Grand Traverse Herald, March 01, 1906

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Grand Traverse Herald, March 01, 1906


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Pages 1 Is6

Oar RnElgal UmIa
tbe coetoBL of trrto etotere, took bYao*Obt tondt tt*r tre bread eiKwch: cit aside aad talked to falm.
■'Notblng. notblng-^tol
dM't be olamed.
"Shucks, ale." be replied to her artn* aasored her. bugging ber and break­
Tar tiBide Am U rich eiiOB«ta to cire menu, ’■Oert ain't Id love with me. ing away quickly to escape more quevAnd bow do you know I am with her'
ai *n a tarmzll<:OB.
So France* rcslsned herself afier
Francis Wilding went siraifhi to
calUns ber twin brother ‘-baiefot.
Miss Langley'* bouse, rang, and
Indeed, it did look like a hcoieles* ushered Into tbe partor, An Instant
lee. and they mlshi nevtt hare been lator a bliiahlng. happy girl entered,
frteadi Rith eplrlii - etnas and
hml out
and. afi.-r one glance, be saw It was
Ifap four playwl one t-venlns. Tber but a Joke, and gsUierv<l lier taio M*
To eecE a erer boae tanber
played at "muddloU words." tui
vitboai a fear of hann.
ins of a aetiirnre and wrliine
U-liai happened In Ih.- nest hour l‘
For Cade Seal aiad« sood bU
w»nl on each >li|> of paper. nixIiiK Ihe
a>d save tbe aeadi a fana.
slip* all op and leiiins oni- •■r the edb- Ihiot MiKs lAUgley said; "t shall keep
the piirxle always. It was so eIelM*r
Tbeae veMen pUiaa aad btlltopi are or* dsnre ont the eealeocr.
that oEem snwl oi>pormade oaeral br ibe dost
Of ear foretaUwr ptoDeera. an brare inallle* for eweetbi-arts to write
tbiass to each other that Ibey warn
aad tnw and Joel:
Tliey played It all eveolns. anil
They tored tbair nailre eooalry and
Oertrudn LMsIi y shoniut srcal rlerer(belr scaeroat lutcle. loo,
Solvins the piiezlcR and n
. Aad uasbl Uielr aoai lo honor bim
ai ibeir molhere' nllk ibry drew. ins the eenlencc^ nwd coirorily.
A few day* Uicr MIse lenitiesNO Mor« lhat ctaM>r)r ebomt Has*
iiDud brine, aad P'ranee* WIidins
' akMf the dulr trail*;
wouldn't Spetli lo mnelH Wlldios fur
Tbe prairte aebooneia. Ions aso. laefed nearly iwo day* U-rause be bed bdI
all ttair balterad eMte;
propoewl to her befon- *he depined.
W**i« preapered
pceKy vail, oar
That wee In April, and Will Treni
eelre*, bpi ibl* »e'd like to kao«; and FYanrea WlldInE wer.- planninK lo
Vbea «ir own children come to eeek be married in OciniH'r. Rut, tiiddiinly,
new booe*. where eball ll^ soT in May they decidnl to be mirrieil
fertile raller iaadt ea«y Id June end bu to FiiM|>e fur
Ibe boneymonn.' Thi- day they d.-. were uken Ions aso;
Oar eklmteb Iloe bae climbed the hitle olded. or pcrbaiis>lhe m-xi aiomlnc.
Mlat Wlldins rucelviil sT prraslns
lalo the laad of atunr;
Oat on tbe bnralas pUlae wo wall till vllathin to vl*li MlM Uhi'l..)-. 1
The steea sad

of yim lo think trf It."
-y..,_ye».- said Wilding; "I mm
sfrald you wouldn't wi>rk It. How did
111 ever do 11?"
"Oh. It wasn't ao liartH" she said,
lut ta Home places I tbouj^t I migfal
• wrong. ni show It lo }w. lo sctbi-re eri- any mistake*, ami I'm
going to keep it always, for It is the
eleveiest anil luvlth-M pnipt^ I—
lhat Is. I miWD any girt—ever got."
Abe brought Ibe cards, and. with
ihrir heailK close logether. the pair ta:
Ir while Miss Idtngley laid
them out so that Ibey read:
I love wsi. Y<
marry me itiU June, darilng. Kiislied.

tor to the n-mtsleling
u- of^fae While bouse three
ago. it would not have been poasihli
to entertain so large a company U

Mrs. LamoDi. Tbe Marine bead fornlabed Oie muUc. Later tbe president
and Ur*. Cleveland look an rateoded
trip ibrough the west.

safe and bed been baraed to tbe eonAn AlllEBler Farm.
dlUon In wblch It was forwarded. EvlJnst west of Hot Springs. Ark. U
dcntly with the Idea that the origlaal rarried on can ot Ibe mom aorol la-

package ought DM to be broken, the: dustrles of tbe coaairy—(be ratals
For twenty yrar* no wrslding
sender eocloM-d ibc cbsrrod fd.'ces ! of alllgituni on the farm of H. T.
b<H-n eelebraii'd In the white bouse with some slleer coins which bad also| t^mpbell. a weallby speculator of that
Ibe annals of the mz
been in tbe bari'ly burned safe, to Its place. Six hundred alllgalor* rangtag
■ be bouse as attended the wedding history <» the mauaton there It no passage through the malls the bravy In length fram <i to U feel are now on'
That fact probably acrouais for i
record of so elaboroie and beautiful a | silver wa.s shaken ibrough tbe char. Ibe farm, and Ur. CaaapIteH oanaally
cctniAtaiively small lists of guest*
a* the w<-ddlug ut Alice Leo ml bills till then- was hardly a piece makes a big profit in tbe wHe of. his
pn-vluus weddings. Thlrty lwu yra'* R<s»e.ell a 1 Nlrbolas loiogwonh.
left Ibe sire of the bead .rf a |dn.
odd pradoeis to zCDloglcal gardera.
ago. Ellen W. Grant, wbo eodeare<l
Mrs. Brown, w
The Estenaian ef Life.
^rself to ifa<> American people as
the cx|»'ris wbo band!,' ike muiDait'l ' Through this alUgauir farm reaa a
It Is gratirylng to learn from "Amer"NHIIe"-Grmm. cue of Ibe best be
money, called two of h>v l*wi helpers! smalt stream and a ac-ries uf aaMlI
hived and most iHipuUr of women, be iceii Medleiue - Ibei the s|ian of Ufe It
the three, by Ibe aid i< magair)-! ponds fed by It cuntlliulea tavprmide
rame a Wlilie house bride.. Tbe nam- gnrwlng hinger ami that la tbe future ing glaaacs. soon brought
refiHie*. On a
l»-r of guests at her wedding was ceairnarlans will U- even more aim- fifty dollar bill*, and within
tbe Urger alllgBlort feeding on ibe
atiom 2<si and writers at ihe time said
K-rommeDded lhat Ihey he tmaller ones, the marsh lands with
lirarilrally alt that could
by the treasury.
IbHr small lakes are s.-r«raled by
life worth living? will hardly rejoice
Oaly liiCnIte rare and patience ran wire ffmees and earb field oootalos
The first Wliile^hoiise wedding look
l.rlng any n-sull with the mica- chewed reptiles of a certain size and atreogib.
lace duriug Ihe admInistratiuD tif Jorlly .If iHwple long
bills. Itocb uf the pieces Is UId awl on HIg Joe. (be king uf tbe alligator farm,
beany Md age. and find this world loo a hard, smooth surface, and wMb lb*
inu-s Mstlisou. whose wife
wirfghs over soo pounds and mraanraa
illy Ihe m<isi popular numan of her tMWiiliful a iiUu-i- to leave (-xrepi witb aasisianca- ..f raanlfyiag glasses they i: (■■el In lenrb. Ibranae of his voraeme in America. Mrs.' Madison's Sincere regrri. They are wUlIng
ran be phwed In ibelr iiroper {*».;- ious appetite and tacHnaiion to rat
yviung<-st Kisier. l.iicy i*a>-ne Wa.»Wng. pul off the reallzaiian of the rot
radatiun to tine an
every aUlgaior that comra in fait way.
too. e-ldow uf a n<-pbew of lYesIdeni thing after Ibl* as lung as poaslble • Xpert* have a copy of
he 1* kept ta a pond of his own. He
Waslilngton. was maiTl<-d on Uie even and have no drrad ..t ebltdlstmea* and
has been Issued by- the gmern- ran oat a big dug or a bog U turd or
<-re oblivion.
if March II. Hill, to a widower.
l^ese are useal. as modi-bi
ifare.- gulp* and has been knowa to
n-sld«-il ill Kenliieky. The roarMany Ind-ed, Uve r>-lained their
• enough of'Ibe hitl has I*
devour seien larg<- dogs ta one afler■ was wliutas.*! by importaiii ofti farulili-t unimpaired unlil after iliey laid out to. establish its issue. 1
riah and luemlH-rs of tbe dlplomatle have passed tbe hundred
■xiH-rts say that (be baasi biili. w.
All the dogs token by Ibe .log ralrkrorj,--.
Ineliidlng among iwcniydbree others Iiilnlau by (ho gatvermn.'ht alurillg I
cr of Hot Spring* go to feed Ibe AW--.

JtfU after the War of IM“ HuItoxland, Mrs. lianbury of Rlch- civil war |H-riod. Tba- grw.le ajf |ro
RBli.n< no Ur. OaoplK-H * novel brm. '
will as soon a* r-rerythiUR is decided. on<l Wbilr bouse w-eddlng occurred.
n.l. Siirn-y. who did n
• supa-riur to any auba-r used aa.l These with the dogs raised by Ur.
I'd hoe lo
yc»i in our Unit' hor
This al«> was In the admlnlttrailon of
' monal roil until sbe
.-ngravlng has n.-vw been excelled. rsmitaeii on his dog farm coamituu
IhiK uilniile. To death.
Madison, the bride. Miss Anns
Ih yiar. Then there n-as Lady- -Ft.-.a of (be fo.Hi frvr ibe repiUes Rt
cxdiod'and ^luMieroil. ami. hastily
'•Prancif '
being a cousin, of Mr*. Madison.
Carvw- of County Waterford. Ireland,
tbe aaier ditch eotae* b>
imer they are fed every Snaday,
tclibbllDs a postal card note
"Yes;" said WlldlDg. lying ItlaJackson, then
Bnt tbe foraeli hare, boee
l>orn in 1T99 and did not paa*
In winter time they hlbernaU and
Rcmleman. "That la exactly the way member of Ihe hou*.- of representa- oiii of existence until a short time
baraed and ibe etreame ate solos. friend, explained the situalioa.
go (or months at a time trlihoul «ot>
poalal card was the ml beslnnlos of I wrote ii."
tires from Virginia. On aeeount of the
We have Ix-slde flie n-cord lo
liuring lb.- cold months Ibey are
ompIiratioB*. MbufUlIdinx Rave
I a lllile awkwardly." said
ir. societyraftalrs were at low tide Ihe Lancet of ^
housed ta a long, low-roofed, siram-'
adBli. dear nacic, yonYc
her brother b> mall, and be ear- Mis* lAngley. “im
Wasbingiim and ibe marriage was
-khoiiae at lu.'>. following
beai.-d Imlirilng. an.l too Uvririd aad laOBMtbiBs et a fool;
re he siieni Iwo yi-ar* as bead of
It to bla faUier'* oIHre. where be U-canse you wrote It a word at a time
l so nnlahh- as Ibe first one.
longi-vlty hi* mother, who rracbe.l
-e for aoy-ibing. they pile In
Ton'ka ara
aaiate, aad
Jesiip expedition, i.-ll* many
worked. Suddenly Prancla waa seixetl
dlffercui ranis, ami
Phe wi'dilihg of Miss Maria Heslcr a slnillar age. and tlierr Is no knowing
Her*, one oo lo|. at Ac ifUtr. two or
leresling things of the maritime Kor­
With an Idea.' The recWtleellon of Mlai stopped to odilreaa them
ta'lween Monrtre. the fli .i daugliter ot a pn-sllong his sister might hau- Hv.-d
ihrts- hundred In a smalf spOsIW-SS'"'
Tba aame M acbool where mortale lADsley'* rleronieas In latenirellnR
deni to Is- marrli-d In the While houce, im.ler happier auspices, for she was yaks. living in sraitere.1 villages along marshes and ponds ta which ibey flvS
ED who batw been Indlecraei
tbe muddlerl word* <
"That prolwjdy b
Iho nasou.
Mlle.1 at |0J, .when she was. perhaps, Ibe shores soailh of the Beriiic and are itn- bn«]lng grounds of the rep­
It*e called Bxperleaee. aad Iti coorec be decided to ptay a
agreed Wilding, forgeiiing that lie
On March 9. u:e. she was hoping to niiirii-al h.-r lonE-Ilngertnc Okhtoxk seas, says the Chicago News. tiles. In the boHest of the tuiamer
la aald to be eampleU..
I teat ber abilities.
had been l>asbrnl and 'sieallng marrietl In the blue itsim lo Samuel relative*. Ci'nienariacs, It seems, are A Striking and rbareeierisllr phase of
iHi* Ihe female begins in lay bee
Koryak 111.-, acnwdlng lu Mr. Joriiel.
Now. Ibe postal card which Mias onother kiss.
Lawrence Gouverneur of New York,
eonllnert to any degree, class or
-Waka. prodtsair. the people err.
eggs, making a nest reaembllng a rub­
b.-lr |H-cullar bour«Ia**-llke
WlldiDs bad written to Uias LAngley
There was a double weildlng and a
ho was ac'ltng as private secretary, cmdiilon. anil ih.-y flourish among tbe
*%wakan from yottr dreamt;
bish heap on Ibe bank at the pond.
hiHisa-s. These an- remarkable
read as follow*:
doubts hooeymoou. and. during all ber
> Iheaident M.mroe, It was |^rel; Iniemp-rale as well as the sober,
lAt waMe be stopped, let Sood* be
One female often laya from thirty to
'Deamt: I'd lore lo come in *ee wedded life Mrs. Wilding told her
family affair, not even the memlier, among the illshunusi as well as tbe
forty eggs, and when tbe halcbing aes>
aiOMHiphere almost nnlH-arablo lo
you. but caaaot. Will and I decided lo frienda about tbe cryptogram proposal
r Iho pn-sidem's cabinet befiig in- siricily upright, and amoi
Mr. Campl^lU* (arm It
white irava-liT. From a dlslaacc
marry tbit Jnne. Now. yoh darilng.
ad abowed the rardi.
vUed, The placed
as w.dl as the iinclram CtmienarianTO] Mt^w^dty aad barrea plalai sa
naually well stocked with young allla everyJnsi a few weeks ago Mrs. Wilding
of guests and some other mailer* Ism appean. in many insianeet to have of the houae* bat tbe apprareaco of gatora. In tro^eal ollmatct the ana
ampire new tball ataad,
Home huge lorerled funnel arising
Iblns U la oar lllile borne. Rothed
mt out to a card party and left her roncerning the marriage Jormed tbe been inherited, and to have no o
*»t OBea asaia yon caa sire sU roar
bsirbes ihe cEB*. but on an slllfotor
to death ihla nlmuc.
at a anowbank. Tbe craterilke top.
husband at borne to care fur ibe chil­ subje«
-A------necilon with sanitary prerauiioot
, ..IWfi A little land."
farm an taeubaior is used.^totrolt
besides forming a roof. 1* used *■ a
-Franccs.dren until she reiiirncd.
Ihe time.
fhougb. iierbaps. so
•>lUnard r. Uodeon ta Mazwell'i TalFree Preot.
Wllh all the shoallshBeas of a }ohLilUa.F-ranels and little Pranres
The fourth wedding at the While of Hr eojovers might have climbed ttp general siuring plae.- fw food at
Ins brother Francis Wilding prnditeed went to bod. and ibelr lather began bouse was that of a presldenfs
into ih.- rarefied atmosphere In which,
forty postal card* and copied
an aperture la the center, which
prowling artuind lo amn»- blmsclf.
John Adams, the son and jtrivaft.'
of <dd dwelt M.-thusaleh. If Ihey
Minas OMcewarad by a Miria.
note, a word on each ptulal card, and
V.* as a smok.- hole, ventilator and
Shortly Itefore midnight Mrs. Wild­ leiary- of IVcsldent John Qulnry
■u iva.'onaldy good care of ll
Half Ibe lead thal hot been mined
Mr. aad Mta. Fraselt X. Wlldins of mailed them all loeethcr. after shuf- ing raturned. She eame into the IIpassageway helow, A tjumlier of
I-*. for AmiTlran Medicine say-*
Adams, on Fobniary jn. 1S2S. marrietl
I the United Slalea Aas come from
8L Lonisara tbe ben> aad ber^neot Stag them. Nor did be notice that be hrary allenlly and saw her husband
In the blue room bis eoiiidn. Mis* • bat all the evhl.-nee now ^■fure Ihe arradgcl In a rlretijf,'RU|>|s>rt
the famous Coeur d'Alene. Ihe moat
* eryptosJam i^dlas. Tba weddlns bad made an T Instead of ah
leaning forward at the table.
Mary llelh-n iff iniliadelphia,
seleniillc w-orl.l g.*-s i.t sbof lhat the fram.-worii of the roof, lb.- lower end productive lead mines ta tbe aroild.
took ptaee ataa year* ago. but the In the name from force of bahlL
w hlch rest* on a' s.-enndary pit.- of
"Playing sotliair.-. KrankT' she a brilliant social fanctton a
average period or human iife b.
Uke many of tbe ricfaeal mines, they
tacts hire just been learned.
The postman dumi>ed the batch tif esked. '
made |H-ciiUarly notable by
tending far bey-ood old-fashioned bor­ tlmUT*. ftirmlng ih.- slauiiiig walls of
I discovered by pure lock. A maa
' A cryptocraa. a pusxic. a ~)amble forty poatal«cards upuo Mlaa Langley
the Interior.
"Bh-ah-yes-o-sorl of sotllnire." be re that lYesideoi Adams h-d the Virginia der*. and this, il is believed,
bla mule to two prospeefort. In
the next morning, nnd. hastily nearcb- marlied. making a w4Id grab at tbe
For nearly mm- months tbe w-bole Iho •.-ourso of their wandertaga tbe
reel In the dance that.followed
jihyslcal remforts
aad tkelr waddias. aad now. aflar ntae Ing Ibrongb them, she found the wonl
ilnga on ihe table,
almost iinlva-rwal diffuslun of sauue of
IS nod
e was tied lo a irae. and be. beyean of harpy married
life, aloe
one. and she sniil<Hl
-Well..I'll declarer- said Ur*. IVlld.
r to Ihe protecting woof odib Ion*
panics given ihe y-oung couple
!.• fiinalameuial n^xlms of bygien.itag imitatleiit. pawed Ibe ground
yean at lepetltloa of tbe tomanUe happily to think that be retag. "Old married man. gening m-nli' afterward by the president and Mrs.
now, cblnked In with frozen earib and uncovered a lead relo whl^ Is
y Ilia- end of the iwa-nil.-th eenlury.
story (d tbair anfasemeat. Mrs. Wlld- tbe Jolly game. Then she sat riubl
menml. Where did you Bed those Adams, were the gn-alesi social funedt-bri*. This bring* the tamaiea
eiinrludes, "the physician mill be no
tile or tbe famous Bunker
tas has leanfM that her
down In tbe middle
(br floor with postal cards’"
II times aUiul u-n feet Ih-Iow lb- Hill Sullivan mine.
tlons of'tbal time.
tonga-r rr-qiilml in Include In his duiy.Ijlerar propoaad to her at all. that abe (be pottal cards and besan lo work on
'■Deak.'' gurgled hubby, balf choked
During the admtnlslretlnn of Presi
ot disease. He will only n- vurfacc. UndouUiedlf the moal salonowpfr ot tbe mole sued for a
MM the eryptOEnm iDcorrcctly, aad tbe jHttxle. She worked balf an hour, by bcf hug.
dent Jarkson lliree marriages were qnlre to malDtaia the efficiency of Ubing ana spectacular fratorc of Ihe
iDlerett ta (be claim aad tbe
raally proposed beneir and amused then. lilushtaR nn.I alaslng. she Rath
Mrs. Wilding, silling on tbe arm of celebrated In Iho White h.mse. The
I and ouipoaiis. so a* In In- Koryak hou*.- '* ib.- means erf engranted It to him. alatlng that
the weddlas.
«« If they were Ireas- llio chair, with her arms around her
was that of Mi*.; neila Lewis uf tura-timely warning.-v.-ry appnmkh- Itancf. The niof I* alialn<-d by tcallng as the mnk- had made Ibe discovery,
So rite dewlarca ber huaband It
ber room, locked lirr- husband's neck; glanced amllinsly
narrow hpIK log. exiendlng down
Nashville. Tenn.. to Aliibonso Joseph ing Itivaston of
and that, as be was lit owner, be waa
wretch and a deceir?r. bnl. abe adds, eelf In. and l>egan to work again.
ctnla that wen- laid oul on i
Tver Itgetu. seen-iary of the French If any happen lo be sHII la-fi;
entitled to Ihe mule’s afaare. The three
be ta tbe dearatt wretch and the dvrLate that nigbt she had plcwed lo- table, and started to reed (hem.
r the fret and bands. The Interior
It took pisce In the blue
a-nergies may he devoted lo
owners sold their discovery for »500..
eat deeelrer la the worid. and It don't cetber Ibe whole note, and IteTore she
An iDstabL tater abe leaped to I
and was wllness<-d by the mem­ Ibe prov ision of means |..r tbe Itmgtbrrached liv ditwendlog another per­
bOO aod ncdhlng was too good for that
Btake BO moeh dlEereaee, anyhow, as reUred to hapiiy dresms she '
feet, her face hot. and aiamiMsl h.-r bers of the cabinet and tlu-ir wive*. enlng of the span ttf human life." pendicular hewn stairway eovered with
be eras la tore witb ber all Ibe lime this lotlcr;
mule for Ib-rest of bit day*. He waa
slippery- coating of grease and soot,
iIhts of the dlplomaiie eorps and Though w- may not !*• .in this piaaet
■zhibli.-d ta a private car aad lived oo
ADdatraid to propooe.
"My Dearest Hoy—I am liapp;
"Prank Wilding, younv- a wretch,
IH'rsoiul filenils. The bride was Riven
tliiK improved state of thing*, which none but a native can successAad Wlldloc. who
really I
tbe laad aod DOW a tombat that answer enough? If ?ou wert- you dr«‘~" and then evctyihing .was away by President Jarkson. Shonly
it i* ptcasant to ciniemplate the Idea fully arcomidish. The Indoeure ha* «ooe marks hit grave. Ills haraets
wnuh (aay wnanaa would say
bere this minute I would say 'yes'
lust In Mdis.
afierward Miss Mary EAsien. also of tlaail.Mir desecortanu will l>e nearer i ground It..-,: and is bam-n of anybangs in a »o;.-d saloon, where It la
}aM (huekles aad grtiia. He deeUres
u so clever auj] so quaint
The trouble was that Wilding was
lessee, a niece of Mr*. Jaekaon. till- millennium than wa- are in thJ* :hlng In Hi., sh*|H-of furnliur.-..
gazed upon with deepest n-verysce by
that sinee Us wife found ont about h.
rmember that same, and
try ing to lay- out the canU so, that
married In the blue room to Lu- ya-ar «f grec.- n-ur..
Ijrge copiHT vessi-1.. f„r cooking the olddlmc iwospectora.
be la almost as important In tbe boose- propoiK- to me In (bai way. la)1ng :
they would n-*d i«sl as hU sister had cien B. IMIk. The third marriage In
The Jaiaana-s.'. by the way. had many s.kl and bliibiH-r oiiil a k.-iil., used ftir
hold as the babies.
tbe tecriH before the worid on postal written. an<l hi- had surem^ed so that
Tbo mine Is the ricbcal allverlcad
White hoivse during the Jacks.m agetl gena-rals In the field in their lai* m.-lllng snow an- Hu- chl.-f houwhf.1.1
tl UI sUrt^ because Fraada Wlld- cards, and yet hkllng It eu that only
min- ta Ihe world, yleldtag a oet iwvin a ^ce his wife saw the real no' • admlnisirailoD was ihsi cf Miss Rmily
Riissis. and nearly every- utensil*. The dii-i is limit.*1 Mmor-i -nu.. of iiiwi.isKi. Since (belr dlteovlac waa a iwta aad beeauae Gertrude you and I know I:.
and realiteil the truth.
exclusively m fish, halfdiooked w*l
Martln. a n-lative of Ibe pi.-sl-lent's • where -.......... . ....
Laasley waa bla twin titier't ebum.
• Ye*, you may come, and at once. I
It took Wilding three days to square famUy. who luyame the bride t.f I,ew1s ; longer young are d,
d for aciibn and whale flrwh, whh Russian' l.rirk: 1?
and because tbe Iwia titter’s name U with It were to be lonlghL Have >wi
bimsetr and bring his wile aruund lu llandolph. a grandson of niomas Jeff-!as well as ertiinsel
Fnaeea. Oenrode laasley lived over told Pranret fel? Of course not. but
see Ibe Joke —Thieago Triiuine.
thirty to f.iriy of both sexes, usually
la Kantat City, and tbe 'Wildlnsi
tell her BOW. sad kits b<T foi
relations, liihal.ii one dwelling. Bmaill
Used la St. Lotils. bot the girls wemt lo me. and let ber kis.v yoa f..r me. Youni
Twelve Weddings In White House.
■1-ei.taR l»>il,R. sonio »|, f„., •
Baa* That Oc Not EUitg.
•nbaol tacstber. tad when they weiw forever.
governL..—Homance and Iilslory have madeibe
"■Kilb. hrat'-d by
of bees has ben bronght to
l»*reara «U. France* WUdlug feU ta
White bouse the most Interektins
John Tyler, was mar-iihrerf fifths of ll are reeovere.1, Ti,p I’•"P
c-nter. are arranged 'his eoumry—a*
exparimem by lb*
tore with Will Tt«iL who was a
Francis Wilding received the letter home Ib Amerira. Of the two, rtJmance.
InvarUl.l/ '
vl.-d in Ih., bln.- room on January Sl.-meiho.l of determining Just wbai ran 'around, the wallr.
United Stales goveremoBt—tbal b*s
acbool ebum of ber twla brother.
the house, and walked lo hi* oBIcc probably, baa contributed more to en­
smoke and soot fill t.he t
IStJ. I.. William Waller e< Wniitm*- .rf tbe note remains is rather Inter- '
, iHwn found tbe R-mlaat ta tbe worid.
I a trance. Ills puiile was puxxllng dear the mansion lo the people—men
] The one great drawback to beekeop-^'inR, says the .•New York Herald. '—Exchange.
tag woold fall In love with Ut altlen'
in more than anyone elac. He war as well as women—than history-. The ,
........... ...........................
Then, ta <tnl..r. on iUy :i, IsTl. Ihe Bach mutiUied bill Is carefully pasttd
' tag for most p«pie has been the frar
ckam. and make a doable romaace of
minute, and pan- weildlng which have taken plarc with-Iwn.ltag til -Nellie "
I or stings, but rec-ni experigtenu
i.sjk place, on a barking trf paper the Mze of Hie'
Nate* of IrrfeceM.
tt. Be did. But be waa too baabhil ie tiricken (be next, for be frared.
elassle imrtal* appeal, with ‘ I'p to that
sad loo easily frlghlened ever u
r and away ronpleie Wll, The expert bus a piece
In Viexina a society has been formed
I>. C, bare proved t_.
half autpecied. that fait sister had writ­ keenest. Interest, to ev.-ry true Amer1-;ihe most Iwilliant
ber ao. Trent was nearly two yean ten propotlng for bim. He knew- she
funcllon of <rf glass tbo exact size of tbe bill- This ^ to assist person* with short memories
to be tbe moM remarkkind
alder, and Much more ibaa two yean was rapable of it.,
Ibe ceainry of Its history, thejlbe White house. 1
_,wlaar. iHed lo help pnacla
bridegroom waiiwiien placed over the bill. If the bill: chaser writes the date of an engage"" “"** *'>' '**'•
Three times he reed the lettec otor White boose has been the'scene of llj Algernon C. F. SanorU
of Englan.1
Also Fraaeli tried to help him. and. In a dazed way, and tben, alnmmlng
ly-fmir of the *quar>,<. or’meni and posts to th- society* ofnee ^
tor they pooaeaa
Thai ot MU* Rooseveltl One w.-ddtag t.wk place In thf
eomSdaatlally. M it blnied thtt Mias bla d«tk tboL said: "Pop. I'm going
ihiee-fiftljR of them, tbe bill Is re- ami by the firwi post .« the day of his’'necraaary to tbelr tveb
UasJey tried to help Urn a moe her- lo Kanaet City."
•ngagemeni the card Is received by
<to 'l«T resort lo


edf. bot be was no shy aad ao easily
Jam after tbe ei
It Of Trent
to Flmace* WUdtag was aaBouoccd
Mlaa Uasley oame tram Kansas iCty
to riMi ber ctana. aad the eEorta that
ware made by the twla alaier and her
•naee to lead FraaeU Wndtag op to a


'TbOogtal you would." said Wilding.
8*- -from the way- you wm reeding
that letler. Does abe tey yea?”
tending. Jr.. Uushed and becked our
cd tbe oBIce.
“Whore ere


going. Frankie,

.™,,; c„.„ c,„*M ™... ™„.

,;°i“ z.


................................... praeueal

rz Z"

deerr-etked Prencot. et he b^n
tbiowlDg ibliigs Into

to Mlaa Ua^ teUly ware
■hiDiilma they were ao braxmi that
of »n
an Engllahman
Bngliahmao br
by the name
...---------------------------------wedding, and yet the presldent lSiK. Tbe room was superbly deco_________________
■ . - I..
•** Mlaa Leakey aUad.
money i,
-O. ypodrar. you darting!-aald hlaraadMra Rooaerelt might haveextend-loratod w-—-*»
“"^eat f
Rota who ritltad Ibete lalaadt la II
The eagBEed toren becaa to tose
be gureramem expent l
on.j Tbe first campaign emblem, to tar
aitW. ovarwbelpitag bln with bog* ied tbe lln many Ume* wllboot aaiisfy- •
U tbe
^ that Hialr aeerat plan for a and kiss
Bible exceptkm o
neyl*. known, wa* a finger ring of ropper
Jutt treat I want-jtog the desire* of all tbelr frienda. The: White bow w'^*tranri^*rt'lw
prexenl aorerelgn. The talaada a
Soabto weddlas would fan. What made! ad i make my I
baa been gnawed by mice. Tbe] worn by (be adfaerams of Jotaa Q^tacy
•aineat eomolele.-1lUt. tberefore. was made np wlab ibe'to a bower of floral beauty,
bnndred yea
« to Ibem waa that
department at Waablagioa once re-1 Adam, ta 18JS. when be ran for pretlago. but lluie was kaowa of them o
celved a cigar box full of mooey whicb deoi. aad was iaaertbed “John Qaloey
m Mr. Roa.' rial,. The praaent
e two
«-o fammesrpresideai
famlUesrpraridea. and Misa
Mis. Folaom
FUlwwn Ibe
theme™. bad been tent from PhlladHphla wlUiiAdam*, Ig-S." Amoag tbe li
and the tailmalc pertooal friends ofiber. of tbe raUnct aad tbelr wires,
ilaof.erament to said to be ta wvei|t,
Ywe itatypea and ahap, mta Ita peopte bam and pn
ah* the bride and groom. As was to have]aad Private Secretary Lamoat and;
it had bera Inside a poorly eotstroeted | badge*.


nitomo(Matcn.«oreaipaetoByattof| “Why.

! Wtaa do

.nc«dtag omy certrin tS.ri“.^!;;;e:ta';::; iiTitra to

attendM the daaclac seboel Hondsr; anUntents. Everj-todr reports s floe were tn Bispirr on b=»1r;'-»i Ixri F; is rapidly toUlag. being -saable lo
e day befoer b
npBbUeuu ec tte ctt7 IB Stdabcrr* Cari Chappell of Kew Wexford rldt-1 The Ladles' Aid o>e; with H
Ttia# and Verda Wssner. dsonbii-i
have the iympathy of an who know
OfWM a»en boato Iwi Pridar
ad WarroB t(k«e sercral dart last Brtcht lodar to flnith eome sOwl
of Peter WSfceiW.''-. bare the mea
■hem. ■n...fu...raiw;,.,.,.M.,„,.
CUM UMcnl nSBiilsiouBlr to be
wctlL '
Bt^Bta token at tbe bamsr.
oaihollc rhureh h-c- Tnewls,
mcHcc (A onaaicte repabllcu
Fourteen Lad; Sees fnnii Oopeoish ’ Jim Fean, an Indian vorklni; on S
r.nJ all tTgr.-: itat eonyunip:!..n t»- iny. Pl„rUl .n ..
date* oa lli« irard and dtr Uekcu (or Tlilled N'essen Cltr hire. 570. Bator- Ilvac's raltasy. b
morlr-d fcim for .«!.■ ef ii. vinta..
5. CAHLANa Caaitiar.
.................. . -ed were welcomed bj all
Bulled In quite si-riom Injurtee.
tbc tpriac elcedoe br diroet
t Ms».s daueai.T nf Har- fH> will 03W*;..
iaataad of Um eaoeui method hereto­
Fialiri: wa- called lo dress
a»4 Mrs, Tboaa* S rillvan ef j itn IV-ran r( l.w-rr,. db-l f-Hay, lwounds.
fore proralllBc. The meotloc
fPanplre were la Iowa li»la.v.
I n;. nf .-r an lilu.,- ..f «\.-r a jw »,.iCAPITAU *300.000
r—CBtaUre cC the (opablloua of
There will be a aperial tempera;
SI n-pori- frirfd Tony Johnsici'utrp.- u. ji:e ». «-srveiiti .-n i.-a-.
few dS7-s
citr. the beat vorttera aod promt;
church next Sundar
;ilncs, N. l,, are ihai l.i» healit f
In town
.'-;rm.-r'y int.-rv=:r,l
wt-h ,t„. InelUtaaa bdne prraenl. althoosh
II be coadorlrd b)
..-ra.n-u.t Ch-.m; -a, f..,. ratbd u;.«
■amber vaa not ai lar«e w bad been
The Ladles- Aid socletr nf the Conrv of lb<- AnU-Kabs.c
A Gesenl Raaklay Buaataf^ Tt^.
hoped br tboee who faeored the
held a BoetiBx
....... .
. i-tu fSrtaer it h,'.»;-n,
marr BovemeoL
tbe home of Hn. Alma Pierce Fri­
nore were Its preoent and wl
day apernoon. The afternoon
Provi-mooi. Mich.. Keh. ss^lxn-nz'i
tbe vote wa« taken, oolr tweetj
spent Id makine hsicbets foi
pooM the pmpMltion, thoto who votod
orfe Washlnstoa tnpper to lx- ptren IVfollle died at (be Hotel Hshricn.
I per Cest sUewei «R nae DefMtk.
,..rr.-t I- r aii.-MrSiug, to ho. iiu.- (Or n belac mtbiudaMic. Whni
Hrs. R.'D. Prrdrl^n borne. Feb. berK. Baturdnr. Ki-ii. Iiiih, .of diviti.
terr, being confined >o the Ixd ruil.e
Botloo was made to make It ni
:L ne haicbou have I'tao rarau
- A- viltar.. <1. -ibio dnwr nUb. -.1
wna there were aeareeir a doten who
a them and make verj- attractlrn two days. He lenves a wife nnd six
You knoiv llicm: tlrcy arc
rhlbtien lo moom Ibelr loip. Hi- (sin
nr., .n't
did Ml vote In Uror u( Ifac propoai- cards for the occasion.
nmx-roiis. ami iiiakr tlu-ir
till lb.- ..rr„,- «f tras’.w. IN.
I)re^cIlcc felt overwhere. i he
John HcKellop has xooe lo visit his lly rcsirh-a ai IiiKTloeben. _
■.VC r...»i.ii.;g- «i-j i». a*,t„ .g,y,
The-eltr commiiiM was therefore mother, who Is serloeslj- U1 at her The lee har\-esi Is here and < very names of the family are Ileu.lto is preiaring lo k<Tp ned during adie.
antborlaad to call prlmarlM to submit
to the people the namee of the eandi- A. O. Uxht rrturaM Iasi Baturdar ihe (vmlng summer.
Backache, .Sloniadi ache. Net
Good wtwUier and mads and
dates (Or the Tarione ward and cKr ntgbl from a trip west In Colorado and
•ri-av.-rv I'll,- ,la,.i WO..I t-V ^ t,\- E. w.i
ralgia, etc. Tliey are seniitu-!i
Uoua farmers are ovts’Oowing
otBoea to be rated npo« direct (or the
that warn you of any tlcraiij'e■stcoiMs. Mr. ..;,l Mr., H M GiFor,!. ^
ng stoles, visiting bis brolhfactory at this place- will
71„- ouimliiai..n
rariow nomlnalioas.
ment of jxiur yys-iem. Wlieii
<r nnd taking a pleasure trip.
frails of ibe forcwi.
The meoUnc was called to order br Sf7 much impressed with Ih'
the brain nerves bwoine exr. «r.-..uu>«V «it! I- . P.
The convent wllb ils two hundred luiistet] or irnlaicd. Jleailachc
J. W. nteliln. chairman of the repub- 7 and likes the west verf ms
scholars and four able leaebera.
C«M« dir eonmltiee. Hr. Patchlo
'makes yow miserable: if the
Tbe next nnm'ber on tbe
excellent work In the way of stomach nerves arc tuak. inBtntad ooBcledr the objoct of the rurae will be gtres hr Boben Par­
.luring the | ----- ----------- - — _--------------------maatinc and said that it had been er HIlea oa Tallow Dips" Uareh B. ednratlon Ihis winter.
tlijTCSiion rc-^ults. ami
double up with pain, and
Mr. Miles la reported as a verr ideasmanr who deelred lo
In d.-|,it---------------------------.
Mrs. IxMile
Honfs.t Shoes at Hovesi Prices
log epeaker and all are anskxia to Wallin. Mirb.. Feb.
dttaa la Trarerae CUr n
Artllp vlslled frimilc in d;y fectml. Neuralffta simply makes
Mr ■'l-.u..}
the dlrset method Instead
life unendurable. The way to
Tbe union reriral meeiings are to Tues.lay.
oanens cr«tcm: that It wai
stop pain is to sootiie ami
be ooatlDned Ibis week at tbc Congre­ Nets Bye vlslled- his family Sundar. strcnsihcn the nerves.
It’s liifsiio-,.; V.. s. ;i Ibat ia
The Ladles' drtle will meet will:
gational churcb. This make atbe alxtb
that the committee
Miles' Ami-Pain J’ills do this.
I the meetings are -full of Mrs. O. F. Vollme. All are Invited to
y yield to
aaotlng. Hr. Patebto ootllaod tbe
rar f.ilt.,-.;, • li... ri;::.! kind
milfss if
jwaM at the last
Jtm UeOln nude n bnsloea trip to
vUlac fOr direct am
' ter Uule ai lake Ann ihla week.
and atatad that Ue meellnf bad Maotoo Ibis week.
Wilhelm nik,. Cite. Phono
Huckipbeny of Frankfort is
Mrs. Bobert- Plottler spent a few
«iBM for the purpose of deterDr. F. j. Mac Nett
visiting her niece. Mrs. D. S. King.
____ « whether we desired to make dare of this week vliliing frtenda oul
epactoltot of
Tbc school aras cinsod Thura.iay and
• miminatkmt direct for the sprinc elecFriday on arxnant of Mr. Smith lH-!ng
tkm. or wait nnUI Uter.
nose wd THROAT
P. C. Onbert was seloeted as chair
A. C. Blancliard. who has Ixvn m'urk
mu cC Ue meeUas sad J. W. Hanaa
lag In camp, haacomc Jiome to stay.
Ihulm muck
■emoterr. Hr. anbert stated that the aement of Maple City went to Solon
Rowland Douglass
Owing o the storm last wi.H[ school
mmtlat was tha open for a tree and la« week lo visit with her alster. MrA was poorly attended.
Shue Store, opp. Whlilni; Hole!
(nS dHensd^ of this Impoitsnt
8. R. Burke of Mapio CUy spent
itel and InritM all those Interested,
to ospreas their rlews, so that tatelll- Bandar arltb relatives in tows.
nr 8EA805.
A. A. Merrill Rvas a ThompsonvlII.Bert SnMdIoy of Traverse dty
< feat osptessloe could be had upon the
caller Friday.
I loam last Tbarsds) ,
Kalo Martin visited her pnreals
239 E. FfuI St, OL Ptoe tW
Chas. King of Maple City called on
While tbe attendance pas not
Saturday cvi-nlnis.
friends In (own one evening last week.
larpa as miebt bare been expected
W. H. Smith did business lo Thump,
H. F. Boughey of Trarerae City was
Is prabahir irae that thosd present 1 town today.
ronvillo Frlda.r.
repcaawted the aentimeou of the reAlbert Worrol is much bcHcr at litis
Mrs. C. Cron of Maoltlee hat been
pabUotns of the elty repnrdlnc the prilo town (or some time for the purpose writing.
marr leform mormunt. There was
s. Oeo. Swift aras in Thompronof organising a lodge of tbe Royal
^ eaneat dltcoislon tor and aalna<
Kriday night.
Wars* Cacatr
aaMi tma that while there were e
n Cordon a
•bw who did not (Bror direct nomlni) City eailcrs i
IjjIu Milks nuuniert l.i
llaas. manr who oppoeed It took their
It Klnes.ey- la-it Titesday.
Idand more.J)crause^her were aot
Dr. T. Wlibelm psaaed tbrangb towu
days' visit aiUi her biruher.
• woOTd be a pwd thloi; (or Monday.
I Capital SlOik PbldlB, I1S.0M
John Lambkin and family.
tbe dtr to adopt the plaa hasttir- Thei
Plate Clase. Steam Boiler nm] Accicont inaurance
Pelky was In Travorsc CIm
■MIMM 'mt

today on Ua way to Okn Arbor.
da.vs Iasi v.-.-.-k on Iratlne*-.
ba adopted nnder the law enacted by
One of Uncle Sam s posWfflce In- While thi-n- Im bouithi ih<- fann owne-i
tka lapt logisthiiire. aPer the coming
speelors was In town Tbareday.
Mrs. Wm. Yiuins. one nnd' iuie-h»|f
BioetlaB, and would earneaUy Ind
D. H- Power of Pooilac spent Sun­ miles south of Em;dre.
their cooperation t6 bring about
day In (oim.
There has-been nr .'iiTdcalr itf farcy
but the
Hlu Agnes-Clark of Boyne Cliy. 1 a mild form among the horses In
State Bank Building.
ibal the matten
spent Monday In town, the guest
this vicinity.
emOd be dafOTed
the legal ma- Mr*. J. Sulllvaa.
A. K. Bunting went to Chicago lu.-.
a&MT bad been placed la foil opernJ. 1L Bssto of Traveru City In
week on biuilneas.
tton as [strvldod ter by the an of the
aacted butineia la lows‘today.
e. a Dailey wem to Huidiegni on
Della Newatead It ill at this wi
business la-vl Wedm-sdny and reitirm-:!
Otbera argued v«7 forahly that by
adopUag th« nxihod ihla spring,
Hri. J. F. Tollen and daughter
Pete Coptn-ns, wl.iihas U-en 111
people of the eUy wonld be belter enOF nuUN'G A- HO.MH. LHT l.’.S TALK IT
Mary of Hapio City did shopping in Is rreovering.
abM to lodge as io tbe
pu-t Your IVIONEIY Irb Our
Tiaverae Ciiy last l-'riday.
Mrs.- adit. SloBo •■niertatRert li.-r
- aad prooMara when the new Uw beO. A. Mason tranaaned bnslneia In father. Char. Manas of Grand Ra|ii.l«
oomea la force. The feeling aras barsister. Mrs. Carl Han of Honor
Porch C<
- mcatoaa aM tbe acnUauni aeemed to Traverae City last W.Htnewiay.
Mrt, ‘j. A. Pennlngioo and daughbe that whatever Uc meeting decided
ets. Stair Work. Interior Finish, .sitx-k or s,3,, b,i
r were Traverse Cliy vlaltora IskI
i>. Fnvlanil. Nr.'. KIrhbaw sn.l
ahooM be.earpesUi
Pattmis. Store FrcwUnuil Fi:.tiir.-s tFi-.-l any oli..-r Liii-1 of sb.vp
' Si^ccnasor to Floyd StnIWt >
Hi-nry Stunner visit.d In Frankfort
or (be other.
ormili w..rkjoiinroiij n.H-.l of. Dry lum!.-r
C. B. Shuman, drag salesman from
week with their sister. Mrs
> When It came lo the Snal vole the
.. c.,L Ivt,. .Lv,.. .,,,1 lOll, SI. E.F„i«g., 929 W. JOlb bl
Kslimtiies funiisbwl by itliiuip or fell- r.
% aMUonai wan ao stroagly in (aror of
this week.
t-itiL.,,,. ::-2, Ml 1».
^ tbe prapoeed prUnarles that there
MIm Rose Tremaine of SUghli Sid­ for n few weeks, a eoaugloas aattautlsm (or the m
ing Is TlsIUng Mlu Laella Baker.
A, P. Carr of Seoilville was a bus],
meat, aad Chairman Oflbert aanoaneed
nesn visitor In Empire last wwk.
npem the (dose of the aeoaion Uml as
Cit. I’bone W-. Hell :«<o
Trnv.-rac fity, Mid,.
James Doian of Chicago arrived
tbe aeatliDani was ao stroagly in favor Dally of Empire transaeiM busli
with J. Sullivan and dined at hU home jme last week, oille,] here by the
of tbe plan, every republican aboa
rinus illness of his sister. Miss An
I beat eifewta to make it
John Kopka went to Traverse aiy
Now that the ball baa aiai.
i attend tbe Busliieas college Iasi
'joa ftdllsg. tt It believed, and it wai the wnd:.
rtmimaal acntlmeat at the meeting,
F. Farranl of BurdkdcrlUe passed T. M. M. H9 attend the Great Hit
Stbat the candldatee ahoeid see to it
through here Baiui
lurday enronte I
ennlal review to b.- held in Detroit
^IbM a ronalng vote should be gotten
Traverae City.
^une of this year. Mr*. Anna Gel
.out at the primaries ao the people
J. Zlmmertnan of hMple Cliy man wa» elected aliernaie,
ftbaa-could decide whom they wanted
Word has been received -ber<- that
^(i» tbe pnbUe offlcee.
Rev. J, H Lampkln has reslgncl ih.
.. Om of (he
act Sour Bulk and Package
J. Salllvan and Elmer Blllman. illaser paatorale of the M. E rh-jrrh at ihi*
(o holdiBg the primaries was the
Baker. Sulllvaa. Welsler. Fnrram an. place, Th-‘ plaee will pnibably Ite
-^tra expeaae
be eotolled. This ob
Jeelloo ww pranleally overcome by Im Tremaine and Measra. 4. Sulllvaa. H supplied by another minister in the
sar faturc.
.'BodlaU tkera-tan prominent men to Sultlran, J. Sponek. Q. A- Mason an.
Roy Mason attended a ball at Mapb
?:ra. W. H. Beeman, Mrs. Fred Bee’contribute
to Ilbi^y to
- ' -re wL\:i it a
City last Friday evening
;Dr. «ooft
an and Miu Lncy Past of Oabora
KstoieCthai b
:: >■; ‘•oncected with
ere in Empire last Saiurttay. pat.apeK.M
of P. K. Our settU are northern yrown :iiui ar-• we!l
•■*5.00 ^raoei
ent to Traverse City lOday.
Mr*. L. R R.x-kra of ibU place has
adapted for this part of the counto'. We will send lor
■ Jt never t!isj}>,
Poari Bvaas U on Ihe riek lUI.
be woiud oo^bAe lioxwr' oi^ Mrs. Haute Lellea BtooBeblne. wife received wortl that her father di.«I
any seed that you want if we do not havw it in stock.
-L'p.-nsd to Ud. <>,
Thnreday. Feb. g. aod was buried the
f l^deslre to make liberal
We.have a yood quality 0/ l ield JVas. Some farm-rs
of Claude BlonaeUoe. passed away
Sitnday a: Pellsion, Mleb. Mrs.
the home of hi. mother on Tniwda;. Bockes was iinahle m attend the
hogs, especially it sowed with oats. .And don't force'
night. She has been auBering
that we will have a ca
car of A No. _________
1 Seed Oats. aUo Clo­
nolamoan' )nbert»toris for toeie
Bramer and son of GItm Arlsw
ver and Timothy Seed,
^■ou know there are about si,\
nd came aa a shorit «■
to eight grades nf Clover
............ and Timothy Seed to cho<->(;
maa.v (rimHia. aa she wa* able
from. 1 he ditTcrence
about most ef (be time. Tlie faneral
ence in price amoimts loin the neighVFOrhoed of two dollar* per hundred, so don i ind^t on
held on Friday at the Caiholle
f;hnreh at Isadore.
t'etting life cheapest, you mrght be di.-iaj pointed in
Relief that comes from tlie ux-of
' W C. Ashley of Maple City was io
your crop if you buy the cheap su,fT. \\e never bu)
pills or other catltaniL-s it twUer
own Monday.
It. so you sec we give >atbfac-ion to those that buy
ihaaanffering from the results of
Prayer meeting (ills week wu held
consttpatiod. but relief and txre
flflh warrf. H
their seeds of us. Try .> th:s year, and if we arc wor­
Have pon ever tr-ed the
t the home of Mr. nod Mrs- J.
cemt.ioed rtiav be had at the
thy of your patronage »e will be pleased to ge: your
Raar*< T*Ik*«’
and Oo^Pd«
The O. N. O. elnb chartered R. :
City, Mich. Feb. H-Marrted Ouerr * dray. wUleh they Cued np
^mjXrawa Cliy Wednesday. Feb. !1. ip tap ftyle (or a eomfor'alilo sleigh
CMKtal Ctrm
Jpbe Rev. Father CoMen. Mlu Ctora ride and went to The Maples.Is a core for e9Wriipatinn. and the
e*mn of Colfax and Oeoege Halnet ef
>R. FRO'^T I
of Hlu Ida Farranl In East Em­
l^-AVLkiiheadache, bnekacbe. lideaehe and
^^ra^ Tbe youag peojde are well and pire. where they had an oyaU-r supper.
general dehilur i.hat c.mie from
They are the beat Sidd -wily by
>ktev«ablr kaowa and have the bcfi - - spread. Tbe (able, wera decorated:
OTBiiwtUm stop V ben the bowcU
wlrtea of a horn of friends.
do their Draper vror k.
t taicqtme noralUea. the place
Several from 0»ant aad Boat Colfax |<

TraTcrsc aiy State Ba&k

The Padni


....... ____


no Shoddy









fife Insurance!

Aoncy to Loan tm Improvcil Rea! Esiale Only.





South Side Cumber Co.


mr. Farmer and gardener


garden Seeds




Lane’s Family

J^pp^/ tiger tmsslmurn




MtMMn «r N«w Church
AMld U» bnlRK cf iBcow u
aoft ckNt of Uie «lt>r cudla
(nal <tedk«U0B of Ike chorch of ike
«—Cooeeptloe *«• aoleaw-

tbe church will
arate ediflre, but for all parposce now

and probablr for manr rous- '■>"
Urge brk:k stnictarc Itulli at a cost of
tlS.OOO is sufflcloat for bulk.
As U ilanda todar. the poriloe com­
M nandcr br tbe Bt Re* Blabop
HMrr Jtocepb luiiiter of Or»»l Rep- pleted for use now. Is the lower corlit moMtod br aereBtees prleau of beat left 1b oar. tke parriilons beloc
tbe dkieeec,
Ike foor-bour ecrrice left out aod the four room, us ulil.
beta( atleBded br hU}' ~‘O0 peopie vbo malelr desIcBed. beluc ihmwn Inio
one targe room 57 feet -long uiid «
crovded tbe sew edlBee to tbe oel
feel wide, with seallag rapacity fur
4eot» of tke eorrMon maor belos i
son. The biilldlag faces ib>-cusi. wbi-r.'
«btc to CBlB ednlueaee. Tbe nccud
four large windows give ample llgbi at I
»>• •econd of U> kl
to ooeor In Timvcne CUT.

DC repul
iblican! tloncdr ' o. for a mil higher ofBre.
k win a
ant yet given that tasiter
less lalcrosUag. There fa
oolT two randldates

a tbeir -pcslrto ueboowm" ■
tern i



promiDcm and w(dl-Li
SUU News.
wl» bate much to r
Through the state's aitomcr
btiivaus. Ue'tvll's and; ^1,1
fur public bouotrf
tktllf-rou. aad , ikUk
E. R. McCor. who has for fii^r Grand Rapl.'s. 1.7X pi-rsoBs
A cbeim-tt l>y onalyg-;
| that i.«« .afei, .ay that -«
rears Uw* an active worker la rt-puU. tided uitk |«-.ltlims during
hig tbe »nil con tell you wbatju,,- .suc gsming law and wlli lasiraci 1*•
• <«•">»; »■ MKilgaa.
Mean-pollilrs and a hlebly estrvoMsl «-ear. scconllng ii> rep-vris
flTtiliar to uoe tor dHIemit: U- I*’llce lore, le tkU eir.ct.
The wnralled prunes are.
U Ike p
-llal'k- hui lnei
ly rierk. fasting L
1- ___...
mayor ...............
aad ■ ..
tinned by the oiunril last
If vour btooil is imnomigbetl l»r. Tb. it. provl,:.. that any M:.-j
“-at l>

ImpoTerisbed soil, like inipoT.;2[re;tre“Jti;rarti ,

‘ f:K:wT,.r.;"h.rr.rA™t-



toll vnn vvl.nt

*» •

aad who attends;


any piihUr. iwttati-or panicbUl sclKiid
you ucfd to fertilize it nnil pro



' '■


!ln llieTliir.Iwai.1 t.
:<■ tvptrn., ilH- uumU-r oi ni.-u apply lag up:ur*ih•tod^li
prefacing these
■f candirsileka include
*n. Mr. c, l.oiw. and ,.-l.|oni Is tluux- a rtat
■at that Ihe bulldass ca^FrollekH tweniy inrh>-,
Ug was how dedicated lo Ood. HIrfliaur. • when there ar.- fewer ,ha« I'u, api,:i
Id Irf elalsiraie scndl dc>duii.
iitiud regular aiicndanre ui»n tk'
tefern, u.ul
.r„, If ,l,e
V,-. tn„„„ s«„| „.u. a
aaeiUee of.mats when same of ifai bcnedicilon branch caudle sili
ctallvHue.l'"'-"' rnnury.-neil,.,,
pro. i.le fa,,
randies earh. ar.- es|«>rlal
UOags wbkb Ood bad gtren. ronlil b
the gill of b'-come a eaii:!ldB(e. H.- is 1h-1bb m. n . w i-t. .. .......... ring il., l,.is> s, s-..n.
iwUirued again lo Him. "W.- most
hairw places to worahip." bo uaM.
V of bro- •
'■wbete we oaa aasomblo on great days
aad dve wnnblp to Ood. Tliai Is the
raM wa bant parlsbea.* Ho said
fartlMr that twaaly years ago tbe city .rf the CPM are neaily franu-il u
was DDtklag but now stood as one of peraonify the story of ChrtsI on i
tb* graat eillew of the autc. Tbe Crosa.
Tbe Htnetuary Is llanktHl on .-lili
Idii by two sarrialys. ili<- ss-n.
hoped tbe^ would always live In bsr- proper being on Ibe Irfi and the l,.;
mesir. and both eburebea work la bai- sarrisly iKdug at the right, Isuli re,.i



IT-xluCt, of Michigan

beiu-r .-esuu,,'

it tlie ricll, pwl corpupciw that 'icwu. salotn. :«.^.se. oDCert n-!
a teaporerr throne ererteo lor
ocwilon, tbe beeutlfol rrlmwo II.
■ Ulw nod dnperlee brlns n lllilBi; MMHnc for tbe ecBenble bUbop.
Tbe UecntBC of the vwIibmi
cborcb »nn the flmi cereawnr. thi*
belnc erttaeoed br tke eonitrecttlao
In Hlenee.
All Ibe TeclmeBU and
nad Ifor______An..................................
an of tbe beentlfnl eeir elUr
the bUbop who
- bli-wed eerb
Urtragbl 10
vne tben
hurch iiRpir
icn tke long end
wbich eoBUlBi-d
B all part* of
ataU, becan frtwn Ihe naneiaary.
CbaaUai BolemBlr. tbor Sled down
tke kmc corridor, Ike blnboii ezlendlng
Ike Uaeiac wblle ke cpriBkled koir
water an tbe proeewloD proceeded.
Tbe doo9 were cloinl as tbe lino lefi
tke laaer room and ibe liisbop and
prleau passed eatlrelr arouBd the out­
side of tbe ebnreb and an»> the froni
doer was opeeed at a koork fnnn tbe
blibop. ho belnc tbe flrst to enier.
Tbe eolMBB eeretnonr closed et »:3d
wKen the aewlr eosuceraled elier was
Hcbted aad tbe bleb pontiaelal mess
Tbe beautiful eerrlee of s«»c ihc
“MMse dn aoeoBd Tmt" of A. H. Itamom was rendered br a cboir erf Ofteeo male voices led hr Arthur Oiilbord. tbe orcantsi belac Rer Uacnaa.
Tbe Rer. M. J. GaJIaCtaer. ebaoeeilor of tke diocese. Grand Rapids, de
Uvered tke botmo, ukicc as his
theme tke subject of sarrldee.
becan br describlBc 'he ■nsguifl
Unple erf Solomoo which he said ....
caip bees posslbie tfaroURfa crest and
eenltaaed sacrlBces. Ood
belac tke arcblleet wbo dedicsied
New West 81 ds CathsUe Church Which Was Dedic sted Todsy.
aad iriM was well pleased. The sat
MeaMnc whkk cUeoded tbe dedicail
•leu M. nc.-rs. Mr. MeTriy .-n i.-suli.ul in «|i|ili.-att>.us l.elug tiled by
«rf Bokmun-s temple tbe speaker Im
plorad todar la tbe dedicariou of tbe
bew edUee whieb wai b««uB br tbe
ee.-1 nltli Us diitJeH, lu-gliiijlng the ' work ' liiflnjiity uu.-ild {.i.tetii lli.-lr s.-cur.lau rt. Bmperol and Aidsbed now
ren.;^elally on ihtt DreOuf Jauimry under:
,,„itkms tl.rc.ugl,
th,- ordinary
with Ibe Bew pastor, the Rer. Pr.
BbeAna. He said that Ibe^rocress
, _
I el-ntiiiel. and f-.r-uhiiin II is alime-t lot
Made br tke cborcb was.mUe short irf
wlMle-Traey II.GlIlKl ,
Nr altar faring ih-- »li..-ty one of Tra\c
•noer-u- ftiy s popular,
“ K’‘
Then there
pbSBCimsBal aad urced upon all to
make a ta^oe as a tlillnc mi-mooto
a: preM-til s.„!i.nis,u:»l'--' >he PH.f.-ssiuiml -j.d.-b.imm.
to the repoee of hU son). "We
war!;. Mr. okl..»;
ta the Almlcbtr Ood tbe best
ana cite, which Is bo
K> good. Royear: an:] Is an eii
L|STI sli-tiosrapli
that It wsiultl iifiiYi.- un_u-,-.
as bestl .suits the 1
Ills popularity bus
uly to Ood. cburcbes ai
a and
aileniliw Is paid to the supisirlers and Hi c..ute>r,.r<rfil.;.:,ees.s.ul.- |: wa, ,a,„. I,,.wev..r. that
riton whlrh
h Ihe nliar faces.
lo lie IniereMlng.
loih Ih.^e y/mnu, Ihe greaier propor-bm ofihos. apply
le aanrtuary:
columns, occupies
•r tif U-r aud both hate
side. Itelng .71
'n.t-o««’o?h-baracter. many .,r ,be„
eraatloa belag b' glR from Ood."
ly. .
islu lnvuri.H.dl.y f.i.-ud. hi i.'te iiia)ority, iu Ih-mii «qne day-

S 'S'rs*


k rteideo-s- sinw-i. seenriag soatcjtbai Caltfoniia U alnady ora
d the Udy s gold dUMS. Hcj be aarn- ' With my three i

The rvloar irf ' litlog Rollers* irf

It mav be Vou iIh.-at-r. t.tilUrd bail .tr-Hcj.f.m lUrb.-r has tass. uugaw«ie<

neotln tonic, bm m.tpp lik.-lv
v.mTh"'v i- « i-nu^t> .ah„ ,b.- am.wi fem jieii-urae. aw
• •
^ front l.s to !:-• lu liii. . r Irorj tin i... iralia. uf gfus-a muiIs. r<Mirt«-a balliH-etl a coiiccntniti'd fat foml,
■ blny day:- lii tail or u-tli As the-'-i mwIs, eunotuoly known as tinmke/s;
ani] fat ig lliv dotm-nt lacking;
sai:..n!. jn.l h l’la'd kali- i II souls. (Wkrrwinr dcsignaied as pats
ill your gyntciii.
TIktp is no fat fiHj.l that

,rui ca>in
j lilU-tJ OM

tligtutfd ami

iaithe i


Scott’s Emulsion
of Cod Liver Oil

trad.- from Mnd.-ois wh.sitou and varkios trvatofes regardlag
.1 ufiio.-d tk.Sr ipayorilv. I ibc V|>lr1liuU quallth-s erf which i-trn

quite an .-l a htying Kidk-r would be unal^ io
leuily. Ik njamln and Mary
.SiuM. tau! bste'iorebltcbl isswesalua wtah-ta cseorls.1
varbed Mlehiuse -■■■ thi:. way l«>ck|tlH. oesotuers Ittm the train and a
<• tbeir Hu-acre fat n. n.-ar Ravenna.; .smc-ri vas bi-ia oo tin- prioelpal bustifl.r a Hip I.) fai||o;nia un-l i.iurii- m-ss e..ituT.

II will iiourisli uiiii Ktrcngtbeii
iliu IxHly will'll milk and (-r>-ain
fiiil lo tit» il.


Scott's KrmilMon




jKilatiibie am] iilwnyH lietii-iii-ial
wiii-iv the botly is wanting from



in children

or atlulln.

Has Opeoed Offices in tbe State Bank BtUldlaf

M'c w'/ff acorf r«« a sgMpfe Awe.
r.'tarciluo t).U|»r.
tiie- in till- lurui of u
Inisl Hon ib>- tvrnpiier
f.l e..Tyl»lll-ulLlDBl
Mull you buy.


r.cli-.nrd»l <H).
All Xtrusgisla.

niimle.- of isisUiiiiis nibs] by ih.- is- .
irol'.l.iiH-au was .7.7Pv,

Of AeiiU- and Ciimnic IlbcumklUin,



tiout. Strains. Sciatica. Myal^.'ia, Noiirilit. Ncoraltfik, VgriooM,
Ulecra, I'ili-a. Trio Ackl Dialhoaii ami other digtorlmncc* of
Motaholiam. (■l■ul•rgl and Local Infivliun. Skin DigeuM, Liver,
SUmiach ami Bowel trouble*. Liun: trunbk*. Kidnor and Bbd>
dor diSti-ultii.-*. Xervoua Ezbaii*tioD. Kcaraatbtuua, Diarauo* of
the Fuinole IV Ivie Ortpuia, Paralyait and Cannera.

If you an

aufferiu^ with any diaeasc am! baro been onaUe to RctUiedoairol mulu i^' druR tnalment. call and loo the Doctor.
Bultatiuu Free.


sums 403 UD 404 STITE ui itlBB

Mis. Emily !

Orjiiwuld tv|niri<sl for the Oranil TUi"'
ids btirrau that pnrliiuus forgl'. niab * ]
uuil 301 feniab-s had Iwcn flUi.l
Oxford Is In linte a new ilaplM j
.-liorcb Ihreiigli the <-fforu of tie- I.h-iI
chureb. Tin- slTUCInre will be uf brick
ooo.'. oil litc eurncr now orcuple.!
by "the idd nsl sln>p" lao.lniark Ikal
has sIimhI there for Afly years.


Commercial Printiiifl
Rll Kinds

Berald and Record Co.

rrii.-liy to I'liililK-ii e


'backache, “The Blues”

BMoy. Tbe paaloratc of the priest
mast n«t be built iben a church
but thew, be aaid, would come


Tbeue prcsntl who ocmplnl
la Ibe aanrtuary were: Tbe HI. R.-v,
Henry Jo«-pb RlchHr. ibe Very He».
Joapph Sekrembs. V.
isilh of Grand
Raplda: the Rev. Thomu Rafter.
D, Bay aty: tbe Rev. Robert ...
Brow*. Grand Rapids: tbe Rev. Ed­
ward Lefevere. Cadillac: the Rev.
Oamn OoMrai. Netaen diy: the Rev.
Joaepb Bauer. Traverac City: the Rev.
Bruno Torka. Pcb.skey; Ike Rev. M. J
OalUgbcr. Graad Rapids: the Rot.
Mbaea Prudbotna*. Saginaw; the Rev,
X B. Bieoeowskl. laadore: Ihe Rev.
Prederiek Rutaman. rmvetnont; ihr
Rev. John J. Waltdi, Hanlain-; thr
Rev. Joba SurprenaBt. Ryan: ibe R<->
S. Faueter. the Rev.

R CeUcaau and
Ike Rev. r. WllllaiDa.
X l|bc rkis.
tb« eereaoalea a midday dinner
aeiv*d tke Uahop and prieau In

Both Symptoms 6f Organic Derangement in
Women—Thousands of Sufferers Find Relief.

eel wl.le and !
ItiOB. wl.teh l.-ads I
cither side irf tli..
stairways whicli l.w.l to the iip|«and rutrauev lo ihe rhurrh prop
The cnilr.' I...... ...
w.nNUvrk <rf i
l.iilliUng is t.| opk. T|„- seals Iwlng
Mild naC lu.v-il will) iiuan.-r raw
oak, with ail ailirilcally carti-d p,
building <1 Ih.- rliy has a niur,
|K-rf.-cl sywtem
■ teotllailon. ill.- <11
leri anil lu.llnvl leailiaHoii du.- i.-'ii-

now often dotve


TIm final dedication cxcrclavsal
eharrdi «r tke linnmculalc Couocpilon!

Moaed In the cvenlag when the Very
Rev, Joeepb Sebremba. vlrar of Ike
dloeeMi aad pastor of St. Hao's
ekarefa. Grand Rapid*, delivered an
abta addrcaa to an audteoec whlcb
padied tbe new edlBec to iu il^r*.
CHtay rCMalBlag in the outer eorrldors,
batag BBablc to obtain scau even :

_U.ul lw-an..gsWon f.s-Cug, ;nB.

pi.snd■ -instaotlr
t^Ra curative
powers Inall Hum;
inlelli~.-nt Atnvri.wn w.

Ibe Blales wbero ckalra werv placni.
The service began at 7:5u when the

The Rew. John J. Sheehan.
it is'the
«Sf.t-t.>-lJl..ft .iL'.
’’ omaa's ills know i
Revt. ioaeph Sebrciatra. Aoaeph Baurr. Pfie« in Charge o^the Church of Imflwrtlu-rr Uone tri.Hland tree reme.1-,FTedwtek RnaamaB. Jtdin }. Shts-han
ofjlO'^m. fc- Rnkham's V.-jp-uble C-i
aad r. Purler eaicred aod took their
Maeet whhln Ibc saanuaiy.
i<*B Sbecnaa FOadaetliig tbe opening
Mr., Pinlhaa;in.-dieine in thr world has received'
Iwive Orar
•errlew. The aunnoa which followpd rlllated air ............................ in.m
"I hav,,ulT.-r~lw
waa delivered by ibc Very Rev, Jowpb
' aiullMiuicHvold.w|
Sebremba wbo cboM as bU text wordr
I waanuxU,tob*ah
taken from the iwk of Halkew, 'wbo,_e fo:ir
rooms tik- first.
fir.1. Jrewmraraf'm
ivamnw.vl tc u
nre I
Boor are
-. —.
did yrt .c<«n|.le;<sl.
— .......................
I.iii will t*H.c.«i«mi
t*lfcO«i.*md If
•owr will Dot kw the eharvh
iv c*mliaflr
Aim be uato tke* as a bratbmi i
.tod U. wriio lo Mrv Hokiiam
at if
re UanrtbliuralHHii her .wtnptocu.
«kd a pBbllcan •'
•cnicxtiT ,, ____
dore. not niidi-r<.Und.
Mr,, fiokThe resWepr,- of tbe pa.“ior.
With tke dedlcatloe Tbiinday of Ihlxtli<'daaghtor-in-iawr>r
Ti'----- I liatn
«'"'^»»irbtcr-in-iawv.f Lv.iia &
John J. 8htv-han. I. Imi n fi-w
................... —- ..
Orareh of the Immaeulaic c
.khinn;' Ihukham, l»-r a.v.;>uu;t
bof.nv W dre
aviMant bofor.
dlsunt aad ts 'newly cv.nipI.-iiKl au-I Vrsetabk
a tMvlahw atr«et for the Weat Side
furnUbed. being a *ev<« rtw.m wnUgMrs. Eaiiaa
ber advice hiU >w-,-rfret*VVnrcbre*
s or tbe Catholic faith, com- aiylc. tuuil comfortable lor tb'j West Street. Xvw V.
fully given to every ailing woniaa who
I aad kmg-feR
. JVarJIr., ncAhaai:- ' '
|aakw for it. Rer ailriee aod os.-dicibe
want, bofk tor achoo) aad ehareb <dr: I....
Caodldat.. .cr OfNc*ofX'
elaa. Ike aew edifice being utUmately
AMlIBed for acbool purposes, while
U ncperlcd to develop con.l

The Herald and
Farm and Fireside
Both One
Year for $1.00
I’ann atifl i> ibbucil iwitc a moiitli,-J4 limes, a year, aod has from 24
to --ts
each issoe. , It is iirofuscly illustrated with half tone and color- pictures.
It is the best farm and home journal in America. Thousands of dollars arc expend­
ed annually for expert advice for the farmer, dairyman, stock-raiscr. ffoultryman.
fruit-grower ami gardener. It has departments for the housewife, fashion pages,
paitcms, good stories, puzzles. It has wit and humor columns and a Young Peoples’
This great paper is given absolutely free for one full year to every subscriber,
new and old. to the Herald, who has paid for the Herald in full to Jan. 1. IfW.

Jaync’vS Tbnic 'Wrtnlfu^
guc^ rtjsy checks .md active health to pale, sickly children®
And U IS gniKl for their elders. l<x>.
Ask your druggist fur it

.............................. -■

reu.v ute-t h.. K, iHrao.. tan n.

To Core a CoM in One Day



Bapire ana aiicnded tbe party I
lln bnakcr. He bat bnndod ovor Furw.
lenbnrg. tbe aneeatral castle, (o blal_
Bora, to Mr. and Ura. Hertan CUea. ton and dangbleMn-law. where ibey '
A. WeUBu A Co. hasdto (ulorr sad
bttm Moagb h«lp arrlvod the An- Wodneadar. FCb. 1«. a BOB.
entertain ibclr Engliab rrtendt every
«M mdor lacb betdvijr (bat lo aarv
Joaeph Redding of Dennnla *aa Is
In aplendld fatbion.
leading cbaraetorlailr of M. Fal-i
!Mae of Ibla idace waa
to a blsh visd that »«s bto^ag at the
Iciiea. tbe new Ftenefa pn-aldeni. bj
41a>e. The eoilre tartorr. lBCtadl»« FranUon laat weekbit iogealua Undllncsa. This waa ll-j
the WeUinsB electric light plasl, *a<
Andy Todd of ibla place lot; bit Ilv- luatrated at a btsg-jci some time ago.j
-alao eoaeuned, ableb leavee ibo little e.-y bam with -all 11a cootenta. Inciudsully dropped a piece of
towB to darkaeai. (or a vbile at leact. Ing ait buraei. by Are Tncaday even- monc}- on ifac floor, but aaU In ibo
Bjr’ berole elan oo the pan of the
Loaa. $2,000. wlib no
• Lei It be. The
dUacna the ■'
id the LaeIbe^ Origin of ibe Are la Kuppoat
two franc piece win he a And for ibo
■MB'a Tool corapanr bi
drfecllrc chimney
sraller." Later, on dlsrarnlDg ibat
Cbarloa Hanna of Orand Raplda baa ns a mn:b amaller coin, be let n iw
The loaa «aa a great
been rlaiUng hla daughter. Ura. Cart franc pleec slide gently to the floor,
HarL of tbli place.
explaining to an astoo^racd friend: 't


----------- -

Core Your Cough



stop yoBP Img iTTltation, r^ere youp Sopb Tbpoat
AMI dplTA oot yoBP Chronle Cold, with tho only ceptBlB, and strietly BcJentillc, Cnre for Con^ aiii Colds:


simUAtii< Ac rockl and Bcijuia.
tsd Ub SlaBOdsanl&RitcIs or


Arthur flrtflD of ifala place dint last iroppod tha: s
Saturday after a long iJlocat of eonaunpiicn. The funcrat waa hclil al
after u)lng that in bis Lraring.
hti home laat Tueaday arienwoo. Rot. ]Ou know.'
of (be lahoriag meo *bo (oaod emplor- Beotal olklalliis. Tbe remalua were
Olfford I’incbut. ebtef of the bureau
nm at the ptaM. Tbe origtn of (be laid to teat in the Cbatapion Hin ceiu- of furcsiry, not lung ago api>otrcd L-e• Ire la nskaoim. Aa to the (ule
nmlitee of congress and after
the conpaap bo Ucti can be obtained
cvitailatlug on ibc ncccssiiT of pnSOUTH BOAROMAN.
acrvlng tbe forests be nnarkctl
__________________ _ uten.. reu. zz.—
Ibc clerks lo bU dcparimoPt
duaeph AndpKon waa lu Kalkaaka Sat­
Fire at Laland.
III! not considor the services
urday un bualneaa
Lcland. HSeb., Feb. S.—Tbe Cfaaiidman worth more than tSu a
^ Hra. W. A. liranl Is reported acrloua' lor boat laetorT vat etnpletelr dcmonth. Mr. PInehoi baa heard quite
I ttraged br tre Mat nlgbt akog arltb ' Ur ABBcrman of hrantala vlUigd numerously from the fair sea since hl<
- • •
>. Albert
r (»o rovbeata and a gaaollBe Uunob. hla daugbler. Hra.
Apeifcrl Remedy forCofisB^
ims and amung Ills
few day* laat we
lioiTsour SlonMh.Dian^
r The Iota la S6.0» wltb oaly a aBtll
William King
it In Knllmaks Hoo- epondtmu was the Invtnelble Botvy
•EcoMiacHDgo. cwaaAargge
Warns J^oraidsions.rcverishGrocn. Mr. lincbol has not divulgc-1
oess ad Loss OF SUEP.
Tbe Ire vat d
Inn Willey la aasisling In (be
i_e said, but her loiiir conve>ci|
IT at Ur. S. B. Kiebnrdt'a.
. aad bad gained tucb i atart that It
lazSm^ SiCnalwv at
I'mpreuloa that any man wbo
Mr. Utne of Suutb Spiingflold w
. »aa inpoealble to aare It. The «latown Honda)'.
racta a sii|K-rflcial slaiemrat was
dova to tbe ofdce of tbe Leelanau Ed
Ura. Albert Scbulta cnterulaod
not wor h S« retils a year to the govterprlae were broken bat the boUdlng brotbor frnnr the sonthcra part of tbe
jr nation. He has roci-lve.1 unu p<mpu. |u Kansas ('it.-, said: 'Tin- 1 llting f
auto a few days last wwk.
jr his servlei-s as me.llclio- ]
Urs. aararti of Cadlllae rlalled with numero-js scathing cplwlcs from other, party that piartw on iiv ilcki i ril-.h-mand pniphei and
his kinsman '
Tbe vorkt were altoaled on tbe alte her huabrnd bore over Sunda)'.
noted women.
u.*i nanu-.s slsiiiM be ot.-rwhi-lKied in
I him all ihinns he misled. II- '
» of an old eawmlll and at aoeo at tbe
Jamea Whalen of Grand Rapids wa<
Two southern cougresrtnen were 1 Inglcrious defeut and taught
Ihtviry Into elfect by purlolnliis i
aawdaat pUea bora out tbe ptaat wll abaktng handa wltb bit many (rlcnda
telling tome oorbero colleagues about
wacTcopToy wrapfu.
the Indians, j

1- be rebnllL Hr. Oandler having many
......... .dn. strousc ahlt,.v.
u... . geoliwos they had kuown In the south. impulty to Ibe sacrejnm.s atid puri.r |
Perry G. Smith, a well Known clnh-:
)’ order* abrad.
bouaebold goodt to North SUr, Gra­
i >-oung fellow who .was funn of (be republic. Wille we svi-l; te, man 4-t Ma-s.. is dylnr .
Tbe sasoime lanseb dcftroyed w*a tiot county, this week, where abe wll! of playing poker, but did
Americanize Immigrants, puay It nu 'trom the elfecii, «i ihru.ftog.a rusty!
almael oompleted and the rowbealt make her future bone.
any too well. \Vhca- be wvil to guard some Ameriean:i! saber tbraugb his tsMly. II,- had Uwii I
Mrs. Folly la confined lo ber rot
be -went broke" he would breal: against being f.iri-lgiilzed 7 TTht an ! ill fur a Maraud found that (»■ ».,*!'
by ttlckneat.
Harry Fannclcr vltlled frieods ne
a violent sneeze, which doubled
who colonize the Anu-r- '
the Iota It etpeelally aevere u string Fife I ake laat Sutiday.
him over tbe ubie. -When In tbU ntqnarters in ih.- caultals of
Douglaa Scott went lo Traverao City
work will be delayed. Tbe plant waa
Uinde.' said the narrator, nbe young
are Ibey Arai-rlcau-; who glory
owned by B. B. Chandler. Spootane- Honday .wbera he hat employmcD'
Rdwsrd ]., ItiHlgers. a iiearl)'
would bile a couple of dollsre’ Importing fun-ign farlthms of lauguagRev. Janos Davis conducted
ona cOBbatUon waa (be canae.
ithwdisl ChipiM-wa Indian. Is lo marry
vices at Fife Lake last Sabliaib.
I of checks from
eomebody's and Tb,-> nr,- £ur,-ly
Miss Majme (.'onsiaur.- lialiiiin. a so
■viral nooilngs arc slill In prog- stack and get Into tlic next pot." Tl:i'
leans who eiivel lurelgu lilies Hn- their
al tbe U. B. eburcta here, and ibo
■le y belle of Miuneaitulis. ILtOuerv
"Ve«. daughten-.”
neeUng* will ^eonllnuc all of this other aouUicrner chimed in;
«as the fanicus captain opthe iso.'
we of tbe south are an Ingenlua and re­
\Va<TiaO»-. thigrraicn ,:f th- dlaneaiKjlis fooilall learn. H<- is n<»
““J daughter. Hiss sourceful people. I recall tbe girt wbo
medicine m,'n and pruphe's <tf ih> tir.vrtl.'Inu taw In Mtnnea|>olls.
V making
preparations to
Chicago and told eTcrybody
Crnek Indians, I,. <!<ad a- his hi,me „ii ■tatlloi, is of Rr.uiish bkasl.
Sallna. Kansas, in a few
she waa.a planter's daughter.
Bald iilll. Indian Terito*. F.,r many
Th>- eliy hall nt Mai<|u<ii,. wa
Mrs. DIebert of Breed's Uke visited
I. too. Her father was the
years he hgs he,-n loukeil upon hy th,- •gt-d
hy (lie.
l:h Mrs. Frank Vourhee* Honda).
leading undertaker of Lnlng on.'
Indians as. the greaiCit of the proph­
, Hr. and Ura. A. P. Breed of Fife
When Senator Hoar waa alive
Chalmaa HeCall of Ittanea and See»d Bcnaior Tillman were great
BOO. Harry Breed.
retary KIrkbrUe «f IttaU el(y, returalng
.. .............. .
There will be qiuriorly meeting »; friends. Now the fiery soutberaer fre­
.WadTha-Thc a-.ser'el that he had 1-een
frtni (be ooBmluea,^ Uiu ao r
tbe I’. B. church at (tala place Sunday, quently baa a session of story tc!lii-.:
enHiiwed v.lih s|,e:-la! rrvel«il„ns. Hi,
they eaa team there la a very gt
Feb. 2ulb. Presiaing Ddrr Boers of
Scnaior Aldrich of Uliode Islan.i
dopirine waj; tha' the trils- ow,-d liiti;
aanUmeai all over (be diatrict It Sparta will be present.
come and have a good time.
fcrar of IW^ubAbBon of (be quea
.. , ._ W»!W. Me- „r Pr,.
Hr. and Mr*. J. a. Skinner visited
quiet cornel
Hr*. Skinner's sister, Mrs. B. HlUa, and eaebange funny yarns by the boar.
The raaoluuou adopted nrge a fi« near File Lake last Sunday.
Ernst Ldstler. n eomposllur on lb"
earollnant of repnblleaaa at tbe tiase
IC? MlBs*Bt^l ^*Tr*Tcra^”cil)*"‘'*' Tribune, a Cormau paper of Lcavi-n
of the aprlng ideetlon. Pinna were
lied friends here last
worth. Kan., claims to be the oldest
adopted lor the drcalatioa of pellUoai BUtel Is contemplating opening
printer lo point of con'lnuous srrvic
at (be Jnne primary. The iaitiauve In llnery imrjnre at Kalkaska In tbe near
Her many friends here wish In tbeeouniry. He began to leara ih:
ealllag the eommUtee together and
her ar. abundance of. Bi'ccesa.
trade lo Tarmstek. Germany, sixty
UBttylBg the noveneot for the adopHits Hanle Watso
Inon of Kalkaaka has five year* ago and has hardly mi^ i
organised a eUss In 'Star color |ialm a wxirking day since.
Mr. U-lssici
Ing here.
bas been in ibis country
Mr. and Mrs. Miner Harvey



The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the

MDOfcs DigeslioiLClBRftd*
» and nsstCoalaiRsiitiUcr

Alm|^ In Ibc^alr.

to dwpalp, when oup. dras^streoommeiidodDr.Klor's
dpo^st peoommeiidod Dr. Klor's
lew DlseoTory. Aflep
(hkliig fonr
font botUes she wu
After (hklBg
htdflo throat
thro troable alaee.'
plrtheUT eared aad hw had
teriand. Hd.

/wu w-

Price, soc aad WiiOO


S. E. Wait & Sons and C. A. Byghee.

For Over
Thirty Years


Ev«^ new and old sub-


8crlbar"kvho=»*dt.P«*d tot
the Herald In fuli^ Jan.
I. 1907, wilt be given a
BubscrIpUon to Farm and.
Firealde ons


r“,i: ,SL t?r.^",l



See offer in another place
In today’s Herald.




AWFUL PSORIASIS ilSipsel!!? "v?"""'?'
35 yPARS


cTonHg. Feb- 17.

, ptyablo nodal evenu of the aeaton
ewrrod al tbe borne of Hr. and Hn.
W. R. Pratt, when In reapooso
>d by the Hlaaes

moved Into the house owned at
oently vacated by Mr. and Mrs.
enen Rvekrasn.
Rev. Bchnltz nn<l sua Albert
to Fife Uke Titesdaj- on bnainc
Oanaral News.
Princess Henry of Please, whose-


lag his wife lo this conntrr. *lH-ni (Ir.
days in New Yerk without bi-lng ills
lurbed by unwelcome ptiblldly or innUllona lu dinner. He w^ndere I ab-jti-

'•SkSClijs iisggsg
and Bleeiiing-ltching Unbearable—Cured by Cutiewa in Thir^
Days at Cost of $4.75.



town almost uonoilecd. enjoying blm
self aftt-Y hb own IncllDaHoo. Vuk-»
d hv. will rv
Ul» piy-sent plant are alu-rod
tbe fraUvtUea.
couple of
joihs for the
fotuTbe yt^ ladies received ......
“I waa afflicted with psnri-t*i« Inr
who was Mltu Tlitw
years ago with Prince Henry ol
frlenda In pretty gowna of dainty white
Hliriv.five yrars. It ««.« in palrhrs rUl
Picssc. whom abe mol at lipr first Uall.^
‘ iBstertat. The beaullfnl
ever my body. 1 uscl Uin-' rakrs
ed a great ncBraiton. TaTl and
Funn Vhiu-k. a itatiiralire-j ('bhivma,,
pf Slap, si\ U,\,-s
• rmma were ebecrfully lllnralnaicd and
Cuticura OuitMexictr. Is eslintwtisl to* he worth
artlsUcally decoraiod In bearta. iln> Mr. "Princess Ualsy ." as she is knowu
nienl. anil two
<r fil.tmi.i.uon in gold
He wi-nt f,
? color nebemc being tearlM. Cbaln* <tf to her friends, ivusesscs. In addiilrti
Iwilllrs erf Culilo ber exctqMhmal beauty, a Imely Hcilco trnm Odlfurtila twenty year-1
Rrmlvrnl. I
V heart* gracofolly suspeadeA forming
with the
arebca over (be rartOBa enitaaeet t
Soup, ihr
f acAtod a most pleasing appearanee.
Ointmivil t>nrr a
Tbe early part of tbe evcalng waa
dav. and lauk tlic
iB Silesia. Itcing. In fan.' r^ied
: farms and raiM-s all lege-nblr,
HiM'lvrnt as di­
^ devoted lo novd forms of entcruln.
rected. In thirty
of Ibc three richest Individuals la Ccrin his Hue <if bou-ls. He ahn
^ menL tblvnipereed with maalc.
completely cuml. and 1
a firm of ll.oim arri- In il
IhoUt permanentTv,
—.,- - it woeabiut bve
of Tamaolpas. He emphv--s I
i' and
Mexlcacs and iwcnly-five Chine
r uiaate winner of the flm prtae fc»
rrlc. leaving in thrrenterBSpolal>oul ■
John Ntchulas Drown, the woih:
' akllttally meodlBg a brokcB heart
ra«l«rdoUarcrfH.undftreh, '
richest bahy. has Just celebrato.1 h
' Hlaa Darrafa waa awatded -a pHsc for
thcr-lB-Uw baa Jnst been r^aed
lan dukedam, la one of^lhe
boautlful women lo Khigland. As
CorawalMa vi'eat hcr-.niarrlage

i iT"

Over-Work Weakens
Your Kidneys.

■“'fl'.KS... :

sad froisarj,, :*is-re . I'gp. la-. * 4u i„ ,

The gsBlal praaenee of Hr. and
’ CMBMlnga and ibelr kindly aiecultng
r delightful
Iribnlad largely
, enjoygunt of the

All tbe bleed In jraur body paasas thre^
wa. they ilk

tbe (borough
eempuiy. Hiss

Bath HlUa Moel escaUeatly rendered
• vocal adaeUoB. -Tbere'n Nobody
ioat Like Ton. Bweelhaart."
Afl alaberata iBBehaOB was aerved
la the nnl«baly daeacatad llaiag room.
- bt the magantlon nf the auny ddlflfldai BO detail bad been aegleeted.
T«a nelldtade of the hnataaa for the

attam comeftome*.
as ef one add la tbs
rod. dud to naelectsd
. bmtai and makes one feUuth^

he cclebialed Ibc fac Ui
without doing anything more arduous
than eailn* hb meals he has. In the'
six years of bis brlH life. Incr.'ased his
wcaltb nearly $9/ion.<.irt. n»by Brown



Htmor. Hteb, Feb. $1.—Ufa. Carl
Hart and cblMrcn of tUa place bare
bean viMUag with Mr. and Mr*. Robart Biaatt at Bmplre.
R. W. Devereanx of (Us plaee addreuMd the H. t cs.-Bgn-sBiian last
SBBdAy nlgbt at Bmplra.
Mn. V. Bvbar «( tUa plaea and


tntek.. hU

•rmj beatia

J,r.‘Sslsr.,i KK'ijv.i.

in all truth "Win, a g<d.U-n
tbougli it was I'n spots all over mv
ils moBIb." tVbcn be was body, also on my scalp.
If I let thr
libs old his father, John arakwremoin too long without mimvNicholas Bntwn, died and left blin ini; br hath or otherwise, the skin
wonkf crack and bleed.
I suflncl
$»,ititO,«on. Despite the tact that
Intra-SF Itrlujig. none at riii*t-«
rare of Baby Oru wn
s $5«,unn. o
Ititig warm in lied,
l>rd. or bl.Krfl warm ,
exercise, when it would be ainuh-i
much as the prcaldvnt gets, every yesr, { oy
bis wcaltb has grown atradlly. i
“To sizn;
sum it
It an
all u,..............
up. I would
...... .............
not go
■here it every indlraliun tba: iLr
thrrnigh such annthrr•ordralofafnirti..
ordeal ofaf!1i>-ti'-ii
ILT* Will euuilD-Je mrrrlly piling i

thr S
tbe future.
n, April 20.190.V"

IreMdetware to be OteM te tbe kidatya.
Al tbe UnaplaBa Indlealnd tbe' ap- Milnewmedatnacteneeprsvaatbai nearlv
pawh cf tbe mMnlgbt boor (be gueeu
cuahlraa of their rarriagr. ,H-rf«:nr ■'
ralBMahUy took tbdr dapaxtar*. feelIfreu are aiefc you can make no mlaUks
lag (bat tka avaalag bad paaMd only by flrat doetetlng your kUiM^ The mild
»dto ettraordiriuy afiaci d Dr. Kllmer't
too quickly. The- many Menda
«■—> S»B«. Ibegtaaikldaay nnedy la
BOOBoed tbe bean party a dcelded
................. irad. It stands thahl^ for Its
«aea aad the anurtainers moat ebt
I coraa eflbe m DK diaaaaalBC earns
lag and capable.
H .. *w.d en Its mertts



Real Estate and Loans

sixth birthday in ProvWcnec. R. i, i

her pptaeaa la eat knowledge.

Jjjuilltt SM, .j-ny

In eSrrt B-Tt. N.ISCS.

BiheaHky nflaey* Make hnpsR hlAAd.


- --—

Pere Marquette '

ns’ Is”

127 From St.. nonta^Qc BIk..

Traverse City. Micb.

Property of All Kinds for Sale
and Exchange
adS.P'u m.

Wc will

>■<« seven per cent per annum lor

yj)t:r wbncy.antl give you as security gilt edge



Traverse City real estate or gilt edge farms in

■^=5# iiil

Gran’J Traverse County. Mich., where your


mr,n';y will be ab.oktcly safe.




nm§N»t tmikm
i ««kr BMT to wmry m
IMiMtowMlw. .
I iM toy to bt iMtoft MpM
toto htoi to totojto^ to- to
If I mf ton to toytot to to
•MM tMHi. 1 ton -Tf» toy

Trarene City. Nleb. Jaa. SC. 1K«.
Dmr Prcaldefrt-We had a ChdMat <rm at oor baste. I boc a pto
Iray, ooBM Uoe ribfaoe. a caady «aae
tad 1*0 boxM of popeora wllh caadi
and aait la ibem. toa We have loti
of foB tIidiBS do«B hill at adiooL My
dodlea are foanlt reader. tpHUnc.
•dibmetle. laaptage. I like onr i
•r aad ! like u> yo to aohool. :

had Min Stalord and her fat^r died.
frawi Grand RspUt and
wlMS her falber died tbe lad l<
hack aad ttsy wlih ber auiber.

Id etoaktoBd w
No* IL.
If* _


HlUioB little fl
PaliiBc fibto tbe «ky:
Whoa tba grooBd b eoreVed.
Mud tbe hedge aad iieee.
There will be a gay Haw
Por the chkhadeca.

aaat or lardy be would let
We hire very much (ua tlldlag
halfday holiday.
He ha* taught
dowa bill ao*. We hare l*o pair of
o moaiha Our arbool will be out
bobi. beddea mCay tmaUer eledt
the ZOth of ApriP We have good slidBcbool. la froat «f (be
lag down hill. Teacher
bill. We I
t jolt a mile «ay* slides down hill with us. Plae lake b
from the «
le aad go dowa lofrozen over solid yet. My sludler
Ue road aad when tbe alldlng
arilhraeiic. readlag. language and
good «e <aa go rery far.
tpelllag. We have hlslory every otb-;
Moaday meralng. vbtti oor (earher er day. t am In the sixth grade. Well.
vaated to rtog the bell, there «aa
^Ill have to close and go
tiaat all arosad (ha clapper sad li bad and help raamara do dlihea Papa Is la
(roaea. So «< had to rlag a little the woods. My friend. Mercy Jeman.
baad-bell instead.
Is gtring to wrile aad aeod wlih me.
ftarlBg tbta letter will flad
She jolaed bat winter, the acme tine
Your lorlag Suaiblner,

did. I will have to dote.
Respectfully your*.

Bertha Raaiom.

ThfM o’doek. foor o’eloek.
Baag! goet tbe bdl;
Blag a aoBf of now-Umo
Harry off pellMoD!
Briag'aloag the eoadere all
««Bt oome faa:
Dp to the htlltov
Jaai* aad aUto aad rtfal
Steady ao*l

Ready aovi

,.*oh la bb plaeel
Here «e go, there *e go,
DowB «a a raeei
.Slag a toag of iacr«41iac.

M ttmY<


LOT 182
tat Of Beaem Ptmd. Arnnkaa

•a.ns.toi 61

ti.aM a
616 u
6.IR 11


g|. IWOS

S 8S4.M6 47
4.421.477 00
8493J7.227 SO

LOT 184
LOT 188

Ids McKee.
be rery h
Trarerae dty. Nleh.. Jan. SC. 1»AC.
sorb a good teacher la drawing, and
Dear Prealdeal—I am golag to wrile
lo the work be gtves you.
to you. I am golag to write la school.
All the sehooli oat of Trarerae City Bonaerit Perry. Idaho. Jab. 22. 1»W,Urar Presideni—I will write yoo
thlaga *e eoald do In

We a«( aotae or tbe Miidle* few lines to let you know bow I a:
ot tbe ouectloot they asked gelling along out here la Idaho,
My teacher. Mbs Ullba loti my pin and 1 will send ycu

stamp. Will you please send me an­
Rortoe. sent the exhibits Friday I
other pin? I will aeod you the name
the court boaie. Then on SainnUy
*eai dowa to the court bonte aad mw of one of my aeboolmaies who would
to become a Ssnahlner. Her name
on It had been marked
aeooad priir. We a«it six letter*. Wc b Alvina Hemaaa. Will you plase
t card aod biiitoa? Send It
are golag to get a yard of birds (or It.
My siudlea are reading. tpelUng. bn- to Lenb, Idalto. I goi qnlie
My leneber's
gaage, geography, dravlng. vrlllag. Chrlstmaa presents.
ime Is Hit* Pearl Hoeketl. This Is
. arlthaelle. There
I I cut think of for ihi* time, so
aebODl. I aai alae yearn
ill elose. I remslD.
old aad la the fourth grade, tilt wlih

Loit 235, see. 237 as advertised are now sold
and they waaied It. so I told them lo church snd Sunday scbool erery
tbal I would write aod get ,-nch onei Sunday. I go u> the H. R rbur^.
* huli.n. Please iwnd them
Jln-r your loving' frieml.
bullon. I go lo school and am in the
Haxel MeBnigb.
fifth grade. My studies are rtsding.
Indeed, you were well mnemltervd
by Ranitt Clan*. You must have bail
Physiology, geography, s|s.|1irtR.
a very happy day.
government nnd orthography. My
pretty harti to learn, bnl
my beat to learn ibera. My partner at
school t* Emma Lamle. My iMCher-s
now iry to write again. I
lime Chrisliaas and gut some
la Orcsr Itanh. He Is very kind
I>re<u>nit. I win tell yot
We have had visitors at aebool
today. Papa gets the Herald every they are: A pair of glot-es. a bsndker.
read tbe lettero. chief holder, a red hair ribbon, a band
La« week we didn't get the Herald, keretalef. an orange and lots of eandy
tlldn'i get It until todav. [ read all
itl nuts. My school teacher give
the letters from LnConnor. Washlagsack of pvenuiN. lo the third!
funny where there KTStle at nchirjl. My Sunday school
nil. Ki-re ln«H1ritl- lescher's name Is Mb* Jessie U>wl..
gan there Is plenty of snow to gc
•lelgfaridlng.. Well. I mti»i elotw (oi
this time, hoping to see this In print,

I go to Rnaday school erery Sunday.
My >>irih<Uy was ihe twelfth of llii*i
h. I sa* nine years old. liar
gave me a tablet and Roy gave me

Prom your loving Bnnshlner.

pwtcll. Pa went to town last Monday.
He brought me ume almonds and fil­
berts. YesirnUy was mamma'i

Age 12.
Sopbb D(*»yer
If yon will wrile again and ttol me
your sister*' nsmea. I will send them
cards and bullona. if they are old

day. I will rhir.e for Ihb time, m go>jd

eoongh in join. They mnsi be old
enough to write Iheir own namer.

Age 9.

Cedar City. Mich.. Fel'. 1. IMC,
Dear Presideni—1 ihniighi I would

naby Pay Rnigli.

Your motber's birthday Js a
ycurr. Ihat I should IhinkAou
have good limes relebralirfg together.
1 wonder If all onr ftunshrnors
make their fsihei* and moihen. y*|—
dally happy on ihjlr birthdays,
urtow, even though yon may is
way-R lie able to. (rive them a
prenenl. you can at leas' give th


Why b ni tamper like the letter
“Or BeeaiiM It b ^wayala a rage.
Where b the beei&M tb«et i
At the baidier'a
Why b the w*,*iKTjnaao?
eanae it b fWl kJ^i^ and akta.
Why i^ld/jotMoes
Beeaaae they
hare cyeli a *ee what they are dolag.
Why dA white sheep eat mure than

iwill t
them? 1 have a kitten that srill kitty and I
he Is vere ct»e I '
'» Fnil- !
horife. and
Wbn 1 see him aad hold have two abler* sad one hmber andil?!!
...................... pe.TnUtlori
my bands be will jump through
"P *** *vld so we ran
them very nach
.. .. Christmas I go: a handkerchief, a red
HT other pet baWtieealf. II■■ 1*r as before fromm the top
ear* old the I4ih of April. I guess hair rlblun snd a bbek hair ribbon.'
jump aad play. My teacher s name
■n.ri lip I
lb b all for ifaU lime, a» guod-bye. a ribimn rase, a pair of sU.v.w, a little •
Miss L. HortoB. I like ber Very
bovk from ray Sun<by who .I leacbrt!'
-................. —
We have aaile a large acboul.
and our .lay tearhre gave us a treat
o'e'’- I Itniw ’h- RunMary Laraaturt.
are 34 seholat* la sctaonl. GoodI woader what color (be kitty b. and of peinui.. oranget and candy. Benia!**”'’™ had a merry Cbrisiraas and a
for thb lime.
whetirer It can do aay cuahlag trlcii CJaos was very 'good ic give ne so! h*PPr Ve* Year.
Prom your frteed.
Perhaps yppwlIUeiru. the iJm itoel
F»ir Bon.hloer.
land till me what you g»t for ChtiRi-'
Elmo Lnto
Msdahae c. Lawson.

Travera* City. Mich, Jaa. 26. isoc.
Dear PresMsst-t have not wrinea
Hertonb tehaA •"
----- ---------------"
to the ooeesimSoashiae CIWS
dab lOT
tor |so tong that I

LOT 183
LOT 230


write and tell you ihar 1 would Hhe lo
Join the Snmthlne club. I am at school
today. We have 6* schobrs enrolled.
Your irne Suoshlner.
Bertha Ransom. We ehUdien slide
We have half a mile lo go. I have
Grace R Manes*.
down hill BOW. I have wriuen lo Iho
four brothers aod two sister* going to
We tro gind to hnve the aarae .
Suaaiae dub batore.
school. 1 am In the fourth reader and
Yonr Baaafaine girt,
ray studies are reading, arlibmeiic.
Dorothy Graat.
geography, physiology
loving kbs and a wish for a haiipy
Cedar. Mich. Pel.. J. 1906.
Traverse aty, R. p. D. No, 2. Mich.
spelllBg. My teacher's name Is
birthday, and I know they will aiuirDear Presldeat—1 thought I would
Dear Prealdom—I wlU write a few
Oscar Banh. He 1* very kind
|cbie that as iniieh at they wiiiild
rite yod a letter and tell yon that I
laestoyoo. I have not wriUra to you
et* I have one dog. hb na
I pivsen.'.
would like lo join the Sanshine rloli.
I wlU tell you what aiudio* I am
«ko. We have Ihrre horse*, six
D (dowse send me a card aad bunno.
stodj'lBg: arammar. geography, ariththirty-five ebickens. three pig* and one
RlM U3.V. Mlrh, Jan. 27. 1906
am going lo school even- dty. My
eoapto of vMks ago Mtagie Tagle, metle. drawing, onhograpbr. wrOlag.
kltion. I haro got two friends nnd
Dear. President—I tfaoughi I wim.
teobeer's name It (bear Barth. His
Cedar R./P. a No. 1 gart at
■palling. Ofih reader. I am alae ysarr
bnaher ihat would like lo join write to you. My leachei's name l^
We fire the aaavera ihb old. We have iota of fan -at a^ooi
Ihe Sunshine club. Tht lr name* are DelU Archer, 1 will tell yoo what
eaeber and pbymalet very drariy.
slidlag down hill. My iMefaer's name
I-eo Couinrier. Cedar City, Mkh_ R. cot for Chrtsimas. I got * toilet r«
There are M acbolan. in school lotby
b Mbs Uliaa Honoa. l like her very
P. I). No- 1: Ruffle Pbmoodoo. !•«- n dbh of gold flsli. a cloak, a ysr.1 .
Onr good Mead. Mr*. H. M- Pbber. well. I have three abler*. Thdr and there are U earolled. I am
dure, Mich, and Mads Denoyer. Cedar. black hair ribbon, a cup, a siring ,
years old aad I am ta ibe sixth grade
who b at much of a BniiaUi
aamea are Oealle Barts. Cbra sad
City. Mleh.. n. F. n. No- 1. Well. I beads and a pair of mittens. I am :
el^tr aad more years old aa nay «( Marguerite. Deallc u two years old. ■ad my studies are arilhmetlc. gram must close for this time, hoping to see the fourth graile. I was eleven >eai
mar, orthography, civil government,
ran poaaier membera. spM* ii
Clara U four years old aad Maiguerlie
this le print. I remain.
the sih of Jsn. Three of my gold
totSkt atortw aboat Httle folks whom It aevea years old. She gos* to school gaagraphy aod physiology, l have two
Your lllilr friend.
Dsh have died. I.wlll send
nlatars and ooe brother. Pur pels
th« knows.
• rill write to you. Well,
Age II.
Willie Denoyer.
have a little oat and I hnve a nh
dose for this time. Oood-bye.
It must keep you pretty busy to help
mate Ic-t
Onr leuers Ihb week begin wlih
like care of so many animals and
I will close for this time.
I wish to
coUactloB fratn Mlaa Hertoo-i aebool
What I
It man would yon name i.
Traverse CUy. Mich.. Jaa. 26, l&M. nee ibU In prim la (be Graad Travtm Cky R. P. n NO. 2. Nearly all tbe
rail upon to build a fire.
Dear Preddent—1 il
me Herald.
Cedar riiy. Mleh , m 1. HUWI.
If a man raire KIO bushels of wh«
write to you. Weil,
Dear Prestdeni —M y sbler is wri'Yonr Hide friead.
kmg lime. The iMtors are as
iog this letter for me. I am going to In dry wealber. what will he raise Ir
Glien Lavaniiire.
eailag aad well written as ihoae from what I got for Chririmaa. 1 got a
wet weather?
>1 every day and I am la the firrt
P. S.-WUI you please escuse poor
Mbs ftortaa'a pe^ alwayi are. and ■led. a book and sa Ink wea We have
I will tell the answers next time l
been sliding down hill today, nrer* wrliiag aad mistake*.
1 am eight year* old ani
you will all be very glad to read them.
Thb U all for this time, s
sre two aad we go so
BII«D writes very nierty aod doe* would like to join the Sunshine'dub. i
rest. There are St aebobn la school act eeed lo spologbe at aU. The Snn- Please send \ne a card and button
today. I have got a puppy,
and my little brother would Jike to
thlDC glrls^'ould all like u
hrotra and he is very pbyful. He like* dolly that goes to sleep.
II. too. so please tend him a card!
P. S.—I Will S
^<1 get la the deep saow sad he chases
and button. 1 matt dose, (or this Iri.
. , * '
“ ‘'•p«'BI vtso;:,
'for a butUin.
Cedar. Mich, Feb. 1
•M eats all over tbe bouae and speaks
my first letter and I mnsi not write to
What a pity
T carwatUy at linrt •W he It haagry. Wdl. good-bye.
Dear President—I thought I srould
. Hoping to see thb in print.
gold fish died;
rile end tell you that I would like
a abe broke
Irving Stover.
aaaty lookt
t join Ihe SuBsbine club, so please
Yonr mile friend.
TraVerse Cliy. R. P. D. 2. Jaa. 26.1*06.
send me s card and bulioB. 1 am
Rlmnod Denoyer.
D^ Presldeat—I thought I would
s-jmmit City R. F. D 1. Jan. 29
I etaadlag with
school every day and my
You have_ not told me the name of . Dear Presideni—As 1 have n.d wr
wrtt4 a few lines, as 1 have ume today.
lewibeT* name 1* Oscar Barth. 1 am
lur brother, aad I cannot send bins ten fora bag time, I guess 1 will write
saU. ~0. PnaUe. that door b eold.' • anJ at achpol apw. Would yon like
sixth grade. My studies are
rard and bulion until l know his now
My brother aad I play oi
-No. graadma. the door ain't cold, the
trtlhmetlc. spelling, grammsr. geoglee when wc have time. We arc golny
drawing, arithmetic, language, ra|*y. orthography and eivn governeoU'tames dtooagh the bole where I
tu learn to skate thb winter. It lookt
geography. apelllDf. Thb
laokad tbe door away.- was hb reply.
love my teacher and play­
to be fun to *<*• the other bovs Rkan•udtee. i have only two pelt mates very dearly. We hsve 62 other
I will try. We have a hill on like to have me idl yoo scholars In rcbrol. I have
Hton^ Vagtde Ai



Total Amtk im Paid PaUcyHelders
since Ors« ibstSaa. «U,006,297 AS

1, )W«.4t^



~ had to get aboihcT teacher.
my irwcher. Hr stake* nt draw T
Mvidti^ oa defened d
tog eabto that <«<eM* aktag in readtag
AJl^her L
and history. To day we
■ R. F. T>. Na
Yesterday we
two map* of NoHfa America, one for
romia aad aaotber (or grains, anj
Aaa ».
darkened the parts where the tor.'*:
»*«*Nto to funa Doc.
TraretM Cliy. a P. D. t Jaa..H. ItW aad gralaa grow. For ChriMmaa I got
Dear Preatdeal—It bat been a rery
Ikercbieft. * rarj of
Mv lime aloee I vrota to yonr Siui plak libhoa aad candy sad popcorn. I
Our teaetaer, Hitt
abtcnl oor tardy tince
UUba HortOB. aald (bat the ecboUri Mr. Dewey came. I would ool hare
vbo belooced
en abaenl or tardy when Mlaa Saa-:
ooold vrtie. aad other* if they vaaied
ra taught, but I bad an nleerated
to. eo *e could teed the leuen all
Mb. Mr. Dewey said it we were not

f«Mito«y totoito.



Harold Graat.

TrarerM City. Mieh.. Jaa. Sd, ISaC.
Dear Prealdoat—I am at atood toty. I hare readlac aad arttbrnetie la
botu. » ttfloc of etMU bead!. » book,
u (oremn. la the aftenooe *e
box of caady. a pair of aboM. i
hare laadlac. laacaafe. ipdllac aad
i bill. I bar# itot vritlCB to the
rapfey. Wo are pa pace IOC of oer
SnthiM dub for a lone time. I ba<
metle. la.oar laader wo are oa
betaocod for See yean aod maybe
IW and la oar apeller ^ are
llrtla loatar. I bare a^ctocted my OB pace «.
duty y«ty maeb. bet I'forcot all about
Uoyd D. Yooker.
bare iott my |da. aad do you
Itoat Jordan. R. P. D. No.
me I cao bare aaolher erne. Well,
Drar Preeldent—At I bar
n doM. Oor aamber It R. P. D.
wre mornenu, I thought I would
I am la arbool
Toor lorlair Mead.
etcher b Mr. Dewey. At Snit we
Beryl Fade

jma.<. I thank yon rery much for the:
««d Mr*. Mtichett
vru. gaVe
rsV,> me.
me Yesterday ____.
*' '***■ ■'Bhv card you
was'was. I’ think
'h'”'' she must
must he
„ m. Batistainer
Dear Prraideni—I tbooght I wtMld 'aurama'R blnJiday .
p*p* went to ’ *h”her she kaow* it or oot.
rite a tow Haet to you to let you Ttaverae Oiy last Moaday. We Hve.‘(Xtog lo make ij
that I a* well nnd hope you are Mxieen miles from Traverse City. l
«''*• toppy.
bottoB aad card am la tbe ffrui grade a
pretty, school to onl
buttoa teacher-t a


My Sunday school

I* Mrs. Fonter.

Why b bread like the stm?

I go when ti rites It is UgbL


LOT 196
LOT 203
LOU 120
LOT 212
LOT 213
LOT 214

These are all early selections and are tie

Handsomest Lots io Oak Haights
the most_ charmiBg addition to Traverjc Ciiy. This
addition is now U-(rely bulk over, and «ood lots are
— easily obuOn^le. These lotsuwill be sold lepaply. cxceptiBel82.
.U4,, m. ]U.
,c^. WHICH
vI,icT» must
must DC
be SOlO
sold tOtoRmc

All pnn»r

wllfbe' ^

f^_ ....

____ >.



Tbe whole bundi of

if sold at one time and for cash down, would be

As the price would be made accordioKly and to allow
for holding as an investment Come quick for choice

Also Ooe Acre Lot
io Birchwood
Fronting East Bay S rods and runninu back 20 rods,
ess a strip two rods wide on north side for street. A
very desirable lot in this b«utiful suburban spot


123 Front Street


add a qaan of rrcet elder or
Utkknus; Mason |i wlifa piTPcr
Oalou Soup Halgrv-HU tve or six
copfol of Tlaagar. a deildoos Savor
I aprsad wl|b rreoefa mustard: pour oedlum sized ookms. Pnt them la a
TiU be Imparted to the asw
T*oa« side haH a mmooe
tew pan in wbkb a targe laUaspooBAIlOT this to simmer, aerer boll, for good nn^ar and ovel tbe other tbe ul of baiter has been dissolved.
three boors, tsmlas iba bsa eceki
r quantity of lemon jtiiee: beat
ally, but beliic carefol not to pb
quleUy on both OSas: dust rsry llghiMr. Stir them about nnUl they
tbe Sesh with (be fork; tin from
ly with s saltspooahil of brown sugar:
are leader and lightly browaed.
llqold aad eorer witb a .coarse pi
gill of sherry or cbampsfac an I
two piBii of bnfltng water, i
fM’Mv-WA's rofCLAtirr
de of Soar aad water, taklac care serve at once.
iful of salt, ooe-balf solUpc
bare tbis thick aad Brm epouse
ta ts iro atiALL MMAavKJc
Ham and potato croqueUes are also
bile pepper •<« a dash <4
so ibat DO grary eaa escape; bake ta a rry savory.- Mix wlib a plat of bot meg. Beat two eggs briskly foi
t>ra TO THE CEyEEova
very moderate ovea for fonf boars maab^ pouioes a lable^oonful of mUutes, cool slightly one irapfal ofi
emaiee c/rjur tr et
TN EVERY Receipt that call* for cream
luDcer i>-ou should allow la tbe two butter and tbe beaten wbitet of Iwo
stir U vrllh the eggs. Uiea
all Into the .soup. whlA has been re­
A cf tartar, coda, or baJdag powder, oce
I): take from tbe Src. vemore Illy of bam prepared as f-.r bam loas'. moved from (he Are. Serve Im
pane aod sklo, eorer tblckly with U whra ihe potato Is cool enougli aicly. This can be marie In oar-hatf
the Royal Baking Powder. Better resalts
bread crumbs mixed sritb iwo table- > bsAdle. lay s lablespocmfnl of It on boor.
will be nbuined becauce of the absolute
spoonfuls of brown supar. a
mewing t«ard thickly covered wilh
(he oven illl a eHsp. brewa cruii bas
purity and great leavening strength of the
Carolahn tor Soupa.
been formed,
Royal. It will make the food ligUer,
SIner Miiips have reme ut'lie so ImRn much (or Imbed ham: if I: Ik i.i of (he ncMsui sad roll into a ball: dip
be bolle.l. simply raatiom- the bolhns
iP bcat'-n .vsg. then la crumbs isirtaui s pan of tbe dally dlnaer
sweeter, of finer flavor, more digestible and
pron-ss as aleitr. allowlDK twentybnisn lu Ibe ovea or fry in boi miirli ibSuxhl has been given to ■
wholesome. It is always reliable and uni­
ing as areal a rariety as posMbli-.
eilfoi minutes for every pouuit un<1i-r
done principally by means of
(weire and Afioea minutes' oddiiloa
> I keep mr own cblckeos
form in its work.
forx*tery pound over. It wlH be nrurh shall. Iheceforv. have pleniy of eggs. Iijshes. whirb roniala among ibc best
Alum aod phosphate baking powders—
richer If the ham Is allowed to siaad
known varieties royale. a custard
mixture of
•OOM of them sold at the same price and
■gx lislU. noodles. msiTow balls,
of bard bnllod eggs mixed to a
some of them cheaper—will make neither
The fat taken from
•m Ibe lop
poiato l>allt. nod harh-qnln
likewise, wlih a lltilv Freneh mn
slices. AI these are serveil In clear
liquor In which
m has bcM bollod.
dainty nor wholesome food.
>at wfaicb t-____ ____________
shoiilil be clarifleri by being bntied up
Rn)-alr—Real one entire egg and ihe
Soups for (the Lcfiten Season.
wlih a sHced poiaio in li and Ibeu
yolks (if two more well. Inii nol
,’lih the approach of l.eni It Is
sirained. after whlcdi li Is deliekius
froth, mnd add nne-ihird leasponafnl
leresiing to study (be matter of nourhoHeolng for meai-ple entsie
salt and onehalf rapful of clear
lablng foods which do not conialn
for frying pocatocs or fltb.
•f stock. Pour the mixture Into a
meat stock. There are many delirious
If the baked or iK>iied ham is u>
Talla Inry Ou Akoat Pfonfofl.
pan iq Ibe depth of one-ball loch.
Mrs. B. T. Fennessej, ttoqnd Brool
lien hot. serve wlib It s plain biosrn preparatkMs of food which
I set ii In another nan coatalning
Sasbville. Teno.. wrlles:
sauce to which has been added a glass sireugibcnlog and rasily prepai
wall-' Cook in a moderate oven
bnve tsken Perans sod find It
■ I was down fot Ihree moolbs wflh
ine, prefcnbly sherry
the custard sets without bubbles very gissl medlclae. After I took oi poenmonU and had gotten very w«ak.
Any of the following will
r Preserve Ihe skin
and wlihoul browning on top >V-hen I-Oitie af Pi-runa. 1 was cured of my A friend adrlosl me to try Peraaa,
• MAKt MTCa. a
Ihc bam Is sei away la the larder slip snllahle for an entire meal, or ran
pcrf.-cMy cold cm li Into riiW one- •■old. 1 esnoot help telling rverv nse I whteh I did, and s..on foand It was tbe
if deslied. Ic
it over (o keep the meal molki. It U
half Inch square wlihoul removing know slioul potuus and asking them to thing I needed. When I flabhed the
good plan. also, to brush over the ct frdlnwed liy Ihe heavier ariirles
lr> It. 1 would like every one to know third bottle. I fonad I weighed (Bora
M Will ap'lnkl* StinMiUi*.
OlesDs dropped dally from itac sky.
pan, and place the pieces of
the go^ Perans don."
III of fare. In ihls rnnneriion
rad with melted butter, which keeps
than I (prer did In my life."
ir yew abooU tft • follow du »«Ii
can-fiillv In rensommo aftiy II Is In
rheer wishes in mieal wbal ha* Ihe iiireen. allowing three nr four
Ao outer slid* from liclng dry; the
To Ibe beans phero llsbl ban Mnb
Itwxiniiniiilwl P»-ra-sa fo IUbt.
irwiUo'i IUk nsfuried.
Mrs. J. M. Morion. WB N.............
inner r*a belicraped off, mcHled and already been nald In this department plervs for each ptysoo.
b vtreel. Prof. J. IvlMin, dealer to masleai
A»’ tonkin' like be lUdn'i bove a frleBd
Kolblnp can be dremr;
Blrmlnghsm. AU, writes:
appetizing soup can lie otierly
merchandise, box ill, CumberUnd.
In alt the worid.
RoddlNE ihroupta tbr bloom of esrth.
bsd a severe stuck of U grippe. Md.. writes:
Egg Ralls—Rub Ihc yolks of hard
spolled If limp, moist crackers arTlH> water in which bam has
On op and alap bln on Uie bark, and
area la always acar.
Aflrr Uking the third bottle of Peruos ••It Is now five months Bines my wUs
holler. "How d’yon dor
I was fully restcred to hnltb. I have began uktng Perans sod from Ihe first
•n seem almosi fresh. ih<y will Ik- moB. and seasim sHib salt, pepper m-omroended it to msny."
akes a mosl delldous spllt-pes
And iraap bla band no wf
day Improvement has been going on
•na soup, ir I) is wanted for (bis Improved c hundnsl per cent by plar- 111 bullet. Add enough fow egg yolk
know be has a trtisd la
A Vairlibor Adriiad
nollceshly. Hbe to now In good hsiallh.
irpose add a cupful of vinegar to ibe log them on a tin and selling them In • form a paste, roll Into
- Ttcn ax bUn wbat't a-bunia’ talw. an'
Mrs. John Hs.vnn, KB K. »uu gt.
- never (Ire of making tbU foot
they l•eron]e (faoroiigh- Ilf an inch in diameter,
tier in which the bam Is soaked.
Unfb bla cana away.
Columbus. Ohio, wrlles:
zwn to our many trianda.’'
bite of egg and flour and poach
Von will need no ssuee for the body If freshened.
•-K.if ov(V two years I suffered wlib
Aad (Oil bla tba darfcoot alsfal la josi
Not baaieiilat to doC tumlog from
PridBd Haa VMd Pfonqn.
hesdsches and sever.- |aius m ay b(wd. Mr.AHenry
Cieam of Celerr Soup.—Cook one Ibem In l•oiling water for a f^ m
a ham cooked In ihU way. t
before tko day.
tbo ffoal.
I.liuodwin, purirailarllM,
How three for each person
these two .T.wrs my friends • Oove Strroi. F. liosipn;Nto>»-. wflles i
OoD'i alii a pavoyaa paforor. h«i Not awurainff frem (be thlnffs tbai dis­ told, aad It will be tome lime before hend of celery stalks and light leaves
uld sty.-Whrdoa'I.v
Why don't you take Peraiur "For three years t bare ^Moa,a^OT'
pint of water for forty-five-min- whom soup Is to lie served, and put
yon will tire cf ifac Ibin slices of pink.
ay 11 riibi oat lend. ,
one of my neighbors Just li
masb the celery and put ihrough Ibem Into the soup just before sending
flesh with liB delicious rim of
Thai Ood Till apram« an
In tbe dim imit nor boMIni back in
led OU my taking it. I tried ft ac
saowy fat. as actomptnlmeai to bot a attalaer; add a pint of scalded milk, to table.
Ibe Irmtl of every eloudl
le-fnorth of a
friend of nine adnesd ma to ms
Forcemeat Balls—Any cooked meat
Fma what the fotnre veils, but wlUi boiled or creamed pouioes. baked and thicken with a (ablespoonful
Prrana. a* It had faeoefltod him.
Tbh world ai''>oat U but a-hash of
sweet poUioes. spinach or corn s la flour mixed with a mile of tbe <
may be used for ibcse, provided It
a whole
•ver without Perena. 1 advise overy -.Aflrr taking Iwo bottles J fell bMOm.
pleasure and 'of pala;
u to lake Poruia.’*
highly seasoned wUh salt, pepper, on­
And happy heart that pays its toll creme, when yon can obtain the Uiler milk, add two lablespoonfuls of 1
Sew t am to the bmt of htoUh.*
Beae days are biisfat and nany. aad To Touifa and Age. and travalt oa wlUi
ter. salt aid pepper in seosnn :
ion Juice, thyme, lemon Juice, and any
■oae all sloabed wia rale.
simmer ten minutes; just before serv­ diailred herbs. Add enough egg yolk
good way to koi-p this
When, however, such s bs
: autumnal wrather li i. ver, ule* for
And Uiat'a foot how It awht to be. lu
ing add a cupful of whipped cream to moisten and bind the meat. molJ
d warm while raising i,
taager slices nicely, there are
So let the
y wind up Uie hilt <
luncheon, As a flm eouroe for a light
mbea tbe ckwda roil by
wUh liny pieces of browned cronlons Into bant onehalf Inch In diameter, Iwo bricks bol, pul oo a cbali
dinner It Is preferable to a bouUloo.
Welt kaow ]ui bow to 'preeUa tbo
Tboogh rongh or amoolh. Ibe lot Is left. Hsm toast, for Insianee. Run
There art- two great claases of
bricht and amlltac akr.
through the meat grinder throe ounces quart of milk with a can of corn and liolllng water or fry In butter. Raw
them and set the dish con- soups—those made wlih Block and
aey will be foy.
8o lear« to uke It as l( ccaM. aad
freed from gristle, bm allow
laming sixinge or dough on them.'
8U1I aertrtng wUt I eoogtat when b
ihoBo wlihoul s«wk Ifoeh of (hear is
Coat awMt* at the pores
of flour with a fourth of a cup of cold cleared from skin, fat and sloewi
Ing a small peretmiagc of fat
■e a g<M>d maay people subdivided. Soup wlib stock. W made
* boy.— ■
Bacaaea the Utrd-a opialoa doat coNew friendship, bl^ adreaturc. ai ihroagb. and mix It with tbe beaieu water; add to icalded milk and cook pounded to a paste In a monar. grad­ make, is pumag In. or Uylng ot
<4 lean beef delirately aeosoned aad
lacMe wttk poors:
ually adding tbe white of an egg. Rub mnch paper when building a Bh
iweniy mlnnles. Then nib ibrougta
yirik of an egg; put a leaspooarul
clear. Is bouillon: if. made from beet
Bpt siways keep reaeaberta'. wbea
pulp Ihrough a sieve and season leaves a tot of black ashes aod
sieve. Cook half a eair of tomatoes
I shall grow old. but aerer lime life's butler Id a pan. witb a taMeapooB
tiwodhirds lean and remainder booea
eares year path ewshrood.
with salt, peper. and nulmeg. Set the
minutes, add
and fat), highly aeasoaed with vege­
That Ood kaa lou Of siaihlae to
of aoda, and nib through a aliri-e. Sea- bowl eoolBlning K on ice and grad­
tables. sweet herbs aad spiqet. it Is
beblad the eload.
the beat.
known as brown aoup slock: If made
or thick cream, ^en formed win produce a steady flsmi
of salt and onodlghtb
■ Imef serve thU as a meal eonrac
—Henry Van Dyke. In tbe Outlook.
from veal or tfolcken with dellcale sea­
teospooD of paprika. Combine two
It by lh<- ood uuiil it li^is.
y home, pouring a cream
sonings. II is white soup stork; eonmlxtuies
over the rounds of bam toast at
I'sc bsklDg soda when washing
Kindly dssda aad (bouffbta. aad
U the fourth form and to made
n minute...
Poiaio Soup—Peel ami slice' a dozen
When my husband and I took our companylDg it wlib baked potaic
Ump cblmncys and they will shine like from MK-eral kinds of meat Ibeef. veal
weddlag louraey In a road ckn. says
We are not likely lo'bavc many ealt- nail poiatoes and boll ton minutes
crystals. Uj using aoda to the
fowl, for innaiice.) well BeaaoBed
Drain off the wnicr, poor over the pm
writer In tbe New Idea Woman's ors or -angels unawares," but ai
hree eggs, slightly «I.-a(m.
linwaro is also brightosed Carafes with sweet herbs, spices and vege-'
qunns of cold water,
Ubgaxine. a very amall offset
sometimes accompany my husband
•BpoonfiilB of waler. g llule sail, and vinegar rroeu.can foe eleancJ tables Then then- I. also Iamb Mock
enough flour to make a
of driving through bis "beat" of iweniy-fire miles oo small onion nnd a bonch of st
or vinegar lu which ... ileiicaiely seawmed and known as mot­
some of (be nio« beautiful
borsebark. potted ham aen'es for naad- herbs. Boil an hour and rab the whole doogh- Work well for Iweniy
fourth (If a cupful of salt has been ad-1 > ion broth, and clam boulIIOB.
as through a etdander ami
raery of (be east, was the fact that wlMiet. Pot one pound of lean ban.
adding flour If necessary. an.1 1. Shake this acll so that (be salt
Soups wUhoui Slock are In three
the pul. Rill, a tablespoonfui of when smooth and clastic roll it a>
every tarmbousc or wayside Inn
Tbs Osy^ Work.
BecHoqj^ called cream soups, purees
which wc were obliged to seek shcller,
grinder; ixiuod it to a smooth biiHcr Into as much floip- and stir Into
imsBlblc, place It on a fliKire.1 napNothing win give such a polish to and bisques, nstle from flsb or regeI^. la aaeb day's litUeaeiB
soup. Ad salMind pepper to lasio.
1 am] roll again untn
and beast. Ihe piece de resist­ paaie and flsrar to anil with cayenne.
glsss. even (he fltH-vi. as slightly m'dst iiUle* Willi a small quauilly of cream
Let thy msrey bold and Mess.
cup of hoi milk and serve.
ance Uircr limes
r. Fold II double am
j-oiir favoHie spice*; press
oewspa|H-r to wash It and dry oewspa uni acasonlngs. always Ihlekened,
. Cboose my way. that I mar be
eggs.llghlly Into little china Jars and cover
Imnml and Celcn- Soup-Cut in cle» oncqiian.-r Ineh in ditmeier. and per to give the flnl-blng louebes.
Ever wlae la aarvlag (bee:
somriimes with the addition of eggs,
No< hsm has ever been a favorite the top wilh a thick Uyer of melted small pieces a bunch of celery, using fry in smoking (at. losning ibem In ihc
flrind your leaf lard In tbe reiisag- they are known as cream soupa; the
Nor la cbUdista foRy call
article of food with both of .us. but wr butter.
he leaves and carefully scraped tool; fQ-Ing liSKkci (o rotor tfa.-m evMtly lachlne The large amonni of Itr-I
Any nn or merer tmall.—
ncond form—purees—U made from
decided then and there that' we never
Any trial of my state.
V.getables or flsh. forced Ibreugb a
again waalod to see or taste li In that bam paste on hand, because a few lasurprise rort.
tablespoon of onloo Juice, a Ihh. le Bonn is served.
Any cross or sorrow great.
dretained la Ibe mp.
panicuUr form.
slice of lemon, a icaspoon of sail, and
k Inegar added Io the water in which v.m-llm
Harrow Balls—Melt a iablespoonf((l
Tbr tby graatocos haldetb me;
limes wKh while »i<udi adde.1,
avalUble herb, such as chives or
: marrow and strain It through
And my liutoaeas may be
- -. . - —--jeiiu generally mnde thicker than
ency anlde for tbe housekeeper. I de ley minced. If laid in ao omelet just quart of water and cook an bout
oth Into a tsiw*. Beat till creamy, a«d.,l.1t„l(.il,vor. It will also make ereamMHips; bisque—,he third form
The Crtt lokfw of a eve
termlned to Iron Its poMlbllltles.
---- - more leoil.T.
l■erore folding, quite iransfomc thai strain and reheat, slirriiig in a cup o then add one egg and iKwt again, sea­
Nigh as bsavea and boavealy fair.
choosing )-onr bsm—a verv oiIktuIm- eomewhai tasteless dish.
rich milk (civam i» beiiei i. a teaspooi son with popper, sail and a little mu—Isaac O. Rmnkla.
ID puree., and s^gd with
tmportaot part, by the wsy—I may say
I'have Invented ham creqiieitcs each of notir and butter blended to meg. and a()il to It as much sofi broad
'. nr they mny be made of
tbal. while I have doubts as to the adgeiber, and onequarter of a ciip o as ft will moisieii. Roll into small
>. quite unlike any which I
. i-ai w v.-geuibles, with amall
Tlaablllty of hoylng “bargains" in dry
len elsewhere, Impntvlse a smil blanchcil almonds * that hive beei halls and csM. in boiling water.
• —“ ............
hogtaning dire of the same, Fnili--------------- OTi of iplrlts ta geaeral. is to exist, goods or furniture. I have none la re­
pounded to a paste, allowing soup idouble boiler, if yoo have nol o
mix eakr. Have iho flour aifted
Harlequin Sllees-Cin cooked car
bat aet to live. It Is the eoadliioa of
by ihemsnlvrs
gard to buying tabic aupplles. AvoW hand, by placing a tiny granite t
boll for a momeoi or two before serv rots, lum^ and striag beans into
a molittsk. aad oaworthy of a humae
Tn elarify sosp uke Ibe wbhe of an
cheap groceries as yon would Ibe pesIng.
1 In one slightly la-ger, with
small square* and arrange them In with a little brn.h and sift over their egg and the crashed shell, put ll to
being. Worry Is a ataie of sptrttaal
Thore are microbes and
the lower vessel: Into the upper
Barley Soup Wlihoul Stocklimbalc cup-. Fill the earn with roj- greased surface a film of flour la'kup the soup while cold and then let It boll
WToaioa. A trouble either eaa be
I put a gill of sweet cream
onoquaricr pound of well wasbisj ale mixiure. sei them In hot water and the cake from silcklns. Pm the sofl- for five minules. Strain ihniagh a
remedied, or li eaaaet. ir li can
buiier in the warm bowl and' 'Kith to high-grade cooking minced
make a smooth paste by nddlng soft peart barley in iwo quarts of w
oven iinill the custard;
. be. then aet aboot It; U It eaaaot be.
so much Ibe pound. Tb
bread crumbs; add an equal quantity five hours.' It should reduce .
Is Arm. When cold turn them . _ beat wilh the suited spoon UII it Is U-cf or rblckeo Is nditod during the
dismias U fiom your coaseiootneea. or
fore. U yon are Inexperienced, take the of Ibe ham pa«:c. the jnlk of at
bear It so faiavely (bat li may become
quart. Rub through a tine sieve. Rc- Ihe mold and cui ibem into pb-ces one creamy, ifais allows a perfect bbmdtog last hour of bolltog to clarify aoup.
word of a reliable grocer nod buy
and a lltilc onion Juice, made b.v i
witb the sugar, which should be added j
ibc Ore. season with one love! Hprtith inch thick.
trsnsBgured to a hlesilng.-Ullan
best brand knowo to him. taking c
log a cut onion: reason in lasir:
while you lieal reostantly. When tbe;
iiful of salt, a dash of pepper,
8ac.i Piiiaio Ralls—Cook
soh-et a fat one.
out on a greased platter to cool; when add one-half capful of cream Is which
bnt tcr and sugar l. while aad creamy, i
If you are obliged to make your reeled roll Into croqneiles of toy pre­ Ihe ytdk of one egg has bc-n stirred. lator*. mssb them and s<-ai
Mfi In a few spoonful* of flour, (ben j
Tberr Is name little Uling ««ch day
choice unaided by one upoa whom yes, ferred shape, then In crembs; I
the egg, sad beat energ«l,mlly. ■
<™MIUrd of a
FOc Ood's own ooes to do or say:
grated cbeeke. Molsien
can rely, choose n hsm the skin of ever with mvlie.1 butter, slfi ven' Bne ler. In bits, and ooc-balf cupful of
Pour in thd milk, slfi to the Dour mid 1
*««: Urea ptoce ll on Some trifling wort, alibewgb it be
iKatcs egg. roll into small
-------- id |g
milk. Serve Immediately with a sprink­ In boiling water and place
wriekles or ereoses: it abould also be
mcdiaiely into the oiled tto*. scraplox i
TbC-mollod cugar wffl oom
ling of parshy over each pUte Left.- Just before serving.
k null aofoe Bae. dlscevalag aouL
erery particle from the bowl with
eracka and soon grow
bot tbU
ti touch to make It whole. rounded and plump with wbite cat and
over cooked green peas (ontshslf cup
It bat
shon sbaak. As to welgbi It should ■ hot fat. but (his Is not always reo- til are ve-i n'cc to add losiead of Creuious—Cruiitoo*. which arc oficn palette knife, and bef.we ,«.ing ,he ;
stopping the fisaurer.
It Is not always we are stiired
cake to tbe oven level li sllghil}. mak- employed for cooking food can
venleot for th'e small bbuiekeeper. be­ le parsley.
Lre simply bread rut In small dice and
over ahneea pouads.
BT loving voice or helping word;
somewhat higher at the sides'*» '!“• man»er, Tbe home
sides which 1 think (hem more bealthbrowned
A baked bam la mnch more deUcloos ful when baked.
Bat aometblag deeper la its power
than to the cenier. Never scrape 'mt**•■» “J" "«pl«Mn«
Has gently tbiOad <ke pasalag hour. ihaa oae simply boiled. Tweoty-foui
I doubt If Aoka. my
from the knife on the edge ot Ibe
sired cabbage, a carrot, a tnraip. sis soup and this Is one of the he>i wi
houra before jou wUh to cook li. sent ever saw a bam before be
of slice, of stale bread.
It thoroughly with a stiff brash, oalng America, but be makes a most delk Btalks of celerr and an onion. Pu:
Te Provent New flhoea Frem rhulilgj
them into a frying pan with two lablcUy a cloth nwUteaed to bat waicr
—U. O^. Page; la Dahm Sigaal. ^d water, to whlA a lliile taking ekms dUb at follows; He whips
vpanofuls of butter or good dripping,
In the Kitchen.
soda bas been added,
across tbe place where tbe pfOMere
iber uBlil smooth two paru
Varieties in Seop.
cover them closely, aad set them ai
en warming up pouioes foe .up­ While on the .ubjeet of soap tbe la m«t fell, (foaage the eMb ea anew
They wbcae beans'arc wbMe and nistjr. diaeolored paru. if any. aad aliDced bam and one of awed cream, Ibe sMe of Ibe atovc for half an hour.
iow It to peak la Inkewarm water
becomes cool aevetal ttmeaL.-aad
with (WO whiles of eggs beaten miff to They must cook vary slowly and not per dr breakIsBt. crumb to some ot the followmg from tbe Chicago Recorddry
,(!■ BK..U. ,be leather shape tev
iweniy-four hoara. Place it la' a
Lonag bollasai.
every (hiwe eupfob of tbe above- it is
Herald will be of Inierwat to these who tbis will
At the ead of the half hour
Moisles the whole wilh milk,
Ltrtag elsaa tram all soil of wrong. ! kHile the aext day and corrr t
seoaobed with paprika or eoyeoire aad
not uaderMaad (be difleren( terms i'®
Waarlag bwtb'a a«Ue draaicbaked la a buttered held for flfieea
soup, as given In tbe cook books. [

et them simmer, not boll, la this nm lay. “How good the warnred pota­
reach tbe bolllag polai very slowly, mlnuiea. when It Is nerved with eKbe'
Tbsy unto forq« baigbt
MhlB. hot soup U very desirable as, Study to •
wo boors or until tender,
toes are Ibis lime;"
ibeo add a plat or sliced inrnip.
Wsaniy need climb:
a tomato or bedumel sauce.
toe beginning to a hearty dinner; i
boiling water enough io have
ret, onions and celery la about eqnal
Have Mrong. neaily-made bags bung When taken Into an empty aiomaeh !• | Artosl p
Hoavta to ibem is door la ai^i
My husband la very food Of what he quart, seam with a level tesspm
preportkma, paraley, a clove of gae calls - harbecued bam. " This is brel
on the ioride of the paniir or kliebes
From (beae Miotet of ilme.
-fonad to tbe hitmdra
of sail, a half salispoooful of .bite
lie. a dnea etch of wbole cloves. bDrhaflng dish. Cuia sUco pepper; boll up ahatply, Oreo take closet door to hoM Ue kJicbea (owMs.
day life If tlrer are
Only Ibe aaoiated eya
■Plee and peppereoras wlih
lamp ckMbt. eie. each bag mariied meal to foUmr. Cream aoup or pares
frem a cold boiled or baked bam. leavs^t DM with a de
■ate aad a small bag lent. U to ihm lag II somoibing less thaa haU an lock from Are and serve at once. Put ere-j with Ibe aa
ererytotag la (be b
IS ot Med brand toio this aoop.
served wlto bread and batter, la cool

Dainty Foods/
Demand It




JbsasAltr gAOr’s CsMt



Parcs 7t014



Among Ue fancy birds ta an eUIUt Threw lYUn dacka. J. W. Wome. j stale aad astfciBnl piaape were dotnp.
of a young lad, B'iltard Lawsob. reald- city.
espectaUy in tbe auttor a( securing
ing about tbiv« miles west of the city, Six Black Miaotma, B. L. Ashton, fnvorable (arm lepl
frodBclIee oC rower. U ibe wMdiword
a game cockerel and bis two mates, city.
kindly raanoer with which Presl
tlM MAaHrtM worid oS the
the trio havlug the trim appearance of Pour Barred Plymouth RoekA (oar debt Roosevelt rvernlly roeelted the
•K ADd M tbe BCMiMtau to i
n wanhlp Mri'pped and ready (or Huulcd Anconaa. C. F. Hunter, city.
dek-gailoo of lobbyists'at Ue eapltol
In Trarenw) aiy.
■ad' Ml ■B»iBr«» locddag toward Uiti
Four English Red (^ps. three While and bis expreised desire lo be of ser­
Mayor A. V. Friedrich visited Kala- acHon. That Ibe slmllaiily U furtber
eeiMcar ««»»« bst exdlp
maroo while absent where he vlsiied
. made ao by tbo
vice to foe grvat body of agriculturtsu i
IB UlakUif BMB. 80 la Um «Mbll«bt« toper mlllit in opernilon there.
T. "Wai
upon whom tbe wHfare of (his aalloa j
lot o( Ibe aew HMnatriaJ plaat. the
depended. Tbe program Uea c«"No tme ran form any Idea of tlip Young Lawboo Also has on exhibllloa; Rbnt-r, cliv.
ABfMa Batter D(ab Co., whieh U beaalnre of tbev mllta from reading or
monster cockerels, bnrred Ply-! Sixteen White Wyandolim. is
cloded with a few wril aimed sallies
IBC laatalled Is the Trewme Otr
seeing views of tbelr work." he said moulb Rocks, who stand high nboveigle Comb Rhode Island Reds.
by Ue tcasimoster and tbe formal
BMIer WOf^ bolldlB* at the foot
bumblo occupants of Ibe Rose Comb leabores. i wo Dork Wing gaUeiing becue informal (or tbe en
an BvMilog Renud reporier today
tba Moftbem lllcble»B Tnu«M»rtM]
"If people who ban- mibsrrtbisl would
Bamams. J. W. Zimmerman A Son. Joyment of the social hour.
go down theri* and w-v fur (hcmn-lvcs
WHI Enur CtavMand Ltorsry.
oae lime for posliloas ao tbe flm these paring mills they would rclurn -Bob- and -Randa." his spoose.
Three White Plymoulb RoUs. BltaMias Helen Siooi. librarian of (be
fonner tipping the smles at nine
feels that sUlled tabor will easily be sod double their aubscripliona I i
worth Hole. city.
one-half pounds, Fbnr beaulHol An- Three Silver PeodI Wyaadottoo. lYaveese City library, left Monday
willing 10 Inerease my subscriptkm
shMI be aDooBBieiwd la tbe earTyliia obialaed.
(or Cb-velasd. O. wh<-re- sbe will
conns arc on exhibition by Mr. Hi
WeMoa Love. city.
$S.nM if nine other public men wot
00 or tbe eateBatre bBsbMaa wbliA
a posllkw in a new Carnegie li­
Killed by P. M. Trsbi.
also InrreaMo theirs ibe same smouni." thHr speckled feathers being capped
Eigfai Buff Plymoulb Rocks, nine
win be BoceeMtated la tbe aew pUat
Robert KtaDka. apod 4C years. a.Ge^ be contlnsed. "Tbe targe muDled
off by crimson rombs worn roquetlsh- Brown Legboms. J. HaaselmaB. Man­ brary. Miss Stout will Is- gone lour
with a «B|>aell7 of dMMO a day of leo
Itbs. haviog U-eu given a b-avi- of
aa by birlta. wliilv reluminp Holiday here hare not ■■lan'd targe suhurrip- ly over ibelr led mrs. Eight Black istee. •
boan; or vllb ■ dooble force an
eveolap from a day's Bshlop
lloas becaosc they bate nut rralized HInorms are next In lino In Ihe
Three ttaff Cochin Itaatam^ Ctark abst-nce by Ue local lllirar) board.
pot o( aM.0W per day le poeslUe.
Miss Beetra ColUas Doreo aad t'oTO';
bibli with simitar combs wfalle a coup Kellosg. city.
Tba work U beUc rwabed to coMple- MSB lakp on the Pere Haniucito tracks Ihn value of such a plini. Wl
aoulb of (be round bouse, net
(ff monater Bfiver tV)-andoties. the One BMgtan hare, one Barrtd Ply­ lln.* Bumiie. who'eoaduned tbe libiadoien repn-M-niaiive business
tloB aad BBleaa woMbw delays
Insiltale here, became very murfa
property of W. H. Ebner. form a eoc mouth Rock. E H. Allyn. dty.
back (d It the confidence of all v
pteBt will be able to start up by the sum desU as be stepped out of
in Ue local Illirary and on
be assured for Ihen « avtuld be ki
Seven Bam-d Plymouth Rock',
Middle oC Beat BMaih. It had beea anreturn wrote to Hiss Stout ask■hat iKugs would b<- rigbi. Kstama- coop holds Ihe hktavy weights of Ih' Oliver Waters, city.
Odpated that work opoo tbo plan; frost of the snnth-boutid -passea
ter b> come In Cb-ielaad. where
ino has^bijiwn l<> lie a cMtier" roasl. a eorkeret and two hens tlppin;
Thn>e Rose Comb Hlhorcas. s
weeM be compieled by (be
till have a salary, on opportunliy
tho scales at seven, seven aod a bai C. lilaek MIntuttos. Urce Barred Plypaper mill loh^lry bemuse ihcy
(he weather wm loo eoU tor rapid shortly before 6 from the city. 1
of studying advancetl lllirary mt-lbods
was burled aside aod off the track ognlxc Ibo value of such an Industry." and eight and a half pounds.
nKWih Rucks. William ArM city.
PB*1« cd the plaat Itself. Jannary
where be was picked up by Uc crei',
An especially aiirarllve display o
Friedrich visited fltc or six
Five White Wyandoties. ooe $l'falle and will also be eaabl.*d to hear two
M the Brat ear of Matartal arrived
Immense paper mills, whore he said Pariridgo Wj-andoltes ta tbe propert: Wyandotle with four chicks, Joseph lectures a week on library «ork. AlTraverse Oty troM CUeaco. and IhM taken aboard tbo bappape
:hough Miss ^luui bad IntendeJ
day the trat work wat beem. which brouplit baU to Ue cKy bot thonph everylblnp was desirable and ihe work of Harry Kneeland and were nmoni Klassen. city.
breaUlap. died before the d^i was wonderful. No odor, no uoplcaai
Tweniy-iwo Silver Laced Wyan- spending tbe summer In Europe, sbe
BOW ibowt tbe aearlBc of
decided to avail herself of the oppor.
reached. He wu taken to the Anderoo<m by Judge J. M. Knight.
with a ronstanily increas
doiies. W. H. Ebner. city.
(or getting In clooe touch wllb;
Two White Plymouth Bodis. E. M
deal aad Miaaper of the pianl. baa
modern library metbtsls. Tbe opening
subjected to rigid examination. Franklin, city.
beea eoaataaUr apoa tbe (roond and Sheriff Johnson, but an adjoummcol tnarkaUc. "T^ (act (bat tbey are
o new Carnegie ttl.raries In Clcve
lakcn uatli Tuesday ai 4 o'clock larging their capacity." he said. "i
Ihe color of their eyes, a ruffitri
Five Barred Plymouth Rocks. C. W.
It la throoth Ue personal aopervUloB
this possible.
proof that they were profitaUle," He rmibt-r or two receiving alteolioD.
.Wheelock. city.
that the MtahUahiaeat of the pleat bai
eases, (bey being unable (o be pres­ also sabI that $30,000 stands ready In
J. KanaHraan of Manistee has a
haaa poMlble wlthla ae aliort Three War Horse, three Barrod
DcaU Roll.
et laat erenlnp.
Kalamas(» to be siibscribi-.l for the exhibit of Buff Wyandoltes and Brown moulb Bocks. Willard Iawsoo. R F.
no aatomatie maehlaerr
The funeral of Mm. U H. Gage,
UtaboniB. sevcBicco birds being
H. N.1 2.
plaM le aMWCially adapted lo a preat Robert Klanka bad been working In plant here.
aa bidd on Saturday aftertuMm at 2,
ed aronnd Trarerse Clly for the pasl
exhtbil. The Brown Wyanduttes i
eapadty aad apeeibi Mteniion
Tlirec Buff Plymouth Stocks. Mrs
o'clock from the family residence lo;
four yearn, where he baa been em- tapue el Michigan Munieipalitics.
-vlag of si>ec1al attention, tb
W. H. Seoit. city.
bean paM to the laylap of mu*
Idoyed Id various poslilnes. havlnp
eUae la Uae. direct troM the eeat
Mayor A. V. Kriedricb and party, double docked rose combs being
Three Buff Legboms. Calvin Scott, Elmwcssl. the services bdng conducted:
by tbe Rev. IVmas Cocblln. Icle^
Bred for Uc PUreh factory a abort who loft here Tuesday for Grand Rap­ such perfect eondlliun, nothvilhsto
of (he boUdlap where the ersde
wasjn Oakwood. Tbe remain*
tMlel. e eofieaad lop eteaawd In (he
Seven Single Comb Brown Leghorns.
vlewi-d by many friends between
>r Jack Frost's fingers.
Irving Murray, city.
hOa near the door, eaters to the peck- pan dock (or Henry BlsckmaD. been Mlehlpan Uunleipalllles which b
hours of lu and 12 o'clock wbll?
three days' session, n-terned to this
tap boa et Ue farther end of Ue build­
W. B. Nelson has a coop of Otdden
Bam-d PlymouU Rocka. R Ihe floral offerings were many.
,rity Saturday, and the report given Smbrighi baniams that are as dainty Cram. R. F. D. No, 6.
up. ThU MBcUae leeelras Ue lop
The funeral of Silas Lovejoy. on old
tad by a dwiions roUlap MOveoeoi had felt badly aad lately bad fished on of Ibe meeting is most enibnsiaalic.
as pasiW tolnilngs, ihrir plumage
Bight Smrlel Comb Buff Legtaorns,
atama Ula veneer which me It leaves Boardaun lake Urouph Ibe ice.
Uayor Friedrich stated that ifo invi- U-Ing exquisite in it* varied markings. tree Partridge V>ando(ics. five Cold- plooeer who passed away Wednesday
afieniuon at the home of bU nephew.
Hr. Tblesteo, who haa known
laiioB was extended from ibis city fur
.the Maddaerr apaU. is rolled op Into
i Smbrigbt Bantams. W. B. Netsoa,
Abn<-r lAvcJoy. was held this morning
omlng meeting as Ibe Incom/ng misralcutatlon u|>on the batching
ealla of wood ready for Ue dlah mould- ri Hlanka since bis arrivM In Hlchio'clock from the home. CIS Enst
tag. Stripe Ue width of Ue dish do- la. stated that he wna born in Char- president. David E. Helnemaa of Detakes tbe prize. Though Ips tlian; Two Wisconsin Bed Shufftcr Games. »oni alrcel. the Rev. Crandall of ihe
Pbad. tor a variety from larpe to lUesborp, lo (be province of Bian- Irolt, farmer vice prostdeni. desired
ear old she Is the molhef of (our James Daberly. city.
'church of God in Jesus Christ offirlaldenbnrp, where be left when younp for the coming meet tu be beld at Deindl.
Man are tamed out. ere Uea
ing. The
fish shlpplBp. carrylop with him tbe peaeml feeling belap larpcly In dMnly bundles of Wyandottedom who som. R. F, I). No. 6.
Ua-taeoldlap aaohlae near by sad
spend half their time under Ihe pclllofficial papers of reserve enltatof that clly it was coaeodc
fnm there ere cervled op aa eadlees
Two rabbits, tlx Barred Plymontb Orawn (or burial.
>t In Ibe army of his native eoon- all rtdcgatibns who had come prepared coais of the foolUh mother. The bird Rorks. George Moyer, city.
ObB^ eanlBpe .(p U.P bot
laid her eou as she was supposed to
^rs. Adela Kimble. srUe of A.. U
trad InvHation. Manistee yrlth
where thwtliytap proeeat takes from uy. Pew years ho sailed ibe ocean as
Seven BaS Plymouth Hock* Mb Kimble, a welMoslo farmer and plo•!o. then cliosc lu sit and was allowed
soIU dMepallon of seremeen with flythirty to teety talaatcs. TbU dry a^r
CMk-I. rilT.
of Inland, dW at her borne near
rtum trip to visit his staler (our Inp badges not (-.en preiu-ming Iho le privilege.
kOa If BamhMh la Us inpeonHy. the
Ten White Wyandoltes. Mrs, J:
Ion Monday afiernw*a of dropsyta apo. Ho landed In New Vork Invltallon which Ihry bad so well pr.«
aproat spaa Mleh Ue dishes He belap
G. Bates of Hie American Poultry Jour­ Harris, city.
Bgnt 55 year. Besides ber husband
1 after and Ucrc with twenty oibcr pared.
ta Boar lapata aade of acreea which
■be only oUier relative she leaves
Ipners, was entmped lo work for The feature of the sessions, s» Ibi■ta aatiBiatloally rso aknp
Big Grange Banquet.
one sister, who live In Wisconsin. The
Hk Rapids Iron company. After I'lepaliun (mm (bis riiy mneediv was the best and largi-st dlsgilay of any on.Mpty feat loap which rests upoo tJtCXi
Willlamsl.urg, Mich- Feb. 2S.—The funeraJ was bebl ab tb*- M. K. church
but a brie/ stay at Elk Rapids ho leli Ibe able ind masterly address hr tarieiy which to be won three times
lUaaU (raveliap over
.land at 2 p^. WeMvesday. Ut
3 l>c found from year to year In annual blnbdat- banqii-t
■erhiBlna of Ult dry Ula ta perfect and came to Biapbam and froru
suro-ssivc poultry exhibitor. Wllltamsburi: grange. So. fii$.‘ was Rev Mr. Koon offictaiing The funeral
ta Us nee. The butter dlUes. damp to Traverse City. A moUer. t's
Three years ago Ihe best and larg<-si held at (fata place Iasi night in the K. arrangements Were under tb*- direction
icrs and a brother are still In tbo old
bom Ue eteamed veneer wl
display was awarded lo J, H. Knight, O. T- M. M. hall. About sixty, luclud- of W. H Anderson
priilid Uem Into shepe, are spread
two years ago to Oiorles Ebner. lost ing members and guests, were preset*:
till Medlt In the First Nnlluiial liank
Mrs. Floyd Fox dlv*d al her home in
oat on Ue sereea-apron aad Uere
A 'class of six were inlitatetl into Um'
The prominent feature of the three
«Mva a bot air veatltailoa cotnUu: In Beriia.
fourth degree during the forepoit of Bates at .';;30 p, m. on Tuesday. Mrs.
Fox was well known in Tnv«-m* City.
■While la New York workiiiK
days' session was the feeling wbich
tam air ebafit below, wbilc they
the evening, after which
<1 ilowly aloap Ue sn>er pr^ aad wharves Robert Klanka was Injured found vent in rvi-rj- speak<-r who a|>spread was enjoyed. School Commls.
I telegram was rccoive.1 at Empire
thea drop off onto an incllae aad reach and was placed In the Uarine hospital, peared upon the iirogreni tluii a revi- From W-stncKdny'K Record.
Sioiicr Geo. I. Crisp was, leasimaMer
Sunday ntornliiK that Mrs. Will
the aezt %proa which apMn farrtes the injurlos cooslsiini; of two broken sloii of the eunsliinllon of Michigan
Inieresi in Hie cxhibiiion of the and the afierHlinoer *pee« hes arranged
them ae clowly back (o ibe further end ribs, which last cvculap were lliouyhi was urgeiilly Doedisl. TTie cunsiitu Noiibern Mieliigan 1‘imliry an-I IVt by the leeltin-r. Mrs. G. 1» Crlto, inm Patlerwuii. foriu>-rly of that vll
lime lo have been done by the.
apalB, Here Ue process ta. repeated '
as li stands today Is of liaK a Slock as-««rialioQ is a< Its helglit and Bboaqded with wit and humor as well lage. hB.1 dl-d ai 3 a m at Mishaaad (hey come slowly aloap. 6 feet a train as Ibey bad never been ael. but cenUliy's adopllon. when Ihc cltica of
farmers as well os the os with wisdom and sonnd sMise. The
ts piieumonta and six weeks
minute, while belap dried, aad drop
|H«I and pulled orer and past
contained but a small por- local residents lies in Ue Trode build­ gcaeial course of the remor
daughter passed away from
eC la a ■lambHap mam which turns
olhcr. These may have caused (ku of the iiopulallon of the stale and ing where the cockle aad din of laylnx wonld naturally l>e expected
me diw*asc. Mrs. Paiteraon Iraves
them abbot aad pivei a new poetUon
govcmmonl was' placed, bemuse bean and rorircrous roosicrs drowns Chiefly along tbe lines of organ
husband and five children, four
to saU. to Uat they have every plained of recently. A short time npe of tbelr laalpnlfirant standing, entirely ■ he (ramping of many feet. Teslerday and fam Iniervstg.
brothers. Paul. Ernest. Chris aad Her­
flhaam at belap dried tborosMilyworked wllb Olto TbIesseo Ilnins'
the hands of ihe teglsiaiurc—the and lost etening 225 risiiors paid ad­
M. P.-rry. principal of Ue local
s In tbe Pere Marquette yards and people most rUally eoDCvrtH'd having missions to view Ibe beautiffl sight schools, s|iok.- upon The Olijecis «f man Hobr. all of Empir.- and one sis
Vbor aproo eUdee conplele Ue k»n
ter. Mrs F^aak Andc-rson. Chris left
•reema, aad Uey Uhi tamUe out in­
He there was unable lo remain on Dotblnp to say by way of suggestion while today already 230 visitors have
Ho .dwelt at leng'h Sundsv- Kr attend Ho- fnneral, a laipe box where elphl pIrU will doty as hU side pMned him so se­ as to the local gDrerameni needs.
crowded and Jostled and exchaDge.11 upon Ue social benefits accruing from • mlly Icfi anpln- in neccmta*r, 1»M.
sued ready to receive end peek Uem verely be could not lean over to pick
Further, it eras tolced iliai the con- greeling with lilt- feathered lrl1»-s i D lodge me.-ilngs and of the brna<lenlns
td hat*- tisny friends here.
fbr ehipBieBt. They are carried oat al up tbe lumber used In his work. He TRithm was
stand rttady for admliathm,
idency surh ealhy*ringH havi- upon
laat la & eolniui five fcM wide and a consulted a physIcUit. bol did not r«^ furtberiog ihe n»n-|ar(lssn bli-a
J. M. Knight. Judge, ossisled by
minds of l,to members. W. H.
Barnard Jos*-pli MtManaman, the
toot daap. The apparatus for heatlap tnm to work.
muolclpal matters, city goveromenK H. Ebner us clerk, ta tbe busiest b I Ayers resjKjniled to the toast "FArm- I-year-old m« of Jac*-s McManaznas ol
tbe Uta ta compoaed of ItOOO Uneel
BnplBeer Peter Boyle and Flremaa not being of a poliilral niinre but in the clly, while Secretorj- F. W. Wil­
■ OrganirAiion and the Joya of
xmsburg died Kunday of'bawrl
taet of eteam ccAls which are so idaeed
8. which raUer standing upon 4>usiness Unes. son is ktN-ping a Mnse tab upoa th->; Lodge
He (ailed attenlion to trouble. The funeral was oo the
thU a moaaier fan wMlrls tbelr coo- kused Ibe aevident, arrived In the cHy Tba tost which was suggested Jor mn- sc^ng done in the frot I window by Ue Amertran Society of Equity, now Child s biribdaj-. Tuesday, ai 11 o'cl.s"i
hiaed beat Into a shaftl leadlap below 1 Tuesday
didates (or office being "1s he well l*e Judge.
so extenstvely orgnnizinc throiigbcin from 8i. Francis church, this city, lu
the Ula Above a vealllator -Is oper- known are positively the only eye wU- qualified to perform the functions of
13 this afternoM)
* the i'nlted Stoles and being tosu-red charge of H. L. Carter.
neares of Ue fatal accldeot. U is this offire" railicr than "what has (be Wx-nadotlcs, Roeks. Rhode island by the Michigan Stale Grange, havGeorge E Martfit of 5;c. Grant alfcet
■ad atao provtdlnp a rapulaior to
tbat.Ue man was walkinp propoued madldaie done for the Rers and Orphingions had reeelv. d Ing for Its purtKioc the conirolling of
male Ue temparatare. which ta e
OD Ibe track with bis bead dowa and partyr
■ heir offirial scoring. Ihe sot en beauH- ! the price of farm produce. He called received a raessogo from Petoakey yes­
valued Utouph amaJl wladowa ca eedtar np while (aeliip the strong wind
The eonvecilon bad a most inter­ (ul barred. Rocks, of John H. Evan*.; partleutar aiienllon to tbe statistics terday stating that Mrs. O. E. Clark j
died that evenfi-g. The funcita!
ulUar side.
and thooRh seen by the tialniiicn an i esting roll mil of citlesk. the responses
East FroDl street, scoring iii> and. which show that «-falle last ywr t
will l*e at 2 o'clock ntursday and the
The first kiln to sUrt Uc material ta •rfataticd to. evidently beanl or saw being plvea by announcing tbe sutlsOliver Waters has a Rarred crop of potatoes was larg*- ami dial
body may be brought here for burial.
Ue stcamlap kUa. sliaated aear the nothing aad was struck by the cow tleai BUIbmcni of the progress
I----- 1 pulli-i sroring >1. while Joe Zim- i Europe very shun, not many were i
pater east doer sritere Ue lops belap catcher and hurled up la (he air, sink- had been ococmpltahed during tbe pasl. merman has two Whiio Wyandoties i pored while this year when rondliloas Mr*. Clari; was <r.'*-r 7t> years of mg" i
had lired In this city forty-five
ptaead BpCB a carrier after belap cut lap Uc boiler bead, catulap almost In[scoring SI.
were revereed Europe shipped many
up until four years ago when
Ue deMred leapUu, are roUed la Ue
fairing the convention tbe local dele­ An evening aesslon will be on lo- to Uta eoumry. He said buyer* and
Qoved to Petoskey. She was well
taMm kllB aad there remela twelve
gation was token (nr a drive around Bight, when it is expected la^ crowds shippers combined to ship potatoes all
n here, bav-ing formerly kept thekmna maerplap aoft aad pHable r
SpMdteri for Beard el Trade Banquet the city visltlBg the city pnmplng sta­ will attend.
'to oae market
as to Oood the marto peal off U etrlps of veneer wlU Ue
Mayor A. V. Friedrich, while lo tion. the electric IliUt ptam aad the
The followiog is tbe llsl of entries; j ket aad crowd tlown tbe price, iiien Sunnybank and other local holds,
tet pppeadlture of (oree.
was Mrs. Martin's aunt.'
rand RapUs called upoo the board garbage plant.
_ A smoker was enjoyed , Two Golden Beabngfat Bantam, j buy and ship to other markcu ai a'
no eapUp room U la tbe aorUeaai of trade where he found Secretory H.
AMMicwi *MMr DMA PaaMry.
■DOMMy IB tk« m «r Um« MM UM

bdai; PreaMeat mM treaanrer. Joha
B. BettedM, Okafo; Mee pmldenl.
JcAo r. Ott. Tr»»enM* Oty: aoere
C. C. Banell. Cbleaco: ibe dkeeior*
belDK Ibe officers aod W. B. Bond of
CbkacD AUMbipmeats will be made
direct to Cbicaso.
Tbe worklM eapBrIty of Ibe AmerKad Duiter IHih fomiian]' will be
■boot flfir. Btanr “f the emploj-in
belox sin* wbo will pw!k Mtd atirnd
to tbe licbter or miolfr macblaes.
f appitcaiioos have Mmdr bevo
received by Sap<Tlaleiideai Srarrb. a

; hw,
ao D. C. Van Aemos. who spoke favor­ IJ.™
ThreeRC. Rhode Istand Reds, F. El IngUe worth or his prodoctuntii told
Fnx of WiniaiaUurg,
ably of atteadlnp Ibe board of trade
■ AoZ.1 0a..,.~
: by a buyer He suggested considering
Tti-wtay Iwiwren S oj
banquet In this clly. He was Infonned
death belt
by Hr. Van Asmus that ao doubt tbelr
Amid Ue dio of cackling hnu and; pjiiapon,_ eleven White Wyandoties.; in an effort for tamers conUtdllns LoB u> noHBona-r tuherculusta
Ceorpe G. Whitworth,

Ue water lerel aad reaUnp upon aolkd would be able to attead as a speaker, fourth exhlWtion of the Northern] seven Barred Plymouth
Rodu. /.! Ml»» Blanch Cai»nier then favorel
lime. She leaves ai
while Ue aame of Bmesi A. Stosre of Michigan Poultry and Pet Stock ' h. Ey^. city.
; the assembly with a choice ln«i
! husband, two step children. Dennis. |
T«e lope are naed wlU very little the Michigan Ttadeeman was suggest­
TtHSday ta the Trode Two R C-Rhode Island Redo,
aged 12. and Verabel. aged C. while n{
vaste and ualUie mllta of Mppiap to- ed aa a speaker. Mr. Friedrich also building on FVont streeL Three bun- iBaOey. Big Raplda
Worthy Master Cbarles R Bartlett Utile 17-moiHhs-old Imbe Is l*-fi a-other-i
UatriM provide bat UUIe fuel for Ue called upon Aaioa Musselmui bnt
followird with a response to The less. The funeral was hcM ihta;
arm^ ot aotlve power, heaa
fouad him absent from tbeerliy but
learling and M'hat's Ahead." describ- morning at I« o'clork’frem the b»me.
eaun c( Ue film has beea to buUaad
assnred that be wonM attend. Mr.
a ttotoy manner
ka fane sad obtala wiu tbe Icaet
Asmus assared Mayor Friedrlcb
i Hairy Kneeland. city.
things the iocnl orguttaailon ha.
ftodttore of ataam. a ptaal which wHI
it was Ibe policy of tbe Grand
during tbe pa« year and I The deceased
ha OtaRl to Ue Upben staadard la Ue Rapids board of trade to assist other
outlining woik (or tbe future wbicb If member of the L'nlted Brethres chuch
■aa <t tadaetiy aad at Ue seme time elites aad. WIU
did M4.
aU kMvf
Uey wMuu
coold «u
lo rurvnvr
fanher I'•^•'*’
I expcctoUoe.
-^*^***01. issi yqar'a entry ns*
Seven Buff
Buff Wyandoaes. Waller Haa- carried out as expreted will result ia with ber busbaM and leavee a large'
tam PM prodocu ot Ue bIpbeM order.
Ihteresto aa they felt that “*wly being half aa targe as this ,i,p. ^i,-,
material benefit to tbe village as well drclc of (rieads to moarn her too.!
The mala cMeae aad ShlpplBp hoore
•ad toward Improremcnt Injfear's. wblle toe character of the (aaeri
Browa Leghorna, ,W. H. as the faming
Ralph Anderaba has fhargn o< tbei
M namU U rwimpn. Ue ofBcers
to waa « matartal aaatatatotjblrds
I'M* U
ta higher aad ia better shape. Icmlor,
Irmior (iiy.
lAwail Boars, who so succensfully or-|

fartkrn of Ue boDdlap where

The New Store

& Hunter
Make their
Second Bow
to Spring
Purchasers of
Fine Suits.
Top Coats,
Rain Coats.
Hats, Caps,
Shirts. Hosiery,




Arriving daily—
Wc want to
assur« each and
every reader of
this advertisement
that we handle
only such goods

fully guarantee,
aod that our
Spring stock Suits.
Trousers. Hats,
Caps. Nteksrear
Shirts aod Hosiery
will not be ex­
celled by any
other stock in
this dty.

& Hunter



Gnid Trarcnc HcnU



their Mmro otter Ue oatoMe bMO- eUed to bnlU o bow ebaicb ot o
Aelorlee reeelTed ttaMr_______
«( tram n.tW to (3.W0 oBd tTW
Cborleo Pwr.' osi of o eieter, li (be tabeolbed tovsid the esterpriee. oalr


Cherted With Civeltp.
SbeclK Ctorle*. JoKboob oeeaiDPBbM br Cosbv A«aBt J -W. HllUkBE,
left reeterdor for Acne, when
were orsied witb o *rlt Inocd by Pro­
bote court npoB dtorceo pretemd br
C. R toee for one Wm. Uwlo, *bo
ebsrsed vltb ill treoUax obd oboslBR
ot bU eblldroB. Pearl Lewlo.
rooBf cirl > Teort oM. BBd B^ls
L<e*1t. a eoi, eUII rouQiew. The Itlile
«lri If no* to tbc care of Mrt. ^b
mrd aad H eoeditkmo after taree
vamot tf. tho man will


WHIiamotarg Wedding.
tvuiiam Pbllllpe. receiver, baa com-'
s put-!
Seymour N. Terry aad Mils Elaacti* pined tbe winding up of tbe uU Globe
Lvery were nired W marriage
PumHare Co, eg NontaviDe. a final ter. ^COO.OWt fesa nf wbleb mil; be
dlvldcM of t MO per cent belv de­ rawed at their mUI at Logan and ibpiedgea laat'nWii while the otireep
im. tbe ceremony- being pertonnid clared. Tbe eiedlcars have recHved remalodar will be taken u. Bay City
will done.iB tbe near future. :
iSH per ceaL
The firm has twra-y-e.e joUV rs putby ibo Rn. L. B. Carpenter.
It la the Intentkm of the members
tine in legs.
Tbe'grDoiE'a home la in Grand Blan'
begiB BcUee epeeetl—i IMsedlate
b« be U at present tcacblng school
In wmumsb-jrs. Wing the principal.
The bride Is a ebarmlng WlllSamibors
yeoCT Wdy. Vein the ecbool term is
eonduded they will lire at
the present Cbarcb does. R will be burg Xui afic!
built of brick seneer and srill hare a groom's borne In Grand E
aeaiiug capacity of ITS. It will be
TTie Port Horen Wood Fiber Pla«t-r
Every now arxl old pubmodern In erery respect and will be
i>. has been reorganised wl'h li"
healed by a furnace. Tbe old cbnrsb
aertber t-> the Herald, wbo
>0 cnjIinL The new company ial.r>
ir*i .-lai--. In i-\yry i>'win be used for a Sunday school room
baa paid In full to Jan. i.
pi(saes.rioD of tbe Port Huron plati
and for tbe Epwortb league.
1007. wdl receiva a great
aqd the plant at Flint.
The church has been steadily growmafia 11 no papor. Farm and
is prapored to issue a tac siniitar ark luoil I*.-:
ig. Tbe Rev. J. W. Miller, wbo re­
to a dug Ucease to Ubel aniborUed
Fires do, absplutoty froo
. P. -A. •|•ere Mursuell.- U.~K.. Grand
cently realgDed and left the pulpit
Rapids. .M'ol;
after many years vt useful eenrlee for Ke.lamaano patriots next fVnnh
fpr a full yoar. Farm and
July at » c.-ms a bend.
tbe Master waa Its former pastor. The
Pireeide is from 24 to 38
Celenist Rates tu the West a
present minister la the Rer. B. Csrpeapages, twico a month, 24
The Hudson Creamery Co. has ileler, wbo came here from wnilamaburg
ded to establi>b a brtneb cresmtimes a yoar.
Sco the
Donibs ago. Tbe congregations
epr in the Beal factory, no.-ib <if Rol- n-hmlsi i.) p.'.ai
rffor olsewhere in this
been constantly growing while
llh rUlage. Tbc buildlug will !«' fliie.1 and llilr.1 Tu.--ria'> In
tbe Sunday'scbool hbs grown at.such
; vilb propt’r niauLlu.-r) and aciH.- ap.'Uts for
:raiions will bo gin about the niidd:-hurdle all the seboUru.
of March.

Cbt to this dtjr Bfae^e he will br
1lM •ppocltlen to Oevcroor WArnor;
BrTBlgnml. It if ataled ibtft tbe motber
•t A fRllltflM»T to tnCMed hlDKlf thli
It dead and the fotber boo bees ee9«V «!JI pwtrtlT Uto U> come from
peeio(l7 obsidBc ibe little clrL
tke TAlIromU of tb« «Ute « thtre !■
ke UV OPIKMIHOB. Errry promlM
Week of Tniast Offieer.
himtHf aad Uiraoxb hU pwtr
Jotepb Webber of lUrdeld lovDihtp
nd U> fitmidf boo
ms brosiKht before Jtoke toslek
OoTonor Womer boo wt oonitbl to be
HiTdeld Tuesdar moniloit ob a ebarae
of kceptBt bit daughter out of ecbool.
tovo tb« owcatlTW of oom«
tbe arratt barlDg been made br CoooklOBK (Imllor lloeo. but bit work
TratBt oncer tTaten. This was
■OMporeo weU with the bert of '
. Webber s second appearenee In
to oeecroeu ood ooUftoeioTT rcanlU.
conn oo tbia tame darce. the dm
torn w«! be t«ialr*d from the repubtime be baelog been ralaaeod beeanae
WauB of Mlchisoo BO opoloclei or exswore that tbe girl wms orer
'alOMUOBo Is beholf of tbeir eosdidole The aecoBd time be claimed tbet be
to loemwjr Is the next eompoldn. hrri aiade a mlsuke and wot releoaoo
. pnslM to keep the girl in scl
-«bat be hu dose ud vbot be li
7 dar and par Ibe costa. The___
toBg *01 cire etrenHh to the cosdlarrett was the result of looking
. dBtoerhUportvfooUeectioBtoflbe
■•p tbe ivnrds which showed 'bat tbc
dalJt. MofSrfien ID pool repn ho»e girl will not be l< no-Jl Sep'. II.
Tbe Uw la that all ehlldres
the rwnbUcont of Mleblsso foeed c
<ear< nf age and under id mui
MmpBiCD for wbieh tber were better^
■rd srbool unleet tber bare piased
■repored. tbon for the e-Ate <bb
the eighth grade.


Pepe Marquette

Unlee Revival at Sherman.
B. G. U. Gates s p-4tilng Ii
We bare closed our revival services
tho same sio^ of
rhieh have been eontlnoed for five
!ut—about T.oSo.Oi
weeks- Tbe ccrrlces were held in
go to Ibe mill In Bay C1<y by rail, lbMetbodlsi nsd Congregatiocil
> tbingle mill near Hoscitminnn
ehurcbos: aa resuHa eighty souls bare
wbick BiUcbctuivs ultnul .1 i»si,isk'
sought aad found CbrlsL A moat
marked leature waa Ibe bean lful spirit
of naily wbleb prevailed ilirvugbout
crowded to their

neady lacreaee'
la Interest
resnl.s, Wkslidm rw ^
ibers breugb! I
a closer walk wl'h God. We greo'ly I Oscar Phrlpr. ikv fans<T nuar St.
Bualnen CeHcRt BanauM.
rejoice that we csB report tuck spirit- lobne. wbo was kept In Jail >wo dayv
The aannil banaeet of tbe Needham
Give It a Fair Trial.
uil cooperation and able asaistancei before a warrant was sworn out ebarg
Tbe lamU of itti week * repoblloui B^itlecee ooUeBS took plm oa Feb. as we realised'by our CongragaikiDal | ioc bis with attempting to wn-ck
ball, wbleb
•mm aaetiBc vhleb declared to faror flat Id FViresters
brethren and tbeir tlrclesi. b«ore« lu-crurban ear. rays that N- dblat tn
«t tbe prImaiT method foathU tprtBc-* approprlateir decorated In tbe college ptator. tbe Rev. Oco. Kinney, and
to wreck the ear. He was unirr> bitottim. erin donbtleu be fratUrluK colon, porpie and while ttres
also feel grateful fur a loyal Metho­ exuse a car parsed him aft- r li. hai
to a larce proportlea o( tbe republicdist laity
that did tbeir ebrtstlaa lighted mstebes as a signal. »o h-.
MU od tbe dcr. altboucb tbe repreeea- Ihe eeoter
dnUes. Snrtiy the Lord has come
drove a stake beside Ihe rail sera,
sere with graMdal eSecL
tottoa M to Bumbeia *ai net ae
In a very profitable tisltatfam.
distance up the irack. then laid n
The long tablea were placed
«i tba adrocataa of the tBOTi
grateful for all of Ills Unalogs ir.irinch Hank on ihi> rails ti.'sr.'r
ball proper, oae Uble being placed
toped to fee.
Urge eccesslocs to each cbarcb wll hiv i-rossing.
Striking ' the r;
' Hovarer, tba overvtaclmlni eenUr and may God help us U. reocae ea-xred ib* miSortnati lo stop the car
which anmbered three hundred
toeat at tba maetlap la faror of the
tho perlstlUK.
without striking the pisnk very har.i
toopoend BHrmoent tbif eprlns. doubt gnealt and popUa.
Rev. Jos. W. EswHd.
Fbelps says be Tii-ver pul riol.« iiti
PolloviBg ma boor^ recepUon
toM aspreceef the eenttnumu of tbe
ih.' I rack.
boBotiet begu. the laeocatloa being
fr--------of rcpMIleaBa of ibe cftr. aai
AntHBaloon Leasue Meeting.
bj tbc RcT. Demaa CoebTbe City opera house Sunday ci
llB. OoBBtr Bebool Con
ig was cmwiled with a great. (>an
T.k« LaXv-nVX Jigt.gv. uolalM Tsbirt-.
RaiherlBg of people who bad ass
and fbrcefal os both tidet of
bled at the union anii-ralr>on meei
iclfsl by the Traverse City Anti
Smith m Stap:.-;!. CsdiliKBIurnWr
at tbe meetlBs by Row. Down. WUUara Naab. Leo
D federation. During ibe
m-B. hiv.. aeqeir-d tlt1i-s t'.i the sunken
Terr fe* oppo^ to primarr Honab>'. J. O. Hanlndlll and 1. B. Ing there was much enibusUsm shows lags la .the riu-r and
IB prledple.
Kearir everr Gilbert.
vv.l] bv.llu a mill in ih. vicinity .>r Mi.I

BppUuse and the discounes listened i<- Ixiiil. LugUiniog on I- etV!- i..u ii
with the moat eamert atlemio^ ap March. It hUH be>‘U cms.-rvali.-vl.v
piauss- freuuentlr luieiruptW tbe tioiatetTby Smith A Staples ihst fi
Bpoakura while fervent and beoru i:,..ssi.isiu Ip "ii.iski.otbl f..el of b.gx .
-Amens" were fortheoming at c
OPranrbetulBC that
In the river, and these, witb other i
an In that ward. Mr. Ooedrieb significant point against the linuor
■DOld I
her they have near MidUeJ. will i
eenwd on tbe board ot pebUc! -deelere.
to ef vledom at thu time.
their mills nearly ten yesrs.
Tbe meetlBC decided that tbe cltr mka and Is tborooghlr familiar Pttb
The sanctity of the home wm
Hir*s aSalra and will make
wumlitfe ahooM otll prlmatlee in
keynote of the meetUg and the pic­
A Cnrtoln Curt for Chilblains
aaeh *atd to expreei their dolee as
tures drawn, while they were not those
to tbe caadldatee oa tbe ward aad
ot the old type wherein the hUBband
s Into tbe
aad falfaer Is shown as a dninki-n sol
In the FMd.
Frank R. Coodrieb of t
toatr of adopUap K tbb aprlBS- Hov­
ward baa annooneed hH
arer. tbe rote ot tbi

firfke ot tbe Recorder's eosrt. M
Nerttnger bu been justice of tbe pcai
IfMloU that tba prlmariof will deand la an attomer and has maar QuatlPtoR A T0«7 foeelble aipremton .
Bcatlans to recommend him fat

1 the wife and .babies U
her clean young men
women drawn

Asa roricr. age.l ye.



We are now e.:!ih^'all onr

.depot on Monday and the right
; whole famines makUg a race at break' ^hree years.

<uupBlff» and conduct a.llgbi
'“y ““ candidate nnless tbe ran3 uneven '

13c Pailor tw.> pairs fur :2-'> oui.ta.

All, our Roys’ Exlni H.-ary
W.»ol Hob-, in 6i»« from 7 to
itielusivf. nt only

19c Pair
It's tpvikl ecuiiofiiy to t>uy now.





Aermofor Trussed
Tripod Tower


trade l^ere
By mail a *
i ineuavenient or to come to otir More in fwyou . ..I still Uuv. .-v.-r)- .•ulv.intage of <m wid* -aanortiiMmL
a «n..le
...!s ana kra
H-\-ntHng to « by moil far
We civ. tins
tliia •iepnrttiienl
<i<‘pnrttiieni oar beat attentioe
Iliini: w.tbicl
itui civ., ihore who onl.-r by mail the ben. 8
r ofT.-nvl th.vm- wlio errme to the More.
Fortlier. if at onj Ume
' the ctxuls fornisbril Jo not eiiiirely pleaae you. return tbm oaJ
will reroml (he nion. y or eschniice the fp>n>l» for aometbing

Cravtrte etly's Csading Drug Start

W.ALL P.AI’ER -«ason aimiM here."

Larj- -t as'ortm m fogs-lection
Liule prices as regard', quality.

Papers from Oc dooble roil up.

■ ■

at ni;« lamorrww moratag and HkeIVlse at the same hour the foIk.wlDg
Flora Fby. Genesee county. lUO.K
morning and so un to Ufinity, or
personal and «I0 teaL
It 1. now beiievvHi that the number
tbe time table maken find a i
•see tax. '
of deetU* will greatly ctcxed
ilcnt lime to atart out. '
' Three sisters were tbfw remembered
Reports ..f the Uirasiers are ,luw com-!»«wT Beta. •„
but tbe inberilanee Uw dpes not U'Unde pBnats. brothers or aiaters_____
Ux ot propaity ander tLOW. hence Ibe
Mstore were not obUged to pay ant


, All t':;c nt-x- stylet shown

aoob desperate eSorta
Bertha Speer. Summit aty. $100. tobad entirely loai track of her bat
torltaBea lax. K with intereat.
wbleb danri'-d a: wiil over one ear.
Bdith Moody. Snmmlt CRy. IIW. InT^ose wbo aiTived In oigfat of tbc train
torttaace tax f$ wiib UtereaL
were given time to throw tberaselve*
The two Bleeas then vare rei____
aboard by tbe
-bared. UUUb Ray Hoffman. Fenton.
tor. A. T. Peck, wboexpec-od juai sucb
ervivels. Tbe train will leave agiln


- ON

r.- lcr.-il


hanilled undn
while tbe voi


$. £. iUaif $ Sons

ly gathering Use f together for the trip' **
KttUa Bara. HoontaU View. OkUhp
tb. was a familiar one. One famllT object la rather to tecor
MO. tlM. UbeHunea tax M with
whb busbtnd and psektgeo. and wife da-ea' oa boib Uckvu
and baby made a sltini that was worth party can conduct Its o
, BdUh Holeemb. Travers* Ctiy, «|0S.
•and the enforcement of
a reward, the poor babe being
:«$ taheritance tax and UterasC
died much aa a cock of meal would be safe with either.



7i to ill .vf

George W. Cnnla announces his eanwarn*, vtaatber ft U sriM to adopt tba
Friedrich of Traverse City at
didacr for judge-of tbe Recorder's
Raw method tbit tprlBC. R li a trial.
C. W. Morrow of Detroit, sutc
Many CMIdran a
tblaba be la so altoated as
Taaahf ot which wfll debonf
intendent of the Michigan Anllto glTc to tbc ofBce tbe attention dejabttber the iwpabllcant of tbe eltr deSalocB league were tbe speakers.
serrtng the same as be baa taatee lor
^ direct aomlnaihmi aad we be
la the morning nine different
Jodlcial work ratter than the actual
tore that tbe latBUa will be fatlstac
era ocenpled tbe city pulplis and in
practice of the lav aad aaka tbe nomlAtwaiwi
all caaci. the
aaikm la all candor, bellei to that tbc
Urge and the uurest manifested was
While putting oo her little rUtpr'.
tepublloana of Tratreree atf wlU serer
b«Itby and rtroeg
bora Agnes Rarmusscb. cf Menomtregret tbe giving tbe
The Traverse City Anti-Saloon fed­ ■ee. aged ». was struck In the e,.
him and that tbe same would be great
eration met Sunday atlerooun and
y one of the mtual endv. The e.velected tbe folIowU* etficera;
etmme so .erUmriy cBect.-, tl!,t,
He Is BOW eerrlag bla third term at
waa completed oS Wedceidap la
President, Ibe Rev. R. N. Holsaple.
ad to be remoted.
circuit court commisaloeer aod hai
First vice presuleDt. Wimsm Coebri.
toobate court after a riatt of TM
held tbe office of justice since the la
r Wbitam ef Laasbc. who
Second Tice president. George W.
oorporallon of tbc city.
k the latk oif eomputlnp tbe
Toitani amonnts dne
CU-g. l. Ti™ end.
I». R... lj.,h K.n.«,

"■ neck s,c*d for -ba tndn that was slow- •


» ll.llt »‘U .'r stroy tbe llM'falueis of


bis porUloa witb the Glube factor.
X.irtbYille. where he ha. I..... a emmany.
Tbe Rev. Howard Uurra)
>yed twenty-five years i- a she;'
Jones of KsUmaxoo. Hon. GiM! M.
Turker. He bos lien n faeiury
Hudson ol Schoolcraft. Mayor

tbe cataU srblcb was divided Ulo
Osriog to tbe change U Ume of tbe
Treaanrer. C. A.
G. R. * 1. morning train south wbleb |
ovSMlaGon Is lor tbe purpose
Vhic* was willed to aUrea benp
frrmany.esrahasleftat either lltio'''^ securing the enforoemeni of the
.tolarlaa of tbe fnltovUg. tba first
1115 many a bairbreidlb escape
‘b* F»««<' ^
JUtad ns vtrsagtn In tto tax ra- j
nlcred at tbe«»*
*» S° ‘“‘o «


Linetl Stor-kiiii’w in sl.-e- fn.m

tgnl-.y. breugbl

toJn perwma^ and I4.M0 re




toM vni Bot be Idle BBd tbe Record

«30a,000 cnb ca{MUL writo

Fanmrs’ Insurance



Any color dcsirtid found.
Positively a grand display.
Everybody can be suited easily.

!”j: New and ,Novel

Remember, the best sells first, so it

■tcerned Inieiv-st.

tox. they bring!
' Mary Chapel. Orank'BUnc. Mk&;
Ura Jaae Peer. Beaton towntoip,
toaeeee county, and Saran Jefles.
Rtot, wbo each cnealrcd as

an Udomitablo' >«n>t bimdreda U tlw coast cities to \
t their rburcl
ly night, nt a meeting, it . y^j.'lhe heavUu.




ip-.l tower.
If V.JII want II s.|s«rc- Jcal, write.

eH.\S. WfLL.
Agent for T
wtnilicilla. pumps, unko. etc^

Surely pays to call early.

City Book Store
Cit Gpksrt C«.

Cnoent Otr, IDk$.



n«« OM. Vlo
^1 fi hi “otBCTOM-*.
— ■ Mn. Jallw
IhA n. a Darlh

t-r. rtmtbmt:
fWMs aanci <l>
Tnrr iMT. B.
T. BmbM. tkaari OarMrr Banitas. Otv. W.

3 per asl«0m4 m Tlnw Dcpetttt

for KlBCSlry to visit ro]atIr««.
Ur*. Etilf Beardalev rrlanre todar
Rapid nir.
Drll Tboospion
In* ff.-im C«Hlar to vUll Ii»t alM.-r,
Hlu Kabcl Thunpw'O. 11!
SercalSi 'ireci
Mr*. Toco H'niM and Mn. Coot:
eanr tfali monla* from Provomont
tail Hr>. H. A. Hews of 419 R:
reel and aitead the dedkallon
le CttfaUlc ckonh.
Ktu JosoptiMc Solrin of Sutto
Dar H !n the diy today.
Urt. Ed. Biove of SoltoBi Bay
spcadlae il
la the'eity.
Mr*. J. B P*l«r l< n today U
Lake to vifli frieoda.
Mrm. R. A. Urtak mumed t<
day Mlera vi»H to
CbIcacD rn a
.d Mr* David Smltb and Utile
im Petuakey today in
aon, Cbtrica Smith. 219
t Etorenib
aih alreel.^

Morsan who baa boon in the


Jerry S
the day to the rlly yesliTday
cued et Ibe Park Plarr.

■Cliculilkiii thU »wl( 2,775

Un. Addle tilbbs of Mayfield
•tded the lo.-tOT at ihc riiy oi

cTosIns retnrulnc koine
reoteaala wfll sire a aoreliy bo* *o acaln IbU morato*.
Mr. nod Mrs. E. D. Barnet and son
dal St tte acbool borne Friday nlcb'.
Raymood left thin momtoc vln ibe'
C. R. t I. for a thurt vlnlt wKb Man* frii'Oilii.
J. M. Ctwidall^ aev ablnrlo mill
The MoKtsley a^eel dlHrlct ee the

Rwybody iartled.


»«.. rt.n. ,1. ,UI t.T
i.n wives by Maneau. the Freneii.

Deeters Arc Puzzled.
Tbe remarkaLlo rvr-nirr cf K*n. rf Var.cekcru. «••-. l» ir«



I happy

Froin Tu**.lar’a Reeem.
Mrs. E. J FUipalrlrk of K.-5» one
woi a aten time in the clly »Itfc •
;!«■ aad
tan^taand and returned bone :a
Mr*. J. M. Robbtot left this mern.
A New Torker who I* eonrlxotly
tog for Keystone on a abort Unit wlik
doingIgToeroiu act* wVhool attrecline
epvrial n ti-mlon to them Ik Clmrl'-K M
Mir* Anna Campl-dl. who baa a host
Schwab. tk>- young a'.eclmsster. H,
of friends to this city, left Ibis mornthe rlllage of william
tog fi-T her home In-Mcnireal, Cxnadn.
bi rr, 'he -•••epie.t place In Ihr.iivvl
where she will take s’ much oeede-1
■ anto. eve.-t.l I.or..iio, to which 'b"
re'jt. A s«tr»« of young pv*>ple were si,
; fam::.' moved. IVS.-o .Sehuab g-.t rU ii
tfci- ik-p>>t to bid her good b^e.
Mr«. D. C. CsHIn and son rharl'v.;
wl.o have l.-ecn ppendin* a wcrl; in the:
mr.dv It a cooperative affair
city as the guest of Mr. and Mrs*. Hale !
',-r.,bodytoIeres'od. He support
and .family rctorncd to tbelr home to j
ed .be .•..■eri.rtoe ..t..l! It wa, upon i
Cr“riirllle this momtog.
►-If-*api».ntofc- lAvis and then Im
ejareaee Aldrich, who has Jicwn to
lun;-d It over to, II h .ju:-the clly vlsiiltig his partais, Mr. and
a mi-n-y maker snd JiS-j le.-s r.e 1 aMr*. LMihor A’rtricli. left .rcsierdsy for
laii-K Lo'Iccably.
IVaviT. where he will protmbly open
'ip billiard room*. Ho Miffered a Jos*
■ Tusal*
by idle of his bllUard roots.' ml Ctalro With 'bat oU «emy’’
IV o
III Ihe n
rerentty and de.-ided lo go wetit.
Miimtl.m. ..Itep emu in rpisHiJi:-!'!.
Mm, \r. H. Smllb of Wallen arrived To.avoid all srrio I- iroal.te w;to foo,


: the clly (hto aflerooim <-n a vii-U
Keysuws'vhieti la one of the b<
Mlta Kale Rawltos* of Ktoe*I< > n-,
I h. r isoihc.-, Mr*. Ira Hull,
ilai.’ •edpped for Its site la tbe Donb aiart- toned home today after vinlttoi:
Mrr'. I> F. Harrlug-iia of Maple C.i.v. le. ■•nil . .
home of Mr- and Urf». J. T. Shiishall.
•d ap apmtioet yaaiertay.
who has been to thc*rliy e f.-w davi. f* H Mo*d«. C
Hr. and Hrt. R. U. Edwar.1t roiurnretarned to ber Iinnc thiv morning.
Sopenisor W. W. Dean of the Third
1 home this mornlns from a rlilt
«aid sad Bwervlanr W. P. Haraba
wl'ha tbclr daushler, Mrs. Wllltom
Oistriet Orange PeegraiTi.
Um FtoBith «arC bare aabouae
Birebm of Sulona Bay.
O-to.ud Traverse lUvsrlpl tirjiiv •
Every new and old sub­
tbdr iDtenUoa to nn for reacmli
Mrs. T. Wheeler returmid from
meet usixli 7 aad *, a; luto.u'1.
scriber to the Herald, who
tkma to tbdr reapoelTe ward*.
Orange snng.
lort visit with her daeghtor MrtAddress of wrienme by Maner of l;i- i
has paid In full to Ja'n. t,
Charles FUbor of Sutton* Bay loitay.
Tbe third caae to be pusbod by TniIXRd Orange, e

Hra. Chris B* Kcbl of Nonbpori a
1907. will receive a groat
aat OfBcer Fraak Vinton, was placed
RetpoDM-, Ucberi Uartu-y. Mc>.:cr oil
red to the city this nrornlog wbei
roaBazIne paper. Farm and
4pob file to Joatiee coup a few daya
)c all be tbe cuet'. <d Mr. ami John
Old Time-and New. H. Voorhi-es.
^ doeepb White of loierlocben belns
Fireside, nbsoiutoiy free
O-n.-ral dlaeusvion. .\rvlMx Oanln.'r :
Sanborn for n day.
arreried aad eonricied for oaoatoE the
Scleetluu. Cns-d and Duty. Ur-. I'.i- ■
for a full year. Farm and
WUItom LaMUw cf Bnllonf vln.
trreealar atURdaaee of bli dUM.
Fireside is from 24 lo 38
Cay arrived to tbe dty thia oiornine
New l.iw to K<«srd lo PramliT'.iy)
IT n daya rlnlt.
W. C. Hull baa n
tlfht oaeeaaled ranAboat of tbe
Un. Ccerae Roberisoo of tb<' Korib«dl type. New Tork. the nmtlre power era. Nonbpori ^red ihroiiRh llir cUy
bdag a leo-barae power. Tbe aoto la
>nUnt on a atfn trip to Lad
Made and wlU be tned tor tbe dty
inctoa. where she wOl visit be rhns
Tbroosb hi! attomeya. iuaderwood
R Dnlor. Leonard B. Hoi^ of
baa Bled a petlttoa to arewH
•aUn( for tbo ritbt to racale a plat In
Ibe vUlace of Acme which was recerd>
M with the rectaler of deeds to 18TL
It la Mr. Hoxle's Intentions to racale
wbde a bay froatace.

N ile*, Cbaries Irisli,
lulila'.fv.- aiid Htderend-im, Mr-. K.;
r. Or.-y
liar-... ..............
Emerson K.l, .•
ud Roa.u Utol

band, who U captal not the car feirr.
Mrs. David n'hlicbcad ofCrand RapIs, who baa



remalBcd but aisali hopeof a recovec.!^'*"’*"'^-^'***'’^
Uarltnm Lull,
The little kl«eotbPOU cblld of Ur. Ur at.a Ur.
Mr. and Mr*. Oeoree cF. Mania, .....
, in liot!i tlic Polltxl ])arand Mre. Jtton Rhode* of Snmmlt Cil.v,
reltilvca. leave ioclgb: for her botne.i?“®"“‘* »DO>to”rn Hnrii
%ho reeetrod anch aerlons burns durstoi-k iuijirr.
Mr. and Mm. Dan.d Dakc will Ic-vi II wish til se.- the stock
Bic tbe dfstnieUos by Are of Ibelr
throuithont till- eounlrv
Mmiday for an extensive tour of th< _1___ ______I.. OI rn r__ 'i BO 1 '
irg© only S1..^0 for'Five.
lie. J
Pactoc coast. They will be away about
polliid calf isvtorlli 12 extm.
a month.
wyimr nnylhinv iilioiit iIhc ibor
Mr. aad Mrs. itovel of Old VI'slun
ou)fhbrf<l ijnnliiies.
paased through Ihe city on Ibvir way
to Bdcn for a risU.


From Saturday’s Record.
J. M. lAiugneckvr of IX'Ito. Oliln, l>
hu guest ri II. S. Hull. Mrs. W. II. lligglnx of IJ.Is rilv leli
trlCBda to spend the crenLog wlOi ber
lU morning fur I’i-aH like. »hcrv
lirnd take npper prepared by her she will vltli relmivot.
Aa Ihe deltaknis birthday.
Mrs. J. Cumming* rvtunu'J lo ber
<Mke was passed she chose four of ber
vine In Toledo ihl* morning aftei
Vuio friewla. Mlaeea rox. Biele. spesdlng some time to the d'y wIili
BarUgh aad Lane to blow out the can- frieadv.
«ei. AboBt baU past right the guesti
Mis* HsrUia Srhnrider of lake Ann
-Ian. leaving many little gifts and (eelho U atiendlog whoo! to ihe di;.
Hlu %lea Pmu of Old Hlsblon eel-




JIlso Courist Eooert and Rain eoats
We are now placinj: on sale our lirsl consignmcnis of new wearing apparel.
The showing this season will eclipse anything we have ever shown.
Suits will again take their proper place the coming season\ The indications arc
that suits will l>c a stronger favorite than ever. And well they may be. for they
were never so handsome as now. One of the be*:,things at the price is a charming
Suit in Broadcloth, pony style jacket, satin lined; neck is trimmed with satin and gHt
braid, and a very pretty sleeve makes this one of the neatest Suits shown tliis sea­
son. Skin has inverted side pleats, also trimmed with straps and buttons. Colors:
Purple, Navy. Gteen. Cardinal. Black.

Prioe, $iS
Another always popular garment is the Coven Coat. They are always in style.
‘We know of some w’hp have worn theirs all through the winter. .Among some of
the best numbers will be found:—
Pleated back, collarless. neck, and cuffs
inlaid with velvet and trimmed with
silk braid, priced
0 QQ
Pony style Covert, collarles*^, inlaid
with velvet, double bn'usted. coat
sleeve, satin lined through- Q rtfA
out. a vcr>' natty garmcn;. v*vrV
Box Covert, satin lined coal sleeve and
collar, a very nicely lai- Q Art
lored jacket.........................0*UU
A very handsome Tourist Coai in black
d white chuck. 40 in. long, collar

Who flfjiosits Ycuf Mcnty?
Svvn.w or l iter it jp-ts into
tlic Iviiik. wliclliPr you juit it
IbiTc <'t not.

If you k'rivi a

luiiiii iicerviiiit. nn'l siivc. it is
tlppos lt'l



Wue velvet.


did garmvnt....

A. Alger, wbb was a rinse friund of the
itocoa^Mr. O’Neal was able to
|M*e the hoxpKal bnt gangrene set to
^er bis reicr^ home and be died.
< When one of the nre department
iaamn was Ukco oat tor nercUe
Taeadsy. "Jack." the roueoi. anomliaBted them. While the rig wu on
Buie street tbe dog was mlsse J and a
bULTch was made for him. He was
Couad to front cd the rmldeuce of Dr.
C D. UUter. 4tl test State strecl.
-Hbere ibe cblmacy was merrily burnlag. *'Jaek~ was standing to the road
wateblng the burning eUmiiey wiih<
the erUent totenilou uf staying there
antJl the depanmeBc arrived. It wa:

Aycf’f Cherry Pectortl is ooc
• simple cou^ syrup. Ii is s
stroRt inedlciae, s doctor^
tnedidae. It cures htrd esses,
serere sod desperstt esses,
chronic esses of stthms, plenfisy,bro&chhU, eonsumpdon.
Ask your doctor shout this.

Vm Thsrsda) 's Roeord.
Him BsteUa Osmtiaey. who hat
he«a the guest of Mrs. J. O. Munion.
returned to Manistee cbb momtog.
Mre Hannah Prirrsoa left lodav
for Cidllior to risli relatires.
. Hra. a E. York and sons left today


Others al $8.50 to $20
While the use to which they are put
lioes not allow many driils. the Rain
Coat is nevertheless
after by particular i»eo^e. for'lilHEe;'
is nothing that quite tnkc< iis place,
and nowhere do you find such a
showing as here.

$10, $15, $18, $20 and $22

spcikl all. some one else <1.jioaito your mont'V'.
kTuir money 'dep.;aiuvl in
lliiR kitik on (Vltili-gilcs or
Snviiit.'s cnnis ilir.v’ jwro-ut

T0verss CUy State Bank

Not^iing Better Can Happen
To the Ladies of Traverse Ciiy th.m to have

Gmt Shoe Bargains
S|iriag nid Slimmer goods arc pouring in and demand
room. Kemaiaing sixes of all odd lines at prices below
cost to get the room they occupy for spring gootls.

Better Be Quick......

their kiicheiis thoroughly

equipped with the very best and most ujt-’.o-daie





The wort of tie khelu ii can Iv ina'ie apJossun- if yoo lisvi- the aijceassry arlichwto do
1' ••arriia
o with, lljis L'r<'.".t stoire
i-arrka i-v-Tything
i-VLTythiiig inissk'l :*nd v< sun-l^ aav.-moiv-y for you.

Were invi nlol lo s.\.'the hou» wiff ninny slPi». Tlu-rr iip‘ bo mnny tiiiiiw iindM
in Iho bnking. and ihi-y shoiil.M*'right at lininl.
It ix irorinixingliioirmHiiTati^caiiU'
saved if tie kitehc'li iitrusils are riglil at leiud. Tlinto sell fioui $<>.(10 In $7^4.

-\ pl.'w’for I v'lTy jK'n arsl ketll" and spidc
where your thin
y is simil when j'ou kc

anil nil

ither r-vikiiig things.
•11 for «7.-Vp will

An bouru


•g they had aa bad a lovely time.

went lo ber brim- lliU morning irpond Sunday.
Patrick O-Ntml the noted dcteetlvo
MIs.v Ik-sKle FIkIkt of Ilingbsm si4d Detfoll. wbiwe death oeeurred a
vod In the rliy IhU morning to vl«l'
iahori lime ago from gangrene alter an her siller, Mr*: Frank Nay.
tumwiailon. was a pauem to St.
Mr. and Mrs. lAwiwoee Caghnu if
Blary-a btmpitol. Detroit. hU private Kortbpon arrived this mnrning. iH-lng
horse being Mlu Vere Carter of tbt« cal1e«l\faere by the serious Illness of
Ctiy. who.Is taking a course at that ber aUler. Mias May Oalleck.
tettltotloa. Dorlng bU lllneu ibere
Miss Nila Bugbec left tor Orand
wore many noted friends called to see
tilm. among them being Oea. Rusxel


Kropire style Covert, double box pleau.^
ed back and front, collaricss neck
inlaid with white and tan panne vel­
vet with ffo‘ • •

verj’ swe!


Jlnolber Cime of.......

BH from Trareree City.

Obiatm W fonrtb blribday Tbnnday
rreatog by Invlltog fourteen of her




lo. .Mia :

Mm-., »r,.
cneat of Mlis Mattie L;cn, nMuroed!
home blla Qorniog.
Mrs. O. E. Clark of Pelnskey. a for­
ikm.rnn to-c. 1.
mer resident of this elly at the Sunnybank hold nnd also a former rorldeut
farm for many yeart oear the eliy.
suSered a stroke of apoplexy yoMerI )inve
nt tny fann
f.-inii ti l)oul>'o
___ ________
_ to her advanced ,K,-t
site there

Miss Lulu Holmes returned borne in
TMe steam ban* Bidacy O. Nc«. day from a rlall at Hodge.
Sw many yean operated and owned by
Mm. W. P. Vogclsong left Ibis after
AMfeaay Grdllek of tbia dty. baa been
xw for a abort at Aldrii wICi
ioM to the J. O. Nemen enmpany
ftoatoteo. Tbe barge will be la eomFlora Meek left ihU mornlns
ikmad of Capt. WUllara Franklin the
annual apriog trip to iiurv-ba.-..'
Vatogenaen. Frank OreBlek will bo mllltoary goods, her desUiuilun U'ln.:
anglnaer aad Oearge Jobnaon Brat Oiaed RaptdA Chicago, aevelaml. |!>
'Male TRe romalader et the crew will ttnit aad Saginaw, she «1M be g»0"
V pracUeUly tbe same aa laai ae
two weeki.

paEOS. twice a month. 24

new Suits ter Spring

$1.19 a Pair

men's- Sbecs
$1.50 a Pair

ll oOwill eel you no K-tii r
RhcH-s nt pome shm-s than

Ma.1. „f w.Ii.1 Sail,. Calf
Ix-:ithi-r. ill lac cir o-nign-a.
tip or plain toe.

Stviisb. SerpiccabU

Paicnl Ccalbcr

Well filling sbe-B. rtvlar S2
om-6. elll to

Shoea-for men—not npt u.
crack. Ktylcs lli-- m-.x.-st. al

* $1.69 a Pair
Exira Seoil Ones
L-adios'pntp'it h .atlicr nr kid
shoe*, tk-v. mi dilTeri'iilsIyK*

of aiid 72 7.’. lim-* for

$1.9* a Pair


Urg- drawer. se!i» fot $2 2-j;

$2.50 a Pair

n bftiele yon



ebildren's Shoes
.\ll oiils an.l Ptols of eld:. ,
drrn’s iboes have lv«-n p-;l in
t'-o lots anci vary in en^iitv
frinn 7-*e to

58c ana 69c a Pair

we .’o not !;avc.
Til'.; :s wlu.lvou rail lilt'meps; hroimx. Brnihhing i.r.ishe* iirid

CIttse arc nnly a ten el Utem
eemc and see lor yeursell

ti.e dor'/ns of s^iia

gins* cI".'tnor:*’we will make your a




S.'& Cate baa been bartes (be prlp
to ame than a week, bat la aome bet-

Grand Traverse Region.

tbe hardware ston
Blaine White |
1 a Crown
Mbs Vida Sbniler rMted s
-------- aty. This „
ford )t*t week.
plaao In oar bnrxTbos RawliDxs has tone to Grand: Ur. Buyer, wbo was seciloa boss al
Rapida. Wfacie be wfll ririi friends
' place, has mored to Bellalro.
aod relatirea fori few weeks.
- Manba____
" nba Finney tf Kalkaska
F. Locii &cel baa reioraed Tran a: •lied her mother. I
sbon vMi In Cblca«D.
I er Simdsy.
Jake Olcb ba* dnlahed Ua RvEtuc' Mr. Kemp, w
moved 10 Nearayxo.
Miss Kate Rawlins* ririted In Trar.
ne City last week.
entitled. "My Awto Und.^'wbleh
Feb. St.

Tbe LAdiea- Aid bmu next <niefw,
ly wltb Mra. Bran Saylor.
Mn. K C. KewcoBb and little non.
dck. are better.
Abobk tbe mrerae CJiy tridton who bare ___
V _____ _________ . ...___
froB tbli place were Mr«. C. B. Berry.
Mra. HsaMironS. Mr. and Ure. R. Fltb.. belnx closed on seooonl ot the leadier
belax alek.
B. Allen went to tnlsnd today.
MTa. Axnea Fife bad a poor apeU
eatoMwSCfcKn. Tbe Xldnlsbt Seeker.Cbaa Ourr went to TraTerae Ctty to4 sortnoaa 00
day on baaloeae.
fwt« i« Ml “
““ **“
Ultle KIta Newmartb I* aorlonaly ill
Roae Belllocer rlalled her
Mn. BodU went 10 1
wllb a CBM.
ia 'betto'*”*^'
^***'* **'*'
at Cedar Rnn laat week.
Ink week wltb the mue
.. ... Sparlinx
called 00 Calrin
no tadlr bnmad whoa tbelr booic
Prayer meetiac next Tbnreday cren.
IBA at the borne of Ur. and Un. Cbaa.
•alvM tM
te (IM. Att ewi
•M MM* reach the HcrcJd «.__ ....
Mw ttaa^nMM^MQB or aach weak.

mi wwa.

Ueaiaj wu a beullfol day bM
«elw a BWBber\>r men attended the
bee te fet oel tafi to bolld tbe dioieb.

Mlu Lottie Sbcaivr. wbo ia worklnc
I Frank Soura'. agieni Sunday wltb
Bllawonb Blllaiej) and Mlaa Carrie er narenla at Crwwell.
Cara* of Trarene City
adham called oa frieada gonday.
Mr. and Mra. Mieer Farrant riaited riaited arllb relatlres here a few daya
at Maraihall Farraai a Sunday.
Mr. and Mr*. Min. Carry and Mra.
Walter Bradford. Auxuat Schafer
>d brolhera Cbarlet and Georye re- M^er Sierilnx of Elk Rapida
Trarerae Cliy Friday and rei
—' •- tbelr bo^ at Plerport, to
went to CTTaul 1
The Ladlea* Aid soriely ea
......... - - ----------- jrdlckrme attended tbe dance at Glee Arbor Satur­ oyaler aupper at Frank Soun
A larxe crowd waa t
____ .we^tbUmoi.
and an panaed a pleasant e
-'fe and
and children by aU.
Mr. Dwraa and ante
A TOllecilon of tit waa
epenl tbeSay with Mra.
I. Rlcbardeoa.
Mabel Bnrfce of Maple City la riaP- Inr.
> 80111 was s ^
___ __C. ________
P. Maniaand
and daoshler
jw^her xraadfflolher. Hn. J. VanOaa few day*
last w
Nklle Ier BMleaw Uve beee apendlas
a few t
' b her aieter. Mra. CoTThe Neuen aaw mtll at tbia place ia
•hM do« for tbe eaaon.
Mra. AiBoa Hall arkred

TerMira by Snagaa.
' r'
Tpcakliic or the tonn* to arhSch
Frits Al
- _
___ some of tbe eevexo trlbee In the PhUM'ednesdny to SbellaBd. retoralnx ipptaea aabjeet tbelr eapiivea. raaaMa
flodby moralnx.
Bomlnx. Hiss
HIsa Srii
SeUona spent ^ of the lueaao aatariax 1 ODdarod
e tlBe at
N Jakoby
- her
•— boae
---------- Mr
I Hr. Atklasoa a
Mr. NOTOtaey shot a larpe wild
(be swamp near hi* borne Tbaredav
BoralBx- Tie animal weixbed aboai
46 poand* and wat a* large or larger
(baa aa ordinary fox.
Tbr Farmers' Pro(oetlre Ualoii me:
In Shalda's hall last Sainiday afier-

. Crandslr* sblnsle mill U
ed and eviDBeared dolas busl- braied by a very plroaanl saihennx
•---- .minx.
' one In Ibe eTcBtttc. Game* a
were Indulxed In and W- rrroa
refreabmeau aerved. Tbe
about iZ;30.
Moedames Friri AtkiniM and Sri
ic^b^tlers think ibsi we are xoluj
Mn- Tom -------- -----------, son* drove to Maple City Thursday
iBea Nesmarob I* no l«>tter.
. Mlgn Maude Haxer and Birdie
Ur*. B. ViKkoebll waa la town lam
r. and Mrs. IM Tanxllax vikli
Bxxlie visited Ml*. Ilaccr'a acbool at Thursday.
at Ur. aniLUra. A. Sparllnx a Sundi
loierlu.'ben FHday.
Ml*. Maude Pbrou
Walter Yaaxllnx called oa Jo
' and Hr*. Charley Niebnlc
Nea’amrcb Sunday.
^vl^kx^Kfaool baa Hosed ^for
the death of Mr*. NIcboIa' unelr, Mr 1
PW). Si.

Several robin* have
h.., b™,
I here Ibe
.b. |ia*t
.... .„.b^ Tb,,|
r*iwr>«.. uur ,«,b„,
■eweavT, »pem sev.
■t that *prinx i« n
eral daya at U-laod vlsUlnx relklirc*
Msrxaret UeGaRy s
aod friend*.
n Traverse City.
wbo baa beeti locxtax •
Ethel n’llllami spent Sunday
baa now returaed borne.
with her parent*. Mr. and Mr*. Wll Cedar,
Feb K.
Sli'vo MrGarry lia* been puIUnx up

Cures liver eomplalat. dyapeptia. blood
disorder* and malaria; and rrotorro
Ibe weak and Ber*M* to nbast health
H. M______ _ „
drngglsls. Price Bde.
Tbe Cbehoygaa Pea Conalax com­
pany ba* already received order* to
SBy-ave cSLrload* of tbe 1»M crop ot
to be shipped to New Tork Hty.
dHphla. Boetoa. OtDDd Rapldt
and Omaha. It u geulng better niaa
for Ihl* year and •» aaae onanUly
a. shipped last year will aaro over
tlAOO in frelgbU
A SHttitSk W*iidli.
.lire* that ittad to Ua oadH
make Boeklen i Arnica Salve a eeten-

Wiu^to ihe'll!™.^ H Jbud^
Mayne*bora. Pa., or a diatrveolac earo
modx Ibo sick are Mrs. Wm. Tav
■ Pile*. It beal* the worm baraa.
... little Bessie Box and Mynlo Lure
VW. bull*, uleer*. cuts. wnanX* i-bll.
Mr*. Jolla Loce remain* about tb*
blaloa and «al> rbenm
------ Oaly
2$e at
-------, Co.'*. F, H IHeads. C. A.
Aaron Box, who ha* been al Ann
Buxtwe Drug Co.l drox aitwea.
Arbor four *r five «-eek* for Ireaitaent. ret unicd - borne Sunday and I*
cojoylnc XOOd btwlib.
Mr. and Mr*. G C. Roiue spent 81
day wllb A. J. Marleit and family
Mr. Wheat'* brother return
tbm bat BO aaow. She aald ehe
W'lHI* Allen relurnB] borne fre
tnpsoa a .
home at Yorit suic last Wedn
tboqfbt Mleblfaa a warmer place it
Pennayiranu laai week. He thin
eld Saiurday,
there waa lota of-----Grandma Kasb ls mill on
Ulehican I* xood enotieh for him.
Feb. rc.
PM>. 26.
Mra. Brett visited her father. Mr.
Box. Sunday.
Packard, axed fiT. of Lewiston,
1 wife called on nFred
old soldier, xashed hi* Ibnmi with • »few moat^a ago uid “1 am Uirougli ranying mjr money with
M PHU ietl FHday for Blc Rapida.
M'm. TayU.r Suad"
parents, Ur. and
raxor. bill fallnl to Infllrl fatal In- . me. ami my wife don't want it about tbe botue. I am p»l*.g to
wbare bo wlu attend ibe Ferria Inrln Luee and Warren Taylor
They use waxona to Jiaol lumber neixhbor last week
Wexfr--- ob
- bustoeas
• ■
i^New Wexford
xn from Taxer's mill 10 (be railroad
» leave it with yon and Igive chet^ wba I want to pay any. Z,
M^"^^uncy.f NoHhpori is worUng
Naeb U bow dkrer on R. F. slatkin.
S 100 Reward. Stoo.
S. a Cate flniahed bauUng lops las:
». W. Taylor
m thing.” He liked tbe plan eo arell he baa otmtinoed it e«^
Mr. and Mrs. Wn'i, Wine vi*lted with
Topic to C. K BeetJns next Sunday
ckman nelxhr. Sbeeban'* folks Sunday.
Many othem are doing the aamo.
erealBc at tbe Prtenda ebnreb U
N. W. Herrinxion went to Leland
‘Wbat ia Trne HappiBeaar Leada
... jer dauxi
home In Travene City Saturday.
PcBri TbornbUfic.
Ifyo>'ta«.notdonoaob.TeU)fore. give the plan a trial
-------------- Sebinter. laat friday
Mr. Groene and family visited
Mra. T. Heben ia on the elek Hat.
BapMrs. A. L. Smith called oa Mrs. K Mn., Orecoc's iwronis, Mr. and
» ®»ch aaftT and more convenient than keonian
Artbor While bea relomed afie
da. where be has been ailendlns
Herrinxion one day lest week,
X two »ciobUu la lAnalDA. li>
1by you.
Martin BixJoe lost one of hla bu
and family vlciiod wllb
ia DOW in with cl_____.
Mr. Maiehtlt ha* gold w»ne rori.
at week. U dropped dead oo
Mr. and Hr*. Li
Lafnree last Sunday.
Tbe C. B Bodety ot 1 IB place will
imto^^put .nto„.mrc tlnlbcr.
UUed. The
Ur. and Mrs. G I. Kasel of Old Mianative
..... faerbK
____j tbroueb
our noieh.
Man ^*si«U^th?Mi
Sion returned bo 5 today after vigll- borhuod
last Saturday.
auat, jdra j.
w' DIA___
Jyeeealnx at tbe Coaxre^lobat lac
Inc their
1- ,W.
Hr. and Kn. Laforre called on rh.. : Hobo Win.
who has been attendins
Rial and family one day lam week.
I business rolleee at Traverse Clt
fi 11 (111 ..............................I »i»I
relnrned liomo lo help hi* fall




“'u.T'wI""’ "


our Enure Sun, Eu„u,„e „m, u.

re,u. „u »„U„e ,or ue ro ue. our «ucU

stock must be
TOthlng to hinderyou from supplying all your household wanteala'BlaS^dg. ^

Stem; Ranges



* ®* Payment that we have always offered still prevail. There is

m mould Rather

AlTe fn especially desirous of disposing of as
^eh of these heavy goods as possible, aod oiir
<%counU>n these is a little more liberal tbtn wo
l»ve ever offered before.

teottie in and Investigate tor leourself
$16.00 Steel Bangs........................................... $36.60
$i0.00 Steel Bangs..................
$8600 Steel Bangs...............
$*y» Steel Bangs............. ............................ 24.50
$26.00 Steel Bangs........................................
Brtn heavy, large eaat Oimk Stoves, $23. $25. $28 and $:«
valnep.{rom...........................................$17.60 up

Bumireds »I Rocktrs Dining gbairs

o go during this sale, i&luding
iatludinty Sewing
Seutnev Rockers
of all kinds. Arm Rockers in -plain and polished
wo^s Spring and Swing Rockers. Upholstered
and Mission goods.



Seating Stoves
Combination of two motives, the season being
pretty well advanced, coupled with the fact that
we must have the room, makes us willing to sacri6ce heavily on everything in beaten. Buy now
for next season, even if you don’t need it now

H Tew Second Band Stoves
that were taken in exchange toward new stoves,
including both cook and heaters, AT YOUR
Everything in laundry and kitchen utensils cut
to a price in proportion with the stovu* and ranges

Reed Rockers
I Just like cut. only ....$2 73
Regular $3.50 values.
$5.00 Reed Rockers. .$3.75
S4.2oJReed Rockers. ..$3.25

Hundreds of others to
y choose from. If you min
‘bis you miss something.


Odd Dressers

We have a lot of these on hand, including all stylet
of bases and toilets, from........................ $6^0 up

eommodes* Odd
Tren Beds

We have always prided ourselves on our line of
Diners and the prices we asked for them, but dur­
ing this sale we are going much deeper iu our
Regular $25 sets at........................................... $20OO:
Regular $23.50 sets at.................................... $1S 50 $2.75 values at.
Regular $S. $10. $11 and $12 values from $5.75 up $3.00 values at.
$4.00 values at.
Cheaper grades at same discount.
^.-50 values at •

J1 Few Broken Sets

Containing all the way from one to five chairs, at
less than actual cost.

One»Fourtb Off


Bedroom Suites
Regular $35 Suites.......................................... $28 60
Regular$30 Suites.............................. «...!$23!o0
Regular $25. $20 and $15 values at a proportion
ate reduaion.

Carpets and Ruds
Granite, Ingrains. Tapestry Velvets and Axminater Carpets at a big bargain. A good heavy
all wool Ingrain.....................................................

Brt Squares and Rugs

On all Sideboards. Buffets. Bookcases. Cupboards,: In all sizes and all grades. Big Rugs at small
Writing Desks. Kitchen Cabinets. Easels. Screens,:
prices. Smaller Ruga at smaller prices.
Parlor Stands. In fact, NOTHING RESERVED

J. w. si_a~t£:r



Extension Cabtes

A big line of these, aod on account of the big perf.
ished top they will damage easily when the repair
work is going on. Then we will-make prices on
any one of them that you cannot resist.




da li:
«vnr KAMON.
and Hra. Jamas Bodd enter­
looday. after being In Bordldivnie
JeliB ttttrlek ua (BaOr have fOBe
all winter. Hit many friends ate glaJ
l» iBtaad lo tUI hit IBlhcr or«r Sal- tained (rteada at tbelr bcate <• Wedmday ertalBc at a pedro party.
sprat'tost week here.
to see him borne again.
Hiss Mary FUeben was surprised
, Hr. and Hra. A. Rennsarer are vHJ. E. HocHsnd sold bis team to I
last ThuHday evening, when atmui
( tenr paUesU are '
Kins relatiret at Bnltoat Bay.
B. T. Pray and Heary Lackey n
Iwenty-Sve of ber friends stepped Into
tbe bouse. All went merrily untn Hra trip to Traverse Cfty Hoaday.
Dell Fairbanks of Bk Rapids
In the oeigbborbood a couide of days
Hr.MavAew baa AlapoBad «< aeeetel
Cbarlle ’and Llllle Herbert
speadlnc a few days with Ibeir par- Hsi week.
walked otf.
mat ml cUOa lateir.

Oiwt Braek* If taoM {ran Kcaaa^ eota. Hr. and Hn. Janet Herbert ot
Cook Bockes of Petoskey Iraiuacied
Hiss Amelia Sleater and
ibla place. Charlie baa been In tbe buslaeai here tbto week.
Hunky were married last Saturday.
Inspector to here to­ Feb. 24. kt tbe Luiberan ebureh. Tbe
~ Bona" for eomc time, and Llllle to
^ caowa haTB an eloaa<
dns in Hr. Crotaere’ oSlce in
bHde w-aa dressed In a pa
s«u <i( tbe aori eraaUier i
Trarerae aty.
Rlekerd ...
dress and wrore bride's r
t karlac latalr.
Hra. 8. B. Tompkloa It
Rapids awn. He to inlendl
Katie Bascb was maid of hoour a
feed stable.
daoctaier, Hn. Rate Wila
In. W. A. Worden are en Hunky and Hrnnan Sleaier
aty .
« bada of Hacabaea came dowa tertalalns retailvrs from Traverse men. Both the bride and groom have
atr Saturday freniua aty this week,
U mw No. t. Hairie
many friends hot- who wUb them
tbe new memben of
a J Hoyt has a oew borsc.
no'bing bill happiness and prosperity.
a place, of wbld
A. Uni
Undericaf to aome better today.
Hiss Anna Kin vlsUed with Miss
M. a Brooks e
ere about tblrtyPeb. t
Anna Ba^b a few days last week.
Prank Stooc and family bare
HUs Morton of Simons Bay attend­
from Ibe Walker fane to tbel
ed the sredding of Mr. and Hra. Ssanplace.
Ki Issl WediifSday.
Hra. J. B. BUnn baa bgpn ytolUnz
Feb 2C.
___ larle Halreraon oi
er dausbter, Hra. J. Dam. at ITav.
Ast week to help ear* for hor totber.
erae aty.
Beaale Stone tea joM to Ttarene
Prof, H. J. Jscoby. Frllx Aikl
Mt la oa too ■
came from Tno
'aUraed to bar detlaa ai aebool teaebCity Wednesday evening. They will
Peb. fC.
SItpa Should be Tateo at Orwe to
-n Mondsy morning.
Prevent Further TrotAlc.
V n, Wiskorbll did shopping
Wadla curb a
e noow •
torday nlitlii
re In Traverse City, as In olLer Traverse Cliy Thursdsv.
Nr. HHafon
a the >un
F. .S'motor kllleil a wildca'. il
cities and towns, dyspepsia or »tom9 caap tost weak. Ibe b lall BDiBC
acb ironbim are ensnaring tIcUdii neighed alsvut sr. istunds
Cbas. nnd Frank Wlskocbtl druv>- m
In a most Insidious way.
*?inR^W^p risltod HUt Nina
Hoaea Haleti
every molber's son of us and L^od Tnesday.
Mpara aad Me. O. Kobe laat rrUar
at Friday on builnon.
Jobn KrtU. the Ivaeber, went borne
iftaraooe. rMoialac to Lake /
There wll
Wednesday nlgfat to spend a few da}>
-- nom Itsatf to all tr--------------*
home of W.
Bent, but tbe lime comes when wlih his parents.
Bbellr aad Mlti______ Ins. Peb. n, for (be beneSt of
>b Impunliv.
Mrs. I. T. Pbcatl and
1 Hanrci
Nfereli left taat Frldajr morelng (or
Ovtotl Sunday aebool.
d be to (I
were In I,elanfi bfanday.
Keewtok u vlilt ralatlroe aad (rteada.
L T. Ball and family apent Sunday
Hiss .Mary Filcbcn was pk-asantly
boaie Heedar.
with Anr PeltensUI and family.
Burprlsed last Thursdav evening
by a
* few frienda and nelBfabora aiteniland soothe the ir- numlier of young frie ' . After .|«-nJ■arto laat week.
visiting lu Grand llapidhe blnbdar party 9r Oar Wllaoa rltated walls of tbe sloroncb and lug a few hours In0 playing games
^ bM baaa narrted (or OBM tlSM.
wcoks. n-iunn»l h<s
Tueaday evcnlnc.
strengthen tbe gastric rolllcics so tbsi few of the hoys uok to ilio wundi
»e msroed to bar bon at PeterMn.
ra. Jamet Ayen to TlalUns ber they will pour ont tbelr dalb' supply earning wltb tb
>tBa. Nkfc, laei Satiirda]'
her parvnir. Mr. and Mrs. (
alater, Hn. U D. SpaSord.
of dlgcallve msterials wltb regularity. cakes, leaving the rest of the crowd
Wm. Brucb baa rested a farm one- Tben ib« hesdsebee, sleeplessness, to get along with what
*B. ioba AoUboebler were Tlarerfe
ri)c Frve te-thndlris rto
mllc aoutb of tbe water trousb specks before tbe eyee. poor appetite,
atr callan laat «eeb.
ww-kr' si-nc» of mi-Hings
of Trayerae aty and will mo»e tired feelings «nd ncrTOuiocss wHI dis­
mak nila rataraad tnm Lahuid there aooo. Hla eon Oles will work
Tucrdiy njcht without a ciiniTi
(lurappear. and you <
(Mlar, wbara ba was called on (be
Ing ibi- nn-'-hgtbe farm here tbto aeaaon.
wam at sny llmr yi
Wf 8-v glad til l.-am tliai
Un. Cbaa. Poater baa returned fram
Beoras of Travarac City Cittoeni Have
Nib. Haile Raaker rUlied her par- Tnretae aty. wbere ahe baa been vlaChild ot Mr. aud Ht> J lb.
' ^
Learned IL
■ta a (ew daya laat week.
tUns ber paroou, Ur. and Hn. Dcn- known In this coontn. aad U a
.If rccr.v.ty,
Tbe MItaec Bmiita aad Uxale MeerIf V(Hi suffer from l>aeksr]ie.
ve guaranteed cure lor all diseases
ito ealled at L. Nalranaef oe TbenS. «ival uf <mr >«mne
Hlram Haleti la-eonfUted to bto borne
r Ibe siomacb dseeptlng
Tbe perfect way to to core Uie kid- .-d lb. balls at KHigrIcy and l-Tf.- Im.
wltb the Erippe.
Jnst one little tablet c
ihc “nd. All repnn having a y.r
Ormat Peltlntcill la banllas hla benmt box before meals, (or a few days, neyr.
A bad teek means sick kidneys.
lock kun from bla north place to the
nd voii will soon regain perfect
Neglect II. urinary iroubbts folUtw. ' tin ai-cuid »f th-- bad m.-iibcr Sa
bealtb and sirengih. and ha<
tluan's Kitlney l>ms arc made (or
mwnaeb troubles.
‘'‘Mra.‘E.“weed. residing-on Mapl? urdny s mivlmg
-------------je uRdi
lAUe. .Mies. Mich., savs: "1 doetiirtsi I*®*-' “f*' ine'''to»,
this remedy.
for kidney disease a long time before ' 8»"'rday. Mareh loth
apent tbe day rlallins In (he country.
E. Hoyt
began taking D.a'n's Kidnev PHK!j
»oyt was surprised last Saiur.U>Hn. Jaa. Rooiaean did aboppins In
ira.-niiiig m-licn he »i«i to ib.- luim
and a
while the doctors agreed
T^reraa aty today.
‘ and l.iiiud III- li.-si had a bMik- .1
disordered. '
Tbe O. N. O.'a met Saturday alsbt.
at the borne at ber cousin. Tom '
reason iht-y .11.1 not help m«'. 'One ofiJ-E. No reason can Ik- glwn l..r Ibc
Mias Mildred Dodtetar and H
Walter Aabley of Maple City to pathem said I bad Brigbl's dlsews
Hbal Pope
Ttarerae dtp vUl
perins Herb Cork's bouse now. so It
•*“’stalker. mb» bavibaek ached all the Um.- and ifi
Ifi cauElii '
will be ready (or them when camp
llaa 44dia-MeM^ Batudar i
Kild scarce-;
ll'■•t’K S’- N"w Wexford this win
cid.l it was so lame ib
IE a (ew days al tbe
ly gel anund (o aiur I tn ray faous.--' '*'r- wb.-r.- Mr. Mialkcr tes bti-n wo.I,,
*‘Sia'«WNaaita Ue bone tr
Ur. BuecaeBar la back in tosn
-lag called here by lb
■caily Iwihfrort'
'•'*'b his l.-am: ri-turued h.>nie la -t
work NIgbla I was
Bi2 Bar IN(M*ar. Ktomlas Baadar asaln.
f tbelr mother,
which wen- H.lw'-ltins In II
.Bbrt OaHaod and Cbaa. Caraor
Beaale Irvlet and friend from TravRoy Gberlag spent a few days
they prweniod me from sl.-cj-'
Of our «i»c|,.-r. Miss
week here al borne.
Ing. Tbwe were also «ih.-rsymmomr'A"‘ ''I® I"’' ‘'..ra.- ..1
Ur. and Mrs, Bent Herlx-ri spent
nun 10 .ll»otd.-n'il kidneys. I pro-! Trav . rse C'liy 10 siK-iut> u:.-l
~~ ■ Dattlt ueaied her popOa
her parenii here, retarnlng tlUa moraSunday wltb Jesa Chrislopfaer and
I Itoan s Kldn. v lllls anA ihev •
ih.- .-iK-lling malt-b .lih 1!..
pail laKlHter artentooa.
drove lb.-Uckache awav as u.-ll '*"■ «’b‘»d. (bas.
«1 U ataritid la
Hra. A. Ktowllter retarned from tbe tomlly.
There was a party given last Thurs­ as the <dher symi>ioni«. I am .>f ih-^*■’'
S her eras treat
>uth Feb. 17.
Wm. Campbell was la Boyne Oty day eveolag al tbe home or Tbomav <>|.|||1.>|1 ihai then- Is^ii other kWn.-;
Lannln In bonor of Hiss Jessie Hel- remedy itet can
II neel with Hra. tost week oe buslnees.
John Tucker to en tbe sick list.
... Tbaradar. March 1.
Jim Penn, an Indian, (ell (roi
high ronway one day laat week, Injur­ K. O. T H. H. dance at Old Mission Traverse City peopl.-. Call ai \
Friday night. They all report a good
• drug store and ark what
^^^teaded tbe dance here ing biBself Interaally.
customers reiwrt.
Haster Jamee Honon visited bis
Tbe prayer meeUng tfals s-i
sale by all dealers. PrI
S^eZardle baa bees work- uncle, John Nolan, yesterday.
be Thnisday evening at Ibe I
FUsler-Mlll.urn Co.. Unffal...
The I

- •
for bar p^BOiber. Mrs. Bd CarGeorge
sole agents f.o- Hie ni|..-,l; u,,. ....mpinl.m
were ta
Mrs, Ctendler. 8r» 1a very ........
they w
.Iriutly d.-.-ld.-l li
present, but we all b<s>e she will soon
kr Hfa. foe Rroapa
Utos Emma Wetoler to b
The Ladles' Aid of Ogdenaburg will
Dohm Tlaltod febB Warrea Traverse aiy.
meet next week Wednesdav. March T.
John Hiller It
al the borne of Mrs. C«o. Jamieson.
T Obeiing re
returned bere Satur
enlng fur a si
_.jwn. who started to
r Kltnarn -taai been laid up
Ralph UcCluskry. worn
Last Tuesday, about f o'clock a. n..
Tbursday for a (ew days on acenu
It to CharteroU laat occurred the death of Hattie, wife of
aasde Blonaeblne. Her dealt came being slekRalph Hcauskey expects to rui
as a aboct to all, for she was aeemlogirra this year and bas bougbi a
Hat-week h^work for Bart Adame. He -------------" as usual, having been about
tam to l>eg1n with.
during Ibe day and panook
Oscar Nelson, one of our m-lgh.. .
^*Baw ’nSSS' Fked
of-gnlte a hearty supper. She ban
was married last Priday at the ItaiKlsi
raak KilmanT aad Will WUiol___ been ill since laat summer, but no one
mWac (or Bart Adame at Cbarle- ibon^t tbe end was eo near. The ebureb a' Haidelon. May good '
Kb them.
funeral was held from him motber'i
. . Bmon's mill ptanetl up Monnay
Bobert Oartaad came dowa from borne and Intcnnaii la the Isadore
morning after a three days' shut down
raa CItr lait Teeedar wtib a partor repairs.
____ T tor bU tarA We did not learu
tbe deal wae made or Boi.

; I i ^«c'I i ^ *a v'I i T«s'1.1




—The sdeatifie. reconstructed baking industry, whereby
the goodness and nutrition of Biscuit and Oackers
bave been marvelously enhance<L
—The new method of protection by which all dust, dirt
and moisture are completely excluded from the package
and the freshness and goodness of its contents are care­
fully prwesved.
This is the trade mark which appears
in red and white on each endi <of the
package as an absolute pledge both
of the quality of the baking and tbe
purity of the packing.


to s msimn MJwnrui twiy (7 tbs Ntinul Bwml Camfiay.




Wc have been talkini; tjuality and that i< what
we want our business to stand for. But price
is what some people want, and we have goods
to compete with any house in America.
Come ami sec our $S.75 Double Tcaii
ness. Wc DON’T make it.


We arc selling miles of Adrian I'cscing. Sec
it before you buy.


We have some wide tire Siiring Wagoos,
line for sandy roads.

i:;-> STATK ST.






MHa Bella KIIbmitt alleeded lb
dJu^a^Old Mlmloe Prlda/ alehl.

le bMDo el tba Hlaaea Ulliaa and
Hattie IBnapadi cb Prldar ercBlac.
rt# eraaliic wae pHaaaiiUr tpeoi la
- ■ aad malic, after which ttrroahware aerrad. Tbe sneau were
tbe Hlaaea HliiBle Brewa. HHb Dame.
Pearl Dane aad Htome. WUUain
Voloe. Cbarlee ieba. Mwar ’
and UanrtoB JtAaatoa.
HJaa trma »rtlMi waa ptoaeantlj
aurpclaed at bar borne at Bar View
farm one dar this wedt.
Hr. and Hn. Imwrenee Oagaoa and
daackter are vtalUnc felatlrTrareine atr.
Rer. Craae of TmTerte Qty
pled the pelplt In tbe Oonreca
ebarab Bandar.

M|o. Watm of Prankfort U la ti
H Oi|e iBlrPMt or tbe L. O. T. H.
MHi Maude Peck lewrM to L..
tooa Bar tblf week after a rIcK wltb
HHi Uaa Volee left tbie week (or
Graan. wbere ahe wni called br tbo
■Him ot her anal. Hra. Kaah. wbo la
well known here, and her many (rMnda
hope abe aoar be reaioted to bealib
and be peamltled to *Mt them acalo.
Ben. Tneedar. Fab. »U. to Mr. and
Hra. ^ BUack. a acm. .
■>. MePbail and wife retnraed to
Ibclf borne In Trararae Ctty tblf wadt.
WHIIatn Voice look a trip to Bnttone
Bar tbit weak in tbe tnimaat d bU
pouitrj boilneaa. wbHb la prorlnc a

bMb here and In oataMe markeu. ai
« U bopad (bat tbej mar ccBtlnae
pawre a aacceaa.
B. W. Porter apent Taeadar m
Wadbaaday H Trarane aty.
TW Imdiaa' Aid aodatr aerred a


. Renton of tbe Cedar raynp lost
raluabte borne Sunday.
Ibo lAdlce' Aid mielely will moei l
in. Leonard Holliday's Thursday
Harry Grey bad the mUfactune
It oS a anger at tbe shingle mill
Balurday afternoon.
Mr. and Hn. Poster are visiting
tbelr nephew, Leonard Cunnlnghani.
Willie Oran sal np for tbe drst Urn
Sunday morning. Re has been coi
Bned tn the bed for six weeks.
Mrs. Jessie Pbaler Fllxpairlck U tbe home of bor uncle. Prank
HUs Olire Lackey visited her p
ents In Traverse City over Sunday.
Mtss Reiu RoUo visited reiaitves
here last week.
Tbe school held speetol rbeinricsl
terelses last Frldsy afternoon '
vonor of Washington and Uneoln.
Htos Bdlib Mania of Summit aty
has been rtslllng her sister. Mrs. DaVM Hanlgrdd.
Tbe meeting Sunday evening in
Interest of the Anti-Saloon league ....
addressed by Prof. Goodrich of Albkm
esilegc. He u^as listened to by an altenure and nppreraUve nudlenee.
Hr. nod
Jobn Seely nod little
dnngbter of New Wexford spem Suntey wltb Ibe (nmity of Mrs. Prances
nHunpsos. Mrs Stwly and daugbler
' ' remain for s week
se Hisses Plorewee and Vera Rn:MT> of Traverse Oty visited Ibeir
friend, Hiss Nellie Thompson, at
pjace Moodav afternoon,
ra. Addle Gibbs wai In Traverse
CHy last week and attended
Green s lecUire Tbursdsy evening.
Miss Unry Beck of Kingsley, wbo
bOf been spending some lime wUh her
itoier. M'S. August Gran, returned
ome tbe Issl of Ibe week.
Jobn Has and Hr. Arnold of Klngseyww eallen at August Grun> last

$. t Wilt & Sms’ TBI
Bold Hjremcl for Vaara and Knew
Will Cura Catarrh.


In the time specified we expect to move into our new store, but snt tbinfl
to impress upon your mind is that we don’t intend to move any more of our stock than
we can help, so this is what we intend to do for tbt ntut 10 Dayst

8. E. Wall A Sons have given Hyomet a moat Ihorougb and remarkablePar b long time ibry bave of
to refund the money to any p.iirchaser of Ilyomel. If t< fallisl io bene-

Ule will Offer Unbeard of Bargains!

B remedy has made so mstiy
cures among tbelr eosiomrrs that tbe)
urged Its nse in tbe most rhnair
of catarrh.

Our Him is fo make fbis Sale one Cong to be Remembered.
men’s Suits

eoiues u
the Iniu

outfit. It soothes
» m«-ml>raoe of the
mt and lungs, kills the ea
>rms. and restores comidete
_______ Jto healing, antiseptic fraxrante peneiralr* u> ibv most rtinivc
■ passtges, a. on tnedlrtnc taker
the stomach can possiblv do. Iramediate relief almost always folktws
Ibe use of Hyomel. and gri-at l>cnHI<
only It. and e<

■ InbsItT
torket nr
•. a me.lllyuni.i
■r Hyomel can

If this
euie. addliloiial
be obtalncl for
Compare this suan cxpen'-e wiili
rtalrged by speciallsu. aud
r. loo. If Hyomel dot-s no:
E. Walt A Sons wll! reiuro
your mcBity.

Mias Halverson, onr leacher. was
called borne last Tuesday on account
* he- fa’.ber being sick.
Bdd Swanson of this place and Mrs.
Bui Van Derrorl went to Grand Foller of Alden were marrliKj |a>:
RapMs Salnrdsy.
Toeaday In Alden. Tbey returned i.i
Mr. aad Mrs. John Lyle of Hodge tbe home of tbe groom Wednesday
led at Hn. Tbompsoo's Monday.
evening, nrfaere a ieceptiba was held
Tbelr maoy friends wtob them ■ long
Ibm aU CUnt Pray ti


with the latter's pareou. Hr and Mrs
Petersen, last Sunday.

50 Men’s Suits,
Ills. madt;
up in Scotch
and Tweeds,
Tweed! worth
Removal sale i>ri«.e

Our $•’ 50 Men’s Box Calf Shoes in
all sizes. Removal sale price



118 rmt stmt
Trinni 8%


eblMrtn's eteaks
100 Children's Long
Coals, well made and
irimmed, would \>>-. cheap
at $•). Removal price


I-adics’ WrapptTK in dark col- QQa
ors, all sizes. Removal price...
Good heavy Earmers'Suspenders 1 Ors
worth'T5c, Removal price....... X«V,/

inch Granite Cloth in the different
shades, worth Jt»c, Removal Sale
price, per >-ard

Ml'A' S 0\’ERCOATS-Choice of all
ourS12 and Sl-> Overcoats, made
of all wool Kerseys ai ‘Meltons, highly tailored. Removal



... 8.48

118 FiHt Strut




Id pat acae ekUbea oi h
In. rsBce 12srbh
b«aaaior WUUam 8. Ckaadler of
ioaUh W. Laee aad wUe to laaae warce.
' Acmgc s«ciii«l vUl pntaUr be teal- New Hampshire was om dar ffaaatloo- *•- Wtnnk. pa-cci. tee n. town 2T, 0«a ■
_ , _
iBceeaeUwTaiBBavefTeloeelrwblle fucel*.
r * rather h deUghtf.rl
L. BUriu 6 Co., (be UrsMt pouto toe latter was maklag oae of Iboae
AptKdaiment of aoBlanUag eoBBlt.
o"neto^IoV"' It- and bones are
hlcbare as grera. tee.
, bven tB MkUcu. If BM IB tbe eoun- paadoaod riweehea la .be
H-(»«:.■ >mge |a.
^ piaais ar.i
The diaavr and social boor was weff
Ptm WBirtotliiB 1
B» tb» tern trr. arm Mdld B poUio booae vltb - .wbUh made him famoiu la cerkmtarea! ...
^ shrubs arw
Tbe tamers arc Improved.
CBpBcIrr of 70.000 boabeli U lUalaB. - ...
«•»*« eallsd lo enlet »r
etOTBce price of B eeot B baafael * Ttllmaa had been laterrapted aer«*l of roar clotolag.
Doan s Oln-men. -ratbVr
tMr loae cBdoree aSekname of
salh will be doreed temcn wbo
to anaored •"(^ tbr mot- ubsitoai.- cases. Wbj pn>» lag rapiflv.
footer*,* ar* « ipcclal dtepBtrb from
Mv> 14UVB ««0>ar
wlfh to bold ttaci product for hl^er and bluried oul: "Utor. mr friend !*"
‘'".It.both rajojlag o
to tbe cueaeo loier
rattlct aroond la bit toat over Ibrre i
tbr etaiiDd aeailoo of tbeir
to be used la sweep- like a dUturbed graasbopper." ‘Bat
Join eoarretlaii. be:d Ib tbe partor* of
“n:. -6«*ei
Hoar of
Artb Gibbs passr-l tbre
be manafodated
77“- tbe CoBusmial elab. at PonlBod. lb*
a pittofork never blit
^ no bU WB> to O
Ktwdlag pan of fonrib ebapirr <ff
IwB ercanmaoBi i
WbitcbaJl br a eompBBr of WhllebaU
Rhpid* Uoa .
Ibe «olek repir froan Bcaalor Thiir»da>.
8. John
•CBlnat tb* na* of at!
«. Get Dorn,-,
MBcbiBerr U aow befiu; CbaadUr.
D E Wrnkoop was la
Bnng by llw GoBloB scbOOI. ‘la the
iBttalled and a auober of men wtli be
FIT* Me lenloal*. for tbe exdoaire *?**”

tv-s . Pasuires.The Kndaoa boase al LaaalSg will on buUns.
Valenconrt rr(urn<-d hoax- fritnplorod. Seteral taree ordera for
ft-Twet of sve-ett-r. Three acboula
rose to br a bostelrr .Mar t. wbea
CoUectloB 11 1*. ,B Spring Arbor, where be t*<
prodact hare alrcadr
ir propertr U to be divided by the
"k''ii' ill-maBiuii.
surer Lake.
lying. Me expects lo asiirl
celrodIasi rndt> rteiilag abm
bad eratr
aiolto be bcdlt br tbe and at tb* aeaiioB or the r»A.
)oini <nraers. and A. B. Caaterlle. pro­ Ms faiber-lB-law.
rlB-Uw. Alfred Bowers, .u
Tree. 2; Ho
flte i’JensanI Grukv and
reper:cd (bat Sbepard partlei prietor for toe paal dvr years, trill n-- (ho ram toe comlag so
'lager* nrsemMetl ai
John Iloytls. NoatBailngeommHieetepor
Mrs. Gertrude Tripji
>r t^ pniTbaac
Cbrisioitorr Colambas rurllag
toepend the t reniBg.
KX-re atudi of toastJItls Um
» New Tork '
iBada in Chippewa
1 towasbip, on i
d the boiel la ISIT-S aad Bamcu
TillMBe. TUaeoBotnecneotwaafflade
Ore«Bn*a orlelBal enbleBi, be CAIppewB river. wUh tbe lolrnl
it toe OalnmbBS boase. Il was ibcn a
York city, wl
a few dera act. a/ier a aedc of pro- ■£?«
»• iUcinan.e of cure sralcr power for electric ll^itlae
eks> ago 1
frame bulldlag. but K now has a brlrk,. .
c lllnoat I retunu d i« their hum.-., r^n’tog**'
•»“*»“ Brafcri.
traeted eodfervecM OetwM tbe re^
appropriate aad btetorleaH/ for Sbepard.
.................hU rather.
from and ba. beea maodeled aumer I
' canaei. be e
o tbe iDdtmrtoua
panx-hlal sehnni U to lie n
> Htlxena of (h. r
time*. Il never bad baths la coo-: K.bsJ
and a building
rrof lB>o>lrailoa.Rob.
fieeerol News.
“M.v child was burned torriblr
* aobrlquef.
nec'lun wito the rJe*t*'
SeenUTT Tan baa agn-cd lo drllrcr
ever, aad ihU was one of the reaion.
Cliy »,
acriea «f toor Iceiores In tbe Dodge
oo moliai of Too ttl^anloo.
why to* laie Coventor Pingree wanted
ta tta babdlloc of tbe iDiaHenat
er. J1. o c
aacteurf of tbe iierelomDeci leaene. aerlea before Yale ualrertHr neii
toe capUM moved to De-roK. and why
irill. tiibo|n4.|Ml*ettb*l•aetaal^or■
wbo Mid tbal aerhnia bam bad beaa April. HU tabieei will be -Tbe Re«lIBaf MMi tbe mm of tblerea and
for him to bring a
daae br. tbe fndlMTlainat* aac of tbe tpenalbllliJet of atizenablp.*
la Ibet mtT OG (ba aiuothotol.

.adcr.-s. un tb<- prinary '
portabte bethiub. The lack of bathing aca. in a bold.
tenai “Webfoot" and "Webfootee;*
Ur. and Ure. 1
OrrlB Stelnberger. a treti-kaowa|
It la to line that tbouaaodi of dollara bad been dlteamons an li ^ flondav Sebool Co'<va<«tU*.
UtWvi^ou by switbI
ffccflities lo lABsIng was commented Mr*. VU
Monroe Crater
Reporv of ____
toe _______
lid poikT of
artlft of Urbena. 0., has lived all win
by Itoston stboul. ‘kletary U _
upon by Hr. Plngm la one of hli met-, called
In KlagaJey
tiun of ifav L/ag
------ - ----------m----rf .Tuesdaj
nUy .
(be lop of a BajeaUc oak
ippUcaUoo of a alckaaiDC Intended
•ages lo tbe legIsUturr Martin Hud
Friday. March IS. 1« the dale of sn- Sunday Sefcou] aaoiulion. bWd al I
A* "iv llw U. Otehlla ailll u-tog
oortr tbe Idm (bat UrecDo's rll- for bis beallh. HU faeme. Caap Aloft •OB was oBe of too laler proprietors other of J. H. Uoeroe s faamis danow LuDIca Feb. (7. IW16:
BbSCBI, Ret Holupie gave SOB.-«r«.d
He Inrilea vveryunc > come aad haw
wllboot a roof aad be has il
it Preatdeoi P«Hm» from hU tuple. -My daty u a
roma Bada for tba beaefit of tbe toaad be left tbe property to bU daugh-.
Mr». PluiiiinK by vlngtoK No «t. "Any charch member D fset, tbe
braved and eajored the caroea of
of whom is Mrs. Casirrtla.
e Is re(>alrl8g Csse A Crotwas less a
t- wirh Je«u.,H7, Itl. S’J.I
Tlie Home departmeni Was «el! eseteBCBte.
The erecUon of an It
n lennlwife of the U« proprietor. The other
mil!. Henry
U as- “S A*-* " '
- pistoed aad diecaaeed. it ootv ibsit
et states of tbe Union.
aal WBB oae of tbe lefona* plai
atlng blm
The dir of Odense, where Hans half lalerest came into the poasesslaa
be aucalad a* Boon as ptmlWe.
H. SevgmUier was a Traverse City,FtoJ't «■> offend by II
Next eanvenlloe to be beM al Luae
ChristUa Andcrecn was bora April 2, of James J. Baird. Not only Caveraor calUr
■•MO !■ Ptsb's aieosaeb.
‘ Aa (he sap< rtotcndra(
«tuia a deaaa ar BoraiBlDor I
M pres- Tree. Hay to. IM.
While deenlu* a tsclc tbe other dar IMS. has pnrehased bU borne for ibe Piagree. bai amay oiber leedlnc poll
Traverse aiyicd'. Mr Drake'gave a
dbaetlr Bteetlnc tba traaliaeiit sad Incordial^
We bad uur new rosmy Sunday
Knd tvame of Plaliifteid. N. i. fonnd pnrpote of transfomlng it Into aa An­
t*“t------welcome---(I — -vhlch w
licUas made the hotel their b<-adquar. yesterday
ipocded achuul president with us for-tbe flrvt
BpaeUoa of tba ImBlennlt os> tbe la- la Its atosiseb a amall bottle tecureSr
He srem> a wotoer sefl Is a
taad. wm made, la all of wblcb tbe eorked, ean a dispatch to tbe Kew
icrs and It has been- ihc scene of great
friends to Tcaverec Clly.
iruiiurrlon of couBly i^esldeai.
i werkr- aBd (he asvwiailon appreeocamiatloiMr waa aappertad by Oobj- Tork Tritrjoe. laaMe sras (be follow- served oB>eet.<> asaoclated wilh Oen- featirltles. Plans are being pcrferled
There was a g-jod aiivnoanee at ibe
iislnc V! rUt> V It. and by God'i help will uiptaarP
■iMloaerOimral Bameat and tbrooeb lat meetaie on a piece of writlai por
Increase toe
Washtocten birthday danre giten by
.('hat v.i|i ihoi- have me to do to ' Pdf Mm.
bba b7 tte pwalilaat hUaaMt. abo baa per: -nTioeTer gets tbia note will
Tbe duke of Abntzl, coosln of
J- H. Monroe last Thursday evening. toe SabUiH •whooly bv Re,
R K.'
Tbe Hotel Downey
to, R
Robert Barney. Prealient.
■nittld tba >iaaie dear rule to tbe fer a favor br repirlog to the uaderking of Italr. hat
telpful and I
F»,rd I^otog. Sreretarr.
aid. have two stories added, an-l Lemds came from ShermsA Wexford Hotsaple. who ga.
Bm*. womeaaad cblUrcn wbo dock to Bigiicd. llarrr Uaranc. Uarcate. PrlBci
and Traverse City. aImui sixty nnmIt for n voyage of exploralloa local arcbltects are making plam for
bere we-i. ,o'd
thaw abona tna rntj eoener of tbe Bdsrard Itlaad. Canada. Jaa- 4.
Imo the bearl of Africa. He baa been
elgbl-atery faoalelry. but they r
Tbe bottle was almott as Urge at tot
lime on the branch. The nooa train
that tbe BrliUh and French tuse to divulge toe names fo the .nr
amelt-t moetb. in oioeteei dart It bad
going south Is earlier.
eat ondaU will asaltt blm In sons wbo proptme boiUlBg li.
tiaeeM a iboataiid bUb.
MIm Unilsc Rollo rwu
iaatam oad of Ellla laUad, with tneks
day from Traverse Cllyit AMcn.
Tbe following lener from Mrs. Wm.
Btatlstke compUed br aolbottlea oo
T. Hill (nee Lucy Seegmllleri. wbo.
aUn ralnltlry of eduHlion the traalees
tbe eoadlttoa of tbe deef end dumb la
Ler husband,
Hercham*- bank was orsanired
of Columbia unlTenliy have appolmcd
thU coontir preeral one algntoraat
• - -Hill's ivlatlves to
last aUfat. Cbaria H. Ooy being Engli
Dr. Herataan Schomacber. professor of,
feet tn rcffird to tbe
regaining her
reatlon of tbe big osda concened. - •
polllieal economy In toe Ualverslty of elected preeideat. Leonard Armstroag.
- •
- - of <
wblcb pbiced before O
. .
srhile____ __________ Bean, to be honorary professor In Co­ Wee preaiden'. aad the Hon. D. n
ITatcliom a ptoteat acalaat a gaacral dvrired of toe power of tpt^ have lombia unlvcnily for the year l«0C-7.
Orialt cashier The bank Is a prirale
Hun.tanton, KngUnd. Feb. 7. IIM
tenalaal oa-BBto Mand.
been eoogbt In marriage br mm wboee
To (be friendv of Kingsley—W,
Ocn. Henry B. Tremaln. the ncwly hank tacorporaied under ibe tislolra
Ived to Liverpool. England. Ocl. :
OoaninlsakRier Waicbom'a Idea la Sve eentea srere nnlmpelred onlr a few
aad baa an ample worktog capital. Th*elecied president of the reput
kariai a temlDal at bit right band. wooieo wboae loncnea were In good
U It srera. was to hare In tbe palms working order bare eonaenttd lo lie club of Kew Tork clly. baa n splendid backers of the projeetflare tbe best haggage was claimed and paasetl by!
customs officers. Bv toe noise anJ|
vednn•r bla two haada tbe care aad leapoamea srho could net bear
confusioo to the cusiom ruoins o
^bUllr of tbe iDmlcraat from tbe motrar and rose to be a brevet brigadier the eoofldenee of erery one.
could hardly rvelise It as Suudi
. "Meat be pasted tbe latpeeton until he
geaeral In IgCS.
. .
'• day <rf
of reM. Hoodr..ds of |>
FrinUxI bj pennissioo.
Badsd aanuc hit fHenda. a teraloal
fonnders of the Qraad Army of toe Re­
Cendeneed Talegrama.
Idc Joi'ltns e
olhir In ihclr eexr
«B tbe Mand weaU Mra ctren bis attianal and lltiealng powera of tbe public In New York slate and always
Washington. Feb. 22.—The foreign lor liaggag.'
|Ma coDpleU map aad rosponalbilltr. aexet. Wbetber or not these
Shnrit. of cHKrorn offlreei *ti<l
namerce of to* Vnlied Stales
has been acllve in politics.
drirei-s was altuosi d
M tbe mada havlac a ftxed .actee- obaerratlona contala an expU
■ven BKiotot of (be fiscal years
n. C. Lehmaan. tbe Bngllfh )oura*l
■leat wttb tba ceren
r Jcjuroey;
ist and oarsman, wbo Is well known la II.T$2.4*USO. brcoldag alt recordstmailnanta frao Kew Tork to cbeTr
lad of tliej
The Increase to tmportalioos
the Vniled Stales. U a member of the chiefly tn tnatcrlals aad mauufsr
•eMaadoB offered a reaaoaahle compnodae. tbe ereetlee of aepente Imparliament.
IV eacti ned eanriclurcd prodncit.
Strtlh. or Market Harborough. division
Uon of toe ship. The follow-lng a
of Leicestershire la tbe liberal
rost orr
maided the train on toe MidBalllo Crock, MJeh.. Feb. 2S —Two
aorea ore aimpir tbe dried Bower
Tba .i^aaMBtatlTw paeacatsd tcaMr. Lehmann, wbo coached tbe
MetMt ebleetloea to a ceneeal tennl- bada of a brooUrol evergreen tree
fanndred Foresters have gathered in day read
a«b" Omnlaelooer Waicben told a crowing nacorallr oo tbe fipiee Utaada. Harrard rarrily crew some yars ago.
inllv welcutned by Mr. Hill's
rieBBlal eonrenilon.
Secretary- were beanilv
critic and man of lettert la the
t^orttr. “aad aigreed to erect temiaal Three Bow« bada are gatoeted wbea
aside resort of 2.
French of Grand Rapids criticlxed the
wlntOr, Which n.
e of tbe toay tave become of a bright red and best aeasc of Ibe term.
work of Chief Ranger MacDonald, ay- ly doubles itself In the summer,
ate Jnat on the point of opening. Tbe
Tbomaa Bgrt wbo baa been recent' comtw from tbe rtaembUnre of ly retaraod to the bouse of eommoas. lag he speai t«o much mtmey with a sbori walk across the gn*-n and
------------------------ id.tte7bareglTdown
»-e are on the
. ropand eplra to amall nails, from
•a Be tbad word that tber wlll-tbe
to work aa a tranocr boy la a
A soUd Hone wall o- cliff ol
« wlU bt nwar from tbe
Suite 4ia 414 Wlhelm Blk.
TraveraeCUy, Mich.
colUery la Haxewell. to Dartsm. at
•10 fret high exiendv along the
^a of tbe
• very beavUg cbaigcd with a pnnIda 10 unseat hlm.
1 for nearly a mile. Ii is romposerl
it. aerW. voUliU oil. aa reach a* -Ji. pracUeally » eenlt a day. -My home
rre kinds of M^ne, large ph-ees
three mlleK from toe pli.
per cent sntneUmra being exlracleJ.
' Can'i limk well. <al veil IW fec-l well
Tbla oil U raliable for flavoring and be aid 1a a chapter of auioblograpb
with impun- bhio-J feeding your iHKly.
aerating pinpoa*e and has a lliniled
'I bad to get up at Keep toe liloral pure with Burdrwk
fleld la raedlriae. bat toe baUt of "001
to Ibe nronitog to walk tbe dlsunce Rkind Billers. Eat simple. Uke i-sei.
Ing clovca.- in whkto yoong fwta and
ad the work sra* so bard dorlag tbe else, keep clean and you will have lorg
tooo^ oU ooee Indulge. U retr rapday that I may really ay that I speiu

Bit TMalnala WiU Be Built For
Imalcram* Bschi^Tdr.

*r- ssn,'


«.»un, « tt.

,M a. SSS “,K................

—....... .


He Star oflieik:

And team what we are
doing for others

a s:..pu*;s

Long I,ake. Mich. Dec. I. Ill
1 have for yt^rs been troubled with Headai
Nervousne.ss_id Poor Vision.
Septemltcr1 1con----- ----suited Dr. Paulson, who prescribed a
8 pair of Riasses,
which have entirely
^ cured
2urcd my headaches and 1nervousand ««YCD me perfect reading and distant vision.
Mi'b ti.s!K F
, Long
Lake. Mich.

Why buffer While Othersare Being Cured



BR P. i WOlFf, Prapr. DR R L PiUlSOI, blistlit

drag, becoming la a

a an In-

ea haunted by
kweat erintlaaU bnaoee of tbe I
wtm of iBBlgraat irelna. Several ha3. Westen. of Oxford «• innly, Statue,
Mae tefBBa l«irt airsady beaa made,
Ing slory rK a neigb.
^t riwnmlBliBer Watriun win not
her of hU who bad tbe mlsforlimr lo
V aatlaflad aatU tba Immlgiaiioo an
from a seaffoM la bU barn and
.•oritlB at .New Tork have fnll eootrol
fnetore aer«til riba.
■af tbe attaatioe from tbe moment toe
tad ledtoils illaea ba
temlgnnt U tamed om to tbe traaawas able to sralk-aronnd. and be
ForilBg road aatll be
^Btcd to abow a friend bow be met
with tbe acrldeak niry went to tbe
hero, and be taboriooaly cllmbril to
partefl at ooee. aad aoBe ef tbe roads
tbe scaffold.
Un atreedy drawn pUoa for tbeae
-I waa auadlag right here, aad
•trictnrea. They will cost eoHectlrely
M Ibaa 11.000000. Tbe roads didag ttarted to cross, at Juri this ,dai*"
Om Uiflaei baalnraa with tba •oron- O' “M- “and when l pat my foot ea
Ibis boerd. down I wrml. and—bellltj
BWt an to* PenatylTaBia. tbe Kew
bUiea. here I go again.*
Tork ObMI. toe Lacka wanes, tbe
It la netdiea to ay toll tbe -last
Few Untr Omtrai aad to* BaltimM*
aad Ohio. Tba PaanaytraBla and tot State of that aua was wora tbaa tba
■yit*Ba cocaecilag with lU Btin II
*M the balk of immlcraala. beoaa
tally 10 per eaet of toa ttBBlgnnts a
btate Nawt.
•a la WBIBU towns or eltUa. T«
Pngaley * Daffleld hare ciubllsbed
lACkawanaa oairiB that portiaa wtaidi.
brick yard near Suamer. Oratio
by MtBBi twd. settUa la coal Blaiag
Tba BaltiBore aad Otrio. wito county.
Ba ktaacfc ayaUma thni«h tha bard
The Graad BapMa Fell BixM Co. has
Ml taonaty. caxtlB tooataada b
lerroaed fta eapUal stock from lioo.
^ NflUa. and far an et tha rotdi....

Tba BaltlBaro and Ohio, tot lACkambw and tba New Taney OMttal will
Fallfl thair teaalaaU 0. tta Janey Md*
«.tha bay. Tba PaantytTaaU com.
^ Ut mUafl tta pUaa for lu Uff
ttmlaal e. tta apper w«t Mtot

. -xapat
i» of attedou made by
‘ a ^ naw tcraslaaU


fkal Estau Trsntfers.
K. Rols'ns to tlnlversallM Ites-irt
Professor Koeb U said to have de­ Amo, lot in, block 2, Ncabiawaat*
rided to apply the Nobel pritc receni
A. l■••Ilvn>au to Itoiversalbt Rely awarded to him to the publication
kit :
2. Ni-ablacomplete cdltioa of his sclenUfl; woDU Ra-aori.
Huekiey A Douglas I.Aimlv.-r Cn. lo
lieblgan Trust Co, iruslee. |mre<'lK.
Russell Sage wa* ireeatly
Huch F Hendrick lo Jam.-* H. R.
pruaehed by a reiwrter who bad been
Illler and wife. sw>4 of swt,.
aaigaed to collect optoloo* oa a prob
.wn 27. range !■:.
lem which toe financier named la be
Mar, M. Kras I.. Alton F
llevcd to have solve*. The newspapei
am-l-.. Oak Hbights.
Etosi itoy LumU-r Co. 10 tt'm. Mlirhbetmn: "How much ddc* It roe:
II. pireclv. M-e. I*, town 27. rang.- 11.
»c to New York-------“ when Ihc
Ruben Rani and wife to Jn<>. Bans,
old maa broke la with the rv- ti Imerat of
of a^ of scS. r
martt. “A mile more than you make.' 34. town 24. range 12.
Julia Chsppel to Rulw-rt Bana. ei
Marion Crawford. Count Soderlnl
nH of set*. »oe, 3C. low-n 26. range
and Profeaeor ClcBien;l are al work on
Joo Ban* aad wife i<> Robert Uai
ate of Pope Leo Xfll to fill four vol■e*. They peoecu a great many un- 36. town 26. range IL
Leo him- , Edward Cbappel. gda, to Robert
•eU fisy* to Count gaderial tor toll ^nt, et ab ato of seto- «

to interest of *to of Bto of *eto. «

How/You Can Plow More Land
In Less Time and With Fewer Horses.





Two NinioB OHror Pli





purpMe. It Is aaJd (bat (he work ‘will
Mlefalgsn ■TruM Ca to Jae Svec. uto
pot an altagetoer differeat face oe the of swto. see. .7. town 25. range 1*.
Paul Bayer, to Cyn'bla A fail,-.
relailoa ot toe last iwo popes 10
I ato ef swto. sec. 21. town
qaestlOB of Italiaa unliy.'

Helea Keller, whose earerr ha* bw-a
watched for e ilerade all over the clvillied world, haa broken down umlei
Aboul 1M,IIM,0IW feet otiofls are belie aevere strain of her siudirs anr.
* cal by opedators la ODioaagtm
her efforts sUee leavlag college to be­
county thU wlatcr.
half of the daf and blind. The doertaea aen of OoblcrUle hare
aay that it win powUbly be monto.
oneaalxed an asseeUllon lo further the
before she win i>e able agato' to uadcrlaterestt of tbe Riwa.
lakc liie work abc has mapped oul tor
Wat Braacb ba* foraied a Boi
f to behalf ot her fellow saf.
; Hee-s Astoclailoa (0 aid in toe ladiisferert. Il Is said tbal she Is now men­
Iritl growth ef the town.
tally alert and ehewfuj. but reallxes
Il U unofflclaJly repodled toat ththe ceeesalty of absolute rest
Ekyptiaa Cemeot Co'a plaai at
E fipcer of Fori ffmlto. say*
loa will resame DperoUoBt.r
while Ibe average Arkaaaaa clilaen u
Tbe 800 branch of the Cheboygan fitmd aatnred and slow to wraib. iherc
Boiler Work* ti aow tnralag oul work Is oae alory which Is lure to make hire
for the big dredge} at the Soo. T
fight. It Is about tba susager who got
eompxnv i« making an effort (0 teev
off at toe lll'Ie Arkaaras town aad I

"M. to »|gs.noo.


ny whole time absoIuiWy
rork and sleep."

Alice C Odbv to Re-o C. O.ll-,. to
intereet In !•>' 3. bloeK S. H., L A Co.v
3rd. •


Stic B Mouroe to TTir p-nlCf.. lots 1C am 17. 11 -ri.

rred Cggll
. and wife to Roardman R'vr- Elec-rir Ught « Power
C6. parcel, sec. 3t. town
n 2T.
27. raegtn
rasay B and Henry UDukt
Mrs. EUabeib P. White, aeto
aage n.


to of M-to. a.

Clasde "•ilser to bc'ave


UITE A NUMBER OE HERALD SUBSCRIBERS have j.led il ,he^ premM iiim oITvr ol Iho Herald and Farm and Fireaide cannot be extended lor a
.hort time, and tre are glad to aonounce that we have made mitiilaetory arrange­
ments with the-publisher, ol Farm and Fireside aod arc therelore able to contione
this offer for the prew:nt.


. at 11 will be impoulMe
Hannai. Lay A Co., re B. Stoifound a gatberiug of
I berger. parcel. H.. L. A Co.'s if'b.
get lb* marine sork completed for to# pUce la the pv.bllc aqaare
upeniag cf narigatloa.
fBlagooherer be naked. “U It a fair y5!“^'‘
The UleUgaa Tea Rask Co. will
propoaltkm by toe Lou _ or a celebration of sotue kind?"
Swedish American Ceioeten
flreei a brick ediitoe to ii, faetoey
Brfiramm company of Aiiegbeay. Pa. 'Nope." aid a neideai. ‘ 'tala't ,*«, Atsoeitiion to Otof August Ketoon.
ai Rosaart thU aprlag to accommodate
to er.w: a nlilais puni raido.'lBB toll Jadge Brown's ena Is |J yean old parrel, sre. id, town 2*. r
(SCO H. rnwi and wife
twiany-flvc pifsoas ai Ml. PUaant on I day aad toey are going to eatrti him
Winnie, psrrelf. res*. 22 a

The time, however, will have to be somewhat limited, and we would ask thow
tvhodesiie to avan themselves ol this oiler to make remittance at as early a date
as possibie.
Please bear this in miod that every Herald subscriber wbo has paid for tbe Her­
ald m full to Jan. 1.1907 will receive Farm and Fireside one year absolutely free.

OoTcmer Warner aad Aadltor Oea-!,
era] and Mrs. Bradley were gacfU at
the Ha*«^ ncuttata •: Ciarlorte.
Un. H. K. dpaer. wtr* at a tam­ VnUg* taarabtl Jeoepb Bmllh <
Hew |1U.0M^ Wat Mddi er, ber Infant wbote dnUi ww tloeli Waya* eelaed two tk-t ma '
From Tbm BwtcU
OO. taneoiu witb that of tbc asotber. and a taashed them with aaA*.
danfbtar. Eliwbeib. a«ed 18. PUilIp
Bpaee. father-lD-lav of tbe dneewed
Turn OF FOTIBDIO lU0IltE. woman, died 0BI7 three week* *«l.
Un. gpace aad the lafanc tiled
w^«*dar. *11-) on Tbariiaj th<
dasfEbiPr died of meule* which tierelcped teu> peesmoalA She was e
■leaocrdpber In tbe empler of a LsntiMMlau W Ctaontr Ww* mu*. 1 gin* maantaetsrin* eoaeem aod weai
Tbe bowtl of tas awwsen of AOe- \only a week ago. The amiebot.
pbroy eooBtr In Pean^lraal. pitf- « ‘*>0 M'l/ doeo net cod with there
peon to dear the nystny that bw tlMtb*. w tbe oeren remalr*—
bltberto earelopwl tbe ewat* of the
a sericmi conditkm.
lot* Cbarta* Lodbaft of PUtabor*.,
wblcb I* new said to amoupC to 8180.-; ^=—


tb* «MMrooi Stnmpt et FhM*oa to gtUa tbe cbartot ot d>» n.
BrtTinc tm w*r tfe* cutb. te wt dit
MKafea «• Si«^ «fM op MU. iMd*
UtM > MMt ud tdukmd tbe aUu
« tiM athluiliM Aad meaMXna an
Mill b«nU«. dtted «p MW
bp fMMtp, 0i» rut AfrtMB «WCR
pM •EiM. m nuopiw bw M tMu
•bKleebMwabtoMlB. AaJwkCtd*
wgold nr. tbcr *ara «Ur* to (bit
MlnUfrlL’And FtaMbea-o ova nd Cato i*
neoMcattd br ■ BOBODSit more lattthan Man PM *bn bo «a« bmlad down •» Iba tint Brtdma-<ba
noMn Po-br wrafttal Jopitn Ut
Utm. tbaau daa(MMs. or Hdt '
«q>t bmn tnn Aad ao te K
•Ddt lb iitlp ehan««d Ibm Into p
tree* and Mr tnn Into aobtr.
*IW tnia of tb* Rdiadn art imafcn •odead to tb* Ptndant of tb* Uf*
a( tb* paat (or ta tbn aia pranwd
ta tb* •*« p«rf*(t *ta(* lancti of
■aor *|i*M. Asster I* oatsr*'* *of
balm**. Obe* barted ta It* pnantiip
■■trtx an attaale bodj I* ptewr
Ret* ta

d dtaaead bMtta* ta Om nat i«p
Mbt»af puaatiaUflti.
A BMnt at ea* of oar tint nalTar
ottta* (*e* Hatad. oo tb* aatbeiigr of
We weetBRa la tb* imlrcraltr
OMUB. that aa taaect nnallr bad '
or foor taw and aoear laor* (bib flV*.
Bat tb* bMcU ia aaber bar* tbalr
wooer eoiwtaD*at of tlx. Tb* r*la-

DMW CM* pwoMap tb* *B»U*r
onaM daWw at
tW war* ttaasarirt* *ataee*d aad prfctii far tb*
Bo-'et a* «arloW at fotoro
* eaediNd aiatdWv Ua Banr
•m cOattM laaebad-tt* octw aad atack taab <b* wOar

•me MU Mb tb* r*^ attau at lb*
aartb. It ta ota* a Batten of dMA
.iu pr**irt*T of tboM dellHta parts
aP tbaptaat not often (mod otbar '
llbn an Wa pMata. tbe atamena.
pbe dtabta o( poltaB. Haro, ajala

tb* aalHe enta. ttawdaUr ba-

m BOOeectaoM *n «ald ta b* anftarad tbw* In tbt anreb ter anber.
■ad la fWoeabW muoo* tber wUl
•Mbar (row &000 to AOOO boadted'HalWt AetamtaBBreattwoolotba
Mbor satbiratB. f« U vaWca tba owfeareet a( Wa dISi oad lueora ttaloBt
•(Won. iBBaglaadasteUplcbd
am atone (b* eenna of Xorfak aad Be

LoeldMRdtodo Jan. SS, lOtB. Mtrlap a will la
be divided tbe bdk
no two oow. J. U.
fit bb
totataan and Jttan U. tneklnn. and
two daapbtaiB. Un. Jotm B. UrCoa*
and Un. Ucary l*« Uaaoo. To bi*
other <*»d, Mn. WUUam S. flower,
wbe narrtad a yonnp dentist apalnst
tb* wltaM* of bar fatally, b* left only
tbe inego* «< •aObOta. Tbe srIU was
drawn In toch abap* tbat It ww not
oecewsrr to dlralpe tb* riloe ot tbo
nut*, wbldi ww abMoaced to tw lie.

tw««n pioogofioo aad |is.(no,ocia B»

bad been fXitiiilaHy rated at between
>300,000.000 aad WOgOPOWh
It ta *ald that Un. newer wUI reopen
bar eontni ot tbe will OiebadnttUtal
berr*»e(er«4TUXI0*BdaIlfe tntanat
ta PUOOOOn oB tbe tnsta ot tbe estate
Mbic wartt HOAtaOm. It now derriop* tbat (b* katate It wasth neonr
>300.000.000 than fio.ooaooa and ber
ttonieys ar* preparing to return thi
aa* and demand a more liberal •ettk-.
Secrecy bw baaa'tb* keyaoi
IxKUart family. Cbarle*
lie, aad tbta* wbo knew him rr*ie^
IS doc to
bta crarlDf for ptlracy.
■ labaHtad datara f
Un. (Town ww able
wKb Mr broth
Uiau were proilded by brr fatber'i wIlL
Kras tb* naaen* on which ber toll
wonu te haatd wen not made pabuc.
tat tt ww altapad tbat bw father bad
left at taaat «X)0,Oor— ~
vt*w at tbta ww
log public tb* T*lM of tbe e*Ule. and
to arold tbta tb* other fonr bcin ucri.
MM MBOdNO *adL Tbta. with tb*
MOOAOO ttost find and >800.000 ewb
left to each of tb* dUUrea. pretamaUI
to tide tbam orw aaUl lb* esut* coal
b* aatUad. •*** Ura. Plowar >l.TOO.Ooa
With tbta ab* ww eootait to abandon
tbe ceataM. Now tbe board of aax
an bw daeUnad to accept tbe bein'
tlmat* of tao* tbaa >10.00aooo and bav*
Md tbe stntwieot to tbam to b*
> to. Tbe anrasors beltata tbe aa
tata I* worth >ltaMXI0.fKn.
Ur. Lockhart ww a man of almple
boteoItiiiMtaftw. Wbitahebadan
able tatast for making money, b*
iderolaaof art ItUaahlbeww
r the fkw Flttaborc atao of wealth
bad not at aom* tlae or auotLer
Man Impnawl open srltb a erode copy,
Be ww ebtrUable. tat ww afraU <g
ppaartag ewtaaona. It Is told


on* has only to ritll the slldioc
•calc. get-all-you«aa-p'.an piano
aiorc. “The prlc* of tbta piano
If $100. BITT B«NC irs YOU
ni let you bate It for MOO.”
Tbta Is imly one of the rook
argnmenU -or the alidlng-neal*
piano house, but It ta tuirielent
to Indicate the mirth prodoelag
effect of the comic opera plane

niiiLi on PRICE pun
We do not overstate tbo Irulb
when we *ay that wo arc the
bouse in Aoerlea, we are not
aure now that there are any olbera An^rar. our plan and guar­
antee 1* your best safoRuard.
You get at our siorea Iho exact
piano raise that you pay for.
All pianos marked In plain fignrc* hwed on cost of factorr
prodoctlun ami nnl on the wbatwe-migbl-get plan.

Pactory dislrlbulora ot Kim­
ball Plano* with Interior Play­
er*. Kimball Cabinet Piano-Playera, and Kimball Pipe and Reed
Organs for eburch and home.

OaSsiRIPqml Fin Vain
PIni Rqlii Eli)

Totbaanetania amber ww aoaMtblaf
at a avaucr. abuta onbaand Ui faaeidatlao. Tba aaSk of tb* pfaUoKifdwr' Ubiitlai to taailty Ur. Lockbart
wtan drat abnatrad ita *l*etrleal pree-' wouU pwtap* pot bl* name down for
mtj to not known, bet tbta ww d*- >S0. Than tb* rniamme* woold Mek
oerlbad te abatan of HUetaa. Anbw Ura. Lockhart to ••eim ber mite.
ww known la tb* tba* at naaxr. for
t OTcr tbe list Ura. Lockbart
awoec tb* •Jewel*
^ oOand te
..~-ie to tbc Item. “Cbarle* Lock■ II
qweo of^ ww ban. >60.” “There ta Kwe mtataks
a mm *«»•«• bang with bits at am- baw." Un. Lockbart woold *ay. “Ur
hM. la Bern ta tb* time of Pliny It Lockbart moaot >500. not >S0. 1 will
u* at saBi ispat* tbat tbta writer epmet il“ Tbes aba would wbacifbe
PBMsttaalta cibawTSi that tbe price of her -mite,- probably *3so. tVbni tlw
a small ai*w Agar*, howerer dtalno- itat ww retuned to Ur. Lockbart for
tire, exceed*,that o( a taatUpataTa. | Me two aiharrlfllw be woold
m M aa oraameaL do pretst. tat with a amlle. draw bta
pWMb*l or olbcrwtaA rarlota peenUar dwek for >TSa
•tatBM war* attrftatad to amber. To
Ur. Lodtbarf* groat fortune grew
«M>» again tbat dlUgnnt coUecter M from Me ptmMa** of tbi«* itomta of
--------a aM Matt of tb* knowledge nr erode
- hat a collar of
>t lb* neck* of
erasrtsMFsnajredioprvi*Bi thrir
prang lafMt* ta a atagnlar prerara_______
WtMB ***(0 yean
old be went I
tire to them tgalnet arasot petaea and Ur* wlM fata ancle, a OMretaDl at Gar>
a eoimureham few wUMenft and ttaetown. a Scotch neaport lalSSStbe
Mccoetaa.- It ww atao, Ma aa^aa- lorkharu amlgraied to the VUled
tairtty tBfirm* ns. colotod to imitati Btatea. Cbarte* Lockbart camp to
Pittatarg. (wrarlng emplayaent with


ty. from which the UcCully

This srcal Kllinf ev.m invokes the remainder of our entire slock of Ladies' Misses' and Children's reidy-lo-wear
sarmcQis. ^Reductions oUhe most seeping character have been made in order to quickly dispose of every

48 Ladles’ Long Winter Coats $ IT
were $ 10.00, $ 12.50 and $ 15.00, now go as
Bargain Beckoners at..............................................
The best Ladies’ garments in the store (not including I-'ur) are Bargain Beckoneri at J7.50.
^Barga^ Bcck^^^* r

Hare. Blended Coney. Brook Mink, G-hincbii a, hn. Ermine. Isabella, Con•^'"'‘""J^Scarfs that were $l.oO.$f. $2.25 and $2.50, choice of all, ggj

Other Fur Scarfs. Muffs and Childrens Fur Setts go at a third to a half olT regular prices

Ladies-$10 and $12 Skirts

are Bargain Beckoners at...................

$6 95

Ladies'$4.60 and $5 Skirts

are Bargain Beckoners at...................

<to /IC




Young Men’s Overcoats
ages 12 to 1C vrs. worth $4;60 to $5, are O KO
Bargain Beckoners at.............................. .. «*Ov


j Men's Long Covert Coats

Men’s Pants



Men's Suits

...... 13.60
Men’s Pants

Men's Suits


'**oa.ofe iPgivo.


33 Ladles', MIssbs’and Chlldran's Long Cloaks rasBaSfB“LferraT S2.5Q

"tsic U Otehlvw. ra Ih. iU.
ot l>oeKl«. A n ISrtf. 10 l-'l.T 3: o'
a.irtrs* a.ui p*(T e«. I,r
ul ib> n..i.

i, O. _.t«»:um.v.r.
aa,.. V^“ »“• 'itv.' •'

toward forming a Bualneas Urn s a.•octal ion. w tbat Me maoy may ct

To Force a Quick Clearance of All Winter Garments

Boys' Reefers


M tbc force aad a

Prices on all Wint^ G^oda will be Cut Unmercifully. Beginning Saturday
Morning, March 2nd, and continuing for Thirteen Busineas Days. untf| the
Evening of March 16th. we will sell all remaining Winter Goadsh-thousand^^
dollars’ worth of this season’s Newest. Choicest Merchandise>-at a Mere Fraction of the «»riginal Cost. No one Can Afford to Stay Away.' m
m” «

To clear the deck of every Overcoftt, we offer what are left at sensational reductions

1 partbaglalaas aM rbocol- hart pt
...a *1
“__ ■_________■
.1__ ___'
ctaa* to BagUnd and
aalt wui.
Ike aoeUl derMepmeui at Me Britnaa, j J85>-untU
MMBtar Mew Meoaetaan-tfodera to 1 gtodocer.
Hntancraof tb* Beltlc and promoted ; After tb* dtacorery of oil at OU cteek
eMtaaiMm of Me tribra dwelling In 18» by Colonel Drake. lAckbart ln»-silsw h«Wri Wo ln.iU»t.vl l,
Merc. Tb 'Ata are dor tbe numeroos teat a rcpnaraitatlv* t
■adaarorai* and RoBaacolMW well MM. miUpa, .i'rew .
M of broMM iBatTOBMOta met with gsntaed, LoMhart being.
there. Aa *«uM Me derelopmeDi of Uarch. IMO, oU ww itruck,
BHtadte bare net baa shed in rain.
th^ iM tagn M Uaia a grwt». Hit Vttt ta Eot^ with s^'ples
ber aceklng expadltta* ww *rat from oode aad raRoed petroieam and open- <d’rraerawiMr, iihstbna* -or > lie-VeerBorne to Mn More* at tb# Baltic, erra ad np Me Boropea market fw AaieriMen imowmd tor Me rtabneas o( Its Cnnea
Ml woe Me gntb- I
tbe aune year LoMtatt.
dbaMtoMatm- eft. butt Me drat reflaacy la PllUfcrfal city 1
----- m 0- War• Pronal 1
______________________________ ________________
t*U of Mora, bat pettaapoa not nnStttag tn PbUadelptda and built Me AllsoUc
«bote to . tba emperor wbo Mdled tedneiT Mere, rpoo tbe organtaatia
' “f >'
jMUe Room ww taming.
of tbe Btmndaid Oil company In '|EC8 I
Among tWt impertal amber wa* on* oO Ur. Lockharf* oU Intereeta srer* ' f <~»3 i-h. »il»
wdgUnc tbineen panda, a rrry merged taro tt and be became an ac
fewwl taw in m*dcm time, a piece Ore factor In Mat eoeporatkm.

tb_. a.



a clerk. In 16S2 l^oa^aai gau-jMaab taTln* hm
ita renton is oU.
IS Me pareba** ot three barrcle
Mr the belp.Hty at Uecea.


of Piano Soiling

Youths' Suits

Best Pants

....... 2.95

Knee Pant Suits
“>rs=in Brctorersal SIW, Si.tS. SL15

Boy'sTrlre-'paJlt Suit


<Ui ,



America’s Greatest Farm and Family Journal,

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This is the Finest Premium Otter Ever iMsde by a Michigan Paper!
"TARM and fireside has from 24 to 38 large pages, I I by 16, each and every issue, contain­
ing the finest half-tone illustrations, and articles from the pens of the greatest agricultural writers in
Americ^ There is something in this farm journal not only for the farmer, but for every member of
his family. It Is the greatest journal pf its kind printed. This is proved by the fact that it is taken



The Herald is glad to announce that arrangements/have been made whereby both the

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OIMLY $1.00
The only condition is that $ 1 be paid in advance for the Herald. You will get the two papers for
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TTie offer is open alike to old and new subscribers to the Herald. If your subscription is now
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Fireside in full to Ja,nuary 1, 1907;
If your subscription is not yet paid to January 1, 1906, all arrearages must be paid and $ 1.00 in
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advance from old or new subscribers secures both the Herald and Farm and Fireside for a full year.

nil Is 1 Biial OffH-lt Is M Aiuflimi li li M SUB.



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