Grand Traverse Herald, May 03, 1906

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Grand Traverse Herald, May 03, 1906


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



>AV. MAY S. 1*0*.

g (tow Ae had baa-lsd armed. Hre. Thayer gave a tribute
' tmCTSC
and a bright and aiireerive young
« tbe piaateriBc ea Ibc eattMr
(orraeriy («• the CoWwm.v urtreol. **’*“*^
rater wai rATVimlw t:i:( mile and'remgrr of E^V. Daria, who
« imlm doaa. Thb bB bmppaaed
d around, of the games at thc^friend to the yauac pmple and
aralB la aeed ef a kiad hem A<'
» _______
. .TbpiatanI ttbaa oee, Bitemta. probablr
aes tn the BornlBg aad after-, wbon all turned in tim.- of nscl.; pr
sItvV with «r. aed Hr* il E ’

beiiae atll-be -boiu of tpoatder-•atho^hiDdt-U
Crtvtiog* uen- read frtun Chark-* F ; lAvl*. rv«ldmg JuM cast .tf tbe G 11 A. TBACY LAV, PreaMaM.
■tntl-r-T «tu> ib* oMc« of ibc
aad Ibe drives through
-I Bew for tbe iti^ with
Mr (MMl >t LABAlas. ntmUT« to tlM le part of tbe flret atorr aad cblauer* Unsabore mad people were pourioB wouda. Ibr whole bring a vOTt
, I Dari* cf Ft. Coniaa and Hr* Anna B iA 1. trarka «n ^si Etxblh sirerc. bn:
ACAWLftHP, CreHt*. '
It vUI be belli ee ac Aceic AO(le.
jCTiTWteM of tbe ummM ebArter,
[ Iloxh- of Grand Rapida TS,.- happyl owing u. tb. .k rir.- of th.- ag.-d prsgdr
out ef tbe flau la a atrean. Id two roll call of Ibe oM arbool.
pnirM^ for A BoBbenhlp of tire*
-: occsskni rtiurisdcd with lbi riugiog orjibai th.-y baf n» Ismily t
Hr*. T, D. McManus duacrlbo
aleutea there were bnodredt of pro
oa-tM bOArd of pobtlc *orki ImteAd
«)• ea ibo etraat. -Afiar tbe' «r»t
•CtT^-vbfcb kM fcoieXIoro W— tM
ran erer and I bad looked
room OB the tret doorare row
■teartbAMArt. UApaoAntriMitht
a UUle. t reaOlxed that a few
tf*AA brDwUr Attofwr OAABicbt
c. la tbe
•ml iMBtr *. ObAAA......................
tared back Into the bonae and grabbed
b« of IbfcboAnl of PAbbe-work..-rto nortb ead af wUeb will be a boulder
wearing apparel and nadc
Ore plaa atae feet wide. Tbta
worn bA*AbtffoT*r.»AyAotbedltiWFfKsd
AI preorot
- of !
uajrtsgi^ oay re^ syre reawmo
erlll eSteM t»o alortei btpta etbar ran (or (be atreel.
glAairi bjr u» >«MK eMetWi.
IS faithful av'.
-iiuMe of tbinr ninhlea there i
-nUi osteka « iOAtAlDAd. »oaW ibroosb a caUerr
•rea etartlas In .-rrrr direeilnu.
nmaa Appir to tho« »ei
1 weal back loaMr and pu' <>
3 per Cnl aUawed oa Use DepatUs.
tbo beard of AdocAtlea vbeae tenu do tbe tret Aoor to tbe aacoad «tU eaelrBougnt U-it-tc.
salt of clothe* and look wb*! ,ir.
BOl-^pIre tbb oprlas. Hr. Beaeotl ele tbe atooe Pro fiMta ebtaaer. Tbl> ,tlelea we eould caro Mall>. and startrtofl.* l-h.-lp.. ba.- ........ . .
I departure fiaai tbe o
Wd ■Mr. HofAA. proaeot awatbert ol

war of plaaolBB bones wilt be
m board of pobite vorko whoee
nut is just what you are
prwpasUMBi. There wA* not A alnsle
te*e >et Axplrwi. baAlec tbolr otAUet verr ualqee and
moving and pc,.p?e Aere patiJR .lotnu when yon fail to Rct reg­
U-itlll U. I.vrel -i.withil:.. ^
ular anj sufKcicnt sleci>. Your
apoa tbo optotoo of tbe dopetr aHot- Tbe dee at tbe west of the llriar »10.«) to get A trunk hauled aoinc
Mclbnsrid and Brick-*.-..
aor *mtAl. hare dotonalaed to re- raona will be 17x18 feet ageare and arherc. oBir to lore It in the cod, W.
botly requires this unconscious
a a brick Are place. The wla- atsrted for the hllla where we t^M
tato IbHr aaati on tbe board tmtU lb«
period for repair work; with­
out it your nerve cncrc>- aifMUaa of tbelr tetmo of ofBoe. *o- dows Is tbe aMea nf thh room will b^
Mh tbw ihall bo legAllr laowrod.
\ ‘Tk* wnomc If lb. Wtor fr«n aoaiber effect. Aroeed the walU aad
tired, worn-out. ncrvbus. txI I'h.-lp*
AMoraej Ooaeral Chaae.^bleb uader tbeae wtadowa wHI be paoela en
ciuble; luve headaclie. nt'isight beyoed dr-vripHoe to *■
«h--r< lie u'll -ll'
wbtcfc Mr, Hare will dlaplar hlf eollec
raljna, indicestion. poor appe­
axpHlBA liaolt:
tees buntling out of tbeae ten '
ili.-n rt't'irn i
(too of forHn dasters. swerdx aad tourtrcB-atory bulldlaw It aeem.
tite. or other ailments caused
Mr. Atoiaader H. Boaoett.
other InpleBAU of ararfarc tbAl hr hr the Ore burst oot of every wl
bv a lack of nerve force. Make
TnTefoe Cllr. HleUsaB:
•While the irlp (own b.-re l« n>l<«' > -----bha eolleeied la hU exleaialre trerelf
■it your business to sleep. If
raih-r kmc pitwn nma hroi i4 th,.OHr
Toar at tbe M lasL r
iw at oaee.
tbroecb tba eoeatrr, aod of which
-Bverrnoe KeptVeiling ns
Mr. Mi.-tp*
hhi aboel oee tboesead of all deatca* III never get beyond such a
br. Miles' Nervine; it sooilies
lioad and •-SfJiM- and i;
TaaAaaire tobaoa vbetber roar of- aad ahapea.
and stfcuRthens the nerves,
ih<. bee of lOOBiber of tbe board of poblie
OS,thla room will be (wo anoka ex
ir several hmire, until wc ronld
•orta ar Tmrene Cttr. Htehim.
Bdiv further west oD a porrfa.
Ylroa tbe aaeadaeet of tbe dtr ehar- porch will be ISxZC teol aad be bolt: to fames alnosi aiirrminding
ben wc began to rrellre Ih-- bc»i orffans jower to work natur­
l.-s. !•» lu lilt- IM'a ilunniq -oinwli. I
tar meted br tbe l««lalatare at
up wtlb boulder atone and Uriec wood thing we could do was to
ally. Tiy it toilay.
te aaeUoo * at Utle < af tbe aamdBOB. To the DAM and oB
•i had * severe spell of ferer. whlrh
where. So we siariod to
,MBt of im. II U Ptaruod tbal at tbo
reon will be a dlales roan 11x18
I until
we kept srelUng
To maki- sgif that y.m are
.olaeUca af April Sod. 1»W. *throo
Tbia dlBlei! room will hare
wight, and came to a park. Thci
MUiTm of tbe beard of ptMk vortu,
geititi!; nil ihnl is cviuiiug to
strep tsjl vrr>- lllllv. E>.Ty
OB (be aoutb nrertookliiK tbo lake located under a bush ami sal
m (or oae
you in slyle ;md »<-.vrin;i
an expoBuie to the onrtb on
Bichod the fame* and the moving
«ad m for three reaie'- aball be
eecd dlninp porch SOxll feet. On asses oDiil morelD
<)ii-ilitii-> for till- pritv. nla-ays
2>>2 Williflm Blk .Cilz. I>koupl4bi^i|^^
Haetad. toaetber w«h eiber afbeert.
porch nanr at tbe
• in tbe morning we took up the irell
luiy tllc Crawfool Sips-. SI
1-M apaa-enaailabilea of aaeitae S. be served dorioR the arariB sumi
nnd*::.W.orllie.1aui.-fi Mrnns
-------------------- •
iba. Tbb eed ol tbe building alw
-aaii^ctteeipreirtdedfor latbeorts- ceeialaa the panirr. kltrben. rcirige.-.
Slio?. *:«.u0 and STi.Oil ,
Then I Is.'gan
‘ 4aa) efcartar wbare tbe lerai of otbcc,
TravBvwBCHj .
1. laratory. etc. There w
thing Id cat. 1 found a small groc-ry
IMa jaera. wooW oot ei^re
KMDland Doufliast
be a broad screened porch off (be II
. .yivc him II (or a ren of aalimm
■prtBt ■
eg room oreriooklng (he bkc bluff.
and one of (rnll. Then we aal on.l.T
Shte Store, opp. WWilnc Hold
Macs Medical Co„ Elkhart. Ind
, ^ Title 4. aaeUea S. at tbe aaeeded
On tbe second story, off tbe living tree and tried U> get a little rest. Tl
m.«Bar mHiteUbi tbe oCbeen
ie cbciOM at tba attcUon of April Sad. room, which extend* two stories and few hour* we apont there are never i
IMS, aara. -And noeldad farlber. reaefaed br srar of tbe gallery, wilt bo be tOTgotlen. To aeo the people of all
balconr overlooking the take,
riaases coming to the
That tblA aaeitoe abaU aat be eeaaietdy atream. old and young, rien
237 E. Fnet SL. OL PkMe m
atraed to reguire tbe elect oo
l of aor terood Door ha* five bed roetns And
we tewing raon, together with sH ul poor, and »6 many, many llukeCbeer la tbe Tear iliK.
cfalldren. ulck and destllnte and crying
•-bra at aOee dpaa-aot
4be TW IMS.- Thtt pcoriao. br lu Tbe bouse will be modem in every (or a bile to eat and a drink of w.
-I rrelUod that there was only
.tra*. mat tbe lenre at aU eMeeie partlcnlar. bring betted by bat
ybeaa Urn veuM aot aiplra te tbe and all plumbing conveolroees tbor- thing to do and tbnt waa lo get awny
e ttarted o
Tear UPS titm tbe ■aaeral prarMoa oegblr up (p date. The exterior
browD stain on tbe siding middle of tbe afi
.«r title d. aealioB S. aa Co eneera to
W*TM OoBlT B*ak Bldg.. DKTBOtX
get aboard one irf the goverrimcn'
All of the detail on ibe In*a aboaea at Ue elacrioa of April tad.
exterior will be severely Inata and got acroas the bay, and later
la-Ylew ef tba pcoetaloea of aecUoe
.S. tttin 4, the hwAl acta of Ues and Alnple. being done In the MUxlon In the evening got a train to Siockion.
e are here aafe end sound, atid
I lOTemlac the style. There will be no mouldlag
rtbing being in plain do not think the assessor would bi.llicr
mwnartlnti of aeeb -acta. I
imnd aad bean work. Beamed colling about our pprsoDil property.
Plat* ClAOB, 8t«am Boiler and Accldont Ineuranoa.
■dilaad to tba .eta* that reo «
everyone in CaUfurnIa I* turn
will be earrled Into effect In (be dee,
diad to beu pov ottee till tba
tag *kbrir allentloa to earing for th
4M Sbptiatina Hoaaedr. tbia eaa oalr UvlDg room and dlnlog room.
' ;W .dataTMlaad ia a piaperaetloe ba- The arierior of tbe bonae wUI ran suffering. There will be lO.WM dcsii
lute people In Siocktcm by this morn
Am « proper mri aad tbta depart- Sty nneh'to roof. Tbe project
dHWtmfpre pet to paeu debeltelr ■e aavee over tbe ootaMc wslla bring Ing. and collectors are going frr.Bi
to door asking for bread to feel
;mp tbe moOee bbUI there bee been avea (set. The reftcra nader
Travarae City.
-Room 310 NawState Bank Building.
VO call your aUaatkm to'
ivaa will be expoeed to glvc.a balf- the aurrlng people. It la useless for
me to write more. You know more in
nber oBoet.
oni great litic ai
genernl way than 1 do. and If }-oii
A gmt ml ef care and study baa
JHpetp AUetaer Oeaen
beeo made Id iMa design by Hr.
. CUr-attoraar Daria was latOTriewed btaro'aarobileei. Jeoa C. Patemeo. and
Is Stockton. Cal.
•hr tba Bmcd tbla morwlag rcUUre to it la Inteadad to have the bouae com­
saw a man on the boat that said
tba apiaola wbkfa be made
peted before Ur. Haro leaves
Flooring, Siding. Ceiling. Stair Wofk, MouWIngi,
wtoea in tbe elaetlaB, which
er. Both Hr. and ■Yeaterday I was worth I3«i,«00.o<i
etc., made from selected woods.
PuX Your IWlONEY In Our
tba aharior te prerida for an enUre Hra.Alaro. wllh tbelr acrvanla. are at today I cannot buy a loaf of bread." i
some 830.00 gold piocfs In m>
«a« haatd. and autad that be beUerad Uaroneok now. where tboy have
0ur Prices will save money for you. Our prompt
clMbr* and I frit rich once In my life
Lumber. Lath. Shinfrles. Doors arid Windows.
■Wi dpiak* wai eerracl. I
I delR'cries wiH.savc time.
“Amos Longshore."
Porch Columns. Porch Rails. Spindles. Brack­
Ma la -tUa rmrd U baaad
Let us have your business.
ets. Stair Work. Interior Finish, rim-k <>r .Spcviul
Msa 1 a( title X ef the«aeeaded ebar- bonae aad wtobes to be where be cab
A Pleasant Reunion.
dar, wUA H.aet gooied la tbe
Pattema, Store Fronts und Fi.xniri-a .-in-1 any otlu-r kind of slinp
watch b grow.
. A very nnique reunion was held
-af Oapotr Atnreor Oeaetal i
-Harooook - U a pluaaam grot
or mill work you are ill nix*! of. Dry luinU-r rd«;iys in slock.
the liiiBif of Mrf, Arthur Pespre* •
Aamrioa o< tbU bsHUb which af- of sevaoteen aarea and an Ida
Eatinuitm fiimiBlictl by phone or Icttor.
West Eighth street Friday evening,
facta the natter ia jwmUob la aa (oI- (or a summer borne.
third of a century ago. Mrs. Fanni
Moldasrortb Sherman lougbl seh».I i>
TlUs X aaethw 1—-There shall be
The Globe department stor^ of Travemtsd aad tMasUtetad a board
present last evening were her oi
•Mdk wortta, ta aad for the dir of erue aiy elo*ed a deal msicrrtay
Cit. Phoue :i0>. lifll olfl
Traverw- City. Mich.
KariaoB and Plait of this city, porebas; srbolar* and those who hnd marrte
SfaTerae Otr. conpaaad of the
iweaiy In all Iwlng Ihcrv. elgliACBtf'thiae -nanliers wbo aball be real- lag (hdr entire stock
being scholar* and two mother* of the
• jiaata anil-fteeboldera of said dtr- The the drilar.
Karlson A Platl's shoe stork com­ •vhlldren."
.nenbari Aral eomposlag aedi board
Oorlng the evening an pM fashh-nrd
4Bhan ba daetad oe (be eUr Uekai be prised many wcU-knoirn makes such
4fe AM Hoadar of April Id tbe rear as John Straotmaa. Wolf Brothers, npper waa served etwisIsUng o
«a»f. asA mil hdd tbdr iMee, one C. A B. Shoe i impany. Brown Shoe port and cream gravy, potatoes, lutke-l'
beans, ham. carreway cookies, silrre-:
4er-tbe.uaaa«( eat rear, oac for tbe company. Rnrlt
ect iMin*. salt rising and >ca>
b * Son.
lor tbe tern cf me jmt, one for tbe Co. Rlndge. Ka
There sras not a sboddy pair in the bread, pickles, rabliage salad, ai^
or tra> rears, aad aaenaUr theteafpyreinld cake, tea
m. oae tar other of such beard ehall «llr« slock, which changed bands, Auntie 11
be alacted far the Irrei of three rwra.~ and Ibe Bnn Is wril-known lor
The aehnlars Who were ' prescuHr. Daria slate* that tbla section nf good qualltlra of shoes carried.
Sherman. Mrs.
tba charter is aeeelBc and naada.
Rosenthal, proprietor ef
dcpanmriit store. Is busy Inven MrHamis. Mis* ritra Sherman.
tarr. aad while tllk IV. aectloa tl eoeWe N«;ll the tekbrated .\jax Oynainite. If
AlcU with it. he U of ibr ofdBloi that torylng the stock and getting It ready Arthur llespres, Mrs William t'bami
yyu widi to get rid of any stumps or
4bia apedfe and nandaterr aertioo for abtpmenl to bis beadquaners at nc>. Mrs. Clar* Thayer. Mrs. EfiiahaU«07<wB under tbe dreunataaoes. Traverse nty where the entire stock Homan. Mrs Rmnk r.v*. Mrs. M.
stones, try ih- '
Il saves you some
Balere raadsriag bia dedatoa. dtr Atbe placed on sale.—Manistee Loiirks and Frank Hennrti.
The mother* who, over thirty ye;
locaer Daria bad coaaulied wUb sl- News.
ago. got the children ready an<l *«
teraera P. C. Gilbert aad J. W. PaUibthem
la. both of wbon earefullr studied tbe
F friends ol Hr. and Mr*. Amor In'Ibe woods were Mrs. E. V.
chartn- and eoantraed lu
Id Mrs. Nelson Sherman.
shore will he pleased to
la aeconlABee wUb the oplBkm of City
After the supper was over.
(bat they are safe and soned although
Atlaraer Daria.
"at moderaie price. Our tine r)u;iliiy of niixcd I’aiiit
Tbe ofrialoe of Deputr Attoner they were In San Pranrisco during tbe Bbemati. tbe lesKher of long ago. tea.I
<)|.I PoBUilficv iJuiMitiu’.
aa original poem pieluriag Ihc school
quake and the terrible
for jjenerai hoi’se paiiitiii;: i> ojual to any on ihe mark­
Omni Cbeae A* givea abore. b aot
follow It. Hr. sod Mrs l/«gdaAalie aad bU aunrettoo ttat tb
et. Wc-have Buggy I’aini.Wack. carmine and
- left here recently to lot
natter ahoeld be eeciled before i
proper court leavea It an open quei CallforBla aad (heir many (rlcnils
few cents invested will make your biiggy look like new.
Uaa. At tbe same time, tbe eoeaidlOL
secUoPA are coototing. Tbo oplelon t<
Use lacqucrei for bixistcatis. chairs, sables, lloors. or
Deputr Attonnr Oeneral Cbaae, If It
Have yob ever tried the
you want to look nice. Wc have several
BbOQld be ABStAlaed. would aCeet also
RoyHbl Ylar^r Tmmm •nrf Oof>F»«»
tbs nsnbers of tbe board of eduetUon
brands of White l.ea’ds to pick from. Gci-our prices.
c were 10 the eartbqBakr In San
who would bold over under the origtaal ebarter. Tbeae taenbera wbo were Prenclaeo on the memlog of tbe 18th.
coats so more than aay other kiad.
It wai so expericoee never to l-e
aot rwebetod are Oeo. W. HeWethy.
Remember, too. ihe kind that
forgotten. It bappeBed at Just 8:lt
C. K. Back aad 1. A. Hoatague. '
CB^U the osly kind wonh asy.
a. m.. and the 8r*i thing I beard
laaenach aa Hr. Bneett ai
Evay ytar thouamds are xsvod
j -nATEESfi
Hr*. Lomnbore screaming. I Jumped
Hr«Ba bsTc deddad te ooau
They are the be*L SoU only by

from a coiwuaiaive-* glare by
uattar the eatcene win be .watebed oof of bed but was uBable to stand up.
MkiBg Kf^'s Bs^ in time.
The pictore* were tailing from ibo
Isltsrottb wbOTio experinmot
srall aad (be wtndow glaas was break
Sold by aU deakm at BSC. and jBC.
Ing In a ttaonsand pieret. and all arti­
A broken Hoadar for tbe cles la the room were tornlng upside


-I >;.i'rrre


Dress Shoes


o*. r. J. MscMsvv


---BR. W. J. ffiGGnS



Tire Insurance! — ~



Meecy to Loan on Improved Rea! Estate Only.


$oufl) Side Cumber Eo.

I Traverse City Mfg. Co.

me Dave Good


iUbite Cead


lav’s Balsai

Cnmet Cm
tiger ssS




lO'TWViwK wnoitD.'rouRWAY.

M! aqairrdla.

eM iwirrcl jirapiDK aretwlYvd «Silr»tDsfoMr- Wfcw AHee «* wfc^l —
the wttfT. Tb«r M i«lM tM
OB'lbe mtle •qatiTCl'i foM tx'l
M MH<»


•rfMT.MiYK trrtat • ••
4MM MifA I «« *Tnr. »nr


ikne* for the Srnmhloe club. fHcasc
it Mir. Ttc THtle Biri* fll<l “*
vkat to tto, wb«B Har
*«> *»»«. etad them a card dad bniton
(tath Terri*. Bari Terri*, of Cbureb
“The little soolrteli b«»c i
fowa; Howard aad DHmcr liavtmt
Date lo UHr Ml; let n» (
Bvmmit City: Hteh.
A!kc mM
I am In loVe with yonr San«bln<
■wir Ui*7 *«l- la a mtle wliTIc they
deb >bd I enjoy reading the tetter*
euH> to a plan
the frond
The Herald edema like a
with «ot<.
l abi aorry my Iicidb
May-took their apron* aiul ph*ed b|i dear friend,
were-wM prtiled Hat week
I cant
yetTBany. Hien‘fbeT w«t haek
bow II wai. for the letter
_ liece aod **w!l the iid.t. TT
then tamed the log over again and left here Monday. So many
tag (or the new* from here. I i
hive a* many as I rln and aa oft<
Wheo they got home they found out
iruc letter doe* not roach yea
y a letter that ibrir bortc Dadtey
hetore Tncaday It I* not my tault.
a* eomlag to atay a
tadOM a atitop for a burton (or Elmo
taov gMd the two Ittlle girt* hrere« leet hiawod tcela hod about It.
Ybe aejt day they etayed taoBi
hfip llielr toother, bdfcaiiae that Bight
th^r imelc wae coming. When Ihclr

Yonr iraly.

Hra. b. Lore.

•n thonght they made glue out of
them,*' objected another.
"So. they do out of aotnc portions,
and of the waicr In which the bom-s
the fat out ol tbeni.
they do Willi the

If* a .eiy’puoi gM.-aafe’tl I *A
y»q»oT Bats* pal to-do that-a:
-Boy. Bay YbteOe.--hot glrta t
vlth the aato*

■mrythlag h»l hat


irt-rs mill men. whHlier in iinlter:
n..i, mectini; n s.-iilor. afl.wt .
ashore, sainre liv -ti.ochlng the can
I. a shin Tif Ihi- pavy en er• any ualicn m'h<-re then- is
battery, nr when- a *hlpsil-«i"
of that ration mat he lying, sin- slmli
Are a satiiie of tw.sityone guns, t"-sided, the raplain 1* aalisflod that il: •
aaluir will he returned. The flag ..f
the nation sabii.-d will br illsidayud at

the main during the Mluio.
Nallotui airs of foreign states bavInc war-ress. I.t In eiimiiaiiy with niir
Summit Clly. Hfch.. April 5lh. I90t ox-iall aoup tor the restaurant'
-yes, and the laab at the end 1* *ol-t own will lx- t.y our luiuils a,^ r
than em before In It* own Y1W way.
to stuff maltrc****. and even the blood cmidlment.
One' day aa Alice. Hay and (heir
Is Mvr-d and uaert (or refluand tell you about
ancle were walking Into the woods.
r. The cholrer portions ol
What He Can Da.
adpa'a aad grandsi
May thought of ber pet tdulrrel ebe
the fat arc made Into butlerinc. wrhile
A Uor.-:.- will tra\< 1 Iff vanls in lp>e
hml obd hewn eam>S ><. The They live In Bonne Terroe. Ho. 1 had
are uaud lor aiuBlng sauml oiu-half min......- o' a walk, (•“’
nice time and mw loit
te the aoalrtvl
•>" ’"** '*
Mgea, and are also bought by goldnnis to two mlniUe, at h trot, f'-'
ren to her. She picked It up. patted It Ihtnga. It I» rough and rocky, high
bcatcra to bo placed between the
sr;ls l.i cm. minute a" a gallop. T.ibluffa.i'and looka like aome
and let n down again.
sheets to'^d leaf: Even the undi­ work to n In r.e Is trten ol -Ci.
As unde wai walking through the bulll Atem oul of rocka. and I
gested hay which Is to the luomacn
no-jnds ralreai tme'liWii ixr rtiln
wood* be Mid to Hay. “When doe* lead mlnea. I Mw aotnc fine country
when he .1* klllml. wblrb used to l>e
l<- (or eight hours is-v rlay. A hot
yoar achool «>mincocer May Mid. going on the train. My Grandpa Hulelt hi 101 yeara old. He Is not feeling carted away areonriderabic espruse. :M1 eatvy- l‘5b munil!- twoiity.(l«.
-Next amath. and I will be ao glad.
Is now made Into pni'H; and every­ jllc* p*-r dav rf eisht hours. An «»
walked a lltlte farther they
thing elac which cannot to utU!«"d In
rage diaP horse, will draw l.r-'
veric he eompoaed;
any other way Is worked up ftio fvrttl. tmunds iwHity-ibr«-e mib-s iht day or
whan tmeie Mid. -ftlui It tbst Mrd “1 am one hundred and one year
or for the land."
w.-igiii tif wagon liitag to oat op that tn " So my'roeord hath told.
Utile aenaatioo do t feel.
With (hat Alice and May broke

WE WANT bc>fl who can ”play
W i)rec=«c.'-boy-d%vhowhcnthey
play ball hit it hard ar.dc^t To "rtrot.”
the beys v.lto v.-;::: to oucceed and
are bound to Euceemi. Wc need them
and tva help tt.en.

Wc pay them


an U hoyi net) whletle and do It yHI.
Why aaaaot glrta. vlll.noaeelMdy tMU

WhAetnl they do what a bay eati do?
But nonaenae from bead to heel.
TiBi it the thing I tboaW like “ Into boany tougbier. “No. " Mid May.
1-gnefB my letter I* getting long
Bowly; -Ht li trying to pick oot the
worm* from nndor the tree* bark." enoogh thlB time. Good-bye.
I eeat to father and atked him tih;
Age 10.
fthodt Hulelt.
When May had Snlihed they heard
IMrl. aodidn'i tthliOe at men a* 1.
You bad n very Inloreallbg trip.
the dlanur beU ring and wcni '
A»d ^alYaM'tha reaaoa that ^la
I am gtad you wrote ahooi it aod sent
the poem the dear old greiidfather
'Baatdag ■Ihe anemooe uncle and
la baeaaae a girt'a a alar-nlar Utog.
glru wont out for a ride. Tbclr pap* irrote. Thank you (or the pretty pua.y

bicycles, horsku-. ic boy hns even
hourht a :-.our,j :..l lot.

Ifs -eagy

money- SELLING

Ardihcrc’v.r'cr. in inh.:nt’.-.?money. :y3T-t.-;“.?.’Ecreuc


CCEE-uctrr.chiher’.hevvJotvcrl: Q|p
cut ih-ir rr-btem, ie;;;;h


MKaman.hir. which is one cf the best paid nbiUUe.
in' the business world.

Ifs worth oomcihinc to m boy

to be connected with a successful house.



MK IliaAS.
Ihi<lsv-f Apnl. A 1.


,g,. \V. II. Itussell. a
-r luiile i'lrek Isingh
SI In- sold l.i>r. with all

.'milling her lari Utter,
null last w.«k lie adHTM-;
Wi se, nutklng a total to

•ftov* mtod, UUta I

-TtoyiYlll BBlte reu wUatto camgb

Prtdny. April *T.

be boggy and went home. ftTien they
got home they naked their tother
■bout n sod ho Mid that
a thing. He Mid tbt
jogjar or aa old tramp oul of hi.

^rm b»
tawBlnere he patient
•jwtn'iirtlelmtosr? By The time ymi

Moaea. They gave the i
lunch aad moI him away. The toll

dien were dellgkted l<> to hr Ihrir'f*
-vmfl «lk veto pwBtaat win to i
trod (»ea«D tat ta a very t«« tay a Iher and pUy with him.
When their uncle went away a I
■yah win reevlTe ypwr cart* and '
day* later they wree very aotry. 1
lo a few day* their father could walk
^ tth'mmttme. while the totter around again and go hunting the Mme
■toa to SMtiag ton to overffbwWg
The winter had come and they werr
swfcM ton n 1* going to to lo empty it





see to which a atoer I* |ni'."’ *l>okv u|i

• averare weight ol a horse i
peuaib.e. his strength Is 'oqiilt
boy who had Itcen counllng.
■Foot tiroes tweniv.four would not niHii lothal of 11'r- men. lii.o hi.r.
Hires’ (••> ' IHt jux-omi
, twenty-live feet djanu-lre,
boss, and yoiiTI And that there-* heticwith the maehtoe the pn

numlKT all the way* to which he 1*
useful Keep your e>i'K aod car* open,

tnii In a airay »tret 'ton sionlns him." 1 .iir anil rm.-sliall horses.
r-t weight a hiwsi—Junior C. E. World.

willows YOU enclosed.
Aad gmdBi toaMmd tSU I knew Ae'd bad boutat a mUe Shetland pony and
It waa one nf the chUdma'a peu. The
Acme. Web.. April 9. 19«
Dear Preildeat—At I have lx
«hw 1 taM I thoofhi n all a Bla- ebUdreD were riding aknig merrily
' wbenmil at once they met an old man
adtag yonr Snaablne letters.
m.“ I h«rd her who Maimed to be Che glris' grand, .K»ght I would like to be a metal
father. Bo they took the oW man la to the Stmabtoe dub. neaae aend


Ojlbwav Ball Came.

This Is Ibe BiOTl popular »P"ri
1 ra-illoa liull .1
■among Ihe 3li.i>«u mcmiKT* to
OJlbway irlhc. Entire villages engag.The li'ifM! attain-.- ’>
to It. each able rliooelng a leader.
'ear., will lin- <>»'•»
ach puver is armed with a I
ace sixteen yearII
entd and button. I am ten ye
sllrk on the end of which U a ai
d and I am In the fourth grade. Hy h«.,.. (our Inch.-S In rlretimferenre-. . .
toaeher'a name la Hlsa Hutrooney.
this U a net to rawhide jm' ^ , ,,H„klng. but o.ily Am- rt
like her real well, f have three pH*.
large enough to b..ld ttw Iran.
'I'’'l».i,h.,ut drinkluf.

mtle black dog, a rabbit ami a
dlsmnre to ton pares Irom r-arh elh.-r|

_jd I-bavc Bvs nice dolls. There
poles are .Irlv.-n Into Ibe gfo'iml
. '
one to oor neighbor* died and 1* to txfor goal*. The object of’
A sbll.'- s|es-.l, a
buried .today. 1 think I have written
gM the tall iBto the net at the rn
a long enough letter for this tin
the plavlng atkk and to strike ib
grai.meal mib . nr .m.- .ls'i. ib "1
Hoping to aee thU to print. 1 reraal
opposing gout with It. The |.1*y.
gree. fliv ueocr.iphiro! mib-. ai.
Your Irivod.
who suerorsU wins the,c*me lor hi rqual to s.-nu .............. mllj’-.
Uavdie Slerie.
ll,.that.soils.w.iv knors.tb.
We are glad to add Maudle s name
the players on one sblt- try '
to our llat of members.
Ihe w*v to the. goni for opp-s|

and to k.-v the ban away from
aad read all The dear totlcm!) Ihl* In their clly home again, but as Ifar
Tha Oa and Hla (lalatlona.
llwni the n-sult is a Ilvelv serimroage.;
week we wUltore a pmfiy IlOle story ploaani davs of spring came lhe<
se two abb’s Is-lngllocl I'l.- the hail
rre. Jack; heiv. Jack. Ble him.
moved to ihelr summer home. Th<
written hy bto of om- Sunahloer*
thrown belwren them at the bepit..
children were In Ihrir own woodr
pmpea* tor oar departmewt. Her na
Tbe boy* bad apled a stray steer Ding to the game and t' kept to lively
now. and bow happy they w
to Pieart Primean. and toe Uvea
lat bad become aeparafed from Ihe mov.-tnem until th-- raqiret .-ndt
fstber put up a swing tor them and
NortbpprI. in her teller the Mya:
outskirt* of the'smigcUtii
drove being taken lo the *toek yard.
they lived on merrily.
Jnat about y, have a groat plovers are s-a*oned aklrmlshi-n
Their lather wa* down town one day
Norlhporu Mich.. April «. 1»M.
deal to fun taring him down the *treel. They ran wllh -H to the grol. Th'-i-e
, . Dear Rdltor-I will write and aend when to got a letter which *lalH
are choaen (nr their
when a gentleman atamltag near aatdi
yen a atoo' which I have arrilten all that tbclr Aunt ^ussn wa* coming lo
Id the Biimmcr wtih Ihem and thit "1 wouldaT do Itat If I were yon. Jle'a nesa to foot
' aaraeit.'ud wouH lihe very much to
quiet now. Ton might cxeiic him. amt
to Pflot. U yon nee St. 1 Brie wa. coming with her. The two
wrap.... 'ruaenll.'
,nnd, eatehlng It to the iftilel 1
haTe''Mmi a -SunriilBC girl for hboot girli were aa happy a* they could be.
the end to Ms playing siU-W. an om-n.rluc b '
atrect. and hurl some one."
tiro ytarx foto K year* <dd nod am When (he night came the two glris
fleldre will speed with » for the goa1.|a,, „ur '
vent to bed. What wa* their *nrprl»e
la Ihe «th trade, t like lo i
puraoed by the rest of the players.
they awoke la the morning
(Hiobl •wry ftato, !tal» Upped
The oppotlio ride trie* to ea'eh him
And that they each hid s large doll *0 Impudeut."
troe* tor w* tad
are making
-0. perhap* he only called around to before he can touch the g-al. while
by thdr side. The two girl* were
maple aymp daring vnaiMon.
aee bis relatlrc*," auggealer'................. those on Ws own tide Inlertore with
They dre*»ed
etane ter the prwatol. hoping to are
eoebutaged py
< pursuit.
awme of my wrtfti* fc pHni. I te«al- hurry and went down culrs. In
- and -A-nrs
whne BHIc and her mother
Your tevlng Sonthlne Mrl.
gookr All Join Q Ibu shouts, e
Pearl PrtBtan.
down stairs. Bile had a elenn froek

“All WOOL”


AlfMCaAt^T ir not
- ttndr raofv.Nt- * tua

the pappoose*.
doll in berwnn*. Msy »nW.
Now and lh<-n a player wDl .trike
-To be sure." replied
“Voo have got a doll. too. My’ wea.1
There are remnant* of them In every the hall nnd send It Iq the alt. Ax K
lltUe glris we have lot* of fun!" After they had
c..mre down another player s.-nds
«Mto their breakfait they went oot
named Alice and Msy. They
np again. Sometime* for tHi minutes
Ing to their aommer bowte la Uc to Ihei wing. Brie Ht In the swing
It will not touch the-grqnnd. Th.
b^atevk are bml tor breakfast.*"
^s very faappUy. when a Md thing with tor doll and ber lap and told the
‘■Oaly about oar-tblcd to the natmir both pliyere »nd speciaiors reach tl
fin* lo awtag her. May said. “Doot
used for food " remarked the man wlldeol plwU to umbrslasx
Ttotr father wa* out In the wood* swing with yonr doll oo your lap
t which the boy* opened their eye* game eoubl to- ,.l»ied with much »
will tall oil and yoo will break
hentUg when to got »hot sod
J be asked. jnyniMl by Ihe -palrfaere-"
to In bed for ■ kmg time. Alice n^ Bale Mid. -I am not afraid to It (ail­
-Now what beeoBn to the other twoHay Bsed to gather him Sowers and ing off. I Jumped way down a high

^ A*V-*rl’Jre'.;I22-'2f;Cor"

. -. tot.3
*n;'.;sattl. Trie.-tr.ra-o
b;or»ot Cl.Ute-


( C-.P .fi■lErih.t. '
r.tlc-uur ■-






Hetv'l* pMtT* Blory;


good money. .The/c-n buy cameras,

vouU be *n right and he more happy

' *Pliaf>eotao that, «bB yn BrttlaDnlKheyaaWeMog apfarahla*.

A wbMte’e a soai
Anyed «S aoseV


en uM-.ihr non gangway..
After nightfall, all boat* coming
dose lo the .shli. an- hailol hy the
marhii- remry or by the ijuari.-rmasier

with the words -iwai ahoyV .k flan
offlrer answiT*. "Klag:"-* conitnandIng effjeer answers ilu- naine ot hh
bonra." proudly dcelarc.1 one o( lha ship; other r«mnils*ione.l olUce-i* an
•;.Xye. ayei" wnrraut oni-yys am:
boys. -They grtnd them lnto_Krtlllact
naval c'='l<is an-uer
no." w.hiU
.ul on the land ••
illstnl men nuswrr, ••impiT '
Yes." replied the man, •Liit Ibtrc
Errry offi.-vr and man on n-arhlhg
■mteh' more valuatil.- uses than th^i
le np|»T deck, salute, the national
to which they can In- put. The hca»t.flag, and this salu'i is r. tiiro.-.l li> ll*
thighhoDe*. (or instance, are worth
rdflcer of ihe watch at liamt.
•Ighiy dollars * ton a* handle* Tor
ntg-olflrers are.adilrrsM-d by thee
Hmhea-hruBbes. i-ic The bones of the
tltb-s nt adrolml oi comnuubirr; cap
fore legs *cll for thirty iloihira
a* material fur the mtle'wblle collar
called Tviitaln; " aU.mber ”0
buttons that you buy for ll»e renU
rnllcd ■ Mr " and not by the! r fillicl.-tl
doten. and lor paraiol handle* ai
Iltle*. though-In Bddressli«r them
jewelry. E»en ibe dusi which come*
writing these titles are alwa'< us
from aawing the bone* is
Tlie surgeonr. hnWfUT, ari- ustit
uited as food for caiik- and poultry
eailcd 'D-Hor." and laymaslen.
and the ven umalleai tones a
any grad.- "Payruast.-r "
verted Into bone-Ulacb. which I
tViat salutes art- tlvi-ti l.y toss
lu rcBnIng sugar."
ir*. wlii.-li mean- li.dding Hi.-ni
■Will, I declare. ' exclaimed one ol
light In ilu- air with ih.- Ii1a.le* f
• who would tavt thought
end aft; nr b?- 1> lag oy <*rsi, l.y
^ec at> well
. drank the <x In o
s httrlsiinta
ntam holdltig
n our clothes,
ti.ey ri-sl to Ih" rowlorks.' Cn:
and bmahed our hair with him? I
ewalns of l«.n> stand and lAlut. «In
guess there arc some of bis rolallres passing btiiis eonialiilng .ollleers. A

nMde dame they were eerr hWd ««< Cedar. Mich-, ft. T. D. 1. April 3. I9IK.
•g-Vlaa rraaMeM, «•«. ten*
ewM hardly wdti tnim nmmlng. When
Dear Pro*ldent-I iboughl I wooli
ng eamo they got op very Witte you a tew line* lo lei you koo*
early and were out ideking flowera. that I rerelved my card aad hotloe
After they bad eaten their breekfatl
Ibsah you Very much. 1 think
Ibey weot out Into the wood* Allee they kre very iiire.' I nm going
led the way to the log where they bad aehoo] every day and wc have loia
foaad ibe mtle .Qairtele* neet. Thsj fun playing hall. The snow la almos
(MMMa One eald a cartoai thlag- tamed the log over and haw tho poot all gone now. We have another toachoar achool now. Her name I*
“Soya aaat vhMle hat girt* oreat mile YtiBUTel laying down very atm
Uncle took It up In hi* bend*, lumei Hlaa Matilda XdTenture. niko her
Ytet'a the ten thing I hmrd her **j the hB over again and to<* the winlr real Srell. Sometime* oor two teach
U bocamc a pet of th
era eotoe and play ball with ua an.i
To IMa. PO >oager IhM
whMe tomlly. One day as Allee wai «e have a dandy time. My bralber
rvou oeednT go Into the hOi
*Beva Bay wMaUe." ' <M coame Ibey tnaUiW to her little playmate ahe hap Ukea the Herald and I like to retd the meet iheni.'' answerod the man.
pened to leave the doer open befalni Icitera very mneh. Well. I gneas I leather in your ahoc. while It
If they pi^ thMr hpa the pm»e> her end the mtle wjulrrel ran oot. 1 mnat doee for ihl* time, (or 1 am from a calf, la dressed with near
•• ptyj '
rati to'ihc wodd. and bid llaeW untie 4rraM mv letter la getting long, ao oil. made from the Inner portion of the
'Bgtfat^The WeYfBrrWl aae ■
h log. *When AIK* went beck Into lb good-bye. hoping to tee ihia In prim. hoof of the steer. Bacli foot U said
•iniy Kate naat trhlaUe a* weH ap Be booee ahe taw the door open and
Prom yonr Suoabliie girl.
to yield a pint to oil. beside* gelatin-'
tboaght of her pot etjulrrel. She went
Clambell Lamlc.
IV of^nu
orvfau bead
aad glue. Sow have any
-Ben-wy tthWIa bat glrii Bait
the bouae and tooked all aronnil
> wfalcllsto II
You »re vcfT fortdiatc to hare eurh of any particular
oonld not tad tt. tan went Into Mod teochVraf 1 hope all the Suncan" be put?"
Mov I «an (h« a enrton thtng.
wood* and looked, bat In vain, ablnen try lo help them by being Jual
row." apokc up ore ol the boys
H boya Bh whIaUe why cant glrta.
went to the booK crying and told
I good aa they
ix>ec Inside is used for making
mother. Her’toother anid that It
Ifa the eariaatitblBg ta the trortd


nallffii*! criers nrast be dtspiay<Ml; hJ.
Atbl oiire her ddl dropped down and leather (or shoe* and hameste* and
jl-o Qiital not to are Mlutrs tw
kreke all la ptoeea. -Bde Jumped from thlngaSam Whenever the prertdiw:
“I gees* Ihe hair I* semped oil dial
the (Wing, picked up the pleeeu
and BIsed wlHi merttr (or ftouterlng I* embarked In a ihlp-of-war flying tlwent errtojf «o ber BpUer. What B»K
aB Other mhed State* shlpeoi
anatbre. -I
•aid to ber Bother or what her moth- houam.' vnlonteered
ar. and naval stailoaa near wblefa he
do not know. But know. •e»WB my father la a plasleret. ia*c*. will are the nillonal aalule.
•Bot «lo ywu know what become, of
wbeo AHm-nnd Hay were tnrSed Into
are detailed iisaall;. Iron
thrfr bed* that night 1 heard Alice the tom* and hoof*r
thrown away ui»- The apprmilce boy*. They stand each
My to May, -I am uo eorry that B»le
of ihe gargway. In line,
on the dump hca^" annwered one of
hrokc her doU."
, h) looeblag ihtdr cap* a*
the boy*.
Fenri rrlnwan.
-So, indeed. Nothing 1* thrown away iliag official* come on hoanl or leave.
Comml**lonpd tlflcers heard ami h-ai c
nowada]-*.'Bmamli City. Mtefe.. April 9. 190S.
-I know. They are made Into combs, ship hy rtii- ttarboard gangway War­
iHis Bafeh—^ %tn aend you a fc
bntien*. and thing* of that aon." said rant offlevr*,.navat radios ami ••nlisii'-l


Alice and toay-a Cowrltry Advantora.
There waa enee


watafe the mile aqotrTri* ran lo and ladder one time righ> on my doll'*
\-nhw.- hrr*o In a tmy wlm *»•
brad and dhl nor bnri ll a hit.- B»
out from under lota and hrn*
Ibevilhen May and Alice began to awing almcwi ready lb eaptode with toforamOn one Bonny diy In Auis
.. “why, the hide la tanned Into
re ta her, She awoag tor very bi^. when
,«*ah n tmu walk. Aa Uey

Naval talutea.

« solute rxr«’d» twentyone gtms.
no salute Is bvrr flred t-seepi Ivmi
asd ounset, when the

In nil (he latest tiositr..''- ^■;ll
istnclioti pnaranteol.
I’lieiiilTimatie tools aittl lutVAt
and works :(21 h.1T
Oitiitoi’s plionc- No.

A. yr. KiTtrao. TnTcrss oij-





V> Al>40l«tely
f 3^
It docs not contain an atom of pho8phatic acid (which is the product of bones
d^csted in sulphuric acid) or of alum
(which is onc-third sulphuric add) substances adopted for other baking powders
because of their cheapness.

tkie or vkffe im. while Boae at U
bile will show atere the aboMop.
PetUeoAI. of siriped aeenocfcer aj
• lie teen la the abapi with deep a
cordloo plaited flouoca cir coane M
lloUbcd about Ibe bodoo) with la
biai latodi of tbe aerraackcr.
Kmbraldprcd edaiat:, Inalead of allroT. la naod for maD» of ibe llaecr^e
MB ihla'jcar.
lake, two wMtb^
nd tbe acalloped odgem arc
gelbcr acrosa ibe lop of the
Tbe ocwcat Iblag la abln walala U
one ot while llaeu aritb aofi
collar aod elbow aleoecaJlBlihed wlin
Oarlag cdff. II la faalcood t
aod baa a lucket. Went with
blue or re.1 aUk He It U cacc
rhamlBg among the ainpin

doaally frem tbe bettooi <d tbe
ipan with a fork that the rice may
Dot stick. Turn out earelully Into a
braled dish and aerfc aa a vegetable.


What Bi>'Klcry caploni?

Oh. 1W~ • • • Hurt! * • •
Did I bear a Ihniah?
Abd the gray wood tbn'
DM 1 (Ateb the blue

Ah. well. I only lio|ic u» Bnd
Thai when lomorrow Ik today.
Tbe Ilia I fi-ared ban pasNod awa>
The good la IcR behind-:

or a Unrtilrd-a wing
Aa he pauaed lo aing?

Fur. ycatenlay. asanlhM by ilruad
nnaevn fuCK along (be way.
alked'ln doubt, my bean In sway

(Or do I dmam!)
Hark, haik! Did I bear
FRMB tba taaUy mere

or feara that now are Bod.

That ahrlll ante ael '
la tbeSageolot
Of am
Did I b«WT.
Sweat. Boe and clear.
n-the meadow • • • F

Slnre good from w<emlng 111 la woo.
ni leave lonutrnw. with lia care.
To Him, who will Ha bnrdoo abar

arc Inrertcd over the bnai on milk, far a i>orllon ot H to >“»t
pint of cold boHed rlcr. l-eating
either aide of Ibe front, while two oHi
juluinl arHalleallT al ibe mid­
ihe bealep }olk» «if
dle of ihp lutrk. Alcaron lacc AolabCH
• remalader ta the i
Ifac eilgiw or Ibe coat ami ibe liobbing
spoonful of mgar. oiie-l
aleevea. A dalnljr touefa potle.
salt and auRIcleni
aide with moai of the an-aaoD'a lingerie
batter ihlo enough to i«mr from
iifleiinga It. Ibe Inarrtloe cd Ibe
Idieher. Sow add the wbll.--*.
narruwpat beading whieh ia made at
whipiied to a stiff froth, and one
Junclurc of aki-nw^aiid coat.
spoonful cd baking powder, and bnkI hot, well greased waffle liwas.

And gladncs



face In

(Or do I dnam?)
—April Vedcea^BlIa HlgKlaaoe.

linve Fhlih! Where'er (hy bark
drtveaTbe calm's dUpori. the tvmpcet'.;

• Doth each day. opan tta wing.
• lU altonad burden bring?
• Load tt not beeldc With aomw.
• Which may never come tomomw.
• One thing oatly clalma thy care.
• Beeh that Brat In faith and prayn;


• An Ihcm mayeat need bealde
• Me thou trufteal will proTidc.

rnmmi tk*

Caow ihlK! God rules Ibe busla of
Tbe iobabltanta of earth.
Have Love' Not love alone for one:
t man. aa man. thy brother call:


Batow are gtram fonr bA
Wr *Todw~ which maan^e

And araltcr. like ibe ctrcling sun.
Thy cbartiiea on alir
Thus grave these ksaona on thy
Hope. Faith and Love—and thou
abalt Bed
Slreagth whoa life's surges rudest
Ugbl when thou elac weri bile



my head and

What Women are Wearing.

Sllka aiT all aotl Ibla apringAnd my anal haa naught
iliougb t-anvdlngly a'rong. I'umpida'ir
n» ^nenlout word to the Mr llllUcRecta ilinv luiiquelK <>r (luwerv
while nr tlnleil grnumtl are tavortlea
Wh^ drew me frot
In allka end cniiona. Tbe laller coi
. No treUul i«|dy (p
la beauUlul prlnilnga. and the went
■bowing silk and rutton mlxlurcs i
Who' guefUeo me gravely nnd gej-;
Mo word to the beonr I tala would
Clntb la ool M much used tor aulM
take bark.
aa In paai yearv Uobalr. panama,
Ifo w^ to the deUnr at bay:
Mo angry retorU to thoap who mU- diCTicri and fanev aulUnga bring
lar. n-lth black and while
gray eRcria in Iho lead. Short bolero
AiU dealre ncB a aay. bat
No word, though I know I remember iacketa aiv lo be worn, and ibeuc ran
be B>irreai>fiill)' made al borne by
them all.

forms as a deasert. Hkidc t'bcvr
gives a number of good rerlpea:
lice and Barley ttni'h—When Inlla leg of miiuon, add. lo (be wa
the _pul an onion stuck with
eoiiple of 'cloveK, a talile»|>nnn(ul
10 or washed rice and a doten peie
■reorna Hod lo a hh of thin muslin:
carrot may aluo be added,
le meal la dune, set jibe llqo
until next day- Hemove the fat on (he
surface, reheat, and acaaon. and the
result la an extremely gtsM brolh. Bar­
ley may lie used. If preferred
r it may be cmiked aeparatoly anil
Ided In lebraiing.
Baked RIre—One small cuidul of
rire, one quart ul milk, one tableap
ful of salt, one lableapoonfol of

nearly done, and serve hot: two larg-i
Three wurda. aa with a burning pen. spuoDfula <if grated ebeese are bob
lo IrarlngK of eleraal light.
limes added. Serve aa a vegetable.
Upon the hcarta of men.
Butteml Klee—This Is a nice ma
over entree. Iloll rire In the usual
Have licvc! Though Adouda environ
way and after draining well prera

ftetaUke. and call.
-Oh. waken and alng.
I am Spring. I am BpriBg!"


good In soups, as a vegetable

o In- used In butli-rlng Ihe
ding diab Wash the rire In two
Vntll the day la dune.
and put into ihc dish: add
—Hattie C Sleeper. milk and bake In a alow oven
houra. H miiKl Kwell nnd la- a
Ihnv Icsaons
. If ll browns too fast cover

Dtd a eolee go by
Bwe«l. lyrical, pure,
DU It rlae and fall.

Which 1 would. U I could, e'er
. Short slcevea. In elbow length.
Otva ma )oy. give me ioy. O


Bo here hath been dawning
AnoUmr bine d^v;
Think will ibeii lei It
nip apeSe^ away?
Out of Bter^iy
TbU new day U boea
Isio Bteraity.
Al Bight, will retura.

Mere hath bora dawalog
AMher Uue day:
TUak wilt thou lei It
BUp iwetaH away?

s aball ope* vide ta me?

Thousands of Women Write Dr. Hartman to Complain That
They Heoer Fed Wholly Rested, That They Are Abogys Tired.
fll Albion Place.
Notch Road. Pateraon.N. J., wnlaa:
“I anfferrd live
^ars with my spine
and pains la my

double boiler, wllb one and a hi
pints Ilf milk end onequarter H
spiuntul of sail. Coiik uniJl u-nder.
Add tbe a<«ki-d gelatin. Kllr gently until

I hopewerym

There are so many w
BorniBg tired and drag
They have pain in Ibe tuck and dragglag aeaaaHons whl-basem la weigh
them down a* though carrying a i-urdca.
Many women are nodonMedly snflertog with aystemlc eatarrh. Tbo
proper remedy.for them to take it Pernaa.
Tbe catarrh hasInvadfMibe whole abdominal and pelvic organs. Tbroagh
disrbatges till V are Imlng vtulily every m
le removal of tba
Tbe only hope (or Urttermrat la tbeit eaa

Rlee Sanawleh-Tbe
may I* ahapi-d to n circle. In whijh vored with orange Juice or ah.-iry wine milk. Dip •--ach slire of bread lo the
mixture then lay on t greased dish
make a cavity, left to stand In n r«>I Is nice.
pl.-asani change can lie maik- tiy Sprinkle over Ihe grai.d ebts-M- and
place lo tu- Arm. When lb cut In half
with Mill and liepi-.-r. BieaV the
boritoatally. Take ru-arb preaervea using bn-*h rugar laslrail Of white.
M-paralely as II lor (Karhlng Iben
' Maple Saucc-ikill >na- cupful <if
and spn-ad neatly <in the l.rarer ring.
eajefully ,
Shut ibe oven door aod brown Uask well wllb Ihe syiup. I'ul on ihe maple syrup iinill ll hair*. Ihiur slow
ullHl Ihe
tigfally. 'Duller again aod aid
upper ring aod mask well with «rup ly over the Kilffly iK-aten while* nf'tw'i
Pur in a cool place,until serving, then i-ggs. iKiai hanl for a few miniin'
coating of grated rbccae pi
naked Egg*—F<ir lour i-ggi nx-lt
latavo in the oven for a few minutes mil V ahaiied and serve with nnM shallow dlrh one lan:>' tablcnpounlul
melt the cheese and heap irregu- BavonM cream.
of li'iii.i: mm the dish *o Utat tbwater. Ilenime from lire,- nnd
lariy vrilh a meringue of the whites e*
Froxen Riem-Ia an.iiber. a. ihl
Imiti-r rpo-ad* evenly
eggs beaten up wtib a plnrh
preparation, If It ran Is- Htied Into the
tom. sprinkle
celery aalL Brown lightly, slip a spal- labor of the Creole rice. Is eronomy the whiles iH-aieu until (uainy anJ
fliH-ly vlioiiiu' .,
indcr tbe mold and transfer care­ of malcrttl and lalmr. Cut the eoM
hil Ilf flue ei^bs. rari-fully break
ran U- gr
fully fo a hot platter. It la a pretty,
Ibln allecs and lay apart.
In .. ............
s|irlnk1e with anoth'-r
h ervAm p
let almplr.'sldc dlah, good and easily Hare nume best rooking raisins scald
sissmliil (if iVumlK anil a dash of
ud. seedeil and wiped, and out In 1«<Few En Rectoea.
Buttered Rire.
Huh-crysialll/rd fniU. but It Is n-u
1 evtjp riiplul of rice fast in
-evaaary. univ if at band. Park thi
quarts nt salted boiling water foi
sliced rlee In tay.-rs with Ihe raisins shalltm- cake lan. ..king car., ruu
br,i.k tb.-m Hl.e ,aeh a H.l. k sprinl, 1
«"• '? '•‘“-W' S"-" f
minutes, or until lender, but
lake lh<- quaniliy. I
ting of graf.Nl rh,-e»e an.l cover H.-—'
broken. Drain In a rounder and
itgbtly. Flavor a rap of ihirk
entire dish. Itteludlng Ihe egg*. . pb i
» ••l•oonf..l .d rausage »ea- i
In an open area lo dry oR (or Bve
minutes. Have ready one largo
dtom of the mol
■■Ki small green awi-et ih-pihts, airedCover and (rov-ie. It shuiild In
evl-raretiilly and ehojipod fine. Tut v as hard as Arm IcnI etvam and foitii
heaping labb-spnunful of butter In a -parklliig rrysials Ihroiighoui.
frying pan: wtii-o It biases add tli-'
A Quirk lev-d Civam-Wblp .m.- ball
mlneed peppers; loss and e'lr ovit the pint of labU-cream stiff In a liowl filb-l
Bn- until amuking hot ^11 tbrough.
wllb c k.-d rire. ad.l a
wllb pow.l.-rid sugar falnlly
contents of (he frying pan all over It.
add a UbleqH«n <if Oaviirlng. and sHi
lo well: also a dozen sw>-<f-aliiirai-l--.
low (be HUT.- Ill praeiralc H
blaiirbed. and chopped flne. Siti
Dolled Riee—Put a pint ot rlee Into
and pni In any mold—a tin Ik-v
nearly two qnarla <if robl milk an hour
d.i—and freeze, ll will freeze per
licfure dinner, add two teaspoons
feeily soon
salt, brti slowly and stir often: o
Uake.1 Bananas With Rlee—inare in
on liaek luirt of stove or range s<i
double lioller iwn rups of mi
lu avoid burning and fake It up It
leaspninful ol buM'-r an done hal
a mtiM or bowl wet In cbbl watet
f sall^and let It etune
ahtm time U-foie ayiC»lng. stir in t
gradually. sHrrini.. one-half
grat.d rbresr. half i tablespoon but- enp of well warm.-d .rl.-e. rover rk
liiill ball an bout. l.ay six large In
ter. half a tcas|ioon
uanas In pie iiao. |»iur nvi-r ihem siit
minute* in shiHlaw t
Belem hut water tu eov.T th.- IsMtmn
riee aa hour or two before rnoklog.
of Ibe pan and liake in larndy or.ui ii
Rlee Id Stniihern Wntioer—Pn-|«re
HI soft lalKiut fificpn mlDuii*! Cmthe riee (or muiking: allow one quart
<■( water to one cupful of riee, salt a a umairplate wllb the warm l>oll.
rice and place oa the top <g a i>ak«
III Me. and when imlllng put In tbe rie.-.
Roll ;o minutes, drain rlosely, set Ibe banana from which tbe skiu has jii
been rciaciviid. Bend the iianana In
ketile back over tbe bed of coals, an.i
steam t; minnieas with (he lid. on. a neat riirlc on the rlee and place

periedtly tettder bat aol teoken.


suffers will gtvw
Perana a trial and.
l-e as grauful aa
my hnttaaod wad
OacMrcd m Year. ■
“Misa Anak Hc• iina.ini Plain Ht,,
rrotideaee, B. I„
-I wish to let yea

(orlnnatvly. and in
foorleco weeks was
cored by the use .>(
Perana aod (ollowtag your advlro.
yoar medlriae haa
“lean now do my
doDSformr. I had
For this Perana Is recommended by t
own work. Irann-ii
what the doriara
(bank yon enongb.
___________________ ralledhewrUroal-ls.
whipped to a stiff fnub
I tdl you
furs I
bad t••eD doctoring l»r a year Iwlurs
•*TbU was canned by Indigcsilnn and
nghtly until quite Ibirk. Turn Into a bow happy 1 am. No
b family sbould ba
rltd yoar Pereas. I aaffered tbs
female trouble. I suffered agoBiea and
mold and set aside uullt flnu wUbout Pernoa.”
riih pain In my bead.
was afraid Ip tie left ainnr,
Safremf tears H'AA PMi.
eaiiugh to Ittni oul. •
FrMad Advfaod Pnwaa.
Mrs. Ida Oermaln, .Ml Hsabattui Completeir EtbauUt^.
•tine dsya friend of nvlae told msaf
Crvsile Rice—Wa-b and jilrk Mime
was afraid lo sund oa my
yoor Perana, sol got a boula. Aflera
riee eatvfully. say, a third ..f a etiff..many years IsoRered with palD* feet aod
aliempl to d.. at
If it I began to furiJwller.
cup, and put It in two and on.-half
pelvic organs. I waa unable to work was.-ulof ilieqaesilon,
I eoaid not eah aleefi er
an advrrUsemenl of
pints of rich milk: ndd a Iran- of sal:
have al last hwad that tbe
wondrrfnl enres and I
Perana and
and Ihc amalirm smbunl ct a.igai. s-j
medlriae that wooM eva Me was jow
"I read ol your vroaderfnl Pernaa decided to try ll.
aa to awwdcfi Hghlly. Put lo an oven,
NftMeaml Vigor.
not too brisk, for ten mlnules. Iheu and decided to give It atrial. Itookll
A New Womom.
••My bnsliiBd bronghi homennelnlopen the oven and stir well. Heiieal
“MyfaeebasacaodralofBow. I sax
He ana Iwfore that InUle was halt gone
new womas. I Ibaak yna very maeh."
(tala In (irieeu minutes, agnin In flfli-eu
I felt new lile and new vigor.
Faffeowd Or. ffarimdd'* Advfcia.
tniniiler. ('b>se (be oven for any
“That tired, b-ipelvw Iw-lllig l-ll me.
‘-Now 1 am elroag again and have a
Mre. Viola Marsball.UI West Hasoa
from flirty mlnules in an Iionr
g«nlappcilie. Perana baa relieved me I began to rat and my fmri n“uri,h>-d street,Hpringfleld, 111., writse:
BMirr. and the s|u»n will deterniine U ot a chronic ailment, mad 1 therefore bve. I could walk and do my work
“Two m-mths ago when I aoagbl year
zecomroi-nd 11 to all tmimen.”
II la -Uim'. It. abonld
advire, I had golten eu vrrak that I bad
Peroaa’i H'owdcffti/ H'arft. *
run. A brown skin should have foimed Aletayt TM mmd Weak. to liedowo most of the Udw.
“1 i.Kik eererat Isiitle* daring Ibe
Mrs. K. A. I'onDolly, Staff UaraM BL,
al the lop.' ll may Ural be si-Bsoned
Esnsaa I'll.v, Mo., wrllt-s:
j iTtklMiTiHii I
w-lih ground nutmeg or silek
•-I have suffered for yews wllb atomI feel like a new womaa. '
iBotL It la then ready, hoi «r rold aii-l
“I Sliall never e.-.,-. prsl*lsg Perana,
wllbtml MUlCe. for the table
Thenn-ir ibanklagDr. Usrtuian forhm kind
anylbUiB. 1
ire, a-few doses of fVruaa cure o
an- two ways of UKlng a |vari of
pudding. Oae la;
diarolved, lh>-n add oneiialf
(ul of sugar and set aside. When cold
iM-gInning lo thicken ndd one !■
spoonful ot vaolila anil one cupful

while warm Into a howl or mold.
Next day turn It out caretully upon
pic plate and act in a quick ove
When It U hot all tbroogb draw to tbe
door of Ibe oven and butler abundant

and Ibeir popularity will bring about
W rviival of Ibe bracelet.
Other "revlvala" are greaaillhes.
stilpc*. aiMita and brocaded eReci'
They make charming "Iicki" rin«B<-a
for wiimra no longer young, nt
auJtaMi- for any aflalr. except ahop|dac or iravi-ling.
The prinecKS elyle la trying to gain
While ll la beauiUnI aod When Ueae every keniel will be found
graceful, only ooe woman In a thou- perfect aad tender.
sand hiuka really well in a princeu
Turkish Rice-------Peel and
gown, and a gown so made only look fleieni lonat.H-u to measure, vrbea
nt a formal aRalr. U la not : rublied ihrongh a strainer, three cup
elyh' for general wear or general wn- (tils. Wash one cupful of riee through
suvcral waters iiaili It la very rlean.
In purebnaing stockings, cbooac Into a saucepan put Ibe rice, iranaia.
those with while aolea. Not only are one acaat teaspooefiri cd salt, raieqblrd
they cieanvr aad more comfortable,
>e teabut lh« y wear twiev aa long aa do tbe
athblaek ones. If you wear only high ham and two iable*i»nn(ulK u
ahoea. ehooae alorklnga arlih white ter. Boll (or Axe minutes (bca
feel: but. If you mmieUmca wem
tbs pan bsvrk so that tbe cobkwi
pets, or low aboea. ask for tbe stock- barely simmer for Ibn-eqaariers
Inga with “aptlf- adea. These will honr. By Ibis Have the riee ahoE
dve ycd an the eenfort aad aa


Fish and Illee—Put Into a aiewian
half a cup of eolH boiled rice and .m.
ipoonlul^ butter. When h it
add (be same amount of rold cookiHl

Rlee Ruff-Beak nne-iblrd
a b
II la a little too late to get tbe bnt
r gelatin In onMhlrd cup of eu
reaulia fn>m winter vegeiablea. and
milk. lick over nnd waali one bi
ediy loo early fur spring ones. In
cupful of rice, drain It. place In

DM a Robin Call,
nd a nun call
rrom tbe alder Isllf


oUoevd fish, salt and
three eggs twenty minutes, and
rtX'l take oR ibe shell, chop eggs very
floe, add lo Osh and riee; a lllllv more
re p<ipular aummer enaicea la a butler may be added: serve wlHt
iaeket of lare, or f>l linen Inaei
rnau.- faabli>ned in Ibis
Rice WsRIea-HcasDre a qua
of ImItallun babjr Iriali

t In RIe*.



Rice ta Balls—Beil bard alx eggs,
remove (be sbeOs and put Ibroogh a
sieve with an oqual amount of boiled
rice, season with sail, pepper and bui; form into balls, dip Into raw
ta. then tnlo bread erumha nnd fr
bM (nt; drain and place on small
pkaca of beiiored tnaat. Serve hot.

bn-ml and rrnek.-r rnitnl.s
The p.i.,«-'
shoul'l In- w.-ll l.ulIer.Nl iN-fore Hiej

lattenis kaowB aa ' real Val.-; In- tb«
laiN-s.iisod In aurb qimnHHe* are marblue mule. Iiiil some of then ropy
Ibe fleslgns uM-d (or years lo Ibe haodBome goods. They ran lie had In all
widths, iwvj or three quallttca. and In
both Inaertinn nn.l otltAoff Tbe»e palteres an- standard and can always be
had at any r.-guUr diwler's. So. II yon
liavi- a pltvv .if lace k-fl over, you ran
Bisays luateb It Aod <>sc ll tu advanlag.-. Whieb Is aol (be case with Bomu
■i. w jMiieniB braugbl oat from time to

r.>r H.-nnaD Val. looks Just as well
af'.T washing as beforo. It is a strong
Is. e. loo, and slands much wear. H la
U-aulUul r<imbla<-d with bMvy <-ml.ri.ldevy or Isee, and very effective <m

rv'irtctJ—■'•■ '

ns*d^ as a aiib. ring <br>ad. which
mak«-» II quite easy to ''fuir on This
moibud is of great help wber^ the lacr
ticicli Kggs-Mak.' a pa-'.-.•
......... the Kami Journal.
Is pul on In carves, rirel*^ ffti^ la■all «1 a riiplul .>1 stab l.ivsd r
Lae.; cmtltiiies i.i le- 'he most pop serilpn Is-liix much used la Ihat* war
NNik.-d Rottf soil III .ir.'-thlr-l of
eupf-il ofji-'sf irltnniluj, an-1 .srb s'-ason ll 1* at pn-M-O'.
seasoned with ray.-nn.-■ shomb In n. w .-ff.-its and iruiiblna
To ge- ih.' IS’Si anil dalatlesl ef.uJ ..tie ipw (-gg HLiq-jlloos. While the b.-B> lam-ii. such (eeis, Val lan-s abould Iw afwn br
lid j
$lr Int'.iaK niini. Irish and V.-to-nan.
hand, and i-wie must be cserrlsod But
d Is.lled .-ggs and
.- (n quoally r
i. balls, roll IP I
to ..-N- u»i niiicb bluing In Isnndering

• -EC-i ai<- plaer.| In It.


dre-smalj-r. will l» Interest
I III lb- followliig lioni a nve-ni I.

D hot (ii I
any Barin»-nt* trimmed wltb lace. Vat.
such os M.vbiinior Val. .ick-nne*: ihe|i^.
b,.,t »b«B It has a -creamy'
H.-iv a/, ts.i ul..- way- of M-rvlng la'iei 1- iho nowi ise-ilat .if all laecs | tjnl. and Is utu-rly rnlaed wbea blue
a iNtach.Nl . gg
Ureak an . g« lai. - J Var.t.-i
and yaids of it an-used upon a| m c*»l'.r. Avery weak aolnlloe ofbl»l-dl> 111'.! K <-pff.N r-ip auil spril.kkM' -Itikl. gains-iU. and Ms suree^ Is well'I, .-noogli.
In (BCl. oakwa tbe garlighii.i with salt soil |N-|i|Hr. liav.;d.--'iv d. |.>r ll weal* well, laund.-r.
nu-otK at.- v<vy ycIUvw, ibe bloc may
reu'l> a stuBlI
siew|iati ciiiitBluliiK, w H. and r.iaibloe> with and Is suH {la- dlspenuNl with aHagi Iber. and a
some i*.iMiig'l»vf K-a which has beeu^ai.U- (6ralino*i afiytJiing.
i ,^^^1 oilur oMalPOd by rnoeb rlbslag
nleeij s,a>..u.-fl fat.-full.'- Jlp tbe egg,
Much <if 'he effort .il Val. Iwn.- .Ii - uid sanniag.
Inin tbe pan and isss.-b >i the usual ip-nd- riiKti the chsilr-. Tbro-are sc'-1
. .. .

way. Wb.-Ii It U done. fla.N- k oo a|-ta1 van. -les. known as Ftvneh. Her :
Spoogc Corn CotB*.
. round of ImttervNi i.iost Jinat. N..-man.t> and IHiInt dc Pari- ' <n,» learupfii] at flour, oac-baif Isarwih.-r I

■mall qiiantl'.v of beef i.-siTIj. iw.i last nain-I are not in ■l—i- 'eupful of curnmeal. noebaif tea-iwouu.lh ■ litik i-iiii B'nil all 1 ; al.l>- a- ih- 'I’b'-r . and we sbsll lei'i*,, n.„,**xi(ols'•
' powder, •me i-cg,' ou'-fo-ir'k nt a teaCiTOiati-Val •■an la- inn-.-! uii.-'l l->|ni|iful Id s'lgar. on.- tabl-«po<m(nl of
hti. ibe,n^,„,.a
..-arojrfiii of milk.
m»sb. which is round.

.Miorbe. say .d .-rung a ||..-d
gg (olk-ss- Bn«k


bulU-r In the rt-nier

Brsi f-ii inB'edl-nts «bd sUt
Fti-n«h vart.-ly - square' Ml,
I buii. r.Nl t.-acup..
salt and ja-pperaod |da.e Ih" cup'or diamranl -baped. Doth mi ow havelmt,,. Brat the yolk of the e*t aagar
s'ewiiau ontalning suEJcIv.*:; »t riing
r tngelber. the* odd tb« dry
reach raiber more sirable wash fabric*. Whik- Cer-| ingr.-dk-uts a

Nothing In tbe lias of deasetls l>
more nutritious iban tire well en
If dalpiily s.-rved It Is also mot
aiable..and 'o this ead some
lur,- u hHpfnI. What to Gat give*
le followlqg:

than half way up the rap. As soon as ; man Vni !• »—I on silk aad oKkm' ,tifflr iswK n wbl"- of Ibe egg. Bak-*
the •’gg l> i-i turn it earefnll) on a' goods allv.. Fn-ndi Val a>-eas mor- ; |,i ^-m iridit TbIs amooBC makca cmc
fil.-Ce .d ll..' butt.-rod tua-t
Wbil. ; suiiaUI-- for roll-aiS. azid Is iis'nI on d.,/i-u.—TsI.P Talk,
the egg I- .--sikli.g (sdf a smxl! quai. fin.'- rebMs and neckwear. |i>
s ’
Illy of epwm in a saucepan. s<-a-in I- fan's' -loihes.. vitdeiwear, lawn and
Hickory Nut Macaeaowa.
with a llttb- c !-ry salt am! pvpp r' dimity dr.-iwo*, etc.
Makes fresrtiag with whites of egg<

small .piece of
Serve bm.

end add a i.-asissmfurof eh-ipis-l.;
In rbooslng Preoeb Vais or an.v • a* for cake. To this add enough
Spiced Hanl Sauce—Cream i<«cihi
one capful of powdcreil sugar and on.^ liarsjey loi'. l-<-ur*ih. cream-over Ih-.-' Imcvs that are-lo b-taend. r*-d. rh'.os. grontid hickory aa'i (ogelber wHu
egg and s<rTe at once
those which have the strong mesh ground allspice and nnime*. to mak>half cupful of liutu-r. rub In oac
Eggs With CbcwN—For oach perwtn th.- t.qi .rim-. Many cheap vs- - It roBv.-ni.uit to taaadle.
fVmr the
dul rinnamufi. on.--quxitrr
iful clove*, a generous graHng lake one slice of bn-ad. ■■Di-qvianrr rtf'ri.Ni.-a sbnw an elaticwale pattaun along; baads, and make tbe mlxtarv- Into
a rnidiil of grated cb.N-*e and on.:,' Ibe edge and tbe Wis' unauUstabtUI | taallx abool tbe •!» of a botmeg. Lay
of nutmeg: ifvid. set aside a
egg. F..rtoar*IIce*ofl.r**diaheoB»-|tqp. and tbey
are not worth tbejlbem on tins, creased . wUb wellboors; unnvold. decorate with a
died cherry with -icavei cut of ciiroa haU pint (rf mUk and one egs. Beal 1 trouble <a •enriug on, Cbonse pntt.uns [waabed butter, and give them rocan to
A plaia hard sauce fla jbe esc eboosh to mix aad add thej.if uniform Ji»fnrb. pTcderabl.v tp tbejspread. Bake Is a qolcfc orea.





calamity. Mra. Itlae
a on Toeaday Bornlng at >:U>.
Aareh work so loos am ber feebCi kltcbas. dlaing room and a ban«ne<
. that abe wa* III when tbe sbork
death belag dne to aenralgU Of the
atreastb alloved, while ahe nerer for baA 60x60. AliOrc will be an ante
but It redneed their faoate to
•art aod oiber eompllcatloaa. Mrs.
. Monday cvealag
leat loet tallb asd eourase. Uat room, tbe recepOos room, tbe mala
aad they were forced |
fr Mra. Bracken IcR for Grand ladge room with a atage and gallery, (vAvr menfben aad every prospect foe It npon (be dratb of ber bnabaad. Into the street wbere they remalood
e work t* In charge of an exocn- sucres*. Tbe meeting wa* held la tbe
Rapldt, where ahe cosaaUed nedlcal
iree year* ago ahe Biade ber borne for (wo days aad two eights. They did
commlitre cooBiftlng of Anton Boughey bulMIng on l>e comer of
aid. later colsA to tbe Alaaa aaalU '
and with their 111
Itb her chUdrea wbo are tbe follow.
Pra*ll. C. II Hanslot aky. Frank ras* and Sure streets and the foUowvbere abc retMred nracb brscAt.
in. sis years ef age. snWrred great
Knke*. Joseph Sleder, Frank Sladek. Ing ofSeers. were eleeltxl;
last aodal call was Chrialisas
ihips. With Ibe disaster at Ssit
Hr*. Clara Caanoo. MariiU: Mrs.
President. Roy Wynkormvbce. la (ompasr vUb Hr. RrarkeD. A. O. Petertyl and Joseph Vlaek. Tbe
the deatnictlon of Saa FrancisctBarah Nlcewooder. HarilU: Mrs. Net­
SeereUn*. Harry Rooeoc.
imitire ek-eled Josel* Sleder.
with Mra. Kaeelaad.
t even greater calamity for tbe
tie Towsley. Tbompsontllle; Mra. Jen­
Treasurer. Bert Caldwell.
ebairman. C. H. lUnslovsky. secreiary.
later abe eniored a qolet drier,
family, as no word or knowledge ba*
A committee waa appointed to draft nie Miller. Traverae aty; Mr*. Bettba
alonall; dorlDg the winter *1
to them of the wbereabonts of
N. Aeveranec. Iniertoeben.bnd Almond
to ea>»T abort dritca bui her
Cook. Grand Ledge: Edward Cook; bef brother. Mr. Wllltsms. wbo wa* In
the Ivuird of IrnriM-* romposed of Mr Monday night. H is probable that Ibe
strcnicUi coollDuad lo fall ualll '
San Fraaclseo at tbe time of tbe
Siaat-k; A.ugnst Bauman, Andrew Boughey hulWlng will be rented asJ Spiing Arbor, and Sidney E. COok. earihqaake. Frank Hlaes li tbe non of
weeka aso. vben abe waa.cooAi
boys are Uking hold with
;. J. N. Wrtinek.
her bed. Fnwi Ibla abe WM serer
The funeral orruried Wednesday. Mr*. Robert Glkhrist of Ibis Hty and
s N-Ueved that there will be forty
Tk sill be begun a* soon a
deaUDOd lo rlae. Wodneadajr a aerdre
wHI known here.
Harrison Wademan coodurting the
plans are romplel-d and sutdelenl members bg West Monday night and
asd tbe end drew
stoning track uam will be or- seiwlce* under Ibe me vMlhodlat
ley I* raised. It sill be done by
Robbery at South Boardnun.
comlaa qnletir la*t nlahl witl
lurch cf which abc ss* a member.
Irari and h-( to the loaesl bidder. ganired.
nth Boardmaa. Mich. Hay :-Th.'
alaler Mira Ubhle MUIer and
Thursday the remains were labtB
■ the loienlioa to make l< ni
(rlcoda at ber hodalde.
■ Manila where Intermenl will take safe ID tbe poslofAre In Howard
Ofliciala Inipacled RaHmad.
Anest hilU for Traverse City and
store was blown ewrly ttir
Mia. Alice MIIIcr-Brarken efba
Tbe private car bearing Vice Prest place. W. S Anderson went lo laterrill be available for all purposes
ling and aboM 8*30 In money and
in Baclaad. Dec. K. !».•«. ber father
ben to prepare tbe body lor aklprein a meeting plarr cd Its rharae dent and General Manager J. H.«P.
slamiw were sernred. Tbe robberv
bclDc foaepb Hiller of aiurdy Eacllah
ter I* needed.
gained entrance to tbe store by remov
aioek. A» a little ehlld she
e C K 1’. S . shleh Is srattcred B. E Coombs of ibe Hanisilqiie. Mar
America with her parent*, tbe taisllT
The mue »moolb*«ld soa of the lag a pane of glass In the front door
qiietli- A Noribem arrived In the dly
,er ibr I'Dlled States and st
D order to mufBe Ibe rxplosbic
settllmt at Grand Rapid*, where tbo
er, W. T. Woodhouso met with a
Tuesday from Norlbport. where
placed sacks of Boar oo the safe. Tbi*
famllr life wma si«ii. In the fall of gatilred Afty-lour years ago t
cffreilreaiBoor beardthe repori.
im the decenaed caiae to Ihia city . lenliershlp of ninety In this elij'. J. ship was made Saturday l<y (he ear t Ing. The baby Is very food of chteben*
where ahe was empko-ed In the linmil N. Marllnek U president of tbe local Arial* while Messrs Ilngbarl at ■ad yesterday was going out to feed Flour was blown all about the store
too A Mllllken compnny store, her .ll'•dge; Joseph Stanek, vire president: Coomb* boarded the ferry Manlsllqne (bem. He slipped and fell aiuf in
a I rip lo Hulstique upon otAdal
soon as Postmaster tmqch dl»
marrlsse orcurHnp In tbe fnmllj- Joseph Hlkula. seereury, and rharlev
ils right arm was doubled under
business* In connectlnr. with tbe road.
bome. Orsnd lUpIda. Feb. If. 18KS H. Ilanslorsky. IreaKurer.
in surb s manner that H broke eorered the robbery bis morntag. ht
Mr. llugjiart went In Norihport SaturImmedlatelj Mr. and Mr*. Braeken
ind was yolned •’there Sunday by above the wrist. The little frtkre
DM Three Days After WHe.
bound Tbe SberiA ot Kalkaska
took op their rrsldenee In thiii rii>.
'•mmbs. who arrlc.-d on Ibe ferry doesn't eeem to mind the acrldent riruDly and a posse from this village
With but a three days aeparalisn by
tbe jrouna wlfejenterina Into the *ioclsl
much -but the bandage bother
and the two gentlemen riuraed with
death. Hr. and Mr*.-Abram Hprrts.
actirltica with' enihualruun.
aod Ibe Arst thing this monilni re on the trail aow. They have |ol
Sahln sere again united Monday night
an active and eon
amc lo bis father and said "Tak< >wed It beyond Croflon and bellet
sbeo Ibe aged husluuid ss* ra1le<l arriving on her return trip.
worker In the Coopresatlon
hey are on (be right track.
In conversation Tuesday sitb i It oA."
Imst week ily postoffiee was etilered
where ahe was of areal help and as- suddenly (ly death, Ibe mile bavii
Il.rald reporter Mr. Hugbart slated
been buried late Sunday afternoon.
alstaaee In the Imdie*- Aid. In
The funeral of HsTTy E Hllier, son nd ahoiil $r<A was seeured and the
Whll Aliram Karri* sas not known ihat the Union Tnirt company of De- of Mrs. S. A. Miller-Chapln. whose
■me night the Ludwig saloon sra* e
eapacUr beeomlni; the Arat trcai
bare been seriously III be sas found ...... bad been appolnled the rer.-lver llmHy ilcath look niace at I*nrtamoalh, ered and the M<M maeblnes robbed
of the Orpan Fond assoeiaiHin.
an alsmilhg mndlUon Monday of the T. C.. U A H. road and be repre Va_ April :i. while in service of/bl*
1»3 Mrs. Bracken became IdenllAed
with the Wuman-8 club, becoming (be aftcnKxm by a nelgbltoring family wbn soDled the Inletvat* at the G. R- A 1 rounlry. oeeiirred Sunday afltti^ioda
I a l.uslnea-s trip to Manlstiqoe.
tbc services of a physician
librarian In 1896, holding ofAre for
from the residence at 815 Wadsworth
two eonaecullTC yoara. Two yeara ago Tbe aged man wa* auArring fivim con­ -Everything Is progreaslng well,'
o'clock, (bo Rev pemas two cars (if grtmer's supplte* hare been
gestion at the lungs and general
delivered In this ciiy. upon ordera
lllaeas compelled ber rellrement
Corblln offirlming. Bight members
Twelve yeara ago' Mr. and Mra.
the, Hannah RIBe* officiated as pall cured by agenis for out of towp
refused, and remained out I
Bracken erected (be beautiful borne
bearers: Joseph Klassea, Robert hoiiM-s The Ht-rald ha* always been
cm Washington slreel where a etmtln yani where he was found at 6 o'clock which has lu-eo establlsbcd
Waller. Wvalt Ib-Wlil. H. I. Knapp. . firm advocate for the psirtmage of
lying near the barn, death evidently branch road."
home merehants and home Indnsirie*
residonce has
Julius Jobnstm. Harvey Decker.
While at Manseaii s where trout Ash­
overcoming tbe man sbilc be was at
During (he past year a sister, t
Otto Kywlka. Ralph ___
have always argued that Trav­
ing wa* m its best Tuesday Messrs.
burUI in charge. It erse City pedple could do better dealasd the faawi overpowering. The rc«- niubetb Miller of Grand Rapids baa lempUng to atlend to bin cboroa. Not Huglian and Ctknnbs were presented
taking place lo Oakwood.
Utdta v«« cloned by . Mr. Steinberg devoted care and love lo the deceased, knowing of his condition Ibe coroner with a flne ealcb
upon nrriring dis­
can by mall order bousea. or agent* of
and tbe opera bouao regtatera opened and her home baa since remained here.
St.rlhpi*n's eltUens. their ealch hav­
large conreros In other eltk*
to a«ord five egresa for tbo heated - Aside fnun tfaghnaband but. (WO rel­ covered that medhml attendance
ing been In tbe neighborhood of a I
Below we print a fac-elmlla of
Am iMdiog fitnn tbe fnraaeo while ative* aro left (nmnrn her los*. Miss been asked during the anernoe® and dred speckelcd beauties up lo the h
received by a Traverae Oty ma
the satire wtsdowa were (brown ofren. Blxabetta Hiller, wbo has been with so deemed no Inquest needed,
of the paasing of the train at 8:J0.
goods purchased of one of these
jaa Anea. bowser. oooUao
ageaU. A a compwrailre column
vey of Grand Raplda.
catch tbe fever asd each tier bt
A week ago Saturday she wai
Tbe fiaer^ aervlce waa held Sal- where tbe funeral will Uke place to- regular aoutbTtound at 10:45.
print the prleo* the Um« goods
igsltod asd added tiMir ear lo (ho
covered unconscious In her lied,
nrday monilng by the Rev. Dcma* momw aftaswoon nalrss a response is
le bought for at the Hannah A Uy
Couiriy Politie* s(* Soon
bat) retired in her usual bcaltb but Mereaniile eom|>aii)'s store Tbe fig­
Tbe eoadldoB for several houra were Cochlln. who opened lb.- • simple received from a brother and sister,
•atremo. (be eallre boiler coromlng home service wlih prayer Mira who arc said to reside at Caledonia, mid the earltenxni Incldenisl lo tbat some lime during tbc night the stroke ures show that Ibe co*l of the gnudi
('.snada. Deputy SberiA C. E, Taylor,
bad come and she nev er regained
from the out of t(«-n bouro amotiuu L
white bat. while (he briek work In Blhcl Bailey rendering In
evriit having subsided, county fq^l8IS-2". while Ihc same goods can be
wUi* It waa ataUoood bnrat wlib tbe voice 'Aalecp lo Jesus." Mr. Coch­ wbo aerorapanlcd Conmer lioldswortb tks now «>m.- If the front and there
last evening, wlierl them and up to
«esides her husUnd. Mrs. Harris purebased In Traverae City for lid (4
heat asd tbe nar .ioon leading Into lln. who as pastor
are Indleailons that there will IkIcavea one son, James J. Burden of
tbe tnea became red but and warped. for many helpfnl yeara. spoke of (be late bodr had received no word.
artlve campaign r.>ndiiHed lu-lweej this cllv- She wa* Isirn in county
Agent's rity
The ptasUag nsder tbe aldcwalk
Price Price
now and Ihe fall ch-ciion. Several ran- Cavin. Ireland, and ramc to Michigan
where (be boUer U aUthmed. became wbo Instead of eomlng together in and Icavea ao dbildren, tbe
dldaleu are already
lender- IgaUsd and ewylblng Indicated ^a
wvwklng energrtlcally for the republl from rhlnago. Mrs. Harris wa* we:i
la the borne near Sabin.
that the fruits et tbe spirit w*
aerlona Ate. whlcb. tbougb, did sot
ran nomination* for counly clerk
known here as she sold boraermHsh
In her life. Her love of the Savl
ttke place. Ibongfa tbe boiler Kaelf la
register of deetls..
aad vcgeialilcs oB Ihe sHvets for
estirely deetroyed tbiostfi tbe excea- and her love for ber friends was
Ridtcri H Waller, the piesrnt e
In her hours of Juailce ws* meted out «n Saturday
alve heat Begfaslng at 8 o'clock the
clerk, who has held Ibe nfAee three
• fiinerat i-errlre was i
t 9:30 a. m. In the Recorder's court
g. he said: "Her great
4 gal. cream separator
riatemae beat la tbe Ana did not anb. and klndaitn aod sympathy by JiKlge William H. limlor In a tcu- leniis. 1* again a esndblale. and reeelv- •I'eloi-k Siindny from (be house. IbtaWe tntll seauly aldalgbl aad during
greal ties! of enrotiragement. Rev. J. W. Miller orfirlBling. ;BurUI
with. mluuie aenalon, ibe two vlrilmt of
all tbat time tbe chief of the Are de- was fiiriber maniresled by a
own criminal an* being Frank He will be opposed by Sylresler Brewu
partmaat, and aeveral otbera.
Pennell and Houard Hollis. The for- supervisor of Long Lake township,
Hr. rochlia spoke of (be unlB
rnlnad to watch (be aertous ceadUlooi
[ilaaded guilty to the (barge pre­ wbo Is already making an active can­
From San Prancitce.
arhlcb eosM sol la nay way bo modi- of ebaractec of tbe deceased, who was
I'nhrnkeD by the earthquake, ^uo
ferred by Fred Kufll of Sulirms Bay. vas*. not only In the county hut In the
always tbe same, always psilrmt.
And. At 16 o'cloc* tbia morning
Mr. Walter believes that shattered by the dj-tuunlte used lo 50 lbs. extra r sugar... :.»*
swore to the warrant ebarglog the
kind and always gentle to those
hhA work was atlll bat while (be
s.nlo-6 eoBee ... -IS
bouse In which It was, nn
around her These qnalllie*. lie said, Mealing III a |*>rketl>o<)k valued at Oj
tli« An«« asd-anrronadlng walls w
by (be fire whlr-h eonsumed (he
cent* and the ron'i-iii*. l:u in money. ctip)ing the office of eouttiy elerk I
rndrared^er to those she
deatrayed. Tbe coat of remodellag
iKvn sufflcienlly fs'lsfactory lo int
dehris. a lUile. fragile china cup seni 5 \t .«"mral............
Hgfal. Mr. Corblln said,
by (qa.irt Baker m Mrs Arvllla^Oard
morning. Judge limlor la passing
■riv beipful
• upon Ibe respondent, aimed that voters for his return, this being (he ner from Sao Frae^lBcn w-as broken
■round ber. parlb-ulariy her great
tho Mtoatloa tbat the trouble
most ImiKirtnnt count
■i the purpose of the court li
• i the mall.
esMai ky aetftti ea tbe part of the business Interest In ber busbsnd's
The cup was of very light china and
a repclillim cd aurh art* wherein gift of the people. However, there
, JaRor wbo led yesterday for Pennayl- work, and ber slater, and her ataler's
promises to bo a spirited conieel.
as bud palmed by Mrs Gartner’s
be staled (haj'tbe commitment
l vaaM. Owing to tbe illBCaa of Mr. family.
Tbere will be n mliml-np e<mte*l for eousiD. II was setung on a L
o an Inioxleated condition.
AMbberg's «». Alex. Mr. Steinberg Mr. Cochlln spoke of
the republican oomlnsHon for register the seecvnd n»'r lb her home
auied to tbe Herald, be had been
oI deeds, the ofBre now held by
I'raoelsco at the time «»f the eartHable to ovenoe-tbe irerk properly and church and Its music. Tbe servir.quake.' The hoiiM- bad to be dyns
Micb Infiiirnees as H would proto WilH>n. who bs* belli It for two
wblle he knew' tbat tbe Anea abould o( dedlratlon was a lime of great
bemefirial to him. the prisoner Inter­ Mr. Wilson has made a good officer mlted lo check the spread of (be
be ckaBad out onee a week, be raid fort for her. and It proved to Ir
im Ibe court at this point by say
flame* and after i< had t■eeQ rared. (he
tbe Jaallor told blm yesterday before egort followed by great sallsfaei
he Wt that be bad deaned them all as she wu> abb* to atend the aervlce ing that it would never happen sgaln meet the view:* of ibe majority of Hie niins raugit-fire and were eonsumed.
In Hosing, ibr speaker said: “Here Is Fiirtbrr cunlitiulng. Ibe court defined people of the county. In Ibis, how- Claud Raker, who wa* staring with
tnrt and everytblng waa In order,
While »
Truth of Easier iHuslralcd. The the leaser crime of simple Isreeoy ever, he will meet with ron*lderaMe the family, after tbe fire was lonkioi
atend of Uls, tbe boiler was empty
aad the Anea dogged tm and tbo only body perishes but the soul gains from the perron InMead of from a npimsillon. Supervisor W. W. Dean, inio Hie ruin* for a .oiivenlr and earn' while ibsl 1’ I* n o palroni:
dayby under
ds.r Ibe Indlclmem of which, now chalrmnn of the imard of super- icrows the rup which he sent to bl* . rr*- j;i'y people
facade ,was that the exploalon did strength. The body rails
Is ih*.fir>i
c 1* aa I mother In ihl* city. In'hi* has’c he. hoipe roerehsn'*.
grow* In greaici thc prisoner Mood gulliy. nie prison- visors, nnnoonrcl i.Msy
' aot take plaee. Toeaday momlBg Mr.
• have pron
............... court slated, having l-wni artlve candidate for the nomination. failed b
Steinberg opened tbe valve* In tbe strength."
ITic closing hymn. -Sometime We'r In tb.' city sivmc lime here he aasisted j and I* gel'ing ciMiriderab|e rneourage- ____ broken finally although Its expe- t" place U.4.O. .he readers of the Rec
boiler and a lltlle waler dripped o
t.. ira.

abowing tbat tbere bad remained
Bingbam .d the second I
Mr Baker ha* left Ban ; at home than -o jiatronlre other ro
remain* then being t;
money, later taking what he had left.
amnll quantity during all the white
reveral w«ek*
w„ek* ago .
p,* pme
,he s;-vada ' cerns in other elHe*, who take mom
The senienre of the court being that wart aunounced neveral
aoutb by
(he husband and s!
baated coadlilon. bat not enongh
Je*v.the respondent Ik> cmmlit.-d to theltba. be waa aa arlive candidate for,
where Intermenl will take place
tave graerated snfAdenl steam
"the city Mr. | “ -pjip
arrived here, had cent to hHp s.ippon H
The eup. nhen p1'.arrived
orae aa expkmloa. Fean were cn- o'clock Ibis afternoon In Greenwootl llooM- of Correelion for a ! the nimtinailon. Oiilslde
m„und glass Hinging
Irrialaed dartag tbe exdtemeat that cemetery. Grand Rapids, rndcriaker isviml of ninety days from and In- Wilwm will have oppo*lthvp In the per-)
nf Frank M. Hamlin. Who has fs'cn .
Alex Bldaberg. who U eoavalmtlng H. L. Carter bad charge of the slilp- cliidibg this day.
■nd funeral arrangcmcnis.
Howard HoHI*, who was placed in In the field forsdme lltlle lime. |
from aa atladi ef typhoM would
r ie-r-,ill*l eff.iit.
These two offices will form a favost |
Cole, of 511 Pine street ha*
le county jail yesiertay afternoon by
talnred by tbe cxdlomwil aad gas
-Baiw-" Wlbnie. after be bad obtained imercMlnc clement In the county cam- • r«udved wort from her three nephew*.
If InfluMiee i. everted P
tnmea bat be bad Artmped Into sleep
e Lodge BnildinB- N
watch whlcb the lor- taign and the rlv^lnr Is sure lo be, %-crnon Lovejor. Wesley Sellrs nnd .................
Just a* the trouble began an<
The C- 8. P. S. Itrige will *•
: Kmak B. Biilts. who operated the IMr ;ln tl... ra.-e .d 'b"
• nail ' in the spirited.
raalaed In sleep dartag all tbe
a new home. It will be two etories In
Ralph care of Kingsley, promliwvit;,^ Home on Markoi street. San Fran '
of bis wife, and later,sold for
height. The building.' which will be
republican pulliiri and well kDowti. ,.|staling they were saved.
,„pm< ni w prowpl-rlly.
one of tbe most complete and laoderii 11. aitwd before the (vnirt with a plea
ey tl
cpj. Treasnivr Haskell has received
on the coniran. 'he
lodge hall* In tbc oorUi. will eo« IlS.DnsBi nf Mra. AIM Bra
(»iin Informed blm that he bad been 1 himself a candidate for the ttomlnatlon :»)«,pr from hbt son Bernie.-located ,'b-y take from her., for good* *
AIM two yean of nuAerlag in wtaicb ono. It will l« avalUble
Of considerable trouble for a yror «id ; for reprvseotath e In the l^^'Utnre
San Franclsro
UN vUallty was aapped by an lasldn- lodge purporevbul
Traverse City than ihat of taking
Tbe C, It wa* the purpose ot the court to pee-1 from this ronnty. Jamv-s H. Monroe. The yoong roan says that be ha*n t
mm dUotao Kn. Alice Braeken. wUc and Urge public g
- of a H. Brai^ea. 448 Waahinron 8. P. S. hu adverllsed Ibcls property vent anv furtlwr rcpcHHon for some! who has served this county tn Ihc lee-a*d his cloihes oB for a week snd ih*' .be mooev earyiedt.>- Tr»v»-rse Clly
barracka of bb company have people This Is
Bonlb Union street for sale and will time at 'least, the sentence Mog that 1 Islaitire for two terms, will not be a
atrnet. paraed qukdly and peaerfnUy
given pver to' tbe refugee, a* x
prisoner be confined la the Delrol: 'candldmeagalnal Mr. Case. This belns
me boada to cover tbe coal of
away early Friday mtmlag.
House of Correct loo for a period "f e altuatloci. Mr. Case will doubtlesa l|,oa|dlal- He was thrown out of bod [ very lolereMlng eomparirons,
w bunding.
Mra. Alice Brnckra for two long
----- by the ihock but esraped uninjured. 1 re, minor Hems It will l.e shown
IS It 1
H. Mall, architect, is at present ninety dnys including ibis day. Sheriff
yearn bad the Qonnge aad Mreagth
' dlfferctire
John Cilchrisi, with A- V. Friedrich., there U *

to combat wtth lUaera wbk
bouite, but when (be
Death Roll.
received a letter Tuesday afternoon' matter of freight anil llssatlsfsrtiOD is
both satPring and fortitude lo bear it. 40x1(10 nnd will be brick and Acbloa. wbo bad tbe two prisonera
Mr* Alld' B. Cook, aged C yeara. from bis slsler-la-tow. Mr*
but throngb ovurytUag abe retained cooe^a The Arat story, wbldi will I charge, aceompanted both back lo-lbe passed away at tbe borne nf ber Magb“b^
ber «natle yaUeaec aad endurance, realiybea half baaeanenl, will bensediJalL where they wUl be taken Monday
Inte.-frepfuwtg ber scttvltr tn nodal and , tor baaqneu. etc, and wlU contain a j moreing by Sheriff Johnson lo DeUpli

Tfce d«j *M MV
Tarater malnc »

tnUM Mptarion vhleh eaMot aCbfMurtir ta en>utMd u >ot tariac
iak«a »taee wM tke onadRioai
UM MertMtMl »plr bidler ^ i
BUWnrs block ore eooiliered.
Aboot • oelock Id Ibb eroBlw
’■Babo" WUiaio Boclccd iiarki flrlBi
fM UW. chlmMy ot tte Stelnbefs
block Id ooapaar vlib Cbicf <t tbc
FM> DcivtBCDt MOW. • rUll
mate to the Mock «here (be eUaiDey
«M fooad «l(b BO Tl*>ble DicD* or
banlBKoaL Tbe chlBUMy >■ tbe Bk*
taU «M alao eMiMd ud dIdo Ibo
Cotmu bloiA dilBaertuaMaf WM foosd «Toas 1b the Arc
-poU of oHber of (be eidoborc
».«#.«« DO tber rotorsed lo ibdr doUe*
Deals. Mr. AlelDberc. wbo did sol
'^feel BoUiBod. ovine to (be prwa
o| sw in bU IlTlnc r«a» sd)olbltiR
(be More, vent acals Into tbo
SMI to locate (be tnrable. He rouB>I
tbM (bat (bevatar lance of (be boiler
van asHitT tbovlsc (bat (be biriler bad
either beeeoe emvlj or the valer van
balov reiWeHse.
FoellBs (be eteeadre beat be
ovt to ead ibe aoarce. Tbe Are vai
BMODiderlDic lov Id (he Arc i>ol. bnt
apoa opealap (be door back of (be
bidler be vac aUrUed (o Am
pppv tier of Ana* red boC Ther vcrc
barslsc ool asd uader (be uwial
dUllsi el all veU kept bollen. al^ld
sot bare bad asp aceoBolailoD of aoot
to eaiiae each a (hiDsa JU. Sielabers
thee tbrav aaU on (be Arc la (be farsen bat this did not aAed (be bun
tac of tbe Auea. He calleri tbe Are departsMl'aad Hesara. Uaiiwj. Wloale,
Falsboai and Utnej asd Anallj Mr.
Anna vere called aa tbe apper Auea
vhleb bad been banlss vere followed
br tbe neat set below, tbe beat.eootlBDlap all tbe time lo Isereaae. uotll It
tsTolTed tbe esUre aet-of tblrtr-elAbt



In a few weeks
. the sizes of
best selling pat­
terns will be
much broken—
Now >*ou can get
Just what
you want.

li • :1





for Your
MotfeyMen’ Suits
in hne hard-twisted Rrorst
eds that will stand the
wear and tear of hard
service—fine afifiortment
of dolhes (hat fh.

& Hunter
EAST »01»T ST.

TRAVERSE emr* Mice.



> •Pier-

. -re ot
^ H

m ^ ^ *W» W««»»

af TWTWPe Cllf ••re iTPext
Hn. U««T


Borm to Mr. knd Mr». OlntOB Heber

At tbe acddlns trf 111^5 neesl.-l»ll
.' lip. and Clautle' I, AOien at tte bomt!
Bore to Mr. and ton .\nk
„ i of Holden iniilllp* nnr mat. the flow
aprfl M. a plrl.
WeMey Witbey n
Trarerae City Into
ittcSto^rUus 1 forward lo tdf.r ronFratula »«>
deoee at ALriire miu lu.'-w- — piano wa» oTontirmd and
Ur HoXElt7 per^le have Borod
cwlnes. .< .'Pt- pue-.i in .. Irln* a fall
Vaoabn tarm. »««.
Inc lamp a raUmlt) miclti Ita.e .u•ntly.
dW lari »>! .rurred- None wx* aerlou.:. ir;cr.-.l ,
..fcarle}- Semertiuckle
------------■ —-------.
day aornlDK at -loo 8rt
brief l.loe*s, Hleluncr
1 am lti»
bou><' Suuilay ape
Kirip. lor toi.
.. ..jalB* *•■
»i I"!
p*,B-a OloWMit Corea Etamna and
lUbtof PMea—Travene CRy


Cnid Imcnc BoaU
it ~---»asy—“
IIWlll »■» »»■»»»«■

Btircd Plf nwstb K E ^

Traverse City Markets .



........, .r .,,s»



Itcblnn Pi>r. rail rheum
^ntlon or rhiB

!!i^;^to'^u,;;ron ofykto uebm..««


’'tortid tor*. Darld Warner of TravCtly came ben Moeday to atrandaruie. Here U Travt-ret-tu>
tbe firocral of Crone ShertdM,
Tb« rnWBlsmait of Cli]' bcloerr
CkMwell p< «u»rt»t4»<eBi of tke
M^"r. D. HTndJra-m, ^ snll W.»i
wsUr works to look ofter Ibst depMte beairtifuL Hrt nrnaloK w^
mmt M well •* «l»t of tie city oobedde them of hl» brother In tbe
moaelea. After rtfov/.! Inc. one tx.iMor, to . food ooe. Tie dij-«•
daMT bw bereiofote bed berdly
ben loottof after bto farm and prop<
to do dorlBf tbe wiaUr eee-

in"bS.’’* *■
HI ..............................: ■j^ir-'A'XwJjPr'lT^^^


■***B^eeer. we beliere th»i both of
Ibaee oflew eea be eosdacted under
tbe MM beed ud tbel It wUl be a
Mtertal MTlof to tbe ediy. We beHere that Kr. Cald-eU to eai-ble to
look after (be det^le of both tf tbeae
40PMMOU aad that hi. be.i efforU

ssi,!; ."Ji n.i» -I
loM^^tb a •—


«m be deroied to (be IniereM of tbe Wediwadar In tbe church and «-Bl ^
IliMte to meet there every two wecki
eJtr. <XbM dttoa •«» tbaa Trar«M atT are adopUof (be mm plaa ’"tor* *Lton**Md^»ml1y have moved
ODd we beliere (bal lor a few yeare DIO the Hillman houac.
' at Jeaat the dty eoitaeor cao loM
Apdl ».
iafter the water work* without mated-






block in th.-ooiUrv


Tlu-wonivrUj; riANfl..\ flXXO


i.ol.*mii:tlp illustrious STKIXW.^T. kintf of a«i


ri... nvi-niitlixml tiBIXNEI.B imns

tour own make

iliosuirjI.SOllMKRitlie i.rtisUc KR.VK.M'F.U; the


an.l vle38.i«« STKRUy*!-oud .'ib. TA almoiiiUly nn.vinalcd at
Oi' if resjavtiv.- prim-a




iei.'"|Thc B.Stl.T Kl Ihc •■«.>•• “•


1.1 \R\Mn: -'I 'i>i-



frd"’’ FW™"?Khto>rV .'hVld ^U.-uM


Kp^'i^dr "rc,t'r.:;rr.; &•

In a few days, iwn-* OIntmeni I- .m. >
Tbe Udlea- Aid of t*m"'
prcparallon which ^ta up to the r..........
m^wllb tore. Oha. Sebermerhom
n-MMitailoas made for It.
-or Bale l>v all dealerK. ITlec
T>m PlnalRaport.
r«*ler-Mllbnm Co.. Bntl
At ttn Mottaf of the eoonc.ll tost
. York, sole asenis tor the Hal
S^im’bc'lh^Tall 'u^^'bc Al^^ll
^rcslas. the FMemI Audit Company
t name—Itoan's—and
MbmlMPd Ita foal nport upon audit-

?any taterterlof with (be work to bla


^^..^.I.u>v^aai^^i»«^ tlio



diwtor diirinc tbe creaier part « .
aummer. »r«llv woix.... fall than
•TV unt lie eeieee
nd could riot
not rii'i-p ai ntcht
iduetd to iry Doa
Ki appllrailon was no wotblnc t
P child *lcpl tbf ciftirc nlrti.
. continued the treatment the n


toaeL-clfp.n.-i«mlun,,i,e<i;..i.i.:.:vtl... !l.^t and .Moat ITo.ui

'^•.rssr’ST;™— », u

M to toop btai biuT. «fcoo^ dortof ‘■"■The Bnrni Cortt Co"fdy
nvc nn. MtertatoMnI In Ray-* ball
seseoe be bes


~ 4:!

Music House.

Fifteen Stores.

Traverse City Store; 159 E. Front Si.



Itlsf tbe elly'a booka.
The report
waa not aa aenaatfonal aa (be prellml-


AO Eye Specialist for Eye


aarr report aoSMatad tl ml^l be.
On tbe eontrary Iben was no eeaeniw
of CHy Clertt flaerm. Snporiatendent of
tbe Water Work., H. O. Joynt, or of

Burb their fola* awsy
Mr., ^ber
merbom Is b freal worl^
cboreb and betowa t“ '««
"I day wMr- __________ ________
ttewaidt. member of ‘hr b<^ o
Harry UcroiUih of Nile*, who |
tmtee* and pmsIdeBt of the l-adkw
tbe uwaanr. to. E. Haakell.
«d Kullty to havtos wrecked a Iralo In .
Tbe prellmiury report auffcsted
«a»t tbe city rierk'a ofSce waa In a It eeems that Grant is loslnc mote of that cHycsomc Unic aei). has bw“
icnced to from flvo yearn to life n
MTtienlarly bad abape and (be eoeclo-

Ik-fcclive cv.-a.-Jiuec' ll.-.pLe li'-s.
m N.-rs onaticM. W.wk Ky.-a. Cross
|ii. K>. Bun>M>>-f«tivc\ toK'U Sucli


Jackson prison.

•IM imnedtotMy drawn wnt (bat tbe

I ». a
«tty Clerk aM Bupcrmi—ue-t
IM.Canute .
Mter wotka bed not properly attendl~oi. was called 10 tier jorm- i
•d to tbe duUe* of ibclr officoi. Tbe
Mat—nni made to tbe prelli^uTT
ylatoir easfcaied ibU condition of nf- a eomrfieaUoii of disease, tor. r.a.
B. n. BlsBClI. a vcicmo of the cT
ttlra. hot now that It la complete H to
war and the founder of the Albion F
.^Mifytof to note that ihere to no
corner to I8CII, has cone lo lb.- S
•BgceoUoa of dtobMeaty or unfaithful■ home to Grand Rapids. Mr U
MtftoapB (be part of tbe oMPtopem
las been In poor licalib fur soi
“Sr and Mr*. I-. Skinner o( Sherman
tt tbe city. Aa tor. Homer ataled taal TlS^id tor. Bkto»^mo.hcr to thl.
■lent, «U»e tbe diy -books were to a
Ml eofidlUen. the eondlrton wa. doe
Ask tor AI1e*>'eroot-Eaae. n Pewtler |
.-So tbe CBMom observed by tbe coundl
Md board of pubtlc works In tbe man. MCMNbt of tbe Sttrb ofSeet Tbete
kaa been aaseMed that tbe system
Jerome K. North, who spent bl* en­
waned waa Itoparfoet and tbe maulM
tire life on a farm near Lansing, In
«M contoaUlt^^ now that tbe audit
for Ibdr ball and burned ih.- Delhi township, died Tlmraday nlgln
la-c«c«Mted tbete ^uid be tutb
he age of OS. He was a promtaem
ipe tbe same evenln*. Tbey eajorma adopted that the ayatem map
ilanre the ban and m^c a
widely known farmer.
ba cowprahanMTaasa
pmp«w »•«r improvemcnu on It la the
OB by tbe city clerk and eupertnlend- •w fuiuir. And
And *0
SO tl
tbr good
Mottar Orgy^uj^ Powdar# (
Mt of the water woriia to wamecUoa
_______________ teacher of the Ram
arttb the dty traaanrer.
The lyMB of tbe Federal Andtt
CMBpany was deaHnad to Mva time
at Grant
pad to alapUfy toe baaptoc of tbe and
aad enversainniuin
entertainmito ^
naorda of the dty. It to no doubt a Friday evening. May 1
good ayatem. bni It appaara that tt eome aad enjoy tbe c
April JO.
baa mot oatlmty met tbe oondlUooa
wbicb adat to this <dty.
This <d
Rail EaMte TrareMft.
•owrae can be easily iBMdiad aad U
peter Bcbcnmr and wUi-lo Emma
fbto to a good syitem It should be
satoUlsed. It it to found that It to "^oS* w' wsw'to laibclto Ulaom
of w9a
BcW. sec. je. town S-,
•doMtary tor aa expert at $10

Hriman W Smith and wife to rllf
ford CIme. ri al, tof S> aad cH lot
36 block 1. P. H.-a Z^.
_ _
Martha E. Pope lo Arthnr P. Bo*r.
ower of atlmlieT,
Louis Tingling and wife to Myron

wry 00 tbe work of tbe city otficea
gad that It wtll Dol be neceesaary la
gave aa lYEclal andlt the books for tbe
•arpeae of determining ibc condlllon
gt (be varloua fund* and departmenla

.RO^i^yrrid. 10 F.UOma?-

M-aH—.,..-. w---



HO acre* all dear of Mumps.

la the case of the
---------- -------------fbe dly watwr walks and former city
^toand Blstnl to Msrada BIsard.
clerk who had charge of the book*
durlBg tbe pedlod covered by tbe aud
BrtlX' to John P. toau
to. we beitova that they were coeiclcn1*. block 3. H . U * ro.Y Plh.
Uaaaa la the performance of tbeir
udltor Oc
dattea aad booeal to the coodnet of
Ibeir work. Now that tbe report baa
Triangle I.ABri
bMB made, the eouDcil ahonld aa* to
c. tl.lown W.
Gibbs, n^wka of s
to (bM (be ayutem porwned la the conmalT-Allor aad wile to CtoreDcr
gnot of tbe vartou* depart»tota
abooM be complete, and ibat aa Intel- Orribek. w(* lot 33, block K. H.. L. *
legent record of
%laf August Ketoon tad wife to Lud­
avery departmani aoall be easily main- wig Ndson. parcels.
Cha> H b!»^ and wife to DanM
toloed, aad that It may be so ayalemamodaU. tliabcr. actk of seM. see
ttoed (bat tbe coadulon of the various
. t.iwn K. range II.
ftiadf may be abown at a glance wlihJobs Cadv and wife to DnaM Cran­
•Bl (be tabor of making Intricate cal- dall. si* of *w(,. acc. *4. town W
oilatkwa to Bod oat wbm tbe elly
Oval Wood ntsb Co
7. (own S«.
all, a H of sw * amie It.
Genera G. Kati in Julia
ois 4:- and 44 and ski >o< 43. BtocfcAMii andernoa baa

Barn. IsnxJGo.



qlSoirpMt wpsk. bot to better at



VftoTr to-oS'oi'and wHe to Bob
mon Krotser, parcels., sec. 10. town

business principle that if you "buy
li-hi” you can ‘sell ri«ht." and
r. is applies Jlo the Ql’AI.nY
.i)( yot>d« as well as to the
1*,R1C1-:S. Buy H. & L.
Co. s • B !•: S T '• Feed, Bran,
/■ Mi.ldlinns. Corn and Oats. Qual­
ity and prices are always riuht.


Cheer Up!

lion V

eh.aninj; xvon i seem half

■u .Irradl'il if ili«;n- is new'

Come and visit mir store and oonviiio: your
sclvc^that il's the pla.c 10 tra.k- to -avu momy.

.. mosWrrt*i Ibc' farm
Grand Traverse ciuniy.

Your R. liAl.l.' Kiirtri’.urv Slnrt-.

Uwaled near Monn.c Center.
Price BiOOO.
r... parllciilars Inquire of I.
Gibbs. Traverse City. Mirb.. or
Frank Hamlin, on prcmlee*.
npr 2Mt

’ .

Grand Rapids Furniture
....-------- -127 South union Sircci


*l**lu>Me tv


I cure D}...,-------------- .-yiseues. in a r.ew ....
awdattbemme time, deeroy all-In
all -Iisea

;o lri,;lucii the horn-. .Tube .urc the
paper must be attraciiv., and
be real
certain of fieitinu thp kinds that are
handsome mean*
buy at this store.
I’ai'crs (rni-1
|rt;r double roll up.


tawdiu* germ*. D) H>«lw»

bp JoKrhson .Orws.O

Olall Paper

City Book Store


and moved bis famllwbere tbey eapaot 10 _* o.«.. -

A wile to Aa
Hosntod WhIUag
n«V. use. ».
grew Umlor. awM
WUllam* baa been gull* town tt. nage >.
Aadtow I- - r gad wife to A
tmler. me lew of vwki of ■>«((. ■«;.

a tolk

C‘ty opera House BIN.

The First TMdk
Hoxi- .tnr your
Do i1i«;y net;;! paptrini: ;■
\'ou will lintl W.M.L
r.M’l-lU ai our ^orc.
iltiw ari:y»>ur Carpel*.'
' Wo have )usi whai you
' warn.
Mow aro your kiidicn
- —j-----and ,citninn room iloorsf
Whai arc you uoinjv to do with ihtrm .- DhI you.-v.r
stop 10 ihink how much IcMi work ii would U-'(or y--vi
il you had LlNOLl-:i*MS oh your door*? Wc havu
jusl whal you want.


nmnary. com


Are You Going to Houseclean This Spring?


» acm wood timber.


malt $ Sons
Crawrat CiW* Ccading PruaAWiv

O"'.;' i" "

It will pU-aei- tn.- to Intv


Large farm bouse, good repair
H. (2. block 4, Bayi
LAinie to. Paris to Hattl
parcels. P. H.-s 3rd.
” ® Onn*by. et
inr(s of owl*, see. Ik.

Lavonburs’s Pure

JJ'v initeasinB tie

40 acres gms] hardwood tlmlM-r.
uiebigan Trust Co. .10 John

W.. rtirrv for lliis,..w llln.- Vitriol (Copper SolpUaU-).
Araoiii.-. Foraalii.. I-iv.r «>f Sulphur ami

Paris liH'.'U. .
• 1
If you will piin lms.'lh.-sonni.-l.aof us. >>oa will ccxtomly

willi'you alwut Spur tectlj-.


ConBlrilng of



of tov open.tio.,8 an.l werk.

ayatem. A ayitem la opeiatton In a "to^l^ Trn«*C?i. lo Wm. O Brace,
(Ug of this slsc sbould be so slmpU- bridge,Teto of nwto. acc. Jl. town 15.

Tbe iiaeora it.pioaaeo uv
MUt to DOW complete and i..— —
Sw yaar may be bagua with a cleap
dbaat. ,Wa beltova itmt (be preaent
mty cncara are fully competent ta


Patt-«IMI. vnihid™ »»-

dUufattention for napy reasons.

Grand Rwlda—Ratc.EZjn.
Sunday. May li
«o andW tbe dty's books cTery year,
Train will leave Trkversc riir ai
■^e^Lankey lo Sarah J. Ramala. «:J0 a. m. See posiers or ask ac-uis
then we Beliere that H to not a *ood

•ad that an ordinary toi^
telUar with aecounu ca

npIiT to U'-i li"' J«* iiiriorin!*-


,ni I.. 1,.„ ,.llr.niv,.

Spraying CIme
1- ■..-ar ai liun.l aw\ y'u l.:«l licltcr tp-t your wants in'-t=»rJy in

12S e. Front 8L

Cmnerse Off, IT/c*.



Totten relumed te I
T*cln- bcHl of edttle wore rec«<»«*
Tueridj by the >Jorthcni Mk*fK«» Cbarterolx Ibis afleniisic
il. sister. Mrs. C. M.
nyluB frea Mean. Sicphca atid Bd«»rt LautBcr of goien.

UnRerUking RuWmM •eWwjm L. D. Curtl. of thl. cUy. who h“
been toaled here In the ondemkla*
budom for The n»d nine yetre, has
MTKOW-A. t»WT J-r. ft'***?
IJwd C3U-A.ATe. IW4-';
■oU bU W.IBOM to Mr. Ilu*h« of
SeottyUle. who will Arrtee In ten d«y«
^8»Sw»-A. TW
V,"^ to Uke foranl poteereton. Mr. Coni*
J«M» T H—*.
wHi tboB spend the «niB»er «i BlrchM. H. <3ReM"-- «•
i««de. where ne iimaer «ou»Ae will I’t
loceapled. Mr llngbei. hot betne lu
» per c*M iDowrt M TUw »ep»«» the elty. i
;. but. It ie enpeeted tbit
he. wilt fcenpT ihe present die of the
Curtin nndeftnklog
where the bunlnes* nirendy enihllsbod
by Mr. nnd Mr*. Cnrtli on a ntreng
Id prosperous foothold, will ebotlt


in,-w suits ywirrdav bv dcf.'Sllog i!<-

••rrortre' ginte. Bat:. rii» —
•iu-..,.,nd M.rl:.w, t;rawn.
alt.-f risltlng Mrs, Ed Uneoin f..r a : SmUl:. llaskius auil Urattun.

z 3-? -

Frank W.Ison.
Mr. and Hr*. Jnmes Matpas rcfirned ■
> Ear’ Jordsn today after aliendlns
the funeral ut the late Richard Rouiil
yesterday afternoon.
The MesdaBcs Mlct;nr1 anil Jack
:i^y. who spont a few day* at In'c:
<r.iict. nm! co.d
;bVn as the guests of .Mrs. Bei
.......... .. .. _. .
C... F. H M.


New Summer Underwear


Moved Body to Mllswkre.
Mr*. C. Deusler and daughter <
ude of. Milwaukee passed through ITse. ?d'''.rlmru*'7.;.rV™emK*“.l! i
the e«y Raiurday while on ibelt reinrn
Suiions Bay. where they, attend­
ed the funeral serrlceo of a brother rios. Mrs. Caonei and Mt.!
tn-law. Nleholas Slelmed. which took CiinovcT accompanied then
on LI. nmrti Inun a
ii »i li ir;'
place there last week. Mrs.
there, had the reinainK of herj
SrrangwS's i.- in tin' iii< long ki'.l Lnshi-r In N<-w Z.-uiaii ■: ,.Hid. the late Hobar_J OcurtV. «*-| sjM-ndihg a few days wliIi tils faniity.
Ihm'Mr.I.iiiUliittned nnd placed in f hcnneilca Mis* l.lrrle K<-ol Irli this ufierriocm
saaled asVet ready for shiptnent
ir llileheork. when- she wii; ti*il lor
MOwadVec Saturday. Mr. Dcusier died
short lime.
la Bnftons Bsy three ycani agp while
the family weyc temporarily residing
Mr*. Pllnii l> quite poorly annln
there and owing to her residence in
Charley RTIIIsim slid wIl-' an.l
be pUced daughter wers- ai ih< lake .esieidav
L.'Cole has moveil tnio the le.i
local cemefery hoar tbo family
who bare made their home there for Cos bouse.
■d Mrs. Cariet id Manual were
the past flfieen years.
ake last Sunday,
la-*i and family iwiK ditim-r
with Mr. I>uryea Sunday.
Seholtt was AcaulKed.
Uila HaywoTMl went t,i se.- ti.r
Mr*. E. A. Knowles and Mrs.
Ervtii a) C.Hlar Uuu.
Brown Is working tor IMir
SehulU and llUle daughter, with their
allorney. Fred Pratl. weni to IKreey Coffleld.
April on.
Friday to attend ih<- bearing of 1
BrhuU* and Laing case. The case s
few minjileK
Em.-r»ai Jk-oneii has solcl su amTrasccuting Attorney Sarage said that II the mirlli side of hi* plats- and wl'I
liullil a new hoiiae ■in
on '111*
' norili M’ (,
ie had gtren the caae unusual
;r* llalpii’
Rural iliili met w
Lborongb allcation and Investigatiuu Hick* tasr Thiir-1a>
»ll! rm.-i}..'
Kh Mrs. Prindlethls w
and coiUd And no evidence again
Dcjiosit your
Bert WII I
them or reason for them being a
ir out lust I
■o'* creek rommenred
money ivith ibc
iWifed or held, neither eould he dig u
anything agnlnsl their ehtracter.
Hiss l.iilu Hiilnu-*. rliix-cl an Hslit-i
The totda which were foond In Mr. menrfas term of school hen- rbi? wtvk)
* ,
ScbulU's grip .were proven to
Circulation thlt week 2.775 eeart
Frank Saxton will tu
In n clear and satufactory
Thiinulsy sniT build at
which left no room for doubt Iba;
Win niri*lo]iher hail
they were used for mechanical pur- ig Sstiirda. cvt-nlng.
April 3P.
O^ lUrtden. anoco being at the nay iciBc. only and the piece of
hblch waa thought at «n<t to be connOVIATT.
Resources over
terielt waa sent to the dlsiriei
atuunil hei<. i
ney at arand Rapids and was «
Oscar Lyon of Maplefon and MV Ined and sent back as being a genuine Mrs. Fiauk Nash at MapU- fliy la-l
Saiurdav evening.
Orfta AMwreen^of dM>«eU towMb Bileer coin. . "
;. Bolingei and faltillv of m ar l*mr
were tinned In mantage April *8ih The following is m letter received b>
ke vIslK-d -ai K.
Ix-wi*' iLlIidin
at tho pasonage by the Rev. W, T. the court from Mr. Monroe and Mr,
J. H. Uyet had a link accldi-iii I'uc
dav last w-eek. A* he wa* nilUng a
Weodhouao of «re »P»‘*‘ '*"«“• Roai.
1*0, wUl baalid Cfceir bo»e at lOS To tb#'Sheriff
Hefwey; We have er broke In two I>lare>. throwing liliii|<
■ Rone atreel. thta city.
koowo Mr. SeholTs about foor .rears to the ground just Isdiltid iVi- hi-r*'-- •'
Three pur cent iniorot
Thev iH-nime frighn-o.-ii hud tried n
aod he bss worked for us aboii
allowed oh Timt; Ccrli(^ Mias Mary Rutuer. for the past tout- and a half years and fouod him to be get aw-av but were flntllv stoppeil. Mi
Byer received a brul*e on liU bead.
leeo year, employed at the Famoaa. Is : honest and a good worker.
and Savinui^ .NcMr«. Armstrong U mnrinc ber hoiisi
making preparaUons to kare soon for
tpora truly,
Saallle. where she will take a long and
Mis* Marel Gnrthe rpeiil Siindav n
Chris Ross,
• O Rnv-.
Harry Uunroe.
much BoedM resL Miss Rutner has
Hsm- Peiilnglll bar * »•err^ In her work mlmtiai without «April
aptS aua the trip la taken to gain
new health and atrenrb. She will be riom Monday's Baeofd.
among frienda and wMBfwa.
Arnold W. Wahl left this mi
for Lake Ann. where he will ni
work remodeling the rrsidenev
, tmprwretnaou are ta order at tli«
couithonae and fall. A cement walk of A. B. Snyder.
cewaeettng the two was hegwn
Joseim Robinson left the dty thl*
and on tSe east eniraoee of the court mining on n business* trip to Manlv
hcnne'a walk Is belog from the walk
to the olteot and a horse block erected.
Miss U-na Peterson of Northport ai
A walk la Being buUl from the
red in the city ibts moralug. when
ntrnacc of the MR »« «>««»»
grading arc being done nJong Court she wlU spend Ihc summer.
Mrs. Oertnidc Himicr of Mireitilghthmise passed through tin- rliij
this morning whlleon her relurii hum. |
Tbo inetoasad boslntma «f the Man- gRcr visiting In the tkmlly of George |
Utlqne was manUesicd In
Bullar*. llghtliouee keeper at Cat Head j
my* when the orerwwked crew ttf the
If not. you tloiiT ifci ihc L-i'tiifori. ua-f jiuI w- ar that
T. C. U » M. dragged about rtghty
Barney Kbacb, wlu> ha* iH-en In the
can fromlhls point to Northport ' upiK-r peninsula at Trenary. riinrnv.!
you mitfhl have in your cvt ry -lay shot-*.
Mad on the ferry. Two trips wi
to thl. city ycstenlay via the car fen >
maile Saturday and two Sohdsy.
each tralB eoaialnlng twaaty car*. Manlstlque «"d Northport.
These h.inH-maac shoes of ours are stritily
Nlaotor* cars were brought here Mon­ Mrs. A. J. Honk of Grand Rapid*,
who .pent Ihc winter In the elly wlili
day moiRlng^____________
ham! made. The same a* if made lo your own onler
her slrter. Ml*. J. H. Monroe. relurtH l
' The funeral serriecs of
by a custom shoemaker. They arc shaped to li'. the
E. C. Sbuitler and son William leli
Qiatles gchmUt of Acme, whose death
foot easily and loosely, but without wniikline.
occurred at tbo home ol hU aged flap this morning for a trip and visit to
F«e hake.
mother Thursday night w
Mr*. J- A. Naysmllh. who ba* bwn
^Bday afternoon from ibe
];3*P m. the servlre lielag In charge in the eKy for the past three week*
The leather is the Ijest stock—made to resist
of the Rev. Hugh Kennedy «d the As- vtsliiag. returned to her home this
l-ury choreh. this city. Burinl look morning.
water and wear, and-yet stay soft Bud pliable.
place «D Oshwood, thU city at 3 " '
' charge of Undertaker Andereon.

A Great Line




4-v. r li ivi- we.hatl siirh a comph ie liur ..f rnd.-rwear to oil-.-r our coatomets
a^w.-ai-sUrtwin-Jhisvear. Kvery, from batn V tip,
N-m only »
•>i. li i.-'vompl.-te. but vahitts an-exce'piipnally «on.l. We wan; \ovi to s. t-and com­
pare values with other lines


U.I.- Iona sicev.- K.1,1, .1 Vci*........................................... V] ^



Absolute Safely

Traverse City
State Bank

l.a.l,c- l. iscy Kil.lK<I I'.im,. k.i.:.. l=r,Kih. I.c lrimino.1. also
- ciiiTeil knee and ankle leiijith. .it.................................... .................»"C R«d - k:

l.a.lics- V|.s.U..ii Silk l'.>i"o Sails............................. ........ ,$|.iand «.jn
l.a,li, s- Silk a,„l XV.,ol Soils, Iona slotvcaa.l ankl.-lonaih..........
I.adios- Uoioo Soils. «-l,iio l.i-lo. Iona si. ,-vo jnklo l.-nalS . - -S'-’-' “J f'"'
: l,a.lies' XVI,iio Lisle Lniot, Soils. lo» noct. shor, sloov.,............S .<« and ^
Ladies' -iVhi-.o Lkslo. lo,« aock. no sloo.os, knoo loacih .
. ..$l«l*nd ,0V 'sXVl,',.- Co-.ioa. low nock, slocvokss, lacc .rimmed and culled loico oik ai,d ..,c
Eayi.iian Yarn Hoys' Kibbi:d Colton Un.on Sous, Iona sleeve.
aokl., kna.l'. -.,.......... i............. "........................... ........................
Hoys O lion Drawer*.......................................................................... ... ......... -;•*
Children'-s Lonu Sicevt- Vesis............................................................J*»s
Childri It's Drawers, kite trimmeti and cuiTcd knee-.................... .2k; and
Infantv'.Wool Vests............, ............. ..........-y...........‘’.Oc.
and --k
Infants'leuben s Vcsis. wool, --i-k:; half wool. .4«»c. cotton.
bands. i»c
Couon Vests..............................................................*...........................

It’S Brook Trout You Want

Do Vou (Dear

And the finest spotted beauties that swim
these northern streams will be yours if you
use OUR FISHING TACKLE and------ a littl^skiU. Wo have the greatest stock of
ciotything needed by the fishermen, in
Northern Michigan,
Ask for what you
will and yoii will find it here.

mork $boe$?

Tire happy marriage of Wanre.i
Kmory Letter of Acme and Miss Min
nie MIe fcwJe of Blnsbam was sob
omolfM 8m»day nlternoon and the
IMtrwonage of Ibe Hrst Methodl.t
ebureb. the Rev. Thomas Co. julnlng
them In the holy bonds. Mr and Mrs.
letter were aMeMled by Fired Lelier.
Mary E JeHw aM Begina Reynold.
They will take up Ihelr future res
denee at Acme.
* Three U«s were received by the
board of worts Friday evening
for the paving of Union nirei from the
lirMge to the sonih line of Thlrieenlh
atreei aod Cars street from I
(■reel to the bridgtv The bidder* were
John ecanton uf Saginaw, E. W. Bremrn of Grand RapWs nnd A. W. Greco
niro of nrnnd Rapidi, 'the titter tridding rlmply on the work. John i
lpn> 11.1 was ahmit $1,H»n the lowepf
,,„l' the l«ir.1 adkainied until t'

Pa/e, Thin,
The# your blooi imi« be Is
■ very btd conditioo. You
certtisly inow vhii to take,
dies ttke It —Ayer’i Sarsa-

pMllls. If you doBbt. men
coBiuli your doctor. Veknow
vlMR he vHi say sbotR this
(risd old family medicine.
Sold for over 60 year*.

The prices are'lower. |KThap5. than you

$t.7S, $2.00, $2.5(1,

,\ bi;: Moi k to hcli-et from.
t .wh to Hk.

-sl"“*01. -O ii,.- Iio'.-Vi ">'01 a; T-i

Bamboo Poles
lit--; i]-:.t!ity at V. I"c .md

11-. ,mii

Bail Boxes1.1) an I

< .i* h.


Tor rPh'T trmP or Ix.i.Vx.

Fish Baskets
I'hr- v<-ry l>e?.; of


Fly Books
lomt.'.- t.; v.-t*'').'. '.ii-in— ' d
!r...n ^Ok !.> i-:-'.".
Phantom Minnovjs
Tio- ' i-.riv,.:';'' br.iii : for J-'h and

Drinkint; Cans
S'lii.-M .I'lway- ip- inti'i-iu'i HI V-'.r

1,.:"f-ito 'i'-;- -tn''--; U-' -'if'' -‘"d





/ '

S«rH from ‘.•fk

.All irtamirr of --hap' —some entirely new
pa'ii.-rn-^- l'k to Sul each.

Fly Sooons
1.«;.u k t.f
itrii Tia.n .irrioe* at
to, .Pl.t
the -i.ii.-n.
0..f*- albS'.tj-. J.m-2 .ind -hor.. .n v kii'd.
\ I'xl waif, Jc In
2 I.

I'riLCh .*k:

Befeis ,

'\tv« r had Mirh a Mock~.a» kind* of
p.Tir-nt arr,ii';;cm«nf. !->c to $*k


*!«.ipL-il. .It l-'ic -m.! '.i"‘ Flies

lieen payin« for ordifiary shoes not a*

lyigh and Low. Cut,


Jointed Poles
.Xl.--. I".


h(K)'.:s at Ifr.- the- d«>*e» ti!' Ui

the do/t-ii u}) to the
,M-i f.t-k.n.l '.ha; snap on the I nc for :ic.

Minnow Pails
Line Guides
Will cost you 2f»c. Spears from iOt lo
Came Coats
.'.r, •!-: h.intliev- and no dati«. r of
yi.- r :ish. .\n manner of price',
tFishing Straps
Sell from -J'h: :o Ti»c -in all >!?>:'.



Grand Traverse Region.
Hcrair«f^ net
imr ttan TpMdir noen of tech %»wk. "* ft

IS person and foul play


the Mrs. Geo. West. Hina LrtUe aad Ml
O. W. Fonta. poatmuler al |Bv»rter Will W»t were gocoU at H.
to Mr. and Mr. Irarln Rawum. U. nrorty taM Wa Ufa aM was
OM I Thayer s. Sunday. April ».
Haga. April
a daaabter.
robbH <Y an cnafon.
lo bis
The little imw Bill owned by M.
Mrs. ftnel I* slowly recovering.
krier, whie* says: “For SB year* 1
Cedar I* rl*- i san and Pi'cber
Pi’cber on the Goiririch ere
Mr. and Hnt Workman were Wn- had efaroev llvrr romplalnl. which led
andi I us
has ovv-n
bivw doing
doliiB good sawIttB- Then
Jiins vrllfa hW Erondpsrenis. Mr.
ford rallen. Satnniay.
to aarb a x^ere ca*e of Jaoadlce that
1 low i>t:rk has been
The Ghnners bare a larae <ia»* Mrs. John c'arllusiun of IbU place.
ilftsi. Sl'wnm was bead sawyer.
bleb Ibev arcBolliB In take Into tbAr
mhea mv doctor prescribed Electric
tx-livsn lUev bad the yob «( puitlng speodlag a few days wlU k
Idee a week from gaiurctay niehL
BHiera. which cured me aad keM me
i the Slticum and Haskins lofs 00 the ler. Mra. Rawllogs
bVank Cotton U on the slek li*l al
Jake and An Gieb futn
well for eleyra year* “ Bure cure for
Tom nnd Cluii Pray aeal to Trav i roll.ay
this wrritlBBBasic for Dave Hammer's <
The lAdles' AM met with Mrs.
k..........-y .. bladdi-r
urday sight.
J siomacb. liver,
Scherverbore last Wedneadsy and
sa» Valchcl
naicari wcic i ■••• —e-—•* wnoderfnl U
Mike Kiot: and Matt
A Worden I* quite »iek
! eaied 00 his place,
will meet at Ibe church Thnrsday.
citv Satordar
' Jobaxw IVrug C".'s. F H. Mead*. C>. and Mr*. Wc-rington of BstrS'
The UngtaB sebool i
I Jake LABBe Is ei ...........................
wen la Ihl. Stiaday.
lor'* I* w.-ll attended and the musical
onvi- Center wa^ a t OW**'
•( l»f««
John Bant; of Mom
Mr*. Jail..
vvaixm n*ve a party ; talent td Bast Bay U very proBil.dng
Irinlly ,last Muaday
|-------------------------------------------------^■v••l)ll,^; ,n honor oI Miss Mab. • for the fiimr*-,

It l. itiv: her birthday. A aocl
James Btablw of Catflildt baa per
“‘i.T'iJ'T*' i*"’ ■
A tli.'*"* bonding la pUniH-.! f..r
I) in f^i
IS rei. rod,
lehaxsl a Bne farm pn-i-Ti)
' '*■"
**"“ ; Michigan home -rf the ci»llvg:aiv s
Mr. Hall ..f th. II t I. Merrautll.', Bay of CUnio* Hamm.>nd.
an>l Mrs. JobB Fusel und Mr ’’
Co ralb-d lit» today.
Mr. B.-eres ha* been making Im
nis by nmoriag large pine «.l Nr* Nirk Anna irt W. xf.uvl
MaBBb- Watsen Is
F.TSuw.n and i.. r. Qul
A Mounuro •( Geld.
last M.tnday tnghi wlih Mr*. Fas.I
. from his place.
. r a trip lo Kal
ent lo Tpsierw City• Ssiiirday.
W not l>ring as moch bappUms •
7.;nim<-rman of Tiuvrrse rii» '
Henry Bate* ha. itadfd her
viurplng Monday.
Mrs. Qelnsc}. who Is
s Idwu Wilke, of CaioHa...
I g, yisiung Mr. and Mr*. Faw-1.
v.lxriT lor a larm • r Aeme
_ .. g. Pray * Baturday
*’f *'
a* did CMC ;> twn
Burkieo tMulh n had one ari
. well attcudid and a got.!
Hiss Ur.ile Dunn and 1
Is B’diliiE skiUE nle.’ly.
when It
Irk from faU borso.
Mrr. J. W. nirkrrman and Warn-a ...... r.-jM rt.Clark >rt Gram *m-ni Sonda
a ruaalBg wore on her leg. • hk a
Our l.~i•■.•l .lose. Friday. II
were lu Trav-.-r;.- CJiy Ssiitnlay.
and Mr*. Georg.- t
ha-l lentirrsl h.r 33 bin* year* tlrv*'the Ian .rt Ihe term for ih
Mrs. &lnle was In Traverx- City.
t' ’.St ant.*cp«lc broler .rt pile*. w.Hjad.,
\V. J Miller was in town ls*t week.
' stol ..w-s :> at JohIMoa t>niE t'n s.
I Ur. V W. L*wBU r enicr- Sunday ulth Mr. i
Annie B Ca'c went home to Cooi.lopk
H.s'RIn of Kingsley.
F M M.-ad., C A. Bogbsw Dreg Co's
miaiiv Biiuilay.
with him for a Ift says M. C.
11 Hrug Stores
April 3n.
I[a Ibuki ha.
bealin Is miirh l-tter.
s the past week,
W: B Miller railed on fri-rsl. as fie
EllB Alien im iH| la*' Tbur..lay
lauley Is at borne
r lAke Ann
Ml.-* i.t.ttie n
MUIer's Hill whe;v be bad
I- liiillding thl- wall: very slek
bis bniiher Maisball. who
Mrs. PiOBk Dalsell,
IX-. Charlie ,
Born o. Mr ai
for Mr Ihilcliihc
i April :.l. a alrl.
c was at Traverse CH> hM- Sm«h I* dtrtng ih.- u
taking care ul Hi
who ba* Inv-n
Mr*. K. Aker*
Mr*. Vaiidevi-iiier.
■keeping hmise for h.T brother D B | F. IMIzell
Neweranti, the |«n winter, went nonbi J..- Herman ret.iilied to his wort,
•in a but I- .-Vi>.-rl.-.l liaek lu-lav.: near (sadure after spending Buudt) at
Quarteily ni.vuliig was held at '
Mr aud Mrs. J.x .
M. B, rhurtii last ThiirMiav. The
r. and Mrs. Cordtin and mi
irmtvlug on their fam
swing eldiT pcaebed lo a lair
Kvl with William iVtineit
Hy Sunday Iasi.
v Traverse lil>
Frank Keldi*rhoii.r of .Irme vi.lied
wlih hi* son Charles of thU plan- Mon­
Mr. Canev.'. Is working for B V. Hli;
Wade Bipiih and wif.- H" if.
_ E A. Volee of Empire
n^-w Suarietw Thuis-U«
father, .V. M. Smith, one .lay U*t
i- I ‘
id Master Roimm ermdurnlghi Grand
Mrs. Vaoilervent.-r return.-.l I
Cofley (lid buidi
Inc 'tlf e.-Tvmttnle«. 3«<> persons Wing
'.lutl.-s as lioiiwk.vlHti tor b
last Tuesday.
were BmpinI> II.,Day
Mlaa Anna Biifka Is spending
. IntaroatPBldonDapoalti
a Cannot bo Curwd
%A8T BAY NO. 2.
days with her parents at GiksI HarFarmer* have a larc'- a.-reage .rf
bMsi.riiig eroiis In Ih*- griiiio.l.
Archlc Fortine anti
H. 8. Hull pffi.
C. A. HuftiKRid. raaliier
Empire a i>ari of ihe gi
have p.iial.M-s plknte.l for tin- early r
A. V. Prininrti. Cimg. Withelm. Viep.rrtw.
A nunilier of pnvple
altendeil the bnrnt co
F. C. Urmontiil.
J. (l. ('mUrr.
Oeiave Homiue will plant toiin«*-ii f.,.",’k^no., ,
danre given at Olea i
HurllBooloI, Uoo. VV.
drefwoS. 1.ttr*
Arbcll wrr.'. of .s*lwl.s'« Ibis
Misss Beta <'i«>k iil
I.. tskro.«l.s~lthl.^m^s
Imnlio. Wm. Loihion. H. B. Uarmr.
H. R- Thayer ha. lea arret irt new
calbsl on Alice Day 8
tso, bswnng wiD hr doUr<^r"t
Tlie >u-hooner ScovUli- hiadnl
land f!.-are.I lor 'be plow.
risshinr livl'sa TS^wdctii
ritlis and ••dging* lax Friday for Mll8uis-ni*or Hlark I* cimparing val
t villi floonil Imokiai:
"Siwlrsd IMlD* fur ssy
ixIflDdud our ctiMomert.
'"^wbi*Hlack'and M. Hlch liave.aeh
wd by rwurrfcl Ikslrwa
.Mr. and Mm. George Haas
taurrhiare. Hrod fre
new shingle rtsifs on their dwellings. SiTl^rw^rel
daiighitT Thelma and Fred Carte

Trareme Oty Friday, retard.
diore to Time.

Arbor day exerdsrw W'
rboolboBSe Iasi Friday.
Bam Erans did bostoe


Minor Farmnt of Glen Haven wi
Mi> John KriU visited al Ibe home
Mr. and rMh. Brnon wral to •
«nc tatr on Selorday to epcnd ■
der* Ib lowti.
are vl<ltlti|t ibeir dauabter. Hr*.
FrU* AlklBMin. who U atlrndlhs
____ 1 tlumttardncr.
HlSb acfcool at Traverse CUr. c
Mr*. WlJIlain Asncwr lirlicl ai
bone Uil Friday i<. visit bl< par
Georc* AiklnacMi ha* las-o worhlDR )M>BC of, James IhiiiD.
Hsrv^ball Farram is buyltiR |«ii
for Mr. Seraoo tbe |ia*t woekMaud Pbaati. who has l«x.o sl.k for tor l>. It. Day of Glen Haven ai
weeks. U slowly toBaiulBg her

R. Peterson of Manistee, the lum­
ber Inspeelor, Is in lown this week.
ApHI 36.
WJlIUm I’lani Is vlslllnf: his xm
Glen Arlstr
Ml** (Vna flimoo vlslled al Fsrrant's
Bird Uraon of rart. r. Wl*.. to »!*•
r 8iiiiils>.
jMa* bis parenU, Mr. and Mrs. U U.
Irs. VsnlVsitaod. who bss l>ecn very
I* on ilii- i.-aln

Aujn^l fortner wcnl to LsusIbr od
at and eMl liman were In lown
buslDess litis BomlOR.
Uoodny on business.
n called
Joha Filch A ro.'6 flour man
April 31.,
beiw on flour buslofas.
Rev. PollIlKiBc Is eonflniNl
bod attain.
e arc Infonnrd there Is a pound
. We
■I on the pntgram asnirday evontBC. May tlfa, at the .Good Harbor
Mrs. O. IS'lelvun r
•. ILlti: hYlt

. “ifjriTsJSr



i> «ANK

Sldlnp no'. ..
I Mrs. IV'iils'ne visited
B. Nelson ami family Tm-stlsy ls*t.
There will be s |.>ucd Mx-lal al tb
t>od Haiiur *rh<s>Ihtiu*e neat Saliti
^tei^y bSd'ap«iMbc iliy illh Ihoir
aoe JobB, retumlBS lo UcUod in ibe dsy cvenlna. May 6th. Ijidle* wl
brins lunch for iwo and gentleme
John Kucera dUpoecI of alt his per- bilnit^e dullan. All an: loviled 1
Bonal property at auction SatnnUy
Laiirs I’etersoR vi~lleH with her sIsUat.
icr. Mrs. JofaiiM.n. gun.lay
MlH. M. h
v-lsiie.1 Thca GrinRlHic Km
^ Price MS.00.
- n Parker
Pnrkei and wife came
the ehlliciloo Saturday last and are
•e JuDclIo
e smuni! It
wUltlBc with Mr. and Hr*. John Murll.
JobB Kralli.
■hade tnx.-s. seven rose l.iirhe*
(eneber. Siindayed--------------the vanl itwkit l.rtii:r ntmr than It
OB Wednesday. April 25lh. IIrIiIoIbb
illd iKdore.
Both the teacher and
UrtKk the bant of Mr. Badgley near
work»l hani at H
Maple City, kllllni; two bonte* and children work»l
Id a p
»n1 Umo while dolm
some etber stock and borolnalbe 11^ had
Peter Nelnon It
I* laid up o
to the fTQOOd.
Hr. Badalcy
of cumoB bis lee at U Orcrl
kseeked aeosHeas and only f<
bende effons of bit irUc. who paUed
eslle Crain has Itiilli an addition ;to
bim eat of the buralos slrticiurc *”ot^fl*hcnnen arc catching fleh Sonih Manlioii Island, spent Sunday
with their mother. Mr.* Jami-s Cartet. his bouse.
maid bare lonl bis life.
David Pruvancher, Jamew HiibUrd.
and daitgblcr Roale of this place.
Piuk J. Nemeskal



Deposits Received
Loais Made
Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent

wh.;: Asr;;t:'VJ. .w'

'"'r. J. CHEKET A CO . »*d».«.


$ 195.75 Worth of Goods for $ 135.00
Four Rooms Furnished So Thoroughly that there is Nothing Left for
You to Do But Have Your Trunk Put in.
Not a single cheap article in the entire outfit. The furnishings for each room were selected with an idea of
taste, harmony and style. If you wish to furnish your home throughout you now have an opportunity to do so and
save yourselves considerable money at the same time. If you are not familiar with furniture values bring some
friend with you who does know furniture. This outfit will bear the most expert inspection^ Only Chm Of Ibose tO

be sola at tbis yrico. Vou can pay for it at tbe rate of $$ per month.


Dining Room

Silting Room



1 Steel Constructed Couch, massive hardsrood frame, tinisbed in rich dark golden
pak, upholstered in best grade velour........
1 9x12 Tapestry Brussels Rug. several pat­
terns ................................................................



1 ypair extra heavy Lace Cunains. either
white or ecru.................................. .




ll .f>0

1 double walled Steel Range, asbestos pack­
ed. a thoroughly guaranteed high grade


I J.Oft

Your choice of a goldrn oak Kitchen Cup­
board or an elegant Kitchen Cabinet........


ft. 00




1 24x24 inch top, quarter-sawed, golden oak
Parlor Stand........................................... .



1 large, quarter-sawed oak Arm Rocker,
hand polished ..................... ..........................



1 large, solid oak. Cobbler Seat Arm Rocker.



1 golden oak hnisbed, veneer seat Sewing
Rocker ................. ............................. ..........


It Pays to Trade at

1 solid oak. ft. Extension Table, rich dark
color, beautiful turned legs...........................
.6 golden oak Dining Chairs, match table per­
1 large Smyrna Floor Rug..............................
! ino.picce Set Dishes, good ware, beauti­
fully decorated...............................................





•’2 pieces of Kitchen and Laundry Utensils,
consisting of tub, boifer, vA’ashlmard. tea­
kettle. teapot, coffee pot. ash pan. water
pail, dipper, frying pan. mop. broom, dust­
pan. dripping pan, two cake tins, two pie
tins, chopping knife, flour sifter, cookie

1 cotton reversible Mattress, two parts.......
I best all steel top spring ................................
Carpet to cover floor............
I SCI of handsomely decorated Toilet W'are.
six pieces.........................................................





XX ~S14T75

J. w.

Regular Price,
Our Price, •
Ulbat you save


. j3^0

Headquarters for HighGrade Furniture



f«CS9 to 12


Tbe Ladle.- Aid ncleiy tr


rburcb parion.
Mn. W. H. Hnrtboi .pent Thonday
to WOffclB* *111. bl* In Lrlaad.
Mn. H. 8. Spearer 1 BPrioual; III
JMB for JobB ShBldA
Tb« Bvcuoa b1« Bl 2. R'
Work to prostwalng rapidly
veil atIHkded.
tetardar -------------rella rtwldi-nee.
Mr. and Mn. John Parker are tbe
The proreed!, of lhe4!pw«»Hh leaaue
taeau of ble laller'a |jarenu. Mr. ana
Klal-bold WedDMday niabi aawunl
Mn. Joba MialL
Mr., P.^R,aal '
^Jtofrtnau and family left FMday
1^. and Ml
aV.rt?.^‘‘and family are vldllaa
Mr“*aad Mn^OeoIw'oTitoerl'of Oa- .. ...IveH at Cadillac.
Mr*. J. Budd enlrrulned *r . party
ioAie Hlarka rtolled vHh her OD Wedn««lay evealag. A hlgldy
errnlbg was .peal and refn
Mher Mn. T. Heio»kal. one di
It. seryed.
:. H. Bieele totranaaellag
.en .« bold her. lA
1 Chicago.
SBDdar oe aeeodDt of the 111^ •
a. M. name spent Rnad.y

the cellar land dlEereat r
Jann-a Harvey toft f« • ibe north
Bgala an<-r apeadlex ib< winter h‘-ie.
Mn. S. U OIbba Hprt pan of the
week at Trareme Cily.
Mra. Prank <!lbU an
Daruum drove oul to Mi

ili-y ui.ll Frank ll.ulges and son.
Fay. also Bert ll.slgmi and a friend id
Csdiitoe. vie among the fishermen
>iii>|iplng ar^he Kalllday house.
Bert Idiml.kln and wife and Mrs
Ih.nahl Milks <rf King-lev ar- cm-rts of
Mr. and ilr.-k Chas. tVatoh.


^'ra Kale SbngaH came oat from
lovn PHday and alleoded tbe school
**fFBeea ererrone will be tUsd the

feveryaae to cordially Inelled to attend.
AprtI ».

• Min

Uck called on her par-

The Earthqu
Blue 1
The heaviest ••
. . -k.
,.Hk.-hleh W.C tbe hart-

rongri-gailoD at >he rbapel Sunvt-nlng .njoy.-.! a trea> In^tb-',
II delivered by PrMldlng Elder,
!• Urand Traverse d

^*Mn.' W. Roto-rtmm ^nl fUturday
Id Tnvem air.
Born, April Slat, to Mr. ayd Mr*. J.
*lohi»“KTarto; vbo to t««*lBB the
SheUasd aetoool. apent Saadar »««>
Mni'^A. nSrtlWt apent Monday In
bto pareol* at Ihto place.
Traverne aiy.
AprtI ».
W. B. JiAnuon *p.tii MoniJay
a prngreealng rapldlr on
n of III.' Add PVIIowa hall
No. i. IlanahC hy
Wli.ley. wbo ha« In-en III
Mtoi Martha Heallt of Tran
Trarerae CJ '
eloaed ...„
laat _____
_ with
wUta a
a nice p
-2. A. nauml.erger spent Wedm-»lay
w and
aad a bouatlfal
bountlfDl picnic
pknlc diaaer
^'A^NelSo Tflurned laat Tm-sday
ihoaKh her 8r»t term. Mlw HewlU
and by -her
a taaghi
taa(bl a good
■u.v acbool ----------.
jHaa Buih Brown and brother left
, kindly way*
way. ba.
baa <endeared
h^f -- Saturday for their home.
I. and parent, alike. Priday nlfhl
MrA^Nichola spent bYldav In Tnv- - bit aaro a anr
HevltL About
prtoe .upper for
8.' W. P.>rler aiN-nl Tuesday In
od friead. were
«>ny <E her ecbol
TraTerse CUy. .
dra. Joa. HewlU
pmeat. alw Mr.
April 30.
^ peweT^U^rt fell aad broka
. Arm while playing at Mhool Tbun-



ren at Ihto place.
Ml*. Klon-nre P
r gfsndiiareniH.
ha. been vWlllng
Mr. and Mrs. Zimoierman.
Samuel^Itonb ls
rank Totten last ThunMlay.
lAKi We.ln.’Kdav etmlng ni atoi
clock the barn np Ih- Will fi
irm now occupied bv Stephen Badg
■y. was struck by
areed to the Rroutitl. Two bora.-*. Iw"
owi. 300 bushels Of .eorn. a lul of hay
Dd a nundwr of farming InipU-iu.
Pie burn.-d al»>
Mr. Badgley
cHred a severe shock and when found
by hto wife was In one of the mangers
of the bam uneonseluus.
having been sick for two monlbs. Mrs
- • •
ws-ded In gelling

ilmals as well as the |i«>pte.
.XV,ih the eveeptlim Of shatter^

i isKls in Ihe SI....... wvr. .lantiged and


"a^i r*.

• K“,r’Xd^«ti.s:"M!;?
larie number were preneni and a very

Of good taste--Men who have any jdea
of value in Clothing should come here
and see the beautiful

Whyyoii should

New and Up-to-D^e^uite


buy an


'^“.K ib m.n,« .™
Boo and 1. back oa the farm.
Tbe Tom Barton Stkacrc farm U ye
mtthout a tenant. Thli to a goot
Abance for the right party. Oeuv,
Domtne has the renting <4 ll.
George FUb and family have retoned tn» Oaia county, where tbey
mat mil. They are back, on
. tbelr farm. Mr. FlUi aye Oast Bay

At SI 1.50

wnrW »/«.()(» fo %22.S0

a Aid, In ceupcrnllon wl
hm. nlll Rive a social
nrar future.
It, Vandebogar
Flora McLean and I
fcre Traverse CUy visioms »
Loo Huffman to building a nc
A. Allen ha* ihe addUloo

o lose anotl
Opo. Hand

'’'M*rs’'.”Nlck N.-ta.n' will go t.. her
home in Trn,.-rs.- CUy this niornliig.
Miss IJrric K,-UI will g,' lomo- tIi.-I1airv this luornliig in k|m-iiiI a Millwhile with her p.r,-nis and sisters.
' misfortune ■ The P»-*1-l Lake raill* rtuiiau'oce(lav lasi.
work again this innmiog.
X- in bto
-The West Almira sch.s.l mill to- on

an.l ilesire to do so to
thttn by all

’’’Mr^rad^Vrt’Vkri II..,k-r .4 North
Uiatich were visliiiig with Mr. at________ _______ilamai
Mr*. Chail-y Bates Suo.luy.
Mis. Fi-Win (4 Inland was th.- cue-'
Barton has tented
.4 her s..n. Will. Salur.ta, nn.l Smi.l*'
Tuesday. The new barn will be SBt.S. for the season.
Mrs Carl Bat.-* am! Mis taut.
There were » mcc at the raldng.
Bat.-s ilrmp m.-r U. Inland on toisiu.-tgN Briggs ha. mored to the Will
Mny 1.
April rut.




T?ur^'“c L. Dwnlne made » shall, whu served delicious Ire enam I
--------------call on bto three non., Bd. Go. nnd nod cake during the meeting..
| Hyotnel Cure. Catarrh in Natural and
Tred. wbo nre working for the Kelley
Mr. Danforth
■ rlh an.l f.lnUy have r.--:
Raior.,1 Way.
Lumber Co. ni bM Had.
tamed from Kingsh-y.
dangerous drug* or _ aleoholiiFred Dnmlnp ot Bnn Had to bul
John Hawthorne has g.>i
rlious are tak.-ii In'., tlie
lag a fine lUtle boat.
be eugine - Cas.- A Cro
rest of Kingsley.
Emoryr Durllng was ral
northport department.
._ d.-ath of his'
last wiek by tb>Mrs. B. B. Ogmpbell a^ daugbtor
ng ol
Tbe funeral took
tool place Bat-,
Margery took • trip to -Tmversp aij
osl reniouBnatdi iD. of which ■ me! i»‘netrate*
, ___ __ hrtUii and luns>
place Mr. ItorUng was
‘^ThP^O. T. M.
llliug all ratarrfaal germs, h.-alini
mi. having ha>l a grtol-ialll
le trritai,-,l mueous lociubraiie am
There has been ouUe a llu
complete and iH-nnan.m
atonit here lately I.ran- *'H.-cHng
mr. aau ■!*. l* u- Una find ft~...
to hto farm., cure,
gie apeodlng a few week, at ^land
ilonal way. by
w hoii-e thto
In a natural and
Mlm deale Rounan ot Leland sprat when- he has
the air you 1lir.-iihe with
Hr. I
» few days
111 to- lioallus
Mrs. A. 8 Hanviim's house varaifriends In Io.m.
I.SV -M.- air on

T>. MePhall and wife have retanted Mr. Cnnnlngtai
Into mok Sa y,T»- tomse vacated |.viihe m.umtalns where the pin- for,;<i'
lo their home In Traveiwe Cily.
Fpauldln'g'gi'e off th.-ir frasram and h.-alinc
Hra M. Bchroeder took a trip to Mr.
biiuse varate.11 balsams.
moved Into the Cl
Traverse aty Ihto week.
Wayab ManlNo medleioe taken Into th.- stomach

-ay eefcool elaa irf Mm. by Mr. Blackman,
r.T,-nlly; ran imaslbly teach Ihe r.-m..teeelto of
gold moved from the farm
lasages, or give t
air pasM
k>M by hto miuher Into ifa
follows the
' ate rvHlef that follow
meant by :
parion oo SMurday afternoon. A pt
a horse jomri. A few days'
cram was glrra and .upper arved,
a butgy'ually all that is nr
Cham WeUoo and family bare of^M^|A^8. Barnum,
jhowu,.................. - ------------ ----------------• Pl«t.tar
*"ir*‘^Jta”'Mr*. I. N. 3am!*.* nre|iarrh.
imendlng the day at Traverse City.
Dr. Tmebtood of -Trarero- Oty !*!•*-“ ~
|.re. to enjoy
the roralrM Wosad's elnb wU meet this
k nt Ibe borne of Mrs. H. B. Qlll.
It gives sails!
_Mon. D. Oagnoa and E Otooa are
outfit seUs
^^ro^ Rartek-has Just . .
lar, whi
wink mill and pressure tank, which jon.KorM
terca the water to the barn and intojobta

worth $3.76

to $4.60

Knee Pant Suits
worth $2.60

ily warns




played ariisiicully






self • denial




A-fc $3.95
A-t $2.95
A-t $1.95



to save

Cheaper Suits at »1.I9. $1.45, $1.75, etc. n
Extraordinary Vaiues in Knee Pants at 25c and 50c.
Men's Pants at90c.$i.25, $2. $2.50 and $3.95


blended correcily.





children to know music


lo $J*S0

mean* sec iheae suits.

Knee Pant Suits


mortb 913.00

If You Have Boys to Clothe
Kniee Pant Suits

Til.- tail gam,' iHdwpon Pari |jkand Almira was «.m by Pearl l.Ak--

At $8.95

m»Mh tlS-OO fo l/fiJC

worth $5.00 lo $7.60

.e i»

mere (arm kaown aa the Pllni fan
rrank Bloa. will ocenpy Ihe bou.^
Mr. Maynard to working the Don



At $13.50

i| partv at Koto-rt Wat
• •

Arthur Dot


—And tbe tunpace pode post is the
tnde Bark of the Naaotml KscaL
ConpAiir- It pointg die wvy to die food
of qoality--bisaiit sud cncken go peffectlf
baked and property protected; to cleanlr
packed and freshly kept, that they aever fail to
pkue in thw missioa to the appetite and heait.

This tnde mark always appears in red and white.
lii.e larg.' Iii.:e< will hau- lo I
It is placed on each end of a dust and molstuie proof
m..-i rtd.iim the*- was «. i
Bols^ ailing was Ihe gue*i .4 ll
ackage that keeps the coatents ia their oriEtnal coodhioo.
-Iher. ( liarlluK and family, a
MIks iiisle Itrarkenbiiry vUin-d
d and
is buyinc dw boa
friends here lasi mts-k.
' • ,.
Farn-sworth cam.- over
perfkt of bak^ prodacB.
rwae-wrww Voa wdl imUM
honw (rum
pmsmlmNd. nsyonta CUy.
HiisMlI Srnlih reiiir
reiiimi-d Satur tn-;’ s ... ........ .her ill.H..
inn. wie-re
Atra 11 Mar}-i.llisl by Ihe ili-alh of a sis..-..
Tlie ehivw- farii.ry In-gan <n"Tall'ms
Fr-derkk VMl.tbe n.-w kinc < wllli a good supply of I
i;j-k. to salil <o to- In Ho- ba>-i' <4
W. n Schell is hating a iviueat
iiil.r idiiort'of b-adlnp |Ndl<n-al
plansi under his lioii'e.
Cis.. Branniiii
Snuib lloay
ester Tha>c
to vtoiiing
Ansimeh reliiniisl Friday fruiu a
Ih'tioll and rieielund.
Iwsini'ss trip
J. 1.. V-—
and nil ur-d l>lt* vrf roari-rssiion (nr .toscriWng in xxasblngloo • cswtnln rw
S,»thr-s Uebing r.klh.-^TuSls eiii* ,
City yesterday.
In■ TraTravc-r
intot .4 cavalry -l call II a retrat.biirUK wiitouu a *t-ar. Cun-s jiib-*,
ror.hiiig iui<'rvb'«s.
Quit.• a iiumto-r depgned y.-stprday
. saU rheum, aiiv liHilua. Ihuu
hc said, -but 1 shouU really call It a
iheSi- liiek fishing for Im
Itonju... L II..- Idol of tto- Japau.-»milk crei-k. Th.- streams
Ointm-'ui. Your dniggl-i .s-lto it.
root." He Mull.-d
"In Ibis reircal.*
by are wvll supi.lie.l with llsheniien 4]ige..lloh. purlli-.- the l.l.skl.
ctag.- and always, <lr*«s rrow.l.-.l
be wi:ut ryo. -lb,- eoiunianjllnR genefni
Qciteral Newt.
liuu.'s-!.. Till- ib.-*i.-rK are op>-n all Ib-Bi.rn to Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Kawa. hto charger tore like the wiBd along
Saini Saens. He- Union- Fr.-ncl, pomIlDgs. April 3«. a girl.
Mnie. Duse, mbo has a slroiig a
-ycr. but ,be s- sl.m laati rUily tbn-.The I. O T M. *111 hold a meidlng p.rter, Isa many-idedn,sn. ir-wrUe
iiirned to nu aide who gaUupml beMdo
sjoii to iH-ing lnt..r,i<-*.-d, was n-iId llieir hall toiiiortow. when they will
liliiertok Plr hi- own <.,«-ras, dal
him and said: "Wbo are ong rear
InilUii- a nuuilK-r i4 ladl.-s Into the
: in astronomy. r,-d.o-v ami t-.lar ly to-atcii to Hoguard - The aid. wlibout fensins l«
a- a wa.icr at lh<- ho
Aa.v electric IlghI: Irs and Itos even |uit.lif le-d a lalufd.le!
an Inslalil f< to-tabor hto paatlBR
knrjmeli n
d a:: sbis-mato-r's a .e lelatk.ii or iJaot- I- autuiali-. trh am-her
led In hiss slius-. there l.-ipB lUe
*! repli.-d: Those who hav* Ibe a nm.'l. tore-r .ainoiim
sho*<-ase lights. They aiM malerially In which bto r. euU* lie ,;roiinde.l 'on
I'l Ihe apln-arnuee of Ihe stole.
Til.- 111.- H- n.-rtil Si-toiflH.I was once w..t>-l hors.-s. sir.- "
assistant wage ninehini: I
The Knights of the Mai-.-abees will
a iMiblh- meeting nest Satur.tay
> 11. ivrr;
onl'i-r. and 11,
illllac. w
Iw preei-ni la that oceasioii.
itovis.' j-.eKs-r;'Siilidmr apiins;i
A ni>-eilng was bidd Iasi evening
Ihe .-nctne bouse for the purpose
making airauKr-menis fur Memorial

Iinosy. A lai»e number
Be». Plau and alaler
igatey w
were preaenL . Mrs. *b>uae
_____ J U^t mfmhmenta and the
tadlea report a fiae time.
'mJU and is now
Quite a number of our young people be regBlneil co
*Mrs. Pi-rklns arrived from Fetoskoy
•tumded the danee beld In Dare Ham­
yesterday. Her son mi»'ed to Arkaii
°FMKm"of the friend* of IVjt
mer'. new bouse last Saturday enlas newnlty. tnd after spending
Thornburg had a very pleaant au
' and
!i|!ue tl t^itSTimMhe jwS P~pto prise party Friday evening.
and ut 1'rav«*r**‘ t'lty. she W'UI
Mrs. Dr. Burke to Visiting b.
Join him. At pn-*>-nt she to al
SSaa**Mr. 2d"MrI*Ham^r will daughter. Mr*. Ulacklitirsi. of C«-dar
home of her brother, XV. B. Schell
Mr. and Mr*. ^F. A. mp.j;l‘|si-d^^
io to bounkeeplBC this week anJ«m
cbT^Ionde uud Fie,1 XVtIi-ov .w
from Fife Ijikc the lati.>r.|>ari ot
village t-YIday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dell Nash rel.-I.Tnl..d
*^toa**Blancbe Pta and ChriMlBU
t^'Vioo* and Miss Sofl-ld.
Mens were uulted In marriage AprtI their tenth wedding anniv.
pilmarv and Int.-rnieillale leache
________ t at
*m by the Her.
ili<- srhcxil. hen-, ti»>k two loar
___ A large circle of
their jmidto afer artmlus Sainrct.vy
them modi >oy. A r» 1.01s
of arbutus and a goiHl time are
idven'thft ymng'couple last
Tbnrnday evenlnc at tbe borne of the
The Bendon people held a public,
Utile Hilda Ranisln aeeonipanle.'
meeting at the K-hoolliouw on Monday
er unel,-. J. Anspach, home from
‘^A'wftbd^ party wn. fivea MIm evening. April 33. for Ihep uri«o=e
Clevrdaod and will
remain ben- .i
algnlng article, of aaimcialloii fi«- I
sh.irt lime.
Bendon Union Church aMoclallut, ai
lor adopting by-Uws. Hiwllng officer*
•luSyaWe time was spent In playii
and such other business as
SSS^Ufrortmeau were nerved. come before the mwting. Ofllccrw of
IttoA Haael Hulletl to vtoitlng her
,e aBaoclallon wen- cleci«l as (olvs: l»re*ldeol, S. D. Burke: vice
Mater. Mr*. LnUeAprtl 30.
■eaideni. tli«. Barton; sroreiary. J
. Dan-: lrva«iir,-r. Mrs. Sarah Wld-

LUs tkrtmgk ikfir
mcfutki. pr / mii




Ci-' J




Sold on
Easy Payments.
One Dollar
Each Week

Tho Rraal Xhirig in Mat*
at $ I, $ 1.25. $ i .50. $2. $2.50 and $3.00
MCB'S straw HaU al lOc, 2Sc, S
UR«o $e.5C

QtU4reii-s Straw Hats It lOc. ISc.25c.50c.clc


IVIon’s 3Hir^s a-t See
les in Men's Sliirts
Shirts over^bowo
Here is the iirvaccsi display—the mo*t wockrful values
in .\tn.-rica at toUc.
See th.- black shirts . t .'lOc -the white shirts
at .V*c—the neat colored ncj-li^c.-s at
others—KOod shirts,

Macbine ou eartii.
Out-llionaan.') tifw
to aelcct fr->ui. (.'ouk

rsrtorr nxtrtl-si-*. or Kib!^i *
FUyiev sad Eushsll m- *a-t U,
Urgaui I.W rWe-h sud Helsv




Then there arc

J-'ic, $l.<iO. Sl/»0. etc.

llandy Socks at lOc. iSc and 25c.
Beautiful Neckwear at 25c and 50c.
Good Unkcrwear al 2Sc. 50c and $i.00 per garment.___________

Save Your Dish Tickets








May 12th.

Steinberg Bros.
Traverse City. Mich.

fn ;



: ^ Photograph of Fire Devasting San Francisco as Seen Over the Ferry Housed

-. 1:

- -

l■nk^^ then el
rsK yL-NgHAi.
Outh «f •«. W. ftpunC
j the ilecva!
n MoiiA)> Record.'
A( Ice mlnalM lu : o'ckick TliurMlBr
Ided trileu- e
most deck
■nmna. fUdoitl W. Roond. oiu- r>f
:be meniurT ol
the bad kBOWO TnrcrM* City cUlutiii.
pMeetBlireloKH] falc,aj'<-* and »«lcrr,l
oa tlN ^geg
Sick and aiilTcrlni;
ii.Hl and
and a l.>s.I..r in
^aary la«i. ibe t>nd vas
. lieuiAl of Trar-'
••nlelprlri-s 1
0 Uie ««arr
«arr bud). .
City lodR.-. No. S*S. V. & A. M, >•!
Td 'bls ciiltdren and li
Mr. Hound waa an e«l.-.'roc-J J
m |,l, mnarl'y ar a r|l> ofll.-lnl. Mr.
Vila aad Ibe arwa tbai bln cpiril
papaadcaiued ■liicerc (arrow llimuKh
LMt rcbniary Mr. Itaund wk
BtrttotaD wlUi paralych.
Hie body
«raa airtiBf but yean of toU bad to
aad laalduoasly and all^nily tb( dl
•eM pSacd tbe madwry until atciut
vatk a|« be waa compclk-d iu tal
to Ua bed. AU day today It waa know

Tbi-fe was a giiial riowd In
and iwr. v>.-ms were run. The Brst..Ul, m.d l...le„ aro
t.-..)-anl dach and Winnie ne-„ ; nnl-.vf .-. Ik- Icduer..
ta>.<l the distance in II s.svHidr. leat. :wl<nni me i.nui'ie.1 to d> l.<

umi \k;}«nie did ll.i- i.i
^-uit> hsalue a ruisl lead •« Mi-iioUI.


Pelertyl, E. W. HaKiIngv. Kobert t'al.l liuatcb wan fur Ihe rbauipk
, Samuel flarlind, J. R. Campbell thm aad Graml TrarerxFrank Priedilrh A larw throng
of frlenda la tddlli.ui to the ktdget;
mentloaed were present at the fun.-ral

of a .-arefuljy ..r i 1-.|..--

f-.- iii l.o

iin llir ...j-k-u l.••l ii....le
II. w.llks O.VI lield. tl.-il-' - I





iaiAm * RouBd. living 1
bo tpent aome time tu ManiM


Oiaad RapUi. eom^g here In |g8«.
where he remaln«l a year, going
Bad Jordan, whero he funned a part■ (on-ln.Uw. tVIlllam
Malpata, remaining there four yeurw
>d then Rolng eouih where be worked
a Journeyman.
log to this eliy. be urganlzed a foundt)
In eoBpany wlili Caah Monroe. Ira> ing
the Arm lu become n member of i
Tiaverwe Oty iroo Work, tbe A
being Tbirlby. jaekeon. CalkloK
Round. He eold otil and eeven )e.
ago OTgaatzed the present bOKineet
coadneted hy bimself and his
He waa married In IS«3 at iilrmioKbam. Bagland. lo Mlu Mary lliekln.
a aatlre of EagUnd
In additkiu
hit wife Hr. Round leates two no
four dauifttten and iwentyvme grandcdilMroB. three
tk-ad. The eons
are lUrrr and Dan. Imlb of thU elly.
and the daugbcan are: Mr«. William
Browa. Traverse C'lly: Mrs. William

tin- IiUik-. iL.-n the <-ar. then the filll
.vrn In the ear. To Jhe w.iman wiih
her bus) hooni-buM pares whai Is ll..Klagdum of find, of ivligl.m like? |i
is Ilk., the l■•avvit whi.-h she l.'.k an I
hill In ihnv measures of m.wl iimtl
Ibe whi.le wal leavened. Thus," col.
Ilnucl he. "by simple lllnstrathms lie
leaches ...ery malt Irv.tu I4»' l.liili.-Ht t.i
■ he mwesl, IIm- goa|<el of Jesus Christ "
The iryi, th<. *i»-ak. r said,
iraKsl'lbe shurtaess of .life and th t.-mjutral nature .d all eanbly iblngs.
Man Is as grass, thoOEh be eseap.- 'h.'
perils of Infancy and arrity. ai maiiir
liy. all,Is aa grass. "F.w a time." he
said, -ihe o-e may sparkle, rich htek-.
nmy adora hi* biv.w. his su-p l« Am;
anil <4asllr. yei all W as grass: th- e>e
grows dim. the glossy locks are slK.'i
ed over wiili age, tbe sl.p grow> -low
and irerobling. and at length the win.!
from the Valley of the Shadow .d

Death iiU.w-K .Her and Ibe (dare that
kn..w him. him no moro. Ukthe grass of Ibe A.-hl, he has |«
rdan; Miss Ftoreiire away."
and Mrs. Hnrry U
Mr.-Miller Ihm that .-..I
Hnrris. Mll«« Ol>'. Houiau.
leciltely maa is as grass- "He
>1 Rnigbli cliles and bollds .•mpire*," v said


-;ei ibeyaroassess Wberean ihe
Invincible armies of llaanlhal. Caesar
Napoleon? l.lke grau. they M all
passed away."




Pl.imiii:; fiiiu* is alim>-.i Itrn’.


Sixiti cv'rrvonr- will l)f nikbin}! wiib
I. l.all>..l'k' -.e.krT.

u. |,.I.I

(>i«:|itr.-.ii«>M for ili«; coiniii;; trri|is.
Cordon Automatic

An: jirw n adj r
Will ih't |>.tiaio-|ilani«Ts lx: rfjitiy

The Rev. J. W. Mm.r. la rpeakin;-

but tbe word of I’le Lord endutvOi for
And Ihla Is th<- word wlileh l.y
RIdtard W. Round.
the gospel la preached unto you." Mr
Miller said: "One nwsoa why men
MU ellltea of Travene City lor mau!
but believe In the Bible as the
yaara. He wac alive to tbe bed Inter.
word of.Oud to man U leTsuae It is so:
aaU u( tbe town and aerrrd Tor
itly ciirrolAtraits] by our own
tama on tbe board M edncatlon. reices. It has pleaeisl the Al
dgwtng to take a acat vn lh« coiiarti
mighty eier sine- m.m hail a U-lag.
wbara -be aerved fur about the aomr
'tlae. He waa an antburriiry on iron
and Ua loondry wa« one of tbe bed
from every day life. fno. the higbcsi
kbowB lb tbe nortb.
to tbe lowest, so tbit If we im.I.'rsiaii.I
Blcbard W. Round *a» of (turdy
lilostJwlh.B we uaderstand tbe
' MHtlib atoetc. He waa borw May 4.
d^ctrlaes that God Inlended lo teach.
Ittl. kb tUrmlocbam. amr lamdon.
For laslBBce. tbe asironnit.i rls siarchand waa the non of Daniel
Ing the heavens—he Knows the pngu-*baeea (Ward) Roond. Uaii:
lies and ofAcv of the wt.rk of ili.' sim.
10 jwara'tf age be attended virktua
ami the Bible says u. him. Th.- l...r.I
nroehlAl and private (cbooii. after
G.»l is sun.- Geology d-nls larg. ly
Mtorinc a rolllag mill where be
wlth thb rocks— and Christ says, th»
iMed hka trade. conUnBlac hit
that hcnreih ihi-se sayings of inlo.*
adMOlInc Tor about two yean by Ugbi
and <l»-lh ifaem. shall be like a mau
wIm bonded his house Upon a rock an-l
IB IMS be left England and came tr
the rains descendi-d and the whx!<
. oaaada, where he worked throe yean
blew and H fell not, fur II was f.wnd.-d
aa a JOQTBeymao. Anally eomlng to Deuitun a rock.'" Maihew V.
' tiolt ta IBTS. After working there
Mr. Miner.ibrn turned In the aiipro
y«ar be went to Port Hsron. where be
oporaied a foundry for eight yearn prlale lest mid lllusiraU'l hy sa)lnc:
vary (ueevnMuUy with liU brother-ln -Of farmer eagagtsl in s<iwlng his
the ttbb? ta.vs. 'wbervunto shnil
taw. Mr. Rodge: DUtimdag of hU In.
_ ^ t^Nstc. be wont to Deindl where Im I like iir -It Is like a se.-d which l.<
uiaBlaed a fnndry. the Ann brtng iilanu-d la the ground. Ii gr«-». Ar«t

.......... .
.< ...............................
In.- BPj> f..r dtrmee; i
p.•vs' I, •aku.*- >ii 'V-»
i sail. >1 nf III.- ra---. w.-ro nmleslsd. I
l ertBuliig ..f III.. pi<-roat yr^ ]
.m.l t.sih %•
fV..-.■1. ji„.viiiaHn-il ',;;t dl,.-rr.. ra-es we.e tsmllag n
Ull- of tlu- 'UK-.

atel al*nU

Corn Plantor

for U'«: when they arc.wanittl-'

lo Ibe large gatberiag. ehiMe the fol
towlagieit; I Prt.-r 1:24-5.'.. “For all
«eab ta as grass, am! all the glury o!
as Ibe Aower of grass, Tlie r.ras.
wllberelh and Ibe Ijow.r lalleih awa/

f n.n.lhilt'v- I.
Sio Vr.itui^'. Wacf.. r'dt is-ltojr.^

...................: r.hi..u.-.-! I.IT.I. I Ils.; foii'o.. .•h,.i .:i.
Wi. I.liinih.r III'- :a|.‘- an.l ; n;d l.iu.l
— iii'til...
: ;<anip

Can you dviPriul on the old cornNEWGiraic Cnr-ts.
t.nly irn .-.nch.
NEW U,.-tn-tIai.i

Fl.inUT aiiolliiT st ason?

S.1V4- tinif. bother anti mon*-y by




Ami tion'i


Cases anrf \ al.s.-s,


HiU's Knapsack Sprinkler

early spr.-iyir»u

Ij. ab r'



the Gniml



x'll our tioikls.

' ■T'-i-


Thi-y know



fxperi' ii<<: licit oiir tools can alway-'
be >le|.< iitlnl on t<> do (foml work ami

Aemo Hand
Com Plantor


Hut call itn tij^f your di alhave


tells why ami h.Jtv.

A.lts-ted wltb-«l<

plar d-.KVIs s«r hsiel "

tlic |>ul:ilues.


er ilon't


ih.- r-arly

iloit't f..r»;ei tin: vpr.av'Ts. citbi-r.'

hits of it.



h|*ray«T i< i>ood "biiu in'.ttramc." >u


Mtisf b,:


Scctis lirft.

■ i>. -.1 V-ru-y

looking after (Item now.

Tho Acme Alomlyor

Uur catalog

-and it's free.


Call quick c

Potato Implement Co.

you lose thcfn.






By keeping otir eyds with- oi*ep an.l al all limes w.itchin« to uf-f-i' -m oH-itriunlty. tw- were aUe !-> [-i.rslin •

ilf Mock

of KarKuu .Y I’lati. well known as Manisi'-e' leatlini; slut.- si<.r.-, at

A3 Oents on tHe Dollar


1.01'. as the lx< known mak.-s .mly are rei.r. --itl--I in ihis stork, such as W..I1 Hros.C. & E.Shw

Co,. Hrown Shoe Co. and the famous John Siruotfiian Slim- Co. ami other well known makes.

This Sale Will Offer ihe Greatest Opportanily lo Those Who are Lookiog lo Buy Good Shoes Cheap.
The nc\i issue of this paper will announce the opening of this sale and prirei from our bar^'diii shw; tallies.



o atawjl e<<v* I*

...n....'...-- I..r : ,.v.e fu-jd-apd

I Acme Hand i’olato i 'lantcr

A choir conaistlng of Charles A.|

In »•

M,..Ti. s

WB- the iwti
iso:^ i.-eord
i><eord IIn
fbUjirus M...W tuat-4r-1 dlvof
1>a‘. . ......... .................,......... ..................
ral rich!
a.r4- <d land Itllra—
SI... P-pere.r l..«til-Mie. W:i<li f ?>^i> u
were eraote.1, a sllcU •,ir
til). •


and the services at thd home were
very aflectlng.


Irt.a.diicc: -.ays il I .hii is-i -'ual >


t-allioe Into a wai-t

• wtl.d 1.) llodutl .l.•ol<-f».
Vlev, ,

!■'.> u(id not iiv;

W-h •be -ttl.-. Of ■-•Umw.

CUy lodge.
____ ,
There were niotlj erne hiiudp’.l
that It *aa but a mailer of lime until
members of Ibe Masoulc lodge v
the M>lf1t would be reteaaed. :
Winnie Won.
Siebard Rmmd baa ban a proml- turned oat la a budy. and nearly
of Travi rse Glly ktdse. mild Thurnday
• ruin. .1
No. 3U. B. P. O. R. or which lodg- driving park. Midiuld. wbi»ie briuti- I :!
Mr. Ronud waa also a papular —metu- ,1b Thom|u«in\llle, t rhe .-'tja: t
The paU bearers were: VIcl.v; ,,|o^,i,ip
h,.,l21.. o.unty and rb. l


hen- A .iinnialid.'vl.

n Sat rraneitfo:.
htale l-'.s,. April -Ti-• mad,-a de.u:.i. f ...»

llapidis. and Grand Sern-Iar) Idii 1-.;<if rralerna!
wan n-fvrn-d 1'-{
Wlnwir of Rued Cliy, a;.<isl<d by
,1 had
had er,lhe'
• Miller, who I
Langley, aciliig matter of Traver.S'

dry," -Abide Will. Me." .vod;
“Savior Comfort Me." during Ih.- •••. I

<*r.-Heue. lurliid ^

•Miuu:.- .«J.- I,L-; star.. In a cJ...-).

er. Tbe a*Tvlr.->i at Ibe buuk-. Miller .«oi.l. be «.In bioj l nilmi.-.l .-uii!,
conilueted by the Rev, J. tV. „r ,aund litdymeiit. mid ilib: aWlliy tra«t.‘ ea
Ullk-r. At the grave the ntiular Ma j-*,, rero(:nli.-.l I.)>iiy: liini on lb-....................
ilr funeral riumi waa oondortM b>-)^-i,.^|. uiaid. and a lueml- r i.( il..',
Uraad Maater John R.wr«on of Oratvl!ri,j (diinHI. The laire aii.'ndan.ej

Skelcher, Lawrenee-K. Buck, Dr. J. A.j
er and C. F. Huitler rendered the;
tlful aelwalon. •The Ik-sulilut.;

•I the <11
1 ■n.iiKn.^:



Jails BUIlagt at $30 per bobU
Mobal McMtobaH at $M pee ■
OM tosdc BoitotogBdaa Bitoagn; prto.. at tU

yair. *ttt be tto BtolitoB of.tvoB
•M'S, 10 the eto* toootbi ecbool ye»r.
make toton

Mary Btereni at $4$ per taopib.
Haifa Speacee al |M per Booth.
Cora PleeoM s< «4:.M per atoSlh.

ttcad or • iblfif-eto keek tonnr»l||>»ton of I«tol- a. I- Nto. »riJKil»l or tke Hltb eehool. w«« e«*ied
zad ttv nimAMtto—» -el »«• *■ «-■

State tlieel Balldtot01a Planoy at S4« per MOaifa.

Ibe prisolftoltUii 4bM aroT. R U Wye
■nd ki« Mttaalioa. krier foar yMM' UlOBlfa.
JesiJe Camp nl $30 per aoBtfa.
work wlllbe^toeerwlly retnttod. Ike
NelUe Uylla,

The new iiriBfIpaL A. II. Waahbunt.

Mr. Waskbura t< a iraduete at the
Indlaupella High MboM aTWr vbtek
be oosMetad a oourae to Ibe Batter
ODleafMty at ladtoaapella
WbM be taachl tor oto TMto to 4ba
Cbarieaion. flL, ■ekault Ike lAft Iwn
yean of wbtcb be etood at Ibe I
u prinripa) of 'ibe aOtoott.
tkerafce aatare* the U. «r H.aad
a degree ot B. A. and ike Diddle of
taai •later he aoeptad tke prtoetoab
ablp of Ibe Maraball High acbool
•b«« be evolired order out cd Maoa.
Prof. I, B Ollbari Mtltod Motohall
thle tprtog aad touBd bli •ork highly
gDceeatel. Beewal olber apiiltoattaei
•ere eoaalder«l bet the Ugb
Bteodaltoo Of the tialearalty cospled
•ttfa 4he praellal deawo*
Mr. Waahbara'a •oet welgk
oMy tor bla .dMOtotatoot.. Hit aatary

Two ehutgea will be toaufiiraied to
the High eehocil force, ibe reMgaall
of B. R Katgbt oleo barlag lx
died and aeeptad. aad the appotolBu
of Hartoa C. Daeto. aaileiaat In the
deportatoat of phyaiCB of Ullrel col
l^e to aaoeeed Mr. Kaigbt. Hr. DarU
la a gndaale of Olleoi aad >
Mtoliaed lo Ul Ibe poailhaa tracolad by
Katgbt. I< to aadarat*
Profeaaora Nye and Kalgbi «
ooter the boelneoa fielda la Ibe aouib.J
era part cd the atole.
Owing to tbe abaeaee UH eyaBlai
of Mayor A. V. Frtodrtofa. O. t:. Mcdtali
•aa etecied proaldeat pro ten ot 4he
BOoUag. Mr. MoCaii la laldag tbe
chair, npokr taoHagly (d ibe doatog
'daya of Ibe old board wbere be bad




uf ibl- dry i.fflcrailhr

7 JO-T.t; r. 1 . ...t




•Ofnotnmg i

$i.c«o per-fiVfai

Winoo. eordials. extroctg,,

Q^neral Ituoifa. tt. Italtatum Arm

gottlag eed ll*or o« whan you'"'*" «■ Cr>«tti jait-.-






Boeauaa H has always j

Taunton. Ear

per boon bettor thaa any ubatltaita iiaud. iiie u-bop I'aUi au.i uvi;> •law
wxe rin for a man ..C ... t^b.

tor it



i-iuv'i.n<u > \>av

\Vr h tvr- liiMM-.l ..Iir

Uwykmm by evi«-rie:
■t lied upon to effevt a Cl................. .................
1. iug letter proves it.
Dr S t. Brigham, of 4 BrighnB
*'i‘vkbnrg. Maas., writes;
to '
"il gives mrgrwal pPwRgrr P> wr that I
. pstiiter have bund l.yduv K I'lakban.t Vi«el*tito

l>.rd'» day h r pleaRnte,
.ardworked man ub.. nev.-,
chance for .............................

............................... .............

account of lack «>f room for many of our
bulky ift'tvtik, wr-are o(Tr*rini; Bugt;ir9.
Wagons, ilarrnwv. l-and Rollers. Plows,
etc . at a bigtlibcotini, Thesn goonds are
nmvin;' rapidly at th«*s«’ cut prices. Come
While the slock is complt'te.

- "siandard " and at t--ss price than the trust
sj-lls them.


Mu'or'naiiM I* .................. \V.i'ii>.uii
to ,.,„-ii..i..r' 1..
nt l.-Jtnar.T -d-j


wbo had dealted to remain al ibeir emlent aa o family aeceaatiy.
rmefa bad beeo Ikcwoucbly h

lalaed for tbe aotolag jeor at the fol-

dIacualOB by a
of tbe dICereni ea»
granted leave for the re
(Ion of Ibe acbool year.
Tbe bids for the erection of the ad

lowlag atlarr:
Hifli achooL
Mary McLaugUla at $76 per
Jeaale Vlvtaa at $76 per Boat

dltloB to Ibe Onk Park aefaoot house
then read, there bell
and the foltowtog;
George lAther A J. W. Irwla... .$tS»4
Wilson A Kill...................................... 6JW
These do Bot la either ease tariade
H. N. Horabeek al $KS.M per Bonlh.
bids for palming and varntobing. WHh
H. J. Rngglea sl $«7 -M per aioath.
tbe WlboB A HUl bid. however, an adLanretie Fergoraon at $C p»
dlUeaal bid of $7ia was aubmliled

Alma tooWD at $CT $6 per a
Mrs. Hose Heat a( $S7.50 per
Beatrice Puaeroy at $«$ per Boath.
Agaet TboBpsoa al $C7A6


Tne South Side Lumber Co.
BIS late be.
Tiaietse CIt). lich.
the kmtl that
fit j our doors afivi windows
ata.bc-st prices.

l>ealers in all kinds

oiirsto-k U-fiiT*-bn>iiik'.
IPuirk. C.eliniT. I-Il- a -lory 'd as!
;i,l«h *cb.v.lT..asTe; win. uas exa.ui;. ^
Inr a ctoR- in m-o-i.apl.y one .l.v, ,
'ntv lail.” I.e :ai.l 111 a il.-v.-r b- j
tie rbap. -tel! u- wlu. to.l'u.l-,- I- ,
The Heve, ip.le el-.p -n..|.sl o.eto

ami 46C hundred Itoea: while Gh. rr.
GroTC farm. W. B. Gray, owner.
Red wlih mi rhenie*. :4<i
pearbes and flfrv new apple tree*,
tier being HuhUnl«on and .Sow

■•Lariii..l.*" to- «..l
ilr.<'V ii<u»- n' :l;9t In Ir-Iaiu'.'
sure, tlie Em-;--I
al.i-n a. aii'.,

A. P. Gray, who already ha* betw.-en
rty and sixty acre* «.f orchard re­



three or four years.
Eilwla Crav. son nf A. P. Gray,
ns to farm a* bis father farmed, an.'

J I'
(;nl-to il,*Till. 1.IIII nX to'iiii: <b. oiily tuaV'W \V

(>or iiioltu:

hAlipiiiteB fttniialiml.

lV-61 IVicfa. 1 »ry Slo-k.

i'r>.ni|it IWitvTj-.

Phone Citizens 308

Bell 390

Iron AgeTool^

roiua. iowa. lia- ev. r i.a-'. tboo-.;l. '
I,-a.-- ha* to-'i. i;jr-tifi<ira'isl iw.-ii
ilir-e year*, lb- «a> ■•'l•-<■1«.l as i
a CuaiuntcwU by

arts this yiar with a brand new
orchard ot 76" tree*, riicrrle* and an
IM-Ialng Ibe Kbipm.-Iii. Early

12a Front Stroot

j.-l.Ti.-.! (or
bh i»rliati!.-ni. I.uiluz
He to It:, -r -i;. ,,l

Charici Bciwnidt Dead,

Try a Herald Want Ad.

rbarlra, one of i
known plomcTR of the r-plou j***.-:
home of hto ■..opmolherj
It Thursday night af"-r.
gradotUy falUng t..r *onic time. H •
a* Ml year* old and hl« d.-aib wxae to tuc Inflrmlilra of bis a-lvaac«l

The children’s Iricnd—

Jayne’s TionicVermifuge
New and Novel :

Charles w*-- hoiii in n.'riio.
Germany. April 1. isihl. FKiy-tw.i
TDt'V give b.ttiil n>>ui. i>uiii]ir.joiii |
year* ago. he came to this coumry aa.! Block mom nurf tank ro>>ui.
settl.-d In the Grand Traver-e region.I
Xlicrt* are no lottom girtt or

D.rivcs out blood iniiiuriiicb.

M-ike. ttroiig nerves and muscles

<jivcs t-IK-, vit'.lift am! tiia|).
..i;. ;o.r

He npene.1 a (In Rbop in Traverxe riiy brsuu* tO«tuL your to.-a or bump;
and bto wi« one cif the flr.a Inriiiu lyoor beml.
tlcms o< It* kind here. Atier disposlnc |
PritM 1 )W.
ot III* biiGlie*.. he enl.-r.-.l il..' cnii.l i> ioTv-T-goim;. fV- ...............

(be llannah A Lay Hercanilleom-iatH'l Avnnplur. siu.I Ute truamsl!
J. J. Burdee
j tritPul lowtr.
for work to patoUag and pany. whore he remalaod (n> year*
Hr Schmidt never married and af" r!
l^vou want a mioartf deal, wrilg'
tbe bidder la funiith all
ladder*, dr. wUh the eg. learing TniTer»e City autde bto b«i>c
ewpiSon of Ibe palat, the tdd beliig «x- with bto aged atejemmber at Arms-,
where be dh-d. Tbe fulluwlng hodbers
riadrely for work.
ir lin
stoier* are led; 3'nnk. UId MtoUpon mmloB e< a Moategne tbe
iowaat bid for tbe Oak Pvk

jf*- *


nf bnikiini' maifrial. (ict our prices and consider

Ud of $136

CrtitTil BalMins.
^ JaoAle Roach 4rt $tt par DMalh.
Rarxb Frail at $t7A6 per Boaib.
Carrie Purdy. prin_ at $33 pi



[3 -ul io--!.uil i-;.in. At n tmv-u* 't!
iOn di.e.-i.ii- to I w.-k In- wa imadi j

Klrhuonds and Mnotmoreiirb-*. War.
i-r... IbirtofsJi-ail tn varleile*.
ants reporie.1. 7: to )aH. H oul on aa«Henry Ualii ll has al«u piirrhase.l
panded oealeece. 2: toctoriea rlalted.
Tbe foUowlag was Ihe report oa the
; parkagea parried ». Adopted and nineiy Crawford*, tea Ilarnard> ati.l
*lx n--w Tartarian tilack cborry lree».
Iraehera employed;
Traverse City. Mlrii.. April 15. »0t
Prof. I. B. Gilbert then reported ibat The entire shipment* arrived Ib1a
are rapidly lielug placed
To tbe IIOBoratde Board of Edncaiioo
«ere were four or See l»ys past

feUaotog teoebera wbo are at preaenl
leaehiBS to our cily acbooto be re-



If the nine Boolha aebodule had pre- of fruli and hi* orrhard.s will be gr»-»iralled. Tbe anal rote was as folknra ly enlarged wlih thl. ahlpment,
RIrhard Vmlor received liecwv-en ni>“
Meetra. Ht«la. Foote. MeWethy. Mof-

ceives an mMHIOB of 7«fl new iieache.
making Cheeinui Oniee farm of
greater acreage. The*.- will to-a:

TKAVUKS.-: C. rv, MlUrt.

i:;:> Sl ATt ST.

extra time more tbaa covered what
they woald ia the nature of gradual variety OatbelBi alto bHag sliipiAt
In. Hr. Edmuad already baa six am-.:
increase of aatary

fali. J. A- Montague. H. Moatague aad
HllltT. yea; Braaa. an.
H. Mnutagne
at to why Ibe leackers wbo were leartos Itod daoe to and tbe exptaaatloti
giren by Mr. Gilbert waa enilrely aatIriactory. it deiaoainrattng that each
leuber bad private reasons for
dolBg and that notblag pertalnlag
; Itaelf had say bearing.
Tbe comBkieo as waja amd meAna
Ibeir BOBIbly report, show,
radltarea for Ibe
amoi>Die,l lo $I.OIg.l7. wblrh wa.


oiir Johnson Mowers and Hinders are

.-1 p.-rervaiioD.

Traverse farroer a leading one la i
fruit rbaanel of Michigan.
Charb's Edmund of the tienlnsnla
celved 8U0 aew trees (bla week. Il»
h'Bdlng varieties to Ing IhiefaesR ap|d<-

svlii.:h uM-i in

.Moorcf biiiMing, lJ‘.i-l;y5 Siat»e street. On

Aermotor Trussed
Tripod Towers

growen. ibo kddtUooal aereage tend
li> iDSbP lh« iBDe of tbe Grand


the brick htii.lin>;. loj Siatr Mrcci. to the

IJrliwMoa. Lena ranthe 130 cords of wood which was
aad Laadra Btoaell from Ibe Etm
plle.1 on the tdle the eoaiBlllee Bnally
. The tow. WV..I .... 1,.- ............. ... . " !'•« nnlioiml l, wri'
• gliding aad Mlaa Nellie
agreed Id hafe the Kroillids rleared al
first trip a Jew >U> .aguRndf-unJlhe lel, au.l, a.topf''
Mtoaga tron Ibe Uakw atioei balldtog
and give posaeasliiB ot Ibe site
-irkt.. h.-jbl. an,l foumry T,'ri-.s-." whUh w.ll toThe tollowlag were eaptoyod to Iheli
when- the work may at nni s- U- to'mJb
hair .1.-1 toor.1. rU«g.mMav.7n..l,eWalduri
Mr. GUbert did not itilnic
- for,l.**-bWt..-|.->a-..rtto .ev.iuulnr
Addle Jobnaon. Brai year. $4t» per
lerfere at all with ihe arhool work,
WirTiiiB uord ; ..f Ibe ualbool a..
il the artenlan well al'o was gskeil
Blaache Doughty. Bral year, $45 per
be rlustvl by Mr. »«.re, who was
Hour lo have Uh- aislIrT eoDplensr
Cyalhla Payae. Srat year, $43 per
al IbiR uefRloa. It wa. moved gnally
Il.tu- paper r.lW --The Has.-rs.,, !. - ! th.rV wtUr torge .-...toW ate
give luMaeaRbin May when the
blrb I. widely rea.l among ............ .
tS>to.a:v..$1.:*«,.«..;. G.R.ry,- |
Charity Rico. fclndarBartea $43 per
bulMlBg should Ire eomiileted by Aug
I.d to freqiK-ntly C.....-I
''t- Va..-!.Gal-. Jl
Aoy.u t U-' ;
This giving time fur tbe (laintlng
Ira RlDBer. fcladergartM. $45
.uhi-r filial work. An adjiiurnIl 'i' I V - Gi-,- M-- I
I was tbeii laken.
anlataat kinder
I -• ...
, ••■ .inn <if ‘ri.-mi;. •
New Orchards.
,1 Kuii;:.v. I;;i. II ..f Jtooier-in »j
Marie HaaieM. third gtadA $45 per
lb Ibe gist arrival of fruit Ire''
.l..-n,| .eie.-jr.UV- -■•.••• =' irim-1... I. -,
Eva Thachen. gfih grade, $45 per
-al eew oiehards are
led on the pi-iilnxula while addlBertha Campbell. gRh grade. $4$ per
1 fnill amogp to Ihow'
pul.-ln'i.;. duu-d It.
ibg Is Trrleoae iiewR to tnili
lan.l. .tw 1. l,-.s. ai.<l l.■.Iia'fa.r oa'Tbe report aa n«d waa adopted

be already al the maxlmsD. ibe Board
taaa aecaae nebeol toddlag U tUa rcapncC Arerral ebsegeo -la
was laaugiltoled In tbe High artaool
force owing to the reaponalblliiy ot tbe
teoebera baring chnrge of neaalOB lowad.
lOOBa. Mn. Rooe Km aad Ainu.
The report of tbe iraaal ofBcer
on aabaOttod aa followR;
Brown, both rocelrlng a rntoe (rota
traveled. 33; bomea vtolted, 23; tru­




tiW ymr with tbe ralaca whieb were
reported to tbe TBrioua ward acboda
read by*'Pndei<aor Gilbert,
plalaed that where a tnlae waa aW tepolled tbe eatoHea were tappooed to





tha aaloB of Scott's Emulsion.

.. “-."art,.™,.,

Tbe repceta oa Itaebera
braced to three aeparate reports. I. e.
Ibacber* lo be iwulaed. Hlgb Kbool
tMCbm aad aew tcMbera. Tbe followtog iUt waa repoctad tor tbe toeoai-


nbo liave rveofuic.-vl tlir >

taka them. E*ory year tor ttiirty

•COTT 4 aOWNE. Ckamlato
dOS^tS Faari Stiwot
New York
and son ot Ihe lamou* taiwr .rf <h.'
OaandtLOO. AndntoglMa
same name, bar to-en eh<k'.<'n prisid'Ol - -My <4dwiaai«biw luuuJ itvwy■>*>«Union Btroel Bwlldlng.
If .be Browning ,.nl-.;,eni in
lAlber A Iralu's. waa aerepl*-.), bond* .....
naldab Eraaa. prln. at $37 30 per
Wbeo ....
he ...
betog pisred at $4.»a>. t'lmo bmIoii
dc It da a Utot rtlistA iprI- (be l.ld of $t5u lor
.<Mani> WIHiey al $45 per tnonih.
"A ihir-l imanniin-bi-nvilde. rtfk-towUdinwa u.
t.. wI.R-b w.auea sry ■sApolBlIng of J J. Hardi-n was also ar
.as romp Inti, the w..rld|' Theobald al $45 per moolb.
cepted aad Ihe board lualnirled to
Collairs Duabar at $4SJI0 per taomh
enter Isto a coninri.
Grace Brodle at $43 per laoBih.
ing through ibe *;ai-- .u. a camps:*" ftatolmry., weak:,
Atchllerl Moore and George Lalli.-r
Day SeiKMl »cr Oaaf.
r.nir K'. vrar* .M-l ai.d J.i*
plscemeoU.iolUini wtioD oruln-ratiui
Mrs. OnioUne gbaw at $ao per
aigbl Is m>l a< gi.i.l u> il ..m-e wa..
whieb n i-lvi^ Ihe bid and Inuneiliaie- ie a cros..r<«>to an,I cuuM not
Its anmiann- Mr. Moore
make out Ibe slgatoanl. ■•Con y.i-i i.-i;_____
elated that In order li> roniplele the
Rllznlielh Hooker at $C0 per bobII
Wluii iliai sign sawr' h.' a«ke-l of' Lrni
wirbln any apreillcM time l.elore
Bawa WoodBSU at $C3 per oobh.
'all term posaeaatoa of the
•I ran
the man anv..'r.-i
of charge.
SMperlatandanl-a Clerk.
groumla waa neeeasary. O. G. Millar.
irke.«mro-ir-Ihs,l mightly U:ib- pemou bm, the U-neiil of a
Lola SeoBeld sl $IS per Boaib.
1 tbe cutnmllUs-. dM
experience in treating female
Geo. W. McWelby.
t iMnk the\ should have- eharge of
The eonnitlee Ihea reported the
e mailer kul laiihcT to leave it for
PK-im-ti (.«m .lie-luU. N V.. to-.
followlBg tealgoaikna: Mlaaen Neva
e iBCOBinx eommlite.- wfairli was
.mer wool lo l>l.- IKiyale. n.-ci waiito U. be stroui; aad w
>e Wrigbl aad Belle
appointed Hay 7. Ihii c.wTiis tn the
I Arthur. Otii.. fur Gu-lr varail.u ;
the Oak Park bulldlBK
ed al onre of elearing the grounds

thlrtyolx weeki ten
toeaUnaed. tbe fall tarn lo
•r« Monday to Beptente
alto recomatoaded that all
vltb leacbera aejMade oa IbJ

.. . .»ir-twiwm.

.U-.uw .t
renl f" a a pkiliMn

alo.. of eed Ivof ell are ptaiw.iead'ar. win e...i,ra'.
ful but don't Imagine you ofo!-'ev«iiih unbdsy «iii. a ep-.i;.>i fm-

aag^rd for Ike part alae yearn. tVIlb
tbe neepiloa at W. O. Foote, Hr. apoB BOIkB of H. HoBlague. Could.
HoCalt waa tbe aenior to*"'
eraUe dlacnasloa Wlowed In rega
Tbe Aim Inaiaeta to oeeapy tbe ai- to the addittooal two weeka lo il
teaUM eC tbe beard waa tl
regular aebcol year aad whether
reporta of tbe coBDinee <
aM uachera. wbo reoeaia
the salary budget- Mr. Gilbert aialed
) tbe raguHr they had dm tali that the two wi '


$9. so$HOPiHi»c:6*<»a:M

Tbe •oodertul power of Lrdia B-

Oen M wawa. «•»>".


«dllb Rowlry nl $43 per monifa.
Aaaa Joknaoa at S47Ae per ooDth
Jeanle Batloe at $47.30 per oonth.
LBItoP Jobnaoa ai «K$o per Booih
Bilth Olbba at $47.30 per laonib.
•aaovilla Building.
HInaSe HobboU al $43 per moalb.

prtoclpel towoye -ibotr UMl o( Ml «
DM ebouM te. ead b« CO
their reepect and adtoliwba
U actor iMadpal « tke HarMwiI Hlfh
ackool and be win raaae to (bto etty
with the biskeat dT oadeatWa; bR
tm nwauadattoa baTtog
treat the V. M M. »bere hr laat ynr
lecelred ihe degfoe «r B. A.

ptta., at S«.60

froB. -be b..m. a:,- *. -r

mon knowo you ought to h«*.'M.rorted a-.en-:..., ....i

Btaabcth Tirtan at gu par ibobUl.
A0sa MMB at S«5 par aMtub.
Marie Sandetr at 143 per IBOBIb.
FVsrdoce itorkina at $43 per BuBib
lattad'rsBer al $43 per Booita.
Vlrten ««nion« at $43 per Bonib.
GMterleve Lawtoa at $4T30 per

dltoppotoitoMi or tke Ht«b
ketof tooti potouot. -M 4keir

msicms misciiiK

Whnn you «o to ■ drag storo j
Cewrat New*.
«« ask tor Scotfg Emutoioii ! runes Roasr.lhr.-, s JT;.
you know arttat you wont; ttio ■who ,-»« a blarL.n,:..- -...(il

BeardBan Aeaaoc Bandiop
LeeHomhr.prto..Bi ITt per mooli

Weehbdwi. pitoelpil *rf ‘k' Mar***
Rtoht mMoI. mexffua. Tke AIM ztoee
•MM Ike beeH «r-eA«<».too re«tomeodKl to ibz r»*utor II4«> eetarj ol
Mr. Nt» »to M VcoeplM by tke Ul-




.jDnta SiatoMB si MfAO per Doatl
EataHa ttoera
$43 per Mootk.
MaygntM Aadm at $4$ par BontI

teaclBn <vr »e -ami T^ertbne iBponeBt ekMNim to k» toei
nu>« to tke city nfeoato tkr e<M


At tke reriteT oeMIBI Vt fbt taH
or fOMBtlM A»rtl HIk Boek h
' OCM or • «MI Mtmir fsr IU«
«iwitn*d Ud BMr InpectaMeiMa
eepeelellp to ike toeoB



Haael Calkloa at S43 per bmoU
ttotuc OMp at M7A« par toatol

•Mr« el CdwcMten.

Mr*. aaBBcl StUax. Gold City;

*, ynmps, tmoka, etc.


To Cure a Cold in One Day


' mlml'* name to a number d cbeeki,
tbe aenatorlaJ dletricl cd Senator has recently changed handa. and whlcit
llarry Bogera. forhad Don’t Know it.
,ftpr,,rd Beyeelord wa. are'
Ha^ Cllr. Mkb.. April
Oae By. who inlrodnecd tbe Uw
mcr night clerk, will succeed Vsnderlag religion with a frirnd *nd be a- j.
Ml c( Hcfataliic robbed Siepbeo the highway departmenu
Ira, nonnee Mahy. daughter of pool ai the King.
aened that he thought a Buddblsl ha« .
tedfrir of tie iseater pAK of M«
That the fl«h laws are at time* vio­
and MrtL Alonro Maby of Jaekson
-.*..1 a chance a* a ProtC'-aBl -it j
>*** orPBlnp ADd hat
lated In lAteUnau enimty I* not c
4 ai Iholf rooms. Wort Pearl wrw:.
getilng into beaveu. -|lut what abou: 1
for hlA ftAll wife drAKclDp him from
nied. but BOW come* the n-port l!
Tom Fat tbenr' ask»l the frieod;-ob. |
the bamlDg tern, wonid hArr eott blm of ouBjnmplIon. aged 18 yt-ara. Dr.
Ibe eyitiit M violallun I* lieeoBiing
Maby and wife were formerly rertdeals
It cTtalnly be on tbe finMi lire AS well.
groat Ihal vlolat«<r* stem lo have
; tWA
V nr:; d ti rams;
Aboot C:IS UfJ erealn*. «r, DAdjto- of Adrian, where be
l;o*a It Is
l-i* lorrtshii)-* answer.
(mr of tbe closed seawin laws a
denllst. The health of ifaeir daagbl)-'
», WAA tlABdlBC OB the floor .
make no attempt to cover up the ei-i
induced them to go west and their
bvB iweBdiBg to the Atodt.
dfcnce of their misdemi-atior?. Tnere'
UgbtBlBs erkdenUr unidi lo the her finally aeiiled in Santa Roaa the Callare a number nd Ukes In the eounty
BOW BA tbetlDBlABlIr caught Are. Mr.
city wrecked by earthquake
and reports come from the vlelniiy it
lysleUni'there at Ian sdvlseal
uanvtncing greef that the kidceys a:
BadgHr WAA tbocked Into udMbacIoua
every one of them that hardy a night doaici-.t cl
■CAB ABd fell to Ibe floor of the bam- the dorlor to came can agaii
passes that spearing lights are not;
WhalU im.
iBf Atmeiure. Nra. Bedgelf waa look- three Bianed for the ean. rearhlne
There Is cotsJ.n la the knewledge so
sei-n on Ibe lakes. The truuf stream'.1
tag out of the kitchen wbidow. She JarksDD a fw day* l>efore the- <arthII is said, are Bistt eoniing In for their' ofteacipfeateffThit Dr. Kilmer's £»-ii.-.pBoc-.. the gnj!
grea-. k.oney «
remedy fultiik e .-ery
«M not kBow ibAl Mr. Bndgelr was in qoake. Miss Maby did not lose emirKhan- of out el i-east.ii flahlng. Tblp.'
B c-aiing
c-jing ctbeunti____
• ;«nt*lisrn, .pain 18 the
the bam bat wbeB Abe aaw tbe flAmi-s ag> hui in a few day* her strength
LlaiJcr *rJ
■J ev
eii ci
If tme. and we *e*rrel>- tioiilri It. is a
bonl from the hay mow. Abe ran to gave way and deatb camr- quirkir.
r.aiy packet, ll correcs In
rlepkirahle etmdltlttn of aflalr*. TbSlate
Supertbe Atnietare to release the Atock. As
.,a,t. is very lllH-ml U ritmlsblng
■be eotered. Abe AlaiBbled brer the IniendentB w-lll hold It* annual meet­
.lock for lake* and stream* and (^;ne9rbecr. s-nd.
ing in Un-.lng. May n and 1. One or
body o( her huAband.
Ihe p.tqile shottld cerininly Abide b. \
Mn. Badgely U boI aitcb* aod ahe the Important addrease* will be that of
Ihe law* which the state mnk-s feu , duru
Prof. A. S. Whitney of Ann Arbor, on
WAA BBAblc to lift the 0>AI
........ . 111.- ur.ii. II I* on.
needed sebool legislation. Providing
body. Bot fright and the
udUki ly tlmt a game ward.-n will 1-e 1 rsaluei It sta.-.istheh:|hest
.Wsemed to glre her atreagth and abo a more secure li-nurr for siiiterlolendlilt- c-iiiniy in k-v p an eye - derful cures cf i!ie tr.os di.-jess-rg cams.
dragged the unennaeioua man from the enis and teacLi:i>‘. Bring the number
n-i.t.- ihousan!
.ko..c.n.i l^eurcedameaicme v»u:h:i:ldU:velhe
rat fur violator*,
b£l. SeldbyCrugJiiU mbx. :r:ll-.-Ue;. i ynsi.»k--. i« -ii'»iie -f I'm' d
ban tolo the wet, fitwhiy plowed and node of eb-ciion of M-h(tOl lioards.
plaiiuul In Carp
lalmon trmii wrr
•eU. UBkBOwIngly thin wan Ibe bee a rolnlmiim nalary law for teacher-.
thoye. tlilereslel wonderlvl
Ukf last w.-fk ai
thiag that abe eonM bare done fo and a dlflerent method of electing the
and a bosk that telis^
him and the attending pbyaleUn. Ur superintendent of nubile instruction
liforceil If they atv oldigrel l« take
Vtalick. AtAtea that ibU probably Bared will be Bdvoeated. •^npi. E. C, Warrtmali-T Into their own hand*.— address br. Kibner & n—tw
blA life.
Co.. BlnEhamion. H.Y. Whsn-wrn
Leelanau New*.
Mr. Badgely U a hard working mar propose* to bring forward at the next
A gon.1 story ahcuil,th.- Ni-rthpori tkas reading this gencrcusoaor in th
legisisiure for Juvenile eouris.
and enjoya the nniverial reapcct
del*-! has JU*1 li-aked out., tliouith III
Don't make any mltuke. but temebnuer
An imrotlueilon of a telephone.
tbe Beighborhood. He wan living oi
happened yonu- tlnu- ago. A larmlr Ihe ns.Tie. Swsmp-Rooi. D. Kilner'a
ta«ed tana. William Sroli being Ibr ■ year ago. ha* led to tbe marriage
who Iiad uever sv-'U the 0i-|>o( bulldlii: 8wam[*R«ot. andihs address. F*ver7boltie
Hoot! K. PresBler of KaUmatoo at
mer. and the bam. which
ordered, ytlift of Hicso new fingli-l.
tally deairoyed did not belong to him. Mis* Bvb Friend of Menton. Inrt, They
hous.-* from tinBut in It were bin team.-a number of liked CBcb other-* voire*,
faeiory. When he rerelved Ihe hill
Itch resiiUed.
piga^ much hay. 300 baabels trf com
Few i-n-sldliig iitflre r* of li
Xorih|>ori and not
IK-Ing made to mnnufneaiM BMirir all bit farming Implement*
Efforts a
ive Ih-M) as iNipiilnr a* \i<-' I're.M
in-'ffst-i Ai-rd l-t, IBiI.
seeing anyone al-oji ilie i-ailriad janis
I'enl h*Blrl«inks wUh Hie ufliclah.-if lie
Trw-n-l-woTrs.rr- ihij w. Ibll..w*:
lor Grand Uedge
vbleb were deitroyed. leaving the fam­
saw what he Ihought was his new
ily piacUeatly deatltute. Throe ealve. way of making the siloon* elo*r dur­
poultry house nnd loaded li onto hli
ll,."*» "'^■
were all that were saved.
Tbe Mmlly conalAti. of a wife and gambling. But as the place is a grea'
lie, nnd iliBi is an ImiM-r'ani mu' yar“ji«}e,‘...Vi,.iinci-a *nd «liiwwsk-<v
Sunday exeuntlons lo vl
three efaUdreb. the yoongert of whom
to Hie cb'rh-*, ,who d.-sir-- to luw k.* Ki's''i'!i}.'i,u. Al-len,,'Chari,
the front of hi* cap raiicln
It e*dy six weAa old. Mra. Badgely II I* feared that a "liir will result
l-siaes* riiuesl «P every day.
farmer. -What the bianki-’v blank
'la tbe daughter of Hr. TUel. living a financial loss.
_ viicri-ssman tlriff. H.e stalwart rc
a. r. MoKLUEa. o~ l
. AewiV.
you doing with that biill.iingr- he
between Bdon and Traverse Oty.
Mr. and' Mn. Pnink F. Milner
“Thai's my' new ehiekrm piiidlean frem'Preiri?. blossioiu-il out . _______ ______________________________
i-ar Clare have had thirty children
house.- the farm.T replied.
“Well. iheoiher day* In a soil gray hni. 4i|*Iwm to them, and seventeen are tlHI
. Piinami of Antelne Mam
cuUeagtn-s. tniv'lluK
,r -piiffeil the agiu
Bnttana Bay. MIeb.. April it.—The living. The parents nre of Gertnsu
happen* to iH.' our dep*it.“—Lnelauaii lonkrel .-iskanei-ai it niid *ald; "Wliai
h was filled
■ »■» t B Vfci'p a
Idrth. anti Ci and 5i year* old respeW
you welting ................ .
ui r>
4 a>
ively. There was but one pair of twins
. a Mrge andleaee tbit afternoon.
11 w
liiuiighi y.iii w- r--11 r-imblii-an,'
While drilling a -w- ll on hi* farm In
oecBAljw belnf Ibe funeral of Antoine In the family.
re. rl* g
ilciilon township. Chel-oygan cuunly.
ManseaB of HanBeau-t, wboae death Proctor discotemi a large -Disfr'K-i's doiildfiil.r
oeennwd at tbe Kortbera btleblgaa ready bcglnnlog to
I.omIoii wriii-r sugc ri- thai, liia'
quanliiy of Irt-imsione hrruighi up b«
^iBB Tbnraday morning, where be
men of San Francisco, demand
h as I,orl Grey, has "iv.-n lack ibad beea tor trcaimcni alnee Ubi fall. Ing office furniture and Bundrle*. Thi tin- -Irill. whlcti would in<liral<' a
eoimlry- tin- plclui- iif IVauhlin
Sidernhle deposil. He say* thet
Tbe eervlee wa* in charge of the Rev. Fox Typewriter Co , whoso agency wa

side Iiartle* this siiminer will intesti “looted from the houte
Beaaelt and a Urge numlwr of reU- located near the ct-ntcr of the hiirnrd
r-'i'oluiloiiary d:i>'. lUltaln
gale, as the mw mat«-rtal is wurib $Caeeilon. ha* received word from
tlvca----------------------- IK-r ton. Coal was also bruiighl lip l-y would I*- grali-tui II '''.iiii- -crap;
MBt. Omaaa and other polnta. BurUI local manager that he I* safe

UfMidna EWuck.



Tbe Kind Yoo Have Alwaya Boortat, sad arhlcto hM beets
In use fbr otrer 30 years, has borne tbe ■IflMimre of
w and baa bee« made luider hia per•onol aupervUKMl nine® lU Intaney.
Allow no one t.1 deeel ve yea In Uii*.
All Counferfeils Imllatiuua iuid“3u*t-a>.-cv>od”lire but
KaiM-rimeiil.tlbal trine with and eanUiiiferUie beollb of
lolanu and Cluldrcu-lilaperieuce oiptluat l^sperimeBU

What is CASTORlA


(uiiiiiiiiiK iielthi-r Ojiiuin, M<>r|>lil'ne our otlier liAiToUr
MibvtuiMu-. Ic* nff® is »• BtianiQtc-ci. U destroj-a W«rt«*
MMd oiImsh t-'everi'-hneun. It nin-s Dlurrlitra mud WiiHl
t'olir. It Tclievoa TwlhlBg TtxMililrw, <u«n~i Coii»tl|ial4*»«»

grade examinations


«ud KUl«l<-ui}. It a»»»uiilulc* Ibo FtK>d, rrgulatr«
KttMiui-h uihI Itowels, ffivlng lienltlij' iu>d luitutsl hlL-C|t.


l'b« Cbililrcu'A l*mu»c«i-Tbe MuUicr'a ^'neud.

Bean the Signaiure of

, The Kind
You Haye Always Bou^t
In Use For Over 30 Years

Pere Marquette




a & «. E. HUE GUIO

l-r. *


toe* place In the local cemetery.
•trvck by Ugbtning.
KlBgaler. Mich.. April tC.—During
the uusm Uai oighl George McUonBld'A retiaeBee wai Amekeby llgblBl»C- Ibe plaatmng tom loose, tbe
CAtpets and llBoleum torn up from Ihe
floor and other damage done. The bedt
]--------- - out tbe rear door, which
open, withoot Injuring the family.
Oliver Iloughton a btm, aoath
of here, was atmek. ael aOra ant

want* tweniy-Bve machines by expre** the drill.
Aimer Hammond and his wife, agrel
and filly more by freight.
Til and *U rt-sp-eilvely. have rearhisl
Theodori-Vid Amanda Folk, ee
Kalamasno on ihelr way lo SI. I.oui-.
of 1‘ort Huron. e1op<-il.anil were
Their house and 4* eoiiieiit.s
Sarnia, and when they
hack from their wrsldlng lour lo New Rapid* wen* deslroyrel by fl
;hey started to walk to the Missouri
York Ihe parent* stand ready to for­
Hiy. where they hav<- a son. They
give tb«nwalki-d as, far as Knlamaro-’.
Waltor Rowe, while workiog in tb'
of 100 niih-s, 1-tii the jnor
•1 room of Ibe Omega Cement work*
Moahervllle. wa* aevrraly burned nieiuleni will pay tbHr fare- I

Ilk" eapinivvl liy American
ime Khimld U‘ retuon-U. '
ndd* ihai sonn- years aco wli-ii b- w
vi-diing W-’-'i I'oini in- vow a stand
eaiilnrrel re.lnr.- Tb.. -iMU.-i nli- «
-howing lilni over Ihe riiijllary a.-:

ac.fully r..,ua,k-e.l the. .he red..,hail reoip- into ih- poSM-ssnin of Ann- -

by the fine coal exploding. Another Way ne.
employe aecldcnially dropped a h<-*

Tbe body of an unknown man. with
Mhing lor IdeBtlfleaUoo. apparently
a nllor or flabeman. was found al
PolBI Houllie, on Ihe tborr of Lake
ble. near Booth Rociiwood.aad al tbe

(hat point.
Owing to the large Increase of hiislnets at Carleion last season, and the
lack of capacity to handle their tomalo crop, Williams Rtos. of IViroU,
have irarehased more land and will
erect a large aildllion to their pre.iem
Work begin* thi* wet-k at Sartil*.
Oni.. on tbe eoosiriicllun of a match
facioiy. which will employ HAO han-U
Ihe year around. TW» IndiiHC}-. which
i* capitalized at ggoii.nnn. win
iwned by the Clcvelapd-Sarnia Saw
Mm* Co.
about four months. The main buibUng
win be :s3 feet long.
Arthur N. Cantrtl, manager of thi
tw biKinos* dcpanracni of the Grand
Rapid* Ob* Ughl Co. for the Usi fourgne* 10 Pueblo, Col., thi*
week to assume Ihe getK-ral mana
le gat company at il
place. Mr. Cantril wa| formerly c

mooth of Hoyua creek, by ijordon
Small. . The body wna badly docom- nected with the Denver Gas Cn. s
poted. appal^y bating been In the will be siicrevdf.1 at CrantI lUpIdr
WBUr alnee ^ faD. The man was Duncan Campl»ll of the latter re
•fconlls yei% of age. five fcei als pany.

C. A. Vontoh, V 8. A.,
iBcbda BA aod wore rough cMbn and
rpector of the Michigan militia. 1
long eubber bopla. The body
Uken-io fldfcb Hockwood and burled, asked to I* trileved on acetmnt of
r not deeming an heriih. Dr. G. H. PalmcHee of
win be c«nmls*hmed a* surgeor
of the state Cn eondnel- of Ihe artillery, cavalry and
ilnsi Ibe rallraad* corps, with Ihe rank of first
Dr. Erticrt C. !-«• of Di'irolt has been
U tlO.S0g.b4.
by the state auditor*. The commi**Uinrel *urge<ui of the First In­
ili^i I inily derided lu tbe tlaie* fantry. The Ironwood company will
fj^u^be United Stales Sopreme be muatcred out.
nM gwierwlly known, but a fact
.coORM IT4.3HA3; tbe Hk-hlgaa
Central charter repeal case now prad- DCTcribcIcsa. that the fiooHng in the
^ lag. in wblcb tbe rallraad seeks lo re- lUWtofAcc bnllding lo San FTAnriaeo.
- cover $&M»bW alleged damages, has Ib^ acal of the most awful scenes of
^eoM tri.lOSCI. The Adams and Conley the decade In this remnlry. wa* n
I Pcluskcy. Iielug furnlsbrel by
.Bppralaemcni daring tbe recent Gal
ormaa company before their firv and
law eOBtroversy
■movil from
.. ' flI.<U.C3.
A. C. Vanderpool. for several years
,, X SIAI* Hlghwv Com*
ast clerk at Hotel King at Reed City,
gravel road
l^lma iwfoaed to aeee^
towaablp. Onulot county and well known by the tnveUiig pul*
wlileh state aU was elAlmed. fm\lhc He. baa resigned. After a *ho
roseoa ust ll does dm eoalorm lu lion be will assume control
aflurifleuriODA Tbe rood hsppciu to b« NonfeevB butel at Big Rapid*, wblcb

—t»- pr-Tio.*! l.-t I.,. «*j.lnM.ry*^v Uy whirb

_____-----------------------rr I'.-I.i. Igvil m-.-Ml i-in. i|-»l sn-1 lal.rv-t h».
2,,w,Kn*vr« ../.e-h ursT" I
<»B be pa»-|U,rvi !*■—I. WA
i*. heyiax, ••l—i
elasv^l.c lo.oi p, 10 lie per e*-** .,1 nwWr Ih. I


e... .—.1.-. "«>*

> 1*

... --------------Uw hhrtec Iim

Admiral Ls>rd

tally dMiroyed.
A halliiiomi iatnng uome ■minute*

A rather OBDtual i
happened on the farm of Sberman E.
HauMiey. near Camden. A cow gave
Unb to twin etlves, and a tew days
later one d hit marcs foaled twin
colU. both itrang aod study. Lamlts
have been plemy, not a single ewe
boring leas than two.
Thejtlant of the Signs of the Times,
tbe organ of the Seventh Day AdvenUtta. locatod at Houmaln
tween Palo Alto and San Joae. CaU
has been destroyed by tbe California
eartbpnake. Tbit pUni was one of
tboaa'moved away from Battle Creek
Tor aafriy." and Ita deaimctlon Is a
body Uow to Mrs. Ellen G. TYblte-s

"Bt?V\iAl, wblFh—vdii. Ihr hPwUW*

Government iSisiglgHS

lean* -when Riiuland had' tome li.-at
eugagemi-nl* on Ho- reiiiiUn-ni of E

Central News.
twonthe eoal.
Anna Shaw ha* gone In .Ou-gim.
Armtigemeni* are being made for
where she will I*- busy imlil Ib.
the erection of a new creamery at
--Aao ooearred here last nlghL
die of June re-ndiK-llng a eaiiipsiun fm
Scofield. Monroe county, by the Towai
in's suffrage. Dr. Shaw Is ih-'
Creamery Co. of Del roll. Alargenum
•Ma Nutoa..
fsor of Miss Anihony as |in-si
of contracts for milk are being re­
of the Nniioiial AssoeUtina of
flaaghter d Hr. and Mr*. Charles Yuta. ceived from the fanner*.
an SuffracLis.
The Valley Cliy !»e*k Co., of Garni
Of HaaUagi. died in Slam, where her
hwabaad was a medical mlaakaarT d Rapbl*. which has an agency
the Presbyterian ebureh. Bbe gradu- Franclaro. has been unable '
•ted from tbe YpalUntl normal In anything from It* reprenenuil
iMi; and tangbi acbeel in Dexter and at the present time baa onler* on It*
eight carload* of desk* foc

lubip u( ilrsKi.


y r.JgNK*. Ay-reiL

l> I'M. vrlis* 'p—rtsace «*•

ai ri-panre-

nnd alsnys


• out of a ti-ihi plare- byl;
ie. On om-oeca*ii.n 111-hr
S l'hiiii>e servaiK iiaiiieil Tniii

emled by fotgin-^


^ m-BKAY, *g..l

a*r b*
, Vlie •—*
■ '-I- -n-r»llh'ne low—J Vhee-m. mm He-

iM '..r ll-.-.'H


TiO OF LIFE To Investigate is to Invest iiias'is*
From Dreadful Pains From Wound
on Foot—System All Bun Down
After Six Months’ Agony—Not
Able to Work-Completely Cured
in Two Weeks ^

"Words cannot spe-ak higlily cnouj^i
''“ticura Hrimvlic*. I am now

Mf IJre-d i
was Ml Ivi.l tliat
Hood i-oi-oiiiiig !

altcndiiig IOC. an
liiuJly I weiil to
tlw hn*|-llal. wlKTC
1.-.I andaoUfww
almo..t beyond
ireogniiKBi. Dark
Uod flnvred
SesYd nut of *<.01111* in many
and 1 was hn d^nrtrtwd ilui
F^i^raflht surriv my W rl-anrc w.-u
doB^lmiving me. A. the fool did
and tired of life
1 etrexi tlii* pain,
wh^ vpi* dreadful, ^fer
and daring thi.* tin
wear s sboe *nd nr alilc lo work.
, „ _ ___ ennarq ireiees were 1 Iniight
a set of the Oitireirw Kcnicdies of
one of my friend* who wa* a dnqtgist, and the prwwe that I gave afl.-r
the mcood application b heyoud
dc^ptionit pccnmd a niiiacle.
effect imnmdUtelv. I washed the fo-l
with the Cuticurw Snap liefnre applving
the CNutrornt and I took the Riwnlvrnt
attfaesametiirK. AfteriwnwTtk»'iieat>
inrnt my foot was lirrie<l romidctely.
Feopic aw had seen mv font diiring tnv
ai*>- wad who have acen h since tbe
cute, on baldly believe their own eve*.Robert Seboenhaiicr,
Aug 21.1«5.
NewUin*.N. Y.
so* 11-MW»1 IM»ia ca*nfs*.«a3> iw.
mnt. a-. a-Mi><K.a...ia an. ^
rv.ia IS. *>* iwi

If you tiuchiion it. conn;
in — wf’ll knock your
doubts into smithcnicns.
Wc like the irvle of i»'ople who feel tliat, money
is not made 10 be >iiiiatidered — who insixi that
every penny must ilp hs
work. We arc neither,
ton busy, too vain nor too
independent to acknowledjre the tt.xistence of
competition; but when you compare our <|ualicies ami
our prices with those oJercil you cl*ewh«Ti', wo arc
benefited and you gain.
Is it a Huj:g>’ or a Har­
ness you are thinking of?
Don't w^i until you act­
ually’nei-d them. Come
in and look over our line.
We have them in all va­
rieties and iat prices to
fit your rockeebook. As
to-catalogue house offers,
bring in your catalogues.
Wc will meet or beat their prices. Here you sec what
you buy before you put up your money. Wc are here
to right every wrong and they are not. Inv<-stigaic —
and that includes ^ visit to our establishment.




Wpi. Hoolihan & Co.
Stab'Stnwd. io Uio ni-v brick aUvr... fonu.'riy occnpirel


Real Estate and Loans
12? From SI.. Bomaeue Blk.,

by 4obo X'omiava, foriBL-rly mitli Wiltu-Uii, barUk
A Co. for tbirteeu yi-ars.

Traverse Cltj, Mich.

Properly of All Kinds for Sale
and Exchange
We will yet you seven |.er cent per annum for
your money and (rive you as security (filt edge
Traverse City real estati: or gilt edge farms in
Grand Traverse County. Mich., where yoar
money will be absolutely safe.


TLi-Fanw ra Siipiilv Co.
AH aorls .rf Vebicloa for all eorU of us.-: llani.-*s oiaile b. older



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