Grand Traverse Herald, April 12, 1906

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Grand Traverse Herald, April 12, 1906


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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fates 1 ta 6


A MeWisdItal •ehiB.
Childish laughter flUa the air as the;
Edward I Is recorded the puitBsa of
d op mil
maa «f method, who sUended to
nellku- Jewels, fans, aor bonbons for itle bands reach 001 for their prize.
btnekness nnd Jenn herself letped
everything on schedule time. whrtlMr
"Sebi Uir. er hsi cut* nlehl verges
Enner glfu. but 45« eggs stsmed nod
recnalton. had tbo
whet moot ettreeted
by a quaint tealnre
sen.- sbonU (be father, ns (be brightly
“Ud you go clear to (be atorer' colored with goM 4af.
rton wae the fleere of e bl*. ted-ebirt
fortune to fall ta Jove wbea he had
u the -sileaelnc of (be bells.Joe Mfri tbaaikt U> briDS
In Eussis as early w IM.' eggs nied eggs are brvugbi forth. .
od T«ajj «minc 00 the froead boiWe asked Annie, eagerly.
Wttm MTlhY telr *eld. ■ bk-*
Such ti the merry opening of Bsster' ehme of tbe nervleei on'tfae evralng pawed the age fonr The mtBrmm
^colored red. typUytng the Mood of
■BoHorlnf: caiop^flre, bU bead
His brart pul op with Ms oddlltfs.
Christ shed a an aiaemest for oar Sunday In tbe ttumes where this c*s- preceding Good Friday, the anaouaerhsd regular nlcbu lor caUIng oa
ble kseef and e look of total dejeciloo skip, though. I tell yer.•Bt U made that until a staled b
To i«er %o U» klai:stns. were ihe most irenaured of e» ICB Is SIIU observed for ll»e chlHren.
-nve mile was a good ways."
dtacooraceoeol pictured
.her. regular boors for contag-aiid
roaster et e no bell thaU ring a m
changes al Easter.
“Yei. bol iwas fun. Old Andy
B< «M4ered oYr U« lertJI. «•!«.
gDlng. regular theater and rlnb alfhla.
In Burmah ibe eag Is «•* «fl» o’
anrprtsed ter see nio.“
EsMcr In Many Undm
He cued OB bluaoma brlcbi;
In fart, abe kn^cd npoo Us regPelerh
tbe begmalng of all things. Tbey bav.Ea«ter slgatfies an awakening of ail
“What did yer glir
Too brKbt iber wwiod for bli dertre
ilartty as aumethlnc admirable.
a legend that a boy and girt were bnl- ■lure. To those who look npoa (■ people of Rome later, accepted ll. aad
“Candy an' eggs."
Tblngs had been golnB oa la tUo
wJe* In bU dlreetioa.
Too s>r W P«ee»e >'*•
cbed from the egg of a bird, and thus troB a veUgkms standpolni only; It U ■mil very reeenlly every bell in that
• What did you want candy ,
"OhT for 0 cure white flowor."
-Aorbodr alckT- asked Jcaa. with
fur two years, and flnaliy the
cliy was slh-ucisl daring Ihe period
tbe Burmese Adam mod Eve. .are acaacted festival, signlfleaat U lb*
That ain't fer Easier.Mebod.
touch of pity IB her redee.
In Monlrenl and Quebec Trot crisis came. They were ta M
rraarreetiMi oi our Lord. But tbU res-Prank aald they was goln'—* she coumed for.
The man raised bis bearded face as
married. Tbe day was Bsed, tbe wed­
•Ttl for BY fcm IP »«•'•
I U observed
awUeoThoBch k>Bc be eOBCht, no flower
be bad not before been aware of
and wben (be cblldrea ask ding cknbe* were made, the fuasU
from whom tbey claimed deecent were Ing of the Siwiiigilitie that tbe one
the pretty mouth and Uugbed.
ibeir presence, and a beieechlng
why fhe bHIs do not ring, tbe qualm iDvIird aad tbe minister was engaged.
-Never mind; we'll ask Frank ami hairbed from myslcrtousiy laid egg-i. ihoughi may be blended with (be'ioifa- answer it. "Tlie belts have gone, to Al the ai>pulnird time they were all
Wm bleoBlnc urwbere.
HCbted his eyes.
The Australians teach, that all Ibe er to ■•erfect harmony. Thus Hu'most
Joe what II really was ib.7 had lo-Where do you'nns bloo*?
assembled The brfde was diesBsd.
Rome.80. wore Bad wearr, be iBt down
night. But say. J'-an. did you gH Ibc irlh was merely darkened space, worldly may m-lebraie &ster i^lih
ain't no bouse liereabouU.- wai
Tbe dlBeri-m customs regsrdlag (be the wedding presents weee displayed.
To weep tlul ooae were fOBod;
itil on.- of llM-ir race threw an egg
slem-y. and as they do so
bridegroom came aot. The
Uif erretal idere flawed o'er bii robe rst eaptesilon.
upward, when It exploded and was spiriiual eb-mem which so pervades preparing and giving of eggs on &sut bride wept and fUnlrel, but ll did no
"Ub. dear. I dean fergot li."
"No, not rery near; bnl we're coin'
remains -with us thnyugh
And wak Into the cTOuad.
langed Into the sun.
-Thai Is bad. blit ril tell you whn:
ter a service ao'cutnc tooc boas-bsek.
atlons. in Russia ll Is nlnsost obllg- good. FlnUly Mie (Heads cd (he deThe Druids also held the egg as a
-Ooln' ter slay all niebt, I reckon?««cb person to make glfu llnquem grooB hurried away to ara B
iway. You know ihta n-d symbol of Ibe sun and believed that
if only tbe awakening of :
“Tds. we Ypeci ter."
be rooM be (onnd. He could. He
oa Easter, if only an egg At ibis *.
-Then thar alol no bimee nleb dress of mine, bow Ibe color comes It haicbed from llselt tbe earth ami higher Impulses than those whieh bold son all gifts la Russia are call,
other plancls. The Druid prieais gad sway In the tread of everyday life.
out wben you wtsh IIT'
SeodanJ it used «• be
offle-n proclalau-d th.-lr uffli^I pusl-ye-'.R<-gardlng (be eelebratton of Easter. fus'offi lit young men to rts«' ve
•Mot wUhin three Biles., What's
cBplated gettlsg married.
lk>n ti wearing an «-gg incased In gold ' course Ibe moat Impusing fesllvals
Ptaaaed wu fale Uar “Tble flower the mstler?-WelL we'll soaf ap pan of
-What Is tbe BnOer? Wby deal
early on Etater morning and go boni
■ml Auris-nded frnm a chala
He eald
skirt aad make colorin'."
take place In Home. But la RusaU It ing fur (be eggs of wild fowls. ILany ruu rome to yoer wedding?" shouted
-Wj- yer see. Ibe kld'i
buui tbelr necks.
•Beeaeee of tbie ehall crow.
So they went lo work and In a
Is Ihe grand, fesiivnl of 'he year, aad were found tbe finders were assured >ls friends
Was took richl bad Ion* this aTlioon
HeMcntth. a lien to elatul Maa.
Bun of regular baMis laid down
bad ter slop. Tb- little fHler Blnum hsd Ibe eggs as hard as ImiIi’ The t'liineac claim that the
with Russia In the public l-ye. as II
of good luck fur tbe ren
O'er eJl the corth briow '
lag water couM nitke them. '.'hpn. as formed of the two parts
Ibe prescnl lime. Ho- -MileresI
was qnlle iieart all Ibe way ill) n
ils books.
yrar, Tlie custom
Bormous egg. bVom the yolk
Easter In that Und lake* 10 Itself
-I am verr sorry." be saM. “twt this
no' I doo-C know vrtial to do."
That CBM ibe lOr Ptue end telr;
for Bsster Is sucb aa
lently on. a M-Bmeot was lorn from Ibe t«R (here atepped fiirib Ihe hamaa
inter.-sl. It begins with Ihe I origin seems lo bsve been loat. Prob­ Is my regular day (er staylag at hams
"His Botber—" Aeale stated
Wtoo lookB Bujr read tUi BiCB
scarlet print dress and cupfid of wsier b>-li>g shcKD they call
gtonlng of spring, which In that eou ably the cukring has no pnrtleutar
Bay wben the camper Interrnpied
ending. I Ter^ II wbea t made
tB It* white enp tbe aacera taara.
waved his band and the op' a brilllani carmine.
"abe's lyin',b*k biTt-a pl.-ces so early for that latitude ih
tbe engagement. The wwdiBht will
Tbe.porlir dinae.
iir of his Isle casile. Ihe
> colored and placed In a elrlie preceding Sunday. t>lm Sun drea by giving (hem tbelr Easter eggs have to be postpone«^-La8«,^V^. ^
sbe died on tbe way an' we b ‘ '
went upward, forming the
t the ragged counieri>ane
day, the pussywillow Is (he only pism gaily timed
cs\e heavens »f blue: (Ih! lower:
srbkb covered the slceiiing boy
Tbe poor IHile fellow.- ezeli
that ha* began lo show signs of ' '
Tbe coloring uf eggs
■Now shall we wake him?" asked Tell reversed, making ibe cm
,.#an. who bad Beanllme been InvesU
aad so this Is used iDsiead of palms
A Faraf
various nays. There
earth, and tbe white albumea became In thp RuifcU homes as the symbol
Jean, impaiienny.
]8hat If eoau ONralac. wben thb itan caUni: the sracon's ' conteots.
fashioned way of simply dyeing them
alnl more than B years nld, aa' he's
aaakeiiing. and HuM.-rr td this bud­ wttb some kind of standard dyes,
were pallDA
AU Ibe dawn wbltenedAbd lbe«a*t powerful hot so' f^'rlsb."
ding plant an- seen In vvryry dmelllug, tog them red. pink. Idue. green, purple
laads.let im be while we eat."
was Omr.
from the emperor's palace lo Ibe colpr.Nliuf.1 hy the explosion irf a • huge Uge of the bumhlesl p.wsah(. Easter nr any oiber color desired, and (be
w (nrm bis store a piece
Btfence peace ead rest tell oe a>«
iker by the aide of tbe wagon
modern and artistic method ol
laid" In mid-air hy a fauge>irU )s Ihu grand festival of Ibe whole year'
trio eased upon the toasln* bamm and Jbe remainder of ibe loaf
boM Ibe preeeaee
To scour tins: Use wUUng toalMpainting plnures upon the shells, oil
e was winging her way through
oasl being put aside lor the
qt a baalcDSBt epMt ataadlac Dear: lilllfl,BUirerer.
KussU and the |«u|d<- are busy for paints being the best for this pnr- cned with kerracne
■be uppermosi ether: falling
sick boy. (he trio at down
•eks beforehand, making preiusre-'
A barrel of Hoar weighs IM potrads.
Floicr*. liny vsiww. (aces and
H btoi aa be eUod bedlslanre II siruck ifae water below
Tbe girts were fanrigrT enough to take
Firm steel pen made la ItM.
said (he father, sadly, "an' he's been
mlntalurv landscapes are pointed
heartily, and Jan especlany. with such force ibal li bnr« and 1
Itatoi: New woodwork reqnlrra one
cryln' fer 'em In bis sleep; bot I cein'!
Ihe principal feature of the day Is. oa Easter egg*. Of course^ ibe
after her ta-mlle gallop, was ready for broken yWli. becomes ihelr several
pound of palm to each square yard
ol course. Ibe ebureb serriee. As the
eliber bard boiled. 01
cet -eB aadlair;
the repast.
maiin begins at midnight, and Is I0I
blown oiii, and (be sbril* llhree coots)-I wish we had aooie froB
SaDr lU baa and ifore throaili
. li u-a a strange sight—Ui<
The first newsraprr wu pabitshad
, In wbleh case they are very
lowed by tbe lltBrgy, the morning
vice." rcBarked Jean.
aad abadow
A Oervnan Easter.
sluing about the smoohk-ring Are.
service usoai 10 bcMy days Is omitted delicate and require careful handling. 1 l&U to aictoBd"Prank told me candy.- penilaled with the still, blue sky and unrelieved
vaithfel It tara*. robed In lU aaare
Among Ibe Germans Easter Is
To harden wood: Cut the wood to
to allow of the people regaining tbelr
Writing about the coloring of
Annie, “so there nlnl nny at Ibc
dtrknca behind them. Annie nollesd of Joy nnd merry making. Their ob rest by sleeptog In (be morning As >r ^er -brings lo mind, the tbooghi shape desired and boH aigbt Btottss
aervanee of this Jojful event, apart
II and said:
' *Tbera la bleat llrlac bate, krrla
to oliro oil.
Is natural, (he most n^DlCcrni of Mder e
“She told -Im Tioal tb' Bseier hus'■Tbia Is quite dlterem frnm goiii' from spirliul devolkms. exteodsjree ^ter service In Russia Is b^ld at tbe .
e sun Is tJAOO.Mt atea fraralte
aad itntMt.
ootabla Tealnre.
aess,~ went on (be man. not heeding
two da>-«. Snnday and Monday,
Aad ewfat. if trelh. and a
raibedral of Ibe wlDler lalice In flri wlilch was given ns a ehureb batsr. vartb.
Ibe diseiwsloti. It wae pUlful to notice
it I* ihnt the sloglBg sociftie* and
-Tea. an' bavin- bags of candy.'
The Brat Amertean etprasa wu in­
frtaedaUpa dear:
pciershiirg. Tbe pre.u-nc" of
»liere Hie chief aiirai'lion wni an
■'Rgis-'rou smtp,- AnnU- Interruid- vi-ricn* of all kinds bsve tbelr kranM Biwwot. apirtil «uth has oee de- rwvereaee with which be spoke of
stalled betwera New Tork and Bos­
• empn-** an,l :.1l H
e atanding in the 'center of
-she,- by which name he deslgneU-.l e.1. nnd both laughed.
zi-ns. Ihelr roiiceris and Ib'-lr ooting*.
imlf, i ms and full dtvss maki-s.n peTO. II was an •-w-rgreep tn-c. such ton in iKt by W. F. Haradra.
.4 which llio hearty -Us-k- I-. n domi
HU aane U Di^ flee, lest be And Ibe depsnod wife and molher.
The Bible ccBtatoi 3AM.4W taUen.
. .
la used for Cbrisinua treea, and
nant fealuK-.
•■She promised 'Im some perly
ibee benr .
m.Ttd words. SI.IT3 verses. ItM chapservice, begtoning with tbe processloa
There was a noise la Ihe wagon
To Ihc minds of the Illllr ebH.lrvn.
atccrand I tried ter *«t 'em.
and C6 books. Tbe word "snd"
of nomcone min ing, nnd In a moiw
of priests passing stowly
and crescents, but the real fruit which
Aad wbat u'tMfl. wWe tbe aUll
however, Ihe day is aKsurisinl mllh ly thnmgh all the long sulie* of nparion foot (his Dornin- a mile i<
Ihe camper had swung bis laniera ■
ll tree bore- consisted of occors te.:?* times.
lac bHchlUd.
pleasant sunirise* and exi>eclMlons
boose was In reacb-bul noac
The total number of m*n ealM by
der Ihe canvas aad the Irto were g
menis In (be pnlnre, as though in ib« eggs that "grew" upon its branch.
Aad fr^aaul la the
the aoaiChrtsima* has ils Ssnis Ctami. and
Tbe («lld tossed bis liny nrms with
Uncoln belwetn April IS.
hurled Chrisl. Then
- aur^ bceaih.
Easier, too, I* blessed wlih a pretty they ridiini. but the doors have be«-n e». Goose «-ggs, duck eggs and hens' IkCl and April IS. IMS. wu Z.TSP.MS.
racted aleevee about them bleb
Winking bis eyes very hard to aewere used. One rad of each egg
ShoaM c«*ely sattU 00 Be. tbe can- air. and In tbo crowing tsillght the
delight* Ibe children,
closed afler them. To Ibe cry. "Clirisl
euslom them lo the light, be reachej
pierced and (be tontrals blown of wbMi «IAS: were kflled In battle.
Ue anc^.
ll[tt moving with unreined pleasure for llie sun>rise
34,::* died of wounds, 183At7 died of
Is rlsi'n," Ihc doors quickly open oul. sner which Ihu shells wet
Aad take lar haad and Mr. “Hr as U In prayer.
Dutch, and the (’KTmai.s sludlonsly
Isease. or a (oul of :7S.3T£ daad.
again *nd they loss out Joyfnlly.
spread aroond him.
orated In oils snd water coiorB
Kale them. Week* U-fore Easter the
CbrlsUaalty wu tolroduced tola
-He's thlakla' of tbe alggs.- rem
"Pretty Easier egg»-llke mamma
slgss of flowers, bntterflys. ei
The pirtnreaque national costi
Japan in SS4».
ed tbe man sadly, as be leaped bis ear made." be lUped. bolding three ' parenu tell ihelr children about
and mysterious rahhli
the sleeper's mouth. "J wish his little flats. “I prayed, 'em lo a
Is the one worn by the empress
A Fralile last.
Rseen Rirals Into the
i bad 'em for 1m: I'm ‘frald th'.dls'- an' they did" and her atiradlng ladles at (be Ostei gaily colored ribbon by wblrii
An' wont we have a Jolly Ume, Hotmentll cry him Inter a fever."
i-e hour* of the murulng and
OIhraltar ta CrwmMIng.
todneed 10 rat bis lonst
•. the famenod lo tbe tree. These
lost out of the way corner* seemly
tboochT ioe-ll be ihar.The great rock of Gibraltar Is toS'
The same Iboocfal seemed to strike fore taailng (he eandy. and after be­ lores 1 number of mulilredored egg* skirt having a long train aad apron lalnted eggshells aold anywhere from
Tea. aa- Prank.Ming down, says Ihc Cbk»go Cbriming lathed lo tbe freab water whleb
of faravy white satin, a bodice of U to S« crais. seeordlng to the si
Dd then disappears.
The two flrli clCSlnd « ‘beir both the visitors al
cremhltog. rotting mimns
and decorations, and brought la
They withdrew a lllUe and convereed bis father brought from tbe pool, and
I. Ibe flowing angel sleeve*
tboachu went on to tbe Bai
Anxiously Ibe lllilc
ciBM to be held in tbe prairie ecbool (D low loces. Tben Jean swung ber- talked lo by the good angels who day. and ibe evening before they are tog lined with while satin. Tbe grand
getter wltb huge paicbei of masoary
brought him his trrasurei. ho (ell
taowee. three BDe tnrtber on
diffleuliy persuaded to reUre. tbis costume. The coronet beiddress like Easier without a profnaloti of and cement. Tbe public U not asrara
back Into a sound, healthful slunlber.
wns s-dim figure againxt
Ibe pUlB. and tbelr iaocbier. as U
uf ibl*. yet they wbo sail pata Ite
tunirs sometlrniw ihey lie awake,
ma eggs piled tosbU arms.
Ittles It Is lillpi. lilies everywhere to­ great fortrea# cannot (all to noUeo on
universally wore by the ladles 01
floated out on tbe uelllcht air. was ac- western tnasei-lighted sky ni she gal­
Tbe coloring had neqrly all come oK as they do on Christmas eve. Imagin. ocrasloo U Ihe same A* ibe style
day where lilies ran b<, brongbt. The (he eask-ni slope of tbe foTirras enor­
ooNtpaaM by tbe awlih of their po- loped rapidly away. Annie, entirely
every faint sound every
tbey were more braiitlfnl
of Ibe posilble danger '
limes nt Moscow. For the special type of flower which we call mous sliver colored patches gleamtog
miM' feet tbrooA the dead brown
empress and grand duclu-r-ses the cor­ tbe Buter lily grows most abaodsnlly tn the son. These patebco. to aoma
ber poslUoa and knowing no mure (ear Han the golden eggs of fable cnuld
> crass, tntb recnlar pace they
alone with the stranger have been lo tbo mind of Ibe mmher- W-aullful while rabbit, wbleh tbelr onet Is made of diamond* or other In Bermuda, where great Belds
«d OB. btnii each epoa tboothti of
cases (fairly or forty feet square, are
immature,] mind* bare so often
than her companlun did In taklag her less traveler.
costly Jewel*, snd Ihe v.-il <rf pricele** pearly bloom meet the eye al this sea­
the tratiTliles ouMCled and of
lurt-d. bas como tn trave.fnr theta h‘s Iscc; while for tb'e court tadir* cer . son of Ihe year. Many uf tbe IIHetjI tbe proof of Gibraltar's dUlntagraUoe.
t be late. Annie: IrC
I Of thick, strong cement, they keep
lac their boy nraoetolea.
Easter offering.
Deed froB (hlWbood to lake tbelr
As Ihe night grows on and they are the coronet bring made of velvet to where they are plucked In tbe bud.j huge spurs of the cliro aide froB
watched thrir charge aleep for a ahon
free and easy way scroas the Teias of Ihrir plan.
overawed by Its sUUnes* tbelr' eyi- match, with ran of tulle. The ladies- well locked In damp moss and; tumbling into tbe blue sea.
now. an' gU that kettle time.
llaaoa. or piaiaA they had no fear aor
lids close In sleep and Ihelr minds are !n-*aiiiug to the empress wear greeo shipped Whtti they arc unpacked; Sea captains, crnlslng In tbe Med­
the flint Orter. as abe -Ye*, but well come lo
aaed of an etoort., The at
to dream^of eggs of every hue velvet, emltroldered in gold; the maid* snd tbe sirais placr-d In water they iterranean. say (hat Gibraltar bu bees
again, mtater." was Annie's rvpt.v.
prepared to bnlld n
ni»«Slut cunning rahhlis In eandy with of honor ri-d velwl la a more *imp)e open quickly lo tbelr perfect beauty. rolling and rrumbltog for
but that of Isle tbe dlstote*ratkm has
n brighieaed op turning to the omlgraat.
taUBcsit Umi e
"Blesa ye both: ye’ve done the child rihWios around their Beck*.
deslgn. and the ladies aliached to tbe Tbe stcity U told by an Amertran wo­
and began the work ol obeyleg ber
When the llrsi rays of the morning various court* wear the cosiumi-s of man who wa* staying la Bermuda that gone on at a (aster rate than h^
w-nrid of good." Olid be earnesily.
rapid orders as If the .were only
"I can't reward ye. but someone w ill." open (heir eyeliils the cklMren
ll»e,e' roiiM*. Taken altogether, tb* OB aa Essii-r morning she wu murb
Tbey say that the slose formtog this
•Traak (old mo they was goto*
ihelr hire fe.-t they run
-Oh, Ifs’boen the blgge«i kind of n
no Ulle* on Ibe
tbe raibedral of tbe
imposing cliff Is rotten stone, ahd that
give everyone n hag of raiidy.’In n sburi time sbe Md a bright Are
about the room peering Into every cor­ laUre is railier spectacular lo Its
tar* of Ibc cburche*. atibougb Ibe pets \
wblle the phrase, "tbe
teatked Annie, ns they allowed Utelr made from the dry snnflower stalks, lark. Good night." laughed Jean
ner with ex|*vtant glance and merry niflcence.

honra to walk ap tbe elope of n nwell which were aa large as j-oung saplings,
laughter. The (orviits stand by and of a grand social function. Indeed:
1,1 the bronehra and darie.1
of the windows and sec great ^ingleu.
to the prairie.
sending Its sparks high toward
look on with dellabt. OPtn to mak-,
almost every (unctl.m In the RnsMszi meadqws of lilies nbluo
“Paaget Frank didn't know notbin' blue sky. Some wsier brought fr
coun or in Rnsslan private life opens shine, their (regranra being wafted
pbM It.- replied Jean lofUIy: -Joe pool In the ravine wa* bubWIng tnciTl- -J say. Ihl* I* more fun iba
■rads the rhUdri' all dir.-cllout hui
I. Used But Rarely.
■hU that nil wae ter have Easter eggs, ly In the kettle. Generous slices of concert." she etmUnned. whim they the ooi- nlicri- the egg* have bren witb a religious service of some kind. through the churches by the *oli
bret-jes that sw.-pt arrosx the Islands
V pblkdogtai wu talking
an' I gaeoa be knows; besides. Ifs rea- br^ rot from the emlgranl's tail loaf had left the ravine behind and
(raring over Ihe prairie at a.bivak- placed; he .z,- * down .m bis ki
(rt. mthe sea- To those accustomed word* 'There are over tJkteO words
aoaabler.were betog toasted nnd a eoSee-pul
with lliem Slid pieiend.,; lo aailM
neeV. spe<>d.
to *e.'lng a great profusion of ibesejip the English language.", be aald.
-WHi. Frank saH randy, an'
Igavdfortfa aa appetizing
Many strange old legends
-Ve*. fer nhal do we rare fer bags tht seareh
blos.otns nodding along Ibe aisles o(i-i,u, we only uye a few tbouaaiid of
know be knows, fer be was one of 1
Then she slipped Into the wagon and
netted wttb Easter Sunday. In Ireland
Wbi-n the children have vainly.I
the cliurcbe* on Euler day. lhe*<-|,hem The extra one* are no use to
getters .up of tbe abow.fling the sleeping boy. arranged
ed in neatly every corntT, that 1
s prasSDl ‘u
Before an aiftwer «mld be, made Ibe tmertnr, so thgl.conflned as It ra
great sulemaliy. that Hie sun dance* rut fields of ungaibered' idosMunv ui. Any man could ait down with n
know. Joy give* place lio
would seem like Nature s own offering; dictionary and write to good Btgliah
to thU argument tbe ponies bad qulck- U prearaied an orderly appearanre.
In the btaven* on (hat day. and tbe
It dawn* upon (b«-m ti
on aster morning —Prurila J. Sfaer | a story that no one to the world would
aaud tbelr pace down tbe ot^ aide of Tbeo she walled for Jean.
I go»,l rabbit has forgouefi
man. in Detroit News
I understand Here, for tostaara: rah
(he earthly billow and they went canTbe beautiful spring Dlflbt was per______________
; you make bead or toll of tbur
toriag reraieusly into n nvlne.
life everiasllng 11 Is not dlfOcull lo tbelr larenls advlned them lo be. and happy spreiacle. In East Yorkshire
The Feast of Easter.
| And tbe pblloliglsi peucred oC
Tbe path (or a few reds led Ihreugb Tl on till- prairie, The sky was like
ly other parts of England it I*
how the old pagan Idea that tb.-Mhat they have been thn* punished for
gnat Woe bowl set down over lb"
gill ly
. *
wbat might be called a gro
wwa tbe beginning of nil kind* of i their disobevllcae.-. . Oh. horrible considered unlucky not lo wear
ptalD. touching It evenly at all points
flotrera. dead sulks ten add twelve

life, should become pnrifled in the ihoughi: Their hearts-are heavy and clothe* on Easter day. To see a I
are asweyed? T
feet to height whMi bad not yet been
Ci>l lookliig out of the window
Hows down by the spring winds.
Udieved In! brated every year to ibe spring about!
gvsl omen, though
an appropriate offering of good , Another year lo wall .
ta deni, still ■wIB
As they tnrned a corner In Ihe Isne aside the drad grass to nibble
England that It ta always lucky, the same lime as tbe ChrUllan lest 1-, Tboogb
Tboagb tbe
toe Mbal
tiha track they came so suddenly upon new crop Jnst peeping ibrongb the sod. wtabes-sIgnlBratil .rf bright hopes-1 Then it Is Ibal the father
a tomb or a dove, for thoi.- ate val. tbe name being retained wben the! I
made the only break In the silence.
among bellevera in the glad Euler the
Tbea he traaslated;
... ...___
>ha ,-hwrwriM
the feastofwere
Then he traa
M wnnsual sight that the b
toe arebenemy
<rf Ibe of
toe changed.
After a while, wher Aunk's eye­
"I will recover tbe dram. Ton are
MBost Ihrowa ta tbelr knees by the
does not assume It tbe{ or. s> tobers sappohe.
Tbe practice of rating eggs on Ea»- wollen noch rinmal suchen?" »1ih reamazed? Yet this la so yonng glrTa
lid* hnd bgite to gvt n IIUUgatok atop.
nvvwni hope* they fellow him. andaure wind ta from toe east on Buter Sun ; which stgnifles rtalng.
almoft u
It was an emigrant wagon, a car then was raughl afar ofl (h>, soft lap
snd a* uBiveraal u that ol using tben, cnougb there, coverrd' up nuder It day'll Is considered In Germany to be
(MSI of' 'iliough the drum 1s bidden, still will
MB eoverad prairte acbocmer. drswi of a pony's Imafs oa the gtaas, like
* well ha realRy t
a wise ptan to draw water and waab
il reraver li.'-MIchlfBD Tfte—im.
.to the aide of (be rood, wblle tb aonadlag of a muffled drum. Nearer as gt(l* In the book Ihal'record* ita-lirrfa. Hr------ -to H; for tbeo the wind can not do ahf
r Ml -—— team Utat had bcca Muted
It browsed o



•■UNO nuvcmc

herau, thuredav.

/^»ril u.


Tmerse City State Bank

.ill ofjbvrs. vltL
obnpetled to heal with the taereaeed Bollow twtamed to bb borne io H..V
tore reekcti-d;
^ .jonag friemte last Tuv-sday
tee tost wwk. after spendlw a fei
Atre Bai-nmaaM of TreW-nw ha-’Tli.-ev«ulag wa.* spent lu putting laffy
H. Howo of aim Arbor wa* la the daya vlritlag wlib J. Bolton and tam1 ruaa her" ba,ria* iwtai>«-«.
dtr rtaterdar loitatas aRer buttaM r.
A. TBACV LAY. Praaldant

Mro. Martha Oark la very I
' tereeta
well lfrt*m Fjrm-r Dead.
. -cweBL Mrs. Clark ha* cbc« fatlier in gel Lis foot inarhid quite bsdl) w.-vk. l* mueh liotter.
8. GARLAND. CtlMar.
H. K. Staooer ot Peloiher wi
Ceotgv nabeock kfl last Monday
In iittollb for eeme lime past, hut I Tuesdai.
the city rcrierday.
Ed Smock Is at Kalkaska atumding Mtaorwui.
much woree now than rbe has bm.
M. D.-TJeer* cf Northport m
ait l y.:rthp.« for t!..- ..U- fll: -n y.wT*.
'AiitaHoa. Albert (\iDkUn
Glenn Doyle returned Monday auc the beekeepers .assoetotion.
racerte City ctoltor yetterday.
Well, r.liwllon I* «ner- Tin-.-.- wa-Nheir gui-»'. Mi<* E^'tber I
W, H. Dewey of Cadniae wmi la the- -om a week's v4*ll wnh rclaUves i
SUKPLUS. 027,000
quite t lot o( exCItemesi ben-.
eltr yoierday taoklns after boilneci Trevene CHy.
Hrw. J. Doltcm spent a f«-» day* in
Wimen U Itajtoler of Lchc Aan Manloo the fore port id tost niaay years a r-'Ment of
Maui A Getenl B8ikti« Buiiess Owe
wee la the dty oe borincei yealonley. with her sister. Hiss E>a MCCbId. who
Ausnit new of Moalilec we« la the, Is quite ill at that pli'-e. '
-a fitM. tfc - l.-riE
Mr. aad Mrs. 3. II .Hon I.-fi
cHy ynlerda).
.-ar- W-ie,.';:. el«.r-.-«-ot pis ,..:i <. j5,r.
J. Ayer* of Meatileo traaeeeU-1 Tuesday for Ann Art<ir win ro Mr.
vl.hulv.u.b.-Vrt'..r.-. . 7.
B Will bave an u|e-r3ilon is-rfori
boatneii lo tbe dty yrwterday.
Ti..-f.i)|.-slnu^l.;-:i an ' • >• 1 per Ccal allawcd aa n»e bepQclta.
d Mr*. Bollun will r.«lvi- u«
j fihenneeaey. □. R. * I. mad-' kilelH-rirf S'-.*-;'..' ’•
I .I,,.
also. Miv. UuKun'e tnuiht r aad
atelier, iiieai a few boore la the elly
..., .r .fa.n:i*-. a- . Th-v.
Evcyjihinjj dcpcnilti
hrotlMT are slaylug In thi-Ir tiome dur­
irin* Moten a
on-' ,
vmir nerves. It is nerve f'.roe
Hlu RUaabelh Drew of Bis Rapid ing tbeir abseBCr.
that causes ihc train to ilireet
Mias Licto Caser rH-irned from
pipBtoO* to beeoBM suite aa inpar- arrived here yeilerilay tu vliii friend*.
Til,' fuih '.il 'I. .A pine*- r',.i .
.few day*’ vUll in llarriH'o w.lih the motion of j-oor ixxly; i: is
Chatir * Kroll weal tu Manlii.-e
utot lodneiiT la Trarerw dtr. aad al•irr.rnlii? (r..m i!i.- fsiilil; L..;.-. ilnerve force that cau>cs .'■■•..r
fNondt, Saiarday (tveninr.
li^itlhe prodeei of Wo. Jaek*oe-i coorulOK rn a ahurt l.uilw** trip.
licart to {iLiIsiie. anil send l!iil,u:,.,t (.king M...O at fadtlU. M,..,
Mia* Jessie Meji-rs f'lurae.! (ram a
B^ehl^ Bhpp to dadlat oaeldarable
Jamen nasttnrt went to lake Ann
thrmijjh your vdiis; ii
.1.15 tiicnjiiig. inekarveid H.-L. f-.''
weeks' visit nt her humc in Cadlllsc ‘ is nerve force tiiat caiisr-t^ your
fi^or paxac laooch ooeon. Mr. iack- ibli momlnE oe a binlneea trip.
Sglurdsy evening.
*« h«e DOW (waotpali noton oeder
Mr*. F. M. Clark retemod to
ctomach to di;;i'st foo.1, ymir
Mr. U>tln Carior siKtnl Sunday lb kidneys lo filter the Wood, and
c^pae of .MoatnietioB.
Dme In E1»le l*H cvenlm; iafler »UflM- ,.,0,—iU.m u. fc.a.1..M'-i..n ■ R.
Mariella visiting relallve*.
too, .three, tr* aod
illns her bur'baai! in this city fur
> to
tbi- htrli *vIh>.1 v..ii n..nk.«.r.*«
the liver to .secrete bile.
Mr. Archie Freyne ndurned fcvwn
;.t k
ial ;.-r:l,.n .-n Thur-iuv
- In fact, niTve force is the
few days' vlall In Traverse CHy, rU- power that runs your body, so
Je,«i..b aom.1. of Kal:.msr«. oLi.--, ._ .......................................................
Death of A. 8. Bsmum.
fling rrlallves Mondpy noon.
if you feel worn-out. irritable,
. It,. Uiritic ..f ChiUibiu songs in .^..,-,0_________ _
Quito an exelttng time was had in nervous, cannot sleep, or cat
weed br tk* Trarerae CKp Molar Beat, After nearly I«t> year* of patient
osapaar for iaaaeke*. The Jaekaoa tuffGrins.'A. S. Raronm of MayfloU berman Sutriay afiereoan on aceounl well, have pain or misery
Pku'i. r' nn.t <'lTLlin**'rr«Kr*mk'.
d quietly Imo the Tail beyond of fire, wClcb breke out In Mr. Do Fbr; anj-where, your nerves arc,*.^iiui.-i
’rnday afternoon at the, ape of TS
inch daniago wi
weak, and yottr system run.n:n:i;.|i l-ri.sicl «m-r;
done, but (here was quite an oxei'
vkiwn. To restore this viialiiy
iln.-ii 7:-' f-ii »-iit‘ptrig an ..l.-jn-iH-.mWhile working on bla farm on Au
tike Dr. Miles' Xcrvinc which
price aad 3. U. HcOoasb are
■ .H *1)0 anii-.i.-il liim, nn.l .!i,st ot in. I
Tbe Jubilee Singers; the third nue
will strencthOT ahd build up
lutaf oae «f theee eaftae* la their guti If. IIOC. Hr. Bamuni aiiSered a
i aaoNKV Til ixsN o«ii n I, H*ewu •■*
the ncrvcfi. You cannot be
iaaaebe* aad tod ihco blsblr aatli- stroke of paralyali, which left blin pr on Ihe leonro course this yei
tactorr la erery war. With (be decal- neariy bclpleaa. On March Slat iaat. was last Friday evening. TTie enter­ hcaUhv without stronjj nerves.
opwat ef the boat boildias boalocct be sulferod a piirputeal heinorrfaage tainment wa* given with much epmv rhw r>.mp*Bli>n«. K .Hv in wmrla Ike dtr. tbe aieaufectare of theee which lasted twenty hours. Icaring plBO*e from the audlenre.
Tkd llfr. wl.Ur r»bl*e mr
an.-1 tr-nn iLfain rery weak, and onoitier followed
Mr. McKellogg Is again In :
nrrvn* brrnlBr all ............ .........Ill ni.t
BMtote to booad toleereaae lo pr
Dr. F. j. MacNett
March 39. Since (bat line be has
f.».'l..ry, T!.. V 1o.M, ,!i;..- ti-.v
UOto. Boride* thU. the eoflee bai *afkM-2 Willi.-lnl I'.ik.. Cilr.. I’le.tif 11^
•pMiaitoi •!.
The Cbrialian Endeavor or the Cun
fletoat tocrU (o caDuaad an ezteoulTe been atoulUy failing, until Frida)
sh..-.s. l-nl it i:i liuV.l t-> »*.ir
y;.r\-lne. nncl nl .me* I ■■i.-.i.i t-. mTU.WKKSK CITY. MU II.
| |^^H|eye. ear, nose
when death relieved hi* sulTerIng.
gregsilooit church liave some snuaola beprad tk* coBitae* of tbli
111.-Ill -.lil. Tlli-v -ire
-ougboul his lllnesB. Mr. Bamuni vcnlr post cards for sale now fo
tko at tk* etate.
Jit PliUban; St., New
__ _ecn ever hopeful and thougblfnl iH-nefli of bie C. R.
Dr. Mile*' Nervine li sold by yaur
D*Mi ef Mio. Writer Vole*.
for tbe comfort for olben and tbe
Clyde lArcBRi Of lUrielta w:
jWllhalm Blook
Rowland Douglass
Nerthport. Mleh., April 7.—Death re- plaeo that be has fllled In tbe
town a few days last wwk.
will ratuna year money.
Ueeed the euBeriosi of Mn. Wriier Biunity will indeed seem empty.
shec Store, oro. wbiiimr iioid
Mrs. CaiBcr retunied from a vUl! Miles Medical Co.. Elkhart. Ind
.Teiea at 11 o’clock iaet alsbt. wheo
Hr. Bare m
a wa* born In Falliburgh, Iih or daughter. Mr*. Lena Doty ot
an«r two dare of repeated' eoDcutoioai I. Y., Augnat St..1837. thn youngen Harrietia. Ian Tuesday.
toa eBceiltobed. toarlos a hutband aad f seven children. He was appren. The Lady Maeraliees gave a surprise
Iced to a blackrmllh when 15 yean dinrnr oW Mrs. Ro*a llogera on Mon
last week. Mre, Roger* waof ago and lotrned the trade, i
239 E. Front St.. QL Pbne in
piv>enled with a ben'itlful dish at' a
as united In holy malrlmm
Hra. WeUer Vote*, aee Hie* Manic Miss Maryolte Day at Munl<<erIlo. N.
she leaves ii*. a*
Baatoberger. ot Northport, wa*
abe Intends gplag west in abo.iil l»"
•»<> Hr*. Fred Baumweeks.
After their marriage, the y
baWT at Booth Bend. tod., aad
The C- E.' society held a «peelal l.te;ample began hnasekeoplng In «
aatir* Bfe wee epeat al Northport.
tore and nnlll their removal to Indi­ InesR meeting Monday evening of tliH
where ebo eUended school aad U
ana, (hlrtrwn yeanj later, they led tbe week at the home of Mrs. Alma Fleree.
C'.«v«|. ««at p. ‘t. l-KTBylt
apco the temocal of her pareaU
life of Ihe pioneer backwoodsmen with The president. I.<wl5 Skinner, r.
,So^ Bead, she with her sitter Susie
’^lglIed, as he Intend* to move away,
s taadnaling experience*.
'aa^wo brotbera, Chartei aod HlAand Mr*. R. 1). Frederiek wa* ap|"iln.Tbe
ord. aadertook tbe Baaasemeot of the
••d in Ms pisee. Mr*. Roger* ivslitiii-.i
lx children, the eldest of whom died.
laijM tarn, wfaieb to one of tbe
her chairmanship of the prayer ntW
Plato Class, Stoam Bollor and Accldont insurance.
pro^erous la Leelaaaa couatr. Two I health furred Hr. Dartmm to seek ing comttiHee and Mr*. 8. Sisewnnih
r*Ri» a*» the beeam the wUe of Wal- _ new borne la a hralthler climate and was elected In her place.
tw Trice, a echooliaatc had diUdhood In 1817 he moved hi* family k
Behonl started again Monday after
. ^apnate, the tana ibea being ptocerl Qrand Trareree tepinn and settled ou
week’s VBcalirRi.
aadnr ttrir naaaceiaeBt. Tbe pan
Miss TIIHn WilROn.'n-tiirned Satu:
mnnor her parenu aad a eleier.
ly from a vbdl In Traverse City.
Saria, «f Seolb Bead, epeat a pleaa- bUeksmttbiBg slnoe then and caro.1
Miss Marie Gnthrle returned lafor
Travoroo CHy.
Room 3)0 Now State Bank Dulldins.
^ ririt with the bappr coepJe o
Baiurdsy from a visit to Indiana ni.d
tam aad thep paeeed ihroush tbe city with tmralysts.
southern Hiehlgan.
On April 4. Mr. aed Mrs. Bamnm
lake Uta afteriKwo while oa tbe reAl fikinaer of Westonl has
tato trfp to the Btrickea hooeehoM.
Mmdlng a few days In town. vUilIng
jU^ tron the pareau. tbe foiiov.
* brother lAii-ls.
Ito brothera aad eletor* are left;
Mr*. Jennie Chatlerdon
&rte* ct Northpori. end Snele. Blbelosterday rislling Mr*. L. A. Rkinn.-r.
til, Ude. Hattie. Bdaa. Jessie end
F>u<t Your IVIOrslElY Iri Our
IM aU at Booth Bead. lad.
For Lii^^-r .mil niilliiiii;;. Maturinl ns soon ns possible
ILm<oa. Mich.. April 3.—Miss Mer
Lumber, Lath, Shingles. Doors nnel Avindows.
to insut*'imimiit vlolivcrics. Lumber, Mill Work, In­
e Davit wa* given a farewell
Porch Columns, Porch Rails. Spindfes. Brack­
i'inish ntid lbiil<liii;r Mnirrials.
liy the Inland young people last Thnrs
ets. Stair Work. Interior Finish. SbJk ..r
■lay night. Everyone rej-irts a Imeh
Patterns. Slone Fronts am! Fixlur.-a nml.tii.v <>tlier kiiul --f aii*.|i
lime. Mlaa Mernie will (k> mu<
or liiill work you are ill ru-i-il of. Pry ImnU-r tiktivr; 111
mUsed by her )-oimg friend*.
I^limiitesfurnieliu] liy plicme or klb-r.
Calvin Carpenter was surprisnl l.>
.Tir*. B. F. Mairii aad daaidilar
about thirty of his friends Issl Thiirwbo bare baaa vlriUag friaada
day evening, the occasion Imlng hi
la tto rity for the past few daya, retwenticlb birthday. The evening wa.
tkn^^to tbalr hotaa ta FMtoB^Ui
*Boni ta puRiag taffy, playing Oi.
Cit. PiiMta :iOS. Ikai ;{'.*0
Tnivvrs.- City., M - i,.
John Brown and with music, All re
Hra. LCTi Carr of HaaUnga. who I
JTI a Bee time.
was canal to tb« rity by tbs sarloas !
Lota Edwards is working for Mr*.
Iltaaaa of tor graaddantotar. June
Ell* Water*.
Our, ralaraad ta tor heae this ■
It is rumored that Mr. Baldwin
lemptalea reluming to Beadon.
Mr. aad Mrs. a Kiygier of
A. ». Barnum.
Jnl Andrus has been working for
kaska (rimad to tbeir borne
11. C. Gore the past week.
■eralag sfier apaadlag a ator(
D.a'i i!.rc(« riw;iy v-nir mom-y liuyiMu milk pnoa.
Ur. Holme* is rnnolng tbe mill
celebrated tbdr 8riy<4ghih wed.llng
la tte rity.
Tbe M. E. Udiet' Aid meets
J. W- Ferkau moned to >ls home
Mrs. Freda Corpeater
a bla wife, Mr. Barnum. leaves
la Ctoheygaa after spcadfa« a short
tiBi's ta tbe dty.
Btbelyn Deake and Winnie Rrhlge
graadchlldren and Bve gr
Hrt. M. A. Hnets leR tbit :
You t-aii L’ot ••my
lltc liorcin
s*--!* l.y lli<-vun-•-.
spen^8nnday at John Pekaresk.
tor CadUlae.
tMiiDtl or larger »|tuiulily:''<iol':( ii Wax lL<-aus, L.n- Y< Il->w
1 SeiMrali.r with a
Henry ta-aion and family wer
Hr. aod Mr*. W. A. Dunham IcTt for
t-ix Wetks IWans. Cai>kip—Karly Wiuii.-jst’aK- Lo.- Flat
II- milk
aixl ytm |«r*. neariy
guests of Miles DmFreeLu and family
Death af Pienaar.
Denar. Ho. this arantag. at whidi
iik. I. will
ar-il vou a
mnfe t-realii fMiii ...................
Dutch or nollamler: Carrols- • i.tliurL i>an'i-r Half Loiu:. In''
Snlteas Bay. Mich. April C.-ARrr Sunday.
Ptoee they will auk* their foture
It ifnwTe
tmuk of X.\.\ tin
iiiade of tin- l**t
Mri Hawkins and family bave |>m-prove*! Loll).’ ('rniiK*-: Swe« t Coni — WliiU- Mexiean. Karly .Mioten week* of extreme suffering frani
for •2-.'dJ. Huy
lii-soLi. Slowi-H's Fverjjfwn. Country l•l■llll•-Ulali: CiicUiijU-rsMia* Ualty Oarawril e( Old HI*aon the third altark of pnpgmunto. Jubn ebased the Stone farm, over by Ful­
lb- F,t.ln lake’no ai.Uiitme. You can loU U by ll.e
ler's. and moved ta.
lloudek. aged 74 5-car*, paksed a
Lodk tirt-cn. White Spiae; Watrnueloii. .«rly vorieli.-s I'c-rWM la the dty today.
• nil stu:..l that S.-.X* will. it.
Charlie MeLean It worhlag al the
Mrs. I. a Jelerwm aad Miss Biaaia bis home al Ollls Pier, teland
It&s, I'liiiiiiey's: Onions—Aoslrnliaii Crorn. 3 elio* an lmUIWbedmaa of ihli dty ton this
ahlp. toat evening at 7 e'cloek
varielii*; Puisuii»; IW—ilprf *'.-irly. im*}miii early .ui<l Lie
tag tor Kalkaska, where they will atJohn Hmidek ww* a BubemtoD by
varieli.-s: Swee.1 Faiiey Mixtvl
ric.;: I’cas: Ittalisiu-s
lead the Beveaib dIsirSet convenlloe birth, having enme to this enuiiln re tbe gaesla of trlend* at Inland.
George Babeoek’a sailUng face wa*
liarly ScorliH
Scorli’l Uimip moU-l. L.iuf Seark-t
Extra Early
ot the Onreb of Chrtat. wUeb It Dow forty year* ago and settled a
White; S.il8ify or VeKi-Libk-.Oyster; Sfiiaslns- Snmin.-r Cn-.k
ta aeaaloB tbere.
bomo where death overtook him.
, 1lieat ___:
_- a..,..-.
Hra. V. H. Beltaer returned
be carved out a praspereoi hom
Neck and HiiUiartl;
varivlieaof T.wmlo-sr
A- m..Il•'-,rr
morelBg from a rUlt at Bouods
raised bla family, of wLkb two daughChampion. Trophy; yioiic. Pnnik Top aiiO Cow Horn T-.rt.ips
with retollTca.
let* and ffve sons and a wife anrvlve.
o'.nl .\niericatiJItnprort«l Ikiipis. •
Tbe Htoaea Jmto noltoe and Ma- Ihe eblldren brtng Mr*. Ludwig Peellg
If there an smiD) roe la ibat you that we Iiau-it t in
ale Otoaoa. who bave beue at tbeir of Northport. Joseph Ifoiidek ot GllU
It to just about Imposriblelo be
atoefc. we willU-pli-sistrl tin.u-t'tliem on siiori uutin- \'V arc,
bomas ta Rattoas Bay oo a rtolt. ro-| Pier. Manhall. John. Henry. Denard
Have you ever trie-1 tbe
sick when the boweU are right and
]>jsitivc'l1iu( we can'^aave yon tnoney ami tr-vblile. (J.-l our
tnraad lo (bis dty this ■aerolag.
all BMU. of Gill* Flrr. and a danghler,
eytol Tiaf4»r "rmmm mnd OoffAtoR
Mtoa MyrU Bartlett aad Mtoa Mabel HIsa bma Hoadek eg Traverse City
price* la-tore- yon pLw your onl.-r. Don't fail to s.a-oor
Pniktoa of Northport are apeadtag a
Tbe foneiat services look place
. few day* ta (to rity, the gueaU ri| from the Catholic ehureii at Gills Pier
Monday mureing at 9 o'elodt. (be
Mtoa Oertrwde Tee Hridt ct Odm
vice bclog ta charge ut Ihe Rer. Fr,
arrived la the dty this ammlag to
Etogemana of Sutton* Ray. while (be
cleans the body inside aod lca\-e*
Tliey are the beau Sold rejy by
day'a star with frteadt.
noUdgingpta«fordt»a.w. If (or
cporeyau wtsbiokoow huwitfeEf*
CITT. Rica
dtoa Bradtoy. eagtaeer ot the TaC.I
to be tborougblr well, give this
L. * M. road, to laktag a braatbiaglamoualaaahvctcaatruL
atoR ta<v Mta dngglag Ato taavy.
«oU to all dcalen at g;c. aod sacMantle’ vbleb the rnad-la aowj
MM* ItarM I* UvMrWbM tk* kook* *■ (k* dlT morkol
Mr* oieooO PW4m
tber »ko**d
tkot M« kad* of pbutoes bod boon
roeohrod oliice Mo«d*r dwbIoc. kit
bt Rouirdar oTcnlnc there '
aer* thu olzir kad* »d<M u> tkli.
•*«»«• Doaber of kadi
for a veMt aboee 100 a dar.
R to^Umted Ikat the kadi
areraie flRr-«*e boM* each and at
M oM per taabel it Mau that a
<1.710 to betas paid out ever)' dar
the apodi. vbleh «iD make <1S.W0
paid dailiis the week.
Aa eoea u aarlsallca opeas. b<.
vai basla at the asaller poleu and.
ir the price boidi, (he crop will
be eleaM op.

' -.7


It Takes


Our Bovs'

M Vsr.'uij'Virv“sli'insi'£i






Tire Insurance! —F" ■


Honey to Loan os Improved Rea! Estaie Only.

South Side Cumber Co.

Traverse City Mig. Co.


nil of Our Garden and
Tield Seeds are In




Lane’s Family

Hoval Vgtr S£T
J. J.


D inuvtme
and hr was Dri goiag to take lees
Ida and Laariog and alao rtriUng her
(taw WMfRT* Ha Prntumtrn.
the niiloB aerie. A woman
H«v WnforA.
A|>1> C--A nagbter Vera at St. Mary'a boniui.
VMM <itn WMWvM tU« BoniBC Detroit, arrtred bane latl right. She was prenent called out: "How do yen
reporta that Hlaa Carter U aeoeno spend It, Jobe?' and Bures replied la
stnntly : "Ask the rnlsaua.tuny amtlaalBg her profeailn
gaialag la berilh in ao doing.
Hlaa Peart Cony returned to bcr
gtee* iMt ^ Ctarla MerlUw* toJ
we la BIk Rapldi Ible anerttooB
tan tttlta nra of IM n.................
atended Mas 8. Homy of Lndii
after enjoylag a abort May in tbe dty.
Man ai Ui a«B aipmc. :
to be a cadet at tbe U. & mUltary
Hlaa Mabel Wolfe retoreed
vhn oalr a fn were tenlrtai mall,
academy at West Polcl. and Bngeac
dty today after apeeding twe
tat an it baa loUea la be n>u
8. Cooper of Muskegon lo be a eadci
taaer «»*. New Weiferd realdeola at Krithport at tbe gneat of bcr aont. at tbe naral aredeny at Annapolla '
are nrr bW arer Ibe la« that - Hra. Albert Powen.'
As Joseph Dunn. Wm. Weber and
Mr. aad Mra. V. 3. Courtney ot Baat
VMoClM baa ben eatabllibed bcr
Fmk Gordon stepped Irnm the ‘D:Jordan retoreed borne thU atlernoon
aa « «nai a »«« euaeealeoee
troll bouse of correeiioa after sereiiig
after rUltlag hti brother and wife,
seatenee for robbing tbe poatomre
Tta «. * W. E. W«aB padlBi 00
[r. aad Mra. Freak Jamet.
MrillkCB In 1903. they were arres:
ttair Waltae aRaoaJoa ibla MoralBI
The HUiea AiUe Cbamploo. France#
on a eharge of robbing tbe Corel
eapret and Laura Haailoriky re­ poslofficc and wore brought to GmJ
aa4 atptat to
sareka aa aaea aa eonpleied.
turned to thia city today after apeod- Bapida lor UtsL
few dayr at Drawn with Mr.*ko died at
Wemeaaa far Parmara.
Lewla CampbeU.
Charles al'Hta age of lOS yenre.
potato wanbouaa er<
CapL Pardee ot Cmd Hareo
ooe of tbe pioneers who rided la
ala yean aio aaar Ibe Pare Marqoelte.
the day lo tbe dty yeaterday while In- cooMTUcilon ol the flret trilroad In
«Kb a eapaeUr of beabela aad
dale, and for many jeare he held
apeeUng (be Sidney O. NeS.
wrbkb waa eoouoiw by “
Kowel Hleka ot Watum e
Bs over various road% but'
■ JaUat Baaaab. baa beeo ieaaed by
dty on boilneai trday.
would never ride on the roads. MTier.
Oeavalae BRKbert. Tbaywillo
Mr and Mra. Tbomaa AMatrong ot P9 years of age he walked to Port Hu
tta an tor a tartaer^ atorape
Mlctalgao aty. Mra. George Sboop of ron and back.
taaae bad laaaa lafflrldBal co. .
Cbteago and Mn. Qua Palm of Cadil­
Augustus Spies, the mlllkmaire lum
——- tor ttorepe to Iboaa vbo bare
lac paoaed tbroogb tbia dty yeaterday
ennaa wbo was elected mayor^ He
BO eiber aiorace tacUUM aseept ptu
afternoon while on tbrir eray to Nonb- nominee, received the Ivgcst majority
far tbeir aanul aapply. Hamofore
ever given for a candiaate for m
Baay (aitBert bare beaa obllped to porL where they wore called
Mtber aril la tbo Ml or atote their CDont of (be death trf their father. ia that city. Mr. Spies' maJorUy
Rlefatrd Kitchen, who died Tboraday e$4 or more than bis oponenu' enUr.
wlaler aapply ia pHa.lwbleb are cloaed
aftenmoB at 1 o-doek from a ilroke
aaUl Mr waatber. Wttb the enonaoM
The sale In the borned «. D. Scotcapadty at atonpa at the dispoaa) M of apopleay. Mr. Armatrong. whoac
mother. Hra. Tbomaa Armatroag.
csrrtage tsetory at I'ontlac wsa
raatak tta iadlrUttal bolden of pomidst of the Bcreesl flanue aad I
lataea nn be eaabled lo sore tbeio tldet lo tbe city, retoreed hero 1
morning for a daya alay before return- ulncd the losurence policies. $f0.ri*o
at aay Una dorla* tbe wlotar.
lag Moaday with tbe tamlly to Cad­ worib of accounts, anil other valiialili
illac. where tbe laterment will take
It was brilercd (bat Ibi-s.
Law Tree tataol fiepe'tA daughter. Mre. Robert JohaIS and liooka would be utterly
Keport «( tbe Loae Tree eebool Tor
tta antb ndlat Uareh SO.
ace of-Cadlllac. waa at borne with her
HoMber of daya unsbt, SO: nuaiber parenta at the Umc of the death
daya-atieodaaee. Il».
Mr. Kitchen. An only elater. Mrr.
NeMtar aorelM. 3t; areraia dally Brena. aan-lrn at Cadllae.
attaadaaea. SI; per cnt M attead.
J. O. Duncan of SuUona

Teeter. May Broaro. Beryl Parka. WIIT. MItcbell of Elk Baplde waa la the
lie RaaeoM. Margacrlte Barta. DD^ dty yeMcrday on a abort burineaa trip.
otby Oiaat. Bertba Babaom. Blijab
Mre. W. J. Racbow ot Copemlab
Biniinn Harold QtaaL
la tbe dty yeaterdayNaMber o( rlaiion dariag
K. W. Newark ot CadllUc was In the

Will get aruuail the law, which pr- | l-er.i sad a

tbe aortb


gailoaal assembly grounds at Cry*trila. and will afford one of tbe Oncst
drives in nonhere Hichlgaa from Beu-

• cm from the tsc
of Scott's Emobion b
very «pW. For thb
ntson %ve pot up a
mx^or cold or isdul
as a trial for iMbia
cenditiom the sain b
siower—hcaHh cannot
be buBt tp in a day.
In sueh cases Scott's
Emubion must be taken
as nourishment; a food
rather than a medicine.
weak dijcsUons.

lab to rranklon.
A paUicUc tncldcri ^ come to
light Id ^connccUoa witf Ibe reo-nt
death of Cbartcs B. Dartaon. wbo
thinywU yoare an employe of tbe
Ann Arbor Printing .Ga and lU isuriressora In the anme bnildlng. the
Rlrfamond-Dsckua Co. Up to tbe-iime
If bis last lllnesa Mr. Davlsoo bad al­
ways polled (be bell rope attachhe b«9l on the root of the bnildlng.
.Uhougb for tbe last few yean It had
len deemed useless. During bis lU
»s he tx-grigrty delegated someone
I this duty, bu on the day of his
mih the Itfll rope was seven-d
le bell ffpever ceased lo ting.
AetoriHng lo the new liquor
mnee adopted by
the Pen Huron
o'.iBCil III dialer*, liriore being grant
d license*, mnsi have thrir appUca
;ons approved as being of good char
Mer. Sew place* cMal-IUhod In resl.
eacc dliirlcU moat have the consent

U with a crowbar and pried open
cracked plates. Tbe papers were
found intact, the vareUh on the wo
work sraa sram-ly bllslen-d and a i
of maiehcs wws Iff good shape.
Jobn Siurgls. son of old Judge Slur
sla. after w-bum tbr clly of Siiirglr
named, ts il«ul at lbc age of k3 jx-ar.
He was one of*a family of twelve cbll
I dron and was very rwntrle. He maillarge fortune In the mining fields ol

California. He was Tcry reckli-*
city yeaterday on bualoeaa.
his money and very frenucnlly llphieO. W. Ferria
Chhrlcfolx waa a bis jdpe wllb n $1(1 bill. Upon
•If teat Lr Public taboola.
Treverae Oty vtoUor yesterday.
le oereslnn be visited
WUb Ike pcBctleal aettlcmoal at the
Mra. Fred Light and atalcr. Mias cago in tnldsiimmcr and having a slid
Lou Amoy, left lhl« monilBg ta See- den desire to go sl<-igh riding, he bad
ana CHy to aticod (be tiiaere! of their
block of a strin 'M-read hrevlly
to tta priiaary arinol tuad of Itao aUte brother. William Amey. who died yes­
rtv-k salt, hired a sl- lgli.and rmIarUefe ti to be aaed la the biHog of terday.
up and -kiwn ihv block for some time
pabUe eebori leacbeia. It ia eetlitaled
Mre. II. M. ayne loft thU mo:
This made him (emporerily famous

■owtb. right ______________

at lAariw that SIS tor erefy child of for Cedar Ron. where the will
rd a poor man. leaving t
aetaoi age «m be due tta aitaol dle- frietuia
nd one daughter,
UlcU oa aecooat of (be back I
Hr. and Mre. C. W. Benaoa retoreed
voter* of tlie lownslilp of
ta tta repeated appeallag of
to ihdr homo In OrUU ibla morelog.
Tonia look advantage of tbe iiiAv
ta Tnyerte Cliy there are S.IM cbll- after apeeding a abort time In the city
law Tii-wday and spliriiprlatrcl
dm oarriM le tta aehoole and alter with trleoda.
aceewsary funds to construct
tta apporttaMeat of the primary
Mre. W. II. KiUhi aad
faad. tf the Uaalag oaUmale U cor- Martha retoreed to thdr borne In Manrad. Trarerae CUy will hare abow cdona this morning, after elalilnB
tMtaO ter the porpese of hiring frieoda la tbe city.
taaebera. OelaUe of the city there
Hr. aad Mre. F. II. Tuttle left this
an S4II aeberi ehUdrea la Onod moreing for Kanaat City, where they
Tn*«m coBBly. TUa wUl gire fSt.will make ttair fulnre borne. They
TTO to ta diftrtboted among the rawill atop la Oread Rapid#.
rteaa actaol diatricti.
oes Flnan of Cheboygan, wbo has
With tkli larte amoaat of
traaaaCilog bnalneaa In Maniatce,
baad ta bfew taoritere U will oot be
Vaaed through (be dty thla
uiiiiiiry. la tta coBalry dlaUtria at
I bit way borne.
Mari, to rote a aebool apptoprtatloa.
John HAui left for Union City. lad.,
(tala morning, wbere he wai called by
ot the aeriouB Illness ot bla
Harold Tbacker. (be adopted aon
Hr. aad Hra. W. C Tbacker of Aemc.i
Freak Ackers and wife of Bingham
died Tbortaar right at ]« o’doek of
ptased thtoogh tbe dty this morelkg
dhbeteo. Tb^lad woa from the Grid1 ttair way to St. Ignaee.
water eebool and bad aol boea well
Attorney Tkomat Smni
tbr aome time, mltboogfa be waa j
turned today from a butli
Tta (ooeral waa

dcatdd Tbanriay by tbe aoddea derib
of Ueir little ala-moatbi-old babe.

as a G. A. It veu-ren, aged K3 ytwrs

vaier system*. The vole Of the j
-le lUBlrucUng a IfiOJHJt) cxitendlluix

Uurk-.v B. 0*l»-nie of Slan-1l*b.
orced- the council to take the aeiliMi sclioul eoromUsioaer of Arenac coiiu
1 bail withheld. No constriction work ty. tbls wix-k iH-etimes head of Hie
o-tilrel .Hlehlgan llitflness r.illcge nf

tensing, «rf wlileh Supt. of IMWIc jn
slTortloo KelUy is president. Tbo IDAlthough elected for a fifth
hla la the Bnit time Mayor Gunioi ot EtliQllnn will K- made
welt a* •TcBldenee*' school,
•onllac baa hs-I a r-pulillran reiinell.
i'rof. MUUro K. I'-armelte. for elgb
ind n numirerol ilic best «jffl(-es have
aeboc.l* a'
bertforc fallen to Ibedemticrats. Now years jAiperinlendcnl of
Uayor Gulllol will doubllCKs mala.•lean sweep.
ComprtiUou In ga* supply Is prom

faas under eoasIderatloB an offer
torii place
from (he Chinese gnvi
at Maple City Ssaday. Hervey AadcrderUke some Important work In the
aao prepared (be remalaa tor burtal.
Interior of the eaMcrn empire.

t to

Klagaley lor and the arebbtstap ri Canterttury.
Tbe gorereor geneial of India is o(
■ Hr. and Mre. Henry Hall of North tbe same race, as are several wbo bold
ROtl Point are la tta dty today wUh Important oSIcew In tbe mlnlRry. sjeb
Rtitadlllg to boataeaa.

aa\the chief seervtary and the lord

o Ml evnl* wiK-n it reaches uii.'SHi.-W-i
were pi
'eel. A dlwoudl ctTlo rents per Ihoii- Wanier an-l
aud feel U to be alluwx-d from above marl,.-.I ••llepitbliren.Si-» of the prlnrlpal elites of Ih-Igtires where bill* are pabl lictnre tin
ate are alrendy planning In iiillir.lUih of the m-Hitfa. Tbe fnim-hlle of
hi- present gas eonipaiiy ••xpin-s It. Ihi-lr rliarc of Hie gii.r.iMi.-MKi
the railroads will have tn pay.
ilviiii elgbleen month* and the ad-

State Mrcet. On

bulky good*, we are offering Buggie*.
Wagons, Harrows, I.and Rollers, I’lows,
etc, at a big discount. These gooods are
moving rapidly at these cut prices. Gome
while the stock is complete.


our Johnson Mowers and Binden are
“standard” and at less pritx than the trust
sells them.



Commercial Frintins
nil Kinds

Rerald and Record €0#

.x-i;l of the new eont-ern will prolialily In x-tx-rllng new achtwl luill-llnp-. Tlc-y
•cMtll In some targalning of nite* to



t folio
-risedUifindsucb bring hope
la^ dtleaoa«"ia anrpi
aUrgj^yporiloDof^ ja^i
Hla Bnby Nnsbnuh.
Chicago. UkL. writes. t
DearMfi. Plnktam:—
• I IwT* beros great tuffwro wkh inreruler
.............ildthiabe---------------------------lertnds aad («nsl* V oable.
" and about three

^v beeanae they have neglected ihemaelven. Female treuhlea nrec-rtainl.v on nae. wd I had so siS?
on tbe iocrvaac among the woim-n of
this country—they creep upon them
nanwnres. but everv one of tliuw
patleoU Id the hospital bclshad pleat
lywell.of wareiag lo that besring-down (e«

ud ffirU. thrw‘rithc»

The Herald and
Farm and Fireside
Both One
Year for

Farm and Fireside is issued twice a month, ‘24 times a year, and has from 24
to HS |>agcs each issue. It is profusely illustrated with half tone and color pictures.
It is the best farm and home journal in America. Thousands of dollars are expend­
ed annually for expert advice for the farmer, dairyman, stock-raiser, poultryman,
fruit-grower and gardener. It has departments for the housewife, fashion pages,
pattern?, jfood stories, puzylts. It has wit and humor columns and a Young Peoples’
This great pai>er is given absolutely free for one-full year lo eveiy subscr
K and oltl. to the Herald, who has paid for the Herald in full to Jan. 1, 15*07,


reffnlar. aupiuvued o
of tta orgsnv that beartng-dowa feellag. lofiammaUt*. baekache. bloaiiag
(or flatntaiey). geoeral dcrility. indt-


Hra. O. P. Hanh. after umidltig i llculeaani ot Ireland.
few daya la tta city, relureed to be
John Burns, tbe radical member of
tame in Wimsmabarg thla aftemoos ptrilameri. was addressing a meeting
___,--------------------- want-to-be.le(tMrs. H. U Carter, who baa been ab- In the district which he reptesenls.^r alODc'' feeUags. they should remember
ttaro Is ooe tried and troe remed.v.
aaat frcmi (ha riiy for tbs past moaib
vWM TlaiUag-relailTes at Grand Rap-

Moore building.

account of lack of room for many of our -

ion to pn cents when the output reailldales wvre given -K---i'l*e major
un->iint» to :n.nrNt.(KiO feet a year, and ltk-». It Is l-clleve-d that many uio-1

When tbe pope received the French
lag. pain at left oe right of the abdemco.
(n. Alice BerryhUI. of »IS Boren
isbopa Tccenlly they eonlit
DervousexhaasiioB. pain In the amall
FMM Satarday’i Record.
eeU Cbattanuaga. TsBB . writes :
ir Mre Ptakbam;—
Cbariea Braaa aad wife left thl> dereund hla dlacouiwe. w strong l* his ot tta back. dixxiDeas. flatulency, displastmenU .-d tta organs or irregnlarThree -rears ago life WM dork to raw
moralag for Keyatoae.
where Hr. YeneUan accenu Dut It Is the thing iUes All of these symmoma are iadi- 1 had ntarerion and laflaoiraUKra -d the
DOW In tbe Vatiren to speak with
Braaa win poittaae a farm.
- a unhealthy condition of lemsle ergaa* and •** in ■ s-rinu* rewtitloo.
-Nt balth ws> eofoidnetr l-r-iSen d-n
irgana. and if not heeded
y. A. Sktaaer aad wife of South little ol that accent. Venetian dUh<tbe peDtltTha. . ■ be paid by a dangertaatdmaa retaraed to tbdr borne thli an- In rogue, and In the houses c
oua operation. Wben ibcie *vmpl<*ms
rieb Romans Venetian antlqultli-s ar
oifesl ttamaelres.donotdregalong
cmsel-res. do not drag along
il von are obliged to go to the b-yapitri
sl and aubmit to an operation—
Tb<- lour iwtnelpa! personage* la the
but remember that L.vdia E PinkBriilsh empire, ranking after royalty, ham'i V^uble Componed^haa tared
are 8e«-tcb—the prime minister the
anAblsbop of York, the lord chancel­ OfM^lODS.
Oaoar Blmpaon s


lex- was proaiiiu-nt In eliiirrli ou-l Ma
s«iii!e H«eb.'lie*.qiii(l ba* Bsined a

’rariical (ia* Cuustruelion Co. ol Clil- linriy enrolled ss rep.ibllrans. n
cntly. a* the books show that (Ketiem
-ar--. The eoiirvrn promises ;
.oeroiie enrollment wa*
vi-r> small
ale •>! $1 pi-r lh->ii>.vnd feet tor
l>r<elnri* where demoeralle
uel and lighting ga*. with a rediie-

parcaU tor a few days.

the fuaetri at tbe babe

Ilshed at iJtpeer, Severel yrarv ago-other* pn-redod Mis* Barnes to the
he Iwgan raialog skunks In large.Bum-t giay< from tWs Hole house.

Charletlu. ha* ptweate<l hi* rotJgna
lliUi to the srbool boanl. Mr. I'arme

«cl rlilrens of Port llun-u, aecorJof fri.-nd*. Hi- I* uadeel-led Ir-Iw-v|i
ng to a petition for a rremblw
two imiililoiis oPenvl for next >t
■iIlK-d (u the euntliKiu e-mucll by
IVerooeiats at Jackson were u
Wvpliou A. GraliMu on bvbnM ot l lio

a left for the
Hlaa Grace f
Soo ihU morelog.
Mias Ethel Savage left this moreii
(or Jennings, where she will vlsii ber

Otfwrri Naum.
Baymoad. who died from heart trooblc
MiH Nora Stanton match baa taeu
aad Btraagulatloo after a bait bottr-i
elected lo mcmbentalp In the Ameri­
IBaaaa. death orertaldiig him before
can Society of Ciril Bngloeers. the
tta aerrleea of a phyaldaa could be
t woman so distinguished,
Mr. and Mra. Uirai
nndddugfaier of the (amooa EUuw«i« ready to more Friday to Maple
h Cady sunton aad the
Oty aed bad their booeetaold i
a lo win the degree of clvU englT in Cornell univeretly. Ml*i Blan-

of both the Hexlren sod civil war*! though she !» *urvlved by a brother,
and a member of the tk-aemv county j Chatk's B. Hanie*. lenreaHiit. be -aa*
bar for tweaty-Bix-year*. He rondarl-! ntit In the famllv at the time it co­
ed the first photograph galleTy estab i<-rvtl the Green *lreci hoBK'. Serx-o.

ent to bed while her husband rat at
After fightlllg against it (or moiiih*.
table r^ing. 8be . awoke at 1!
be Battle Creek aldermen were forced
0 close aa opUoif Tuesday night for ii'rlock. and aeclng him still there, sp-1
parenily asleep, got up to arouse biro.
he iiutebasc of farms at Verona
It found Ik- wa* dead. Van Horn
vhleh to Insull wells for the new <

t Increases tn the Number of Operations

The home of Mr. aad Mrt. W. Lo-

; Mon better prolecHoB.
Haalet E Adam*, aged 71. who
---------------------------- - —
I notnri--ly by estabHsblng a aWtmt her of that idaDrer crowd wa» carried
j farm Dear OUfrille. died at bl» home' out of the oW botaeKlead to Oak Hill
i there Fri.lay right. He was a veteran'eemct. ry—Ml** Harriet Rarees. AI-

the brick buidiog, 13i>- State street, lo the

Avoid Them.

eaaae of Sse Twdfth ctreet wai

tk. flreman on the Lenox * 8|. Claly
rellraad, was Mrieken with paralysis
< > his engine and was aaeoasriaus
t aUl the train arrived at Lreax
8lst)-four yxare ago
pUday the
;at Ann Artur, will lUXc a stale rogt<-.
irelloa of nurse* lo afford ibe prafex- Barne. family of sev.® moved trio

Mr*. B'm, VauHoro of Battle Creek

e: Uen uken.

illl be done nntil IXIT and not
;ioe.oW) may be
per year.

wlQi tta
hurolug of nwd Haar s saw mill at
I.eoux. bU brother. Harry Haar. aged

vurc favorable (tanehtoe right*.

Women in Our Hospitals

from tta Tote rbnreb Saturday at : p.
n. la ^arg^ at U.U Carter.

for imylBg teaehere- aalarie* by ooriiling the salary Inidget from tbe aonu
kwal apvrapriatlrei( sad rilllriag tl
,money for new buUdioga.
; Tbe Hlrttlcan State Nunes' areortaUon. briding the anaial .coirreBttDe

Wc 'have moved our slock which was in

liionai local lax of |:nu per year, but
to defintte steps In tbls direcHoa have

safe expert lo bkiw It oiicn. In tli<
mrenlllDC. however, aomcam: went at

Tides that tbls Ux fund shall be used |


r a majority of property owat-nt witha a radius ol 50U fix-t' of the site,
•hero Is , some talk of sUI! further
rowing the line* by requiring an ad-

sufficiently the warped and balterci;
affair was hauled out of the debri.and a rocssase moi to Detroit for

otby amt. fourth grade; Uoyd Yoo- inlcreata.
her, third grade.
Ber. M. L. Rood of AMco wai
Roll of bonor—Vera Toiikor. Uoyd the dty ycalifday.

TKUMoitv. april tz. tiot.

shore of Crystal lake
When com­
pleted this will form ita eonnortlng
line brtwtwt Deulab and lbc Congie-

desiraycd. When the rulOB had cooled

aan. Ji.
Mcied butlaeai la tbe city yciterday.
Tboaa aiaadlBK blgboM oa eaaMaaH. 8. Andereon ot LcUnd waa In tbe
Un ware Etljab Baaaoai. M«blb
ty yesterday.
C. H. Perry of Cadillac wai In
pade; HaraM Oraat, flRb grade: Dm- dty ycBierday looking aftm- bueli


miles of jpavH eoad oa

other medlrtae. for
LrdiaS. linkham. in rite all wick womcDtowritebtrfuraHricc. ileradvlee
and mrdictec have restored tbousaads
to beritb. A-ldresv Lvnn. Moss.

I|«B I. PMISB'fi VfiUtsHi €m Mi

imaii nm Mnn M.

To Cure a Cold in One Day




Tbe Cause of Many
Sudden Deaths.
I* *«wl^ ivie ctow4i. «. A.
H«Uar «M J. Av FlTt ««ro ra«tc«l««
irwUtat «Mm tur four 7WS


lirtpawt «M«n were etiMod
^Joii» ««i1cL J. A. rrye.
4i«d IwMi AMtrtet. O. A. Ketller.


r. KMA
rut AMrlM. r. C Ber«w.
k twv* etaLS of enaeuBU fcr
UmUtTf ha* Mea

ollm Ihe rtiull
efkidnp disuM. II

tU«I oftan or the
- and wssts
swap cell Igr cell.
BUdte treubks nest sis.,------------------adsran(aincnl<i1he kMnrpseiid • evie Is
ebtalped qnlcfcen bp a proper Ireetnent o(

aad <

tNUer. H. m. «rifWi

*“tV rl3

ae<1 B. 0.

Tte ortlMUoe Mnrlo** »IU
Of Kact. the tnsl Slid

be^M Buadt]'.

THUWOM'.’jiroii. «. »»•«.

d bU own.

to crrrpbodp's b

KeCormlrk. aasIMast IraCl:

Cnra Yaar Cougli

msBiger of (bv liarriraaB ^rnad sps-1
lem; lirxu life as a eewsbop Ip the,
piBiw of biP bWh. |jifsp«te. led. Thalj
Ibirtp pears ago. His Anti
ralland work was as a ck»h srit* the |
lake Krle end Weslcrm. Ootag over!


mirk, fer It Is said that more non
generel pasrcoBCr agenu hsrr tcrr.-l.
ider fclm than anybo.1; vire lu the!

FfcmSnDiilesfiofUaeefftdAlmost in Dt^air.

■ freoNcwH.

aa ludilTrrcat li.’m'WBU at be^
wlMO tlM- preuldeni
ni-t on
It stands tbf hIChsst (rr Its won- road and orges tir hi.-.-e tu ij:.« ef the most duaressnig eases.
Lodge has bar I .wurk kr-.-i-ln
...—-'Nealh plBsanl louke and sold
■Mftfyjnuihell «b4 weaken of fbc
bp aB dncgisls In flttp-ccnl snd em dslisr ahd hretilug abosrd bU horse,
■mM eeaamee heM a Iobc BieeUDs
ordcflh-s who follow 4t\- n-astani
uriaedM to call ■ (trike on Burda;
pnpins lhai Ixvieb wi:i fsM cE oonir
0 tko (ttfhera were refuaed artiltisday. They do net like hlrn.
misall tboul li.beth II—e—Hi-s
In the midst <•! ih - hone nilr mw
lytabunU' April
ScTcnl Bines. ■eol Ires bp mall. AddrassOf.KlImer&Co.
iropcn-y Mr. Chaml-rials was lli''
UMMtUban OqM Ciu and n «ai '
Mdlnc this i»nen>oa offer.ln tMs'paper.
gnnsl of Sir Willlsm llarrtiurt at Mnl
<ssdpmbsska.beliremember wend. >o' III th. ih.- t-ki- wn
Usuf tUa Dernlac a* the rcnlt of the ---------------- - Swamp-fteol. &.. WlmeT’s
atwayi at It baioistr and KuifS'. S
onBrs seat oM br the Pltiebunt «»cpniral hnjm-rt«t eqounmtcl on .HTMtIee peaterdar. No tnwbic was re
\t c Ideasing ,|*ar.t ..t to’!"---*
poriad aarwbefw this Boralaf and
rollirnrt-rsv. "Ylb." lepih.l Sir Wll ,
Ham. - JiK-.and I ait; r.’nv.nt 111..
brelhe.T.." • Yrs." respoiidi-d ill.- r,-ii
tail one. -to tiro Cain and Ain;!.Ono rt th- nwirl


bo BolicIlMl: they will be penslticd.
lap fa not allowlas aliens to be ampieced M aerraau oa Ibem. Other;
watAlpa hare Japaaeee Utinc the po-


Price, soc and Sz<


S. E. Wait &-Sons and C. A. Bugliee.


014 NisSioB Feuh Rcson AsstMiUl’c


■I wMih mwutCM. Mwt ll 0«c


malty of TSurih rafollixa aod-J.< n-ir.
wortlns fpr Ihi- rt.-gree rf H. A, in
llarvapl. H.-rr be Is.ialiiDg some of
the harJesl eo-rre* In llie e.;:rrleil!iini

-piwsetitallve John Wi-sUy CsJni'


m MIXED FARMING -------------- WHEAT
ITS Cl MU-aiOAN-lW.4 kil.


t la Ibis Ucl8t.“ he said. “U a

H eaatrtrea as well to cln Its me
ben the beat possible knowledge
the feoenphp of the Ueltod Stales bj
hetdlat eoaveoiloaa aertb. eoutt.

Oaaeral Nawa. Four Paalaeh


hreaks the' reronl.


■nn- *ni--nniiiia!: .H* - ar- . i.;.,-r.;,ln-!


^ Ija. lo.l.

hariUhM ef HAW. Ml him bp bi
■other. Ml*. Msrr i. Pauhon. Tbe
aria was eoaiesUd asd baa beea *o*talMd.


IhBA ward ef Kookok, lewa. bt
ha wrote a letiar of apmpaiby to Nan
rattoTM wkea *ha wa* oa trial
New Tort lor the murder of Caesar
Tow. Th* wives of tbe voter* caused
• ataW to Ika dowoe*alk taadldaie.


uateM and loaMaal mwerv, in tart.
th*N wa* natUnc «« would not hsre
doa* to Imve giree him reliet. Tbe
taoBlIr doctor K«med to be wholly
toeapaUe of co^ with ^ w. ud
Klsr varieuB expenments of Us. whirn
tMdHd in hotoeei lotheeUU.wu

Ahdrvw JackBOO Beehaaan enterad

«le sun o

_______ ______ _______ ______ ereeluallp
He—Of tea. KMiehw ea Otmitkt
b* dU kt «b end movtAf with • w
Aritkffp elHtlo *l«e.
Hlaa HpMtatbo Hair BKi of CMo- tktatp aatad our baby's life, tar be wm
neo Spriaga. ptamgaM danffbter of tb* mem awftd offfat that 1 ever hefarid.
Sir. WIlUkB A. Boll. OM of lb* beat Mar to tbe treatmeet ef lb* Cotsenta

fetMMi artmoeieop.
' JMCph . Tluaey. Che aole^vUer who
kom tb* BMk W Kertb AMitoa l>
UtP Turk. Bcrer kaew that hU Wbri
i )sn (inta tinCAM from ihe aamt

Tb* fa-ber mtered KMO U

" Hsip-fe®


Trjrzri'Si er


Pere Marquette try a herald wakt ad. ..
1-0, I


_ ,_. JUcs and the seem tie. i- tf-c
proper sponjfiits cl tbe chth to Gv-ild
ghrinklREf not merely c wot cioUl OSd
A bet Iron, but gdentidcany
spoftifed by practical tnctii—by
moBbs ot tbe CLOTHCRAFT
patent process
This is oac
reasorutcr tbe success et

M. & N. E. HUE C1EQ

Ui-nc. no
•dd to this tbe
M gcniiLs oi t
desifDcr of C LOTHCRAFT

R88i Estate and Loans
12? Front 51., BonUEtit BP..

Travme Cllr, Mich.

CLOTHES, the personal super.
vUioR bw ejfpcfl-'.. tbe ooo*

i* /a




Properly of All Kinds for Sale
and Exchange

! j.r.ducK'. ap-i.

' \Vt! will ;:<:t yOii lutven per ent per .-itmum for


’ Tpavi:r..e City real estate or yiU edge larmi io

yi.ii'r moncv'aod give you as security gilt edge
Ifcn:thec*ni:ti'tvi.ryd£- i-in-.

teawdtal womaa to cototaeo.
§ bor slstart have married Into \bc





the Weetera * AllaaUe railroad shops

■mriT IWtrtek iom*a Bopta. Vlaeount
KcibnrM. eldtwt aoo of tba earl
OU^ow. 8h« Is taM to b» the aiost


Untold SufIMng «nd Constant
Misery-Awful Sight From that
Draadfiil Complamt, InfantikEc
nmi—Commencffd at Top of his
' Hoad and Covarad .Entire Body.

timto KV«eal mcinths. eammenrini; as

A. C Decker, twiublltaii. was detaaled fer aldirman ta a atrong repub-

I.-- i

Caabum. Wls

maK drive Ue mllat t« church oven
■twlhp for Bfieen pear* or ktae *n lb


-reonx-s in bighvr mad'. a"iil
Bcolory, fon a .Irgrie Inim ili - Uni-


thnmeh maBoal skill or lltentrp work


For Over
Thirty Years


RulLle and Angtn-ttar.iiL
n i, l-Hluiic- 11- !
oa the wai-palb the oiber ofiet8--«alor Hemciiway 1,-Ils cd a.earutag lia< not
I agatiut Ihe eommerrlnl agent, nOgn meeting In Iowa wL.-lv the nr..
VViisl.insi. II
abroad by the scerrtery of com- ItaUu nl a nhii-d speaker v.a.- in be vug.
tiH- h-1-lan.i has tx-eri Isn.-'.l I >.|
le to study anil report on (rede p)"7iu-B'e>l l.y t. me sH.-ihow t-iii. rsrta be tcpiaead br ecsroet. Uereto- roDdltlons with a view In adrasring
iiintni-Bl* on'a near-by rummiin, A
fbre this eaeatrp has been Boat llb- Am«1att foreign tfartc. lie ileelarcT
ponijKiis r.iliilrl!iB w!i • t'sd serae;? a
«al la aNnrfac terete* natleu to la- that Boeb Icgtslaticn was pslernslUlli
in ll'e b.-Nlalure wa* iw/liMig
B>oct plans or aew ships, and. in faet. and designed to afford sometvjrty a Job.
••.ward ime of lh«■^c show*, when be.
tp look onr the ships themselves, b
‘Why Biihmll irsdo omlaluns In or f..iiuil bis way hs'i.-il l.y a buriy tErn.-!
sikea the vedOeaUeaf for the co
,0 g« Bomehodp a Johr Ihiin
“Make way. tli.-ro." stl.l I'.e pom-atrmitleo of the Kldil^ sad Sou
derod tiaincs. -Why. In niy dUirici ■•■lu. K.-ullvMsli. ■'Wi-il. *1-0 anCaroMon ao to the OMitraeton.
arc smi.nen people who nued a askwl tin; tormi-r. -.\ n pr—.enifliKedae of eecreep will -be roQDircd fob. No, Siw.noo." added Calncii taasl<if the isv.ple. -ir;- rar'slu.-! ll.- p.'*'
SwB OMh oaie raeelrlac the plan*. It Hr. for an iaawutacy or ernir In fl.-s-sr. i--in l., T.o-lr fVivr »n
I. in.llBiiBaily. Tta- nivi gritra.-:,
Ip said that It U In oonhiBeilcB with
■ Tut.1
res Is abhorrent to bis precise mind.'
that ain't nulliia', "rohi h'l-. "tV<au* new poUar of cwaidlac pini
ff-r-^i.-nko en-J .ll'ii
RxdKmator WilHsm F.. Chandler «l folks t.or.- air III.- peenal'ih-trsfdv.-.,''
Urn eooetTwetloa ef hatUeaUpe that
• AlWn Is II I- tu-l-ilivl i.f l*i'.-:i.r...l
lew Hampahlre. wbo is now at tin;
There arc signs Hint Al*«
^ order la made not to admit aliens
cad of the Spanish ireatp dalms com
-p beard shlpa la sap caimeltp. and It
mlssloo. misses the opportimliy h.i
hrmtut the order wUl aoon be ciIn the senste of discussing iiubllc ta Wa-Hilnslon ihsi he 1s fairly well -Ji-ilb lb.;H, jv !,.-r-:.;r ,
taoded to evetT abl|( la the aervico.
tamed alreadv, Uo l.av gwa.-.-y,..;,ptag' tl;.- k-.'.-l .-f J-!-u .V. Sl.nni,. u.
The tBastUHtp of Urts step bat been
whh Ms wile taore'hull oprr. :'T.. .1 ••. l.we ! hi1o !.. ■
mder dlaeustlaB for aeverd pears, and
"Whit are you doing now,
riirc." ia>saiiomrWHu.«.---of llie.le !«.-m-.‘-o.i: .f
a li-;i-it aoe Ume was before etmsrcia.
an old friend ashed him the other day. ,or:a;viiu. -he weat whoppin:: wiih gi.-.,,:. d ij I7-; i.iil r. r.
-Oh.“ Chandler reidled. - I am a pob
lK-fo,f rhe was |.h' wit,-, tim- Mw - -h. a-. I: -- iu; ta
«*• '
Wf Heetine of ToOBhen.
b»l Is a pob- limwnt c«nt. 1:> ih- rh-.pi.lng b-'I
r I.-'.........
: 8SB maelaoo. April «—Tbe
d. -lA pob
done sine.- tb.-i. Uuii . nml.-s o, im.-d In t;-:-.-n t
-T-.-. -s! !
eealloa ef tbe NetloMi BdacM

to brine «ll lAe best and brisbtosi
■lads ef tbe eowic la a foeui on the
ef the AmerteH ehild and bis

Atioferl Bmwdy rorCaegnpaii<m. Sotir Stomach. Dianttoea.
\\<r<RSjC«avuisions.revcnshtKss oulLoss or Sleep.


L Positivi

cfcllM of stewards and waMrooa a«-.
IraiaaU. bet oo the new ships iboF>

dltC.from Jalp Kh to Ittb will be «•
waded, it U eapecied. bp tt.OOO teach
nrdreoi all parts of the United States.
fBUIe tte N. B. A. eslKa oslelMlblp

Bears the


iadei|»Alr,irtten our dra^st recommended Dr. Kin^’e
Hew TOecorery. After tbUo^ four botUes she was
po^Uy cured and h*s had no throat trouble Hnee.”
•^EO. A EVLEB. Cumberiand. Id.

I llarrant lUilveii
of the nxiM cteluslrc HK-Iel.- a Ifliiid 8fti.l.-::i.*!i.i htii from a nfl
MeM RooaoTelt prtworiaf that the bl
taBkMMM eoal etrlho be aMtled bp ar weefclp la London. Ii Is to be a i>'jl- eonnlry Vmni In X.o;l. rai-..;ii>a. II.
iealion nbcul the arlstncn^. for tbe
iia-i.-rel the
m--i difflnil.

ciarp .and by the arislurraoy.
Av«MM •amd Pnm Benrice.
Members of the n-jbllily arc esi«rlej
WAshiacton. April A—When the'
fnrelsh, the news. Half « erowi,
• batUeKiipe Coaenctleul and LouUlaua! per copy, pr 6* cents, will be the pi iev
CO Kto eOBBlaaloB. It Is saW that the of the weekly. 8ul<scripllotts will mi-




■alhera an for a jxwceablc adjanthe bank and Ihr dirt^ors made Uf
use. The elder Tcmey sm «i»Celaabaa. Ohl.-. April 6.-A telegnm was seat lodar bp PiesMtst plupmcatt edsewherr and db-tl about
Wilder of the Ohio Coal Hloera aase- thrav pean ago, a tvspn-ied elllern,
le countess of IWdlep I. tu l-crsf
datkie to President Kitchen and Pna-


The Kind Yon Have
Always Boe^


hiber «d gmenO passencer agvnia' Is]
applied to Hr. UrC-ir-:


t the eirtta of tM a


ftsp your Un; InitaUon. reliaro your Sore ThroAt
■ad drive out your Chronic Cold, with tbe only certalBsUd strioUy 8oieoUfic,Care for Coa^tiB aod Colds:

to Uir Uouon. be worlcJ
gcoeral laut-Wgrr agiTtCT.
general iinsri-opir agent
luc >:in ;
-lonnil. Hamllioti and Pajini. tbe mu.
Kour. the Soolbcni Parltir and t^n to,
a* asstsiaat traCIc direnor;
of tbe Hnrriman noea It if aaM *nhr;


Gran'J Travrnie County. Mich., where yoor



money will be. ribsolutcly «fe.

SUM yeai’re Aafa. .a* (pt CLcifTnrAFT

mnr^ evciT humor, rao^lmg of

M b ottaa MS^t tow ttie most
•adantr bumora.ecaraiB.mhrs. and
britaUsB^ftaw bUory to Bgr.


Tt««.s-.- cup ivi SiTi«j».-i


i; s. MUBAAV, t-taO.


9 TftAVtmC HtllALO. ^U«»*V, APmLJi. l«t


Use SanaUBe dab*
Poor friend.
Age A

Wc Uogb a* w* fly.
And nerve eietywbere.
We-bring fita oor king

llebTillB. Web.. Martb 14. 1MCr -Preddent—Aa I have tiaa, I
win write to for aad oak yor U yo«

fmit. good wUI. tor men in a
wodd atM toe a card aad etoipa- Tbto
to toe ftrat due I over wrote to
Tbe dIamoBd* and peart* from
very Boeb to road tbe Ban
bcaru! bot It *oaU Mt «aH» «o to
AfcUebmimt ocean
1. We uke tbe Herald ae
tb«a lole ^Ul 4b»r arc oW
gatocrad and airaag for toe fair,
leboal aow aad ar leacbev-»
to tign tliclr name* to ibe
It Ur. Baiuermaa. He le very
Tbla U *hal we arc folai to
r'e whispered to lad* bow to eJmln t
to. bowceer; ;We are (das «» aian a aloe aad I like bid vary uaeb,
too nterv -r-,
H. T. F. Sonsblaa Citole Roll, an-1
Beeirieal wtinrd. NUgata FhUa.
If. arltbuMle. cac«rapby. toy*
•rerr nraber of Ibe eiab wbo will
Ptm Torild 10 Frigid, we re tore* I
ud leU ol tbdr babr bnxlwr talocy. laacaape aad epeaiBf. I
Iter. aA alaa of aose cdiibIU oa tbe dur/ to OM laka and
We-fly and keep srateh to each girl
tMaa Iber bace tone, will be credMto vary pretty bei» ta tbe aasder
•Itb ibair aaae «a tbe Cradle Roll We bate two pet rabUu. It bat beoa
and eaeb boy:
twtbar bve ftr iwo or three So If yoa'ieJBtroebto. jmit enu oa the
au Ibe Miila new senber will le-

tmuittimi •/ TH

bnitm. for I would Uke (o join;

We riral Marconi aero** to* deep


Mitf kM M t.itltwbr


« I «Mr M la «fytaf to «t
iMM ttuwik t wm *rfy, tor

eelee a pretir «ard aaTlaf ibai ii U a daya. Tbe lake to mill fiotea
Tbe Uth to toll Booth wu ur Mnb.Her of Ibe H. Y. F. Sum''
dt^ - I wai IS yeara old I w1« rkde.
Cradle Roll.
Tbelr aa^ wll
■pwlal book aod kep>
wlifa Ibe H«l of Si
the preddeni'i dert. aad Juat ar. von
ai Iber are old eooa«h to write a le:
and dm> ibeir nase
the repalar raid wlUwAilat and recala
tlonll and ibe batloa will be aeat tbeia
Mow. tiBn ibat a nice plan? Wbo will
be Ibe am to aend la? Rebeub


lire Ibe baWi aaue aad a««.
■tK tHI aorae eoaalDi tbinc ti bar
wld or tone.
a da]T or two after tbe box of

Raaiofwr ShMto.
inartara a box of beauiUuI daStr
hradotba and other tprinc Sow
ere arrlred from Irene aad Vlrflato
April d. 1MI. dm

Rater, wbo are tpeadla« tbe
Roanoke. VInInia. They Blled ib<
■atoae Oap.
wbt.le room wlib ihelr frmcrai
WriitM br 8. H. M. tonde br ProfI
it Been Uke'' annMBer
Hall Ibe ^daoae Sailer dar.

IM BO «mr oar beaMl dltmar:
Chrtit wbo died to tote all sen.
Utto asBin. He lldto apaluCedar, and tbelr ouBDiag liltle Sve
yenroU eooila, Erma Rose, who t

Mac. banv dUldrto. aini.

to l>e a meniber
the to «M eftongfa to dpi tbe <

Jeaoa It oar rlaw Rlbc.
Let all tbelr Utbalee briat,
CbrIM li oar Lord.

Aaolber pJtoaure wat a latter froo
Mtoe Marti Ferry of Madrid. Spala
wboaenttberreaekbookitoni. Sb<

Brine ^ »llee puta and brlsht.
Piaka M raaea. red and wblle;
lar tbea oaiUa allbr here.

aaya that tbe to very prood aad happ}
to be made aa hooorary meiaber to

Brlgbleal dar sT all Ibe Ttor.

Y, F. Su^ubtoe club, aad that
■he baa fraiaad her card and huas li

Let oor aweetoat Boagi aaeead.

-here, abe «aa

And wlU> atralna awrtle blead;

every da)V And Mra- Oeoe Siiallon
Kwlar. wbon we are very ptood
ctoln at a member, and wbo wriie
aueh bcaulIM booke and arttelB

Jaan Ilea, and to dull we.
Lire wlih bla Meraallr.

aboot oar Meada. the blrdi. uya tor
ber tnlloa help* ber lo be good ever:
day. So yoa tee. dear SeabcaBi, t
Saaiblae pladge to alwayi a help
matter whether yoa are III

Ur eUld. ibli mter tbamlac
A auaaaie I woaM aead—
While beda are UHhdy rfaflhi,
Aad aoMto to btotee aaeand.

or grown up, and “«nre a Suaihloer

Tbe yean apeed br *o awinir.
Ufe-a path to aaaa la ircd:


Bat kato whaierer'tina r«n
Toor earir Ibhb la Ood.
Ur lad. aa Radar iraoUnf

Prto. Jacoby, wbo knowi
■ be Leelanaa county Suaibloen aai

T(dwt S>**to
When «U Ibo wotU la plaanat

to a trne friend to all boyi and gIrU
bat aet to muelc toe pretty Baiter Dar

And all the dilto an btto.
Toar me la la Ma opitnc-UnM .

aong wblch beide oor

With nueb In italn or loae.
RetoOMber. (Ur Or gleotor.
Yoa uake ft wbat jmo ebooie.
Mr onalr frtoad. I oRar
No word to yon bat tbla.
WMteaor ptoaaorea taU yoo.

Bvaaitoa. Uareb IS. ISOL

Whatever Joys yob uin,

ir President—1 tweMred my can'
and ballon. We are all wall and w
iBcbool. I will tty to keep toe ruler

Be eeaiterted by kaowlag
All elendi Bball drift away.
Aad every wroas be richied

) Ibe card.

Oe Ood'e ctaat Mater Day.

Prom yooT mile Baathlnrr.
Jamea Doba
I am tore yoa will keep tbe ruler
and try 10 be a true BaDthIner.

a. Maple CUy. R. P. 0.1

vrrile to you. I go in aebool every day
and am la toe- loarth grade. I go it
Nnnbpori mori every year, but I dir

Katie Sboito. Wexford.
not go lul yvnr. I have a gntadm*
. Mary. Adam, toepben and Agnei
living there. I hope lo go ihere this
Phwa: Aaale. Radto and Harry r
str. Tbla It all for ibis time. I am.
petye; Hada Oontorler; Kaito aad JoToor lOTiBg Sunbeam.
aepWaeWIUowtkl; Dee Pettow
Marion Dame.
Cedar. R. P. a 1.
When you and yonr biwtbeni come


Virginia THIey. Traverae City.

Btotbo Bnw. JaUa Nelaon
'AMn Aainmn. RehombBf. .

le vire ibey will hear yon and <

boptoC to boar froB you anoa.
Monroe Cmiim. Mtoh. March S«. IMK
Dear piesMeni—I tbought I wael.

a Imly.
■lie ymf a toller today. I am
■bool BOW. Tbeye are alnui thiriy
Qlen Uke to taJd by all Srbo bare
m-bolan la aebcml. Our ■eboei
»en It to be one to Ibe moH
Braced a week ago Uai Monday
Ukea la Ultolgan. and I am
Mpreb 17th. Our irocheys imme
enjoy It Jo toe aiunme
date PulHpbcr. She U toe nai
teacher we bad Ust lenn. I lli-o bar
Traverse CUy. Ulcb. Uarrh SC. 1SW.
yery much; *be ta a very good itwel.
Dear Preaidenl—I now tot dowo
er. I will be gUd rrbeo spring coaxwrite a few Unes to yoo lo 1m j
wbi-o wc ran on oal In ihe wood* and
know that I am well and hope yoo are
pick flower*. I like to pick flower*,
I broke my Sunmblne pin.
guen* I will clone. *u good-liye,
ao please tend me anoiher. Ptoaae
Josle iohnion.
tend my biwber a card and bulton.
Age IS.
Bead ibem both logeiber. I also hiye
Do you have lo
trtood who woold like to Join il
woods where ibe wild flowers grow?
SoBiMne club, to please send ber
and bulion.
Tbelr addresr
Wexford. Mich.. Marcb SI. 1»nc.
ird fYsb. Traverae Oiy. Mid
near Preoldnot—I -Ihiniglii I would
wd Briber FUnagaB. TraTime CUy.
write a few lines tii ytm luday. I go
MIeh. I think I will close bow. a*
JO urhool every iliy. My leachi r*
mnnot iblok to anyibto*
name to Grace Puldpber. I Ilk.- her
: very much, I am II years old. I have
Age S.
SaM Pish.
sisters aod one brother
The earde and hultons have been
would like to join the Sunsbine
•eat aad I know your Uroiber and
Will you please neod tbeui a cani aud
■rtead win enjoy being atemlows.
ballon, and arad roe one also?

■ool even day. ! mWrnd tmlj four
dart. Our umeber m named Oscar
Barth. Would you please semi are *
card and buitoB. for I would like >u




iolB Ihe Sunshliie dub?
From yooi frU-ad.
Agi in.
Agn.-s Pl- wB
We are very ^ <o add Mar>,
Adam. Agno-^ and Sicpbew t.-. o-jr HU
ember*, i wonder If Adam and
lee are twin* and if toe; hml.

lo yoor wwn eu Fitday aftatnoMM ato.
Saiurdayv Maybe you thlaklfU late
a lone w hile to cam ennueb amney l«
w bat yoo wuit. Bat that aU Ato-m>Aa
uo yooraeU. Souk boys mate oa
baaSisaweck; eUmn mate
- '
•- u —s-a—

Utan.1, Mirh.. Msrvh 2H. !!-«
*r f'rr-'lrt-ni—1 liav.-. !»*-« iblnk-'
(ng of jolBUix toe A.insh|u<- (iub lur n
lung lime. Um 4bl- 1* Ihe And chant-I bare had i.i .1..
1 am tn th- third s
grade and am laelvc year* ..l.l, 1 go,
lo Ihe K.irl. Inke srhiml amt like H
real W«II. 1 liav- live brolht-ss an-l
ihrrw riilers. I spent Ihe winter slid
inr. down bUI and skating anil m-tt

win aend *lat« with It. the complete onlfl'. Im Maniac In karlnma,
laetodic^teoltecfiiitosofTHEPOST. You aeU ttei* at se tte
copy, and that furolshr* sU the money you need lor baying fmttef
Bcaid« the money you mske each
asioi« abvr prires, wulebea, sweeter*, eU.
Aad la anouM

mimarcr I
go in *wlnimlrK; and
work on tU- farm. If v.mi will seu-i
me a yard with toe tide-, ot Use flub
and a hadr.r I tJiall iry and.le- a uumI
tinnshine U>.r.
\oin wtinslilncr.

(250 in Extra Cash Prizes


Wblch do yb-i llkc b.-5i. skatln;-. aii-l

TM! UJkllS P(jBUM1P«Uldini<ANV.I7XS*>iCnaT..PI

Blidlng or swlniwins? I evptd }••»
have lo:jt of tnn fl/<falnc. tuo. do you

Sehoffil-crc. Uirh.. Marvh rs. 1»l«.
■ 8..|*la IHwrl Itago. Sh. i, very kind;
U«ar 'l‘i.-*l.1eni—I ibceieh' l would to all 111 Hi:- cbiMf U. I have lhrr->'
wrlle you a few lines and tell you ibai r bit re ul home. They K* 1“ »cii:ail.
well and liojK- you arc toe *atnu.
Taking cate
Ihe baby I
U.-iry to |o years old an<I jenule Is S
going to «rb.«>l every day no*. ■)emr> old atui Idtc} to R year* ohi. ami h.lidor nioibcr to real ■*«
'Thrie aie — scholi.s In sclii.rt Hslav. work. H must km-p y-nj very ■
Iliir liahy'K name Hs llilllp Juu-pk
Ibo*. I would Hke lo j<iiii the Sun

year* old tbe Mb of July. We do
win ten you wbat
gni fur C^risimtv
Trarerw CUy. Mlefa. Marcb SC. ISnC.
- gol a Rllde. a btodkerehW. a ring,
Dear PrealdeBt—I received your
are going to have oar plrtiuv taken .
dcdl. a battle, pr |>erfiiroc aad a
'(lod letter eontalnlag -my card and
next week. Oor ^.•*^hcr•* name to Mis.
the shape of a betn full of candv
bnltea. for whk* 1 thank you. 1
and popcorn, peanuts sod an orange
7«ry Boeh plaaaed with them, t
mitiens. Thit Is all 1 ra
'w raading Ibe Sensbtne toner
think of tor Ihls Urn-, so 1 will cb'u
be Herald. Ii baa been m nice and


earm today, t am glad ii to ali
iprtag. fto thee I can go and gather
itootBS aad Mayflower*. Perbapt

Age II.
Katie Shook.
If you will tell roc the narnrs of >«i
•u eead yan aome. Do yoo like ibem?
sisters and brother I will Im- glad i
Well. 1 thlBk ihU win be enough
send them cards and balinr|s.
■bU (Ime. I will try lo wrUe ■ >oa
leiler Ibe aexl time I write, so goodRendon, a F. D. 1. HIrb. March ST
ni«r President—I would like
Yoor loviBg Sunsbine girl.
Ilille Sunablne glrk Will you
Frances Iloehel.
Indeed I do like artmius and Mayowera and I know yt>o will enjoy

1 roe a card aad bmioa! t have
mile bitnbM-. blit be 14 Bui oil

When 1 w<


, ,


gliiimway of Ibe sTaie board of beoD
flarkston. Oakland raunly.



suTIdxl. searSlrli uurtbIMn Ibber It;

inntic tools anil lairat improvi-bl iiivhiiien-.
moi work* :<21 Bov 'alrvet
Cilim-D’u iihoaii No. fWlO.


enoiigfa to join tbe Sunshiy rUib »e'
(Ding after ibem.
He I* I years tdd and I am R. I am
Maple CUy. R. F. D 2, March Ct, I9flc going to aebool this miniroer. We hov.- Tvr (tbe twenty -T tlrsad Trwveen-. |.nn turuv
Dear Presldem—I thoiighi 1 would oncand one-balf oalle* lognlo aebool.
ertte a few lines lo you. as I haven't I an afraid niy Idler is gelling lot
vrinen tn a leng lime. I bave l>een loot;. *<i good-bye.
rut to Frankfort! 1 auyed
Be-Jlah May Hcmh.
rrandpa all winter.

A dispute, over toe dlagnatbrff>«mi
-my Iw cp»II|»x has calhsj 8iwTeto|y

b.;,Vb.'ri«, bi.i ....

tor today. Good-bye.
From your SunKliloi-r.

Tlio time brother


A. W. RI KBRD. TraverK Olr

tie lotn day of June,

join tt

- eras In ibe aeeond and iblrd grade*. Oadle Roll If you will send In hl<
■ paaed into ihc tolrd aad fotinb
running tbinc
yradeo. I have ibiee mile riMers ami about bim.
wo brolhera. My youngeat brother
Qta would Hke lo join the Siuisbtoe
Klnsdey. Mich.. March ST. Vjnll.
■lob. Please send hi* card and Imtinn
Dntr Presldeni-I ihoaght I wool
n my name.
write B few line* in you. I am not
' Here are IWO riddle*:
feeling-very well inday. I read (be
Wbat to toe dlBerenee belwi
■ers every week and BaBroa and papa
ramp aad a feather bed?
think II Is toe bent paper out. Read­
|Uag and hi* wife, a lawyer and bl«.
ing the teller* to IhC best to my Jn«.
vlfe foimd a bird's Be«t with four eggs Kc are going lo move In a few werits.
U. and each took an egg and
It to quite chilly out today. For pets
I hare a cat named Pussy, a doc
named Rover and a chicken aiul every
Roby Brotoi*.
night I pnr mrme feed on my font and
Wte can goen Baby'* riddle*? .<lht> abe earn li off. I havp Ms to ton with
-BUM be anre lo tend u* lire ao
Rover. I take him with me down

.’d rcr?.*?s;«

_ mid r„aait>. atorawwl. Slid tWl all evsd'




A II inn, sMi b.n riidar. to> uk mj W

fill It Stall TiUtuli
peMTOc'» Ue-On Lit I'.wrt Im tW
Ai'i>ni>n<ti bCaCb '-1‘si-ainiiBan. e.iusii u( urwud .Tr*>-r-«. In rtumnrrv. >t
lAsuibr. Apnn. ISB.
» :Tr.T,vwi'.i>,M« ib-iauidsj to H*n*.A. u

Ibe siream and |day with bim. WIhto to all I can tbiak of al this time. • •M (Weaty. ard may to- mm st w>d ■
Bk Rapid*. Midi. March SI,
pn-rhai to tSr >Uf -d<wk , s ill b. soU st
Dear PrraMeal—1 rrad tbe Grand 1 will done, hoping to see ibis In prim.
nVy mi*w
rraverse Herald aad 1 am always laPloaslc A. Whitman.
eremed Id toe Sanibtoe club letter*.

-e* to bUd
K.U.. le


QT«TK lO nir'HIIIAK-a’toistr ol Oiaed

a<to glutc <b- pnUUan. da(r tm
Iliel.'(Ira l> l.isiea.aaar.baaar mU aatatn
< aravi>r toal Iba to anItoMM. aaam.atovd ate


May I aak yoa If i coaid beieng
lontblne dob. I am IS rear* old and
'0 toe ttxib grade. My teacher'* aamn
Mia* Clara Deerlng Sbe i* aa Blk

Cedar. R. F.
Rapid* girt end a very good teacher.
Dear President—1 most write a teller
beloog to the Oermaa
and lell you' Ihai I am well and bti
will have a chance lo cnit at the Her­ Sunday aebool and ailencl It tegnUrly.
are ibe same. I am walking
Please tend me a card and a button.
ald oRIco 1a Traverae Oly and
even <layt I mlaseri only i
>e aend my slstena card and batdays. Oor tracber to very kind lo
ilaou Sbe hi > years old.

1 P«ri Keny. b

a norse?c

hope yoo are the *ame. I am rtadlng
tbe flr« remtor. I am walking lo



Stephen Plewa.

(Mar. R. P. a I. MIeb.. March 27. ,
Dear Pretldeoi—I moat write a toter
leU ywB that I am well aad 1

• to Margarctba R. Jenny. This Mia name U Oacar Banb. I am In ibe
Sfili readeh.
My fludle* nte ariihU all 1 fatve time for. eo good-bye.*
mellc. laaguage. spelling aad reading
Yoor* truly.

1 oM aad I would like lo be
SanablBC boy. so pleaa* eead aw
Eltto Jenny.
card and bulton. I am golag to achool
Tbe Herald will reato tooto to o
We are gUd lo weleow otir ta
yanebtoerv )ott a day or Iwo before every day and I am la the fonnh Elk Rapid* BHmiber* and are cm
Maiar.'and year preoideai bopea that render aad my oiber studie* are read- they will be true Snntolam.
on iMe haptoeat to all dayt erm:
peamanatalp, arUbmeilc.
Monroe Center. Hleh.. March S*.
to bm bort and glrii wm be mpectoll) rvhy aad apelling. There I* ol
Drar PretManl—1 ibought I wou
happy. Chriaiatu to a btnatlfal aad
friends Ibat would like to
Sontblae dob. too; plaate eesirt writ* a few line* today. I am i
Joyfal day baeeaae It to toe birthday to

Thank yoa tor the pretty aong. I
ton? She to a member to (be SuowooU Uke to bear yen aing IL
ilne dnb tor over one year now
Aad netr, deara. are yon aS ready
Owt In 1'h* MarilgbL
to hear oar new plaa? Well. ia>ie ft her ballon to broken and toe
it nay moee. WriU I mast
Come OW In tbe etarUgbL tbe clear.
It. Many to oor membera hare writapnrfcling etoril^t.
lea ashing that toe caantog lliile baby tor ihto Uma. m> good-bye. Love te
all Iba Sontolaerg
And fly with the lairtea o'er river and
beotfcm and Maiera may'Join II
WiUle Dtooyar.
T. P. Banitalae elab. and teUIng
Ynilto-i Itot to members to vety wcl- We laagh as we speed ^ tbe camleaR). Iinly Baabeamp tbey am
ime. aad wa wUI be glad lo wet
eoBTM they aie. bUea Ibeir mile


ln«ui«aw nbOiilj. ana

i JSrtiTTl”iSuiHiilVn'tto “?iwar?Vamrm
' H'raU.a B>-w>jaa«r twto’bd ate arrolasadln
u u Mcrai

Would yoo please send me a rar.l aad
bulton? I would Uke to join (he SunabMe cl-l-.
From your friend.
Age 14.

Mary ITewa.

Cedar. R. F. D l. MIeh.
Dt«r PresMeat—1 must write a h
ter and tell you ibat I am well ai

tebool, I go every day
a card aad bolloa. HI* aame
Ralie Bbook. My teubev's | hope you are the same. I am rea
Cfariiimat I* toe MKer day, wbirh Jow-ph Lamto. Cedai. R. P. D. No.
PalcIpbCr. I am 14 Ing la toe foonb reader. I am walklag
a aend my brother Napoleon
eelebratee Kto rtodog frtBi tbe ilrep to
K and
BbtU I lA• leliool
--- Alwmrm day.
I missed only
> old. 1 have toiwe alsirw*
dnatb and briaglDg a woaderfnl prom- card and botun. My brother Edmond
toe to We evartoallBg lo the vrorM wrote a letter (o you but forgot to pot two brtober*. Tbelr aamce are Fred, five days. Onr teaefaer's name to O'
Aad ao we are all very happy when NapoleMi't name la It eo Ibat wtm age 1C; CUnton. age 7; Joule, age 12: car Banb: Would ^ please sen
1 would lik
Baiter cuann. and Sanahtne-a wtob
I write II on tbe ennt Napoleeh
. j(da toe Stmsblpe club?
in oM leday. I wil have lo ckmc
yoa to Ibat every heart may be fall to la *1* yean oU and goe* to acbooL
From yoar friemt.
It lo Ibe flrst reader. WtU yon with a song, ao good-bye.
W. wbtto will laat not only fot
Age L
Adam Plvwa.
Ella Jobnsoo.
day. bot for all tbe daya to etane.
pleaa* send my tUier Sophia a
oar dtnr Savior, boi better than cvea

Tiliaui Cili Ikliul Ciiaaiii

Cedar. R. F D. 1. Hlcb.. March ST.
ter and reU yoa that I am well, i
b^ yoa are-toe same. I am walklag
10 eebool eyery day. I am rcndlag In
■ be Aral reader and t mtoeed only tlx
Ow teacher Is Tery klad
me. B'ettUyaa ptoaae tend oaa a c

UiTH A NUMBER OF HERALU SUBSCRIBERS, bave a>ked U the premW ium ofTcr of the Herald and Farm and Firebide cannot be extended for a
short time, and we are gi^d to announce that we have made satisfactory arrange*
ments with the publisheri of Farm and Fireside and are therefore able to continue
this offer for the present.
The lime, however, wilt have to be somewhat.limiled. and we would ask those
wbo desiie to avail themselves of this offer to make remittance at as early a date
as piHsible. '
Please bear this in mind that cver>- 1 lerafd subscriber who has paid for tbe Her*.
aid in full to Jan. 1, 1907. wUl receive Farm and Fireside one year absolutely free.'


Home Made
Have your cake, nuifiiiis, and tea bis­
cuit home-made. Thqr will be besher,
Cleaner, more tasty and wholesome.
Royal Baking Powder helps the house
wife to produce at home, quickly and eco­
nomically, fine and tasty cake, the: raised
hot-biscuit, puddings, the frosted layercake, criq> cookies,- cruUet^, crusts and
muffins, with which the ready-made food
found at the bakeehop or grocety does
not compare.
Royal is the greatest of bakeKlay hdps.


pan and cover with water taronght u>| bem background, but any deltcaU Mat er seeds (or on*
R mlffbi have ibla
licbn covend bark of some de«d tree, tbe boiling poluL If Mt la a warmlamybened.
place ten minutes, tbe eggs will be} For t aaebel envetope. flrst make
hned wKb
"Mil me wUh mma raith aad rala.
kis tocking the candy veil Id place Jellied all Urough. Remove tbe ahetto ; flat ailk aarbet vfairb will Jnat slip In
OIre are ton and rare:
fully and place tbe eggs } aide of ibe paper envelope. Take t<
and eovcrlBg tl. Baall voodca tobi
Beauty, tban IB give to jv
> heated serving dlab. Poor; folds of eouon-bautog. sprinkle
tm^eu. vbicb cae
Surely tbat to fair!"
eggs any kind of delicate thick layer of saefaet powder between
IWVloy. Tbeae nay be palated or
Before tbe egg* are o
•.libem. plare tbe allk over It aM sew
aot at (aBcy dieutea. (be
met are read alood aad «
(be sachet on three sides, then (urn
browned crumbs ovi
viih llUle bova.
-cords a gueea aa to tbe
right side out and overhand tbe other
Small berry eupa lined vltb atlff pa­ top. This Is very pretty served
ichgifi. Tbeoaeartihtbe
per. the outtide painted, nuke cna- dirldnal dishes, and It Is alio nice tor ream very daintily and ranfnriy
pkf* Uat of guraaei wins a suitable
sewing silk to match.
Dint illOe vatoaa. Tbe ibaflt are lunebeon at any time of year.
prite. An e
Having made the silk eadrt. take that affords much merriment. Little
tied neenrely
Bggs prepared vlib po(at*>e* are en10 ibe bottom situ by n
otfaer nice ditb fo- Easter, breakfast, the paper envekme and pink tbe cor­
r eflff* are bidden ererywhere.
make a sulTIrleei quantity of ners with n pinking Iron, and cut the
egg count* flve, a certain ni
■ddea in silts. Then lake's ribbon to
wbeela. and are alw tied In place
led'-potaflK's. and br
n llille nrau count 2S. and
match (be allk and ran it In and
by ribboo*. Tbe Mule cbtrtoi
for each
end; one of ll.e family
flodera of these are eonaldreed liu
tliC ivoeti very preiiHy to their dea- Put a I
ler on each egg and the allis. tlelng tbv ends in a pretiy when all tbe eggs are brought
place the dish In a hot oven until set.
An odd little candy box to made of. TbU win be aroompllshed more quick­
gmtil Sewer poi. pataud vblle, ailed ly If coven-il with a but pan.
vltb raodlee. the top layer being a Oil­
Bggs for the Ensicr breakfast may
brown tagar. Rtoing from this
c'served In nicely browned cereal
earth are tome candled vlo- raps. To make the cups, press the
tbe artlflctol Kiemi and Icavet cereal after being cooked

■ MAML DATca, canea

lop of each orange.
loy conetb Id the moraing,“ a
Why be afraid of Daatb at tboogh llet vitbln the pover ot each <
by a cootelout effort ot Ibe vHl.
your life vere brealta?
vKh a trait in tbe lettoa el
Death but aanolDlt youreyeavlUielM-.
O, glad lurprtae!

Ibe btlenlde. «p path atide the dark-


Why abeuld yon ba foriora?


<aUy haaka tba ootb.
Why ibOBld yoB tear to aieal
tbraaber at tbe vbeatT
^ b Bleep a ihlag of dread!
lag. yon are dead

Tel. abep-

nu you aanhe and rlae. here, or beyonitbeaUea.
Why abmild It be a vmeb to leave
jMr voodea baaeb?
^ Ml with happy aboni raa bone
when aehool to out!
Hie dear (net Ion behledi

O toeltob

one end bilad.A Say-aad you vtD ncet; a alght—
,aad yon vlll groet!
Thto to the dealh of Deal^ to breathe
avay a faraath.
And kn>v tbe end of atrlte. and
: tbe dealbtoet tub.
And ley vitbout a tear, and anile
vtiboct a tear.
And verb, aor care, nor reel, and tad
the toll tbe beet. ^

Haltbte D. Babeeek.

over Ibe aUent

Caaur Soap
A aoac of auBAIae thitMigh the rala. And than no vord ot their lovlag pity
Of Qiriai aeroaa ibe taov.
tween tby portala be varied
A tain to beat tbe hiirta at petal.
"And vhUe ve long for Ibe vantoheJ
And etretch our handt tbro' tbe prttAad be ye ^ at beart.
Tor calvary and Banter Day.
Karth'i MddMt day and gladdeai day. Do they vbo alt in hoavealy plaeee
Look down lo ua tbroogb tbv gair<
Were Jnat one day apart!
Ob. vhea tbe ntrite at loagaaa to
"And do Ihey watch villi love at tenload.
And tba baart at hope beau knr.
Whan the propbeto prDpbeey ot IIU
Aad tbe nouraera eoaae and go.
In Ihle aare tbonghl let aa aUde.
And kedp and May oar beart:
That Calvary and Batter Day.
brtb-i baavleat day aad htppleat day.
WMe but oae day apart!
—Saiaa B. OooUdge.

• "O. nlgbty Lord at alpteMlde.
• O lovlBg Lord ot vprlng,
• Come to oar beart! Ihit Baalcr

• Men au -the priwalag lee avay;
• And evemore aUde.
• Making both good aad III to be

Oar feeble teet Ibrougb tbe tangled
And Sa our grlet do they yean
Tbe hoallag balm at in olden days!
"It Ibto be irae. ac are
>ldedThey o’er the


river, ve at

When from onr vtoioa tbe miala bate
glided. ,
-Our tealt tball velcone a. kindred

TUI Ibcn ve vail. Iboagh Ihe Bood of
We tee but dimly—It ahlnea
Ounteat ve ponder



tveel old

ABd gate, on bearan through ihr
gatet ajar."
Caatfr Panrita.
Old rutlomt cling about any ancleei
tbe ran ibtl Bttler and tbe tprlnr
tine alvaya anive togetbef veuld be
attticiciit. The aprtng vltb lit neltlai of vlalrrt Icy barrier*, be bu
dlag doven aad tvMHag Mrd-aoiee
to tbe tnalertol Beatea vhat tbe i<
- and hope ot the Gutenlde I. to tl
aont vllbiB. Tbe aplriioal aad n

featt day or holiday, and to a( EaM<
lldp certain formt of tymbnllsm. co
btned vltb aaniresUlloat at love and
good cheer and BiMer greeting,
coare lo mean our keepiag of ibe ReiH
urrvcUon-vben new life and ipHnglime rompott ut tboui. tayt Table

aad color rack differently. Hare ready
- eggshelU emptied iff tbelr mmteals from a ninall opealag la tba
large end BBd ttaad <lbem npright la
a bed of maal or anything else that
will keep tbem to posiUon. .Fill Ibem
with tbe Jelly thraugfa a amall tannet and patAbem In a eoU place to get

bow In the upper left hand
With gilt paper letter the-words "Bai­
ler Dr>-e(ing.~ and you will have
liretiy a mile oachel for the burtau
drawer as one eouM dorire,'
The silk bag will show dalully

enralsh may be made wiU eaadiai
vIoletB and rose petals trailceed over
the dish, -n..- shell* abouhl be rtoaed

rooking ten mlniiioa

Sprinkle with ftslt. and send to I

l>er is use.1 instead id flannel.
Sew Ingeiher three or foer

with e«gs in the shell or tiirne.1
Tbe potatoes,ahonid be' cui in s

folds of )>a|.-r anil add (wo liny ribbon
bows by whirh to remove them from
Ihe cnvrloi*-. The stamps wilt not

to cold waler JusI brffore fllllag and
'he Jelly alM need lo have awre geto(too than usual

Aermotor Tnissed
Tripod Tower

Tbe flowers and sinwt.
Tbttoc who n-qulrv a ve y dainty stick to ilii- wavcsl iiaper, and Drill ■^1'' egg of blue.
kiu-p dry and In good condition.
disb of eggs for hn-akfast
Means luvor* few."
Some of Ibo prei'tu-st Mitic bookthem poacbed In W cream or milk

'A'blle cakes arc a charming confer and butter; for an InvalUl (hey
on for the Easter holiday. An angel

maiks an- made by culling off (he cur
envelope and demratlng M
VennicelM eggs are a prelly dish, al- wilh some rhnire design of Aowere. a
ihough not a new one, To'pre|iare It. landscape or with a fare or rblW's
Ogure. Small IVHi neenes, painted In
remove the shells of hard-lmlh-d
and cal the wbiles In small sqi

blue with water Colors, are particular­
two tablespoonfuls of Imiler andi ly i-ffeeilve as a deroraiipn.
The euvi-lope is not cut square
ableapoonful of flout on In cook
when smooth pour In -a pint ,of hot across. Imi CoMovs (he oiillli
Place Ihe


poHion >

I squares of toast, pmir the sail
over and grate the yrllnw part on i
With a (garnish of parsley or ;
straws this makes an agreeal

Or, boiler atlll. use her Idea lojnaki
itymra (bat mil your family. If MarThe iiointod
bas a puppy she loves very much
easily sll|i|>ed over the up|>er corner
and If her (avorile color to vtolei.
Ihu leaf, and thus Hie page to marked.
Small, unmounted
"Draw Ihe egg of violet bi
Madonnas are frequently

tvo a puppy fond
please her wbea abe ebousea
muoaled on them with the vbiie paste
ber favorite color lo bare that Mllle
Easter Eggs.
a prepared fur mounting
prophecy banded lo ber by ber moiber,
A very nenaible and praeilral gift to l.Uotograpbs.
red Iwsj have thto;
taskel of newly laid egp. wh
Pndty Mule enurt-pltster cases arc
the egg of red yon hold.
may lie done up in as artisilr a m
mmie from the smaller site of eiivelYou will have much wralrii In gold."
tier a* one ran devise
irb as are used for risliing
A dainty dossen for rhlhlren
These are dcrnraie.1
The egg of blue
Bade of rorastarrh. Save Ihe empty rsnciful way and (he wnMs "OnuriMrans sorroDS few."
gg shells and fill with hollol
Idasicr" an* 1>-tiere<l wilh gill lalni
Is a belter arrangement |ierba|M fo
go to Ibe liRi of egg dishes.

starrii. W'beiL Ibese are art break
away the abril and serve with flavored




the envelope.-Exchange,

EaiUr Eflfl Cakes.
writer In a bonsebold "1.^1
with tiny candles, pasting a gold circle gives some prvtty Ideas lor giving tbe
nr star over the 0|M-ning. This will
chlldn-n a bappy Barter siiriinae. She
delighi rhildren If each shell ronlalns
Save (be empty egg ahellg and flit

different variety.

qnlred number of eggs la a

a girl cnmi- in wlifa a great l*isMade



Talcs nr II
il btter hare
I'pon an empty egg sbell draw
an<] llic hen provbling the colored egg*
!or those who reedve from friends liaby'a'raee In Ink ard All tbe bead have a great fisrinaiion (or ihe imag­
plaster of parl.:<. having a piece inative mind, and a nest of ralnUiwEhtter tbought. and surely
of wood stuck in the t.tostrr lo form
(be giver there to reflected cheer.
eggs or sonu- every-.lay fond
body.' Make a long dress ot rissuc seri-ed In a new ami pretty
Eqps for the Batter Brcalrtatt Table. paiM-r. andti Mule bonnet of the j
prove a tourre of clellglil.
Where ilierc are children In
le a narrow ribtom about the walyi- Easter dinner or supper or for any
family, nothing will delight them more
bis will delight Ifae mile oni-s.
' slinpk- Eastcr.wrek frsilflly make c
on Baslcr moraing (ban boUed eggs
A running rradh* is made from n or more raki-s, preferaily sponge
ivelly etilnr*, ttys
the Ladles'
msF egg. culling It through Iimglli- uiher simple mixture, linking tbirm
toe. Rorkers are cul from card round. iMUis.
Prejore n qtiinlliy of.
U to very easy In make IteautI
board and glucil on. A tiny pillow icing .by.beallng the whites of
ilnled egg* Ii.v means of virelablc col aad coverlet are made »f silk,
three eggs just <-nuugh lu l.ri
which a miniature doll renoM-t.
sarlngtness. Aild slfital coaferiluner'.v
Pot the very small children make a suf»r, a spoonful nl a time, ati-l
of bulling them with blit of brigta'- number of dolls tram egg shells, i
ueadily for full five mtniib-s lieiwreii
colored flannel and cnileo required dress in (Issue paper. If ihe|h<<ai1t
earh spnoofiii: this takiN
longer time in many caies to fix colors fliird tolid wllb plaster of |>aris 'hiio
Ihe n-sult is what I* known as royal
than It look to rcuk ifae eggs; and so which the piece of wood Is Ibriisl for
Icing.' the iM-pi kind for piping and
Lo-ly. Ihey are not
easily fancy work. As egg whiles vary In
In this viir the egg* may be
on'as one would imagine.
►in* Ihe rule Is lu gradiinlly
cooked lo any drslretl degree, and eutqiiainlesi liltle flower
nnlll'lhe Icing Is Just stiff
'«d at laaelfuMy as may l>e desired. bolderi Is mmie from an egg shell
enough to hold MsHt. Take out a Pol­
Ilanl boiled eggs to be at their best palmed black to repmeni a gy-psy
and rolor It a faint green o
should remain lo water which to at the kettle; Ibis Is sus|>ended from twigs,
low by the use of a very Mule
bulling, poln' from twenty to iwenlyit may have legs made from wuul- tiaste and with thto roughly envre the
flve mintiles. The shells may then
peoi. Letter sunie snlltlile BtMei lop ami side* of one of the cakes. Set
linlad with Ihe vegeinble coloring, sentiment upon the black kettle, using
ide until dry. (hen pui'lng some
vlilrh to bnmless. ind slth v
gold paint for ihc purpoae.
of Ifae while Icing In a pastry lag
variety ot shades may be
lie converied Inin
B small ruse en<l Icing tuts- make
I good plan lo have a supply of moiiro by fnatenlng a waxed twine Iile nests on ihe iiip of Ibo cake.
I aauce or hot milk and butter, tbe large <-nd for a tail, drawlog t
When these arc dry pul one or mure
as well aa toast. If liked
and mouth on tbe small end. Tbe tln> ran-l> egg* In <-arb nesi an>l act
fresh Mrasbrerle* betwoen ihe n<-a»*.
The older people vlto enjoj
Scoo|S out the eentr-r ot the soeond
of frieaiset-d eggs, espcrialy If
Candy egg* may Le made as ful- cake. Spread Ibe imrsiile glib a tbio
them. There are two vsjs of Disk>ws: Discharge an egg shell tif It*. layer « .«ng.- marmalade, then dust
lag this alee dish, and eirli will have contents Ihmigh an Incision ma:
with as much sbr*sld<Hl .driol eofsiar: warm ^leods.
one end. Flu Ibe shHI with <
■s will adhere.
Arrange on a
Firsl fry n Ibln slice of nice bacon maple sugar, white sngar taffy, or any
)g Plate and pipe some of ihifor each egg usnl. and tliese should
rr kind tbat will harden and keep
- icing TOifod the upper rim. Fill
bate been boiled and tbe <
shape. 'Brfore It hardens make a tlM- nmter with Baiwrton nvam and
moved. Wbw tbe baron I* flnr and loop to carry It by. by throwing ihe
pul aside. TO stiffen. Br-foiv serving
crisp, remove to a warm place and pul' ends
row wblte ribbon
r blanr mange <1* cream eggs In Ibe
of flour In the Ibo sugar. When the sugar I* coU
«t and r»im.| 'he rake place garnish
with (he fat
■Dd hard, ihe shell may In- preuitv
s'rawU-irles and candleil td-jlel*.
i>oar In now rich milk
decorated by pdd Mni-s and 1
cream, safflrlmi lo make
Whb a matin, or ihe shell may be lorn
Eaalertide rtamaa.
Mb sauce. PUee tbe pan al Ihe away aad the sugar .beaiitiflrd tiy
ler tiM- y^ter luncheon here U ^
back Iff the slove and stir
s>Mi pap<'r or a band and bow.
pleasant way lo enlertain tbe guest'
erality to caniagUnit.
There to real

No real Jov I* teiash. an the ru
lertal lUeare very ebnrty Intertvlnert. ot aending Batter glPs ftrilles though
and (here to a deep uadcrlrliig lesvm Ihey be) it growing more and
tor all ut at In tbe fact, at C
tinireraal. A llilic remembrance of
n egg If ready to s.-rve ihe dish.
Coolldge ao aveelly tingv. that
laxUng worth O' a box of »mec
Arrange ao egg cut lengthwise
*-Bartb> taddaal day aad gUddetl day tranalcnl enjoyment make* a
each sUce of baron and imur ibe mure
Wear Inti one day apafi.“
prankal glfl Iban tbe old-time Batter
ler all. Qarnlsh with points of
and tbtl tbe Joy tollovad Ibe aonau. card. Home-made randy is In tnrh
B.l a little paralry.
art* at tuasblne aad tanner Mlov uilvenia) favor, and numerout rerlAnolber way to cook Ibis dUh
tbe ttomi of vlater.
pea ao veil fcaovn that It it hardly
mil (be baron, and use two 1
At long at Ibe vurld exUtt i
BcreMatT to ealaige upon Ut making. spooRfulx of boiler for tbe snare. Ar­
via te ttd beartt. but tor thoac vbo But the podnge tbtl carrlet It!
range the eggs OB the toast, and add
Itotea tbevr to a aeag at bope and Joy. ^Rie and inney. Ingcaalty nod
1 and garnish,
aad bapidneat to valllag luM ai
■frailly nil have their tuggetllont
very dainty dish of eggs
tba (ovoer of lunKwov.
he fulloving way: Plare Ibe re•WoTTov nay cadora t<f a night, bo'

Oaioty Eaatar Jtity Eflffa.
Flw a chlldrea's ^rr party make
p lemoa Jelly, tarn It Into several oapa

tbe frail combined will seem a
Inspiration of dalntlnesa lo a

cake baked in a (nrka-head tin. can I
nett of the nlgbl and let tbe nornlng
frosted white, and with while IIMi
lalo oar hearu nov and here. Intlead
t It Will be a centerpiece 01 for
or dvcllleg among tbe dark ahadet ot
queens uble: or frost it vlita ^nk
torrov until tbit life givei place lo Ibe
idog and lot a tew pink carnaUons
one beyoad.
yom llie bole In ibe center with 1
There to an belter line for ihli ibaa
fern or two to give Ibem eoni
Batter, for lliqa. turely. It Ihe
or, again, iced vltb yollov and graced
very ibla beivcea tbe other vorld
by diffodlU. It makes a pretty bit of
and thto, and Ibaae -vbom ve
aund ready to help ne vltb Inrliiblc
Little tancy baskets of Batter eggs
1 and neetagea of hope, vhleb
may hare a few fluffy rfal^ena moui
tboogb not audible to human eart are
ing guard on (be lop. and the baiulle of
yet repeated In tbe depttat at our conIbe basket may bear a dashing yellow
Biaeet and bring vltb them |
a deep and a biding loy. It to the
“aUll, amall voice" vbicb can only be
many ot eourae. and some pee
beard If our*wait are quietly valtlng
give at Bastcr with Christmas i
vitbln at; the lempeat ot grief and
gi-neratlly, but Ibis is not practlea
pain tlilled lo catch the cadeaee. Thto
most pnrkribooks: only let the
1 the mettage ot Ibe Gaeler time.
Easter meange l<e earrlod liy
■rifling thought—
Traverae Clty't ova aveel alnger,
and "mile things" enrry sunshine far.
Alice Arnold Cravford, vhoee vortlt
a friend ot mine
remalB vltb ui though her aplrtt bat
at fettal times. "Tbink of everybody
long alnee paaard lo tbe other
knov at holiday seaaoDs and send
once vrote of "The (Itlei Ajar" at folthem jQfl a aomeibing. and If there Is
anything left over, think of til the
**Tlie dear ones pan to the voadraun
people yoo don't know.” Such gen­
We vetch them

amall plerea of diroa.

Arm. On a rnand ptatter arrange a
Iwrder of rHaa-cmaa atkfltt off eandtod
orange and h-mon m-el and fleck It
DiiJ. whipped roam lor k aesl. Re.
mow the Jelly egg* from tbe abelto
aa.1 ptoo them In the n-st. A pretty

The Chlldren'a Day.
you have some little fairies
the home you vani lo make (hr Easter
ibe corner* and ibrough the sUis In
brraktosi rsqiectolly ialerealiac
being alto eryMallltcd. A more real tides of cups or muffin pans. -A wblte,
them, says Dorothy North In the Hefloral gift alwayt speak* acceptably cereal la tbe lieal. When they ^ave will keep the scent for a long lime
pretty llitle Easter gift may
the Batter mettage. A Mule rich earth cooled ao that they wMl slip from ibc
There Is DotbIsg cblldrea like better
pleat will, nt well
moldt without dlffleulty. brasb with made very easily by any one vbo <
■ ban colored i»s and to make 1
lilreh-lurk baxket Innoed of the candy melted butter and brown in the oven paint or draw a sgiray of floners
prise' tbat they can fa<-1p with and en­
of decoraiioo, on an envelni*'
For Ibo tick friend, or one vbo to lo or rook In deep fat: if tbe toiler, they
joy Is a very siropio mailer. Ort good
of funall iioiicpaper sire.
c rrmemliered by an appeiiring tr«
sbouM W dipped
dyes' in violet, pink, green, blur,
Fasten dtmn Ihe flap of the envelope
end OB a plate encircled by leavet
serve, drop a cooked egg In each cup
ml and brown.
Write on Blips of
and deeuraii- both sides. Then cu
emitox Mine oranget opMed like «
and pour over li cream sauce.
pa|*T tbeae rbyms-s Iq Blyi- Hoirell
flovera. Tbe orange peel is cut down
Bggs In nesis of Freacb fried pota­ narrow strip off the lop. msklnc
from (he top almoat to the bottom lo toes make a very apiiroprtoie Easter opening ioiu which the Mille esse
~nraq the egg of vioh-l hue.
1. (ben doubled upon breakfast. The nests ar<- prepared by holding the alsroim to slipped. TbU
Vou l) bate friends luMb fond and
rase to made exanly like ibe lear<>s of
disposing Ihe cut .raw potatoes aroui
the sides of a small wire slrglner and a noedli'-book. except tbat padaintier touch is added by tepai
the pulp a little at tbe top. without de^
tttoying its tolid effeet, ao that the
Etem of a daffodil may be stuck In the

rate with rlaci of candled: chatriM^ al­
ternating with seeded ralatas and

ketful »l eggs u>aper packages of ega
Some of I
►har*-). ImmidlatH) following her
lll(le'l.tosler gitts Jmagliuble may l>e
umes a Iwv as a-|u*<iaan. who dellvmade from en«>-kiiK*.
rs a leiti r l<> •-ai-h Ik-rmn. Each enanleb-s oiay ts- converied Into sarbei*.
i-1i.p<' Uarv a n-imUr and each park-

samll -peraon.
"Fink will bring you mach good lock
nd you will win aaecets tbroagh
Even Iilber and the Ug cblldrea
ay have fan


It U fun 10 have a Beat of exeetolor
1 Ibe lalih- and tbe bright
le downy bed. Let onrh on
Ms tavortie rolor, then hand
For children
esiierlally this will U- grc-al fun.
Anolber simple gffl that cblldren

New and Novel

Tbey give bead roam, pomp room,
i-njiiv to Ihe riicaafful ni-sl with liny stock room and tank room.
“ '
Tbittv are no ImUom girta or
apb-c- and-are an all-day delight braoM lo atub yonr tots or boap
to tbe imaginative small juiiple. ’
fonr bcml.
V Pro'
I’riras hw. i|ua]it^ riifiiL for tbe
ercr-ipiinK, cvcrlaatjDi,’. gfllvanixod
Bb«I Aermotor, aiu] Ibe tniMa]
tbliig to Ihe borne 4hat will al­ tiiuoil lower.
IfI'on a int a fl(|iiAn.- deal, write
ways to- a pleaaast memory fat •*—
' call on

A Croeoi Taw*.
Noihlng coiibl be prHtleV for an
Raster eeniTv pUee tlian a liasket

Amnjt for tbe Aerrootor line of
1. tanka, etc.

with wnstoy moat oui of whirh
peep. Two broad yelbiw rile


lioDK eilged a-llb smllax are ttreirbi-d
the table's wblte doth. er(»s
Ing each oiber ai the eeni-i- of the
lal'K-. at wbicb Juortluo tbe basket
hunch of rruruses at each
plare. lied wilh a jelluw bow, cum-

sad UiaS the aadssMMd
plc-le* lbe.arrangem<-n( of this charm has UUe tSmto undsr Is* Am* Mmrt dsrw
Inc lahh', whicb to lighted by ibr light tav.sgd^is*! >•»* or-<«u-' - of day. Hiis aami- Idea rarrh-d out In
violet eolnr srouM to- low-ly. riolet
riblion taking Ibe plat*- iff tbe y<-j|aw,
bowl of ferns and violets
making iLe remre piece,

•x.wpueal *• cwo

Jonquito. too. and daffodils bedeck
*t(kuat-Afeer sldiliousltaati or raarfw' II
■able rhanningly. while, pf oturse. P«rm^s».;f.e,^l.
■*< ■laas.tb. Mdsrare Ihr Easter flom-ers par ex.
rellraee. but are a. bit loo large' and
uvrrbiirdeoed with sw'-eiii**< for ap
»r*MaaiT (able. aKbougb (or a large
formal funnioo nothing could
lowlier-TaUe Talk.


uncKiraow op lako
Th> DonhwtM qursee ISWU- <ff s„sus


The Easter Qake.
A dellrimto Eaiier rak. to made Ibla
a>: Cn-an t<jgeiber one rup of tag.
- anil a half .............. i,..iier. add the
>ika .ff four «*if. and a Iralf cup of
milk, iben vir In gradually two and a
cups of flour sifted wftb two tea

Alssfwriasi^s*!.! ‘ ■nn. bi*d *1 IS* Pro-

spnonfuls Iff l•aklag powder. Add a
(raspouofal iff lemon Juice and tiir In
lightly the white* of four tgga braT-i.

litke In fonr layer* and
fill wbh the 'following: Tlie graiei!
cv In the ba*k*'i has a e-ifreapoodlog rind of one and ibe Juice iff two lem
Dumidv. aa>T a writer to the House on*, one ropfiil of aiigar. one egg. one
(weoiy-four ravelupes. as many pres- fcee|>er. Wlihln each letter Is a verse half cupful of water, one leaspoonfu!
eats atay be made. Selrci.a Urge wbicfa to aapposed to drarribr la bid­ of butler and a braping iable*p<»nful
den language ibe gtfi witbhi tbe egg of floor rooked over bot water until li
braribg the rame number. For bi- Ihirkeaa: raal before apreading
e. a Ilitie silkea bag full ot Bow- (be
wltb bqBad froittaig and drao

•tomp-ease*. rourt^disier rases
book-marks, and (ram a package-

;.tto fha. DOSMS


fares 7 to 14


county, wichwam. thumoav. amil

n. tm

ct these who welceaie bis tetaia. pear at then
Bn-Sapervtaer Tiacy M.. Clllls was
of bis Bret aeu wsi to papiBek'
M ceau wblfh he borrowed bdore be preaeai at tbe auwalac srssloa a
dressed tbr board (or a sboH ilw
sd beta able to eara aaptblBp.
Joe feeU Hated Ibsl la Us Irwak doinc so be took the opporlanltp
I a CTHIBcsie IroB tbe (nstiteiiea press lemH tkai hU labors wHb then
Whk* Ulows bin the privilrate of plp- were of so sboH doraiioo as be staled

■Iras, rad loapHS of Owe llshl«
kkr la ibe vldallr of tbo Booth SWr
LoMter coaiaorY pUnt SoionU}
Bltbt at »:» aad the call fna but'
43 (oilbcr araled the laprmtoo
(be fomber edOBnanj-’o pUnI
aUBM bot la-oad It was Ibe ahlacto
aad saw alU of the Tiav«>rie CUT

man sboald
B that time
ato Booihs to BBsler the brtoa to bat able to become UmlUar with
r-s trade. bU skill sad aUIlIp al-' (be work and could oot best see
t bU eoBpMioa to tbe two
BMetbr. while be dabbled to maap ■reference to tbe system which
Mbcr aHs. Us carved cmae baadle tor the quaraatiae bHU and espi

HaBofaeturlas coapaoT. W, L. Bitjwa
waaccr. JoiA'aeaih << the fo
Tb» Bra departaeot made a r.

bHBs a fiae aUBslV bead with epes
of aUl beads; U1 this aaktoc tbe
bUad BSD most bappp.


0ve a

raflecUoe for

a laUe

Owlat Id tbe locailoo (be Bre wa*
a aoat daacerans one. for Uaderdlkr
BUtetlsIi wm aeauered aiooiul
a predlsal band, tbe Bill Itself bcIPR
BIM witb ^oaallUas of drr •
wblA was a feed tor tbe flaaiep aelBon cqoaled

la aar

Frank Hamlin sorreedtoc Charles H that (be matter be acted upon.
Monroe of Blair towosfalp and E II.
Tbe BornlBC teasloa was called
Barrows surceedlnc Ooorve n. Bvant ordH promptly at 8:30 and tba I
(deeanscdl id (Irnat township. E O.
tAdd was elected temporary chairman Bouaced:
and W. W. (lean of tbe ‘nird ward.
FtoaBce. Ways and Mraar Beech
Traverse CTIy. iM-rmaneat ebsirman
B. Ladd. Biiell, whose dstJea It shall
This Is the flrst time to twenty years
r to eiamloe Ibe ace


3. W. HeadeU, tbe alfbi watdi. dia
coTwred tbe flaatas la Ibe sblacle Bill
depBrtiaeat aod anaapted to set
• a pbowa can bot had dUBcoKr >a get­
ting ceatral. la tbe meoallBe ■
Kaaeb, bare taaa for (he Sooth Side

tbat tbe rbainnan ct the board has
Kinty Hcrk aad of (be
been from the city. Tbe board then
rer and sHlle with tbe
ndjourned unill S:: na. m tomorrow
•commend to (be board tbe amoont of
to idve the chair lime Ib appoint ntac lascs to be asscased.
committees and d.-Bne tbclr dalles,
Dye. Ted.
be scsshm will probably occupy
wboee dalles b shall be to rsamoe ibroe dtys a.s the matter of IH- toe the several assewsmeat rolls of tbe
(toe the CDoiraH for tuilldtoK a barn
and report opon tbe eqaallafor ttv sberiir and also Brine 'be tioa (if Ibe same.
salary <d the chairman of ibe superta
Claims and Aecouats—Dpe. RIbbs.
(eodcDts of Ibe poor arc to come op. Black, whose duUct iftball be to ex­

Laabar eocapanT. raaldlag at 3&> Bast
Tooth street, was sbool to reUra tor
the Blsbl aad bad stepped to the wlo
dow with bis nuie babe to hit anas
wbaa be taw tbe brisbt raBeetloa of
tbe Bre. Hastllr patliac dowa Ibe child
be raa eat aad toned la the a
Joat amaa Ibe etreet boa tbe t
Side taetorr. aad to doto* ibU he also
fooad liwoWe. Tbs Brat Um ho pulled
tbe booh It Btlppad aad did aet riai
aad tbe eaeead tbae be held it dowa
up at the Northern! wore ohr. ri.H srsoiJinc "ii the sir<rts ] lua. Ia» rment was to Oskwood to
aad tbit eaoasd tbe wreac Bomber to
cviBiisoj unUlsnk<'i.-,v Two hi:uM[vil
were ' rbsrer cf 1. II. Curds. Tbe pall bearbe irmasaUtad bat bedore tbe atom dock sad the phmu-s b.-ssn lli.- rail! !.wUvr.-.l i.riin.-J which will Is-ImuiHli-'t-n. wvrr iskca from tbe I. O. O. Fwai eoBpletod tbe atom rifled ItaeK ttooous rla* from toqulrtoi: rvsidfnts'ii'.-l>- pU.v.l in the hands .-f ib.- hu-iand railroad empU.vcs.
aad tbe ilmi soouded tbe jeneial
- •-t< kaow Btaov fans abonlliuane as.-nt !•> IM-a. wsniDs tor*
- - - - - - who wanted
atom. FToa everr directloo of tbe
JostlluR crowd had ar-! owm-rs of slmscd hotv.- fl-wh. ibe ts;^- ■
Visit From SupL of M. M. A H.
dtp pedeatrtoaa. blkert, woaea aad
J. A. itobertsun. supertoteadent
Tired and as tbe.«anrs-ap was nm out reedine as f.illows: -If ih‘s animal l«
ebUdrea were buirTtof to tbe •
the Miml<'lqtK-. HsruuHie * North
rosb for tbe boat hesaa VUIlurs aetln i
while basaea were atoo preeeed
<-rn. the uoribera cuBOceiloD of the
swaracd her caUbs and idcastoi; com wesilii-r I'
eerrtee bp latereeted partlea who felt
ir ferry and the T.
freelp passed on everp drlter ii
tbe aeed of belac oa the crouod
The card nlM> rooialns
case eaierieacp aroae. To tbe tact
. The Missouri Is s|ilrk sod s|>aa ss a fnim the HIrhtoau Mnlale ......... .. .............
ttet DO wtad was sUrrtos Is told tbe
wlHWV. r was udJi.dR.-d ntiiUy of .srer j outlook store the reestnhUshmeot of
nteane cutter.
Her brass ralItnp->
ssirlas et |be Seotb Side Loaber coadrirtoc. overUmdlnj:. lorturlnE. croHly Hhe i-to car ferry and to an Interview
ahine like her clear mirrors and U-r
paap^ ptoat which top la i«bbo and
Is-nlliiS of dcprivlns an naimat
'his tooinlnc sisid tu (be BecorJ
aa wip aartt tor aap atnp fat^
io..k . rolWii.... n-ve.-wry suM.-mi.H-c, shm.M he ,n.o-,thst the M_ M. *-X. would fnrnlHi all
painted unill U Blves liarh a lellectioii
■ a u
Tbe abwUal wad foor s^pnas -w<
Of thrlfttoesa Is-m-toE so wo.thy o ‘-he.1 lor every such ..n.-o-e by l.k- .he Inslu... ih.t the T. t„ L. « M.

As Ihc poor system bas Icon chanced amine aad report optm all etatms
tbr coumy tysiem Instead of by aealasi the couaty.
rnships. (be HiairBan of tbe suphat_Clevftond.
rodeaU will have tocreaacd dntlca Hamlla. whose dudes tt shall be
PC reap
portloo tb
From Wedoesds}'. Record.
pessed as
Al Ibe toohitoc sessloo of the board
of supervisors, a pHilloa from tbe
Partners' Mutual Telephone company.
Bd. aiktoc for richt of army prlvUeges etoap certain hlcbwape was
read and oo moHoa of Mr CIcvetood
referred tn the commltlce on
• aad bridges. Tbe pctlUoa was
stoned bp Lociea J. Tedpian. presi-

All tbe new
styles for spring. $1 to $3

Entire new spring line
just in-50c to $liS

■ore ctosely drawn.

Dr J. W. OanntlHt appeared and
Board of S
sve a ttart taik upon tbe bUI M
srhicb be sUled be betd ter (be <
From Tuesday's Record.
Tbe board of snpervUors met to of tbr late Jobe Wander of Crawa.
IbHr April aesslon this sRerwoew. preseottoc the matter Dr. OauatlHl
there bclnc three new fares on the stated that be cav^ praHlcaJly b.
board. Frank W. Carver soeeeedlnc lire time in the rare ot the man <
Tracy il mills .d the F.rat ward; tog a period of tee days and asked

e^rad aad i«d tOBKucs of flaiM
BbooUat tnw errir side aalU Ue


t (axes to be as.ded by

Miads and
Boildlncs Harsba.
Carver. Hoxsle, wbo abaU have tte

eupertlsloa of

the couaty


for tbe boys tbat
weAT long pants.

$S.OO to $15.00
tme itock new
goods juK in.

$7.50 to $20.00
No better rmoitment of such val­
ues elsewbere—see
ours without faiL

craoads and buildtocs and to report
tbercon to this board.
unly Poor-Lndd. Btork, BaSord.

deot; A. J. Htobca. vke presldeat;
Ca]TtaSparitoc.aecrHaTT: Moses Bow- couaty poor aad report tbempa to (tato

.ll-ectcrrs; J.»hn
WlUlam S.
Towns—pads, Cicvetond. Burrows,
;; .Mlierl linu.i. Ileory Knapp, whose duUew it shall be l>i provide
•ooa ptoplH on tbe Bill aad tulip eran. Tbe after caldo I* RrscM ,j„.-11'Hsonnoyi' or
n i:. Rewlioes snd Byron liulett. (or tbe puUlc prlntloc of tbe cooaly.
n- eff-vt -d the
3fat feel of hoae was toped oot i
• is .................... .
c eompaap wanted right «f
exquislU- ja-vllni.T.-<jB- r.eral .......................
dolag pM worh. Tbe Cass street
.► a
I .-aid Mr. Ilobrn«.n. " after It *«■ akmc ibc htobways of Paradise. Mayiluads and Bridges-SaBord. Ted
of yj,..len'l«t>al iisliiiv and
M baniKpalnted wor.......... ........................,
Slae bone wlU Ms toU UDo«p of
o hereto under ,ws... the ferry cao make a trip fleld aod Fife Lake idwasblpt subieH
n. Gibbs, wbuse duties U shall be
Louise Church, or li.-n.-ntl
ptopwMaad tbe baad brl^ aad
the stalejand a hull «i,-ry twenty^our Uniiv. to the rcstricilons a* may be Imposed
report upon all matters pertaltitoc
PrHcbt Apenl Churrh. snd the Islilf'"''
cart from Ha I made a toe ru '
reads and brMccw (bat may c
Ue eeeae aad dM towd work while palBS which arc standlnc lu tfaec'iiiu' i.?wvll at PM.-.II.I their rights- A' TMs means quite a buaefa of towashlps. The pi-IHioo sUled
befiire IbU board.
receptacles add much (u the aitraci.
Ha S told a llae fnia NIatb street
.-a - (4 III lrKilwui,..r Mi»-k was n- l.uslu.-~. . After the fvuilnp was orgaolted to brine
taspeelors of the
«8 ct Ibe beaulifiilly Snlsbed
bot so aapie was (be work ct ibeloor
lai:i.-.l to Ibe uwhl) rroin tb«: ii.-lah i-.-lahHsll'-d Hits of eourH.- will be In- (be farmers at Uread Traverse county jail was received'and accepted Thirty,
strtDBS atieadp oe thattbe hose
t-.rleuul 4.4 lllsck lake and Sh.-rilT .-r-aM-.l hut there will n.d be aaMher
rioeer IHopbunle rommiinkatl
five priaoDCfs bad been coaBned there
Fnrser Uennls Is no* wKh the Ule
DM weeded. Chtof of Pollee Aabtaa
some time,
fharl.-w Jolin-U* was dHailt-d to l.uik, Wvl |.ui o
aad woald bracBt crery rceldenl
since tbe tost report, the crimes betoc
oorl this season, hul to'i'-sd iw->
loaid a twfrtaeh private bose asd this
he whole no'ribwewl
into (he niuitcr • It wss r> ihii* | “W. ' ba
(hr ronntp.
as fo1low|: Druak. ^mle, 9. female,
siraers, Harry O. Pteeter and W. I.
WM aoea dolac p»d work.
I haudle almost cverya iiiau, n.d*-rt iliOh-n. hud put'- tojdfaw froii
rbe (ommittee at tbe afianiooo s
1; falsa prrtease.
torceny. T.
la IbietpBTlees ot aa boar the Cramer of Chlcaso ate on duty. Mr. Maple t'ily. T.-uvinE bis •allh- ii.’thiok. (nil
ir and tomber are
« lecommeaded that the pHltloo sauU OB oncers; I; assault and b
roMcr bat seen two sea««is wlHi lh~
.-hare.- «f a boj. who.did mU stay al' en-ai si.vpK s.
- I .
tery, 3: attempt at murder. I: ab
so Beies dM Ibe c
e bandied as readily bp the
R. O Lndit amved that two eoma
donmcBt, 1: torceay and viotoilua
that tbe entire tbtocle mill with lit (OifKcous and ubilctoi; (u the man..
•s et tbrre rwb be appMnted
Uquor tows, 1; suspieloo. •; aoa-sup
ipcrs wbo (hroDiECd lo r det-ks. M.- !
MU ontat aad a capacUp of «e.WKi was
c blast lucnact- i
. hr Kiatiklo.'t Tdraw ap rrsDlutl-wts «i the death of port. 1; wUe brattoA I; disorderly.
Cramer was clerk tost M-astni aii.l'
a t«Al loaa. Tbe taw mill was
the viirh.y wu.- I.> lim-sUMie (VI lilac,
Sapcrvlsur Ucorge U. Evans .tnaao«..T. bastardy. 2; truant ciri.
knows t-verp detail tJ Ib.- scasoir.;
most a loUl wreck, the steam feed
“Jii-t at |if-M-ul we art s
ihrouBli Sheiilf Chatles J.d.u~.n„ Wh-.
. Alice BuclI-Harrla. daugbter The hnlls and bedding were to good
some of the totper sbaftton betoic
hsndlcapiu-d hp the lack ot
vis.'.ulth.. to.m cattle
of Bupervisor Judson II. Buell. Sapci condition, no prlsoBcrS under 14
asTod. tbe «»rrU«e not belac eallrelp
Captain Flnucan. ft.nn his acri.- l.-iu.
ilo-re is not eooucb coInc bark to snp- visors Bcccbam. llarsba and iUmlla been aliow^ to mlagle with
Mr Jolinx.n touiid the
dtstroped bul all beitlass. pullepa and atoft oo the bridec. wtw-d crr-ctlns t"
|i1y the d.-mand.
However, qnlte
bciag appointed for Ibc ftyrmer and prisooen and (here were n« «t1Is to
(be bHUiai^ltaeir are a loUl loss. oM friends as (he boat lay to. and nr
vmint»-r hCinc sent so that lb
Superrlsnr Ladd. Hoxsle aad Dye lor mBaagemenl or coosirveipm
Tbat tbe Bre staXed to (be sblacle oordtoc to the casttn*; «■{ (li.- I
.lur '
nn.loubtedly wiil not to
hut tbo 1^
tbe latter. I'pna molioB of Saperrt- toil. Tbe report was signed £y PremlB la some ttakwnra wsp is prob Ins the past nlcbl he ft-lt ih.- n.-.-d ol ro-uiH> for this rearon ot III- year ll.;'
aor narrow tte board
o Walker. Couatr Agent till
te Judge
abto. This bulhlliic was rtued to
eolerliM: a port- Tbej' arrivcl at list found l'*> |«uiMis of t,a>. enouch lur.s
Wblh- here. Mr. HobertwiO was C. E to (Atain a portrait of tbe tote George.^Ikev an^ (tount^ Saperintendenis of
crouDd. aad Ibe Bre then allacked the bar Spiiass at 9 o'clock and after an
l..-.-lii«:. I-OI as tlo- own. r wao ' Murray >. cu-d. Mr Rolu-Xson has
Evans as It has been to the pari ^e Poor O. P. Carver. C. H. b'es and
boar's stop left for thU but Ion upon
sawmill prafier sUrilnc to
I- Tii.-:duy u.rtbliip, f
- custom of the board to parebase A. E Pnlvcr.
cast partIttoD adjototoc tbe shlosie rcarblOK ihc lake a<er Csl U<-.v.I Ihiln llu-r wss'lnoe. .

H N-nhi-M. hoc.- II was Bret estab- portrait of all memtu-rs wbo bare
Tbe salary of the superlnlendcnt cf
Bin and •tUadliiB tUrMtlp tbroock (be boat Btruck several lee fl™-.. and

i U .h.M and hs. seen II pro* trem a passed away when to artlve service
tbe poor ws« recommended at I4<'a
tbe bulldiBB to the west wall, tbonst
»e remainder nf tli.- nlr.hi ili-»
Tbe nnt mailer m ctolm Ibe altes from tJivi. beginning Jan I. (>nc. The
rvsxw w>. «.uirten
: iumlu-r riuid to a eonnerttoc link be
Htber ead are catted but siandlne
* tbe opentag of
„^iBg court street was rer
dlrtnbu.log potolx
Witt pailtollp buraed Umber.
Tea ice packs, not more than
e (dd (rieads the bids for the' bulldlag of
ommended for-vddtig.
death"tbOMaad sbiBcles were buraed wItt boar belac made durtos lb.- atohl. Tl.-I
goes north af«, f«-the Jal'- tte fbIWwtog bring Bled:
dpoo (be deott it Mrs. Alice Buell,I H Wtiriami*"'' >
tbe bulMlBc.
Icc was fraa nine to Iwcivi- torbe.-*®
Mr. K..1.-OMMI uccs that bis rarl
Mciltoa Hill. IStt; C. C. Cooper, Harris
and SuperTHurr George D
4 :lr. pn.-v.-n.b street.
Tbe kaa Is about M.MO whUe (be (hick but
It-, (tier eoualry. "Thea l.ggr,- p, r. Wareer. tSil: J D. Haxread and ordered spread
laanraaeu to bat IIJW. carried to tbo
crent Imp.'dlnieiit lo i»»-ae.-. '
ilK r- I to Mr. Murray.- be said
j j( spedding. 3M3; lather' upon tbe records.
i--n-hrel l;>-ni'ir.l'ss>-. it ■I B-ubwm r
Hastlacs aad Noam « MeWHbp A ttick foe niao made tb>- (rip slow.
Daniel McAIey of nic Lake
SSlnins r-'n~ io>:«C'.<.
Two borate were tsl.iui ahiwni n
y. srs ol-ljMome From Mieb. iDdustrisI Bebaol.;
I'poo motion of L K ClevriaBd the, ported agent of the board for lb*
Mr. Itt.iwu; »!m wu
Tbe ibtocle mtU was a new addlttoo the Hanttoos for n. J. Monsai. «.t tin
referred to the (xiomlltee;
of Fife lake, to have the
ctid totviasii Id III.- I
.- M»l<iu-i«to tbe amanfaHuriiic pUut. bavli
clip, while a
i|h- Htv on Baiurday over tbr Perelraa grounds and baildtogs >o report a,t',
c of tbe (mrtol of b
<-cil i]iu*k 1). sr th- n.t
been lastnlied this winter and Ibonch
m-lcbt and Bt-rch»dH..
Marqiiede from Sssloaw. wbere be • o'eioek this aRoTBooB.
| rbarged sbldlen aad sallorx and ttelr
tbfve remains fullp 3.000.000 sblacle* unloaded at Ibis poQ fur ImwI mcr.
.... tnnnibs
-------....-----___ ni.iuwn-.l in more ll:su an «rtl‘ .w.nt two
ago ...
to -o.-e .he! This sRereono Ibe tommtttee roc '.idowspat to be made (be mill will
ehaols. Heorp bad S.'ssil;> h«;.f.v .and cfc.erfiil ro.r.1. ,11c MMilsau to.itmlrtal school
tbat Ibe bM of Latter A !
Tbe mat
baOL tbe work bdne eltbcr ptocMl bntbels ot potalne-s for Chloan-.
_____ a-l'i’-'s. H>- ►'v|i
'iMric and he'Irwin be aceepKd. The eoastrucUoo^ooualy (arm was at Ibis pofnl' lnf«‘
1-. soil. ai,.l bHluvi
wttt an oaUSde eompaap or sold eotbushels of rarnu;.
^,..r,,tajiiinK ihsi b.- wj- ehai'.-d tev-g of th.- wt.rk which bad , tIII be under tbe supervision of A. II. J ntally dlseu.wd aad tbe aewly elerted
t^L plans tor the rebulldlnc of tbe
aUpped to RHieahouse ft Kmbnc by,
TkU in '<toitr."«J li>' rt'eniion while there. -Ob.; Hill. Keysiooe briek wlU be used.
jpbajfman. W, W, Ucoa. followed wltt
saw mni are AM PH made bat tbe
L eommanlcaUon wu I
rTrased nit»blly sn-l h- •••miitolni-d t«f I 'ell ><iu. iherr- Is >^e fine sbs
■' sa. appetising remet>raae« of oraages |
prababllltles are tbsl (bis plant will be
rebaUt. (bouck no deflniic statemcat
<r bound on a ndnrn trip; t,.,,], n
,. Increasing
ixpl'lly Hist a li’ier 1-t nf fellows I never mri." | referrlBg to her eommuaieallOB from Mc-jrantile
d tl.n'
to pH made bp Mr. Bcawa.
d Ibe voyage was lakcti as an an |, pi,ysirlan wa» esiied the >ul
H*’ said there were fortyuirveB mea.. Parm C Gilbert, relative to the offer
Tbe ptaatoc mill was aot tmudied bp
Traveltog aod Frelgh'r
msn.had Ispsol Into aaroa- »« IvsrainB trades, wbk-b toriodrd : o( on elgbly-arre tract of toad to .the
(be elede tre aad Is ruaaloc todap as
Affeat HcetdeTsOB wu picked up
Were asslstaue. cwmc, He cbwir rantog.
wearing. | Guaioa dlsiriet which she desired toj
aaasl. the ofBce alto aot betog inFuneral «( A. A Barnirm.
CbarlevvMx and remains on until
rar.!--l to his hom, and making aad shoe tapping, and; sell fora loralloa of a poor (arm. aad'
Jned bp to maob as a epark.
The church at Mayfield wu filled
rHitiB trip Boott.
jawsy si r. ..'.-iw-k wjtt.iui tvcureltlngiulde from tbe practkal wark. Joe bu|spaB the moUon of 3

.... .

Ob Tnmdar moratoc the Mack hoH
of (be deiaped suamer MItaoaH was

> be acted j Suatlay with (rirads wbo gattered to
kiis fanillr who wvre»irat.-d,wlth - to*n todustrioosly ptoantog to lertnre: matter wu ptoeed oe
tomorrow' attend Uw (uaeral of A. 8. Barnsm.
Coui«y Homan* Bociriy.
| H»- sodd.-pa.-.s of Ihe’catomity.' Mr. and lIUs vorailoo be now expects tolapoo u a special but
[The aervlee* wer* conducted by tbe
sertlag of tbe offevrs of the Br-ren was m«tol aed happy, a har.l fidlow. “Have yon eomptottd your | moralng at » o'eioek.
(bis point addreaaed Rev, A. U Thureion aad tte Rev. Mr
Traverae Humane aoclely wBslaad fal'hrut vi>rt.<-r. bis borne un-ll :ra>li-r be wuaaked. “I shooM say 11
E O. Ladd

alcfcUd tost ot Hartoa toiaad aad
■aap dtUeai prepared to make a trip bold MoBday evealag at the reslileocc j three y.-ur- ao (M-Ing at Tnlrriorht-a.
la Abn dock to eitead a beartp creet- of Mra-RETrarts. The Bold of work 'abd Ms c4ri> life is-tog to Ohio. Whll.*-sides.- They paid him for his work,uttT*
roasensas of; a mcartr'<‘f'he f. 0.0. F, he icfl no and he bad the satUfactioa of kaowlag j tte
lag to her. She spoke to tbe dtp
good batooee u
trem tbe bap at t;&l o'eleek and war ^ptolOB wu that the aorleiy as aJtnuTanrc for the wUe aad four
___________ bring fen to (he dty.

bMtoead a lespoase frvm tbe Oval
Wood Otob dock. At • o'eioek tbe


Mtoanari. aatt^ and loaded to to« the

L'poB tbe eqoallxatk* wbleb) tbougbu of frteoda. eaumg them briag:

d Bxu drimnd* the taxes foriBRy-right beavtUal carealkiu from,
, suit of Wi (adustry. He will make hU
The f«nvra! took place Tjnwdav; h.mse at present with hU alsler. Mrs tbeDcxt Bveytorsaad sRer reasider-iaelcbbors. represea'tog tte Bfto«lgbt
0 owbcrs at Babtoaketed boraes. anJ'afleriMKie at 1;S'> Itun the Cbufcb PraaV Der^. wbo resides went o' able dtocasakm aad a mauea pat byiyean of wedded Ufe of Mr. sod Mrs.
1 wu cmtcedeil tbat fewer borsvv; of Chrirt. tbe Rev. T. P, niota nffl'dai-j Acme, and bL« dog wilt aot be tbe Mr. Dye. Mr. Ladd w s aeieeted to ap- Banaw.

wileomed bp tbe Sdosp O. NeS-



Must be bought
thU week—chances
are if you come di-rea to os yoo’n
find no need of
looking further—
everything new aod
latest designs.


Hcre'i an assort'
neat that cannot
. f«l to contain just
what you want—
every style that'i
new-50c to $! 50.



Cnni Tnrcrsc Herald


MMis ANP «teo« ee.


lUltSOAY. APML n. tm






ilth lU BOal eanierl
Dot that the ea«-

gd been wdl bIbcc Jnnonry. bit
ly of mattoM nbaccw did not d»
rdep Mill t»o weekt ago. bla delerluB laatlog alocc Thurtday until
d4tb laat night Betide the wife, a
tatbv. John Wilber, aad t brother tsrTbe fonerat Till take place
(ram the ttetbodUl church at A<

palgB Till reaolt la hit elccUon to the
Ualted SUM aeaaie. a potlUoD (hai Monday at S o’clock, the Rer. U a
ib« bat aandd by bit toag aad faHhfBl Carpenter odteUling. W. 8. Anderton
tUI hare charge of the arransemcnlt.
wirVie la public life
behmgtd to tbc Masonic order.
Oaatb •» Idra. Theieae Harrle.
neatb rclicred Mra. Alice Buell Harrl». Tile of Tbwnaa llarrii of Oar-

_____ By Ibis BM*n« If- p bo
may be ceglrtcred and f - p-.t:
TlKMu-lBien->u tn-ihi
10 w hk:
tuny yl
>l» views tpoB puWic nii-^iions tiwcll known to tUc people u( Ulcblgtii.
I btic wev.d In n rep.T
i. Calff. M*> 7l». I’Ti' Mj'
.psrie for Ihr
1«-K(Wharever oTactras ibe wetUrc i
ptopic lu>» ah»a>* 1-iVu the ol-J
I. inclosiv.-. sold l.u- n.-.iini until i : •
Diy earntil toi-iKiide and has
manded my
■■Sint-. Itelk-vinc
1 cap fffleh-ntly
- '
5 scrie
i-erte <be
«be ela’v
ris’v III
high offl-r-. and that assiiranre* ..r |
Muthopen. RtU $ZM.
suport jsntfy m> handictory at fti'-:
ra-d Reo-ds. Rate <2X0.
lltte, I ban- i-i.t-red the »viiic<-«i au I'
Sate ball M Grand RapuSa.

Pebe Marquette

WfhiUBton. I
prured health George Hunt, aged 3}
fl(4d loTStbip. Suaday cvealag al 7 year*, of Klngtlcy. died Tno-lay
D-elock of Boatht of tufferieg from
Fannina it Profltabla.
ling from an anack of epilepty.
Tta AsnleaB famer It proCtlag by
My. Huai wat a patknl mi tbe NonbgfUift raauIU of bit eoontfT^ bowe had been a rlcUm for tbe paat ye
er« Michigan arylum. where bo w(t>l
Hra. Htrrtt Ttt the daughter of
-pnilaeUTa Urt« pdicy as be r------live yeart ago for ciiilepty.
pro!tad before. There hat bee
Mr. and Mra. Judd H. Boclt o( Oar- from aged ptrenu ti Kingdi-y Ihe dc- ',.jj
towntUp. AuA 1C Ittt year
laaeaae of Mere tbaa IlSSMO.b
leave* ll.r<xA
me the Tlfc of Thomaa Htrrin
the ralM of ABerleaa fam pro
Urothcr-lnltw. WUt.rni NirkvrtriO.
hi-ltDl«-ndliis cal strik.-,
aotd to foreign eonalriet dertag tbc but her health wat eo frail that tbe Kingsley arrived in lb<- i-lty ye.lirr|

iCi.vtie Rao<dtCn>cano (Amenc
SiMiy. Apnl Ihth:

M- Her. t:

Epw*-» Oaiwotiv.-

BCXAMirilAT'Or« 1» tri«KK

Xravcrse City Markets
— -

OR P. t. WOIFE, Propr. DR R L P4UIS0I, ksisM
CilirA'iis lMt»iH-:i.M

Hiiitf IIMII \Vil!..-tiii nik.

Grade Bere
Bv mail..

luncral will take place thi*
inn from the home a' 10 o'clock, the


L. Carter.
rely. Ralph Anderioo will bury
Hra Harris, through her
babe In Oakwood betide lla
for she wat but» Then death eUlmed moiber.
alrayt a bHgbi and bappy
msola Snpreae cMit. An etira
elear cbrlstlan character
Plant for Con
•Us of the legitlatare bat been called
A. E. Wlosbip of Bosloii, clUor
befag demoatlrated by the work the
hr Ooeenor Dtneen to again take up
i«t tbc New Bnglanil Journal 6f Edni aOw prehlett. It tUI be recalled that
lion, has been aceured to deliver (hi
Osmor La pblleue cd Witeoaali
eommcDcemcnt address In tbit city.
ton Sunday acbooltngelrad an extra legitladon eetalon
Dr. WInablp Is a member of Ihe stale
to gh« bia atale lla preteat '
boani of education of Massachr.sei^s
Arreated on Strieuc Charge.
vUto area In lU nBaadnd eoadltioa
William Force of Acme tbs brought aad former president of the Educatlnntha deteoerato of WleoDnaln aay they
to tbit city ycttndty by Sheriff nl Press Association of merles,
nrtn sM accept or aahe nae of- At
Charles Jobnton. Tbo hold t wamuit aubjort will be "The Hoy' as a l-lal.llooMpnred wllb her titter cutei Ulcblly" and ronrernlng this Iccliire the
tmt axperteaee In pre^ng i
Uosiun Transcript says, “Sonti-m-es
Ulttiil gltttlto iM-toW tottly antThe target tbc retpondeo! wllb sell­ •parkle «kc pine knots In an open
Breplac»-prac’ical as tbc multipllcc
ing "fermented bercrager,"
(Ion table." It anrcly will be a ireat
It AMtn «mtth for tha •anatt.
1 a Traverse City audU-nce to listen
of Mra. DenMcadl'a younger
1 xnch a speaker.
'eTtbe nnh dlttriet hag. at lait de- ton. a lad pbout 1C years old. Tbo. io
SnpL 1. B. Gilbert has boon scb-et>ri
«|gnd blmaetf pnblk^ at a candidate company aritb four other ynoiig boys
at one of the Judges for the .lUlrlel
Hr Onlted Statac tenator to anceeed drank alleged bard elder purchased
High school oratorical contest l<i
■toalor Alger when hit tern of of- from tbe reapondent, William Force.
held In Cadillac Monday. April
•m than bare expired. Tbit an- The respondent. The la a tanner Tllh
a family and children, admlie Hurt be Last year the contest was held in ibb
pida the eeaatorlal tituaUoa U ded- Bold the dder to tbe bora but was In­
hlta ahape. and pUoM In tbc Add for nocent of their intention to use It as a
an aacrwalre oaaipalga. one of Mlcb- bererage, Thllc tbc lertlmony aworu
to by two of Ihe lida Herman PenSmith's formal aaiiounn-incnl of
ctaadl, aged l». tod Alite -nbblta la
candidacy for the I'nlled States am
IbU; Hcnnaa Desslcadt came to the
to aneeecd Oeucral Alger, who will
■iKtSOB and eonadcnce of Oe pec«lc Force fann Sunday morning and
ehasod a gallca of tbe alleged hard
It Ihe Repul.licans of Mlchlgsn:
elder and carried It to a “ralrcal"
, There U doobUect bo mna 1
When Senator Alger aODounced liU
fltote batter Infonnod open national the surer farm, where tbe boya bare IntciftloD to'retire from piiblU- Uk- u
been aront to congregaic and carouse. few months ago. I w-ns strongly urged
by many irf his friends lo Injcoiik- a
Four boya were In tbc mrrat lhai
knm mora of tbe neodt and raqnlrccandidate and tulip expected to do so.
ay. to It la alleged, and In the i
MbU of HTebltou thnn be. He It a
Improvement In btmlib promi>ie>l hint
non llermnn again arent to Ihe Force to Jeconsider bla lu^i.l I [
toilMdraii of broad experience.
um In company aritb Allle Tibblls, wlltibgly retired from Ihe Ocl.l, kav-]
Hm for maay years been a atodent of
Ing DO disposition lo contest wUli Iitm
aged H years, and they purchased a
- ir the honor.
second gallon. Wbna the second galI sincerely regret the elmim-uances
loo bat! been aesimllalcd by tho eroard under which bU wlibdrawal. u<>» .l>c
I express the hii|sve youngalers Ihe younger Dm...........................................lichlgan that with
atradt eon was an Inloxlcalcd Ibai
real from bis anbioua labors his Itf-In a state of parajyala and II la of usefulness may l<e spartNl for many
•tnetlag rlUl InteieaU o( ibit i
try la rolalloa to forelga aflalrw.
H tba moat prominent meaber of the Ihtl his eytk were paralyxod and Ihe
lidi could be opened aad shot aritbout cat pride In Senator Alger.
eotomtttae of foreign afalra. nnd
■r. w-htMC w
and mlliia
tba baglmiilng of tbe preeeot aestloo of aay Tolnntary moiloa upon ibe part of

n InS^'il^o

tbc young boy blmtelf.
MBgieaa. tbs appolntad membi
tba Taya and meant commlilee by
Bpeaker Cannon. HU ablUUc* bare
a of many frienda throughout
beto Tidely roeogntxod In Washlngtoa
atate. I bare decided to become a
for L'Dllcd 8Utn> aenaior.
and lb«n an tew membara of tbe Ncrilnger wilt Altoraey J. W. Palchln
a years my nime baa twn
ooagreat of the United States belter
council and after a brief Interrlew
Ived examination nnd was bound
knom «l borne and abroad than he.





ing the nforetald "retTvat" aad
place baa long been a pllfall for
boya who congregate there. Not long
s large load of empty beer eaaee.
BO It b alleged, were eatTricd on
returned to tbe plant where they orlglaaUy came from.
•nd of bit urm. Mr. Smlih comet
Uto tbe fleld with tbe lojml auppert td
Death ef R. A. Wilber.
a targ* proportion of the poop)* nt
Rufui A. Wilber, of Acme. ageJ
large, and maay of the moat Intnea- 43 yenra. t-Jccnmbed Friday
Ual men In tbe etaic.
Bit prapealtloa to put the matter to
tbe people direct la commendable, and
Thne R may not be atrietly l^aL tbe
auggetUos to let the people voice was bora In New York dty wBbre he i
married and later tbe co-jp1e declde.l!
Id occupy a farm In (he Grand Trarerve regloa. which they did six years
ago. Mr. WDber tbs a foreman for


M ,u,™.

I have from II
ea of a
Irlen.U In all parU
never asked the aoppon of any one ti:
Ihe paat. In view, however of a gen­
eral dealre of my frienda, I have eou
eluded to enter tbe conlex: and aball
. an honorable and
laign to the end. If edected
il do my utmo»i
high office, I aball
to merit tbe coondenre
re of tbe people
of Miebigtn.
Our etalr has nebteved unusual dia
llneUon lo the xeeate. The bigh ebti
acier of those who hare Blled thl;
niori Impoptan’ poaHloa have act an
example dllfipuli to follow, The call be tnisied. bowever, to mak.1 worthy choice without dleiaUon from
litilon of I'oiiel
he whole peopl"
I end invito ai:
agree m siihmU
candidacy tn be popular prlp when delcgaic'
cte-'.lon In J
e lo be ebcisen to thd stair c
ID. Or IB Ibe event ihai this tin
;e Ihe caavaa. I w
anggasi t
office agree ii
Statoa acator

-- •"‘.isa.rss.K’T.vj.’iis
to be eonsideratl the party nom


i-lse, as y.ui may .lirw-t.



Sitilih ia'iix ..•K'c-sfti-colter. s>iimal

$. €. lUait $ Sons

c: .

Cravtrxt City's Ctading Drag $t»r<


BPnoancmiei.i .;fbis can iiiin.-

tti.. c-.ii<l!iii’n -r loil'li'-ii
lmsl:i.-8S aft.T!lng his -distrirl w-ut: o.:i ! ~

C-1||1 of many Icli graras^frotii tii-m; '■


So'nu' of our friitmfs may ask ''How
till you know ilapiinh & Lay Co.'s
•HHST; is satisfactory?’
aii-wcr isc.isy......................................

Customers TELL US SO.

QiBSCs Severe Ixsscs, A very coniinoD one is the loss of bis leclli.
Kattire .lo.vtiri aiipply ih.S.-I 1 ^10,


One reason il'n etiay p* ls-.-.>m.-ac(-tisl.uiitv1 lo k-.'lii I FITmi>8t jieoj'k* tlDii'l rriiini nfii r a ilay or tw..' nitli jujiiilar e. inplainta.

-DWBl kBDW II cooia be done so easy." is what Hc>' sty.
.\ny reiiatui why y-ni siionMi.'l m.Ao a rtiiiark

if 1

111 your’sc-coinl »•! .-f t.-. ili;



HOU89 Elk.

Try a Herald-Want Ad.
‘••7f Pjvs tc Zradt al Cte Off Btak Stan'^

Are You Loc-kinc for


Our three
Spring Specialties

w siwik! InrtV'iii'* nhi-'li w->-

Wt‘ aliftll nifvt yonr w.mtf.

.-1 f.-w of tin- ninny.

^ru ijt.ofinc yoti n:

iihaitilB(iMicl>in. n.KQl'I-

er to (be Clreult coort in the

•tttea Bentie are undoubted and
of <S».
ettod. aad TO beHere that northetn
la alto eUted that Ihe boys look
MItoisaa Till give him faearty support sugar and wweelened tbe alleged bard
In hli eampaUU for the cteeUoe.
cider to make It paltUble before drink­
Ooagrattmu Smith hat yielded
ing It. Many storlee arc rife concern­

Ibeir aentlmeau at tbe fall eleeU^
Toetky of the Boat earneat oonaldoraUoe and tbould be adopted, and tbe
(Mae ef tbc people r^ered ei


sailiio to eotui- to mir altm.* in ji't
s'Jli iuivi-vvetj'.‘ulv.nikigc of Qor wide useortim-iil.
Itricx'S i»y
Iiinh irnui.'tfo's-u sti'd low I'ncx-s
aentiint: lo m lijr nmil for
We triiv tliia
llii* th-pariiuont
tii-pariiuonl onr licst

anyihitit; wniil.vl
nnd tfive ihoae who oni.
r I'v'lu.iil
l<y ni.'iil tlif
tin' lanii
IU of ovory bnrsfnin
olft-r.-.! ili.-rso who tkiiue 1" ilientoff.
Further, if at any lime
lliC tf.vsl* funiisl..’! .lo XI. >1 r-uiir.-ly pl-wtae yoit. relum them an.i
Ti- »ill n-fumi tin- inou.-y ..r i-.s.-hatnio tiro piuls for aotm-lliiiii;

If it is' h

Rev. U' B. Carpenter otSeiatlng. On
ecb, 57 the molher of the bibe died
wfshlncf.n, .\pril p.-ronm^Mnati f^::;:.
tbe fuaeral took place tod tbc grandparents. Mr. nnd Mrs■nlngtl Jared Fcx. hare eared lor the Itmily William Abifii 8mllh bad a lung talk
10 o'clock, (be Her. Hugh Kennedy of children of which Ilenolt and Vera- with Seusiiir Alger at blc home>vs-.r
oBlelattng. Burial took place at
jc let^ Mr. h'ox feels Ihe iloul'le
OakTood. finder tbo dlreetlon of H. blow of the kwt of both wife nnd babe

Trai.rm-rily. >ii,-Ii.





.k f<<r Allen'*Foot-Eaae.a P -i

Buell, Mru. Colonrt Raaaom of Beech
noyd CJll-tTt. the lS-mi)iitb»-nld
Toed farm. Mra, Frank Harrit o( of Floyd Fok of Wiliitmrbiir|!, dint
Bontbern Ulebigan. Mrt. Clinton Hr- yesterday al S o'clcick after but a
•Wt of Hiehlgan't elate oOeen
Crme at thla city, and three ewer*. brief llliKS*. death resullin-: from a ter l. nb>iiii,‘lVlr.dr; Silk. Slal-el
Tia the great rleiory la the railroad Petri. Dtliy ted Htttlc. Tho live Titb
T er.nvulBifn which the vovu-.
Ui esaa Thieh waa aaDoaneed
An uncle..Otrk Bodl, Mbe at t re«uU of tce'blng. The lUbv
W^htgtoa latl week. Tlaie and retidet In tbli dly.
. ^
babe was well Tuesday but worried
«da Ibere baa beea crltlelaa of the
Tto yeart age a titter. Grarc Bacll. during tbc night (bougb bis caodlilim
enya and meaM aeiployed and of the
at aldleted Tllb the dread dlecate
not tcrlous- He wt*. however,
•BsU laeurred. But from goversor and her care Tat gh
n with coBviilslona at h o'clock
Md attorney general to the leai
by Mrt. HarrU Tho. ibough
died in a few momcni*.

o ezpeet the vielary before ;




for skip
they hare niiK- ,-ai ej .—I M .n- ;
Tlih her parenlt tIUi
Ii. and tbe body wat taken
ff.-ra Ti.ledn.
• .
Is the ealoe of forelga fhm prodacit tbe eipectt'k-. that they Tonld
Klngtley where Ihe fnneral Till ocenr
dipped to tbU eoaetry. Aad tbc able to etan a borne tbli tpring.
Tburaday morning at l« oeloek tnwi
greSt of tha tanaer U a prodl geacr- death Interrened.
tbo Klngtley church. . The rcmtini
«uly abared wllb all other boae laAtide from the young bniband <
taken la charge of by U U. CurpareaU the (ollorlag brolbetu and
ilaiera are left: Bert and Oeorgr

tbe did
llteate. Ittcr (ell a eletim to iu tTful
Inroada Mrt. Harrii aad her hot
band were membert of the Atbary




|Mt eight ntontba. and for tbe
V«Md a deereate of orer tlJ.OOO^WO

Ispnity —«ir«^«d and the ebaraetei


pii linisii.

f.-);iil:ir ♦7..VI.

Etviihir r.' -‘A now- 6.00

mail Papers
'.hat r.iM;;<: ill
from -ii. j«;r tluiiljlr rollt ti|>.
A larn«:r >t«»ck iliati u>ual ami exv Jingly h;latitiinc

Rtn:uhir$i«. .K.w ..7.50



U- cki-TR

•■.-K:.»>. Si


. u'pwartl.




Iiari;o Ann U'w-kors $1 '.'h


J -i :■,,

I 11

I '■


tiGil iipwani.

Come nti'l fMvino- yoo■ neltt* th.H w cauBan-yoiJ

tm evt^-thinL"'in

Plclura Fratiws

iiiinl.' IQ t;ril''r In fif any sire jiicturt; or |n>nr.-itU
h i;--afe to say that Wf^havi: by far the largest
i f Moulilinj:-' in tljts pari of the stale.

Olindow Shades
in rca-iy-miide fijis an-! dofii. rtiailing at lOc
:,ml 2:>c. f)il Opa<itf> in any color and up to 38
indies in witJth.-Vic. i.artfcr Shad':', made to or«1',T "whik; >-ou vail " if necessary.


Yutir Reliable Fumitura Store.

Grand Rapids Furniture Co.

127 SoBlB Uiilon Street

(Zitv Book Store
C*e dai'art Ca.

traverse Otf, WIeb.

t. A^RIL tl tMt.

omciM A. Ti«-r w. r»'«w«w>m* «»<*• w»
MUurnM-A. t»w7 w. »•
OM. Wr^ J»B- *.
8«.«- •—
M. K. O.
fc«r •«niT-, O.

s KT «Bt aBt«c« M Use DqhUs

toe Center, bunding to be remodeled
ll.WKi. Mr. Wagner hat
booght tbe Mart and l>
making many attrsrtlre Imprtrreleeta.
He bat alto got the eontraet for re*
modellag tbe dw^ag at Harry Domt
Monroe Cealir at a eort of II.WNJ.
There wm be a Urge aumber of athornet and
farmt during tbe coming
The prtcet for potatoet hold
alily good and Juti now a large
mey it b^ng paid lo Ibo farment
b'i> product. The eoategueace
ke Ifaai many tbootaode of dolwlll te inretted la lmprw»e.4
bomea and beuer fbming farlllilc*.:
lag (gewatlont in Traverte Cliy
ommenring to become anlre and
Uie pnmpect tt for a fairly goi-1

few w(«ki> ago after purchatlRg the m*cie farm at Somh
Eoardmaa. formerly the property
raed by J. C. rptegrove. Mr. aud
rs. Bppbr will hcrcalicf follow farm
ig at a profettloD.
Urt. J. O. Duncae and her little ana
of Mltoat Ray imtted tlimugb thr
cllr^bla tanmlog while on their way
1 Poatlar. where they will syend the
XI two months with her parectr.
Mr*. Prank Ijdell aad daughter
Craee Icfi this momiiig for Big Rapldt
where they will make their ‘futurv

Arbor Osy.
By govrrnoi-'s prortamatlun. Friday,
has been flied as Arbor IM?
Ibis day sboald be generally «lserred In Trnveni-.Cliy !•} tree plain
.. Ii would be an egeelleni thing
be popbr trees In (he rity coubl^
rwled up now and oo Arbor day
replaced with tnaph-s or other suitable
>e». The poplar has only irt>- ihinirecommend It. Ii
ta:u l.ui »•
JorS a mushroom and a iM>|iIar 1- J-aei
about as l*aolffnl.

Herbert of Lake Ann, forme.-tbe Habbler cmoiianr, {laMed
Ihmugh the city Ibiii mortilag en ruate
for rheltiygan, wh» re he will take the
ire^itlnn of bu.kkerper with the (XrioiM-li Rnir.- hraaefa irutlc bouse. Mist It rf.mp1e.ely cored roe and I have rRote.,beak willII then leave fin- Detroit
. the main .ofDcf-.
Mt^.-w. H. Rneebrordc retiirneil
her home In 1’cllMon tvKlsv afler t
lllng her son. Fred 11. PraU.
nn.g c..-. draggls's. M cents anrt’l
Mrs Hannah 8|.enee reiurne.1 lol
Trial bottle «« con'*
craie at Kalkaska thb’ moralng af
^vending the winter In the dty -w
A lirto'h fin- si-rteil l»-yoad Hu- roiher danglitrr. Mrs. Rk-faard manigan.
Irol .-f ARh rt S-.i b-a ai l>-oiil.las anJdlss Ilaille Rullaid Ml ihbYnorn
ine for Maneo:u»ia.»-hcr.-.iJ»! wliul.ii hi flKhlbT 1'. be l».-l>U- v.lj..l*t.anil f--U d'-Jd in a f.-iii-:- r.-rn-;-.'.
«rs. M..J. Cde.iH.ui.
K. M. Franklin k-fi tor Thleago
A Lucky Festraistrest
I) on Ixard the KrfC
Is Mrs. Aleaander..
rtiarles Tiicter of Cedar Run t
llpH.foaiid Dr. Kiug:
In the ehy tinby c-a route home from In- the irf-st rem.Hly.............
kiN-pIng ih<- itiodiarli. Llx-r and 'IW
Sonlh Mtnhnu Irlshd.
Mrs. C. R. -Diylor spenl the day In
pvirifli-rs tliai liifioe n.-w ill-, tiuarai.
The Uev. Fr. Rlonlawskl n-lBrne.1
1 l•wl!or•■ this iiinnilnc,after a short
.vy In the clly.
Wr.v. .1, <1. lleiii'deU w<'M-to Manis........ .
rsIliM (here by the lllne>v.-<
■ her grandebliilno.
Mi.« Adiilc Hoy or I»s .Angi-h-s. Cak,
. il.e gue^i <d her amii. Mbs Ak<-'jSencal and lu-r eoiisin. Mre. Hen WII (


alnao of the Fniirte<-nth Siioet M, R.
church will Uke plare on Friday aRernnu at 4 oVJock.The aerrlce* will te In charge of
le Her, A. T. FerfAaon. pretlrtlng
elder of Grand Traverwo disirlcl.
I eapeeted that the may>3r and also
ne tee vu afn«Ull> .iKtored out of je latiora of the cHy will be iir.'teii'.
tiw ter iMtr br the esiwrtii. TMI
A cordial inrltalion It eileiidi
vhleh rrnwina U *o mtlcn lh»t
a boat cotdil fo thraosl
The ter trow over Uarrb 17 aad
fnaen Jasi l«entr-l»o dar* thU rtor.
kVIll Oo to New York.
Dr. Fred HuDion. mn nf Dr. J. D.
The SMaer O. Neff W the flnt Innann. tuperlnlnidenl of tbe Northboat lo tbU rear aad Caiwala rranvHn altalaed bit ambliloo. The aa*t
«iad dtxwe all the Ice in the bay oeer Craig CoKwy tor Bplk-pilca at Sonjea.
toward OrtiHcbellte Simday bu
N. y- one of Ibe largest inslitniiont of
apHe ihit the Baaaced to bai« out Ibe kind In thr coiiDirr. at a bigb
Stuiday aad make the Oral Wood aaUrr- He received the appoint
Dlili dock.
aome of the Ixttl ttudcntt 'ln the
after taking a tevere ezamlnaiiuii
Tba caoBly board of eaowtera
wortwd on (be toco for the eallln* t* nndr the lawt of New York. Dr. Mon
I haa been Dr, Vaucliaii't astlstani
coamtlon for Ibe parinse of lorltlas
paihokigleal work at (he niiver
John Tucker and two cli11i1rt-i.,j
the atate oooamutloo Tueeday. The
board it eommeed ot A. & Pnlvcr, <dty of HIrtilgan tdaee hU gredualloo who Imvf luH-fi sinnillne Ibe winter on
Maniion trlan.l. returned toj
ctelnaaB: -C. W. Aibton and B. J. from that Inatllullon aeverai ycars
r<-.lar Run Ihiv roemlng.
Taylor. At Mr. Taylor li fll,-H. K.
favorably, not only upon bla own
ncoeham look bU plase:
lly. but npaa the work of the univer
«tste News.
•Die MllHngloii Rrisl mill. lurno.l nl
lliere la eowaldefabtc balldlas and ally, aa It is acldom that a westero
Is chosen lo Cl! so Important
l..«; .d" WjIIKI a wi vk ago. will be re.
mtalrlBS In Femwood and Tlelaliy
tfale eptlpft W. & Miller baa foM alilon In the cast.
The Saginaw Pavin- Rrirk ri.ropany
Ttvn**^'**" for car.-,
BKwed imo a'fkp bauie which be baa
|.laciNl fire under three of Its k.'les
f « 1. eonm'rviitive
bam B^ Hr. Were alto baa a
Friday iilgbi as n pn-lin.inary i« a
booae mjpneoteh alreet. Work bar. Prom Mooda.vY Record.
iiwnng(-im<nL . w e
Hlai Alice Keith lefl Ihb moraine romploie opening of the plant April j
brea oewoeooed oo the fooadalleii of
fbco the seiscMi’s hrick making
the ae; FD|yte«(tb Street M. E. for her home la Kabnuzoo after vis­
*will begin. Tbe plant has l:een
.leavor. to maiiiRay and 'uarl Dailey spcal Sunday bauli-d and maay Imj.rorenients hav-tain it.
teHoIr llrery aad feed in the city with relatives and retiinie-l been made. The cn.iiany lias no
M State atnel baa beea home ngalB this reorelng
large orders on hand aa jei.
y Or. J. B. Martin at
Tl;e Standard Oil rotrimny has pirLake.
chased two a-rrs <-f land aiiJolBlng Its
Ura. Fraoela Eogicr of M<
a will be ander the
Grand Rapids plant. The plans for
IB of CiBodc Purely who wOl who has been the guest of I
Improvi-mcot have lu eii pretty w-;-ll ■
a.of It. Mr. Molr will leare the city, left this murning tor Ragnol outlined acd will i-tnl.iacc a war.-:
dbeWy abont May I aad make lilr for a vUll. ,
House t:.' brick coti^tioi-'lnn. -ievli‘-i
Mrs. G. Slaglit retomed lo her hoi
tt'aae la Caaada. hU birthplace.
Id Manistee ibis mnrnlag and slopped feet If two stories an.l 4.u.«3n f..:i it
story In helghi. There will also
4 W. 0. dark of Atmlra tearaablp. for a short lime In the city while
IK- Is.ller anil engine i-ooms and w-acen
Itpmlf rtwaty. bat brought.
« ronstriirli-d. Tlic cie-i i* .-'ll
^^pOwiI Ibo Kelley Lnmber and SblaHiss Qeorglc Marttley retumtsl
company la Jutll#* Ncrllngcft her home in Honor Ihb morelng after mtle,l at JW.lkiO. .
Sourt 00 tbe dmrfe of treap» U it a brief visit la the clly.
3|Wiiied that the Kelley company took
The Rev. and Mrs. C A. Htanaben!
'^Aber froa Mr. Clark'a propertr, r Kingsley left for home this room­
A ^blcb adjoined Ibeirt. Tbe matter ing oner bolding German Bvaaip’lical
It and-the
scrvlrcf In the city yesterday.
e rendered Tneaday.
Mrs. Hr. Carroll returned
Nnr lo Kalk-aska today after risUIng
friends In the city.
Mrs. ■Wllltoin Amy aecom
) upon complalat of Claylon
her father. Chris Hanke. and .taeghter.
Louise, passed through the
tb thr nale of two
iHm: while on Ibelr way fn.m Ni-sbe^drenk aa a beverage on aaiil
ptemiiee. tbe'aame oot being tben sea Clly where the funeral of William
Amy was held at 4 o’Hoek Friday.
of Uran-l Tf.iverae p-giim—
Hiss nnssle Fat and brother. Os­
men. wontoii. Iioya aixi utrla—
ten -JaatlM AMI P. Nerilnger and wald. reliihinl tills morning
bond to appear at Ibe aryl visit wUh their gnui.Imolhi r. Mrs. J
vitli i1<-p<-n<1aUo
M. Piankltn of Old Mbsloo wllb whom
tana of ClrcaH ooon.
they spent Sunday.
Cbartea Irtab. bob of Albert Iriab.
John Boyd and son Domiccck of
Wnilamshurg returned to their tuiin<1 la marriage a 3 o’clock this afternoon after spending Sumla'a taan
Ibe city with a dsuf^ler, Mrs.
Biotta at Ikng Lake, the reremoa’
imas Rruoklney-er. Mrs. Ilnyd .will
Mbg performed by tbe Rev. Hngli not Totorti for a day or so.
Xeeaody of the Aabory M. E. chureh
W. D. C. Germaine lelt thU after«t Ibe paraoaage. The happy couple
was altemted by Vernle Irish,
irolher of Ihc-groom. and HUt Lucy
Mtolta. abler nf the bride. They will From Tuesdays Record
make (b(4r bame lo Elmwaod tawnMrw. R. B. J. Bpohr rd Chicago
_____ Wt- buy. first of .ill. rt-lialilo Ditikes of fiKilwcar. XVrired in the rity this afternoon and
carry tins«ir in n larue viuinty of styles. Lltrays s.-l(-.-liMU
was met by her bnatend. who
Tbe wmster lee box which la beli
Uiose lliat wi- llittik will jileasi- yon. Tli.-n we erfj. tin- dmmx by
•reeled by (be Sagtnaw Serf eomimay
tnakinff tire price lower llian is nikiwJ at si.iiie sloivs f->r
M rapidly ellmUag to fho form of tu
interior tfotala.
•rtdBal dealgn. R-hlle the building is
galled a cold storage building. Il ls
ihally a moasler Ice box. SSxMl feet
aiae a>d over two slorlei high, the
•pprr fUry 'being designed to hold
saa bandrM Urns of lee. tbe tiling |
being doM only once a year. Thej
tower ctnpartmsat la to be lighted
*hb elrntrle U^ts aad the whole
If you sre sulfering from
mapMml by tbe atlddle of next
Impure blood, thin blood, deboath. wbea the lea will be put In JrfJlty, oervousness, exhsusky HopUas. wbe eoatrarted many
p(>piiL-ir iven.
tion. you should betfn si once
tJoT band i2inil«- wort shoes are Iteconiiti?
Ibiog dae. U' SoiiH- say the)- simply won t w<-ar anyli
with Ayer’s Ssrsspsrillt, the
aod coitif.-rtabli- ukI wvar U-u»r
Ibeyalwiivsatay aofl an........................
Ssrsiptrillt you htve known
aitJ lotr cuts uiid cost
sU your life. Your donor
L- llian ortlinayy niaki-s.

CtHtflrton tWs week 2.775

to Maintain

State Bank.


The Carpet Department
Was never in as good a condition to supptv yoiirB(u:as as now. The various
lines .ire compfcic in every detail—No other si.irc is as well fqnli>j»<-.l as MH.I.lKKN’S. Haying’in the huantilies we are in a position u> secure lower prices from
die ones we buyof than is the dealer who buys in kssef Mii.ifuities.
And the rariety we offer you to choose from is so much grfcaier that It makes
it doubly wise for you to do your buying here. With the amount one has to spend
to lit upeven one room they should feel sure that they are noi only gelling the bc*t
J’RICI- but also the U-si gUALlTV.
if you care for both of these things when-you buy. then wr f.-el sure we will
get your business.
ingrain Carpets iac. Thc, TjOc, Up to Sdc.
Particular attention is called to our line of siricily all wools at tide to SOc. Not
only is quality the best but ihe patterns arc far above the average.
New Brussels and Velvt-i Carpets are here in all the beautiful color combina­
tions that it is only possible to obtain in these goods. $1.00 yard up.
small lot of good pitterns in Velvets at CUc yard.
Kaba (wool and fibre) dining room and bedroom higs. These are the best
things on the market to be had at the price. Sizes 8 ft. !l in. x |0 ft 6 in. and 0x1^
at $U.&0 to $r.*.
SjHicial in S ft. :i in. by I J ft. Brussels Rugs at $17 and $1S.
tlxl-’ floor rugs in a'splendid line of paltcms at $17 to $17.
The line of floor coverings would oot be complete without mentioning Lino­
leums. ITiese we carry in both the English aod domestic gootls In a great variety
of designs in the floral and conventional tlesigns. at 45c sq. j'ard up.
Just received another invoice of Lace Curtains purchased arvery-low prices.
One exceptionally good thing is a line of Ruffled Net with Cluny
ing room .niid bedrooms at
to $1.50 a pair. New line of door panels at 25c up.

Our Furniture Department.
Busiest place in the city. Finest.Furniture;that expert workmen
can make iA being unpacked daily. We have never had such a
stock for tee people of Traverse City and surrounding towns to
select from.

Jill the Feet




We Trust

Sprina Styles ler men
$2.00. $2.50. $3.00. $3.50, $4.00
Spring SIrhs lor Olomcn
$1.50, $2.00. $2.50. $3.00

Ijand made Work Shoes

By the. way. have yo.u visilcd our 1‘urniture
Sales Room? It is the ne.ntcst. cleanest,
most up-to-date Furniture Sales Room in
Northern Michigan.
or, go
to ibinl floor. There you will find a room 30x110. the walR and ceilings nicely
li.ited; the wo.xlwork painted; the floor in fine condition; live large windows at
c-rihcr .-nd afford ample light: .artificial palms, hanging baskets and . flowering plants
add a charm most effective for the display of the largest stock of furniture in
this p.irl of ihesiaUt.

Remember This:
That ii is no trouble lo show our goods. Ti*e slocks are so large in all our
m.iny departments, and the styles so new. that it is a |K>silive pleasure to show our
friends the beautiful goods that are constantly being made, and in which our buyers
keep t-horoughly posted, ordering them just as soon as they are on the market.
We nttver hav-: and never.intcrd carrying any second-hand or any taken back
iM.'ck. .Ml ourr goods are fre-sh and up-to-date. When you buy here .you j'ci your
Furniture first hand a shiplH-d to us direct from the factories, with the first linish
altsohiiely i»crf<-ct.
We show a most complete, line of Betl Room Furnlttirt,-. Iron Beds. Springs and
Mattresses. Dining Room •rabies. Chairs. Sideboards and Buffets. Half Trees. Oftice
Cliairs. Roll Top Desks. Fancy Rockers, Couches. Morris Chairs, Turkish Rockers.

koob’Sil.too. Askhimtbouiit.

-altMl aad eoatraetore and ballders
arc commeaelag aetive operalkms.Iboman Hoaltoo. (be coaiiactor.'
Mated yesterday (hat be bad eloi^'
•oatTMta for a amaR dwetllag oo B«;
iJteei 40 coal laeo. a twodetlag Job;
SB Elmwood aveane tor ll.Md. a bandaome batiding at Gtawn for ramer
Cuts. IS>W. Hr. WaKBer, ant Hon-

but race,
jtoue joit.
OBon rccneo.



Grauid Traverse Region.
NOTICE TO CORRIOPONOEN•nc« a>Mt ruefi tha Htrald «Mc<


max ba aaaurad th« "

Mra. Swarihoni «fol to Trarcr

^2r.*Of*nrtx^Juw bSwtii Wm. Ayoi
farm «n>l Mr. Ayr-* lua moved In
Ibu kwac fomerly ofru|i)otl by A. C.





(riemiK her* last wrrk.
Mr*. Horh Boyd of Btk BapWa tlfc
ilM >« mother, Mnu Cooper, a fear
day a but »rck.
vill Btt to I’arX. Ukh, to live.
ApriJ »

Cllnt Pray epent a few daya In Travric CUy laat week.
Oma. HammoDd made a Mp
■rtTcrse City Monday.
Henry Lackey booefat a team
Kalkaska last week.
Thomas-Piay went lo Tniverae aiy
Monday, returalni: Tne«day.
R B- Brown ba* a new house nearly
• •
Mattel Fowkr made a trip to Trar•se CUy Friday.
Alra Vonne comneaeod wort for
C»T>eUnd Iasi Saionlay.
Her^ Youns made a trip lo Trav<r»e City Saturday.
r.eil uirkerd made a frill to,
Rapids Frida.-.
C Ikdamler and Vrban dmvi
Tiaver-e CUy Tuemlay.
A. C. Falrbank,. vrerked In the nvlKlf
borhowl n-palrint welU lart we.-k
J. F. iktyd Of Klk Kai-id- wa* Ui
luft we.,'kApril 9.

Frank Keamaa hi* rented bl* Urm
to Char. narlF, wbi> movc-I In last
wrvk. and has formed a lurtnenJilp
T.itb Lon Oav Injbe well drivlnc borlneiu. They were to bejfla work o
well forlbe Sklprky boy* today.
A fine rain yesterday and tmJay 1*
irakins the ertuu en>*- ercen
w)wn craln ba* eotne Uiroort the be*t
In BCTeral yearre. allbonnb m«e«
|iorl *ja»* aeofl n<-arly killed out.
John Brlahl. Frank AVert. Sklp«Vy
Sbenoaky are all iireparIr.ree bams with at
............... :lun*.
lufi*. tbl*
Ibl* kpri
... lUnehart an>i
raakirs rtapio syrup anti anpar.
Mr». Celia Newman Is siaylnc ■
”Tlu-e.*'»-tll*1.)- 0 i.
Sir*. I>. M. ilriftbi luV a few dayt\
Mr. am! Mr.-. Frank Tottiai and
■ltd Ur*. Andrew PUlier uf Maple CUy
leaned at A. U'sris' Sunday.
I Mrs. nai. Prait -ha
I April 9.
their farm Irr.t.t Lbv l

and M.-s. Mnfeti of Travotae CUy tank * on the prise for pedre and Mra. Do
lir.H. OMs letnmed from soothers
inner «llh Mr. CoffUid.
bert} for flinch.
aa atmo^ere. «hl-^ —
Mr. Brand wlll move Ms bmOy to| April C.
, Micblican Thmday.
John BlarTow.asd Leman Barton i y. ”5.'??

saenM^'pio^r'thS^an a


KJ Allen has soW his farm and sflU i last Monday was a pl.-asaat day for
Eu wtwt.
. j electicei'and mon cf ifce voter* very
Sunday achnid was crEBniMid here * oal.
o„ amotiE
sjeons them mnny •«!
.rf the oM pto'.We,i>ei«ithaicoioetrjiotiWlaet Pabday with Bt”d-atiwidamy'.^'e,
nev^i that cometrji ooTr a year to «•*•
-e every Sunday. The ;rhan)ie Btvwtiua*. Th.-c,
-e suetled ao «V«T ; waj. eP-cted. 1-r vote* Wi-ra cairt. l«J
I Win.
1 r-t'sterad for primary elejilon; Tbe
vporlal Msh-|l.kt.___
,icbn voted onv trill f<
j.way la* and fl.


‘'*Orw"piiilBKlII and 1. V. Saw

part of It, a. well a* the Udie*.
Irn.Ied hor»e* one day lait week,
spent Sal'lrKnmeU ut Mnrrea Hive was
lA-wl* and wl
N.. TUy
' eletdad ddeKaie to alleiid ilie liloublal
afien«nli at TV. U A llen'« and tb"
«v-nln* al P. J. llewlni
rerlew at Port Huron In Jnne.
d Gap’ and Jessie
ApHI e.
TYcior SpaEonl
mins at Mr.
Lewi* also ajKmt
Bom. to Mr. and Mrs. Asa PaJoter, a
boy. April S.
B'.-M<lc Vallean. whn
Kn. pmtel U Uotrly iialtihae.
Ura. Edd Tltoff of .New Wottlord v1» InE her aunt. Mr*. Jai
tnreed to her home in Wexfi
iled her father ami al-ier last Friday.
ll* raitilly to
Guy- Bcnnon-wlll hi*
UUs Gladys Sloeuni <if Hodse is n** the nmiliTraverMt CUy n*
ahnlnc Mra. Irvin RawUnss with
set settled.
Cha*. Korler was In Travetm- City
1 busineH* otic day last avok.
CUy Saturday,
April 9.
daya' riall vlih bor pom


Mr. and Mra. Datid Clark <if Grant
ipeni Saturday and Sunday with Mr.
n. .'. Illtnimnn*^»!r Traverw- City
niul Mr*. Geo- Gray.
Vl«lle.i rdalive* here- part uf l».--l
Partners are very busy banllnE
their poiatccs-

__________ _ _________ „_lA^t»vr for weak peratma and-e.-


ridaj. Xpril i:;h.
Mr*. UaU’l
.HatUe ao- vl-r;nc mend* atI Beltner
j,-. Vv'„ Hcirinrirat bus n And sraph
Mr. HoIlM*;- taveya verj jileaMi.-: a,
•vueribiiimee-: a’ tbi- Eelij
Good win h.
'-•Mri. I
hoCR. FridUJlarm'stock and

Co, dmEfll»t«. Price only 50r.
family le ur
Claude WiirdeD
eaturdsy fro® Grand Kapid.r.
• ‘
Fred l-owtnan ntid l.mily have
BKn<-d In-o tv. Murrel'* houw.
, isv-d Hvv yvara »ia«t
Te-re will Ik- Siyvlra* *t rh* school-iiaee Is pale and drawn
hemse D-M Snnday meiv.ins before'
---------------------Snnday »c-hi*.I tost-v4 et m ihv c
..... .. _________ Mrs. (Kinsey
Ocvirs tsIstM Tortnra.
cv.rke than the terrible case of
ibe funiwal o
ti ys-ara. Tb«
pyly Ilncklon'a Ar. ^.... Una lU-.e et In-iTioCh-'U C;-lTraverse
and lens than a bo* permsL. 8- Sapler.
nn-i Mr*. J.
np,i, ,j] , round*,
, , bnrau
!aft?r speiWIRR a wn-k'« 'vaeatliui wuii ^ *‘Mr
j. TV.
W. lUck-Tman.
lUck-Tinan. N iMeCloJ.I .it Wvl.e -i»-ni hutatav wiin
W. IKcrlnca-nmnd C. A-Hannaf-mlai-, it--Ir pan-ni*. Mr. and Hr*, i-.
^^.r-. like mairtc. Sc at J.
Un.i.-i,p«-i'*a.! TV. n. r. mrarithi; ut'diiu. .< inlaucl.
: Drus Co, F. II. M.-ad*. and 1
Atii.i l"
jllrus Co,



D. Q. Minor, accompanl.-l by
I'rown of Traverre CUy. wen- at
Tlve: ldidlM- AW Of Cmai ehnreh Ifortner-* farm .last
1 la«t WrdnMnet •lib Mr*. Tn'
•Ur. . A/HOiWl!
The day
The ll
L. O.
O, T. U. U.'* of Wetford had
Uoaes Halleit bu moved back
_n nn-rtay tneeUnit laat Saturday. A

V.-. Y-iimnns.

F. V. TnUT.-,-, ica-!.' a l.n
, „ ...,1 UO.-1 t-iy 1

- ErlbVT Ayers of Graw
xL.Uinjr in vMiu|tj. |.

tjtilte a miBiber maklus
napU- snsnr anil syrup h'-ve.
Mlt-s Mina Myer* uf Soloti eame tip
the i o-elofk train Salurduy lo viril
vitb Mi** ReLah \VI!.-.->d i-f this
ilns Mondav.
e Fowler of
Allien Malilee
hum- ef jRin.-. Swt*-!.
Ceykm fla'-w dmriSatsr.lay, alUn* on
ndaj tt.niiii:
fri--nil*. rotamiiis Mon
iliirrah fur eood ro; Id*, a* wo ha
the rislil men In the rlRht |.ln«'..
Ajil'il 9.


»... "Mlli'.lB'.'iy'lUBr'J"

o .. .-w.. ...-I U- ev

; I'l. v™«.


M. mst-lm-has m-n- lu Oihos.l! T*-,



it hlloa-a inlOr.nL
FUm Lorn oil eanifnlly cliom-ii pnptT.
Hakes CoUectiOBS. iiotifyini; pirtioa Ihtfon- paper it '




cm tlcmuo.1.

Rnsera tif






J'roof Vault. 1




il______ _________ ______
kw-i* lii# own box ko)-.
U. rules, availaltiL- in

Issses brans m Kmr thiui I'l>.
uhy ih-trl oftii-voiM.

tho d{f.‘rr.f'.tl«- wook.lieiiillOK !

Does a Ceaeral Baskioi: Basiaon alonu aafe aiul

lUiiti.-;' tim '!;i«lti= i
; comity iin1--n ur- i-iiet

tujTiftTviitivf limm.


IT DOES MOT in ahicka or any kin<l of a]>«cobilirc invi«Un<«t*.
or Ua»v any-vtiiniFtion with 6|KVubiliv(t cotf-rpriaM.


II. lllhoti. ha-relurni-tl i..;“

,:.r:r r;SnI£::K;.;:.s£




|■■3S: l«t.


Mr*. Striekfaden of Hcodon vlaliod
iVlmda in Otatit laat m«k.
J F. fXtoa viaUed hi* alelrr, Mr*,
k Hardy, lo Traverao CUy la»t ■






Ormnn Cox Ws ih- frar.te .rf hi*
Corhil amt wile o? Cedar Uiin:ahle


Is ltehm* r-r



That our years of experience in the home furnishing business tells us were never equalled
in Northern Michigan before.
ThA«o nffers mean ilist what thev say You can come here and take either one of them complete as they are. or you may strike some of the articles from
Yhurself Sas to SSO on ode
of these special outfit offers and have your own time to pay for It.

Come in and Bring Vour gatalogues and Compare ibese floods with Ibe Best Offers Vou 6oer Bad.

Four Room Outfit Complete
Tor $75.00
Thesej[oods<tre all jjood quality and include everythin}' for house­
keeping. just read the list below and see if you ever heard of The
cquid of this offer before.

] ,

Sitting Room

carpet for floor (IH yds). Lace Curtains (2 ]mir.s|. Couch upholstcnul
iniVelour, 24x24 incli Oak I’arlor Stand, one large Cobbler Scat Atitt
ROcker, large Cane Scat Arm Rocker, Cobbler Seat Sewing Rocker.

Dining Room

From $7.75 up.

Extension Table, six Dining Chairs. Art Square Rug for lloor. KK)
piece Set of Dishes, six Koives, six l-orks. six Teaspoons and throe

Only $135.00

Baby Cabs and 6o°0arts
GO-CARTS be arrangeil in
any position.
are. assuredly, show­
ing the largest andN
finest assortment in
the city. Doyens of
styles to choose from


Evcr>- article in ihi- outfit is strictly high grade goods and will fur­
Everything in fold- nish a hom<- complete, elegant and tasty.
■ ing Go-Carts, includ­
ing the |>er(orated
wood. rc«-d and
leather. l)<m't -fail H'-avy all wool Carpet, large steel construaed Cou< h, 21ft21 quarter
to look these over saweii oak I’arlor Stand, large Arm Reed Rocker, large quarter
beffire you Ir.i'y. We <awc«i oak or m.aliogany Rocker, elegant solid oak Cobbler Scat
can save you money. Rocker ami two pairs Lace Curtains.

Sitting Room

From $2.00 up

earpets. Rugs and Floor flooerings

This department is thoroughly stocked wuh^ strictly up to date
goods and patterns, including everything frpm Hemp to be-l Axminster in Carpets and all style Rugs in all sizes. Oilcloths. Linole­
One Three-piece Suite complete, consisting of bed, dresser and com­ ums and Mattings. We not only offer >-ou new ami unusual designs
in carjwting and floor coverings, bu.t wc offer you a chance to |<ut
mode. bed springf, mattress and six piece chamber suit.
these NEW PATTERNS upon your lloor for less money than you
ever paid for equally good carpets before.,
Cook Stove. Kitchen Table and IS pieces of Kitchen Utensils, con­
sisting of the following: One tub. one boiler, one wash board, one
mop. one broom, one dustpan, one water pml. one dipper, one dishpan, one teakettle, one teapot, one coffee pot, two bread tins, two
The adoption of Tvhich has bcncfiued nearly every home in j-our
pie tins and two cake tins, a
vicinity and made all competition wonder how wc could -grant such
liberal terms and STILL KEEP THE PRICE DOWN to where
they could not get. The secren's this, we sell, more furniture than
ALL other stores within a radius of many miles.





Jin Easy Payment Plan

$4.00 Per month

Buy N6w

Tor tbis Tour Room Outfit


Dining Room
Heavy. m.Yssivc. quarter sawed oak. Extension Table, six polished
o.ak Dining Chairs, large Moor Rug. solid oak Sideboard or quarter
sawed oak UufTet. l‘*“ pi«.-ce S<-t Dishes, six Rogers Bros.' best plate
knives and forks, six silver teaspoons and three silver tablespoons.

Solid oak three-piece Suite, 21.'.:}" bevel French plate mirror in
dresser, all wool Ingrain Carjict for floor, one reversible cotton mat­
tress. two parts, one pair good feather pillows, one pair all steel
sjirings and an elegant decorated toilet set,

Good Slocl Ransc. one Kiichen Cabinet or Cnpboard and menlyci-,;ht piec*;s of kitchen and laundry utensils. '


$5.00 Per IDonfb


Pay Later

atom HMUta aad PMn- cudtMi.
Tb« Wkwiac «CtMn
alacMd who taro VMt Ute ortoter W Ibab
liMKo. tbc fomcr at Hootafve and.
to lfe« Btoe^ 8uid.T Mtaol M
•oMtor: Mn. Orio Looe. inpnla- tk* UU»r ai Mstaesaa. arrlTcd
ritoar to iiji—» (belr dotiM •<
tmtm; Un. Cbmv RoaM. *mW
SlaeplDi bmr Ute tarliic Htakio.
Ralph Atktoae
i; Mrt-L-BrHt. offM- btair taat week
B. U Ca-i mUL
tat. Ob artoOBBi of th« ttm « '
A. P. Bontiac wu a bsstoeee vialter
Iboaglit best to (led tMAen a
at Trarene CUr last
Tbaredar ttain Saiarda]'.
Ifc iod Hn. Mjiao Tutor i
Htaa Aar Andns.- w
MOtkor rWtad D. P. T«1or aad «
ebrtdag tb the postotAet
past elibt mpatta. Is rbltlai U Trar
BUT& mM fcb
« ■
T^''u raeatlorf



■tatlves here, retnr
I Tbundty.
Peter Posslng. wbo apeat tbe wlater
Patatka.. Florida.
' '
bursday eveatag.
Hn. Oos Bus aad daughter Hay of
Boyne Fhlls are Ttaltlng Robert Browi
ManlB Warner, who bas been tnt
ellBg with Maio. the msgleiaB. r«
tunied last Honday nIghL
Hn. Bd Pnaae.aeeoapsaled by her
little danghler Nellie, are tbe goe«r
of Mr. R. Brown of this place.
Hlu Bmma Beoneal of Solioas Bhy
tiled here Friday.
Seven! of our loul fltaiermeB while

-_ja.. Rites. Geo. BchmUt and Pe­
ter BebrcDi of this place allended the
American Socleiy <af Equity at the
dty Satarday.

Tbe dance gives by Wm. Pnuse
Chas. Olson st Peter BtrrflentPs
« Saturdar night was well sttended. 'Habei Holland being tbe CCWof attracthm. AUboogb but six
.n -old she ta able to dance a
quadrille, vnlis or two-step as well as
asoat of tbe older dancers
MIsa «opbla P. Dago. Jno. Boeseb
• Good Harbor and Cba*. Vtakochil of
Sbciland attended tbe dance at Peter
Biirflend's aaiurday_plgbi.
Tom KetderfaoDse was a Trs'
City caller one day last weeklire Port Onelds school commenced
ondsy. with Mls-« Florence Axtel of
sborn Vi« 'eseher
Aniooy Swoboda of Cedar Clt;
ed tbis part of the country last w«k
Mrs. Annk- FTaua Is Mslilng —*■
(r and-Mn.. M: H. DwMCh.
April 9

la Traserae CBr: Hla Kto« Is spend- nising their o
- -jcount ccompellt. ________ _ help ess rendered bv the life sa<
« North Maatlou Island.
Fidd Coppea
Hr. BcaterUi b laiprOTlnd il«l‘e «l>K, W. Hastings of Tnverse 1
____ Jelglni
called here Thursday.
“'ir. «Bd Hr». PbllUp Tibtatta or* bride. Another rnag'sdr xame
Probate Jedee Cartbe was to K
ibem. who will Booo becane tbe srlfe
ta -nd«
' RalDle Vao Demlee, wfao bes been Tuesday,
Dr.^ F.SIepleka has moved lo But
, tbta couBirr abool two rears.
Hr. aad Hrs. Chrts Zoelloer.
*STC*Wb«r, *80 dtod Pr««r J
Gtyloiii Coiqrcr of Chicago
have been resldenu of-emplrc for the
Plenty e* Travers* City Resdefa Have
nrn walllDg lo Uke the boat for tbe
seven r«»n. went lodar u
the Same Ei
Nwb Hanllo
HaaIsLee lo make tbdr home. Theii
Don t neglect an ac
bouse here will be occupied by Fleli
li win get wome «■
PriItarkarbe H lesllv
,C^^n and ^fe.^^ Hf^ntorlng sta
IV lo Tnverse CItv.
To cure the back ynn milsi cure me
ODl An . , .
Uoo opened for tbe saaBoa at 12 BaiarJake Sebwan and daughter Annlr kidoerx.
B and efaaactas c
day algbl. The crew will be tbe same
ere Traverse C
If )v>u don't, other kidney Ills fol
Wblieford will
as at the close of last eeasoa: Cap­
C. L. Dsyton ■<
amber 2IC. i
tain. Wm. Walker; aurfmen. Cbas. ids Bsiiinlay.
frinary Irtwbles. diabetes. Bright's
Boblasoo. George Haatlao. Hennao Al­
Ml:»i Hatlle Panl'is speBI
while ioha Houle and tbe Acme doek len. Pal HeCaaley. James Smith. «'|rh i/)uise Warner at Dock I.
‘ A*^verse City rhlsen lells yon
Frank Benneil and Peter Cardinal.
will tare a Dew Baaber.
April P.
how—the cure ta easy.
Tbe body of Tony Johbioo arrived
a. Itoie Bllser will (Ire bis epenlnx
James Uuighray, of Ml Wehsier
perfamaoce br <h« New York Mta- here Friday oooa from Hastlogs, Neb..
slri-ei. iKe.-, of the rollwsyH at
led by his brother George
- strob, Ratordar olsbl. April Mih,
Oval Wood Utah Co, sav»: "For
■to. Hiss Nellie Andersoo of
or six yean I was Ironbled with my
Tbe deceased bas been an
Sunday with Andrew Gilmore's family kldni-ys and backache or what 1 ralle-1
r nearly two yean I
a ntimli pain In the liack which
whirh later developed
severe rendered me rotat-rabtThe Lady Maccal--os and mi
Last August be went
also imuliled with rhetimaitam in my
ipaxilo- by

his Of Tent 788 at Old Mission will
U,"“ungi? tb.. accompanied
I cnidd
«. so painful at t:
and later went to Denver.
Colo, Jolly good lime next Monday crenlni:.
fatherr andI’mcitr
ndo, bat could not
aUy on aeeoiinl of
tbe bl|h altitude .and be returned to
sion r. 1 used them with the
Mrs. A. BaBeor rd Hharoa
Hastlnga. In November bis brother
Isfaciory results. Thniighil don't say
town mdarUeerge went there lo remain with him
IKwilively- ihal Ihe n-m.-dv ruie.1 m«
Hba Baaaie Leddr «f Kalkaska ibrougb tbe wtoter. For the part
set ihti I liav
apewt EoDdar wlib her paroata. Hr.
e 1 iistHi Ikian'
Mrs. Ralph'JamlcMKi ami daiigliter not heen 'rtmblivl
aad Hra. T. Leddr! the boys
Res. aad Hia. Jeaae Bardie bare
largaret of Travcnic City spent
Ktlng to sun for borne
to a few
For^sale'^bv all dealers l‘•:ice
retnrBed from Chleaio and Toronio.
.. Wednesday
. morning at I c...........
r<nis. Foster-Hllbiim Co, ItiiFalo
Mrs. Bprar Wheeler baa loae lo
was taken with
■ I a h«
bemorrhage of
S«-w York, sole agents for Hie
Oadlllae for an eiteadad star.
Rolieri Ijinnin 1s here for s t
hours taler.

. AnAmoBc iboae who alieoded tbe pUr.
with relatives.
Frederick Johaton was bnm at
■mber Hie i
-Whaa KBlDiUiood Was In Flower.'
Rapids. Uleh.. Dec. 27. 188t and
al Oartniae last Fridar erealn* were
Benjamin and iwo chitthe oldest ot a family of all cbllLeror Haxam. Qrde UBar. Cbartes
and Morris, of Burton
drenl Tbe family came to Empire
e vlalllng
avenue. Graed Rapids,
Bawktos.-Howard liouks, Ror
Heavy. Impure bipod makes a mudlt>t and have residvd here ever ala
Hba Wla/red Hodfei and Mn.
ilr. pimply complexion, headaclics.
and are one of the most eateemi
Prayer moi-l'tog this week Thiirwday nkuKca, indigestion- THii hlisul makes
tamilles lltrlng here and have tbe syi
renlng at the home ef Geo. Jamii
Pklllp Berastetoe has rertned from
palby of all wbo know them In ih<
list the church
groat sorrow. Tbe JuoenI was held Wnlnesday e
ling of this week. InHtaa Leaa Prewat of Kalkaata W
Baaday aftemoon I 2 o'clock
cake and aandwicbes and
tbe KtMsi of her anat; Hrt. O. B. DoHelhodtat
coffee will be served.
Tbe Ladlea' Aid will meet Wnlnes^^.*Mr.^^th of Petoaker was
day aftemoon. April 18. at the home
to rows Hoadar «f this week.
of Mn. John Helfrirb.
Hot C*ab Oook has goae to TraeUllleBlum creed. -They have Bo
Roy and ilaael Gbering relnmed in
arse CKr for a Ttalt.
Htaa AIBM Salllraa a( Trarene ganlted church and no Dlaltten, tbeir Traverae City Friday ifier api-nding
a complete res- ibelr vacation with their folk* here.
Ctir baa'artlTed to teach tbe Cedar belief being baaed
arreciloe. A choir rendered the hymns.
John OrlSen ta worklag for Frank
Was niaiU' in six tlsj-a. but wo
-Lead Kindly Ugbt." "Abide With
srill give you t«R d«yg in
Mn. W. H. Boeehtook ot Pellsioo.
He" and "Nearer Hy God to Tbee." * Mias Uxato Bvana retnmed and will
>da here,
a-hioli to captnro a Irargain
who baa- beeo
Tbe floral oEerlDgs wen many and flDliib her school here this week.
w a Ttalt
taa cone to Tr^ ..................
in uiotl Orijana tiikon in cxbeautiful from mends here. Hastings.
The iafaai aon of Charles Unnin.
tb bar SOD. Fred
peed Pratt.
Neb.. Big Rapids sn.l Frankfort. The Jr., ta suffertog from a very liad ahcbaDi,^.- tlnribir nur word oon*
• ptod WHeoa of KlBisbr Is to Iowa
body was laid lo rest in Wsgner ceme•ss cm hta neck.
teat sale.
To mnko room
JBr n ezieoded startery. An aunt. Hn. Aaderson of Big
John Kroiipa. Jr, wu on the aick
for niMitber carloet] of Pinnoe
Raplda,'and enutin. Robert Anderson llsl last week.
of Thompaonvllle, were present.
Alphonso Tyrer relumed last Thurs­
must ijo at low prices.
L. C. Baker Is etorktog In AckerMrs. Henry- Helfrlch was quite sick
Which one tlo you wailtf
asaa A HarCD's fanltare more.
last week.
A little
promptoeM ri^bt
James Bowea reiuraed Baiardar
April 9.
from-mitaler, Wls_ whei

will n-wnrd you tenfold.
: losm on bufaneas W
tbe wtoter. He reportt t
John Curry of I
■BOW there when be left. .
Gmndma Nash la still unthle to be
Hra. a F. Rich Is Ttaltiag her elF
t baslneas trip op and around.
One PackarflonfWLhandsoine
ttr. Hn, C. N. MOBOW, at Thonpeooj Travene Cltr^odacsday.
Ida SbuDk to borne for a week's vs
walnut case, Rood as new.
Charles Mix made a bnstoets trip
H. W. Alien asd famllr retnroed
was soU for $100.
Opemlsh Tbunday.
Wine has Improved t
last week .from Soatb Harea. where

now for 9&S.
Iber epeat tbe wtoter. Hr. Alien Is
'- ' V.
I a larger window.
a aartBM at Sleeptoc Bear life aarOne Kimltoll, walnut case. 11
....Pernod bas moved bta fat
family on
tog stotloa.
stops, tamo os new, B-Vt.
' iCrwnJohn Sawyer's ptace sooth of ibi
red hta famllr
Pater Wagaer has move
dall mm. wbleb he has lately pur­
Hn. wni Meaold ot Tbe
One Kimball, oak qtsr. 11
oato bid farm poetta of lo
Jag mends la town.
stojid. same ns new,
A eoople of men Ihave heea In Em­
Cbas. Dennis bas purebased a horse.
Tom Jenkins and Praneta Blacker
pire the' lait week In tbe laterost ot
One Kimball (travoUujrcase),
Weiford were vialliag to town SnnJ, Taylor has moved bta family back
the Otaaaers. a farmers'
made eiprossly for travel,
____e Stoyke bas moved Into the
°H'r.*BtakMley hai sold bia farm and
inff. cloaea np with lock
thd hoaaa he roceatly purebased on '*^'iss Bditb Griaer Is i
■ moving to Traverse City.
Boltoo's store.
and key, liandles outsi'le.
1_ Tolten helped Mr. Lardle move
. and Mrs. Will HeSelBagcr vlrbrass Iriinmetl, IH stops. N
Ited relatives tt Chief Lake over Sunbnllding one day iasi week.
W. H. Wheat had tbe misfortune to
sets of reetls, very heavy
praln ola ankle one day laat wi-ek.
^'tasea Habei Balmer of Hoaor and
tone. S4o.
Imnlae Balmer of ThompsoovUIe were
One Esley, Pi stops. 7 sets of
driving home Ian Friday.
Wm. Wine and wrlfe vtilled with Mr.
twkIs, made for cliajiel or
>e roaigof the aMrool
r'a faibrr. G. MTae.
for home, in fine condi­
aathM was eeoepted
bool began laat Hoadav. April 2.
be aacnred to Batab the
tesohsT wlU.................tion. only $43.
with Mias Lyle Tbomat aa leacber.



Ajru t.


t5mbm Deertog. Jr., vtalted the —
fto of hta br^r Hark at Bk Rapids

les lo gala
s bopad
atteagth slowly and It Is
--------with the earning ot wnrm weather the
ntUe Mlow wm regain hta benllb.
Helen, the three-ytar-old daugfaler
r. ai
and Mn. Frank Horan. Is quite
ot Hr.
m with the
... Hi
>simasacn. silR
suwv of
« Hies.
>ngh Of Pearl Lake. Uld tbe mls» to MSriy enl one of bis feet
oS while weritlag at tbe Bute Lamb« Co.'a camp last week. It Is thought
that with good ear* tbe tool eaa be
Conrad Christtoimaa ot Frankfort
attended the fnncial ef Toay JobnMB here Snaday.
Hr. and Hra LmIs Halsler ot Green
BayrWIa. were to town last week vlsHlng relailves. They have also been
etaMBg at Sooth Maaltou.
Jaba Wyee aad bob Eraeat, wbo
have been very U1 with paeamoa
the borne of Harris Brotbertoa


“turrey fl%ad of WbHoob Lake. Is
Ttolltog the family of L. E Ctdlln.
Hahrlii. tbe iwo-yeapold eon o
aad Mn. Avery Anger, former
this ptace. diro Marc* Ktta. at
Bwakg. lad. Tbe child was a l
aea cl Hn. William Pattema,
died taat a few weMu prertoas
uro. H. A. Gould rotatnad laat week
from Ataaioa. Hieb.. where abe spent
the wtoter with her daagbcer. Hn.
Htaa Mabel Riro. wbo ta atteodtog
BCtaM) at Ut PtaataaL spent her v
eatlow at her borne here.
Mrs. A. E Wtltard want to Travenw
Oty tost Friday to meet ber dangler
Ben. wrbe ta atteadlag the Hlehlgia
■sartiary at Kalmaioa They letnnied
Tba Sooth Haalioo malt boat —
at the doek bore one day laat week
with mrwtl infiigMi far the trola.

*Mmiter Hanrid Btdtoe 1s xgulle
with paeniDOBla.
Idn. Haywood ot W'ezferd -.was
rwn Tuesday.
J. Alexander moved last Thundsy
from North Hsia street Into the house
rwently vacated by Hn. CudaV.
. Hiss Uary Stebbins ta vtalitog
meads at Big Rapids this week.
Utas Helen Fish of Oaekams It vis­
iting her grandparents. Ur. and Hr*.
Edgar Barker.
Born, to Mr. and Un. Jane HcOranl.
Mn. Agnea Kimeika of Thompsonvflie la vlslilag ber parents. Hr. and
Hn. David Smith.
Arihnr Bolton ta kadtog a ea
potalbes here.
Mn. Sarah Dwyer........................
Ranoldo Henold. of

Ben Na
L Totten ta puUiog
hta house.
April 9, '_________

To Be Frank
you have really never
eaten a true soda cracker
until you have eaten

Fmaklcrt last Friday to visit relsLadles' Aid me' last Thursday
Mrs. Geo. Jalckatm.
■ were sorry to bear of Mr. '
death. He lived IWi. mll-t m.
■rv. The fnoeraJ ta st' A=ni'


’^'r. Alien has-flutahetl tawiae for
d* sea^.
April f.

The only soda cracker
which is all good and
always £ood, protected
from strange hmids by a
dust tight, moisture
proof paelmge.

Hr; Chr.?d<r*ta^*linMieller ihar
i-r qiti'e n while. ,
Hrs Hen Glu rrln- is on llie
II WUI k (nr DaFreemso Kllobeu
vld Eiman.
Ut' Wni. Hsrsball has iHen Mstid
ng a few davs With h'-r dangbiiT. Hrs
iVill PiaiL
I hetv will l-e an Ice rrcaai ror
he eh'jrvh n'edtM-sday nigh;.
Mrs. John Ilenjatnln ntiJ cblldr
Jrand Itapi'- are vli.Kitig with
isJiT. Mrs. MH'luskey. und uiliiillves here.
The cbildien are preparing lot Eas-

■ wiliest


» roajniemv-.l In pio,l' •
IV morning.
> Monita;

Mta. Joltn J...........................
Solon, when-.she was cwli-sl i
couni iJ slrkness In the family o
enusin. Ctail. QiilniM'). IJiile I
Qiiinsey came Imme witb her to
a 'i-w weeks.



KOS Front Street


few day* with her dangliK-r: Sir*. H'n;
I'rati. at this idacc.
Grace Tompktos ba* Un-n stu-ndlng
the wkvk nf varaUon in Traveri-.- Cn>.
Mr. and Mr*. John Une hat.- gimi-;;
tmek to the llghibtrii-e ..n Old Sfi---;.
Kk.n putol. Gnirgi- RuUdmiU i* p.lur.
i<> w<.;k lor them this iraramcr.
M. Ght-Bring ta adding a larg.- kitch•-U uiul wk»dsh<-d i<> hta house.
Mr. an.I Mrs. tv-arl Hill, who hnv..
Iieen away for Ihe wlnier. havi- iv
inmcd lo their home In ihta plan-.
Ht-v. Chase ta holding n-kival m.-r;.
inK« In the M. E- church.
Mr. and Mr*. Cox. who have l«en
livlnu in Ihe I'reseoll house for Hie
winter, have more<| liark in Ihilr own
AjirU 9.
For a mild, .'asy action nf the U.weK n single dos<- of Dnati'e R.-ctilct*
IH .-nougli. Treatment ciirk-» halilioat
23 c<-nis a liox. Ask
yonr druggist for them.
r>r. Thomas' El<-cirir Oil I* Hi-'
l»si remedy for thal often fatal ilis ''
ease—croup. Ha* l.een used with suc-i;
r-v* in our family for ■•Ighy year>."Mrs. 1, Whit.-acre, iiullald. N V.


I will have a carloail of
1'1 n c i'arni ami
Draft Horses



At Brodhagen’s Barii, Slate St.,

Wednesday, April I i


Bs sure and see these.



One Kimbidl Piano case. 7
octave, rosewood cast-, in
cood pUyinK order, now

n addition i

Ono Chicofro Cottogp. tine
walnut case. hi;:li top, II
lamp brackets, a
dandy, only $2t*.


One CbicsRo CottaiN', walnut
case, inlaid panels, mosic
|)ocket on
^ stops,
HI hue shape, fS-i.

Igfat of folly to dose the
Blomacfa with 1Internal medicines to
cure naasi cafarrh. It canifbt be cured
except tbe eatatrhal t
Dom.-. throat
and Iiiogi
bare flrat berm killed.
Jt by
Direct local tremlmeBt
b breatbinc
pocket inhaler
Hyotnel Ibrougb
that come* with every ouHll. U abso
luiely necessary to kill the raiarriial
germs and prevent tbeir growth and

heavy walont case, hand
carvnl. hu(b to|>. N slops,
in uood playing condition,
only $2:{.
One Kurilett, Oliapel style,
walnut ease, goml shiipe.

from Thempaoorl
The soothing air of Hyomel heals
been vlthlng several dayt
Hr. and Mn. Tom O'Leary bare re­ Ihe smaiTlng and raw membnnr of
tnroed from a two weeks' visit with the air passage* in tbe nose, ibroai
and lung*: kllla off the catarrhal germs
friends at Midland.
Paradlte of Thompsonrille and rid the Bysltm.or tbe laal irarr-s
- ■
- day.
of mia:rb
The complete Hyomel outfit constats
Ramsey of Otnat were guests of Em
r a bard rubber Inhaler which o
ma siDtoat Friday.
be carried In the purse or vest pockc
Peter Johnson ot_____
medicine dropper, and a bottle
a caller la town Tbunday.
Patsy Egts bas returned________ . Hvomri. nndI <costs onlv ooe dollar.
beiHes <ma be obtained
Rapids, where he bas been altendlng while extra bo
for &l) cents, thus
'king It the roos'
olcal ireaimfor the cure of
Hits. Henry Wilkins bas _________
1. IS well ai
e most rellabli'.
from Chkago with a large stock of

One Clongh & ■Warren.
steps, walont case, $17.
(Ine Whitney, hiifh toji.
stops, wnlnat case. $l>.


Don't say nfterwnnls yon
did not know of this chance.
They will CO Uke hot cakes.
All marked in l^n iicnres.
Stool wiUi each one free.

Sail Bifiit SiMif, Bar. 3i


general mcrchandtae.
News.bas been received here of
dealb of UarUn Van Horn at CohvBltb yeaierday. He was oat at tbe
« young meo of the
nd hU h»s wUI be deeply felt
as well aa to tbe family home,
u a former reiUieat of tbis place
e beroaved family bare the a

Pssuerlhwnbsmn at IlsitoimsM
. PU^ sad KlmMl PIpr sikI Iwd
rtaenm. tetter. Itch, hi
herpet. tmUes—Doan's Olniment.
any drag store.

ta arvLjeUtog setUed. so i
"c getting am Tbe mile SOD of Cta.vtos Tbsrker
was bnried hme Sainrday. The min­
uter Inim Bates preaebed a very Sac
sermoa, Claude Carter tad charge of
the fi-neiwl.
A. M. Smith, who got hurt two
week* ago. i* not getting on as well
• coold hop*. He ha* very lit"
f hta right shoulder, but *' bo



Nice long length, right up-to-date,
at the special price of only............
See oUcrs ticy are shawing at $6.50, $8, $10, $12:50
You will admit, same a* others who have seen them, that THEY ARE 1 HE PRET­
ocher beautiful Spring Garments for !-.adics. Misses and Children that everyone
should see.





It is with Kreat oleasure that we announce our first Grand Spring Opening in our new quarters. The. Boston
Store old stand. After five weeks’ shopping in New York, Boston, Chicago and Detroit, we were very fortunate .in
securing three car loads of merchandise at prices,above our expectations.

cue ettaimi «i m ntw ai«bt Dtparnimit store!"
ties and direct from the mills enables us to quote the following unheard of low prices. We will follow our old MOT­
TO wft^ more SrGY ISian ever before; that is at all times try and please you and offer more BARGAINS, more
VALUES for your money than any other house in this section of the country.


f9-9S iiid $13.50

JISaMe’ Mwl cWilreo'e FWr Show. eoniH band turned eolee. in black.
i«d^ un, worth np to fl55. opening



..... ......


si.-ri.’is.":;.”: 1.49


WomeD’.H«ja»to.OI»lia,8«in.le» Slioo,

9*c '



rcodUy »elle

oat pnre



Wflain'e,Mw'B«Dd4Bm' all
ell eolid
tr, not a pair
lor* dii« end eceij day wear,
wcattrimthBa *2.00, ofMoing



Hats and Jiiigs


[toU Bond" enamnteil
enamntei Hats for BK>n -n|oa!
tri Any *:i00 lint inI the eitr. A a-rttu-n
f Hat
A new hat fttii-


Ulire’. wntib- F.-Ct Cotton Hoae. Cno^gnag.*, Opnning .SnIo



The ••Walkabont" She* for men, equal to any

A_.b«, 2.98


M«q>B BInrk Crnsh Hate, also Cowlioy and

with wide

•ne east ryfflM.

tses Inwr^ and ribbon.

worth tm thin SIJO and
wn« » Mth as S2M.
Opening price

dint for ■ Sltr.





abowt 1










last, each

Ca'a tampl. line el petti. coatt. ma^e in latest cle

No. "iw wide allk TafIeU ribbon. In all the new

eular styliw. nlsa plaited,


hematitched and

price, per yard


SCO cide and back




platreo. smart sailors. lirrt
i. all
nsloUM, awl the larger awl moiv graceful hata.
hsmlsomeat combitiation;

worth $4.00 to $7.00, onr prim $2.25 and 2.98
A bonch of three Crashed Bosm for..............................................6c

now RtylUh nr.r» noo.l» snrh or Jam«w,..«n Rh..W r!...rk=, TuM.-rlau Wobalr... Nun.
Vi-ilins. SirtlUr^. rM!i d- UauM. up* faiipy |ilaW.'.
n-a-.!ily <p-ii Inr Tic; ..ur oiK-nlns prlre


lOc. 14c. I9c

S-4 whir milit>»fl»ul fli<-elinp. worlli
STrf^ opcnlD]; prlrr



Evcrril f'ias.Ir Pn;.« CinRhan;-, si«ST( laiM tor Sr. our i>rlr«-,

...... 6c

72-in. pure Linen Datnaak, warih l>5c. for ..........................43c
Tnifaj Bed TMtledotb, new pstteres. at..........................121c





Nibbed knR unloU fer
beya and glila: worth l&e.
. fer Se. Infants' morecr.
lead Hess. Wack. ptah and
blue, per pair, 6c. Boys'
percals waists, goad dark
patterns, worth 26c. open­
ing sale price

7c, lik, 19c, 33e

Cloaks, Skirts and Waists

Eton t» Mm. mJ. ^



......................................$6.98 awl 9.98

Women’s Pcivalo Wrappers, splendid dark oolors. sp-.-ial

iilar ,ha<:o»- ch.-rl;.

Onr lain rxcrptiosally flor Iirown
sliiviinp. wurlli Sr. ftff


LadiM’ and Miaasa' $1 Street baU............................................ 48c

and- ehll-

imae--------------........................................................................................... 49c

a Rood vsri«)%f pol


«Mrth up to 7Se. our price

8c and 12c

Silks, Dress Goods and Wash Hoods

Udiss' awl HiasM' Draw Htta, $2 valnelor.....................G8c

of ladies',

covers: «Mrth ISe to.,


Silk Osutr. cic.. worth up to Sic. our prir.> iivr y anl

Id A Co.'s


men's, miasts

drtn'a hose, in Hales, cot­
ton and cashmere, plain

•ostly 6H ysrd lengths,
le wide enough for cor-

New Shirt tCalsi SiiliinpB in TaRrta. Jcra-isr.l
grphyr*. linen flnl.hcM rhsmliro>-», sl«< s l.-sittiful .
lint, nt Silk Mali*. Orssmll.'R. IHnUMos, Emlinii.l.T.-.!

•2 and $2.60 811k Hata. fancy bnhl iiaU awl Obiffon

18-in. Linen (^aah. worth 8c, for...................................................... 5c

Marshall, I


close oul; worth up to SSc.

ruinaa: aluaa up to S5M

A bunch of Tiolels with foliage, good sin........... ................ 1 iC

sbapeator ............................................................98c aw! $1.48


opening price

t2.l9,L39,94 &69c

flOO beAuUfol dress-hsts.

18i46TnrkbhTDwris,eost 15o. for....

Fnrnii-r llsta. soil tb<> wnrkl
■-{ut oU>r—Opening Kale Price..

ro IS/lonox

, Piric, Scott A

—our prleeo


A Great Millinery Collection
atyliahly trimmeil in the




Caning atit prieo

irgsin Xables


76e and %iM eorsrt eov«r«, trtmmeS

-The new '’Varsily Cap for hoys ami girls,
lioid. 60
] Qq

Uilire’Blrecbol j,-ewle» VreU. taped mvk. Opening Sabi

Our O
X Sn^TS:


JC ihiccn Um'. and
Slurt*. norilni'. AQu
a|*al fieic*. only Z96

Ciw‘ of latcat »>ft baaon ■hirta, idaitnl ninl plain fronti. tliat soil QgQ


7So ipd



Um'a and Boy.' $oe sirl

Hosiery and Underwear


and Oxtonlij g


rta Wy.' Vw panlt. |rio.l ntayle-,
niienim; |>r:r.i

Men'« amt l«>m’ aew apHn* «pln>.
neatly talloi.ul and a« R'>o,l ns Uo.w
niioted <l«-»here lor
nur uiieliIns lirire

with doable oolre

Md bonom tPOfpe. ell eolid.


Liiu-n CoUurs, Arrow and Trlanglo braml, broken nzea.

M«,'< Hillwiuan Vml«-



M.-n'* lilank cherlol *ull'. ar.- fully
worth our ,irlce


Tu.loam Meii’a fine Spring ami



Dm. gg„


tl,r.n l«y<' ,|iinljle iireasW arrrlre-

Men's <ln4s panir,
new rprini;
myles. Vau would have in pnr H "
elneahen-; oiir |irli-e

Bboa. oi»hi .O. pri»..............................................................................................

stripe, wurtli
i'lOc. oar price only 2!k‘

M,Va Cotton Work Soj. pi-r


Iwal o( farloT)- ofaedcrd Men'sO<f>ird<.tu>.
ml le*»brr. vIH kid. bo. and vrioor

Sbina. in

Cbeviou. HaJraa (^noth. IVrcalea; abo
lilsttk and while

nilMrr r.r.iwn sullr fnr llllle f'd-

.•fpO mrn'B Bi'dns
tiMl wor»Ir.lK anil ra>ulmrtvA. «i.nti IT.rji, rmr


.^.Odoii'n M.-n'a Work

ie,U. trao'li
KfM a iiair «or
ar lilr.h a

clothlnr for in.-o. MriclIv hand lallnM rInihM. uTih. map
and sljir.-non.^ l«-ttrr alioun d1»i>whw for tl'-"'' and IIR.iW, our prirr

ICO rain
ki.1. IU.t .rrl
pBinX. Cull ^ki^.
c mid roiijrn^
Vd-*urC»ll. Uirtirr. tare



Men’s, BojfS’ and Ghildren’s CIntbing.

160 pair TitfanU’ Soft Bole Bboee.


Walking Skirts

in blsrk -aifl ooloi*, phiit.-.l

- uani-ls in gmoi-ful flaiv, wartii $*>. ,



for............................................................................ $2.98 and 3.98
.TO Lwlies’Skirts, mad.-of

Brillwntioas snd Fam-y

ing*. worti. *2.-W..........................oponing pric ■- - $ I. I
$11.00 Japsnree Kilk Waists for............................................$1.98

I.i;tr ana dSTk print*, prr yard

ltawn<. all new .tyW :m,l ilrslsnr:;

7.V Tfimnisd Lswn WsisU for.............................


a Tr rio'h for

4 I-2c
51.7.T Trimnie.1 Laws WaiaU for .

BlrecbadDsmask Toweling with border. i>er yar<I....5c

Better make a complete tour of the store if you want to be sure of sharing all the opportunities during our GRAND OPENING SALE.

|«0 K. p-rork-t SCre^-t

Depsr'tment Store

Th* BoeCon S-Cors Old Bland

Tra-varaa Oily, NlloH.


Did you ever stop tothink how much you can save by paying CASH for your FCRISITURE? No
long prices—no big profits—no compound interest. It will pay you to borrow money from the bank and buy your
furniture from us for cash, and still save 25 to 50 per centon your purchases. Every item is marked in plain fig­
ures. LOWEST CASH PRICES to all. We will not only meet and discount home competition, but will
undersell any outside catalogue house. A visit to this department will convince you that our statements are correct.


Rood Roolcors

150 Foot Stools with metal
legs, upholstered idv.

tmiict, worth
7 6 0 . opening
nle price 59c


A full line of Kecd
Kockem to select from.
For this opening wc
plac^ on sale a hand­
some large arm Reed
Rucker for

$1.75 Roller Bearing Carpet
Sweeper, dost proot washer
with new improved


Foliin? and Sietpins; Go-Carts

Oak Frame Couch, carved
feet, 7 ft. long and 2s in.
wide, handsome velour cov-



t Monay-Savinff Prices

^ ggp



Onr Bsb)r Vc-hirhw ronsist of
the latest and
mcJl siylisii de­
signs of the hmt
For this opening
we place OB tsio
wtolding. rvclining Hio-Cait
hack and dsab

at no extravagant prices.
Massive, stylish, handsome
Beds at half what you pay
elsewhere. A $2 50 full
size Iron Bed

Solid oak or mahogany finish Parlor
Stands with 24 in. sq. top, with large
shelf below, a table, that would or^narily sell for 1.50,



¥di Window Sbedee witb reBefs oompleg

Woven Wire Cuts. 2 ft-6 in.. QQ a
by 6 ft. for............................ 570U
Full selection of Wall Paper at great
savings up from 5c per double roll.

ten people, for

Better make a complete tour of the store if you want to be sure of sharing all the opportunities offered during our
' Orarkd Opening: Sale.

*' #40 East Front Street'

ac an the foulbera elope U the Bight. The family wore awakened by|
g dUhes and eocaped from Ibe
italB. The lova *raa camp!e:ob
second aiory la their nlpht rkiilx-s.
Thirty Ihouaaud arc (rod
taviag only eomc bed quilu. The fire
li seppooed to have Invn siavied by
of lave
itKwodiarT. Loss IWni. no Insor-

wiped ooL
Awful aruptlen d HMorie Vutene
aurfn Cme and Theuand*

* a widow, four deiighiers. a so
il niaii) waim Iriviub. Kunvral
virc-k Kc-re hold Irom ilu- home «in Sill
•lav alivruouo,. Ili'v. ilvi'is ><rrii^atmi
The- rvumliis wy-ru- lakvii to CTdilli
lor burJilKliflivu Is ill at tbU-wil'.
d Nr*. Hauml.cTger ci

Torre Dclcroeo to reeeue the
Ne'e. April 10—A frightful «lsmod ecorc* of filatlog wome
•■tir hM occurred In tha e'ntw «f tht* eoca aloof! the roadaldc.
aty following th« oniptlon of Sit. VoDown the BOQnialn (Idea
•uvlim. It to sMImafM that mofu than
am psopio wm burM thii morning
In tho ruint of the m»rSM MonU Oile4o tfhkh eetiapMd uit««r lh» woigM
«( otnUiro from Voouvbm.
Whilo tho Hot or Ipumie is probtoma'Ueal It lo known that hundred*
war* In the bulMIng which It
Iwart of Napic* ten mlleg fram the

Funeral ef Mr. KIttticn.
Nurthpun. Mich.. April 9.—The
Traverse C'tj.
Mi** Maud Bunlge mifrned
funeral durvice ef rte late niehartl
place on Salunlay evening.
four preai rlrere of tara devoarinc tbr Kitrben was held yesierday aflernoon
c held at I
The M. L. scrvlei-* <
vlaej-ardf and olive trees. The prlsiwn bill on Sumlav.
1>. DeeU offlelatlog. The re*
The imam eon of Mr. and Mrs. WIn a lall on ibe Dountali
were lakca this morning |o Cailillac h> H. Steele imskc! awav SuiuUy .-r.-i.
mad wlUi terror, mntlnled and
iug. The funeral servicra will l>e liold
aas AratslroBg of Mieblean CUy. Iroin Ihe home on Tuesday at li
brought lo Naples. Others may
Id the ellnalloD Is critical.
Ueorec Shoop. Chicago. I
oelock. Bel. IM-I* officiating.
A keivlee s-lll !<• hel.l In Ibe Coil
Usay people pertehed fa the do- Robert Juhnien. Cadillar and Mrs.
tlrncUoD of OUaJooo aod Poggln Talm and daughter Gladys of Chleag'i. gtegalional rhoreh on the evening >.l
G<ssl Friday lo wl.lvb all are c.rdiuUi
Variao aad railroad traffic from Ka- The motber was unable lo aeet>mi<aiiy Invited.
■ he foDeral iitrty and was Ml wiih
pice It prectlctlly autiiculc
S. W, l*oner lefi Monday for Ft auk
Ion aod Ludingi.m.
Mrs. Thomas Arnistrung aud a
Urci It lo be mobllltcd fur
U .R. Perk spcnl .Mouilay In Trav
The flow of Uva It already Oacar.

The ceurtyaiU In which the build­ greater than aay from Vetuvlus tn the

ing aunde cavais MO aquar* feet and

a M.^'liame lell Mundt) tor Lauviu^
ce. Wit., April 7.—llic In-

mm r«etM.o The apace within

Naploa. April ll.-Latvst rc
■ wmidad with buyata and mera chitate that more Ibsn Iwo Ibuuaaiid deeliW lo wage a eraande agilnsi i
\#ca and lAad* wae at the matt britt ■lealht are due lo Vesuvlua aaii the banefnl .iDllnenep of the would
hour, nival ditplare
tower*, fnilti property loss Is over one hundred mil "fuDuy |>age" in ibe'Simclay paper*
and vegatabiM eempatad for attention. linn dollara. The dvstnirllon of Saral
San Goaro Is lust reporl<-d and
' The markef wemon eroamed thair
Trerc Del Urcce U doomed as the lava
t. ware and >ok«d with Pair euttamefc.
b alBotl upon II. Black smoke bing.
Util* ehIMran playing about th*
• a poll over the country
aland* added te the gaiety of a aeene
■llica pcritbcil In their homes and
tt ba wilnaaaad only in Napim. ~
lies recovered show lhat death
danly and withent warning there
In groat agony. The facet arc

abriak* ef apany rwiit tha air. Pempali
ft i* new known that ever BOO par
. aan* have perMiad in th* wretti and
ruin of th* priaant anaptlen of Vaau
vtaa. InnumeraM* bad!** II* under
. «b* Ipwa and aahat. Th* exact
' bbr may never be known. Half a mil

the rhildrco's mlndr.

duedav evening from Tonmlo.
Mis* KdyiiP' liam.- Mi Tii.-*day for
1 vikli with relatlvi'* in Traverse CKy
lleudi-rson nl Mintiiii arrive'
oiiilay evening aiul will leach I.

The plan ol

campaign i« not made i>ubllc.
New Wexford. Mich-.' April 7.—A
bear wae'srcn on the sireeis of Wev
foril yosterlay. Il rliml>od a tele
phone pole nrar Bilghi's siore ant'

afier a number of mls.»llr* had Ix'ci
thrown at It. It came down and wen
vulted with fear.
over to Ibe new building being erect.!,
Lava la again flowing freely down
by Mr. Slight. The workmen llnalb
la tlroama on the tldra of Vesuvius.
The downfall of aahos and sand In drove It out of town with cl-Jlik
this city haa Inercatod.

The whole city 1* panic ttrlckm
aad the people believe Naples
doomed to dettrueilon. Showers

Traverse Cityi MielVi


liiglil s.-liouJ tor p'.ipll* of 111■■ •
held In Glili
for teaching lailB and
be school building
rjin ID be held in the
Special service* rill IK' held in tie

lu)'h i.l.l ari: yonug. TonIghi ibe com
inni Mill prcaeni -Two IJltie Walf*-"
Roy Case *pelil a few days Iasi week
wllh bis pan-ni*.
Gwi. Bali aaa In lown Thursday on
l.>sh Lnlond.-.
ut Iloilo have enjn. uimaa a
•I..mcni a< FiK- Lake and left fur
>ai pUce ycricnJay.
Mis* l-ar.ra.Uenneil of Woleolvil!--.
Ind.. 1% spending a slKirt
Mr. an.l Mr*. Wc-l.-y Hum
and anm.
Ilarlln Dromn was cp frjm Mayflclo
10.1*}II. F. «av|i
be p--------- land know
ihe tOTJrlni forty."
MiskCs m-nicc SH
rrol*er *t*<‘n'
Irlend* al Sommll Oty.
Kcnioo't sisla fountain has iiegun
c.pi ralioR*.
Ml*. Vo'.l* I?f Grand Rapid* »l*l'fd
Mr. and Mr*. Will Maiilgold and u|bei
lri' n.1* In King*le> la*l s.eck.
The a-.c Ion sale eoBdoeie.1 by W.
N. Ilov last Satnniay was well imtlulilaed.
Fred Wilcox *t«l clco Seegmilhr
l.-fl «nn<lav fi^r File 1-ake to enter the •
. inpl-.y of lU-T- Crsid.
Thing* are liemniluR very interest-'
Ing In KIngrIey aod vlcintty concern j
iUR she Bell. CllUen* amt lud.-pi-ti.l ,
• ni it-1i-]ihnne comiitnic.'
Some llmi-:
last fall ihc farmer* souib of King- ’
hat Ihcy could seenn-•
liclr own. organized |
wlifl' wa* known a•> the rtrinpr.- Mo-]
t-tai Teh-plmni-Co.. This company b
gained cocslderalib- headway and Anal I
!y Ihc qiicsUon came up upon who*-llncs ihev w-nt-hl awlich for outside;
service. Uoili the Dell and CMIren

"miss rollln* left Mooda;
■lome ai F'lankforl.
Mrs. Je>*ic Armsiroag iif Souib
ManI’o-i airived lu atiend the funeral
rural *sb*crl!ierj
of her father. Mr. R..KUrtaeo.
Mrs. G. M. name. «io lia* beep ill. favor at Kingsley ami In *om.- n-jinl*
In 'he r:-wl .li-i'iet» l*>'h c*'-: and
s eonvak-selng
Many bean* ire aaililmcd at Ihc
l».»i inv.nshlp ele-tlnn lor
■l«th of
ho ha* made many,
R. A. Campl-ell of prtewkev *p«-n
inwuvhip a town hall nlle
frh-ud* here. Hr*. Mamie Voice, j Pni S'
tew dav* .>f this sreek In lown.
1 iipen. Thr.c »1'es were
and hnuher. who paa*cd^ wa*
Mr*. S. W. I*oner rpeni Friday lo X young
away Krida.v
i- a commlUrc ap)>«Jnted at
Traverse Ctiy.
<*'jeus. Tc<- loealiDU
Mis* Maggie Harcung of IMand.
flvi- *liu-i.. tw-o hr.>ther* and her par-; an price of P*rg wa* plared up >n Ihwho I* the gue»l of her sister. Mrs.
ent*. Ml. anil.MT-s. R. BaumbcTC<-r. ixfiia
D. Bus*, wa* pleasanlly s>irpri*ed
Friday evening hv seven lady friituls

cB*i 111 :n> '
WaHi-r Voice, having
A pleasant evcmlng waa spent ai '
mirrlis! two year* i-i one »-b
trr«hmcnt* served.
a ecii'Htlmaie and having spent a
Mr*. H. E. Gill took a trip <o
pluralllT fit ni
her life In Ihl* place wa* loved by
tree City Ihl* week
rolled by hcrl^iWilliam Voire enierialne.1 a numlce; and wt:i is- treaily ral«<-d
aiKl 31
friend* an<l dear cn.-* wbu foun.l In F<i»e-.c-, r
of rrlende ai Boo-Ami ram -o Tu.

sand aad aabet are falling oa the cil>
and the surrouading country. Praatlr
effort* are made by cillteDa to
lian paapi* hav* Had from their hamc*
their hornet from ruin undei
In th* thraitanad diaWitta. Th* roj
weight of the steadily falling ashes
leading fram th* awful mouMaIn
aad dnderc.
tire are choked with fugillvea. Many
did net fit* in tim* and arc dead
Teachers arc Wanted.
Fartynint beCaa were tafcan frwm arte
Wathlagton. April T.-Hale school
ttwfch uM thirtyoovon fram a baiwtearhera are wsated In ihe rbilli>her a true, warm-hegrted frl«a»4., ■"S
lag cfwohad fram tt* wMfht of aaht*.
day evening. Thv evening wa* tilei
plnei. Hardablp* in the remcie provy'uncral i-ervlee* will he held from thr election O'
antly tpeni In music and dancing. T
tace* have proved too ran
home on Tuesday af'craoon at ;Uhe prepjR
geealk were Men.. Hugh Scott. Fr
ocloek. Rer. Deets ufflcU'lng
» rPd Acev.a: T.-it No ffi2. v
taacbera. and eoasequaily few Voice. Willxr.I Wurabu.-g, Atbcn Gi
Aprils IK. O..T, M: M. received a.Vl*H
tira ram. Noia. paputatian IMOa h
ra are bttnc emidoyed at pres
Perry of
bwrtad by cindara and Mhaa. tmt
The '
ent aad great care la taken aot to eend
Vanbolt. Mynai 1Bartir
tn tha Ttrcaa it aWIUrstad.
them where they will not have rfla- S'elBon.
family bei.-tiougc wa* tu b
I public meeting
Aa th* Mat train loft there anothei
Mr. Clark muraed lo tbis nl
jDiand they will lire la B. F. Saylor-S'saine-dav, April_____ _______________ ..
aad frleada. The next athool
Cfular epenad
a rfvar of «rt
a la the (
PbUIpplae* will begin
-O* ■■
MINI Oolllr* of Franktor;
paurad dawn tha mawntaitmid* and a
Amerleta tcacbe.-r Suewi of Re*. Huribni aad wllv1 Ml. baaiacw Wednesday.
partlae ef the tawn waa hurled before
will rapen for duty. Of ihl*
f' Mr*. Ren YorKf tod children v:*1.-: *pri>’•
Mr*. LACkcr and *oii Rob
■ ed friend* here a lew day* lari week-.- turned borne Fri.
llay erealag
feitea In Ibe eku
V social V
V Ian week.
. The box tocial held at Ibe town ball
iv aiieraaoe bv ibe
Fira Naar FH« Lak*.
de w.
in .tplll TTfa -tra. a »ueees.; the prtsyeeds
aans ■ottag (ratt Ibe flnee death
ife Lake. Mick.. April le.—t
1 town ironi Suuon*- Bay h
• Ibe-o
-TbejprogTam wa* ,
includlag the tale of
. . V-,..
hag atraaa of Mr, paartag trea
one- cake lerved
H e( Jakk Mflham.
X gixKb*l*...t I
Rirhar.‘ Ktlebea. a n-»U.-n: oT
TaaBTtua have'rtnrbed ihU eliy. T«.
mllM DorUieaat of berr, r«-a<
V enti-rtalnmem wa* alive from be- • c
came the owner of Ibe
l■laee. patiwd awny ai hi* borne
inun m
BBfl sraa eBjojadvty^
79bRBR<an tmm the team of Boten
Thuraday. Hr leave* to monrn

Don't Toraot
Our Oreat

OlbicbEndsJlpril 14
If yon have any »lca of buying a Piano yon
cannot aflortl to miss the opponunity of shar­
ing in4hc distribtion ol

Wiiicli w-r ni-tniillv give- nv.'iy iii *1>BCUI IbCMRti fn purdinm-TW of niir New I'innr,a. Tliia 1* limlotibtisllv Uiii
Mr«t l.ilmnil Proprwiti'in ovor m.-ulr by any Piano liuuac.
RcDU-iiils-r, it iioaitivi-t}- i-ibla Sntiinlay. April 14.

If You Have a Discount Ccriiflcatc
iMuiul liy aiiv Pinnn Hotiao lfi>r nny nmount np tn SIOOi
liriiig il to iiBmi'l u*-will allow you its FACE VALUE
■ m iiiiy NVw I’i.-ojci wiiaiill.
Wo ilo not restrict yna tnoiie
tiiako. lull give you . liuHT of our i-ntiro lini-, EiMBRACINU p; World famous makes. We win al*o al­
low you nn EXTRA DISTOl-NT OF $10 if you pre
mut the ooupoo nltaclinl hcnvwilli. Vou may pay the
kilancc- in EASY PAV>rKN'I>* if you wiab.

Extra Discount Coupon
Good for.................


Tlita Coupon
C'>re1 f‘ir
for a n
rnriit of $10 <
ipon crirel
LviigiitoflvKlNN'Ef.L KROS. lit IliHr
Ciiy SUiri-. Ol
In-fore- April Mill. iW. if prottujted
laae. f Inly <»ne 111 i-oupou nc<x'i>li*I on
at time of pn
any one s.ile.


gommerclal Printing

RdMa. Aprtl S-Fbfty ttouaand prf

.i A ..II it'-iiiu;

"" "l^aM And Record go.


1. AffU 10.—Ne«r wn
Grand Traverae reglaa were aa
Tiavetav City, the Rev. B. N. Holaaple,
Keawk*. Ibc Iter. W. A. Shelly.
Pomoaa, tbe Rev. P. H. Uora.
Petoekey. tbe Rev. P. B. Annatroag
fnnkmH dretn Hr. Smith-, u
and the Bov. P. W. Moyer.
Honooa Bay aad Boyae City, tie:
IMarlr well rccrired. AdmlnUUmRev'. S. HcDoaaM.
Uee (Mem espr«.«4 thwMlei
4Sr«d>Ur<- or Hr. Smllh'. •bMlijr mod
4'jtaa far Ibc kmic.. Ir ibe uutr.
. Rimm<;rf from All MCtloB* oMbe eoRD
irr. Imlb demeciW* Rail repubUcDf.
tbe acaaoe at Wjlle April
epoke lo Ibr HKtaoM K^iror Ibe casSUale tor 8<Mlor Alcrr*. place. aihI s: Vtllb Ibc Giawa Potato Uggera. Aa
bn>b icamy bare a fact buarb ilaed
pricbed bln M«CM lo hU eampRll
there la a proapect id a
. la Ibc IMMM vbeiv Ur. Smllb
amc aad oae aboold b*sI mlu
labored bard lor tea )car» aod ■
,^tai bat Ibe blgbeK pralie aod
wagnu carrylag iw woai.m lo a
.rbbcj for rbcOcm ■« heard
tarty waa airtiek by a C. R. A I. tisla
fimo Speaker Canaop dowa «m ibe
a. Hra. C. J. Bresaen
tivabileae ride aad fran Miaaritr
aad UfK. Peter Pllta were acvmrly iolorcd_____ ^
Real EatM TraMfere:
lilmm I.. ImBar aad wife in The
Riant far StaU Fair.
rftizeaa Beak, parcel, uee. IS.
7 Ttot Ibe eaUMtora of eatlic. abeep, SI. range 9
Clloloa A- HammpSd aad wife
lirlM aad other cthibiu at tbe atatc
Jamea R. Stable., a
liir at Oelroll «UI be btnaed ta balld U (except parceli, :^'^|l9.
H«a tbia pMr. faatead of aadm^ leala range in
Baat Bay lAimbr cA lo rllDinn
it «ma aetoiaaty Ibal year, will be
Hammond, aw fr. U f nWr. >*. ucf.
meleaaDed by erpry 'aloek owat
'**Alvmo’u”kxiVlo Olive M. and
'^no aoelely. ba« eonaeacad
Nellie M. Id^Ue. lota 39-I0. block 5. I'.
(Beetlon td Bte calilc. Iwo aboep aad H.'a iBi add., except parcel.
Bdna V. Miller, by guardian, lo
ime ewlae bana, eteb oae t
IfeOSO feet; one dairy, oae aerleol. Jamea W. Jaekaon. lot H. Koala Mo.
«kral and oae poultry bolldlac. each *“mraey J. Morgan lo Orange Head,
SHIM feel; oae bertleallml balld.
of nwl4 of Bwli, tec. S. town S7.
ce II.
TOxlU (eel: oae baud atood SSxSC
obt. Lowrle. ot al. to Noitic S.
|oM aad tare atabiea for ipeed bonea
at nwll <rf nwK. ace. 6.
mA dtalM fMt.
B S7. range 11.
, W. Bariak and wife to neTnard
Tbe ptaoa for each of tbeae balld.
^ caRf fbr tbem to be pcrfactly nembeneek and wife. .w% t>f aw**,
range II.
aaaltary aad of tbe laieat ttylc
Jamea ft Martin to Andrew Bod■rebUeetare. Tbe eoauaeU alae
rlck. parcola. nee. 8, Iowa S8, range in.
Vclima U. Biuan to James Cbancy
jHie tbe worti lo be eompMed
loaai one Boatb belore tbe fair. Aug. and wife, lota 1214. block S. Snd Pern,
.m to Sept 7. tboa laaarlns eeailort- wood add.
Clarence J. Harpbam
IfWo qoartott tor every exhibit
89. town
Carililc. nel4 at aeH.
S7. range 10.
B. B. Urdle and wile to Smllb
Mr. Heli^le le Relumed.
~8ebe«aii«. MIeh.. April t.-Tbe Realty Co., tot n. wH lot IS. block
&. H.. L A Co.-a Snd.
•vaasHMJe cobtereaee cloaed here
cun Boudreau to Smith Really Co,
SMterday after a day of greet meet, DAO feel loU f7«8A»A0. block S. Oak
tefi. Habop
preached U.
]c Lardle to Smllb Really Co..
H ordioatkn elaoi la the moraias
I lou 3I4S and eAO feet of a lS
^er wbleb a Blaolonbry aerrloe waa
30. block I. H.. U A Oo. a lltb
iHid. Over MJOO waa ralaed for the



Playd L. Smith .aad w«e U> Dma | it U mOd-tbat tbe atecl trast baa aeVc«l aad wife, lola Sand St bloch t eared opCkma oa vam depoMU at Ibae.
II.. L. * CO.-, lllb add.


Him Ida Cuartadc. wbo la U1
□HI irvcT.
ferver. »
la Ioo tbe gain.
III aad Bd For
lalUag with fi
If aare all right i
Illy IIbe buda
da will be In good ;|e-[
Pnill of
lUld anrlae larwtera to
mind and w
s and giro tbeir orrpray Ihelr
ebarda tbe tiwi of
rMaloei are llkrlj
a go-alj
-ice again iliU year aa nuny ireoleru i
aln ntalng wbcal liil

It's because ve feel sure
vre arc riRhU We want
your trade and will excr' CISC every leyilimate ef­
fort 40 get it. The ques­
tion is not whether you
can afford to buy. but
whether you can afford
not to buy of us.
If pou buy a vehicle or
harness of us and are not
satisbuii that you get the
worth of your money, they
are our goods and your
money. We would rather
lose^a sale, or dozens of
them, than have any one
leave our doors dissatisfy.
It's the come-again custo­
mers wc want.

We iitiW have threi:
dUtinri iMticrns in decorAted l'4aic9. Cups and
Saucers to match.
■ Ooc fmc pattern iii
ivhiic and
One with urcen decor*
atioii and (iiic gold tip­
ple work and another wide yold band dec­
oration. Cups and Sau­
cers arc 10c a pair,
Plates 10c each.
’-X)ar lim- of Wiiito,WBn- ift

tbe beat of teed rbould be i.UnKsi.
I K.IU yoor seed ajrn befr>rc plamNi>w It Ibe time lu do II.
ii. fhv-ilon iM-liig o»xT. everyl»"lj
null talklag |«lliln a
n-ady i

h m tlM> MvwmMwk <C Iboa

Items Yon Miy Need


gutti made and al every town meet
mgScHMiey la ralaed for Ibat purpoa.
Till, year 8WW waa nlncl.
'any farm.
le. TbeTC Ik a g<
one bailUK a farm to nell, as lUi-ri.
many wimld-bo |idrcliaaer> ready
In golible np any farm oBered forsale.
More aalca have taken place Ibe Usi
year (ban w.cic ovit ktmwn la ibe hlalory of Baat Bay. Good schoola and
good toadK are wbal cudi|( and adver
Uac a town.
School liegin. in ihe Ulaidi dl.irlei
Moaday. April ktb. and lu Ibe CourUde diatriri. Monday. April ICtb.

alai>wr}- cavmplrUt.
WmS-b Wash Tabs Wtliaro six »f tbtm we will
dote nut at almot Inlf prioo,
S5<- anil I<5c each.
Our Flower anil tianlen
Keab arc now Roing very
Tapiillv al Ic i>ct pai-kiiRc, or
' atonLOST.—Lt-fl at
one packbKC conlaiiiinR a
ladiea' waist, anoUier containioR
ricaae call, describe arildes anti got them.

Bian. was
>a. iKirn In tS-aym'
inly, Midi.. Jane s.
inwnafalp. Cass couni;
18S3. and died
bis home In Gram
isbliv Grand TravcrKc county.
.1., March 31. lanfi. aged IS ycara,
9 months and 78 davK.
Hla early yean
irthero Mtohtoii
rch se. 1S8C. h
u M. Lockwood ( r Gram
Kr. Kvaoa was converted during i:
pod unlied with tl
Bommer of 1900 porl
M. e. rhprch al Gram June 17. tons,
of which he was a fallbrul and u>eful
member, until called lo Ihe fellowship
oftbee chnrcb trluiap
trlumphanl. At ibe time
a deatb he waa claaa leader, gunschool auprrimendent. trusiec•and
_ .
.eward. The ebureb will feel Ibc loaf
lOfl keenly^
Dcaldca a wife and (wo children he
leaves a moibcr, a brother, an nnele'
aad two slater* and a large circle of V
friends to moam hla lose.
Tbe funeral was held Monday. April
at Grant chnrcfa.


ssir.SErf:?^s^i2 ■
ss.KSU-y: ......

In our lai^ line of Ve­
hicles.and Harness quality
is never sacrificed to meet competing prices, yet in the
truest sense the goos we offer are Bargains—we dislike
the word, it has been so much abused, but no other will
answer. The goods of America's leading factories are
here-the choicest selection from hundreds. The as•ortment is complete. Styles are correct. Seeing is
believing. Will you come in aod look?

Savantb day ol July. A. O.




Wm. Hoolihan & Co.
Traverse City, Mich.



EASTER is but three daysaway_. In that short space of tim^must necessarily te crowded
of supply. The store
... .....wh turns to this store as the logical
ng th.
Miu idea
tv.t^ ww...K-tcly.
carry KK-.
out the
has every appearance of spring, The decorations v»..,
... You ..K.
this Ea.stcr Opening a pleasant one to you.
are ^ways
could be dijnc^as been done to make
things al any time.
you the i
y or not. Our salespeople will gladlyr show
L |yiC4lJWUK w..., vsi

Women’s Spring Coats and Tailored



/oasts ia more markod Ihna)o (II Pony Covert. Tlieao
come in oluruiiDg (fferta al $'>.00, $6.50, $10.00, $1300 to $30.00.
ANOTHER CHARMING COAT ia tbe half-fittoil Sri-iDcb fancy iilaitls. TLwo arc in llic light tones mitl are in Bol, <»rceii
and Black and White Plaida. aod can be had at frmn $*>00 lo $10.00.
------- LONG.
LOOSE-FirriNG TOURIST COAT in tliti light ireiglil fabrics and liglit tonen in tbe tdcaaing mislnrea, mua
lie oouatod a atrewg; favorite. Tbeae are scUing at $10.00 to $30.00.
rilb the entirely new Blylc idm in SuiU. makes iheiu
THE LIGHT WEIGHT FABRICS and the new ootoriogs, to*
re nave
ooen taimcuuiy
tiainlineaa and excluiivoueaa of dceign. Many now onlora
mwe aUractivo tlian itatinl. Oiira
have been
specially neiecKvi
aelecUvl lor
for «i«ir
are ahowii Ihia
aoaaon. Another
alreng factor in the charmingneea of tbe auila la the nchneaa of
that hare never appeared I
-----------------the trimming.
re remly for any demand that niay 1* made. ,
Tbe heavy aelling thia spring ia imlioativv of an c
and prioee range from $10.00 to $:i7.50.

PreUr lace top Oallan....8e aod ZSe
Ue* and Moll BwbroMcred Stockx
at.................................. 1#e. 3Se, »c
Pkaejr (todre—a very complete lino
at ........................
m to «ZM
Top eollan. plain aad embroidered
at .................................................. Se
HbB aad BmliteMercd Utcklre.
.............................................CSC and SOe
Um DIekle*. .tSe. He. Sm arto SI.80
Laoa Oidclei with ctrito to matob
..................................................S1A0 andSLTS

Rick BDd handaome RibboDi tor all
parpooei tn Pei*Un.Ptoral and StHpes
aad PtaMx. dalaly Ideal la Oauce RlbboBxpomc exelnaive dealtm* la Broebe
Rlbboee. very vide, tor Sathea. Gtrdkx
aad Ooreet Cover*. Tboae dealirei are
ao petfactly wovea a« to be takce for
hand polated. If li I* Rlbbimv yon
have M mlad. eome to MlLUKCNW.





Some very rliarming maleU are
ahown in the Shirt Waist sertion.
Ne\-er haa there been a eeason
when there waa anch a variety of
really elorer dcaigna in Waiata aa
the mukt-TB hare brooght forth tliia
aoRBon anti no atore ahowa aueli »
profuaibn of dainty iileas aa lliia
atore. Evetrihiag from tlie [dainoat Cotton Waiat at 50c to the
ahoorest of >Iull and Laoc at


SHkM tmn Ha linn Dipt.


Mill mkIk of Table UamaKk. an c»i>crImlly piiutl ihlap al tbe rrlrt'. murb
|.i«rr iban px»l* could t-r tioiigbt lor
III a rvpiilxr way.
2 Yd. Cietht.......................


You will )y.interesled in news ot
CARPETS, CURTAINS. DBAPESlEB.etc. We advise bnving
early tiecanse later daring the busy
n not always give yr>n
len-icc as we can
never in a posiUon
where wc enuld supply every want
in as uomplctc a manher as this

2'y YA Cloth*................... tiftO

3 YA Cloth....................SU5

Th<' l>osl Ibins nn the market. T«>o
la.x TK Ilf Kill mllh a Uyei of AkIm.-»1«»
tK.-i*'rcn. makiui: It laiiKiKzIhlc to Inlore tbe flncM nolKbt 'I talik- vllfa but
dl>ho». 8lM> ptrfceily nolbeli.-**.
54 Inch, per yard


While w-aab Bella at lOe, tSe. and Z$e
While Kid and While Silk Bella ai SOc
Blaek Silk Bella at........... 25c and 50c
Extra aboa la Black Silk Bella at SO:

tlDlQly while BmbroMevod Hote a' ..................................................... 60s
Cok^ Lace Hioe. nev Idea*, al

Wc have a very cocnplete ttne of
these not only for belie bat aim for
ooata at
tSe up ta S5A0
Ncvthinca Id Bnmdiet. Necklace*.

SPBCTAL-Lace and Bm^dered
Hone la amall aiiM redsced tram


The Dew SII^' Gloves to all the dcairable ahade* are here ai............. ....26c. SOe. rse. and 81A0

Whether il bea SMALL RU<i
lhx»i or Uic fomishiiig a bmire

Our loailion on the Kid Gkwe
t|ncBtian is to well eotoUisbed that
when one thinks of Gloves they
invariably think of M1LLIEEN"N
Wc ore (letter prepared-than ever
If supply aU ilemnnds, whether it
he for a dollar glove or a better
one. Eepecul attention is called
toa WoshSnedeat.........$2.25

giudi^ it always right here awl
the price* most he right or wc
oouhl not do tbe btuinttss wc da


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