nrar Blaree^ caaUe?"
M Falllerro. the new Fmeh peeriAmerican irrignllnn wa» old when • the oOlepr "Don i ,m know you will j pit*, and all right
adrnnugejbP ..
• -Kota bll av It.* an i; -bnl Ha aot said u he oScird ber his band.
deal, geta up between 7 aad » ate
... I. ,h. tf,., .. K.
;—M.. .Ill i.n
...... —1..I
— s™ •< I>."». oShe meant to oay wtth.a great deal
lar Dorn Sbaae's ensile oa Urngti
does his hardoin riroit dtroedy after
k Bitllwb*Tbe aneioni aeqaeducis and snbtrrra ! The Quakci, was a nice boy wlthior otbcrwlnr eat the
Kaagti. If ye kaowi the spot. But may at entbosUam.
hta moraine -elk.
He dertrara nil
n square rhin and
Id b
he ] awmy wUh o wIthcMI I
B canals of Sooth America.
“Indeed. I do:* but her tongue
t np Bern If la all ould Olrelud
of books—hlMorteal. pAUneoGrant town Who Were tennll.
Thjp Is 1nothing.- beijoW. p»1p or plu. nnythlng b-reln( mile*, o
; played ber false, and al • imve expres- tending f
tbatWs a pair ot bewticbla’ beanel
Canon Klngsl-T "o’ "««
hlsitiitoal ate literary, ate hla (aniriu
V other deed or drods.
wm the ay«nal av tbcm.lbat’a
death dr— alMBtloo tn tbe number of lanthori are Totatof ate TTffaer.
Invcuse arras, Crniuric* before llie|dld tbei-*"
A me! Pboi te yon do beror berlsb:
bean a beU ring behind me.

At that

Bridget gita al her chair.
Bridget goes away, aa’ I Jnat makia’
mnalK al.We wld mo breakfast, whta

n. by tbe Emperor Na|sdron'«





« OB groirodt and biilldinci would In
•CMI MadBtt I* EiMoa
le mreatlme look Inio the matter.
Th* Rdionrawl
The exchange of the lypewrlten beadMUloo IPft Frtdw ereninn In tb»'
s of tlie ciiy clefk’* <*■ longing to the Central icbool and the
Jlbrary were reported M having l»on
«e«. Pr«M«.t A. V. FiK^rlrt, CWk
SopertntMKlcni I. B. oll- done nnd the move wu formallr an(bortred by the board when an adben Bsd Utmben Moaiw. F~'*’
foommenl waa taken onlll 7;» p. tnCkudter aad H07I
Tnotday nest.
“mWt ibt MdlDC *f tbe »'“«* ^
the hU
U»e report of tlw ooiB-

rom Thuraday-s ReeoriL
BUtite 00 jtoubO* »wl bnIMlB#* **s
Mrm. U A. U-mler and MUt Nome
npd raeommrtidtac (be tollovlns ianlAlesaoder of Grand Raidd* arrirt-.! U.
un te ooptoyed for the n«l )«r;
the Hty thto aflernoon for a short bnsmrnwood
0. A TboapioB.»»;
Ineos rtay.
Ommt. H. 0. csrtli, (7S: Vnlm.

sale of »uuer within !«• red. td a.
patdlc rfh.iol In that eouEty. The .-a

Wlll Umeh. manager of the nii:'.
team of the Uicrelate league, bar
been having hU trotthie. with a farm
cr near the new baseball ymrk. in Bur
town lownifaip.' The agrleolinri»i did
not like the Idea of Sunday baaebail
aikd be capiur.-

The season’s first cold
ma}* be slight—may yield
lo early treatment, but the
every baseball knocked over ou hi
land. Ta one game he sectm-.! vd* next cold will hang on
longer: it will be more
balli and
Manager Learfa ha* Anally made |>eaee troublesome,
Unwith the farmer and a *mall l«y will
necessarj- to take chances
lx- allowed the climb the fence and
ion that second one. Scott's
irn to the ground, mith the hall.
A very lively dead man is ehdeavur- Emulsion is a preventive
lag through bis aUenu yB at AdrUn to
as well as a cure. Take


wa» appreW <» lie sruund that 1
!vw was uaeoustltsllonal. V-ut the 1
pr.-m- coiirt dlmgree* wlih ihi* c



Id an-i J~- Port, colored, owoo
»»• ib*- rvart eoon=rriiar

-J t J

«*» robU-d -f hU uel '-y s '”
Olid *«ing whal h<- ibo'igl.i wa
aalmal with Collia-, wm an
Halm.-I II- Wl'h a
offlrer. Carm.’l wliU. a writ of rei'i. i..
10 ^•..rt'« h..ntc. The hr.-jr.d r. d rollln- ar hi. tna-.tcr an.l a

sreure hi- aharv of an dO-acre
C. C. UangkT. -eolof warden of
0««ne Bell, »»; Bo*rtini
Frank W. Sklaaer. an
Oeotse J.Brt-0.. |W: Oak Park, M. A. Traverse City lodge. No.
fSTS. Itavihg an vi-an.>1, Montsgue bsve relorned
waes.-d I
sa* given u> hl» two *
d.. idinr il;i cafrom Grand Hopldr. where th
Tho totrer W»» »l»o rocomnendod aa
Mr'. Mary E. SheOleld and Mr«. Bet.y|
tended Maionic sr<nd
asperiBreDdrtil ot coortnirtlon of lh<«
ab'Vmul and
Montague «*» again appointed ebal^ Harrison. lF> the PTi.l>ai<-court. se>.U|^.jj^jj,
oak Park addItloB. under the dIrecIloB
min of the flnar.-e eommlHi'e.
General News.
of P, E. Moore, trebllert. »ii.................
Mrs S. N. l'ei<-rs«-ii reiiirne.i lo her
par. Carried.
home at ManiRlee tliU morning after The brother la qa.-sthm *■ nr a. st 1
The report «rf •b«' *»»“
vlMtlng St the home of Mr.. A. Smith. I«Ck. but in !»■'» a man .latcir.g to 1'
treehcre *aa road a* follom: Mlaare
Mr*. Flora Bertelaon of MsnUire IVrIey turned up and p-rt in 11 rlali
Baalrice Pomcrer. JenaH Iloacli,
pasaed through the rlly.lhU m.imiBK lor a one-tbird lni« r.-.i in tb- ■ .lal'
Oleao Wilier aad Grace Brodle not aeher rt-tnrn lo Man1»H-e from Sorth- R.dallx.. ray that they or.- not e< nai
eeptlok the poimoni oBered for the
,,-rl «here she vUlied at the home ol ihai the .lid man who rtsini. to W Per.
eotplak rear, their placet bein* rereoSkinner 1* ind.-«-d I -.
Hr. and Mra. George Mathew.,
Stnd for frti «-np.V.
Mended (t> he fllled vlth the toUowias
MI*, cure Hate* 1* spending a few Aghtinc to retain th.- i.nip.-n
A new insurance H.a ahi
days at Glen Arbor.
MUi Boaaie Stone.
Ul«a lean
Mra. W. H. CrandaU and fonr chll- Anted V(ih snsplrion akan etashin
Steeda. MS; Htai Hetty Sheldon. «5;
left thia morning for a v»*lt at iHc aml-ri-liaie law i* l«'lor<- »n«ursi.-.Hire Mabel Wilber, >4: MIm Ida TraCoramlsslontT Barry aii.l A-..urn-y
Cadillac for romo Ume-with friend*.
rer. |4t; Heien B. WlUord. <42; P a
Ur. and Mrs. William Grarkyk. nbn General Blnl. Tie- Fed.-ml l.lfe In
Wiler. MO.
Tl.i- . tupeior U Japan h.t- »■ m a •'
_yve le-en in the elty a* guest* of Mr. surenr.- f-o , rrf CJiirag.i, ha* orc*nU..l
The OM-lr apprtnted teachers were nnd Mrs. Robert Ilart*. return.-.! to 111.- Kedecml Ag'liey Fii. In MIehiBai.
. tk.uh'. I
..ill to Prosideni Ro-m-mI' a
laeeameaded by the coaminoe aa es.1 a.k* the privll.-m- of .s.-llins stork
aneh-nl -I.-.1 aimor .-;al«i-.-ai«l> .-ml" I
tbolr home In Grand Hapl^s this mornperteneed ciadoalei and of normal
imll'-eholdent. H Is sai'l otber coni
r.vrrylng 1T.-SIAll lii-ipbelioii
tralalnc. while Mr. Wiley wa. tUled
Tl'C .armor i.irnor'v U-ioii!.Mrs. May I>ntry returned lo h.-r panles will follow the same plan II rti-m Cn.b-riood oI the Hil- end v.f
10 be a graduate ot the KaUmasno
Federal comjwny's ro.ju.-si It
homo cl Potoskey this morning after
Marquiti*- rali*-ay Rys'emn and <;•*- ____f.-,i.l.vl Japniii-*.- loid nar.u-d’i-b!.!
cotlege aad Chicago nalvcraltr. The
vUlUng at the home of Rd Bmlth. 2B: granlcd.
oral Mnnitgi-r C«-li'-r nu l «B.’Ui-rat S-t- antsurs'. proiiuii-ull.v l.ii nitli«-il wi'l
Mlartea of Addle Jobnton and Carrte
MU. Emma W.-nm-r 01 Ann Arlior, I-rintesideiil Tromii cf ifc<- 1’- re M*i- Juliuti'-."- lit- ii'O 2UI x-am aun.
Bast Eighth street.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ap'iwin. who ,je servaalwho *10.1 Ilonn-r C. Mllh
iil-h C. C.rav.-b- b».« l-'-n •-h'l'-l
Iiueite. made the nm of fCS mil.-- from
<4U0 to Its and from MB to |5TJ» reavc been In the riiy visiting lAend* and hi. wife for slanai-r. elalmitig that Paul llurtui to l.iiiliiigtoii In Ai
spreUully. Carried without a dUaent.
relurned to iboir horn.- at Kalkaska th.-y *8hl *he *tnh- Mr*. Miiu-n-. dia- I'nvbli-ni«»l I* making hi.
lag rote.
monds. which It was afterwa.
thi* morning.
Ilisi lu»pi-ctlon «if the IVn- Monpu-U.The oomtalttee on waya and moaiif
Mr. and Mra. George Van Viwken priivc-n was taken by n boy. has 1*
vre BB tlemlsed report for eompnied
and parlv, vbo'bavn been
awnnh-d finu damag.'*__
Guy Iln—'';i. • Bailie Crivh
•gpanaai for the aaatiig year and
summer home at East LeUml on the
Korthville Knights Temp
driver, wa* .■oni(let.-.l .if si.iiHng half
wairmlitil that a us of <10.000 be
sit of the Carp lake side of the Mll'ci eonduMcd the funival *-Mlee.<
t «!H'h aii-'bir '.-1
IM-IIIIV Slick of eli.»0hir.- eaudy
letted In addlUon to the Mate apporbomesu-ad. imsard through the eit;
Tn-- srlnU'llliai-b 1
iKHly of Chatle* »1.
.-i brok<-B pxeka-*. In lb- MieUUoamrtit for leachen' talarlct.
iht* morning on tbc lr.return to Ca.lll- Wrighl. formitly oI lk-ii<rtt and Novi.
tviilrai fr-lgl.i
lioiW-. Ba*M-ii a*k hUn Whai- x-. they v.
Ilemltt^ ameODt aa a whole Including
«bo ditipiH-d d.-a.1 in u Hieat.-r ai liiughlii.ulj reufe-sxd taking a pl-<-'
the Oak Park addlUon eoppllea. booka.
anaih-r o-i i in
Mr. and Mr*. J. 0. OGraily of Che­ Frisco the night preceding the carih- wbin hi- bail foim.l the imekag
typewHtere aad other aondrie. being

iiior- the fom '
iirtiki-n, but Ju«Hei- Ibilrtiirir Ani-d him
ns.00n. while the teachers- ulartca boygan rctnni<*l to ibdr home this quake.
^•1n-all ib-r
mbrniag afier n visit In the city.
A reUroad-ib-ieeiive rensi-d Gi The slate mllllary Isard lias aqilmr«ree eompoted at <32.000 for the cornHr. and Mrs. Frenk Nay left today Urd Adjt. Gen. MeOurrin and Giiarie:tag year.
master GeiieBil Kidd to go 1- rblraid.
With ttaeae bond, of M.OOO the com- for a Ashing trip op the PlaUe river.
miuae reported as due thia year and
A. 0. Jone* and wife of Battle rreek

m pisi


when the culd-is contracted
and it checks iullamtnalion. kcals the membranes
throat aa>l lungs
and drives the cold out




them. They are spleoiid cEampl* «l

It will do you eooi t

Modern Harvesting Machines,
gad aic rtoequalcd fa cxecotfaj the work lor -which they are reairt


J2S Front Street

aanliiiiR iiinl h .

tha Oak Park addition to rent <10.000. have iieen the guest* of Mr. and Mfs- IV'iarttDRnt of the !.akes wbJi rt-fci
pment of ib- M. -N
Mm eatlmate of flO.OOO for n tax to
N. DlBkeslec and reiorned home
Indlanapoli*. Thi->
he tartad tmly carries the aalarlos Ibis morning. Mr. Jones I* 1
throng the Sret throe mooths naUl laty ot the United Stale* Register will iiiahe ih<- trip next wvok.
company which manulacturc* side
Among the prisoner*
county Jail from Baltic Creek were
wftll tvflalera.
n but Che re
Indians from the Athena reserve
Mr. ind Mrs. Peter Witrxhurg nrc
port ai a whrte waa Anally adopted spending the day In the rily. whore
One of them. Chns. Ooril.m.

Maral 1. H- U bn«ily enaac- i In b'i‘1,;
Ing a can.;- nrellniiiiary
an'exi-t1 Ive. fri-sh and salt water trip- Hi>
,r.ii: AnWiol. l-.e ulil cmlark for
Mneklnar Island. Thor- h- sill
liali a shKip whieii h- ha* .v' il
pcilni, and will lh-n «>l sail f -r X
Vorl. eiiy. He expiv'-; to ivmain illfor a lorti'h or more, -vtier whieli
-Jill r- idi-n by wnler a* Mr a* (-iiicaao.
.and Uii-nn- Joniuey nx-tlan-l lo


...fid. I.rr..»wi-bw»lll*-

«•.- 80MOMMKH0BK
7„v>-7 32 F. FrotM Street

It** W ■

rhooasd* Write to Mra.Plnkbsm. I.ytm.
wr... BBd Receive Valuable Advue
arwiinmly OoDfidentlal and Fr*e
Thi-ve can Is- n- no-re teixibV onU al

la fan
they arrived from NorUiport this morn- agi-il iS. ha* siTvcl nlmm Afiecn years
\ The report of Traani OfAoer F. n.
In prison. This 1* his rlxteenih
C ’
Wrta was read aad Aled. Mile,
the eounly jail. lH-»ide« l-rTiis ni
UghthoiiBO Kreper George Bnltars
traveled. »: homes visited. I!;
of the Cat Heart light. I* spending the IK-trelt hou-e of mm-Ml-n. Jackwui.
hooae vlilted. <4; number of truant*
day In the cilyi where he' arrived from Innla reformaiuri ami Ijinrlng n-form coai-!.
school.' Ward Barringer, as- r.S. f. r
lBv«a(1<Bred- 1*1
ln*pcciloa ol the la* gox ruing
Northport this morning. '
tartea. 2; noUore ported. 2: number of
drunk. 1* aunih-r mnii goo.1 Mr two apjioliiiaieiii of a snvr.rxir to <
Prof. W. H. Bteffen* rclntned this
pfek-1— carried. 23.
month* annually for th- ps-'l Afic-n lonm Suiveior rojv bring* Iio|*The Itol of graduataa reoommended morning from a short visit at Ba*t L<v yearK. He ha* also served time 1
Grand Rapid* ff*|iiranl.*. lor b
land with his part-nta
hr Rapt. I- B. Qnbert were read and n
Jackson. Joiin Gorman, far vacreni
:o nnnivw ib-'field. The las *ay*
Mr*. Maitie BcVall of Newberry. C.
wrtV- carried that they be granted
or thirty days. cUlm* h- 1* a m-plu
aiijH-inli-c m«M lu- 11 li-cr’i man. 1
P, paasod through the city ihU morofiplomaa whea.they ataouM hare eomif Senator Gorman «t Maryland.
wrjuW cm out K. N. liingliy of Kela
Ing on her return from a vl.ll wilh her
plrted the rttamlnatloaa and passed a.
A real Indian i«iw-w<iw wn. h-M uifrtio. W. T. U'?«le of Ibnraglac and
brother, the Rev. Hurllinrl of Northper achoot relea.
tear Grand Rapid* We.lncRday nlglii I'-.-in- F. TNiwcra trf Cailllll^p Tr.Mrs. lleVall export* lo go west
A bfll w«i taken np aa the Aral new
Roblnroii'* clmiR has a irihe of rest ■ Gvmiil llai'ld* fo-t--, I* n Inrg- -n-. how; the mwith of June, where a lohMlMai of the aeaatoa. this bell
finnx from the THic Rhlg.- an.nry.:l. vi-r. ll. I>. Ciinham, |-oiiuiy n--rk C-ncallra will be made permancnliy In
from the agent of the Perc Margnctte
ti.-adi-,i by IJitle Cio i-1. Ai the Wild
Pniiih. J. 11. Ware. F.rnr*> Ro*,Waablngton.
tor^A ta July and Anguat. 1»4.
show at Ramona luiri: Is aiioih.r
fhatb- HUd-n l-Ing afier iti
Hadley, who was calletl to Cootl
moflTT waa referred to Ue ways and
otith!' from R.wciind agmey,
Harbor, Monday, on acrtiunl
MM committee to report npon
fhkf He nog. Wlicn the brave*
an IroporThe-*Sprer
serious Illness of hi* dauiriiier.
le aware <if the other Inrtlan.*'
wiih Hirelurned He was unable to tiring
I protpeoliva
greniibs .If a n-w ii-lal to Franl, treat ‘.luIlls daughter home but she is out
I (Kiw-wnw arrsnci'd.
el non «-hr M many p
CllliViet lel
danger at present, but too weak
in Ih- hill* at Rce.1'* lake, rx. 1 core frniale dieen-e-.
«-f rnliinc llml*-r
I ravel.
i S. Deheoa and Walter Bingham
chanaiil gill* nnd bad a iilbal f-a-t.
btler being aenlcd and unsigned
.,-eiion of the rtifa* train wa* com
, "im."liV"whl'''vire. IMikbat
Duth Roll.
purported to have been brougbl In by
h.-J.i l;l I-,
in-Hill to wall .until the Inrtlan* rr
in-law ol Lxli.i K I•...nh:
c-s. To her '
Urn and ao treated. After a lengthy
•.I. Whiles were niil allowv-il at
[detail <>t Ui-ir
of twenty year* lack, laased awav
x-reiuonle.. exrepl Col. SanderI grv.vt kp-wlv-i
famlly home in Blair ta«-n*bl|i
son, who I* In chan:e of ihla rurtlioa lo Urn taking ot the eonsu* Thuraday at 5 n, m after lying In
i ,j.
ipakad up It wa* decided to appoint rnmaiose rtax- due lo brain Ironldo.
Alihirugh "the lid I* on" at Ihinlia-.t
or-l.v III i-e-iU' 3 x-ii.hli-.i.
li.rlUrhreo we«-kii. Flv<- )v*r* agt*
tpar enomenton. na foUowa; F. B
the anll »*1oon eleriirtii I* riol wiU-The.-nllrc- fniuily of Jon pi.
HnrTln. Plret and Fourth ward*; W*l Mr. Harkln* was struck on the head Ai-d and'will hold a mas* ni.viliiB on;
(hat time bo ha* sugctvMl
.............. '
tral.-a> IikM .VO-l I-J1-wr Blagham. BrtSmd ward; Mr. Hub
Runday -x-nlng.' lo 1- addiv.-.-d by
I .mii:."i •
sen-iu* I
brtL Thlr dward; A. 8. Dobton. Flflb more or loss until rerenely hi* condl- Rev. Ji*n M .Barker. B- H-. <d Boston
.of polwiidnc.
on l«-came critical. He wa* f-" year* and the.Rm. Oi-orm- W. Morrow of !>■■taki
will) whni '
. Owing Uthe abort time intervening
xvii-id fever,
wlfvhtcti makes U .
The^arvhall council will r
bill laier till- who!.- tarnhy. eciorUilng
vaau* than be eompletod by the 4lh daughter* and Iwn soiii gre V
of Mr*. Stmsi*. ihr--- .-’.;--lri-o. lb.
oni- daiighl.-r. Mr*. Denbn Honof June It waa decided ibat the afv
nurse,.Mr*. H.-iirieiin--t urai>. me- il*
-Ing the only Auo marri.-d and
should at once begin the work
in-, si-eim-il il.i
' e It by the lawful limit away from home.
U'-fiiol PaiToU aml weigh*
pla'ci- Sunday
r ,-wli.d III 1
s placed at'
poiilid*. it will probably be 1
[Lima, who ni-dd-- an 1;-.
raornliu; at Hi o-cicick lu the home,
two and a halt cenu per capita.
lenlx! oil July 4.
M-vintnin'-d proo
1 i-.mnd luilMin in -tbi- w.t
The foltowlng bids for furalahlng the Rev. J. W. Mlll-r ofllclBlIug.
•Ring a Ue: - shoe
, ' that
Abdenuiii pr<-iiaivHl the tvmnln*
;i-arii-vl ini-oiish-nn Iro
the Heel <FlUai for the addlUon to
Jam--* Bi.iadway .to .Mrtennan A.
. Lxlia i:. !'in;ili.,to
'.•tipper Uni'll tank wRh .
(be Oak IMrk school housapoaad f*ir rv.lortog
(■arli>te of the Flfih waul -ImiTig
[Th.- pi;»- bad b.e -nt.- t::
aad read:
-Miincll mi-i'ltng m Ihitl Hiir-in. Bi'
Suit M Thempsonville.
■i. A- Montague. <IM. f o. b.
way-* luvliion lor a lici-n--fi-r hi*
Tb(Un|iBOD\llle. Mich. Xlay
•hf fatlorv td tin xoniieti-atlnv l-it“
‘ Swtbaw
Charle* Mix of Se*w-n Coy \*. Chatje*
• <r.iaij Uu. at K^lumaxo-t a-, bani.m:-''
e e-.iincil nnd .Vld.-rm^n t
,.-ale lor ................ .The iiHielta.-- r- »i 1
Valley Cccalee and -Blaie company llonscor Big Rapid*. In Ju*ilcicourt, ralleil a full liiv
..Iieral- Iln- iiluM *Aa brnii-li
'h- ••
CUJU. r. o. b.
. Mr. Caril»le *airtln«ntl*n> g.* .-iterai-1
three days. The »uli wa* brourli' by
*.- tii'l w :il xinllii'i- IbCanton Btert BooEag comiuiny; C
•n drunk In hi*, placr- nn.l
*.Mix 10 tveor«-r fiir eiimmlKsloni
Waters agoil. tIM.
to cWldfrn who rant- wlili |iall*. | fat mi - t
lalmr In buying poiattw*. he elaiminc
Arehitret F. B. Moore B|Hu ared
Miincll refiixd n.MSdway bis ll j iniiawa:
<*ctiT-l e
<r-ii situ due him and House ronii-ndfore the Inard retaUvo to the*.- I
by a vote of 11 i.' 7.
Icamd-.n. J.m.ei Wi-g..-1 ye-.-iaad stated that the Wdt were op.-ned Ing ihal the stork pUTrha».-d ,
nr-a K. RoUrt*. a rmiirarior ot; urmur wh" haul* mill ifivren and lillle polalo.-* wtlh.eonfur all «t«-l manufacturer* and ev.
Maiiln. weiab* 7" p-nnd,'
Ilt' _wa* 1
(at !<oy.-Irov-s in-o 1
erable of Moilier 1-kinh and iheMore
one wh.. desired, local Udder*
taitinc a bars and ««• htwcTiac 'he.1,uni aia-b'nit of >.ne I.or
• eluded, and aBer a ahort dltcnsalon not valnal'le. . iilalllnc a rex
U*l Urge timber -wh-n
tb- r.d» ‘ yo'ing fnllbit*-! Intrtiam
Herbert Uonlague moved that Ibo k>w- to him. The Jury said there
and Ihe sil-k. TO fe*-i long aiii't.alt i^v-am- lrixlitt n.nI au
Mit Md. that ot J A. Hoolagoe. be Ac­
Inch.-* square, fell .m Ur. Mann;.!,an awav. rellbilng wlih i
peared ler Ihe plslntiB aod M. 0.1-aul
cepted, the rnniioo stating
cnislilng him into a apace four Inrbi * at Gi.' lu:<r-.eiUm ..f Ib-li .1:1-1 Mab
Wd be let to the Inwost Ud for aalls- for the detendani.
in thlcknew. His InJ-jrl.- nre itrolc; .Lr.-.-t--. 7b--l-s-bn-aklnc
l-a-n. faetorr n-Hing. which wtmM
ably fwal.
,n rex'tal ida«- lUth- .l-.i.ig. w:,
State New*.
The *ud.le»i dreth of C. O- Gllkev.-.-une. Wr.Wlu.tii ure, tb-«mv uni­
Baring a otorin. while twelve l<
Bupt. I. R Ollberl closed the meet­
on.- of the wenlibl-.t ePUemi ,d ' i u hi* farm f.-r alt kino-of work.
ly by brieny .vlaiing ibal the walk* at phiuie llnt'mc* were iilaylng peker
rialBw.-1l. reoaod an mU.tnmm.iit tdj In tbe.cireuli curt f.w Ik-nw.
tb* Central school ground* wore in n a l«ni «»n the Alexunl-r lann war I
a wtoiiis of the tlirtTitw* .J the NIci.-irtwiaiy JustW FTatik Bracs-b n wa- ..
deplornble eondlilon nud a*k<*l ihni
inr. a bolt o( Ugblnlng *eni 1
Incan l^ai-v Co. B WX* a mih-r i>-‘der.d l-•**»-n wairaip for an o(7. tt:-rd» flying ih ’*■*“ nlr^nnd t«-aii.T.-d
m^ble a* two 5t»rwjunavw a la. U-TlwG preybU.ns .be.
, Jackpot Every mho wan shocked.





J i",'ni


We h-»ve moved oiir slock which was in
iht: brick buidinj;.

Slate sircet, to ihe

Moore building, l-itl-KW Slate sireeU On
accouDi of lack of room for many of our
bulky ;joods. v,-e are offering Buggies.
Wag^s, Harrows, l.-and Rollers. I’lows,
eic . at a big dikcouni. These gooods arc
moving rajiidly ai ihesc cut prices. Come
while ihe stock is complete.


our Johnson Mowers and Binders are
••standard" and at less price than the trust
-ells them.

1 ;.-j ST ATt ST.


'I'lic children’s friend—

Jayne’s TonicVermifuge

Dri.L-- I'.it 1-! ' G iiiifniritiL-.
(ill-.- t.i:;*,

M.ik.tvc* and mu»tlcs.
liiid lun

To Cure a Cold in One Day

OMND TflAVlWt MtmlP. THUMOfcV. I>AV 3^ t<0t.


Traretwr Oty and fcdfotd of Charienia. I. T. Mar »--A pH
nia aii~etaiu» of rt«bt ■aa. of
•boa an bat two ara realdenw cd
fam Jm* 1*. >5.
Oraad RapWa. -Mich, baa airadi tba
ei«ia« w«l Woi»«4ay »onibf th.moal *«idartol *a* *HI thal baa baaa
B- T. p. V. *m b»t» chac«* o* thr
MMad la fba blatory of ibe cooBirr■cMtoD and ibc toUo«Ui( f (b* pn»iiamnaamn caaaar vbleb tbar
barr )uat opaO'H ap U ylaldtoc ao laaa
bbd vf\tt •'"«<»
thaa IMO#^ eublr foH of aaa la
hr CbarteroU B. T.
a»«7 «*aBlr-fonr boara. aad aoiaa
UM of It. «>oriaoB. .prodoclBt eapac't:«V-liaidta* «T
lir can be had from ibe conipartaoo
TowK Pao*»a-. andatla. ibnib B. T. P.
•1th Ibe amonai uiwd br a city 'be
v:» aM Y. P. t. C. E,-*)
alia erf Oraad BapMa. •here IJfW.flbo
Maala. KaJkaaka E Y. p. V.
nibk fem a day la • falf coB.umpHoat:Oa—Ptpef, "Ow P»ad*a." Mt». A.
Tbe oaraer*. among whom l» P- N
C. Qaiaeit, Tm»i»e Clly.
I of ihe Oraad
AMCD. Mlcb, lur M.—Tbe 0»in«





Haaie. Trararaf CHr B. T. P. u-

ymx aplli for Alrt place. Tbc event
waa left irtaadlng. the pclals bert* dtTided. IS for Traverw Oty and lid

Rapid* dIrUJoB of the Pere bUmoetw
railroad, began *orlt l| Birtle.rlllc
ibrt« monlh. ago leoklog for oI‘
a M br iba
Ttey drove one «ell_and opened up
B.T. mab Blair. Boyae Oty.
apuuler Ibai produced forty barrel*
Wadaaaday A. M.
day. No) aatlklled'witb thi* aucrei
• ;JP—Aaaoedatloa called lo order.
Ihey IrWtbelr loci! a ««inJ tin
and Intlead of finding oil Ibey atruck
lom wonderful ga* veil of Ibl*
**DewtloaaI aeralee led by moderator
enmp, where there nlread) were l.W
l.-|fu-BMdios of ofdrera.
oil welU and n onmbet of gaaa.-ra. The
Bamlliif of coaiiltotloa aad by4a.a
alrengtb cf the gn* Bow lo It- —
BaaMlag of chnndi lettera.
geld la beyond deaeriptlon. bat
Idea of it ean b<- had from li. . —•
.^^Aaaoal aennoo. the Her.
which ean be dlnlnrili beard for four
mllro In every dlreaion. li. outpuU
Wadaeaday allemooa. tbe aeaal^
tg.llM.W0 feet a day, la aald lo hare
•llt*aia Ue laiemau of ibe Soaday
hem equaled only one*, and ibe law
aebdol. Ibe follovint being tbe proeat producer kaowa anywhere today
oolidde of Ihla camp I* yleldlag only
-Wnmaa'a 'Wori.” Mra. A- E
ball a* isneli.
Hlrk|. preaWing. •
Bartlearllle la a new dlMriet. fire
t«aa-*Soadar Bcbooi work.” Mm.
yawn ago It wpa a irnding poai., and
R. 0. Jitter, pwaldlag.
iwn year, ago the population —
Raporta of Sunday acbooia.
atom <«. Today there are S.ouo
pie here, and alibough one-fourth of
Our Pninre Teacher." the Bar. T. J.
Ihem are living In leni*. ibe town baa
Hooiutd. Oaylord.
•:»—Tbc Haew o( a B. Y. P. C,

large, fully dCTWtopel n-cmen. Ttorci
e If dwarf stature on eltbei \
w family ao tor at ka-iwn.
pierce was bore ai For. H.-cr; . X Y.;
ever been cablbllcd caerpt,
t time In a mutK um. Count:

lor CbarlevoU.
l»ievlo-ja to the high jump. Hob.
Frederlek W. Mayne. HrtmH lodge of
ltd* dlalHct. apprared with aleere.
rolled up and eoai oB and taking n


:i amin*

aborel proceeded to break and Mrftcn

Ibe ground for the Jampera.
ltd I will E > to uuluadlnc canlo
In Ibl- ISP-yard low hurdle. Plsnenn
of Chailt'vul* look Brat In Ibe paelimlAdmiral wma-ld s.-*ut Seller elary and Hodge of Trwverro Oty am cenvlm--r-f ..•dwkkla^nadbMprota aborilr t.i w-iUc Id lUItlmorr
nd- In ihe iccond preliminary. I.erl
and will make tliai ciiy bb p. rman.m
_m ta IM>
on of Charleroi* took firm. Tbe final]
raa nm run off ai Ibla time.
| *
Ihu Dv. Kilmer s oir.
A New York sMtdrti- al
iB the mile run Tmverne Clly go! m,. e....
* ciaai
money iwiTwoyiufliiac-ea/
i;i2ai kidney
lunedy fuinua eMt* tbeumaliam.
p!a«-. ■
of Cbarlevoli i.»kl«
wi;t 10_______
pais.In »b* IMu* 1 acacciy kb*ed a pn ity hr«.|eilBD IK
>• Hunaberger of Cbartevol* ai-eaf tbc ..naary paaiap. 1: correetr Inability plBln-d
Ihe iBcaJiy Sii.l t?' *•:>d t- Hunaberger if Ka»t Jordan
le hoMwaicf tsd icaWirg pain in paaang
.lurkipl the iu a pm.J
B, or tad'cflecis ts.lpwinf use ol liquor,
h..nt.u-.! to U-a«e sch—l It. a
wincorbocr. a.-,dcre.-comca tSa: lapbaant
nec*xal-.y of cer-.peiled lo go e.'iea (body 1.- ant were .-*pi-l!.->!Stillwell la a Hero.
danotlheday. aadijpt up frany lu-nm
Ei-llain-. May 31 —if Iri.-ii.l!. of \V|: durtnr the night. The ma and the eatrolie SUIIwell of Ibla vlHage have ihelr enbnary cll«« if Swaw^Root u soon
way that lad will l<e one if lbi< neai naluee. ' It atinds the highoa for its veadarful cure* of the mca distresamg earei.
LeneH,elarte. of ihe Carnesle h.-r..
Hyou nedd a nedi-ne vouahovld have iba
fund. Young Billlwell reaeui-.l a lllth' tan. Soidby erugg’ . :i»a.
You may have * sa.-npie bottle el ihl*
giri from drowning hero roeeoily. im'
•Idg bU own life in Jeonardy lo tavi
hai of Ihe girl.
about It. both sent
toi .v,.g
C. 8. Wllcoi of Cook anJ Wilroi ataelciely free b.v mall,

Allow eowoe tedcutrireroHi* t»“'i>d»»re bnt
AU cooewnene. tiniuiuntin amt ••eswwv.gww
Experintrats that trttlo with end endAiMfcr tbe
iBfiuaU sad duldres-Espcrinice s*slsrt Ezk-----------

v.mwwru> la s hamilew* aatadltnte ftw Cuter Oil, Pb»eKoric, l»r..p« aiwt S.-.thluc S.vriip*.
It to fileSiuU It
oiuttsmn iiellli.T Opium, JHnrphuie bor other KnrttoUe
.m.iswb ,v
MibMsnoe. IW agw to tU gnaranle^
It Jewtrwyw
dewtroyw Wawnn*
and sUuyw Per-ertotai ran. It eurro Dtorrlxcm h»d
. Wha*
UolMs. It pell..v-ew To
It •MumilaU-s the FiwwI. rrg«te««
ssd Ftauikwtoy.
htonaeh and Unweto, giving benlthy uihI naturhl nta^
111® ChiUlrripH l>Miar(«-Tbo WidbiT’s Fnemd.



mbbao Of. Kilmer k n»<rBi
up aad will pul II U-fuie ibi- eumuil* Co..BUI|^mb.N.Y.
thuer* wbo have ihe Carnegie fund
Don't nialte any inbtakc, li-ii
l«-r thi- zume, Bwtimp Hnol. I
sm-r'a .dwareplliol. and il.iCencral Naum.
Blagbampion. X Y.. on evi-r;
Benaior Knn* c.f I’ennaybaab faU«

yy Bean the Slgnaiore cf

lumber ^^li-ra, ha<- token the miil. i

=.------------- =

cooaldoralily abort ol briiis a g>.t»'
To make ma-tcra worse, be oecnpliu. *
r back in thi- aenale (;ha“'’‘‘run .me occaahui when Vice |•n•:>ldei.:
Fbirbnnka' eye rwept the chamlHT ‘
Hr. Koo* mill an cxpeclam I

The Kind
Yon Haie Alwajs Bondht
In Use For . Over 30 Years.

Ti,™. b..




Blow to engllto Shipping.
|o.uiiw May K.-BHII*ta thlpown

Twerti-fw* BUSHELS

'■» l*asMvmliigly .lenn.-d.

This law I

n cir.-ct.
Old Khediv.- Ismail's e*i>.-iislv.Pliioeni to 111.- then


U/nuU UiUiy,!.-. re ear

Sir stelBl. It. w a,-ereit.»d. »n« vc"'I'-M. ■«.
gjturtay. toe letw nay of June.



tbirty-six year. ag..-t!...

to that she might drive Inst.wd ..f
lug im a donkev—has Iw.-n ci>|disl by
Ihe present khisllval Bmeriiliietil for

rl.e princees of Wales. For hi: a carilage road has Uv:> loiIK trom Tie:rash<>en lo Ihe iiyramlJs and ruins at
naior from New HampJblro.” b. Sakkara. Thi* road, like tbe one made
Vtth MgfMtlMt for comlag year.
•red. wiTldg bis flau. "is ibc graa* for tbe empr. a* of the French, will be
|0;»-awto mlaatona. the Rer. C.
ei-rvlceahle to onlliiary tourWs heneclUI certain provlalM* of n me..—. nopper of ibis body." fp tom ihv
1 (doctH^l. sblpplng bin BOW before the bouse of treglle form of Chandler. • Maybe he foHh. There ls even a irulli-y line
-urn Cairo lo Glzeti.
comiBOB*. will mean absolute ruin for a." be reioned. "but y-ou'n Bud lU*t n
Emr. W. T. 1
pliekiork canY »tlck a graaabop-K-r.'
Vi-rnon Pierc-, of Dunkirk. N. Y.. is
A pelliloB a mile long aad U-aring _ healthy luah of 43 vears. Ihnu- fee>
jjilS-QntbaMB up (he fiagmewu. BHll*h enrryUig trade. Tbeae propoac
to enforce the employment of British
■ore thau lU.MW names has Us-n and six Inches tail atid welsailng ju,
flow of tbe great guiher.

RfSorl of officer*.


ne gir»H TM Bare Alwars Bo^ht, kad vkkE ten tern
rrmn, ban heme
e for OTwr 30 Tcnn,
teme tbe
the MSitoiBre
Mextotare oi
aud baa been btode ateer bia pepnonal Miperrintob «1bc« lUfiiDuir*.

^3-^' ;:;i„vrd^ w

JiU tare and hla bind* fun of .
pared atreet*. Then- are two big brick
*:»*-Addtm» •■Hoar » »•«* the
planta located here, and one Urr' pen. and he knll bl* brow imd.wvor
Daraaebed." Ibe-BM. J. E Platt.
■0 dlacover whether the ea-a-tor
gloM pUol. which la to be aupplement
w*» standing up or no:.
ed Bl once by anmber now under con
nIruellOB. The output of tbe gii well* Nol being able to decide he luineJ hb
aligbily tuwnnl hb aa*l::uui and
b token by ibe manufacturing plant*

4:M-ltoand igWe eoaterrw* w E
Baked in n aiage wblapiT;
•'la Mr
and Iberu b no tear of the lack of
a. managament. led by tte B«. C. WKno* aiandlng up or silling dimn:
Chadwfck. pmonkey.
It b andertiood Ibtt the owner* ol ■Standlni up. Mr. Pnildeoi.- repUe.l
On Swdouaday ereDlog and Thnnbe awrelary. -Tb.' senator
poaaeaBar monOng ibm* will be n mlaatoonla," almly exclaimed
aryarr twalon. The program will be; atoo of their property and to work It
TiW-DeroHonal aarrlee. Ibe Rm. themaelre*. aUbuugh they hare hail
One of the atrangcal frU-ndablp' in
many ofier* for lla porebaae.
ryank'BaylM. Katkaaka.
.ratblngton I* thal ralstlng iK-twin-n
iiSO-rorelga mlaalnaa. the Rev. E
The two men Inieroiled In tbc ileal Benatnr Tillman of Sonih Caroltna
W. Iiounabury, Ik U, Chieago. dlatrtrt
wbo are ool rcMdeni* of Grand lUp- and ea-SonaUw Chandler of New
**^lSiome Mlmtowk the Rer. E Idt are W. C. Hull and Franklin H. Hampshire. Tlllmin iviitvscii'* all
u dlataalefiil and baleful in Ihe
B. E Jnmeaon. E D,'Detroit dtaiH« Bmllb of tbb clly. They are equally
h on the race Isaue. On Ibe olher
In tbc field and Ibe.lndlea
•lerwtBtTHons are that ibey will abarc
u.K.i ex-Benaloy Chandler ha* lieeu
Tburainy E M.
one of Ibc most p.-ral*i<-nt, flaunt.-ro
•lOfi-Olbn iBtorwau.
Mr. Place of Grand Rapida con- of tbc "bloody ahlrl " On one orea•;#*—OarMkmal aerrle*. iba Bar.
finnad tbe report toil nlgbt. ato'Ine aloo Mr. Chandler. iKil.liIng up from
T. i. HowMhd. Onytord.
S.W Bualwrwa. Bapoit of commit that far waa pnweni and guaged the different aiwls. kept firing qtii-sllontaw


nuwbttJ. tlie lialtan midge-, raid 'Oj
pterce: 'i am gotog lAck to iHI my
pixplr IMI America baa Ibe amallcsl
man In tbe wi.rtd." T. m Tfanmb *a»
Picr-'C and sal.:: • You take my ptoci-

at Tlllniau whlU- th.- lali.-r was ad
drasalng the chanUier. Tbv anmb.-n
at icnrb became ea**pcraii*d. ■ Th

: l>r MlCUlUAS-Coontr v


- • J -srZr-

•men on Briilab nhlp*. or at lean rent to Gov. Guild of Massarburvti.- loity.flve His wldowisi mothei
I pul n IlmUnlloB upon the employ- asking him lo commute lo life Imjiris- run a ln le s'ore and Vernon lo-lps.
_,eol of Lsanra. The prweaiera point oumerft the mtolence of deaih Imp.*"*' P|.-iee's (Blhet weighed
M. W. E A Blactlon.
mother IT.'- and two sisters arBMtW Croak. Mtok- tey «.-Tbe to the rwjem arrival wt BeHaai of i upon Aariea L. Tucker for the mur­
WuMtb's Proa* atooetoilpn elected of- German *team*htp-ladcn with wheat der of MnU-1 Page «i W.ueon to
from AnairalU-whIch wa* manm-J March. ISM. The signers include «i>.
•ron lofiay at follow*:
entirely by Chinamen. Only the ol
P«^t. Hla* Brook*. Jaikaon.
fleai* wure Oermnn*. and they, con press wagim
,» neo-snary ii» Iran,
Vte proal^eni. H»- Oto** ■Hai&or B««k.
lb*. AllM BnitMt. DtCtoH.
B^roury. Mr*. C. E Baaaait. Jteu

irired to nnrlgnle ibe ship Into por.
nllhiMab none of Ihem eonld eommunl
cue verbally with ibe sailor*, wh.

l,-ln( d-«Tll»d H tliUeew «v

the pcHllon to the eiale houw.
M. 8. M'Clellaa. author of -U-ah

KleschbB." has bis-o awarded $13:
conid aprek no Bngllab. The wage, damues In a Ubdi.n eouil agalnsi
.^.nipfmatog aeereuty. Mtoi Badle paid 10 Iheae Chinese are lea* lhat Charles Harmtn. another playwright
ooekalf of Ibe pay demanded by Euro for libel conialnisl to a lem-r alleglw
r. Mrm BtolHne pean aenmen. How, ask- the ahlpownbal -Leah Kleadiaa" U a eolorabl.
1^. Ballle'Creek: Mr*. Bell* Perry en. ran they be expected to malnlMu mlUtiiui of a play, -The Ciaekman
with foreigner*, If Ihey
Charloile: Mr*. Kata Ward. Hllladale:
With Ihe Yillow Lace." prevlousl'
... ________ B to Imliaie them In ih- eupyrigbled by Hnnuan H.- wlihdrrw
Hits Haggle Wala. Calumet.
uae of cheap labor* Tbti a German
ImpiitailcMi* ol wlHtil plag»H,ni.
ablp abould be pcrmUied to bring a
OTWwn e.rwge reoxi,——,malnlaloed "uailiai his copyright Irad
pui maioiaioeu
cargo of Auiiraltan wbetl inio,* Brii- been Infringed, nie Jurj .l.Tldvrt ibaWant*. MloE. May **.-Tbe. I. O.
F todga Mtobmied ibeir third aanl- Ish port under eueb coodlllons. Is. iher Ihere luul not be. n any infrlngeai.-nt


___ __

Suffered Tremendous Itchinf Over
Whole Body-Scratched Until '






WtoUn L*d

rwraary Itora Saturday by Improrlng
the tot on which tb«r ball la kmated
•nd pMltMg troe*. A fiae anpper waa
a«wM nl Eo eloeh and a pedro party

ihlak. a apeflal aotranailon- On lb*
Mbro hand. It I* quite eerinto that

British ablpowner* must employ Brtitab eeamcn, or there will bi- no sup
la the wrtqOag ni wbleb lew en«* and ply of nallr* anllor* for tbe royal na»7
«rtew *« arovwl- The Odd Fellows a poaslbllHy ibal no government can
do thtoga h«w la a toaaner - — tolerate or acknowledge.


r the copvrighi.


Tweniy«la nutomiUdllst* bad a aurrtslag rxperienre between RIchniciBd
.ml C-barlortoavIlle. V*. All ol«a
tbeir rouie couwry ruailcs and Utigbibg girls wen- trailing their |-a>u.iug
They bad never i-efon- »een ■ bormless veblele. For frequenl touuvals

. and s orve. ui
tO it sprea-i ever Its- olsdi- U"ly. ond


High fieheel Maat.

along many mll'-s or ihe rome the ol.l- toftiH-iil. o' lls- djIllIH-i. :ilel I h 'd 'O
Cbtrlerolx. Mich,. M«
faaUoaeil snake fence* were lloe-l
Grand Rapid*. Mich- May «.-Thc
-........................ - - I here today. I
with young girl*. In their arms wer.lUlawIng officer* wero eluetod by
which fire Donbera Mlclrlgan High wreath* and clusters of nowers. whicii
•road lodge of Hnsema:
aebools were enieted. al 3 o'clock Ibl* Ito-r 'brew inti> ihe automobile* and
I «a- X- -re as could to. mid until 1
OMM Hnaier-Charto* U Staron*. atlernoon Traverse Clly bad a l«*l of
Train, Mv'Ttscvcm ‘Ml •,
CM nicist ii« |aiuv.
|MHW. I dill
Ui.i .ret
nbers «f the iiariy. as did auPr. rol ..............g
nlinl i! SA-, and resorted to a p.«-im.»t.,, totc-i.
12H polnisi Charlevoix. SH; Cbehoy- tbe maidens of ancient day* before
Ary.ui. rag-.rnn
D*p«ir arbhd Mater-Cbnito* E caa. S; Eaat Jordan. *: Peloakey. 0.
royal entries of iriampbnni tonTraverse
»ua.--re.* .u-f"rt..i-*«*
u.d Mv
ewrok Downline.
Then I made up ray niii.d
mind I
m-sema. Tton
Bnkir Orawd Wardtot-^rnmu* E
Waller J. Hill a
of PreMdeni J.
■ ahto I
■tlaen: Cheboygan, eight, and Chai
J. HUI of Ihe Greai SenheiTt. ha* InUn-Tum-ts.rdiiigloirwtniiiioiu.nudMrfT
B. r. MUELhJMt. Ora > Fsre. a«rai
jnatar Grtoad WnMow-Arttur H levtix. fonrtero.
venied a new spori. Og his way from
In the prellmlnnry 120-yanl high
•ran indeed 1 mu greetly lelwv.-d 1
Home. Owoaan.
U-wlsinn to lUHings. Moat, In hi- eimtiniKd uiiifl w.di, aad ti—
□rand traMnroro^WUlldto Went*. hurdle. Hammlll of Peloakey was firm aulnmolille ne
he enaseo
eha«-i a yarn-vnoe
Jack-rabhlt or
- .0 iv...i....,-nu
-rand (tot
lira, utraurs
usirure Uviu.0
and Hodge of Trnverae CUy second.
edk-itoativoira wto' *uffetv ar did >■
Ibc level nralrb-s iiniil ibe nbhll
obedieot rervsiit. Mr*. M.*n-Meti(
Grand 8*crotni7-UNi E Wlnaor. IB the preliminary lOtt-ynrd dash,
ibauu.-d. This is prabably the only
gsxetwater, OUa., June
ler* of Traverse City look flm puro.Rawd aty.
ue oa record where a wtU JackrabIn 10 3-S aeeond*. equaling tbe High
Grand Urturw-Frank T- Lodge.
ii was Chased in an niiiumobUe.
Mhooi record. In the second prellml-.
James H- Maurer of Reading, Pn..
nary of the tOO-ytrd dash, Hodge of|
Grand ChMato-Thn B"- WllUam
rlth rear* In bis eye*. lHT»cd ih.- &►
Trarerae Oiy took firm In 1«3-S **c
H. Onllagber. Safflasw.
lallsi rcmveniion not o aismina'c blra
oads breaking the High acbool reeorU
Srolor Grand Deneon-a. »»««■
or governor
'Yoti bavu cbo*.-n eirf
lade by Will Urdle In 1MI.
The SEnniiuig itching
Bvifl. AdrUn.
Jim Maurer as your nonrtnee.- b-- said,
Feller* of Traverse City won the
Jnntor GiMd DaMun-Jatoro E »l).~- ..f hair
you dooY kttow low unfit be
u.' ill jrav-ix-b:
sbM pul. ihrowlng tbe missile « feel
LlHUt —
of ~alp X- in >^'4ll--v]
km. Bnat Tnwns.
bankropl and owe and •ru.t..«
of Traverse..™..*
Traverse jieally U. • - •
uHnebei. Amlabaecbler of
H-dvof alTTsxl
hrml —alldrmanda rmi-.,-—
Grand M*«hnl-JM*ro R. Tbomp
City took second aud Bedford erf Cbar-t money. I eann I be yoir nominee.'■
supi-rhuman vinurs b- sui-re-v'iuUy
MB. Brari.
• with them Tliat
lerolathlri. MlUev of Traverae Cliyj But Maurer wa: Bomina-.d hv nerUGrud Ttler-Jamea F. MeQrosor.
took Ibe 820-yarrf dat* a»d Flanraa of mailoa and bad :o aland for It.
» «»u SUV .suwed his living . .
Thww n« m todge* m the male Charlevoix was *««<tod. H« 'h» LH*' swa'kjwlng coin* and orbii^-'anirlcA,
MW aad nlmoot uo detosato* aiiendsd Jump Vralkev erf Traverae Clly and had to to operated on al
Levlaoa of Cbarkvoix spill fur first
• the -MUM. which- wM oM irf Ibe
Boaplul U* other day mad Ue mirptoM at ( (*« 11
VUUBg ol

Real Estate ami Loans
127 ftont SI., WoDtafne Blk.,

Trafcrsc Otj, Mick.


tUuuon, Eownuk. « 4 Uctalncs |
Cttrod by CuUoan


Properly of All Kinds for Sale
.and Exchange
Wc will act you seven per cent per annum for
your money and give you as securiiy gill edge
Traverse City real estate or gilt edge farm* m
Grand Travene County. Mkh.. where your
money will be absolutely safe.


r. MAx s’.jrm.


(.N..W. all of this I* Itwe*.
..It, 1 tw In Ihr arveath nredo. My
We are dMag »" rfgh: ta Otc mWdV rf the creek. ?
nd .•.ftywherv bto miaUT« goo*
fidii* an filth reader, aritbmetk
We bae#
have a new-htmae tbto anmarer. be _____ imek by way of
The littt. he follows, too.
jrrmmhT. gengriph*. hlriery. phvat.dflve cbtaheai aad three
tat that to Djihln* strenge at *8.
rmnae oor old bonae w*i attack by Grew* Lake and l>uch Lake. On «
have two ttay Wile leeae: they
ay back we ome by a ptare wta
TM Plata as aaything—
Ughtalng a few y«an ago and It waa
yonr visit to Chicago. I hope yoa are
very eala I saeaa I will ekiae tor
ly nnele said two tribe* of India
■ Ijc»*use ta- »• a lamb on wheel*
Mmok ap jnat awfal bad. A IRUe lawell,
tbto ttaae, *o Bood-bye.
Mt ami bad a batUe. The wood* -And foBow* by a string.
dton km la
to adwoi Wdar
Btoabett Bee*.
ame thitragh were Jnat besotlfuL aad
aad her aame to Grace Peabstm. Her
1- letters that an- In tbe lit-nid. My
Are the tittle fMae Wf eaoBBb tc
w bad a fine Hbf.
ElmoTT r.niy.
<>« Ik. M. W- Cray
Buaaer. itaaaM Manta. Oertoade Haw .wtm? I do pot kaow bow eld they father work* at oor ptace aad we Hk
Oor *eb.»'l l» out now. We bad ex- mile nist.T wanld like to leUrns tv 4 |■<a.•.tae, has beru netUk-d Ibal bhim very well. Wen. I will ctoee my
tar, Oetda PeteraM. Sua BaUer.
bare to be. aad woadar If yoa cm tell
metoea the last day of acboed. and I the Cradb- Roll. I read !» Ito- HereW ta* s«rc^s*luUJ p*?iw-d Ibe tvqulrod
ud cat my artthmeita. eo gnodhye.
bad a ptoee The title wa* "Tb* Soot . st'irt tlmv ago that if any ooe woaM ,tv.;,-al ..xamlnatton to West Ptaat.
H. Y. F. StaiahtM Ctab eradl* Hall:
Ibe AB Wned Shirt.- I would Hke -;1 anything utawn «h«-.r ^vr er
Bedro Woolley. Waah. May UHanha Thae. a«e one rear, Sodro
Ito' roitld U-k*g to ttota M. Puletitacr.
., have my liilta *tolrr » name on tto
Dnr ITealdeal-I ihouBbl I wonld
I •«! tnr M b* M *m9 • »
WoiAler, Waah. Naota aeal hr Fhoate
t ebaald iblnk the BRy-etae Uttta Cradle Roll Her name to My UK-l.e« ,'radta R<t!l. My'lfHe stour'* nan-.v
write a lew line* to the Suaabtab ctab.
«• Mta taaki
Hi-rrivi and ubi- I. «»v year* old
I don't kaow bat what It to pretty eoon .hickeas wonld be pels enough wtth- aena Lore. Sbe went tc ibe barn an-:
Mrrtle Laaaeoa Luoe. Saaitali Clir.
V k*s a chtato-a so tame ih*l rhv
to write, bot when I read the tetlen,
R. F. D. Wo. 1. Naw: aeal hr Boo
..a *:ai> I' ns la a shawl and hiul it
,dd bee em *f'"c tor
Wh.-o nta
n make* .me want to write, loo. I too bhd that the rabbU got kOled.
M WIM M «MnM«r

Elk Rapid*. Mich- Mk.v IT. !»«•
neln »h. Mid. T bate to-.o to tb« vi.emd In hir lin>
bare Are *>eopta that want to tota Ihihr ran .-atrh tto> rtotk.r. an-sh.-o
■Mry tovtaf tWa»
Biar Healdent—At I *m ta aclwol
Sonthtae etab. Tbev are Mabel
fW ta toytoM M-•
Oor Sinablae ctab li powlaa rapWto and none of
j«v: .-i
kernen. Sophia: Thne. Harriet 1—. today and 1 have siadied my rending
«MM Mtafi. t «W *Tqr» toy
thought \ would drop you a few line*,
iBBa Thue and Stelta Thue; Cradle
this wc^ 10 the aew braaeh
am altilng with one of my schoolBoll. Mnrthn Thne. ased 1 year, of
.... at Crtaoell. Iowa, aad lh« *«P*rlouta lb.- next time 'ot write?
Bedro WooUey. WaahtaBtocu Heare mates. Betake Putali^r. i am very
tatendeot. Mlaa Bdlih Adam*, wriic.
aMd me Ibelr canto and butiou*- «»rry to say mr dear and very U-i
...tot., Mtah.. Ms. -•=- 11^^
that the pi'edxe to helptoc ihe hoja
Wben wc aak Martha to kto* u* ah.- wl. HuBle. my rooster. Is .lead. Oh.
Pr.-St.vnt ! rirvchi I wnoH
aad flrto la many war*. 0»« •'*"»
lean* over and ktoee* u* and befdn* how I do mlsa him. The p s.r old t< 1- ...............e the ........... I am -n
Kiri aaya that ataee *b* *l»»»d “«•
lauxhinp at ut. fk-dr.. Woolley lan t low died 4n the ntohl. It mak.^ me -< r..-w,
M. t.-erta-r. naim- to
pIcdM ahe doe* nol pool. Thai to ihc
an Indian name. At flr»i a loan wa» f.el very sorry We ha.e g«« another Mis.-. Stallj- t I'le !i-r.»«-r< nraeJi. Wi
rtghl way to be a Sunablacr. ton l IIIt to a rabhll. Hli
Tlv Uw-tn4ta1e Verwton
bum CTi the north bank of the Skasli p> I now
......... ».in.'ryOllic
We all want our pleiUe to help «. ta
ill hats' bi-std of Mart
river and when s d^' fa* po> In they Bunny nnd b.- l» very Inme
:.u,l w..rl.s ;!21 Ibv «rc.-l.
1. .I bti.’y lo wril>
1 <
IC lltil* ererr-dar wayr. art on »pewi«bed for a name. A man koowlnp him out and be nta* aiwnd
Al oeeaaloai obly.
the Spantob lanEuace named It Sedro. the green gtaa*. Hv wlH
’ loitar Sun-him- glrt.
that being the Bpanlab name lor cedar. away he to « umv. He ha* to .-n out
A ctab ot twenlr^rteht o*w mero
surrounded by big re- quite a lew day*. That lame hen i
and aevcral old one* wp» formed
Bedro wa» fln>t waabd told you about the otbre time i> dead
month nt Ok lUtdd*. with Mto* Clara
away b» the rlnlng of the river Then teo Wc bad a heu with liiita chick
DeartaS •• prealdeni: Marearwt Brocc.
i. hut ahe has weaned them and
they built Bedro un a little farther
Vk« prealdeni: BcmIc BriSE*. aecreBorth. Hot tbto time It bonied. There we have got another hen with Mirk*,
in-ar 1
ftaiMToy SKlaM*. .
Urr. and Holly Wll*«wrer. We
wa* a man named Wnolle..' owned c but she has oat weaned them yet anl
will be pled to hare the aetmary Mnd
htte g..t two morn hens setllnglarge tract of land adjoining Sedm cm
ut report* of Iheir mcellOB*.
Che north- Me sold ihl. Into clfv tat. There are ttartynine seholaia
,bre-lfcev; bh. name .> P'rr. 1
Tbeic ate more iti
m,d tbto place wa* called .fftp bln. •rhool t'toay.
have fife bnrtlx'tv and
■ "dV- " •
We ROOM like W hare oeeaalonal rr~
As the two lowni grew Hear ingrthei eomi- to sehmil. I«il they are not
..rhcttwosi'..-.,:-.--'.-*.!. M.t
port* from oor oiher brmneh cloba
and tolnnd they atoo Jcdoml '1*^ name* here. One of my lUtta ieimotmaii
name to Mi s Shvtty; I
The WllllamabnrK club la^rta* eery
calllttg the town Bedro Woolley. I»n Clare Wclih. got her foot cut ro !«■
Our Sf-bvel «IH be e-t '2-e T:nd .-I
pieaaaali meottar>
on know where Rachel Wanier live* with glass that she can t walk on
whicb TOO would all enjor readlag
Id lo ean-l come to sehort. T..^
iOwT A* my tatter to Betting long. 1
Mary Wito-P
WtaJ^'aaa haa h«a la lor *€«; rbout. mad the aamc to Ime of a Bom­
cods lock so nire with all Ihe green
rlll close.
ber of other braaehe* Will Ure aecre
*v.-s- Well. I gneaa 1 *IM close ray
,• Sourhliie •
Vonr SuBshtnc filri.
- Prer.'.
WbM niaoa aiT actletad. aad dropr lartet ploaae tvporIT
.(ler for this lime, so good live.
nionie Cooko( rata
Firm your Uitta Sunahlnt-r.
Yonr letter to very Inieretllng an I
Hr. Domlae baa wrillen another
BToak taio tinoa W the »tado*.»aaeT

-I. Mich.. M*. n, ItoW
Ethel Allen.
. hope you wilt write Juat aa oOen a*
Me tateraaUnc Mtera about the achool
Ik jt ,i*t. .t'b-ii 1 am ai s'losH now
I am verv sorry lltai the pH ?.*--uer
WhM B» the
looki cold aad faya when be waa a IHtta bor. wbkh yoo feel like It I do not know where
go tore........ .t..yd*V- Tta-r, «•
Roehel live* now. Perhaps some of Is rt.wd. The rebbli will be tot* of f to.
wIBhe prtoled In our deparlmral nen
.9 sche’ars ta s--to*'l i.-ta>- 'tar ie»ei
,ir Sunshlnei* can tell you
joat aa II dooi tadore the dawo.
er', uame U Mtor Shelly* 1 Uke to
Aad the *aier. •oahtaf ihrwwh Urn
Maple City. Mich. May H.
Elk naplds. Mleh.. May IS
rTynttcl.. 1 am In .to-lortrth gre.l.
mol «taaa«.
nuar PretMcnt—I tboogbl f woul.l
PeFr Pr.-*irtent-I thouglit I woiiU
l,ml*, Idabo. May t2. tW«.
hire sen............
Pllta llw apariWa aoal aa U paaaea.
write a few line* to you. My brolhei write and thank you for the prril.
Diar Prealdeni—I received yo
Ftoat your h.v. rly fro nd.
mi 'bto card and-butioo and wa. cart you sept to Dorothy. It l« v.-r>
H«« can Ihe redataft Bad bla berrte., kind and welcome letter a looR lime
pleased,- He was sick with t> preriy. I tit»o
to*'"g •"
The n. vi lime
'writ.- tell ti
or the redbfoaal took op the hlaek aan aad aai atad l •»» welcome t..
re organlied a Sunshine rluh In
tota and become one of ynur Sunabtae pbold fever, but he to better no*. H.
heart eherrlea?

ntontl yv---r
on May IS. 1»B. »o I have d'tft
• I- o. r.ox IM.
Trev-re* aty. mIcIia^
How caothe we* wr« keep her hioed atembera. TbanklDB you for your kind to going to begin school Monday. Hi
8:tu .n> Ito.v.Mieh.. May
I. g year* old and has oever been I.
of naim-s which will make ar
Safe aad ahdtared aad aerred wlib atletilton. I am. a* ever.
■fV.vr P,v.-,.-.-itt-I win writ.- yoi, :
seboed bnt two or thrw da>a I havi addition to the ll.l of Sunshtavr*
Yoor Sttaablne member. »
gone to school three day* this tent Three arv the otticers:
. Alvina HMrman.
om la aoch pUllcaa, peWta* wmthw
Miss nare rearing; vie,- preddeat
Lellera from our faroB Sunahiner and I have l>een sick the re*t of ih
rhun-b nex: S inday. I read Ih.- le'
Dreeehed aad drtpplae fro" "aeH P*"
ee alwaya welcome. Wouldn t It be mn and I am In bed now. Maybe I Margan-i Bruce: secretary. Be.-sta
tb.-Il. rald. I win write mot
.n IntcroalloK plan for all oor Cmnd rent gel to acbocH any more Ihto term. Briggs; irearerer. Holly Wilson. On
Boreb^lh^'d all »ct wet to the ahia
Ttarcrae member* to Ic»k m> the map I waa II year* tdd the Ifth of May. another psto-r I h*‘e the list of mem- later en.
U MHBc klad Mead d^B*! tall tb» la of litabo and aee where Alvina Uvea?
It wa* Ibe Brat lime that I was tick ou her*. 1 iblok after my list rt mem­ •From your Sunshta.- Imy.
W. Harmon.
my blnbday. A* my letter Is ^tlng bers I* written I win have a tong
OowB la Ihe bedpe thero a ihe mm
Wllltomahut*. Mleh.. May HWe ere always cls.l *«' liea. tro
mg I win ctoae.
enongh letter. Good-bye.
f)ear PreaWeat—Aa yon
did not
Bessie Briggs
From your Bunsbiner.
Bot -hw neat la fall, yoa kaow. ererj
ear from out little Smt.hlne ctab l**t
\V,- win all lie glad to welcome the
Age n.
Hnby Brt>«*»iho-JRht I
week I thouBbn would lei you know
I am very sorry you and your brotU- .ilg Mu of memtoTs from our
how we are Bettmc ataBR. We have ,T have been aiek and hupe yew will branch ctab. Their nami-s ar,clKhi member* now and hope to pet be well
.- that 1 am w.ll and I'.ois- that
the head of the dniartmeiii
Wooldn-t lake a Wtow In, If poo
Bwre. 1 have cot a tooth that wa*
S.inshta. rN u.e lb '
aak It:
BBlle «MW iBBt week and Ibo aorene.* Treverer Cttv, R. F. n. 4. May.
►an-..-, 1 cut to ,ch.ci1 nnw. I
Dear Prealdeot—! will write while
Ballons Day, Mich . May is.
like niy ir.’-'h.T w-ry m-.ic’i ll'V itoii "
The .hummtac-bird'i each a aprlghUy ot my tooth went dotra lout the bone
have the time and icH yoo that I
Kar presldeni-l thought' I wertM to Min Therhell
and my fare to all awellcd op m
tV-- ere E.dng
muM like to Join the Btinahlne club
le a few lines to you 1 would like have am-iher uvvV: <•: > -l.'s'l vid 'h. ti
He eaa tery well take ««» of hlmaalf:
If you will aend a eard and button .„ be a member of the H. Y K. R in- our srhoo! will to- oat. W.- hare h-i.e
He might ruD between Jbe drope. I
wHt Thelma Taylor laM week and
> ran the..-- We jda.v ball nearly
BbooH tbIMg'
bad tot* of fuD. I goca* thla to *11 for toreadlheleltereltin. My lencher-, My ie*eher-s name Is Mis' Irtae |.r,-y- livv
I a
Or oalr atop 1^ etataeh la drink.
name It Mis* CaBrev; I like her rerj I,*
The llrsl fruit ins-.t «re all In
n cu'.l and tailli'ii
tbto lime.
nnvstTl.'.<lritvBr..nn.l«}vtur li.riuHil ov.r. \\«
Plrasv svn.1 ta
I be«t*a hlaek-eap-whlane a tnae
l.iOTBi; tiH- ywre v.-ty Is-iiltirii! Ther.well
Prom your Bonabloer. rail kHvi-you ilip«v»mi'ltbiii;:.l"r our *t-uk toivcf* vy< 0' 'hWhich aeomed to ear. "it wlU clear
are flve lltlta bltds In a ne-t In our
Mabel Kennedy
*ehtyal. I am
airalile nml |iroi*T atjlf. of ourowii muk.-,
awar eooB!"
I hope yon are all over your lootb have four home*, seven cows, two retd. Tbc bird* arc so beautifni aW
Bat the Wile taya pipe oa ti»eUier.
Idgs nnd some IHtle chicken*. 1 am they sing so sw.-etls. T* Blais ai»
ache b.v thla lime.
QaUe aa If it were aunahlny weather.
a nule girl IJ yenni oW- I will close,
, bud. too. Please send me a Cattl
ink lUplda. Mich. May Itlh, 1*M.
—TouBK Ftolk*- Catholic Weekly.
hoping fo ace this ta the paper,
nd bntion.
• rhiiirli lows. May I
Dear PrealdeBl-A* I Bad time
Your* Irtilv.
Ih-ar Pn-sideiit-1 tlinugbi
write a few line*. I kindly aak If
Ljdlt G. Itlrmley,
Irene i» Baiistn.
The B*y^ Camptalfrt.
„ji.l betont to the Sanahlne etab.
arc yon planning to do thU
I wonder wlisi kind of tdr.U ate Ir wrile vv-t .1 t.-w
-ia wliiler l get op ■! bKhl.
n-y eai.l
wonld like to be a Snn.blner. 1 a
summer when schoiR to oat?
be nest. .All- they n-l'ln-.?
Aad die* by yellow candtollBhl;
k ,...1 t.ry
K yeata old. I Mrc oo a farm l' waah Ibe dwie*.

M aW
t rmmg Mb

guaaer. Bewle Manta. OerVode tta«

I aW toy M N tMM» MpfM

.....ita t.stla bu-at ii.i

A. W. Rl KERD.TfbTefseCtiy


What do tba Wr*» d* ctat ta th*


JoM F. Ott Lumber Co.



la anaaer. tbIIc the other way.
1 bare to BO to bed-aed *oe
1W Mrd alBI bopplBB on Ibe tree.
Aad bew the Brown-up people'a let
SUM B«>1»I !>•** ■“ I»
■-»hea doc* It not eeem hard to yon,
Wbea all the aky la tlaar aad Mae.
Aad I ahoald Hke ao miieh to play.

Pi.n Oneida. Mich.. Mav ?i. !»«.
ABB Arbor, Hay Sl>.
mltaa ool of toaa. My friend, Maltha
Dear Presldcnt-I «HI n.-w write
Dear PnmWent-l .have got through
prtaaer. would alw Ifke to >ota. no
nd thank »ou fur thi- cart and Imtpleaaeacnd Martha and myaelf a card with Ihe measles. I^tve some rhlrktou.
They an- v.-ry nlc. I was n-».l
{- have food fur them and n
and ballon. Maitha'a aie to 8 alao.
,.lng Mr. Domtaes letter ta the Herald,
tham I am going to be one
Your* truly.
ll was VCD' Inli-rrellng Slid I wUh If-j
Marion Btonehanl.
}uur Sunshine boy*.
wuuld write again- H «*■«* r.-a1 nlc.Roy C. Bnell.
Card* ami button* have been «et
le gr«s-n iris-* again. They
am glad you are over the measles
and we nre islad to welrome two moi

Fridw. “■? *«-New mcflbera Jotalag alncc laai rc
MiB Miller. Ktngaley. H. F. I». 1Hnrtan Blanchard. Martha Preaaey.
' limn O. BaU«m.'8Mloaa Bay.
Bnau and Blaabelh ncet. laadure.
Mary Wllaoo. Ortolt.
Ithrg Wllkeraon. Bopbta. Harriet. In
A ■Bhd jptoie Thne, Bedro Woirilcy.

ijMla BIrmtay. aty. R- F- D. No. 4
«uee O. and Roy C, Buall. An# Ar



look Acrv pn-ily. For pels I h*'- »
and cmn be oat of door*
ive a good lime, ft IbbT a bit of fun dug. a'bamy ro-.M.-r which n,y alstt r.
Mrs. Vlrtch. g*«< me i**l fall. * blH' k
I have meaeir*. to ll?
buTwi’, hre name to Tupay: and a ru*
ABB Arbor. MIeb.. k... . ..
a few line* to yim, a* 1 have
Ptealdent—1 bt'e been lead- naort Nigger. I hate one n.phcw.
wrillen before, I wonld like to
rr tlie rert voii sent and I HI* nam-- i- Wallvr. and cme iii'<s'.
Join tbe Sanahlac dub. ao please aon.S
Mv Hllle n-ph.-w
Ibongbt I would cry lo Im oor of your named Itoureita
me a cart and ballon. I am 10 years
esn walk and talk everyihtng. He 1*
Bunahtae hoy*
I have reltod *.-v«
eld aad am reading ta the third reader,
• years old- Last summer be was out
llUlc duck*. They keep u* busy fee
t Hke to go lo aebod. My -Jelu-hi-rto
on Ibe rnnn and oau* had oiled the
\nti them- We feed Ibem every I*
nama to Mlw Anna Hanton. I like
mowing machine and went away ta
hours. I think the plelnre* on ll
bcT real well. At home I help to wash
his wmk Pnniy soon we lm*k«-d
cart arc ven nice. tRwd bye.
the dishes and feed tbe chleken* and
of the window and there was Walter
Dnirc 0. Buell.
Rwoe. We have Ihlrty-Bve chlckns.
1 would Hke to sou those llnle oiling the mowing roaehine. My sta­
I have two aisier* that go to nebool,
dneks. They roust be very running. ler. Mr* Drjar, had jus' l"" a white
Ih. Uy
My brother Tom ««*■’'
Roay and Cllnbeth.
It mut keep you l.osy feeding dresN on him. tail H wasn l very white
;le.. 'I -----would like lo ,'■« •' ^
baa a new Mcycle.
when he got dune ulllng tbe machine.
to often.
ut .I ...............................guea. I wouldrit
bnve one alao. but
- «bc««> often
Wc have Sunday school every Sunday .
know bow to ride one. Doalng my
Elk Rapids. Mich.. M« IT. INN.
My lewchcr * name laTIrs J. DurOend.
ahori letter.! rcmala.
IVar Prealdeni—I tboughl I wiin
My sister Pearl Is l.-achtag the lltile
Your* truly.
loir. Bhe has tlDr-cn ta her clans
Buaan Flee*.
We are all well and hope you are tbe hrvp anollier sister. Her name l«
From your letter I can toll that p
tame. For nets 1 have a tittle kluen Bcrtbi. Mamma has pK her gmrti*
.re already a tree BnaBhlaer In yonr
Forreti and Onal Sinfort gavo
plauled. Well, I will bring my lethome, helping yonr ooUier. I hope
the other day and It I* very i
• ID a close, hoping '<>
this in
you wlU have a blneye aomc day.
os bad two rebblu. but one day .— print.
month they got out of ibc park we
From your Sunshine hoy.
laadore. Mlehn May Ifith. llOfi.
Age»Perry M.tAwr.
Daar Prealdeni—At I have never kept Ibem ta and the dog ran after
Woi;Id you not like to have the run
rrilten to you. I cbcmitht I
wonld tben and gel one of them and killed

KIk Raptda membrre.

I have to CO to bed by day?"
—Robert Looto Slcrcaao


ilry a Herald Want Ad.


Bit^ H. Y. F. BnaMilbe cluh:
^Ita Pitman. Cbartey Hallennan
UifMeMOlen. Ruth -RUhriy. WTlfret
DnN*. Ora Ethel Pnrmlcy. EUcb Nor
yore Oberman. R«b Bbaw, Flor:
I Bvani. Bari AenklDa. Marjorie
^ a. Mary Aleunder.
h H. Y. F. B«
aaiwe Ctab:
-Him Clare Dearing. Bra Parka. A1
md Meyer. Lucille OrtRIn. Van*
Mnefenp. Lmire Wend, Htbel Kremer,
BlanMn Oaotoricr. Core CaiM, Jo
■ephtM Cartiaie, CMre Hahaen, Ra>
YmsKr, irmn WU«am*. AIMri AnAer
nom Ahtta Haatl. Bn*IU Alpern. Mar
imrei »«». Holly WlMm. Jullin
Rn^cr. Ftord flreen, RltoaMth John
aOK^MIk IMaer. LMlIe White. Frcsl

iMdore. Mich.. May l«h. IMW.

It. ao we only had or
tboughl we would give .. . —-----------gave U to the Alton cbltdren and they
think II to quite nice. I guoM that to
the oeu I have. We bate iflyaemm UUle ehlekw. I go lo achool
and am In the flfth grade. I am 10
yeore old. ! wBI be II yrere old the
t«h of ADgnst nen. There are Ihlny
nine sehoUr*
srhoUrs al
at nehool
arhonl today.
inday. Mv
Mr faf«Bbe to
to fm
fr« ftniinn*
ftaiton* Day.
Hay rtne

write, nt I would Uke to join the Ban
Bhliw dnb. 1 am 1b tbe FUib grkds.
My atndkf are arithmetic, reading.
apolllliE. langur, geogrephy and penmanahlp. At naan aome of ui chil
dren (o ool to the wood* and gnltaer
Bower*. We give tbe flower* we gath­
er to tbe teacher. My toneber to eery
ktod to me. Her name I* HU* Anna




Btag little nephew s name on our Ron
iWne CTab Credto Roll* llso. taemej

Gear I'resmeni—v»-e»
"--e ».•
oar nelgbhore went Ashing. One et
(he men walked on a leg and INtoto
wna quUe deep where he
re alipped nnd ant Jown

Tbe water
Tbe ws
After I come totore from achool I bWp,i^ ha* flve hotwe* and aboni tblr.,Wl in.

GootTrCLOTHCEA’TT lianiwnts poift by pstol. tbs f.-Avici,
the lay sf tbe eoUet. Uk* ^haprd
shauM-rs. Ike iHmmiogs. tic liarh. th* fr.oltlc»a«s t \ the et«-a*
pfijcattlf; JkBd yJjTi will n?t wonaer thcr at the '^riccj CLOIHCRAFT he-made in the uclhlBgwcfU.
The noorcr ?« »s?xn why yoa shimW‘w<Mir this faTRoo* malic.
tkc toentr
to r,-tTs. aad lbs »onw yoo f>t»cf-';^r thut
b«ia?r and wearer of good clothes can learn suir.efhiaD if. clotaei
Traft from CLOTHCRAFT.
We can rcil "nil wool” withoat a blush beeaase tKi- taw« woolea
mills in tfcc land Hnow toi scei; that they dare not "rbmH a yirt ni ____
Buotfcnable clolhto ^o intj CLOTHCRAFT ea™«:rts-thi^^s dothinp, icsorance fov yea.
CLOtHCRAFT Is not merely a high grade diitingniAing nark,
bat a natae that has made a marR In tailoring trlompht tl mans «ETlEE-si«Eaioi>: ».* foE aoTHCSAFT CLOTHES i»d ke nre |1
yoa're safe.
Suppose y«s^ In and ^esl your sensea of ^htBRdtMA, wa H
fear not year verdict.


MA THOM5AV. WAV *1. 1M*.

mm MAWV MTU laRric

Ut* Da|> by CMrI h««nl > »okr 4t rtmlni:
“But »ot ihy yeoertM *»•“


aaU which will All
■anl In nomc nearbr bone. U tbi*
rue iB >oar caae. do bM wait (or
I nore roovnih-Bt (|ne .wbleb l>
> (be wlll-o' lbF-wIrp. alwaya a lU-

ly for aerctal boma. a n
milk ndded. If necesaary.
p aaay be wrolrod.
BTOcerk-s, such a* coBee. tea. rl
aad oatmeal, should be pul
Tou*h bleau “Tondertend.*
Into tin or
*Uas receptacles.
Never brail tnor try* a rooad slesik
Qlsae lars. ellher plat or n»art ah*.
: it is louBh—oor any other kind
If lio are need,
tesL The foUowIng recipe srlll do
tbe aame of ibe oonieais caa be writ
roll for the other •loughs" as
OB a Ubcl and put on tbe an.
fern (Uid poiaioes msy be used for
Pot it on the die ni leoH an bou'
IB* bash a there Is a cutdiri '
before wanted. If a small uirak of,
cold corned beef, or lyannalse poiator Urger <
>y I* made with the addlUoo
Hsrtng waabvsl
oalun. Tbe bits of celery ibr.t

of na. by cHUag up a ■ boar Mrtler
aged to cnlll-

e mar- sugar. baH a fresh Imwm rtod
before or graied. «pl lot Ueaa ataw lUl the

boll and lake 11 off

IMlIIng II tn the gravy.
| macaroni Is door. Thim lift out the
vale the garden wllboot any troabla.
Mararonl with Sail CodBsb-Break: leawa rind and bay teal and put the
Oar sardca U laid out la beds, the
ro ounces « macaroni la (wo Inch mmemroal, drained, cut In small and
Iwds having IxS boards oB tbe cdi
lengths: ibrom Them Inio lulling wa- laiger pieces. Into the oookln* water,
ThU enables me to pteat etote to
nd bull rapidly tor Ibtriy min- 10 wbleh has been Aral addod two
edges et tbe bads. In tbe paths
drain, blanch for BOern minutes oonews of Swiss ebeesc. Add srason
tween I bare gravel, which enables me
around tn wet weather wtiboul In cold water; thdn cm In pieces ball Ing If r.'qoln'd aad a scant cup of rich
half aa hour, or until
b half a pound of! milk,
Belting muddy. Durine a droulb I trrl
V To be eaten wilt a
It In dice, cover
gate my garden by flUlng these psihs
and desert s|SWB.—Cbkagu
ig Jus-i to Inilitig
• lib water from our large supply tank, wllb odd w

or the garden Is rlgbt ckisc to tbe point, blit
drain, emer ngaia with kUling water,
Do li now and ar- may be
i-i It stand fot%fl>e minutes, then
1 Brel laid out a bed throe foci wide
briDS it QUleHy
Utt *n ihT b.r**» «» thCT •
Rub loce’her one rounding
ll l«ck. where ll
around tho fence*. The rrmalnlDg
addol to tbe pot of soup as a Bavortn*
isblesimonfiil of liiitler with ivne of
rest of lb«' lime, and ground I made Into four long
nenl of a pnd deed.
The wh'lle stalks will make a dellelottr
Uif proMni
: add half a pint of stralnnl i.> oBPti- ol valuable for* ha.l teller
wlih an eighteen Inch parii Is-iwwn
It la tree that evcrr material Iblnis _ilad or. If too small for thU purpose, let It rook until lettHer.
. a laldeMssinfu! niaied onion. make sure they arc sale klnrv the
A slice of <tbinn glres It a good
the k-ds and around
ih»li-ncllve iBseel cre»*ps ln)m Its winthe} .may be chopped One. addod to a
■hen unUicr.
l»kc thy
Ibo cooler. My garden wws cotoreil
we road ibe eomniaiul not lo Ur our mtk msyoDnalse dressioB and vprink- vor: so does a dash of tomato teanned,
ler biding place. T
to the deiuh vif three Inchi’s with wcli
have not Iresh onesi. '
■urea up on catih where moth and ________ the lops ol the tomatoes that
jtll kdling
Add Ibe maranuit and, done at home oulie
i»c*»y br d»r!
rolled manure and spaded .twice
forrupl. K la nafe to Wkc li lit a have b«B pared and levd. then sorted done. salt, iiepper. eter so little.
•h. stand ov.-r hot wau-r l.u flve min ' liiril.T's U propiT cate I* 'ak<m of
_ u» «« br Mr!
literal aenae. eai»ela|!j If »e couple
'h.. ga’menis k-fore Ib.-y arc |nil In
Ulliiro loaf. If out In ploers
By the way. It Isnt done whn
ch.-ir wraM’Ings. The fur di-alcrs know
Tbo^ s4""“‘
»“*'*f*"* l( with (be promlae (hal
in inch lone and addod
plan! them. I pn-iiarcd my soil by
U-ghorti Mararonl-ful on.- ............
10 merely rim >-our fork Into ti: nor
Rive, we nhall receive, “piod
:Il- value ..f thorough and hmg reui-•
^lUBd (br »bTnmouBt of npjdc-B cut Inl
■mill ll ilmcwt-nills 10 plen-s when ll siadlng lightly again and raking llioi of mseanml lino iwo quaris .•( i.uiing
•^W4lkft.«*htac-n U *11 tor mcaaurc. nreaacd down aoA ninnla*
iiioMai Whipidiig with a rallan. *ni<s
inlvod Bitb mayonnaise,
inuchod. Kei p the cover on light. oughly
waiei- with a mile salt; drain when
Wore and more are people clous salsd is tho result. The cu|.f.ll
brings up the IteileBed hails of Hi"
Meanwhile my ■•••■il* bad spronnvl sulTlrlenily soli. The ev»>k nuis- use
Iitle raokiOB. to keep all the flavor
id M loOR u tbon eomliu! to beltevr' that by riahi llvlnn
(ur aad h.-lps also .to dlslndge any
of tomalm-s left from dinner will slvo
i iitllo hkliod. and Ibe plants wi re
ketllc, insi.-ad of dlsiributlns
juilgmeiD as to the exact rim.and br inutin* In the Inflntle routee ntidliloiial SCSI to the dish of
Mimy mnlli that might bave crept In
r ready to bo transplanti-l. And n-qiiire<l for kdling: tmeniy muinie*
»Md not the wteler whlUwr (bod of nnppir <bcr mav take poKM«lon of
some warm day. as wvll SB btaUllig
, To the pwsIMIliios «f IcH-ovcr
me say hero that you will And iliK vinder ordinary .•..rrurasiances. should
Another way Is to trim off any loush
Ihe panlrl..). .d dust. CBalnga <vf
^mareat eo;
id'lhero Is noond. Two rupfub
the Cheapi’st and most aalislai-iory
ennugb; but k-ware «if lerilng y.nir^
It eoBoa.
for and that they •'hall lack no Ihinir hrokon 1-liB covered slih a «]uart
way lo start your plsnis, for llo’ii you maraivHil gv'’ •'"* "l'ai'P5." and don't
and salt pork lusellier. very fine, i
bus., fnu . Ihe p.-st. ami H Is generally
needful for Ihelr eomfoH- It this
milk, the yolka of four eyes and a <

salistariory lo have a separauthen what folly H U lo »io
Onward and a rard! Look and amllv
ofspiisar added will B*ve a tlellclous
ling, and by planting sureesslvi ly can hen k- likely in slick logelher. Nos
Now uwMin. by sprinkling sail, a I
wiai.pUig lor earh nrtlclv.—1'fac Home
IhUiRs we do not need now, aRaloat
piiddinc. The whites of the eBB" may
arrange to have suceusslvf Crops of plBce your m*rari»nl In s stewpsn and SJagailiic.
1.11 or pepper, and jatge. or whale
poaaible time of want ream off in the be lieoten until slllf, sweetened
Ure dar bj daj!
with s few tablesissinfuls of
you iirefcr instead of sage lo dressing, lettiiri-. etcdim future. Thlrdoe* not Imply ll
-Ure du br dar!
for this Is lo !-■ a roaut: Itegin af the
lue.-; season wHh white iw-p
Ki-om flve eetils worth of ei’lerv seivl
Uttic Hdpa.
■bonld reekleaulr throw aw
whiles may be uhvd for some other
The path before tboa doth not land
narrowest side, and roll lightly, planlod In ilio lionsi’. then transplaui pT-randagrailns of nutmeg; lak.- ih.Irom onbnis wll! pervane
Ihliisn which can l>e used to adri
purpoee- After making angel cake
you have a
11 Is Mid, II s geuen^iis .
boilsvl. where ll remalnivi siew|ian .»ff tlw fl^ and add lo H I hrt'wllbln n short time, t
the yolks of four eggr may lie us.d ftw an Immense jeU.v take In looks
• ^ Do the aeal dotr; « oiuat '“rrir be
r .frestJliuller. lu llltle blk. pb-ee of stale bread Is nmked wllb
until U was six or eight Inches high
ll docs mean that w^diavc eo riebi
(bla pudding, anoiber yo'
y Tb* Cbriat U la the oaa thafa
sqiieese 11. rviui a Httle Ull; l.ui wind
ouneek of gral-d eluvs.-, Hiem.
sold ;o<> plams. the other Jimi k’llig
eiin* to those nrtlcles which cumber uscil for dipping crofineltes, oihcri tor
•n ilikkom-d and pivamv ar, •
to tboe.
a clean white ourd at-oiii H. to keei. ii»vmsl for horn.' use'. 1 should here
apd warm wbIit c<hi.
mir alorehiuiBvs while others
a broakfast disk of arramUled eggs.
Onward. UlU onward, with a i
things In idace, and put it Into
ur macaroni In layers lu a mining a IltTe.sali to cteaa lutmlum
Ihti Is’ftin’ inuring this oeli'ry
ferln* for them.
Let os remember
i so on
To r
cover each layer with a Inrallure. This' ireaimeni prevents
had that ,lmre of the hot k-d
tbal In the DIrInc pUn we may
puree of lomsnirs. which puree U Hie lauikHi from lurnlng yellow.
■ Till alep hr itu dfcdll o""
««'' meanl to be sporUI providences
i.f delicious eris|i Icriuei'. As anon
erumbs for dipping
able lo supply
For rlcanlng windows, pilrean and '
bit of cold witcT In thr dripper, s
simply uimsns-.s su-ised In kvl ctr v.-al
■ br mUe.
my p.*as He ilown I set my celery
rlhors. and so let us five mil of i
r purposes, wlihout
croqueitcB or •
•nil do lar but." now Ibr con«
will not be a dry Masi- If you wai
stork; but yv>u msy save yoiirsell Ihe all glass arUch-s nothing equals pa»'*'
IH-rmanenlly In that pltei’, for It
abundance, irusilni: that when
______ , _ irchase a Imx from
to be partleuUrly rich tie thin si
tniiiblr ol addlrinnal r»>klng by beat­ made of ammonia and wbUlag. Itdlsb
iiKually the richest scril, as peas
need tomes to us there will also come
grocer.” A cupful of stale cnimbs,
1 (sail |s>rk will do. but Is
ing some "mad. " tumalo sauce.
wllb numpled elcan (Issue paper.
qiiliv lots of lerlltlxlng.
ll the supply.
If eovereil with milk until soO. then niillo so dcllcal<-» outside of ilie slenk.
When making up white gnuds df any
Fricaiss.’ of Mai-aronl-Couk sulli
Here Is a good way lo force squash,
Ure dar It dar!
added to tbe flannel cakes will not
on tbe nari of the roll that will tie upkind gilher up all the arraps. cutting
chill macaroni In killing sailed »
Wkr art tMM bendlai toward
only save eonsldcrstde flour In thi permust. When .lone (aboiil an hour mi'lons. piiniiikins. and
ih.m Into small plcres sutlable tor
ter tn oue taurii>aii niul make a ris>l
backward war?
There are many ways I I which
mixing but will make the cakes far Tor a poundfand a half—yon arc cook monlh ahead of your m
In Ihe kitchen fur greasInB pans.
yll of your k'fry k.xes, fill wlih good
One annnlt. and Mber. tboo al
lousekeepcr may make a p liny do al- morn easily Ulgcsuul. The ends of pie
Ing tough meal, rcmemlicr. and I have
When In a burry they come bandy and
large eu|> of cold water. Ihitv sms
rich soil and plant several sei
Ibe work of two. earn I writer In enut may tie made Into small pates
found any remi;tly lor tonghi
] thrown away.
me liay lesl, half a lump <
k.x. You ran usually And
ary In
Wkr atop at ctrnrr rtnnd the
Table Talk. TUs
IniWllb efanlK'rry aaure, i
except plenty of caloTiri put on a
here and llierr amfipB Ihe Ihlngu
lo eonnt?
many esaes. for the pennies slip
preserved raspberries, thus making
platter and cm off Ilic strings. Then your lull iKul lo M-t IhoM.- Imxes. .
.The part BlaUkcB if tboa.mait Hill so ful that ere the week comes lo an delicious dcKserl.
band 11 lo the man of the keise to
end the pockclbook is empty. Firm
delicious dish may be msdc from carve. He will rut li from the end In the k.iiom out fn tho lierry lioxes.
ratvful not to dlsturbc the c
«Utdi not ibe aabo cd the drlng of all. candles and aoap sbonld always the cold roast Iwef that Is the d.-s|>aic
thin slices Hiai are, O. so gomi!
B. sod place lii Ihe o-ukt ol 1
be allowed to dry oot before using and
rho Is ellher
Itislead of iiuitlng the roll In thi'
. full Ibe sides up Just a llule
Ktodte^ bopa. pnt all thr faan
not possible to purebaac
d to eat ll bersolf nr to sec it
,cn, to liake. you ran pul it in a k<-1and.
should Ihe nights prrwe ro
Urge lots at a time it is always possl- wasted. Take six slices ol rxrc Iteer.
e. wllb a lime hit of cold water, tiewsjiaper placul over the lo|) ol earh
hie lo buy a little maro than enough six lablespoontuU of slewvd tomatoes.
.vcr llghl. ami ctxifc on top of the
and allow the new
flnely chopped onion, one
uvr. If you have a kettle that will
Our garden Is feneetl wllb wirr
purchase to Hand at least a few days bpodnlul of Wo
nid it: hul the flavor will k- quite Ing. and against iliU we have grape
before using. If the extra cake
iablcs|iaonUI o r inmalo sauce, oi
Ines planted on iwo of Ihe aldre.
• Bum ure too aneh. r« Hill dc
bought eacb week nnrU a am
FTeneh . mustard, ot
Here's Bunilicr way. Cm your iiHigli •lie ot Ihe other sides 1 pUmled butler
amount has accumuisted you can then

emus of butter, one and a hs
sleak into wiuare pl.-ces, akuil lw<
-•ans. which ttie fence in a
I Httle bare, aad foek at> more;
return to tbe amount that you have cupfuls ot gravy; salt and pepper
Inches long and wide, pul lliein iiiu .lion ilni.'
tin the icmalnlng fe'iin.’
• Tber are bnl poor. Chorub mneb • been la tbe habit of buying. Be
It kettle with |Hiiniocs. onions, toms I Bll.iwnI my i-iieimikTS lo cllmli. I
ful to alwa.vs lay the fresh supply

tber hare.
toes, carroih and whatever else yoi cut the pkkU-s eaeb mombig afier llie
And I am rteb with IKlIe alate;
aside, using the uidcsi la uirn.
It gel quite bid Itcfore adding all
to War. and rrallxed a
• Tber poor. I rteb: tber be*. I
other Ingredients. Stir them until
wni be aotprluod “> ®“d **»* “*
"ToIpc ciml to the nvcrage i)i iiM.-lulness I. g.^od. but to »..oo)pb«h
onlckly. then set back where It wll
.urn from (hem. 1-i.lrtea having

iccumulaio aad you will Bad
they simmer. -Wexl add the slices
• .an- ll.iiiu k-ll.r than all otherslomiwlinc .• the true leH ol metU.
Himmer. as before, seasoning lo taslr all that I nviild tie.-. We sol onl b
• Tber «»*. I tare: tber pl««. I
cake will teat, far locigcr
rare l*ef and allow them to remain
jr InicC"'* stan.l Hiis li'St.

when naerf Immediately after It Is pnr- only long enough to become ihorottgh- when done. Ciil the vugeiables small iH-rrles on tbe two sides In front uf
Omit the wgeiBliles. cook the mi-a Ihe grape vines, and the second
Ihin" al-iul our l.ugRiw I- the hnish. ^•lbers al Uke|WIqe,rosr
if the cooking Is left
ly heated, then sene while hot- There
-rhap-; lU k a- roomv—]-)*»ibly. But the
until well done, then lei II brown, and had a great abiindsnco ■< delirious
•ear a* well—per
maid you will generally And that there
I Id the future
• ■ Ii‘s aw everlaitiiit )ojr.
................. a fag.- b . .
you have "Invf a la niiule
Wnles. On 'he other sides I s<1 et
a great deal of waste In mixing to how lo dispose ol the cold ro
j> bnRlil nii.l slDuing
l>SBe. and when li was large enougb
white thickening for soups, sauces and
Here's yel anoihiT—you
eat. I pulled every other bead, and
other purpoacs. I loond
When purrhsslDg lard, get I
kitchen a few daj-s ago a full table- pounds of sud It) one of lanl. Render don't ■•clicvc in earing imudi mctel. their |)lare iilanled egg plant and iSollersof Best BuRglos. Implements ani Harness
|.er planis.
spoonful of thickening loft after using the sucl. add ll in the melted lard and when ll Is BO easy io rook nnlll
U5 Male Sire 1.
Ciliren'. riioi.
1«w many tUags did you dad that had tbe little that was needed for thicken­
tier. Chop ever so fln-'. Roll Si
In the first uf thr long l>cds I nlanistand away until cold. This will great,
bSM aUKWd In the atllc or M the tdp ing stewed kidney. The thickening
fore, and use wbaiever Mt flavor you i-.l carrots. parsnl|is, Irnt’ls. onloi
ly rednee the cost of the
akeU In the closat since tbe^e when
II always prefer onion. Inn
iwn Ibe n-nier a row ot l•v•^•ry.
s xmcand all around the sides of
makes a much .more w bolesc
- M man knowelh tbe eontrary?
many iieoplf don't.I Pul In all the tal:
svremd I pkuie.1 ■•■main-i
al and carriosaly left sUndIpg. 1
that comes with the sleak; and ll nips nn.l wax k'sns and In the
washed. ThU waste may be sayed
Abilities of cold masheil po­
you carried them out and with buck- by mixing together half a pound of
there isn'l ejioiigh to make ihe "loaf"
In the foiinh I ptam.-d Uiwiy
anhlB* wearinroa bun* Uiom on the butler and half a pound of flour. Stir tatoes are numcrroi.. To make dell- very, rich, ask the Imicher for a bit of
melons. Bii.l barvesled <
clouB potato potipon. take i
llna or ported them and dnalod them,
siiei. also, and chop that with ilir Tvst.
I furgoi to say that I had a
the nro iinlll it Is well eooked,
only to atoro them away a*aln unUl but not long enough for It lo change nicely seasoned cold mashed iwtaio. When riinroiighly done, then' shoubl small row of okra, salstry ami i>arFley.
form Into small balls, a lablespoonliil k- plenly of rirli Julre In the kollle. a
Or* next aunal upbaaval? Oh! ilrod
I wiuilil like In li'll you bow 1 arrange)!
color. Pnt It away In jelly glasses
al a time, dip in bealrn egg, roll In msss of tine meal, wlih no l•on<'s or
kuaaemothero. why do ao any longer?
but space will nol alsmall jaA and keep carefnlly covered.
bread crumbs, arrange in a frying grlsrie. Sivison anil serve on dry loasl
There U partaaiw one chance in a hunAll fat Ibal U not needed s
basket and (.lung*- Into deep luilllng laid on a hot planer, or make Into a
tftnd that yon will Bad a use lor them
carefully rendered and nset!
aouae time, bnl you have not found
follows; Chop iwbv as niiieli
All fat Ural Is not suitable tor with parsley.
that one chance In tbe la« flve years,
ilry bn'Sd as >v>u have meal
oookin* should be nut
and wrotaWy you nerer, will. And
prelly and iialatable dish ran lie
molsienlng riie liresd wllli lliili- fliM- fertliki-i w Ark.-d i 1 wHh IDpot and rendered ertuy week r»r two
there b some tme lo whom the old
prcpare.1 ss follows; With a broadliquor from ihe mi’s!
whre-l plow and a new er ■n stsri.'.l.
unlil there Is enough to inske a stock
aUrt. the bundle of out of date niagabladod knife shap.mashed pots
V long dis-p dkli II use
Thi- esrly earleib'S such
uf soap. Recl.ncs for making
Into the form of a sugar loaf, then narrowl to plire off the re
xiaea. the chipped dUb. would be
l-’as. railkbes, ele.. should
.1 ran* of lyc n nd ihU soap
rerltable Oodsend. Would It not even
ncaily score the sides; brush
>, while siieli pistils
rough scrub­
be better lo *lvc it away and And
with beaten ege. dot with bits ••[
|iar»iiU>'. sskify. •
bing and will savb tbe more expensive
afterward that ytm might possibly
and bn>wii In Ibr own. Garnish
• hmild k- pul by
lup with biiTier or lal <
IbrrMlgb I|ie mSms
ftare used ll. rather than lo let tl
with tiny force most Imlls and sprigs Mirl, and diisl over ihsl rorti
Many families make their Sunday of curled imrsley.
laiwdrred liread or rrarker en
■He Idly of U te that the worif
»jiial parts of k-cl. veal, la
An cxci-Hi-nt way to iiilllic fold
provided without the purcbai
tdl of peoide who need that «
mashed noisioes is In a snulTIc. Scald sab pork, for the ak>ve. nisk
ira milk If care Is used
thing. Yon doubt It? Did you c
half cup of sweet milk and ime ti
rioiiK comidnarion.
pcrft<Uy clean milk bottle In lb
send a Imtkci ot things to a rumm
Tills is the IBSI. for toiUy;
iKwn liulier In a clear sauce fian.
and each day pour whatever
uur over a pint of masbed potaio
cvcti If only a tablevat Is t.w ln>m lumps; season
spoonlnl. Into this bolNc. Ry the end
stand in He Jiilre- iiliill nearly re.M.
taste wllb sail and pepiu-r and boat
wivk you will .And that y
Ibam. dcClarlDf tbal they sronld just
ne Bi a time, the yo
bill dram lirfoiv qui'.- so Th'-ii drain,
moot a lOBg-fcll want? Instead of put have a plenitfnl suppIt' ol sour m
of four eggs, and IhH the wholo ihor. and chiU' an i-quai amouiU of ei JeiUag away clotbes which have become with which to make yonr wallles
eoarsi-ly. and half as mm-b cslibage.
oughly; told in the k-aten whites,
hot cakes. I've soda Instead ol hak.
Ueless to yon. try the exper
inui a Inking dish ihai Is large enough Hake a French iln-s-tna. and mix ri..
Ing pewtier and use a cupful ot wi
•adlng a pteoc where Ibey
in nilow the souffle i« rise, and bake mi-at with ih-' veg.-talil.-', salting as
MacaionI und
vme cuod. U you live in a city and
twenty minutes la a quick oven. Serve you do 11. Over all I«».' lb.- dn-ssliiBYour rakes will Is- llghi and delicious
do not hire the llmr to ^«r
liskinc dish. k>U H li
and will cost almoM nothing. A
youraetf. ibe Salvailun Army w1
By idcklng off all the meal which ihe salad |ilai'-s I'dl U!’ h
come tbriB with qpen arms. There Is ful suiHTvIalnn of the tefrlgerwuii mm
and pu' llirre- sllre-s
ellugs lo the Ismn of the fowl i
j snve mauv a iH-uny. lor If the Ilttl”
some sick persoo lo whom
aad glvi^im.- plate
ding 11. then Hiding »ome of ibe
xtnes will bring many a happy hour, hits ihsr are lell over from each meal
(When anyone eo
raiefully cunsWcred many a doll- dressing or llghl biscuit cnimMrel line,
and the Imncb of old ptciure cards will
h.-lplng. as thr
luenlng ihe wbob- wllb the le|tIS dish may Is- provided when lean
keep mile children quid tor a Ions,
ire to. I.-II them Ibal ll
ralay aflcraooo. The dishes will help cxpericd. Tbe few stale slices ol
plate Is do'jble prlce.i
furnish tbe aeanty uldr of a family cake nay k- spread wlib the jelly let:
III will k' a most Inviting luncbeun
wbo bave been burned oui of all Ibdr over from supper and with the addi­
*h. Sene wllb lomslo catsup.
Oe Wemen's Gardens Pay?
And In ihe meanllmr tion of a Hlile milk a wbolcsomr des­
A wTlirr in the Nonhw.-siero FarmOr. alternate in a buttered baking
your own bnrdcn of housekeeping will sert It nrovidod for the cbildrco. The
r gives the following piacllral talk ll.- cinnamon till mi.b-r: p'o I' i
the shredded meat and coM dress­
bnre been made cASlcr and you will small pieces I hit may k- cm fr
with milk, ihree ••gu» H-.u
lor women:
hare room on your shelves for thing) knuckle of veal or left over fp
white), some sugar, and a
Dm-s ganleolng pay? Well, that
of grated ebvire and bake Afieen minthat bare been crowded Into Ibe cob roasted chlckea may be uillltcti
pends. If one hid to buy or rent
;es la a boi oven.
, small dish of sslsd. The eoUl fl.h. If
neri. while your conscience will
Soup—Tske one qui
garden sii« and i*« for all of the
The posslhlliries <d rile fowl ar
........ ................ __ .......?h comes I sdded lo a cream sauce, theo laked
I doub' If 11 would pay for a small milk or of clear gravy m’o|) sad I
ended even after the meal has
ethlng srorih while has liccn I shells, will suo-ly tic enjoy'cd by i
It one ptuind of fiesh tnscaiuBl u
picked off. for If tbe bones be broken family; but ours ha* Iteen a
course, there are many! If ihi-re Is s cup of cold hominy I
savins to us. as well as ap leasiire Is leader; take t.iii half lb- mac
ileh can aad will k- usr-l|over. mssb l< wtih a spoon, add a ... sparl. then dropped Into a stem ki
snd,pni It In a lltite mHk or wa
sad 11 eenalnly hss "paid."
two quarts of ei.ld water,
I whicb tl would be lolly loj lie sugar <o (1. the yvdk of an egg and
My huibsnd spaded Ihe ground
spoon salt, several stalks of
bol there Is scarcely aaylsome milk and hake P. ll will taste
assisted me lo prepare Ihe soil
Is world so needy that Ibeyj exarily like a emw puddinc. Ii sbonld

tier toad U>ls verk «ltb iMt wook'r
had ol nomm:

ahead of oi.



-» •

Jtmnf l»( e/mr’sCrWt



Clothing Department



Wc have bundled some late arriv­
als. also broken si/cs in Men's
Suits, anti plan' on sale in one Jot.
You will find in this assortment
suiis ihdi sold up lo $15—cvcr>'
one a barnain................................



Youth’s Suits

Sizes 14 to li).
li). A larKc assortment
_ Worsted
_______ and Cashi
uilH. Hardly more than ones of a
;ind. and nol one worth Jfesi

Chioice at $8.75

Boys’ Suits

Aces H, 4, and
only. An as­
sorted lot that were $2 to $4.
Kemember, small sizes only in
bunch, but 'cc the price—

50 cents

Fancy Sox, 15c, 25c and 50c
Neckwear, just in. 25c and 50c.
Shirts. swelHine at 50c. 75c. $l to $2.


smnelhln* whlrh it klngj k-rarefuny watehed while m the oven

jvtent Ihe sped, and kiween the

Parcs 7ti 12


) Wynkoofi St Kast I
A supper was kened by the ladles. jMl.s
dead BBliorn took place. A Urge croM
1... all.
dsy. The yoang ladb-s
enjojiti by
Will Hot M
galbered al tbe dock, where acboi|l
dav afternoon, taking wuh ibem plcTidd bad a narrow escape last
Bolpb Coe of Kln«»le». who r««lnU provUluns and are enjoying Hie bi
children. otHcen and coma member»
wecK wblb- driving In Tbompsonrllle.
IT uuKMOn] hii cmo4)ld*cjr for the r^
carried onl the bcauilful serrlee r,.r
spite «d the cloudy wealber
paUlcoo aomlnaltoo for repreoeutlm
Ms rig bring struck by an Ann Arbor
Judge' fmlor went to Fife Lake toihf dead aallors: Aa the Bowen i
The bpgo- was a mess of rutat
t> tlio lOfWo'nre fro» ihU county, tni
.B> where he will deliver tbe m«tiered orer the waaK- of waiers
e borfH.- escaped uninjund.
llnntlcil to «lUidrm« end not becoino >
corpa members recited -Roal raUflf
innrUI address.
enndldnto. Mr. Coc •Ut'^ t° '•>«
orer Ibom. O Bowers. sweH and li '
Rnord Ibto momlne thnl o.Idk to hi.
Real*CsUtc Trarvtfsrs.
liful; emblem of ImmwuHiy and
Kmplre, Mich.. May 2S.—Mrs, R W.
,er«o.I mnd buMneo
dying faith." and a*
the olflc*T« Bnrke of Msple fily visited here last
Smith Really Co to Alv-ro U LanvoBid not be ol'le «■ derole ibe “tne
stepped forward with the Bag t-an r. week at Ihe home of Mr. and Mrs. paic-ls. Oak l-ark.
l^twanl niackborsl
U„ «IW.
“ “
waring their bannen. alotl ihe beaut,
Trev.-ll, iiwi; of swVi. *ec. 34. to* rryelwMcd. thnl »«» tmpoitnnee desmodnful worda were, aalled «..t and be­
Cbsrlle ZelgU-r of Traverse «T1) Is Si. range II.
He therefore deem* H b«t for hli
Sadie and Isaac 11. Palmer to t.e
yond: • Fkml on abore them. O Bag. spending a two uvadva' vacation allb
own loterwi and for lb* ««»'f
lor which they died, emblem of tbe.r
ds III Bmplre.
,be eir«n«unce. that be .Ithdran
courage and partly nnd love.V. liuniinR ami rii'orgi' Johnson Smith, lot 3». block 71. I‘i add., «>. :
hU name fro» any fu«ber ronalderathe midday hour the btUI was tht
Ji«.i.h A Hone nml »il- to IM
lo mnkforl last Wednesday In
IM for the nomlnalioa.
at and happiest spot In all Timv
l-ni Sniiili.Jot 4".
Me. HunilOB-s imsolim- launrb.
Ra-8brHff D. C. Chandler aanoui
City, for there preiv gathered
Siella HoK-omli id Traverse
today that be I* a candidate tor ...•
Knima l>. Sn-«aO to Wm. A. M
City*everal days last week at Cool, .- > f-'-t ‘o’ =•• Ad-n'e adr

tip to Ihla time no other tamlly group. .-nMliK "o* ""'y
from well rreparcl Ihe home of ller uiic-le. K. A. Volci-.
Jaui.-e Miii.-hl-- to Hr. Jsmi-. H
......... •-—
aumjimnoww-nn bdve
becn made,
maoe, but
culinary workers, but steaming 1n>t
........... bl-k 2
l*ai Mcfaiilcy and family of the
I' . II la alHI eaHy and there may be other
Chari.-* K, Kenyon
eott.x- was hcrvisl by the corps i------ Sleeping Bear life saving staiiou
cnndldatM In the 4M.
Hlrbardwiii- tuvr.-.-!*. 84
ora to all wbo spent the hour there.
Pnlv'-rsallsl Ui-eori a**.' •••
In Hinpln- Ust Wedm-sday.
TwCTity-lhree years ago but
•eem fer »otito Marfcrt.
Mrs. Os* and son «rf Hoy»e Cliy M.yrlii. parc-l*. Neahia»ai.ia. *l"('.
Hannah, l-av A Co- 'o Wni J H‘graves were decorated. Thomas I
Tbe potato market Monday was
arrivi-d Iasi Thnnutay for a visit with
Mlis. lol k. II, L. A Co.'s l*t. $C.-nd Hall M. Cruu.
■I *»oe«»
—----------her father. M. F. Horen, nnd brulher.
Will. «t.
anil wit.- '<■ ''''f
Ip Ihe aflenwon the parade aa*
mere moTlng freely. Saturday allerlltrli.-', w 114 (•-•-t lot k. block
Julius Horen.
dsrlnt a abarp Hvalry one land
Charlie Hogle wc-ut lo Thompson- tImellMl's 2r.l, ITSi.
Wm. O. Connor. triKlee. lo A. -- of cboton mrala were knocked down at morial day addr««i and the program
llle last Friday lo visit over Sunday.
M emu, William Hlmea betn* the
James Wyse of Honor wai here FriI
ineky fanner to proBt by the compell"'t^ary I'J^erle’aml *il.- m ••>■".1
lay to M<e Ills brother Jobn,
Proil, lol
l.loek-1, lirtllln A «
I ■
turn of Hemra. Blackman and JeSrlee,
The pellt liirors tor the June------I
• the Utter of whom paid -tbe fancy
I. Foink Moran was quite ill last
a*M^ Huicher lo Card C, Hse-r,
price which ranted In the aeale around of the Circuit coon were drawn Satur­
with ronsillils.
n*>i ..f n«L. »’*■ 2'-.
n eeata. Pollowint the top premlnm day afternoun *• follows: O. W. Mej, O. Hunean went lo BuUims Bay d. 8ir>n.
Victor E Montague
rametred »nrmer Hlmea apeol the ro- Wethy. Second ward, city: B- Murray. Friday ami nloroed Sunday.
ssa E. llend'TWA. el
mender of tbe day ta enjorlng the Third ward, clly; Henry Brodhageu,
JuBlIre of the Peace fleorge

"vrr-„ir,rt. ... .

cHy dellthla.

Tbe north la far from Jr.. Fifth ward, city: Clyde Hojie.
beliif denuded from lb« Ull potato Acme: Antoine Cavltch, Blair: Joseph
crop, notwttbaundlnt the Urge esodni Courlade. Hast Bay: Emory Smith
, mry day of ear lou ahlflbed by com File Lake; Olnloo Hammond. Car
geld: J. M. Schell. Craol; Stephes
- mlaaloB mea.
Tbe followlog U an approglmal* Ua SIsrbnck. fireen Uke; E. E. IHiryea
of the pfpsio— at present being made t.oog Lake: Louis Swsncy. IN-nlnsuls
William Hill, raiartlse: Bay Sliug
ready tor the market:
W. D. C. Qermalne, tJM buabels Whllewaler;
J. E, Cameron. Urs
aephen Lautner, 2,000 U the Lardle ward, rily; Thomas OiinUtn, Second
Wi^ooie and S.OOO In atocage al ward, city: a F, Newboose, Third


rood of Plane was In lown on
less last Thursday.
Thos. FiwKT and

wife of



Manlluu wen- In Empire last Monday
on their way home from a visit at Elk

' borne: fUorge Imrdle, tm at tbe ward, city; CUrence M. Burns. Fourth
■ bmal warehouse and Bats* and Will- ward,
city: Wllllsm Uie, Acme;
Bales, Harry Davis. Blair: Frank W. Smith,
2.600- John Ftleb * Co. J.OOO In local east Bsy.Asnd P. T. Pelerson, Hie
atoroge: L. F. Perkelt. 6.000, t.OOO Lake.
briag niaaets; Bert McCoy. 1.000;
Hakolm Winnie. IJtOO. Small lots are
Rsperi of Meeting.
nUo brid by other Jobbers and Ihe
farmert are alto boldiiig qnanUUes lerdsy morning S. E. Wall, who was a
renging n*m 100 to SOO bushels.
delegate, ■presented his report of ihv
Tbe poutoes Usted eUber al — sUCy-toh f""—I mcriing of (be Mich
oUmr ead of the line or lo transit ire Igan OoogregalloDal aswclalloD which


Vlson B. Torrey of Tadlllar is in
.nwn delivering quite a large amouni
of marble al the cemeteries near here
•The fishing party s|iok.-n of In la*i
week's paper returnyd bom* W^es

al-. l« Msuuie
..■aront.. *■'•■

'■\Try liin"!;?’
It!" u.
of «;i


A>*o. lo r.
Merrill, et al.. l.H» IS. 2" artd 2'. '•

-■■ Mlllol
Hri.lg.-ir n. n'i of w‘-v,


Malm l-> H.-no Hr.-iikif ne'i. lo-c. 27, tow

day and report a hatch of ahSRI Bv
hundred trouL The party was Joined

.1 Platte river by W. O. Holden
™Wm-* P. Crot;
John K. Ott of Travdrse Clly.
lAtie and wife, lot la. nwc»
Mr. and Mrs. U E. Wolcott nnd
rkli'K Bdd.
■ M
Philip Hruich and wife to biu.-*l H.
ehlldren visited the tatter pa* of last
Mln..r an.l wlf.-. imrcis. Bay>ld.- and
with their daughter. Mrs.
Oak HelKh-s. *inn.
Miprnriino—T •• loaowa: U F. Per- had been held al nint May 1!.. 1« and
John Ounovan made a business iri|i
keti, w cm WaBl: Ooorge lardle. ' Jl, The Brat mi-mlug of the a«lcly to Qlen Arbor last Satur.lay.
hmdi; Chnrtea Jeffrtsa. from 8
wss-held In !8t2 at Jackson snd Mr.
Mrs. Chas. Qldl.-y. who has tus-n Ml
Walt has atlendM five of these meri- the past sit w.-eks with miisculsr


Maaverial Day Ercerelies.
At t otclock yealetday the Bret
-wroCMsIoo of workers lor the anaual
Bnmntlnt ewrelses wended their way
to Oakwood cemetery, where the Bags
wen already plaoed whkh marked the


logs since thi-n-in I8S2. 1*»T. l»03.
IMt and tbe present yenr. The report
Ibis writing.
was very comprehensive snd covered
Service* were held In tbe Catholic
In deUll the three days’ session.
church here Sunday by the Re.
At the afternoon ••sslon on Wednes Ceilden of Nesseuniy.
day the Rev. C. 8 Patton
Ann Ar
immeoded that the association

hoaored gtaeea of U» veterans, deslg- PBK lOl* stale leglshLlere —
lo •establish
tgnatlng each grave wbkh was to re- legUtatloo abwg tbe line requiring
^eaj»alr«nemh.«ke. One hun­ bat ibe names of all person applying
dred sod three graves were found, the
a marriage license be poWUhrd;
-work of decoraung being In the hands
t all licenses be oWainod one
\o( OMBtatet CBisrIes Irish. Harvep osmlb before the eerrenony occurs;
Curtis and Corps Memberi Adells that the spplleanls la- required to
Fairbanks. sum wbelhtT they are divorced or not
Young snd Hooker. The 1st- and If so naming the time, eauae and
tdr had charge of tbe nebool riilldren
' who participated In the work of deeonUoD. The Bag was raised snd draped
mid the taU soldiers- monumeat
draped In memorr of the departed.
At * o-cloek the --- --------~~-.tor
wllh Bags draped In i
tbe ball gad ple«lr n>dc n

The year-old
Von Ib-lta
Friday by
ran unto
Mrs. N.

daughter of


was quite badly bur
bring Hpped out of
the er-meni sidewalk.
P. Dailey I* visiting rela

lives at Manisie.- and Onekama.
Qulie a little anxleiy was fell ber.-

last Friday evening for a boat load
young people wh.. ha.l gone out
the take Id A. F. Bunting's tauneh. ..
heavy f<« came up and a squall slrurk
the court granting the decree: that
boat, but fi.rtiinai.-ly th.-y wef
divorced persons be pnlhlblted from IKAT the shore and esca|H-d with isoHi
mtrrrln* for « lost one yesr and ing worn.- than a good dreoeblns from
.re tbnn-iwo; ibal the minister
breaking over tbe boat
or any other pereon authortred to sol
emntac the marriage rile be liable b
prosecutloo If he doe* not have al
these tacts before him: that any p.-r

Sbe dvil wer. the »oy*l Simnlsb- gardlng any of the ivstrictlons I
Americans and the Traverse CUy boys,
of perjurrmembera « Co. M. wbo landed on
f^turt further r.-coromendCulmii aoU. and Ihe membera of the
.be leglatalure be requreted
W.R.C Am«ig the local Cnbaa nolwith other stales In ps:
dlerteMran gravei decorated by the ag unllorm divorce taws and that
commltteet lo charge were five; Uoyd
marriage an-1
ttaltelL Herman Dtekerson. George
Culman. naude Vander Voln and Ar­
thur Bmedlcy, Aside from the local he "solution of ihe divorce question
frevea flower* were aent to be laid In problem.
loving memorr npon the graves of
Pcn.ling the action of the l.^lstatu
rred Covey. Ogdensburg: Bert Duu- the mlnlsicr* wen- advised 'not
p.A. Wokford. and William Bateson. tnarry any divorced person within •
Hanlsloe. Many graves not listed in ytmr atu-r ihe granlliig of Ihe deere.the veteran scrrice received loving The rejMJrt was nnanlmonsly adopK-!
Iributeo from friends wbo took tbe oi*
put malty to remember their dew*
ffh a day
national mourning.
At tbe O. A. R- lot the veterans
gathered ts nolemn oonrimme. wb.-r*
the breotlfnl riloal tor the dred wa'
wad. the roll eaU for the dead Uln,

Fire at Kingsley.
Klngslev. Mleb.. May W.-At 2:2''
this moreing, Ibe iKiialo warehm
Is-longluK “>
siroved by a fire id unknown -iriKln.

Consists Only'

Is l»iin{ the rnons plans
« any price.
Ab home eutortainmeDt is
a neeewily for tlie welfare of

that a B00.1 piano or cabinet
ury:*!. i*
•» ^he beat ■•■ —
you can make, for IncreaainB
tin- joy an.1 jJensur.- of bome.
tbe only



city yesienlar tooking after busin.-s‘
Miss Clare Decker U si--ndlng

yimr. hurelylines from a tlolUr


WE Sell

it iiiaile.


Books. ••

jual nicely

stiirtevl now.



in>: line here.
.•onaiilcrisl ibelawl that


Qian Pai»«r
•o nmiiy


You will lioil Ui.-Spal.l-

six <lo>lan.



thia hCMoti than nsunl.

You can aftoril oue Ihi*

are an attractive

Tliere are

in fi»l

tore here.

Dainty vol-


fainoua an-

hi-re llial yoti






SoniclliiniJ new in the

shoul.! call ami cliooae

Iw.k line comin« daily.


0itv Book Store
- -


trmni OlF, I®'*-


Ibis momlngTOingn. J. Morgan

Ixwt at tlie riglit price.




want tinTliia

is what you get in a KimluiU
Piano, to say nothing of tinquiet joy awl aatisk.ctiou that
inheres in the ownership of
goo-l atnl lioantiful thingsUiia luakea Kimball I'innor.

trubaraiMflpr *••//
Fmm 6*//»y #«/

X. B. BMtna. Frepr.
tS4ffoot Strop I



Spraying Cime
I, ,m. ni i«».l
y-. I-»1 '».*■' B-" r»“

, s

We carry for |.un«K.- Bine Vitriol (Copper
Arsenic. Formalin. Liver ..f Sulphur and

LavenbnrgF Pure

**""*tyonwilli>urel.aB.-tl..«-anich«of us. yon wiU certainly
not go wroug aa to <iuidity or priee.

$. e. tOalt $ Sons

Crarerst CMV'* Cmding Drug S(»r«

The First Thiot

want your dollars to yp. ;ta far


businn.. principle lhal il yon ' buy
riL'hi" you can “sen right." and
this applies to the Ql'ALITY
of gooils as well as to the
PRICES. Buy H. & L.
Co.’s B E S T ■' Feed. Bran.
Middlings. Corn and Oats. Qual­
ity and prices are always right.

Are You Going to Housocloan This Spring?

days In NeHscn Cliy.
Mlss F- L. Minor l.-fi for CoiKAiisb

business In the eiiy yenentay
rred by Adjutant AUre F. UHle. whUe noon.
J. H. Bothwril of Cadiltae
Mrs, F\.wl.T returned'to her. work
A farrent prayer wa* offered by Cbsi*
(he city yesientay on a sb..n business
Qaraer. ’ A choir of twenty chil­ lO Tbompsonvllte Saturday after *e\
dren from lb- eighth grade. Cretrel eral day*' visit wlih friends here.
W. G. Phelps of Beltaire »a. in Ihe
Mr*. E. Beyer was to Ttaveree City
pAool. rendered patriollr alia.
rily y.-sierday.
Tneeday afieriKMO.
Tbe FestUsl of the Dead-w:
Will Raine. who aecompanird Cha»
Kale Martin allended the dance In
by Junior Vice WiUtam He
BoM-nibal >o
- v—.....................
■bompsoortilv Friday night.
........—e-----Mint Umle \ of Ukc Ann vis- n-nd* the Beeot.l Matmoli* bUwsoms
■H called their own roll.
are very hands..m.- sped—
Tapa were xiondod by Bugler John
We*ley T. Smith eloses his setH*.! of somb.rn flowers. The tr.-es ,,
L Cnmmlags <d CHd Mikslon. a droni
Friday. Tbe pupllA with teachers as-]to a blight of flfiy or siktv feet and
. reer b(* vrirran.
___ coveted In the spring
tmmedtately following tbe ritual ari- usiiag. wru a>.e • program in Hecreamy, fragrant, btossoms
SrteM la Oskwood tbe member* of the evening. Everybody UivJlfdTbe Odd FWlow* eriebraled thrii nine or more Inches aenms.
W-.8- C- repaired to the clly and
Miss ftartoB and the member* of her
jpraira directly to the Nonbeni Mirbl- .hlid nnnlvershry Saluritay*by ptaW
Sunday school ctais are the gnesis <■'
dork, whet* th* service lor the lag trees around the haU and street



Frttro Wodlic».ta) 'K Recml.
U 8 Allen of Biltalre wa.................

Hr*. O. F. Vollmer wa* lo Traver*.- y.-sterday.
G. G. Glenn and wife of East Jordan
Ciiy Tiieaday.
Steanm and iwapoodod to by Chaptai
,ero guesi* *1 Park Pta.-.- yesterday,
Mrs. J. H. Marlin of T
C. J. Higgins of Manlst.-.- tranaacied
!tto^*barg was! viMied her daughter Saturday alter



iJuriiu; Uie warm ilaj-8.

PUm •. W Srtc Vie

je local market.


are <inite s

make lain buying tbe wr*B<

ing and »70(l on the Mock.
Poiaioes. an- bringing « cent*


Bast Ban 6m«s


Hut family eirele. atul the tart

There was *20ii Ins.iranee on tbe bulM

fnmi a bnhlness irip lo Grand BaplUs.
Charles Everett leli today for Ionia,
Wallin. Mleh . May W.-Nds Bye wli.-n- he will attend the stale couv.-nmade a-buMn«w trip to KalkAska ihin of Ibe Eagl.-s.
Le.. Stacey of Honor w»s In the cllj


lieer to Wra. U lir..»n.

.-*,,r.-„w'* of

Rapids and Honor.
Mrs. A. A. Poa-ers of Nortbimrt nturupd home last Tuesday alKy vl.H
log for (WO ww-ks with her chlldn-n



How arc your walls?
Do they need papering:^ou will find WALL
I'Al’EK at our store.
I low arc your Carpets
We have just what you
How are your kitchen
and dininj; room iloors:'
What are you going to d () with them' Did you ever
top to think how much less work it would be for you
’‘if you had LINOLEUMS on your iloors? \^e have
just what you want.
Come and visit our store and convince your­
selves that it's the place to trade to save money.
Yonr Bi-liabk- Fnniiture Store.

Grand Rapids Furniture Co.

121 S..1R 0... iM



I'.^rfect in lit and fjnlsh.
They will saiis'fy'you.

& Hunter



Tnvasc Hcraia

Fltlf Tws Uttd Of tte TIMS Id li^JnliiMtl

Mnny c.nuBr«n o‘

,t irltb hill ptmiu. Mr. Asd Mre.
llte sS*Staii. VeuA Nel
Ml tare cone Statta U> Pe«rl Itae.






Setter of Deeds



MLiT at pieMOi.


c.„ Op-a iipp». Bik.


MaiRSfM. B«r>

iluM, NO PAY!

Candidate for

ta)M«A at b«A Wwta.
Elk BApIta. Mleh-. May
working, al Uie Bk Ba|.W* Ir«i compaay’a furnace ikla Boralag. Floyd
Pbelpa had both amu bmkea. H«
war gelBg Ibe eterBlor, when a
heavy lever fell and itrnck him The
neinbert wen- eel and be In reeling

omcB IB nonn


TaMerdRf th^.S«•‘““'"1



Harw. gU. whether they


MI while Bfbtlni for the Man and Traveraa City Ctibeor Oladly Taatify
•trlMa and Ibe right or whether they
and ConMmlly Recommend
Doanb KWney Pllb.


.if Ihi- cliii'ii- ' i.t III-

1< lertlmooy like the foUowlng
then la wo .Mwih and no Soath and
the Cohlederatb veteran noun, with
• rright here at home ratae tb^
rtbwn brother.
prabe there b to room bfl
voWe In ,____
• who MR the veterana n
for doubt. Reed Ibi- publl
Ir grv balra and balling c( ■ Traverse riiy ritiren
.................. Ml Webater
W, A- Merrl
r dltnaged eye and failing
I euEered from ailaeta
-nd thobiht how in the ih>^



K.iii it-n-lk ........... It

raits.-n:- tit


• It. rii.l iiiarL. t Hu- 'i.rHir

.-M;- I

and fir-K.njcr.. »■- liaw luail- ar
I iH--

w.Ril- n mill in T.-nm-i

uiHi :

capital . f ................ . t . I..L. all t;-,.. u.-.l w ean ihL « »mh.
wbeth.., II 1________ .It l..a,...r..n,nt piL.i.bat „„,,., n-W

.......... .. ..HI ...I. l-it inret. 1- C- our prlr._.v h.

fill., dlip.i fnr of V'.-ir .-a-tn't Hip.


«f thelWyonnt tnanhood they left bnal
tilnliOBeaaiidflrealdea. aweet-

R TrPn..,i eplUl,.! S,pl

r aiitered «• In ipy life 3. IKlil; ImnoniVtlj-tlisrlmruwl Nov.]
^ notbdri and >■«« nP everyINfci. First volM wna ill till.dflgU thal tboir country might
MiTHl WVr dagd indeed If they
hack wkv for Abmlintn liiiiwtl.i. anti bag'
oflen laid to and
pride over the fact ....jiantly weak and *
'lyoUrl «vi-ry
l^md*'lhe dbtreaulng ailments. I cini.*pJnoo. Now w-rviipj foiirtli L-ilii
loaa. No paid Eghten, no hire“ S..p«r% iTOr fr-.ti.
Rnga trained tn the aru of war and

City, hii<I
-..wng tbeir living thal wey. but men could not wish for a bcllrr «r Dior.. ' .Trawreit
Who iaR Ibe plow In the forrow. who
, IboBjard.
WMA out With no thought c< reward ceota
FoMdr-Hllbum Co.. HnSalo.i
Other than that they were doing the - Nen- York, sole ageats for the UnlUsl
doty. Their aacriflce wgi Inflnlle L
Remember the name-Doans-and
the iwward la alao nnmeaauraUle.
tnke BO other.
Thb «on«Ur la broad but there ii
Mt rooM enough for two Haga. The
lolda of the atan ahd atripea are autThe Trarene City Hilllag eomi
MlenUy gweroua to enrelwi and
ahMd the inimoni who tare been _re now In poaitu* to fumbb to
people of Traveme City and the
bom in or who •«*»« »“*
Had the grand army of the rouadlag country with the very
tepablM-atayed at booM. ibe annala of quality of products pertaining to
Famous Fun
the grtBt atmggle wouW bare beea milling boalneat.
Their facilities tor manufacturing
mwritteB and ibe glory of achleve-

’•?r,S?'^J all d-alers. Price

Tbiol Wrr.i

to €cmo to oar ttore ani hoar tho f-inoui



TIIMSI CHir Mittiig tm

Special Engagtmcnl
All This Week The

Hunt Stock Co.

•enl would nerer bare beea aung by nnd handling flour, feed, hay, grain
and all mill prodnela are tsarsrellid In
aU the naUooa e< the worU.
BOrthem Mlehlgaa. Thee,hare the
We waum today. The aged widow
Supporting till- T.iung ami lal-ii'eil
bathea ber lod eyea. the Mat weepa best and blest improved maeblnen' '
All bearlags
am.iss. Ul»- Kai.' Filrci>-l.nn atui
tor the fatbar, but aoeb wltowbood
ata neptaaata b gtortaua. The hu» roller type and self oiling, driven bv eniiuenr neUtr. Mr. M, A. Hunt, i
eleetrtc power from the R. R. E. L- *
•and np-lo-late n-p«Tlnlre of comi band and fntbe^ waa n hero and a
rties and drama-t.
i patriot and thb knowledge ahoold mac p. Co,'s planL
The balldlng and maeblBery are «>
S the polgdaney
the grief.
arruged thai It requires the Imst
SBoanl of help and pewee.^ Their, fa
eiUliee for buying and shipping grain
p—.tow ontu lOt gmrea thb year redoing custom feed grinding and es
•etred the baaketa of willow. ITioae
ehaoge haalscaa whb the farmer b ol
wrta are Mt are old men and they.


Next of Kin.

' {m| will aoOB bear the ealt of -tape’ntb their many other prodiicti
8 Mown by the Omni damwander. Bnl
they tare recent'.- added two oscel
wbUa they aw bare, let ihe naUoa
lent grades of flour. A spring whea
No waits. A eon'inumis show. High
^ booor the oM toMlot. let li endeavor
patent of the highest quality laa'
i to repay a amnB po^.of the Imclass vaudeville beiac-n ni-is.
tram hart MlnnesoU wheat and
New TOertal sej-ner)-. .-l.-clrlcal cfI taeeanrahle debt thaf U ,owea them
Ueaded grade of floor .joade from
«nd wheattajAta paaa away to await
tU. Illusirnt.-il KongM. eic.
spring and wlnler wheal, tbe best poah the rarame on Jndfiadnl mom let the
sal.- at J.dinw.ii Drug Co.
klble flour for bread, cake and pastry.
?patloa tenderly. RwKity and proudly
rrlces-m, :n, 30 cenu.
Owlag to the bte sUrt In buUdUiE
4 dbariah fbelr taaMriaa.
.jelr sew plant last fall they were un­
able to aeeore the quantity and qual­
m-Day at Kingsley.
ity of grain deslsed tor Ibe manufac­
».-Tbe ture of llielr dIBereni prodnels. then-|.gtnvM of tbe soMler dead were i
fore they have made no apeeUl effori
f alaA tata thb wondRg and thb t
up to thb Ume to place their prodarts
noon an eloquent address wai
roach of Ibe people. Having n—
. Uvered by Rof. L & OUbert of
good supply of the best qualUy
grain and having perfected their plant
Last taU a luhk tr« at Alpena gave
rraak devebad tlO. a bone and
wagon and neat him out to by Junk,
derelaad. hggla. tatdi and tbe tiO
dtaappeared. lM-«ws receatly loeaied
at Lewbtoh. Rtai* he waa arrested at

l/I/'TAD The World’s Greatest
V Iv 1 Ulv Musical InstTument

9 Days Longer!

n lual


mill citlior .-.•li-Drilii-o, i«
(ilUNJi Ol'EU.V

Refers ty Permission to
..-rt-. 1....,|..I1U|.|.1- t—.. cuI.rf..t<'.«.BMIIlUulllSlW»

Sousn'Miritit ltan.lnii.l ,l’ry‘'f'* FiuRgi)r’l««‘»
Oivrtutfs, Siirrioi: -Mnn-Ii i. Urowny Wahiw. c-lc.. otc.

Almost a miracle
VelHItt «• p-rml.ii™ l» IM c,s, ..I IB: DitfSler .1 Sr. JiUO.
Hrrfdilh ol Retd Qiy. Kidu

Tm- Inti-at Own Sotm# an<I


tbe Favontm ..f the

Vnuil. vill. Swl-.

Anytliiiiu nii'1 eviTj-lliiii-f in Mtieic. both new an-l otil, Bplrn-

..rr-m-n . .....................


aidly n-ii-liTt-l l>y vbi- best artiota.

iM-v-T yo
tylo Z
We BfllontCU
oacb null niiwhrila. "



OUtribattn for »ieh.

HtodqoaHan at Detroit.

Branch 159 E. Front St., Traverse City

which is Ideal, they a
submit ibeir product

'■'.•‘aKUKklCg tirMiVNK.
A-IJn*.. l.aliMV.VH.h.

the home of bis father.
was qnlte a tart ft
vtclBlty Bnnday evening.
' The patty at Mr. and
lake's was qeU attended. All report



ih„ Jays,

Uo„m 111

T raverse City. Mich.





Ollicc hours. f> a. m. to U p. m.


Cor.cultation Free and Confidential.
Services Free Until Cured.
Medicine Furnished.

The Trotting Bred, stallion
Dusseldorf 16147 |

A Bi)inb Exploded '"‘msT’'

Will stand for the season of U^h. .it





U>iHs.-ii<il midvstst«.DniriSf il»i •!,•<-»

Traverse City, Mich.


ata Uta. Dan prgll drove
Tmverae City Monday to buy so
turaUure lor thrir residence at U

*1- I. ,1-...?^-* \C"_' * ""■" •

early ami avoid ilu; ni>h.

mmEmm Breed to the Best

in all departments and sallsfl.-d 'hr"’
salves that their goods they have lolh-rts
Offer t.o Ihe peoplu tad reuehed that *5«i:


Dr. Todd has a large sldck of
medicines and many new meth­
ods of treatment. All medicines
cofnpounded by Dr. Todd in per­
son before each patient.

on Ctay tefoio.

if vi.u !:uvv a ip.vil m ns.- of w.sdint-si and woriucaa. with
lir,d«. priekly
mtH fret 1. us. you tire mlv,.ni-it.« to ..loal U-rrible .liMmm-__________ _l Mrs.
Hiss Sadis Kant..____ ee andi L
. abn hit <d(l friends
HaUetl i
> Mfs
Bates were willed la Ibe holy
-hoods of ulrimooy on the evening of



Rev. Bjr.

nrtr manyr 1friends
them a long, proevful and
(life. Tbe hrtd* «ras dresse^o
iaad the giPom In blart. The brid.parried flhwertag admoods. The guests
:who attemded the wadding were Frod
Wlboa add Ml* Mary Canute. Mr.
lata Mrs. Bataa and Nathan Pieecc of
Hr. and Mm. Ass H. Palmer drove
.<nr«r to BurtlekvtUe Saturday lo vlaii
>rith Hr. and Mrs. Ed Brooks Of that
and Hra. Jeaae HaIMt drove
i-over lo Jacklowo Honda}-, where he
Hill commence work for Dan Pratt.
- There was « potato buyer tbrough
Ahare buying up pouioes at 40 cwDia
{per bushel. He did not find very many
tns they were nil sold bat tall.
' will
Will Wykle
Wykle, Him Tiny Noboa. Ur
—Ill* Naiaoa and Mr. sad
taad Mrs. Wll
Vvkie of Traverse City
party here Saturday

By *AUrndorf


Sir.: ..fllkk

If t-ir ti-vl aolieq, f.-.-l« numb nii.1 lir-K with Klrrimp- «-n9.-.lmna:ios»of PH-mory. nn-! you tlimk v.rti, dillicUy. or ycro
are al-iJea- rit iiisUl. wiH, .ir.,«hii.-TO atrl .liitia-ra .luriog the
-Uy. tl..-n-rv.-ai.d » f.a,_'ii.. m-iy arr.i. nm itib, itisauRy or
"■'1fyou b-4V.-r.ny.rf tl.-s- (.vir--.-. .1- «4 IHvkvt.HKWl. ..f

Uii-y will ,-n.) in inrr.lys-. :y,-.
K-.etr.vlion o
Hubbard 2;0a*s. Celaya J:!!
Emma E.. p., itrf'f.
oiher>ARE YOU NERVOUS AM» WEAK? Or l.:n- yon any .-omand dams of Much Better, p .
and 0 other SL.indar.l
plaint ulii-!, is
>-u fro.- y.i.r work, or .leito.yim; yonr
of Onward 1111 (sire of Bcuzeita •-;0i'. -|.
•■■diif >« ' Ti- ii -l-j nut delay l-it at on.-o .wawaH
etc.) dam of the Rrcat Alma Mater, by Mambrino I’ai* hen ui
Ur. a. f'ay T-rl.!.
1st .1pm Seminella Wilkes, by George Wilkes -'il'.t.—
Office Hours. 8 a. m. to 9. p. mRecord ±.±1. Sire of Harry Wilkes -JiLM J. Brignoli
si others: dams of Ale.'.ander
Room 31 next to the parlor.
Dick Hubbardabout •.*00 others, and
and grarul-iri;
graml-irt; ol^,
.. ..............
. i..... ii-.i-....iiv,e».,««ib,ik.
oePaiclun, p.. J;!tU.4, Ralph Wilko ;!:0G;i-1. Beuzettaj.^,,,
d)(i»-4; and over ’JSiliiother siandar.i performers.
. u ■ au ur UDlar arka.
■Jd dam ^tineite. bv Sentinel >0.—Record J
;7ii iinTiSirc of Von .^^nim'Jir.i !-J, 7 others, and dams of Cypres>
-J:1S 1-4, LuHa C. J:’> l-'J. Frantic ’.‘rH:’. 4. Birchbu.l,
."a u-ltk af-L'i.-a. Ik-ii.-tl UIlu-.'-a.< -4 1.
s. Scntin.l
licn. J:11, etc.

otte K> br ppUiA-t -n Uir irrsiua Trs-Mw
U«mU. s sr«.;*l^ i.nnl..l «aBd elf^M

.htsiii Eiietioi


> - iiauEii. uowt


......cai. •-


Hlm» Ayer
Ayers. Ocorgr Ayers, tather
? MlBor
Rdyors. Lulu Ayers and Bd Palmor
drot* oror from Onvn to '
Mtity Balnrtay evening.
Cafl Bataa «ro vlM.


Bav stallion, owned by B. J. Mori-an. ri«ht himl ankle j
.e, faint star; foaled July 6. iSttlL Bred by W. C. Eranc. '



TERMS>-To insure foal. $10.

1:;B. JJHORGAH f'"*,.®'''

ig OrvM Tmvma Cubu.;

.. .ii,d.fal.n.r war. r.

Free treatments every day as above untiTjunc 7. People haiVe
been known to como l^.HJ miles for tb<ri« (ice treMncDU
ai^^ct cured.
- i



liiM. Uw oEerlac hartei: b«a pUnoed
bj (be pnpiu of (be adiool.
Mr*. M. Henior axl mile M Jerald
’epeot Sndbr bt Blpilraia wKh friesdi
bDd retDrned boraeasbla this BonlDcWin Wlldfed Dorkerar of ibU city
ho U BO* pOitralMrcn «l Warlboro«*h. epcBI B80il»r to the city *Uh
ter porous. Professor snd Mrs. Dock-

« H««IHwe< ••-nix Ber«»»

Clttutatlon thl»'w«k 2,900
The Snoday sdoel at arasm. assls:•d by the RIc* Snoday acbool. will
hare cfalMm's day Jane 3- An olaborata psocran has been prepare)
iiii iliii will take place is the M. E.
davek at Oi««a at 1 fuoe «.
IUm Ahna Weln, a fomer resldept
of Ttorerae aiy. and Tooy Pboner of
BMd CKy tipi be married nest Toesat the habe of the bridc-a sister.
MM. Heory Kte^rth d Rood City.
The poBBC eoaple «U1 make tbeir
um* Mor Gnad Bapidt. Hn. Jobs
Oreaaaar of SuttoBi Bay paned

Win MoTEorct Coany retomed to
bor botMBl Wl. Pleosaot this sornloe
oRer spendlBfi SoBdoy in (he etty with
Wra. A. B. WllUrd of Bnpirc i
Sgodoy lo the rlly «Ith Wra. R. Brans
ond retnnied to her boino this t

Mr. OBd Mrs. U H. HaoHmaBt
l^e Abb apest Soodoy lo tbc
vtlh trtends and departed for ibdr
boBie ai>lo this mrelniig.
Mias WiBitIc Marrlb. who Is stcoofrrapher for Ibe Portland Cencat compaoy at Marbortueb. spent Snnday
ibe dt# with her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. JaiBCt Harrln.
Hra. Bert Kcoeh and dilldrcn. Ada
and Clanrte. rctoraed to (bclr home al
Republican County Convention
Boyne Palls tbit mornlos aBcr spend*o woehs tn the etty with her A reiiublican county eonvi-nlhm
the coiinly of Grand Traverse wll!
Mrs. Emma TobeySlclnlK>rgs Opra Ho
Traverse Clly. Mlehlgnn. nl J .|•eloe^
Pciokey dlvlsloB « the Pero
Bucue. arrived In the clly thU aftcr- p. lu. en_Moiiday, June II
Thin eonrenliun In rsih-d In neeun'
, with bis family from Muskegon,
nee wlih the provisions of li
■c be was fonnerty located. Hr ..le
action of the Rcpuhllrai
Hn. JOnscnacB wm reside here Central Committee for the purpose o
as being tbc most ecntral point for the neteeiing nine <91 delegnii-s (ron
Grand Traverse county lo aiiend lb.
new fleld M wprk.
convi-mlon of tlic repiibllcans
Mrs. John Boost and«lttc son who Blchlgan.
to Is- held le IVtroK
spent tbc past thnre weeks in CUeago August »b. 1906.^or the purpose
returned home thto afternoon accom
panted by ber brother. CUnde Ovtatl, flees, for the releeilon' of i/slatc ecu
In Chicago tral rnmmittee and a rhalrsuui there-

M. B. Moraaa broagbt bade a a
bn of braBobea cot at randan T
Anytraai the trees In & J. J
Saa's.lam ;«st at the UeUnao c
tylloe. Ibe boo^a eoealated of
saw trartatlBB of cherries, pssefaea
■pplssAhd »ooe «f
we Injured
i Othe slWttssL The broacbea
SB basrily eorared with the peon
Mt pr fclonona end the crop will be
• s eery heavy bbo.


Slights sr
the city Ibis
Indcflnilc Ume where she will be cm
Mrs. David Blemoa of Fife Lake t
rived In tbe city ibis sficrsooo (or
visit with her daugfalcr, Hra. 11. Hi

:l Ayera :
ila aficra
tag Sunday wUh friends
Mlaa Jessie Wood left (or Elk Rap
Ida for a abort visit today wllb
father. Cheater Wood, and will re
again to Uia city where she ia om

Miss Hargairt Vanicram left fo
Tbs riTor abore the North Unkm Chicago thia afternoon and will rclun
■trast'brtdfs U practtally tree today
ic fall to enter tbc bnsthesa col
turn the waierwoaked loci wbidi lege.
have lor a aoBber of ysara bw.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hloea retnraed
gaaiabUytric* U
tbU afterootti from a visit at Haacelo
hy. W^kmen h
na. where (rten'da were vtallod.
point tor] acreral
a. Ray Wall returned UiU afler
norlBf t^ tops and In w
from a visit with her parents
- taA waa moBBiall one to
fraa the ^ddy bo
' down tbe ottsan.
Sunday School Convention,
e twenty-fourth Quarterly
K, B. 0>^ of Beodon la planniiig
ion of the East Bay and Bla:
pint bjkw resort, on the shores ot aoeiatlon>wtll be held al the
pn Satunlay. Juoc ad
Otsatf^A the ptat to be inclusive o( IWC.
fiMB WO to iOO lou aulublo (or tumMorning Scasioo.
ner hones, tho hxAtloo of l&c pre10:00 o'dodi—SlnglBg.
rw-..—.1 ~Trlee, coBdneted
poasd naott U the north and w
Am of the lake and if'the loU i
f'wcicODic by W. B. Wl
niattod thU season the reaott will
BMed to the aUraetlvescsa of i ,
« by W. Routaong.
.Wany aurTooBdlnc talaad lake isaoru
near Ttaverae City.

HrJUnball of HanoeloDa. oonm
WBaday.ander direction of Mr. Baton.
Maaara. Besworth and Bird of BIk
RapUa. who have the eaelnet for the
. ina brtice to be pat acren the nlll
creek, also ooDBoneed work today,
•even or olpfat men will bo onployod
dartac the ojoaUwcUoa of the srUt
mo. wkleh. it U expected, w
ready for grindlAs as soob as harvest

Basket dinner.
-Afiennmn Scaaton.
Devotional aervlee. conducted bj
Rev. Hu^ Kennedy.
^"T'cmtalned ronier belter than
trying to teach In coaneetton with th.
main achooIT" Hiss Grarc Wll

. U K. OIbba rstaned Monday frem
, Nev.Tofk, where be « oBt to confer
rasardlBc the prowith c
aty A Old HUslon
rsllread. While the project baa not
yet rsaebad a ata«e of deEnlte neaoUstfc«s.'the reports whicb have beea
ccnaldersd are very favorable dnd
there U a*very bri^t pnnpcei that
the tine will be an assured fsel.
few days later tunher BepotlMI
wlU be eatered ialo by a New York


Mrs. Andrew Peteraon of Suttona
Bay. who arrtved ta the city with
. daoEhter. Hra. Hans Anderaon, who
s^vtailsd at the family home two woeki
l«(rOS erillrally Ul at ibc daupb'

Sr—II ■■ aXK SOI.. •Iivwil

■nio social Friday night nt the
church was onJie well aiteadird. A
program was given. Kenrty f*
le (real has dime more damage
was thought al arm.- Cbtvrim
hurt to some esieni all o--------'
Uuebesa apples are burt In ■
callUcs. We will know when ......
inch damage
was dune, and not before.
Cbiricn Lannln. Sr, Is In poor
bcalth. We are hoidns to bear of bis
Hn. Harr Gberlng Is suSertng wllb
1 hard cold.
Roily Smith is home again, bar
jem lo Illinois (or about iim ntool
Mrs. Ben Gheriog's mother has
nreed home ai Cedar, am-r maUnc
icr liaugbter a visIL
Amos Eonleek has every spare p
ot ground pul Into friiit trees. lie
rt-ap a harvest alter a while.
Hlsk Lnlu Holmes is better f
her liard cold.

James Imnlie bss l>ecn drawing po
itoos to Travi-r&c City.
Arthur IX'vaul is hnnslng papT (oi
Geo. Harel.
John oprelol hiimC.
as Un-n called to IK-tivur on arci
t the Illness of his l.rolLer at i
pi are.
May SS.____________ _


son baa baan anieied whk sttacki of
pBPsmonla. this betng the srvi-uih at­
tack. and ber recovery is d.mbtful.
Tbe batbaad arrtrad Friday and hast
beea In eonatant aUenflance while n
daughter. Hra. L. Btxby of Suttonv
Bay arrived this mondns to be with
the mother.
rrem Menilay-a Recort
Mra. Antoine Manacau and son,
Frwd. who wimt at Benton Harbor Ibe
flixt of last *1.4; to attend the (aucral
aarriews d her mother, paaacd through
tbn etty late Sainrdav afternoao on
tbeir retara to Manacau.
Mtm Ulllc HumpscL of Kirthport
spent Saturday In the city and re­
turned home on (he afternoon train.
WUIe bare she f
I ent Bowers for Harry Doe of
Who has be«B enleaUy UI t

-Power for the work," Rev. Hugh
F. D. Taylor. PrcsldMit.
Grace Wllsey. Soerolaij-.
Tbe Boo Hour Car Co. of Unslni;
wtll enrt iwo new buildings r.DxlOO
(eel In tixe and twoatorics high,
log 6S.W0 sQuarc feet more floor
There was no church Sunday o
count of the wealber.
Hra. Guy Tbompklns Is Imirrovlog
slowly. She Is very weak.
The S6th td May was fitn. fhai>
dler's birthday. 9i> yeara. and flfly <•!
Ihoae have Iuth on ihe place when■be now lives. Although fi-eldi- tn
body, ber mind U as acUve and l.rtghi

oih)-r biii!lnoi.i< ns may proiwrly etiuie
before the eonvontlon.
The sereral towaablia and wards
will be enillled to delegates lu Ibe
on as follows,
counly convinltou
rimsrr clieilou
elorli-d al the irtmarr
I9U6, under tbe a.
held on June i:ih. 19U6,





At 33s Per Cent Discount.

Total .....................................
Itel.-d May
Jas H. Mooroe. Oiali
R.ihen E. Waller. Seereury
Fertunata Miaaoui
“When I was a dnignin It UvoaU.
lo," writes T. J. Irtiyer. no
raysvlllc. Mo, "thnv of my cui
<rs Were permanently eun-d of
iumption by Dr. King's N'l-w IMsrov
try. and are wril and strong today.
and move
Sc* Oise

time Le found

King's ___
New nisrtivcr
TV ai
won.Ierful mivllrlne lu
Siiresj cough and cold by Jnbhind lung hi-aler. Guar
C. A. Buga Hnig Co., F. H. MeadS.
e nrug Co., llroggisis.
-lal bottle lOe.
A Biarriage llomse was is.-.iied Batirday lo William Guickad « Ih-corah,
nwB. and Mias Eda Kclel ot Long

Decrease In Ihe same redo ifaal Ibe
sc of Dr. King's New Life I’ills In-eatrs. Tlx-y save you from danger
ad bring Qiilrk and lainl. ss tehase
om eonsHpiiJon aud the Ills growUt out <d It. Strengih and \loor al­
ways follow their US)'. Cuaraiueed by
Johnson Drug Co- F. H. Meads, C. A.
BusLee Drag Co, drugglsU. 31c. Try

Muskegon—Rate. gZJX).
Grand Rapids—Rau. «Z.OO.
Sunday, June ia
Train will leav.- Trav.:n^- Cll>- a
6:3(1 a. m. 8cd posiers or ask ageni
(or nanlrnlare.
H. F. Moeller, G. 1*. A.


POSITIVELY this is the best skirt offer
1; we have made. While we have had
sample skirts other seasons, never
have we had such a superb line.
Allthf nruvst and l>fSf M-av. s. /\uiani,if.
I’oi/.!, Mchairs,
iu tfu.Hiofl tcaiilfd Ciders aud tii.idf »/• m
(/„■ /ir<^tiliuc styles by the fercmesl
makers ot Ike n'uulry.

Sizes range from 22 to 26 waist and
39 to 42 inch length.

When you can buy such skirts as these are at
such a remarkable reduction if your sire is here it
is certainly to YOUR advaatage to buy at once,
for of course the best ones will bc_pickcd upfim.

oxLv oxi: or

hi tray HtjiaitinGiit
at Banknis

hach, you k\o\\\

Made to sell at
$5 to $16.50

Kast Uiy
Garfield ..



We are prepared to
serve the people in an
acceptable way. The
interests of our patrons
arc manifold and these
: have our constant care.

Now Selling at
$3.50 to 11.50

Traverse Qiy
Slate Bank

' Ih-tore dis|K)slnK (d your w-u»I li will
l)c Intcrosling to know that I can pay
the blghesl |>r1<e of any lucal (linler.
lure to bring yviiir wool in
Care Slclnbirg Urw. CUx. I'Lom- lI*.

6ood Shoes -

Good fo Keep"
Os Uant to StII Sou a Pair
Not only because that’s our business—scIHntj shoes—
but because we believe we can give you a little more
value for your money than any other dealer. We
don't deal in so-called ••Bankrupt" or ••Fire damaged"
stocks. We buy only goods that we know are reputa­
ble, and ilapair should happen not to give satisfaction
we are more than willing to make it right. We taKc
all the chances—you take none.

A fine Huck Towel. 18x33, hemmed,
with either red, blue or striped
border, for .................................
A splendid Damask Toyi^el. 15x30.
ffinged, with either red, blue or
plain border, for................. ......• •

Just a Ftn Special Prices

Other Good Towels

. Bays u |»rr of Men's Patont Colt Slum
nn tlu- now narrow swing Inst or a
hroadff one. BIucIilt rtylo or W If
yon want a tosl up-lo-dato. ■nappy shoo tbia is it at SI loss
tbtn most store*.
For Men's Gfimlm- Kul Sli(x« mmlu np
fur (ln«s (>urpu*e will) light sole*. Bluelier
ialyle snd new military bwls. $2.-'i0 won't
bny this shoe at many ston*.

Bath Towels, unbleached.5c. 10c. 10c, 20c. '25c.
Bath Towels, bleached, 20c and '25c.
Turkish Towels, 50c. 65c and 75c.
Cotton Towels, 5c and f'Jc.
Damask Towels, the finest line that is shown, in ail manner of l>eautiful patterns, hell for '2.5c, 5iJc, 75c, $1. $1.25 and $1.V).

/%0 Tor Women's Kid or I^ltcnt Lcatiier Shoes
UX made Bluchcr stylo or lace, with the newest
7 V „„
Wl- „n■ r,-p«Ulion
oo our' sbo)*. We call tfa<-m nomlav^" '*'*’
^ - For Women's Shoes or Ojfonls that are cooJ
WW fA wearing and stylish. It is not usual that wv can
reeommcml shu-s nt this price, hnt these are
^ certainly ihec.vccption.

Have You
a Friend?
Then kII him about Ayer’s
Cherry Pectoral. Tell him
how it cured yourbard couth.
Tell him why youala'ays keep
it in the house. Tell him to
uk his doctor about it. Doc>
tors use a great daal of it for
throat and lung troubles.


Auer’s Efv-

Women's Kid Oxfonls. |«unl tii»............. *. K*rWomen’s Kid Strap and Bow Slippers................%>c
Women's Easy Slippers, plain U*s...................«l>c
Women's B)Ygc Slipixrs. very )«sy...................2vBoy*' Liglit Bummer Ix-athcr Shoes...............fl.lti
Childn ii'« Shoo*, sites .7 to ................................


It Pays to Trade V'liere
“Every Towel Want is Met”
Sale Begins Thursday Morning'.

This is only a few of them. It would take the whole
newspaper to tell you of all our ba^ains. •




Gr^nd Traverse Tteg'ion.
Hrarr tbuilXT Aod


ig oflbe cold I
Mr. Alberu of Cru
Farmers a'
BverytblOR tbe Brst of tbr week,
.......... --tins frenn weaiber and chilly wlnda.
Mrs.'muktln Smith It qnltc tirW
Ivaa WUkocbil.. tor
tocmcfiy of Trav
Jubn Tomidiiiu
Two «f her sinters have bm wKii her
and John KraUz ersc
place and -0111 take posa
daring the past wc-k.
Mra- Lewis Kraaklla
Joe Herman U home again from
Brm. pasaed ibro^h
h KlBgidey
- ys in Traverse «l.few days
ifavldoii Thurvday moreltii: while drlv:«n bis wa.. Jo vtaii bts parrair.
Hay t».
Misses AmetU sud
ailed on Mrc. Prank


Pmst again (bis mornlBe. Tbe sni
irnll Is nii>1.r an killed bu' api'dcs a


Cotn plantJiit i* kboat all flnlsheJ.
Sonif l« alriady ap.
.< , OnndBia I^itf lo»l linae. a* alalod
..‘‘';iaat vr<-fcl Is Kaotas teller. «rc> are


-;v*'a!'S.'sS'u. Is
ctn>pl«l bj
'...KfOIor ban Itst »«>k ID bis abosldvr.
^''Hc Is lackv in bare as food a mwi in
• , Ibniii blm a» lli-nrr Hrrardz.
fhir sebcial cluias In aboot Ihrcc



brldF. lie
Ihp; will KO 111 bouscdirepins
doiU' anOI
Mrs. Cole «ni smaUr surertsod Ssiarilaj alpbi when about lhlri> i.f her
Irii’ods nailed on her A coud su|>por
was Mood and i flac Unm genereUy

A pSd
dinner wID be served and a ilanrc will
lake place in Ihe avcnlae. A lot of
fuu la asaared.
•ge Bainrday nlgbi u was at lirsi snpdnaed. Tbo eberrim looki'd bad for a

' A goodly oapilKT of ou
iaprovioR ihrtr Yams i
wire fcoect.


Ilonilns in the even-r

>:.-atber ! U»e borses.

Ma't Ilea) bis fiane lu 1
In work In the cmitii work
ilbty move'bis
rnovr-hls Umlly
. . . there later.
Iiyive.* Mntiiluv !•
Thurt.rtay being
belns Cetrge
Ce-irge Ui
UrLsel Thtinrtny
k alicr Ills b-trlii- ..
die's blnhdsy. Ills

ehllilr-B. srandcbll
dico and Rriaf-srsDdrbltdieo rnc
his heme lu ililv filter l>i help
celeltrale the < vigri. -The time
Irieasanliy sneat In visiting. A
tiintier wss M-rvel. IliirlDg HitHr. Cnntmlogs took several iiirl-jrey I snaily eiibaiie<'d hv.r.lK
r the four cencrsiloas.
rialni snd oh it imi/oM'
Cbailk- Herbert, who hav iN cn In
g.-Tlac revl
tiln for tpfveral months, has returned
te»jrrer-i T
• Ills borne In thin place.
- .
John Drew will return In his dulle*
I semnd engineer on rnr fiTry Nu.
MIliiT^. lirv. Atian••Mnftil frog It
. 1 at Ltidlngton Ho has been onjny:n in l:( r he-J'-ewnrlt.
ing a two mentis' vaMiiir.u with relaMr. T.1,-7 of {
Henry Fesa
llres at this idice.
[If 'Thurtulav Issi. taking dltuu-r at .............
Bsi FrMa.v evening Ibe impils of
Tnivorse Ijike re-on.
grammar school gave Iheir teach­
dtistlames Atkinson and Shslda
er. Mr. Wllcoi. a irieonul siirprlre
alk-tl on U
Friday .afitigby nil Miming nnlnvlieil. thoogh wel
tmn. Refit slini'-iits
r eollts' san.lispcnd the evening at Ihe
Hr. and Mrs. Wilcox. Tbt
Tli« Lhl M.nir..M . !.».M ■
rvcBing was pIcasanMy s|ienl In play­
In the
ing games and music.
During the
North I'nliy schtdil. Mis, So’ihfa
Inp a handsome ean-lng set wa-> Dagu ti-arhiT. had their nu'lurvs taken
Itl In a I
•nied to Hr and Mrs. Wllc-ux. lev
r days ago. Then-, si<- many Sun. i ni«. 111.. .ch.«,
lers In the schntil and aliogeiher!
rt.m. Ti....«l.v. M...
The Irlcndt of J
present a vtTy tm-n-y gnup.
|and Mrs.


Traverse t'liy raihrs Ssiorday.
l^:ro> ti* ]
Jltme. I


S^ salt on tt. ..uvc -b.r.-


‘ »D-iM-..-n ha, boiled ev.r w.'i p.•^;
. at 3 duar .talk-odoi.

ns i;,ri5.c- ri lixlf IIu*"br.‘.’u-r.i


•I' II
jl.n.g S ei


® The Up-to-date Farmer


Wants Ills (thnne. liis il.iily tnkil and his


llisbanK .account
,ru count.
f-tclyry .md valiialihr rrcord

of receipt* and

chc-ck* are





Iii.iin ihi: maiicMo you.
iduiii and yuu will

(uinffh .books an«l


fully t

Once krt

not wish

Oeafnoss Cannot It


vomains a aaiis-

t-.vprmii'un s and his

checks (rer and shovild f»e


family an
ttltig at Mrs. 15»(l«lcya parenu,
and Mrs. A. Thirl.
John Lecce's moll
ihcr. brother and
•laler of Elmadalf rc Tlsllic at John
Lecce's, who allll r
, Oai NenmaiiD bad a logglBR bee Sal
drday and a dance In (be evening.
' Liulc Drager of Kaaeon Is worklBfi
bir Louis Rutbardt.
. Frank Newman of Kaiwa dravc a
well Cor Prank Rulbardt.laal week.
Peter Umlor went to the penlniiili
^Isrflay to call on relatives there.

Hna.-ver. Sir. ijaibkiu

May :=.
J. lli:W:.ll will also .suovy ibeii
5l site while here.
. OocdlBg « Bsanal bar- bnapi! ■
lad Is tmivlBt ben-,
•v.nlu« b,
i. Nnlan nf Cedar naiilin oar ilrvids
e liiilhllBE ewned l-v rhe flrlEhar! ’
I- Hci.a.-id this week.
Inys has I ■■-B
Born (o Mr. and Mrs.'Ratrne lb:.- vhu U Uiiss ll t
It I
tts n wet.- tirerent and a C ry eninyley lad week, e l*i>.
af- »r.r.i
Mr. llaiinesiK rc will mob hdve hl3
. Jianicn Is ptuinlacoi sillir
new hiiare cenirleieil.
1 tan t>t ipIrtdU- «( (bis w<vk.
1; at bh trill M.lti.
Mrr. Iluess Is III s( this wrillns.
Urvie MeClBskey and
. le si-m. ...I t'le S
I'ottnaiter' Valley wrs Id Traver e
^aliib fpent a euuple of davs the last
Cba-.i ’ rbirhi-sur iif IVia. Iml.. Is
CHv me day las- w.h-V.
['<tf ibe wis-k In Traterve Cl y.
M. ebiilrick has cinvi-d
A lew fr|.-uil.' paihrntl ai .Iw t.iBie vlslHcc iciami-s twre
. « Mrs. Th^yi, ixtuiiii Hit Tei-sdaTi ^tJora U. Mr and Mu W Rial. May
V. Illmawl.-I I <:f Ji’adtire na:
etenlni: sun cJ»«- h.-r a )il. ai
, Ire. H
It Is-ins
Is'ins IrfT iilril’day.
h»u- h|r <.drs- lb;
Te'^c”, »Mter m« Celai
iN-tii-l .tie-.-i-wire nls-eil anil refiolii
iteil bin StimJa' aad MiiBdriy.
Mr>. Uenneic...
, cream and cake
aia) ..I.
Mrs. lUBni'al.erR R|»t-:il Smdiy wllb
vi*lilU5 her iloerjAbe• erenlnB
brr bB'Iand.
^larlm. Ijit
t Ijutle lirk;
M!« inexoBdiia
vb.HlUB frli lidt' I
TrarerM- Cllv.

W. Fivits. postmaslt
ton. is. Bcaciy Mat bis V -------- -----------Tciicr. which says; “Pt* W yrsra I
bad rbnmie liver complatol. wbicb lol .
<0 such a anrere case of Jaundlee that
even ay finger nails laraed yellow;
.. - my doctor preacribed Kkrtrle
Iters, which riAi-d me and kept mu
clertc venrt ' Sore ettni far
■ss, neoTwlgta. weakness
. kldnt-y
kldnt- aud tdadder .
ni.-ols. A w.mdertut binic. At
m nregCo s. F H Jit-ads. f A
L- Drug Co-'i ling Aloret






J fRKNm-*c«




We WLfoyffieneyct ten days place on sale at the lowest-possible selling prices the greatest array of beautiful and"
useful H6fi3e furdisViing goods at the

Just think of it!, K there is anyth*ing lacking in tha home NOW is the time to secure it and in such a manner that you will never miss the purchase price.'
You are taking‘ho chances on the goods you buy this way because

Such kn opportunity to possess yourself of anything you may want to add either beauty or convenience to the home has never been offered before.

Only $6.5^

$13 Buys

For $16

sceewod ajtd b^u.-d as well ax'
glnvd. Worth much more.

$5.75 Buys
table, handle irlmmed leg*
and magulne rack. 24x36 Inch

Can be boughl oowbore

^ at ttaia price.

a bargali) at tU.
Only $1M DevHi.

For $13.75
wlm>r: a genglne beanly and
cheaper (ban the eheapuat at

on, $1.00 Down.

Only ItJM Down.

$19 Gets

Only $5.50
For .a larg.-, nKintv f„urHl.vir
.a«v,I hand |Kril!>l>,-,l i,yn-r
eland. 24x24 im-h top. Frenrl;
vhaiwillre. 11 >mi can ,lii|iUeau-

Un- v'"P. ndjuatnbli- abclvit.
dart, gulden oak. A blgb greik

Only $6.50
Fbr a large, ruomj- tuardoon-d
eapboard, finUbed tn tlark gold­
en oak, handaomely flnivbed
Smaller dealers wonid ask tSM

At $12
rlalr. -.-ii.! qtiarureJ

Only $7.50

I-—'”- . ................
C'l.-I,l',|,>. ll|,ll,'l-o r< 1 III t< I
V.-toiiR. Yo-I in.ty l,a'. f

Only $1« Down.

Only $1.00 Down.

Or’v *t.00 Down.


$7.50 will buy

Only $7.75



:,i>- tdfitmc a fiivli cradr.
ron^riKtivI rtrirh. U|v


Vl-1«LIT. Iiapfli-attH. fl.,ub,.i .1,
A r, rulai l.ii’itt.

Only $100 Down.


At $6.50

w If

ihb* i>ian,l lor this piio. la-lue
It hack.



i'li ii iial.

ark IlS.tKi l.-r ihm ran-.

glaav front and i-nda large .|m-vi-1
Fn-nrh plate mirrar. arnwa en-

Only »1O0 Om-n.

We are waking v great drexaer
gfiet—A *tri«ly aoUd oak dress,
er wlth^ JdkSO loeb bevel plate


Till* tniard would b

Just $12

At $9.75

$ 12.50 Buys
, .ii.. ,h »..i. I, T-. ; 1.1-1..

Only 11.00 Down.

\ fiolden o^ finixbed llhrery

Only $7

\ou rail g.-i a h.viiMtinir

for a boautlfnl large arm rocker,
quahered goliK-n imk, band polUhed, foil reU scat. Bvery J.rinl

'd diuitig
biiUb. i«-i
all aroiia-i.

K< r a family olu’ relrlgeratei, H.rmiglKiui wPb heaty
line m Inch air rhamlicr all
aniund. In, own naviogv will
make the psymvnie on 1r.
Only $1.00 Down.

At $12.50
r. .1 >,'„i for Hir memry .

Only tt«0 Down.

$7.50 will buy

For $12.75
•i,,l w»v,-n



.luing., I

'tiru r.ipinrt and bigk arade. AI

m, at anil kjl-s-nfc-l-.,
-=Vr^ThL tvTiJn*g.

tbU price.
only ItM Deem.

Only $1.00 Down.

0-ly'*1JIO Down.

Only ll.oe Oewn.

think this matter over--come'to our store and look it over. Our offer may seem hard to realize, but come and see for yourself—be your own )udge--don t
wait till it’s too late. Salt CstIt W Days Only—Beginning Tridny. June Itl n lOib. inciuxioe.

the Store that Trusts
the People.


The store the People
Have Learned to Trust

TMUaUAV. MAY ti, 1«iw.
te>« teHAte lA IfeIr toCAHtr » at.’,
to ate oe tte rick IM.
_M BAaaaato AM at hto
Md Mtotim t> AAT.TllMt tO- Arthar BcasctC* Har 2M
'lawtas UUmm « toaar ■<--------Tk* Ladte' Aid << Oran ckarch
SM>k«r tKm bn> Mtc»M tM
wiHillnii •ervICM At Cater Ian met at Mr. Wlmet BlcskM*a Mar Utk.
A nMIr noteer ware itea and a
TW AM ateM
^teen a* foUa«»: FrtalteBt. -------w; «IM prealteai. Maa

SS%^w!SSSlSiu* *i«iuM


Jlr. CMiito, oho tea baaa took
*Ut£r. to atuoa batiar, but not a

■ta. Ctertoa Itolor. »bo baa bote
rkiitM tar tto paid tvo ««a*i vUb
ber pateaia. tor. aad Mto. Pmot Boaba. rotataed to Onto BapUa Ptodar.
Praaeto ftoua tedto a sr «Kh poiiote at teat Head.
Joho LoHer at Aem* baa becai
b>b at tevlto 400 eorda <d «ond w
bto «ato Btetolae lor CUode Wlh
Baater aebool to toM erorr Soadar
At tbe-------------------Btoa If
la ikii nelitli* tbore are Baaa
Bnato Uk« ato Ctetotor take «

e. I
rttberi of tbe Uiard (d rrTlee,
.. _irej^li horprtoe panr »aa fl'
(to beaor of
A terawii nirKUa pari' Kaa alt.. a»I (to____
Eararter rraolac. Orar tftr paopto Bkark oe Tnvodar.
*^fe*a Mrara ta a Uula baltar at thto *ara Itera. Tha aranUp aaa 8raaUy
We have a Ud Is Eaat Bar »bo nar
a lasKMa mreailer.
Kina. Jack la
-nea U
la belL
|a«A Hr. aad Ura. Sebatatarban yean old i tort. <- tadaea
|i It eaar (ur
•aia •.tasrtiad wlih a kaadaoiw lei Otol vriafca 12k puuB
bora mucb older

at kalv^a aad lorka a« a u*ao
oi iova (run ibair maa' Aalphbon.
‘3m, cur aad^ Alra Paroa
Ing. He U maktaa Ma bn
-■...Lf ton (or 8. II. U«rar todar.
and Mra. Jubn Carllaie.
U Tiaveraa
du «M
Tbv bora tj teal Bar •
och a I
bitolka.1 editor at ibto ptoea ur
tab a baseball elob ato eapraM to gi> tu
lae matt ami caka


?,r j„.

’%a Martba Pajaa »a. tka caaU bl


boiee 1'
klod ^(ri

to Traratae CUr «a baalaaaa taai ^te.'ato Bn. Oeor»a Oodard
' Ttmradaa.
Tnvorae Clir vlilied old (rleadi
rraak Boten aad wUa aad lira
Corbatt aad Mr. Dawaar waai to Haa

“'S.X.'.Sl u

-Oroa of Tnrrnr
, to nutlaa ber ouele.

Putter ar>eai FkMar
TnTor*' CItr.
Hr ato Mra O. Deaar ato (ataiir
of ChtoOBo arriv'd Saiordar (or a «1»
b «Ub Hra- ttonor t parrota. Hr. aad
Mto. E. Bofdteu*. Mr. Droay r<di
u CUeoAD. Uoadar
Har 21.

Spread the Woritfs TaMe

dot to )oiti bdr htishBiid at Oaatb.
*bm ibrr viu auke tbdi (oii'
JoHAb Csnto loa; a valoaUr bo

along mrr hne o( longilixle bom
Not* to Son*! oar paiaBd d
latitule from East to Wot; |dt
dxrton *e facxb oi naydtoxaild

naruo »r- oi lato pla-e
iote Ropk . «bo aiietoa the boai-j
n eoltoae I Tnver«e CttJ. waa autoltb hl< par«ii* at RapU Cit;
andar ic vl<:i W> par ‘•Ur alskt aoJ Sumlar.
,111 ibto
<bto iJarc
• no. Ml. ato Mli. Wllh.loi Kopke '
.( natovr Iruui
te|He retoraed to T.nrerw CUr ibii ||h' iU^la^te rertm.i. ai d.i

Oon Iteallag to Iha ordar ot »V

Trarana Ctt*. «|Hm pto to *«* h>»

A. Bldiorda dren to Btopte Boadar. ntarteto tom wHb hla WUr aad

reUilve* tialird Mr and Mra. John
Cnilltoe. (rtKi have nored lo tbeir new
tbe viaiton a Ctempaigne
_ . ... ............. .. .Jikot of Tnrerne CUr.
MKAOd Mrs, Oeiatc Uomloe. Hr. aad
Mr*. Henry E. Carlisle and maay '


"j'iSb and Will Brigki rnlivd on Jojn |
Jidiii.-* tH Nu«b Mill.* t
htt lli*Ua (peat
awanoui baa beef clek
hi B.P In Ssrib MU'on.
Cbriatmaa ato
a while,
while. It
Mav ML
baa ari In 0
.dobs Zlentrk'r k
winter. U
aick b
____ Ada Bright vlal'.d ai CedJ
fiiiurdat nigbt-ato Buadar.
I'Pter Ski'B'jiM. wbo had M* Ir
hand blown lu pleit by a rbarge •
ptsder while Ua-llng aUnH- js U
pitjvlns aottc bui rial .«aa<'fs levir
I here t.alav cn bai-lne;v.
arlr. ! G'f MITW. wlio -pent the winter In
Warien dall wc-ked (iir
WatfalagtLB. was a ralU r beie loday.
I'ra Brlgbt. lati week.

Flnta Bullet .1 Tra\>ite ('Its lalu.J. M’. SUrhan lunk a load at patl-l
rday (or a shun tUU
(oes lo Cedar Sal irdav and cajoyed
T«to end Clint Ura> srae in Tnv
tbe adianrc in,
iiH- CUr aevlB Suidav to pU-- baU
Maj rk.
R. C nir>lo<-r ha. put In a nea well
IL Be|iou’l«rcer <1 Tts»ei»e City
ran art.d l.■-^lne:r he... Frldni
C- R .Hvn was a raller hiw i.slay
A. O Falrbank* <d Traverse CUy l«
lere agsta ihli wra-i.
Uaj :»


wffl surpass tiKm a& in tbe demoitt
wfaidi make a perfect woridrfood.,

Im a dBgr
maittun pro»t



Bmeat J. Taylor and Jobn N. C
Ude did aome plowing lor Jane
Dencb. wboae bealib U aueb that I
r cblM waa umted U-rribl. aUiui
Can i took sell.
sell ot l*el waR
jre. Bwk and ebtet. I applird It. with Impure bloto feeding
ttedr to pUot pqUtoea aaablndo do nv^.
E W*H f. Bona.
Frank Biota baa rented the bd;k 20
Thama<' E-lecirte Oil
The pain K.en ib.- Muto pure wUb teiter*
There la reaJIv aul ibe alighten
i£t toasoe to Onat (rf B. Adaler.
ri Win Bruofcv and eblMreo *pra- rtwato and IheeblU aank Inlu a re*. Wood W.iera. Kar aimply. tito W
Ftor Cook
you will tote
evealA*. Ifcn
Tuv-das Tlih Mrs. E II Lewi:ai Hraaei la au widely known and
abufs.'N. T.
hmg Hfe. -DUAA will lead aext Suadar evetofk lag cedar (enre poaia (nun (be Naltea
laa Crtildia
and Ji sae Hal
»> eavlly obtataeA The woral rtaea
Otaat Cteter Orange UKtoM tmir Lpou pUee (or Don Cl^lato.
of Almira -«'rc unilol in mar
~ an
are aU gUd lu bear tbai Orand U ra'arrb are qnlrkly rated, almplr rlage br Rev. J. 11. Bx-r at the tuuie
at Tw
Ttwedar eveo
new auBbert taat
quite low. la ouw by inking tbrtHigk (be porkn In
ma Ford
w propuaed (or to
o( the bride's Mr and Mra
^ Si^aSeJ^^furala^ thhnW t)Bl cotoea w‘>h every uniBt
1, n Bat.- Saiur.liv .-u-olog
~iaA VralluSte "ate liurt* bonblpany trou -...............
>-id la ihl« sa: (gr a few tolnoU a
J H B-er and wife w.-n- In Trav
Itar 2A
^aaeait of^ KapiMr A*
FOkloB day at St. PtbbcIi cl
Ildu-a a dav. every particle of air tse nty la-1 Wednewlay and called
, ~ooBu mmOA. Basdar.
resrh.i the nom- throat and en ipeir .U'lghti-r. Mr». Ony B>-n»»n.
CaH Kobo aad (to Hlaaaa Carrir
gone to Haallnga. Inogv l< ladea with germ klUlng at '
Tbe ahlngle toll bna entlrelr «a
L T Ball ha* narctesed a nea
btelihgiviv HvomeL
Ubed tbe annoa'a cut here. Huai at Mich., to vlalt (rtenda and reUl
Fa-kard jdano organ.
s. Ftto Drniloe at Kaat --------~ > tele of (be oMifashlomd Mtti
(to crew eipact to mum t.
Several frv*in tUlw neigfaborh'vnl at
(or a week baa been rlililng her
, Atierooob.
ranedln (or eaUrrh baa been i
tto ibUiU toll! at Harrr
tended tbe «pe1Ung ctmleu ml Arm’
Har *8.
to altoofl nothing since the I
Cohba' Jooetlon. which will be remdr parenia Mr. ato Hra. Jubn Stew ot
rtroag Mbuoll>mi*e Friday night. Hl»
la nuvr otMopUe AMd in iKHition ttedo aII kitnU ot nm work.
Slighta; reloraed hose Friday.
troductkmfcf Hyomei. 8 E Wail A Margirel Fuaell .pelled the aebool
Hra. Mabel Wolf at BllgfaU U
Bona will ted yon that tbeir ulea on down.
reported that MUa At
WoGriml Torn Fueil EjchniiRe « Kell yoo ESm.Kheti
lug with her tlater, Mra. Fred
P. H. Cartooo apeat Boater «ltb hla SaUb, wbu Uvea with ber brolber.
tkta ool*(date line bare (aUen.ot at
A few from tore nlletoed the dai
yoor Com. Boy yow Otmio. in the hrot way awl Itei |»Wb
leaat iwo.|hlrda la the laat (ew yean,
pardati la TiaTarae ORr. itouitoaa Qian SiBlIb aoutbewl M here, la rerr Inc of Ran Head.
Will lAkr'a Salarday •-vi-nlng
Henry M. Foaa ol Traverae City, the while tto demand Sot HyomH baa I
liuto- Oor oachiaery is the lienl Awl Uleot inipntvM that te
low and eon Ure hot o abort tlm. Her
The Sundav aebool 1* preparing for
.v>oM buy. We Kssrantp.- our work awl imnJuota to ho eqnll
lllaeen tetaa (raoi (wo rten agu. purehaaer ot tbe Ruabo (arm. apent all creased a* It* rarallve power* becas
eiim- wideiv known.
wteo ahe waa badlr lolored br a wrrk trtairtDC bla large orebartl.
Wm. Newman
wa* through
il not beter thM nu> mill in UtMthern Michi|f»«i
Albert Counade boatel of Hiram
The complete ooiBt eonaiallng of
neighborhood buying poiatoea
We have Spring Whml Pau-Dl Floor of Uie biRb^ (JBaI.
oa r. H. Cartaoa TMater.
_ hOI when tbe road waa la a very bad ■ntayer laat Tburtday at private aal« neat pocket Inhaler, a medicine ‘
ity, lor tele or egehAiiiD*. We have A lUew’i*! Spriof gw)
one Bae heifer, four large boga, fuu
Tbt BKAB tei<a natetor ctoarad
per. and a irattle of Hyomvl coat* onl]
Ultle Fcrr- W'llana wa* idek la-t
Witil.T Flour whirl, we eograuU-e to be the Uwt family Hoof ta
(tti^KeaaeaY *& Soadar eraalat ;**?4uMaee waa enlUened durlag tbe teen |dga and twenty tour cbickena.
one dollar, while extra boxlea
Hiram Thayer, who oe
tetalned (or 50 centa, making 1
the nmrket for Itn-wl. Oaken sw) IWy. W« ndl or vtehABRO
paat week by repreaenlatlvea c<- a
tbe moat economical, aa well a* loiS^BO oaoteay at ainrd. ta. ate Mr. aad Mra. Provaneber
Remedy Co., waa through
either flour for vour wbeeL
(he paat year, Ihare resoved tempor­ moot reliable mqibod of curiv cagate (me cfaowa three erenlngt.
•re laat week.
WetuAke Bye Flour. GmbaiA Floor. Whole Wboat Flter
arily on ibeIr
ibeir (:
(arm; they have other
^ u ^KtoM
MeKeage having tbe Urgeai nos
Rut) Canute baa gone lo Inierlorhen
lani In view.
3. E Walt A Son* positively gnaran. to work. ■
aw] (irgunUukl Mt«J.
at Tolea, reeelTed tto ring oB«

The dance at Harvey Man
a taVa toaa twhlaf
( a cure wbeo Hyqmel la u«<-d In acWe ure Alsnyn >□ tlio iMritet for ifoinl ifTAin. peyiiiR tb*
Minor A»era of Drawn apenl
Head was well attended.
•dance with tto dlrecllua*. or UH.-y
Ihia neighUirhood.
hiKlKwt iiiAl^et priue.
^Dron Kawkln* of Archie vltued
II refund the porebaae price.
We n-aprctfully eoUcit your pstrodAg...
Wedaeaday with bla daughter. Mra.
Aten Coortade.
Don't n«i' bat>b phy-ica. The rearOllvec —Hlve*. ec*cma, Itch c
^liqtoira at tbe Kellley Lumber Co.’a
lion weaken* tbe l»wel*. lead* tu
ter Marlon, who la attenoing me o
acta you crsiy. Can't I

.-glege there, over Bondar.
mill gurted op again.
Tbe Kelley of vour ciotbing.
Tto Ladlea- AI4. aotoety told a (
ule’«. They upcrati- eaally. ton.- the
Lumber Co. keep tbeir men buay. curra the most obt'lnat
eUl PrMa.v eeoalaf at Ito cbmeb. 1
Buffer? All drugglrta a.
rloniirb. cure ciinsilpallou.
CTteto aad cake were aerred aad a Wh«B there I* a ahut-down every jnati
tbon pmernm of iwoUalloaa nod r^
, ateta
tv helped to
errnlng. Tbe
Iran tto^tote
OB* back, prvdici bow
S'tetber will be every year. They nay
to toIt Eainer Sunday la cold and cblll. Ibe
Sondny aneraoca tbe remalna c
reeelred Mr. Karktat at Keyat^yte^^^wm It aeven Bundayi

• •jwlng win be eol.
andteUl. If rainy oyr dr\. Ibe wenlh.tarred at il________ __ .
...... _be tbe aa
for eeven Sunday:
Sm bete oldt a long Uma.
rainbow (rot
Boy GIbba caught a t
Satantay welgbUg two
. ,
tblrWea oancea.
teotoitar W Biaplra called oa bU aUMr. McKeage left (or the upper
uT Hn. Shay aad tamlly. loday.
lauta a lew dayi ago. U be to_
Mra. Leville. wbo wn» the poe*i
A dABdv party la lur-a ball UH
itlMaciory amageDeiiu be intendi
er brolber. Rev. HurlbuL apeni Fr
wrenlag U rteorted
reported te hartal
trtal been
ay In Traverse City.
aroad retmed
Mra. C. R Kehl tp<
pautaf a to
ed laat eveolv •
_ iidM.
Traverae City.
Ua lot to protect bU teid
ipenl wJib Mra. Jobn S<
Memorial nei-vlee* were held In Ui
Gflbcrt Wameaa; nwyetewye- at the
ley (New
_t hie l<ato at ga^
I. E cburchhn Sunday morning. Re.
Aid aodeiy mel
— toa ahua down at
«eia offlrlatlng.
I for Hn. Wayn
i kaSTtWaLW,
Tbe BlUBUil banquet will be heU o
ane 14th.
Carl Oartbe apent Tnesday la Trav
erae City.
Dr. O. A. Holllda;
ug pyuk SberMan
Tbe atramar Bnteley kmiled a cargo spent a few days of ...
r maple for tto T. Wllce Ca of Chi taking charge of the practice during
the abaeoce of Dr, blood.
PwrkUa tot Improved hi«
copied by Dr. Flood
with her daughter Mra. George
Bracken ta tbe llarnmnn
Itotocra hare ttota CM«A aaaily ail of Boutb Maaium Itlaod.
bin. Tbomaa Foiier ta South Haul Clolbing Co. Traverse City, was In
n lalaad. who tea been vttlilng rel- town Friday and Saturday.
Henry Scott apent Tuetoay la Trav­
tatge tern; they, hare tbe talatag i
erae City. ■
(arwed borne Wedneaday ]
O. M. Dame apent Sunday at bl*
laaae Ralte met with a nevere an.
^^Ttote wai a bee teat PrWay to B
patafal accldtet tbia wete, brlag borne In ihia place.
Ite taTkaaaea work oa tto baatew
Mlaa Brama Barth haa tv-iurrM-d
airnefc III the eye with a piece ta atone
at tbe aew ehuch. TV terpteier w
and It U (eared be will kme the sigb tor home In th* ^ace after cktolm
rtnin-------work thU week.
term of aebool ai Rimwu
Baca Btenet hte tto «aU lUd ato
Hra. Stall of Graod Rapid* I*
*Mr. Beaate of Ovtaii li vialtlv at'
te boaae ta Cnrtli Angevtae ta thU gneai at tbe Nortbern.
Hra. George Gill and Mis* Wlnoiipat qpdar bU hcmi
- ■ - Van Weelden and tamlly ta im Londe eaiertalned at a dsneiug
Tbe Cadillac cot
_ .
nltou talato callto on (Mteda party ai the home of Mrs. GUI on
Tburaday evening.
at ihia place Wedneaday laat.
d In Onni
Tbe townahlp board of review n>ei
Heaara. Labree. Blekle and Kin ta
otered^ Eonnte tto i
meaanrod tbe cargo ta tbe at tbe lowa tell on Monday.
(or the eborcb.
Rev, Hurlbut and wile *pent a few
McBara Dally. E Harvey Wllre. WH- day* ta IhU week at S-tinn> Bay an-l
r and C. Drake riattesl ret- taid and Drew were tlown from ten- Cedar, returning borne Thursday.
Hesar*. Winnie and Alter* of S'
plre Ttaradar In Mr. Dnlly^ yacht.
Jamea. Beaver l«land, were In lown a
anTM'rT Howard iliore » Bui- Mtelaaa. Ukiv dliumr wllb Mr. and
Hra. Day ato spendtag tbe afternoon few da.'* Ihia week on the achoaoet
tea Mat Thursday.,
__________________________ _
_____ M
' '
«i Glen lake, makiv a catch X-lft-114.
Mlaa Bdna Uarrey_____ __
Emmet Oalllger t»f Sr James wairge
Traverae Clty^on tbe maraloq yeateri. Owen and Mallard iranaaet. (he guest of Miratoo Johnson a few
dav* thi* week^
*te“*Cteili^^ *tSu caeelred a
The Epwurth league gave a reeep
long tetter tron D E Crtppen end
D Ibe Illinta* Friday Hod lo Ita membennnnd friend* on
wife, wbo went lo Skamakatra. Waah.
The above is a fac Minile copy of the leleuram received by us last I ri-Uy. May J-V.h
I his teleBram
Toetoay evening at the I. E parsonwill apend a a
tet (^L They like It there ato aie
Sevedty-flve g
I on Glen lake
WAS R ssrpriM to «s as well as it is to you for we mide omr •ffsrto tha ClrniH CsMrt *f HabIUm tor ibb tABkrMt
O. U. ttay called onliendancc and* a bighiv cajoysble
by all. An Interesting
Mr. and Mra. F. A- Gregory of
program consisting of music and reci­
^ Hi^lBLac imt are blliw now and tations ss* given and refreahmenis
•ervr-d. The oichesira furnished
ne entohe* an betag made by the
tart Ttoraday after
c during Ibe evening.
a tonTlSte at (to bort* oj%la 1
W R. Nlrhols I* vlslll
Tto imaoia tented a team ot bone*,
carnage, fnrnllure. He, Friday for S. live* at Me--------S« *wo(^^te*pa^ to
.......... ....................................
Mrs. Lawrence
Gagnoa andbabe
Tto fnnersl oWkfete *«»

UIng relative
relative* at Traverse CHy.
boeae Frltey aBaraste tatei

F. H. Steele
'Tto^Ml^'Atoe teTBva Day ta

a UtoAbr. «to to baud
to VIU BAtea et Weal A



■: ;-ffi."s„TA’*sir,a5!













But Our Cuck
aim Be Vours, Coo.


m* place (tailed Mlaa Reu Cook ' (bb> week.
Mr and Mra. Bnrdge of Fife
Mrs. Sehafler and Mrs. Harwood ta speol a (ew days of this week In
o, A. Ward left Monda;- lor hi*
Ctorlevolz arrived here Saturday ennae In Grand Rapid*.
nalo tar BoaU Haalum tetead. where
Hn. (taorge PnrkUs and grandthey were called by tto lllnea* of Mr*
HnrtlB nnt. daughter ta Mra. Setef- daugbter Deal rice are spending
dav* In Traverae City.
Ttoy will bedd ibeBterttagn (to Brat
Mrs. C. R K«U look a trip to TravB. 8 Rntke and Wm.
aad third Batuitep ertetaga of ctoh
Ibis week.
teaath. Brerynoe larked lo atteed tto Fowler ta Dea Ptelaea arrived bereoa
tto Mliteiri Sunday eveateg oa tbeir
per ua Bntarday evei
„ .
o Ctonr Rprtaga Lodse o
"iir! &* Jm lead the teagar
Wm. Tsylor wtll deliver a prohibltaB^^ltan^crtetaB
Ika leetnre at the town hall on Thus~ Hr. Steele ta Norlfaport arrived <
Sunday oa bU way .......
the im
OHrtton iBebtaan


CM^TV line'
^ taoK at taH week did esc

For never have you shared such Clothing values as this sale will offer. It will pay
youtawait. The next issue will announce the date of this sale.

The Globe Dept. Store


. , ./.lA 1.-


Old S^and

Mn. G«>rxe TntbMf Is IB Pelosker UAlns
Mar rrimds are andmit



Read and
Salt far SlSara I

>r the Soo las:

l>>fi Iasi

tOeaBi* Yrtaw Bwved In Wm. PoAY
»*<we. Hr by ea^
rMhk-nir- on May K.
terorerr hBsInws. »e rrarel i
: The K. O. T. M. M. ani I. O- T. M

Mr. Calloaray. fir, af IbU wi^tlns I*
H.’s xa'*- an rniertalDDcat
iftM-ra lioiir(\ A floe



.............. ....

....... .....


II i-sonio.i-iid Ci. i'

Van Ml} Try a MI-SM Bank Fna.

i?iTSaelsei know that Lie


r ................
«r bor tlanshler.
also Ur.o' Tent Ofllcen. r. S. Perr,.- <.l
F. Pow. r. ..f Cadillac I »';r w'l*
Mrr. Tri-o. PalBiiT Is OB (he al=k U
aail A. V Frii-drirh ..[ TrauTW ClU.
Dietr suo ClalM^
Ijdr Rarb.I.B. A. Hiilej. «re.. ali">
...............•*‘May a.
coBintaBdcr. Addr.T» .rf sielcoiiic
- K-I1y,
(IT pn-aidem
«ed Bpeecfl br Ri'T. A. E. Wynn. C
Cat« of Thanka.
eacdlt Is due iboae sp<-skrrK. Aflei
desire 10 eipn-ss oer slnrtTC
procram aboul »* ■vtlrcd to the I
. Iihanks to ihe frienils and to ilie
T. S. U. ball and (■anmA nf rfdrnabI l^iiberhood of Railroad Trainmen fur
l.{t^e kindness and aytaria'liy shown us
Mb>s nani, loaehiT la
iM-rrari-Oo-nl. Ihrlateads fo aiaH fur Ralllnxion. Wa»n..,
to Uk<- 0 short cnorsr in Hleh srbnni, sDitden and uneapi-ri<ie.1 deal!, of -sir
belM<‘ •'nli-rtDX Ike
EvendC HIxk ! Indoyrd son audhni'bur. aiMi ai u.
school as i.arlLT. Miss Darn will l«-|ih<-, Moral <.B.-rmas.
prswllr icissod In our school, as she
Mrs, Marsan-t Kfi.-r.
always (arc the iK-si cd sailslacllon in|
Is Uoj Krir-r.
sdKwl and socKdy. Mrr. Hofcan, hir;
Mr. and Mm. Henry KIlirLc,
Bother, mieads u> ^In her al«ui
Mr. and -Mm. John Krier

xr Others,

aet 7ca?

Dr. P. A. Wolfe, Prop.
413 414 Vilhelm Blk.

ExaminatioA Fref.

Fcnule Tr^et aid
bwfl^Wyoarl««elsatesUonKand heaUhy they free to ever} one seodiov name ami ad-; no oldufstion.—ootbing topay-memly
sill act properir and diaeaae cannot enddress, a SS cent bottle ortlii, great rem-lrecommeod them to vasir Itiemlfcif they
andid.. shat we cUio.
:e yon look
lile.ko.. Chieaeo. III.

>1 brJoHnaoim OruA Qo',I2S E. Ftwrt at.

Dr.^a L. Paulson, Ass’t.
TrsTene Oiy
at. Phoae 354


Table Linens

White Girdles

Mill h4«U of tin.. White Table Linena. 2.2| and .1 >-d lonKtlia. worth
.'«0 a j-anl. Tim White SaI.-

And Sammer Oon^ worth %ta Tlie White Sain,


Ididice Eiabroitlemti Wwh Bella, n.-at
^klna, worth XSt*. Tbo Wliito

Rxtm Inivi*. extra lienv)-. bat nice autl auft
inin- wbite teB-dn, ai»- l^x-tOl north
f.V, Tlu-White Sale.................... “C

Lndioa’ White RihlKkl Vcwla. tapttl «
k of ISo titialUy..


iMdioa’ Tnrndyvn CoUan, baiRaina
kt 10c The White Sale................. OC

Door Panels



The White Sal.-

T4ie Grandest Opportunity to seclire White Gotpds and everything made of white at prices never before dreamed of

Over a Thousand New and Beautiful 'Up-to-Date Waiists
Marked down at prices you can’t reeist. Waists of Linen, india Linon, Indian Head. Mull, Soft Silk and Allover Embroidery. Waists trimmed with Lace and
Embroidery. Tucks and Medaltons, long and short sleeves, button front or back.




Worth $1.25. $1.50 and
$1.75. The----White Sale..

Worth $1.75, $2 and
52 25, The 1 AK
White Sale

Worth $2.25. $2.50 and
$2.75, The i QQ
White Sale A'^O




Other Waists

The White

Equally tempting at
$-».as. $3,9S. $4.60.


$3.98, $4.35, $6.50

Th.r^'rc Dandio! Everyone new and at The White Sale



SUO, SI.50, $I.95,S2.5|1, $3.95, Etc.
See the Handkerchiefs worth up to 25c at 2c, 4c, 6c and 9c.

.Undermuslins at the White Sale. A grand display of Underwear that you’ll find appealing, pleasing and finished the way muslin underwear should be.
Corset Covers, worth 5Uc. ^00
Others at

SSc, 45c, etc.

"".’f”.!’?:’.””'!!'... S6c
Others at :tSc. 4‘Jc. 6Sic. etc.

Whta ta-ico.,s. „o„h 125


Others at 23c. Osc. $1.S0, $2 25. etc

Others at fst, <;n:. Sl.:i5. SI r.y, etc

Wc will i-ive with evt-ry Fifth Dollar Spent

£\Try poraoD who a dollar ben- ilnrini; tbit tale has one ebamv
in five. If yoa'tpt-ii.l
you atv snr-’ tu«i-tnfan. W-- have jutt
ploctal on talc a lie«ntiful lin.- of faut. ntuKin^ iu price from 35.' to FL


Moaliii fianiii-Dta fur (?liit<lrco—Draw.-ni. Utidtrwaiata. Skjrta. WhiU'
.^pnrns, itc. at Ibt: Wbite Qq

»^HIS SALE will end promptly at lO p. m., Saturday,
^ June 9ih. You can hardly overestimate the benefits
you may gain by coming as soon and as frequently as yon
can. You could better aflord to travel 100 miles tbaa
stay away and miss such an extraordinary chance to save.




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