Grand Traverse Herald, July 24, 1902

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Grand Traverse Herald, July 24, 1902


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text





«mT.) •


FbrthafdlwHM d 1901 «•

b«<re «M ol (be ftseet MMrta

Eia^ - :■ •cS^.



Real Btate-Insurance



207 E. Front Street
onnai H.» «. Bwfc

Tnrasc Qty State Bank ««uc. tw « «u «ek* u,
yoer order et the Terjr lovMt prices.


A CeMnl Buklac ButBCM Dwe

wibeMM. LcUlirMerctailTiUer.


Tire Insurance!

lirtkr rai ■ .(Id
itarika w*^

.M vuk

j« . i—•

Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.


aper cat tUtYcdaTlaeDcaHtt.


h M ran Warm, iidu
b> MaMlae* Qlr. II


Traverse City. Mich.

Johnson Block. Phone 73



__________________________ ____. 5w .ll:e^i». V kM • ISMCh <—b he
You khooM ncii necim sht i»t1 of
Toer luil.t lor the U.-b uf Toll. ( Am
ele»wh.o TOOTH IlKl’SHKS. HAIR
POWnKa.S. elo . lire *o i.lNilifal here
01 (WTOM eilhio die nateli of kIL Ko
matter vixt fa«Ulnn for tt>r
oeen>. Dl ol Ibe luiir.ekle o


J^CuLeSSooJ'rtui.. Ttmf— l»l», TW^

*. W«M

■ thm«k eoeklor

PkfSi-* MS'X WXMB oe XI
TXMtkTil^WA m. O. Eb l.larOrai

we eell.


Fine Farms Cheap as Dirt.
|,k.elj V...1 ■■»<>«: M'll.nSK he

Cbtse in Birgifas.


b b Brand Craoerse Land Co.

•roviru IN SEASON.
Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausages. Etc.
laveTiavCtUei lidUii:
Sand*. OiMv TiMa (Mm«B
!.*aam., UM au..*ia bu

4,otm 4



iea.BkyCMT. Pb


, TravbeaoCIty.ldloh.


- rllSvHvuliebd PiliU y. IW




Wool Wari^od



______ t»ol in the region wanted. Am just back from the
iast. and have arranged with eastern mills to use all the
. _____ ..lis section of the coiintr>'. I can afford to jtay
highe(«t outside market. i>riw in cash. Will also buy

hides and ginseng.
----- i war b._«.M« u u a.

SL :ur=Lr‘S? r:s:^er^r:&


Office aad Warrboiiar. IdS K. Front bL
ailiena Plitme 4'<1

tniaUnajar aAmUbtarad. AattMwMadforldM •( pala of aiBmMm. Obn Ib tha a« of aailmpMWMAMwtUmttobd IbMnmnbU.

Food For Summer Weather!


Try some of the appetising preparations of health
foods we caro'. soch as Ma^ta Vita. Grain-O.
Pillsbury's Vitos. Grape Sugar Flakes, etc., etc.
Many people use them in place of meat.

Wwk «( MCA a ahanetir

to aveU


J. J.


BOO Aor*

ter SbI*.

816 Wm Tcoib Strm.

If you are tbinking of buying anything io the way of


do not fail to look over oor laige line of handsome ar>
tidea. We also carT>' » hoe au»ck of WATCHES.
CLOCKS. JEWELRY. ETC Spectacle Fining a
ap^ty. Watch and Clock Repairing~4be ben
gr^ of work dooe.

BIT PrankaiMt

Tvavwrwn etty, awah

ua Bt me ellentuoo
to lhal wiDilow Ibe tuna wonl‘1 go
end elay there nntil Ibe moap ^eber
ally baltiua at tbr comer, du|iemad.
b'lii-Uier the wranitliu( uivartably
KOtOK Ob Btiracied or wbeiher plea*'
.‘I eo many yearm away, ibni
mui II wai loiieNeible to «ay.
r <«lle<l alteoiiou to any imr.
lionUr oc.-tirr.-oee Ihel loot |.leee.
wuntd *11 or ataod nnlll
itnent wa. over and Ibro.
iro uu with bii wort
-rt. amuaeO. walcfaiel him liir
a Whiu., and. ouoclndibir il«i bit e



Ikrein vh mentton a f««

:Dood Cbings
Cb €at a
That will not be bad to take with youtoa picnic,
or if you want to prepare sontethlns quick and
good In case you get an unexpected visit. Our
DevitjSd Ham.PottedChicken.Canned Com and
Sliced Dried Beef. Chicken. Oxtail. ancLVagSta' ble Soups. 8ardines,-Salmon. Bottled and Bulk
Olives. That is quite a turn-out. You can sure­
ly make a satisfactory sailection frorh these and
other things that we will show you at Corner
Front and Cass Streets.'*


«d yon'll me ll
d ble lwi.Ja-flT 'ud |i
KM tellinc U.e train. YeMetday
ly hie Ufa
ent over to Uraod UUod to ibiA well koov
a aad we re roio« acain, if be
1 to. UeneiaUy tbe boy u bo
like me Ibati a hlaok haoa l. 'mielood him id rvKd *I-ad dortBX
oee. Ml we've both fol 1 leriloae tuidtnrfa. ri le lbroB«h Hie
like a
red hxr
and will, tbai for a he>i. I'm
iiry, ud had rcaciically mved
aee if I oaa make a man ooi
laim the wuold U- tiiordenai* a.
i may uol be able to m-ootu
1* of Mime loebrialed axive* At
pliXi It; but I tmn tell yon obe -ntr ■hr fenai referrevl to the devoted dor
ibUiy. Tbecc I. ooe poor lulh- n-d
• {•ovided with a bnee aalverot
bea<led bov •oluf to bate a food tloir
rly tueai*. a diah of oyx<-ra ud
It a bi« redbraded mao eaa do any
tbkac to tanne u aboat. abd be tbiuk.
any. Kvery rare! bwtowrvi a
-« -i.
ll apoa the dor. the moel avefsl
dtrooK to MiehicaB
ftfl lieltiCBUrr* kenoel lined wuh
wool. Tbe fexiTiiie*
ivuarv dariBc whh-li Houarch nnltaed
HmpiJ 1walen Ibal nar


X.ul and hi* . >.-. o|k*o.
elr.l le- wiw MUieibluc.
I. any teaaUis KoUMf Ob.
oo the alert, ud if a
Tip Cliaudler
lur •elf evideot rea*uu.s. me boy e bad
■cemigr more
>1 didu'l lake
loue lor M.-wan to Xep to tbe door to


inral deaih.
aaea luBieihiuc b.-bud U and
> d.-ieimui.vl lo fliid OBI wbal
a Tbef eoucln.ioi. roeobevt be
lorwuily and me <-l
re eoev iliai
vertHp ■ 1 won.Ier wl.Bi mierbi.
whatever devil
brewme o.'W Pi
try baiven. to be goiiiK oo Ibal
Ibal red
head ul bu ha* }n>t h-en ID
u.'i|[bburtiood. Pirst it'* etrawbeme*
ku.l iIm.0 Il >e|.|.l-'*
Hr*. Knasell
: lu-e* her mke* for llie imrty bod Ovo.
;.yu hwei.-v l.aa to fu w
I cream .leeeen , aod ih. n all
lu'l any.
for lip

tf elmr up tu the third
joint io
whole li*i trom Xiawlomee to
m am. bud wbal riKlit hav.- yon lo
ciurge him wiib if I'd rmiber by
halt be lb........... lo have tbe tan tbnii
U- the euewk tbal'll eland off and
envT him, beOBUae be dares to.
"1 tell
11 von
yon wtial
wtiei 11
li u. JJjb. aa »
1 lbiu< 1 dan'l Mrt- <
> or wliBt yon mv. bnl if 1 I
ore of that sort ut tot ab
Cnamllet. I wilt take lias ■
tlial yun'r* n-ady
i-ady hi <inlt"—a
vra* mad, with Jhho Stewart'*
Miaky eye* iilarmc xraixbl
end when lli.- >h>rek.->-per d:


leivrrvrv wttb hi*
diOu'l |ml u rod lo bl>
Au auutdral the DrXI
Uunbat xu-miKio ioen«..-d lu BM
11 1 luu*. wav a hi aimpariam for
orvoar tliat oaiae Iruoi tbo *cbool
-• thr moiural vebnol vra* diimia*
Hi-wan let! Ui« (Ood* be wa*
to tiw door to


“'nY mfSc”
Ufa Ixhmtod.
eeaotaal. aben Snlebed. ollbeaffh
eeod by all a>iwmmr baiiOBa. wtu
IB aambmaf
I* It never eaa.

Idle of tbe BMiath moot
*..loiaU ar* xlut.
Ulut. tha
e bndlBC *•
liak.aH> red
y. lor
Ibe orvole. the
need blackbird. Ito Brown thraMito
—dtabm. laxtnd of the e—to malodie* of Jaae Ito twohart nw< YHh
frtd/iil cry of vonaff cirtolea aad
piae miv* it nmiy Tito
---------I equwk of vMiic . ora

wa toward the
ifierooim for the alghi
. trail behtodil
ytnr ha* taraed.
areBKvlnar. while a few Ilie thao^
einrtow. are Hill Iwev with m oond or
Ibinl familiee; aad many of the oM
bird* are lendiag their yoaar fort
■Bto tf» world to eomplei* thotr ada*
oatlu ta travel.


h eellle.1. allur* aeriu.-d to
lake a rr.i- Tip iwiim io tlie etun- on
ly OO ail uucb.iobaJ • rraud aod llieo
any nxioa of him.
M Of
1 of It

tbe Weal ladum
wnlan Prof.
C U Brixol in 8i
Sioboloa lie above ooral reefe oovx
ed wilb plaou and ablmala many ol
which am fanlliabi In Oulur aa a ram
bow lliey look like gllmpeea of IXfj
laud, and as yooj eye waodvre irom
- wooder to aaotber,
Mber. yoo *iraeU vinvlui to ptwk
peek Jbx aroand
>e cmniet uto a xtaasr
boplav le me a bevy of
mermaid* aportiiMt aud playu.* to
tbe etauieaThen u a tmich oT
pale rreea ma letcaoe; \tlirr* u a
I Kr«nt parpeaaen lui; yondei
Idea oorala etudlBff ut like
braaebtur like a tree; while
ll«m all vwiD lovely ffabm
e the place of xb* fwnet tbat
Iwell ID Uiii MMCic pud. and
fatciaaie yoc by ibrir rorrwoa colut*
ud their rtacefol, wavy moiiuoiTtaeiv ua rr«>irrera*-p*rroi Seh."
ae brxUtui lo color aa fat* namauke
Ito bird, abowiar hiamelf bol.ll.v, ud
ling aloor alowly. tooar* from

Spoafclo* ot rnnaiur a hob-l
> rveet ud a railrya.1 Iraia for One
anarer.'" aaid a f^ll kaowa New
luaeartut. "1 Iwliev* leu I
■lueereel .exereleuo*
reuorvL ll
ll haiiueo «.
rear* affu wheii 1 wai
n mv way
, _
take a eoar*. of
u Ifana 1 b
.laried Iru
levola, where 1 w
tbu llVUM and had Iniely lieu
-make oouueetluiit with tbe Itner
Which I fxd eoMred paeaare m ad
1. -a. a blK. Soeehlp. b.
icnriBK lu ot* of the (amos* iru*
plyiB* totwm
.tUulle fli-ei*
vp.Mt. for rea
New Vfltk ud

ftil-r Boi MDMlUMi th«
apoM-. 1 ruetiea tiraxbl from tb* d*
the dock ud------------------on txiard. where a Utile |>-liu (ureei
iigned DU to my osbin
I wae u
lire Borleeal ooou tr* - '
proud I
-fay*, bat ai I looked
aa'tto ftvah graa* of etrlafftlow. uo
n't help touir canK
' ooe u iwrd. red by a pale brown
oe of tbe ero* d uo hoella
Bu aa. ar* pink, ud the and
of the tail I* Modod with oeariy every
oolor of tbe raiobow. Be u abowv,
hoi IbU (howtoee* ttove* blm a eooO
- A roo.1 mu; .
Hu fleah u toifar ud pou alwat. bat they Be*
a. to mu. ud probably eo to Mb belflcuf to toe ehip'ei
r or amir, ud
ibea ai wi II. aad they let bim tbe email ctrluklisr of onlooker« aa
____ atobe. for they eneb naoralae
e Ibe air of folk*
Ibe vrbnrt didn't have----------him afar off. Ihaak* to bu raady who had eom* lo bid fnu-te
i-t> r»d
rbe ooly penoo 1 coeld toe
-rtdeoUy a
eaal. who ai>
rtrl tB a Newi
doe him. and aa me pano
ome a* myevlf
. jr him ba oodduly oba
After we Met onl It leaked oal Ibal
tmffbt aurlei. and a« qolekly
cto ahip had had toveral oaeaa 01
BU tonnar taial color
Uad tbe jsr •mallp't oo board daruix her leoamrot been looktag lor hU dlaber, aud ■ ug voyagv. ud wbu toe fa.X Waa exibMuht the hIBd woald make
ptoitod to the pa|Bdt mere wae a rnak
uicucel Uckela Th> t|abul of ll
wa* that tbe pretty girl ud 1 wen
•eiigerv oa Beard,
d^lh- ooly
a dc« emuMft bi* miad
a a emaU town u
, bind Udutorbed a| bi
iia. udr llX* my
iBimiir HeBBeyh
oal fltaba* of ligbi to v
toll, had beard boUua« ol ibrnaali
cmdv r. ud acud him aa

n a»<t ib« >-rr* that mme from tbv
ll WB« rvldeel tbal tb* maob bad
ra* •vuiag doeprrate abd
wmLs vnca«-d ta I
rv fWcthff b»B Uifo a B*hl
will! ibMB wb«*. thrr* to ooo. tbay

hi* iruvaar |•oaa»l
m oaly the *hwr■ krp«.ri<bl ow
OB a minute aad tbna oaUod out: ' Tip. yoa tr had MMNffh. 1
irM. Sow TOO CO IB and li.'k Ibem
llCT* will nek yom"
.. wa* loaoBii..
M- hlo
Ukv IwrtaMtBff tbar*
......... ..........................
tnt from Uw *bo
Blow IvU M u bIc
bic a eowaid a* U<
dea i-VM DcMlxmvl
■ Ooo-I ' *bMtrd tb<- ctotakwi.
"Now u tbvrv ar* aay more ib*t yoa
vraal to loarB eiu Tip. r> ahead aad
I'll eoe tbu yoa have lair pl». "
TbMv vror-u'taey B*o(a. Pec aoma
reaeoB tbe valiaai tare* •tatvad hema
witboal aiakuia a«y Iaee aad the reel
of Hie rabbit'vreeil off lo"irlL"aad
Ualocv euduwB mot a bully U MuiOM Mt were tolktoc abd wobdenaff
wMi the {woCemtoual meo woald 4c
abMfitaad wMl tbai "bncW^oti-'
woald go lor BrxL To tbr wbMMbI

Ol It allvma
clerk, tbe



ol Btooy yaan ago tbe comm
-Wf which aaiyraur* seed we
Ie vnth blul poiata. ud bml
btormriod into Hi' wood with a go
IM. It wae a eerloa* dUadvuiag*.
Mt ao mubiae Bad bau foaad that
woald polo! a aetew abd ul tbe
Ibrvnd ains II.
Ou day a wtokmu ia a Rhode
■toad factory bad truble wiin tb*
■aabia* at wbiu be war work lag.
le attoapded to atgaai ft. Ml wttb-

.Ttto'iiltSSrZfairtto'^Srx I

■•ut ie vtxinadcd ta tha Ml..ol jhirt, -u^^U~

k-*im wi


reach of ibe i
amll u ttobhaW,
e. all oSkna'l
- . .4ft aMcoxlmafaly 6Sd B *VHpecial Irl^id. andaablarBtotnrB



IB (be tootoilte of tha
Eiu marvel elude tan
dreary ud laaotoatlUe rr«M>a. ot rt

*"a receor pim o) octutlXa via.
Ited tbu (labi aalt mouiau aad ito
ported aoato iBMuXtac facaa to rourt
to Ibe mm*. Th.-touamfii fa toracal
llibamnd feel blfffa and U eatlmart
lata MO.ouu.OODrt* oftacnmlx.

"A» diaaer tbai eveatag lb* eaiaato
> lo the Wg. aaho.
eun. ' Too two hav* tbe abol* Xiip
to roan-lv**.- be eatd. abdutau
u tbe drx time ueh a ihtsg
bapivebod 1 WUI JM to B
moot ol It
We areearrytogoat r«CBtoritaffud fill eapidiea lo ebert.
to# veuel U Toara. '
WeU. We took
him ai bu word, and 1 look back oo
^xpenuto a* to* yolluat ot a
Til* pretty gut wa* u ope




-the replaetac of «
i.|>.wvHr-r I
y. ud
an fxd tor
tb* White I
ea born* In tl
• baa (ho
Ufeuarae Ibe

oaagbl and waa }arked mi at ptaco.
ud tarnad dowa to a Mint with a vervod to U eh-«U« I'Ul" b*irt .
itaiead cat all tb* way. The workmu ilrdeak. w. waa4-'i<-d all overt
etoppod rt maabiM aad pteanl ap btg draft, exploriog U from ead
like a gimlet.
hardly belie
atatoa* wonmu woald bar*
royal peraoeogv. cratoug
i u and torewa it. aart a*
mMB pneato yacht
aad Lammerad away at rt
mveral wvnk* to gat utiraly oat
to aompel It to make l
U ttat apaaedr aoau 'l
•hi^ that rty bad bau aachtag —
yurmataby ponau uody he toBod
ly bow to uimiraiii a mo
vgaM ru—Btly impon

from Hie |m*Xdul o


____ r-r-r.

to Ahh'
to Kiw

bire: :nMA’S,
248 Front Btroot

Two ud onHudf mOto fram f;ood BukM. Good toil, newly
gimv^ toan, tome cUy. Fifty acm limbeT, will btiag $S,S0Q at
ataikct; 6 acm ardutrd; 67 acre* needing; 18 mere* pouioet; 6 acm
caoi; fin acm wlitai; 8 acm com. Balance of land, ibdudif«
woodt, faoeiid ftw paaiim. Good 6-ioom bemwe, witE none baw
■wat Good 640001 leoant hoow. none fouadatioto Feed mill
iOxSO. 841017 awl baaeneat, with toob far khellmg and jenoding
com. Too) boaaa 84x40. oa ateoe fiiandation. Baxeineot bam
86x60 aad 84x40, Me batoncnl. W9 idl wilb growing crop*
aad give potaenioB at enec.
$6,800 if ao)d at ooa. Tennt
cc to aah, or wiD take chy jvofienr or tmafler

IWMOO or other Rteoart.
H-lier. «M UIO Ibe
41 of >mu<liiix tte-l.iod lue drek w
window every nil
.« abOQl the
e Ibe rbtl.INO
Mt Ibe miD

■ ■

•ad seat ieae tou gl.OOO.rao. tb* waxerwav tbiac I* fm deep with b '
toleetat ibe boetoto.
After- lb* eaul wa* takea emr by
Ibe irarnl rnTriBUnl ta isn. tt WM
toto feet, with a Width «C
. maktac
fIt.Aii (xn. Tb* yvopeaed
- iLe Veltarl leek, by maktoc
feet bmc l'»> frat wOa,.
with a depth of SO feet, will tolaff
• be oo*.1 ar to Cto.fW'.OOn. A beak
. tovnacb tbu lock for .neb IS
iBiee .tov aiMl aiebt. dartag lb*
at BMth* ot toe year U U apu.
be AaMwvma "Hoo" got* to per .
I of tbr uaftr. ito I'abadMta (Baal

!5* ”

bmi am i*.

Plate Clue. Steam Boiler and Accident Insurance.



!■« ^ <1

Bat* «•«

It* bimory. Tha koMRel tor
tbe MiUtwt wu let by toe atoto ot



eat owner of ibe «oo*e. baviac
____ d Ibe (Old to ti* mree. tor»Ma eradloale to wort the eteed tod. Im
all It vrae werth. aa-l Itoa cave i
iml Elk Bt Bmlmrtts Md !*•
bimaUfal taasoaet In tbe heX botr
IB the lovm u boBor mt the lack
Brlaciaf conee. which wne i>e*.B<
ud inrteok of Ibe daiatle*.
A teW vmn aco a famoao wtaur
of Uie FiMtli Ikerbv wa* amde the
iliyeet cd uaeaal feativnv la P*na
oftbeopludid liorac
-•* the pnanhi* favorttp mmed
^i^CMU^t b»‘ Tbr OhMdlm
ily deoorat
a call*
•m »A>bodlM n* bOT «M tea bsu
Bieli tbe uiaml
of UM>Utea»—ottad MM MUI be
■Md oal tbe (b>r« Be «Me’
k diamp*cne oaf ol a
expvwee of lite ladnlceci
h.MB be liBd abx day
le-aded boy
aoB truoa
«el OBI of b>
I UMreUla
la tbe namever of IW WnlLa. s
IBiSeeci K-wfrui.dluid d<«. <>f
_______ ______
iBey. weal to Ibe reecoe of In*
On tbe very
of all chU
Iter * Miy >-hild. ud mvrd btm
everybody wan %o Ibe lootoot.for
o dmwmoc. IB * oeichboriM
wbal waa onmlac nexi. wbai ebootJ
w. To ebuw hi* ctbinadi- tbe
eureteeper Siewan do. bol dnre oni
>er orgulird * f-ax. which we*
of bu ban ooe florieb* Jane after attended by amoy at In* frieed* un
aooB IB bu bax.abbar ut.-d ba«iry
, the dM toiBC tiir favored
abd bu Uit-ol-ibe-eoanty >|bn. ewp
Ibe ev-viiDC
H«u* daiali
tot a momeot ai lb.- little Obaodler
ree*|ncial]y ,we|*rvdtot hi.
Itaen. dnvinc oo lo the •Uloe drlixlalioo. ud Hm- liuqaei
couui Doiue. coll oai Tip .and drive w*e lolloa.'d
.iray aitb hiiu-wbera?
•Jieerlie*. afIrT
V which a ailver ■'
Nobody knew aalil Ibe ant day
• medal
when of bu own aeeord tbe xorekeep
ei.tbB* let all hearu at real.
uiitne fuclioa •• lYp Cbaodur. like erety Mber
' bded boy toai 1 evor knew. Iia*
nine dortne >to |n>t wts
a life ol Btiveey.
K«.-rTthin« « yeweler la ILvIiu wa* awakened at
Ibal M done, lu doea He bae m early bur by hi. |el |am>L who
bae no fas in II..
had roirivd hi* br-1 r-woi ud
teller* anoldin'e
•ell the
lorifoniely ]r>*anduic bim in
li.'kui'a . -ve watebod him ever aiac* lerml lietvau to "Horry up
her* aad 1 know.
He ba*
The trade*
ml ud lee* to wear uo
o act DO lb. a<lTire >d hi.
for. Now It * Itvttlx'rad fnrad. ud. armme hioiaeli
revolver, dee-aded lo Ui-- luwma. where be eaoooater>-d a
omaked barflar. wba*>- 0|eraii>iue be
•oinc to pni till
Ilf* wb
uad o|>pactuUFly
lied one* of the iiarrol altrarled
.1 to|i- tad jM
b-etiou of ll>e|*dice. ud the
____ __ ,
iroogb ' mb to a
w*. ameled.
The cratefal
Vm wateb ut now ii •the fB

' — MONEY TO l_OAI«i

irebovBiattieiiierkeL AUtbe
■t MorriUee le PUkle. Obeeke,
ead RtriiM. bolb Foreigti end Do-

U war dtooovtoed ia W._____
mUa bytbeeeoabtnepruoaeta
-. wbtob oarriad piom from tto-

r tor too gmittad im4 Boew


n^ii Ammmtm.


ivb-rtM^ifT otrruaeoum<x» ton* a year, eo tbu IhW
_____ .u BloRb OMid faraieb Pmua
wtrh enoagb mit to laal for W yaam.

TiKMieM team aa* -ptom ta rt
Oaitod Stolto wberw a awa anw haat la k henry imta aad mat g«« «•<
T*a ibongb be bae neither aatataDto or aavtonUa.
ia the Oolarnda
•wart they tar* mla MoraM daring
rblcb net a drop of wator tontaea rt
.twtb. Tba tala eu be aeu tallb«
from the cludi fclgii above rt deaart.
Ml wbu rt water laaehaa rt
Xrala of liot. dry air team Hi rt
eloade ti u coUraly akaorbad bafara
fXliag tallrtdlatoaaatortgfaart
It u a ilagBiar atghi M wlMam •
mry dowapoai «f lata. b<M a «r«p
r which Ieachre rt goranad. Thau

uaahlgb u Isa figriiii hbora

a day mny knag larth.
arday morning be toay be warlag la
ud fro to rt biaaae. |gu U rt
gtowUi. U laU n
etonae tbai he buai
aayi tbe Lnarea. Mua. Obmatota
Tbr oroaaeat uw at k pi ax atnku
fata aad to a fow mualu ta la aU
off uduwadtatolBffx Bafaualrt
bau toadadu rt earn, hnolad tato

mwad toto lambar. aad befau tacM

On eatartay ta it Is Chtoaga. u4

rt foltowt^ Hartiy ta to tata«
uUadta nubuldrtta tau vrt

•'« fTruarubM^Ve are tart hart ta ajHiy tta

A aamber «f prntatout Jainnau
eiunx* nr* at ptaaent uffifa-------loa Ibtaaded patat.
•anu ef upenuert fu rt .
'u^*'aastalu(tta tataa'ta^'ta
He took rt^ to rt employora.
and they uooat^vd him to verfc onl tal proBackiU ta laa by uaau ta iuwiU i........................................ " atootoiBity, Tb* iiat irtoi wu and*
to rt Fakaulmap rtaaetoie.
to'u nU MB BOW. nad
An* bonw for ■

waltiBi; lor wkal auffbt follow. TS«
wbea too tbiac etawlad avray abd Iba dent that auaapHta
crowd buaa te ffo. tbr boy wilbaat iiwnert aMU«y h
rtebt or Wi amrtod off hcM
BkiBg n«t
wtUiObt a •>
who with ble b<_ki0^ ^Om'pS'

atlT^th^evutag. tat ao atangn
wn* noead utti • the >*n a aart.
vbuatondaiHua a gartr to rt
a betag tald- I

' I. rt


rta^xtHc-s:; '

with bot a word to bla
____ Obdi

tad CASS Sts.


____ _________ «fM Htoy Mid tt ■

“'ZS:r^“£2 ess^-xs.s
tod* SMto'Mk 4 WtM «t SnK

w UM U bnaam* tatalML
maiyam vtaw
■ islUBlaww

It la



MWily vhtoh took* ito vMtovi

• vWt to

—----- —.-------

Paitldraiwl to«5 mpin^toae •
a WM w tbe Btala ootolaff hMO ■ «rloto otU to MO. Clenrifle Bne
“Oo^vltotoOtoOloatoktoU to- nW (« Ito tow oT tto brae. PaideT
—lev. tod I vUI toavyto a boo- it a mto iavo, aad ve
ait pioM.'' boa tot tfivoy wot ia^ Acae tbiafO by die
Mtoop. nit boloit Ito day Ito oor- ot iiiroitofiu tad matt call it ffnatoiSow ihU gim ttooevt up to date.
- ~'-—i plan VO

MMtod by
to Ai^ aad Undto...«
_______f-» -hta
Vhltolaff Bay aad ot VO atond Ito
hDMto Oyto« Bi9. '«
plaee aiy (mad tol4.-Do ytai oao
tor kit •c*lb.««tof» Uip.
y«wtoho^T -| toWyoa" WrlU
TMt toip trill Uri t0« *«kt
bo told. •thalUvorevoafoffolaff.'
<tors mU vOl Mkt to ■—
Well." I told.' I can BBoaffO tkal
^ to tk. -«rtbw-l Tktit
•IJriffhk” aad vbaa voffoiatbtoo
ttop to Ototo-tol o*
bo toid. “ 1 will ffoabnd aad ffot
m >to aad bit ■«» toport—t
Uilofft pm-nd aad yoa ooB foUov. ••
wflibt DttroU. to wktok Ptoot to
Sevototrtod. otffbly la Ito ttoto.
top||r^8|uMi wJ'TtorfMt OB M*poaad troei tba deek vat }ato a
n. moi DtoroJt Ikt
Boall hilt, aad Ito baltoti toy BootM to lotoOMBDlU to toMBd *b»
toad tot kaevB la yean. Bal vboa
IlMtocto^totr •» totototoorVO ffot to Ito VM boatot 1 wmalod to
pattwi to Un 8i*Btoh wto rotorkaov vtol mj
ay Mtod
friaod Venn
vtol atoad to
ThU trtU to oo tot toy ftotow•to nady aad vton to tald
toff bit rtoll to Dotoeit
leaked at kloi aad bo vaatod t
8ow.wb«o>lonc to tUt tWi to
; If I oxptemd toaoulaia dov.
Kitotffu linW Kopldt o:
WalUt tald
otoL^to ffto. » tototothto,
>t vr bad
attoe elltoblaff ttaal hlU. Mt
Toto7Bl4(l.t to
»too oo^ op
totta a tawibani todgo la
to iTBtrrto Oily, oito rory lltoly to
........................betldn a Bnito np with
■tghl If II bMto«t4 to oeeor to hla
•ood aifffalaod eardtaad ereat
thto VO voold UU M M blBL
fee a king. Tbaro It oolbliiff



whfah will tok* tUl iBtoS^

ve iHMiee in pulicaltr b that Vbtoi
ibebetliK^a riagiog oo more people

toadafaBloid vealth. mob at tto
vihtoat litleaary aavar dm
BbadHtoiitto rietoat goU
to torth. oni third of tto verid't
pnoloat motal totoff peaked U
a^ aleToa aulot aqoata, aad II
rtobnt dlamoad aeaatty. vllb Hia
aiffbtooftto vorld-t {voeleatffaa
Cba lead it a mm at aeal and tborr
wa aavhon taoh Hob

r. AimC


pm. Ttorr Bra-lawaato fetoM
aU Ito pmloat vooda
The tartb
with tto allffbtorl oaUlialioa fo^nato vtih Uit’aaal abaadaat atopa
la tto bnrt of Bbodatia are Ito voedtrtol Vielaria Pallt baaldt vbicb
BtofftfB Ua plffaiy. tvoosdaff deva
«a foal to Ntofftn't lU. aad a milt
«ldt vton Bliffan it a half Mila.
Atatody a eompaay hat bate farato
to baratm tbU iBmoaM povar, aad
■ bytonUff lu forototaloalaotriaHy.
•UUtoilfer tallraadlaff, for tMctrii
U^liai aad for all tto mlfffaly vork
orhlab'aloelrieUy U boloc laato to do.
Tto almdy la Afrlea ttom an fftoai
aiUaavllh potto awala. vllb
^ with elaetrie llffblt aad aU

en you are at a jiUce like Ihn aiwl
left it vith iroeiiert of i*»)nng anlef tifil.
I nett paid

to the cil) -

and il it ixittilile hr me lo go lo inusi
oflheteplacei and telum the
day vhicb mtket il not only c. <
ical but convenient to to at
orry night I terncmtor oorc
Mr. Hannah taUI that il vu lord
raveUing and if il wis |«»iU
the tighti in Ito day time an
home »i nighi il vat all right, Hii* it
jnU tboul whal I am doing.
Tto city ol OUagov iccyB
to to juit at black at ever; The butinem lort 1 wduM csII Chicago, the
tecond. 1 tailcl down the Cly^le
6nd vh« ve me to call the totrti .
all occupied vith big thip yatds-and

vorfci ol all kindt and in tailing doam
toevcadart of i
Ito Clyde, the nairoor |>oftiont erf it
Than vtU to man of tbam to tto
;ll vety much Uke Chicago creek.
aatoffaanarafa aaaiary. Tto raah
They tty cveiytKlng it booming heir
af akrlft vatot aad tto mraom ot tto
uxt il appeal* to but htoetteberhere
ttoam vblatla wUI nplan tto
there teems lo lie a gtett inatiy
totto lloat to tba daap ierott
who partly look bke ibc lilliet of the
ataoff tto ffnat rirer. and tba hippo.Bekl.ihey toil iw neither Ai they
pitoBl ortUhide daapertotto ready
Marton of ai*B latMonm
tokoa tpm.
The qnettioB lome fromall it*-\Vhi
M tto trafia of eatioat aveopa by.
dul you.Dol come over last ycai, ihc
AMto it a pntty taod plaoa to
eihilMtioo?" 1 tell them il make* i
dto* fv • yvaac man to ffc V
difference lo ut Americans as uiHi
traatttoffrav apvith tto oeaBtiy..
vaall thing at they ha.1 we ha.1 every
aad te a totody ratldwiea ffoaa far
day of the year.
abaad af Alatoa aad tto Ktaadika.
the Coni
Another day I am off
Lancer this lime to l‘»
Tknmai T. Batm tottoatofad
tmatolaff Itotar bom VUllam Laadaa drive and through |k>UIo fieldt.
that (hit it a (lotaio coun*
of ihU ally, vto u rtaltinff ia Baelkad. Tto letlar tolla to many Intarry tre growing two cro|« in
«nd there u 60 miles ol
MtiBff laeUrbla U Mr, Loadaa't toa
shore land all devoted to growing them.
b It ae tollava:
Well ve gol to another rattle, this
■alteeata. BoMUad. Jaly A IMI.
AfMr anlriaff la BoaaM Seetlaad one 1 DSC to climb lo the lop when 1
and vUllUff triandt that an left was a boy. but it is locke.1 now and
tod Molaff oMae of tto old Riay bmd there is no admittance iKaHtseofdisad am vto van beya vllb aaa. I to- tnictioD by the rinton. But I came
■ to I1 aiked
asked at the jiotti
ffaa to thlak
I vm relaff to do
■ec it,
Ito key but they told me 1 wo
and vbon I vaa ffeloff to ffO. Jatoat'
I had daaldod to aa la Leaden or Bjdt
Bead. VO ffot U« aavi to tto |<oatpeatotot to tto omenoMea to KIbr
Edvard. Of eoam tbU etaaffod oar
plaaa *a flnt va am out to am Bamtoad at pan to It.
Oar Bret trip vaa oa the aav Mr-

Tba unit ptok by to*


ear la am yM. and then are v
and ohlldna and affod or fo*bl<
pie who bad too way loaff and weary.
Vtol kiarf of aa tdaa' voaU li >- »

Uttio atrtM of rraaa and aadar too
liora tbal an la ortdano* almoal
Kamel Bath wa> to|<|>Uy nrpriv^
aaaryvtoia bFivoaa Ito todrvalkt Prtday enaiac al hi* biNBe.. r.lA Vtot
aad tto atr.«i> It voald oaom to to Praoi attar*. vl«« hi. Baaday
tbiBff worth the doiac for Iba city clam ^
Ba£br!f—of-l.i* wt~-r
ar for ladlrldoal iroperty bolder* lo |
. caBM- to
aricily pmate ^'^■triidly
tIM vaSveey phaMilK •|ieal
^blretiH. AddiM lb. R. V. Pierce, taotida laarttbiaff like ihia. aad!
Itor-'W OMJiy who, alHIn* down for
nka MlIncI tb. Brfir i »
tonal, vaald nm ap aad call toa.
vnm Ute U >^ lF t* <:

One Month Free!

aurlwr Rwivtft.


waMe of ttim.
The\ are as per-

imly the il.twievs _________________j
|e-riiitiie<f ...


tU.. aad Byrou UuldtwoHb.

Quite t number ol Chirago i*oi>U:

None exist.

..111,- •!.«.

*T>r!'’ls“n^Pl«amnl FcHrUtoetotto
coBuJcuoa aad aaaetaa Ito Inatk.

arc enjoying life tl Walcr’t Kagc. a
licaulifiil S|Hit imlcol, where every
turn of the ncv-liy slwac nuut anil
the wiftnl ilnve seem* lo .liscmer new

be a -iisi-less

w^ftta-'feet .IS the im>st skijltul work

A BMRy party of pimioara vrnl to
Ka ab-u-waam Thunday and
the day. rvtaralBff cm
oral al ilir wort
Tbo oompany
aitioa at (%icw<
Mimm Kdilb aud KUmI Uibha. Mist large Bemberft oL Ir
Ida Dally. Mr. and Mrs. P*tcy HoUtwiwth of Nonb Uacvlum. Um Him*.
Piarl aad UaU-1 Uibbt of Kaakak**.

tcerpl “ uakaoan aad unprotad «lmi.

Mrs. O. n. Miner will *Ur uuti!
St')iCcnit>cr al (he 1‘inm.'

lo the vehicles we offer wouUI

K tested anil trkd. tuS

* ft. TQU »*.l tft cvftcnlft«
ftftj .rftkftO. fttd Oft olelr

a Lew Oalmao, Mr>~ Mark
dmiUi. Mrs. J. Haim. Mr. (Mm IVraw. Mtw J. Korsi. Mra Day. Mr..
OlOD of the Kmt Bida. and Ml*. Lym-Mtb DaiiMU Of Mb }*hmmnl war.
infyidmmally *ai<-Ttala*.l at .Nr-ali

Hovers, hanminrks car­
riage ilrives and nature seem to liave
Who are *|«nding tto tuumri
fonueil a league wilh the owners ol
Uieir eollage al the mott.
Witet's I dgc.
Friday vat lb* mooad weddtnt
Ktery r<i»m is engageil for the
a*ii. BBd Otaram*. On Ito mm* dM snniiiier al Ihe l•mc^. also every n««n annivarwUT of Mr. and Mia. Ftod
lb* family of Jelia Oaiaa. U>* tweml' inihe lao new milages ctcvle>lun'
a*Bl boot and alioa amn of Oinelana' Ihe Pines estate.
It, wrirad aud Mr. aad Mrt. Gala.
>elnad lliam a few days later. Tbr
Nnrtliport PoiBi Ibwtvt b ear ot
Mtmm Hliwo of Oiand Bapidt. Mlw
M never of the Bauy pretty l«y reAana M. Oltytaa of Dayton aad Mrt
jrtt, tat from iu ecact a eonpl* ol
W. Ludlow and dtaghler to
eon ago 11 hat met vtvb the gTmlati
HprlngBald. Utalo. aloe oaam on tbr
aoeem. Tto bcaaUful looatioo. on
a point uf land which from the aorth
A. Li-mBee and Baagbier
tea tide giTet bb
of Oineinnali rraobod Iran on tba
far aol Into take Miebtgaa. and tto
tlztb and Hr.LaetsOD )eto*d thrm oa
madi faiw* the wide sweep of tto bay
tba mil. Mr. Lemmon I
a* far at tlie <-ye can eee. ho* moeh to
to lha Third KaUonal Bank of Oiooln4o with Ito popularity, tat pretty
Cedar Lodge.'' with ito vfid.- piauae
Him Knta galnlaa aad
and oomforMble roonu ualeoa.laige
Ralph of Brantua, Ilk. oanw July
loth, aad Hn. Wm. O. Ulawow aad
to Ito atesoal earaclty. over W)
two ebllditm of St. Leato. Uo.. arrirtotag at prearat at tto hot-1,
ad tto follovlBR day.
and abeady liu have bwn lermil
Arthur Bapy of Olaelunall tIiIMi)
away owing to lack of
Buffaa* Prim July IJ. Tbay laft
The iwciiriewr, K. H. Uiddiagt to
toa ISih.
iperlnaerd boti-1

Bra eblldrao.
Th* Foorlh of Jaly oolabratloa vai
atdxd by lb* eomlng of Mra T. A
Prior of OIboUimU and bar ton* Bb

rabirtm. *te.. ar* al*n n qali<-a.


. IM CUBA<imr.



imid<-rjti ly iuicrtl.

trim B bhto a tto yrv raoMl

'Scott’s Emulsion’
•dbbcHcr Bmb any wtortrto
■nttowoHd. todon'lftopUkjn.g
I It bl Kmancr. or you wiU Iom
‘ sAM you have atowd.
S-n>l lur ft Ittv ftftftlf.l*
fCOTT a BoWMi, C>ft-ft.-tlv
IV*I' ftl"-rt.
y■- fts4

131 Stole SI.


CliUeu Plwae SM

SEi-u -ri-ii


Uncle Sam’s
Mall Service

gaetU the reel aod reonatloa
tbry tor* oome to ee*k
Theaotu«e* at the Poial are all
fBlI. aad every ooe eeem* to be enjoy
phoid fever.
lag tbemeelrce to the fnlleet estaat.
B. r. ■
14*1 eveniag a very pleamat larr
to Obloago airlTMl Jaly mia
party va* girvo at tlie buul. foety
Tto MBoy frieod* of Hr. a»
ladies and g*ntl*BeB imrttelpauag
Seymoar A. Bmtto wtll to gratl
Prises wen given aail ligiit n-initlj.
, boar ttot Ura. Bmlto It rapidly
ariag rtaa b*r laoaBl arrioat illaem
and will toua be oe tor feet.

requires phyaical and
of a hi



and BOB. Bapt. BIoob bat
teneoBpafura long alMak of

ha*e to go to the big bouse fgr ib
went ami asked, and they asked
- What namcT 1 aaid, "TeU them
gentleman fram America."
It vi
a mintoe until the lady came an
gave me (be key, after 1 had given her
a little Yankee Uamey.
She was
pleased to meet an American, but
when the jvople saw me Oin the cas­
tle gate I think they thought 1
lord of the manor. Well, 1 was f
few minutes.
I hail Ihe key. It
line to' be on to|> and get such a magnitoent view of Ihe entrance to the

> acv 'lweatlel)i eenury lo^>
forward mod ant back,
lo all lb*
gland oalKiol over ih* ptonilted bad
of BtMinaeul la tel*an- and ndnewtlai. in di*covMyaud *spletation.
b no tia.' to dwell -ob the old
aarkt or oa tbt old hiatorie
place*- l4ft IwlilBd asd fotgottoB
ttoy begin to dnp loto decay,
Cea N. Morrison of Hetroit is wooderfal caapaailt ot Bt. Marks lu
qvnding his racalion at the Old Mb- Venlee of vhleb Aldrich wrote.
sion inn.
at* iraivora.oya

Pleasant westher has been, giving
Ihe general resort business a buooi
and cutlagei* arc caning in rajiiJJ.v.
Tlic rcstoters seem to enjoy the l«autilul times to neighburing womb,
ct lertis, winteigreen
berries ami |>UnU which arc highly

On SumUy last there was a de­
thing to kiwwl
lightful excursion
from Norlh|ion
with a )uuty of 7G, who mailc their. Bkysrard, ^ einnd
hcailHuaitcrs at the Inn.
tptna. and eeaa____
Mrs. Cco. N. Black of Sp
' '' Kanhward. Uaok shadows flong from
Juttingktone work..
111., aim b summering al the Kush- Htgli oyer all tto slaodri ____ ._____
more House, has hail a beautiful bew
ud Bcnns a falling ttafi to
surrey thit>peil to her, which affords
great enjoj-uient. Mrs. Black
tat eratbrd to ibe «ort>i toapof ralna
much plm^ with Old Jtlission anil VrnlcJ Itaelf. It* ovu eily ankitoet
comes year after )«ai.
railing Into demy. iU ntwoll
and in a not tar fatar*
There b never a great amount ol
foniial gaj-eiy here, lor a large num­ tto geaon of the ocean will link baber of our summer guests own their M4th (be VBVra It i* said Ihat Ibe
iillaget anil their faces liave become BcygiMin tphmi, for onknewn
UsjMtttUagln til* desert mad
.to familiar that the)-, are mn wilh
tlwVil* and analDg ever tto «
warm welcome. The geociwl anna
X into Ibe
phere of the place b one of quiet
w of the i
ease, lately imluceil by the ahunsl
{vrfect rustic beauty of the neigMxw- yaod, I* rapidly deoaytng, and will
Mn. Ift A. Samlera of Landry ellMtoof Kgypi da* lo tbr irrtgatiou
i of oftaaeat ymra It I* lo be a
worid. and tto aev people vb
Mft sfiMwvi* Ike rei
golog to dsreli to il vtll not mil
amvab at the lalt.
old <w ear* ttot It ba* vaaltlmd forDr. Vii-torJC Vaugfcm of the Uaiversily staff will be at OIJ Mbsion in
a few <1ays ami will open hb cottage
Tva'**ftecnr*ft Kstos.
I tto piunl.
la tbe mnuer to parti far Travarm

Mae etaaamr Moaea Alotoadia to
OaeaptoUateva. la. ffeioff tbam va
pamad by the Uaadt to Anaa aad
va mlUd vety elem to tto ebora vr
ffM a fair vlav to tto Ultla
ffiaaad that an aalliraiad. Bat It it
Iba rofffftd meaaMlnt Oat Mb*
ear abmUee and altboaffb ttoaa ayile.
*ptmm an Jatt SO mtlm fren mj aid
There is an old cannon here that
beam I had aever maa Ito tech to
ime off one of the ihi{« of the
S|uuiish Armada that was wrecked
. tbam. Ttoy van ffiaad to bahelA
Oab« oa wOaaiptolUtowa tto Art! here when they tried to inivile Urilain,
Ihlaff va mv vaa a tolpyard for ami curious enough tto |C(’s>le visit­
balldlw etoel ehlp*.
I aekad vhy ing thought it to be a'huoilr^ yean
. they eama that* to batldJtoauaa Ibay ohL l.iaidlo them il was peculiar
ban no lallraada. bat Ilka a ffnal
at Amerkans oouU give them the
maayatbariiaaatloatltb itoi
story of things at their own ikran.
Ill J had known il from a hc^.
Wall pleaaed with ourVisit a
Tto MVB Itoalf I* a T«r pmwy
plaoa. It b faMad for oale
lamed lo start in ihe morning for
ilBff aad MtAI« vhUhn- Ttoy my Anochcr and Ixich l.omoml.
a ffreat many paople ge tom to aal beautiful aail up i.ueh l.«ag and amm
torrlaff aadffotdry. bat ll vairala- by land to
Ixiraond. This b
lag tto day I vat tbam aa va did not the famous Scottbli lake. The scenery
aaad any to ito huaona ataS.
is graml, but Ve did not have time lu
Va gel to tto oaatla. bal 1 thlak 1 lake the boat on the Loch. " M e Irfl
■at aeav tkla off my baefc riiU^ on it for another (np that ve. havx laid
tbaiiga I do aal bmlMM lo my H out. to ve rrtumeil by vto ol l.orfi
l^ng. At the foot of the hills here it
U well 6Ued in with bne buildings and
laid out with small but beamifal {artt.
and away above them are the wild
looking crags and the purjile heather,
making it a tight n«E_ver to be forgot■ aontag off i
ten and only to lie ston lu tie amweeiateil.
aallaaa. to 1 go afua new.
TbboU eoMle b Of Ttepanettat
Well, ve arc off again. Ihb titn^o
date. I aan only Imru It was 4m- Arilrithay, on tto other (orlune boaL
- Vapad by Ullvtr Or<imvsU,41eM
On thb boai ve go through the Kyles'
Bagbad Tn. pm-Bltartotagabeat It of Butt, of ooaree. 11ws b Just a
it tto totge hall with aiatod teol, to* diange ol toenciy. am! very pretiy.
ttaam that fora* thU ivot earn* all After srriting Isru leUert on board i
toa point, wklehfecMa>g^ap- srrnt lo gel slain|* lo |xis them, as
paannat aaff aliheagh aU li looks they have a javl office on baanL The
laatoy today.
:clerk aaid, "You don't tove tcentwy
TmammaMto tto tavarlM benr- b'ke Ihs in America." { lohl him if
ve had il over ip_ .Antonca a great
folk aru alrmg. tat mma to at aaly many of the pco|iie would hr ysutii^
drink watar, aad it b amato^ to il in flames and hanging it tn (hcii
teak at tto valtart vtoa poo tall pariura He tras picatevlat the retort
ttomtoMiag • toat andagte to andve toll a goal (hne M e got to
Ttop staaM like te kaav li our joamey's end, and mott of the
(iBSwagcn took the boai by vay to
tom vat omny paepla
Crimoo canal lo Oban, bat I here left
for aaotocr vay and wiU oyand sky
ttotot vay
'totMmllnva pamad tl
wMaethiiy about h bier.
1 have just ^leM a day in Pabby
aavim. mt tl ictoo mt
toadoo aad am to
toe_______________ atoreitoCoatakCUrlihiaadtoiAt
It vaa a

UapUyqwelBl fan;
tb|iUatPo««. aad a qveto
a vai Ito maalml towcvtam rlvea
latty. Bat ttooo wlO iliatoliw to
mowal to tto Mliatid ■tookirt to
r little ^4toa tffaeaa ban and
took Pmmtvia taaa aad
I vllb
ro arcrad lator ta tto ovmlat
to aeoatod daaelw l»ty to tto
.^.«WI elab aeearnd lato rwmtofbbvayaadafftodcM. Than i
<ma tbiaff laeAtoff. bovonr. and Ito
w A part it Mt aomatbi.
> TOO ana atond up la toe road
•nr aad an ffo by. aad aaa lhai mnmtow to
net be mt deva la mtmn ttomaeB
tar lie balaff la laMMaar at all bit
ffolia a laaff vay. enw aev. iw
eanr odff. af Traoarae City te tie
em eaator. Tba dayof tto mIMy


by l).a Baatob *r aad beach treaa, tto
water taUinff from alietf to alulf of
fanicnii aatbor. and dtaebb-r CUrlae
Iba teoka
Jaly ]
Mrs llUtlaad va.
Tveiuyiiire iVillan for a kodak
aim aoeomianlad by tor rldael dtagh
hare been
etoap lo get I"‘______________
ture of the faU. Uit time goet (tsi tm. Mrt W» A. Oarldaon and b«

b dm


«n M fcrtaar.

k tolf ihro'ish teemed a plcanat ma; to vmmtder
•t toon
*«* vhik
»«»*" °Z *“•
Toibv U a toy
tomoTOv. but ietead laking it eai«r.
Will pcoliaUy ^ve you aaottoi tkelch
beitoe leorir« kv bane.
vcakn voaica.
beala toflaamaWm! Lpt’DOS.
»d alren-

____ . , .>pla froM Otoouuwt. Dayurn. St. UaU aad ettor aaotbrea eltMl an Aaoklnii to to Ko-ah-M-wmam.
About a baadnd caotot air ban ^
nan an arrirtoff onry day. Tbr
ploaaar arrli-al vaa Dr. Alfnd OalU..r. Jr.. M»»—Mto-tMadlral
eoll^ OtoetaaaU. vhe kroerbl hU
lly to tbU hiaatital tpot. Ha vat
, follovod by V. V. Bow. and
Bevt BiarMd oat lo aw the Riant
family fmo. tto aama elty. Oa Jon*
tod VBlerfalltaadaflerollBbliiff and
Itra- O. A Orolfflioad aad bar
two chtldno and Mrt. K. K. Aurll
arid, yea
VUI to to the toart of "dBiketl Af- to ffot aaylblBff to Iblt
arrltD>d fron
I v« ffpi aad
itoa.*' Tto dnaBOfOtoll Rbodn. htn to vai* for U. ” I
R. y. Hali* of tbr veil knovo
Mr. or Ibro-ffb Iba fflea
tfm of Bruotvlok BalkM'-ollnA-r
Maaaatnllraad fnaaOtpe Tava to
la AtoDDltr
_________ _______
Bl to at"- U.
Tba day vat fair and vana. abad^d


iMkYcIIH tnji: in

an Saw.

fret, ar

Than which there is no better made. Wo also have on hand several

Mail Carrier S. F. Svrinhan,
of Hunttv-air. Ala., he to)*:
•As siiftct ft/l
Wh aw
wiih BiuKiilftr ihrftiftftiiMft, brftda.-hr.
smI |vftU» iksl *m.rd lo hr *11 onr
.Die. 1 •». nUTVlj ftble to mn** l*»
btboci s Bootk
I drword lo gir*

thatare in good comlltlon and will be sold at harRain*.


„5'„.Pain PUls


**-1 Nrrv* rUsm » tfisl k thf*.

Traverse CityL

;I 127 State Street
0,.Hn*e kl*dloalC«ftEiaha4,fod'



Feed and Sales SWbles 231 Stale Street.

Implement Store ! 23Cass Street.

Having recently purchased the stock and business ol tieo. Cams. I will hereafter conductia ^first-class Feed
and Sales Barn at the old'stand. 3,d State Street, opposite Park I’lacc I Intel. I will also use part of this-barn for
a warehouse, where 1 will unload several ca^^loadss oj.rfbAhinery that I am-eapecling in a few days.
.-\s I h.ave a large farm a short diwjince from town. I am in a positkm to han­
dle all kinds of stock in exchange for machinery, buggies aod implements.
1 have at present about twenty good work horses for sale.


These ^nachines are too well and favorably known in Utis lo^ily to need any fuytherexplanaiioa. They ^leak for tbemielk'eB


toaa tald and
The cottage ot Col Deane of Ann Oily maab bat
maab rtmaiin to bt told, ft voold
Ariaw ifilbeN^upieJ for the
IS aad srife ot Cb> lOtem aev tbal there villtaaegisbt
bM i'ritl Aoams
paifc. vbi-ra a whole elty -tall of pao-


Blood Poison
--------------- '

awe ar tto lover cUitta.

Milwaukee Junior No. lO.

It togfas Biaallj wiA a litUa UMcr ar
gnrfss, a r*d enptio* breaks out
Ito boh-. aoRo aad ukm Mpft—
to tto BOBth, tto thraut bccutta----------------ulcerated, tto hair, eye bnvB and
Uatos fall out; ttw blood beeattitof ^to»«s<l7



tbe* avtoltog to tto

At iny implement store 1 will earry a large and complete line of
wurupwitaw a—u* .....
______. .* MatAinery. Buggies, Wagon, and Implements. I am in better shape
than ever to supply the wants of my customers. I f yoo do not find what yon want in my stock 1 Will order the same
short notice.




____________ H ereu to tto
It u a perfect aatolotr for tto povtrtol virua that poltotta
tto Uaed afcd peuetiaUa to-oll ewta eftto syatem.
UuktayeBi get thtapiuvw oat e< your blood H vai

I am not gmng to sell goods at whtdesale. as «me
of my competitors claim they are doing, but am go:ji„
I __ t_.
Tng to oR»'y(w first-claas goods at pnees that will move them ____
1 cap boy goods In
in ••
as IsvMft mta*ril*s»»a and
as cheap as anyone, and am always willing to giv* mp customers the benefitl Call on me and be convinced.



loehiM. a. a a
Write fur euil
knuv tnartaiut
aodPuiaou. U,-------------- ---------ft

uvd hunt aP abaut Cautogfom


123 CaM

CIttasna PImmm 120


• 'J?- -i’



\iam Jraato Vabb bt OMdwi*b
to tea gate a( litoi bin roek.

. Xtoa BtotoSmtogat^teptoOltyto
to towa todayMn Jate ^-------------------------

m tmtt to m oiitoiii .«f

•lew tea tote ttote teawraai

•tow Oil; M< «>«hU» at F«to

laboteal Ihadr doaha. na

fiBMaitor. While te wm' gate
Bto wife waai
wittaat bto kao
■afMaibe ttUwvdewB tt tta paute aM tott Ite
nlgbt. iryttg la ite oal M matt M
Ite 4m
nettoed ite nreattlag igue apd
qeiekly mleed bto gu ate And both
Hn MatecottU died

Bwriac DMtod Um CX« OweU hy
at Ufa to nraaal totonM

vUktokv mm mutoto
VaUt* to tkM May aar I
Ih* ptotUoa «• Mka U tola

ItaiUor tto U Tlalltiig ter brothrr. gtoak;
ttoipb. ate alaiar Kti.
Poll, far
boroteotter Ktoblgn prrta Thla
phtoMa— to ool paetetor to an to
Tfetintr ate Mn. O- B. Bnai
Ind tobn.
Oo Itea Oteara to latoad tte Eolfbla of Pytetoar
artoad. wd aa otear Swte tobaa are tel* tootoiag.

la a yam Md



. pite ate wUI mW
IbiaeiiiagbUle ttto yaar.

Mra 3. V. Pnrltoata et Waal

t to a* aaytUat
after Iba alir or
Itetovateia «• towfeMladtoteUora flcfat atoag -that tn
aatra a litoral tiaaahla (m tte
Itelirodwwl tea ■■aalob” arte
ally, arra toUg afgad aet to telay
ran la ObUaceaad otear late
to rtepwii oar aatoOTora to neara
L The bttotote to a aalf raeord•oBoolal aid for balidlog Ite tloa, aU
teiawitoi ttet laaerdr tte praaol vUal. w. tera tear; aad aartral aaioef teaalaterpbrra oa a abaai of
tt tte aUtomra aad elllaaar of Ihia
r. Tte raeord teowtog tea pnaolty an wall
------- "r aaly allghtly rarlaa troB
abla to ooatoroet tte road, prorldad
tolfhl Um.
Taatorday tea Itoa
watedatraarhlnUatoaald to aa- nab a aaddaa apwwd atoat at a Mate
ooiaad kj oapltaatoa
of aa toab, riwalntag teara aboal two:
Wa ten aiiaadad tetwaao algW
I ate teog droppliig bMfe to ita
aad alaa tteawad doUart Id tte way teraan paalUaa wllbla 16 Btoaloa.
afrarra^fraaoUat ftaa aad otter Wbaa a wsn ot Mary afoiphti
laoUtolal aiiaaata
Wa tera aka
a enr abody at watorate la foli by a taddaa raltot rroai Ite lii
wbteh wo ara to araal a tea aad |ioW'
ad prateno, tte "atODba" to tec
or hoaaa of taaolaal aapMlIy Mapanta tte Uaa to IM fallato ai

ohlldraa wete to Bomt tUa mo
ayi' Tlilt
d. Martlnk. Mn. Taltarak
ateHn Pioob gW|M toftteUBwralag oa tea M. to M. K. for Oblcago.
wtea they will altate tte J. a D.
cgonatkaL Hn HarUarb waa aeby ter aaa Jallat who
will rtoil relaU
Hea ate Mn A. T. Friodrite ate
n BiMldlog weot ta Oarp lake thto
•ralag ••■•n Uicy wiU epeod a few
tey. la tbe K. af P. oaap
Mn d A. Wade ate thne ehildraa
left lotey for a Ihfoa waek.'rleti
relaUrae aad frtoute at OadlllwL
Mn L. Koterle tee gone to Bay
WtLUOSl pm Cmcm Boer. ee>
Vico when tte will ioto ter tenghJH BMdby Cmn n* in.-maT. (■«
ta Mia Martia. « ao tea beeo tbore
peMwnac. punfytog.udlMuul)fw a weak or mm.
Uitb.ttiB.teclM.ii,( tlMecalr. m-J
Mn Prod Boorer of Kanai Oity. tbr ■a.pT'ug -I l.lliu kail, ler adMeiug.
oluleelu ud
Mo.. aoeoapootedlbyMiaeBliabcUi
am* bu4. l.-f Wi-y lubny lirMun .e-l
idem orrlnd toel
ctedM.^te.llpnrpmm,g ttrUkl.
UU^ etekomn. MiUlmi c4 M'mnru
um Ci-TV«h. tr-ir in bnih. ter ei.uoyinr
tmieUoui ud Induiiu.Uiia. I.« kn (rr,,
cr oSnalr* prr.|dr*uon. Id te
eitredid etoy to nortbern
utecalin wmt nm • m. aad te muyteneU.e, utuapUc pufpM
Br will Imre to a abort Um. tor
DMtte tWaeIrm m Tumre.
BrtUte Oolaabia.

light tte awpioyaa at tte •
watte wata aaoaad to lad that
totM of tte ally aa tbU Uaa woald WBlar ted taaadad to tte toy te/Md
te. tera tooaUad Aataltal old ta Ite latafca plpa< kariag It dry.
ally tooda aad otterwtaa. Buada.o( laiaka. hy tte way. war aaeh aaaito
Ite abaca at that Uaa tbaa ll U bow.
. .
and Mn Beery MoKlaley.
aotot Um Itewatar laaaiord Mra .lUSliel Ohaodler ood Mlm Bihel
lad teay foaad tte ateca tel
Hclutoeb ten arrlnd trea Onawey.
> atoad far ao qulw a laag dlUaaea oat. A* It ta
Preeqoe lale eeoaly. te attend tbe
Prlente qoarterly aeaUng.
•ate eorlaaliy wa
Prof. Cyne Uodglnt of Barlbaa ooltell at tod tUaa aa to tte caaia.
lege will arrln In the oily toaorWllltoai A. Sddy at BayeaBO. K. i.
m to atleod the Prieode qaartarly
whlob wo haaa. to pal to aaa haadrad nya tea laba tidal wan at Obieago
•ettog. Hr will girr an addrea OO
thaaaad loUara ot earowa Boaay
bar aad Peam" M tbe Prleud.
to baildtog tte road whiab wa ora to
■log. to wbtob
Utopa tote, tat doBot tool iba
Alaattoa talaada. ot IM eoai
waoid te right to Jato to ttefartiaa; Atotea, wbicta to Ite grate aoaror ot
Will (ienioe of Oarrett, led., arrlrtocBltetot tola aaoBBt at aapltol to
IMheadtotartaMaa.lB tte oortb ed tbU morning to attaod Uie fnoeral
pUaf^ to iaopatey to II woold to by WMtora Uollad Uatoa.
of bli tatoer. damn K. Oabtoo. Mr..
Bo toya teal darlag torty-aigbi WblU. a tengnier. I. already bw*.
boara aUgbt Iriwnri ataetod toraa of Tbe two aoea i'terlee ot Krie. I'oloBMal aawlUn eoUar loitBO- ndo, aad Walter ot Kag,-iie. Orrgoo
taat ate problWI Ite telldtog of Ite gt^te. aad tote tte Japaoaaa rolllag
ted It itnpoaalble to be ben
Itoa fnaa what tooUtra wa ora ao- Wtera iilMIgrate nworded aoar
Bar. J. U Btolord, eoperioM
abto to aaimln. Owtoto idato tera Um batwato TM e'eloak Tbaraday
: erangelutto wort for Indleia :
; baao praawiad wobtog tte mi
Blghl aad ?:« Vriday Mralog a t1- ty martlog. U I
to attete Ibr
- laafe ot a Tory teabtfal aotora. la ..
m of oearly bait aa tate froa Prlaada qaaricrly
4«wl to Ite walfara of tea toiy, wa te
Dt Knu> liaa n
•ot boUara teat terra UoatoglaMO
.1 It aUll My ba potol^la Uial Tiitt to loeto.
laatad to tela proiterd road wbe
J. A. Boiitogoa ntaread leal eight
fnn Old Bitoioo.
•Ctao : far a patot white
te tte aotelttoa et Ite ataorpbara. aal
aad Bra.
Taagha. Otoraeea
to bote iteaclaa ba earraet. BtI
Vaagfao et Aao Arbor ood Bart Heotea alir'a teal tataraaa Wa are ly teara ata May rtcwto* tarai
lagaa waot to Old UlaUeo today.
Mtaly atetog for a> acdlaaoe teat werb to ear warll at whieb tea atite
K. BoOor marate troB Ctoap
waold atea ii poaUbto tar at to abBoloioab tbla OMralBg.
tola tea ornrairyfBtei tar tte aM
Bn Wb. B. Ballogg ate daaghire
pliHii at tte llaa.atefartteproate aoa Artbar Kellogg ratarnad but
toaUao at tea aooay ttet aay bo aaa. fiQB an otMdad riUt to tlie
WIbatod toward tea aaa.
Oanp btolatoab. Joly I»-A V.
an part of tte
*M tdra at Iblr partog toalda at tte
Prtadrich aad wita, Miaa Daoa, Blaa
Kteal D
ItHb ate eatolda to aeattola dial
A. Mtoa Jiaaltto &aiUb. Btoa Sbadab. Onb Hpaaoar and Jaanalto
to aa old idea trea tte traitoarttog Oiob Bpneat, a B. Baral ate wtta
Hmitta wail to Oaap Belotoah today
at auaat ear Itoar to alter oltUaate at
ware tea new afrlrato to eanp toBn J.
T. Hannah ate Jalliu
■M Um toteiaite eo aaeeaat toir. Dr. BuUtday ate a K. Horal
Baart catna to ins 00*114^ (bla
wara batog aaad ter tte aaUn
a loraly eatob ot baaa today,
powar; bat atoat aloeIrteUy Mprraadaio aow tatetog bt boagty :
Utoaaa Haggla Boodraaa ate Nallto
tehtoaaa. terra U aa raano why a
Ida ate aspaot tbera will -ha at I
•te are rlalttag Manda to Nortfiattaat aoaiMy teaold ten aaythtog
to la wUb tea poTtog or baaptag tte
Jte OaMTOO waal hOM today ate
atraoa ta lafolr; bawanr wbro
left aU of aa with -‘toaby" whto
Walter D. Lron will go to Boynr
Tte todlaa Ua hate paraded Ite
Pblto to Join bta wife who to Ibere
tbalr laytog thair totoba
rlraatolMoIgblateaoM ot Ite
to a wate-e rtoli wllta retotIrM
ora bUblw obeot not tertag <
Lyle Dobaoo ot tndtoaapolU. loA.
nt It bote to Of gool
O. a Iwrig la ablaf gonaer and
to o gtetl of hU anolr A. & Dobaoo.
oawteotobaoBp. atetUa
gota at eat at • o'eloek sotatoga
tea ooBtoaV «0M MM batM to do.
Ot Long lake tewnebip.
MnMalatoteai "Karrto Hatton"
Mn M. Berler want to Oaaao to
Wo foal teal pwbapa tea oily abated
wtib bn bnte of ■'Ua" ante a rate
day fa a abat rtolt a tte Saaio oolaaolra aaM rotoaMtotlaa tar tea
•a tte Ooa. tept. tonight.
•aa el teaU acraata to tte fatota ter
liliriiBiiin in walaesartoltUr. aod Mn Wllltoa O. Oaaaca
attoat ear aarrlaa. ool wa wool! aoggato teat, toattad at tte ae^uy gor Mtoaaaem orrirod Mtey trom
oobnl laka, wten they bore beeo
toto tee partog
aaaal rapatrA. T. Tiiadiieb baa tobaa Ite }eb
Tlaiuag. ate are Ite gnmto of Mr.
at itetetog tte bowiry.
ote Mn a a MoBatL '
It Ite Iteiaa walbte arn



imd. to aail tor the Hailed ItlalBa
Ite ««lb toet. and. of eearae the
J emteeey wUl be broken ap
Hy tte laarlag down of Ite old
Pirel BepttM ttercb. Newark. N. J .
Iboamade of bale bare beae loread Ic
They hare i
la tte eaatat of
tte eUy. la one beoee a pbyelcton
end bu wife killed l« of item ii
{eteaing. la anolter
e band to
-leUII aooiJ.rr bona 6

Compieto Treatmont, SI.


u. a K. p.

Dali Sgalna at Bgaltaa. * Byaar.
MBOIad baatoaa to MaaM today.
0. W. Wbaalook et tte OlUaaw'
TalcpbeoaOn. wn

r. ate Hn WlUto B. Cook aad
Him OriUa Klbbe iMnted to Maoloa
Bcrntog aftar aiiaodtog itePriaote qaarMrly Meeltog.
Him Agaea Beembal hae • retaned
fcoi a Tint with Mead, and relatiree

atooaaatopv tte ^wattag aapooOMBMltoMroitao botea woald bo
B L . Hye. tbe new principal ot tbe
poor bMtooaa policy awl ao ashtbl- op tcM OoBp Holatoab thla toaralw Blgh
boa orrired from Betile
J. T. Haniab. 3. B. HoOowte,
hie wife, end
• wawt* to oiylbal Ptaab Prtadrirh aad >010 Traaearar they will
tte\ nest
getting eettite.
Mia Bbooa BoBaaboiy la apaadlag
grnond. and ef)oyiag <^*and Trareree
taw daya at Oarp teka^
Mn W. H. Kallay aad teagbtor
**Mtoe*oIXie) Pordy jai Perry, who
JalU weal to Oarp taka today, wbara
tea beat leaiilng to tne JaiAaon
IbtT are oaaidag.
aebooto. baa bem engaged tt imeb
P. Krall baa totonad froa 8agitte toutb gnd.- IfYSa Oeottal baUdmm when te war aallad by the aaritog. Thto eoettdetee Ibr Itot oi uaebeat Utoaaa ot btodatbac.
btototy of ihia oily hat tboca
ate for tte comtog year.
WItItoa g. Tea. alroatoUao mmowlal to tea pawlo. aa .
L a UUbert. TiaretorCily-a new
white weald ao aateooa tea growth gn of tte Orate Raptda abtwtolc. li
iprrieieiifliel bu tteao ibe Oane
ood raioa ot property tbroaatete lie
aauto IcMte. Aad
Wynkoop tela, .ate to getting bto fwIton Itel It ta Ibr o
nittie to. Bto wile wUI errire boo
•te pooida ot TraraCM Cl^ ttet tea
M. Jotoa thto week.
B. B. Wrorn waal tewa tte Itoa
MowU gtaat at nab
Claade Pettd hae rattmed fiM
oa tte M. * H. B. OB baatoaaa k
oalbUaardeam aad will apau
ate Mn U H. BaaaaU ate
•oof tte ttoe. Tte ««•
waek to thto oily.
•a Doa laro gew to Oaap fUU
Caurrh Cannot b
' Ite tn a taw doya
Mn Oeo. AaUetu dSg-teogfaMi
ad Mia MalTM Aatoita toft lotey
lalaodMdtbod tateoaa yarUV a Tlali ta Maabwa.
a oaggartad la aar irfanl tote
Balph Cter ate d. O Orcten at
II, aa Mraol tollway aaa ba bull
BtogUay an to wnbaro Wton
to olty tor jrora to aaow.
U K- Olbtoi ool Amotot
Bar. ate Mn Bagh Btenady aro
wk fiM a wote'aaay at Bay TIaw.
Mn Ward Barae M Oblewa to tte
gaaw at ter atoUr. Mn Dag HUDaa-


■21“-';-''’.':, ."sTfs

,ir. 1* I weibii Ti mn ar iBi
of (te big aeniral at lb- opan|
PriDUlIrr for •*ebi«w.
*-n. u i**e>e-M
tog ef the new Utate BnpideAtodi
rm tm diarrhom.
aM depot yeotatdar
Mia Olio'. ^ aotee ood U Barer fallrd. "
frtowda maa farward with bibl dar-

-----------------------------(Wbtug tetemttwuBI.

tolal TOM wae WiT'*1-• emie e teat. A P. Gray. Trererar Olty eeJU
•dOi 06 nm rmltoad.
Tbe win worm

-tog cm a twig
It wu diw-terged.
TV.t . M m Ury toy H.O l-nim Ite eterge ttkleg edul lu bto rlgbl
L He fell to Iba greasd dead.
H J. HcHilUn. a laborer employed
oo toe Grand Trnuk W<-Men doable
(reeUeg eiew nmr Lnumg. aamiio
rd far below Ibr eorfem fear old
Krenob .lirrr ooine and a roary. Ihr
Cline were Ml ooTere.1 wUb tael (hat
lb. itole of but 00.-001,1 tie daoildier
rd. Tbi. void lore ite dntee of HUca.
ll iattiOBgb tool
lal tte tuioa and roe
by a&e of tte early pony, rtoawlly orgealMid wtib
Pnf. J. A. Wyeong - rtmr .n fnm Preo.ii allien or ■
ofbaw.aooio oiwnlo to laghaa
Camp Melnloeb Balorder niel» to
I donblltiM l» ralaeble ooBDiy. bu ISU amm et tote wbtob
obange liie wmlbrr for lhi« m -t. He
eboaad. in tnm oxide Taiytog to
itanr<l to <-aiu|< ibi. morning.
drpib .from Ibrae lo lea feel and
Utee Krma Ononinglmm Joloe,! the
^ b*«u foosd te asnatonua
uniwre ai ■'an' Uke to.Ur. Hbr
will remain a week
Mr. and Hr. Albert Book of Bauto
L Ib-n l^lr-i I. enirrieinlng her
motlHT. Mn U. W. Mu. el I'olnredo
■Teet temored to Uetroll Iwo week,
Springe. Ool., aod her .Kirr-in lew go. Ibr Uuer lating with ber In ter
eftemoouB durtog I
rm> ber |iel eat lu ireatfemiig ou
BriL PnnI Mnm-y of PrutB.ler
ay. Jety lllli.
Uiml'arrie Pell.-r. who tea been br elrerl oen 111 Detroit tte ml
J. W. Mllllke
apeoding e mootb el Pnremool, ha. aeilr Iia ecee|ie. Tlie ml lerwed Op
retniw-d Itomr, a<H'omnanted<)>T Ir-r at tor old toune in lUllUrrerk, tookg|k-*'a|-„-H B*w. • Iwirdw ll ,-iirw leii,
iag teppyaud jiamag ooui-alrdly af­ tul, Muniuc. Mr,i*i* Iw4 *!■( i*rr..«i*e
ooodn, UiM llelle Vel|ry
Ull*. ud lUteellr
tor .Uu UU U --on.J. W. lUniieo and teagbtor Helen ter Iter l-iX mil,- yourury
tn ni'iK. c-.rie. ...............................
rrud. nud nlm mrl r-lw . ur- im. krurd
cmrlr, I't-n- I'lu ,«\t.»\r ,k, luMcrUy .llu; Ik-liiu .u-l lii«iuu.ui.-u, .*d
rvttaii. I
t:i n< < u> >!i~-i.,'UT
lILtria.- ;.k>ruirludrteu.r Ur Ik..].


wrelebMl cold.
____ _____ ______ __

Hr ored aol tt* a bmey peoalty If te -r
follow tee act of follr with aa aM of ”
ml of L'ahe I. be- •ledoa. Boat toe trei to bm
eeaipaoofe.d ID itefaaily Of Oatu- r
■dal tte
■lalr dr]wnmeal oa Pridey froa Hr.
.Sqgien. UaiMd (totolr. minltter al
U.raDB. ui. ttet np Ip deu tte repul'Ur of Uutt bae been (oraally ree,<gaaiu-a by Ite Hollrd Slelee, Unot
Al Hartford Leomrd Lm.
Ktitain. Pnnoe. Hpalo. HwiUarlaod, lutaally tUled btouelf with a ebot
while uytog 10 kill e eat. While
lUtii. Nimngaa. uoeu Bioa and
dag tbe eat be teead

bu baaa doiac
mop la aanllar
•ateaoM-large A Id*
a wbirh pcomiaed well tetr

u« thr Uml




letaroed today from a trip to Kew
York i'ily, the ceaeidc. iirooklyn, and
Kiagan Pali.
Br. and Mr. John Prnhert mmr >■>

Ding from Cbioego.
Him Ada L Wnlere We. Iwl rvenIng ,-Ieot.-d delegair from tor Krlrnd.
Otarlulau Bodmror eoolrty to Ite
ooorentioo hi be teldat Ln^ington. beginning toiuorraw errntog.
Leon Sh inberg wrui lo Pnoukry j
yriterday for a wrrfe eiili

Av:s our way. tt U round trip to
Cbioego Ural, and berto Inolnded
on ilmnirr* Lmr<- Tnrera Oily
Monday, TiieMtor end Krldey. V SOm
m.. Thunutor
p m. lie H. A N.
K H. K. K i-MinrvI with North Hirhie< Meiiuter
K .1 Hilctell. Ii. P Agh
IV I'ounioghaia. AgL
ti U.
toiea Kelmr.. Hrad Iblr.

Mr. and Mn H. 8 Hell will lm*«
I.-..--...I V, I uil-.t eul.* lol-et. TIi. r.
lomomw for Lakr.lde. Ubin, wbrre •e !...«».4 IL.— MM-blir-li, ur-teuttluUi
Un Hull will remain lor eUmi two
Imiiation. u. -.1 ik.-au.r«-lu,, lb.- c-I'uiiir nib
Mr. aad Mn .A J D..Vle teve re.
timed from toeir reoadoo ai Tnr.
me laki- in Ln-lauea roouly. aad
Hr. and Mn .iH»rk Imve h«Uy for
w ame plec. wbrre ttey will re­
tain aluui two woke.
Mia Alio Wall went lo Old Ml.Umi oo tte Cterlrroir yeatrntoy. retarntog today. 8te wa. Ite gnrti e f
& kL Wall and Hia Wait ei ibrir oolage three
ougto.- mmprn who oeme la

. Mr. sad Mn ProD. Mrlntoab en.ieon.
Hr. end Mn A. V Priclrli-b end aoo
Spsalding. eud & R MoCoy
Htoaaa Meggi-- Boodn-an aod Nrilie
aad ti-iamed today trom a week',
rtolt at Kortbiun.
Mn Rnlgbl aod blra Hobart arrlr.
ed froa Kooktord. 111., for m rieil
with L K. UIbbe and family
Rer. P. C Wood of Alba arnred to
elty toder far e rtoil with bl. mo
Roy. ooe of ibe Pork Place berben
Ret. Wooduoo hi. way lo to. 0 E.
mTeotlon at ladingtOB
Bla Marleo PItrrr left toil morn
tog for a run to Re,'d City
Pleree will }oin brtdaaghler Wedue.
day aad ugetoer ttey will rt.ii How­
ard Oily .and Kalamasoo. Tbrywill
. gone mtrnl wrek*.
Roy HiiUker will Imt,- tonight far
Oeiroll wbere te bu e poeilloa.
Ptask Trndt- and rhil,to-a
bare tetenied froa m .It wekiw’ riuii
with be* rarenu in Herd City.
Hiaa Rhode Katieobory bee reiaraed froa Oarp tekr
to SemiaU City
P. K Moore weni lo Walton thto

U-ee^ *r*


m-m.4 to. f-r-4-.i. ...urti.e-ul
*1 H*. l■r,4,*l. .a.> I* lb> ,11; ik Tnnr**



lamU lu wll altoi); llic SanU Fe railitieit in tlie
(tale of Kanus a «Ivt|i, ik Ii. I>U< k, (eairit(Oil in Ite great Arkaniu river valley; uinc range* in
fmm $.5
lo »40 i>CT acie, accociiing to locatiun aiel iintinneiiienl.*»uh leriii.
to lull, al C pet cent inleieu. ll )-vu e-il] go an-l (ee ihi* laii-t men
will lie ihete lu inret anil take ivu aiouixl to
.A half laic in
$1H fi« (uunil irip 1* rhargml u|ion the fio4 anil thud Tumlan of ea, ti
month iron Chk-ago lu Hulchinvon, Kan., tea-bjuanerx, ami in cau
Vurchau I. mmle whole ^tt i» refun.letl, and while Iticie Uiaul and
liver) U free wtelher youMiurchaee w noL For funlicr ]anirulare aii-f
arranernienU*eeaeatofiiac.-‘’s)l-ltnew Wilhelm lilk. I.G. KKV.AST.

UU ^e^i'.-*,*i«u



,*■ e*m*c *u eh*( Ibr |•-<IU,«. Oelr rwi
e-^.-e Awl A •-lm>l-ie.r. • aM U ml4 «*

TwT3|.*, II MurOwad. to*l rvbtal. Ibr Wb
1*1 ,e AueuU. A.ll ■*«. Baal. *ll« uXaW
I* to* t.u.a*>d. 1. *aucMl e» Ite


t/iTiTuJTu. w
-• lb* C-OI U Tr*„*** <VI>, *U abu*
fenV-r uobakd. tb*I e




• 'Ur,'*'. H Ik-wUv lato U Ueribtt unre


'“TbSSStetoll 'pnlar.
tb*u*b l*r I4 aea*iA a*ai. el 1.., u-tteW

Ladif-s' DonRola Kid tip and plain toe.
reg'ular S} and $2.50 shoes,
l.adi s' Vici Kid and Patent .1 RA
tip. regBlaf$

*J. .* • laanl b-ara .4 iwbl l'a»iil
*1 11* un*.,A ku teaU ate *b* er. w>*
■«illb.l I.) u* lu lAbtel to. Mi —

£ ass'jLiiSz

•Mb TfatoTi»J >i?bllme^*”


nib<HATX UBUPI a«*b u
r <Muit> u(>ir*teTr«*a» m


iu^ '^to7^'~‘*’’ ^ (“‘•'•■to
.4 1-t.Abt.

Ie u* Mil.* U> Ub

le lb, f-*amp,w. te

Men's Vici Kid and Cordovan, lace and
congrett. regular $3 shoes. ^ 3^


wen e(

bmnw •<

tf eaj


Hto*U.a**>w**-'.'i*M eteribteeteam
-lr*i*l Tm.wa*. 1.1 ■■ toi^to
■ •* *_«.|**nto.x.toal4e> -/btoMaw

pttautn <mi>aw-MTATw<jr ncKwaji.

Misses’ Dongoia and Box Calf 7R
Shoes, regular $1.25 • ■ ^
Boys' and Youths' Satin Calf, all solid.
regular $i.5oShoe*.



tbe body ttkea ftna tu bona Tte
•u ttrriMy aangieS aad brataed



StS: ■sr'y- •Xi-i'it


208 Front street

■ bM tte idaaatlrmeto-aoteb
ottoa and dealtwd to gottooBae

bikte" u'l'u
cj*/ '.I
rr*,,rw- ,-ri|.**.l «b-r* ce**'. if **i tour b*.



Men s Satin Calf. Lace and 1 OR
Congress, regular $2 shoes,

a Iboraagb etady of M grewtog eoou to 8uBlb Cbrelite. Mr. Hatu
mid ttal bto gotmaeal bad btte


<-,tj .AIrmivf*. , III *j*l to—«

Al Talm, L T.. a Creek Udton boy.
Ctaarim Miago. waa foand dm.1 mearel) tead on tte honii of a wild Teie«g. He ted etldenlly'beee lliete
light. When found toe oierr wu
wying to dtolodgr ibe boy by tabbing
m. agatnet ite bank, ol a anell
nrlar to which tto- aalMl war etoudlaplelely lired eal from an all

Btoko Uatto. a waaltty Jepanree
WOW reeldtog to Mew Yeth. baa faem

wrl ■•uime. *»J ih*t to* V«i*elle* U
w*l Jm-.e*«l. s*J *11 .-(b-i

entire stock of Parker Bros, has been bought
for 54c on the dollar, and will be closed out at
once. This will be a great oppoi^unity to lay in
a stock of shoes, as we are going to dispose of them
at less than the cost of the raw nrraterial. In order to
dispose of it quickly. This is a genuine Closing Out
Shoe Sale and no humbug. Do not take pur word
but come and see for yourselves and be convinced,
bo not miss this opportunity and save money while
you have a chance, as shoes are something that are
not perishable and something you can always use. •

U. L Otopper tofl
ton Itola niornlng fm
Cadlltoo oo baelnem

gb bto body. It ie msmaaed ite
boy wae loei and wandered aaoag lae
Utie dartOf tta aigtit.

ITUiday ol Octooer.


« *r* tou,* (lel ,u> U !■ * etf1*1* rule l--r
Stops UlO c-ough
~teluc, celkw.wU but, uM. erSiiu! (--I
and works Off tn« Cold.
Ullvr teui.-.Wiuiior-Tul-lrl. run-.c-U IB
,'ue-. c. |-ny l-rmrO^u,

that teby potato tte

PreraBoM today.
H. Bysoa wool oat to Ite bb«
■d «M baab with tbraa toctog
Bba letey.
Wa dlte‘1 ate bta Ite Prleote qvartorly aeeUog.
Bar. T. P. UUom wail 10 Oalra.
whacote get ttea.
Bamol ten baaa abet with tte Ink totey to attaod Ibo Mazto
He will raooh
end tbe
Tea dote to Mj ana oDd wa I
Tharatey to Um fa the dtebria ral­
an Um darlag tte tey.
Kmybadr aaM eat :Saaday >nd ly. eo tte mgtaa ta whioli te hae
gat aqano aaaL U.wa eaa’i dU yea Btatetokitiari.
highway or pa*Bar. and Hn J. P. Whim ate aao
. aa aatabtoa wa wUl gin yea idanArthu ratarnad to Maple City lUe
ty of Blnaml wain.
itog afta attatetog Ite Priatea
Batartey Matotog-WaatoaU nsawUltog to iwy a watMblr amaaal
wtet leap tbU aentog aa It nlnad qaartaly aeetlogtteyaat after a prrtod had |MMd
Mla PlBOoea Batter will lake the
rorybardfor aboai^f Ite ol^l.
wteraby Ite rood wot ptooad opeoa
oa tte dietrlel tally prognm
bat tbaa wa te aol aapaal aaatelna
PVltWbtola. bailararao Mali: Ml
I Mato O. B. oteraaUou at Lad•Mali an to good apirfar pa to obUgato tiw aatrpaay by
laglon that wae to bore baaa takao

Pataace ereaad Alto^aterletoT teee jaiaed legelba aad pteebaaed a toand wew ttwatttog emebttr

Treveree City, Mich.

_ ■■lEUta a eolnadbayldpi
aU.taBownaarfltatatff Chatlltfa
.baaaatahahoataotta taotaaay
n ^n ta tran Iba nfOra

Janlw* Br^ma i< atin ta fiolliai
«U1 M a Ihlnl J»nt *mU ObTabad ar Bill ImM ite rwelv dMOmtlefeniM. TbrdMoomMi
ptoklfL U <n»r*bad gr'SIII
•o IMWI Bryu will blook IM Uttb
• todletab
Ob*.-taiid aad Hill will
pmrpom: and Ibare 70a an. Traly
the poor old doBoeimtla patty U ndlj

allow orenonftdaooa to nan lb<«i to
ratal tbeir eSorci to aatolain Iba poaltloa «atBad. ‘llw iwantry bai
waaa pn»i»raai aoder rapab

*111^ Pattonata-Dwt^ Tiltea.
dlvtapiai • Boad dwi of Mptr.
laMy be 1* aOd to Ute nfond to Tl-e Mintaatpfd Dabbli ffnrtaw
doaoy.bladof wort ila baa.
Mery Oareta-P. U Bbttaa
I waiiil Uw ladtaa d tta
faiatlr to tnr bln. It U otalsMd be A OonaaT ar Twa-P. taaktaxt
tea alto rumladlj iwialull that be
weaU kill tba wbela bnily. aba
«>at be wo«d bora Ifae boildbwa Edward Onu.
tba taiBlly booajoe ta Hoar Waaee:.Batatt Shoaktai
M^taaad Ifeat tbay aaat for Bbar» Lepidoa. Tbe Oaatortoo-Ede
Cbtadlw wbo weal aad ROl bin Be
wiU taka bla to etaar** oatll be
m tba taaatop aatborlUaa
Amrtot- E A-Prioa.
a oaoe betoap takeei fnu
atoally to tbb elty.' bat they
old aet keep bln
Staphea Hataa-Ctmrln F. Pidgia.
Tilda Jaaor-Haraba Mdtoa. .
Tba qoartitty boMIdr of Iba A Doable Bamlad DataBtiaa Story
rteatot ebonb for tbu part of tba -Mark Twain.
To tbe Bad <ff tbe Tnil-Ftaak L.
IBM bapaa Friday aflenoeo with tba
nntlot far ntotatry aad orarxlRbt
of tba Hcm-E E thnfcAmoBf tba deleraiaa fxraaot from The
other potoU on Her. J. P. WbiB ttLilUe
aad Iba Hlnn EUh- and Kape Stanley
of Maple Olty. Ber. and Mia. Baary
HeKtoh-y. Hn Raobel Otandleraad
llattie Krmifia. ihr Ift )-rar old
Elbol Melntoah ftOB Oaaway.
dauffhtrr nf Mn. klxr}’ KroupxotSrvemli clrrrt. diol MoihU) cnoning unHoatne. and Wllllata Wright froco tier cin-nmsUncn'Uiat 1
the alamce of Cornoer Cht&e.
Tba qaartoriy meettoK of the
Vrrly secured the auci».iFrteadeoborah wae to analoo tfata Jurtice
witnaKoedaUeodsaea. THta be ance d I’niscculnr I'rall, Slicrill
tot tlM tort aeartOB for the flaoal year, Chandler and l>r. Minor, and went
tbaanaaal r<-pofU of tl>e rarioa* cl>Dieb tbe tiouie, where some testimony a
rtaeata wer<' made, not'
sister of the dead girl stoieil that
___ Tcatne home last evening from the
Shilson house, where she wa.s em)iloyolioa-B for the earaloR year;:

I llw eortata afUea of aay prea aad todeed to naar of the
wooura towna. a ooooettad effort
beaatlfriiii pablle plaooa It batoc
Braty araUable .pleaa of
proaad with wtaral attnotfow le betap eeeered for {■
sail threbbery ace
taOBbl flower bade laid oat. Tlie pba
b beooaiiaK tofeotioae and tlb paopb ' Bonday Sehool-BltawaRb Ryber.
OhrtaUaa Sodtoror-dyrilta Kibbe.
taoM as addllloaol espenn. Bat the Jaotor Badeaver—Oairie Wood.
rawocd fa Ktoat. Trarern City ta to TempFraaea—Rar. J.
pniUoa to eeron eeeetal beaatifal
epota for parka aad nedalay abeelf be

taaraUabln. A tew ytwrt ban proparty wUl toereaee (featly to
flamlao I|M« Mart Year.
aad to laaBy caaae beeaaw doaMy ral- Tbe Haaoai from thta oily who aloaUo. A eallabla tile foraroooy taadad tbe oaltog at Charlaroto tort
part with rood rlewe and aatacal adretaraed Wedneeday
raobcee alMMld be boayht at oaoe. It after rpeadtof a moat dcUghtfel day.
wlU oot be neeiwry to eipaod aweb Cbartaroix waa filled with rtatton
Boeey for JaaBtlfyiap er Impror
rar P.H» pMipta being brooghi to the
lanadtanly. Tbe aato thtof ta
ton by tbe
■at tba bad before It beeoana ao
Tbe day erai apaat la gepenl pleotpaatara that tbe paofda wUl caaplain
of tba coat; aad bafon tba beat liter
an ■ooa. Then. hM aad than la tiie
rtty than alioatd be aaeorad UUhibe aetaal work of tl>e oo
baiatbiatipoti for tla'peoiib-a beaeeoing mn. bandllog Imate that
•l a foonlato or Sower bed. arith a
ta eapoixed. aad ollwr thioge that
done to Um aetaal nrliig of ahip10 far towardi I
If tba olty; aad tbe people Will la till eroatog an exeelleat program
Bot RTOBbb at tba ezpaan. The
lake a*«aaa pact ^ beootaa a pretty
■pot aad ta appraobted. More of tbe
ktod triU Sad equal taror. Bot a quarteit and oilier ftae featom.
bnar park far tbe wbcda olty. oa tba
e Ealkatoa toad wae prat
bay tlion, or orrrtooktoK tba bay. and gore a fine itrael drill.
■boald be obbtoad. to tint to tine we
on lara a park tUM wUl be tokaapUc with tbe eity'i iBportaaM aad to
bOTtawy with the Mat of aa totalli- oraty yaoi. Mr. Fraaoh of Kalkatoa
wae alaotad-pnaidaot of tble oigaalI. H. O. Joynl of thta ci^ rtoe
. and M. B. Baakall of thta
Itbar beau raiartad tint tbeooatraot hat beta let by
T. a. 1. * eivooaa
' H. read ter tba ctMra'etlaa of their
bl( doou at Berthpert. Tbb to aM
tbe oan, bewerer, aa Iba pbaa
for tta dosk ban not yat baao oeotpbled. Aa expert fren Olarrtaad or
Datreil will be bcm aext weak, to
naka anadton apd ]>epara ptoaa te
oataatartoe to the eoalneura to the
aoarfatara. oarabttos^iroda:

Bylow Bill Otana W. ftabto.
Tbe Talley of Peoittoa, t TOtoM
-Edith Wbaotaa
Sooa. Bat tba fcaea-B—bib

■p Molatoali, Foaatain Point.
Ckrp Lake. Souoae Bay Tewaahip.
tMlitoka OoBBty. Miehigaa. Uaitad
Slataa of Amonca. July tX. (Special
Delayed Winlaae Dag
body U wall aad Imppy. -with aa

between pao aad POD bob at wort
OeataaoM an botos aabbi tapidl^
aad the work ta |wo«Toniat roty nt- Mr to I
tba Ufa of Iba eampm oee eoalinaal
. -irfaaa Prealdeat KaafaBB aad Bae- leaad of plaaian. aapcvaiaty aad exrotiaiy Monay retaiaad frea LaaU- qaialtaly allTbe oom____ . _.__________
ataoag the fiaeat. aad all ate'raiotoud
A. W. lUehard aad Fn
prapoaad ticbt of way of the T. a.
U A H. aad had abfcoi M for tbe amde tba tmanar ntob of Sab today,
oonatraetfoo of a traak boa thon to aheat <0 peoada of vtokareL Good
the wator. Thta wlU pat a boUdtoc ntobei of barn were alie made by
Oaoige W. Kaff aad wife aad S. R.
ricbt to tbe way of tbe
wtth a Ctaek oa aorti aide.
Hr. Oaaaiacbaai nya tint the Aboat 16 ladle* >hlred a
baildtotof the oral ahodO aad tbec load of bay aad weeit ta Lelaad tatoty
Mfci an oeenrdtBC to fdaae tint to ml Rabe atyle. retaiBing at daik,
hare bm to riow by the edapny earti with a otay pipe to bar noatb.
Ooa af the berets wat altaort killed
lehuao-by'thataip l<al
toe to paean coal«
Tbe eoadoouatlOD alt of Iba T. 0..
L. A M. it to eoOM ap before Probata see wars palled off tala erealag. The
Padco Lonator aext Taroday. Vbat tonan arere aa followat
- effect if aay. tbb aaw Bore of the LItUe Boyt' 6aaiiiag Kaoe—O
M. A. K. E. WiU bare eu tba aalt ta Wyaoag.
Imdtaa' 100 retd Daali-Hn Fred B.
oot oertaioly kowa.
Mea'a 100 Yard Daafa^. B. Oeta.
Mn'a Btaadtog B^ jamp-Dr.
betweeo Old Hlntao aad Elk R^da. W. E Hooo.
Haaic aad dimelBg wen tbe ordat
a^ maay delbbtfal Booallchtoxearrtowanotitoyedbytha naorttraoa of thla eTOaing. Tbe ladiaa
danee by A. T. Frtodrtrtt aad E E
tbe iMaaeb Uttta boat
Anne other pUaaam of tba |wat mitar aroaaea anoaaal apptaaae.
> 0 marahmillow rooM oo tlie Seerataiylilakealea ta mach annoyed
r the lifbt of a Mr drift- totbedrillaby the amn at bta tort
eeaatantly tmdtog <m hta taea and
TSaarly alt tbe noorlon attoad &I- talltag to keep otetpme the new arrirala an P
•a worahipto Old Hinioo-a Ultle
and Mn Oeerge W. - Raff. Hn
' t. aad tbeir totaceal and I
lie, Ura W. Abbott aad ^ Hn
taaee.ta xnatly apiaeaiatod by tba
Uoatga MU Dr. W. E Mem
B. Hnda. Mn A . a Btobela. A.
K Cook aad wife, Tney Oillta. Him
Ima UtUr. Htaa Uan Fartaoh-aad
Hta Ooodebildorawnfotaa _ _ Hn Spew of (yrand Bapida.
E. R. HoOoyaad J. H. Btakealae
ootatrat the Ptuaa. a* an aln Pin.
TlMaaiOobbaad daoRhler otSata- hroaght toto emap tblT'etaatog tba
fiaaol baas naghi
■aaeo. ,
U A. Ttary of Ohtoaae aad Kn tear poaador.
Ella BotTooch of Ota*etaad an taoeat
arrtrala at tbe Bartinora Hoaaa.
a Mill* of Old Hlaaiea inf.
Hr. and Hn.. Vm. Utchloa of Jol­
iet III., err at the fana ht»a of Hr the Herald that Omnee Ban. tbe
ntored bey who was takao
aad Un A. A. Lrtobtoo.
by Bbtrlff Clrndtar. waa not
Her. W. K. WrtRht arlio with bta
land from th. tr boats tor tbmta
tataUy ta oorapytns Btaoana <M
ogatoat tbeir tlrea. bat for dtae
. filed the palpit-of the Flrta Pr
aad nfanl tawock. flbanys.
ta^ obarub at Elk Bapidi yt
bowerer, that he did maka tk
T. L. Batch ta taiU a coat. _ agatoal ybata pntorttT
Baftaeroft Thta ta hu tm rtaii to Tba bey hn Bot bna wurod to
OH Mitca aad bo IbtokaUaa ton] IntotoA bathn Mm ptaoadwttaa

luming .
the electric lq(ht she was tbockcil 1
the current, her hantls being wet. ai
fell to the door. Mts. Shilson. she
claitnol,' rcIcaseO her, and jiul
bcl. aflerwar.b settling her
She told her sitter that a strange dotgave her l<i morfihtne {hUs, :
or twelve h)i>o.lennic injections
of morphine.
Dr. Minor mulil fin.l no tracts
man>hine. either taken intcmally
hv|«ilcnnically injecloL
Shilson dainirtl that the girl got her
|oy last evening an.1 werH home a]H
Iiarently as welt ahJ as sjirightly
ever. He said that no toch1 mci.lerft
s she descrilieil ha.l laken^Jace, and
Mrs. Sliil^ left the cil]
ling and did nt

fin Java

Fcarlem *wni.iag raclactiaa

r. Her emditl
from day lo day. Some dayo ebo Be ha* tbe oeavtaM ergaatoad to eaeb
ibenraaadatolhifk A^s
away tlmt a oervtot wb«>
i pal arigel by tbe atom
Haicto, oily eireatatcg d tba An oily Mogaod book ogeai- got
fiU oat of Plyawatb people by oelltog
a "library--at (I.fi0
Hre. t^tatB Baker aad daaghter
Minnie of Ionia, are vlrttlug at Uhborne of Fred W. Lebmn
Hra W. T. Harau of Sammlt City
MaiuMl lober beoM today al
lion vtall with Hlee Jeouie Bi
Hra 1 E. Euowleeof Peta. tod.,
le vtaittog with bat poreuu. Mr. aad
Hra. T. A. Baleo. 4T. State atm
Sid Parktos of Nertbport to in the
dty today.
L. Hauoey of Fife Imke ta at tbe
K Oempbell of Ktathpari wae
al the Wbiuug yralMday.
Matimy. Sr., te kook fres
Wasblugtaii auil Uregoii. wboi
u b*>'ii for eom.' time.
Walter F<-U and family of OreeiiTiUe an lb.- gaeau of P. L. Johua
Pete Ctaow-i. weui to Kalkatod
bosiuesa today.
Hra Ray sWalt uid *lrter. Hies
mms Svngi'f went to Old Himlou
lost TIioradM-. ti-mnilug vU EU Rap­
id* ttaturdav. Mn. E W. Wait and
Hl*t Alice Wait went on tbe Charlesois Seiiday aud ^tanied by tbe |WOpellot Uiiekems ta Elk Rapids. iM-uce
by nil ou Monday attemioou. TM-y
all Ttalted wiUi E K. Wait and fata­
lly. wbo bare b-eii ooeapyiiig
Sotewarv oottage for a few weoki
"Loaie" Katta-rford. fonner plteher for the --Hasllerx” le to tawa
vieittoR bta old frlMda
Hr. and Hra Harry A. Tiger and
Hr. aad Hra Ooa A. Raker of
Tenth wt>«l ate spendtog a few days

aad family, earaattase from I>r.8ooil.
Ubee fnm Boo. and Hra J..O. RamoSell, anmtlons from Oearad Boot.
UUee and raniallcmi from Mr. aad
Hti. Oele. Mr. aad Hra WiUard
Smith of Ohotleroix eeel a telegram . ermto with gaeoliiM at ber liome at
of eymimihV tboogh nnable le be pre- (Jeam Ime. AUie Borm. aged id. eaatalned bunt which will pre
taore fata^ Eraporatlag gai
tototog roWaad the gae wbidi igailed taa w Hie oea. An expletioe eoeaed. eetring Ira ta the boOra and Htaa
Harvey aad Aad.eV Laeae, two
breibert. aged 'X aad 81.
met at Uci<B HoaAy ofur a tepaiattoa ot M years.
B Mortball dly toaadry was
qaaraaitoed Monday. Hra L. & DoLong, wlfeof tbs tgoprletar..M
smallpox. A targe amoaat of tooadiy work ta tied bpl Ab epUea
8<ms oae at ^wtog Imkehastakn
bi- taoaUe to larentary Ibe bento
that body of WBSrt aad fiada atai
of 4M. toelaaieg H gaeoUae beata.
am ya^ta. f peeseagi-r steama
tadtm .va^ta. 4 boaee boMe a
At Joekene. Watdea Tin

a year
ta Ibe
Tbe fellow lacarad a deflar
a haU fnm each ta thirty feople
left. He Stal tbe booka bat he
mat last Iblrty ta tbe clirapeai edlloag-ega aattaore. saeb ee eaa
bl M]
five to fifty a
■e being made at Bat­
tle Creek for on aaasaally leigely atlloa ’of fODeral dtraeun. Septe
to 13. Tbe anlqae featare of tbe
stag will be tbe esbibmoataa
body which lioi beaa embaliaei
yeer by a new praeeee Bad la perfeeily praoerred. Tba body hoe aU
tail time been lying to o loeal a
taklBgraom. It ta eoniadond o
vel omoag X/ae oadertokora
At Owoteo word baa been ree
from Prof. D. H Ttopnogen. formerly
prlaelial ot the Waebinglon te
wbo bos been mooraed at rh-od tiaoe
early eprtilg' Trophogrn rtarteil from
Sratlle for Rome, bat Ibe boat gi
to the ice ond was swept for aorth.
.\ftar mribh- horUiia Ibe ship get
0<A ta ciTllimUon with tbe eni
oteeDgers Mill olive.
MatgoerUe, the two oaa o hoU year*
old daaghter of Hra Iloyle. laaadreaa
ol the Ktagora tonodry. Vyondoue.
met with o very p-walior oecidabl
Uet Tbaradoy eventag. Tba child woi
tel ep
c Ob tbe floor, when o rot attack
ed ber. bUtog off bat ber llllle finger
and badly obewing her aaae. (
Finger dreaeed tbe wooods Uknext Ay. Hlood potsoalng wot frarrd
al Unt.
Frank lieloal imt dtaooTcred o free
Bow of oil oa bta form, eevea miles
from Alpena. lirOaol my* tbol Ire
dreaSM-d foor eneeeasire uighu that
If be invecttgoled a eertaia spot be
wool.l find oil On Tbaraday. la com.
pony with another mao. lie visited
tbe locality -to wbieb be was diroeled
ID tbe dream and oommenoed 10 sxcarala- Tbe deoper be dag tbe stnogcr
were tbe fames of oil. Fioally.
deplh of Iwealy feel, be foond a free
ttow ot qiU


Men'* blade and white Wtaking ^int,


«.»«.................................... .


A special tale rffnn rali-uUtr.l 1

-.-•z - :::£

oHoAta *w» ta tm wook. mfitl


■cii.iiloim. of>*eviiing

C'C to 7Sr, at.....................................

This ttorr will be cosed FriAy
■ftecnoon* danng the warm weather.
mmmenciDg FnAy. Jalv nth.
J. W. Uilliken
Tbe litile village of Umsril. Saiiilar
ganty. evldenlly has Ue- ehsmpinii
heavy weight yAtb to the •tale ,10
thepenoBof John HcKellar. L.UII*
Johnnie UMly 16 jran of age.
lips the beam at «7U (loofwta. and
L Hiifath
Mill p
ev IS 60 year* old and weigiu faardlv
16 pOBBda
r eootptrnoa* eiu*
A lm--UI
.-eafta the .Mn*Li-g>
■lioald ta- giveafjo
laddliK wbo. aiiito called al a wot
aa-a boase ^wioe
ae widwal flodiiig h
to. wrote bta a not- naklug bet 10
nl liome the next Ay *o ilun hr
eoold abnw b>T bta ware*

flour—bake it and compare


Kind of Tootivear
I.’r l.v Ih,- riMJKI K Cl>ul\ ih.'piNCIl^


Old Ktliable 5|»«<man.

;^;^t Vi\1?




Detroil-Wbeat. » sad 74; com.


needs replacitifl, perbaps.
Jtist now as harvest timo approaches, a good so|»pljr
of Crockor>- is alwa')-s nrrdffd. esjrecialiyT-whcn nxti*
hnip is present. W»- can help you nicely. See here:

DiHmtr Phtes, 7 i»., SO(stt0r 6
fysmiM Mftt Cups, 3Sc set sf 6
Deep Dishes 9<, lOc, I5e, eu4 20t
Fgrm for $At«.
UllM »r« .r Trat.
:>-r.rar U>

An unusually fine stock of Glassware at
surprisingly low prices.

Ofy Book Store
Dohert BeetberCe., Peeps,
Every Wom«n CmOHUnCV

Should Own rawiufci
by n»»*ar..I>i—*-r. b II

m> m


results with that you are
now using..- Moaey back if
-you are oot satisfied.

.......... 25c

Travera« City Markots.
Ttvla report i* me A up or. Weortes,dav of each wmU. The Herald ■■ not

1( you are not sure that
Ceresota is tbe best bread



examination froe to all oalling at tbe
oOee OB or before WedoeoAv. Jaly
30th. 1(01. OfltoM at BBellmanlel
Boaee. Timve e Olty.
Bqiafta — --------thteagh ibe eeaeal and toatbera'perUoas of tlie stole show that (be heavy
mto SonAy WM qalle general. In
•ome btalAe It b«an ratolng oo
Tharodny Blgfat er FriAy and rataed
for T*
lee rains thl* Mtb.
wfalofa maAs ninlail noordltml oan
be mid to have been anpreeiA
ta eropc that it ta astivwap tota tbe bandreA of
doUara Tlie latasl ratos
taof dol
to Banday-e Aloge
im AilMnmt


/fr/Mfi/r Diy goods and

ohain. oearteooi u
ta all; tbe neb aad pom alike tratrted.
Tbeir *61001160 eoratlre motiiod*

aorwt. blood, ekie
_in: dlemeee ta
Treatment of tbe
eye and ear a eproU fcatara. Oraf___tivamd
- '_
abdrared by tbe
-----------i q
aud —
known ta ta-dieal o-i<xi&
UBtoeBoon: »a m. w, 8p. m.
Ko Sabbntb I
only ^by^appolnL


: A senleme fiill,.f -j- u,-, Siwiilulnramgo.MenMI,.M-m,,taml,l4.A.U,.
S-vv Ml......................... I 24c
;Ui«e varx.l
..t 1-Ap.. a,.,!-

9lCIT1VCfy$ Clothing Boast,

Dr J. J. Sigglna Preaidi-nt of tbe
oatoti Electro Medical aud .-^arglca!
ItoetciD. Ham . ha* a

I tbem to.curv
ue*. qnlckly •
Tba following an a
few of tbe
adii-t tnwied ami 00red by tbe Ooctara
of the iUwtOb Kleetro-Medienl and
Soigieal tartitatc: rbeniaatlsm.
oey and bladder tneble*. hrart
---- jmralytU. uerroa* Ahiliiy. ee-




Bargains Commencing now!!
Fancy ribbots. fancy silk waist gof^s ac 2^
percent discount. Uig bargains in wash
■ goods, a few more ol those silk waists.
S500 waist for $4-oa $6x»' waists foe
Ssoa our colored waists Tuve all been
marked down from 25 to n percenr discounL
Here is a treat for tbe boys, all. our beys*
suits age 3 to 16 at 25 percent .discount.
Cut this out and bring it witb 'voo aad you
wilUMa $500 suit for $4oa''$40o
suit for
$3^ $Xjoo suit for $2 40 ffod a

II a <edOT<tataat tte JM* At ta Aaeata

Otaad RapUe oa bm way
KewYatketataeaavtaft. .
J W. Tiavta weal ta Tbnmptaa ill
tog ta tbeir oeUe. not M «
Beam- worta of tatartie am
iwirilago ta taa yart tana ai^ k


Undtrmar Spcdals
.Men* fine ltall.nfc-.;an I'ti.h-rvi-eaf. r»; iiaot.hnarv value.............................. 23c,
an-! ,d..

Bates Caps. Cle.


toet ta eirtmiual. yea mart either get
well or saffer, it* bat onee to a life
time, tart
a oMwealty
w eltaatad
____ aa
. In wfattai yoo lire, bare an
o^rtanity of eetitamiig a tperialtai

Thjsdejarimpnt ttrei-rrHiilaliir of all ilml
i»Rooilan.i.le*iralA-ibe iaiest .d vtane.
here fay toot comileraiHia. Bert .d uutevials ami acrkmanthiiL
Meo'i Woe ami black Chevioi Sails
Frcnchf*re.lci«is*.»ih$7.hi*.ai 4,76
Men-* Fancy \Vo.d Ca^unere and
VAoriite-l Suitv in rtrije-i jn.1
.•bevt.. cmil .IcraWe Jauenis
value* h. $10 ami MS. „............ 3 75
A rmliral (rice riutmgi-ChoiT 01
am taiUr nia-le *uii in the Mw*e. .111.1 all >t.ii.i.-> mc'ii.le-L
value* iroiii Sl.’> t,i |t-_>ii. -a:...... | | .60

Men's and Boy*-Working Shin* at___ 21c

V la beer < llr-«e BB4 <tae II

and examtuaioiu fre.- lo all oalllng (
him on or brfura explraiioo Of -da
mentioue-1 below: after that Ua
idmnrei will be made for mme.
"He wbo direeu the alBleted ta rali.-f U a uae pbiUnihnptat.--Baeon.
Vo matter what yoai dieeM

mea'a $«HSacetate

No milter bow ecnnoni^ «vw are, |1
pncci arc aorr 10 altraci altcnlkna
usual price* rigtu'in *ca*«n isceitaialy a »
chance, ami 09c yoa rimaU avail yoonelf

fetTitage of bo^ aadralHm araeoR
eaeb etbor.
waiAm aas teaad
I eewarae e

>1:. ..
......jnce<l the cause of
>Irt. Bradley Feller, wife of tbe
.Icalli to Ik IiIooiI ckit at Ihc Iiase ol |wo’|itieMr of a Three Kirers n
ranu wat baktoR on a Rartriine stave
when tbe btax.- nodet tbe ew-a wool
oat.. Wbensh.' opened tlie ore
gas ex|ilede>l. She was badly borued
abont tbe brad.
Faataal at JnmA K.ttoatoa.
jD«s Rabbilt of Saglimw
Aed off a l<md of bay while pa**A largo Bumbra of llw eld frieadt
of the Lata Jam.-* K. UanUa gailM-rod
alooR ooe of the
■ homo aoethweat of tbe Mty .-tat
, a lelepbooe wire Iwtog tbe 0
orday to fay tholr tart tribete ol of bis saddba doseent. He ta not bad.
lore and rraprat to the atamoeg of the ly Intored. and If he was. he i
old piobtar. Tbe fanetal arrnago doni-Ueas liaTe no ease aRatort Ibe
Bwal* wnr In eborge of W. 8. Andrr- telopbone oomiway. for he staa<
ooa. and R«v. J. W. Hiller, aa old feel aad six iuabee >11 bit cioektoR
frtoad of tbe deetm-d tor over half
eeatarr. eondaotad the oerTioa. Hta
inilidale ooll.-ge is nataring apoe
piotan- of Ibe life of him who U gone, it* fiftieth year aad tlie trastae*
the elrogglee of llte old day*, aad bta taleu sle|« ta oelebnu oo Jely 4ih.
te ta tbe oharaetar of the depart imu the taml-aunaal eeau
ed sroin Maebtag to tbe extreme
eareee wen also ebeaeo from
amoag the plooeer friendc of Hr. ud orator al tbe laying of tlie ooruer
(tontaa. They wme W. W. Smith. rtooe. srill oarrlvea. and It expected
Jaeeb Poitaeh. Jamee W. Hark)
ta jianielpate to the fertivito
.At UanUtee George A. Sweei
William Beitaer. Antatoe On-illek
aad Frank Friedrich.
aged 6S jcWiB. oommittail soicide
Tbe anrie was fareUhnd by a
tat oompoeed -of M«an. Skelelior.
4) nailed a board to Die ttadWhite. Ccate and Hanm. Tba eotaetioiis eaOR were 'rBcmotlfnl Uta of ding to a ibed and bored a bole in tbe
Somewben.'' "Kow the Day
mme. He ilien placed afiS-callbrr
Ovta.“ *-Oaoiolatiiai.”aod ■■Bw
rttlrer to the hole and otood with hit
HrOodtoTboa.'taiid agaiart the moxale. He pnteed
Tbe rematoe of tbe agad 'pi«M«r urn trigger, tbe bailer eatered
werolald ta loet to (Jakwood >
ttm right oor and ta one side of Ibe
temple 00 tbe right side. Swe<
Tbe liwal tribbtee worn of great left a DOte taytag: -Thielita
beaaty aad tbalr yoeraxioo Mrtifiml to fy tbiat I hare votantaiily ended my
tM-aff.KCtooefmayfriaBda Atacmg exIeUsce. 1 am tired of thlt world.-'
Thirteen oarleade of Eaigfata of
Pythias will travel from Htohlgaa M
Sen Fnacleeo for the jKoatog oonotave there, two tleepere leaving
Qiond Raplde. foor leaving OetroiU
[. Enekb
two leartog BdttleOreek. two leavlag
ihFurmoli I
r ofwbtat 1
Katamaseo. aad two leartog Poei
Willkm Aadkr*
At Gnad Raplde daring the hoary
from!IMiw. J^bn OrMliDk aad fatally. rala etarm Sooltoy aftereooo
Tluimae Slmae and family.
rtbat-R y. Wilhelm, eacbatloo* abelU. fell to the eoatb part of the
tiCMn Frank Friedrieh. pomi Itlliee aad oily. The ihellt were eoft aad were
Dr. EiuaiB, naatar- filled with a gelailoe cabrtaboe.
tfomt from E 0. Deepna. earaaiteeo
Tbe eliampioa peach and potato
rnoro from Mie. SOray and Veltle staty of the srosoB comet from tbe
C. Gray,.
Jamee Omni fann. Dear Rata. Peach
ee fire toehei In cirenmfereaee aad

W. H. Babbator aad wife Of
BhoBtald. AtahBma,'a»tbetaostae(
aad Mia.|Ooorgo Babbatar of
Uke Aoa.
D. F. HoiCta or Lelaad wae^
oily today.
Jeha.T. Beadta U la Hew York qa
TlBlI. ,
Jetam- WltoolB M rotanod fram
Ibe afperpaotoeala. when bo hoe
ngagod to taUsood week foe 1
Ber. aad Hra Beary KcEtoley of
Oaawwy otartad <m tbeir rataia by
Mmt thta BOwtog. arm ittoading the
Frieadt qaaneriy leirlrtg.
George Bla& fomiaa of the fataltare Sepsttaeal of tbe Haaaah A Lay
MUita Oo. Ims gear «a (

In tab tin-

, Simiiiicr eieai-ancc Sale


pTcm TaMasr-* bK*n.

IwaiiD^ 1^



SOUTH sn>£

.■ttftjoBAwa.mvHtrt tmum. july at, hm.
0rtoa:ae*«j,«« K. e»~.




IX V. Dayia to «
tamdeoMert aad pramivato at tba
Wa-qae toap dab Ueaaa aa Friday
araauB to tbiawaab. far toevbmi
da tidm, aad badly to>BHdL
■Waa wrare toatoea aad a Mrrtbla
Tbiau toe tUrd weekly ataal to ahabtopap.a ptol wdaaat atmbta
to aeaaoa aad il ie Iba vlto to toa ri^taya toai reqairad mtmal aUitor todar to aeatble
mto eloaa. The airaubw totaad to
la to maob aa poalbto dart^ toa bia baau ta'Iba aii^ Hda to tba tovtoe toippad bmc lor bim aad atot
oa to Omeaa bj Oarmaina tooa.
The Hdito of toa eUb vUI aarre lee
Or. OBBBitott VM aallad aad at3. JL Moet^ae. aoaotointol
ream aad oaka to tba 'daactop roam toodad Mr. Done, vfaa to patotop
Hoalapaa a^o aeo Otaald
of toa boaae. adjototop toa teraade.' aiaap niaaty. Bat be faale (ratty
Ml Batoitor
for Old Mitotoa.
trbkb viU oeemto emu fertoe mamvbtoO toar
IMMI e-OTlS u- -II. Itadap oa Ua Vtor to Omeaa.
A!|b ba baa hokto tatototMUediba
I Iba oatoaol la 00 phMad vttb
Iba ptoaa aad i» aarwiinlHape

mmt la
w. PKtaMt ta to te aiMW
HU e( Hdtoc. OMittol o( totoiHlnto » >—k Oniiiiii
to J.
a HawaafBt. Laala. He., toe oU,
■lUa feolt teto at OU Htorteo. toe
e^dwatloa feato«

HIS » A pretty «00d time ol ye«r to boy Boods. We
ere anxious to doM oot all Spring and Summer
soods. abo all broken lines of Dress Goods and Silks.
Yon'II nnt some new dresses for tbe girls this fall when
they Stan to school, and Shirts and Panu for the boys.
Yon c^ bad all these materiah in the broken lines and
odd pieces. Remnants, etc- that we must seU before we
place the new Fall Line on sale.

Mr. Move, etoo
■ OmIOo.
ttapnat latea Froa Old HiaeUa
Boa a Uipa itlenilinna to ai
tba partr wlU rtafl CMaroix and
The a^oooer C C. Barwa,
Fatoafcar aad Iba aalfbberli« raaerta.

3. ttl. mmiken.

Ho dtoeorcry
n^toe htov
Viuii. ToMd.. boMhlI„.^'
Berth, najr will *po ae far ai
lit port—
tvraly baabaU to Boa pomaoaa from 1 tbac bae
- bM eaoea
d k
Lea Cbaaeasa Ulaada vbare Uvr vtl
- pric- i^diUevUiM
leeorcry (or Oc
600.000 fed. auielr naide atid elm.
apaod a few day. to eaap. Bealdei
, _ ._._i teete •— ►
hope tom
a a licelieL
'bto to
I eirtlma of Oa
from Cedar Chjr and Jetmmga by tail,
“••y y««f» MamorTbepe. Plrimry. ead
Dr. aad Hii. Taapfap. awl Clarand goes to Tooavanda, N. Y., far
to vbtcb old potaom tore
era bad aoy j iboama-to of wliom it bae r
Vaapiiaa trill po on toa eralae.
DnmiiBras.ofGraad Ra^
Ttia OMva. Dr. Taapba’a boat, may

r Fever, BcanaB. J.
of Boat BipAlb alraet.
ea aiaap. The trip vill erni^ tto
batveao two and iliia* waaka
Tto proeiert for potabiw ia tbu !u
aad dOMud Jaa
faUtoad, vaa pato
eeetioa u very tiripbt. u to eerawe > U -lotoeoo. vbo peanatoe muefecBallalra paaiardar.

^ “‘ S1


“ w"’

Usr M

ai» to

p<lMo( Uto «icto* paved onr hie
left l^abore lb* kM*. eermir »od
pHafaUr toaiatof It, aUbaatb il U

toe r^bUtoo clrkel. for tla offlec of
B««lelm of Peeda nile makee foor
pood DVB to toe Beld-Mr. Witooe. of
Paiadtoe. Hr. Bapar, of Uotoo
HaaJtw of Blair, awl Mr. DaVrlae. of
Empire died Wadaaa- Wblmvator.
da; ataatop of ptaarier at iba ape of
Tto bedjr vaa toeapfat to nu
oitp Tbaradapaeaatop. imd Iba faaarare. ao Old aad blpbly teepeeted
at vaa bald from toe^aadartaktop
tea to Oopemtob.
efV. S. Aatowca Ibia attarBoeo: Bat. 3. W. MlUar odtolattop.
Arbor teail laal aipht aad toetaatly
Deeaamd laataa a oLater to tbU 0U7
to Iba toUlati-bemato bUlad.
Mr. Ropaatvae velktopaleep the
Utaod Bapida.
trato to Copaotlab aa hit vay to tovo
Ooetga Sayder. a lad Urfap oa Bay hftm betop la Iba oooatry. T
atoced by Ibe tmto oue Itol to
toaetoi^arr Batarday araatop.
jmtt befme tto; ttmla etraek biai
wairldtopoa a faearywapaaai
aad ttot a atpnal vu piree tot Ropway fall aadar the vbeala. Tba
memad aet l« bur iL Tb>- trela
htod vbaal paamd aatiM bto body aad
e elowed dava at ceoa bol
aaa ttam It wae feared be
Uma to aeold atrikinp tiie maa
■ly bar! He eooo tarlrad, bop.

OBdlltoo.MtotL. Joly a-a F. Bmt-



- Circulation this week 2.525-

r. H. Javau brlafa the Baeald
ehaenaa vhk* af«ak veil tor Uw tojary will r
. qaaU^Mtosaa^ty a( tha atop UiU
Bar. aad Mra.KaDaady. Him SUiat.
Mr. aad Mra. i. D. BoUa. Mr. aad
At Sv toaettop Of the Faiatoan
Mra W. H. SaoU vllb Ibalr
Oelrto. drore to Crtp Lake
Friday (or a toy'e aattop
by Mr. ,
tbe Ihfae and a baU pear »ld daa^ Kaaaady’e btoar. vbo baeeoi
tot e(llt.aad Mil. Bala Blret Wal- tbara Tbayall report aol oely aO:
tloaaliy pood Uae. bat aa
Itovaabaried Baadar aadar dlraeHto a(ir. & Aodaraae.

lapO. K. I
• lav dw* aBat dovB ferebaapa aBd the tottery for tto larlaelbUi
rary laaidrii>p aad tolpfal meatiup
atpatoo to iba ptoai. A fall ferae vUl
Ber. Pantlie BlioUt of Maple City
to pat ea aad the ptoat will boraaftor
edu tto lepramBlaUra of
B. F. Mooa. (atbar
W. B.
BItoatd Wall, a faram toaaiaaea aad W. 8. Hama, rataiaad to bU I
■aa to Haaemtoaa. died Saaday ia Aadaboa. love. Tbaraday. While
mheld bare Hr Mooo pcrcbaiid tto old CnOa
d at OBOe to T«y
otMam BL Fiaacii toarab Meatoy
tto eoate
at d o’clock
aader the dtoaettoa

a tfaU U a pretty
nalotoate. t>

3. K. V. Apoav to tba Para Marpaatta. vttb bto famlty. vaa to tba
tow Haadar aad TaaM^, to Mr.
ApBav-B.pri«ata oar. They are rUttop tbe aarthara raaertt. aad tore

a toaUMBby «M to the BawHy tratoe aad tomrnOj killed Mlm Hlaala Blaatoe.
totolatotr. ■ ■Mer to tba aafertoaata maa. left Moaitoy fm tbal place
aad vUI care for tbe nniilae

iMtratil vltb
AU are tordtoUy terltad to attoad.
a B. iManay le prtorlap erar tba
tom to a maoe aad. pair to fwldlaa
They vwe laBaad to' tba aabooU aa
toa oaeaHoa to tba BlpMb pmde praa■toll to to Htovalha toa aptoac. Md
baea aavar toes latoraed Hev Hr.
Marraymaata to am tbem. aad ba
vaaii them mlpbw Md.
A |Mty of

Whlttop ter aararal daye. bae already
rmotrto tea laortoU. aU to vhom
ton tmmi tbe aAinatJen. Tbe
aama of baa to tbaai baa aot yet
madapabUo. Tto ether rerrelm are
DalbmtS. Baal to Fiatofart, temat
B. BmmM to MayBald. Battoe B.
toltotaraaOllrMd OalTta Wripbt to Ttorarae (HtyMUpretobU that aaMadlMOarb
vUl to laid la fleet to tto Heeeeh A
Ley MateeelUa Oe'a atara. aattoaaOMOl taetap alraady to UaaMartto
Itoa itol it veald totalio be eat
ok ecaridmably ar ttoeafi onaad.
too tar tote tto otraot t't tto
Tto prae
tei faetop la vUhto aboot ihraa toah.
aa to tto prepar oarb Itoa. aad It vill
probably ba allevad to ramato there,
at a mrtop to tto olty to tto eeet to
tto oarb that veald ettorvlaa tore to

At ttopmato aerri.
Bar. Joaaph. BibM y


Batarday eraalap tbara 1

HU aildnu vu
tbiape. aad vu lleof pood tbiape
> vttb tto el<



Paid np CapiUL
- -

Ibree't>^ net ee mrUin dnMIe e


WjHeMIbn UM.U n, In CM.

The irreat French Renovator ami Tonic
—For two weeks only this Kreat remedy
which has done so much jjood in this locaiUy. will be sold at 4.S cents a bottle(Ueniilar dollar size bottles for 4
linarameed absolutely to give 1
diseases of the Stomach. Liver, I

Tto UVB ieeui at BU FraaoU
atoool Taetoay vu veil patrooleed.
Tto proaadf vara mamlaetad by
elaertic Uphta. loe caum and eake
Imto votk-t I
Tba pmcaade vill ba
a |nav carpet for tto
ttom to lit Siam Hovt oolama. oU^
The aoolel viU be rrpratad
tto dmuh to Oaerpe BoUo to Imka thUarauap.
Aaa. aad ttollM wat the etekaam
I of tto
.The Ohi
by diUktop vbiakayadal.
Frteadi chateb bade my «a>>yabU
oma vay aa Mte email
aoelal Maaday at tto raaideara of
qaaatity had baw
Bar. aad Mra. K. Hovard tirova oa
laformadfrom Leka Aaa dliatoltot
Blmarood araaaa. Tbeta. vu
lUa atatamaai vaa toeerraet. that Mr
Bloto vaa aa beaoraUa maa aad that *
t. and ito err.
p VM asoM tolipbtfally ^t to

e ap Bkiarttoy aad VMl dava
toaM.*H. B MtoeBM atavBah.
They Btoy brlop a tav toek vtto
toarntm toalr tWutoc frimde. that
Tto Maltodtoa to tto toiy ara
laltiba toh araviittop. Tbe |wty
toaelete to 3. f. Ward. W. W. Bodpa. tap .leap Baaly to ifaair arraapaa
Ataat forty tadtoa from Travatae
H. 8. Kaealaad aad Tbomaa- O-Oce. fm tto eetartatommi to tto dele^tm
Bay Blvaldtars to Birebvoad wvatV
it talL TbU tor tto Mcmtoy aftonoaa aad para Mra
O. W. Atobia a aarprtm by aURdap
. Have to a ead aoelde
Plar bat vaek baa
oHy. Tba iiitle tvo aad a toll year mpai to tto tooiebu to tto elW M
aid toaphler to Hr. aad Mra. Albert


AU tto SI.SO and $1.76 Waists nov...........


in one I14; lot in clear apaL

!.met, iW. rnnsee. an.Ull tto finer

thin Ubru> that vas M. llll awl 7-V


liefyat.l, r

Ladies* Suits

aad pet fint choice.

We fLot atHHher Bitall lot of agents’ sam{>les yeslet-

Remants. Odd Pieces and
Discontinued Lines of
Dress Goods. Silks, etc..
All lo be dosed out quick.

.Isy, bll sivles. and |>ul them in vitli the fev we
ha<l and it inaketa'nicr line to (bouse from again.
Sonic ytu Suits at

$5.98 and $7(75

There is only one

way awl tliai is mark the price lonr enough, awl ve
tote done that, and


ariU go quirk at

Sume $26 Suits at


25 to 50 per cent Discount.

n get a big toigain.

Ask to see theta

Suit Sedioa

j Fancy Hose.
! Lace Lisle
I Hose.

New Lot

^ Children’s

Ladies* Belts

All Col^.
i Plain Lisle threid
Hose all special

Extra Values.



Dresses \

New designs at

Blue Brilliantine.
cheaper than you
can make them.

39; SOr*- ^
75c, $ I


this Store is Closed
Tridat Mtemoons during tht Warm Wtathtr


weeks only, at—

(Uaifs Drug Store




Save W?(wey
Here on your Footwear. We don't go near factories
that sell unsatisfactory shoes. While we are offering
new shoes and oxfords at unheard of low prices.
They are all new. first-class, well made shoes of the
newest shapes. We guarantee every pair to give you
just as much service as you «-ouId ey>ect to...get if
you paid regular prices.

Beetor Knmim.
Tto Hlmae Mar PearLBaldab Kord.
Mom Bhleldt aad Mae Peek pare a
daUpbtfal pteaie party at Ke-ab-taTaatoar in beaor of Him JaadU Webbotl'oUvatoraad HUe Haad
Oolbr Of Orvrpo. K. Y.

All tto SI and $1.26 Wains


Our Savtafs Departmcol

I It is Wivafs Safe to-

bad l|to mrmom. follovad by
Bar. Haiy'.Btrobaltf Loop Imke. Tlie
meatlap hwl beao ireoeded by a art-

AU the 50c Wain. tx>«........................................
AU tto 76 and 86c Wain* ttov.......................

Tbie etm«
d Friday
-------- ------------------- vealtor,
Friday. Jalr llih.
J. W MUUkaa.


viiaiaiaeak paaeliap.vll oiled aad
Tlie orafl le eqaip]wd vttb
oru pover Fay A .Bovea QaeoUaa
■pine made at Aabarn K. Y., lor
vbch Frank Frii-dneb le apeob Tbie
eopiae U nev to tbie pan •

Wash Goods

Jost oov when yoa vut them cot

vueio ueve urea
>e Fife L,
- etreiiptbro tbe etooiaeb. aid dlptettoe'.
If paeoliof laaorh Ibat
oue of tbe doeei la . Ibu aaetioB of
e etaie. The boot U bdlll eobraly
ll•ae<l. Sold by A
from Mr. MMUpaa'e . model aad daaipee, ie of t)w el^'r nodaLaad U a
trim rtafl .>ihroopfa>at. Sba U 86 l.vl
orar all. dre feat wide aad flaUbe.1

.bat Mr. Frimlroh oou^ere it tto
Biaa bare aad preeideel of tl>e B.
Ooe fine furore of
open Go. vhiob eoodBoU a larpe beat yet. Um
II raqairu in
ukinp. It vlll pive
paaaral aura la Oopem^.
actaal epeed of from
Ha VM alrty-ara yf~e ofapaaad
T’.loSmllea Tbe boat la bBill mluTU a emaU tamily.
peciallyfor aeavnrtliliMve aad bu aa
of loi'ker room that vill
aiakv It •-apeeially tlae for enOalap.
from Kaaav. vtora to bu be»o boytoatly
lop polatoea for aararal vaake.
■nmllar Uaach I
bu aeeered for bU Arm aboot IW car
Tlia prim- atara-d In
boitol la Joao bat bu alnoe
Tbe Fife Lake ImproveBMmt I'o
.1 to IS oeata. vhirh bu b-eo
eve aUn porchaeetl
tiiroopfa Hr
tto arerapa rata elaoe. Tto Eiami
FriedrlcB urea film rov boate. baill
erop. tbie eeaeoo eayi Hr. BlaekiaaB.
vlU ba tto larpvt In tto blatory of
Tbe aoreape Uaotflarpar
Barfly bat tbe yaield le
OFpUoaaUy baary. He doaa

Ooa to tto preaten maaiaal Create
Oattaa A. HeaRia. aa old aetdler
Bbd forBMT Jaaatoe of tbe peace, died to tto year vill to tto eoeeart pirae
at toa boaae to Samalt Cl(r Me«^ Aop. mb aadar tto aaiptoea to tto
U. B. aotoaly- Harold
to haatt fallaia. apad to Jton.
larTto. to DoMl. oaa to tto daaot
Tba tone year eld ooa____________
r. )tod
laaera la ttoaoBBtty.vUl be tbe
Hra. BeM Oreato to HayBold died
aad to vill to arntmed by Hr.# A. B.
Batarday aad vac bariod Hoaday
Bovlar. Mia Fred Boorar, Of Bleoam
aader tba dIraetlOB to V. U. Aadar.
CHW. Mlm Bebarta. Mlm Bia
> rale,
iaUiie arolloo
loo will IK-Itban
Balaam and Mra Fiaak Vettoa.
itto onra
■dwto TMrbly bad bto toft arm dieHr. Blaokiataaomte^ cliattfa
vill be aaomc
croD la
' VM aaly a efaort Uoea ape Ibat be
rlea at tto BapUal obarcA ...
tbtow il oat to a toll paam. aad
ralaad tto orom fa Kanme tban
Hr. PUrea aad kr. Jobaa
am bad aet yet fooertiad.
little daaape by tble m
* la charpa of tto maotlap. whleb
Thme vill be aboal a limit onp to kpOhairmaa Jeaka. to tto Maal
■ totto
plaa U that ilkta^____________
tewlHii to tbe rwMty-aaroall
dOTool tmb tto daab aad paab to tto
tttot, bM toMod a eall for tbe n
Ammitaa drammer.
Tbaie vi
Hrpa aadlaeea oat. eaaaldorlop
I Iba 8th of Aa- Totbir aad tto mrrieo vaa <
ftaaday ermilnp. vith arerT tncplriop
aarnoe. ie wtaitoi Iba jeltieipal addreai
vaa pirte by Bar. Hmiry MoEfalay of
V toU eo tba groaadi to Ooavay. a coboIb to Hto lab- |>eal.
vaok. HayarOamr
deal. Aa laepiniip eoeaetoatioD a r»ioWtU irekaMy bto to aUa to pa. bat
M aat, be vlU Mma a mitoMto
Tto naartarly meatlop Oliriotlao Bntofca hie pkeoe.
daaeot patbarlap took ploem at 4:»>
Tto Mtobipaa Btaioh (aoHry viU
thM It otbtpvlm' veald bare lato eraalap. aodar tto iMdeiablp of
Farpam aad Morotay fonaod Parker Peoalaptoo. qbaiterly meet-

to«; 8.

lacper tbaa laat yur aad tto yb-td
uKormly beavier. Tbr vcalber liu
baea axcw-diiipty Urareble for
ea aad it ie aaeand that tJie qaalUy
will to ezorlUat.

Ladies* Colored
Shirt WaisU

; $4 Sample Shoc^ for Men aa.l ^
$2.5«l .Sample Shto% for Men
1 Women, onUanil Women, only



1 $2 SanqUeSbocs forMen biMl
. Women, only

$2 Saii>|>le Shorn fur Men an<l
Women, only


ens$l.T5<»s(brds. ori)

“■vo'i-........ 50c

We have just two of the celebrated THOM A.S STHIX
HORSE HAY RAKES, and the price we have lade
on them! It would pay you to buy even if you did not
use them much this season. Have you ever used a
Every farmer should own one. W'e have Hay Forks
and Hay Cars of all kinds

And the housewife should have
. one of the celebrated DAVIS SWING
CHURNS: It is acknowledged by every one
who has used it (and there are many of them, in
this section) that it is by far the easieu chum and butter comes the quickest erf
any chum on the market. We are tbe exclusive agents for this section. We
want you to see it at once. We carry other styles of chums and at all prices.


Just the kind for use in caoning fniiL It's tbe ki^ Uiat you
can't hurt, even if tbe fruit should bml do«|^^seaa'l bum anything you’rensMk- s j
■og. All kinds of utensils and all manner of prices.
\ .




told to aearcb to bar btbm vbea
Warbt from baraliip eiampa Mav toto
tba. —Ittm aa Mimato.
batdraai. baratop
bar ao terribly ttot
d to Mya. amd II U tbnapbi
. toa died Iba aau day. Ba^totoar'a that itora vlU to ao dtHoalw to

-•--------toMT Of Hn.


toaV HrtMay vbUA eamu today,
m tort tto aaiprlBs ftoiplsm.

Alfred U. Triedricb

Sellwr of Good Footwear.
Tbe Old Sued.
Opposite Herald ORke.



rd Traverse Region.

I ItTlaltlacIa

«m« «a tarma our

___ ■^i'cw




BM » Mi. a>4^. Wl

of UU pboa. an TtttVw I

ymit Bapbaa. wmaJ haM rn-



at Traiane OUr PataiPar.


mm Itoii. W.ltar. alMT v^lat r^KTSsrs-'.^;
wraaJ •obUu la !(•« Yof^ hw t»•amad M hm bona at ttU plaoa.


■irtMOurm-awMary laaaui aaUad ea Mra. Viai
Mr Banbatdl hat aat aad baat
away hU hay ftov bit plaao hva.
Mr. Wlnna bat mada two tripa
Lrlaod Ibtt waaL

O. A. KeltopV wo4d aeewt ton
IMM ralwKi aod lakn away frjmi tore
to be ated ta loadio* wood for Barney
iPt<*aidnl Helwr-e Hv. tto dned
at Ihal pUoe harlni! fallen down.


Whant wan aenr bettor in ttali tIelalty than iliU nntamer.
John Jnhona (daatod forty two
toetole of pototoee on oaw land.
tr. OrtdidinaB hat tto bm Bold of
o of any one aromnd^en.
Mr. Baca and. vlf« aad BIwabe
Jen. Bernliardl hat n fine l»klD»


atlMraoB latBaat

la Oharltrrgli ae <1

Mta. ^ AUw^ li fablu« >M<ai.
Mia. J. a iMiaeea te aaw aUa W hai daacblat. Hra. Chat. I
ta araand aaala aftar bar arrara Ul-

S'“ A*
nil. from the effeolt of bnrut rmieiT.

Oar Xadlaa naUhobtwara pkkb
hadtla bairlaa.. tCaj laparl a fo<


Bon to Mr. and Mra Deal Jahoaoa
pSa7 aad Mapad aal; (bar had
«r WjUa. Jair It. aaoa.
vat tea for banrluffHlaa VUe oflOcmad Btjridt hat wA. M. Rvilh vaa dolac baaliM i
aaalaB a aetio alaat iKTa aad will
Ok Baplda Moadar.
■a la town ooa dV
V'«t . to
Ttarara* City Thutaday.
. aad Hra. Oat Maynard of '
Oily an tba caraV of Hr.
Mia. Bd. Maynard of Wyll.v
Mia. Louie .Blddler It on the tick
vaa vaU attaada^W arcOi waa
ward bt Hn. (baiad.

laaba* at ------------took fai
oa ta ahariaTOli: tha l«k.


Haciaaw thli awcalnif.


. wrUlBc.
¥bey toee Ibiae oaw oaaaa < MIUM farer la Wylie. Tba little
ahlldrew ■'**
■tad Cob and'iVo
two Baikt

t rata af Batnnby and Saiiday.
_____ cad eaaaidtnble liay. at nany
laraien had a lam aaoul eel dowr
ai^la poet eeedlUoa for to maol


Om b oakta* Bee promw when
Bltiratod aad bldt fair for a Rood
p«n and we bear do more abont thiot_aoRiaBd the fallaraol

ry anl hat aamr tod a fallan ta

dpHt MaaBy with Mta P. W. lardla.
AUntadu'haa tollt no addUlea
fiaak BeBak hM M tva nova
aoa af vUab dlad iaai to hb ban aad pnt la new toy neaW
H. Oldt wat dolBR bniinaie here a
Bvlth la« fM ol MaoQlV laal few day* bat week.


Mta Doacte


e( Mta

at* rtSfii hara*fal^


power oonlTin!l?“nd ’th'e llltle «fr
wont oat go the aeoood day. Tto
faneral wat told at rtoromoot oo tto
17th. and aiioitm aORrl wat added lo
the bntto mboer
Mr. (Mdeoan bad
hit toiidt injarwl by tto tornlDR
elotibtaR of bb child tol paid do atMotion to tbem at the time; aftor a
They are a llltle bettor at tto


Mr. Deiioty of Wylie fnridiaaed
tbaa a now otgao bat week.
Otoa. Cook

Miaa Ullba Vataa ft Taavana Olty
aWtad a law daji la« vaak at Mr.
Md Hia. Mdmovb'a

e and raa to tor ret
K> bW'. the demlly
their work
A phy

I ciew by the
a Pridty abbi
»UtaK U.




tpukt amooR
- bawd hot a
one. tot1 a'
flamae liad A





Bbarto drore toeattouBay Beada;
ritlliix frleadt and reUlir.-e tbara.
IT Billmi

awy atttonaat.^tbadatlMtlMat
apabBoptokattto Mvaodttooaafltad.
Bar. Jaaapb A. BVnbaH. «b> MUaakaa pnatoto vba ^a^tvd
•tarn aad pndtatadlAa Uaael Ua
paath. dlad Widniiday. Ito gn**
wUtdi to pripnad b axoa tatet. aad
Uaad with lAek. b U aorvto by a
. abb, aad on tUa Mr.
aaa bad obbabd, -daaaph
rv ban Aafnal IWT. dlad


ING for men and boys. HATS and CAPS. UNDERWEAR. DRESS and
one-half former prices.

reigns supreme in this store. No matter whether it's a $20 dress suit or
a pair'of 5c cotton sox—it's first quality, perfection in style and abso­
lutely reliable in every Way.


Drop In end Sm Us.

124 Front Street. Traverse City. MicH.

(^ Uray of LeroT.
>-o ta.d for $1.0(0 dtmeMawayHweb. b. V..
in.. |Ooai|tly lo delirm a
•90 ROld pleoe which ble maelet bml
pbeed the wnmrn and rhUdren of i«.UI card
F K. Col., allma that
la fall hand with a lamp of tagar and
oppon.-hle la froot
mni cwrrrint thr nawa
Dr Oobaii. a Nrw
‘be e-tolt' |•o.tttau ol (to .toeib o( h» fad., r. Uletord
York relor^ aar^. rm ralM
eblldrrn w.-r.. kill fV.le,
n.alt.d at BoiKnitrai. »d

Marion, lad.. Barton H. HaV
aod Willtam B. Kebaa. bolb at boya
aad yoaiiR mao wan efaama Tecalher they met Ploraaoa and Oatherlaa
Blandeobeiaer. Both fell la lore aod
woo promta-d bridet. They annoonnoed their rnRagemeoU oo Ibe «me
day aod were married oo tbe tame
day. April 7. ISM. it b-IOR a doable
waddiuR. Oa tbe wme day, Jaly7.
IWt tliey left tbeir wlrea Today
they both Bled taftt lor dirotaa la
the elroBit ooert, allegioR timllar
Ifroonde. ___________________



•'*•«*">"» I to rebel. Uw: ( u BM deliraird 10 him aatil Jaly
IX' III. allhoarh to had called at tto
j iKwlomee «wh rtty.

k. |*lt. and wmnit $30 botidee ftom
tto dltmayad owe< r.

' piwti loeled mod toroiNl

Bet lier tonaty wat cunpletey hiddan by tom. blMcbnand lumplea
tto aiod Backlea’t Arnica ItaL
Than Itoy raolelied at will all Kraptiont. Ferer Soiea. Bolta l'l(>r
wane Maa TiwbM VHIaw.
tauelet and Fcloot from lit ate
Urrat eoneteniatioo wat fell by tto ralllbla lor OaU, OofOA Hon...
Kecliatiou-Ida M. Famnl. Olau frlMKlt of H. A. Hoogarty of LettaR. Kentdt aod Hllea »c al 8. F Wad A
and Jat U. Jobiiioo'a
yellow Hit ekin elowly otoaRad col­
Da< t.________ _and RBlar-Hi
or. Uao hit ayae. aad be taffarad torla Ann Arbor.
Biemi and Hrooki
U. W. Pnllek. ribly.
Maple (My.
V^l BolA-Hra LIpton. OhtoaRO.
to try Bleotrle Hiltan.
ae-Jobn Halm-Batflckvilb.
” - ■ b1 Stomach aDd Llrar
itlou-Hra. Wade. Apin.
remedy, aodtowrlM: -After lak
That I will \k al the Hold folimilog two bcKlIat 1 wat wholly oorad.liia Im the inirixise oftakinn .mien. I.v
A trial prore. IV matoblnat marit for
AIT eitil'NI.V.
all Stomaeb. Liver aod Kldaey troo- c> erjthing 10 llic line of Xur>cr) St.wk
the lamout t.rceninK Biov. Nur.
l.lM. Only Jno. Bold
8. K. Wall
A Sant aad Jaa U Joboeai
M.mtiK-, Mieh.
You all know
Stuck firvi da-vs, l*ri< c» rigid.
Do the right ttaiag at tto rigl
pddwn in tliis deal.
Aat qalekiy la time of danger.
Sec us licfoce j'ou or.lcf if «>□ 1
Low ralee to Chicago
Itaokacbe It kidney aauger.
^ gel just wtot you onler. Hales
me way, $6 U roand trip
Doaa-t Kldaey Filli act qaiekly.
Meal* and ranb> extra
I (uitliCT annouti* eiiienl a., foll.nvs;
Cap all dlitratataf. daugotom k b


a few
dayi with 8 K. Blackwood
>rt an
ly. left Mooday for Moithporl
roate to Bay View.
aveota*. W. l\ MeUoa dlreotor aod Jeata DoIodr
Mbt PaaBle
PaaBla Bbekweod
Bbekweod--------aod Hmry
od droea to
lo NorlhpnrI
Northporl Hoe
inie rematae
iw^aed a few daya the
Ran of Mn. Bryan.
' fiTOhhan left I
Hlfuitr of erldeaoe to prove ttalc;
lire. Wta aftor a
Mr. Moaroe Hone, of 783 V- Tib
_______ Win. Nelaoo-a
Sl. Miye: "Dcmn'i Kio.taey Pllli tarThte eeMna a doubtfal
M. Lkke and the Hla*oa Decker of ed ray life.
leai to make, tol I am willtaR
lake Aen a|ieoi Tnraday at Lebod.
nblle thoold Jadge from Ibe
Frask Darit of I
I wat ander a piiyalclao't treat­
H Nellie Oarit of
ment for foor weeka gave ap bope ol
cnllert Wadoaaday
life Ibrt*- timea and whra 1 oota.
menood Doan'a Kldaey Hilt, wat to
weak that 1 had to be led arrott the
Boor. A lembermaa adrieed m<
Ibe ivmedy. tellliig me at
aaaday avenluR aad ara gaotU of a
M> lime to throw tbe doetor't t
Bbokwood and family.
■e in tbe tpittoou. For Bre 01
dayt after 1 eommenoed the D
meal Ibe kldaey leoratiout '
Tbanday araniog la tonar of Mra. L pore blood and before 1 need ooe
Urobban of HUwaakea. AU rapcRt a MIX they were slrar and ragalar I
followed ap tto tnaUneel. aad

Ti th Fmt Snm II tail In.
mi aid Ad)iiiii{ CMrtiit:




$at.Jilrl9,26 udAic. 2.


_____ Traeene Oliy Mooday. Teeaiby.
Wvdneaday and Friday «:3u a m.
.‘all on us if you arc in any way 11
Tbaraday8:Mp m.; alio oo Saaday tcrrvKNL
' Jaoe rid.July «(h aod «Hb. Aag. <rd.
17tb and Slit 8;.-»a m.
F. A. Mltobell. <i. P. Aft.
Oaonlngliani. Arl

Deak lake Btbtac with Lae aad
OUVord Bbekbarat.
Mr. Abxandnr
barodd m^ poiab aboal M F^y oa roata tor Sorthport.
Mini from
Tto Bhwmer Rabaeea bcoogut an
. and Mat
Tto Mlta
■raloo party haro Wadneaday.
. Ma..anr:
Walkmat ~
' anlered aeota FotVr-miiDatn ua, annaio.
_________ ________ ak Ihta pbK. Y,. aob ageou for the Ualled
Stalea Remember I
pBakarBBkawwaOtiy m aapvta.
and take ae otbv
a K. Picard weal U Horib MahlMB Friday.
Armoar'a Animal FnttUser is aalo.
Dr. Oowdao weal lo North Maaltoa
ral phal food. Feed It to your plaata
Friday on pnfemiooal tarineta.
Man. ta Mr. aad
Mra. L. J. UrobboB and .Uagblar They will appraoiateand
Hand of Mllwaake*. who tor* bM tor your ktadnaea A. P, Gray, Trar.
erae AHly, aelb It
Oae. A Hairay wu 1a towa look- TiiltinR Hra and Hra Mrinn. left
____________ FMctc ara
IBR tar a iMOtloa (or a tmall frail Friday meralac far Bati Bay.
laaaofthalrUtiUohUd. farm. Ml. Harray li' from Trarone
eommonlt dn... _
arvpatky ot a larp
report ^te wItboBi a betib of Dr. Tbomaa'
fcelKtrIc OIL Urab onu. brnlaei,
Hra. OlMaan aad Mrt. H. L Olnetiags, epcataa Mooaroli over paia.
aon ate riaUlM Mandi la Wexford.
an atm boldlag
NokTBFokT DMAjmigNT.
I aad arc dotaf 1
Mr. and Mra. !>r. Sterenaon left,
onday for Itoir bame la UlarebndHi. aad Mia. Althai Oistoa (d
Hn. B J. Dame and family of Kr_iMoo. Ill , are rUltlag rabllrea ead
tot a few qtya TMitint irlmidi ta ihlt pbca
t Ot whom V aeeiMu
Mb. Oarlea wbo bat boeD tbe
gmol of Mta W. Wlbea fra tbe part
Train will leave Trarene Otty at

-wo woeka Rdantad Mooday to bar 1:48 a m. Rale $100. See poeiera
■A a Oisw mnpaaM Merlag. le
for imUtenlara 80 81
eme la (UerabaA
NrtLsba ab^ttotiMefABCBM,
. OtoaWeetaa took a trip ta Mllwaa.
Mi vlU tsa s gtows) Man thm and
kan bat weak.
jakaMama tm Hm Bmpdra lamtoi
Vcw Bidewaikt aad giaralad re
JULY 81.
Ker. Carataa and lamlly of tadbabmidae ta Ito rary near (atara.
apollt are axpeeted la a tew daya
Go aoooaet of above aUia<'tieB. Perp
Marqaelle Ageab al all •tailoav will'
LlKltTllloe Hoalcr. wbo hai baaa
aril llekcV to Ladtageon ml rate of
qalM aiek,
ONK PARK for the round trip TickSalmon Biewa rclamad from Kil- Cedar Lodge.. mle fn>m Jaly II to Aagast I.
boniB. Wta. bM WadMaday.
daagkler of Hr. aad Hra OrldM- aw OB
- iralriR BOlil Aag- ' *•
wat toniMl bet week aad died a
Otoa HeMtobaal't two lltNc girb
Ottbaad BMtta FBaalagba af On**o2 TtoiiiS.’jaVy'ibC'LleBtoaa
boan after. WliUe :ia tbe field
m Olum HMdlBg a tewiyi with ara rtalllBf at Walter Uami’
Bobaaa. tbe boro of Um Herrtm
Tto RiMtoappen ara dotag great with ber ymreau tto eblld
dimeter ta Saultagv harbor, will l<
damga aa tortial »nu U tab vieio"Tto Amerieaa Navy.tto natdMU ...
ttampa wr're. torstag.
II daUroiT Uitsagb tatty.
lieeriug lie erlet iS^ed to tbe tpel
A H. Old! wan
Ntaakfia rai.
S 7.
7. la.
Wayaa HoHlebaal bongbtaw
ALBXkXnfila SAV. N. T:
died e few boon laMR.
Uaa. Kanoay.
r. RaoaoB
a trip to Ubad
TOnOXTO. oxt-..
Rer. A K Oaiotaa. wUe aad eblld.
Tto -above raiea ara offMed for
ra of OrBBdrtHa.tatalo. mo oeeapy
trains leaving Travane (.hty oo WadUharlta Oyei. wto bat ben ta WU- lag the SpenoM ootuga
aaaday. Aagset Slh. lUI. gotag vta
. Manto HiwMtad U aateriag (ram enalB for nate time. U borne agala.
Hr. v*arm.
Carman will eecepy Ibe palpB Delroil
ta tilt t.'otm
Oboloe of raaim from Oeweil aa
Jely l7tb.
.Him Kdllb
Uret la Trare*oe,».Uiy
■taOetTBlI* BaSaloSi
tto pati ytar, U rbuiag at ti
Hra Maate of Kaami Otto, Ha
3ally boata.
■traMOwraC'mbt ■#My«
ime toagfa U Badtag pleaaara
TtoMbaM Barab and Haigarct
Vta Vabaali K R to Niagara PalU:
king oo tto new eemnt walk!
The Utaeeo Bento Pioaiy Bad
Mew York Oeanl to OIvtea. H.
nighl wbib Itoy are new BMagb
Head Soldomer of Trarrrar Oily are
Y ; Ttoemad blanSa B. S. Oa to
bare tbe iraeka
riMtlBg Inendt Ui town Ibb o ‘
Aleaiaarta Bay.
Ftekeal tetaned bri
jaHtfot UmOMSaML-.
Wok l<
Vta Detroil aad .BaSalo Steamer la
■goo. She waa
■aMstlM mat bat vaak stomadaarBaSalo; Mew Ter* Umtral R. K. to
2Ta 6*nSnmra?~
Mr. Fetkeu of Timrerae Oily wat CUyioo; Tboamad litaade S. 8 Oa
Brenbody V getag -IraoMebi.-. _ la town laei week.
to Alexaadtta Bay.
DOW Ddaya, aod ttoy bnag boaw tor- ^ MtoUi^ ^^perljr^yMMoaday
AMhar Jehsma Ufi bat vaak far
OkiMgA WMM to hat aaasnd s paMThe lee unmm ogetal giraa la Ito
town toll Sataiday ereatag by tto
ladiM of Uie CblbaUe efcaieb wai
M>K*lag of baggage. lemra UmlL
well attendoa.
. SHmltotol aa tbe gtonadt at tto
Tbe Mime# HeUb Seto aad Mai
Wm. Uatan. while safamdiBR 1
♦•AbMitlkui" vttoh b aator aan$$MMIia at tto mam tbaa
broke hu let Hr. rat Beadnaa of Trawne Oily ara
taeeta af Him Kdlth Berimak.
Ttoy mat tram tto tarmi'ttoy hebne MDwd awM tbe ier loagm Ito term. Fat Itom baek.
a metal toU atUmma Friday
Mr. Ompv, tba vladoMtr •<
dvvt—KiMiy B^ool Ualvt.

I, 6. SEm.


JUM 28 n CMIBNUmsIttl

ever wilnessrd. Wf intend to move $iJ,o» worth of House l-urni»hinjj Goods by July »oih to 1
lor the new stock I buy in July.

a f^’i^raTihirplm
S^CtTg-SSSt-ii^-B^ ^iTor

We will eta the fwit* on cvcD1>>'nfe retem- n<dhing.


can save from 2.'’>e 10 33Jc on every .WUr l.y buying


•jMP^wlirrSntmny pliAet.

Stoves lor eaitiping
Ikiuble burner Oil Stfnra, cmh bora-

remeinber you have a very large slock lo sele«:l /rum. four large
fioors all crowded full; big assomnent nf anylhiug you
your house.

er is F| imhes arrow

need m

A lug line of Hammocki, from a gomi rlosel) woven

kctllr aad fry |ian al same lime.


_ .

of money.

Folding Lawn Seals Inr ihc l«nJi or lawn, nirely

for................................................................... $l.rM»
Same style, only a lillle smaller, (or..................

}«ople, goo.1 and strong, just like cut. lor., $1,1^'

Same style, still smaller, for..................................................76

need some O.W beds ?

If so

do yt>u

I can save yviu a

Some good, wrong non l*ds. ttnail sire. )usl like

A full line of guick Meal Blue FUme Gasoline and
Oil Sim es front the chea|«st up lo ilw liesi.

.vuiagc nr camp.

you want, from an $M S.|uare

An Excelsior mattress, il.fiu



ft. 6 in. high, in white,



Solid Oak



lirasv' drawer


made in ash. nice Urge gram ami


Just the thing tor

small room, only................................. $«-7-'>
. at (his sale.
A nice

A. F. Otay. Traverm Oily.



Dr. Fawbra*


baisahn ta

iUg, boigaiDs.


drcxscf, three




drawers, ooe door, high spUsher back.

far..................... ...................*S-«
Good wash ttarwl, fuB fixe, made of
hard toMd. weQ





Bisbed. ooe large

drawer, two lowd
We ran faiwvfa yoa $aything you w«l far yoor conage

n- -

raade^ 9

Kiichen Table. 2Hs42. with
Urge drawer, (or.............. $1 76


commode, one tot^ arul two ibon


A pmd solid Exteasioa
TalJe, win teal eigltt people,


14x2(l bevel Fiendi |>lale

mtnta, oice golilco ftnih. for..$7.76

Some big

at half imre,-

AU kinds of Dishea


1' 1.-

hoc whue act, lUU |toces, ia
the vexy UteV and |weitieM
shapes, far ooly.............. $4.86
A beuufaOy desxwtaed


pieecaet (or........................$7.76
Your mail onkn^wOI receive car beM atientkm aad ira frar-

ramp aa low aa yoa can boy H » Chicago.

S^.^-VV^S^o. rV

^8.1^ kaapnratom


Chairs, each...............................(HI

commode, similar

three nf a style, to efoae out

HIM Unto BparUn MarVd Fri^
» bom m imeabra.
Or. Fmllok took a trip to Ttarene Mntmot
(at BaniMka vtoio Mm will may
vWitor MaMl te a Av ai
Uitylmi vraek.

soUl Unut Seal



D.W Chairs.-noe. nro tftd


. $26.MI

Iicautifal 'steel

*lri|wd. lor...............................$2.86

half price.




Six goal

greea nbliie. (or .. .$2.25
A lot of wood beds al nbont

Sifihi^L*r* I


up In a hne

Uige line of Steel

yange, just like col. for.. $^ 76

door, with German bevel plate mirror




A nice iron bed. any sue,

long and two short drawers and one


Stc^I Conk at ..

Whole outtit (a............. i£.T7




If to we can fumisli you anything

(iond spring to Bl Ihem SI.7S



A iwi. burner gasoline xtd.e, joM like nil, lor $:i.7.'i

)t nuy tie you (rant a Woo<l Stene far your


Feather jiillows, carb..


Same ilme wtih one burner, 9J imhes acrou l<r.

painled, re.1 or green, long enough lo «cal foul ^

Have you a collage lo furnish, r.i


handy little sime, just like cm fur f:i (Ml

Hammock for TSc right along up 10........................................................
Folding Canvas Stools for camping, only.................................................. 2.''m-


lo)i, has

tricks four iiKhet vride, (nil h»lil lea.'

A fine line of {lorrh and lawn Krakets from $l.2.'> U[>.


ju-Atob^ mstastoar wUh



A daacbvr of Mr. aad Mta Ooo.
Hayms wat aawanly oainad laal
to Brat tocah to talk aboat hb
waefc. VIMle iTft^a no el
I. aad mbeled bb let la tto
os the •...........................................
and tota( alaoe_____ _
. Aboal a weak aco to wi
r wat
waa at wwa.
wvk. tto grare to aae ttot aU vat
•eH where ber falbar
caatitoT tpt Oaaut to amad. B«
fathrr 1a ooittac oat tto Ire wat alto pleto. aad want bona aad to bad aad
tenialy t>orot.d tel U lataoriac. awaited daath.
T1.e oblld....................
• etiU Isa «
la view of aertoal baadrad peopla.
Tbaodota MeOtnaa, a maaatagar boy.
Bora lo Mr. aad Mm. Tabcardo took tto pbee of a prideaBlatol blgh
bet work, a daaebtar.direr, wbo failed to appmr,
.it Che inbool BtoeUar bat Moaday
O. B. KabI wme alaoMd to laa
orer tto Ohio rlrar at WtoaliaR. W.
Hra Oonand Wilbnr Stoeb to
oeml John K Tbooaa
Ta. to Iba water. IM feat below. Ha
Him Oaroltae Dewey of BlR Bapidt
to yatdt to tha there ta mfaly.
lathe RUM of lier elater. Mra. Arlbar
. OB Vletorta la the bat yean of
ber Ufa alwayt refnaed to
to of Hra. R. 1 DaOol
diamaod. henata aba toliarad it broBRbi bar bad iaefc. Vaaaa
Alaxaadra. wbo iaberitod
O S. Ohaae and wife of Tn«- paracaal property from Vletorta. bad
Oily ritilod friaoOt la to^B Ibb
reoat aad tat la Ibe canter of Mr'
own. Tbbwerfc wat flntabed tto
raiy day tbe KtaR made bit lU-t
The IO<li
thU Idaoe AaR. «sA Hboald
rain Abr. i ooma AaR. Iili. Free
I'lcartloat will to Rlrru at atoal by
Day on hit loR. tbe Alice J. Day.
ich b ooe of (he moti an)oyable
:ari.| of tbe pleaie She wllMrave
ibe Rroaudt ai 10 and II
RirUR all an oprporiQDlti
iid>» oa (to tanatifel lake....................
of ehauoe and taioxloBilnc drlakt
...............m ito Rnranda
« followiiic praRtam will
rarer-C. W. WllUame.
olo-Hra O. U.'
U. Waratom.
Adilreet of Weteome-PieK. D. &.
Dar. oien Her
Vocal Solo-U- _____________
Addtate 8- B. Baraeil. lake Ana
Vocal aolo-Batbryn Famol. Ulen

wm ^


raeiM ItM-ktoll


Kilid Yog Have
Always Booghi
Bears the
Jalr It-Th* (ritr U««Bia
rntif -mith prapuMtoH farth.<«r«v^
Tbo4b thM* wlU k. w> pab-





Worth of Dry Gootls, Clothing, Boots anil Shoos
For Over
Thirty Years

I. V. H.. ialr IB-A I
toM vhkUboa eoaHlatv IT mur>
■•a vatMMMf MBplepad M tfaa
OMUto boao. BUr UIm4. U* of
8b.>U, wbehadavM OM
<rm rnd Mttw.
iM wan Brova'
. who |wt aat fro* lb«
*an ta Ibrtr dortn.


Laadea. Jaly m-Tha oocoaaiioe
^nwlaa, whloh will ta batwaaa
BaaklM^ (‘alaae and WartaitaaWr
AM«y. wat nbnm-d llili noraiaf.
a of PMUpplaa tobacco. Tba
Sttkl aaaaai oelorad batan draw a bapa eifar U tba pUl of MaJ. W. a
hnrr TablaU raaraaaaMac Iba royal Oonopya of tba pay dapawaat, wbe
MiA. Tba oMala eeoaanad U Iba
' It to tba jyaaaMw wiia tliU
"1 aaad yea Iba Urpael etpar
yoa taara aw aato. 11 la node of a
tfcf tta doan baaada of tobooee
•alba ell prowB ia Iba lalaada. It wy be oal-1
Notlea of Patltlen to Vacate.
Hui.-.rONairau Ibr^t^.ail ivort r«lbe
fbnily clear, aa all woke It, lVul>
<irsi>l Ii«.e»i' In Uv uwior .4
Mad Jeuaoa. (ton Bleai FUia. 8. asd Iba iraadaolbar U nppowd to la.. |_iiu.n,i4rb4rb.T l> HnrMn. Jnain. lea
l.*a aaO J.On A
a..a.airn mlfcy
D.,baabaaa «ny ban. Ba baa iba
. II. n tba olflar to flaub tba mUrk inin..* llaanili. lo> A>u. yinr Ad
. power, or elaln II. at loaallac haalaa
o(oU aad rieb tepealUoT nlaanli
M B H lUa of OUtlao. BUes
tar below Iba aarfaea by naaaa oi Ultfd, m yaan oU. walpM «0D
- pidM ia bU Bieaaoh. Jabaaoo proa pnsda. aad anda bU owa eelBa
paan by walklaf alowly orar tb<
SO yton ape, aa ll hod to ba very
Cnood aad eea wbs iiadamaaili t
Tba eoOo Oalabad be bapao
no analy tall tba daiob aad fiehaan
ortbadapoaitibylbe aarleaa axpraa- waa poMap tba laot te^aa to
alaai ea bli taea, eaaaM by iha palaa wbaa ba dieppad dead- of '
la bla atotneb, Jabaaoo eaaa aaay
dplacaeraal ttnn dartac a day’a __ Tbaodon Eofaa. iba priaea
walk ap Blebtaad creak. HU aadar- bUbep of Olwala. Aaatria. edata bU
bic wet laUatr.
poldaoetaallol aad aipbt bcraM for
Hn Jacob Oes. of Heaal Tarato. nK to an Iba noctay tor tba beoatl
DL, waa TUaadar aoClBad Ibet by *a of tba poor. tUa, earrUpa baa baao
4ntb el OborUa Hill MLoaAiwalaa. U tbo pananlan of tba bUbwte tar
, aha baeotaaa the I'tiiii nr of
nraral baadrad ywt.
fertaaa oC tltt.ooa Hcay yaan ai
tho Canlly et Kn. Ocw'a'beaboi
itn'xu. a riMoiM.
poor aad n wMl BIU aUllad Mr.
aad Mra. Oai ta «hU ally leal nalai.
aodeoAiall M he «aealada}adr
naal aaia la Mn. Oea's law tar
tba can abera aanad. aad. taktai
tteaetavUfa bln. laft tor OalUorala. tha aole waa to ba twyabta ol
hU bntb. Tba neaay U la
Lea AapaUa. aad Mr. Uaa wUl laara
• la a taw days la take paarnlin o( II.
nu M ao ralaitw.
Tba daalb of Jawa W. Oairell. »
yaan old. of LanbntrlUa, H. J.. la
mriU bMdUat eblcbaoa
nd 1a tba head by a towU Uw woaad
baiac (B tba rala. The baad awoUtd
piaaily. Ba woat late Iba boon ai
lytap « tba Ocwr esplnd laanatly.
Taaiea aUaady baa oabnrib
1.000.010 lUa. •, far Iha louaadun naaaiWaoWca of tba baU

wblab. added to tba c

Bought at 47c on the Dollar.
The frame building and stock of T. F. Kinsfella of Merna, 111., was struck by a cy<'done, and not
ing a suitable location in which to move he was obliged to dispose of his goods at a great sacrihavin
fice. 47c on the dollar closed the deal.

Saturday, July 19th We Commkee This Great Cyclone Sate.
Wrappers. Dressing Sacks. Shirt Waists.’ Underwear, a i
Hats. Gents. Furnishings, a large variety of working and fine shoes, etc.
>ay you to travel 50 miles to attend this sale.'
It will pay

eyeiMU Sale on Dry 6oo4s

Men's suits in neat






Cyclone sale price.-

lixtra lar« lilcached I iirkish
towels, was JSC. now.....................


5 .Injen UJi™ .V,t. ta,>. J an.l
lace neck and armholes, was 15
and 20c, now...........................


Cyclone sale price.. •
White 'Bati?te Aprons w ith lace

t-r -ea

unr iWeiaBd nuO bnaar.4 end

‘Ss-At. S-S?5.i-9-Ki,'S:
..41 m nrtt. utlr nnd leMnu id •kl Kalb
a ielfr.d I'nlbn. In nad
tbe f<ilk>w1nk- d.a


STTi'iii;;;™?* SA'T'or2r:b“:Si

ewrwr > k > .4 m nurUi -ed ,> .4 a.'U.O
b«r III Inn
it?* Burth. rearr
1^., 11 iltl wml. InvliiBiec et thn.ieb-r u(
Bld^'UiOtuBt ill Unmi aurUiuB th. guer-.

eyclent Sale on Dress asods
and Silks
ISO y.irds black Jap.tnese Silk, T. OK
1-. Kinsclla's price see. 1 )nr price *wt/
52 in. albwool broadcloth. X'eno-

te all IMarr.
A tmmrnt will naalt la a .aanUaailaa ef tba Uipw oireaa tatnooli
telba world aoaaanwtail la
lhalaa TbaSaUa Braa. aad reca^apbolnaanin to ba takaa Ula
thaaanbtoawttb tba Baraan * BalMd BaSale BiU abewA
atoani U to bare tba three bip ahewi
«aw Oaranay. Bapaad aibd tba UalMdBMaa.
Payanalar Batn ot tba anay pnoann tba largaat etpar la tbo worlA OTan or incHK»AP-T^ireeba»»(\a»«
It Uai laabn loop
. araaadnanaa'aam atAatblckaai


S’” Vi


w nSfce":..
bTlkitihe IB >hr PrnliBln i4Bm, IB Ibr nltj

and 7SC. now............


eyclenc Salt on Olasb eoads.
India Cintns and Staplss. .

li TtBrino. ItU. Bad lakn reaar. ir an;

burmah West End Chaillies, all
patterns, was Sc.
A lot of S and loc Dimities.

.Ba.... «

Inter wllklB invel) da>> a>l.n. .Ul. .4 u>.

■■ furtbiT urBerd. lh.1 nlbla Inieii

Extra tine plain and lancy liatiste.
and corded Dimities, was isc.
Silk Ginghams, plain and fane
also Cl!ilair de ^ie.
500 yards
ds ofI fine Inilia
linen and
lace Batisti
Batiste. T. i-. Kinsella's
price IS and 18c. Cyclone price.
Best standard prims in bla .k and
white, gray and white, red and
while, and pinks, was s & 6c. now





Cyclone Sole on SHIrt Olaists
and Bonnets
Waist for

its value:

T. I-. Kinsella's entire stock of
Ladies’ Waists in Linens, white
Lawn. Batis'tes. i’iques. Silk
Ginghams, mercerized
hams and black Lawns, ^me
full embroidered fronts, sold up
lo$4-0O- Our price 24.30.6«&
35 dozen high grade baby bonnets
with lace and embroidered Age­
ing. ruching and ribbons. T. F.
Kinsella's price ;sc. $1 and
Cyclone syle price loc and.........

and $8450. for
Men’s nobby and up-to-date
striped' Cheviot suits, fancy
WorstedJ suits and
fancy Cassimere suits,
uits, T. F. Kinsella's 0 00
price Sio and $12. now............

Cytlotic $al« on SMrts
Indies’all-wool Venetian dress
skirts, also black and Oxford
walking skir s. all trimmed. T.
F. Kinsella's price $i;.6and7. Q QQ
Cyclone sale price Sz 79 and..

. .73

Cydonc Sale on Shoes

'WmBB .79

Men's strictly all-wool Worsted

*TIo,\',.do„'^™'oricr"“ 1-98
eyctonc Sale on Bento*
Furnioblng Boods.

3SO pairs
Dongola :

Men s extra heavy black and white
stripe duck Shirts, double front
and back, was 50c. now...............
T. F. Kinsella's entire stock of
suspenders, made of plain, fancy
and silk webs with nickel and
gilt buckles, worth so and 75c. 0A
ourpricc lOc. ipcand..................
Men’s every day Socks.
per pair..............................................
lens blue and
overall jacketsMen's black and white stripe
. Shirts, boys' light Percale Shirts,
men's Random and Balbriggan 1 K
underwear. Cyclone sale price - • • * A/


T. l-.Kinsclla'sprice?i,2.S <
Etamines. Soulia and .Albatros in



l.adics’ white feet hose was lyc,



Cyclone Sole on Concto

Cyclone Salt on etolMna



sale price....................................... • *


Cyclone Sole on HoMon*
Alluminum Thimbles.

sizes, per dot.
Full count Mourning Pir.s.
per box..................................
12 dozen pants buttons for............................................
Gilt collar buttons, celluloid back.




len's Satin.
don or (ilobe toe. Dongola top-



Fcalher sdKh«) braid. .Jl colon. .1
Linen Upe measures,



Boy'seveiyday all solid grain leath
er shoes. T. F. Kinsdla's price
Si.jS. Cyclone sale price.............
Men's Canvas -Shoes and Oxfords.





....... ............ -1

ed button lisle
Little GetttV Sotio C>!f,
_____ - - Im^.
price $1.35. Cydooe
Udies’ band turned Via Kid,
latest shapes, tly*


Ladies' Sun-bonnets, with wide
riiftles.inadeof be<t Percale and
>nd.......................................... ♦..•*.^2

1 o.


118 Front St., Wiizbiif Bliek, EitoigiM Gneinr's OM StHd, Trmiu Citv



tro litotbli,


ootbat taontton

Uses Pe-ru-i» in His Family For Catarrhd
Nervous Alleys.

tot battto aM btaeftavd aooalr
toev tail U too bott fM ttrelta. Boto tto«a4.ahMta.aatbt flaair tooMd.
totoMaattoflto tkmvodtopaaadtd
--------Thobaat bnadltbaktr-t
bnoda dar oU. ibaasb too
UvvMtTtoU'. I
!•«. or too MM MMVlal Ot too taa(toBil aol ba eat
MmaoUa ttoopr toartot lev.
aadtotr pton
nttVootom oiWr fa*.
Ltn ioJbt MbM. <Mm
Tbo tomt to toa* tolit
(toM torn Uttto toafbtov vaid
noadwliOiri toOaU aeoto bo Moto
Itadco aad Maadt aad MaraapltoKlMli
U. bovaewtoor
■ ; -Ibenaav
Mto took voU ofltr tbo lalMlUrototbofoWM. Md olacttoAaf
t tioad oartoacto ottlaotoolr Trlntoc tonaib tot Cnmat •
tin Itaadtotec at a MOaaMla toook.
Ob that nmr dap:
aftM'T.M. Atotltamabal
Bricbt orn. Uato 'aad toova aad
Bra XmS-Jbc* *kr u iiM M d«r of I
t to a toito. breva
Itthtbo^and tooto"**"' »»»•«*
S.D,wrttn- •Ihse.BMdlV
Mr'i y~»"
adoablt aatoto
naetoeinlc. ll ha. rratly bfiM
Av t>di s Wm, Mb 4i7 kolpi
oold VBlto Ufalfltd. tfd totitof ttaa
me a rireoRto. riRur ead eppetrie.*
IkaevacM.,-ia toot, tot't
la a cold ptoeo.
Boeb <m piefeod a toatiTPeppr.
mat eotoftot
• Oto O >0, toarMtodorv
Bnt Ito potato taek.
Vatl aad Han toadvlobot-------1
bat vbetoto It bo lakto toaot. ■
Tied a btodo of fira anaod thorn
rmaaa"-B. W.
torre toovi « r>«
*• ma^tmtj
With o taialp kaaek.
for viM boon of roattof to tot ivl- oetoR
yman IbM It om
Ben a pot aad tom a ebake.
OotofenaWe tboot an tot BDdeddle* tvo elleee
ptrbt^ ■aarofyaakaowbr*»I»ri
phy.bor... 111. Wrilee: -I h*n mira
Till, all raileo ata vide awake.
Mix too moota laeMV
molttt i Mtarttl to a plwttnt Htp.
■pooBfal of bolter tabbed
tad tottt tboald bt triad tone dart
Lo. torn ttood throe poppp todlee.
• ar^ nrah Uaedng.»—Use. W.
i. aad Mtad.betveea tbto tUoRp
btforr loirtor hetao.
an flat
UfM la 4ve rooBif at Ob' top of
Both u eitkn rovd.
for tfBMpliic.bat ofbettenrt brad. An eaciar var U Prill of leoe oad eato ot aotU.
ntr »U boatt. aad toot her ov
u mt bo|iod fw. ai
m like betl toe liRbito
Aod o tlay eiova.
or IVreneeadfael RraBy
, rirl. aad salaa feel ton RtowB aetd to. Jo« befon
bot toe't
MorttoR we ban a bnrr eeto T«t ea
avar (« toar lift.
I toe batter aad
X veal to eaU apoo ber tot olboi •ad HooRartaa aaiU fltod to both toRlbe bread.
Nenetur Hmll-ey. «« F
, „
tor. and took Vito «e a friend cO M>lee aad boole. Datoat ther
wnin>: -1 hero n*«l year exeelh
1r anr. two pain of treaptog tooee apfer ae
rrendy. IVrtin*. end her- nmimoml
Vo M ow rltM. bot brtatci ior bo- Biao vbe It alto aa anUl. bat oe<
aad tbe proera aaob eaeto
twth e. e u«>o and e niooeWto re
vtaoUfar alev thathUlrfeaoeta Maid to token, ae the tolnr
■-Ml. |>hra R. Melhey.
Hoaet Beef Baadwlehee-^
* Kaa It aov to patleotir oll»b- oUiboatonnoe loeaeord br
' Vo OOCTOV la ftMiM too Vbole
Sonentf M.l'. llelW. eI told bl^ Modi for Ktn fr«a tan. A llRbtar pair for ntoliiR to rati beef nrp flatly. 8ta^ U with
rkejib <'er.4lOwerlWr -I
,pU aeoenatr .to keep toe feat to peppn aad mlt. aod r.rp little
tbit toll, to latrodoe-d toem vlto t
ir {raWac, Iwv oi
sD>-nd tvrnne (.« dr jit injaai
%eod oeodilioa.
la Iobr
WrA and a doeh of VdkMMnbin
8b. toaek btadt otodlallr aaoorh toe feet eon be eond br v.
S.-n.u>t-W.V. h
Vito Vta. otoo vat trembUoC « >» Bin of etoektoiri. • eottoa pair aez<
• Terun—To elx tobloHiee.. nriM! -I tnho pWaoure ta n>
the feel aad a vooln pair ea toe
aad teeiaM
•^fttooUla looaatd la Tbo A
nfaU of chopped herd bailed f«Ri
O. toSMinliiic y.ra rrai oueral enaM
onulde. Theee tab oa eaeb otbar aad
totoroeted In twr vert, for abt
I. to tbe htot I here earn
troxt-"-" . V. iKillir*
enr akottoet. looked ol potottoR<. d>e foot eatopae Uieton. Tvo eat.
iBdenrar an aU that an ee.'ded.
aad ton. vitti ll*e ploton of eo «W
mebsr piakle. Mix «
I oattM It Vito at tova leva.
SbrVcA; Nol..nr1Cr«: - rernne lautely teilend
voBBa'e bnd to bar head, m dove aa<l tlier aboaU to of a autorlal
Haa. Jasepit B. Ceam hy. Con
1 olp|B< ai lit tViMBOta all tor:
to toe
aad tolkod art altlhe rai of the af(nm Robiasoti. III.. Ihe lollom ing praisle for fJtoffrvar cmmtrbal toalc.
»mieun« »neh.-W. M.
« patlMl Vito vor^- ttneoa to tor heon'c oeateoL 1 did
>r lake. A bufe qoaDlilp
tobleepooefel >
Panina. Congressman Crrmley oayt;
j ,-.*«hio,
Haa-e "bean
■da.«TtWr -Uierolekfanefato.
•■After giving Peniaa a fair trial I eaa cheerfully i
Von toOBtbtfal of vltot I tooal^
eeataal.'’ boK “*
•* ***
BBRlieb ebeeee aad n «ery little
« tVenne aad K hto hraMled,m
po«r remedy to anyone toffering with coughs. eoSds am tagrlfpe.]
,eblld'e fboetSld aw It vat not. for It
raoly."—W.etfarararad. Oboi> flaely two bard boiled
Aad erne to toe tbiek of tlie bar
tad all catarrhal compUl
woe art that vat far avar onr hw
cRKt. Pepivr aad tall tom. and toll
Vhea toe Bara of tor aacar fl^ad
-Mrs. Crowley has «Jt«i a number of hattlea ot Peniaa an
tbem to a [rate vltb n bttto ell at
Mtaovhllo toere wm ao vordot
■ )K\KV1U.R
aeeoaat of nervous troubles.
It has pioven a strong tonk aad lastcnoBod bollor'
Oo a thlatllcoof
1 aooled vlto toe thoaffat of mj\ t—la. Item bar Upt. aelttor ear e "
/nr cure. I can cheerfaliy recommend li."-^. B. CROWLEy.
bnvd t|Boad a layer of
titaa, era of tbe ktodeet. aad
Joly iBih. tins.
layer of eRRV and oora
Aa efao fclaad M a loTliT lead br.
of toe uildlr peUM
Tvo Rood letter! keep ot tiani feolI-' It.'in
and rntber than epoll tbe width of oad elloe ot tread. Per aa eRK toadVbea I tb*M at mj vnk4e»av’e etrle Itat to exMpetotlBRlr like tbe
>R loaaeanie thU week, ood yet
eniBBier-t reettoR plaae. dova aoaiee vlob otnll toe ebeeee aad eapplp
-eierrhel r.«ii.lBinle. II
en-Xn-I- ^ j
|dm«m m m immim
pUee with two er thn-e of tbe tlay of tbem doe> fariOR
vaafler that I felt like ebaktoc tor the tree. Why? 1 kaov of ooeploaEtfael-*
.t r' rti"'Ir IB nit nerv*®. iireildoe. ll
ta that lettlu' erafon aodbaooipol
I tontoed tha.btode of tortoenaal vbn I look at toe repreaeed hope
I'lri-::r : r t
tolt.r in which the b-lle a* of the
, H ywOon-aderira pramptaM
oeld or
lm«iac OB tbe teoe ot the poor II
death of Urosdma Slicfat Ormedma
tr<ea the ne- it I*
nnaed nlmn from all paitlclee ot
Mri^Sanl 1 vae almoil rady to ploetr
■ cTlir et .cue V- l*t. liertinen, rI
tola aad bne aad ebn-d ll flnelp
vbn an Boerei
tqll .lUrmMil ■< V
deat. aad a dam good fnood to
Vbatonr of pinnn er pdf
a ailrer fort.
Ball to taate, a
k. RiTe .ran hu eaiaeUe a
tbr fottor avr toq^ adat.
■qoeeie of lemn Jaler aad a da
CUT some mntb* ago to RO to farr
Ood amka him. av torllm. aem I
tomato enunp, aad
to a
oni of doon. aad tta tne e{
deaRhier'e berne to BL Johan,
bob abrbt for toj vateaadai bte.
BlRfalatbealr with batter.
She looked at me onr toe ratf abore.
I bant oat at li
tberv that eln> [awiort away, roIor
taadi an extnded la Rratefnl
Olilton aod'>.Olory flaadvlebee—
tou UaotifBl Land when eo
toe bird* oeet
PolthtooRh tta fioeet kaife ot tbe orer mya -I'amehl - Her life boro
■Bar eoaetoltot-aloe- to bar*”
Bna It
leot toopper^iie oapaf cold eblokca. wai a tmatlfel irampla
The mr of life to br ao anat: etooed. ber fen eae whole exetomabelli
Un patol ot eanrlaa '.Wbr. ll
meetb. bat let ae aol rake it
n loToly world It vnid ba It Prob." aa graiidpa had Bao..d il,.
raptor ton U U
The verld to
at ntorta nf bead lo <lo eO. Oo poo
vr ooold all live aocli Urea na ber*: ganflof- ■< k*" Iwad of tl.r luir.
with plala nlte. Batter ronnde of white Irad.
It wm a Tory hoi. dry day, tb.- la.i
ee eta expeVed me toatp aapaotalive eoatd vlto; bat. Uil
Let BO try to do so ae far a» weeanT
of AoRaet. aad Rtmod|m wa* Irarm
•aee vnat. let ae aot «nd oariLtoR!"
Uto.1. anil folly Ruxiantrcl
tobht made with oedar
iOR bii reirly whni
It wrmi-d *Bri>
It." I aitfaUr toqolrod. vlto aa
aetne tojlac to amka iifovotee.
Ooeoaaol Saadwltoee-Ofot..
flne wntlu-r that be told Krandma I.
era to tbe ratnn, "deaf pen totok p.«U and qoeer Utule etooto wltli
Hitbir let aa rake It a little
which ooRl.t to yield tbnat
oreoked leira Tb<' am for lablee ao a
•honld n*k it oot another .l*y
toetae talnlV’
two eopn of flne while elindi. Add letiet in Hie Herald ll -ncaarBRee
After dinner Kancy Irak I-t .Inll*
Matt eartatolr 1 do. Ibelrador ptoxaa an endteaa A Iobr beaeb to half o np et ebopiwd walnnt mnu.
fimto to caii+i’ the cycj Inil arc iluralJe. ramfcnl.
to write .Rain.
We liere bad ■
down under tor Reeiirriu.'. wher.-.
that old voraa to a Ron la ttoelf.
tvo intpoooe of lemn Jatoi', e •lonral. i, .vj.l ni'-ii. The chca|w« oo the market, quality c«m.teeetl.
n.d lecR art.T. ebe was Joinod t-y ihaad, vhat it neto. I kaov a ora vho oat of door aanob. with a Iobr oaeb- ter of a enp oj. eORar nod ooe third
■ >11. r u-e-j^i'l von will boy on other make.
In to eonr llm Irad bottoei. aad the onp et eram. Mix well oad epr.'od lai.'ly and If it don not atop •o<« toe
for thoy likeil romi»nr. aad
vlU bar It at bar on
will be spoiled. Mj Unadme
eoantlem email nriiiooi wfaieb
lid follow Haney and f.-rd wln/t
der vbe tar amdel mtV
betweea foldi ot beUorod white SIlRht died Joly 7. after beiBR enerer *b.- took np ber place at play
-1 flea'I kaov.' X mid abetnetodlp. for laxanooi eeafort Pl^
flood to .her te-d leeea we«-ka 1
little Kir!
for I vat itaoriBR a eall apoo Kae tliiRtmReRln the Boer o tBiiilili.<d
*~To taU e
ine o poem on ber doaib wfaleh 1
^vnraaoe ood mn aneh wear la toe
wna RotllBR drowry UrirBiuc
toe nrp aext .lar; ‘-boilvi
onp of Rrated obeoee add fnr tablo.
II cnelcae.
ladnt. Tbe worn mattlttR avaliiR*
the .brill eooR. of too harv.-rt Ili.r.
Tbe mn fan Aar* «• toeald tan tor." And I Vleh poB eoBid tan
•poooj of n-nmed bouxr. '
Ynrc In frleadehlp.
that an macdi ia toroc are tor meal
nUId Prob >topp.-4 n^bbliBR th> >J.on .
hafl Bid ael falflil tbaU prratoe hr
Bthel M. Birr.
practioaL Then- roll down from tne
nttolw ttto riat. Jaae braoRfal dalL
piaaa roof and laateo to toe intlioR. mnatard. ooe loatpon of anchoty
atr, and crat nr eyc^wward th.- .ky. •
C»r totoA ptattof mla. toUl aerto
(rato and rtoegnr, aod two ubleThey ehat oat any too perliiaent
Wo my Rood bye to tbe ne we love,
Then he Rnee a loood eqoank,- hft«?.
fpoeue of uhoppod ellna Bpreari beWe my Rood lye for eye.
Aad to think what a perfect Rooee eUne. aad eeddea ebawen or tbe
bi* wloR*. anil *iane<l off on a rnu ae'
■ela qrilBofidL
, tvoea roonda of white bread.
Intll ve loerl to Ital sweet toed.
tp.’- the told vllh o of aetRbbora A raatie eereea to ebal
faat a* hU gral red fort wnold gu.
' The tblmp eattb. alvapi tointp la
off any oomrr of tbe pltma eaa be
Uf eTertosiiOR day.
Atthr *oond of hi. r-iuawk. iLtob toad at Uffat eeU. toaak ito All iMPPlaaRta. ‘•laetoallyerlodo.joolf
eaiily aaade of fancy matttaR ttraolioltar cr*oe ttn-tebed ilirir,
Sbo iri-d to do ber dniy
far ean Tta aaol vladt dU net to eleap ofirr pea bad Roae. and ferchopped
.xl to a time made ot oedar poeto.'I neglect the Bighleri
of irregoUriie but
lifted toelr wing*, and etaned alt-r
Aad well ebe .lid it. loo.
bflaflartmn IUbri from Rmrlta at- fot aboel tor topper. Bat then. I do
Marjorie Marth U Ooed lloaeei
iiaie at kaxt
and Week
aet one naliiial, eXM
eAW moteinciil
nitrieincnt a lUy.
<Uy. rill*.\all.
the Rwa.ler. eqsawktog too. a> toongh
aat a etaidr. oalld tort of a fatolea. bellan I'll
And many o eeal will aim ber.
aad eta ebook the frjlBR
arc cfangcToro* Iwcaunc Ihej *tram imi weaken the boweh.
a fox wen' aft*r toi ui
A heart so loetoR and irae.
cwoea folde of bottrnd white bi
Whai I.HI want ■» a uiikl Inil ante tonic Uaalive. il^ tone*
Un they W.-DI a few yard*, whoc.
flaSodito ami tollpa aU tbe mp eo Jopoaatp that tb<-Qh^ ebe woe fiyIt Is tam to part with toe dear (
lafonr toe karaetie toon daaoed
mill 'tlicni the |n»wc1» and slimutalm the-f moicmcnm. Snrh a lax>
with wild el.nek. and towiifiR of
tofoach to tbe nan
And yet vr know tliat they
.Mill IS'l ■*cfi pon try U)tw will bud that li ia
morrp JV ai tbooRh cat ot pan
wiag*. they all went ej> into tbo air.
Allow three pUla of water i
bentae eara la Ibetr
Cbocatole Cooktre.
Will fly to toe onletntobed arm
ihi cas^i-.( lUini; m the world to make an.1 k^> vour bowel* clean
like a Rrrot whlb- elood. and flew to­
pint of pltoed orer iMriea: plaoe
ufoed tpmpaUip with tar.
Take a amot oap of bnttor, a beag
(Hh It U a voaderfal tnle. la tbto
.vv! ri.:':'aj.
niul hcallhy.
HoBIh'S Tralfliait a*l7 $!.•#.
ward tlie ind a <|nartor of a n-il" off
•e to tta beat aprlace
toRnp of URbI blown satar. ta
A* a idiiid wnld^n iie play.
vUh abaaflaal iveBtoa of all toe
•RRX. e tsaapen of ctocrain. half
VavJalrtotaeoaad tteeaaeU
y. Torn them lato .a tone
cop of alBtouoa.
«dM orer oU toe vaitd. ami tta
nered Jelly beg aaepaeded ant
Very irnly.
eot flna. wllbOBt blanebtog. a ear of
Jaded ntea lUt UmIt tlAd
Joet ae ime a* tin. world
Didn't yonpraolaeto talflUed. Tta pUiae an
■ea bawl, and let diaia onr
olotmed and dried, two
e aad Moan Malden after
Le> «a Rlma a helpfal lemn
eor bow old Prob aeh-d
alRtat. In tbe moralnR maaenn t
ebeeelate dleUf Ood * eleraal RTwee.
mp*tbat'« a rare elce. Lnwr'd.u'
an haatlBi vlto toalr Hob vlaar bard dop'e work at deek
Jalee. and to OTvp plat allow
Aod tl>e wl.tot'll all hr nwil-d
fatoee. aanaale t>ev Uko raWoe la bnoh. aad the hrlffat llRbl td bop.' poaad of fraaolated aafar- Boil tor
Hodge. Hhdi.. Jaly It. IKK.
toroU; befm adding toe
epee ifain. for too Jnloe rapidly for un'''mtBBtee; add
Kn. ITI RO and tell crand|w. ’ And,
tta ■Bifln rove, aad toe ■■ btoekM*”
Dear Miw. Batoe-i liaee Joined to.floor, pnt lute 11 a heaping traapon of
doppiDR Seamntoy Klira on the gia». '
laataodeaoCMRacar; elir onlil dtowdnd. aad
baking powder. Mix In tbe erdw gir- Sonebtne Clob bot 1 hoee loot my
boll Bf^B for ten mlnotre, ooBStlaR en: toUntnboBt ne etgtato of aa bodge oad maoot Bod It. 1 live to e ibe ipod to to.' whowi flrldr
Ttan gradpa aad tor men bsmrd
■pptokfrom too flrot mlqate U beftne to boil.
inch thick : nl vilb any preferred form aad my latbar U dead. He died
They eeol Kaaey to drier tlio mm op
ne to ra vhlek ehaU Rot tta boat
Skim ranfollp while boUing. Here
when ho was &3 'yeate old wad l»
wlTMaadBotom vboee faeee tbe Jelly glaaeea heated pad set on a eeko cotter and bnke to a modernh
from Ibe oMadew lot. and totoio eu
ttaerep. Tta alt to nflolnl d
died n toe Hto of Kserabor.
faded aad vora with tbe wniy folded olotb VToag eat of bot water. oren. Make a rather tliiek nyrnp of
ftalt aad too
boor torwe Rri«l lead* of|p>ldrn
rann in [HnnninR. bmiox
bakl^., swwua
elewlac Pill toonrfloviag. ae tor JrUy wlU half a« cop c
d fro amoBR ber
wheat were la lb. bom.
t ftoet
boiled toRolher. and bnifa tbe yean »lnee be died I am IS :
Bot toe day wee ouv thick aod
eoai tad >tUr taaibibrt aad )an pola and bcdllaR, aad tta dradRurp ot mtUe aa it oeoU. aad let eool; plaoe
V wiUi tola aitop aa «on aa they old aad 1 RO tooebdol every day wbeo
Aad ttnl tom it faraltt of non U oooatliif .tbe penalee. look op lato fertwntp toar boon wbm it will
tooro I* aetnol. My ariiool ta not aow blaak. and peeny woon th- liRtatiiinc
« takn from too oti-o.
alltoaeretatdt tor Aaffati oad S^k
lore bright. JaR*‘<‘d rent* i
bat It wUl
tomber. Tatlpt oad dafodUi.
poorwd the rwln. enIcbinR grand’;
I have neear rode n a Cralo bet
>m. vltb tbe llRht of peetb la
r baUt tan Rina plan to
pa‘a. laat load al the bottom of i
Potatoea need a little eoaxiag new I aa Altto »ad Oeeil Hodge'e arigh.
t ptat like toltptattarflleeaad Ibetr epae and a tremeloB* feellMT la
ber and Bee hoi amra ibe Bold* froai
Dtlani toat oib at eeaU of Bn
•Uec o^ IlrindU: Oe-.Biar-'them. I RO to Baaday (obool stray
’. They poar down and drop them Into mlted sold '
to them. I tan ten mrraata lake
"Ho: Haw Bp ve r« Vy
llule ririet. Haael
fer twenty mtoam, tore pot u freeb Baattoy.
ttair toroomt aad rweep mon oanfal
The mn all poabed behind, a* if
a iaaUlhtoQ
sold wain and eel n toe betteet [rat KnlitoV want, to Jeto toe Bontotoe
Ip la toe nraera, deet tbe fdMart'
Oloh oad ebo U ; ymn eUt Wr toee that vnId do maeh good.
ranalrnreoi? Thort
'Boaner: boenoe; Ofl wnt a big
le hnw pinniet oad
tiiep are blmdbnatlOBx and ladlgeetln being
and fast. Win® yon mn pietee i
an lUtoa wo. toll aad white aad roRe and fin toca aa beoeet toakpollow eload of strew
Ores r-eakto Balap take
lof, and ;toni brash nwnp toe aob- tndtreol fwoBoter of kldooy disease. with a fork drain torn qalte dry,
pan.toto aake oM'e toooi
raulo-bnmp' aad with a bond My
wolor sipped la tbe sprinkle them with, aalt' lay oeet tbe Poorth of Joly and had a ,
laarm at eae toekt at ttaai.
rwtoed lo to ibr ban floor, tbe men
aatbem a feldtri towel and pat n too
totfhl vrtoi a Ttoara oa tbe varU of
abnttng. gnodpa with bit hat in hi*
oarp to reiBOn ontll otoet at aigfal, an raeammndtd bp
■avuit v« lln U aov. aad aat taU
tand and tbe rain rannlBR off bir
^ to drink Iae lltoto
toat d^P ^ tobool aad Rare her a alee
To twlicr ihiiqn in gtoeeriei and lower iwke* (or life-*
Ital hapfv word bad made it a plea*.
half toe toe.7- 8onlp torn
span with Bodga. im ngraeod n
waiartos itosalbk wltb.i
I( viMi »fc IK* getling the aaliriartion yoa tletirc m iheac partacntai
er ce beaallfal a verld et
" ‘Tvnld all tare got vet If it
It. aad we btri a good rime pteytog
I mpmlf,—whp. I tael ta till* e RlaUfol talfjU boor______ ______ _
we c-jD renileryoti nutienaJ ammance and aave yao many a dollar.
aad bnatpae tbto la vbleh ve vHto
tado-then for Uld Prob.-- be mid.
tameo aad tad tee erma aad cade
dap toe Rlow of itreaRth aad bopafal TbI* rile pera^-d In dap aftar dap.
And Rtnailiim laagbed. "t gmae
that flUedaybioiriata mntb After mnlb. toe oamplexin . Keep a palm M toa lied by . aad andwlMa for nr aapper' > will VP wn'l aeodblaw lUiltax Uil*
ll aar to tbto vUl be rad a
will imptanraad too general taaltb haw ribbn or etrlng .to toe bmd
year. Saaey.BelrcieA
i two tonm far lap tadga.
mp laalor. ^ to dead aov, bai ofh-n IlkewUe. Water wllb auaU abnld torad ot eoeh bed. It ti .eoeb • roUef
•ea ntoolae. Oot of toe dorfcnl
4 Ibt nifi. .
vbaa tempted to sn toe tart eld.' of be aipped. ae weU ae takn nrainglp. to heoble "toiaim tta vtod," vbn
eeratoe'^iral beota.
yn wake half eatfled la toe middle
•ton aad totaait of tbe etona to Ute. I mail toe leader word* of nbe ottered Ibat dap ee
at a ealBy alght. er yn eaa of.
bare bad aad bloenn aad ftalt.
loaf BRO. aad bepe refasee to be
ra ton yoameU off to Sleep wtaa
At la tta oelor to la Ita Inav
otmnr ttot thaU tom tov tan to lor.
Tbe rallp mlB*h oleawal U toUloR macTloda
RBBdar'a aattog tta basura al
aeVeoUa. lhoa«h It moto toaf lo
poar B^ gev^ ’ ritoatad UtUe
to alee tolac* to people. U ne ma note, mplng: -My Dear Olri-T
pataBR bot tfaaU tan lit ptrfoel
dl It a mlflto olemeat, la tbe exqal- wlUBnd la toe box a rtitmtama;
fovibe ito
Haaep Marita, .^unlag toward Ita
oito h^aato It brlBRi to boe'* aolf. whlea bae mmetolag to do vlto a
eberkeoie tbe tee frm melttoR eo milk rora vhm graadma vm Jaal
bo toe nttov tat Ik
mUo. idaa^-ik
XoBBlikea ittoiKitalBf ttattonrtfa. tog Rtob
It eheald be mode eytlader
what it la it toeke like a erem bo­ ritnpo, with a roaad' pieeo eel la at
Drive bimoff. ebUdI driea him
Idn la tbe natolae, dn't U
at a tay fert.
affl” arled gmadma. tarrytog ata
• l«_jdbrmU.-Ohrtotbe. top like Ita
tta flora.
aaap be fer
I fickle, er 11 ■
vt* lbs card riUl aUagtog to bm
CtoRp tetae fladaw too verid to IIbefer Btaoklag ebepped eabbago I Unad
that I dn-t
Idn la tot tolfhtora.
ttoo «hlt
wtU be •• bappT yn
Ta oot dalleato orim la faacy war


ThOBCb tt mr Ml bo Mr tm mat
-R * tor It tbo bw tor or

. Sto BltDtot tpMlM Vito torttoto


I biMor MMobedr’*

•'Itobtor utot bo« or«

...... . ......-

wagons „..„!r,.,w«n|RU. Onl, tli'iriy »«t mxirriri


JTfMMf ih*

126 Stale SlrMh W UiCtOF Peleilyl.



Ssitsfictlw Gtaraflieefl. K **le “*'> t-P HAKHAH k LAT «»CANTILECO.


Commercial PrinMng
Hll Kinds

ReraM 3ob Office

We Lead the War

... .

*lsl tba COCA non tota da pav V



TtawaHdvlUto i

r Upm'Udo
. aat dpvB la

i totetu;

OjLtvir OvtottoBa Vea aoMp aad
.Idnvbmtoajentaa, hafl. <



il Borne at ‘am Tltavo
iMaaflmMl bap fall of bna to
■ rate. 1-U br bool
■alB at beiltog vatar, aUewlBR It
■ toHoUfox.-taaadbb
» niMlo ttore aatU the'vatar
right ride nv paUed into elmpe aod
laid away wnppoil to time paper to
WtanXamke lea mralaiix tta eold. ton araaB tta artkflm gnHy
a Ing box. m they need not be lolled mlt aad v^ed tea all byeihii too
tontdaaapaad rtoto qatokly.
folded, toop will lael mooh J
pail. allDwbw aaa-tolrd raak mU
rat toe flaafe qm
aa If aanUsalp raUed too
I toiide at tea TMa arixtrata
Vara wmA tta tm iaetodv
StaaoU iliiliiM.
d laaaed lato a drawn axMB* mlo> piikad waand tne daa aad It
Lmm ebeaUta
mm. or white pn an V
taftototo^ g. K. rMMiiwje
not. faUai aualp ^ eU way ad Mag a I

rabVn. V.ta oaad J

Bta too I
- r to m M


te tbe cnlM «(«te KieUaM
m* m T*^ tetv »• '
(, Bad Um
|«^ aatMk]
; Ohioce


ud ctbw Bwis
lafcMBia '-MidM'” hM mmt» iu ap-


D Ik* Uka aaet a Mf
^ aad n^tanaloBC
.. .
IMrtetr atcpa. All alMfibalake
mat tae
«n won taand ab«at at UtaU «
unlUr etaft* were ifarown eo
ikofa. Two bar* kalhlas Borth of
Uaaalo Park wan nrad after tbej
M baae ntrtea eat bptbe ne*a*Uif
war*. A ll*inain wa* naoaad bp
Mk> KraDatee IU* nrlat enw. aad
aaaliMt batWr, aa EeBoattie berpalled eat of Itw waMn b* wat la
daapar of drewala*. At lb* wa

iwchaeltr. aadUaWBoklke lake,
rradtnnwntio aaat, lb* waaaa
• pa^ad beak. Wick ibapaaenw

this is


Oh Tuesday, July 29th, he will practically GIVE AWAY a good many dollars worth of merchandise during his impromptu sales for a minute or two fora
cent or two just to get the people talking about this wonderful sale. If you are here you will get the benefit of these sales. We have announced the time of
only a few of them, but there will be many more that will not be made known ‘till the time they are announced.
AH the mill ends are bran new goods. With these we place on sale all of our stocks of this Wson’s summer goods and place ridiculous low prices on
them to close them out. Attend this sale--hear the KING OF MERCHANTS TALK—he is a powerful orator—It is worth a good deal to hear him even if you
do not wish to^ake any purchases._______________________ *

iviore: iviaiim f-i_oor bargains
I•ancd hair hose. 2.1 an.l .HSc salues. -mili
Men’s bUck'^r..p stitch h.»e. regular 2Sc
kind, -mill eo.1" sale leire 2 fur............... S

‘M er » Pifcis M UN's
In m Oood Supply.

w TUlalah FUla b


IBM* tiUad br' e^rt Itallaa fmnaan flow Uw Paldral r^ioa of
tlair. «b* pttocipal
- Aatboap la to be pnaaelad to Roabaatar aalrcaalnr^Bd plao«) la tbe .wo—
aa'aroom. aaa nwmiwlal of tbaavrln daa* br b(* ta epaalap tbe aal' waMtp to woww. A uMat alntlar to
dM atw to b* pnoaetad lo Roobaatw
ban ptaoMl la Brya Hawr.
8*11*00 iebo P. Utl*. Itaa attaodllW pbyalekBa to Ptaaldnt RoeaeraU
a*d taallr. bat beaa detaobed '
tha aaral dlapawaarp lo tbia oltf aad
aUtf of tb* bBfaaa of Bodlotaa aad
•W»7 »o tba mrj departaMaL
bla aaw deMU Baifeoa Url* will
h* ehUped to dlaeanUaea bi* ptafat
It bat Bol rat
la that aapaailr.
ABt. Loalafflriattb* Oau
at Pta. UL. wMb Ckpc. Hobaea.
oflteltoTiMe fane. U laanHaB.
aAad tba aaptaba ta a }oklac wv U
ha woald naoaa bar U the >aiap*d
lata the Hrar. He npiM U lb* aSr■atir* aad wat aaualaod ta aa* bar
iMplatalbawaMt. AaRaadaahia
word, fa* janpad la afl« bat. awd
btaapbl ber to tber*. bat both a(
than ware aaarir
Sf. B>»at baa it dead at tba nflB. IU., iaaaae atrlan.
•a* abUf M tba nedhal Mf of Oa
Kaabaka* lana* ho^dtal tor
IttUamiadptrl^awar. HadlatanaadbUowa oaa*
Md hoped br IomUw a qoM lUa hia
Ibaaltlaa* weald ba laatared. Be aaaa Mar 10. aad a few dart later
aaulttad ta Xl(ta.
“Tba poWe |Bteb” plan efiaUar!■( tba poor, orlplaalad br the lalo
Marer Plam* (f DaMI, eoai
la rafaa at PhlladalpUa with .
iMrt ntalla. Thar* are aaw MO raUfa aMtaaiad that tba atopt treat
than wiU ba worth B4O.O00.
VkU* Caodlof a ttaieataiap taaehlaa
aaar Btetea, U.. AUn4 Baob
. laU dnd at baart dlnaaa, Baob
wbawaadS ymn old. badeoa
awRB to hare bla bom abod. WblU
waltlBC for lb* MaakaBlIb to taldi
du >ob Baetena weal to tba Kiooar
In to watch tba ihraahlot.
nad* aararal raMit* abeai beiai as
azpert faadar Unaalf aad offarod to
abww tba thraabwa bow to work '
Ba'M bata (aadlac the MiAlaa bal
a law aUaalea whaa he lepplad
baieafand btaa. The dnd m
a waQ to do (MaMT of Baiiawoed aad
wa* qqaaaatlr ia tb* bwdef »
prior to hi* death.
A psrob oUnber aoMred tb* raal*Wea of Piaaeh Oeaaal OaoaiBl Da
aad pot awar with dianoad* aad
}awalrr«aith Oa* loatr It
*a tbfat It the aabllM part*. Tb*
tobbtr laak tb* free* erowa otTar-

at Cbnbridt*. lad., Ttaaradar. war
tb* inrarln cf i

Mwp la a baUdlat adiotalat the
arJU. HeAUIMK. aad tar a wbUa
waanaab piiaiuatad by lb*—*)
hood bar*' ■l—ltit Mr. McA
aMpwed the bar*' i

men'* eiotMna at “mill-end"

-Mill Ej*.r sale jrice...........................

uoaomt, onacnea or aiiacneu cone, gcxin
60e valuat; -Mm Kod" »ak price............ 3Se
Men't TuU drew rthe Shins, BneW grade of
maieriil, rnelai fl.M values; -MiQ ETimI'’

25. drscouni on our fine outing pants an.l


1$ minute $ale
Frm ll fhi to 11:15 Mr. latckhan win sell men's
faitcy and while Vests, high grade, values
up to $2.60 li»............................................ 7.1c

le iirice,
-Miil-end" sale jeice
Childrert'sl ro-pir.'e all wool
cassimerc nnli.
ages up to!• 17 rears,
regular $.1 aivl $41
values, -.MiU-end" sale price...................$2.48
Children's all in«4 crash anil

mm End Sal* 6l BandkercWcl*

,ust taken from our $7..l4) hne and |icn cd

JiS pih. H.,.. ■„„« ,l.r al. ,ii„ ... n 4«
n Knkn h.l.. Sinsnti -h-pc. “..41 .-1,4"

Young tiler*'s w.u>1 suns, asorte.1 and
none levs than K.. -mill^nd" sale ,eKe.$3.l»

.1. I.*..................................................................... »».


SUkN^lTg«Shilov il'viJu«'.'••Mdl

I-rice............................................................. $C.4K

••safaprica................................... »«C

^e*hOTfoMhis^-indl!^J"^le at! . . $8.>e.t
Mep's IVlinc lianilketehirls, value Ilk-,'10111
end " sale |iricc..................... ...................

......... ............" iv


Men's fine wool wome.1 pants worth $4.
Kc valua, -Mil] F-od" sale price............. Ifw

Men's summer wasliable roats, -mil|.cn.r

CHIdin't mi Ymi| lln'i ClrtUiii


At’‘Mill End” prices.

Men’s Shield Bows, Band Bows, Bai Wines
dob ties and while Fique puffs, regular
BBc values, -Mill End" sale pnce..............
Men’s Siring Pique ties and Silk ShiHd and
Band Bows, wonh lUc, -kliU End" sale

Blouse Olaists
lailcl mhile Mress Waids, 7.1 and

price 9 far..........................................
Men-* Aacoia an.1 Puffs, all
50c good^ “Will end- iile price............... i

valui^. ".mllcmd" sale |*rice......................$'2.88
Men's wv»l iace .ursled and all wool cassrnicre pants, v.tiie of them are Sweet,
lirr A Co. umm. makr. $2..Vi values.
-mill-end" sale price.................................. $1.48
Men's $I..-iO i:ass.i
ssiinerc. lor this -iiiill-end"
........................................... 79c

The 2S and .1.1c Waists go a'


Idlwlt' <^ts-miiuend'- sale’ |«icc!^


t on eiotbing

mill end^anlt el Jill StI*


Children’s all-wool s.si1or cdlai \'ester suits
$3.50 values. -niiU end" sale prii c...........i
Children's black Worsleil and lalKy \ ester
suits, worth «3..10. -mill end" sale price..

min €nd Salt of ISusUn

11 o'clock we oiler a 25 j.-i c i
liM Ounl on all uf nur sfyiisli u|>-io.i)alc
tailor made toil', the guarantied Liiul,llir
best reail)- lo meat suns maile.

.Vleii', Sivi-rt (III union made overalls, wwth
up M il. •■mill-. nd 'sale |uh;e.,............... 48c


>“■'........ t...................................................
500 yards Kaiicy Rd.U.ns value 18 and gtsyard, -Mil! End" sale pti.e, sard ....

Knee Pants
Cliddreii's knee |ianls worth Orw and

Cliiklicti's siiuslin Iirawcrs, -mill end" sale
Iriee ........................................................ . . 1
J .ailicv’ dm-}! nifled SklIt^ larc trapiOed, 76c
value.‘'"^iD^-Mle iwi« ...
reit vnhes.
fineqitahi) muslin, regular jmre $1.26,
"minen.r sale (wire............................... f«c


Cloak Department

mniinery at ‘‘mni Cud’
Sale Prices.


Sboe Dept.»2iid Floor



S.' and dS
. ?e“l!r si^.a”“' "rf! and"


$1 ^ilors’ Hets. "mill muT


earpet Dept.


mm end sale of Ulrappers
saleprice........................................... ...f

During this sale
offer all material in our MtUiery Department at just half ^ce.
Straight bonafide 3$ pec cent ofl on baby's Silk and
hfuslin Bttinets^

Adamantine Pins, per pack................................ ic
Best Pins, per pack..............................
Peerless Dren Suys. loc kind, per'dogen........ $c
Hump Hooks and Eyes. 2 dozen for.......................


ISC Slockinct Dc,s Shicldk piece.....................



and will ^ose out at ^,4^0


Ladies' $1.50 Dress Shoes, 'mill end sale J^,40
price....... ...............................................

' 1.19

The balance of Children's jackets at 50 percent oR

» « Bs
“mill end” Sale MDotfon


Ladies’ fine Kid and Enamel 5hoes, our lut year


II aad" ofc of
Thfawaeabaar; ptaea worth at tatt

■,ard ....

Canvas Gloves


Aluminum Back Horn Combs....................
4-4 Flat Shoe Ucers. pe^ dozen.......................
Ladies Round Garters, per pair............. ......... i
Children's Side Garters, per pair............. ..
Nail Brushes........................................................'
Sun Goggles, per pair............. i.............. ..........
Wue H.,r Bn.U.cs.«ch.................... ,.............
Safety Pins, per dozen.........................................
loriiibloHeir Pins, per box..............................
BairclolHairPio. ..................................... ..
Hair Brushes, full size- -.......... ........................
1 card two doz. Pearl Buttons................. -........
I yard Lisle Elastic Web. up to inch wide.......

^ lot of heavy. Percale Wrappers, mostly dark,
some Rounc^, others plain, but very tu!!. trimmed^colUr and cape, regular Si value.
A lot of Percale and Lawn Wrappers, light and
dark, all flounced, full size, trimmed with br^ds.
embroidery and laces, $1 and $1.2$ values, *9Q
end" sale price
orice........................ .......... efv
'mill end”



oor Bargains « «
den's Indigo Blue Handkerchiefs. *Tnill end"

Children’s Percale bonnets, worth 25c, sale
price....................................................... .......... IOC
Turkey red fancy prints, per yard.................... JJic
Yard Renramts of hatf woof carpela worth op
50c a yard, -oull end” sale price -■
Soft and firm cotton crash towels, each..


Remnants of Silkolines, worth 8c. “miU end"
saleprice..................................... *.................... 3?
Ladies’ and Misses' Vests, "mill end" price----

Pillow Topi "ipill end" price..................... . • •


^!SiS'eo•rs?pS?'..’r!■..“.■:.“..*.':»' ,51

u takn alA Toap JdSk e

-THIS WWorw VATIII Ww OloMd All Omy Monday Eo Proparo Wor Thia Sala.



*rrav«r*» Oity

rrone 8‘tr*w^

toitoUtorftoitoM. thtoiaViae
par ant to aaat aa tto aastototo.
Maimn Oabto af tot flaflnv Oaa
Oa. tart it it }aat wtou tto (at eompear matt tom ta Mtntiir ilt tadarai Iviadaetot toa aed ta

faawt «C to4 ^ hUii«M tun

Mnak h ^n mhtet totoa aa« ato Wl^ A etpXTjatafl toM* tTS
•to iiato artary. Ba «at Mtabto to
aatoek tto dear d Ut taan to
anad help aad daUr Maatoad
U, vhlia ptoltap mn
adUalan tato totaaftanr. Tto
Anat Ato-Ea-Bac-Ma-Say. a
tar «M totoa a* ttoaa ' '
n (tBBtad a pnatoe af <17 a ■
t naah laartotril tatldollar far aaah at tto Utten ta
name. Ba mf It to lutd to
ttot «mt tto mjr Oaala Sam And tto

town ton npofMd <tol Oialr am
kn aUU. An to «un;
ton tto lanqalMn.
Bar. S. & AUn. tmarlr «< toajtoK. aeartr tank tto :Telato amWa taaatt awa? wtoa to nat ta a
fatan af tl.lOO to a atamaal af bli
ririMil ptt^nty/Tlo antnar waata>l«a to fair vllb tto mlalauaaBA
MA ton hla par tto taxaa ter all
a af bit <
of ttoirpraPBtr. "I irada yea dn't tolak
toacb af ay adBen Um." told Bar.
JUIao. wto. it appatoa. tad aot aaly
taetadad tto baoto ol hit Utaary li.
hU ntora. tat lib ntladtad t^b>afhb-bam-r-d aanaoua Th

(toft had hm cata« aa far aaou>
tlaa to rartaat part* af tto ally. a»n
. Mum tto ally tot braa (ereldiltK
' toaay faalUn with watar fm nf
atia>va wlit.oal keotrla( it flatx.
Riflfaardtaa atotai that ptople to«r
tapped tto wat4.r aapply plpatwilh- .eat aadfyiait tto ally, aad Ih- it taty
to toy inataK tramau for tbi'
edtadara Bareml boataeto nae
told la ta aa tto Uai
Birthday! aad waddlap aaalri
tea art aeBBoaplaot ealabrattaat

W lAl M toto Ufi A VWii
> aU ton - - (MM
—••• UteitanptotaMr
tto ttoaa beraea to ta ada* Ba
ato U yaata eU nipnMnlr
d taw yana adll tritoam i


-IMb %to therttart art flalniito.
9a$ktf ndtotUMMtotac. toa atcri- dbta
ealtotml danlniaaiat et tto taiin
with vUtoaynd
n bean af aabm a*d«tta I
inetod Bay Ody Friday (rtn
Ua Witidiui all that «n ai
8aa ABtdOa. Tax.. torT. K. toem. toty. la tto eaUaedae tnra aid
ta to aaad ta a aKrttow. On af tto rmtUart. twa Ktla naadda aad a >
fdxilat n«aptd aad .nl arai


(OIVICTHIIMO imena/ for traverse city

wto Wll-t. OtodN THE F-IRST OEf*OTI*e


dry o(

wtint ta tto papera niten ynn
•fo Dr. Oibba wat drlaki-e with |«ralyali. aad bo liat "kept tab" eo ibe
ftodad e( tto dlamae ta tbU violatty aad atobodlai aam af hb ahaorva
Ban iatto
iBo of a paralytie after the
dmta b twe yaan ato foai mcmUii;
that (to rata U beiw lowarad by
I who dfa ta a few daya Rv
mya that paapb iMakaa twho
dardOyaaraof apt ataally raconr.
®V» ehtotoe paimlyab or palty b eo
the dtnrini. wfalta araaptair inalyda. to laenaatar atacta, tto moat fa­
tal of all. b « tha taoraato. Dr.
Oibh* bn la ba wtoalad ta a ebab.
ta ratals aU
Uttoantal taaaltiaa Ba tojitohat

Ota of tto yooagaal taka toptatai
Ih Mlahicn b Jaama Baltar. no at
■ann i. Balhd.aditB af tto WaabItitow Pod Taoht C^Nata Halbd,
who b tat It raara of apa. pilaa tataM dUftmat potau as Whitmore
1^ tanytaf ramseirt to tto maoy
tto taka. Hb
ddft b a gaaaliaa laaata wbleb hat t
^ of ataat tn mUot aa boar.
Tomc Balbar It nalta a miler. H»
Ato fins a mat dnl ef hb lima to
•*Aa dsdy af maobtady. aad wbaa
«ytato« (oet wion with aay part
«tto aadaaa ef hb yadkl to b at
whU abb ta rddb Itom n aema oldVwo daya faafcn tto Baarth a Baplnw dap wat aaoidniaUy fawkad ta
tto^orttoHymdi aedynd by
• drtr*. Satatdar lad. Jaly » tto
Mnr bad aeeaitaa to rtait the odtot.
«Mn bad .04 faeea apend lathe
' aad teaad tto dap tina
hllr^ Tha aalaal had beea wiihoai
WMd or food far MB daya.
*hlrW-ta«e «eld eeeken left OaMl
id Idaho Tnday mcniap. They
tam all Detroit and Fnttae mn.
am polap to Preadod. 1a the
Tbaidd mtatap dbtrtat of Itoho. to
Id Port Henm. from

original ideas, will open for the first time his famous Mill End Salefat our store. Thousands of people come
On Tuesday, July 29. Mr. Ci.\. Lockhart, the man known al! over theJjUniied Slates (or his
to the sale in every city to hear Mr. Lockhart’s-publicltalks -ihcy are unique, entertaininn and very interesting. It s the most wonderful sale you ever saw—not
only for the peotde of Traverse City, but for the
•n birfore.
country and small towns for miles arouod-BAnticipate your future needs, for Mr. Lockhart gives you a chance, the like of which you have never>ffn
This page eonuins news of Maine to' every hoiisekeeper. Missa ^
a single ......
line A...J
and Jyou may miss .....
the one ...
the mostCimportance
to---------------you. Mr.
for a dozenjdiffercnt mills'th;lat at differetu {lenods sell him thdr remnants and odds
...^ —of
------------------- -------'
___ en«
lection with the« mill ends, every dollar's worth of our mammoth stocks is given special prices during this sale, On many items the priccs-are cut right in two in the middle.' Nothing will be sold at
In connec
regular pricesi. Everything of a summer nature will have quick selling prices tojclose out.

FfM 8:30 h 8«4S a. I.

Fr» 8:45 ti 9:001. ■.

FroB 9:30 to 9:45 a. ■.

Mr. Ijxkhart will sell 10
yards good light and dark
Prints, sc and 6c qualitynew fall effecu — assorted
patterns. 10 yd. lengths for

Mr. Lockhart will sell a lot
of Umbrellas, steel rod', fine
assortment of handles, reg*
ular price 69c — lor fifteen

Mr. Lockhart will sell first
quality Lining and Cambrics
— for fifteen minutes the
price will be

15 Uaiti Sail
Fromqiis to 9:30 wc will

r batde la hb toad. Those
an aaiortanate aeaapfa to vnwn BIO
tan aloap u« dion wilbaal tab jrenalin art aftao Utba abaat aipaead
^ea that their fleebappear, ta to
Atoka aat with taab. At alpfat th.■ptahltoi haap over the baadi In
•wtmotaardmndtaforrn. Tbaa.
iBonaiie doadt
aheat tana feet tadlametar aad _ .
•al fan leap. Tina mad ta mlUlaoi
ta nt* awarm. haeaan ttoir ham
“*-----------tbedbtaaleroaklBp:ef tdv. ,
aad apata
Uhataabamol a elaetrie fan.
Tta BattlaOraak maa wto*
tataadn aitadap^wo^nk,~ ”
WUa, ._.
aaae beebioaal.1
kraak tto aawt that to bad bad a de. Alpfaltal raaaltcm. B>d sow kaaw. tow
naah to b land whn to mdt the
aoeoasl ta Ut bama i^.
Ik. K. J. Witt of 8t. Jeaata to.
Jaddinorarada- -'-••
d aBUrttoa mlln aoata aaar the
»lUapa at WannrtUa. which, whea
taw ^11 pretably oaanapnte
n Soata Watd ttreet. Ohtaapa. For
•arwal day. ihm memtar. af the
tamlly af Oaorpe Howard tore liad
tataUpoxaDdban baaa ptdiop barto Cktaar*:
tad ^ mjiiaac uem ta
Maaday they wet* ahlipta to take m
- .thdr bed., aad beat for tto daetor.
Tha doater wn pimly ataimed
nn n n man ab diapaodi. benad enry aan of berm dilppaa by
thbtatoIrdBtaptto mt ^ b

marble and colors,
irs. r«^ul.
price 20C yard, for fiftei
minutes the price will be

•mm Laad Ommidtoaar Wlldey
1 that to wiU efftr far nle
es ta tmaalap Jaly U abeet
• of paUta_______________
laad. Tto laadt
kan >te apfaUiad wltata tat tad
ynr. aad It it abd that tto ,Uat to
•d an oaoh n to make ttonamdl
- to to told
Z 'ta*'
ttofeUaWtap; n,lr.
jF-^ tanittil ann at ^rtaaltotal

.gninoC^he jiria will be

Ic yd

9c yd



15 Hiurti Sail

IS Kiiti Sail


From io;i5 to 10:30 Mr.
Lockhart will sell the choice
of any of our line trousers
1 except those quoted at spec­
ial pricesi al

From 10:30 to 10:45 Mr.
Lockhart will sell the choice
of our
children's and bo>-s'
suits lunless quoted at spec­
ial pricesi at

From 10:45*0 «' Mr. lajckhart will sell men's shirts,

25 per cent, discount

25 pcrccDL discount

Fromioa. m. to 10:15 Mr.
Lockhat will sell our Straw
Hats at just

Half price

Mr. Ivockhart will sell - <
quality Sheeting, for fiftee

%c .
IS MUi to

including the "Monarch"

From 1:15 to 1:30 Mr. I.a>ck
hart will sell men’s fancy
washable' vests at

brand at

25 per cent, discount

25c each

Bear in mind that there will be many other 16 minute sales during the day that will not be mentioned 'till the time arrives. There will be 15 minute sales
every day during this sale. Watch for them. Read our ads. every day. Don’t miss one of them.

n»n end 6»mis
Fomithnl by Mf. 1-orkhxrt fw tbit talc. .Ml
brand new goods direct (ruiu the lailK ^<rt
fenglht lxogii« in length from a )-»nl ‘f i»f> up
In ^1 yanfs. Such vafuet you never saw Itefore.

r<-4 l’epi>ere1l unbleached Sheeiing, extra
.|Malif). worth Ihr. "Mill End" s.ilc pru-c.
r.-4 bleachet Sheeiing. was 14c. ••Mill hjid"

$tlk mitts*-Bcs«

Fine Cunam Mull and White dress mulls.

l.a.lies- pure S.Il Miltv2V laiui-v. "Mill


sale prue..
:M wl.r’h'ttl

lOS av. -.Mill K.1.1"

Ckicnt ant Stavlts

1 jdies tegular an.I oui.s.rc IpU. 1. Ibiv:. I.V
.jiiility, "Mill l-n.r viic i-r..v..................

leil Shaker
Shak Flannel, l«r
Kiwi" sale [wi- e................
Outing Flannels in
colors, worth

Creatoress Goods Values
For the

1C iiieoes Turkey Ke<l TaUe l.inen, "MiH
■ worth .5 ai

Gsrtii'T'S.?"'”-:”:':.':*:: .



mion. lalue •''•Uc a )vd "MiO f-jtd" aak
It attorted noxcliy iHeat OoewbL.
ill culnn anel ttyles, lalue TiO and ftSc a
,yard;. "Mill Kiwt"
twl" tale jw
iwwe |ief yarA.... 38fe
nt of mill ends of :<T>.irL ijdam aM figureil
I Nett Goods, value 25c a yard: "Mill
f/ii of new lef^ in
Curds, Solicit, Uroa-ldoths, ISnrviots, el
all of them $1.85 xaluct. "MiU End" ti
|wire par )wr.!..........................................


Kxlm fine Zc|.|i»T r.inghiins. a larcc assart-

rqsular jwicc iVc. "Mill End" tale |iri.v
Knd” sale price...........
A'anl «i<le light amliUrk Fen^l'^kinck

4 /^L^7lM.i.^‘^«'Bkactod'Tald^
rqtular iBceTTlIc. "Mill htad” »le|wice,

Black Bo«dt

id- Si

wnth,; ,„J
eo-in. lUe«to.l Jlanttsk. "MiU K.nd" tale
‘iiitlCTnL wh ‘il'vV "Mdl


SWrt nialtto at "min End"

5U(I mill cmls of black figure-! ,;(W»K
ular iwi.c 2r« jwr >-aid. " Kn-r

valoc.5.k a yard. "MiH h/wf" tale prw*

............. ......... >

lo-lx. 4-'>

Black and Colored jm S8k
Callcta KibkOMS


Turkiih.TowJlt. “MPl himf ^ ^ ,

fA-Kt. • Mill Kn.1- tale [wice...................

Fancy Pillew*
^ ose. $I rallies, "Mill End"

Al Owodo tto toe wapoe drlter.,
dita aambd. dreok farUpharwa-pn Moaday aad aa toa wn daUteied.
U wat a warm day aad trail: npatatad aad
«py^ Tto att, pd »Ui a day

' fen 2:HMi Ills p.i.

15 Hiiiti Sill

From 1:45 IQ 2 |>. ai Mr. l.ockhart
«ill sell uut best sue neckucs Tor


Mr. Lockhart will sell good
cotton Crash — about 300
yards for fifteen minutes
the price will be



shirts, the 50c kind for

FniliOOtihlS p. n.
On the Hasement l•■lpo^ Mr.
Percale Wrappers
sire, plaited back.
in every sii
3 yard skirt

Frii 9:45 to 10:001. ■.
Mr. I.ockhart will sell i

b-rom II.AHI 10 0:1.'! Mr. l-iKkhxn
will tell rour-ply linen coUan, bti-vt
M) lo. C for

One length only to a oisiomer.

sell men's white unlaundried
*~a pad. At tto baaehnthere
tahatUttb eodfart to to had by tto
tatartdi aa aaaent at meaqalto



And as it is his custom he will open the sale Tuesday htorning with SENSATIONAL FIFTEEN MINFTE SALES during which time he will olTer phenomenal bargains,
th the ex<
mentioned below the nature of these special offerings will not be known until the minute they are announced.
These big specials will start the ball rolljng Tuesday and keep it rolling for t wo weeks or more


iwr ywd ...:........................................ -...48ic
One lot tMoneti Mack

Colored Dress 6oo4s

2000 ) mill ends of French hlanaek. all


7, regular |wioe l«ic,
9, reguUr price life,
12, regular (iricc 1.5c.
28, t^uUr price iMc,
40, repslar lewe 28c.


yaito........... 1
........... I
prioe... . i: 14c

This store will be'closed all day Monday, July 28th, to prepare for this sale.



la pl I to" a m
lit Mm wti a a





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