Grand Traverse Herald, August 18, 1898

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Grand Traverse Herald, August 18, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


(Brraitd Siratoeirge Mttnlh,

G' '..11 Traverse Herald

Dr. J. A. Snider,


omoB n




CAP! TAl. *l«K».«00




^twt Ideas and AppUanoes.

ntow U6.

1>K- H100IN8.

3UB1H63S CcLtds. -


Merchant Tailor
Md M« tbr
mew lUw of
hpriDf tlijriM of Woolems mow
OB BBle. wbich will br madr sp
la Uw Utral Mtylw, and at
aacb Low 1‘rioca asarill aarpriae


mwara, bat whkb bad olbarpart
tba Said. wbam. aa laeb-j Tomac>
hla aemtawbat dafaetiaa i^tnaitbab
toad, ba saw bis wife aua
BaBiry. Mat aba
pet tall aabath- ateamap
Ba ta-rtloaad to bar
.talsba blladtamatka bb slw
ar or mot abr bad
a' to rali«ht«
boM stvuid: at ^ .|
a cmBv la. as msaal. to
a roOB faU of eity visivi
>f Mra. Baatoa.
Jaba. altbom(a
altbo^.;; tba
lbs toad Bafoaa
Bafoto ba caald at
stop Uw \„r,Ha tba drat wfelar. tbay mafca
j aot a aals miaa. woald ratbaa bare bad taaia aad r>*t to bar, sba bad
|a«wmotlScmtiomaf Ibp avaet. so tbst Uw pv^ad. mpoa bar baad
Wiiaa hoBC thr followiac Sb________________
ka oaad DOI have appvmnd la thair tsiat rasp, aad witb a saai toasrtoaa erf tha fatara deprefe apum tba crwwih
ipraaaaea ia bb werhiac camaals; bat bat datad ary. aha told. -Dorn t job
Bade. 1 batbva traea that raarlra .
aa tbara was mow ao baip for lb ha ’ aaar apaak—,
>arTrbaehat this Uiar Will sftaa
tnrd to makr tba brat of tad sltaattoo - "Bmtti''amid tha trarad Baa: "lor f«rl tharffratsof It throsrhoal thair
aad rrev^tad tha rbltora ia rmtbrr aa Uod'a taka. Mary, domt talk that way !,««•
fallir racoror hoB lb
awkwani faaktna.
Tba lailar. aa'aowr
. ..awlilaavar raaahtM
doobb attribatad Mra Baatoa's sitoaaa i la aootbrr BuBrat aba bv aarow-: <,11 , lur^ty aad arrdteUoa of fTwwth
toaBrd bar bBbaad to Bort ficatnm at adnma ia kb trrabiiBf arBb pair aad ‘
1 >y B«ht otharaosa hava attalaibbprraoBal-apararmaca Buvaftarall. atillasdraA.
J,.d -j
«eraaorfeUata^ taayomme
. tUsa«a.r paiwad wItWat tbs rspuaara, '-Ohr ascislimad tbs Bahappr Bam. trmra
IviBarbdMdrd by both partita.
"if I Bad ualv artraaml to bar to alt th«lr
Johe riaatoB had proBbad hb wife. 1 down icatsmd of Irmstlac to that coa- iraatp'aatlac I
a to
'{,ha aabappy .
•oaadad paatoB'^. parhspa It woa'.d;
that had plac'd Udaralf ot
a thM. B->Bcy t-iparcl_____for bMlf
Oaa day br
ircllof bilisSipoa tSc Ubla aad
s war iatd Urr aow drat rtoosly rtdarad br a drytof al tha
I her atiaaUM Ui It She aoddad
poofod out hi, lore aad bcifataUoma. b*1Ii srannd tkr rmrts
hUlooruc was U.mcard, sad araBodii,;,^
p, p^,y u pot wholly
; was rood for s
to ba try,or t • nskr ap fiw 1«'»1~ praraalad if tba aarth was BrBly aal
err priaomai sooraBrat
i>a\ woa, dad as ha batbdd hrr brad and chsftd [proaad tha roirts al the tlsa ai llB
was bb sarprba and dbrost wbaa she hcrhaada.aao tried to kwa back her . t,po,p]pcUar. aad
ky siaptlay s
' imrd troB tow a sad r*re blB thr wAar aod toroat into actioc Ibsl Inar- '(aod wulrb
Tbr BBlrhiaf Batartal
rrr's raoriplrd bill.
Sllrat riJiea. ba mroaaad ■ What would ,„>god ,h, yoaar trail tram ahoald ha
liny. Bpon JiAa'a rrlura I Boi rlra how to hear hrr talk to Br piled on thick aadltaboald Batoito BB
{i,, t,pok pf tp, trara M
froB thcciiv. ba aatoabbrd.
arafo It wobM br bllB to hear her
■r tor bail
by brioyiar with hlB a lad. wbon ' be ro'ld rrra
, Ur routs aprrad
Too Baay Batohaa
aabarad Ihb tba ki'ebaa with the ra br sbaddrrrd as br ssid li
ip close arooad thehs
aramwraly puiapcl
,'sarak sfraial.Dark:
•‘.Vow. Taddv. UU b yoar
■r Ihoorraad '
bay Ibraatoaed by L.fy,,
It to better to carry the bbM
Bi^ir acaiHVaU'VirsS.oa row
{that byour BMfwaa. Mra Brbloa. aad |y>«n««nr
was ttoUlof to him 11<» tar oat rather «w«- hare U mot fer
As4arvrra,ato) AWWCl-to,
. whatever abr raquiraaol you. you arr , BOW.
Hr rci'otrr kaew oor cred . ppog^b
I'm U.wajtsr«i, a.vai'twa at. to
' wbalh. r tbr sky
Mark or blue 1 Abelhrr eomslderatioa to to
Wtowtoswto,a. OS.Sr'.cviM
ar.d Uerr
: Jobo la tba attor loar'ioto. AH Wto blwk s'
Caaaab uiwat' « a.*og>a<a of.
he r >uld see
.ofh's tosTt.aad fearlar lost hi* oe-i wa. oaly oar chj*-i
toU s»'«
ir shoo'd brccBr parmlyicd Erro Trddj . wk • ha
I, pm'oarrd loaclivilv. or tbst hr drocr.
l, p.,<r wile durief the dull, j,loasea tbr roots o/r«
d loac bis woira for wsot of prac aolarr
< hst hs'1 i "SI rl aed la such ,
bad. like B'biaaui Crssoa.. blsak
r tbsB.
■hrMurbl koBsa lltua aiaa PrUsy to, a t'ariesi macner
laaooer were ol
obaosli'u. to lUs'^'toi
d also tease as s »oulh-;blB by ihetr een OTseace
Us saw la I bark Bust be 1
----• tfa-po-tolweros
pie«~far~bllpseu aad wife
Ibea iwly
tfa-rA-l.lweeos that served
served j toBaac~or^^ OT ciotV
aow went on wiU lees blaaderirf aod , tu k.^ep cp Ui>-ulnni, sileace.
Plaallt the errs of the appis boraes
8Usbl Psnaers
) OLcerUin-r. f.w Teddr -as Dada Uej If I had merer l.e.njchl Teody beer.
ln»ked lor aad dtolru.rrd.
•or eve very ebrmp If aolS this aeaaoi 1 beowadstbcSLOBlCH aiTFAUa
.“'mediuB foroorevlor the tbooehls or perhaps we shoold bate sp-keo leor Tbeto cr«s will I
yOB rear speak to aie arsia.'
ml over
as it ataada. Fariiea
KvrmMatr lo the vary bval eoadluoa; <
•brs alternstely I'oio I'fie to the oth ■ sre." be oiattereO; "for it wss rr’tutr truuks.
irnuks. and
asd If not
aot daatroyed they wlU
aaid Mrs. Ueawo. -aad I will uetn
Kstjoho BuDop>.htrd to Biorhut to be pret-r hard to keep .till aay hau h out a Wuod ul larva- whick Bay
ay bate o^r plaaa aad will sell •* .prealsacridee. *lsoq^ wll
. bt.y s ewa,IiaoI..tohlp la ku oew-: loeper abral that I'Br."
Isflwt. imrparaIJs lejnry wthctrMa.
tbb eotiace mow. taqabmof
lod delirtit at ririn*
tospeeeh.' He wa» just Uilakiar sertouUv ab'ol By watehlnc for the m« evoiy naB; ia Ihb Bailed c-wamsud
00 sllll lod a rmtbsrlaeadoi;
doctor, wbra be fr’la ,Bar Ur r- unc orchard nay rrow ap
as the toacalB which it was tbst Mrs Ueatuo
(pre.,ureupoB the band that bad all wlUuut
,_______ ______.
bring Infected by the borer.
ecrfiiinpresMvc'v eaniral. aad ; Ivaely life.
ihi. tiBr cla-ped ooe ol bto wife',, aod „□ jn, pUcr hand, to aerlcetod. tl
srr o* the spi-aki ■ was very lari '■Wa<,"Hbou«bt she. - what b aaacr
.mk lor
inr into
iotn ht
her Isce. hr saw wuh de-:
,pcb forwidabto eb
tlKir: aad tOrr 'felt upuo Ibc , lor tUr rocaeuaEbI | | br saare t-J-the l.ioii
atarU.d ears ul her WOTS.'ball ina wav raader. and 1 will bate a r>rl Pi ilsj Mi/bt that her ,
wide opea aad BlMihaiUe trMa Bay saver ba ab
thstesuseo Mr, Bentoato.ouaila lit-1 befor* the week b "ut. ia Order b,! bei'l upuo Us.
for fcr toacw enouch of ’.he ijBper- iwuvarAsn aad iaprure ay eoeal pow j "M.v dear Mary>: ihsak ttodi- besa
eat Ol the aoccred wvioab"
I as br b at d.-wo
SsU Katlanon
ke to leel that thb. was ou idle' Aud so tbr did. Never was UrtU a 1 (aor. wb.le Ur t<
‘hpeak to ne.
Icnotojrtjoished Ban than aas Juhnjcbeeks apun br
_______. trmMng
lia UebtUD aod bis wife Mary bad HMt >a on tbr eveuia* that be eaioe Mary JoluiUei
In -bit---*;’
BaUeBaitos uughl his to dspsad
npoa Uracoae
hUe rsi •d arsaod brr upon
bren Darried nearly a susrfer ol a o-l- .hatteruij »ilb T.ddy into ihekitca.
for a lew m <Brots:
ah the tiie ol this riolenl out en au.i slopped up ih the UresUold to
. blankets, the cani'
k. and bad hiUcrto bren active i,.t.ii to Uv inearersibie duo.! of fe- the w»l cloths,
bottles, Ih,
the fl.KsJyd
la'.kailre BalnBunial partners ma'e .•oa«er»atl«- tbst wss bsinc pftor aad amn
TkailwwoQ B
.............and ILcn
They liredio IhB country upon then pojr. a I'.rlli w iihio Indeod. ao intent n-Kir.
my teactarr, in a
□ little
:ir fsrin.and
Isrin, and U ugh
uirh u,. v fi»o . was Mrs B-n-eioou
B-n-eio o'u unbur.leUog
unbur.lrUsp her bcaxle her. Jn the Is-.wr sh.- siw only w.ib a terrible in'
always h.-lfl Ibo :aosl abtolutc bar 'lu.gporl up frv'.i-gs list sbe did not intense uiiserv and uofrigi-el e-uiirlLions and e».-gsc ks trad aadartoes
___ay ul opinion, Ueird'iolioa to escb .i ir-ti;-e U' i sieSs-J b.•ore of her has- tion, out she couM not rrs si the iB- saiU utfraaornfi
"I waatthat
etber and UnIr unity ui>>D<tl Uc c* band sttnding there till her sUrllrd ' pn'sa. in spite of theBCCtdeal.
I doa't armot aar
spit--/-if John's problem
arnUal otatteruol life wr-e oodtoimled. ear aaaght tber. m.rk:
jof Ursacroaodin
why yoo harea't It.' ha woald 1
U wasoaiy in the iutuilrsinal otijeeul "Well. Teddy, inis tonsurprtoe par- Isnfferlegs
- -1 did study two hours.'
her imp
farUrr. She siowlc
ol life that lb. y elnshrd.
| tj. isa't it? '
' John Bc-mun acceptoO Ue silustiot '
--rh ise. Mwrgir." rsiO Mrs. Kebtob. handi. sod wiU Ue furchuger of Ue
right she b.-gan b.lraae up-n t> -- pals
wiUuut replriug.for w tot to-as there l.- arc Ue other ball ol ihw
ur y.BBsy study It lea hotira. >esl W
the lame
.sffie ii-ne
Uad he U- n coBB.BU.iea
The K.-utoU boBtotauld was no li--------- o' Ue iett. al tbr
sun yvurself. Uat I want the laeaam.
rlralo lorercr from speaking to bis at--s.s>s aad s-rens' for waet ul Iniei- a iiuestioiiicg l.ok at b.-r husband
to iwL
■'ll was laugh fur s green boy. bat It
I preters between Ue ,-o
-e t: "li K«t bra.
MBsoaed me
le iBs Ibaa a BomU 1
Bight of the sellTof..ree.l‘wasipr..l..i.geo..'a.kerBeelingam r I. pesible
Uir Boat Inlaase scasr of iatollc^
' tnlr a
;e HeoloBCulligewsaawa-!asm.--glinguf Ibes'-saswas cuoce..'• I, "} •"
. fall,
Ttaeusuai .-urta.e lecture was ed- Lseb ul, Ur heads of U< bintae
< earn.
earorat da»bHal s fiao.v at hrr
ed my re.
ittod'B-iw hid a victiB apoa wkw-h he or fece .r.-(sl'e«l that h-u-ril-lr IboagbL
■I ioecia*
siiedlbM slerpwas out sbe«..u'.l inllirt uoriiding wJlubi-itT. i Sne was.sB.liac.
sl.UoeM pi.-vai
Ato..It midnight U. . It was ab..ul Uto lime Uat Joba urd to
to.ncet J .bn KcbVUi tough
awfu. silFDce bad ou w.irued ufeiu Ue .
I breluted and them waat back to
•l twtnandr. lYrUee.snd exeUimed. a
—'•eaofJ..ha BeutoeIbal. nuable In Ig regard w the crew, bobthe brgi inlng. aad oa raaehlag tha
lai-fy. "Tnn a'ate. Mary'
ire U longer, ke aowe. sa.1 going foade.1 to her Ue am-.ont
;■ attorad Ila a
7 spot again. 'Nor
. deaf
d damb
So _
dOHB Stairs, soun rutur.rd siU Ue turn. Ur.Bgk her mi.uU pi
ol atovkUM). barrad
bam my pn«r»
,ognag.-f»r aw. One word from you
old clock. wbickWBs n..t uaiy a loud' mated to him Usl bw ompary
The nextraad1 1 eat down to end
me thha a y-v's
ticker, bulatsoa chrnrfii. striker.
He serri^ in the _h.
’ •* »
"ilTtoo, wa. stoppad with -RaV bmt
will do vna g.MI. BV dear "
of bearing iw rilttopurrha
eat right on. SniibMi. and aahaeat
■ John, I really Iwliere tou O'e spr­
ill mBeatad. as Is
To lh« br
ga D was awarded with. 'Very walL”
Work.tkwe tar^Ww In Ike UlanS Tfe'eww and stopped as be was uboal to place also bad basi as iv Ue eily. Thr; ing to Br.''ssid hlx wile, while teari
" ■Kby.- whimperad 1.'I raeftod It
Ibis new c.-mpamun upo« Ue bmea.i; hid agre.-d upon ■ plan of c junauni-B of j *y came to her eyes.
jaat to bedid aad yuo 'eald -Nul
J.»bu,H-Tt .0 heat close to her feew,
be Ibonabl be beard s s -und pns-eed non brf.-re lesring
»y •Yen'a................
<roB under Ue bed-cor..-rings
rings not ra-,
ra-, small sli'e
sls'e si
such as Inmb people ase and ki-sirgbrr ageie and agsi'. ssid. to it? ’
moagu to know yoar
" ap.
aot BBdrrstaad ••Yew, Usiy. I am going ;
Bat bto >B- amuQg tboae
aastkaow that yoa kaow
n. from tiile limr on ”
□ eunplv tba place uf Uric laagaage.
iagiaattoa ba<
And be did-O-Aoutfr
axp'lanatiOB eonld be
srririug at Ue Corgwuto
, .
.bis aatscs. as
a feeble aud they msarfisted
ifntKl aa awkward uaeasii
^ad. Tbeclock. --------y-YB'amd pro**
ruar biMlaeoa Uto
Chaplains in tba Navy
iBperfecl aubsliUtor for the huoaB ness, sad paesrd a few m.nutea before
iV‘—«ou.l Btorlcs.
-Use Ue ab- eetctlng. This mate baeiarae ia pobvoiue. was belter by
fteyieJ Ur asaia fact lhata
hc f-.ll aaleep I Ire wae evideoUr aoi relished nj- elU
aebce of all seonds ac
... .. siwsrr to be loand na
Looking 'wa.sw
, IribulslioLS. i-f the jBrtias
Rnt fiaally Ue.T eaU
The morrow brengki
Ue puMic knowe.hard'y
close and an- id Mrs IL-nlOB was greeted -by a
eheplaias la Ibe navy,
,. Ueilon.flnd- polite salesmao
She made kauwo her
dne. however. tolbanniB
. Ue^pa ^ At,
.gflndlU (Jhehanud high aad low.
ig tbr slioatlon to. irknome to be { wiefaea. aad suua a great taase of ear.-1 purlaaoeof
.xctcuenllo oae febricnof all colors wae ipreadoutjPJ"
aad or her bands nad kmam. asd with
a candle specially praem-adte^ ^





..ivwi-f-riaads I i^i^d ‘tis tis.


For &nythiBg in the way of Farm or City
Property, ^®e me.
Office in Masonic Block

Traverse caty, Mick.


O. F. Carver



Real Estate



■"Vr- s

A Summer Cottage
At Old Mission Resort


p»wi BstAta Sxehange.

Travel*® City, Mich.

JVO BLu^rr: sssv. THERE’LL
at 315

When cither a Chamois Lung Proleclor or \ est
willTte a necessilT. We can supply you with cither, but
yoD can economize and yet hare something just as giKxl
by buying a chamois and making one Gooil values at 30.
50 and 75 cen

t^noW thi^?

AMKOK, a o. PB


thWB.B.Kinw^On«mtsrr Is M>




Uiaanw Pibeaewak kakwWf waywt

A M nim.



nnSTllHua iM tti 1^

VwOrtalsalDniC ■<


TnraM Qtj M of insic!
■MdUna m.ObwCm. Hwa

AH mail ordem ivivive prompt
F. M. PAINE, Florist
eiMSa (O.

flo w. KlrTepUi SL

'•tnZi__Honey to I^oan



Screen/Doors anii Windows,


Carpet Cleaning Works


Scythes, Sjaaths, Rakes,


loid. Sheweoiabjut this hrrru-!she faoelrd. she priced anoUer
ask as Uongb l.!e aud death i uf a different co.or. aod during a'l Uie
1 opcoltiBBabr wis vainly trying la eome in-|

K’fjip'i't.J:'4,; ;ii‘

nut of tun dambd.ria.that
np Urlr abode here.
John Benton, coming 0
from tke Bald, saw at oner


i prefer

hot and excite.

The ercrelarr ol ibe Baw de
Ust Ue wimk ol


effect of tbclr toflaener
.B to naU-abiy good71 chaplains in Ue aa
dac^nalauneefrilb the
t.ra ke
ha Clips lend, one to besUi.dnrd of fltacae has
btohk'pt high >-y ihe apoolating pow_.
___ regala'ltone reijolre Uataa
applknat as ehsplai-- be Imtwren !1
and 15 Ttr- snd a aiaitwr to good
loaddlliuw to Ucsr <,aellIflcallooc penct
.. . aod
,nd an-H-iirwsa!
r.qairee tba beany
nn-<,-iirwBl in'
------ at of high
high ee-let
ee-li astirsi aathwbe are wlllio.
good degrre of Bora' rwp irsii.ilily few
Uer.rp lnta.eot p .lUui-'. lafloeacelrf
abigb order aay br n sd to brlag the
anplirant tatbr attealoD of the prasi^ ^ end eecertary
ol Ike n tvy^bal can
^b^adUs. Tbechap

^'b^Ud nppe^irablm
siwor briiliaacy. The easebody. atug
a final shake of the rags, wae jaM
abuat togivc iiapforavar wbMMOf
tba caildrea ehaace^ to iwM^ev

lejbrr hT.iral. and vet
It I well rnnngb to refuae ui •purebaec or
el which he
at the barn, so be crept upstairs to
nk ft
ifc of tbr upermtie
opermtfea,. i Bight Dot appure. She ebrank
jael as clone to Ua daad leval na ps^
enrtaia tbc natafe
la UU pueitfea hu ayea iwad
There was a acme of eba-a indewd. -It | thr bum!
le ao allrnative bat a ri
rapidly orar the floor.
"1 baea It,' ha
woald aaam as Uongh UU rnergelle | tag there
woBan had decided, contrary to her i lation of
shunted nrreently, aad nara emMffh,
right la t& Blddia ui tba floor, la. ao
naastial wisdom, to b^inalrveTy r»>B|ask«d him Ue eiapls quratlc
In Ue taoase nloaee.
! wkleb ber heart wa* net. Por
plain n pU» that It Aad aacmpad ob
• i it ecnain'v looked ae tbongh or-1 be eiupiy pci bto band on Ue p'rea
maid not be rretored to one at' her choice, and she SBUrd plrmaanliy
yoaeg.tar Uca axpialaed imat -laaB
_____ wrecked aparrmenla before ana-: as she turned to tbr sprnce and aeoom
'Dgladtoa-BuaatpaiUBgtba hand «a
Ua grooBd iBorder tocatcb alghtdg
Now. Juba was sUarss kind 1 modatleg se'eamtn. The latter, takirpeUliog
btarteu man. aad autic.og the earpeUliggin
tba sitnstion at a glaaea wiU
Ua sBallrei object batwaca iBBaW
railed ap. it uecarrrd ic liiai tbst bare.
bare . Us keen err of sn experfla hsBsaity,
wa. a clear tote to wbks
wbka becoaid aa-' and sappoaiat
snppostag It. -ssol roarae n anealimte tbs wisbasol.bis paor t-red. tinnof dnllarsnad eeausbe
_j2^tied wife.
WiU biB to tbink : ponnding to her asfiwtmsladcaf
Why. wt acear toam
Uink was to act. so oat wrut Ur oar I duieb huibsod. rapidly wrote apoo ' mUskB.'l V—— — ■ -Bto oa Us plalaa
pota apoa Ue la-m bat sean-ely had J bit of paper. "Spienaid goods: wri
• be wardroom when on shtpb-mrd
rbaap: Bfly to to a private stathi
he fioisbrd hit lasW before hr hrsrd bto ; like Iron: arver fed
ugg-ag and paatiag on Ureuire.
______ __ . nniforB aod in UU U
Ortgu Of tas MaBs* of Pabrtpa.
sole exrcptioo to Ue rn’e wbich ob
.hips of on' nary and
Aboat the ysar l«to tbc wmoiai ni*
itaiaeamall tbesi
am and he baelenaa to mehe acaru'le; -Whafe thi'?" be rxc'aie
and eoi'sted Ben
./ Engiaad bccaimc Uicmtod at Wmatad,
, bv natoriag the csraete i»Uelr lurmrr altornsblr truen the clerk
from the admiral rf Ibe A>et to Ue aboatfifUBi Btira froB Korwfeh. *M
•-'Pear* to me y..o-ra_to
pJaen: Urn, from fear off nv>rc
nv>'« aoing •••PrarstoBe
Bmam______________ - aitoi oaat. .SoUlagin ii was (ftiB UU ptocc that
Usn grod. hr atooC BM-ir. aod ai- y-mr bJl. young-----I vldoone U larolerM —------------------------- faetera of tha twieUd doahto thramA
towed deitiny to Uke lU aiursr
Never wae Ibare a n
I tsom. aad it U to be prraamad that If a of eroolen. aftorwarda ealtod wnralil,
Ubars^^r day^ ---------- 1 hranly ■npoB saliw-BaB hekisdao
iBajsrt- of the efasniatoe wgtatoaek was flrat aads. II mot iaeaaud.
rluar abe , And bU cbakHi
1 4------ .,<r„Fw. 1. wrwld Iw graated The
T taary —'~~r wacflrnt BadaatUu- -.
eseayad UednBh 'aanuge of panve wub a onwtaaed a^iofT. which e^««-1 Is.IuiwTw^ s rale ,
e la ordinary
use baitomnd
mime to a^to feam her butm^ ^e ad to
\ clerical eolU. Ur cm'

thing t^"'^ "r*

, -- .

^ JETSSTbSy'^tolg’TidJ^i^S

,.V.. 17



Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Line
FBuntain Point 'House^


raovKMovx. mos.
Thk betal Is aitmaUd am Carp I^bv
11 Bllas IroB Poach. U la rmmebfd
Ifoai Tf*»*f»e
,‘fc^g:to Poarb.
Bcalubp alMBbaal to baieldoekf
SbIUc «shtac la Morlbera Hlrhlfaa.

Best Liver> In Northern MichigaD.
Pnod and Sale Atablr ia Ccamectloa.

)usk SUbUi at Oatu %•< VaUtavutA

J. A. BAKOIK. Manmaor.




Brosch’s Meat Market

Choicest Meats. Poultnr and Ganie.
r— T — r~~ -»-* thaeahadalchtraancrfpcmeUer.thefmtoralfeelbam*d«at to It (ha BBl dlSoBltemaB.

_ J. "W. Oa-ojxtletrb.
iLlir '

Fresh. M ind SnrokMl Mutt. Siusuw Etc.


ontealca aad attoauocs to:“ ’
elUar ; rroi erd eoertealra
ol Uu Laagaagr was : Mrs iTtoctoa. wbo
U pmBlltod
or els* Mrs Hs-etOB'e ary
It U hard to
Ooy the order oard ia hU owm
met eriBc
laerofaslag it wae imperfect., lor ,0 e
ilnalloaaad Bay a'ao ms« tbr v.
was’ oaBpallrd to auadua it ae
.te of hU ebarch. U ^j^^toooa
tm. alter going Urangb many tan*
eoBtoet<«os ol k<> t
A Witty proteMor
A errtalm witty profeaegr in 1
•oamd ap wile a look of diagmst so IgU I Km only were
iebigM I'airenity
Voireutty had aJ*uva a
at BMBing Uat the pom fellow ^ ssffrrlug In ra
■ ■
TgUe .................
thooght ba rmd
rsad ia It pi«>—
pioaly ememgta., -----------UU vciy
- —r-----hiak any W cvold andef ; Alton, bnt a* Utor toea
liot John ima met Ur other was ttromr aad gcaa'iaa. to apita '
tha atodeau felt fmoTtoemd
ofUc foolish ambargo they bad pet!
apoa their aprvds. they chafed aadcr that Ueir ti



esy. and we baea to/
ecUaa. fer gaae ar f
Tmlln «bslM im mead IniB tha dig to Ua
□aU of Pnoee.
gsT»laB^y_^l toJMMMipjdtoay
^g^tU wnabaralhM
Oalkmt. a town to Indta; emahricireaa
pfetosa lUt of (abtito thdA huto
Head thair maaaa timB tona whm

While tber

Boat of Ue caktoBary Bod«
t?a war MtWf tba dlAcalty. fMAsa
iagthonghts: the domhle ordersgivaa
"I totomdod.'aaid the prolaaaiw. ad• tehar. to lAslr raaeae. and emead Usb (twb
to Ibe prmeeryBsa aad It•
rcaung Ue Ciaaa to hU bapptost mmmUcmeelrra. tboagb to am
Uedaplkalr parehama
mar. ■to anoiagixe for bt delay, bat ae
em U am wumaaaa gardau to Ohtoa
odds amd Ada. led to b
doaU yoThTea bmu «11 WthAnd.
that eshrmcto aa mrna of flfV Uomtmad
ittoa to tlM Bemum hoasabold
bartag aefectod awe of yomr dnto:
sqaara Bllaa ItbaU Bemiawlamd.
oraimr John Beaton thoagbt John Bemtom aad Taddy m
aad to flUad wtoh Imku. pnWb a*d
A iimi lignil luH*
to Ue rmtoM wiU their
WaarUdChiptongaaUecmaimaaearA Inrg* lead
al-atormal *iia.-aoaBnad hythmwmMrs. Semtom
ton tried to her da^feshaw Baamrr to
radn^ hU aaetocry to lagardtoamny«MaWZa( which ha hmd haaa pra- Jmalaurtod tolamd Ua hanaa to b» I uahU Ambt <■ *bh wwM.


ORAKD TBAVgitSE HKRAt.n. AgQTTgr 18. 18M.


« a. Ue<Ul«. ad.

ihefroatatthatimi. lUay^MsImply tram west ad water aad a lltUa
cmea. 1 did aotaae thb mytaif. but i
bevd otbaraeayae who stare la tba
paWlc by Ibe de|ianaMit tb* oaly {•*- beepitaL Soma mea. yoa kaow.-abild
flea uaaatirely wbea a aaeara iV
«. McE
atrikas them, and I waat to la
rar« tMsUoa la tbo yea tbb (dear b apeate. U wlU .
eayoa la Sea.alaBiaa aad kaask you
a day. aomaumae
rallaatry la battle (aly ltd. Tbb 'of thras, aad tar too otlce
fljor of the cafflBaar aerriee ao aotably
lumeead sesa appelated

7 of St^U-^ala

ApiM to ttae.OonditlMU Demanded by United
0Ute»-T«xt of Peace Protocol.
WathieiftoD, Auinuit 12.—[Hpccibl]—The peace protocolNwaa
. dcD«d at «:23 thiaafteraotm by SecreUuy of Bute Day. rsairew-nting,
Ibe Uuited Hutee. and M. Oamboa, the Pivoch Ambaaaadori reproeenUBg tbe Spanisk iforeromeaL

becreUry Aiger baa cabled ordors

Band of ^reeidenl McKinley
Ambamador CamboD and Secretory Tliiebaut tlrotre over to the
White Huoae from the French ewbaaBy in a heavy rain. Contrary
to all former riaito, they drove all the way to the White Honse and
alighted is the broad portocachere. Bo.b were immediately uabertd
indde and into the cabinet room abere Preaitlent McKinley. Secre­
tory Day and aaralant aecrctariw Moore, McAdiv and Cridler had
been awaiting t^em. There, in the hielorir calrinH room, the cere­
mony of formally agreeing to and the aiguiug of the protocol of peaii'

The protocol, aigned thia afternoon, providea:
1. Thai Spain will relinqDuh all cUims of eavereignly over nod

Ue was adraaeed


.•ambers aad'beeomas a ebbf eaffiaaer.

iBsaed By President McKinley To Naval and
Army Commanders.

' to all militoty eotnmaDden that Ibe protocol of peace baa been eigned
and to eaase boftiliiiea. Secretory Long'baa cabled adcniraU S*uipeOB and Devey and other naral corntDandera that the peace protocol
baa been aigned and to coaae hoatilitiea.^ These ordont arete by

We bad at oee time MS m
the regiment. Oar rm>m*st b atlli the


iWew Vork. Auffuat It-The JouraaTakUdrld
.-----------------------^^.-jfaeorablya prsjpoalUoato talMbePbllippUMa. aa it b
balleead the t'olud Statrs wtil take
only Uaallaaad theadjaecal teMtary.
Premier Sagaata. UU reliably re
ppried, fatori the sale, wkiek waalfl
ralleec tbe kiagdom of >be naeraaily ot
•eadiar tnx>pa to keep dowa the lo. Fraaeb rSI.-iab are eaaararlBg tbe plaa. Uoiirh admliUaff the
daaffrr of Roropean dnaeatloo over it.

by any meaaa. altboufli stc bars re
oeleed one batch of elfhiy racrulta.
Tbaee are few peomotloaa 1 am aat
them so badly

I bavc kept thime

b about ft o'clock la tbe mfwabw
mod tbaauB U lalriy bolilar
melu our rubber pjacboa If we li
them rxpraeil U>
a u iform* today, ney
haee the

agtiy U..- akelet-iB. meaeira. blued.
•spiTBtbm aad the aervoos sywb;
Mis* Gray, es euap-y oommbakmer

AndttarJUmmJ to Fraebetmehs A
Wm P. UsivtstoWm. RVmeaad A.
«e». lot S bik a vS'sgeof Wj lie fTO. '-a Go . paroeka to tpds a r» w. fill lA
Laart R. KJuha B t'miew to Wilhelm. Bi
..toK VraUstogam
tstllO'd Hta
Hbatoa Uarbor. fito.
. hv
Co.attarewbssetlto*f ar
etrarlioi In erad..)g.
erad-ig. -Manual
o* la'I JallaA. Kieksfaoato
atd ortbcgwpby. s
K gr, ata aad Amos XhrkcTaoi
popslarity has added
Uarels 'aad ewated the brad of
Cbari-aH. BalLata
Lacy Tlbbita to Ourlra Darga par- ,
trieedafalp that ha* a*^ tong existed
—-Isto I If rr 0 r 10 w. **54.
tbeG.aiKl Trsvriae'teacbrra.
TrsVeise I
Prafrvior Gsi-tiey has ratitoted energy
lot 5 Wk K. H. L A Co.'* rtb add fist...
lareeny preferrsd ky km
oaewerybaad HI* week ba* U^e of . .
... ............
, menufarurer W
Haraba D.h-v to A'ise Butler et al. 1
iMaa. Jobs U t^
* • • Sbolu'batesy
uan>u'S>r<es Whldtetrec roupllec.
wr1tr«oM>T NIkVneartt'are -T».-ye«»,
AuditorOeaeeal to Kr«l li KviS, btolara* wae to faraUhto*
aad boy the i-Ura. Leo. ■
! had ito^eo le Sesh-h
BsH. taste >d of buying -tlUo* with m
Bioveklaandrsne. I n«ld notslw-rlrlB;
laUTsiung 8:ts oT Suie Hews
psrvels to ai 51 If 5C a
doeBlorsBM«hrrms»i« I..; hssfornt mar)
A spcvUl derlKU) will be held at
ira.ktobisown sea.
If euddeu oeulA rKfllLe coW
rake'Ulpsaatixl week to v.He .m.a'
tervammaBay fnitubmir ut.-r
eopraiLUt W brsid the eiil*g« (wifiil,-'
My bs.-*l piiysiciaa ptee-rtWd iK
U.-»rt‘-o?«audic a Irw u*r> I ■*.
luiie yrsdoalii
»Ue u..lrrt' .
lesM.l aud Cusilyrruxi1 I tr
the Aaei. luv.uc reliii-d Sto
could sat two dure i b g Imeanss at i>a>
am now fre line
altUng He ac^ mplisbed the gastr,
aumi.-ml feat In te*s tbso 4U mlnuu*
aie aold ly all
Hove than 4<> T.-araar-i Ji revne Grovr
ueoer.B nueluer
great dial of rWttcsl nerk


» . o r«u u j.

“rtoclnae a Bpanbh dollar bill and a
50 cent pleed. which I receired la e*elmaye for bard laek. l^havc many
eolaa bat eaaaoi aead them eery well.
doublleea be a atroap bidder for tbe
We msy «o to (,say lalaad boaad. X.
Itada. 'Ue may bate made tbe |^po- y. Beer your loeiay a<a,
ailioo refn
referred to. J la tbe aeramble tor
ruarUeUw. Set twule
tbep>wita may atir their
Saatiuyo de Cuba. July 5<i. IdM. . nrtwUU or qibury telealousira up to aueb aa esteat
Hr I>sau«i«rka-YourawaaUie drat
Umt warai’l nau I.
^ta. It abe
he*a at
e AJor..,.
aatbtbelsladda. a 111 doabtbsa ffala a
v.-ry weleoiar. It tame oa July lltb.
pawerfol ally la mskrop her eboiee.
Tbe aale of the Ulauda. It b ayreed three days b. ti-re tucaurraader. We
here, will tead to put ibn SwrciaaMiui
ouolrj- yucept tbe way
oa lie feet ayniB. after th>- dbsetrtma pxUoy the ariltleryaod bad a eny Ibluffs yraw all tbe IL
ea»y time tbe bet rareyemcat.' 1 bap
the United Siatra and
•a by pay­
looy drawn ool utrvyylia io tbe I'billp- petied to be <0 a eery tl- k'ish place Io a ing a rubaa ten cent* to able up and
rieinc oa yuar.l with two other fel­ cat them ■ ff aad we gel limea aad a
W.- la.T fl*t on the yranad with •eft (rait called maagob wbleb waa
a rood .(at pa >0 betweea a* aad tlie
aaleatioe of maay Cubaat
Lettara From daa^ayo
city (oa the flriay that day wu* eery doubt
The foik.wiay leTl-r aai
beaey aad balleu were aleyiey a» the
the Pnurth when you beard
Trvmaa Proper of tValloa from Bl>
report that I waa dead. 1 waaa'l, but
had a very plfbeam trip arrou
ravaged moat df the foreaooa
laarrtiug a large aud mack aeeded

U. IdM
Dear b-atber-1 bare at last raoeleed
le I thought of home.
ieetriura from y<'U. aad yon may be
* sure tod write tbe folks that I'm
Id alrxtag. That's atraigbi
tight., u
eaclo^ay three lableta. I hate at i
r tbe flriny aad
2. Thrt PorUj Bion ami other BpaniahdaUnda in the Weat In- >Aat beea abb wyel a litUe paper, bolj -.
at aa eaurbitaot p ice
Thme black
• dim and an inland in the Ladruoea are to be aelvctetl by tbe United bealheo lakr aeery edraalaye.of < jaader fl c by luo'rliicdt and bare beee
Eaci^ t le Ball Seawu
at Ihr^raaldnriag
Ihr^raalduriag Ihe r. aluf it though
Friday prsc.levlly eloel ibr ba 1
Stotoa andahall be oededio the latter.
lack b('ea that they liippeh
moatly irg<» and eachunging srasdn in-1 V*ver*e Ciiv. a-far aa iLr
8. That tbe United StolM will occupy and bold tbe t-ily, bay poeeesi aad obarye (earfal pricra
Uaatlerv are .-.•aevraed, The inahi
mie Hpalaard* whom pa have ander j
and harbor of Manila, pending the concluaion of a treaty of pean< whi<li yaard eecm to be mach more macy '
four d.y*. the d.-ad, maayird tod meat has -Ir-i-.d iladvi*able i.i
•ball detenmne Uie control, diaposition and govemmeut of the Phil- thaa the Cobaca TbeCahaoa are aoM- wounded wWe .ite . aonyh to flee me band the t .m. iun-mbcli a* <iie
toodaace has f^-n1v from
lag bat a eet of tbicrior aliark*; aod:, luuyh war. 1.1 fuel there
to pay raanloi e-peraci. Tbe taiiarr'
them nisy boallright
of Uu'wlM to lua bu-ia a team throi.gk
A That Cnba.' Porto Rico aud plher Hpaniab Ulasda in tbe tbe-ma]orily of them are like the roetbe seaeoa makes laowiselocontit ur.
“iryptiet we bare la the
qod rain until Ihe t|h.
1 a
Went Indiea shall be immediately, evacuated aud that .the rommiaa. oaly frrqarat an as’will permit
Sutet. They are aaaU Ineiatureand on a bniylng druij Iheo aad helped
•tooera to be appointed within ten daya eball, within thirty ilaya from' every poeaible color. (ri»B eboay black bury three uirn. two ul them "Ruugb
tba rigning of U>( protocol, pioi't in Havana and San Juan reepeet- to BeglUb srbite. I caw agirl yntcp Ridora.''. yhe Spaniards were (airly
Jay about ten yeara old that t don't plW up lu tbeir iDtrrncbmenl
imly, to arrange and oxeente tbe details of the evacoatiuo.
belicrr sraa eerr bora in ihl* c-ruatry dirt sraa thrown In oa them. It.
la clewing them
S. Thai the Unitid Btotae and Spain will each ap|>oint not i
or bad a drop of Cuban blood. Tbo, awtpl things oor aee* anioag the dead
maaagemeni has the eattafactioa of
mu wbo had brr aountrd on a doaki y
in battle were aolhlng to
, Ann five oommtoaioneia to negotiate aud conclude the treaty of pe
having put in the Bdd tbe beat team
waa a black and agly-lookiag wretch tb-»e among the tutrving Cuhaaa.
Hw commimioners are to meet at Paris not later than the 1st oT aad would not allbw at to epeuk to the U eimply Inde*.^able.
TruveracCily ever bad aad there will
girl to aee wbetber uhd apoke Kagitob. women toil eblldren by lb; boadreda be ao drbte baagir g uver tbe orgaaisaOohdw.
bat buttled her off aa a»a a* pnaaiblv. were driyea from the town of K1 Caaej Uon. It sraa hoped that the D. A. Ce
fi. On the aigniogof the protoeiol, boatilltiee will be anependMl
Tbe Cubans at Brat were very rr- actaally aurriag.. You do aol kno*' e»nld play a reiura game here aeit
week, bet clrcuusltocca svjil oompel
nad notice to that effect given as spon as possible by eecb garera- apectful and appeared very grateful *to
and aeithe II ostlers to separate.
Tbe tram
that thry have bes-B ailed tber do I. 1 at we (boi-ght we w
Bwnt to the commsndera of iU military and naval forces.
this eeaaoB has been compoeml of fine
they are growing iDdepaodeat. and pretty hungry when we had to lire
plsyrra aad good boys personally aod
The above-is the. official stAtement, prepared and given to the acme of them even r^ard us aa inbread and pork eerrral dsye.
tbo base ball fanu will rcffret parting^
prem by Secretary Day.
Xow of eourae tbinga are ekaogiag but
When they ro away, bow
The Drae have the greateut reepwet aomrot the BaUveadrop'along the road wiib them
Tbepratooed providea for two cummisnons; first
(or aa. and try to ask all
kinds of eeery day from prlratiop. Her ratiooa ever, they will carry with them the re
l.-em and high regard of Traeeree City
mimka. which will meet in Paris; and aeivmd, a iniliUry comniisaioii. qaesUonaabvitourartny, They bare
Improriug now and they girr aa
horror of ourgatllog guns eiad ar­ frmta btofanee a day aowaad all we peopfe (or Bue work and good peraoaa
which will meet in Havana probably within fifteoo days. The mill. tillery. They tboagfal our volley flrqnallUeamealtaaufi bread
Doat, the popular eateber, eapecU
tety oommlmion will be created immediately on the signing of the
r kind of bachine sod hotter (wblob wontd be eoli. i
toremalo bereall winter. F.ll. Dusted,
get euffre.^nuaily graeo. rugar. pntapngowl. Its duties will be of great, importance. It will seHle the gkn. and wonIJ hardly be made
hi* friends from Liberty. Ind..
Vea aed oolous. rice and braaa and all
details of the evacuation of the Spanish armies f^m the West Indii«
nt toe
My company waa detailed to wateh^ the hardtack and pork we
occupied by .1. W. Slater, where
uslr* brat to »« aad 1«
and will decide all «]nestiuns rotative to the remaval of aubmarine OB. particular vifl. pit aad we Bred ^
bdwllagalley will beratoMIshed. i|jfot
volUy* the eemilag ot the loth
■ miy, immediate rolinquishment to the United Sutea of the great dpaalards told me afterward tkag* SI
baa amoelatod bimsclf with Mr. Uuatod
rill ataist in the coodnet the
farhwms at Havana, San Jnaq and other poiuta and tbe tranafer of ware killed aad BiaaywoQBdrd la
it was next to Impoaaible
pit. Thii was done at isoo yards.
the pomemioo of HaniU City itoolf.
>m. Usybe it didn't look alee
Tuere seems to be no let up to our bi
our gnat, tbe good old boaaat
lata w^B see onoa atart tbem.
Teacher's Intutat*.
hind, cratk out nod then w e a hole pal
MadrM. Aamatis—Tn« qaatioa Ot.thrwyesia were limply aeddeali Bpaniardt say: -If we wt up oirr bee
Tbe a-ata teaeben' lastiutc. w;bteh
tod wutoh
mi-otUm proVoMl havtag | wWob 41d not affect ffpiaiah btotor* we go-.bli.and If wd pat duwa o
baa bMo in arastba at tbe High
tbe U|4dilaillt
run out to the (aoe
Ue past foar weein cicaad
hsmesUltd, end tie slrsatarc baviac
d. ses of oar
or (iatiiog* on the line.
Tbay bate a Cabaa wotae than
rri lay ■ t aooB. Iclllag
The SpsaU^bihesUarc all ea

kdm .saptlelUr and dcBailcly author.

Waahtartoe. Aocael l*,-Tbefo«ow

tag Um doaMUe aliaeUmt and aMkia«
. Iw thcbstmwsi •( aUyiac exclteMnt aad propovatlaf the idM that
ffpaln'a aanusdw b aol so eompleU
.la ladbatsd h; the hold terau ot thi
pr|Haail A* tbe flmt step to tbi
ramtcB a aaal^metel neto bai heaa b•MA B* tollPTO

tor bravery aad eon•pleaoua ooaduet la battle •
paWI* today:
T. Sampton. advaaced elfbt DBmbetuaad appolated a
tear admiral tros Aegntt lu. IMS. for
oBlaaat aad eoBacdeaoai eoaduet le

batUa Be tabra raok Best after Rear
•t b M the eplsion Admlr^ Jobs A. HowriL

that tba a

WiaSelo 8. S.-hley. ad
alseumbeiu aad eppoioted a:
Blrai (ram the same date aad

thsgeMU •vhrtberp


will be

lor tbe aame reaanas

ApCi wbbm I

pesasree beraoverelculyeear the wbo'.e
PhOipiriaM. to wbleb ebe propoe


Cspl John W. Fblllps ad-

vanead Bre anmbefu and was appoiotort

Messa all tbs polltieel sbd admlabUaUva rrfermi neebUnt with

Qe takes raak

after Bear Admiral William T.


• orbereoearuiroljr.

eemraodcre, £tkra raok oral aftei

Jobe C. Wataoa.


adrueed tbres

>Versi Capl. Robiry t>
and pWlo Rioo. It sUl be aeaed that
' the army b* allewed M depart boaor•Wp aad that aMcsaeea



^arsateelBff that Bpubh furelffa

will »ot eeffer.

Tbe arm;;

wUm has aet bees eoequerm wlU tt
Mr* wUh iU puai mad msDhiiMs.
“■acsrdlar tbe Osbaa daU. a« the.
Uallad maiai .refMaa to


•Min will eadaarer to 'atrsafo wlU.
the Oabaa treoMry to pay U wbea the


Ernes ad-

vanoed flve aumben: Ci'pt. U.
Taylor, advaneed Sve numVia; Capt.
Praacif A

Cook, adraaetd'Are aam-

kcbolara. filled
forUeir Instractorc.
Cnbaaa in tbeooanUy ronod are load­ the plan of work aad Us amoaat aoe. DO matter whether he wae at
ed lor them. The dpaaiarda ara
Miehlgaa’laalltnte work holds h^k
riably small, swarthy meo. wbo are toe
The Dona played eentemptlble tricki p-!IU.foraoytklng. 1 have
rank io the Ualud blatoa and Uc
oa' «S too. They
Bred Eemiogtoa
plan datiaed UU year ea ' '
aheathed ball'eu, and i
along atodemic lincaku aset wiU nalman bit erUk one. died of
t praise from all toetlOD* of Ua
which will be yonra pretU
^Isoeiog. They also fired oa oa
Many counties eombtolog.
dc not lose It.
balaacew and Into our wounded, diaaa sad Graad TTaverae did, add­
I do not eee anything remarkable
tactly nader cover of Rad Crsrsa Ba
ed to Uc sum allewed by Ua slate, by
Aedther elea thing they did was
prirato contribution*, hsve btoa vnhoist a Red Crass flag directly over an
thlcd la some lostoaoc* to heU eight
eight-lock goo wbk-b was Bring at na
-eeks' eoosacotiec work.
I aneberboad fo the «tst
They pat a boepllal dsg on every
To tbe tmcbrtaaud scbotoia this ha*
lioir with a icaM of
\ dicsdandfowWing
bulldtng of any site la 8abilaru to
BCD ao rammer frolic or oatlng. bat
lest the rathkeep na from brmbardiag tbe Iowa.
every hoar bus broaght lie daUes, Uc
We flsed tbeir a ineb gaa by putUeg
six abare ahooton uf the fieooad
sway and lesvt
try'OB watih, and. erers Ume i
BhAwed bis brad around that gaa. hs
duaaty. and
molbrriess. Bat
dropped. They a
h iadividea] ucholax. felt IS
ed Bring the gnu.
Uc louermusl raraasra t.f hU aonl ’ that
out of toww>Dd can go in aod o
they ^esae. It a mostly In. (or the

ton to. (or every Spaalard I
> Cobu liaad*. lost hit head

'sP lituTSliri!^

*« by the puprra that the 5U* Sew
York (a praised to tbe ahlrs It It olf.
(erett dowa here, amieg the rvglmeete that were irith them The JOth.
I«th. cita. 5sth and Sad Vulied Sutra

vsiiag powet'of^*Dr
rierev's Psvoriic Pre*

«w ln««'. «..civi^rC,
seUut the prep, ctivell
tive Ifttle one.

iST *'2?' ^Tind^hS'iby'viiS'in

Infantry tofetbeTJslXe-Yjrk madf
hers; Oapi. Charim E Clark, advaaewd
the charge on tbe (uet aad
ibera: Capt. ^aeh B Chad- the battle of Saa Jase rtrer. July 1st.
wlek. adraneed fire aumben: tskas while we were after them at Oaney- , ^fenT''^u
daa#« aad acarly
tSari tbe babr's
Oder (hot ChariM 0 Siga- Nuw, I dra t know hew tfn, ti fe. bat
tojops >'■ im'ps^^'. tbtoagb
tbtragb toTtoSo
bee: Lleatoaul Commander Rtyiaond bandradt of own of the regoAr tojope
that made the charge
F. Rrdgera. advanced flVe nambera:
tut Urew ta-ioirlves on the gtrend
Lieelaoanl Commander Sc*too dehrad aad they had to charge over their liv*
or. advanced three nambera: Llenlea- bodies. Oaebat>al«u

'Kt'SlSS 5

... s2i£t.rj3S.';:r'',,'!vs;
' "......


totOommaedertiilraU Harbor. Lien- after Ucy saw u* Mh4 ilgim^au go': '“jy
e^eqeaatloaol a Ifsaly ol wna
apWlUawbaup. TlwJjitb aad Ir.u!
■etB will >«d m eoaalderable dbeae- LIratonaat AleaaadeV ssarp. Jr . Ltrn- lost heaeliy, bat Uey pi>J i
lards up la h.-api.
dte.aadthematur will be a
tauaat Barry P. »n ad,»Brag
One i f Ue woral feMer
**>*»w*Mloaof dIplaamilHs nndm.flee aambwa. rhief Baglneer Chartea lag ben a
• I Larb
the frualdaney of Mraor CaeUlto-’'
J. Mac Oonaell. adsaaced twos.
Tbe Lib cal o
-rery bl..vktton«c
Uc ecu- Obk-f BagmeerJobaL Hsaanm.
“>«•••<« vre
tsy-spoa Uc (aet Ual Uc


^.UoiWb fipcstsb rale Is
kto pomptotcly

Wc rc- |BcW«i

the right to'criUcItoUc protocol
freedom U nmterad to Uc prcto
Ifi fifisMactoa Uc b,-kctal



Werner B

a-OBBi It A grew
c,„, E.,,.*,'"™
mary of ocr mea were shot la gcttlag

Itow*. Chief I

Chief Bagiae


— - nw.*. cn., E-rtw.

iwpet *«vcfvd cop* send





ed wiib hi* ihiito's. in a field whe-c:he .
plowiBg. Tais week a'} uir yrs--old'.

Costa toaa than O
Tradw-Marit on Kussy Faekaffa.

girl. Eth-1 MagBosr. foend the r ag >o '
a good stole uf preeerra'.ira as J it has.
been eeutore.1 to its owosr. The 6 -.d
has brre p'owrd and plaaicd each yrxr |
tiaee tbe ring was lev

Estautohod I TBO.

a fouBd to I
be 14 lee« lea*. I: In-t wulv
Ihieii. As ifa.-rrisoo «'Jwr spe.^a»a
ot this kind .if stone io llraoeh-ouniy.
It Issnppearid to hyee hreo <l-prsited
Itaereiloritg tlie g'a.isl period.
liisirre Ktl*'nr.'of Aao Artijr. ari'ee
Ui„g. cannot IwBmtiteJ.

from the that be belh-v.-s a
man with tbr'riglit kiad ofeaerg. and
idrldminallon n^n piscr faimseit in in*'
p-ndeol cir-ram-tan.-e* to a few
He weius that laho.- c-noitBISaday. bni'ba-.tercoiu f- a

Gurney. l‘rol«ccor Dcekeny and Mb*
The Baal rail call ssaa made, tbowtog
t^ra were «exebaaged. and as maay
Urwl bat eat
cbers Ml (or
Ueir borne* to Ur many sarrMonding

tree-band Uetohtag kae vroe Us higheel praise on every haad, ber work
op*atorarreiseso(de%htto Ue ro*.

ewr-CM' of UiUrr*. wb-< fpwl tiat they rand
not dra-t e ttlUra. -lomhey haee dreelop-d laioaMis lefree bead abetobera.

W.-uU di. h... ,he

pound, talisor.. poapuand. p.iatousB.'.i
bosbel and oranges ;i rsi li
Isaac VarKoreer.i^.' < f Ornnd Ha•n. a yoBDg lad who suff.-rrd (aul la
jari-s ia tbe gtos* factory wa le being
(uoii'd witu by U.y shu|Mnat.-B. has di<-d
coneuvaii.a of Ibe braio.
Mr-errr and Marlin Is-Trir*. the young
wbo threw the b<y in fun
Urjor • Webb of
Thirty third
Mlcbigan. who was.
have yellus- l.-rer al .Sanllag.*, arrir.
al Hoorneyesirrday. He waa met I
a large and enthu.iasU.- ^iwd imd

It cuts tiK gtraw, snd a .
Have the di-Jir* di iiglitfullr clraa.

Horses for Sale

baod aad

At Pioneer Livery Stable,

nineb hnerav.d bat basliWtnbsat sixty
Juba Drnde. a rignr mikrr of ^1
waa ioataally killed by iigbutog
Bight within fifty yard* of bis b.
terribly cad his elolhc'
torn off, aoln p1eee enlarge aa a (-»'
aquarc being f- and.
One shoe wai
wresi hc-d r-.oipleu-iy off
The msn'i
(ace waili'ackened t-y the
and hr
was burned (rum brad to fool,
bjdy his home ai
widuw. wbo waa vlailieg a Dclglibor.
sea* called.
ChsrI.itiw is to get a lisi-pocad
roll and an * locb HoVehis* gua. Tory
will be moan ted ami scree Ue pnrpusr
ofa moeamcnl to the so-diers wbo
luatUelr livw id the ciril war.
Workha* b-eacomtavDord apoa the
(OBBdsUon for Ue Hisir memorisi
stolne which b to- be erected to
walliles Jiag to the state rapltol
Iraaaiag. Tbe atatuo will be acvwttod
ia G.-tobor.
Governdr riagrve bus bi^ informed
by Ue Yoaemltc park cusnmlaskiarra
that ooe uf Ue big irera in Uc Maripoaa Rig Tree Grave has hevn
Hieblgaa ia booor of ibis atotc.
Co. D. ofUeTnlrty-founb Mickigan
volantcen.^as iost lu meo from fever
■iaee Santiago wa* token. Ue heavies

B. J. MOEOAN'. Prop.

I have a new lot of horses to
show you this week from the southerh part of this State.
I have a nice lot of drivers and
good lot of work horses, weight
3m 1000 to 1600. I also have'
some cheap horses. Oood walkers
for farm work.
’I have a nice pair bay horses
4 years old, weight 1900, cheap.
Will trade for any kind of stock.
Kindly call m and look my ,
stock over.


deaU Ibt of any oompaay
in Cnba
Six of.tfae 10 left <t*Dendeai
aad three of Ue aix Irfi parent, total­
ly blind.


Joha HcOoeald. of/tlraod Marla*,
axed r-S. wbuhta resided in tbe wilder
_____ __
,, _ ,, ni her day and s Bc
married to Mrs. Jau Cairne*. aged
large number of
ret of Ue great graad ebtl.
After Ur weditia;. -B mrai J ha" aheUeaile...-i'4ra.-du,,bi. horse
atorted fur, ho.Ttc by the trail.'
adUtoac-of5k mile* in tbe w
8e dispes .d o( a large cargo of ederr
and other gardes st -ff b.'fufe tbe wod

John netchto* of Uentoa ‘lariwt^ u
atudy aboald be Tr.Uscd.' la
ea t ig iDctriK-'.o-* \aee bad to later yonng aUlier, member of Company I.
ThlrtyUlrd irgtuient,
lore in tbU -eramoJag praocas."
As tbe iaatilntossn.gaUcecdUgwU- [edged Insane by Coanty Judge V.
■ (oi- Uc last hi-ar yesicedey Ue Riper ba eaad was token l<> tbeasv'ei
,aay' plcaccal boar* pmmrd to the ktEalamaxv*. Ustcb'tosliccameeeri
ccbool srorlohup was v >io*d In a .vote boated at Islsafi Lake. Heimagla.
of Uaaks.lrnm the scJ-olcn to tbe io- Ue roTtonmeat baa him spotted ea i
straetora. Opeerd by H.ary McHaaas deserter.

of UU city, aad put to Uc form of a,
ilatioe by Miscifeay. TbU was vcapoadad to wiU Iriadect wsrrds of ea-:
cou-agemeataad prabe by l‘rorc*vw

;..«ORCHCfiTt«, MASS.

iV. Dlckcasun has r.*mnv*d the tvd ,
id od the farm at Mr. .'


j; Hotel Whiting

Tutuu Cm, Hies.

'' WEDIIESDIUUG.2(.it9l. ^

Do You Not
Use the Best?
**The proof of the pud­
ding is in the eating.**
No Proof, No Pay.

for Ue ontgo ng trdna at 4:S0aad 4:40: i tf DO benefit. VOU Can

ISrijC* Commea Stos* Mediral A4-

(toe odd Utsg ab .0- oar waMt Ust

BalUyfaU adeaaead Urac
nil a
I*rat Amistoat Badarar atoaUy. Tb.
^b. mcc.wbo
mcc whodlraftcrwanU
di* afte.-wardc



Ur*Brb Uym.

-• t aL Is ewtea Wil­
, of awb ssa. (I tg tf

Tbe«Gfes I

oradoMBoiM officer of Itoo

Peace Protocol Was Signfed at the
White House Friday.

. oatiibl Blatamrat Oivan Out by 8m

work, osriayta tba la
rbar. Prof. C R.Dickaray, baa here <A^'.». the whole
.. jbM)lte hetoe Bsu'ed and Iwamty w'dd helm «* s’^ .

I «Dt«Mr*b<s to Ua ertcUal

To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men
■nriinitH AWD cAHi-xae raraS eKM< wML.k.lir.*m.cvmw. MewmWheto.
I'ATAXXH Kra Sww Ircecerat. CararpewsC sM rSes*
OI-AEAin-RK To rare eewr raw W Orwraem. a»t ■meseto. rsra. Tra* Wmm. rac



mwsv jwes 0wa


MU.) ‘■Tn.aimiaraecna.-

DRS. B. S. & CO.
'book Sox ISO.

MU8EMOM,M10a j


Surrendered to Americans Before
^P^ce Report Arrived

P. Ilewlst I* the
19 Gewte Celiaaa. who dted at |taa«•ye. Arpwst SO. to bis parawta
flaatiaco. Jely It. im.
DsAhPxLss:—1 nasired year Is^
aad was plod la hear trass yoe.
arssbyof .-epsras. yoavwlU see.ead
wbaa yoe aaswsr pleese eead paper
td in'slapee. as I eaaaot tel aa^

Mca|^r jUtoi-lIs to That Effect Have^^cn Rea T4 ceived
cei- by Way of Madrid.
> Eu BadaB*d HU OOoe and D»>
BaparloWad BraouttoB of HaTaaa-k*
Oabiad HU J>*(*mfaattoD to Madrid. | .'
Ibdrid, Aognst 15.—Tbe nr.
of UaniU oeeared nfUr Ibe
imt atuckt made opoo Um city.

Wstblvum. Aaiast ia-T»e're|M
«f Iks Mcapsof OMrrsI AairSsii^OB*

A ^pmager raport is roeeired Umt

I>ewey. supported bj the hBd bssB Bxpsetrd sad was rsesivsd
B* • ■stlW'ofonorss. Tbeosvy oOted foreea. The dty anrreadePHi
MBOl nBdsfstsBd hnw the Oarl^DodUlely and before mndi damebosld soBSiit sBch sa astrisad'
■ga was inflicted.
ly sdL The esplslB of tbs Ksiserta


Osaacal BIbbso Aavaeto did sot keow tbs war
, sad BO far as Usrasey kBS>

bare a bard U«e of It as we do eoaiat bst teard. 1 csrao off daty at
atfbt ead was ratiat breaktast wbaa I
tM year IsUsr. I ffot ««s from Oaa
sad ooe traei a\ Jataraaa. so yoe write
sad Uli ftaa bow I aai sad wby 1 doa*!
aeewrr. Tell Jabraes that 1 wMI
1 doB-t ai
prabably wiilbe bsW as
•.wewHI flfbtlf tbe boys that ara
Scbtiat oaaaot bold ibem off. aea t
thtah we will bars ado It at they ara

Ueited niatss.
Tbs only dsayer that ws wi
-as wb^ we Biarefaed from ae
a Ue beUlsfleld— W# marabed iweaty
mUee ast alyht. There wera a few
boys shot oo tbs road bat aey
act hart very bad. beV there
dsBirer BOW aS all of theSpaaitb sharp:
> killed.
:b«d aae froataeba]IsU flrw so thick that wa wera ordered

dsMBtioB ersnpBBisb reovrsi oilrhl a lay low sad weaUyrd acre aboel
bsee a vcrr iBpertaat BiiliUrj set as boar Tbe shells sad small ballele
bvkBS. seeordiBgle U t
wera eoalac so aick that aey took as
to tbs Aasrieaas. It was virtusUy aid'
SMadsasnaa_______ _
away froai tberv. sad that elykt abuat
tar » prleoBvf of war to csrape The 10 o'clock we wera esIU-a oel, mod yoe
taas. Aaost Ik—The volas
esrpriss at the slsts drpano.snt is Jest ooffat a bsee area as ffo ap that bill
teSBsloeiUrstlw^aswlksI Ike
as treat, bst tbsmatur will bM be Tbe-tipaelards tri^ w eame orar the
te has sew. tkearherdmbBvskesB
•sd. It wa. said, bowevn^. that hlMi ary oaly loet »U0 meo. sad we
iMBBd to msbs kk* baops as soKtorv
sly had two wonad
if em.;ial reports Ulllsd with the n
Itralat here steal erery day sad
•Was pmsibte dsrisf tbs lati
paper aseosats. Oermsar woald
-hea It doeea't caie ll U awlally
TbstraafsUstksves^vBd km
idsably be asked to espUIs.
I aiBK we srpi Irare here Uii attsc
ooD. WesUylaoeeplaeeateat
•sdsesbetbseoauairksviBg bssa rw
days sod Uea we bsee a more. I
Naw York, Antaat i&.—Tbe Herald's
all kiade of parroU flylat wild here
leraaa oorreepoadsal says that tb* wheal oo» borne I am foltW «« try
VMfssrssipramsd tqr th» mUvss
Halod Matraditpatebbesl Horaa 'os- aud trt oae. I aiak
«tet dsriaf tkb psrtod of tbs irsstr asIcrad ae harbor yesterday sad as- before Christmas. I aisk wa w|ll be
tattsttsM tks afSBish tnsms
Bbored bealde the wreck of ae Males la ae city In a prapis of dayii
gtosafrMlbsMswlUls tbs Uses to
sriahi two mllas of It aow.
tbe flrei ship flylat the UaUed
orfhs tbs UbsbIUats.
if this
llrlac flat: we hare beaas.
Mates flit that has besa la as barter potaloee. looatoea. pork, esaaed beef,
he CMS. OsMtal MUssssjrs tbst Iks
aiaea Ooasa! Oa'astal Las's depsUon.
eaffee. eutar sad hardlaek. We bare
wWm wlU bs pewsrUss W UMraothlat
moaaalss arosad os
Baraoa wss orderly, aooth larya
Tbe flfbl ae boys bad was or
ae rrastcet hatOee thet was sear
larrer Oaa Is eioal ea a Saoday sftorfoerbt. Tbry wool ap a hill ae falfh at
ar Asteato Ubvocm eas of the laas Ysto-uttbkd drars as
jeatlmdsrs, wrn teat oat today
IfeMatb the snstry Mrtk aad wa
fWs the Aassrteaa flat fa


SolarasoBSlsaMsajadts bj
laoksofasiist^lr. asrs ta a traarai
fsaliat of Klisf la Uaraa» a«



ii.-A sabia

wsasts rmielrad by tbs war dr

mocssM » asioKP.

pHOt this moniat f ram Oeaeral Shaft'

Wasblattoe, Aur«*t II.—Herchaat

ac.mysbee<psewtbattbalastet tbe

mis of Os world ara

Wapspf hb corps la tbs flsld will

itsraadlsare all Cebaa sad

UhSmtlaCBtorlbsIfsltad Mates by Bless Eorta.

Omral Bbafter will




Tbe sut

bolds that so ferlher

All that re- ta aeedsd ratalal as bloekedr o( ibeae

Wbetmaspartsd b the Tbtrd

Orders Iweed to BlUtary sled

Metbea sewsiiaflSH by Oeaeral I

aaral eoaiaaBdan sad tbe praeldestb

These weeps wUl bs awbarksd

peeelawstloo of pesos are said to be

Idysts thslr weaspartatlaa will

■eariset la thsaeelrra a ead Ue

IMratV Aatest 18-A msetlit of
flhs bssM fBSfsoltssasvalrsi

■rsiM'e LATtorefax:
WMbtattoB. Aateet ll —

wnbWtotksefllstafr. B-SlWey at
wantaday.aadltwaeAseidsdto bold farasatoamsataat a dlspsa
bsaa rooelred by beeretary Day from
<me of at mssl promlasal eoasals
steead dslalllBf Spain's IbObUob raSamonew eiselac U eoMlder a plBB of
tardiat ae sraeaatioa el Cobs aas
• leaspUaa sad sntsrtalBwsat
a ae dtapstek la qdmtlea
lit* - • tbeas ea lbs TeswalU. 4bo

hmasbbsteUsYaatkat 7 o'deek

I laJalfs t»

^ bsmmtsrsdoatefadifs asrrioe.
n Ibsirrststs.

Aaptbsr wartiet
Oa htaary of as world. She will, if
•to asms aa^sst wlU bs hsld Is the Osopportaalty prrasals iUelt. abanBSMSU Raas^aad bath tbs aeUre sad dda mratef berealdicrs ta^Cuba aad
•to rvtaraa mssebara will bs espsetsd Peru Bieo by pratsndlag a"!! Uay dealraabeenmeoltlt aa of ae talatea
Tbe object of ae more ta a.Ieere
Anysst It.-Q.
la Caba aad Pora Hleo. parUoalarly ia
MMtWr tos reported to as wi
Cuba, a laiffe aamber of Spaaiards.
will foaseattraublv tor tbr felted
pirt------ * eoaseralat tks esstocsi rs
eaifsatHaaiiaraa* fallows:

-I bavr

•to banrta report far year lalorsm.
•tab tbatttore srers IskM la eostetae
toss tte Aaly Wlo Aatast nU Isstera, >M.4«8

l^tes. It ta cstlmaOd Oat Ibare ao^
la Caba aboet I78.00O mea. They ara
eeatterrd orer tbe Islaed. ate ll woo'd
be dlBealt a pet them tofraer anires
they <amr ia aad fare armsrlra op.
Spain will take paiae a inform avs

Oat l{ they raUra hoara acre la a
Dswelt. Antett lA-Th* astal ra- vbtBM Oat they WlU sUrve. becaaM
•ama wOl Mart tar hem PrtAay.'So*- af ibe l■povrriahed. eoadliiao of ae
arm Piatrss rsasirsd Ub aftrraeea oounlry. wl
it will bate
Aha loUewtac talepraw ftew tbs aary
Btaiaa U protect them ate f‘ra tba
"Tbs dsyartaMsl da•trsa ta retara as Mlehlria aaral ra- Ike native Co baas
Tba Kaltsd fluus will aatabitak
•sraee lolUdiicaBaB Friday. Aataei
IMbi prttoMy by Irata fra. mHadal- mlllUry toverameal and proUel Oelr

Ooald yos

laapsst bar Tbara- drilaalralltltetrtrtl'.ni
eornea time to vou epoa tbe form of
coveremsat to be peraaarally teopUd
By “tot

dto*i<4 ta altaed

Asttac Ssaralaiy Aldas-

pratoWy mast tto Ysaamita
The tevaraer wiU Isaea tar PhllaAsl-

. ■efl.alrmaatalllriaadeoiaara

will bsrtltbaoded wherever they b
pan to be. aad wUt be eompeUte
main a-lr wav to poru 'wberr ary
wUltadaetrsBaporu ready to oarry

~ who can de eo teU aeeaaepaay him to

McBkaa Lflbor theiPoofot PsM
•o TtaU CoBttenL

daeUve laMdt la Ike werld.
Asked ifUm lepsrtc referdhtt tbe
as are^ ferllat flae^ Yoe talk Cefeaas were teas, be eteled that tkal
portlea of tbe Cebaa army saUeort
abjst rata; we fol floodwi oat
fore last. I asm saw It rale so aroaad Saatlata wera mslaly '
rd bcfcae la sey Ufa We an rlykt rabbis, aad eoaaol bs eoMldsce
oapls of Os ebaraeor of the
lopotaMf bUIaadwe tetaetaU
ewml •»> w M'ltee
M'ltre tuda
bj s
real Cebaa patrioC Be ataOr that Or saxlr te pm
beaeflt of it.
We ara eeatwrtlat loarbauarleesiad Cabaa aoldUev who have carrtrd oe Muaime k'

n war vessel esoMd rrsst >ser- aeariy doas ap.
We do Bot btar say aewa from at
St tke Dsvy dspsrtnsBl tbU

a ^bardmeot ot the dtjr »aa be. Use Ibr ssrreBArr of MsbIIs. which

ssMmha rssiras

'aria aad waa laid ap 4>r tBras Asya, tot
sutlaly aroetb oval work. Bs
tfasttbslast bsipwer bsard ol
paay H Os beys were weU ead e
Os hardiest at tkeir brlfa-le.
of Calm, ks dadarea. 1s ladoad •
farters ifot. and cm wUeh Amaeteas
capital aad easrgy wlU sees i
aooeof tkemost baaatllal

Os strartls *<»
*ra maa of laullltMseeatoraflaemeat a a dscraa
-ay tbs cetcem of
and tbclr eseat loyal sappor
Mr. Thomas ta tUlf rery III aad weak,
bat able a walk aboet a lltGe at
Be already betles U feel Uc
beaeflctal effecW of the liritoraUat
QrmadTrBvrrMalraad bd|Ka saoa Us
be able a appear bimecif afela.
rxpeete a ramala at borne a moaU,
whee bU fariootb will sspire and
be win probably jola Cemptay
rrarlitii Kew York he irat prorldrd
wia tnesparatlOB borne
dollars la moasy afdeftay
c aC soldlara
rxpcBoas. la Kew Y

Doriii* ae Last nsiicmal <am|ml*B ta
tbe United Statra aud ta ar SFveial
campslsilie of Isrt fell
aSmta wera inadt-mi Uhair of tbetevoraleart tbe bos-ruina*e <ff aUrerto
pseaoadc the workiutnurB of oar i
my—Ooar who dtapsir ot'Oeir talar Ity
the day <w ww-k or mistb—Uyn rapnctal

_____ raw* beor iCira esat.d. le the etM
(tot ladla tee tSeteo.. to twTOttac leSar rod

ll wOl be Boriert that Oe
•.•patella* liKindTislly.'' wUek Mcilro
ta mM to be exthauuria*, dnm aol.pceteed to torlodc the mfkia aad yrndanr
te Ota pwteu tel vliseei It as an i-ta~
rot m liitlr ortrlhy <i lomstiUratlrai
a* thc''nsntiitialt<m-tf lilrrr'' l-Torhti
labor brio- is iaadr-rbi«iwr by hdf llu
ll oifarrwiw- wmld lir. Tbr w.akii:^.<ff Ibr'l'nllcil Beau* bate tern osll

iseljleprrsaisl through fttv nitty.
Virwtsi Itwu ao.T incvieal.and aiteirofaic pwul of otaewratluu. it ta Is* fits
iginiblf that thi- fror-and uulii
cuiuage (4 sUrer in the Vailtd Stalrv
ntultl hoTr^DT utbtr t-4i«i mtv tbai of
asaliiist Oe rirh riebtr mod the
ptrwer. as it bae dustr aud Is duu
jtwsrew efthe Wiss.
I bad uiauy tiuMw btwrd It aeamod
bpfirv cioniug to Mi-aion that ibrue.
lltveofaii oiuntTT ».m> wtrairmai
taUwm. that llK-y hud ao drsirr to cam
Unitrwagtw and Ost Ih-y would uot
work eltwdily ao matter whnt t.-laipenit was gitv-n t r i«ouii»d a.-ct. la
pan tally Ibis is tru.-. aud It i> given
sBfb iroa a> tier STT u'lW nidotlug,
n-t-oiliiap-uf mlvtr Is-ingakadai'Kr in ijtrir pnss-iil dismeu. tint
> itild ly.lbt- niauagtrs of tbr irti£
s at Ucraugu and c4 the idlvir
s at Zet-sitvws Uutt very nun.v of
tlii'ir Meyicau rtiivlo.veiwwvn- as stiudv
aud tt liuble as an- rbt- wiirktu>-u at luiv
olhtTtMunlry. Soujo t-f Ibi-m bare Is-tv
rmployttl at tht-so tnimv fra
ytura. anti Ihrtr lal«* bss str-trrt
tbe wiut- ctwiiras, m- -i tVr whom an- rawifleuts tif Kurutv, Ibe alnuist fateloue
Irne. yi,.J
•d. i’owii ly ft UMT n

throufih tba eatreuoy chaji*u aikrt fur.
It waa nrffud to tbnm that tbruaph fro*
.m.7 Would hr clnmtat
ed aud wa*va would b>- mcrattrad aud
that all ar Injury pneUcty.! to uo.-iu to
other lutoweete aud titW risiww would
dlnvtly tvenlt ia adcanriofr the Intseatstrf Ibetriwkluntiian. ToOefamm
midantfrro idlrcr-wimld
ereryaiat was doas a laske asm
pel bigher t«^nw for Oelr {Wodacte. It
fast that tbry had rataraed
aadfrisadsatala. Os Us trip a Kew would cnaMu them tofiay tbuir d-lte ia
cbeaptr carraury, and is would give
York from Pioride ae asa »et wia
better Ueatmeot and freatly ietprored them UDUma] aad lillhtrto UIhsm-h
adrautagra oviv all oUnv prudViug
liaiiks aud eurpinuou, w
dtenmnevd. aud It wi!lr^iiiiide<.. apiwar
City CoQBoU
Umt tbe u)s-raliuu uf Oo live oouago of
rra srae not a fall attoadaaee
ailvirwimld m e.«i..-way Injuri-miOy
raadl meetint Monday aitbt a
aStol Iheer l:u>tliDll<ais l<> aradvoo.
ter a time Iteccmcd ae If acre woold be
togo id the tlsssu sought tb lu aiTaytsl
u> •joonim. bat flsally CBoatb imme
agaiiiHt Ihita.
fire oae toapsn for caoeth todo bv
ptidnn-rsBUd lan»
iasm. AMermte Jahrans and Desmoi
mmplnfat Carp Lakr ate Aldersba iind to iistc iteir awsTtitaix arc. (g.
u Dudfaud iirvju.luv t
GrrlKck wae sot fortbuoffilai
rd Ibat tb-ir px.nn.iit of aunatt-ei
ae oavr aldermea sOoo came to(caer
rumwy wraa Ins item
troceeded todtaposcof a batch of
rradtai of e taw ]ir«vidtlul for the tnw half tis f»v value-1« justifii-.llii>(»ni
boslnrea more or less Importaat:
aud ' uulteitnl eianagf of Mirer at Ute tbr fart, tbai ib.-u- (ailhlul labortvs
r morn
Tbe flret aiof to demand the attea«n was a pctllloa from ae Potato
Implemcat UompaBy for permlml
a framaehed sear their feetdy,
18i7l feet. It wae foaad by the ordle aat ae eite waa too Urpe
ifowed la e frame elrnctaer, I
Buuer waaralerrad to
mlllee oa Sreaad water to ece if brick

t'hil.- the auiitll cviiM ui-t n|ipnviitt- Isvu-r wagua .<r
ratio of 16 to 1 tliht whi
Ul'i r cnmi.-y u-utditiiaii-.
.M ite'gnwi.t.uggu'ub.'iuiidlvra i^'l.tgnaii Ca!i-nl.-» Hiaind wviaal
aud ItuulMr I*nm>. as .tht-v rb.s^ ui
IS at work. Ilut
tt-np Ihnu, wimJd hart- tlit-ir iwoflls butnte-d iintm. >
Umltte aad ItMe-tud. au.l tlut w bilt-

syeh-m tho wngra' id his inuployetw uimi. Kalirti wrakiiH-n c
tuAlugs aud rudand Ui<- llraie h<«l it
wuold be pnauptly lamweid.
It it is aougbt by any n-teec uf this
sr eould not be eabatllatcd or ae nvlpw of freu oulnagt- assi'rtnMis that it
B.-nadiiiK t...(Oaltty«o- dntral.ility
oeradrawii. js-nuinifi' ni.-ail bi» aitim- lb.-H.-..n.t furoiCew Tbiy Imudl.d ttetstlrea power toad.
ll lu
Hcxi to a<- l■teiug -aud lucav ■*|>rtally
ai- rhsdng i.-slsne <4 thi- t'uni]uigti
to a>Perrj«t pcreonal tax was rcaillV
,-)airaibm fra shiptr>i-(vuuagc it alluljd<d to iu t*v)i
uf iswi in l.-hi
to -loba A. Loediag. be baclag paid
And fra lb--.stbr M.Xeilrcr. Is it i..
rkiu.u ut yiis siin-lUv riT'-l\r
;» l.miitvl t
of bteks and
fr.iiu 2.'i to -It ituui a d.';y ui arum-ucy
Tbe asoet iatortpting matter of t
Mother, yea need not worry: I
nalli bs'- ituiu M aad 22 ratn* in tte^‘fUBslleraishtiasI' tVusjtiiia
eranlag aad aeoae which excited t
all rltbl. aad always will be- 1 here
noiirry lu tchicb tbuw ctuplujura live
debate sCae ae pelitlos ot Holley
oeea tlek elaee we starlod.
A CoBDablc, tbe statloarry firm,
paps U worklat bard. Ara yoo
wbro<'t,T aJilrtMinl ttei tlw-ujuiclte
- to coBliaae to atalalalo ef tr>r- i-<iiiugi'wiiuIalls-M’-wuirai a<ea
folat a bare loU of peachre?
tellrtin OB the ooter
adrontagra m-i r their t-ui]<l,'\ors wbick ts%, r Kamo Uoxi.ans an' <
.abere louef ihrm cueed. for
of the walk la frost Ot arir store. Iter be*l 0“« '••‘■■V I««»»r<-.1‘
dintrasanii (ur driroTK Iboy |mt
wbco I frt borne 1 will sat Ic
uj. lb-- ol.t-t .-^,- ligM wiring and all.iid
Thr peUtion was many feel Is Iraglfa
Latoer ate Wae~ is »'•
asm. aad -with best aad some alec bot
aadooauiurd.uceowi aamee ot cltl
One uf a.- iiujsirunt |nit|.s«* it my to 111.- !b’iii«c tli.-y do tirarlyall tb.-'
te.hs ary will to Aqo aCt-H- ratlaf
visit to Mi-riru, tohi-iv lb. fra-o aud u»- bulbliutt and have- rteuwo uf tutuiloi]ai1
xsat. After a irngay
hiuilte w.iuiigcuf sihra Is uowaaiibae lln|v..v.-ni.tiU, Ibiy ore tbo p.Iln-niiir
prUUos .wax rrj.-vted.
Tlih it all lor IhU Unir
1. ^r.- to all.
' (S' Ibe mint was <4 Ibr I'ilira and til,-HddliTS u4 lb.A. Pci
Voi-B Iaivimh or?.
T. toluani if piililir . hidis-d II.- ]ir>-Mdriit i4 Ui.xicu
errcl a i
lial^y i« bliiw lf au illur;tv.tuiu >
,_______ ______________ ei
H»iaa eas forloitth.
scagoo factory asd blacksmith shop os
prarildliliia <4 iIh- nuliro .tb
alive l-> ilii' tmu-iiml
aud fsVorlla Thomaa. a mrmter
Oo eorocr ot Uoioa aad Sutoalrewta
tout wlial gnauids fur app>^ wbi-n otestrd t-y <t]ipra:unlty
dnsatCL It Is moat a>icing
ilaanah Riflra. wbn leh here w
The repurlel the committra reoom- to wurkingim-u In t>dialf of nu-h
company when Ihry marchrd
meiidiDf e walk os Fifa atraet. seas oheugv In Ibe raunvu-y laws it the
IlyfarcoaUr too-ap
Uuili-d SUto-a and what.nasiaij i-zliitrt
fruoias a part of tbe tllh Mlrbifsa aeeeptad asd adapted.
in tact ficauy cxiss-lali'Ui Gist workrolantrrrn. aarprlasd bis parve's and
Tbe eommlltes oa Are asd water. lugnua aud small prodm-vs w.sild bo csir.-m-y rj-iH-m. »u ostJ Ir-rutM- tbo
frleaiit hy arrirlat borne aaaoa<Miaeod
Teeommrsdad aat oaly ibeee flremes latnRked raltev lluiu tnjunvi tbruugh Buiivo telr-nr* -4 tte- euniitrv wuuld
Mouday alyht Aturr spradlnt ab
ura n-irt ill«aj
shoald reeelce psy.
Tbe report sras •aaVbacbangn.
o II <4tetvoi>s,
arruntreu days In tjaerao Jae «rn ro
1 vdiall 'Uot ne>'k to cnwle pn-jadlce and •teii-.f d.->ir<'
who wera aelsallv on daty at Brea
Tbry MV ite-tlolilur iJa »j ......................
tram Cuba hr srrlro
Irrd St Nes York
Bgaiust tbe coiiiBgo syni-iu it V
Hr left Oare aaeeptod and adopted. ^
uf tbefart usiditVwBwhii* M-tvo 1-1 allirailioni
l uf o iui»v-aldo ixiiiMaco. aud Oo}Tbe oommittce oe atraeu and sralks that ibu n
wrday iahortly after midairbt ovsf^
teivouc.ctedivbul in aravpl tte luilratte; l«»i
I Kea York Oeatral railway ate did net favor the Improvcmeat of ae
Itmaro allvwaucav '
ae by way at Ntatars Pella. Detroit- alley betweea Seeoad and Third atreeje
Lhiritig uy wij-mm fanv I have talk­
1 Oread Bapide. arrirlat bar^ on ate aelr report sraa
Bot I d«dn- In steu- just bora Oat lu ed with Amorioau railroid xigi
IbeO. B A 1. tralBBtTKIi Hoadar^bt adoptod.
and •<a<ln^t'a^iwllarr "rnus''lu
ae cuuliuuuaiv uf ao tivo aud nulimitBe was very laaeb btlfuad and ta
: la ae matter of the paybteat of Ue «d cniuiigo uf ailriT br Musiro tadue luA0iiv<r oytuud uot of Mosico to El
<a Sail Auiiuin. and I hare fraud
very weak.
elaim for the teemical eaglae the ae loss totte-wurklngu>ro it tbU-


J H. Tbomae had aae-wtaiaed
waa Bot allowed at ata time at
taaopbadarrirsd in, Kew York,
c.-rtala altathmeale for extra cbemiad not beard from
tram blL.
On hta s
1 ted baal extlarslsaeii had not
■teveel^ ha stopped St
lAn pirfectod. L, K. (Hbte tbe
as U. B A I. depot, aieklBC if Verlls agent ot ae bgina PIra Kagtae Co.,
St sll he would arobably arrive
ijf£i niTrt the payoseat of
over ast rate, asd waa very mach sar- tba claiaCroe part of ae additleaal
priste and pirsae to leebia ret off the
-k had teen aoeompIUbed aad the
train. Hr. Tboaee, stated
- was aboat perfected, aad
srould Bot have known hta non had be ready toeumplete. There
him nay where elec, or had be aet Uaa ted Ue eommiUac will report
oa ae look-ost for him. He ta agata.
graaUy changed aatl ta not ae eaiae
Tbe board of baUdlag laepectora reragged appeariag boy be wae when be ported ast Will L.Browa.wkuis bhildleft here wia the real of ae boys. He lag the hotel at Ue eoraer of. Proat
ta home oa a airty days' farloagh.
ted Park atraaU. bad eompllad with
Verlla was grasled at hoibs by a Oelr aeggyetloee r^rdlag tettor
Oroag of viaiura aertly after hta ar­
aad tediUoaal flra
rival. bat waatoofaUgatd to tell ot the Tbe raport waa aceaptod aad tbe chairbanUbIpa Be bad eadarad at Saetlego
of ae eosmittoe, C H. Prall. wii
be laft Csba for Ibe
laetroctod toeeethatall Ue nqaln
He eerved In ae eepaelty of ko^ltal
ere adhered to.
steward pad bad aa eapertaaca wbicb
.me eommlttoe tepertte that
be will nrver torgeL
Priedrieh boildiag was beta*
Hr. ThOBss bss safferte laleaaaly ballt strictly in aouartaace with tbs
since leaving Sactiago oa board av plaasaad spreifleaUoasted wae aattaUaaspwt Sialtag.v Oa board wera
bundred etak ate wonsdte sslmaay cit whom arrer lived to
aeetbcaorae of the Ueltod dutm.


ifuia eotobltabing
and tualutalniug at- rad.-nfptioat privUogt.. as baa ten d.xH- by almusi et ery
civillatd imtl-m .at tbo gb-te. tho Moxieau taburra cvold pqrobe-r. today uuro
tkau diatblo tke qnuiiiiy uf fond or
clotbing fata wages will inra romiuaud.
This bnidi,e uf boe by nanai uf adte-rtotoi' rsi tte- |mrt <4 Most ,> to a xiirai.tort- Aaudard which ta at nau^dou-ly a
aiug uf tte- paal as ai- IiTbm uaudk'
etlrk ratte. tallawdii. bar fallou aliaoat
CDtln ly un the atenildra* .4 aulaburraa
i4 Moxioo. aud it U U-liigteciH- by tte-m
Tbr jKwcnumvit of Miiioo.
srUoh ia a gurmiinait uf ate be tbe
laflarutUl aad widl to do ahrolnulr.
flads iiHmsaof peofliing an at*fa tbe true
tl:w> Addraasar aeloome. H. Hi
mduage i4 ellrra.' C'apitaltaU aud curKeaponea. P. J iitover.
pontioos and tmnka Dad mtaiis it laKeclutiOB bv Btarrhe Korria.
tTraslng tte-ir |>t41U tbn«*b this pd]|:U How to male tale ao latereat to
Icy. tel tke mifununato fnan wfarau all a ffuaday srboo'. clam. Uoyd Eaat
Diaressloo. lr,l by Martha Barney.
t^ ostia ptvflta naac. tte- luu-re frran
12:00 roctal aad <1 nacr hour.
wfatau all utlirae ara gaining, an- tte la
I:to Prstae aervlca. ted by Jol
braiug tutai and Ite-ir womia and rbib
drau. Kra ta au PMili uf ite'fnrcDiu.
Beltet reading bv Mies Hillard.
ago <t sUvival all nui.pio ra]*cnliar Ic
2.-00 HvBoimta ci Taal qaarier'e leaHosiro. It is uar <4 every cabor Tira
caa by Robert Baraey.
outoaMc ouuuiry. and It woold U- ink
Sing by cblldrca of Mar
--bI• i.',d St
• if M>cb a fyaten
In tte- U
rfiad ttevo. It omM Botaore be
rt In klud if not In dranw than
tte Miilitaiuppi river cau ta icvretth-d
from cuotinniu* ita r-«r~- to tte- gnlf
e butel provided the cr tbe Bight ate diiy teuvrotnrt
ttota iBocsaed.ia
It U mH tvrai »»i
aecvteary eacapra.
to te dcsilrt 111 klesb-u tlial tte- cn- A. V Pricdrlcb and B. Hbomberger
nmey eyilraD <4 the oniuilry gin»
were allowed lbs amuBBt-aaeamed by ^pmliM aa advautmiv ov>v tiff tahora
Oa city fur tbvir aew oement walks.
Tba aUtomeat of Ike boerd of Itab' whirfa ta nM pomtiiril la pdd ctaadart

and any one who his on« ehe^^ Bittle Ax
will pve op most any thing td get it. tOc. buys
a iai^er piece of Battle Ax than of any other
kind of h^ grade quality.

pememberthe name
when you buya^in.
Ellis, 311 Eton Si, Eisl
"Cycle Works.

Braring a peclalty.

aiiil inuet n-linlil<- |>lacu tu Ret your birycle rppairpd And
pal ill Kootl ruiiniDg urtU-r.

Uavi- hail wveral y-eara lekperiencm and

know howjt ehuolil bi- duiw.
Itirych- aundrt.-a at abuDt rack
Aod to r.-uL

Satinfactiau RnarnnUTd.


I an aa.lling

around hand whe.'ia fur aala

i’lvatta ifivr u* a trial.

' ELLIS, 1!It Front St., East.
Ohamptoa flbot af tte Wcei
: ■MA.isi.o.
lOsktaT s-rltes: "■rs.ll saC tasar
, ' ol lb. ir " ' At Laaslog. Aug 25. In iC^ e
T s'»?.o7'tiw"';;;:
saltatchnrchst II
a m. for me
ting a stale tleket. sii ii oonsrav i».n
.isio. - » fsetli
islccM ea nmy proper- gi.u
I. ottrr baslccse




For Sale I

Two good ■oooBd'hxBd ran.
sing Mills.
O Top Boggy.
Ono foar.iacli Tlnlrombw
Oae two-eeot Op«a Boggy.

r *«.

Tbe.vsesel leaded at Egmonl Key.
Pla , wbera the patieaU were qoaraaUaed eevcral day a ektec of ttem ara
still at ae Key too 111 to be mored.drveral^isd there asd a few died ea
»to.' Tbomae etalea aat tka accomodatlOBS ou Ike fleaUago srora frightTae Bleb aoldfera were forced to
fltebedesp-m Ue ha^
beet aey cosld and Ue aselury Uc works ebowvd aa axpeadltora ef
iaoemp.cto to, •mtv.
The food wae! TBh mtiuy of the dock line seat
the medleml eepplks>bc«acbt apaad e* ttere waaaet

Be waaalweys very dtapoetenl aad
opiy Uat Friday aftaroona ha wee at
the vsarahoBie'of tbe Traverse City
rish Co., where be eumrUm w sbtateer*
qeteGtiraof fish, and wbia
OBC of tte mea that they Lad.
stecoawqocsUy eoold o-.t sell bim
any. bs cumplslsed ted said that aotady carrd wbettrrbe lived or starvad
bta oa'y kaowa relative ^ a brother la
Korwsy. Abont I yfr* ago a nepbep
rtbta wae druwaed at Kortkpert.
Whether Charley bad any money or
not ta aakoowa.
Aboul flee dollan
fonad la btaclothiag.
Kta burlaeos will probably be paid by
ial capea
tte city.
>1t aceeau-le ate
Ch.tarai wa
aad Uepd alooe
careleaa ta b!




Ohegpest, richegt and
best for oattle, hogs,
sheep and liorses.
To clean np our warehouse and duake room .
tamreve^M'^lag uf ei)ai~^ tte
fall crops, we will
oely artieta of loud toate was a loaf
seU GULL PEAS in lota
ate drowsed blmaelt Battrtsy atgbv of fifty bushels or more
He srea laal eoaa aUee abuu2 8 o'elocb
at 86c per huahel, and
Sroka aU miernffa.
e aew li
These prices will ooOta
tinue unUl Sept 1. *98.
lag Tuesday B’eevu yi
bates- srvrapalver.iadi
Gull peas ground and
taws set to cloaeat IK tiowbey says ttsl ttta beats all wee: mixed with bran make
Pte reoerd* of jsw srasbera am ha.isg
the finest kind of feed
•ewed tte Met wura srell ptrered wltt tor Dairy Cows.
tbe rapidity aad ease with wbtab ll dM
Gall at Bed Ware­
house, west of O. B. ft
laactroteCtait aWrMra to tte tkair
--------- 1 capacHy.
Tbe aommlmdoam L Depot





ilon. Hale Johasoa «r llliaou. prnhlbltioa rsitoklatc fra vlra presi^-ept ia
will bepresrat ead addrrea the
ivra totis.-«> bsMi rnw-. make,
..bMtapkrs. im.« alien

All who porpneesfllllallPgwia the
probililll.iB party will be we’cutDPd
and aeal'd by tte ooBTroltea. Itali
------hinclT geanl ea open ooe Isra
lirest preparslIoBS are msklag will roaae follawa:
broecOId HImlea.
tor te rnaaelastie gelbcrlag.
Arriee Elk Hapide
P. E. Battrr:*.
Iraaee Eta Eaplds.
Arriee Old Mtasloa.
iMaveO'd Mlmloa.
Waabrd Up by the Wevet
ArrlTv Esal Head
jCherlvs ItarlboD. tte flab peddirr. fa­ Imaev Esel ffead....
miliarly kaowa aa “Old Ctasrlry.' bae ArrireOld MtaaloB
HU body wae UeaeeOld Mlmii
Arriee Rib Rbpida...
ued OB tte teach near the moett of
iMava tUs Kaplda...
a rierr. aboul eta o'cloek Seeday
by Adam I'mlor
Baa will leave tte HerMtlta Oo.’a
mpeup ted Corooer Moon wm
illack. Hotel ffhltiag had Park Plaea
naed.aa Inecetlgstloa made
at 2:M p m.
Bas arill also ooasoat
wlihboaiallliMa-m. PraltterwOI
juty empaneled.
After bearli
beat East Mate oa Taaedayt. ‘TbaraUatlmooy ttr jury readered a vrrdlcl
daya aad BatardBya.
PiMeagrei ate
or enicide by drowtHng. and tte bad} frail will be takea oa at uy potat
to Carter
-tar's margac.
•nla aborc
--------------by aamiaf
' - o«k
w« truly aaid by
CtarltoB was a Krawelfso. abont
tbo tlosiomi C<«tial r,
When a young man be was
lalknl with ou ii:y wuy to aU city. yean o<d
a sailor and It UeUlmrd that at
AniiTK-au wnrkiugtnrn whu ai
Bowfavintdo tii fnv rili.v w.inld I
Unn be was shipwr
it* hilTonst llK-y owld ton
otl'onugal. Hera
an-, ar I am run-1 can. Ita lujnriuor o:
tbe stale abuelM years ago sad f>
fnu npcei iakra tat tin- Unilrt KtoUa.
tttrtoea years ragaged st flttiBg ■
Piamv P. PuwKka.
Koraport. Uecanic bare about in
City of Mosiro
sadearoed s ilelug by fleblsg sad eel
tsg bta flab oo the steeel ate frm
hoses to boure.
Uta mlad wee m
Saadsy School AteoolaUoabo
Pn^ram of tte eoa.reaUo8 of the belaoead eod t>c yeera ago I
MBg Imhc aad Garfleld Eaiiday
.ay school wae Ukea fai tte es} lam. but was w
Long Imkc
in kept acre lorg Bis bobby wae thet
swrlaUaa to be held at Lori
he had faaaa la b Ah teaeea sod be L

them bash to Detroit. Tbe
abrarvlar thr aoeditloae of the protoaa1 ahr will plead poverty aad opra vam.
riooe pratexU the troops of her kiaf
Be atyattoltobaUavaahseaa aseoro doas win be dtaaap >latod aad
tame c4 •TbcRrstroB^redarad raua tar Iksaa wba CO.
they ooMladr to furawear a eoaiA 1 rtrr telMfram esavoyi tbe tefcrto- try ttstdraertod ttem after they bed
raadersdacbeilasrvioea they eoeld. sadly d-tflcleat. StoevrsI tosee of med-jbcmnl
Mr. Biysu rai tl
Atfam Oat aaoMeer tram Oa Taaarves
o.tneigmd to the veeecl aevetimevrU.,.
Spala ta destroes of Uklag from
vtei te-ro. it ta etstod that
•Ul maai Oa pai«y at oa AepM la
rveeleed ted epascquently tte I Aldra-mas 0 ■oorieh referred to tte
ICebeaad Porto Bb-o all tte arllllvry.
<4 Fraach eaplt
aa rasbled to gel the relief j metlro of tteeraelsuwel Impcwvetttet'____________________
bat abe Aeee Bot treat tte lafantry.,
_ the imrptm. .
rfae artUliry. bettor trastod at allioommoo bamsnhy demaaded. As for ate dselette tballt woeld reqairt) at ataetaring ttooe aad taattw goods for
«aablBCtoa.Aarrat IL—Tto Tblriyllmee end mure lovml. cosld be need tol the food, the ofll.-srs eaemed to >e well least •»« to eomptate ll properly bad «J* ia Enit^*. cali-otating toiealbe a
flra Mlohlcaa ratlmaat WlU probably tteaoe aay UeerractSua that might aappltad. bet tbeyigsrate tte neera.!ta dtacesrlsgtbcesbjMi h. eaM Ihet nbetutlal profit tram tte eeipluymrot
ef ttnp MextaBB lalira at** a aUrev
be ■ latored cat sriOla'' a week,
reeded asd:il looked IlkeeejM
s ot t^ e
• ...................
*^ ctfra'pold.''
vu Ike
uie | which
HU.V. the
...V city
v..^ eagieevr
. tree
—— the
— -beaa
ted tt pr.rflt by tte eeTeel ut
tto Irat batoh to be-^masurad
the Cailrt
S It 1, CJiyEagtorerMoettrop replied to Mta 5
IsItl.srnlMi nt 1*r r*'**"**
Mr. TIrom-M
mMlCBS wUl (oratab OM rotimaat
Use sUaSiirSl'^^sL.*^'
,t c
ore-'a-seetipa by relvrrfagjte
diS-nll to place tte blame, bat
aadlheTblrtj-fltabMbraa eelectod.
o’dieis, tbe araamlttee to see ebont tba baastam ; __
terrimmitlv ao um
V tale it ta that the sBcted so'diets.l
Tto isAar will to praaarad ae anna a>
ttey baelaret ate dreeladed 1-y attlagitte ban. aad ttcap later woald aemM
patetde aad aboaldrsaab Camp Baton
latec'c aacli to kmk pear tte srerfc. Mr. aocomptey a-sUvra bacU wbasevm
of aecosaary toed aad mediriaa bo Goodrich aleo deetaad tte lanar waecatatdisbed!
MS time aie sraak.
Tto flmt aaThe adcpOrai of tree ocdBS«e i4 M
coJlttepIUalattelrbodtaa. Tbomae bae look It oeer. Tbare wae ao lattter
I la tte Unttrt fiiatee weald ite re
U UirSS'rsteluiltresl rere seta. ----- ----prater (nr geaenl Shafber. who. mUob.
L bat the a
•arty aad fltlyd
Ctra Ctoek *»ch-viff eupgestte the tebedortarea, foerari i
w u Mexw today. I
tor will to rapidly iaeraaerd ate
si hartag tte tte aouee —— v —_
'-I -.-.m— ^
:^a.ltt.ffagttauaffoIUbbaaariymerrtM Vt«tt*IffttaBaaartateanAuate ~
toterte tkaamte »U bs maatmadm
M tofayteb^ted tattttarfc
• ««
wniilAff. aowwLffkrtataMwtakmte. MaaafliwtkmmaaaffiFMfl.
•rata oa which to will fs *^>1

surrenders to Battle Ax.
There is oo gruter hkrdship thin to be de­
prived^ your

ate tte r«a was mtee
•tern tte eapsrvtakm_of_4I ir-- amtatte by W. PWttte ate
Joto fti^T--------(nil, ate William



ia.n*iro traverse HBSAU. ATOTJBT t»_Wgi

Ml*. WUtndSMofBbjav >•


IftB. a. B. L»«to of Btk BaptMi, to
frtoed* lo ibe el(7Htoi Bditb Uikto BBd tb* Kkoa
Uofd bare r•'■•ra•d traa B*j Ttow.
UdBtoa. of OfBbd ^
> U teM. Th*
^>U of &M*1* *Bd tk» l**rt>*bu Id*, to Ttoiunc •«* rr*d WBr»b*i».
Mr*, d. a Mtriin laUrMd Moto*r
i<*r mat A*(io4*n«
•*n«.t« the wtadea 6f*^»> w
Tbe Mto*** eutobrre *r* ntortBiad«nUB4l*r, bolotrt ** .H****. W
Ui* UalMl «IMm **4 On*t to« Mto* Etb*l Fox of Urasd Badd*

OMIT O^mtio*.

? ~~S?-

,P ■\m

Tb* eoMlbd «
to |i*rtlelp*U la tbeoi- l» to ®*>y 3«‘
osdrifbt IKb^Uto e«nW3 (loaca *t
Lb* rrwt iBctomtof tbto w*r aboald
iMlod. * «o»B«id.tleB of Pr«to<toBt
MoElDlay. sot m • puttou ealod.o»
ta|\***aerito<I ra..**lUoB Mfctoba


th* toUioa wilb afiranm* **4 i*<
el*BS«a trbkh jo*tld*d tbaop nloc.
•xprawk Bontbi ««• b» to* wrltor of
lb*M Unr*. Ibtt b« to * cboton to*lfto
a*et to do Blffbt; work. KlMtod np-

lie tbonrbU. b*ba* rereded qoaUto
>B*d at tbaa. or erea inar
tta Old Ontor Ob*a«Mlkto*d woold berwiaittol.
b> r«iBir*d. . B* wlU rabk
TbtaloMOlUaoM'bMl tba fto
—. _.r~> —•<
«l "f**- f—UMwwtora boal^
Frto froB pei*o»*l *BbUk***nd *bawrt tba bortoalor of *0 opodi la toe dowod witb •aparlaUr* atraacUi ^
mtod aid bod>. be baa b*«i able to do
TUa pb«iMM**l coDitot. «Ue
tbe uab atalraed blm to all Bod«fV.
i« arfrl* Id ** aBottoeoioutba
r*l wltb albpowir.

^a* ot that waakaaaaef
■iaadad a* arsed powor t* ebe; tb*
dlftototaf baaaaU;. Ittoaodeatobl;
tty that BMh of IbaUlktoCoecrwa
BM «B«to*
6ttt toara;aad aar; wa war* aa*i■4 lor acpMtlm poltote.
Mpglala; *o<«bt aaratatl; to ararta
•yaiet wbieb pmBiaad to b* protrmrt•d aad daalraetlr* Bat Iba eoatacloa
«(ytbatla*B. aroaaad b; iba apaaab
«(Mwa* wbo WM k; era*; rato of roe
*9 todtoataat. apniad to lb* people,
a^lhaor; wntoot for war. Btotor;
afctd* ao parallel toeUBo* -■tUltba
hfxwd wta aadanakaa, a* b; aa anayadaad ;»*thtal cfa>i- Thand^ttaa aateaadtoc a* Iba toaapGoa.
iMOtirit;—wa* aooa lerretiaa to tU
ayao o( oraat*
The United 8laM
■yiiil la la roUaro a few oppraaaed
k^btaada; w* etoea tb* abort oaBf6«BAOtoaI;rktartoaato ihtooMa-

f.adtocvw aad Mantotoe.
' Mr* John UHBia baa reUmad froto
atwowaak'artoitatMaTBald wlto


3aitod Alataa to toda; from

oyt; a miUtoot batloa. Taatarrilor;
AwaiMer* aaqalrad waa eoattoa
Tba; tl* to lb* tficbwa;* at
'Idb ear;. A porUaa to to


Mr. aad

(ad m») otliet bnkn lilts relicel it pin. ■

TPi^a.-n ~kr lE^ieciricIh.



CnanlUttoa fr*. and .tri«Uy|

. XXLe Oj.a. HoXiatsle Slxoexxiaxx.


C. B..Ur**ne*ld of

'■Hew Idea" Pineres tre Ihe Ideal of tej Patteris Made.
Tee Cents CefS Inf Style.


Br»nn*# arrirad Monday
frOB Grand Ba^ far a rtoit wltb
Dr. dwwart Johnaon and Mtoa Grace |
JobaaoB ol WaabtortoB. D. C ar* rialb
lof the taamex of J. B aad 3 0. Jitoa- J

Jusisr™. 49c, U9C and 89c.

Ml* B-

Th. lot Inclndw nearly .11


Ulp to Qfalaaconae Um*
Hr* Joha HoCormlek baa bMa

t:»o. Fra;cr tor T*tebor% ot the
not;. Leader. W. E. Col*. Fife Lak*
e:0a Bible Lamaa.

»:*a n* %ilrltBaI Pdratohike* of
iWbar. Hob. D C. Loach. Walton.
00 Lmaoa Stad; Flaa*. Mit. Adw daanlUoa to tbarafor*
to th* diaUlbU. Majfleld.
10:}0 Tracbert' HaetlBfv Parpoaa
aaor fetara wa aaat axplala t* tbe
Plan* Mr. M. H. Be;aold* 0^
amid wbat to Boant b; U* tspartotimaf daaoarae;.
laare how to - carh tba hick
thoTow." atoo* ald'Ua* power ot tba
aartlad aa tbecreapIPKCfbatbarti; b;
Aa a aatto*-* frewU
i***taaoftodl*UaalccDwUi.*ae!>OyUoB to tbe aea of todtrldeal ado- Mabal Bate*. Trar*

J. W. CamBlBK* to 3. J. Daea. part
>1 leu 14 aad ll. blk ). U A L. Co.'*
,tb add-KJo.
rare to Otrid
krcilea* » and I

blk e.
Alarnda Ferrto to Edward Adame
toU S aad S blk I. 0*k i'arh add. AMO.
Eetbartoc GrtSib to Bagb OfUBih.
pareau to aaetloa* 1» aad S» T » a r
II w fllOO.
Itoreh E a**Un(*toW. L.r3trowa.
part of toUtOBsd ll. btoekX. B U A

Oar Hatboda. Hr* J. W. Uimh
aad Hr* C J. Ebaar. Trermac dit;.
Tib mdd-»aa>.
J.-oa Bailn«to
Jitoa JobMioB to traatea* at axtai*
wabaar aattoriac* ol aa aril portent SleeUoa ot Gtloera. etc.
ot J. C Lewto. tel, etawk.b** It.
la Ik* raBonAbat tb* new reck
to bo eoetrolled b;*;adtoau*
F. H. BmUhalaltaA. B BadaLaabt
W* moat Bot tarof B«H. See. H. t »T», rttw.
yttbat bpato pmtobad from laat ot b; Bar. J. C. Carmaa, Trartea* Ot;.
Haaaah A La; U> to Uoardmaa BlrntraaiuT aoaxixa.
or BlMtrU Li»btAPowarCe.a*k a*
CaU aad creed; bol w* can taka eoarawtoaecttp
tear 11 w.. alee aabi'al
laaUtnto Saaaloa.
act to tb* tact that area tbacreatoow
■ ttitol aatorprita* of tbi* ac* are not a:». A Model-bond*; beboolSamton. DWk *r« I ip «> r 11 »• »'»»
0-J Oodw^toF. t Deleker a*K
OM. ThaArtot Tbaehtoc. Goa W. of ark •*< S> to *« ■ r p w. SIM -^
B amnmad yardiaaablp otjHaWalb;.
Hartba Dob*; to Martha 3T L*wr
la thla Iber* to. no! I0;M Tninlnc LeoMB for bnada; panwtotoamiMipMBrP w. MIUH.
to Ui* llboreUan of tb* a’.trr* BeboM Ofllmr*, M. 8. Be;i
lOttk Atteatlba.fHlm Nettie Or*;.
>1:00. lltoairetie^L
Oa* W. Harrthr.
t Aata. Africa, aentbara Welh;.
n:lu ^ataUoB Box.
aam* aod tb* tolaad* of tbe aaa. TbU
to UawBll; aarr;tof tb* trelh toto a*wr la^: aad tboa* wbo baarlb* caaa«ay saat b* IB a hiy« plan* than
lb* ApABtoh of th* ■ftoanth aaatar;.
| it amlataat aaahirr at tb* Fliwt NalkmtoaaBem iba mmabaat MtHoaof albaakef tbtoelt;. BewUlaorohto

KonieiiiU’r the dal.«. and tltot we an- the heaihiaartcrk j|^ll theae gnods.



LiKbt cassimere suits,
well made, value $5.00.
at $5.75. -

$4.50 for $6 values.
$5.95 for $7.50,uloes.

special values at 69c,
$l..'i8. $1.79. «1.9S, val­
ues $1.25 to $2.75. ■

Job f rinting »'

. .„ WEE PANTS....
- One line i«t 55c Knee
Pants at 25c.


Bargains in all departments, at

BBlUbte Drj Guds, Cupel ud CMim B



TraTrerwe Oity,

^ M±o2a..

worker* Tht^liseat al Etofala; »»
prepartoc to tika tba bmt care of tbair
How iBs; we eeeom »eee«m In 7
I* a^ it to b<^ that eret;
aeboot. Mr*
l*j eebc
aebool to tba aoaat; will be rrpreaaatDlaeataiOB. Fi
Forrat Ta;)or.
ad at tba eoaraatloa. Tba pnifraB to
•• r caa w* todaae lb*
a* faltowa:
ru to attend tb* baada; aebool.
wulOB led b; Mm '
EteBlaf*e*»loe0. OaroihiBal tferrtoa, a B. BtM.
'i-TlCBcoBdacted br
Soag BBd pr*t*» aerrlc*
tre. Ltd* UaoUefi
aKW. Addrem of Weleoaia. N. W.
ciiritttoe CiUtcwblp to b' I
Cmrk. Etoirtli
Uiirki to Ibe baade; eahnoU Hr*.
inre.-DiaUicl PrmlUcBt of tbe W. C
Baapoaae.E. >. Ladd. Trarrr

T- 0.

III Talih-U wi- hare the larK-wt Block ■•i-er unjiacknl in the city, ansi then tbe aixea aad the J
elyleeT-hik'P.'rt'i ami bmt for tbi-moDi-y .•veroffritd. lok TAblstsarr iwr stronK liov. Home- •
tlitnc new in ev< rythiiiy'. Wc haie uixida that you all want.



readme. Mto* Grare Wllae;.
Bon*. Ueoteto Frout; aad Ba; Bit

L.lBTor; Mnsd*; •
abdetioB be rrprmat

Thi ll you will want BCBOOL BOOK8. Wc o*rry all that a
Sebnol and in tin- country achooU.

'(AIT *r* of tbto tnaoB'a Bake.).


’ iu;»0 Boreiod aeaeion.
OoareatioB far Uraad Trmmrta
aaretoea led by Bar. >1 E. Beuacb. Ad'
bald at KiBCtIV ooBmeactof Toeada; dram ol Welcrtae. Jama* Harkia*.
Beapoo**. Daniel Booiaouc
bmalaf. Aoritt SJ and doalac ai
Paper. Bow doea the Benda; ♦ebool
Tbarad*;. AacaattJ. An toler!tll the parrot. Uli " ‘
mltor peorrtm 8at beta prepared, a
what aew faatarc balac tb* laatiaaaatoat. modalad alior tb* am
at a raraUr toaUtato. Tbaaa
will be bald oa Wadaoeda; and TtanraBeporta of Banda;
da; Boratoct aad will ba eoadadtod b; Dinner and aeelal hear.
1«> Afteraaoe aemtoa. CooaeeratBer. J.C. CarBta
The; bare been
ioaMrrleaeondacUd b; Utoa Hartba
aarefal’; arraacad and will be fall

The Schools Open Monday, Sept. 5th

AttheM priMA to close oui^iiuick:-©^ to 98 76 -Tel­
lies 91-96 Aad $1.60 to $

lof a abort raoUca.

tb* cflab. tber*’ wUl be foar da;* of
! food raeaa; three Aaj* aa;bcw.
OoBot; Buioa; Boboel CoaraaUna
Tba aaaaal-Coant; Saada; Acbool

49c beys TSc to 30c Waists.
69c beys $1.00 and $1.25 Waists.
89c bays $1.50 te $1.79 Waists.

rtolGnc bto parasU
Bacbant of tb* Horaaotile
^JoBpoo;•t^oed*p*rtBeat. to onjoi,-

la; Bobaol Prop-aja
of tbe ooDTrettoa of lb
___ __
ad Blair towaahln bopdar
.■tehool Aaaocialtoe to be bald ai the
Habln aebool bona* batardaj. Aacail

Hannah & Lay Co.

(All thie AeAA0o*B AtyleA.)


terutolof her ooihar Mr* A. W totar
of Bead Ot;. for the paat week.
Wiater wa* caltod bom* Frida;
of the aUknau al bar aaa. She
BBpaaled b; Hr* MeCoralcb

for a mill that can supply you anything from
Wheat, Com or Oats, drop us a line and tre -wiU
try and interest you -with samples and prices.

....Shirt Waists....

orrll! of U* Aacalea, Califor­
nia, who baa been rtolttoc 1
kail and other friend* left ■•tnrdaj
for tbcTbonabad Itlanda tad Moat

Tba daU for tba raeaa ibl* tali
eaaaot be aaooaaeed ;*t, aa tb*
■dob wltba* to mak* arraaceiaaBU

I If you
are looking

' To1»riCMtllAtA»lAAAtbAD the cost
of the mAteriAl, on

uraed to tbclr boata ia Uraad Kapid*
aftora rWi wHb tba faBlt;of William

Cloant; Barr»;sr Northrop b
boat a taw. da;a aco for tbe aontb
,aarur peat of aaetloa ^bt. to ibe
Him Ebb* Friedrleb of Grand
tewaaklpofOrmat. aad fooad tbe
erd OB a fallra b*Bloek. Beeatawa; Baplda U here rto.Uoc bar eoaala* the
Frladiieb bo,a bad aad wlU rtoit tb*
aboBt two laa'je* ol a rrowtb af woo^
raaorlxaroondUto ractoa before reomr tbe arar sada b; the U. 8. 8*r
m;©^* aa* to 18SS. aad to dotof *
MU* Marcaret
ablpped awa; a piao* wbieb baa
BIchtb atreet. aatarialod lial Saada;
CTootbof bark oorrwapondtoc »o
eaal Bade to at*r*ol;pa matrix, abew Um Hit*** Map-aad 4-^ar* Sowaoo of
lac a elaarl; eBbeaaad eop; bf tbe
Anaatroar. UcblbooB keeper
Bade OB tbe tree eu;taraafO.
lb Manitoo totoad. to to tbe ait;

)6d fTaltod Itoiw will b* tb* prldaof famU;b«n thtolalL

CbUdTAn'A ADd IClMM' OAlf 8hMA At..............................60e


Ooratoc. M. Y.. bar* baas tbac*«atoof
Mr* Clala M SlaUoa of Waablactoa

' ItoM. AtaNtaU.w*a
tala aa aspU aar;, a am
line am;, aad aa larla>

ad. AaabUma*thalald.obrioml;
emramaat axpaaaa. to Hawaii, aad
pytbty^otke Ladreaa*
tm atap toward* a probabl* deralopMtefaaUaaa! aootrolof ytocaaof


*oB*r*r to IsrUed t

whoB aba bad Bot

aatton frow*


60 ]»ini -PistTM' 9SXX> iMtdiM Jnliat* at........... 9t 96
113 pbln -Tiatx—'’ 9800 ud 9660 LltdiM' Ozfcpda
At 91-48
90 pAln LAdlAA 91 60ABd 91-76 Oxforda At.........$1.00
79 pAln MIaam'91 00 Aod 91-86 Oxfbtda At.... ....76e

■tourwbo baarMatIp B0t*d- that*.

itowa to leader of nattoo*
In Bonmtof with tbna* wboa* aoo*
bar* died that th»*» tblnc* «ldbt be,
let aa raarmber that tb* blood ot pa
trtotoanrlebcWtbeaoU to wbieh cirlll-


6S pMin -PU.»p»." mai 9&00 M»'i Bhe«

Tbe fBBltoolti X bb3 WUl Bbnar
*r* nurtotolnr Mr. a»d Mr* F. t aWBiblr rtoit* to Ibl* ell] .
raar. Tboa* wbo bam barn treawd
BtoMTof Paattoc.
oDaneeaearnll; bj otb«r pb;aie!aa*
Ml*. F. B Ptoesh of Coton >
wUl bam aa o^manll; to rialt tbaaa
bar toetbar **d ttotor aatoant spaciaiiau Tbair cam* arr
rrtnarkabUTb*r ar* cOaetad to i
froB Oiaad BapUa.
whieb aeoB oUerl; bop*>**a and "**'
Mr*. A 1. Dv'* rrwroad Aatordar
■a. ao Batur wbat bto Baled;.
troB a Boetb* rialt with relatira* to

Beroe. •elaoco and BoimUly the United


74 pBin>‘PbwctM-$ ud $<J00 X«di«'ahMB

* iiciwrtia
to to Tm

tb* to i. d toCo. Pbritoton* el
MadbBl and ttorrtoal

>m* tiB* 1a FaVblo A Cnaior’s
Tb* orc*DtoatiOB *f lb* arBT ><««
tbe t*aka of tbe paaeafol to baoib*r offle*. baa lakoo a aimllar po»Uloo with
cljBOratralto" of ‘b* rM««“ <»*
Georre H. 8wan aad faail; bar* reoatlOD.
to w*r. to peace, to ooB-


tor prtato of r^toi.b


aoparlor aklll of offlo*!* aod meo.

twaan lb* ^tolob
al Barop* raaa
ryraadiklll alai

■’V- Ptto* ar

• 1 r**>tv- 'Ity. Mlek.


CTto* TbaWarof im. tb*
allUaito,aBd tbaWv
Orlrtoc CIOD OfioartUaaeOBbto*d aatocldceuol atlUtoiT
prowaM w«r*Bol*afljl*Bt'toooariB:*
aaBbara of lb* drlrtoc otob mat
hrep* al oar rllpfWo “ a p**pl*. Satanla; to the partott af tba Bolal
«toww*i«rard*dbptb*01d World a* Wblltoc aad aleewd tba foltowiac o«aam tor the aeaalat yar:
Idtotolecrat* Saddaal; w* bam
Praaldaat—Fetor Wanbarc.
rtiaa to tb* rank of rleiea*
W* ham
Vlae Pr»ldeot-Ur. J. 8. MarUa.
iABHUad lb* adBlratia* of all. b«>
Sacretar;—E.. C. CoBptoa.


-MTlr *11 tb* old (BTorto bartoc
b*M lototood. toeladlar Hiaa
Oaorf* Bbmt. tbe Irtoh qooto.
wUl raoalra a ba*rtj wiIbbbi <

■to txnto* AatotoT* of OfBBd
Ba^d*. to atolUaf iba faaUy of rnak

lutltalad a o.w order to aaral »«*lr*.
dl*pro*lBC boB* tbeoHba. aatabllafatoc
•tbar*. aad ooaBrtalof lb* **lor aod

__I • at*M of betor
bad COM to Ut Vial tpaeaol laa* than
«oar Btatb*. ItoHac la Ita trwk tb*
rate* of oa* *attoB>.bat epanlnc to tb*
MbtoBato-itoof prablaoM wbieb tiar
BtoMMMln. Tbe UBlMd mat** to
■elaaewaa hotolad power
tloM wfth‘*fator» trandiaf wboUy
toward* lb* tbaoratlaal to coramBaab
tob* ■iirii at b; Karoo* bad racard
adwitbaartoaedtodalu. Tbapaaltoor
mUM' Bxpartora baa taaebt <
itotwaa of tb* world tb* laaaoa
owaoirta bar* alwaj* tboacht paaalbl*
Jdb* Mprotoae* d lb* Ualud Statot



Me. Bad Mb. Pr*akMe*d**f*aBUrtototocM«lU.M.Blltoof OU**t eol-

0( tba Bam * don* b; tbe n*»r
B*r«at allaaloa Boat bar* aaffle* Th*
Tleurta**t M**[l**Dd 8*»lto*oha**

«t*bktoU Uwlr »ooj>«, Tb*7do not
BM * ebaof* to poIlUe*!.*'’*
MlfBtj. Tbaj iBtolr* Bllka to* **o
pUafoBiowB B*tlra Ba>ltb«MBl-ta*r^^nea of boU worbto. ThfdMMHP«(oaiMpwla*Dtol repobUc toforBtof to* tottfworaa -lU tb*t of paflMwUrijdtoalaUvaad ndla*ll;*t

Sumlnep Shoe Snaps!

----- -------- “?JSxA, iiXX

b* MDiwMi'—1 << tb* wyn
■i«l tk*ifop*l*rMsc4jr, “Oit (N-

UUt M»rj B*li«w bM C«M

nm n

Fish Bros.' Wagons.

123 f.\SS STHEKT.


Watching I
Uncle Sami


Drive the Spanish out of Cubg

At auction to tbe higrhe&t bidder oik

Saturday, Sept. 3rd,
Sale comments at 1:30 p. m.

^ First in War,
First in Prace.

You will have no
peace' till you see
TEEMS OF BALE-Fonr months' time will ^
^ those Nice SHOES
be Rlmn on approved ban* Dotes, real estate
E AT 91.98.
chsttel .mortgigee at 8 per cent, interest or

5 per cent, off for Cash.
No side bidding wm be aUowed.





V jitGeo. Moir'6barn.Traver6eCi>y.




i8 ver7 abso^bln^; but there 16 ehme- ^
thing that toaehes the average ladv ^
more cloeely. That'e why oar $1.08 5
Fine Shoes are having ea^a eale. ^
They are handeome fittere. New ^
Tooe. They have Fine SILK VEST- 3
ING TOPS. We can give them to 3
you ia either BLKOK or TAN..

Regular $2.75 Shoes $L98 f

•rlxe Xotw P3T±oe






DMb rtotory 6leeed Bov.
Baamto Onaatr* lUUraaA
r. B. Woon, tb* vail kaeva areUHerald vlof
Uito«lt7. b uklar |ilaaa as<< Tba Orel Wood DIU Oo. eleeed dova Pat Mood, tx-mayorof MaaUte«.ea4
i»ad«aaUa« tar a baadaMM tai«h Cor r'palre UH work. ThU B •
lamMaatofUa Slate Pambar Oo. ol
uatalty. vaa WeToMley
to ba fat ap for M. K U« at wreka nHlcr Uea neeil. betUe
HP«AV*RS® CITY block
Bk EapUa______________
vreUrrmkketUe verb of repetrlag oaaa aaoBaetad with Ua Mw
I reeiar Uaa in cold
U . aod Ua H. A K. A te Bowir. B
panen' loaUiala balUtlaa Ka I. tbe tbe> dova erOl be eherter
^-.TATE Bank. fiTlar
Uat work vfU ba roUad no that Ua
a laport a« tba vsrk or tba lovm

W.C t Msrkw
Tba foUowlBg ledUa er» aakad te
rotrlbWa te Ue Utordey Markat
ba held next Utarday aftetocoa
H ukatUa b lekatora. from X eo t o'de<


lammoad. J. A Bamlla. P. M.
cfm- The pleat will etai
raac^ Haaer
a. A Hobba. J. H, l^rlg. C
egala aboal OeUbor tat The eem^y opoatog ap a larga Irani of ealoabla trteb. M. JamraoB. C. J. CBcaUBd.
avraoelTiag logo from Uelr
Umber brloogtag to Ua State Lombm' Kraytv. A KeiWar. B Lycrn. W. Loa
loM treeta alamg Ue three railroeda
A JeadUea arlU Un Uroagb liar doB.ti. Lardin. O E Laekar. H. A
eaVrlag tbe Hty. which la a m*
be made at Bbermaa'd mill.
Pcdarla. ABBa Pluay, C 0. La Potot.
peiMca natetefere ell Iccglag
irlll ba made wiu
MiSBia Lkwrraor. C. C Harm. T. U.
■m*. « XKrtene.
eearaing ti^e from Tkereree
Hc-HaBBt. H S HcMlebeel. L K He»/# *<TO»M .fill Bi
Tbe BOV etatloa In leUad tovaeblp Ony. J. A. HeHaBBa. Mary Hwdy. 3to
Mr.' aad Mra. T. ToaarUar arrlred
J.T. ■»
meeUsMda .tav dayaago by Ua Ba- Bla HUM. C. A McLallBB. A MoateTaeada; froai Baetoa Harbor for
Trtll be'aemrd Allye. after E. B.
Metr. Aaa Hale. A. . 8. Ball. C
Tbit wUb Hr. and Mra. Baair ToaoaAliya of Ubei'.y. Tbe Stale Lamber Ball. B. J. Morgan. O C HoSatt MU*
lalvad la LAaadry
liar. Tba farotbaia vill aaabr fra^oeBt
tma tlcM ego perAaead 10.000 Sarab Lae. Uaneek Jamleoa.
aloaa to tba treat etreaaa aad C. V. Wrlyblof tba Star ataam
acrea of timber land aloag Ua Mlley
dry. vaa quite badly lejorad at
Plnnter Party at Blliereet
iMBdry Saturday afimooB. WbUa of Ua PtoHT, wbleh will be I
T fifty gneata co}oyMi Ue bnapi
lae Uroagb Uc belldfag
ta tba set of pottlBy ap a hot vai
rarkia. vlU fire bbsaaat pood e
tallty of
t Hr. eed Mra E S. fratt ml
laak tba plaiferm apoa which ba a
Billnraa , theP beeDtifel home, iwl
•taadlay fara way aad the teak atroek
« ata. tr.
to e meaner wbleh win loop
him OB lha ahoaldar aad hip. PortB- Saterday elteraooB P. E. Uibbeaeemwnt BMm'wy te all presrai.
oelred tbe tore Uat eemaUleg ebneld The eompeay eouUiad elmoet exclaaarrlari aad •raroo loetorp to ba ballt
eomar of t’oloa and 8iaU vhiab atoppad tbeprorraaaof iba Ual< ba deea te elgadlUa tU elatery of tba elrely of Ueold reeidaeU of Trererw
Hb Ud waa tl.STt aad the Mr. ffricbt woald eartalaly hara baaa
ludStetaeoTte^BMlb and te eom- City, end Uppy memorire of pioaeer
craabed bad tbe atool Bot brea tbara,
BOCBte Ua toeagnratioB of antual
vaa rtraa to blot. It'ork
aa tbe laak vaipba orrr too poaeda. r_oaDagoUetk»a Ba heaUadaroond daya toteraperand wllb atorire of thrill-,
' balldlac win be
Aa it waa, ha aaaaped wlib a rary badly and Id a abort time pronored from gae- lag BdTeataiwt by "land aad aea"
formed Ue topic* of roaTereatloa.
bnibad aboQldtrbad hip. Ur. 0<
itera aboBt g» te oem- A neat of a »teti*Uc»l tera of mind
attiudad tbalajary.
paamte Ua CraoeaBt baad aad Boya' tok notek o<^Ue year* of rteldeace.
Basd for getting oet te lead toapira- hare of each pereoa preeaat and foaad
Aaatbar Oaatb la Compaay H
eloe-ioaB imprompta eelabratiaa. Tha
Traterw City vaa afala abaekad mod baota loaposdad prompUy and boU they looted ap an aggirgale of terrnboadredand arTcsIytto. an arernrov broBTht lo meay hea^aa by Ua orgpatoaUoa* made tbe air raaoasd
age of oTor tklrty-QM yean, whirb
bad. Oae for tba death of hb eblU. raport of Ua dcaU of aaottaar SMmbar wiU patrioUe maale Icr nearly two tehee oer tewa pretty well Wk
of Oampeay H. Thlrty fbarth HbtalfaB hoaiB. Tha beadt mrehod Utough
primltlT# Aaye. A B Miller led
Ic th>
«en at SaBtiafO, of typBold
etreela playing alteruMly and
une 'flfl:
ly TktiBi vaa Praak H. Pol- Ury were followed by a great erevd
tbr taally were eraaaliic It le a waroa;
yean ago. and & E Wait took
aaoUar tor IsjDrIaareealrrd by hiia. lar. of SanmUOty.var of tba flrtt le aad a leog Use of carrlagae and vag- boDon wlU a record of lorty-erren
call aad abolber for lelarlea rroolTed aalbt tar tba war. Ur. Failar vaa oaa. Mr. OIbba blmwif led Ua pra- yean Tba oUcei pereoa preerat ww
veil koovB aad popaUr hara. tbouyh
by bb trlfa.
aad although arranged oe "Aant Adaliaa" Smith* Mr*. Pnlt'i
baliar kaovB la Samtoit CUy. Tbb tborl Bcdtce It va* a aencaea.
wboUe wmberof her family,
^prorraasu to tba OasBah. makraUrMde^Ui^m Ua raaka of
at tba ege of rigbiyaawa U:
Daata ct OreartUa Alexaadar.
bUyOs adoartBlU hara brae eoa- of Trararaa Uly'a oompaBj oi brarr
ptatad. Aaavaetof taad roUerm baa aoldlrra aod.U Ir tlaaaiely hoped that Whoa VerllB C. Tbomei arrlred la apHgbtly aad aotertalaUg. and 'wb-mt
nofaaaurOaatrra alqaa dor aho* amrad aad are la workiny order. Tha
apd farar will ipare tbe otbera.' Ua cily Hosdey nigbl ba brangbi telaa Uroriln manner ol paaatog time U U.
trUl a^aarlb Trararaa Ctipoatba ttib taraeia may ao* brlBy aBythlay la
bat all daapara of battle are of bardUlp aad enSarlBg which ba doing ol tha mo*l dniatf ind-hUburambroilrryaedneMlrwork which
tba llBootvralB to.tba atlll aad baao
eraa forned te nndargo and kaooladga
tt tkb taPath.
U proparly attrnoiy to. Uoa taaadred
iosar workiegr nf ipr eyttem of would pul lo abame Ua eywlebt el
B.J. Hjrraa baa )aat raaalfad a aad Bitty harrab of floor eaa ba toraed
a young girl ol thr preav-nl gesBut U« eaadat Udlage vhicb
teadaotao aav e^Ufa. a roeavby. ootlalwaot.T-foarboara. Tba mill b
onghi ware tbe dalall* of Ua ernUon.
»d*a by Viator Patartyl.
ofagr. of Cbloago. baa dlallBgatlhad
A moet atnbonte nnd beautiful
raaalat aldht aad dayi
of UraBTltla AUkaadar. a popbimaeu la Ua art «( aaUiMog black
sambar of Company U. Thirty- high lae" anaaerred wbleb abowee^
B. B. Tbayar baa coBBaaaad wocA
fourU HleblgBB VolaDteora. who waa U frpnd* aod neighbon of Ue oldan
M hb aaw frocary atora. eoraar of HaklliDda A Co. who bare leaard
Ua atora 1b Ua Priadrieh buxik ^aat
one el Ua mem eager to oallat to Ua ima thnt Ue mlttrrw of HiUerret had
fc»aa.dW.rt.t.ytoaalr.a>a }
lat noneWUa well remembered *ki;i
yaeated Iq- T. 4. Boat, are plaolaytbrir quarter poaeda. Sidney aad hla broth­ wai agaiwt Spain.
" 4tlhBoyaralllehUdrlTla|^a^arapaa eloelc ofeloUiajr, bau. eapa aad yesu er 4oacph wiU Urlr mother are tHUuncxplatoable rtaaon Ua J the flee nrtootbouaawllrry which
luraUhlBC rood* iB plaea aad will ba log tba family of BarMaB Ryeiaa. on death of Alexander baa not baaa re­ bad made bar aoiabla to tbu old time* .
gtia*& from nbrond were Mr.
ready In a few daya to opoB Ualr doora tVaablngtoB atrwi and blc TcperlaBCr ported in Kieblgna. tboagh be ww Uc
ti membnrofCoinpeayM ueoecamb and H>*. A C tVortley and Mra. H 4.
Brwia irtlip aaSarad a dbloeatad lo Ua trade. Tba Be* ^rm will ba
ifan aorraiMpr to Ur. Uoai aod woBld ba . proud of. In laadlag bla .. .dUeaae at Saotligo. It waa known Eddy of Kalastuu. Hr*. Ur. Petenon
yheaUariaafaUfrembbbBCTy aaar
Uvongl) Ipuera irom locnn ef the beya of Chicago. Mr* C B Atwood of Fer­
mWb dnadar aitarpQoa- Qra. Moob will SB doubt take Ueir toll ahare ol
Ua trade of Uc Urand TraTerra r^lor, foraaTorat mlautaaUcflU gare a hard that ha waTcoDflaedto Ue boapltal. nando. California. Mn E U*tcb vl
^M-maattaadad him.
Uttla aad aaTacal tlmea «»ma saar
had alee baea alalad Uat bU Urnnd Bnpid*. nnd Hr. H>^rr*n lUlc*
Hf. B. ruiobarb aav hotel, aov ia
jarMngUc boy (role tba'bewt Pleally coadlUep wae'nut necwiarlly danger- of Chicago. ^
ate Oalebratl'in PJanaad Par
. MMuf oroetlf* at Ute^erapr oj »brk
There Traa e meeuag of tba ^eo|. *|U Ur aid ol Hr. Byeme >t wat lajrplree. bowarer. Uat A^fpoat»treefa,b to ba kBO«b aa araef TrarkrtaClty L^fa Ho «. K.
.d tea ur*>a.
died of airangulatioa to Ua
II, ■•Bolel OolBmbm."
A stariliag iaodaat of wbich Ur.
of B Iqal Bight to eiraaga forUsMboapltal at Sibuaay. at
Jolyklat. Juba
OilTer. of rhiladclphp. ww tb>
Omtoai't Offiea Barglanxed
Tha alllo* able ba^ la fl^lth Broa.' BBalgaU^nDAo'lbeD 0. K K U
Aeeordtog to tba dlar| of Tfaemad. aubjsct. P oatrated by him w follow.:
Uiaelty UUftU. Tbora vrra preiast pr. W. J iligglaa' deaul oSea vaa
ViUfllac Brlday afteraooa b>*
Alesaoderwai Uo Aral of tba ilan- "1 waa luama*l dreadful cimdiuua.
iBf. ^ Ua Udba of Qraoa ChaiBh Qraod VltlerUeo CbraeDd Cbea. Uog- retered lUtarday eight by bargikn. nah &ifl<B te giTt up bU Ufa for bU My kkio ww almo*t yellow. eye ■uohaaTaa dwt. ol g<\ld, two foM eountry. Thomaa. who wat one of Ue co, tesguo oaaled. paia omitinually in ^
«alU battodthatraoolaty crar •».
adoBOof Kaeba Tample. *be eaa
back and »Ide*. oo *P|>ctilc-gr*du»lij
na. egulda.*grat altok pla.
boapUal atewarda, ww p.-eaBal
/' Thaffoaaryoatha ooraar of Bm- from Ocaad Baplda yaatardayr.
arranged Uat Ua graad gaU- brtdgeaABd-blaaboobaetgold Tataad •ida ofUa Bnferiuaate yonag <
/ wood araoaa aad Beadalphilraab will
each, were takes from the opara’ ha amurkl by B B Jowa. iaataad of eriag of Ua iriba aball taka pleae on llBg room, and frem iba labratory aeT- miantei after life had Had aad
te my grcai-joy aad
Tbeteday, Qotebar Mb. Laal year Ula
teUa boaplul obaplala aa .urprpe. Ue Or»l holU. adecidid
Mca. doMaaaaoUda lav day*a|^
raa oaaofiba moat anrccvtal aral gold ba»d» *are takrr\.
lonuUduatlOB to Ua rclatlTct el '
imprurrmaal 1 cuauauro tbrir uw
a ballcTed that Ua paritra who
for three week*, and am bow a wrU
Tbosw ww employed
Varmtr’a D*y at Bay OTcau ottkrklBdrTarbald bare end
man. I keo* Ury aared my life. *b<I
Boaelaad aUlkiBg. Thlay^r took tbe good* bsow 'aomaUiDi
VUv. A larr* <ravd
bora vaat
robbnl Ur grarc of another ticUm.
aortb oa tba & A W. H. akearaloa. It la propoaad to ecl>IM
No one ahooU fail to Uy them. Uuly
<|a« ba^rad aad Bra tkhaU vara aold. aluweu. T%a (iraad Baplda eoelle.
OTcr^opporluoItj- 'to Tl*!t hi* comrade ill ceata pw holUo at S E Waif, and
gaol aiill oema hara by apaelal tralp.
and redder wbal^raunnl atteaUea bo '. U. Jobaaoa a IWug Siorrw
tba paracm harlaf Mo. U. 1a Ua folly HOalroBg aad gaUer on tbrli
oonid to make hla coadltloa men boara. A. A SVCt'ESIoN
tray eandidalae and membara from
able. Tbacanw-ol'^wU wwatraagniVIA
all tba towBk an rout,: Tbarr wtll Meo
atl.B, toduretl by aa aleanlod tooth or
C. A IT. H. AND U . U. B W. BVS.
bedolryatioimW l*.lo.k»y. Obarla- reeoTCiy ol tbepruparty, and SbcrlS awalllng of iba l*w. Thamaa
Uaaeoonat ol Ue O A. R Annual
ToU. baglaav, Big UapUa. Hasiawe. ' SlB>p-i>n ofrre an addlUosal K5 fur l>at tbe burial, which ww glrea Baeampmeatat
Ctoclaaul Uaae liak.
land oUar poleta. It ii ex- fermetloo Uat will lead In the ■
wlU more care tbea vaa euatemary
tlcxeu sept. Ird to ute iacloairr at
0. B Hanay b aboqt tg beild a
paetad that a cia a of aboul tiio
caaaa of prlTaUa
lowraiw. Batura itoiiiSapi.r '
MV rcaWlaaoa oa Praablle atrort
ixteoatoB of limit te iplobar
Ttaaaa were tba Bnt tidleg* racelTcd|vaaa Blaablaftea aad iStata alroaU. will uka tha areret verb of U, or­
der. TbeuereBonln will be be
I tbe state regardiag ihe death of will be made apou depoaa of ticLei*
B. A
arehlWot who nuH|a
Thvil.-aedTraTeracCoauly »v.,hibl. Aloaader. and bl* Irteadi aad rola- wiU ageeu at OlacloBBit- Aak agent*
MtalBbergb Urand Opera ilunea i
or fall parlicnlar*.
toUovad by graad banqael. Tba great on e-*BTaBiiOB waa to
Uao. UxUaTx*. ti. r. A.
tlTck van cboekM at tba ■
>y Oa- bara raeolrad parade vUlba greater U%a laet yepr Uraag* hall Satarday afior
Tha ODfartaaaU aoldier ww S3 year*
CoBBty Cbalrman Hall pieBidad and r aga Iwt moatb. Bawwas atteadUlng claa lb aoBBeetlM
the followtag datomiaa were alreled: pantat Ua Northara Miebigae wylnm.
be BpOB e itepeedeoea ecala.
To Stata eonreatloB-Bcr. WcHaatb. baTtogeatoredUa iaaliluticia to 1(96
IbatAoeavUaariaaad vUI U aaad
Trararaa City: B. V. DaTla, Poeg Lake. BP paranUraaida at ShanoBB. WaxpaaU Kell
»t Ua Itaer mlU.
tord aaoBty. aad bP taUar. Boa. E.
Albert Barvlae. a pionoer of WrkHrarTOM B lavlved to yo
i J. B. Bara^. Alaiasdct. P oae of Ua moat promie.
BapUi Vrtday alyat oa tba Craaeaat loid odDBty. died Satnrday night
pat aad TraIl-to4e larmin to Ue oobb'taMaanraioeoBtbaiuamar Oolam- Ua boma of Poa Bopkiaa, aaar Wan•M.aailoB-M
Tlag aerrod hP dPtriet w S'
ford. Ueoeaard waa M yrara oU
‘ bK Tba boat will Uara tba da»k at T
M. Bilrd. Wllll
baa llTod in Ula region for 3t ;
member of tba aUte legplab
p>otMk. Booad trlpoelyM
MmOWBtl. •

haTlBg onma from Maw 4areay.
efbU&Uteravwalaoamployod at Ue
evaod afloa farm In Wexford ermnly.
AppUabraaomiaf totha city
wylam nnd ytaterdnywaa tba flnt
W Ball. Treraraa CHy: C. A Bartlett. henr of the dr^U of bar only braUor
bet baa no ralatirea la Ula regl
Tba funeral *a» held ratlarday allerl^hlle prrtorulDg n aoldPr'i d-' - - • dlareeatradaedpadbad ta lib
at Ua Writord H A ebureb. bb- Aflar'Ua elaeUoa eidalegates
ilage. Word waa lamadlaw:
bowe. IK bd»«U of tba Paehaca rarlEne. W
•ly. Ibapdaapatdwaafliosperbar. der Ua auploea of Ua Moeroa Caotra addicaaaa were glean
Ue p^ntt.
Our Savings DepartmcBt
lodga, 1. O. O r. Uedartaltif Aadar- aad UtI T. Ibaalnrvni. Tba date of
Ua ooBTratioB for tba Botaiaatioa of
•oB bad ebarga of Ue foaeral.
naDouMIbtedabtadloDr. C- J.
of eouBty elHem will ba
'rbomna faterljl died leU Mqndaj later.
KMBlaad lor' a baakat of
aftemooe at hU borne oo Wmi EigbU
«“ Wll- *»'»?*'■
I forhil kinds of fralt aod
at Ba'rria mil frail farm, tba ttreat of old aga. OMeoaad waa
mantel ateeb. Keaac wail for bla.
Bpatarb. Am frail Urmjast watt of tba yrara old aed came from Chicago bare
f piekarel aeoaon ii aaw fairly beto, lire iB Ua year lew. Alter llrlof
ThP flU doaa not take a
StMl PhM B*W U nst It I fVlltt «M
tor tome time he went beck to
The Trararaa City BBtlaaai
A A MaOoy A «oa bare «
Cbieago, net after rrmalaleg tbeie adUTBly darlug Ue moaU* of July aad and Normal TnsUtnte cffeivs
Uacr>paof ppabaaaapplaa In Ue orachelarUip for oae-Uird oB Ue r^
awhllcceatc oeeV here egele aed lor Aagnat. aa a rnl*. but UP year It
•bbidaof Bob. Barry Baaeab and OeUr rated. If yoe dealre oaa of Ueae
rly elM yanre peat baa made bla te bare grown lu tealb aoe*
aebolarabipa aiteed to it al »nce.w Ue
yM Voekar. There are abeat l.OuC
aarllar Una Banal and P bow Ton
le to UU clly. Ha waa toUer of
U ba for a abort time oely.
btmkeU. aad paekiag lor ahlpowsl will toureblldree. Urea of arbom ... ___ An oxeellrnl cateb ww made kj
C A DucKkOkT. Prop.
bepto tomorniv.__________
llTlag DaaMlratateeblldraa. Victor add Morgan IPtea Friday moralng to
AS PtTmaabadaamallbltffebii Albert l>alartyl aad Mra Otto Bae. B^man lake. Scran pirkaral
•bw elore UomUy.
laaraa a wife to moara bla
mw lIgbUaghleelfvaaparh fall oa
Thy fenergl wm bald yaatcr- torgaxt of wfaph wrigl
tboeueebwd banied Uroeft| Ua «0T'
titeraooB at t o'clock from tbe uBcea. three of wbiph wmaaeb
ponnd* weigbl. aad uBa a trifle
ertag late Ue ocrclilor. A poll «< tmldoBBe. MO Wmt RigbU alreak
poand*- Thar were tekra OB aa
water ottugelehad Ue Waae.
Hn. Mary Bogeim, o&c of Ua 'old Indaey apooa wiU an clgbt-oaaee
lobe omii ol Ula oily. iTbi had pioaaaieof Acma tev»b:p ditd at bar
Erery atiiko ww booked and
-or All kinds Qsed In both

ekarre el Ua 4. C Pawto eaUU at homarridaye •
ecary fl*h laadod wltbaolgaSor
City And Country Schools.
BBgbw tor aoma Ume. baa redlvK the plana Moeday
Tba flab wera nBwnaUy gsmey for UP
Slator, etetloead at Elk Bap- kind. tVbl'.eaporPmea natarally
WSfltioa. Praab Daaa. who bw had
•barge of Ue
fer wurklog lor Ksek bam. UiP
)ant aorlag vUl taka tw poalUos aaeat- tor
hoars' work, bandlisg oan aed llae.
tt bj Mr. Qillla
3. A Melwr died at to a^ m Tace- fra* eartainly Baa aooagb to plaaaa
Th* best AASortmsiit And hest Talufli for th« money
mLBtasaeltog of tcbaraiaa.
Mm. aod Ufa. ObarU. who realda
flea allaa from WelM, telab
Ba TTB* aixt.cfoar yrara old, nsd bad
UcSlBlay ClBh rtesie.
TkeanAal m*rtlagai>d taa*krt ple-deyaraMag. AbMt twenty Mand. maay acqu»lataBce» la tba eity.
fBBrnI will ba bald ^Ue home of Hr. nSo of Ua WBlsaala HcKlelay Clnb
from Wnltoa aaalalad to
9ll al « o'clock UP moraiag, aad win be a aotebla ereal on Taaadar af iebearfenaa tagaUar ariU a aambaa of
Aagnat II. aad oa Uat day all
nUm Itlendi to tha MlgbboibooA
Krwa wa» raaelred Iwl areBlag cf reads will lead w Bbvan Harbor
William b Paa. a Chtoamna who baa Ua dwU in Cbioage of Hn Will Stew There will ba good apaabgta praaaat
naqtlrad npelMbandraflnamaat bar nrd. fomorly a hwldept of Trai
aad two base boll gaaim vlu help eaa( a aapar or adneatlon and aloaa nmi
tertala Ue gatbenag. OM to Ua moraalnitoe wlu adnanlad Amartcnaa aad
lag aad aaoUar to Ua afteroooB The
w Urea baadred aqaarr
■Udy of oar laatHntlooa. la to Ua alty bar death.
itaamar liuaea of Ua Pakm artll raa
eWMag fiitadi Hr. Laa leceatly rw
Masy Trmreraa City paopla will be
etciualoe from TraTtiac Oly. loaTtamed tram a tTro-yonre' bleyala tear g'lcrad to laarn of the deatb' of J A lag Uc dock at a ^ m . aalaratog.
Uroagb Chteaaad k vUtog te i
• - • teliyaedTcell laare Bowen Harbor at 4:30 p. m. Tbe
ibiminMoa i.won*. wtaetev rM
Hare. A. Kioapn, wbeg
la UP lomlity. iPea*
Old HPaUa K. O T. M bead will die M tb. arertl. a*, all *co. D0*.
peer fnm Ua t>. of H. daailatry dr- 7« yean of age aod weat te CaUforaU peeae toaplrlog amte. Farmed* from
4. Me Tte
liurpnrtewat. bnadaeldad tatoante la UU a few years ago. BP daaU oeenrrod all orar Ue^olBaal* are penpariag ..
U* bw lamwd Ua reama erar Ua AugBit mb. at rarria, after arrat^ atteod aa^'karc a good lima, aad TrariTM Hntlaeai tanak nvd arhaa tba waoka of Uwaw aaffartog.
Cily wlU aaad larga dal^i
pninUag and paparlag of Uam baea Hn KaPar. Vila of Adolph
BkEaptdawni also be largely ra
•a ba wUl haae a «m oat kigbvay eommPaloaar of Wbltei
eated. Tbara irUl ba a dmaea to Ua
ofoHaaa aadtoaroog loaaUm
towoBhlp. dlad^TMaday sight al ber hall at Haplatea to Ua araatai
Mm* rran tormorly ooeapPd by Us b^ oaar Habf She bad beea for aome erybo’y it Isrlted to altead aad
OfB^ Trararaa Pa*d Oa. bet Ua
iMmaaaaCarartrembaart treabU. Tba
afteraooa Ua aaaml
tmt bona laamfl lha mms bA|MbtoglfaBan) vlUba brM bom iha H. A
thakkvma* mm
KAhT M U •'•M.
itaata tba atato darlac tba paat
. ba*a Jaat baaa raoalrad.
>bv of tba aoeUtj eaa baaa e
eaUla«oatbt«ocratai7K.O U4<t at
tba Barbtar’c oSea. or b; aaediep

OTV SmT^^T &oods
"iicPOiT VL<^ <i\ WIT S\wrt ■\Dsi\8\

s\ocVt-eAc«?pV S\VVi-a,\

^ sooii svTV.TvV\:«vq 0^
jisa.\tt6S90 vw.\o

Clrealitloii 1M« wwl 2.3j5



Si atii SL.Sb uaVnes 90 toWb Wvte VA.

- . -


■KV ttvt'vTVoes made 9001 maVto tvo mVAako Va snvvVjVtiq
^oaT-VaVviTe manVs.

'5Vts\ CaXv

I ow "\Puv\eT \Bva\)s
Stock nom Vn atvJi reads Vw noor VaepteVVoa. Oar
Wne 0^ C.apct wwaVVo atv9tUa.9mc \vnot coer eboisn.

wolbViVexia.Vafcvw.'IbovvcVc.SeVTv. W^,‘3w
awdi spVwvdiviL iiaTaVjVtVvwvaa:^ joAft
SreaV uartA9 CkWireti't i&cVcVs








and op.


...Fire Extingniskr...
For $5.00.


School Books






A HAndsonw, HiKbly PoUsbAd. Solid Copper UM*Ma»,r
Affon^ pATfset irotMMoB from fir*. For
ftctlTAnosi. doTAhUlty, oeonomy ud Mfstjr thsy teTA no
Ttaty hATA no cocks, gAo«aA, oonpUnft or taItso About
them. It Is Absolotoly impossiblo for tho mschfaiA te got
out of ordor.
To oporuU it is simply te ‘’turn it bottom ssid up” «Bd
it will throw • stroABi,bOAef flT«dntroylxv flbumlciul fluid.
Thsy flun boCsunS Is tbo Hurdwuro dopuitaoBt of



b Mr Wx b»d«d at U»

aaMrBotTrarwwatv to naklaf
aXM«^y^bb|>lM whin la tb«

Most XM beadx.


Wm. ■Meka. Jr.. Ir balMlar M M«Waa lo hto bom
Mr. MowH of TtawM OMlU p^ilacMAHaekn^bom.
W« had k tot7 treloom rbitor io lb*
XM«'«<»pbu faUofnla MoBdx

#llhlr«MlBTr»*«fMatj iMtbsD.
Vaadorllp * Boo «mi plutor Wm.
lolwkrb ww bom (Ur wodc.
KtH Lmi« Lladloj k boae (re
^ararre Oltr, where ahr bar brae •
(racberk iaaUlota.
Mka MrbdiUiiaerof Ulrfaa k
j^nm^^^raerrofbar eoarla. M
lor. J. 0. Kaebar «
ha pebUe that tbe raour i
ia&Uo( thadadlmtUae
___eharab ai .
ddUbaapotb. aaalaeUdiortbaM


___ , - Whteaerrer Traran
akUtaw rrlatiraa a( (bk plaaa.
>aaadar baa sored «e Lake bei
B. U (faalB baa raetrd U Oraadark

Leri Cob k qrOe afood deal brl ter. ha
bar aot ban badiart. bat baa brea ,
OMT pooriT ta baallb.
Bli}rb Cob aad wlte rrare ea
tare dataiday for o rWt with frtoade
km at ^ cbapal OrdarBaD ee laai Taeadap oe i
of the aeddae daaU o( Oej A«.____
Hr, aed Hrr. bcmlep of Haatoaan
iraa rklttaf rritb Hr. Oos at
Bllar OaraiB. who hoc baoa at Cbarrad aoeldeat oeearred laai
rkiax Ho. WilliaB >^y.
>1 hla d«aUi.
leeelc, ntaroed batorday.
MralB«reraUU< latbadratt
'. H. Bea of OetrWl can# Thenday
aobln UkABT.
Uar daltma. aoa'oC3. V.
kataylag at tbe Waekaxoo.
I'. atietn
attrodamrlaco. I
be Ladiee- Aid aaelew will fin a
rbat betler ot
pkalc TbmedryatOtk WhlWa Teame
JB alBjat laaM___ ,
will Ipree towB at 10 o'clock.
iraa a food lUUa be; aad a rar? refe- ^r.^^^i^jiad toBUy wb^ ban
Hrr. Uakleiier of Lake Aoa caae
Ur bed attanUre (Ubbatb reboo) rebelMrt. Bozie aid aoa Looeard Wan ia
balerdry to eolebtato ibeir (athark aa.
ar. and hk pi
>wa laet week
BlrrraerT tbe IS'ierl
Hn. Laen Baitb. wbo baa beea »kC. W. HarUBirr k paektaf apptee Ut
daaport a/BpaUr o( alL
itiDf at Oareaa (ora few weeke. retn( (rioadr froa
Dell Pairbankrat Williaatberx.
ban Kridry aad k eWUx Mra
Bkchberrin are ripe and ^odfiaf U •Pfrd laodoB of WUtUarbiux b
-aaooB• ■
tbr mple that poar wttb^iailr. barkctr. boildlx a boere (or H. K. Croer.
W. akh of Cbieafo wae at tbe
_______JlU Oray of Chleafo k rkJV
BobcrtClow andwKeof Ceatral Lake
bar pareota. Ur. aad Ura. A.. 1>. Uray. dae eboppia^
m fWUaf ber parcata Mr. aafi Hn.
Utra Uray rklled la Ubk aad at
"iBoanb'allroe bar war bt>ae.
We bad a alee nla beaday elfbt aed
aaiarUl fenr k necb boiUr.
Mr aadHra-Albait Hoatfon .
Moedar Boreior which will '
A H. LetlUAaft Haadoy for Bna^
I rklUBP Hrr. UoairnaAlbert Barwk. one of Graat'a 1
beeeBl to polaloer.
Hr aad Ufa A. f- Uray. aetUera. dirdat tbe bnmeof A. Uoel
A party froB the Waataaoo went W
Hr. aad Hta. E. B. Keltoa and Ur.
omaaaad Nenh-U waauoa'tbeaoei
Iiapp. mol
aad Utm
mat Srtordry
bebcldat Wcrtord at i p m. today.
beat tVadaoaday and ntaraodat alfbL
Sihliif at Bara Iska. Tbay
Tbaj rrtsraed
Hr ht.d Bade bir h/.se with Ur.
Joba BXd mat to Soalt die. Marie
|‘ i-i.plrfor
Irfor rcioe tiioe part,
mi week
>0 C. E. dodety hara. waa n-orraatboefh he bra ao relrlina '
Saeday arealDC' Ibe (oUowlaf
will bo oadly Birred by
Ueanwen aleetad:
WaakMoo Mtariay.
nIaUro at tialkarka Seaday.
PnikTreh Kiaak Frtaeh. Vice pnal:hUdm at.
, NellBrllerof'ftanreeCiiy k ekitaOBTU MltTOX.
deat. Hra. Alter Urebb. daereUry.Uiaa
9 the blaad lart
laf Urt. Tdnaf'r peoplr today.
dlmr dacar. Trearurer. Hka Lacy

Afipst-elRMAlr liebt SoRtar..................

‘I Bos Syivo* from $250 op.


HlB JorU UoTBBtb of TBrana City
«d Hlw Cerranr of Uaairtee. an
A rety plnuat cm lac waa apecl
rt Uir homo of Usr Wame, Irri
ftldry la daociaf.
A larfe efuwd

■BMuJeaUaadAaakDaaaM trrat
«■ tbo aseanloo M tba HaarioD Uleadr yaatardap aad aej^d tbo trip
Hfo. Oao. Qartar of Patarrllla paw
tkrOBfb tovB today oa bar way
Olob Baraa to nalt hat paieoH.
H Oartarkballdixb* addlUoa
■Uahhirilia an idpa aad an Tory
Ama HpaSerd waa ia towo lodi
MUoWaferdwrferread iBpplMaaat
XMa Jaate aad Mary kBlta of
rnahlort won U towarktUaf {rknda

r alaylaf

r. Charier Hryward, of Urrioa.
__ arhort rUltat hU nephew’a. Ber.
J.J^ Hayward, aeoaide of tUy* l“l

nefaBillarfaerol Wa. Baekbary.
oar of o«r old elUroaa. k area ia lows
rfaia. Be bar tpaet the lart year and
a half arar Baplr. aad bar nurard to
look after bU property lelereru hfn.
Bt will naala oaiy r law daya.
Hr. aad Un. Char. H- boofiamer of
tOm Mary Ball o( Praaktot eaao'
*—loataaOewaryaotorday to ■-----idayatrtthbwrdlbUfea.
_ » ITiaok Barry aad Kkt Con Iharllr k a reaelee draoent aad
Z' «n
■nett fak reral (rleadr wltb ai:
■my o( Orbars wan ia Iowa e------Ofduilty of hk boyhood dayr.
Tba boyr of thr Klefrley bred laade
a Wall ooa elfbt lari week to HrySelA
Their reeepllOB by Ue eitltear of tbiUtUeberf waa Boat eordki. After aerrral pieon ot Borle wen ri-adared re
rmhaeoU were eerred. Tba bore ray
Ibrleeernm ted eakr w«we talredld
aad tbe hoepiulity of tba eillrfrn
PfOB Uc aaprerrtoa oe

----------- ..---------boeday. dofoet *. ooHbe ucanioo.
ly ellb Mr. d. Priak'a pardayaodt
Mn. B. A. Carlirle Of
cat'. Mr.
Oee of Elh
El_ Lake
Mr. aed Hrr.
cpeet Seoday .with
pareBt^Mr.aadWn. <.......................
Udiee' Aid ereeu w
Wlaton Wedaerday p.
Fbraan baUad with dellfht tbe Bee
raie wa bad Monday aorataf. U rraa
a due tUof tor potatoeeKcbool dklrlcl Ko. t hare beea dolx
a Bar Job of repalriaf their rebool
bocee. .They baZe Bored it to A new
lerBdetSoo wbieb flree a food b
neat aader tbe bolldlnf.
H. Odell hat baao roriperly ill
pact week bet 1« bow ooeraletclDf.


Arthur WsH
wbo bar bna vkitit
hk aepbew Dr. Waiter (or a
Boatlir pan. Marled (or tial
yerlenlry. lie will apdad a eoeple
noaUii wltb niallm than aad
ililUdrlebefenretomlx to bk boae
to Hkaoeri.
Hn. Ella Greee la rpeadlac a couple
^ weekr with bar poreau ot Boar

HarfarelOroftt aad Orpba uardner
roterned Priday from a rkit to Hka
Arerr Dark at Hracoloea.
Mn. Jeaole Waller k rUitix her
pareeUioHouthera Mieblfao.
Boat E. Walter wbo k a BOBbWr ef
ey M. J4tb MleblfaA wrltaahlr
faibn Dr. Waller tort he had a aUd
auaex of aakrlal
«erer. hot

lelo aai. the buyr did cr
Ible (or hiB
bis aad that he «
obi all rlfht
_ ear load of eaUIe aad ebeep
iX takea ia ben today.
A Bee nla rkltod Uib aoetioa Sea.
day aifht aai
aad did Bech food.
Mn. Tbayorretonod to Peatoua lart
J. H.
,t to ‘^rone Oily
Hro-Bodfer waat
aha paper. He fan ot a s
paper while ia eharf* of the pt
alt eaad bp from here aad blefrleedewkb hiB euo
lit new rcntore

M- Uugert'urtxiDoor in fact anytbiog to furuieb your boDou inaidoot a yxr, it will imv yooto
g bpy^t N'OW. CRch or Pajrme&tA

128-132 Front 8<reet

Traveive City, Mioh. :

fan. ai d Xter arrlviaf Xn I viariout to n and Xre a Ulk with my <•
1 Ji-ood eooe aioeot fi- _
borne aod otorn Xav prexrief Ibelr
Xekwbeat fTMud
Goe dar. whue at
Ur. Urim'a atore. !
u. Al... aeiia.
-It will X'iapeaalblefor me to abahV
bandawito oee-XIfof my old oripb
boeaXIura my r»aed trip tickel cx* na f«I X mold Settlrrv*



....A GRAND....

ilClose of Season Sale!


rba Ulewo TVellr. wha ban beea
rpeodinf eenral werkr at tbe Waul
too. left for Ibelr boBC Tbonday.
We are flad to bear that Ur. K
aedywbubar baoa 111 tor a lox tl>
k Improrlpf.
Dr- aad Ur*. A B- TboBpeoa
Uraad Rtpidr wonat the Waubaxae
ektorday; j.
The blleeZ' Femily fan
Mwa Salerday alfbt.
Un. ttokbemApd efaUdiaa arrind
Tunday aifht
Un. Joe llmaetl retoraod Irwn Char­
levoix Mroday.
There will be noaerrloer la tbe Con
frxeUcmel ebocvh next buaday oe ac
ooeat' ‘ tbr do-iertloa of tbe ebureb
atOBaae. to fblub tbk cburcb U ia
P. S. Pnei'fof LeUad wae at
UukaroD Br'ur.lry.
Mr. aad M e W dr eif Chleafo
bare apeodlx a 'ew weeka
Htmee L max. who ban beeo
Wanka to..left lart week.
BIU Cat! - < ad daxbUr r f k
Urod at tbt WaakAato HaUrday.
Mn. Bitohle aad daafbtcraed MiB
Oeckacr. wbo hare been hrrq tenral
wrekr. left Sueday BoralxBeaJatoiD cl Tneene City wa«

Sbe u
wbea <
woo'd Xve it come i-S.
.werrd 1 old ao*. kouw wXt div imt
,--lmy birthday wa. oa tiie
Aafaat xd I orver boew It to r
toat dav, where I war. aX tbe 3rJ ol
ABfiul..liiai. wa. tbr date .*( i-ur
pieate oa the *bu-re<-( Oka Xke. io
front of Mr* Af"rw'«
the fr
rod haaXen hrid o.lbetrdofA
wl op to tok. tl
the* filth

521, . ..

is now in progress on Summer Goods at

:iPrices That Must Move Them!

or three of that* Boetlnpv I
wwibar mam abootX. -Deld co there.
dr-plXiApnakler: no rain l»alluwX>
oa Kaeaoo Frmcaaa'a binWay wber- '
ever br mav X.' xd the cloudv divap- j
p»ar«dxd we bad fine wratberand a |
fl-frlona time
Hat a« it raiord all day |
■ *rd e( Aafovt at thla..
I th.............................

Oar stocks in various dopattmentBjin hammer Goodr
art- broken and if you find what jo6 want it I8

in Tour Pockets.

Oaa yoD dxbl tor e'eaegre it »(T wdt ,
Oiv la tn-oUng my eld aeigblo * when j

»f™tlwfiau Isrstits Olfenit:
-riu, uaut,' SUM

....'xit:',;-; iirriu,.'.;'1;;:!,

„ oi„ ni

m,- ,»uu« i„........................*38

I k.b-1- »1 w-.w-g (or.............................. ....... .................................................. ...


"'-“g -g-i-at*.....^............-.............................................
^an.U ay

Only B tew oxtm fine fifik WaieU b-ft (upw-ial Io daw)............ ...

1 »8
3 98

.... Pewiaea k cater
father in-law. J^- .Wibei
toutbera part
Wilfaurcof Wextcird-liaodayed
bk (elber:







D. -Bivbt

Will Irwla «4o. Xe'Xea worblag
»ar0adlllaek boae agala.
Ue .ox

•a WiBlen aeoamphA. S.abert tX family weal toOoX

ris'dfht !3:l‘

t. D UoOarly wX bx bath extaX
to bk bX oearly aixtoea' axtoa. k
aUllaoCerix Ckaxt raiat npx tore
bver io bed wiibool XIp lit lx* are
dr^ op ooUl Ab feat toooh bk bXy.
A m'aUbe waa mXe la xylof oor
liapotUMa to UrXfbWa tboB) bk Xarah woold X dXioatX Sept, aotk
kheat awollra iX vwy xUfaL at •kaior Nxbarxid he XpX u
llBn X k drllrljoa. tt r
. Xt toon k hO



- 3 76 .

Ira a. A. btoekwell will ctart toIhaBUranHnkalCe. an aspeetad _..-row for Lurlaf. 8br will virli at
nrlooe plreea la aoelbere UkUfaA
Hrr- DeUa Perrla k rklUx Iwr tkla tbalr mu IB tbe omh«'
C. U. Andarrot
Hartha Otte of Trarant Ollr
Tbe Ulaee Oriaell of Esokakee. Ill , ritll in Albion.
Oor baaday ecAool wlU bold a rieuk
birpxmiakartwoak tad Mob
iDeopwator Pi^toa Friday of tbk wen tbo fooela of Urt. Prank Olbbr
of qearla ed
lari week.
• Thr baed boyr of Elafrlcy fare a
(roe opee air eonoort ben Priday aifhl- week aed report a apli
iMcreaB aed cake won aarred at the ' Hlaeee Eiaaia and BUa Hoax
lutel aedalleajtyod theoreoix nry abort Tull bare laat wxk.
John Stiektarloat bkdaaghi
peatar. bar foae to Tnrone City.
tU laat week: abe
Bar. A. D Mrer. of leianeUr. Wla.
Ur. Stickler xd fro ily bare been here
(ereterly parlor cl the U. U charuain
net c eborl' time but ban .made many
iroe. k freeUx bk old pariahB^rlaed (roa Cblexa wbo
Mnu oammooma.
(rieadt. and
wKh toe yoaaf oonple
rialilx ben (or oomo "
MBaBoUio HeOey of Pen. lad. k
ippy xd proaprroua folnn.
ma at food.
Ue will oecapy tbo palMoXay.
^Uag W^mclo aad aaal Ur. aad
The familiar fan ef Wm SslUXr^
:t dandry aorelx
Tbe ateam barge Baale Cblpaaa k
HMs Mina Horio. Blaaebr Oarpaa- ^^TomberforthaS H. W. Lum- ia aecB thlt wxk lo.nitaf afiar bU
propery here,
lie will mekr Xta
ir. KeUla Htyd aad Aaaa Boyd. aX
anm bar rkll Id Haektra
abort nail. ,
Hrari*. Will and Gocwfe Notowardat
HlmEBoiaCropp 'IrVt loot Hoaday
IxaFSn.TderjjinX hit-wife here (or
>aded tba torchan' lDrtllrlo>at Tne (or Cbleafo where abe expeeu to pel a
avi.-ii Xtb hkakten. Mn O. Caeo
poeiUon la an offioe.
Xd Mn J.OjfCSrtihr:!M waaba with bk akm Ura. J. A
The r.keot rain* an eaaalaf havoc
Geo. CXirtiy bea f'rra hk at
Tbt eoekl at N. Nelawaro'r knport- 'lib Baay ol tba faromn ban who
wiUbold tlr.BoBt ad to hare ana a rnooeta flaapeUlly.
bavt tbalr oauoot to tba'field aad at arw e-mt of paUt iaaide xd oat.
Aj^MoUafwlthI Hra A BaaaaWla.'milla. elevated taoX xd plaaly
W. U. Urird. P. E. Ckrpcalor. A. H the aaaa tisr daUylx tbreahiaf
rcbrtn aad C. B- BarUett woat to
PoRaer oMoia moob plcoaod el bxe are are mahiof nice lookiof
Hr. aad Hn. A Smi
lawaa la (roat of toe raaldenoae of
nmao CUy Batarday to atuad the
toe cae.-oB be baa bX aaltiaf
Hr. aad
a Vaa
Caae A Crotior.
rebibiUoa eoamUtB.
Ihreahlx Bacblaery or he pat oat t
Alloa Lydell baa leot a ealaabla rtfV
wlrr faace borra.
luraei (roa
U. A aX J J. KINry atartod tbclr
A BBBber of oar eitiraar want to the ■teaa thmber Ixt WXaoeday bat laat Uxday.
ymad tboB
Bev. Cbaa. Hayward ot h
Manx vklidtpol tbk Boraix to toke the Fars- (oaed a Utrie aon npalrief aeeeaaary,
to en' exeanioo to Bey View.
odiaeonelaof Xya
laat we
Bat it bat an now oat afala bxtlix,_____
eepkew Rev. J Uayarard
layvrard 0
of tok place
eeeiar that Jarman! ozeemloBr an InO Seboaberf aX (aally of Hiiwaatended for thr aeeoBBodaiioa of tbeer koe wX hara l-vea vkilix ^rre tor
nWey Deea aed xa Howard
Hr. Vaa Blariaoa k new
only wbo Hee la Ibe city, for tba trala tome Uae rrtanX a few Xya afo.,
expect to run tok week f jr ritit to
did not atop.
Wc with oar rallroadr
fXbkaktorU.r D.rarloy<
tbeir old home la Broatea.
EUwikatTnnree City today
ooald naliaa that tbe ptoplc would apOfel. wboB bt baa aotma tor
‘ 14 yn
xe ilbenlly loweboaberf of tbe fl. B. W. LnaOfifalloit'o-^io!_____
Unvra eoixGBeieXptoBber. Gnwa
L left (or Hllwaekooyeatrrday.
pxrle katrh oak
>toe<> preake to X a very b j
Bev. W. W. AUxXvb fillod a polenp hai 0 O hot mt down by early (real
pu in XBoy laat baeday.
Pvur bmaaoB xlUd at Tnvwa
Hla Aaaa E. roroy of Rrtara City
Him Maud Il.-Vall maraod to Xr
aaoBmaakdby Ur. J. OIU of Uk«
Wa had a nfraabtx abowar of nla City yoBtorday x baelaeoa.
hoetolaOnad Rapidt Ratardav.' Bar
AbBBUtad bar (atbor Dr. Ooaoy Uk laat alfbl.
BOtoer will ramalB hero a xeplo of
Ufa. Heen aaB aoa Walter, rotoraad
I'ueadaf froB a trip to Tnrcrae City.
Char, fiaarmlller aad wife of Cfaleago
Joboff. BloebartaX B b
an vklUag their parxia Hr. xd Mn
A qaUlx eraft froct Eaclaa toadad
with UBber (rea Fkhnk deck laet
P^XJm. BlaiBd^ toidad a
A daaoe in tbe Xwory X Olea Can't
Friday aad Bmrdu!' U^.
xd toa mala pan of toa
tba work
will I
“ •

• • blB to Tiarmr
dox befon tebxl begiaa.
la Ratfoaffar baa fox io attoad
Hn Lxi
ik Maalgeldaunad Hoaday
Hn Darary ud aX Telax. o
a family renalx ia Ohio, wbieb k Xld
pire riaiud their aobla aX aei
aa City to j *ia her haataosd
aX Hn J E PiaUr^i Friday
wbo k at prvaeai
•rvaeat working la the Xlel
E A Packard XttX afoBcy tortoe Uelaxw^
p>ey axpeet do locate la
. Txy
J. B nabx war V»a with a______
Hitt OarrioOadhaa aad Hkt Haada XIII Uat raeaday7(or a wblU hk Aaii-aut aofar oaa.
iMk ntarwad boBt Batarday (roB (wtl^waaqaltoMraX; ha k Xltor
Aboct a doax B*a and bnya xt aod
Un. Hal«-IB RvSw aad cbUdrva of
Tkanrta Olty whon they hanmaataatnpJnbn ShUebAri'a'Xta (or him ^nrae Cliy are viaiHa/ rcUtivea
Md^ tba Toaeban-Uatltato (ar U»
Two Xxbton of Genrye Salto ot
^o» aoalA Hka Bhialda aecoBtwof hk (ether.
Ur*. Frxrit
BMdboa bene aad wlU rialtUiaB(« Fraakfurtarv bm vkltUf toelrfraX
T pareaM Ur. aX Ur*. Sv^m.
relaHvot bon
Hr*. Ed Fiabor aX litUt daxhlei
•err foX wbnl
hex toreabeo.
^toHeatiXX Bortbpert' IM bTiir
Id teoxtytear
boae Oh North Haaltoa.
wen Seaben A Enoua

of o
xta wbirb yiridX
aewBpaoIrd by Char. A. Ptaber asd
•rife aod mX-Aaxblar NallUWeatOOW. wbo Xn fOBo to tot klaX (or a
U Broofca of BordkhrUU wac BarriX to Soak HlddUtoa ot tbk plaor
laai ffXModay at Lelmid. Hay tbay
b^ aUlrof hapHama k Urn with a(


Prank t’oner droea onr Ires Lalaad
U to X Btml r>w ? park a' time to!
Tn Gent'e PDraUhittK I>(^rtinent we «r« alaabiiig our fil,vOil}- l.iw pri -a*.
Mbt Clan Tbomar oiorod a nry rae roae. Thai will depend entirely upr-n |
eersfai tarm of r;hool aear Lapin and yx. aa :
1 will B<
^)ur ramoDB Triauipb KbirU, the 75choU<>Rc ciualilitwfpifar.. \
retaread to tbk place Botarday.
UUr Balckluof Chiafo arrind at
Oar tl and 31k-Sbirta <aamt> brand) go (ut................................................
seWaakaxoo Laadry atorbix
Gey Aallieaa aged nine yean, xe
Thy pricea of BiPfl'eKtnw and BummprHalaare cat in two.
U. W. UeajaiBiQ waa U towaSendayiodU. elne Xy>. met with a a.d aeJ
be repaired ImBcdiately.
A well made
tragic death oa Tueaday m.irniBg of Hon* i* a worrhor in iianV Sntuinyr Koila.
Un ElU Rrowa. wbo bar boei
lavt waex. He had tlairu-d onr to bk
Wool Sgmmyr Snil, w.-ll worth $7. Ui doae at, tba aait...
Aodroct at Old datUen- Piotoc
tick. kalowlyrMonrix
Un ABBaPeatoakrkltlxl>brparThe folljwlnr on toe nmarX by
N.» iiamtmg. Sco ihem ud oonvino* yoniadf.
le wiih a K>ad of gravel waa a abort
which IX Old XUIera' pr-wnm at llorI frteB^iiere eaU at Wazfard.
It abrad of Gay and bucoailo (iUa.:
Mae Olarr bar ntorsed with ber dlcXllle^uyaal 10. wpe openX
b b.iy« cliiaed OB the back eod of

Him Vknak -Thompaen rkited nla.
a BUk aad Beaa BlaaUy aoter
Urea at Uodfo loat weoh.
Bi'lr* I *T~ -r UairfrindB (Ularday thtB to fe back.
Hxe. Dr. Paatoa k larkiBf a abort
rnalx 1> bom of tbalr rktUx «>••Mr. aad Hrr. D. B.CraodaUot Onwe
Im Iba Xkan Paulaftoa.
rkit with her panala aear Wexford wenbenbrpday.
aad win nura to hardlroeiieolate tana
Hkt Btbel Eebblai of Koyttoae k
dry aaxi week.
ifcooldaalUon plaa
rkiUx Wim Allle Cook.
Hrr. Darrey aad Hn. Biekard bare
beea oa tbe rick IIM.
A.f tl

______ „
«Mto Gadar Boa to aaap oat eX
dn for a tow daya.Xt aUi tor tbo fi .b;
WBdU aoteoe Xy.
Hra OIAIr. aktor of Ura. Nick Hioi«eL 8r., arrivX bon (rea Hilwaakn
ftiireday to rkit with roUtIvoa tor tbo
■tot MIA

Now If rS

•“ytWog ID Fornitore. C«rpetii. iJiaheA Tiuerare. Sewing MhehiUeA ^

Whrn oar


Yoo get « vritlwD sa«r>Bljr tmxl viib mry TeniaaoUr

m--Stave. (Iho )»xt ^tovf marie) bat the atovx mat* go. x they hWho heavy lo move.


ar«. ia

Itodlh ef Moaktoa who bae
r Ura. Wyaaa aad Hra. 8la

A flnt.clua PtmlnvolAr Bound OrB ]

. Hen we are a^a ia oardcllfbi
ahadywrovex tbaabonof tok bwniKal One Luke and at xr fifth xaoal
beitlen' Picnic.
1 have ao worday command toat wtU xpreaa tbe
Bf my
' omiar
my old
n han^^la d^y.
baa bean
old aeltl
ilme^ ood oa toe Srd of Anyual
laellxr yaon?
Ua '
to abow ooraelvea la oar agm
dotbea abd roailp. trada taonn ®
vwap juk-kalnaf
No: It U tbt len
we feet for tot Carly aetUen
•d ao bard clxHag up Ihiv x
wiiaaroear xd maka U b!
' ebaaca baa


■I'rs: t

father, a-a b* r, two alaura. one broth
er, X aged gnndtatber aod graeJ.
mother xd a boat o( nlativia aad
frieodg to oioara Ibelr |.wa. He luvrd
Iba XbXlh A.'l.o>l
How we will miw
tba little tone iaxrmUtat EklrUbt
(lee. loviug waye. .p.ick aid -eadj
tlraad^nveroF'rvtu.Tt aee we came axwen woB Ue lore of '
hen la toe early'OX.
Gat lato yxr
fine carriage orarallrcad car, laaiead
of IX old lumber wagx dial
Wbemr. 11 baa plxaX u<
yoke of oxvA aa o( yon. and____ __
•• > bk «
rix xd you will toe fiae. modrra built Father to
boueee and (niae Xrae that have tak- xriuuch bdorX drighboraa-i
rn tor plaea el tboaa balll ol log*, and dale M. L M-arop, taeaaeteriog lati*.
- -'-'-adedvriiballkiaXof Ily tiaa and Ba'xiog drear toa home of
-ar bell
beluTwl aiaiar. Un. Myrtle Muarer.
__________ _
nload la Ibucllatatr, xr
aed cleared-ap fialda aa amxlb xd hereto
U-*o1v(d. That ia th*
* deal
dratbof Broth____________
Hard• table—Bota' itomp
a* baa U»t a Ungl;
Yoe will xtiee x oceaelxal 1«C bouae ietaat when toe father frixd V 9d helper aad bk wife aad
children a kind buiXad *i d talber,
baa raid. "Boyr. dx't tear down
and tbr '•■BmaBlljol la ge aa hxorold log Xbw for yxr grxdpa
tbere. aad Cbartea. Ogdx aad MieLle ableclt t
Rrav'vf-d. That vrt*. the
aod Maadt wan bora than xd toe
girla wen aarrtad la tXt hoaee. Xl KosXn-. I Hill ttroel Epw.
xtead to the bereaved
beanlelt aympathy, xd
Bmolved. That tbeve ro>e.'TGoBaX
laeo! yon woader why I
laft tbia wi try lor toe MBtA
I wUI apreadeo'w tbe l.gnvQe ro^r-<a xd a
• of ay aeUlsg eet xd -------X aeiil to tbe bereavto (iiailv.a copT X real to tbr OKASn Txa
at the nUaeiy freata
oexr in the valley
•t-ao (rrqaeatly
when ay Ura waaloeatad.
k a froat te tok part of Ukhlgaa Is
toe tamaer mxix it wUJ be (o«sd
to*bardeetxd B-mt dkaatrou ia toe
Uey from toe old_______
old filetax farm *^
„ tbe faro of Mr. Webbo
from Bardkkvii'C to Maple
OR ou« •ayiouR ih arttoe eropa io tb-i epace aaetk>eed at Ceet Xvv fium.ouu topuMkb. Cunla.lbtbk Xto to xBviax yx toat wXt I aaorly ^KI fall-page rngrtviag* ut .
Xvkmr. by toe Great MatUn
ray UtX trnto.
la too BoaUi of Jxv. int. I loft sot a life oICbrial. but no exhibit
JoBBlega. a tows loeaiod ia Lxialxa. tdl tX Great Muten' Ideola of I
X tbe Soatoera Par de rallnad IH Cbrkl. Nootorr buok ItevarpublUbod.
Bdea vmt of Haw OrlMM.forHiehlto twenty orden XiJy. Tb<* bxk ia ao
baauUfei toat wBx peoplr eae it toe.
Pubikbrd Im thx a yea
and already le Ita tevaty-fifto cdil»e





Thr iwmaca arr^xlagdty
ooe eiiht to
A perww! of
tor pie-anaoE iM* book k Itor taking
a txr a-noBT iX gnat art gallerfee of
Bsroro- fl" HeniUag*. Prado. Ull
P.tU. L o>n. Vatiex. NaUexi
Lndx. Nalknal efBarlto. Belridan
aad other eclebntrd Sarapex an gal
tm*a.Xnall placed tXir rarratxd
gmWat treMorvaat (Be di^naol tXt
Uny Bight Xreprodeerd lortoia>


Monkpon l>ap*nataat
ao(. b

wagoe: iu aime way' It will nc*
boownjuathow little Uey (e-l 01
Xck wbeel of tX wegoa. It ptA>.
•over the W-k part of tX head
lag him Ixtaet'y. die waa tX *■■
Igajiaia aX Eunice Agl-man. b
July tat
near Cedar ilan B-ea
Cnaiy. war klllX Aagoat rib lev
tld to rrat Io ilreinbrler ceaeUry,
.Ugaat 10. Xrri-en ooedorled at IX
ixtt by Mr. aad Hn. Cox. ’ Rev.
giUiama p-vacbed at the arhx! bento



Ev^ry dejartment U Ueming with bargaioB sold'
regardless of cost to close, at

The Boston Store,
cuss BLOCK.

BUR HUUESTERlaaear Imta BMlaaCvlUimwr
XMleeAi pxilee.

Tbo tee ema axial Xava Tbaiadgy
' alcht by Um CbHaUx ladwM WM a


OBt of
Ta evil nhane eaeUy aad (weaar. X BagDied AafMt
.tolnao Ilopklea
Hick .AlnortBarv
enr Coaaty. HIc
boro ia Trcetoe.
Hayto. l^to il-eaBato to
la toa (all 0ef )a<lt. He had
laird a good
le bigboaloei
ef Odd (allowii_____
Waa Xried
- - taalory
A very large
we. pnaeet at toa________
which wac rid la toa Wrifard rbnreb
Rev. A. A

.2.*: isjii2i.*a.sffi.svf«r

. Mr ^Irii Xd

read m
• “
mama with Aloaso Bepkiat er aoma oi____ m v a a f*e<«ni
•oar of tor (aally for twraly-fivo
..laai v._u i
Ha k the laat xr to pan onr


SAar. pBblkhChk-CA QL.

Hn Hkbarl CUrUia. PlaUXtd. Ill.
mafcta tor aiolraxt iXl aX cMfht ---------------- ^
---------- ---- ■ _
xld. which ortOrd x ber lgag«: aX
waa tmud for a axto by bar (aally
phyaktx. Xt grew wema. Be told

wraX waaabopvlaaa rioGa ef cxaeaptlx end tXl ao Bedklx exld



iarbNev'DiaeovoryfordoMmptix: ^wriwmTiw.xuaS<x
w Xogbt a boUlo oX to Xr delight i am-a

«X Xnrlf hrwrfitcdfroa txamtl
' n*i B

takteg an boUloa. fxX honril
well; DOW dcra her owe Xom-| vma.wena< vci.wx Mtoxmaaw.
Prvo . _
.-ry Ol tX
xd J. G. J
aad SI.

(Mart, « M w'lwxl^ B aww.



b* ea
•■ 0-

Amermx Harrow Ou . Detreli.

I m I week a wnrk with thr heoh.** aoya xMxy ax aad weax bqylx
Un. N. B D-Golier nUrned W«U ____________
a adej tram Tnvene Ci'y. when ^ eXXxaXdMmAMmOMdtbvwemwmgi, aad pajlvr f*v bxice frna torir aoemkaafewnaiBmatoggtkeaHMed Pmiwla I aaaa with Ibkgrnt imrA
Ake ax
. baa beva wpxdiiig » tow ihym
MX Realo B.amX'fev aad Ukkia
ro£xal. Price MwRht par bo^^S
Manexd BdgCC-n.aewrBlto Tcav
aaU X J- O. JobawB and R. B SWL
.w^C^Tbonoay xd nlocwad tbe
Addraaa for




Uad tOM-aadlbtakUw bowweeu)
woaU be to take a trip to tbeirwwtol
cod tbto b.m «i»y wtei nddtwJr «»
ICM grew .twr »> «>*A
ae .






1 kwnr, bat wiial dioold 1 are bet foer
bnatiM (alria alldnktd with nan
{«> To- >• * ww ant te.enllrfa. It
aad atan bad KocA CD Cbm wbn tber waa aonner. aad tdz tx^ oct
Tomcam tbnwb IbeakrI Alltd tbcm Upre ar'aoUaawccetoROCBaaaniptaReiOBclaakU. ‘nuR. Kai. wax cen-n-d with
.... t;-,
alB» Them waa a dnd ailnea. aad j];!;,
m *^£0015
CM the bn. fmr,
a«»demdwe e.-arr«,*0

un»—ln|[ mod t>gtly ((•tani
Mr U ^tod tornu«
tr Ibr canBoi tscaUUm Oainila.


tutbodiuiipa a^ vowed lerniRF. Kezt
lailrtit aad flatC “Oe
tvirt and tnpfdafc to
I Ui<. boalraed towvd dowu Ibv rim to a
Tbe falrtratbnatiTlobed tbrir (pawr . link
Ultk lalaa.1
>im«ile. Wbn

.Wttk lb. — at (W-d-aa-.

bea qaMly maiebed ; ouwei rotuf aaiil itra. ymii amt ubra my'


mup. aieephm aiebu aaJ wiirimmi dtyr

Ml.trlL Sow EuKMt.


m. ...m. ,n.
laa ft. Roamu
gatmeP.M| awl aaen. le luhw, ma

awaau «.w>iehkaHi.m
Aa-aday. dwpe. uus I BM,

p.Er sra.sE„?£-^:rSj!LHS^

dne... H-rk! lMe-IK»’«b.-iTf Thi-reia
Sew Voekan.i H-.UMi.tahe
a klij-ht tue.b- lu (be tUeUtin'eath. A I ptraaure in aanai.orlag U>at ample ar.
, faint Iigl.t aj-lPcm. .inu.Te l.wBD.hi-'r»i.rraaepuha*et..ea made fM»ataiitauil iaguDi'- Tl.
ietl.adidlvuee, Vetx-'< aratem vt bamu.-r T.'uriata
irb ear aerrier b. tk.
aud Him anmbarrfcii.-. Tb. Map of tin. • Ttefceta aad Ih-ntirb
b-»oetanf .be.Wll■ u-ht oiwoe u«l a Live miimal al.m Ir 1
liai fiw manr reara hare ami
num Tbo «lt al.< irra. i.wtb«Aa ^ I? .J"*,,
e of Tbe ParoHle damme
mikftfaa well bav. iL..-»v.-n “ J” ,V
' hi—'{■•ra inf wbrtai
I heardi, l.irtbej-atin
Duavvare.if tbviU)|«t.<tM2<lunker. bud- iiutoiner i.Mir. » vi|dctIynl.Tud gr.iwl otf.Ao tbi-ia, Tbe'« 1.1» .^nt v.any addre—
! uiidil lunijldinilv lion.iug rbowtil Uu-m ' the. r rdau pe»ure Too
11k-fro.f.-atore of a adriP- ltowli ilrery deairal le
laat. lftlK-rbadl,(dl.-ri.»r«lKnl.i iMfnreUUni. their earn
Ui,-ir Wita, U.-y w.mld have D..limd
^ *' ““


bean ctonoia .4 warlei blneMM. Tbv will grow la ahaIrriT di.
tMte dtm nrtliga along whicA «h7
dlmk are amtaged. aotbe little gard.«-

- ■

mM IH AIM* aaf Ibe peal «m wtaachl by Be. VVIMb* Gtafe Fib!
M am baaeaib- tbe lilm Ir bale ENvplr.

Tvvmt'a Witeb Baa
-11 aa<e of aar Hal
faetaad lla mn____ ____________
N>eUtnatteB>rt incm.urtrilli
oat tnr ibr maa vbo atle*pla r
ocire. ron 'wbea vna mil for Ikfrlu
Witch IUbp) Balra. tba great pile ri
J. U- Jc'

SiS.-a;S!.'=:'»',s.sijrT,: "'j'.v.’-i'.'.r.'C.i-'Jk.e-.

<d Old rmOn material A bottle
eomrd wilb lUnueL dipped in
' roUed tu cnaew-vd. will eon
wUb a graan, rrivier eariun
U bvd aoi« aad is tbe Ucht.'
A bar who qmde bia eeRiairn on a
Ifew bglaad tana, with more ingmoUj ttaa opportsaltr- makm cw-fa
ymf 1 moat iataaetl^ Imlv icuditi
with tbe BMaae«< the fm ngMaida
la ooe canar of hit sardn he cn-rta
a Uttle qaaianMUearbrid bno pcOea
Van be ptoata amrle.rDiiaerb.cna aad
Mamaa tber get to bn Blia<M lU
iuteUgb be beciaa to Oalu tlit-m op
«ri^ Imdifig ID tbe pelea Tbramrlrt


A SoMwr^s Escape.

had depMed ihtir raaka saiil only a tend“Ylm grm. aunlami
fal maarntd. Amonr ihe eamhar Am '
aaM Mra. I'lunib -■
Tmrme l^<r to Maamteeub iieeoa*
wliwii.l.«k.«o«R*e.aadltnDd«or- tbrvMcfa«l luri. tb«ra|>l»ititedBacT7 Mar ft. aad frrj otaer Haadar Ibeer aid tbe tteiwMgi-of Uk-wv > tan wr.—
afer Trale* lean Temrerae Citr •’
•.If .kiii.iiilnc tbmb
Inlm Clifford cartaia. aad .arb |.tDailaea n
0 p :m.
Beurainr tiMIaa lear
-You arr-rrell dniaaid," wild her m:.
bUb.«.r aa apnlkma. toeberaad
• alatee at S:lu p oi. I'anal low rater.
lan II tot gnUaiilb. “froia Imiuh* lo aha-. mat
nmful Ia.mth.mgh >..u wUl.Otul. raeie.Vnb hb man. w ihe .dl baaaaMaad
oalr or
—hf burro, ahl I niuu Si thrre e^ te Uoi Ihe kboalelp- tlm aar

• • •
1 talirmid. >o'flovk
^>a nibriit have an
« p-.m.
aar be
Men. Pam. AgX
A. Ml
-■Lei ua >Od l->nia.‘-mM Mk llninli
• { Tuaniaj dip out of the ouHnefbeeDda
••WewlU ItwveroB.i
Liid abr nd ..... calUng W-k b. Hu- bUnl
•er, !bi> nmai. baa m n-Uilng to mr 1 il.wliba l«iiillr tunc band and make f<w
van. --laa-k. up lb.' ailivT.
'rob bv/um r«o d> IK
a b<at wliivb tnr alaafa ki^ al tbe
;meet when roe
Ralph auggrohd lh» thy
dw Olid hvk
bltiendbiK-.wluirf. Tbe bmidlr bv
. UlUe EnH; rim'lih U|> at.... u. |w.i.'nl blu fnuu Lwi
riirl wrn the akia of tbe cailr biwr
lar vvtr . fliarra aee p'eaaaat. ra>r. tbnraagb
111 ■ng tbi-fania. --Krronda muai
iiw-'.ffoODdiu IN-pfattmL AlhdWp m. r«B 'tIrpllU
Therrure <>matipaUce an- eonne. ' I,-Aid. -'awlJ hh.- no,. I,
awdl Vw.^lMpaei«aiiagTlu f(r ■aaiial lahnr^
k beadaehe }uat aa tore aa gna lake
ii the niLU
m. J (1 Johi.HOi.
- l.ow.m, -m*l Emm “I ahail iiy t
mkha Oab. Kn.a. I hair Morud.'
•IM a awall fnRaar Mr daroeS aarlieiae, >
md Urn ATumh -'Igr ga
-pnfma •arena Irmtartan rrlirf.bat li did

lelb^<-l^dwiL Tie a
Moot mruig trauod U. hu« in ■ Uxfat
p)M»»nd «U U>r boUow enter wltb
VBUr la • (ew d«r* Uw fnnijimimu
«fUbcauito<bait.an4 it will not be
lav bt l>we Ibe fuiltierr camx leaTM
giuw out aodapnwtoalizKiMeDtltBlr
com tlw rellow ront.
The iwnolp U tmted la tbe omo
war. aud wbcB iiaat albcnao-Ir jritb
tfac camM tber make a rnij cffntiTa
.diowiiv. TbewaceroMt be dailr <»■

riTTee iS rn'ira

r-ar ta maa ae
4 road c'.>arab
aiaadiac. wQ Iagl
-ara .^r b*aia«*>
a toaetaanw'
I Ibn
in act aa
UAKAllBk ard
oaea. lt add.
Btdrr. Geaecwl Mi



Mnad. awl while ih.1T an tiarm .f hw .—w
------- 'loFeriar la hit Mer hr walla will. Ki V
l..-tl> Uaringtaad wr'

n<.rk<0 taa Itrial a nuar la aaafca,.I..T hagauai iKad hitnen
Sar pUatad

aa uuiuw (be VuaM tah>.


frnl.r ..linat h»

n«Li lu-T Th.' laerMrVBa asi .Jd:
tk.l l inrira;
' >lisa.-r m .o t«hl.L .
b. Idud.

Ibaa areran «lwa.ii.« and l-.rl l-rtUanaU.I hr all dealm. ~ will hr

Ytiii.'.MCcv ()■'•••hawrri ta-l.
la htab.-ak'l-.I.-'-h'd.—.4 rhvr am.

aar bumau b.-4UK luajde .f my
da Oil tlH-y haw- .iBiH- mm.- work '
1 do. my liille H.-Kr I wdl aak ' »*•>' >■ '■^'T
yon tt. ahto.. ny Inm a iluK jnat a lU-1
tb-. yem kmm; ju< m-mpL foi: yon to 1
«1»- ''>Kbl Umpear y..qr fare ti. in. . " Tlum b.- gam me ’



tvhen yon call for DeWiU-a Wilrl
Hatel nalr. .11.. pile co'.. d n
a •iiha-'lnle. f t
Int,. acwpiing
■rb.iriia J. 1). Ji.bOH

ulTblillavt- aud gart-it lu u» . tavtug.
••Lri me liliudrold y.«.- Wl,.-ii l„- lad
duie tbia. be mil. “tie atnigbt ubvad
till a golih II wall m.iie. r.m Tlu'n feel tiiia wall till r-m Diiil n keyb'd...
Tbia pot tbi. key :n tbe bole and tarn
it and"‘-klartuU.Uan.iiI Uowakenplldn
brlivru yoo woold alir.p all duy if I
w««bl let yon ' It waeiuaiaiiu'r v.are
I uw'd;.- wiilj a atari lu
ai I aluill uer.-rl.wg.. my
lu Uw aiiiiai

UaKN» Kuaap ditxmnL



hoole tu tbe rine. In tima tbe U.m>ima
wlU dropoff Bbd tbe grapaa will fam.
They will aoon -oanpUaly flU Abe buttla. aad If kept In tbe ann wlU ripen. .
Oara Kbonld be taken to ampty tbe buM
tie afhr aaefa nln aurm.
Wb>-n Ibe grapi* bare reached perfeetM. aera Ibe mmn with a pair of adam Tbe baDoh may be picaeehad by
AlUag M Inola with bdliag waw
latowtaiidi baa bm pnl a few cmqan
falaaf alcobol aad leaUtv Bnalywilbi
Mt aad mallag waa.—Boaum Globa

Clm TeeacM Malarre I a TPaC Mraw« art
I’l -m MK.V Krrrte*.
AmUlnaia. Borka runnty.. Pn. luia
the prood honor .f claiming
che yonugem tunll earrirr
{lie wold. H>- le T
yeera old and el:...
Ibe lanln
cd tbo PDtue AlUrt Fmui-la IlofliiuitT
King TborblldearriietiMfmailovcra-

lUIf.I.e' a-taai ui>B bbeir ocom
;lTtiMiir.' ge-loo. I‘»k H .> <1 B t

, Mnl.'-ru c w
- I thr. at jel.» 10 u ♦ Ml
I Care, tla-rnhw .a -ffe.1
iPtUl.l enrb
iiipnli-m tu

-Ini inn
t. ixMf

I la-lilial i.iid dup-.l.
AeridrbUeuiue wUb .'ieUeariog fre
blit »-ti amaiiil of lla.'ai
badjta—Tkha llay
..]lMa.K-"aln ' qr's'«•> .«■
..•'■ti-'a»l M.irtK-.!
rai.- with a
Ihiy- l.-il iIu. i.rit, ih.Ih.- Uvir iIhvw off
Iiia akin, ami lli.-n- M..
MlnnUCnaghCureaurpriare paoInaglud lUl iK><ri.-<I. Dial Unn aihld.-u■n* ' pie by iu qa:.-k i-urtaand chacrra ou}mlimd
)ulyrrmmlirtd la-1 in - g.i txaiw S . bn take it la large i] aantitira witboul tu<lia.I. u]i 111" b>-ai>kiu. p.[ iia.i LU tiiat leaH'< It ba-aeon for iUell Un
and rm .0 aw.lllv Inek II. inau:«.-d . I*at repaUlloa of any preparmllaa
Th.. >oday«.WC.ddr.cfoap.
Lilli gi-i p.
at or okaUpale cungba.
imiiiig a.fanui v.-aa <rwuiir.-d. but



5ol1*r5oe'’^^uy^^ i


@A50SOYI500AY i



Pa. IXB.- rmaagAll of Ihe w.ovl. d—.'lilarl .amraiit
UI... fnin.l».r uf
tl 'l.-HiTa trip U I
rightly I
. at.d I'toevrl loa- la
oDar. I. i»...f.'.-rh,-ri->lv.ii. th.,.-r hfi Iw
lovl.mltiBai tlK-uii-'i
aUl aja-ll the nai.K'.rt a fanf'4a Knglip.r ni.a lamrlaT - '
Cr—.K.W.I.: 1. Ti.grlcv-r. C AiK-|l.i
* (Vrodn r.; i.irtal hinla. f A .....0.
ei1 pTl.w. & rd-wrie.
rq.lriHl el.naul
A fnwh

in mmm

Fm^dy limr-deif.frrl woni- al th.-S
rtnnli.a .f lie- I.fO 111"- a.1.1 iK'-.Inmawunlaal ik-Uvlmiii.e.-rib.-inirdliia-.

Umdmer.. IS T.:i.-

' *aw5Syi.«P (Wmii.



tending to uta-l fr- a oar ea adrrrll'lng.
ilaia'i law p-.
yenr.. Bneium m-’I«dd r^waad •taape.
enr. l.i^ la A i‘. T R drr. Uenera


.nao. .aeLa.tA.

Berw-tf Bbr thro arrayed nth mi.-.
•• Awl troB. ih a:vl I ai-h In.-h-kill
lad hell. .1" ir |..'ir) rsumAfr ii;


b.« haeie aud

1—oa ~aa.,Ti lr«..»


e m idwiudcnriln bia
M of Jute
aimnwmirklax tbefnwtaida of tbe
nnum-r hCM-tfca cm. ciAe wbere tbe
aearlec (Wtarr ia nr. allowed to creep
la tbe lluiewindowa funud by dm
cmepwi be bapfsi aw.»-t paatnn, alwar* rbocaiig tbe place wberu tber
WUI get tbe mot anti.
la tbe eaeur tf ibi. atuniMr bnnae be
■naUy baa a nuai iruiidrij lalda. im-cw
wUob ta tacked a place of dark bliw
floBbal On tbia bo gniwi t-reaar.d.
OBariarbeuark.d iloff llkeaotuckrrboard Bud fcopt it flannabtug with
all Utruagb
M anmwerfaypiib-ntablng
Mind. Jaataa the green ■inann
icactauig prrtcrtiaii be woold ^winkle
tbablM eomwkb frrab •
wMtMnrv>diud down anolber waa
itmiy to take ha plao.
Aouiber year he (ornnd a ronnd
pfciB with pa
wMbtlm or
M worU. .
priaamlwlth tbe aidaf an
agnd In hare it Rrolre.

M‘>2T2‘%£twT.wiamrM=n- mm;

All Il.r eWro

i.s-dSsiir'u’;?;: S'.

■a IM—4

Ilrrar M i'imm. A.M.. M.IV
Pularrilwl awl .ton la Wian me ibM



X Headquarters for

iJ liuvMy.

raMUhaa k thr uraad HaeaM. a


.1-11.1 II lenr.wi.lL f.aiud. aiul tbe

a dLlnmluK an
qnc t.-m.

a Pmmr.
Ocataby baa a baby tmoUxv wbo baa
taacady bnm .lU with tbo cointug
' Moagbof bia Brat laedi. I tfaiuk be
haa tlm ImMoal bead 1 ptit mw <ni an
iafaBA It baa canaed' Doeolfay gnat
aazlaly. Sbe mood at tbe moiber'a knee
iMday. gently pattiag tbe little bead.
“IMcandal. Dorothy.-'aaU tbe mocb«. **Tc|B know
w poor
pom I:
little bentber ia
McA Bala

e U-..r Kur
d and tm-r

bemoerbuida wees lb.
plakB..p( my life. Wat almiat wild
UgaD-aO.iitmeBt cured Br qoivk'y am
perameknlly. after doeb.ra bad failed ‘
C K. Cwrnwcll. ValUv bireet Ranger
iln.M. Y.
>3 11
ireaopeclrea tbal tbreau-o taaby-a
ChuIrratnlaMom. dr.
tu i'uwlei'a Li-.r

Ply Nets

. ra- ad.- "I » hnf a
1!! fiui. nir.uidr..-"1 h-j\.-l

aauull lirx.-..
Oi"- fouo t.. a.i«TTile lUi.l h-a.e aklH
»..r Ir..It sail hr..-all.1.1.-"
.. li.i.' (rino a fuerulilg lu.| h-in.-ui i.i.d
lav..• dir
.and lave .0
. On.aniwrl.
IL i>ne from a •wBiLhand l-rov urt
lb 01 - fe in I
ri Om-fmm bM-(itr.-alah.l hw...,
K’. One from camapmuT and In

} SOIIBR LHP ROBES aod.DOSTERS. 11111=1^1^
IS My $6, $7 and $8 SiORle
--- BaAtbsa
..- are tbe beei for the S!

f Cb.te >• a war. - >Jie mid. “1
kball t.duutMT, iiai uu ar a nanu. '
-Ibou bow- will you go!"
••Cot, myd-arKlri”—
*‘Ub. you ni-tdu'i tij to dlaoonimgt
ma. 1 Ibmk ibe virandure aottame hare bam dlalrlbntcd by U.r m
rronld be ueeb more btrrauflig to me." Imrra. WLal better ^f of lb
Tb.-ebe t«Gll.d that twice wHblo Bdewee la lia meiila do you want?
tbe hat few mnotha be bad token M enrea plica, baraa. amlda, aorea. la tbe
make him alek wbw Im eou bia halrT'
akurUal apsoa of Unia. J. U. Jubnron, “Kin aatna ua ib.- taait''' ibe ewk di
toaenaconiiaopeia.—Cbh-agu I’oat,
—PltMbnzg Bnlk«in.
Aodb. duUI h«-« wbal J..CU.
aw le Mr -nMOriil ot.
BBl<>l h.rwliba amllc
khr MabM
-Tynlfa.wmrawill l'r.>plebarelefm.
Gaby waa rrrmred lur gettliig bar
Aa U mad- lb- ahipJay W
^ ^
t-d KALI lleVtiii'a Lillie khrlr Riaer nei
gradeatiia enmy)"
ekeMaanllid audwni trying Co bcomnt
mUablr JitiU pllla lor regnlaling the
ler It Ac Ima. In...........................................
mg sad UUla tUHaiawa.
"Yea Ilii-TbelnlnrionaR
They don't gripe. J. 0.
“Wdl. Idem'll
Tmebi r laboring .df ^la puiiUah—,
DilemoCP^tiBKaadayBiid gnmfo
Johnny, hdl ua baa Ua-earth ladlvlihrl.
aebunL wben-bo wina tumanai emdly
aa be docw tbe nmfldasce of Ibe pcwlal
Going Baai or Sontb.
Vbl 10 wivk*offlriala.
If yon are going to Detroit. Toledo
Jb.dmr, Dot YoLwooldD-tbarema
Oat na* M Agnna brhnr and paata
-Tbo aolfaariUea In Waablngton beard
u It on fiidaj. wonld yoor-—
eaa m mob aide of a piacr. of cardUwrd abonc him aud wmu. luAiim. He anMW Mw aa M dnwiaga Uake a awnvd very finlikJy tn a big. twond,
Kaarilont Miparrrica i»a fentarc of
tbia ilaa ^
F. M0U.I.MI.
buyiih mnwl that bi- waa Jnet aa ooa>.
A. O. F. A.
pptinlaa any (me tlurcdnl.t And and
f.-li oldie tbut -lota of boya ’ l«»uacFar brokea aurfaoei.
aoraa. inac 4
May m Iba Vwaalae.
be had nieh n-npeairibllity. a« bU papa
lua.' bama. akia di maea aad eapeeiaicalled bu dotiiw.—PiTtab^ Lender.
Ra. )T& —Tbamdi-. Foiilai ..I,
ly alira ihrra ia one
Xu. i;n;—A Hwalerlal IXurk-:
**-”b^or hare Ibe aligbtaat t«r on DvWiU-a WlU-b Hail
Anatbory.I. An<1».»>l«p«T;.-d.i Ihreb.
you rail for lirWill't doa'leceeplcuSBIbat aonra.” -be repUed. and it
on a rnrk wnhdvtm tiiwy -iq,
leefeilBOrtranda. Yonwl.inolbadied Ih-ann .(..tad lla UtlliaBI .4 Brill 1 nyi
have ■ ■
ap|>uiDle<l with^DeWittA WiLubBaael
d!dJ».*f:i*wbs ml aa goud a.
i war w-aa one apectaur of an
ch tu- wdea ttiM thordar imta fan u


tbe 3Ute.

j : FriM, tb. -a mj - teM-bm. a.«.

A good Doable Driwin^ Uarneae complete for $16 00.
Tranks. Ladies' and Oent’a .»atcheU al All Prices.
A Larira Line of Telescopee et All Prices.

1» Tp«t Btraat.

JI =1



khHM 1 e rwOu U-lean, aan KrouUw ■■.ntTilli


Traweree CI^. Michigan. '


I Atier Ibe captore <f
I tbe Japancmimilra aa bid n.« been taken
:by;li« Oilnaae
Imby waa fooiid by the vietim lying eo
tbe gronial iniheir llpe of march
Tbe aavtaUi irt a divUion pi.ked bim
np awl did bu U>t m adnilniKterronaolatlim aud prera-.n ly cwll.d ow-rf the
. Ik- ciOen-.i Ma libiT1 cwKliurm chat bo ahmld take the
I to bu wircuia.

lifted hU v.ii.r- en high and cried .0'
luodly when tbe etirmpiwaa tn.-de..
take bim from bia Jai amw- friend tbal

____________________ _
•11 lade I

«M* rod of tbe mnl aid :



“ Ml at

Oktanb ia one of tbe i.
dlw-aKw. and heue the moA dllbult
there ia bat cme way to «oro It.
TSediaoBjrt> ia In the blood, and all tbe
n *“'■0
have ~
no ^
tbe only rernnly which can riwcdi Iba

"•» oonm.^- bni u>
bo. bolding Ihrhaf7 0«hu

ir laai.aa imw- u- marfee

u o i-aiipaKU.


tbal bu ha innudal] Hark ao tbal we |an and
aaoMt am him Tloni be rranld abed
Mb Mia that barmaid keep mate
-M boom tor «ime tima
Una plgbt. the aigbt at my elenoth CUp—'
birtbday. I rrat tbtektiv <f tbia dear df
aU (allow. I waa koMM oat id my ■
wteAanr an* tbtekteg wbal a hapivAar

.. ............... .



If T<'u arc goinp I** liuild any hidcwaUiH.or if you have
any work or contraclF where you will use it. come and sec
wcniiiu't icki- that pieeacf UF—wc may l>c able tf> save you some money. The only
y»» «” oakc,» is «'liat yoa sire id buy


SuSl*.hroSiy ibTm*

iMiMfi(«yaCB L UpBca waaiaWM'BmMwma

-------------------- -—----------------


. Aeaatr. te Mlaad Deep.
Clean.Mood mama a dean AA K~a
cu.<.bad» (kitiar-

M^-iMd. DiyfoKoue eel of \Vc sell Buffalo Cement. Lime. Calcine Plaster and Hair.
"Ov itoet.*"
- If yon art a stone maiioa, brick layer or h plasterer, come

MbM —U.M l,.ie>o Mwt



Tk waa. Ball, q.w iBaaawU.waa« %mrurlHitt
arous Uinra.t .B. la >.wa Iwaaaroma <W)

"Tm." BBid Ibe itea Pnaciaao bad■^o eontinoeM *roog treauwnt for

often al.le Id bmr rery
‘ Ibe liBlian larlb
tee bailed
Th y won
dare UlCT. bet


We have a Car Load of-

"Aud wbo kpowi.".laid Um> dealer, igro the material.
«UUvhl»e.».*.B.lrnlLiug bltbBPdi.1
■■bnlwbBttbeaonrtaarf ibem bnga
OBme orn te tbe Hayfluwrtiu Ibla betel
aery piece et fnniiiucr-—Upriuuti'

'»■»«> »»«• «ght waa'orer. tbe captain
g.»rtbech.Wioa«w. cf biatro.,iM
wboborolher ■
o tuaCIti-

When 1 waa but a UtUa girl. 1 al. '

mill'Acervp rrrr-o< »‘te tlrn

7T-—KarUona: Stop
faeuoc. atMa.-1li«i. ianrib.shm. airfaetk>n, putn-l.v-i|i>;:. bi-ns.'ac(hm
Far InfuiU ud OtildniL
Xo. 17a.—Ui4i.rult.aia. Goata. aaia
Xo ITv.—ACiuw llubbm. Xal umL
Jlmetork, lb: lir... UllJ-hm. KU t-w.
X'o. IMi —Traueiawlilona: I II.- that
MM-droli.T 1. .in au-jarnrol. * F.rt
gIVT much in oiS»»l. Infl IHlh- In vonew.lf
«■ Liloiawa ir.-.i-la io»l.-vly Ih.ll la.rerty
- ■■
aoun omtal. . .
U.Kor tartua
-J^OTICE u, . .r . w.i-. a«iii..'a.» na U UM> ow|wel.rl
Ua- enrol iiieli. I
B Tin- hrol b.wri« a
—laiuUtarrAi.tUm I Ouldtw. Sli.r.e.-"
(riju-Wi ' 4.
Bunyaa. S. ftoyani « Hawth/.rnr. T.
a XHek.iw;. UiAddlaon. 10.
BaortL U (BMlUane. U.



Foul-Smelling CASTOR IA
Catarrh. niKUTuHaniUnpeagM

gtrlMig the MnagibMwirrl thumb and
•*" Br»»P-d bia Bil.4 with tbo
•MWofMA band. Tbe raUriln III awHlgurbi marchid ae to
•M to hahtbeimga -OleenUad ilatn ">* «M<nn. i.f th- n. >1 fm. nm-inog
, miniiwhil.-a bull.1i ibrungh biamp-_ ’
Ibr baby laolSd no wnoderingly
I while Ibe f.A waa lakes ui galUnl
; alTk- aud an mid Co Iw quite emtunred
■aw Mm Mrtm Maipai a LMUe «M la hr ibe din aud npntir of btltl.- in l<mg
OiaiMk » WMb.
: aa be coold'leal ttpua bU eaptaio'i
JAtmmwm aa. or Ibe arhoiamrpaat ahooldrr.
aodtaVaaidHa n la 'u mu

Orderafor.Job Printing left at the


poect B CUTBIA.

3T 18. X9M.

Httta for Haaaakaopara.
Below wtu ba toaad r««lp« tar a^-

Hb». H. I C.

aand exaallaat:
Oom BoOad eb tba Cob—Te relala
ita awaataaaa aora aboald be soaked aa
M aa pioalble aflrr ol. IrlBr.
If a.«BdiMr.
aaaary to keep ortT al^i ppraad h eat
aiepiy oa tbe oauer fl ,0.. ye qeickly el
reewred. Do aat apea or tear tbe fceak
till ready to b-.U.
Uemoea the baaea
aadeeery tbraod of atik.
Hari a k«tpat OB a MV-ta
Uaof bo'liap water raady. add aa
tSaaMi In the eora aad euak lea m
U(tUl ■OMWUt
lat after tbc water bepina to boH.
Cl wpftrato piMoa
earn, re4t
ore from Uw eob and boU ooU la
riTk ta eool
auof edapatjsK rery aloe,
Ibrae piau
boar. ^7^* *'■‘1 eoba. pel 1
ki wear a <
Uoil apaisaad
UMBO Ual >t ju»l bam ul
that It Ittae taatli boaa la U.a« .
that U U a* pilaMa aa poalbls Ual (<
eaa add one coptui of bulllap mi'k Ini
ibU-miatur. oome tea ball, and oat
woeea libbed raraet eorer I^Md. aai tmairn epp aad aerra.
Ibn/ob ll flad that yoar ■oath woa’t
•tiw.a .CorB Kriitme—Cot tbe ear*
dTopea wbea yen (aor a biiLor back
bree r>ad aUerarsmna chop 1
eell beolea epp
. .. ubleapooafel o
teaapooatin aalt. qearut
lu da', aad womea «bo wheel to
p'cataVc wfor laatead kalckerbockar
,pooofalof pepper; edd doer eeoapb
- icaS
> make a Ibla haUer.
Pel one *—
. .. at U« kaee. Of coBtee
aoucfol of bokiap powder in the fl.
doo'tnrae Upht koieke................. ..
<libaboaia*mucbfaI!Bra>aia maa.*
7 to a poldea brown In holUep fat.




-y Ann Artow.

BdwU vr..

rbleb tewlily main daat la tka kair.
Tba beat braabia taay ba reined by
cvelaea wnablnp. end H ibabrteUa
allowed to beeom.aott.B hair I

^ _ jf



wirraiTR-S CASlblUA.- as our -nUlDEklAWL

VTrn^t? plaa
teaoad perpuae.

actoto.'aJ .‘4 Ufap-M

p»wi»b«a r.-


- “■

SS";:. ..


'tr wl



*SirSu qaaB^’ThHr U I ^k


-ft I •



Do* Not Be Deceived,




r.v b.".”







eertalo dlkoakcd C.U ditioB. of the h
cycllBp bna pror.d eeiy benelt
l^kea lu ajodermlion U Improeak tbr
ocirHliiB of tbr uipnB and deeelape tbe
mna-clar Bi.rea, te.raby esabllnp tbr
benrt to perioim the work that tb.
Craaur IsUnded It to pert irm. Scorrta
poo many
mH a noTwa oaa pleh ep a pond
.nd orotoey Tan' Brat I
in. of wbw.lar,
ire not cu >d
perfiK-lIy aonnd
,ad oniT w
empt them. Tpi
Cbys'qne eb
an faeli
atei —------_
pkiae that I
«l oat batwdoB paS»;
from I
4boat her Brart do not
diemwd heart, bat f-em
faearr to pump
mnscmiar effort
llghgy .qmn-aW
tars tor breathlop parpna
,lib.>alcor*etomavnol be ao .pi
.v-l j.. —.:y_brart dlaeasr. but
lie a* to ba*r beat
ample wdea
tlpbl mora comloi

-Yoa wieb me to ha frank with
yM.ofaear.eT Ya*T Well, ibee yoar
artnaU ar* too tight, aod that U the
rmi lie yoa patoataf bewib eo easily.
Ifg-oa aboali rit down la a cbelr yoar
beoalk weaM be cat rtpbt oft
earns la trae el aeeaa 001 of aeary ten
wgmaa Wbaa awomaa alU dowa aalUOUy km Bpare'beads
llisatper«atolyoUalghi.w when she etaada of
■oame. tke aoreet bead* with her OpOM aad abate off all chance »( her lak
llgalall.lenp bnalb. Seme wamai
t* nil Ibalr Hem wltboBlcTao enjoylag
yorfaal fraadom la breathlop.
e*M yoa altaa Iba wbaal yonr p<«l'
tloa, a aorraci. Is almmt that wblch
yoa aemoM ta alltlag aa afetmlpSt
eoona.a tight oarael onto
>-WheMeer I foW mikaa hin.”




Who hRS added a full
hoe of



I tke hrMtb. Brel. Isal aad always.
____or rtda wliboat wool nant to tba
Tbe moat aamtortobto material
toawMl aedrilktolstoraoalled paopO*. aeaB tto-a toeatunalUeeto naol
mwonr tbto,M Uh Mfl oao^h to



-Hew aboald a wemaa dre
*1^ naked aa elderly sromaaaeaT
the line. ”I know column, hae*
b«rawTlUea aboat It and lectaresoa
tmm reform ka*a rarled off yards at
bffriu nbe«V tbc proper diwee for ey•ttW. bat yoa. as aa iaealU. who lias
“Tboa IcaaonewerBUo! yoorqose
tlMe<a«aa.-ea>d lire. Aitell. wliba
Utolrlawb. -brnsnaeifyoa dree* u I
aew tba pafls and tke paata aad the
ySu Blrigt tba baart will all diu^
pM. Wba-lw«maa aboald dioat most


UIO■WOOPI^ l^a T*A^rttsl Rac>C«.

Tngist. on Having
The Kind That Never Tailed Yon.

Chicago •••
West Michigan.



Monuments. I
1 lead Slones i{ ..Err.-.
.\iarkers ^
...} luisTEE M lonmsmi Li
t iS,?br;;;s
r. <
a:t gssito .. VLao ** . a'i«r.n.
Tistoftociir- »m.4________ l.*?i
A gSBOB. Ac^sl.T

if liraaili*. Marble and hlniu- tV<irk. and rnpri.i-s low, r ,nsl'letiag the quality uf wmk

.loukua tin- iu<>-t adrknli
■J Ut tbu. idHuiaed n-i
f ing anjrlhing III o*r
w .ml.l b>- wcil f,
^ card b.-fmv placicg


Traverse City Granite & Marble Works, J


II. I). AI.I.EY I’r„prict„r.
401 Weel Proat Street


(»•»• to




Tra.eraa City. Micb-


ft ■

One Cae of RED SFAt
OanlaBe OiessiaR
Makes Carriage Tops

Bright as Nfew!
We have made a nic9 lins of Harneta in many
Btylas. A speciaL handsome and durable Biiigla
aarnosB we offer for




K ftrapa Ortd *f taiur hwin

ONLY $10.00.

tbie of oor eropi.

r-ac- klssJlfi* efcoier ruBI, n«l IS Ull I
Cbnnisuaay-lbai tbe blood of
n^lnw dlt- ______ _ ooDtaitis -a I^VT prrmntopo of Inm
'^rTrli^^'st'tk. Ksrra sal Ai
Btoo dlib of tbu that of cuy other mintiup. and
llltle soda pat la. aad placed b^,li tbe nicwt nnurisblug animal
t lime on the store, allowing
.boil. They aay
rand bnngnp la
-.her. Wbei
bee>.-leaa smelilei
' Th* earth’s Age.
,l,rr wWto wsdr (ur SI
eoadltloB ibry
the laoBdry, la wl
t Cin-ls
. lerlUMe Sll* fet I
Sedrattfic imm my that tbe earth'*
ebunld always be k
■ge U aboat half a mllliim yratsfnr tbe
eebalar aod cU-Uar pirind amVabnnt
Kiiuukeeper. oflae aotlea tb
damp wralbar tbe eoffee becomee lasle- *S,lkiO.O(IO—of wblch 15.000,000 ar
toea and iokljdd. Uatiy ddnot cunnecl put -f<r^be |OTod of organic U-lnga
tbe facie, bat they areuadee and rffc-l.
Ip cloaeta aad oa ebre eheleee the kerael will brcniae tough and doagbe,
JuMaa cracker, are iffrcted.
An old
boBsekeeper ear. that tb. Baror 1* re
stored b* btepiu the breakXail coffsr
oecrelfU la the w-.cmlag orrn, and
the dlan.r caffe* ihrongk Ifae day la
rs: -Tbere
to one thing tbr lamr plaor. Pul the amuuai need­
An expert cays:
isomer* of plneappla* ed la a bowl, oarer eloeely and Irt the
itoiakc aboat. and that
:nl for we
Id l-e. and eat lato
.. It ,e peeled, wbra It
se-kOTper wbu to not t
riicsUy. aod then rroae
■er of a art of weight* or , spnaj
to little cfai
squarea of cut loaf *ucar. When
-eqosl welg^uf eugar aa<
PIBC IS ent* Ialo three elrenUr pie
such the followlag almpl.
iiaW Front.latdadrwmtSapleOffice.
yiin baee-n with the rrala of tbe frail,
whereas It should be rat acmes tb* deele
iprale cad ibca eat up into HtU* fruit which la-to be pi
brwl or small pas. aed 1 ■B aet la
s-iaa-ra aad a llltle Sara' slflad
artiym;,- rtib wau
ad tlu'dtoh aiinw^'to ttaad ft
tbr side Of Ue larger pan
r. 11 will be fouad kUrToueded
...........- Ipbl to which the water r ■loaBtlly t tbr mnel deliri
ladrr aea rip* pear, Then remufe the fruit and ill the
and thefi litas taadrr
aure it will be acbuuwleuped b iw] or amalJ paa wilb safDcieni aapar
tbr water to apala rise ta the
-parablt: and fiinberianr*. It
la tbtt way equal
.1 ba fooad to be a frn,i that the asm* height
laat deiicaU prnpU s«l little children welebta will be aeeartd. aad doahlu or
lae-jiv alihoBi limit, aod yetsrith- b.M quantity can be readily obie<or<

fto U pa* oad paet aad eaot aad p>
Uto aa ald-taabloead Bra eoglea.-'
ei Ini irr but un thr oiber hand, with
•■Otrtnlaly, yaa do.” aaewarad M
rent WorBv
- And you PelasUglit in
aboat tba baan. too. doa'l yoar "
Ware all aofl blu of npar bw poHab“Tea," naewacad tbe wemaa. and aa lap lamp chimney* or foewlpittp grease
4*0 onmi troto aU dowa tba Hae. ■'»> f-uiaapldenand fryiap betileaWfore
•‘Ukllaotoea from belag tb
aeattneed tke aatborit;.
IM oaopla ba*. a ebuee to uy Umt
S^li* to had for tba bean."
“J MIm It to.- pot la _ . ...
Mlgheal Munora-World'e Pair.
bmwMad girl, -'for 1 k.ow 1 ba«4 no
Mart nlacuon, and yet •! alway* foel


«BSZ,8 fiBSieSfffS

^“Vrsl'ielw* "Irrw Ksrtlear lily, Pet^krr,
-.ira.r.>^siv' <lr*l>I ■tol-lC-. 1:W|. m




gualDition «I Tnclien.


ma with ataBolk
tola abort akiru •
•orurakir'e. fo< m ..
Inn. aome and Pa 10 fraa<
-^-kbarqaaaum H',




Is-ire'- e.-l a,mss Hs|-i4,.1«|, m Psrtot
,SI,C IniColsr Truw IMnUl sslkls lials.








"Tlie Kind You Have Always Bougjit” siyiiTKi-ri t.zs.'rjiK'

eh^fnp.^i i.'^rer^ieplj



SSS: S 2
• iS= z -

tltillfCfBCtil* t
caaaassassssaaa a

■Do not {•mlan-iT tht life of your child I'y accqrtinj*
.T chi-ap sidistitutc vviiidi some druii^jist may offi r ym
('.tecausj; he makes a few more |>ennii-s on it), the iii{iredicnis i<>f vl.ich even he docs not know.


riw'a^lait SSSf other

••li •••

ase-ag stts «b«

per. No one has authority from me to use my name except
The Centaur Company, of which Chas. H. fWcAcr is Presideni.




• li^i

I, DR. SAMUEL RTCHER. of Byarmu, Wassiukiaetls.
was the originator cf “CASTORIA,” the same that
has home and docs now bear
»»on eeery
.the facsimile &gnalure of
This is the crigincl “CASTORIA" whidt has been used in
the homes of the Mathers of America for otxr thirty gears.
LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it a
the kind miheve always bought
—»on ttc
wrapand has ihe signature of

hceltete te teU bta
m (cw tbe
beaefltofotkere. E.,J e- mjatrifthle
kjbd heemadf Ikma a K ny Pill.
_______r ,-ir bmabee la pood 00
Snmbotd wvd ibro<^' -n- tba .tat,
»Mtac U U* CUBldaUu
dluoa. proceed ta the fellwwlap a
Jrn M. >m:.
aar; Uaee iwoiuabraof oold—aot
yaUtle aad each w -b^ name
-water. T» u.e'dr.1 dbb, which ■
isp the peo^a m* tbr - ntte coalalaa. aayaq ar of water, edd adca qoerorof kidney rbwemlea
M Un Bn&LS *l Vbc Uaic e( (fer dltMaerupooeful i t ammoais. Now take te beck nehe.- modem wo. ..-r-workyoar Whrw n .
oar. and keep dtp
~»J tfimdMOt U.
pinptke briatl^aap and down ta tbi
as eabjeetfor
(balap carcfal aot to wet
________ ._e mlnou or two tbe deal year* ta attack* of bockacb* or pafas
ttaroagb tbc Ivia* aoB kldarya tcn.-ralMtnir'wUaf UtKwrfc Um w»t<n
aad din will oome out of them aa if by
ly of a dall. boaey aebinp boi
rie. leerinp them beaal'fu ly tehlle oftca wbea tbe wealber ebaaped iic
e dip them op aad dowa aercral
wbcB I m-iTrd awkwardly they beeamr
On a aaluir Mtoan^ 6nj:
ra in tbc aecond dlab.
diab. eoetaiaOtp
toarp taiapm of polo. At 1 wa* doiac
nlcfcl of "o* aad
tba clear water, ta noM them:
them: ihake
srork wbicb repaired etooplap'lt wai
well, aad place to draio acmaaenck
wcl-koret. N>
No aoap la Deeded
needed aad eery palefal. ex.aedlaply
in m;
edt wblck. as a rale eetUrd
iSu !*• -OT14 *»»i *« ^ «»»*■
DO rubhiap
ibhiap wlik the btsd.
I tried rarimn n
If yoa adopt tbi. ^etbod of
yonr bmabe. rne wi;l
will BaB
Bad that
Ntaaaad awa; (roa pOTt
-------- bartaa;
U4BB wlU a praclour
aeaBaeo eriLh bot wal
------- -”■*
._ abe
iB •U*li.
iroobliag me a preat deal, bal short
that tbr briailn will
after 1 began tbr irialment tbs acbli
___________ llT» were UrlfbUy
abated, wbea i bad Batohed U I w‘laiBktac aafety In Ue<r wa> i
Drrea Coro Paddlop—Twodoaea aera
Tbit to moolbi ago aad ap
• Pickled Deache*.
that coane jaal brljw the
^le th^ baa be^a no reenrrea^
^^^aUai oi ular> doae that di
leitfaer do 1 mraa «ae that la
t large fr*«t..oe peaeboe. With
Snrtf la bar dnUaaUoa
aakle Ircpih Women ba.a leapthmed
exlracl iheeU ae from Ue aide
.epga. kail and
eon. add >
DoaaV Kidney Pills toraale by al
SMoaodUeCailaai buaiaefalr.
by ccttlop a rooad bale about aa lacb drairra.
Price Mmata.
Hailed by
TUlalnaallBWibtbaibyr,iB diameter. Ilj not rmore toe tkia.
PosterHHbarti Co , Bnffalo. N. H- iioir
Barkl wkat'eUh fluotaoe lb* air,
' I'laper abina. aad the uilor. Tmaa-dp
d pan two huan. aad II quaoUty Beplare the p:eee cot Oat ai
apeaU forth* D. S.
a aoaad of raablaf bra
lay that tbrir o^tn are nearly all
. preaUy leerraaed. three hoera Hake looMlybiva aluur ]ir. poor or
Remember the aai toDoon-aandtoki
Bo^lar, cracklla* rr«T«rhm.
bdlinprraur eall,d to takU.
Incrr ahirta.
moderawiy•<Oh.»j«vd: uw bodih 0O^r»r
kund twealy-fuur Lunr.: Ihea tnDkfi
dlrinp Kaaak—After atriapiep tb
aViru nowadaya. A lon,i
at deapalr.
tu freeh old WkUr and li
eaaa. cat each par ialo abnt Ihn
:l,np Ik oapraorfel, aocoeiHI* teraaly-ol
Oad of monj: Jfeai bot aea theia
Pal'lCem lat" a kettle of boi I piece ot from tbr peach
Wb.o poiap pl.CM
tortab .. .
Victoria was pro
Oatapea tb* aaMn
lap water, add a plecawf batter, ac
Iw. rIJ*. coaerinp aay
carlty where tbe kioaa was
wbeu partly duec ad 1 nee traapoosii
waya wear a awieter; but
t o
• '
II <i thin>-6«e miootca.
. op in propnrti.m of oaa pint ot aap
Ik more-uonfurtable forr a abort apiu lij ofatU
To carl aatridi
•araen a> acraaa aow trad. tb. ili I town Tba feel aboeld
d be
ar V' thrre plntx-f rleepar; pour boll
.. Clad In poll
our. <10.1 V. r i^ ma .Ub'.eep-jaDj
Ingboi orm-ib<m 1'bry are ready lor
OrTv’to'•arey. prayer, fw p»^
floarpadd a gj 1 nl <wram or mt
Ok.-'in a week, but are belter foreUadtetla (r-a
bow paiabrd aad boro
- laptoa boi ii.p p-rini. add aalt a
numh. n,ey wiH keep lor a
wheelinp. Tli.r
pepprr aod aerr.
-Toe Brat bntter
atsy cteaa mi
aad iqy ad.lcr l>
longer -.Vl.tucrf.
Oodlwia* to vLar qalek rrlraae.
aofuaa tbc beaua wblla ihry arc bo
need instead
I akin iscbaoti bM
V.n are not for tbe air and you
ChtUrra shosld be ao-cktomod as than a elolb. eif water la emplotU« to
lake it klflrd Ibroaph
Liata IKani a la Pooletu-I’iol
Mo as poks ble a> eleep la a dark ed. No soap a
ild erer be used lor
BUat ucelbor wlib the moaoU«a
Pnlrs- lliey
tliry bar* Iraraed to b» Ibla purpose as
.treaks the plaka,lowaab.«tao.-i

01 tbaaa rietlBa far from aheto.
.howed Ub'caponalol. a .ur. lerei; halt piBt of afraid of It tbr dsrknau iasootbi
piece of...................
cotton clolih, dipped 6r.t la
ayonap women w
Okl lhaaariUb a^ ike^ra
nrrrek, and tbe jest Is mere pro. of the milk, half Uakpsoafol aalt, ha;f tm-Boapb to mols
that they kaew tl
Of a aeeae like tbia. orBea
id and refreshing IbaB when there
g. may be robi
epoouful ODHID joice. Braae ahoold be
•Hup Irrm
e UB'.'OBsci,uJs stimul.tion of light. wkicb ie afterwanli
eurered with bnilii.p water, kdi^ apeck
‘Ln It Wow.” ■
■ psrticutorly desirtblr for chil- ebataoto akia.
pbaUcally. "The •
I of a nrr.uUk lemperamrat tbai
Ihcoe whole
rira aad water: both poad eerraela
,oat beeallfal ball
pet b itur la aaoee pao. afur it U
' ------------------------------ I—light khbnid be escind, d. yet It U most
looer au tl'il the air
malted add tbr fl *ir. ni.a; add the
Oases Wliarlertsa-s OeiK.
,____ __ toea.ioO.
it la milk, -tir Ull boilirg. tbca add aalt. often the ar'e.Vos. aenkUler cbHil
WT poakil.e
kcamal.... * Aod
-Tbeixituiia'iniii of tbeyitoug qocei
the eyr*
eyr. and
aod .101
.loinpir* pepper and oaiuo luice. Take fnim wbime im.gieaiion has beeVIlled with
•aril beltrr for tbo
ft tbr sb >p-a the dark may kidr Hidiaod trill take |ilacr. an-nnliug 1
on to |o wlihootaerll. Cioihed li See, add yolkk of »gp». braUo
lUh -iMdU. ll.wJ,-,iir.i.»l.
puiaii^ed dn-nxi, iw Jii-pl
UttaralUap rmUtoa U
be way I bare adrbed. yon wbrel tbe beaae. poor vrpr the aaoee aad
womro will Bed liwedma Tbr ttrer ■aree hut.
On that day tlu young woman, with
The fl.twer. ,.f the c
ngbl baud rair -tl. iti the jgrrence uf
.-ambrr Salad Cape—Srln-t medium
f.irwa'U Tear Uie state* g-'annl, will pleilgc lient-lf
alz-d citeastaan,
etalk. prew. opoe to lb« l"II„«iug 1
t them In Ibemdreah■ from the elalk.
cal toft tbe two ai
ind rub smartly- Repeal Ul atraugo nuiirurl m tbr railbt’admiulatbe Wart I........................
b.Irek Irllgtbwlee. I
teraa. wbo erer baartai
weioen rlile top.lber they Ulk all the
they bisai
and pattbe
tend to' the Humisu and Uigmiui wAU T*y dUdren'aak la prayer.
Ibea roadt In
,Bwr tbear aoBla la ibrit deep anpolab,
Juki before for two bot
tbr best regn pemta:
Klbdly atai IhM tbrubblsp breaau:
■■11.tear III Ibp-priTlii nf thr Ni-thrr
ridlop wipe Itae co.-aisberakriry.ulthra
1* ikiil o»er.
bed of lettuce le*r>k'. aaparaguk Icnnea. late<l kiu
Oh, noairt tbam to Thy buaom,
iaoili t>i • t-r-Tve aurt always aaliiialii
iSTl^'Sht tla'dl’inlm *olTr^ salt ur eo

eiw la Uam a paoeeful roai.
mnotL abut, braatbe through you'
• will prrmut
thrloudiuinUUil Uw. ,1 l-litilte iiy*cH
aod fill the kl.rllk wUh lobkter. aal
It la a little bard at Bret, bet I
.kiorfromppresdlag through tiic booto
drfrud a..,t M | rrerrre wilb all n.y
La! ik* maraiap dawaa abore tbrm,
le wcwtbtbr kacriBee la tba oaaeaoa
iwi4 tbuiuu ]• ud, uceuf tbr kir,iil,uii.
UbdaUyalfbUeomi lolorlaw;
eapi-t.b r salad:
to l-tut.-ct j.Ll.1 r aud I»lvatr lii.tty
On Ika abara 11a balf-daad rmtlma ,
"^B^l^a'w tb^ haartr- remladed tbI ' - r atufllip ai
Of a pnU and arid baaand Um.- ngbu , f ai: my abjnci* aud in
cuBtealept to bare aline or ran
(la tba wraeb ebarrrd. blaek«ad bedlaa
•laiploy for tb |i.-Mir.atlim ami adtowcU. an mwellrnl plan Is b
WH% IlMab far oet ofalpkl.
lauruincnl of udirldual and gi'urul
Hot Weather Huiu
loopt of
a* far apart as the
Bearoa ba pralaed that aomc wrelroi
pnwpHrliyall il ■ ,aiiia which tb.- Ua.
wbacl withoat coBaslilap aphyalcikii
|,Iucc at my dU|ioml *i tbu dochrf an
.b boUiag
BSe after WaSEPluigbt qperu. And luay Uodaid uu In
. .nauleed a ...
.. whirh bas L
bnaiBCM.. Krarly eern- oae will be euda Klear. wipe, aad
adriked U> ride If *uck a mas la son- la tha ase a few boar*.
- wlae pb.TklciaB^telUa uraay sballow dUh and
apply allghtM mauk to It. TbeBinj,
A thick, tight «.»y. wadded with out is beaalifol anti tbe fiagTanee'reelelag.
m or wool and drawn o»er the Ice
Soaid oot~doM,^e» let her follow
pitehrr. will keep tbe lee from mrl<
If furailure Is *rry dirty ii yboald V
Tsr eerles et puldle esawlaauee, *f tsr
and utaialaln a low t
rasbrd in water *nd Tlaeg»r-rqo»
srker. et OrssJ Trsters* eeust). <*r tsr
han’t bean dtaeaae by loapoddi Y-a Btay hoara
..nil,* riar. will to acie si lirseo Usl
p\ris—using a llaoael
cloth aod
W.Utfea park.akmf r
r hear old time wbeelwonion com
i Trsrerto Ollj, e«w»*s> mu si • e-rlvrt, afier perfect drying. rabS.-dw!U
of it. the wom-B -who ride f,.r
- •
- --.roplalBU ly on V
b-roe.-n.log any I 'l-lld or cream polibejat.
I >me from iwo.claieei
aad old. are eery It comp, kcd of tba worn- a who
wbo r
^e W there wrapped 1 paper. It ehoald 1
e Bcw wumao »e ■ how themseleea TbrT om.lly
: eray* be laid li a clion poreelaln e<
-irgaBl Bpare. and tbay laix 1
Mrw Ptoorwweal Meu-rtaL
telrea law Bor anlU aad mnOBt
-r waste a lab of
A new Sniipw-.«i mauvial. madi
Tii, pood bamorad eydJnia whael beeBBke they know that tb-y
, think that her oplBlona eaa- will be eof.kplcu, Bi. 1''
.aporlor tonll tb.-w- biUi.-rtu muL bas krairnr. -ckoollsr.eiu.i 1* 1 } rsr. •
ns-i bs.r SI, s>ers«- -la
ree*. Uir plum U*«i dlar<,nT<-d by l>r Van Mi-b-k.-U-ku S'I„I
,-i„ ii.,i 1,. l.lll»-l„» "or--- I
or tb- garden <g AtiiHi-rp. ll i» iximpupel uf uiyffno
Per sreufi i ersa, ssr ire «l
naaca Ike mad pltiap laatra-.tlODa.ahe
bedr. Ii coaUlaa a soluUon of some ” ridi-uf arunlaiuatidaniinoBlom. Uybii -wsnebrs et stories,>,bslscr. ur ,rri»-r
si *-.,iarj. won «»— isucai ..yrr—», ii. ■„
at a deak la one«
ose eoratr abut la wsmen. wba ride fur plaaeure. bni tbr ricbrsl of ibe agricnlloral .kal
■wrriiwekta,.st,l ksir ss s'rru- •isuUir,
____ , w^ latl
And well throopb IpBomace dna. Imoroperiy soda, ammonia, snlphur phospbnrus.
^a hiph atroBp
elniel<-rsl IMIU, tail krlu. n> jer rr I Ic
potaah and same Hme-aH of wbteb are made fa b* o-nta
**^^?rlSirrsC» ta» scaiileesi rsqalrr
iD^asUBtdeMod by tbc m,

Tto Wiow^r p^«


AMN Aa -O * fiPEAXBMairbmabeaaaadtebawwbad--------

To bU undertaking eatablUhment. The furniture will occupy the front of tbe building
end the undertaking buainaaa
the rear

Taking Car* oI tba Kitcaaa.
A cumfuriabl* kltcbea la of Brel eoi
alderatloo during
iring U
Ibew hot moatbs. ,
■d kite: cD.of onirM. to I
af caiyaei
m. mast Ibe. small. .Aon
BresbuDlc .ot bs all- red to mar f
u of tba kite
a^small oil or pas atorr
c It will be In tbe Upbt aad out of
Toe fl,>ur uf tb* kluhea
ahouldbee.tbrryl.ia eoflcto-ul. paint­
ed, or kardwoud. pulUhed, Tbe wtodewa and door, sh.iuld br rwren .1 wilb
ecretea. and proianrd from tbecua by
aummar awnlar* . H»»e Ibc-lltckan
Uble fdacae brtcre tbe upea wiaduw
oa tbe weal or north ride, the rafrlgerBtor la the darkeat. eooleal earaer. Ot
great Imporlaoc* I* tb* cleartrp away
of all aubaiaace. opoa wbicb Biea m<>
Tb* life, health Bad bsppiaea*
ul erery family from the kltcbeu.
to clean ll But aod keep ilrmycl-ao
Drop all fancy and fmar oaokery. L.»r

S24 Union etreet.

We also carry the best line of Horae Collars, Sweat
1 Pads, Horse 1 othing and Bridge Collar Pads.

Wilhelm, Bartak & Co.:


rsirllcs- ..


Bicycle SPECIALTIES. Order*for Job Printing left at the

BiciclB SuudfiES of III Kiods



. will rpceive prompt alter t'c n






Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs, Etc.

Horseshoeliig anil General Repalrliig


4 CO^en esoc
gotto STMtot.'** V^^Xyaelka.
r Tartseb.

Kra B. R. Pantato.

awo srgawamp Linwa



Or Boi to biiK gloria

■ “"'"K-lSK. —



Ml. PlMtaanL^OwoMO. Ba«luw, Bay City. Detroit, How.
•U, Ann Arbor. Z^ade asA
point* East and 93(h. CU»se
ms at Oopomlah with
M. * H . B. Bye«DTPaaa..aCUSi
to boasekaopora-i-

Liebig Company’s
Extract of Beef
COOK BOOK-toHlsg how to^upsis ibj 4aAAeatoandSaUel
ad*^ldtotoOa,p. O

qpir* c*>«lar,/-e thrmI freely.
Ai'irepetabha ar«'e.rry wh rr*. aa* efaes
aad are aaally c stked.
IliOot act

treva may be cleaned ^
m Wiu clear olie* «.l. AI
tor tb* aU hea
ua Lean apt lWd tba iraya
sboaM be rak
ffaaaal cloth.

Sute St, sear Uaioa.







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