Grand Traverse Herald, January 18, 1906

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Grand Traverse Herald, January 18, 1906


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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___ _________

TRAVffRhE errv. oiuno riuvKmc

county, michman.

P«cs I to 6

THUftwAv, January q. non.

0 Mist Cynthia
Last Sunday Bai
-There, tee that yon dooX tpaad It Tbe earth
after Us tooiber,*
dall's gueat again
for there tint a bll of Merilrale ie on any fooUthneM."
to tongb on
he couM fashion an arrowhead of j of hli marriage. Ilie design tocomplln she drore b
him. And he's been brooghl up pretty
dtol of toTk to Vlliiiot. The*wow.'’"‘0‘>«r hnd bene pronooneed oot otiglaas. A piece of
<rf plate glats
glaa* with the! caled and Intiedet tbe several symrongh."
beaded by Mrs John Joe—who said ! danger. How tranquU tbe bills looked, bits of qulcksUver backing still to ' boU of tbe .
ire of the cruHbebtod Cynibls'B back wbat she did :
**™* October sonsblne sleeping ‘ place was submitted lo him and to an | to the cen
le Is tbe spear
turned out wbat It perbapt [ fled Savior;
too, and bell be real not dsre to say to ber face ton
gallanlty (be ma-,ihe only glass arrowhead,
fashioned I with mbich
___________ -as pierced and
demned her. Tbe men laughed and ..........................
handy to ron your errand*, andaald Ifaai Cyntbla was a shrewd one: plea flaunted ibelr rrlmsoa flags! How s.ner the design and methods ot the j on the other side the ladder need at
-tto no) sDlng to keep him,’
\tod and frieadly wts every face sbe ^ sltme age. la existence. He wax tbea, the crociBxlon. Tbe pillar to wtalefa
MU Cynthia, determinedly. Her thin there was no getting around ber. Mitt met: Afterwards Uts* Cynthia said given a piece of obsldlsm. the bcanll- j he was bound and scourged. There U
Uto set themselree firmly and ber Cmihla berselr was far from easy;
that day.
' ful volcanic glass, wblcb Mr. Kendall ] a leaf of hyssop, tbe dice with which
sbe could not (otget Wilbur * wistful
s*)® '»W>
sjee bad a bant rinA
and she had heard that Robins
Wilbur s i*cOTcry was slow. Every picked op to Ibe southwest. It was a | the soldiers cast lots for hit garmrois.
/■■Not going to keep hlmr aald Hri.
a bard master

Cynthia drove over with new material to the boy anowbead j three nalU. s crown of thorns and olbi&ohn
maker, but after breaking tbe piece j er lymboli connected with tbe last set
rd tor. QiiBBe the old cam
Iffl back to CalUomy!"
“*“*'*'*1)0 lasblotiod • Hoy and petfectlof the Atonement, so ^uped U to
or barafooted. tomfry, ina.
“I dent intend to. Bin ti for haring Bsw bim one dsy si the

' esase of lu newness. Wilbur grew to bird potot that Hr. Kendall prises only | form a cross with a Hoy >nby at the
Or^’rr boy* you waat to baap

{joint, which represenit i drop of blood.
Wbeo yoa'i* pniwad ap twloet 4* him here to woiry my life out and work was beyond fait strength, and be look for ber and wetcome her coming nril to hit glass arrowhead.
keep me In a perpetual slew. I Just
. When It waa (bought safe to remove Tbe glass arrowhead has been the It Is inscribed, "D. Martino Lulhero—
was flashed and panting. Hiss Cyn- him Miss Cyntbla went to tbe boepital wonder, ationlshmrai and envy of Mr. | Caiberinan Boren. 13 June; 1$S» " Ludo II. D>e think I'm going to
The oUorardea patch, the cAd /
e gave her a hard sub.
auihorlUe* ther's- bride
--------------------------was Catbertoe von
- ~

trouble myself about children at my
...... - pbaeton-loM of shawls and pH- Kendall's friends wbo ....................
Itaaat*. and the atuK «e aUAedh
8bc bought a roll of peppermints and
' on Indian relict. They cannot under- one of tbe nine nun* who. under bis
The cid •tttopto’-freim-, wberetoe , age? And all be d cost for clothes aad look Ihctn over to him; be thanked Iowa
“l.haveeome to Ukeyaunway.“Bbe| stond It. and tbe owner Is enjoying Influence, resigned from ibelr order
Won the tran off. wild and (toe
pose bis father expected li. her timidly and drove quickly away.
' their astonishment and unbelief. He
A* the swoop « the old awIM.
"Robtot hasn't any business putting
Wilbur shrank hack.
! let* hi* relic go out of bit band* for
Mrs John W. Potter of Waabtoroo
suppose he expected me i
Where v* asot to dlBb and disc.
sttCb work on a child," sbe said to her­
“Not to Hr. Robins:" b* said, pit-' but s momeol and witb tbe InjuncUon bad a duplicate at this ring, wblcb the
Aad twIM roN'. and AgM. and lle- look after bim a blt-and of course
will. A boy of bis age ought to b self todlgnanuy. “I'U speak
eously, “Ob. not there, Aunt Cyntbla; " to be careful. When the poHsbed tut boogtat to Madrid while Mr. Potter
Waltla- tor the cat to did
shoot n."
able (b earn hto keep, anyway. If
at the bead of tbe legation there.
Hitt Cynthia stooped and kitaed hU' face, just s bit of wblcb was left to
And tbe did—and got • an answer
TtoraHkel -laect alletoeald
loUc out a place for btm somewhere
forehead Mib a lenderaess almost ma- j show the arrow's origin. It pointed oot It was contributed by the chaplain of
that made her cars tingle. Mr. Rob­
gwtM toe hlcbeto or the ercTWd
where be cu do odd Jobs and go
tbe German embassy, to be sold at a
and the blu of mercury of the
Jm lall op there tel I atood
eebool to the winter, I think It's all
".No. Wilbur, you are never going backing are shown, the wonder of tbe charity bazar. Mrs.-Porter brought It
Oowaatdb ap. aad aereeeh oot load. anyone can expect of me. when be knew what was wbst aboal fait bands. ack there. You're coming faomo with cotlecur wbo bold* jbe srrowbemd Is lo Watblngton upon her return to this
He werenX no nigger driver. If
Ketch my Ipeatb. and fee drew bade ain't renUy no blood relatlon."
country aad pUced U In a cabinet In
beyond description.
me. for good."
wasn't satisfied sbe might take
rer to let the dd ewlac alack.
Hr. Rendan it cntbaslattlc over hi* (be drawing room
her former resi­
"Cynthy s come to ber sense* at
Miaa Cyntbla flung the last sentence boy away as soon at sbe'Uked.
Tit toy toe-head dJppto- eUlt
last." said Mr*. John'Joe, "and Ae's so find. "A hoy who could study (bat dence oe 1 street. Prom there It was
at Mrs. Jotm'Voe raiher delllantly. not
Miss Cyntbla did not gel much com­
1B the weea boacb*. and the ehlO
changed you'd never know bur. out and wbo bad tbe perseveranre stolen several years ago by a ffuest at
fort out of life (bat summer. Almost
Up toy baehbooe taperin’ down.
aad never could
everywhere sbe went she was sure tc
With «y ihMder on the croon’
ments to a successful cnlmlnattoD has be traced.—Oeiroll News.
tgoraery, to the Uvlag Church.
“I tnppose nobody conld expect meet Wilbur, engaged in tome bard
•toe and atoeer tieUlo’ brgreat (blags In bim." stld Mr. Kenlore, cynthy." aald Mrs. John Joe. de- task. Sbe could not help weeing bow
Wnltli' tor tha ent to die!
dsll. when be had showed (he arrowMMic to OeMIttry.
preatlngl^. “He wonid be an awful miserably pale and thin be bad be­
Noe toy daochtar-s little Jane’e
On the principle lhal music has
bother. lYe no doubt; and you're come. Tbe worry bad Its effect on her.
art of fathlontog Into arrow- hoads .to a press representative and
Oot a kind o- bnby seliic .
ILred alone so long with no i
and other implements of war told him the story. -TTi^ boy." be charms to soothe ibe savage breast, a
Tbe neighbor* said that Cynthia was
cobtlnuod, "is Immeniely toterewied In
On (ha perch, to-a wbeo u raina
worry you that you wouldnX
sharper than erer. Bren hey ebnreh- and the bunt was tappoaed to have (be study ot geology. I have secuiwd New York dentist hat decided lhai K
8ba kto ptoy Uere—Utile tblsc!
also has the power (0 deaden pain. Is
to do with him. Boys are always; golng was embittered. She bad always died with (be Indltns of the stone age.
good bocHts tor bira on tbe snb- bit dental parlor you may have your,
And rd Itaped od t'other day
getling Into
enjoyed walking up (be aUle with her It not a lost art. Or ralberrtt hse been
Intend to give bim w
With toy oM ebaer tUa n-way.
keep me on the dead Jump. Sail, It's rich skirt ruitllng over ibe carpel, her agalo discovered, and It remained ” 1 jeet. and
teeth Used while an aotomaUc pUho.
V .. ..---------------- ... L...
.•eincta- her and re^' too.
pity of him—poor IHtle fellow! Ki. cashmere shawl folded correctly o
play*, with all tbe ezprmtloa aad fin­
a farmer boy wlib neither books nor
think of It. A 17-year-old boy with no ish lo be found to tbe modem aaloTWakln’ hoe I «*at to do
tooiber or fatber—It seems bard."
knowledge of ethncHogy lo bring back
her tboulders. and ber lace bonnet
At her a«B wbeo nddeoly,
MU Cynthia's face grew grimmer precisely oo her thlu. shining crimps. to this country tbe prefalttorir secret books, with only s lower school edu­ maUc piano. “Bear Dp. Hy Soul, the
“Her; cren-pep!” aba «ri to »e.
Strife Win Not Be Long." Or. if you
than erer aa abe went to the door wllfa - t sbe could take no pleanre to that of znaking flint arrow beads wUhou!
family and in tbe face of the ridicule have something of a more slrennous
•Why yen-reek no etowraayal. 3 her eaUers aad watched them down
to tbe sermon now. when Wilbur tbe assistance of metal tools.
•WUtto' tortoe cot to dte!”
the ^en path. As soon at Mr*. John sat right across (ram her pew. between
Braett Baunnan. wbo lives wItb bit of his neighbor*, wbo ha* solved t naiurt- to take your mind off tbe buzproblem that scioKittt almost from zing and aeraplng ef dental tostra—J. W. Blley.
that the door was abut she
parents on a farm near Berlin. Htoh..
tbe beginning of ibe stttdy of etbhe^ menu at work on your teeth, yon may
unburdened ber mind to her daughter. Icarklng.
Is (he young fellow who bai conquered
(he problem that bst pussled tclen- ogy have failed to solve."—Grand Rap­ order a aUrrtog patiioilc selcctton—
“Did yoo erer bear ten of the like? town too large for bis (bln f
e The Stars ^d Stripes Fbrever.'
tlils for yrar*. and It it to Ibe credit ids Press.
Tbe softening of Hits Cynt
1 eoadar a rd better flneor thii I iheucbt I knew Cyntbla Henderson
"Yankee Oot^'Dandy.' with variawell, tf anybody to WUmoi did, but
very gradpal proeess, but It reacbed of Mr. Dsvid W. Kendall, treasurer of
Mke With teaion or TnniDa.
PHctlsaa Rsfics ef Aaclcnt
:lcnt Times,
the Phoenix Fnraliure Co., himself one
bus me. Jntt think. KiUy—
■Mt pertoMtlBc tohic I «rer beard et
of all the
The dentist wbo
there she to. no one knows bow rich, hen Mrs. John Joe came Into tbe for-> of the foremost authorities of the city
geological aad etbnoh«lcal tub- relict of Ibe Pharaohs it tbe signet
NlM OnthU pot 'toes the tattlea. aad net a son] to the world belonginc ler's klieben wftb an Important face.'
i by It. I
her-aod she won! cren take to list Cynthia waa preserving her jeets. (hat Baarman't success was not ring or weal of the great Bnpfato, bMeHh a
toeen; htr perplediy
unappreciated and to the ridicule of ter known aa Cheops, the Pharaoh aher tbe manner of soldiers, who
had netUM ehatorw to do with fta- ber brother's ebUd. She mutt be n
who erected the great pyramid at Oli- mtreb with greater courage so long
vorini the CoUen atotere In bed enk« bard womnn. Bst li's just meanneta
“Ho. (bank yoo. ni not Ail down-l hit fellows and even bit parents.
for bis tomb centuries before Abra­ a* they can be^^ tbe^baad playing.
David W, Kendall, whose rollectloe
beet. Min. Mbs Joe knee thet: the pure sod simple—she grudges bIm only ran to—I suppose you've beard It.
tatter hnd dropped in. in a flnrrr ot wbat be'd ost and wear. The poor That Itllle Mervlvale boy baa took aw­ ; stone age Is one of tbe flnesl prV ham was boro or Joseph waa sold by And even If (he effects of tbe boring
eorin^ «eu*mlnc the tittle hoy Bite doesn't hU as If fac'd need much. ful aick with fever, they say. He's lie collections to tbe city, bts been a bis brelbren to become the prime min­ and pnmmeltog assoeialed with den­
(alibful collector for years. He has ister of one of Cheop's*suecessors. I; tistry are neeesaarily fatal, one may
ehcto ebe tod seen ahoot MU Cm- Cyntbla didn't oted to be like thii. bet been worked half to death this
rrcqupDt rumors of some j I* a heavy, solid maas of gold, with a “make a snakellke rad. (adtog to mu­
lUa'a place tor the last leo dayn Her It's growing on her every day. Bbe'a
claimed to have dltcov- flat top, rngravod In hleroglyphlca— sic." to tbe most approved Shake­
dnochtsr Kitty waa with her: they got hard as rocks."
lotus blossoms, a crocodile, figure* of spearean style.
That aftornou) MU Cyntbla barr making flint i
both tot done tocether oo the kitchen
11 heads, sad when la Grand Hivea tort Iris. Osiris and other gods of Egyp“I sal down In the chair and, be
ecsaod ber fat gray pony Into the
“It.I* too bed." eald Mra. Joe. sym- phaeioD. herself—abe kepi nHtber s'poie. Apyway, Robins look bim over spring be beard of the Baunnan boy tloo mythology. The seal I* oval to started the 'bozzer.'" said a wocnaa
lul lived to ber big- lo (be hospllal at Stanford last night— he determined once mun- and for tbe shape, about one Inch across tbe wid­ relating ber Aral experience witb BUpattotiwlly. 'I don't wander yee
e in soliury stole— md graclons. Cynthy! are yon slckf- last Ume to make an Inrestlgatloa. It est part and flreeigbts o( an taefa tleal dratistrr. -Bat before be put
tolled Bp. a» nneapeotod. toe! WJ
down (be dntty. boltbe buzxer to the tooth be went over
tBd beeetoor
MIta Cynthia bad staggered to a scat was less than a month ago when be across the crater.
The Ting waa used to sign or allett in the comer and tonebed a button
first saw the young fellow, bat long
oad. leaving Wilbur by the table; ber face was pallid.
Toeedar nWit." said Cynthia. I
had decided on tte nnllla aad was sming on the veranda She retorned
“No—ll's only yonr new* gave me a before bad Kslisfled himself that this all tbe decree* of the great Sophia, on the piano standing there. Tbe tolast
stramni began to play, and mdered
whlppinc It brlakly la. “I an* an exman came to Hr. Kendall's home. lei contract connected with the ereciloe evemblng from light opera to sacred
preaa eacon drlre Into the yard eltb yard, tbulitog tbe gate behind ber know."
a boy and a tioak la It and I w«t oot wUb a vtgarons snap. WUbur
“I mutt burry ^k and tee lo the PountalB street, about a month ago of the great pyramid was aoppoaed tc music before I was ready to go. And
jMl aa be cot down. 'Are yoo ny to tlglil. aad. (earful.lesl he should be iraX dlonrra. I thought I'd come anil and to Mr. Kendall's almost overpow- have been sealed with Ibis signet it really quieted my aerret wooderAiret Cynihtaf be said. ‘Who In tha
ilacblet. tbe bnrvledly (led the tell yon. Ibough I dida'i know as you’d erisg surprise announced (bat be was Cbeop* was burled' In a chamber Ic
fully. There was somHblag ahoot the
really to make an arvowbead
eorid are peer I asked. And be says.
to Ibe Ttlltog and went to search
eeoier of that, (be largest of human music lhal had a soothing effect. Tbe
T« WDber MerrlTBle. and lay tolher of btm. She (ound him sitting by the
This parUng wbotewaa nniieeded by dueed (be tool with which be Intended stniclures. but hla burial chamber was time seemed shorter than nsual. aad
waa John Msrrtrnie: be died three well, hit cfaln to his bands: be was Miss Cyntbla. £he told-ter lace to to do the work. The tool was outblog looted by the Persians under Camby-; I didn't get ball so nerroot. The mo­
weeks ago. and be snU 1 was to come pale and his eyes were red. Miss Cyn- her bands;
more than a bll or wood whittled to a tes, father of Cjtus the Great, about' sic diverted my mind to a Mst pleaato yoo beeaase yoo were hie sliter.
hardened her heart and look him
“It's a Judgment on me." sb<- point. Tbe boy produced a piece of 6U0 years before Christ. The sareo ' sn- manner. I'm delighted with tbe
Well, yes oosld Joet hare knocked ae Into the bouse.
phtgu* was tom open, the body wt*. experimrat.
loaned. "He's going to die. and I'm tough flint and straightway turned
down elU n teaiber!"
-I've been down lo see Mr. Robins Is murderess. This Is the account
arrowhead far better than tbe av-Ubrown out and stripped of the jewels ^ "They all tslk that way about It."
“ra auro." sold Mre. John Joe. “Bat tbto aflenoon. Wilbur," sbe said, pre­ II hare to gire John Merrivale of fab. erage ludian relic. The work srat per-1 apd other ornsini'Dls with which It: said the dentist when asked ab^tbt1 didat know yoo had a brother. And tending to brush some invisible, dost uy. I've been a wicked. R'lfisb wo- patiently manlpulaiing the wx» adonied. Tbis riaA however.. scheme, “and t-feel quite proud of mv
from (be butom of her nice, black isD. and I’m justly punished."
hie nsae Msrrtraler
wood, a bit of oak. against the Sin;.|seems. to have dropped from bis fln- self for 'hinklng of It. There's qni(<
■’Wdl, be waant any retsHoc. real­ cashmere skirt tor an excuse to avoid
was a bumbled Hiss Cynthia wbo with a peculiar iwlnlog moiloti. whlcu ; gcr uaooUced. for early to the last cen-' a llt'le art, too. to fitting music to ib.
ly. I was ahoot alx yevs oM
looking St him. “and be'a agreed lo JD« the doctor at the hospital that | Mr. Kendall confesses he was unable; lury H was found in the debris ot the | case. For tostanee. one <rf my cus
my totber nanled bit mother. Ibe take you on trial. It's a real good
He shook his brad at her;to Imliate, that (liked off bin of ibc'burtal chamber by a Col. Vyse. fromltomer* wants nothing but Chopin
widow MertiTaie. John waa Iwt ay chance—better (ban you conld expect, eager questions.
[ stone.
| whom It was purebss.-d by Dr. Abbott.' while another will lie back and 4>eai
ar*. and we were broaghi ap tofctber le says be'll board and clothe you.
“It’s a piwtty bad rate—the boy
Young Banrman 1* only 17 year* of. Tbe next most imerestlng and val- time with his foot to .Msrebtor
tost ini brother aad alstor. He was Bd let yoo go to school In the oin- treCBS ran down every way. No, It Is acc. and, like all fxrstar boys, bid I uabic ring la tbe world—If It 1* genu- Through Ceor^a' and si-cni perfectly
a real alee toilow, I Boot say. Bot be f."
to think of moving him turned up Ifae Indian arrowheads with; toe—It lo Ibe eoilectlon of the bri of nbltvlous of the work going on to hi­
went oot to Catlfomr. years ago. and
n>e boy seemed to thrtok.
nging him here last nlgb<
pinw. He was tnirrested and slud-, Atbburtibsm. at bis palace. Hyd* mouth "—New X'ork Times,
t bayenl heard a word ot Um for flt- “Daddy Ud I was to stay with you."
great deal of barm. Yes.lied them, jns: as scientists (or years Park. London. It is a rectangular.
. .
taan yoan-didn’t knew » be*
be said wistfully. **Hc said yon were von may sec him. but he will not knew i bad studied, tbougb he bad the beue- block of gold, and ts engraved on both I
IrrtgaUon in Afncnea.
are or dead. But It seems from to good and kind, and would love me
fear—ho Is delerloOB and raves j fl< of no tiooks or loarnlOA "for which side* with hlcroclyphlr*. On one side i Durieg tbe past four years the irri‘ what I eu make oot frocn the boy for his take.’
o( bU fsiher and Callloroto."
' he sboulri be thsnlrtul.' saje Ur. Ken-. !■ the cartouche of Tholhmes II.. tbe: gated area of the L'niled Bute* has
tkU bis toolbar died when be was a
Miss Cynthia soft
Mitt Cynlhls followed the doctor dsll. who believe* that with books and ' Pharaoh who was the (rlcodgrf Joseph, increased 1.7M.S«> acre*. At present
baby, and hla and John roagfatd n enod: tbe had been very food at her down tbe long ward When be paused | knowledge be never would hire dts-' On the other side tbe hieroglyphics' there are to this country thousands vt
atone totathar—pretty poor. too. 1 step-brother; It teemed that bit voice by a cot she poshed past him. Wilbur! covered the lost art. Tbe boy was sal- have been transisted and read “Re- mile* of canal*, representtog a vast
cnees—lUl John took e fererKaod
the-grave to lay toattog rcstletsly on bis pHlow. Hv Isfled tbe art waa a simple one and the; vealcr
secrets: pteterver of the expenditure of mroiey and l*t<or. an,’
died. And be told some of hit triads behalf of (bll child. But the crust of was thin to emsclstion. bnt hit cheeks operwUon could no; btve l«je ext«n-| world: protector of Egypt." which rarrylog wa-er npoo more than 8,W)f'.to send the boy to me. for he’d no'ie- Eare was nM to be so easily brokn were crimson and hts eyes bunting i sive. because ot tbe profusion ot relies, were tbe iHJes given to Joseph.
, <«vt arres, which are produetog each
taitato* there and not a cent In the
"Your father meant thst I would brifb;.
jHe says he learned more from tbr This ring was discovered la !S3i to' year crops worth lin i.Wro.W. This
world. <Aad the child tnae all the way look after you." sbe said, "and I mean
Hiss Cynthia stopped and look tbciCblps he found that had been brokec'tbe Necropolis of Sskwara. near ibc area of anjflrlsl pr^orilvlty it mor*
fnito ChBtoiey. and here be It.
to. but I canX aflord to ke^ you here. hot.dry hands In bers.
[from the fllnl to cour>e of maanfac- ruins of tbe ancient city or Memphis'extensive than ibe combined area of
been JoM distracted erer alncc.
YouXl have a good place at Mr. Rob­ ~mibnr.~ tbe sobbed. “donX you I lure. He learned wblcb way they | on the bank or tbe Nile, aad many an- Massachoteti* aad Coonoctleot. and i;
oarer bean otod to eblldreo. ai
ins' If you behave yourself. I'm goii
sow me—Aunt Cynlbtar’
jrwmeoff the material, aad then began j tjqnarlaat believe It It the acinal ring is sever ditturbtd by drouths or ib'
hare the hooae kept in a perpetnal
“X'ou are no; nry Ann; CymblA" to expertaneni. He tried every known' referred to In Cracsi* xil, 43-43.
otter uncerUiDiy uf tbe weathxr.
MToar is more than I can stand. He's
U tbe pony, to go and wash yonr, taM Wilbur.
..... -Daddy
. . ... s
It Cyn- material and finally settled os wood.
"And Praraoh took off bit ring from this It in the arid or, teaiAri))-regton*
abest twuivwand a boromiseUel; Ifaw
while I put up your thing*. Don't ,thta was good and Und—you .are a For three years he has been expert- hi* hand, and put It upon Joseph'v to the west, wblcb a short U«e ago
bOV taar U
n»ou with his i look to woebegone, for pity's sake-1 crota. bad woman. I want daddy. Why; mnnttog. aad about a year ago sue- baad. and arrayed bim In vesture* ol were looked ntnc at a wortblem. desdlrir fast, and he's amxsbed c
f I'm not taking you to prison."
I doeta'l be come? Wby doeanX he eeeded. much to hi* own sMlttoctlao On* Un'en. aad pat a gold ebato about »n.
my bitisvant ud tot* down acunaia
Wllbar turned aad went allenlly to I come to little XVflbnrr
; and bb family's disgust. In luralng out bl* neck, and be mad* him rid* In tbe
Irrlintm work* to their broader
and net Toweor on the eat halt a dot-- ttbe kitchen. Hlu 'Cynthia thought )- Mist Cynlhto got up and faced the * perfect arrowhead.
secood chariot, which be bad. and they ' tense Jnelud- all iho*e'methwlt emon tlmea. olrtody' the beard a sob. She west witb s'.doctor.
! Btoce that day be ha* worked at his^erW before him. 'Bow the knee.' and . ployed'for lupplytog a defidney or
rted. Fve got him oot on the earonda,.. (firm step into (be little bedroom osl “He's got to get betier." abe said, spare time Hit parteais hare object- be mad* him ruler of all tte land of .gettlna rid ot sir excess at water and
BhMUng peaa. now. to keep him quiett t(be ball and took a purse out iff a ' etubboroly. "Spare oo expense or. ed to the protecuOao of tbit Tbailsta-' ftypt-"
; f'lr the distribirtida of an. abundance of
InrnUiUe spaa.''
draw^. ,
j trouble, if be die* I wOI be a mar- nest." They objected years ago wben H
artin Luther's wedding ring was; water so at' to make U more available
Tm real eurvy for yon." told Mra. '*1 a^oae I ought." tbe raid, doubt-’ deres*. He mud live and give me abe would forget tbe plow and *U down ! •Utaoveted to 1839 In a tecond-hand for agyieultural purpeoea. Taking all
John Jo*. “But. poor itolld. I soppoees ((ally. “I doBX s'poee he ba* a cent 1 chance to make It up to him-''
: to ttndy while the horwet. dragging • »hop to Geneva by Mme. Michael Cl- the plant* of ibis nature which are to
he's never had aaytm* to took attar i
lay hellloee or waste It.1 And ho did live; but for a long time'the overturned fjow. wandered off to jrod and it now at Waldenberg. Ills exltUroce to the I'nlted Biaua. the
him. And com* nil lb* way from Calie counted out aevemy-flveeenuj It wu a bard flgbt. and (here werebrowse. 'They still object, ihougb'made of sliver gill and 1* believed to number of acre* Irrigated would great«otny alUBc. too—he must
1 oarefully. xmen abe came out Wilbur, dan when it seemed thst dentb must ttreugb Mr. KradslI's spptrent Inter-! have been deolcaed by the eelcbrsted ly rurpaaa the fl.000.000 acres above
>1 the door. Sbe pm the money j wlm HUa Cynthia got to (bln and wao e*i they began to see that tbe boy's! pointer and goldsndth, Luca* Craa«eb, noted.-In tbe Sontb Atlantic, (be MisToo smart. 1 gaeaa. He matt takeF aawkwardly Into Uf hand.
| that even Mtp. John Joe pitied ber. . study wa*:aot all “fooHsbarea"
jand probably was wroagbt wjth bUitlssippTriver and UWGuU ttaira thouW*ttwr F«r th* C« to Oi«.
TM »to oU owto* to to* IM*!
Btgkt axt proper. I erpeci.
' OM tlB« cut oone Mdi Mato;
Brt I wuc to etste. ef tbep
OobM oobb back, and I eoal^iar
Vlat aj pick -ad be. r Jtofc
rd tor. atasne the old e«lBi
■K* «Bd«r Ibe <rid loetut treo4
Oa (be «(d plae*. tt yen pleato.
Dtndia' Ifean wUb balfabet-'ere,
Wartto- tor th# cat to Sle!



sands <g seevkma of marsb laafl* hav*
been drained and made usetnl for rto*
culture and other cropa. AKboogb Irrlgatloe Is comasenly be­
lieved to be anew practice to tbeOniled Sut^ It nevertbelena antedate*
any written hlttory of <bl* cmaatry
Tbe census bulletin, from which Iheoe
facts are gathered, state* that long be­
fore Ibe coming of the SpaslMi eonquerere imgsiion flourished to (be
valley ot the Salt river to AHtoaa and
along the eumerout streams of New
Mexico. Tbe extensive retot and lines
of tong eanal* Indicate that tbeae val
ley* once supported a large popnU-

In arraagtog a piggery. ^eTht
troughs so placml that say fbod MR
over by tbe animals may be easily rwmoved, and flx tbe treoght ao that
ibey may be emptied at *aaa aa Ik*
twine bare drunk ail the pure waiar
-.bey need.
Tbe water may be made to flew eat,
yet not go tola tbe yard. It's the yard
rbicb o(ua praduoet the ettong.
offensive odor.
Let tbe pit* glean up the orchaida.
It used to betkoughtite aaltM
kin bogs: bat It ertn aotr-Bralho qno- '
trerr. *<«* ealt le good tor liom. U
given regularly.
I have eera hogi ibat would catob .
bens abd devour them with great iwtl*b. Bomelhlag wrong wllh the food
we are using wben they win do that
Greater variety It needed.
Feed tte Blop or ssrlll si noon.
Give tbe mala radons at night nod
la the morning.
If wril fed at irigfal. the hogs wW he
kept warn and not become hnagry bm
fore moraine.
They Bboold be given a aaot ptaM
on bigber gronnd than where lb* feed
Is given. The nnii win then he kept
When storlM rnett. dig a trraqh
three to four (eet deep and lour to
flve feel srldo. S>toM the roots to tb*
tiend and roond tbtra up to throa
feet abort the ground. Tbea placa n
Uyer of eiraw abont om deet deep and
throw a foot «f afllth « thU. '
Tbe reou shonM not ret anr (rrasa.
‘The place ahould b* high enough ra
that It will dnla off ud oot permit
water to estUe in tha tteneb.
When (he roou are Mated, open
the trench at ou end and remora
whequ wanted. B« qnnful to leptaen
sufficient msteritJ over the optnlag to
keep the fraei out.
Strew aad horinp bald Ip ptaot by
boards will keep tb* (roet ouL
Tte Oeeieth ef the Pinger NeHa.
-Not many people knew that tbe av­
erage growth (ff a floger noil la i-itd
of u Inch per week, or s IllUe more
'ban 1% Inches per year," oboenad a
WatUagtoa phytlcton lo a Star repor'er recently, “The growth, however, depends to s gnat eneni upon
tbe rate of outriUoa. aad during tlekness ud abstinence from good oourtsbtoc food It it re’ardsd. NaUt grew
fasur la summer (hu to winter. gaJ
tb* growth differs tor different fingers,
ctog utnally mom rapid to (be mMdto
huger and slowem to tbe thumb.
..The average Um* taken (or each
inger nail to grog lu full lenrh ii
bom tonr and a half months, and at
bis rate a mac of 70 years would have
vnewed bh nails IM Itom*. TsUnf
be Iraglh of each nail si half aa inch.
:e would bavr grown 7 feet • Inches ot
xall oe each finger, ud on all bk flnrers and ttaumbs u aggregate length
f 77 feet « Incbes."
A well-known clergymu U tend iff
■elitog u nnecdoie nboui n meeting
-.eld to Ibe tomb or England to pro-.
mote a charity. The mayor bad toV<red hard to secure a repreoentaUve
gathering, ud as be ktokod around
ssd found the hisbop of the dlocone
tented s'-di.- t,y aide with (be Weoleyu »iip<-rtti'endrat of the dreulL
tbe nap'is-. Ud other minlstera. be
«It xUt he bed reached Jte euprem*
moment of bt* life
He roee. barvinc sritb amoUoa.
After apresslng hi* deOght at eaetag
a nuaber of Chrlstlu men (orgetltac
their differraces. aad naittag to a cetoDoa cause, he summed op ih* sltanUoo to these etoqaeni words;
"The (act Is. my lerda and gentlemm. If a mu's 'art It to tte right
place, it denX miSter what 'ses' ho
belong* tot'-erabugs.
to the want of u ^d tnauion at
OuvUle. Pa, a elgar wUeb it in
years <dd was discovered by a mu
who waa reasodellag tb* boUdIng.
Tbe cigar was biaad to a bMow bo(weea two large tloaa* In the wall,
wrapped fa nil paper ud well preeerved. It ttUI prtrarves lu odor.



b expendltote aad fnr-

r was delatsad autll the April wlth raacer aboat sto maatos ago a^d son <d Ur. aad Mia. Wlnim Kraioeh;as toeeoknly CTnea has only ber saffertags were great.
.TMa naraAQ^ flMcctf.
- 1 vfl of Imeg Uke. who was ao lerrtHy
> trial tolQces days Aad k u
At t 0-doek
Afleiwca fnio>e last what extra c(
. e«bc Attoner Ci«u apiMUtrt Mm •eotliic Aturaer Cron was acala totle^: atoo that a suit U
King asd Hn. Ollt* Larkins of t
d boaing water, died I
tte bovd Qt npoTlwn asd olM asked to adrlsc tbe board opon the be coBtocaced In the coinlr «d Jack- pejlnUon sMt be rraulred.
city. Hrs. J, H Crappy of PouUac. 111 .-day a
(Mr aHMkm to ibe ■U(«t«i vbidi tnauer.tblsbetocUtethirdUiiM which son to ten the coutltoUanaHIr of
aad one son to toe gocetwtoem etmst _______
this eeontr oOMal has bea called | aballar aet to that coaalr wUeh wm^
n^tery located nt >-orv n* Soto. FU ' j.*,
Sait to Aim Deed.
apoerorble<wlaloadBrtok theBeBslaB;probabtr be decided before tbe WMrt
Hiram S. twonard. aged t:
Her husband. Beatoato P. CttopNMi.
nUv *t the age of » « .
of tbe eeaatr beard WawpeniM. At I eeoMea of tbe leaWatare. Tb*
I an OU soMler. died i
CBM* rlTW. Mr. Cnm
resldeat of «TUtoBUbnrg.~kas hroaght
lepay tdlofiatht.*: The remMns «
tbe Use of aotoc to preae tb* BaUerj Blu*. tbcrefore. reeoaawBdcd
CAPITAU *200,000
M tu* *M* W b
suit Bgalnl Hr. and Hrs. Haalitoo of yean ago Feb- IC.
was ■tinlr to tb* fona «f a dlaroulue > tb* Batter be poatpqeed antll
VanamsboiT to akleh he cUhns that
wtalefa Hr. Croa, after rtadtoc tbe
ecta* to Jaaaarr. !»•?.
he orard aa righ:yd,-tT farm and held
toirreo In a pleo- nf land at WillJeet rf toe earln* for Ibe poor ef «j ftoa Saturdar's Record. _
mborg to toe value of ».W. The
A Goon BukHc SatBcaflRMe
Tb* snb)*et
tb«s *p t* tb« *lr
farm had a moriKage upon li cfgCJ.
pul br tbe npervtoon who I of superrlsors todar man) repona of
M ae nport of the coa^ttee torRelying upon toe .Integrity of Eddeabod laforaatioa relaUre to tbe'
, M1171M.
ard G. HatnUloB and uife. CUra I,.
TM Bonnc wioc b«m *t s ■atio ea band.
! deeded too prapertv is quesiioa to
Tbe nalB qneslloe for coutdentloe
•■doek. wbe* Scborriaa- fflerclsod
lem to eoBsideratloo for cirr. food
> KT C« tuiwc, « lUc MMik.
rbMbee tbe naie tows cosld be
w wbei
90k* laforaaltr vpo* tb* "hJl raternod ekrtotog durioc life V^warJ lUm:
tr bolldlDK was riven a
eerred under the counir »ri
llluo. prrrlms (u'tfae barsnln. bad to
Everrthinp dci>cnd5 upon
we la operalloe while tbe srsteai scssloe. Chalnnsn E. C
eom-d aa todekiedness of $cr> for a
your nerves. It is rti-rve for
bone purebaaed froB H. Leoaaril
tliat causes fhe
ihe brain to tiircci
which, la a way. offset the monsage.
the motion of your.body; it tj ;
a lb* k«niM*a rlrer about eer real all itotutes beartog upoo toe
The deed was extieuted Nor, J7. and nerve force that causes
•s }vour
lt«k ftoB tbe dtrlater to Ibe year the old man wanted j
:n<l the
of the Poor O. P. Carver tovcsligale nnderwiar and aearlnc npiiarel ablel
apaa tb* eh**ce which the itat* road
rnnheemtog anil he left the
tbe counties wb«-r<- the eonnly farm
wwld b* aad* thmch tb* pa^eaed
s foUBd ihst aar towo- syslcu) Js being used. Tbe chair api borne. On Jan. n he l.oga-i fuIi Id I'lrMba to bar* tb* read ru ew the
Z~.——7*-. awar»»r at low
kidneys to filler the Wood, nod 1... ................ • - .V—.
_ P» *
pulDled Supertison Ih-eeham and Itor-!*"*'
------’ .dtaaeia data aad the oplnkn gtmtrthe liver 10 ^rcic bile.
sba to act with O. P. «'*rver.
Bdwarrl Itomlh- h. Eva I. Kamil
-j)lr ef tb* npatctaon was that It or any eonsty offlelal who. as
In fact, nerve force is the ;
A motloo was piar.-d .* file that '■
of toe poor, could render relief
«aeM reqair* a special surrcj In
.s.Proaeoitiag Attorney Cross, th «*..
«td^ to toakc aar ehabc* in a Mate for to* poor amounting to 110 wllbont supjervluini and the e
, fendalHs
TBur«.l«y lie if TOU feel wom-om, irritable
consulting toe supertotendmu of the
nervous, cannot ileep. or csi
matter of the i-,-mion- for the
Ci*rl.-» J.
poor further than that a report mnsi
Hhrtaa Btovb. wbe own* a amall be Bade for forther rrilof In any one new dam confer with ihe Queen niy
well, have pain or iniscrvi j
lilram Loouanl. after he I
n«ar the proposed alle for t
an.vwhero, your nerves
Ugbl and Power comimny to make a home of Edward and Ev a llaiuhton. n
loww H—« caaM before the beard
The Bomlng session was glrcn over satisfactory arrungemenl to inmrpor- ■“d a-ooed a widow. Hr., ^ma t>i».
10 o'clock, bdnk tb* fret to anM
Gnlute Medial DoaniMit Bums ' - to eommltlee meeilngB. the coramlUee ate Into tbe iH-mton. when-by the pro- ^ Wllllamsburi «nd iimk up hU r.-ei
- ~b8er* th* beard la refereaa to tbe whicb'had been tovcsUgatlng toe pro­ pored dam Ir- proiK-rly plahk<-d, nnd denee to tbe lliiie Lottie of his bridUfllrenity
Hr. Brown siatod la openlod posed tosUllatlon of the abslrart sys- railed off to allow Its a rial-' ' in WIIMansliurs It i> alfegi-d now
that whll* b« bad aothtot to nr
leponlng at in o'clock torough
aa th* •naitok «(tb* p*uu
toeir cbalrmao. Supervisor Bceebam. j
all busIpeF* lietore it adjoumed to jl^ In >vlthto.' faail!) who bold toe deed
fltoh^ the beard aboald thoroucbir
I^jallow toe legal advertijlng of toe- p(v
his property oe
be nas
has inir
tocirrrd the
le as sU'lduanun- of (be Tf y<«r eld bride and
Atlorbey Cms to relation lo tbe mat-. 'Jtlon three weeks. This a
ter and he bad advised them that the! <t>cy did not rare U> bold up o public '•nr lo».-fi forrivl lu liiv.- her home
Ba **M the riser bad only a twelre- board bad no authority lo Incur any; “ Impron-menl. They mill neel on .They wire mspiit-l two niontos ago.
foot taU M toe Bile at that potot. asd
cue In purebuiag or inaUlllng a' rob. la coatpaar was askinc tor a sixty.
of ahatraet booka for tb* county
Action on toe miller of 1
•J. BM band. -Thto wbaM, pat
without nspteini net of toe legIsUtnre.t the wtory of the snperlBl.
t; rai.m J.
• Hsir tael deep, one Bile wide
toat." eoDtianed
if tola das went
i woaU
«*Md flood
floo TraraiM Citr foor feet
M deep. This
Thh wowM dbpredaie theprop
* -aMradw
woMd da»*«* ptopertr from
to Sarstoae. Preyertr alflkc there
wtNdd Mt be worth flltr onto on toe
h deitor. tt woMd bo'woi
23, E. Fn« SL. OL nnc m
' f MnatowB flood.- Tbe :
^ § HBaiiil the hoard ttat the te. If
1 hMM.HwMd be
f t M« pn to aw* Bhhpe (hat to* people
{ Mow tt wottU be safe No dam totoe
S al flirt that th* Bokrat eoalfl dl(
^*ra» CMBir tUmk Bldg., DCTBOIX
. 9 toroaifl.ahwoH be MU. Such a das
2 t* bM aafa. He atoo nhde tbe sU-.c- And a True Story of How tbe Vesctable Coi
. .5 towt that be knew of two mea who
I M« wwbad profartr aokr to* tom
Had Kd BIrtll and How tlie “Panic of ’73" Caiued
i Bto wh*re waur jaoali'Uek oa. Tke
Hto be Odered for Public Sale In Drug Stores.
5 #lr raaaak. he aalC why H
PiAte GtAss. Steam Boiler and Accldont Insuranca.
i ■tostorr tor tnBpBrito to ob<
# toMaa bea* a board of topereiaora
, WBkBli. whoae
w to band aneh b
argneo taat..................
toe medid................ ........
Lynn. Mass.. February
*0 good' lor
for toeir womi
woman friends aod
M fctan a good old Quaker farnDy.
ally good for to*
bafldtak at aartkln* btn
^•omeyearsahetaai^tadxKiL aad
fld^lad. H* atw.'ja that be live
. Th* Finkham* had no money, :
4 -Mtoa th* pr*p***d dtto *•:«.
,UM* cmdiL n*lr flint lahc^tory
Room 810 Now Steto Bank Building.
Travorso City.
was toa kitchen, wffxr* root
toots and

WOtoa laaflea. preeMmt <fl to
berk* ar*r* stce|
to* ____
: B. R. B. U A F. 00. *n«ar«l befor
^oaDy fllllng
of bottles,
B to* hdarfl, bDawtot Hr. Brown, nnd
of aelllag
* h* tontad to epctotaf that he did not
ly^Dey hi
! Mr* a* aneh to aty as Hr. Brown,
■pam?hl?m !
setting forth toe meriu
iW^f' the m<-<t>- ,
fi paflaT ***
t-r laiarl Itvifn Uie
9 atoitad a
/ lihabaflnB and fowid that with a ihlr11 wnipti lontl liuilili^ fh-ni
i tp4*n foot bead to«r uaed sheet spllthis yapi nii>1 yini'il ilii.’I it
Tb* woBderfsl cnralire properLtesot
fl tof to a depth of froa thlriydve tu
to* medklBe were, to a great exteot.
as.ipaal; souikI BIhI Jinucel
I fltty foM. toe daa betog froa three
■eU-adrerttoiog. fur whoever naed it
08 till- lip t<^> one. tMliii
reommeaded it lo otberv and the d*' 4 to bar hundred feet loag. Be. too,
giadnally Inen-ased.
Oslo sLiiii<li-*. Wr- try to
5 oonstderad k a menact
u'i'x’ every ruBtonn-r Just
. * <atr U not balk straag
ft tout wae alwnjt preaeat
tlK-M-ry brul Iiiuiber Oi‘il
. rWvow. 82> «M1. IM
that tlma'^'g^iriM^mir^
B was foraed. It might «_____
■j’H'S tbri>ii;;li till-Riills-aiul
toe enterprise were amred. nnlil to­
* flam* out with It. He nid:
__ ____ „ mind, aa ea
day Lydia E. I'iokhiun ^d '
Fi l'lom Mt>P-a fjilur*. ,\*
J began to flgnr* out the oux. ..
after koowlrdg*. aad 1
to prio-S—Ifhlil lo Iltiote
wou^rfully ay
bold word* everya-hcre. and many
m cable foot at water released, you would
lonsof room and hrrbs are used aanotlii-m .’iiiy lime.
* And It unonboa*.- He clotwl by askIn ton ah* married Isaac Plnkbam. aHylBiUmanufseturr.
• 5 tog toe beard to look lato toe height' a bailder
and real eatat* operator, and
Lmmbtr Cc.
Lydia i rinkham, bctwelf did not
: t of the water caretatly as a protection thrir early married life was marked bv ve to
ae toe great
-- see
.1. to l^retwe puy. -if ihe dam goes:
work. She passed to her revrardveam
ago. bat not till she had nnwided
““ ‘‘ '*
for continuing her work aa
Irely at ah* could have done it
In thnm good old faahioDed dbra It
Hartoa Brown ngnto appared and waa cesamoa for mntberv to make herself.
. I atotad thM h*. after coasidertog ifav toeir own borne medMiaea from ruou During her loeg andeTentfal eapeshe wss ever methodical in her
' ». Batter, thought Ih* fall at that pcdai aad betoa. aature-n own reOMdles- rieoce
work aad shr wasalwavscarefnl tnpreWL ll.WE M'iRR
wAd'acarar tan feet than iwotr*. The
wrvu areoord of even-eaae that came to
* BBoant ifl water behlad woald depend penmice many of toem gaiaed a woo- ber attaatkm. Tbe case of «rery sick
darfal konwledge of toe euraliee prop- woman who applied to her for adViec^
V «»«■ toe oonstncuoo of the dam.
cHles of toe variotu roam and berba. and there were Uionsands—n-erlrcd
aaM. A receas was takca at 1
Mtu. Ptokham took a girat toleresl careful study, and the deUils. includ­
* potot wb«n Ur. Olbba appnred to
In tbe •tndr of room and horbs. toeir ing symptoma. tmalnwnt aad rveulU
eharwtariston ami power over dtaraae. •vere recorded for future tvfcteoce. sod
4 ' rooB and toe amalnder of the »
maiotaiaed toat Joai ta nature so
fl lag wna taken is an Informal discus. She
bouatlfully piuricic* in the harvesttitan w. nisit lo t-axry .m-r. and p. .lKtam.,-’of Ibetn we
V Blok jpUb the partMa Istereoted. toe! flebU aad orchards vegetahle food* of available to sick woown toe world
h:iv.- rvdu‘--ii the- prici-. If yon n<-«l a sUrr* tfaia winIt a vast e
UriRi; j'our Corn. Oais. Butter and Eggs to
* BOtobrr* aB«*ruUng toe task of ob- ail kind*: ao. if we but take tor patoa
nstion regarding the
t. r. It uiil ji-iy you to ■•all ami ‘ T.iinin- oair «by-k ad'i
V. tatolbg mart aad complei* tnfo^•omanV ills, which for
1*. K.'s. corner Front and Cass, and rcciivc
L'i'i oi:r priivw for »•■-liav- •oiii-v. ry p-v.l faar{;hiMtol
apcB toe *ab>eet and of the loas- preaaly deaignrd to rure the variona
■.(T. f V..11
I* MoftoeiUe, toe tall of water, etc.
Hto aod weakneaae* of toe bodr. and
in cash the highest market price. We vant
it was ber pleasure toarairbtocWout.
Tbe short altemooa seaaloa ui
peepai* simple and rfferlive medl.
good goods only. Wfl have just received a
K further taken
dakeo Dp
ap wilt
with an toformsl aad
rise* for ber own family and friend*.
* talk to regard to toe
e kbriml
Chief of these waa a rure eoaiKip... rink^. Shewasuarefullyinsttnetod
lot ol Oil Cans, from one lo five gallons;
* cokslderwd at toel^t *
a In Ocio- tloa of toe eboieest
BtdMnal roots
oirest RicdMnal
n bar. Tbe moUok
h tqribe Bppolntmeai
Wash Tubs. Wash Boilers, V/ashing Machines,
of a eoBmlit** to bar* charge of the cure of tbe ilia aad weakneaaea peeutiM IV^f/.fTuv IlniklinK.
alt sizes of Tin and Galvanized Pails. Tea and
pnipgaml county bouse wh
-bam-a frientU aad neighbor* teamed
. ipeclal order of bnsiness yeMerdsy: that her compound reHevrd nnd eared
Coffee Pots. You will have to have some of
afiemooB at t o'eloek was deterred uadjt became quite popular among
natll this Bomlng when It was tabled.
these, home gopds. Gel them here ami you
All toU *0 far waadoae freely, with- flm Lydia E. Finkham dropped her
Tba board adjottned at S o'clock to
pea. mad tke pRoent Hn. Wakham.
drie* in a body-to the Jamas Oanton
will be san’shed tt-ith >our bargains.
Bat la tor* toe'flnaaeial crlal
farm with a stow of parebasttg or
Hare yoD ever trieil the
the present Mrs.
Yours resjiectfully.
making an enMkbge to toe eootaty Lynn, luiengthnadneverityv-------i^for^lbe laigeraaleatoteiatereau probably from the office of no other
Tteaite tena
property. While touch nearer Ihr city of
finkham famllr. aa totoclat.
the primerty doa not lie oe a rallreaA
aaffrrad moat fmm partca have so many wooMa been ad­
vised bow to regain health. Mrk w.e
M. this advice is "Toors for Hnlthfceely given U yoo only write to ash ■
U Reecrd
90k *Mifab at U
cat. R07T
aaf 5a>/ms
■n«7.,.ii«tei. SoR.y,b,
kRfl CASS Stt.
1- urito to* ntotier at k Btup^d raiae 1

Tnrase Otr State Bilk


It Takes


Ls,'ryi“'ss‘;:s; i ——-----------------




6nnl P«
Pndia .


DR. W. J. fflGCraS




Tire Insurance!

Money to Loan on Improved Rea! Estate Only.




Maple, Hemjock, Ash,
Basswood Pine.
Cedar Shingle Timber.

Craoerse City IDfg. 0o.



IHr. Farmer

Ireating $tom

s s;


steki-i'i.'Ssr*- -"™

» tM Mtoty ef to* ■kBMfatimdaBl* c

* dkn MM V

The three

«fto iMr moto*.

ud to* flawhter

Hova! tiger ^






nuB nmmm

mrti npoa him Wbo tUla thC'anta. who formed (be loMag aMe M
and smUsc <m It vaa brskeo except fezidoded esdeTscatb tbesL la »
irbaae dally toll la to wreai ’ roniesi tag team wUeh wu appoinud
Ibe naeb cm ibe rlpbl aide sbete tber | vest Jobe Aabus. «bo vaa la (bv
canb the fnilu aod grelu April 1 of lut vear, the winning team
evidesllr atreck. Tbe (irwt alelcb of | (nmi od ibe boj. l/ls* oa top «( Jav
Qjr bob la bt^ea sad its cover broken > Sarlifa. «bo Is ms m on top of Bes to feed (be race. How meet and right | being captained by Mrs ArvOla CardttobertsoD. who wu steering. Jwmped
ts that his aim sfaonld he (or higher oer. The tiaiu were- frum the Trnvnp and called; 'is any one hi*tr He
lalnmeata. aud more worthy achieve--erse CUy graage and ahum fifty mem-.
This . la Ibe only ata
paid DO nitentlon to hla own Injorter
yoong W^nJe Ja Able ti
u he bad a broken arm hlmaeir.
X in the number «( new mem
accident u be auted
(hrywn up in Ihe air and on falling moment we rlearod the way fur sev­ Uoimllr elevate their standard of ex-! hers which ronld b> brnnghi In. They
that I
•an Webirwna. aped it.
eeUntee. Lm the work of each sac-! worked'aaaldoouUy all summer. Mrs.
-We eoeldn't gnd Ben (or a few min- wu dixed ao he did not see (be acci­ eral bobs were comtog down
olea beenue bis bod ybad gone
dent any further than the contact and would ran oyer tbe wreckage ua- reeding year be' more ccapme. and Cardnev bringing in twraiy-foor memibomaghly executed, and more le-rw and Mr. Hornsby five. Due credit
down (be bill. He wu alive but
which.happened In fidai. He does not lesa the wtr were Inwaatly cleared.
jafaa AsMen, rl#rt ann broken in (a« was bloody. We were going
think his horse was atrvck at aU by Ben Robertson did Boi arise. He lay Iniemgenily planned In hanimoy writb^U belng..given a^d Orra Hoxaie o(
•IMM CM on head. Bfulaea.
take him (o a doelori office but li a
tbe bob u Jiu sign of any bralie U oo face downward with bis bands behind the highest Ideals of perfmlua. Aa I; EAst Bay. who. Ihongb >0 years old
go aMut Ibe country from year to'and a qbaner member, brought (he
dedded to lake him borne. We cailej her aod furiheniiore when, be says, be him. He wu gutly 1
yrar to inspect gtvnripg seed crops, 11 gn-aicti namber at membera
Babe Winnie, wfao wu there, and h.' turaed so suddenly to the left to avoid placed in a blanket and
their lurnlog lo the right, the horse bleeding and be wu enUrely nneon* Set much that Is Imperfect, siorfa that. en'irv contest.' over a durro new
took blm home."
Ceyler Hali.est on t«
is careless and alorenir. So many' gtanxvri belog the result of hla labor
already brJng hlicbed for a lefi (reck sclou.*
Arthur Retlgnol wan In Ibe rig
. Mia Keller. ouirertJip ft
crops choked with foul weeds and! The Insiatthtlon of tbe Incoming of
Bide, wu entirely onl' of ibe road and
Dick Winnie. The rt-uon they
der. Ii la DM eves ftlS. I n« tbe catIbal «c Boac strike II.
There eras Jdsi a Haifa and t tbrew mv |
Rab*rtm lm( Hb Ltf* and UnI to
era! High IchMl StudeMa
neci II. Hy hands rested
:k of poor Beo'i neck. I don't know
W«« Iniurai
whnt be (irack. I heard (be erub b«

Fia a bettia er commea glam with yam
lams and M l: rtaad

. TMC rruuua

going up'lbe bill was beenuae they
dMn’i want lo leave the horse
bottom of the hUI where it would be
Den Canann, alight art an head fri^leoed by the passing aleda They
Intended lo lie It at ibe Ug> where
> was leas excllemeoL The boras
owned by Malcolm Winnie.
The ifwonllght was beautiful Friday
Dick's falber, Brnett Miller wu being
avaninp. UiMer its beacna the
fowed up the bill on a bobsled beblird
ahawad whIU and gUctcnlng. There
Near the foot of the hill
laas iuat aimuidt eh»l In the air to set
I were passed and
the rod Wood *neing and maJM eoeat.
supposed (bat all was clear. About
intanavanandingenjayment. Eaamlhalf way np they beard shouting an
calling. One bob passed nfely an<
■bey thought again that all wu clea;
CsHMta Silvan, i



Brneat Miller aaye. “Dick row it com
far the tlma. It was a oarcy par^ of
Brerybody wu hollering. On<
High aehaot students that want e
runner of the sled wu In tbe traek
Caaa'a hill earty Ih the evening but tha
the other to the left. On the right
aamlng back------- .
hand aide there wu a crowd
Tha atary la net long in tailing.
Dick turned out to tbe left an I
There wore eight yaung people on the
JuBl u be turned the bob alnick
babsM that left the top of the hir
eultcr. It went clear under and threw
awHHy fathorsd momentum on Its fly­
Dick and -Dud’ iip la Ibe air about Rv.>
ing dsacant. -Cloaf''they shouted, tho
feet ■ 'Tbo crowd on tbe bob wa>
aoaMai's oignal to the unwary, -clear
knocked off bul ao fast wu ibeir ale-1
they shat ahod. San flebartaen,
going that it paaaed uoder the cutter
saa^ calm, a boy to bo depended upon
while it wu allll In (he air. wrack my
under all conditions, was BtooHng. On
bob. knaeked It op In the air and
Ms back was day iSmith and behind
about ten feet and
hkn thS'ela athora. Thoae In tha
the front bobs of my sled
wars not Woking ahead, they knew
Son. If It was pobalMe to avert danger,
"Dick felt awfal and aomo o
lK>ya Jumped on blm. We tool
RWhard WtAnta'WBa coming up
away and then be seemed lo r
bSI with a hofsa and eutUr. He
wbal had happened. He wanted
la the track of tha flying dad about
to RulKirUoa'a and we took him
half awy up the sseont There
•. All the way over he cried and
ghauts below, ertee to “tom out". The prayed for Ood to forgive blm for
hMso turned, but'to the left A crash what he bad done. He went Into Ibe
thM could M hoard two blocks, tha aairJed lo explain lo Beti'>
eaMHng tha horat and dHver sne
people but they were excited. W.
tar Into tha air. a sudden holding of slayed miUl the doctor pronmin«.d
the bissth and them—.
Ton feat farther Sown tha hill Sen
. Suhirtaeii was picked up. SWod '
' oasing from hie ipairth. He wae
aaneeloM. Tha aUian ware aeatu
slang tha path, gama vmra not carl,
asaly hurt and they get up and helped
tha athsfs but out of tha party of eight
feat ana, day Smlttv escaped without
•fijMyTondorty, they picked up the young
wan who a few eacondt bafera had been
a^fnll of Ufa and vHalKy. He ws
wragped in a bisnkat and glecsd In i
aWgh. Offloar Winnie, vrhovma at thi
hill an duty, took him heme. Tha dceti
sngal wsa oleaa bdilnd. Tha goeci
bye Wtt tha bey had spoken as ha left
Mama aartlar In the evening war
' taat wards that hit parente 1
fram him. Ha never regained

and Arthur Realgfial. Brest Hiller
and r talked of going out.
Tha accldml happanad at •:»
Bay with my IHlIe horse and
Mil urns crewdad with oeaatot* an
did not want to drive her ao far again
arreMiid alalgh and cutter wars pulled
evening so I coosented lo go out
sway Just in time te avert a ascend,
(hem to slide. Wo llrat wi
Freak Ehronhcrger'a

bouse lo

where (be crowd wu sliding u
been out nlidlng this winter.

The party wai eonpooed of oeiobera

■os o( C. U Halt. rtiM clerk Is the
Pete Hargoeue frelcbt depot;
esaans. aoa of A. F. Cameron; Julia
Rellar. dangMar of W. H. Rellry;
Madge Straaiways, dangtaler of Dr.
Slraagways; Oortnne Silvan, daugbler

of Mie. Jennie B. Sllven: tbese elpbi
being on the imcked sled; Josephine
OarlA dsaghtar et aty Attorney H. C.
.Davta; Buslce KeSey, daughter of W.
N. Kelley; Bertha Perrott Bdtth Tim
blin. mu Wright. Waller lUeUngs
asd RJWmer Neleoo. All td the party
had made several deecenls boc tbc
' Sevan of (bam last named irM on top
of the bin.
Just sboni $:». the bod sled, vbich
baWnged lo William Rennir and had
bais broughi to ibe hill by Jay Smlih.

Cameron came next and Cuy Hall nar high np In t!
tbe air and-tlirowing me
up with n an.
DC aide. They
evMcntly went enilr. ly under the cut­


on tbe OKtretM roar.
TThea (be cutter was atreck. Smlib
was thrown to oo« aMe and out id the
aaiiro pnny arna (fan only one t>
cape Infury. To a Herald repreaeniitire be told the MWwIag story:
"I don’t know bow li happened. Dick
tunvvl wrong or the borne wm» fright-

. eoed and swerved, i tblnk li was
' frightened. I eno't tblnk of aoylbing
alee, t dHaT tblnk of anything elae all
olgbl. No. I am not injurml. Jut a
mile pUee of akin Uini from my aboal-


ter aod the coniaci with tbe Mb wblob
lied l•ehlod wu where Ihe damwas done. “Spooeb" Miller was
he iMih In Jiisl the same posllkm
which Den Robinson was taking on i
ling bull, but they atreck uur h
throwing Ii up and over them, at
think tbc blow which Ben got a
from tbc front of my Mb, I tblnk
wu my bob which killed him There


pf ,6, jranp, ti«k place ibl>

eatiM Veu see Ibe Star of Rope?

Ho says foriber that as toon as he
could, he drove directly to the home of
Ben RobortMn oo Washington airvci.
wbrre Mrs. Roborison wanied the acrvires of a physician, oo he raced again

his opinion ivu always highly estinuled by hla f<'lliiws and tbe query In re
gard lo social maners, athlelk-s or any
other thing in which the Mys were loleresied was "What Is RMertann going

towards tbc home of Dr. Holliday bul Id do aMut iirmet Dr. Arthur Hotlldny driving with
Lui year, bis third al qoarter hack
nil speed lowarils ibc .Rohmsoo homo oo (he fupiball team, he wu chosen
nnd odle,] i« him to hurry up. He eapiBln and (he honor ai»ln Ilterellv
turtitd aod followed him In'o the borne forced upon him fur next aeanuii. In
niul saw the Injured b
bis quid, ronscrvBlive manner those
bei-n n school mate wli
iinilvr him were- sllmulaled lo work
lefl for home. At Ibe ham^ it Is stall'd wiifa a vltn ibM bad neri-r liefon- been

by Miss Josephine Davis. Miss DavU
bad accompanied him lo the hilt.
Ben Robcrison's death was due to
concussion. It Is thought that he
Etrack (be front runners of the Mbsled
behind tbe cutler as the scalp wu tore
tmek of tbe ears. There wu no frac­
ture of the skull. The righi eollir

spring and ainunm wandering about
and picking out Ibe ilitle things of
beamy to be found. He spent the {uiR


when tbe Rev. Hugh Kcnnetly
In tbe holy bands n( matrimony
J. Ilniadway and Hbu Bld.n
two «( the most popular yonnt-

-mony wu used. A few of the Immv
dlale Ir.lMids of the parties were pres­
ent. and a Munteous aupi>er was
aertvvl by Mrs. I'lch.
The bride is one of the' most popu­
lar young ladles of Grant 'lownsblis
her father, Rb. Davis, being a wellknown fanner in tbe southern part u(
the township, and Hr. Broadway bu
flue farm at several hundred aevea I
that localliy. on which the young pe,
pie win at ..nee Uke up lbelr abudi

•Get out of the path.'but he paid DO S''The Farmer of High Irtaala.
Jc' lo my call. Others below were ,
The (ullowlng . xc-lleni srrlcir from
also yeillng. Tha rWere on the rom- the t>en of C. V. Coiiiter of ibis eity.
ing bob were abouling also to clear the ' x;-|enred In a .recent issue'of the
■fiaib- The cutter liaelt shut off the;jouraa] of .AgricuUuro.
view of the oreldent or Just where H ■
Above all other*, the man wM lUls
struck in the awful cullislon which oc-jtbe toB ^|d h»ve high Meals, and

■ VurT.1^.'
x-xaUed cooceptioDs of the majesty u(
•-Catier.people.Mbsondhoraewrvjhl* -worts. “Moss Back.:' "Mayafed,drop of blood vm my caller all in -the -air as iboogfi a bomb had "C!Mh<.pper," ^ bul epUheU naed to

If Vsa Ri« AMItriBa

Headaches, loss of memory,
weak eyes, cross eyes or
defective vision

lies in tlie knowledge oth*
ers are being cured by wear1 n g Dr. Wolfe's Special
Ground Lens»

n Olbers Olby not Vou T

Wiihout Medicil Aid »r
Surgical Treatments.
I Remove the Cause, Nature Cures the Symptoms.

being al home
their iiimo
row. The young couple have thv be.
Wishes (if a' hosi of friends. MIh t
fhl> . i'y no.t of Grani township.'




Banquet of CraDgara.
AMui sixty grangers on Salnrday
cnjo.v.-d- an rtaborale banquet pro­


Ciiiscua Phono Ko. :C>i
TreveneCity, Mich.

rlw Bik.

vided by I-cc Iloresby and hi* AbkIbi-



begin In September wu drawing near,
bis return was anxiously awaited by

where the oeeideoi oererre.!. ■ ,he
pnghtesi siudenis
e brightest
i i a coming
Younf Paicbln says; "Dick Winnie
rd Traverts.' City the moorncame driving up Ibe hlli directly In
or him will be deep and long,
the path of ihe routers. The path •
the immediate relalivei wh.v
Itself Is a long, deep cut from Ibe ran-,
n his death are bis father. Alex
ners and la a bard one to turn out lo.'
r Robqnaon, his mbtber. two sU
1 wu aMut three robs below the U>h>,
Berate.' and Ruth, and a bruiber.
whleh romlog down with great;
Mr*; Rohens'in is nejcriy pro.apee.1. I aw that on oceid.-nt wa* [ ,ra,..d by the shock..
shoot,to hapiw n and I ywlled to Winnie 1


peo|.Ie ,4 Grant township. The I
was neatly gowned In white and
rt(sl white caraaiions. Th«- ring i

summer vacation working on ihc farm
of an uncle, W. K. Swan, near Alle­
gan. and when the lime (or school lo

Was Mne wu broken also Ihe neck of tbe his roumlesa friend's In the city.
told tbe crowd wu on Caae-s bin. We right humerus.^
Full of Il^e and quiet humor yester­
bad my Mbs tied to tbe back of my
It was at find thought that Mist day afternoon tbe tidings of bit death
caller and Ernest HHler wu lying
awful ahork to bis friends
Strangways- hip vna dislocated but
lying down on them steering.
the High school -will be an ex­
such wu not the ease, her limb being
the hill nnd I anw the large
aevercly wrenched. She also received tremely empty place wliboul bis preecrowd nnd tMugbt I would pot my
'braises. Miss Kelley wu injured aMul
hone Id tbe bnre of E. W. Hnslinga.
Vllh the same thoughtlcaancsi of
the back and It is thought the shock
who lived on the north aide and aMul
r and thinking solely for (he aafeiy
afferled her heart. Miss. Silvers wu
hsK way up (he bill. I bad not been
(be Olbers is probably wbal held bU
shown on her face and auacalned In.
on the bill this winter and did
Juries. Jobn Asbion'a right arm wu bands on (be rannen of the bob with
know that tfie track where they were
vice like grip vainly trying i.r find
broken at the elMw. bis forehead cut
sliding wu cut deep and hard to f
-DC place of safety fur which t.i
and be sunained braises. Don Cam­
out of. I drove up tbe hlU where
cer. The great comfon to those who
eron snaulned braises and slight cots
had always driven before. A large Ebout the bead.
oura hla death Is that he prohaW;.crowd was all around me,' perhaps
•ver realized (be pain which he wu
Cuyler Hall susUined a «nt across
■ed or more. They were shouting
idergolng and passed from this (utbe tip of tbe bead and showed remark­
irowding around my rig. Some
able nerve. He dIdnT knew that b-r, maltuoa life Into the vast beyond withtrying to climb Into the cniter
wks hurt until some time after tbe ac-1 ‘’V'
«'»’ bodily discomfort,
and othere were trying to gel on the
cldenl. While the doctor sewed
.m ■
The fooih.ll team "I
of I*'*''
•d up'
a were -Spooeh' tHIIIerl ‘I have met this morning at the rtn.lloof
the wound be calmly
beblDd. Some one yelled
! Smith tc I'rice and bad their phoiopape,*.
aod I thought something
graphs taken. This wu the last thing
Tbe Injured -were taken to the home
matter wUb my Mbs behind. 1 looked
that ben Roberison planned (or with
back. Two bad climbed Into my cuner of B. W. Haafingp and were later re­ bis fellow team mates. At the close of
and tbe crowd wu ao aoixy and large moved to their homes m cadta and (be school yeslerday allmmon the football
could not see tbe bobs coml
, squad met-,In a corner of ihc aaaembly
Hy horse wu flglly and bard to m
Locini PMchia of ttt WASblaron ' room and Beo planned for their meet
age with tbc extra load and going
rect wu one, of the eye wlineasas of '
,|,j, iponiing
steep bin. 1 then saw the boli| the accident. Me wu walking up the |
This 1* the firei ume that the hooded
coming and turned Ip the rigbl, but hill in emnpony with a fellow atudcni. „g.., n,s stepped into the High acbool
they seemed to me to tore to tbo right Lester Wagley, wbo wu beblnd him., ,„r , number of year* and now (bat
quickly J<-rk«d the tine atid They were approaching the .pot on tbe I
dread death hu removed one of

vsa loaded op. for anotber trip.
Robsrtana war aierring. Tbc hill
guile Toogfa and lo order to grlthr nee- liira.'d my horse suddenly lo the lefi
esaary velgfal. Jay Stniih was oo top of and when 1 Jerk,-d Ibe lines so quirkty
bin. Jobn Aabton was next lo
• broke. I then saw they. too. bad
>in inrtied to tbe left and Insianily
SDd then came Madge Slrangiraya. Hebind Mlsa Strangwaya «aa Corinoe SU- they struck my culler oo ihe right side
vera and behind her.JnIlaK..|le;. Unn
beam. Ihroaing the cutler

reined by ab^r neglect.

m ^ kaerMgt m
st-jn tsprumad. that Dr. Kdrnar's SwainpRm-- tha great kidaty remody (nimh emir
wisfa la cmtng rheumatian. pata m Ihs
back. UdBtys.ltv«r. bladder and every port
cl tha unaary pasaaga. U corrucu taahikfr
te heUwutar and acaUtac pala ta paarts«
- -- 'Wd ellscu loUowtng um el tmjcr.
r ham. aud ovareames that unptaamal
uyef bstrg compaDed » p eflaa
dartog tha day. and lo fat np many lUnaa
d^gthetughL -Tba mild and tha oilrm
crdi^ ctiaci ol Swamp Kao< is soaa
roumd. It stands tha tughaar for 111 wav
deriul cures cl tba mom dtanasag caata.
Hyeu nsod a madiclBa you ahaoUMva (ha
hast. SeUbydragrsisinSac.andSl.alam
Yeti may bsvs a stmpU bettU M Mi

Hr. Borhaak bu figured |t out and,afteraiwn. T. O. Ladd, asatsied by
finds that K each bead of wheat wu Mrs Emma J. Sobrrts.m. Im-Idc the Inmade to yield one grain more it Would . sialllag officersv
add to the bremdatiiff of ihU <v>uD(r> !
to her feel nnd tsked her If she was in Dirk Winnie did Ju>t pay any altentlon
bushels. ■ One extra kernel',

jured. She replied In Ibe negntire aud to the calls,
'of rorn to each ear would add SS.-|- Tn.. First m! B. chiuvh of IVrt'llu
he Irdd some one to take her to Ihe
Jesse Ball aod Charles Cbervenka buii.iMu bushels ufeura. Btie tbe bands rnn wu In a bitil] mvr A rontrovi
residence of Mr. Hastings. Some took j with three young ladies, were aMui of the husbandmen of this great land pMwts-n the cvuign'ipilkm
.d the
care of her and be then took care of i ten feet awai' from the actdfleni. They rould. with intelltgeni and palattak
t.ereuae the latter made their
hU horse, givlog faU blanket iu iboscj cried to Wlnsk- to torn out and te log core cause the «rih to
field .p,Harutuw In tesimenis So Indignani
Uklng care M Ben Robert- -turned to the lefi. Ball uyt that afier many times this impunlon of fruits, di.l c-nsla meml«-rs of the roogrogs
boys he lunied to ihe K-fi. Jut as (be bob grains and flowers. And It.wouIdJiaa-jlioD become when the ehariateva ap
called him umes asd others made aa- atreck blm. be tried to turn lu the ten ihe happy time when man would ^ pran-d la tb.-lf white and black gar- abaolmaly tree by mall.'
senJons that he did li on purpose and rigfai. -Yoa could bear ibe ciuh two no longer meei his brother with bul menu ' ». »etal walked nut of th. adthuai br. Xiimsr It______
Co.. Btnghamlon. N. Y. Whan wi
ho became so angered (bai be slapped blocks." be said. "Winnie wu thrown
hayuneU and
swords and church ii, (he midst oTibe srmo
Oen raa^ ihia gaamuus oOar la uls papas.
In the face. "Why sboold 1 high Id ifae air. Tiro more sleds w«re spears, but would come to him to a meeting of the inistui-a Tuesday'
DonY make ady mistaka. but mawtnhar
want lo Injure tbe crowd?" be asked, coming and we had to carry Rubensou press ,iblo bis urns the corhuropla of night, however, it was deHd.<d to
2» name. Swamp-RooL Oi. KOmar'a
"especially when I saw the young girls out of the way. I pulled ibe borne out plenty, orerfiowlng with the sweetest Ifae choir cntitloue to wear the |
Svainp-tost, and tha sddfsaa. M^moA.
on there Ibsl were being put In such of Ihe palh or they would havc-alruck tnilis and richest gnins. asd-fslrvst
danger. I bad my friend -Spooeb' Mil­ that."
ler on a Mb behind that wa>
Benjamin Robertson wu bora In
Oh; yc who liU Ibe soli have hlgfl
much danger u tbe other Mb
Traverse Clljr Ocl.'!I. ISM, and
I thought, too. wbro I started
e graduated
iialed from the local High
hill that Ibe entire bob sled crowd school In 1M7.
Crum Vewng PpopIc'WaddsA.
were all down and walking along. 1
As a young man of high moral aiaml • A very pretty home wedding wu
could see faint figures up M the hill arda Ben was loved and respected by solemnised laVl week Wednesday al
but did not think any Mbs were alt who knew him. In High acbool the home of the bride's aunt. Mr.
matters, although quiet—even rvilcenl. ami Mrs. Henry rich. HS Baal Tetilb

today that he came In with ibe two equaled In local athletics. Even lemwho had atarietl out early pt'nvl and (air minded the question In
Beo dead aod then we lefr.
111 the evening and told.of the terrible hand was alway-s quickly bul carefully
brMiou up over It
(iimed over In bis mind and hip deci­
What Ibe foliowi had said lo him and
The cutler, as II stands In Ibe barn sion was accepted and iookid iijkw u
Jhe accldeni lladf weight oo lila
■iKtws'bui mile damage. The reach Is Uw. His one thought was the acbool
mind. Again he cried atul preyed and
broken da Ibe right aide and one culler and when, through a fluke, ao oppos­
kept Hint up until we took him home.
rod la broken on the left rear end. ing team scored last September when
"The cutler wu broken iwmewhai
It wu next to lmi>0HKib1e fur him to
that tbe
lit It belli lugelber enough to lake
went under the enitcr dtagonally. doare the man. be took all Ihe blame
t lo Roberlaun's. I don't ihink Dick
breaking the two parts as Mr. Winnie i:iK>n himself-anil eriol u if hla heart
11 lo blame. Rverybody was hnlierexplalm-d. The liurM- shows the hard Wimid break.
Ing. Ihe ej-owil wu akmgalde so cloae.
driving whirh was given her u he
Ill another game Ben suffered Inierthe lefl aide was nearer and tbe sled
rensi to the home of the dying boy an-l nal Injuries and mNsed many telling
e just became
bark but has mi injury.’
hours ill Ills arhuol work. Wben lie
Ben wu Jnst lirealhitig u he wu was able to be back at his studies be
rarried Into the bouse. The body wa.s hung to them with bull dog tenacll,taken ch^e of by Offieer Julius Win­ until the work he liiul missed was
deni, wu Si-eti and Ills slaiemt
nie. who had been sent to (he bill lic- made up and he wu on a level with
Ihe awful’aeeldent la cleu.^ He
cause some Mys were breaking up the rest of bis classmates.
"There wu a -dance out at Archie lime batrels to make a bon fire. The * Ben loved nature aod ihe wooils.
given hy the botlnesa college crowd news wu broken to the frail mother where he spent many hours in the


of tba aaet aide junior crowd
In it
vara Bes Robenaon.'soo of AlesandeiBobartaoo. clerk Is the Hanatfa A Lay
eoBpsny store; Jay Balib. aoo of W.
W. Smith; John Album, sod td Chief
of PMlea Wimam iwbton'; Coy Hall,

In the snow wlib her front feet and <bai there was plenty of
standing partially Kldeways In tbe i side (or the passing of troou aod the
Ibe colier wu.’too.
| path of Abe sliding bill wu cut deep
He anys tbnt as soon u he jumpel'ao that It wu bard to make any turn
up beasslsie,! Miss Madge Strangways i by a Mb coming down. He tinted ibai

' STi^ralS

tSRviac.^ preef that tba UMya s^ Ua^

There is only one

Until you have seen

We have it in the


“Quality and Satisfaction” ''

Youaak.-Areihev lalUbk,

tctamlcal *wl Itankbr

Wc mngwer. “Aak our tmitiMDea

uaioK **C«laaikai’* Eai^afit; Uiet are onr U.-at advertiat-ra.'’
A Ltrceamount of St8M will ciuse yon Ut boy a ■‘Colombut;'’ a fimall aaioaDt of CfiBtfi
in fui-] will save yon many dolUra.


127-135 State Street


Traverse City. Mich.

the standard cough and cold cure for over
75 years now comes also 'in a

To Cure a

with yua. Dent
Au yuBldiwggul.

in One Day

Tdn Laxative Bromp Qniiiine
THi, ■

C S <V A
9 1 «C( W


Aa praddeat be dlapiayed craat m
tire abUitraad beeaaeoaeeftbae
tral tcaraB la AaMHeaa aalran
•Mwdlai to tiM Meblffui aui«
»«>«>» bo™»B. «M oTcr ttfoo d»
«M* Abm tiM aaraaL Tho «apvt•to WM R»tt* (M&n tkmgbM tir

Rockafellar'a .«lnB to the a
Boeat to <H.nsA4t. Maay otbm

«K*. TtopiWMuriw w« ba— ui«;
■ nieceaaot aiay tw W. R
•MMI. tfe« «a»Mtlire for tho Mote Rauace of Brova tnlretaitT.
of oa taeb be)o«
Ruaolae BIlMtion.
UoAfongo. TM pmiM VM BM vdl
PeteraMffa. Jan tl.-tn
O0m«« via oaov Oartot ib« Mtk
oM Me wvTineMiiuU or* of tke larrle* today vitb a
RaaMan dtiaeaA PnBler Wlltc de­
hat the oDteaate of the reeeat

reatoiiii of ibe roared appendix, and
a few daya tauer a aeenad opentkB
xa remted to to break the leakaaa
vbkb bad fotm^ tbronab tbe ct
tbe paUeai bad bad

Haay frteada called at Ibe bopUal
dorlnc tbe erenlnB kaavlas of Ibe
coHapae vfaleb preceded d^tb
Baaj boor*.
Joba Waader vaa V yean aid and
■be adopted Boa of WlllUm Wander of
Onve. vberc be vaa veil kaova aad
liked for biB alerilof vonb.


fay frOB onr OMMf
MUliMAeeUie OMi
ox io AMnrer to tko
*1iu tke posX beea veU eo*«vf
vUb Mtov dBioc Dwemlwrr 41 «orrMpooMU oMer -y«r «X «T
The anatar of boibelt of vbeot
PWM aaikoUM br (srmn la DMesMratlbeRaartatameUtMATI. aaf
at the etavatan m.UE. or a total

etreactbeaed the
Of the
« fallare of the n
aaa that all Ue power reoaiaa ia ftoucbt. wbo Urea aear' Tnitle Lake,
I baada of the eaar. He it net
died Wedaewlay Boraias ai 1 o'doek
do haytblBK be deelrea. H
iif drapay. Fttaetal Batnrday at 10 $.
(Jtber eartall Ibe rlcbta already
ed or laereaae them. The people bare
ao roke la tbe matter."
day lo be abaeot aome time.
Tbe trorUncBBoV couarll bare anton. Fred Kinsiet reurned Salnrday
Boaaeed a Baaater promakw for Jan. froB Roebeater. N. Y. vbere ebc ha>
a. tbe aaBlrenary of "Mad Bai

SStW bubMa. Of Ibia vbete aiaoaol Bartial lav Jao. U. c
V la orer. Tbla a
fear tlen of roorntM. K.m 1 eeriana eollMon belveai
baabeia ia the eaetnl cenaileo. aaf XtbepooplA
lUO bfwbaii la the BoKbM
81. Peienbnrs, Jaa. IS-—It U re­
ttaa. The total amber of boabela <f
ported that OerBaa taaakera bar*
vbaai ramrtaf BaiWed la the
toaoe a new Rnaaiaa loaa of
■oathA AafvM^aeaBbar. ia iJttJK.
«00M0.oe0 mbiea. Tba lerraa of tbe
trbk* ia l,uinT barteia aore fbaa
be that it aball dnv t%
rtponad marheM to tb« oaste Boetba
per eeat with l H per real eoBBlaaloii.
laat year. At SI lailu and aderaiora
tbe Mae price to be ataety-ooe.
froai Vhteb reporta hare beea rMelred
Adrloci reeelred lodny atate
tbm -VBi M vhMt maiVetef
freat nprialnc oeehrred la ibe Knr
dirtrict Tbo t/odpa then bare been
The avaraie' cnadllhB of lire atoek
aatborlud to boBtard toy booae
la tba Mato la reportod aa follavs,
vbere aaapecu may take lefute. Sertk h Bood.
081 rlotlbK oecorred at NlkolaleB and
libaiak, vhero tbe chief of police vaa
asaaulnated yeaierday. The rlee p»r
enor of Irfeatak hat been Wounded.
Tbe arwBce prkea Jaa. 1 of_____

Eure Yflyf Cnogh



n •atlatort-rtly sea


^ ^

■top TORT Loar Irrltctloii. raUsTs yoar Son ThroRt
nd flrhr* ost yoRP C^nle Cold, with the oRly eerlllB.RBdstrtet^Bei«tlfie. Con eorcoarho tad Colds:



-AlnoM In PcRpnlr.
glT>a op by two phyilciRBS
a of ths tSoas,
wm a

m,im «mm wtn__________


of bit frtenda Toeadar erenioc l»
the Inlaad Onafe hall. All reported
lovely lime.
VolBey FcTrtreii It apendlnc i
dayt In Traveroe Oly.
Leille HrOoTBlrk
omo froa map.



latMiaofp. Cl

S. E. Wait & Sons and C. A. BughBB.

— •>« . U lb. (VI. .*
esaty. aa tee Mb day .d Juwat]

..-■•at. Run. r<ad K '•>»— •Charter Barton haa poiduiaed I
drtvlns team of Jot Andrus.
I'bateEaynerhiTiaa at
A (vaat ooelal at Denke't ball vu Francisco by Swaml TricunntliA The and reoii<-sle.l a diner, wbirb
{Iren by the Ladles' Aid Frl
co»«res5nilun nnmbers Bfy- und the ' piven. Hut fortune did not omi
Ins- Supper vaa served al SO cenu plare of vorahlp it modrtily cal|e.| 1 kind to MUt Peyton. All her familj
per eonple.
V^nla Biulini. ; It It a ooe-slory | died and the uas left penDlU-st.
Special Orusc bocUuk Saturday
lldlnx erected by <
of ) belle Ilf a departed Bay and pent-ration
who WllMe
In-mtuo the ndd eliaraclrr of n city's
eoivo third and foorth decreet, after rHiglun. Over Us duors |> ibe loK-ripthe -'old match woman. '
vbra.wlll roBo a fentt.
tloB, "May the Abmluie fliers All," ' «K alt the niembrrr <if hit malexiy'a tesoMOwyor
Tbo KaUinc taco of Mr. Armstrona The ewami dercribos the reltplon that rafainri the chancellor ris-rlte*
pctdlaite .. ...................
of Traverie City vat oeeo Id town he preaches at -phllrMophy applied to the hlphrsi stiary. namely.
or tbe vrlodpa] tarn prMaeu la tbe
practical life.,
Hie prime mlni-ue. the jDlnltiem «
Oaoth of John Wander.
Hrti. Bovera and Hni. Hanaer of
Btrteia vhoro faraMra aavally marhei
Harry Huudinl. (he pturnuthmal the Inieritir. .-xu-rlor. raloniev. i
Baalb ended the aulfeHafr of John
ateriorben vero Beadon i-Mtora Wed­ pritt* breaker and bandcuS kiy. whoj
aaeb prodaeta vwv at tallova:
llnancr and the tM-n-iary for in<
faMer of Qnrrn rtiday mornlac:
Tbo arvraco prtee^ of vboat per
aflnirr rerrire each; the l
vbA after ttobrnHUDa
Hr. and HrA Oarrlaon and little
t>a*ei vat 7> ctmta, rye ft eam. wn
f Detroit police a fi
vlthlB tbe patt tea daya. pamaad
danthler cf InierlocbeB were In Ben41 oaaa oaf oola ll coat a; ib'o ar.
away al T:4S al the Ormad Trarene
doa Taotdnr.
pride M bay per too vaa |7i4.
out of the cell in which Otilleau. the cr raembers
the (-tbinei a salary oi
hotpltal of peaeral perUonitla. follovTma«ara«e ptfoe of fat .cattle vaa 1ns a npliire of the anieadlx.
tnunterer of Pretidem Garfield. wa« flo.oiHl each. Tlir lor<l llniiroant rtCS.4t per cvt. of Cat bor> «4.0 par
conflneil, . Stripped stark ntk.-d ami rt-lv.-s
a Totr. Ihr lord
Tbe deeeaaed. who Ia ibe falber of
OadilteA Mleb.. Jnn. 11.—Wllhoiil
evt. aad of dreaaed pork SSai per
without keyj, tools or tn>*chaiilsin of o-lliir for Irelaii.l jtu.-HXt and tfar Brst
two little children, bad been In poor
Tbe arrrace piVe of each elai
any kind, hr i-im-rsed fmm
offlo-r*. oh.- .-nlered senrlcr from civil
baaltb for aereral yean follovlns
Mantotoo River Power cumpany. for
borwa vaa aa follova: Uader
o mlnuirs afti-r Lc I; I lM-«m . s.«T«ar>- ..f
two year-a aerrlee In the PhlllppIneB.
rnuehloo for a dam io the -Hanlaie. leeked In. He went alonp the rorrt
year old fSUS; botwaaa pbB aad
Ihr.s- laii.-r
vna thP
rtrer In Ibe Sbennan eocmiry and
y««n aM
boiveee ivo aad
dor and rHcased t*<i mndenineil jnur- liortrolio.
from hit borac aad'dncft^. eotal
power bouae. received Uie approval o ttenvs and other critninalt. Gnlteau's
ntwe yean oM. llOTAS, oad tbxve
Iniuriet vbleb have ulUaately I
The deuUi ..r BrlKadl.-r John t’anip/d. tens-•111
Its yesterday
yoan aU and orer yilTAt.
do* to te> ArbnioMd.n, n>
tbe prime rauae of dealh. After
k l<vv.-s lull .Jght.s-n.of
tbe provi
Vllcb oovB von worth tSLiS per
Friday, (no
o' March.
-Hist Rowena Peyton, rt AHanU.
relnni from the milpptnee hit health aloni «f tbe francbiie. aa
fleero <m Hu- n-ilred list <jc ih.
beod. Cattle other tbaa Blia cova.
Oa. whii danced with ti.- prlnr.- of
nmalocd poor and he hnd a tprloot;
who turvij duriUK Ih.- AlHiea
In crldeaee at a momlnp nrridoii
.nader oae yoar oU. ven vortb. par
Wal.-s, now Edward VI!.. at a I.Lviort-t
of bovRftroable wbicli of tbe board, but It wat not sitfarh-ni
f.Mir havins .dh-l since -]!hi4.
• .aiyof oty B>te. mm t-oort
baad|*.M; befvmxB MM twoyncal
bail plv.-n In his honor, by N.-w V..fK
a chronir atate of appendl- ty Rtranp tn voiea to prerent (lx- aMrrvmir..! :.-n ar-- hrtjtadlrr s.-h.-faU,
old «nr«etveaa two aad thrae yean
fliy when hr visited Atnerira, is .l>lny
cltlA He roatlBued hla manual laben ceptance and sdopUon uf the petition
. ilir. i- at.- roloiu-ls. Two lleuieiiaiii V..I
oM m.» and three yWa oM aad orer
For many .vrars she prddl.vl matclK's
owlas to tbe care whlefa a family enand ihr*s- majors. Six ar«- praile company proposes lo fucnlth OU the tirrvis .if Atlanta. Mi«s Pej-upon him and a veekv*oT«ee- power for Trnverw .Cily. Cadlllac-ao-l
uaie. of W.'si Point, four ate ui.-di.-nl
Tbo arerace' price of Aaep udnIon comet from the Th-yiiin fainilv of
day vaa eUlsed to take to bit bod. other ditles and rlllaios.
oirie.-rs. .m.- cup-re ijs<-rvlee from eiiil
oae yoar <« vaa «|JN. aad oae ymr
VIrstela and ts a drserndant of Joht.
Tbe prerlona day be bad n-orked la the
life, Ihrc- front the volliui<'<-re iiid
oU aad or« »4J*: b<«B not Miiad
Randolph of Roanoke.
Il.-r faihrr
with a OMipanlaB aad aaly
then M-ncil In The ranks lu-fou- b.-in*
Kteg wanta Woridto Poaea.
.owa______ it
von mrtb #4.11 per evL
went from Virginia In iteuih Can.llus
Ibe a»al faeroic otralo cooM be
Si.^ieral Iianii-I
Maiwetllea, iaa. 12,—Prlneo Arthur
Tho prlcM drea are for tbe aUte.
and the latter state tent him .............
rwUwt Mon avA MIA HB. .s
at work. Immediately collmpe- of Connautbt. nephew of Kinp Edward,
Kiiek-T is the o!i!.-si iti point of
Tbo-prfMa of (arm oopa an la imm
wewwrtev —BltWim 4v |l»
the prior
las on bit return borne.
vice, havinc
on bit way to Tokto lo .
oaata ootuldetably lower tbaa one year
He vaa rliltad tbe fbUovtag day by mikado with tbe order of the sartor,
ll-uleuani It
Afo; tbit to aopeeially tree of wheat
.............her day of beauty
w.-w Uily. MiteliM
phyMeton who eoaalden that the hat arrtvod boro,
intervlewod. the
aad rye where the decreaae to reepeetIt “the Sonlb Carolina hoiiri."
atrala of eomai wood tbe prwtooi day (•riace declared tkai Kins Edvard
iT^by-TfWrtwmtSty .mi.mia. Bankr Srlu-rff. i
- reform .
Irely M aad IS cenu. All yndea of
Buest of a friend'the was
ranted the rupture of the pppmdlx worklnsloteeurea
» p’jnirll
boraea are hishor tbaa oae year aio;
Now York at the time of the prince's
fonnd on op«iins at the hoapltal.;
ininre the pence of (ho world,
pulilnn ih.-m ••II a
alao catUa aM ho*A both aUrv aad
It and atlendX the ball siven hi
tbrousb a treaty which will unite the
4maM. an voia Bora tbaa la Jbm
honor. The prince wa* ttroek by •llvl of br.-ad aiiiT wau-r fur rorty-.- ith;
He rallied from tbe operation for the United Staiet. France. Ruttla. J
ary. IMI.
beauty of the South Carolina slrl hour* or mure wbrtii-ver they are ar
and Ensland. When naked if tbe till
remed. He l>elleve* that Ibix wnuhl
anee wat directed acaJotl Germany tbe
U- the most effeeilve punishment ibai
eoath Of Rraaldofrt Harper.
prioev related lo make any reply.
could 1m- d- vix-d and will pul It iMa
’ Cbteaso. Jan. 11.—WMtet dtalnei
Harper. LU D. prealdohl of the Dal
prarilce al .nice. In ifu- past nil typi
Treubisa Are Over.
Yarafty of Ofaieaso alnee Ut Meapttoa
enl -'Miaks" were k.-pi in durue>> til.Cape HayUen. Haiti. Jan. 12.—Sta
la l»l. rccarded by maay aa tbe tare
UDiil sober and w.-r.- ibeii releasnl.
Domlnso ditpaichet anSbunce that
Boat llebrev tehtitor ia America, aad
Mayor SrlierlT. iH-fiire his ■■tertltni. was
Prealdent Morales has takwa refuse
•dually renovoed aa an educator
a workman in un<- uf the local fa.It b fortlnv onleroi. thwl pwUP- aolin
In the railed States lesatioa these. It
torios. Willi 111.- nrwt day .rf hU a-1
a bUnoai man. died yoBorday after
to tuppoaed (hat be aeeka a aafo eoaU''*"*’- rt-nry hat approved Ibr applicatl
teMhldar uf bMnaa. u
tiega of cancer of tbe inteatlneo ai bli
a«*to. * B-npwpw pn
doci from the country under the Amer- R E. Oldw. JobD B. WhIUMa "
borne on tbe aairanliy camput
11 a slriclty I
kac Bas and that be will reilsn. ihut
|Prndden. Jame. J. Ralrfi. BBHb Gendlnr San Domlnsu't iranblet apatn
YnoBc mud oiherw to OfBaktee Ibe Capfor a tfoe.
t or tXiiBC. witb a .

pERE Marquette

... ..

R & L L TK ^




Whole Foot Notbhv But ProiHl neth
-Tried Diffenntfhyticitnt and
Ml KRds of OintRM^-CouU
Walk Onlj With Cnilchn-Ohio

4* ymm old.

Tbrao yaan a«o I

Harpw «a4arpt« aa epantlaa tor I
PMdljllto. Caneennta eondlthma 1
loved rweoery from tbla operaitoo
aad oi IVb. SS. IMS. an operatSon va»
doddod upon to determlae tbe i
i that Dr. Harper



who had charge of me



i^from a eaaaer ai tbe bead of tb.
that the rnatad)
bad.^|irosrea«l ao btr that an opera­
tion ^ remove It voald be fatal lo
tbo pattont Tbe onrxeona decided
that iha only hope of Dr. Harper lay la
MOdMd aMaaaraa.
WiaiBB Baiaay Harper
■roMK etadaat of Beallle ItarmaM
«bto ooaatry baa yet prodoced.

but with no
When ho found out
that wonldn'l work.

all kinds of ointmniA
foot and uwy up
aboro my eaU wat

^ asaciM r<w four }wafA and triad
am «aU«i la im- Tate made
a Ph. Ik la im: Odby a D. D. In
«M: Dai«mttyofltabraaha.U.IL.

ll is Bztcca months aSD BMC I bryan
utioi Cutoeura Soap aad Ointmeol (or
my limb aad foot. Tbe brat two
Mtho the CmieDm RaiMdim did not

Harper vaa bmebt to tba Untrorany af Chtexo ta W»l m ptate

f r; HaaMea. ha.hat beta bM wM
. W aeBMe teasiMM aad Hteretore.
•a addlUea to aervtois oee tom oo tbe
booed «f ednaUoa. aeUas aa director
af tbe HaabeM Oriental vneaea
«ma« odMortal poatUea oo the ttbItoal WerM. Amertcaa Searaal of Tbeviotr; ABerlean Soorval eC SeBllIc
|,Mtaa,B He atea telbe math,


teany text bookA ooaahlM -otm
*a Srtaitic iUaratan.

; Pram tbe Hate of Harper'a inaasaraI.:: .tlaa aa pnMMiiI ibe enlrenlty pree^ >oM aa U borer had before. RochefoHrr sarr Bnitee after bUIIoo. aad
I <teaeyiblai Hmper aOnd be vaerteed.'

MbA tSsT^toSb
f<M (he aaae w 1(1 never had trouble.
,''It to oi^ bcsiUm DOW sinre I

fttt. You (na pubtiih my nansr and
nter any one to write to me about



—That’s what a prominent
druggist said of Scott’s
Emulsion a short time
ago. As a rule we don t
use or refer to testimonials
in' addressing the public,
but the above remark and Fl.iyd C.ilf.-e .<f Watcrfirrd C.-ol- r
im skimks at one hoi.- li.i
expressions are caiiture.!
Jeroey mmiwtooei are famous (or
we.-k and is heralded a-s the rhimpl.iB
many tbino aad almost any sion' made so often in connec­
pol.-eai cbaM-r In tbe dlsirirt. While
eoetenilnc them will «nd bellevert.
tion with Scott'sEmulsion «ut the way hone he end--avured le
l.-M sonv of his o.-Uliliorr of hit w»ijalze of the inmmer variety aad wilt that they are worthy of
•lerfnl catch, but ih.- lati.-r all maddouble tbe appetite is the story 'eman occasional
note. From hasty retr.vts to 'teir home wlihou;
atinc from MUIvtlle. N. J,
infancy, lo old age Scott's watiina for the deiail* On.- firm..
Tho pope. foUovdns. the presiedeo;
■«ald: -Ho imss.-l- m.- .m hi* wa.
lUUitbed by the Madrid eonfcrcoee Emulsion offers a reliable biime and I didu i ilnulu the rtorr a
of IB80. has asked Autirta and Spain
means of remedying im-he c»uod over .r,.-t-nc.-of hi. lun.
to propose rellrloat liberty In Mor­
"•"UKiit i..- bad bapsod i:i
occo at the comlna conrereneo at
seciras. Hit bolloets bas Informed nent, restoring lost flesh
both Boveremeati tbot if rellsioas
and Yntalitj". and rejiuiring
The acti
FVa lOlch
n iS30. will waste
bo re^tubllsbed.
Scott’s Emulsion is no
Cmilie Grissby. who was favorsd by
more of a secret than the
the laic Charles T, Yerices by
erous slice cf his biR esU'e. has ts-cn composition of tbe Emul­
- tbe victim of the New York as­ sion itself.
What it does
sessors. who etilmsit- her lu-rsooal
it does through nourish­
dlh at SMABM. Other Gotham
of nourish­
Doubles to be lltiej are Hrieo Could.
Urwwr* wrli rulu*
Its.uflo; Gt-ldie Wood, former chorus ment that cannot be obtraterirMoalctav
bM aad wMow of Alati Wood, the
ts InM.’n n, Un
mlllloeaJre. Mon.neu. amt
Ansust Belmumt. «l»,iK)il.
No system is too weak or
The A'anderbill and Corlet fortunes
Httnp TUM n ISmI
ddicate to retain Scott’s
pe to. be Jotned. acrardtnR
friends of HUs Gladys VanderbUi aad Emulsion and gather good
- Ihlnc. .luk tttoM
Rohm W. Oortrt. scho say the lady from it
add I* tee >m .cm




Real Estate and Leans'

Traverse CItj. mclL




of the match. Ever since Miss VauderWK aniered aoelety a yev ar>. Hi
------- < bas paid her marked atieniiM
laioa would aeon an alliance of
mmense fonanes. a omaemilvs
ale~or their eoatened VMJlIi
placln* it at WOMo.ono.
The first lllada temple In the wcw

Vc wH «M TtM a

’ m tedSt «.T. I
' S«c.aM$l: aBtetefiHk ''

a*a> bsr
■a ai IrcB MteSU

Property of AH Kinds for Sale
and Exebange
We will get you seven per cent per. annum for
your money and give yoo as iecurity gilt edge
Traverse City real estate or gilt edge farms in
Grand Traverse County,- Mich., where yoor-v
money will be absolutely safe.



•Ota. a baadkeenhW aad Ma
aa*ip aad aala. Mp brotbar Maps
aim la tha MaaaUme poa Bam all enaMIMeatpaadgaeatoMtael. Pa
roara^rm Baaahl^ loai tha lahaallag) HnaBahaata
r ^ b«ls to haap ^ lalea. Tee
tkU for lea weeka aM ta net «dl p
wm. Bill roe aoi. au Baabeama?
Hr nttle Mothtw Ivaa b boglaaliig
talk and tap to beglaalagrto wa
<We water ibd eown every ntgbt I
_ itheaaaMOt olcUlltttelrieade
pnpm Aa it to ttase lor .bwd. I wUl teve
lo ’etasa ter thto Hba ao goodd
With bem wtohet to one aad all. 1
Katie Btidaei
Sgete UaeacD b«tfd ihateMCd
P, S-—1 driak H b verp good of the
MJ dear mue Sntatee (rttadk Ue- man who alto ap algbta aad pruts 01
mbeth Paickto. who lire* aeroM the toUeta. Men are a few leaves of ot
road trOM Mt la tha Wc red booa^ haaae mails. I wlU scad a paekai
had etflua* a preUr Thaokaddiic of Bower seeds.
I. I aahed bar ir t Bight not print
Thank poa tar the Bower seeds si
it ^ the ether SonabMen to read. Cor tha pfwttp taarea. wbleb took t
■MbMb bai ben a Sonablner Cor Ihongb.U was tammer tomaad of wl
al^eral jean. A* taat abe aaid w# tor. Too Bam have had maap ebaam
ha*e.U It 1 vmdd proMlae
naa tar auie. bet at Mat abe •
tealod. A>r Jt I* al«M ibU pleaaai

MCA go np a

lOa M dap. t apeta a plom I
B« dar. The aaaa nf It waa -T
First Fartp-" 1 wlU taO .poa whal
gat for ChWstmsi
I gnA-a pair
ahem aad omtataea, a aew wmai, t

total Saaahlaer
matber was to 111.

wbib IV dei
1 am glad she

Hareote triad, tai mas tea trigbg-

o BigMa rt main
.-Ther weal ap
ta the room when.PnaUU. mho
W iiromliif to hiafc after Joha. waa
ptoee <g paper- t «<U have to ctoae nadUg an ladlaa atcryfor thto time, so good-bpa. Frtm
Auu F»a sad a ama^. ilndjoakbig lady wMh a wceried took to her
Age IS.
P. S—i tape yon hrt a mncir eyes, came «(> the meps together.
Cbitotaae aad I wito poa a happy Aim Fba waa kanylac.
"I tag yoor pardea.- arti the wurNew Tear. .
The names Bemtoe sends are Bmma BM-kmkUg tody, “bava you aeea my
Beck aad Clara Wetleta of tUngatoy. buy Niekr I acat Urn over to berrow
We wM be glad to add them to our
Mg Ibt of KUgsley BoatbUera.
>Hir they heart, snd both tool
^ Kick was ea the ledge abi
^Pta. CaL. Dee. n. 1MB.
IbOr beads, aad tat. slow John i
Daar Prnddtot—I wlR wrtu a Mw
llaes toaIgM. Mp teacher baa gaa*
Anal FAB and the mwrtod-kink
OaUaad for her vatation aai
lady never climbed two fllgbu
wPI V hack a wedi fra Bandar- FV
ctBlia so qaickip before.
-Dca-t sercam at them.'' said Ibe
mp frtota'a pletsre. ChrtotBas
here waa. warm, aad 1 cnens to MieUgan It was anowtog I gnaaa yot
see Mbs Bbosk st Oakland. I woold
noi Veetoined the Sonahine dob. tat
Mbs Shank WM I had.tatter, to I dkL
Tbe green grass b two or Urec laeii>

tody. Wbro
nacbed the naa wbero Joha sOU balancml on tbe sill. rtUe Ntok prondlp
dsmeed on (ta todga. tbep were to-j
braathless - and
too frigbieaed
amvam. Atml FAa grabbed John by
bis shin waist and aboe strings anl

BNteB valksd arooad tbe true aad
viewed blm oRkany from all aUes. U
BUuaa bad been a boy he moold have
pw Us baads la bto poekoU. andTtan bA atartad tor tbe baiA. Inga la wMcb t
BerealD feU blmsslf deeerted. and

.1 Us critical

W'e refer to tbe srorU*s isrgeat

ta*bF rice! dock. Ibe D. D- Desrey.
and robbteglnad the etmnrpteg cf Ibe astamer
s togs. said. I from Cbrsapeake Bay lo Manila Bay.
wbree It to to reeelTe tbe tergvta sea- Jeha stooped and pMted blm. Ae- sets of oor aavy when they n^ re­
knowledgtec tbe stroke of a frtesidlp pairs e
Tbe great-Jwlk caaant stnsr lurif,
‘Meow?- Tbea be went a few Mepa l» and it is an openllon of ao llllto moward the door, and lamed to see If .meai tp transport It over foartem
Jobs eaderstood.
ibootand miles rt sea. Tbme large
-Wbai's up. BtKsea. ye rinaerr eoUlcn. tbe Olactor. Caesar aad Bniasked John.
J lui. wtll tow tbe'dry dori,. using for a
replied BtUtce. trotting , io,ug line a mile aad a half of Mnrbead.
j mous steel ropev. provided wKh paes"Bure. bes a kaowte' animal. He dej —.o. rasblons
where they might
I the trsscis.

Tbe three

ndllen and the dry dock wiB comnudrow him back. Then. boMUg blm
Aad Itan Blllaen t
It nkAte bp wlraless tetograpbp. aad all
tlghu sbe began to cry.
ilm to Ibe tree -wbere Hcvenlo still
every dap.
.Tbe wofried-tooklng lady knell calm­ elu^ and mill bowled dolefcnp.
tarn Cor a toog time. I wlU take Ume to
Yoor Santolne frtaad.
mw ao beta U the poes. aad It
ly bp tbe window. ~l want Ibe mateb-A*r coorse 111 gel Urn down for pe.
As for Mr. J II W-<ari. Ilw lugAmswrite a few Uam to poa. It b palle
UUto Notmana
VonUt be a good plan U roe *c
ea. Niekp.•• abe saU U an even votee. Blllactt,- said Jobn, taUng la tbe sll- lar. wbo wM carry out the aovatsUnk,
•toe ikis Boealng. FOr Cbrtmi
I am very giad Mbs Sbwto toto you
eat H eat nnd aare It to ape
, *i forgot, trulp. mother.' eald Nick, nalton. "Ve'ie a clever feller eniire- be any expeci tn haw a w-mto voj. parlor set. a haadkerebict.
trout the cIdb and g« >oa to toto.
and with Ital be vaulted Ihrougb
age OB bto new tevUihan. lor It to said
tor, a ribbon a£d aau and ewtoy
th«V« net otbera «d oer Member
window aad Uio ber annA
And sooB. bp the help of a ladder that lb the hcavltfsi fens the door of
We anme aaallower needs In the
Ast I woold liCc to ace it.
bnre wrluea poema. atorfaa or eaanra?
rraaklU appeared at ihU mom
and John's slrong arms. Herrulu was the dry dock will lie ss Brmlp lever as
aad the Uitle Urta aad aewiireto
U so. are wUl all be dad to aee tbem
t’nder iboie
Klognley. Mbh.. Jao. I. ItO*. - baking renebed Ibe end of bis Indian land^ on the groutd very much tnm- any slpurture on land
aad eat them. Our pet UUp died the
la oar department.
wn lo his mind
e think the goveraDear President—As I We o litllu book.
other dap aad we onip bare one
■I was mosi ibrouMi the window,
g as Ibe
n expenses by takteg
kklr-Bow. Hp brotber gnes lo school: lime between classes. I pill write
brotber.- said John, -and Aupt Fan rerelred from all the family;
Maple CUp. I had a nice lime
cried because 1
didn't get
-Blitaen.' aald bis mtotreas. -you
hotais 00 roll today,
W'e bad
rlatama end New TcarW. and hope
• PWiiWfc«i
shall have a blue ribbon, loo. You may
f^tWa-lMdaowUdnad bnre.
■ had a nice tlnur loo. 1 Wc three Christmas tree si our stooolbotsBe ai
ce the worried-looking Indr
not have aap blue Uuo.1.
Ther laadrt cm New Rnglaad
leva and flva brotbefS. Hp oldest I got a tabler. three hsndkerefelefe.
loaK«t«M«(.lk*Md;. I
dad made ttxdr drat homes tbcrt
lar b eighteen pesra old and mp hair rltftao and neck ribtan. a pen.
nnrti w k* M«)TC viU •
Aunt FAn miked n loag-tlme to Frank- worib baring In man or l<casi
oMcal brotber b eeventaeo pears old. walrt. noil s enrt from mp teacher.
ifAn Btaadia waa the capUin.
- . kwtaoMpftheiA.
Un aad John, and Franklin cried a lit
Blilarn purred conienltdlp. dnstes'
Wn a Hitle babr brother. I Wi- Miss Dahl Manlgold. and tashles. aU
I «ut to Mm to ^ aadidltek, int
aan both brave aad trne.
oo. and was sarvy that he' badn't bis epes. and micktec out bis liille red i
It is jiBt about impnmible In ta
nuts and candy I could eat
CrtoM that wooM nke lo tola the
. : lik%
siek when the hoselv are right and
Atfd wtib bhn came aomc others.
kept bis promise. When tbep weie tongue from Miecr baptdnesx
eaaool IbUk of anpibUg more 1
■aafatoa edab, so pleute tend tar
nut pusssililc tn lie well when they
I «wt «•«« (h* «M«n lP. JMH
And MwT .PM brave men. too.
through talktag they' ga‘ »«» naito
bopont for Urn, lt«eemed. r
are wrong. Tbruugh its acthm ea
piMM iho* «e hov!
and A hammer and nailed down
tbougb he bad never seen -tbo inside
n«MM Wtaa tber arora etsrrtng
U, Bbe to atoptog with Hra. Oeo.
adoM. too-oh.
•New Idea Magarlne.
window good and fast.
Soaa.lBdiaaanma to aap
eg. Her addmsa is Geneva
dnr. mj aeoa* 4n*ped!
John, mcaoilme bad taken the
«oald bring them Ulngi
Imacka. Maple Otp. IBch.- R. P. D. NoPMmp. BM jxav ctalr • UtUe Mt,
Whe Can Aiiavcrf
onld like to tola the Sunsbl
pick aad untied bis sbtK-s. So be ealle-l
kw« H»t wtort irpoppod.
lease send her a card and builoe.
up. 1.
3 agate.
FAttar had inlsbed bto sapper
OhrftmttM! Iip4krw4 U me; r
eWntihe beriy inside
Thank poo for ibe name of the new
What's wanted?- came from ibe pleked up Ibe dally paper, when
lanbeth Patchla.
Irene Birtsep.
OD lodging pUcefor dim
. t>kam»»<«tbeapooL
member. There are now more Bue- oib«r end.
Ue. wbo Is a Hvteg qaemkm n
once you w'vfa
wi-Ji to know how
ho* it feels
What .a beaniirnl bit of sonahli
LooU .1 CM iM<» U aU
•hUcTB in Klagnlep and that vldnltp
tn be thoroogbly well, give this
in a drawing monotone,
lag M tte KooL
to an making for the hungrp birds
Qitr. Hleh.. Inn. S. IPOC.
tan Is'nnp other town except Tmv
farooua laaaiivn tea a UiaL
Qh. «Nrt B-e vuj feaor. but
Dev PlMdeot—I wai now take and aqulrrols. Ton suiwlp deserved
•an at}.
SoU by all deslen at age. aad see.
bai mnnethlBg heavy was weigbteg oa
had wred next door. Only Aimt Fan
pour own happp Cbriainas.
pleadurt la arHOac to roe.
>M«e ahita iu ve.. .
ils mind Ibal needed parental enlicbt
Northport. Mleb.. Jss. 9. 19K.
and Ws ssether came In la the mMdPAM ]HD apt M Ibe ihiwd CD thrc
eeiaad tha cart aad batten nnd tbiak
Ralie and Rene send the names of
Door President—I thought I wtmU of our gwUlDg ool of tbe alUe wtedow.
them aptr nkc. I go to aAoel
all sebool cMMrea fma Maple City
•lutowk ItfraMur!
write to poo. ss 1 bsve not wriuen be­ and Franklin son he's never goUg to
' aad R. P. D. : wbo wish lo toln.
wm jm. BWMt. It. «oat Uk« dar. t KnUr ■>>*«< «>» tar alaee
,-W'elI. what I. It. boot- falber am
fore. 1 woold like to toU the
ta a tad bop agate and forget me. and
Mac; bat UmwtbtT* tart, m martad. Mr brother Jntlnaeaam home
Evary new and old aub■ProveMt. Mich.. Jao. «. IWM.
shine club. Please send me a card
a much obUged.-—MpeiFOB'x Ameri- wered..
Cbtlslaat wtth ea. I had a
Dear PraaldaM—I am oalv h<
acriber to tha Hdrald, who
'TIo tbep snakw'whaleteme o<
and hniton. fkir Cbriatmat 1 meeired
n FamUp 1
good lima ChriatBaa dar. U U i
am. Old mad I tbon^i I was tc
pair of gloves.
has paid In full to Jan. I.
MiC tedhir to verr aloe lo •
tong to wine, ao I tbasgfat 1 woH
aad lancer, a boito and s pinnre. Mp
"Yea. aoa." aald falber gted for
1907, will rocolvos Rroat
»e doem. bM It U mdi like eoii
Mi AUea to anile-for me. Altoe aa
A Oacorwtten of Haner.
Are ihet be could answer Willie's
teacher's name b Mrs. Davis. I
DotM** Mother ibooU:
I Ukp Bj-teacher verr tnech.
magazino paper. Farm and
moe am Jototog the Saoahie
cry moeb. Mp madto are i
•'You-ow-w:- sbM Blltsen. "Whal qnestloa.
pwat let m vork oa jonr Mechtee.
apM UHla* Halvervm. I bad a good
Firoada, abMiutaly fro*
and I. wonld like to toto it to
■MMM. I kMW 1 coold.
are yon doing on mp iwemlneuTtlBN diirlng 'Mr vacsUoe. For peU
Please aetKl me a card aad pin. I am langustte- spelling and penmanshl
lor a full yaar. Farm and
' orator ,
Where M «r ibiMbUt M.4eu«e!
ow bare two plgeona' and a e
The otber eat looked np from
Bdng to sebool now as tbww is
Fireside is from 24 to SB
^ber 4M net t£tek dto qoratkm
As mp letter is getlUg long now I wi
I ent p« M<ben Ib
amrt BpbQicL I think I Boat doe
plate before him. lie was entoplng Ibe
to snow. Bn mamma told me 1 Vd riOML boplBg to see tbb in prim.
pagea, twice a month, 24
WllhoM e (blaWe to poih throoch. I
ir lettm U getting long. I am la the
good breakfast which bad been placed wortkr ef ropip.
to aQU for UU wtour. I am U 1V
Yoor BunsbUer.
are Ibe people of Greece
redr cadtbeclB.
forth grade
timea a yaar.
See tha
grade. I bad kna ed fna at sebooL
Age 11.
BSte lUngt-r.
Vtat'aiMii I lo; ra
ire bM pelu
I visiting I
witb mp mjs. Tnaaerar
I remain, vllh love to all the Bnnoffor mlaewhera in this
I was aUtlag wUh Lawnee. 1 tbUk
Tbe Dice, cleer bandwlriiDg of bolb
No answer.
cteMbdoMerelcht. ..
Mn«n. As erer.
we have abont aeveatp-Bre aebolan BSle and Henry shows An; they siodp
Then I rerkon tbe people of Cork
■•MMk. pedll bare lo Mere ■
Tear Snnililiie bor.
-Wbal Is pour namer funher
cm .the roU. Mr teaeVr'a aao
faithrallp U' acbooL
.re eorkerar
PiWM.eHite B tha Upkt.
quired Blllseo. still'wavteg bis I
Age to.
. TbomaU aiinsteim.
lore Hanaoa. For Chrtotmas i
The paper was partlcalarip tet.
ThoM «««l I've heated all aiw
though In a sMsewhat .toss -waiiike
Ttmnald mnai udi ni nmre abo.
NerHiport. Mk-b, Jnn. 9. 19«.
bad a paper deg aad a kM pf caadj.
lanner; "and why U ihat blae
U pigeons neme time. Have poo
Dear Premdeni-1 Itaogbl I woo
As tbb Is the Brut time 1 aa writing,
Brotber was silent for nenrlp Bve
to lied oo pour coHarr
BMda for tbna aad do they coa
I will now close mp letter, so good wr«e a totter to the Herald. Ptoase
aad then saU. T read la a
-Mp mistress calls me Herento. I'm
Wim rw eaU them?
eend me a card and tallum For Christ
bpe. From
p-irf Wooded Angora, and that rib- hook todtp Ibal Bias was a flower.
I. Mich. Jan. C. IMS.
1 reeelred a pair ot gloves, book,
Age 6.
Hcraaa Denopvr.
Does Ibal make me a sonflowerr
PidsMent—Aa 1 have sothlng
Daar F
ikerefaief and a cup sod sanecr boa to tor a prtre I look In a eat show,
Aap UUle top wte to big emgb to
Willie was dlscrmraged lolhtek ibti
ve taken lour"
I d% 1 •
will write roe a (ew llnea, hop­
e la the Bret gouie at aebool b oU Mp teacher's name b Mrs. Davis. I
.UtlM Pam •( UttM Mapm
s qaesuras should go asaaswerm.
-Hnmph; Well, mp name is fllluen.
ing row ate wdl. , I bavam'l got over caeagb to be a BanahUcr. and we arc
ber very mneb. .Mp stodles are
“Br aad hr h a verr bad bor.
hh-h oronv llchtnteg I'm railed tba' and then turned to bto matber and
arUhmetie. langoage. reading, aprtb
II glad to have poa to>n.
Bbaa him at nee and torever:
>caBBe I can scrateh with mp claws
KtoMOF. Mtcb.. Dec
Fbr ther wta tram with "Br and br”
Tear'a.. I bad «aUc a tUee time. For
port as quick' and sbarp as Ilgbialag
Dear Prctodenl—I tboughi l would ship. As mp letter is getiug loog J
Soon come to ibe beoae ad "Never.
mas I got a pair er ahoea and
strike. I'm Post a plain cat. and
111 cUcc. bopleg to see Ibis U priot.
Faibcr was getiteg tired of Ibese
rr took a prise tn mp life: I
rnbben. a handioBe white akin, two
“I Cadi- la a Maaa tHtla eowart:
Prom pour SunsUeer,
UbUU'aad a calendar, a little baaket
eateb mice and spnrrifwu and quvMlons. and i-jrned li> Willie and
A bop that M baK a Baa; .
Age »a.
Henry Ranger.
I will leU pcto what 1 gut (or
said. "AHIIam. It is lime to go to
with a chicken la It and seven band- Christmas.. I BN a work boa. toohlag
Be* •• klB a pieekr. aretl-tantor
We are gbd u» bsve poor sbter and climb a tree like a squirrel,kerehirfa. eandr aad ants. I am golns glass, a doll aad two bandkerc%lefs.
Aiteln i;;e tall waved
That the MHd kaewa and honera,
ytm toU (be BaovtalneelsA Yon mu>i
rnuie Slarted, bm a' tbe s’alr door
1 Can.lo Irr lo go to aehnel lodar. W
looked dnlv Impressed.
have bad a veij- bam Cbrlvtmas.
plate. That
umed aad ask.ri iBnorv-nily. "Is mp
-Gr-rrl- eoaltened Mitres. Iiegii
gmaglotaaea new teanber. One of aU. 'tt'lllb b gtfng to write to pi>u.
iitle tniDdle tad a tapcoiir
nine to eat Ibe breakfast which lav «
gpwss 1 wUl
Franklin, John and Nick.
ler plate close by. "Uouy you
aU FHdar- TUa is all 1 can tbiak c
ta. so gDOd-b>
Bet U roe nhoiiM B«el -I Forget- br:
-WVt srember*" asked Ceatral.
eicpbsot as a Nurse.
tor this time. With love to rou at
dire touch sup of m« hcraktea. Ket-p
prom pour Su
. the war.
-I. 2. ,V taU John.
all the SaaVaata.
■nr own ptete."
Tb>- nbole family <>r Ihe mali-m< l>
HeVa^mat, aad roo d bwter Wk«,
ITZ was (be general manager's num­
Rosa Jeasnp.
nme. as |I were. |>snisilr-s ir> ib'- ele
■hanl, b> wtam ihey rarn thnr llvhope rou will soon V over rot
pan very well when be ocni around ob
Jobs did not knew that, tat loereJi
■n h-ng lo grow quite aniahle.: nc 1 have Men a tabv ptorol l.y its
Ih. Bona. What a apUodld rVnee
Klagsler. Hteb. Dee. SS. I»iU.
. it taenuse I, :. 3 were the only opeelnilp when he raw taw rei.[ieer. mniber <«siematlraly under iberoe trill have lo shew iV new taaehDear Pmldeoi-I thought 1 wmM eumberv be knew
' (tillp Het-reto ws'.ehed his. espl'd's.
pbsni s esrr. snd snihte reach ef
Christmas eve.
-What's naalodr' he heard preseote morning Hlliren sianed »ft ta
while Ibe moilier went u. feirh
write to }00. Papa U eulllttg wood. I
fnre dspllgit (UI an exlSedllWo, wblrh
• or In gel w<s»d or mslcrial in
will tell poa what 1 cot (or Chrisimas
CUwpMnvih-. Jan. C, IMS.
"Jobo-wants bb Aunt Fan lo oime kept blm longer than he meant It r-uk Ihe familp dtancr. Nn Jackal or
a cup and saucer, a Jack-kaUe borne, and tie his shoe loose. Tbep'ir
Umir pnaMtat—I was glad to hm
wolf would be likely
It per Uvm eboaM be epoUed br
dek up ai
ume lUdtode-wiaka. Jack got a
Imm rou il.Uoeghi I nmdd write and
hart knot aad be trips oo 'em.
'Plates em|Kp. eti*" be mused as ta
Ml roe wMt a alee lime i had Cbrim- toek;knlfc. A cap nod saucer aU a lit­ FrehklU's reading, too. and aoC took- reacbed ibe klieken door. "Now. wha<
—Barpefe Yooag PeopM.
I 'Went to the ChHatmas liwe tle horse and wagmi. It b aice today. ing after John as ta lou you be woohl
gnqd IMng |i <ras that I esngbi that
t* lived ,a We In .he
Wril. 1 gocsB I wilt dose (or thb time.
RMaoaeeaadr. Tberbadi
when poa weal on that errend. I'm
muse. Where can Hereulo be. I wonFrUar. Jan. ih
nice alagtni; aad speaking. Mr grand­ BO good bye.
kaeoDBc. Borse b Ironing, and awfnl
-r.Jackal Of wolf to rmrrp'off a taby
Frtim pour Biuubiner.
Twealr new meabers since IsV ma b Urlag at oar place. She got
scoMp. loo."
-Mcow«*l Meon-ow;"
when Kteg In a but wbea the moibweek.- That la.a good mart tor the, me a lot of preacala and mr ma
Wlllb Horgao.
-I'm aorry,'' said the general man­
Blluen pricked up bto enr:
•'r tar* to turned
sew rear. Their namm ate;
TMdlr-dealnks to lots of (no to
i|M got Be -OBe preaenu.
ager. -I'm not Aunt 9'ao. oor do I
"Tbai sounds lanlllar! "
Tbe eblldrwn thns Lroegbt up in Ihe
plap. is It not: Yoo both had a nice
NetUh Frtak»e. .neafT >M aracto
g a oikbton tor mr moihr
knon where she b: tHil >on bnni up a
-Merawra.;roaptnloBvMp of aa riep'iaat lieeamc
Hcladta. Ihmer. A. r. A 1.
New Tear's Mr lemher gave all the Christmas. 1 am mre.
plrk. mp vn. and stick It U pout
"Kerrulo, ss sure as I'm a rat? tie familiar with him. and.Uke all klads
Orade. Andrew. BamBle aad UnM sdralan a present tor ChHs&naa.
Kingstop. Mich.. Dee. 31. I90&.'
ts. aad see If poo eaa'i get them
lUM be la some uerspe Nriw, nfalrb of litanies with blm. wHeb the eieCroaffc. Honor, B- P. 0.1.
Dear Prmideni—i tboogbl i aooM out pmsrsetf.
bevcd'l been ea Ibe lew this winter.
Mapta bp ibai Ume dlreetlflu—ab. freal lawn, I goess." pkani see tut lo eedure na tbe prinelBBe and Haarr Baagsr. NartbpoK.
Maine thoagbt .their pins were crile to jva. as 1 have not written tor
FAB will come borne or PrasUU Asd BUlreo ambtod away ihllber.
pte teal k does am bun bin. while |r
B|la aad Baaa Beck and (
eerr pretlr- - Mr OtahdBa Aiuila i» a hmg Uito. I hope you are (eeUag will slop reading, or anmelblng Inter­
-MeuwowTev Ibe tsbfld. You see a Illil’
veer akk now. Tber don't think sv
Whai did you get for ChrtotmasT esting wUl hmppem. Good-bye."
Bb'nen looked up in the tercb tree, naked Mnek cblM. about two fret hlgb.
wOl ave. Wbll. that it all I can ihlnl. We had a Cbrimsaat tree at oar scbuulBo John, quite eoeteoied. riaried bigh up lu Ibe btaoebet of whlr.h maadteg on the elepbairi's bare Imek.
hontr. I got three haadker^Ms. two
of.-ao good-bre.
wnmalra tor n mst-pirk.
clang Herralo. Jnst beyond his reach aad lafclag H down lo Ibe water
Toots tralr.
ribbons, a pia trap, a phuter parts cbm.
lie weut ddWAfaster iban be UienC> dosea sparowa twluerlns with talbe. sbowtlag all tbe time la ibej
Ada. Blraer and Sddoa BaliabM.
lw« botilm of pertame. o ChUstaos
Badir PerUna.
. for be mepped i« -hii shoe strings Mrt langhter st the terror and dlscom
of aallve;
1 aa ante poor Bother iboncbl tbc cart and a saeh cd candy, nois ano
d piteltod down, tamping each stop
•n ef their wouM-ta enemy.
abusive to'nguage.
ra. AU rt oor laaUp went to
he went At Ibe faMToo be sal op',
•ahton was one o( bar^aieem pret-Hullo;- saM BlitM. ralrnlp. "Wbp
Ob arrivlflg at tbe walAr tl
HApBaMUhria-BBaiompamil-s. We
epued to bowl, bat stopped with Us< »o-t voueemedownr
Its. 1 hope the dear gnndmaiber
pAaat. aateostMy te obtaleece
bad SAptoadid time. Borne ol oOr rel- muaib all opeu: tor there was the new
better bp thb time.
-CSab'i-PA so kMgb? I'll la:
A pair of Wonn JSVtefl for
eMId's commands. Itos down and en j
A*or oar n^. Bamhar. «ad aaaa
ailvas ware ibnrc tram Troverse City. bop who bad last moved la next door.
-What made rou eltmb op (here, Joys himaeir. Josi leavlag a pvt of bis'
bom wear may aave a doctor
_-JSaple Cil.r. MIrt. Jan.-7, IMC. Two o( mp frteads wouM IIV to .
eomred those who wrote Uat week
"What's pour namer asked Jobs.
anyfeow. If you were loo neared to'
I totead above ws-'
AH kinds of winter
Dear Pr«eideBi-d will wtile and let the SontUne dab
ehasee to show that tber
I Wc a llule
-Nick.- amnm-d ibe new bop.
co»c down again ?small ebUd ataads
footwear for meo at tbe right
d»o leaahloera
era br watUag patioatir a r«ata<w that 1 am wen and bcqfc oar
Her name m Dia PehuJi.
-Are poa St. Nick's Utile bopr
■TA ham the sparrows. Maew?aad yrtlo. aad yefla all the more If ta
Cm |M«e dan cor thdr cards and bU ptanldaai and iv Snnahlsen are well tgtob sift was Aldar. We have i
asked John.
-Ha. bar lataef tbe aimrrewa.
of bto own
«a4 TV part* hara an tarn Has tou Ohr aebool waa am Ue Batordap
> « vaeaUna. I Bke to ga
-No, IV the OU Nick htaaacif. M- -Cbw. etae!age. atoa la charge of p
•tafc ibcB. but tha aew tauoar arcT Ohftamas. We bta a good tisc
tber asps.' answered tbe new
-wett. poo lam csrteg ywdr Mad
waBowte la ibe water aranta him.
haat^eoMa Jam aa aoea aa th« ' >at dap. Oar tadetar .gate as
snadtr. 'tad mp. roa'n got a
tern ofr to tb* ant kraaeh below.
Opp. WhlttDB MotaL
the ebEd allpn eB- his islaad tbe
do id .dptlma wDUhe ataled to m. cards tar ChrUtiut sad cMp and
ledge hnwnd tbe lop of poor how.
•ispbaat's tniak prempUp reidoees
to kao* whkh ooea of oor frtendi dp'
tha adce Uriaga and f waa aere rou
voeld all ea>or It the more U roe

high aad we eUMren plap out et doo


Lane’s Family


jusrrx.'issgsa; Wgg.

Betnt Sbets ai Bmst nice»

Be 0wl t0
Veur Teet

Rssdaad Dsaplass

I Ip (or gre mtaotoi, add the
p ahoold bo prolMled. That's
hoaletp ud carefullp mtadCd clotoca.
meat, (era oet oe a dtoh and eet awap orer. tor hraebeow er tapper. «
e your oteoBd pair eg socks docs
to eooL Wbra dart
with frwthlp boned aM drained poU- They alBo learned now eetbroMerp
lork. But. as w matter c< fact. In
iltohllp laoeane tbe qnuiftiea of boh
very cold wratbar every emc sbould
ter aM Boor—toke two rather heap­ •aeor aM driatlaeei of tbe ditb. other when oot eo bnap- The dab
doth tops covering (be whole up.
ing ublecpopnfato of bnltn aM three Ttawe wbo like eUlk toast with a toiek- etSI to extoHBce. aM toe good work per pan of tbe shoe.
afnaar. Cook tbe better util brown: (Bed grarp will SM It extra gbo
to going OD. Thto
•Tnib doubled aocka mto medium-'
Md the Boar nM attr ualll it la well toep will dtp tbe (cast In boUlag
le eu tap a word It
weight aboea you coo walk on lee In | L
The maa becMset inpaileot. doobl- biowned; tola extra cooUag rota
ter wbicb has been tailed ud a n
lere weather ud not Jraow It's cedd— I if I
leec iweaiv (aad jr aweartag la JetU- of a poriloe of lu tolekeoleg qualltl
of boiler tlirred In. ud u
toe SDCfa a club tbe will (eel that abe as far u your fret are eoBccrard. (K ' l-J
Th« •!>« «mi «Mt «Dd the eUmaer
taUe It U at Ibla tlm«l. be la berried, benn ibc Increeae In amouol. Stir In tllcet are placed In the bol terrlng bat done a good wort.
be ia late at the oSlce. aad laar be
, add tor milk grarp. pairing
'After hearing tbit ud knowing bow
Ibe protectloB eg the > .
Aad the oM hiowB h«Me eeeaed vnu bU naexpeDded inilaUoa upon one cupful of dark Mock,
dear (riendt 1 had to errantry pan of (be foot, where tbe larger blood
s -wbo would enjoy a cultlvatej venaels run down, to toe amla iking.
meat crequrttca. It la
F0r Mbedr tmat*. ud Dobedr i<*M.
tfoni (eel coW If the n
The roehf Mh* sroBbled, the oU
The (ollowltg artleir from a recent
I It up. hoping ethers wilt read It your foot to warm
been alreadp cooked Ud neede no (urMki creeked.
heoaewite. All becaeM the goldea iber nppllcatlon of beat except to de- oomber of Farm and FlreMde aolrts
ergulze a club among ibcm■'I'd like to ndl you a pair er
Tber' hed ccae boae
X (or erarTthlBg
■lop tbe Bavor of tbe aaim and tbe
There black oaes would Jnst go with
•rerTtblag la lU plaoe, waa not ob- eubiequrat browolng of toe croq»c>'*- coonirp comniinliiet eM tmsn rilnewtboet. Tbey'reoBly—ao.
time? Well, rail agaim’-N.
(tooked and ch
Ctointp' Company Dianea.
Maap a mlabap Id cooking la tbe
oer Ibat Home Cheer copies It I
peat, ele, map be prepared
aalt or not being able to find an article in the tana wap.
(be beocBl of lit readers. In fact,
Julat the Une it la needed. So niicb
Wbu toe CToqnerie mixture it coo! need out t(e limited to small placet.
Hem* Cwraa.
cold water, adding (be Juice
ao nach wear and tear
last toe kind of club that busy a
It it rtadp to be tbaped. One or note
lemon, the grated rind of (wo orange*,
For tore throat try a compreaa of
or mind aad
nere wmm\ » dlaiple (ran braw
•m be needed for dipping, men upwhere might enjoy wbo ci
eold water.
patting thloga la plan aad keeping
potalblp drop all tbelr borne dalle* a Rick of rinumon. half a doti
For Wllon* colic try aoda ud gto^Bt her cmile trae bricbt eitd ehcMT. them In order.
entirelp. for even one or two efter- aM a little grated nutmeg: allow this
erackera. bui bread cnimta give
to simmer on the back of tbe
ger lo hot water.
Begin earip to teach (he children o^
oont In a moolb.
She wohe »M e word of the coM ud derilneea. Give (be child a place (or a critper reenlt; aa up turplut eu be, ■ We could not persuMe *ome <rf (be Bften minutes after It bcglos to boll
For tick beadacbe rub peppermtat
oil oo the temple*.
hla tope aad teach bim to pat ihcni put atide for anotber oeeatloe. It It «p boueewlves to JoId a toc^led (Ken add one ouorc of gelarine
Tincture of nrnica to Ibc best appli­
there wbm be U Ibroagh plaptng m lth alwapt wltett to have aboui iwlce a womut reading club became of their has been soaked for lee mloulet
them. Let the bopa aad girli hare manp crnmbt at trfll be aciuallp need conaeteoriou* tcnrplea regarding (hC; half pint of tweet elder, together with cation for sprains or bruises.
a large cop of lugor ud the Juk-e bf
hop bag t rung from bot vinegar
liar plaeea to keep their elotbing: ed—eno trial will coorince pou of to«
A>d ebe pel cn the piece • diCermt tbelr bata, ibelr aboea. and aee Ibat wtedom of Ibis. Break toe egg to
two oranges. Stir until tbe gelarice
qutek relief for ewrarbe.
ad done Ubleapoonful of war
It dltolved ud (bm strain Inlo • large
ir nervous beadacbe baihe
tbep ate kept there. Do not allow one
Proa thatlihad hed withoot b<
. of the beck with hot water.
cMId to eacraeefa epoa another or to
balvos with a mile of toe bardeeing
:r a cold la toe bead Iry snuSiiig Cold'Affected Head and Throat
oae the other’a tbinga K be cannot find enough i<^ break tbe ttringtoeu: tl
Her dreu. which wu eeMthin
a^ giret a tolnner
Jelly In the boriom ud araund toe powdered borag up too oottrils.
btf. InaUt epee blm boding hla own
—Attack Was Severe.
busiest of us housewives proposed
Croat, while bubblea ia toe
aide* of a mold. m( dirertip
Uffiewaler and twrei oil applied Im
: Awl with deniartt Merir drippias. and keeping them In (heir proper
adding gradotllp more Jelly ud fruit. mediately will Uke toe pain from a
She fenced (or a bright, wan. erli plaeea.
«th H. B. H. Car. VoU, WrtU* fi
tonmgh which tbe (at cu penetrate. appoint ODC at each meeting lo read I'nmcud on a glaat dtoh. i
aoa gtraa:
Luhsm-Md.. a* follow*!
Dip each croquette Brat Id the egg
•0 or drwaaer. or eoe wardrobe,
ed. darned and tewed until they with . a border of sweetened whipped
•Thnoghnomcwhal svm* to patent
Aad iba leaked w gair wbea abe i
tben roll In tbe erumta,
I. sprinkled with minced enwUed
gn each aeparate drawera, ant
lught up with tbelr work,
Hare plenip of fat for toe fry ing. Bp agreed upon, ud hu worked bcuil- frultr.
ride tbe wardrobe equllp. Teach
Harmaladc Rice Cups—Pour into
tiraialDC. when partly cooled and toe (ullp. *M tome of the matt profluble
keep the drawera Udp and
a artery Is cut t
-em* only a plain duty b
isunre to add my expe
of a sliced raw po- as well u enjoyable bonre have been nail (Untalc molds tuBldenl cooked
order. M arrange the anielea In (hi
Thar town that Ue
u a dell to that the CDBtenu « the whole Uto wbUc aim hot. toe
ud tbe heart.
spent with tbe -bmp wtraiu's club,' u rice to nearly Bll them: allow them
drawer wlU not hare to be tumbled be need orer ud over again. Heat
For leg ache ud tbe ’growlBg
there were mup Intelligent, bright cool ud with a sbarppolaied spoon
scoop out toe center of each (tola rice paint- of wbirb children complain kr/tt sma Aw- JSSSm^ *aM bM ‘
AM awkr (ran baae to rallar:
orer ererr time aa artlde U wanted. noUl a blue iDokc rltet from tides and omen met with It.
be used (or rice cakes or rauffintl. wrap ibo leg In ult water eM thee la Mroet /AereBsMBHaM ftAM tfoan departed ^ ererp tan. Teach them to take a pride In keeping centre. Do not put In more thu three
"I tbought perhaps enme of tbe (trmavoffot • moot arrere «
at once.
Aa tbv (^l tte ahan a( bar ntrthera' wive* would like lo know the uomotd ud place In a baking pu. flanncL
Aossra By «i BU e
of the fat trill be lowered aM toe ere- motooda ud u there are msey de- brush over tbe cups with melted bouer
fal grace
tbelr recent aeat aM dean.
cure Iry poisoning when
crisp In a hot oven for ten minAM theebearadier happT laaghter.
Teach tbe bore orderilaeet. at well qoettee nup toak. See that tbe (at
cu oot be ofaialood apply wood
llgbtful counup nelgfaborboods with Inuntil well brnwued. UcanwbUi aah lye. then wuh off with warn wa-1I stMrmlwrs of my fsmUy also
at the gIrU. It will mre tbe nether hot enough before (tying more. Drain lelllgent. progretiiTc womeo
Oh. gire me the girt who win anOe
the croqoette* on unglaxed paper.
a (ooutep If the eblldran
wbo need Just such u loBentlve. I will
peeling six orange*, boll tola rind In
For ncnralgia toy wet doth* of al-l lag it toour frieM*.'’
tanght to look after tbelr owe iblngt.
sun furtber light It thrown on i
tell bow we conducted tbit circle,
AM make all glad together!
icr for two boura. changing Ibc i
t will prore u anllmlied blete- tuMect bp a writer to uotber maga- farmer's wife said to me rccenilp;
cohol ud waicr. or paregoric, or ■—
-^he pMUhi or talrla a leeaer thiag;
tbrec rimot to reroove a little
lag to tbe bopa aM ^rlc all tbreogb xiae, wbo eapt:
danum and water. UId oe a hot w
It a loader lo orgutoe ud Ukei
Bat a UM. aaaHCah heart eaa Mag tbelr itree.
A Word of Warnlnq.
Now a word at to croqBettet; In
time lo visit her noighbort and tbe bitter taste, cot tbe orange pulp boiilc. and ike pari atoamrd orer
Good ebaar la the daiheat weather.
Do yon ever put moory In your
ill piece* ud take out toe teedt,
At the mother U. to aie the cblli
For breaking up a odd take
It oyer. It to tbe amblllou. oon. fctnihlae BuIMla. apttobe. ir e motber le careleet aad up prtrato famlllet they ought real­
adding tbe cooked rind allced In cblpa. drops each of twmpbor ud laudanum monto? Do you ever lake the nieket
ly to be called 'baab ballt" or "aan- •eibnrious worker In (be borne tl
Boll.tbe weight of (he orange* In so
alattcni about her boote. tbu
lump of sugu-, or twelve drops for car fare betw«-n your teeth while
sage ballt.’ ud
make* (be most vriuablo member
you replace toe gkive you removed to
half pint of water to form
Umea to eoe the chlldcu will be alto, good: but la tpite of a rerp promitlng
mpbor in twelve Uup
an orgulsntloo. They-usually
• Be aeMal. whmw tboo llreat. that
srareb (or toe nifkel? Did II ever occlear tyrup. tUr lo tbe rind ud pulp
pareluoee. tha father bit tbU ■'old
r mup attain
have executive ablilip ud

thM map
boll for thirty mlnotet until rich
graanp- noUoe of keeping thloga la . .
. e not eroqDcitea. The
• Both want aM wlah thp plaaalac order, or perbapt a
and thick. Pour (his while hot Into
An exceHent remedy that toe Ger- wlto the nickel? Hlirre ba* tbe btokel
lauer coat no more thu the aforemid

priaeace aUP;
tbe warm rlee cups ud serve at ooee. _ian* use for rurlog a cold It (be yolk wudered Blnce It came from Ibe mint?
It, aM It crepe oat la (he child ia aplte bash balU. but they do toke Ume.
• Kladaemk good parta. great plaeea,
Imagine it* journey* ud perhap* you
of the oatldlBeti o( tbe motber. B< a buriT toep cunot be otade. Tbe dif­
Whipped Cream tfake—Any good of an egg beaten In n pint of water,
other minds.•
are ihawap
wont rare lo thrust It between your
I aot often tbe cate. Dnplte
ference between hanb ballt ud
said the friend, 'wc met laycr'cake recipe win do for (bit. Fbr little butler, three lump* of sugar ud
a tUa. PIM oat maa-a
Ireib or lo bold It lo your lips for
Blling beat i tmtll enp of
titber’e abhorrence of dltorder tbe quetlet Is that tbe former map bare at (hr borne of a dcilrate member who
despoonful of wfatoky When
wan asd wfll.
n. add a itMcspoon of gelaUnc
chBd wUl generallp do aa lU motber all (be flaroring ud excellent ma* to boll poor II hd-'k ud forita eteo Ihe franion </ a secood. Wbo
feel able lo go from borne, tut
• AM meet them'there. AU ararldlp
has been snaked In a Ubletiraoo
OBC aaueepu to another until, else Iiu held li In bis moulb? In
Urialt. but they arc Brm ud crumble abe bad a floe Ilbrsrp. ud deptmded
• d ien go laaa
Yea, a place (or everptblng aad
of cold water for Bve mlnule*. tllr un- amoolh ud frothy: aU.iw 11 to cool. whose, pocket ha* It reposed? From
fork, while croqued
upon reading (or

tba OM Jor «r dolBg uadaeaa.
ererpthlag la lu place will aot calp erenmp. aM oom' when pnased. ThU propoaed reading nlond while tbe oihi..iake a leaspoonful every haU wh*t Bllliy gutter has II bren reocued
aare time ud temper, ba( U will
dessertapnoo of augar ud Ba- boor.
(be main ebarm
worked. II was thought-best
It tbere?—Bi
wlth toe Juice of one orange;
of craquMtes ud require* to produce study eureni cvehts, ud lo Inform
■e poor Tllalltp ud eoergp. aM
Dtlictou* Wlntor Salad.
CBlp; tbat to toe chopped meat •
the topic* of the d*}'.
le that It ntelettlp apeal ta flth be added enough rich while < We. however, all threw In and took
whip with a Dover eggFurchase oae of tbe large square
: leat thlagi eu be nUllied to betdiamel muec lo make tbe l
ud made
Maap aa aawrIUaa aattoM —
cup of whipped cream ud a half
(our iDCfaes luBg ud one ran
as tolek u good oauneal porridge.
of clreulatlng library,
pteatMd ItaeU la (amlllea. the world
f finely chop|«d bickory nuts: contains onoogb to make naiad fo;
Tbit It raguc. perhaps, but 1 raeu poinled a critic for eato meeting ud
orer, baeaaea of (he aanepaace o
To grew a little wlter dap bp dtp.
1 thto between the laycra. heap- twclvc. Cleu-ud crisp twelve prei-y may be that Iho cbala which ymir
: w thick at will pour, ud rerp met every Thursday. When a new
grandmoltacr will give ytui needs elranbp lack o( apatem la the boaaa
1 a small pyramid on top. and letiuee leaves. Ixiy the. uparagus Ups
To aebeel mp nUad ud bodp to obep. slowly spread over a Itot aurfacc. No book sprung up nnd wu much ditlog.. If M>. I«>lt II In a g<sd laiher of
(ram the ^od man and hla wife, down To keep rap luer life both cleu ud attempt should be made lo mould tou' cuued we also read It aad crlilclted serve Immedltlely oo a lace |«per across the lettuce and cnclrrle toe
soap ud WBler.;iben lay It In inwto the aaaailwt child. The traoble U
with rounds cat from red peppers. dered magnesia, or shake It in dry,
It ha* been on toe Icc and l<
merits. It wu toe crUlc'a busl- dolly: toll ume deiaeri Is excellent
that la aa« aaaea the termoa U ua
To free mp life (rem guile, rap hi
nghlp cbUled. (hen mould rerp
s to tindy and lofono bertolf u rc- baked In tiny Individual pus. ud If (be peppera are not In market a (deu br*n. wLleb has been bewtod ImiBOtlead aM Mheeded except aa the
from wrong.
quickly, ud If pou are a norice (and
Jed prenunetotlon ud lo equip her forms a very ornamental course for a touch ol red mar be obtained by'adile a An-, ftrush with a lonl^nisli
dlaeeMBrt mbkoo UaeU (elt ia qnlek. To abai tbe door en bate aM tearn of eourte if pou arc not. them words; self to be helpful There were twelve formal luocbeon.
Iso radishes to esefa plate. I>are
I It will to- as brigbl aa no*. Any
I■gat^lm^ wnMa aM ghwmp (aeea.
aM pride;
Oruge Food—Peel and carefully re^
radishes tolnly from toe inp. ..n iiieee* of gold Jewelry wrfaleh are not
will not bo needfull. make very tiny of us. hence it only look one lady a
1>e foUnrlag (ram Hedleal Talk U To opm. tbu. to lo*e the wladowt eroqueUrw at Brti. niH laiyfcr tou a Dontb to be eriilc. No one wu lo (eel lovc tbe tkln from sia large orugea; tbs Mbe slender parings will curl back
with gem*, may be cleaned this
praeUan aM to tha potai:
giro the appearance
n rose.
cork, ud (rp lea* tbu two minuter.: tenaiUve or burl al being corrected, u lit them In slices and place In too
A ptaoa tor erarpthtag nd e
To meet with cheerful bean what Good recipes for eroquettet are our sole niffl wu to be progressive doulile boiler with a liny plnrb of liak> (he lelluee leaf lay imt. tableeomes to aae.
UilBg la 1U place aarea a world o(
m of ma>-onnal»e dn-ioOag. K«-ne
(oud In most modcro cookery bookt. sod not to retrograde. Only one of our log soda ud a cup of sugar (more ir
wsilc aM worrp, time aad temper, vex- To ton Ufet diaoerda Into hani
d torrefote It will not be neccstarp iwcive had
abroad, ud tbe bad Ibe oranges are very taril, cook for wlih thto louidwlcbes made of wb^<Ope pound grated cheese, four egg
nioa aM ritapentlea.
o abare eoaw wearp woiker'a bcatp
bri-ad. cut very thin ud
0ve them here? only to rmpbaaisc aecn a icacber for year* prior to ber twenty mlnulet. Allow tbit In become
whiles, irineb of caycBsa and aalt. Heat
-Bat U U p«bi a lot o( bother
(be fact that tbep rami be mixed with marriage. Sbe was a great help upon thoroughly chilled In toe lc« box. and (rimmed inlo toe shape af.trlnngtas or
whites of eggs to a lUK (rMb:
pet a tUag back ia lu ptece eeerp
To polBl aome draping comrade to a emrap turc, ud that to ordqr to
mooted points. After mceUng
Mir Into Ibis Ihe cbcere with rail and
white* of two egga beaten with two
time pon aae li,” aapi tome one.
the road.
me toe mixture In tbit soft alate. It
oor delicate frlcod some half
cayenne, mold inlo balls ibe sire ..f -i
Hot near ao mneh bother ai it U to To know (bat what 1 hare U aot mp mutt be set to cblll; toe sauce aa l> doien limes or more we concluded
tableepcmt nf t-ugnr and ibt-n ver.v
To Clean •rushes.
walool. IKp Into egg* and eiumto.
hut It wbaa pee next want It
geu cold will -eel'- Jike blanc mange. would lie beuer for her to meet » l
It Is often neeessar}'. owing lo fra/ pul into, frying basket ami rkA Jn
To (eel that I am nerer
*-Bet H aeemn m old (Ogp aad oM
cream. Arrugc on a large round of
If tbli It not done crumba or crackor
' brusbe* btdng Improperly dried deep fat. Serve hot on a folded napsponge cake, wlib
maldtah to be to partleelar at to bare
duit mutt be added, ud thus come ibe
ben away from home, that tbe>
a eertata hook la the eleaet (or each
Thia wuM i prop
sides, fa-iened in place with sboubl n<M to- put Inlo waler. Tb>-.v
drp eroquettet. I have known grcml frieodsblps, u we found our who wu
garmoat. acortain drawer la tbe dreaeFrom dap to dtp.
Irosilng: each finger
palm taken to acquire the an of mak­ congenial, ud sympathetic, ud near
Itoraiise all effortr lo find ibem have
to- Iboniughly rlranscl
er (or each eeperau toUet article.
Fbr thu I kaow
ing perfect ones, bp tome toilp. wbo
i. We mer winter afteroonns surmounted by a crytiaillsed cherry.—
Have the flour perfenu fatl.d tbo -H'ijoI f'ampany's Islands'.’
eertalB nail er a eoftala ibelf (or ererp
aip-life will Sow fueeeedt ud Imparts tbe knowledge
two o'clock until Bve o'clock, Exchange.
dn and rnb It ^-otlfully imu tbe briv supposed lo to- In Ibe PaHfie Ocean,
kluhen nteulli |t reailp teemi
to Mhert. ud tlx monib later ibc reribing wu In readiness for us
bare been r<-moved from (be maps of
Let toe hrusb.-* stud for
It be Ood'i win
aa old gtaaap aoUoa to be able to go
full wUI reeemblc toe game of Rnsilu when wc arrived. A cbeeriul Are. a
Wear Two Fair* of Beelu.
tour y.r loogcr. then abake the d
tbe Brtttob admiraltyta tbe dark aM pet poor hand on
I ga
icudat. eo diverse aro toe dlCtereol table with Webtter's u
Al Dtomark. North Dakota, (be stale
pair* of socks." . out on an old tray or newspaper, after
ererp article Mred."
—Bam'* Horn.
duclloat from one recipe, aad eacb tlonary. a pad, pcoclli to take
■aid the fhoe salermu to the cus-lwhlph um- a eleu romb. running
own* a Ur?-.-t railway which Is used lo .
It ie an a Ml *old (egp.’ or -old
proud of her niceeariul eroquettet. argp bukci which the boticts pre­
tarry m-ml>er* of too legliUlure to
"You are verj- wi»c. A gti»d brti-kly through ih.-bristles a* 11 con
maUbh,~ or
granap”—it It
Often (be original teaeber bat grown pared BIIH with extra tclssorv. ihrrad, muy people are litgianlng to do 1'. Ing them out. A secooil rubbing jf Ud ffim the coiiliol. Only oD« ear la
fiblp enrelcta. forgqlt (be high ttoraing eoitoas of all ibadc*. iblm- espeelaDy to-weea seasons.
''he tolRb-s wUh putoerired magarala own<-<l and 'uperatod.
tldleoei aboot oee'e peracaal beleagidaea giret tbe eeeret of making staMird of excellence abe once at­ Uet. etc., to ihal If any of the ladie*
"Pcoplr uugbi to do It all tbrougbj before the combing, If (be brisUe* ar«
Th" slgbi of birds Is eilrBordlnary.
aucceaa(nl eroqueuet. Hup b
tained. Ud very gradually her cro­ tbonid forget uytblng they
the winter Tti-re to more warmth In very much dlse.ilorv>d, may be use-l. and 'll'- simple fart (bat Ibe ere id a
wt bare tried to make t
quette* have grown (ar too Brm.
tola buket for auppllet. VO pairs of summer socks tbu (here Thto will lx- found a most elTeriiial hawk or pigeon Is larger thu I
If toe eroquettet are allowed ri
There wu DO confuston or dltorder.
In the heavier pair of woolcos (bat mc'hrrd of ePuslng brtstlra of brutb- wiole brain gives ■ e Idea of what
ball and giren up in deipaJr. Ihorougblp cold ooce more after being Such a warm friendship sprang up he­ >er was manufaciured.
're of all kinds
tbelr powers of vlalon a
maMUh." er *«ld graaap'
cither beeanee the ball* would not bold formed, and when fried. If toep are
re US that there wu no gossiping,
"If jnu are iroubli-d with cold fee'. ^
a ilegM aad a elaitera. H
tbelr abape to (rplng. or elee eonld be placed In a wire baokci. tucb as cu
little enoBdeneet were given
.vou will Bnd that ihe combtnailon of a-------------------rrUI be (etwrer U an nprear.
too drp wbao broku opm. Tb
be boagbi at up notion nore for ten loaru warmed toward etch olbcr En pair of woolent and a pair of Ugh'
or glMcmteat and .unreet. A plan
aa glru bp thla writer It u (ol- eenu. there will be praetlcnUp no
omenta hitherto unknown made eight soeks—tatl.rlggan or
when bed temper U let loeee. aM 111- lowt;
(rouble with toclr droKrfng npan.
ly of ns more cbaritable and broad- thread—will fix you up comforislply
hnator comet to the top.
Nearlp all eroqueitee hare at a (o<
To prevent toe crequeUes from
Tbe bappy twamtog facet showed
coldre' day Ihal comes. If your,
Tbe whole boote it kept la a ju^ datlu a thick mun. eliher while
tucking 10 tbe wires dip toe (rplng
much they were enjoying It. It Wu
are ii-oder. yon cu wear tbe i
aad t Inmble. elmplr benan tbingi
ra. If the meal la dark, u beef or batkel into the bot (at before flUlag II
trked Inibenel^borboodby
thread ooes Insldr ud tor woo! wl'b-j
eaaaot be boeM when rraaied. It It m nutioD, (be *aaee tbould alco be dark;
Is tola connectloe a word u to the that tbe women In this busy club.were
It yoo are extra cold reverse the 1
exatpemleg. Ia meb a boote a we. whereat. If-etaicku or real are need, much quoted -white sauce' givwn In to geiiiag much younger looking, and procres- Whichever you do. you will I
maa will ipead boort ud boun ia a light aaoce U Indicated. In a mi- maap modern rMpet It not omits the families in each home ai t the Im- find Ihe ihln pair easily double* the
leaking (or tklagt'ibe aeeda Bbe will .Jorltp oTcaeee
addition of dock Tbit tbould be made at follow*: put
dlsposliloBS, (or •valoe of Ihe thick one.
walk mflet aM wUet in a atagle dap. or grarp. If oa haM. will glre a better
well rouMed tabltapoonfnl* of
■blag like Inierevt la tbe
-Thare to. generally speaking, u al-,
gelag bom team to room, from i
aM richer reull thu tbe ate ol wa­ butter In a pu, add two well rounded outside world ud ta our neighbors In together wrong noUon as to tbe best ■
10 odlar. hnatbg Mr thlnn tha
ter or akira milk.
Rotoniivl from Beaorters—1 'jtrii^fata, ll‘« np
selflsb spirit (ram us way to keep the feet warm. People
don't know when to bnd.
The gueral rule of proporitee It aa
To tore over a new leaf 1* not u easy ask for heavy soles ud cork sole* ud '
Brerp time tbe haibtM waaU
(ollewt: For each plat of chopped well tognber. Then add gradually two
uMerwaar or a ligbter ooat. a ftcM
uehalr ptoi of thick tU'
Taken in exchugc on r’isnaa. BitiU
eoltar or n pair ot east, a rcgelar pan. BUetmrp. To make thto tauce. melt prevent lu lumping, ud t
toe ouieome of tola club wu broaden"It's all a mUlakc. The sole* ol toe'
ll.y.OO ap. 8oId on euy pnjmpntatfdeairDd.
damoalam «d a booie hut
taUeapooDfuIt of batter
ba* thickened aM 1* *moo<
feet are not sensitive to cold. It Is not |
taetlwted—etoeeto turned U
retp. Salt lo tosie.
y friend said: 'I feel that I through tbe sok-s ibai you'caicb cold'
drawer! umbled UMP tarrp. clothee
White cauce trill be found
worked my butter better, made betier or fret rold. Any ordinary shoe ■
P’ron't 8«.
ibrowa hriter ikriier abost tbe reoma. Hla agtla. tbu grMusllp eUr to
to countlee* ways in addtt
light bread, raised Btoro turitey* and ford* toe feet all toe protecUon o«
euprul of milk or white dock. Vhm making of eroqneuet. It to a gi
chlekena ud (owls bceonte of tool eassry. so far a* temperature to eo
amooth Ud T«7 thick add aeaaulng
0 me toU to e
according to tbe meat aaed. cook alow. op«q«. com. etc, oM U mMe before
’AM I dare gay the awn aM (AUTo arM cold fee*, the ankles aadl



Jhmmt m emn'$ Mil

'(Brmnell 3Bros.

>(3nnnell 3Bro9.

Pages Title

vou xLvm.


h win be aecompliib'ed daring tfil* ' baby wbo bad neea bot two lUys of
Kyselba. Ray McManus, William Long.
exUteace on IbhU esRh lo an aged maker's trade sad will kave aa
Bay Hagar. Harry Roscoe, Harry
Capt. H«Btr J. Webb, tbt Tetar»
SM year commonlcaUons were re­ mother wbose alMed years bad bees as the proper blanks are rody.
Dean. Bracken Helgcs and Harold
tatau or tbe Ormnd Tntene T«Ckw.
Btsuv and family are amoog ibe un for bunaL He w*a U yean. • moUka
ed facre from the Chtfwgo Motor passed.
Tttua. tbe henamty paJI bearers
•tfered a toddeo nrake of iMlrtU
( what laducementa
The death angel UId an eapecUlly tonunaie poor aad ibougb Mr. and and U days oM.
Earl Ackerman.. Homer Ackerman.
Moodar erwinc at >;» o'clock aad
e of John Le- Mr*. Derby are willing and ready t.i
Deceased waa posimaater of MaalaArthur Kellogg. Jay Smlib Clayton could be olfered tor a twee to this dtv-' beaiT hand on tl
paaaNl away Toeaday aioniln* abortJy
vark of Boonyllli Tltere not only take tbe eoaUnued rare of' tbe Obfor- lee lor six ycara and was bora la KnAs there was no club here then,
LOMlle sod Richard Winn>p.
after » otiock vlUiaBl lecatnli
Among the flowers which were Ing was done abom tbe malter and Ihe Ibe wife and morber Uy In the deep lunate brother, they arc In sttwlghi glaad Twt. Iiroibrra and ae ririar
from Ohk) are here.
CbptalB Webb, wbo for lUrty-flTe
ouus^ In fnerani profusion aronn-I race was run lo Markiniaa. U is pos­ sleep but Ihe lisby slab, the mother
y«an bat made hlo aornmer borne '
the'cniket of Ibr young rUssmsU- sible Ifaai the elob may be invited lo dying at 5 oVkwk FYiday evening and Unued 111 hcMib of l•»Ih.
W'lib almuei the Brst mooey that
Ne^b-u-waata. va< »ell aa tuual
km wheel, from tbe foot- come to tbi. city ihU yoar and at tbC; Ibe baby following oDly a few hours
earned by playing upon tbe streets. Prom Mraday'i Bacord.
MoDday.leavUxborne doriog Ae early
which the deceased was time of Its eomtug a general tegatu
Mrs. A l^faiaee tpeei Ranflay at
Two 3-year«lil rblldren were railed. Jve bought tbe dug that 'Mads b
Gland Traverae bay.
exvaplalR and captain-elect for ihej
erealDg tor tbe tome of rran£\Xroa|ia
Nortbport with friend* and retatlvea.
It was, then nothing but
sur. from Julius win-! This wotild atirmcl a laige numlKV ofvbo'rcaidet aear bit «Mtagb. Be
The Hno (! C. CVrtefl Iril thia Boralured form home I
be a great Kratoefavlle <d Isuig Lake, whose puppy but liy careful work and much ing for Grantl Rapkla a hU anal bav­
apeot tbe. orealag there, reaming
draih wax due to hiirtis. and GMys.
from the accident; a pillow of cram, advmlxemenl for the clly.
about • o'clock aad aa be faatfhed the
mgfaly that It Is now a valuable iness trip. . '
the Jlille liaughitv of Mr. and Mr*.
It Is proba|i1e also that a
vladewt ter tbe eight, pferioo* to i
yellow row-x, calls lilies from the AthMhia Hattie Joyat of Omeaa arrivpd
Uriac aa ntoal be vaa lakea «l(b
Ictte AssoeUllon of the High scboul; tbe summer vlsltnru wfao ova molor- WilliamChamnagDc
la Ibe city today to vWl her brathar,
bais will l>e memliera of the new dub.
At the Grand Traverse haplial the
ai-riB.-. vblob tor a mOBent cauaed
in anrhnr from Ihe tarully
llerli Joynt
body of John Wander, the young hu«Traverse Clly High sebool: a liMUil' several of them bsvofltc expressed
hhn to teuer forward, nylag aa be
A. A MeCoy hna left for the aoalhwillingness to Join siicfa an organisa­ band-and fatber. whose lalibrx ao fals^
did ao. Ibat If be vaa not caiotol be
I floral liook of red roses with
ern and western lerrltory wbirfe be
family's - behalf sborteDvd. bis life.'
tion lam year.
Bonn Crew Too Fleixc.
wooM tan tbrongb tbe vtedov.
smllsx. (he cUss colors of lb<
rested until Saturday morelng when
The laal frat qoartor of Vwing company
tbea eat dowa la a ebairtor ana
lb who give It; -galb's sUr" from
Brain, who after |•anakIlUC cd aeverml
aad «b«a ta attempted to Hae wa
the Junior class .of which be was ,
ingeniees Plan for Rinks.
MU* VYUilfred Marvin left this Bora
servln held.
meals BI Ibe extwmu- of a poor widow
able to do ao.
member.-while masecx of pure whlt<
Mayor A. V. Priedrleh wax
Saturday morning. John Sirohm. of lnl«Tlorheii”wax made fn suffer hit >r Marlborough, where she baa ac­
Hla eeadJUoB grew npidly wont
alia lilies were sent by claa^ No. % Tuesday by a Herald reprvsental Ive
cepted a poalUon aa atenoffrapber for
wbo bad been a patient In tbe Nonbaad at 10 o'elook be waa paralynJ
tbe First Hdbodlst church
Oral Northera Portland Oeorat
In regard lo ibc-cblldren skating and ere Micbigan asylum, and wbo dle>1 life at the butchers' bands for the art*
from bmd to toot, toclag eaeidooiwbirfa Ibc dKttMU wax k»g a n
sliding on the thin Ice In Hardman FViday. wax taken to Ibe borne lu of depredation Is Mill fur ale at a rompany
local meat market lo tbI* city Young
aaaa aad panlag away ibortly after 3
her; masses of
flowers were
The Rev. John Redpatb of Petohey
river, lo reply lo Ihe Onestia what
oYtoek Taeaday a. m. HU eoa. CapC
simple tokens dt sympalhy of ... the city Intended lo do nboul ibis mat­ Suttons Bay. Anolber victim of tbv Bruin was the property of Georg»' Sod- pasM-d through Ihe city today M Ilia
Ctertea Webb, waa ooUM of bU eoafrtdnds of fbe sirlekea fsmUy who ter. tbe mayor stated that for some grlm-angel wax Mrs. Anna Dorman, der* of liilerlocbcn who raptured two return from Omens wbere ho beld
who passed away unexpectedly at the small cubs last spring They grew
dlttoa at Kxm aa poambU asd with all
could flad but slight relief In sucb
monthly servlcei yesterday.
*lme he bad been eoosideeing a asylum.
imate drore to Ne«h-tb-waiila witb
.up In n dumesilr atmospbere hut the
tokens of remembrance.
sebeme, wfalcb at on expense lo tbe
Silas Gagoa of Nortbport poSaod
Mrk Kllra Campbell passed away at
pbyatdao. anirliig aereral bonra be­
city, would provide a place fpr tbe tbe borne of her son io-law. I., U King, one committed the deiirolatloos, wax through the eUy today while a bl*
not only a thief but grew ugly aa well,
fore bU fatber died bat ootblag poaalGrand Rapidi lo Joto bla
young people of Ibe city to skate wllb- . 12:30 Saiiirday morelng.
fie ate two piga and a whole coop ol brother. F E. Brabaat. of tbe Mletalble Mold be dOM to leactbeo Ufa
were tbe senior and iualor class­ out any danger lo Ibemselves.
In still another home there was
ThU waa tbe tbird atroke wbicb
es of the High school. Ibe Junior class,
"My Idea.- aid Mayor Frledrieb, "1* ml mourning, the mother, father chiekeox and icared Ihe entire town fan Chair rompany.
Captala Webb bad aaSered. two yean
of which he was a member, laklog the to have the fire deparimeoi flood eer- and sister* bowing their heads low fur with bis awlpes at paasera by before
Waller Steele of Northpori. wbo It
ago bartag bad a aerere <me wtUe at
lead In the proeenloB.*' Richard Sey- UlB vaom lots and use these tor their son and brother, Ben Robenson. he fell from the well direeled aim of taking medical trralBDet la this dly.
bU bowe IB OaaaopolU'. tben
of Manistee, represetillng the skallDg rinks. I would bsve one lo- whose transition occurred not on bed* a bunter’a rifle The rarcaaa was' *|H-ni Sunday with- bU pamta. Mr.
weeka ago be again auCered a aligbi
football team of that city, waa preseoi ated on tbe east side, one on the west of alckness. while be was full of life brought to Ibis eliy and placed oo ale and Mrs Wllhom P.-8to^ re(«CBlBC
atroka whieb left no aerloaa eSeeU.
and Joloed In the sad prueeaton. Tb< side aad one on the sontb side. Orff and vitality and before even a shadow Saturday, tbo meal golng lnio the eHr to this eily agtln today.
Be waa in tba dty Satarday aad
homo* rafiidly all day Saturday unlll
Mr* Gsurge RobcrUon ofdhe Norto-.
only two. woold have one go looted
approaching danger bad time to jiiat one quarter lx left today. Tbtboagh be eoMBlted A pbytldaa.
-0. Nortbport. wu In the city today
that both the sonlh and the -west tide
Funeral of B
aaemad both well aad In a partleiioiher euh. a femab-. has gone into win­ hlle a her return from n . '
eonid use It.
At tbe Flret H. K. church Monday
larty feappy mood. He drere orer aad
ter quam-rx by burrowing deep Into Laidlngtun. where her buahand la wllb
"1 wonid have all buys under It
bmdt aad greaUy antoyed tbe trip. “
the grouml. and almitt unee a month' tbe eX'Norttaport ar ferry.
Chanpe In Farmera' Bupply Co.
followed by a ceremony which brought years old and praUbly not younger
tbea cUled to trtebdi that be expected bAore the ebaneel rail literally burled
D. E. Wynkoop ha* purebasod the she comes n<-ar enough the surface to
Blafer left this moralafl tor
tears to Ibe eyes of sll wpo wllnessed than IE yars form ,thetn|elrcs into
to lean tbe eottage asd take op hli la great masses of flowers while still
an autoclBilim. a miniature city. These Interest* of II. F. nnd F. P. Bougbey break Ibe gnriiml lii gel a -whiff of air Grand Rapidi and Ckkago to riail Uw
Is the beloved clssamaie
wtour realdaBce la -tbU cUy aa tbe within lay all that waa mortal ef Halwhen atie retires agtln.
fureiinre expalUon and bay soDd'a
boys would elect a presiding offleer.
lowered to bis last, resting place,
MtUiw waa growing too aerere tor eolm Ben
ir J. B'. Slater* booac rnraUhlBC
a secretary, an executive eommltlee
death Friday night abocked and sad­ member of the Junior eUss sie
eottage life.
forward cloaely lo Ibe open grave and and other necesary cYflcers and the eondueted under bis management lu
State Library InatAute.
' Cape Raarr Wabb waa bora tbrty dened Ibe entire eity.
MU* Resale Slmpaa, who baa been
pEd a treab eariiatlo^lenUy
government of these risks wonid rest the future. The transfer wa*' made
A two da)-*' Ktale library Inailtnie
yaan ago and tor twMty yean fol­ In nU tbe great congregation I
Ibe meeting of the company held will In- liHd In tfalE city Jan. SC nnd 27. In Ibe Qrand Traverse bospllal to.'
ta their bands. Burh rink would have
lowed tba profeaaloe ef draggiat. Ua
tlme, left tble eftereoa for bar
lu separate government and I believe Tbunday afternoon.
The Institute open* at 3:30 a. m. on
hems being at Caam^la Here be tortlng words fell on hearu that
le • Farmers' Supply company Is the iDoraing of Jan. 24 and three aev- home tn Aldea. telng ailed by ptaM
Ibal the natural pride of Ibe boys
waa a repreaeatatlre dUtea and
of the largest Implement com Blona will be held dally.
owing to aerloaa lUnest of her malbar,
would lead each body to try and make
1 eras deep, very deep, for before
tbieogb aU hla yean of abs<
them lay a yoimg man keea of kaowThe program lx not yet completed
tag tbe greater part cf each
Mias Grace KoM of Nortbport spent
"The assoetatlon would l>e responsi­ very h«vy business. Mr. Wynkoop but MU* Doreo of Ohio, now with the
barer negteded the eertUeate which ledgs. poasetsed of evorytblag that
Is experienced lo Ibe business, having llbrary achool IfKdDrlnnaii. will be Saturday In ihl* dly with her mother.
ble for the care of tbe rink, toi
be bsU aa a dregglat aad mewed It Ufa could ask. yet strode down-wlthool bat club for Trarerae City sres
the ImplemtAi
Mrs. c. B Krai, wbo u at toe Grand
order while it is being used and Tor
iment’s warnlag. The sorrow pleled Iasi week at tbe meeting
present and ronliuct Ihe InsilKite.
wbaa tbe taw raoolrad. He caa be
Kingsley for the past Iwel
Traverse hospital wbm .the ffflflerwin In- aaisted by Alias Borelle,
plaeed aa the pieeeer reaorier of Se- Btrtoken pareats had reecdred no fare- In the Record otOce. C. B. Murrey was the conduct of those who ame ihere.
The election of offlk-rs »** bs fol- Humphrey of the Lanaiag pnbllr weoi an oprratia Taosdny moralag.
This lospmsIbilUy would put them on
abta-wagti, ba Mly tbirtkdre yean weU message from Mm save Ibc light electod tba first commodore of the club
MU* Jennie Kirkly of flA^ard and
their boDur and I have faith enough lows;
age whOa uarMag IB toe berth be
and B. J. Fulghnm vice commodore
Preslden' and general mans
in the )>oyx of Traverxo City to IteJIeve
the state library and Dr. Theodore ber braiber. William, dt Tama, were
retognlsto the bemiUas which natare I tbe fateful evening be had left hU The etub will be regularly locomporB. Wynkoop.
Koeh .d the Itolverxlty «f Michigan In Ibe city this mornlai « Ibrir way
ae lavlably LuHuwaB apon 'The bar­ smn
Vice president. John Rennie.
Bate* whrro they will viaH a
There were scvenleen owners
ber aa he alMps epoke of tbe
Secretary. Roy Wynkoop.
brother. George Kirkly. for a abort
spot, aad broogBt bU family there, irs were Dot alone In Iholr grief tor enl Issl evening and much enthusiasm Ileve Ibst ach <me would lie kepi np
It 1* cxiHvied that aft the libraries lime.
Treasurer. Charles Remte.
and trustees id llbrarlex
cuiplag tor a btoaeo or two. later olbers bad lost an well an they. 'He
manifested. C. B. Murrsy wss to the very hlghexi standard.
laria Iriab retoraed this
"This self government would be s
i good friend" U one of tbe »o- chosen cbalnnan of the meeting and
areetlaC.Uie Brat eottage npoe the
Iri’rt will fw- in atinadanre as sell as noa from Bk lAkr. wbere sbe went
epitapha that could be written L. L. Stevenson secretary. After oui- valuable lesson to tW-m as It would Roy Wynkoop. John Rt-nnie. Charles all other* Inieresietl. The Jeacher*
aka where today kU larger eoitar>
Rennie. Merlnvi- Joynt. The stock­
Satorday aflernua aa Intlalllag of' etaeda Wbaaerer reel or recrretloo and Ben Robenson sras deserving of llning a number of Important Uilngs leach them tbe workings of munlel- holder* In the company now are D. E- 1(10 t>ublic srhnola are also Invited
flecAor iln- FJk Lake graa«e. toe lapal macblnrr}'. They would become
waa desired be Mt Ui borne at Caaa- thU. bcnce tbe nnlvereti Borrow.
It might bem
Kiallaiion laklog plaee that eroalBg.
familiar with the varioui} civil offleers Wynkoop. H O Joynl, W. P. Crouer.
The service was la charge of the of this character. J. W. Ham
epoHi and aengbt tbe eedoalob aed
vbe a**lnam belag Ftaak Boara. Mrn.
Rev. Tbomaa Cox sod during It two that a permanent yacht club b^ organ- and their duties and any executive Charle* and John Rennie of Traverse
CMIdian Burned in Hauae.
Irish, aa delegate to Ibe aUtc grange,
of tbe dead boy'e favorllc aoags were :cd. The moilOB was arrled without ability In the youths would be brought CUy nnd E. P. Mull of Toledo, O. .
Thompaonvllle. Mich.. Jaa. 13.-^The also nve her rep^ to Ibe Bk Lnfco
'The Farmers' Supply eotnpnny was
Ua InvAof tbe aattb and aaaaal rlslu
.dissentlikg vote and Ihe election of
Consolidated with Ibe Ferris Imple­ home of Georgs Bedrrs, one mile-from grange She win go to Lng I^e
valuable dok but III fuiiire Ilf
ton* Us atuatloB to tbe pomiMlIilos by B. Veracy l-cgg and "Jfearer My offloera was proceeded with
ment rompany In March. IPOS, and town, w-a* dealroj-t-d by Are this morn- next Raiurday and with Mr. Iriab. wbo
lowing being rhosen;
ef beUlBg oB Grand Trarerae bay
"As I aid Irefnre. Uie ex|>enxr (o tbe the raplul slock wax Inereasod from lag and one lllile child burned lo deatb is Insulllng •ifflcer for that grange.
wbleb Were made poeslble by Use ctosB. Murray.
aM>Ul in the general JolliBallon *Uto
city would lie nothing. I would sug­ lE.taio to 3;2.<KW. The .Farmer*'Sup­ ■while the other will dlo.
iBg ef tbe Hanaab A Imy line which ton's ebancler that the aongs so
Ttee commodore. B. J. Fulghum.
The fatber U away working In the : always ensue* at aueb a tine.
ply company wax organited Oct. 1.
loved by the martyred president. Will­
gest that the boys a Joining Ihe
tor maay yean beld the treffle a
Seerelarr. U U^tevcnxon.
Ipoi, and Is on..... . the strongest Im wo^» and Ibis morning ibe mother
Mr*. John Calourier of Bk Rapid*
elslion pay five or leu eeolx Or i
bay. He then ponteaed. elgbiecn iam HcKlDley. were faU favoriies also.
Treasurer, Robert J. Fried
i went lo the barn to do the rbon- wax In tot^ rlty today while a ber re­
plement companies In Ibe slate,
> procession entered Ibe ebureb
years ago. tbe lltUe atoamer Onckema,
After the election, while the mem nal duoK and this money could be esM
present rompany
turn from I'roveraont. wbere she baa
wbicb tor aereral aeaaoas pUed be- from the bomp st 3 p. m, thc Rev. bers smoked a box of ^ clESrs for. In keeping the rinks rlean. Tbe chief
tam-d pBpa'cai
the past week owing to the aerlTbomas

twen Nortbport, Trarerae City and
Dished boy Commodore Murray, the
growing l.Bsine*s and every effort will/nsld* . |i auEht Are from the
nna llloes* of ber mother. Mr*. lyort*
latermedlaie polata. He tben tollewed bonorery pall luwreru and then Ihe actand objects «f tte club wetv scheme, nut cijcliy as a supervisor
minutes tbe Moahler. Mr*. Moafaler has been In a
be made to serve It* patrons in such j ^•■cI|ve floe and In a
pali bearers cafrying the 11
thU with n later parebase. placing
laJked orer. There was a general fee]. but as a sort of a higher eoiinxellor to
rondlUOT from dropay for a
__ be api>eali>d lo when the aflairx got
.the laiger steamer Leo A. Cams
Ing Ifaai the mouth of
less than
Dumber of seek*, not bnving been
d7tw'w ta^rov^ lhn’t‘.^ins roiild I
'"Tr them- Tbe peraonnc-1 of the rompany is eotn-i ’b« 'uie gblM. sho
Co a tine batweaa Trarerae City and edifice, tbe High school niiidcnts
aide lu lie down jrlnee Ibe day before
lance arose lo their feet and i
Ibe rblet of police posed of excelh-n' yuunn buklnt-xs men' F ar oM. 'wa.-. -t-ntlrei)
Bayaeaty. With tbe extension of the
ter and find a afe anebtirage In the
who hare already liwn suecexxful. The 'h<- f1ain'-» «hlb- ili*- oilier, who
rbrixiiEBx Her daughler. Hia. ItabH
malned standing unUt the body was
Here Hargoelle to Charterolx
stream. It wa.« also Iboiighl that a wouUI nt'i iM- tallt-d lipoa vt-ry often
>e*rx old.' inhaled flames
ijiBaU. -forroefly of ihia cHy bot rectoaed out the Onrttems to C^ Joe tbe chanrel. As Ihe piocessloD ad­ pier could lie eonxtnicied over on the as the pride of the l>oys wtmid pre- new company li*x,admirable backlog
and It* already large patronage win 1 smoke and will die,
c-nil) of Nashville, Tena. arrived la
bnory end ballt tte steamer Creacem vanced. tbe minuter repeated
west side so that a basin eoald l>u pro­ vi-nl tbra from maklug any trouble.
' Thcrr- i= t:o iiixiiratiee no Ihe h
till- north Monday aad later proceeded
psalm. "I am the resurrerlioa and tbe vided and Ihe lials left there.
“This system has Is-en................Uii. ( undouble<Ily Irf- extendol.
. at Graad Uaren Bfieen years ago at
i and It wax totall} d'-xtroyed. Tbe fan- to Ibe bedside where tbe will remain
Ufe.exmt of ff«>e. placing Ihe new steamer
There was a feeling also that Ib-and care for ber motber.
Tbe hymn -Nearer Hy Cod tn TIipc- Club should epwi a permanent home “Usfaetortly, I have been thinking
wpcm tbe Trarerae bay route bet
-as then nmg aad Mr. Cox took a*
pnJMde an anchorage for the boat =
"me and bethis city. Nertbport and Intermr
he blind Imy. Joi- Wix>d, whu fur.
tbe sertptare leason Romans t. tbe of the membera. Tberw were several i
• SO«l «>lnc for Death at |i
Tlie German emperor, tbe ktog of
ly year* bax madi- lux bumu with
spirit of God being manifested in ns
among them being I
»“• »•>
Italy, the yombful king of Bpain. tbe
sister, Mr*, f'rank lA rb.v of l«3f . Udr-rkK-lien. Miep.. 3
roBte. doe to the oontlniMms openlni and Ihe beautiful Iwenty^hlrd palm. the piece of ground owned h) ihe city
" ">'7 "I" "<>"'7
qiiren of Holland, tbe king ef Bavaria
State sin-et.'hax b.«-n tdmIK-d to the',
make amngemcai* tor t
of tbe resorts apon tbe oallying polnt- TbU was followed by a preyer and at the JunctloB of Fifth sod Wadsworth and
Michigan Employment inxrl.utloa ,t I >^rd.y morning aP.-r ^ hmg. lIliK-xx. and <be king of gaxay have never
akmg Oread Trararee bay. be buUt the then B. Versey Legg sang. "Craalng ■irw*. Tbe objection (o thU was Ihc
Ith which h-'• i^ki-n the tronbk-to br cftraned.
"ir.ihc imys wtmld get logeihct andj®^"**' ’'P’" appliratinn of L.,k!*'‘‘'" '««el .roul.l"
Ihe^.larger steamer Colnabla at
lack of suitable roonrlng ram.
itia the rity Deed have
"‘‘f ’'ii>
«14.«00 and pUced ber la re
Tbe minister l«gaa bis sermon b)
Another loralion which met wjlli
------ few wex-kx ago :
Evening j
furla eoBjanetioB with Ibc Cra
stating tbal words were laefBcient. much favor was ae on the west vide.
Record of the Itixthulios sbicb be bad i
-- two making dally trips between this
Ihe deeds of lore manifested hy Oo accant of the aballow a-a>er, a nlsblng tbe water and police protec­
of previous tu the publl
tion. Bach boy a hen he paH
clly aad tbe higbt of tbe bay. glrtag tbe flowers and tbe great attend
breakwater c
I be eastracted at
be'given a tlck« and he
»“ ►u<^‘'--f“"7 Inxtrumeolal
tor many years a aerrice on the waters the ebureb being crowded lo the doors
thU when on the!'"
W Grand TTarerse bay wbl<± eoald and the congregation even standing oo
,! place.
never be excelled. MU entire We the sidewalk, being more ek
I -T wonid like to give ihl* s trial] The institution U fur the purpose of i
and nim daring tbe laai few yean has said tbal the young man was dead and
j taking are of 'bo adult blind, whu
■ here In Traverse City and If there I*/
baea tbe preBoUon of a bi
tbal all that could be done was
___ ho
__ d _
eiliicalion or trade havi? no
) enough Interested It ran
which weald most suit patroat, and
:o rest and let him mure to the
I along
time to the boyi :■“*“* to earn a livelihood Here |
tow iB’lOehlgaa and eret
dost from whence be came. He added
illtcc conaUtlng
^ ^ ,
| trade* are taught and they emerge per.,i
Aalea bat wbo bare at one t
tbe beautiful thought tl^ pertsps J. W. Hannon. J. M. Glllctt and A.
kbaps lau- In Ufe with two band* Ibati
other entoyad tbe beauties
Cod called for the pure, young life Ibai
wa* appointed by Commodore, ^ timorago the Record xtuatested!*"*“
•'"“6 ““7 a toad
If it is im-onvqnii-nt Or impoMiblc to <-oaie to oor aiore la pertrip from the deefci of oae or another bemigbt exalt him on bigh. He spoke Barbani
Murray, oo motion, to draft a «»*U-!
• to aucceo.
9>m v-ou can still havi- <-v.-ry udvajifaign of oor wide aswrtinetil,
of the fear dWereat beau wbicb the
w the young man waa loved by all luUa. The nnme of the club, colors.
biifb eTbdc Roods btxl low prices by r-nding to tu b/ mail for
akslcra as ihl* would keep them
‘‘ • famIlUr figure In thU
reterea boot man placed U
and bow bU deatb bad called
city where he patiently walked
by-lnwa, tbe electla of . board of di^ver aad the .mail [ak.
aBjrthinK, waoMtd. We girt.- thia denartment our beat gttantioo
alea tor tbe pablie.
tributes and whsi a comfott bU sbouH
and give Uioae wbo order by msil tbe beni-6t of every bstj(uin
Irectoia and other mailer*
danger I* ever preaeot
preaetii and tbe
(be mayor's;
*7 a faithful dog who
tbe parents.
After tbe exuaatoa of the T. C. L.
open uoUl tbe next meeting which win
offi.-rod tbone wbo come b> the store. Farther, if at aoy time
A H. raltraad tbtoagb tbe LeeUnau
u«. ,b«.j b. .1 a, M O, a,

. flcienc}-. Poor Joe ha* never bad half
the Rooda furaiabol do.not entirely {doflae yon. return them and
penInsaU bay tnffle was gmily las- aeteriatia M Ibe yoong mao. FTrat! While the all lam evening was for
wc will refund the mont-y rrr eichaoRe the gooda for aoraelhing
I a chance In lUc and ihongb amblUout:
aeaed, yet tbe sarriec giren by Cap- wa* ht* trieodihip. bow be was iinitrep motor bat owners aly. the new dob.
elfle. aa you may direct.
has found the only means tor adding
UlB Webb was retained and tboagh sally balnvod. Second was how rare-: membership win not be restricted to
Eight Oeatha In .On« Day.
to bU sister's Income by playing oca-j
at times tbe oallook was most dUeoor cat be wa* a* g atodent and the third owners of power Craft bot will slao ad- Traverse City has not a reeonl
aiaall.v^poo a homely bandorgan an-l
aglBf he weatbered ereiy dark pras- bU cbeerfalnesa. bow be wa* always
owning allbat*. TTiere'.higb mortality but Saturday ibere. eliclliag a few pennies. He hunger*
pect and gave his friends and all who iA)(ariiiig ao matter wbai happened. - ate several of these here end there‘were eight homes in and about the nrter
5 -that will occupy bU
game tn toadi with the bay line the Tbe aeUre pall bearer* were taka will be several more next year.
city where there was mourolng. Stoe time and U very much elated over the
^me perfect serriee.
from tbe Dear friend* and cl amalesi The new club auru out very sac- member* Of famillea being aDed. Interest whkb Hr. Clereiand exhibited
ta« year, fladlng that three small of the yonog itadenL being Albert'ceaafully aad the Indtallona are that-Those who were called ranged from n' In .BO pracUol a way and with aueb'

Omm or Cw*. H. J. w«b.

peUCioe be arid the sKaerer Commtnga and tbal be foresaw atiU greeter
,ea for tbe.»cainlBg reeona
at the Oraad Trarene region. ti
dent In tbe pUaa which he waa tonaalatlag wbeo alrtcken la dcstb aa be
waa then cootnapUtlng the poi '
lag of a still ^rger ateamer whic
hoped to place npoo ibe daily
etwece tbis port and tbe north.
Captain Henry Webb had three chil­
dren. bta wife passing away thirteen
yean ago aad aside fran tbe children
be bsd no.other relsHrcs, even of
dltUni onea The ehildron are: Capi
Cbarlei Webb of this rliy. Eogeac
Webb of ClneiBoall and Mrs. Marrln
AtbertoB of Crand Rapids.
Atberloe expected to leave home yes­
terday for Texas, wberp she usoally
speads her winters, but deUyed and
was located tfala morning by phi
and Informed of the death of her
Mr. and Mrn. Charles Webb left on
tednesday motalag at t a'rtock for
CamopolU. where on Tburaday the
faneral serrieea will be held under tbe
loapiees of the Hoaonlc order of
rhich the tfeeeaaed waa. a charier
member of the CaasopolU Ibdge.
Capl. Henry Webb was ao cxlcasire trereler and tor many years
passed hli winters In Texas and Mexwherever he was tbe samn
cheery imlle waa a greeting to bis
friends and tbe gentle courtesy srbleb
by ftfi of nature never tailed
blm. winning a large circle of friends
wbo be might lastly claim as legton
Ralph Andcraon prepared Ibc remains
tor borlal today.

Crade l^ere
By mail..

$. e. Olait^ Sons

Crawrs* eny* CudiBg Drug Slort


Grail Trarcnc HcnU
MRM «t«r


•»*«• at



inerauei is wem
t>r MB* or Us* Urgeot
«m«r the eooBtfy
tbo M« rov vUcli
U M aot«*o(thr Is AS
At ethor >«ceBt yoan
OroAter Umde st bom«. Isrcer sate*
AbfOAd. baltar wAgai. ahertar bosn
« or the a

eoAdlthau are sot eren promiaed asd
Ht vUeb Um bad rasalu of fomer
■oraoMBU or Ute kind mar be rejwvad. iMve beuer (ban erer before
AlOM. OQStisoee to be MleUsAb’f Ad­
vice AAd Appeal—Record.
Great Brilsis It safferins lost now
treea lack of work asd low wagea. tt
feAS bees eetlmsted tbU alooel three
iiniiwi BCB and wonee are oat of
work who would like dmplomteot. The
peU9 or Great Britaia tt lo
pao^ buy where they can buy the
cheapeat, regardlaaa or resolia.
people ot the Halted Sutet believe In
bedSf thoughtful of reaolu and la buytaf baae«iade producu. Our policy
la tiit the reverie oT Bnglud'A and
thecaAdlUacaof the tWoeountrlei are
inat at dlSeraat Twotbirdt of Great
BrttalA'i total forelgti trade latt year
MgllitH la the geodi and produda of
Other eeuairtea bought for borne eooHuaptlea. Whenever the nae iblag
CAA^ truly uald W the Uahed Statet
'the MaelipadUlobt will prevail here
la Great BHtala.—Ree

Land li lo ohaap In tUt cDUAti)'Ahd
jv are to large that
do not pay doae anoul
the detalla. Tbeae are Ml to taka
cf themadvea aad the retail
that the iDceoe It not what the
wae or tfort espeoded JuiU&aa.
In the tnetitote. uneatloia of in
net are' atadled asd tt la a poor i
at an Agrtenltarlttjhat canAoc pick up
and valuable -Anklet- In
ihe way of eoBductlag hU (am. Tbcee
new ideac tnean a bigger Isooaie aad
A blner laeoene neeat college for the
ecu and dau^ter. more labor nriag
■aehlnvy, a piano Instead of tbe porlor organ, n better rtg for driving nnd
belter borees to enrk the piece.
The fazaer of Ofty yearn ago would
hardly be a euHee today beeaase eo
potion li Bare keen and the old "l
obnoIMe. T
instliote it refrenhiDg. Ii li a plaoa
nalk Bhop- and when piacticnl n
miking abev" there are
ways a lot of good things to be picked
Tbe dty bmo wllb the 'garden
lAtch" onl behind Ibe bonne conM
to hln advantage ainu
ipare tbe time should
The poatlblllUcs of
lUtle plot of ground. If K

From Thuraday-* Rderd. .
Hn. E. Wolf went to Copenlsh to­
ny oa bualneea
bHIi Brelyn Mill went to Lake Ann
today for a visit with friendi.
Urn. W. Wod fro mKlagsley In lo
town, having coaie down to help take
care other little nephew. Arthur Rus­
sell. who is suffering from scute bronMrn. Tony Boutin of p
oonpaaled by ber aister. Mm Joe
Jaegues. wbo has been Dahlag a abort
visit at pjovemont came lo tbe city
Us Bonilng and is the guest of her
Hater. Mm B. K. HoUo.
Hn. a Hendel went lo Boyne at'y
Hn. B. B. GsratklBS l«A for Grand
Rapids today, where she wlH make
ber boBM with her aont.
Hr. and Hm 0. B. Savage
danghter. Pearl, Mf today for
nlaga. where they will make

Otto CtanichlU iwtnmed to Bear take
odarAfter a
«trip to the dtp.
Gwray Bine, foreiaaa of the fmlare departBenortbe Hannah A Usy
dercantlle conpany. has gnoe
Grand Rapids aad Chicago to n

The HenWa Praaiiom.
Orusd Rapids, srhrre l.a will aUesd
It has not iH-en enstontnir for the
the bastaeas cotlete. JasMs is a half UenU to offer a preniam to aataertbbrothar of CbpL Wbl Walker of tbe
ert. but the c
Sleeptag Bear life savlsg stalloa.
publtshen ha'

Two Stores
I For Cash Boyers

■Id have bm regarded as being of
consauneoee. caased tbe dmih of
n Pieke. aged St. of Day Cn?


andfainiiy.hasinduredtbeotoaake; Traverse City Markets
Hru. B. W. Wood wbo haa beta asaladag ber stater. Mm. B. Bsaaell In
anbUier page of this lasae'of the Her rasoonalbla for channa it. stnean.
of ber soa Arthur, wbo Is ill.
maned to Kingsley today.
AS will be s«.n. Ibe Hcrdd aa.i
Mrs. Flora Willlaias and daughter.
Mrs. Ia Hager of Keyst^e were la the
dty to day cb business.
Hn. A. T. Peck aad son Aueiio re.,
to «‘l
toned last evening from Graad Rap­ Prtdny
Kni Keuer.nadra imsineM trip to>“'*
for »e HcraM,•• :
ids where sbe bad been to attend ber
Copemish Saturday.
.to-J,n. i. r.-:. Tia..^ gives K.m nc-I
............... - »
sister's funeral.
Hiss Margaret KUscher went to
Ju adianr.- Kuliwrll-er ln the nenl.l
............ ......—'

; » lb>


Kl for Ann Arbor ihlS; date ihv iravuling iiublic a
where she Will go to Uft,BcuH for cnoslenis lo grt
o lake special irtatmeni
boardV. Slater rciuncd Iasi cvcnlag
Mrs. r. Cameron of Thomptnnt ilb
from Elk Rapids, where be has been was a guest of Mrs. Bun Tlmlbk
business In counenlon with 3. W. FYldny.
Slater's house tunlsblni; store at that
Hr and Mrs. lanee Holland of Copi-place.
mlsh were In town Suurtay.
Jdr. and Mrs. Ruth.Tlurd v>f Tbomii,
sonvUle were Iq loan Sunday.
^plre. Mleb. Jaa. le.—G. R. Dailey
E. W. Brimmer made a bushicswas la town from Wednesday until irlp lo Copemish Uonds}'.
There will I-e- a dance ai MnccaN Judge of Probsle Gartbe was .In Bm- haU Sstnnlsy nlclit. Jan. 2": All ni"
Ire on business last Wednesday.
Hiss Holmes of Honor was ih-'
guest of her sister. Mrs. C. II. Bskvr,
over Sundny.
Hiss LetUe Varnoe d East Empire
Is stoytag in tows and going to school. A GUARANTEED CURE FOB PIIES
fgiDd. nminc. Prcpirodinc r>I<Lawrence Wyse. non d Jnmea Wyse
of Honor, was visiting Telatlves here
last week.
Don Burgess d Traverse City vis­
ited with U B. Coinn and family the
Arst d the week.
Cspi. William Walker d ihe Sleep­
ing Rear-life navlng slation
train here Tnesdsy for Traverse CHy.
He rclunied Thursday.
Rev. J. H. Lamhkln of the H. E
ebnrefa It rlsltlag bU family

0 Empire Wed
Bake be
raoMUy attained aad dairy depart
Mrs, WlUlaai Avery of Bates was with her auai, Mrs. C. F. Rich.
Hiss Kifiue d Glen Haven and Miss
fro4 this tiate haa
I th^ cliy today.
Baxter d Burdlckvllle visited
grading In Kow Yoilc
Hn. P. L. Bird of Onwn It tbe
of Mr. and Mrs. W II. Morris
eastern Btsrfcns aad b<
guest of Hn. J. L. Sardea. 620 Webtost Salnrday.
balag paid tor Mleblgaa
ler ftroeL
Hr. aad Mm Sam Mania and daughI under the grading hereto
Mr. and Hn. W. H. Hnnb of this
T Beatlc of Platte were Empire vis
1 our state tarn and dairy dty. who have been away cb a <
ors Saturday.
There has been
weeks' trip, returned this afternoon
Miss Georgia Raymiwd of Bensooia
; ea the laereaaed expense to troB Wieeonaln. having eniaaad
W the work being done nader lake laat nlgbL ‘Ihej had their fam­ arrived Tuesday and began her duties
office d A.
deaa of tbe atate dairy and ily cf are children who all neeme.l
but the actual i«- happy over tbe Blot’s trip over Ukc
Mm Grand, mother d Mrs. L. E.
Collin. left Saturday for Buffalo. N.
Hg«^.that d
Mm R- A. BeldiBg aad danghlor L.1Ispend tbe rest d the si
hta jiv«B a net gain of masy UuMtaaad aa were called to CHd Mission today
- _ -Mtan to our state's ptedueem It is t aecoont of the aleknete d Hm with her daughter. Mrs. Hansen.
lied from Grand Rap­
w V MrttarirwathttiBdinetiansla which Beldlng-a granddaughter.
ids by ber nob. Fred Oniad, who
7 iWaiae ta dodaiu aad cests an
traveling nlesman.
M wfckh have to do with
Is enlertolntog faU
the aale tf tawun aad
e Crandall went to Mayfield mother from Ludington. Mrs. Boekes
I tooda IB HMdgaa.
much pleased with Empire and is
A. U Joyce was ia'-Klngaley today considering making this place ber fnon buslnesa.
luro home.
Mrs. Horace Hilbert of Bin^am
C. B. Ackerman made a business
ttioagh aeveral yuan under other aun^rending tbe day in tbe dty.
Hip to Maple City Wetlnesdny.
Hm Henry Sage and child from
Mr. and Mrs. M. Deerfog of Elk R^
WlUlamabuig arc In the dly today.
Ids irerc here Inst week and parke-1
Anaftean Goods Galelap.
iMra sraa an lacreaK in the amooBt. Hm Pcrlle Cdrpenter d WlUlams- and shipped ihclr boosehbld goods in
df gnads sold by the Ualted 8Ul«w to' ■^ Is In Ihe city today oa business. Elk RapWs. Their house here will he
Cktaa dartag tea Boaihs of laat year Hn. L. Gage, wbo has been qnllc ill occupied by L- C. Ilskor and wife of
at the saaltarinm. Is much improved Laks Ann.
. aaowared srlib the aame
(ha mueadlag year, eff aratu than thirty today. Several from here atleodcd tbe W
Hr. and Hn. W. H. lamalo left N. Ferris leriore at Honor Tbursds;
■mioB douara. aad a larger gala
eo«parad with the saae taa moBths
at tha year before. Tbe eomparlaon Is their home.
Dr. G. A. Holliday of Traverse rilj
Hiss Mlaa Saxton relnreed today
*ade with tea moatbs because of ibe
«aet that tenrea tor the full year are from GrawB. where she has a dass d
Dot at hand. U is also shown by tbe musle pnpUa.
Tbe Sir Knlghls and Ladles of thci
L. Kiagibuty of Uuskegon. wbo has MsccatN-es gave a very enjiosbie
gMBt racant reporu that ou
tearkaa-oade goods to Japan have
party In their lirdge room Sgluidsy
Wra thaa doubled during the past
Mrs. J H. Anderson and diQd. Leo.
year. Aad we have bsea told that
W. Reynolds of Grown was
leR for Walton today to vlsil
Unde irith foreign couotriea wai
Empire Wedntoday and Thiir«ds>.
■other. Mre. Levi Williams.
daigwr, aad that some change was
looking after bis drug store hiisine^r
MMry In order to keep up with i
yrapaaa la that dlreetlon. That we lling fals slRer. Mrs. Peter Johnson,
Three of fb.- IKUe .Uughlers oi
ai* ^aryebete galalag. In ratios of mureed lo Cedar Sprlhga today
Hean- Dorsey of «len Luke an- very
Mrs. Joha l.relllck d GrellIckvUle. ill with throat trouble. '
tww to thTM buBdred per cent, even
wbae mr aalea are cosapared with the who hat been .visKlag at Detroit for
Mrs. Chas. Carr. who. tgas been III
hBit yuan W the past may tbaretore iree weeks, n-iomed home today.
for the-past eleven moniUs. 1. eonrldLgiwy C- Wright of Battle Creek, erably improved In beatih at this wrllbe Burpristne to Btaay ADCrican rmdUO. but K wfU be none Ue less pleat who has been visiting friends for near­
ly a week, took a trip to Kingsley I
Edd Ruosa has irade-J Ltr hnntin'
V« to Claude llollto of Jacktown
The Parmen' iMtlBile. .
Ltoler Slmptoc. who has been qoH
.me other kind of a di*. The slaugbA two days fanaen' laatHuteVui in for some Ume with typhoid fever,
r of raWilis around Jacktown
be kdd la thu city Friday aad Balar. his home on Sixth streel. Is gnlnlag cxpcced will lie lerriSc.
Ray aad every tanaer In ibe Grand rapidly.
hard Sullivan and daughter
ItaverM region that can possibly do
Hiss May Mosrard of
an ahoeM be la atteadnace. Work Is passed tbronsb the rlly lOday oa ber pie at Port Oaeidn Iasi week.
M saeh abmpe now that ihe time enaU
Devil's Lake. North Dakota,
Arkerman spent
^y be spared and it will be weff where sbe will make her home.
last W^nesday with Mrs; H. C. King
Hr. and Mrs. Archie Cameitm aad . Clenmerc.
^Aa Sulltute U a valuable tbtng
mnddaughier. Mildred, d Central
Rrpuru received from Tony John
a (amer. Every year tbe tinlled Lake left today for an extended lrip| w Ibe last few 4sys are not as eu■totes U paltemlag tmre ekisdy after
Grand Rapldi aad polalt la ihe|couroglag as they were eariler In the,
d» thickly settled older eoantries and south. Mrs. Camertm las been the winter, li is hoped by all that he ma.v
at a raaulL latanslve (analag It beiag guest for a month of her daa^ter,| yet recover his health.
•ore and more practised, in the old Mrs, Otto Salchow of Webster street. | Mr and Mr*. Conklin of Honor via
RorUL a maa can make a living os a
----------(I'ed ywirrdny with W rl*.
%m aboni tbe sire d an aroruge gar
Saturday's Record. '
' and family of this place.
Ren. not only a llTiug but can lav by
Mrs. 1). E Roche of Muskeenn Irfi
V. S. Hoffman of Akron.
■mey while many tamen with for- tt, toe Borolag train for Bmi.ln-. tupcrlnteodcd ihe building of Ur.'
and eighUan la this couBtry enn- hWe toe was called by the serious bridge across Glee lake last winter
M even make tbe Hving, ta the eld tUnean ot her mother. Mm James Mc- was In this, vicinity last week.
•orld. the tamer siudtea carefullv Oormlek.
FoTvew Reed left the ffrsi of the!
Rpadltloea aad takas lato aacouaV Hint Ada Bnmpas. who is atieadlag week for Am Arbor to resume his
school in the ctly. went to Bingham sindles at Ute r. of M. .
today to apead Sneday with b«r imr- ' James Kdlie of Clea Haven was In

We slrlt In luiiiiiiinr-' lba< -«iii mui'
ager. Mr. J W .'lifr.-, hSe reli.rti. I
from ilie saiiiiariiim greslly impmu :
in-fcealih. and Ison dnl^ again l»n^
Ing bis aheenn-.we were sliiWI ef bel;.
and found li insposeible to dbp'ife;<4
these pianos and organs as fas' aUiey arrived herv from Ibe dlOeree'
'faeiorins. We arc at' proseui aroaii'
o'«eri4iK-l.ed and will offer large li,
dueements li> iniending pgrehsser'.
These instnimenis must l-e eeld s'
eil, which will n.
Cfssllate anollier ra^ oipeii.lliur.
making an enoi^ioos expanse wltlun '
any possible gain. This we arc ei.
dtBvnrlng lostold.
If you ever trliend or hsx- a <
» own an liietrtinx'Ui we will luak'
fail to can and lenrn ihe Induc^meni• have to.offer. Yon may w exsi;
have the terms amogi-d to yonr
ra emvenlencc: We kindly urge yo
call and see the geoulsenosK
SBC rediirei] prltjes for ynuim-H.
t conveiileul fur you in call ki:j
drop us s line and we will Ik' p'.'sso
to mall ynii a compl'-i-' list of ib<>>- lr
Grinnell I
r.niin• <1
GricnHI Hros.: t.'-K K t'ror'p
Traterw- i'liy, Mirh
Annual Meeting.
The annual nu-imrig c.r is.'Ka.i |i,vi
umber fomiiany will i»- ii.-id m ihl
Hire of Wilirnm Xlnrh. il. \i:, v
lop.m sm-i. Travers- r'lu «
gan. at ten .I'cloek. on Mtm.ia,
ary 1st. l9Ki.

Elgin C. Lewis.
226 E. rroBt St 201 Sg.0Bln


n.' mown t.lass \
Tuml.Icrs with fn cy t
vicbiftu- |HT


Hrilli.-tni ^Itiss tumblers.


UrilUtim (ii.Ybs
Water sets cnly



1^100,(XII •-ash rni>ita], writpo

larmers’ Insurance'

Volt .tlioiilil SCO our new < <i-r-


Things Yon Heed to Know

Every now and old sub­
scriber who h«s psid ft>r
the Herald In full to Jan.
1. 1907. will be given a
subscription to Farm and
Firoslde ons year free.
See offer In another piece

on feaSH .g mi wau« u>ai>r»k.

' Leave your nrJer for any atyk

.Mid-wistor terma me ad more
. UUcU. loDdla. pencil boxt*

Scboel SuppHts “'■ u..- lik.. No oU.... .ion- i.
/ tbo north esrrioa the aasort■■ meat of that wc <lo.

ihii.pv w.. toivl to
kn'.to. 1-1 lli.-m.'.ll.'r.,f ,otr.
.Hui^ia,: yur i.t.-.p- you nr.
Phi I.U8V to shoj. ar.ytiii.1 aii.


Slllljll) Uil'. —I'lll util


Ill,1 i.

allVouwant 1.. know ahou

Rowiand Douglass

CTBTKAT 0OO~<WW .yptow Jx. Uh.

Rubber «amp.' "JT^

.4 l,«.y ...r|,| il,i. .,,,1 ,

alrvvo . ..IIJ.JII ..nil Iiitiil I
us, aii'i
Bcml .v..,,' „s..ful
I.iat,., u,to-,!,;,tin,, lUat v,.„
.-Ml, I ..k u.vr ,.n.l M'Mi.v in
III' -lu:' I "f vmr own hum.',
V.;.t V. ,t,t I', know ul.dir


C^WSALa-air.-MtMvi wiMiwn] towww
r fund MwCiitae. l»ioirv u( Wm Wia.


wnls vii'l IT.

.in' niakt' l.y a fii- lury tl.ui
makca notbinj: l-ot twiyi,'
ahoea. All waiie of kooJ so).
id leather. Ko abaais.


. Kt.»7 p-bryMw<d bj lb. -WlM tH}"!.;
' pfuv-rW by tbe Sutr ct Hcelb DsXotw. all
It. aF-onlM bWBc dnwMMd will



Kverj- |ian-ot knoua ib.i!
g.tod show for lioya .-irt' liiirl
to RPt. Tlicy at) l.»-k nifImi ■len t aton'l Hjc- wt-ar.

Every new and old sub­
scriber to the Herald, who
haa paid In full to Jan. 1,
1007. will receivo a Kreat
masazina papar. FhsnvArtd
Fireside, absolutely frwe
for a full year. Farm and
FirMide is from 24 to 3B
paKBO. twice a month, 24
times a year. See the
offer elsewhere In this

Bv r-o

Box Slatiostry



You Meuey...

F>v .v,„cvns .iailv,


"Hrxni- abapn"«l 10c a box sn'
on pnr laUo' now vbicli arc
till' licet ever for that price.
Try a Im.

£HV Book Store

Clff Gebsri Co.

Cnoent dtp, mirh.

Has Opened OfTices in (be State Bank Bnlldior
' 'f .S-tiio and Chroni.- Kbeamatism, Artknte; Ik'l.immiia.
li-7111. Spraina. .S-iaiica. .Myaluia. N’euritia. .VcuriUia. \ aricoae,
(.'I'ere. I’iles. Trie Aci-t IFiatbeaia st>*l r>jl;nr ■iiattirlrsnoca of
M.'Ulwilism, lii-iieral ami IrOtal lDfcw-ti..u. Skin l>tscAti.«. Lin-r.
Stomarli ami Bowel trrjaliled, Ltinj: tp.iil.i.e. Kidney and Blad•I'T diffirultii-a, Nerv'iua Eibaiiation. K<.’umi>ienia, iJiwiaaea id
lilt; Fi-male Bel vie OtEsas, ParHlj-afs-'vml Cam-era. If yon are
aiifferinE a i'll any dirnmso and liav.' iw-n nnahle to.^-t tbi- doain'd neulta liv drug lr"aini«;iit. call umj sue lb*'lAicu.r. (.’««•
iultotiub Free.

SUITES 403 MD 404 STITE BUI flUlllllllS


7 Lv. a. a ftpM*.


A Ml .
by Prall A Carls for B. J. M<
......................... -med the rreot.
•Tnily plreciiloM
vbMkrr lb*
new ceapslaonr In* mlalstiator of tbe Hollis GrBdn estsic.
Moine Holt of-this place '
rbich «M «v«sttre Jo. 1. raqolrlnc against the limber llra^of C. L. KJi
n R. Hut^. WOMKord.
BO wasted by cooghbe ntUmitoa et •» Hrthe wltbln tbe anil being the oelgrowtb of aa aoten tejl <• not re'. bc»c eonpIM ddem a year ago last fall where tbe; IM np P»*s
dedared t
br tbc pbreleUme of the dtr. >* dcath of HdIU CritBo e I Gsssed.


miMcMr takM « «trtM «r

tMrd Is determine. 0lx dan witboot
. urgeni
The ault has long been contem-i forty-eight bwr*
Sew Olseavery was
a In rmrene atr ts naprece- plated. bW owing to the realdeooe of;
the esiooishlng reed'
dented. r«i np to todar >ot a Wnb tbe defendants In Chicago serrioc was ’
reea r^Wered from Mn. 1. and slow. Two weeks ago service throegh I oed until »hr no calls hare been made at tbe
obtained epon lOO.OOO;.^^
inteed cure (or cong^ and colds.
local once for re*l»‘"“0B talaakt for feet of legs MGrewn. H. C Burt being;
Johnson Drug Co.. P.
SM. LMt week on* btrtli was report­
drugthe locnl repreaealalire of the Him.
] hV Mes^d»'aod Bugbee Drag ed, a son to Mr. aad M#(- Artbor
The dedaiaUoD Is based upon lhe|»l»«» Trial bdule 10c,
Horth. for VeHsuatlou bet owlnc to
«a belsf in Van I^be- «>• pAfaWan.
Sr. Uoo^ was obUced to Ale <be regls-

fact that tbe highway at Grewn war 1







Room Size

traUon with the townablp of Lout
Lake: this, eo far. Is (he onlr effort
the neiia’r ibir afiernonn to nomlnalr,

for a kxnl record.
UnIM Maim «*ay AM.
iS.^gpalB. Jsa. U.—Tbe In

wlU predeee a daa«erooa Frencc
erlais. Franco smnU her paraIt il«hU In Morocco to be teco*-

Circttlatioti tilii week 2,975

niaed and Oermanr InsisU on perfect
OuHt a ^nbsr «f Hamid affhaerlb- beedoB of trade. The dcoMlnx Inws hare naked If tha pmnffum effar «f
« wni In all iwobabllltr rest with
Mie Hemid and ff«n and FIraaMs the Untied BUtes. All the power*
•PMWI he ewtatdid lap « ahert Ikae. recopafse America aa the only dleintereated power at the coogreta and
poaaible the end may M an Insritt «« pMMaham ef ffsrtn Md fWe- ferial wrhitraltao aiference e '

.Mh«>d ese themdere aWa
tkiM B)la eflsr fee tha preacnt

the ABVku delecatet aeUac aa

The ttan> kewwver, turlH h

an tfllnAl candidate fur president i<>
tts bnrae, ciulng It to ron away. The I
sucrecd M IxiubeK. whose term ei-,
run.gras made down tbe road for si
e* Feh. 15. M. Pallleri. -presWer.! ,
safely wbeo the poiilop oi;
the senslc- and M Ikiumer. ,res!-1
tbe read was rmebed wberc long rows
.lent of the chamber of deputies, were ;
of logs were piled rm eiibcr side ol!
the chief Andldales.
FUllore tv-j
Being unable In ite
eelved ilC vote* aBd*lv.umer l»l.
darkncaa to see these and being fur
tber unable to keep (he (HgMencd
Beat! the Muaic Cure.
animal In tbe narrow roadway, tbe lefi
-To krep the body In tuni,' wtin«
side was Uken by the horse and the Mrs
Irs Mart Brown. 20 Lafsyeti.- Place,
N. Y. "T.l
buggy conscoucflOy atruck a log,
log, I'ouel

............. Now Ufc Pills The;
Ihrowlog the occupant oul aud raus lKloc
liable end pleaKini I
Ing Injurtos fimn which he died wiihln ,
uud.", Ih'Ki fur the lUomach.
• .
1 son I>n« O'.. P H Mi-ads a
Hollis OrlfOn was ihi (alhvt ofi ituepoi- -Drug Co . druggists
young Willie Grtfaii. who
Ing an indetermioaic scoleni-e
It KaapB tha Feet Warm ahO Dry
- taSniw
-- -s p •
refocmatory at Imtia (or burglary.
lary. Tbc'

9-95 ForKaba Rugs. size 9x12. worth 12.50
7.75 For AU Wool Rugs, size 9x1 2, worth 10.00
13.75 For Heavy Brussels Rugs, 9x12. worth 17.00

Every new and old Sub­

1 6.75 For Extra Heavy Brussels Rugs. 9x 12. worth $21

scriber who has paid for
the Herald in full .to Jan.

17.00 For Heavy Velvet Rugs. 8-3x12 worth 24.00

1. 1007. will be given a
subscription to Farm and
Fireside one



21.00 ForAxminsterRug, 9x12. worth 25.00


See offer in arwlher place

22.00 For Body Brussels Rug. 9x 12. worth 26.00i i

In today's Herald.

22.00 For extra Heavy Axminster Rug. 9x 12. worth $27

Willeer A Onlaa. who bhra the
«oMmct tor loffBlac the liBbfr for­
ummlttm. B. J. Pulghnm.
merly owned by the Coorthde estate at W. H. Al
Chas. Wilhelm, t. W. Mllbat Bay me oMUed to lay off their likm.
•erentoN tsaaa Hoaday awaittnc
Tbe exocutlre

30.00 For Welton Velvet Rug, 9x 12. worth 37.50,


belter iM^fC K. Buck win look after '
Tbrdaae of OrtfBlh ra. Woithlaitob. selilm«f (begooda
As Boon as malerlal can l>e secui
w company will oUrt up the plant.
Bone «f the atoekholdnrs adi
«wr at < o-cioek. After loir hsorf
ince (be list waa published are: BIsic
mbabamtioD they wen onaMe to afree K. Rgnnab. Bamnel Oariand. Charles
ssS^^K iawsst of'iSST?
WW U mid rswl Male as dwertbiC la said
aad tbe eaae waa dUmUaed.
lazka, Henry Brodhagen. H. 0.


da which tbe poaamskB of« tam waa
darolred. waa heard in Jnallea Cor
IM- sonrt Batarday «b« weat to tbe

Tliwfaani II IS ardrrsd. ihst Pnday. tbs


This is the .best lot of curtains evi:r put out at as low .i price

cannot burn huICK

2.25 Pair

D yiluv poH,.

Ahsolule seeiirily Is the |sil-

lO of Ibis tianli.
We pay ihre* per cent on Hav­

■ad. aad all ot^

Morthport, Mich.. J


foSai^haambs baldS?£Wo‘iwW

ing* deposll* IT Inicr.-si cvr

-rlMoa where be waa « two eammlt.tom.

which means ao much to area BaPSid. a wcawiaper priatrd aad elmthis rfllme. ne toeeUng was called latadia mid conaiy, shraa aa>-r-sarp wirkK
to order by linac U Dame, temporary


CloBiinE Thai is Clothing

Oeisber fm a three yean* oarrtea la
ebalnnan. W. B. Campbell being elect
tbe mau of Uncle Ban aad retnniod
ed (empotary tecreiary.
to ibla dty troontba bameha at FOrt
aiOobn> Booth Cahillna, waa a pinimi
gar Toooday Bcnlng for Oolambna. O.
wbeso bo wJJl agalo enter oo a Ihres
yoart* norttoa.

We want to sell every rug in the store before FEBRUARY I. {
These prices ought lo do it. Not over 25 rugs left.

sun IK
Ik in the
tbe hands of the .dmlnls- ;“.*7^
iraior. B. J. Moi^o. who aaks »r..iu.n js»o.8m«

Prealdect. B. J. Pulgfanm.
Vice ^raaUent. A. V. Prtedrieb.
SbomtBjy aad tnaanrer, ). W. Milll-

Joynl and George ljudle.

Going Very Cheap


damages. The olher minors for ihc
The BtoekboMers of the Fotoio ImFlorence Grlfflui or-raiher j
.•f thia effar 1 mha mmitthnoe s* m pleMBl company heM m leMlt
Iho- otBee of B. W. HaaUoga Friday second marriage, and Mary GrlfAn, or
•arty a data aa peaiMa
Wanbaar-lnaalndtbitimryHnf ermteg wad elected (he followliui ofhotb children heing to Ullwaii
Beers: Board of director*.-J. W Mllll•id euhaeriber who hae paid far the
kee with the mother.
ken. W. H..Ams. C. Wilhelm. J. D.
MoraU tn fall to Jaa. t. tW.llll reon, A. V. PtJedrieb. U P. Tltn*.
•ewe Fan and Firealde one year abW. P. Calkins,- Bam Garland. C. K
•etirtelr frea.
Bmk. C. A. HaBiond. E. J. Pnlgbum. ilotbpr Gray

B. o. tadd. efto has bm on a two
wo^ talp bnUtaff oaa day faimera'
teatttntm la msqne 111*. Oiadwin.
Jam* a*d Ui*Ba-“«t»«bn baa retftmd bemd and repertad at tha
mnmlag aaaaloa of tM board ft anper-


He Is 0ad of tbe op-

mataaity te amh wp** hot did aw
Coe year. Imac U Dame itecretary lor
mre to retoni to tbe me statloo.
chroeder: delegaie to
eoorcntlon to be belJ
Ftoor lane brook tnai. the 1
at Grand Haven. Jan. *1. W. E, Camploner ooee weighing folly three
tonr poonda eaeh were aUraetlag m,
that Ihl* aasodalbm
mt of atteotloe Thareday from pedestrlaas on Uotoe street bridge as tber will be further augmented at a later
iber* from Buttons Bay.
tay In light la aballow
aootb end at tbe bridge. They appar- bdaud. Omena and tbe Foz iBlands.
aembersblp of
coUy faU net (be Imat


-a. ft t. L. A p. Ce.

one bundi^i.
The object of the aiaoclatbAi la ihe
worling for a nulform law oa the (ak
lag of commercial flab aad the nplifllag of the lednstry. The Induslry li

nod'Fewer canpasy last sreeh eJeet- represented by an aggregate of caplUl
. wd tbe following offlcers^or the en- niendlog into millions and Is fast
Dg one of the great Industrli-* ot
eoing yesu-;
Vim pcmUeot. Charles Wilhelm.
it is aUeged that legHdatbin discrim­
inates against Ihe
Secretary. A. V. FMedrteh.
fnvor of the Bsb trust, and national
YTeassrcr. Samuel Oariaad.
nmetort. Hesari. Umdon- Wilhelm and atale laws eonOlci oo (be taking
priedricb and OaHabd. With Robert of flab for apawn during tbe cloaeJ

Prices hi January Are Lower
Than Any Month of the
We begin taking inventory l-cbruary Isl. and as
wc have a goo^ many anicles of winter fwiwcar to
dispose of before then, the next two weeks will be
money-saving weeks for yoii.

On all Warm Goods.
Men s 2.50 Warm Shou .-ul t...........................................................

Caldwell. Uouk Orrdllck, Frank Votre

Mt.-. All FfU Shoe, cut m.i...........................................1-...................... ,1.5,

ba and A. W. Bartak.

Mpti-a Rubber ( An lit* ri.i V.............................. .. ......................1

preaMenl. Thomu T. Balea.
Vico preoldeol. George G. Bates.
Bmxrnary. J. w. iiaonen.

Eire al Mepleten.

children bad a narrow escape from i
droifa from Brat last night.
At -.o;
o-eloeh Meriey Ftrwlor wu passing]
(heir realdenee and iw that It was
He Immediately gave ib>
alarm and ronsed tbe aleepiof family
Tbe chUdren were cnrrted from tbe
bouu- by ncighbora.
Tbe bouse wu entirely dcettwyil
but mod u( the tentlure waa ivsd
with (he exception of (hat la (be
kUebtm. Tbe loei Is aboat 1700. fully
meted by insurance.

bHm S'rmdicim. SClnoiiiM * .

Wimevcm IWlirtm-bo-WIA OloAHInc

Til'-i-lolliirR this is so nibvrtis..]. tliHt is iimlf by

tli-- m"«t

n lailora. ioxl that

p’l-.iaoa fvery "ni'who fi-s it ^ilul «li" "' Mrs :i suit "f it.



Tn .itiiu;




TicUi is'iii ' fiiiiiir

Miir (■l-'liii-- : ii'I'IddMilaiii) iiuit"i

fr.->iii "ur

N-» V'.rk ofli.-.-

ALL THE Li8lfall-l..41i2,000m. n ill
iill pnrl.s of till- I’liitiil JiUit'
is i.m- ri iiton

v. liy. our HoU„ «

,jr<‘ so vi'll kii-Ti.



ail of wlii.-h an- «<>«!' r-'iP-.iis.
wliy our .-lolh.-t ar-

■ I'.tln-s

for y.ii.


Hakers of CeAd Cletkei

Wointm-i rcgiiUr 1 00 Warm SSIuwt f..r.................................................-T-V
Wonmn-a Besvor Shoo., tb^v liuinR . ......................................................

It Cluiets
the Cough

Tnuttm. Mabel Baico.

Hapleton. Httb- Jan- !&.—Hr.
Hr*. Andrew OOuire-and aU I


M.m-. S in. lioa Top RuWx-» .......................................................................... 1

MereU A Record Co.
Tbe annul sreeUag of the Herald
•nd Record company was held Mon­
day afteret^ and reports abowed tliai
ihe bnrineas for IPOS had been very
proeperoos. The foltowlag ofBcere

VWm irm Sell AkcmriWm For

Womon s Fur Trimm-l .«tib. iu-a. tl.o l.'al............................................. >'<
WonK n-s Kar Trimmul .Inli.-llos out .................. .......................................'-h
Womon-a Foil Bnakin Slippora................................................. ,...................:dV
Womon-8 Orionlal Slipjx-ia.


for -'A'. f..r........................................*2.*

Womon-s Lo^intfs - ut U*.............................

.......................... .. ..'A- ami : >



Miaaoa- l^wrinRacut lo....................................................................... 10,-nwl .-v
ChiUlron-.l^nes oul lo.............,................................................. 1-V to

This lioBeretsoo why Ayer's
Cbcrry Pecnirtl is so tnhiable Id coDBumpeion. It stops
the wetr aod tesr of useless
coacUif. But It does more
quiets Ac fever, soothes, tod
hetls. Sold for eo years.

■ -.-w^

Tti-- iirst

Womon’a Pnl.-nt Uiitlier Droaa Sl.m. ................................................ fl '.rA gooii tlroas alioo for

........................................................... -............. l-l"'

(}pod winter sl«c. for l«ys.......................................................................


l l-'






iii.. i




■il—lii, HlcE> Jta. It.-A 9«eUi
' J illRai I MMUac ur tbt ChriKtaa Bd>4Mrir Mctotr wmi held lut Uonv
■,%«> St thk keoe <K Hr. uul Hrs.
i5m* tklttMT. AfUr the bqaiM
' HdMlac • WT-aaiersblc aocUl erei
WM hkU. A pracraa emMUila
kBd lutraacDUl mcHe u
iwliiniiii I *«« T«tT BtMtr Hr«B- &
frwkBNBU e( eolm tad MBdaiebt
nrved br Hr. ud Hrm. SklsM
.'a A. L«k« ud K«. BarMd. w«t
It CutflHc iMt HoBdar.
a W. KUuer TisKed rdaUva I

gatordar wbfle uleadlag a load o(
toga at BegaalL Oae ot tbe toga rolled
eacirdr over hla. bat be waa o^r
braised ep tome. It It a nyMatr to
! wbo were tb«re that be wae d«

Hr. Buebanu-e teMUy are udly afdieted. They have a eaae of.dipbtbarta to tbe'taaJly aad are oader
qaaruttoe. aad ton mday vbito Hr..
aau area eomliic dowa tbe lad.

la awe to ba out agala.____ _
Mesaor Fetrli- leetm glfwi ta| LaavwlT h. Bowert of Btogbaaloo.
without (ear o
tba WoodOM ball last Ttaaretay
H. Y, a falthtul Jleateaut of Jobs D.
tag WM well attaaded.
Rockefeller, has reeelved froB bta a
Mrs. Jobs OrahaB Phelps Siokaa.
Fruk Wrigbt, yto bai bees, at cheek for 312.006. Hr. Bowen draws
ferBeriy Hiss Rose Fnstor. has Bade
Ot^ Baptde. retorud to bH I
ealary of 32S.OOO. and le saM to have
ber foTBal buw to (aabtoaable society
last Tbvaday.
ran very eocreaefs] to promoUag House Wedeesday wben PresMeat
is Sherry 's, where ber tnotbar-te law.
Hr. aad His. Britroa of FtaUe
Raaseveli. to (be prasence of Ueet.
Mrs. Anson Phelps SUrkes. gave a
la lows laat Ttonday.
Gen <%affee. cbW oT tbe C. 8. mUIdaace aad a^too. The eniertalBBeM:
waa osteasIMy for the Hisses Mndrad
Tbe new Croue dam st^ New York (ary depaiimeni. wUk bla stoR. all In
Jodge JasMt A. SAaber a
Ulcer c< the itoatacb may exist for and Hf4ea Stokes, bat the yoOBr
I about dnlibed. Tbe reservoir from
years wltbooi very marted symptoms,
Cburefa of L
excwptlag ibose ■
by todigestkm. dangblerin-iaw. nrho once worked bam
ud be fell, breafctog bis tog to two tbe dnt Soclallct dianb to America, which Ibe eiif will draw Ua water iiip- medal, for c.
II Is due lu u li
cigar factory, was of greater InU-nmL
l:;-snn Iblrteca yrbre
place*wbleb bai )a>t been fooaded to St.
battle c< 1ms OuUlmas. frets (be membraae of ibr ston
8bc met la (be white ud gold b^
c 4 capacity of ihJrt.r bU:.oa
Qolie a UtUe excUemeot wa* cauead Lonto. Ho. Abow 30 wonfalpeis of
that K ts eaten away by ibr
maa tbe cream cf New York eocietr.
Tbe gates have been ciched Capt. Church was attaebed to tbe Juice*.
while Friday eveatog by tbe tbe blast odaatUto creed were preebnratog oet^ a eblHBey 00 Hart eot to hear bit drat leetare. He spoke BlDce Nov. 2S. bat on seoout of tbe "Rough Riders' reglmrat. of wbMh
la good
health, the stonueb resists to a white, simply grade sal In gown
with ber hair paned ud wewa
;ClHrlH HafDB returned rrem Bvaoi' booML
00 tbe general theory ot eocUIUm sod small ratofail ibe reservoir ie almost progress of tbe battle seatured 00 the' wbe^weakraed.
the etood beside Ibe bostesa 8bn
Bd Halo bae been qabe poorly for ttu that It niuetraiea tbs broad prta- empty.
Otcmo HoBdar. wk«re be tWM bU
. - ud the dlgeMlie 1.
k of bla Ule to remove
In a white, ilmidr made satin gown
le laet two weekt ud be hu beeo clplee at exact tostice. Tbe Bnadsy
wilMr ud rncbda for • few dan.
act upon It as well m npoa the ft
wooDded eddiera. .
uri «Hb ber balr parted ud wont
•odsed to hie bed tbe noet of tbe artool sill study Bmersoa. ud
keeping up until perforation of
WfeUe dkauar «rUh a araaber
ronne of tbe sireDBOss life to Washmade DO display of Jewel*, ud anad
paovte near (be nortb rfeer time tbie-weHt. HU brotber, Nennu aryud Buslcal program will take tbe
The White House cook baa rwelgaed ulcer of the stomarh (Bere l« murfa as one to tbe muor bore.
Ingtoo ud a antematlc diet.
brtdn laA -nioradar a^. Siuiex Helo. bae baea belplag Hn. Hato to place 61 ecHpinro exercbea.
bis Job because Ibe pissIdeDi enirr- discomfort after eating, with a oin*
Boucee that bo has reduced
for (be laet few dan1M of tU$ piA« fell tbroasb tbe ioe.
HUa Alice RooseveU's
weight 21 pounds. The ratnnd m
Js. pain from Ibe^ of the s
AaH bappaeed tbe wdter wat not very
ring, wbleb she baa toog feaJoufly
Cary tipped ibe beam at 313 pouods
bark to the shoulder blade.
daap when be fell
bat It wai
guarded. U at laat exposed to tbe gaze
blm that (our friends would loncb wltb
fade away,
the ar*t symptoms of
VBfT cold add dluiraUble.
Fife Lake. Hleh.. Jan. 13.-J. B. ot Ibe curious. At drat Hlaa AHee per­
the etecuiive He started (be meal j irA‘,^'o,''7bo’‘«ld
Hr. aad Hn. Blr»<4 are now ran-. Teoebnot waa a visitor at the eounty sisted to weeiing glovet. eieepl at dlo- rides bOfsetaack ud takes luag walks sben two more guests were an - siib Ul-o-na This
Bkc tbe BKhaace 11^01 and are
aer panlra. But now she wears oa
seat tbe flret ot tbe week.
. Tbe cook added a little flour
St nodi be la dows to 250 pouDds.
w of (he stomach ironble. ii
laady to give aatlHacUoa to tbe 1
Dr. T. Y. KlBhall ud 0. V. Rader tbe third dager ot her left bud oae
here ud e trtflle moat there sod Just |
rJtowlng tbe lead of James Haieo
were to atieedynee at tbe Oleaner eoa- ring, the moei brlUlul of dtomoads.
Hfati pabllt
Tbe ladlei of tbe Aid aodety ot tbe veatlon to Onnd RapMa last week.
V of Urge ud perfectly cut staoee Hyde, of tosuraoce fame, wbo bled for Ibe Increase. Three more orders j
er) Sfl cent h
COBcrvtlua] ebnreb provided for
self to Birope after resigotog from
Hra. a EHIott ud lltUe daugbler are let elcwe togelber ud reach acroas
be fllled. Thai meui a new meal' rill tie rofuBdert If I
Hlo-OB Is not a
aoelai aftenooa at tbe borne of Hra. hare gone to Cedar for u extended (be doger. The gorgeous diamond
EqultaWe U/e Assaranee society. all arouml. and there wu a howl . Fiu0. A. Lake laat Tiiday aflentooo.
vbit with her pereate.
oeeklaee which Hlie Alice wore
Frederick A. Burabam. president of ally. a tong string ot additions, ud
irret and most relUble of remedies
Hutual Resen-e Co., will in-takc that Hcliled it. Tbe cook threw off bis
very pMaean afienooD waa eoio
Those wbo will take tbe rural car­ New Year's day for tbe dret tlao wu
r otrv-ngihenlng the dlgesilv,- orgus
himself to foreign ebortw. Mr. Burn
girt (ron ber father.
rier examlesUoD at Traverse City'SatI
building up the whole system. Use!
threw down his naucepans ud
jit for e few day* ud there Is no
Tbe cUUta. Both ud Boat, t
bem'a eUble of blooded stock. Includnrday are C. A. Loop. Bugeoe Qosekf up bis Jot).
irt-esun-wfay you should niA be able (»i
v«fT aJealy cItm la tbe H. B. ebo
anbDtb, Bden Hatehler and Delosa H(1nidaj evealai:. A large crowd ^
pmeeat fn» Hedek aad Wexford and
O. A. Clark, wbo baa been aoBering
otber piocee aroud. Tbe efaareb wax >r some time with a cue
wHI aUed ud appreciated tbe alnglag jaw. baa entirely lost control at bit Hyomel. tnhalar That le Cutruteed
by 6. E. Walt A Bens' to Cure
ve»y aaeb.
tongue ud bae to make Ua wuta
Hr. aad Hrm. Jamas PrayiM ud ton kboWB by wrlttog.
Ateblt toft Batarday for Traverse
Hra. B. F. Newell baa goee to Oalray
Ctty to spend a few days wltb tbeir IT a visit with ber dangfater, Hn.
e Inhaler
It “The 1
Wesley Woodford.
dabfhter, -Hrs. Cbariet P. Rioll
as it It so toull that It
Bbeantb ttreat.
Takes, wbo baa been here for pbyuiclsn.'
be carried to the pocket or purse
Everybody will wel____
Hrx. B. WbeWer ud daughter. Syl­
DC to tbe totereau ot tbe
Prior to tbe discovery of Hyr
booome Botad *6 tbe gpestoat------ - s...u,
via, left Batarday moratog for tbeir Oleueis. has gone to Casa aty.
taue'U Oread Bapida.
Hra. W. H. WelU OD Tboraday___
Wc prenent to the pdblicc of
of TraverneCity
TraveneCity aad
aad aarronadii* otmnUy. one of tbe gKotest opportanitica
C%rak baying 4Ut baa
Hra. J. B. Prederiek died
dontb Goardmu to viilt ber dangb- uffering from catarrh In eot
ever been known.
Tbe remarkable resnlts folio
bOM or bar MO. Oeorge, to Wexford ter. Hra. J. J. Neibart.
use of Hyomel are shown by t
MwUp Tboraday of heart
Hist Louise Buck of Traverse CHy.
SEASON’S MAKE-Irf'Ui&SUjSe.Tba fgaaral waa beU Batarday after- wbo hai orgulted a etaat la maelc
There le really no excuse wbalever
aaan at 1 o'etoek>fnn tba takiUy rati- here, wm Ibe guest ot Uita Cora Cook
t»'o l™ tfl Ihw wiUto. huXu
8. If
Bylvaoder Oftoaei of Pan
Hre. UrI Wllllame ol Waltoe waa
you here uy doubls't
visitor In town tbe drat of the weak.
8. E. Wall A Sons will let you have
wltb ibe undt
ineaday evening tbe Odd Pellog that noless it cures catarrh. It will
tows held tostaUalloD. nfler wl
not cost you a cent.
they were aervad with deltoloui
A complete Hyomel ouUli eenslsis
trashmeDli by tbe Bebekahs.
of "the mile pocket pbyslctu." a med
forcboioeof one haadred I
le)^ the beet maanfactnren in tbtfl
totne dropper and a bottle of Hyomel
CTiuntn-. Every ifarment new, long ooata. o<di______ ____ ^
ud costs only 31. while additional boi
Mr*. H. H mil of Bbelby H _. ...
Honor. Hicb.. Jao.
Hrs. Smltb; llet of Hyomei cu be procured (or 30
lined coaU. ooaU with high atorm ooUan, coata worth 11.^, $18 and $20. Your moat
1 r\ r\T\
. MM Bbaah>dt vlsltliig her hosbaitd
coDta. making It tbo moat econoi
b tooatea ban to the toteraat of
sanguine expectationg will be more than Twlifcd. Yonr choice for only........................
u welt u tbe most reliable treat
Tnesday ud Wednesday.
(or tbe core of catarrh.
HyoN. By and. W. B. Rohtoaoo
^«BMT OuvUla, ar, vto|lsd
mel. If you have eaurvb. This Is s
: Bautoala last Wedaeaday.
lUBhitr. Hn. C. MeNaU at Cb
paMy hMSl disease, ud Hyomel goes
Tbe Honor orcbeaira bU a rabear- Hflht to (be spot where the catatTfaal
A QK fof
■-•*'0 and
coats. These an...Jin. Mha Baraaa at HaikMtw li aal at Orville ttoBDOod’s tost Wedaei- germs are present, destroys them,
‘+.570 6„ti0 coatw. The
22.50 and
nootbes ud benis nil Inflnmmnilon
ey eveatog.
made from cheviola and kcraeya
bsM «blUBg bar uranta, Mb.
ud mnkes n permuent ud InsUng
newest g^-lea of Em(nr< IWriet
Hra. Pewlass. wbo baa been vei
25.00. Baantifnlly tailored, a 11
j^ra. lb A. ConelL

Ulcer of’ the







inlaid with velvet, lailor-stitohcd.
satin lined, etc.

Battta^ooae aad Boisell
(M W Mbsw Bartba BaM»« ud
Ote' lfenlsta tt Traversa Clly were
•4ha ’«MHa dT Hn. C A. Ttuser laat

Annual' Statement

OUckaapox aad Boapa are now go%
raoBda SBoag the cblMrea.
wWaat <0 come dowa wltb tbem U
Ibe. Oao. Oiabb.
^ CBitB got hurt quite badly laat



silk lined, only 12.50.

J jjj

worth 7.00«nd S.OO^ g g

wrath .*..00 sod «.00 J g g

worth 1.00 god 4-^ gg

INFANTS’COATSr.‘.“95c r.....l.rS r^Z.^ZTS



- -*

$3.45 S; «•»
i. bigag^

«00. 7-00 "ml
N.OO akirta, direct
from the Iwet makers in this
country. They are strictly first
cIbm teiloretl and epiendid ma-



yra.*; **


Hundreds of Skirts—Away Below Regular Prices.
All are made strictly in accordance with the very latest fashion, from new and choice matcriaU.
lots that will make business hum:

R Rfi

Here are the

’-SO. «-S0 and

lOXW B^irts. Fine
PaDHtnaa, breadclotha.novdtira.
etc. Many new effpcta am) Ituvery heat valoea in town .-a thr>
K^nilar prioea, bat now only .'i.h5



$ 1.95
The thselBic acarance of i

Space will not. yRaiiii.
permit na
US to
lA. <ioote priovn.
prioea. out
bat aaince
anffiee it
it to nay that the
mild weather bu left nawitbagtoek
twice ae big asB last
laat year, and everj- far piece mail go n
W-. Thle .entin...... stock us.
baa Iwen re-aaw>rtfid. ro-arr»ng»J
re-amtngwl and re-marted
to the lowest nricea
Tricra <of‘ the year. ItcliaWe FL’R.S have never been offermi at os low a price as we will .joote in this aale.
Make your aalection


POBoaa. Hleh, Ju. I
an (oalag to again for ibe laat few
dan and tboaa that are ium beultog
pMatoes an haWlag taw lo^
Tba LAdles’ AM society i^eL wltb
Mrs. JaBta KaaglA oae mile eoalh ot
^Wadaartay. Tbera w«w dfteea
H. Ca«or got hb bud eat quite
taidiy bet Tweadar afwraoaa by a
liBb (aniag on R while eoittog down
• «Ma. It wae aceeaeary for tbe doeHfi'to take twain atltcbea
Hera'e graadBother trom
county afrtred to lowa WedoeeBay arulag to vMt bar for


and swagger hox-eosts.


VC. &.Oabtoghagi bae pan
'balHNi condoetad to tbe rnliroed reebmat by B. 0. Barnea aad
.Qbde to aarva Beale and Is
. 9 MBMr of Keaaee aty wae la
‘ C H. PutBora aad U Hall of Belftin Baya aacaplad poatUoas here to
Uw woodtoware taetory. Owlog
tba lacant'Sra it Bailalre they w<
Ibiowa oW of aaptoyBesl at tl
Wb. SBalby. tba new proprietor of
tbe OopeBbb roller aUb. bae Bored
bb taBlly betAtroB Bbermu
Meely toeatad taMa aew boae. Dader
ibe yreiiat asaa^Beat tbe mill altorti u aMPaitoBt aarkat for all klade
H Binta g»d lb lour b to great deBand.
Dr. Loob Wabbar or Orud RapUi
baa reatad tbe P. H. Gleasoa bulldtag ud to a tew dan will opto He
dbort.lo tbe paWle with aa aptodate
'dtWbt orsee. Dr. Webber haalbad
•ateral ynira ot expertrace to <Mce
wort besMaa iravWiiig tor a wboleeale
dsnUB snpply oDBpaay. which will en■Me hla to aaieei tbe beat aaierial
and net It totalligeaUy.
At tbe aaaaal eleettoa or oncers tor
Ibo tBprareaeu anoclaUoo oOcen
won otoetad as lollewa; w. j. Racbow. pnoMeat: joba Noud. vice preeUui: C. H. Otoey, treaaorer; Bdwto
DuvUla. sacratory; Beaben oi tbo
aMOoUve board, A. U Oleu
Ooraetl aad T. T. Pralick.



g. HrWgTHT. Bsentory-


f'198c^-|43c ,£r,

For Lndieg* ouiiug
”""|45c Ifownt
worth - O W- ikV
t c



ExtAiision of ChRPMr
*W| AtaipsasI asreia* wu Is Orarar :




ANMBt ralbwcrfUi*

OiBde rUlM with Mn. Dye Mat Fri-

alone with blm but tbey

E peopte. ■
IJ. Jan !•<


• - Kam TuTlved ; Guy TOmpklas I* Betting out toga >»
.................... m will bare qnlie'be
quite ' be Ukrn
Uken lo
to Baorya----Emory a milt. _ ,
a acre face for some- time. It mlgbl! About ihlry- met with the Ladiea
- -_____
aeriotu. The
Theaepaep- Aid
waaheld at Hm. Uaxk He
**Vmc2^«er and Vk Barton
rwlor la
l« a complete wreck
Cln«kry a.
The rwlB laat Honday, made the
Mr»- Harrer had a bad cpell wt
alrtgblnB quite'tain.
; her heart while aiiendloB the Ladh
IP eatenalnment a
We an^ tierlnc oer JanttUT tbaw.
Alfred Darla- family and W. H. Dlx.j Aid.
’ Dignt.
llr. Alleo't ixv waa ukeo anddeatf
1, Dye and C. H. Monroe a|>eot oti-a family ate dinner witfa Mr. f.d I Miaa Kink- fiold.-n liaa gone
tdeb SalunUr Yllb luac troublf. iMl la
I tJran^Raplda u. mak-a vial^^^
y with Ibflr famlllea here and lun-a family Mat Sunday.
■ooe better no*.
•tara to Trar
raiene Cliy itelay.
[capt and return on ilir drat boat.
E. V. HH1 doea aot Bnid a^M at
ve «obM like.
' Amor Zuqlek. who sol hnrt' Ja Jmprt
U- U. Welch-t
tbe esrpmler la^lDg
la <
very alck ,
t. 'Wm. niriatoidier i« able lo
Wm. Wloe la OB the tick IlaL
II It goliic
U. C. Koiiae moved lo Klngaley laai u|. a id U- with ibi- family again a
Hra. H. WaireL’a faiber. atier a
boaaai la Uxr
or Ur. Ounli ihUj lier I
two wceka' rlall. returned to lila borne wtwk and will
Jan. It
I Mira ilatiiw Swum-v I
iJtin Luce and Warren Taylor were; nine Misa Kulb Hlila for a eoupk of
Hr. and kOx Ban* and Andrew
Deabler vUKed with H. Warren and In New Wexfont tmetlay butt wtH-k. ida>«.
Mabel MiBOt baa •
Hr. and Mn>. La-e Cil>l» of llodEe
ltaJ)>h MrCliiakey and S'. Derkmnn
tene IB TfBvarae City
Cll; artcf apeDdiag tamlly Sunday.
Hra. Jamea Wilabo. Wm. Totlen'a family Vlalied with called on Ur. and Mra. It. Cibba ij ] of Treverae aiy madea vlall down on
MaySeld Sunday.
I tbe form wiih hla iiaiiber.
Wi. Ki
Orin Lure ami family attended ihej The K*->. riia«e I- ilrlvInR bla liune
k«a tor
or VWm. Satller Bear tbia pUee. rek.
Hr. and Hra. Wliial attended ovater aupp-r Blven at U Hrelt a »'ri- Rain after ita ai. km-r..
SoDdar *lib hU tamlly ji«r
There la a wqte I to Ibl* wealher
cfaurrb at Bellner Subda).
whicb «•' Will la- liable lu get next
Mr. and Hra. ; Sheehan and Hra.
lank vlalled vllh Wm. Wine Sunday.
April or May.
Charley nm> haa a large consign
H. Warren and Hr. Hunk via.
». Caanle and daufbur Harr ba
.d.nrnt*.)ear..>ltl rlterr)- trees fn*m
reliimed frpn aa eateoded vialt «t
►•ranc- Th.-v wlIM-- budd.-tl lo a.
tbe torwer-i aoa la Qrasd RapMa
cboii-e kind ol eh.-rry wbkb Mr. ElUx
I). R. Wynkiaip of Traverae City w
Lealle Vance attended Siinday
Jan. IS.
acboiJ and ehurrb al Ueltner Sunday. lu SoMlb Mayfield Saturday.
s Is-i-p quire sick M
M Gibbs was to Traverae Oily Sat­ Madam
but Is Siinit- la-ll.T.
Tbe M« dapoe la afl «aiplKed
piieh .ti.-can i !.p.'ak
.Is-ak ahovabove n whiiAaom Hoi Is no l«.-Her.
Bubea dslte an impromBMt to Key|M-r sh.' has ha.l su.-li a cold.
Will Bale, loat a raluable hone one
Hr. aad Hn. Henry Heina vent day laat week by ita rtnippInE di-ad in and Mrs. Wm. Taylor Sunday.
CyOl Btans is driving lenm at New
the barnena while baulins log.'.
Raiarday in Ttarprae diy.
We have been liarlns (ln<> weailier w.-xfurd for Wm llufman.
JaBOi Crandall U bolldlag
mill near tbe li^ ooee arhieb
arhlel be ex- for tbe lumbrmen lo baiil their loga.
Bert Gmy and wife atv ai Frank­
ing in Uuiiisi.'
mlloD la about
furt. Hr. Cray ia one of Ibe Jurura
Ihia place.
Tim fainier. a Imsy baulliig logs
__ _a Mn. Will Pieatk* e
R. R .Bate*- family are now out
and stone for iIm l.uri.lMg of n t'aibtalaed Qeorge ralrbaaka of C
again afUtn baring Ibe acarlH feier
olir sehisd ih-iI s.
ner.' Til.- logs atv
Rapida laai week.
be saaed at fat;.' « ifnilser's west;
Tbe Trarene Qiy Brick Co. are em. ..........................
s Wlf.-r—to have mnlldence
en ia
plorlBc sulle a number ut men to cut
le opinions of your fi-llnws-lllyin.-.
Mrs. Harry' Workman was q Wei-i
weed for tbe brick yard.

n Ihli
bust caller Satontav.
Jan. IS.
lalemi IS made I.) uli.w strang.T
jo..-pb MIK'bell was a Kingsley call­
I far-away plac-7 K.-a er list weuk
la Ibe gurat of Cari
HaiTT Htipdrirh wms a Traverse tiiiy
B. I^on. dealer In clmic- family grts ralU-r Fridat .
rbaoBuUam. la none beUec.
certea. ttS E. l-'roni slnvl. says: -1
Mr. and Mr: Irw-ln llawlings. K. CHra. Bower* U on the gale.
waa eonalderatdv troubled with oi) Hawlings
anti Miss Knte Rawlings
Brran HalMl look cattle and
Ueaiira. Avery and Charlie Noawen- Kingsley calb'rs l-Vblay.
to Traeane Ctiy laat Wedoceday
trandl have moved their famllie* fruw as the [>ain was alubil w here thus.- or
M K Paige of Trai-rseR'ily calk'd
bra^ imek a load cE famUnre.
Tiios. Itnwlings IxM w<sk.
Bddia Crekn wat to New Wexford
Imd UMsI imaii's
Jah.- Cieb is luniliiig - lugs to New
Hcodar. Win Taylor'te working there
.Kidneyr I'ills. a
wfRi hit team.
Mrs. Coleman and stin went RingsCOUNTY UNE.
Harr Hnllati la acallag logo ai
The Ladles' AU of Grant ehurch
lev caller* Friday.
Oake'a Bill
Erm-sl Gerker was a Kiugslcy. call-;
Hr.tabd Hra. C ERnatt ware In met-with Mra. W. II ]>lxnn laat Wisl-I *
neaday. It will meet al Mra. Thoo. i *•
Nm Wexftrrd laet RaBday.
I' ■
J.«' Titiiff tif Traverse Oily vlslled
na (^er aupper ml tbe home at Lemeool-a Jan. It.
d ">
lo Ikum s -KIdm-y Pills, but nt bis bruiber last 'Kimday. '
Bert Ccleman-a folk* vlalled Mr.!
Mr. aad Hra.^U Bren wax well al~ liu. After Ibis ex|ierienee I at
Will llarriMUi is culling wood tor
tasdad. All 1<^. teeliBg that they bad Sheeia last Sunday.
quite an ' c**'*
advise IheIr use to others I Geo. Cole.
a dell^ttBl lime.
eperienee Iasi _Sunday evening. While | “‘■«1 “f »
ctareiin- Workman Is la Traverse
Jan. IS.
.all d.-alera. I*^
be was runningK Ih.^llk Iblx^b the
•Milbiirn Ct>. Buffalo, ^'jaii r
aeparalor libe'tboller
llbe tl
New York, solee agents
ngenti fur Hie Liuiied
T«e SuDdar aobool eooeeotkm al piece striking blm under Ibe eye. o
Ramaer waa poatpooed until Baturday. ling m gnsb about an inch long a
gave aoreral olbar scratrhes on Msl Remember
faee aad knocked him senseless. Thel ‘ak®
8. HenoB ylalled^a aoa Warren

....... ledy iifficL
. .

They have the class aumbera about alxty.
If rrtendw.
lisa loiba Reyaolds ct Tiaxcrea
rker vtalied Mr*, city li vislifag tvlailvra here.
inanauB yest.-ruay.
Tuer.- was a pleasant party al Mr.
Mr. and Ur. Cl. MetVmlri drare to Canute's Iasi Friday evtmtag. They
Traverwe t 'ny last IViday
k. t -.o, . mwui hunt
Dora. Jan l:. to Mr. and Mra. too. •“'*
a .la.iBht.-r.
J- Howard made a buslnem trip to
Mrs. J*»le and Mary lllsard cent lo ' Copemish last J'Hday.
Trax.cKe .City toM Tuesday.
-Hra. W.Imw has pme to Trav.
The slngiug Itebool every Wednet City to her brother. U. Kuawel. to help
consrwtulatkitis of

HaxuM Cbampton bad the mWortune to sprain bia anUc nod hart W*
shunider by a kind of h«s GpidBB orac
with him. It'nIII ktwp him from work
The men are an bnsy logglag.
Tbey are («ung bay at Mr PiieWa
Jan. IJ.

Food Value
of a Soda Cracker


Yoa hjve heard that tome foods fnmuh fat,
other foods make imucle. and- still othen are
tissue bnilding and heat lonnin(.
Yon know that most foods have one or more
of these elements, but do you know that no
food conuins them all in such property balanced
proportions as a {ood soda crater?


The United States Covemnenl report showi
that soda crackers contain le» water, are richer
in the muscle and fat elemenU. and have a much
hiihet per cent oi the tissue building and beat
forming properties than any article of food made
from floor.
That is why UflMda BiSCUlt shonid
form an important part of every meal They
represent the superlative ol the soda cracker, all
their goodness and nourishment being brought
from the oven to you in a package that is proof
against air, moistase and dost—the price being
too small to mentioa



. ;hf.





•arsAin* <rs Slllc*
..and ..
Or*s» Ooedm

Fa-shion Sheete for Febru­
ary here.

Again the great January clearing time, when former prices are lost ’way out of sight and little prices have sway—
the time of the year when this store creates a sensation in this section of the country. ‘This year’s bitrgains
greater than ever, "rtnis year’s assortment larger than ever. This year if you are not already a custorru'sr you
should follow the crowds and profit by tajdng advantage, of the greatest clearing sale of the year.


Anoilii-r lot of Kctm-vs uikI T'iik'v MiMiin
«vri-*12..'.rt. now'.................... ..............

The Pn>-lnvmtoi:i- Ciillinp
is voty ovnlrnt
llifwighout this dc«pertTO«it and pvoiy e.tot, I'vory Suit,
every Fur Scarf, all Cliildrona (?oaiE
1n»i i'» siil<
•nit to tlm jire-inveoton- pri« iiittiiig.

♦T.r.O niid'^ vail].-*,

Como now if van aro in nord of niiyiliiiig.



♦.">.0(1 and ♦i;.oi» raliH-*. hlii.-k ;in.l .»!.>r..

♦JO.OO values.

Eeofa forljuliw’ Slu« .TackoU. K.-rmn-. Umver or Ziboliiip; wt.jih np togT.M'.

FarL for Ladit*’ Sl.ort .la.-kvls. luatU-..{ lino
Keraey or Boavor; oalin limsl. woH iiiail*-;
wiv f 10.00. Filaiiysin-.

For IaiUw* Ijhii: C<ml*, plain <N>1<>rs uiul
fancy mixumw; worth
nn.l Ali.iHi.

Anot/icr lot of Faiicv klixlnnv nml lv<*rsi'v*:
*12.60 awl

Kprtwrw, (^pvaols ami MixUinws lumic^
wiUi fur collars; llT.tHi nnil *2«i.00 xais'
I lilHSl,, with fiirci'lhr*;
former pri.v *2.'..00 and

Abound in this Sale.


.\niJ}iiT ]»f <•{ iji-uvt-r. Oi>.—milaii-l S-piir- 00 PA
r-l:w..rth$r..oO. r»r............ .............. PU.DU

♦H'.'Hl vahi.-s



. Jg yj

fli..i.v..f all'h.'*! Viir-: w..rtli iipi..
♦2.-..tKi. ai ♦DMhi and .................T...........

It is our invariable rule to begin each season's business with new
stock. In order 10 tlo that wt; are closing out all left-over Winter gofKls
at such decisive orice rcducitona that it will pay you handsomely to help
dear stock. Here are a few suggestions:
i .50 Caps at only 1.00. 76e «i}h .
iitul .-hfv>f t-icvllcui worabvis.
nt onlj 50c.
l .’iO Finest Urcea KhirU at I .OO. ‘
1 Mf) .\bgura Tanu at 69c.
t’T.V-lund ?2T.; n
■1‘ir Angcua Tarns al 25C.





$|Z|3U ^

i..\T»iKs- pi.rsii c.u'Fs—♦li.iMi .piaiity

gg I

b> Sl.‘> value

lAHir Hioi.v of all ,Kir T,.MHKS” SPITS;
WMV firi.liO. *lT..-,0 himI $2i».iKf.

I-U)IKS‘ SinUT W.VISI’S;worth


-^r«. a C«

out at Ua iv.lii.-iion*.

ft n|b
9 HU

i., i- ,1.

»f hi...........................
_ _ —. Ixlon'
kciw-ya. ini-lfanie
ineltniiB luid oUier
Other fine oxerooML
____ . .ih single ami double-brnsied
inxIeU ill vajiuus U-UL'tbs; tl.Rt were $Il*

950 “■r-.r..........


MEN’S OVERCOATS, fiae ker­
seys and melUHia. veuetiaua sod serge
lined. v-uIueSl.J and »I'i



Cfv,.-.1,'rh.'n.-.Slid SHk and AV...I Plaid-;

MEN’S OVERCOATS, all single
anti •ionlili-lirtWKtol styles, from tire luvilium-l,-ngth nuak-i to thf •■ittemely luug
tourist au<l every fnahiouable overoMting
von c.n, think f>f. These are «mr ri«nUr
*:«). 27 :.<) and 9-S. wJues.

Ooys* 0'v«rooai^s

valne 12.o0 and |15 al ........ y-OU
Other D
$5 and ..


Soys* Sul^s'^'

All V> values at 3.90. AH '-.M and 7.r>0 rslnva 5.00 One lot principoUy sixes d to r. yn.. *.’> sniu in the
AllglObixlll^vulaosat 8.50.
hon.-b al 1 .OO.SuiUwlois to$4 at 2.90. *6valiM«3.90


Graund Traverse Region.
wCStW Ut» t^mmTMtorrtpana
muM mdi «m H«raU ema not
War BIM TiwMar MM of «Mh «M0k.
Md tf earrwaonaonU tall to And
BMira In, «IM)> any t>a ataurad that '

Ocorse Birdaey bet bees dellrerli
>e bislorita of tbe Biuslas asd Ja
noM war in this part of the cuuair
Mr. and bln. J. UdmuII sp<d:e i
te M. M ciiurdt dBsaay.. a lari
Orpba Pralick was oo Ibe alek.Uat crowd was Is atvesdsaer.
Ian week.
Miu Dago or ran OoaMa visited
ber brother FVed and wife of tb'
■nee net tYWay and Batwrday.
itle Ollrer Tompkins ta drldag a
'Mr. and Hn. Tones visited >
poi)-, a CLHtiinaa gin fn>m bl>
granilfaUi>-r. S. B. TompUnt.
Mrs. Pred Miner has gone to Northibon vlall wiiJi ber parxnta.


nanlae tbo paR w*
{«Dte fur Bast kknplra.
Bbat down for a tr* ^
Mrs. Carl Walker <jf Olrn Arbor
N. a aHihawar H to maUori ai
peaeed through town tbit morning.
a ;urur to Ibr cimit cuarl Wbleb
Jan. IS.
aeuloi) ttirrn thli «ark.
Rev. Shelly did not SI] hit appolntmrnt on aecuuni uf having to preach a
meral eemrau.
The gnnday m
and oneera I'lLeicd and uacliera
chosen at follow#: Baperintvodeni
Mm Rloetaan. Jr.; aaststam wapertr
CeMemu Oroecr Ruccnegger; eecre
Tb* aMshlBK ta g
tary. John Rrlgbi: tieaenier. Harew.
Cadar Ob.1 taam
Rnegseggi-r: librarian. N'.’llle l>wia;
cboritter and organlia. Ada Bright.
Tescberar Bible claas. Dr. Huegvegger: Y. P.. II. Knegaegger; Junior.
Min Lola Carna attradad tte r«ad- Mra. R. Lewia; Infant class. Mrs. Mary
lac dicta al WilUamabars SAnrday.
Mr. had Hn. B. O. Wlanie and Pearl
Cnnr 9«n( Suday altb Oeom
Prtak and fanUy ai Ncrrtb Hilun
and Sadie BrWil went to Maple
Win Moot and WUllaa Cany
arouM Ikrotigh tbe nrlffaborboou . .. City Satnrday for n nail, renting
day dittiac prorlatona for Mra. Ra«ln- Sunday erealng.
Master Warren Dull baa beea tiam and bally. They bm with <n>d
Ittnc Ml
bii ooaMna to lIbli
Jeta Blenlek's liiiie girt,
The BM take Orange iniUonel
been tick a loog time, nee:
m.Dg. Mrs.
gelling beller.
at Traodise Cliy. o
Jan. 15.
driagaU to tbe Ei
Joba Bluer. «bo baa ben
dlek. M able to be om igaln.
Mrs. Jobs Ooaetb and thite daoghCbaiW Baioe aod"fBOlly of WJ1- ter.
who have U>ea rlilltng her parRffi. Cd!
eata. Hr. aod Mm. Mom Perry, relorned to ber hmie at Copomiab.
Two tony loads of
Mrs. Mabel Pkrrant hsa been sick
^ place drore *
past week.
Tbiinliy wrenuic 0 tpeod tbe «vao- theHiss
Cora Simon la visiting with
lag wM Mr. and Mrs. Wia Powers. frlenda at
tbla place.
SeCMwdBU were served and a good
a. Cook ten from-a rollway of logs
FVMay. sustaining some palafal lie
Jarlas, among wbirb are Iwtf broken
Hbs. He te being cared for at (be
borne of Hca. John Baumgardner.
Mtaa .Ckariotte Nasb' of
Mies Beaalr Fartant and Hh>.t
gty M la tows TtaltlBK^ relai
Bream of Bmpire visited al nrraats


A taiE« aunber of people from TravKessea Co.'s eaw mill has Ihvoi
OlAi ftavMi. Qleo obliged 10 shut down uo aeooanl of
rtor. ffiea Ray aod Cedar were In
' eeaiber aod rain,
at tbe dance In BdUafer'n
s. Gilbert Warren of (Hen Arbor
In town Saturday.

me aty. Empire.

young Rienda n ber A/ieeaUt
birtliday. Jan Hib.
Miss h'nx. the primary u-m-her. afier
a ihr«-e weeks' Wt:i wlih per panuxa
a' Konh Hllien. Iia> ndnnn-d llu ber
dnUct at Ibis idupv.


eumethlng they bare nut been able i-:
do befnre for Mime liOK' In Jnouary
wltboul a great d>-al of tmu'lUe In gel­
ling thniugh snowbanks, ntiboogb ibis
time aoreely Anding vnow enough for
.Mrs, Thomas Wheeler, a dormer reslilent of this place, now of TrmversiCUy. made a shun visit, here last

. Tbe LadleW A« «sleiv »ni nn-i
wlih Mr*. l.a«>nBr<J Holliilay ThlirsJai
aflernaw. Tu-n- will be work fitt
nlibed, .
- . While cxastlng .on th. . jdank hlb
west of lown lYlUay. night. Willl.
Gran. Harold (ilbt.s and Ran Mr
Keatm ran into a los; ls-slde the l-rldgi
at the fool of the Idll. WJIIIe Oran'i
leg was liRikeo pu the lames pnilnid’s'
througli tbe skin. Tae oilier,iwo Ui.rthuugli down tbe liauk loiyciii'
the creek. esrap--U with Hiniiyes,
Hrn. John Vandrxvitn hbs been rn
irnainlDg a sisierdn-law Irom Trav
erne Cllv.
Mra. Dyke of Tran-rs.-. Ciiy vbdie,'^
hiT dangbiiT. .Mrs. t!e»n:e Prpli-I,]
from Kricinv till .Monday.
- '
Hiss Kelli- Thorajtron is now iinnlil-:
to walk and her friends are eerio-j Ji ■
aoncernei-al-nin her r.indliluai.
A sister of >lrs tb n CliBiir has ar ;
Wanentid. Obhi, in ass|-i'
of Ih-ir tai.iher. Mrs. Hal '

hU lot tomb of Prank Sayerv-tmaakc] Merrcy Tripp returned
May Live tW Years.
an additkm to bis house
t frem Grand Rapids, wtterc I
ret for living a full ceatarr
Wb. Spaulding Is so loproied as to' working a few meubs.
k. a wealthy fcrr
■ •• a. Jea:
walk abuiU town, bni Albert Barnum i W. I. Hvager. Aeld sect*
‘;Uraj>« Haven baa basw eimrtcted t| lale.Danean. cd Htji ivUle. He.- nw
IS mains abou tte same.
: Aniidlalcaa Uagtie. will be
bid She
pmii funnn and Us moiber. Brn here next Bomuy at both rbe M. E. Mdood time on a AatW o( aetllugtBi„prs euntl
me <E ehrente <
A. 8. Banium. made a bualaesa trip to . and impilsi.churcbes. Mr. Hunger Is
fire la a neaghtaWs bow. He watlu^ 2" yeera ataadtng. and i
Tiararseaty Wednesday taiii.
| fram Drireti.

It will tie giatifying lu tbe fanner* aervlag a four year'arai.w m Jack--•**' “
-hn -4—_ . __
**lrl- Becirtc 'Biuert cure
about Kingsley ihat the Klogtlev Mi wBca
gives a new trM.
«,w»a. Wood »
Mrs. OJumbns Bnismier Tfslird rel- cheese fioiory. whMr a hwer Mat year ago
Tbe body of. Hugh Kahn, aged
and aooNy
bodUy weahaesa.
geu 20.
i<j.: general debility ana
KalfcasKs last week.
Id more than l45o. U this yeor a gain

visiling vr. and money ahead. Howevair, tin
H' Memis and C A. Bag bee
slocUiiJltL-rs bare ii.n \„ put tbis Gland Rapids, son .t a farmerr
I'S lake
Price vUly
gurplus bs<k Into the next of tbe Hty. was found In ResM's
year and the fannerx will rereixe tbe Wbsre be w-.s drowned whMeakattng
•woam OI tbel ie>Bell(. In-May il:e fariory mamifarbaa )us( dedicated
W lYav.
i larod IMl (loulids ul cbeetu- and re- Tire Iwrly wu TWfseil by dyahmlle.
Rr-priVs-niiFilve tisTbrelih (watMi be
dved »2S.t.<i.l: In Joih',
w temple S'
in Jul.. Uidl., allcirne.v fur the siate.ias euamixalon.
tanl of health appreved
1724*:. In Au
th. puns for a new hoapiiat U the
; gust. lo344 pounds and • recelx-ed
> 1-dore Ibe rspnssne riRin, Sold,ere- breue at Grand Rnpldn.
Uaitids ws*!lim*.c:: In. S. piember. 77IW pound4..
jOiid Pcehed JMtii!; Jn tkiober. 47*2
MinTinnal prnviaimi Ima lees
IKJundj. and! I.-.TS.S4. Tbi- dlsrovereil which priv.-ats it..
I Kieka.'cl rlmve lu ,Klk Kspidt makes a. total of 42PII pounds ani'
Half tba Wer4g WoMata
l-ollege lYpsilanlll In
one day Mat wt. i..
tCDi-l.M. Tills is u g.k>t sfi^^ng. Tl.r
om the o'bre haK lives Thwe wbo
t.-rrlcb dehiTiQg cuami .was
Knlph Wor.leii Is- laid - up vrltb a factiiry* is liow Ir
Kui'Meata Arnica Salve never woolamr- leg.
expecis lu mute
if 11 will e-rre cwis. wounds, bnrns,
Menjnmm !»>i»imger of Etielby. presl
Ben and Alnnro Young druve to Dk
and all skin eruptions, ibev '
dnit of Ibe senior cMs* and reprvRaiiida mia* ft wni. Mr. Oram Say. n»' K.
greatly In favor of iV.e taciury. It
A. U ralrlranks of Tcasrrst- City saves work for tbelr wivvw. as* ihi- senlallve .if Hie WebMer elub He sre*
as lu the iii-lghburtiuud PrUav nod milk Is merely pouivd Into ti large 'be Ktar of Utsi yearY debating leas.
siunlay. .<
ban and requin-s ItllW care. There is Secmit plan- w-iii lo Charles MiteFloyd Brach made a trip lu Traverse uu waaliiag of pans, making of huiier.. per
of Otlsvflle
City Uunday.
lloKbee Drug c.. ilrugglats. J*c,
ur itni.lgery of any sort, while U Is a .
J, I, Warn, r and ^
greaii'i money niaker In coni|«rl«u : ‘
Rani.Is were callefl h'<
with the *ild method of caring lor
James Waisun mail
milk. It Is tbe luiejiiiun of the stock­
City Saturday,
holders III th-cian- no dividends hui to;
liver Hammond
utillte llieir siirpiiis by ralsiog the
Work at Mahan’s camp ties
price of Bilk.and keeping .tbe bnslnei.-.
tvturiied bomc'Thursday.
Ill il.< fullest tapaclly.

Mint Hammond went to BIk Rapids ■ Mr*. J. 1. Vaster is on Ibe sink lisi.
to work Id the Lake View boleL
If drove to Traverse
The Alpena Comeot Works namufatweek.
lurisl cement In IPOS al -the rate of
I.wiO larrelv per diy. Tbe Ut*e«'
day'* oiiipjt'was l.Wi barr-ls .d cr-.
nient in Isi-nt.'-loiir htmr«. I p to the
klNG»L€V. .
Mr*. E, W. W.snl went to Traverse riose id navlgaliiui Uie es-meni was
liy Tue.da) last to care for bw lit-.
. <Pr«pn's!itvlac> Bxst-l
e tu-phi’w.
Mrs. uvrun Cronkhite was a Travpen Crapcrse City. UTid?.
-*e (ntv caller Tuiwday JasL
i. C. Pi-ase w-a* Ja Traverw- Oily on
' Jtpofifni CBi rStcgtBommtB.
isipesa Wednesday of Ian week.
Mr*. Knrlc Is over fMm WexfordvlsIlUig at the hmiie id F, J. Hophioa.
Robert Wood w.-nl to TrawTs.- rity
Rat-jrday i-veotng. 11- n lunied Miai;it:ii-iid.i'v;y:u>.<>a;i':f>a lullra. tiodM gr««to mtrbni
n f-. kl uvTATsm^
ktchanl Rpaiiin'g. wIh> hat Imh-i,
•king at Korway, upper Uli-hlgan.
I ti-iu-.-.....
reittnii'.l hv
WI scon
day ev-silng.
E. -II. Olblis w






3tnfrn briuliU aiif SriiDfUrti.


: r cS‘-





-- -

-- - - —---------------------- • '

To prepare for the new stock that our buyer is
now eisburing at the furniture exhibits in Grand
Rapids and Chicago.




In order to do this the price and term priv­
ileges that we extend to the public are such as
have never been excelled here before.

For « full aizc. well mmle (’onrii.
ti|ih(ililefivl ill uiMsl •.jrntlc . vdotir.
heiit'y axiliil (runu- iiinl y.'ooil aUsl
eiirinm, Otherg iipHu S^.l.riO. titclui1iii|r evi-ry i;r:i<li-. from llto
cbeti|x«t lu tlui tciv lx-»L Tli.-ae
uiukeuii uligriiiit lireeeiit. It will be
II pleasure lu aliow you the line.

For B largR «nn rock>
er iiiBt like cut; tdu
C8II have tbe eeA
«tber cane or cob­
bler, fioiabed in
geUen oak. Wg are
•bovii« bwdr^ot
other ttyfe roeken a*

$2JO SLiijSiiri


Ladies'Desks, up from ...1......


Parlor Cabinets, mahogany.
up from....................... — • • 14.00


ill' Ij

Buffets, up horn.......... .......... 12.00
Comb. Desks, up from............. 12.00


For a Rood aolid
onk Morrii
Chair, bock tuljnauUe to any
poaitioD, -two
piece eiuhion, ^
monnted on ball
boaripg castor*.
Otbera np to
17 50. incintling
tlie markot'a lot»wt etyle* in
fmme anil upbiiUbriiiR.'

will boy a niw Par­
lor Lamp, just sncli
a lamp aa other deal­

Music Cabinets, up from.......


Dining Tables. up from....,,...


Dining ^airs, up from.. ...;...


Parior Stands.......... .85

er* g*k ftom IH.50

Odd Dressers, up from .........

to $4 fur. Our aasortment of lamp* eiii
brace* every thing
from tbe rlieapiwi
lianil lamp up. Lis.k
them over.


30x72 inch Rugs, up from ......


Carpet Sweepers, up from......


Sieds. Shooflies, Doll Cabs and Toys

jnat like eat, well made aod fin!
i*bed in abeUaa. We bare a large
•moiincat cltbm ned rocOitn
to chooau Crott.




Will buy oue of thew: ele­

1 ^


gant i^-hram R.M-kcre. seat
hiid bus«* enlin ly separate
fioDi tsieh otber. Ruatanteeil eteel spriug*. This
will lUbke-aU eletfSllt gift
and is nomethiug that will
U‘ apiireciated fur year*.

J. w.

Fur a Iseutiful ull
ijuaru-r s;iwtsl. liimd
p .lishis! -\nn Ibjcker.
*Uu|Hvl roll seat, all
pista^ spindlis ami
etretciieni turned,
llilisliihl in the labst
guMeti uak. A chair
that will b*t a lifeliuie.


with every poroha*- of
920 or n.oiv.
We will

give away

almoluu-ly fieo. an eleghiil $3.00 oombtnatios game Itoard. Get
1 yunr* In-fure titey are
H alt gone.


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