Grand Traverse Herald, June 28, 1906

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 28, 1906


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Faces 1 H 6\


Is," relied the have to do will be to kei-p your eyes
rbat the Jackies open and sa-e 'em go. So
c of cmr IliUe fill your tlHle lummb-s. "
“Tbafa pa. worhioe.-" uid Amr.
jokes.Hut Uu boy s wen- so excUod by Ibis
I'm taUiic hte dinner to blm.-You harent bad uy dinner, bare aonouncemenl lhat Ifarr could bardly
"ni so op wlllr yon H you don
<-at. AIK r breakfast tbr whole family
JU?" uked Robertson.
mind." aald the aillof
"Wevc Jii.
sa-t «iut !<«■ Ihe ire>'. In response lo Iho
aawbeen paid off In Su moclfco ud
sailor's iirgeni and mysKTious Inriudown here to try chopping wood
illl back here a mile or so."
IIOD 10 come and see some tlrei
myaelr for a ebupe
I nted to do
Amy uuw* weal home wiih the empty
In honor of Ibe day. Amy. Georgie sml
when I wan a hid hark Id MIrbiRU
luurli'huckei. and Rols-rtsun ami 'he
Davy esrb carried a little Afncrlcan
b.«an work on the trie. TliHe followed Amy up llir RUlrb hy
hal they had carefully iruasurvd
s<x>n ihrew off his cap ami
urrow Iran that mrv<'d around drnw
the Iasi Fourth. When they
hlue shirt, sml the trri-ams or
tblchct* and rnormouii ireea. Pre«rived. Itobert.-Min saw al onn; lhai
honest s«*4-al rolled donn bis tuned
ently they came to -the place
ullor tad Isired a deep hole In the top
Hr. Kobcitaoo wu wortUnp. Hr baa rlKs-ks. Sonieiiiues he shook his bead
ch log and pul In a ebarge
t down a latae fir Irrc. nearly fire
blasting (wwder, lamping it w
.1 In dlamrtvr'at ibr
ptiffcil S' last, as he 'sal
A mile tair^ fuse siuek .
d (a"eO alralgbl up the tieep
dosn li. rest uU nxd off. 'il you only
Ibe rtdge. Robcrtwin hatl irlmmed hsil some blasting imwder am] fuse
i-li. I guess you worked
' Ibe llmbr. and naw<->l the wb'
you nxiM <>|M-n thi-se lough logs srllb. ".was bis brief remark,
« inio fourfooi lenElbf for roi
oul hammering ihe arms off Joo."
lore's going lo lu- a salute of
wood. Now he Ud JuM bcEnn at t
"Yi-s. Imji powder and fuse con moii
-Ihr.-e guDS Bred.
lop to tpm out (be wood.
replU-d llolHTiMm. a.iccl.-dly,
I gu.-sa yon folks bad lietler go
obuned all >hU with
'The hot afu-rnoon pass'-'I. aod ibere
up the gulch a llltlo itys. and get
ben mied out rbei^ly
ere sllll thiriy-thr.s- logs left when
ih.r side, 'cause then 's llald?
bo was looking down
HolK-rihun and bis asslsisoi tjuit w..rk.
inlons here In; a niniiie. 8i
him fllcnlly ud grimly. "How d'ye
er mind, we'll d.. l- tier lomor
whal do you think irf ibese I
aid Ibe sailor, rbeeriully.
fln-crnrki-rs. hey? Ever se«- any II
<>venlng (lassod pleasaiuly In
n]7~ growled RnlKTiM-n
i-m in Ihe slon-? I piess nut. ilui you
RiiluTlson's humbli- but oc-ai home,
In Tvpiy.
usi wail till you Ba-<' 'em go off.
m. RolierlMin gave tlie young sailor
Amy filled uollirr ran wllb wi
The siK-rlaiors wen soon In I
■noiberly welcome, and Georgie and
from a pool In Ibe guirfa^d te-gni
[dare where ih.-y could seu- well. The
Oavie looked upon him as a hero. The
rlimb up (o her faihrr. Tbr na
. w lio bad prepansi a little torch
look Ibe enn of wnirr from her.
T sjdlulcni. now lit the fuse of
iH-ans and pork, fresh blsniUj. sweet,
followed. laying bit hand once I
lilt log, Ihe lowest one dowa the
white on Ibe rough gray bark of the yellow batter ucl sbundsoi Dllk. The
Itsslng on,
sslhir lold Ihetd of his life In tbc nsv>.
•-X1 log. and so. climbing rapidly
oxperl'-nci- ai the battle ol
-Tblriy-nin. logn," he remarked, i
le sK-ep single,
Manila, where Dewey ileslroyisl the
he reached Jl
after aniilfacr. Just ss he was lighting
Spsiilsb 0<el. Suddenly be struck his
d (be woodmu. toIhe last one al the lop II
-y«." reap
1 on his knw. -Iludolpb Hoberlberly,
n!" he said. -That must be ilie explod.-d wllb a loud bang,
ibrown (o each shle. anc
'Wbal do yea call Iblt Umber*
me. and that's where I heard li."
IlH- hUI
The next log slli
“Where? At Uanllar asked llols
I a Itille, an^ llien exgthkl.-d.
"Well, they call li pine here, or Or
iscn. eagerly. The mo(b<-r leanyul
log sisrK'd downward niori
pm pine: but li t fir. ibai'f wbti It forward with hnwlhleis Inlorost. and
idly iKfon- flying to gd.-e.-s wllb a
the hand trembled that bold ber mendoar. By Ihe lln.e five or si-Whew'".
■d Ibe tailor, at he
. Ihe whole chain of logs o
replied the sailor, sll
noilced ibe partly tplii log. The grab
sleep skip.-, and now from
iwlntlng. Inierlorklng and longfa. deep thought. "Il was'Rudolph,'
was sliding, ndliiig. liiml.IIng
That's u uncommon name—a wo
-you're itmck a bard )ob. uncte."
and exploding In a grand and siarilli
"ycs." replied Bohrrtiion. eilll grim­ fancy ume. you might say. I'd
misiip. Some, striking an obsiaHi'
Anti tbc last Mine lu-gan
ly. u be sat down to his Ictnrb. pale
anolher. Icagn-d high, and burst
"This Oregon pine gen­
mblair. The hlisls went off like ca
erally spills good, but once In a wbll" I'm preity sure 'iwas Rolu-rihun.''
Ibe powdersmoke whirled al
'•Wlien- was he? IHd you w-e him? "
strike a tough In-e like Ibis. I(
rolled, and the while siirtaci-s of |i
aln'i so tisd ss some, itamigh." be add­ askiul KoU'rison. anxiously.
logs aashcl through |i In cv.
-f{„. i_i heard almut him." an
ed. more amiably. "I wouldn't mind II
direction. So Ihe whole great tree
al all If I was well, but I got burl test Ewered ibe sailfir. with a rcluriant was sgitU from bottom to top as If by
air. "Bnl—I wish I
spring, ud I Bint got
magic, hurird down the bill, and piled
hadn't spiAe t^ul II "
e luiiiom in a muss <
'Why?" Inquired RolKTtson. with
- Macks,
npresscA Hps
" Hid ihc ullor, "we
I or mul 0

in Mm ire emted eenel; vltk rtebt
To IKc ud llbenr ud delicbl.
Kelere ud U«i aisal wne tbrfr vlll.
AUda. or cbuice.
The witk at Ibe P~pW. «j»creten »tm.
Aad for aid) • lud, Ood imlle, apoo
We pMce life, fortrae. awred bODor.
BMTd oftbe Lord. tl«e word* of Ore
Kledled inwuiT'*
■etoed ihroa«h pebee

ead ceeUed

Tin frtocee beo«hlr, ud vela eed
Woka (ma tkdr dreaaw hi voader
Bed feer,
Aad kaew the daf of the Lend a
To ducBOU caarded br Jallora eer
•tele like a arkR froa (be Uib ed
M thrlUad vllh ioj la erefr oatleo
The aoBb that walled for God'a aal-

Aad raoad (be earth aa tbea K rolled.
BUn rlaca that paeaa bleb and bold:
While frea Aala’a deplba to the laica
Maa ear,. Tbere'i a Laad where all
are free!"
Aai peaaut ud dtaea take heart, aad
The sborea of that

Maaaed) realm

Afed help (0 the alrtckcai' ud poo
. f6r the tew of the Lord ud
Laad are oae.
Ob. (anear aad erer ttala If whj
Oar day or daya It the roonh of inly*

BUad aad etrlac aad weak are t
Bat ret (boa kaoweM bow ^ bare
Aad the T0I7 lift «r oer Urea bare
Mr (be tratha (hat raac aenwi

Bimfr waa the btebl, bat mm
Tbfoaffh the lyla« doadi oa a

day." said

« from a dtady galcb

That atroag aad free It feball aye re- going lo CcBiral America Since
we aint beard a word from him.
the sailor, rooihlugly
Ilrlng In Illlnnls at the limt
"No." cjacultie.1 Kiilwrti i, sternly.
r a while we eomc to CalKumla.
drawing a de.-p bn-aih. ' I
So 1 Icfl word with Ibe postmaster
In Central America. There's hanliy
send on any mall (ha< n>mi- fur '
Hut we nercr go) noiblng. A-while any dotibi alioul 1'. Wlial-whal
came of Ibte—this man?"
A frlrudtd bailer.
ago I wrote lo the posimastiY,
"He died—sudden—..lie morulng
The Mnceaa de BoeeBoat
there was a new man In tbc office, and
sunrise." repIKd Ibe sailor. signIDcaiil
watfctag la ber park, ber bud bent In
lyotanied by a radee. "Bello, sls.,8be utarled back ud saw a y
■al^ Btaadlng In (be dusty road,


bBppened n

dolgib. Bat bell
“Itudolph." n-pcalod



asore the blue ulform of tbc ury. Ihoughlfully. scrairhliig the edge
and bote the lulgnte of a petty officer
croiirKul hair.
"HudolphUd dm
BM kMw itoberiKUli. Seems lo me
ea bit arm. The sailer did
•s. He salt
- that be bad met a prlncees.
in a blue ctll- blessed many names. Well, pccbagis
allm girt of tweire yi
«o dreea. baary aboes and a while si
1 come to me some time.
boanet. earrylng a UtUe Un bucket
'Fa,'' said Amy. timidly. '"Ccorgie
nis to know It y ou're going to buy
bar. hand.
n dMnt meu to scare you. ala."
D and Havv some flrvrrarkerj-. Toirrviw will be the Fourth ol July, you
Mid the tailor, tmlllng.
Bodduly a look at wonder and deUftat fluhed orer the idri's fare,
had oflu dreamed ihil her
brother Redolpb might come bi
aomc ancta way. and ibis wu be
"Oh." aba exclaimed. Ic
Btrafcblag out ber hud. "you're my
krotbar! Tu re Rudolph!"
-Wall aow," replied (be tailor. In

Mr. Kulsprison fell Into a gbuiniy si
lence. aim the moth, r
work and sadly moved slmul imtHiis
things lo onler for the lilghi. Tin'll
sin- c-ame with a randb' and showed
the sailor to his neat iNUlroim. WTiei
he was ahiae h. si.usl (r.iwninc at th.
camlle lor some. rnlnui es. Then h.
muilervd. "It began witb



HoM'rtson. sure "

He U Ibe erne who apreada (be grnas
aa born Oct.
be s(ows It away
aa the men rot
Hurry'a actlvHy In the cause
be naes Ibe bai;^ to colam did not stop with Ibe riagtag of
up and dowa the
the oM bell, now nest to ibe origtul livttc the Cl
draris'trf Ibr Dertermtion of Indctieod- hot. weary rows: be hriau wtasi ud
ud splHa kiadllng; he gets up
e ud Ibe CoBstliutloo of Ibe I’alt
out Ibe boras.
Stales, Ihe rbosi prlted relk coo.

nerled with Ibe blnh of (be oalloa.
Two nHiiiihs later Bobertat*
. cetved u extravagant tclegimm tlum tie volunteered (or scrvb-c In tbr coathe sailor, but b( did not begrudge llDenial army, and scmsi with dtstlneB a numU-r of taiib-s. Ills alg
loiter be bad lo pay lo Ibr boy
who bruugbi It up from Ihe n.wm'
uewsloc of the old rhureb.
lelegrapb office, five mile* away. It
Is a soBx'Whal pwlbetlc rlrcum
c ital Hurry did not live to a<-e
“Artinrkle docs
t In-glD with 'R.'

Whether be la la tha bouae or out of
there Is always aometblag to do

tfamugh my Ihe complete iHumph of Ibe ndtinlME
.after all. Just g
Ureal llrilsln
He dbil In 17
head. &. I't know whal Ibe
rears before the surrender
name was
But my ebum.
ablp a writer, found your miu Olficcr Cornwallis, al Yt>rktown. ended the
and esiabUshed Amcriru tree
I a transport. Look out tor btm
Tor all lime, hut bis life extended
(Ptlng to surgsrlM' you, and I u
far enough for blm io ss-e iha
the plot. "—Farm and Flrealde
I- Irlumpb of American a

nothing lo busy himself with bu>
srbiiols ud chores. He would gladly
do sll the work. If stuetaidy else
Ibe ciMwes. be thinks: ud
yet I dbub* « uy boy ever aasounled
snylhlw la the wortd, or was of
■rb use as a man. who did not en­
joy the adraniagea of a liberal odtsca

"Tell ns," apiike Robertson, slernly.
"Good or tad, we wut to know."
-yet. Kow, U It bad been him. y.
Well, be was a soldier In one of the
could bare made him get in and help
reglmenls out there, and be deserted
le enemy, ud the boys ci
Robertaon lumeri away with rrinm-

Oh. forei r ud ever tbit It why.


tied (he aailor. empbatkally.
keep my eyes open for him. (

Ing al bim wllb a sudden and keen I

Mow tba wind* blew talr from o
at tbc bead of a sciuail of
to oeeaa.
ig despondency. "Tea. my boy lift
With ■Ubarty- atUI lor thdr ited
one when be was alalren." he Mid plmw."
Then- was a chill ullence.
"For a year be wrote regular. Ud teni
"It wasn't my Rudolph!"'exrlalmr.1
ut money. Then be sent word that
he'd (ml a Job with a siirrrylng party the mother, with s fire of pale




At Honored Grays,
le grsre of the man who
>e a atecea (or Ibe palrioxic rl
d the Ulw-nv B.-1I has lust
d. ud by a singular rmncldence iinig fhltedriphte frimi all over It
I'nilirt HIXIra. Il has Iwen k<-pt ru
wt on the ev'e of July t. For i
with flowers by Ibe children <
s nil trace had l•cfD lost u
rliig<-r wbo oliered the luJunHIon the nelchborboud. and on future n
lellctetl on the stale bouse bell. Tblla- lional holidays will be the scene i
trial exereises by the Colonk
ilelgifate, by nuglng II vigorously and
'Froclalmlbg HIntiv


laiid and to tbc Inbabluuls tbci
raa known to a few blsturians. In
Saving at Former Waata.
The advanre of piarilral science,
day when serving In ll c hnmbti modern Invi'nilons ud Ingenuity hstr
limught sIsMii Ihe producihin n
eaiiaclly of tall ringer, he
r value (ram suhstures that
place In hlsiory.
'onc4- cast aside as utterly nseThe faiiilUar piM-m. no well known to
11 Americans. "The Ulierty Bellman." less sod ireublcwome Ineumhruces.
lib Us thrilling line. -Ring, grandtaibcr, ring." bad siirroundi>d Hurry
Item Hurry, ud that he w
1 advaiic.-d In y«-ars un i

lih a
atmosphere rbat
tile many persons regartl blm aa a

quietly dr<-sM.l

Ikm In the way of eboret
Where Mica Ward DMaatar.
n expv'ri operator lo Ibe ObW o«
fields who is conoerted wllb etyioalTe
ipanics In Ibsl hrrallty. has erolrad
novel Ibeory which aceosaU for
ly of the olkenrlsr u
of nltrhglyrerlB srhlch
.'(Icn girove dlsasiroua to hofb I
and property. Nltreglyeertn te a pa•ullarly uuccnata etploalve, aome
Imes going off « Ibe ligbteal lowch.
ipd aomcilmrs, wbrw
fmisa hard,
bring very alow lo reapond to (rtctloo.
The theory artvaared by this expert
1s that It Is (be nlbbtlng and the trie
>P sharp MlUe lerih of tba
mire that rausea (be BHoy prematara
exploslona la tbr nil fleMs. aa tbs mica .
Miiff. The Bttro
cans and krwarai
Into the shafts of (be ail write aad egd there (a order to opca op tba
undcrgnnind reacnrnlrs aad cauae a

d of Ihe south, oner freer flow of oil Howtedmea Ibe finW
Ibreugh Ibc Jolelt of Iba taat
for reptentlng. gives one of Ibe
the mice have no besItaUoa lo
sirikin glllusirailons of tfals Im golBg 10 work with tbrir iredb lo ob. prove his realliy. If noiblng mor",
liberal supplies This Is aapseia!.1 ihi-se were all In vain imill re proved economy
Already cotlon seed produels are ly tbe case In wluler. wbca tbrir oibcvnily Ihc graveyard of Ihc edd Pine
igual In value lo nearly SS per cent of er food supplka axe eean*. ^ loa
.sirret Pn-sbyterten church. Kimrih
Etre.-ts, Phlladelphte,
le crop sod are a source of conslut
l( happrets (bat the m^uw'a tea)
la atieoded srIUi wldespnai aa«
illsc.ivcn-11 to ta the lost Tvsling place
St parkJDg
' Ihc famous revolullmiary character
cnis give other expressive proofs of
Crt-dli for tfals Important disclosure
ils great economic advance.
No Mare Thoeito aa Barry Btmhaa.
OCX lo Jacob ld>w. rwxloa
In Chicago the sum of *'
The basaaa !■ aeadicas. or Marly aa.
clinreh. Some lime ago he began comaod bas beeo tor ceolv^T^o^
piling a census ol Ihc long dead diml.r iavested In this bualoesa and Ha
inaJ prodori 1s valued at I2M.- nobody knows wby. II 1s propagated
as of Ihe aneleni ImryUlg place,
in Ih- process n-imeroiis laett of fi^T.CHsi. It would not ta Worth
hy suckers, and pouilbly bad no aaeda
amount by mote ibau Mo.noo.non bm
II waa first loond la Ita wild
-lorlcal lni«rr:‘i esme lo light
rouni-cisil with graves of revolution- for the hy-produris ihai roAe from the
The banana Is a modified berry:
(hr fniK Ibrougb tbe middle.
patriots or of famous m<-n of tbe
rill oomeilmes a** a few brown
elchtcenih ami early nlni'ti-cntb ecn
N>nia which are. the rwdlmroUrT
l'trn‘-d or thrown away.
iiirli-s. II aas not an easy task TIdk'
The hones of slaughtered cattle are
•iMilcrailnE hand had enari«.l muy of
now used in the manufarlure of tooib- actually produce a few aeeds.''^-^C' '
Ihc InscrigiMoos. and some
The pineapple la aeedleaa. belag ptw'
hrurh handles, chess mtw. aod (or
Slones, liimlillng from iheir
whatever purpose Ivory
used pacateil likewise from aoekera and
had horli-d Ihemselvi-s in I'

years sen. These buoea are bard and from slips Tbe Mg pteol. wbicb 1a a
required arduous
frelt.gvofanlrellr speaklag. to onealake a «vry high isdlsh.
slonally seedless This ptenl Is aWe ta
The knuckles from the Ikhic
Many famous revolutionary hcror-s
produce devetnped frail wbriber tba
sen- found In the add gravevaril, .
Moasom Is (enlllied or not. Hortlcul.
eluding the first naval olllrer irf ihc'of k’"" »"■« f-rilltxer. The lips
iiirtsts are endcaroriai^'al (be aamt
I'nlte.1 State., Nathan Boys.
1'>»• T'"
lime lo rid fruit pteaU af Iboraa.
plates used
"hut Ibis Is hoy 's iday S<'e bcrc. kids
Home oranges and (emoiia ate eery
iry had a nav}^. and be (ought on tend lore of combs. Wks of brushes, terg'Iborny. Their thorahmas bat bees rafor lltH-rly U-fori- lie tcwik uu naval hiitions. etr. The (Ip of (be horn
Fourth of July.''
als.1 niBilc Into mouthpieces for pipes. duced by arierilng buda from tba
lireucbea wllb the frweat (bores V".Now. ttat gwwder and (it
I cluirch.
.(moiic oilii-r noted
forls are also bring made to gel rU of
'brown asrsy. an- now sorted
can KoM'rtwin. uiieaslly.
palrlois wh.wc Ihui.-s rest her.- art
tbe thorns oo reapberry and btock'line grades. White hoofs are sc
havv cost you ronsldcrahh-'
Thomas rintc. t'apt. Isaac Crete,
berry pfao'a. almP'y f» cooreoNmea
of Votklowii
“No." teiighml the sailor.
I,: atripci In ptcklBg Ibe fruit.—Chicago Cbnm.p-iii
Brown, fol Hole I
up Into l.utionB and
hK-kcr? I col it ai ihc mill t
liaiO lO l*'.'
■ SJ"
eeo*' - •V-.-".
ldark.A>'si(s are used
John Mar-hall. Ucu' Thomas Mcfiil '"•ro "rt>*
no- iKiys lhcr«- ?ev-me>l lo lik
incysnlri.- i4 p<s
origin al tha Windmill.
’b'' mi
frirtn. and alien I Manila lipigh. Cap' William MvMufiin. Lieut ,
cxtrac.lon, and are
II 1. aupposml that the CreMdan
ihi-y wnnieil lo give the the whol-- John w-el.-id.-, Ijeui fol/p.ut rox.l'a«-l"ni I
g.niin.t up "I make a (erilllrer brought Ibe Idea (B using the wind to
niill. I'll r>-lurn.(hai anger, ihough. GcD. John Si.vl,.. .'ap' W'llliam Un 'a'- kimi
IIS.' of fl..rlsts. crape growers grind enro or mite water b^ witb
as I c
Hard and I
lhat It

mount them again

•Frlsro again, ami
ant. Your Job will I
pom. may I"-''

"I'm soT> lo have j-oii alt.' conitn

an hour he rc'urm-d. hut Inslcad of hi- way toward th. -awtulll with

going to the lii'UM he io.'k ibc trail
lip 111.-gulch to the trt'c. He carrii-1
a small Iron csnlsUT un.l.T his arm, a

th.; aug-r on his should,
As ihc wall-.-'l .-lowly botnewat'l,the riuldr.-n w.-r.
.agi rl. lall.ioi'

there from Ihe east
Early writers record tbrir wldp• I drains o
igiresd empkiymeBt In Europe tn (bp
IS much sa $:i.«*a weck|,*n(,|, cen'ury. Beckmann glres an
Marros. mMunce of one al Plpewell Abbey.

side k. pr.»1uc's of 'll" guiching *,g^„
„( „oe. alKwi IIW. at Haber.......... ..
s.- have meniloned^^I^gg, gootber early iBstaacp

himself .Softly cigK-nlr.g the wind"*.
e hrigbl miumligh- ril'd. »<»’l »="■« I I'
So a grtitvlul pnwosslon of Boliert
gloomily. "There's no money for fire1cat"-d OU' Uuhil.-. an! sons .scrud blm hack to ilic nuid
-rarkerx Ihls rear."
-Well. DOW. that's tm> hail." uid the ........ ............ ,.wu Ihc ryiad. In less Ibau'!mh. rc he tad.- ilicm g'»»l trye ami
sailor. "And I haveu't gul a eeiit In
my pocket, cither Not a liean! I al­
ways send a litilc aad to ihe.old folks
tark In Michigan - vi ry pay day. ami I

mind lull of srhemes of whal be would
like to do. and bis buds 'fall of ocrupailon hr I. u Idle hoy who has

.H Id mylh.
Aiitluuarians and hlstoflans bad
■lie (rcqueai svairhcK (or ibe body,

••W.-ll, I gm-„ 11.will-' rt-fpond'-d
KoM Icrv.-nHy
quanllly of gupgi.usd.-r

Just before school la the winter be
shovels paihs. ud la Ibe sammer be
And yet. with his

tm- nuni1» r <if|.'ie ll-t of ^
(tegllsh windmill Is ihaf la
I.. prodoers would inriuds msn.v , ,|,| KIcbard. earl o( Cornwall, too*
e irtlHes —Allanta Journal.


lovi .-'lgaikni,!

1 rriuge after the bartle of


'or l■nvs

"iteyles" <4 tba
c nentl'ined. abowln^ that

• (ulIowlBg I

si-airh. r.wa.-II

coil ol lusc OV.T his should.T. and in almut the sailor's w.iu.l. rfin flr.-w.wks,
bad a little fun with the Ik>vs afItT m<'
l.ui Ih.- fa'hrr ami m.khcr w.-re silcnljthc Plnp-slfel cntrenc
paid off. ami then 1 footed It
a taaa of nr^se. -I'd be proud lu
and sad
They wen- U.ih Iblnkmg f
UlU 00. bot I bava me doubts. Now. down here lo chop wood lor a change
1' fiiiir fe.-’ hrgli and include.
everybody on the mad was glad J tack. li spid nliuMy in a> 1
what's ytmr aamer
I.ti-sud.lcn—«.m- morning at miD'
re me. I'm going to stay with you | ud went lo l•cd.
■ -Amy Robertaon."
ui's of ihv greve
Hi-arlnc shoiiiing In iLc dU'
allennnte and practice on this
In the monilng he was iwakcm-d hy ■
••WHI. (here II la! My ume Is Jim
When 1>'W cam- oprre It. the grave
a low lagipliig al hU dimr. attgl saw.i 1C. they look.-d taek, and saw ibc
McHaboa. u you aoa (bere'a a hitch tough tree. If you don't mind '
repidly agi|.rt»ching, R.*en"Weil. I haretil got uy money wjihat he had oyerslept. He^umpi-d up/i
■aa»where. I'm asrtal aorrT." h«
slgbi. (inly the letters "R" sad
ni-vl bln. wondertne at
added, at be aaw bar teck of ditap- pay yon," said Robertson, "bul I ebn^ dn-SM-il quickly, and weA out there i
. I" of th.- name Hurry were vlslbb
g|ye you a good bed and a coW po-Ihe found hreakfast willing. "IMdn'; I
the sailor, hrraib- Low', c.irto-1'y
[ hear the bugle." he sai.l. "hut I smelt I
"Oh. I thought yoo mlfht be Ru lalo.-


In 'be

Without •eyt?


IS a windmill

Tbc older' windmill ID Beigtem. tad
a farm ' protably Ibe oldvsi In Eartape. tba bU-

would S.»n eome
t-H-ir'Grand Moulin de aDly.'«h* <«a lex d'e - I- 'be life of 'ally des'royed by Ihe groat gtOTM fit
e IS 'lie raT’orum. always ' ibe end of January. IPP'i, after a coa>Dd always eiperi.-d to do nnuoiis ciisicnce since tbe rieraath
It Is said lo hare been bnllt
a ih.r.-and and one ihincs that no 'rcoiury
II do
t’pon bim fall tb*- by (rio r.« Treiecnies. Iba crtisadteg

diffirul'! |vtd of
'slds and • ads, 'be m'co
Is Weekly
Af er
I thr-jch, be is to finl-b ii|. Hl» work

“Thai's all right.
lhal'a goodlitiai hreaklast In me dn-ams. and I I
dotpb." nU Amy. aorruwfully. *W<
ii“"............... ..
feaewn'l beard from him for dee yeara.' enough." replied tbe aailor. "Now. let tbooght 1 was In Ihc Itelacv Hotel I
... 1to, —m.,..™- —-I-«». —1.»
a gallon of s
]UEt dip me bead
"Keear mind. sis. Hell turn up me gel a grip on that maul.
"You'd taller aUyed ln the nary." and then 111 Join .
aoM* day to whUkera. with a green
joy. with
O.nsld.r whai a tery on a farm 1.
aald Kote-rtson.
pairot on his ihamb, and money
"Oh. that don't cut no figure. H« Ing Iwreusc Ih.-y ha.l m. flrc-cmchers.i tul laugh. He thought ih<bara.*
il ''Arbucklc" •
as be polished ererkvd a 1^ >oV.
"Mix iDdaad!" cried Amy. ladtgnut- papers are ail righi. and If I rtawllsi
k ptec. that
s uUdvr-Knd, In i:
s teucbier't
In three months I don't hwe anythlog. his fac with Ihe uiwri. "Ilon'i yoo say beginning rfub "K.
ly. "Radolpb won't have whtekera.'
word me hiillli-s. Just vou wall till was .-ntlrt ly oui ol progioril.ui to such
I was brought np cat (he irsOnlug-ehip,
Tbe tailor tenahad iorteUy. "I
»■ store, to the post .igice, and to
Her breakfasi, and 111 show you the i a mild Joke
It was ibc laugbt.-r af
and they like to keep us fellows. I'
theee are dbe woodt!" he exclaim
If be bad
SOB some iBlor
biggvri firtscreclcvrs y.iu cmt hw la rvll.-l trt.m a deadly fear Ibat b
keep the 'crow' on me arm all right
looktag aroud at (be magnlfieeat r
g many lega as the ccaUpede they
ir lives TlM-Vre that hlg III have:had come lo a dlsh"ti.«l'lv end.
••TheVrow:'-exritlmcd Amy. Indie(Wild tir* briorr algbl.
fire 'em off rneself. and all yon'Ili "Ob. well see the l«y Iteck agali
nantly. "Why. 1l'» an eagle;




d tha WariA

ai™,-.*, »

tbe sun rtsea and aei. alwaya al tba
same hour. C o'cludt.
The record price for a poafid Of
-goldea Up ire- U IU2.W. fareagbt at
(be Mioetww l^e (re bBEttem lb trimdot on Febntary i. HfiL


• Port Uut». UleK. imm U.-JMk
■ Maaaat k>M (to alcbt tM Ltoiw
tto Hotorm »U«.totort«tto (to M-

tore (to btot o(«i

I. 0C UMb.
O. Bolt, MukecoB.
Jlword Keeper,

B. Be<

'Am After.
Oftot Ptetote Keeprr, SettoOre
• port Herat, by aeelemetfcie.
OreM IMMal Biemtoer. Dr. I»t

bdder ead aon clowly Ideatiaed vtih
the eellTUf’ end proereot o( Ibe bo>lt. It it Itar lateelloe to adopt ae«
Ibodt la Ibe vaHoao depertaea'i

I to Boke Ibe Haaatb A to> Her.
■lie coapaor a kIIII nore lapor
I Dercanlile lattliuiloo Id aorlbern
HleMsaa lbaa II hat beretoTore been
Coloael Tboapaon alto teld, "tVi life of a rtrcull rtd«-r lo Kalamarofi
y. Before Iblt. bowever. be had
Ibe'people o( Tnierte City l<
Celbertoe Sed«eI lu vlib the detlre lo do at auD illeaded (be collyee a< Kilsmarou

BoUee, DrtrolL
Oieet Ctapleta. Aaee HeNeoatatoe.
Port Herot.
Orael SetteiBl.


OfMt MKtrMi et Arat. Mn. AI1- tor Ibe cliT at'll we llred bere. Th'
tatemlB of Travene Clly are our
ad It it oar parpote lo do ererytbliy
Oree( BeeUnel, Letlle Salih. Port


Awmssl klertleg.
of doctor of dirintty wax e
' aanaal aertlag of tbe eiock
furred to (tor aiaiMero. aaeae tb
I prvn-nrftlt Us ih- |wJ Trt
boldert of the Hannsta A lAv rooiiiain •l-Ts,
tto Her. A. J. Eldrto of (
A .llvidend of r. per rent wot de-.*'*'-'
appoov ..v, sofl ili.. n
beM Friday MUi th- frttowin,-. r>tr.,l
cUy. Mr.Bdtedtoaarreraaatott
•h.<- uf Ih-- lltuuf, A l>,- r-w...
decree a* be cUtaed tt at an empty board «>f Ulrertorv elecliit:
■ Aniail.r.d.voi,ld.-raW-ln„..r:,....
Tncy Uy R. no>d riinch. Mrs
and tbU wot dooe xrtibiB
«la-it.>h t
Elrte K
Maanab. Colonel R
.itwon and H. S Sasdert
Th- -.1 vaitwf.].' imiTovem.m'- tt
Mr. Btdred wat born la Catskltl. K.
directOft eleried
Ihe ftdhrwinc of.
V.. March 21. U2I>. sad has been B
errlce of tbe cbarcb (or .Dearly Been:
Frerideai aod geaerol msaager. A
alxly-flre yeart
He wot coaverted
wbeo a mere l»y by a cln-ult rider
wbo. tor lark of a rfaurrh beM bit terTlcei lo the Bdted bolte in tbe toiilb
pan of tbe tuie and bu ws» a

Ortel Pteket. HI* DOnb.
Tto peel
keeper reported

wbleb wat then s hrnn'-h of th<
His Best cbarcc wat at Allecoi

I oar power toward ibe eliy'i dertf
piaeei and tutore protrett. '

Tbe delBlIt et Ibr plant coetem.

ttot tto order tot eo head UM.OOO
There vtll
^ Wii'diet SirterteaiweM.
ebtagrt' la aetbodi w1
A eery pretty ead pleeieal teo deyt’ vorkeid oat aceordlaa to

:et tbrowhout the s'tie and his
offlclsied at pretldlDE elder for Mur
terms, one of which »»« In ISrtn-l
Tnrerve roiiniy
It r•a^ diirin
r In Grand Rnoldt ihk' Ibe ^-•iollDlTltlon sm-ei rboreh wnt
bis pletiire haBKS on the wall.s pf
It Is now the InrResI Midbrellst

der afteteera at the boar <X Mn.
Ctorlee B. Hale, Ml 81x1b ctreet.
Bw haetecaee helna Mn. Hale. Mn. W.
.W. Boldeverth ead Mn. C A. Webb,
'the beer tadi enereaoa beloc
tad toam belBt the featere.
Tto pf^lr Hale toae la boo
M eeedafaa drat


reh In ihe city
From Tbriw
line ol tbe eloekbnldert of (he
Rltert he came here and ace
Hoonab * Ur company whirb
cladet tbe flour mill, tbe Park Plaee prchldln* elder sad sfli-r >bt
aad real ettaie tntemtt will to terred tl aereral charxes In th
r and then went to lonit.
held today aad
chtpUIn for tbr-e or
t relatlre I reauitt nf tbe
Iblt eadlae fats active
. B

Tto Brat altetteea. Mn. Claod Car'tto was awarded tbe Bnt prite. Mn.
T. H. Barana tbe loae toad prtte aad
art. Jaaea Seeaaad tbe coatolBtloB.
Tto aaeoad der. tto Bnt prtie w(
to Mrs. I. B. OUbert tbe loae band
Bn. doha P. Ott aad Mn. W.’B Wll-


He becan bis botlaett

aeresBille eMabllthmem
•OB. Pine. Scon A Co of Chtiwao.
where hit early trolatac wot rer
uabic. Hr boa beeo eoaoecied
foae of tbe ImrceM eorpontloDt is the
Valted SUtet He wot auditor of Ibe
iniaMt Steel compoey for (oar yean
sad for tbree yeart bad eaitre ctorce.
luperlBleadem of the eitcattrc
of Crenr. Clinch A
Co. In tbe upper penlatula. Hr. Ban.
der« developed very marked ahtllty
which wat reeocBlted by Crerar,
Olarb A Co and (hey v^lue him very
blcbly. He operated the upper peoln
Jto Atooal atetlac of tto otork
auU mine* for tbit Arm until
were the Caraoclu Steel
tOe eoapoay brtd Tharaday aarki
He wat alto tor oome time a<
tortiad ehaase la tbe coadact aad
tl compiroiler for the A1UK«baIpoUdet of ttot eorporatloB. oar of tbe
compaay. very Inrye mtaufar
turen of aaeblnery tn Milwaukee sad
loed orlib them anlll a ebince of
Mttaa of Herbeti Hoautae aa cm




toiy, traaaardr aad seaMal aaaai
Mr. Moatacoe will to aueeoeded by
B. Saadera. wbo'feat bate actlaa

bat Mnce that time be bat assisted In


aorer a
and »
Hanaob A Lay MercintUe e
bncbea W tton betai arilrtlrelly
youBf BID
raofed atoat tbe ofter parts of tbe public tpirllo
booae. Tto rafretbaeoli were terred
the dl.
■t ladtftdial Ubiee, tbe Beaa belii« reetton of ltr«e sffalrt which
Omi* lee. assorted cakes, eelted him pecullarjy well flttod lo look after
mta. after dtaaer aleit aed fralt
Hsaaob aod toy Inieretts

eraaaeHMlr work.
Mr Eldred orcealred a reiclmeiii
Mies sad served Ibrouxh itx' <l>II
war as chtplaln.
e decree was clren Mr. Eldre-I
beeaai.e of bit splendid service '
e eommenreai>at exercise of ih.collececloaed Wednesday and ihu
rtiigb Kennedy and tbe Rev Tbomi
Cox returned from there Th-iisdsy. Mr.
Kennedy It ttudvlnc Mr Ihe decree el
master of arts and was examined
American eootimulooal history. Mn
net of which he his l>een retdln
durtne (be pssl year
Mr. Kenn-Hlv
his boehelor'a decree at 1

A Wedding.
At the borne of the bride's p»rent“.
to mllet out on <he pentn'ult
Brown and Robert Sintn were untie I
lo tnarriage. the ceremoay beln* |ierloimed bv the Rev. Tbomns Penn I
im of (be Cbiirrb of Cbrisi.

. Sanden caaie bere direct from

ClBClaflatl a few mootbt oso and bat
been la rtaarce of the Haanib A Lay
. 'ttoeapadiy of aodltor for aereral lateresu v aodltor tlace. Hr. Boa■oattA Mr. Moatacte-i realsnaUon
den. etnee be bet bees tn ibis
• «toaa iwMbM'Beeet
bOJ laken'a ctost leiereti la public
I' Tto wew ofBeera were elected at
Sffalrt and bst already deiaonti
PraalM. A. Traey lay.
TravCrte City's mo.'d proeresslv.
Vice prestdeat. B. Ployd Cltaeb.
He cornea here with th<
Beeretoiy. treaearer aad «eaeral
fldeace of Ihe aembera of tbe Hi
sad'Lav eorporalluni and will
full cbarcc of their sffsln in this city

Tbe bride was rtonnlDcl.' siilred
green popUn tllk and mat iinaii-'ii '
1. The etrftmony was il l-v
je hade's psrenit. Ihe prxHini'- i-.iBIS aod Mr and Mew. R B J.-rr- n- i
sad daughter Clara, Mrs. Koenig tu I
Mr. aad Mrs. Owen Merrill of this eity
The bride it a young ladv nli'u
many friendt In tbe el’y, having Im
merly been an operator at th-' riilr.eoTelephone company. The groom, mb'popular young man. Is a runrii
T al Siraub Bros K Amlollvfactory. The young e«mple mill l-e a'
■ SI r.:i West North

It Costs






I. .rraii.i .. .........

Walk on Your Head
wlii-M It
n-t ■Mil MV.- y-uir
You - niri <1-- t'liit. S'U-lb-r l-i'V '■Inns tiiut -li'ii;
n.v.i Mvirr;:


Hard Pan Shoes

Jili Willi.hii llIL.Cilz n-.m- lJ''

aadur the old coadliloaa tbtt b* •
■ Bot IB syapatby .trtth (be plant n
toapUtod. st.tM* tlae. and that I
rMlgaallon PW aocepted with tbe
> BOM BOo«JtoaH«k k.1 Ibe 1-ew with.t
Of tbe dlreclhia.
tialed. vWe wish


to AM Mr. Iltotriffie a anything bo
Bay uadertakv and tball do everytblag to aotlM him In any of bis fu.
towplaBA He to* done bU duty eon.
wHI. Wo feel, bowoTtr. (tot soBrnhlug obould bo dooe'
to put Iblt butlBOM OB A more laod«n baalt aad make It aoro of a beeetl to (to city, and m orde to do tbit
tto chaagea cwiioaplated have U-

Rty. A A Cldito Honorto.
Al (be Boetlng of tbe iruMem c
biOB college, held lotl vecL tbe dfr-,<



r. J.




' DR. W. J. Bicans ”






thOs. a.

apRAouff A aos,


*tvm*C.swt. bMt S


Tire Insurance!
Plat. Glass. Steam Holler a

3 Accident Insurance.

Money to Loan on Improved Rea! Estate Only.

Order lor


With Us.

Traverse City.

Room 810 New State Bank Buildinft.

■ I.'. l-'.k,-.\v.-

I’l-cne Cits.

Tr.ii.'rs. I'.'.y


I Siixrk

We ll


same day








three day*.

man to takt: the measuremtuits

I Traverse City Mfg. Co.
il w.n U...II I.. lltiie to

■Spray Your Potatoes

Odds and €tid$
Trom Our Big Slock



Bottl War«
•lust til.- ibiiii; for tb.- boils.
ll IB ma-ie of !,-:ov v


doors and wiri<iuw

b.-li l.»l

3ust a Few

.li -t . =

I.--.. . •
,..! i.o '

Oil eans
< lr>e. two. three ami five calb-o ■
I’l cbv.-mi/..-.i iron. U-tb noar-.'.n 1 .il'n.Jr,.

I;- n> -' <1
\ -'i'. ^

,,r.i..r -!oii -.If und
V.Tii- ci.yi, -V. .11 ..If 1.

tl»- -Kaal

li.- -.J-riy -t"Ii» ll,.-.-r-;,!
Iblt njtr>.j-r
It Ibfiwu
w-MMcvam iI nev.-r - loRa
.IV. ,vi O-I.i-, t ,r
Tlicai- a|imyerw

:> 'lf..rf..
i; . ..'.r

u. ;.l.
K. f


-^..0.11 haul SfC'<)-"nort"' •
l.'.y -'.mp- ID an-l -- lli.-


.tu b pon-liuM-f

W,-haii'llv .MbIoii'b bouse t>iiM'

of Summit City: Uenha Baefal of
Norihporl; Martha Benwtela of Fife*
Lake; J C. Riiak of Otawn
' —
[ thc»«tlc-lax«ive. taro si^-hcvl- '
Brmrkenbury of South Board)


TKW KKSi; riTV. MH'!!

o. ; I'.*to«cc Boil'br.-,'

n«UM Paint





ttiles Medical Co.. Elkhart, Ind

M.ik-- l''.. kiinl Ill'll ::t \.":r
-li-vs iili'! ;il '.-1
hII 1
. f l.iiii ’m- t>i;.t. rv.l l.i't -.iir
(in. < s
- ii.,|ii. r i.iir s|. - I,
U-fc-:liiij 11^;
Kslii'i.iti t;:rii!-it. !
< >iir rii'lb-- Ik--.!
Iit\ Mi.-L, .I'ri-ini'*.

Alice Taylor. Ruib Tbora. Eva Young.
Mrt. Alice Rote. Georgia Baker. Maud.Gmlor. (tolda Goodricb. BMber Gray
and Mabel Roberiaai of TruTorsi-:
CUy; Mary Hulroooey. Lois Thaeker.
Blanche Brace and Aaaa Dean of Elk |
Rapidt: Fannie Swoaey. Emily Dana!
;and Bv'lle Reese of Old Hlotl'io: Will |
lam RIrk and Mabel Clelland of Klngs-j
nbel Stafford of Kewsdln: J. H.i
lluletl and Mrs Rot-ert Wiley of Sum |
mit City; Mary Sebelleld and Cborkt;
Will. Jr,of Wllllaasbun:; Ids Sebaeir

ACeaeral Bukiv BnltmlMM


A. Dslrell. wot united In marvlocu
Wetley C Wlndov«T. thy reiraiony and atirr all had arrived th>' wen
betn* performed by (he Res Huch isM-n to tlic l-etuMfiil ball room on ib<
‘ appolalaeat'tt a rceocaitloa ol bu
Keuuedy of the Asbury Meibo.ll.i third floor, mhore Ih, afternoon mai
spent lo the cosy Indian rorii.-r. wli!i
The youac people we
At tto aeetlac of tto directon
tended by HUt Golds DalteU. cousin IIK deeorulibBt of Navajo bltnkn^ and
^ dMdswd e( six per eeot was dertarod
bothrlt and eiirlot gathered l.y Mis
of tbe bride, of Central Lake
. •er\tto Beni year eadlaa Mareb 1.
Morgan on ber weslem trips
Robert Snider of tbit elly.
« JtOl
spirtous nwm was prenlly deroraievl
For tbe bippy oecnsloa, the
At tto aeeuas of the dirtclon tbit
wat prettily deconled In llcbl crceen wtib ferns and marguerlies tnd ih.
^ toorabd Coloael Thoapioa Mated
Idea was elatmraiely carried out In tk>sad white, while rote*, tent
H tto Kaoaed la bebaU of tbo eoapt
refreabments, which wen- s.-rv-d on
polled plBBlt were uted with a
V tbat'lt la tbe detemlaatloa of tbe dleffect. TweatyAre cuetib wltaetued little tables The name ranis wyn- a'
reeton l» uwBBurmre
Itched lo marguertirs. an-t the flrsi
tbe ceremony sad at Itt eonelutlo
P aad niModale policy Ilid tbe coBdnrt
eoorse ronsisled of ehteken ni-iiss,(rethmenlt were terred
tto btataeot of the Htaaab d L
Id Individual molds with da>M> ren
Tbe youBK people left Mr t i
Mereaollle eompao)'. He Mated it
tort, and heart uhtpe<l garnish, h-ar
weddlnc (rip to Old Mission and
Treemae Oty bed tot beyoad tbe dl«.
lew days will be at borne on Secoad abapr-l uadwlrhes in brown .vml whin
tlaeUea of a rlllace aad had beeome i
Tbe gloom U a well known brvad. snowball Ire rnaiu wuh mar
BOM laportaal aad proaretilTe cliy
young barber aad tbe bride hot many gnerlte derorallons. bnget's f-»-d, hefaad It U the deleralaatkoa of (be Hae.
shaped cake* w1'h pink Irosilng
frlendi to with ber topplnets.
aaK* Uy HereaatUe coapaay
ragarvd almonds and enflee At >hall la Itt power to add to tbe i
eoarlnxIOD of the repast mile sllv."
tasto of (be city aad. to aid la Itt deslippers were passed to the guests
retopaeai aad protreot Cbaaaea
Tbe following ore Ibooe who look while a large trav loaiW with -taints
eoatoaplaied ao( oaly to taprore the the roontv tearbert' examloailnn at
paekoges on
top of which was i.
cerporatloa but to beaeflt tbe city.
tbe eoun bouse
wooden tbo-' deeoritod with mtignU tbeir parpose to aid Id aak
s for oectwid and i
rile ivreaths wts plte*d befor- ibTvamoe City eee of tbe aoti Imj
grade cerllflraict oMy
guest of bi>Bor
As she opepi'l thtaat ipoa la tto euie.
Della Arrher. Mary Burkaiae. Grace
gifts tbe was showered with bimdodEvans. Plurenre Rice, Urt Nina Hoi of tine stiver horseshoes, with t
Moatirw aad bU work fo^'ibe com brook. Glenn Holmre. Mvrile Soon.
Gertrude Fleming, Stella Deeker. Ih'.- ,
piuty olace be beeaae c
Me Aebmun. Eis Tbunell. Edith Elkey.


A Prerty Wedding.
A pretty weddlnc look pUee Tbur^ay
evealac st B o'clock si (he rotldeaec
Mn. Harriet Dslxeil. T2S Secoad
Mrect, when bi-r dsucbler. Mitt Ml

*. GARLAND. Cttotoc.
CAPITAL, 9900J000

To fimi out for
ivluther or not vot.r li.-.irt

The Sootb Side MeiCo.

aaMOT of the eoatoay tor
aersB yean, ead wto bat
Otorte of the fatollate departi
naay yo^.haabeaaai


1 per CnltlKiwciM nBetb

One of II
Ihltnhle party and
linen shower given by Mrs. RoIkt* J
MarDnnaM. Miss Grace Morgan an-l
MIrs Helen M.»>re at Ihi' Yiom.' •'( Miss
Morgan (or Mlsx Mth>-J Hai--s

ftoyd CUaob aad if. W. Salt
. ' Oeorte Boe. who be* beet

?.;imctseatf State Bji*

I'-af- i-r.-. .-.f tb-m

Xlo'V ;if.
giwui that i. l-'ut !• o!'b r I" o
isiiiit :ill b't l-cwu

'i“ - H • »' 1“

Floor and Porch Paints
Our llm ram! j-.-.-b jattils i.r. nci'l- 1>i
tbeir liiK-u .1 life i-.tu; v.i-’y
1- t • - bC « H -m t-

Hive y-d wer f.e-! Hie


By»l Tle*r "Tmmm mn^ Oo«to*to

lifiiiiL- '•! ! f.itiiituri'll


an. iicB.

*n>cjf ore tne be*t-



Cama*4 Can
aad Saimaa



KBB'k p-rorvfc StocBB*.



r^p tt Miiinifw

liMinil tfennvh tbe eUj ted*7 ca b«r

At tbe BweUB« of the dlractora «d «jr to Frankloet.
W»U»* R.eblo. *«rt to L*te
[ trade eicur- ' Au tbU Bentod.
Mn. 3. A. WUu fl< Sato «a


Dr. Prank WUbor Oace. dlrwctof of
raioiy. and desired u> fkke
Mr. Ullleiu wUb Urn oo the olu-rTbe yoBOg man will ac­
Tbe bankers will be the goesu of
cept the offer in a few dai's.
tbe Orand RapMs meBben aad
Tuesday BKnlag at the Hortoa
■ from where they go to Ot
tbe sale of northern Michigan siat.
Beach by special train. There wl
Iaa<l« Id the state land offlee. haying
four hundred in siieadance aad for colonization purposes. Osce every
Buny piramnt diversioos bare beeo
weeks the Mlcblgan Ceairal Park


■t Imfor^Uos tbe dty lodar.
aHebMH and for farther
Mn. T. H.' Peacock a< Nertbport
tbe OMUter woe referred loPmnklum> Utoe and Beerelary Haenen
nenyt''* f**® pUKd IfarouKb tbe dty tbU Boroiac
Mmo been loehlnc the nailer ap. en loote for Petoekey where «he
blteod tbe weddlbd of her eon Tboman
Tbe aeeretaa b*» contnaaR*'*^
provided for their entertaiai
Co. of Chicago runs a rpeciai car to
wbicb Ukw piece tomono* mo
. tbe Buyor of Hantatl*ae relative
Mlu Retie Wobej of Northport I* aneng them being auto rides, exeur- Roscommon 'u Interest tbow- who wi'l
tbe propoaltlon wHb the au«eaUoD
by boat sod a vandevme troupe buy acreage for farminc sod rxncblnr;
xadlB* a ebon tine le tbe rily ead
UM as ncnrakm take place apoo
ses and Ibose who st»-k rewtl
n aad |b«u1Hbs if tbai date will will leave for Ml. PleMeei. where ab- wblrb has been hired to cose from
Chlrago for the conveolloa.
This companv ba« platted
t* aallafartory. to the irabaporUtloa wni attobd acbool.
Ml*. Ben Tbomen of Kortl-port wee
adjolnlof Klgcln<
Itae aad to tbe boataea* nen <d ManOmens
announces that «.oor. of them of tmuUe keeplAu the |>r<-si.|- D''s tsi
MIqm. Tbe aecrwary baa be«i do- in the ctty thU mornlne>meua.
Leob ud Cberle* Baeieo have p
tUM by «Meral paaaebiter **ent of
> Baal Jordan to speed ihc «mm
tbe 0. B. A I. that Ihe roond irip rate
dsummer took ami sojourners here c< the buyerehsve not seen tbelr KH..:f.H to cash th-m. ,.r.-.. nlnc ... ,.r(m Tnverae City to Manlalique by Tscalkm amoac rbiailvea.
' satirlpatlng a mssop of iianioal 'b«. w-em satisfied with th-lr Inv-st-(H-rv- -b- .b-.-.-kr s. -u.- n.,.. Hueway of the T. C, L. A M. aad llaalaMrs. E. A. JamliKX) of Mayfield
or more. On the entire, dred. of dollar, are thos ^-.ed the
tl«ee ear lony woold l.e ISJM>erih tnrtiod borne aficr a abort vlall with gaiety.
-The Oaks- Is receiving atteatloB tract. M'wever. -ben- are less than a |u-ideu. v.ier, y.-ar,
ud WMali oo boat extra. The Irata her dauKbler. Hr*. 1>HI EaalcB.
S-.tssn B. Auiheo. s .-ill i- v.rton the carpenters and palolers. half doz.-n buildings.
. win leave here at S:M a. n.. raaohUiB
'hn.-l. .-..lUdMifa of e-Ti, tM--wrli...„
Nine moms are tu-lag added. U Is
Nortbpon abooi
The boat W'
If an old turtle which Ilv.-s d
[lage The -.-.-tai. :• va.-ai-I si
Mare Northport at IS a. m.. arrivlns
lear Adrian doesnT'die pretty soi
TIm- finu l».|-. . lr.,u r.a..-.- z.i. • Carlisle. Amone 'he ruoIs are noted
lUsMUqae about 4 p. m. BetaralD*.
bsrti all whittled a
Sormso Rutbven of Turnaio.
leave HaalaUqne at about • p.
icw Id the city,
Nora M. Closlerboui. Miss Lola ClosJ. Frr ot Empire apeal the day la lerhouse ot Orand Raiilds. MUs Jane hu' back 'in IbSJ sod sc.;.. In IKsti I'l*'- •«
W.,m.n .t-d
the cliy.
Glllrtl.of Jacksonville. III. Mr.
^le^A . lum. ,|i«-«. I
Mrs. Barton F. tt'hite of rhirsco. Miss
Tbe aecreiary baa alio recelred
city yesierilay,
Page of Clevelsod, Ohio, Burton
letter froo E. B. Cooiaba. traffic Ba
IsoD ot Leland waa a gwet
While. Jr., of Chtcaeo.
acer td the Manlatlqae. Marquette A
•The. Mistress of Bonny Banks,Nortberp railroad which eootrola tbe (be Wblllag yesterda}'.
Ms. Charles Noyt ot ChaitcTittx
Miss Reiieera Richmon.l of Grand Rap­
car (eny Uae, la which Mr. OdobU
1 the riiy today.
ids. arrive! yesterday.
MbUa that Jqly 11 will be eotlrely
R. D Baker of Peloskey waa a TravntMdbctory to the irabaporUtloE
Mrs. Cragin and Miss Ella Cragin
paay. Mr. Coonba itatoa be will be erae Cily visitor today.
: Clitrago an- here for the sumOM-r.
C. W. Sail or Beltolre la la tbe city They have leased • SpesrhurM.glad to oooperale with the Traverae
City board of trade to tiHdr oBorts to
vfpssor Curher. wife and daughH. E. Scott o( Hanla!«4 was lo tbe
Bake tbU exeankm a eoecen h
Hiss Theoilosto Currier, together
Jograble and proftutde to tbe people of city today looklag after busiaess Ibi a young lady friend, arrlqe.1
TraretM aty asd to tbe people of tercsls.
J. H. Luobs of Fite Lobe whs
F. H. Groves. Mr. and
dty yeelerday.
A. L. Coulter of Charlevoix was Id Osceola pound and Miss Msnhs
Pound, all of Jackson. Georgia, have
Bi^ .gaaeraily la called to take place the city today.
Mra. jedu Dcdti went to Kalkaska Mkvn possession of "Oaceola- cottage
fa tbe coaacn roomi Mooday eveoinc
ir tbe season.
lis moreiiig.
to WMbe defibite arraageBonta to i
Hiss Retta WooUey went to k
uratae pcalllvely If July 11 wlU,
aatlabdory to tbe people of Tnveree rieasaat thia Bornlag where ahe w
alteod samoier aebooL
a baa met
J. Sulllvao of Cedar was la tbe el
CBAtlderable favor, and It la believed
that the exennkm will be profitable

on boMaess today.

Traverae City aad to Maaleilqae
H. rerrtos of Charlevoix was
BIW waya. A large aamber of tmai- ■be city today.
aao BOB froai Northport. Oneaa aad
Battona Bay are already coatemplaUag
UM nceatalon and W. B. Campbell of
Hortbpon to tooklag arter tbe arrangeaMBta at tbeae pedau. Tbe rale aamed
to eatraarty low and tbe expenae to

Versey Legg of Traverse City vis

Oon. Dyroo Cuteboon is In Ann J

tKT.Inu-re«s in Africa.

He b.came

' Ootuty Clerk water'to spoodlag
iM daya at Fife Lake.

8*-ddeD and the acquaimane*- srsdn allr ripened into lore, the rulminstlon

his oew cottage.

month will see their crops di-stroy.-d
graKsbopp*-rs. Pasture and meadhavi- oln-ady siifri-r-<l and fanm-rs
the Insects are the genuine Kanvartely They liav*- appeared tbr*-*ilmes In Watertont in ih- pa.t ihii'y
years, Brconllhg to an »M resbl--n.,
and it Is feared that when their arptlie* develop next month grain atui
other crops will suffer proix'rionaiely

MiB. U a Bradlsh a Orand RapMa
malMd tbto aoralag after aiteadlng
tbe weddtog of Ctaode Carter, her

aied. Only fourteen ca.s*-s art- n-i«irter, bin the eondltlnn Is serious and
Mayor To.ld and the health oOn- ar.lakliig Mrlnct-nl measurt-s, Work In
the East Main street school 1« Interfered with, as a portion of the sick
ones are teachers. It is suspecti-il that
milk purchase*! of a certain milk iba!
er is Ibe-eaiisc of the iroulib-.


i:i'< Stoto Stn«L

Cite Pbone {*9.


null r-,r sll tlx


We have pianos here to
match the furnishings
of mansion or cottage,
pianos of the highest
clxss; pianos that arc ar­
tistic from cverj- vi.;wpoint; pianos that the
worl'l’s great musicians
say arc the best.
:il'itii3S for testiou
It niliikecoiiilitioiisOur tnotk-m ayaU-Bi'of pi­
ano tt-ltine. m.-irkini: I'to'li in
atmmeDt in pinin fipin-soi,
siiiallest jsrssiljlt- oi.trein -'cii
sisU'iit witii Ii-eitimat- Imsi-

..-x... to hr



730-733 E. Front Strent

is-tl. I'l.. s—J»« *mUf,* to. sows

We have moved our stock which was in
the brick buiding, I'-I.j State street, to the

Senator Foraker has Iws-n hmiorert
by having no 1-s. than Tih> pirkanlii
nl<-s In Ihe aouihern stales niitue-I J<s
seph B*mson Foraker on account of
his having amended ih*- rat-- l>iM so
as to provide Hial all person.-* pu'Ing

Baigaiss in Slishtly llsei
Pianos and Oleins

bulky ^oods. wr; .ire offering Buggies,

This Week.

etc . at a big discount. These gooods are

.-qually eno.1 arc.inimo.lai U.ii. ..... ..
trains. The objt-ci of this provi»i-.n
was to protect n-grt--s againr ihoperatlnn of the "Jin. rrow" law* in
southern sisi-s
Tht- senator's mail
was flotslisl with letters from Ih--

Moore building, 129-lS^ Slate street. On
account of lack of room for many of dur
Wagons. Harrows, Land Rollers, Plows,
moving rapidly at these cm prices. Come
while the; stock is compleie.


iiiiiti '

“standard" and at less price than the trust


sells them.




' our Johnson Mowers and Binders are


Kimball Music
M. /:

Klsh'y, and said that during the civil
company of cavalry
s i>f wealth

TrmttTto City. Midi.

ness melliisis. ifives--a.-li ciiatomer
full valuu lli-m tin- ol.l wn>of makifu: die priii- nwifli
tbf poi-kfiiiook


large cup. .|ec*inii.--l arti'iii-1 '(,»
and bott-Hn; six large spoon--, an-i
small spoons

Though since di
. .she V
to him, He Is at present'.
sent a p

alyilcthe w’ay In
wBeh ev.-r>-hn,g
rmour Phlllns of BaMIe Creek,
uses her, Sh.- U not pn-"y In'
large man. became angered at Job
»radto* eevcral daya la tbe aty.
she looks smart, ilk*- every Am-ri<-an.
Krun*. a slighi latl. and picked him u
Jacob Baker and vtte of Mt. Heesand threw him Into Kalamazoo riveW rmuBcd to tbelr heme Uto Bora- Inews In Traverse City but thU
^ adm M4Mbig mme tlBe la tbe matter concerDlng which be will gire The boy woubl hare tirownetl bad nc
becoming eolors. hut that may Is- m-In the
d him. Philips w
lime the change In M.r. Montague's
"My knowliplge of fonthall Is all 'bat
.1 the annual rommencemen. exer­
bnsinen aBslrs^wlll not effect hU resiv*sl me from Injury, ir-sstbly d-all-. '
be expects
lid Prt-sident Datid Siarr Jordaa of
locale pennsMotly In saae twlab- Qanraulvs. D D.. U, D, president of
a A. Tarwer aad wife ratal
Stanford university, in sp>wking of h!«
itoked bastneas at do distant date.
Cksamlib tbto Boratog aflm m
wiib tbe singing of Alvin B. Cllletl. a experience in a eoillsion of tw-> Santa
mme tlBc ta tbe dty.
pTomtsiag yonng harttone la the rob Fe passamger trains near Cofttoa. Dr.
BaidtW Aaaoemtion.
MlB Ada Neumoa to veadlag a few
conserratoTT. that be at once, Jordan wms siandlng in the aisle, fell
The Michigan Suie Bankers' <
Is shoBlder and rolled over In (hc
days at Pooch,
while tbe program was on. railed him
latine which Beets in lu annoal
soUon at Oiuwa Beach this week aalde and made Mm an offer eff a po- ba-si gridiron style.
B. A. Rasaetl aad Botber of Oemil
President Roosevelt has an account
lU have three retwesentallves from slthw In hU ebolr In Chlrago aad a
pamod tbroagh tbe dty tUs Boralag
to Wash«tbolr way to Mantotee.
raverae Oiy. Bamort Garland of sebuUreblp la Aimonr instltate In tbe at tbe Riggs Kalloaal
Ila. B« ptotoed tbe BcUod o( togtno. The keokkrapen have no cod
the Bute bank. C. A. HaatBcmd <4
, JOB* ABea IkBaaOr of
Mrs. Osra Lwytoar a Kalkaska
tarwed to ber boare tbto amnlng al

Headquarters for the O. K. Line of McCorm'ide Har:
vesting Machinery, Carriages. Wagons. Imple­
ments; Harness made to order: Repair­
ing promptly done.

Latest and Net
Designs . Rci
L’Art Nouveau, Colon­
ial and Inexpensive
Cottage Uprights.

The reports of the typhoid f.-rer epldemlc at Jaekstm h*ve heen exaggi r-

have sent A. S. McKinley, aged T4.
ome in Elyria. O. He elalmed
cousin of the laic President Mcof recognized success.
Montague has not y
lunced his plans for the fun
stated that he will take a long rest be­
fore he makes any arrangements lo
re^-Dier buslnera life.
He declares
DOW tajte a varation.
which he has not availed himof for neariy ihirty-fiFe years.
Is prohabic that be will engage In bus-


and other of which is th.-lr marriage. Mr. an-l
members of the family arc expected Mrs. Harper will shortly return to Af­
here the coming week
rica to mak.' tbelr h*im<-. Th>- groom
John R. Santo paid a brief visit
left his nailte coiiniry for the first
Chicago this Wfek. Ho eootinues
lime in his life when he came to many
the woman wbome he bad met and
vaintble property here. The latrat
loved in tbe dark continent.
a Mxty-foot concrete dock In front
Waterford farmere f.-ar that next

south balling him as the uam--8ke of chrisi-no-l.
Mrs. Chsunc-e J lllilr ha* pr-f.-ni
e-l to Ihe Fiel.l .. ...... ...
M-is- iim.
Chicago, s se- uf esrlv B.tman siU.'
dug up r.-.-.-nilv near Xapl.Stato News.
The poor auihoriites ef Kalamazoo

rwr as a busioess man ha. b-

favor us with a call? More set up finished VEHICLES
to show you than any other retail store in the Stateall styltH. all eradcs, all prices.


In order 10 wnl Mls« Gertrude Clarke

bar this week In i
summer resorts. The bri-1.- and ero-.m
I of the forty-fifth an­

-The Garrison " has lieen opened
of the grocery
iU owner, Gen. B. H Grierson. I
r.. aad
W. L. WDaoB. Jr.,
and wUe of Klnga- the death of Smith Barnes, ihc former and Mrs, Grierson have with them t
iSger. in June ISfil. Hr. Montague
ley are tbe goeau'ot
If r.
F W. WIlsoB of
Ittler's sUler. Mrs. C. M. Covend*-r.
then elecled secretary of tbe Han­
Mrs. J. M. Irwin of Qulnry. III.. M
nah A Lay MereanUle t-ompany anil
Mn. O. NoftbaB ef Petoekey pained
elen How.-ll. UDColn. Neb , Mrs. Jen­
made aaslutant general mauager.
nie Hamlin. Chlrago. III.. Hiss M. E.
tkTMgh' tbe city Ibis
A year later be was elecied general
Chlrago. and Miss Pranees
raato for Ooekewia.
ger and In I»00 was elected treasWoodard of Atcblcon.
Kan.. I
r. W. Snell Ot PatoUB to la tbe city.
orer. bis office then being, secrelsry,
learwl -‘Sanny Side" for the se:
O. N. HUIer ot Cbcboyean pasacd
treasurer and general unanager.
are busily employed getting
tbrangh tbe aty <w bto way to MantoMr. Montague has grown up with
the business ot the Hannsb A Lsy
Htoa Mabel Waller retaned froai
Mereantile company and has shown
Hbrbor Bprtan thli
excellent business ability In handling
atoaoded tbe ^raorth LeogM coDveoIts very extensive afiairs. He has for Moore of the Eastern Star and P
years taken an acUve Interest In Grand Marshal llrown were In '
Boben Dewaec retaraed from Har­
rlty Friday and held the school
public maui-rt In the city and has
bor Bptou*i thla oftenwoo.
instrucUon In tbe 'neai loilge rooms
served the city as member of the enunJ. Batter ot Bto Raplda
la-M evening.
ell soil also as member of Ihe hoard
From 4 o'clock
dW today.
ot education, the latter otfiee he bold«
W. B. Roblnaoo of Hoaor transacted
tbe present time. Dnrtng his yean of the local order acted a* a reception
baalnets la the dry yesterday.
They were; Mesdani*-*
of service with Ihe company he
Ramsdell. Marltm Oorbeli, Rti'h
L. a. Ball of BIk Rapids was la the
J G. Rai
enmnlated a competency and
B. K.-I|e;
Iley, Anna Soule and Rose L.
aty yesterday cm a boxlnou trip.
Then- were t*-n rlsdors
F. B. Scott of Petodtey was la
rme lodge and Mrs. Peieraty yeaierday.
from Maolstee. was
Iso a guest.
" P. C. Ollbwt left fv FVaakfoR this
A. : o'clock ion ladlei
iip|ier and Ihe follnmli
^Mtollarga'ret HoMea baa returned
erv<-d by i
' INB St. Mary's aeadeoty U Hare
•olaio Salt
Breatl a
Ooiae tor the anmBor vacatloa.
Joha r. OR .left lor Cbteaio tbto
Individlll Strawberry
BorOlBga 1:1141
• Coffee.
After the snpp*T was served several
lurs were given ov*y lo the instrurProB PlMaya Rceord.
iiD In IiMlge affaire.
tAwto Cbaae. uncle cf Robert Cbaae.
The ocfielsls passe.1 on to Acme this
lauiaed to hit borne In Niles this
ornlng. where they will hold another
eeting-thls evs-nlng and from
ley will romlnue on tbelr
through the northern part ot tbe

Mlaa Baste Tlatoo weal 0 Big Rap
tbto araralng.



Smith was arresie.1 at St. Chari*-..

niversary of bis class.

• aty.

Won't you

rieldedithe knife.

1 bis UDcte. J. R. Santon. the pa

George Dlttmann. Jr., and his bro
mi iof ClDCiRnntI
. Arthur Ihltmanni

tba people of Tnvetae Oty wlU be
trttlag- Tbe retarwA however,
■Inn- April 21. 1KT2.
ptaaaare utd aew oeqaalataacce, both eniered the emplo) of (he company at
la a aodsi aad boiawt way. v
as a rlerk in the gr
partmeol and remained In that poal(loa six years, and was tbeo advanced
to the bead of the departatenl as foreI la the aew More new occupied by
Pnm Tbandara Beeord.
company. He retnaloed as forePblUp rmrextela of nfe Lhke to la


just as line as can be had for the money.

.enAT“by Judge WIsnt-r of Flm.
bln, >esr> pre.l-l.t,. <d Smith
avc,«r;,eg,.. .. ................... retire this
st.-allng *22.1 from his by the .r...t.-« ...f--'-)
Rouoson of Undi-n. Rol.mwm p„„.. |, f.-r an.sher y-ar s' l.-sc. Ti c
,o Flint to the circus, pinne.1 the
do no. share Hr. S-.-ly-'s em,money on thf inside of his vest, an; vtrii.m 'bat hsviiia r-ach.-d bi. «•-reiorned lo Undeo with ihc gtea.e. eni> Or^I hi. days of u.s.-fuln.--s
When he , ar. over


Cordon Manger of ClMitnitl,
as arrtved and is putting la on
Is father's rottsge -Sans Sooci."

You have the saiisfaciioo of knowinn that >-our CARR1.\GE or HARNESS is cver^thini: that is convidcrt:d GOOl). yuality and -<rvke are never overU>ok«i.
but we like to have our

The children’! triend—

Jayne’s TonicVermifuge
Drives out bl«ii>ii impu^itie^. Make-; strong ncrv« and muscles,
(live- lone, vitality ami ..nap.
o i*M.t J.-u£i;ut

To Core a Cold in One Day



Tb* tell <R tltc
tMCC U». »«eert»«
or mtf kol*
br*n« l> tb* Iasi, c.r-

ilhaa A Id A la In M
>Mb If OAi al

cirit eoBTt brfoiT JoS*»
bAbasi eorpBH «•»*§ *oj» b*«tni i*c
VMM Ago. ABd Ibe prtUtOA o( WiniAB
J Babisa. vbo «A» MvHWTd BBdrr
tbr U* or 1«S for A «ro 10 twMJiy
,mta- leno. tat U brM ««-« tta
ItU UT. *A. tta bAAU of Ar*0B.PI.I.
Judge DatI. tadlcAled rro«D BAiir of
hU OD«Uoo» UiAt be TAB fttoDAlr imvltfa >be OBroBAtUoIloBlIilv
|«r BBder Adrtoenjem And e1H file
eptaUoo — tl-N. tbl. vert

i.^tK 1^1 «•

siloer troaM* prere opoe Ibe muid.
u.i»..ManiteMB<aBliilioti: taot;'.
viiror aod cieerfalecM vxn dlBppcar

«•■ «>y
Y.W -III l« Blfci

1-, a«kl.-r an riatumaiion.
-ill 1 <v>a t-ll yon staul y.*»t*^‘k


do- Op-r.


•rer tajt tbe proeeWSiag P>eA. tbe
Mner .m go to tie
Tbe cniAAde AgAlaet oAcJeea AlAugb-



a that trtlle wllb niid endnuger U>« bmltfa oC
luQuito ud Chiktrvu-EsperU-nee agwlust Ksi<e


Candidaie fo'r

ter btawei hAA beee eairied fT.U>n..n>. for Bote thAB
Idudilcr U<I
...I uat t
direction of ihe WoBenYji,»l,ii a« ni..fl iieopicMippo-t.

The State

Cftrle imptoreBtat
able witli k«a«.'v
nU (bore U MI A bed IooMas
j;renl n
andlmli nmnl tlic
laeinAg AlAUgbler bcwM Id tie rit;. ~
niil'l ami Ibe BDioiiate cl
ip>RCA>t Uamn realued. Il
U«e tbAB tvoHhlrdi of lb* B*At eooiKCUt*.
imin la KaUbaox) cob** (roB
local bowl- ’n>e orgaDiAAlloe



. irai. J 1 m». ni t^r!l>. in-nut.


Has livfd in Gr.ind Trav­

• the ad.
A crcry







f 8«an tlie Signaioie of


H.isinfYis is fanninp



UHum bclirft'iT

in a rL-vaOd primary law.

t «*• nirir—' Ai A oaea oeoiI ot entbBilAlllc dUteoA at the
• .flAlATdar algbt. Then II Pomplalns thai shap«<h..uma for i
, made knoim by the aolldiliu than bnlna In sceuring a govmi
Ittee that IIOAOC had been prsilion. sue has paperR to ahow Ihai
r.'ccni civil acnio- cxamlna '
Id for Ibe purpose. D. II. Neliam



s-iippoinT o(






^iSrr-------- "■

The Kind You Have Always

Unili d Slates. Scn.Yiv.

In Use For Over 30 Yean.


it be would, for the eon- Bht- reached tlii- lOD mark In i*
branch cxeepi two. When II cam
lag tbe balldlAg (roa ita alie. glee the physique, bowerer, abc fell down
tot At tbe oofwer ot Hlehlgan and folly. Dol lining lall enough for
VaablAgtoB alrMti tor a T. H. C. A. width. She adBHiB ihai her weigh!
praperiy dlstribnled. but thinks,
bvUdiag. WIU tbe Nortoat aebool
ML n«iAat II la tall that tie beti poaltiona aboold not be tiled with czceaidvc referenee lo aliapcIlneaB.
MAAlUe ____
Justice Dickey of the New York
d vaneo who
suie supreme court occastonaU)' en­
or A bW>er edu
livens proCTH-dlngs wlih Jocular re­
1 cibuin la their
marks to witnesses and lawyers, his

BMeratkm of 11 aad tbe coat

In the Pantries
of the most critical familie*.
dub houses, hotels miJ


“Best” Flour

tb^w <

honor being careful generally thi
PMcr BbertS Janes M. Hugbea.
laugb to aol on bimself. The other
me Mile eaet at Manball.
day, bowevt-r, a young lawyer lurni-d
Attacbed by a avam ot beet be
Ibe'tables In a clever fashion. He lu ‘
WM trrlig to blue. He sraa atOAg
toborlng through an opening a
MAT tUata. ■»< ■Art racapliig to tbe
iltcaa. when the court rt-marked rod
boAAe eoUapeed tron heart taOtte.
“Why donY you tell us whai th
Boetore think be nay reeoee
Is abonlT You're taglnnlng
.aenMAry RMnway of tie aute
the end and going backward like
«mrd ot hemlti bai goM to U>*rtl.
rrah. I donY like crabR." This gare
«hn« •fteea caam eg snallpoa Ai* rethe young lowyer an openig. !t<
mrUd. Me «fll sM tbe tocAl beAlth
boring ihal'JuRllee Dickey llv
mien IP tBAlatlmg apoo reporta ot
Ncwbuigh. be rvtortfd ol onev
•mMA tnin aU phyaidaaa. and entoreedonY like crabs, either. As a natiei
rmM ot gBaramtloe.

of tact. I dod l like any cniataceaa
Janaa W. McQAoew of Owoaao. now and alace your honor has opened tbe
1» yean of Age. baa rertmed from BUbJecL pemli ne to aay that ospeMe« SoAMad alUT ttty-ave yean ab- eUUy I doaY like lobsters, and
aoM to *laU
Trim et OeroaM Hit boto,
MBCee. OPL. when he left.
Mde A (onue In ninlu and to sUll

CMAtam Is ft luirmless Mihstnutc ftvr Cftator OIL
fpnrlc, Ikmps Ami NiM.ihiim »yni|VN.
It U inmiAWit. U
potiLnins ueltJii-r Opiiiiu, Morgihiiu' nor other JinmvUO
Nihstiiuee. Its aire i« iLs |rtiummt-<\, U destroys WorM
and allays F.-v.-rlNltne-iN. U « .ir.-s ULirrlmui and TVIud
Colic. Il rrli.-tos Tis-iliing Tr-t.iililes, ciiri-s ('oiiaUpftUoft
and f-Tanil.-iiry. It asNiniiint.-s ihe Pixsl. r.-rulftt«« tbe
KDHUjU'h mill Itow-cls, gliiiig b.ollhyaint mituna atarnpB
Tbe-Cbihlrcn’s Iftuiacra-Tbo MoUu5P*s F'newL

Gram) Traverse

MldMVored to CArrr 'be cruMdr
.have a iatu]>lc laaO*
Ibv tnail Fr«-. aHo a BBatfAMM
other pert. « the atete tbrouah
pai^let tellinu all abuoc Swanip-I
lOfMotuT. Tbe BieBbeTA will proiOMJ Appear befo~ the leglaUttire
r &
•nlA At Ibe nest aomIos And AUc

Tbat ML PleAAAAt U goiag io hate
r* T. M. C. A. ornAiltallon and build-

tMo fDM Ton Hatre Ahrayt BooctoU »nl wMk* Mm Mmui
in Bse Ihr «v«r 30 years luu borno tM alRMtaro «T
— Bixl Mm b**n ntiMl©n»der hia per-

David G. Chandler

h.or if.-lim Uiechdi
rn it obeokl be able U


iMtrefilaer <■! luimanitv h|io« lie-n>«I to CAr^ternAl
trivia or .Abi-r el,»*SE”rt' a'l'ur tial h »o-p«.-;

a lilllr eS-n I.. ta
-I lie- l.^aA.1 V>-i

Itai 01.-.V
lon-nu louwo. Tbe tin! Mep
i.L ib«* few l. A rarelal r.aiulAall-m U T-<f ***’'>•
.ho.^ •-

J herome *o pre^»lctit
7 that U i> txA oncoBfor a child to be
' b«»n aSined
~>ned eiOi


The Willtom AUeo SaUb .TnsW-,
..ig Men's rlaU>as taeo lnr»ed and I
lbs tt.-Bbera mill talk WUltom AWenj

Fdotiii wm Fn mtiv rm m fni» mit first place. Will
\.,ti not give it .Y trial?
AnIc your grocer for a

WeU«, Jnd** ef



'b.mi-lder or b—noa. in ili-tirasd Tietee—
I H-nU. a ■—.|-ror prieiod end eimdet^ is

Paris Green
Cbat Kills

eapedany I dislike them a la Newtergh.” The trial ptoeecded to a o
elualon wttboul further reference
naUera outside the tow and the «

tbsndero ftog


wicnwiB and healthy.

TlA elnna pwade at Albloo ««toed
tn ywAAvara aad one alBoal oaoacd lawyer who
Ihageaib of Alton tiftsor. One
worthY soat
grtghtened at Cbe olephaoto r

lloratnan. Ihe ClneliuiaU

Thu killing power of Pdriaaivoovari.saocoTtliDC to U«- pro­

la seeking Nicholas Ismg
In rorgsress. Is runalng .mi
declaring that the presi­

portion of araenic which il coutoiut.

grade on the market.

able to eoBirol tbe nainals.
,^eary Waltoee at Upeer, aged 67.
to Acar^lng for bii daughter. Eliza
hoiM, now aged II. nhon be baa not
gaaa In eight yeim. Be Mya-bta wit*
«tod when the giri waa W montba o*-*
md that oa bli brolberY reeomiae

TORim 81

be gare ber into Ibe cate ot
wonaa at Rlagaton. wboie name l
- -:

Jna lorgouea He baa been In U
mper pentoanto noat of the tie
Mace. The child after a year wl
the KloptoB wonaa waa glten lo anatber famUy and Uied a«i to «bc
wtate aebeol nl Coldwater. Wallace
-tblnki EUiabeth may now be' In De-

Come in imJ «< t our pric-.


$. €a (Uait Sf Sons*

no frightened tic anlmaU that tbe
ttalper waa lo grate danger, being

Wu haw a lirauil tbat is

ot full atandnal strength aii.l whii-L a >- ifuatanbY; to be the beat

Aon dUttace aad droppea dead.
dent's ann-ln-law does not reprvnent
. wibic,4e>kM into a <nge ot Itoua and
Koned spirti of the nalMC."

Cramrat BW'a Ctadtnq Drug Store
i>a wALKeii.
JU4C- ol |-TNh»

Try a Herald Want Ad.

EcMS-Breli Out Al» »i HbkIs
ud Uebs-Sufferinj InttnaOocttfl Said Too Old to Be
Cund-Ao Old Soldie of 80
Years Declares:


For One Week Only

■‘CUTICURA treatment




\V.- ;ir.- ( IfiTinK the biusesl
Whra lh» Maharajah Oarkwar of
^rada waa in Waablngton be Tiailed
She coftgreaaional Ubrary. which grestJr iBpreased blm.

''llow long would

luirgitins in

take a man to read all
hookar be aakrd tbe librarian.
pntaaB after a rongta cslenlatton said
the YAM wonid ooenpy about I7.0M


mnrn. ‘And what would Dr. Oiler
my to tbat?“ mused lie Indian poten■
OcegOB^ new senator, Jonathan
f BoBiae ot Portland, n^wetento a new
' mdm of tblngi both In hto stnte and
; In the nation. He to the €r« senator
ever eteoied by a popnlnr vrotr. Benatnr Bourne will be a bnilnraa nenalor.
Be to a nllllonalrr. He will be
More Harrard aenator aad one i

St,. M it« ™ oo- —>p »■
bmpw. W.0 .Ilrnno* it rout

.-v.-r known in tiiia t ily.

i-noiuioos slock of lam iL-ili

Pere Marquette

12? Front SI.. BonUEiie BU..

Trivera Qlr. MCR.

umke room for ijooila arriviuL*
Inraa Thi» titwtmcnt d*l n>c
6"“^............................................. . The di-ttac. 1
valid pro-n

that 1 wnalwold (SO).


It will pay you lo pnrelms. n

- mill diacanl your uhl om-a.

Here are a few of tb<- many liaft-aiiiB we uft' ill

1 wrei u. an

Iron Beds, lull .i.r f'o. regular $3, now............................. 51 75
like t««dta. 1 had read of the ly
tinira Kreiedka cdire. I wna struirty


and conUnned taking ibr

■died for Europe on Saltirday. le,
tU Patrick H, MeCowen. piesl.Uni
tbe board of aMerBen, In complcir
tbe city goveraBcnl. Tbirly
days after Mr. McOellan r departure,
under ibe ctaner. tbe acting mayo,
totto Seir 10 an the powers and prerogallva M tbe.ofler aad II MrOowan
AooM BAko up.hia »i»<l »«
■Jj «« Mayor MeCieUan'a appoinieeP
thwvta M powor to Mop hto>.
Mtot Dana L. May of Ana Arbor.

u rStiEiti^-rjL’Li:;' "

Rufula. Sll 50. -ith hc.avj auBl., rail at head

wnfer. le Http the urlung M once.


...................... .0

Regular $5 OO. with fancy post. 54 in high......................W

U. i I I IMF

Wer will get you seven per ci-nt p* r annum for
your money and give you an security gilt edge
Traverse City real estate or gill edge farms In

come in and s« Ihe lar£e assortmeot
you bave lo seltct Irom

Grand Traverse County. Mich., where your
money will be absolmely safe.

“"Tbrewro tieatment S» a Ur<e>>«

•* w^ such a ccrati'T._ Yw
UR thh letter as you idcare. , A vw?

Property of All Kinds for Sale
and Exchange

and foot, now .......................................................................................
Regular SiW. fancy with br.Yss knol^<

R. gular $7IHI, 54 in. high, with brass rails on top $0 7j

Thirty ynara ago he went to Oregon
and baa lived there rve» since.
Mayor McClellan of New York


Real Estate and Loans

< Inr

must !«• re.liic.Nl in order to

hay auler. for he waa bore In Boatoa
a mue Btotn than fifty years ago.

-I. . TU«



IhlTl.rt.lL'rf..S^*Xu'7hl >«.


Your Relinlii' Furtiituirt Store.

Grand Rapids Furniture


Tntn. «>>lv •-iiy ai
e ai A —. abJ G Aoa 1
rwnMBa B-And*mp w
r a ftjYUUaa.. w. r a


itaWB TiuvltWH ‘Ktions,''T«rDiiAAv. ju*«t a. no*.
Dtar PRtSfleM-Aa I have tpare dirt iweelTM ta the dtggtiig, iwartime I wta tdl you about my trip from ranged hU diaordered clothes by boyofcc to Colambu*. We left Roan Isb devien of whittled Mrkt
ohe in Che afternoon and all akiag the
tt.iiss, aad Anally both boy* an
acenery was l-esailfi. valli- farm. :eeer<i-i' lun-b provided by
some old klrghilu plantation' Bioiber
with the tittle slave hoaan standing
Sport they threw a piece of
JebBslc ««d CUmee Dnoyer. C«Seme times there U an oM chimney
. reserved for the pnrpose. pt
ir H. r. O No. I
N«ci »eiH Kt
landtag but no booae. Higher np In
h be made a royal meal. Havtag
L«iiTrBf» Dwioyt r.
dlaed. they begas aa Invesiigatlon of
Iscn Ku^. ««e om rtor. Sota.
as nt Ivy aad lanrel covered with plak the extent of the glnsvag patch, which
Ntatc sMi by Vida rtMMe.
Sowers. After dark we passM Vmg might cover ooly a lew rod* or crop
Nlaa Him uul Krr« Mnile NnCllaes of coke eveas and It was HU
la syiotB for mile*.
Brown amt
alnicCT, t|K U iBOBtha, Kamea
handreds of boaBret all bright an.i
■w leaves dropped runsianily from
by Z^la NoCaInRvr.
branches aUivr ibetr heads I.


Wm/V Fm*# f«ttf IwilM*
I M« «T7 M«w to totofy to
ftot MmN
I Mil toy to ta to kapfr « •
•M *M «MM totoyMy ktow

I Mil toy to to tovlaft M|M
WM to »Mfyfcto» m* to
totoy lh>tog tMito. •
If I toto ton to toytof to «•
HMto IktaM. i -M *Tf». toy

NraaWmt. Mabdl ftilaa.

FIrM Vtea FrtoWnrt. Clara totak
•beand Vka Nnaldaal, Hta. IraM

Tha Day Aftbr the Faorth.
•nie SOB looki do*a
With a eoBileal froA
Ob a boat of aleepy eyae.
J»at dTOwiiiy bllBk

AM ab«to to nitDk
It caDBot be Une to ilae.


Thai ebcrrlea and laBObada.

Ito-ereaa and cake.
, Kara hdped to aiake
Aa ardl aa the caady tiada.


na mHsbt pmn ,
On'taMrMa of aorai
Where poader hai left Hi »atk;

Ob bBMered hatidi.
That w dbmttaBdt

I -■

Cedld keep traa tha waatM-apaA.
The nlacblaeoet brecM

«wcep4 at iu eaae
O-ar lawto wilh aaaiKTaekera II
B« eaBBOt diapel
The eliaclac aanH

Tha feeeea diaplay
• A eMaftay
- orarewiTta-toW ieiMtiia;
%hare jAB-vheela vWxaad.
«hd irtaaxlei floea.
Are blackened, oaalsbtly attll


The rUMten atsh
Fhr the day m>e hr.
-• With Ha fas and n«Ty chaar.
Bat their BMben say
la accrBti pay.

My grandma Batey was taken very
Your yirvtMool bopM that ymi are
slek. so ai Columbus we Wl tin
all harm* a rerj happy TacaUoa an«t
sleeper and ben- we have been toi
that yoa ar* Bo« fonj«tto« that II
s week. We bad to take grandma
bt nill haivlrr It yoo are lorln* aod
Carmel bospllal and aunt s’tj:
IbmiiiK/ii] at bone aad try to d
wtlh her must of ibe lime, so Vlrglals
yoo eoo etreiy day to help (aiber jsd
I write aad make pap>-r Bowt-ri,

A. W. Rl- KERD. Trarme aty

Our tnaeber gate ic

a^ho took pari In ihe program a I
; they were very pretty. 1
eetved the picture tor the achool
Ink It U very pretty I thank
r K. I will lake It to school «
beglaa again. I bare fur peu aevI mUe cbickees: two are black aod
Ive are white. Mamma baa 140 Illlie rhteken*. I will be glad when that
nusd Ktory ataria Ibr 1 like to
read. I go to Sunday Kbool whenever
>. We had Ctalldren-s day c:
rises at the efanrth yeelerday.
HMike s piece and helped ring «
>. It is a mile and a half to Sun­
day schtM. Well. I will clokc for thIa
Time, hoping to see this Ib Ibe p

roams at the hotel
plesrail thing to hear ol and k
of the Iniesi nay* of keeping the
shine rnk-s.
Th^ -Sanp- b
for Snishlnt
fCrnitlnned from Lisi Wi-ek )
“Why. ihai's glnr,<-ng mo'-"
e'slmed Bird, advaiirliig lo Ihe i
noil Joining lo the searrh.
The tioy* were iinesrhiug a i
plant, found growing only In
densest shade of bardwoo.1 forcsl*.
Durb di-<Ired beeause a fabulous

manm-r of living, a* tne gaug l-.r.- »■..
e.'il rv|iu<atiun. abd their way* wer
lurried to 111 Instead ul well-doing
-Been ging'hang hunilng?- aske.1
Ullon common In the baekwc»d
amriig Ibe iritlrrs
"Y.-s, sir.- answer.-.! T.*l Iraukly
-IK. you know Ibis 1* o-rr Btioihrr.
"I did not.' n-plb-d Te.1,
I snt|.o*i-d this wa- c.iv.-rtitu.-nl laii-l **—
e*.r.h.«ly-s pai-li -W.-lt, II alo-i." .-aid au .-'11 loridiig

mimb.-r el Iheir parry, who-wt*
d.-i.-d fflor.- stfllsi.T
by the b-** of au
Til.- flr»i ►iH-ik. r adilr.-s-ed
Bopersllltou* people value lbatuliby rool for medlrinal
believing II ha* um-a
and «-speelally desiring pi-eul- to make .k-ad-surT m ihi* Tor'of

prlee was and Mill is paid for ll
u- Chinese.







]|^ «s
It will do TOO ?ood to tet them.


Tbcr m splcadid txbmplw of

Modern Harvesting Machines,
Bad BBC macqianlcd ia cxccutinz the worie for w^ikfi thcf tH malt.

128 Front Stroot

Prpsofds cure Ihe w
forms of Dyv qaantilyofth.-purest I'cpainandotberrwprpsta an.i all other.
tc or Cbroiuc monvc drag* each uUvt cuoutn*.<*ee
Stomach Dtw.nlvt* l.yrep.itnng th.
tunuulaun bottle.) PrpaouUarr sold ar ^
OBI lining of (be stomach sn.l .levlmvs cenua tuKlr onanalMOlnlF guaranire to
all .liseaae genn*. U.-wpepu oisc- cnnl
. K-vev rrturha. l’rj**>i<lMs y.uj. ifyooh.
not a patent m.-lirioc, hut tbr aureraaful a jo-ernt hunk
prvscnprinn of Hr. Oi-lman wlm ha. y.Mir name and
-■* of Cbraaic cei.-epnnaplly
gIbcniCanccr i^.d.ligai.
of the Stomach li ers.t morwy to askafrrv I'cywMt have nte.lor grrallv
produce I'cpsoi.ts thananr simr'.ar,irvTas. benvfitled yoB is, that yoo uvumtnmi!
ration OB (be BUikel. owing to the large I'epsunl* lu your (henJa. Lv-rry
fleid and racomweeoea by



1‘vopkr wiOi
’.ywi>.Ubavema4etboaaanda ofps^

wming the Medical.DepanmeiitoJTto
Vm CbemrcBl Co. CJtltoKO. UL . y
12S E. Front tl.

Nine Fifty I
This is a Great Special far the Fnurth
About 50 Men’s Suits

Con'i'tini.' of oHiFsiiil*. Mnall lois. etc.
m.vic of bfwi ca"im»-ft-* amt beautiful





JI.’.Vi, u'.d J.l'*"".

Choice of this Lot at $9.50
About ^0 Youth’s Suits










matt'-r with
har'Hv >wo


S-l.Vf'an'i S’.VfKI.

.. ha.| <1
ml b«- aun- ibe happy hearts make find, and ib.oa- engaged In Ir. purauli vl*.-.l known by ihrir pix.long.-.T | f w.-n h. ir an-t w.; .".i. m.i
the hippy day '

Your mile H'liisbiner.
I-.- t.-ll nn i
Lawrenn- Denoyer.
h.-n we-ve I--.-B her.-,- *ald Te.1, ’-ail,; ih.
1 m»i. wi’l. v-n
What a pretty Sunshine verse!

Bf1 1 aoilced aomc nagi haagiBg
lab all our memiu-r* would liarn
Thra I MBght eight ad mothM. with
by heart
wee baby broifarr.
Ju:-i have >o .Iraw li ..ii.- h. a.I-l.-d' rot ,’o '.-'I .1 'h. find .-r i-u
Aad dldel wa glee them a aba
Monrtx- Center. June Ik
m n laugh.
UllB*- ..-V -l T.-i. .-...gni-tng >h
Ivor Presideni—I thnughi I wou'
-Sum.- piv>|.V ran I s.*- rw.-lr giwsd'W-" ' t'’- h-l"'
H-' l»--' d 'hbut weroBi we tired? I wnoMn'l be
write lu you Ibis morning. I would fortune -till tb.-y hjve to. .r no*. ' w‘Hi .-.c - uiaury*laor :
like lo Join Ihe Sunxhine club. No
ruIdKvl m It.- eomm.-nI.wl Blit wage!. ' lug to *arr;1i.-.- hi* f-»-o.K iTo haarrh eery often, not 1:
I will tell you what I have for itIs:
fe.-l a* If I had been pounde.1 In -d srh.mlln* ... d-l... r
h :
Thongh II II Jolly tim. When
have a Ilitle srhile kllleU and a bahy
,-i-iurtH-l Ted. th ing sUfll. fnm» I I’.'h.-r from a s-t-ia-i.-t.
brollier sU wis'k* o
piv-md. -Iris hid. -he. I.'I ,b!il:-.| hlm-.-lf l-r
V i.g
nip. hurrah* for the fhurth of Jaly!
Wesley William.
I have a
•r wine Oriid llmlo- an.i !eav.-,
Whai ..... nk. ..f.-f * :i '
htvilh.-r s.-ve« years old: bir i
.-at oor rtlnnrr aad l.«'k ov.-r the
o,'!. a Ia-:;|| -,l ti.- • '.-I
Johnnie filBln H<- would like lu Join,
-t- for irorv gir-m-ug an h..-.r.or' IH,,| bad r.-gar.i.d .h. r.-., -I,.
mday. Jane S.
loo. I*ka*e send n. a card and b
hefor.- we to heme:• -1. f-vllng. of mtug-.-d .-urt.e-i.
New metohcea Jetotng aince laat iw
I will rW- foi this time,
Itother and Johanic OUfla. Monroe
Age 10.
Esther Olflin
Age 7.
JMunle Qlffln
WUBe. Drtla. Alea aad Rnea Bitiw,
Wesley lllflin
Coder IL P. It. Ko. I.
li Is alee lohave Ibrer names alt
M. V. F. tonaMM auh Cradle Hall:
dace, and to have yiut ail belong
prnpoaitlra.: the prerion* iv«* were
IM.h, BM.' wbl.pered Ted. and
Waaler OUTla. age elx weaha, Mnnutotor rial..
foe Orwer. Name tent by Ratbar
CtduBbns. 0,’juac Ik. 19M

.* omn.

"How «n yon lire oar—thst Is


they say.



• ■

*n ilgolfl<-d a genile skren-ni ou their

few Hoes lo k-t you know Ihsi 1 am :hal the rteh bad hi-eo known 'O ra;
as murh as furry dollar* per pound, lb.- wlimlalrd time by having Trtend
bcb, the howdart*. well iBd hope lo find you the >
in iniijuiiy lals.l.' sw. ar ituii ih. . l.a
b'ti the ordinary prlee was five
Our Bcbool Is OBI now; It was ou
and then
ry store* near the PaylonV paid
We boya followed cMaa la the rear. IMti of Jone. I am glad that li li
3 rillli.atlli
l« lour dollars for the tn-*h. on- li-jlldliig a r.-'id.-nec
e had a nlee program the Usi day,
Wa had piacUeed far daya. Ib
Ihe lind. when tb.-y
rpoke a plere, the title briBg "A
polet by-waya.
liuniiiig rhack and had i.lani.ii
A lew mim were regnlarly
Boy-a Mother." Our teacher-* i
Ahd wa pM earaeiraa tight np in
U Mr. tlanroB of Sutlons Bay. I^bope
aad liR-l put II
mrs. camping In the ««*l* w.-.-k«
111 teach again Beat year. I '
Tdto hM Will htdd the drwn. whlls
lime, and eall.*l from'he n.Lire et j i.w*
the third grade.
have a Blri■a friayed “pwa! p«»r
leir buslne*.-, -Sang Ilunlerw.| 1!.- womb-r.-d bow. v.r i
rabbit for my t«l. He Is so tame and
Kaaping ilo>a to the Hta played by
Tbev weiv. for rbe miwi |ari. a man had .-..nOded to him w hai was
! give him »nme milk and clover every
shiftless, laiy
larking 1.. I do'.br a similar srhem.The m-'
day and I made a nice little bed
.hint and energy to rulUva.e Un.l. was mww-.iily .pp.-.r..„. a* r,-ve-al.,l
Herman Is »lck in bed now
Thaa cana mtly Brown'i goat,
the .......... I,
Johnnie-is Joining the Sunshine Crailk- -sang hun'lpg- wa. no. ...............
marched n by rote.
li.1he»aln.lH-r.aM-ol.hep1au. **hv
' A...I *......................... . dead .ure a
Aad. drew the can loadM wtth dowI tbfnk he could Join the SunsUne roll .endene, lo apyw-.r only lu said l-Iore. of rbl. I." ol glug-ha-.a
UU.B11II..* in unfredueni.ll .po's of l.-ing b.r.- when
g.-- iguk
IBd then theiw will be flee mt
Ahd clfMe after him. with hli r
the shadlru.' forest
Woiueb and rhll-; f." and I ’hough.-.he safe.'

In our family. I think ir*
Captain Tin.
Ihe most ier.-**aWe.jrr.".'U'
kids tim. blabbing
10 have ru many mrmts'r* In i
Who ettomaBded thU tarew
th.- 'rip '
I have Home lililr frlend<
.. ‘"C*I vrauld like lo Join. Their n
<mev. thi-relOTV. the Uaytcu Imys.Ted broke iniu augry *p.-.ih- a IIWn the real of n> boya Itdlowed on
Atcr. wnile. Della aad Rose Brow
er.- lamtllar wUh li.. BP|warabee.,<.f >ass ai.d arguaieii-. f-.r w. TaU.-i
with sane BuUe.
.hit* and valne.
(a 1 ov.-r when
-.i- wl... y.m rhai
&cfa oar with hla Bag fB Uta air:
Idler with a little vers
-Sing" bnn'ing was. tn tis naiiirv. a: w. r,- up t.. ai.-l It * all .-itb -l
And m aonr I am right when I my "Beauiy He* wl'htn onrai-kc .-* after all

When we marchtd past our hootc.
Twat at tllll a* a mou»e,


■-Hew 1- your fiemarh* ’ -Harr yrvr


SiM tottrlc. the

That cauaed all the people to itaie.

'Bow do yni.flB4 yoatwelfy'-tbat

bsf slowly sailing la Ihe air like .
grartful Idrd and uare. in a rmali
U!. :, a . 'b.- b..n r-M.
opening, the latlly la..en leavi-v ri or tholi-g.
<ous yellow from a mapk- wen- ;<aeu-d III hlodiii: ;bem .■> 'h-- *•-.
rrr.wib ri 'r.e- ta ’he
whisked Into ■•ddylng -wirl* and earli-d on the wind like a fllghr of canai
-d ibo-.stil of
rluMUi!10 know this I* Ihe raptlal of the
Caltem thia week at Sapahlae toadhave '..u 'sUriu born.- li.
- and wr hare >■em lu 'he rapilol
gturtera were Mlaa Rlaehan abd Mlat
iriumpb riel rui.--!. r-nr-m.'li.-I him
building and raw the flags aad n-IIrs
NeDlc, who fa a memher of the Ban-;
the asM-rubly room, clr.. and the wing* or walked skulking Ibruugb the
abtM dob, and who Urea near Solon.
• of Ibe to-nnda which repretenu un-IefgruwVb with tilark rlripcd tail
itM-"origlnal slaiet- and terrilorles.
spri'cd in warning
h<r young, d-.
8dhm. Mleb.. June 12.'190C.
There Is n large naiue on 'he TMUidlng upon S r dark liruwn cohu
Dtar Pretldeni—I Ibooght I wootd
grounds called Ohi-j'* Jewel*, itn-1 b'r-ndliig Wlib Ihe auiiimn leave* Iwrite to yoo.' I wrote before and did
ar- Just ererilug a large :iat-je hbte bi r inovetneois.
not recelee my card and botion.' Will
of McKinley .
c- H"> iram|>-d «leadily Inland
you pleare tend me ooe? I have r»
One day we weni In the car onl no'lng hire and iliere ibe icll-uh
le mile oepbew. lie wUI ^ a
pafi tbr hospital for ibe insabe and Hirer.-leafed tup almost hidden b.r
year old the lllb-of Joly. Juki the day
tbe'acbool for Imberlles and oo<- aflcr leave*, and ooly dlsreruibk lo thu;..
before my brother Raymond-* blnh1 to Ok-niangy park. It Is a bea-t ramlllsr with the plani
day. Can he Join the Sonahioe Cradle
ey had eaplurrvl tin- sr-rltub lii
place. There are mscy animalroll? Hla name la Nrlwin Knapp Wo
birds and a casino and many dltTereat dlrr-etloo*. finding rlrii pmoi
at church one Sunday and he
of abuodani yieiii. uiiill any bu<
seraents. We Kiok a busi rldabook bit band at the mlnUter and
through Ihe -csvcrnu" and a ride over t-oys arrusiomed to wood rraC would
uld -Da. da, da.- We have ins mile
-Alps- railroad, but we did no' have b-r-u hopelessly lusl. tohea ao
chlekena tow. Mr. Ifcminc-* atory waa
to loop Ibe loop nor ride lo ib- ■'xelamiilon of dismay irom Tr-ri
iDiereatIng. I hope hr will write
rrur-ed Bird to look in his ilUvrllou.
agais. I would not ban- liked to lire aimhlp.
Tlie elder lad wa* gating at freshly
have been out torihe boapltal.
In Ih-iae achonl daya
1 guen* 1 wl
rerv nice and p'eauni there and lurnt-d k-ave*. but Ihey were In ad
mce of him. and erldmily the lu^l
VWt P'oote.
otk ol other -rang- hiiiiiers
■ are many little ehlldren slrk
I am anrrr yoo failed to get the card
IrameillMely the dog growled and
ud ballon and am aending you an, then- and we are going to take them
'hen as lour met imerEr-.l
other, nnd alao ibe card lor the llitle flower*.
have been out lo Franklin park, from 'be iMekel and came reward,
Thai I* a nlee shady park, lu them. Their hand* were Maln. U wlih
Monroe Center; Mich. June II. IMC.
ernier there Is a Urge fountain i-arih and as the glnn-ng root t* lai.ea
Dear Prealdcai—I will write and with gold flsb In and funher down from (he gfpand wiiti ihe Unger* t.
tall yon the twins- Bamea ao they can there I* a lake.
proirt-i It* perfect furoi. ilie nieii were
Be membera of the K Y. F.
erldenily -*ang" hunter*.
With hive.
matii- t.a.lg niirl Iiilost ■rn-''
Cradle roll. Their name* are Mot
li.-v m.T.- rufllilil.r looking fellow*
Age 12.
Irene lUlej.
prov.'l iiiiu-liiiii-rv.
Maiee and Neva Myrtle. They
Ted rigbily gue*»ed ihem lo b
Irene'E anoUe wriirs and tell* what
iin.I work* ;I2I Biiv atni-t
begianing to talk -They aay "hy. dear, patient Sunbeams she and her
Turnmell gang so-rallerl l>■-eall:f'ilinn* plirrnr Xo. iVV),
by- aod waee their handa when any­ sItUi-r Virginia have been during Ihe
of them bore Ihe name of Turner
body gnes away. We had a picnic the lend} days while she hss been ai tfaIhe other* were nam<-<l
last day of achubl. We bad a
hospllsl and they hate bad to slay III
Dice time


. lli-rtran
rhi di-p-'is "f -he forr-iU, folluw
S< load of Ihi Diher*. uif"! the
a ride hut.
r , arc
-.Ik LI the Tura.ell gang, au Ia­
si re ik-eayed lb" ti-ol va? g .»

yiiln Ibe laa*.* beluw
Ever and anou
light brvere woj.d tend a browi- Ir.-. hlv *bi.i ,peelinvn. which Tt..- u.. i.

With love to you and all the, SunThis
Zells NoSsInger,
It mnt keep you eery busy If you power,
help take care of that large family
rhang we re going in row., and p
iarly shaped roots as possessing
Due Ftotrth pf Jaly.
little ehlefceas.
usual effteaey.
T*h» -tta Foortb of Joly: tha pnxea>
Tbere eountle*;; orten'als revere I
toon paaaed by.
cedar. R. F O. No. 1. June 1*. ISOS.
Ihe sirangi-lv shaped mol* *•• bight;
AM 1JBH artak yon cobM haea
Dear Pieoldent-I will now wr

‘iwar a tight


-How 4e yon aUBdr—ibav la tlal-1 -Hmr 4a yon htoe yo«netrr--<k«t

Choice $8.7B




Ihi- btiruh lake* in sever.,!
hii. •- of -.U-I*. .-.i;.- ; tl. I'- L



this lot And

nr,.: worth It a*


than « t Vi o

Ttton; than jr, .V.l.

Special at Si.SO

liPick at Only $3.87

E. WILHELM, - Front Street





’. Blabop Gilli-sphlu was tbe service that tbere were
ChlMfWi'a Oir ■» O«l*0A
i- apo«oii<
CUUmY Oar win be obeerrod at 1^ in mnny eyes and the oIHoUUbr
efaurefa was given
tke Orance ball Jine 30. All staBsen DlDletcr. wbo bad Uvn one of tbe
member of Uhas« tbeir UBiUes are expected to cUacst (rienda u( the yoang man. was Robert Chaw was
><-ftc4 ctiulr from bit conflrmaiIon
ttmt and brlas loseb baaketa and
of biK ■b-a'Ii, havim: »iins ai
tboae «ho eno do a» are naked to far- dlaeourae onill bU voice a-aa
ling b.-rvie.- on tin- day when
wtib ke CRAB. All are Inxlted to come cnosgta In prtweed.
Tbe (dinfcb was crowded
prapamd to enjoy tbe day *IU> tie
young p<x>|ile wbo an- memben- of ib<efeUftres. A One proEram baa been
>nlr. Ill- was the Oral utii- taken.
anaated. Hri. Day, aa Worlby Flora,
Ilurlng th<- present rvei.irship of
baa (terse
tbe exarelaea at 10 a. la.
Another Laoneh.
■ Tbe Ttarerae City Motor Boat eompaay baa Jail ooinpleted and Unacted
a Sac ae« elcbieen-fnat aall boat tor
Martin L. Eo«era of Syeaanie. III.

■U'li Into lit. < linn li and ou:
of IlH-si- lie bill two han- l»-li eallisl.
Ullian ll.-airie.- G..n' Is Idb ............ .
She iKiaw-d away after king w.s-k» of
lE.-ring and was laid away m, re<i
I Ihe blllsld.- near the
of ber

Tbe beat will be need at Leland dartn*
tbe aiUBBer. 8be U elgbleeii feet long
ever alt. all feel wide and cairlea
aqiuiv feet of canraa. Tbe boat
earry solte a large party and ahowa

Wben ileal-h enters a bomi- Ih.- lamlly la ox-rwIielDieJ wllh.un.-l. tbe
heart i» oid>ri-sa.-il.
and Ilea'll Qua1l> r.imtuers
there Is aiimi-lhing In rviain,
thing In nmemUr, bin when d.-aih

The Fourth at Cedar.
A. Kadroraefa of Cedar waa In tbe

lUej..! In amidst tio.lily vigor,
...ness aii.l lak.-s as'.vy a
life fun of pr.ju.iM-, tb.n the

elty Tboraday making arrangfuenta
tor a big Poortb of July eelebrailon a<.
Oo^. Tbe Tillage tUi year will hare
a edebrailon tbat wlU torpaaa all pretrtooa erenu and while tbe arrange•enU are not yet oompleled. there
WlU be a ball game.-a parade, garnet,

I>aiiM-s In eonlusb.u.
VVhal Isibe meaning of iblK, by wbal
w dues a ta-rson su toll ol

Robert Chase.
imi- ail Billl and hi.|a-l.-a»'? a
spi-aker. To tin- vi-btiilRi.
neeo and te>rta of all klnda Oood
tribute all luiisi jay li
■tMk win be famUbed tbimighout tbe
and the frlcmls of Ih.- youns
at an
.day and It It rery probable tbat
were piv«eni In n IvhIv. 8lxti«eii Tbe compom-nl Itorts of Ibe
Ibe imrih ih.-rin V
addlwM will be made.
of his clone aKRorlaH«, the gn-aicr
The wales of 111.- eh.-mlst
‘ tha Tlaltora to tbe TlOaga wlU be
Umber <K whom had l>o<-n hit (drams
weigh Hie mailer c«mi>osing ilu- u>
um boyhood, weo- w-aleil li
iwch l.ii It. value
lltii t
unt of Ihe church. Roaee were
Leel a Fln*er.
i profualun. the glfu of lovlnn views of lilt- wieiiilsl leave ih-- am
iwlilmtti lii^ie.
White woriOng at tbe banket fac­
tory teat week. N. Faalon
loot all
tbe Sngora on bit left band. Hr. Fbxun. wbo U qalte an aged man. doet
■M know bimaelf bow tbe accident occwrr«l other tban tbat be got hU band
Is too tar. He was removUg
Mats from the maebUe and tbe
Ulng be knew tbe four flagera were
«• and laylu on the macbloe.
Tbe Injgry waa dresaed by a loeal
ghystelaa and no serloot reanlla
■nodpntad rrwm tbe injnry. altbongh
ha anSered oonalderable pain today.

The Rev. C. T Sloul took a
First Corlncliiane xlhSMT. "And
Tbelher one member sulTcre, al
jera suffer with li. Or II
member be hnnon-d all the mi'r
rejoice with II. Now ye ar.- ih.- I«<ly
at Christ and mcmlti-ra In pan."
Men of the sc-rmuo ndi ciply
unity of the body but the unity of
If one member of lh<- family lb
taken Ihe rest of llic memliere suffi-r.
the nilniaier. If one- mcsiU-r ol
tbe body la Injured, tbe rest cry out

In aympaihy.
May Buy Fruit Farm.
1 March 14. Itmi, Rirt»-rt Chase
Henry Waller of Oilbago. a Mode
and three others knell al the bapiis«( hnrtlealtnie from tbe oolreniity of
ma fonnt and took the vows anc
faaptlaad In toe.fUih. Later In a cUaa
of ^iBetcen he wan cooOrmed by tbe

UaUng a etemetelal onterd.
Waller baa made a deep study of the
enltnre of agbles and has beard
many favorable reports of ttata region
■ tbat be desim to locale bore It con
dlttont are IbTorable. He will doobtlean pwnAaae abowt 400 aerea of land
and Btan in with Atty mere* set out to
Tnrtotu'Tnrleltea of apples ndspted
tbU laeallly: He Is conferring with
fruit bnyert nnd wUI Ttalt ihe penlB■ala orebarda and the orebarda of LecUnau ewnaty aad thcae ImmedUlely
sonowndtag Trarerae aty tor the purpoae of tborougUy posting bims
upon the varieties beat adapted

When a i- rson vl.v|.s. ihev artall Intents and punmu-a dead. I
wli. n they slwp their Is.'lle? are
bum. tbeir minds r.-si.d
a sleep and death Is essenlini ir> li
There Is no happln. -^s In life sa
through the way oi.Ialnisl liy C.
True. Ibe woriU dw.lls on Hi.- s
f.-atures of <h-al'i and nllots grief
oii-rahailow Hie Joyous bu]>- e.>iilaln<"t
th.-reln. But laiih ris.-s aUive gr.ef
and Ih.- vanlshnl one is mail.- n-al. tut
In ihecanlily bill in/ibc beaiir
lul radiance cf ibt- liomi- on liiyb.
"Tltuugh the loved ones can't come
us. ' said Mr. Stout, "n’e enn gu

d faith I

preaeberw: toe Her. W A EUna aad
prswebm; Hr.,
I.' fiiirni of gri-f bsik IIII to tbe
rama «f fblcago, a prte
paradi'i- of tbsl fi»r ililib.-r h.- has limailon. In fan among th.- young, now reaimg qiii.-H) aBer hl» kwg
>B. and .Ub'-n.
tn's, ..ti-n now il is difUeuI' j y.-ww ol aenm- tor tbe Master
The suddenness of Ibe ran
la well amaged and U«
rv-alire Ibai be Is gone for.-ver. they | itf Bytn.-r has been living I
fiiak-s no diffi-r.-nc- lo ib- Uwiily of
lone In imtiaium ut bircb
il.aTHei.T and li.'sl Christian stdrii u: f.s-ling Iliai h.- I- just away for a lull- i don tor lb.- pa.-t ihirty years b
'.•mnaa exeeUent aouvA
j >«>m in VorksMrv
He also I
ll.rls-rt I'bas.- His cliataeliw enUiwn-d while but w ill U luit-k.
■ I j numts-r of y.ars In Kranee. baling
him U> all. his di-sire to bi-lp Olbi-rs
R»». Hupn Kennedy a OelepMe.
| i.vo M-m iher.- as a nus.uuian. Th.uiaile him e> it) l.o.l.t s Jrlen.1,
The R. V. lltirh Ki-otesly le|l Mon ' |i.., Rk-bard Rym.r 1ms
AI this polut tbe <|a-ak.-r paid such
a tribute lo the dead l..y that all were .|.v> fur Lake C.-U'-va. WU.wb.T.- ,|, ibis eouDiry. but In I
Horaa. 33u Weal Tenlb alrwef. al I
i'tj-iehe.1 aad his uwn voin- broke, ih. i. I..' will attend the sivnoil annual eon over an.l tisii.s) the
u'elivrk Tm-sday p. n. daatoctng tha
R. \ Kymer. Ihe s.m. .
I atti g.-tlter. His inberi-nt r.-ltn.- (. relin- of He- Young I'.sii.l.'s Vi- .
boute eoBsIderaWy and ^torUg aeoM
-loiiary ni.tvene-i.l wbieli will I.- b-i-l >,,„nliy l.irty years ago a
r the tru.-sl g.-ntUnian. said Ihe mile
Moran and ehlldren were la too boont
TbU su.-|eiy Is ma.le up ..
all escaped Injury.
•ive b-adlng |•rol.•s■.u. .b-Lli, I
im from what b.- thimglit was hi«

I Hie Melll.KtlsIs have l.y uo
duty .;r was rlgWe- llis rbararior an-l
struck, all Ibe sblngtea belDf tom
his tan.l lor moral rlghi ing.-ilier w lilt .evenly file .M.-gai.-s among whl.h
away and tbe aiding on toat side brlag
Ills i«-rsonalitv mmb- hint to d.-or i«. ar.- f.Hir fnmi Ul.-liigan. ili.-y ar.
fh.lps ol Thi-shim pastor ibai thi* s|M-aker .1.s-lar.-.i. Tbe R.-v W H
close! abeir and as Ihe flnld desceaded.
the n.v, I.. E. le.v.'joy ..I ^.hlav n.mph-iii.c an Usu.- .if ni.'si
-We Vimrler if (bi.l Ini.-nds ti I
ras ligtaied
All Ibe nnwant Ib
.<ucliiaw. lb.. Ilev H <: H.-aree
jiolders. punted I
Hh- paniry was |•rf1llrnled. ibe tin palt*
llugb K.-n .luilian
j Indian .i-anip
ke i.laee at
young no-n .-nroll thnus.'lv.-s and
baring bul.-s In them like small abut
August from 111.' lotb to
Hie cburrii-.-. wvirk so l.nally Ibat 'be
Ibe holt di-scended. II piaMd
■- .•.Htleuls of Ibe fold.-rs
1-lng drail yet s|«-ak.-ili."'
tbruugb tbe kllcben Boor loaltBg a
H U not klt.iwn why Cod woul.l |s-r
bole In that and etrtklna a package la
meeimil Siieh nn nrrurrenee, vet it eau Is
the cellar AH Ibo paper orat buraad
: arrangeaii-nis in ebaig.- and will
ti-nsoii.-d a IliHe way. had use for
Mra Mand Blabop owai
by him dUirtbut.-d very largely,’i+Vha-e In the cliurrti hi-loa,
the houae
with Ihe aid uf Ibe rnilruada and water
At Em* OaiiteW.
In Ibe fiirenuon iransimitallon oimpaiiUa.
The speaker then eompanvl the elgn. is earrl.-d nil
the barn of CUnloa
The prugram gives a Hat «< Ih-chiireb ts-Iow lo Ihe ehiireb above, of laeli day Hn- d.-b-iril.-s have tvgti
ammond was atraek and coaaltefsayliii; Ibai Riils-rt Cliuse had pas-u-.! lar M-Rsbins of and .-ompel. lit s|»-ak.TK wh.t will be present al tile able damage done. Mi liaaBond. hla
l.eiun ni aie lo talk .m mim.s-iliig and among ibem will
and Richard Uailt were la Ibo
I-- (Sineroor l-Yed M Warner wbo. on
niw and sirkness. iKmIde and Wart stotiary Inptrs.
hara at Ibe llaH- and Hr. HaaiBWBO'a
On.- of Ih.- imisiriani IswAs In use u Thursday. Aiig IS, will d.-lirer an ad
I aches. ^i-ouHli-l and lemplallons to the
oldest sun. Lewis, aged 17. was nevero"All.-iis or Amerirans" l.y Dr. Howard
addition Cliarb-s Franels
land where Ihe ang.-ls minlsier>-d.
ly shocked A pecnltor thing la obbR. (ir.ise, d.-allng wilh Ibe emigran'
1. I>. pn-sident ot Shaw
In eoneltision
aectiuo with bta Injury was that too
by falib I uii.-siiiin. Tin- afiernoona ar.- siH'nl unlverslly. Kal.-lxh, N. C.. will be pres
are bblden lo 1
young man w.-nt to Ibe bouse and to«B
Sunday. Aug. 13. Prof F. S liaek lu Ibe Imni befve he was aware
llios.' who buvi- bi-en
a t'liii-ag.. liiwidrtrb. A M . Id Allitun. Will also be
Mr Kenii.-dy t
Ibel be was Injured On bU mure to
Pi.-t^-ni and will leetun- on Palestine, tbe barn, he complained of aeraila
glories uf rrfwl."
{ and v Uii a frb-nd
assisted by twelve peraiAa In paint, i-speelally In hto bead, aad
tribui.-s |.Hld I.i HoIhtI Chase] inotiinu*"- In colt;
BjK-ak.T a tvndy lehc In | '»i. r s|u-ni a '«

I W rmh

Ihe h.-ant of *.• b.-ar.-m iH-eaus.- Hi.-t him.
bathed In add water and brengbl
around nil right but Ihe paint In hit
of Ibe Missionary suelety of
Olitoat i- t*-e World.
and his eharaeier s'li.-h that in many
bend muaed lo Ireve.
Rymer of 431 West Eighth Meihodlfl eJiun-h: lilsbop J. H. Walh.-aris Hi.-r.- will h(jii^ Ih- a vacant
The bare vraa eunalderably dam­
l>. I*.. Sivn-iary irf the Isiard of aged. the luill billing Ibe gable ot tbe
place w tiirli II.I I MIC .dv fill. The ' -tr.-.-i is In ri-e.-lpl uf a
niilv.-rsal i-si. .-m in wlii.-b ilii- young Isuel.iii. Ei'iclaiid. nuiialiiinc n plriiire MslioiJs of Uie Meibodiat ehureb. who bare and fodowlDg Ibe hay track. A
given a lenlillve |womi
liigli was h.'l.l. Ills proof against l.-inii-l-i.' Iil> falli. r. Hi.- Ilev. Kleliard llyi
bole waa torn In tbe.tnof. a pleee oaf
laliiin. hlH nianlm.-ss and Ins stand Ira it ho Is .bs-lartsi lo Is- llie ol.lest 1i>
Itf a heavy sill and a bole tn tbe MdlBt.
Indian affairs, wbo will be present None of Ibe olbi-r peraons In Ib* barn
Ibe right wi-re surb Hiai all yiiiiog M.H10.I1SI minister In Hiisworld. The
ills duHes permit: lb- Rev.
men emild i-mtilnt.- I{ol«-n Chns.- I.-'pale r Is Ihe Methodist Rw-tinli-r.
at the lime were Injured.
Fi-rguson. presiding elder ot Ihe Rrend
Ih. ir own lu-iterm.-ni. Among bis as ;
Tile Rev, Rieliard Rymer Is tic
A physician In Spain geU Aw cMa
soelaii s be was ti.-i.l In Ihe blghew re.! v-ai s of itm- and nl Hie age of 1C year* Traverse district: the Rev. John U.
sard and ll was a aad rompany of I be iM-gan to pr.-arh the gospel, contlnu- Ibu'-is. Ihe Norihport panor: Ibe Rev. a visit from a worklagmaa and tMBtr
eenls a vlait from a> arimacret. and to
yuung men Ihni flii-il Into Hii-ehurcli'j Ins In lli.- w.iik Mr m-venly-ai-ven William Risliitih. general mlaal
I auppuaed to atli-nd tbe poor tor Bothyesierday morning. The young ladk-a years or |.>ncer
f Ihe crowd of which h
he was a mi-m-|nnd f n wltinh i e im-le ,|lvra_a* Hie


\ Hr.f. BROOKMAN '
Wife a»«> emm .

It !■ flui Huthrr Wlw Chlaiy


Hammer ibiow.
Hedala will be. awarded to
prlrea and rlbboaa (Or toe otoers. Tbe
admUaloa will be AS cenU for adulu

Harry Romm. HanU TUbb aad Albert
With the pregrem eff watw 1,----- ;
la^ moreteg. the eotertalaBHBt ot
tbe day will be tnlly aa good aa toe
pMCraato la toe tartMiBdiBg towi
MnimrUI Aervleaa.
Oaa «( toe l^drat nerrleea
Itel la Cte «Ry waa toe Biemori
Bobm Cteae at Orece’ Bplaeopal
toareb jonvday Honlag. Bo aSoet-

. discover*! that Perona U tbeir
sUed-ljf, aod that la many uf toe all>u .Jf spring aad sammer to wbktb
ebUdren are snbjoctod. Peruna lo
remedy tbat will geaeraUj quickly
Whether 11 Is spring fever or ttomneb


r Is.wei .hsn

pBTB-na Bhonld Be Kept In
ETery honw-linid
Wlien Tliere Are Liltls

Bunalng hl^ Jump.
BuBtoag broad Jump.
Shot pot.

Sbo obBot* eren more Uma ton ehUA
wbo Sappeo* to faealek.
llei sympathy to deeper thaa toatot
any i.toer member ol toe family.
The moHier forward with drwd
to the torrid heat of eumnMT. (htoktog
ot her childn-e and tbe many Uab4U- lee to disease that are before theah
Spring and summor are care to Mag
llmeota, cepeclallj- aawBg toe Iluie
It dost not take a motber very loag to
discover that Perona Is tbe liml frlead
she |.as In tluo uf lUoem ajDUBg toe


The Fourth.
Tbe eotoblaed Foarlb of July eelebtattea by tbe Trsverae City Driving
Partt aiemiaHon and tbe AihleUe cluh
wm be suite an lalereaUag aBal
" Bragram will be given at tbe dririns
park and wHI begta at ItSO.p. m.
There will be three MerAUng bora*
raeea divided telo three ctoaaea. The
program eoaatota of a 1; IS trot, a 1: in
daaa pace an4 a 1:M ctoas pace '
Adenl borae* are in mining to .giiac
nnlee good mere. The beaU. will be
baU mile, beat two In three.
In addition to the Ibiee ncea, wbleb
Of Ibemarlgua wUI be eaally worlb tbe
price of ndulaikm. It to probable that
there wUl be a mole race, a bun eating
coateat and nereral comk evrnta.

300-yard daata.
EiStrard dash.
One-teH mite ran.


u pre-s ut beeaiiM- Rots-r- . >pali ul man's evlsl.-ntv. He waa
euually high in es ;>ears ot ac- wh.-n he redrrd and

church," coolltraed i

xegten and cllasate.
Hr. Waller to a young man wbn t
tergWd Ha life work to the atndy
•SPto CQltuie and be win doubtleas
•ame la busloeta Bpoa.a very tenfr

Tbe athteile ptogram wUl be aa fdteWA a number of local alblelea hanng
Aaclited to remain In Ibe dty rather
than ge OBI of towBT

Fates 711 U

IheUaie. Don-t wait until toe child il
sick, then tend to a
hare I'erttoa ou baa
IT liable to aentc
Indeed, most of toeaffeciion*
of rhlldtaood ar« raurrb,
AH forms ot sore throal, quiOST,
ITcrenl pUa
•r. rur.ahas fou
Bianr liomee I*
ointama no narc-uc of aar kind.
Feniaa, if takeo according c. prtnud

', lican

itaim Ho HaRPtica.

J try Perena. and it
work-slUke. Charm.

Peruaaqulckly rell.-rm tbU coBdlUom
f tlic mucous membraare. Its operaon Is pruiiipi. the children donut dielike to u^tl.e medicine. It has nu delems >-^ts
Is any (art uf tbe body.
Is In
simply r
tbe cause ot Ih*
as aad (sstorea lb*

Every mother who ffU not tried
pereoa tn her Isimly should lamlllante
herself with Ur. Hartmen’s bcsjfclat.
Life. This tsjitolet shoBld
mvet val
ral-Mv .,:l,.f Hill.- t.iy, Alfred,. Is-in every family. Il gives mvot
liable advise as u. ihc use uf Perena fo
IWO and a half v.-ar. ..Id, ha. I
le varluusestorrhal dlsstoes so geaetal
The Beaefit WUeb Uie CbildRD^of
He Doctor Boqaind.
Peruna la a bonsehold rem^y for aU
tbe Daitod StatM EaTe.£eeeiTBd
caurrlial allmrats of Wlnler aad sum­
Mr.FAwird Oll.vP?: Dc Soto etrea
mer, acute uv chroole.
Ft. i>aal, Minn„ writes:
Fram Pe>ra-Ba Caa Serer Ba
t o! aame beaetll to otbers. as / leel
Tbe mothers all ovtr tbe Caltod RUIa
"I cannot say enongh for Perena.
■ Kr.G.H. Ksrmsr. New Martinsville. , itbQUgbleaaaotpralte It eaaagi.Pat Into WoiAg.
re (he Wt friends Ibst Perena has.
hasdooe great work in my family, r
W.Vs_ writes:
—Mrs. J. C. Slerllag.
li.'clslly fur my oldrsi^U-y. We h:
-our mile son. Harry. U well and
. Howard Andrew Hietaer, Muddy
The chronic ailnieuV 1! ha< prevented,
d-'Ctor^ with three -r four different I IhesuSenngil ha> iDIIIgsu-d, will never
d.ytorsand tbrf did not seem to do him |
Not only lieenase li has cured lb*m t£
any pood.
j roI at least tin-much can
said ihsl ' aod grow strong.

' iimemn.l won't lewiiboot 11. It Is gW tbeir vartOBi aliments, bol beeiass U
M e know fbM
our little abu's llle ,..r chikir.-o wh.-n Hwy uke a cold or prompUy rtMM toe children from to*
"We gave np hopes of enre, and so I
coming gt-o. riii.m owes a greai
|i cured my hs^y t..yol croup, ibrues aad grasp o( caurtbal 4MdldHivr.balwepullodhlmtoreaghoD j..,., ,0 1-vruna.h.r il 1. in Hie t- od- r
, .a.i, .r*,e«
year. -I y-oth -light .(Im.-nts are : ZZ^'a^uL b^L^Z^IrVlLp
M e havv la oar Ale* m*ay issttmoready."
Dlals fromDDtberawboan khUdren have
aaU Ibeycoakf do DO more far Um. aa thus hlasilng toe whole career ol toe
— Howard Andrew Sterner
been cared by Perena. However. Ih*
. e Ifie/Peruna as a last resurt. aM Indirnlual.
large majority ot mothers wbo *so
tftnf dU Ibe work. Sine* Ibeo wel -y,,,, tn-thers who are tiriBging op write toyou lor Ueatiu-iii
keep tt la tbe beane all tbe time, ‘•n
■Edtrard Otto.
o btor from a great Dwmbt*
oasrr -pi aking
There arearaolHinde cf homes wh
For free msdUral advice, addrma Dr, apprmaied l.y every honsebold. both as of motber* wbo are so overjoyed at *u*b*
Tliese children lirooghl op to believe
IVruna has been used off and 00 tor In Prnana from the start, wiU, when S. 11. Hartman. Pr-udeni -f ti.v Hart-, a prevcnilveand core, tonsol thoasands special good they tevs rsceired from
iweniy year*.
Perena toat they cnaael restrain ihsir
of lives will be naved.and faua
,n SaniUfiu-ii. «'.-luiiit-u-.iil.i.'.
■ hey become beads ot timlUes themcatouslasm. TbsyanaagloretoaUto
toec beld swacUy cte-! toonsaads of cbreeic, lingaxlac
Such a Iliinc could not be poaatbte U selv.-*. QM Itenaa wUb onqnftnbnlnc
icatanh vUi bnfnavteM,
.PVfiiaacuntaiaeaany aairoUon._____ tolib.
irBOftbe---------------------------enbte and aatuppr befon I began faking Pmaa.
-/- w-ovld
-ovU not be u
liboat II la
le ib*'bouse.
‘ ''
••I bar* a baby boy, tmv years old, ro
god my buabuadalso takes Penna.
-Itbank }Ouand aitb youwea."-^...Hra. F. Btoekm

A CbUd’* Lift Saved.


Tha ■etinn HnU Fmte ia Bifh

w 0—1«««. — oe

-J " '"'- “L"wS.

IB-BB Prataeti (he btin

Madictl Aiviei!'

produce tompitfary reoalla. but U 1. per­
manent in Us elTi-cl.
It ha* DO l«d c9--cl tapon the *ystem.
and gradually eliininatrs catar-b by roBor^ ^ toOMBf (Uanb.

thte U AH «Wl g(M teMbnok


£oiil Itarcnc HciaU

u rnmnm Cur


o Ibe eonnly for Ibla work.
Ur e»«iU« Mr- Md Mn. J. T.
/. (bi*r mlUa aoulh of town,
■srprlaml hr alnul VIkw of
frioid*. lo cMBUrmoimUcia

artKMilfe VOMlM umlTfis
The CTwHaR wu pHunnllr «p»di

Editor ond Maiinafor


Tbo rollowtni mcsn ww aorTnl:
OrwD PedU.
Maabrd PoUlocd.
Calibatw Baud.
Aoivl FoM.
FniJt Caka.
Btnwbvrrm and CrrasMaar beaatlfoJ pmesu of cni (lai
ere recelred.

■ —



b>>rl enmlng in last ^ven.i.: (<

commHlee cm flhanee ways and ; b^rd of eduretluo mwilnn. i!r f
aiiemnled to confer with Ihe In-rt regards Ilmcna a
the mailer of the rale of to- bmuiltul apo:. in Oie country.


Ibe bonds bui as the cast“I-'
Hamim weni
tern of all three banka are oul of the Rapid- tbl. ouon to vl-ii friend- a
preaeni the commlin'e was rv'ailves.
given until Salnrday moraiug at 1«l
W. P Vivian audfeorae Whiiipl.
o’clock to r.-purt. They will also dr- «be Advance Luml-r and Sh.usl- .t
tcrmlnr the amoutil and detramlaa Pa“J- Ik'iroH. who ha^e b.- n .i..i ,,iue
at the I^rk I’lucIlona of the hoods.
fiiivne Cliy this c'v.'iiinu
There has bees no format d.-cliion
Norman Fl<iel» r liai- leiunud fi.m. ,
> vet rendered on the lime of Ibe
hi.: li-hlng nip and r>-is>rt- an
uecUI election for Ibe voting U
able and stice-s-fi;! time. Mr, Ki.-'/-b. r
oada but the neneral opinion seemi
bns U-D a -umne r gui-sl ai ib< >-a:k
} he Ip favor of Sept. 4. al the .am'
liar/; lor wn ral 5<ai>.
me as the Oinnty primav) el.eiior
Mrr J I. Ilci |.allb l. fl Ibi at • i
will be held.
n<nn fnr Jdanlsi*-'UMt In i dan;;!.
of Nelson C. Sismp for hi- , lei. Mis r !■ An liTSun
i>r. j T I'r<-nu—!• fi tUi-afiern'.cui
Tin l.lll amounts "'.(or L.i.|gud wie-re hi- lireiid- lo l r:-:u.
atimeihlng over 84
and has be. o
,,„ri.rins hiv p..:
turned down once hi Prufeculing At. l
liirney gave 1
npiniuu to the
Kmg.-l. . uvla>
board that ihe bill a
leglilmau- and ^ ......................................
|„ ,bo mi-i
should be paid.
of the Kimball music buutn-


I Own

WitheiO a Meaea.
TiH-.der erenlnt a' ibi- bumr
■W. K. F«tU t»» mom eoue deflottiK'lirlde’B parents. Hr. and Mrs lobn
H. FUber. 928 Rast BilOitb aireet. Mlss|
Ir (ortb fJUj aUted tliM >K *U1
acMld Uie democmUc nomlnallon for Nellie Flsber and Edward Martin
(omor cd Nleblsan. He ba. no am united lo marrlate br the Rev. Tb>
bttion* to be *oiren»or. be aara. and
The bride was prettUr
othff Uias to be Ibe bead ottbc gowned In while I'erstan lawn
PMTto lofUiule^of Bit Baidd. Tbe rarrled Wblie camatlona while Mias
Jlis. M, »i
Haruer and rtaiixliiei
•ctiOB «a«o aa a aurprtae to tbe dem- Ereirn Rosa acted aa brideamald
Crare. ar.- .-spi-ri.-.i imme inmcrio*
oentle leaders wbo are of the optnloo was alao attired In white PeraUn
I'elo-bev. wle-re lllel have
tkat be abovid not bare waited until and carried pink camatlona
after tbe prtmartoa to bare made
Marlin was tbe beat man
■xsi IwoweCibr wl-h Mr- Harner
At 'the conclusion of the <
dsiighUr. -Mr^ N. Cl KindKiaiaUoD.
J. \V. Unnmvf .■ of O-lur llapld-; la
It to Terr pn*able tbal tbeae
•rred aud the young i««p!c
who ha- l-"-n r'oppiug al Hie Path
priatriaa were tbe "inorlng why he
PUrc have* ih:- ;itt-itu>on lor N.e’le
dM it .*' So geacral waa tbe lack it eelred tbe congratuUUona of ibelr
From Tuesday’s Record.
Both are ver>' popular
pull Puiut.
iatamt OB the paH of tbe demo
E B sunley took the butt o North.
Hr AlfriHl f.-iuiier and hi« wil- -.1
Urombont tbe aute tbai tbe Bit Rap­ bare mtar friends to wish them
rhe-lnnall. Ohiu. -lup|-d m.-r .H Ihe
id! apfe eridentlr took that sa a atraw plaeaa. Tber wm make ibelr borne on port this morning.
V. Bowen look (be bay trip Ibli Park Plan- on their way to Nonhport,
wticb indicated the war of tbe wind. penlOButa street and will '
myrnlug to spend ibe day at Omena.
e time next week.
where they will siM-nd the siimm<-rFbrrto oalto it “tock of eDthuaUtui~
Mr. and Mni. \V. J. Isaaemm. whu
bat that la Terr tame.
M>ss Hosier lefi Ibis morning ti
have bii-n lu IV-iuskey fur ihe Iasi few
■ Thrombottt the aiaie, tbe repobspend Ibe day al Nortbpun.
A Flna Trip.
lican* tamed q)it |p tnueb greatv prod party
On July If.J.A. Hootague
Mlaa Laura Wrlgbi toiA the morn dnyV' reiiirned lo Ihiik Place I'lhllliniiiinc
ponioB Ibbn ibf demoemu. altboutb with bla yawl Oem wilt go
log train to Carp lake lot a day’s fl-bA.W Well., .rt Si Juu-ph, ronn.-ri.,1
tbe totter were errln* the loudest for Uauitou laland. wberr be '
wish the Well-Hinniati Ilaski-i rum
tbe Terr
'^t was
Ibe Nabma. owned hr FranrU Camp­
F-. J.
pany. Is -tuppinc ai Hi- Park lia.amiod to them Hondarbell of Detroit, and tile Doioma. owned
whlle in ihi- rlly on -uou- liii-im-.«/
Tbe wllbdmwal of Ferrla learea tbe by A. W. Hompe of Grand Rapids. The
>r Manistee.
demoenUe partr of MIebicas without three yaehls will then anil lo Macki­
Ren Maxwell of Cadlltoc wa
a leader and it li uncertain upon naw. wBere they will wlineas Ihe du-



IS-ll. II K. Ik.yju- <’.t>
lUiMiiinii K. H . |V:i'-l.ry
lliiv-i.i. Kvaiik. Omar
lini-bi. Wni. t’lHlRi
Hull..11. l.iii’i. l.-lughani '
.. Tisii-f-.- City


e oeceaaary

K.iiiiiti. Il-I.ii J. 1i;iiir>i t fly

and oomforL


; ttega appointed M. B. Saodera. general
' manager of tbe Haonati d Lay Mercan* Uie company, member of ibe board of

dtreciora to dU vacancy caused by
dealfa of tbe Ute JuUiia T. lUauh and
Baaoel Oartand, umomnt. to f
‘ caacy of that ofdee eairned by tbe
. death at Hr. Banoah.

O d-. Adrian. Traieir.- Cfty

IUMmI. i. (b.i, i,aki' Ann

Ifelflii. lli-ury Piluskey
Pile. J H. Tiavei-.. I'lty

IhlMi . Mr- 11 . Tia».-iwi. I'ily
Hill. G.,. II . Tiaier...- Vlry

I'M.lai. taHi-Hii... Ti^erae City

.. ............. .
Kiii K Tiav.-iK. niy |ir A.H Trev.-reCiiy

I’uii, lir. t'kui-, lb-ltair»

.,iii.-,l. Juiii . Harlmr 14|>rlBga


i-buw. W. J.. Copi'iiilr.ii

Musi, Wm U--JSwo.key

Kiil.-rk. Fiaiik ’I-rovi-rw City
JjimiwiMitiy. H.vr:,i..Ti3»in«- Cil}
l.-«i.. Mary I' ii*. Ma, lUwiLiisMarim. It. v Arl.,1. IViu.key
Mahme. Kailu-Hne. Lak.- iiiy
Mi-f...d, Mi;s Pi-nri. Travers.- City
Mill-i. Givi W . Iiaieiie I'ily

li-teilK-n-er. Mi-\Maiy. Henry
Si'sar>l. I'arrie. 'I'nii rn.- lily
y-41-1.1,. riaik ll. Cadlllae
Tnrl.iv, Ni-nliiii J„ Macl-lee
Vbicb. Knlberlm'. Traveme aiy
Wnail-i. O-wald. Kalkaska
Will'., n K. Tra.e.w City
Mii-k-. l>r. ('tiariiiidi
Winner. A M , IVIoskey
W’.—I. Ru-.- Traver»e City
\..rn-noii, K. J . Wiley

Piano Manufacturers and Dealers. Factory at Detroit.

Traverse City Store: 159 East Front Street.
-'This birttvday party to •Ivan tor yoo.

Pere Marquette

wa aarwi (a a.^0.i.,t^..*|^^
Please either tend ar bHiiJ’R Jigilu With aa many cenu ai yav era nW—


be totd.

To Motlier-. II. Il ls Town

The Ladies' Aid will firmUb ftomm
and cake.

I. P. Itoblen of Chsik-vlox slopped
over this morning ou bl> way lo Gran.;

And the Juniora wilt funtlsli a mutJeal

e'. .- |se'-r i.r »>d.


left IhU DuirBlog .HI iL- Culiiml-ht f-u
pond on the mailer of the care
Unllgenl poor to ihe elfect that the Nt-ahia wnnu, -be cxpi'r'* I’t
« tbe Grand Traverw- spend the r.umnjer.
Mrs. 1. A. Ilarvingtan. vr.d has las-n
boapiiBl would take eare nf them and
provide a special room If necessary vlsiHng wlita biT ilauiEiter. Mrs. Ritas
Rnne .i. returned lo hei bum. in MapbCHy yevlcnlay.
LawIud was Hie guest of his

brolbiT lir. F P Lawton of ibi< city
Mr. lAw.on l« .-ngam-d in
, ,
Jena C. Peii-raen mining business In Ni-foimdUnd and la
aw on hH way to Alaska
aecm to be the one* which are favored
Mrs. K. J Kgnn of Elk Rapid, was In
aad he has be^n
pn-Umlnary dnwinga aad sm-clflca- the clly Irelay.
Uona and present tbem Salnrday
Ml*. H. C. Hitler Is apendiag a few
If anything should happei
days at Acme.
bOBda tailed to earry at tb
Prof. I B. ailben and tomllr are
eUl eloetka there will be no charge tpending aome lime at Omena. Mr. 0U-,


HP Mi.-li.-r <;

J K. GH-wold of Chelioygan. mop
i-d liver Ibis morning bi-twei-ii iralu-i
D Ills way lu ManlBice.


birthday oarty."

ir Alicn-s Fo01*Pasn

n Hall. Saturday. June IMh, 1108.
Cards will he lake' at lha dear.

Be sure fo buy

The Supervitara.
commlllees on equallaliun.

lor IIO a week alibougb the regular
charge fur IhU wonld be 118. The re­
port was accepted.
Tbe plana snbmltted to tb>> board of
sn|»-rvlaora tor the erection of

J|j|;>, K' I.. ktuesli •




b aabed to aec wbat could be deme
■ tbe eurraundlBC rraort* reUltve II
^ oxpenee of aucb advenulng. and lo determtoe dednltely what <r
* «nlred of Traverae City t'
* tbe ameanl neeeaaary Cor i

H,.„o R,,«d,

r.snl, S Us4l.--«. vvta.
Nuuii, Vallie. tbtlalre


From Wednesday's Recunl.
Mrs. J. ebsw wen. to Slights

Joseph Ikirman and wife uf ibis city ;
re ais'bdlag a few days In Kalkaoka. j
Mgbl aeelng and the boat wUl leave rlalmi aod arruunu ami graumls aod
bulldlaga of Ibe hoard of county superabOBt * o'clock lo Ibe evening,
Uiv A I. Roibarhcr went to Kings- i
reura (tip tram Korihpun can be vlsara have bi-en wrestling with
ley ibU morning
Ilea today but aalde from Ibai no'
; made at 8:M la tbe moraUg or
Miss Uirle McLaughlin of Keystone I
3 o'eloefc la the atlenooa.
r has beea accompltsbcd hy ibc
•eni a shun lime In the cliy tbl'-1
An eCorl will be made to aecure eiil. Three plans fur the roUoiy morning.
poor bouae wer\- aubmllted this mi<ro.
teoaloa of time limit on tbe tickets
Mra J. Lovllie went lo Howard CHy
that Iboae wbo desire can remain i
Ihg and the board relived Itself Inio
Ibla morolag
' olber day In Manlstique. Tbia bow
Mlu Rena Hunroe left lor Beulab
' ever. U a matter to be lakra up wttb
this morning
I -tbe geeetaJ peaaenger ageat a. __
Mr. and Mrs, HitIsti Moniagu.- an• boat Mae wd Ibe reanlt will tw an
speadlng a lew daya In UanUK- .
ntavor of holding the spivita
Mrs. J U Munrtw- aud Ura T J
> Mr. Sexton of electloD at the name time with lh<- Oarm-s an- visiting frn-uds in Hi-ulah
tbe Cbicego TrIbniH- for a
September prlraar) while others wi
(Ins Anderson if Pun Oneida I- in
a reeort ediiioa of that paper ed 11 earlier.
■WD lor a few da':, mi bu>lni->s
Mtsr I. Kent ..I Jark-oavilU-. Hi.,
' waa diacusaed, but Mr. Snaion
The commtiiee on county poor


Mi.w.ii i; II

Grinnell Bros.’ Music House

-... res .■ijErpi::,;;’''":' ■ ■■ ■;

Tickets'will be placed rait having ceasMl around the lake the
Miss Grace Wfalppto of New Bullain
- dam have no further la vlalllng Mrs. £ TIrompMW.
use for It fur that purpoie aad have
Mra Ella WlUlama uf Wallua la.In
cloaed li up with sand and w
e rlly today
rltlns rapidly lu l
C. H. Ljrater returned n bis borne
level and It la hul a queoilun of
mornlug after apvndweek! betora It brMka away fit
g a ohurl time In (be clly.
preaeoi coDdUiona «nd a wall of
Howard Rbeera aod wife and Ul—
•bom flv# foel IB height will be turnei
Run SHIvs uf Avon passed through the
cliy ihU moralag on ibetr way to tic

oa tale al pUeea to be annouaced
Uler. ao that they may be pure
•bead and exchugod at tbe depot for
tbe ragutor railroad and boat ileketa
Tbe trato will leave here at 8:30 '
Ibe meralng <» the T. C. U S M.
rlTlag at Nortbpot at »:4S: boat will
taaea al 10 a. m.. airlrlng al Ma
Ugoe aboot 4 p. m.. giving about
honm <a delightful aaRIng on Lake
Mtohlgaa. Five or ato bouri will be
allowed at Haalfibiae for vMlIng and



Mull....... Iletirj, c'lirirl-mlv


Gran-1 Muulin’ .............. ............
I Spring Cbiekc-n..........
I never Seed .................
•alam waar m«h although Ihs* Mftod
Barth <
Nortbpor- ‘Tioiolhy se.-.! ..............
Urge part of the way back.
passed through the rliy < bcf way
Ouylng Rates of Traver
Wheat ..................................
Big Bapids this morning.
r«rn. pi-r bushel...............
Waur to High.
Charlea Rnb and wUe of KtUmti
Ikilaioea. per bushel...
Banlah. June M.-There I
wbu have been In tbe clly for ““‘••jKlo .
IT. |>iT IHiiind
Hme. reloraed lo their home
Rggs. |~ r dcaeii ..
Frankfort li
e of the I
H.irkwheol ..............
inuDdallOB or aweeping away of
. and Mra. J. Eller went to Hai- ('Iiii-keii-. -jiriug
iloa of Soalb Frankfort hy the waters fleld Ibla morning
of Crytial ;ake. which are ixdng bold
Miss Harlou Abbott Went to Klogback by a frail dam ai the oiiilet of
Icy Ibli morcihg.
tbe lake for apecultllve pur
H W. iWAa left thU mornlug for
Cryatal lake It a body ol water nine
Grand Rapldt.
milet wide, and baa ao elevalloa uf

eing used lo float logs
liver. Tliv lumber loK-r-

II . •I'raii-r.e Clly

... .

William V Craw n-turm-d
Last year Mr. Montague took a party
to Chicago and they all enjoyed tbem- Rapids Ibis mortilng.

Tbe boMnem men of Haalatiane will
be piepared to gtre Ibe Traverse Clly
Ttollora a rery eordto) reeeptloa. Tbe
Tond trip rale from Ttarerae City
tweniy-dve or Iblrty feel above South
Mabltti«De will be tbS; from Saiioat Frankfon. which Is Kmated i
Bay. tl-M; fren, aad mouth of BNaey river and on tbe
tmiB Northpon Ti-bo. Tbe
: Lake Michigan.
meato and berths <» board tbe car
Ifaiily yeara ago Ibe lak
hrry wlU be only « <*nu eiiia. The broke away had rrealed n great loss of
boat to oae of tba gneat oa tbe tokes
Itvea, atoee then li
■ad hw aemauBodnaoB tor goe pa*1 lower level and tbe


lk<ril..r.b Ji.bii, Tiavi'He I'ily
lml>, ll;:Miii.n.l K, Trav.-r-e City
ly-sTiiiiii.l. K r. Travern City


asd to tow the pecoaiarT adrorttolot
to|. »mry rfort wm
einiraloe no pt pleaiaro
ant pmtt to the people of Tmrerae
City. The extremely low tatea made
will be a atnmg ladoeement to ererybody who daalrea a eoupte of daya' racatioB ptoamnUy apeat to bare a good

iLi-n- Is l»»Hn.|y iiiiiUmi
fiBlXN'KLI. im-LS i-iAXu is THIS
.li.lAxris-hi will pruv
:iti- .tlwi.ya n<'l<\>uii‘

Uiil-l. T H. KalbaVva
.lliis.ii.i. III.II,.n Tia>i-r-c City
It,ill. II S Trawi w City
J.vir, J,. Kii,a-~ :

Traverse City Markets

ImadoB nad Alderman Malcolm Wla-

iil any t

Recent Purchasers of Grinnoll Bros.' >uwn Make* Pianos
at Our Traverse City Branch:


I. ,h.


Alb II. i; 1-. i laxi-r— I'lly
Aii-iiii i:.<i, feiilrsl l.»ke
l:...,„..n M..„ll... Trsw-rM.

et Detroit.

.. ...u.- K:

Up- liuiiur. uf Musi.- r- ll.ruu-ti .ut tin-MabO.iiiiis l-i
tiMii Iirv liujii.K Uie tiUlX.NKLL ilKO.' IM.VNO Uvau.
ilMUyf.lh.......... 11.1till- u.,.ta.i
..f u,.i„„ii„|

they re

cliy yesterday looking after I
Tskv I.AXSTIVg HK'iMii oaioim- ’Isldrflah of the great freyb water yacht
Mtlr- tneetee entteat Maror Marburr starling tram Chicago.
Olio Horse of Central Lake
After Ihe rare, Ibe Nahma. Doioma
aod Oem accompaoled by the Soodan
J. M. Boswell of Cadillac was In Ihe
5*npropnand egmntoa of the bual- of Detroll and probably tbe Arcadia uf
Cbirago win sail on to Oeorgian bay city yesterday.
roapenwiblo for cnanBoa in prioei
where tome time will be spent,
with great 2ror. There
W. J. Kirk of Hanisiee tranaacieil Clear pork, pt-r Imm-1...............8 18 00
may be alao possible that Ibi- Alice of
near |iork, pt-r p-iiiiid........................ in
iislness Id Ibe city yeaii-rday.
.Shnri eiii pprk.............................
Cbleago will accompany tbe 0« l
Mra. Gllben Warnles and
Soudan. Alice and Arcadia are entrica Hlsa Maude Fisher of Glen Arbo.. ■{>,.
n, :
Ubblfaotad orer tbe protpeet of a
Ibe race.
were In tbe clly today.
Hrai; 11 V A Cn . li.-si..........
aMbl Ttolt to Ibe bwalneaa men of ManHr. Monugue'a crew will enoal
It doeUwd to nuke Imme- Prof. Oreaaon and ana of Chicago. H.
ig mualc In Delrall, Is the gm-wl ullc,Mifi.<b. i-r isiuud........................
i. Mercer and RobeH Priee of this
her parents. Hr. and Mrs. E. K. Mllle:. Ll-ard. p. r |s»iiid..........................
imlUec waa ap- city and Hr. Hnlague's son Gerald.
ia and daughler 'uave returnH :
1,-, ,....nd :
Id to repreoent Ibe board of trade Prof. Greanoa. wbo In tbe bead of
a flve weeks’ Visit in Mllwauk«-e. Uri,t.rM>. |»r puntid........................
la Ibe amngeiiHuiu and at the reeep Lewla loaUlule. Cbleago. baa been
Mrs. R. U Brayman of Port Felward. loai.-, |>er Inisl.-I..........................
ttoa to Mantotltme. eonatotlng of
Hr. Montague's oompanlon on salUng
Mayor Fraak Hamltlon. Mayor A
trips for Ihe past fourteen or dtleen
FHidrkb. H. A. MoaaelBin. William
whom tbe BMptle will fell alihooth


Great Success


James H. Monroe



• s.-! It t‘;c

Ti.-\ .,

liii; i-iliiLiiii/us li-/-auae

li.ij .f. li- ii:->i.; l.iHiiiiil jii'i ••l.ilnral/.1 iii-sl
-I..-S K'.iiiiiii

t'- 'f


I.IipIs i.f liri-TA. ki-rs lof|».

..ii'll— irniiKli-a. toy i-ai't iiij'l pistols. UilootW,

kky ||« L.-u .III . r..,n-u--a ;.r.- b' n-

and 4.-..- rz,u.

cao bs promptly supplied at
lowest wholesale rales.

SS3r-' Hrasir-




fur Kcnomination





Member of the
from the Grand Iraverse
County District.

£ity. Book Store
Bphsrt Cp.

tnptne Off, muk.

(^rand Traverse Region.

Art. BU Roee aod .
CIU’ Satarda, aHerwr
Hrw. P. Swaaaoa. Jr., eatertaibcd
splds aiv Ttidtins ren
-tin weBdlorwf '<>«' daa^ier.
we two rlaien Imm UiUa ITer yeoterHarr, Workman was l KtORBk-.- dvaicHUa Venn Oardoer. ______
tb>- Uiler. boweerr. there <*
Mtsa loa Schell WUI go lo Ml.
Wlltl. Rector of toiler »>tda,tgretrlc BHuew:' th
Satarda, ceeolas
‘*ABRa«l Portan and son Frsd called
,l tbta wk kw a Bix wieka' i
• •
1 Etesentb n
reaturattte modtea.-.
-<d waw
I at Utand this momlog on l-oainraa.
CTiK-ixw Wu.kBun i
"le. 8.
B. Ic.
latoa lYa, drore
Juha Borry « U Un.l ealh-d at Ihia Brown, of H.-nncilsville.
(dace a lew daya ago ItaAins lor atom -T>cy n-atorert my wile to
vlslUng la WexHra. Matt (Wl
ywa of awEerlOE with
mretlbs In .be
dyapepsU andd a chfooKWlly'-loriad
Gcne Fitter of Mayfield »penf Snna.-ctrlr atler» «
HVvT." ■'
and Itulb ai-eaded ebunfa yi-atet
Weiai-1 and Rer. Graiev* 8b^ of Wei
M.-- ApgieGririo alio haa b
b»k«-y are
expected this
■nmbte. an^
> of IkObeke,
Imck. kldnrj
IXlnoi all win r. arm .si burn,- h
ihe aoeitas: Fiw-I I
Bins to ht^
hefb eoodoet
veryh-sly rnp>yisl -lisorders ^*1 •?. *?*
well at’ead.'l
Sa’iitday tor the aunn
the tabernacle- About Sw attended
Co . >. II. **v—- - Kmi« rt lack-', «< hdk kapids am
lYUfc Co. dnigglata. Price j”C
0 mivilBc last rl*htw
Sunday at the bome <
Ml-* Anna Annii "i IH-tnakiy who
Ox rmeu ua.-'
. y.t OUT flabvrmen
mu be.-ti.
Clierty picking aill romiiK-nc, luis,
> been vidllDC her alau-r. Hra.
> busim-ss
X- Hia*-s Hmma ib-UmK. Ml
n.s-k, mioie of the early »an<-iH-K.
Ocorse Hunker, ndanivsl bonw today.
Alpers and Garda Cailsfui tv-turm-d
June 2i.
Mr.^a Mr». Miniua Wllloby
ibeir bomea la.i >V- dneada).
— e daneiOE party at Mra. WrlEhl a. aii'l atleod>-d church.
Mr and Mrs. Thomas Gbertng at
Uy evv-nim; aa- a surcv.-ruMr. a Vl.kuebtl and aoo Albia
Paall, r
pl. St. IMer Is a Leland caller
leumd churcli ;
aJmT^^wMd with
ditiv.- to Mapl.- City laal Wodni-aday.
I Never fidtuws an tajary
The Chlldriti's
Cllmeoa LalK-t look Hie U-achera '**Tbe Meamer MUsomt freigh:
; li-i.klew-. Arwlcml Salve. II. aallacp.
prvspertlea prrtnil
at UUud U»i Thurwlay.
1. Harvey- Is lalkluc of
Ira. IXfkcr Rave a ixslro aud iiawnc rs h-re y.-st.-rday,
Cha* «
Oscar Suildi aas a l-s-laml t-aik-r
t«ri> laal Saturday ereoins._ Tnu».Uigbl Amen.-an wnt. rs tu liM.
luvit's! were; Mr. aii-l Mr». K. Atkin- W.sin.-sday.
'aU-jt t.. pur.-ha«- Ih- Ixiuse In ItM> and Mrs. Tucker of Cedar,
pta-s of the uclim s*m- on hi. i^k I
! Ill wlii.-h ill.- t«x-' J.diti Keai- .1
liid Hra. Ik-lllns- r olHjapk- City,
Complete hlirarl.-s of both Keats
itr. and Mrs. Cl.-vti. <>l Mapl.- CHy.
F H M-ads.C A. Bugbce Urog Co.’,
Mr. and Mrs. R«k- i> and Mr. and Mrs.
iytb.lley W.IM.- Iti-ialt.d aujih. Ii-ne
Jobniuiii of St-liomU-ri: ItetreabnieuU
drug .lures.
eied at Hbe loan ball last Tv
_.nle Sirieki-T, Henry Kii/.. Joaepli Tlxy w.-r,rn. in Mr. and Mra. W
Alter a deli-l
and IVinio
Sehmuiz.-r nnd Mr. ami
ami Mrs. I*


*****'*ju.**i?i r*^" ■*""" *“

o?*^^ to lee Grondma
Niob wllb oi ooee oiora and ace ber
^ bcT«ir n oar acbocri cBiemu..
eni Ian Frida,.
Jmw U.

Mr. aod Mra. A. ML Smllh dtwtc tu
tovene Cll, Un Tborwla,
Edd Martlodolc Itoded iwnkw onr
,..»«« Ian bindUis oau
da, laH week.
(kw. Dpaa
Ueaa baa cemjiKtK^'d ba,10E
Tlx- los. UkcB fr^ here wert- for
i- KeUe, Co..
the OH CO.
Horry Ctai
aa suied laal ..........
KellOBeHr. Blraton. who boa beet. worWIas
„„ loniT,
r«mllt opeat a pl<«
^r!^r«St« ODd
for H ruMpber all luramer. baa sine
_ Olli
,uh tU. J«i Bon M*<1 borne aick. He Uvea al Cenlrml Uke.
Cbaa. rrt.-rT waa plaulliw inla.oe.
«U. - -e..


ri£SoL”SSi.. Bo.Br,.., 0

"“Tr^^' Arery has poutoca Is bloa-

T wllb tall ouol ot Aloln.

The ap|>Ir crop » II be Ursc If BoibDS bappcBa to IL
June tt.

HU. Mobel WeWi *Utl«d rel.lirei


T A. I

clAis dlnu
of CbleaRO are suestss at the Tra
lel lllcntaw •
tb,- Kucal of Ml«> Flora I nienitx-.
Rer. A. A-AlllnEloB aod dausbler
;r.v,. the;
Miss Am,. S..piu,;e i sl-m S-iml.
Mlldn-d an- In N..nhp<w' toda,.
- ■ iih Miss Ib-sie.
nail, eaioe today U-lwi-eii Bmi
Call.-rs at Mr. aud Mis \V. b. Ssj
eburtb tacre Sundo,. there belo,
and Mai.le City wa. a vlcl
out 4 lo Ik
pie Cits. Score was about
r. KantUr. Schmiiiicr. Mr. Km,
fator of cnir
its lin.ihi rs and
Bk Ropidi coiled oo Mr. oDd Mr*,
merer ami Mr. Aikluaou wi
Hre. Worn. .
horn be has m-l
on Bbell laki- last Baturilay and I
jetao Coroi Buodo,.
in, ^r dausbler Hn..
Tlieiv was a
irprtse iiatt;
JOBMO .Duon and odd pennU were
itiim-d wllb a Urg.- sinup of Wa
■’ .. ...........
unlay eveiilli
Ma-Ipe I'addiu-k :
Ttorem; till, vUlior* Batordo,
'^The* dwlriii Sunday lehnol «mv.-nb.f |or.-m.-. Mr .and Mrs. Jid.ii-n'tiin ami eake i
Frank Kou at the ConKn-sallonal
eburvh *"*4rank Atklnaon and
K. U..ld> has
dmve lu Glen Arbor lust Friday.
Saturday afternoon and erenins
•Mr. Alklnwin 1- building all ev>
well attended.

Millie Triide of Traverse City
Iter, and Hr*. Horlbot of Norihiion siidt-du hla house.
r her eousln. Anna Cbai
The danci- at Frank Nmotny's
-e In oar ylllase- Mr. Hurlbui de
Slirnild Ibi- or.-all- o
'i-dnesduy evening was well attei
rered the momlOK ecnnoii to a larve
owd al the CoOKreEs'toual ehiin-h
laver of salt
I.h-i dis-p
Mrs. C.e..rpe Glibcn and ehilditrii
111 nrarolns.
I- Husiw-l drove In, TiaverK- CTiy .
Mrs. J. Kook a
.-.-st Kasooin spent a .s.ut.le of days
B. J. Ullier wa. In town today.
_______rtU,““Mra. R^ViuBShtcr.
..-step lay.
I the Traverw- Ijke tv
Mra. PcBrod; oae da, laiB week.
K. Humm. gi
Miiu Maud rhiwu wi
HUa lAale Tbomaa elOM.-d
imlay to allemi '
-w ol her friends lie,
ul term
tem of acbool loal Frida,
Mr. nnd Hra. W. Kavlaon drove lo evi-iilug.
----------- ,nd a piasraii.
nk Hiitniin
Traverae City ou ThuraUay Iwt.
was well attended.
Ihioupb Util- las.
. Hr. aod Hr>. Lon-u Wurden atm
Wine t
Mr. and -Mis. lo-bivll and elilldivii
Hr. OBd Hra. Wm. Wit
daiuthler Ot* atU-iided the ahow at
Saturilay uigbi aud .. ...... lay
TraTeme CH, U« Thni
TiaverM; City the 2lat.
and t
Mid Mm Keiwmer
-u Chleago. where be has lx-.ii at
Mr. and Hra. Loaee'a Uby-haa been
BOiuC Walter and Franeaa, colled ou
I^Jraug.- win boM nieim-rlal
Jlng the convention .rf the A. S. ot
I cb-trvb ne»i Sunda..
iTwarrmt’a famil, Buoday erenlos.
Ulaa Verna Ganlner went to Trnvleft Sotoedo, JDflnilns
,rae City U.l Wedneaday.
It. when- be ctpocu •
R. C. Garrtn.-r w.-nt to Tiarorae City a .bolt Or o few werica.

I If You Have Money to Burn


: ____ ..ilisic!

< Loas Lake called
&Wb«ai Sooda,.

lae day laei week.
Uuetliisa were held three tlrnea yi’c
erday at the taltemac
■Hre. R. C. Gardner

"SL. «e, wKniehel

!n‘^.il"'Br.“b..i.iitg nim :
d tains. Tbe i-vimpauy 's p
y pmuiisiug.

frvim Manlide,- i
visiting her daugblcr.

Kci-p it

in the hou.« where it

bt: bumvd ur stolen, but
it kept safely

where you



if you wish


can get



any tiay .Tml where it will be earaintf


interest for you, deposit in





j ££irr:ssi?i-.Awb-.

etnre Frames

A Good Coucii

full Set Diners

Six bliiiir Chali-s

$28.50 Parlor Suile

StiUO oak Morris Chrir
Frame klixhtiv marred, woiild

Four Diniir Chairs

All Mcel eonglmriwl. mas
hardw.vod frano-. jm-i two s'

on. tBshU, damasad: anid ter

Now $4.75

i-rralcli.-B on fraiiii.

Now $8.25

Only $7.75

All remnants and small rolls at a discount that will
put them on your floors for less money than you
will ever be able lo do so again. Our price on
one piece extra heavy Ingrain, gopd

Dining Tables
An dialag Ublca that bare
baa noed aa i«Dpl«> on our
Semra will be ckwid out al from
Jfi'per cent dlacuanl Bp. 8cvBl tabte* here that are not even

r»my l-a'tor

Matting 7^ cts Yard

Lace Curtains

To clean out our short ends and remnant"- in mat­
ting we arc not only willing to sacrilice prolti.lni!
a portion of first cost. S ou are not limited lo oyc
pattern at 7'.c. We have several of them.

On all samples and where we have only one
or two pairs of a kind we will give a-liscount of
;j:i' percent. A lot of odd curtains aj, better than
dO |ier cent.

Broken Lots of Dinlnr

Inii Beds
Some that bnvi- Iwcn abown
U m.-iuHtn. with .mall iilcees
v-namel kmk-ki-il oE: an- iu>(
irt a parliele.
You can gel
1- now at a big aarlng. Over
le hundred lu ebouM- fnnu.

Iciy IMo'.Ay,

Actual Cost

Only $9

rheap ehalrf and .-.-me Hi- i-rv

They’re alTCheap Now

Rope Porliercs

All Couches




t let. tbal' h- r I",-.-


-snya’ll ol-iaree ii:

Tbs Bpworth league wlU'glTe a
Hhs 0«rtrate Kartell ntafM« fraa aad Ice cream eodsl at the towa
Friday ereatag.
Onad Rantdt eaiartar Aiskt ittcr
. B. JohaslOB Is ipeaillat thu
■■ AtMK« t£ One Mtfea. Bk* hw
bees viu her coeslB. Mra Tbeo. reek la Lelaad.
Be*. Hartbm occupied I1
^ oTmspIo
The bau, ^ rxstj of H™.
aty oa Baodoy.
Sereral Haaoaa of Bunoas Bay _
tsBdad lodge here Tueaday erealag.
Dr. MePhaU and wife ef Trarerac
Min Uzxle GtoBdmac apeal »ui«AT vlih her pweau ep Um Boertneaefa hotel.
■ua rtret.
The wrecking tug Fsrortle has be­
_The Ladlee- AM nwed tor Mre.
Wa:«« UaalfcM TbaraUy afterwxa. gun the work d raising the wrecked
'A aeator of eporUMi Iron ToJune »h.
Mo htn beeo iMPlitac at the HaUl4v hean to eator the etecllesi trout
•MAS Is ihit TidBli;.
Ur. sad Hra tMoUmh estert
Geo. Arnold has lust erected

frttMe Beater.
Hte Meet



a Beater aehool aai


llarloa Bonles of BLa^ism «
Warren UiH^HaUto'Black of Etsi Bay r
ed telailres Id this
riclally li
week. reinmiBg to her borne SuodJ
- . aad Mrs. CUyion TBtokcr a

Isa Ida Cositade died at $:eo o'aork
was presented with
m.. June 20th. Sbe was boro Mareb
*>. 1872: began leaching school
. of alee glfu.
sen *he wa* IS year* old and was a
Miss Louise Rollo. who has been
working lo Traverse Oty. Is home.
acber la tbe Black and Cotirtadc dl»Hr. and Mia. Bite Tork an- thi tiieis and many other district* within
the county. unUl three year* ago wb<l>
■be occaskiuUy worked lor tbe Hccoastal term of school la tbc Nicker- Hanu* famous store. Sbv- had man;
dlsrrlci today.
(rk-ndi and wa» an eMImable young
The Mayfield andI IParadise town lady. Sbe leaves to mourn bur toa* a
ships will bold a Bunn
iDday school coo falber, lunr brothers aad two altirrt.
who have the svmpalhy of the cum
..- ai
the Hu
house next Friday. June JS. The pro- munily In Iheir sad beieavement. She
was buried from the 8t. »>*Dels
music, an address by Rev. Holsaple u( ehort* lYlday
Traretae City, dlscomloas on subjecu touchlug serm
pertUnlag to Suotey scboul work, is
an laterestlDg one and many belpfui
ting .
polou are lo be gained by those who
go to lUletr. The Hsicht-u Sunday etery. Tuc deceased was a fslihfu)
sebotd will serve dlaoer In the grox- lollower of Ihe Catholic eriK-d.
Mis* Lirrle
Bnlsbed her
to those attending. The officer* lor
bool term In Ihe CourtaJe dlstrtci
the coming year will be elected ai
rlday. There was to hax U-eo twcp
:lBg. Everyone
Bvvryooe cordial
arrdlally Invlted to stirtid.
Hiss Ruth Jackson Is enjoying
(our Beets' vaca'tub ni her bon
m^ed in pressing larni work, tbimli City
Her pisre M t:
hool board Oertdi-d In elosc 1th
Irons tefrphnne switchboard '
huul now, and add two «.K-ks morfilled '
Bcrolrc Sllusim.
ibe fill ti-rm. maklug Hi.- tall K-rn.
c Klugsliry 1
>e Kalkasks (our and ooe-balf months Miss the han>
succfrastul and kind leacher, *h
last Thursday
Tbe day wa.-rainy and It was Impu-o-ilik lor the alaa>s lakes loleresi In her *-<»k. Slifails
boys to hold the ball The final soisv
that is condue1?e of much
as 6-ln. the game belug called off prayer- that
pupils. To altisi Iheir Jove o:
I Ibe filth Inning.
the leacher the pupils look some o( ihJune JC.
good iblags ol life In ibeir ainue; la.
ket* and^ in the afieriHion ihtie was
a sprtwd'lD the acbuolroum which war
■rojoy pd hy all.
June 25.


■ tv111
Hn. George Smith ftHurn
Mater ereDlog from bn ul|
Mlu^llce Arnold epvut Sunday with
eaa. She bai btes goae i
er psreota
veekj sad repona a rory
Fred Letter of Bates and Miss Re­
' arc la U
the middle
gina Reynolds of "Boutb
marrted at the home of ibe
UcB. H. Btekar e>Ai
Hr* VlclOf
CHr CMer oav dar last_____
,y, June
Hiss Laura Bbtilr Tblted at this
hlaec Boater.
The ftdlowlag siteaded the Buatey
school eteroilloB b«U at the Star
aeheatboac si Good Harbor Boater:
Wbu Heerels sad slater Brama. Mr. nan.
c Davis and Charley
had Mrs. O. R. Clarpool. Oscar Amts- ibeir .
I Oanklort oo
bocMer. Badolpb Laotaer. Arthur long and happy life.
Mooday. while Mrs. Cars Crisp and
Laatasr. Hiss Bliabcth HeervU and
Mr. aOd Mra Fraak Rogers we
daughter Addiu wore mumlag from
r aad SOD. All ..r—
a Bae-tlmc.
Baa-time. There
will be a coora ~ rerse Qty Ibtir horse an
f his alsivr. Miss Laura
fell and io some way rolk.Ute held
• • at
It Ibis
this place
i------------------June *4.. t*07.
Ils side so-that It was una
Mrs. O. R. Clarpool stayed
red is
in Good
the fui
Harliv Bandar erealBg. the goest of
Joe Burkert Is running hi* f<-v-d
Min Boos Brkhsoi. returalag home extriale (be anlmsl. Hiss Crisp
illl full blast today. Tuesdays aou
the ousrosl farm houiw to sums
Baiurteys are hi* busy tey*.
Mrs. A.' B. Seaib are eotar- sUtaaee. Meanwhile. Mr.^Iey ap­
Doy Newman sold hi* horse to Carl
peared on the scene and wfth bis help
talalBg txMDtear ft------------------lilaia
of lake Ann out- day last week
■ released from Its un<
Uarrr Wade has goee beroed Platu
Mias Ula Burgess, who has been
position. Luckily the
rtrer-to worh (or Mr. Crssdall of
woiking (or Grandma
Tucker, rv
Tiaveiso City. *
imed to ber home Sundsy. /
e to (he buggy was a brokeu
Owing to so few membet
Ben Altman and his son
ete Batatter ereolag. the
-ovo to Traverse City on buslnr-vi
■ssIlagottheT. P. a. was
aad wS be held la two weeks from
“^rank Shorter and sister. HU* Ollle
that date. Jaty Tth. Bveryoiic is irBLACKMAN.
Shorter, of Trarerse CH.v.
sotetsd to be Ppesast by the presl
lb and family were friends hero Sunday.
rUltor* of Myrw Taylur last Sunday.
Mrs. Kaiilc Ralston of South Ka*
Mr. Imbcr aad
son and Mrs. Al
last Tuee- Of Weil OvUtt c
cian. left for
Harvey Sunday af
Hro. K. BL
Ol^ld CItr
Suntey school coDvenUon
Hra. Dolls Cral
yUig.W~ pareata. Mr. and Mrs.
1 next Friday In tbc Matcbrtl Wagooer droie lo Traverse Cily
Erorj'unc Is cordially
Mrs. C A. Wood of Ctakago ls eU- Invited Id aUend.
P.^S. Tucker and Mis* Ira Mon
Byron Hullctt'a father who has been Herman P'ewla** and Mia Crain, also
the Missc* Carrie Wigimi-r and Vina
risllliig him for (
Myers took in Ibe cxcurBion
idayMrs. Oeu. Btorrs will giro a I
n Hr , ,
ta TtHotsoD's ball tcailghlt In bom
Anns Martin passed ssrsy
guest ot A. C Wynkoop
her son Oleas's eli'
three ud one-quarlcr
Doy Neuif
There was a large attenteaev a
1 business
.-** Miindsy gflcmoon.
of Klugsle:
- ey afle
aUdrea's dar —
IB Ptke Is back from
weeks. She pracefully
hall laat Batardar.
and U at tbe home of ber daugb
aalcep. At Ibe Ume of he '
t Martin, wife of George was reported she was on Ibe gain and ter. Mrs. Ueo Allinau, at preseni
cre called
Ollie eiiorter while here
ber frIODds thougbi she would get
Mrs. Davl:
wriu but a few mluuU-s before she Hr*. Pearl Davis, al
mother. Hr*. Geo. Mat
died she complained of fi-ellng
otBtreare. On
I with sir
dM Mr tmal I


band that she did aot feel like getting
Bp. Dr. Webster was called durtog the
dar and evorrtblhg wu done for her
that eonld be done. On Pridsy foroshe aaemad to feel belter, but
bout t o-doch p. b with all her
aboet her bedslda She was a
•d wife and wither and was held
la the higheat
ighest e
esteem hr all wbe knew
her. She
c leerei
leares a hnabaad aad three
teSBhlen. Mn. Jalte Grove of Coldtaatar. Mrs. Wlaale Maalgdd of HayBald and Miss Aaaa at home. The
fnaeral ecrrlees were held at (be Bair
Ust eharch la Kingsley. Ber. A. L.
ThBtetoa enelMlag.
The arrangi■ maite were la charge of J. 8. Browu.
' Tbe^ody was bnrted la the Klngsle}
MHb Angle Aadereon of TrarorM
atr^te the goest of Miss Bmma W*U*Glad«LDame wms,throwa fre
horoa M day last week and U solfrrtag from a sprained ankle.
UlBs May Leslk. aeevmMhnlcd by
bar hrolbcr Quiaey. arrtred Thursday
from Braaston. III., and will spend ih-i
aammer at their collage In this place.
Ra*. AlUagton of Maple Ctiy occtqted the pelpit In the Luagregallooal <*BRh Sunday montlag aad eveu-

with ber husband and daugl
teen years ago from lirwnch county,
and although she lived bore but a few
years sbe won many Irlendb.sShe was
alsrays cheerful and klud and through
sickness very patienL Mrs. Thlrxs
la Martin was bom In Branch
nly June 13th. lg». and dk-d Jun;
l»0«. January Isi. 1875 sfae was
married to George U. ManlU, who with
three teughien. Mrs Winnie Manlgtel
of MaySeld. Mra. JulU Grove of Coldwater and Mias Anna Martin of Klugsley. survives, la addition to the hubband aad three efalldrca sbt- kaves
mother, (wo sisters, one brother si
a boat of frioods to munra ber lu>
The funeral was held al the Klngsh-y
Baptist church and In tbc abseneo of
ber pastor. Rev.
Platt, the Rev.
Thiirsloo preaebud the funeral seb
moo. The Ooral oOeruigs were beauttoll and It was the largest fuacral
procession (bat ever left this neig
Uirhood. The deceased's sister, Mi
Bhoecralt of Roseford. Ohio, ai
brother. Mr. Imber of Coldwstcr. ai
daughter. Mre. JuIU Grove of Col
water, also J. Martin sud wile
South Haven came to attend II
funeral. Tbc family Iiave ibe syi
pathy of their man: mends. _____

Oar Practice tbis Year is Hore
itaao Doable Last Year’s!

If You are Suffering from Head­
ache, Cross Eyes or Defective
Vision, It is Your Own Fault.
Wc have iriven (yermanent relief lo ihouiandti of such casea.

We publish the testi*

moniaK from our p.itients fyoin timt- to time .mil show at our otiicfs photographs of
cross-eyed cases, showing eyes before and after straightening.

DR. P. A. WOLFE, Proprietor.

DR. B.L.PADLS0I1. Assistant.

Suite 413-414 Wilhelm Block


Aldea Hall Ml here for Baa Fran
Isco last Monday murolng.
Nora Cork U home irom Traverre
.1- Vlr',.11
Mr. and Mr*. K. Haanafnrd and M.
•xiii- M<iM--ll.
aud Mrs. Juhusiuu aiii-nJi-d ibe Siiu
la!i y«-ar aiert.xi
niar'c- It-i>*ii ■)( l^xiiicinii. M*»->..
day sehoA rouienikm at h>*hI liar
.d ,u.m. la the saviue
ahn rec-ntly .- l.-t.iai.-d hi* i>ini-il.-th
bor Iasi Suaday.
Rev. A. A. Alllogton uf Maple t'liy birthday. «a.< l.-ni In ihi- Ihli».-.plUL- rvnid tnulialdy nial.e
aad Rev Hiiriljdl of Nonbi*<n ex
■•.-rupK-*, III- us* Ihe sou ol
EtrlkliiK diH'lay
rhang<-d puljdia Iasi Sunday lU-v. .\l
llngion prcaeblng al Nurihinirt ai: i Jam.* lirwaii, aim «*s abo tsiro In ulihiv. tbouuhI 1H niigllt Ik
Hr. Hurlbut at Maple Clly and CX-dar
a. FYaak Youmans of this plae<
glad to bear that sUe is gaining

he lauiour laiil-- ol ly-xiiigioii and
. |.i-;n.;.-,l 1..I that ineinorald.- .Apnl

Robert E. Walter

IS-ill---?. I


•Ml ot ,\i.i. c1<an |^a^■-nl^. lie!
l-rn in FT-n mv galne.l „.m-

Hr*. Usbl euierlslueu her mol
Suiuius Hay last buiidat.
ith has again visiu-.! .iiiV mi
and lakua a diar one. tliuu Noriuau
Frankfalber was lx>ru June I2lh
aad dli-d June l!nh. I.........................
been In di-licate lieallb

Illi-hanI J r-..i-1-.n, pr.-nii.-r «>f
'In - aln-d In Certnaur and Frade.
/saw:, nhu .li.-l * . (.* |m,d mal,.-. Kuglaud hi. home.,«
-la,., auo. »a, lua. hl.iff. Udslerour j'l„-Tli>t maale.,- he Xudled un.ler was
aud Ihe m.r>.i iM-puUr man in ili.-:-li-ev-al CaiobiK Ihiran. Isa«ing him
■Hdoiiy. When -he Ihur ant In-gau h.-,n. wli.w lltil. ro.d.- than i.
-Miy.-n-l S pul.lie ad.llv sr III whb-l.llmy. Duran, depl.wlng hi* ■:ige.I nil >ho eo.ild do w r.. g.. t..' ■. Id him rhkr If he May.-.l with him
-he fviml. A man In .he liall
1 ..i,..tlu-r roxen year* In- wouU make
clain..-.l: "V.-*. y<u. ar.- r.-ad> ennuj* au artist nf him llul Raixenl'M geulu*

dsriiug 1* safe- In llie anus «| ihe il
• "Siiffe-r litiie- elilhlr.n

•o seuil «ur s.iiis and l.n>t*u-r« to war.(il. ee-lotM'd wi'h wimdi-rliil rai>l<ll>y al
------ ■'
.. .............
lor -|M<K' : -list time and hy the- «e
2-7 H —«
o,e.i loc-k • ri:-p! Till* moralug l;..lotod. io Carolu. Durnu. a. lo ilii
•> ................ .
”»« »"hiwori«. thsl he had mad.- an arilM ot
Slid I .'ur,-.! him I.........111.- lark withtmt! hlni-elf .h-.pii.- Hie Is.-k of that

E rtinduriiKl by ll<-> :
I al the t'h-srlinail.
Isle by Ibt- Cvdar choir.

, wound"
Fi.-di-ru-k Trive*. M n.wirgeon

The .le.ay ol ratbcdle inllae-n^- lu
K-UC-1 bv Ihe g

Uv Fivnrh M.rnage R.forr
wloeh tia* draP.-.! a m-w dl.
h.u.pllai>amoiiul <d laiu n-llveed. he said, niuld 11* rmtlllng
be roughly ca«m-.l h> the <]-inniliy olj.-nm-ae am
niorptolh- (-■.h-illlM-.l tn It:-- tM..‘'|ll1*L I lUtTeUI r> a
'I elsniljnl u'

These are ITIm-t-E

Republic-in Candidate for
oomioation for

County Clerk ,
Grand] Traverse County.

vev, for the past six wi-eks. I* •
ing (or Mr*. A. C. Wynkoop.
----- working at
Lumber Co.
June SSlb.
Ur. aad Mr*. Bd Ih-Fer. Hr. ant
* Bert Forton, Willie Fortoii an<l
Union were gut-sts of Mr. and
le Forton Sunday.
Gus I)
Ihimlnc: ot Easi
Mr. and
Ited over Sun.Uy wlih Mr
Iliad visitHenry
envy E. Carlble.
Mr. aad Mrs Uriave Uonilt
lletl over Sunday with Mr. ini
s. Blmer Beach of Travv-nu- Clly
Is visiting (or a few days with her iin
elo and aunt Mr. and Mrs. C. 1, lk>m
Ine and Mr and Mr*. Jno I), tb-acli
Itomlne Is no* fireman at ih<
I'o »
of Traverse Clly
eoD'ran to eui lath for the nmiiianj
Ur*. Charles Courtaite aod ihrev
ehlldicD. who have been vlslilng
Heiirv Courtide spent Wcdovsdi
lltng retailvo In Traverse <*ii;
led Tburwlav lor her
ipids. Miss KoaaO.
r*. Coiiinide. *111
luneer vUI'Iue with Miss Ross Cuur

Miss Josle
1. who
has been
& J. Dame aad tomlly arrlei-d
few weeks wlib ber sister. '*M
Henry E Carlisle anil Mr*
Thorwtey from Kraiuttoa. lU^ aad will
Fenton, relumed to ber John Carlisle visited Tuesday aliet
apeod the eammer vtth Hra. K. P. home at Wexford. Miss Josle worked noon with Mrs C L Itomlne.
Frank IX-Per Is working (or ilenr.v
d soe Charles left ley Bel
Ctourtade. making«-il Improv.
Thursday for the____
mi-nis oo the bousv- and tern.
the work.
The Lad lea' DcaeBl aodety met with
Many old meadows alll iiui Is- Borit
U. L. Bnslgn is erecUng a bouse on
Mrs. George Dame on Friday
his lot lust south of the M. B. |iar- the rutting, but there are some llav
souage. Mr. aod Mrs. Buslga expec. n<-* clover meadows that will >lo wel
to occupy -•
iirlog a good prMv. Stmi.
ling lo
to |wi
laif In a |<aieh A few from here attended tbc ball
Hlu Alma Aaderaoe speal Me
game betwi-en Boulb Bosnlman and dor rornI lu early Ji
ta Tneeree City.
Henry Coo
Kalkasks al the former iilaee Wi-du.-s
•I fourta-le and
Mias ABBa«aymoed and daughter day of Iasi week.
ileh of Migi
ive »aeh a line |>aleh
Wt Thnreday for ibdr home to
They sav th«-y make
ake the Ik.Merle Crotser is home , from His
eago after teeadlog a few woel
li mluier.
Rapids, where be has been attendlag ot fev-d (or milch cows IQ
Thursday l*raiik IKKct
W. Caac of Athens U a guest at
IjimU-rt .-nr*! look a wagou
AllH-n CourtadiCase and Crotser homes.
oa Thareday evealag.
Mr, Troul*1ne
Oscar Beegailler Is home Imm
They were «i
Chas. Btaam Is
Rapids lor hU summer vacation.
Travers.- City
HUl aad other polai
Tuesday Mr. and Mr*. H.-nry Brvllh
Crt-o. W. Houck
X. Bailer and fsmlly bare arrfred
aui>l aud Mr and Mr* H F UK..... I
from Lawrence Kan, aad
attenilxl ihe funeral Of Mr. llr>-iH
i, where he ha* be«-i
ployed as mschlnUi la cue of 8
aupl's niece. Mr*. Ada Tremalu.. wh
-sided near Ibr tannery w<-»l of towi
ton's many silk mUls. Jot^tu spend
turned hpmc from Braastoa. III . Ux some time here asslstlag^hl* Ittber.
Mrs Hus Ih>mloe and Mrs Fr.
Bon Wilhelm of Traverse City was
omioe of Easi Head vislii-d Wedneslerday on buxncss.
______ ____ ________ _____-se sumi
ton Rose of Travrrst- OtJ
C L. Itomlne
The Ladle*' AM sortetr will
Crand Kai-ldrelatives aod friends here
Charles Court
aa Me cma sodal la the church
TbnrxUv lo atieud Ihe
...... street U being graded
arrived h«-re Tl
tors ea Juae tMh.
stralghu-ned and will t>-«-tvt- as
sister Ida.
luneial ot
Preparatory eerTtces held in
■sKmer. Henry E. Carl
pUcatlon of gravel, tbeivby much
OosgrcgailoBal rharth oa Balurday prvving lU usefuluess aad twaul)
]ob on the Lterb road
afleraom aad rcgnlar commim'
Misr Alin- Abbott who has
I marhiDe and five
the I
rice heM nu SuBtey monlag.
aiu-udlng Mrluielilan's Business ual. adol ISO mll>
O. A. Ward ha* snired at
Carli'UTCTalty of Grand Rapids the past six Oriax- Itominr aad
moDlbs. returned home last evening
H. L. Seellg Bpeai Thurs- for her summer vacatloo.
tey ta Trsrerte
versr •(“City.
Bugooe Hsllstey of Byn.......................
imp I
to Mr. ant
and Mi«. Philip M*tor. is here oa a visit lo bis bmthen.
■> thr ground. c-K-aplnt..
te Taestey. June
Juae l»b. a son.
Fraak and hVed. and bis alsu-r. Mrs.
tth uulv -light luJurH-*.
Hra. T. P>
k Idl Friday for IV Peter Rollo.
Itovhi Vnitvuchi-r. who tor a look
me ha.l not n-cHvrd tiding* from hU
Mf. aad Mr*. Bert Moore
1« Peler wtm I* In the rtsle cif Ws*h.'
dar la Trarerse dtr.
igiTO. rtKK-lvcl a Mu-r from bimj
o'lher. M
Jallan Bfodhagea spent Thnradar
latlag be mould be borne July Irt.
-. Martin
The fun
ta Trareese Clt>.
- tUptlsi
Th. <lmU(K- al
Head at Mr and ,
Mrs. Baaaora Bashael Is the goest
Jr*. Hsry.-y Manta'* Ssiurdsj cveii..
«f ber teaghW. Mrs. WIIUsb Tboi
I Ing ws* Isiaely aitendcl and a very |
A, H. MIIHkee U spending bis
**Mr». Chsuny wax given
teltoa at Fort Wayne,
tart Saturday evcuinc by her Irlcuds
t illncas' of three B9Bths,

"Ss’T'rsr.M .u


JI Saving Opportunity
Vour Golden Opportunitv
Don’t Overlook It

Don’t Overlook Tt
1 n Rn
I If

A J% f


Your size is here.




your choice.
All marked in plain figures. Regular
prices this season $ I 3.00. $ 14.00, $ I 5.00 and $ 16.00


men s suits

this season $16.00.



$18.00 and $20.00

Counters Full. Early Buyers Get
the Best Selections

Hamilton Clothing Co.


OnaA iUpMi BAlardA)' al(kt ____
•a ititML at tkn* memt%a. Bba b*i
bcM «tU h*t loaata. Mr*. Tfceo.
r. HarlbDt oenipM ihe polpll Id
Tk« (UNI7 aad piMU
Hr* J. L.
Clbfaa *r« (■Joria* u oMla>. caaik CUpoBfiaodar8rr«f«l Haaeu M BatUMi Bap
4kiim«A. UMod kMce bm Tnesdap ercalBC
Dr. HePhall and vile et Trarc-rw
Mr. Ptover* orer________
itp arc'opoBdlBc a fe« dapa In loarD.
Hln Uule ChBdoattw oped SoiiC. B. Boedp apcDt Boadap at ib«
her pw«au ■* Ow BovdMcb hotel.
Tbe wreckloc tup Farortte ha
Udl«(’ AM aewaA lor Mr*
W*r*c HulfoU TbarMlar allcnoao. can the work ol rmlalnc the vrerked
*A BAdbar or •portapea Iroa To- ateomer Joha Duncaa.
Mo ta*« been rtowtac ai tbc HalitAar Mnmo to ««Jor Ibe euettoBI iniut
•MAC Id lbl« vIdbUr.
Mr. aad Hr* OBBtortb catertalaed
tiMMD BaoAv.
Ml* N«rt JUMDoa *1*lied bcr
lUrkiB Soul
MDEhtor Bt TramoD C»r Ue pod
Cauat at bU 1
ter, laat week.
Mn. liaillc Black ol Eaat Bap viaIM rcUilrcs Id tbia
YklBllp taai
«ed(. rdutulnc to b<-r boiDc SuDOapMr. aad Mr* Ctaptoo Tjaeker 1
Clvlnc a boiDc to oac ul the eblldi
rn>B tbe^Orphana- boarc at 81.
L Ceorsc Soillh tdanrad I
tp rvrBlBC (roB bw trip to
MImAIIcc Arauld apcai Suadap «Uii
She baa been cooa aboot aU
her parema.
Fred Letter <d Oatea and Hlaa EUClna BepDolda ot'Souili
aura Burdod at the bone of ibc
Ml* H. Baskop «aa a TraTone
bride'a pareata. Hr. and Hra. Victor
CRp CfeDer one dap teat week.
RepaoWe, laat Wtdocadap, June »,
Miaa Laura Sbellp vUtod at ttala
Rev. Prleallp vEldatlns. Tbu pouna
place goadap.
cxMiple are apcndles acvural dapa aliU
Tbc Mlovlac alteaded Uw Sandap
--------------------------e..|, „
g,,. tbelr nutnerona relativci ID thU v
IS to Buulh B<
lip bofore r
koolboBK at Good Harb
Urbor ICC ihep will I
B. Meerela aad aloler
We wlab'at
d Mr* O. a Clappo
b<MM«' Rodolp^’^tMT?"l^Dr
LABtav. Hina BUnbcOi
lUabeth Meerela
and BOD.
a Aae time. Tbci
tHiveo're will be B coovc
Uon Held at Uilt place
June :t. IMl7.
R. Clnppool
atnpcd la Good
Harbor Sundap evoainc. the cueal of
_itrfcaUi the aalaial. HUa Criap rm
Hlaa Roaa Bdekaoa. retonlnc borne
the acareat farm bouae to aumaioi
Meanwhile. Hr. Bcelep ap.
Mr. aad Mrs. A. 8. BaBlh
peared on ae seeae aad pfth bU help
talaiac compaap Iran Leiaa
Barijr Wade baa gooe bepoad Platte Oa bone waa nloaaed from lu uu
eOBUortabh) poalUoa
rlw to work for Mr. CraadaU ol
tbe oalp


to ao lew a

that ddl* Jalp Tlh. BreTTooe I
OMMDd to be i^eMt bp the :

. Brackensaab and fi
jn of Hpnia Tapkir li
Mr. Itaber ai '
raft, left for t
Mr* ■. H. Bareb of Rapid Qtp la
The Baadap achool eonveaUoa
*Moc ber pareaia. Hr. and Hr* J.
6 held next Friilap la tbe Hatchett
W. WUaep.
..-boulhooae. Evcoooc la eordiallp
Hr* C A. Wood M CbleacD la trla- lavlied to aiiead.
tUv bw father, a P. Church.
Bpraa Hollett'a faaer who hat been
Tbe Fanaera' Teiepboao Co. hi
TialUns bim fur tbe paal lew weeka.
»P ‘ba *
Ktaraed to bla
Hr* Geo. Btom will five a p»
te TOIeta^^ball taolgbt^la Ictot
There tnta a larpe aKeadaaec at’ihe
CkIMrea-a dap eaetdaea at Gnace
ball laat Batardap.
Hra. Anna HarUa. wife at Course
Mania, one aad a haU mllca
a woat DC
,thte.pUee. died laat ______/
Phdap after a
at Ibc a«e
'ahon lUaeat of _______^oola
. Oo
a Hoodap, the 4th. ahe

U ahe did not feel II

fBHUp about ber badfM.* '
ta tbe 'btsbeal
isbesi e
eatoaa bp all wbe knew
her. She
e learea
learei a haibaad and three
daaibten. Hra. JaUa Ciwrc of OoldwaMr. Mn. Wtaate MaattoM ol Map•aM and Hlaa Anna at boaw. The
~faaaral eerrleaa were held at tb< BapHat efaurefa la Klasalep. Bee.
The an

atjrjla the rmt of Hlaa
^CUpd^Dame waa^throwa troia
dap laat
iBiaE mat a apralacd aaklc.
MMa Hap Lcallc. accumpaated
bat hrotber Qalncp. arrived Than
tre« Branatoa. III., aad will apend
Baaacr at their coltasv In tbli pi
Rot. AlllBsloa of Maple- Clip wcaptad the pulpit la the CossrcsatlonBl ehanb Baadap anraias aad e
**111* & J. Daiae aad

R. Baaabatvwr and aoa Cbarica left
Tbutwdap for the Boo.
The Ladtaa- Boaett wacMp a»l with
Hra Georcc Dane on Prldap afierTbc L. O. T. H.-e and K. O. T. H. a
will aMel locctber on Wedneadap aad
•paad a picaaant vvcnlas.

ee and
4 of K:
Klnselep after ao
recks. Sbe pcacvfullp leil
aalcep. At tbe lime of ber death It
waa reported sbe vat oa ac c
ber frlenda thought abc wo
well, but a few atlnutee bei'
died abe eompUlaed ol feeling very
faint aad was taken wia alnklng
apcita and death followed a few laomebta later. Mrs. Martin rame berc
wltb ber bueband aud daugbien 1
teen peat-a ago from Braoeb cou
and alibougb abe lived here but a
pears ahe won manp frlenda.eShc
alwapa cheerful aad kind aad thr<i
ber aickueaa verv palical. Mrs.
aa Martin
:1a waa turn tu Bnncb
latp June
e mb.
aad died Judc
Januarp tal. HITS ahe wa>
anta. si bu with
■innlc Hanlgold
of Hapfleld. Ur* JulU Grove of- Cold.
water and Hlaa Anna Martin of Kl
addllioo to the buecblldren tbe l<
mother. 1
uruibcr and
a boat of friuode to mourn ber lose.
The funent waa held at ae Klngilcp
Bapltai ebureb aud In Ibv abavoce of
her paator. Rev. Flan, tbe Bov.
Thiftaum prvaebod the funeral
Tbe Boml oflenoga were 1
aad II waa tbc largest funeral
aalMi that ever Ml tbIa neigh­
borhood. Tbe deeoaaed'a alaier. Ura.
Bboeciaji of Roseford, Ubio.
brother, Mr. Imber of Coldwater,
daughter. Ura. JulU Grove of Cold
waier, alao J. Uartla and wife ul
Soua Haven came to attoad the
faneral. Tbe Camllv have the a)tupalhp of 1: •
.' trteude.

Hlaa Joaie AUeo. wbu baa I
m>«idlBg a few weeka wiib bcr alatcr.
Mrs. Anna Fenioo, returned to ber
borne at Wexford Hlaa Joaie worked
a abort lime U ae oBIce of Ihe King*,
ley Mebu. but waa uaaUle lu
ao work.
D L. Mnslgb U eroctiiig a bi
le lot lust anulb of Ihe M.
sonage. Mr aad Mr*. EBelgn
to oeeupp the bouae aa uoon a
pled. •
s here Blteudcd the I

aaMibor* ir beiB( ber btnbdap Hlaa Ida Counadc died U »:«n o'elork
aaalveraarp. Bbc waa preaeated *«b a a. BL. June Slab. Sbe waa bora Usrrn
Slat. IkT:; began K-acblwg acbcs'l
-latbiT of nice slfta.
sbe was 1£ pvara oU and was a
Hlaa Loaiae RoUo. wbo baa been
cr la tbe Black aad Ckxinade dkworklnc la Traverae Oip. b fauBH-.
aad maap otba-r dlitrlrta wlibls
. and Mn. EUa Torfe are tbc
lip, UBlil arec ytwra ago wben
ked (or tbc
Sbe bad D
IB tbe Mckcrceaslal lerai of acb
>0 dlainet lodap.
kwa a
. _________
Mapdeld and
Patadlac town- lady. Sbe leavea to mou
ablpi wUI
acbool con (atber. lour broltar-ra anc
II bold a Saaea)
wbo bale ai. avmpBTby o( (hi com
veailoa at Ibc Malebet'
ilty la ihrtr aad betvsiemin:. StJ. J
burled (rom the St. k'rannrecital Ion*
>hitla« of
reh Frida) ail";'»>a in.wb.ri-a
moalc. aa addrvn bp Rev. Hulsaph' of
•blng iic-rmoB waa pceached by Fa
ae City,
cup. tdla.
• Bauer. A large eoncourae
rtaUlag tu 8 day Dcboot work. i>.
r and many helpful (ilind, tollowed (be rv-BalDa to their
ling plmv la tOe Caibolk cern
laioed bv tboae wbu
pototi are to e caioed
Tue dereaaed wa- a lalihfi.:
Tbe Haictaett Suadap
BO to lUieir
acboul will •
diDOer Id Ibr srov (ulkraer o( the Catbolle .r.c-.l
Miaa Urzti- Evaaa
Sniabed ber
■ I- officera lor
to Utoac alteadlDB.
In tbe CourtaDe dlxrtrt
the evmlac
cvmlnc pear iwill be eUeted
Tbvrv waa to haic been IS"
<l0K. EverpuDe
' arfaoul, but u|»b ISlea 10 aliead.
Hlaa RDIb JarkauD U onjoplIiB
aerv It 1 > ai c
four weeta vacailou at ber bune a>
lUed in |in..Mng larm «»rk. itSutBfflIl Clip
Her pUiv at Ue t
tool board derldi'd to clo.-e lblacaa udepbone avliebbuard will
achool no*, and add tsu week* mot'
lied bp Hlaa Uenke
the tall ti-ni
dvTbe KlDgab-p Brat ol
e banil, o(
V Kalkaska (our and oue-haK mouth'-. Mii-a EvatiI* a aucCesaful and kiu'l i-a'-her. si
team laat Tbur
always lake* InleresI In h. r mnik SIrainy aad It was Impo^elble
aev.r (ail* to open hit -.rli.e.l slib .1
boja to hold tbe ball Tbe Si
praper that i* cuodactve o( much gooi
*» t ie. Ihe game being
lu tbe pupllc
Tu alltri III
I the Ulb laalag.
tbc tcacbcr the pupil* took. 1
June :c.
good iblbg* ol life In their .
krts and m (be aftc-rOiKUi Hi-le
a spreaij Id the arboolroiHu «lm b
There will be two ball san
enlojed bp all.
■are aad otber amUBc-mcDia
Up 4tb. •
Ueorse Davie ant
Alden -Hall left
ere la Franklori
SCO last Moadap
Nora Cotk b b
u Trai.r.
Hr. and Mrs. Frank Kupere weal <0 Cit>.
ablD v««U:rdap to atiead the luDcrac
Mr. and Mr*. K. llannaf'ird and M.
of hie aleler. Hlae Laura
aud Hr*. Jubusiuu atieudivl ib" Sun
wh<«' dcaib occurred Saturdap ale
dap *rfaikil eouveailun ai tlisol Hat
iBcr will alau attend tbc funei
Burkert la runolas ble !•
Rev. AAUlngtoe o( Maple Clip
. Ill bust todap. Tuesdape a
aad Rev. Iluribai ol Norihport i\
Saiurdapi are hie busy dare.
rhanged |>oliiil» lari Snuds) Hvv. .\|.
Hop NcwBiau sold ble b
llngton prcarblng at Nort'bp
Hlaee of Ukc Ann uuue dap last w
Mr. Hurllml at Maple City and Cedar
Mlw l.lla Buraens.. who baa
Mr*. Frank Youmans i>( tin* pla-.
woiklnp (or Grandma
to ber bomc Sunday. ^
operatioo a
Alimaa and bla aou
are gted i.
to Traverse Clip on bualnest and in a la
rtatueu her moibcr
Frank Shorter and aleter. HUe Ollle
ISM Sundav
Shorter, of Tnreruc Clip, vlallcM
1 viMted oiir 1
IrleDde faere SUDdap.
ooc. Blou NonuBU
Hattie KaletOD of Soua
Mr*. AI Saltier aud children
and dl..d June IPth. li
Of West Ovialt called oD Graadmu ceen In (lellrale lieallh I
Harvey Sunday aflertwoD.
but waa not conrid. r.v claiiu' r"ii!|.
Mr* Della Crain aad Htaa Came
ill till the last. IX'wr
u —
TraviTM.- City
Wagooer .1.,,.
love awd teuder earv wo
Miss Ira Morman.
F. S. Tucker
_ ,
d Nlta Crain, alao
-llaiiea Carrte Wagoner and Vina
Hpent took in tbe exeuraUm to 1
doui or lii-aven." Tlo- ic
Sberm Uraggoo spent Sunday as a wa* cooducieil b> lb v
gueitl of A. C- Wpnkoop and fatally
tun at the Clearlinaik
Dop Neuman drove to Maple City Muxe by Ibc Ci-dar chon
0 buaineaa Moadap afternoon.
Grandma Hike Is back from Indi.
General New*
aoa and la at the bomc of ber daugbtr. Mra. Ben Altman, at present.
Of Queen Victoria'* iseiityKni'
Ollle Shorter while here calfcd ci
grandclaugblera uuly four wow remain
Ini. IVarl DavU. also Mrs. Davl:
mother. Hra. Geo. Marsh ul Soua Kas. uwniariled. Tbese are Frlncea*. V


Mlsa Vina Mpe&
.ling her granfeoll
Vvp, for ae past six wevka. la wo
log for Mrs A. C. Wpnkoop.
CllOord RaUlou Is working at I
Stale Lumber Co. camp over ai
June :sa.
. aad Mrs. ISd DeFet

Head vlsiutl over Suwilay with Mr
and Mn>- Henry E. CarlUle.
Mr. and Mr». Oelaie Homlne vi,
licil orer Sunday with Hr. au-1 Mrs
C L DomiDe
Mr*. ISImt-r Beach of Traverae City
I* vUllltig a few dap* with ber uw.
ele and aunt Mr and Mr* f. U Di.m
ine and Hr. awd Mr*. Jno. D. Boaeb,
Gu* Uumlire I* now nremiB wi the
Kelley LuiuUt
Beach of Traverse Clip ha* taken the
cowiraci to cut lalli for the com|«n>
Mr*. Charles Cuurtade and three
rfalldiew. wbo have been vUliiwg
Henry Courtade *penl Wedne~tap vl*
ItlBg relailitw In Trav«-r»e City, aii'l
left Thura.lay lor her uonic In Grawl
Rapid*. Mis* KitaaS. whe cwnii win,
Mr*. Coiiitn.lo. will •‘lay
longer vlriilng with Ml*." Ko»a Cour
Mr* Henry E CarUric and Mr*
John Carltale vl»lit-d Tuewlay alieinooD with Mra. C. L. Domlne
Frank DcFer I* working lor Henry
Courtade. making nnU-e-l itiiiTovMany old meadows will tmt be wcudb
tbe culling, hut itii-re are Home hue
new clover m.-adows that will do well

and will hrliig a price.
are idanniug to pul tu a )>airb of
der corn In early July.
All».-n OiMjitade and Henry C
^lkaa*al 1^ former place VVctlae*
dap of
Ml Thuradap for tl
U-t-ls Tb.-y ss' they make the 1-est
Merle Crotaer 1* ae
of feed for mileh cows » winter.
Rapid!, where he baa 1
Tbuixlay Frank IH-For and Tom
Haaara. John Keaaedp and Clareacv
Immlwn iwc'i took a wagon liad of
W. Case of Athena la
Bcott save a dance at the towt '
flne live bog* for Albert Cminade.
tee and Crotaer bomt
oa Thuradap evenlDt.
Oarar Scegmiller la bumc frompllig They were- sold to Mr. Troul»iiie
_ Cba* BiMca U miiiBs at Bunker Rapids for bla summer vacation.
;Traverae- Cl'y
Tuesiiai Mr. anil Mrs Henrv l!re-i
Joba Houek. aon of Geo. W. Huurk
au|4 and' Mr. and Mr* H F. lii.-ieli.
of aU place, arrived Saturday li
attendi-d the funeral of Mr Bn-i-h.
ScraolOD. I*!., where he baa l•Cx■n
pplBC tbMr cottase.
ikived aa marhlnUi In oue of Sci
-nupt'b nleci-. Mr>. Ada Trenutiln
Hr* H. B. GUI and daacbler 1
rraldi-d near Ihe tannery wi-*i of
oa'a maap sUk mUlt. John will ap
turned bpBC troM Branitoo. 111.. U
Mra. Gus Domini- and Mr*
Aine lime here asalating bu fall
Wllbelm of Traverae CTlp
Domlne at East Head vlslte.1 Wedn.-sRop Tbomaa baa arrived boae Irt
da> with Mrv. Henry E CarlLlv
1 pel
realerdap oo buaineaa.
Olivet colleec to ipaad ae aomaii

Rose of Traverse Clip Mr> C U Domlne.
The Udiea' AM aocMp t
itivea and friends befv
CharU-t Courtad.- of Grand Rapi-JvUltlDg
aa ke creaai aodal I a tbe lAuteh p
Couage 1.........
Ing graded an<t arrive.1 here- Tbnraday 10 attend ihkn aa June 9th.
___ _______ _____
funeral of hU sl«er Id*
and_____ tvevive an <
Prepaialorp eettkea held la 1
er, H.-nry
K Ci
Our commlrar-mer,
pllratlou o( gravel, Ibervbp much I
ODasrcKBiloBal rhara oo Salun
on the taracb rui
proving ilv UKefulnea* and bcwuip.
Isle, did
macblnt- and Bve m
Mlaa Alter Abbott, wbo baa l-e
wire bi-W na Bandap Boralas
aliecidlug McLacblan’r Buaineaa u
he grade
Carlisle, w
O. A. Ward bat arrived at North veraltp of Graad Rapids the past 1
OelBve 1!Domini- and
BKiBlhs. returned hom>. laat evening
n» Bcrident. The '
for her aniamer vacation.
alUdav of Sreamore. Ill,
lump and lH«bl
r. aad Hra. Philip Bseler. t» here t
a visit to bla brotbrra.
greinnd, encapJnk i
«■ Taeadap. Jane Iftb. a aoa.
FYaak aa
aad Fred, and bla slater. Mr*.
. . im-*.
Ml*' T. Pr*coek Mt »*ridap for Pr______i-rtjvencber. wbo for a long
Hugta Lalonde. wbo 1* emploved ml time had no- recdt.'d tiding* from hi.!
1 -Sunday with hl- >on Piter wbi. U in the Male o4 WashiBgtnti. rv-c-ived a letter (rom him |
• Brodbasea apeat Tburadapl
The funeral of Mra. 0«l Martin lauilag be w.mld be bomi-July ltd.
■lerae Clip.
(rum ae Baptl.i: Tbi-.lane.-a: li.*- Head at Mr and ,
1 Bundap (i
Rev. JL'L. NThuratuB i>nctal-:Hr* Harv.-y Martin's Baturday evenndy^^teaded and a veryj
- MUIIbea la apeadtas hu val^fon Wopac.
illBv-» of ibrec moathi.
a dansbt
■ae la C.

lorla of Eagtaad. Prlnee** ih-airire

Out Practice this Year is More
(ban Doable Last Year's!

If You are Suffering from Head­
ache, Cross Eyes or Defectiye
Vision, It is Your Own Fault.
\Vc have vjiven |K.*rinan«ni relief to thuu»aa(i» of >uch ca<)ef-

We i>ubltkh the testi-

moniblk from our i>.iiiemk from time to time ant) whou ai our o'ticvk (ihotO|;rapii9 ol
cross-e>-cd cases, bhowinj; eyes before ami after virai;:hienini:-

DR. P. A. WOLFE Proprielor.

DR. B. 1. PAULSON. Asslslaal.

Oi«im*rw*m imtworw*
Sull04l3-414 Wilhelm Block

C-.i'tii'ivtii aii'l I'riui'

. Vi

i'iia H I < >-i. ■ i-.ih "f x




w-d l

null.-* It-o*!! •'(
ho rvTiiitli .-I.
I'lnbdwy. war Iv-rn
JanK-* llrowh. who

Is-iingio!., Ma>* j -in.l. I........................
nr a«. r
hi* tiiW'iti-ta ! •'••'■I' "f paiu. lo ib. ib- li.ui*.- hb'--|.iial, cowl.l [.roluM) I
was 111.- sow .•l!*st I'-'f.
v'nking .liM'tx) i
wa, al*o l-ini iw
. ilioMith It might I* wi-*t' dll
1.. i*ini|*ni'' It lit Agur, *
Hi' gtadfatber w*- ITiir
Ilnon. wii" 'll-■.llgTll^hl.l b:nis.-'f
lit 'iucul*li- :
in rh.-.lam.'ij (ai'lL-vStig-on auJ ^
r.i-.;n-:. I ...I :i,j: m.-ni.rral-l.- .kpril ‘ ||,.
Anw-rk-an pan

Robert E. Walter

IP. IT"'.
! »a . l..n. it, FT'tr. net. gaim-.! ».m.- u
Ulrhan! J. n.-1-i-.u. i.f.-miiT of Sew hi- .in tlermauv kwl FrwnrZ.-Blaiii!. who di'Tl t.a.l.i.-uily a f-w and niiik.-- Kimland hi* bom.-, iin-oi
•lay. 3SI.- wa* Ug.*. I.n-iter...i-i-Ji.-II-.-1 aa't.-i, be Xudl.-d under wa
,D,1 Ihe BOM pop'ikvr man irt tb-,.h.-ef m ff.l'- l**-rwa. L,.,vtag bit............
When tbe B-.r
............ i.ol wb.-.t lliih- mor.- tUn
'I'tii.r.-.! a pcMir a.hln-- lu whh'b'l*'.. Duran. d.-i>lnrlng hi* d.-(>anur.
h. I-T*.-.! all wl... ................ *.• t.. go f. I-1.1 him ilmi K h.- May-d will, bin
-tie from
A maw in the hall e*-!
ui,. - e. ,-n v.wri.. bi- wowM w»k.
- V., . y.'ii ar- ready eatuirt an wrti*l .4 bHa But Sargewt'* g.mla,
'.eu'i nu. - n. and bro.hc-,4 ,0 wat. 1 .kveku.-d -ttb woad.TfwI ra,«dl.y at
- • II. e..t liolaOlMT. f-WTHek-,-liaI timemnd by Ibeage-I :T It wa.
I ea.-k,. .-t.'-pT Tht. morali.v I .-t-vlou* ... t-.rbl-s imrau,
to O.
.I U
.....- low t.T m. ...a »'t, j wori.l, .bat W had mad. aw art,*, ol
awl I dar.'.! bitn i" eon:.- hacl. wllh..i:i jblm- lf d.--|.n. it- ta. k .-I that
4 W..UU.I.'



.del Fr."l.-tiek Travr* \J D ..urgi«i-i !

Tli- dc-ay .<1 fall.ol.r tiflueur.- b

Repoblicjn Candidate for R».

the kitu;. .- aw a'l.l.'.* oBtT.-.! ./Il'mi. n .lilenre.- M ...... gnmlb .4
i, ..;i-l ,la.i''ar.l upon whlib to measure ill- Fn ii.-a Mwmaa.k-agn-.
Tb.'twiileh-ha* dralird I
wneiuni ef pain rvli.-vvd, he !4tid. could ' I*.rtnl1ii.ii: dlvorr.- .
U o.ugl.l> ganr.M by ih.. quawiliy ot iern.'*- and In-uiotiv ...........................
ni''i-|.i,in. .-...i-'im.-d ..........- h"--i'.tai- jiKit.ui r..,.'.. what'.'r
M.-'i is' ii

nomination for



J1 Saving Opportunity

Vour Golden Opportiinitv
Don't Overlook It

Don’t Overlook Tt




your choice.
All marked in plain figures.'^ Reaular
prices this season $ 13.00. $ 14.00. $ I 5.00 and $ 16.00

Your size is here.



. Come.

this season $16.00.



County Clerk^


$17.00. $18.00 and $20.00

Counters Full. Early Buyers Get
the Best Selections

Hamilton Clothing Co.

eKAND Taavena^MEitALP. TMuasoav. juvt a. was.



Traverse City. Michigan


Front Street. Across frrmCiand Opera Hous#-.

Youths' Suits

Men’s Suits
Tbki have been selling at $7.50. $10. $12. $15
and $1Q. where onl^ broken sizes remain, we
now Oder at
First t^oarter
Juno 21'

Many of thet-c we have entire lines of. but
have a lurplus stock of Youths' Suits, sizes fif*
iceu to twenty years, selling at $5. $0. $7.50
and SIO. so will offer entire line* at

$5.50. $7.50, $9, $12, $15


Big assortment colors and patterns but not
many of each kind. You don’t need to cate
-whether we have one or a dozen—if your size
and kind is here you can save several dollars.
'■ and you know our goods arc strictly new.


$3.75, S4.50, $5.50, $7.50
If you knew the real worth of «h*se thee
wouldn't be a single suit left with us within a
week after this announcement appear* C*«rre
and see them early—they sell themselves.

Jaritiary first anrl July first, and in
go'ting ready for s.ime wo tmd


broVen in some lirtes—other linr-i
we wish to close entire.

VVe are

ol.ligcd with the capital at our to keep our stock free from
o<l>l sires and to Jean up as near as


We Cannot Afford

Men’s Hats
$1.00, $1.50. $2.00

to Have an Idle Dollar
Negligee Shirts

in Our Stock—

Choice of any 50c Teck Tie

Working Shirts

• Several lots Pearl, Brown. Black color, worth
$1.50, $2. $3. your choice for

Choice of any 25c Teck Tie


poS'ible each reason.

ihav^havens,.Id at 5<tc and more, many 38C
AI-.0 r< gular dollar value*, broken


Big line Four in Hand-Ties, all new.
extra value.......................................


.Xnd whil** our business has been
better :h iii i-ur lar.:rst • \f'-‘''-i'ions
we want to ,id<i '''veral tlviusand
dollars to our b.tnk at cotint in the

Special value*, all colors”’'


ne\i thirty d.'V« with which U> pay

Cottonadc Pants
The kind you pay $1 to $1.50 for
some places now going for.............

fnt ibe nne Hi e F.i!l G<ki.!» alr- adv

I-s up to you i:ow

whether we Hm this or tu.i.


bren in bu iness bilt a little more

Fancy Vests
Sample line- going at one-fourth less than
regubir price.

than a year, wc have nothing but
Also big assortment Men s Pants, worth $1.50.
$2 and S’J. for

ntw gnrds to offer you.

Fancy Half Hose

$1,$1.50 and $2.25

Fine a sonmcni ai

Cotton Sox
The kind that others get 7c and Sc a
pair for. going at.................................

Traverse City. Michigan
Front Street. Across from Grand Opera House.

I Oc, 15c, 25c
Black Brown or fancy patterns to offer you.


Laura B. Dewru to W. H. Co*. lol>
Cl aad CJ. OU Mtaslon Harbor, »«.
Hn. ttBSru giU Mrt. }
code l,evl and srlfe u> Bara OraBniilr^ <sDm WMbcM*^.
CbBrtrs A Platirr Bade ■ ba>l»H> nrtl. parrrti. •**. ». town *8. range
iTlii iu Sorib lUnlluU fla»cta» rHuni- 12. tl».
Harrer llerker and WilUam Wood,
ward. t*0 acre* of aeU. s“'*'. 2T. lowu
ige Ib, li.uoo.
k« an- hPr^. lb»- tui-rt* <il b*r Dlw.
L. Hrown and wile to Tboe.
Mri. Carl Walk>-r uul faMllr.
Ml* tllrdfi-T aBl UHN «in, ««» SbeitBrn. pariTCls. wc. 2Z. town Z>>hi»<' tMO Trry etrli, «r» Mid to br range 11, 1300.
inniel H. Blddleeome and wife to
Mark Roe* and wife. ne% of n^ of
swVi. see. JU, town JC. range t. |l(«
Mark Ross to Rosie Rnim. nH of
n^, of rw«. «ec. 2C. town 2C. range
9. gl.W.,
Harr A. Kroapa aad wife 10 Geo. H
Cron. loiK 7 and t. block 1>.. 11. L. A
Tiif Acri
Co.'* eth. $2S0.
MaiT A K. RoImtIs 10 lleniT R. OuIs and wile, pareels. II.. L. A Co.'s
b. 1775,
Naiban C. Taylor to Wm. II. Whlieird. parcels, cne. 28. (own 28, raag.*150.
Ur. Pickard 0 oM frtmd. N. B. SberiWia. H Whlleforrt 10 Joneph Aatc-s
liareels. ace. 2k, town 2S. tange 9.
T)«r« pa* fliii"' a ^af*"
at n.c Aid mm-Wt WrdacMar alicrHcri.l
nillp Ruarb
DaoD TIi<7 balEfacd Ike work on haod
SS^dilld'Zl aoi .0 BIT! d«m.« ihi.^^llkO
lenjamln to Viol* M CTIlfTi.
liM wcalbc-r Mr*. Wmcou and Mr>..
C, blork 8, H_ U A Co '<
Dbcrldao **«■ a treat ol Ice cream
aad cake, whlcb war. appmciaied. The 2nd. »2,M«.
Msrk D. Morgan to Derk Wlikop.
afu'iuiM ara. proilaUr *Bd-id«*a*m.
lot 32. block E. H t L- A Co 's 7lb.
*^Tbe^bih *rade clans sad two erf »65.12.
Mtcb. Tnisl Co., inimee. 10 Charlei
Mat )<-tr‘r cImk caliod up>» Mr. and
S'— Uuinbiille Iasi cronlnR and pn' 1‘okormr. se»4 of *w«*. a..c 7, to*v
a wllh an elegant rucking 26, range 12. *Mfi,
David E. Wynkoop and wife 10 Jobs
Iracben w
were great'
JSlr' TbTlracber*
H. Monroe, pam-ls, Kingsley, non.
prised sad delighted
dellghied *wllb ibe 1
Olio Lodge No 324, I O tl P. U
abown ifaea br Ibeir scbolari.
•reniag was plaaaanUy pa*««l wllh Ilerlha A. MonrtM-. iiarrela, Kingsley
BiatIc and mine*. Cake, laaotiade
w'ilUam Wares and wife lo Rmms
«ad warn napte sugar were served
gad the clans Rlreo neartr thanks lor HMU-r. seK of *wli and awU of aeU.
see. k, town 27. rangi- 12. tl.iHi.
the beantlful and aartnl pteaeat.
Mary M. Htrellnglon to Jno. Kelley
Olea.Arter la going to celebrate
Jal) 4lb la good oldlaahlDned ttrle. and wife. n^O fisd and s^O fevi (if lot
78, block 4. Haysidr, *«im
There will be a ball game. Olen Ai
James R. Beebe and wHr lo William
TB. Ann Arbor; race* of all Wads,
e^t trf »w«i. sec. 2U, lown U.
prttea paid 1» ca*b; grand baU In
lage n. IliSO.
WTCalnjL eouductud bj Qlcn At
James ti Reebe and wife to Willlani
Canp No. 8Tltl. H. W. of A ; in>
te'H Of »(tc. -0, io*pf28. range
Selkirk. ••
br silver Bro«'. orrbeatra; grand
9. 2COO.
pin; of firework* I

......... .... wS.Si,""'”^


tmill«m*ire. Tb.' (svr m'lldnai
Onwral Nbus.
:..!p hin>-.«. Tie- i.r.,.oi
Tb» Oerrain war odirc has a recici i.
ebarsrtrr scab- 1'jt nlllrrr*. known ist»
t-yslem Of five S'v. ubicli ai"' wri;- .H is In lri<ln.,“ as a bdSlHi^re atidi—di
'll lb. 'l:i!< ‘ dPtalev
•n on On- inaitiln ot wrvicr no'"*', i!
r iaMra \
nu S istans a iipid'T: SB. a liij\y:li

*^r»iS*MtT. n, Pickard and Mr.

v..;r< * lo ill*- sl.'li.
;. uI- o( ••.••rylliir;;; 1'.-i -e.i ni llo"
U Ca. Ihi- obI. sole ptoph.-CV
Ik.- i-u.l

s I.-w tear* w B1

I'lirlfyinE and eli'vaiuin i

te sli'.aii l«.|»ia|i*. ih.r.' will 1'.
sn*l amoh. r'*.*■■ ol i
clt"!i an .ipiiongnrj

of Oaibdllc Sorii i

IrWi-aM b
!,.! t- . of .e.i e.!
Ihi..,- v i.

r OH,-j.!..||ai wlu,-‘i ..I.


viupTiI.r p^.i-l 0

soda crackers rightly
made in the first place,
rightly protected first,
last and all the time.

)iamml»ii,n any i*iai
acviosj neiniill.v or t. !lci-.o. l-y si'l'dirslD" (Kitn*i!v2i' ff.oi' olafi.*
k" tl.e.-l.vce a BC-l.eil |.il •■•lllijl
(.1 ll.'lirr


Card ot Thanks.
We wish to thank oiir many friends
lor their klndants and lorlng tymfor the beantlfnl flowers
paiby at
sent 10 u In our berearomenl by Jhe
BCBselL mecatlve eonmlUce.
Hr*. LADgrlek and Hit* Nellie We*|. death ot
cau drota Co Bmplre and bank yniM.
Mr. aad Hr*. J. Praakfalher.
'^rn. UUUn FUher aad Mrs. Neltlo
Itching, torturing skin
pberldaa were Binplra rUltora lodsy.
dlaflgure. annoy, drive one wild
. itac *4.
Doan * Oialmenl brings quick relle
and lasting cures. Fifty cents at an:
Thu Weaeutl lo*ded_wllb *lab* tor drug siore^__________________

snd .•1.41,
juneiur, all


n,'-ntr. Iha. ofl.ud
hi arts at the yv.iini;'


roller ..| lN-ir*.it


wiih a l.n’

liin. r,f bln own sml a rl-h i.rirl.' »l.-

1. Tr'...C-

III.' V.iii Sujs li'ilel III I41- Aii-.l'-s
M M IVdier. tb.' niKl
mnn ran go Ibrnugli a iiiiiv. rs|iy an*

Ann Arl-.r. 11-,'.-,... AI;-i,a. *5«.-j

Ihink he knows enough t.i eiirag- In
Ibe big QghI of Ilf.-, but while my
Ihcrtaecov, 2I-...-H-. Tn-ug rr-ji.nephew has dune ihai an.l proved hln.
wit a go^-siudenl. he ilel not him
(be qualHIes and prelln.iiiarr.'s of ve.;
•rfahli's ami '.sue-*' mill vala.U. and li“
will pill in ISO y*‘4r> l■4rhlllg ihai .il.'i.'l Kupi*!.: pul lie h.ili.liti- I.B'I lolu-.-bgivV I-II.I
.0 1-* erac,.-l .0, ............. A ..........................................
|inrl of Hie Imirl hu.sine«H lo-lor. h<
ranis hi* diploma fruiii iS.* coU.-pe of - riiii'.-iii viriu tuiv 1...........1 IIMI . Xr.-.-.!- rt>T. . i;-: • i p

uii.j K..1 Indlau* resids*.t\aih« In ilktaboma.


prartiral w.irk."


G.-orge Ih'inard Sliaw. Knhiish Me
cisIlBI. sod auihor ol
•*. x-pnild. in
pinys. roUiI In an Air.oircan' ‘'Wh-.
(miidemti th<- txn'f magnates In |iaerlrularf Ev.-ry mllln.nalie 1» guilty
Of Mime crime of equal bld.-ous


llsih.-rtkaiiliri a, ea.-u-..i, th.-coon

n .r. ;o.

M ;ied * lelallrc*

-ek .11



l..r 17

isrm with visions of bln laiihlul do.- , Big KapM>. ,
I wanl, (I. A. Sparks, an mss. n,,:
fi 111.- Kalama/is) in-111111 ................

Nsii L

Wil .11 11 iH.piilai u-aeto
. ...urrhsl W--lm"4..> nit
iiM- a -uistiiiii" iriji ilowd ll

woul.l I.- 11 ):.«*l *ub>«*ci -for s r
.1. «u*in-iraiioii.
ll.T .winversai
pos.r* w.-i-.- .'iireBi.'ly Hmiicsl.

But the fault .lues nui II.' will:


Card of Thanks.
We with to thank the people of r.
sr for the kindness wbuwn us durii)
'* tlcknesa and death ot our luthy.
far. and Mrs. W. II. Cork.

. **Bd«id’
ot Burdlckvllle
wmt to Boalb Hanitoa Island Me­
nd reiiiraod Friday.
Mrs. John Heinni* gave a taraweli
party Tuoaday evMilog la honor irf
Allas Carrie Cadbam. wbo Ml tor ber
hoBe Ip TraTftae City WodneatUy

:. -...-i* I.. I, Mol

nicrcirul. hui nil. n Oru H r.. rieuifyiii.:
rnlilsh drinker of bad brau'ty. ■'
yearlH>d. ttM- culprit Is pnimpily ca'Ut.


The soda cracker is an
ideal food. Uneeda
Biscuit are the ideal
soda crackers. Indeed,

:uck;i, • .. -1^.

rlnl.".-; SSS. a Hilli .Il dtltik-r: ttSSS.
voulsh driiikir
bramh. Ip
ibli. pnlm rli'. kaixr
paiiuni ati.i.v

at Steinberg Bros.

After a h.*avy m.-*l. b
B's Rcgulfl
rb, liver 1
■III need.

Daniel S. Lamoni, who wa* Prow
deal ClcveUnd's private sucrelary and
lator aocreury-of war. Ml an eauie
BaiOrr ward in lown ^esday.
14,600,ftOO, mostly railroad stock-.
Bebocri was ont Tuesday U*i
When Utnoni lefi the cahln.-l he •got
»«0 good program wa* given,
program oonaisied ol song*, reciia
on the graund floor' In Wall sttw;.
lloB* and dUlogucs by the pupU* ^
the sebool. Mm* Carrie Cadbam m
friend—Dr. ThomsTravarac City baa baon usebiag tbd
■cboM lor the put yaar.
Hra. Vatenune Lee and »l»ter.ln-taw
Hale Lee. were In lown Tuesday.
Tbe Mlaaas Alice aad Hargarat Day
Slawath. king of Cambodia, wbo
sad Miss Id* Fbrrui. wbo baa been
Ibe guosl of Paris last now. derlan-s
TMUag at
that Ibe French wotnim wear loo 1
Giovi^io I
“Vour women." lie sal'l.
Van WeeWen of Bouth Hanl"Should wear no more than two
ton tsiud was in
menl*. wne titling close to the skin.
Other eovering tbe first. B<-*lde*.


Ihe Real Tblug in Straw Hals, Elegaol New Styles is Soft Hats. Dandy Stiff Hals
Good Hals at $ I, $ 1.25. $ I 50. and $2 00.
The Best Soft or Stiff Hats at $3.00.
Fine Straw Hats at 50c to $2
Panamas at - $5 and $6.50

Sailors for Children, the best ever shown at2Sc and5Dc.o''h«ivi,ti> 1.25

ja„,«, OB.


r women harness themselves
tight that BOBU of their motlona
AI least they should liaii- ibelr
M BiBllar lopon to make. While work- legs entirely free." Ill* msj.-ny
tag la a clay pit near here some work- mone.1 several Cambodian dancing
BM unearthed a peHoct aptvlB>
girls, and niuMrated his Ideu of
a pedal cxiremity about foimren
SB-ibey didn't wear
as *""g •p"'! other proportionate dlBRKbms. A portion <rf Ib* shin bone, elothes. “Eveobody here talk,
tbe ankle and Inaiep arc reguUr In much," he added, "Ev.^ylsuly
shape, tbe latter bearing mai^t which
all the lime; women. eWldr.n and men
lapruM-ni the mcuearpsl bonus,
arc ahrleking at eaefa oHier all day
seek;* very probable that those
alls are parts of the Skululoo of
Women, witlioni frarlng pun
ancient aborlglneo
Ishnienl. Iniernipt when lli.-lr hu*.
Albert Carilagton. wbo has I
hinds ar.. lalklng." That in almost
working at QMlar lot some time. 1
eaplialjilrrnse In Camlimlla.
hour on a vantlon.
Mr*. Oearge Haas and daughter
Tbelms of ih>mh Msnilou Island took
Ibe llltuoli for Charlevoix Baturday
Yonr eoireapoDdrnt baa notlcml
■eeount el tbe BPd'o*^ *

I. nobinson of Washington, ll. t
intendcnl of
the telegraph I.
the Weather Bureau. Was here Ssturflay im bU aanual Inspection trip.
Mr. ami Mrs. Wm Farrsnl ol Easv
Bptpirv were In lown Sunday.
Mrs Smith and family of Codar arv
vtsiilDg with Mrs. Smith's
Mr. and Mrs. 1 A Carllngton.
Mis* Ida Farrani. wlib David aii-1
Margaiel Uaywiook tbe Missouri Fn
flay for Chteago, where they
It relatives aad frteads
Hit Wm. lAlrd ol UardlekvIlUi wa*

I Will Inlereet Every ReeidenI of
Traverse City.

oil r.-aitlly verUv ihe foll.iw
fur the g.-nll.'msn sup
ni; parileiiinrr.
plying I
mil. If
from rtlwwder
ney s or blad.ler and desir
s-rll.' him aUiiil Doan's
and learn ihat ihi- fnllnwlne staiemeiit
In every partiriilsr:
OnriH. of Mliehell slnel. Ca.IIrelghi lirakenian on ilp' G. R
. R-. r.innlng t'aiUllsr
sverae I'll. o.s. "M.
^Mlsi Kvs lisy^ It visiting rebitlves
) IMX .tb-.T, ........... V 111
la Esst Empire.
any P
Mr. and Mrs. HarabtU Farrani 01 rivillv
cv. In kn.iw If Doan'* Knln.-v
'HBflIdivlIlr took iltnnrr Sunday will PIHs _.
1- ll-lM't
Miner Farrant and family.
kldne - eomplaini.
Ooc Johnson of Oregury s rusori. re
turned ho^ from Cblrago Ssturdu;
. years and always
evening oiTtbe llUnolA
Ilf healib iiniil about two years a
Heurii Cdons and Roblnaua Iran shea my kidneys either w.-akene.'
saciud bnslncas In town one day Init were .i-.'erwnrk.vl.
I Kutr.-f.l
n.ilti und aehing In the small of ....Miss Hosel Bimnett of thb place
tmi-k I.' mch an exli-nt ih*' I was quiiel
Isuie. A railroad engin.vr who lia.l
Juae 25.
ut.v] Doan's Kl.!n.-y Fills b.IvImvI rilo Irv IheRi
The Treaiment ri.ll.‘viN,
ll Esut* TraiNfer*.
me. I s«.pi»-,l 11. Ih.- tniiilde reti
B. A. I resorted 10 ihi- pills again for
fi. Ee- day*, aimiher n-lapM- fidlow.vl.
nhlswanit. tINl.
I finally dield.vl to take them steadily.
Onlvenisllsi Reaiwt Asao. (o CarrI* Since then I have mrt
rt noilevvl a rlngle
V. Traadwav. lot 2 and nH lot 11. symplnm of a reetirrenee.
“ • sail, by all
eaP-r*. I*rtre
Mock 23. NefflawtBis. 275.
Carlelon A. HaidM|Md aad wife lo
FOster-MUbi 11 Co.. Bufta
New Vork, sole agrmu lor tb.- Vniieii

Cult Sirao Halt for lilllt Fefloot al lOc ani 15c
GiHt' Hood ShofiO Halt at

SSe ard SOe

Wdo Him Harratl Hall el

lOe. I5eand25e

(/..irerstf/ffefx r.*r liirisnn.l i'etys. .11




IVIen’s ClotHing WAY UNDER
You can bnv Ihcmi h^ire^and oaFjly
■the Best Suits in America SAVE


wonh $20 10 $2S fit .


worh $15 to $is fit

Uhil.- UUfkfiua
Colored. At

White Lace Hose Here
Ihe Prettiest While lace Sioskiegs in Tta»erse City
Far Ladies at
l5c, 25c aad 50c

lOc and 15c
lOc, 15c and 25c

for Boys and Girls, all siz<;s, at

1’la^.n: WHirii nosii
for Ladies at................. ...........
D' *N' T
Alt' TT-niK

L.AOIES' SL'IVS. wf-ith up to
$ao. at.......................................


$1^. at.................................. ...............................

,r Mfu andUojflAtltC

wtHi-TE: w*Ais*rs 98g






ihosr beautiful


. W'lrli 5il -'iD.

-.ilil ilurmif ;ti<


W ini'

will i.r..l..ibly



. dl_l)

S.i|f ai................
[..It n main willi ii' lony;,


I(I)LOKI.I) l-\KASol.S,





Na'.'y and

l.i« • ll. tt.Ttli jiJ '"I. Will b"' >old '|*,'cial al


Hundri’d' ot bramifi.l i



.wuiiii'.k i.uiOl ;tiosi': lib.u Tii'UL

Lidies will b*; plo.iseU to hum th.ii iln-y .


wiTib 512 so loSlSal

shown hc'c ill nil -i)''''. in HI... I' ;in.l Whi'.' .iii-i
• or o;h T 1 iir. o.<-. -ii nnl,------- ....







i[ ir m- III -

i V - rs . n..

L.XblKN Tvl MS. I




Short Cn.t-.

Ladies' fykiris, -A'orlti $I0 aod $12, at
Ladies’ Skuts. worth $4 and $S. at
V T'ritlj


R 00


Hisses- Skins, worlli $3 anJ U.SO. al.............................. 1.98
You Mu-.t Coiiu' .anil ^

B'.x Coal.

-.1171'- ol :S.-ni worth 5.1*1 .iiid $1..

nisses- Jackets, worih up to $6.50. at. 1.91;;. 2.9S. and o.9B


Many lUt come irom impure
Can't hav.- pure h istd wllh fault. .11gesllon, larv liver and sluggish Imwell. ________
Bunlnrk ____
T' d Biller* strength
eu* Momach. bowels and Uver,
parlflsttb* htoofi.

Caps for Hen aad Coys, nil lli. ii.-w.-ul
»i.,-.|K8. 1.1





' aamue) H. MVb-r 10 Thomas Haena. **Kememlwr the name—Doan'*—an.l
■•Vi Ol aeti, eiv. Ib.^wn 2S. range take BO «ber.
' W. W. Brower nd wife to ParmelU

The Store for Satisfaction

Traverse City, Mich.


..................... .


’ll H ooU>tn«r

OmUi •( Mf«. MartlA.
Ktanicr. Mleh. Juse HOWnc
St. l»»»"a
•t * o’docfc ye»lCTd»r »n*TOoon
o«e or tbe oI(
Urn or the re»loo ud Ioitm • Ur«r
•dBber ol frlcaOt U> Bicwni her
Thn* ehlldreo hre loR. all dao*l
The lunml smtIoc win br at t o doch
Marrow anerBoos rn>m llu- mi«0Ma.

Banal fm tbe Klaialey .


•■0 L. r. T«it* aad wife left thl» »«»
for Ottawa Bewrb. where they artU ai
lewd the meblgaii alBle b(|Dker«' cat
Hra. ABole




»y MjBU M. CUary
OMOncU. «!. by


M. flMO-

•So Uut ■ Uk- way tbe biud Ilea.
Itr oxkeil Ivy I.yle.
The woalllve (.<« under tbe hie. rov
lined eon bat wn« verj- while,
ilpe qnlvetvd a litth-. TI>o han.b that
brM IlK- vaerant aheet treuilO<xL
“it lau t that I .-an r' Ml.- t.*l
eHL “1 hadnY hectui to i-aie -In that
wny. I wje <>uly lieeotulne-atin
But the aUock-lhf ilWllu.l..a“tVlM-ii ahe had atarted out an boar

Pride came h> her

“11 may be the


_ 1


. Wvlvuini


y. Memi; I. rutlmln^ a hoo«- lor

Smith lix- i
uDw. uc uau •••>•.
I .all ntaily turup.''••o
She flmieup her headand amiled at. .v-,. ixn .;i,l
Urn. “Vew 1 will Bof ahe «iSd.
moved heeU to .\rmv
' TItey were verv piy ihal a(lemoon.| The Aenii r-e-ilarx i.'.ntialinun leefclewly* k>. They bad luueb- nidsv aiterno-u aim oxi
•on al ilie Init m-er the xi.nne. andlihe .Lrme hall vn-un,'.,. .........
dueled ba.'k between the womled haukx '■ '<» -■
! Mioitin
ioM n> the day waa eMiu*. «lwn;ln '*'>
lanioc at the elntiip of:";^„~
.................................. J",***i
ward aud lonkeil Into
• IH-ar.' he wild. “1
you. and I ran t let y
U(e—ever! You doni

and satisfied t.............
U fast gaioioK L............................
............... - because we
laid down a roHc)' to undersell
sell al!.
ati. .AND \VI£

June has be«;n a banner
lUnner (Donth.

iiiu-nd to makf July


still outdo it simply by offering
ihat you can t resist.

Special Bargains for One Week siartingFrinay June 29

J"- S'hm-It

■srtmndx'. Trav. jv.- fit}. Soii-:ay a
.Another lot oj these


Large Reed Rockers

BpM fur her anuBl linak uorulua' ’
alone tbe rrlx|>. xhHiliu: Kxiidx.
’ -tVI... Ill the world baa lieeB lelllus | n....,
wl. i-..
had iMtu our of ihe louat iD-nffe
yon of her? rv- never ■—-n Iut. |,ih
'U. n
UCLI henrled of SlrU BUr «iw doiK- ~.e
have vast ln1i-n-»t« In .-.ou I.
JaraMtem. whM> IwitlB Ke anWaal re
and Ur' two yeorx of fw
•n and have Imih a:
UMBorrow nomlBC In that cUy.
elau trax-l had aiaveednl m1u> il a.
eort of Mtyhlus i.n.-.w.. SIr- bad i*crrnm Mooday r lleconl
(rvt hreltb aud iiiMy dr«au>« of
I may get U|i
HOMT Bly. wife and dai«hler of
! velbsl folUTv held lu Iti heeplus. near I came U
Bk BapbU were Ib the eily today.
e i"*»i ai-xUieUa- taiteK. aud tier ■Lilt
H. L Nrteoii of OW Arbor wa. In
atblrtlc Bjiortii wax tin- admiration think I eould do wllhmil
tha cHy OB baalneea.
raniHit. xml tbifa oil Ihe-e lx to It
Of her leu vlsoruue nil I (rleiHU. Bbe
■. L. Beeknan of Elk Raidda wax In
you ran .t»darc Udns i“xir
,.,r with
7"hmefer v-a-.N..-.
Uvii havlua a I.MiiUful tliuedowu
few vears I'll work xo hard
the dly loolrtiw after boalaeax iBter^orraduu to give you everrthlBg th:il
Bhnll iM-aurelo win."
Tboaaa Bnarthwalle and famllr
SlK> had not been niHtnken In lettini
will leave tonorrow (or Red Parh. ore waa aiMlIed.
-lH>n>eir love him. thi-o'- Tor ahe did
And lu her heart xbe knew lltat
•ear lUaialee, where they wDI aprad
love hlm-ahe did. Ami ahe hod known
Biiixt ba>Y been lawluiilas to ibuik too
II all tbe while. She lifted ber aliy.
BOch of the man wboxe oHeullona to
NeU Boreiaeo of Klngaley relaraed
ad fnee.
her bad breu au marked ur elw tbU
hoae Balnrday after a week-x aheenee
. will he a g
dbMioveT, would not mi affeet Iht. Kil■ i.r.«u..i>-a
Ottaadla* the Boar mlUere-e
xbe proalaad.
■ -■■niwenal d.v»u
UnC to real and waleh the while ere«
at Mllwanhee.
Id wire* ♦oiue eurtlu* ii|. to l.tewk on
AJfred Treadway d Orand Rapldr toe border of toeAke like Uimida of
apeat Baaday with Beo Hoataene le ranwt tace, h.T athiillou Imd lieeii
jI Biehmji. '.Lcaty id u
the Inn be atood aiimnd.
ranebt by a email, wlillc. whlrlina oh
ifeli elty and Ml Ihle Bwmli
, ahlni
t lovely lady ____
In t
bad. vaxTOer id
Dntl aleht ehe bad token
Olea lAke. where be will attend the Jeet tbi
.di-^l^-aisr I h
gown hla deiAure little coun­
II had whlaked
ealBBer camp of tbe Junior OBSlarera. for a b
try Uwde: How aaperhly aliv rarrkd
eii II Ooaled an
,W. B- AndenoB Bad dauRhlor,
bera.-tr; And tboae dUmood. around
eould pul out ber band aud
her white throat wrae worth a fortune.
Habd. Ml lor a trip to Maalatee. HU and abe found If w
•t of no
She .mlUxI op al hi. amuied eouute
and St. Uralx tbli


piioatea* of BhrlDe No. IS, left thi
(or Oerelaad to attend lb
aapTMoe abrlae of tbe While Bhrlno <


like cult




S:i i~>.

Our Special Price SI.98
Large Kitchen Cabinets
i<-\H<-lly liki- cull
n<0'iM.r lUKiUit r I
llii-ro-. l•ul>^*^l^doaal» f<'■n--w.-^il niitil ilia
Ri-ejular price

Qur Special.



These Sweepers
bavc rubber bear­






bristle brushr-i.
Kei;ular prit



Our Special,
Our Siret a'.
" Anlit Agatha and I did not wlali lo
the feablouahh- taotcl kw
be bothered with atteolioox.- abe wbla
np on the duura beblud ber. Al
jhia nMnlBg.
xbe bad lieeo about to emiuph- It U|i pxee.1. -ao tiye vv beeu living Ini-ogullo.
, lUex norenee Borit w«it t
and <»at It ealde. but In the very art I exiawud luy father tonight aud
iilMaaBt thii BoraiBs.
drraaed to do him and von.- awe.-lly.
of dobu; w> a oaine-ber owu uaii
The UlBxee Jennie Reae of
-what honor 1 eouU You will leitdoi.
mat her eyS.
roe.- at alw signed for n la>y who had
figUey led tblf aioniliic (or ML PUa^
Keen then ahe bealuted. Hot
brought ber a tel.-graui and broke the
three woida were ao alKulftrant
aeni of tin- m.waage. -Hetoltotir abe
tMtil Waraa wont to 8l Unaoe to muat know their wrUer’a full nitemU “tvin be with you loroorrowr
tog. Tbe |WRI- wa. the aoiiilnu.
She handl'd Aldxley tlw yellow xllp. *14'ei?i. Ho.
Cera Weaihara retamed to her boor of a letter, and the Brat llmv word, It waa aignid. "Jua|ier E- fhaxe.“ nmt
toe top of tlK- pace w.-cv
Mnniala# UU toorala* after apoadto Mni
Lyler Imiiulxlvety. plvlns her. It waa addreaxoil to -Ulxx liumaria
Ivy Ly
e tlae in the dly.
to welsh the nirelkw of
relf no
B mok of Orand RapUe who bax
baea vlaliln* In tbe elty. returned to
hla booe tble noralacboy: Come o
Mr. and Mra M. a DoleBan rere ilarlag at ux. ••Isive
tamed to Orand Rapldx after vlalUns
“Come-you l»aae develverr
L for I eanT afford lo niarry her. ax
Meade tn tbe dty.
TOO know. But ahe hai rather .wejit
>(f my feet oU chap. At brat I
taken with bar loourent ta-auiy.
Tbere la n liuiiyni. which i
There waa no one at thl» hlc boxtelry rarliiex for varioua alloya ux«l li
to eompnie with ber for loolm. SU I manufactuie of ciipa and va««-i
annd -doIUra tapreBontx the an
thnl bna pnaaed tbrougb (be local let myxetf drift. I thought
making gohl and allver Ink. for. gllilinc
bnka Blnm Bept. 1 nM wna wpcndrt Joat a d.wr II
and allvering and for ttwtlng the (uirily
tor pouioex atons. Thix extJmnte lx
■« oaplela and ll lx xahl. tbnt tbe
aaaabt bare la really doaed lo a nil- Ion know what thrae
Bob and a hair.
ffirUUonx amouot.lo. Bo Tve been go­ ralM dlploalK. or doul.ltng. for
The following Bgurea were eon
ing I o Bee bee atcodlly and toking ber umaa of the piUl and alHer was
hr tbe lomi banka for the Racon
etwrywhere. Were gone daro-log amt blfd. wUlU- their .-olor reimilm-d
•over tbe buxinaaa from Bept
■wlmmlng and bootlog nod uU Hie real Changed, and. xx tla- c-omplh-r of
manual leiuarkx. n skilled wurkiuiio
Of lU and. by Jove,
mighty quiet I've come lo And out would and II dlfll-nll or even««
•he's not Hie typical little country girl aJblv to delix-t the fraud Tlie cv-iiiea
at all. Shea well rend and traveled, which rmair moat freuiienlly de-i-ribe
Total .......................................... SUtt
toongb abe aecniid rattier aghaxt wh
various Uiisle. of pBTmrlim .......... a
Wblk of ooaraa It whuld te ImpoA obr let that tart ool. Ami abejmika
bv oUerinB unma.chabl.-b.,rc»in-m - v.-ry d.„:,r.m-n.,
,ou oblaia by
wold which •irlglnally tiienni .i miinral
Hbla to ptok oot eeary Item, tbeae extifellow In n euol, apiirtalag -on
alloy Ilf gold ami silver kmiwn to
shoppiny in .i ^. partm.-m -1-r,: i- yon . .in cloih.- ym,r„;II or any in.rnibnr r.l yon, Irom head lo loot under
mua foOow the bnxlneax very cloee- way that make, him («•! pretty .-brap
Cnx-kx BC elmirtinj. It wax at
Ip W ora pnrpoiclr placed low lu
If Idx aimkon thuugUla an- not .jolu- ui looked uimn iix a dhUlm-t im-tal.
om: roof and sav«: from -’i to tli per ct-m on your (lurcliaM-'.
art« to tvedd exaggeration. The boaher while mntidurd. Hut dica r
laeoi Of tbe BUlo baak lo thl. line
lly In llic aoelal awliii. Sm-'.
Tory probably tan over tbe amount
It's loan linol I
-Slyaa whUa that of the Iftrwt Nailonxt
InUT pvri-xl the nan
■ay have ratMiod a hall mlllloa but ber down to any c
illiiyw. and lu
piled t
tha AgurM are aa glvcB above Ib order
lira explanation of the
to be OB tbe xafe aide.
origin of alrlratny.
■ The Sgure. given by the People x
xUver eould lie exlraried mra
n.,l-]M,-a«li.“-«aa-eLik in while. Uu f
vimxl nx tliongh II -luld
1,1 „-k. ul. , l.n- nt l.:.ll,.-r. w.rath TAi lo Vic.
the will of tin- ol-craloT
ane dealer wboae a
\li.v -, ali-e-s nri 1 aiii-lHla in liii. Iilxck ati-l n.i.
- or the "Ih.-r, II .-oilid
anlltvially h.« jntnglliig
wnrlli/ri.mH in »l2.-. (or............................................... OOL’
The bnxlneax don- al Traverxe Cliy
gold aud xllier. or ch»«-ly Imllal.-d liy
a( oourae dora no Include ihnt ul
Lu.|„ra;ct>>rnr.iK. hill-licT ttyl.-. (iilrom
ux alloyx. eleven or
Klngaley which lx a btavy potato een tor urn- of my mooning awxy u. yw
IVV Mi-n's Slimmer StiiU.soU l.\ tii- tiiuiit
(hlx rate: fve gut lu go «w:.y >im
tbnt have bank.
twelve varii'lira of which ore dixwrtli
X|«vi;d L'r..................................................................
to,-Urn.-out .
try to forg«
fiic^ her
be m-forv Ifx l.« hue.
ed In the
t IX of la-yden.
.M-ii'a »ilm ••..If -Iri-^a bIiui-*
e mid lier fntlicr nr
T:i ChiUn-n's HusU-r l-.r..wn an i fa-1, l sn'wrak. Ihpy tell tut
■Xe.imi i-'orudid l<
SlliW, WiTlIl $-2. I > ]-«. nut :i
, .he-x the gtrl the licndx of l.-u
Amuiu: It"' cniiilldaira (or .v|-t“>lntUw and a ball dollan.
boiwra expert me to tuarvy. Sli
HUt tu a t iiran.y -ii the p-'i..- f-ir-T
Potoloca dU Bol soar li
• hnvc toe good ln«v tu refuse im
( on lri.1. town wo. one Patrick Mnrlb. crap waa noi\larg<-r tb in the ordl1 alm»( boiw xt" will. Slie'.
phv, wlHweapm-ar.inie m-for.-tin- mayBWT. The hlgbral peter of polatiioH
and the
or wn. ImlW w ilh ern- of "11.- .-an t
*ar «> e--nf. l-«i- Ibla was lust a sptici great le-lre
latera.1. wouki Iw n
writer- Tin- i.iJ>-or Mid I.V
as.l the udlrg price v
ll tbiig:; boL oh. hang me If 1 thought tlirtv lo lake down lla- iini
dad ilc rret. w;>l quh ■ a runibor «
It lx ratlmaKsI
M arol » cent h«di
pllrentx. who w.inM .-.inra
.Vk- ill-! T-‘“- l)r.-ss S.ft Etisniii Sinrts.
thar the potale rrap
Rlri'x xweel I
'iiigUr luler fur cx.vinluatioDabOBt Ibrae sad cmedialf million maxi do the
thing and g
A frieod x,-t Mundiy In n fair, round ■
for the tS'.iat’ a year,
$1 an-1 tl >J Men's liU-at xl> I- Straw Halt
luiiid to .X>1‘V •-rxlrick MuftiUy nnd
l/uhr-a' #1 Tfitiimi.i Httx to - l.en
. of blog. kept him praclk-ing at It ax.ldu..u.l.v
torty fur tboae iioor
fnr V.v r.uJ ................................................................................
.nw naxaun.
who have lu wed (or reanona of ai
When the eventful day arric-.!. "Tnk.
Fkiyd Jamie 1 (eel dlaguallngly like one of tl
Men a I.U-k oolWD S.T. whili-liiif Uat.
- «ora. to Mr. and Mn.
that iwn." aald lU- roay or. "and write
I''x s.iilnr.-, uilii Inllu'
rm sleepy. «:«od night.
ni B
;k'. .-■A.sia-oul j-r,.-.-.........................
f Ttaverae Ctly
till, lu (be morning. Ten to <“
Iran exeUmatlona aroae: • l-of. ;
I mierwwir. #
-l MlUon Oorea.
dleam of Ivy Uvler -.
Ikibr IJ--lill‘-lr. ill till- lawn a i-1 ‘
MUa Anna Horae arrived Uxt lii.-y iMt. i»-r Kunm-nt.............................................. i
It needed no algnattire. Tbe wi
inniti-.xl.xalu-i. ni-I" fl.'.-d
■d win it do him:
arday at ber cottage to apend (be xurowaa «Ally raengnlx..!. Bl«- .-rum,.led
tbe paper tightly in Iwr Imml ami
*^iaa Real lx expected «
tbrnxt It Into tbe tOooxr of ber gown
week to apend tbe sum
„ and (am
' _____________
Hr. and Mrs.__Tom nbering
attended the
Cblldreo’x dav
cxex- d^in"l'b?'l^>^
come too pMMDlly famlUpr. t'oukl
alM at Old MHaloo Uxi Sunday.
^jMra. I>CTey Ayera bat been quite rimee kllown the .beet had Iwra
(-]alK<r-TU.-i> irimmc-d wiih full enrhroidered fronts, lacc
■hlaked out of bis rmroil Had be "“"wfi^roy name. Hniphy." xald the
---• ’ —Tin. wbo la working oo tiro
ran It blown down to the beach?
term (or Hr. HcUulleo. i.
-0«d rooming.
“,! ™T^ie ycr bonor-a naroer eirlatroLu‘!et> whit.' •limiik LiD>.a SkirU. ucalJy
with raUllvea at tblx
cuDimlt (.ragery and go•jx- ial i-ic.-.......................................................................
■iMton spent Bnnday a
I end aK, « toongb tnaomnla bad;
orr-Loodoo Tlt-Itlto. riSpb Hcarrokey bu iHic • pow-' rialroed bln. «Too-Jw oat
J™ | ^
Prof. W. H. Stateaa weal to Leland


98 cents


This is only a starter of the many good values we shall,
have for you during this special sale. Don’t miss it.

The Globe


Boston Store Old Stand




IK.‘U............ . II
















■ $1-49
' 19c




Utn to Hr. BUekney-a grocery store you
•I Ttovotw aty.
Ctoar Bpttogar
___ _
“1 neverwu xo angry In aD my life.‘ rn>k lABg mnroed Monday from{ -l-I raonr abe faltered.
-Wbal now. Calkariuel"
WiOtorotlrorg; where be went to vlxll' The pleading volra had become to , -Why. Orw bad the aodacHy to
Mp cbildren
1 petUonaly dear lo ber abe foond tt •ay I uirad latnt on oy cbeekn Sneh
*“•* “ a canard woonded my feetlnga aa toej'
qnickly.'bave never beee wouDdni before.”
-Ornelonx: It It a wondec y«i dW
... ~

_ cried
ftepktoa of Old Hlaalon.
" abtiply. rod bural into frara?”
“1 would have. Graee. bM-bot I wax
Mrs. LtofU Barktatod rondo her *Wbit H ft? YVhat la wraag?”
Tbtra waa no doubt of tbe atocrao Afraid tbe Kura would wub off aU
wm, Hn. HOto OUroora. n ...............
TWt Atm dnyt to« VMk.





Jr-"' fijg


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