Grand Traverse Herald, February 13, 1902

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Grand Traverse Herald, February 13, 1902


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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My tar taSRsaad istbsr Ibaa dl
■laiM at thr moaaale dn«ir4 by.
sosld bear my hi - ------------ *------



imae SiMam-a Ankmta.
-Thai tbcn'eamishty qaaerwiB-



haak eaa. Oaer. lor---------,------iac ae." *e ia>d aafily: asd hsrhaa.
land bad V'* reward.
If be imd uild his thoashm. whUi^„”C.“_*%ss:-, -

r irsTi*,;.

aroaad. witn an emaarrwaaea emiie m
bta rood-looLins. aaa-baroed face.
-tVby—roe kaov. Dare—il'a Yal -Lal'eaae, what, the aakfwteiw
ewttar a OiiT.-- be besaa broimiiiiirlv miy day! Ob. yaa. if. EasMr. WaU.
"Uoa't kao« aoilita' ol the kind." '-al.e ahall bare aarahar ksopwika
leoke iB 'lU frtebd.
•Weil, voa keow II now. old fel
low. aad I'm lonkia'fur aome liiile
Brio to tak. to Milty tor a raleetihe.
. . ....
■bown io Uie market IkU-Uae
W, bea’aa liial way. yoa am-, wb.-n We la Hr- word IV undOBbii.
Far> vai t» ..Oia. ma h.
waa brat married—kee,aa' aonive*city ol t^ire. and
latest Novelties ia Plaids, Chseka,
uacbi <u biararouis to i
^TraBrlbuC waa bap- mr* dart I v me a twein* m
wibe ronadtad
ackw (irt. aintiia' a>4 ataru le—.*

and Btripea, both Forei^ and Do­
Bommit dmt w
I ban
mtea whteii Miait
_ fanrt.
. Yimki
•a Uke^
e to la
Not taly tbe
mestic. Tbeae «e will make to
«» r IB? •**J^Lold
I eoald not throw off ibe rnKbrn.
aieeei. muaicieiia who tap thetr Mmfonr order at the ver7 lowest prices.
Jam tb.-u It becaa to ram-a jrsaUt
IvHinaea to the admmog "Alfaba" of
iwntalL at H the boitum Imd aad- Ihafil ;aat
tba crowd. |4I| the merchnnle aad
Bty fallea oat ol thv olooda. I I
ped.llera cuotributr to tbe rhoma.. A
&re. " __
riam ScMt weal into tbe trou aellet. bnakri on bead, with
.smaRia .|.l.adU _jvbr known It to emln .0 heavily,
parieet delete, and every dn.p wwimil | .tore. l.w. inc
r till fnimd aartup miu-t gnpie an.l Bgv. will muiiter by ataaqimini miner; "iib, gnpro.
Bam^Wta mad,. »
idadcantb Ml IO tameoaie my aoaL 1 did twi muie jhim wiib |k-ri>
1 lay imek in m> roabnai-d cbair liet|>- [ luie of M. la.
rv-i gTa|v'v, that are larger than
■VuB know bow wruinea lik.- I
iveL'ca aad •wr.-irr than new
TaalB,u« -aM'tn,dMUwatl Ua^maad -m lea. and frli mat 1 noald not b
imimd my hand to my fa.-e if .my.
remembered by iLrirhaatanda"
: uu. augera fuud, delldaM
e tbe torfelL
hacti poarin*
taam waa wtoo
iroui bedidh'l kl
flga. Iwtiai.- with bonev. tretovn of
-Kd m.. rri lhat 1 W»J
(MadlM wa
ud uyfelr liatebiusbi biail ibe ram
beoitlt "
Aaolber lOwrl Cm. whteb
.L-hind all tlie tallertsK aotae —li, all day. Wriil with him to llie mar be h.wrU m tbe math atm-el of
Ibal laM ba' ,nM la-, I.1W haU U. w*r» Iw lenlni; tor another eouUA
-re he had baeinewa lo Abtomieb. a vaburb. cutalna tbe WI bad a
(totaeqae idra that ilieelemeau ana
lowlnK eoticiBg ntmunecenwoi: '’To­
aayaam. Ia mc'lar aU.ima- tbU MBettainy tliat waa cmia< to me
mat wliero b* ate dinner. I
morrow. u ii-ipl.. 1 am gniBg lo kill
Wen- colbacBi^ Incelber. the one to to hu anrpnae -and annovanre
,l The .loclcr mv# it iv roong
«tb.TMh» r-a U-rr-dn f.a
»«eB tbi- apfSOacA ul Ibi- oilier,
found hima. II dome aome liimklJ
alihr. ub. It'e«>wb mil be oa
t waa liateoins with every dtn-r of Bv an entirely new lim-.
ae the quail and ]niey aa famb.
body drawn tact. LuteumK for wbair
I la i*ire ii bet 1‘, fmai.T* (T‘. eenmi.
Bat abal .l
la memory wna elOrllriil-be
1 did BUI know. Somi U.ui*
Do <ou lov.-tbr awret
bobind th. tarn- Ibeu 1 baar.l it. A
Iter boucbi a
h ol a cam. 1. iheo come early oed
• rain latter.
mrae ala.- had th. e« Bn<l hait- r
war liltlediaw- moo.y iM-ry week; hut it aaddenl, ngntea u the a ee«aarv-the city pogvuerall
Kcrarred to li'B that
m ibi-ir a I while an<l rad nblchlldrea.
>- by-l UdBk it*o^ from"ti..“*trunl pi^oa 1 a|a»> tor the lioow aud the children.
*Ttnd cbeat from ih.’oold piereius
waa euni
' Snaao'a aa suod looking a woman
wibdi of winii-r by oAiny CImot ^
linila Iniu i
aa y.m'l! Bad.
be lieof^l
IMtonor OhasoU Veata Ue have
nra I liy uu (sady riirvSK, i acwtikpowy
_________ -wbi 1
lookabrop N-Urr than twm'a Milly
A Bambul eruhallawr.
• Unre mmenmeot of Umae irooda ^
trtCaCv^ i'Sii.. Trwntm air,
■bi-n Iaomialakabty h
if abe waa a ltwae*hiore fUy. 1 u aa
ki«>-k kneed hyena, whieb u
we ron isiUfy voc 1b atrl^ qaalltr
idionui' «'B,«d> blua' a.
Uinda dziMERvd back and I
ableaa Mam r-c-ii tu «iro my wile
ueeotlv Afriean. poamii-eraeb
and inew. And aboold Urdi<-iDe be
- d uii. (Mm.-une
kreiMkea. ' aa be rwlla 'i-ffi. Iw un­
iieedod nmember w^tmrr a i-omplcK
ita |. t
iter Wliat on imrUi alie'd Iblak It 1 a peceliarly tiiO and powerfnl faw
eaurtat; the boaa ■ ilite
.\rila have wade it Uw lymmy bMii
took her bv aurjwiBrtoiiishi - I Bwao.
wtMK-ier II waa. km-w
bol of olatinaacT
Tbe Kteal peenabmee--. (iui>l Ki«n >' I |I>.IU(I.I I'd like to try it; bai I don I Want to liamy of th.- t..rm of the hyena u tbr
ioullab. I'll CO abd ai-e ataml
of Uenry. onr otUoem . He broua-hi
________ __
It waa L.
CBlliialor I’Ve cut In bur and diairuportumate emalloeva of lb.hii»Wnertrra. beai.lea which ll.e verte­
w-b.i eanaed the delay w bieb |4e>
,Nil Sam Stooti'i aoliooa ocl of my
bra ,.1 bia uect very often fwrviiimi
ileiawiuop the money. It« •••>.mili..aa bi.»—b.»lm«»h. ,-dmyd
-r aaid Umo done atiffened m •-oavnioenoe ut tbe atrolo
ir-aa day.
I nee nsidly to loi
Hot that
aa clear
la' hnil . ildcell; |WI eixm them by th, |iuwetful mneInatwinkltuc my nund wv
i-lee ut that |wr1 of tin- yawa bo Stm
r lu ala : and late in th
alely acui.-, and a thoniaad way.
la. tbr hold with wliii-b they grab
h to 1,1. wn diiguat. Dave
•aceie inrjed ibrnogli my livam in
their iwrv tliat noUiiiig will eanar
Aa,14Klllka.>-a ,4.n«n. ~il- WeU.lmgJ)d a toomeSL
■ally ai
1 aiiluckrd the cabinet
them lu leave wbal II.rv have tmeo ahup wmdowa. 1 wtah,
and trtaa|«-d the Urve pia-kelV-ik
ariipd until II ia diwiroyrd. Tory dedi.|dsyed ihrr '•blit
..ll.akj i>r,..a. u|.ai IV (aad, r
wbiob oaataiiird the D-<iea. ana i>:
I |.ur|oee I like. Jioddrnty be drew up befi.v a
my Umaa- Ti
• lower niaal tmrr esuM loog
'n.. r. .la l n-.ltf. .l«,t.ha»i«Mm,. IV. I
_ I kii.i
V. fur in tbr rav.-. wbleb.lber ui'nn-.l ooi lood. r,gardl.-va el )bv
drear darkb
Iilwl m lormrr iiiura. and into
■ •rd loota of^^rral loaarrv by.
where 1 etuod auceiiam
>..i 'l mint iVl ~.a.l.-a.*aaifr U
whivl. they ilrngKed ibvii vtolima.
uir ue ram l*nasnr
»-fi» II.-,
tlieit fuaail rriuama are fraud with
l.iCb It
rally'pleu-.] wilii hi> iiappr idea,
la were to
la't.i .laaA Irf ilial t vr. huada. liaiR e. “rbe wmdowa
of g ganur maaiudooa aed oibrr
lu- weul
•• illv into
the U>u|v II.
0 admit Ol uy juu|i
, lu eui-ha pUev- Iv fore. huge IraaU. ei>Mi which ibair faolb
OK the I
bave made an imiwraaivai
Tb.y are
rrible urdrol. Hr ivlP
.eo hmb; ta-aidra. there ’
cruel aud trrai-lwrona. and tratelira
rl.iai hull 111 a churn
At the brat auona of
Wll ul villagre which they alormed in
Hui h- wava'I gulag to ha.'k
Whro my dear Aboi Uaad died—abe pettinc op the .mah i would U- de vtiup
Ibe night, carrying awnv meta and
1 Inauil a out LOW, Mill went Iwavely opio Uhird U,e very aammer 1 KTsdoaled—1 lactod and oten-owered.
heavy Bead aloUK ii>» tutll' *------ couDler and vUtrd hia errand.
-a. nallv too lironbrMi-a
tave < ten Irom Ibe J
„,t„ my tintd like tbe
wlfeT Ufa. yea.
-liat lirt-sme of me. BUlL
I cloich.-d the money u,
you,'' aald Ihe
diapoaed of lo aonae way. no ii waa of a blade
with n
eldi-4 tliat 1 po to lirewiib my my boaoB and etepm-d into ibi- rmpty pTriiy vooog lady,
H aa lAU Ihmsk tUOmf
breplaOB. ------------- -' ‘ '
"Mhat nyla>i->
jtber Ricliard.
- 01) ineaixwT oouunrj
cuhir ar< l,.-r even aod Imlr^'' a
liveil with mv anBL
Unvr a|>i>rared b.-lpleealy dated
r. tlirrefore
bait fciiO'
tin l.rnn|n-yoad,*'a urateb
be (maieat blow iioawhy atw'a got light hmr,
lier drti
a idcdnrrwque ei
One ttuily.
rerfeelicm in
a till, brother, Riobthe reddivh order, on
wilitr to :
I lit not
Wbal went on Unw
and a larcwile r.-aort of, equaowiaba.
eligbUy. aud that
eyraar,^-hioe." I.e vlamnwT^ .
■4tbnymr- I'nnMrlthual hirallnn-. tlAun.
ram I
treating iliseasa of the eye, the
Biiw. lo ihe m-mal
Paev, raby uu ibU read om. reeeot day
__________ re clilUl.
HI hart
.d inaamk- 111
»ld fatal the heal y I
cramg along, her bona
leeD in a aieli of mind to oare about
cbanical correction of &i^ and the
anarcli. 1I knew, lor I
ad fro in a aearcli,
ran Iand abe ellllng
lylblDC. 1 aiiODld tiave hated the
waa au tlulf r and curly, anil
1. I from my lufiy rank
meey. hut.
lily t,
g( goinft l eiy murli. A> it waa.
ayva enoli a pretty Uuioo>-Ut blue, liv
lid uuly Ihauk lliw. .. Sauu'l U11'U1.'<I It II tor yeum; he liaO
II walioQt
a muriDBr. t look the
1 hleam-O
iuile la-.m a
yonroi-y aliioe,
alime, almo-l
almm-l clear aeroM ibe
ceil loo huvy
evideullv Irving to'
eODtibrut. and .ubeequeslty, alter
--Aril, thru,"raid the litil.-miUi.
cul.l aad
Office over TTie City Hook Store.
Hal tbe jace wa
dowai. arrived at
Base n|a
ner. -'1 fvl aui.- ihia bonuei will I.
fn'ghT*lUt I tm?k 1 taV
tat lor him. and ta bebtad
Uick'a town, a ni'' r little rtllice
Ttavene City. Mick.
u<-aa, anil wiiald |Cobably Imve inm- nmmsiiug to your wift Bln. u i>, up aud down m bU addfa is
(eevallliiK '-olur. add thia parlloulai
"utek i- u moderately yonnK bache­ uwd down the eoimuvy hut that I abadr gora Ulcrly with anefa bair auC
lor. He la an attotbey «i la'
iw., aud waa a. rigid and eo-walled lul.coul
,yr. Ouo'l joo Ihliik M>, au;-"
iiaa a very fair pnotloe iiideud.
I'uur Data wae complnli-lv ont til
tenor to my advent be bad hi
bta de|db. but lie auawered Int. ly
op-oing my eye. aud eeeing the aquai
himai-lf 111 a pn-ity eotiafe o
that l.eagrerd witl. her. and wonld
Of waa light above me. In. n rtalii
Tlir rider wa airingtag bla old oamStta » isn.
pntiieat ►treel. and waa ral
tak.' lUc t-uoi.rl, WliV-b tbe mlllm-e
aign tat, y.UUig.' Kl yt: kt-yll"
te moat
i^ ^re, and wrn ^^^le
. aiB«tmTaIiam«><1tr aa'tuOiiwa:
had nail' chuarn wilb gn at diecri
feU biavHv, eirikiog «iy h.adagaim
ad euonaraging hla mount to n aUIl
-Tvt OraaSaUiMa EalawaiA OHoata i
mailob To-iri.x-alailted bim e
llvell. r looe. Ha wrwa atwoiaira. nod
1^ tnoesb. I fooiid
wna not a|iolled.
bim aumeUiUig which lell me ai'navlr-.a It
aldvraUy. hut Iw wi
bee ta tongbad ont ol ataorajeyto la- n very d.vtr old fellow, aud de- honm. When 1 oame lumjarll. 1 waa
;in- anna ol a young man whom I
-lebl of the afairt, ta abowrd bla
1 never eeen h- lore.
Hv cat nprai
■pentor end aali>
flocw and belli m' b.-ad acroan lit.
-r Umt bv would
«a. whil. be wiped tbe bl.wd f^
He ear.'folIy pUtod the Umnei
, amra el TTavwm CUr nl 4 J>
nrrn eev-d or de-irr eny other.
out forel.ead wiU. a pocket I.Aid- under tbe wagou aeai aa Ur rode taoma
»V KOI OD femonvlT tOKeiber, •
the tnub be «x
Booily thni lo ell |Ti>tBbiiliy tbe laet ___chief, whieb every now aud
gtrl and tba WU
cbnpter wonld hn%e foood ot atlU ba wonld aqm-exa out lu a baa
tieiob waa’i aocsaioiaed So ibta aart elrrk. to wbom tta bad [wotataad tar
tliere., lie » grialy^lil beusbelm, I e water at hu elbow.
. UX'TWmU.
don't annwae tb.-re waa e
of Uiiiig. lUe Saiii'a wifa. and ta bran and band, were aittisg U troU
of tbe Sraiilaa falkltig nbnol tta tapr
0. P * T A.
Trnmam >
e imified ^ow man «i,»
oidn’t know how vta'd take
py tfarr t® eooa wbaa Itay wnald ta
«wa**a idraanrable vrcilcmeul In ibe
oat of whni happened youOB man luroutg up In a
'ftita tai- UtUa detail
where an unimaie friend ti\e.l. com uiuanal wnaalioo that hi-wa taking
tta talk bat
Un flila day, mpmonble abore other mg in 4B tbe very tram that lakea hoifli-a treie-ol to hla wife. "Aval of Iightmgi
Sre u'tbe'^MrSSag
teya. jnai about an boor after diani7,
On tbu pomi
■e young eua wa deD CONNBCTKM Ulok rvewired a telectmm to go np mtimak- trtnnd ourdUUy mviiing tbe nrant'-d It voUnitaa. bet wbM'a tbi elded. He •
■-d it a hla etufibakw
'ocar. telling bis. diflereaoe r.
eomer i,. hta
ihti •■reumg to A------ . a eity tO milea
wa a Wlle'a plaa Id
a wna uobody m i
a-4wy, 10 mei-t an Important client.
tta Sr,« and lot bw
blmaelf lord
He did not have umc to eome boua. ooold pul np tbera, make buaaelf
a b. got bomiH" wulad till jiimr. Imrd worktbg batand tat.
for the tnin woe U»-b in alglit, but and tnaab-r, Ssd plenty to eat by
after ni>|rr wtan lb.After ibU deeJnrniion. ttatt wa atlie aeribhled me Ibe'followlnfi note,
ib.u be at do
T about Ihrawhii'b 1 did not ret ouiil nearly ^ira 10^^ tbi^tbug eoi^ou- r'' ad 1>WBB to r.-ad tta
Than tba aWiglii, be<«Bi« tbe olilov boy seglect ' lilm tbe wrong keya by wliiol. to let tx- bod brougbi osi girl Ifaraat oot tlw Sager aetr.
blmaelf in
Imagine thii newcomer
> bring it until that time;
Bni tta reading wt n failure, und
^ wbdn it mky oonoerai—Ai I have come btek lo tbi«
booming nboni lows nniil 11 o'clock, b. at aad watched In wila over tba oled by lor eagegi-meut nngabd taer*
anop. B.
Physician and Suivaon,
Dear Girl: Hare to tavern. ne_. -‘wo onking out for ble tnend'a pa^ tUI abe aid:
ransed With a la^ eastern, honae to hkbdle all the for from thii cart
^ n 7 Caaa Straat.
win to meet a luas In A------ . l*roba'Malta's tta matter
, aiTireai lila intended aUding plane
OlmXsmmm oTWHm Kx*;. Dare Ktameani? U tlivt,of the oeuatry for them. I am prepared to pay hlgbeet prices on For, .ly wonH get bourn till tomorrow
, diarorer be baa the wrong aeyi.
niaiiiT Bolanurioally Pitted.
Hides, e^i.
ibmg mio
eieni <a dear old lady frtebd of mine). ____________________ ' a ulunbmg
u a etana' at me like all
Be aure to put that meaey In tbe bank Ibe bonaa like a burglar
Waal Virgiula —rr~ baad Ura
m piling into the iual bed he
re un emlorrmaeod laagh
belure it cloaaa at A Ocm-l falL
fata baabnsd If ta fa aa boMtaol
, very a,«o ainkmg off into t
aad reurmi o.-biaA«ie inpcr ata>B
drankard, fa ilm a|gear ooort at
rabled alomber of i
b< tpuke;
"Did ;
ate ha dwideo that If affar
H wa* acch a bore to lock op at ibai
tta buload taeeaa a
late Imur aad go ont tor the otghL It
Hlfoa tba man. doro be think I'd
• • -been inch a gloomy all
ord tta wife fa yaatlSed In dobad
tadbwey. Kotabibgiblm-lt
Ipcr Vuirnataa ^Uoy. aritag him. te thin oona. Cartkar.
aM to It
looked liken wuuid^iaia.
belter—tat a yonng t---------- •
with all
more, tta wifa l« alltfad to tag dow>
• not ailra
■-rad and grimy, boi alill
a young n'lie- ■though.?*di*d
tta ebll tf. allbeogb U tta Ua e« bfa taotb
Ibongb 1 bad never
ner« etaved almie
woman and ona }Wotably more d.-od
aUl^ about It
Wtalerer |ml aba it llring a|mrl from Urn.
light in th.' boune. And the money- than alive.
Imagine it alL if
It lb your h.od. Ifare'f"
‘ ' ta of tfaeoeart fa tepontad ta
--------------------------r«nl ihoueaiid -■-llai,
doUate collected for
ran. for that li what ban<v
"Ob. heard about tt down
.we ofSwbyva Maoi.-y, froa
ilirsl—Rirclv 1 could not at eeven muguided young man. w
aud. Huan—HuiuB-1 met Ifai
pal money in a bank that ctaed at
biakneea abd wl
today and—and ta wa a bayiu a
four. 1 eould uot rtgy well carry >1
TtmUmdAir admialftered. Abtf.
proaeni for Miliv and collin' ti a vnl"Wo weaa fa eoapellad to lire
with me to Ibe Aniieot'a und I car
tetarssMlfbr taUef of palb of eimittna
It acrark tor 'iwa aprviiy WiU tba weratofnll fccwtaa-odtwnk.
talnly oould not tare it.
fisetloe Oare la «ke aae of aal
gme 11, and leU me if mr
ni« Idra. and a I'm a able uy day a tnlo-U Ita pan! cd bta Ufa and
I bad never beard of any bergiartee ______gb Itupldily dou l oauae half v
nimlaav* Tmvwwv ainufeUw
to buy mv wife a jraeot a ee ta, taolib. bat tb,' ba a right to lam
in the Tiling,-, ae 1 made ap my mind all Ita tronble-in the world.
md talili. Datnav TVada, <
Me <-s wby-h bonghi-roo-tbia bouoet"'
B ad lira a|«rt Irota. him utU ba
that I would auy at borne ibai sigbi ptaoed It oU te each other aa beat
hS wvek ta»a
And her* be produned tta U.s
and lake the riako, if there » ere aby. eoald. lor 1 wna really UL end .(Uile
talMBVB.hnr OlCWfBnam. Wdaii.
"Open It. detab. Why doo'i yon
baeanve It wna iroableMime to do Mb- irady to go off Ibtb anotbar ewouiu
tWMI lai mat. «<« a aa., II a a m.
open u? Here, giro It tema." far
I did not want any tea. ao I
■nrMnnien LedlnKWn .Ml MDwwebne. «:
When Ita aerraat girl oota ta w<s
let tU aorroai gtrl go early, aod mt. fm tta doetw, aod Mary got me I
am..ll«am.aadta» m.
0 Bta cwoldc'l uatlt Um atrtag.
■packing erea to Ugbtt tba
Ite lampa.
PneMh Srotke. Kalknafen. t e ■ . i« P i
Tben.BOW.' Wba do you tlitnk of
Tta onUlralad ooafa of DnkUa to
1 tbe aming
• ;Wp a.
Dick eaaa at necn. aad wna faerr. itattornboBtMrtrthe Libya daoert taa a oopfaa walig
rot^'Vtatng np" me of Dlck'e
Per ttadaeim nnd Pilukiy. lap-m. •:
Imd bappontd Bat Ita
«—■ had fuoar eboagh r..loa now
ly, dtatved attrwly froa a a*
aroa It wna a mniiar
Besn; 8>) Ita. BL 1 to 6 p m.
"Shy, Darel
Why. Dar.
rcand bod <d aadtaaa wMta fa

d ra^!”ta* ...bme*!-'over and orar.
Hat eta
waplraamS: it wa ear to ara tbak
n Old
-Yon Ongbteei to bare doamiL' aM
deeply that 1 pceaently west to alt,-p
Can be found at 1’. K'a If yba want aervieekble goods, anti-nist.
tatd. a am- held tta m«y boonet oo
at ii. and in a dnnm I law ar pear
oaebaod. aad tuned ii~rouad and
tried. eooTietad and aetnaliy aenI Itetktala friend nmnd eorrfnliy
u tor
guaimbteed far fire t-eata, we hare’ theoL Kettles and oos, in (an
"It'u too good tor
ad to be banged, and waa myaett
of Diek
me. Oort, and 1 expect
.. eeaadnlafiBMWdealfato atteod
cmal laablco.
m aocb an
eveo'thifV ia the bne of kitchen utensilt sboald be putrhased'at K
wna Ita Tvy'oltaBt wlbraa mooayl
K't: it is as ceftain as hot weather ib kummn. By doibg to ym will
Bwwed tar taubood beorul.
tliat I eosld not Sad my aboea, bring
And II nfaoenta nbo.. —
lioo. Itaan. aM let'e em if tta
dhiMM f>7™ fhem fw
be—ktai 1—tbai we Imvo—wr tave
Boi hare to buy the sune aiticle two or three times before gening as
ptwiiwAl. ronauB.
grown to know aacb otber eery well:
Iwoki- npsbdtelr
ood Dta—Omk la to knk ont for aamuch ten-fae as you would expect from the 6tst ptsthase. Ahho«q;h
. »beea. re- Mbat eoopamior beCon Dosi tall: taEnd myaelf i-nrelo^:
Uered oely by aa nnsaony rod glow
we hare high quahtr ware, out pnees are at haod-pan.
from tba tat-dyug benl.---------> myeell.—DaBcdt froe Pnaa
Ihal Jirauy Saab t
biaitb. STerything i
engbtnam M bar o]
tbe amaUem amd a
efaluklaokiefc tab,----------------------eor. ^d "woaaorukn-te to rwtaataroo^and tba eUakkbg of UmAytag
tvred ey ttair bataoda "
euna tnxBod awwy tram ita IWfa
■ pomnaed with a ab
Biranai of nbwUUagrae to weor looking gma sad taodariy plaod ata
fear. 1 wna iltBld to more.
.bate weaa ante moro boa thoir neona in im box. "l-USxmyhalra
otntd te tarn my ItadM tba fan or
Utkie diBcrai wba I war ti
xigtal loot 1 aot ae
tta Faifa-Tiaun ooWoeokdfa tnao. Uke 1 naed to.^ao aid. AM
Tta teeaWtaM
k M ta}Mkta
317 Prwtt Btrwet


For ib« fftl) *ea

1901 **

b»T0 oDe 0f Ibe fi

.... J bn.

ftor SMa'i -.ambr aH.iartr j«aS




207 E. Front Street,

elCM baud, aei two yard,
away. ! (oaad arMlI li.UBtna {«*>tally, mnorvoaly. My tUroat •e.aeed
■wollM. I awaimvd la (alpa
1 «id«avur..d «o rally my (oatat.*v.
•ctMnuiclt.Bya'lt Uml 1 waaawakm•d fna a nlalitman>. and waa aervosA;
ttatthan waasdUnsc to <*ar, mad
tliat 1 waj ^RiBK a baby «l myKlf.


Traverse Oty State Bank


CAPITAL. 9100,000
SURPLUS. S60.000

mrr«ts>. LeadiacHer^utTailor.

A Genenl BuUar Baslaess Doae




Tire Insurance!

Plata Glass, Staam BoMar and Accident Insurance.

Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.

3 per Can allowed OB Time DepKlts.


Johnson Block. Phone 73

Traversa City. Mich.


Pivtect th< Cungs'





3as. 6. Jfiboson.

C. A. HAMMOND. * «



Real Estate,
Mortgages Bought and Sold.

Bofels Tor Sale—^



J,' ■

iJ'BS ,7'X''r'±r‘v"S


n uigesr;.ywj.Tis^^^
Sn-oTni.'« a: s
6rand Cramm Cand and Coan e».





r.s ■7.. „„ U.W .




Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausages. Etc.














BeQ Phone


Office and Warehonae, "32 E. Front 8 .
Citikena Phone 4S]


PEttE Marquette



Tsrxi'ssa-sssi'” B.p.Monun.»


If you arc thinking of buying anything in the way of


do aot fail to look over pur large line of handsome ar­
ticles. We also carry a fine stock of WATCHES.
CIX>CKS. .TEWELRY, ETC. Specucle FitUng a
specialty. Watch and Clock Repairing—tbe best
grade of work done.

J. IT. MA-IktrilQ H!K'






cnr. ncH


irmuniT" - i i'^gMufi

STBSL'attUS’tfSS* -

ZimOwmm••A*k»io”-Al*« w»“-

MM»-lbad Hmm ud OvTi* S0i
BMdiB«-L4>ai» Book.
Bo(bM Md
M4CI. .
Be MeKUter H«mW
rmM. lb* MlMUBiibl M ti IIOO.I
a>Midv.tbw b*iB«ih»i<»«bi«b«»ip(IM tnm tUf diy
TldnUy «l«»

tte •«ta«rtp»k» U» »«*
r Om. W. iUff.
pbalthU MKioahbren
•Kllrwidtbai«i«) MM)


- ^

I U w M-



i w



Tbc bawd of
peMte 'irarkB. t
BDdotlwf ellr 1
bodp. and bBitdfa MOBW Bd trtMd* •(
tbe fBBllT aaap oU fdoMn who
t»*B «rork«d ilde bp (Id* wit>> Uw d*Bd In blf IUb. mmt to look BpoB
Ue* for tb* Uat tlM. Th» taWM BlBpI*. b«t BCM tfa* Urn
B»«otin* Bud lBp»Bi«iT» ItwnBOOnd«eld* lb*----------dnoMd
bp Rat. a OooUlB.
boud. Ii ™ «»M«<tod «b« thi.
of a d. Bhalaber,
bawd, beinc
W. P. Croiaar. E. E. Wldta aad 0. T.
tioe* in ll»' iBhoolt. ntoo
U l» *

• iC Uw Bppoinlinaol
I«I« Bbd rlcb> OBd.. a Beaatlfol OoanBp" aad "Now tha
»i thlB tiibB.
Bnddi-, II ww bUo Oap Ir Orer."
Tlierr ware
manp friaada fnaa
USB«i. UBI *W>d B«l B« B«B*W B»d
ptekBd BP Bt BBtlp wpowibl. bBfdr. , Bi>roi>d pceacet *be
of tin benaead taBllp aad tba
of ll>e BObonJ jmt.
ainoere aad mdar.
unodlBte CBoae of tbo Brtiou
e ware narar men baaattral
faet UbI tb» beard of rda*,100 In 81. John! had |B.b«1 a flowoTN or flowera in pealer profnin thla oiV on a alaiilat oonBOiBUoo emerlikg Mr. UillorttlOO
ABOOK them were e larte
•ddlUocBl wlaip a»d a oootraci for
pillow of beaelifal roeaa asd
two p*ra lon«ar. ThU. »'ml»« »
tloae. from tba Clip OoaneUi aa Ibtbe DollOe of lerotal inember. of tfafr
of llllav roaaa
board, proopioda.porlal mwtUw »«
Tiaeme Ol0
«b* BBKcr. kr. Uilbart
lOdldaW for ibo podtlos bar* CoBBBDdtp. No. 41; . .
from Tiararae Oltp CiBptar No.
Ubm , and bar b.'oa In com
BBiilcaiiw wlib BOBU of U>» oemmlt in. R A. H.; aqnan and
loB CB aeliooU and teacbria. Is rlev red and white roaar tntt Traearee
of tbU faei aiapa bad been tak.o to Otiv Uidfe No. tfl. F. A X. fL
Btr—««ie Ui« (loaliaeaiieu of Mr tjaapo cadUliUea frm Uia Baatan

Oilbtft and bit pBrwKBl obaraoter and
BttDdlnd >n 8a Jobna
Tbe nwalt
.Uafaeiorr <o tiiB najorttp of tbt
era.* Mr. Qilbert'e
ware nop eaeallnrt,
BBST leodlnx tiate vdeoalon.
aU of the roembon of tbe board of <d
Boatloii la Bt. Jolina. eleo a eeote o:
Uaeoaot that eltv.
,hlp o.

J. w. —


a p. <

I w

lorpof the
were etpretu-d that hla ablli
paaaiblefor hualoenloi
a wider fl.ld tban that prea«ailed in
BL John,, whare b- ba. bmioBOed
dnea 18M. tot a. paluolpal of tbe
aiKbeobool, then aa wparintenrtent

Jtmm U. Pllbam obo of tbe bob
n of tbe oUp.died

of aehoola.
The iaformativ llBt an effort waa
mdt to retain him iu 8t. Jobna
irompied tbe auetln* of the 1-oaid

lasraa veas tantben. one of wluai.
0«««e a PUbaasa 1* a »«ideat of
tUiettp, thraa MMen aiidtwoehll.
4m. am and danchtar. both of
wtaoB an aunled asd tire la apnib.

Mr. Qllbert waa
aakadbp toh-pboae to ooBeb.reaud
Imre a talk with tbe beard. He ar.
fired Fridap erantnf.
Isiaedlab'lp npou calllnc to order,
_ fall board balbK paaoenl Mapor
Pattdiln nated the object of the meei
lag, aad in exiaaealw: the opinion
that it might net be beet to deeide eo

tiwdaoed a MU mrtdlag 1IO.OOO far a
be meeed at Maniaa.
SWe Qaakwit Xtoa teataaedead
men at tbe HiditM
t from Pto. O. D. Malwatb. of tte aad Kantntep •aldUit who fell el tte
)U« Minnie Wall foUowrd with a ! and be famiabed bonda ih uw >
a«a Si^ aateoL a mm|de of teltle of Ite Blear Raiaia. Horoe U
Vsoi «b* Paa-Asenean Bzpeal-'«H0 fat b» app.«nnoe.
M writlM lb bar olerar atple and ; Marterm now ewiu a fit
ctetp brick dwellinc and (wo a
oalbweet ,nrm of the
bd TiaiL flbe otopor^
N-<wl<l-. land
<d a. e Bitp put boam.
Fair, wltli tm eMmie Orretan ool-! eitp to be a.wl
d bptheap.
Uimaad tte Pia-Amertoan. wtaiob iTbe iairelB»
like a beaatifal bit of tbe Un-ipeaianee on ibe main Ifaoeoaghfara*
cat, with ite bright eolarioc. it.iofa ettmuger from A|ipleMB. Wia.
8p>«ial! wbe bad uatlpox in a eetp adranead



mantia wa. mde of ihr guvcoameni'
etelMt. whteh U aald to be tbe flne.t
> gOT.ODmant oo a
aad tbe eleecrtcal
ata Iiomblr on. is
fu.. oU.. .not. of



d fat a daaee in tkla dtp.
tennIUaUp Aaeorated than erar
dm. Oear HO pardi ef banting
BMd. nnd tte aelne adBBH at rte and


tte oadaol of tbe erbooU are eoneeraed. He alio mid that iu wanted
a OMToagb andreemnding at tbr
ae U the .mia. of Ite iBPrilBtac
BotaaaniiathUellp. Ifibetew
V»m 11 tn 1« e'eloek tte ladlaa of
uie oetliB of Uie board he
Oma etenh aarrad aappar In ite old mltp 1
IcatarTed not >o take tbe peritloo. bat
■ttateU an Ae third Soar. There
If then wot adupi
Wto dffal tablaa. and n were •
him be woald do bt.■ beeL He dc
.tenttee. TbatnOBWaa:
to knew wtetber
to be


«tte ent of t

bead, and te wanted to know tte ektot of the powaia at Ite bead.
He wa* informed that tte

R. L. Ntoa M Olee Arboc. Dr. Patl
id BoUakte, Arttee MsFteU of Kortbgen. Mr. ate Mm a a LewU of board woald ekpoct tveahA Mr.
MA SaptdA Mr. ud Mm 0. T. itartald tliat waijoat what b
HriVM ef Xlk Heptde. and MUe Clam elrud te know, tat b- wantMl t
riBlai Mia Taroe a< Blk Bapida
here eboald be a
Ml. fMarteaA. ykeliter aee« two
board ateiBira
toeertotebp eiieoial
tha eebooU ate epee bU pai

Tte beard o< odaoetta aatwrday

------------------------------ “

OUka*. eapeclBlateMii ef tte abooU

earn Om aetlag ate eigaad.
teemb terete par and the i
erijkp Ite toitel btofi. ar.


voeld be rit<«rtallp
rwired nUiive toiM workol
eteoobaad that be wanted the i
to exist
aroand. U ordar ic
te woald be aooorded everp
neat (be boaro eoold bet
tie.' to dUcaa. t he bariaee. of tbe:
mboM. with tba member* at asp time
Tte board adjeomed aad aeea aftm.
aoeerdiag to
waseffeetad ..
erttb Mr. OUba


. f. _


anfl wonen
find i^btiesj
wtcb theirs.
the siiBilarttr

..^ped ad
diemed envdope lor reply,

_____ rT-jn

hoe given. He eap* regarding


.1________ vl..:


Mrs J. W. luttveB- Brighioa Tube' .»d"'‘-flA.7cbkr^|
rrith linimWu Mmetime* relim-v lenii«i.mlv lb, eebe* ate
with every
■___ V ...
I ruin., bat theae are only .vmptom. which are laUc Mrrtuin
a reneat vuit .oi«.k.!„
I change oI tbe wralber : the real duesM lie* det ,n.thebl.*iJ aad .yriem
. beaell ! d
oat Monutaln. <
_ _ _
and jiefmaneoily .cared
'rl _
are _infected.
Rheam.tiam cannot be radicalU
......................... tbe woaderfol oallook. 1
jn tru.i, te'.
' nnUl
antil tbe blood'
blood ba. been purified, and no
no ^edy <l.>e» thi. no tboronghljr
and the eapeneeno of tbe trip in l>er |c.e,l m boy me and placing flower, oo and premptlr a. .S. S. S
It neatnlixra tbe acid, and mnd. a .tie«m
able manner
:gtB.eeot it,.iaiat '. and other
,— ,
of rich, rtrong blood to the afl.cled part*, which
^ disaolveaandwaahe»oatalU.>reicnmaieiial».iBdtbe
Aptanoaolo by Mrs A. 8 Bowley:Q a. K. leiinw m Bnebtou i.nie- ^ ^
steeierobtains happy irUef fi.^n ilir loitunni; jaiaa.
«* greailp e^ped, after whiel, Mra ! ,e,p,
S S S contain. n.>{iotash <v <4ber tninnal.bat
. C. Baner told of her trip to Italy , a moimii Iu. U^n maiU.iii tlw
itlfel de.eri]ai<« of U><'[ b'eiled Btai... .a]
aiire.i cocrl be ex '----------------------- ’ »» *
V'“'v' ““*1
______ familiar with the mibj^t iind vai.o.
il.oket ____________
ibe eaae of tl.e | ^
with lulp, wblob ate lovee aad ^••ed irtr Poluwatomie ladiaat. Iiong
loog beforv ebe eivT vlriie.1 ibe ''n- Oalhooo aad Alhgan aoaBliee.agBiB>i j
Her ■leacrt{«loB oivii- the ran.-.! Slate.
Tbep repreaent a
ed with the trij. by .learner from N«w 1 cUim of .bool
with intere.t.
York, mod aJ>e led tte aiemher* of the ; y;*, ^ ,j,. Indiaoe who <terrd id
clnb tliroegb KeiJ.'O- with Iu be«nii-1 ,h«, dmiion ••!
at Dowagiac a
fol tap. throngh Porilel. throm.-'. hi.-'
week. igo. oo aoeoani of the <?h.Pompeii and llerraUseam. op cogo Uke front rUim. are lu. lDded iii
t VeaaTtnK.lhtonk'h8orr.'Bto and riir'.-;;’
Oaprl. tbrongbRomewi.hiuiueeent;

u.tvheU Brea, prominent CteilUc


Tilt. SWIFT SKCIFIC Cfl. AUaMa. fim





inti, ». New Mexico, to Ibe Amen ■
1 LomU-r Oo.. of OblcaR.. The
limber Will I- luaniUanun.l at Albo'^‘‘'’Hm.r.iue, N. M.

They regreitml. how. rer. th«t it
not led looger.
The oouolading talk of the afier■a. bp
Roeei.tbal-Thomi.noon wa.
Dr. Koarntbal-Tbomp-

Krrrpoue know. IhemM whottand.
*e:!.lhe Arenirii

MD. who told in her euieriaining ai.p
of bar trip UiTongh’8wit*.'rUo^. aod
on record, liowevet. wliere Mrh a l»rbervUit to the Alp*. Her mlkwa.
™i |(hoto
aLs. ,
«•"•*<’ want.-d |uyfor bu advice U
illa*tmle.l with many beaotirol
r. i-ort-d Bl Klinl. John l.iibp. a rell
graph, whlob- .he a'cebd in Bwirer
iiid lire cliit't al a ree ut bluMmod. among ibom being •-uiranciiiK
ha* .rat to the city cooncil a
blu of BOeoerv.plaee. of note and jnetou-o of the pmmnt. in their .|naini

r'«,,.rr.I worth S3mi,000,000,

Switierlan'l, dererlbmg berinpandi Tb.Vre-ia,-Li..f l.u-0.1 ppmBeltew. we tb.7.<th. pMBMwrh.1 hr... written while ev.-rpthing waa freoh in i pany Um.J to » »«-Ji*Wi,'.>00,ooO. A
naanuwo toadtbimaev.
Atrir tel ••
ttoriMof tbeplacwriie wa. TiMiii«.-|rtch«4th.l<te* they Uv. lomiTT. A
atealln.ioni lo tbo peoph of note i young Udywhopered i« e frAnd Hath,
.. puces
,.Uee. la
fa-!,i migbt»*.reB*nreo-.V.
whore ll.N ha-l 1made the
IW towv U ttar hud. ~l*b

doB't k:
. Th. ttftevr. of Th* cUm 1 don't
at the plteer noke. me
I. All tb. asm*
yopmeat to all. and it i. to b. boi.e.11 ~t
.h»e»*eeo I'Uctp of p*o
opU hurt AfUr
that next ytar'. ,wogram will hav a ^tinz
lieowm'. I' B tbeir berk*
or «b«.u. or
It m*T b. tbe *b*rp .ufi* uf nrDnJga, Ite
mtee end wrenebreof rbeualum Til nap
Pitlabnrg. Feh. t'.—Qnidelere aod be ro!d» io niBecle. or boom; it tB»yb*
tbU mek*
wilbonl Ite Bccaetomed tisml npon Ibea* kidnr'T or Imnteco thnat. tb*t
TOB.TeUuete'doe bit*; or it nap bee
throHl'-. tbe looomotiTe of tram ,
' itfmD or cr»ap.
I Uz Asd oomlonia;.
' trieta.UmmenU.l'Xi' ,*ie..or w.lh up
' tb* .iu(edaiidd«
_______ - .oUetyUjUriAm
night. While leaning sot of the cab,
Jlrmoa'*. It rrbofe at oae.
Bnriiieer McBnni.y. bead .iroek a [
It n. le ih. piia ate
th« Terr rare and coed
bridg,' atatmeoi. catting him badly , tmkieposWb
nt.b ..ut onuot im.

lU aartblp teildraa.

Arrived Saturday, a fine car load of
Horses from Southern Michigan. Some
of all kinds and weights. A fine line of
Driving Horses, and some good, blocky
Farm Mares. A few Heavy Draft Horses.
Call and see them whether you want to
buy or not. and get prices.


Pantry Supplies Runnini Low
Now is the time to fill up your stock of Staple ami i'ancy
Groceries.— No better can be found in the city tban at


aeetair Kwu..
Mr. Balpli R Haslott'. room. wa.
laM weak of

*eh Bloek

Front StTMt

meaitifel gatberiug in r
cd Mr. Olma X. Halo. A namber of
n won prcBBt and Uu- evaaton of Frank D Klein
one ttet will long be remem­
tbnl while banOag rabbiia
bered. A gaaetlng game wa. one of
canping bu gon ooeked
tte fmtnia. of the etolng. It wa*
magbl on bu ooat and be w:
Lot* of blood bTfot* be
Ite ftiet
a Holley Toeviviog tbe

ploklae ate bet bUealle.
Hr. Hale was gieaaa cotwa
Uaeti eboww Ui which te reorived
many beaetifml gifu salmble for fommar. Tte eatire evoeliig wae oae of
deep eorrow and regret.
nada Hive el ladiea in a body of
more ate IbeU eeooru sorpriaad
JMmstm. Ibarwiay.
was Spml in danoing, card plaplag
ate firitiag.
The bori and hoeiee.
Ml ttematlvee eaJevabU esi

A beaotlfni prtaaat u

«rfSo.QaiFtlkN. Y.. ti»

_ ____
liaimoitbatllc ate flannel atrip aie
a—ifu, objeeta
<*j«rta ia aeailp nay boascheld.
Tber ai« the wtspoa* that have baea lued lor
gcncratiani to fight old Rbeamatim. and are ^
abooC aa cgoctirt ia the battle with thia giant ^
diaeaae as the blnedabtua el ouf fotdaUioa »




Tba Midway wa. m* f'»-; Tbe will of F Q Ru..el ha. Uwa ia the iointt. mndlta aad nrewa, aad UnimenU and oiU nor nolbiag
gotten aad wa. a plmeing part of iW I gud m W.rur r.iiiii(T.
Among the , elaeappliedextemally can dUlodge Ihoae gritty, corruilmt; {article*. -Iliey
'ibe.ioe.1. ■
i --------^depcaitcdtherebvthebloodandcateiereachedonU Ihroughthetdood.

Star Iw
lodceiampof Pi&k and vlilu
htwev 0«uib U oaly an inoitoi
snatiooa from tl.a R P. O. K.; a la tlie great
larsr asebor of red , eresB and white .0 that tatbi. - .
_gartbaa ever,
roe.eand catfbatiaai from the Ootofondnee. _lo ^
nary clah. ai*ap of t
o metlie lif
d Aid Sooletp'i anthe Oon
...J eoaaBoaltp. alinl cal f
ohor pink aad wldte i
rorld ate 1*01 In to lUaU.
"We wen-aU one family tlo-n.' b<
oprap of red taraatlasa b
roald aap. Tbe Jop. of life w. te an
at GiBwn; boBqnel of plnl
from D. H. Dap of Oleai
innoaurahla ezqataita ael plaoaa, booqaela and looee flowera from ilu n
Uigur rUw of lUe aad mourm be
Irienda of tbe famllp in ihb oltp.
woald taU ai to live oat tbei« CbrUMr. CoohUn tvTlewed tbe Ufa
(orp of Mr. Uampbell aad apoke of
u one of ttiam ataid^onem
tbe loftp Inflaiaee of bla Aataeler
mM?ad’w^i of cli:
and bij InloRrltp and worthaaapnboae ranke are gradoa^
; aereant and eitlaaCL He mid. in
Ulimg. Ate tbU trlbata. writta by
one who raei-ntir paamd away, u eaU war far bom Uw antloliBtlon of perlaUpflttlBS:
fnend* and aelgbbota a few dapa ago
With I»t»*t hup. Ibej rtra«l»l on.
tlBi today tbep ataeald be aaaembled
in the home of Mr. OampteU to mkc
die led look npoa bla taoe and pernadMIouwri
form for him what ba had done tor ao
Tbreto "»»•»
manp—the lad offleca of Made
inat man can lurform for man.
In thii aolema boar wbaa tte d
euoea of Itfa fade into lnalgal&
and (lie aUdiaf wocth ef Ufa
character reraalaa. taU fellow ell---------

• Tha faami vae held 1
SaaoBd MetfaodlK ehaidb Sandap
40 paait. .
________ __.jandcf tbU
■ allo'olo^ Tbei
ler. Mun ezpremloaof tbe blgta
waa U Oakwood onaatarp. Tba fnnloll be waa ao enireraal
ml wai la ebatfa of tbeOddPallewa. date. In order to pel (he mailer |»optaiai M. PUbem araa bm in Lan- erly bafne the board C. A. Ilanimond
.swaaeoBbtpW paaraacoaaxt Jalp. mored HBt tbe matter of emplepmei
at the reaoatoet and poariblll'
Maai of bdi life waa apaa*
lie. of the P-gloo not only for himMhUfaau bat for tbe tuat tweira eomlag board, (kplalaing I
tU. bat tot at alL
Today we .lap
pma ttaraaB Oltp hat bm blal
ae gireu abore. Till* wiu •
iioe from tbe roah of Ufe «o rwogmat of tta tlse aad fac tba peat bp Mr. Hopt. who oxiaoi.M
hu BwnUold mrvioaa
alfM paan all tba
The dominant tiaiu in Mr. Oampell
11 wi-n
loda.tip ate• A• •
Pb abeat Ian paan Mr. PUbaan
Mr. Pope and Mr. Fairebild earn
davetad hla aHaatloe to taaep callaip eetlp arced that Mr. Oilberl be em
bu’we* Ue remined aloteerdi
AaetHit. U wUeh Uae ba had aaort ploped. end betb genUemen «ferr.d m Di&T troB Hr. Hannah oompUm
Ba tianled to tbe raeoaimcndatloiii. receired. mg turn os bu
J iMMtioe. Ha
•ed hU eaerglea
tp is tbU U»e ef veak. aad Mr. Fkirchlld atatod that V. L. luaf. oem. Y.'l heoc
bad' niiUUhe Uat iBoatrof poBlh•Toiire.
aw of tbla eitp..apnke blghlp of Mr. fal Til
hd to think and
QUbarl. ana hU ablUtp. luring tatwap tbe prob{Maaftfea Uallad SMaaandOana- marip been Intimatelp aaaooiated —"b
.Meinwhleh be
________________ ______ Itbertp which be
Mr. Hammond-, motion
enjoyed blmmlf In eoeb malten be
Ibnep atot, taKldoamlat, and ear.
alwapi aoxuded td otbera. HU In'
rmm. be ted before been engaflte la
olble will alwapr aappartad bU eonamon parllnaa baaiaaaa ttea Iteae,
CaMtfif bu flrU fcaaidaatial rote ter tbe new Free Boll |«rtp,
(aaadoMtlm tewN
Hewwa oldfHadet TbU reopened tbe ^ecnmicai along wa. in aeoard-wUh hU entire or- gooMeiaaO-IOpnl tO
Uaala Dan Whipple, and tteae wore tte aaBc Uneo a. before, bnt when
and ooartMU ^
few WM who teld a higher pMee in' ite role waa flnalip taken ilx voted in
the eoelal walk.
poaag in bU feeling, aad «n«oped
UneU Don'a wtaam.
(aror and foar againal the'
of poong peo^ He loved
Upon tbe daeUioa feeiug
m4 iranarnnatn a taalt, "JIb" ha. Mapor Palehln appolnbd Ml. Pope
UU dap fee ruotoUe Btelovt
Ml M and of friante wta wiu mlaa aad Mr. Hammond to notlfp Hr. Oil- .pite along tbe ringing-------------------a tome of onr maiohlaw lalate
tern adaalp aa Iba paata ■« bp.
■H of tbe aotiOB of the board.
Betoe letlriac Hr. Hammoad
deanul tie to him was that ef
and .mied that while he oppeuod tbe boma Home wa. hie ratraat. Hare
Tte anal baU of tteBaeteler.
the board at tbU time, be for 40 pi«r. be foate tte atifalllng
and Banodlnaa wUoh oeoamd Fridap
atalaa. waa aa of ttu moai dalight- wae very raroraoip imtuom~Banioa.hip of bar who itered llfe't
Qllbert periCBaUy. altb^h whiU he
*j^jop. oheerfally with hue.
fnlaaelal aranlaga arar aojopad in
hteaeeii many
Oaring reoeol-pear, while Ibe wile
IP leUgR-ttonimaBdlng
Ttetaaaa Oltp aad waa a graa* aaeoaaa
him e.-ip htfh.T there were olboia
te eraep partiealar.
whlob eonmlned eritieius
Bat la
ONplaa waaa praaant. and ararpthlng
view of the cood thing, be beard aboai
oadona ttei aare ooold dielaie to
him and tbe tael Umi the majorllp of
ri IbeU bend, of ailatemat. Tte
■tea tte oaratlf oae of tba
warmmi nmr^ie* of many loyal
tbe board fa<
today enfold tbU daar wile
_ . te derired to state that he woald tnend.
and mother. Be wa. one of the moot
give hli beet aSerta in mppori at tbr
idarata of men in
, aad ooorideratt
in hi. work dnr- __________ ___
a tbe
tte (________
soee and dangfatar
beU l•art■ttel
r. AU thoa»wbo will atp from tbetr
tag tbe coming j
I ftetamla. to moale fernUiod
awt Inbad eoe of the kindeei and
ted oppoaed Uie
dolgrat of Utbeta-alwap. ready
Bt * Btaflaa.- faU aaotaaa
awim ate a tpirit of ooninbaU' to ibeU liappinee..
•aa toad tba Ibmi maaie <

form. Tb. re wa* no plaee to {ml biB
orer night, eo .be we. Soallp looked |
op in a room m a pabhe beiiding. '
Tbr affair wa. kri< rerp qaiet aad
did not Ito oai eoiit a .necial meet-1
lae of ibeosaDcil waaealied at wbiohl

rielgbiide aal toAiohle Fridap nlgbl.
ate derpila tte etermp weatber. bad a
good.tlmk. They hired Uu taaU aad
masle al Artaie and wbUed away tte
trlpptta the light faamstir.
[ Ibe evening a boantifol eopjs .eaivad.
Ataat twoaty-flve
eeBrlee:enJep«d Ae flood rime.
Monday svoteiw tte elnb to* deU^tfallv ekHTMlned bp Mlee Toaa
evenia* tbep
Meada with *

■mmter of

t party iDtte

ladna v

Dr. MUes*

Heart Cure:

Aeix tavorim tad. ate ■
waa ceeated la te


Fritep wae a dap a( toveU al
roMB-e OUb. ate a tag* aambrt o(
ter mamhar* mijeped tea aiptritees
Old kpteoae «tatav»«avaM
Id ate ta oar wwa eoantty. The
aoiB waamohaiee •< KleeOfr
tods fltaifl.i. who almr a hrw iaaatesHrvf^Mtoited atemrtM
Mm MM M. Fegiy..pmeldto ef «l

You have used all
sorts of cough reme­
dies b'4 it does not
yield: it is too deep
seated. It may wear
itself out in time, but
it is more liable to
produce ia grippe,
pneumonia or a seri­
ous throat affection.
You need somethin •
that will give yon
strength and buiU
up the body. .


wiU do this when cver>thins
ebe falk T>wn b no doubt
flboul it H nourishcf.
strengthm. bonds op and
makes the body strong and
heaKhv, not enfv lo throw
off tiib hard cough, but to
fortify the system againrf
hothtf attacks. If >-ou a*:
ron down or etnadated ycu
shouM ccrtimK take thb
MKnstdng food
«£orrt acAnf’tSi.




Horse Blankets, Fur RebesandFur Ceatsi

=mE. iiSj

x> Square Weas-c WoolcfKBlaakeu
I Extra fine Wool BUnkei-4 Extra Koodiaiues Blankets
IO Extra strong Blankets. - ...BOW $,..6
i6 8oxSo Blizzard Blankets-•«$iJ»s {
yi >■ goodJFleecj- Blankeu ....
and a lot of Sttble BUakets^l i
An SS Fur Robe at S6; $6 Robe at $4.50; $10 Robe »t $7.50: SiaRobeaiSq. etc. i
k A S25 Fur Coat at S18.75: a Sjs Coat for $j6j5- These goods a« winiiefs for you 5
*‘but mone^-losers for me at these prices, but I am bound t.^ seal tbe last one be' \* spring opens up. so come along and get your pick whUe tbe assortment h good.


RRis, .-.vatsisiv.


HBAwa YraVERS^UIrald. ffifeluA&V 18. |1|<M

I Trwtrsc Herall

ball to St. Jetofb ti




And work*

Opiorf fcr
‘TSii.’^.orrto. W br Mn.-3-B.

Mn. a. V. ail
.OM ladiy t»«n,
•I,rw7 irrt »o«
rWn »]>• «»at

Tlie little folk. Me Or. Weed’.
Berwey PM Syren Plmeeai to
lake; Borteelly faaimUm: poaittre
core foriiDearto. eolda

W R« fan-Bw.

Hta jMBie Bricbl

Plotard of LoUad li In
Kortbpsti lodny.
_ _ ^
Utaru.,T»mT»wo «Xly «» Too*

Hn. Emb« L*wi» '• «»• «»••' “*
hm BOB. AlWn
Mn. John Wfc«r«4!f y
lte<«, vbc4« b« UdbIbb* wort*,
rnu a<«*rf loreb-M «#»• bo"*



n botheotarS55iiSL'i;K3SS


Old HMon. r»h. ». l»M

.4M >L.» tbM e




Id. to a

_sjrsi-. s-IfsTsHSiS;

Mm er
t ol ansB—Jotopb Finrt muter of ir«e*d»—1

Bolwt MwriMii of OlaorvnMr •••
TiBiUni IriBodB nt thl. pUo.- P«* of

will have a carload of Horses here February
id. -|-^g
i he jjjgj
last carload of horses Ii brought here
long. I closed them out In fifteen
,w*bb <^®ys- Of course. I bring the best horses into
J^fthis market. If some of the other dealhave a good horse maybe they got
from those which 1 sold about
i srs.^,
ago. This load will weigh all the
way from 1200 to 1700 pounds each. SEE


entod M Mir rmlar nuthip

- a _



To»J ooUncrte*. dUf.

rxpBcn lo b. COM •

m., i,

bloom if yoa here 1 •-• ••*—

legsSOLOMON. Tr.^^ City, Mich

Beooed Mutor of r»»rt»-0
-‘’'tfi.l-Oerl A. 8ebn»der.


trerk entbeoemeoidoekendnoproe-i
,«uoamd ttoi am Wo|S?‘ji,.K‘iS J... .onr, u. .br
O. E. Herrey.
rey. T'rwri«er*d pbara“a j>wia la brlmlf of Ibr mro to the lamber oe»to
apr.Hleh . will.t^py K.^R^Sd, Iroo On offrr^l the free ; Hoaebtoo ooan.y tbi. tm. and eboe.
iieel.t of Ueopi
‘nee of tbrlr dock if Mr had no »be ^ e^mtor to Ontoim«ou
tior bM bm rren »<>
to nblf (o nliBud nre Mraml n food .. . Frellek,
itw. and
m«.. rto., will to
Mra. Joi. ttoon.
M tolldtag II
omiSMa to brr bus
gatBlBK etowu^____
‘ D. L. Baml.aiOoodHarbor. where
far will work dorio* tbe winter.
***?*Ti?r^ u

rfllr pKcald »t Old Mlmton. a. w». the

' sr.

pear from Oood BnrbM U»i •*»'b-


Oeortee. I*

D.troit. Milirt., Jaaaa'7 t
and Setnrday la thli place.
Dr A J. HePlmil wa. in Tmrerm Mr. K. S- Bfli._-- ,
City FrldBT of latt wort.
DMSlJ^r'tovea toiler fn»iu o
Hr. B J Or*T wito of Prof. Gray. aaeoi at I

to* Ix-rn forbidden br
Oliror li
ellenilind wbool eay
irsloleii ellenilind
blf teroi.
Lee Wtnne i> doMI
Tbe iee ber*» ererr^, »o»« "
-1— tto trout bote *• <b>? »' >hit
iSii, enderi^ M*h wind throw.
S^’S^.^rr them. thn. tocrMlnp
dbetr Men
»m Obempletn »<* » tremp *11
tbe wet u. UUnd one dnr U.I w.wk.
in e^m of tbe lcioU*B».'iwy of

Beretrh. wmirb. Wdmtcb;

ineM. U

' ri:::;''dnV'to;'^;:“'::^"™‘f.d

|?orty €a$e$ of
:=S5SiSSi:i I Dew Goods—

"^■». dOornw.

Received this week, consisting of Tinware, Granite-


ware. Notions. Window Shades. Table Oil Cloth and

retldeni of that plao.

Tlie Battle Ortok Woman'. Lepcne.
eompoaeduf abont 800 at tbe laadinr
eo oi»mie a. far a. po«i
Uduo of the mty. ha* nndertnkeo tbe to
tala arranpruienla I o<^<
work of tbienottop and rdacatinir the
peopl. of ttolrlt.rlnnrt. TbU week banrl aad per a
bee rewrned to b.r home.
they bare on ubibitioa tbe Boole an oonld ant makei
oelleelloe from Boeua. with
to rid. down to oeU on her motber.
nerewi m oerloada W.
tnie to hare Hr K. E. '
rbleeeo, who dietriiaiM
of Korihi«rt u eMrudio* •e proTinc a pnwt »\
M ltor nf onr road, diuribatc yo»r
A Sooth Ha.eo mao lanntod
Hr. ud Mm
: bard at a taony alary be bad Juct nwd
tU^RlMiMit Heytrld.,
that hU Ja* w»* <l‘»l«»tod He .ton- ..
John BilbtotU t. be!|>Ui« Ooor«e edoaamnforapbraleUa.'.uBMto[ i pr.eaioe yos eooW
Betoterd to oot ebtiufle holti.
tore it Jerkri back into pMa. bnt Ttorerm ‘-(W
Hr._lbM i.
tbr teabard nlaoi- <
that abort tbedlipMod Jawbcme hart ^
Into Ita norMi poaltlon
| The dra,.

Soaps. We can save you at least 25 per cent, on
•■ ■ iVitya.™™



your every day necessities, and at the same time self
you new.clean, up-to-date merchandise. Doasyour
neighbor does and save money by trading at


i. E 8ae.lon. made a be.
trip to Lalaad oa Thnreday Ml.
Tb* atortbolden of tbe E S Daily
Oo. bald a BMtln* Tntoday eranlB«.
E BioMd. ba* reulad Ibc blart—!r.b tooii owned by John Oadbam

132 Front Street
&t S&i^S->^St-SSS:

Only 48 Hours More to Get

Ibit« mo.t uerdfal to
Hartlnar l.laad at tbi. tiaw of tbe
(be ahipper will banyear. wbcB tb. atralW hart bi-oome
ioe I trachea .Trarcr - Oltr; 80.000 pnocd.
for the mailboat. to


mreral daya
iee to frocw to Ibc required tbiokma. Ou motion the rvpon
for mfe cn>*aiu«. bat tbto year Ibere aad adopted aad ll.e commltu-e wa.
toBareleetbaatonraded Hl.piled eoBtlaaed and in.tmcto
la tnoh an ItMztrioable' the totter rtf Hr. Dart, ai
Trarane Cllr to arrange f
- M mti^tlln**. »t .i.iar
that tbe olUx-a* are orgaalalng eat
aud rate* for opr fnuL
of Sorthpon wa. la a read.making "bea." to obep oat a
rtod to-lween there and the MUlaad.
MMBtitmi-l of Trare.m pity i
tunla and tber agreed to iblp thU
wtaUlBf hi* tarenu to thi. riltopa
imy aerom to Klk Baplda
Hr. Uabbell of the 1
The Thin* tolb eoareeltoc of Ea*t Pre*ident Oill-Oor refrigerator oar
a WM to town laat
Bar aad Blair A**oriatloB. to be
aftto railroad towrccta.
held Bl Binatoy olioreb Satsrday.
reaelie* Trarerae Ulty. wlu^ the ear
P«b. *tnd. laM.
to dntobrt (Ullugoretoe tranarie** l*d by mn
arred to another cm at Twtot Oi^
Jama* Swaoer—There aboald to
Opening remark, by the )realdeoL aamebody et ttk Baplto W eee that
ear frail 1. not tampered wItJi in the
wjrta*. It to 10 be n
ar whUe.ibe oar to waiting to be All•a foot laotaad ma o
- ' u of iMlatoa. Ii
W. Eitoben-nm onptnl" «>* t*“ »”•
Beport of Ml oeiivi-alion.
'«a*d to torn i>a**unarr. It twomto**
IT boat would bclp look afwr tbe
ITS* odTA tb* fin**<l»M*ottbe Bn.lDf*. ■malen,
in the oar.
Olaaer and eocial bonr.
ktad an ibe bay.
t a Wait-Some oae of «* choald
go along toch
to cec llmt tbe.
Mra Hoyt and Mctor.
Jeanto Btoc.
Bom City in
• Ml
toft Btmdar nooo ■f« ~




Aown by the fanaara. At iwaaenl
Mpro^t U aom. hrighw than tt

feSiMTi..,.., -

JT^ibe eelioioL

ilinc onr frail abonU to drawn toa tl>e diayaun asd tbe Peoluanla

A Wrtbdar aoctol wa. glr*n at the

•““'u“;r5,!!:^r.'s;3 "i


GUI—Atn-r tK. twt^'

BeciuUoa by Bar Binal.r. entitled fra^MBowwaVo 5ip ihU way.
Tlie Pralt* of a Paitbfnl Bo*
lU*5‘mrrtS? w/toM
by fear eoto^
'dp fae and that only tboae ;
tbe fe<- aball. to oonaidered '
mmnbtto Tb* motloo wu torrled.
tre kept In exeelleni'
Oo mouoD tb* etab adjoorned for
1* aaow plow. Town,
»th qoartarl
I* wartr^rt^ for dlacam-oo aart
parebam a aoow
id Wbltewelr
.-Wlorper^ttoa of Orobarda
_____ ______Mion Imid al
, Wm.^ Baglay. Seoretary. ^
cb. Ul. ItOt.
Oaarentiou opened by rnaldeal.
\»IOO n^ard. *100.
atagtng'Sweet Hoarrt Prayer.


017 Tnaaday monlu
t hi. Unibar. preaeot
Tople. ‘.'Are we making the i
nr cppotmi7>—0|w> Hobba
Dtooamion led by Mte. T. Andrew*
.. ».r
. r J. W. Oeei'n.
Oee. n. W. tiH. Tlfa
Dowling and L P. Fo*.
ThH*~"fedlowrt• by
)rj Blag
alagiog "t'l

AttotBcy 0. 0 Baai
laad Taaraday on bo.i
Jadge Oartbr held a araaito et ionn In Lelnnd Tlinradny.
*. H. Pt
•iMd Jmryman
.tor V. a eon
4>tBad Baplda
B K Oamptoll dror. to 1

>iob Rev-; Hr. Haath! E pT'SayM
P. Dmn aad otbar. diaonaaiyl th»
■ ilitti adjoarned for din


TO cr« A fOl.l> IS ox* WAV

Tak* lAXMtep 8nmo «malaF Tatom.



arhirt wu bald Tbor>dy mom
, ...ban doctor* fail my Baroort
Walioa Bltoao aad wife left TomLoareU Sou*. Blood Blltaei. Cnr*a tlynpepda. eim-,
lay for Obartorrtz wbate they will in wbleli were read Bibto eecaaa
ttioe; iarigaeaim tb* wboi* ay*apasd tto- winter.
Prayer—Ree. Baatb.
A mmber of Kertbpert Uborlog
Slaglag—"Kanea Werfcara"
ACmtalai'emtmt 'bllWalia. .
Mte aad mrnlianl-r bare foamed an
OtgaBtaalioa to to known a. the HaSSur'. and l-aboring Man'. Union,
aad lb* follownlg oaeei. bare been
Tbi- Onarantloe an Cpbft to tba
aehool—Hi*. W. 8

toe pn

>B hr R*T.
of Hapla Rapid*, took • !
Baatb. Mra Kubbtni. K. T. darpraoontal of aeeaite la Bd>tok( for
w. W. H. Fite.
Fife. B. U.
amoant of ooogfa «yrap By im-:
Fot U. H J. 1
^ medtole mediral aid hto Ufa wa»j
Soar* and F. A. Oowl'
Meporu of Mbool
Hotloo tbdt Cor
. etoot oS
i niilll Uagfatar. reading atoad or nerr.;

Our Orcat—

7.50 Special
Tor men

~ J. Gray.


Hta Wm qib^ towaal^
ttbr aiaipliiaad a

For 45c a Bottle or 3 for $ 1.25.

lien's genuine Auburn Melton Suits. Iiest
ofHnin^and trimmings. Si:

It's Free if it Fails to Cure.


Men's \Vashingt< |S ounce all wo-nl Clav
Worsted Suitits. Sio values. '^.50
Men's -black Unfinished Worsted Suits,
well tailored.Farmrrsatin Itn- ^ fiO
Lng. fully worth Sio and Si 2 I
Men's black and blue Cheviot Suits, K-in-


Men's fancy Worst-d Sdjts in nett, dark
strioes. mo.tly Kuppenh-hner mtkj.
sold early in the s.-asjn foi
Sio aodSiJ.

Hundreds of Dollars
Ooins out of our store in Pant Bargains.


Men’s Overcoats, mid-of best ail wwl
Kersey. fan;y serge line-1. sitn s'--ve
lining, sold early
for Si3. now....
'Men’s Oxford O.-ercotis, nc*
and stylish, our $i2 kind for


len’s Chinchilla an I Astrtchn C
VesL workman-.hiD gmran- ^ RfJ
teed, folly worth Sio.mow ... «

alarm Boods^t
Zero Prices
Ladies’ tell, lace. Dongoia foged Shoes,
all solid. ID black and blue beaver ton.
r^ular price $1.50. to close ^ ^0
Ladies’ felt, lac-. Oongola foxed 'yQ
Shoes, black felt, to close......... * • ^
Ladies' fek. bir trimmed Romeo Slippen.
fn %'arious colilort .0 do« it 1.00
73c and

Felt Combination., to clow *





Cbree lots Pants-Odd Pairs from |
Suits-finest of Cassimere and Olorsted
eiotbs~at less than cost in many cases. |
Regular prices $2 to $4.50.

Jill ILMiiter Goods-^
Ooercoats, Ulsters. Reefers, Odd
Suits, €tc., must go. Cbe prices tPiil do
iL make your choice early.

.cold C tl. t—.

I Cm tb* marea altor tbe InBamiaa:
Iwal tb* aobtag ttraUjM ft^c ft

Try it Today on our Guarantee.

thtoe aad im.
Mr.. F J Fraltok i> eajoylag a
vMU fiom bar mothar, wbme bomr
U tn Daaada.
Him Haael ofAldea. Hian . i. tt«
gaa.1 s( tor eUMt. Mn. U. U Bam.
Tto Xanbport Ourael toad at i.
n—-f told M Heeday araolag

■SS' -S&


S«t our Olall Paper Saco*

Cbe Boston Store

l^attiiUon Clotbing Co.
206 Front Street

Craoerse City, inicb.


tW <atAH6
«|th* pMNMflf
TW oMMl mkl ^ttwlac a>i
•aqaMet -lbsfMdMB of lbs Tmv- sM.
SSatr Mmtrn OoUwtvUlMbo
onrataoapta ao«athsj
ptaos so «bo tl« of »rtr«»y. *•aMr.«aMr. HatrBlakM>|
eordlBC teths outoaMdkjar oU ssoib a a* oitr M maa
mat ModaM oad oil wWtea

| Uon Coffrtf

» tb« optelw of wtea loeaBd pOoct wtll i
BBfigt. «oel4od «m i«rtBg vith o
Mik.t«oUM^«arn)B(pMt.nd| Tbo bnUdlof vUl te ol

•rMMttr is oeeod
«M MOjetitr of tix kxpir*n «> <»«**
BWIWOO* will —t wtU» «»B0«1 opyivtia tkioMtMBi (bt eitj.
««iaa br • fsv. t>M It is elsatbkt
tb0B«tarioef tbs i«epoitr ewwn
a« ooaimd (tel ibs oooaeU hoi

a R. Deokmar endtoUr taritoa aU
who bars attortsd him aehael lobe
IWOSMIL There wlU ta oa appreiwiTta in record ft
ate ixfaiam art a baaqast at tbs Boo»d lb*
tou rarts. kept br fa* «t»»d Timr.
Tta eon psritaMto
wUl b* of brisk ood
astoEsrald. IsmtoUowa:
Tin pJooi ai-e Ui proeSM i soob Mda wUl badftreiBto
ct BtoBoatkio ond U.o onot aioili I tal T«on.
- ,
WUUam Daiton aad B. Johnson ol
A_U^ n*b«Ut M oxpoaa ori
IMD. tnas Fatortir Kib:
. Latort wne at tta WUtfag todap.
it Hareb M.
; }. J. BabbsU. eblaf aeginear ta.tbs
Hr. Boll vlU
lau. tram Janarr tirt: want <fal | k. ^ k. E nlfartd. wa* at tta Whittbe Flnt Kollaal Book, and Ibs now
fag this mcnifag.
Tha iM orlcirtl art aalqaa start- Karcbtolfa.
sraaalatioo «iUBOI offset Us («lalan. tnaa Fabnarr l»fa: w«t
^faned baratblr jaar Is probablr
tiai with tin fsraier.
that ot tbe Oral Wood Duh Oa
Tbs (roprrty is to br ooata April
lUamiatloa fa bom a kodak photolit. Olid M SOOD M posdbls mlur iliat
p^i taken br Omo Peek art thoatswork a tbs lioUdlof vlU bs
aaUset of fas plrtan fa a poap eoa- April
IKt, freae Janarr ITfa; wrttoM
tbs aok will bs nodr fa botiaesi ifatfac of Urn OBB ot W. 0. Boll.
of H. 8. BaU, pratadaat ta
ta Joyfteld. aran fa fa.- city lodsy ea
tiBS lo Aacost or aboot the 1st
^^**boaa Jmmarr Mb; wart o«t
tinlr aray to rUit Hra MilUrd s
pMbsr Hr. BpU and bis »lff tin eempasr- fa tin tatapoart
_____ at Unit loo« trip almd lodar.
mottar al Efagfay.
rj. tin older bor. oooaplss tta eei
Hr. aad Hia D. Wilsoe Baker, who
tat will take op tbi-manor a aild'
tan bsm rultlng fas tamilr ta faeir
lay as sooo ai bs tatama >b aboot six ta tbe poB)' and it boldfaf an oral
difa. while Ooratd fa'
tea. Goa A. Baker, ta 907 Wm Niufa
•aast, hare ratonsd to faeir home at
a an to sreU known win rtd dish. Aoeerdinc to tbe fa1889,
smIjatioD beaeatb tta |detan Bsetr
timt tin now Taatare promises
April 18lb
bom tlis Hart. Hr. Boll Is oee ot ezelalBs: -Throw It awar. It'sao
C. E. HaRar. Boo. J. W. HlUlk.a
1870, froat Fsboraaiy Irt: waet eat
pwd-" Thas relelnr tta sartlmsel fa
aad Boa. B. W. Bamtnga weal to SslCitr't sabsiaatial aad
laror of fas oral dfah. Ufalo Bfah- Afril 841b.
Uai Bey todav to fmaent fa- railr-irt
KtssalTs botlatst man aud srerr
1871. boar Fsinary lOlli: areal eat
tin right fa tta Tdeun
fuUy to tin proplr
SdsoM will bs idaoed tn aapUiln* be
boldiac an oral dfab wd eridntlr Maroh lOfa.
Boad li
ta tint t<
1871, from JaaBBiy FTib; weal oat
fnllr fa sTmpathr with the
Barry .Dnires and Cbarln PlntAirillM.
b tta tank WlU bs of tioaof Bout. Besides lbs ptstan
efaaaer l<-fl Hoeday for Cincin-:.
1878 bom Jaaaary Util; wsru eat


H iherr s an>nhing you need in the w»r of Winer Goods. COME TO THIS
STOKE NOW. as you'll oet^r buy dntrabfe beary weight goods my cheaper
than we ate now selling them.



^ here

a plaa br Fob. SMh. tbo bard
BobUo vorti «1U atalt On plaa
adaoeUatlouttbU. TbaaetBOl
^Ttacvui a airo ■oMwatbs
r tliM i«iand to do tbs
wttk. atm tbs watbaroriti

. Aeaartint to the taport of tbs 8soboMT a Stats ol lCiobl«aa for itOO.
Otobd Tmraras couatr Isods la tin
ipoaBtrir a pototoas pradoead in tbs
amtton tisr at oaontiaa. aim la
Ms^a oodsr ooUlTatlSB. bat Vaafart oooatr U tha baasst eooatr la
mfa— Blrtlcaa. U not tbs whols
■Mb. fa tbs arsmea anatbar a bosb•Is pm aura. Omad Ttarorss oooatr
podmd 740,ae bafasb la 1900. aa
•Tto«t a lU-f bafaali psr asra. Tbe
•ran«a a Worford oo«itj. opoo I.M#
Mtas, ;wM *4».7 bafasU or a total a
mill botbala
Oiaod TtOTaras
■torts fawlB amaaca art third U

•fa «atot Ita BSW otdsttort wlU bs
• —• art portblr ssTSto
lOf oBes WiU *s*alarlT az-

LOT 4-Ladnt-I'aiori Saits, wlky deevx lined, tlvw gnv.


3« in. Extra Heavy Metlaci Skiniag. in Black, 1 Mocil. Brown,
and Ijghi Gray. XI. (leryanl.....................................................


KdMMe Dry OaaH. arrci
aad QMhtac B9b$c.
a OI«y. MIoK.

who went
tn praaeal
ibs psople
br a larfa

n ShiiibniUing
Its yar-t in West Bay City.
WiU looals permani-atly. Mr D-^prei
, IS 484 feel HI heefa. »
Hr. Fllnrliaurr is a plnmber
feet barn and H liolA The ooe1878 bom JaBoarr Ufa: waol oat
tfaner. If tbs.v dad a laua-le locaUn
itorl was 1-1 Aagnsi 1. aad fa* keel
. A^l I9ta.
tiny will jrdiisbly start in buMw1878 boos FebnarylMrd; anol eat
was laid Svi'iemU r 8S. H. r cairyiag
for tbsBsrlre-eainriiy will be c,Xi> rgas of ore. Sbe
• will be ready fur srork at tta oorning
1877, bom Jaanary Ufa: wtot oat
, ai^uais of o? navigatl-n.
Aaotber kr-1 will Is
April 88rd.
tta Kami-School ta fa
1878 no lee.
; u.* ;■
BoRafal at Ann Arbrn, arrieed in
1879, bom Pehraary Ufa: areal ool dty Batvday^eeeuiag. Sbe will i>

Fire men -mploxed al the Bed
A{ril 18rd.
. Uarens Beyl and !
J-cui* JieZ-1 *liaft of the C'alamer and Hecfa
1880, no lea
al tlK-'jgjigpi,^ a lialr-Iimdlb escape tram
1881, bom Jaaaary ITIb; areui eat Boae of Battoiii Ba.v. w
Whinling yssisrday.
a t-mblr d. fth. Tb* men were elos-'
Hay lit
^k ^.01 Good Harbor warm
1888, DO lea
1888 bote Pemary Srd: araot eat
O. K. Campbell of Ora»-n .pent 8,..v. i.-.Uon fail-r. which was U-mg
bols'ed to th- snrfara. Ac the top »I
April Ufa.
P. W. PeoninrtOB of loteriocb. u : Ibe sbafi was neared the broke on the
18U. tnas JaBBaiy Ufa: treat out
Boada] with bis parents la Uiis.matnmoib H.les' borir-|«>wer sni.-ine .
April Idfa.
refoisd to Work, and ibe
' •Jaaaaiy.tTlbtamt eat
Hiss Graoe Oordoar ta Pile Lek- ia
within two f-'Si .-f Ibe heed
April »ih.
TfaUfag friend. Ill fae cltv.
,-ai ir.e lopuf Ibesliafi l.ooia
1888 born Ptanuy fat; areal ool
Ha^A ElioH ta Fife take is iu
sogineer undersxnd the inrilons
AprU and.
(In etty.
1887, bom Jaaaary 8lst; areal, oat
Dave Sirberand biis-.n Uarl ofBnl 1’^'“““
[dnred. ami. revi-i.iUB Ills leeer.ln
April t8ad.
ma Bay were iu the city tiMla;

j whlon united fa

BaitlDga and 0. E. Uarrar of bit eitj
and A. A. Smaiau 'of Baliont Bar
spoke fa faror of the plan propmad,
art after lbs msstfaR, ma»r of the
brtTisst tazparsra stoisd that Unr
oeUd be ooontod o|an to do tbelr

btsSkswlas IbJ*Ws(i

BstriBOor Bist .
and Hr. HlohasI Babel botii of fail
After lbs eanmoiir a tae^tlou was
held at tbs boBS of fas brids'i parsots. Hr. ud Hn Angosl fiaaman.
Sapper wits serrsdto aboat sarstadro piNfa and fas tab!os ware btaatifallr
Tbe trids «-as pwnad ia pearl giar
trimmed with cream silk aad carrlad
white rosea The groom
eOnreaUetial .block. Tta bridsnamld.
Him Fraaoli Baeama. ofator ta Un
pwk rammat sUk trimmed
srifa emm appUqas aad old
panne relrst. and earrirt wblls aad
pink rttnallema Hr. John B<
aetodat fast man.
Hr. aad Hra Babel an lbs laolplents
of fas
tinlr amar frisnda who tnst tbelr
path through life mar ks long aad
Hr. aad Hra Babel wiU beat boms
> tinlr friends attor Fabnarr >B at
lit BastKlafa sBast.

fa all barfagbssD per­
formed br Bor. Baser fa Bt. Fnaeto
AU tin jwinrlpals an wall
kuowa In tbs ellr aad <anb ot Ibom is
Tsfr popelar amoag a large einls ta
friends in tbs eltr.
Hiobasl Babls. who U rmplorsd fa
faewagCB wots of OaldweU A Loqdoaaad Him Josepbfas '
long time a popniar mlsaladr fa fas
• •
Uoadsr aftaiBOOB fa tbe pmsooe ta
large gathsrfag of friebda
Hondar monfagat to’olock Ji
SalUran fas wsU kaowa mmi taarkel
owner ot Uis soofa dds, was married
Hist AaUe Pomaasl, who U also
Tsrr popalar roong ladrA laiga
Bomber of triaads wttiimmd tta een-

1888 born Jaamrytlft: areal oat
Hay 4tii.
1889, from Pehrmiy 18th: areat ool
Hareb aoib.
1890. boos Hareb 7tii;
AwU 8Ui.
18BI. fnm Harsh Itl:
AirU 1Mb.
1891. from Marsh Util: arsat oat
AprU ItL
1893. bom Jaaaary Ktii
April 7th.
r Mfa: wntoat
1894. bom Pal
18W. bom Pebroary
AprU ISfa.
1898 frees karab dlb:.armit eat
April Ufa.
1897. bom Maioii .8rd: arsat oat
1898 frrns Pabroary f7ib:
Harota IMh.
1889, bem Pobrmry lit. went oat

Dri aod 1
j Lazarre
Lives of tke Hooted
I Bleooerlmiset

A oomiarlton ot tta Agnres of tin
for fall part ot the
arill proTO ta fatsrsit to those
who hare been wauhfagtta potato
market. Tta Bgmrss an takmi from
ttanport of fas nonfatrot st
Batardar monfag Hatbew Tolk.
for 1900.
hart brewer at Un bcawarr ta Jesapb
While Grand TnTsm Omcj
U fas oowllst ta tbs norfasn Oamba was )ofaed to Him OttUa fi«seetlon of tbs sfats fa tbs aetaags delph.
All of faaai- happr peOpU arlU to
planted aod fas total namber of
-armlj eoagrafalated br tbelr
bosheli raised, it did not Imd Iti
fodaetirt per aora. Tliat boeor

... and Hra O.-orge V-


Mr. and Hn. Benjaiuio ^askey were
fa tin city today as guests .d (risndr.
. fa.Bmnuihal and ebildceii l*fi
today for a tlsit with telalive. in
Hiia.Perry Uaaoah has gone 10 Vbi
igo oa baifaeaa
Rev. J. J. Maktiaad of Bottooa Bat
rlty twlsy. .cm bi» way
,|dda wbsra he sinnt Sontram Elk Raidd


i Tisa DsseeiAis of f *K,.*

j Kim
Alb From Gleofarry
■ 11 Tbe
Tarry Tbon Till I Come
The Etcroal City
History ofSlrRichardCalmady
Alice of Old Vtec^ipes.
Billy Baxter’s Lctlere
WUd Animals I Have Knows

Prof Barrie, the lalmiti. Uli ibis .-i.iitly lunied
wrnfag (0 gie. rcrtiu>.-s f<« a wi ek .(.am. which hud (he desin-d effect,iKfagsley.
ud ai on.-e stopped ibe pondsnns

Peloekey u Oraud Bapida


Cbis Cist...


leirviii to nil oho have .•eemien to|
irjx-1 lu Ibe rounlry. There la great
(ranldeu iwada.vs in Buding afn.-nd
in the euon'ry «lierr one is nnlamll -.
inr with llie nod., l-o the reaMO that |
Ira dlhstioc- wMcli can be gieeii to |
ih.-sirui.eer by (befsrtu- t areaiall;
di Cnite
It is a- importani that Jle-j
(anm-r •.l.onld Imve a deOniie add>vsa|
m ii is. that li e man In town sbnoldbe lomted by street and nnmlnr. It'
is siraege that lo all tin years wliiis'
other impn-eemenis bare bet-e going;
ou ih- r* lias b-en no more in tin. dl.Teciln ontil compaimlively rec-nUy.—
Coroonn iudris-Dd.-nt.

jCbe City Book $toro,
Boban-Bctcbcr Co., Propa.


' iJeoiK. A. Aiken, wb» la OM ta tin
Hra. Balle PUre will I'Wts tomor-;
argienlioruu aronnd
raw for Detroit and Chicago to etodT
iUven, baa beer- ui tb* .mioa
ttylesaad bay gooda for llie •I’ri'W :Br.i«uig bo.ineia for W yeora He
mlllfaery trade.
Braied U|- tb- other nirht tbe nnmhrr
AprU tafa.
Bert Oana-U srill inv< Ha;rb 4 tor „(oniona be liaa sluiced fa (hat (fate
1901. beat Fsbraaiy Itib
ami. it aggt-gste. lb. grand total
Tbas fa a parted ta 44 yaaio tta tar Beiae City, Idaho, for .bla health.
Be WlU iffotably .lari fa the j- w- lry
, qoarter millloa oalooa
taifrema tfleae timta fa ;Jaai
aim teem timm fa Psbroary.fln t
baafaee* there.
^ Oaelotd man took a day off aad
HimA. T. UoliansywUi to
fa Hareli. oeea. time aw glna. ifoar
April Ufa.
1900. boat Psbnary 17th:
April 17fa.
1901, bom Pshroary Ufa:

morrow for D-trait to study mimnery
titow DOl at aU.
Daring the mms period U has lab ityiea aad bay iloek for iiriiig.
K Wilhelm lef today f.d^e emt
fas bv sight timm fa Harsh, tarmrsena ttmsi fa April, aadjfear timn bay gooda f.w hU aew Prani street,

W'e have received »n early shipment of some of
our lines for springr We want your inspection. We
show the very latest stylet of heels and toes.

h.- got book wtfa .be
n, fconrt that In- ban fart
^ayand tin. to brt

ixraeles* bor- on bis
fa Hay.
ta.i Kriday sereleea were told at
Bon. J. W. HlUiken art C.
fa 1880 tta baynoalBsd boma It
til* liOnjB. el tlie late Dani-1 C. Bigfat eaooad.
taji; 1881.. 87 dayi:lW9. K daya Gniliek of fae boon of water c y bee. the |>ioueer-n-ideal of HertrouA
fcom she Third. Eoart torn
1888 DM bema; 1898 88 days Inters
I.., Alill.
the. I, mains
were being
m Frtifa art OaRfaoa bom faa
Lt left lbs tay: 1888 79 daya: 1888 88 Joyat. aninriatondoni of ib- be oonreyed
wotka wcut to Battle Creek today lo
••'* liriflh. fa addifaaA <ma WlU ba elaottayt; 1897. 76 days: 1888 r dai
to tbe ceoieierv. a man rode up WHb
rtto lU Iba raoartT saasad br tha
faaiwet tin fflacblDery of tbe aj.lem
1889. U days: 1870. 79 days: 1871.
from the oldeat eon of tbe
•taib rt Brt. E. D. Oampball.
daTi;.i87l. 88 dayi: 1878 107 daya: in that city. They will attend the
married Hoat^r. gafasrrt at
Tbssa WlU bs asm raoaaolos oe
days; ms. loa daya: 1876. 67 Linroln baannet tuniorraw eei-niiiR in
the home tf tta W da on Baecmd
trt boM of adasatlOB.
The term ol
n. too daya:
*----------- Graad Baplda
ver Lake. Kan., and tliai he bod been
■tmiand nmde mar^ with tta happy
Boa. a W. Hottingi will Mieqd
rtks will irtakrlr ozpiia of Hem'be aTarage jlald per acn- in lUt
............... Jayi: 1880. i
t the roa-1 by tnow drlfti
tan BoCatt cf tin Fliat, Foots of tin •setlea ta tta sfafa for each eooatr 1*
109 di9i; 1881. uelfroam: 1888. 71 fatLlnoofa Clnb baaqnei » Grand !
•aoart. Sort of tin Third, Pops ol flTaa bi-low.
It will be
tayt: -1891 108 daya: US8 98dayi;
fao Vrtsfa art Btoaias ot tte FlfUu Wsxfssd is awar atart, wtfa a rlsld Kaur Inaalifnlnd ralaable tgamaM 1888 81 days: 1887, «l days; 1888 101
. to lb*, bouse, and III-- fat
la •dditfaa. a mambar wUl be olsetod <4 nsarlrUO-boslisl. par acn.
tayt; I8B9, 40 daya; 1890. »dayt; Hina Baieeon of tbit eliy. left ymirr
to Ul Sta.rtsaiKff caassd br the «- Tiarane Oltr third. HanUlae Utlie farmnta. diihes. tobla Uaau. ata
■y to Join ber btuboud
1891. 40dayt: 1891. Udayt: 1898 «
After tbe capper, tta party ^iaad
nml <n« bis ward ot Katabor Sbsr- last ta tbe Uit, baring a lower rlsld
roe, Colo.
daya; 1894. 18 dayt: IW. 78 days:
irly any j.-ora
ma rttta a aecaosao. per son Uiaa ear otix-r eeantr fa thti with fas wedding tarty of Hr. and 1898 87 daya; 1897. 81 days: 1898 10
Dob Doke retairied yesterday from
At Port Utfron acommuniration lias
Urt Hiobasl BsMs wbo were
wUl ta ohoasB for Hamber 3. A. Hoa. pan ta Ills stato.
tayi:U99. 71 daya; 1900. fa-dayi:
ISO mooaay,
Hooday. ana
aad sos
tta OC
lieen recetied from Andrew Oaroigle
of fas Ptanh. who srat ap
Tbs dgnrsi for sSraral aontan
Pwos WsdlewUr '. KeMO.
1901, a daya
lo lbs 0. & P. & Bali
_ __ liaifaR tbai he will give 840.000 topefatod fa pkaos of Joha B. Santo, Hiebigan oonnUsn anar follows:
Frank Smith ot Mapleton was
Tbiae datn all nlals to Ita waat
tlll a laia
HaiM i word ;i public library in Port Hi
who nmeesd born fas srard.
Aesrtgs Barbels Arstags daaciag was irtalgad
arm ta Ita bay art to that portlcB ta Ita city Holiday on ^ sra> bom
'providing ---------------------------“
i,«to tao.«i: 10.8
1 risibls bom TnaoUs Oily
Parfaopiooiiritle 94.000 a year far
Tbs amrrisd ladiss Altar 8oci<
ciaiy ta
l.m 119.4W lOd.4
r doara the fnsalag U aaaaUy later. elaitfag for areenl meks.
Its maioli'DancT aud.aecor* a ilta
8L Piauoi rtoreb gaTS
1,SSS i8k,By(l
Tta foUearfag dams, prior to Isa.
Tb* rooncil will lake action M fae
1,149 IKUn 98.4 pedfo party Hooday at tbs sefaeol an bom tl>s records ta 8 E Walt,
« eliy b
ttaesmn wUl bs
mailer ai lU n*z( met-tiag. Tb< tlbca.
84>9rT«l;4« 1189 halL h was oos of tin
of Oaotraltake. i
Pmt tonsV norttlr partamsed by
ryis al present loratod faa Imaed
’-TV gino by tta Koiety,
1.498 191.744
1861. ao lea
H. & Bali
both in attendaaee and ffBanoa. Afiar

X—.. .111
8446 «1819S
ISa. bmo Harsh lOlb.
Tha baak is new fa yooem ta falitroiig
lobby ,0 prtsoade tbe oouncll
84B m.698
1868 bom Hareb lit; wml oat
iwiiirlir-r rtd it WiU be kaowa at
I.U9 B9.4IS 949.7
OoL a B. Harsh, who
AprU 8th.
faa Paopia'i Barfags Bank, art trill
ew y.i ■sage Albert and Poaa
Hr. Tom HeOtoska.T wan awarded
I8U. boas JaDBary*6tb; went oat tta toor ta fae Stalls N. T. Tlivatn
bawn»«tod aadertltastowm
Deuk or OM anusr.
ea8 Oc
bead irtata. art Him HiaaOampaaa
April lltbtank faw. with a capllal ta not Ism
Hn. Oafaertoe Ulensmsy
James Bsaautii raesind
hli attraetloo.whiob epeat on engage1866. no too.
died Friday at fa<- boms of bar oonsolaiioB prima
Dokifa. . Tbit
at 8iefabrrg‘i Grand arxi Hon- '
1888 bms Jmaory l«h; .arsm eat
Ills B. H. daaghtsr. Hra. WUUam Oliamid
r childifdoc,
tiwifaers are Tevistung i
fay. Peb IT.
Whan Darit Eimaa ntiUBrt i bit April 88
«l W. Tenth atn<-8 was I«wn fa Oarhood borne
Albert owi
--.■nee G. W. Raff
I8S7. bom JaMoryMIhi armi eat
r. Bear Barlfa. Bta cams to fait
. Dior Cau8i. Dqk.. and Pann 400.
cboBtir when qalts yoaug. Later tta
bert rara fata two yean age> lie por1868 bom Marsh 4th; weal sat
earns to help him rammi
HaU la J. K Leagaataar.also a mam- wai married fa New Yoik City
. pay for
•r.taaed bit feha. agTraii
hw ta Ihs Oral Wood Duh Oa i a A. Brtry Lfaemtyar. They U*t-d faers birthday.
Attor mails art pfayfag MarshSOfa.
». 8. Olllett aai fatatbter. Hia.
' ----------------- will also ta oos ta tbs
ibtr of ymn-aad tbaa mored to
lilo. left lost Bight for a aliort run’years time.
Iruting tb. two yean
t art fa
pu, Oakland eonDtr. and
pan br paid the .wlitr poiebaae iriee.
cakes, pop corn aad praesta Breesal
the easUw ta tta tank.
It1 totta
to Tranrts Oltr fa ihtT.
Li 19Ck> he barraatod 4.000
,Hpom ta tta |>o)so«n ta
if ttabmik
g_ooo iHfamto of wl.
Bbs wai a ontubw of tta Ooegraga- osefat pcearnls wan gieea him art
Orolea. Ham . Peh. It-Tt
to ftn Tnawto tRiypicpU anopita- , timml ebonh darfag fas time ta tar chi party dispsrisd at
;8900 boalieU o' data art last yi
Hra BomatbaL Mr. art
tartly to aaqalntoeok fattataakU rnidears bare. Bln hat been rooAasd Tliose premut wen; Hr. aad Hra
i borremed and aold neoaly as mneh.
aoinoa ot
Jake Hartlii. Hr. aad Hra Baiaay
far fa Ita edition
ta yemng
young ivoam-.
BoM-. ^
Michigan beard ta
tiny as Mrs, althcm^ Hr. Balt .art
tottaogb toUr
FanenL Hra W. Harria art
Hr. T iiaiainkr wlU ta lbs bsaTiast
Jimlfa ehow tliot imaUpoz U jorrofay tsM Chkaga'
gar. Ptooriry I
It U Unir pwposs. bat a gmt sliock to bar B
BteUa.' Pearl aad Hynls.
a( 140 poinit fa tiie
WUUam MoEUUp.afmtompa
It Itta mmpmoMr* and; .
right iBBg. bat
ns, ata to tan aay mosfcbolden
Him Hartta Autoo. Him Katie Harwly knsw sin wa* 11
itan HO of the infaetad dirCicM air
ta fall dty'and a iifoloag art '
of tta ^laai ana
It ta tta eliy, art ita Idaa
Owing to tbs iltnem ta Hn. Ubsm- mm and Him Eta Parraat, lb. art
fa the nnier .
MmdtaBoo. a a namphall,
1 sintaly..............................
ploe tbs tansral was held at Un Hra Elman art Ifamer Bey Hooper.,
eitiM reporting mollpoz obm ora Da
tbma an anaral eafdtaUna who
nee of bet taagtalsr Hr* Artliot
trail. Boiile Creak. Bay Cliy.Ctaboy
tta fmeita ta Hr. Chmpboa
Ttii -P. H- P. »oolsty”ta the B
Mad ready to take all tta atoek fa
gon. EocODatai. Grand Bopifa. HeHnKilItpmmato Ufa rsgtoa fa 1861.
At Boy Oily tta ladies ta St. Jamas
tta BSW kaak. bai It U tta deeln ta
at I ©-elort Es». a
Mstkers and Sogiaw.
Hr. CompbeU imrisfag ben tta fol
lUy eetenafasd al
tat fiii)Stiton to fatorasl Indlag boalitfag. Tin pall bmiars we
iDWfag yoar.
Thoti elom art fab
M man ta fas taty. Ssrartl ban chosBo (ram eld friaodt whom al,* Ins boose ta their yneldeat. Olln I
Mto omerfatltm twmlaiil fm tfty lag Beany 400 mmol all agaa art fa-. "7* 'Kp. "
alnadr aqaamad tboli dstan i
koown lor Iwn^-Sn yaara
Tin* 886 Wetmm tImt. m Batutay
Boatoa Barber.
Ths terwaa wra a
It was a Boral art enjoy.
rag. They wen taesred with mnnl ymie m am m wbmi faoy
wwe: & a HcHlskmiL Join Han
graoi ectpnm to them.os they did aM
mleetiOas tram Ita
tlonky. LsTl Boala. Pnkop Kntlka.
I know tbelr anele was worth a detlor.
Oqmty Bbrniff Ftagm hm itoaraid
Baorly s.OOO poopfa (
Beweid Sberttr.
JakaFonseh and Hamy Cnitla
from Icbto wtam ta took EQfaoal
DoiCT aad Uelfta
iMta wto M Mlmm* to tax
mtaataaU- ttamaaloal program.



1R4, bom JaamiT l8fa: armt eat

and Boa.'J. W. HllUkea.
lo Salloet Bar Satardar
tbs nllroad proposltloii to
a Ibat town, wars pasted

;was appointed to sseemposed of Piasldonl
lbs ntizfaff «Ossn of tin <dtr- Tbsra 3afa Ufasr. A. A. Ssasioni aud I.. 3.
«U1 bs ■nio tfa* artsl to ratlretbis Peek. Thsr will prooeod at oma aod
^faf. osrfac to death aad elbar
posh tbs matter at rapiiUr as
Masiw Fatfafa wUl sad tafa ten
Tbs Uasfa
«lfa fas iprfa* atoUoe. aad as bs ed from Ibis ell.r to Nortbport.
fas poaiartlr dsslfaod to bs oMuidsr- snrreron arrlrwl fa tta cuf Hoodar
•..A tars h>M>
bsea takine
faking anBadlBni ■
wart oat. Un bar sbon when U U p
OUr Olsak Bsali art Tnasacar Wi
atnon tbe right of warbon wtu bold OTsr tor aaotber rear.
Hsalbenr art tbe rfalsf oagii
Ofasr citr odtoari whose term, ox go orer fas ronto as snrrersd in tin
ptrs fail sprfac an Jasttsa of tbs DrtT fetan and tarn npoa it.
raoss 8. M. Bfon art Bshool fa- will
VasMC B. ttofamar.
wiB^m Italr nszl plaos of
Then srtU bs batoM aamoefin
. and will irr to bars tin
fas heart af Mblfa sreefca. Tbttsra
id ta KOerfag fao ngtal of war
•C«Bt»tf loasphBooaof tbs Fiffa adopsM tbCTS at bat been dsoldod npwsrt wU hit
<m ta Sottuu Bar and Korlbport.

m Tamaer mamd br tbs death of
Mrt OUUs, B. O. Oamw of tbe 8semi. Jsha Kpaslka of tbs Third. A.
P. BwUmaBtel af tbe Foortb oad U
E. OlsTSlart of fas Fifth.


sril deeoigoat.................................................................................................T 5c



wlU bs tlirtsd
la fas wards fasn wiU bs
1 of fas soparrfaors re
of fas
•BA Trtr an O. F. Qarrsr of
Vbllwmd.lfao wasappofatodtodU

60c, at .. .39c

LOT 2—I-aJiSt' exen heavy ROrbol rnderweai. eonh 38.. aL.. | 9c
LOTS-Childreo'i Rflibed Vs«i art l-anm tires 16 artlK


fol attsaUoa while faer prewals.! fas
aeed of Un road to tin mailer of rfabl
I lopsr- of war. A latta oambet of faa tazpajers srore iwesaataad liaard tin plan
•Mfafo. tbe aearafs tainf
ailopted at Kottbporl of harta* tin
fa fas asra. b«t tbe scraaj
Mbash- properir liolders |fi*e “OUe lor
bafac S.4M aad rtol«inff »1 7M
- •
-I saoure tin rfaUi
•Is. Tbe pmeaBtofs of tbe plsld pt
•esa fa fas Dcrfasni eoanliss fa ros- of war. ooe aole to b.' giaid wb.n the
fadsiaUr laraar tbaa fas:esntial or road is fa operailoa and tbe oitnr
after tint tlma
L fa III# stale Otaud
Bfib lu TOloase This plan met with no oiiposllioa. and
roM, tbs
ballot wa* alaosi anaalmoa. in faror
bairtfatbs •ala. Ortlaad aad Warrt. Tlifa fa a of tbe proDOsitini.
I. 3. W. HllUkan. Boa. B. V.
•ort* sfaewfac. bat wbsa Un Uioos•^•f aass rtirsi arterealtlTa•to fa fafa tortoo. aad tbs lapmder
.•all an mafadatad. fas fafais poasibdUtIss fa pofato oaltors «sa bs fau(-

LOT I -Udna- Flcrm Liacd Veaa ami 1‘ants.

Udies' HERRia Wdt Bals............... ».50.
Ladies’ AAYOR Wdt Bals................ $3.00
Udles* VICERWE Turn Bals.......'.. $150
Udies’ UGRARB Bals ......... ..........$2«0



242 Front Street.

New Stand.



Ttari an lofay iwsety-foor ineorperotod eomimalea making taalfa
foods oat ta etrmlt fa BottU Crrak.
art timlr oombfaed mpmllmtim
olmoM 890.000.008 Twotatbowoerkma tare a ea|dtal ta 89.000,000
oad fool tare eopilnl ta 81.000.000,

Nattenal Bank «T $
:h^ , First
Traverse City pays 3 per ?

5 £ cenLooSarliirsD^osits s.


talof ratofartofatta
w a Itw fart Witt tta





It't free ifit laih.

Try h today at 45c a botile.

TrbvATM City MarkwU.

._ * .


on/ea Mfrii


TMa raport la moba upon
.Oay oToaon woak. The Her
enaiDia tor ohangoe I

The tart ta tin a



luxe yoa

R^ularSl l>o<-

ties dSc fan week at Mcrrmmar^-A

! SATL KDAY is pomuveiy fae



4£e or 3 far SLSS.


• n^vunoc.


3 Hr Ce*i aUeved n Tlae De»«ats.

5iif lilili
i. ■ S si-.

il jiii

Circulation this week 2.625.


Good Tesplais. arrired U tbe oily
,an to am Dr lUap'a Hew D
I ooTsry aad wm wbally eared by ■
lay from Maniatea aad will aoekaol of Mua Bataa'
l*n bottlae ead am now ateat and
ODd floor aad Ibroopb a afaaUar eleael ><mm ben arretal deya.
yB" ll'aeaaariraUdUfe-mrerla
balow. dreoebtapaqKatltycr booka Larkin bna viaitad over tOCO ledpto is
ir. C T. Stimi has iaaaed to tto
and dolnp ether daieapa
all parti cd tto Onlaad SlaMa aad
.ban of bU pariah a riaftel tlM Oolda. Aatbma. Ha< Ferer. Creep er
Tto local milk dmlari aad aeme of Britlafa Aserimasdia nptedi
pirea tto Laataa aeiiu a for tbe prte- Who^or Ooepb. Oeenniead bectlae
all tto wtwklapi cd tbe ardar.
eeiymr. and la addttloa anma rale, ftOe and «! 00 Trial bettlaa fna el
able tellpioes nadiap oa tto peeenl m Walt A sona- aad Jaa O Johaaas'a drop M
entdml. "Wliat Good Ota 1 Oet Fc^m
Wbat mar to
toa drvalop- LiwtV'
ad is tto tome of WllUem Mltetoll
( of OrandTtot«• kllow«d lo do b
iBilxBlIr. at Baat Bay. aa a naall ef which tto
Jalini. tbe lafasi aoa at Mr. and ,
_____ (e. So i:. will
xpcow to Um elty vonld not to boaaeia placarded ead the'Inmatea Mn Alban Oarto. died Monday mora---------• Hall. Trnrene City.
It is to be a one da.T
and tto qaalitr of milk Is mm» kept in qaacaatise. tbonpta they mala- inx of indlpeatioa. at tbair l<omis *» I
dieu» troald to
Tto faaotml i
aeadar at t
Dr. i. V. OaomMt tow «itonkad i Abont threewaekaapoWlU MitebeU
was in Oaki
rniiB Bapid Ollr. wiK-re to
a 111. and ba<i an eiaptlaa
(or eataiaet apen tto ncbi eja et
■bled amellpex. Merw bla
EiphI 1
Ura Dorol with
parfret nooraa
Alooae L. Fowler died at : pm.
Utile workers—I
Mn. Di-rol U sow abU to to aboto
llnp'e Hew L e Fills
Feb. ftib. at hia lieam at Orawa, at Elnp-e
and dtr. o-.
and ana M« trail. Last fsauMr ato
tto ape of W. Ha learet a wife and alweve at
inc lodlci
Oonati(n. I
WM epatstt^ apoo at Aon Arbor tor
Katola la Dm- llaad.
Feaeral arrrieea wen (ion. Siok
eatancR of (to loft ft, and loot tto
Lew Dlatoow aad wUe went
Blcfal of Ilia <70 eompotalt- Bto war Txararae Oily' Teeaday to me ab
tomllj blind aatil tb>- opsraUea b; peltinp a ne^-dle ool of Mn.
Dr. Qaaatletl.
’s basA Tbe nnslle w
drirec Hillct I
Into tbe lady-1 hand bmd flnt laal Mr. Fowler waa a memU-r of
b- i
fiaia* »OUi» CaLVES ON
Mak at Or
win to ou Alb ^Rdnaodaf.Holr Oon- wart wblU abi- waa mklnp
O. T. M. at Oiawnaand
iOB at e a m.. eaprcUUr (or boil- top tbnada out of a perm
mm and nbolan asd te«eb<Ti In eblldrenl<ad left tbe needle aliiAinp
Edmond B. Barrey died at bla mbuoli: Utaar, Paoiinodal oSoe, to tto table etotb and ato bnabed tor ill Cedar Rna Febraary fttoof t«»>yand Boir CoiBiuBuine at 10 a band apatoxt il with anffieiaot f.aoe ala at lb.' apa ef 7> yaota. He leave*
riy the full Impth. An eix oUldreo.
esint fnjer and addreat at
Tl.e funeral Oooared
;jOp m.; Tbiaradar at 7;IOi>. m. effon to |«11 It oot reenlted in break, from toe Cedar Ran ehan* Friday
and Itidap at a :1ft p m.
A canciml iup oB tto point wliioh |*otmded. afo raooe. under tto dlrectlcm of W.
iDTltatiiB il rotndad to tbroa and aad the nendle ep natll TnenUy tod 6. Anderwin
elaA-dall eSorU to And iL-B.>IIninother tonlaa aarrieia
Word baa been ncalred tore that
Harry Perktoa who went weal to tto
fall to amrab of bealto. died .at Spog. Q.itgi
aco, ainea wfalob time to toa town Irkane. Waab.. Jan. », of eoonmptlon ,
^ “•
Feer yean apo then was or«4,000
iiursKto Trararm Boaidjal, haaao
Thiali toe flfih yoonp penoo wbo,*“P‘“paatxed a aoolety of yoonp mea wbleh
derated aa to be able to alt op a
baa pone from tl.ti city to toe weat to I
ormtxt laa. >0 available In e
waa dentoed to beroiue ooe of
few boon Hatardar tor tbr firii tima
aearefa of bealib durtop (he imI year ,
eart or the wono.
Uie beat orpaolxationa of Ita kind to
Be win hare to resmln in the lieapi*
toll clly.Toeeday ntpbt they will, to.-lr and died lh>-Te.
btl (or two or tbnw
weeka jet,
howerer. Ba will not to erlppled'bf (rieadi awmbled to Moetapne Ball to
reaideou td to.- Q.raad
the aeeiitoot. bad aa 11 waa. a> tie oommemonle tl.e-birthday of his
per eeni

bonaa or laodoiia ware brekan.
e ape of
—with eharlty for all. 'In Cedar Ron of aalhma. at
Abeat Ift oonpla* drove to tlia
He leevee two
Boy Boollel.I arted aa tm^tmaalor
ome of Joe Alfnlra Tsaadar and and Ibe followinp ret]nndMl:
Chariot an.l Jnlinaai Cedar Ron. aad
are lha (ainilj a oumplate anrprue.
Addrou by to.' ]re«ldeat-Bey Wya- one danphter. Mrs Be.,
TUa latwe hotua waa thrown open to koop.
Maple City. The foneral waa held adra<ultra.u»ni
them, and thar apent an •renluii of
BoelmtioD. --LInooto-i -Oettyabarp from the Cedar Ron church Batnrday
nonrnal plaaanta In dascimt. alnitiiK Spaecb"—Ony Pratt,
.top at Id o'cloel; In ebarpe of W.
>tber aoelal pleaiurm.
-OoT Lady Frieacla"-B. OhajmiaB. 8. Andennn.
mldalcht a aempnoua aupper waa
Hr. Norria oame to toe praad Tnv^
"Onr PraeldenU---!,.. Blrdmil.
U to wblofa all did ample jni.
■m Bepino to tire early -ftO-a. and baa ■'
Beadtox-Charim Resaie.
Ooe. The party returned home thia
son a neld.'iit of Cedar Ran ooa-j"*
-Th.- Falore of to.- /.loootoUea"
line. (eellnR that tto eooaiton —Aliaen Bsller.
idantly for alaioal half a eeataty.
DO. Inoc to to- ramaBberrd bj all
Tba tapper eonaiate.1 of oyalertan)..
.rie* Valley died at D O. Short-1
coffee, oake, pie. celery, ete.
• oonplinp 0
er-t hotel at C-dar Run Tbnrsday of ..ODrcr"Dii»xirkM«i
toflamatlon of toe bowels after an
A MlMloaarj tarn Arrtra.
Waite B«l wltli an aeoldem II
lllneat of oal.v forty elpbt houn He
Carriully Compooiidedeaaaod tto loea of two fln«eta on
Kei Willia R. HotrhklM of Clrva» old, and oamarTied. aod
This is an old familiar sav-1
left liaod, and badlr daunted <
l«Bd. Ohio, who bae apent fnar y<«n
no near reUllve. Uvtop to thu Jj,
it is SO old that '
other ILiiper. He ta btakemao ue t he | ‘ BriCUhBaatAfrieaaia
awllob eoirlae, and oaaslil hia band! will a]<Mk at Ibu Prieodi ctanreli ra
la mafciap a ooapllap. Dr. Biieeland next Toriday e.eniup, F<-h la
I a. m. Mr Valley wa. the third «hat it means. W e ha%-e not.
dreaaod the tojaiad memto-r, and ! Holebkiia wi«t to Afrin at Un- at*
I<. die at Cedar Run to two days Wc bclicvC it is tbc most im> ^
thlnka he eaa aare tto middle dnper, !o( SO with a partr of fonr mao. He
and laet oipht the iKxih-a of to. three poTtant thing in our business.
thoopfa it il b^ly anmed.
The 111-j bnri^ hia laat oornfanlna at tbe end
Uy to bous.-# only lOO yards distant
only do it
lie anper end riot fininr war* omalied of three y<ara with bis own bauds and
labored alone for ooe year. He )<ad
Tto Frienda Cari>.-| Clnb waa orpmn. p-nonal eon Biot with Uoaa.rblni
ixed Moeday nlplit at tto home of Mr. mendaaprynarivm Henfferedtben
Dd ooe-bair moufb.- old danphter of
and Mrs. Obnrlea Jaffriei for the por- alom- wllb to.- ferer aad learned tto
Mr. an.! Ura. W. II. Ralt.e, died
pom of ntatop money to oarpet toe laapuapv. He ia potop to tetorn to
choreh. Abont |M> waa raised at tto Africa to A]vil will.' aaotber |wny very •addenly.Frida.v ereninxat S:30
Ant meetlap.
Olmrlotte Helm waa to open an indottrial miaaioo under o'eloek. of acme ii.dtprotioa.




Sm. triftZta

TheHonab A Lar U.
raeslToda faU oarkmd •
and door Tbaradaj.

A Of nalli

John T. Ott A Go. atanad sp
tbrlr pane mw oo hardwood Bataidax
tto Aral time thla winter.
S. EL Sarah hai morad thla weak
to the tars raeantlj boaffbt hr him
ct Mr. Whltatm. sear Batea.
A saiTlace'li^te'w«riaaaed Mondar to AnhU B Otom of Lod( toka
tearsahlp and Anna Beamar of Oiatlot
Aiehle a Osme of Loop Lake
towuUp and Mlai Anna Beemar of
Orsttot oeon^. ware married Mondar
by Jaatloe Yarly.___________
OaoofUie worfcmao la SalUran'a
fiblagla millatOaMrdlaooraredaAra
is the oBdar dnat Jaat in time to
aroid a errtoai bUar.
A eaU baa been iaaned for a apaeUI
maelv of tto btmrd of raperrlaora to
eosaldar omrUpox Ulla aad ottor ioi-



“ bu.»ed.i.,uicny

nteaT.8elea reeelred Honda.* oopy- Monday evenlop waa very
DelUtoaa fralt waa
aerred by Mr.
rlfhl eredil sotifoaUoa from Bar
pat A Bna. on a larpe mle in Bop- and Mrs Jeffrioi.
lasdot ttoaorel. "Martin Brook."
by tbr late Metpan Bataa
An Imporuut real' aatate deal waa.
W. B Millar briopi the Heiaid a
Mopletad Satarday by whlnb H. 8.
pat of batter wbieli U not oaly delie- HoU parehamd ef tto Xlnylw U«iioaa in qaallty. tot eqsaUy pood to maine [amate SI fmt draalape on
took at. It la made la tto afaai* of a Front ttivat. for which to |mld ffSOP a
- /all blown roae, wltli open jiotaU.
(ool frooi, ib.- Uptoet irloe ervr paid
Ttavene City for a lot of almtlak
Max WUliami feU'D^tto top of a
raUway. a dlatanee oTM foot, asd
waa Httoaaly tsjsred at Oadar Menday. Dare Blaafcamith took a almllar
the prtea paid did net inclad.- tto
tomUa reeaotly aad narrowly oaeaped
toUdtop, whleb will be moved elpeahntonsrok.
when to tto ^irlap. Tto lot U to to
retowur lA at tto Frienda ehendi
leatad April let.
at Maple City at at noon Alpha luA DriixMfBi Trinsmn of Horthpert aad Him Mae
Oo Wednaaday Mr. aad Mra H. 8.
Limofci of Maple Oily wlH to eaitad
taamnlapa. AH iriaada ate ovdlal- BaU ilarted «B a limp plcaanre trip
wfalob will taketbam into aomo of
ly laritad ta to twaaat.
Coele Bam-i BOW laland pomemlona
Fnand Tea Bote ease to the elty
They wml from ban to Toledo.
Batorriar with a badly damaped band.
Be oBiw ihamb aad ihre* Aapma on a
Ailaple law at Wallla. Dr. Kaeelaad
Prom Toledo they will p« to
dra«ad tto tnjared hand aad aiatai
Waabtoptae, O. C.-fora few dayi
that Maa of the hnpert wiU to loat
pad tom to Olmrlmtao, W. Va..
where tI.. T will attend tbe aoatbern
Daaa. Moon A Oo. bare ahlK<e<I
After vlalttop' tto expolarpe ronaipammit of their patoal • xpaeitioo.
•afely whIBrwea iwda to Bpokanr. aittoattoy wtU pe to Palm Beach,
WaM- TbU patoBl dmriop It ftadiiip Florida, foe a abort time and then
math faror with owaara of r^olea
Imnda, from toarv to Potto Btoo aad
later to Saattopo. Coba They wUl po
from Baatiape to HavBaa by yail if
poaiible and vlali also Oienfaepoa aad
>*> pal
a BMkw ID tbe eCaet ttot IL l
orber Unban elriea baforv kavl
of that plaoe toa sold bis tatire itock island. From Onto they j^Il reton
o/diypoodi atthatpMoe
by way of Tampa. Ftk-^e trip will
Boo to tto Boalon Store of Tisvetee
me about aix weeks.
OHy. The atook will to al.Ippod b^
«oo1 Spsater for Coa. iwln.
to be dltpoaed of.

pUaacaa Tto alae of tto atreetare li
to be nx70 (oet.
Fltonda la ihu oily hart iveelvrd
0 attend tbe eipfaBoUi
fsHoa of William MeWeduaaday erenlap of thla week. Mr
MdllUp la aa aetire aa many a maa
of aorwiy, and bit old ttma frienda
. tote wUl extend ewinMlIalo
tbe eeeeaieo of hit MrtbAty. and

rrry malaCeelorily. In the ward where
the Ana maea dereloped then an K
petkaata and oat of tto wbola cumtor
tot Art derrl^nd the diaaaae, and
Bww all (xnber danper of infeoUen ia
that ward la jHt.
Tto pattaBla in


IN under™


Snappy BarL.ADl ES- PAN rS AN I) VKSTS-r> f>er cent,
wool. ftiz« .t, 4. .^-ud o these goo..s
7SC and $i oo a garment, a snap 49c

Cbe Big Olbite 6oods
and Cinen Sale
Continues for another week.' If
you have not taken advantage of ibis sale, do
so next week.
(>el one of those Sprdfts at Sue
tiet some of that Table Linen at <;oc yd
(iet some of that 0-4 Sheeting at ijyc yd
Get some of that elegant UleachrtI iCollon
at fic vard. and hundre<is of other good \things
we arc off'-ring umter iirice.

toM i^toe iJr Buo ^ITsurt.*^ S0“e druggists have forgotten |

of ito elnb, Mn.
Jaffriaa aeenmry aod Ofaeitor Bliotl
The mer-tlupa will alao par­
There wlU be a mnilar nwlew of take of a aoelal nainn aa well aa bnaTrarena Ba.r Teat Ho. IK. K. O T.
Mary Ladlam. Oiarlm Jeffrira
M. sasf Monday eranlap and refreiti- a*d 01.ariottr Halm wenmanti will to aerred. All membera aollcltlnp
are erped to to praaant.
ben and ceobibetioaa Tbe n.mllnp

r. B. Moore la drawlap plaaa (or a
more and otBoe baUdlnp for A. B
Ooa^utrty of BU Baplda The toUd.
la to be two aterliw and
- tout of briokand with all i

sadsp Depuresen.


John K. Mtllte ivtaned -rbotedav
from lAaiinp. where be attended tot8tate Dairyman's ooereation.
MIM.-r read a vary insimctlTe aad intemttop paper at tl.eraecttop aad tor
papen pave it Ubaral spao* to
toelr report of (be pathertop. TtoeotOeot of tl.e( paper "Ob
for IMirymen aad
Kertbam Michipaa."
Mi. M1U« did a pood daal of w_
for tor OtBBd Traverse
Bnwdalrym.-a aad maar mmtotwl
aUlk and batter m.-a will be h.r* at
to Hand..

toe Frienda Mlatioa Board.
Mr, Houbkiai la a ihrilliiif apeaker.H.'haaaatraape and torilllup atory.
Hi. nddreMwtIltofreeto at]. The
Ohrlatiass of all ehnrobea arv urped
to bear him in bis matofatoea addnaa
cm Tto Dark Ooatto.-nt. Bla aocosnt
Of hi. experi>'Bo<-a with liomand other
aaimala la remarkable. .

dmto was a terrible


not only to A Porous Piaster itiat is oncc.j

b.-r 1-renis m>d frienda hot to to. identified by the name of REX ;
whel.- c
npimrrmlv to very pood bealto
Butil Friday momiop
All wbo reliability.
her raeel little face and quick

for coughs,

Themnny frieiidsof Mr. nad Mr. 1
Rntoe StoecriJy xrmpmbise with (b.-tu I
to their Josx -Tbe fnaenl
Va<l«—tiale WeMlar.
belli from tb.- residenee SnnTaeeday ev.-ninp, in'tl.e preeenee uf
dsy.nt S IV m.
toe nUtivee aad elom (,o(
aettoR parties. Bar. C T. 8Uot of
wintom Lete died u bU homo ia
One- Eplaaopal ohorri. pertormed toe Fife Lake Snndsy evaatop ef . paralyooay that nnited to marriape tie followiop toe pnp. at the ape of
Hiai Jompblue Tad.-r. toe daapbter of •iyrin
Ho has b.-oa a r<«ldvnt of
Mr. Calvin 8. Vader. aad Mr. Charles
eonmy M yearn.
He leavea a
E. Hah'. Tto oereniony wmapt-rform- wife, tote<- eons and two danphlerK.
ed ia tbe reception room of (to b<«ntifal borne recaatiy erected -by Hr.
Hale at «01 Sixth atreei, aod wblcb
was all pniwed for (bem. Tb.- tmicrsclra rtop ctmaoay tfaa need. Mr.
Vader pivtop ibe bride any.
Tbe bride won a bmaitfal dress
of tncked white crep* de ebtoe. trim­
med with white panae velvet asd lurqnolae jeweia. apd carried a boaq.
of red rodm Tb.-'ptoom won a bli
dnmseit, Mlaa aW D««l>n pUyed
too weddtop marcli from luobeaprio.
cerwnoay waa i»rfotmed to
fimt of tor SrepUce in toe receptiaa
room, tola room ak well aa toe otoen
to toe boam^betop trimmed testily
with amllax.
to tovltatloai wen
ianed tor tto weddtop, only SO of
which wen lopeoide in this city.
After tbr conmony dainty ntreal.meats of ine aad cakea were aerred.
Maay beantUnl aad valnable pnaeate wen r»c«iv<-d by. toe happy
tocludtoK silverwan.
plaaa. rairi. flne china. Itoi«i. delft
-beet kin^ dcganl
ehapet, fur irimmed. lealhci
beaatlfnl and roetly
Ibe i<o]
vam[s and soles
beaat'/Bl ranwd oak eidebeard b»tented by elpbt 01 to.- berbrloi friends |
jot tbe proem. Leoa F. Tina Ralph'j
HarietL Mel B HoUey. Ema O. B.l- I
Itopt.' Dev.'Campbell. WlllUPeuntop-1
un. Ttacy H. QiUis and 8am O.
Adams; ahaadsom Iratoer coach from
toe Elki lodpe, of which Mr. Bale
te tecrcMiy; a tet of baadeome dtotop
room chain aad llbcary tebh- fnmi
Ibe employee of the Tnverto Ouy
State Baak. where Mr. Bale it em-

Mr. and Mrs
mabopaay rocker from Hon. tV-rrr
Baaiml.: a Imadeeme Imad carved
Flemieb oak rorkv from Hr. aad
Mrs. H. Mootepae aad Mr. and Mn.
V. C Bell: a Aae clock (torn Mra
BunafBecarvrofaiaBd Harriett E. Rickey; a art of eilver
Raplde eaid to Mr. Milter;
kaivee aad______
feckt from Mr. aad Mra.
Rapide doeaaet vary, often aead l>er Chari ee 8. Vader
Ane klicbeo
BUUmra to eearpeet. and wbea we from Mr. and , Mrs. Am Hale. >
eealOeotpe Rishardsou tbarellwne: rampleu kltrbea aenlce from Mr.
m be eras Ibe beet limber we asd Mrs. Oalvto 8. Vadar; aad a
And." Hr. RidmrdwB it down ImadMtor pill tamed tdaie plats
(or iwoaddieseea at Ibe Onnd Tr»». mlmr from Mr. and Mn. EUtwonfa
IMliymea-s eaeveattoa at Trav. Bale aad Mr. aad Mn. D. C. Cbrlln.
OUy Hareh 6th and Sto, wblto
>e Of Tmvetee pi
will be nfatpealal iatereet to local
aveey popalar ai
U they eaa b«tB>ai«dat
that nm from ble eMee be will pioomalao has ao tad e« frieeK. wbc
wUl aalte to tbe htarttete coaptatolattoaaaad poed vteaaa fee bath toi
then telk ea thedr a



_ _



the way we arc selling all of our winter footwear, you
wouldn’t think of trj-ing to make your old shoes, slip­
pers or leggings hang on till spring or try to stand these
cold days without warm footwear, but would come in
and stock up.

Here are a few of the prices.
come and see tbe roods.

UDffii$1.50 tad II.7S
Warm Slippers—the *«>

$1.35 aid $1.50;

$i.2S and $1.00
Fell aad Itetv^r JaUetts
sn.l i«i.|rcTs.
j;o at

75 cents.

25c asd 35c

Lumbennen’s Sox aDa;Rubbcrs;
at Cot Prices.

ARE BUSY DAYS-especially so in our
_____ _
_ _
Ctocker>- l>epl. Busy taking note of our
great stock and busj- finding bargains for you—they are genuine bargains, Hoo.
The sooner >ou see them, the sooner y-ou own ^em.

Have some white French china breakfast
plates that are the greatest prizes at loc
each, and the same quality iq china soup plates at 10c each. Sugars and Cream­
ers at 3JC the pair. And other fancy plates at the same remarkable reduction.


niliuro OtTO
splendid Dinner Sets that we will close out at $3.30
UIRflLn uClu for the set. .Another handsome set is now priced at $7.50
—was much higher, it would pay you to look at theHialance of this great stock.
Some of the handsome sets sell at $13.50. $15.00. $ up to tbe finest
Haviland China Sets in either white or colored decoratioui. The daiotieft. de­
signs you have ever seen.
We always did have a great stock of IxMh
China and Glassware that are’ on our sc and
loc counters. Some goods carried exclusively by us. that include many dainty
and useful articles. I n taking our inventory- we have come across many broken
lines, and these have been placed bn the loc counter regardless of cost—ihus
making this counter especially attractive with these new additions. It is to your
interest to see these goods.


some goi^s and include almost every dainty sty-le and shape known in china.
p{iful wedding aod anniversary gifts. Always acceptable—no lady can have
o mihny- pieces of fancy china.

SI Lumbrnaen't Sov


SUc Lumbenaen't Sox

$L» Kriit Bodtx
cut to


\joti of Rabbet*

SeUer of Good Shoes.

Tke Old Stand.

ment—not as large as during the hblidays. it is true—but yet we have enough
for many. Odd shaped vases in all the h^dsome sfare. beautiful Cut Gla« iR,
many- odd styles, and whole show cases full of fine solid and stetliBg lilver—moat
useful in every way.


tMBWAttt. FEBRUAHV 18. l»oa

AUchttallcC fia tkl*


25.00 Salts fPT 12J0
30.00 Silts fer 10.00
l&OO Salts liar 9.00
In Pric^ ofTwer $ 10.000 worth of Men’s. tS.00 Suits for 7JW
14.00 Suits lor r.oo
B^ys’.and Children’s
12.00 Saits for 6.00
10.00 Suits for S.OO
8.00 Suits for 4.00
r.50 Suits for 3.7S
Same Cut on
is all we ask for Overcoats. Suits. Ulsters.
Mackintoshes and Reefers.


J. •aUHM.
Kc. Bhvp d I»wri«*M «M U

**** *•
S. ^HsrSliH

_jSe^t^SO. They ten boiijAt •
ala te.
PItelBS te ttotelotebte aot beea
my pflao tbit wtater. Tl« Btbrr-


Maa WlUteaaCall a«Mtete<



IteValMna a ivUway Be tel beite d IB noemy.
A telekte pte teelat at the Oater
tettaonol^.of ter tte fw ,tlir
pocket tmoka
ool of aisbi. SCBe


ZC. jto. Wttla. 1. ~

B«bi7 D«m«T.

rraar IS easy to find a pure soapj ft iseasy
UQS to find a cheap one. The problem Is
to find both combined ^ a soap that is
pure yet inexpensive. Ivory Soap is the best
seJutkm of ^t problem. It is ajixorigihal
product, evolved after years of experiment and
research. It is the most of pure soap for
the least money. It stands a^roved to-day
by a second generation of Ivory Soap users

Ub aaan te 00 Mwa.
b1 BCT^tte
ora pi_____
mpUjd toe aad tee qaalily ie
oonsiTM toi lord mm tit
i^ltrni V« ten tend li----------' w U nninr well, mi te mv
la, 1( It npiitlad Amm tte awv
B qtenntlw la Hteor vhte te
>r to BudlterilU. twUmb d A*
to white te •-------------- ----------- watpatool
pMtei te SM OB tte war ted wtan
Tbt BolUno aw alUia eloaedtea
«ad tte-------------—

“s.,r..s.^^s'£.s YOU CANT AFFORD TO MISS IT!

& Da^- i^^ara tte^ teppy poe-

Xn. Prad Balaat. Hr. CUaeall aad
Hr. ate Hra WiUias Pbelpt dror.
F. Otmlaad ten all bate ao tee
■lok Uat f« (te pan weak « 1
tel ara aU laptorlBS.
B. aBiwrowt teaa anr eon
te for ter rroomy.
Haiart alto tee ote
Hia Wm. Arattroog u otlll
__________________ _____ inUiB H*UWe .are teriiic eoae badwt
(•rich wiu BIOD tmtt for WmMbcMB
,tR Della,
-Hra FhishaB aad daoghi
taut areek
«d Urawa, retamaf
Kd Bmorr't Bill tet ateiMd «p it*
I her
tByias with I
alter a two weak
,wlDtar WM.
m peopU ara sotHa
(te tBallpos aad
d araiDiagto

■rlM fenr.
AU toto (o be terlag
Loariea Porter bat bato Hte with
tte grip.
i« teffslag with a
id Dold.
Wmie Lei^tte iBt raw to JoUei
10 make hu i.OBP. HU wife wtU
follow at tooo at
Ute OutB BaoDpH elettd. btr AprlL
It tet teM cold Bad Mem ■
•eteel eo ItlUer Hill Fridtp.
■Q tet tnte: «• ten pitety of to
Hr. aad Hra. Oay ToBfUat WlU
Iwiri----------------Wd. Ptnut went te hit Urm nett
tatteMtUMoa ‘ Bmian) (odarof Oa|
work b
Fnd Blext tet tote , tite for 1
It ElvoOG; att Wtek. 001, tet foU.T noont
Bd b< Itet cote btek to sap.
Ote'tlMlSoadir Blcbt, —
Sbtek wot Ic tows todarUn. Jewle Boramaa aad daa^ter of
N't ten Btedv Dl«f.v St.
.ranne OUy. ara rlnUng friendt aad
relatlna teU week.
Hitt Clan Andenoe U tpoedlng
SMi^y aad Banday with the Hlteea

Greind Traverse Region.


Ste. EteSteB of Port Boroe. bte

Will Bocelud It oearl; well afola.
Scate of (te rotdi on iBfau '
■g-i", betas foB of drilled teoa Kaiter wnii to TteTer*- Oit?

XiB Hattie Bopt It nltins relatint boldtBteUiict It w-ie—lalt weak.
X t.. A. & aad WiUie Prap
to Tamm OK7

We ate poMo bejon tensoffa tte
atIfUteboed <ioite oftaa. bat farm«n man ttem ilowl? *W Wneat

^^Wb. fcoktet Itqmitopoorty


a Tranree Olty
W. B. Pray we
m OaTiaoe
OaTieoe ledrawtag
le drawtag oedar
B A H«yft Bhlasle all.
Olty Friday. He U tettUng tte mate
of tee late A. Bnttoa.
to Elk Bapidt oe baalnett Friday.
Qarru Wataoo weal t
Oily one day law wete.

Boadv tetelBC

a U tee order of the day.
AfUm^er lonahem atnrdayi
<Hkw d teannt OHr dptet
Baa^ wtth ▼. HolB.
Alton BteWoi «f Tn««w
oalM te Mtedt tort Budar.
Hr Oalw aad «■ m teowiac loft
tan teotr MW tars to Tionrte 019. tet Hlaet Btanley d

■Sm teBB with a teaatitol pbote-

r. Maer It wotUac fer W. Bala.

50c Does the Work of $ I .OO.

—BaT.BMBaSttUk eCTranmOUr
^TiWjKte* tetel htet ts jibM d

y trftedt of Hr. aad H

____ Wb.


JewrU (wndy.



ssiBlankcts and Robes

......... bs',?

often i

Tte Empire Lamb-r O-mpuiy hare '
^.e the moner to
dmebed tee caiUMt and okiaaieg «l ,b,ni
If a woman will
eae hundred and uzty
hmih to get a eotete. ----------------- ...
.li-r fortify liereelf *KW»n,t tte iradB.{
bote ate will
on a etiiy
ter Tbartell umo>-r iwkt week.
of eoogh,. enld, aL.
Wb. Bnoke aad Tboma. Tmcl
t X,-.bare flnitlied eeiting (.>r tet
N,-p..-o ; nw of
o I>r. Boacb-T,'
|1'«> ■ leorainly b>t«
earlwu ktag.
Hr. Bonoo baa ratoraed from hin'“

:hial toteeate
■ork at BnrdiokTille o
_____ from tee aye-'
a teal place.
u beau aick for
Btinak of taaUpox in
. coreAll. bntlt Ua;
cough,, cold, aad all;

gootm Indiana ate____
go wtet ate to aeek a boaH-.
a a TrrreU baa bought ataoklier
lot La tte TllUge of HamnaBok and
tel alitedy a large lot of lumber oo
ter groano te boUd a fine taaldenee
Dr. Payee o
la tte near fanra.
tewB Tlion^
TteOlagetOo. tenoomp
Will Dalloa retaiaed Tbmraday
imbor job on tte eMt ara
from a trip to Braioela.
^a a Brigham. TliUwaa ooaaid'
Prohaie court wae la eenlte Ved. rate the tneat pieea of tiBbar ia teia
ifKlay ate Ihan^y.
TielnUy ate Hr. Brigham received
HUk Battle Bryant end
Bird were Good BarW 1
Wexford tea added a new blacktmUta ahop. bailt by J. a Oarmin
atewten w, get that
wiU eermlDly boom.
Elk 1
BenrtaTast A Banyte-i miU tenth.
Jacob Sobwab aad Joa. Plaraaodte eaat d town tea atartrd on their win­
ter' eat and the ooapaay
were rilU^ tellan today.
prioe fra logi.
J. Stebblat of Omnw wi
B. Bteth hat bought a ftae Ariring
last Satorday.
bone BOB Wm. Ward, walking boa,
Praoi. .
for Bcokby and Doeclaa Immber Oo.,
ateJlr. Salte telnka te
.........- Lederleate CSiailai
were at Good Harbor yeetetdaj
W. W. Lialoe tea anld bU (
OUnr Brow of OeaterrlUe
IteB te WiUiaa Ward and bU fa
nro tbU week.
to a man from 'Allegaa eonntr i
Utwald Ooixlet wtel te Good Bar. wiU Bon Wtet In tee aprlng.
bor tetarday.
The amaUpox baa teokte oat ia Ed
■U’l camp aad tee board of
______> of Wexford tewnabip are p
'lied wtet to do te obaek tee epeeat
Charlet Helaoe of Good Barber wat teedUeane.
la town chu ertelag.
OUat Kahn wat la town yeettrday.
Diok ffW^^bo bat beta UI with
a Deway aad wife of Haaee
loaa rialted tee fenaeii' pareaU in
Ooion laat week.
Jolm BoUtnger of 8
Engtee Oaara ate wife, bm Lydia
Utesi LelateBBdaay.
Gob. foraralr of thU Tillage, anDoaaee the tdrtb of a daagbtra do
Jaa. Slat at Ballard.Waahiagtoo. Hr.

end lM«rite,

A to my eogme. allboogfa er.


Gtren - relUble reDcdiae at

got a tettto of Kclectrii- Biit»»>. aJi U 1
it I fell a.
in my We ,'_;_Wo
down people alway,
amogui nad. %lgor from
from their o
tetufactioo gaar
Tty tliem.
by 8. E Wait * Son, a.i.l •'


flowerm. ____ _____


_________ Psteptthe
he^ e^^ j** 2^
ten lalktd of goiag wen ..
tliae end WUl utlaki he will go
tbt tiatog. We arr tony to.loei ib>
bat hope tor ttea aooeeaB'wbarei
they Bay deoidt (Moeate.
Hargny Oaaole UabU to te axoe
rlihooi I0 entolwt again.

'--toon tenlbrir dltetai
pleated to report (tet (hero
are do oew cant of tmallpox____
tmallpox n«
at BardlokTllle it reported e
______ (JO^ bat U and* oontroL Dr.
Q. A. Brigham U telpidag poBtete
FraUte u attandlng him. aadenry.Mnr U being dona to aroidttetpccad oat of hia new-ware Aoaae ai feat aa
tee weather will pramlt him to load

124 Front

___glad to weltmne to oar
■neod Hr. Bayer aud UbiI>
o?Ukl taema, who here ]«rcbunl
BOX a B. Drrir

. loAf tte htelth eteoar. ^

tetak* te wtU te oreud la o tew dojo.

Tte BrN week of Febraary ha> Ue-n j
OMof ttewral for yean: a-H ec
cold, tel bad ttorBa
Beporw by letter frea Dennr.

Dtea aadebodnadt



J. a Hortea hntteUa large tear,
of hU bay ante barn. It U haled,
wblcb mekei it «tei.-T getting 00 ted

Pere Marquette

tntea for a-'llh-r* wi:
.Vj.... Te .
Orate Bapida B»-r .TSpalhi. era lip
It made
maf l-y il Pere Harqartte R. II
.nun, to iminu in H>n
•Igiied a draft for
te.Inniiali atal
Orek^ii and Waabtagtoi
Conasl BiekbofrinChlc
t;.na. I
p.tnicBlar* asd lafoRnatip
le.. rate,, etc . rail on an
Becaue*, Araira ealM

A few odd pairs of
Wool Blankets at
cost to close out.
I have about six
firstclass FurCoats
left which will be
closed out ,at“tess
than cost. I offer
If big bargain in
these coats.

John T. Beadle,


Hai wtrtd-wide fame for n--------------•n>
It nrTBaoiH any Otiirr mlee.
for Cot,.
lottoo. oin<i
Craiw. BoroL. Boil,. Sorra. Felon,.
Vlaera. Cteppi.',1
i Haoda. Skin Eto
- jfalbWe

e- ;For Job Woit of all Kinds Call al the Herald Office.
itj-'j'rifxri, .s,s- , EHi,£5i£“|
i'» and Jaa U. .InlioeonV

■ fcVlrctne oil. 1

3.01. Slater’s Rouse Turnisbing Store-—-

earnest and most Complete

Houk! Funii-hinc Store r.onh ,.l Cron,I Kaoids.

We can furnish your house complele from carr.-i W cefbr.

Clareooe Oreillok of TraTwee 'Olty
WBi to tows Saturday on baalBraa
Jacob Bona nnd wife of Grand Bap-Ik. rame op Saturday ey*nlbg on adeoanl of tee eerare Ulnera of H
Baaa'e UMhra. Wb. Utoee.
Wb. Letne died at taU regldeiioe in
tbU Tillage at 11 e'eloek UK er

Frank Blxby rotane^to cnapnear

waek’rnv wlU^^ faBily.'
W. A. QalBby rnaa nail iaio bii
hatemd UDOW nndn tee deetor-

te Utew^te?^'

raS irHrVrHrT^STc

a V. Mtddcte ate faBily. who
The (rleoda ate acqaaintanock of
tore bate rtaitlag cental weakt la Oterlie terage wUI be patned to hear
owe, ten letarnad faotnt.
Of hit dtete wbieb oeoaned la,i fall
ia Wucrauia d typhoid ferer. Hr
widow aad little girL Ha
want to Trantet City. teu^taetieiag Uw at (be time of bir
Tte two oaUpox patieata an dotefwaa WetennoBatenaweaaoa

Mr. JlSotd ate fiaily ten rateiB;


Ha. aa WUUarao wat ealled away
tone teraltaw.wteU eappoaadie
Mn. Uty la olowly raeororlag.
-B«r. MiltBoa praaebod at Empire



Bran M Hr. ate Hra. John E
t Blnoe Olty. Fab. Tib, a kb.

. eettUag oe a farm ibtee bIUi
■leftMTilUga. About a year age
FriMd Tea Braa left UK Hesday
Doralng for WaUla.wtara te baa *kjn tiie Job of caulM two mlUioB of
He wae at
ahiaglte He
bbaae tee latter on aad worked tee farm.
HU wUa three eoua. Edd.
part of tee week with tae aeda ooi off
iM thaab ate third Aagar of bU UH
Id: and the aeoeoTtagw U badly
. Tte aaw Jerked a apaalt eat of
rarrlTe him. togrteet
tend ate hu bate eUppadtelo teU Tlll^. eorriye
one 'aUtor.
aUtor. Hra. Baan of Grand
with eoe
■■ of- whom were with
Baiddn all
when te died
_______ -_______ . puty



Hlaa EUtebeth BaUiran, wb<
.eea blind, oe nearly ao, lor mme Ueoter Friday eroaiag.
O. A. HinghaBl ntarai
«t"-i la expecting aeon to go to ObieoBber of ear cltUeo,---------- ,------eago. wten ter frieada are arraaglng iTming from a b^nera Wip to
Kou of bU reeidrara aad eending
a apeeUlUt te mat
arradto him at bU atoge teat te wae
tror to netore tea a:
AleoioU.. Fodlertama to teU place •aaied al hU borne. Tte
waabii Mib blrteday.
A . ..
cn>aii Kux
areelag waaparaed with gaaaraate
1 faitbfaUy em klnoe wbea bU maala
BeBeafinaata were aerrad.
Tte Bill U raanlag qaiw atetey oealte woald peralt
Bengal yean
a«Bln^ qalK^ra^nf logtare ■go te waa taken eritli Uagerlag ooa ate an tejoyable eranUg wa, inaaed.
Hr. Brower waa peuaratod with a toIaa of StakaMra and aha
rvu. Oonkngfat 1. able to beaboal
aife at a TemfWaiw d the Tiait
Feb. B. u tee age cT»!to b
Oea HeOUUate eajoye^ a -riait
Id oab Ataghtor ate
Hra. BlUa Whinaery U qolla alofc.
Bomateotera from 1

- We nndacaiand teatI a F. Powell, CrieL— V bo <r
dth a tea
who left hen- la ill
be Frank of Bellaira TtKtod bU
a. ai tee boam ateUTury Ufga&
weake ago U faat
n. Hra. Ph. BaraatolB brae UK
wlte trSida la Indiana.
Frank Oannek the diaggiat. raUHra. Imiab BCieeT
taalte hi, telrtietb birthday
my low.


'hfull iine <d Heating stores lo
cloK out at ?(k on the <ionar.
in inch air t^t Move, jbK lie
cat, for
................. $1.65

Bench is
\Vill hoW

Jjke cpt.

i BusiiisnFinmRE

toe! <!r>ini; sot)
Coj.j<r bottom Wash Hoilei.. .TSc

JS'S'tu'^'wteSteS*^- ,r.ilranikcd iron Wivh BpiJeT,.76c
la^quan gxlMmu-J

iron Water

SOfi.Oothe, I-ire.................
Six dor.-ao;h<~ I':r...............


i good adwj aak,B-p>Mg Bedroom
Snite. three large diawgrs in
dreaaer, Frendi bes-d |J«e rniiror, one draartx and two doon
to coBunode. diccIt carved bed,
aIlaabdoai.fta................ $U.7S

Oar aaigbbortiete baa IbeeapaaeUg
Boy Dltera ate Beil Ollnkaer tera
- a gteal elote d nflteooo - altendanoe aad gtratly to Mr. Qaaenllatad ate anil ge to to PblUpMk. oBWwIte paotber
neir, Mii^btioo all eajaTte tbeB- Btaaa. Tte baK wittea of nmny
. eelTee Tury Barb. Alug tatreehrateM
btodt go Witt tbao.
te wat prtiinite with a Bier
Jaaaa WtaMteemba bed a large raa
la a Uttle •
otetr ate tee brat wUaeeof :____ ,
aged Tl firnda ft wai S4D o’clock betoe of clem ateattiag. BU aroek took
Banday tee tarty Bate up
Joba Bata ^aal 8ea are^ eUlt^^^Ikktrat ia Orate Baptea ate

____ ■SS.SSS'ia.'S

s;"i5,'?z's:.'‘ss? I""*
SSJ'SSS.'tffr.JSi__ _

bU (aJkof an «
OdUa BMOt mrray


Her. a F. Jenne praotaed Bob Bet.
Lakt, ate; BUarad an ttu bate. etc.
-- Metian life and be

• ate - cold wrattet
ja IM aa kaow wa w


L. W. Daell tea add Ut
rrU waa oaeof
drirert to W. Blaki ate br baa pat
I btellredin
Dr. Frallrt eqirau tot to aanU- ttem to leg baollag.
__ jt of tea Urn.
pox^|a|Ueat at Hertotetto to^ do^
Ba team a widow ^
Tte Bbb Lamtea Oo. d Haniaaae.
a aaktag to tUibra Bora BOD oam
Hra J. FribesgUagauee
k«B are draara to ramp on to »tA
H. d
Biteda t^kTanUdeeply Bonra hi, de'teal:
HU tsanal waeteidai tee
John Taefcag U laid up with aa 8. X X X.aboetatbraeraUebaal:
bar fertiea. ef thU Ogared ta to
te^M^terartUy Bon^.
eaw attack of Kniaarh mabU
by iUt. a r/Janae. He
a OUman U abU to be Cat
bare baea boagbt af
wat bariteI Tin Loag Iter cmmetoiy. tel look, quite Ulyac
wea'oat tra a low j
ley wea laten rielenUy ill
Otee Valley
Oarpentor A Bhaler'a tafa i
^wa ow asoo tot to tea load d
her OB it U iBBaara.
________ ________, With .
ter beweU ate dUd Taanday erra
Tte winter eotobte bate tteegabU
■a litod befeta
lag. Ua waa .«! yrara of aga
ter a brat ete ftm. ea to |
Ubae anew bUek to qatel ttlately atay. ohnKuo .cliareo
q> tee worth wtnde Bob tra ate aprubt. Bunly dratiag madi
- jRbUae aad a new (
hiB aanr BtaUa, bat we teye raa
J. & Bortte ttraahed SO boate
amia Oily aea to baJiera teat car toe, U luU etra be goio-n to replace U
Dr. FralUk. Iba baaltt oOed. U delom taed:a Urge raopwean
aal gain.
Tte little ctepei aai
bm rawA wea toK U taerera
raowded to tte aUarat Baaday more TaeeinntlBg quite a Baraber. yaa Itena
tag to pay tte IM intete to all ttei are a Urge nuBbra of paaplr who an
A. VteTaraaL wte U to Ttemara
TiKaleif of Ohartay. Text 1 Ura. Ifr- DvUMiac to Bka ttU pgacaatUa
M4m:. Wa weald net forget Hr. agataraaBallpai; u would te well la -klteite wUlUenw thate ete wl

TteN waa a daaoe at Hr. Fax'a at

--- -

“ !*i?^^r^lUd in ^ opta-



1 free odd Beds om ol
goaxantecil tog
- bednoD anitra, ova C ft. high.
TsecTway. ; joiedy carved. to|c;






Tte pa« araek bat baan bate fra
■ jamKara.
Tte deep- mow ate
drifB makto >c« hnaUag arariy a





wr«o )O0

can get a good nngr. naile d
hear)- atecl, laed with aslmtra;

riveted strr

cloaeB to­

gether aritb Kec|Je besded nvets:

the fire bos is adj otlaliW,

kraer it for wood, taisc it for

tbe fire pate i> -dal and

made to shake or dam{>^ att
pan is Urge aad ash dtutes <.ondactasbet m!o pair, the men
door is balanced add made l'>
dro)i: high ckiaei is otedy nick eled and has residving A,oc;
nidtei bandka 00 dorits of oven
and high doaet; nickd pUte on
ru«e body, aad Dtdtd teapot
ihdf. It «, jati like eta. and
we tea It. wifb atnmg gtmraiito.

far.......................... ...*a*.7S

*wofthr to W.fae...



Solid oak. jo* Kkc


A fine hoe at C«k Surm.


.good cook ttove. 17 indf oven,
ttdf oo bad: of Kose aad under
oven door, far
, .»7.7»

Doable Washboard far




tab far tta BoU Buur Bering hightat. iswridtat ilitBlBd ^tbOta (MMM. hBaBtSmef niaa pigt tbU,

ofitaietakt aitad fecteaga. wbUt
tta Otsnd Trarmat
a. B ta bald ai
itay fotad o Blnltat tad tta ev«(and*
My «M ptaftaMd.
ngtaMt. te lUi BfttaMst ta not aadt a satteoallqKT aolovAlgeevi BafoMria. gtsodano of Pntcaistago tattadtaod tta oity
u iB UlUog Ita taa «B tail idosb OiBSt. mpoBt to Ians tta Boetiai with tta eearaetb
_ ... agtiit^tfdta taMkttata- ^aetksl i>n of baniats. BataMearlnalBg of tta yoHod
tta gmM gagadblBaeU M an tapkoyotf ita bring dalrr podnou and eompttt (or
riel werks. PlHttalldlBg oedirltT ta tta bMity of
___ ^ Be town tta abept at the
ta BtnowiMto ooftWi.—
W beat dlridar of
tin'ed tta ladder, bst lupresBi n dm
1 PreminmPiemlsm—Om
aU italntrioaeiB


TbMte* Boute«*m ^r..
MM M it «k* 1M( Bixht.

FEBRUARY 13, 1902.

traverse HERALi).

aUted^wi^ Ommoad

,.ttr*rl«bedelotetoldBpoa.dt«aeb^toCrymal tall.
ri l.««0 peendt for itaaBr.

Gireo by Ma-BliBn Orue
Our bbL Baekeye Salt for
Boll Bontr. t oneg bigtaa_ ....
ing it it Blttd with baekeye talt.
ralae Ji.OO: I Hri; Baekeye Salt lor
taJtr " ------------•idtng ...
rtln- U CO.
t Farm Marhint.
: Uir


-o7%*^»*rMd Drily BagK



One Month Free!

H.< MBIMMV* li Mill
hU polM ni>ia. HoMatM
eteat* tat t>MS BMd« latta^racnB
cf Ita inMidtcil'i OurlaMo'trip. tta
rattn- DMlvr bel>K Wt i« ataTMiof
uni Mi»tar wtaB tn. tay-t •«■<»*
Hn. AswUo BriewB, of OUago. efolaetrleal i
“• I aod Boder «8
400 ——
UaataU daWrmlBt ta« trip.
dn*d«d taigtan to aata tata ota
■ido. — - .
MriTKl X
M Py^sm-fil OO can of Aeiaal
lotaad tad boltad oU tta wladetn of ________ „^ent to MiB Bdlth Daand unde
Boniat tad »•
tat too’* btaoda.
brrbouA Tta bout eugkt An taid Tldga, tasghlar of tlw late Valter C.
WMinctta. Fob- 8—Tbe ^t«ldent
larldga. it dqwndent oo hit a
bM taeidta itat h«»iU makt tta
lied Blaiet tapawnr
tatariog tta taut tafon tta tru
benator Prittaard from Ita o>

OhMitata trti. •• «x» «
DiBtd to dtotta.
Poole A ChddiagKm. taoeeta. ctfet
.ftahta«.rMO»«a AaoOBtaHeTta cdtamd ttntlni of A. T. Toll. ^ - grittts report on tta bill approtio «y« ttat yotag Sootetrift eoudt.
F. Perkeu.
I>loo««t noatar. *trt fotad ta tta ivlatiiit K.000,000 for tta enation of
iM« it tllirtulr taproTtd.
rmlotef bit liooit ot Ai»TO]oi eu- a nati<^ fer««t roterre in aontb Ap.
Per 1 lb Boll Fancy BulUir. Bonog
ArtaeoA Tbt MppatiUao U lliM palaebian ingioa. at snthoriM
< Tm^ hr urtit.
‘‘‘ui’peraian-Ooe 'Ik gallon tarrel
boote vtt boiBOd dews by
Uolry. Fth. 7-Kltt Aloa Boyd.
Cbnm^riren by J. A Moemgse.
tH' lodtast. wbo an
rt srget ti
, du«cbi>t of SBpwtw Boyd, of Ihlt
ttaiimltd.-dou aooonnlof tta goten>s>.«<
we for tb<
tuOMBip tat tatnat Tloleotty in.
ber asd the rooterTriioo of tta waten
eoitiog off italr ntlotuL
MM Sta caoool U adaiUMd to Uir
Bed Ptemlam—Om Wtier Set gieeo
At Litadao at a nait iMvtlBg tald of the Uud embmeed within iu im>TtatwCityotylom btetatt of tta
P~~t area, plaeing tta damage doet bf Iht Baekel Storo^lo. gl SO, aud
Tta Trarerar Bay ^gle. ooe year,
■atllpoz qOMBBllM ta ttai iutUio
by Boodt anting In llmt ana in tta
lino, tad tat rrltihtt ott ta»lo* t
yrnr IkOI at 115.000,000. It it elalsBd
Blgsatoreof C
tard tliM «>th tar. 8li« hti trita,
Itat tta land setaad ean be psrcliaoed;
yar Batter. Boring
Bid lia iolesdad tososi
aaoog^UHt tbiogt. to kill tat bit*h
. from «1 to fil par aon Tbt point| uigtatt:
^ n ah.
ard't dlitototy is >web I
or't taby tad to ta» tta booM ota
low tta tabitoal draskar
itan monntrint tbate it a
Pr.-Blom-» 00 in o
trade, glren|
Hitt B«yd-t tltttr. Hrt. Bowmmi,
ly of hardwood treet and greater ta
^ Out _ jWbll# tta fritwdt of JoOT I
dltd • fMT dtyt MO. tad tnef otM
isutaott of tta irimeral foreatt tfaan
8rd PremJ J-Mckel Tb Pol. gir : CU.HATIC
«« ptopuisf to at««d bit fat
. any other wtrilnry of Ukt tiie In ee b.v JoUt
at OBBdra. K. i.. tall tta boott «
d Trarerw Herald, one
tat Bind.
titalatly aOlirted
Ailed with temwlag frtaoat. Pnee
le eariera nate*.
ibtMytart ago tta mta to oo
walked U and atktd wIbI all Ita
Him Helen Hty. daaghlernf tta
■aleUe by takiQgntrbolle aclA
ttooble wat about. A man wat froieo Beretary of -tarn, who Thnrtday beFor i lb. E
Itt Pieminm-25
Monday la a field Butb of eante ihi bride of Pain.- Vbitnoy of ,


T«« Hn« Always Delhi, amd mWch hM heda
U war for nrrr 30 yeen. te htee the rigtesre eT

.m-B'»>i.— i ■ w


All CoaterfeiM, iBlhatlont oMt -Aari-ma-guMl *' err htri
triAe with and cadwagrr the health

P for CMar OO. Pmrwpa.

other NamtCir


and Platulency.

Ib IW Y« toi Alwip B"t« i

““ “ r


pvgidtal. it Krioaaly 111 wttb |bmat OfotiB teboul. Oraloo. Hata.
ThU alaralBg lotrlUROBoe raaehod
tta Wblt. ilooat tbU BiiralBg. Hia.
BoobMolt tattoMd to tta tadtld.-.
WbaktTB ew oatoooit of b«r too'i lU
Ma.tta will ptobaUy renala at Qrotot for tt«tal day-.


all ofielal..


(lea of lUinalBnli
' iBUletto epos tta Ohlsate
dwarftog OM only italr fool bot tb-lr
lataUwM. ara to erota.
In additiou.
Hit tat taoMd that bright jonog
Bta batwoen IBaod JO yean of age
an- to te acaootod and t.-nt abroad
tta- boat aoatt of Itaniiig. tta' objiwt
talng to amploy tlx-m m Inttnetoawtan ttey TMonu
ChrU Selnan Uft FatBie, K. J.,
to rmn bgo, for Wlteeesia, wbtrr ta
j. Ht Un btUod
bltbrotbar. John, wbo U
, Daring foar yaon tta
and then lettan ecaitd
ago JobD WM taken IIL Be daily
oallad for hit brotiMr. it wat tboagbt
WBt beard
taww dying
St tta doer and
bimBlfai the mlBlng Wlber.
tad aaqatred a foriuM in tta west,
ta Bid. and. afle a long siareb had
at late looatsd Us bratber, wbo bad
asered dnrliig hU abrnnoa Tta riek
■aa swooned, bnt aoan rallied, and
Ibt r»T-i.u— now.bellere ta will re-

The Kind You Have Always Bought

”i Spl; COLD''. HEAD

IfijUse For Oyer 30 Years.






Horse a
Chancel J

IHmOuk* ^-.tre,





Miserable Mothers.

and fareurs may hear aormont without traveling te ehoralL
eerned at to what eff-.«t tta
will bars on tta ooBtrihniioo
Somtof ilu otatore are alto
oUBCiBg to mlkinfi to empry sbi
mtral Bohloy rlsltod
Enoi- and olrim that tli* new p^n aorret
loBon Ohriitlan seah
rille. Tann.,»oe Fobmsiy A 1
la spite of tta fsM that tta fanners
iresBied with a gold-taaded
tta wood of whMA was obBlwd from of HaUtotaa ace Bid still to ta hold­
crop, tta
aUsktgy ms wblob oob grew
Oanadlac Pacific tailroad hat dellreribAWd of Admiral Iknagnt-t ho
andBMhpte. twelrs milct wort of ed n.000,000 hnstals of grain at tta
lake fronts, while a year ago only
that oily.
Hn. B. H. Briggs, of Boekford. AOOO.OOO hnstalt-and tta year bsDL. -lA— U bars bemi klmi-d by la- ferv, which win regarded at a roMOnbyte
‘ffi'lItwastnlBW ably good .vBt. <mly 1AOOO.OOO baslion af tta gnod roeaptlae els-weie baaled.
Qnay Is s .great trtend of
tta Indian. Vtan ta wm qnito Ul
seal Ob bblart rltll to tta Dt)l
ago tl.s Klokapoo Indlaut
Bcama Sta wasene <ff 18 girl, reprs-

tebdf viltei MeKii
we thOOPj^i M elite


I BeszB the Signatore of



Hw e


Women as Well as Men
Are Made Miserable by
Kidney Trouble.

barefooted in the inow for half
loTor ^llh a sleigh and
m-.-! b-rlt
lUaitooA imported
a duel to death
tram England.
fati ripek train of tta Onloo PaelflA In VyoWfig.
One was killed.
CM oar WBttmatbad intotpllu'
Edgar BoiM. the owner of the ani­
mals. lost 81.600, tta value of
borer. Two kBpete in charge of the
anltBls bad MLelimboutside to eeeape
tta boeft and te.-th of tta iornriav-d
anlmaU. When they esoeeeded in a]
pricing.Hie traiamen of the battle,
siding was reaetad and every effort
made to eerarale the ai.lmaU b
ally cmi- Bveiad the Jugular vein of
Its oprunent. whioh bled to death.
Otreenor Tali of tta Pl.lUwtegete >80.000 and each of hu font aeeisbuiU 816.000. while there
ty-sl« othm officiale wbo draw from
fit.OOD to >7.600 ayear.
In all there
A«D6 etaployea. not quite half of
whom ate Amertoana The rnlaiy i
mns to over >8,000.000, of whiol. o
two-lhirdt goB to tta Amerioua
te boRM In mind, bewi-ver. I
of living is TCiy high.

and cheer!iilne:f
fljBppeir « k.lne)T are-btl of ctaa
Kid.-1-y trouble ht.
beeene r= prev.lcnl
for t chill 10 be b.-m
tflhcted whhwvtkku!.
eyi. lithe ch:14-urin;ct tee etten. il
ot II. when ihe cVJIl
tpe when if tbeuM be tble'ie
ptrstge. 11 tt yet a!fUc-.ed v'ith
-wetting, depend upsu i;. thwetum ot
difhoilty U kidney trouble, tad the first
rvp d.ouU be iowtrdi
tr*ttrw.-.t '
ttese tmporttnl orptni.
trouble h due te i dnoued coituiuan c> uie
Udneyt and bltddertSd not to t talit ti
most people suppu**-

,ij. ZTw

-r : alone. Tta icirniita ules of i...
i demands tounl health a. t taii. o! mtlnmooy. Ttautter ta1ple*rae*otlotvM
wnttra is a ttaoumnd rtpenroret e>f
yooog motheThooil.
The child, the
mother would dw lor, cnv. iu her arruL
and the it too weak and worn to ranfort
She can do caught but weep in
'AttelyatihemoM aeriont thing >n.
, li^ it maleraity a

IMugebOd. ItdleTerYbodv.thithtppy
emt wu <'.uv to the help of God tn-1 ul
voormeiiMon. I stall never br miil.utn
lunr ne-linoft henceforth en.1 -htll
■x-Ae Uil in reroRimriKling voui 'itvorilv rrev>n]i(ion.' 1 taie lueil the
medicinmihK’li vuu prescribed with Ibt
be« retolu.
-Our bean,
betrtt tre
tte fuU ri gratimde to
yuoloryoof inedirenev which htregir
B. Ita tappineM of hivieg t linag vbi
of unr oan. tflrr w much taffeviag a


. ...i«nBietid Dr. ISem's Ftprewviiaiaa to til y


B Ooe of the heel..
I tare iue.1' vigth
' bottles
bolti and lio-l nivtrlf in
tatllb. Anrpt znv Iwtl
widiet ...
- —* end of
vour dav..*
Dr, Fieuc'E-Favorilv Prvwnjaioo bat
been the meant of pre-fa

IblticMYriFabruarr, l»oa.

a, tranqniluei'
e tppeiueand
It un|
It givvt tta
mother ■tivngtn to give
her rhild. ud it to nnrivaled tonic for nurwng


H ffiTi fstfjWEi uonct

at the pri»pt and prnnt'
nest beneht drriven fram

er^te"«di*kidiir*»^'*t'hdd<r tr-.lie,
ind both need the tame prtat remesy.
.Tta mild and the imrsedaio ellcrt cf
Swnat^Root U men letiiied. Il u i
by drutrrtt. cent and on

trriptjon.'. Its cflerti are
eot irantient and i
B Of wotnaL.............
bring, wfakb teems oftcutime. like a rvoewal uf

held a coonrtl

There writ
powwow, with tta bwHag of drami
and waving of arms la order that the
Qreat Spirit mlglit not oarty off Big
Oliiof ^.v.
A eramta haa been opened ia Kvw
Tork by a member of the board of
health Willi a view lb bringing aboat
af Baltary mla
Holeo. has abolittad ball f
barb.-e thopa, Spoagea are plnoed
dm tta ban.tta bb it ordered of powdared alam. the reltgatim of the
ill the ehorob tettlmonial powder paS it decreed and fresh towstodlng. •‘nmmbws of seorel sorlsUst elt and eltaa tends trr reummeadad.
Kneeling before tta little altar in
who my desire to waile wltli this
tervti will be rtqrired to abandon ahiago e^vre lem ttaa two weekt
ago they offered ttair almplc pedtieet
ttaa."tae ennBda dlrisieo 1: '
to bo saved from starring. Trii-aUne
OnUigs ooagrogatiaoal ohnrri
and Mary Oalek. lOkand 100 yean old
«heat«a.m..aad^ restgnaii
ltd ttanka for ttair
tm tew. Rev. Edwin & Our.
u ttay csoelTed ti
n the art ri brew- lag ot tta oharah u their 80 years ot
maCTiedlUA Hudte
oolfloy were there to Bc ud to ooo_______
Inveetlgatia^ la fistulMv tta aged ooaplA
A yoang ohM ef ita- Taki trita- of
fliBij Rutland. France ud tta
Critad StatiA and at a nerit taltoud t-At.... It cm hit way frota Hesdoeiao
OUoM« ■* *>'• Pte for hit young eoaatv to tta Uolvetelly of Oalifanla
in order to help the eibnelogistt to
mBteUata brewing.
A ttaet af Itatar tend oaotalnlng
goo.000 atM ud tlnaud in tbv slatr Uafi of hU peopta. Ht it a fall-blood­
of ablfaaahea. Mva. bat taB told to ed Taki. bot epoaks and writes Eng-;
Saeatly. At oar timr tta TaUt
It Oompiay ef Amerid 8u Franoitco, _„.ttafineieel ladlui in OallfoTata. Tilt Uagaage of tta trtbB wlU
-tiita- doUan In gold WB paU te etaemdedtiBd pratBred la tat aalJeta DgBlTiea. aged 96. aad Hra

e Hntbrr^Prieii.-*.


Kew ■ymk. teorlred a mggnlfloBi lot I
Ita Fmm Ita groom sta leoet^a diamond eollar.
and Hra RooBeelt aant an aoliase
oloefc of bhdorio ralne, and tnrd and
Imdr Pannoefnte alto Bat an Import­
ed clock of esanitilo workmantbip.
Among tl» oUier gifia were a huge
lUrer bowl from tta Oormaa ami
aador. a rare eiohing by Hnelltr from Ooff.-e. value gl.75 end I lb K.
batBdor, and a bolt of Oo.'t Baking Pow<l«r. value 60c. giv.
by New York Tea Oo . and the Or
aUkandatber gift, from tta-Obicear
mUitter and Mm.-. Va V. C. VbitKskr^teTBCS^tk
ney’t gift Ita diaamnd btooeb and a
ruby and diamond ring; CoL O. K.
Paynt. a diamond setalaee and pearl (faB-e. value U ceol. and S4 Ha ! . fiaiTieSS (
ana diamond bniacb; Hr. and Hra
en V Vllbslm. Banak ft Co . aad; :
nethisglo fear pro
AlBiTic Paget, a diamond ai.d mby Ntckel Alami Clock, given by V. C
tta Jourseyi firat-clam and dittr
bnmeb in U.- tta|e of a bee. From *B A- Oannetl, valm-gl.<k>; tor
bet tipi judlaioouly.
Ttlur. fif.50.
Hay. Him Hay
In all probability the ateesd and
of dlaBuodt.>od irom her
third Fnoch arm.r oorp. will rberUy i-r s sltri-r tea snwlo--. Fiam Mr. and
proTlded witl> cartridge belu
Mrs. Andrew Oanegle the rBeiTi-d
Preminm—Evening Rc-ord, one
nlaetured by the Vores Otrtridge ■ilrer oenl.-Tp.-c- and eight gilw
Belt Oo. of tta Daitwl Btaiaa
Bprav AlomiMT
epevttlly amUod
oOeme afu-r taring exThe grutieti sii«le pa:
bnffe.1 brasA giv.-u by Potato Imple­
iber ot oontinenml
ment Oo . value fil. »X
writers erer made bat
Ditad faranblr o
SnI Ptenium—One Pall li
by tta miuirtry of Juttic- at Vleima.
whidi. after thte- montta of exbsu- >1 Stock Food, gi’ Lemim, value 81.00. I
llre oomp-titiem tseU. Imt dontiacl.'d
eriBB aad British aimiet.
to oqaip tta.euilre ministry with
Otaeped in each other's arms. Otth- lem than twelve hnndr.-d Smith Presrint Lron. tingle, and tar tiib-r. meer typewriten, tapplyiag every
Hra kaiy A. KoUy. were funnd dmd ooorL
in ttair roam In tta lodging hr
Ko h-B than TOO separaUv photoBarton,
rtettm. ot hsan d:
gnpht of the empeiaraf Germany are
Betlw apjaientiy. werq In e*orih-nt
utant. By. a Philadelphia ptaiatpint a few honn before ttair dsalta
gtaptar. Be it the mott photegtaphOatberine wat first takeu IIL A neigh­
,-d man alive and in lilt pietarct be
bor oalltd W offer Imt aid. bot it wat
always loofci tall, though at a matter
SOI vedod. Mary Bid. An hoar Uter
of fact be it a little fellow of S feet 7.
die neighbor oalied again, and foued
There are over JOO photographt of the
tta sitters dead. It is toigioted tta
king of Bngland.
shook to Haiy of Oatb'-rlne't dastb
Albert Rntietl. aged 18 years, aad
Imafhl on an attata <■< htort dlitWB.
Marti* Robiiwon, aged 16 yeaia. at
HM. VariL. Alfred O. On>Tyr-OonneU, -V. Ta. eloped to Oak
siM of Oimod Bapidt. and V, R. Bey1ETIU wttilssuatOA
land. Ud., where they were married
-----------...--------——. I
The moaS terion. thing in life
neldtof Jackson. Mich., are look­
Tta girl's paienta. fearing an elope­
eaking Ue groand or.-r with a rii-w
ment. bad taken lier tboe. from
staiting a large starofa faotoiy. St
and otkly
, g** e.Bvure. Tbowetk
. .
bnt the dtohet^oDt ot a window and
underetood the* an tta reprasenta_a^'..^^
-o walked
with ttakbertamaeter i

anting tta original states and wore s
wUke gown with a bias satb. Sta
lOBsmbers that lalayetio woies dark
hlM coal, ootaway rtyh-. a low ont
eteam oolored vest, a big tafllal white
tet front aud light raloied troasera
Bs gave aeb of tta girls a hearty

It •

Tb<- I'hlldren'a



Tta resmiat w.-n idnitifitd
of Prloe. wlio bad been
lag tinee Sunday.
Kow It derelopt
Uiat tbt lemaist are tboot of Mlcliael
Hyltr of Soulli Oamdes.
Hn. H. A. Ofstley of Indlmu.
hat siarted on bor twenty-fint tour of
world. She made ber fint in 1881.
Hn Ofstloy ttsTtli for pltatun- ooly
and in tta eonrw of tar wanderingt
hu entw-d tta Atlantie eecsn kt
tyilmee, fate made ororadntea
ot tla» JTtasildt and bat
plorad naarly orery Inierwting i>.
of the old world.
Sta tnnlt with

At Pvii hand priuled stookiiun are
WliU# «wlag glrU
wtar an eight eentortlela wealthy
waoB Indnlgs in Itg eonringt
tag fifiOOaialr. adawad with
Tta majority of lUnitrated
Bookings depltS s tluglv flower, a
Illy, rlolet or Ulao. ^frfnmed with
ttaadeeofttahlQseMKatnUd. Tta
ebeaparieestfillCL T^weekonlers
_ _noTatlon of a tolepbone eontraotwere tBalred fiyk leading Aim for a
te showing Mpidi and twining ssr- or, wbo hat a large c^oli of 'pboeet
The nopBta, with synt foftisdaf.magnlll in canCal minolt towns
or hB oaanecle<t n large uumh<«
eMtpsprU. .
Smmter BanH^^bat

ttat ^



aatatABcr. Its age U IU guarantee. It detlroyt Woteoa
and allayt FerrrtaharB. It caret OUrrtan atal Wlitd
Colic. It relIrrB Teething TrwibVa._c«irrt Conttigatioa

atriiy by atu «f tta pteogm
He deeamuCbaCtaeu tandled with
tore BBtioo by tta Baale vmplayB
tettapadtealgand tfftTSh

which bare failed to vivid
to uy other remedy.
tare drvlaied a care waa hopel
sr^ attar mvadnm bri
^ a

care. ’’SSrvtoMri^

woadrrfal a care of wumtnly dtatoa

The Ctet nredt te ta impiemed



tom wTtboB charge the
tpaoalia'aatbrir '

Mtnre af this picpai-------Ita tartb ri a boy ia perfect tariik. ea

tta Uta “*J^


^taTttarrfere accept utSSriA




Advlt»itaeri/»rroa receipt ^ aypa —^


Eataamaeo Oa.. Mkfr..
Fab I. laob,
Hatoa Mym^ Loaa
> lota tba ReialdT


r,;.: sj

.wfc. T«a*«n In,
■is bMd. rail s«l |i* ,«M. wmt


«• otnac* ha« »>• <1"*^


voMawte feSiTt «hlMn whattsr




MIW.M.S. C. BATES, EeiToa.

•mt «• eUldfw la liM Donlog. is

Bol*^7ra *iraoto«
•■al«tatt«" ea.

I illL.l Landn.

rn^l *Slu£r*wfMVlt?“ Xra;
baad a BMiaf wnath.
"Tean ud worn plaaaa to olotb
atoed at tba door.
ibrice ran lie danrd moat ratitfae•■U yoaplaaaa, Xra. Kindly,” abe
MaRTiBOM^of «ba bou
^*i4r loro ti a* iba taw*.
aatd. “fatlier’a harui* ooe of hu torlly u tbe rawtoBmaeblaa.”wrltet
Aad IbtT'n owaataat vbai ift M- apaUa with bit burtud eu’l Ue Xaru Parole, to th* Pabroary Imdlaa'
down. Uolliermta^abe wonderr--' Home Joaraal. ” Thread the maebtot
with atlk or eottoo of tlie aama ntor
aa tbo fabrla
Do not toemo tba
U>« ••alek-ehair” etarled ont pramer foot: have tbe etlleb of mod.
It wae Uke a ptoleeeloiial oraU leoftb; beirto tbe atilobiBBa lit*
_____ : alwaye ready lor any oalL Tbe tie bi'.raod tbe damaiti-d ptooa.
aiok mu lat to It roomy, eomfottabla
OI?M a&l af tatab aMptotoa of iba
nrld that U to ba




Jlnma4^r€dii»P» tabk.

SO-tna XoXm. Adruee.
tl-Floruoe HoKar, Adnaee.
as—Franera Pleroa. Hodfce.
SS-Balpb Plana. BodBC.
S4-Bul Besm Eeawirk.
8S-Bcbal OiBT, Arable.



lf» ^•
le of 1
nsdarad. dalorn«
le to bar toMoa. Tbay
e>l to________
■rdloffly took
1 butotot

UtM irbaaM of vUta a ramplac e'M DfMlad ibaralo with a plUow apon
tta bad and tbraoeb tbo robn.
bara’caitof itoaMle te «t. ud than
b Iba ame of a Ufa-tlaa tbcT'n
loud bar in tbe brlsbu aotMoablen■!■ rear BOatb of Joaa;
ad, bldli taokad elialr, wUta took, ud tied off to bar

a«o ah. "Vovllar

Ctoboni. Xldi.. Feb. S. liar;.
D.«r Xra Bate*-! wleh l„ Join the
Suehtoe Club ud alra Il„-I'oultrr
Ameetotlnn. lamraren year* old. I
olora to th" *clu«'l


:!T ...


baedtora of W

nnkla, ud we
_ We
hare uy nomber e
foaaable ebalra. -bat he baa----------elmirof yoora aemewbere. udnothtoff aim will rattafx blm.
Xra Kindly tooBl.ed.
ebalr, of ooorae. aba raid "Wliyeerminly yoa may hare It. U yu WiU
*“Ajid’S^*'“ck”idlilx" eutond
ctill uotbar borne on it*
It wae Kra Klndy't boabnuA who.
taeluB the arar toetaaaliiB popntoriiy
of tbe tdmlr. oudenook u Improremeni, a torte. amootb board,...........
Talmud Ui^ of abteadbenxa,
waa naatly eorend with rtblle oiletolb and nppllcd on tub tide
appUucat which fliled tu apartu
Ibechalr. TbU^BiM^
teaonaa of...............

ssrsKs",__ ....

EkaU rraka tbe anmmer Into foldu The dntoly little ratal eooid be cm
from It u> errat eomlort.
eooid ba wrlttu here c


, a^ tuSy*wctS!i*rtllA***

piroee extended along the

• sSQ (I

uo man abut
:-elmlr.” Wbba
ite ere— uvarins baume aolM.
li waa not a difficult teak to teptooe
to aritb a new ue. For furttaer t«e-

_______Study aaye that
. oU oheir ohall bare come to tOe ;
miwruBa.— ^-nod .be *'‘1 ax it i
ap uee mote, bright ud M—e, ^ , fa ii i

by IBM of wtraTMid Ibu porefanaad lake ooBfort in it.

ar?;u“* JSSuKr-srSi



h,.,. ,i«»"™ a


Sui X ttto 00—lu it bra b— o
B^y batOTod ebalroror ttoeo. oM
-huBlraa MT boaddat Itaewaara



After men and women
50 veafiv of age,

Toot UtUe frtoaA

Froa— Pierra

\Artbto. Hiah., Ju. 02. loot.


Oar eelinol ba. been etaru-d .ixichritoma* Ev.
There wae a i-relty
From yoot SuUilne girl,
big crowd jntl.eeebbol boae.- u that
Lot* of oudy. Lol.offuo. Lole
Rnoie Porkl.i.
went home happy,
Korthport. Xkb., Ju. 2. IWtr.
Deu Kra Batea-ll to uld hero to- . in boi"'. of .M-Jel dirntn. ud Ingbt
Hoping yoa
ay; the enow u Aying out of done, eye. in the nJrritog
le very etonny.
There are will noi throw (hi- letler la the watte

twuty-two w+olara at' our rah.Ml to- [ !»•%- i. Uoo.l-l^e lor Ibi. time
I bare three .toWrr '
Yut. irely.^
El. uoe to BrooeilMi.i
Albwo Dnfeck
two yean old. We bad no eobool ye.U-kk) Harbor, Mich.. Ju. to. IWt |
bear Him. Biih-.-l Muld Uke to
join ilM- Sou.hme Clnb.
My utadi.e
are Afth reader, iibyeiolngy. ariUiBietic. geamiJiy. langaage ud spelltug. ■n.ere are Xs paiAl. u Ibe roll
now. 1 am fourteen r<«r> old. I bar.
>ntlu aj
Uiree n*U-r>. Sigaa. Ellen ud Bertha
. ud b
Seosrapby In tbe afteniou.
Well I We bar.; a new eeb.iol hooa.-. It. name
my more to my. eo to the ".Star ” I like my teacher very
Wc liad a nice
scod-bye. From a Snehtu boy.
• CnriRoy Kelran.
Ere. W.
Mx* part to tliree dlalc^oro. ud we
Kortbport. Kich.. Feb. 2. IWR.
Dmr Kra Ba—-I tboaght that 1 BUIS Are MBS*- We bare tea riding ;
-uld write yu a little letter thto down bill. Mr —oIkt'. name ie MIe. ;
r—soon. I hare notblns .elK to do Paala*. Wy arc leaning rny faet '
W.-U 1 think I mofl dote ay I.-iter'
ow. Then to lota

‘“^“'advtra BM abut a mutotae w
_ ....h _,.a .. rw-.-. mi,

, ru^-rr-'”'

it hat barn
bara lU <dtreet ■um o( i For ule bf oH '
■aoh real eomfon aad ^______________ ,
er-Uilbon Go.,________
Batshbuhood whtob ------------------------------...
to eo terw—a aa X. aole aseam for tbe Dal—
.................... ■—lu- —
8m— Bamembm — aa—md '

tl—asw I tboasbtl woold like le
}oU yoar dab of ehUku ralXag.
Woold yu pleoae—d —a
mpyefyow PoaUrr Joanal.
laabeoL Ky —d—’e ume U Kim
«i—de BtatiaaH
1 Uka bet rarr
iBch. I wUl hare le elan fu tbU
ma. 1 — Aftau yean eU.
Toon —ly.
Btehard BparUas.
Keettpert, Jan. Kl. tm.
Dau Kra Be— Mem— nad yo
Far to tbe —U— U tbry-woold
rmiae able*— I aded ay i
fire — thru beoa Bbe mid I
eoald BM teUbew mmmj ana they
weald lay for tbav woold aU bare
emy teertber. bat U 1 woald take m
of tbe baee thto —au. feed aad w
ter them BBd ntbro — ass* ud m
eara of tbe Uttto dilekeae asd have a
bookud keep aoooui of — assrl
set Bad bow obbt we oell, ead «
ibe wubl Sire me bm tUiv! of
■oBey Ibai we made. We bar, «
Bened Pty—otb 8«eka
1 — etsbt
veanold.. I— to tbeSnt smda.


for tbie time.
From yoor loving friend
Alma Jol—u.
Korriirille, Ju It, IMS
Dear Hr* Bare.-1 hare nerat writ-;
ten to yu befu- . I am erren ymr.
ohL ud am In the Aral gndr. I <lo
not f,v 1 well nou', eo am ool Solng to
My brotber Welter'h— my
le—n. at boae
For Chneie— I got
a bank, handkerebh-f. a book and
three game* ud cop ud euecr
lire weto orrarh-r’. mill
Korrurlll.-. Ju. IS. tWt.
DtarXr" Ba—-I ge to aebul cr
xAftb grade
cry day
I.tndiee ore aritbmeiie,langaBg«. writ

Good Harbor. Kieb., Jan. IT. llttL | mg. B*oSr»pb.» ■»>* ePcHlag
Dmr Kra Ba— I wuld like to - teaelicr's name to Kr. XcMuaa 1
}olB the Sanihlne olab I amlgolng ' like blm mf w. 11
I like to go to
to eebul now. I ctody foortb —dcr. ecbul. There .n-ci eeboUr* In oor
V ud idirtinlct?. J room. I go lo •cbul at KorrierlUr
Tb— an as papll. tm tbe toll now. 11 We bed a Cbrutmas tree at our sobul
uEre- ForC
— ;ioy
We bad a Obrtoima. tree
tore. I ■poke two pto— airtots— from my «l«ter Edith;'! got a game of
alght Oar taaeber'* — to Mi* cbeokrr. from my ancle Fled, and
B«nte Puloa. Bto lire, .at Lelud. ume otb., Xy little teotber
1 have three ale—a Onr i^ul be- Freddi, wul-1 Hie to joie tbe 8ugu the ttb M Koeamber.
We bare toiar CiBb He to fur yean old. 1
ttaruB—lh« laftloge loaebooL i;iikeioread tSe UOle letten la tto
like oar taac—r very VelL
8to tolBi
goodtema. Tbo aa—of ear tel—I j ^
iBDgry ChilSra wa. istBree—g
boamu”8mr”. 1 wUI clou for tbi. I



Good Barber. X—.. Jan. it.
Dmr Xra Ba—-I waald like tn
iototbe Santolae OUb
tto foBitb reader.
I like rery modi
m aacBd utooL Xy stai

rubbed wit1i Ojiicga. Oil.
Tbe Oil not onlv «ops ihe

for Rhcunutisfn,
Rheunuti: . Oout, Lumbago, LncK
in the Back and Stitch in the Side. 50c. a botil.

ALL CAl=-ri- or



tij WIT m » liiiTnlinii

Only 1b~c h-m dr:J «tc lororablc.

T : WCTMAR, OF •ALTltoORfc 8AY^^ «.«*,* mra
f a

let 4n(*e*>

i..,-ii>vei.l viUBM'PMyW.


feuffers and Sleighs are eoing al
Reduced Prices
Hi..d-Maile Cull— and I in,'..,.


m: iV

""-J-v* I idww "kva*

Uiefor Peferfyl, 124 Stale Street
For Job Work of all Kinds Call at Ibc Herald Offlcc.


to suggest to you how to get the most fora little mbnev
and get first class quality too. Come to us -you have
been buying da the old system long enough, tict out
of the old rut and do your buying on up-to-date
We will show you how—for insunoe: Yiere is a list
of goods you caiuiot duplicate at any store in town.
They are spot c^ prices and we are spot cash dealers,
«o bring the money.
Tbe sugar market shows signs of a shat)) advance
—we will sell at the lowest porniUe price.



This bom
often —uni
cap of uld •
pBlrwrixed gr
of a up of ■>


: i iS


mwl tto>aB— of it ielU over the eagar and g— araMc.
— a——uL Oat Metow'eBa—to wb—ooglu to be Hfc« a thtotolty.
H—HBUfe 2—Jaa

to— Ttooa OBS matr
uitondL VabMAuw

niucJi, or al>U!<s the body
some wav. Then aches and
pains conic. In oil casa
of pain in Old Age; the
binly should Iw? ihoioughly

IwBcl, ot i»l»r —
O-wey'a toll and he M ill run around
(..i •* he om‘ Mr tuother Uordu
ha-a dog. <-i> »ame >• Hover.
Alma Kog- ra.

who need to lire In 1 rarmo City, bnt j erlchiorlK. g-vigrmpliv, fourth Trader,
ebe Uroe here now ud (por. to rahul .i.-Itiug end pl.r*ic.hig.v.
We bad e
here. I lire eix nilh-e from Korto,.‘Chririiim. tree in urrahul b..ura on

Dear Kra Satra-1 Ihoasht 1 woold
write to yu 011 bora not wrictu tor
bms Uma. I road tba letten la tte
Herald traiy weak. We tried lo ittrt
Olnb bat It l^i|—ed to be
•my tbM day and we tboodit beet
to Whit ohtU fprlag. 1 read tbe piaee
in the Barold abut bean
Ky brolber aad I an folaf to krap
tos«4bv. Kara— fare aa arrea heu
snro or tbroa.
1 bare
Oiat with a oold aatnraled aototlu cd two olmn aa<l oae brother.
ml toda. tbu araab Itaam, nalaff eold btolhar’e aama it Floyd ud my «
ranpuda.-lmdlea’ Home JeonmL
an Batiwr aad Karle.
bare aol brusbt tbe thru baaC thu
roand DOW. It wa. very cold thi*
Uram p^ddlns dlpb boldioB n qoart grandma ghre — lioma yeL
ud III it pat two liaaplac tnbl---------mrntng.
Th*n are 12 eebolan to
Imnnn. I —
tele of waB waabed Vlee with
ty atadlaa are ur eebut ^ow aad '
iBtbedxUi srade.
All tbe dlU and a tmll taupra
Oar taaober’e
tail. Cook .to Uw eru for I
Gnr aebul bnoae i. very
bur. aunlat It tWo or tbrm
Tbeu mum tbe/dtohand ■
alee thto year. We hare uevr Mato
ibltapooBfi^a of aiBor, a u
It wa. rerr uld
PealBT Joaraal. I think I
Mwaralof VanUtoud ahnU
aad it wai .aowias 'cry
.1 etued raiuia Orate naimec erer dmU be lateiutad la tbla work- Ky
We tiare toor new eebolan ibU
tbe lop. ratoratba dtob to tbe oru addi— la.
Btbel Gray.
and oook alowly foe
or moto
i bare foar hroiben ud fur
Klasiley. Kieb.. Fab. S. lOOt.
■t—ra My brelbers' name* are Haas.
Dear Kra Ba— t tboashl I weald
Albert. Hany atfS John.
Mr lUten’
elds lo do It.
PlulT of milk aod wrlu Id yu. I lire
Bllu. Kellie, ud Elran.
alow oeektof —kae tba um
Kinsiley. Oar farm eooeleti'of one
tbla enemy paddtoB.
I sot a bottle of perfame. fnar hud
bondred ud alxty aoeo.
We bare
lieta a elory book, a pencil ud
The xtw aam Wain.
Afty aerae eleond ud aeruty actee
a doll for Chrittmae.
The ehlrl walat wa hare
of weodc at b—a and thru ailn
Voar Sbi—iac girl
away we hare fertr Sane. I iboa^il
Bose Aadertu.
I woald like to write Vo the Betald. I



Old People


I aad

And aafeta’dUrra

We had . olra icaeber la«

18-Ftoyd Gray. Arobto.
ST—Xary Inmu. Kertaport.

taatnre. Wbere Urn labHe to------tbln bane a piece of tbaiame kind of
■ ■ ap L.. -...
lioo’tbe wraafr die. uddara
Utile frlanA
oeonput waa ao old tody . .. >1. If then la none of tbe aama
Balpb Pierce.
BOOM Iba road, wbe waa ill wtili to matarial a ineoe of net « motto wUl
It the mtort to the fabric
Bodee Xtob.. Feb. S. 1002.
}aa* oble to altnp.” bty
Dear Kra BStoe-J am n Uole girl
daofbtar aalA -bat 1 daoton we
r tlirud of tbe minor ^ yam old. 1 woold 1^ lo Joto
Ureo-t a rectos ehan to tbe booae
ayh a ba«k blffb cuooBb to real liar
solas to sire me thru bena. Itera'
^ ^Srarto went, and tBa old tody
writ—to tba Soaebtoe oau beforv.
put BMft of erery day lu it for more
Doe’I ctottranp tba klMbn wbw
_ju a week of ouratoaoenee.
Tbe BelUer a manl, beraom it wUl take IwiU immlralo atm ua koud of
rameotilM*‘etok-elmlr”beRU to JK> boon to "elau op” olmr tbe manl la eblcbeaf aad kup all aomoato.
abroad. Ooe day tba dootor rattod.
hare seae lo mbwl tbla winter,
He bad mu the ehnlr and fla rapnbUlike to so to aebul vwy meeh
ltra.aodl.adbauptoaead. ’ Ifyoo’d

Te taClEwn . tt.,, I«a«

_ ud: ImImA

•eh.*.l all the time
i,.lBi,d. Mid* . Jan to. 1*«tbare to aohul; 1 bar. two twin unil«tr*-WVll. 1 hare
We hnr.- r-ry
good lime wh< D We get logelh- r
WV '
are S“tog to eee who ran hate i lie
cliiokw* thto eai
log lowihc-ol
iowihuino«.u.iw. liare ^
I am miog
Yoon trulr. .
81-Lmb Millar. Oomaloefc. Kaln« g.iod teacher.
Harry Oetown■auoOo.
Kettle Paoina
I oin ■tadviiig antb- ^
8S-Pul Jaokeem, BommU Oity.
phyriology ud 1
Nortbpon. Ktub.. Ju. R. IWR.
SS-Botb Dntltog JaAaon. Bammi
Dau Kra Ba—-The aao»' to rny •pelling. I hiire three *toiere ud
dc"P now. 1 liave three brotben anil broib.-r who go to kbI.uI.
Bodfa. XlelL. Fab S.lfOS.
llii" time.
BO atoten at all.
Uy brother*' naio.-" me»* I will elo*"
Oanr Xra BiWt-T amn llttto toy
Charlie Nrh
an Bury. Waller ud Amo*. Henry
aeru yaori olA 1 woola like to Join
' iMleiid. Jan. IS. I002to twr«y-ue. Waltor ii eighUrai and
th.-pultry amnototlu. Xy paimU Amne it three, ud 1 nm t•rel*e year*
Dmr'Xra Bat.e-I iheu^t of writgetog to ipva me thru beoa. 1 bare
. etady. n-ading. numlMiM. lun-1 ing .-, letter
care of my pppn’e dildnni all
epelling. ud wnitag.
Ihereiiluiri mb guinr i.. rah.->l- 1 Ilk- to
wtoMr, and qolta o tew an torlnf. uly mlwd ibreevUv" at tol.»>l *o ,go t.. nrliool. MV bvre ag<»d iracliI will ptoralee to ralra n brood of fu. Flurriioe P. t.-Dder Ua littlegirl^er. U-r Deal.-i> Xtoi Paulu* 1 eiu-ly

Ukvtode aome real otanlilty wort. ” Umetoeraae. Pnt II to a aucar.
be raid.” land Bt yenrUsebnlr lor
npMtoatot mine. She'll tit op to­
X Wttf aoafand ae«
morrow lor tbe drat tltee atoea bar
■Mb. banartapa Iba aonc vUl fine baby rame. and tbere Uo'l n trally
icked lu a pu. It will eru
IttaU late raa dark oom aad lal oomforubto ohnlr to tbe boom
Du't btooku o
tto nl1|bt la U Boi Iba Boaabtae.
Mi«y. uwi III
bra. It takai mora :
la te Iba waablaa, Iban UaiaeRilo^^u M
tm eoail^
will triad tbal fatt
Du't pot Aaiuu
Mgb. arao U Iba etoada do not '"i^a ^afmr It had bau ratoraad to tbe hnmpK. Dry
a wemu of wrallb ud faaliiu ruf will mildew.
the balL
Don’t oeeffoed knlroa tarearnpiaf
Vbfta Ha Iba awallowa Oadl
........................ tarnooo. Xra. Kindly." tbe table. A XelU knife oeata —
» o^ ,npn a racM
ywBwari apoa aow Uaak. aMm?



£rsi'ii^5‘,air v"js:


_ _ . _ _ __ _ _

We have Udbautlfalreadaj winter.
Bbe live* In Otbotn Hm'
wlnmr bat do aMBbiaf. luame U XU Losite Darliif. 'lliktd:
Tbatrtaaa tMujam eoeaBb uewtoibat.
XU wae kudu a* .iBaera;
einiltba akstlas auel of tbe time, [my letter U «ettlaB qaU loap SoTj
Good bye fee thla time,
^will eloee for ihUttmr
Good bye.
Arlbor A. XlUer
; Aif lA
CUra Aad.m.

Sammit Oltv. Feb ». 1W3.' 1
i^Uid. Xicb. Ju 1&. IKB
Wa wlU car»T oat ou aanrallea atf
Dear Xn. Balae-1 am ready to >eta
Dear Xra. Batea-I woala like to!
M wtak aad haarawa eolana^
- .
-'yila tbe BuiblB.'Clab lllkaleat-',
BanCbaer tor ear Suthlae todae.
Xy »tadira ara foarih i
woald Uka Iba papn.
Xotber Bare leofl
Vaanaara oarBoaaaCban r '
arttbrni Ue. r-«BTapfa.T.
at. Rath aad 1. rwalea bue aM afrrader. arltbm.
phywiU ba wUUw 10 lud it to ai.
IcloloBy. lanraac* aod >pelUoB. Xr
Tba Baaald
XltePutop^ lUka
lob; we lean eery faet.
^Tia^a<*ttlainarf them who wi eu da.
Xart SlnBitey ud «al- bar vety
Vhlta piqu fhln walato^ara i______ tetee iotaod ap to date. Fehmarr ftb. ur JeSary wtU }ntn In tbe eprliw.
iiev acbml bonta; lU
Iba Aral 10 bt won In Iba laadp
I* Ih,- Klar eobool.
W>- bad a
fprlad. Tba nawaal are of a U«bc Tbe Poaltr? Joaraal baa bata ordand They eu'l balld Ibelr rup before.
mertainmeui Obrleimae Br-. W.-,
lifl^tud.flna oortLaad are-aada ■ «t to aU tbaoe. aaoopt of coatee oaly Xiae wae a
I lraady bult. ud tbe
wn« eond
iBjilT. with a elaalw *
ooe —r~‘-* aoee tea tanUr. U bare layed two ecBtact, alda of tbe fnat.
■ ty of TOO laU M> fualee tba Joaroa!
ItfTlBBly yonre.
U'l I mne Are eotura We had a nlo.yoa manwrlla to tbia departmul
T. Ful Jaekaon.
« doaraa. Saeb balla ara a^!ah>ad Md let Btfcaow. or lal atkaow if
Keawiek. Xlcli.. Jan. SI. IMA
down UUl- There are tl.irty-.iBbt
yoamna ara aoi la Iba IM.
Dear Xra Baloa-Aj 1 am a membar
popiU on tbe roll to aebul now. 1
We wUl fiee oar ponlerr latitn
of the Bnnabtoe etob ud like to take bare ei«bt eletcr* ud three broito-ra
batta arasude with a allffat dip in
Brat lotey aad ^ bear from oar
Um oiddle of the treat
of eUiokeua pretty well.! tlionfbl Xv eifien' name* are Selma. Lydia.
Tba Hat of---------Vor lard diearal waar a aprlnd
I woold tike to Iota ihr Herald Yoooa Uelmn. JalU. Eeiber. Hunab. Bemie
aall of black. oaT7, irowa or CMead Uaa (atlowa:
Folk!' Ponltry Aomeiatlou
1 am a ud Alter.
Xv brollier. namra are
a. T. F. P. A.
farmer boy twelve yean olA t ««cld OliarlJe, Uartln ud Arthor Velaoo.
1-SnelKoob. Onwn.
like to ttivt Uiio Borulbini oo I ooald
:So 1 roe«. I «U1 cl.we for thl* tlme.
1-aoby 0. PbUllpa, OrawB.
---------------------------- ... to mkr
Krom foor lorinlt friud.
of lorb •niif tboBld ba awda te eUar
S-lmmeel M. Xawalaad. Orton.
Kellie Kelam.
Um RToand, ud llaad wltb BMeallaa
tlitobit to nlo.- work. Fleam a nd
la cauot
fiaJaAGood Harbor. Xieb-. Ju. i:. IMOI.
e a—.
bonld be
ma Iba Amerlran Pultry Junwl for
I Dear Ki- Ba««—1 wlUi to )«la ll« '
__________ _ laita ao that tbap
oae year. I wu'i writ,
fbp 00 eaair erar aU fclsda Of wi
ISanil.toe Clnb.
I am in the Aflfa:
;-Bntb A
time, ao mod-bye. Yute truly.
-Pobrnarr ladlaa' Bonw doaraa
] grade. I study phyelotosy. ►prllto*.
8-Earl XoU. Ortott
Karl Roinra
iBugrophy. arithmetic ud lansuage
»-Halm Fowto, Orud Bnpida.
l-IMaiar a Haa.
Korthport. Xieh.. Jan. an, iwf.
I am eittlns with
Ao old ban baloarleg to Stri. M. A.
Dear Xra Batra-I with lo lots the
Karv Bn.vv, 1 like lo.«o to eeUul.
11- l»WTUoe DeU, Bnmmlt Oil?
Btonnoot baffu laTlad lata In Iba
Bacnid Toons Fottr Pultry Aatonatall, and waa ao peinul that aba
l»-Oertr«de Oleeu. Keewtok.
ithir teacher•» name to Xi« Pauloe
tioa. 1 liara tbreeh.-uiud 1 wlU 1^
laid twenr-alzaCTi bafoe aba eoa:ii|ien arerr b«o^ tenet,, r. W- all
IS-Florrcoe U.Bornard. OiUa Pier.
eladad to atop llarlng all tbit line
ton to Imtob one Imod of H.lokena 1 j ate tier. Sh.- WM up I.- ..ut |0ae.- la.1
It-ttoy Petoraoo, Elk Bapldn
tbe bad ■■aflaetad bar moaIlta(. aad
ma o Bonabtoe pirl for iliree
Well I vill l•'ll VOO about tuy
wban aba ftnallr fol nadd to Ibad bn
Ib-Lou Wbinnary. Oadar Ru.
y.ara 1 am lu the furth *raSe at !|Mto, 1 have two kitleoi.
taatbar* 11 waa In tbe middle Of win‘toe to
18-OoecB* FeUm. Fife lmk>,.
tobwL 1 liare n.-rer wrlicen to the white; 1 Iiaiue.i ic SooirlwU ud tl»
lar. bat the old ooea bad left tbeir
i;—Barry Wait. Tnvane Olcy.
111., ud wen-di7 aad hatab, eaaaaH.-nld before. 1 mn* < « »> rlmv. ;
liluiili gray: hi" name to
18—Von P. Dntyen, Traracee (Bty.

1»-Batona XcKae. Adranoe. OhnrFrru Sanil.ine plrl.
' |iiii i«ja-r ►bi«*mi Pnowinll.
la almoM ban ud aoffcrliic fraat tovoto Oo.

and msj *»«*<? the cJ*. Urt ^uni


»“ •«»

■Mof Uxia

Used in Millions'of Home*.
40 Years the Standard. A
Pure Cream of Tartar Pow­
der. SupOTor to every other
known. Makes finest cake
and pastry, light, " flaky bis­
cuit, delicious griddle cakpe*"
—palatable and wholesome.
owpts Co.


rsra. rtDM aod bant tka* ap aratly,
.’tormv la «u«UM acA ■rab.
■Id el«» osum bta^Ms


• Sum OlBBi' rut *0 FaliT t

same of <a< >« Hattle'a Telwe of
Baaee-ClraBtBa. and the etbw waa.;
Tbe OiTBlox Addram 1 wiU mil yea'
wUt 1 ra fcB Ohrirtmaa.
I fol a I
bait, mltteaa. two haUkerahletc. aad i
•UM roUred leaeila, u l a bMlle of I
perfaBM. Ita
era Bea. B«|,
raqalradlB Ibaralaaot tbe eeebety. at. Aaioo. Outr ardlUward AapuIII erlwol 1 att with my brolbra
aad ba rude
a rapert at u.e. ,
wmi alcnc
me U railed opeawith Him Puleaud her aiMari te
Wean haelaKa vary nice wj

baa tl**a at a I .
btaa aad «ao racwia. aad wa are bolar bilD partaeiBtlp la tbe baalatee
trf poallry imlatas. We }aat took po.a today. They ara laylbK
We will

Enterprise Cash Grecery,
FAY 8. HAMLIN, Proprietor.

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